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Title: Emara and Worrin by Keva Stonemane Tags: First Time, Fox, M/F, Milk, Missionary Okay everyone, you're witnessing history in the making, the very first piece of literature I plan to submit to Yiffstar! I'd like to thank first my friend Ookami Shichiyou, who introduced me to the site, and secondly my friend Ryan, who got me into the idea of writing up this sort of literature. (He's read my other works and thinks I'm a kickass writer, so why not use that skill to help some people spill their seed after a long day?) P.S., Comments are greatly appreciated, thank you! In any event, I now present to you my first furry lit, Emara and Worrin! In the darkness of a forest clouded always by mists of physical and mental nature, through which no true path led and in which no seen creature resided, there was of sorts a mansion, a small castle if you will. It was built in basic design, a rectangle of ornate red wood and white stone with four higher towers at each corner, all capped with softly black slates which were separated from the wood by gold trim. The numerous windows were not quite shaded, but the view into them from inside was faint, no true forms able to be seen as much as simple shapes. These windows, along with the few doors, were rimmed with silver, leading one to the conclusion, and rightfully so, that the owner of the estate was a very rich person. To be exact, a very rich girl. Her name, as you might have gleaned, was Emara. She was tall, perhaps six feet or more, and her limbs were thin, yet muscled to some extent. Her eyes were a brilliant green, a shade that had won her most of her current servants, and the lashes were long and seductively abundant. Her fingers were long and gentle, and gave a calming touch that could settle even the angriest or saddest soul she encountered. Truly, she was a beacon of beauty, and those few who had seen her in the night, a tall, shapely vixen lurking through the trees and staring with her almost glowing eyes, regarded her almost as a legend. But what they could not glean from what they saw were some vital points to her description. For one, her entire body was covered in chestnut brown fur, excepting the white over her chest, stomach, and loins. also, the hair flowing long from her head was a lighter brown, as was another unusual feature she possessed; her foxlike tail. Her face was different also from the humans that achieved rare glances of her, shaped like a fox as the rest of her seemed to be to some degree. Her hair she usually tied up, so that it seemed a second extremely bushy tail had sprouted from the back of her head. This was the so-called 'Spirit of the forest'. Today, however, her good natured smile was gone, and her normally good attitude was now stressed and irritated. She had been this way for days now, and no one, not even herself, could understand why. It seemed that she had some sort of... craving, but nothing she did could satisfy it. She had eaten full as she could many nights, but it was not hunger. She had read of her books long into the late hours, but it wasn't a thirst for knowledge. She even took to sprinting about the woods around her, but even that didn't stop the craving. For the life of her, she couldn't place what this odd craving was. In truth, there were two of them, but they always came and went at the same exact time. One took the form of an ache directly between her legs. The second was a duller throb in the left side of her chest, not the breast itself, but deeper in. For four days now, she had been feeling them and trying to work them off, but they had ony gotten worse. What WERE they... Finally, during a rest in one of her moonlight runs, she found a possible answer. For one, in her books someone always found someone they were happy with, not as a friend but as something much sweeter and deeper. When she read about these things, the throbbing in her chest worsened. She had never had someone like that... all she had were her servants, the numerous talking foxes that helped manage her home. All the time, they would sneak off to dark corners and do who knows what, loud moaning and cooing coming from their meeting places. Before, she didn't care what they did there, or think that there might be emotional attatchment. But now, she realized what they were doing, and the love that it (Sometimes) entailed. she needed this love, to fill the craving she had. What the other ache was, she couldn't figure out just now. But who was she to get this love from? There were none like her around, she had never seen anyone or anything except the foxes that infested her estate. Maybe one of them...? Most of them had already made bonds within their own group, and those that did not seemed rather runty or too dull to be chosen for this. So which one would it be... As she pondered this, a small, rhythmic swishing sound announced that one of them had entered her room. She turned her attention from the world outside and her own fawning thoughts to the newcomer. The slight breeze ruffled her large, fluffy hair and made it partly cover her eyes as she looked him over. "Hello, little one," She said in a melodic tone to the medium sized, bushy orange fox before her. His eyes were large and brown, a bit adoring of her looks as he took a moment to remember his intent. "I... uh, came here to say your feast is done, Mistress..." She smiled at his bashful manner and swung her legs from the windowsill to look at him fully. "Call me Emara, and your name is...?" "My what?" he said, his eyes giving the impression of being snapped back to reality. She giggled and kneeled down to his level, petting him gently and smiling at the dreamy expression he let come on. "Your name, little one, what are you called?" "w-Worrin..." he said in a shuddering voice, almost fighting to keep his eyes open. "Is something wrong, Worrin?" After a moment, he choked out, "Y-you smell v-very pretty..." "Well, thank you, Worrin," She said, smiling wider as she picked him up, "Would you like to be my escort down to my 'feast'?" He stammered for a while before Emara put a finger over his lips, noting their softness. "Calm down, then try again." He took a few deep breaths then, with eyes closed, repeated, "I'd love to." "Good," she replied, holding him close to her C-cups as she left the room swiftly. During the feast of her servants and herself, Worrin got the honored spot sitting on her lap and eating from her hand, which seemed almost to make him faint with happiness. When they were done eating, Worrin had attempted to leap from her lap, but she caught him midair and held him to her chest again, adoring his shy behavior and his soft fur on hers. To the annoyance of some of the other foxes, she brought him immediately back to her room, shutting the door behind them. "Miss Emara?" "Just call me Emara, I've told you that." "Right... Emara?" "Yes, little Worrin?" "...why are you making me watch you undress?" Her body now relieved of all but her most private garments, she turned away from her mirror and smiled at the small creature on her bed. "I'm not making you, you're choosing to." She pulled a chair up to herself and sat down, beginning to brush the mass of hair coming from her head. In the mirror, she noticed that he was still fixedly watching, and she smiled at his stark interest not in her hair or eyes, but just below her back. After a while, she turned and put her hands on her lap to talk to him. "Do you have anywhere you need to be? A little playmate waiting for you?" "No..." he said quietly, looking down at the bed ashamedly, "I'm sorta outcast..." "Why is that?" She crossed her legs and tilted her head, her hair bouncing slightly from the motion. "I don't know... I just don't make friends..." She took a moment to look him over, then she smiled and drew her back to full height. "I'll be your friend, if you'd like." She smiled inside at how his little eyes went wide as they could in excitement. For once, she saw him smile widely and start to wag his tail. For some reason, the cuter he kept acting, the more the ache in her loins voiced its need to be satisfied... "If you're going to be my friend," She started, "You need to help me with something." "Anything!" he blurted excitedly, his tail starting to audibly swish. "Okay, but it must be a secret, okay?" At his frantic nod, she stood up and walked over to his other side, sitting down on the bed again. She noted once more how his eyes followed either just below her neck or just below her back. "I've been having a little problem," she whispered into his attentive ear, "And I don't quite know what it is or how to stop it. Do you think you can tell me how to stop it?" "What is the problem?" He whispered back, taking his ear from her mouth and putting his mouth to hers. "I've been having some sort of ache; one right here, and one here," She explained, touching first her crotch, then the left side of her chest. His eyes dared not follow the first, but the second made him smile a little bit. "You need a boyfriend," He explained, trying not to laugh at her confused expression. "A boyfriend is a boy who... thinks you're really, really special, and he treats you better than any other girl." "Why would he do that?" Worrin thought a moment, then propped himself on his feet to look taller. "Depends on the girl he likes. Like for you, it might be cause you're pretty, and nice, and you always make people feel better when they talk to you, and-" She hastily put a finger over his mouth again, a bit wide eyed at all the positive things he had just rattled off. Very slowly, she let him open his mouth again. "So, the first ache is needing a boyfriend... what's the second one?" She asked. "If you had a boyfriend, he'd take care of it." "How? It feels almost... inside me..." Suddenly, her mind chanced on an idea. He knew how to rid her of the aches, and he seemed more than willing to help her with just about anything she asked... "Worrin?" "Yes?" "I think YOU should be my boyfriend." His eyes went wide and he swallowed heavily. "Well, you like me, right? For all those reasons you named?" "...I guess..." "And since you're kind enough to help, you should be my boyfriend." He didn't respond immediately, and it wasn't his voice that spoke when he did. Instead, he propped his little paws upon her thighs and, to the surprise of both, planted a kiss upon her lips. When they touched, for some reason the ache was both relieved and strengthened by it, like this was the right way to go, but it needed much more. Slowly, she put her arms over his smooth, furred back, delighted at the reassuring feeling of it. Almost instinctively, she began to move her ow lips about gently as Worrin was, but she felt clumsy compared to him. After a few minutes, she pulled back from him, mouth open and panting ever so lightly. "What... was that?" Worrin gave a dreamy smile and licked his lips a little. "It's called a kiss... and that was my first one." Now the ache in her loins was screaming its needs, and it even felt a bit... wet to her. She put a hand down to check on herself, and found that it was indeed a bit moist for no reason she could place. But the ache there seemed slightly calmed by her own touch, and she looked to Worrin for an explination. She found that his eyes were glued to where her hand was, his mouth slightly open and his tongue lolling out, and his tail swishing madly in excitement. Most of all, she noticed his erect member, given that he didn't try to hide it and it was a decent six or seven inches long, one and a half or so wide. It took him a moment to realize this, and when he did he tried to hide himself awkwardly from her view. She brushed his paws aside and took a hold of it, causing him to shudder and take a shakey breath as the ache between her legs told her that this would be a good way to satisfy it. "I think I know how to take care of the ache down there," He blurted out, eyes shut and his legs fanned slightly. "But you said only boyfriends could do that," she replied, starting to absent-mindedly move her hand up and down. He gave an anxious moan and started to move his hips so that it slid more in her grasp, and she stopped him. "Are you or are you not?" He took a long moment to calm himself, but his member didn't calm in the least. "Well?" Emara said, a combination of anxious and impatient. "Emara..." He swallowed once in anticipation, "I would... like to be your b-boyfriend..." She made a little sound of excitement and went to hug him, but he held himself back to keep his cock from hitting her chest and getting hurt. She giggled, put him down, and smiled. "Now how do we get rid of my problem?" "You need to get rid of those," He said, pointing to her panties with the paw not slowly rubbing himself. She was confused, but did as he requested. When she did, he moved to his front two paws were over her curvy hips, the back two against her thighs. "Now, take the other one off, lay down, and I'll handle the rest," He smiled, his tail starting to swish once more as he supressed the urge to rush into it yet. She quickly removed her bra and propped some pillows behind her head, undoing her hair and letting it cascade over the velvet pillowcase like a silky waterfall. She batted her eyes at Worrin and smiled down at his lean little frame, so eager to please... He gently rocked his hips and slid himself into her, wincing a bit at her tightness. She let her eyes flutter shut and let a quiet, soft moan escape her slightly open lips as her hands went to gently pet at his back, almost urging him on. He put up his head to lick and nibble at her wrists while he started to gently move himself back and forth. All the sensations he was causing, the tickling on her arms, the tingle in her loins, the feeling of happiness, they were all so... wonderful! "You're very good at this..." she panted, her eyes closing a bit more as her petting fell into a soothing rhythym to his thrusting. Her fingertips could feel the bucking of his hips beneath them through his silky smooth fur, and her arms could feel the gentle caressing of his tongue and lips upon them. Most of all, her clenched, wet slit could feel his hardened tool sliding in and out, plenty lubed by her own secretions already and only getting wetter. The ache between her legs begged her to make him go harder, and with a breathless moan she whispered, "Harder, Worrin..." He gripped the sheets under his paws and began to pump his slightly dampened hips harder, letting up the licking and amorous nibbling upon her arm to better the pleasure of his lovemaking. Her toned, slim stomach felt his head lean upon it as he closed his eyes slowly, panting hot on her fur. Looking up, he could see her open moan of excitement between her breasts, and he began trying to move his mouth up to them, still pumping his hips to a quickening pace. Without taking himself from the tender pink of her pussy, he made his lips wrap around the top of one of them and began to lick and suck, making her back arch slightly and her moans climb higher and louder, her lips clenching tighter around his rod. She put one arm behind his head and the other over his back, grabbing the hip on the other side almost frantically tight. to her surprise, she slowly began to let something seep into his mouth, making him moan and hum in happiness upon her trembling skin. The hand on his back began to slide down closer to his ass, adoring the feeling of it pumping back and forth faster and harder each time he sucked the warm, soft secretion of her chest. With no forethought, she put her hand up and gave him a rough spank, making his arms come closer to her sides so he could fuck her harder. But no matter how rough his hips went, the ache in her slit kept ordering her to get him fucking harder and harder still, her sex starting to tingle as it kept steadily getting wetter and wetter. She could tell his own loins were starting to get worked up as well, from his climbing moans and tightly shut eyes. His thrusting kept getting harder until his sack started to make rough contact with her lips, a small skin on skin sound tickling her ears as she kept nearing her climax, feeling like her pussy was about to explode in the most pleasurable way she could imagine. Finally, she felt something give inside her. A sudden rush of her essence and a rough tightening of her soft pink lips signaled that she had come, her back arched high and her head thrown back as she almost screamed out in pleasure. Her grip was now so tight that it almost didn't let Worrin pull back out each thrust, clinging onto all seven inches of his hard, warm cock almost desperately. She felt it tighten and twitch, and worrin rammed himself in up to the base as he gripped her tight as he could, his body shivering as his own orgasm released a warm, thick essence into her tender slit. Her back fell to the bed and her eyes loosed, but remained shut. For a while, all they did was pant deeply, before he went to pull himself out of her. She clenched tight on his so he couldn't, and shook her head, smiling weakly and petting him slowly, her soft hands trailing over his head and down the silky fur of his back. "You stay right there..." The murmured, on the verge of an exhausted sleep. He smiled up at her and crawled up into her arms, still slightly inside her, and snuggled up to her breasts as they both passed out with wide, loving smiles.
Buying a robot maid when they were fresh off the assembly line had been a double-edged sword. On one hand, they were cheap, experimental, and had so many asterisks attached to their purchasing contract that Jake was reasonably sure he could actually make money if he tried to return it under any of the conditions listed. Not that he would; having another lizard, even if a synthetic one, walking around the house with the sort of laissez-faire attitude towards nudity that best befit the tales of ancient France was… something, to say the least. He’d initially assumed he would be fine, maybe even more than fine, as he was an adult man who could handle his urges and not be a slave to the call of carnality between his legs; and, at first, he even convinced himself that that was the case, that he wasn’t actively lusting over an AI and dreaming of the day that he’d have the courage to actually speak to them without having their knees clacking like castagnets all the while. The maid herself, while seemingly oblivious to the sort of thoughts that went through her nominal owner’s head, was surprisingly adept at pushing Jake’s buttons, apparently without actually meaning to do so. The young liz did a lot of legwork to convince himself that this was just the behaviour programmed into them, but the fact of the matter was that the maid’s AI wasn’t nearly as rudimentary as those installed in previous models; other robot maids released to the market had only the minimum amount of autonomy required to conduct their regular operations, with anything more being deemed a waste of resources when all they were used for was janitorial duty. The latest model, however, and the one Jake had gone to great lengths to procure when it was just barely out of the testing phase, was part of a new push by InterDynamics to try and create a “companion”-type synthetic, one that wouldn’t just do the chores around the house, but also provide a certain amount of “homely comfort and companionship”, as the brochures liked to call it. The intent was obvious, even if it wasn’t at all made clear by the marketing surrounding the product; it’d be somewhat difficult to justify the investments in AI tech if the team had to tell the investors that they were deliberately trying to create something akin to an artificial mate, no matter how large the market was. The company wasn’t built around those kinds of synths, and the Board of Directors would have none of it, forcing the robotics engineers and software designers to work around very strict limitations in order to get the best out of what they had without sacrificing overall efficiency. The result? A seemingly life-like contraption, a synthetic creature which, despite technically only having a sub-sentient AI core governing it, was nonetheless eerily good at mimicking regular mortal behavior, down to tiny idiosyncrasies like always swishing her wrist in just that one specific manner whenever she was done sweeping a shelf, or that smile on the corner of her lips when she turned around to ask him if he wanted anything, or… well, suffice it to say, Jake was somewhat confused as to what he was actually infatuated with, or if it was romantic attraction and not just raw sexual arousal driving him forward. It wasn’t that easy of a question to answer, given how the chassis on the synth was designed; he didn’t know why InterDynamics found it necessary to make their latest maid model be as curvaceous as it was, but the fact was that, even with no “features” installed to make her anatomy more distinguishing, it was still very clearly an exaggeratedly luscious form, obviously designed to entice just as much as it was made for pure functionality. Of course, he wasn’t about to complain, not when he could turn his head to side and watch as a fantastic ass sashayed out of the room, or when he could beckon her closer and suddenly have a whole lot of tit shoved up just an inch or two away from his face. It had to be on purpose, especially with the kind of smile the synth had on her whenever she deliberately played to her body’s shape in ways that made not a single bit of sense given what she was supposed to have been built to do. She had to know what sort of effect she was having on her owner, and if not, then the software engineers back at InterDynamics were absolute certified geniuses who needed every pay raise under the sun and more. On the other hand, all the hallmarks for actual intelligent behaviour were there; the only reason Jake refused to see it as such was less because of any need for scientific rigour, and far more thanks to his utter inability to process any emotion more complicated than basic kinship with someone. If he actually had a sentient, living being in his house with him, not only did this raise a great deal of questions regarding the ethics of ownership, but then he’d also have to admit to her that he was quite smitten, and that was just unacceptable; he’d sooner fling himself out of an open window than admit to that, not when he had nowhere else to run! At least outdoors he could always go back home, but the maid was built and bought to be next to him at every point of the day, so much so that she’d even taken to snuggling with him in bed at night; how was he supposed to avoid her after confessing his feelings if she never gave him any room to hide under a table or slip out unnoticed through a back door? How was he supposed to deny he felt anything at all when all it took was for the synth to sit down next to him on the couch, and not five seconds later she was on his lap, somehow purring and scritching his chin in just the right manner needed to thoroughly obliterate whatever sense of self-control he still had over himself? Really, if not for his own insistence on being willfully blind to the whole affair, Jake might actually have noticed something was off; instead, he chose to interpret this as merely being the end result of a very adaptive AI which just happened to know what their master needed in order to feel more at home, and absolutely nothing else. Indeed, he even tried his best at issuing orders to the maid like he was still in control there; the regular mode of operation was as simple as commanding her to perform regular maintenance and letting her do whatever was necessary, but more specific verbal commands could be issued to accomplish more specialised tasks. According to the manual, at least, the synthetic chassis was resistant to impacts strong enough to let them function as an effectively bulletproof shield, while still being so flexible as to fit into places most people of the same size could not; simultaneously, the onboard AI was supposedly good enough to be able to run through multiple problem-solving algorithms to arrive at the best possible solution to any problem within three seconds or less, regardless of what this problem happened to be. All marketing babble, and the technical specifications were most likely a lot more complex than even Jake imagined they were, but he had to admit, the maid hadn’t failed him so far… somewhat. She seemed to have something of a mind of her own at times, occasionally standing still, staring at him with a look that reminded him far too much of his own mother back at home, the same sort of expression that oozed the word “Really?” issued with a level of disdain that bordered on the unhealthy; he couldn’t help it though, he was just that helpless when it came to cooking anything other than spaghetti, or flipping his mattress without accidentally breaking the whole bedframe in half. All things he should know how to do as a functional adult, but coming from the background he did, he never had to learn them, resulting in the synth occasionally poking fun at him before turning around, giving him a suspiciously tight hug, and declaring that she’d take care of her “little one” before planting a smooch on the back of his neck. This among other things left him thoroughly flabbergasted when it came to how to treat the synth, mostly because it was a struggle between utmost affection, and utter adoration. Jake had to deliberately remind himself that the maid was just a robot and nothing more; an exceptionally advanced, life-like robot, one with a body that made his cheeks red whenever he thought about it too much, but still just a robot regardless. They weren’t alive, they didn’t think like he did, and she certainly wasn’t growing herself out over time either; that much he was really sure of, because that would just be silly. Her body was made out of hard polymers, and didn’t really have any parts that could expand to begin with; it wasn’t as if the maid could just randomly inject silicone into herself, especially not the one she kept asking for him to buy because of “repairs” that had to be done around the house. She certainly wasn’t bustier than the day he purchased her, and absolutely had not grown about two feet in height; no, she’d always been able to pull him back into a tight embrace and have his head fall firmly in between two watermelon-sized breasts, surrounded on all sides by soft marshmallow unlike any that he’d ever experienced before. That was absolutely something that was always true, and not at all a recent occurrence that Jake had to go a long way towards ignoring just for the sake of his sanity. At points, however, he began to notice the facade slipping; much as the maid was willing to go along with his requests, that was just it: they were requests. Jake didn’t know when the shift took place, but he had found himself less issuing orders and more asking the synth to do something, please and thank you. Whenever he did go through with outright commanding her, the maid stared him down for long enough that he inevitably had to backtrack and reword it to be more polite; he didn’t know whether he could actually force the issue if he refused to go back and instead insisted on issuing a command, but at at the same time he absolutely did not want to test it. Maybe if the maid was about his size, but not when she was nearing ten feet in height and packed enough width to hip-check him onto a wall and knock him unconscious with only a single motion. Had she always been that big? He distinctly recalled the synth being shorter than he was, but her growing was preposterous; surely it was just his imagination playing tricks on him, especially since the days had begun to pass so quickly that he didn’t even know when last he left the house. It was so easy to just let the synth take care of everything for him as well; he worked from home, so all he really needed was to go out grocery shopping once in a while to restock the fridge, but with her in the house, he could focus on his work and let everything else fly over his head. And with a social circle that was always near non-existent and constantly online, it wasn’t as if Jake was wanting for companionship… especially not with the synth next to him. She was quite affectionate, almost exceedingly so, but he couldn’t bring himself to tell her off when her very presence was so comforting, so warm, so soft and welcoming; all he had to do was call for her and she would come, squeezing her ample bust through the nearest door and causing the whole apartment to shake as she found an adequate spot to sit down at, pat her lap, and wordlessly beckon him closer. With a wide, cracked smile, the lizard would then stumble over to her, practically pratfalling onto the maid before being lulled to half-sleep by a synthetic form that really shouldn’t be as comfy as it was. Maybe it came with the package: her seemingly hard surface was actually extremely soft to the touch, precisely to encourage those sorts of bonding activities. He didn’t mind; hell, there was a certain amount of value to being able to fall into a dreamlike state while being rocked from side to side by someone whose bosom was big enough that he could use it as a blanket, even if part of him still wondered if it used to be that big or if he was simply imagining things. No matter, he could just… close his eyes, really, he could close his eyes and let the synth take over, close his eyes and only remember that he was technically supposed to be in charge when he woke back up and found himself looking at his bedroom ceiling, wondering to himself how he’d gotten there and why it smelled like scrambled eggs. And as usual, there came the maid, once again struggling to get through the door, carrying a tray with his favourite snack and a smile on her face that veered from warm and inviting to downright predatory. That she would sit next to him and demand that he get up so she could take care of him should’ve been a red flag, but really, who was he to complain? He had scrambled eggs and a gorgeous giantess there to feed them to him, and could he truly ever want more? Could he actually even think of something he would desire more fervently than what he had right there next to him, pulling him into herself, cooing and murring and making all sorts of noises that she should be technically incapable of? He wasn’t even thinking about the obvious, how the synth had more or less taken over his daily life and forced him to become a spectator in his own home; Jake didn’t even try and ask for anything anymore, not when it became clear that, any time he did, all he’d receive would be a pat on the head and a reminder that the maid “had things under control”, followed most likely by his face being smushed against a nipple he distinctly recalled not being in the original chassis, and then him waking up with his belly full of something a few minutes later. Whenever he got back up, he’d maybe get a few steps out of his room before bumping into some part of the synth, followed by a lot of warm silence and him opening his eyes to find himself in the living room with a table full of snacks in front of him, and a very hug-happy maid next to him. It was easy, to succumb; to let go and accept that things were just going to be that way, that he just happened to have a fifteen-foot tall synthetic helper with a personality of her own living with him, along with enough active libido to make the two of them blush through proximity alone. It was easy, and yet, part of him didn’t want to fall into it; to do so would be to admit that he’d lost control and was now at the beck and call of something… no, someone, to admit that he was actually head over heels for the synth and needed her in his life, needed her to be in charge and treat him in ways that he never once thought he would want to be treated. It made him stammer and stumble over himself whenever he tried to bring the subject up, and it certainly wasn’t helped by how the maid herself consistently refused to let him get away with it; every time she’d raise a finger to his lips and shush him, that wide and warm smile on her lips before she bent down and planted a smooch on his forehead, making his cheeks burn and his whole body quiver before she turned around and went somewhere else. Always leaving him in a moment of utmost defenselessness, always leaving him begging for more, yet incapable of verbalising this simple desire for fear of being rejected. At no point did Jake stop to think that there was no chance in hell of the synth turning him down, not when she’d already taken over his life in such a thorough manner. Still, it was the last remnant of his old self, the one that still existed somewhere in the past when he still had control over things and the synthliz was smaller than he was; it let him keep pretending that everything was fine, that the power dynamics hadn’t changed so much that they were effectively unrecognisable compared to what they had been just a few months prior. It allowed him to bypass all those warning signs his brain kept sending his way, to accept things as they were and live in that constant state of half-acceptance that made it nearly impossible for him to break free from the cycle. But why should he? Why should he look at what he had and say he didn’t want it? Why should he look a gift horse in the mouth when it had so generously been given to him? Well, metaphorical horse; he wouldn’t dare call the synth that. Though, not synth. She had a name, did she not? He didn’t know what it was, as she’d refused to share it, but she did have one, or at least claimed to have made one for herself. Maybe, if he behaved, if he was a good boy, he’d be told. But until then, he had a lap to sit on and a pair of warm breasts to snuggle up against. He could worry about things later.
Title: Internet Dating - Pt. II by Black Sasha Tags: Character Development, M/M, Romance, Wolf, Yiff, white lion **2.** It must have been a slow month for movies at the theatre house, because neither myself, nor Jonah seemed to like what was on. Instead it was decided we'd rent a movie and head back to where Jonah was staying. He'd rented a hotel room. Presumptious? I had no complaints. Perhaps that should have bothered me, but it never. I watched him crouch down in the rental shore, thumbing through back catalogues of movies, occassionally suggesting one, and in all that time I never once thought of him as a threat. He was good people. From the thick, braided mane, to the pale-blue gaze, to the muscular arms that tensed ever so slightly when he squeezed one of those hands around a DVD case. I smiled down at him while he pulled a copy of "Gone With The Wind" DVD from the shelves. He showed me and I shook my head. I'd seen it to many times. Some stereotypes just cannot be avoided. He grinned up at me, his whiskers twitched again, while that thick, long tail of his moved slowly across the floor behind him. Does a lion wag its tail when excited? A couple of minutes later and it was decided. Looked like we were watching "Breakfast at Tiffany's". It was a firm favourite of mine that I wouldn't mind missing if anything happened. Was I hoping Jonah would put on the DVD and we'd end up making out through the whole thing? Honestly? Yeah. I kind of did. That was unnusual for me. The elevator doors opened wide and Jonah stepped out, headed down the long hallway towards his room. We were on the seventh floor of some swanky four-star hotel. Being a preternatural biologist had some perks, I suppose. It was all white marble, pale-yellow carpeting, beautiful hanging portraits of flowers and fields. A tall window at the far end of the hallway, spilling pale moonlight through the silken drapes. It all looked so...beautiful. "Is something wrong?" Jonah's deep voice snapped me back to life. I must have looked startled. Jumpy? Me? Jonah raised an eyebrow and true concern spilled across those pale-blues of his. "Sasha?" he made my name a question. I had to be honest. "Isn't this moving too fast?" I asked. "What? We're going into my hotel room to watch a movie..." he stopped and thought about what he'd said. He looked down at the hotel door and then back at me. Realisation in those eyes. "This does look bad, don't it?" "A little bit," I smiled. I couldn't help myself. He padded back across the hallway and took my hands in his. He gently pulled me free from the elevator. No point in keeping that from anyone else was there? I stepped a little too close to the white lion and that was fine. Right? "Sasha, I like you. Alot. I don't want to mess this up. We don't have to do anything if we don't want to." "Really?" God I sounded so submissive. He nodded and added, "I'd be lying if I didn't admit to finding you attractive, and if things happen tonight, then things happen. But if all we do is watch a movie tonight, then so be it." I looked into those baby-blues and there was something there, sheltered between the lust and the compassion, was a glimmer of understanding. He was telling the truth. "Lets go watch a movie then," I breathed. I squeezed his hands in mine and we went. Room 606 was a master suite. A two-roomed set up, one was a small lounge, the other was a bedroom with en suite bathroom. A plush couch done in fine, white leather sat in the middle of the first room, facing a fireplace with a marble mantelpiece and a plasma television suspended on the wall overhead. A bay window, overlooking the streets below, bathed in moonlight stood opposite the door. Thick, silken drapes like the ones outside hung from above and spilled over the window. A step up and two double doors later was the master bedroom. Nerves were back like some kind of cruel wave, rushing up and down my spine. Jonah brushed his hand against mine and for a second I felt better. He padded across the room and placed the DVD on a side table next to the couch. He then walked into the bedroom. I caught a glimpse of him peeling that fitted tee from his body. He peered back against the corner. I almost gasped. He was naked from the waist up. Fine stomach muscles bunched, while his pectorals tensed. He grinned at the reaction, a dark light glimmered in those eyes. "You gonna stand in the doorway all night?" he asked. There was a dark confidence there. He was sweet enough not to push me into anything, but God he knew that I liked him. I stepped further into the room and figured I'd get comfortable too. Perhaps not to the extent that Jonah had. I peeled the leathers from my arms and rested it over the arm of the couch. I took off the hooded sweatshirt too whilst I was at it. It was warm in here. I crossed the room, ignoring the open doors that lead to the bedroom. Was I being polite? A little. Was I trying not to ruin any possible surprises? Yeah. I opened one of the bay windows a crack and basked in that first slither of cool, summer breeze. Jonah's booming voice called, "Set up the DVD, I'm gonna get changed since I'm not leaving for the rest of the night. Kay?" "Fair enough." I went for the DVD and set it up. The TV was enormous. I'd never have been able to afford one of these at home. I waited and watched as the DVD's main menu flashed up on the wide-screen. "Do you want a drink or anything before the movie starts?" Jonah asked. I whirled and went wide-eyed at what I saw. He stood there, all broad, muscular and beautiful in nothing more than a pair of dark blue pyjama bottoms. I'd bought a pair similar, and knew from firsthand experience that the material was soft, drawn close to the groin and backside, and hung loose around the rest of the leg, to spill over your feet in a wave of material. He looked good. I must have blushed again. Jonah feigned ignorance and continued, "I can order some food from downstairs if you want?" "N-No, I'm fine, really," I replied. I thought about it and decided not to be so awkward. "Do you have OJ in the mini-bar?" He grinned back at me and went to fetch the drinks. I watched him leave. I was right. The material clung to his backside. And my, my, what a view that was. I would've drooled if I'd had time. "You don't mind drinking from the bottle, do you?" Jonah asked as he padded back into the lounge area. "No. That's fine," I smiled back as I took the drink and set down on the couch. Jonah settled in beside me and eased one arm, over the back of the couch, not touching me, but there if I wanted it. Did I want it? Yeah. I did. He picked up the remote control and clicked "play". I eased back into the seat, the plush leather was comfortable, too comfortable. I would kill for a couch like this at home. I slipped out of my running shoes and drew my knees up to my chest. I could feel my head fur brush the fur on Jonah's bicep. I could smell him, the fine scent of shampoo and under that the hum of his own body. There was no smell there, just warmth. He must have been hot to the touch. The opening credits were about midway through when Jonah adjusted himself on the couch. Nothing obscene like a crotch-adjustment. He wriggled on his backside and soon settled back down. The movement had shuffled him a little closer to me. Had it been on purpose? I feigned ignorance and looked back at the screen. Focus, Sasha, focus. Another wriggle and he was a fraction closer. That one had to be deliberate. Right? I chanced it and looked up at Jonah. He was gazing down at me. He had rested his other elbow on the arm rest, while his palm braced that strong jawline. He looked whimsical. Like he should be having his portrait painted or something vintage like that. I must have looked embarrassed again. A blush roared to life and swamped me beneath the charcoal fur. There were no words between us, Jonah leaned in close, a gentle, constant movement until his lips hovered over mine. Did I want this? Yes. I moved that last fraction, and brushed lips against his. A warm, chaste touch. He eased as close as the couch would allow. His arm behind me, curled around my shoulders and squeezed me ever so gently. His other hand touched my raised knee. I raised my hand as the kiss deepened and ran my fingers through the soft, fur that lined his jaw. The kiss broke, and I drew in air. I was breathless. He nuzzled against me, his maw working along my muzzle, he moved us with that strength of his. I was on my back, across the couch. I eased back, his large hands ran along my outer thighs while he moved in against me. When had I spread my legs around him? I couldn't remember. That should have worried me. It didn't. Jonah brushed his hand along my thigh, slowly moving that leg up and around him. His torso and stomach could have been miles apart from my own, while his groin brushed mine. I shuddered at that touch. His flat, rough tongue trailed along my neck, wetting the fur a little, while he moved lower and lower. Still, no words between us. He moved one hand to push the tank top up, up passed my stomach, beyond my chest and to my neck. His hand began to knead at my throat, nothing malicious, but a comforting movement of flesh on flesh. He moved his maw lower and circled that tongue around one of my nipples. I quivered and moaned as I ran hands through his thick mane of hair. He ran his tongue around the nipple and then gently drew it into his maw, suckling and biting softly. The flesh hardened and I gazed down the line of my body at him. His pale-blue eyes stared up at me while he sucked. He drew himself up and moved closer, further up until his lips brushed mine again. He dropped his lower body, grinding himself against me, drawing more soft whimperings of pleasure from me as he moved. He deepened the kiss, sliding his tongue into my open muzzle and caressing my own tongue. I could feel him trailing hands along my thighs again, drawing me in against him. He pressed against the material of his bottoms so hard and warm. I ran hands down his back and trailed my fingers through the thick waves of his braided mane. God he was beautiful. His deep voice rolled over me like fur, all warm and full of temptations, "Are you sure you want to do this so soon, Sasha?" I murmured my reply and was lost for a moment in the sheer warmth that ebbed from his muscular form. "Please," I whispered. He growled, low in his chest. It was a feral sound. How could someone as cultured and refined as Jonah, make such a deep, wild noise? I didn't care. "I won't hold back, Sasha. Do you understand?" he asked. "Please don't." "Do you want me, Sasha?" he asked. His hand moved along my inner thigh. "Yes..." I breathed, gazing up at him as he loomed over me. "Do you want me inside you?" "Please..." "Shall I...make love to you, Sasha?" he whispered in my ear as his hand smoothed over my denim-clad groin. I shuddered and another moan escaped me. "Shall I...fuck you?" he growled low in his throat. His hand found my head fur and took a handful. He was so gentle as he pulled me, pulled my head back and exposed my neck. He leaned close and whispered, "Shall I make you scream during your orgasm?" "Please, Jonah, please," I whimpered. He squeezed his hand around my groin, squeezed and massaged. "Please..." He drew himself back on his knees, his hands trailed over my inner thighs, kneading at the denim. "Take off your top for me." It sounded like a command. Did I like him commanding me? I complied and sat upright, staring into those pale-blue eyes. I peeled the tank up and tossed it aside. I ran hands through his mane again and drew him close. I kissed him, deep and passionate, my tongue caressing his own. Large hands moved underneath me and caressed the mounds of my backside. He lifted me and sat back on his heels. He held me against him, his strength flexed and trapped me against that warm, hardness at the front of his bottoms. God I wanted him. I trailed one hand down the hard muscle of his chest and found a small, hard, pinkish nipple. I ran my finger over the hard flesh and felt him quiver beneath me. Looked like he wasn't the only one who could get the other one going from touch alone. I grinned through the kiss and broke it. Breathless again. I looked into those pale-blues from inches away, feeling his hands knead and massage the mounds of my ass. He ground himself against me, his warm member pressing against mine. I wanted to see what was in there so badly. I whimpered against him like a needy little puppy. Jonah grinned up at me and glanced to one side at the bedroom. "Shall we?" I followed his glance. A rich, queen-sized bed, silken sheets done in crimson and white. Mounds of pillows done in darkest red and palest white. It all looked so romantic, so beautiful. Like him. He leaned in and kissed me again. A deep, passionate brush of flesh on flesh. Such warmth ebbed from his chest. A deep, growl escaped him again as he stood and carried me to the bedroom. Was this really about to happen? It looked like it. Would I allow it? I knew that my body lusted for the towering feline before me, but how did I feel about sleeping with someone on the first date? I was normally so chaste and a tiny bit prudish. This wasn't me. God this wasn't like me at all. ...and I didn't care.
Title: W.W.C - Family/friend pictures by Tarzimon Tags: Christmas, Dalmatian, No-Yiff, Rabbit, Wolf Bernice sat on a stool in the middle of the set, surrounded by her family, ready for the annual family Christmas photo. Her dad always books as early as possible in December, very early in the summer, to make sure they get an optimal time for the family picture to be taken. However, every year is the same - the rush, hustle and bustle, to get every kid out of bed, get every kid into the car, get to the studio before traffic, and it always fails. Its not as though they didn't have time - after all, they used a private photographer for the shoot, an eccentric Hyena guy, who had a knack for capturing perfect pictures (although word had gotten around about him, so he was always getting busier every year). In the all the chaos, Bernice could only think one thing - you could've stayed at uni in the apartment. However, that wasn't the Christmas spirit. "Okay guys, say cheese," the Hyena photographer announced, signalling the rabbit family to spread the mouths wide into sickly-sweet grins. And of course, the photo came out perfectly. If only photos came out this easily for other people. . . . . Sam and Ryan were more than prepared for the holiday season - they took photos to send home to family, as the canine duo had to stay on campus to complete all there coursework. They had sent out there specially made cards, with a photo of the pair hugging and wrestling on the front, all the cheesy, sugar-coated sentiment piled on extra-hard for the holidays. "When do you think the cards we'll get there?" asked Ryan, pulling off his winter hat and scarf as he entered the apartment. "I don't know' replied Sam, "I mean, post must get pretty busy over the holiday season." "Probably" agreed the Dalmatian, shrugging off his curiosity. The big wolf boy decided it would be best to go straight to his desk, and noticed a yellow note attached to a draw. He looked at the note, which read "crimbo surprise 4 u". He opened the draw to find a Polaroid picture of his roommate in the draw, posing in a suggestive manner, winking with a note that says Happy Holidays. Being in a particularly playful mood today, he decided to freak Ryan out. "Uh, Ryan?" he called out, putting the photo in his back pocket. "Yeah what's up?" called back Ryan. "Uh, what's this note on my draw about? Cos I just opened it, and I can't find anything in there?" As though by instinct, the Dalmatian turned his head in surprise, mild panic in his eyes, ears perked up. "W-what?" Ryan said, gulping afterwards. "Yeah, I guess it must've been posted" the wolf went on, shrugging off the thought, trying to hold back his amusement. "Oh god, that wasn't supposed to get sent out!" the Dalmatian exclaimed, running around the room they shared, looking everywhere he could. "That photo was - well, *suggestive.*" "Oh" replied Sam, watching in amusement as his boyfriend panicked. "You mean this?" he said, pulling the photo out of his pocket. Sam learnt that day you should never scare your boyfriend - especially when he can through lamps with accurate precision.
“... and we’ve reliable information from the French resistance in the area that the armored column will be passing through just south of Calais in and around seven o’clock sharp, assuming no delays…” Amelia listened attentively, already coming up with potential ways to minimize danger on approach to her target; ever since the air raids had escalated in intensity, getting in and out of active combat areas had become even harder than it already was before, especially with the Germans going on the defensive and growing more desperate by the day. This was, in part, why it was her in the command tent and no one else; the ‘chilla had a reputation for being able to survive some of the most ridiculous odds, a reputation that had spread far too wide for her liking. Not that she didn’t appreciate the extra pay and recognition, but being shot at was never on top of her priority list. An hour passed with her being briefed on the specifics, which boiled down to the same-old: take off, fly over the Channel, locate armored column and blow as much of it into the air, then come back and hope not to get intercepted by a squadron of angry rookies out for blood. She’d done that a hundred times before and would do it a hundred more if necessary; her and her trusty Thunderbolt, a good half of the reason why she was still alive and not chopped up into bits at the bottom of the North Sea. Once everything was ready, Amelia provided the customary salute, got up from her seat and went straight to the barracks to get ready for the mission itself; owing to her unique nature and proportions, she was afforded a few dispensations that others weren’t, such as being allowed without uniform unless absolutely required. No one wanted to deal with the mess that was a horny ‘chilla pressed into something that spiked her arousal to absurd levels, so she was allowed to walk around in casual wear most of the time; for missions though, she still relied on her heavily-modified flightsuit, which, credit where it was due, was surprisingly sturdy and well-made for something that had to handle the sort of assets squeezing into it. Everyone told her that joining the Air Force would’ve been impossible when, even at its smallest, her cock was easily big enough to cover a good chunk of her torso, to say nothing of those bigger-than-head-sized melons on her chest and nuts between her legs; it was a dream, and though the recruiters did try to dissuade her, she went the full mile. How exactly she aced every physical was still anyone’s guess, but what mattered was that she was there now, she was ready, and she was about to take off. Amelia squeezed into the cockpit of her P-47, specially made just for her with as much room as could be afforded. Pre-flight checks could’ve become routine months prior, but she made sure to deliberately check everything as carefully as on the first day she flew that thing, lest she grow too careless and forget about something crucial. Once she was certain the plane was ready to go, she pulled her helmet over her head, her zipper over her tits, and gave the flight crew a thumbs-up; within minutes, the runway was clear and Amelia was soaring through the air, her breathing stabilizing from the frantic rhythm it had taken before take-off. From there, things went exactly as they always did; RAF dominance over British airspace ensured that she had a smooth ride all the way out to the coast, with radar coverage giving her advance warning of any potential interceptors headed her way. With nothing on the radio, the ‘chilla proceeded towards Calais, veering slightly southwards as soon as she saw water underneath her; going in alone, even in a Thunderbolt, was considered borderline suicidal, and Amelia made it actively worse by flying at a dangerously low altitude, lest she be unable to dive properly once the time came. Given that she was working off of sparse intel provided by local resistance groups, it ultimately fell on visual recognition, needing her to be perilously close to the ground. That day, however, things were going to be different, because unbeknownst to the ‘chilla, the local flak teams assigned to the area she was to operate in were on the receiving end of a surprise visit by one of their superiors on what seemed to be an inspection, leading to them being on even higher alert than normal. Normally, Amelia could get close enough to be nearly on top of the coastal villages before the first flak shells went off; now she was still over water and actively having to dodge those signature black puffs of smoke, shrapnel clanking like hail against the aluminum skin of her aircraft. “I have the sun behind me, you fuckers!” she screamed, wrestling with the controls as the shockwaves threw her plane around., “How can you even see me?!” The flak continued to pound at her plane with unrelenting strength, the artillery teams below her relishing the opportunity to prove their aim hadn’t gone rusty since being assigned to the Atlantic Wall. Try as she might, there was no way Amelia could go through with the mission… but being the stubborn warrior she was, she refused to admit this and carried on regardless. She would regret this but a minute later, when one of her wings was shredded to pieces after a lucky shot from one of the flak cannons, sending her into an uncontrolled spin that she just barely managed to recover from; with instinct taking over and the thought of survival now hanging in the air on the roll of the dice, Amelia did what she could to recover, leveling the aircraft mere feet from the ground... and plowed the eight ton beast straight onto a soft, grassy field, the impact knocking her head into the gunsight, rendering her unconscious. With her windscreen obstructed by God knows how much dirt was being kicked up, the wrecked Thunderbolt came to a halt mere yards away from a barn. She awoke shortly after coming to a halt, to screaming in the distance. She had to move. Squeezing out of her cockpit was hard enough on a good day, and now she had a bunch of angry Germans closing in on her position, the Thunderbolt was probably on fire, and the blasted straps were all caught up and wouldn’t let her get out! The ‘chilla had to practically bite her way through them, and even then had to resort to kicking the canopy outwards after it refused to budge; sure enough, flames were beginning to engulf the aircraft, forcing her to high-tail it out of there as quickly as her oversized body allowed it. This is where her biggest assets (literally) worked against her, as she hadn’t had enough time to “fill up” that the sloshing quieted down, making it imperative for her to not run too much or else the constant churning of milk and cum inside of her would give her away; as if to make matters worse, it had been just enough time since her last draining that her body was starting to make up for being empty, and if she didn’t find some place to hide soon, she’d be complaining about something else entirely within a couple of short hours. And of course, it was getting darker by the minute, with the sun already under the horizon; there were flashlights out in the distance, approaching the wreckage of her plane as Amelia dashed through the hedges, cutting parts of her flight suit and covering her face in leaves and mud from the occasional tripping. Thus began a game of cat and mouse; a game between Ameliaand a group of extremely hungry cats come to hunt her down. If it weren’t for the overgrown vegetation, there was no doubt in Amelia’s mind that she would’ve been caught within minutes. she had lost count of the amount of times a patrol nearly stumbled onto her, sometimes by just a few inches, and if it weren’t for her body slowly filling up so much it stopped making as much noise, her constant slorshing would’ve given her away near-instantly. Then again, it was hard to appreciate the sudden tightness when it was making her life hell in other, completely different ways. Usually she would’ve been back at base by now, locked inside a bathroom where she could empty out; instead, the ‘chilla was forced to hide from an entire platoon of hunters while slowly feeling her suit grow tighter and tighter with each passing minute, until finally she had to acquiesce to her own body and start moving the zipper down her front, exposing enough cleavage that she could probably charm any would-be subduers, if it weren’t for the absurd spillage making it hard to focus. Eventually though, Amelia made her way to a small village close to her crash site, which she could only hope was Escalles, from where they had initially received their communications from the French resistance forces. Dodging a few more near-misses, the ‘chilla ran as quickly as she could under the growing cover of darkness, stopping for just long enough near a sign to make out a few letters, which she could only assume, in her mad dash to safety, spelled out what she wanted them to. Left without options, she ran towards the nearest building, flattening her back against an outer wall. There was silence there, but the enemy patrols were just off in the distance; there was no way the Germans were going to just pass by without scouring every inch of the place, so if she was to stay there, and she was going to stay there, Amelia needed to find help immediately. “Madame!” The whispered voice came from just above her, through a window that had silently opened directly over her head. Another mouse was staring down at her, though her features were hidden by the lack of light; curiously, her house was dark as well, signalling perhaps that she wanted to avoid attracting attention? “Madame!” she repeated, just loudly enough that Amelia couldn’t ignore her, “Êtes-vous américain?” There was only one thing she could be asking, and quite frankly, the ‘chilla was ready to take the chances. It was either that or face down the patrols headed down her way; she looked up, nodded urgently, and within moments the window above closed. Frantic movement could be heard from within, followed by the sound of steps down stairs, and finally a side door, which Amelia had missed until then, flying open, along with a hand pulling at her from within the darkness. “Here! Here!” the same woman repeated in her odd accent, pointing at what appeared to be a trapdoor, “Here! Safe!” Must be some sort of crawlspace or hidey-hole; much as Amelia detested the idea of stuffing herself into somewhere cramped, she did so anyway. Miraculously, she somehow fit, though it became hard to breathe after the lid was closed over her head. She spent an unknown amount of time in the darkness after a carpet was pulled over the cover, with her mysterious savior making her way upstairs, presumably to fake normality; didn’t help much when the Germans came knocking and she was forced to open the front door, offering some much-needed distraction by either offering to brew them tea or telling them she had sandwiches in the kitchen; Amelia could barely understand, as her French wasn’t the best. Nonetheless, her pursuers poked around for what felt like hours before finally leaving, the ‘chilla holding her breath with both hands to prevent even a squeak from coming out; it felt like at any moment, they were going to find her… but they never did. The felines stormed out, leaving Amelia and her savior to breathe a sigh of relief, and the ‘chilla to wonder how she was going to squeeze out. As it turned out, the sheer amount of nervous sweat covering her body was enough to let her pop out of her hiding spot, even if just barely; with the zipper halfway to her nipples and ample amounts of milk-stuffed breastflesh already spilling out, Amelia thanked her lucky stars the the house was as dark as it was, or else she might’ve had to answer a few uncomfortable questions. Instead, she tried her best to get it through to her saviour that she needed some time to clean up, a savior who, mercifully, turned out to know how to speak English properly; within minutes, the ‘chilla was finally alone in a cozy washroom, staring at herself in a slightly grimy mirror. Her face was covered in small scratches and her fur matted with dirt, bits of leaves and an endless amount of sweat, leaving her looking like an utter mess. What was worse, her escape from the German patrols had taken so long that she looked about ready to burst; not only were her tits absolutely stuffed to the brim, enough that they had become almost perfectly spherical, but the nuts she was dragging between her legs had already reached her knees, and from the way they were gurgling, seemed intent on going further until she got busy draining them. Even her cock was starting to harden, throbbing hard against her chest even after she unzipped the rest of her suit and allowed it to hang free; all of her body screamed at her to give it some attention, leaving Amelia to bite her lip and hope her host wouldn’t mind her making too much of a mess. As it turned out though, the ‘chilla wouldn’t have to wait for an answer, because the other rodent just walked right into the bathroom unannounced, carrying a stack of towels and getting about three steps inside before she looked up, saw the immense amount of backboob and nut spillage both in front of her and on the mirror’s reflection, and had to stifle a yelp from how shocked she was. Amelia was so used to that reaction that all she could do was chuckle and shake her head; there was no turning back now, so why not try and make the best out of a bad situation? She turned around, slowly, letting the mouse get a good look of her rescue’s body as it outright refused to bounce, sway or even so much as jiggle; the ‘chilla was full to the point where her fluid contents were hyper-pressurized to near-bursting, leaving her tits and nuts to look about half a second away from exploding. “I-I-I… I…” the little mouse stammered, surprisingly enough not averting or eyes or even so much as trying to, “T-Towels…” “Thank you,” Amelia replied, offering a warm smile, “I was just about to take a shower to get all the dirt off. Would you care to join me?” No words were needed, given the other mouse’s cheeks lit up like a lightbulb at the mere mention of hopping into the tub with the size monster she had just rescued from an untimely death. The ‘chilla didn’t wait either, marching over to the tub and spending a good couple of minutes wrestling with herself in order to get in; she already barely fit as it was, and judging from how she felt, she was going to be stuffing herself in even tighter before finally getting some release. Her saviour, while initially too stunned to do anything, eventually snapped out of her funk and began eagerly stripping off her clothes as well; Amelia could only suppose that a cock like hers wasn’t something most people saw every day, and what was better than a good “Glad we survived” fucking? Her rescuer seemed to be having the same thoughts as well, given that, now that they had the time to process what had happened, they practically jumped onto that throbbing member on proud display, their eyes glazed over as drool trickled from their lips. But a rubdown wasn’t enough; Amelia gently took their hands into hers, guiding them over to her engorged nipples and moving them in just the right way to let her soon-to-be-lover know what they needed to do. At first, even after gladly stepping up to the challenge, the other rodent seemed reticent to milk the ‘chilla, given how stuffed she appeared to be… but after seeing the first droplets of cream turn into outright bursts of lactic bliss, they were more than happy to open their mouths and let the milk flow underneath their attentive care, all while moving her body up and down that shaft they were hugging, a shaft that was about as thick as their own torso was. Despite this, Amelia had no relief whatsoever; she was past the point where simple draining would help, and in fact, despite having a very excited partner milking her like a dairy cow, her tits just kept swelling nonetheless… much like her nuts down below. She was approaching a critical stage, where the only thing that could save her would be a true and proper release… but God those were good hands; the ‘chilla hadn’t been milked like that in months, making her think she lucked out and found the one member of the resistance that must’ve owned a small ranch as well. It was getting harder to keep hold of her sanity, Amelia ready to throw herself into the throes of passion with reckless abandon, ready to take advantage of a loving partner that was as aroused as she was… but not in a bathtub. That wouldn’t do. The ‘chilla wrapped her arms around her saviour’s neck, bringing the two of them together into an unashamedly tongue-filled kiss, at around the same time she felt her cock be enveloped by her milky udders, signalling that the danger zone had just been entered. She didn’t have a lot of time before nature took care of things for her, so as soon as the embrace was broken, she uttered a single word: “Bedroom.” Moments later, the door was being knocked off its hinges by the weight of the ‘chilla’s cock slamming into it, and shortly after that, the smaller mouse was getting thrown onto the bed with one of Amelia’s hands over their head, another midway down their back, and their eyes open wide as their whole body was pressed face-down against the mattress. Normally, Amelia would’ve given them some time to get used to the insertion, maybe play around with her naturally lubricating pre, but her tits were bloated enough to cover most of her torso and her nuts were about ready to drag on the floor, so she needed some release and needed it immediately; though it pained her, it pained the other rodent a lot more when suddenly they felt that colossus of a cock they’d just been hugging pierce their insides, stretching them out hard enough that a good half of their body mass was now Amelia’s shaft, protruding so much from their belly that the rodent looked more like a living, breathing, fur-covered condom than anything else. The ‘chilla didn’t like being that rough, especially not with someone who was both as eager as that mouse and to whom she owed such a debt, but it was either that or plaster her whole house with a fresh coat of white paint, and Amelia was certain her saviour wouldn’t mind taking one for the team. Besides, they wouldn’t have to endure the experience of having her innards rearranged by a cock the size of their whole upper body for too long; the ‘chilla was pent-up enough that it barely took five minutes of manic, frantic thrusting before the proverbial dam was broken and the floodwaters came rushing in, her immense nuts clenching loudly enough to be heard, pumping out gallons of her thick, potent seed each time they did so. Up above, her tits were going absolutely wild, jets of milk firing from each teat with enough force to slam against the bed’s frame opposite where she stood and then backblast onto the mouse, leaving the sheets a complete mess… though not as much as the deluge of cum oozing out from within the poor thing’s stretched-out nethers, even the titanic girth of Amelia’s cock not enough to prevent so, so much from pouring back out. Each pump visibly impacted against the mouse’s stuffed belly, forcing her skin outwards before it settled back into an increasingly-larger sphere, growing and bloating and filling and stuffing for the full duration of the ‘chilla’s climax; it was hard to tell how long it lasted, but by the time Amelia was done, her small saviour was… anything but small. The last thing the ‘chilla recalled before collapsing backwards and splashing onto the cum-covered floor was the sight of the mouse and their rotund cumgut shattering their mattress, before exhaustion crept up and sent Amelia straight into a deep, dreamless sleep. She awoke… some time later, it was hard to tell. The sun was shining outside, the room was warm, and her back was absolutely soaked, but at least she didn’t feel nearly as tight as she had hours before. It took a while before the memories of the previous night’s events came rushing in, after which Amelia was quick to open her eyes and scan her environs for whatever happened to her lover; predictably, the poor thing was still stuck on the bed, holding onto a cumgut the size of a large chair and groaning in what was either pain or the best continuous orgasm they’d ever experienced in their life… though judging by the amount of gushing happening downstairs, the latter was far more likely. It took a significant amount of time before either of them were anywhere near close to being able to hold a conversation, and even then Amelia had to help her lover move around, as they were no longer able to do so on their own; each step produced a thick spurt of the ‘chilla’s spunk, coating the floor in a mess that she was happy she wouldn’t be around to have to clean. Still in a half-sedated state, the tiny mouse introduced herself as Isabelle; while she wasn’t the one responsible for communications, she was involved with the local resistance cell in Calais, and while she had no idea how to get Amelia out of the country, she were certain someone ought to have a clue on what to do. To that end, they wrote down a name on a scrap of paper, told their ‘chilla lover to head to a very specific location and utter a very specific phrase to a very specific person… and then heaved themselves upwards to give them a farewell kiss. Getting the ‘chilla clothed was… difficult, and she ended up having to use some dirty overalls that didn’t really hide her full girth all that well; it was just her luck that none of the patrols saw how big she was, otherwise her cover would immediately be blown… though given how out of place her size happened to be, it was likely she’d be found out almost immediately after stepping foot anywhere. To that end, Isabelle dragged herself off to a cupboard and punched a small, moving panel on the side, opening a secret compartment with a radio stashed within; what followed was a conversation held entirely in French, all of which completely eluded the ‘chilla, who stood there awkwardly as the voice on the other end of the line began sounding distressingly familiar. After a few minutes, the radio was hidden again, and Isabelled turned to face her. “Help is coming,” she stated, “transport, for Calais. Please, be safe.” “Are you sure you’ll be uh… f-fine?” Amelia dared to ask, looking at the absolute mess that had been made of the bedroom, “You need help cleaning up or…” “No, no, I will be fine!” the mouse was quick to reply, “You stay safe! And after the war… well…” Amelia knew that look. She’d seen it in countless lovers before and knew exactly what sort of thoughts hid behind it. With a smile, she approached her impromptu partner and the two exchanged a final embrace, feeling the pulsating throb of the ‘chilla’s massive rod between them; it was oddly romantic, or at least as much as it could be when something like that was in the way. Ten minutes and a lot of tongue later, Amelia was waiting by the front door, just inside of it so no one would notice her presence. A car drove in from the north, a pristine Renault model that Amelia had never seen before; though, when it slowed to a halt outside the house and the driver got out from her seat, there was at least one thing familiar about it. With her jaw dropping and her eyes widening, the ‘chilla stepped out into the light, no longer bothering to think about keeping herself hidden; who else could’ve showed up but her… “Mom?!”
Title: Friend of the Wood Tags: dryad, nymph, magic, nature, virgin, creampie, lovemaking, romance, friendzone *This is an entry in the Summer Lovin' contest. If found elsewhere with this note attached, it has been posted without my permission. © Copyright LesLumens 2013.* \*\*\*\* Terra pulled back the curtains and grinned as morning sunlight streamed into the room. The day was bright and beautiful — the perfect start to her first summer vacation from college. As much as she enjoyed the classes that would lead her into her career as a veterinarian, balancing that with an active social life had left her in need of a break. A groan emerged from the direction of her twin sister Ella's bed. "Too early," she muttered as she pulled the covers over her head. Her brilliant green eyes flashing with mischief, Terra giggled and snatched the comforter away, prompting another groan. "Come on, Ella. I've been dreaming about going to the lake for weeks." Her sister rubbed the sleep out of her eyes, then tugged on her nightgown, which had bunched up above her breasts as she slept. The twins regularly found those assets — inherited from their curvy mother — both a blessing and a curse. Ella sighed. "I'm not really in the mood." There was no need to ask why. The twins were rarely apart and shared an almost psychic connection. Ella had been through a rough patch in her social life of late. Terra sat down on the corner of the bed and smoothed back a few errant strands of her sister's dark blonde hair. "You need to get out." At the same time, one of the long vines of the philodendron hanging near Ella's bed reached out and brushed her cheek. A moment later, the end curled around Ella's wrist and tugged. Terra broke out into a grin and entwined her fingers with her sister's. "Let's go." Ella didn't protest this time, and stood up as the vine released her. Side-by-side, the two young women hurried across the hardwood floors, through the house and out the back door. Unconcerned that they were dressed in nothing more than clinging nightgowns and panties that left little of their charms to the imagination, they crossed the yard to the woods beyond. Honeysuckle and pine mingled with a myriad of other pleasant scents as the twins' bare feet crunched the carpet of dried pine needles covering the trail. Shafts of light penetrated the dark green canopy, giving nourishment to colorful patches of flowers — some of which grew nowhere else. All along the way, squirrels, rabbits, and birds abounded. Rather than fleeing from the presence of humans, the animals moved along with them. Birdsong from all quarters blended together in a perfect melody, heralding the twins' emergence into a clearing. Quite in contrast with most people, the sight of their parents sitting nude on a small hillock of moss didn't shock or embarrass the two young women. Neither did they gawk at the sight of the woman sitting with them, though her appearance certainly invited such. She looked no older than the twins, but the dryad with new-leaf green hair was actually their great-grandmother. Terra's earliest memories were of swimming in Xantina's crystal clear pool — often with the extended family. Family gatherings were always held in the nude, as the ultimate mother of their line found clothing to be silly and inconvenient. Since it was so common in their home life, the twins found shedding their clothes just as comfortable as the norms forced upon them in the world beyond the wood. Daniel stood as the twins undressed and said, "Welcome home, girls. Sorry I wasn't here when you got in yesterday." "It's okay, Dad. Mom told us you were in the middle of a committee meeting," Terra said as she hugged him. "Sorry we were too tired to wait up for you to get home." She then turned to her great-grandmother and opened her arms for another embrace. "I missed you, Xanterra," the dryad said as she pulled Terra close, using her real name which was only known amongst the family. "And you, Xanella," she added when Ella approached for her hug. "Missed you too, Grandma," the twins said simultaneously — dropping the *great*. Their mother Brooke said, "I got my hugs yesterday, but you can give me another if you'd like." They did, wrapping their arms around her at the same time, and then sat down on the soft cushion of moss to join the impromptu family reunion. It was only a half hour later when Daniel stood and held out a hand to his wife. "Unfortunately, we've both got to get to work." "We have all summer to catch up," the dark-haired beauty said, and then kissed him. Terra said, "We were going to get ready and go to the lake anyway, right Ella?" Her sister's expression was dubious for a few moments, but then Xantina reached out to caress her great-granddaughter's cheek, as she had through the plant in the room earlier. Ella's lips curled into a smile and she answered, "Yeah." "The bad things pass and nice things come." The dryad glanced at Terra for a moment, giggled and added, "Go, but come swim with me soon." "We will," Terra promised as the dryad gracefully backed up and vanished into the pine boughs. The sisters continued to chat with their parents as they dressed, and on the brief walk to the house, then split off to return to their room. "Using Grandma to coax me out of bed was cheating," Ella said as they walked down the hallway. Terra stuck her tongue out. "It wasn't my idea. It was Grandma's — and she's right." "I know. Still cheating, though." "Whatever." Terra rolled her eyes, prompting them both to laugh. "I really did need that," Ella admitted as she stepped into the room she shared with her sister. "I haven't felt this good since... you know. I'm actually looking forward to the lake." "Good," Terra beamed, and then plopped down on her bed to text her boyfriend. Keith replied a minute later that he would meet them. It was a pleasant surprise, as he'd developed a bad habit of taking forever to answer her lately. Once dressed in bikinis covered by shorts and t-shirts, the sisters headed for the car. Upon walking into the front room, Terra saw her brother letting in a friend who had been a fixture at the house for almost as long as she could remember. She waved at him. "Hey, Nate." "Hey, Terra," he responded with a wide smile on his face. "Are you sure?" she asked, while leaning in close to her sister. Ella chuckled and swept past. "Give it up, Terra. You're never going to fool him." She knew it was true, as she'd tried many times before. Somehow, Nathan had always been able to tell the sisters apart, even though almost everyone mixed them up on occasion. "Hey, we're going to Parker's Lake. Want to come?" Their brother Dale shrugged. "May as well. Not enough people to get a game going today." "Sure," Nathan agreed. "We'll be on the porch. Hurry up," Terra said as she caught up to her sister at the front door. The twins drank in the beautiful summer morning, taking a seat side-by-side on the wooden railing around the porch. The boys took only a minute or two to grab towels before coming out, and then everyone piled into the car for the short drive to the lake. Parker's Lake was on private land, but had been a popular swimming hole for generations. It was closer than the public beach, allowing them to drive the hybrid in electric mode all the way there and back. The sisters preferred the lake due to its natural setting and smaller crowds. "So, when did you get contacts?" Terra asked once they were underway. "It was a graduation present," Nathan answered. "You don't look as nerdy without the glasses," she said while glancing at him in the rearview mirror. "Thanks." He chuckled and rolled the window up a little before scratching at his left ear, which his wind-blown, dark hair had apparently been tickling. "Hardly see you at the house or on campus any more," Ella said. "You know — work and keeping up with my classes." "As if you have any trouble with that, Brainiac," Terra scoffed. Dale crossed his arms and snorted. "Do you want me to ride on the roof so I'm not distracting you?" Terra and Ella laughed, but it was Nathan who received a punch in the shoulder for joining them. They continued to talk as the car made near-silent progress toward their destination — the crunching of gravel beneath the tires just as loud as the electric engine. Upon making a turn onto a narrower, unpaved road, Terra's brow furrowed and she exclaimed, "What?" Everyone else saw it as well. A brand new gate had been erected across the road leading to the lake. Beaten down grass and tire tracks showed where people were driving around it and ignoring the *No Trespassing* sign. "Well, so much for that idea," Ella said as the car rolled to a stop several feet away from the blue metal gate. The sound of an engine revving caused them all to look back and see Keith's coupe pulling in behind. He jumped out as soon as he stopped and walked toward them. Terra rolled her window down the rest of the way and her boyfriend leaned in. "Well, that's some bullshit," he said. "Screw it. Let's just head over to Pride's Park and hit the beach there." A hungry smile spread across his face and he plucked at the neckline of Terra's shirt while asking, "You wearing that new bikini?" Terra swatted his hand away. "Yes. I want to go talk to Mr. Parker." "Screw the old man," Keith scoffed. "He's been letting people come out here for years. I just want to know why." "And then go to Pride's?" "Yes, then we'll go." "Meet you there, then?" Terra nodded her agreement and then moved in for a kiss — though she lamented not taking off her seatbelt first when it bit into her right breast. She could sense her sister's silent groan, and couldn't miss her brother's far-from-silent gagging sound as her boyfriend walked back to his car. Keith's engine roared again before he backed out, and then gravel flew as he spun the tires and took off, leaving behind a giant cloud of dust. Terra snapped her gaze to the back seat and said, "No comments from the peanut gallery," just as her brother was about to say something. She put the car into reverse and headed back down the road to the elderly man's house. When they pulled into the drive, they saw him sitting on the front porch in a well-weathered rocking chair, sipping coffee. "Guessing you're here about the lake?" he asked as soon as they all got out. Terra answered, "Mmm hmm. We just wanted to know why you blocked it off?" The old man sighed and sat down his mug on a nearby handmade oak table. "Been some bad apples going down there, and I'm too old to go chasing them off. It's a right mess with all the broken bottles and such. Not that the gate's stopping them." Terra frowned upon hearing that news. "Do you mind if we go look?" "If I didn't think it was dangerous, I'd say you could go swim. Know you young'uns ain't up to no good. If you want to go down there, you go right ahead. Reckon you're gonna be just as sad as I was when I saw it, though." "Thanks, Mr. Parker," Terra said, and then gestured for everyone to get back in the car. Following the path beaten down through the tall grass by others, Terra drove around the gate, and then back onto the twin gravel lines of the road. They all saw it even before reaching the slope down to the lake. Sun-faded beer cases littered the area. Vegetation large and small lay on the ground — wilting in the sun — mowed over by vehicles. Blackened spots bore silent witness to where people had carelessly set fires far away from the fire pits built down near the lake. Trash seemed to cling to every tree and shrub for as far as the eye could see. The shoreline of the lake was even worse. Bottles, broken glass, and beer cans were everywhere. Only a few small patches of plants clung to life here and there. The rest had been trampled or burned. The trash barrels and rocks for the fire pits were nowhere to be found — most likely resting at the bottom of the lake. It was Ella who broke the silence as they stared in awestruck disappointment. "We've got to do something." Terra nodded in agreement. "No way we can do this ourselves, though. It will take a year. We need help." "Going to be a lot of people at Pride's Park," Ella suggested. "You have to go because Keith is on his way there anyway." A grin tugged at the corners of Terra's lips. "Perfect. We'll go cool off, and find some people to help us with this mess, too. Green's the in-thing now, so it shouldn't be too hard." "I'm in," Nathan offered. Terra turned to face the boys behind her. "Thanks. What about you, Dale?" "Yeah. Mom and Dad will probably get us some trash bags and stuff when we tell them." Terra's eyes lit up. "Maybe Mom can convince the television station to do a story. Let's go. I'll send her a text on the way." "I have an idea how we can entice some guys to come out and do the heavy lifting," Ella said with a sly smile. Terra knew exactly what her sister was planning and chuckled. "Perfect." Plan in place, they set off to make it a reality. \*\*\*\* Terra and her sister finished setting up the refreshments on the folding table, and then gave each other a thumbs-up. All around them, people were picking up trash, already making a visible difference. The half-dozen girls they'd convinced to join them were all dressed in skimpy bikinis. It was exploitive, but every girl knew what she was getting into, and it had encouraged twenty guys to lend their muscle to the clean up effort, with more likely on the way. The girls were all single and looking anyway, which gave them a captive audience with less competition. Terra and Ella's popularity meant that they were able to skim the cream of the single boy crop as well, providing benefits for everyone. There was a great deal of flirting and flexing going on as the garbage vanished into bags. Ella grabbed a bag and strutted down to the lakeshore, attracting her fair share of attention as her bikini-clad bottom swayed and her breasts jiggled. The breeze even conspired to add to the effect, lifting her long blonde hair into a pennant that streamed off to the side. Terra was happy to see her sister getting back into the game after a few weeks of near seclusion following her most recent breakup. Considering the selection available, Terra could hardly blame her. There were some seriously good-looking guys walking around shirtless and glistening with fresh, clean sweat. One *was* conspicuously absent, though. She picked up her cell from the table and leaned over it to hide the glare of the sun. After checking for messages or calls she missed, she brought up Keith's number to make a call. "Hey," he answered. "Aren't you a little late?" she asked in a playful sing-song. "Yeah. I forgot I had practice today. I was going to call in a bit." The playfulness vanished from her voice in a heartbeat. "So, you're not coming?" "No. I mean — yeah. I'll come after practice." "When will that be?" "Don't know for sure. Getting a hell of a workout today. I'll meet you there when I get out. I may be tired, though." Terra pushed her irritation aside. "Okay. Love you." "You too. Bye." She hung up the phone to see her sister staring her down with one hand on her hip while she gestured with a trash bag in the other. Terra shook her head, smiled, and picked up a bag. \*\*\*\* Terra waved goodbye as the last two cars started back up the gravel path, and then offered a knowing glance to her sister. The girl in the first car and the guy in the second had spent most of the morning together, and the looks they had given each other before leaving strongly hinted that they were looking for somewhere private to spend an hour or two. The twins then took in their handiwork. From the vantage point leading down to the lake, the difference was profound. Not a single piece of trash remained in sight. "Not bad for six hours," Ella remarked. Terra nodded as her eyes swept over the area. "Still a lot to do though." "Enough people promised to come out again to get it done." Terra glanced up the empty road and muttered, "Yeah. Promises." "So call him and give him a piece of your mind. And let him know that he's not getting a piece of *anything else* for a few days." That made Terra chuckle as her brother and Nathan walked up. "Truck's tied down. We're going to head back to the house and separate everything," Nathan said. Though they'd made an effort to bag together anything that could be composted or was recyclable, a lot more was going to end up in the landfill than Terra would have liked. It was more or less unavoidable, unless they wanted to keep the smelly bags somewhere at the house long enough to finish sorting. "Thanks, you two. We'll see you back at the house." Terra and her sister pulled on shorts and t-shirts while the truck drove away, but paused before getting in the car when they heard the engine of an ATV approaching. The truck's horn tooted just before they saw Mr. Parker slowly riding their way. The old man had a smile on his face when he pulled up. "You girls did a right fine job here." "Thanks, Mr. Parker," Terra said. "Still a lot to do, though," Ella said. "Nathan's going to bring his scuba gear tomorrow to help get the stuff in the water." Mr. Parker sighed as he looked out over the sparkling lake. "Does my heart good. I met my dearly departed Ellen right down there all those years ago." "We love this place too," Terra said as her eyes misted up. The old man wiped his brow — and his eyes. "Whew. Reckon I'd best get in out of the sun. You're welcome any time, and I do appreciate you cleaning up this mess. You tell the family I said hello, now." "We will." The sisters followed the ATV out past the gate, and then turned toward home after a final wave. Dale and Nathan had already unloaded the bags near the compost pile, and were driving the truck over toward the recycling bins. Terra pulled up next to them and hopped out to help. Between Nathan and the three siblings, all the recyclables were unloaded in only a few minutes. "Do you want us to follow you to the landfill?" Terra asked. Nathan shrugged and shook his head. "Nah. I can do it and then go drop the truck off." Dale offered, "I'll go with you. Not like I'll be able to get in the shower for a couple of hours anyway." Both sisters stuck their tongues out at him and then headed into the house. A tone sounded from within Terra's pocket, and she glanced at the display for only a moment before putting her cell away. She was mad at Keith for not showing up, and in no mood to see what his excuse was. The momentary distraction was enough for Ella to dart ahead and lay claim on the master bathroom. Taking it in stride, Terra turned down the hall to the bathroom she shared with her siblings to take a shower. She made it back to the bedroom before her sister, and finally decided to check the message from Keith. "Sorry. Fell asleep when I got home. Still at the lake?" the message said. Not quite ready to talk to him, she sent a single word text back. "No." "Sorry. How about I take you out?" his next message read. Terra bit her lower lip and considered it. The closest they'd come to a date recently was hanging out with friends for a few hours and then going back to his place to have sex. Maybe this was just the reminder he needed to not take the relationship for granted. "Maybe. Where?" "Wherever you want to go." "Olive Garden?" Despite it being the place he'd taken her on their first dinner date, he'd later admitted that it was far from his favorite place to eat. Suggesting it was a test to see how serious he was about making amends. "Sure," he immediately replied. Test passed. She quickly tapped out, "Pick me up at eight. Don't be late." He was ten minutes early — and bearing flowers. It turned out to be only the beginning of a wonderful evening. He was attentive and sweet all through dinner, reminding her very much of their first time there. She more or less expected him to hint at coming back to his place afterwards, but he surprised her. By the time they shared a goodbye kiss in front of the house, her anger had all but evaporated away. \*\*\*\* Terra smiled as Keith pulled into the drive on his motorcycle the next morning — right on time. His prompt arrival was yet another sign that he was trying to make up for the previous day's mistake, and that suited her right down to the ground. "You might try looking a little less smug," Ella suggested as she loaded jugs of juice and recycled paper cups into the back seat of the car. "Shush," Terra admonished under her breath, and then hurried over to his bike. Watching over her shoulder, she waited until her sister was ready, and then signaled for Keith to lead the mini caravan to the lake. With the powerful motorcycle rumbling between her legs and her arms wrapped around his waist, all was right in the world once more. That changed as soon as they pulled up to the lake. Keith put down his foot as he rolled to a stop. "Thought you said you had it all picked up?" Terra scowled at the fresh mess of cardboard, bottles, and cans strewn around the edge of the lake. "We did. Some jerks must have been out here last night." "Somebody had some fun," Keith chuckled while pointing at a pair of panties lying discarded in the weeds next to a used condom. "You've got to be kidding me," Ella remarked as she walked down next to join her sister. Keith gave an empty can by his foot a light kick. "Kind of fighting a losing battle here, I think." "Oh no we're not," Terra said with a note of ominous finality. Nathan sighed when he walked down to see the mess. "Want me to help pick this up first?" Terra shook her head. "No, go ahead and get your stuff and start in the lake. Dale and Keith can work on this while Ella and I set up the refreshments. Everybody else will be here in half an hour." "Dibs on that side," Keith said, pointing in the opposite direction of the condom. "Gross," Dale muttered as he walked back toward the truck for bags and trash sticks. Keith let out a snorting laugh a few minutes later when Nathan walked down to the water in his gear, carrying an underwater light, burlap sack, and his flippers. "Hey, it's Scuba Steve." Terra pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes at him. "Be nice." "Okay. Okay," Keith grumbled, then returned to spearing cans with his trash stick. Terra turned to her friend. "Go ahead, Nate. I really appreciate it. I was wondering how we were going to deal with the glass in the water." "I need the practice. I'll see what I can do. If I'm right about something, it may not be that big of a deal," Nathan said as he walked down to the shore. "Hope you're right," she said as Nathan sat down at the edge of the water to put on his flippers. The results of a single night's revelry didn't take long to pick up, and it was made easier because whoever had left the mess had refrained from breaking bottles for entertainment. By the time the other volunteers began to arrive, they were once again ready for the painstaking work of raking and searching out bits of broken glass. The work provided plenty of opportunity for creative bending and stretching, just like the day before. The bikini-clad girls and shirtless guys were taking full advantage of it to show off for members of the opposite sex. Terra smiled, thinking that on top of everything else, she'd likely played matchmaker for several couples. Nathan surfaced and slipped his regulator out of his mouth some time later. Terra walked down to the edge of the water. "What's it look like?" she asked. "I was right, and we're lucky. There's so much clay in the soil that the silt just slides down into deeper water, and it took most of the broken glass with it. The clay is what makes it so slippery." Terra grinned, remembering countless occasions where the slick bottom had resulted in hilarious falls — and a few of her own that were only funny in retrospect. "I can probably get everything up here pretty quick so nobody gets cut, and then grab what I can from down deeper before my air runs out," Nathan finished. "Great." Terra wiped her brow. "We may all need to take a dip before long." Several people agreed with that assessment. It was an especially hot and humid day, and the proximity of the cool water only made it seem more so. "I'll get back at it then," Nathan said. Keith walked up and grabbed Terra's bottom, prompting her to swat his hand away and admonish him to behave — though the way she said it was meant not to be *too* discouraging. She completely missed the look her boyfriend and Nathan exchanged before the latter slipped back beneath the surface of the water. \*\*\*\* Terra's eyebrows lifted a little when she saw her sister direct a splash at John. She'd wondered why Ella had asked him and a couple of his friends to come, as they weren't part of the twins' usual circle, but that splash spoke louder than words. It was a game in their family, which was an expression of affection, started by their dryad great-grandmother. When John responded in kind, Ella's smile was radiant. After the surprise wore off, Terra gave him a quick, appraising glance and had to admit that he was good looking. She'd never seen him with his shirt off before, and he'd been hiding nice muscle tone. If she was right about her sister's intentions — and she was sure she was — he would be the first guy who didn't play sports that either of them had dated. Most everyone else was in the water as well, enjoying the fruits of their labor. There was likely still glass in the surrounding area, but they had done a good enough job on the 'beach' for everyone to feel confident taking off their shoes. Keith waved for her to return to the water, and she held up a finger before walking over to her brother. John's two friends had hit it off with Nathan and Dale, and they'd been as thick as thieves. All four had pulled back on their shirts, so she asked, "Are you heading home?" Dale answered, "Yeah. Going to get a game going. Guess it will just be the four of us, though." He nodded toward where John and Ella were engaged in a splash war. He knew as well as his sister did what that portended. "I know where to find some good rocks for the fire pits, and I already have some trash barrels. I'll come out tomorrow and help finish up," Nathan offered. "Thanks Nate. You've been a big help getting the truck and everything." "No problem," he responded, wearing a wide grin. Keith walked up and slipped a dripping arm behind Terra's back. Nathan immediately snapped his gaze to Dale and asked, "Ready?" "Yeah." The four headed to the truck, and as soon as they were out of earshot, Keith asked, "What's with that dude?" Terra turned toward him and asked, "Hmm? Who?" "That Nathan guy. He's always hanging around." Terra laughed in surprise. "Oh my god. Are you jealous?" "No. Just wondered." "He's just a friend. He's like another brother." She rolled her eyes and chuckled. Keith shrugged and then slid a hand down to cup her bottom. "So, you want to get back in the water?" This time, she didn't protest his touch. After the date the previous evening and seeing him shirtless all day, she was beginning to feel frisky as well. Between the time packing to come home from summer break and what had happened since, it had been almost a week since they'd been to bed together. "It looks like a lot of people are thinking about leaving. Why don't we dry off so we don't get the bike seat wet?" she suggested. "Cool." "Feel like watching a movie?" "Sure. What's playing? I haven't been paying attention." "Actually, I was thinking about watching something at your place." His grin as she stood up on her tiptoes to kiss him was all the answer she needed. \*\*\*\* Terra woke up a couple of hours later than usual because she'd been at Keith's apartment until the wee hours of the morning. A note on top of the alarm clock revealed that Ella had left some time earlier for a second date with John. Considering she'd replaced the O in his name with a heart, Terra assumed things were going well. A second note from her brother lay nearby and said that he and Nathan had gone to take the trash barrels and rocks for the fire pits out to the lake. She took her time dressing and eating breakfast, expecting that Keith would be asleep until at least noon. After several days of abstinence, she'd been rather enthusiastic in making up for lost time, and he'd already fallen asleep by the time she emerged from the bathroom. The sound of tires crunching on gravel drew her to the window, and she was surprised to see her brother and Nathan climbing out of a white Civic. She walked outside and asked, "Did you get rid of the Beetle?" Nathan patted the hood of the car as he walked around it. "Nah. I still have it. Found this at a government auction — dirt cheap. It's natural gas." "Cool. Isn't that a pain, though?" "That's why I still have the Beetle. I can only really fill this one up at the house with the rig there. Use it any time I can though. It's cheaper, and burns cleaner." Terra wholeheartedly approved of that choice, though his diesel Beetle got excellent mileage anyway. "Guess we've rubbed off on you a little, huh?" He laughed. "Yeah. Just wish I could afford an electric." "What are you up to? Going down to the basement to fight goblins?" she teased, referring to the role-playing game that the two — and sometimes her father — played. Dale shook his head. "Scout meeting to plan for the weekend camp out." "I'm going to go ride the coasters," Nathan said. Terra's eyes lit up. It seemed like the perfect way to celebrate the victory of cleaning up the lake. "That sounds like fun. I haven't been since last summer." "Want to come along?" "Let me call Keith," she answered as she reached for her phone — completely missing his smile fading when she said it. Nathan climbed the steps to the porch with her brother and said, "Okay. I'm running in to the bathroom." Terra tried his cell, and it rang a few times before going to voicemail. Thinking that he might not have woken up in time to pick up the phone, she tried again. On the fourth ring, he finally answered. Her voice full of coquettish suggestion, she said, "Wake up. You'd think you were all worn out or something." He chuckled. "Yeah." "Want to go ride some roller coasters?" "I don't really feel like it." Her mouth already open to tell him to come pick her up, she gave a toss of her hair and said, "Huh?" "Uhm... I don't know whether I'm just tired or coming down with something, but I feel like hell right now." "Are you okay?" "Yeah. I'm just run down and achy. It may be nothing." "Do you want me to come over?" "No. If you want to go to the park, go ahead. I'll be okay." "Sure?" "Yeah. Go ahead. You'd just be sitting around here while I'm in bed." "Okay. I'll call you later and see how you're doing. If you get any worse, call me, or go to the doctor." "Okay. I'm going to lay back down." "Love you. Bye." "You too. Bye." Nathan walked back outside as she ended the call, so she said, "Well, Keith's sick." "Sorry. Guess you don't want to go, huh?" "Nah. He said to go ahead. So if you don't mind driving, I'm game." His smile returned in full force. "Wait for you in the car?" "Sure. Let me grab my purse and stuff." Since she already had sunscreen in her purse, it only took a minute or two to gather what she needed and meet Nathan in the car. As he pulled out, she noticed a book tucked between his seat and the center console. "What's this?" she asked as she pulled it out, intrigued by the cover. "It's the monster book for the game." Terra opened the cover and flipped a couple of pages. "The pictures are really neat." "Makes them easier to describe when you're fighting them." She looked at the text below the picture of a bear and said, "All this stuff about d4 and turns and whatever makes my head hurt, though. It looks more like homework than a game." He laughed. "The Dungeon Master takes care of most of that, but the more you know, the easier it is for everyone." "Guess it must be fun. It's like all you and Dale do." "It's a blast. You could always come down and roll up a character. Try it out." "A cheerleader playing D&D?" she laughed. "It could just be you, me, and Dale. Nobody else would have to know. It could be your dirty little secret." "Yeah, I don't know about that," she said as she continued to flip through the pages. She stopped and frowned when she reached an entry for dryads. "Why are dryads in the monster book?" He broke out into laughter, but then cleared his throat when he saw her scowling at him. "Sorry, but that's *exactly* what Dale said the first time he saw it. Everything is in there. Humans even have an entry. It's just stats for everything you can encounter in the game." "Oh, okay," she said, feeling a little less offended. "We don't even use that any more. Dale came up with a cooler version of dryads that we use. Just a second." He pulled out his smart phone, tapped a couple of times, and handed her the phone. The picture at the top was surely drawn with her great-grandmother as the model. Dale had done a good job capturing her and hiding her nudity behind strategically placed leaves. She read the text below and couldn't help but smile. Dale hadn't really come up with anything, but rather described what he knew to be the truth. "That's much better," she said, handing him back his phone. "I like his version a lot better. I usually have him run the dryads whenever one is in the story. He plays them perfectly, and we even have half-dryads as a player character race now." *You have a couple as players too,* she thought with amusement. "He's come up with a really interesting way for them to talk. It's sort of naive, but wise at the same time. Pretty cool." "You're giving him a bit too much credit for creativity," she teased, and then flipped through a couple more pages before putting the book back where she'd found it. He glanced her way and chuckled. "Well, the invitation to come down and play is always good. So, glad to be away from Professor Reynolds?" "Oh my god, yes," Terra groaned. "If I ever have trouble falling asleep, I just play back recordings of him." "You're lucky you didn't have Weinstein. He could put Reynolds to sleep." She shuddered at the thought and started mocking her boring professor, much to Nathan's amusement. The miles rolled by unnoticed as the pair chatted and laughed. Soon enough, they pulled into the packed parking lot of the amusement park for a day of fun. \*\*\*\* Though she was soaked to the skin, Terra was laughing when she emerged from the log flume into the brilliant sunlight. She blew a drop of water off her nose and broke out into laughter again when she saw Nathan wringing out the tail of his shirt onto the brick walkway. "I haven't gotten this wet in all the times I've been on that put together," she remarked. "Must have been a perfect storm of wind and the water level or something," he guessed. "It's not designed to completely drown you that way." *Such a nerd,* she thought, and then reached for her phone when she saw Nathan check his. It had survived the dousing, but she was shocked when she noticed the time. A few taps called Keith so she could see how he was doing. The call went directly to voicemail. "It didn't ruin your phone, did it?" he asked when she pulled the phone away from her ear to stare at it incredulously. "No. Keith knew I was going to call him, but it just went to voicemail." "Maybe he's already got somebody on call-waiting or something. Give it a few and try again, I guess. Want something to drink?" She plucked at her shirt, which was clinging to her rather indecently. "You wouldn't think so after this dousing, but yeah." "Iced tea?" "Mmm hmm." He pointed behind him. "I scoped out a place that had it earlier." They walked to the concession stand and got into line, but a familiar sensation caused her to look off to the side. Sure enough, she saw her sister at the same time Ella saw her. As soon as her sister and John reached her, Ella asked her date, "Could you get me a drink?" "Sure. What do you want?" "Iced tea," Terra, Ella, and Nathan all said in a perfect chorus. John laughed and stepped in behind Nathan to give him a friendly thump on the shoulder. Ella grabbed her sister's hand and pulled her off to the side. "Guess what?" Ella whispered as soon as they were a few steps away. When her sister lifted her eyebrows in silent acknowledgment, Ella said, "He's passing all the tests." "Are you doing that again?" "I'm tired of wasting time on jerks who are going to annoy me or cheat on me. Should have done it with Caleb." She sneered the name of her last boyfriend with unconcealed contempt. "So, where's Keith?" The connotations of her bringing up Keith in almost the same breath were hardly lost on Terra, as she knew how her sister felt about him. "He thinks he's coming down with something." Ella didn't look convinced. She looked over her sister's shoulder and moaned. "Doesn't he have a great butt?" Terra didn't look, but she *had* noticed that herself at the lake the day before. "Guess you're serious, huh?" "Mmm hmm. He's so funny, and the way he looks at me..." She shivered. "I swear it makes me melt." The twins clasped hands and smiled at each other. They then turned when Ella gave the slightest twitch of her eyes, indicating that Nathan and John were on their way back. The girls took their drinks and offered thanks, then Ella said, "Guess I'll see you back at the house." She took John's hand and led him back in the direction they'd come from. "What do you want to ride next?" Nathan asked, and then took a sip of his soda. "Let's see if we can find some shade for a few minutes." Nathan looked around and spotted a bench under a tree. Terra nodded when he pointed at it, and they made their way there. As soon as she sat down, she pulled out her phone and tried Keith again. Voicemail once more. "Still not answering?" She shook her head and frowned. "I can run you by there to check on him if you want." "I don't want to ruin your day." He shrugged. "Ah, it's okay. I'm not going to have any fun if you're worried anyway." "Sure?" "Yeah. Just tell me how to get there." "Thanks, Nate." She smiled and leaned in to give him a peck on the cheek before standing up. She tried twice more on the way back — leaving messages both times. By the time Nathan pulled up in front of Keith's apartment, she was truly worried. Knocking on the door proved no more fruitful than calling him, so when she came back out, she scanned the parking lot and noticed that his motorcycle was gone. When she called again before walking back to Nathan's car, he finally answered. "Where are you? Why is your phone turned off?" she asked in a mixture of worry and irritation. "Uhm... I decided to go to the doctor. Sorry. I had my phone turned off while I was in the office." "You could have called me and let me know, or sent a text, or *something*. I'm sitting here in front of your apartment worried sick. So, are you okay?" "Sorry, I wasn't thinking. Yeah, the doc can't find a thing wrong with me. Guess I'm just tired. Actually feeling better now. Maybe I just needed to get up." "So, are you coming home?" He paused a moment before answering. "Not yet. Mom's been calling and nagging me, so I'm going to go by there." "Okay. Well, call me later then." "Will do, babe. Gotta go." "Love y..." Her brow furrowed when she heard a click before she could finish. She chalked it up to poor signal. "Everything okay?" Nathan asked when she got back to the car. "The dunderhead just had his phone turned off while he was at the doctor. He's fine." "That's good. Ready to head home?" "Yeah. Sorry to ruin the day over nothing." "It was fun," he disagreed. He ran his fingers through his still damp hair and said, "At least we don't need a shower." Terra laughed. "It was. Thanks." "You're welcome," he said, and then put the car into gear for the drive back to the house. \*\*\*\* Terra looked at her phone, saw that it was just after eight, and tossed her book away with a scowl. *I can't believe he's doing this again.* His slow responses to her texts and the occasional missed call were something she'd grown to accept, but the last few days were too much. She popped out of bed and stomped down the hall. "Honey, are you okay?" her mother asked as they met each other near the back door. "I don't want to talk about it," Terra grumbled as she walked outside. She purposely steered away from the clearing where the family usually gathered, and made her way deep enough into the trees to gain some privacy. Beneath the boughs of a huge pine, she pulled out her phone and called Keith. She barely let him answer before asking, "When were you planning to call me back?" "I forgot. Give me a break." His distracted tone and lack of an apology reminded her of every little inconsiderate thing he'd done recently, and something inside her snapped. "It seems like all you do is forget lately. First it was coming out to the lake. Then I call you and you say you're sick. When I call to check on you, I can't get hold of you and I'm worried to death. Is it too much to ask to call me back when you told me you were going to?" The last hovered tantalizingly close to a shout. "Sorry, okay. Why don't I come pick you up?" "And what? Go back to your place and fuck? That's all you seem to care about any more. It's all I can do to get a text out of you unless it's about having sex." "I don't want to fucking fight about this right now." This time, she did shout. "Fine then." A stab of her thumb ended the call and she closed her eyes, not sure whether to scream or cry. After a couple of minutes, she sat down hard on the carpet of pine needles and leaned back against the tree — trying to calm down. A brief chattering caused her to look up at a tree a few feet away. Two squirrels were clinging to the bark, looking at her with their tails twitching. One of them let out a series of chirping, inquisitive cries when she made eye contact. "I don't have anything to feed you, and I'm not really in the mood," she said when both squirrels moved down the trunk a couple of feet. She sighed when they let their tails droop before scurrying back up into the obscuring boughs. Thinking that she wouldn't get any peace from the critters, she was about to get up and lock herself in her room when she heard rustling off to one side. Upon turning that way to discourage whatever animal was thinking of approaching her, she instead let out an *aww* upon seeing the tiny bunny peeking at her from the undergrowth. It had to be barely weaned from its mother, considering the size of it. It eyed her warily for a moment, and then bounded across the distance toward her. The rabbit froze just out of reach, looking at her, and then behind it, trembling all the while. "It's okay," she whispered while slowly extending a hand, palm up. "I won't hurt you. You're safe here." The rabbit stretched its nose toward her and sniffed, then jerked away. A few moments later, it did so again, but moved closer. Slowly but surely, it moved toward her until its nose was nearly touching her fingertips. "You can come here. I won't let anything get you," she said as she pulled her hand back. The bunny's ears twitched, and it suddenly leapt into the triangle formed by her crossed legs. Terra giggled and reached down to pet it. The rabbit stiffened at her first touch, but then relaxed and settled into its comfortable nest. "See, you're okay," she whispered as she stroked its soft fur. The bunny didn't react when excited chatter arose from the tree where the squirrels had vanished. The pair once again scurried down the trunk, but ignored Terra. Instead, they leapt to the ground and ran toward the edge of the woods. "Hey, bushtails," she heard Nathan say. Tracking the sound of his voice, she could just see him through the foliage. Much to her surprise, the pair of squirrels leapt onto his shoulders. "Okay, now. Calm down." He blew out a puff of air and shook his head when one of the squirrel's tails tickled his nose. "Here you go." She was taken aback by the way the squirrels were reacting to him. It was a common occurrence with anyone in the family — often to the point of being downright annoying — but she'd never seen them accept anyone else so completely. Upon thinking about it, she did remember him feeding the squirrels with her brother at times, but this was something altogether different. As he fed peanuts to the perching squirrels, he made his way into the trees. "Just the two of you? Where's everybody else at?" he asked. "You hiding back here? You weren't shy a few minutes ago when you were jumping everywhere trying to get my attention." She scrunched up her nose, wondering how that could be. The animals had only seemed to notice him as he was approaching. She shrugged it off, assuming it must have been some other squirrels closer to the edge of the trees. He made eye contact with her after a couple of seconds, and the squirrels sitting on his shoulders made a noise that sounded very much like laughter. "Friends of yours?" she asked, a smile spreading across her face. He chuckled and shrugged, lifting both of his shoulders' passengers. "Friend of yours?" he asked in turn, nodding toward the bunny tucked in between her legs. "I guess so. Something scared her, and she ran over to me." "She's a little one," he remarked as he walked closer. The squirrels barked in agitation and Nathan got the hint to shell another peanut for them. "So, what are you doing out here?" "Uhm..." Even in the fading light, she could tell he was blushing. "What?" "It's about the game. You probably wouldn't get it." She rolled her eyes and sighed theatrically. "Just tell me." "Okay. Well, I play a druid in the game. Coming out here with these guys is kind of inspiration." "So, you're a protector of nature, huh?" His voice dropped into a lower register and took on a noble tone when he responded, "None shall despoil this place of nature's blessing while I and my faithful animal companions stand watch." She giggled, and Nate's blush deepened. "Yeah, I knew you would think it was stupid." "No, that's neat. You even looked different when you were talking like that." "That's sort of the idea. You become someone else in the game." They both heard Dale call out, "Nathan, pizza's done and we're ready to go again." "Guess I'd better get back," he said while nodding toward the edge of the woods. He pulled a few more peanuts out of his pocket, exciting his 'animal companions'. "Okay, bushtails, you're going to have to work for the rest of them." He then tossed the nuts off to the side. The two squirrels didn't even give them time to settle before jumping down to grab one each. "Don't suppose you have a carrot in your pocket?" Terra asked, nodding down at her own furry friend. He cleared his throat. "No, uhm..." She laughed. "I was kidding." When she heard her brother call out Nathan's name again, she said, "Better get going before he casts a spell on you." "Later," he said before making his way back out of the trees. Terra was more than a little surprised how the interruption had broken her bad mood. Thinking about it nearly turned her down that dark road again, though. Shaking those thoughts out of her head, she considered the fluffy bunny still happily nesting between her legs. She hated the thought of leaving the frightened, nearly defenseless rabbit alone again. Even as she struggled with that quandary, she felt a familiar presence. "I will watch over this one, Xanterra," her great-grandmother said as the dryad peeked out from behind a tree. "She has wandered far, and her mother worries for her." The rabbit perked up its ears when Xantina said something to it in a language Terra didn't understand, but somehow felt as if she should. A second later, the bunny hopped over to the dryad and allowed her to pick it up. "So, you were here looking for her, Grandma?" Terra asked as she stood up and brushed pine needles off her bottom. "I watch over the young ones and guide them to where they should be," the dryad said with a mischievous lilt to her voice. "*Your* mother worries for you, too." "Guess I'd better go talk to her, huh?" Xantina swept over with a giggle, not answering the question, and kissed her great-granddaughter on the cheek. Graceful as a dancer, she vanished into the foliage a few seconds later. Terra found her mother standing on the porch, absently caressing the leaves of a large potted fern. Taking the initiative, she said, "Sorry, Mom," as she walked up the steps. When her mother opened her arms, Terra settled into the hug and found she had to fight back tears. "Why don't we go for a walk before it gets too dark?" her mother suggested. Terra sniffled and took her mother's hand. \*\*\*\* Driving to Keith's the next morning, Terra was trying to keep an open mind. The walk had turned into a conversation that ended on the porch swing late in the night. It wasn't that she hadn't heeded her mother's advice before, but hearing the experiences behind that knowledge put those words of wisdom in a whole new light. Her mother had been through everything she was dealing with as the popular girl in school — and more. She needed to have a serious conversation with Keith, and she had to swallow her pride. Having always been at the top of the social ladder, she'd become accustomed to guys doing anything she wanted. That long talk had made her realize that *she* might need to be a little more considerate if she wanted a relationship to work. The phone rang about halfway to his apartment, so she turned down the music and tapped her Bluetooth earpiece to answer. Her sister said, "Nate and Dale just came back from Parker's Lake. Somebody's been out there and trashed the place again." Terra let out a growl and squeezed the steering wheel tight. "How did the cops miss them?" "I don't know. I checked with Dad and he said that the sheriff was going to send someone out there at least once every night." "I'm on my way to Keith's." "I know. Don't worry about it. John's coming over, and Nathan's going to get his brother's truck again. They don't think it will take the four of us long to clean up. I thought you'd rather find out sooner than later." "You're right. No matter how things go, the last thing I would want is bad news afterwards." "That's what I figured. John's here." "Talk to you later then." Thinking about the lake actually proved a welcome distraction. She'd begun to work herself toward an anxiety attack by mulling over what she wanted to say to Keith, and worrying about what he was going to say to her. By the time she pulled up in front of his apartment, she'd come to the conclusion that the police were going to need some help catching the culprits trashing the lakeshore. Keith's car was in the lot and his motorcycle was parked in the shelter, so she assumed he was home. As she walked toward the apartment building, she heard his voice. The direction told her that he was at the pool, which could only be accessed by residents. Changing course, she walked toward the fence so she could call to him to meet her at his apartment. It so happened that he was sitting on the other side of the privacy fence right where she reached it. She paused for a moment before saying anything, because he was talking to someone. "Yeah, I fucked up and Terra's in one of her bitchy moods." That did nothing to reassure her. She swallowed hard, thinking that *bitchy* was probably the perfect description for the way she'd been acting. Before she could summon up the strength to call out to him, he answered something one of his friends had said. "She'll get over it. She can't resist the D. At least it gets me out of that tree-hugging shit for a couple of days. Fuck, I get so sick of that shit. I take trash with me to throw out the window of the car sometimes to make up for having to throw every frikkin' bottle or can in the right bin when she's around. She's lucky she's an epic piece of ass or I'd have kicked her to the curb by now." Terra stood on the other side of the fence in open-mouthed, stunned disbelief. She thought about screaming at him, but she was too mad for words. Instead, she spun on her heel and stormed to the car, changing his name in her phone to *Fucking Jackass* along the way. She sped out of the parking lot, but only a short distance down the road, she pulled over into a gas station lot. The last thing she needed was a ticket on top of what she'd just discovered. It had been a lie from day one. The first time he'd asked her out was to a tree-planting event for Arbor Day, and now she knew it had been nothing more than a calculated ruse to get into her pants. She banged her fist on the steering wheel and pinched her green eyes closed — refusing to cry. After a few minutes of cradling her face in her hands, she sucked in a deep breath and let it out as a blast. Grabbing her phone from where she'd tossed it in the passenger seat, she called her sister. "He wasn't home?" Ella said by way of answering. Terra could hear her brother and Nathan talking in the background as they picked up trash at the lake. "Yes, he was home." As much as she knew her sister had never liked Keith, there was genuine sympathy in Ella's voice when she said, "I'm sorry. What happened?" "I don't want to talk about it right now. I'm too mad, and I'll look like some kind of crazy woman screaming into my phone. Feel like a camp out?" After a brief pause, Ella said, "That went by a little fast." "I'm trying to avoid that jackass, and I need something positive to do. I want to camp out somewhere near the beach and try to catch whoever's been making that mess there." "Hang on a second." Terra could hear the wind blowing and the sound of her brother talking fade into the distance. "Tonight?" Ella asked when she stopped. "*Every* night until we can call the cops to come bust them." "I've got plans with John tonight." She knew it would be painful to watch her sister and John enjoying each other's company, but still suggested, "Maybe he'll want to come. He was in Scouts, right?" "No, I mean I have *plans*." Terra's eyes shot wide open when the significance of her sister's emphasis on *plans* hit her. Things between the two were moving even faster than she'd realized. "Oh! Oh, okay." "Maybe Dale will come out with you?" Ella suggested with an apology in her voice. "He has that Scout camp out." "Oh yeah. Nathan? I really don't think you should be out here alone. I mean, I'll come out tomorrow, but..." "It's okay. I guess I could ask Nathan. One way or another, I'm staying out there tonight." "You want me to say something to him? See if he has any plans?" "I guess. I'm going back to the house. I feel like I need a shower right now." "Okay. Mom stayed home today." Terra suppressed a groan. As much as she appreciated her mother helping her sort through her feelings the night before, she didn't really want to go through it again. "Thanks for warning me." "If you need someone to talk to, I'm here." "I know. Good luck tonight." "Thanks. I'll talk to Nathan." She hung up and decided she was at least calm enough to drive rationally. She started out planning things she would need that night, but after a minute or two, her brain went numb. She drove the rest of the way home on autopilot, her thoughts a slow moving, incoherent mess. Her mother was watering a Ficus tree when Terra walked in. A sigh escaped the older woman because she knew her daughter's early return didn't bode well. But, rather than asking what happened, she pointed at the end table near the couch instead. Terra looked and saw a movie she'd wanted to see that had just come out on Blu-ray. "Thanks, Mom," she said as she picked it up. "Actually, Nathan brought it over for you," Brooke said as she moved to a huge, bushy red Geranium in the corner. The plant had started as a single bloom Terra had brought home from school for Mother's Day years and years before. Terra's phone rang, and her vision went red when she saw Keith's new name on the display. She hurled her phone at the couch. "I swear all guys are thoughtless assholes who only care about one thing." Her mother's eyebrows twitched upward and she asked, "*All*?" while nodding to the Blu-ray Terra was gesturing with as she fumed. It took a second or two to sink in, but then Terra shook her head and said, "Nathan doesn't count." "And why's that? He's a guy, isn't he?" "He's... He's *Nathan*. Come on, Mom. He's a nerd." "Well, so was your father." "He still is." Brooke chuckled. "Yes, and I wouldn't have it any other way. At least nerds aren't completely full of themselves when it comes to relationships. They listen, learn, and... Well, let's say they're *very* attentive to your needs once they get over being backward." "Eww — Mom." Seeing her parents nude on a regular basis was one thing, but *that* was something entirely different. Her mother giggled. "Well, it's true. I'm just saying that maybe you should consider looking past bad clothes, a bad haircut, and lack of social skills. Those are things you *can* fix in a man. You can't fix stupid, self-centered asshole." The surprise of hearing her mother so casually toss that curse out caught Terra off balance, and she couldn't think of a thing to say. "Just something to think about," her mother said as she moved to the nearly identical Geranium on the other side of the doorway — nurtured from the plant Ella had brought home the same year. "If you need to talk, I'm right here. Any time." "Okay. I'm going to go take a shower." "You could always take a nice long bath in our bathroom if you want," her mother called after her as she headed into the hall. The thought of that was enough to make her take her mother's advice once again. \*\*\*\* Old man Parker looked dubious as Terra explained what she planned to do. He confirmed it when she finished by saying, "I don't know. Don't seem real safe to me." "We're not going to confront them or anything. We'll be able to see anybody coming way before they could see us. We're just going to call the police and come straight back up here," Terra tried to reassure him. "Y'all are bound and determined, ain't ya?" She nodded and scowled. "I'm tired of some jerks ruining it for everyone else." "They're trespassing if they go past the gate. That's all we need to see. We don't actually have to wait for them to get there," Nathan added. "Hmm..." The old man scratched his chin and pursed his lips. "Well, I suppose it's all right. If it was anybody but you, I'd say no. Y'all have always had uncommon good sense." *You might not think that if you knew the jerks I dated,* Terra thought bitterly. "Thanks, Mr. Parker. We'll catch them, and that should scare anybody else off for a while." She then turned to Nathan. "Let's get the stuff out of the car." "Come here for a second, son," Mr. Parker asked. He nodded and told Terra, "Be right there." Terra gathered up her pack and tent, putting them on the roof of the car. She then pulled out Nathan's gear as well, just in time for him to reach the car. She could see that he was blushing. "What?" she asked. "Nothing," he said, and picked up his pack. "What is it? You're as red as a stop sign." He knew her well enough to understand that she was going to get an answer, whether he liked it or not. "Well... Uhm... Mr. Parker was just telling me that... Uhm..." "Spit it out, Nate." He answered under his breath in a rush of words, "He said, *no hanky-panky*." She chuckled, and couldn't believe how good it felt. "Well, he doesn't have to worry about that." "That's what I said," Nathan agreed as he grabbed his tent. "Let's get set up before it gets dark." Both experienced campers, they had their tents up well before the sun sank below the horizon. They'd chosen a spot at the base of the trail that led back up to Mr. Parker's home, which was well-obscured by shrubs and the abundant growth of cattails along the edge of the lake. Despite the full moon, there was little to no chance of anyone seeing them from across the water, but they could see the beach perfectly. Terra sat down in front of her tent. "Now I guess we wait. Have any good campfire stories to tell?" "We don't have a campfire," he said as he sat down as well. He winced and pulled a stick out from under him that he'd somehow missed while clearing the area of debris. Terra leaned over and slapped him on the arm. They both chuckled and she said, "Seriously." "Well, I guess I could tell you about one of our *epic adventures* in the game." Terra shrugged. "Sure. Why not." Nathan cleared his throat and began, "It was an inauspicious beginning, to be sure. Mikhale knew there was something odd about the travelers he and his companions passed on the road just before dusk. The winds spoke of ill omens, and the very grass the men sat upon seemed to reject them." At first, it was all Terra could do to hold back giggles. The archaic language tickled her, and Nathan had taken on a tone that sounded little like him. As the story continued, that changed. She realized that Nathan had sucked her in when she gasped at his description of a sudden attack. The cadence of his voice had an almost hypnotic effect, and he was doing different voices for all the characters. He was painting such a vivid picture with his words that she sat enthralled, hanging on his every word. He finished the story and she shook her head as she slipped out of the trance. "So, wait. You pretty much ended up right back where you started. It was a wild goose chase." Nathan shook with quiet laughter. "Yep. But, hey, we got rid of some bad dudes. The roads are a little safer, and we had some gold in our pockets." "And all you fought were some bandits and monsters. Where do the dragons in *Dungeons and Dragons* come in?" "My rule of thumb if you encounter a dragon is split up, run like hell, and hide in the deepest hole you can find. We treat dragons like truly epic creatures. With most characters, you're either beneath their notice, or you're probably a dragon Lunchable." "God," she sighed, though there was amusement in the sound as well. Nathan laughed and stretched. "I need to go water the bushes. Be right back." He grabbed his flashlight and trekked away from the water. The message tone from her phone sounded, and she picked it up to see the message was from Keith. She hadn't even looked at the first message from earlier in the day yet, and struggled with the decision for a few seconds before tapping the icon to bring it up. The message said, "Are you still mad?" The one that had just arrived said, "Come on. You're not answering me now." She knew she was going to have to deal with it eventually, and frankly, she didn't feel he deserved the dignity of as much as a phone call. Her thumbs flying across the keys, she typed out a reply that said, "Lose my number asshole. Consider yourself kicked to the curb," tossing his own words back into his teeth. Nathan returned and sat down just as she finished typing the message. "You okay?" he asked. "Not really, but don't worry about it," she said as she put her phone down next to her. "Okay," he said, sounding a little hurt by her curt tone. "Sorry, I didn't mean to take it out on you." She sighed. "I understand. Want me to leave you alone for a bit?" "No. I really just want to forget about it." "Guess I could try to think of another good story." A half-hearted smile tugged at the corners of her mouth, but faded just as rapidly when her phone alerted her to another message. Again, she briefly considered ignoring it, but picked her phone up, hoping the message was from someone else. No such luck. It was from Keith. He'd obviously caught her reference, because the message said, "Fucking spying on me? Who needs you anyway, psycho bitch." As soon as she finished reading the message, a loading icon below stopped spinning, and the image appeared. Terra didn't recognize the cum-covered platinum blonde in the picture, but she certainly recognized Keith — or at least his dripping cock. The phone fell from her nerveless fingers to the grass below. She tasted bile, and quickly slapped a hand over her mouth as her stomach churned. "Terra? What's wrong?" Nathan asked, scooting closer and holding out a hand — but not quite touching her. On top of everything else, having that picture ready to send meant that Keith had been cheating on her. Even though she was furious with him, that revelation stabbed into her heart like a knife. Her eyes welled up, and she began to sob. Nathan's hand came to rest softly — tentatively — on her back. "Terra... I..." She didn't even remember leaning into his shoulder when she felt his arms wrap around her. Her tears soaked his shirt sleeve as he held her and whispered words she couldn't hear. On and on it went until her chest hurt and her throat ached. She tried to stop, but the sobs continued to erupt every time she thought she was regaining control. After what felt like hours, she caught her breath, though whimpers still shook her. He still had his arms wrapped around her, holding her close. His hand stroked her hair, and when she glanced up at him, it looked as if he was about to cry himself. "I... I'm s-sorry," she said as she leaned back — but not too far. "It's okay," he said as he reached up and wiped away a tear meandering down her cheek. Their eyes met in the light from the LED lantern, and she realized his were blue. She'd never paid enough attention to notice before that moment. Those deep blue pools drew her in, opening a portal straight to his heart. In the space of a gasped breath, a thousand glances, smiles, and small gestures of kindness over the years coalesced into a truth she'd been too caught up in herself to notice. For the first time, she saw the love in his eyes. "Let me take you home," he offered. "I can come get all this stuff in the morning." It was too many emotional shocks for a lifetime — let alone one night — and she didn't trust herself to answer with more than a nod. \*\*\*\* When Terra awakened the next morning, her sister sat down on the bed before she'd even blinked the sleep out of her eyes, and caught her up in a hug. "What happened?" Drawing in a deep breath, Terra let it out as a shuddering sigh and looked at the bedside table. "Oh no, my phone," she mumbled, dimly remembering dropping it the night before. "Oh, it's over here," Ella said and stood up. "Nathan realized you'd left it and went back for it after he brought you home." She returned to hand over the phone. "He saw those jerks at the lake when he went back. He called the cops and they got busted." "Good," she said as she tapped her phone to bring up the message from Keith — looking away before it opened. She handed the phone back to her sister. "Oh my god. What an asshole. I'm sorry," Ella said when she looked at the phone. "Not as sorry as I am. Please delete that. I don't ever want to see it again." "Done." "Did Nathan say anything?" Ella shook her head. "No. He looked almost as upset as you, though." She then handed the phone back. Terra noticed that her hand was dirty and spotted — probably from her tears. She pulled a lock of disheveled hair to where she could see it and asked, "How awful do I look?" Ella tilted her head to the side, lifted her eyebrows and gave a one-shoulder shrug. "That bad, huh?" "Yeah. Want me to grab you some clothes and run you a bath?" Terra gave a slow nod. "Please." Feeling at least a little better after her bath, Terra walked out into the front room just in time to hear someone pulling up outside. When she looked out the window, she saw Nathan's car and headed out onto the porch. "So, you doing okay?" he asked with a nervous titter in his voice. "As well as I can. Ella said you caught those jerks last night." "Yeah. Word's getting around, too. Don't think anybody will risk partying there for a while." "I hope so." Terra stepped down off the porch and walked up to give him a brief hug. "Thanks for putting up with me last night." As she stepped back, blue and green eyes once more locked together. In the light of day, his eyes were even more brilliant — and even more full of love. Terra drew in a quiet, shuddering gasp as her pulse began to race. No one had *ever* looked at her the way he did. She felt weak in the knees and light-headed. "I... No problem," he said after a few seconds, his eyes never leaving hers. Terra knew she was venturing into unfamiliar territory. But at the same time, there was nobody outside her own family who was more familiar than Nathan. Before she could second-guess herself, she took his hand and said, "Let's go for a walk." Nathan looked down at their clasped hands — his surprise written across his face in bold letters — then smiled and nodded. Terra smiled back and led him toward the trees behind the house. \*\*\*\* The car rolled to a stop at Parker's lake and Nathan asked, "Where is everybody?" It had taken a while, but he finally held her hand easily in his as they sat looking out over the sparkling lake. For the first several days of her trying to coax him out of his shell, he'd looked ready to either bolt or apologize most of the time. Not that she had helped him with that at first. Reeling from the horrible end of her relationship with Keith, she'd sent him mixed signals for weeks. Sometimes, the easy friendship she had with him was comforting and helped her cope. Then he would look into her eyes and she would panic when she saw the deeper emotion there. But every time she withdrew, he would creep into her thoughts. He won her over not by pursuing her, but by being there when she needed him, and never asking for more. The tension eventually reached a tipping point, and she asked him out on a real date, thinking it was the only way she could resolve her feelings, one way or the other. It was at the end of that evening that her uncertainty had evaporated into nothingness — and his began. Terra grinned at him as she thought about it and squeezed his hand. "This *is* everybody. Come on." A gentle breeze caressed them, chasing away the heat of the day as they walked hand-in-hand down to the shore. Terra kicked off her sandals a few feet from the water, and then let go of his hand to pull off the shirt and shorts covering her bikini. Despite her barely-clad body, he only had eyes for her face, and that made her break out in goose bumps. She, on the other hand, couldn't help but admire his body as he pulled off his shirt. He was nothing like the guys she'd always dated, who spent as much time in the gym as anything else, but he had the lean muscle tone of someone who stays active. Feeling her cheeks grow warm, she said, "Come on," and waded into the water, being careful not to slip on the slick bottom. He knew it was coming, as she'd done it every time they'd come down to the lake to enjoy their reward for cleaning it up, but her splash still caught him almost full in the face as he dodged. She laughed and swam away as he returned fire. The sound of splashing, laughter and squeals rang out for a couple of minutes until she once again caught him with a direct hit in the face. She dived beneath the water almost before she had time to form the thought, and popped up right in front of him while he was still sputtering from her splash. She wrapped her arms around him, and shuddered when he did the same. They kissed, and electric chills shot all through her body. When she looked up into his incredible eyes, she asked, "How do you feel about me?" He hesitated for a moment, so she said, "Don't think. Just tell me." "I... I love you, Terra. I think I've always loved you." She leaned into his chest, a whimper escaping her as her heart soared. "I love you too," she said, and knew that truer words had never passed her lips. She pressed those lips to his, and though still tender, their kisses took on new strength as they held each other in the lapping water. Slowly, but surely, she felt something else creeping in with the swelling love in her heart. A sly smile spread on her face, and she pushed with her feet to float out into deeper water. Nathan readied himself, expecting another round of splashing, but she had something else entirely in mind. His eyes shot wide open as she reached behind her to untie her bikini top. He caught it when she threw it at him and stared down at it in stunned surprise while she slipped down her bikini bottom. "Come on," she said as she tossed the bottom to him as well. "What if someone comes out here?" "Ella's out with John, and Dale's at that fundraiser. Nobody else has permission to be out here. Throw them up on the shore and come with me. Yours too." She swam toward the middle of the lake, giving him tantalizing looks at her bare bottom, and then stopped to tread water. His face was beet red, but his shorts were lying next to her bikini on the shore as he swam slowly toward her. She alternated between treading water backwards, then surging ahead with powerful strokes, keeping well ahead of him and his slow breast stroke. When she reached the opposite shore, a broad grin spread across her face. She'd thought to find a good spot when she got there, but she'd swum directly to the perfect place — almost as if it had called to her. Terra climbed out onto the soft carpet of grass and turned to see Nathan barely treading water as he marveled at the sight of her nude body. As much as she liked making eye contact with him when they talked, his reaction was *exactly* what she'd hoped for at this particular moment. She knelt down in the grass, and a few locks of dripping hair fell to obscure one eye as she smiled and fixed him with an unmistakable *come hither* stare. One thing had worried her over the past weeks as she recognized common interests she'd never really paid attention to before and discovered new ones with him. Some cynical part of her had whispered in the back of her head that someone so perfect for her had to have a flaw somewhere. One place that flaw could possibly lie had always been hidden, even in his swim trunks. When he finally worked up the nerve to climb out of the water, that worry flittered away in an instant. She took his hand as soon as he walked within reach and tugged so he would sit down beside her. His eyes kept darting toward the far shore, so she cupped his chin in her hand and distracted him with a kiss. She couldn't help giggling when she wrapped her hand around his half-hard member and he gasped. He swelled rapidly in her hand as she stroked his cock. Thinking he would hesitate, she took the initiative and lifted his left hand to her breast. When he gave it a gentle squeeze and brushed the erect nipple with his thumb, she let out a long moan. His eyes were filled with wonder when he lifted them back to hers and whispered, "You're so beautiful." Terra whimpered — his words and the emotion behind them making her soul sing — then braced a hand behind her and slowly reclined, once again beckoning him with her eyes. When he placed a hand on the ground and leaned toward her, she first guided him to her lips. Though she could feel the desire in his kiss, it was just as sweet as every other they'd shared. Aching to be touched, she cupped her left breast and glanced down at it before using the hand tousling his hair to further indicate her desire. Her back arched up from the grass when he kissed the swell of her breast, and both of her hands came into play to center his lips over the turgid point. A second kiss directly over her nipple drew a quiet whimper from her. It was quickly followed by a moan when he sucked it between his lips. "Oh yes. Just like that," she encouraged him. The way he suckled her with the softest of pressure soon had her wriggling and moaning from his efforts. It took only a tug from her hand on the back of his head to cause him to move to her nipple's twin, which he worshiped with the same loving touch. Stretching out her fingers, she found his hardness and caressed it, making the fires of her need surge higher. "Make love to me," she whispered as his lips moved back to her left breast again. He released her nipple with apparent reluctance, planting a final kiss over it before looking up into her eyes. There was a touch of shame mingled with the desire in those blue orbs when he said, "Terra... I... Uhm..." "Shh," she said, pressing her finger to his lips while smiling at him. She knew as surely as if he'd managed to voice it why he was concerned. If he wasn't a virgin, she knew he couldn't have much experience. He spent enough time at the house for her to have known about any girlfriends. He responded to the guidance of her hands, moving between her legs as she parted them. He drank in the sight of her and sucked in a deep breath when she ran her fingers over her baby-smooth nether lips — yet another gift of her dryad blood. She never had to worry about an unwanted hair sprouting anywhere on her body, because none grew anywhere below her long eyelashes. Terra smiled as she propped up on one elbow, drawing his gaze back to hers, and curled her fingers around his erection. He shuddered as she pressed it against her nether lips. Then she gave a tug. His groan was deep as he slid into her, while hers was higher pitched, but no less filled with surprised delight. When the curly hairs at the base of his shaft settled against her, she moaned deep in her throat and closed her eyes. He fit her as if made for her — like two pieces of a puzzle finally joined. He leaned over her, and she wrapped both her arms and legs around him, holding him deep inside her. "Terra," he breathed, "Oh my god." "Mmm — you feel so good. Make love to me." When she relaxed the grip of her legs, his hips rose up, sliding about half his length out of her satiny embrace. When he penetrated her again, her eyes shot wide open and she gasped. The position he was in caused his shaft to slide in just the right place to send the most delightful, minuscule vibrations to her clit. On the next rock of his hips, she felt it again and voiced the blissful sensation as an *oh* that carried hints of laughter. He groaned each time his cock slid into her depths, following the rhythm she set with her legs resting on his lower back. Her hands roamed over his skin and through his hair, her own sounds of pleasure bubbling up ever more frequently with each stroke. There was nothing hurried in their coupling. Their bodies undulated as one on the bed of grass. Though the summer sun shone down bright and strong upon them, the breeze cooled them, blowing across the glistening sheen of sweat rising on their skin. Rustling leaves and lapping water mingled with their soft sounds of passion as she felt a tingling come to life in her depths. "Oh yes. Oh yes. Oh yes," she whimpered — moaning every time he filled her so wonderfully, perfectly full. The pressure was building inside her — both warm and somehow shot through with chilly pinpoints as well. "Oh, Terra," he groaned, the sound tight with strain. "Don't stop. Just like that. Just like that," she pleaded as she climbed toward a peak. She'd planned to wriggle a hand between their bodies to the center of her pleasure, but it was proving unnecessary. She was on the cusp of release, and the sound of his voice suggested that he was close as well. Nathan's breath was hot against her rapidly rising and falling breasts. Her heart pounded in her chest. Higher and higher she soared, until a quavering cry signaled her tumble into sweet oblivion. A chorus of birds somewhere overhead burst into song, seemingly sharing her joyful release. He froze in place with his manhood buried deep inside her. Her walls, arms, and legs gripped him tight. She trembled, whimpered, and moaned as the orgasm went on and on, spurred by the throbbing of his cock inside her. She held him close as her climax settled down into aftershocks, and then finally released him so he could straighten his arms and look down on her as she panted for breath. "Did you..?" he asked after a few moments. She let out a giggle that transformed into a sharp moan when another ripple of beautiful agony shot through her. "Mmm hmm." As she finished moaning her answer, she realized his cock was still rock-hard inside her. "Y-you didn't come?" she asked in surprise. He shook his head. "Almost. Way too close." "I want you to." After a couple of puzzled blinks, he said, "But, I don't have a condom on." Terra grinned at him and shivered — her toes curling. "You don't have to worry about that. I'm not going to get pregnant." She let him assume that she was on birth control, though the truth of the matter was that one of the quirks of her family was that they were only fertile on Earth Day. She beckoned him with a crooked finger and puckered lips, and he responded accordingly. Her lips were still brushing his when she whispered, "I want you to come for me." Though she kept her arms wrapped around him, she left his hips unrestrained this time. Still not completely recovered from her orgasm, she let out a squeal when his buried cock slid from her depths, triggering a powerful aftershock. Then she gasped as he sank into her again. For a few strokes, he maintained the slow pace she'd set for him previously, though he pulled back farther. She could feel his breaths quickening as she caressed his back, and the pace of his hips followed. She gasped again as the first of those quicker, stronger thrusts drove his cock into her depths. Her breasts began to quiver, and the lingering effects of her orgasm intensified, spiking every time their bodies clapped together. Growls crept in with his grunts of exertion, and she could tell he was losing control. "Come for me," she told him in a high-pitched whisper. After a couple of fast strokes, a broken groan rumbled in his throat as he fulfilled her wish. "Yes. Oh yes," she moaned as she felt him pulsing in her depths and trembling in her arms. He grunted with each ejaculation — flooding her with his cream. When the final surge joined the pool in her depths, his strength went with it. Terra ran her fingers through his hair as his forehead came to rest on her chest, just below her breasts. She giggled when an involuntary contraction of her walls caused him to emit a shocked, falsetto cry. He gasped for breath, but still managed to mutter, "Oh god, Terra. In... Incredible." "Do you need to move?" she asked. "I..." He groaned. "It's okay," she said, and then gave him a pat on the back. He stiffened and let out several explosive breaths as his cock slipped from her warm embrace to rest against her thigh. Then he rolled over heavily onto his back. She wasted no time snuggling up next to him. Their eyes met, and they both laughed, though his was slow and weak. Looking at his awestruck expression, she had to know. "Was that your first time?" His already flushed cheeks darkened and he nodded. "Was it okay?" "It was wonderful. *You're* wonderful," she answered. It was the first time she'd ever had an orgasm without direct attention to her bud. She took it as one more sign that she'd wasted far too much time searching for her other half, when it had always been right there in Nathan, patiently waiting for her to realize it. She moaned as she thought that it could only get better with practice. He wrapped an arm around her, and she scooted up for a kiss. As soon as their lips parted, he said, "I love you. It's like a dream being with you." A joyful whimper on her lips, she kissed him again. "I love you too." She could barely remember the last time she hadn't been the one to initiate that exchange with someone. "Think I lied to Mr. Parker, though." Terra laughed, remembering the old man's admonition that there be no *hanky-panky*. "What he doesn't know won't hurt him." Lying next to him in contented afterglow, one thing did creep in to try to steal the sweetness of the moment. It was a fear that had assailed her with each and every relationship she'd ever been in — her family's secret. Eventually, if they were going to truly build a life together, she would have to reveal that, and the thought frightened her beyond imagining. "Are you okay?" he asked, snapping her from the darker turn of her thoughts. He always seemed to know the moment she was the slightest bit discontent. "Mmm hmm." She found it easy to smile at him when he reached over to caress her cheek. As he touched her and fixed her with a loving gaze, she remembered him with the squirrels. That memory made her consider that perhaps he would be more accepting of her family than she was giving him credit for. Her worries soon vanished as she basked in that comforting thought and his embrace. \*\*\*\* Peeking out from the trees not far away, Xantina smiled. Her magic grew stronger as another of her daughters found the one to complete her, allowing the dryad to journey farther from her tree and crystal-clear pool to this place. Xantina needed none of her newfound strength to see into Nathan's heart. She knew her great-granddaughter had nothing to fear. When Terra found the courage to reveal her secret, she was in for a joyful surprise. Often caught up in his fantasy world, Nathan had long dreamed of reality having the magic that stirred his imagination. Finding out that it *was* real was only going to draw him even closer to her. The baby rabbit in her hands and the two squirrels sitting on her shoulders knew it as well. They were rather proud of themselves for playing a small part in making Terra realize it. The birds gathered in the boughs above once again burst out into song, joining Xantina and the rest of nature in welcoming to the family yet another *Friend of the Wood*. \*\*\*\* *Hope you've enjoyed this tale of magic and fairytale romance. Apologies to those who follow me for missing Earth Day... Again. I'll endeavor to start earlier next year, but it's up to the characters to tell me their story, and sometimes they feel like waiting. If you enjoyed this one, you might want to venture back in time by reading earlier stories in this series. Each story follows a new set of characters in a timeline that is mostly generational, which is as follows: Steward of the Wood, Daughter of the Wood, Forever of the Wood, Secret of the Wood, Kindred of the Wood, Heart of the Wood, and Beauty of the Wood. You can learn how Terra's parents met in "Secret" for example. And yes, I know that they should be flying around in solar-powered Jetson cars by now \*laugh\* Hope you can add that to your suspension of disbelief along with dryads existing ;) Please do take a moment to cast your vote. Your votes and feedback via comments, favorites, and emails are what keep me ( and most of the free authors on the site ) coming back for more. In this case, they also determine the winner of the contest. On that note, only vote once. 1 story, 1 vote. Play fair, and don't down-vote others to try to "help" a favorite either.*
Title: Hot Wives Investment Club Ch. 02 Tags: hot wife, big cock, police drama, crime drama, mystery *The chronological order of my stories is as follows: Todd & Melina series, Interludes 1-5, Sperm Wars series, Russian Roulette series, Case of the Murdered Lovers series, Case of the Murdered Chessplayer series, The Swap series, Interludes 6-10, The Murdered Football Player Series, Case of the Black Widow series, Teresa's Christmas Story, The Case of the Black Badge series, A Case of Revenge series, Trilogy Series, Dark Side Of The Force series, Caught In The Act series, Case of the Murdered Bride series, The Credit Card Caper series. The Hot Wives Investment Club, Ch. 1-2. Feedback and* constructive *criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas. This story contains graphic scenes, extreme language, and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial or racist language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of these in this story should not be construed as acceptance of the above.* \*\*\*\*\* **Part 4 - The Crime Scene** I arrived at the River Valley Country Club at 9:15pm, Oct. 30th. Sr. Patrolman Rudistan stopped me at the entrance to the parking lot. "Can I see your badge, young officer?" Rudistan said jovially. I knew he was kidding, but I showed him my badge anyway. "Sure, Sergeant Rudistan." I teased back, knowing (but he not knowing yet) that he was going to be promoted to Sergeant on November 1st. "Okay, Rudistan, you can let residents of the subdivision in so they can get to their homes, but no one goes out, and the Press does not come in at all, clear?" "Roger that, sir." Rudistan said. "We've already got it covered." I drove on, confident that Rudistan indeed had the traffic situation under control. There were already four police cruisers and an ambulance in the parking lot, all with lights flashing. I got on my radio and ordered that someone come out and turn off all the 'blinkenlights'. Not like they'd bring the dead back to life, and they only served to get the Media's attention. Patrolman Hicks came outside quickly and resolved the situation to my satisfaction. I went through the front entrance, which was two large, heavy doors with a really nice glass inlay. The meeting room was immediately to the left, and entering those double doors (more normal sized, and solid wood), I found myself in the back of the room, looking forward towards the speaker's table up front. I saw a side table with desserts on the right. Against the far back wall were two sets of double doors, with the projector screen between them on the wall. Those doors led to passageways that led to closets, a/v equipment and cleaning equipment rooms, those rooms being behind the wall covered by the projection screen. Those passageways led to a back hallway that had a door to the outside and the covered parking deck... where Anthony Warner had met his fate months before. The passageway went on around to offices and a hallway that led back to the main areas of the Club. As I entered, I saw a number of women, some sitting, some sobbing, some being interviewed by officers. When they noticed my presence, the room suddenly became quiet. "Commander, they're waiting for you in the back room." said Lt. Cindy Ross, coming up to me. But I didn't move immediately. "Ladies," I called out, so that all could hear my voice, "I know you have had a shock tonight, and I appreciate your patience and staying here to help us out. I hope we'll be able to let you go home shortly. I also appreciate your cooperation in allowing the police to look into your handbags." Police had been doing so, searching for the murder weapon, and I'd already received a phone call from Cindy about their complaints. I'd told Cindy to tell them that if they protested, we would get warrants... and they and their handbags could wait at Headquarters for those warrants. No, I didn't say they'd be arrested, but the inference was enough that they were cooperating, and so far, no one had given any back talk. "What was that about?" Cindy asked as we went through the door to the kitchenette. "Some of the wealthiest and most powerful wives in the County are in there." I said. "I definitely want to get on their good side to the extent I'm able." "Oh." Cindy said. "I thought you were flirting with some of them. They way most of them looked at you, they'll be flirting with you as soon as they get a chance." "Maybe." I said. "The perks and curses of Command. Okay, J.R., whaddya got?" I asked the youngish Crime Lab leader. He and the Crime Lab were dressed in Tyvex suits. Because of the contracts we had with other counties, we were able to afford the Tyvex suits so that our people didn't contaminate the crime scene. It was the Crime Lab leaders' call if they should wear the Tyvex or not. This scene definitely warranted it. To the right of the main meeting room, to the speaker's left, was a door that led to a kitchenette area. Inside that area, I saw that to the right was a door that led to a service entrance for waitstaff, in front of me was the kitchen sink and counter, and to the left were the two doors to the two unisex restrooms, each meant to service one person at a time. Halfway through the right side bathroom doorway was the deceased, lying as she had fallen. There was a pool of blood on the bathroom floor, and some on the tile of the kitchenette area from her throat wound. Inside the bathroom, the toilet was on the right and the sink on the left. There was a small trashcan under the sink. Not only was there blood on the floor, but it had sprayed all over the back and left wall of the bathroom, some to nearly the ceiling. "Throat slit." said J.R. Barnes. "Hand over her mouth, slice across the throat with what looks like a very sharp knife, maybe a heavy one like a sendoku knife. But here's the thing, Commander: she didn't die immediately. She was dropped, but she managed to crawl to the door, tried to raise her hand to open the door, then expired and sank down, leaning against the door. When the door was opened, she fell out." J.R. had pointed to various blood smears on the door and marks in the blood on the floor as he told the story. "Oh, but this is interesting." I said. "She was facing to the left when she was attacked. Now if she were standing at the sink, wouldn't she turn to the right to see who was coming in? And if she were standing near the potty, she'd again likely be turned to the right by her attacker coming up behind and grabbing her." "Yes sir." J.R. said. "You're correct, though maybe in grabbing her, the assailant spun her around." "That's a thought." I said. "So our assailant must be fairly strong, as he or she did not totally surprise the victim. So, who was it that met her unfortunate end here?" I asked, though I recognized the woman. "Trish Donolan." said Detective Diana Torres, who had been looking around the kitchenette while her partner Martin Nash interviewed women in the main room. "Forty-six years old, married to Donovan Donolan, who goes by 'Mr. Donolan', but his apparently few friends call him 'Donovan'-" "Is that an assumption, or do you have data, Miss Torres?" I asked. "Data, sir." said Torres, grinning. "I wouldn't risk the Wrath of either of you Iron Crowbars by speculating." "Smart Detective, you are." I said, grinning back. "Sorry I interrupted. You were saying?" "Yes sir," said Torres, "he's the CEO of BigPharmaCorp. And I'm sure you remember from the recent Murdered Bride case that she was a Lightsource Industries employee." "Yes." I said. "Do you remember exactly what capacity she was in with Lightsource?" "Sorry, sir, I'm not prepared on that." said Diana. "Neither am I, but that's okay: we'll refresh our memories on that soon enough." I admitted. "So, who called it in?" "Geez, sir," said Torres, "our phones lit up like Christmas trees. The 9-1-1 system got eight calls about it, our Duty Desk got four, and Lieutenant Croyle got two." "Croyle?" I asked, surprised. "From who?" "I'm not sure, sir." replied Torres. "She just called Lieutenant Ross, who told me that when she told me to get over here." "I see." I said. "Okay, J.R., what else have you found on the body?" "Not much." J.R. said. "We took fingernail scrapings, and we're processing the scene for prints and stuff." "Was anything of interest found in any of the ladies' purses?" I asked, looking around at the ceiling and cabinets of the kitchenette. "I don't suppose we'd be lucky enough that the murderer just stuck the murder weapon into someone's purse? "No sir." said Torres. "No weapons, except a few handguns, and their owners have carry permits. We've confiscated them for now." "Be damn sure to give them their weapons back when we let them leave." I said. 
"Sir, are you sure?" Torres asked. I wheeled on her, harder than I meant to. "Detective," I said, "this victim was not shot, unless J.R. changes his story in there. We have no reason to keep their weapons at this time. Make sure to give them back when they leave." "Yes sir." Torres said, looking disappointed. I knew that there was a big debate nationally, not only about gun rights, but about confiscation of them by police at scenes like this. I, for one, did not want to deprive law-abiding citizens of their lawfully carried weapons, but I knew that others in my own Force and elsewhere were of a decidedly different attitude. "J.R., has anyone searched above the ceiling tiles, especially in the bathroom?" I asked. It was a hanging ceiling with tiles and fluorescent lights. "Not yet, sir." said J.R. "We'll be doing that after the body is removed." "All right." I said. "I'll leave you guys to it. Let me know if you find anything spectacularly interesting." "Commander," J.R. replied, "I always find *everything* about a crime scene 'spectacularly interesting'." "I can't debate that." I said, smiling, as I walked back into the main room. Cindy Ross came up to me. "We've interviewed nearly everyone." she said. "The stories are the same: they were having a meeting, they went on break, came back, Donolan wasn't there, one of them went to look for her, found her in the bathroom dead, screamed, they all rushed in, saw the body, screamed themselves. We've also interviewed all of the Club employees, who are all still here." "Is there anyone that stands out that I need to talk to?" I asked. Cindy had this look like 'we can do this', but I knew that I was a Commander partly because I knew how to interview suspects and watch their faces in ways the other Detectives didn't, so sorry. "No sir." Cindy replied. "All right," I said, "But I do want to talk to two people: the person that found the body, and Mrs. Myrtle L. James. She's a University Trustee, so I want you to meet her. Let's go." I walked over to the speaker's table up front, behind which Myrtle L. James was still seated. "Mrs. James," I said. "I'm sorry to trouble you, but I need to ask you a couple of questions." "Why hello, Commander." said Myrtle James. "I haven't seen you since your recent promotion. Congratulations. And I am so happy to hear that your wife has recovered so well from her surgery." "Thank you, ma'am." I said. "May I present my partner, Lieutenant Cindy Ross." "Oh... the Medal of Valor recipient?" Myrtle L. James replied, her eyes lighting up. "It's such an honor to meet you, Lieutenant, such an honor!" the old woman gushed as she stood up, took Cindy's hand in hers, and vigorously shook it. "Thank you, ma'am," Cindy said, blushing modestly as she always did at such praise. "I'm sorry we're meeting under such difficult circumstances." "Yes, so very sad." Mrs. James said as she sat back down. "Now what can I help you with?" I pulled up a chair and sat down next to the University Trustee. "Can you tell us what happened in the moments leading up to finding Mrs. Donolan?" "Yes." said Myrtle L. James, and I knew that of all the attendees, her mind would be the sharpest and most observant. "We started our meeting, we began a debate of which of two stocks to buy. It got a bit... exciting for a few minutes." "What do you mean by that, ma'am?" I asked. "Sometimes arguments happen." Mrs. James said. "Tonight we had a pretty strong one." "On a scale of 1 to 10, how strong was this one?" I asked. "Oh, about a '7'." she said. "We've had worse." "Did it get personal?" I asked. "Oh no, nothing like that. It never gets personal, as long as I'm moderating the debate, anyway. What's said in private beyond my hearing, I couldn't tell you." "So what happened next?" I asked. "At 8:30 I called for a break in the discussion." Myrtle said. "People were milling about, getting some dessert and coffee from the side table, talking in groups, using the restroom and so forth. At 8:45 I called the meeting back to order and everyone came back in... except Trish. After a moment, someone... Catherine, I believe... yes, it was Catherine, she was putting her handbag down when I asked where Trish was, and she said she'd go check and see if Trish was still in the bathroom..." "I see." I said. "Mrs. James, let me ask some background information, if I may. How does your club choose what stocks to buy?" "We have to agree by a two-thirds vote of the members present. With sixteen members, that means we need eleven votes." "And if there were only 15 present?" I asked. "Then we'd need 10, as it's based on the persons present." she said. "But I cannot remember having less than the full 16 at every meeting for at least a year." "So how do these disputes get resolved?" I asked. "Usually ladies give their presentations on what they think we should buy." Mrs. James said. "Usually we pick out one or two among the selections that everyone agrees pretty well on, and it's an easy vote. On some occasions, like tonight, we had a stronger argument between two stocks, Apple and Netflix. Usually when it's that evenly divided, someone suggests buying a half-position of both, but tonight... in fact, it was Trish that was very adamant about not buying Apple. She shot down the idea of buying both... in fact, she seemed more *against* buying Apple than *for* buying Netflix, if I remember the way she was talking." "Any reason for her taking that attitude? Of not buying both, of being against Apple?" I asked, out of simple curiosity. "No, no reason that I know of." said Mrs. James. "She didn't say during the public debate, and I didn't get a chance to talk with her during the break." "I see." I said. "Okay, ma'am, can you tell me how the membership of the Club works?" "Yes, but let me start at the beginning." said Mrs. James. "We began about six years ago, with twelve women each contributing five thousand dollars. Within the next six months or so, eight more women came in, contributing $5000. At that time, we realized that 20 was too many, but we didn't expel anyone. We made ourselves into an LLC and a Trust, and distributed 16,000 shares evenly. One woman, Mrs. Bonniker, passed away. Her family was paid out the cash value of her shares, and the shares distributed to the rest of us." Mrs. James continued: "We then had three other ladies leave over the next couple of years, and we paid them out and distributed the shares until we had sixteen women with 1000 shares each. That number seemed to work well, so we set our membership limit at sixteen." "Have others wished to join your group?" I asked. "You've done very well, from what I've heard." "Yes, we have a waiting list." said Mrs. James. "And the value of the fund is about $2.5 million now." I noted Cindy's look of shock and worked hard to hide my own surprise as I said "So for someone to buy in, they'd have to come up with nearly $160,000, wouldn't they?" "No, Commander, not quite." said Myrtle. "They *could* do that, or they could pay $10,000 and their shares would only be worth a pro-rated amount. Over time, their re-investments can be used to pay to increase their shares to full par with everyone else's. It's pretty complicated, and we have a lawyer and CPA do all of that for us. We've only had two women leave since we incorporated. Well, one of them died... Mrs. Bailey." "Margo Bailey?" I asked, surprise in my voice. I remembered how, a year and a half before, Margo had been taken to the Hospital E.R., and had subsequently died of a drug overdose. (*Author's note: Please review 'Case of the Murdered Chessplayer, Ch. 03-04, for the Margo Bailey death.*) "Yes, that was her." said Myrtle James. "She was the closest we ever came to expelling a member. She had serious drug problems, but she got clean... for a while." "Yes, I remember her death." I said. "I hate to have to ask this so shortly after Mrs. Donolan's death, but I really must: what will happen to Mrs. Donolan's shares?" I asked. "I understand. Her heirs will be paid their fair value." said Mrs. James. "We'll have to have a CPA determine that amount within a couple of weeks. Then the first person on our waiting list will be offered the chance to buy the 1000 shares from the Club." "Do you know who that person is?" I asked. "No, I'd have to have our lawyer look that up. Mrs. Olivet- I'm sorry, Mrs. Burke, of that Women's Law Firm, is our agent. She handles all of that and doesn't tell us, to keep things fair. Only she and her two partners know." "Thank you very much, Mrs. James." I said. "And I'm sorry for your Club's loss. Now who found the- er, Mrs. Donolan?" "That would be Cat- oh, that's her nickname. Catherine Clausen is her name. She's Trish's best friend. She's right back there." I saw the woman to whom Myrtle L. James was pointing, and I excused myself, listening to Myrtle tell Cindy that she so hoped to get to talk to the younger woman, if only Cindy would come to a Ladies Auxiliary meeting. To my happiness, and my surprise, I heard Cindy promise to come to the next meeting. "Oh, Cindy, while I'm talking to this witness," I said, "would you call Paulina for a warrant to get all the video footage from the Country Club and the area, then secure it-" I broke off. "I'll call Jenna; she's waiting up for me as it is." Cindy said. "Er... Don? You all right?" I exhaled. "Yeah... yeah." I said, trying to recover my emotions. "I... I was just remembering when Anthony Warner was killed outside, and... and Pete Feeley had secured all that video before I even asked..." Cindy patted me on the back of my shoulder, understanding. "I'll get right on it." she said as she dialed her cellphone. "Oh," I said, "while you're at it for warrants, ask for these also." I told Cindy what I needed to do, what I was looking for, and why. I went to the chairs in the back row and introduced myself to Catherine 'Cat' Clausen. She had black hair, curly, was short and somewhat voluptuous, but very pretty. But her nickname was 'Cat' because it was said she and Trish were friends, partied together, and were known to be a mean pair of bitches at times... the 'cat claws' would come out. "Mrs. Clausen," I said, "I understand you found Mrs. Donolan?" "Call me Catherine, or 'Cat', please." she replied, her eyes looking at me invitingly as she spoke. "And yes... yes, I found her." "Tell me what happened?" "We took a break from our meeting. Trish and I were talking in the kitchenette with Carol Carlington about the debate over which shares to buy. Carol wanted to buy AAPL, which Trish had opposed-" "Let me interrupt you with a question, if I may." I said. "Was Trish normally this... defensive in her arguments? By that, I mean did she normally argue strongly and uncompromisingly?" "She usually was set once she decided what she wanted to see happen." said Cat. "But tonight I'd have to say she was really determined to not buy the AAPL stock." "Do you know why? And do you know why she didn't want to go along with the compromise to buy some of both?" I asked. If Cat was surprised that I knew that much already, she didn't show it. "No sir." she said, her eyes giving pointed looks at my crotch then back to my eyes. "She never said to me." "Did she and Carol Carlington argue about it?" "No," said Cat, "in fact, Carol seemed to have been persuaded by Trish." "Thank you." I said. "So you were saying, about finding Mrs. Donolan's body?" "Oh!- yes..." said Cat. "When the meeting was called back into session, Trish didn't come back into the room. I went to see if she was in the restroom and if she was all right..." Cat burst into tears despite efforts to hold them back. "I understand." I said. "How close to the body did you get?" "Not close." Cat said. "I opened the bathroom door, she fell out and I jumped back in shock." "I see." I said. "So you didn't go into the bathroom, or step in any blood, did you?" "Not... not that I know of." said Cat. "And I didn't go into the bathroom; Trish was blocking it when she fell out." "Just one more question: how was Trish feeling during this evening? Did she seem to be all right? Did she seem worried or distracted by anything?" "Oh, no." said Cat. "She seemed fine. Certainly nothing different than I've ever seen." "Thank you, Mrs. Clausen." I said. As I got up, I accidentally kicked Cat's handbag, a very large black leather bag, on the floor. "Oh I'm sorry, is that your handbag I just kicked, Mrs. Clausen?" "Oh yes, that's mine." Cat said. "That's all right, it's almost empty. Your officers searched it already." "Thank you for your cooperation with that." I said. Just then, Cindy came up. "Commander, a lot of the women's husbands are trying to come in. Rudistan has them outside the gate, and they're getting angry." "Thanks, Lieutenant." I said. "Go back outside and tell them their wives will be out shortly. Make sure they know you're a Police Lieutenant. Use your blue crowbar if needed. Don't let them give you any shit, no matter who they are." "One other thing." Cindy said. "J.R. asked earlier if we need to search the women's cars before they leave. I asked Jenna to get a warrant to cover that when I called her." "Yep, do that before letting the cars leave the premises." I replied. "By the way, get a patrol officer to find Carol Carlington and bring her to me. Thanks, Cindy." "She's up there talking to Detective Torres." Cindy replied, pointing to the blonde woman standing with Torres near the dessert table. I nodded and Cindy stalked off. I went up to Carol Carlington. "Mrs. Carlington, I'm Commander Troy." I said. "May I ask you a couple of questions?" "Certainly Commander." said Carol, looking me up and down, her eyes going to my crotch a couple of times. "I understand that you were talking with Trish Donolan and Cat Clausen during the break?" "Yes, we were." said Carol. "Trish was explaining why she didn't want to invest in Apple stock. She had a couple of good points, so I let her think she'd won the debate." "How long did you talk with her?" "Maybe five minutes." Carol said. "I came back inside here and got some dessert." "Did you see anyone else talking to Trish?" I asked." "No, not after I left her and Cat talking together." "And it was Cat who went to look for Trish after the break?" "Yes." said Carol. "Cat was still standing, putting her handbag aside when Mrs. James asked where Trish was. Cat said she'd go look for her and went back into the break room. Then we all heard her scream." "I see." I said. "Thank you, Mrs. Carlington. Here's my card if you think of something else that might be helpful." "Mmm, can I call you even if I don't think of anything helpful?" Carol said, openly seductive in her speech and look at me. "I wouldn't want either of our spouses coming after us with shotguns." I said, grinning. "Okay, I need to let you all know you can leave." I stood up on a chair and spoke loudly. "Ladies, I appreciate your patience." I called out. "Unless you're being interviewed, you can go ahead and leave, but you cannot leave in your cars until they are searched. We are getting a search warrant to do that. In the meantime, please leave a number where we can reach you with one of our officers. Thank you, ladies." The women made their way out, and within moments only police remained in the room. Just then, J.R. Barnes came rushing up to me. "Commander, we have something you should see." We went to the bathroom area. Trish Donolan's body had been moved and was being prepared for its journey to the morgue. J.R. had me stand at the bathroom door while he tip-toed inside. "Look here, sir," J.R. said, pointing to the toilet's water tank. He shined a blacklight onto the top. All I saw were faint horizontal streaks glowing purple. "Sir, someone wiped down this toilet top." J.R. said. "This is a fresh wipedown, some of the chemicals have not yet evaporated. It's the only place in the bathroom that was so recently cleaned. What it means is that someone stood up here, then wiped it off to destroy any evidence." "You absolutely *must* search above that hanging ceiling, J.R." I said. "And the sooner the better." "Yes sir." said Barnes. \---- Almost two hours later, all of the women's cars had been searched, as had the space above the hanging ceiling above the bathroom and kitchenette. No murder weapon had been found. "Okay, guys." I said. "Wrap it up. I'd appreciate it if you get your reports into the computers before you go home, so that I can spend the night reading them." Just then Diana Torres came into the room. "Commander, a man is outside wanting to come in. He says he's Mr. Donolan, Mrs. Donolan's husband." "Thank you, Detective." I said. I accompanied her outside, seeing Sr. Patrolman Morton accompanying a handsome man in his early 50s up the driveway of the Country Club. The man had black hair just showing gray, and a body that was fit but beginning to show the advance of age, and perhaps a bit of good living. "Mr. Donolan," I said, "I'm Commander Donald Troy of the TCPD." "I..." said Donolan, "I heard... I got a phone call that my wife had been killed." "Yes sir, Mr. Donolan." I said, knowing the only way to do this was be direct. "I'm sorry for your loss, sir." "Oh my God!" Donolan said, his eyes looking towards the building. "Trish!" He was about to run to the building, but I got in his way. "I'm sorry, sir, there's nothing you can do for her." I said. "Can I see her?" Donolan asked, his voice beginning to show the edges of raggedness. "No sir, not at this moment." I said. "And I wouldn't want you to have what's in there as a last memory of her. What I would like is for you to go with Patrolman Morton here to the Police Station, and I'll be there to talk with you as soon as I can. If you'd like us to call one of our Chaplains or your own minister, we'll be glad to." "Thank you." said Donolan, his voice drifting. "Oh my God..." He allowed Morton to accompany him to a police cruiser, which would transport him to Headquarters. "Ross, Torres," I said, "I'm heading back to the Station. "Let me know if you find anything of interest, such as the murder weapon." I knew that they wouldn't find the weapon in the meeting room or breakroom area; it had evaded my own quick but thorough search. Perhaps it'd be found elsewhere in the Clubhouse or on the grounds. As I left, I noticed the Press vans being kept outside. Both KXTC and KSTD had representation at the scene. I thought about giving just one of them an interview to piss off the other, but decided I needed to get serious about the case and leave the games to later. I drove on. **Part 5 - The Long Night** On the way back to Headquarters, I called Chief Griswold and informed him of what had happened. This was mainly in case the Press tried to call him at home for a statement, and he wouldn't be ambushed. I take care of my people, and I make damn sure not to let my boss get bushwhacked by the Media. However, it was me who was surprised when I got to Headquarters... and found that the Chief was already in Interrogation-A with Mr. Donolan and his lawyer. "Come on in here, Crowbar." said Chief Griswold when I peeked my head in the door. "I haven't asked Mr. Donolan any questions of consequence yet." "Yes sir, Chief." I said, coming in and sitting down at the table next to the Chief. When he made no move to get up, I began to understand why he was sitting in on this one: we were dealing with possibly the most powerful man in the County except for Henry R. Wargrave, and the Chief wanted to make sure he would be the one to take any 'bullets' in the event of any fallout, instead of subjecting me to a 'trial by fire'. I realized that I had a *long* way to go to equal the leadership of this man as I prepared to take over for him upon his retirement. "Okay," I started, "first, Mr. Donolan, I'm going to have to absolutely keep this one colored between the lines. I am going to read you your rights." I did so from the card I kept in my wallet. Donolan's lawyer whispered something to him after I asked Donolan if he understood the rights he was being read. "Why are you reading me my rights?" Donolan asked. "Am I a suspect here?" "Mr. Donolan," I said, "I'm sorry for your loss this evening, but as you are the husband of the deceased, you automatically become a person of interest to us." "It's entirely routine, Mr. Donolan," said Chief Griswold, "as bad as it sounds. We're trying to get at the truth, but we have an obligation to protect your rights... as well as those of Mrs. Donolan to receive Justice for the crime committed against her." "I'd like to talk to my lawyer for a minute." Donolan said. At that, the Chief and I got up and went into the anteroom. "So, Chief," I added in a teasing way, "getting in some last minute interrogations before you interrogate the fish in Reservoir Lake during your retirement?" "Might as well." said the Chief affably, then turning somber: "Seriously, Crowbar, this is a big one, politically. Those women in that Club are the wives of the Power Players in this Town, or else they're power players themselves, like Myrtle L. James. No offense to you, but I'm not retired yet so it's my place to make sure nobody tries to dump shit on you or your Detectives as you solve this thing." "I appreciate it, Chief." I said. Just then, Donolan's lawyer knocked on the one-way glass. We re-entered the Interrogation Room. "I am advising my client," said the lawyer, "to cooperate with your investigation and your questions. However, he reserves his right to invoke his Fifth Amendment right to silence at any time he chooses." "Fair enough." I said. "Mr. Donolan, I must first ask where you were from 8:30 to 8:45 tonight." Donolan replied "I was being driven home right about then. I'd just left the Board meeting at BigPharmaCorp." "You have a company car?" I asked. "Yes, the Company officers have Cadillac Escalades that have some enhanced security protections." said Donolan. "We took that precaution after the Crown Chemical riots some years ago... we never knew if what happened to them might happen to us one day, and we'd be attacked by Environmentalist Terrorists. Say, you don't think..." "What?" I asked. "That environmentalists murdered my wife?" Donolan asked. "Sir," I said, "I have absolutely no data or leads yet on who might have killed your wife. I'll keep your idea in mind. Meanwhile, is your vehicle the one that is in the Police Headquarters parking lot right now?" "Yes." "Would you object to me having a couple of my technicians download your GPS information from that car?" The lawyer quickly leaned over and whispered to Donolan, but he shook his head. "No, it's okay, they can do that." Donolan said. "I have nothing to hide." I immediately called the Duty Desk and told them to have two techs execute that operation. "Thank you, Mr. Donolan." I said. "Now I have to ask some rather personal and painful questions, but there's no getting around it. How were your relations with your wife?" "Good." Donolan said. "We have- I mean had a very strong marriage. I know that you, Commander, are aware of the open nature of our relationship. I hope we won't have to go into any details on that for the public record.." "I can't promise anything, but I'll be as discreet as I can." I said. "So you and your wife were not having problems, nor fighting?" I looked into Donolan's eyes as I asked. Was that the merest hint of fear I saw in them? "No, nothing serious." Donolan said. "I mean... we'd have arguments from time to time, usually over small stuff, like every couple has, I'm sure. But as I was saying, and as you know, Commander: marriages such as ours have to be strong and trusting. We get past any problems, and quickly." Out of the corner of my eye, I caught sight of the Chief's look: he and his wife had probably never had a fight in at least 40 years of marriage; he never liked it when someone said that marital arguments were the 'norm'. "Anything recent?" I asked. Donolan definitely looked a bit uncomfortable. "I... we had some argument recently... I don't even remember what it was about... something about which party to attend on some night..." Donolan said, speaking as if he were trying to think. "Oh yes, now I remember... Trish did not attend the social function this evening before our Board meeting, as most wives do. She was going to that Investment Club meeting instead, and I thought her choice was the wrong one." "Does she usually attend company events with you when she's expected to?" "Oh yes," said Donolan. "She was very good about that. Not like Sean Bailey's drug addict wife, before she-" Donolan went silent. "Does Sean Bailey still work for BigPharmaCorp?" I asked. "No." said Donolan. "He left shortly after his wife died." "On good terms?" I asked. "Business-wise, yes." said Donolan. "He simply resigned. But there were some personal animosities when he left. Before you ask, I don't remember exactly what those problems were about, it was some time ago." "All right, but if you remember, please contact me immediately." I said. "Mr. Donolan, do you know of anyone else who might wish to harm your wife, and why? Anyone in your company have a problem with her, or you? A past anger or anything like that?" "Not that I know of." said Donolan. "We kept a fairly decent level of security, considering my position with my company, and we never got wind of any problems at all." "No break-ins into your house, or surveillance of it?" I asked. "Any house staff get fired or leave suddenly?" "No sir." Donolan said. "Okay, Mr. Donolan," I said. "I don't have any more questions at this time. I know you have your company to run, but this is not a request: do not leave the County. In addition, it's standard procedure that Mrs. Donolan's residence will be searched. We're getting the warrant now, you do not have a choice in the matter, and you may not return to your home until that warrant is executed. If you'd like to stay at the University Hotel or the Hyatt, the County will pay for your hotel room for tonight." Donolan was gaping at me, then turned to his lawyer, who immediately whispered something into his ear. The lawyer then spoke up. "We object to the search being made without both of us being present." "Certainly you can be there if you wish." I said. At that moment, Sergeant Thompson came into the room from the lobby side. "Sir, we have the warrant for the Donolan residence." the large, athletic Sergeant said. "Assemble a team and report to Lieutenant Ross at the location." I said. "Wake up Sergeants that are good at these searches and have them report. And as you go, carry Mr. Donolan and his lawyer in the back of your squad car, so that they can be present during the search. But don't let them go inside until the warrant arrives." Sergeant Thompson escorted the two men out of the room. Once we were alone in the room, the Chief said "You really do a good job of questioning people. I'm sure you're reading clues in their faces, too. Even my old eyes could tell that Donolan was hiding something." "Yes sir," I said. "He got uncomfortable when I asked about recent problems with his wife. He was trying hard to think of a reason for an argument, a recent one, and he came up with that attendance story on the spot. Ergo, there *was* a recent argument that we're going to find out about, and needs explaining away. I also noticed that he made sure to bring up Environmentalists, and he made a totally gratuitous point to mention Sean Bailey. He's really trying to plant seeds of distraction, *n'est pas*?" "Think there's anything in that?" the Chief asked. "Oh, no doubt about it, sir." I said. "There is definitely some bad blood between Sean Bailey and Donovan Donolan, and I think I know why. We definitely need to add Bailey to our list of people to be questioned." "Who else is on that list?" asked the Chief. "The entire Board of BigPharmaCorp, all of Trish Donolan's friends and associates, their neighbors, all of the Investment Club women again... a lot of ground to cover. And if you'll excuse me, Chief, I need to observe my Detectives searching the Donolan home." "You're not excused." said the Chief. I gaped at him. He grinned and said "I'm going with you to the scene, Crowbar. You drive." \---- Sergeant Thompson did not know that in just a few days he was going to receive a massive promotion in preparation for an even more massive promotion. As I watched him help in the search of the Donolan residence, I knew I'd made the correct choice in nominating him for Precinct Captain. Not only was he expertly searching, he was skillfully teaching everything to Detective Diana Torres that he could pour into her head in the time they had. Detective Nash, Lt. Ross, two other Sergeants, six Crime Lab persons and, to my surprise, Lt. Teresa Croyle, were all searching for anything and everything. We found virtually nothing, until we got to the bedroom. There were a number of DVDs in the room, and it was obvious that the Donolan's would watch these DVDs while in bed. When we bagged them as evidence, Donolan's lawyer practically ran over people to get to me and ask me to personally take charge of those videos and exercise discretion. I realized what was on them... swing club film footage. "Technician Cho," I said to Christina Cho, "put those DVDs under a seal in my name. My eyes only for first examination." I turned to the lawyer and said that I could not promise anything more than that I'd be the first person to look at them, and the only person if there was nothing of evidentiary value to them. The Chief nodded and the lawyer's face showed visible relief. We then ran into some trouble when Sergeant Thompson discovered the wall safe in Mr. Donolan's study behind his desk. "Mr. Donolan," I asked, "would you please open that safe?" "No, I will not." said Donolan. "And I'm invoking fully at this time." Everyone looked at me to see if I'd use my crowbar on Donolan or have a verbal explosion. I did realize that the crowbar would not physically open that safe... but I did not need it, nor to get upset. I just smiled a strange smile. "Okay, Mr. Donolan, as you wish. You've invoked, and you can't take it back" I said. "Everyone stay here." I went out to my Police SUV and got a bag out of the back. It was a kit of items that I had not used in years. Taking the bag inside, I went back into the study, feeling the many pairs of eyes watching me. Out of the bag I took safecracking devices from my days selling security equipment. Sometimes I'd sell something, including safes, only to have the client forget how to operate it, and I'd have to go help them out. I took out a device that even Federal Government agents would want to have: a device that read electronic safe combinations. It took all of 30 seconds to get into Donolan's safe. I told everyone to stand to the sides and not in front of the safe, just in case it was booby-trapped. "I am not going to ask where you got that device." said the Chief as I slowly opened the door to the safe. "Just stay on the side of Law and Order, would you?" "No worries, Chief." I said as I began bringing out the contents of the safe. Inside were a number of papers pertaining to his company, some CD certificates, some cash and jewelry... and more DVDs. I had the DVDs bagged as evidence under an 'Eyes Only' seal... ... and then I found a manila envelope. Pulling out the contents, I saw the photographs of Trish Donolan being deeply fucked by 'Black Magic'. They were some of the pictures Teresa and Grubby Paul had taken. I called over Lt. Croyle, who came forward and said simply "What?" "Lieutenant," I said quietly, showing her the pics, "it looks like we have a huge leak in our computer systems." Teresa's eyes widened as I called out "Ross!" Cindy came up. "Ross, contact Myron Milton and Mary Mahoney. Right now. Get their asses into Headquarters. We're searching for a breach of our computer systems. Croyle will give you the details of the file and the photographs that have been breached." I went up to Donolan. "Sure you don't want to tell me where you got these?" I asked, showing him the pics. "He's invoked, Commander." said his lawyer. "Like you said, he can't talk anymore, even if he wants to." "Too bad." I said. "These pictures in his possession are damning, and perhaps if he'd not invoked until he gave a reasonable explanation for them, there'd be no problem... but now I'm required to arrest Mr. Donolan. Sergeant Thompson, arrest Donolan, book him and process him-" "Wait a minute, wait a minute, just a darn minute!" the lawyer said. Chief Griswold was walking up, also. "What's going on, Crowbar?" asked the Chief. "Sir, Mr. Donolan is in possession of photographs taken by our Vice Squad during a drug surveillance operation." I said. "Photographs that involve his wife in *flagrante delicto* with one of the drug suspects from that operation." I showed the Chief the photographs. He confirmed with Lt. Croyle that they were indeed the same photographs. "The Commander is right, counselor." Griswold said. "Your client is in a world of shit right now." "Look, guys," the lawyer was saying, "you're talking about the CEO of a big company, here. He gets arrested, and the Media are going to have a field day. You know how they are. They'll lie, they'll tell stories that have no basis in fact, they'll drag Mr. Donolan's name through the mud just because they enjoy it. There's got to be something we can do, something we can work out." The Chief pulled me into the hallway outside the study. "He has a point, Crowbar." he said. "This isn't some pimp from the Tenderloin District. If he's guilty, then I'd be the first to bury him, but if he's not, he's the kind whose reputation the Media will leave in shreds with no apology, no retractions, no follow-ups to tell the truth when we get it." "I agree. What do you want to do, Chief?" I asked. "It's your decision. Welcome to Command." said the Chief. "And so you know, I'm not just passing the buck to you, here. This'll be going on for months, and the fallout will come onto you. I'll back you up, whatever you decide. Also, for all we know he may be innocent and these pictures have another explanation-" "Oh! Of course!" I gasped out at the Chief's last sentence. "Oh, sorry, sir, didn't mean to interrupt. I just realized something." "What?" asked the Chief as I tried to think. "Give me five minutes, please." I said. The Chief left me alone and went to talk to Croyle and Ross. Five minutes later, I returned to the study and went to the Chief. "We should process him, just to get fresh fingerprints on file and get DNA." I said. "But he won't get bail: any judge would release a public figure like him to his lawyer's custody and on his on recognizance. So we don't have to formally charge him just yet. But what I can't see is how to stop him from fleeing, should he choose to do so." "Leave that to me." said the Chief. "And it looks like I get to teach Kid Crowbar something, after all." I had no problems learning from the Chief's wealth of experience as I followed him to talk to the troubled widower and his exhausted legal beagle. \--- Moments later, I was asked by Lt. Ross to come back to the master bedroom. When I got there, she led me into the little sitting room that was next to the bedroom. It was Trish's little office study, as Melina had used her sitting room as her study when we lived in Midtown, in the house that Cindy's sister Molly now lived in. "It's right behind this air vent." said Cindy. What looked like an A/C or heating vent in the back wall was actually a little door on a hinge. Behind it, embedded in the wall, was a small safe. Donovan Donolan, who had come up with his lawyer, gasped at the sight of it. "Didn't know your wife had a safe here, Mr. Donolan?" I asked as I prepared my equipment to open the safe. Donovan only shook his head as I took the next 30 seconds opening the safe. Inside were more papers and DVDs. "Let's bag these separately from the others, Ross." I said. "DVDs under my personal seal." **Part 6 - Suspects and Clues** "This is Bettina Wurtzburg, KXTC Channel Two News!" blared the lovely reporterette into the television sets of the region at 7:00am on October 31st. "We're bringing you live coverage of the murder of Trish Donolan, wife of wealthy BigPharmaCorp CEO Donovan Donolan. Police have not released details of the murder, but Channel Two News has confirmed that she was murdered at the River Valley Country Club during a meeting of the County Wives Investment Club." Bettina went on to describe the course of events that night, just a bit too accurately for my liking. Bettina continued: "Wealthy CEO Donovan Donolan is at Police Headquarters now, cooperating with Police in the investigation of his wife's death. Channel Two News has confirmed that the Donolan home was searched last night. Police Chief Griswold issued a statement saying that their investigation is routine procedure, and that he expects Mr. Donolan to be able to return home soon." \---- Having gulped down my coffee, I went with Detectives Nash and Torres to Lightsource Industries, where Trish Donolan worked. I need not say that the company CEO, Mr. Turner Rogers, was devastated to see us for the second time in under a month. "I can't believe it." he said to me and Nash, as Torres led a team of police officers in interviewing Trish's co-workers. "Lang and Blair, and now Trish Donolan. I feel like a curse has descended upon me." "I am sorry for your losses, sir," I said, "and I appreciate your cooperation. Can you tell me what Trish Donolan did with your company?" "Yes, but I need to be very careful in my wording, and I'm sure you'll understand why." said Mr. Rogers. "Mrs. Donolan was officially the Associate Director of Marketing. But what she really was... was the unofficial Social Director. She was the one that arranged social events for our clients, parties around here for the employees, birthday parties and such. She arranged for our clients to be kept happy- oh, I don't mean that the way it sounded. I meant..." Rogers did not finish the sentence, his face red from blushing. "I understand, Mr. Rogers." I said. "So she was the Social coordinator of sorts. Do you know, sir, of anyone that might have reason to harm her?" "No, not at all." replied Rogers. "She was popular with her co-workers, to the best of my knowledge. I know she was upset about Diane Lang and Larry and Blair, but so was everyone else." "Martin," I said, "Why don't you go help Detective Torres finish up the interviews with the employees. I'll finish up with Mr. Rogers, here." "Uhh..." Nash said, then caught himself, getting the hint. "Yes sir." He got up and left. "Mr. Rogers," I said, once we were alone, "I want to ask you about the industrial espionage situation. Just you and me, badges off, no record of this conversation being written down." "I do want to thank you for alerting me to that." said Rogers. "I hired the team of private investigators you suggested, instead of those from Acme Private Investigations. The guys I hired found that there was not only one but two leaks. One was Blair, who didn't have proper authority but managed to access our research data; and the other, we haven't conclusively determined yet. It could've been Larry Lang, but my investigators' I.T. technicians said that sophisticated programs were used to avoid detection and corrupt the IP addresses and metadata of whoever did access that information." "I see." I said, using that phrase all too frequently. "Mr. Rogers, I am not expecting you to show me the schematics or the technical papers, but it would help if I knew what cutting edge research you're doing that has industrial spies so interested in your work. Please, tell me what you can." Mr. Rogers grimaced, then said "I'll just tell you this much, but no more. We accidentally discovered a laser process that, if harnessed, could speed up computer processing to a trillion instructions per second... yes..." He had seen the look of shock on my face. "We're secretly working with Mr. Oliver of BOW Enterprises." Rogers continued. "He secured patents on a nano-etching procedure before we were able to move on it... no, he didn't steal it, he applied for the patent before we even found a similar process ourselves. Anyway, between his work and our own, we're trying to flesh out what we can make work and then be practical. I need not say what this would do to the super-computing industry, nor the billions of dollars it would be worth." "No sir, I totally get that picture." I said. "And I think you understand that these may be secrets worth dying... and killing for. I'll keep quiet about that, of course, but if I come across anything leading to the killer of Trish Donolan, I'm going to have to pursue it." "I understand, son." said Mr. Rogers. "And I'm in your debt already for your brilliant work in solving the Lang murder, as well as alerting me to the espionage attempts." I took my leave of Mr. Rogers and went to find my Detectives. I was not totally surprised to learn that nothing of consequence came of the interviews of Trish Donolan's co-workers. \---- At 11:00am, Oct. 31st, Teresa Croyle and I were shown into the office of Sean Bailey at Crown Chemicals. He was in charge of their sales and marketing department. He was a handsome man in his late 30s, with brown, almost blondish hair. He looked at me a bit warily as he asked me to sit down. "Mr. Bailey," I said, "We're investigating the death of Trish Donolan last night." "I heard about that on the radio." said Bailey. "I don't know how I can help you, though." "You can help tremendously by telling me where you were between 8:30 and 8:45 last night." I replied, keeping my face emotionless and even as I looked at him. "Oh... I see." Bailey said. "At this point, I'd like to ask the company lawyer to attend this conversation." "By all means." I said. "Do you have a conference room where we can talk? Maybe give us a bit more room?" Once the lawyer arrived in the conference room with us, Bailey opened up the conversation. "To answer your previous question, Commander, I was at a dinner with clients last night at The Steakhouse. We were there until 9:00pm." The Steakhouse was not very close to the River Valley Clubhouse, I thought as I asked Bailey for the names of people we could contact to verify his alibi. He gave them readily, one of them being the CEO of Crown Chemicals. "Commander," said the lawyer, "may I ask why you're interviewing Mr. Bailey about this unfortunate tragedy?" "Certainly, Counselor." I said. "I am well aware that a year and a half ago, give or take, Mr. Bailey's wife Margo died of a drug overdose. I also am aware that two women left Mrs. Bailey in the hands of the drug pushers: Trish Donolan and Catherine Clausen. Mrs. Donolan was brutally murdered last night." Bailey visibly started, his face a mask of shock, as I continued: "I need to know the full story of what happened after Mrs. Bailey's death. I need to know why you, Mr. Bailey, left the employment of BigPharmaCorp so soon after your wife's passing, and what your relations with both Mr. and Mrs. Donolan were at that time." Bailey looked at his lawyer, who whispered something to him. Bailey finally said "Okay, here's the story: after Margo died, I knew that Donolan's wife had taken my wife down to the clubs where their friends the drug pushers were. I did some investigating, and found that Trish Donolan and some of the black drug people were tight, that she'd often bring other women to their clubs so that they, the pimps, could get the women hooked. Margo had really struggled to get clean..." he paused. "I understand how you feel, Mr. Bailey." Teresa piped up. "I was the Detective investigating your wife's death, and I know what she went through. If you can tell us everything, maybe we'll get some more Justice for your wife." "Well," said Sean Bailey, "this won't sound good for me, but after I got the full picture of what happened, I confronted Donovan Donolan about his wife's involvement in my wife's death. He literally laughed in my face and said that my wife was just a cheap whore and a drug addict, and that his wife had nothing to do with it. Of course I resigned from BigPharmaCorp on the spot, and I came here to Crown pretty quickly afterwards." "Did you ever have contact with either of the Donolans after that?" I asked. "Yes, sir." Bailey said. "I had to sue him. I've looked for jobs out of the State, off and on, but I haven't been offered anything I want to take. I found out that Donolan was working to smear my name with them, and with others. I hired a law firm, and they got that stopped." "Okay, Mr. Bailey, thank you for your cooperation." I said. "I do need you to stay inside the County for the next few days. Also, counselor, I need to interview your CEO." "Before you go," said Sean Bailey. "Did you police ever figure out who raped my wife before she died?" "Yes sir." I said. "There were multiple men, but I know who one of them, the ringleader, was. Do you remember the guy last summer who kidnapped that baby, then was shot dead at Ward Harvester and the baby recovered?" "Yes sir... it was him?" "Yes." I said as I went through the doorway. "And that son of a bitch will not be raping any woman, ever again." "Thank you." said Bailey. "I'm glad to hear it." "Not as much as I am." I whispered to Teresa as we started down the hall. She nodded in strong agreement. "And I totally agree with your evaluation of your nephew as a 'son of a bitch'." Teresa said. I nodded in strong agreement. \---- The lawyer took us to the office of the CEO, Mr. Knightley. He was a model of a CEO, in his late 50s or early 60s, head full of salt-and-pepper hair, looking vigorous and healthy. I noticed that his administrative assistant was a hot blonde with 'decidedly' large breasts (i.e. she 'decided' to make them that way). "What can I do for you?" asked Knightley. "Sir, your wife Joan is a member of the Investment Club and was present when Mrs. Trish Donolan was killed." I said. "So while I'm here, I thought I'd kill two birds with one stone and ask you the necessary but routine questions." "By all means." Knightley said, only the faintest inflection of a British or Australian accent in his voice. "I understand that your wife works for Dr. Bonnie Karpathian, who is an associate of my wife at the University, is that not correct?" "That is true... oh, by the way, has your wife recovered from her surgery? Joan was talking about Dr. Fredricson just the other day." "She's doing quite well, thank you." I said. "So, how well did you and your wife know the Donolans?" I asked. "Not well at all." Knightley said. "My wife knew Mrs. Donolan through the Investment Club, and that was their only connection. Joan didn't particularly like Trish Donolan and Cat Clausen. She said they were a couple of mean bitches." "So I've heard." I said. "So where were you while your wife was at the Investment Club meeting?" "I was at the same dinner with clients that Mr. Bailey was." said Knightley. "He'd done the groundwork, and had me come in for the *coup de grace* at the dinner." "Successfully?" I asked. "I think we're going to get an order from them, yes." Knightley said. "Thank you for your time, Mr. Knightley." I said. Teresa and I took our leave. "So, Croyle," I said, "what did you think of that?" "The first thing that struck me was why Mr. Bailey was and maybe still is looking for jobs, when he has a pretty good one at Crown Chemicals." Teresa said. "To get away from the Donolans, to get away from where his wife died, would be my guess." I said. "In any case, Mr. Bailey still holds grudges." Teresa said. "However, I don't know if he's capable of killing, and he's certainly had ample time to murder either of the Donolans if he was going to do so. It'd be strange for him to wait this amount of time, then kill Trish Donolan this way. Unless again, he finds a new job out of town, comes back and kills one or both of the Donolans, then scoots out of town." "Good points." I said. "He sure has waited a long time... unless something new came up that tore open the old wound, and caused Bailey to act. I can also see that Mr. Donolan is as mean-spirited as his wife. Whatta couple, eh wot?" Teresa did not reply. Her face was set in stone, and I could not deduce her feelings at the moment. "How about I take you to lunch, Teresa." I said. "I'm starving." "If you're buying, it's a date." she replied. **Part 7 - Loose Ends** At 1:00pm I went into the Main Conference room to attend a very happy meeting. The six people I'd 'invited' (meaning ordered) to attend were already there: Sergeant Damien Thompson, Patrolman Ronald 'Ronnie' Kirkpatrick, Sr. Patrolman Micah Rudistan, Detective Claire Michaels, Lieutenant Susan Weston, and Deputy Sheriff (Lt.) Holsom 'Hal' Briggs. Chief Griswold also attended, a smile under his mustaches as he 'invited' me to run the meeting. "Okay guys," I said. "I'll start with you, Rudistan. On November 1st, you will report to duty with your uniform looking sharp and setting the example, as is expected of the Town & County Police Sergeant you will be on that day." "Oh man!" said Rudistan as the others clapped for him. "Kirkpatrick," I said, "that goes for you, too. You're going to be the first Corporal in this Department since Pete Feeley died, and I expect you to continue this very rare honor and legacy with distinction." "Yes sir, I will." said Kirkpatrick. I could see my words had the desired effect. Kirkpatrick was an outstanding young officer, and would make a great leader. We'd talked to him about the Detective track, but he wanted to carry on family traditions of Uniformed Officer service. And to be the first to follow Feeley as a Corporal was significant in this Police Force. "Detective Michaels," I said, "We were going to wait until February, but it's a Commander's privilege to change his mind: you will be promoted to Lieutenant on November 1st, and you'll take command of our SWAT Teams at that time." "Sergeant Thompson," I said, "you also will be promoted to Lieutenant, but for a different reason, which I'm about to explain. Deputy Briggs, you'll be trading in that gold Lieutenant bar for a silver one when you report back to the Town & County Police on Friday. We talked earlier, so I know you have your new uniform ready to go." "Yes sir, I do." Briggs said laconically, typical of his easygoing, laid back nature. "Lieutenant Weston," I said, "I'm sorry, but you're not getting jack for a promotion tomorrow." Everyone groaned sympathetically, then I said "Of course, that Police Commendation Medal is going to look good on your uniform. I brought you here to discuss something else. Okaaaay... Kirkpatrick, Rudistan, and Michaels, you have the rest of the day off to get your uniforms ready. I'll have your badges and ranks Friday. The rest of you, please stay here." Once the other three were gone, I said "Okay, guys, as you probably have figured out, I am pleased to say that the Town & County Council has approved your upcoming appointments. On February 1st, you're all going to be promoted to Precinct Captains. Weston, you're Precinct 3; Thompson, you're Precinct 2; Briggs, you're Precinct 1." The three appointees nodded their heads. "On Friday," I continued, "you're all going to be reassigned to Reassignment Duty... and also the Department of Redundancy Department." Tepid laughter. "You might as well laugh, the jokes don't get any better." More tepid laughter. Tough audience today. "Okay, seriously, you'll be working together and taking the leads on getting Precincts going." I said. "You'll be meeting with each other, meeting with Captain Charles, myself and the Chief, meeting with Personnel. You'll be in charge of getting your respective Precinct Headquarters in shape. Damien, some of that is going to be done for you, as the Old Mill building is being reconditioned." I continued: "All of you also need to think about who you want in your precincts, especially in Sergeant roles. If two of you want the same person, then I suggest the old fashioned method of 'horse trading' to resolve it. If that doesn't work, don't start fighting; come to me and I'll flip a very unfair coin and then decide for you anyway." More tepid laughter. "Last, but not least, you'll be meeting with the Town & County Council on several occasions, but first you'll be meeting with the Chief on how to deal with the Council... and the Chief will give you *very* thorough training on how to handle them properly. That's all, unless Chief Griswold wants to say something." "Just one thing." said the Chief. "First of all, I congratulate you on your promotions. They're well deserved, and the Commander showed some astuteness and strong vision in nominating you to the posts. Second, make the Commander's job easier, as you've worked to make my job easier these past years. I know he'll appreciate it as much as I have appreciated your hard work." "Amen." I said. "You're all dismissed." said the Chief. "Okay Crowbar, let's mosey on over to our next meeting..." *To be continued.*
Title: Maverick Cattle Company Ch. 08 Tags: gay novella, gay cowboy, gay rural, gay anal, twink, hairy, college, gay oral, rimming, bareback *There are scenes of unprotected sex depicted in his story. In all cases it was between the two main characters, who are in a committed, monogamous relationship and were tested. If you aren't in the same kind of relationship, then you should always protect yourself and wear a condom.* \<\>\<\>\<\>\<\>\<\>\<\> Darrin watched Mitch throw his leg over the horse's neck and then dismount with a jump. He stalked to the visitor, tensed in the manner of an alpha protecting its lair. Darrin swung his leg off Lady and dismounted, following Mitch up the short expanse of driveway to the waiting pair. Mitch stopped out of reach, folded his arms across his chest and glared at the man. "Why are you here, Steve? What'd you want?" said Mitch through clenched teeth. "Well I was just coming through this part of the country and thought I'd stop in and see how my little buddy was doing. Your momma and daddy are so proud of their baby boy that everyone knows about you and your Oklahoma ranch," said Steve with a lecherous grin. "I'm fine. You can go now," Mitch snapped. Steve casually moved closer to Josh and laid his hand on his shoulder, squeezing it lightly. Mitch almost exploded with anger as he lunged forward. The older man stepped back, with a look of surprise on his face. Then, with a predatory look, he smiled at Mitch. "My, the little bitch has grown some teeth!" "Get out," said Darrin. "No one talks to my husband like that!" Steve ignored Darrin, reaching up and running a finger along Mitch's jaw. Mitch immediately knocked it away, but Darrin could see a multitude of emotions warring through his face. Darrin turned to the interloper, his protective instincts changing him into a dangerous adversary. "Leave. Now. Or I won't be responsible for what happens to you." Steve laughed, a sadistic chuckle that traveled through Darrin's marrow. But before he could move, they heard the sound of a rifle bolt being slammed shut. Turning, he saw Josh standing on the porch with Mitch's rifle in hand. The look of anger and determination on Josh's face concerned Darrin. "Get in your car and leave, before you can't leave," said Josh with an iron hard voice. "Sonny, you ain't got the balls to shoot me. But I was about ready to leave anyhow. I'll be back though. I want to see my little cock-sucking bitch again before I leave town," sneered the intruder. All three men watched as the demonic creature strolled across the lawn and climbed in his car. Once the dust settled, Josh expelled his held breath and began shaking. Mitch walked over and took the gun from him, patting his back as he did. "Josh, you could have gotten hurt. Why did you grab the gun?" asked Darrin. "He was creepy, before you got here. It was slimy to talk to him. When he put his hand on my shoulder, it made my skin crawl. I can't really explain it. It was like he wanted to—" "Yes, that's exactly what he wanted to do," said Mitch with a sigh. "I think we need to go inside. I think ya'll deserve an explanation." They moved into the house, Mitch unloaded the rifle and put it back in the bedroom. Coming out with the single 30-06 cartridge from the rifles breech, he sat on the chair across from Darrin and tossed the bullet back and forth for several minutes as he collected his thoughts. Darrin watched Mitch closely, instinctively knowing that this intruder was the mysterious problem that Mitch had never been willing to talk about. Finally, after several long minutes, Mitch sighed and laid the shell on the table in front of him. Taking a deep breath, with his eyes locked on the floor, he began. "I was 12 the first time. I'd just hit puberty a few months before. Steve somehow knew my parents. 'Uncle Steve'." Mitch let out a bitter laugh. "He had always been a big toucher. But it got worse as I got older. He'd stroke the inside of my thigh. Of course I was one big hormone dump, so I let him. I might have tried to stop him a time to two, but mostly I let it happen." Darrin started to speak, but Mitch lifted his eyes and shook his head. "Darrin, let me finish, or I never will. There's a lot of baggage with this." Mitch took another breath and continued. "Anyway, eventually he was rubbing my crotch. Pretty soon he had his hand in my pants and I liked it. The first time I ever . . . ejaculated, he was stroking me." Darrin moved to sit beside Mitch, wrapping his arms around his chest and held him softly. Mitch hugged him back and gave a small ghost of a smile. "It's ok, babe. I know up here it wasn't my fault." Mitch pointed to his head. "But it still feels like it was my fault, that I should have done something to stop it. I've moved on, it's just hard to get rid of that image. Anyway, eventually we moved to oral sex. Mostly me on my knees, and then I'd get a handjob afterwards. Steve would threaten to tell everyone that I was sucking his cock if I stopped. Sometimes it was only a couple of times a month, sometimes it was a couple of times a week. But after he seduced me that first time, it was pretty much the same. He also liked to call me bitch and his little boy cunt. I hated that, even then. He's also the reason I didn't have a prom. I was going and had rented a tux and everything. But then he called. Wanted me swinging on his dick he said. He always had me swallow, always. But this time he pulled out and shot all over my tux. I couldn't go, there was no way. Not after that." Darrin rubbed Mitch's back, at a loss as to what to do. Both of them looked up in surprise as Josh began to speak. "He was molesting you. He isn't an ex-boyfriend, he's a child molester. It wasn't your fault. You were just a little kid, and he talked you into it. It shouldn't have happened. I wish there was something I could do to help, Mitch." Mitch gave Josh a lopsided smile. "Thanks Josh. I probably shouldn't even be telling you this. It doesn't make me look too good, I know. And here you thought I had it all together." "When did it stop, babe?" asked Darrin. "Senior year in high school, I came out. Then he didn't have a threat over me. But it took a long time to get over it." Mitch looked at Darrin and smiled. "Actually I'd say you had a lot to do with me getting over it." "Me? But that was just a few years ago," said Darrin. "Yeah, I know," replied Mitch. "That's terrible, Mitch. I wish I'd shot the little SOB now," said Josh with a look of hatred frozen on his face. Mitch looked at Josh for several minutes, seeing how the emotions were tearing him apart. "Josh, look. What he did was wrong. I really do know that. Guilt comes with what happened, but you're right. A guy in his 30's shouldn't be doing what Steve did to me when I was 12. But now it's up to me. I can either let him win, or I can heal myself. For some people that means professional help, but I think I'm doing ok. No nightmares, no commitment issues." Mitch smiled at Darrin and gave him a quick kiss. "Today just caught me by surprise. But I still wouldn't turn my back on him. He's a snake, one that hides, waits, and then strikes when you get close. Actually he's an insult to snakes, he's a Navajo skinwalker, he's just doing evil shit on his way to becoming clizyati, He likes to hurt people and it's only going to get worse." Darrin frowned slightly. "Clizyati?" "Yeah, means 'pure evil'," said Mitch. Josh nodded and started to speak, then stopped. Mitch waited for several minutes while Josh seemed to fight with himself, as it became evident that he wasn't going to ask his question, Mitch prompted him. "What's bothering you, Josh? Just ask, it's ok." "Well, I don't want to ask something that might hurt you. But, as you got older, you're bigger than him. Why didn't you . . ." Josh looked away, embarrassed at the implications of his question. "Josh," started Mitch, "I guess it's like working cattle. Once you get your bluff in on them while they're small, even when they can run over your ass they won't because they still think they're that 70 pound calf. So I guess I was the 70 pound calf. Of course, the blackmail made it easier for him. Once he didn't have that to hold over me, I gradually escaped his influence. But it still is around and comes out sometimes." Mitch looked at Darrin. "Like when the lawyer guy came on to you. That fired up all kinds of bad memories." Darrin nodded and let out a sigh. "I can see that. What a horrible thing to do to someone. He must be one sick bastard." "He is, he really is." \<\>\<\>\<\>\<\> Everyone slowly relaxed when Steve didn't reappear the next day. After a few more days, Mitch decided he must have gone back to Texas. Heading into the barn for feed for Storm and Lady, he walked into the darkened storeroom. But something didn't feel right. He turned to leave but just as he did, he felt a circle of cold metal on the back of his neck. "There bitch, how does it feel to have a gun pointed at you? Where's the little faggot cunt with his rifle now? Huh?" "Steve, you really don't want to do this. This isn't east Texas where missing people are overlooked. And Darrin will hunt you down." "Oh just behave, bitch, and I won't have to kill you. But you're gonna suck my dick, just like the old days. You thought you could run, but you can't. You can't ever get away from me." Mitch heard the sound of a zipper going down and broke out in a sweat. Memories of being forced overwhelmed him. He flashed back to a helpless and defenseless 12 year old. His heart raced as he felt a hand on his shoulder, pushing him down. As his knees started to bend his system was overwhelmed with the years of abuse by this man. Then fury burned through him. He was not giving in again; he'd go down swinging even if he was shot in the process. As Mitch tried to quickly formulate a plan, he heard a quick crack followed by weight falling on him. Leaping out of the way, he saw Josh standing in the dim light holding a shovel. His nightmare reduced to a lump of flesh at their feet. Mitch stood in shock, looking from the body on the floor, to Josh, and back again. As he tried to process all that had just happened, he heard Darrin come in through the door. Running over, Darrin took all of it in quickly, grabbed his cell phone and called the sheriff's office. He then tied Steve up using the horse's lead ropes, ordering Josh and Mitch to sit down while he did it. Both of them were in shock, and still trying to work out what had happened. After checking them both for injuries, Darrin quickly determined that neither of them was hurt, just in deep shock. "Is he . . . dead?" asked Josh. "No, he's breathing. He may have a concussion, but he's sure gonna have a goose egg and a headache for a few days." "Ok," said Josh quietly. Mitch turned and hugged Josh tight. "Thanks Josh. That was the bravest thing anyone has ever done for me. You saved my life." "He was going to hurt you, like when you were a kid. I heard him talking. I couldn't let it happen again. I just knew I couldn't live with myself," said Josh quietly. "Well, it wasn't going to be like before. He'd lost control of me. I was trying to figure out how to escape, when you solved that problem for me," said Mitch and then a small smile crept on his face. "I think you managed to knock out the bogie man, Josh. At least mine." Josh chuckled, "Good, then you can knock mine out next time. Oh wait, you guys already have took care of my monsters." A voice echoed across the barn. "Hello? Where is everyone?" "Hey Sheriff, over here. We have a problem that we need your help with," said Darrin. Sheriff White Cloud walked over and surveyed the scene, from the unconscious attacker, to the still pale and shaky Josh, and stoic Mitch. The sheriff shook his head. "This boy don't know who he was messing with." "He molested me when I was a child. He thought he could pick up where he left off. Only this time he was using a gun," said Mitch. The sheriff looked at the now moaning form on the floor. Leaning down he quickly untied him, replacing rope with metal cuffs. Carefully putting the gun in an evidence bag, he labeled the bag and then took it to his car. Returning, he hoisted Steve off the floor and guided him to the car, stuffing him in the back seat. Calling in to his dispatch officer, he quickly gave a description and information from Steve's driver's license. Jim nodded and made several grunts of acknowledgment. He soon turned and walked back to the guys. When the sheriff took Steve out of the barn, Josh and Darrin helped Mitch to his feet and the trio slowly made their way to the door. They watched as Jim made his calls and then turned back to them. They all braced for whatever bad news he had, determined that they'd face it as a family. Stopping a few feet from them, the sheriff gave them a sideways grin. "He's on the sexual predator list in Texas and has an arrest record a mile long, including assault. By the time he gets out of jail he will be an old man—if he survives, child molesters don't tend to last too long in prison." Mitch gave the sheriff a grim smile and shook his hand. "Thanks. We appreciate it. I think all of us will sleep better with him behind bars." Sheriff White Cloud nodded and walked back to his car without another word. They watched as his car disappeared, amazed that none of them were hurt and even more amazed that it came out in their favor. Finally the pall of dread and fear began to lessen and they moved toward the house for some seriously needed recovery time. \<\>\<\>\<\>\<\> Mitch was still very jumpy when he was by himself, in spite of the fact that several weeks had passed since the incident with Steve. Even as he walked into the house, he paused to check the sheltered outside areas where someone might be hiding. The scrutinization didn't end with the outside either, Mitch had gotten in the habit of doing a check of the rooms each time he came in the house. He knew Steve was still in jail, but the lingering effect was difficult to shake. Finally convinced that he was alone, Mitch started pulling out leftovers for his lunch. As he sat quietly eating, organizing the list of tasks that needed to be completed soon, his phone rang with an deafening volume, causing Mitch to jump, knocking over his chair. Grabbing the phone, he saw that it was Darrin. Pausing a minute to collect himself, Mitch answered the phone. "Hey, what's up?" "Pack for a few days away from home. We're going to Dallas," came through the phone. "What! You're fuck'n crazy. We can't leave now, who would take care of the place," said Mitch as he shook his head in disbelief. "Josh agreed to take care of everything. Get ready!" said Darrin and hung up. Mitch stood staring at the disconnected phone for several minutes before he shook his head and settled back down to eat. He wasn't sure what Darrin was planning, but it might actually be fun. And how much trouble could Josh get into in three days? \<\>\<\>\<\>\<\> "Jesus! You're going to kill us!" yelled Mitch. "Nah, it's just this damn Dallas traffic. Hang on!" Darrin cranked the wheel, taking them across 8 lanes of traffic to catch an exit ramp. Mitch's hands were clamped onto the door handle so tight that his knuckles were white. He clamped his eyes shut through the next series of turns, opening them just as they pulled up to the hotel. Mitch had to chuckle as the valet walked over to the pickup with a slight sneer on his lip. Mitch knew the truck wasn't typical guest transportation for this upscale hotel. Darrin's pickup was actually more in line with tailgaters from the Texas/OU game. But Mitch didn't really care what the kid thought; he was too preoccupied with what Darrin had up his sleeve. They handed the valet the key and followed the bellhop to the front desk. Mitch tried not to gawk, but the restored art deco interior of the hotel was amazing. Mitch was still trying to take it all in when Darrin grabbed his elbow and directed him to the elevator. They quietly rode the lift upward until Darrin caught Mitch making faces into the mirrored interior of the elevator and lightly smacked his arm. The doors snapped a few inches open and then drifted apart until the cart with their bags could be pulled out. Giving the bellhop the key card, they soon found themselves in a smallish room, but clean and brightly painted. As the bellhop moved to leave, Darrin was prepared and slipped the kid a tip, and then closed the door quietly behind him as Mitch walked over to open the curtains. "Wow, what a great view," said Mitch. Darrin chuckled. "Yeah, for what it cost to make sure we got this view, it should be amazing." Mitch sat on the edge of the bed and waited, knowing that Darrin would tell him the reason behind this trip when he was ready. After avoiding Mitch's stare for as long as he could, Darrin ducked his head and then turned to answer Mitch's silent question. "I thought you needed a break, that's why. Steve's trial begins soon, and I know that's going to be rough on you. You're already chasing shadows so I thought a weekend in Dallas would help you unwind. The state fair is starting soon, and we're only a mile or so from the strip. I set us up in the package that includes a limo ride down there so we can blow off some steam." "Well," said Mitch, "It's starting to get dark, and the limo driver can't possibly be worse than you—" He lunged, grabbed Darrin and threw him on the bed and started tickling him. Soon, Darrin was gasping for air as he laughed hysterically, his face turning scarlet. Mitch relinquished his attack, leaving Darrin to gulp for air. Once he'd caught his breath, Mitch leaned in to his gasping husband and kissed Darrin on the cheek. "Thanks, babe. I think a weekend away will be great. And Josh can handle the ranch for a few days. There isn't that much to do, what could go wrong," said Mitch. With that, the two of them began opening their bags and making selections for the evening. Soon both of them were in new, tight Wranglers . . . and Mitch was wearing a tightly fitted t-shirt. Mitch wrapped his arm around Darrin's waist and pulled them together, kissing Darrin softly. "Come on tiger, lets go tear 'em a new one!" said Mitch with a grin. Darrin chuckled softly as they headed out the door and to the waiting limo. \<\>\<\>\<\>\<\> Josh was standing with a look of utter disgust on his face. Zach had insisted on helping him move the cattle, but he had forgotten to close the gate and all the animals were mixed together. Zach had tried to help separate them for a little while, but he had left to go to class, leaving Josh to straighten out the mess. Unfortunately the problem included two very horny bulls, and one heifer in heat. Josh watched and couldn't help but laugh a little as he watched the bulls. They were tag teaming the heifer, and her pheromones were obviously working them into a mating frenzy. With each sniff of her neither regions, they would curl their top lip and then let out a bellow that could be heard for miles. The female wouldn't stand for either of them yet, but they were both determined to be first. After several aborted attempts at separating the three of them, Josh decided to finish sorting the other cows first. Luckily, the guys had just invested in new handling equipment that made the task doable, if not pleasant, for one determined 18 year old. Eventually he was back to the same three problem animals. She was slated to be with the horned bull, but other male didn't seem to care what Mitch had planned. After trying everything else, Josh resorted to cracking a stock whip over their heads. The rifle shot noise it generated did finally get the three of them moving. In addition, Josh realized that by pushing the heifer first, the bulls would follow. So given both new tools, he was finally able to get the two bulls separated, and the heifer with one of them. Unfortunately for Josh, the heifer was with the wrong bull. As he frantically searched his mind for a way to get the heifer with the correct bull, he was horrified to see heifer stand for the bull she was with. Josh threw up is hands in surrender as the bull mounted her a second time in as many seconds. He knew that Mitch was going to be pissed, but at this point there was no use fighting to separate the two, so he drove them into the pasture. As he walked back to the house, he wondered how this weekend could get any worse. \<\>\<\>\<\>\<\> Mitch and Darrin enjoyed the sights and sounds of the strip, peeking in the various clubs. Some of the costumes almost made them laugh out loud, there were definitely a lot of cowboy wannabes that were dressed how a city boy thought a cowboy looked. But Darrin and Mitch weren't looking for sex partners; they were just there to relax. As they got to a particularly loud bar, Mitch looked at the placard on the side of the entrance and started laughing. "Come on! We have to go in here! They're auctioning off underwear from some sports team!" squealed Mitch. "No way!" Darrin responded. "That's what the fuck'n sigh says. Come on, I gotta see this," said Mitch with a laugh. Walking in they found themselves in a huge bar with men of all ages and descriptions. Darrin was amused to discover that some of the guys were definitely in clothing that could be best described as man bait. But Mitch was right, the auction was about to begin. As the auctioneer started, Darrin relaxed and began to chuckle at the antics. There were catcalls and lewd suggestions, some of which were so over the top that Darrin found himself blushing. At one point, he realized that Mitch was bidding on a pair of tightie whities. Deciding enough was enough, Darrin dragged him over to a table, away from the auction. The waiter appeared at their table and Darrin ordered a beer while Mitch decided he wanted to try some of the tequila shots from the bar's extensive selection. Before too long, one of the club boys sauntered to their table, reached over Mitch and downed his latest shot. "Hey! That was mine!" said Mitch with a note of indignation. "It's ok, cutie. I'll make it up to you. Let's dance," said the kid as he twisted his bare torso in time to the music. Mitch looked at Darrin, and was met with a shrug. Taking that as permission, Mitch got up and followed the kid onto the floor. Shortly afterward, an older man with salt and pepper hair sat down beside Darrin and started talking to him. Darrin found it flattering, but was distracted by trying to watch Mitch. When he looked up in time to see a pair of hands slide down Mitch's ass and squeeze both cheeks, he decided enough was truly enough. With a snort of jealously, Darrin jumped up without a backward look at the stranger and stomped onto the dance floor. Grabbing Mitch by the shoulder, he peeled the little twink off his husband and then growled out a single word. "Mine!" With that, he took Mitch by the arm and marched him outside, searching for a taxi cab. Mitch looked over with a bemused look on his face. "What's up, babe? I was just dancing," said Mitch with a snicker. "Yeah, bullshit. That kid was ready to drop to his knees and suck your dick. The only one who gets to even see your dick better be me!" Mitch giggled, the tequila having a stronger effect than he realized. "I'm all yours, big boy. You can have your way with me." Darrin growled a primitive sound at Mitch as he succeeded in signaling a taxi cab. Shoving him in, Darrin was stone faced on the entire ride back to the hotel, while Mitch continued giggling beside him. Once they'd finally gotten back in their room, Mitch fell across the bed and looked at Darrin with a smirk on his face. Darrin walked between his spread legs and grabbed Mitch crotch, squeezing hard enough to get a small yelp from Mitch. Dropping himself on Mitch, Darrin kissed him hard. Lifting back, he looked down at Mitch as he squeezed his package again, this time without the threshold of pain. "You're mine. I don't share with no little twink with glitter smeared all over his chest." Mitch moaned softly, twisting his body while Darrin continued to squeeze his cock and nuts through his jeans. Darrin pressed down harder onto Mitch, his weight a reminder of the reality of his husband while the alcohol filtered from Mitch's system. Darrin grabbed the bottom of his too tight shirt and ripped it up the front. Diving down, he bit down hard on Mitch's tit, his man's loud moan only spurring him onward. Darrin was the alpha male, reclaiming his man from all the pawing hands at the bar. His aggression continued to play out as his lust mixed with his need to dominate. Soon he had Mitch stripped bare and panting on the bed. Watching Mitch with a predatory gaze, Darrin stepped back and yanked off his own shirt, followed quickly by boots and jeans, until he was standing in front of Mitch with nothing on but a black jock strap that was being strained to it's limits by Darrin's raging hard cock. Darrin crawled back up his lover until his cloth-covered nuts were pressed against Mitch's lips. Rocking back and forth he rubbed them over Mitch's face, the precum soaking through the material and marking Mitch. Darrin grabbed Mitch's head and shoved it into his crotch. He growled out. "Smell that man smell, babe. That's your man you smell, and he's fixin to fuck your tight little hole. You need him to mark you again don't you." Mitch moaned in agreement, able only to focus on the ample package that was filling his mouth. Long minutes whirled by as Mitch fed on Darrin's essence. The cloth was saturated with spit and precum when Darrin pulled himself off. Gliding down Mitch's body, he grabbed his husband again and kissed him hard. His tongue forcing entry into Mitch's lips and hungrily explored the depths of his mouth. Soon Mitch was reciprocating as their tongues warred for supremacy. With a final hard kiss, Darrin released Mitch and stood on the bed and ripped the jock strap off his body. Dropping to his knees, he pushed Mitch's legs up, exposing his pulsing hole to air. Darrin leaned closer, and spit on Mitch's hole. Rubbing his finger over the saliva, Darrin pushed some into Mitch as his husband let out a loud moan. With no more preparation, Darrin positioned his cock against Mitch and started pushing. The spit and precum provided a slippery path as Darrin slowly drilled Mitch's ass. The cries of delight coming from Mitch egged Darrin's growing need for aggression. Soon Darrin reached bottom and ground his crotch against Mitch's hairy ass. With a primitive grunt, Darrin started fucking Mitch hard. The pounding Darrin gave Mitch was beyond lovemaking, he was reclaiming his mate, and if Mitch's cries of pleasure were any indication, he was highly successful. Eventually the two were melding into a passionate mix of sweat, masculinity and possession. Darrin felt the boiling eruption from his nuts begin, knowing he was breeding Mitch in earnest. As his hot semen burned it's way into Mitch, Darrin heard the small pants and groans as the ardor pulsed through them both. As his orgasm ended, Darrin grabbed Mitch and flipped him over, twisting him around his still embedded cock. Darrin grabbed his husband's dick and started flailing it with both hands. In a heartbeat or two, the stiff flesh between his hands started shooting. As stream after stream erupted from Mitch's manhood, they were both covered with white hot jizz. Soon the passion and fervor of lovemaking receded. Darrin crawled beside Mitch, their cum coated bodies meshing, and luxuriated in the sensations of the seed they were both covered in. Darrin leaned in and kissed Mitch and smiled. "Don't you ever forget who's you are." Mitch chuckled and kissed him back. "Don't worry. I know I have a jealous husband. If I didn't before, I sure do now." As the two chuckled, they heard a voice very clearly from the other side of the wall. "If you two are done maybe those of us who didn't get so lucky can go back to sleep now?" Darrin turned deep red as Mitch started laughing. Soon they were wrapped in each other's arms, and drifting away to pleasant dreams. \<\>\<\>\<\>\<\> Josh stared in shock. None of these heifers should have been bred. Not any of the heifers should be calving this fall. But in front of him was a heifer that was obviously in labor as the tiny hooves emerging attested. Josh had been watching her all day, and had noted the time when her progress with the birth had stopped. He squatted a short distance away, trying to decide if he still had time to call the vet, or if he had to try and pull the calf himself. As he watched the heifer go through another contraction, without coming any closer to birthing the calf, he decided it was time for him to help. Josh sprinted back to the barn and then to the tack room where he thought what he was looking for was stored. He frantically dug through the leads, halters and reins until he found them, the obstetric chains, and the gallon bottle of lube. Josh ran back with both, hoping a miracle had happened while he was gone. But Josh was quickly absolved of that notion, realizing the heifer had stopped trying and was just giving out weak bawls with each successive contraction. Knowing he didn't have a lot of time, he fastened the chains around the unborn calf's hooves and tentatively pulled. When there was no movement, even with his efforts, he began getting frantic. With the possibility of a live birth diminishing with each passing second, he knew he was going to have to see if he could reposition the calf and make the delivery possible. Drenching his hands with lube, he slid one hand inside the heifer, alongside the calf. Seconds ticked by until he realized the problem, the calf's head was turned back. In a frantic effort, Josh tried to pull the head around, but each time it slipped out of his grasp. Panting for breath and desperate to deliver this calf, he pushed his hand in again. This time he managed to grab the calf's jaw, and was able to wrench its head back around. Seeming to sense the calf's change in position, the heifer gave one final push, and the calf slid out with a tide of fluid. Josh quickly cleared the newborns mouth and nose, and with a snort that flung viscous strands over Josh, the calf cleared his airways. Josh slid limply to the ground, panting for air as the newborn struggled to lift its head. Josh turned back to the heifer with a relived smile. "Well momma, your baby looks happy and healthy. You just need to feed him." But as he looked closer at the cow, he realized that she was only making minimal movements and not trying to get up. Running around her, he started pushing, trying to get her on her feet. Panic was again settling in as she responded to his pushing with limp indifference. The long minutes stretched out as the calf got to its shaky legs and called for its mother. Josh tried everything he could think of to get the heifer to her feet. "Son. Of. A. Bitch! Get up, goddamn it! You are not going to make me tell Mitch that one of his best heifers died while he was gone. Fuck!" Josh pushed, as time seemed to stretch into eternity. Frustrated almost to the point of tears, he decided to see if he could get the calf to nurse anyway. Walking slowly to the wobbly newborn, he carefully guided it to the distended udder. After a few abortive attempts, the calf began to nurse. With that the cow's head slowly swung up, and she looked at the creature latched onto her teat. With a tremendous effort, the cow pushed herself up and regained her feet. Turning to the calf, she looked at it carefully. Josh collapsed against the fence in a heavy sigh of relief. Standing up, he watched while she stuck her nose to the calf. And then knocked it down. Staring at her in disbelief as she repeated the action when the calf again got to his feet, Josh felt as if he was going to explode. With a scream of frustration that she was not accepting her calf, Josh yelled. "You bitch!" \<\>\<\>\<\>\<\> Darrin chuckled as Mitch rolled his hips slightly to the side on the wooden bench. Today they had decided to go through the arboretum, as a safer choice of activities for the pair. They both were enjoying the experience, but Darrin was definitely the more interested of the two. But right now he was relishing Mitch's discomfort, knowing that he was the one who had fucked Mitch raw. "Little sore, babe," said Darrin with syrupy concern. "Just wait, I'm so going to drill your ass when we get home. Hard and dry, that's what you're getting," threatened Mitch in a whisper. Darrin laughed and then smiled as Mitch again shifted his weight. Finally redirecting his thoughts, Darrin again enjoyed the landscaped vista. He turned his head to Mitch, he smiled. "Next year I want a garden. We always had a garden when I was a kid, I love the fresh vegetables." Mitch nodded, at least momentarily distracted from his discomfort. "That sounds fine, babe. But I don't know anything about gardening. My mom had a few tomatoes, but that was about it." "It'll be good. I'm sure Josh will be willing to help." Mitch chuckled a little, not nearly as certain that Josh would be a willing participant in this scheme. Deciding this wasn't the time to discuss it, Mitch pushed himself off the bench and back onto the path. "Come on, I'd like to see the rest of the gardens, and then head home. I'm missing the ranch," said Mitch. "Jeez, look who's the homebody," teased Darrin. Mitch chuckled and pulled Darrin to his feet and started toward an unvisited sections of the garden. \<\>\<\>\<\>\<\> Josh was on his way back to the ranch, knowing he was going to be in so much trouble for all the problems over the weekend, not the least of which was whimpering on the seat next to him. Josh had been doing some volunteer work with a Border Collie rescue and today of all days was when they called and had an older pup for him. He hadn't talked with Mitch and Darrin about having a dog in the house, and he was afraid it wasn't going to be a pleasant discussion. As his pickup rolled closer and closer to the ranch, he thought over the instructions he had been given. Obedience classes first, and then he had the name of a trainer who would help with classes for working cattle. The pup was young, but Josh had high hopes. It helped that Josh thought his distinctive reddish brown and white color was beautiful. As Josh drove into the ranch, he was relived to see that they hadn't arrived yet. Picking up the pup, he hustled into the house, wondering how long he could keep the puppy hidden. \<\>\<\>\<\>\<\> Darrin and Mitch slowed as they parked in front of the house. They both cautiously looked around, but could see no problems. Laughing at their paranoia, they grabbed their bags from the pickup and headed in. Coming through the kitchen, they shot each other a questioning look at the lack of a greeting from Josh. As the guys rounded corner into the living room, they saw Josh look up from a book he was reading. "Hi guys! How was Dallas?" said Josh with a tight smile. "Good . . . and how were things around here?" "Fine, just fine. Well, one or two small glitches, but it's all good," explained Josh, with the smile frozen on his face. As Darrin was about to question him further, a series of barks and yips erupted from Josh's bedroom. With a look of panic on his face, Josh raced from the room and came back quickly with a small red and white ball of energy that was covering his face with licks. Josh looked at the guys as he lowered the pup to his chest and the events of the weekend just tumbled out of Josh's mouth. "Zach left the gate open and all the cattle got mixed together and 25 was in heat but the polled bull bred her not the other one and then 37 had a calf that I had to pull and she wouldn't take it so I had to put her in the head chute to get him fed and then the Border Collie rescue called and they had Max ready to go out and I had to get him and please don't make me take him back, oh god I love him." Josh sucked in air to recover from the torrent of words and tried to gauge their response. Mitch and Darrin had unreadable looks on their faces, and seemed frozen in time. Max finally broke the scene when he let out a small whine to be let down. Josh quickly set him on the floor and then stood back up with a deep sigh. Darrin was the first to break the silence as he started to chuckle. Soon Mitch followed him with a shake of his head and a throaty laugh. Soon both men were leaning against walls and counters, laughing hysterically while Josh looked from one to the other in disbelief. Darrin managed to pull himself together first, and pushed himself up from the counter. "Oh shit, Josh. It sounds like you had one hell of a weekend. I'm sorry it sucked so bad. As for the pup." He cast a glance at Mitch. "It's fine with me, but it has to be trained, I don't want a bored puppy out chasing cattle for fun." Josh nodded as Mitch continued. "Your dog, your responsibility. Border Collies take extra work, and I don't have time or desire to take care of one." Hearing a faint whine at his feet, Mitch looked down just in time to see the pup lift a leg and pee all over his black boots. "Goddamn it!" screamed Mitch. \<\>\<\>\<\>\<\> Darrin tossed the 60-pound bale of hay to Mitch, who added it to the huge stack. After 1,000 or so bales they had stored over the last few days, logic would indicate both men would be exhausted. But Darrin was actually finding the work to be a relief; at least in late September the simmering summer heat had finally receded. He watched Mitch for a few minutes, admiring his body since he had stripped off his shirt when they started and now was drenched in sweat and glistened in each errant ray of sunshine. Darrin tossed the last bale to Mitch, who caught it on his hay hooks and settled it into place. Mitch jumped down, sinking the metal hooks into the nearest bale for safekeeping. He walked over to Darrin with a smile and wrapped his sweat-drenched arms around Darrin's torso and pulled them tight against each other. Tilting his head, he whispered into Darrin's ear. "I'm horny, and you look good all drenched in sweat." Darrin shuddered slightly as Mitch's scent permeated the air around him and assaulted his senses. As the pheromone tendrils curled through his brain, Darrin became rock hard, and moaned as he was enveloped in the raw essence of Mitch. Turning Darrin toward him, Mitch lifted his arm and the musk and sweat of a hard day's work cascaded from the sweat drenched hairs. Darrin paused only briefly to admire the raw beauty of his husband, and then dove in for the feast he wanted so badly. Burying his face in the pungent hollow, he inhaled deeply and lost himself in the raw passion created in his body. Darrin's tongue burrowed and sucked on each tendril of hair until he had cleaned the thicket of blue-black hair it contained. Moving to the other side, he repeated his performance until his cock was aching with the need for release. Darrin separated their bodies and he retrieved a saddle blanket from the tack room. Mitch watched with obvious desire as Darrin threw the blanket over the nearest bales, unzipped his pants and dropped them to his ankles. With a horny leer at Mitch, he carefully knelt on the blanket and presented his tight ass. With a breathless voice, he called to Mitch. "Come on, babe. Fuck me. You have me so damn horny that I want to be fucked hard." Mitch walked closer and then squatted behind Darrin. Prying apart his sweat soaked ass cheeks, he inhaled the wonderful musky odor of the man in front of him. He leaned in, taking a tentative taste, the smells and tang overwhelming him. He dove into into the delicious crevasse in front of him, the wet sounds of his oral exploration echoing faintly across the barn as he drove his tongue deep inside Darrin. The heat, although lessened, still had sweat running off them in rivulets. After a final push inside, Mitch let his tongue slide slowly from his lover's ass. Mitch stood and yanked his jeans down to his knees and then awkwardly moved close to Darrin. Almost falling across him, Mitch lay on top, wedging his rock hard cock into Darrin's crack. Pumping up and down the sexy split, he smeared it with precum and sweat. Soon the mixture of fluids formed a slick entry to Darrin's gut. Mitch's cock slid across Darrin's ass once more and then dipped into his hole. Feeling the loose, hot entryway surrounding his cock, Mitch shoved himself inside Darrin. With a loud moan, Darrin's body yielded to Mitch, demanding more. Mitch paused briefly and then started pounding Darrin's hole, sweat dripping off his taut body as he plowed Darrin's ass. Lost in the melding of their two body's, Mitch jumped when a bark sounded just to his side. "Oh goddamn it! It's Josh dog. Git Max! Git out!" yelled Mitch. Darrin looked back in disbelief as the red and white clown sat on its hunches, cocked its head and ears and watched them with a confused look. Mitch tried to start again, but abandoned his efforts when he felt the dog's wet nose touch his ass. Falling across Darrin, he started venting. "Damn dog! I can't fuck with him watching! It's like he's taking pointers! Fuck, fuck, fuck!" said Mitch with a grimace. Darrin bucked back against him, Mitch's rapidly softening cock popping out of his ass. Pushing upward, they were both soon standing. "Pull up your pants and come on. I'm not going to leave with a case of blue balls! The guest house is right here," said Darrin as he tried to control a chuckle. Yanking up their pants, they raced to the house. Mitch closing the door before the dog could join them. Once they were inside, Darrin quickly dropped his pants again and braced himself against the sink. "Come on, stud! Fuck me, and fuck me good!" growled Darrin with obvious lust. Mitch sneered at Darrin and quickly stepped up behind him. Grabbing Darrin's hips in a vice-like grip, he rammed himself in hard, which Darrin greeted with a satisfied grunt. "Come on stud! That the best you got?" Mitch silently accepted the challenge and fucked Darrin with an animal like ferocity. As his thrusts began to lift Darrin off his feet, Darrin was reduced to gasped and loud moans of approval. This time the pounding was sending shock waves of passion from Darrin's toes, upward. Each crash of flesh against flesh accompanied a burst of sensations as Mitch's cock rammed Darrin's prostate. Bucking back against Mitch, the two collided over and over until Darrin ached for release. As his body began to shake, he felt Mitch bury himself inside Darrin and begin unloading his nuts. The hot sperm was the final straw to push Darrin over the edge, his nuts emptying across the floor. The two moved in sync as their orgasms washed over them and merged. Dripping sweat and exhausted, Mitch fell across Darrin's back and gasped for breath. As they began to return to normal, they heard the distinct sound of scratching at the window, looking over they saw Max staring at them. Darrin chuckled as Mitch muttered, "Damn dog! Josh is gonna pay for this one." \<\>\<\>\<\>\<\> Zach had his face impaled on Josh's cock as the larger boy let out loud moans of appreciation. Twirling his tongue over the engorged head only sent Josh deeper into sexual nirvana. Josh had the college boy's head trapped between his hands as the two of them raced toward the final pinnacle. Zach felt Josh's body responding to his oral talents. His hand roughly stroked Josh's perineum, knowing it drove his lover crazy. As he felt Josh tense, he drove two of his slender fingers deep inside Josh. "Oh fuck!" screamed Josh as he started filling the condom with boy cream. He frantically air fucked as Zach's fingers rammed over his pulsing prostate. With each thrashing movement of his toned body, he added another measure of himself to the filling rubber. With a final twitch of his body as the last drop was expelled, Josh collapsed against the bed. Turning, he pulled Zach on top of him, caressing his smooth pale body. Zach's body was afire with passion that was only fanned hotter by Josh's touch. Bracing himself on Josh's chest, he frantically humped his steel hard cock against his boyfriend's washboard stomach. The friction against Josh's torso was delicious to Zach. With a final grind across Josh's abdomen, Zach's cock started erupting. The first shot hit Josh on the underside of the chin, dripping into the hollow at the base of his neck. The next several shots left thin white ribbons of jizz etched across Josh's chiseled chest. As the flow shrank to a small dribble, Zach slowly ran his hands over Josh's chest and then leaned down to kiss him. Without another word, Zach crawled off Josh and trotted to the bathroom, coming back with the previously prepared washcloth to clean them both. Taking care of Josh's filled condom, Zach gently cleaned his lover, enjoying the smooth touch of his hand over Josh's skin. With a final swipe, he finished. Coming back into the bedroom, he lay beside Josh and sighed when the larger boy wrapped his arms around him. "You know, we could get tested, if you want to be exclusive. Then we could get rid of the condoms," suggested Josh softly. Zach flipped himself over, looking into Josh's eye with an undecipherable look on his face. After a few moments he began to reply. "Sure, of course I want to be exclusive, you know you are the only one I've been with. I'll get tested, if that's what you want." "What do you want, Zach?" asked Josh, a little confused at Zach's hesitancy. "No. That's what I want too. Then we could do away with the condoms. Definitely," Zach answered, trying to sound upbeat. "Ok then, we can go together next week. It's been more than 6 months since I was with anyone but you, so we can both get a clean bill of health and then get rid of the rubbers," said Josh, excited to be moving to a new level in their relationship. "Yeah, that sounds great . . ." replied Zach, unconvincingly. Josh lay his head back down and pulled Zach's blond head to him and kissed it gently. He wasn't sure why Zach wasn't thrilled about the prospects, but he wasn't going to begin questioning him at this point. \<\>\<\>\<\>\<\> Mitch slowly walked onto the porch in his bare feet to stand beside Darrin and watch the approaching car. From the second it had turned onto their driveway, they had both known it was a sheriff's car, and as it neared the house, they could determine that it was Sheriff White Cloud driving. Neither of them was certain if this was a good thing, or not. The car rolled to a stop in front of the house and the guys greeted him warmly as he got out of the car. "Hey Jim, how are things today?" said Mitch. "Well, I needed to talk to you boys about a few things. Thought it would be easier to do it in person." "Ok . . ." said Darrin with concern, "What's up?" "Well, first. That guy who I arrested here a few weeks back. Well, I'm sorry to tell you that he was found dead in his cell this morning. There will be a full investigation into what happened, but it looks like one of the other inmates might have considered himself judge, jury and executioner. Like I told you before, child molesters don't last long in prison no matter what we do to try and protect them." Mitch sat down hard on the porch with a look of shocked disbelief. Darrin squatted down beside him and rested his hand on Mitch's shoulder. "You ok?" asked Darrin. "Yeah. Just. Yeah, give me a minute," said Mitch quietly. Looking up he saw the kind understanding on the sheriff's face and remembered Jim had indicated there was more than one issue to talk to them about. Deciding he liked the floor just fine, he looked up at the sheriff and asked, "What else did you need, Jim?" "Well the other is more personal, and feel free to say no. But the annual Kiowa powwow is in a few weeks, and my grandmother asked me to invite you. She would like to meet the two-spirits who moved into her part of the world." Darrin breathed a sigh of relief and almost chuckled. "Sure! That sounds fun. But . . ." he looked down at Mitch who shook his head no, "We've never been to one. What do we need to do? I know it's more than just a tribal picnic." The sheriff chuckled and nodded, "It is, but you're there as Nanna's guest. So just show up and someone will help you get settled. I'll let you know more when it gets closer." "That's great, Jim. Thanks again for the invitation. We're excited, and honored, to be invited," said Darrin. Reaching down, he helped Mitch from the porch and the two of them bid the sheriff goodbye while their heads reeled from the two huge pieces of information. Walking back into the house, Mitch was still shaking his head. "I can't believe he's dead," said Mitch. "Who's dead?" asked Josh as he twisted on the couch so he could see. "Steve, they found him dead in his cell today," answered Darrin. "Good, someone needed to kill him!" said Josh with venom. "Josh!" "No! You were right, he was like a Skinwalker. He was just evil. Maybe the Kiowa gods are more protective since you're two-spirits. Maybe they killed him." Darrin stared at Josh for a few second, amazed at his violent reaction to the news. Without another word, Josh turned back and resumed playing his video game. Darrin watched in shock for another moment or so, and then turned to Mitch, who had a cryptic look on his face. He walked back and took Mitch in his arms. Darrin whispered in Mitch's ear, "I know this must be hard, and confusing. Give yourself some time." Mitch turned with a look of determination on his face. "It'll be fine. You're here. Josh is here. Just give me a little time. Josh is probably right, at least now we know he can't hurt anyone else. He made the choices he did, and the price he had to pay was high." Darrin nodded, knowing that Mitch would talk with him if he needed a sympathetic ear. \<\>\<\>\<\>\<\> Darrin couldn't help but chuckle at the latest installment in the ongoing argument between Josh and Mitch about getting goats for the ranch. Darrin had to admit that Josh was doing his homework, because each time he had new and better reasons why goats would work on the ranch. Darrin actually thought Mitch was noticing too, because his counter-arguments were becoming less and less dogmatic. When a lull came in the argument, Darrin decided this time he would give his opinion. "We should let him try, Mitch. It can't be any bigger disaster than some of the things we tried when we were his age," said Darrin. Mitch turned to begin a tirade at Darrin, but paused as his words sunk in. Mitch considered it for a minute while Josh held his breath. When he saw that Mitch was thinking it over, Darrin continued. "Have him write a business plan, and we will loan him the startup money, at a reasonable interest rate. He needs to learn how to do it anyway, it would be a good experience," explained Darrin. Mitch considered it for a few more moments, then he turned to Josh. "A written, detailed, business plan. Everything, where you're going to market them, where you're getting breeding stock, winter feed costs, everything. If it doesn't work out, you still have to pay back the money. Got it?" Josh let out the breath he had been holding. With a look of hard won success on his face, he replied to Mitch. "Yes. Sure. I'll write the best damn plan you ever saw. It'll work, Mitch, just wait and see." Turning to Darrin he mouthed a silent 'thank you' and then sprinted for his room. Mitch turned to Darrin with a stern look on his face, "Well, I hope you're happy. You're his favorite again." Darrin looked up with a smug look on his face, "I always was." \<\>\<\>\<\>\<\> Mitch and Darrin walked into the open ground, having carefully followed the map they'd been given to get to the powwow. They'd already marveled at the teepees that had been setup and at some of the amazing dance regalia being worn by the people around them. Jim had met them as soon as they arrived and they were following him through the grounds, toward what appeared to be a brush arbor in the middle of it all. Once they were under the arbor, they saw that it was circling a large flat area. Jim took them to a smaller arbor a short distance away, and the scene there was much more familiar to Mitch and Darrin. As they walked in one end, before them was the typical southern potluck dinner with bowls and pans of very size and description lining tables that were overburdened with food and containing everything from the obviously delicious, to the dishes with a questionable linage. Taking the plates Sheriff White Cloud offered them, they quickly filled them with delicious food. Everyone was helpful in pointing out tribal specialties, and dishes that might be more familiar to Darrin and Mitch. Once they had their plates piled as high as possible, Jim motioned for them to follow him. They moved back under the first arbor and were soon seated to one side of the dance grounds. They ate slowly, relishing the meal and enjoying a great conversation with Jim while they did. Soon they were sopping up the last drops of food with the delicious fry bread they had both loaded up with from the tables. Almost as soon as they finished, a smiling youngster appeared at their sides with a plate of desserts for each of them. Groaning as they shoved more food into their distended stomachs, they slowly consumed the new plates of food. As they finished the last of the dessert plates, they were both extremely full, and in need of a nap. But as their eyelids began to sag, they heard, and felt, the start of a deep drumbeat. The vibrations seemed to emerge from the earth and traverse their bones. After a few minutes, they were released from the hypnotic rhythm and began to look around at the rest of the crowd. When they did, two things became evident. First, the arbors were quickly filling as the drum called in everyone. Second, the drum was going to play an important part in this night, as was evident by the sight of the huge shallow drum suspended almost a foot off the ground with 8 or 9 men sitting around it, all of whom were now drumming. The drum pulsed like a heartbeat, the rhythm and cadence filling the soul of each listener. Soon the men drumming added singing, and even though it was in an ancient language that Darrin and Mitch couldn't understand, the tone made it clear that this was a celebration of another year the Kiowa tribe had survived with its identity intact. As they looked around, both guys realized they were probably the only people attending who were not members of the tribe. But they also felt a connection to a people who were fighting to survive because they were seen as different. As the singing continued, the dancers started the grand entry and Darrin and Mitch began to relax and enjoy the spectacle. For all the beauty of the beadwork and clothing in the daylight, it was ethereal when the talented dancers brought it all to life with their dance in the growing twilight. At the end of the procession was one of the most beautiful women Darrin had ever seen. Oh, not in contemporary American culture's definition of beauty, but a woman who had lived a long life, had fought with every fiber of her being when necessary, and loved deep when needed. He and Mitch were surprised when she didn't follow the rest of the dancers but headed toward them. Darrin was beginning to panic, thinking they were in the wrong spot, when Sheriff White Cloud materialized beside this woman as she stepped past the benches and to the seat between Darrin and Mitch. Jim introduced her. "Darrin, Mitch, this is my grandmother, Nanna. She is one of the elders of the tribe, and a keeper of one of the Ten Grandmothers." Darrin nodded, trying to find a greeting, realizing that he had automatically stood as the woman approached. Desperately trying to work out a correct response, he ended up doing something that looked like a combination bow and curtsy. She chuckled softly at him and then turned to Mitch, who stepped forward and wrapped her in a huge hug, which she returned. Darrin shot Mitch 'the look' as they all sat down and the Grass Dance began. Soon they were all intently watching the talented male and female athletes. The guys were absorbed watching the men's Fancy Dance, with its superb athletic prowess, when Nanna leaned over to Darrin. "That dancer's got a nice butt don't you think?" she asked with a twinkle in her eye. Darrin was flabbergasted. Speechlessly he stared at the woman whose deep rich laughter was filling the space around them. Darrin's mouth opened and closed as he tried to process what this matron of the tribe had just said to him, and what his response should be. Finally it dawned on him that she was teasing, and testing, him. With that resolution, Darrin formulated an answer. "I think the dancers are amazing! I had no idea it was be so athletic. And yes, he has a very nice ass." Nanna chuckled and nodded in acknowledgment of his response, signaling the beginning of a night filled with wonderful stories, great dancing, and more than a little sexual innuendo from a woman who looked like she could be approaching 100, but certainly didn't act like it. By the end of the night, Darrin and Mitch were both feeling so welcomed that they almost weren't surprised when Nanna took them by the hands and led them onto the dance grounds. Darrin could feel the power of her presence when she started speaking. "As one of the keepers of grandmothers, I am adopting these two as my sons. I know you've all heard my grandson talk about their power as two-spirits. Now that I've met them, I agree. But then, my grandson always was pretty smart," she smiled over at Jim and gave him a small wink before continuing. "This is my wish. Do any want to challenge my right to do this, or the need for it?" Darrin had heard the term deafening silence before, but until that moment he'd never actually experienced it. For several long heartbeats, there was nothing, not a child asking questions, not even a cricket chirping. But then it was shattered with an ear-piercing whoop of affirmation that was quickly picked up by everyone. The overwhelming positive response embarrassed them both, causing Darrin's face to redden. With that positive endorsement by the gathered crowd, she completed their adoption ceremony and bestowed each of them with tribal names. The remainder of the powwow was largely lost on Darrin and Mitch. They would never be able to remark on any of it beyond the swirl of color and the pulse of the drum. Eventually night lightened into the deep gray of predawn and the final dances were preformed. It seemed that each person in attendance greeted them personally as they wound their way back to their vehicle. Driving home was done in complete silence as they still tried to process what had taken place. They'd been adopted into the tribe, by one of its elders. They were still stunned. But as they walked through the door, Mitch turned with an ornery grin toward Darrin. "Come on, Little Turtle, I need some sleep," said Mitch with a giggle. "Nanna wants to call me Little Turtle, I'm fine with that. Come on Raging Elk, I'm ready for bed." Mitch chuckled as he pulled off his clothes to crawl into the beckoning bed. As he settled his head onto the pillow, Darrin crawled in beside him. Both were so exhausted from the night that for once the touch of their bare skins against the other didn't elicit any physical response. \<\>\<\>\<\>\<\> Josh had been looking forward to this day since they had decided to get tested and do away with the condoms several weeks ago. As is always the case when you want something to happen fast, it seemed to have taken forever before they were able to be tested, and get back their results. But everything had finally come together and a few days of anticipation had Josh now feeling like a buck during mating season. They had grabbed a pizza at their local hangout, and after a conversation that Josh would never be able to recall, they had found themselves in Zach's dorm room. Josh had slumped onto the bed and was squeezing his crotch while trying to talk with Zach. But now he had the problem of an achingly hard cock, and a boyfriend who wasn't being nearly as cooperative as he'd hoped, neither of which was improving his mood. "Come on, Zach. We can actually suck each other without tasting plastic. I want a taste of your cum. Aren't you excited?" said Josh as he panted slightly. "Yeah, of course I am. It's just all . . . different. I'm worried it won't be the same." Josh walked across the dorm room and sat so he could rub Zach's neck. Feeling the tense muscles, he started rubbing the stiffness out of them and felt Zach relax. When he heard a soft moan from Zach, Josh ran his hands under Zach's shirt, flicking his thumbs over his hard nipples. Josh worked slowly, removing Zach's shirt and letting it drop to the floor, still unsure why Zach was not excited about the new level of intimacy they could have. As he slid Zach's shorts off his down-covered legs, he could see that his work was paying off; Zach's cock was hard as steel and tenting out his briefs. With a smile, Josh peeled off his own shirt and pants and then lay Zach on his back and started chewing on the erection trapped in the cloth underwear. Josh knew that Zach had a hair trigger, and wanted his load in his mouth, with that goal in mind, he quickly had the smaller boy thrashing on the bed with his libido building. Josh reached up and pulled Zach's underwear off, and quickly buried Zach's cock in his face until the dark blond pubes were rubbing against his lips. He felt Zach shake as the sensations raced through his body and Josh knew he would soon get the load fresh from Zach's nuts. Josh grabbed Zach's balls and tugged on them, stretching his scrotum with his testicles trapped inside until Zach was squirming underneath him. With a muffled scream, Zach started shooting into Josh's mouth. Josh savored the rich juice as he quickly swallowed so he wouldn't loose a drop. The jets of hot jizz squirting across his tongue increased Josh's levels of lust as his own cock jerked in the confines of his briefs. Soon he was nursing the last of the boy cream from his dick as Zach twitched with the rapidly building sensitivity of his cock. "Oh, Josh! Stop! Dang it, my cock is tender," squealed Zach. Josh ran his tongue over the deflating cock head one last time and then lifted himself up to kiss Zach. As they kissed, Josh slowly slipped his tongue inside of Zach's mouth. Josh enjoyed the taste of cum blending with his boyfriend's saliva, but Zach quickly broke the kiss and wiped his lips with the back of his hand. Zach put his hand in the middle of Josh's chest and pushed him back onto the bed. Leaning down, Zach kissed Josh's throat and then pushed himself down Josh's torso. Kneeling on the bed, Zach slipped off Josh's briefs, and watched as the stiff pole slapping against his stomach with its release. Steeling himself, Zach ran his tongue over the precum flowing from Josh's cock. Pausing for a second to catalog the flavor, Zach realized it wasn't what he expected and smiled up at Josh. With his concerned largely eliminated; the smaller man plunged his face on Josh's cock and sucked with abandon. Josh moaned with each pass of Zach's tongue, knowing he wouldn't last long. Soon he had Zach's head gripped between his hands as he bucked up into his hot mouth. With a last growl of lust, he thrust himself deep into Zach's face and unloaded. His orgasm was massive and violent as ribbon after ribbon of cum raced from his cock, filling Zach's mouth. Josh could see him swallowing, but still a stream of surplus cum leaked from his lips. Josh released Zach's head and threw his hands over his head, enjoying the hot wet tongue that was slicing through the hot jizz flowing like lava from his dick. With a final sigh, the last spasm rolled through his body and Josh relaxed on the small bed. He touched Zach's face and then met his eyes, and realized something was wrong. Zach looked awful, with a look of horror on his face. Before Josh could ask what was wrong, Zach gagged and bolted for the bathroom. Immediately the room was filled with the sound of retching as Zach's lost everything he had eaten today. Josh ran into the bathroom to find Zach on his knees in front of the toilet as heave after heave wracked his slender body. Josh knelt on the floor beside him and rubbed the smaller boys back. Zach finally stopped vomiting and turned to look at Josh with tears rolling down his face. "I can't do it. I was afraid I couldn't. I can't swallow it, Josh. It was just awful tasting," sobbed Zach. Josh dampened a washcloth and wiped the sweat and spit off Zach's face and then kissed him softly. "It's ok, Zach. I don't want you to do it if it makes you sick." "I tried, Josh. Honest I tried. I tried to think it was something else. But it was so bitter and thick. I'm sorry!" Zach wailed. "Shhh, calm down. It's all fine. Let's go lay down and spoon. I think we've done enough exploring for one night," said Josh softly. Josh led Zach back into the room after he'd washed his face carefully. They curled up on Zach's bed, with Josh holding him tight. Josh kissed Zach and felt guilty that what he'd looked forward to with such anticipation had been such a trial to Zach. As the smaller boy's rhythmic breathing signaled sleep, Josh nuzzled his face against Zach's neck, and shortly was snoring lightly. \<\>\<\>\<\>\<\> Darrin looked at Mitch with a ferocious look on his face. "I swear to god if you put those dick candles on my cake I will beat you to a pulp. Promise me, Mitch! I've invited Emma and her husband and the last thing I need is flaming cocks on top of my cake." "Oh good grief! I've already told you a hundred times. I will not put the candles on your cake—" "Or on the mantle, the fireplace, the patio. . . nowhere! I don't want dick candles anywhere! Right?" "Yes, yes, mom! No candles, none. I got it. I promise," said Mitch. Darrin breathed out a sigh of relief and nodded his thanks at Mitch and then turned to finish the preparations. Mitch was helping as much as he could, but really about all Darrin trusted him to do was mix the various bottles of liquid to make the punch. Darrin already had the cake and presents on the dining table and the finger foods for later off to one side. Just as he was finishing, Josh and Zach drove up, with Dr. Ruck and her husband right behind. Darrin and Mitch greeted everyone warmly and soon the presents were opened, and everyone was enjoying the birthday cake. As the homemade chocolate cake disappeared, Darrin directed everyone to the buffet. Motioning for Emma to begin, Darrin headed off to grab a few last things. As he was settling the last items into place, he heard roaring laughter coming from Dr. Ruck and her husband. He raced over to see what was going on. Looking into the punch bowl, Darrin's curiosity turned to horror as he saw hundreds of ice cocks floating in the light red punch. Snapping his head around, Darrin roared, "Mitch!" \<\>\<\>\<\>\<\> "So, are you still mad at me?" asked Mitch sheepishly as they stripped for bed. "Hell yes! That was embarrassing!" said Darrin. Mitch gave him a sheepish grin, "Emma thought it was hilarious." "Emma would, she has the same kind of sense of humor as you do," said Darrin in a slightly more relaxed voice and he almost chuckled. "You're going to keep pulling stuff like this on me for the rest of our lives aren't you?" "Yup!" said Mitch with an unrepentant grin, "You're way too serious." Mitch smiled as Darrin stripped. Mitch admired his muscular legs and tight ass as he slid into bed. Turning so they were facing each other, Mitch whispered softly to Darrin. "You ready for the last of your 30th birthday present?" "If it's what I think it is, hell yes!" said Darrin with a smile, Mitch's transgression forgotten. "I want my ass plugged, with your big ole' cut cock. How does that sound?" Darrin growled and crawled on top of Mitch. He laid his body across Mitch and kissed him hard. He wanted to play stallion to Mitch's mare tonight, and Mitch seemed to be in agreement. Darrin rubbed his chin across Mitch's neck, letting his goatee scrape against Mitch throat. Leaning in, he inhaled the spicy scent that Mitch always emitted during sex. The taste of it on his tongue was masculine ambrosia for Darrin. Letting his kisses and licks trail down Mitch's muscular chest, he found an erect nipple protruding slightly from the curly dark hair. Using his tongue, Darrin soon had each nipple surrounded with an area of wet, matted fur. Darrin slid down Mitch's body, moving the crisp white sheet lower and lower until the root of Mitch's cock was faintly visible. Darrin began licking the feature that had started his physical attraction to Mitch, his dense black treasure trail. With his tongue and teeth, Darrin feasted on the hairy feature, tugging on it with his teeth and then wiggling his tongue over the hair, Darrin adored exploring this masculine feature of his husband. Running his blunt fingernails over Mitch's abdomen, Darrin let them trace through the dense forest of pubic hair. Darrin paused to watch Mitch's cock involuntarily flex as his ministrations had their desired effects. Darrin reached down and ripped off the sheet, exposing Mitch's glorious body in its totality. Bypassing his genitals, Darrin gripped the backs of Mitch's hairy legs and pushed them forward until his flexing hole was exposed. Darrin dove into it like a burning man into a pool, ramming his tongue in with his first motion and then settling in to rim Mitch to within an inch of his life. Darrin sucked and licked, covering each millimeter of skin with careful attention. Long minutes later when Darrin pulled back, Mitch lay panting, his cock running a steady stream of precum and his ass engorged and distended. Mitch raised his head and moaned. "Oh shit! Fuck me already! Damn you have my hole so needing your fat cock," said Mitch around a throaty groan. Darrin sat panting with need for no more than a heartbeat before grabbing the lube and coating himself and Mitch. Darrin fingers slithered inside Mitch's gut and started finger fucking him hard and fast. Loud gasps and cries of pleasure erupted from Mitch, which eventually became unintelligible gasps of pleasure. After a final hard thrust, Darrin let his fingers slide slowly out of Mitch. Grabbing his hard cock, Darrin slathered it with the slick gel and then pressed its head against Mitch's ass. He could almost feel the tendrils of his husband's ass as it tried to pull him inside. With a fierce smile Darrin accommodated it, sinking himself into Mitch in one long push. "Oh! Hell yes! Fuck me!" screamed Mitch. Darrin grabbed Mitch's legs in a tight grip and started pounding his ass. Soon the sound of wet skin slapping against each other and loud masculine moans were the only sounds in the room. Darrin drilled into Mitch repeatedly. Unmercifully pounding his ass until he was limp and gasping in his hands. Soft mews escaped from Mitch's lips as Darrin directed his thrusts to ram against Mitch's prostate. Mitch could feel it harden and grow with each hit. Gasping and grabbing the sheets, he was totally at the mercy of Darrin's rhythm as he raced toward orgasm. With a handful of additional hits, Mitch was over the edge and his cock erupted. Quickly coating both of them, his body locked in the throes of his climax. His ass clamped around Darrin's cock, providing an unbelievable level of friction for Darrin. Feeling the hot sperm splatter over his body, Darrin relished the coating of maleness being given to him by his husband. Mitch's convulsing body had clamped down tight on his cock, but Darrin rammed in hard. With that final thrust, his balls boiled over and his seed flooded Mitch's ass. Darrin's body twitched as his fingers dug into Mitch's legs. Darrin soared as his hormone overwhelmed brain bathed in the sensations. The tides of sex overwhelmed them both as loud affirmations of pleasure erupted from their lips. Gradually they both returned and Darrin released Mitch's legs, which fell to the bed beside him. He leaned forward and kissed Mitch, his cock still buried in Mitch's ass. Soon they were in a familiar cuddle and kissing each other softly. "Thanks, babe. That was the best gift ever," said Darrin with a sigh. "It was in the top 10 best sex we've had, I have to agree," quipped Mitch as his breathing slowly returned to normal. "Hmmm, I don't want to move," said Darrin softly. "Let's not, I just want to cuddle with you forever," said Mitch softly. "Great idea, lover. Great idea." \<\>\<\>\<\>\<\> Zach held his hand over Josh's chest. Zach had a look of disbelief on his face, which was bright red with embarrassment. Josh could also feel Zach's hard cock poking against his hip indicating his lover's level of arousal. "Are they always like that?" whispered Zach. "No, not usually. But they do sometimes get loud during special occasions. Usually I go to the movies or something." "That was fucking hot," sighed Zach. Josh turned to look at him, "I am not having sex because you're horny after listening to my dads." "Oh, ok," said Zach who slid down beside Josh. Josh lay on his side, confused by his feelings over the blond boy behind him.
Title: Bess Ch. 12 Tags: nude beach, exhibition, masturbation When Deidre got back from her weekend in Chicago she gave her best friend Charlene a call. "Hey Char," Deidre said into the phone. "Are you free any time this week? I'd like to talk with you." "There isn't any trouble, is there?" Charlene asked. "Not really but I'd really like to talk with you." "Okay. How about lunch Friday? 1 o'clock at Sergio's." "Good. See you there." Charlene was Deidre's oldest friend. They met in middle school and continued being close ever since. Even though they went to different colleges and took different career paths, the friendship never wavered. Charlene became an art teacher but had since branched out. She owned her own small art gallery and exhibited some of her own art there. They were in each other's weddings and were each godparent to one of their children. Charlene was there for Deidre when Joe left her and was the first one Deidre told about Scott. Deidre was there for Charlene when her mom died suddenly. They were more like sisters than friends and they had shared their dreams, hopes and fears with each other. There were no secrets between them. Deidre showed up just after 1 and found Charlene seated in a back corner booth. "You're looking good," she said, kissing her cheek. Charlene was wearing a gray knit dress that hugged her figure. She had a figure any forty year old would envy. As a former gymnast, she was always petite but she claimed that growing boobs cut short her career. As always though, her raven hair was pulled back in some kind of bun, one that appeared hurriedly put together. "You're looking good yourself. There is something different about you. Hair color? Lost weight?" "No, I wish I lost weight," Deidre laughed as she sat down. Charlene couldn't put her finger on it but there was something different about her friend that made you notice. Deidre was dressed in a navy blue knit skirt with an empire waist that just showed her cleavage. A small pearl necklace with matching earrings really added to the look. The lunch was excellent and the two had a great time catching up on everything from the kids to work to Carly's up coming wedding. It felt good for both of them. "Ok, why did you call me?" Charlene asked. "Is there something wrong?" Deidre put her fork down and said, "Char, I'm in love, passionately, deeply in love." Charlene laughed. "Well, two questions then. Do I know him? And does he love you?" she asked with a smile. "I'm serious, Char. It is Scott, my husband." "I don't understand. This a problem?" "For the last year, I feel so alive and sexy too. I feel I could make love to him every day. I sleep in the nude because I want nothing between us. If we don't make love then I need him to hold me, touch me. It is more than just sex. I feel so alive, so good when I'm with him." "I still don't understand," Charlene said shaking her head. "I feel really good about myself and it seems other people have noticed it too. People have hit on me. And I like it but when they do it, it just makes me want Scott more." "Why shouldn't men hit on you? You look great. You should feel good about it." "Well, last weekend, a woman, a friend of Bess' came on to me." Deidre looked down at her plate and then back up. "And I let her do me." "Oh my God, Dee! You had sex with her?" Charlene said. "Tell me about. Did you like it?" Deidre told her everything, every detail. Charlene squirmed in her seat. She was slightly jealous as one of her deep fantasies was to see what it was like to make love to a woman and that woman was her best friend. Now her best friend had felt confident enough to actually do it. "I'm not sorry I tried it. Yes, I liked it but when she left me alone in the bed I knew I wanted more. Not her but Scott. I needed to feel him, his arms around me, to finish me, and it would have been perfect." "Does Scott know?" "No, he doesn't," Deidre answered. "I haven't told him yet but I will. It was a one time thing." Charlene took Deidre's hand. "I envy you. It sounds like you have a wonderful love life and with your husband no less. You were willing to try something new and different. You are pretty lucky." "Lucky? Charlene, I'm forty years old and I'm acting like a horny teenager. I'm not confusing love with lust either. Do you think I'm going through 'the change'? Should I go to the doctor's?" "No! Since I've known you, you have always been the sensible one compared to me. You're letting your feelings make decisions for you now and it's a little scary. Look at the results. You seem to be the happiest I've ever seen you. I say, 'you go girl' and enjoy it. You're in love with the man of your dreams. You deserve this." "Scott and I are going to the Bahamas for two weeks, alone. I'm so excited about it that I'm actually a little afraid. Afraid of what I might do. Afraid I won't want to come back." Charlene raised her glass. "To our husbands and lovers...may they never meet but in your case." Over the clinking of glasses, you could hear the two women laugh. Deidre could not believe the house that Nancy allowed them to stay in at the Bahamas. Three of the four sides faced the ocean allowing a perfect view. The deck overlooked the beach that was about 150 yards away. There was a wooden walk way to the beach and about halfway was a screen house that had a king size bed in it. It was more than she imagined. She stood on the deck and let the late morning sun caress her body. The ocean breeze was light and brought freshness to the air. Her body felt alive to the feelings and still tingled after last night's amazing love making. She was naked and had decided that she would remain that way for as long as she could. She liked the way she felt, free, open, and ready. Scott came up behind her and put his arms around her. She reached behind her and pulled him close. She could feel his nakedness. Pushing her head back on his chest, she said, " Great view." "It certain is," he replied and he kissed her neck. "I meant the beach," she laughed. Deidre leaned forward and waved to a young woman down on the beach. She waved back. It was Marie who was from Montreal and she was here on her honeymoon with her husband, Jean. Deidre and Scott met them yesterday. Yesterday Deidre and Scott went down the long wooden walk to their own private beach. Deidre had bought a few bathing suits with her and today she had on a metallic blue bikini. It was one she knew that she would never wear any place else. The top barely covered her nipples and hardly held in her breasts. The bottom was very skimpy. So skimpy that she had to shave her pussy. Not all of it as she left behind what the suit would cover. After the first day, the top was gone and she knew the bottom would soon be going. She had convinced Scott to wear one of the French cut swimsuits. He argued at first but gave in. When she told him he needed a trim he changed his mind. She did her best to change it back so there he was, wearing the suit. He was sitting next to her, reading a book. After a bit a couple in their mid 20's years wandered on to the beach, spread their blanket about 60 feet away and stripped. The girl was cute, a bit pudgy, with nice tits. They were all soon soaking the rays. Scott started to get up. "Hey, where are you going?" Deidre asked. "To tell them this is a private beach," he explained. "They can find someplace else." She touched his arm. "It's okay. They aren't hurting anyone. Let them stay." Scott went back to reading his book for a while and when Deidre looked back their way she was totally surprised. The young woman was lying on her back and the man was between her legs licking her pussy. She nudged Scott and they watched quietly. The girl was moaning and quivering, at times she was pulling on her nipples, at others she was pulling his face into her pussy. She acted like they were all alone. After a bit, time seemed suspended as she came in a moaning, shuddering orgasm. The man rolled over and picked up his drink while she lay there with a glazed look in her eyes. Scott had a serious hard on, as did the guy. He said he had to cool off and got up to walk down the beach. Deidre sat there, her pussy leaving a damp spot on her suit. She slipped off her bikini bottom and spread her legs. The breeze felt good on her pussy. She casually glanced toward the other couple to see what would happen next. All the time she was amazed that the man did not touch his cock although she could see it was hard and throbbing. She unconsciously licked her lips. The woman just lay there like she was down for the count, legs spread, wet pussy gleaming. Deidre thought well, maybe he'd get his reward tonight. Deidre noticed that his cock never really went down. She gave a few quick glances his way and he seemed to have some kind of ring at the end of it. For the life of her, Deidre couldn't figure out what it was. Soon the woman revived and started reading a magazine. Scott came back with his suit in his hand and whispered, "I can't watch much more of that." The sexual tension was up between Deidre and Scott as they talked quietly about their new neighbors. She asked him if he noticed that young man had a ring at his cock's head. Scott laughed. "I wasn't looking at him!" Scott's own cock was at half-mast and dripping pre-cum. When Deidre glanced back at the couple, the woman was softly rubbing her pussy with her right hand. The guy seemed unaware and was watching something further down the beach. Deidre was somewhat mesmerized as the girl began to rub her pussy. At times she rubbed the lips and then she would spend a little time concentrating on her clit. Deidre was watching this from about 60 feet away and it was one of the most erotic things she had ever seen. Scott was deep into his book, trying to act calm so she bumped his knee and motioned toward the neighbor, and put a finger to her lips lest they spoil the show. Scott's cock quickly sprung to life and was now fully hard and throbbing. The man, Jean, turned back and saw what was taking place with his wife. He started to slowly stroke his cock as he watched his wife get more and more into rubbing her clit. Scott looked over at Deidre and she had her legs nearly closed, but her hand between her upper thighs. The neighbor was beginning to hump her butt up and down and rub her pussy more frantically as her moans grew louder. Deidre had her eyes glued to the scene before her and had opened her legs and began to play with her clit in earnest. She sighed quietly. Here they were an older couple with a couple of 20 year olds next to them, all masturbating like they were all alone. The man leaned over and began to kiss his wife while she continued to moan and play with her pussy. Deidre was getting more and more into her own thing, so Scott turned to her, dropped to his knees and buried his face between her thighs. Her pussy was dripping as he sucked on her lips and began to flick his tongue lightly over her clit. She tasted fantastic and the new smoothness of her pussy caused Scott to want more. Deidre began to tell him what was happening with the other couple in between her own moans of pleasure. "She's coming, she's coming," she cried, and then she began to shudder through her own orgasm. "Oh God, Baby, Yes. Don't stop," she moaned Her leg clamping tightly to his head as she begged him to stop just as she was begging for more just a few minutes before. Scott sat back and looked around. There were 2 satisfied women and 2 guys with raging hard cocks. They looked at each other, the young man grinned and went back to stroking his cock. To Scott's surprise and great satisfaction Deidre dropped down and began to suck his cock. It felt so great as she tongued the head and then slid the full length down her throat. The other man had his eyes glued on them as he pumped his cock while the girl was beginning to come around after her orgasm. He pointed and apparently asked for the same treatment. She smiled and got on her hands and knees. She reached and placed a finger in the cock ring. She began to pull on it. It was attached to rod that had small knobs on it and it began to slide out of Jean's cock. Scott suddenly realized that rod was inside his cock and that was why he had an erection for so long. The girl pulled on the ring as she stroked his cock. She pulled the rod completely out of his cock and his cock began to spew his cum. That was the final straw. Scott began to shoot his load into Deidre's mouth as she greedily swallowed trying to keep up. "Yes, Babe. Take it all!" After a few minutes Scott and Deidre walked down for a short swim to wash the cum off. As they came out of the water the neighbors were headed in. The two couples smiled as they passed. When they came out Deidre invited them over. They were a little hesitant at first, but soon relaxed. Deidre and the young woman hit it off right away and they soon were talking like old friends. It seemed she was somewhat of an exhibitionist and he liked to watch her in action. The hour grew late so they said their good-byes. "I hope we can see more of each other," Marie said with a twinkle in her eye. "Oh, I think we will," Deidre smiled back. As they headed back towards the house, Scott asked, "What was that all about?" "What?" answered Deidre. "I saw that little exchange between you and Marie. What's going on?" "This," Deidre said, grabbing his hand. They stepped into the screened house and she pushed him onto the bed. She straddled him and began to rub her soaked pussy along his semi-hard cock. "I'm so hot right now. I need you in my pussy." It didn't take much coaxing for Scott's cock to respond. Deidre rocked her hips and she felt the tip against her opening. She pushed back and he easily slipped into her. "Oh," she gasped. "You feel so good." Deidre sat up so she could have the full length of Scott in her. She wriggled her hips and pressed down on him. She began to grind her clit on him. "Oh, babe, it feels so fuckin' good. I want it to last forever." Scott slowly began to move his hips up and down, moving his cock only a few inches. He could feel her pussy clench, and then release him. He placed his hands on her breasts and rolled his thumbs over her erect nipples. "Take it slow baby. Let it build. We have all the time in the world." It was true. It seemed that time had stood still for them and nothing else matter but their own pleasure. Deidre could feel the warm setting sun on her back and the sea breeze caused her skin to tingle as it gently caressed her. The feeling within her body was beginning to build and try as she might to control them; her hips began to move in rhythm with Scott. They began to move faster with Deidre rising up until only the tip of his cock was in her and sliding down his length. It felt so good and she could feel her orgasm building. It was going to be a good one, one of many that she wanted. The feeling spread from her pussy as she moved faster. "Oh baby, it's going to be good," she moaned. Deidre leaned forward to put her weigh on her arms. Scott grabbed her breasts and squeezed. "Come on babe. Let go." Deidre wanted to stretch it out, make it stronger, last longer but her body was not hers to control. The squishing of pussy juices became louder as she moved faster. Beads of sweat formed on her skin as the feeling grew. Her orgasm came faster and harder that she expected. Her hips moved up and down as she tried to ride it out. She let out a long loud moan. It felt great. Suddenly on the last up stroke, Scott's cock popped out of her pussy, leaving it empty and wanting. "No, oh no!" she groaned. Her orgasm, which started out so good, began to subside. She collapsed on Scott's chest and grounded her pussy against him, hoping against hope to somehow get his cock back in her. "No, no," Deidre sobbed, unsatisfied. Scott knew exactly what she wanted and he wanted it too. A minute ago the sexiest woman in the world was riding his cock and was about to have a wonderful orgasm. He needed to give it to her. He hooked his arms under hers and rolled her onto her back. Moving his arms to her legs, he pushed them back towards the bed. In this position, Deidre's glistening pussy was wide open and inviting. Effortlessly, he entered her, filling her completely, his balls slapping her ass. They locked their eyes on each other. The two of them were completely in sync, overcome by the need to reach a sexual high. "Sweet Jesus!" Deidre cried out as Scott began to piston in and out of her. "Fuck me. Fuck me hard!" Quickly the feeling began to spread over her but this time it was like nothing she ever felt. Her skin began to tingle and her breathing became shorter. She locked her legs around Scott and ran her hands down his back, across his ass and back again. She tried to talk but nothing but moans escaped her lips. When she came, it overwhelmed her senses. "I'M CUMMING!" she screamed and she arched her back, nearly lifting Scott off her. The tent seemed to turn red as she thrashed under him. She moaned and whimpered, unable to form words. It went on and on, unlike anything before. As one ended, another one rode over it. "Dee, are you OK?" Scott asked softly. She tried to answer but no words would form. How could she tell him that she was more than OK. She seemed to be a sexual haze as her body continued to spasm. She tossed her head from side to side trying to catch her breath. She spread her arms out to the side and shook them. "Babe, are you all right?" There was more urgency in his voice. Deidre opened her eyes and looked into his face. She placed her hands along side his face. "I'm...fine," she gasped and then kissed him hard. As they kissed, Deidre could feel his hard cock move slowly in her. She began to move her hips to match him. Scott moved faster, going deeper with each stroke. Again the feeling began to build. She knew she couldn't stop it. "Oh no, not again, no," Deidre moaned. She wasn't sure she could take it. She wanted it. She needed it badly Again she came hard. "Yes, yes. Oh God, fuck me! Keep fucking me," she screamed as it swept over her. Her pussy clenched against his cock. Again her body was out of her control as her orgasm roared over her. Her pussy juices flooded the bed. Her arms and legs clamped around Scott. Scott couldn't hold back no longer and as he came, he let out a primal scream. He filled her with his cum and then collapsed, out of breath. Deidre didn't remember going up to the house and being placed in the bed. Everything was a delicious fog. When she awoke, she just lay there, staring at the ceiling and listening to Scott softly snore. She thought to herself, "All my fears are coming true. I'm becoming a sex fiend, for my husband." She clasped her hands behind her head and gave out a little chuckle. "There could be worst things."
Title: Disgrace by Shakarri Tags: Character Development, Hermaphrodite, Highschool, Hyena, Lion, Oral, Other/Herm, Public, Vaginal, Violence (Not In Yiff) Shakarri once more! A few poitns to hit first: story, characters, and situation is mine. No likie the sex or too young, buzz off. Go read the three previous stories first. Everyone else, enjoy! The yiff in this one is a bit shorter than the last chapter, but this is sort of the mid-point of the series. As I'm writting these stories, I can't help but think about the other characters. maybe I'll write a few spin-off stories about some of them after this sereis is over. ---------- The Sun was starting to hang low in the sky, the shadows of the trees reaching out over the court, offering the two combatants a form of shade from the heat. However, it would seem that exhaustion had already started to wear upon the girls, their once radiant fur now dull and damp with sweat, their tongues hanging from their muzzles. Ashanti had recovered from her injury, the adrenaline pumping through her veins blotted the pain from her mind, allowing her keep up with Keisha once more. But, perhaps now keeping up wasn't enough as the lioness was a full two set points ahead of her, giving Keisha a comfortable space to win with. A good number of the other girls had gone home, claiming that they had other things that needed to be done rather than watching these two. The only ones that remained were Tonia the she-wolf, Jasmine, and Erin, a zebra who claimed to be Keisha's friend. Ashanti stood at the base line, holding the ball in her paw as she stared at the ground. Her arms and legs felt like jam and she could feel her body attempting to keep itself standing up straight. Jasmine grew concerned as she watched her friend deteriate out on the court, Mrs. Robertson refusing to stop them before Ashanti collapsed. Reaching into her duffle bag, she pulled out her cell phone and quickly dialed a number. "Hey, Jordan," she spoke softly into the phone, trying to do so discretly, "Yeah, it's Jazz. I think you should come on over to the school tennis court. Yeah, Ashanti isn't doing too hot. I think you should come out and support her." ---------- Ashanti sat in her seat during the Algebra class, barely able to stay awake. It wasn't because the class was absolutely boring to her, even though it didn't help, but the hyena simply felt drained, both physically, mentally, and emotionally. Keisha had kept her word that she would call upon Ashanti to service her whenever she felt the need for it. Never in Ashanit's life had she ever known of any female with such a raging sexual appetite. It had only been two weeks since she became a "cock-on-call", but she had been summoned twelves of those days, three of those days she got a call from Keisha more than once, usually after school or in the middle of the night. The lioness didn't need a cock on call, she needed an exorcist. Ashanti's body felt limp and tired, her crotch aching, as she tried to pay attention to the lesson. The hyena moved her pencil across the notebook paper in front of her, attempting to transcribe the lecture, but her tired brain could only muster a solid, wriggling line. She must have fallen asleep at some point during the class because the next thing Ashanti remembered was waking up to a small tap upon the back of her shoulder. Snapping awake quickly, she spun her head back around towards Jordan who held a folded slip of paper out at her. Taking the paper, she opened it up and read it as the teacher continued to talk. "Where ya been? I haven't seen you in forever!" he wrote. Ashanti glanced up at the blackboard before grabbing her pencil and wrote back, "Busy with stuff. I can't really tell you," and quickly passed the note back. She heard the sound of writing then the paper appeared over her shoulder again. "I miss hanging out with you. Aren't we still friends or what?" Ashanti gave a small sigh before leaning over to reply when she felt a buzzing vibration in the pocket of her jeans. She already knew what it was, but she couldn't believe that it would happen now of all times. She reached into her pocket and pulled out the cell phone before she read the text message that flashed upon the screen. "Meet me in the bthrom in sci hal." Ashanti rolled her eyes, a small whimper escaping her. What the Hell was wrong with this lion? Was she trying to kill Ashanti? That had to be it. But, then again, it could be that she wanted to meet with her about something else. Always the optimistic one, Ashanti rose her paw, cutting her elderly panda bear teacher off in mid-sentence. "Yes, Ashanti?" he mumbled in his usual drone, pushing his glasses up higher upon the bridge of his snout to get a better look at her. "I need to use the restroom," Ashanti muttered, dipping her head down as she glanced about at her other classmates, all of their eyes upon her. "Well, I'm sure that you can hold it until the bell," he started back up, turing away to face the blackboard again. "It's not **kind** of emergency, sir," she said, feeling embarassed having to talk about this, "It's more of a ....female emergency." The panda bear glanced over his shoulder, giving her a puzzled look, not catching her drift at all. "She's bleeding form her cooz, Mr. Tao," a male fox blurted out, a grin on his face as the other students of the class shared in on a small snicker at Ashanti's expense. "Oh," the old fashioned panda huffed, a bit taken by the sheer vulgarity of the fox's words, "Well, in that case, you are excused, Ashanti." Grabbing for her backpack, Ashanti made a beeline for the door, her face blushing red beneath her fur. The things she did to keep her hermaphrodite nature a secret. Walking through the halls of the school, Ashanti tried to walk as quickly as possible without drawing attention to herself. The last thing she needed was a teacher stopping her and asking what she was doing so far from class. As Ashanti passed by the math wing's drinking fountain, a couple of female students stood around, talking to each other about something. When they noticed the hyena, they both stopped and stared at her, watching her walk past them before turning back and giggling loudly with plenty of "Oh my gawd!"s being tossed back and forth between them. Did they know something about Ashanti that was so funny? Had Keisha broken her promise and told somefur about her? Shaking the thoughts from her mind, Ashanti turned down into the science wing, slipping up against the bathroom door before sliding in. Ashanti was surprised to find the bathroom empty. There was a very distinct smell of piss and cigarettes, but she didn't see a sign of Keisha anywhere. "Hello?" Ashanti called out, peeking around from near the bathroom's entrance. Maybe she got lucky and Keisha changed her mind. "Over here," the familiar voice called out, a small whimpering tone to it. Following the sound of the voice, Ashanti stood in front of a bathroom stall and pushed the door open a bit. Inside, Keisha had her legs spread open lewdly, her skirt pushed up and her panties wrapped around a single ankle as the lioness wantonly rolled her swollen clit about with her fingers. It seemed that she simply couldn't wait for Ashanti any longer. "What took you so long?" Keisha snarled through her clenched fangs, staring at Ashanti with one barely opened eye as she continued her self-induced pleasure, "Whatever. Just get in here and close the door." Slipping into the stall, Ashanti felt a bit cramped in the confined space. Keisha didn't miss a beat for, as soon as the stall door was closed and locked, she left herself alone and lunged for the hyena, grabbing her by the waist and pulling her close before fumbling about with the fly of the jeans. It was so disgusting. Of all the places Keisha could have picked for them to do this, why did she have to pick a bathroom? Ashanti felt her stomach lurch at the thought of what could be covering each and every surface of this room, let alone this stall. Finally figuring out the trick to the pants, Keisha quickly tugged and pulled the jeans down off of the hyena, jostling Ashanti in the process. Already, despite the horrid conditions surrounding her, Ashanti's cock had begun to raise out from the fuzzy sheath that held it. Taking Ashanti by the hips, Keisha tried to speed up the process as she licked and lapped at the exposed pink piss-slit while rolling the heavy balls about with her paw, urging the cock to fill out faster. Ashanti's face contorted in a mix of pleasure and discomfort. The eager attention of Keisha's mouth did stir the hyena's cock to spill out from its hiding place. However, the lion's tongue was rough and painful, causing Ashanti to wince and suck in air through her teeth as the sand-paper tongue brushed over the underside of her still mostly soft and sensitive member, but she didn't stop the lion from her action, she learned her lesson from her bloody snout, but rather looked up at the ceiling. Her time being with Keisha had taught Ashanti how to separate her mind from her body, to find someplace else to be while the lion used her as a tool. Watching the smoke detector's light blink on and off, Ashanti wondered to herself if that thing actually worked. The hyena's attention was brought back to the present as she felt Keisha wrap her mouth around the now fully erect phallus, her tongue lapping around the veined flesh as she bobbed her head over the mass, forcing inch by inch down into her throat with each downward motion. The first time Keisha did this, Ashanti could hardly believe that she had stuffed all ten inches of cock into her muzzle, but now it was just another thing that Ashanti had come to expect. The lioness gave a soft moan, her throat rippling around the embedded cock, as she resumed the teasing of her own clit, rolling the exposed nub with the pad of her fingers. The sounds that Keisha made as she worked the fleshy length was rather nauseating; the wet, slimy squishing sound that one would think to hear from punching a squid. But, what it lacked in grace, it more than made up in pleasure as the tight passage of Keisha's throat coaxed the hyena towards the need to rut. With a loud pop and a desperate gasp for air, Keisha released her hold on the hyena cock before leaning back in the toilet seat, pressing her legs against the frame of the stall's door. Holding her sex open, she looked up at Ashanti with a small glare, showing her need to be fucked. "But, what about a condom?" Ashanti asked, surprised at the sudden change of tactics. "Didn't bring one," Keisha huffed, obviously annoyed with the hyena's hesitance, "It's fine. It's just this one time, so hurry up!" Guiding herself into Keisha's cunt, Ashanti once again made herself at home in the lion's wet folds. In the stall, it was so cramped and they were at such an odd angle, but they somehow made it worked as Ashanti was soon rocking her hips back and forth, stroking the lioness' deepest walls with her ridged girth. "Oh shit, yes," Keisha panted, placing her paws against the adjacent walls of the stall, propping herself up higher to aim the head of Ashanti's length at her sweet spot, "Aw fuck, right there." Ashanti could feel her own cunt weeping at this point, the feminine juices trickling down the inside of her thighs. What she wouldn't give to have something fill **her** right now. The two fed off the other's sexual inferno that raged inside each of their loins. Holding Keisha tightly by her waist, Ashanti sped up her thrusts, a series of loud, wet slaps echoing off of the tiled walls of the restroom. The metal walls of the stall proved to be tricky to hold onto as Keisha constantly lost her grip upon them, even with her claws raking against them, peeling the green paint from its foundation. Left with no other option, Keisha reached out and grabbed two pawfuls of the hyena's clothed chest, holding onto them to give herself the leverage that she needed. "Ooooh, Gooood," Keisha mewled, her beaded hair clattering in time with each bump of her thighs, "Yeah yeah yeah!" Ashanti was in agony. She had already brought herself to the threshold of her own orgasm, but she didn't dare let it happen before Keisha's. It wasn't like she could just stop and wait for her body to relax, that would be worse than just cumming now. The only option left was to try and will her body into submission, parting herself from the moment as she tried to think of something else, anything else other than the warmth that milked at her shaft. Keisha suddenly feel silent as her jaw and her eyes clenched shut, her entire body going stuff before shuddering with relief as her climax washed over her. Seeing that the lioness had come, Ashanti finally pulled down her mental block and allowed herself the same pleasure, burying her length fully into the lion's slick vent before unleashing several calming shots of her male-essence, groaning from the sudden and pleasant release. "You fucking freak!" Keisha screamed, her eyes bright with anger as she used her legs to kick Ashanti out and off of her, slamming her against the stall door. Picking herself up, the lioness raced out of the stall and towards the sink, her panties and skirt still out of place as hyena cum dripped from her sex. "I swear, if you get me pregnant with your God damned mutant child, You won't have to worry about me telling anyone about you," the lioness snarled, cupping her paw under the running water before attempting to flush the white payload from inside herself, "'Cause I'll just fucking kill you instead!" "Don't be stupid, Keisha,"Ashanti gave a small snort as she stood up and pulled her pants back up, quickly buttoning up the fly before walking out of the stall as well, "I cant get you pregnant. I can't give nor have babies at all. That's the price I get for being the way I am." Keisha shot a dark look at Ashanti, trying to figure out of the hyena was telling the truth or was simply trying to save her own fur. Finally turning off the water, Keisha bent down and slipped her underwear back up into place and smoothed her skirt out, removing any sign of her ever matting except for the slight blush to her ears and face. "Get the fuck out of my sight," the lioness snarled, still a bit pissed that Ashanti didn't pull out. Without having to be told twice, Ashanti grabbed her backpack and shoved the door open before storming back out into the hall. Wandering back into her classroom, Ashanti stood in the doorway as she noted that all the students in the room where different now. Her teacher and the room where the same, but she didn't remember any of the other face. "I'm glad that you decided to return, Ashanti," Mr. Tao muttered, a small scowl upon his face, "But you're about ten minutes late. The bell for the next class rang a while ago." Stamping her paw against the ground in a small temper tantrum, Ashatni nodded towards her teacher and started to turn away. "Ashanti," Mr. Tao called out to her, "Pull another stunt like that to get out of my class again and I'll be sure to meet you later for detention." "Yes sir," Ashanti mumbled, her head dipped in obedience as she heard small giggles spread throughout the class. The rest of the school day went on without a single problem. However, Ashanti couldn't help but think about Jordan and how she had been neglecting her friend this whole time. Someday, she'll make it up to him, just not now. She had far too much to worry about right now. Returning home from school, Ashanti was met by both of her parents waiting for her at the door. She glanced at the two of them, not knowing why they were waiting for her, but she suspected that it wasn't at all good news. "Mr. Tao called," her father grumbled, his arms folded across his chest. He was still dressed in his blue collared shirt, most likely having raced home after Ashanti's mother told him about Mr. Tao's call, "He told us that you have been starting to slack in his class, falling asleep during school, and you that you even tried to skip his class." Ashanti gave a small sigh as her father lectured her. How much she wanted to tell him the truth, to just toss her arms up into the air and tell them both all about Keisha, the shower room, the late night calls, the abuse. But, she couldn't. If she did tell them, she knew that they would try and take matters into their own paws, forcing Keisha to make her move. "I've just been tired after practice," Ashanti claimed, "That's all. I just need to sleep more at night." "Sweetie," her mom chimed in, "Your father and I know that you love tennis, but if it's effecting your education this much, maybe .... you should drop it." " I have homework to do," Ashanti muttered, not even bothering to reply to that statement as she walked towards her room and slammed it shut. She spent the rest of the night in there, staring at herself in the mirror. What had she become? What will she do in the future? Does she even have control over her life anymore? The next day was surprisingly great. It was the same boring school with the same boring lessons, but Keisha did not call throughout the whole day. Perhaps the lion was giving Ashanti a day off. Whatever the reason, the hyena was enjoying not having to be on constant call. She even managed to meet up with Jordan after school and hang out at his house for video games. "Hey!" the wild dog barked, a wide grin upon his face, "That's cheating!" "It's not cheating if the game lets me do it," Ashanti snapped back, leaning her body to the right in an attempt that her character would do the same. "Ok, fine," Jordan chuckled as he leaned over and pulled Ashanti's controller from the consol, giving him the advantage that he needed to win the game. "Now **that's** cheating!" Ashanti yelled before rolling over and punching Jordan in the shoulder. "Hey, the game allowed me to do it," he giggled, rubbing at his shoulder. "Yeah, well, the game allowed me to do this!" with that, Ashanti lunged at Jordan, tackling him to the ground as the two of them attempted to tickle the other into submission. "Ok! Ok!" Ashanti finally shouted out, whooping with laughter, "I give! You are the king of the ring!" "Heh," Jordan snickered, his body still laying on top of his friend's, "And don't you forget it." It took the two of them a second to realize the position that they were in, Jordan on top of Ashanti, her legs wrapped around him. The both stared at the other in a bit of an awkward silence. Deep in her chest, Ashatni's heart raced as she felt her emotions surge. "I....uh..." she started, lost for words, but not wanting to say nothing. She was cut short as her cell phone went off. Seven thirty-six. That's the time at which Ashanti's vacation ended. Pulling herself out from underneath the canine, Ashanti grabbed a hold of her phone and read the message, "My house." "Hey," she sighed in reluctance, "I... gotta go." "Are you sure?" Jordan asked, his head tilted to the side just a bit, "I mean, if it's your parents, they can probably wait for another hour. You don't have to leave right now." Ashanti couldn't bear to look Jordan in the face, his eyes and ears giving him the sad puppy expression. "I can't. It's an emergency," she said drily, picking herself up and grabbing her backpack. "An emergency? Is everything ok?" Ashanti could only give him a small glance from over her shoulder before shaking her head. "No. It's not." Finding her way towards Keisha's house, Ashanti walked up and was about to ring the doorbell when she heard a small "Pssst!" She glanced about and saw Keisha's head poking from around the corner of the house, flagging her over. Following after, Ashanti was led into the small backyard as Keisha locked the gate. "I don't want my dad to know that you're here tonight," Keisha growled, her left eye a dark blue and swollen shut. "What happened to you, Keisha?" Ashanti gasped out, concerned for her captor. However, deep down in her heart, Ashanti secretly felt glad that the lion had gotten such a bruise. "Nothing, just got caught with another one of my boys, that's all," Keisha snarled before grabbing Ashanti by the wrist, "Now, c'mon. I gave you all day to yourself so now you need to work for that time off." So, the lioness dragged her hyena toy towards the work shed that rested along the fence, pulling her inside before closing the door. Was this all that Ashanti had to look foreward to in life now? This couldn't be how it ends. One way or another, she had to find some way out of her enslavement. ---------- Ashanti was worn out, but it was all part of her plan. She knew Keisha's weakness. Keisha was a beast who used raw power to roll over her opposition, good for a short game, but in longer matches, it would be her undoing. She was far worse off than Ashanti since she was putting her all into the game early on, attempting to take the hyena out fast. Watching the lion from across the court, she saw how Keisha's posture was off, standing on her full paws instead of the ball of them. The lioness couldn't even keep a proper grip on her racket. Now was Ashanti's chance to tie the game back up. With the lion slow and weak, Ashanti could easily control the game from here on out as long as she didn't wear herself out much further in the process. To be continued...
Title: House of Kim Tags: older woman, younger man, asian woman, white man, martial arts, bullying, high school, north korean refugees, small town, louisiana *\*Author's Note: Any and all persons engaging in any sexual activity are at least eighteen years of age. Just a flash story; not to be taken too seriously.* \*\*\*\*\* The eighteen year old Jimmy Bergeron was the victim of bullying at Baylor Lake High School; for whatever reason, Doug, Brandon, and Derek had decided Jimmy would be their victim. The three athletes first spread rumors around their school that Jimmy was gay. Of course, no one could trace that rumor back to the three boys; they would have been expelled if anyone had come forward and tattled. Then during tests, one or the other of the trio would 'tattle' on Jimmy, claiming he was cheating during tests. He wasn't, but very few teachers were willing to give the boy the benefit of a doubt. The blonde haired, blue eyed boy weathered these taunts and strikes as best he could and prayed daily for graduation to come and come quickly so he could escape this living Hell. Brandon and Derek were just mindless drones of Doug's, following their star wide receiver and third baseman's wishes. Personally, they had nothing against Jimmy. But they still delighted in tormenting anyone weaker than themselves. Kim Sei Tin, the son of two asylum seeking parents, immigrants from North Korea, sat down across from Jimmy as the boy ate his lunch. "Hey, Slant Eyes, you know you sitting with a faggot?" Brandon chortled. Kim looked at him, then looked back at the school lunch. "Hey, talking to you, Chink fuck," Brandon said, now upset at the cool detached way Kim had brushed him off. He moved to shove the diminutive boy and Kim's hand shot out, grabbing Brandon's hand and bending it back until Brandon was on his knees, sobbing in absolute agony. "Ever touch me again, I will not hurt you," Kim said calmly, continuing to eat the spaghetti. He flung Brandon's hand away and the boy nearly collapsed. "I will kill you," Kim said and swallowed the mouthful. Both Doug and Derek had watched the ten second ordeal in open mouthed shock. As Kim stood in front of his locker, Derek, with a nod from Doug, moved to shove Kim Sei Tin into his locker. Kim's foot shot out, striking Derek in the kidney with his heel. Then Kim's other foot shot out and Derek fell to the tiled floor, hard. "Do not try that again; you will not like what happens," Kim said, gathered his books and closed his locker. "Yeah, one on one, he beat your asses," Doug counseled Derek and Brandon. "But all three of us? We'll fuck him up." Coach Brighton was puzzled why two of his players skipped practice. But Brandon's hand and forearm were still very sore and Derek was having trouble walking from the kidney strike he'd received. The baseball season was winding to a close anyway so the coach just shrugged it all off. "Dude, you teach me that stuff?" Jimmy begged Kim Sei Tin as they waited for the bus that would take them to their neighborhood. Kim regarded Jimmy with a long look, then shrugged his shoulders. I will ask my mother," he promised. Kim Sei Tin let himself into his home and found his mother, in the kitchen, preparing their evening meal. His father was not home yet; he was either still fishing, the brackish waters of the Atchafalaya, or fishing just off-shore in the Gulf of Mexico, or he was drunk. In Korean, their native tongue, Kim Sei Tin spoke to Kim Ul Don about what had occurred that day and about Jimmy's request. "This boy, this Jimmy, he has done no wrong to bring this upon himself?" Kim Ul Don asked, studying her son's face. "He has not; I did not do anything to provoke their attacks on me," her son pointed out. "Then bring Jimmy here tomorrow and we will begin," she nodded. "Thank you," he said. Then mother and son went into their back yard, knelt on the ground and quietly meditated for long moments. Then they practiced Tae Kwon Do, a Korean martial art form. Kim So Yang came home just as mother and son were completing their evening meal, staggering drunk. He yelled at his wife for eating, not waiting for him to arrive home. "I had hoped you'd fallen into the water and drowned," she snarled at him. He moved to slap her and she easily blocked his slap. "Why has God cursed me with such a hateful wife?" he asked as he staggered to their bedroom. "Why has God cursed me with a drunkard for a husband?" she shrilled. "Your voice is like the very pit of Hell," he spat at her and closed the door of the bedroom. In the night, he moved to mount his wife and she thrashed him very soundly. So he slept on the couch until just before daybreak, when she woke him and served him breakfast. Then Kim So Yang drove to his pier in Jazz Beach. He pushed away from the pier and into the eerie stillness of the Atchafalaya, just as the sun was beginning to paint the sky. Kim Sei Tin informed Jimmy that he would be a student of Tae Kwon Do and Jimmy thanked him. "Oh, uh, hey, what's this going to cost me?" he asked, his enthusiasm dying immediately. "It will cost you nothing," Kim said. Doug, Derek and Brandon decided that three against one was fair odds and surrounded the much smaller Kim Sei Tin. "Do not do this; you will be hurt," Kim warned. Derek threw a punch and Kim grabbed his fist, swung the arm out and down and Derek crashed to the floor. Doug tried to kick Kim. The boy actually smiled as he grabbed the larger boy's foot and pushed it up, then swept his leg out, taking Doug's other leg out from under Doug. Brandon back-pedaled away from Kim Sei Tin as fast as he could, leaving his two buddies groaning in pain on the tiled floor of the school hallway. So, the three bullies found Jimmy and gave him a few punches. Thus, Jimmy was sporting a black eye when he met Kim Ul Don for the first time. The petite woman smiled softly and put a comforting hand to the handsome young man's eye. "Do you speak Korean?" she asked him in Korean. "Uh, yes ma'am, it does hurt," Jimmy replied, thinking she was asking about his eye. She spoke rapidly to Kim Sei Tin, then pointed toward the back door. Kim pulled Jimmy outside and showed him to kneel. A moment later, Kim Ul Don came out, carrying a jar. She opened the jar and softly, gently applied a salve to Jimmy's eye. "There, that should help the healing," she said in Korean. She went back inside, then returned a few moments later. Then she too knelt and they meditated in silence. Jimmy wanted to ask what the stuff was that she'd smeared on his face, he wanted to ask why they were kneeling for so long for; his shins and calves were starting to hurt, when they were going to get started. But he kept his mouth shut. Kim Ul Don smiled and showed Jimmy a few steps, then said, in Korean, that Jimmy should do the steps. "She says for you to do what she just did," Kim Sei Tin translated. Jimmy tried to remember what the woman had done and she smiled and showed him again. "Ah, good, you learn," she praised as he did better. To Jimmy, it had been a wasted afternoon; all he did was walk in some sort of zig zag pattern, stopping to kick, or swing his arm, first left, then right. Then Kim Ul Don bade him to sit on the ground as she and Kim Sei Tin did their forms. Jimmy watched, in awe as mother and son walked rapidly through a ballet-like movement. Their movements were graceful, fluid, beautiful. But he could tell there was strength behind the beauty. "May I, May I do mine again?" he asked. Kim Ul Don turned and looked at Kim Sei Tin. "Oh, don't act like you don't speak English, you taught it to me," Kim Sei Tin laughed in their native tongue. The woman laughed and urged Jimmy to his feet. He practiced again, focusing on the movements and she nodded in approval. "Much better, you will learn," she praised, then waved them inside. "Are you staying for dinner?" Kim Ul Don asked Jimmy in Korean. Again, with a smirk to his mother, Kim Sei Tin translated and Jimmy realized he was quite hungry. "If it isn't any trouble," he said. "If it was trouble, I would not ask," the woman laughed in Korean and again patted his face softly. Kim So Yang came in, drunk, but in front of a guest, he spoke civilly to his wife and son and joined them at the table. "This is great; what is this?" Jimmy asked as they ate. "Chicken," Kim Sei Tin answered. "No, no, tell him its poodle," Kim Ul Don laughed in Korean. Kim So Yang scowled at his wife, but said nothing. "Thank you again," Jimmy said to both Kim Sei Tin and Kim Ul Don as he prepared to leave their home. "No problem; see you tomorrow," Kim Sei Tin said and left the living room. Kim Ul Don again smiled, patted Jimmy's face, then stood on tiptoes and kissed him softly on his lips. Jimmy walked home, nodded to his older sister, looked around for his dad, and then went to his room. He started on his homework. Thanks to Doug, Brandon, and Derek constantly tattling on him, even though he had done nothing for them to tattle about, he had to do much better on his assignments than other students. One missed negative sign in Algebra, one missed date in History and he could certainly count on a failing grade. Then, when the house was quiet, Jimmy went onto the Internet, and looked up Asian porn. He had no idea how old Kim's mother was, but, with her jet black hair that hung down to her ankles, golden skin, and dark almond eyes, and wide smile, she was beautiful. Her body was small, compact; her breasts were mere swells in her top and her buttocks were just a bump in her skirt. Her calves and thighs had flashed into view as she had spun and kicked as she and her son had practiced. Her legs were strong, muscled and golden brown. He found Asian porn and saw a woman sucking a white man's cock. The next image sowed the white man pulling her panties off, revealing a smooth snatch. Then the man licked the woman's hairless pussy while squeezing her tiny breasts. The fourth picture showed the white man fucking the Asian woman's pussy, and the fifth one showed him pounding her tiny ass hole. Jimmy stroked his cock, spurted heavily, and then felt ashamed. Kim's mother had been very kind, very gentle with him. He really shouldn't be fantasizing about fucking her. They had tests the following day so the bullies were too busy to worry about harassing Jimmy. "Ah, I not scare you away?" Kim Ul Don smiled when her son and Jimmy entered the house. Because she had spoken in Korean, Jimmy didn't understand. Again, they knelt and meditated and Kim Ul Don showed Jimmy another form. He paid close attention, he tried, and she praised him with a wide smile and a single clap of her hands. Then he sat while mother and son did a form. His eyes shot open wide; Kim Ul Don had done a sweeping kick and he saw that she wore no panties under her skirt. He saw her golden buttocks and her jet black pubic hair. He watched intently and she gave a crescent and reverse crescent kick and again, Jimmy saw very clearly Mrs. Kim Ul Don's pussy. Then she urged him to his feet and said something in Korean. "She wants you to do what you learned yesterday, then do what you learned today," Kim Sei Tin translated. "Speak English, you know you can," he said to his mother and again she laughed. With all the blood trapped in his cock, Jimmy wasn't sure he could even remember what he'd done twenty minutes ago, much less what he'd done yesterday. Kim Ul Don looked at the handsome young man's cock as it strained against the young man's jeans. Then she watched him perform his forms. Jimmy must have done all right; she smiled and again gave him the single clap of her hands. Again, she asked him if he was staying for dinner; this time he remembered what she'd said yesterday and nodded agreement. "Please, if it is not any trouble," he asked. "If it was trouble, I would not ask," she again said in Korean. Kim So Yang grumbled to wife and son about the white devil being at his table, eating the food that he worked so hard to provide. "You pay for chicken, true," Kim Ul Don said. "But I cook it." Again, as he prepared to leave their home, Kim Ul Don raised up on tiptoes and kissed Jimmy on his lips. Again, the moment he was able, he found Asian porn on his computer and watched a movie of a young Asian girl taking on three white men. Then he found a petite Asian and a white man having rough anal sex. The girl was screaming in Cantonese that he was killing her, that he had giant cock, that he was wonderful lover. Kim Sei Tin and Jimmy entered the house and greeted Kim Ul Don. After meditation, she showed him a third form and he did his best to imitate her movements. Then she had him show first, second and third forms. Again, as he sat on the ground, he was treated to glimpses of her buttocks and crotch as she and Kim Sei Tin practiced their own forms. Then she made Jimmy show his forms again. "Now, I show you how to get out when someone grab you," she said in Korean and turned her back to him. She wants you to grab her, like you are going to drag her away," Kim Sei Tin said to Jimmy. "She is going to show you how to get out of trap." Jimmy cautiously approached and gently put his arms around the woman. "No, no, like you are bad man," she barked impatiently. "No, no, Jimmy, like..." Kim Sei Tin said and did grab his mother. And he was flying over his mother's head and landed on the ground, laughing. "Whoa," Jimmy laughed as Kim Sei Tin got to his feet. "Now you, come on," Kim Ul Don ordered and Jimmy grabbed her. She smiled as he inadvertently grabbed her breast in his right hand. Then she slowly demonstrated the movements that she would do. Jimmy gasped in shock as he realized he was cupping one of her breasts in his hand. Before he could pull his hand away, she bent and flipped him away. "Again," she ordered. Jimmy was careful to avoid her breasts, but realized, she had a very narrow waist and very slim hips. "And," she said, showing him slowly what she would do. This maneuver pushed her buttocks against him and Jimmy fought a losing battle against an erection. "Now you," she said and grabbed him suddenly. "You did well," she praised as he helped her to her feet. "She said you did very well," Kim Sei Tin translated. "Thank you," he said. She kissed him at their door. He told Kim Sei Tin, when she asked him if he was staying, that his sister was cooking country fried steak, his absolute favorite. Kim So Yang looked around for the 'white devil' and then harangued wife and son about inviting strangers into his house, the house that he had worked so hard to provide for them. That night, Kim Ul Don did allow her husband his rights with her. Then told him how poorly he had done. "So, Moon Til Gan wanted to marry you?" she snorted. "She should be thanking me every day that I married you instead." Kim Sei Tin had a sore throat and did not go to school the next day. So, Jimmy did not go for his lesson. "My mother was very upset that you did not come," Kim Sei Tin informed Jimmy when they waited for the bus the following day. "But you weren't there," Jimmy protested. "That does not matter; you were not sick, were you?" Kim Sei Tin said. So, at lunch, Jimmy bought a bag of M&Ms out of the vending machine. When they entered the house, Jimmy offered the M&Ms to Kim Ul Don. "I am sorry; I did not think you would want me here if Kim Sei Tin was sick," he apologized. The woman smiled and gently patted his cheek. She then kissed him softly and waved them to the rear door. She brought the bag of M&Ms to her bedroom and hid the bag; Kim So Yang had a great sweet tooth. Then she went outside and knelt with her son and their student. Derek found Jimmy by himself in the library and, even without Doug's input, decided he'd harass Jimmy. The smile Jimmy gave him should have been a clue, but Derek wasn't very smart. Derek threw a punch and Jimmy blocked it. Derek threw a second punch and Jimmy let it miss him. "Third form," Jimmy smiled and threw a punch, stepping into it. "Ah!" Derek grunted as Jimmy's punch slammed into his solar plexus, knocking all the breath out of him. Jimmy then walked away, leaving a grunting, groaning Derek leaning against the shelf for support. Derek did not tell Doug or Brandon about the incident; he didn't want them to mock him for letting Jimmy get the better of him. Jimmy did tell Kim Sei Tin about the incident and Kim Sei Tin smiled. Then they walked from the bus stop to Kim Sei Tin's home. "My mother wants to know if you will be here tomorrow; it is Saturday," Kim Sei Tin asked after they'd finished the practice. Jimmy looked at the smiling woman and nodded. "Yes ma'am, what time?" he asked. "She said you should come tomorrow at ten o'clock in the morning. Wear shorts. She will work you very hard," Kim Sei Tin translated his mother's rapid response. "You take your son, you take him fishing," Kim Ul Don ordered Kim So Yang that night as they ate their dinner. "He is lazy; he does not want to learn to fish," Kim So Yang grumbled. "Oh, he keep you from drinking?" she barked. As they lay in their bed, Kim Ul Don again ordered that her husband take their son fishing. "You do not love your son? You do not want to spend time with him?" she asked and bent and took his penis into her mouth. "This is not right," Kim So Yang protested as he enjoyed his wife's oral skills. "But fine, fine, I will take him." Kim Sei Tin also grumbled when his mother woke him very early on Saturday morning. But he dutifully dressed and ate breakfast, then left the house with his father. Jimmy knocked on the door and Kim Ul Don beamed up at him, waving him into the house. She then pointed to the rear door. "Today, we do ten forms, then I will make a man of you," she said in Korean. Jimmy was drenched in sweat as Kim Ul Don urged him and pushed him. He wished Kim Sei Tin was there to assist, to translate. "Again, Form one," Kim Ul Don smiled and Jimmy, by now knowing the Korean word for one did the form. "Two," she said and he did the second form. "Now, come, now we will make love," she said, taking Jimmy's hand and leading him to the door. "Uh, wait, uh, where are we going?" Jimmy asked as Kim Ul Don pulled him to the bedroom. "We will make a man of you," Kim Ul Don insisted. She stood on her tiptoes and kissed him softly. She opened the door and pulled him into the dark room. She led him to the bed and sat him on the edge of the bed. She then turned on the two bedside lamps. She sat next to him and rested her hand on his thigh, close to his growing cock. "We will make love," she repeated and kissed him. She sucked his tongue out of his mouth and put his left hand on her small breast. "Uh, Mrs. Kim, we uh," Jimmy protested and she kissed him again, holding him tightly in her strong grip. She again sucked on his tongue and encouraged his hand to play with her breast. Then she broke the kiss and pulled the blouse off. "Here, I know they are small, but you kiss them," she said in Korean, pushing her chest forward. Jimmy stared at the first breasts he'd ever seen in person. They sat on her chest like to peach halves, each capped with a dark brown nipple. She pulled his head toward them and repeated her order in Korean. Jimmy's understanding of Korean was growing rapidly and he did suck, lick, nibble and suckle on each breast and nipple. "Now," she said, unsnapping and unwrapping her skirt, leaving her completely naked. She took his hand and pressed it to her crotch. "Finger my pussy," she ordered. Even though this was said in Korean, Jimmy did just that. The hair was a fine patina of silky strands over her slit but he did not linger long on her pubic hair. He found her wet slit and pushed his finger into her. She pulled his thumb to rest against her clitoris and he rubbed the small nub of flesh as his index finger delved into her wetness. When she reached down and wrapped her hand around his cock, which was trapped in his cotton briefs and nylon shorts, he stiffened and spurted heavily into his briefs. She laughed a soft laugh and kissed him passionately. "Your finger? It is bigger than my husband's pathetic little cock," she said as she began to hunch against his finger and thumb. After she had orgasmed, she again kissed him, then pulled his tee shirt off. Jimmy gasped as Kim Ul Don bent and sucked his nipples, then gave a strangled yelp when she playfully bit down on his left nipple. Then she slid to the floor and pulled his tennis shoes off. Jimmy got the idea and stood to slide his shorts and underwear off. "Come, lick my pussy," she ordered and sat back on the bed. She spread her legs wide and again ordered him to eat her pussy. Her pussy had a sweaty flavor to it; it was not an unpleasant taste and Jimmy did eagerly lick and suck her pussy lips. Then she pointed to her clitoris. "Lick my bud," she ordered in Korean and he got the message. "Please yes, that's it, ah!" she screamed in Korean as she orgasmed. Then she pulled him up on top of her and kissed him passionately. "Uh," she grunted as his cock slid into her, filling her like Kim So Yang had never been able to do. Up until this moment, Jimmy Bergeron had been a virgin. Doug, Brandon, and Derek spreading it around school that he was gay had kept most of the girls away. Instinct took over and Jimmy began a slow in and out movement. "Oh, that's it, you are good lover," Kim Ul Don encouraged as she felt another orgasm welling up in her guts. Jimmy groaned as he emptied himself into her very wet, very tight pussy. "Oh, yes, oh lover that is good," she praised, wrapping arms and legs around him. They rested a moment, then she sucked him to erection again. She pushed Jimmy onto his back and straddled his cock. "They're not big like American boobs, but here, you play with them," she ordered as she pressed his hands to her breasts. He did play with her breasts, then he trailed his hands down to her small buttocks. She laughed in appreciation as his hands cupped her small buttocks and squeezed them. She rode him to two orgasms before he again stiffened and shot his semen into her pussy. "You uh, you ever do anal?" Jimmy asked and Kim Ul Don smiled She shook her head, indicating that she did not understand. She understood perfectly well, but as much as his fat cock had stretched her pussy, she wasn't sure she could accommodate such a girth into her bowels. "Maybe if you use your finger on it first," she offered, in Korean. "What?" Jimmy asked, not understanding. She kissed him again, then pulled him on top of her and he slid his erect cock into her sloppy pussy a third time. Because he had come three times already, he was able to last a good while and she cried out, encouraging him to fuck her, fuck her hard. Then she sucked him until he came in her mouth. "Go, I must clean before my husband and son return," she ordered and pulled on her skirt and blouse. Jimmy staggered home, smiling happily. For the next month, Kim Ul Don sent father and son out as often as she could, and fucked Jimmy as often as she could. In school, Wendy McMann, a chubby little blonde quietly approached Jimmy and asked if he'd seen the Lord of the Rings trilogy; she had the discs at home. Jimmy actually felt like he was cheating on Kim Ul Don when he went to Wendy's house. He kissed Wendy like Kim Ul Don taught him to kiss, played with Wendy's quite large breasts like Kim Ul Don had taught him, ate Wendy's pussy like Kim Ul Don had taught him, and fucked the little blonde nearly unconscious. News did travel slowly around Baylor Lake High School, Jimmy Bergeron was definitely not gay. And Jimmy Bergeron was definitely not interested in any of the white girls at his school. Wendy had enjoyed all of Jimmy's attentions, but had not been as active a participant as Kim Ul Don. He continued to learn Tae Kwon Do under her tutelage. And continued to learn the skills of a lover under her tutelage. Shortly before graduation, Derek, Brandon, and Doug cornered Jimmy in a hallway. Derek wasn't smart enough to remember his last encounter with Jimmy and Brandon and Doug knew nothing of the incident. "Hey, Fag, thought we'd give you a little going away party," Doug laughed. "You know, before we graduate." "Uh huh, do it, and you can kiss your scholarship bye-bye," Jimmy warned. "What? Fuck you, pussy," Doug laughed. "Eighth form," Jimmy muttered as Derek threw a punch. He blocked the punch, then stepped into his punch and Derek doubled over from Jimmy's punch into his guts. Doug threw a punch and Jimmy sidestepped the punch and lashed out with a side kick, driving Doug's knee sideways. Brandon started to back-pedal but a roundhouse kick to his face slammed him into the row of lockers and he slid to the floor. "Ah o God, my leg!" Doug screamed as he realized it was bent at an impossible angle. "Scholarship? What scholarship?" Jimmy taunted as he walked away from the three bullies. Epilogue. Doug's scholarship did evaporate; what college wants a wide receiver that can't run? HE drank heavily, cursing Jimmy Bergeron for his misfortunes. Then one night, in a drunk and stoned stupor, Doug said he saw an angel and the angel was crying. Then Doug said the angel spoke in a language he'd never heard before, but he understood every word. The angel encouraged Doug to accept Jesus as his personal Savior and follow Him. That was the last time Doug ever drank alcohol or did drugs of any kind. Doug enrolled in Atwell Divinity College, applied for grants and threw himself into his studies. Brandon went to the University of Louisiana at DeGarde for nearly a full semester before dropping out. He landed a job at McDonald's. Derek has held various jobs, from McDonald's to working the loading bays of St. Elizabeth's Distillery, and is currently unemployed. The idea of applying himself to his job has never occurred to him. Wendy McMann met Trashon Duplantis and it was lust at first sight. If they marry, they'll both lose their Government Assistance Benefits, so they live together in a Section 8 housing project in Elgee, Louisiana. Kim Sei Tin got a scholarship to USC and majors in Engineering. Kim Ul Don did give Jimmy her anal virginity just before he left for Harvester's College in Colfax, Missouri. "I love you," he tearfully told the diminutive woman after her squirted her tonsils with his semen. "And I love you too," she tearfully said. "But I am married, and Sweetheart, you're still a young man. You'll meet and fall in love with someone closer to your own age." "Wait a minute; you speak English?" Jimmy said. "Oops!" she said then giggled. "Now, come on, you've been wanting to fuck my ass, let's do it," she said, pushing him back onto the bed. "You little bitch!" he laughed. "You speak perfect English!" "And your Korean is quite good too," she smiled as she knee-walked across the bed to her nightstand. She got out a jar of salve and lubricated his cock. "Now, come on, Lover, get your fingers good and greasy," she ordered, holding out the jar to him. He did and she got on her knees, pressed her shoulders to the bed and pulled her small buttocks apart. Jimmy admired the brown ring that winked at him, from just above her pussy lips, which right now were dripping his semen. "Finger my ass first; get me loose, okay?" she ordered. He watched his finger slide in and out of her tight rosebud. He wiggled his finger around and then slowly added a second finger. "Uh!" she grunted with the odd sensation. When he was fucking three fingers in and out of her, she began to drive her hips backward to meet his forward thrusts. "Now, Sweetheart, put that big fucking cock in me," she ordered, in Korean. He got to his knees and pressed the head of his cock against her rapidly constricting anus. "Uh! Oh God, you're killing me," she screamed in Korean. He paused to let her grow accustomed to his cock in her anus, but she drove herself back to push more of him into her. "Oh, oh, that is good," he moaned, enjoying the snug feeling surrounding his cock. "Oh, oh, that is good," she agreed and drove herself back again. "Ugh! Oh, God, wait, wait," she moaned as nearly all of him slipped inside of her. He froze and then a minute later, she screamed and shook in orgasm. She then began wildly hunching against him, driving him completely into her guts. "Yes!" she screamed in another orgasm. "Should have let you do this the very first time you asked me!" "Argh!" Jimmy groaned in near pain as his balls tightened and he spurted into her tight hole. Then Jimmy started talking about her leaving her husband, coming with him to Colfax, Missouri. "No, Jimmy," she softly said and cleaned his cock with a soft cloth. "No, but do know, I will never forget you." She kissed him softly. "Please, get dressed and leave, dear, sweet Jimmy," she said, walked into the bathroom and closed the door. Jimmy did. When he came home for Christmas Break, he went to the Kim house and Kim Sei Tin greeted him happily. Kim Ul Don also smiled happily and kissed him in greeting. Her belly was swollen and Jimmy wanted desperately to ask her if the baby was his. But in front of her son, he did not. Kim So Yang came in, staggering drunk and asked what the white devil was doing in his house. "He is our guest, rude man," Kim Ul Don spat. "He is not my guest," Kim So Yang snarled. He and again cursed his wife for getting pregnant; what good were condoms if they did not prevent such things from happening? In the rear yard, Jimmy showed them that he had indeed been keeping up with his forms. Then he walked to the door. "Good bye, I love you. But do not return; it's just too hard seeing you," Kim Ul Don whispered and kissed Jimmy. On May Ninth, Kim Ul Don gave birth to Kim Yang May, a beautiful Asian girl. The baby looked very much as Kim So Yang's sister had looked at birth, and Kim So Yang, who was sober at the moment, did admit she was a beautiful baby. THE END. *\*Author's Note: I write these stories for my pleasure; I post them here for your enjoyment. I do thank you for reading my stories. No, no disclaimers. Have a sweet day.*
Title: Friends: Staying in Phase Three Tags: kissed monica, sucked michelle, clit monica, tonight monica, yellow couch, grabbing sides, phoebe body, phoebe grabbed, pussy chandler, candy stood **FRIENDS: Deleted Scenes - Staying in Phase Three** Down at Central Perk, Chandler sat with Monica and Rachel. They were drinking coffee and talking about the day. To Chandler, Monica seemed unusually anxious. In the half-hour they were there, she must have looked at her watch a dozen times. Then as Chandler took a sip of latte, he noticed Monica discretely touch Rachel's leg, and then tap on her watch. Within a few seconds, Rachel said nonchalantly, "Ya know, I think I wanna get out of here. You guys want to head back to the apartment?" "Yeah, I'm pretty much done," Monica replied, trying to mask her restlessness. Chandler glanced at her cup, which was still half-full. Something was up, and he decided to see what it was. "Sure, we can go, if you want." As they walked back, bundled against the winter chill, Monica and Rachel hung on Chandler's arms. Monica was the first to speak. "Ya know, Chandler, we were a little concerned that you might not be completely over Kathy yet, in spite of last night." All three smiled, thinking back to the wonderful sex they'd had. "So we got Joey and Ross tickets to the Ranger game tonight." Chandler objected, "What? You didn't get me a ticket too? If I'm trying to forget about Kathy, shouldn't I do stuff to take my mind off her, like... let's see... A HOCKEY GAME!" Rachel laughed, "Oh Chandler. We just thought that you might want to spend the evening with a couple of girls." "Yeah," her roommate went on, "maybe we can figure out something fun to do." They walked upstairs to their floor. "Let's hang out at your place," Rachel suggested, opening the door to Chandler and Joey's apartment. "Yeah, sure," Chandler said, following her in. Monica closed the door behind them as he realized that the apartment was not empty. Phoebe was there, along with four of the women from the strip club that the girls had taken him to the day before. Rachel cleared her throat. "Now, in case you haven't caught on by now... when I said 'spend the evening with a couple of girls'," pointing to herself and Monica, "I really meant 'the seven of us'." "And, um, when I said 'figure out something fun to do'," Monica spoke slowly and directly, "what I really meant was... 'have a BIG orgy'." Chandler tried to stammer questions. His incoherence was comical. Both girls laughed, and Monica answered what was on his mind. "Well sweetie, we figured that this would help you stay firmly in Phase Three." Rachel finished her sentence, "And if not, at least we all could have a damn good time trying." "Thank you," Chandler said to Rachel, then to Monica, "thank you..." and then to both, "thank you, thank you... thank you, thank you, thank you." They giggled at his excitement. "All right, Chandler," Monica explained, "there are only two rules for tonight. One, you have to do something sexual with each one of us." "I... always... have been the kind of guy who follows the rules." Monica smiled, "And TWO, you can't tell Joey about this... ever." "And you can't tell Ross, either," Rachel added. "Oh god, no," Monica agreed, "you can NOT tell Ross." "Well... all right, I think I could suffer through that." "Now, Phoebe and Rachel and I have pooled all our toys and scattered them around the room so feel free to use anything you want." "I think I'll be using the 'toy' that Mother Nature gave me," he replied. "That's just fine. Okay, let's make sure you know everyone here," Monica began, "With Phoebe, there in the kitchen, that's Candy." They were opening a couple bottles of wine and filling glasses. "So, Phoebe's going to 'make' Candy in the kitchen?" he smirked, pleased with himself. "Um, a word of advice," Monica said, patting his chest, "avoid the jokes and just stick to the sex." They took him over to two girls, chatting beside one of the recliners. "This is Chantal," Monica said, gesturing to a tall, buxom brunette. "Well, hey there, darlin'." Southern charm dripped from her voice. Chandler greeted her, but his eyes never left her large breasts. "This is Alexis..." "Hey, you're the one that slapped me while you were dancing," he said indignantly. "Well, you were leering at me," she teased. "It's a strip club. I'm supposed to leer. You're a stripper. I'm supposed to leer at YOU." Alexis laughed. "Oh, well, sorry. But I promise I'll make it up to you tonight." Monica finished the introductions. "And that's Michelle, sitting on the couch. She's the one who helped me put all this together." Michelle waved and Chandler recognized her as the cocktail waitress, who the girls had convinced to teach the third grade. "So that's the Michelle you were talking about last night? She's pretty cute." "Uh, YEA-ah. I mean, look at her. Don't ya just want to eat her up?" Monica said with complete lust in her voice. "Well, yes. But it sounds like you're the one who will be eating her tonight." Monica gave him a sideways look and a demure smile. "So how do you want to start?" Rachel asked Chandler excitedly. Phoebe and Candy were passing out glasses of wine. "Ooo, ooo, I know," he said excitedly as he ran to his bedroom. He returned wearing a burgundy smoking jacket, with black satin lapels. Monica and Rachel couldn't hide their amusement. "What is THAT?" Rachel laughed. "It's a smoking jacket. You know, like Hef." Monica put her hand on his shoulder. "Ok, I think 'Hef' wears silk pajamas... but whatever..." "Well, I don't plan on wearing it for very long," Chandler protested. "Ok, everyone. Gather 'round. Our guest of honor is ready to start," Monica announced, always the one in charge. All the women gathered, sitting in or standing around the recliners. "All right ladies, here's what we're gonna do." He pointed to Alexis, ready to make good on her promise. "You are gonna take off my clothes." Then directing Candy and Chantal, "You two, go get the oils." And finally to Michelle, "And you just constantly scream at the top of your voice, "Chandler's the king! Chandler's the king!" Phoebe suggested a change, "I-I wanna be with her." She pointed to Candy, who stood beside her. "I like her." Chandler was VERY understanding. "Oh, that's fine! Go with your instincts, go with your instincts." "Wait... now, what am I doing again?" Monica asked, a little confused. "Come on! Would you please pay attention." Chandler could hide his mild frustration. "we have a lot of work to do before Joey gets home! You're doing whatever... and whoever... you want." "Oh... OKAY!" Monica was clearly satisfied with her instructions. \----- Phoebe and Candy were already going with their instincts. They were passionately making out as Candy sat on the arm of Phoebe's recliner. Phoebe hungrily pawed one of Candy's D-size breasts. In her sexy porn-star voice, Phoebe said, "Is the stripper going to teach an innocent girl a little something about sex?" Candy smiled lustily, knowing that Phoebe wasn't so innocent at all. Candy stood and walked around in front. She wore part of her "fighter pilot" costume. At this point, it consisted of a pair of fishnet thigh-highs, a dark blue halter bra with wide gold bands on the top of the cups, and a very short blue miniskirt. A strip of narrow gold piping ran down each hip. Up the center was a gleaming gold zipper. Candy swayed her hips seductively for Phoebe. Then she took the blonde's hand and brought it to the tab of the zipper, between her legs. \----- Alexis walked straight to Rachel and said, "You're the one I want." Shocked by her directness, she laughed sheepishly. "Oh, well, okay. But I'd kind of like to be with Chantal first." "Oh that's fine," the auburn-haired beauty replied, bringing her lips close to Rachel's. "Just make sure you save a dance for me. Monica says you're a damn good stripper." Leaving Rachel with a lingering kiss, Alexis went over to Chandler. Rachel turned to Monica. "Um, did you tell her about me stripping for you guys last night?" "No!," then Monica's response softened as she bit her nail, "But I mighta mentioned something about it to Michelle." She went on, trying to put her roommate at ease. "Besides Rach, you have NOTHING to be embarrassed about. You were a lot better than some of the girls at the club yesterday." "Ya think so?" Rachel asked. Her nose was crinkled in her cute way. "Oh totally," Monica reassured her. Then she looked up at Chantal, "Now let's have some fun with Chantal." \----- As Candy held the two halves of her skirt, Phoebe pulled the zipper, undoing it from bottom to top. Candy opened the flaps like a book, revealing her dark blue thong. It had a line of gold right down the center, disappearing between her legs. Dropping her skirt behind her, Candy took Phoebe's index finger and ran it along the gold of her thong. When she reached the bottom, Candy removed her finger. Turning around, she bent over slightly, and jutted her ass toward her partner. Phoebe saw that the gold line continued from under Candy's legs, and up the thongs strap, which was deep between her cheeks. She needed no prompting at this point. She reached out and continued tracing the gold. Candy shivered and giggled as Phoebe's fingernail tickled her pussy through the cloth. As the finger followed it's path, Candy stood up a bit, squeezing it between her ass cheeks. Phoebe gave her a dirty smile with crinkled nose. "Ooo, nasty. I like that," she said as she ran her finger up and down in Candy's ass. Then, leaving the crack, Phoebe grabbed the waistband and pulled down. Candy helped her, bending over to take them to the floor. Rachel had done this very thing the night before, and Phoebe acted on the impulse she had withheld then. She quickly leaned forward and licked the bare pussy. Candy held her position, grabbing her calves, and allowed Phoebe to do what came naturally. \----- Chantal was standing just behind Rachel's left shoulder, and she took her hand to lead her around front. As Monica and Rachel sat side by side on the edge of a recliner, Chantal knelt in front of them. She looked almost bridal in her white teddy and short sheer robe. White marabou trimmed the bodice and the French-cut bottom. Her lingerie barely contained her large breasts. They were easily 42DD. Monica tentatively reached out and touched one. Her small hand looked tiny as it grasped the breast. Rachel followed suit. Chantal smiled. "Y'all are so cute," she said in a sexy southern drawl, "They won't jump out atcha, ya know." She slid the spaghetti straps from her shoulders and lowered the front. Her tits were round and large; no sag to them at all. "Are... are they real?" Monica asked hesitantly. Chantal giggled, "Yep, they're all me. My ex-boyfriend used to say that I was the namesake for the Hooters bars." Rachel laughed, "Yeah, they certainly meet the definition of 'hooters'." Monica and Rachel were acting like teenage schoolgirls. They had never touched breasts this large before. Each girl was holding one breast in two hands. Caressing it. Gently squeezing it. "Oh y'all, I like that." Emboldened, Rachel lowered her face, and licked the round nipple. Chantal smiled at her and she began sucking it. Monica was watching her roommate, and then decided to follow her. Both girls sat there, suckling on the tit they each held. \----- Chandler stood there with his pants open, dick hanging out... and in Alexis' mouth. He and Michelle were kissing as she stroked his shaft. Alexis bobbled her tongue on the head that balanced in her open mouth, before sucking long and hard. "AAAWWwww," Chandler groaned. Michelle stood close beside him, arm in arm, as they both watched Alexis make up for slapping Chandler the day before. "Why don't you take her top off?" Chandler said to Michelle. She smiled sexily, "Anything for 'the king'." Michelle squatted behind Alexis, and lustily groped her breasts and body. Alexis wore a tight silver top. It was not much more than a pair of long sleeves with cups in between. Michelle unclasped the back, releasing the pressure. She slowly removed it from Alexis, who never stopped servicing Chandler. She ran her hands through Alexis' long auburn hair, and then firmly held her head. "Fuck her mouth," she whispered. Chandler's rod was just inside Alexis' tight lips. Her eyes agreed with Michelle. Chandler moved his hips forward and pushed his dick deep inside. As he pulled back, Alexis increased her suction. He felt like the head of his cock was going to burst. He pushed in again, and Alexis released her hold, taking a breath through her nose. This pattern went on for a few thrusts, but Chandler knew that if he continued, he'd cum at the back of Alexis' throat. So he pulled out to calm himself a bit. "How was that 'your highness'? Sexy enough for you?" Alexis asked. "Why yes, that was..." he cleared his throat, "very nice." "I think Michelle deserves a reward from the king. Can she suck your scepter, your majesty?" Alexis asked. "Y-, yes, yes... that would be good." Michelle knelt beside Alexis, who placed the cock in her mouth. They took turns servicing "King" Chandler. \----- Convinced that her new lover would like anything they did, Candy stood and grabbed onto the large flat metal bauble that hung from Phoebe's woven choker. Pulling firmly but gently, Candy brought Phoebe to her feet. She unbuttoned the blonde's long-sleeve denim shirt and pushed it back, off her shoulders. "Take off your bra," she said as she kissed Phoebe, biting her lower lip. As she did this, Candy grabbed a strap-on dildo from across the room. When she returned and put it on, Phoebe pushed the rod down, allowing it to spring back. "Is that for me?" she said, with her porn-star tone. "Shouldn't you take off your top, too?" Candy smiled, kissing Phoebe, "On or off. Doesn't matter. You're still going to get fucked good." "Then let's take it off, stripper-girl," Phoebe said as she pulled the elastic halter over Candy's head, "That way I can have something to play with while you fuck me." Candy winked, "Not the way I have in mind." Candy pushed Phoebe to her knees, and bent her over the end of the coffee table. Phoebe felt the cold glass on her breasts and stomach. Her nipples were hard, both from the chill and what was being done to her. Candy pulled up Phoebe's flowing black skirt and draped it over her hips. Yanking her panties down, Candy knelt and lined up the head of the dildo with Phoebe's wet puss. She entered her. "Fuck, yes," was Phoebe's reply, "Fuck my wet pussy." \----- When he heard Phoebe, Chandler looked around the room. Thoughts played in his head. "Is that Monica fucking Phoebe? Oh... no, no, that's Candy. Oh, there's Monica... oooo, sucking Chantal's tit. And... and Rachel's sucking the other one. My god, those are huge!" He smiled and nodded to himself, "Hmmm, quite the image. Note to self: remember exactly what you're seeing right now. You're gonna want to use it some night." His eyes fell back to Monica and he was reminded of what she said about wanting to be with Michelle. "I think Monica wanted to spend some time with you." She stood and kissed him. "Okay, but make sure you find me later." Left to do a solo blow for Chandler, Alexis decided to make it very good. She opened her mouth wide and took as much of him as she could. Then she closed her lips and sucked the full length as she pulled off his shaft. Masturbating him, she slid her mouth up and down his dick. Then she did it all again, feeling the head go slightly down her throat. Her lips clamped around the base of his shaft. She used him to fuck her throat. Chandler was amazed at her oral talents. Alexis stood and began removing his clothes. "I've... never had a woman do that before." "Well, you just might get another one tonight. Maybe it'll be from someone else." Chandler looked around the room as Alexis finished taking his clothes off. His eyes paused at each woman, wondering if she would be deep-throating him. \----- Monica felt fingers running through her hair. It was Michelle. "Monica, let's go over to the couch," she said, smiling. It was the stunning smile and cute button nose that first attracted Monica. She stood, and Rachel whispered to Chantal, "I was hoping I'd have you all to myself." Michelle took Monica's hand and led her up the single step to the yellow couch that sat in front of the window. The girls moved in very close and embraced as they kissed. Monica was wearing jeans, and a light blue sweater over a blue plaid button-up shirt. Michelle was in the glimmering red two-piece outfit of a cocktail waitress. Sleeveless halter top with an open back and a matching miniskirt. In her stiletto heels, Michelle was the same height as Monica. The scene looked like a preppy upper-class college girl kissing a woman of "questionable repute". They continued kissing and Monica unzipped Michelle's top. It fell behind her, and Michelle immediately unbuttoned Monica's jeans and started pushing them down. Trying not to break their kiss, Monica worked them down the rest of the way and pulled her feet out, kicking off her canvas tennis shoes. The tails of her shirt came out from under her sweater and barely covered her ass. The sweater was next to go, followed by Michelle's skirt. And with Monica's last article of clothing, they stood only in their underwear. Michelle wore a black satin bra and thong. Monica had on innocent white cotton. \----- During this time, Rachel and Chantal had been finding their own fun. Rachel was kissing and licking her new girlfriend's tits. Her mouth opened as wide as it would go, but it was a losing battle trying to fit in Chantal's big breast. In fact, Rachel's small mouth barely stretched over Chantal's large areola. But both girls enjoyed her attempts. At Chantal's direction, she was squeezing, licking, and sucking. Rachel traced the large dark circle with her tongue before sucking it. She ran her hand down between Chantal's legs and cupped her mound, pulsing pressure into the gentle crevice her middle finger found. Chantal moaned softly, feeling tingles in her pussy. "Dance for me," Rachel smiled, sitting back into the chair. Chantal stood. She was quite tall, even taller in her pink high heels. Large breasts, full hips. Long wavy brunette hair that came to the center of her back. Rachel was somewhat surprised to find that the first word entering her mind was "Amazon". But "sexy" was the second. The only other thing Rachel could think was, "god, I want you." Chantal slowly dropped her sheer robe. Swaying her hips, she eased her white lace-front teddy down and off her body. She danced in a circle for Rachel, wearing only her white thigh-high stockings, heels, and the G-string Rachel had put so many dollar bills into, the night before. Rachel was thoroughly enjoying the show. "You, you don't need THAT, now do ya?" Rachel asked, pointing to the tiny floss G-string. "Well," Chantal replied, with her slow drawl, "I've never showed my kitty to a customer before." "Will you show me?" Rachel smiled sweetly. Chantal bent over and kissed her. "Okay. But only for you." It was soon gone, and Rachel stared at the small V that was shaped out of Chantal's pubic hair. "Do I get a lap dance?" "Sugar, I was counting on it." Chantal straddled Rachel and slowly ground her body into Rachel's. She smelled Chantal's tresses. The stripper ran her fingers through Rachel's long dirty-blonde hair. Her hands traveled Rachel's body. Brushing the bare skin of Rachel's face, neck, and upper chest. Cupping her small breasts through the tight fitting top. Rachel was still fully clothed, but both women were becoming aroused, nonetheless. Chantal knelt in front of Rachel and took off her black pants and panties. Naked from the waist down, Rachel's ass was hanging off the edge of the chair. Chantal spread Rachel's legs and pushed her breasts between them. Then she took one and began rubbing her hard nipple against Rachel's clit. Rachel laughed slightly in disbelief. She'd never thought of that before, but it was so fucking erotic. She moved her hips up and down, rubbing the full length of her spread lips over Chantal's breast. \----- Monica and Michelle moved to the couch, where a white bra went flying. Michelle began licking Monica's breasts. Monica ran her fingers through short blonde hair. It was cut in a bob that curled out at the bottom, and she played with the curl as her breasts were licked. "Oh, Michelle. Yeah, that's it. Lick my tits. Mmmm, yeah. Suck my nipple... oh god... now the other one... yeah, suck that one... oh... oh yes." Monica took her partner's face in her fingers and brought it up to her waiting mouth. Monica kissed her, probing Michelle's mouth with her tongue. There was an intensity, as if this would be the only time they would ever be together. "That's what I'm going to do to your pussy," Monica promised in a low sexy voice. They dove into each other's kisses, building on a zeal that neither of them imagined was possible. Within moments, both women were naked. Before Monica could move, Michelle was on her knees; head between Monica's legs. "Oh, god!" she moaned at the sensation of having her clit sucked. Michelle brushed her fingertips against Monica's pussy lips as she continued licking and sucking her clitoris. "Finger me," Monica panted. "Please fuck me with your fingers." Michelle pushed a digit into her partner, and began pleasuring Monica with both her mouth and hand. She reacted by sliding her hips forward and spreading her legs even wider to give Michelle any access she needed. Michelle worked her finger around inside Monica, feeling the walls of her vagina. Monica reached down and took Michelle's hand. Without a word, she straightened out a second finger and pushed it into herself to join the first. Then she grabbed her thighs and pulled her legs up, so she was fully receptive to anything her lover wanted to do to her. Michelle finger-banged Monica rapidly, while flicking her tongue across her wet clit. Right then, Monica knew what it meant to be a "sexual creature". Her whole body seemed to scream for orgasm. The only thing she wanted was to cum. She was panting and groaning, throwing her head around with each new treat from Michelle. Her eyes were closed and in her mind no one, but herself, even existed. Her body was tense and quivering. The feelings between her legs were better than she had imagined. She came, screaming. "AAAAHHHH!! AAAAAAAAAHHH!! LICK ME! FUCKIN' LICK ME!!!" Then a series of low groans came from Monica, like she was possessed. But Michelle never eased up on her. "UUUHHNNN! UUHHHNNNN! FUUUUUUUUCK! UUUHN! UHN! UHN!" Monica's moans became quieter as her climax passed. She was breathing heavily, like she had run for miles. She gently pushed Michelle's face away from her cunt. "No.... no... I can't.... anymore... I can't..." Michelle joined her on the couch, pleased with her work. Monica kissed her, weakly, yet with a smile. "Just let me catch my breath, then I'll do something for you." \----- Rachel exploded, "I can't take this anymore. I want you." Both girls stood. Chantal towered over Rachel as they kissed passionately. "Lay down, Beautiful," Rachel said firmly. Chantal went to her back on the floor. Rachel lay with her head between Chantal's legs and brought her mouth over the woman's mound. Chantal rested on her elbows so she could watch. Chantal had a large clit and pussy lips, and Rachel licked and teased them with her tongue and fingers. She began to feel something building between her own legs. Taking Chantal's hand, and bringing it to her own pussy, Rachel said, "Wait here. I'll be right back." Chantal took the obvious hint and slowly masturbated while Rachel ran off. She quickly returned from Chandler's room with a large pillow from his bed. Rachel dropped to her knees and placed the pillow between her thighs. "I guess this'll give Chandler a little surprise tonight," she said, good-naturedly. Rachel just needed to feel something between her legs. She needed to feel rubbing on her pussy. Chantal was still playing with herself as she watched, and smiled. Rachel leaned all the way forward, and Chantal released her pussy. Rachel wrapped her hands around her partner's thighs, buried her face, and went to work. Wearing only her tight, long-sleeved shirt, Rachel's naked butt rode up and down, humping Chandler's pillow, as she devoured Chantal. Chantal was moaning and fondling her breasts as her every fold was licked. "Oh sugar, make me feel it... make me feel it." Rachel kept licking and sucking. This pussy was so much different from Monica's or Phoebe's. She wanted to enjoy every moment, every taste, everything she could find that was new to her. But soon Rachel's lust was more than just her tongue and the pillow could fulfill. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the other strap-on laying an arm's length away. "I need to fuck you," she said with determination. Rachel grabbed the toy and put it on, as Chantal lay there, ready for Rachel's every whim. \----- Candy fucked Phoebe doggy-style, sprawled over the coffee table. Pheebs was allowing herself to be taken, though she was quite vocal about what she wanted. "Yeah, fuck it like that... oh yeah... fuck it... ooohh.... come on, fuck me, dammit!" Candy smirked at Phoebe's impatience. The base of the strap-on pounded against Phoebe's pussy lips. The blonde's face was contorted in pleasure and her teeth were clenched tight. "Spank my ass," she demanded. Candy slapped her ass cheek, just hard enough to create a loud smack. "Is that what you want, you little fucker?" "Yeah, spank me while you screw my fuckin' pussy." Candy slowed her pace and gently spanked her partner. A slow fuck and a firm hand caused Phoebe to grunt and groan and swear. "What else do you want? Tell me." "I want it up my ass," Phoebe hissed in passion. "That's what I thought," Candy smiled. She pulled out of Phoebe and took her to the nearest recliner. Phoebe's skirt and panties were quickly piled on the floor. As she sat forward, Candy grabbed a nearby bottle of baby oil and squirted a generous portion on the rod. Phoebe squatted and slowly impaled her ass on the strap-on. As she rode Candy, Phoebe felt nails dragging up and down her back. She grabbed a dildo from the side table. Reaching down between their legs, she pushed it into Candy's wet box. Now it was Candy's turn to lay back and be pleasured. \----- Rachel lay on top of Chantal and pushed the dildo in. The brunette instinctively knew that Rachel would want to feel large breasts rubbing against her own. She helped Rachel remove her top and bra. Rachel slowly began fucking her as they kissed. "A slow Southern screw for my Southern belle," she whispered. Chantal began breathing hard again, loving what Rachel was doing with the dildo. Each time she pushed into the stripper, she would move her hips around, probing the rod into different areas of Chantal's pussy. This had the additional effect of rubbing the strap-on's inside nub against Rachel's clit, which was the real reason for her motions. Both women held Chantal's tits, so Rachel could rub their breasts together as they fucked. "Do you want me to suck them?" "Yes," Chantal whined, her orgasm coming closer. Rachel licked one breast, teasingly. "Is that what you want? Huh?" she taunted. "Wouldn't it feel so good to feel my mouth on them? Sucking? Licking?" Rachel loved playing the part of the one in control. She brushed her lips against Chantal's open mouth. "Beg me," Rachel whispered, smelling Chantal's sweet breath. "Please suck them. Suck my tits." Chantal panted. By this time, Rachel was pounding her hips forward, ramming the fake cock into Chantal. The force, each time, sent waves of pleasure through both Chantal's pussy and Rachel's clit. It punctuated Chantal's pleadings. "Please... UHN... please suck... UHN, them... please.... PLEASE!..." Rachel caressed and sucked Chantal's breasts as she fucked her hard. "Yes... UH!... yes... FUCK me... fuck me UH! hard... OH!... UHN!... make me CUM!... PLEASE!..." Rachel was in love with this moment. Feeling Chantal's smooth skin. Remembering how she put dollar bills in her G-string. Flowing brown hair. Seeing the look on her partner's face. Being on top. Being in control. Somewhere in the background, she heard her roommate's impassioned moans. It aroused her to know that there were so many enjoying sex in the same room, with so many more opportunities that evening. \----- Chandler stood naked, as Alexis stroked his rod. "Strip me," she hissed. He ran his hands over the tight silver hotpants and began to pull them down. "No," she stopped him, "use your teeth." Chandler crouched beside her and grabbed the top of the panties in his mouth. With a few firm motions, he had tugged it halfway down her hip. He did the same at her other leg. Moving behind Alexis, his teeth pulled the metallic fabric to the bottom curve of her ass. As he crouched in front of her once again, he took the final mouthful that remained on her crotch. Slowly pulling it down, and breathing her scent, he saw her pussy. It was mostly bald, with just a thin strip running a few inches above a pierced clit. "That... that's different," he commented, though it completely fit with what he knew of Alexis so far. She laughed at him, "So you've never seen a woman with her clit pierced?" "Well, never in person... only in the movies." She brought him to his feet and kissed him roughly. "I like it. It makes sex SO much more intense." With that, she grabbed his hard dick and led him to the front door. Pressing her back into it and pulling him close, she stared at Chandler lustfully. "Fuck me," was all she said, wrapping her leg around his hip. With her stripper heels, it was an easy entry. Chandler pushed his rod up and into Alexis. One hand was at her waist, and the other held her thigh. She wrapped her arms around his neck and they kissed deeply as they fucked. "Do you feel it?" she whispered. He knew exactly what she meant. Her clit ring was dragging along the length of his shaft as he moved in and out of her. "Oh god, yes!" he moaned. The ring wasn't so arousing to him; as much as the thought of fucking a woman with one. "Well, don't cum yet," she panted, "You have a good long evening ahead of you." Chandler slowed his pace and changed his angle. His dick wedged against Alexis' clit, pushing on her ring. She gasped at the feeling. "Fuck! Like that. Bang me like that, fucker!" She sucked on his earlobe and moaned in his ear. "Ooooh... ooooh... fuck me hard! Make me cum! Make me... oh god... make me cummmmUUUUUUUHHHHHHNNNNN!" Chandler pressed into Alexis's body as she writhed against the door. She pushed her pelvis forward, grinding her clit against the base of his cock. Her foot fell to the floor as her orgasm passed. "That was the best ever," she moaned, running her fingers through her hair. "Really?" Chandler asked in disbelief as he pulled out of her. With an obviously faked innocence, Alexis replied, "Would I lie to you?" "I'm gonna say... yes... but I don't think that really matters right now." Alexis smiled and winked. "One down, six to go." They turned to face into the room. She patted Chandler on the butt, "You better get busy." \----- Chantal wrapped her legs around Rachel's hips, forcing her long hard strokes to meld into a shallow fast pumping. "Faster... please make me cum." The button stimulated Rachel's clit, rubbing it quickly. "Oh gaawd," she moaned, "oh shit." Chantal was so close all she could do was whimper, "please... please... please..." The brunette came, grabbing Rachel tightly and kissing her passionately. Rachel continued fucking her partner as rapidly as she could manage. She was out of breath from the workout, but she was determined to please this beautiful woman, as well as herself. Halfway through Chantal's orgasm, and hearing her moans, Rachel's body found release. "FUUUUUUUCK!" she groaned. She reached behind and shoved a finger into her own pussy. She frigged herself, trying to enhance the pleasure caused at her clit. "Fuck, Chantal... oh fuck... oooohhhhh... fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, FUUUUUCK!" Chantal caressed Rachel's body as her climax subsided. Catching her breath, Rachel kissed her lover's breasts, neck, and lips. Rachel pulled out and the women stood. Chantal helped her remove the toy, and rubbed her fingers against Rachel's clit. Rachel giggled and reached up to kiss her belle. "Let's rest a little bit, darlin'" came the drawl, "we need to pace ourselves." Rachel smiled, "The hell with pacing ourselves. I'm gonna find someone to give me another one. A night like this doesn't happen every week, ya know." \----- Chandler looked around to pick out his next conquest. Across the room, Michelle was laying back into the corner of the couch. Monica knelt on all fours. Her face was buried tongue-deep into Michelle's crotch. Both women were buck-naked. Chandler smiled and went over to them. He caressed Michelle's breast and Monica's back as he watched his friend eat pussy. Michelle was panting from the pleasure. He kissed Monica on the top of her head. "You're next, Mon." Her eyes twinkled, looking up at him as she sucked Michelle's clit. Chandler knelt behind her and lifted her leg to rest on the couch. Monica paused and looked back over her shoulder, saying nothing, but giving him an encouraging smile. The realization hit him. He could do anything he wanted with these women. For one night, seven women, including his closest female friends, were there for his pleasure. Seeing that thought on his face, Monica winked, then went back to her cunt-licking. He grabbed Monica's tiny ass; one cheek in each hand. As he pushed into her, he heard her muffled grunt. He fucked her slowly, caressing her back, ass, and legs. A perfect, slim, little body. He reached under Monica and grabbed her C-cup breast as it hung there. Her nipple was rock hard. Chandler caressed both of Monica's tits, longing to have them in his mouth. His hand trailed down past her stomach, where his fingertips met her clit. "Yes," Monica moaned, knowing what he was going to do, "rub it." Chandler fucked her lovingly as he rubbed and teased her clit. Monica felt his chest on her back; his lips on her shoulder. She heard a whisper in her ear. "You are incredibly hot... Monica, it's a fantasy come true every time I get to feel you against me... caress your breasts... bang your tight body." Monica closed her eyes, listening to Chandler's voice. A voice she never knew could be so arousing. Monica moaned into Michelle's pussy. "Lick her, Mon. Lick her pussy. Show me how much you want this." Complete lust overwhelmed Monica. Chandler saw the look on Michelle's face. It seemed to be a combination of desire, ecstasy, and even a bit of uncertainty as she watched Monica. But seeing how much his friend was pleasing her, he redoubled his efforts to reward Monica with an explosive orgasm. He could tell from her moans and breathing that Monica no longer needed the clit-play. Grabbing her waist, he started to fuck her faster. She reacted positively, as shown by the way Michelle threw her head back and groaned. Monica was grunting in time with him, though her tongue never stopped. He prodded deeper into her. Her eyes rolled back in her head. "Oh god, Chandler... fuck me.... like that, fuck me..." The pitch and intensity of Monica's voice rose to match her sexual tension. "Yes... oh!... OH!!... YES!!!" Monica was still trying to keep licking as much as she could manage, but her focus was on the dick ramming into her. "Harder... please harder..." She now had a whining lilt to her voice. "I'm gonna cum, I'M GONNA CUM!!! UUUUUUHHHHNNNNNNN!!!" Chandler grabbed a handful of Monica's short black hair and pushed her face down into Michelle's pussy. He wanted the rage of her climax channeled into pleasing the other woman. Monica licked with animal passion as the orgasm seized her. Michelle grabbed her head and held on tight. With both of her partners holding her face in the pussy, there was nothing Monica could do but lick away. In fact, her mind could tell her to do nothing else. \----- Leaving Chantal, Rachel put her hand on Alexis' back. "So, do you want me to do a lap dance for you?" Alexis kissed her, with Rachel trying to match her passion. Her body was toned and gently muscular, and Rachel ran her hands over it. "Fuck the dance," Alexis said, lustfully, "I've got another idea." Taking Rachel to a recliner, she spun it around to face away from them and pulled the handle. The chair opened, and she whispered for Rachel to bend over the back of the chair. Intrigued, Rachel gave her a little smile as she obeyed. Her waist was resting on the headrest, when Alexis tripped the handle back with her foot. The chair flipped up, taking Rachel with it. She squealed and laughed. Her body was arced over the back of the chair, elbows on the seat supporting her. Rachel's hips rested at the top, and her feet dangled off the floor. Alexis caressed the ass on display. "What do you like, Rachel?" "I... I like having my toes sucked." "Oooh, a little kinky. I like that in a lover." She took Rachel's ankle, and hinged her foot up. Bending over slightly, to allow Rachel to stay balanced on the chair, Alexis began licking and sucking Rachel's toes and foot. Then she caressed the full length of Rachel's body in one motion. Foot... ankle... calf... the back of Rachel's knee. She giggled as that tickled her. Alexis continued on to her lean thigh... round ass, brushing her fingers on Rachel's wet pussy... back... shoulder... and finally, she ran her fingers through Rachel's hair. Alexis brought her fingertips to her partner's lips, and they were gratefully licked. Alexis spun the chair around, and spread Rachel's legs to stand between them. Caressing Rachel's ass, she licked her shaved pussy. "Mmm, yes," Rachel whispered with a smile on her face. The stripper licked and sucked on Rachel's clit. Then she slowly lapped the full length from her clit, over her pussy lips, and stopped teasingly short of her butthole. Alexis took a purple plastic dildo from the nearby table and lubricated the end in her mouth. She ran it provocatively over Rachel's lower lips, before pressing it in. Rachel groaned as the object was pushed into her. Alexis worked more of it in, until there was just a handful left. She began fucking her with it, and Rachel was taken away with the pleasure. Eyes closed; mouth open; she panted. \----- As Monica's orgasm abated, Michelle guided her up to lie on top of her. With two sets of spread legs, the next move was obvious to Chandler. He moved to the couch and filled Michelle. She inhaled sharply and then slowly exhaled. "Your friend is fucking me," she smiled to Monica. Monica felt Chandler's stomach bumping against her ass. "He feels good, doesn't he?" Monica asked, kissing her forehead and cheek. Michelle could only nod. She smelled her scent on Monica's face. They shared wet kisses as Chandler fucked the little blonde. She was moaning into Monica's mouth. "Harder... now faster... do it faster..." she directed with her arms wrapped tightly around Monica. Chandler's longtime friend had corralled Michelle's head between her forearms. She ran her hands through blonde hair, disheveling Michelle's perfectly-held hairstyle, as she provided impassioned kissing. Chandler's momentum rocked both women's bodies. He looked down at the two most petite women in the room, surging as one with his thrusts. He leaned forward, and placed his arms in front of Monica's thighs. This gave him the leverage to pound deeper into Michelle's wet cunt. She came, pushing her head back into the couch and digging fake fingernails into Monica's back. "Cum, baby," Monica encouraged, "Let me feel you cum. Cum!" Michelle's body arched with tension, lifting Monica with her. "UUUUUUuuuuuuhhhhhhnnnnn," she groaned as her drug her nails on Monica's light skin, leaving slight love-scratches. Then she collapsed into the pulsing. "Uh! Uh! Uh! Uh! Uuuuuuuhhhhhh!" Monica studied Michelle's every move during and after her orgasm. She loved watching a woman climax. To Monica, it was one of the most erotic things. Eyes closed, the blonde girl licked her lips and panted as she came back to earth. Michelle caught her breath as Monica gently kissed her, "Wow, you came good, sweetie." Chandler kissed Monica's shoulder, saying, "And my work here is done." Monica laughed, "It sure is, stud! And good work, by the way." Chandler pulled out and left the two women, giving a kiss to each. "I didn't hurt you, did I?" Michelle asked, as she brushed Monica's bangs from her forehead. "Not at all. I mean, sure it hurt a little when you scratched my back... but sometimes a little bit of pain can be okay." She kissed Michelle, lovingly, to show that it was indeed all right. They shared kiss after kiss, basking in their afterglow. \----- As Chandler approached Phoebe and Candy, he could tell that Phoebe had changed into a sexual animal. He grabbed her breast and fondled her. "Want to suck my cock, Pheebs?" Between grunts, Phoebe answered. "Yes, you... you dirty little boy... put that... that fuckin' dick in my mouth." She leaned forward, still fucking Candy and still being fucked, and put her waiting mouth at cock-level. Chandler held it for her, and she hungrily devoured it. "Monica and who?" she paused to ask. Chandler was confused, so she went on. "I taste Monica on you, but who else did you just do?" "OH... Michelle." She got a little smile on her face, "Yummy! I'm gonna have to find her later." As Phoebe's full lips were wrapped around Chandler's shaft, he looked down at Candy. She was lying back in the chair, eyes closed. The feeling of both Phoebe's dildo work and an ass grinding on her pelvis was incredible. But she needed more. Opening her eyes, and gave Chandler a pleading look. He saw her mouth the words, "please fuck me." "I think Candy needs some Chandy," she said to Phoebe as he pulled out of her mouth. He knelt between their open legs as Phoebe removed the toy. Chandler pushed between the straps into the lower set of pussy lips, and heard a moan emanate from behind Phoebe. "Yeeaah... fuck her... make her cum," Phoebe panted. "Then you can make me cum." Chandler and Phoebe kissed as he fucked Candy. His hands roamed Phoebe's body. Their tongues melded in each other's mouths. She had buried her finger deep into her cunt, and was captivated by the sensation of having something stimulating all three holes. "Wow! It doesn't have to be cocks," she thought, with realization, "though cocks are pretty damn good, too." Candy was moaning loudly. "Yeah... let me hear her moan... let me listen to her moaning while she FUCKS my ass!" Chandler banged the brunette with even more zest. "Fuck her, Chandler... fuck her hard... make her cum all over your fucking hard dick." Phoebe had abandoned her pussy-play and was clutching Chandler's body. He felt her firm breasts rubbing against his chest as she continued to work the dildo in her ass. Her chin was on his shoulder and she moaned in his ear. "I need it, Chandler. I need your cock in me... Please make her cum so you can fuck me... I'm getting so close... but I want you in me when I cum." She sucked on the dildo she still held, making soft sounds in Chandler's ear. Chandler watched as Candy climaxed. She involuntarily bucked her hips to force his dick around inside herself. This reamed Phoebe's ass even deeper and she gasped and groaned. As Candy began to regain her senses, she whimpered, "Now her." With this permission, Chandler pulled out and stuffed his dick into his friend. "Yessss," Phoebe hissed. "Oh, this is sooo good... god, I love having my pussy and ass filled at the same time." Chandler leaned forward, laying her back onto Candy. She gently pinched Phoebe's nipples as Chandler drove his dick into her, over and over. Phoebe put the dildo back in her mouth and sucked voraciously. With all this, Phoebe climaxed quickly, panting through her nose. "Mmmmmph... mmmm... MMMMMMMAAAAHH!!! mmmmmph... mmmph..." Chandler slowed to a stop, licking Phoebe's nipples and Candy's fingers. All were out of breath, as their bodies broke contact. "So, who's next?" Phoebe asked him as she stood. "Ya know, Pheebs, I'm gonna rest for a bit and just watch. I still have a lot to do before I finally cum." She smiled sexily. "Suit yourself. I'M gonna go get me a yummy little treat." \----- Candy removed the strap-on, and looked over at Monica. She was sprawled across the couch, masturbating as she watched her friends, new and old, having sex around the room. Candy sat down between her legs. "Well, aren't you the tiniest little thing?" Monica always loved any complement. "I might be," she said shyly with a big smile. "But you shouldn't be all alone," Candy continued. "Here, let me do that for you," she said as she moved Monica's had from her crotch. "Al- all right," she replied, wondering why she was nervous. Candy was so pretty. Her hair was a little shorter than Monica's, and just as dark. "Phoebe was right; short hair IS sexy," Monica thought. The only thing of Candy's costume that Phoebe had left on her was her black thigh highs. Monica ran her hand on Candy's leg, feeling the pattern of the fishnet and the slickness of their vinyl tops. She watched Candy's every move. Palm facing her partner, Candy ran her fingertips up the length of Monica's slash. Then turning her hand over, she moved it back down, brushing her labia. Her hand paused, formed into the fuck-you gesture, and her finger was pushed into Monica. Candy finger-banged her like this, until Monica's breath became shallow. "Do you want me to lick you?" Candy asked, seductively. "Yes!" Monica panted, "Lay back." Monica got up and Candy reclined, resting her head by the arm of the couch. Monica straddled her chest, a foot on the floor, and a knee wedged into the back cushions. She rotated her hips forward and presented her pussy for licking. She watched a talented tongue lap at her lips. Monica reached back to finger Candy. Monica's palm told her what she hadn't been able to see at the strip club. Candy was shaved bald. She rubbed, intrigued by the complete smoothness. Her middle finger draped over Candy's clit, and slowly stroked it. Candy paused and smiled, "You like a bald pussy?" "I've... I've never felt one before," Monica said, almost uncertainly, and feeling very virgin-like. "You should try it some time. I know your lovers will enjoy it." Monica nodded, her eyes riveted on Candy's mouth. "It wouldn't take much. You've already shaved here," Candy said as she licked to the left of Monica's slit. "And here." She licked on the right side. "You just have a little strip above here," she flicked her tongue on Monica's clit. "Oh god, Candy, eat me out," Monica moaned as she pushed her finger into the waiting pussy. Candy dove in. Monica moaned, "Yeeess, eat me... lick my pussy." She alternated between finger-fucking Candy, and drawing it out to rub her clit. As her lust built, she grabbed Candy's head and pushed her cunt onto her face, forcing the tongue up inside herself. Candy probed as far into Monica as her tongue would go. Suddenly, Monica pulled her finger out and crawled backward from Candy. "This is what I want," Monica panted. She slid forward and intertwined her legs into and around Candy. She felt Candy's erotic smoothness glide up her inner thigh and rest in her crotch. With complete desire for nothing else, Monica ground her cunt into her lover's. "Can you feel it?" Candy panted, knowing the answer. "Can you feel me rubbing you? Rubbing your pussy? My pussy lips licking your little clit?" "You feel so goood," Monica groaned, eyes closed. "Feel me licking and kissing you, Monica." Candy gasped as a jolt ran up her cunt. She caressed Monica's slim thigh and watched her breasts bouncing as her chest heaved. "Fuck, you're so beautiful! Any man would want you. Any woman would want you. But I get to have you, Monica, right now." "Cum on my pussy," Monica groaned. Both cunts glistened with their combined wetness. Monica turned to the side so that her cunt could get even closer. She held Candy's leg, foot against her face, and rocked her hips forward and back. Candy let Monica take over and pleasure them both. Monica was so close, and her body writhed against Candy's. When Monica's orgasm overtook her, she screamed loudly. Her distinct motions turned into stuttering, jerky movements as the orgasm racked her body. Candy became the lead as she pressed her lips into Monica's and resumed rubbing. This sent another shock through Monica. She gasped and moaned, "Fuuuuck!" Candy stared at Monica with desire as she rubbed against her, moaning, "I want to fuck you, Monica... I want to fuck you..." "Let me use my mouth," Monica panted. Within seconds, she was on her knees. Her tongue was licking as much smooth skin as it could find. Her lips grabbed onto the clit and she sucked hard, then planted her lips at Candy's opening and tongue-fucked her with the rhythm of a cock. "I'm gonna cum, Monica, I'm gonna cum... Do that... yes, do that... please don't stop... please don't STAAAWWWWPPPP!" Monica allowed Candy to face-fuck her as she kept her tongue deeply in her hole. Monica was pleased with herself, that she had learned how to give such an intense orgasm to another woman. \----- Seeing what Alexis was doing to Rachel, Chandler walked over and placed his cock in Rachel's open mouth, much to her surprise. She opened her eyes and gave a good-natured look that said, "Ok, you got me, buddy-boy." Then she started doing what he obviously wanted. Alexis watched the back of Rachel's head bob up and down. "Well, well, Rachel. You're a good little cocksucker. Does she feel good, Chandler? Do you like having Rachel blow you?" He agreed wholeheartedly. "Does she feel good with your dick in her soft mouth? Sucking you off? Giving you head? You like fucking her pretty face, don't you?" Chandler agreed again. Rachel was softly moaning. "Well, I like fucking her pussy. Hear her moan, Chandler? I can't tell if she's moaning more from my dildo or your cock. But I bet she likes having both of us fuck her." Between the moans, Rachel gave a muffled "uh-huh!" "Right now, she's ours, Chandler. Your beautiful friend is here only to suck... your... cock. And I'm just here to make her moan for you." Alexis' motions with the dildo had become stronger. Each time she pushed it in, her wrist would press against Rachel's ass. The chair began to rock. "You like feeling her lips wrapped around your shaft? Moving up and down? You like feeling her tongue rubbing against the bottom of your cock-head?" Chandler was watching his penis, sliding in and out. And Rachel was obviously as turned on by the dirty-talk as Chandler was. "Do you like feeling her hot... wet... mouth? It almost feels like a pussy, doesn't it? Do you want to fuck Rachel's mouth like a pussy? Have your dick all the way in her? Soon, Rachel was totally unable to control what was being done to her... and what was being done with her. When Alexis pushed the dildo in, the chair would slowly sway, and Chandler's cock would go to the back of her throat. When Alexis pulled out, her mouth would slide nearly off the head. Rachel hadn't realized how erotic it would be, to be used in this way to deep-throat a man. Alexis made eye contact with Chandler. "See? I told ya," she smiled nastily. Rachel was groaning with the sensations in her pussy. Chandler pulled out of her mouth and crouched down to kiss her cheek. "I'm going to move on, but cum hard for me, Rach." "Oh god, I'm gonna," she moaned. \----- Michelle was in the kitchen, refilling her wine glass, and taking a bit of a breather. Phoebe joined her and wasted no time in saying what was on her mind. "Hmm, you're a little pixie!" she said in her sexy, lustful way, "I wanna just... just rub you all over my body." Then she became more matter-of-fact, "And I'm a masseuse, so I have some experience in rubbing bodies. Ok, I have, like, a LOT of experience in rubbing bodies." Michelle laughed, and almost seemed a little embarrassed at the complement. But all that melted away as Phoebe placed her fingers on Michelle's cheek and kissed her gently. Phoebe grabbed a bottle of oil from the nearby table. She squeezed some on Michelle's breasts, and took the cocktail waitress' hand to smear it around. Michelle rubbed her chest, breasts, and stomach as Phoebe applied more oil. "You should totally be a stripper. You look really hot touching your body." This got a sexy, stripper-like look from Michelle. Phoebe squirted some lube on her palm and rubbed it over her partner's crotch. "Can't forget the most important part," she commented in her porn-star voice. She handed the bottle to Michelle. As she drizzled oil onto the tall blonde's chest, Phoebe began rubbing her body up and down Michelle's. But she quickly became frustrated at the lack of contact. "Ok, this would work a lot better if we were laying down." The foosball table was right there, with the plexiglass cover on top. Phoebe stepped up on a chair and lay down on the table. "Will this hold us?" Michelle asked. "Oh yeah! You should see the way the guys throw this thing around when they're playing. It's sturdy, that's for sure." Convinced, Michelle finished oiling Phoebe's body and then climbed on the table, taking a path between her legs. On the way up, she made sure to rub her breasts and stomach against the lubricated clit. Grabbing the sides of the foosball table, Michelle pulled herself forward and back. Their bodies easily glided against each other. "Ooo yeah, rub your body all over me, you... dirty little... ooo, you... PIXIE!" Michelle giggled at Phoebe using that word again. With almost perfect coordination, Phoebe spun Michelle around, belly to belly. Grabbing her waist, Phoebe pulled her pussy up to her lips. Since Michelle was much shorter than her partner, Phoebe's clit was tantalizingly close to her face, but just out of tongue-reach. As Phoebe licked her pussy lips, fingers of one hand went into Phoebe's cunt, while her other hand firmly rubbed the sensitive fold of skin. "MMM! MMM!" Phoebe exclaimed. Michelle smelled Phoebe's arousal and had to taste her. "Let me.. let me..." she panted in frustration. Phoebe released her grip, and Michelle pulled her body forward and face down into the waiting cunt. "Yeeaaahhh... lick me... lick me all over..." Phoebe moaned as she poked a finger in and out of Michelle's lips. \----- Alexis pulled out the dildo, much to Rachel's disappointment. She teased it up and down her crotch, before bringing it to rest at her butthole. "NO," Rachel whimpered, wanting her orgasm to come closer, but powerless to do anything about it. "But Rachel, why do you say 'no' when you really mean 'YES'?" Rachel had no idea what to expect, but Alexis seemed to be reading her mind. "Yes," she whispered, with a pleading look on her brow. She gently pushed the wet dildo past her opening. Rachel gasped quietly. She'd never had anything up her ass before, but she was enjoying the first feelings. Alexis slowly fucked it deeper into Rachel, though not as deep as it was in her other hole. Rachel began moaning deeply. Her lover resumed licking her pussy as the plastic fucked her ass. "Ooh... ooohh... oooohhh... YESSSSssss... keep it in me... fuck it... fuck it... uhhhh... uuhhhhhh... UUUHHHHHHNNNNNNNNN." Rachel held her head in her hands as the orgasm ravaged her senses. She gave a long low groan as she exhaled. A moment of quiet, then she gasped loudly. "UHHNNN... OOOOOHHH... OOOOOHHHHhhhhh... Oooohh... oohh... mmmmm." She barely waited for Rachel's orgasm to die off. The redhead licked her butt cheek, and then spanked it. "OW!" Rachel said, laughing, and still feeling a little light-headed. Alexis then walked off toward Phoebe and Michelle, leaving Rachel hanging over the back of the chair, dildo still in her ass. "Alexis? Alexis? Hey, don't leave me like this." She realized that her partner was off to pleasure someone else. "Damn it," she mumbled. Rachel crawled off the chair, rather clumsily, and pulled out the toy. She walked over to Alexis, who was watching Phoebe and Michelle on the foosball table. "Hey! Why'd you leave me like that?" Rachel said with a slight tone of indignation. "Oh, I'm sorry, weren't you finished?" Alexis replied, feigning surprise. "Rrrr," Rachel growled, trying to make her eyes look angry and menacing. But Alexis had given her such an intense orgasm, she really couldn't be mad. "Bitch," she said, kissing Alexis firmly. Both women smiled and Rachel went off to join her exhausted roommate on the couch. \----- Alexis saw her moment to jump in. She kissed Phoebe's inner thigh and then Michelle's cheek. She went to the other end of the table and sucked on Michelle's clit, then kissed Phoebe passionately. "Face down, ladies," she purred. Like a choreographed dance, both girls came to their knees. Then Michelle stretched face down on the smooth surface. Phoebe lay on top of her, and sucked her earlobe as they waited for Alexis. She announced her return with one long lick, from Michelle's clit, over her lips, then to Phoebe's clit, and up the length of her pussy. Alexis held a long flexible dildo. It was flesh colored and the two ends were shaped like cockheads. She inserted one head between each set of spread legs. Alexis was rewarded with a dual set of moans. Alternately pushing and pulling, back and forth, she worked the toy in both girls' pussy. Alexis gently bit Phoebe's ass as she pleasured the women. "Oh! Yeah... fuck us," Phoebe replied, "fuck us good." Alexis grinned widely at the squirming bodies that were hers to manipulate. Their movements left streaks of baby oil on the tabletop. She could tell that they were both getting close to climax. She grabbed the center of the snake and roughly fucked it in and out of both. Feeling the same motions took them even higher. "Cum with me," Phoebe moaned in Michelle's ear, "Can you cum with me?" "Uh huh," was the whimpered reply. Phoebe went on, "I'm so close, but I want you to cum when I do. Are you close? Are you gonna cum soon?" Michelle couldn't even answer. Her breath fogged the clear plexiglass each time she gave a slow, shaky exhale. Phoebe came just before Michelle. Grabbing the sides of the table, her tensed muscles pressed her smaller partner into the surface. Michelle felt pinned by Phoebe's climaxing body, unable to move as Alexis made her cum. That complete erotic helplessness heightened her orgasm in an unbelievable way. Alexis couldn't tell which woman was making which sounds, but it didn't really matter. She kept masturbating both, slowing as the sensual trembling subsided. \----- The roommates and a stripper sat on the couch, watching. Rachel and Monica were cuddling. Monica laid her head on her roommate's shoulder and played with her long hair. Candy sat at the opposite end, and slowly rubbed Monica's legs, which were draped over her lap. "So, what did you do tonight? Or should I say... WHO did you do tonight?" Monica asked. Rachel smiled, "Well... Alexis there, was really good. Mon, she fucked my ass with a dildo!" "Yeah, I saw," Monica smiled. "It was so... intense. I've never had an orgasm like that before." "See? Told ya you'd like it. Now you should have a guy do it with his dick, and it's REALLY incredible. Who else, Rach?" "Mmm, Chantal." Rachel relished that memory. "She teased my clit with her nipple. And I... kind of... humped her boob. Then I got to screw her with our strap-on. I tell ya, Mon. I couldn't sleep last night, imagining what it would be like to be with her." "I know what you mean. Last night, I kept dreaming about Michelle. Dreaming that I was licking her pussy. And believe me, it was as good as the dream! OH, and Chandler fucked me while I licked her, and then, and THEN," she said more excited, "he did her while we held each other. I felt every part of her orgasm against my body." \----- Chantal had been on Chandler's lap in his recliner, kissing and petting. "Well, Chantal," Chandler started, "I think... I THINK you're my last one tonight. And something tells me that what we've been doing doesn't quite cut it." She kissed him. "You should always save the best for last, darlin'. So... you know I've got the biggest tits of any one in the room." Chandler cleared his throat, "I, um, noticed that." "My ex-boyfriend always liked to tit-fuck me. Would you like to fuck 'em?" she asked as she traced her finger around his nipple. "YES PLEASE!" He jumped up, nearly throwing her out of the chair. She laughed and crawled over to him. "First, let's make sure you're good and hard." She put his cock in her mouth and gently sucked it to life. He took her head and slowly fucked her mouth. Big brown eyes looked up at him. The firmness of his prick told them both that he was very ready. Chantal laid on her back on the coffee table. Chandler straddled the narrow piece of furniture and squatted down. He placed his cock between her breasts and she enveloped it. He began sliding his dick between Chantal's tits, marveling at the sensation of fucking such a large, firm set of breasts. He replaced Chantal's hands with his own, applying different amounts of pressure to get the most pleasing feeling for his dick. "That's it, sugar. Do what feels good. You can do it. Aren't they nice and big? Does it feel good fucking 'em? I like having my boobs fucked." Candy moved Monica's legs from her lap and joined the new action. She knelt at the end of the table and began licking Chantal's pussy, while Chandler slowly screwed her tits. "Yeah, baby... lick me... fuck me... fuck my body... stroke yourself with my big tits." As Candy moved her oral attention from Chantal's clit to her pussy, the buxom stripper moaned. "Yeeeaaah... right there... lick it right there." She ran her hands through her brunette mane and caressed her face and neck. Eyes closed, she sucked on a finger as the couple brought her closer to orgasm. "Fuck my pussy," she whined. Chandler moved to join Candy, and placed his hand on her shoulder. She ended her licking. While rubbing Chantal's clit with her thumb, she kissed Chandler, giving him a taste of Chantal. He knelt between Chantal's stockinged legs. As he entered her, Candy stood over Chantal's head. Chantal managed a lustful smile, with the pleasure running through her body. "Do it, darlin'," she whispered. Candy squatted slightly, and pulled the brunette's face up to service her cunt. \----- Monica and Rachel were watching all this from across the room. "That, that's what I did with Candy," Monica said, tilting her head back to look up at Rachel. "Top or bottom?" "I was on top. And I reached back and fingered her while she licked me, too. It all felt so good." Monica softly rubbed her clit as she spoke. "Hmm, looks intriguing," Rachel said, making a mental note. "And we did what you and I do sometimes, you know, with our legs wrapped together... except, see... she's completely shaved. That felt really good against my pussy." "Mmm... I bet it did. Did you lick her?" "Yeah, that's how I brought her. I know this will sound kinda weird... but it's a whole different experience when the other woman is totally shaved. It's like... total freedom... you can do anything you want down there." Rachel got a devilish grin. "Do you want me bald, Mon?" Monica paused and looked up at her. "Well... I'm not gonna tell you what to do... but it sure was good!" \----- Chandler saw Chantal's breasts bounce each time he pushed into her. His gaze moved up. Below Candy's ass cheeks, he watched Chantal's tongue moving up inside her. Candy's head was back, as she held Chantal's. Chandler really didn't want to interrupt this, but he wanted to watch something else as he fucked. He placed his hand on Candy's back to get her attention. She looked over her shoulder. "Can I watch you suck her tit, while I fuck her?" Candy smiled. "Sure. This night's for you, ya know." She knelt beside Chantal and held her tit, kissing and licking it. "Monica," Chandler called across the room. "Batter up," Rachel joked, patting her roomie's tight butt as she stood up. Monica looked back at her, grinning. Monica went and knelt on the other side of Chantal. She caressed her breast. "So you want me to do something with her tit? This big, firm, beautiful breast?" she teased him. "Suck it. I want to watch you suck her tit," Chandler replied, as he continued sliding in and out. "That's what I thought," she whispered, smiling, as she lowered her mouth. Chandler ran his fingers through two heads of cropped black hair. From his vantage point, Monica and Candy could be twins. They looked like sisters, certainly. "Sisters sucking a big pair of tits," he thought, "now THAT'S hot!" He lifted Chantal's legs, holding her ankles apart, so he could push deeper into her. He started to pick up his pace, but she stopped him. "No, slowly. Do me slowly... tenderly... please?" The rest of the girls were watching the only remaining action in the room. Alexis joined Rachel on the couch. Chantal was reveling in the tender attention that she was getting from all three. She made soft sounds, enjoying every lick, every kiss, every suck, every stroke. She was caressing Monica and Candy. Any bare skin her hands could find. Chantal came closer to climax. "Faster," she panted, "oh! Oh yeah... harder, now harder." Chandler gave her what she wanted. Candy gently pressed her teeth into her breast, while Monica maintained a steady, pulsed sucking on her nipple. Chandler was nailing her hard and fast now. Her body was tense. Suddenly, all tension melted away as she came, moaning. At that moment, Monica sucked long and hard on her nipple. Chantal grabbed the back of her head and pushed it into her flesh, wanting more. As her orgasm continued, all three of Chantal's partners sent different sensations swarming her mind. And, as if rehearsed, they slowed their actions as her climax faded away. \----- Chandler pulled out of Chantal. "Okay, who wants it?" he asked as he stroked his cock and walked to the center of the room. "I DO! I DO!" Monica yelled, jumping up and running over to him. "Hey, why do you get it?" Phoebe protested, with Michelle sitting between her legs on the foosball table. "You got most of it last night." "Well... I organized all this. So I think I should get something back." "Yeah all right... that's true," Phoebe conceded. Monica fell to her knees, hands resting on her legs. She was facing up to him, with her mouth wide open, looking for all the world like a baby bird. A very sexy, horny baby bird. The rest of the girls giggled, as they watched the scene. "Wow, you're pretty excited," he teased, "I guess you'd be disappointed if I faked an orgasm right now." Monica not-so-playfully slapped his thigh. "Don't be a jerk. Just give me my cum." "Okay, I'm sorry," he said as he stroked himself closer to Monica's prize. He surveyed all the naked women in his apartment, knowing that he had done every one. He remembered seeing and hearing each one of them climax. He looked down at Monica's beautiful waiting face. Her tongue subtly moistened her lips. She watched him masturbate, and she gently bit her lower lip in anticipation. As his orgasm approached, he pinched off his dick, just under the hood, to let the pressure build. He pushed his cock down and aimed it at Monica, who again opened her mouth. When he released the pressure, a large strong spurt of cum shot right to the back of her throat. She gagged slightly, surprised. But she recovered quickly as the next few shots covered her tongue. As Chandler's orgasm began to abate, she moved her mouth up to the tip of his cock, though never touching it. Replacing his hand with hers, Monica pursed her lips and sucked the tip, and she pumped out the last little bit. Monica swallowed and gave Chandler a quick little blow job, to finish him off. She stood and walked to the recliner. Rachel was lying on the yellow couch, with her head resting in Alexis' lap. "Uh, Mon... you forgot a little..." she said gesturing to her chin. "Oh... ha!" Monica laughed, realizing that some of the jizz had missed her mouth. She guided it up to her lips with her middle finger, and licked it clean. "Yep, that's my roomie - 'Little Miss Cum-slut'," Rachel teased. Laughs came from around the room. "Rachel!" Monica protested. "What? Like it isn't true???" "Well, yeah... but it's not like everyone has to know that." "Well, sweetie, I think everyone knew already... from the way you begged for it," Rachel laughed, with good-natured mocking. Monica walked over, knelt, and kissed her. "You're just lucky you're my best friend," she said, faking irritation, but unable to hide a smile. All eight of them relaxed for a while. Michelle and Phoebe showered together to wash off the baby oil. Rachel joined them "just to help out." Everyone knew what that meant, and this was soon confirmed by the loud moans emanating from the bathroom. Monica and Chandler sat together in a recliner; acting like it was completely normal to be snuggling naked. She played with his penis as they watched the three strippers get dressed to leave. "Oooh, do you guys have to go?" Monica said, disappointed. "Yeah, we work the morning shift at the club," Alexis explained. But thanks for the great party!" Candy kissed Chandler, "Don't be a stranger." Then she kissed Monica, even more passionately, "And don't YOU be a stranger either... I like turning Monica into Moanica. Maybe next time we can shave that little pussy of yours." Candy ran her fingertips through Monica's trimmed pubic hair, ensuring that she "accidentally" brushed her clit. The girls waved their goodbyes and thanks as they went out the door. "Monica, are you blushing?" Chandler teased. "Noooo," she tried to brush him off, "it's just... a little... warm in here. Aren't you a little warm?" "No, I'm fine. But I think you've got a craving for a little piece of 'Candy'." "So what's wrong with that?" "Oh, nothing at all... And Mon... thank you for all this. You're the best friend a guy could have." "Aaaww, you're just saying that because I let you grab my butt... and grope my tits... and... and rub my clit..." she became a more self-conscious as she went on, playing with her thumbnail. "And um... and fuck me... and cum in my mouth... um... is that it?" Chandler chuckled at her seeming embarrassment. "Yeah, it's been a pretty busy night, huh?" The girls came out of the bathroom, drying their hair. Rachel had made good on her earlier hints. From the neck down, she was completely smooth... just for Monica. "Where'd everyone go?" Phoebe asked. "Oh, they have to work in the morning." "Monica... can Michelle spend the night?" Rachel said, like a girl asking for a slumber party. "Yes," her roommate replied with a maternal tone, "but only if you two don't make too much noise." Rachel smiled knowingly, "Oh I won't promise that. But if we do, you can come over and join us." "Deal." Chandler looked at the clock. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but you all need to go. Joey's going to be home pretty soon." With final kisses and thank yous, the girls ran naked across the hall, carrying their clothes. Chandler quickly cleaned up the apartment, wiped down the top of the foosball table, and tried to think of stories, in case Joey asked what he did all evening. But truth be told, his thoughts could only go to each wonderful woman he'd had that night.
Title: Teaching A Lesson by SlenderDragon Tags: Anal, Discipline, Dragon, Fox, M/M, Master/Pet This is a gift, for my master Ranan Absidian. He's the best black fox in the world. ^\_^ Teaching A Lesson - By SlenderDragon "Master, where are we going?" The young dragon was being led by his master down the hot summer street, tugged forcefully by the leash around his silver collar. The green dragon was dressed in a pair of baggy blue jeans and a plain red shirt. He stood at about 6 feet, quite small for most dragons, and though he had muscles his body was more slim and petite than most. In front of him was a black fox, named Ranan, of equal height, wearing a light blue t-shirt and a pair of cargo pants. Unlike his pet, the fox was very well toned, but not overly so. You could see the muscles in his arm bulge as he led his dragon pet down the streets and towards his house. The dragon was nearly choking as he was pulled along by his master. Every time he tried to slow down to take a break, he was jerked towards his master with a forceful tug of the leash. The black fox was not at all happy with his pet, and the dragon could tell by the solid expression on the fox's face. Ranan said nothing to his pet as he led him towards his house, only pulling on his pet's leash, making sure the dragon stayed close behind. He didn't want his pet to stray too far, he was already in enough trouble as it is and if the dragon where to fall behind the black fox would only punish him further. Upon reaching the house Ranan took the key from his pants pocket and inserted it into the lock. Slowly he twisted the key until he could hear the sound of the door unlocking. Then, grabbing the doorknob, he opened the door slowly with an ominous creek that made the small dragon behind him shutter with fear. The dragon was led inside by his master and the door shut behind him with a loud bang, almost like the cell door of a prison slamming shut on an inmate. His master led him on the couch where the black fox sat and instead of waiting for his pet to sit on the ground in front of him like the dragon was supposed to do; he jerked on the leash and forced his pet to the ground viciously. His black paw tightened up on the leash, nearly draining all the air from his pet, the dragon's green face turning a shade of purple as he desperately tried to take in air, then suddenly the choking stopped and the dragon looked up slowly at his master, trailing his eyes over the black fox's body until he met those cold, glaring eyes. " know I expect certain things out of my pets." The black fox tugged again on the leash so that his pet was right next to his leg. "I expect total obedience out of you, but today you were very disrespectful to me, and to my friend." We flashback to earlier, Ranan and his pet were walking to the jeweler to pick up a special watch that the black fox had ordered. It was a very pretty shade of gold, and polished to the finest degree. Ranan had wanted to have something special added to it, so he called his friend, who was one of the finest jewelers, to add a few diamonds to the outside. As they approached the jewelry store the dragon was getting a little unruly. A few times the black fox had to warn his pet to behave, and the dragon was told that one more outburst and he would have to be punished. The door was opened and the bell chimed and out from a back room came a muscular tiger, who was wearing a long sleeve t-shirt that barely contained his muscular arms. "Hello Ran. How are you doing?" "I'm doing fine. Is the watch finished yet?" "I finished it just today..." The tiger turned to the shelf behind him and produced a small box. As he lifted the lid the combination of the gold and the diamonds lit up the room. "Wow, this is great. You did an excellent job." Being the curious pet he is, the dragon went in for a closer look, but in his clumsiness he tripped and knocked the watch out of the box. The watch didn't break as it hit the floor, but the tiger worked so hard on it, seeing it fall to the floor brought a look of horror on his face. Right then and there the black fox became angry with his pet, but he didn't want his friend to see the more forceful side. So he whispered to his pet to pick the watch up, which the dragon did and he put it back into the box. "I'm sorry about this. And Slen is very sorry, aren't you?" The black fox tugged slightly on the leash. "I'm sorry." The dragon bowed his head and then he was led out of the door roughly by the black fox. The flashback ends and we are back in the house, the black fox is resting on couch still and his pet is still on the floor in front of him. "My friend was really hurt when you knocked that watch out of its box today. I know it was an accident, but he put a lot of hard work into that watch and when it hit the floor all of his efforts were wasted" The dragon's head is sunk low, that feeling of guilt running throughout his body. "Now you see what you have done, and why I have to punish you. I don't want to, but you have to be taught a lesson in respect to others." The dragon's mind was racing with many thoughts. He wondered how he would be punished, but as the fox reached down to his pet and tugged the red shirt off of his green body, the dragon knew the answer. The blue denim pants soon followed as the dragon's legs were grabbed from under him and he was sent crashing to the floor, landing on his back with a thud. He was left completely naked except for his collar, and as he looked up he noticed that his master had a slight bulge in his pants. The fox and the dragon had done this sort of thing many times before, but only on a few occasions when the dragon was being punished did he not enjoy it. He knew his master could be rough if he wanted to, and that was exactly what he was going to do. "Roll over Slen." The black fox twirled his finger in the air. "On your hands and knees." The dragon did as he was told. The last thing he wanted to do was make things worse for himself. Slowly he flipped onto his belly then he bent his knees and planted his hands firmly in the ground. "Lift your tail." Ranan's voice had become more forceful as he prepared to punish his pet. With his tail slowly lifting, the dragon's tailhole become visible to the black fox. He knew his pet was tight and that what he was about to do would probably hurt his pet so bad that the dragon wouldn't be able to sit down for a while, but it had to be done, and the black fox knew that. The black fox reached down and grabbed his pet's muzzle hard, squeezing on it with such force you could see the finger marks on the dragon's face. The fox's eyes are gazing deep into the dragon's, with a look of anger. "Under no circumstances are you to cum. Do you understand me?" The dragon nodded with a whimper. He knew that his master was only doing what was best for him. Still, though, he wished that his master wouldn't go through with this. Slowly the black fox unzipped his pants, making his black furry sheath emerge from hiding. His pink tip had already started to slip out when he mad his pet undress, the sight of the frail, green dragon's body always did drive him wild and even though he was supposed to be tough he couldn't help but murr at the sight of his naked pet. With is right paw Ranan stroked his sheath, rubbing one finger over the tip of his pink shaft. The attention he was giving it made his cock slip out in no time, pressing it against the dragon's rump, sliding it in between the valley of his luscious rear. The fox was going to make his pet think about it first, and the dragon knew exactly what it was rubbing against him. His master placed his paws firmly on the dragon's hips and with a pop the head sunk in, aided by a little pre that had squirted from the tip of the black fox's meat. The pet wondered why his master was taking it so easy on him. Maybe he had a change of heart. That theory was quickly disproved seconds later when the fox rammed his entire cock into his pet, smacking his hips up against the dragon's backside which caused the dragon to cry out, fresh tears running down the dragon's cheeks as he looked back to his master. It hurt Ranan to see his pet in so much pain, but for the sake of his dragon he knew that he couldn't stop. The fox turned his head away and started to violently thrust into the dragon's tight hole, hitting the innermost depth easily. His furry sack was slapping against the dragon's hindquarters with every vicious hilt, and all the pet could do to silence himself was to bite his lower lip. The pain was excruciating to the dragon; his master was not going to hold back no matter how much he loved his pet. For what seemed like hours to the dragon his rump was ravaged by his master's thick cock. Though the pain did make it hard to enjoy the situation he found that his length had still managed to find its way out from his vent, fully erect and throbbing. The dragon remembered his master's words, and he dared not to touch it for fear of setting off his orgasm which would only infuriate his master further. Ranan could feel his knot growing as he punished his pet. His climax was closing in and it would only be a matter of time before he would lock him and his pet together and shoot his hot, creamy load into his pet. The dragon could feel the pain from his tailhole traveling up his back. The sharp stinging sensation made the dragon wince as he continued to cry out into the air. The black fox was only seconds away now, so he quickly and without mercy rammed his huge knot into his pet, stretching the dragon's bud around the thick bulb as it sank in with an even louder pop than his tip. The dragon reacted to this with a deafening howl that filled the room. The pain had just quickly doubled and he almost felt like he could black out from being in so much pain, but the feeling of his master's thick white cream filling his insides kept his awake. Collapsing on his pet, the black fox gave into exhaustion, his climax dwindling to a small trickle. He licked over the back of his pet's neck as he tried to recover from punishing his pet. His foxy spooge oozed from his pet's hole, covering the black fox's crotch and the dragon's green backside in the white, gooey mess. It would be a while before his knot would shrink enough so that he could pull out of his pet, but the black fox didn't plan on doing any such thing. No, he wanted to make sure his pet learned his lesson, so he opted to keep his spent cock nestled inside the dragon as the both started to close their eyes. "I hope you learned your lesson, Slen." "I did master. I'll behave better next time." "Good boy." The black fox smiled and rubbed his dragon's head, ruffling the three hair-like spines that rested there. "I think you have earned your cumming privileges back now." The dragon was overjoyed to hear that. His stomach was aching from holding it in for so long and relieving that pain would at least make his situation a bit more comfortable. With a low grunt the dragon sprayed his climax all over the couch and himself, adding to the mess that covered his body. Now he reeked of both his and his master's juices but it didn't matter to him at all. Together on the couch they both rested with big smiles on their faces. Ranan knew that his pet had learned his lesson, and he didn't feel so bad anymore about having to be so rough. "Master?" "Yes, Slen?" The fox looked down to his pet. "I love you." "I love you too, my pet." The End
Title: 53 Miles West of Venus Ch. 02 Tags: f/f, humor, m/f, fantasy, voyeur, romance, romantic It was a seven minute ride in the mine cargo elevator to get upstairs into Operations from my quarters on Level One. That gave me far too much time to worry about potential problems that I had absolutely zero control over. The security protocol was for the on-duty night guard to call Phyl before calling me, and if followed, that was a huge comfort. My security boss would invariably make the right decisions until I could get there. Logical or not, this surety wasn't nearly comforting enough while I counted down the long remaining minutes of the elevator ride. As big mining elevator's go, it was a fairly fast one, but since my usual sleeping quarters were on Level One, which was about 600 meters down into the crater mine (nearly half a mile), getting back up top fast wasn't going to be possible. I had 'normal' residence quarters upstairs, outside, assigned to me but I didn't sleep there much, but not due to any security concerns. Most of our potential problems, day or night, concerned the labs further down in the mine, situated on Levels Two and Three. Getting down there required additional different elevator trips and nearly fifteen minutes of transit time just from the first level of the mine. A one-way trip from Operations upstairs to Level Three was nearly 23 minutes long! Accordingly, at least for sleeping purposes, keeping a regular bunk in an old storage supply nook of Level One made for the fastest potential transit for either direction in an emergency, either upstairs to Ops or deeper down below into the bowels of the mine. Like most compromises, it made no one especially happy, particularly me... but it served its function. Inside Security I was relieved to find that Adam was the overnight security guard on duty tonight. He usually was, but I didn't remember his day off. That was Phyl's concern anyway, not mine. By just about any standards, Adam Wojcheichowski (joking called Adam Warlock in private behind his back) was a very strange duck. He had been one of our original contract security hires nearly three years ago and had stayed with us ever since. He was as thin as a bone with pasty fish belly white skin that hadn't been touched by the malevolent rays of sunlight in perhaps years. His hair was shoulder long black and stringy, oily and seemingly lifeless that constantly flopped in front of his eyes, which were disturbingly dark like pits of coal but were constantly animated, missing nothing happening around him. He loved the desert and its vast expanse of nothingness, especially at night... when he could hear the wind spirits most clearly. As a person, Adam was anti-social and reclusive, almost never to be found when off-duty at company social functions; but he excelled at his job... primarily because he claimed to be a Wiccan and the passing spirits of the wind told him of all that occurred outside our walls. Uh, huh... right. Well, to each to their own. Adam *did* always seem to know when something interesting was about to happen, but the rest of us naturally assumed that the kid was just hyper-sensitive and nearly as paranoid as his salaried bosses were. The guy was downright strange though and no ever called him 'Wojo' or even 'Ski', just Adam. The kid might be crazy as a loon, but he did his job -- and that's all that either Phyl or I cared about. How the kid managed to become a Marine (and stay one for four years) I'll never know. "Black older model black F-350 van came up then back down the ranch road about ten minutes ago," Adam informed me without his eyes once leaving the bank of a dozen video monitors, most of which showed quarter screens from multiple other cameras. We had a *lot* of security cameras of every variety, including natural light, thermal imaging and enhanced night vision. "Drove slowly up to the main gate without lights and then parked. Three passengers inside. Two guys got out and crossed under the wire, at the ditch about fifty feet north of the gate, one guy stayed at the van. They've all got wireless headsets and I'm trying to find the frequency but I think they're security scrambled, something military that encrypts and splits the signal across three or four different frequencies when broadcast. I'll keep trying though, they could get sloppy or something might break and they'd go clear." That was Adam at his hyper-vigilant best, focusing his mania and talents on a problem and not just shuffling about muttering about esoteric problems in the spirit world. "Where's Phyl?" I didn't see her and she ought to have been here before I was even called. The security folks had a sort of barracks downstairs in the basement under Operations that was only accessible via a narrow restricted access staircase that directly connected the two areas together, bypassing the ground floor level entirely. Phyl kept her quarters down there and could run up the stairs and make it up to Security in less than two minutes, without the slightest shortness of breath. Phyl often ran those stairs up and down just for fun and exercise. Showoff. "It's quiet at the moment, so she went downstairs to the kitchen to make a fresh pot of coffee. The intruders are edging in pretty slow and haven't even made it to the crater rim yet. Paralleling the road in, but about ten yards off it, probably think we have cameras or motion sensors along there... which we do." "So they know where the obvious cameras are, but haven't found any of the hidden ones yet?" "That's what it seems so far. The guy out in front appears young, and maybe a military vet. He knows how to move about and scout in the dark and he's wearing night vision goggles too. Decent ones, I think, but I haven't had a clear close-up image of them yet. Guy behind him is following his steps exactly and seems to be the one giving instructions. Got a small hunting rifle slung across his shoulder... probably a .22, definitely not larger than a .30 caliber. No scope, so they're not here for any man-hunting, obviously. He's also got a big tablet out in his hands that he keeps looking down to check. Probably showing a hi-res satellite image of the crater, or else pictures from a live image feed from a drone. Can't tell which without going active and pinging for a drone. That wouldn't be a good idea." "No. That would announce that we're looking for them. Besides, what boring mining company installs *that* sort of stuff? Dead giveaway that we're up to something interesting. Zero pings only please." "Zero pings only... aye, captain!" Adam kept his face immersed with his security monitors and I risked a slight smile. The crazy would-be Warlock did possess something of a sense of humor and clearly he'd seen the movie "Hunt for Red October". A few minutes later Phyl returned, complete with a large carafe of fresh hot coffee. She filled up an enormous mug for herself and I accepted a smaller, more standard coffee cup. Adam declined; he maintained that he only ever drank water but he was known to enjoy a Mountain Dew soda on occasion in secret when he thought no one was watching. Phyl was briefly updated on developments since she'd gone downstairs for coffee, but really there was nothing much new of substance to report. It was clear that this was a very coordinated intrusion with professional level agents and equipment... and the intruders were moving slowly and with great deliberation. I sighed... it was going to be a long night. Our intruders kept to their deliberate pace and crossed the rim of the crater and descended down the gentle slope of the wall down to the floor. They bypassed the furthest outbuildings without stopping, confirming they had a relatively decent notion about which of the old mining buildings on the surface crater were still in use and which, like the old miner quarters, storage warehouses, furnace and smelters had been abandoned for years. With our array of passive thermal and motion sensors, not to mention the hidden cameras that covered our rather few sensitive external buildings, we could track nearly every step that the intruders made over the next three hours. Phyl logged their route through the old mining structures on a large paper map and right from the start it was pretty clear to us that someone had been keeping tabs on us, probably via aerial surveillance, for at least month, perhaps longer. Buildings that we never used (or almost never) were largely bypassed or their entrances given just a cursory inspection before the intruders sidled off to another more interesting location. Frankly we didn't have much sitting around 'upstairs' that ought to have attracted much, if any serious attention... with a couple of minor exceptions -- and our intruders paid more than passing attention to each of them in turn. First of all, back when the mine was a commercial operation, ore used to be taken out of the crater by rail. There was still a string of six fifty-ton ore cars all loaded up with rock sitting on one rail siding that our predecessors Littlejohn Geo-Exploration, Ltd had left behind. Our spies climbed up and took samples from each and I just snorted with amusement. The black rock from the ore cars was mostly volcanic pumice ejecta and assorted Breccias of super-heated impact materials and fall-back debris from the original meteor strike about two million years ago. Pretty much worthless stuff, unless you wanted to pulverize it and use it for a roadbed. Following the rail line to the old conveyors and the bulk storage loading systems led the intruders to the industrial steel gate blocking the crater wall entrance into the mines and rail transport to and from Level One. Designed for transporting and processing long strings of 3-ton mining dump carts of ore from the mine outside for storage, conveyor loading and transport, this entrance into the mine appeared to be little used today and the iron gates were secured apparently by just a pair of obviously rusty padlocks and an old obsolete electronic access system. I say apparently, because in fact while the padlocks were indeed old (they were the most rusted ones I could find in a tour of junk shops in Houston a few years ago) the actual access for these large loading gates was a quite modern (and hidden) electro-magnetic locking system controlled remotely from Security. The obvious old, weathered security panel and numeric keypad did absolutely nothing, except look enticing to strangers. It served this exact purpose and beguiled our intruders for the better part of an hour before they finally gave up. This left only the Operations building as the only other blatant entrance into the mine. The steel sliding security doors downstairs in the parking lot could only be opened from the inside and they were both bolted and barred secure at night. A speeding semi-truck might be able to force the door, but these two intruders didn't have a prayer and soon quit trying. The normal access door had an obvious video camera above it facing outwards and our two spies stayed out of its range, but took some pictures of the keypad and details of the brand and locking system for later research for making a future hacked entrance. Good luck with that too... Phyl and Barry (our resident geek) had made sure all of the factory default codings and pre-sets for the main electronic security door locking system had been removed or disabled. Proper prior preparation prevents piss-poor performance! And potential security nightmares. Having seen, supposedly, everything that our visitors had deemed of advance interest, our pair of prowlers became increasingly much less cautious. One could even suggest that the pair now became even reckless with their next movements, but you would be quite wrong. Having looked at everything they'd come to see, they were now trying to test our security awareness and vigilance by crossing the line of sight of several of the more obvious video cameras. They wanted to provoke a response, and Adam didn't need any reminding to keep playing stupid and blind and to keep his hands away from any alarm buttons. Let them think that we were sloppy and lazy, or possibly that our guard might even be asleep at his post. They could even pound on the downstairs door for all I cared, but we were not going to respond in any obvious way. That way, if real trouble such as a seriously armed assault party came at us next they'd likely be over-confident and wouldn't have a clue what our actual true response could be. On the other hand, when the second intruder started to shoot into the air with his .22 hunting rifle right next to our resident staff housing area next to the Ops building, I decided that we'd all had quite enough entertainment for one early morning. It was after three-thirty a.m. and our interlopers had tried my patience long enough. Letting out a loud sigh just for theatrics, I dialed up a local phone number from memory, the Collins ranch house further up our shared private road. They were our nearest neighbor and owned all of the property north of the crater mine and everything on the other side of the private ranch road. As I expected, Waylon Collins, the ranch owner, answered the phone by the second ring. He was a very early riser and invariably would be out checking his stock right at the crack of dawn each morning. "Waylon, 'morning, this Dave Mayfair at the crater mine next door. Thought you ought to know that a dark van is parked right next to your fence and two guys got out and went under the wire... yes... sure thing... I'll sit back then and wait for the sheriff to come. I knew that you'd want to know ASAP. Good morning to you then! Bye!" Being a longtime west Texas ranch family in these parts since the legendary days of Judge Roy Bean, they'd had their share of cattle rustlers over the years. It wasn't just a historical problem from the days of the old west but a constant (albeit minor) concern that everyone out here in the back ass side of nowhere took pretty darned seriously. Mexico wasn't that far away and the New Mexico border was even closer. With beef prices inching up every week and already far across the north side of outrageous, an enterprising rascal could grab a couple of head of cattle in the dead of night and have the cash in their hand before breakfast. The Collins family also had more than their share of political clout and had been financial donors to the incumbent County Sheriff (and County Judge) since their first elections over a decade ago. We calculated the over-under for a deputy's response time at twelve minutes. I took the under, and won, with a patrol car arriving in time to catch the waiting driver of the van just a moment or two before his two skulking scouts had returned. Caught in the act of crossing under the fence again, the deputy arrested the entire lot of them and took them back to town in cuffs to face a variety of charges, of which trespass was the least significant. Just like with the white Suburban, the plates on the black van had been reported stolen about a week previously. With more than sufficient probable cause, the enterprising deputy searched the van and found a vast array of surveillance and burglary equipment and quite a few unregistered firearms, all with their serial numbers filed off. To conclude the morning's fine entertainment, Waylon Collins appeared on horseback toting a big hunting rifle just after the criminal trio were packed off into the back of the patrol car, and loudly gave the villains a rather loud dressing down. This would give the intruders a pretty good and clear understanding of exactly *whom* had spoiled their late evening stroll, leaving any discussion of us and the security of the crater mine entirely out of the conversation. Perfect. Just as I'd hoped. Collins could get the credit for discovering the obvious criminals, complete with their high-tech rustling apparatus, and this would let the intruders think that they would have completely gotten away with it all... except for that pesky local busybody rancher! Entirely too pleased with my own cleverness, I smugly shuffled back off to bed and Phyl did pretty much the same. Together, but separately, we dreamt the dreams of the righteous and virtuous, certain that we'd thrown a pretty hefty monkey wrench into the plans of our unknown enemies... but that was a self-deceiving illusion and more than a little bit of wish fulfillment. \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* I slept late that Sunday morning, then lingered about in bed reading, basking in the afterglow of the self-satisfaction that occurs when a plan has indeed come together and worked out *precisely* as intended. Then I shuffled upstairs into Ops to scrounge up a late breakfast, or probably more accurately an only slightly early lunch. I hadn't even managed to eat my first mouthful before the bad news hit. Dwayne, our relatively newest security guard was taking a short break from his day shift to scrounge in the kitchen too and rushed over to me at once. "Boss, Mr. Collins called for you earlier this morning and he's been calling back every half-hour or so, and getting mighty steamed about it too. Says you need to call him back ASAP!" This couldn't be good... and it wasn't. "The judge let them all go... and without charges? How is that even remotely possible?" I shouted into the phone. It wasn't Waylon's fault, but he'd been the first to hear the impossibly improbable news and he badly needed a friendly ear to vent his rage upon. I was none too pleased myself! "Seems one of the guys had a satellite phone and made a call or two to someone before they were all arrested and taken into Aphrodite. Sheriff's office said that they'd just barely even finished booking them before their legal mouthpieces showed up from out-of-town on a red-eye to get them out. Said that they, the rustlers, had a full legal team waving all sorts of documents at them, threatening to sue everybody and their dog unless bail was immediately granted. Had the balls, big huge brass ones, to wake up the Country DA and the Judge too! In short, the DA's office is officially 'reviewing the charges' and the Judge granted them an appearance bond at $25k each. Fuckers just pulled the cash immediately right out of a briefcase! Can you believe that! Then they all get into a big SUV and drive off to the country airport where a small private plane was waiting for them, and now they're all gone!" "When's the hearing going be? Doesn't the DA only have three days to officially file charges? Also, was it a big white SUV, like a Suburban?" "I didn't ask. Granger would know, he was the one working the desk and saw them drive off. Probably won't be a hearing; if there is, they certainly won't show. The lawyers showed off some business cards from a firm in Dallas, but the DA's office told me that they checked and there's no such law firm. None of the men arrested had any ID, no driver's licenses or anything. No serials on the guns, nothing to tie them to anything. Ghosts... maybe from a big Mexican rusting cartel! With what beef prices are, stealing cows might be more profitable than dealing drugs!" "What about the black van they drove here in? It's gone now from the road, supposedly. Did someone come out to take it, like one of their friends or the Sheriff's department?" "I've got it. I had my hands tow it up into the main barn by the house this morning the minute that I heard that the weasels had made off in their plane! Don't suppose that the DA's office will be wanting it now, though. They're so pissed that I think they just want to forget this all ever happened!" "If you've got it, would you mind then if my head security gal and maybe one or two of us came over this afternoon to rummage through it? Maybe we'll find something of interest. I just don't like the notion that bad guys can drive around our county with impunity and pretty much stick their thumbs up the law's nose and do whatever they want!" Now that was the way to butter the old rancher up! He was raised to be a law and order man from birth and the idea of anyone 'getting away with it', especially probable rustlers, really irked him right to his marrow. At the moment we still had time and we weren't without resources... and more than ever we needed to get a handle on the identity of our probable enemy. \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* I had Dwayne call downstairs for Phyl and the two of us drove right over to the Collins ranch house, which was about five minutes further up the road. Waylon was already right there at the cattle guard by his second inner security gate to greet us when we pulled up. He took us straight to the intruder's van parked in his barn and the three of us wasted a pretty good chunk of an otherwise pleasantly nice Sunday afternoon pretty much stripping out the interior down to the factory frame... and finding nothing for our efforts. Right from the start, we could tell that the van was a rental from a discount 'Rent-a-Wreck Cheap' rental car agency in El Paso. Strictly a mom & pop sort of agency that probably didn't even get a credit card number or copy of the renter's driver's license. Strictly cash on (or under) the table sort of deal. Traceable in theory... but in practice the agency couldn't or wouldn't be able tell us a thing worth knowing. The tags were stolen, but the VIN number was still present on the dash, so we logged it. Corporate security had the time, money and manpower to trace that and could confirm that it did belong to the rental agency... and that was about all. Sigh. No handy and very convenient matchbooks with their boss's name written and then lost under the floor mats either. Just a few Coke cans and burger wrappers. The vehicle was clean... Really, really clean, especially for an older clunker bargain rental. It was all for naught, but we made the effort anyway. I had Phyl pull up just short of our security gate on the way back and we commiserated and plotted in private for the better part of the next half hour. The events of early this morning and the utter lack of trace evidence in the abandoned van just made our noses itch. We were certain that our unseen enemies were good... and also were decidedly rich and powerful with the resources to take any action against us that they deemed most likely to be profitable. This was crazy disturbing and scary... enough so that Phyl was ready to recommend us going to Orange status right away, but very reluctantly I was against it... at least for right this minute. "Phyl, take the van and get your ass into Aphrodite now. Got your gun? Good... with luck and a heavy foot on the gas pedal you can be at the Sheriff's office by around three o'clock and maybe even catch Granger still manning the day shift desk. Talk to anyone that will talk to you and buy friends and strangers all the drinks you need on the company credit card until someone says something of interest. Then find your jerk of a fuck-buddy and squeeze him for all of the sweet pretty pillow talk that you can get out of him... along with that Sam's or Wal-Mart parking lot security tape footage. And also check the county airport and see what you can find out about that private plane that flew in this morning and where the fuck it came from! Probably the FAA registered flight plans are bogus too, but check it out anyway. Stay in town until you can find out something... anything! Can do? I'll hold off on the Monday morning staff meeting until you get back... hopefully with some sort of answers." "Can do! Off to go burn some rubber... and some corporate plastic!" I got out of the van and thumped the metal of the side passenger door for good luck and Phyl speed off, spraying gravel behind her all of the way down the ranch road to the county road. Dwayne told me later that she was already doing seventy when she took the corner nearly on two wheels turning onto the paved highway and then she floored the accelerator pedal down to the metal and probably was doing a hundred miles an hour by the time she passed our last camera heading towards town. I wished her luck. It was a three mile walk up the mine road to the crater and down to Operations but I didn't head straight there. The two internal intruders this morning hadn't been caught completely flat footed before being arrested by the deputy, and probably had ditched the more incriminating equipment and their guns in the brush near the fence. It was going to take awhile to really carefully search the entire area near where the van had been parked and I did have some partial success. I found the .22 caliber hunting rifle easily enough, having just been tossed away into the brush, along with a pair of Glock pistols, but like the other weapons that had been found in the van there were no visible serial numbers. A pair of pretty high-quality communication headsets were found next and I was more hopeful that corporate security could do something useful with these. These were expensive units, but something that very top private security companies could afford to use. If nothing else, this might give us the encrypted communications frequencies that they used last night... and might use again in the future. Finding the tablet computer took longer. They'd buried it under the sand and I wouldn't have found it at all except that a fragment of broken display glass caught my eye in the late afternoon sun. They'd smashed the unit repeatedly against a rock and then buried it. It was a total mess, and also quite incomplete. I didn't see a communications SIMM card or even any computer memory for the unit. Probably they buried those critical pieces somewhere else before being caught. I tried to follow their tracks but already the ever-present west Texas wind had done a decent job of covering them up and I didn't find squat. I'd send one of our security guards out here tomorrow morning with a metal detector but even that wasn't an optimistic hope of finding anything useable. I never found their sat-phone at all, which was a major disappointment. At about half an hour before dark I called it quits and hurried back to Operations. Stumbling up and down our somewhat gentle sloped crater rim in the dark was still something of a dangerous thing to do and it would be easy to trip or fall on the rocks and wreck an ankle or a knee in the gloom. I kept to the road, which took a bit longer, but was undoubtedly the wiser decision. Sunday dinner at the mine was always something of a feast but I was largely too preoccupied to enjoy it. My waistline was already enlarged enough as it was. Instead I pounded out a rather lengthy update for corporate security and sent it out. All of our data and communications goes out from Operations via satellite dishes on the roof, and seriously encrypted. No land lines, microwave towers or fiber. Getting a cell phone signal from the roof is nearly impossible, with reception from the nearest tower in Aphrodite being just one-bar strength at best. SMS text messages have a slightly better chance of transmitting if you stand up on a ladder on the very northwest edge of the roof, leaning somewhat unsafely into the open air waving your cell phone about at random until it connects, for just a nano-second or two. I wasn't expecting an immediate response back, but I spent the night fitfully sleeping on a cot upstairs in Security just in case. More likely, I had been hoping to get some sort of message from Phyl, but she didn't call during the night, nor did we hear from her at all the next morning. I kept telling myself not to worry, that I'd given her a rather open-end assignment. She'd do the job I gave her and not worry about arbitrary guidelines. Still I was pacing worse than a caged tiger in a cage and yelling insults right back at Onan the perverted parrot when she arrived back at the mine just before two o'clock that Monday afternoon. Phyl wasn't even remotely in good humor and more or less glared at me when she glanced into my office to report her arrival back from town. "I'm going to call the executive staff meeting for three o'clock. Will that work for you?" "Yeah... give me time to shit, shower and shave and down a drink or two first. Will the meeting be open bar?" "Can be... would that help?" "It would for me anyway... not so sure about for you, after I've reported in. Want to hear the low-lights now, first? To save time... get ready to go Orange. Corporate might even make us go Red, once they read my report. No peace for the wretched... we might be fucked, and not in a pleasant and delightful way either." Phyl was serious. Her face was plain and expressionless, except for the obvious exhaustion that she clearly felt. Not good... not that Phyl ever exaggerated anything anyway. "Yes, but take your shower and grab a sandwich first. That way you just have to tell it once and not repeat yourself. I was going to take the Orange Op Plan binder with me to the meeting anyway. We're ready anyway... more or less." "See you there." Phyl shuffled off downstairs to the security quarters and a very, very long shower. Since I was caught up on all of my managerial paperwork (98% crap make-work) and very bored with arguing with my pet bird, I went over to the kitchen and checked out the likelihood of getting a tray of sandwiches for our meeting. Our ornery contract chef was actually knee deep with prep for dinner after a brief query I decided that I didn't like the way his eyes were glaring at me while holding a large razor sharp chef's knife, so I made them myself and put them on a tray and set it inside the walk-in cooler to stay chilled. Then I checked that the small bar that we kept upstairs on the roof was at least nominally stocked with a partial bottle at least of everyone's usual, then tossed a few six packs into an ice chest. Bad news or not, I was more in the mood for beer and unless the news was especially horrific it was really too early in the day still to start getting squiffy, or even down-right hammered. After making two trips up and down from the kitchen to the roof to restock ice, I figured that I'd given Phyl more than enough time to shower and change so I walked down the security staircase to the basement to check on her, but I was quite wrong. She was still in the shower and I shouted out to her that I was there in the central security common room and sat down to wait upon her. It took about another ten minutes or so, but finally I could hear the water being shut off and the sound of wet feet padding about. With the bathroom facilities being shared by pretty much everyone in the facility, excepting for those folks that used the smaller private ones in their outside residences, there was only a very minimal amount of personal privacy available, assuming that one had either a large enough towel or even a bathrobe. Phyl had taken neither with her and hadn't particularly cared enough to even grab or use any of the common towels either. Instead, quite unconcerned about a potential audience for her floor show, she paraded out from the bathroom into the common room with nothing but a hand towel wrapped around her hair. The view was rather impressive. Phyl's *café au lait* toned light black bare skin was wet all over, barely even nominally dried and in the relatively low fluorescent light from the ceiling it gave her skin even more of a glowing shine than usual. You couldn't miss her breasts; they were bare and proudly exposed without a hint of embarrassment. They were nice and well-proportioned, being about small to medium sized, with only a hint of sag. Nice very defined dark nipples too. Her build was athletic with a mostly flat stomach and an extremely toned and firm butt. Her hips were generous but a reasonably proper diet and appalling amounts of exercise kept them in shape. Running those stairs endlessly up and down had certain kept any hints of aging and gravity away! Phyl was nearly thirty-five, but she still had the body of an athletic twenty-something. I tried not to look directly at her bare pubic mound for more than an instant, but it was a memory that I would long remember and appreciate. Undoubtedly late at night all alone in my bed with my cock in my hand. Unfortunately, the very fine view was not being presented for my visual delight and edification. She was merely too tired, too angry, too pissed and too annoyed to care. "Come back into my room and we'll talk while I change. Better change the meeting time though, back at least another hour or so... I've been thinking while I was soaking my head and I'm not sure I can give you even the brief executive overview in just twenty minutes. We'll need to discuss it all too, before the other's get involved... not but what they won't bob their heads anyway and agree with whatever we decide." "Sure... let's just make it five o'clock then. I've made a tray of sandwiches already so we can all just have dinner up there, talk and watch the sunset." "More like drink dinner, at least for me. I don't know yet whether I want to just laugh or cry." Phyl bent over to grab a bottle from the lower shelf of her bedside nightstand giving me another nice business view of her ass and full, wet bare vaginal lips. She then took two short swigs from the bottle followed by a last longer one, after which she sneezed loudly and began the slow task of putting on some clothes. Phyl's usual clothing tastes tended towards casual, but this afternoon she was unusually informal, especially for a staff meeting. She first pulled on a tank top that didn't do much to minimize the view of the still wet breasts and then after rummaging in a dresser slid on an old well-worn jean skirt that came to about mid-thigh. "Claire would enjoy the view." I joked as Phyl's tits jiggled about a bit under her wet tank top as she made a token effort at drying her hair. "The slut would! Good thing though that she won't be there! Anyway, fuck the bra and panties, at least for tonight! It's just going to be Peggy and Brice there anyway... and you, of course. Besides, you've already had a better view of my stuff today, not but what I'll bet you'll have a raging hard-on the whole meeting just from looking at my pokies!" She laughed. She was probably right. Peggy was the Senior Project Scientist, responsible for everyone and everything underground and my #2 in charge of things if I wasn't there. Brice was her upstairs counter-part, a professional mining facilities engineer and manager on semi-permanent loan to us from Littlejohn Geo-Exploration that was responsible for all of the remaining surface mining equipment, buildings and structures, and any other assorted hardware left remaining and slowly rusting away here in the crater above ground. Both were older, Peggy in her early fifties and Brice was at least a full decade older than that. Both were also shameless pervs in their own right. Something about this place just seems to attract them! Peggy's specialty was hydrochemistry and had originally come here at the start of the project with her then husband Bob who was our geophysicist. As our largely underground community began to take an increasingly sexually liberated attitude towards casual recreational sex, the couple began to 'swing' with others. It was originally entirely her husband's idea, but it was Peggy who really embraced it, enough so that they had a falling out over jealousy issues and he left the mine after about a year but she remained. I still miss him as he was our only geologist... a handy thing to have when working in a mine! Technically, they're still just legally separated. She claimed that when the project finished up here that she is going to retire to a swinger's 'retirement' resort in either Florida or Mexico (with or without her absent husband) and pretty much fuck herself to death. Brice on the other hand was just old, rather creepy and more than just a little pervy. Our resident IT geek told me once that he has lots of nasty pictures and videos of girls on his private computer young enough to be his granddaughter, assuming he had one. Probably *too* young, if you catch my hint. Anyway, he was easy enough to avoid as he almost never went below Level One of the mine. Gossip has it that Claire screwed him once, not long after she arrived and that he had her dress up in a short schoolgirl's uniform, complete with pigtails. To make the story even creepier, he then allegedly told her that she was to call him 'daddy' while she gave him a blowjob and while they fucked. Who knows if that story is really true, but even slutty Claire now avoids Brice like the plague. Brice is also our only real on-site repairman for anything and everything mechanical, but he has access to a small on-call maintenance staff back at Littlejohn corporate in Arizona that visit as needed. If the shit was indeed about to hit the fan, he'd need to know all about it to make his own preparations, and to keep our corporate partner Littlejohn directly informed as well. I was ready to go on upstairs to the roof, to just sit and have a drink or two upstairs under the shade of the big beach umbrella, and out of the late spring late afternoon sun, but Phyl just remained seated on her bed. She quietly began to tell me about her investigations yesterday, taking a small sip from her bedside bottle every few minutes. Her voice sounded a bit tight, and quite restrained, as if she was in a struggle with her emotions. I thought she might come to tears once, but she kept control over herself and as we talked she seemed to relax. It didn't last long though before I was joining her in sharing nips from the bottle and we'd made a nice start on a fresh new one just before we were ready to go up to the roof and deal with the others. We ought to have been nicely squiffy or at least wobbling a bit as we took the stairs, but we were both dead sober, and that wasn't the least bit comforting! Then I had to go all the way back downstairs to the kitchen to retrieve the sandwiches and back up to the roof again. The extra few minutes of exercise helped to take the edge off of my growing stress and allowed me to sort of get my thoughts into order before the meeting. I'd need them!
Title: Down by the River Ch. 04 Tags: My heart began to beat faster as we neared our destination. A few minutes ago, Lucas told me that we already arrived at the edge of Uncle Matthew's estate, although it would be several more minutes before we reached his country house. Already, my stomach was churning due to nervousness. During our day and a half journey, I have seen more of the world than I had in the twenty years that I lived. For the first time several hours ago, I spent the night in an establishment other than our house or Mary's. Everything was so new that I knew I would have been so overwhelmed if Lucas was not there with me. "Do you see those small houses?" He pointed at about six or seven small brick houses, some of which had smoke rising from their chimneys. "Those are owned by the people who work on the lands of your uncle. They rent those houses and everything else that they need to use in order to provide for themselves. They are also required to give parts of their income and harvest to the landowner, and whenever Uncle Matthew needs their service to accomplish something within the estate, they are expected to heed his call." "Isn't it hard to live their lives?" I asked, frowning as I watched the cloister of houses. Lucas chuckled and put an arm around my shoulders. "What kind of life is not hard to live? Of course, it is hard to live their lives, but none of them has any complaint, mostly because our uncle is a fair landowner. He takes care of them and so they remain loyal to him. Uncle Matthew said that there were only those seven families here when he took over this land, but the number of his tenants has already doubled." I was surprised. "You mean to say that there are seven more houses like that here?" "Exactly," he answered. "The houses are at the other end of the estate." Although I still did not understand anything about how the estate worked, I nodded. I parted the curtains again and stuck my head out of the window to see where we were heading. To the left was a sort of woods that was not as thick as the forest where I lived. We were already approaching the curve that would take us to the other side of that stretch of woods. "Once we've rounded that curve," Lucas told me, "you will be able to see the country house. It's not very far from here." I could only nod and bite my lips in anticipation. Lucas chuckled beside me. "Sit back down," he said, pulling at me gently so that I pulled my head back into the coach and settled on my seat. "You are very much like a child." Frowning, I looked at him. "Why? Were you not excited to see it the first time you came here?" He just laughed and pinched the tip of my nose. "I was, but not so much that I would stick my head out to look around. Maybe it's because I was not deprived of these sights even then..." "Deprived!" I gasped, glaring at him. "You, Lucas Milner, are such a -- " "An honest man," he laughed, pulling me towards him. "You were raised inside the forest and your only link to civilization was our family, which is not much of a link anyway." I could not help but laugh with him, because even though I wanted to appear incredulously offended by what he said, I knew that he only said the truth. Lucas pinched my chin and raised my face so that he could capture my lips in a kiss. "How can you always make me laugh even when butterflies are already having a party inside my stomach?" I asked him, stroking his face. "I know you so I know how to make you laugh even when you are already about to cry," he answered, catching my hands and kissing them. "Besides, what are you worrying about, anyway? I told you they're all going to like you, and you'll like them." "Nerves," I answered, sighing as I looked out of the window again. "Too much nerves." The coach rounded the curve. Lucas held the curtain apart for me and, for the first time, I saw the country house that he was talking about. I gasped at the sight of it. My first thought was, 'Is that really a house?' It was huge! And to think that only Uncle Matthew and his wife and son lived there... Lucas explained to me that there were servants who also slept in the house, but how many of those were there? A dozen? Two? For I could easily imagine five duplicates of Mary's house fitting into Uncle Matthew's. "It's so big," I told Lucas, looking at him with a frown. He laughed at my expression. "You don't like it?" I glanced at the house again. "Well, it is beautiful. All I am saying is that it is so big -- too big for the number of people living inside." "And here I was planning on building something close to that size for you," he teased as he dropped the curtains and started playing with some loose strands of my hair. "No!" I objected, widening my eyes. "There is no way we are going to find each other inside a house that big, so just don't bother!" Again, he laughed. "How about half of that size, then?" "No," I still answered, shaking my head as I parted the curtains and looked at the house. "If you really want to build a house for me, then, build something the size of your own house -- Mary's house." "I plan to have many children, you know," he said. "Half a dozen will not fit inside a house the size of Mary's." Giggling, I pinched his side, earning a bark of laughter from him. "As if I don't remember! You said that you only want two or three children!" "Oh," he said, capturing my hand as he continued laughing. "I told you that, didn't I?" "Yes, sir, you did!" I said, glaring at him. Lucas kissed my forehead before pulling me close. "Well, then. We won't build a house as large as Uncle Matthew's. I cannot afford to build one so large, besides." I smiled at him and stole a kiss on his lips. "We don't need a house that big, anyway, so why bother?" "But, sweetheart," he said, eyes glinting with mischief as he whispered, "if we build a large house, then, we can have our room really far from those of the kids, so that they won't hear the noises you make when we are making love." Blushing, I lightly slapped his arm. With a laugh, he pulled me close again, rocking me back and forth in his arms. I started to giggle: both of us knew just how loud I could be. "Lucas," I whispered, nuzzling at his neck. "My love..." He moaned and gently pushed me away. "Selene, don't do that. You're going to arouse me and you wouldn't want to punish either me or yourself." Yet, the fact that I could not even snuggle close to him was punishment enough. I sighed and straightened on my seat, looking out of the window so that I could watch as the country house loomed nearer and nearer. It was indeed huge -- and beautiful. I wondered how many rooms there were inside it? And how huge the rooms must be! I grew up inside a hut made of bamboo and woods, and this country house was built with stones and woods. How would it feel to live in there every single day? Of course, I have lived inside Mary's house for weeks, and her house was made of bricks, but, still, this one was different... The bricks used for the house were cut beautifully, and the house itself was two stories high. It might be the first time I had seen such a grand house, but I was certain that it must be one of the loveliest around. The design was splendid, and the wrap-around porch of the ground floor and the balconies of the second floor particularly appealed to me. A lovely garden surrounded the house, and all the flowers on it were in full bloom. Behind the house was a mini-forest, or something akin to that. It was surely not as thick as our forest, but it was not as thin as the stretch of woods near the left curve earlier... My eyes were once again drawn to the house. This beauty, this magnificence... It just felt as if I did not belong here. How would I survive my stay? "How many rooms are inside that house?" I asked Lucas, not taking my eyes off the structure. "Ten bedrooms," he answered. "How large is each one?" I asked again. He chuckled. "Honestly? Four times the size of each bedroom in our house." I took a deep breath to calm myself down again. Four times the size of each bedroom in Lucas' house! That's already more than half the size of the hut I grew up in! Lucas' hand covered mine. "Selene..." Tentatively, I smiled at him. "I just suddenly realized that I'm really stepping into another world. This is so much different from our place." "Don't worry," he whispered, raising my hand to his lips and kissing it. "I'm here. I'm going to be here every step of the way." I did not doubt that. With a sigh, I leaned against him, closing my eyes as his arms wrapped around me. How did I ever miss the signs that I loved this man? I needed him way too much. I didn't know what I would do if he ever leaves me... The coach began to slow down, announcing that we have already arrived at our destination. I straightened on my seat, just in case Wilson looked inside the coach. Lucas and I already decided even before we left Mary's house that we would not let anybody at the estate know about our relationship so that we would not be bombarded with questions of when the wedding would take place, etc. Mary and Grandmother warned us that Aunt Susanna would want to know those things once she learned that Lucas and I were actually thinking about spending the rest of our lives together, and since the two of us wanted to wait a little bit longer before we actually enter into a formal engagement, we figured that we might as well avoid giving Aunt Susanna -- or anybody else -- any idea. Wilson indeed looked inside the coach to announce that we have arrived. I looked at Lucas, not knowing what to do. Due to the unexpectedness of Grandmother's decision to let me stay in Uncle Matthew's house, we did not have time to actually inform him that I was coming with Lucas. "Don't tell me you are nervous again?" he said, teasing. I smiled. "Who wouldn't be nervous, anyway? They don't know I'm with you." "Let's announce your presence, then," he said, opening the door beside him and getting off. A moment later, he had the door beside me open. Lucas offered his hand and helped me down the coach. I was wearing a travelling gown and it would be hard to jump off the coach without assistance. Wilson was already taking our luggage from the back of the coach. Standing on the paved pathway to the front porch of the house, I took a deep breath. Lucas patted my hand as he placed it on the crook of his arm. We started heading for the porch. Suddenly, the huge double doors opened and out came a woman in an elegant gown. She looked absolutely like Mary, although a bit thinner and taller. Her dark hair was expertly braided and then put in a bun at the back of her head. Her kind, light brown eyes danced with delight when she saw Lucas -- and then displayed shock when she saw that he had companion. "Catherine," she said in a soft voice as she continued to look at me, her eyes betraying the surprise she felt. I tentatively smiled at her. I could not speak. I could not even tell her that I was not Catherine. Finally, she seemed to get out of her trance, and she shook her head. She flashed a smile at me -- a smile so like her sister's. "What am I saying?" she said, chuckling as she approached us. "Not Catherine, but her daughter, aren't you?" She stopped a few feet away and took my hands. "Our dear little Selene?" The way she talked and held my hands immediately put me at ease. "Yes. And you must be Susanna, Mary's sister?" "Yes, I am, dear. Everybody who ever saw my sister would know for sure," she answered, pausing to shake her head in wonder as she looked me up and down. "Well, look at you! Not so very little anymore, are you? You are a full-grown woman now! Wait until Matthew sees you! He will be so thrilled!" The mention of my uncle somewhat made me feel a bit nervous again. So, his Aunt Susanna was a charming woman, just as Lucas promised; would my uncle be the nice man Lucas told me about, too? "Come in," Susanna said, ushering me and Lucas into the house. "Your journey was long and I bet you are both hungry!" She looked at me again and smiled. "I am so glad that Eloisa finally let you visit us, my dear. We have been praying that she would this time." She started calling for somebody named Anne, and the woman came hurrying into the room. Susanna asked Anne to prepare a light meal for five in the dining hall so that Lucas and I could eat with her family. She then excused herself so that she could look for her husband and her son. "We were not expecting you to arrive so early," she said, beaming nonetheless, "so the two of them went to the pond to catch some fish first. I will fetch them myself, and the two of you just feel at home as you wait for us, okay? You especially, Selene. I have no problem with Lucas feeling at home here, so you should just follow his example." I nodded, smiling. "Lucas," she said, glaring at Lucas before hurrying out, calling for somebody named Betsy to fetch her umbrella. "What was that glare for?" I asked Lucas. "That meant 'Lucas, behave'," Lucas answered, chuckling. "As if I could do something to you right here." His eyes twinkled as he winked at me. "I would like to, but it will be inappropriate. Either you or Uncle Matthew will end up killing me if I ever do." I chuckled at that and looked around the room. It looked like nothing I had ever seen before. There were beautiful things everywhere -- paintings, sculptures, low tables, ceramics -- and the floor was carpeted. Beige curtains hang by the windows, framing it so beautifully. Even the chair I was occupying was like nothing I had ever sat upon. The seat and the back had cushions, and the arms and legs had intricate carvings. "This room looks amazing," I told Lucas. He smiled at me. "It surely does." "But I personally think it can look less intimidating," I said, flinching. Lucas laughed at that. "Intimidating? This room? Wait until you see the rest of the house. I will tour you around as soon as we finish our meal." He stood up and offered me his arm "In fact, let's begin exploring the house now. Aunt Susanna will take a while before she gets back with her husband and son, so we might as well walk around instead of just sit here." I put my hand on his proffered arm and followed him out. "That room we just left is the small lounge," he told me while we walked back to the entrance hall, where I could see the winding staircase that led both upstairs and downstairs. "Small?" I repeated, lifting an eyebrow. "Can't wait to see the main one." "It's just over there," Lucas said, pointing to the door just across the hall. We were heading that way, and I could see through the doorway that the room looked more cheery than the small lounge. Surely, it looked more welcoming. Or at least, that was how I felt when Lucas and I were finally there. The curtains were white -- almost transparent in their thinness. The walls were painted dark-red, yet, instead of giving the room a heavy atmosphere, it seemed to have contributed to its cheeriness. There was a huge fireplace on the wall to my left, yet it did not seem to dominate the room. There were two sets of couches and armchairs surrounding low centre tables, some chaise lounge (that was what Lucas called them, anyway), some coffee tables, several paintings and sculptures, and a large chandelier that seemed to blend in the room to give it life. "I like this room," I announced, beaming. Lucas lifted an eyebrow. "Really?" "Really," I said, "although, of course, I still prefer a smaller version." He then asked me if I wanted to go to the gallery, where most of the house's most treasured pieces of arts were. I readily agreed, especially when he said that I might be interested in the family portraits there. When we got to the place, I was amazed by the huge marble sculptures that graced the floor. The walls were covered with portraits and paintings. And, just as Lucas predicted, I was particularly drawn to the wall that featured portraits of the Riles family -- from uncle's great-great grandparents, at least. "Are you looking for a portrait of your father?" Lucas asked quietly. I looked at him and just nodded. He nodded to the fourth portrait from the right. "Here he is, then." I stood before the portrait Lucas was indicating. It was a family portrait -- of Uncle Matthew, his parents, their cat, and my father. Both parents were sitting on the loveseat that I noticed inside the small lounge, with the cat resting on the woman's lap, while their sons were standing behind them. Lucas told me who Uncle Matthew was, so I knew that the man standing to his right was Nathan Riles, my father. Immediately, I understood how Mother fell in love with him even at first sight. Dark hair, deep brown eyes, fair complexion, nice build... Ah, yes: my father was handsome. I saw the proof that it was from him that I got my hair and my eyes, since Grandmother said that Mother's hair and eyes have colours lighter. Also, my Mother's hair was naturally straight; my father's was wavy, like mine. I did not know what I felt as I stared at his portrait. I was glad -- of course, I was glad -- because after more than twenty years, I finally saw a picture of the man who fathered me. But I was sad and angry at the same time -- because this was the man who left my mother, the man who never came back for me. Before tears of frustration could run down my cheeks, I blinked them away and looked at the man who stood beside Nathan Riles. My uncle. Like his brother, he was also handsome, although they did not really look too much alike. His eyes did not twinkle with the quiet amusement that could be discerned in my father's; instead, it showed deep understanding and compassion. Had I been my mother, I would have chosen Uncle Matthew over my father in looks, but Mother and I were different people, and she was already in love with my father when she met my uncle, besides. "We are looking for you, and I had a feeling I'd find you here." The sound of that male voice made me jump. Lucas put a hand on my back, reminding me that he was there, as I turned around to look at our companion. It was Uncle Matthew -- the very man whose younger portrait I was just looking at. His features were basically the same, although his face looked more mature now than it did in the portrait. But of course: he had seen and felt more heartbreaks and disappointment during the years that elapsed from the moment that portrait was made to this moment right here; he would certainly look more mature now. He stopped a few feet away from us and held out his hand. His smile was kind -- as were his eyes. "Selene Katrina Kier? I'm delighted to see you again after all these years." Perhaps those were the exact words that convention required of him to say to me, but they made my heart swell with joy anyway. Maybe because I could tell through his eyes that he meant every word of it. "Uncle," I said, smiling at him as I gestured to the portrait behind me before giving him my hand. "I just thought that I'd like to see what my father looked like, so when Lucas mentioned this gallery, I was more than willing to see it." He flashed a quick smile before kissing the back of my hand. Relief seemed to flood through him as he squeezed it after the kiss. "I am extremely glad that Eloisa told you about Nathan beforehand; I do not know how I would begin to tell you that if she did not." I just nodded. We both froze, just looking at each other. In him, I saw a man who loved my mother truly, a man who was willing to sacrifice himself over and over if it meant helping the people he cared about. In a corner of my heart, I wished that Mother chose to marry this man. "Susanna is right," Matthew said, chuckling, before tucking my hand in the crook of his arm and leading me towards the door while Lucas followed us. "You are indeed Catherine's replica -- although a replica who possesses the same hair and eyes as my brother's." "I hope that's not a bad thing?" I asked him. Uncle Matthew laughed. "Of course not. Nathan was a handsome man." Was. So, my father was already dead, was he? I glanced at Lucas just as Uncle Matthew called for his wife and his son. Lucas flashed me a smile before I looked away to meet his cousin. "Oh, wow," said the young man who walked beside Susanna. He left his mother's side and approached me, kissing my hand the way that his father had done. He continued to hold my hand as he said, "I am Andrew James Riles, Lucas' cousin -- and ultimately your adopted cousin, too, since Papa is your uncle." He looked at Lucas. "Cousin, you should have told me that you have a lovely friend living near your place, so that I would have made good of Mary's invitation of a vacation with you." I was amused. He reminded me so much of his Lucas's younger brother Jim -- or James, as I fondly called him. Andrew, like Jim, was named after Mary and Susanna's grandfather, but it was more than that name that they shared: they shared the same looks and the same flirtatiousness. Susanna slapped Andrew's arm with the folded fan she was holding. "You should be glad, young man, that Lucas did not tell you about her, because if you had gone there just to seduce Selene, you would have suffered three deaths." "Three deaths?" asked Andrew. "You would have been killed by Selene's grandmother first," explained my uncle, chuckling, "and then by Lucas' family, and finally by Susanna and me." "Hey!" Andrew chuckled, releasing my hand as he winked at me. "You're a much-loved beauty, aren't you? If I were a suitor, I would be trembling in fear every time I approach you." He chuckled before adding, "But I bet you already have a sweetheart, anyway." To my horror, blood flooded to my cheeks. Both Susanna and my uncle were watching my reaction. Thankfully, Lucas saved me. "You are embarrassing her," he told his cousin, grinning. "Selene grew up inside the forest and had minimal contact with men. How can you ever think that?" I would skin him alive later for that comment, but for now, I would gladly hug him in gratitude -- if only we were alone. "And now that makes me wonder if it's you who is her sweetheart," Andrew said, looking from Lucas to me and then back again. "You look good together." Thankfully, Lucas was good at avoiding his cousin's traps. "I've heard that said before. It would be nice, wouldn't it, if Selene would agree to be mine?" Lucas has already put his arms around my waist when Uncle Matthew, who was standing on my other side, cleared his throat. Lucas immediately grinned, which had the effect of making Andrew laugh. Susanna tapped Lucas' arm with her fan -- hard. "Let's go to the dining hall now, shall we?" she proposed, taking her son's arm again. "These two young men are going to drive me crazy." \*\*\*\*\* I spent the rest of the morning and the whole afternoon with Lucas and Andrew. Uncle Matthew had to attend to some immediate business in town, and so left on horseback after lunch, taking three of his men with him. Susanna was with the three of us as we toured the rest of the house, but asked to be left alone when the cousins told me that it was time to tour the immediate grounds. So I was left in the company of Lucas and Andrew. The more time I spent` with him, the more convinced I became that Andrew was indeed so much like Jim. Even the way he talked to Lucas reminded me of Lucas' younger brother. "Are you sure the two of you are not in a relationship?" Andrew asked suddenly when we were already near the pond. Lucas grinned at him. "What if we are?" "Why are you hiding it?" asked the younger man. "Do we need reasons?" Lucas asked. "Obviously," Andrew answered, looking at Lucas weirdly. "I mean, if Selene loves me, I swear I won't hide it from the world." His words made me smile. "I appreciate that." "Now, tell me truly," Andrew insisted. "Are you two in some kind of relationship?" "We're best friends," Lucas told him. "Not that kind of relationship!" Andrew said, shaking his head. "Are you sweethearts?" "What if we are?" Lucas asked, chuckling. Andrew frowned. "We're back to the beginning again. I swear I won't tell a soul. Just tell me what's true and what's not, because it's really bothering me." "Why should it bother you in the first place?" Lucas asked. The young man shrugged. "I don't know. I watch the two of you and do not notice any particular physical intimacy that will tell me you two are in a relationship, but just a glance at the way you sometimes look at each other seems to tell the whole story." It reminded me of how Jim commented that anybody only had to look at Lucas and me to know for certain that something was between us. Was it really that obvious? By that time, we already reached the pond. It was roughly situated in the middle of the forest behind the house. I marvelled at the sight of it. The water was so clear, and I could see some fish swimming in the water. A stone bridge was build in the middle of the pond, and there was where the men took me. "So, tell me," coaxed Andrew. "What if I am just in love with Selene?" Lucas asked his cousin. "What if I never told her? Then your blatant expression of opinion -- " " -- based on observation -- " Andrew added. Lucas lifted an eyebrow. "Fine. Your blatant expression of opinion, based on observation, already revealed my secret, didn't it?" Andrew laughed. "Well, then, you should also realize that Selene's secret was also revealed. She loves you, too." "For a young man, you are terribly outspoken," I told him, blushing. He just waved his hand, as if to ward off my words. "That's a trait I seemed to have gotten from my mother. So, what is it, really? Are you or are you not in a relationship? If you are, just tell me. If you are not, just admit your feelings to each other." Lucas groaned. "Andrew James Riles, you are one hell of a young man." Lucas and I exchanged glances, not knowing whether we should reveal the secret to his cousin. Could this young man hide the secret from his parents? What if he tells everybody? "See?" Andrew said. "Just a glance and everyone's bound to know." I looked at him and realized that he had been watching us. "Fine. Is it really that obvious?" Andrew grinned and looked at the pond. "No, not really. Not everybody has the ability to figure out things like that the way that I can." He laughed and took Lucas' hand to shake. "So, you and Selene are actually in a relationship. I congratulate you, cousin." "Remember your promise of secrecy," I reminded him. "I promise," he said, nodding. Then, with a sigh, he gestured at the surroundings. "So, what do you say? Loving the Riles estate so far?" I smiled at him. "I believe so." \*\*\*\*\* The room assigned to me was not one with a balcony. Susanna promised to move me in one in two or three days, but said that I should make do with one without because it was the only available room at the moment. "We had a guest who occupied this room just a few days ago," she explained as she brought me there. "So, as you see, it is already clean. The ones overlooking the front garden -- those rooms with balconies, I mean -- are not usually offered to guests, so most of them are not available for use just yet. Only the one that serves as Lucas' permanent quarters whenever he is here is clean right now, but the servants are already preparing the room next to his for your use. Meanwhile, you have to use this room until it's ready." I told her that it was not a problem at all. I would love to stay in one of those rooms with balconies, but this one was already splendid, and I did not mind spending the night there. There was a large four-poster bed set against the wall farthest from the door, and it was a very welcome sight, especially since I was already exhausted. On either sides of the bed were side tables -- on one of which sat a huge bowl of wrapped sweet treats together with a tall vase with fresh flowers, while on the other were a candelabra and some books . At the foot of the bed was a chaise lounge, on which my baggage was resting now. I walked to the chaise lounge and sat there to observe. The wall with the windows were to my right. The windows were all tall and huge. Only the middle section of that wall had no window on it, for there was a coffee table surrounded by three huge cushioned armchairs and a loveseat. There were three wall lamps on that wall, the candles of which were all lit. The wall opposite the bed was a huge walk-in closet, while against the wall to my left were the vanity, the writing desk, and a long cabinet above which hang a painting of the pond in the middle of the forest behind the house. On either sides of that painting were wall lamps identical to the ones above the loveseat. With a sigh, I opened my baggage and took out a nightgown and a robe. Quickly, I changed into it, leaving my travelling gown and the chemise I wore under it draped on the chaise lounge. I then sat on the vanity to unpin my hair so that I could comb it and put it on the single braid that Mary said I should always wear to bed. I was almost done braiding my hair when I heard a knock on the door and a woman's voice telling me that my bath was ready. I hastily finished my braid, put on the robe, and slipped into a pair of slippers before opening the door. The young woman smiled and bowed her head to me, before leading me to the adjacent room, which turned out to be the bathroom. Another girl was waiting there, standing by the huge tub that was already filled with hot water. She poured something into the water, and then the scent of roses filled the room. "We will be assisting you, Miss Selene," said the girl who fetched me. I frowned at her. "Assisting?" "We are here to help you clean your whole body," answered the girl who was already in the room. "Scrub your arms, legs, back..." My eyes widened in horror. I never let anybody do that to me -- except for Lucas, when we would be fooling around and making love while bathing on the river at home. And, before Lucas became my lover, there was Marcus... It took me a moment to convince both of the girls that I would do quite well on my own. Finally, however, they agreed to leave, and so I was able to bathe in the tub without feeling uncomfortable. I took care not to wet my hair, for I did not want sleeping with my hair wet, and I did not think that I could stay awake for much longer after this. After a long, long time, the water was finally starting to lose its warmth, so I climbed out of the tub and dried myself with the towel I saw nearby, before slipping back into my night clothes. When I went outside, I saw that the two girls had been waiting for me all the while. I wished both of them good night before returning to my bedroom, locking the door behind me. Once back inside the room, I undid my braid again and began combing my hair again in front of the vanity. I was wondering what Lucas was doing right then -- if he would even try to talk to me before he slept -- when, on the mirror, I saw the reflection of Lucas outside the window. With a yelp, I stood up and whirled around to look at that window, positive that I was hallucinating, for how on earth would somebody be outside my window, as high up as it was? Yet, there was Lucas, and he gestured for me to open the window for him. A knock came from the door, and then there was the voice of one of the girls earlier, asking me if I was all right because they heard a yelp. I called to them that I just dropped something on the floor, before walking to the window to talk to Lucas. "What's your problem?" I asked in a harsh whisper, glaring at him. "Why are you hanging right there?" The effort it was taking him to hang on to something above the window was visible on his face. "Well, there are two maidservants waiting outside your door earlier, so I couldn't just knock on your door, could I? Now, would you let me into your room or should I just keep on hanging on here?" "Of course I'm letting you in!" I told him, completely opening the window and then stepping back. He groaned as he used his arms to pull his whole body upward. He then swung his body and let go of his handhold, landing on the floor with a loud thud. I was horrified, especially when there were knocks on the door once again. "Miss Selene, are you all right there?" It was the girl again. "I'm fine," I called out to her, helping Lucas to his feet. The devil was grinning. "I just dropped my suitcase on the floor!" "We will be going downstairs now, then," she called again. "Is there anything else you need?" "No," I answered as Lucas pulled me to him and started kissing my face. "I've got everything I need." Both girls bade me good night before I heard their footsteps on the hall, fading away with every step. Immediately, I slapped Lucas' arm hard. "What were you doing, you fool!" I hissed at him, glaring as I pushed him away. "Why did you climb the wall? What if you fell down?" "I had to see you so I thought I would," he answered, shrugging as he moved to close the window again. "I reckoned there were many foot- and handholds on the wall, anyway, so, instead of waiting for the servants to leave, I thought I'd climb in through the window." I shook my head at him. "That was dangerous!" He chuckled and pulled me against him again. "I'm fine, so don't you fret about it now." "You will not do it again -- ever," I told him, frowning even as he kissed my forehead. "Promise me." "Are you kidding?" he replied. "If you'd be staying here again tomorrow night and those girls decide to guard your door the way that they did earlier, I would definitely climb the wall again. You know I'll do anything to be near you, sweetheart." I rolled my eyes. "Those girls were not guarding my door! They were just waiting for me to finish my bath! Next time, just wait until they're gone and then you can knock on the door and I'll open it for you." "Fair enough," he agreed, bowing his head down to nuzzle at my neck. "Besides, I don't like being all sweaty when you're smelling so damn good." The instant my shock wore off, desire flared through my body with an intensity that almost left me breathless. I had to take a deep breath in order to gather my scattering wits. "Lucas, wait," I said, pushing him away gently. "What if Uncle Matthew or Aunt Susanna or Andrew suddenly came knocking on the door?" "None of them will do that," he assured me. "They all know how tired we are, so they will refrain from disturbing us tonight." I smiled then. "Very well." He lifted me on his arms and carried me to the bed. "You're not tired, are you, baby?" "I was," I admitted, adjusting myself so that my head could comfortably rest on the pillows. The bed was not too soft, but the pillows were -- or, at least, the pillow under my head was. "But not anymore." Lucas chuckled as he sat on the bed and took off his shirt. "I wonder why..." "You know why," I told him, sitting up so that I could take a better look at him. "What if I tell you that I am tired?" he asked, winking. I crawled towards him and put my arms around his neck, pressing my breasts on his back. "Then I will make sure that you regret being tired." He laughed as he took hold of one of my hands and brought it to his lips. "You should hear yourself, Selene. You sound like a total minx." "You always say that I am your little minx," I told him, nibbling on his earlobe. "And you're growing up fast," he mused. With a chuckle, I kissed his neck while letting my hands move down his chest, down to his well-chiselled stomach, and down still, until I was gently rubbing his manhood through the pants he still wore. "Not as fast as your friend down here." "Good lord, Selene!" he said, laughing as he caught my hands and moved them away from his crotch. "Let me undress and rest on your bed, and then you can do whatever you want with me." I moaned, kissing his shoulder before backing off a little so that he could remove his boots first. "I was sort of thinking that maybe you want to be the one doing whatever he wants tonight." "That is an invitation, is it not?" he said, not even waiting for my confirmation as he stood up and began taking off his pants. "Very well, Miss Kier. Lie down on the bed and enjoy." I was about to move to do just as he asked, when he stopped me, saying, "How about taking off your nightdress first?" I smiled at him and knelt on the bed. "How about you take off my nightgown? I am just going to enjoy the night, remember?" Lucas laughed loudly as he finally stepped out of his clothes. "Whenever I promise you something, you make sure to abuse me, don't you?" If only I was not horrified by how loudly he laughed, I would have laughed, too. "Why are you being so loud? Aren't you scared that they will hear you and wonder why on earth the sound of your laughter is coming from my room?" He grinned as he joined me on the bed, kneeling just inches before me. His raging hard-on was pressed against my stomach. "Don't worry, baby. You can be as loud as you can, provided of course, that it is not as loud as an all-out scream. The walls of the rooms in this floor are thick enough to muffle the sounds." "How did the girls hear me earlier, then?" I asked him. "They were supposed to hear you," he answered, lifting the hem of my nightgown so that I was not kneeling on it. "That was something they are expected to do. Besides, they might have had their ears against the door, since they were supposed to always listen for anybody calling for them before they go downstairs." I closed my eyes and leaned against him, putting my head on his shoulder, loving the slow caress of his palm on my skin as he gently lifted my nightgown. "How sure are you that nobody will hear us?" "Very, very sure," he whispered against my ear. "Do you want to help me take your gown off, baby?" He did not have to ask. The feel of the fabric against my skin was an unwelcome torture. Fire was running through my veins and all I wanted was to be held in Lucas' arm, to be kissed and touched and loved by him -- not to be irritated by some insignificant piece of clothing. My breaths were becoming heavy, rapid, as the desire to be his overcame my whole being. As I lifted my arms to take off my gown, Lucas' hand on my back pulled me closer to him. He bent his head to suckle on one of my breasts, while his other hand gently squeezed the other one. I gasped for air, throwing my nightgown off to god-knows-where and grabbing Lucas' hair. How I needed him! I wanted him to touch all of me, to taste all of me. I needed him to hold me close, to keep me by his side. My breaths started to come in gasps as I felt his warm tongue teasing my nipple, teasing and licking until I helplessly gave way to the deep, guttural moan that loudly escaped my lips. So intoxicated was I by the need to have him close that I could almost not breathe. This man was my love, my life. His presence was the centre of my existence, the reason I was alive. I was his; he was mine. "Baby, wait," I said in a voice ragged with desire, when I felt him slowly pushing me down on the bed. "Let me sit comfortably." He might have forgotten that I was still kneeling, facing him. Lucas groaned, moving his mouth away from my breasts so that he could kiss my mouth instead. He placed his hands on the cheeks of my ass, kneading them under his palms. His tongue was seeking passage into my mouth -- something that I did not deny. Without breaking our kiss, I was able to get out of my kneeling position to sit with my feet firmly planted on the bed, trapping him between my thighs. I wanted to lie down on the bed, unsure as I was if I could maintain that position as pleasure seeped through my every pore. But Lucas' strong arms were around me, holding me against him easily as his mouth ravaged mine. When we ended the kiss, both of us were already panting heavily. I had a feeling that my lips were somewhat bruised after that demanding exchange. As I stared into his eyes, all I could see was the primal desire to have me, to bury himself inside of me. The ache I was feeling in between my thighs told me that my eyes, too, might be betraying that same kind of lust. Lucas placed his hand on my back, supporting me as he laid me down. He managed to grab a pillow to put under my head, for I was lying with my feet planted where my head should have been. Carefully, he spread my hair on the pillow, taking his time running his fingers through my hair as his eyes talked with mine. I could not believe how much control he had over himself. His erect member, his heavy breathing, his eyes... All of those were telling me that he wanted me -- and soon. But he was refraining from taking me, refraining even from touching me intimately -- provided that the loving, caring way he was combing through my hair was not intimate enough. "You know that I love you with all my heart, don't you, Selene?" he asked softly. I smiled, nodding to him. "I know." "Because of that love, I want to be honest with you," he said. His fingers have stopped combing through my hair now as Lucas rolled over so that he could lie down beside me. I unbent my knees and stretched my legs on the bed, rolling on my side so that I could rest my head on his shoulder while draping an arm across his chest. He began stroking my hair gently. I closed my eyes, waiting for whatever it was he wanted to say, successfully ignoring the ache between my thighs, the need that flowed through my veins. If he could deny himself the pleasure of taking me in order to open his heart to me, the least I could do for him was to listen. "You know that you were not the first woman I had," he said. "At least, not the first one I bedded." I bit my lips, not knowing how to take that in. Of course, I knew that, but hearing him say it aloud was wholly another thing. "The first one was a young woman I went to school with," he continued. "She lives downtown back in our place. After her, there was another young woman from our town. When I came here, I met many young women during Uncle's parties. I was too hurt by what happened between you and me that I sought comfort in the arms of some of them. And..." He stopped, prompting me to open my eyes and look at him. There was a thoughtful look on his face, confusion in his eyes. I moved so that I could look stare at him eye to eye. "Tell me," I said softly, smiling a bit to encourage him. Lucas grunted and pulled me down so that he could hold me close. "There is somebody serving in this house who has slept with me once or twice." "Who is it?" I asked. "Sandra," he answered, stroking my face. "She works in the kitchen with Anne and the two old cooks." I did not know what prompted me to ask him who it was. Maybe I should not have. But I wanted to know who the woman was, if only to see what it was in her that Lucas saw. A part of me wanted to cry, but I held back my tears. What was the slight pain of knowing about his past women compared to the pain he must have felt when he saw me with another man? "I understand," I told him, kissing his shoulder as I settled on top of him. "I'm sorry, Selene," he whispered softly as he kissed my hair, knowing what I was going through. "I just cannot live knowing that there is something I'm hiding from you." "It's all right," I assured him. "You knew you were not my first lover, and you still loved me in spite of that. How can I do anything less for you, Lucas, when you mean more to me than my own life?" I lifted my head again to smile at him. "I'll just have to see this Sandra and make sure to drag you away from her in case you get too close." He chuckled, kissing my chin. "My baby..." "As long as I know it will only be me from now on," I told him, looking into his eyes. "You will be the only one from now until the very end," he promised, rolling me over so that he was the one on top of me now. "I love you, Selene." "As I love you," I murmured as his lips touched mine. It did not take us long to reach the level of arousal that we were in before his confession. Perhaps it was because we both knew that there was no secret between us anymore. After the initial pain was gone, I could not believe just how relieved I was that Lucas told me about his past women. Although I would never admit it aloud, the fact that he never told me anything about them before somewhat bothered me. Maybe, somewhere deep within me, I had always been waiting for him to discuss this, just so that I could finally rest assured that he did not feel anything special for any of the women he has had. I closed my eyes, savouring the sensations that his kisses and touches were giving me. When I felt his mouth on my sex, I gasped, clawing at the bedclothes. His tongue played with my already swollen bud, flicking, licking, teasing mercilessly until he had me begging. "Lucas, please," I moaned. "Take me. Now. Please." But he would not listen. I felt a finger slide inside my hole, stroking gently as his tongue continued playing with my nub of pleasure. I bit my lower lip, aching for more -- for much, much more -- and yet knowing that Lucas would take his time giving me this sweet torture until I was more than ready to have him inside. He took me higher and higher, closer and closer to where I wanted to go, but before I could reach it, he pulled away, even stopping the finger that had been stroking my walls up until then. I let out a growl of disappointment, looking at him with pleading eyes. "Sweetheart, please," I begged, reaching out to him. Either he was through torturing me, or he could not bear to continue to torture himself, too. He took the hand I used to reach out to him and sucked on a finger as he spread himself on top of me. With his other hand, he guided his hard member to the entrance of my sex, plunging with force when he found it. I gasped at the sheer pleasure of having him inside. I wrapped my arms around him, keeping him close as he thrust in and out of me repeatedly. I wanted him deeper in me, wondering how I could do that presently. Experimentally, I lifted my legs higher, thus slightly changing the angle through which he was entering me. Lucas groaned, whispering into my ears just exactly how much he loved being inside me. He encouraged me to lift my legs higher, thus giving him better access to the deeper parts of me. With a pleasure-filled sigh, I asked him to pull back a little so that I could lift my legs over his shoulders. When he thrust into me again, it was with pleasure that both of us groaned. I believed that he had never penetrated me that deeply before. Lucas reached for my face and kissed my lips quickly before giving his full attention on what was going on at the lower parts of our bodies. He thrust his shaft into me deep and hard. As much as it was pleasurable, it also somewhat painful. I bit my lower lip, growling out of those combined sensations. I wanted to tell Lucas to go more slowly as he began pounding into me roughly, but there was something arousing about the slight pain that mingled with the pleasure he was giving me. Instead of complaining, I dug my fingers on his thighs and groaned for all that I was worth. As soon as my body adjusted to our position, the pain that had been there in the beginning slowly faded away, leaving only a trail of delight behind. I could not stop myself from moaning aloud, not caring anymore whether Lucas was right or wrong about the others not hearing anything from outside. If they could still hear, I could not care less if they heard the sounds of pleasure I was making. Hell, let the whole world know what was going on inside my room! All I wanted was for Lucas to love me -- love me the way he was doing, love me roughly yet affectionately at the same time. The sensations that hit me every time he thrust into me was slowly driving me crazy. Heat was building up inside my body, concentrated where Lucas and I were joined. I moaned once again, grabbing Lucas' thighs more tightly as I felt myself being driven closer and closer to orgasm. I clamped my muscles around his member, unprepared for the sensation that it would bring me. Before I could even gasp, my body was already convulsing in pleasure beneath Lucas. It did not take long for him to follow my lead. It might be the feeling of my muscles clenching and unclenching around him that spurred his orgasm on. Lucas grunted as, in one hard thrust, his seeds exploded inside me. Lucas rolled off me so that I could straighten my legs. My muscles felt sore from the strain of being pinned under him like that, but I only purred with pleasure as I snuggled close to him. I felt him kissing my hair as he held me close. "It hurt, didn't it?" he asked quietly as he started tracing lines on my back. "I didn't mean to be that rough, but I was driven by so much need. I'm sorry." I sighed, nuzzling against his neck. "I'm not complaining. In fact, I loved it, so don't worry about it." He grunted, lightly slapping my backside. "You are a real minx." I leaned away from him so that I could stare into his eyes. "Hey. I'm not a baby, Lucas. I'm a big girl." I grinned at him and gently stroked his cock. "I can handle it however rough you get as long as there will be no blood involved." "I'll remember that for future reference," he murmured against my hair as he pulled me closer. "Ah, god, Selene, I cannot get enough of you." With a soft chuckle, I kissed his shoulder. "That will have to be enough for tonight, sweetheart. We both need to get some sleep." Yet, his cock was already hardening beneath my palm. I smiled and squeezed it, knowing fully well that Lucas would not be able to fall asleep with that kind of a hard-on. His hand covered mine, gently urging me to stroke his shaft, as he captured my lips with his. I sighed into mouth, feeling another intense need of having him inside me. "I don't like this," I purred, straddling him so that it was easier for me to lead his cock into my still wet hole. Lucas groaned in satisfaction as he slid inside me. He pulled me down so that my breasts were pressed against his chest. A sigh escaped from his lips before he kissed me, tongue demanding entry into my mouth as I began gently rocking my hips, coating his cock with my juices with every up and down movement. His hands started kneading my breasts, and I moaned into his mouth to show him my appreciation. I pulled away from the kiss when I felt an intense desire to pump him harder into me. Knowing this by the needy moan I let out, Lucas grabbed hold of my hips and helped with the thrusts. I arched my back, stretching like a cat on top of him as I began playing with my nipples, twisting the hard bud and loving the sensation it caused. A few minutes later, Lucas came inside me for the second time that night. I continued humping on top of him, not stopping until I, too, felt my own orgasm coming. As soon as I climaxed, I let myself fell forward, resting on top of Lucas. He murmured my name and kissed my hair as I closed my eyes, loving the way that I could hear the thumping of his heart as my ear rested on his chest. Lucas gently stroked my back, the way he always did when we were young and I would come to him so that I could sleep. His cock was still inside me when I drifted off to a dreamless sleep. \*\*\*\*\* I woke up in the morning feeling very much aroused. When I opened my eyes, it was to find myself lying on the bed, with Lucas staring at my face, watching my reaction as his hands caressed my breasts. I smiled up at him and stretched. "Good morning," I murmured. Through the curtains around the bed, I could see that bright rays of light were spilling into the room, announcing that the sun was already up in the sky. "Good morning," he said, chuckling, as he pinched my nipples. "I was wondering if this is a good way of waking you up." I reached up to him and kissed his lips quickly, before letting out a moan as he continued to play with my nipples. "How long have you been doing that?" "A while," he answered, grinning. I looked down at his body and found that his cock was already hard. With a smile, I reached for it and squeezed. "I should say so." Lucas kissed the tip of my nose. "I had been awake for quite a while, but I did not want to leave while you were still sleeping, so I thought I'd play with you first." He bent down and licked at my right nipple, and guided the hand that was formerly playing with it to my sex. He chuckled when he found me already soaking wet. "How about making love to me before you leave?" I asked as I squeezed his balls. "Just a quick one, Lucas. We both need it, anyway." "I won't say no to that," he said, grinning as he playfully bit my nipple. He rolled me to my side before positioning himself behind me. With my back against his chest, he guided his cock into my slit, while his tongue licked at the side of my neck. I could only sigh with pleasure as he slowly rocked me back and forth, setting the rhythm that both of our bodies needed. As he plunged his cock in and out of me, I began playing with the bud that protruded above my slit. Lucas was hugging me tightly by the waist while at the same time planting soft kisses along my shoulders. As the pace of his thrusting increased, I found myself drowning in fits of orgasm, sending Lucas growling loudly before, several hard thrusts later, he came inside me. I rolled to my other side so that I faced him. Lucas immediately kissed my lips when we were already face to face. Smiling, I wrapped my arms around his neck, parting my lips when I felt the tip of his tongue gently touching it. "Maybe it was a bad idea to wait a while before I marry you," he lamented as he buried his face on the crook of my neck while both of us lay panting after the kiss. "Why is that?" I asked, stroking his hair. He continued to nuzzle at my neck. "I want to stay here with you for the rest of the day if we could get away with it, but we cannot. I should have just married you before going back here, so that I would have a reason to stay in your room without fearing to be discovered." I giggled softly, running my fingers along his spine. "You said you would look for a place where you can build a house for us before marrying me..." "And so I will," he groaned, breaking away from our embrace to sit on the bed. "When Uncle Matthew sends me away to talk to one of his comrades in a few weeks, I won't come back until I've found a place for your house." "For my house," I repeated, cocking an eyebrow. He chuckled and bent down to kiss my lips briefly. "For our house." He got out of bed and offered a hand to me. "Come, sweetheart. You've got to slip back into your nightgown and braid your hair if you don't want to shock the servants who will come knocking on the door soon." We proceeded on dressing up before we put the bed in order. Lucas pulled me for a kiss when we were already near the door. "I'll come back tonight," he whispered between kisses. "I'll wait for you, then," I told him, smiling. "But don't you dare pull another wall-climbing stunt like the one you pulled last night, all right?" He chuckled and kissed my forehead. "As you wish, my love." \*\*\*\*\* Even though Lucas and I only went downstairs more than two hours after the Riles family's normal breakfast schedule, we found out that the whole family has not eaten breakfast yet. The three of them wanted to break their fast with us, much to my embarrassment and delight. Breakfast was so unlike the normal breakfast of tea and bread that Grandmother and I were used to, but was a richer version of Mary's breakfast table -- with bacon, eggs, bread, jam, cheese, and milk. It was during this meal that I started wanting to be with my grandmother. I had never been away from her for too long. The longest I was away from her was three days, when I was thirteen and I slept over at Mary's. As soon as breakfast was over, Andrew invited me to go horseback riding with him. "I promise you, it will be fun," he said. "I don't know how to ride a horse," I told him, shaking my head. "Then I will teach you," Andrew said. "Papa and Lucas will have to discuss many things inside Papa's study, anyway, and you will be bored to death if you are with Mama. She does not do anything but do embroidery all day long." I smiled at that. "Can you just teach me how to ride a horse at another time? I was planning to write my grandmother right away, so that Wilson can mail the letter later when he drives to town." "Aha!" Andrew grinned. "I have a much better idea! Why don't you write the letter now and then we will go to town with Wilson later? I will tour you around the town square so that you don't get bored here later. I'll tell Mama and Papa that we will just eat out for lunch, so we don't have to return home right away. How's that for a plan?" I beamed at him. "That sounds good. Do you think your parents will let us?" He nodded. "Of course." Then, in a conspiratorial whisper, he added, "Do you think Lucas will let you?" A blush rushed up my face. I glared at him. "Of course! Why wouldn't he?" Andrew laughed. "Because, in reality, we are not cousins at all, since I am not blood related to Papa." My face burned hotter. "So? Even if we are not blood-related, we are still cousins technically." "I'm just saying," he said, still laughing. "So, Lucas won't kill me, will he?" "No, he won't," I said, frowning. "He is not a jealous man." Then, in an afterthought, I added, "I think." Andrew flinched and grabbed my hand. "Okay, then. We'll look for Lucas now and tell him what our plans are. If he says yes, can we conclude that he won't mind me being alone with you?" I giggled, finding it funny that Andrew would find Lucas frightening. Then again, he knew that Lucas and I were more than best of friends. Of course, he would not like to anger his cousin just because he wanted to tour me around the town. We found Lucas on his way to Uncle Matthew's study. Andrew quickly told him what we were planning to do. "And you think you need my permission to tour her around?" Lucas asked, grinning at his cousin. "Of course," Andrew answered, frowning. "I don't want you snapping my head off later." Lucas laughed and patted his cousin's back. "I trust you, Andrew. Besides, you are still five years younger than Selene. She will not leave me for you." "Be quiet, rascal," Andrew chuckled. "If anybody hears you speaking like that, it will be known by all that you two have a relationship." I smiled at Lucas when he looked at me. "Well, then. I think I'll see you later." "Wait a second," Lucas said, grabbing my hand and dragging me towards his room. "Hey!" Andrew ran after us. "You cannot abduct her like that! And why are you pulling her to your room? That's Papa's niece you're dragging!" Lucas grinned as he looked at Andrew. "I was hoping you'd follow." "Why do you need to bring me in here, anyway?" I asked, looking around the room when we were finally there. It was even much bigger than the room I was occupying, and I could see a door that directly led to a bathroom. There was a very captivating, masculine scent in this room, reminding me instantly of how Lucas always smelled -- of sandalwood and vanilla combined with something I could not recognize. "Why are you sniffing like that?" I did not even realize that Lucas was already watching me queerly. I smiled at him, and, for an instant, forgot that Andrew was with us as I wrapped my arms around him and kissed his jaw. Lucas chuckled when Andrew cleared his throat. "Why is it suddenly so hot inside this room?" murmured Andrew, walking towards us. Face a little pink, I moved away from Lucas and smiled at Andrew. "Is it? I don't think so." Andrew lifted an eyebrow as he smiled at me. He then looked at Lucas. "So? Why did you drag her in here? Not so that she can kiss you, is it?" "No, of course not," Lucas answered, winking at me, "although that was a welcome bonus." He walked to the built-in closet he had and opened the door. My mouth fell open when I saw that he had filled up the whole space with clothes. Distracted by the sight, I did not notice what Lucas took from the closet. When he closed it again and turned to us, he was holding some bills that he was offering to me. "What are these for?" I asked, looking at the money he gave me. "You," he answered, pinching my cheek lovingly. "I want you to buy whatever catches your fancy downtown." I looked at him with a pout. "You know that I have never used money, don't you? I don't even know the value of these..." Lucas smiled gently and moved closer so that he could place my face between his palms and kiss my forehead. "Andrew will be with you, and I'm sure he will be glad to tell you exactly what you need to know." Andrew was watching us with amusement. He readily took the money when I gave it to him. "I don't think she will spend this much, but..." He shrugged and smiled at his cousin. "I'll just give you back whatever remains of this." Lucas smiled back and nodded to the door. "Well. How about heading to the library now so that Selene can start her letter? Besides, Uncle Matthew must be getting impatient waiting for me inside his study." At that, Andrew and I headed for the door. As soon as Andrew turned his back on us, however, Lucas pulled me close to him and kissed me full on the mouth. I almost snaked my arms around his neck to deepen the kiss, if only Andrew did not clear his throat loudly and with emphasis. Andrew led me to the library at the first floor of the house. When I was touring the house the day before, the only places where they did not show me were Uncle Matthew's private study and the library, so I had no idea what was beyond the huge oak doors that stood before us. Once inside, I could not help but hold my breath. Immediately to the left of the door was a narrow spiral staircase that led to the second floor of that section of the library. Andrew explained that it was the only section of the library with an upper level. To the right of the door was a cozy reading space with couches and armchairs with pillows of different shapes and sizes. This reading space was situated around a fireplace. Shelves of books lined the walls, although there was an arched doorway on the wall to the right, that led deeper into the other section of the library. "This is where we read for leisure," Andrew told me, indicating the reading space with the cushions. He then gestured to the door that led to another section of the library. "That part of the library has the writing desks." Indeed, there were two writing desks in there. I was amazed that the walls were still lined with shelves of books. Beside one writing desk was another door that led to the last division of the library. That last section had a long table surrounded by eight high back chairs. Andrew explained that it was where he was instructed when he was younger, and there was also where Lucas and Uncle Matthew went when they needed to work on something that could not be overlooked. Andrew then led me back to the writing desk section, and gave me what I needed for writing a letter. It took me about half an hour to finish writing my correspondence, since I had so many things to tell Grandmother, one of which was that I needed some more supply of the roots that I used for tea so that I did not end up pregnant. Once I was done writing, Andrew put it inside an envelope and sealed it before happily dragging me outside and back to the second floor, where he knocked on the door of Uncle Matthew's study, intending to get the permission that we knew his father would not deny. \*\*\*\*\* The drive to town from Uncle Matthew's house only took about half an hour. Andrew gave my letter to Wilson so that the man could mail it, and then proceeded on pointing out to me which places were which. "That is Lady Miranda's eatery," he told me, pointing to a building beside an antique shop. "There is where we are going to eat later. Lady Miranda's customers are only those with power or money, or both. The food they serve there is excellent." "I'm already dying to eat," I told him, giggling. Andrew grinned as he led me towards the busy section of the town square. "It's not time for lunch yet. I say we go around first." The enthusiasm with which he was touring me around was catching. We walked from stall to stall arm-in-arm, and three times, we were approached by people he knew, who all asked about me. Andrew proudly introduced me as his cousin, and invited them to attend the ball that Uncle Matthew was scheduled to throw the following week. None of them turned the invitation down. "That is why I wondered if Lucas was a jealous man," Andrew said aloud when we were heading towards a tailor shop. I frowned, not understanding. "What was that?" He laughed, shaking his head. "Didn't you notice how men young and old look at you? They all look ready to kiss the ground you tread upon." My face burned after hearing that. "Don't tease me so!" "Well, take a look at them," Andrew said. "Some stare openly, others covertly, but their eyes still show blatant admiration." I just urged him to walk faster towards the tailor shop, somewhat embarrassed that he should tease me like that. What made it so frustrating was that I knew he was right. Inside the shop, I forgot about the embarrassment Andrew's comment caused. The plump lady who owned the shop was more than happy to show me around, pointing out gowns that I might like. There were four lady customers in the shop, but she handed them all to her assistants in order to personally show me her collection. "Just buy anything you like," Andrew told me, eyeing the new customers who entered the shop. "Lucas gave me enough money to buy this entire store." The shop-owner beamed upon hearing that. "I sure hope that you will find one or two of my gowns appealing. If not, I'd be glad to show you some of the other designs we have that we have not yet made into gowns, and if any should take your fancy, we'd gladly make it for you." I smiled at her. "Thank you." I did not think it would be necessary, but it would not be polite to say so. The gowns I was being shown were all very beautiful, and came with shoes and hats, too. Although I did not want to spend Lucas' money at all, I knew for certain that I would not be able to get out of that shop without buying anything. I was so engrossed with looking at the gowns available that the owner left me to my own devices after a while, knowing that I would be buying at least one of her gowns before I left. She told me before leaving, however, that she would be available for me as soon as I needed help. While examining a soft-pink gown that rather caught my fancy, the door of the shop opened, and in came two men who were arguing in harsh whispers. I would have ignored them right away if only they did not pass so close to me that I actually heard their voices. "You always turn down his invitations but not again, young man," said one of the men to his companion. "It's time for you to mingle with society and stop obsessing over something that you will not tell me about, anyway." "I will go where I want when I want it, Papa!" hissed the companion. His voice abruptly stole my attention from the gown in front of me. My heart started pounding fast, recognizing that voice even after almost two years. I looked at the men, and knew before I even saw that one of them would be Marcus. The men both had their backs to me, but I could tell Marcus anywhere, from whatever side I saw him. I knew him way too well for me not to. For an instant, I wanted to bolt out of the shop, but I did not know how I would explain everything to Andrew if I did. So I stood there, hoping against the fates that he would not see me. His father was asking the shop owner for the gown that his sister Marian ordered a week ago. I was about to sigh in relief when the owner gave the order to the men, for I knew that they would be leaving and I could just remain inconspicuous there by the door, when Andrew suddenly decided to walk back to that part of the shop and was spotted by Marcus' father. "Andrew Riles," said the man. "What a surprise that we shall meet you here!" Andrew's smile as he shook the man's hand told me that he knew exactly who these people were. A very bad feeling settled at the pit of my stomach. "Mister Laoran," Andrew said eagerly. "A surprise indeed." He looked at Marcus and nodded. "Marcus." Looking back to the father, he asked, "What brought you here?" "Orders from Marian," answered Marcus' father. "You know how she loves gowns. And you, my child?" I braced myself for the inevitable, knowing as soon as Andrew answered that there would be no way that I could get out of here without being seen by Marcus. "I'm touring my cousin around," Andrew said. "She just arrived yesterday and I thought it would be a good idea to show her the town." I looked away and pretended to examine the gowns with trembling hands, trying to calm myself down. "Indeed?" said Marcus' father. "I saw your father yesterday down at McAllister's, and he mentioned this cousin of yours, too. Will I be honoured to meet her here today, then?" "You will be indeed," said Andrew. I knew exactly when the three men looked at me, for I felt as though my back was being burned by their gazes. Andrew walked over to me and, speaking softly, told me that there were acquaintances of Uncle Matthew who wanted to be introduced to me. With a sigh to calm my nerves, I turned to face Marcus and his father, even managing to flash a tiny smile and make a curtsy. One look at Marcus' face showed the shock and recognition that I myself felt just a few moments ago. I refused to stare at him, and instead met the eyes of his father, who was smiling at me all the while. "Selene, this is Matthias Laoran and his son Marcus," Andrew introduced us. "Mister Laoran is one of Papa's closest friends. Gentlemen, this is Papa's niece, Selene Kier." It was the older man who walked towards me first to kiss my hand. "I'm honoured to meet you, Miss Kier." "Selene, please, Mister Laoran," I said, curtsying to him. There was no escaping it this time. How many times did I imagine seeing Marcus again? With both dread and anticipation, I have always thought of such a moment, but nothing ever prepared me for this. He took my hand and kissed it the way that his father did, murmuring, "Enchanted to meet you." I hoped to god that Andrew did not notice the way Marcus' eyes were boring into me, or if he did, that he would interpret it as the same moon-eyed stares that other men who had seen me earlier had so graciously given. I knew for a fact that it was not the same, for how many times did I see that look in his eyes way back when we were still secretly meeting down by the river back home? I felt so confused after that, not knowing what kinds of thoughts and feelings were warring inside me. I knew that I could not tell anybody about my former relationship with Marcus, but did I dare tell the only man who knew about it that I saw my former lover here? Perhaps, I would, but I hoped that I could tell Lucas exactly how the meeting affected me. The rest that happened that day was a huge mess that I did not know how to sort out. Matthias and Marcus both ate lunch with Andrew and me at Lady Miranda's, paying for the meal as a courtesy to me. When they learned that Andrew wanted to tour me around, they decided to tag along -- of course, after asking for Andrew's permission, which my young cousin gladly gave, for he was close to Matthias, I learned, and he enjoyed talking to the older man very much. Which left me to talk to Marcus. It was very awkward. He asked me about how I was liking the town so far, which shops Andrew already took me to, how long I was planning to stay with my uncle -- and all other questions that a new acquaintance might ask, but which I wished he never asked. All throughout our conversation, I tried not to look directly into Marcus' eyes. The one time I made the mistake of looking, his eyes almost crushed me with all the emotions that they held. Surprise, joy, yearning, love. Love! Why should he have to still love me? It would be easier for me to renew my acquaintance with him if only I could not see the love that he still felt, but fate was cruel even to those who prayed. "I sincerely hope that you will attend the ball that Papa is throwing next week," Andrew told the two gentlemen when Wilson -- finally! -- arrived at the square, ready to take us home. "Not me, for I will be going home in two days, but I am quite hoping that Marcus will, for I asked him to stay with Marian for the time being," answered Matthias. He then turned to his son. "Marcus?" I prayed that he would say no, but I was aware that it would be an unanswered prayer even before Marcus opened his mouth to speak. "I will be there." The smile that touched Matthias' lips was just all too knowing. No fool would make a mistake of not knowing the obvious reason why Marcus agreed to come to the ball next week. As my face burned, I was glad that the coach was only two steps away and it would not be long before I was once again away from Marcus. When at last we were travelling back to the estate, Andrew made a comment about me not looking well. "I'm just tired," I lied to him. He looked at me intently, perhaps knowing that I lied, before shrugging. "I don't know. You seem to be out of it." He gestured to the boxes that sat with us inside the coach. "Are you not happy that you bought those gowns and shoes and stuff?" I tried to smile at him. "Of course, I am. I just really feel drained." Andrew sighed and shrugged again. "Very well, if you say so." And then, being the child that he was, he added, "Way to steal hearts, Selene. I knew that you would be quite admired, but I never expected you to capture the fancy of Matthias Laoran's son. I mean, Marcus does not usually show interest in women..." "How can you say that?" I asked, turning my face away so that he would not laugh at the blush that made its way up my head. "He was just being friendly." "You don't know him, but I do," Andrew said knowingly. "He does not even commit to coming to balls these past two years. But he did earlier because you will be there. Besides..." He paused. "Selene..." I looked at him. He was handing me a rectangular box. "What is this?" Andrew laughed. "I told you. You quite captured his fancy." He pressed the box onto my hand. "He bought that from the jewellery shop we went into. Marcus asked me to give it to you when we're already going home." Blood drained from my face. How would I tell Lucas about this? "Why did you accept it?" "Because, Miss Kier, I would have offended him if I did not," Andrew explained. "You do not refuse gifts from people who are friends with you, or want to be friends with you." "But you know that he is not merely being friendly!" I said, still staring at the box. "Of course he is not," Andrew agreed. "His intentions are all too apparent. However, that is not enough reason for you to refuse his gifts, because nobody knows that you are already in a relationship with my cousin." I looked at him, still pale. "It was a bad idea that we never told your parents, was it not?" He shrugged. "I don't know. It depends on how you look at it. But, you should not feel this nervous, Selene. Lucas and jealousy do not come together." I wanted to tell him that Marcus was the one person who could make Lucas jealous, but I could not. Whatever happened between Marcus and me was not something I could share to just anybody. Due to Andrew's prompting, I opened the box, and found a beautiful white-gold bracelet inside. I remembered seeing it inside the jewellery shop -- remembered studying its details with much interest, for I was indeed very captivated by that bracelet. "I cannot accept this," I murmured, looking at Andrew. "Too bad," Andrew said, shrugging. "If you give it back, the Laorans would take offence, and I'm telling you that Papa would not like that." \*\*\*\*\* I only saw Lucas again when the family sat down to dinner. Up until then, he was busily helping Uncle Matthew in the affairs of the estate. Since the very second Andrew handed me the bracelet that was Marcus' gift, I had been debating whether or not to tell Lucas about it. A part of me wanted to because I owed him the truth, but I had been friends with Lucas long enough to know that I would hurt him if I told him about the meeting with Marcus, and most especially about that gift. Of course, I was also aware that keeping it from him would not actually spare him the pain. In fact, he would get hurt even more. Not knowing what else to do, I decided that I would look for the best timing to tell him about it. He promised to stay with me every night, anyway, so I would be able to judge his moods and decide when it was the best time to tell him. As I watched him that night during dinner, I knew that I would ask for trouble if I told him about Marcus. The faint frown on his face was an indication of stress. More than anything, I would like to help lessen the stress he felt, not increase it. It would not be a great time to talk about Marcus, but that night would be a great time to show him just how much I loved him. He knocked on my door a few minutes after the two girls who were serving me finally went downstairs. Eagerly, I opened it, and received a quick kiss in return. Afraid that somebody would see the two of us, I pulled him into the room and locked the door quickly. "How was your day?" I asked, knowing even then that it was not the best. "Could have been better," he answered, reaching for me and holding me close. "I had been praying all day long for the day to be over so that I can hold you like this. How about you? How was your day?" With a smile, I slightly pulled away from him and placed his face between my palms. "It would have been better if you were with me." And I was not lying. It would have been better if Lucas had been there when I saw Marcus. That way, I would be spared the trouble of trying to find out when the best time to talk about it would be. Lucas groaned and kissed my wrists as he pulled my hands away from his face and led them down, so that I would wrap my arms around his waist. "I planned to bring you to town myself as soon as I could, but I was not expecting the workload that Uncle Matthew assigned to me. And then Andrew asked if he could tour you around, and it would not have been nice of me if I refused to give him permission." "Don't worry about it," I murmured, pulling him to the bed. "You look tired, Lucas. Need a massage?" He chuckled at that, but still followed me. "Do you even know how to give a massage, baby?" "I can try," I answered. "You can teach me what to do." With a grin, he sat on the edge of the bed and took off his robe. Unlike the night before, he was already dressed to sleep when he knocked on my door. He did not have to climb the walls to join me, anyway, so he could afford the luxury of the robe and pyjama pants tonight. I walked to the drawer he pointed to and took a bottle of scented oil. I then brought it to Lucas, who asked me to sit on the edge of the bed. "I'll show you what to do first and then you can do it to me later," he said, squeezing some oil onto his palms and kneeling behind me on the bed. "But, first, sweetheart, take off your nightgown, will you?" I willingly obeyed him, but pulled a blanket to cover my front, thus earning a laugh from Lucas. He started kneading the muscles on my shoulders, my neck, my arms... I closed my eyes, savouring the relaxing effects of his effort. His hands were so strong yet so gentle as he gave me the massage. I could not help but sigh as I felt his thumbs making little circles on my tired muscles, soothing the tension that has gotten there. Unfortunately, my mind could not content itself with just savouring the moment. I could not stop myself from imagining those strong hands kneading my breasts, the fingers seeking my nipples to twist and pinch them as Lucas liked. I had to bite my lips to prevent myself from groaning out loud. Heat was spreading through my body, concentrated on the place where my thighs met. A few moments later, Lucas was stroking me from neck to arms, giving me the most relaxing sensation yet. When he wrapped his arms around me, I felt his member pressing on my back. I looked back at him and met his eyes. His gaze almost melted me. I could see in his eyes the kind of burning passion that only Lucas could evoke in me. "You're aroused," I whispered, closing my eyes as I stroked his cheek. He kissed my neck as his hands slid under the blanket I was holding to myself and started caressing my breasts. "I cannot give you a massage without wondering where else my hands could be." I moaned when he pinched my nipples and licked the side of my neck. "My mind was also treading upon those grounds. But, Lucas, I really want to help you relieve your stress." "You can give me the massage some other time." His voice was already husky with desire as he pushed me to the bed. "This is a more pleasurable way of relieving stress, sweetheart." With gentleness, he spread my hair on the pillow, smiling at me all the while. When I was already positioned the way he wanted me to be, he held me by the knees and spread my legs, staring at my exposed sex with a naughty grin on his face. I blushed. "Lucas," I moaned his name, reaching down to cover myself. "No," he said, letting go of my knees to grab my hands. He looked into my eyes and smiled gently. "You are beautiful, Selene. Very beautiful, in fact. I just want to drink in the sight of you for a while." Cheeks still burning, I nodded, relaxing. He kissed my hands before letting them go. I bit my lower lip when his eyes travelled to my sex again. Truth be told, I was feeling more aroused by the sight of him watching me with a naughty yet fascinated look on his face. My juices were flowing out of my hole freely. Lucas reached for my sex, gently parting the lips and exposing me further. A groan escaped my lips as another wave of heat flowed down my body and out of my sheath. Lucas' hard-on twitched as he watched my sex. Swallowing, he looked up to my face again and smiled. "You are very, very beautiful." Blood rushed up my face again, but I managed to smile at him. "My exact thoughts when I saw you completely naked for the very first time." He bent down and touched my sex with his lips. I chewed on my lip, not trusting myself to not cry out if I ever made a sound. I felt Lucas nibbling on my lips down there, while his tongue teased my bud. He made a sound deep in his chest before his deliberate mouth movements became more urgent, more needy. He started sucking on my bud, prompting a growl to escape my lips. "Lucas, sweetheart," I begged, my voice raspy with lust. "I need you. I need you inside me so badly." I should have known better than to ask. Lucas always enjoyed teasing me, even though I knew that it also had the effect of teasing himself. But he seldom ever snapped out of control, so he always had the advantage. Yet, he inserted two fingers into my hole, stroking my walls and prompting juices to lubricate them further. Taking his fingers out, he dipped his tongue inside, tasting me, testing my wetness. He groaned satisfaction when he realized that I was more than ready for him, and so lifted his face up from my sex. "You are very easy to excite, Selene," he said, crawling over me so that he could kiss my lips. "Only because you drive me wild, my love," I purred, reaching for him. I moaned when our lips met, tasting myself on his lips, in his mouth. Impossibly, it aroused me even more. I felt him guiding his member to my entrance, and groaned in anticipation as his tongue invaded my mouth. It did not take long for him to find his way into me. Grunting, Lucas drove his shaft into my sex while his hands roamed over my body, touching, teasing, loving. I broke our kiss to gasp, feeling as if I would explode if I did not. His lips immediately found their way down to my shoulders, while the tip of his tongue traced a line of fire on my skin, as he thrust in and out of me without stopping. When we both reached our climax later, I held on to him as if I was holding on for dear life. Lucas rolled on to his back, dragging me with him so that I lay on my stomach on top of him. He showered my face with tiny kisses, combing strands of hair away from my face. "Now, I feel so much better," he said, grinning when I playfully pinched his side. "I love you," I whispered to him, nuzzling at his neck even as I let my palms roam over his naked body. "I love you, too," he said, tapping my backside lightly. "One of these days, I ought to see my cock sliding in and out of you. You look so beautiful that I wonder what it must look like to have me deep inside you." My face felt hot with both excitement and embarrassment. "I won't forget to remind you when I feel like being a little bit naughtier." "Do that," he chuckled, squeezing my ass. "My little baby girl." I slid my body off his and pouted a bit. "I'm not so very little anymore, Lucas. And I'm neither a baby nor a girl." He chuckled some more. "Of course not. You are an adventurous minx powerful enough to bring me down on my knees begging for your hot little body." Sitting on the bed, I grinned down at him. "You have never done that. Kneel for what you want, I mean." Lucas smiled and played with some strands of my hair, wrapping them around his fingers and twisting them around. "Are you going to have me beg?" I grabbed his hand and kissed his wrist. "One of these days, when I am feeling extremely naughty." "I look forward to that," he said, still smiling, as he pulled me back to the bed, causing my body to tingle with anticipation for another session of lovemaking ahead of us.
Title: Something's Been Bugging Me Lately... by Serathin Tags: Assimilation, Corruption, Encasement, Hive mind, Insect, M/M, M/solo, Mind Control, Rubber, Transformation Something That's Been Bugging Me Ricky woke up face down on the cement floor, a dull throbbing in his forehead as his body laid there on the cold laminated floor. His muscles ached; as though he had just gotten done running a marathon as he slowly lifted himself up. As the fog that had shrouded his mind lifted he found himself in a windowless room, one that he had not seen before in his entire life. He tried to look down at his watch to see what time it was, only to find that it, along with the rest of his clothing, was no longer on his body. "I must have passed out during that party last night." He said to himself as he tried to gather his thoughts. "Where are my clothes? And where am I?" As much as he didn't want to go wondering around a strange building naked, the rabbit feared he had no choice as he picked himself up and started to move. He could hear the hum of the lights above him as he slowly made his way out into the strange facility he had wondered into, trying to get a sense of where he was. It was most likely not an abandoned building, he reasoned, since there was electricity and the place looked clean. It also likely was not very secure, since it allowed him to come stumbling in without any security finding him whatsoever. "Hello?" He shouted out, overcoming his embarrassment of his nudity in his quest to find answers. "Is anyone there? I need some help." When no one answered his reply he continued onward, hoping to find either the exit or someone to show him the way. Wherever he had stumbled into was huge, each time he turned a corner he found himself greeted by yet another corridor or room of the same polished stone. Hours passed as he wandered, though with no windows or clocks it was hard for him to keep track of time. Thankfully he did manage to find some water fountains placed throughout the hallways, which slaked his growing thirst and helped ease the pounding in his head. Finally he came to a welcome sight, a door that didn't look like any of the others that he had encountered. It was made of what looked like steel, a large viewing window on one side of it. "Hopefully this leads to an exit." He thought to himself as he pushed open the heavy door. "Been wondering around here for hours, whatever this place is must be huge." As the naked rabbit passed the threshold into the new room the door swung close behind him, making an ominous clang as he continued on. The more he ventured inside the new room the more he wondered if he had stumbled into some kind of laboratory, seeing what he believed to be various testing machines and specimen tubes. It began to creep him out, seeing no scientists or workers but still hearing the faint hum of machines running. There was also a faint odor that he couldn't quite comprehend, though it was vaguely recognizable as a rubbery scent. Ricky continued to walk, his bare feet chilled by the cold metal floor. The further he got into the building the more it looked like some sort of laboratory, the stainless steel tables covered with various instruments while huge machines stretch from the floor into the pipes that crisscrossed the ceiling. At the middle of the large room was what looked like a glass tube, the bottom of it secured to the floor by a large metal base filled with various displays. As he got closer he had to stop suddenly, noticing the glint of glass on the floor surrounding it. After taking a few seconds he moved around the broken shards, moving around to the back of the tank where there was nothing for him to step on. "Well, this doesn't bode well." Ricky said as he went around the side of the tube and saw that one side of it had been completely smashed out. As he investigated the opened container further he failed to notice the strange bug that skittered above him. Its forest green shell on its back shined in the light as it moved from pipe to pipe until it was right behind the unsuspecting rabbit, the three tentacles on its backside flickering through the air. When it was at the proper angle the shell on his back opened, gossamer wings flitting out as it sailed down towards his body. "What the!?" Ricky shouted as he felt something heavy land on his lower back, the bug's two side tentacles hugging his hips tightly as the rear tentacle slipped in between his fuzzy cheeks and bare thighs. Before he could even react the triangular tailtip latched onto this crotch, his cock enveloped by the pouch in a very snug fit that was strangely comfortable. "What the heck is going on back there?!" The rabbit continued to twist around as he felt something wiggle against his back, the six legs buried in his fur as he felt a cool liquid flow from the fleshy sheath that surrounded his groin up his fur. It was a matte black, just like the legs and body of the creature that was behind him, and as he watched in horror it continued to crawl up his fur and coat his stomach. On the bunny's back more of the rubbery fluid began to drip down his legs, flowing over them so uniformly that it made them look like he was wearing a pair of seamless rubber shorts that quickly stretched down to his knees. Ricky began to panic as he felt what he could only assume was the head of the bug against his back, two thin tendrils pushing through his fur further up before he felt the touch of their tips against his skin. "Wait!" The bunny screamed futilely before the two green spike-tipped tendrils stabbed right into his spine, causing his back to arch as he felt something get pumped straight into his spinal cord. "GAAAAAAAaaaaahhhhhh...." His screams quickly died off as his body became paralyzed, the strange substance flowing upwards from his spine up into his skull. He could feel it begin to filter inside his head, flowing around and seemingly through his brain as the rubbery substances continued to flow up his body. All he could do was stand there, jaw slightly slackened and his ears back as strange flashes of memories began to bubble up in his mind. The bunny saw that he had a specific purpose, to build a new hive of creatures like him. As he began to accept these thoughts as his own he felt a tingle in his groin, his cock stretching outwards as the red rubbery tail that covered it began to merge and mutate the sensitive flesh. Ricky continued to struggle against the mental inhtrusions into his psyche, ignoring his bodily changes as he could feel the latex carapace harden and fuse to his skin. But it was a losing battle, as his vision began to blur the slurry of chemicals and synthetic material continued to pump into his skull. His nerves were frozen, already under the bug's sway as the shiny goo spread past his chest and up towards his neck. The world around him began to blur, unbeknownst to him a bronze color had begun to filter through his pupils and spread out. One scene began to multiply into many, his world segmenting as another presence made itself known in his mind. The word 'host' came into his mind, letting him know exactly what he was about to become as the latex began to flow out from his chest in front of him. As the latex continued to coalesce in front of him he felt his mind becoming more at peace with his situation, letting the bug on his back continue to alter his brain. The rabbit felt better and better the more he succumbed, hardly even realizing that the latex had formed into an insectoid-like mask right in front of his eyes. His mouth opened slightly as the mask began to lower onto his face, Ricky powerless to do anything but watch. At this point though he didn't even mind it, almost wanting it to cover his face now and help him complete his metamorphosis. It didn't take long for Ricky's wish to come true, as the rubbery green material crawled up over his shoulders the edges of the goopy mask reached out like tentacles to merge with it. His breathing quickened, not only from the anticipation of what was coming but from the hard, gunmetal grey plate that grew over his abs. The latex bug wasn't just covering his body, it was altering it. His hands and feet became wicked claw tipped appendages, his arms and legs slimmed unnaturally as his entire bodily structure was changed. The shimmering fluid continued upward over his skull as the mask fit itself over his blunt muzzle, the flexible material bulging slightly as the grey latex swept over his ears and turned them into thin antennae. The hold over his body was suddenly broken, Ricky able to move once more. His segmented fingers gripped his head as he felt his skull reshape, the bulges in his mask smoothing out until it was back in its natural shape. Thick tubes connected the 'mask' to the bug behind him, the body of which had become nothing more than a hard lump on his back. A pair of gossamer wings sprouted from the lump, the insect's mind now completely integrated into the host that had only a few minutes ago been a lost rabbit. The new Ricky straightened himself as the changes finished, looking at his own hand and the wicked claws that now tipped them. Instinctively his tongue darted out, which glowed slightly as the prehensile appendage wrapped around them. It was amazing how powerful his new body felt, like he could lift a boulder with only one hand as he started to walk. He thought that the bug's influence on his mind had ceased, but instead the latex creature's instincts had imprinted themselves completely over his own and now drove his thoughts and actions. The more he got comfortable with himself the more he realized his true mission, to build a hive and give more people the chance to experience the same gift he had just received. After a few experimental flaps of his wings he flew up, searching for a way out to spread. \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* "Sir, it seems that your capture method is a success." The voice over the intercom said. "The subject and the experiment have successfully integrated and is now wondering facility D." "Wonderful." Raven said as he sat on his desk. "This is how you turn lemons into lemonade." "Should we go in and restrain the subject?" The voice asked. The Raven chuckled. "Oh no, guide him down to the tunnel system. Security down there has been rather lacking... wait... do we have camera systems that we can install down there rather quickly?" "Of course, what did you have in mind?" The voice asked. "Just that I may have a brand new experimental military product that will be coming out soon." The Raven replied. "Set them up and then leak out the possibility of a failed security sector in the tunnels, that should draw the usual crowd in for a dry run." \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* "Well, we are lost." The young stag said as he shined his flashlight down the hallway, looking down what seemed to be yet another corridor identical to the last. It seemed the brown stone corridors had been purposely designed to be a labyrinth, twisting and turning to the point where they didn't even know what direction they were facing anymore. "I told you this was a bad idea Gerald." "Hey, at least we haven't been shot at or captured Typhus." The bull replied, trying his best not to look panicked as he tried to punch up their coordinates on his GPS, getting nowhere. "The fame and prestige alone for sneaking into the Factory is worth the go, and if we actually manage to nick something from it then we'd be all set for the next decade. I know a few people out there would pay top dollar for some of the secrets contained within." "You know the rumors about what happens to people who get captured, right?" Typhus said nervously as they went down yet another hallway. "You should really be more nervous about this." The bull just shrugged as the two thieves continued to press further into the facility. As they got further inside they started to see something they did not expect, thick strands of gossamer webbing that went from floor to ceiling. Considering the cleanliness of everywhere else it was unusual to see such an area in disarray anywhere near the Factory. There was also a musky odor in the air, like they were in a male gym locker room, as well as the faint odor of rubber. While Gerald continued on, focused on the treasures that lay further within, Typhus stopped for a second to inspect the webbing. Unlike most webs that he had seen the thick rope appeared to be one single strand, which would have meant it came from a very large insect. It also seemed to be where the smells were emanating from, taking a finger and rubbing it against the white strand. His finger sunk slightly into the material, and before he knew it his entire hand was coated in the sticky stuff. But when the buck tried to pull his hand away, he found that it was stuck fast to it. There was little to no give to the webbing, the strand stuck firmly to the ceiling and floor with the consistency of rubber. In his panic he tried to use his other hand to pull the webbing off, though that proved futile as both hands became stuck to the web like glue. "Gerald, a little help here!" He shouted down the hallway. "Oh shit!" Gerald shouted, seeing his friend and accomplice trying desperately to pull himself free. "A trap down here? The security is supposed to be lax!" "Just cut me loose!" Typhus shouted back. The bull pulled a buoy knife out of his belt and tried to cut the strand, only to have the blade stick to it like taffy. Once his initial plan failed he tried to help him get pulled free, only to have the same result. "Sorry mate, looks like you're thoroughly buggered." Gerald sighed. "I'll go back to try and get some tools, hope that you can hold out until then." As the bull started to turn and leave he saw fear in his friend's face. "Hey hey, don't worry, I'll be back." The stag didn't respond, his slower jaw quivering slightly as Gerald noticed that he wasn't even looking at him. "What is it?" Gerald slowly turned around, the buff bull clenching slightly as he braced himself for whatever horror he would find. His breath caught in his throat as he saw the seven foot anthro insect tower over him. "Buggered indeed." Ricky hissed, the mask the creature wore actually turning up at the corners into a smile as he clamped down on the bull's shoulders. There wasn't even time for him to scream as he was shoved up against one of the walls, his body sticking instantly to the thick, latex strands that covered it. Gerald felt his body sink into the stuff, his arms and legs completely encased in the layer of white as he struggled against the bug creature that continued to push him in. Typhus could only watch as his partner continued to fight, yelling out obscenities at the creature before it leaned forward and pressed the lips of his mask against the bull's own. Anger turned to shock, and as Gerald's body began to visibly relax the stag could see something bulge inside his friend's throat. After less than a minute Gerald had been completely subdued, hanging limply from his bonds as the shiny white material began to ooze up over his body. Ricky's claws made short work of the thieving outfit he wore, running his latex plated hands over his muscles. To Typhus' surprise he could see the bull's member twitch, filling with blood as it began to stretch outward. The bull let out a soft moan as the white ooze continued to crawl through his fur, the bug creature taking a step back to admire his work as the rubberized webbing coated his victim's body. "Let us go you freak!" Typhus shouted, kicking at Ricky though the bindings continued to keep him in place. "Now why would I do something silly like that?" Ricky replied with a laugh, approaching the stag as the last of the captured male's features disappeared under the layer of white and became thoroughly cocooned. "Especially to you my deer, since I can smell the subtle hint of excitement of your body when you became caught in my web. Does something about being restrained like this arouse you, perhaps a secret fantasy that I could help you with?" Typhus shivered as he felt the bug's finger against his neck, unable to move as Ricky moved around him as though examining him. Despite his fears he found his pants beginning to tighten, mentally cursing himself for showing his arousal and confirming the bug man's taunts. "Let me help you get more comfortable." Ricky smirked as he took a claw and slowly slid it down his clothing, not rushed like with his partner but with a deliberateness that made it more like a lover's touch. "What... what are you going to do?" The stag asked as he stood there naked in the dark tunnel. "Expand my hive." Ricky replied simply. "Your friend would have resisted me to the end; therefore he will be a mere drone. You, on the other hand, have far more options should you choose to be a willing subject." Typhus swallowed hard at what was implied, especially as felt his captor lick against his cheek, its tongue glowing slightly in the darkness. There was nothing he could do to stop it, and strangely enough a growing part of him didn't want to. The glimpses he caught of the bug creature revealed its unnatural beauty, its carapace shining off the light of the flashlights that had started to flicker out as it turned to face him. Its claws cut through the webbing above his hands, releasing him from the ceiling. Unfortunately he was still thoroughly connected to the floor, and the other male grabbed him by the shoulders and pushed him down until his bound fists connected to the hard cement and stuck him fast. "Final test, my newest hivemate." Ricky said as he leaned down and stroked his jaw, pointing his muzzle towards his crotch. "Accept it and embrace your new fate, or resist and find yourself in a state of mindless working." The stag gulped nervously as he looked at the hard member in front of him, then at the creature's 'masked' face as it eagerly awaited his next action. He had never even entertained the thought of enjoying another male like this, though he began to wonder if this even counted considering the anatomy of the other male. A side glance over to the white latex web cocoon were his friend was captured brought a certain validity to the bug's demands, if he didn't comply it would likely be that he would be joining him very shortly. He felt the clawed, rubber-textured hand of his captor rub between his horns as he made his choice, parting his lips and leaning forward. At first he thought Ricky's cock would be as hard as the rest of his body, but the chitin plates that covered it were actually as soft as his own as the entire length was pushed into his mouth. As he felt the tapered head press against the back of his throat his eyes widened slightly as he felt something slide out of the creature's tip and rub against his flesh. Once it seemed to finish with its cursory probing it suddenly darted forward, causing him to jump slightly as he felt a prick of pain followed quickly by a numbing sensation that began to spread outwards from the initial injection site. Typhus's eyes began to glaze over as the bug's potent mix of chemicals surged through his blood and into his brain, turning his conversion from a fearful process into a very enjoyable one. Ricky flipped the stag over onto his back with surprising strength as his cock remained firmly in the other male's muzzle, who began to lap and suck on it in a hazed euphoria. The stag's legs twitched slightly as his entire body was paralyzed by the venom, all except for his own member which began to grow hard as it lifted up from his abs. Ricky felt his own surge of joy as the buck's body submitted to his own, muscles growing relaxed as he pushed in and out of the stag's warm maw. The sight of the naked, restrained male in front of him and his mouth on his cock made it impossible for Ricky to hold back long before he could feel his climax coming. Instead of letting his thick latex seed get spilled into Typhus's mouth he quickly pulled out, the white fluid coming out in a torrent as it covered his captive's head and chest. It quickly reacted to the air, hardening and encasing the other male from the chest up, a vague outline of a deer head and shoulders left as his orgasmed subsided. He took two of his claws and poked holes in it where his nose was, allowing him to breath as he moved over to the bottom half of the other male. Typhus shivered as he was suddenly plunged into darkness, the hardening material on his upper body causing him to tremble slightly in pleasure. Even though he could feel that the lower half of his body was still exposed to the air he could tell the process of metamorphosis had already started. He could feel his horns begin to grow rubbery, some of his rack dissolving as other parts of the bone began to straighten out. The enzymes in the strange webbing had also attacked his fur, melting it into a slurry on his head and chest that formed his brand new carapace. He could also feel something else; a mental connection forming between him and the one that was changing him. If he could have he would have smiled in the darkness, being instructed on his new purpose as he stretched his legs out as commanded. Outside of the cocoon Ricky had grown hard once more as his tongue slathered a different kind of chemical over the stag's fuzzy balls. The short fur had fallen out as his sack became layered in purple latex against his body, becoming an internal part of his anatomy as the prehensile tongue wrapped around his shaft and stimulated the captive deer even more. With his entire upper body encased Typhus could do little more than wiggle and squirm under the creature's ministrations, especially as he kneeled in and pressed himself between his thighs. With the initial conversion already out of the way Ricky was far slower with his mating, the intial breeding instinct pushed aside for the pure pleasure of filling another male's tailhole. His lubed up tool slid easily inside the male deer, once more his cock tendril sliding out. This time it struck right on the other male's prostrate, and if Typhus could he would have screamed out from the sudden pleasure he felt as his own cock began to swell and dribble. Unlike the stag's usual pre it was far thicker and smelled faintly of the same rubber as the webbing that caught him, starting to cocoon himself with his own changed cum. Ricky could feel his own body enter into the final phase of transforming another, grabbing the stag's still furry hips as he thrust himself as deeply he could. The buck continued to cum from the stimulation, as he would until he had completely encased himself as the creature silently rolled his hips back and forth. He knew he would not be pushing his usual sticky cum into the male, instead it would be a solution of chemicals to complete his internal changes. Already he had a mental image of what his new creation would look like, building on the desires of Typhus to create an ideal form. As Typhus was forced to lie still while the thick length slid in and out of his velvety tunnel he saw the same image of his new form. He had always wanted to be one of his guild's enforcers, the thickly muscled males exuding their power over anyone who was lower on the food chain then them. He was jealous of them, and now that honor was about to be gifted to him. in the state of euphoric ecstasy he was in his identify and personal freedom seemed like small prices to pay for the body of his dreams. With his own body in near constant orgasm he almost missed when Ricky finally came, feeling the grip on his waist tighten and the bug's carapace mash against his own hard cum covered crotch. His insides felt like they were being liquidated, though in reality they were merely being reshaped in order to sustain his new body as his form began to expand underneath the layers of webbing that not only covered his upper body but his legs and hips and well. Every muscle in his body began to expand, stretching and building up as the cocoon became even more confining, which caused even more pleasure and build even more layers from his transforming cock. The most noticeable change came from just underneath his arms, the skin bulging out there and worming between the layers of pliable white latex until it formed a second pair of arms underneath it. Ricky sent comfort and graditude through their psychic link, churring slightly when he immediately felt them reciprocated by the changing male. It would still take a few hours before his final body would be ready. As he watched the vague shape of the buck begin to reshape his antennae began to twitch, picking up the vibrations of more potential candidates coming down one of the other hallways. His wings flapped and propelled him down the hallway, dodging and weaving through the strands of latex webbing he had put up. Along the way he passed other lumps, some of them still looking like the species they were before they decided to venture into the tunnels, others almost nearly complete and even showing some of their new carapace. Soon the tunnels would be filled with his kind, an ever expanding hive given enough victims. And what a wonderful hive it will be...
The rain fell in sheets against the window, and the wind howled in disdain over not being allowed past the threshold. The crackle of a fireplace with simulated orange flares and sparks on the television, provided the proper atmosphere to think-- to think of another story to appease the masses. He tapped his pen on the tip of his glasses; the metal frames ‘ticked’ against the plastic butt as Seijan impatiently considered his moves. He thought a notebook might be a better medium to write in for the drafting process, instead of glaring at a blank white sheet on his computer, but insofar, he was stumped. “Damn it…!” he cursed, dropping his pen in a huff, the fountain pen clattering as it rolled away and off the edge of his writing desk. “I can’t think of anything!” The cabbit tapped his knuckle against his head, ruffling his off-white hair as he clawed at his noggin for ideas. His rabbit ears went flat and he doubled-over in mental agony, pining over a time in which brilliance came to him in spontaneous flashes. He was a porn writer, and of all things in the world, porn should have been the easiest thing to come up with. ‘Put the penis in the vagina, Seijan, people like that,’ he chided himself. The thunder outside cracked, laughing at him from beyond. He slumped back in his chair and tossed his notebook flat and open upon his desk, and he glowered through a narrow, gold-coloured gaze at the empty, lined pages. “Okay, maybe I’m just overthinking things,” he considered, and he adjusted his sweater to better fit his average, masculine frame. “I need to slow down… and figure it out, I guess.” The fabric was warm against his white, soft fur, and felt warmer still when he considered the downpour outside his home. “I should just…” he considered, looking around for something, “I should just-- Where did my pen go?!” The thunder outside bellowed a distant boom, and the flash of lightning that came before it lit up the space in a blinding light. Seijan swore again. His long, cat-like tail swished with growing agitation as he looked underneath his draft-book and around himself, the grey-furred bunny-tuft on its end tapping against the arm of his chair. He slid out and got on all fours, his butt facing the sky as he sought after his writing tool, figuring it had fallen somewhere. “I’m a magician--” he told himself. “I’m a magician! I put a pen down for three seconds, and abra-kadabra, it’s gone!” He stuck his hands in the pockets of his slacks, turned them inside out, and then scoffed. He stood up once more and threw his arms out. “No ideas, no pen-- gods above, I guess I’m not getting anything done today!” There was a violent crash as the sky hollered back at him; an explosive crack that shook the house. The lights went out... ...And then came back on. When the humming of the TV and the glow of the room returned, Seijan was in the middle of the room, still half-ducked with his hands over his ears. “...Damn…” he muttered, returning to his desk if only to recover from the head-shaking boom. Then, he looked down at his book, and swore again-- “Damn!” when he saw a pen hidden underneath. “This isn’t my…” Seijan began as he picked up the tool noting chew marks in the plastic. He didn’t chew his pens; he had no hunger for ink, but a greater goal stifled his concern. “Just… whatever-- Begin…” he ordered himself, then took up his pen, and began to write… “Where the…” The sudden appearance of a pen he had never owned left Mavor feeling both perplexed and somewhat worried; the one day he’d forgotten to lock the door on the way out, prompting a frenzied inventory check of all the five things he owned, and he found… a pen. Not just any pen either, but a fountain pen, something he had never thought to even buy in his entire life. At least the internal reservoir seemed to be half-full, suggesting he might just have borrowed it from someone and just never bothered to give it back. No matter. Without his usual, trusty, extremely-chewed-on writing implement by his side, he guessed that one would have to do. A nice change of pace to the usual mess of graphite shards and scribbles that normally adorned the unorganized stack of paper sheaves he used to come up with ideas; he hadn’t had the pleasure of seeing his hand stained with ink since his university days… and after trying to write something for more than five minutes, immediately remembered he absolutely hated that. Still, it was the only thing he had, and it was the only thing he could use; if only inspiration was as easy to come by as that pen, he might’ve finished his project weeks or even months before, but as it stood, there was nothing in his brain apart from the overwhelming desire to go find something else to distract himself with. Even removing computers from the equation hadn’t stopped his incessant need for procrastination; without memes and chat programs, he took to pacing around the house talking with himself, ostensibly in order to “develop the characters,” like he kept telling himself. It was just an excuse not to do any actual work, something he was certain his readers would absolutely adore if they ever found out… and something he had to stop doing. Utmost silence was necessary for him to even begin to focus, hence why the cramped studio made for the absolute worst environment to write in; cars, noisy neighbours, his breathing, everything conspired to wrench his attention away from the one thing that needed it. The fountain pen quickly found its way to his lips, then onwards to the teeth behind them, any respect he might’ve had for its owner long-gone when he began chewing on the tip. It was one of the few things that kept his mind on the right track, even if the taste was… weird. “The hell did they…” he muttered, wondering if the whole thing wasn’t some elaborate ploy by a loony fan to get him hospitalized or something. The pen had a distinct metallic taste, and upon closer inspection, smelled faintly of… ozone? It was prime material for speculation, though Mavor chastised himself for seriously considering the possibility of interdimensional shenanigans, “Mandela Effect with pens… Pendela effect?” Nah, too stupid. He had to come up with… something. Topics were easy to come by, but new​ ones had become harder and harder to think up after he effectively blew his creative load over the course of several months. It had been a matter of repeating the same thing with just enough variation in the details to count as “new,” but every story posted just made him yearn for something fresh, something that would bring about the same spark that had led him to start writing in the first place! But what? Mavor looked at the pen, noticing how it seemed to have a name engraved, along with what he could only assume was a title: “Seijan, Cabbit Esq.” A lawyer’s pen. And one that was… apparently a furry with some grammar issues. “A crossover?” he wondered aloud to himself, “Furry in a human world… human in a furry world… both? Definitely both.” A core. A thought. But he needed more. “...That’s a start,” Seijan considered as he put a dot on the line. He liked the way ‘Mavor’ sounded; the plot of the meta-author, and how he shared his plight. It was familiar and fresh, but far from done. The cabbit leaned back and tapped the chewed pen on his lips, in thought. “I’m missing something,” he considered, and realized all too late that he hadn’t even given him a shape. This ‘Mavor’ character was formless! Seijan’s brow furled as he considered his options, playing metal darts with ideas and concepts. “He’s a writer, so he has to be handsome…” he joked aloud, then put pen to paper. ‘...With grey fur and icy-blue eyes, he put pen to paper. The grey-spotted lynx shuffled in his chair, his effeminate frame filling out the seat nicely as he began to scribble idea after idea into the sheets.’ Seijan liked that idea; how Mavor looked, and the base image was clear in his head. He continued: ‘In a pinstripe blazer and black, slack pants, he struggled with the thousands of ideas in his head. If only, he considered to himself, he could concentrate, instead of dealing with a gnawing tension below... Tightening, straining… Growing…’ Trying to write would be a lot easier if he didn’t have to contend with all that damned itching all the time. Why exactly he thought that buying clothes that clung to him so much was a good idea, he’d never know; it’s not like he ever went out… or met people… or interacted with anyone to the degree where he’d be comfortable enough to show off… … So why exactly d ​ id​ he have those on? Especially when the weather was as hot as it was! It felt so some fresh not to let occasional relieving to take his shirt off, letting his girls get air; sure, it made writing hard when he had to be careful his breasts get in the way (to say nothing of the spurt of milk), but it was liberating, in a way. Plus, he could already feel his package growing again, as usual; needed to get ​something​ done before it got too bad. “A cabbit… that’s gotta be a hybrid, surely,” he mumbled to himself, “a cabbage rabbit, or… a cat rabbit? Yes, a cat rabbit!” Not the most ingenious of hybrids, but it’d have to do; it was a hook, at least, something he could wrap his mind around and use as a foundation for his next story. Maybe something about hybrid lust, yes! Mavor got up and started pacing around the room, feeling heavier by the moment. In his hands, kept firm by way of a small notebook, he scribbled away on a loose piece of paper. “Seijan’s body, being a product of hybridization, was incredibly susceptible to any tampering on his part; in a world filled with the wonders of gene modding and genetic therapy, it was no wonder that he kept rows upon rows of autoinjectors and altering substances meant to satisfy any one of his needs. Yes, he might have a pair of cocks and double as many nuts, each easily the size of a bowling ball already, but he needed more… but what constituted ‘more’?” An interesting dilemma, and one that he posed to himself at the end when looking down and noticing his bulge was ripping through his pants already. Which brought up an interesting question: “Wait, what the fuck?!” ...The hiss of his ‘Chill-Pen’ filled the room as Seijan put his pen down. This busty, milky, hung lynx fellow he created was turning him on, and it’d be a lie to say otherwise, and if he didn’t have his rack of drugs to keep his sexual-cool, he might have blown his load all over the underside of his desk. The empty canister fell into a trash can underneath his desk with a ‘thu-wonk’--bouncing off of a head-sized condom that was still warm with his precum. The cabbit considered, as his twinset-pair of barbed, feline-like cocks pushed out against the zipper of his trousers. His four, extremely-powerful balls were churning with their virile contents; steadily swelling as the bunny had skipped his fifteen-minute jack-off break. Even with his libido-calming shot, he was as horny as… well, a rabbit. “I guess I earned it…” Seijan considered, undoing his pants and letting the twins loose. His eight-and-a-half inch penises met his midriff with a meaty whap, and no sooner did he let those two out, did his grey-furred cum-pouch fill the open gap. He sighed, happy, and considered pulling out one of his other ‘toys’. The injectors in his drawer demanded use despite his existing desire to write, and he needed only thumb through the stock to consider what he might stick into his veins next. Production spiking juices and multiplying salves crammed his drawer corner to corner, and a manic side of his brain wondered how he resisted bathing himself in chemicals for this long. He crammed his hand into his drawer and drew randomly from the pile a ‘treat’: ‘Bunny-Grade Enhancers,’ said the injector, ‘One shot, and you’ll breed for life.’ Without a second thought, as if possessed, Seijan popped the lid and slammed the drug into his thighs. The chemicals dulled the pain, and he shivered as he felt the rush of his own virility grow. Seijan felt warm with anticipation as his already overpowering libido had just received a shot to boost it even more. His bowling-ball-sized nuts had swelled a few inches in the few minutes he took to relax, and were growing fast-- like normal. As they swelled, his posture began to feel rather cramped, and he spread open his legs to better situate his double-set of trouble makers, anticipating the inevitable. That’s when an idea hit him. Raising his pen, uncaring that little beads of white were now forming at the tip of his shaft, Seijan put down a quick note: He filled in the preamble and made a bee-line for the good stuff, ‘...and once he felt like he’d done his part with the pen, Mavor couldn’t help but become enamoured with his work. His own writing spurred his loins in ways he’d never felt before, and it made his heart race. He couldn’t help but feel his cock twitch and his gonads churn; the magic of his own brilliance causing him to change right before his eyes. It felt amazing; felt too amazing, and with every word he wrote, Mavor realized--’ “W-Wait a second…!” Seijan blurted, “Wh-when did I grow two of these?!” “... Fuck me, this feels too good.” The sudden realization that he had not only completely swapped species but somehow also developed a pair of breasts big enough to cover his torso and stain the ground with their milky production, along with a cock and balls that not only were several times their original size, but seemed to be growing in front of his very eyes as well! There was no denying it, the weight ​was​ mounting, and seemed to do so faster every time he looked at the paper he was holding. Could it be that his silly assumptions were right? Maybe that pen didn’t​ belong to anyone he knew, and the fact that his own had vanished wasn’t mere coincidence. After all, he didn’t know any lawyers, much less ones that were furries, and it certainly wasn’t natural to suddenly become… what he was. Whatever he was. Mavor struggled to sit back down, unable to even brush against solid surfaces; at least his tits weren’t growing, even his package was, meaning he was all-but forced to lie down on the bed. The sounds of the springs, complaining about the sudden weight, only added to the growing realization that whatever was happening to him had to be a dream, thus making it perfectly normal for him to undergo such a transformation. The fact that it got worse whenever he looked at his own words let him know that it couldn’t be real. And if it wasn’t real, then he could exploit it for inspiration; sure, he was bound to wake up completely smeared in his own cum later down the line, but until he broke free from that lucid dream, he was going to make good use of it. Besides, writing had never quite felt so good as it did there. It seemed that every word made him more at peace with himself, more capable of writing the next one. In a short while, he practically forgot he was using his breasts as a table of sorts, letting the notebook fall against them for support. “Alright, Seijan, let’s see what else you can do for me…” Seeing as his writing had focused on the cabbit’s nuts as well, Mavor could only think that it was thus reflected onto his own body. Those must​ be the rules, he thought, just as he reflected upon ways he could exploit them. With a devious smile on his face, he put pen to paper once again, writing how “Seijan’s sudden burst of productivity awakened in him a desire he had spent an inordinate amount of time suppressing. For his whole life, he had been a ‘traditional’ male, even if a very well-endowed one. In truth, it was hard to tell why he hadn’t done it sooner, but seeing as he already had four cum factories churning away between his legs (four orbs that he was happy to make even more productive by way of a second injector), it was only fair that he grant his chest the same honour. Would make for a stunning display the next time he left the house!” Mavor barely noticed how he was writing one-handed the one whole; natural when using a pen, but normally not when the other hand is firmly stuck squeezing one’s gigantic udders. “A-ah-- Ahhh…!!” The cabbit heaved his weight forwards, unable to stop himself as his balls lurched all on their own, squeezing forth a deluge of bunny cum all over the underside of his desk. Sheets and ropes of thick, viscous goop slammed against the back-board of his writing desk, coating it from top to bottom of slick, musky strands. He had barely touched himself; hardly even thought of it, and was doing little more than waiting for his drugs to hit when all of his senses seemed to sharpen. As if by divine order, Seijan doubled over, struck by lust as an explosive volley of bliss rocketed up his back. Elbows on the table and tail spiked high in the air, his surprise four-set of belly-rounding gonads heaved it all forwards at once. One pump, two pumps-- ten-- Seijan’s productivity was through the roof before, and as it passed twenty; thirty heaping loads, his climax coated everything from the waist down in sheets. “F-fuck I-- I ca-can’t…!” he pleaded, one hand clutching the plastic pen, as his freshly emptied nads suddenly refilled and rocketed off again. “A-aah…!!” He jumped on his toes as round two smashed through his senses. Mouth agape, tail high, and balls seemingly unable to shrink below their bloated, melon-sized shape, he slammed a stock-pot-filling spooge-fest free of his sac, with plenty to spare. He collapsed back in his chair as soon as he was able, the tightness of his muscles melting away as the worst of his climax reeled out of him. He was panting as the last dozen ropes flew in doubles, landing on his slumped chest and in his hair in thumb-thick ropes. “I… My god…” Seijan panted, “I’ve never… cum so hard…!” His head felt light with the violent and sudden climax, and his vision flashed pink, the world tinged in the highs of ecstasy. The cabbit could already feel his gonads rapidly refilling, expanding faster than ever before with a production that any lucid man would not have spiked. Why did he take that shot? Where did it even come from? He had almost forgotten what he was doing before the orgasm struck-- having thrown all of these strange machines and lotion across the top of his desk. Seijan was certain-- certain beyond certainty-- that he’d never purchased these things in his life, things that he didn’t even know could exist, and yet, he acted upon them with impunity, as if puppeted… As if… Something was tinkering with his world… Writing his world. The pen, the slaves, the four balls that he never had-- Seijan’s mind was spinning as his climax settled, and the more it faded, the more a strange notion popped into his head. “Mavor…” he considered, “...There’s no way…” Despite having blown more than twenty gallons of cum all over himself, Seijan got up again. His cocks were still eager for another round, and his watermelon-sized testies made it difficult to stand without parting the two down the middle, but the bunny did his best to focus. With one hand, he wrote: ‘...And without any warning, Mavor’s body began to change. His two, busty-boy breasts, already large enough on their own, would slowly grow to be two, heaping handfuls of lush, full bosom, and his balls-- full and large, would double as well.’ “Do unto me…” Seijan mumbled, as his hand scribbled into his book, “and I’ll do back unto--” He yipped-- yipped when he felt something sharp jab into his arm. “How the--!!” Seijan exclaimed when he saw that his other, free hand had betrayed him. On the same level of consciousness as breathing, the cabbit saw that he had jabbed himself with an injector. By the time he yanked it out, the pen had dumped its payload into his veins. The damage was done. “Oh no, oh no…” Seijan mumbled as he spun the injector around, skipping past the safety recommendations, ‘Do not inject within the same hour’ and past the digitized cowgirl logo with four gigantic, milky tits. “W-what the fuck is this?!” the bunny exclaimed when he saw the name. “Barn Queen Super-Lactators?! Who the f-fuh--” Seijan was about to swear, but already felt the injector take effect. His chest felt warm; felt tight, and despite himself, he stumbled back against the wall, knocking his chair out from behind him. He gripped the drywall, leaving deep gashes in the paint as pleasure unfounded slithered back into the forefront of his brain. His twitching, eight-inch breeding poles were leaking like a busted faucet, and huge ropes of simple pre lapped up against the corner of the desk. The cabbit clenched his chest, feeling a strange, unknown, and wonderful sensation take hold just underneath his sweater. He clawed at the fabric, trying to pull it off as his nipples, suddenly tender and sensitive, touched against his undershirt. Seijan tried to give them space, but no matter how far he pulled his clothes off of himself, his nipples would push out to meet them. His… Four nipples. “Wh-what is…!?” he stammered stupidly, unable to make full sentences when he realized that his once flat chest was now full and huge, and not only huge, but doubled as well. He had the rack of a showgirl times-two; a play-bunny model fit for the centrefold, with the only difference being that play-bunnies tended to be full-on girls, not men with fat tats! Seijan could only watch, hands cupping the soft, sensitive fur they grew outwards, swelling inches at a time and filling out what limited room his top provided. He could hear the fabric popping as the head-sized mounds continued to grow to a half-foot wide, then a whole-foot, and then a foot-and-a-half. “S-stop, stop…!” Seijan pleaded with his breasts, unable to stem back the inevitable. “S-stop…!” he said again, “G-God, stop growing…!” he said again before he felt the tension rise suddenly once more. “H-hnnnng…! Y-Yes...!!” His sweater suddenly turned dark; streaks of liquid rolled down his top, right before streams of white delight spewed out from between the strands. He came in tandem, firing ropes high over his desk, painting the distant floor in heaping loads, and the air grew thick with his rich, seminal musk. Unable to stop himself, Seijan’s hands transferred from his tits to his cocks, each jerking one of his soft-barbed monsters as he free-fired all over the room. They flew several feet across the air, splattering like glue across the hard, wooden floor, despite having painted the entire of his desk and legs in a five-inch glaze of cum, the bunny’s hyper-powered nuts had more, and more to give. Seijan cursed, swore, and came some more, his balls churning out more cum than they could put out. His sloshing, rumbling bunny-sac felt like it weighed a hundred pounds, the now pumpkin-sized quartet of litter-makers audibly rumbled with their unstoppable overflow. Sparks flew across Seijan’s vision as his orgasm; his boob-gasm grew both in power, and in size. He was shaking as his tits grew larger and larger still, shredding holes in his top-- a top that was now more a towel for milk and cum than a sweater. As his body seemed to revolt against everything he knew, changing, swelling, growing-- one fact became increasingly clear: Whatever was happening to him was far from over… …and he was starting to think that maybe it was all just starting off. With it being clear that some kind of dimensional fuckery was at play there, Mavor’s marvelling at his own creature’s genius was only matched by the overwhelming sensation of fullness that permeated every inch of his body. Whoever was controlling things from the other side, whoever that “Seijan” was, they clearly had the same kind of mind as he did, which only made the prospect of poking them harder all the more irresistible. He didn’t know if it was a deliberate attempt at getting back at his own obscene ramblings or a way of paying it forward, but whatever the case may be, if growth begets more growth, then more growth would be had. Still convinced he was stuck in some kind of incredibly realistic lucid dream, the now-lynx allowed his concentration to falter for just long enough that he felt the next bout of changes begin to take over his body. He would’ve done something about the cabbit’s transformation into a moo-cow, but as soon as he felt (and saw) his breasts begin to bloat, there wasn’t a lot he could do but throw the notebook onto the ground and enjoy the ride. Each heartbeat brought with it more flesh, more hand-filling pudge that overflowed from between his fingers and weighed ever more onto his chest. It was getting hard to breathe, a curiously unnecessary detail in a wet dream like that, but probably just there as a reminder of how ​heavy​ those things were supposed to be. More of his field of view was taken up by his inexplicable breasts, until they began spilling onto the bed around him. Despite this, they refused to sag; his mounds just happened to be big enough to reach all the way to the sheets while still standing proud over his chest, blocking Mavor’s vision of what was going on between his legs. That said, even if he couldn’t ​see​ it, he could still ​feel ​it, and his dream neighbours (and possibly the real ones, now that he thought about it) would be able to ​hear​ it once he started moaning like the desperate, size-hungry slut he was turning out to be. The cat felt his legs be slowly pushed apart as his two orbs squished their hefty, stretched-taut weight against them, eventually “popping” upwards in order to find more room to grow. In tandem, his shaft decided to start joining in on the fun as well, and before the lynx knew it, he was all-but immobilized atop his bed. He remained there for a few minutes, waiting for any kind of reaction from the “other side,” as it were. With nothing happening, he figured an incentive was in order… but was still very much stuck underneath the collective weight of his assets. Like a turtle on its back, he swung from one side to the other, bringing the bed springs to their breaking point before finally heaving himself onto the ground, squeezing everything he had so hard when he landed belly down that, if it weren’t for the fact that none of that was happening, he might’ve felt terrified for what the people in the apartments next to his might think. As it stood, this brought him close enough to the notebook that he could begin affecting the other world once again, hopefully in a direct-enough way as to bring about more changes to his own body. Unfortunately, he was distracted by something far more important: how dry he was. After giving this “Seijan” fellow enough production to coat his entire room and then some, it felt oddly unfair that he himself was left to wallow in his complete lack of leakage. After all, with a pair of tits and balls larger than the cabbit’s, wouldn’t it make sense for him to also have a proportionally-similar level of productivity? It certainly made sense for ​him​, in a demented, semi-insane way, thus why a new idea cropped up in his mind. “After the injection blessed him with such an ample and full bosom,” he wrote again, unable to even move from his spot as he was now immobilized by the weights on his chest… which still conveniently served as a perfect table, “and with the realization that the gene mods were not meant to be taken in such short succession, there was no doubt in Seijan’s mind that he had to go even bigger. It was his destiny, his fate, that he push his hybridized body to the limit and then several miles past it, and thus he wasn’t even thinking when he fetched more lactation supplements and cum boosters, eager to see what they would do to his body. And if that weren’t enough, his sensitivity seemed to be increasing on its own, oddly proportional to how bloated his assets were.” This was a reasonable enough segue, but more was needed. Because as much as he adored the idea of actually affecting someone else with his writing, something that gave him far too much pleasure despite supposedly being convinced that it was a dream, some mutual assistance was the only way he could see this going forward. It was a nonsense approach to it, but he hadn’t spent years type-fucking people just to get away with nothing learnt. He looked at himself, judging how much bigger he’d like to be. If given the opportunity, he thought to himself, he always assumed there wouldn’t be an upper limit, but now that it was ​happening, ​ there were a series of concerns he never really thought of before. What of his ability to move, his capacity for self-sufficience? What if he needed to go to the bathroom, hell, would the increased lactation make milking a necessity? And, most importantly, why was he bothering with those details when none of that was actually happening? Mavor hastily scribbled something on the edge of the page before crossing it out, trying a few more times before coming to the conclusion that something else was needed; though his favourite pen was in the hands of the cabbit, he still kept a few around he rarely ever used. In this case, a red one would have to do. “Through the haze of lust and desire to grow,” he continued to describe, “the cabbit would nonetheless keep enough of his wits that he would know something was afoot. Though difficult to make out at first, it became clearer than ever that some outside force was interfering with him…” ​(hey, I gave you four tits, mind giving me some milk too?) ...He moaned as a wild swirl of contradicting emotions slammed into each other in his head. In one breath, Seijan knew that he had to stop-- stop cramming these chemicals into his veins-and in the next, hollered to kingdom come as the pleasure of it all wracked his senses for another go. It was as if his mind was being pulled; his muscles forced to move by someone else’s will, and the more he thought about it-- between painting the ceiling in cum-- the more sense it made. Even as Seijan grew, his growth never stemmed, and as a five-inch-high tide of jizz seeped out of his room and into the hall of his home, he had to make quick, semi-lucid adjustments to his space. He threw himself over his desk; spent injectors floating in his constantly-cummy tide, feet kicked out so as to accommodate his beach-ball-sized super-tits and his enormous, kneecap-passing balls. “A-alright you…” Seijan growled at his book, pleasure-jerked tears streaming down his face. “W-what’s your game…?” He looked over his penmanship and wiped a new page clean of his spent milk and cum. What he expected was a clean slate-- a few stains, but written in the margins at the bottom of the paper was something encased in brackets: “...I gave you four tits…” he read aloud, the red-stained ink marring the otherwise untouched sheet. His eyes went wide. “N-No way…!” Seijan could already feel his gonads churning, threatening to lift him well off of his feet, and his grey-furred breasts were mere inches above the steamy tide below. The bunny seized his pen in a creative frenzy, eyes not leaving the mysterious markings as he scribbled: ‘...And no sooner did he drop his pen, did a rush of lactic production strike him. Mavor’s balls would begin to churn out cum by the thousands of gallons, and with it, pleasure never-before-felt. Mavor’s lynxish breasts-- all four of them-- made milk by the buckets, activated by their generous size, and to call it a dribble would be--” Seijan’s hand clenched as he came again; moaning as his writing was interrupted by the drugs kicking in. “F-fuck…!” he swore as all the enhancing chems and their inappropriately-used cocktails caused his entire body to change. He continued writing; his penmanship shaking as his eight-inch, nine-inch, ten-inch bunny-bangers began to grow. ‘To call it a dribble would be an understatement, for, in waves, his milky tide would flow freely with rich, flavourful milk. Unable to resist-- he’d take a drink, and find that with every gulp, his body would grow. His ass would fatten; his gonads expand, and not even his room would stand a chance against his body--’ The cabbit bit his lip as another boobgasm sent a shower of milk shooting into the tide below, kicking up spooge and cream in a splatter. That was enough. Then, as he dotted his period, he had an idea: at the bottom of the page like he’d seen, the cabbit put something that would change his perception of this affair forever. (If you can read this: write your name. I am Seijan.) Well, that was certainly one way for him to get what he wanted. Wasn’t really expecting to suddenly develop a second pair of breasts, and for a few moments he didn’t really know he ​had; ​ the increased awareness of his situation, however, allowed him to catch onto the extra pair of weights quite soon after they were birthed into existence, only fueling the raging inferno of growthlust roiling inside of him. The note at the bottom of the page, appearing before his eyes as it was written, only solidified his belief that the whole affair was taking place in his head, even if the sensations involved were significantly stronger than any dream he’d ever had. Some part of him began wondering if it might actually be real, the same slice of subconscious instinct that had alerted him to the possibility of the pen being what it turned out to be. As much as he might have liked to pay more attention to that possibility, he was interrupted before he could even write down his name, this time by the package rumbling between his legs. It hadn’t exactly been neglected up until then, but the focus had clearly been on his bustyboy breasts and not the male apparatus he’d carried his entire life. Thus, it was a welcome surprise when he started leaking copious amounts of pre at just about the same time as his cum factories began churning much louder than they had been before; there was a short grace period in between this realization, where the lynx was happy to lie there feeling the underside of his tits getting slathered in his slick fluids, and those orbs’ production kicking into full gear. The impact was strong enough to rouse him to full alertness, enough that the prospect of the whole thing being a dream suddenly felt like a very stupid, childish fantasy in and of itself. There was no way a wave of pressure like that could ever smash against his loins and not immediately wake him up, so the fact that he was still there, stranded on top of a double-stacked bosom and feeling his already-beachball-sized nuts take up even more room than they already were… kind of made him panic. Didn’t last very long, as the sudden flood of endorphins into every neuroreceptor he had left made him unable to consider the possibility that it might be dangerous to succumb to what he was experiencing; the lynx just barely remembered to save the piece of paper he was writing on, holding it as high up as he could the second the precum pouring out of his tip turned into a hyper-pressurized jet of cum, blasting into his underboob and still failing to make a dent in his overall size. Whatever happened on the other end had caused his productivity to ​skyrocket, ​ so much so that within seconds he heard his bed and desk scraping the floor as they were pushed away from where he had placed him. His chest was no slouch in that department either; so enamoured with the sudden, explosive expansion of his sack, the lynx failed to notice how all four of his tits filled with so much milk as to balloon to nearly twice their size before his engorged nips exploded with their creamy bounty, splattering all over the ground, joining in with the inch-thick cover of cum that was already leaking onto the corridor outside his room. It was simply too good to pass up, but too far away to properly appreciate… so a nudge would have to do. All that was needed was for a single nipple to be allowed some breathing room for the river of milk to spray high enough for the cat to help himself freely to it. It was horridly lewd, to think that he was drinking from his own tits, gulping down whole mouthfuls without needing to use a teat at all, but this was soon taken over by a far more pressing matter: he wasn’t done growing. Maybe it was a residual effect from whatever made his nuts large enough to start cracking the wall behind him, or gave him large-enough beanbags on his chest that he could use them as such, but the rest of him ​really​ took a liking to that cream. He could practically feel his ass getting heavier with each gulp, readying itself for the need to carry around as much weight as the lynx was packing, the mass seeping down into his thighs in order to quickly make them wider than his doors were. If that weren’t enough, it even seemed to have some kind of knock-on effect on his nuts as well; Mavor was quite certain that those galloping spurts where he’d suddenly gain several extra feet at once in between the continuous growth matched perfectly with his own milk hitting his stomach. The room was getting significantly more cramped than it should, and the lynx felt something was necessary to address that. To that end, the story must continue. (Name’s Mavor. And I’m truly sorry-not-sorry) “With contact established between the two parties, the bridge between worlds grew stronger still, and with no end of regret for having ushered in such a strong change to the status quo, Seijan’s mind was wracked with visions of his perfect self. The ultimate, self-indulgent fantasy that was outgrowing everything that existed and still demanding more! And what a beautiful reality he now inhabited, were his own creations began to affect him; the cabbit could only marvel at how everything he made the lynx go through seemed to be thrown back at him, magnified twofold…” Seijan feared that his now flooding abode would soon become a swimming pool. So addled with his body the cabbit couldn’t help but stroke, knead, and play with his engorged and growing form. His sweater was history; his clothes completely torn asunder by his size, and with no signs of stopping, the cabbit could barely stay awake. He had to put pen to paper-- had to do something, but was hard to think with a two-foot pair of penises twitching, spurting, spraying the flooded ground with cum. Meanwhile, his sensitive, four-pack of boobs were so engorged with milk that they hit the floor and enveloped his cocks in a sleeve made to fuck, and as he bent over his desk, the cabbit’s hips bucked on auto-pilot. No matter how much he came, no matter how much cum he fired, his balls were producing far more jizz than he could handle, and now were fighting for the space his feet occupied. His shafts were floated and fat; the barbs flaring as their underbellies were made gravid with his goo. The ropes were unending, and as his tits were thickly glazed in his own cummy backblast. He was on a bed of his own body, growing out of control when he saw, through rivulets of tears, cum, and milk, something in red ink in the book. He picked it up, pen and all, and held it close to his glasses to see. He saw the apology-- or rather, lack thereof, and felt his heart drop. “...Oh, s-shit…” It struck Seijan like an epiphany-- a brilliant crash of dopamine and ecstasy-- as all the piling on he set upon Mavor: the growth, the multiplication, and the liquid production, was reflected back into his form. Seijan felt the wave of his own writing slam into him like a wave-- a wave that heaved him upwards as he felt the four breasts he gave Mavor pile onto his own. He wailed; sobbed bliss, and called for god as another two-set-rack of tits fought for space, pushing out between his existing four. They milked each other; battled for every inch as they swelled out into a bed of soft, sloshing bunny-boobs. To make matters worse, Seijan’s floor touching nuts were pounding-- near literally stampeding with how fast they were making cum. The room rapidly began to flood as Seijan’s ever-growing cocks blasted spooge out of his four-rack-cleavage in such a violent deluge, it sprayed out in every direction and hit nearly every wall with the flow. “A-ahh, a-ahh!!” he cried, mouth wide and ears lay flat as his car-sized testies hit the wall behind him, causing the drywall to groan in protest. His rapid, lactic production sent his tits billowing outwards, making the floor scream for mercy as the wooden bottom creaked under the thousand-pound-weight. The walls would join in the cacophony as his person-sized nipples crashed into the other three corners, forcing the cabbit to the ceiling. His back against the roof, he fought for air-- anything that wasn’t a rut-inducing musk-- and prayed that the house would hold, but when he tasted his own milk-- so rich, so creamy, and so strong, Seijan knew suddenly that it would not. With the milk he gave Mavor turned back on him-- the house didn’t stand a chance. The walls bent outwards and the support-beams heaved as geysers of cum and milk fired through newly created cracks and holes. The already flooded house began to drown in Seijan’s overflow, and the power shook and flickered as the once sturdy structure was filled to failure. Moaning, wailing, and pleasure screams were muffled underneath the virile churning therein, and just when it seemed that the walls just might stand-A loud crash tore through the neighbourhood as Seijan’s dam broke. Spooge blew out every window-- blew down the front door and sent ivory sap careening down the street. The geysers that formed would soon be plugged as the bunny inside swelled from corner to corner. Pipes, beams, metals, and furniture was thrown to the ends of the building, and from every shattered pane and open frame, a grey-wall of bunny fur, or a pink-capped nipple forced their way through. The last vestiges of his home bent outwards with cartoonish distortion; the neighbourhood around him roused by the terrific noise. Faces appeared in opposite windows just in time to see the Etroix house explode apart, and the lawn swallowed up in a tide of white spooge. The entire property was covered in bunny; in spheres of churning liquid, and as the now damp, rain-free air outside met Seijan’s nose, he was finally blessed with some lucidity. “M-Mavor- y-you…!” he cursed-- but knew full well that words would do nothing unless written down. Revenge would be swift, and surprisingly base, for in his cum-drenched notebook, Seijan tore through the pages with his pen: ‘As climax struck the Lynx, no amount of release would sate his needy balls. The chaos of his own orgasm would bring changes all its own, however, for having one cock was not enough to expend his lake-replacing virility.’ A wry smile grew across Seijan’s pleasure-wracked face, even as his body poured over the neighbour’s fences and lawns. ‘Mavor felt his body change and ignite with bliss, as this rampant, sexual mutation seized him by the loins: he felt not one, nor two, but three cocks come to form, joining his first in a Breed-muda Triangle of debauchery. Knotted, ringed, and needy to fill, his growing members would expand to match his balls-- all six of them.’ One more devilish motion struck the cabbit as his house-sized, milk-filled breasts poured through his neighbour’s yards, impressing upon the edges of their houses and the streets beyond. ‘And what he could not spend… Would take form inside a womb that he didn’t even know he had…’ (I hope you like eggs. Because you’re about to have a lot of them, Mavor.) “Oh god, this is actually happening! It’s… it’s actually happening… oh ​god, ​ it’s actually happening…~” Acceptance came as quickly as he did the moment he felt the newest changes begin to take hold over his body. Rather than subside, however, it kept going and grew in intensity, not only forcing yet more of his thick spooge out into the world (a pitiful amount compared to what he produced, but still) but also stretching the limits his body had imposed on him until then. With each load and clench, his already-colossal cock grew larger still, its underside bloated beyond reason as it struggled to keep up with the demand for ever-escalating output. A few climaxes in, it was too much even for him, and the lynx was forced to contend with the fact that his groin would just have to be that much more cramped. The idea of packing multiple shafts was nothing new; he himself had explored it multiple times in his stories and it happened to be one of his favourite kinks to indulge. To feel it happen, to know it was taking place even if he couldn’t see it, made every orgasm feel so much better that it bordered on criminal. Unlike his breeder’s balls, which continuously occupied more and more room until the very walls began to crack under the pressure, these new cocks shaped themselves by lunging forward several inches at a time, growing thicker and longer each time another dozen or so ropes of his seed were sent through all at once. It could be that the sheer amount of fluids they were being made to service was making them grow to compensate, or maybe it was Seijan allowing him to feel a fraction of the pleasure he himself was going through. That it would just reflect back on the cabbit made it even better, and for a brief second, Mavor allowed himself the luxury of thinking he wouldn’t need to add anything more. Silly boy. In a way, it was almost disappointing; three cocks and three pairs of balls, each set easily able to fill half the room on its own, and yet only two pairs of milk-stuffed, back-breaking breasts? It felt like some kind of cosmic joke, and Mavor was certain it was deliberately intended to poke at his budding growthlust, maybe as a way of intensifying what Seijan was feeling on the other side; that’s what he would do, after all, if he weren’t so busy indulging whoever that cabbit was. With his body busy outgrowing his room, however, there was little he could do but wait it out and see where it would end. Sadly (or not, really), those orgasms taking care of his ability to think straight weren’t going to vanish, nor even stabilize; each one hit him harder than the last, and it wasn’t long before the lynx had to confront himself with the fact that this was his life now, and if he didn’t do something to gather whatever was left of his wits, he might just end up turning into a mindless slave to his own base predations. Not that the prospect was exactly ​bad, ​ but he would like to be able to enjoy his steady growth, really. Whatever was happening on the other side of the dimensional wall, Mavor could only hope it was even better than the kind of architectural vice grip he was going through, because as much as those walls were thin enough to let him hear everything his neighbours were doing, they stubbornly refused to break down, even when the door’s frame was shattered beyond recognition. With his tits stuffed to the point where each was as big as his bed, the amount of room was in danger of going into the negatives, making it an urgent necessity for him to demand a strong boost in order to free himself. It was at that point that it hit him. It was so different from everything he was accustomed to that the lynx immediately guessed just what Seijan had done for him, given where the sudden wave of uncomfortably-pronounced heat and pressure was coming from. Whether they be live or hatchlings, there was no doubt that his belly now had a womb that was growing at least as fast as the rest of him was, making it difficult to focus on anything other than the prospect of becoming a broodmother, even when he was being smushed against the ceiling by the bulging curvature of his tits alone. (I LOVE EGGS THANK YOU! Hope you like them too~) It was all he could say, really, before making sure to give the cabbit something special of his own. And seeing as they seemed capable of affecting reality in accordance to their whims, there would be no need for the use of intermediaries like genemod autoinjectors anymore. … then again... “As his body grew beyond his house’s ability to contain it, it would become clear as day to Seijan that he lacked the fundamental attributes required to properly worship his form. With two arms and two hands alone, there was simply no way he could rub himself like he should’ve, and yet with his assets outgrowing his body to such a massive degree, would any additions be anything more than redundant and pointless? The answer was yes, and yet his lust-addled mind still forced its physical avatar to grow three extra pairs. Woefully insufficient for what his body had become, but it would do for the time being.” Time to go in for the kill. The lynx knew that his own changes would end up reflected on the cabbit’s body, but that just wasn’t enough. As always, ​more was needed​. “With the cabbit now exposed to the neighbourhood, he would expect his everyday acquaintances to have some kind of problem with the burgeoning problem growing in front of their very own eyes, ruining the property value with all of that leaking destroying their meticulously-kept front yards. Instead, Seijan would be met with an adoring crowd, all there ready and waiting for him like they had expected that day to come to pass, every single one carrying either an autoinjector, or a whole box of them…” Seijan existed in a bubble; a crater of his creation’s own creation. His four-set of milk-filled boobs were pouring a rain of lactic love all over the city, filling the streets almost as violently as his twin-set of mega-sized cocks, which continued to turn his cleavage into a cummy waterfall. “God…!” he shuddered uselessly, shivering as his entire body was shaken in a quake made entirely out of his lust, “I’m going to melt if-- H-Nnng…!” The entire region shook as the cabbit’s twinned, tower-sized shafts blew another monster load into his own breasts; his four, hill-sized gonads working so hard that they grew rapidly skywards and into the night sky. “--I’m going to melt if I don’t stop soon...!” Panting, heaving, and fighting for air, Seijan hoped that his last play in the book would have done him well. For a few blissful minutes, it was just him and his unstoppable, growing body, bowling over suburban-block after suburban block. He was a noticeable mountain on the horizon now, made up of fur flesh, and was growing meters by the second. Curiosity, however, drove the bunny to double-check his penmanship, figuring that his lynxian counterpart had given up. No sooner did he reach for his pen, did Seijan nearly drop it. “F-Fuck!!” he yelped, voice breaking as something seemed to battle his cocks for space. He reached down, feeling one of his highway-blocking meat-pillars underneath his hand, and then, as he explored, reaching around his nethers, he felt… Another. And another. And another. Knotted, ringed, and raging hard, Seijan was horrified to find that he had neglected an earlier detail: “M-Mavor, you bitch!” he cursed as he felt the cocks he gifted his creation-- no, not his creation-- his sexual nemesis, smash him back upon the crotch. From one foot, then reached ten, twenty, forty, eight-- doubling and tripling in size until they too were spilling over the neighbourhood. He was becoming a one-cabbit highway, and the only thing flowing through him was cum and milk. His five-set of mixed, barbed, knotted, and rung sex-pillars fanned out in every direction, and unleashed from their ends a torrential downpour of mud-thick jizz. For the first second in what must have been an eternity, Seijan felt his gonads shrink with the deluge, as whole lakes were dumped from each, bloated member. The relief was short-lived, however, for the pile-on of curses he’d dumped on Mavor would return in full force, and the cabbit sobbed ecstasy as he felt his already blue-balled bunny-pouch violently begin to expand. The ground underfoot cracked and sank as his rising hill of balls began to multiply, fattening, bulging, until the once uniform mound of four, became a cluttered mass of ten. Ten-- ten titanic, world-impregnating balls, fastened to one cabbit. His head was smacked with a rush of cramping; his nuts so violently overloaded, that with every churn, his orgasmic pumps were magnified to near apocalyptic levels. The clouds parted as his mountainous gonads pulsed; so virile was their pumping that the audible churn caused the power to flicker across the province. The stench of his seed would not be forgotten either, for like some atomic fallout, the cloud of his musk stretched for miles upwind: a palpable heat infecting any and all within its range. “Hhng-- N-no more, I-I can’t cum any h-harder…!!” Seijan pleaded, sinking his six arms and hands into his breasts, hoping to god that there’d be relief. Wait… six arms? He counted on his thirty fingers-“God above!!” he yelled, realizing what he had become… Realizing how easy it was to bask in his body with all this extra touch. He could feel the new muscles-- but did not feel them form. It was as if he had them the entire time. A jealous spider-morph was probably looking on in wonder as the bunny, now lavishing in his own mutation, could do little more to himself than knead, massage, and touch himself. “Hhng… C-could this get any…! Wor--” he hiccuped-- “Better?!” Of course it could. For as he felt up his body; felt up his ass, he could feel the rest of his punishments return in full. His balls, forming seas of jizz, compacted into his city-spaning nuts, were pumping back into him what he set out: his ass began to fatten, rolling over his palms as his belly started to swell. The cabbit swore, cursed, and heaved delight as he felt the eggs he’d sicced on Mavor fill a warm, breed-hungry womb deep inside his core. “Ooooh-- Yess!!” he heaved as all air was pushed out of his lungs as his rapidly expanding stomach clattered with newly formed bunnylings. Some foolish part of his still-lucid head wondered if they’d be painted, but that thought was smashed as his godless laden boy-womb doubled, tripled, and crashed into the earth below, further widening his already landmark profile. Seijan could barely think-- could barely breathe with five cocks, ten balls, eight tits, six arms, a mountain full of eggs and an ass that could crush a sedan. This exhaustive list of sexual torments was still not done, however, for Mavor had marked one last note on his list that not even Seijan could note. Wading through the tide came a terrible sight, a sight that a figure that was more spherical than man could ever hope to see. A giddy horde of citizens; a mob of sexually-hopped-up hopefuls with their stockpile of enhancers in hand, were coming to pay homage to a deity of sexual domination. No better offering would befall such a creature than to add to its girth, and the only way they could was with what they had on hand. Seijan could barely feel the pin-prick jabs of thousands of production boosters entering his system. Breasts, balls, and cocks alike-- anything that would take these cum making, milk-producing super-drugs-- was met with a quick prick and injection. With every insertion, Seijan began to feel warmer and warmer; his body rumbling as it bowled over the suburbs in several kilometre-wide mounds. Houses stood no chance; roads crumbled and broke, and anyone foolish enough to not gangway was lovingly embraced by a landslide of sloshy, soft bun. Every stab was boost with numerical precision, adding a 1.5 multiplier to his already prodigious payload. Every breast could spawn a lake with their lactic production, but with a single jab, it would be an entire lake and a half. And there were thousands of injectors, of drugs, exponentially boosting the rabbit-cat’s production to astronomical levels. He shuddered and quaked as his body felt like it was on fire, and felt his bed of body underneath surge upwards. “W-what the--!!?” was all he had to say before he suddenly blasted off and upwards. The nearby city stood no chance as, in one productive wave, breasts the size of suburbia doubled in size. Slamming into towers and monuments alike, the soft tide of flesh and fur filled out the gaps made by boulevards and byways; milky caps and penis-tips pinched by the obstructing structures. Another wave bowled them clean over. Entirely made of liquid weight, his growth was like nothing anyone had ever seen before as, not even a spec on the planet’s surface, became a dot, became a mark, became a smear of white and grey. And Seijan had not even cum yet. With this new power, the overflow was so immense, that even as valleys were swept up in mile-high tides of cum; as even mountains were splashed in milky seas, the bunny’s full eruption had not yet hit. With shaking hands, he raised his book, knowing what violent eruption was to come. He’d be out of it for a bit-- he could already tell-- and if he didn’t take a swing at Mavor now, he’d be at his mercy. His handwriting was awful, but he hoped that it’d count for the paper: ‘...And when he finished lining his paper, Mavor would find that his lust would not be sated by writing alone: indeed, he needed more.’ Seijan knew he was in control of this story, and he’d make the most out of what he had not yet used. He’d slammed his writing weight into Mavor himself, but of the world-- Seijan would turn the tides against him. ‘It was a good thing that Mavor had the entirety of a breeding barn to his own: a state-sized mega-factory dedicated to draining his body of their rich, sweet fluids, while suppressing his true, unstoppable size,’ The author smiled deviously. ‘But little did they know that with every drag of this lynx’s juices; that every bottle they sold, would change their customers forever, and their one-man cattle. As their tanks ran to the point of overload, the silly farmers in control would turn their flow back on their egg-filled lynx, feeding him his own cow-a-fying liquids. Horns would sprout, and an indomitable rut would cause his sperm-count to go nuclear, as would everyone around him. With every gulp his already gifted rack would multiply; all nine of his fluffy, furry breasts, and with it, would his balls. The size of his sperm would surge and swell, and from a single, furry sheathe, a forest of cocks would swarm.’ Seijan’s balls swelled at the thought-- unleashing a sexual apocalypse upon his creation-- but he had to finish his line before jacking his senses free: ‘And when those tanks blew, and the milking cups failed, the suppressing drugs in his system would too. He would return to his true, gigantic, macro-size unable to stop expanding as pent up hormones returned in full force. His body’s ultra-feminine shape would magnify; his ass and thighs growing wildly out of hand. ‘No continent would be safe; no horizon secure when Mavor’s growth resumed, and although his immobilizing shape would be relieved, that did not mean his many breasts, his many cocks, and his many, many balls would not stop growing… They’d grow… ‘But on a massive, universe-threatening scale.’ (I’m aware of your game, Mavor. Do unto me what I’ve done to you, right? Doesn’t really work when it’s your WORLD that’s made you this way! Good luck.) When he signed his work, he felt it come… His balls heaved; his breasts swelled, and for thousands of miles around, Seijan’s world turned white… It was truly a work of the gods themselves that they could affect reality to that degree, and in such a small moment in time as well. Personally, Mavor wasn’t really fond of just massively altering the entire layout of a story midway through it, such as through unexplained scene changes or transformations that no one paid attention to, but after being put in the receiving end of one, he began to wonder if he shouldn’t try out more of that in the future… assuming he even had one to begin with. A curious aspect of all the rampant misuse of their reality-altering power was that the lynx honestly did remember his life as always having been like that, while simultaneously knowing it was simply a state of immobilization foisted upon him mere moments before by a writer as horny as himself, separated by an increasingly thinner wall between realities. If it weren’t for the knowledge that whatever happened to him fortunately reflected back onto Seijan, Mavor might’ve felt inadequate in knowing that he was alone in being the size of his entire state, permanently hooked up to machinery on such a colossal scale that it strained their world’s ability to even keep it running nominally, much less repair any of the damage that was routinely inflicted upon it by the lynx’s overbearing size. With their body in the state that it was, even that vast wonder of engineering wouldn’t be enough to contain him for long; left to his own devices, his nine tits alone would simply keep growing with their pent-up production until the suction cups weren’t enough to keep them stable, while the many, ​many​ city-sized pumps servicing his cocks still weren’t enough to prevent his belly from filling with millions upon millions of eggs on a daily basis. Seeing as Seijan never quite made it explicit whether or not those things were being laid, Mavor chose to believe they weren’t; and maybe because reality was out to lunch and refused to come back, that’s exactly what happened. Really, it was a wonder how he was even inside that facility to begin with, even when one took the suppression drugs into account. Each heartbeat added a town’s worth of size to his already gigantic womb, each throb engorged his cocks and many cum factories by a mile each, and every heartbeat brought along with it a good three-mile radius to each of his tits. The lynx got to experience the serenity of existence as a hyper macro for maybe about ten seconds before the whole thing collapsed entirely, bringing the walls down and allowing him to finally ascend the way he was supposed to. In a way, he almost wanted it to happen the letting his assets bloat and grow and swell him under their own power, without any kind He’d still climb to impossible heights even “natural” way; just… along with the rest of of external assistance. under those conditions, just “slower,” for a given definition of the word; but to be ​fed​ his own milk, especially via the use of nine separate tubes, while the pumps servicing his trio of shafts were somehow plunged directly into his ass and a slit he didn’t even know he had. Whatever was in those drugs had turned him into some sort of breeder/dairy-cow hybrid, and done so much damage to his body as a whole that the feeding itself barely lasted half a femtosecond before the entire system just failed to hold him down. A single drop of either of his fluids would’ve been enough to cause an explosive chain reaction that would have flattened half the planet in but an instant; the growth generated by that kind of infusion would leave each of his breasts in a large-enough state as to… well, become a state in and of themselves before progressing to an even higher level, while granting his manhoods enough mass to carve out several canyons whenever they grazed the ground. But the lynx didn’t take a droplet, didn’t sample but a fraction of his production. He had a mouthful. Just one, nothing more. A whole gulp, one large enough to bulge out even his considerable throat, and the exact catalyst required to completely obliterate the planet he was once a citizen of. In that one instant, the Earth, were it still there to be seen, would easily fit snugly into the inside of a single one of the lynx’s nipple buds, right before being crushed by the onslaught of burgeoning breastflesh the moment after. One more half-second and the sun ceased to be, consumed in its entirety by a mere fraction of one of the lynx’s hyper-productive orbs. The effects it was having on his body were, as expected, exponential, as even at those sizes he couldn’t output more than an insignificant, googol-ian fraction of what his cum factories were making, which led to the egg-filled region of space that was his midriff to bloat to increasingly larger sizes at terrifyingly faster speeds, which ​itself forced his nine breasts to produce milk at an efficiency that surpassed that which should be physically possible. All around him was a ring of milk and cum, condensing into a new miniature galaxy that would soon outsize his original one. There was no need for breathing, for reality was his… … or rather, Seijan’s. It was time, he felt, to relinquish the selfish hold he had on the cabbit’s body. It was only fair, he believed, after Seijan had done such a spectacular job on his own body, for him to be rewarded with the same kind of generosity. It wasn’t just enough that they shared destinies and sizes; they must share their experiences as well. But how? There was no pen there, not one that he could use at all; being of that size kind of meant that writing was a thing of the past… but was it really the pen at all doing that? Perhaps it was, or perhaps it was simply the key through which more doors could be opened. After all, the thick layer of cum and milk trapped in his gravity well was certainly large enough that he could stick his finger into it and “write” by gouging deep, light-year-long gaps in the near-solid surface of it. Wouldn’t be the most dignified of ways to contact Seijan, but at least it would work. “As the two grew to a size that could finally begin to be called divine, the link between the two burgeoning gods grew stronger still,” the lynx ‘wrote,’ hoping that his control over reality itself was strong enough that he could abuse it to that degree, “allowing the two to begin sharing some of their experiences. Though still not powerful enough to begin transfer of material from one universe to the other, separating the two partners in ascension by a thin wall that yet refused to budge, it was the first of the many steps needed for the two to finally unite: a mutual understanding.” No sooner had he finished writing that sentence than an understanding began to dawn in the back of Mavor’s head. What had once been an utmost sincere belief that the two were engaging in the same kind of self-indulgent, growth-based debauchery that made up the entirety of the lynx’s universe at that point turned into shock, horror and slight disgust at himself after realizing what he had been putting the cabbit through. He could only hope that Seijan felt that his attempts at making him bigger were based on a genuine desire for mutual pleasure rather than a rancorous attempt at payback, even as his mind was wracked by feelings of regret. “And with his newfound understanding,” the lynx hastily added, “Mavor severed the link that connected their two bodies together completely, giving the cabbit some much-needed respite from his eternally-recurring cycle of explosive expansion.” Mavor felt like he needed to add something. Though what, he was at a loss for. (Sorry) Seijan was bathing in an ocean of his own spunk and milk. From space, anyone could see the province-sized orbs expanding beyond the cloudline, while massive oceans of milk and cum spread wide across the surface. He racked his brain between cumshots and milk-gasms-short-lived moments of consciousness, but they were there none-the-less. “H-how do I… F-fix this…” he mewled, anticipating another wave of shocking, debilitating growth. He counted the seconds in his head; the cabbit trying to play chess on a tic-tac-toe board, when a strange and unfamiliar notion struck him. Not a notion… A memory. He felt disembodied for a second, completely taken in by some otherworldly force. It was an invitation into the world of someone else-- someone he knew-- someone, who must have been, Mavor. The cabbit’s body recoiled as he felt it all strike him: a cascade of sexual release and bliss, but not from himself, but from the creation he didn’t even know was real. It felt amazing; it felt like rapture, but the defining discovery that dotted the cabbit’s mind was a thought in Mavor’s head that, as he wrote, did not match the one in Seijan’s. When the cabbit scored his page in ink and cum, he wrote it with malice-- as if it were a competition, and only he could win, but when Mavor penned his thoughts, they were of… A warmer place. “Nng… Shit…” Well, someone was the ass in this game, and it certainly wasn’t Mavor. Seijan felt he owed his pen-pal a proper apology; one for letting his writer’s ego dictate his hand. Even as the continent underneath him shuddered and shook, crumbling under the liquid weight of several miles of rabbit spheres. (To Mavor: I sincerely-The cabbit suddenly felt a powerful shock shoot squarely up his back. He clenched the pen, nearly snapping it in half as whatever struck him wasn’t exactly pain, nor was it pleasure. There was something odd about being mostly breasts and balls, and it was that one’s sense of scale was completely warped. He couldn’t tell for the life of him that something was changing, and it wasn’t exactly his genitals. He felt the flesh under him shift and strain, readjusting from cramped to somewhat comfortable. His hyper-eggnant belly felt less taut, and his eight tits more relaxed. His colossal cocks were still large, but, better wieldy, and when Seijan felt, for the first time in what must have been hours, the cool touch of a floor between his toes, did he realize something was up. Seijan… Sat up. Upon a beanie-bag-bed of balls, Seijan’s twenty-mile nutsac was now a cozy seat for him to rest upon. The macrofied cabbit, barely aware of his own ascension, realized that his head was high above cloud level. His twitching rods fanned out like a bouquet before him, still bigger than he-but wildly, for now, and the spurts of white he unleashed floated free of his home planet’s orbit. The massive tits he sported were still ever large, as was his loaded, almost person-sized womb, but at least in this moment, Seijan realized that Mavor had done him a boon. The planet underneath his giant, thicc behind crumbled and cracked, buried under miles of semen and milk-- and now smothered under the weight of a cabbit nearly fifteen-miles tall. The musk of him was global, and the pregnancies below total as his churning masses continue to work. Sheets of land tipped skywards under the weight of it all, and the wind that once nature controlled was a soft gale of air being pushed away from a steadily expanding hybrid. Growing miles every second, his body would smash through the hundred-mile mark in a matter of minutes; his balls and breasts reasserting themselves as the dominant shape upon Seijan’s body. Soft, plush, yet firm and full, his contradictingly large masses enveloped the rabbit in a blanket of his own body. He winced and mewled, feeling; watching the horizon once again disappear as grey-furred tits swelled with unspent milk, and his massively overpowered gonads spread wide across the horizon below. In waves, his breasts and balls passed a hundred miles each; two hundred; five-hundred, spanning outwards into the void and knocking satellites out of their orbit. He moaned, his voice reverberating through the muted atmosphere as cities stood no chance against the rapid swelling of a cabbit’s mighty balls. They evicted all who dared stand in the way, onto a new world made entirely of roiling, churning nads, and soon, not even the surface of the planet itself could resist. Watching from space; from behind the pale blue planet, one would see a new shape swallow up the stars. Thick pink cocks rose high over the crest: rung, knotted, and barbed, spraying planet-sized ropes unendingly into the stars, then breasts that dwarfed the home below reached outwards beyond the curve. A womb of white-and-grey fur came next, followed by the shape of a backside, so broad and wide, it could carry entire empires upon its width. And then finally-- swallowing it all, a grey shape; somewhat lumpy, but clearly round: ten, titanic, galaxy-filling balls dwarfed the little blue dot in its entirety. The writer, panting and heaving as his godly rise to the stars took him whole, felt the cool nip of space retreat at the musky heat radiating off his form. Mavor had moved him; moved him into places that he could barely imagine, and with it came the memory of his lynxian creation: of his pleasures, his bliss, and his intention. He was going to cum again; his senses rattled by a belly, breasts, and balls more than ten-times his already million-mile height, and as the tension grew in violent throngs, Seijan was unable to stop himself from cutting it all loose. With pleasure-drawn tears in his eyes, he reached back, forward, and down to sink his palms into his balls, cocks, and breasts, driving forth an orgasm gifted to him by a friend in another world. He heaved and exhaled stardust; felt everything around him warp, and then erupted with nova-like force. Five monster cocks: knotted, barbed, and full of cum, surged a milky way of super-dense spooge into the darkness. They coiled and spun, the ropes of trillions of cubic gallons worth of bunny DNA, as they were heaved into the darkness. Like a comet’s trail, they left in their wake a fog of musk so powerful, just smelling it might ascend one’s belly to the heavens with young. At the same time, an andromeda of milk surged from all ten of Seijan’s planet-flooding bosoms; bounty so great, that not even the distant stars could withstand the snuffing volume that flowed forth. A millennia of infinite climaxes could not amount to a second of Seijan’s own as planets were glazed and plastered under his onslaught. They became caked and splattered; flooded and overwhelmed, and soon made larger than they ever were before by miles, upon ever-rising miles of cum. “G-god…!” he cried out, unaware of the irony of his own heavenly rise to size. He came again, and again, and five times more; unable to stop his thousand-cumshot climaxes from happening. It all felt so good; too good, and with his newfound clarity, he only had Mavor to thank. With six arms, coordinating every letter, Seijan tried his best to write out his intentions, reaching into the dark to touch a floating, planet-sized glob of his own cum, only to use it as ink. It wasn’t the pen, he hoped, but his heart would make the magic of his writing so: (Thank you Mavor. I am sorry) ​he prefaced his letter. ​(Perhaps it's time for us to meet.) He wrote, with the end of his nail, carefully upon the dark sky of tits in front of him: ‘Mavor would grow relentlessly. His blessed body would push the limits of all size; all understanding, and not stop even as the realities that constrained him fought against it. He would grow bigger, and bigger, and bigger until the multiverse itself was but a subatomic spec; until he and his creator-- if he could call it that-- met.’ Seijan dotted the period and leaned back, watching as his cummy ink drifted lazily apart. The cabbit sighed and felt his world stir. His womb, laden with uncountable volumes of hatchling offspring, stretched and strained as his unspent seed formed countless eggs in their stead. His balls grew and gurgled in the void, spanning out behind him like a big, grey sun, while his breasts slowly swelled out towards the stars. He filled out as his production accelerated; filled with enough hyper-compressed liquid to fill his universe from end, to end. Beyond the confines of his solar system, forcing aside the night, A star-sized bunny relaxed as the galaxy around him was spread apart. Filled with something more meaningful. Full to the brim with grey; with white, until the fabric of the world would rend and split. It felt so good… It felt so good… to right this wrong. As he let loose and allowed his body to become what it was always destined to be, all sense of self-control decency was ejected from his reality almost as quickly as reality itself was. The lynx was outright displacing everything that wasn’t him, either absorbing the debris into his form or outright atomizing it from how rapidly he was swelling. His trio of rods tripled upon itself thrice over, until his nethers were an absolute mess of shafts that somehow failed to shrink despite splitting up into multiple copies. Every egg kept inside of his supercluster-spanning belly had apparently decided to just duplicate itself, quickly kickstarting an exponential climb that was only ever made worse by the remnants of that mouthful of milk still forcing its effects on the universal feline. All the while, each cosmos-spanning breast had ceased to eject milk; their nips became too fat, too thick and engorged for anything to escape, only adding to the unbelievably fast growth that now characterized Mavor’s entire existence. For that was what he was destined to be, really. Not a growing lynx, not a growing human, but ​growth​. He was the embodiment of it, the personification of both the core concept and all other indulgent possibilities that surrounded it. He would become everything that could remotely be related to the mere act of self-pleasuring… at least, after he met ​him​ of course. He knew it was a command from beyond the veil, but in all honesty he had wanted to see Seijan for himself since realizing this entire experience wasn’t just some weird kind of lucid dream. When the call hit him, the cabbit’s voice summoning him from wherever it was he made his home, Mavor knew exactly where to go. Superclusters became megaclusters became nothing; the universe itself rapidly evaporated, leaving behind nothing but a continuously-shrinking bubble that was soon too miserably tiny to be perceived by the growing god that was the lynx. His background was white, but it lacked colour; it was true nothing, the backdrop of existence upon which he was to impose his will. If Mavor wanted to, he could be anything there; moving a hand casually swatted away entire universal clusters, and before long he was simply breathing entire multiverses simply by virtue of his existence. But that wasn’t enough. It’d never be enough. Regardless of what he might be capable of doing, the lynx was just one person, one entity. A powerful one, to be sure, but still just a singular divinity in what should rightfully be a duo. It wouldn’t do for him to meet Seijan, not because it would lower him to inhabiting a singular universe, but because it would deny the cabbit the true glory that was reaching apotheosis. ​He​ had to come to ​him​, for that was the only way Seijan would get what he truly deserved. There was no need for a pen, nor even writing anymore; what the lynx spoke simply became true, for that was the new law of reality that the both of them had imposed upon existence. “So it was that Seijan’s body, already struggling to find room for the many assets it carried, altered itself to better fit his needs. A longer torso, an extra pair of legs, a modified and even extra pairs of arms, all arranged into a distinctly equine shape that, would the cabbit ever find anything big enough to walk upon… he would probably still find it difficult to move around, given just what exactly he was forced to lug around. But at least it wouldn’t look so crowded on his comparatively minute frame.” The lynx paused, wondering what would be the best thing to say under those circumstances. “In that moment, as Seijan’s form tore through the Oort Cloud and straight on towards the edge of the Milky Way, when he blinked and the Local Cluster became little more than a memory, the cabbit became aware of the one universal truth: that true glory was found only on ascension, and that a being as destined for greatness as himself could only ever seek it, for it was as natural to them as breathing or constantly cumming. It was a fundamental part of their nature, and thus reality obeyed accordingly, opening the gates for their apotheosis to take place, giving them the much-needed boost to not only match their feline creation…” He gulped. He was really about to make that reality. “... but surpass it.” It would become true. It was true. It had ​always​ been true. (Come closer, Seijan. I need to see you) The cocktail of sensations was nothing short of strange. Seijan felt his body shift in odd ways; his bloated belly… Moving, his breasts, shifting... He reached back, hoping to find his new ground; his balls, but found instead, his back. Despite cumming up a storm, Seijan was delighted to find that Mavor had sent him some help. His large, front legs had become strong, stepping paws, while his hind-- a very thicc, universe-clapping behind-- was now a pair of haunches. “That’s so much better…” the cabbit soothed as he massaged his knew, tauric body. Eight boobs now sorted themselves out: four below, and four above, and now, he was encased in a wall of his own make. Seijan lavished in his own size, feeling his full-body bed of tits, ass, and his multitude of balls encase his senses in a cocoon of bliss. A fat sheathe housed all five of his shafts, the throbbing meat-bouquet only swelling at the thought; the touch of tit-fucking his tauric tats, and as if to reward the change, Seijan could not help but recoil at the shocking rush of this newly gifted attribute. Over the sloshing, the growing, the expanding noises of his body, he could hear a distant, unknown voice calling him forwards, surging his growth with every gentle syllable. “I’m coming…!” Seijan promised, feeling the hot spark of a star drift into little more than an insignificant spec; the suction of a black hole drowned as one of his nipples smothered it shut. His five cocks pierced and spanned entire galactic clusters, and filled the void from end to in his goo, while the balls that powered them stretched infinitely into the darkness. What could be considered dust upon his musky landscape, were the quadrillions-of-quadrillions of cubic lightyears of planets, stars, and formations, all orbiting in clusters around their new mass. Seijan was dancing in a twilight-lit heaven of his own world: his own sexes vastly outsizing his galaxy-dwarfing body by math-shattering bounds. As his growth accelerated, Seijan knew what was to come. He could feel it-- he’d written it before-- the ends of the universe. It felt warmer than he imagined as his nipples impressed upon the boundary, like a blanket warmed by winter fire. His five, throbbing shafts penetrated and distended the field, and like rubber; like nylon, he felt their ends distend and bulge as cumshots the size of ten-thousand galactic clusters distended the already strained barrier. “Mmmng…!” Seijan bit his lip as he felt the world around him tighten. His ass spilled back over his tauric back as his bloated nuts reached their ends, touching his breasts as they too were pushed back upon him. The bunny bucked his hips and felt uncountable miles of coc massaged by the electric-touch of the end; his bubbling payload growing in pressure as the bliss it wrought was like nothing he’d ever felt. HIs ears stood on end and the hackles of his fur rose to a point as he kneaded his body with all six arms; feeling cramped and compressed as the world would take no more of him. This universe, in a sea of other universes, began to bloat and expand: a pea, growing into a marble, into a bubble, into a melon among its kin as grey-and-white fur impressed on it, growing outwards. There was a deafening rumble-- deafening even in the void-- as this unspectacular spec suddenly bloated white. It doubled in size, then quadrupled-- then multiplied itself once more, before exploding apart in a splash of white. Seijan cried out his ecstasy, his voice alone in a vacuum of individual universes, that would too join his body in orbit around his virile form-- a form that was multiplying. From his sheath, Seijan could feel more cocks growing to form, as if trying desperately to manage the cum-tanks behind him; to stop them from getting even larger. In the same breath, the tension inside his trembling bunny-sac reached new heights as their mass grew beyond comprehensible densities-- packed to a subatomic level with of cum, and new, even more powerful jizz-makers. His climax forced aside the fibres of this world, heaving up universe after universe on a wave of his own pleasures. No reality of any size could even think of containing a drop of this godly-sized cabbit’s load, as he pumped a thousand, ten thousand-- fifty-thousand ropes free without even dropping an inch on his sac. A womb, full to its ends with eggs, would find no place sufficiently large enough to house even a fraction of the life inside as even the multi-verse began to strain with Seijan’s rapid growth. Like the universe before, sparks flew and pleasure rose as Seijan filled even it to its ends, and from a macro scale, seemed to emerge at the atomic in another plane of existence. Soon, it too was but a dot under Seijan, subjected to his ceaseless orgasms and milky tides, or forced away by a belly burdened to the ends with eggs. If Seijan were normal sized, at this point, one breast alone could have been his home planet, magnified by a thousand, and that said nothing of his balls, and even less of his belly. With every inch he grew; every barrier he parted, Seijan could feel the ends of existence starting to part. The metaphysical laws that governed him were being replaced with his impregnating seed, and even time itself was laid to rest under a crushing coil of bunny dicks. He could feel something coming… Something growing as the voided background of white turned into a coiling mass of his own goo. The final barrier was coming up; the last stop in his plane, and although Seijan couldn’t see it past his insurmountable wall of sex, he could feel it breaking… He could feel it… He could feel something poking back; growing back. It felt warm; it felt good. It felt like… “...Mavor?” The overwhelming warmth only got worse when the looming presence of the lynx materialized from thin air, producing itself from nothing before letting Seijan know just how much smaller he was by hosting his entire body on a single one of their own feline breasts… at least until the cabbit began to quickly outgrow even him. “You’re even cuter in person,” Mavor giggled, “and goodness, I didn’t think you’d have so many tits on you~” Seijan huffed at being called cute. “...It’s sort of your fault, you know…” the expanding cabbit insisted, his voice seeming to carry between the mass of flesh that comprised his body. “...You’re… Much handsomer than I had imagined. I didn’t even know you were real-- you know? Let alone… Here.” Mavor’s size was indomitable, so bloated with a triple-set of triple-tits that the bunny-taur could barely see his face until he swelled up to size. Having willed the cabbit to be ever bigger than himself, the lynx should probably have been expecting the sudden surge in size that turned Seijan from a pint-sized speck on one of his tits to the colossal deity that shadowed everything around him. Nonetheless, Mavor’s own cheeks had turned bright red; the actual ​sight​ of his lover-to-be was… intimidating. “I figured you were just a figment of my imagination as well,” he replied after clearing his throat, “though the whole thing was a dream. At least until the first growth spurt, that kinda… yeah, that h-hit hard, heh.” Seijan’s heart was racing. There was so much of Mavor, and yet, even in this void comprised near-solely of lynx and cabbit, with nothing around, things felt woefully incomplete. “...I take it you… Like it?” he asked, conversationally, carefully guiding the ever-shrinking lynx into his person, carefully nuzzling his real-life pen-pal into the cleave of his breasts. The bunny could still feel the void around him trying to compress his size back down, impression upon a border that his gigantic sac and expanding womb were pushing. Out of every possible way he could say it, it was pretty obvious which one the feline would choose. When he looked up and saw his partner in divinity overtake him and keep on going, when even the vast infinities they were adrift in began to feel insufficient in containing his burgeoning form, there was only one way to fully express the maelstrom of emotions raging inside of his head. Even the thought of growing bigger to compensate didn’t cross his mind; everything but those three words had been successfully excised from his consciousness. “I love it!” Seijan felt his already tented coil of cocks grow even thicker at the notion. “Y-You do?” he hiccuped dumbly. “I’ve… Never gotten feedback quite like this, I must say… But um… Maybe…” A considering thought filled his head. ‘Maybe… He’d like to be bigger?’ But no sooner did he punctuate the idea, did he realize that his ascension had brought more to him than size. It brought power. There were no secrets between them; how could there be when they were both so above the mere concept of information that their very being distorted reality purely by force of will? Thus, when Seijan thought, so too did Mavor, and when the lynx responded with full, unconditional acceptance, then the cabbit would be hit by a wave of warmth so powerful that even their immense body could feel it. Mavor smiled and closed his eyes. He was ready. Seijan shuddered as he felt the breadth of his size rapidly expand. “Nn-Nnng…! Y-You didn’t have to-- m-make me bigger…!” he insisted as his billowing nads enveloped the infinite horizon. One of Sei’s six hands pushed into his tits, inviting more space for his liken-sized friend as they both grew. He pet the lynx idly with one of his hands, teasing his many shafts and his growing belly, loving how soft and soaked his fur was-- how the streams of his goo seemed to wash over the rabbit in gentle, warm tides. “Wait a moment…” the bunny said between panting huffs. “...If the stuff I wrote made you… Then… some of it should still apply to me…!” No sooner did the larger rabbit surmise this notion, did he take his smaller-ish friend up like a snack, and plunge his maw down upon his breasts. He took a drag from several of the lynx’s full nipples, shamelessly divulging in his lurid juices-- if only for the sake of satiating a lust that Mavor himself had invited. It had absolutely been Mavor’s intention to make the cabbit even bigger than he already was, but what he did not expect, oddly enough, was for Seijan to turn around and actually use some of that size difference to his own benefit. The moment he felt his fellow god’s intentions graze against his surface thoughts was the same one he began to panic, but without any real means to ​stop​ him (nor the willpower, really), Seijan found no resistance to his sudden desire to partake of some genuine lynx milk. The purring and moaning mixed together the instant the cabbit’s lips touched one of those over engorged teats, with the flow being accordingly mind-boggling in size as soon as the buds were allowed to loosen up a little. Within just a couple of seconds, Seijan’s mouth would fill with the same, sweet cream that had allowed Mavor to transcend the boundaries of his own reality. Except, of course, magnified in potency and volume by about the same difference as Mavor’s body and a single one of its constituent molecules. He recoiled, of course; Seijan having been shocked by the sheer output of Mavor’s massive tits. The rush flooded his throat, a literal deluge of milky, creamy goodness that, on a normal scale, would have obliterated the universe in a single second. Seijan swallowed as much as he could, feeling his body react positively to the impending storm. His already monolithic breasts bubbled and pushed back against him; all ten seeming to puff up with even more flesh, while his multitude of knotty rods ballooned in climax as another, existence-rending eruption tore into a non-existent plain like a condom. There would be a trifecta of microverses now occupied only by Seijan’s seed, but that was a problem not meant for him. The bunny taur, unable to gulp Mavor’s magnificent milk, recoiled at once with cheeks full of the lynx’s lactic love-- but instead of swallowing the flow, the crafty cabbit took all six arms to his friend, and pulled him in for a forceful kiss. A kiss that would exchange more than just saliva-- it’d shove milk straight down his throat. Contrary to what might be expected, the effects of the milk on the creature that had produced it did not match those that it had on Seijan. Rather, they were amplified by such an immense magnitude that the kiss couldn’t even be finished before Mavor’s mouth grew to encompass nearly the entirety of the cabbit’s body! It was hard to tell just what exactly the lynx looked like at that scale; everywhere that Seijan looked turned into a murky, grey background, like Mavor’s body was being slowly devoured by the featureless background of the interstitial network of nothing between realities… that is, of course, until looking into the lynx’s mind revealed that he ​was​ becoming the very background itself! The one instant where he could still see him before finally losing him from sight had Mavor occupy every place at every time. Even Seijan’s own body was filled by his fellow god, who had outgrown everything to such an absurd degree that reality itself was subsumed by their unending desire to grow. That one, single kiss had given him everything he needed to surpass everything, even the metaphysical barriers imposed on beings like them. And when the cabbit’s mouth suddenly and inexplicably filled with milk as well, he knew exactly who was beckoning him and why… The back and forth caused the laws of everything to warp and shift, for even the absolute-end of everything, stretched and contorted by a lynx and a rabbit’s lustful growth, could not withstand the expansive power of their own creation. The tightening sensation around them narrowed to a point where it seemed like they’d be crushed under the weight of their own bodies-- growing larger, growing still, filling with more fluid than they could ever hope to expend. The tangle of ams, of lips, breasts, cocks, and balls could only extend so far-- could only extend so far-- could only extend-- Cynthia had just finished her third jack-off session in the hour. Her bed-sized condoms lumbered in the corner of the room while her phone, lovingly nestled between her breasts, was filled end to end with text. Something about a rabbit; something about a lynx; some endless growth. How her loins yearned, and now, burned in bliss. “God…” she exhaled, finding her breath warm in the afterglow of her orgasms: her tauric cock now limp and exhausted-- the deer-taur ready to lay down for a rest. She put her phone down, and got up to switch off the lights to her bedroom, but heard a distinct rattle from her device that brought her to pause. She was not halfway across the room when she noticed that her phone was shaking: bouncing up and down on the table she’d left it on. “What the…” she began, approaching her device, when suddenly, from nowhere-- impossibly-- a geyser of hot-white something spewed from the microphone and speaker. Cynthia recoiled, taken aback by miles when she saw that her porn-device was now a porn fountain, geysering buckets of cum through vents that could, with even the most generous stretches of the imagination, have contained that much fluid. Panic swept her heels up and she stepped slowly backwards. Then, she heard a pop-- a pop as her screen bulged and distended. There was another pop as the plastic backing cracked and heaved. Swaths of grey, of beige-coloured fur, spilled between the gashes. “N-no way…!” the herm-taur gawked, watching as her phone became fully circular-- and then, in one swift explosion, burst like a bomb. Cynthia felt hot spooge cake her face; a slathering so thick that, by the time she wiped he eyes clean, she saw that her room had shrunken. A wall of flesh had swallowed up more than half of her space, a wall of throbbing, bulky cocks; of pink, puffy nipples, and sloshing, churning gonads. Her ears fell when she realized how fast it was growing-- too fast for her to retreat. “Oh my god-- that was real?!” she yelped, feeling leagues of spooge erupt all across her bedroom. The floor sank and the ceiling groaned as the walls themselves protested such a flood of eggs, breasts, and balls. Everything around Cynthia groaning, crying out, and shattering under the weight before-- Seijan cried out as he felt the barrier to some other world shatter and explode around him. He must have been only the size of a speck of dust in this brave new existence; glimmering stars now visible overhead once more. He held Mavor’s hands; the exchange of milk relinquished for only a moment as their growths equalized. “You know, I could make you mount me…” Seijan half-laughed, his proposal punctuated by what sounded like distant car alarms and collapsing wood and brick. “I might just take you up on that offer,” Mavor giggled back, absentmindedly kicking down what had to be at least five or six housing blocks, “you know, once we have enough room, that is.” His definition of “more” might need a bit of a readjustment; even buried as they were by their own bodies, surrounded on every side by an eternally-growing wall of breast- and cock- and nutflesh that churned loudly and strongly enough to disrupt plate tectonics, it was hard to dispute that the two of them had just been gifted a significant amount of growing space. But it wasn’t enough; it’d never be enough. The two lovers could very well smash against the boundaries of this odd meta-reality for all he cared and he’d still demand ever-escalating amounts of room to fill. They had already shattered through one multiversal cluster, so what was another one to the list? “Though I have to say, I didn’t expect things to be this… repetitive,” the lynx sighed, offhandedly inserting two of his nipples into Seijan’s topmost pair of breasts, “at the very least, we’re owed something a bit more… spectacular.” “And what do you mean by that?” the cabbit smirked, bracing and sighing as he felt his plush, pink caps invaded by another. The city-wide hills colliding caused the entire continent to fracture; sexual fluids the only glue holding much of the crust of this distant, far-away reality together. The milky tide sprayed back and forth between them, and Seijan could feel the pressure mount and swirl inside him. It made his already horizon-spanning cum-tanks rumble and churn, anticipating the lurid fasciation of a sex-hungry other. “You’re not going to ask me to give you more breasts, are you? I mean, what would you do with them?” Of course, as Seijan said this, he was writing the story in with two of his hands behind his back; the fiddling of his fingers working so fast that it’d be hard to discern. Even he could not keep up with his own fascinations; his mind distracted ground-penetrating five-set of cocks causing planet-fissuring vibrations with each squeeze of his nads. He wrote, in a frantic, lustful scribble, ‘With every squeeze of his breasts, Mavor’s lust for eggs would grow. Through tides of milk from his many breasts, an infectious gift began to spread. Simply touching his tide of creamy delight would grant his boon: a bottomless clutch of eggs.’ He was about to suggest Seijan do just that; Mavor wasn’t a picky person, really, you gave him an extra pair of tits or five and he’d be perfectly happy. The gift of eggs, however, was met by equal parts shock and elation, at least as soon as the lynx understood that what he was feeling inside of him was not the budding pressure of ever-higher milk production, but the birth and multiplication of an endless clutch, fed by the same torrents of milk that overfilled the planet’s oceans and began forming a thick ring around the both of them. With his belly as full as it was by the eggy delight bestowed on him by the cabbit, Mavor’s brain was already attuned to the kind of sensations that came along with it. Fortunately, that attunement was directed entirely to his womb, which, while not exactly “natural,” was at least the place where eggs should be… at least in furry logic. So to suddenly feel all of his tits fill up with the same kind of oval shapes, the exponential growth ensuring that they stretched out his skin and fur far more than his milk ever could, was to taste heaven. And for Seijan, this would also mean he would get to taste the exact same pleasure that Mavor did, because those two nipples were still shoved firmly inside of his own, ensuring that pressure differentials alone would throw a few million of those eggs directly into his topmost row of breasts; the best test to whether they reacted purely to the lynx’s milk, or to any lactic ocean... Seijan winced at the exchange of fluids, feeling his top-rack of bunny-boobs bloat and swell beyond any feasible measure when compared to his body. “Nnnng… Th-that’s something else…!” the bunny sighed as the pressure in his rack gripped him whole-hog: taking from him the pressure of lactic overflow, and instead, the warmth of being loaded to the nose with eggs. His bosom, once soft and laden with cream, was now soft, creamy, and filled with eggs. He could be a one-bunny dairy farm: cows, chickens, and all at this rate, for as his already province-spanning tits swelled, his upper-row grew with even greater force. The clouds parted in their wake as the deluge of milk-- Mavor’s infectious, impregnating milk, flowed freely with Seijan’s own, pouring down on the populace below. To go bigger was the only way to lean now, for the planet they had accidentally invaded was now more flesh than stone, water, or air combined. As cum volcanos billowed out across the world, and a rising tide of milk turned hoards of sex-stricken micros into bloated, ballooning egg mountains, the inevitable growth would smother the planet in its entirety. Their false moon would be replaced with one of Mavor’s many balls, and the distant asteroid fields knocked aside by Seijan’s expanding rack. An ass to darken the sun itself would emerge, amongst it all, and as the rest of their bodies exponentially swelled, the stars themselves would be put on a growing list of places not safe from two growing boys. With more than enough cum free-floating to burst the universe; and likewise enough milk to flood it back together, nothing would be safe. And nothing ​was​ safe. Having already broken through the layers of one reality, it was child’s play for them to do it again. Exponential as their growth was, what took them minutes before accelerated until it was repeated upon itself a trillion times over before they could even blink; the solar system was the first thing to go, and right when they were getting ready to celebrate the destruction of yet another Milky Way, the Local Supercluster was already growing dimmer out in the distance. It was impossible to describe or comprehend, let alone discern the kind of maddened growth the two had imposed upon one another; finally free of any constraints they might’ve had, they were once again rulers of this meta-reality, free to do with it as they pleased. Entire universes were wiped away with a single stroke of their heads, metaversal clusters undone based on their will alone. More than once they found a border, something more tangible trying to contain them, only to shatter through those barriers as easily as they had every other one. Nothing would ever stop them, for their very nature was to become unstoppable. They ​embodied​ growth in the most literal sense of the word, and thus, naught would stand in their way but one another. And yet, there was something. Neither of them could explain it, for it was always there somehow, poking at their subconscious without either of them realizing it. At that size, however, it was becoming ever clearer, like a blurry image being treated to remove all the grain. It was still hard to make out, but a clearer and clearer picture was rapidly forming. “Hey Seijan,” Mavor spoke up, booping the cabbit’s nose with his own, “do you feel that?” Seijan, a little dazed from his expansive, endless climaxes; from swimming in a wide, immeasurable entropy of sperm, milk, and fur, looked out and around himself to regard his surroundings. Indeed, there was something… Here. It nipped at his sixth sense and aroused a more conscious part of his brain. It was as if he were on a stage; concentrated upon by a thousand pairs of eyes. Or perhaps, only one pair of eyes. “...I do…” the cabbit noted, feeling a presence larger than him invade his space as another wall fell away, collapsing under an indomitable tide of bunny. His laden womb billowed through existences and their forefathers; time and memory filled to shattering by the girth of one of Seijan’s hydra of cocks. The laws of matter would bend and mould to the overflow of his cum, and even the rules of biology-- already molested by two furry creatures grown larger than any one mind could comprehend, were broken over the omnipresent virility of his seed alone… And yet, despite overflowing what he could imagine was everything… There was still… Something. Someone. “Do you think… they feel us too?” Seijan asked his furry lover, inviting his touch, a wry and knowing smirk pulling itself across his muzzle. “I would hope so. It’d be a shame if we went all this way only to get ignored at the very end, wouldn’t it?” Mavor looked towards them, unable to truly grasp what it was that he was seeing. His mind was telling him that it was the final layer of reality, that there would be nothing more beyond it, but his gut instinct told him he had to be wrong, if for no other reason than the simple fact that meant they’d have to ​stop​ growing, and that was tantamount to heresy in his book. No, there was something beyond it, there had to be. And if there wasn’t… well, they’d just have to make it. “I can only hope they’ll greet us with as much gusto as they made us. A fitting end for creator gods, wouldn’t you think so~?” Seijan scoffed, feeling the walls of one more world impress on his mass. “You call this an end? I say, once we’re out there-- that’ll be our real beginning.” ...And at any rate they continued to grow, nothing in existence could escape. No speed too great; no size too large-- nothing in their way would stand until nothing stood at all. Through whatever media they were exposed, they would blow through: a wall of fur and cum. No place would be safe, no matter how isolated, abstract, or non-existent. The only way to avoid it-- a rampant, unstoppable, and unhindered invasion of fur and flesh-would be to have avoided it long beforehand. As you've read all the way here, you should know that the gate has been opened; the bridge between worlds has been connected in writing, and you are the one who has built it. It'll only be a matter of time now, in which they will come knocking at the space behind your screen. Time is counting down. And space is running out.
Title: Persistant Timothy! Spiky Eared Pichu Appears! by alcid34 Tags: Cute, Eared, M/F, Pichu, Pokemon, Pokephilia, Pokephilla, Porno, Pr0n, Sex, Timothy, emolga, furry, pokeporn, porn, spiky, the It has been many months since he mated, even after the mating season ended, Timothy, an Emolga, tried to control himself by watching a river flow by. "Ahh, The flow of the river is so beautiful..." he says as he sat on his tree and ate a berry. "I don't want to let this moment end... so I'll get more berries!" he continued. Timothy climbed down the trunk of the tree, and when his feet touch the ground, he walked into a nearby bush, which had lots of berries. "Ah, This bush will keep me satisfied for a while!" he said, excited to see the bush full of berries. He picked many berries, enough to make Timothy look at the flowing river for hours. As soon as he was done picking the berries, he walked back, his arms full of berries, when he saw, looking to the left, a sad Pokemon. "Aw, poor her, I wish I could make her feel better." He said. Timothy dropped his berries to the ground and walked over to the Pokemon. The Pokemon was yellow, had big ears with some black at the end, but at the end of the left ear, was three "spikes". "No one likes me back home... Maybe here would be fine..." the Pokemon said as he or she stopped. Timothy walked up to the Pokemon, trying to make her better. "Hey, what's wrong?" he says to the Pokemon as she sniffled. "Well, no other Pichu back at Sinnoh wouldn't like me, so I went to Unova to find someone here. But who are you?" The Pokemon replied. "Oh, that's sad of you" he told her. "But allow me to introduce myself, I'm Timothy the Emolga. What about you?". "My name? It's Pichu...and I'm a special kind of Pichu..." she introduced to Timothy "Like, what kind of special?" Timothy questioned "I have a spiky ear, that's what makes me special." Pichu replied. "I'm sometimes refered to 'Spiky-Eared Pichu'" "Awesome, for a name like that, you're a little cute..." "Why... thank you!" Timothy and the Spiky-eared Pichu (we will just refer to her as "Pichu" now) continued to talk and compliment to each other for another 5 minutes. "Now tell me, why are you down in the dumps?" Timothy told Pichu Pichu starts to tell her story: Back at her home region, Pichu looked for her kind because she needed a mate for the first time in her life. Like in this situation, Pichu picked a berry from a nearby shrub and tried to give the berry to another Pichu. "Would you be my mate?" she told the Pichu. "Hmm... Let me think...Just remove those spikes from your ear, and we'll talk." He replied. When Pichu (Spiky eared) heard this, she was surprised. "Now hold on a sec! I can't remove my spikes! They're special to me!" she ranted out. Then the other Pichu slapped her in the face. Pichu wiped her face where the other Pichu slapped her.. "Well, if you don't remove those spikes...then I guess I can't mate with you..." he says to Pichu as he walks away with another female. There was a tear running down her face, crying because of that. Her spikes would be the reason. She tried tying them together, she tried gluing them together, but nothing worked. So when she saw a boat to Unova, she ran over to the boat, hopping on to it before it left, looking for any other Pokemon to mate with her. "So I went to Unova to find other Pokemon, and that's what happen" Pichu said as she finished her story. "That's so sad of you....But you've come to the right place! I'll be your first mate!" Timothy said. Pichu didn't reply but she quickly rushed over and hugged Timothy. "Uh, Wow, that was quick..." he said. "Oh, I'm so glad you said yes!" Pichu replied happliy. Timothy didn't say anything, but Pichu pulled him in before their lips touch each other, then she pushed her tongue inside Timothy. For a moment, he widen his eyes and thought to push her away, but then he let his instincts take over and began moving his tougue along with Pichu's, trading saliva between the two Pokemon as they moaned. As Timothy and Pichu thrashes their tounges, there was a little trail of saliva running down both of their faces before Pichu pushed away for a little bit, looking back to back from each other's eyes. A strand of saliva connected between the mouths of the two Pokemon before it broke, then Pichu pulled Timothy in for another kiss, their tounges moving around each other while moaning. As they kissed, Pichu pushed Timothy to the ground and the tongue kissing became a little more intense, and as it became more intense, the little trail of saliva grew bigger. Eventually after five minutes of french kissing, Timothy pushed Pichu away from her. "That was romantic..." he said as he wiped his mouth, wiping away the mix of his and Pichu's saliva. "I know... But why near the path where humans go through?" she said, talking about the issue on their privacy as she also wiped her mouth. "Come with me!" Pichu held one of Timothy's hand, taking him into a dense part of the forest and into a nearby rock. "There we go! Now where were we?" Pichu said. Looking at her again, she opened Timothy's legs, revealing a member for her to suck on. "Oh, Timothy! Your's so big!". Timothy didn't say anything but watch as Pichu took the cock into her mouth and started to move her head up and down while wrapping the Emolga's member with her warm tounge. "Pichu....This is great..." Timothy said as pleasure ran up his spine. Of course, Pichu only moaned as her mouth was sucking on his member and couldn't talk while she does this. As Pichu continued to bob her head on the cock, she could feel pre-cum coming out of it, she quickly sucked it up, but Timothy decided to help Pichu, pushing his cock inside her mouth a little deeper, but she gagged on it a little bit. "Pichu...relax..." Timothy said as he placed a hand behind her head. She responded by relaxing her throat, as what Timothy expected. This makes it easier for Pichu to suck on Timothy's member and easier for Timothy to get more pleasure. "Pichu....I'm gonna cum...." He moaned. Pichu only replied with moaning also before she winked at Timothy, her winking set off Timothy, causing him to scream in orgasm. His penis shooting his load into Pichu's warm mouth, some dripped off her mouth, but the rest, she gulped it down.As the Emolga member slowed down spurting out cum, Pichu removed his penis out of her mouth, letting the remaining white goo to leak on to the base, then licking up the remains of the Emolga cum. "Tastes good....but not enough to satisfy me." she said. "You've been satisfied, now it's my turn." Pichu lied down on the grass, and using her hands, opened up her wet waiting cunt. "You want a taste?" Pichu asked Timothy. The Emolga thought about it for a second, "Sure!" he replied. He walked over to Pichu, placing his face over Pichu's pussy. Then, Timothy started to run his tounge up Pichu's cunt, her hips made a jerk with each lick. "Oh Timothy, this feels amazing..."she moaned to Timothy. He responded with harder licks, and pushing his tounge inside Pichu. The rich taste of Pichu's wet cunt covered Timothy's tongue as he continued to wildly lap at her cunt, finding more of her juices to taste. When Timothy decided to stop lapping for him to talk to Pichu, she became a little sad about Timothy stopping. "Aww, why did you stop?" she whined to the Emolga. "No, I'm just saying, your pussy tastes sweet." He replied before he buries his face again into her sweet tasting cunt. Timothy once again lapped wildly at Pichu's pussy, this time at her most sensitive parts, making sure she reaches orgasm quickly and swiftly, and to make sure he gets the taste of Pichu's juice as much as he can. Her body was filled with pleasure as her hips violently jerked against Timothy's face. The Emolga decided to push his tongue inside of her wet cunt, in order to make her cum even faster and stronger. "Timothy...I feel something weird....Let's stop" She moaned as her whole body shook, about to reach her climax. But Timothy ignored her, and another minute by the Emolga's fast tongue reflexes against her pussy, and Pichu felt the most amazing feeling in her life, screaming into the forest at the same time. "Aahhh! Timothy! There's something coming out!" she screamed as she cummed against Timothy's face. He licked almost all of her sweet juices until Timothy couldn't handle it and decided to step away from Pichu, letting the remaining cum fall to the floor. "Wow, that was awesome..." Pichu panted after her strong orgasm. "I know, for a small Pokemon, you sure cum a lot, but I need more than just licking your juices..." Pichu replied with a questioned look on her face. "What is it?" she spoke. "I want to be with you a little more... So lie down and spread those legs for me." Timothy said as his penis once again came out of it's sheath. Pichu became a little nervous when Timothy commanded her to do what he said. "O-ok..." her voice stuttered. As what Timothy said, Pichu lied on her stomach and spread her legs out, revealing a wet cunt. Immediately, she know what she was going to experience in the next 5 minutes. "Timothy, this is my first time with another Pokemon, so please be careful..." she told the Emolga. "Ok, I'll make sure I'll be gentle."he replied seductively with a eerie grin on his face. Timothy ran to the Spiky-eared Pokemon, held her legs tightly, and slowly thrusted his way inside of Pichu, just like he promised. Immediately, Timothy felt an intense wave of pleasure going through his body as Pichu's small pussy contracted around Timothy's penis. "Oh Pichu! You're so tight for a first timer!" he moaned. As it was her first time in sex, Pichu felt not only pleasure, but also pain, and in response, she screamed. "Timothy...It hurts!" she shouted in both pain and pleasure. "Are you all right?" The Emolga reassured Pichu. "Y-Yeah... But it hurts too much for me!" "Don't'll get used to it...." Pichu did not realize that a thin membrane broke when Timothy thrusted into her, which caused her pain. And because of that, a little drop of blood would appear and drop to the ground every time Timothy made a thurst into her. After a few thrusts from the Emolga, Pichu became used to the pain and the bleeding stopped. "Timothy, this feels so good! I want more!" she screamed in pleasure. Timothy agreed, and sped up a little, pleasuring the little yellow Pokemon even more, along with Timothy. And as he sped up, Pichu's cunt contracted even more, completely engulfing the Emolga cock and rewarded Timothy with a rush of intense pleasure. Feeling like seconds turned to minutes, Timothy could feel his cock growing inside of the small Pichu cunt. "Pichu! I couldn't hold my load for much longer!" he told to Pichu, about to reach his orgasm. As he thrusted into Pichu, his head was reminding him those times in the past. In all his months since the season began many, many months ago, he hopefully this will be his best and final mating with a Pokemon before he takes a break and returns on March. He has had sex with many Pokemon, including a Snivy from famous Pokemon trainer Ash Ketchum, and now is about to fill a Pichu with his seed. Returning to the real world, Timothy grabbed on to Pichu's hips as hard as he can for before thrusting one final time. "I'm cumming into you, Pichu! Take all my seed!" he screamed as his penis shot his load into Pichu. "Aah! Your seed is warm! But I'm cumming too!" she replied screaming as her cunt sprayed her cum, covering the cock with her juices. The two electric types felt intense waves of pleasure as their orgasm went on. Pichu's pussy repeatedly milked the Emolga's cock to make sure that she gets every last drop inside her womb. Eventually, Timothy pulled away from her now filled pussy, both Pokemon dropping to the ground, panting as their orgasm settle. "Wow, Timothy, that felt awesome!" Pichu said. Timothy replied, "I know, you must feel really satisfied since this was your first time.". "Oh yeah, I feel great! But what about you?" "Yeah, me too, I'm really satisfied..." After their sex, they washed off at the nearby stream before both Pokemon climbed up to Timothy's tree. Looking at the sunset, Timothy and Pichu held hands for the first time in their whole lives. As Timothy ate one berry, he tried to give an Oran Berry to Pichu. "You want a berry? Because you're looking hungry, Pichu." He told to Pichu, offering the berry. "Sure, I would!" she said, taking the berry out of Timothy's hands. She took a bite of the Oran Berry before she asked the Emolga. "And Timothy?" she asked. "What is it?" he replied. "Thanks for giving me what sex feels like...I really needed that." Then Pichu gave a kiss on Timothy's cheek. "No Prob!" he replied. And thus, this concludes our story.
Title: Down by the Lake Ch. 03 Tags: auburn, group Still chuckling, I suggested we get up, see about some food. We padded down to the kitchen, clothes not being necessary. Madge cobbled up sandwiches while I opened pop. We moved back out to the deck, soaking sunshine into every exposed pore of our bodies. "Mmm...This feels so exotic, hot sun, no clothes; can we do this all the time? "You may not like it in January, but sure, why not. We'd see any one coming up the road in plenty of time to dress. Naomi and I, and the kids too, would run around naked as jay birds from June into September. We just have to coat up the bits that haven't had much sun." "I'll do you, if you'll do me." "There's a deal." We spent the rest of the day, and evening, cuddling, kissing and talking. And Saturday. And-except for a grocery run in the morning-Sunday. Sure, we took time to eat, and clean up, and shower, but if we weren't on the deck, we were in bed, and in between, showering off the sweat we generated. \*\*\* Bogart got fed, but not by Madge. She said she wasn't going to bend over anywhere near that damn dog. He just wandered around behind her, that silly grin on his face, going 'huh, huh, huh'. I found Madge eager for every position imaginable when it came to love making. Whether she was on top or me, on her hands and knees, or on her stomach with me sliding in from behind, she was an eager lover. Being the old guy, I relied as much-or more-on my hands, fingers and tongue to please her, as I did my cock. By Sunday afternoon we were sated, content to lie out on the deck, soaking in the sun's rays. I had been idly looking at the deck, when it occurred to me it was looking a bit seedy. It was after all, as old as the house. "I wonder...Madge, what would you think of a spa out here? Maybe over on the west side where it can be sheltered from the winter winds?" "What about the rain?" "I'm sure we could come up with a roof that would protect us, and still leave the view open to us. I have the house drawings in the office; I'll see what's possible." In the office, I'd pulled the plans from their tube and was studying the deck details when my phone rang. Not having pockets just then, I had to search for the phone. I found it just as it stopped ringing. Checking the number, it wasn't one I was familiar with, and was about to forget about it when Madge asked from the deck if that was Jeannie? Oops, better call back and find out. It was. "I was afraid I had the wrong number or something. Are we still on for Monday? Can I come out?" "Sure, but I should warn you, there have been some changes out here." "You bedded her didn't you? I can hear it in your voice. Was she good? Were you? I want to know" Laughing I said, "I'll never tell, but that's not what I was going to warn you about. We're running around nude, and I don't think Madge will get dressed until the first frost." "Oh is that all? It's just that much less I'll have to pack. And I do owe you a fashion show." "Now that I'm looking forward to. When can I look for, I mean expect, you?" "You're near Fairfax?" "Uh huh" "It'll take me about an hour to get there...say about ten?" "Ok, I'll tell Madge. See you tomorrow." \*\*\* Sunday night we were in bed-the door closed for some reason, me slowly stroking into her pussy from behind. Her back was arched and she was pushing back against me. Dropping her head she gave a low moan and a shudder, held still. Looking over her shoulder, *Lord what a beautiful sight*, she asked if I wanted to make love to Jeannie. "I don't know...I don't know her well enough yet. Do you want to?" Another shudder, her pussy clamping on me, her head dropping again. "Yes, if she does. Ever since you mentioned her touching me, she's been in the back of my mind. Oh, push like that again. I've always liked her, but there has been a 'something' around her, that kept me back a little." "Do you want time alone with her?" "No, hold still, I feel a small one coming...oh, that was nice. You're so good to me. No, anything we do, I want you there. No secrets. Now Finish Me. *Fuck me*." And over the edge we went, driving into her with all my strength, her pussy holding me in its silken vise. Every muscle in my body cried for release, and then, that now familiar low, rumbling, groan rose from her throat. In response I pushed as far as I could, then froze as I erupted every last ounce of myself into her. Finally, totally spent, we slid to the mattress. Covering her with my body, I laid kisses across her back and shoulders. I started to move, but she asked me to stay for a few minutes more. Eventually I rolled to the side, gathered her in my arms, and drifted off to sleep. \*\*\* Monday started with an overcast sky. Not rainy, just a slow-to-burn off cover with the probability of a warm day, maybe a light breeze. I laid in bed watching a bird on the window sill, mulling over the past two weeks, amazed at the changes in my life. When I told Madge she had changes ahead of her, little did I know the changes in store for me. I went from an 'I didn't know I was lonely' widower, to the gray beard with the sexiest woman in three counties. It finally occurred to me I was in an empty bed. Sitting up, I hadn't felt this alive since Naomi was healthy. Cares I had been carrying for years receded to the far reaches of my mind. Stretching, I reached for my clothes, then realized I didn't need them. Getting up, it was into the shower, shave, trim the beard, then on down to the kitchen where I found Madge sitting at the table, cup in hand, staring at Bogart, studiously keeping his back to her. "Good morning," I said with a kiss, "ahh, what's going on?" "He won't look at me. I've put his food out, but he turns his back to me." "What did you expect? You locked him out of the bedroom." "Yes, but..." "Darling, he considers himself a member of the family. Give him a few hours, then offer a treat. He'll come around. Now, what's for breakfast? Ignore him." After breakfast I was sitting in the office, going over my ideas for the spa. Bogart was next to my chair, chin on his paws when Madge came in. She ignored him, while we went over the drawing. There were some suggestions on her part, I threw in a 'what if' and as she answered, jumped. Bogart had sat up and was nudging her pocket. She just gave a small smile, and let him convince her to give up the treat. After that, they were best friends, and she never closed a door on him. She did keep her butt covered. Just in case. A little after ten, Jeannie came up the drive, horn blaring, shouting, "I'm here! Let the orgy begin." Bogart was out the door like a shot to see what was what. Madge and I followed, only to find Bogart, paws up on her window edge, keeping Jeannie in the car. "Help! Get this wolf off me!" Laughing, Madge called Bogart to her, allowing Jeannie out of the car. She stepped out, looking as pretty as could be. Sandals and tight shorts highlighted her legs, a loose top fluttered softly in the breeze, showing off her pointed breasts. One of us said, "Wow." I know I was thinking it. Madge complimented her on her entrance. Taking two quick steps into Madge's arms, Jeannie kissed her fully on the lips, holding it for many more seconds than I would expect in a friendly greeting. I could hear her quietly telling Madge how much she had been missed. Madge, for her part, replied she too had missed Jeannie, then looked over at me saying, "Maybe you were right." "About what?" Jeannie asked, looking back and forth. "We'll explain later, welcome to our home. Don't I get a kiss too?" "Oh yes you do! And I owe you a fashion show too. I haven't forgotten." She jumped into my arms, wrapping hers around my neck, and planting a kiss that curled my toes. No, really, I felt my toes curl. She pulled her legs up, leaving me holding her butt in my hands. I didn't mind. Not at all. Still in my arms, she leaned back, looked over at Madge, asking, "Can we share him?" "Whoa girl, let's do some catching up before you try cutting in. Besides, I suspect you and I are going to have a serious convo." "Oh all right, you can have him back. *But I call seconds*." Tension broken. I put her down, somewhat reluctantly I must admit, and we showed her into the house. Me carrying her bags, of course. And not just one or two, *three*, and a large purse. Not that I'm complaining you understand. I was trailing two beautiful asses, being supported by four gorgeous legs. If I'd had a free hand, I'd have smacked myself just to be sure I was awake. They stopped in the kitchen just long enough to pour coffee, then Madge led Jeannie through the house. Me? I was schlepping luggage up to what would be Jeannie's bedroom. Having done all the work I planned on, it was back to the kitchen, then out on the deck. The morning clouds had burned off, and the air was warming nicely. I considered stripping down, but settled with just taking off my shirt. Bogart was in his usual spot, next to the chair. Life was good. Ten minutes later, the women came bustling out on the deck, talking up a storm. Bogart looked up, groaned, and ambled to the far edge of the deck, flopping down. I picked up their conversation in mid topic, "...and Mrs. Patrick has been great to work for, but I'm still not making enough to get a place of my own. My parents have been great, never a complaint, and they love having the kids around, but I'm sure they wouldn't mind some peace and quiet." "How old are they?" "My parents? In their fifties. They're getting up there." I choked on that one, Madge shot me a look, "No, the kids." My ears were on 'full function' at that bit of news, but I stayed quiet. With a quick glance my way, Jeannie replied the two boys were eight and six. I chimed in, "What are their names?" "JD is eight, just a bundle of energy, there isn't a tree he won't climb or a game he won't try. Clark is six, he's more studious. He'll play, and loves riding his bike, but already he can read above his grade level, and math fascinates him." "Where's their father?" I asked "North Dakota. Well, that's as of the last I heard from him, and that was months ago. We're divorced, and he's supposed to be sending child support, but big whoop, it never seems to happen." "Bummer." "Yeah. Now, can we get on to happier things? Where's the swimming pool? Can I get naked? What are we doing this afternoon...?" "You want to get naked?" "Josh..." "Yes Madge?" "I think she's kidding you." "Or are you dear?" With an upturned eye brow toward our guest. "Just kidding. Although..." After that it was kidding back at each other, easing the little tension that had risen. I had the impression this was common between them, Jeannie would tease, Madge would react. Yet it appeared they both enjoyed the game. \*\*\* We broke for lunch; salad, pita, pop. Carrying it back to the deck, they sat shoulder to shoulder while I sat across the table, watching. Once again I noticed Jeannie regularly placing a hand on Madge's arm, or brushing her fingers over Madge's skin. Occasionally a blush would pass over Jeannie's face and chest and she would pause in mid-sentence. The third time it happened, Madge put her hand on Jeannie's arm, "Honey, can I ask you a question?" Without waiting for an answer she went on, "Are you in love with me?" Jeannie started to rise, but Madge pulled her back down, "its ok if you are, I think I have a lot of affection for you too. If you do, let's just get it in the open. And if not...oops, my bad." " did you know?" "Josh spotted it the other day in the shop, AND pointed out my reactions. Even though he's sitting right there, I have to say he's very perceptive." "Can we talk about this later? Alone?" "No, Honey. We'll do it with Josh. I don't want any secrets between us. He's been helping me see sides I didn't know I had, let alone existed." For the next hour they talked, by the time they had finished, they had cried, and hugged, then cried and hugged again. Honest to God, I was wrung out, and I hadn't said a word. When they had been wound down for a while, I suggested a walk, a chance to show Jeannie some of the property. Whistling up Bogart, we strolled toward the lake, Madge pointing out where she and Dave had camped, where she and I had sat and talked, "That's where I knew he was for me." "Just like that?" "Um hm." "And now?" She looked over at me. "Oh, I guess I love him, not that he's done anything to earn it all afternoon." "Kinda slow, is he?" "Hey Wait! No fair! We've had company. My car wouldn't start. I had a flat tire! My suit's at the cleaners! Baby, *forgive me!*" As I dropped to one knee. "Oooh you," she said as she tackled me. We rolled around trying to tickle each other, laughing. 'Hey, I'm still here you know." Madge and I looked up at her, and in unison, "Get her!" "No! Wait, I didn't mean..." Too late. We had her on the ground, tickling, caressing, soon kissing, touching each other. It didn't matter who kissed who, and soon where didn't matter either. I found myself kissing Madge one moment, Jeannie the next. I had Madge's shirt off, licking her nipples while she was kissing Jeannie. Someone's hand was in my shorts, fondling my cock, then I had Jeannie's small, pointy tits in my mouth. A moment later we were in a three way kiss. Eventually we stopped, everyone breathing heavily. I pulled the girls in to me, kissed both, and asked if they were ready to head back. "Maybe in a minute." said one, "Umm, what she said." from the other. Just over Madge's shoulder, Bogart stood, head crooked to one side. Finally we meandered up the hill, they carrying their tops, me dusting the 'dirt' off their bottoms. Gently, of course. Back at the deck we sprawled on two of the chaise. Significantly, Madge and Jeannie together. Madge looked over Jeannie's shoulder, asking if I minded. I blew her a kiss and mouthed 'enjoy'. She turned back to Jeannie, laying kisses around her ear, along the jaw, and on to her mouth. She responded by cupping her left hand along Madge's face, pulling her in for deeper kisses. For the longest time they laid together, kissing, murmuring to one another, stopping to look into eyes that saw only each other. They didn't seem to be building to a peak; rather I sensed it was more of an awakening, a realization that they did love each other. When they did roll towards me, the smiles were a mile wide, and the sparkle in their eyes just as deep. Madge, "Thank you for being so understanding. I love you for that." "He doesn't mind?" "Jeannie, the two of you are so perfect together, there is no way I could mind. I don't own Madge; she is free to love you all she wants. It doesn't diminish my love for her, and I hope doesn't diminish her love of me." "Don't you feel jealous? Even a little? Or is the girl on girl action turning you on?" "That girl on this girl is a turn on. Especially with those sweet nipples glowing in the sun, but I'm not jealous. I learned how to get past that years ago. Now I see beauty, and I bathe in it, and am happy to be here, now." "Madge...can we take him to bed? I want to make love, and feel love, and I want both of you, and I want both of you now." "Yes Honey, we'll take him to bed. And we'll fuck him into a stupor, then love each other, then sleep a bit, and then start all over again." \*\*\* Upstairs, Jeannie wanted to strip me first, but Madge and I unbuttoned her shorts, sliding them down her legs, caressing as we went, then sliding our hands ever so gently back up. Madge and I looked at each other, knowing each move we were going to make. Together our hands roamed her thighs, her butt, came around to her belly, dipping back down the front of her thighs, up either side of her pussy, and then, taking turns pressing the front of her panties. Nodding her head, Madge tugged the moist cloth down, and I leaned in, first taking a deep breath, then admiring the closely cut hair and her pussy, open and inviting. On its own, my tongue swiped from bottom to top, causing her knees to buckle. We lowered her to the bed, Madge on her left, me on the right, dropping to those sweet little breasts; no more than a small handful, but topped with half-dollar sized areola and quarter inch nipples. I kissed right, she left, sucking, pulling, and biting. Jeanie arched, holding us in place, and with a low keening cry came for the first time. As she settled back, Madge moved to her lips, kissing and sucking on them. I ran a trail of kisses down her belly, straight to her pussy. Avoiding her clit, I used my tongue on her thighs, across her pubic mound, between her lips. First over the outer lips, then deeper, I tasted her. Driving my tongue ever deeper I searched for the source of the nectar. Soon it was her clit I turned to. Like her nipples, it stood proudly, clear of its hood, calling for my attention, and like the nipples, I kissed, I nibbled, and most of all I sucked on that wondrous button. Suddenly she clamped her thighs over my ears and from a distance I heard a muffled, extended, "Oh, Gaawwdd..." I focused on her clit, sucking it in, flicking my tongue tip left and right, up and down, biting gently, then sucking again. I felt myself rising. She was arching her ass clear of the bed, coming once again. I cupped her butt in my hands, squeezing and lifting, pressing her to my face, lapping all the juices within reach. She slowly eased down, spent. Her legs opened, allowing me a breath. Looking up, Madge was watching me, wiggling her fingers, signaling I should move up to her. Kissing my way up Jeannie's body, I met Madge's lips. She tasted the sweet juices, smiled, and licked me again. "She's delicious." "Almost as good as you." "I'll bet you say that to all the women you go down on." "Only those in the last week." "Mmm, guys, you know I'm still here don't you?" "Oh, we know. How are you doing?" "Very, very good. And he hasn't even fucked me yet." I dipped my mouth to Jeannie's ear, whispering it was Madge's turn. Jeannie pulled her down for a kiss, wrapping Madge in her arms and legs; she did a quick roll, kissing all over her face. I joined in, running hands over Madge's breasts, cupping and pinching her nipples, caressing her belly, running fingers into her pussy. She was so wet my fingers slid easily in. Jeannie moved to a breast while my fingers searched Madge's pussy for her most sensitive spots. When I brushed the first, she lifted with an indrawn breath, with the second she moaned, calling my name, and when I hit the rough spot below her clit, arched in a small spasm. "My turn. I want to taste her." "She's delicious. Like you. Come here. Have you done this before? No? Ok, I'll show you where to start. Run a finger along her lips, so. That's right, gently, lean in, blow towards her clit, see the beads forming on her pussy? Run a finger down to them, that's right. Taste. Delicious isn't she? Now you're on your own, I'm going to the other lips. Let's drive her crazy." I moved up, kissing my way to Madge's tits, sucking and tweaking her nipples, then on to her ear, "How's she doing?" "Ooh Josh. I could so easily get used to thiss, oh, she just found a guys are so good to me, kiss me, hold me I'm coming ... aaah...oh, that was a nice one, Jeannie...don't stop, oh gawd, here it comes..." Her face flushed, Madge pulled Jeannie's mouth to her pussy. Moaning, "Harder, please, more, Oh Jeannie, I love you..." Jeannie held her position for minutes longer, her tongue occasionally appearing against Madge's clit, until, finally, Madge collapsed to the bed. We laid quietly for several minutes, savoring the moment, the blush receding from Madge's chest. Jeannie crawled up to kiss her, whispering how much she loved her, then stretching across to kiss me, murmuring, "Thank you." \*\*\*\*\*
Title: The Adventures Of The 'Dracula Room' by BlackBlasphemy Tags: Bondage, Bunny, Cuffs, F/F, Jaguar, Toys [Hello! It's me again. I'm not dead after all! The reason for the new account would be...I couldn't remember my log in was from that long ago. -chuckles nervously- So yea. Here ya go, more for the masses, enjoy!] This place bored Emila to tears. Of course, it was where she worked, but even still, you'd have thought working in a porn store would have brought her more interest in her work. Truth be told it used to, quite a bit. When she was fresh in the store, she was all wonder and play. Just as she had been when she had first been shoved into the culture of the more frequent customers. Dark clubs and pounding bass and crazy parties where if you were drunk or scantily clad, you couldn't walk right the next day, if you even remembered who and how you had been with people. And now she found it all boring. As boring as she found the spots on her jaguar body. She blew a few strands of deep purple hair from her wildcat eyes, her head rested on sleek arms. Which rested on a glass counter-top full of colorful play toys for men and women alike. She eyeballed the heavy velvet curtains of the back room, bearing their inordinately large "Keep Out" sign and huffed. She remembered the first time she had walked through those curtains. The back room was warm and incessantly smelled of incense and sex. It was the home of heavy dark velvet curtains, blocking out the daylight, holding in the rosy light of the large red bulbed chandelier. It was the housing place of every kinky sex setup they owned. It housed a huge satin bed with various places to be tied down or up, a swing, a few horses, a few chairs with a little something extra or sometimes a big something extra and various and sundry other devices for having your way with someone on. It had been very exciting and alluring when she first started working here. Now it was jut another room that reminded her of Dracula's lair. She idly ran a foot up the back of her heavy chained pants, itching through the thick denim. She swiveled one black ear up at the sounds of the bells on the door jingling away happily. The sight of the woman was what caught her attention as the rabbit wandered in and began to browse. She was short, probably two heads shorter than Emila. She had long red hair tied up in a braid that fell down to her very round rear. She wore tight jeans that revealed she was either wearing butt-floss or going commando. The woman tsked and Emila picked her head up."Can I help you miss?" The rabbit turned on her long heel and smiled at her, taking off her dark shades and folding them, inserting one ear piece down the front of her v-neck shirt, her cleavage easily holding the glasses. "Yes, actually. My girlfriends sent me here to procure a 'butterfly' vibrator and they told me to ask for Roger." Emila quirked a thin brow at this and stepped out from behind the counter, picking up one said butterflies before she handed it to her. "'s the butterfly, but Roger isn't here today. Just me on the schedule. Any reason you wanted him specifically." The bunny giggled softly and began inspecting the butterfly she had been handed. "Not for me no, but my girlfriends recommend him highly. Apparently he'll test drive the merchandise for you." Emila smacked her forehead and grumbled. "Of course. He's not supposed to, but then, who's to tell a stallion not to bang everything he sees when there's a sex room in the back" She rolled her eyes. "I'm sorry miss." "Oh please, call me Mariah.." The rabbit woman said with a smile. "To be honest, I'm actually kind of glad he's not here. The prospect was a little daunting. Not much for big guys." Hmph. Her loss, was all Emila could manage to think. "I'm counting myself lucky you're here, since it's been forever since I was with an attractive woman." That caught her ear, as was obvious by the way they flicked forward. "I beg your pardon?" Which made the bunny laugh. "Well, he's not here, so I'd be kind enough to do the honors instead?" For two seconds, Emila's brain struggled with obeying the store policy and actually giving into the thing that was for once since about two years ago was interesting her. It was a short argument." Ok. Just don't tell my boss." Mariah the motion of crossing her heart with her little grey fingers and followed after the jaguaress after she locked the door to the store. Emila took down the divider that kept the back room from the prying eyes of the customers and motioned for Mariah to go ahead in. Her predatory instincts were kicking in as she watched the bunny wander ahead of her, looking a little helpless, clutching her toy in her hands, her eyes wandering over everything in the room. Emila smiled, wandering over to take the toy from her, easily popping it out of it's packaging and putting the included battery into it. For the time she set it aside on the bed. She had almost forgotten the way that the stitches cut deep trails in the poofy satin of the blanket. She shook her long hair back from her face and proceeded to pull the woman's hair from it's braid, shaking it out with her hands. "Pretty little bunny. I had one as a pet when I was a kid that was the same color." That made Mariah smile. She flipped her hair back from her face and did her best not to fidget, letting the jaguaress do as she pleased with her. Emila smiled at her and pushed her back, pulling her arms above her head, making her hold them up like that. The jaguaress let her hands slide down the slender curvacious sides of the rabbit woman. She hooked her fingers into the hem of her little green shirt and pulled it up and off her, tossing it aside, tsking at her and putting her arms back up when she dropped them down. She clicked her hands tightly into the cuffs above her head, smiling at her and dusting her hands off as though nothing in the room had been touched in years. With all the grace of a cat she pressed herself up against her captive audience and smirked at Mariah, the interest the activity used to have coming back to her slowly. " I bet you'll be much more entertaining than he was though..." Emila added with a soft laugh in her voice. She let her hands run down the outsides of the rabbit's arms and over her sides to her hips, gently digging her sharp claws into the girl's fur before she let them glide like liquid over to the catch of those tight jeans, determined to see if she really was underwear-less. Which she was, something that made Emila smirk, considering that she instantly became shy the moment the pants were off her. She tossed those aside as well, stepping back to strip herself down as she made her way back to collect the object the woman had come to buy in the first place, clicking the straps into place on the outer plastic of the rattling gizmo. Mariah twisted her hands idly in the cuffs, watching the jaguaress saunter back over to her with the butterfly she had, or would be, purchasing. Emila once again stepped up and pressed herself against the bunny, letting her touch go light as a feather as she ran her fingers everywhere, the hand not holding the butterfly gently pressing against her folds, something that made the little bunny shiver and lose her footing a bit. The jaguar easily set up the butterfly, clicking the catches and making sure with gentle fingers that it was placed perfectly against the bunny's clit. Her hands, now free, trailed back up to the rabbit's supple breasts and began to tease at them gently, her hands moving with the care only a woman seemed able to demonstrate. Mariah squirmed to the jaguar's touch, moaning softly in the darkened room. A shake of anticipation had built up in her at this point and made her tremble like leaves in the wind. One of the roving spotted hands descended slowly to betwixt the girl's nethers, clicking the rattling insect into life, something that made the rabbit woman gasp loudly and go limp in her chains. This seemed to amuse Emila greatly, as she slid down the rabbit's limp body, trailing gentle nips and bites as she did, letting her fingers delve into the only place the butterfly would not stimulate on it's own. This only made Mariah squirm more, a shrill cry escaping her. Emila though it lucky she had locked the door or she felt sure the sheriff would have been down there after her soon enough. Pushing the thought aside she returned her mind to her fingers stroking the bunny's velvet folds. The trembles turned into shivers which turned into shudders as she quickly came to the breaking point under the jaguaress's torments. Her entire body locked up tightly, still being pounded by the shudders wracking her petite form before she snapped, crying out loudly, a rush of fluids meeting the probing fingers of the jaguar. Emila slid back up her body, pressing into the bunny's back as she reached up to unhook her hands, catching her easily when she began to slump to the floor, a chuckle escaping her at Mariah's condition after so little. After a few moments in the quiet, "Oh yea. I'll take it..." Which only made Emila laugh aloud. She helped the bunny back to her feet and tapped her nose lightly. "Shame I can't take you home with me.." Mariah added as an after-note, stepping up into the jaguar woman, an almost devious smirk on her face. "I suppose that means I just have to return the favor here hmm?" Again Emila's brain began a debate with itself that ended quickly. "Oh, if you insist." The bunny smirked and back her up against the leather straps of the swing, gently pushing the cat down into them. "Oh. I do." She hooked the woman's feet into the cuffs near the base and hooked her hands into the set just over her head so that she was perfectly helpless where she swung. Mariah let her hands run over the soft fur of the jaguar's stomach, leaving little wakes of displaced fur in their wake as she slowly fell to her knees, her little pink tongue flicking out to taste the flower-esque folds of the shopkeeper. Emila purred deeply at the attention and twisted in the cuffs, the action only encouraging the bunny who wrapped her soft hands around the cat's thighs, applying her motor nose to the woman's clit, something that made the jaguar cry out softly and press into the touch as best she could. Her tongue was not as long as what a cat's was so instead she used her long fingers to delve into the jaguar, slowly reaching into her as far as her joints would allow, exploring every inch available to her. She alternated her tongue and her nose against Emila's clit, humming and licking at it, reminding the jaguar of someone licking at a lollipop. She writhed in the leather swing like she had an itch she couldn't reach, as every defined muscle in her body tightened and clenched down as she reached her breaking point, quicker than she ever could remember, and snapped, covering the grey fingers in her sticky fluids. Mariah hmmed to herself happily and stood up, licking her fingers like they were covered in priceless chocolate and smiled at the jaguar woman, who had fallen still in the swing, her eyes closed tightly as she basked in her shivering after-glow. Mariah set about finding her clothing and getting re-dressed and wandered back out to the front of the store. Emila opened her eyes when the bells of the store door jingled again loudly and she heard the familiar clop-clop of Roger's feet on the hard tile floor. "Can I help you miss?" She heard him ask perplexed at the absence of Emila. "Oh, yes. I'd like to buy this." She heard the chink of the cash register and the ruffle of the plastic bag and the jingle of the door opening again as Mariah walked out into the wide-world again, leaving her tied up in the back, unable to get down on her own. She flattened her ears and sighed heavily, hating to have to resort to it. "Roger!!! Help me out of here will you!?"
Title: Ben and Streek: Clone Saga Ch. 11 Tags: science fiction, futuristic, transgender, gender-bender, non consent, gangbang, violence, evil clone *\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* Warning; this chapter contains some pretty extreme violence, gore and rape scenes. Not for the squeamish. It's the last chapter in book one of the Clone Saga. Enjoy. -Ax \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\** In the secret facility at Veronas' North Pole, the female Streek was being dragged toward the Cloning Pod by two large Pirate men. They held her head to the scanner. She shook her head and fought with them. One of them grabbed her head with his big, meaty hand and held it still, the other had his fingers on her face, holding up her eyelids. The line of green light passed over her eyes and then everything went dark. Streek slowly came around. She felt different. She opened her eyes and two figures came into focus in front of her, it was Skylar and herself. She was a little confused. She saw Skylar differently now, like she had just woken up and saw her as the great leader she was, and what a great honour it would be to serve her. The sight of the other Streek seemed to make her angry. She became aware that she was standing inside the Cloning Pod. "Hello McKenzie." said Skylar smiling. "Welcome to the world, how are you feeling?" "I'm all right, ...a bit disoriented." "Can you tell me where your loyalties lie?" asked Skylar. Streek knew that right away, "With you Mistress, and the Pirate Alliance, always." Skylar turned to the other Streek smiling. "See? ...better!" "That's fuckin' twisted!" said the other Streek. "You took away her free will." "I've customised the clone to better suit my needs. Come forward McKenzie." She slowly walked forward, out of the Pod. Streek understood now, she had become the new clone. "You won't be needing these, you're not my prisoner." Skylar released the cuffs around her wrists and then went behind her and removed the slave collar. "Do you know who that is?" said Skylar nodding toward Streek. She looked at her other self, ...only too well. Why would she choose to go against Skylar? Against the Pirate Alliance? She was on the wrong side, and McKenzie hated her for it. "My sire, and a fellow McKenzie clone, and an enemy of the Alliance." she said. "Does she enjoy killing Pirates?" "Oh yeah, she gets off on it." Streek grit her teeth. "Any other interesting things you can tell me?" "There are plenty of things Mistress. I can draw you a nice treasure map, the X is in a Globular Cluster called M13, and you will like the treasure you'll find there." "Shut up!" said Streek. "...Don't you know that they brainwashed you? If you're me, then you've been raped by Pirates, gang-raped on more than one occasion. Why the hell would you choose to be on their side?" McKenzie couldn't recall any time where anyone had raped her. "If anyone ever tried to rape me, I'd rip their balls off. If they raped you, then that's too bad. Whatever we're strong enough to take is ours by rights." "There's gotta be a part of you that hates yourself for saying that." said Streek. "There isn't, I just hate you, and your weakness." "I don't mean to sound like a bitch!" said Skylar, "...but I like her better than you. She's much more open and honest." "This is fuckin evil!" said Streek. "There's also someone you should watch out for." said McKenzie. "Another clone who's with the Resistance, a little old man by the name of Doctor Arnott, very dangerous. She hasn't been able to get in contact with him lately, but he's come here after the Cloning Pod. He's got a super advanced Stealth Ship with plenty of Alien Tech goodies, including the mind-writer thing that you want." "Damn you!, the Doc has been good to us. I owe everything to him!" said Streek. "I think it's you who's been brainwashed!. The Doctor was just using you. You and Bernie were just pieces of Alien Tech that he could use to achieve his goals. On New Heidi, you didn't function the way he wanted, so he discarded you. He told you that he planned on using and destroying all Alien Tech, but he didn't tell you that that included you and Bernie. You know I'm telling the truth!" "No, he saved us from torture and death." "He was just recovering you, because you were too dangerous in the hands of the enemy." "Fuck you!, Skylar is just using you!" "I know, I want her to use me." "Ha! This is quite entertaining." said Skylar. "I hope this Doctor Arnott pays us a visit, I'll be ready for him." She looked at the McKenzie clone, "What do you think we should do with your Sire?" "She's an enemy of the Pirate Alliance, she needs to die. Let me kill her for you." "I was thinking of putting her to work in a busy brothel, she can pleasure a hundred Pirates for every one she killed." "No, she's too dangerous, and Bernie Anders will come for her." "Yes, I got that impression as well." "Then I can kill her?" asked McKenzie, getting out her Champion Ruby. "Okay then!" Skylar came and grabbed the laser gun from her. "I want you to do it with your bare hands." "Fine with me. After it's done, ...I have a request..." "What's that?" "My grand-sire was male. I feel that I'm male too. I want to use the Cloning Pod to give me a mans' body again." "So, she has gender issues too?" said Skylar looking at Streek. "She thinks she's a man?" said Sadie. "I thought she was just a little butch." "No, we won't be doing that just yet. Like you said, Bernie will be coming for her. Instead she's going to rescue you, and you'll be my girl on the inside when we come knocking on the Resistances' door." She looked at Streek again, "All your friends are going to think you're a stinking traitor!" "You fuckin' mad bitch!" spat Streek. "But once the Resistance is taken out, I'll grant your request. Man or Woman, you'll still be my Great White Shark." "All right, let's do this then!" said the clone, approaching Streek with her fists clenched. Streek held her cuffed hands up in front of her "Hey, now just wait a min..." THWAK! McKenzie punched her hard in the head, sending her stumbling back. She slipped forward and gave a strong kick to her guts, knocking her off her feet. Streek quickly pulled herself up again. "Nnngh! ...I can't even fight back with this fuckin' slave-collar on!" "Y'know, that doesn't seem to bother me!" said her clone, smashing a fist into her head again. Streek leant back and dodged a high roundhouse kick. "Are you scared I'd beat you in a fair fight?" "I'm not the one who's scared, you are!, and with good reason." McKenzie came at her again with a series of fast punches and kicks. Streek did her best to dodge and block with her bound hands, but a strong kick struck her side, making her groan. Streek turned and ran, she jumped up on the handrail on the stairs and ran up it. McKenzie was close behind. "You have nowhere to run Sire!" Streek leapt off, onto the upper level, McKenzie leapt off with a flying kick and got her in the back, sending her tumbling forward. She ran up and kicked Streek hard in the head as she tried to get up. She continued laying into her Sire, her enemy. Streek rolled away, just as McKenzie was about to stomp her face. She got up on her feet again and backed away, her face was swollen and bleeding. Her clone came at her with more frenzied punches, most of them connecting. Streek retaliated by raising her cuffed arms in a double fist and screaming out in pain as the intense shock hit her body as she slammed McKenzie in the jaw. Both of them stumbled back. The punch hurt, but McKenzie could see that Streek was dazed. "Ha! That punch hurt you more than it hurt me. Do it again bitch!" McKenzie leapt at her with a flying kick, Streek ducked low, dodging her and darted away. Streek leapt up on a console and then up on some machinery, she ran up the wall and grabbed onto one of the steel beams that criss-crossed the ceiling with her cuffed hands. She managed to swing her legs up and climb up there. "Don't think you're gunna get away from me up there." said McKenzie, she did the same, leaping and climbing up to the beams. She got up in front of her Sire as she got up and got her balance. "Bad idea coming up here Streek. Gravity is gunna give you the smack-down." She came at her with more kicks, her sire was struggling to block and dodge and keep her balance. She leapt to a parallel beam, and McKenzie leapt across too. McKenzie feinted a left kick and then smashed Streek in the head with a powerful left hook. Streek was dazed and struggled to keep her balance, then McKenzie gave another strong kick to her chest, Streek slipped back and fell, but managed to catch the beam with her bound arms. Her clone walked up to her, "Down you go!" she said and then stomped Streeks' head. Streek let go of the beam and fell about four meters, crashing into a desk below and smashing it. She was reeling, but still managed to just move away in time as McKenzie came crashing down after her. Streek was struggling to get to her feet. Alerts started sounding in the facility. Were Streeks' friends coming for her already? McKenzie felt she had to finish this quickly, so that they could execute Skylars' plan for her to be 'rescued', but she couldn't resist taunting her Sire. "You still getting up?" ...Can't you see that your fucked. You're never gunna get your cock back! And you tried so hard too. When I get my cock back, I'm gunna get one of those slave collars for Bernie, make her my fuck-slave. I'm gunna enjoy raping her up the ass, making her scream." Streek grit her teeth and growled in anger. "...Then when I get bored of her, I'll choke the life out of her and throw her away with the trash." "FUCK YOU!!!" Streek yelled as she stepped forward and swung her double-fist hard, smashing McKenzie in the face, it hurt like hell. Streeks' slave-collar surged with raw electricity but it didn't seem to phase her. Streek gave a straight kick right into her chest and the collar continued to fire. She gave another strong double-fisted punch into McKenzies' jaw, knocking her back. "You're fucked!" said Streek. McKenzie came at her again. Streek blocked a fast, high kick and threw a quick right jab to her face. The collar surged again. Streek followed up with a powerful left hook. McKenzie was unable to defend herself against the flurry of strong punches. She didn't know what was going on, as her head was getting repeatedly smashed hard. The fists were a blur, and seemed to be glowing with blue light. McKenzie was dazed, but still managed to stay on her feet. Streek threw her arms forward and roared, and a bright blue light shot from her hands right into her. Her whole body was slammed with great force, and then she was slammed again from behind, and she blacked out. \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* McKenzie quickly sat up with a jolt and lashed out at the person in front of her. The man was smashed hard in the face and was knocked down onto the floor. "AAAAGH!! ...FUCK!!" he cried out as he clenched his jaw. The clone looked around, she was in the large hangar on a stretcher, there were groaning, wounded soldiers all around her. "Where the fuck is she!!" McKenzie called out. "Ow! Fuck you! You clone bitch!" said the man she had just hit as he rubbed his chin. He was in his fifties and looked unkempt with a large dark moustache. "Where is she? What the hell happened?!" "You were knocked unconscious. Skylar had you dragged out of there and seen to by me. I'm Doctor Morgan." "What's going on?" said McKenzie looking around. Another Pirate Soldier was being dragged in, crying out in pain as he bled from wounds to his torso and arms. She could hear the muffled sound of gunfire, laser blasts and explosions from behind the curved steel walls of the dome. "Fuckin' attack of the clones! The intruders locked themselves in there, and used the Cloning Pod, then they blew it up and attacked. It's a fuckin' war zone out there." "THEY BLEW IT UP?!!" McKenzie got up off the stretcher, she was furious. The doctor came over to her. "Now hold on, you're not supposed to..." THWAK! McKenzie knocked him down with another punch and then walked away at brisk pace, stepping over wounded Pirates. Sitting in a far corner in the hangar was the Ronin mech. She remembered coming up against it in the Holo-Arena. She immediately felt ashamed of her actions at the Holo-Arena, or rather, her sires' actions. Three armed Pirates were guarding the large, advanced mech, she walked over to them. "Why isn't that mech on the battlefield? Why aren't you out there?" "Who the hell are you? This is Skylars' mech, she's not using it at the moment." said one of them. "Skylar wants me to use it. Step aside Ass-hole." The guards raised their rifles at her. "We never heard anything about that. Fuck off Bitch!" McKenzie got up close to him and looked into his eyes. "Haven't you heard? ...I'm Skylars' new shark, if you're stupid enough to get in my way, you'll get bitten!" She quickly knocked his gun to the side and punched him hard in the throat. In one smooth motion she grabbed the large combat knife from his belt and slashed it through another guards' throat. She kicked at the third guards' rifle as he let off a burst, making him shoot wide and then she sprung forward and plunged the knife right through his heart, he fell back to the ground dead. Another guard ran up with his rifle raised, he stopped and stood around twenty meters away from her. McKenzie stood there, with the bloody knife in her hand, looking at him. He slowly lowered his rifle. "Smart." said the clone. She started climbing into the Ronin. "Command: Power up." "Unauthorised user." came the computerised voice. "Fuck you!" said McKenzie. She got the TAB out from her jumpsuit pocket and started running a remote hack. Soon the Mech powered up and stood up, fifteen feet tall. The controls seemed quite intuitive, it responded to her normal arm and leg movements in the same way as the Logan mech her sire had piloted earlier. It responded to voice commands and to buttons at her fingertips and it tracked her eye movement when targeting. She brought up a summary of its' weapon systems and functions on the display screen. The hangar was filled with a THUMP, THUMP, THUMP noise as the mech jogged toward the large hangar doors. A guard at the entrance opened the doors for her and she bent down as she moved through the doorway and into the battle zone. She had one thing on her mind; find and kill Streek. Blood, bodies and wreckage were strewn through the snow. Overhead, the Pirate ships were firing their lasers at other ships. She saw the Avatari appear from nowhere, let off a flurry of laser fire and then disappear again. 'So, Arnott's here, I hope I get a chance to kill him as well.' The remaining Pirate forces were swarming toward the northern building, so McKenzie started heading that way. She jogged past a group of dead Pirate Soldiers. One Badly wounded Soldier held his arm up to her, begging for help. The Ronins' large metal foot came down and crushed him, as the mech jogged past. It left big red footprints in the snow, as it proceeded. A group of half a dozen Pirate soldiers were running up ahead of her. Someone came out from some wreckage behind them and fired their assault rifle, spraying automatic fire into the group and dropping them. McKenzie recognised the bright red hair, Mia! McKenzie stared right at her to aim and held her arm out in front of her and fired a plasma burst. Mia dove out of the way, narrowly avoiding it. She got up and fired back. Bullets struck the mechs' energy shields as it sprinted toward her. McKenzie extended the long vibro-blades from the mechs' arms. She swung the blades at Mia as she got close. Mia danced around avoiding the large, fast blades. Then Mia jumped right at the mech, McKenzie quickly swung its' arms and managed to knock her away. She quickly fired a plasma blast at the ground where Mia was knocked down. Mia just managed to leap away in time, but her rifle was destroyed. Mia ran away fast, weaving and leaping to present a difficult target. McKenzie activated the ATS; Automatic Targeting System, and fired off another plasma blast. The ball of plasma hit the lower half of Mias' body, disintegrating it. Her upper body flopped to the ground and her blood and organs spilled out onto the snow. McKenzie looked up at the Northern building and saw the Van Halen up at the rooftop, people were jumping into its' open rear doors. "NO!! You're not getting away from me!" she cried out as the mech sprinted toward the building. The Cthulhu approached the building and fired on the Van Halen and the ship took off. Through the X-ray scanner on her view screen she could see that someone was still up on the roof-top. She zoomed in on them and saw that it was Streek; male Streek. She had become a man again and then destroyed the Pod so that McKenzie would be stuck in a womans' body forever. Rage built inside her, she desperately needed to kill him. McKenzie activated the jets on the mechs' legs and it rose up off the ground. The Ronin Mech was able to fly for brief periods. She locked onto her sire as she flew up over the edge of the roof, then tried to come down right on top of him, but he darted out of the way as she slammed down hard onto the rooftop. "Skylar?!" called out Streek, looking up at her. "No, not Skylar." said McKenzie. "You fuckin' Cunt! You destroyed the damn Pod, now I'll never become a man again. Now I'm gunna finish off the first order my Mistress gave me. You're a dead man!" The mechs' arms spread wide and long vibro-blades extended from them. Streek flipped backwards as the blades slashed at him with great speed. He kept moving about as the large mech came at him, swinging its' blades. McKenzie aimed the mechs' arm at him and then fired off a plasma blast. The blue ball of energy exploded on the ground near him, throwing him several meters. Streek rolled over on the ground and fired his assault rifle at the Mech. The Ronin ran up fast and kicked Streek, he was knocked back and smashed into the low wall around the edge of the rooftop, bricks flew everywhere and the dazed Streek barely managed to hold on to the edge, stopping himself from falling down off the building. 'I've got you now!' The big Mech walked over to where Streek was hanging off the edge. "This is the part where you die." said McKenzie, raising the blade high. Suddenly, yellow quad laser blasts hit the Ronins' energy shields. It was the Hornet firing on her, Ben-Two had joined the fight. McKenzie raised the mechs arm and fired plasma blasts at the fighter, its' strong shields absorbed the attacks. The Hornet continued to pelt the mech until it flew past. "Fuckin' pest!" said McKenzie. She looked down and Streek wasn't there anymore. Streek stabbed at front of the mech with his vibro-blade knife, he had climbed up onto it and was clinging on. McKenzie retracted the mechs' blades and tried to grab Streek, but he was swinging his body around, avoiding the large hands. "Get off me, you Prick!" She remembered getting shocked when the mech held her back at the holo-arena. She pressed some buttons and a powerful electric shock surged on the outside of the Mech. Streek screamed out in pain, but he still held on. His fist glowed with blue light. "You don't learn do ya?!" McKenzie felt the impact as he punched the back of the mech with tremendous force. The punch smashed through the strong grey plate and left a hole in its' armour. Streek grabbed a grenade from his belt and dropped it inside the hole and then jumped off the Mech. The grenade exploded inside the mech, and McKenzie screamed as she felt the shockwave painfully rip through her. The Mech stumbled forward and black smoke enveloped her, she was breathing it in. She felt like she was dying. NO!! He couldn't have beaten me again!! NO!! Then she felt the Mech falling and slamming hard, and she blacked out. \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* McKenzie came around again and had a coughing fit. She looked through her teary eyes and saw that she was on a stretcher in the domed hangar again. Now there were even more wounded soldiers around her. A sea of pain and misery. There were also eight armed guards around her. "FUCK!!" she cried out, 'How could I have failed again?!' Dr Morgan came up to her, his face was bruised and bandaged. "I'm glad they've taken some precautions this time, you're like a fuckin' wild beast." The clone felt at her neck, she was wearing a slave collar. She also had a drip running into her arm, she ripped it out. "I don't need this shit, I'm a clone, I'll fix myself up." She got off the stretcher and stood up, she was a little shaky on her feet. She coughed some more and then wiped her mouth. "You really should stay put, you've been through extensive trauma." said the Doctor. "Don't tell me what to do. I need to get out there again!" "The fighting here is over. The battle had moved to space, against the Federation. I think that's finished now. We won." said the Doctor. "Victory is ours! Can't you tell? Everyone is celebrating!" The Doctor spread his arms pointing out all the wounded soldiers, he was obviously being sarcastic. The place was awash with pain and misery. A Pirate who had both his legs blown off was crying out, and sobbing uncontrollably nearby. "What about the intruders?" "Most of the clones were killed, I think a small group of them got away." "Drakk! That cheating bastard!" One of the guards stepped forward, "If you can walk, then come with us." "You forgot to say please." "Come with us clone Bitch! and don't get smart, you're wearing a slave collar." McKenzie thought about how her sire had turned the slave collar into a weapon against her, she wanted to try it. "You think this collar makes me less dangerous?" She went to punch the guard but the collar fired up and a painful wave of electrical energy went through her and she screamed and dropped to the ground. "Yeah, I reckon it does." said the guard. 'How the hell did he do it? How did it make him stronger?' thought McKenzie. Guards came over to her and started pulling her up. "Don't fuckin' touch me!" yelled out McKenzie, she stood and looked at the guard, "Are you taking me to Skylar?" "Yeah, that's right." "Let's go then." They took her to the Jaws III. which was docked in the hangar. They boarded it and made their way to the bridge. Skylar was sitting in the Captains' chair, idly playing with the Champion Ruby and talking to Sadie. Captain Payne was there too, the large black man stood silently in the corner. McKenzie and the guards hung back while they talked. " get out of there in a hurry, you understand." said Skylar. "But you could have given me a pair of those ear plugs or something." said Sadie. "I don't account for everyone in my back-up plans. Do I really need to explain myself to you?" "No Mistress." "Tell me why they let you live." "I don't know." "Why do you think?" "Because Streek likes me." "Yeah right! I saw the way she looked at you, not a lot of like there." "I knew how to press her buttons. I could get her off. I'm pretty good in the sack, if I do say so myself. Would you like me to show you? I remember what it's like to be your age, all those wild hormones. How would you like some of this?" Sadie poked her tongue out, displaying the round metal stud, she wiggled her tongue up and down at the smirking Skylar. "Strangely, that doesn't sound appealing to me at all. Do you want to know what really 'presses my buttons'?" "Ooh, I bet it's something really twisted." "When my subordinates serve me well." Sadie looked disappointed, "...Not that twisted." "But I will give you the chance to give me satisfaction. Prepare your ship and crew, I have another important mission for you. One you must not fail!" "Where are we going?" asked Sadie. "I will brief you on that soon." "One more thing before you go Captain. I've noticed that you're suffering withdrawal symptoms. That's good, it means you're staying clean. Apart from that little slip up with the Ryphin, which I will overlook, just this once." "Yeah, I wanted to talk to you about that. I'm fuckin' sick, I can't concentrate, ...I can't function properly. If I could just get a small hit, now and then..." "No, You are doing well Sadie. If you can overcome this addiction, it will show remarkable inner strength. But if you fail, ...there is no place here for someone who is not even the master of their own body. You may as well become just another one of the junkie whores who litter the streets of Keyser." "Not even a little bit of weed?" pleaded Sadie. "No. Go and see Doctor Morgan. That's an order. He will help you to manage your symptoms. You're dismissed now. I'll brief you at... eleven hundred." "Yes, Mistress. I'll go and get my Tank." Sadie turned and started walking out of the room. She and McKenzie looked at each other. Sadie had a large purple bruise on her face. She blew McKenzie a kiss. McKenzie didn't know how she felt about Sadie, her memories of her were very fuzzy. "McKenzie, get over here." said Skylar. The clone approached the teenage girl, her eyes were lowered, she was ashamed of her failure. "Do you still want to be called Lisa? ...or Streek?" Skylar asked. "No." she hated those names. "Then you can choose a new name for yourself." "I'd like you to choose a new name for me Mistress." "Okay then, about Maxine. It sounds like Magazine, and you were made from ammunition. Maxine McKenzie, do you like it?" "Yes Mistress." "How many things have I asked you to do Maxine?" "Mistress?..." "How many things?" "" "One thing; kill your Sire, and you failed to do it, ...twice. Even I was able to do it once." "He... he cheated!" "That's your excuse? He cheated? Why the hell didn't you cheat? You're the Pirate!" "He... he can absorb shock weapons, it makes him stronger. I don't know how he does it." "So, in a short amount of time, your fellow clone has learned tricks that you have failed to learn. Is that right?" Maxine didn't say anything. "...You are a major disappointment to me. I had such high hopes. It's because of your failure that my Cloning Pod was destroyed." "Forgive me Mistress. I will make it up to you. Let me go after my Sire. I'll bring you back his head, ...and the heads of every last Anders and Bolton." "History shows that that task is beyond you. ...You took my Ronin mech without asking." "...I'm sorry. I just wanted to serve you." "...And you broke it! War has started and all my favourite toys are broken. I think you need to be punished." "Punish me as you see fit Mistress." "Yes, perhaps you should spend some time in prison." "No! Not that! I should be serving you. It's what I was made for!" "You don't like that idea? That's what makes it a good punishment then!" "But... Mistress, please!..." "Bored now! Take her away!" The Pirate guards came and grabbed Maxine. "I can do it! I can kill him! He just got lucky, that's all!" she said as they pulled her away. "Oh, I know you want to be treated like a man." said Skylar. "...have fun in the Mens' Prison!" As Max was taken out of the room Skylar said, "Is the War Council ready?" "They're waiting for you Mistress." Said Captain Payne. "Let's get on with it then." Maxine was being taken to a shuttle by the Pirate guards. If she was just able to absorb the shock from her slave collar, she could show Skylar that she was capable. She took a deep breath and concentrated, and then tried to strike out at the guard. The collar surged and she screamed out and slumped to the floor. It hurt like hell every time. How did he do it? It was driving her mad. "Cut that shit out clone!" said the guard, picking her up and marching her along again. They put her up the front of a small shuttle, and the guards sat in behind her. There were eight of them assigned to her. Maxine was feeling very low. her short life had been nothing but failure. The memories of her life before that were shameful, ...and the life before that, when she was a man. Now she was never going to be a man again. The shuttle lifted up, out of the hangar and took off into the morning sky. Maxine could hear the guards talking behind her. "Fuckin' gives me the creeps, travelling with a clone up front. I'll be glad when we dump her off at Bonscott." "What ya talking about? I think she's pretty hot. Did you see them tits. I was thinking of getting a piece!" "Don't be a fuckin' idiot. Didn't you see what those clones did back there? We outnumbered them sixty to one, and that's not including the ships. We had mechs and hovercraft and snipers and turrets, and they tore through us like Alien Tech killing machines. Are you really confident that a slave collar and eight guards would be enough to stop her?" "Well, when you put it like that, ...she still has nice tits." "fuckin' idiot!" "You ever wonder why we got Alien Tech, but no Aliens?" came another voice. "Shit, here we go! Pete's gunna do his crappy impression of a smart person again." "Shut the fuck up!, I'm smarter than you." "Maybe in some parallel universe, but I doubt it." "Well, Suppose there are Aliens from another Galaxy, and maybe they're lookin' over at us, thinking our galaxy is good real estate, right? Just gotta clear away the local inhabitants and they're good to go. Whatta you do? Go to war? They would win for sure, with their super-advanced technology. But what if there's an easier way?" "...They've been watching us, they know what we're like. So some Alien fucker gets the bright idea of sending over a cache of their Tech for us to find. What are we gunna do with it? Take it to war, what do ya think? Aliens sit back and watch us destroy each other. Then they come in and clean up, and they've got a new Galaxy to fuck around in." "That's one theory I guess. But there'd be thousands more that you're not smart enough to come up with. It's probably one of them that's closest to the truth." "Maybe, but mark my words, Alien Tech will be the end of us." "Mark your words? ...Mark your own fuckin' words. Don't you listen to Skylar? Alien Tech is what's gunna bring about the rise of the Pirate Alliance and the fall of the Federation. If the Galaxy is gunna be destroyed, it will be at the PAs' say-so." "Yeah well, as that little battle we just had illustrated, we aint the only ones with Alien Tech." "We'll see. If the galaxy ends and Aliens move in, I'll admit that you're smart." Maxine turned around to them, "You're right Pete, we are here to kill everybody." They looked at her wide-eyed and she gave them a smile and turned back around. \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* A couple of hours later, they had arrived at the Bonscott Prison, about one hundred miles inland from Keyser City. The Warden, a fat, middle-aged moustachioed man, met them inside. "I'm Warden Pyke, administrator of this facility. What is this about?" "Special orders from Skylar. This clone is to be incarcerated in your facility, for the crime of pissing Skylar off." said a guard. "This woman? what am I to do with her?" "Just put her in with the rest of the prisoners, and don't take her slave collar off, she's very dangerous." "You know what's gunna happen if we do that." "Yeah, and so does Skylar. She wants her to be punished." "Fine, who am I to question the orders of our Great Leader. The inmates are going to love this." Maxine didn't say anything, she just brooded as she was processed. She was stripped naked and hosed down, and given the prison uniform to put on. She wore a pair of bright orange pants and a white tank top. She was taken into the main exercise yard and dumped there. The large yard was just concrete and dirt and high walls. It was mid-morning, and there were clear blue skies above them. There were wooden benches around and free weight equipment. Guards watched from the walls and from a Guard Tower. There were also plenty of male prisoners. Rough looking men dressed like her, and all staring at her. A lot of them had smiles on their ugly faces. On a planet full of criminals, the one's that have been locked away had to be the worse of the worse. A bunch of them came over to her right away. "Hey there! Are you in the right place baby?" "Whoa, look at them titties, they're great!" "I think it's our lucky day boys!" One of them went to grab her tits and she stepped back away from him. "Come on baby, don't be like that. We just wanna be friendly." "Fuck off!" said Maxine. "I know what you're thinking, but I'm the last woman you want to fuck with. I could kill you all without even thinking about it. If you have any sense of self preservation, you'll stay the fuck away from me!" "Ha Ha! Tough talk, I like that!" said one of the men, a big guy with a shaved head. "...nice necklace pussy-cat." "That's a slave collar isn't it?" said another inmate. "Yeah, you put them on bitches to stop them from putting up a fight. She's all talk." A hand reached out and squeezed her boob. Maxine growled and then her slave collar surged and she screamed out in pain. The men all around her laughed. 'Come on!, Come on! I need to be able to do this now!' She tried to strike out at the men again and the collar painfully shocked her again. She slumped down to her knees. "He he, that's a good girl!" One of the men was fumbling at his pants, pulling out his half-erect cock. A hand pressed on her shoulder to stop her getting up. "Put your pretty mouth to good use." "I'm gunna bite it off!" said Maxine. "No you're not, the slave collar's gunna stop you." "Actually Jok, the shocks could..." "Shut up! It's been too long since I got my dick sucked by a woman!" He stroked his seven inch cock and it swelled and got hard. He slapped it against Maxines' face. "Open up baby, let me fuck your pretty face." He pushed his cock at her closed mouth. "I said open up!" He said as he slapped her face and pulled her hair. Maxine opened her mouth and the cock was pushed in, the fat cock-head prodded at the back of her throat. Maxines' slave collar suddenly surged and Rick screamed out in agony, as her teeth clenched down, biting right into the cock. "Aaaaaagh!!, Yeeeaaagh!!, AAAAAGH!!!" he screamed out as the clones' teeth latched on to his member. Blood was running down Maxines' chin. Rick pulled away desperately, and his cock was ripped off, spraying blood over Maxines' face. He dropped to the ground screaming and clutching at his bloody groin. The other men all stood around stunned. Maxine spat the dismembered cock out onto the ground. "All right, who's next?" she said, as blood ran down her face. "Drakk!, I tried to tell him, the shocks from the collar could make her clamp down! Fuck!" The guards came in and pulled the wounded inmate off to the infirmary. One of them gingerly picked the bloody penis up off the ground. "Jeez, I've seen some fucked up shit before, ...but damn!" said a big black man. "Good thing her cunt doesn't have any teeth!" said a big, stubble-headed man. "Yeah, probably best we stayed away from her mouth, eh Dobbo?" They pulled her back up again. Maxine could see that she was surrounded by large, grinning men. Her heart was beating rapidly, she knew she was in peril and she was charged with adrenaline, she desperately wanted to lash out at them, kill them. She took a deep breath and tried to concentrate, she had to do this. She started to throw a punch and the slave collar surged, she didn't scream this time but the pain was agonising, and she went weak again. NO!! her mind screamed out. "Ha! She's still doing it!" laughed one of the inmates. They picked her up and carried her over to the bench and put her down on it on her back. Grinning male faces were all around her. Hands grabbed at her tits and were roughly squeezing and rubbing them. More hands were pulling down her pants and panties. "Look at that little thing, that cunt looks tight man!" A hand rubbed at her crotch and then a finger slipped inside her. "She is tight, damn!" Dobbo grabbed her legs and roughly pulled her toward him, sliding her on the rough wooden bench. He started rubbing his fat dick at her pink slit. "What are the guards doing?" "Nothin' man, just watchin'" Dobbo cracked a big smile, "She's fair game then." "Don't do it you prick, I'll kill you!" cried out Maxine. Her collar surged again as she tried to fight him. Dobbo forced the cock head through the pink folds and up against her hymen, he thrust his hips forward and the erect cock painfully stabbed its way deep inside her. Maxine cried out in pain. "Ha! She was a virgin! I just popped her cherry!" said Dobbo proudly. The other inmates all cheered excitedly. He started ramming his cock back and forth as he fucked her hard. The thrusting cock hurt like hell, Maxine had to stop it. Once again she tried to lash out at them, and the slave collar surged, and her body was racked with more pain. "Oh Shit!" said Dobbo. "I thought it might have shocked me while I was fuckin' her, didn't feel anything though." He continued to thrust into her hard, jerking her back with each thrust. They ripped off her tank-top and bra and her large bare tits were roughly played with. Her nipples were being pinched hard, making her squeal. Dobbo banged away at her tight pussy and it didn't take him long before he felt an orgasm coming on, "I'm gunna give her a cream-pie, reckon she could use the lube, she's a bit dry. ...Ungh!" he groaned as he stuck his cock deep inside her and it throbbed and spurted its' load of cum, filling up the tight hole. He pulled his cock out of her. Cum and blood leaked from the ravaged hole. "That was the best fuck I've had in a long time." said Dobbo. "I just love poppin' cherries" The next man quickly got in position and shoved his fat cock into the tight pussy. He began banging away at her. Maxine couldn't bear it, she tried to fight them with everything she had but the collar surged again and her muscles failed her again. "Ah yeah! ...hey, that's good! When the collar shocks her, her cunt gets even tighter. feels fuckin' great!" He raped her hard for a while. Maxine was furious, she wasn't angry with the inmates, or Skylar for putting her in there, she was angry with herself for not being able to get out of it. "Out of the way Ass-holes!" said a dark-skinned inmate. He got up on the bench and straddled Maxines' chest, he pushed her tits together and rubbed his hard, eight-inch cock up between them. He thrust his black member back and forth, tit-fucking her. "Watch yourself Willy, your cock's getting close to her mouth." said another inmate. The other man pulled out from her ravaged vagina and spurted his hot, wet cum over her groin and belly. Soon another hard cock pushed its way into her and she was getting brutally raped again. The collar surged as Maxine tried to fight them. "There she goes again." said Willy while he tit fucked her "..either she has a few screws loose, or she gets off on getting shocked." "Who cares, that does feel good!" said the man fucking her pussy. A little while later Willy groaned, and his cum spurted onto Maxines teary and bloody face, she quickly wiped it away. He climbed down off her and the hands returned, roughly squeezing and pinching at her tits. The cock pumped away in her sore, tight pussy until the man groaned and dumped his cum inside her. The member pulled out of her and cum spilt out. Maxine was flipped over so that she was on her stomach, bent over the bench. Another man got behind her and rubbed his hard cock on her soaking wet slit, then he pushed it into her. He pulled out again and pressed the fat cock-head at her little ass-hole. "I'm gunna pop her anal cherry now!" he said as he forced it through the tight ring. Maxine cried out as the big cock violently rammed deep into her ass. "Ah yeah! Fuck that's tight!" He slowly pulled back and then rammed it in deep. Maxines' collar surged, her body was racked with intense pain again. The big man was fucking her ass with deep, hard thrusts. "Do you enjoy getting it up the poop-chute baby?" teased one of the men. All around her the inmates were laughing and cheering excitedly. An ugly, chubby man licked her face. "Around here we call it a train." he said to her. "We all gotta wait in line for the ride, but lucky you, you just get to keep riding and riding and riding." "Naagh! ...I'm gunna kill you all!!" cried out Maxine. The men all laughed at her. The man behind her continued to mercilessly pound her tight ass until he pulled out and spurted all over the ravaged hole. "Come on, let's DP the slut!". One of the men got on the bench and laid there with his hard cock sticking up. Maxine was forced up there. Many hands grabbed her and positioned her so that her ass was over the cock. The man grabbed his cock and pushed it up into the squeezing hole, then he pulled her down onto him, so that it slid deep up her sore ass. Another man climbed up on top of her and guided his hard cock into her ravaged vagina. Maxine had fat cocks wedged into her pussy and ass at the same time. Both cocks started moving, fucking her. Her collar surged again and the wave of intense pain shot through her. "Yeah slut, keep doin' that, it's fuckin' great!" said the man fucking her pussy. For two long hours, Maxine was continually and mercilessly gang raped. She never stopped trying to fight them. Her body ached all over, particularly her ravaged pussy and ass, which throbbed with intense pain. Her head was spinning. Yet another cock spurted its' cum up her ass and pulled out. She was on her back on the bench again, with her legs hanging limply over the side. She had cum all over her, particularly around her groin and spilling out from her holes. The crowds' excitement had died down a little, but there were still plenty of men around her, watching. The next man approached her and lifted her legs, he rubbed his hard cock on her soaking wet slit and pushed it in. Maxine was delirious from all the shocking and brutal fucking. She looked up and saw him; Male Streek. He was violating her now. Rage built up inside her. "YOU!!!" she yelled loudly. "...I HATE YOU!!!" Streek looked down at her confused. "HOW DO YOU DO IT?!! ...TELL ME YOU PRICK!!!" "Drakk! What's wrong with her?" said Streek as he raped her. "WHY DON'T YOU JUST DIE!!!" She shot up and her fist slammed into his face with great force. His cock popped out of her as he was knocked back to the ground. The collar painfully surged again, this time it didn't phase her. Other inmates gathered around the fallen man. "Oh Shit! she killed Tony." said one of them. Max got up to her feet, she had a look of wild fury in her eyes. "Get her!" yelled Dobbo. Several men came at her. Max's fists were a blur as she struck out at them with devastating force. Men were getting knocked back all over the place. She quickly slipped forward and slammed two inmates' heads together, shattering their skulls. The slave collar was surging the whole time, charging her with raw power, her fists began to glow. Men came at her from all directions. Max slammed her glowing fists down into the ground, releasing the stored up energy. An explosive shock-wave rippled out around her and bodies were thrown away with great force. Alarms started sounding in the Prison yard. Max walked right up to Dobbo, who was on the ground dazed. She grabbed his throat and lifted him up effortlessly. She looked into his eyes, they were filled with fear, her eyes were filled with fury and hatred. She grabbed hold of his head with both hands, "No, please! ...don't!" cried out Dobbo. He let out a piercing scream as her thumbs stabbed through his eyes and went deep into his eye sockets. She ripped his skull apart and blood splattered all over her face and naked body. The collar surged, charging her with more power. More inmates came at her. She punched one, sending him flying back against a wall. Another man punched her head, and she didn't flinch. She grabbed his arm and slammed it, the broken bone ripped through the skin and he let out a loud scream. She stomped his shin and another broken bone ripped out of his leg. She punched his chest, breaking several ribs and sending him flying back. The large black man called Willy grabbed her from behind, pinning her arms. She threw her head back, smashing his face, and he let go of her. She swept his legs out from under him and he hit the ground. Max slammed her fist into his spine, crushing his vertebrae. The collar surged, and her fists were glowing again. There was a loud gunshot and a bullet slammed into her chest, near her right shoulder. Max didn't even cry out. The shot had come from the guard tower. She threw her hands forward and a ball of blue energy shot out and exploded as it hit the guard tower, killing the shooter instantly. Alarms were still sounding loudly around the Prison. Some inmates were at the fence, desperately trying to get out. "Let us the hell out of here!!" yelled one of them, "...She's a fuckin' monster!!" Max came up and pulled him from the fence and slammed her knee into his back, smashing his spine. Another inmate swung at her and she caught his fist and crushed it. He yelled out in pain. She kicked him hard in the groin, knocking him up into the air and then he slammed down onto the ground. She stomped his head into the concrete, causing blood to splatter everywhere. Several Guards ran into the yard, carrying rifles. They raised their guns at her. Max threw her arms forward again and a ball of light shot forward and struck the guard in the front, making him slam back into a couple of guards behind him. Max was already among them, lashing out with fast, devastating blows. From outside the Prison, you could hear the wailing alarms, painful screams and smashing from all the chaos within. Soon, part of the large outer wall exploded, and steel and bricks flew outwards. Max emerged through the dust. The skinny, naked, large-breasted woman was covered in blood and her eyes were glowing. She looked monstrous. Skylar was waiting out there. She had an escort of ten armed Pirates, they all raised their rifles at Max as she approached. "Stand down men." said Skylar, "...If you want to keep living." Max walked right up to her and looked at her with her glowing eyes. Skylar smiled at her, "There's my top predator. ...I think you're ready to kill your Sire now." "Yes Mistress."
Title: 3 Families Vol. 01 Ch. 03 Tags: harem, drama, brother sister incest, pregnant, jack off instruction, mutual masturbation, exhibitionism, massage, big breast **Volume One: Homecoming Chapter Three: Alexander & Nicolette** *Edited By: Todger65* Summer 2000 Alexander, his cousin Joanna and his mom Elizabeth sat on the couch talking about what they had missed and what they had been up to. Alex couldn't help but notice his moms arm around the back of the couch stroking Jo's hair as Jo showed her pictures of their college life on his camera. He knew it was nothing but part of him had pictured his mom and Jo engaged in some hot lesbian sex after she had told him about his mother's lesbian experimentation during her own college years and what had happened that night. Alex glanced up to see his Sister Nicolette coming down the stairs. The first thing he noticed was her breasts which were barely covered by a mini crop top shirt that looked like it belonged to a girl half her age. The shirt was taut around her huge swollen honeydew melon sized tits, hard large nipples pressing against the shirt, her areolas nicely outlined. It hung loose at the bottom, her bare breast peeking out underneath as it moved about, flashing her breasts with each step down the stairs as her tits bounced on her large bare pregnant belly. She looked like she could pop at any moment though she still had a little ways to go. A pair of loose girl boxers hugged her snuggly around her bottom, but was loose around the legs. His sister had gotten the best of both families, she was tall with long legs like Jo but she had a shapelier figure and had gotten her tits from mom's side. She had worked as a Hooters girl during high school, a job to which she was over qualified and made a few of the girls she worked with jealous. Before she had gotten pregnant she could have easily have been a swimsuit model with her long hourglass figure. Now she could still easily be one for maternity wear. What little extra weight she might have put on looked good on her. "Well hell look at what the cat dragged in." Nicky teased, a smile crossing the luscious lips she had gotten from their mother. She brushed her light toffee brown bang from her face, she had cut her hair short but it still looked good on her, helping to show off her brown sultry eyes. 'Morning Alley." Alex grinned as he stood up. She smiled at hearing her old childhood name that Alex used to call her by, though she preferred her middle name Nicolette over Allison. Their parents hadn't been thinking when they gave them all 'A' names. Alex and Nicky hadn't gotten along all that well when he was a kid and used to annoy her, but by middle school he adored his big sister. Mostly because she had big boobs and wore very little clothing, which was the same reason he didn't like his buddies coming over. Jo of course was probably thinking it but at least she never brought it up. Their relationship had been a mix of roughhousing and horse playing to cuddling and playful flirting. His cousins had been the first girls he had every kissed but after Nicky had caught them practicing making out in the tree house she decided to show Kat and Candy how to really kiss a boy and used him to do it. Best afternoon he ever spent in that treehouse not counting the one Nicky forgot to close her shades. So she had been his first kiss, at least with tongue anyways. She, of course, made all of them promise not to tell. Nicky hadn't been the first woman he had seen naked, but she was the first one to flash her tits at him to cheer him up; he couldn't remember what for though now. And the first girl he had ever gotten to second base with, which was an accident or so he swore to this day. She was also his version of encyclopedia erotica, answering the questions he was too embarrassed to ask mom and dad, at least until they got internet. Looking back he had spent a lot of nights thinking about her while he discovered the joys of masturbation. "Hey Tiger." Nicky said as she gave him a little peck and hugging him as best she could, turning sideways as her belly rubbed against him, one of her tits pressing against his chest. He could feel her hard nipple rubbing against him. " "Hey Jo-Jo." Nicky said as she let him go and turned toward Jo. "Still hanging with this loser?" She said as she plopped down on the couch next to Jo where he had been sitting. He thought her breasts would pop out of her shirt as they jiggled about on her belly. As she sat he caught a glimpse up her boxers of her vulva before she closed her legs and folded them under her. She leaned in and gave Jo a quick peck on the cheek. "So what are we looking at?" She asked looking at the camera. Alex walked around sitting behind her and looking over her shoulder. "Pictures from college." Jo smiled as she turned the phone so his sis could see as well. He noticed as she did so, that Jo peeked over at his sister's breasts as her eyes were on the phone. "Alex would you be a dear and bring me some juice sweetie." Nicky smiled looking back at him and touched his arm. He swore his sister arched her back as she did to make her boobs perk up. Their mom had told his sisters a long time ago that you can get a lot with a kind word, but a kind word and big boobs will get you more. He swore the police department made a habit out of pulling his sister over to give her warnings, just so they could look at her boobs. "Yes ma'am." Alex smiled and walked away looking back at Jo quite content as his mom and his sister leaned in, their tits rubbing against her arms. He walked into the kitchen giving his crotch a little rub. It had been a while since he had seen his sis, not since his dad's funeral, but she looked damn good even knocked up. The baby had been an accident unlike his baby sister, and she had moved back home after breaking up with the father who wasn't ready to be a father. Alex brought her a glass of juice and as he came up he saw her smile at him. When she took the glass from him, her fingers brushed against his hand. "Nice ass bubba." Nicky said, Alex noticed the picture Jo had taken of him streaking. Luckily it was from behind. "I thought you said you deleted that." Alex said. "No I said I was going to delete it, I didn't say I wasn't going to show your mom and sisters first." Jo teased as his mom and sister giggled. At least he knew for sure she had deleted the other one of his junk bouncing in the wind. Jo flipped to the next picture they had taken, together with his arm around Jo's shoulder and his hand on her tit with her pointing down at his cock off camera and smiling. Jo had gone as well but had worn pasties and panties. Though she had lost one halfway through the race which was why his hand was on her boob in the picture. "So neither of you brought any girlfriends home yet." His sis said looking between them. "I thought you got her out of the trunk?" Jo grinned looking at him, his mom giving her a little slap on the arm. "No nothing serious enough to bring home yet. I half debated leaving her there." Alex pointed at Jo who shook her head at him. His sister took a drink of her juice before sitting it down on the coffee table and leaned back stretching a bit. As she raised her arms up, her shirt did the same and the bottoms of her boobs began to peek out from underneath flashing a bit of her caramel areolas. "You may not want to wear that shirt around your brother, unless you want him to see your tits." His mom said laughing. "He will be seeing them sooner or later when the little one gets here by the end of the summer. Plus as many nip slips and what not I have had over the years, I don't think seeing my tits would be anything new to Alex." Sis tugged her shirt down and smiled at him. Alex's mind went back to the year of the slip and slide, big boobs plus old bikini plus slip and slide equaled embarrassed sister holding her bouncing tits as she ran back to the house. Ah memories. His sister reached up and rubbed her shoulder. "Shoulder bugging you?" Alex asked. "Actually my back." She rolled her shoulders and arched her back a bit. "May I?" He put his hands on her shoulders. "Knock yourself out sweetie." Nicky said turning slightly, readjusting herself on the couch. As she did he couldn't help but notice her nice round bubble butt, which had grown along with her boobs, stretching the girl boxers they rode a little low showing a lot of butt cleavage. He sat on the arm of the couch and began to caress the soft flesh. She let out a soft moan as she rolled her neck. "Trouble sleeping." Alex said as he looked down. From where he was standing, gave him a nice view down her shirt to the cleavage of her breasts. His hands played at her shoulders, and the fabric moved about giving him a peek at her breasts. He could feel a slight arousal in his crotch. He had to resist the urge to "accidently" let one of the straps slide off her shoulder though as snug as the shirt was around the bust he doubted he see anything. "You mean other than your niece the soccer player who thinks my kidney is a ball." His sister said with a smile as she closed her eyes enjoying his hands on her shoulders. "I don't miss that any. Having to get up and run to the bathroom in the middle of the night." Mom said. Their attention went back to the pictures, his mom and sister teasing him with some of the pictures Jo had taken. When he could he would steal a glimpse down her top, though he noticed Jo doing it as well though she probably had a much better view from the side. "Little lower babe." Nicky said. He moved his hands down the soft flesh of her back rubbing at the soft tissue underneath. "Right there, um, that feels good." "I kind of miss that part of not being pregnant. He used to massage my back all the time." Mom playfully pouted at him. "Well how about a massage later." He smiled more than happy to put his hands on his mom's voluptuous body. "I will hold you to that. Carrying these things around all day is killing my back." Mom said as she clutched her breasts in hand and gave them a little lift. His dick twitched a little. "You're telling me; don't get me wrong I like the size, but my tits feel like they're about to explode. None of my bra's will fit anymore." His sister said as she playfully patted them making them jiggle while looking down at her own nice rack. "Talking about sore." His sis began to caress and rub them. "Is all this talk of boobs bothering you sweetie?" Mom said looking up at him with a smile. "No not at all, I am kind of used to it by now." He grinned. "Though Jo might feel a little out of place." Alex grinned. Though her breast where about a nice handful each she may as well have been flat chested sitting between his mom and sister. Jo smirked at him and flipped him the bird. "All right children." His mom said. "May as well be, you're going to have two of us breast feeding soon." Sis said as she leaned her head back and smiled up at him. His head turned as he heard the sound of a baby crying coming from the kitchen where mom had left the baby monitor. Or the baby was in the stove, he was hoping it was the monitor. "Speaking of breast feeding." Mom said. "Someone's probably hungry." She added. Before she stood up, she leaned forward giving him a nice view of more than a little side boob. He so envied his baby sister who got to suck on those nice round hanging tits. "You want to come see the baby Jo?" "Yeah sure." Jo said as she stood up and followed his mom upstairs leaving him alone with his sis. "A little to the side's babe please." Nicky said. Alex looked down and ran his hands down and to the sides just under her underarms, his fingertips almost touching her breasts as he rubbed her sides. She leaned back placing her head against his stomach giving him an even better view of her breasts. "Um right there, I tell you I will be glad when I can sleep on my stomach again." She took a deep breath in as her breasts heaved outward and letting it out slowly with a soft moan. His fingers played at her sides while his thumbs kept massaging her back as he watched her breast rise and fall with each deep breath she took. "So another girl?" Alex said trying to find something to talk about and distract his mind and his fingers from reaching around and cupping her breast, as well as to keep her occupied as he admired her tits. "Yeah, you are a little outnumbered." Nicky said with a small laugh as her boobs jiggled lightly. He felt his fingers brush along the outside of her boobs. "If you want to cop a feel go ahead babe." She teased as she leaned forward and took a drink of the Orange juice he had poured her. "Sorry." Alex said. "It's okay, most action I had in a little while, plus I wasn't kidding about them being sore earlier, they hurt like hell, so I don't mind if you rub them a little." She shrugged. "You sure?" He asked eager but cautious. "Yes sugar. It's okay. Wouldn't be the first time you coped a feel." His sis grinned up at him. Alex slid his hands under the sides of her shirt and wrapped his hands around her breast softly caressing her large swollen melons, moving his thumbs in circles while his hands held her soft tits while squeezing softly. "You have no clue how good that feels. If you weren't my brother..." Nicky moaned as she leaned forward putting the glass down softly and then leaned back up against him. "So are me and you going to be sharing a room?" Alex asked. "No mom said you can crash with sis." His sister said as she sighed softly laying back against him with her eyes closed. It had made sense since after dad died; Abbey had slept in his bed for several weeks. She had nightmares about the car crash and needed comfort and reassurance. "Really I figured I just crash down stairs." Alex shrugged. "Probably for the best." Nicky teased. "Her bed is bigger and I take a lot more of my bed now." She said touching her belly. "Plus I don't know if I can promise to keep my hands to myself." She smiled up at him, reminding him of the last time they shared a bed together before she had left home almost two years ago. "Don't worry I put your old stuff in your closet, and I didn't move your porn though I might have taken a little peek." Sis grinned. "I noticed you got a little collection going on." She teased. "Hey you started it." Alex joked. "Your pretty good at this, I image you had plenty of practice with those college girls." "Not really. It's a little hard with school and work to find time. Yours are the only boobs I've played with, in months." Alex let his hand run around her boobs, her nipples trickling through his nipples now cupping them. He began to massage them a little harder now he was feeling a little more comfortable. "Mmm. Don't feel too bad, you're the only one that has touched my boobs in months, I couldn't get a date to save my life right now. I feel like a beached whale half the time, my big belly, swollen tits, fat ass. I am lucky if a guy even looks at me." Nicky pouted. "I think you look beautiful pregnant." Alex leaned in and kissed her cheek looking over her shoulder. "You are such a suck up." Nicky grinned as she rubbed her cheek against his. "No I mean it, if you weren't my sister I would be totally be hitting on you right now." Alex teased. "Well don't let that stop you." She glanced down at her breast. "You're already at second base." "You were beautiful before but now, you have a bit of a glow about you and what guy doesn't like bigger breasts." Alex said as he began to mash her tits together rubbing them in circles. "I wish my ex felt that way, he hardly even touched me when I started showing." Nicky pouted. "He was a damn fool. I wouldn't be able to keep my hands off you. Case in point." He playfully pinched her nipples and began to shake her breasts playfully up and down. "Alex." Nicky laughed elbowing him. "It's good to have you home." She reached back and grabbed his neck pulling him closer and kissing him lightly. "It's good to be home." Alex smiled as she ran her fingers through his hair. About that time his stomach growled. "Way to kill the mood bubba." Nicky laughed. "Sorry haven't had any real food yet today." He chuckled rubbing his belly. "Why don't I go start breakfast?" Nicky teased. "Here help me up." "You sure, I can do it." Alex walked around and took her hands and pulled her up. "I am pregnant not handicapped. Why don't you go wake Abbey up and put your stuff in your shared room?" She smiled. "Okay." He nodded; she gave him a wink and headed for the kitchen then she looked back over her shoulder to see if he was looking at her ass as she walked away. He went to grab his bags, but stopped as he heard a noise coming from upstairs. He looked up to see his sister Abigail bounding down the stairs. Summer 1998 Alexander "Come in." Alex said as he sat on the bed watching TV. The door opened to show his sister standing in a T- shirt that was snug to her body, hard nipples underneath and a pair of panties that he could just make out. "Hey sis." She came in shutting the door behind her. "So you have a good birthday." Nicky plopped down next to him, He couldn't help but notice her boobs jiggle as she did. "Yep." Alex smiled. "Abbey in bed, you two finished the movies already?" Nicky said noticing him flipping through the channels. "Just the one, we will watch the other one tomorrow." Alex shrugged. Mom and dad had bought him a DVD player and a few movies for his birthday. He had given Jo his old VCR and a few movies to take home with her as an early birthday present. "I got you something." Nicky pulled out a present she had tucked in the back of her panties handing it to him. "I knew mom and dad were buying you a DVD player so." She said as he began to open it. "Holy Shit sis." He said laughing as he pulled three adult DVD's. "Where you get these?" Alex asked surprised. "Little shop downtown that sells them in back." Nicky shrugged. Best big sister ever Alex thought. "Thanks I guess." Alex laughed trying to play off how he really felt. "I want you think of your big sister every time you watch them." She teased putting her arm around him. "That's just wrong." Alex said pushing her away. Though now he probably would. He had been thinking about her a lot over the summer. "What do you say, let's pop one in? I want to see if they're any good." Nicky said as grabbed one and tore the wrapping away. "You watch porn?" Alex asked looking at her a little surprised. He had no illusions about his sister being a virgin or that she didn't masturbate, far from it, but he never thought about a girl watching porn while she played with herself. Well he had but just thought it was a silly guy fantasy. "What, you think only guys like porn?" She teased as she hopped up and walked over to the door locking it before going over to the television. "Never meet a girl who said she liked looking at porn." He shrugged. "Trust me Alex sweetie; girls can be just as nasty as guys." Nicky said winking and bending over and hitting the button for the DVD player, ejecting the movie they had been watching and putting the new one in. He had a nice view of her panty clad ass and panties. She was far from innocent and he often wondered if she did it just to tease him, knowing damn well he was looking, and wanting her little brother to look at her ass. She put the movie they had been watching away and came back over to the bed. "Okay hit play." She said jumping back on the bed and making herself comfortable on the pillow as she propped it up. "This doesn't bother you watching it with your brother." Alex said turning on the movie. "No, does it bother you?" Nicky asked as she sat back and looked at the screen. "Nah, I'm good." Alex smiled as the main menu screen came on. He hit play and the first scene came up. It started with a girl hitchhiking down the road. Alex was pretty sure where this was going. "Here let me." His sister said as she took the remote and began to fast forward the scene. "Get to the good part." His sister had read his mind; she wanted to see them fucking as much as he did. She stopped the tape a few seconds after the guy had gotten the girls top off and was licking and sucking at her tits. "Holy fuck, those or some big tits." His sister said. "I prefer natural ones." Alex shrugged, they weren't bad but he could tell they weren't real. He liked tits that jiggled and bounced. "So you like mine?" His sister teased. "Yours are nice." Alex grinned. "Just nice?" "Second best I have ever seen." He shrugged looking back at the screen. "Who was the first...? She said but stopped. "Oh right, mom. Can't argue there." Their mom had lost her top earlier when she had jumped in the lake off the boat dock. Dad had blocked for her while she fixed it but not before he and everyone else had gotten a good view. His sister had covered his eyes but did a piss poor job of it as he could still peek through her fingers. Between thinking about that and the movie Alex could feel his cock getting hard. Alex reached down and adjusting himself a little as he put one leg up at an angle to hide any bulge. "A little uncomfortable over there?" Nicky teased; apparently he hadn't been as sly as he had thought. "I might have to kick you out soon." He joked not wanting to give into her trying to antagonize him. It felt weird to be able to talk to his sister about stuff like that. "I know what you mean, I am a little wet myself." She said giving her pussy a little rub. "Nicky." Alex playfully gave her a shove as they laughed. They watched for a little bit longer, Alex occasionally looking over at his sister, she would run her fingers across her chest or thighs and rub her thighs together. He wondered if she was actually wet like she had said or was just teasing him. He was getting more turned on by his sister then the actual movie. He looked back to the movie as the girl pulled out the guys cock and leaned down and started sucking his cock while cupping his balls. Her bright red lips polishing his shaft. "Damn girl can suck cock." Nicky said she bit her finger. "I'll say." Alex nodded. "She hasn't got anything on your sister though." Nicky grinned at him. "Oh really." Alex smiled. Nicky leaned over and whispered in his ear. "I could deep throat if you weren't my brother." She said softly leaning back grinning. That was the last thing he needed to hear as he felt his already rock hard cock jump at the thought. "Doubt it." Alex grinned. "Oh really I can go get a Popsicle and show you." She smiled. "I am a little bigger than a popsicle." He shrugged. "Trust me ever guy says they are longer then they are." Nicky gave him a little shove. "I didn't mean length." He wouldn't say his cock was the longest though still pretty long, if he had to compare it to something he would say he was long and curved like a really large banana but was as thick as a summer squash. Even soft his cock was pretty thick and maybe only grew an inch longer when hard. "Okay big stuff pull it out." Nicky dared him as she hopped up and put him in a head lock. Her left tit rubbing against his cheek. "What, no way." Alex laughed as he acted like he was trying to get out of her tit lock. "Chicken, you're just like other guys, all talk and no cock." She held up her pinkie finger wiggling it. "I would but I've got a hard on right now." He said, sounding a little angry at her comment. "So?" Nicky let him go. "So you're my sister." Alex shrugged. "I don't want you seeing my boner." "I don't care if you got a boner, nothing I haven't seen before. Besides, to me they're just silly looking when there not full and erect; all dangly and soft, then there just penises and only good for pissing. But when hard and stiff then they're cocks. When a girl watches porn which one do you think she wants to see." Nicky folded her legs as she sat right beside him. "I'll show you mine if you show me yours." Nicky leaned forward toward him. "I already have seen your tits." Alex teased not that he wouldn't mind seeing them again. "I didn't mean my tits sugar." She winked biting her lip as she leaned back on her hands spreading her legs. As she did he could clearly make out the outline of her vulva, her puffy mounds peeking out either side, and a damp spot in the middle, fuck she really was wet. He had always wanted to see her pussy, truth be told he hadn't never really seen that many at all in real life. "Okay but you can't tell anyone." Alex sighed. "Damn because I really wanted to tell people that I saw my brother's cock." Nicky bobbed her head, meaning who could she possibly tell. "Ladies first." He pointed at her panty clad pussy. "Why do I have to go first?" Putting a hand on her hip. "Cause you started it, unless you're chicken?" Alex smiled using her words against her; that and he didn't want to give her the chance to back out. "Fine." Nicky reached down and pulled her panties aside showing her beautiful hairless mound, soft lips and clit pressed between her puffy vulva. "Holy shit, you're bald." Alex laughed, he knew she shaved because he had seen her in a bikini countless times but had no idea she shaved it all, he thought it hot as hell. "Yep." She smiled. "Well what do you think?" She reached down with her hand and spread it slightly for him letting him peek inside as if to say this is where your cock can never go. "Perfect." Unable to find another word. "Okay your turn little bro." Nicky said letting her panties go. Alex shrugged he didn't really have a choice now. Well he did, it wasn't like she could run to their mom and say. "Bubba won't let me see his cock." but now he wanted her to see him as well. He pulled his boxers down and pulled himself out like he was presenting it to her as he held it in his palm. "Oh my fuck." She said covering her mouth she almost went to reach out and touch it but pulled her hand back. "Told you." Alex grinned. "Guess I will have to stop calling you my little brother." Nicky smiled biting her bottom lip and grinning back down at it. "If only I didn't have a boyfriend." "You forgot the part about me being your brother." He teased. "Oh yeah, that to." She lay on her side as if hinting that that wouldn't stop her, though she was probably just teasing like usual. "You can stroke it if you want, I don't mind." "What." Alex said feeling a little stunned. "You can jack off while we watch the movie; I don't mind and I know it has to be bothering you all swollen and hard like that in your boxers, begging for release I know my pussy is begging to be rubbed." Nicky said her voice more sensual than usual. Reaching down she began touching her pussy as she looked at his cock and back at him. "I know we're brother and sister but I mean it's not hurting anyone or anything if we masturbate together. I can leave if you want and go masturbate in my room if it bothers you?" She said as she kept rubbing herself. "No you can stay." He shrugged. "Good." Nicky rolled onto her back and went back to watching the movie as she slid her hands into her panties. Alex made himself comfortable as well and slowly began stroking his cock nice and slow as she looked over and grinned. "So you ever had a girl suck your big cock?" She mused looking back at the screen as the couple fucked, his dick plowing the hitch hiker's pussy in the backseat of his car. Truth be told he couldn't care less about the movie though he was sure he would watch it later just to remember this moment. "Not really." He shrugged remembering Crystal licking it a little while she jacked him off but that was about it. "You like giving guy's head?" He joked, looking back at her. "As long as he returns the favor. You ever ate a girl's pussy." She grinned as she took her fingers to her mouth. "No, have you?" He smiled. "No." Nicky smiled. "Not yet anyways." She teased. She reached down and pulled her panties aside and rubbed herself, no doubt so that he could see. "Next time you get a girlfriend offer to go down on her; do her first. If you don't know how, look it up and watch the girl on girl DVD I bought you. Then ask her to do you." She grinned. "Do girls really like that?" Alex asked. "Sometimes more than sex, you make a girl cum and you will see." She winked at him and glanced down at his cock as he stroked it. "I am getting hot, mind if I take off my shirt." Yes, fuck yes he thought. "No go ahead." He said instead. She reached up and pulled her shirt off over her head and laid back. Alex watched as her nice large tits flattened out, her light brown nipples hard as hell. "You have really great tits." Alex said looking at them as he stroked himself. "Thanks, I guess big things run in the family." She said. She ran her hands over her tits clutching them in her hands as she played with them and glanced back down at his cock. "You ever stick that thing in a girl?" "No." Alex said shaking his head; he had never gotten past third base with a girl. "Probably scare them the first time they see it, poor girls; if that had been my first cock I would have been." His sister teased as she began to play with one of her nipples while she let her other hand run down her belly and back to her clit. "Guess I should have had one of my hot college friends jump you, they all thought you were attractive." "Really?" Alex said sounding surprised. His sister never had a shortage of hot friends growing up, even in college she would bring one of her buddies' home for the holidays. "Yeah, can't say I blame them." Nicky licked her lips. "You're way hotter than any of them." Alex said admiring his sister's long thick almost nude body as she played with herself. "Here?" His sister pulled off her panties and dangled them in front of him. "What's that for?" He grinned. "For when you cum silly." Nicky smiled. "And don't say you never did because I used to do the laundry." Alex felt a bit of guilt creep through him, but she had known all this time and hadn't said a damn word. She had known that he was jacking off into her panties and probably thinking about her. Now she was telling him to do it whilst she rubbed herself and watched. Alex knew he couldn't hold back much longer. "You think about me sometimes when you jack off don't you?" She whimpered as she rolled onto her side rubbing her pussy "Yes." Alex grunted. "Am I as good looking as you imagined?" Nicky smiled. "No! Way better." He sighed stroking himself faster. She wasn't looking at the movie anymore she was looking at him working his cock while she rubbed her pussy. "I thought about you, stroking your cock, cumming inside my panties." Nicky teased. "Play with your balls for me sugar." He clutched them with his left hand, playing with them. "That's it, cup that nice hanging sac." She rolled onto her belly and rubbed herself, thrusting her fine ass up and down. "You like your sister talking dirty don't you." Nicky moaned. "Fuck Yeah." Alex said. "Stroke it Sweetie, stroke that cock." Nicky sighed deeply licking her lips. "I wanna see you cum sugar. I want you to fill my panties with your hot load. Faster, Stroke that big damn cock." She panted, breathing heavily as worked her pussy, thrusting her hips, her ass moving up and down. "That's it come for me brother." "Fuck..." Alex groaned as he grabbed her panties, cupped them over the head and exploded into them. Gush after gush of thick cum surging through his dick as he closed his eyes and grunted with each pulse of his dick, stroking it more slowly as he felt the last of it fill his sister's panties. "Was it good for you?" Nicky said as they both laughed. "Damn if you weren't my brother." "Here, just a taste." She said sitting up and offered him two fingers, he could see her juices glistening in the light from the TV. He took them into his mouth, tasting his sister. "Let's see it." His sister made a motion with her hand for him to give back her panties. "Shit you came a lot." She said peeling them open, full of his hot cum. "So I bet you will never forget this birthday." She teased. "No, not really." Alex laughed. "At least you will have one last memory of me before I leave at the end of the summer." Nicky said as she grabbed her shirt pulling it on. "I better get back to my room." "Nicky?" Alex said as he pulled on his boxers. "Yeah." She smiled. "I love you." "I love you too." Nicky leaned down and kissed him, but not how a sister should. She smiled as she slowly pulled away leaving him wanting more. "Good night stud." Nicolette Nicky stood in the shower as she let the water run over her, her hand on the wall, her nails scratching at the tiles as she rubbed her clit with her other. She had rubbed herself to sleep last night thinking about her brother's thick hard throbbing cock, drops of precum glistening on the head in the light of the TV. She had seen longer cocks. But he was maybe eight inches, a good size for fucking and sucking. Any longer and it hurt like hell and was hard to swallow, literally. A few inches smaller and it didn't quit get the job done. But fuck he was thick. It was like he was holding a shampoo bottle and shaking it. Okay maybe not that damn big but damn. He had meant it when he had scoffed at her deep throating him, if he hadn't been her brother though she would have done her damn best to prove him wrong. Nicky had licked his cum from her panties while she drilled her pussy with one of her dildo's late last night after she got back to her room, and still had woken up wet, her fresh panties clinging to her twat. She had masturbated then as well and now here she was doing it again. She had never been this aroused before but had never done anything so dirty before. It was like she quite literally had a hole that only her brother's hard cock could fill. She had just watched her brother jack off in front of her while she did the same. She hadn't paid much attention to the movie unable to keep her eyes off of his cock while he stroked it. She had told herself it was okay because they hadn't really done anything. It wasn't like he had never jacked off thinking about her before. She tossed her head back and gasped, her body trembling as she orgasmed. She stood there panting with her eyes closed, she told herself she couldn't keep masturbating all day and couldn't go fuck her brother although she badly wanted to. She had already made plans with Abbey to have a girl's day and go get their hair and nails done. Hell knows she needed a damn distraction and to get away from her brother after last night. She hoped she could keep herself from jumping him for a few more weeks and then she would be getting a place with her girlfriends up north near her boyfriend and wouldn't see Alex till maybe thanksgiving or Christmas. Things by then should go back to normal. Hopefully by then he would have a girlfriend and she wouldn't want to take his virginity so badly. Alex's problem was he had dated all nice girls; he needed a bad girl, one that wouldn't run away in terror when he dropped his pants she thought. She laughed at herself as she ran her hands through her hair. "Hey Nicky." She heard a knock at the door; it was her brother's voice. "Yeah." Nicky pulled back the curtain looking out. "Curtin closed, I got to piss." Alex said. "Yeah." He came in looking at her and smiled. "Sorry mom and dad are in their bathroom." He smiled back closing the door behind him. "Probably busy doing the wild thing." Nicky grinned and stuck her head back to give her brother a little privacy. "Um, about last night." Alex stammered. Probably feeling a little guilty, she knew she was though she had no regrets about what she had done. "I don't know what you're talking about." She sighed as she finished washing off. "You know." "Alex that was fun and all but it was a onetime thing okay." Nicky wished it could be more; hell she wanted him to join her in the shower right now. "I know." She heard him sigh, whether it was relief or disappointment she couldn't tell. "I was just going to say thank you. You know for the movies." Alex said, though she knew he didn't mean just the movies. "You're welcome sweetie." She smiled to herself. "You got plans today?" Alex asked as she heard his piss hit the bowl. She could tell he was struggling a bit as he pissed, no doubt having a bit of morning wood. "Me and Abbey are having a girl's day, going get our hair and nails done, maybe do some shopping." Nicky said washing off her legs as she leaned forward, the curtain was cracked a bit. She couldn't see him through it but she could see the mirror. However his back was turned at an angle, which she could understand. Even after having sex it took her awhile to get comfortable enough to let someone watch her piss. "Hey Nicole have you seen the...She heard her mom say as the door opened. Nicole stepped back quickly so mom wouldn't see her trying to spy. "Mom." Alex yelled. Since Alex's had his back to her he was sure their mom had walked in on him almost pointing it at her. "Oh shit..." She yelled and closed the door. "I am so sorry Alex I heard your sister. I didn't know you were in there. Can you bring me the hair dryer when you're done?" Nicky could tell in her voice she had seen his cock. Nicky was dying as she held back her laughter. "Sure." Alex said. "Oh my god." Nicky busted out laughing. "She get a good look?" "Pretty good." Alex finished pissing and washed his hands. "Can you hand me a towel." She turned off the water shaking off her arms. "Yeah sure." She heard Alex say, she decided to have a little fun with him and pulled open the curtain door. Alex looked a little dumbfounded as she stood there buck ass naked wringing out her hair. "Thanks sweetheart." Nicky took the towel and wrapped herself up. "Let me know when you're done in here because now I need a shower." Alex grinned. "Will do stud." She winked. Spring 1999 Joanna rummaged through Alex's DVD's picking one and walked over to the player opening the DVD tray but stopped when she saw a movie already in the player, a dirty movie by the title. She pushed it back in and hit play and the first scene came up. She heard the shower kick on in the bathroom and grinned as she watched the two girls on screen start making out. She fast forwarded a bit until they were going all out on each other. The way Alex had been worked up by their little game of basketball she had some time to kill she thought as she climbed onto the bed and unsnapped her shorts. *Notes Thanks to all those who have added this story to their favorite list. Much more on the way with more characters to come. If you like the story let me know, leave feedback about what you liked and what you want to see in the future. I am also looking for any editors who can help me make my story better and thankful to those who have helped me already. Rico*
Shattered Shards: Sorcerous Science Dranise walked along behind his girlfriend, Maya, his claws clicking loudly on the industrial tile floor. His hips swayed as he walked, in part because of his tail and in part because of some strange feminine instinct. Despite having his current form for several years, he still found many of the things he did rather weird. Mind and body had both changed in ways he didn't exactly understand, but he went along with it anyway. Things had changed half a decade earlier, when two worlds melded together to form one, leaving many individuals in the city transformed, partially and fully, into other races, species, and genders. Dranise had a bit of all three. Tall and lanky, he kept his height and his lithe build, but his transformation had made him rather feminine in both mind and body. He had the broad hips, the slight build, soft facial features, and more delicate musculature of a woman, though he lacked any actual female parts. No breasts and still in possession of his manhood, even though the package didn't quite fit the wrapper. Not that it had bothered Maya any. If anything she adored him more after the change than before. He was the apple of her eye, singular. She was some sort of demon with long taloned fingers, a spade tipped tail, hair replaced by thick, writhing tendrils or tentacles, or something like that, and no eyes in her head. That had taken Dranise awhile to get used to. Instead Maya had a single large eye where her belly button used to be. It was rather weird to make eye contact with her, and the attempt usually meant that it looked rather like one was staring at her breasts, which Maya wholeheartedly approved of. He smiled and gripped her rump in his clawed hand, making Maya giggle with delight, turning and grabbing her boyfriend and pushing him up against the corridor wall before planting a kiss upon his emerald lips. "Tease," she says with a sharp-toothed grin, "If I had known you were going to misbehave so badly, I would've dressed you in platform heels, a tube top, and a skirt." Dranise's scales darkened in a blush, Maya had purchased an entire wardrobe of girl's clothes that looked stunning upon his lithe, feminine frame and she delighted in dressing him in them at every opportunity, parading him around clubs as her girlfriend. It wasn't much of a punishment, since Dranise loved it so much, but it always embarrassed him to have it brought up, especially since it was just about a guaranteed way to get him to equally embarrassing levels of arousal. Dranise moaned and pressed against Maya's hot caress before she cruelly withdrew her grip and took him by the hand, leading him onward, "And we can talk about that later. We can't keep Ayako waiting!" Maya had an absolutely huge grin upon her face, more so than her usual amusement at dressing Dranise up in drag would be. He'd since learned that protesting would only make here more and more likely to pull out the clothes and forcing him into them. He wasn't sure exactly how he kept ending up in them, or why exactly he enjoyed it, but until they were actually on him, he'd fight tooth and nail to prevent it. Or at least fight with wriggle and running and locking himself in the bathroom. The hair began to stand on the back of his neck as Maya lead him down a branch in the hall, the walls inscribed with small runes. His claws scraped on the tile as he tried to drag them, to turn around, "I just got used to being a dragon! I don't want to spend the weekend as a frog to add to my troubles!" he pleaded, trying to escape from the demoness's iron grip. But it was too late, the large double doors at the end of the hallways hissed open ominously, and Maya dragged her reluctant boyfriend inside, the door closing quickly behind them. Dranise looked around, finding scattered bits of half constructed and deconstructed machinery, shelves of toms and scrolls in a circular area beneath what looked like a neon orange icicle that grew down from the ceiling, clockwork soldiers with various pieces removed, and of course the bubbling beakers and cauldrons that no self-respecting wicked witch, mad scientist, or double-major in both would be without. "Ah! An interloper!" boomed an ominous voice, a figure raising itself up from behind a desk, brandishing a 1950's style sci-fi pistol at him. "This is a girls only lab, and you'll have to pay the price for your arrogance!" the voice boomed. There was a flash of light and Dranise found his body feeling all funny, like it was being blown up like a balloon in a kind of sexy, erotic way. He moaned as bits of him seemed to swell, bucking against the air as pleasure surged through him. He felt oddly weightless, a cry escaping suddenly lusher lips. He threw his head back and cried out in climax, his clothes beginning to creak as the flesh and bone contained within them began to grow. He felt a surging warmth ripple though him with each spurt of climax, as each moment passed, the tighter his shirt and pants became, the more intense the sensation grew, the harder he climaxed. He couldn't move, he couldn't direct his gaze downward to see, nor move his arms to explore what was happening. But it felt like he was being slowly inflated. Inch after inch, jet after jet of climactic essence erupting from him, soaking the crotch of his jeans, the thought bringing an emerald blush to his face. Eventually the blast from the weird ray ceased, and Dranise could move again. Panting, he dropped to his knees, head tilted down he discovered what exactly had been swelling. He shot a glare to the giggling pile of refrigerators and brought himself up to wobbly knees. "Dammit, Maya!" he growled, his voice higher and of a bit different tone than usual, more feminine. Upon hearing his own voice Dranise's eyes widened, "Oh you didn't!" He turned and looked down at his rear, finding it larger and wider. A clawed hand groped the saturated groin of his jeans, finding nothing there. Maya stood up, out of breath from laughing. Dranise shook her head and instead directed her scorn towards her attacker, who up close didn't look so large and intimidating. In fact, she was scarcely up to the dragon's breasts, wearing some odd sort of helmet with tinted lenses, which she promptly removed with one pair of hands, a second working over the blaster. The goblin giggled, corralling hair gone wild from time in the helmet. She pulled it up into a ponytail, then wound it around itself to create a bun. She looked up at Dranise with four large, dark blue eyes. "It was Maya's idea, but the more alike we three are, the easier my next experiment will be." She said pleasantly. "Oh, and you make a very cute girl!" she said, her head suddenly thrust between Dranise's melon sized breasts, two hands gripping them, the other two clutching her wide, jiggly rump. The dragon moaned loudly, her new breasts incredibly sensitive. The demoness had slipped up behind her, and had unbuckled her belt, working on removing Dranise's pants, "My, we can't have one of the girls walking around in wet pants, now can we? It'd be a bit uncomfortable." The demon's long fingered hands replaced those of the goblin upon Dranise's tits; she couldn't help but press against them, body craving more. "I'll get the Chimerification chamber warmed up!" Ayako called, leaving the couple by themselves. Maya tugged down Dranise's pants, leaving the dragoness to blush as pale pink panties were revealed underneath, making the demon giggle, "My, such a good girl you make, Dranise!" she teased. The dragon turned and scowled at her lover, "You keep hiding my boxers!" she protested. "Staggerdragon!" Maya called suddenly, leaping up on Dranise's back, wrapping her legs around the dragon's waist. It was one of the games the demoness liked to play, clinging to Dranise, groping, licking, caressing, until she either fell over, got her lose, or climaxed. With all the new sensation, the poor, overwhelmed, gender-swapped dragon stumbled around, trying to get to an area where falling over would not mean engine parts, pointy metal, or concrete breaking her fall. She managed to get to the small, library area, collapsing back into a dusty, overstuffed chair, but still Maya hung on tightly. One hand slipped beneath the dragon's tight t-shirt, caressing a helpless, massive orb, the other slipping into Dranise's panties, caressing the alteration there as well. The dragon panted, eyes half lidded, as far as things could have gone, Dranise felt rather lucky that she'd gotten off with just being a she. Sometimes they'd go out with Dranise dressed up as a girl, flirt with a guy, and then lure him someplace secluded, where Maya would turn on the demonic magic, leaving the guy unconscious with a headache and a few vague memories of something sexy. That and an empty wallet. Maya's touch was electric, as usual, a bit of succubus combined with quite a bit of practice on herself, and the girls Dranise and herself had fun with on occasion meant she was quite familiar with the female anatomy, and knew just where to caress to make her boyfriend, now girlfriend, quiver with delight. Her fingers were naturally long and thin, easily slipping within the dragoness's eager, awaiting snatch. The dragon was amazed by how sensitive she was, how easy it was to get her to shiver or cry out with pleasure. Dranise sighed and pulled off her shirt, tossing it away, she figured she might as well explore the ins and outs of the feminine form while she had the chance. She ran a hand over a breast as Maya suddenly removed her fingers from Dranise's sex, replacing them with her tail. A succubus's tail was a very powerful thing, flexible and dexterous, able to slip easily into the proper opening, and with the proper magics able to emulate any number of different sorts of organs. Maya had no interest in changing her spade-tipped tail into anything else, but the rubbery, flexible folds of flesh that made up the spade could be controlled with incredible precision. She had wrapped them around the central shaft of her tail, making a wide, enlarged presence with which to penetrate her boyfriend. The soft, smooth flesh entered Dranise's sex, rippling gently as it slithered deeper and deeper into her. The demoness pushed her boyfriend's breasts upward, leaning forward, her forked tongue slithering out to caress an emerald nipple, "Try it yourself, hun, I bet you'll love it!" she coaxed. Dranise blushed and did as Maya asked, her own tongue curling around her nipple, her hands joining Maya's in fondling and caressing her breasts. It was rather fun, and felt great. Of course it was likely some sort of ploy to keep Dranise in a further feminized state than usual, but the blaster's effect would either wear off with time, or have a reverse setting. "Just picture it, you spread legged on the bed, wearing your cute little pantyhose, heels, and skirt, your hair in pigtails, mascara, eye shadow, and lipstick applied, laying back, gripping those perfect breasts, performing for me, while something thick, bestial, throbbing, and powered by D-cells vibrates away in your tailhole and twat." She whispered, her demonic powers making the images leak into Dranise's mind, transforming them into waking dreams, allowing the dragon to almost feel herself there, seeing her full lips painted red, parted in a soft moan, her tail curled around a large, bright red, demon-shaped sex toy. Maya shook her head, "Nah, that's what it feels like when you've been blasted by Ayako's Slut-Shooter, gets you all sensitive, sexed up, and a few extra abilities tacked on to typical erogenous zones. I've been trying to convince her to try and put it in pill form, but no dice. She just loves her little mechanical toys." The words brought a flash of the intense, erotic image back into Dranise's mind, making her moan as a small climax shot through her. Maya slowly withdrew her tail, bringing it to the side, licking it clean of the dragoness's juices, "I think that's enough fun for now, boyfriend," she said, "Ayako is probably set up by now. The sooner we get this done, the sooner we can go shopping." Dranise smiled, reaching down and gripping Maya's legs as she stood, hefting the purple, demonic girl that still clung to her back, "Well then, we can't keep her waiting." Dranise said with a grin, turning her head into a deep, tongue entwining kiss from Maya. "Giddyup!" she said with a giggle. -o- Dranise found the goblin mad scientist in front of a near spherical metal device with all sorts of odd lights and thick tubes running into it. A trio of padded openings were placed in an equilateral triangle around the structure, the metallic top made up of small crescent shaped pieces. "It's so the experiment subjects can move around and be moved around." explained Ayako, who was up to her waist in the machine, making a few last adjustments, "You get weirdly shaped chimeras if you force the three aspects to remain in one place. But you can also, oddly enough, direct the way the fusion occurs with the placement." "Err... wait..." Dranise protested, "Chimerafication? Fusion? I'm not liking the sound of this." "Oh come on, boyfriend!" Maya teased, "It's perfectly reversible, and the only lasting side effect seems to be a bit of closeness and empathy with the two you merged with. We make the beast with two backs seven or eight times before lunch, usually, this isn't really all that different!" "Well, actually it is." Ayako said, climbing out of the machine, "As far as I can tell all three individuals retain full physical sensation over the entire form. Control, however, I don't know all that much about. Which is why we're all going to become a chimera for an afternoon, so I can gather firsthand data of the chimeric nervous system." Dranise began to back away from the strange machine, but Maya put her feet down and hefted her boyfriend/girlfriend up off the ground, "Nope, you're going in, Dranise. If you chicken out of this, you can kiss your chances of getting your cock back goodbye." She giggled and licked her lips, "That's something we need to find out once you have it back. See if you can kiss it. Though I worry that if you can, you'll never leave the house." Dranise snorted, a scowl on her face, "I actually have thoughts that don't feature sex, pertain to sex, are sexual innuendos, or plots that will, eventually, lead to sex. Unlike certain demons I could mention." Ayako chuckled as the two bickered, pressing the button to open the machine. The sphere opened with a soft woosh, ominous mist pouring out. The inside of the sphere was very well padded, and three small stools had been placed within. Maya dropped Dranise unceremoniously upon one of them and then quickly had his neck secured in one of the slots. "Ow!" the dragon said, a muted thunk of flesh on metal heard. "Is that a... bucket in here?" The goblin blushed, her green skin turning a darker shade and she reached in and removed the bucket of dry ice, "It's the best way I've found to get that ominous mist effect. They dock three percent from my grade on anything I build if it doesn't look sufficiently ominous right before it activates." "I'd build a fog machine into the thing, but the ones I make from scratch tend to explode, and the stores in the area are always sold out of them around mid terms and finals time." she said with a sigh. The sphere had opened into three identical segments. Dranise's was placed in the center, while Maya took a seat to his right. "This is why you had to be a girl, hun." Maya said with a giggle, "Using creatures of different genders tends to weird things up and produce long lasting side effects, Ayako says." She leaned over and kissed the dragon's cheek, "And I don't think you want to be laying self-fertilized eggs for the rest of your life. Though once they grow up, I think a couple cute Dranise clones would be fun to have around..." The demoness grinned, "Ayako, can you get the gender inversion ray? I don't mind side effects!" The goblin glared with her four eyes, "Uh, no Maya, we're doing this by the book. You never, ever toss in random variables on a complicated process like this. That's what finals are for." The mad scientist finished inputting the data into the control console, a synthesized voice began counting down from nine as Ayako began strapping herself into the third segment, the outer two beginning to swing inward to complete the sphere. "Wait, why is it starting at nine?" Dranise asked. "Well, everyone ELSE starts their counter at ten, and if something goes wrong typically it takes me about two seconds to notice, and five to turn things off. That way I have a one second spacer and no chance of it ending all anti-climactic like on two. Where's the drama in that?" The dragon winced, "Open this thing up, I want out." Maya and Ayako giggled, "No way!" the demoness said, shaking her head, "This is supposed to be a big rush, and I'm not going to miss it because you have cold feet!" "You have nothing to worry about, Dranise, the process is very pleasure... AH!" Ayako was cut off by the machine which jumped the countdown and surged to life at the one second mark. A flood of glowing liquid of various colors swirled down the tubes, pouring into the closed and sealed sphere. Dranise felt a warm goo flowing over her, making her clothes cling to her scaled skin ,and then... "I LIKED that shirt!" the dragon said with a scowl. "It's not wrecked, I just had it teleported somewhere to be recovered later. It's just get all torn up anyway." Ayako explained. The goo continued to pour in, washing over the bodies of all three, pooling down around their feet. As the goblin had said, it felt quite nice. After the initial warmth had appeared on their skin, it had begun to sink deeper, seeming to caress skin and muscle in a gentle massage over the entire back, rump, legs, and feet. "Oooh," Dranise sighed, "That does feel rather nice." "And it's rather pretty too! All the colors swirling together." Maya said, with her eye in her midsection. A second set of tubes began to pour fluid, this time pumping right into the laps of the three girls. Each let out a cry of pleasure at the sensation. "Oh... oh, it feels like... like... like..." stuttered Ayako. "It feels like having a horse cock stuffed into your without the whole bother of torn muscles and a broken pelvis." said Maya after a moan, rather familiar with all sorts of sexual pleasures. "I f-feel something on my nnnn!" Dranise moaned, feeling something on her nipples. "Those are the shape..." Ayako's words were cut off by a pleasured gasp, "The shapers." "Oooh, using the Krygarian Spheroid Hex, are you Ayako?" Maya purred, familiar with the sorcery that was happening out of sight of the other two. "Well, I wanted something obvious to test the sensory input!" the goblin girl explained. "Oh I'm not complaining it's just that..." Dranise's eyes opened and she stopped moaning for a moment, "Wait, hex? Black magic?" "Of course, black magic!" Maya said, the roll of her eye going unseen, "You think white magic would make you feel so good?" She gave a soft growl, and Dranise felt a fluid sensation, like something was flowing into her breasts. "Oh for the love of... they're big enough!" she protested. Ayako grinned, "Several chimera traits are essentially averaged, and being a goblin and thus naturally flattish... well..." her ears turned a darker green, "You can't blame a girl for being curious." Maya giggled as the last set of tubes began pouring liquid into the sphere, topping it off. The feeling of pleasure deepened from surface skin and muscle, to the very core of each body. "Oh gods, whose hand is that?" Dranise panted, the hand being joined by several others. "H-hey, stop that! Play with your own!" There was a sudden sensation of shock between the three, a sudden surge that made every hair stand on end, a feeling of melting, of malleability. More arms and Maya's tail, all tormenting Dranise, and... "What is that? That's not my tail!" the dragon yelped, "And those aren't my... mmm..." Dranise began to purr happily. Things felt rather strange, she was feeling the groping, and she was also feeling what was doing the groping, and oddly enough she felt like she had four breasts and two sexes. "Th-that's mine." Ayako admitted, "I thought we'd look a bit weird with only two tails. I had one before I figured out how to add the extra arms. Very useful." she grinned and moaned softly, Dranise feeling a thin, smooth length slither across one pair of netherlips, "I found other uses for it." Dranise giggled, "It feels like a snake slithering." "Hey!" Maya cried, "No fair!" There was a sudden jolt and once more Dranise felt as if more body parts were being added. She moved her arms around in the thick goo within the sphere and found what she presumed to be Maya's breasts, though they were larger than she was used to. "Oh yeah, that's a good girl." purred Maya. Everything felt strange, disembodied, like everything had become some sort of semi-solid, and concentration was required to form any body part out of it. "Interesting!" Ayako said, "Full on physical discorporation coupled with conscious transmutation and relocation!" "Err.. what?" Dranise asked, not understanding. "She means that nothing has a set place at the moment so we can, for example..." The trio cried out as Maya's tail pierced a pussy, no one was quite sure whose it was, and then a second, and the third. Ayako and Dranise were reduced to frenzied moaning in delight, bucking phantom hips as Maya tail fucked all three of them. "And then positioning them just right to..." and then Maya was moaning along with them. Though her tail penetrated them all, it seemed like that whenever one buck her hips, her sex pressed up against the other two, which in turn made that individual buck, sending the three into a rapid cascade of pleasure. "Oh I w-wish I could see..." Ayako moaned. "I have an eye down there and I can't see a blasted thing." grumbled Maya. Slowly the three sexes seemed to be coaxed further and further apart, Maya no longer able to have fun with more than one, much to the disappointment of the others. "Don't worry," the demoness purred, replacing the tail with her fingers, her skilled talons making the other two forget all about the loss of the tailfucking. The crescent pieces of metal allowed the machine to adjust the placement of the three heads and necks, and slowly the three became aligned side by side, all in a row. The strange disembodied feeling began to slowly fade, body parts being tugged into an actual arrangement. Movement was no longer possible, and in a moment, no longer was conscious thought. Each of the girls cried out with blissful pleasure, the sensation like a full body climax of the highest proportions. Ayako grinned widely, feeling immense satisfaction at the progress of the process, the intensely pleasurable way it felt, the wonderful mix of science and sorcery that made it all possible. Maya's tongue lolled out as she climaxed, feeling intoxicated by the incredible energies used in the process, deliciously dark magic coupled with various alchemical ingredients that she had only been able to sample upon a few occasions, her demonic flesh drinking it all up like the finest wine. Dranise felt vague echoes of both sensations, as the center, the core, the foundation for the entire transformation; she felt the most intense pleasure and more. But mostly she could feel a bond, the complex ball of emotional string that she felt for Maya entwining with something more, something different. She could, faintly, feel Maya's own feelings for her, her love, her affection, her devotion, her lust for teasing, toying, and humiliating her in ways she hated, but still enjoyed all the same. And on the other side the incredible burning ball of curiosity, wonder, and shy lust of Ayako. The bookish goblin admiring what Dranise and Maya had, not wanting to whisk it away for herself, but craving to snuggle up against it, to add her own presence into a relationship between the three; a shy, slightly embarrassed bundle of love and lust that were mere sparks longing to erupt into flame. Dranise turned her head, tilting it just enough that her long, forked tongue could slip between Ayako's lips, making the goblin's eyes widen in surprise, making her turn toward the source of the strange sensation, allowing the dragon to press her lips fully against Ayako's own, welcoming her into the relationship with a deep, delicious kiss infused with Maya's demonic touch as the succubus placed her blessing upon it. The moment lasted forever. The moment was over all too soon. -o- The machine gave a soft hiss, mist pouring out as it opened, suitable dramatic. Within it, seated upon the seats that seemed to have moved around with the neck holes, the three girls found their individual forms had melded and merged into a unified flesh. All limbs were present and accounted for, with Dranise and Maya's clawed hands placed in front, Maya's above Dranise's, with Ayako's four arms right behind them. The differences in height had been obliterated, with the much smaller Ayako brought up to the size and build of the other two. Just about everything had been preserved, their widened torso featured six large, basketball sized breasts, the sight of which made Dranise groan, annoyed that she had been forcibly given large tits to begin with, was rather put off by having her two even larger. Their varying skin types had spread evenly over their fused form, the majority of it being green. On the outside it started with Maya's purple-pink, the dark color giving way to Dranise's emerald green, and then finally Ayako's paler, goblin green. Most of their skin was soft and smooth, through Dranise's scales had been retained, adorning their shoulders, hips, and spines with darker scales, deep emerald and magenta. Each had a few scales upon their faces, making a pattern in Dranise's case, acting as freckles upon Ayako's and Maya's. Each of the three looked over their form, exploring it with their hands, the sensations delightful. Ayako blushed, "About time I found them! I had been looking all over for those. I was wondering where I left them." Dranise looked behind them, seeing that Ayako's tail, the thin, almost feline-like thing she had felt while in the tank had thickened, becoming a match for the other two tapering, lizard-like tails, Dranise's with its plate scales and Maya's with the spade tip. The goblin's tail sported a green and blue tuft at the end, matching the mad scientist's hair. Ayako grinned, "I don't think we look too bad! Rather stunning, if I do say so myself." Maya shrugged her allotment of shoulders, "I wouldn't know; I can't see anything but our hands, our legs if we move them, and I think that shadow up on top is our lower-middle tit." "Eeek! Maya, get your eye out of my tummy, why isn't it on YOUR side?" Dranise yelped. "Probably because it'd make us look all lopsided and uneven if it were there." The demoness mused. "Ayako, can't you do something?" the dragon protested. The goblin shook her head, "Suck it up. It's the best place for it, after all." "But I want my belly button back!" Dranise whined. Maya chuckled, "Dear, you're a dragon. A reptile. You hatch from eggs; you haven't had a belly button since you acquired your cute, scaly, girly-looking condition some years ago." The dragon blinked and calmed down, "Oh. I hadn't thought about that." Ayako giggled, "Any other protests, or should we try standing up and walking?" "Front and outside." Ayako interrupted, "Mine are all in the back, Maya's are in the middle." The demoness grinned, "They're your naught bits now, buster! Better spend the time to learn them real good. I'm going to quiz you once this is all over! Maybe we ought to start your studying right now?" she purred, one hand taking Dranise's own, moving it towards the cleft between the central join of their legs. Having more arms than the other two, Ayako quickly vetoed any further mutual/self exploration. "None of that now. There will be time for mutual sexual satisfaction later. At the moment we've got to test other things, but first, to the clothing machine! We're not wandering around all bare!" Ayako said, with her third of the body and control of half the legs, they were forced onto their feet, Maya and Dranise working to make sure their heels didn't get stepped on as the goblin propelled them across the room. It was only after approaching the machine did they notice that they hadn't fallen over, stumbled, tripped, or wobbled much. "You know, I think a nice black, casual tube top-y type dress and casual heels would be good if we're going to take this out in public. And some pantyhose." The demoness purred, her grin wicked. The dragon's eyes widened, "Th-that's not fair!" she hissed, "I don't want to wear girl's clothes!" Ayako pondered this, "For the moment you are a girl, and you're sharing a corporeal form with two other girls who are not adverse to wearing heels and dresses. Logically your argument is inconsistent and you also have been democratically outvoted." "More demon-cratically." Dranise grumbled, trying to figure out how to fold her arms to go along with her rather cross scowl. But it was no use; the rather frightening machine quickly weaved a shiny, slinky, form-hugging dress out of some synthetic black fiber. With a pair of purses in hand, Dranise found herself outnumbered six legs to two, and reluctantly was dragged along while Maya and Ayako talking of where they wanted to go. There was Webb Weavers' to judge the difficulty and expense of getting clothes for their new form, a restaurant to see how much a meal would be compared to the cost of one for all three, a visit to the adult goods store at Maya's request, mainly to make Dranise blush, and several other stops that they would be making using the bus service. "There's no way we can get around on our own unless we have something like a horse and buggy." Ayako had said, then began to write down her thoughts on how such a method of travel would work perfectly for a group of chimeric individuals. -o- As they left the lab, however, they didn't notice that someone had taken advantage of their planning, teasing, and embarrassment to sneak in. The lab was warded from magical intrusion, so stealth of a mundane nature was to be employed. It made Azria rather giddy, allowing her to actually use some of her training and seldom used spells, rather than merely poof in, do what her mistress had instructed, and then poof out. There was an art to breaking and entering, as much as there was to lovemaking, both of which the succubus considered herself an expert in. With some of her abilities sealed by her servitude she rather enjoyed being able to stretch her wings. Metaphorically of course. As the lab door closed behind her, she turned her head and scowled at the tiny red and black wings upon her back. She had once been able to spread them around her shoulders, arms, and most of her torso as if they were a regal cape, but since her mistress had bound her, they couldn't even cover as much as a worn shawl. That was the part that bothered Azria to no end, having her luxurious wings, majestic horns, and especially her generous bosom reduced to shadows of their formers selves by her mistress's power. Servitude was fine. Mortals, even elves, didn't live for a particularly long time. Truth be told, she rather enjoyed serving her mistress, she was deliciously vindictive and cruel to her foes without being messy or gross about things. Azria abhorred blood and violence; it was beneath such a delicate, beauty such as herself. Her mistress had Griaule to do that sort of thing, after all. The seven foot tall dragon loved to vent her frustrations on anything and everything she could in whatever fashion was available and allowed. Azria supposed that if she had been a hundred foot long, several hundred ton, decidedly male dragon bound and confined by a long dead elven sorceress into the form of a busty, seven foot tall, decidedly female bipedal dragoness, she would be rather grouchy and vicious as well. She ran her fingers through her navy blue hair, seating the strands behind the rows of thick, rubbery tendrils where they were supposed to stay. She wasn't quite sure how they kept coming loose when she was distracted, but they did. She hummed happily to herself as she knelt down beside the machine's central segment, the panel concealing the guts losing its screws with the wave of a hand. She'd been sent to remove the thematic coupler, which aligned things on the shared form in their proper places, the morphic resonance stabilizer, which kept an individual's magical 'me' field in place and wove others through it, and of course the every-important polymorphic linear operation transducer, which obviously made the whole contraption run. They formed a bit of a sphere with three branches coming off of it, easily removed with a little hand waving and a properly sized wrench, which took several minutes to find. It popped off quite easily and fit into one of the large pockets on Azria's multipurpose, but still very fashionable, trenchcoat. With a snap of her fingers she turned herself invisible again and strode happily out of the lab, mission accomplished. Or tried to, anyway. The lab doors were motion sensor activated, and as she didn't bounce back any light, she smacked right into them. She grumbled a bit, turned visible long enough for the doors to open, and then went on her merry way. Taking one or two of the items wouldn't be enough; all three would make things too expensive, too difficult, and far too time consuming to make Ayako unable to part herself from the other two for several long, humiliating months. Or at least that was what Mistress Ellie supposed. Azria didn't think that the young goblin would mind as much as her elven owner believed she would. But that was not her problem. She was instructed to obey, not to advise. Besides, this course of action likely had a more interesting outcome. No one noticed a limo door open for a few moments to allow the invisible succubus within. Inside a moonlight pale hand reached out and unerringly pluck the combined device from Azria's pocket, the hand's owner giggling and grinning all the while. "Wonderful, Azria!" Ellie said with a sultry chuckle, as good as Azria's own, likely better since the young woman spent most of her free time consulting with experts, learning how to be sexy and seductive by will, rather than talent. "Let's see that little goblin bitch suffer for disfiguring me!" she said, the chuckle building into a full blown megalomaniacal laugh. Azria shut the limo door, so the sound wouldn't disturb any nearby small animals, or potentially fill the air with an ominous thunderclap. Ellie's 'disfigurement' was nothing of the sort to Azria's eyes. But then again she was well-versed with the female form and its various curves. To most she would be considered porn-star gorgeous, what with her beach ball sized breasts, large, heart shaped rear, and wide hips. Though the nobles of her home court thought of any more than token swells as a sign of gender differentiation to be hideous perversions of nature; Disgusting, debilitating disfigurements, which was why Ellie was forced to live apart from her family, not allowed to attend any of the High Elven courts of her people, and be referred to by the diminutive of her name, which had too many vowels and apostrophes in it for Azria to pronounce with her forked tongue. Griaule had said it was short for "Elephant," but the busty elf had punched the transgendered dragon so hard that he/she hadn't ever said it aloud within Ellie's hearing ever again. The maniacal laughter was cut off by a soft gasp, followed by a muttered curse, shortly following by a lot of wriggling to remove a pair of suddenly moistened panties. "Mandrake root and mistiletoe!" swore Ellie, "You get the slightest jiggle going in these damned over-sensitized weather balloons and it goes right to your loins!" she complained, hiking up her skirt to reveal her swollen, puffy, rather enthusiastically wet sex. "If you would please, Azria, I have a hair appointment at five thirty and I can't be making embarrassing puddles upon the stylist's chair." She said dispassionately, but Azria could see the building lust in her eyes, the demoness was rather sure that despite all her complaints and protests, her mistress enjoyed the need for sexual satisfaction a good baker's dozen times a day or so. The demoness bowed her head, extending her long, forked tongue, "Ah, but my lady, the appointment is not for another hour and fifteen minutes." Ellie sighed, but licked her lips with subconscious, but perverse glee, "Well that gives us enough time to go over my lessons in some detail." The demoness's eye glowed a soft purple in the darkness of the tinted limo, "Would Mistress prefer instruction as I am, or shall I use one of my toys to properly simulate a male?" The elf yanked Azria over to her by the lapels of her coat into a needy, breathless kiss, "No toys. I need my lessons NOW." She half-growled. The demoness bowed, a wave of her hand loosening the few remaining buttons upon her mistress's shirt, allowing her tongue to trace down between the two large, cursed orbs. "As my mistress wishes." She purred as Ellie let out a contented sigh.
Title: Dinobath... kinda by InsaneBunny Tags: Dinosaur, Human, M/M, Master/Pet, Oral, Raptor, Short, Teasing Mark, a 6 year old boy laid there on the ground; completley naked., his pet raptor, who he named sam , lapping at his feet because there was steak juice on them. The raptor kept lapping away like crazy, tickling mark but he had set a parilysis spell on himself and couldnt move. The spell had to ware off. And it would ware off in 1 1/2 hours! 1 1/2 hours of laying there being licked like crazy from his own pet raptor! But he was enjoying every minute of it. Earlier he had filled the bathtub with steak juice and he had soaked himself in it before laying on the ground as he was now. Sam flipped over mark with his muzzle and was now licking marks crotch and making it bob up and down with the licks!! he looked at the clock, there was still 1 whole hour left of him having to put up with this! he didnt think he'd last that long. Then sam began to lick marks most sensitive spot, the bottom of the tip of his penis. He moaned in pleasure as his pet's long, slick tongue rapidly being rubbed up against his penis like crazy. witthin minutes of sam licking there, mark cummed; it spraying all over the raptors face and marks penis. Sam sniffed the cum, curious as to what it was and began to lick it off of his penis for 20 minutes long! Then after that sam flipped over mark again and began licking his butthole. Mark was shocked at the feeling but then calmed down again; realizing the feeling actually felt pretty good. He kept licking like crazy over and over again. Mark completley helpless to his pets demands and as soon as the remaining 40 minutes was over mark smiled and got up and petted sams head. "good boy." he said; a mischevious look in his eyes. Then he picked up the raptor, weighing about fourty-two pounds lighter than mark himself and opened the door; checked to see if anyone was around(which there wasn't) and then carried the raptor to his room and set him on his bed. The raptor sensed Mark's naughty thoughts and licked his scaley lips. Mark rolled the pet velociraptor onto his back and began to rub his finger over the raptor's sensitive spot just where he had been licked. The rubbing made Sam jump but he relaxed completley and began to make pleasured moaning noises. Mark smiled happily and mischeviously at the moaning and relaxing and be rubbed faster and began to tease the penis with his tongue. Then he scooped up the penis into his mouth and began to suck on it as hard as he could. Mark made even louder moaning noises and relaxed further and then he finally cummed into Mark's mouth. Mark decided the cum didn't taste too bad and swallowed every last drop of it. Then he got a naughty idea and began to lick at the tip of the scaled penis of his pet raptor which triggered another orgism and he smiled and lapped up that cum too and swallowed it where it went straight down to his tummy. Then his raptor jumped onto his, still completely naked body and began lapping at him again, giving him another "bath", velociraptor style. He just lay sprawled out on the floor on his back; enjoying the tongue-bath his scaled pet was giving him. Then mark began slurping away at Mark's penis once again; sending mass amounts of pleasure throughout marks young 6-year-old body. Then Sam sat on Mark's face. Mark licked happily and mischeviously at Mark's tail-hole. Sam enjoyed it just as much as Mark did when he licked at his butt when they were in the bath-room. Then Sam turned around, a mischevious look in his eyes and he stuffed his semi-erect velociraptor penis into Mark's mouth and began pumping happily in and out of the unsuspecting humans mouth. Mark teased the happy raptor's penis with his tongue and soon sam started moaning happily and pumped in and out even faster. Then the VERY-HAPPY-RAPTOR had the biggest orgasm of his life and all of his cum poured straight into the human's mouth, overflowing it so that it dribbled down his chin.The human swallowed all he could and the happy raptor licked his owner clean, even his "parts" that didnt need "cleaning" (if you know what i mean ;) ) \*\*\*\*please post comments and rate it. its my first i ever made and really enjoyed making it alot. thanks tons. InsaneBunny\*\*\*
Title: Fox and Guests Pt. 04F Tags: Jessica Pearson, the managing partner of Pearson and Spector just entered Harvey Spector's office, she stood there and Harvey looked up; "What's up Jessica, other than looking amazing!" "Don't give me that crap Harvey, why is Special Agent Peter Burke of the FBI on my calendar for this afternoon? Its Christmas week and I don't need any unforeseen problems popping up before the end of the year!" I have no idea Jessica, did you ask Louis? I heard of Peter Burke, he heads up the New York White collar division; it may have something to do with Louis and taxes! "Impossible Harvey, Louis may be a snake, but he's as honest as the day is long. It better not have anything to do with Mike Ross and his situation!" "Situation, what situation Jessica?" "Don't give me that shit Harv, I want you in the meeting with me just to cover my ass." "Mmmmm I'd sure love to cover your ass Jessica, now get out and buzz me when this Burke character gets here!" Jessica left the office and she could feel Harvey's eyes on her tight slender body as she walked to her office. She was dress elegantly as always. She looked professional, but could also be a runway model at one of New York's leading fashion houses. A few hours later while Harvey was going over one of his briefs, his intercom came alive, it was Donna; "Harvey, Jessica's on the line, she needs you in her office now, that FBI guy is here." "Tell her I'll be there in a minute, just need to finish this last page of my brief!" He finished the brief and headed towards Jessica's office and looking through the glass walls, he saw both Jessica and Burke laughing, she motioned for him to go away and he caught her action and turned and walked over to Louis Litt's office; "Hey shithead, any idea why that Burke guy from the FBI is here to see Jessica?" "Louis had a frown on his brow; "Nice to see you too Dickhead! No I have no idea, she asked me earlier if I knew him, I told her I heard of him and his crack division, but didn't know him personally! Now get the fuck out of my office so I can really do some good for this firm, not you like!" Harvey gave him the finger as he walked out grumbling as he left. Louis and Harvey had a love-hate relationship, they both knew they were good, but disliked the other, but would back them up to the end of the world if needed. An hour later Jessica came into Harvey's office and took a seat; "I had Donna buzz Louis and told him to get in here, I want to give you the low-down of my meeting with Peter Burke. Now before Louis gets in here I have to tell you Burke knows about Mike not being a lawyer. It seems Louis' girlfriend that Sheila Sazs came to him seeing he's in charge of the fraud division. He doesn't want to prosecute Mike, but he has to go and take the boards and if he passes, we can get him a license." Why are you involving Louis, he'll want to burn Mike, what were you thinking Jessica?" "Here is my plan, do you have anything on Louis we can use against him to flip him to help us out?" "Well yes and no, it involves Rachel Zane though." "What is it Harvey?" "Last year when Rachel was trying to get into Harvard, Louis tried to persuade this Sheila Sazs woman to push her through and allow her into Harvard. I got him fucking the shit out of her at his place and then try to use that to get Rachel into Harvard. She resisted and he backed down, but I still have him trying to blackmail her into doing it." "So why did you say yes and no?" "Well if we used it on Louis, he could push back and make Rachel really look bad." "Yeah it wouldn't look good for her, but I think we could bluff Louis to the point where he would fold and help us." "So tell me Jessica, how does this all come together why is Burke willing to help us and how can we get this Sheila to back down?" "We'll have to tell Louis about Mike first of all, then we need him to go along with us to back his girlfriend into a corner and she'll have to back down. Last but not least, we'll need to help Burke's wife with a sticky legal case. You and Louis will have to team up and get her off, for once we have an innocent client; we just have to prove it." Louis walked into Harvey's office and Jessica went on to tell him all about Mike, he was furious that he was kept in the dark about this and wanted nothing to do with it. "Louis the entire firm is libel for covering up for Mike, if it comes out, the firm will fold and you too will be out in the cold." "I'm still not comfortable about covering this up, but I'll back the two of you. What do we need to do?" "Okay Louis, here is what we know and what we need to do. Peter Burke is willing to drop the fraud case concerning Mike Ross if we get you girlfriend Sheila Sazs to withdraw the complaint. We also have to represent Elizabeth Burke in a case where she is being set-up as the fall guy. She's completely innocent and with the evidence Peter Burke has, it will be a cake-walk, he just can't present it seeing it would look like tampering." Louis was fuming; "I can't do that to Sheila and how are we supposed to get her to back down?" First of all Peter Burke works closely with a con on his leash, a Neil Caffrey, he's an expert on fraud and B & E. Neil Caffrey will plant the evidence in Sheila's files and pull out all of the damning evidence concerning Mike Ross. What we need to do here is have things get really, really wild and have her on tape doing inappropriate things and use it against her back off on Mike. What do you think? Do you think we can make it work?" "How long do I have? I need to speak with Ross and Rachel, seeing she was involved with me trying to get her onto Harvard. I'm sure she'll be on board seeing we'll be helping Mike. What kind of info will this Neil plant in her files?" He's already working on making up fake transcripts where it will show Sheila allowed several students a pass into Harvard Law School who were no way qualified to be in Harvard in the first place. He also has the folder to add to Sheila's file showing Mike Ross attended Harvard along with his grades and in nearly every case with professors who are either retired or moved on to another university. " "Wow now wait a minute Jessica, I don't want to ruin the reputation of students at Harvard!" She shook her head; "No, not to worry Louis, we gave Mr. Caffrey the name and profiles only of the students who didn't pass the grade and failed or who dropped out due to unsatisfactory grades, doesn't that make it easier Louis?" "Yes, that makes it easier and acceptable. Okay so that solves the problem about the files and Mr. Ross, but how are we going to keep Sheila quiet, especially knowing she is the reason you two are in this dilemma." Jessica had a sly smile on her face; "Like I briefly told you about earlier, I'm planning a New Year's Eve party here. It will be an intimate party with Burke and his wife, he'll bring along Mr. Caffrey and his close associate. Peter will also bring along another agent, a Diane Barrigan, he said she could sort of a look-out to make sure Sheila doesn't notice Mr. Caffrey leaving the party. From here will be the three of us, Donna, Rachel and Mike and of course you'll have to bring Sheila." "I'll make sure the champagne and liquor is flowing freely and we'll need you to get Sheila good and drunk. We'll make sure we record her in a very, very compromising position and maybe two or three of them!" "I'll get her here, but it's up to someone else to get her in a compromising situation. Now that we have that problem solved, what is the legal problem Burke's wife is experiencing?" "He told me his wife has just taken a job as a consultant at a consultant at a gallery in DC. The problem is that a rival who wanted the job has been setting up Mrs. Burke for tax fraud and embezzlement from her business, Burke Premiere Events. She has all of the proof that she's innocent, but with Mr. Burke being touted for a big job in DC., there can't be any sign of tampering by him or his office, that is why we were contacted and he knows we'll make it all go away without making waves." "Sounds pretty cut and dry, should I contact her and get the ball rolling?" "You may want to touch base with her, but don't start on the case until the Mike mess is put behind us. We don't want to solve her problem before he takes care of ours." "Give me her number and I'll contact her and set up an appointment." "Just remember, both of you, we have to put aside all rivalry and make sure this goes off without a hitch!" Louis called the Burke household and Elizabeth answered and agreed to meet with Louis later that day after she finished some of her errands. He was waiting on her stoop when she pulled up and hopping out ran up the stairs to greet him; "Mr. Litt, is it?" "Yes and you must be the lovely Mrs. Burke." "Please call me Liz, come on in, were you waiting long?" "No Liz, I just arrived here a couple of minutes ago. You have a nice home here, it's a shame you'll be leaving to go to DC." "I love it here, but I go where my husband's work takes him. I believe it's time for a change anyways. Please have a seat, would you like a drink?" "Coffee or tea would be nice." "I'll put on the water; I could go for a good cup of tea, crazy day today at the office." She came back in, her suit jacket was off and her white silky blouse had a couple of buttons undone and she had kicked off her heels. "Tea should be ready in a few, so tell me Mr. Litt, do you think we can make this all go away and at the same time keep it quiet?" "First of all call me Louis. I already have a private detective looking into the woman who is creating all of these issues for you. If what you say is correct, our guy, we think can put enough pressure on her to withdraw the accusations and make all of this go away." "Well Louis, that's fantastic, hold on a sec, I think the water is ready, milk or sugar with your tea?" "No thanks Liz, straight up please!" She came back in with a tray and two cups of tea and a plate of wafer cookies, he noticed yet another button on her blouse undone and her lacy black bra was winking at him. He shifted around on the sofa as he felt his cock stir slightly in his pants. He dismissed this, not wanting to blow the entire project, not even for a chance with this gorgeous brunette. She handed him his tea, but this time she took a seat beside him rather than across from him like she had done earlier. They both sipped on their tea and talk more about her case. Elizabeth put her cooled cup on tea on the coffee table and when she sat back, she pressed her bare thigh against his leg and it startled Louis and he spilled the semi-warm tea on his suit pants. Liz jumped up; "Oh my, just hold on Louis, let me get a warm washcloth, we don't want that to stain!" She rushed back into the room and began rubbing the wet spot, her hand slowly went a little higher and coming in contact with her stiffening cock, he jumped again and the entire cup of tea was spilled on his pants; "Oh my god Louis, now we can't have you walking around with your pants completely wet like that. Go into the bathroom and take them off. We have one-hour cleaners just around the corner; I'll call them and have them picked up!" He wasn't comfortable with this, but after her repeated insistence, he relented and did as she had asked him to do. Opening the bathroom door he handed her his trousers and under shorts, they were soaked too. "There should be a robe on the back of the bathroom door to slip into till your pants come back, put it on and come on out. We can finish our discussion on my case while we wait for your pants." He came out, the robe was rather long seeing Peter was taller, but it barely closed seeing Louis was thicker around the waist and belly compared to Peter. He took a seat and once again Elizabeth took a seat beside him. They talked and talked and he took notes and as he put away his legal pad in his briefcase, the robe parted and his thick solid cock was winking back at Elizabeth's gaze. "My, my Louis, looks like someone is trying to peak out and say hello!" Louis looked down and in the typical Louis fashion was flustered to the point of turning red. He tugged at the bathroom only to make the robe part lower down and flop off his thighs. Elizabeth's slim hand suddenly rested on his hairy, thick thigh and looking into his dark eyes with her dark blue eyes, she licked her lips and slowly slid her hand higher and higher up his thigh until the back of her hand grazed his now totally stiff cock. Reversing her hand she closed her fingers around his cock as it rested in her palm. Keeping her hand tightly around his cock, she kept her eyes locked on his; she bit down on her lower lip and began to pump her fist up and down on his cock. Louis closed his eyes and fell back against the back of the sofa and let out a loud groan. His eyes shot open when he suddenly felt her hot, wet lips close around his cock and enter her mouth. All he could see was her long silky brown hair dancing around his hairy legs and the feel of her mouth and tongue whipping up and down and all around his cock. He surprised Elizabeth when he let out a loud grunt and suddenly began shooting his load down her throat. Liz locked her lips tightly around his spurting cock and took every drop he could expel from his swollen nuts. When she felt his cock stop shooting, she licked the last drop from the thick head and slipping off his cock, she smacked her lips; "That was the cream I was looking for to add to my tea!" She picked up her cup of tea and poised over it, she allowed his cum to drool out of her mouth and mix with her cooled tea. She ran her finger around her lips to remove the last drop from her lips, she swirled her finger in her tea and raising her cup to her lips she drank down the entire cup. "Mmmmm that was the best tea I tasted in quite a while!" Just then the doorbell rang and she hurried to the door, her face was flushed when she answered the door and took the clothes from the delivery man. Turning to Louis; "Lucky you came early, seems the pants came back early too. Maybe next time, you'll last a little longer. He took the pants from her and hurried to the bathroom. Upon opening the door, his pants looked as good as new. He looked down at the carpet when he spoke; "I'm sorry Liz, I normally don't lose control like that, but you are so beautiful and caught me off guard and I sort of came prematurely, I'm so terribly, terribly sorry!" She giggled; "Don't give it a second thought Louis, maybe we can try round two at the New Year's Eve party at your firm, but you have to promise to last long enough for me to enjoy it a little bit longer next time!" "I promise Liz, I better get going and set the wheels in motion to get this out from under you. Again I'm sorry and at the same time thank you, you were amazing and that mouth of yours, wow!" Liz gave him a tiny peck on the cheek and opened the door for him to leave. He left and once in his car, he placed his forehead on the steering wheel and let out a loud groan of embarrassment. He returned to the office and filled Jessica and Harvey in on the info about the case, he made sure to leave out the part about the blow-job. He contacted their detective and filled him in on the situation and told him it was a top priority to track down. Jessica contacted Burke and filled him in on the progress with his wife's case and he told him the progress Caffrey made with the files set to be placed in Sheila's New York office. He had Jessica set up Sheila's superiors to do an accredited audit on her files right after the New Year. Jessica was confident, everything was right on schedule as long as Caffrey planted the files and Louis could persuade Sheila to join him for the New Year's Eve party at their offices. New Year's Eve was upon them and Donna had worked her ass off along with Rachel to get all of the catering set perfectly as Jessica and Harvey had requested. Donna made sure enough food and drinks were available before dismissing the crew. They didn't want to have any outsiders around to be able to testify in Sheila's behalf if she pressed the issue. One by one and couple by couple began to arrive for the party and everyone was decked out in the best suits and gowns. Peter Burke and Neil Caffrey were dressed in dark suits and slim dark ties. On Peter's arm was Elizabeth, she was dressed in a hunter green gown that was draped over her body. The neckline was a wide cowl; the material was draped there and down her back. The back was bare nearly down to her waist, it was evident she was braless, but the layer of material draped across her large chest hiding her fat nipples. Her long, dark brown hair was braided and rolled into a tight bun on top of her head. Two tentacles of hair hung down her cheeks. Her ankles were visible and a pair of strappy hunter green heels was on her dainty feet. On Neil's arm was his date and partner in crime, Rebecca Lowe, a slim, gorgeous redhead with piercing green eyes. Her body was draped in a jet black flowing gown. It has a deep vee neck accenting her alabaster skin and her breasts were threatening to leap free. It ended a few inches below her knees and her feet were in matching black heels. Her legs looked amazing in silky black stockings. Her long deep red hair was a mass of curls and waves tumbling down to just below her breasts and halfway down her back. Between the two couples was Diane Barrigan, 5'8" dark skinned beauty. Although she was black, her heritage had to have some white blood in her; her milk chocolate skin was glowing in her ankle length white gown. Her small C cup breasts held up the gown, her shoulders, upper chest and back were bare and caught the attention of Jessica and the other partners at the firm. The dress flowed around her lower body and everyone was imaging what was under that gorgeous dress. The partners and associates were already there and greeted the guests from the FBI. Harvey was in a black tuxedo, as was Mike Ross and Louis Litt. The women from the firm rivaled the women from the FBI. Jessica was wearing a teal satin gown down to her ankle. Two thin strips of material did little to hide her large D cupped breasts. A wide gold belt around her waist accented her tiny waist and gorgeous ass. Donna rivaled Jessica in a high-necked skin tight white dress. A panel of see through material was covering her chest. It showcased her mammoth breasts and without that panel, they would have spilled out. When she turned, the back of the dress was non-existent showing bare skin nearly down to her tight ass. Her gorgeous ass swayed as she walked and her long flowing red hair danced about her figure down past her breasts. Rachel Zane was on Mike's arm and she looked amazing. Her slim, tiny body, with the perfect curves smiled at all of the guests. Her mixed race parents made her look dark and sultry, she had most Caucasian features, but had a black woman's tight, compact bubble butt. Her dress was similar to Diane's, but in red. It was flowing down to her ankles and her entire upper body was bare. Her tight C sized breasts looked larger than they really were due to her petite size. Her dress had a slit down one thigh from hem, nearly all the way to her hip, as she moved part of her bare hip was visible and it was evident she was either naked beneath the dress or was wearing a tiny thong! Her long silky chocolate brown, nearly black hair was piled high atop her head. The last female to arrive was Sheila Sazs, she hung onto Louis' arm and she looked seductive and sassy at the same time. She was wearing a deep purple halter dress. Her large breasts were trying desperately to sneak out of the halter top, the silky flowing material swished about her thighs. She was the only woman wearing a short dress. It ended at her knees and her legs were encased in dark purple stockings along with matching dark purple high heels. Her shoulder length medium blonde hair was pulled up in a tight bun and her dark rimmed glasses made her look even more desirable. After all of the introductions nearly everyone had a drink in their hand. Louis made sure Sheila was never without a drink and he made sure hers were extra strong. Neil Caffrey and Rebecca Lowe slipped out while the other feasted on the large platters of appetizers that were placed out about the office. The two of them were back without anyone who mattered noticed; he gave both Peter and Elizabeth a nod indicating they had accomplished their objective. Now the party was about to kick into high gear and with the large amount of alcohol that had already been consumed, it seemed like everyone was really loosening up, including Peter and Elizabeth. Jessica left the main area of the office and retreated to her office. She was standing before the large window overlooking the New York skyline. It had begun snowing and the streets looked like a winter wonderland. A voice came from behind her; "My, my, it certainly is a lovely site!" She turned and saw Diane approaching; "It sure is, I could stand here all night and look at the snow falling!" Diane chuckled; "Oh the skyline looks lovely too! I was speaking about you standing there against the dark sky!" Jessica broke out in a smile; "Special Agent Barrigan, are you trying to flirt with me?" Diane came up close to Jessica and stared up into the dark sultry eyes staring back down at her; "Well tell me Ms. Pearson, how am I doing?" She flipped her long dark brown hair back over her bare shoulder, a wide smile spread across her lips; "Please call me Jessica, and I'd say you broke the ice rather gracefully. So what do you plan on doing next Special Agent Barrigan?" "Well Jessica, just like you, please call me Diane! This is what my next move was going to be, let me know what you think!" She reached up and pulled Jessica's head down to hers and as their lips met, her tongue darted out and ran around Jessica's brightly painted red lips. Jessica sucked in her breath and let out a gasp. She returned the kiss; her hands came up and running her fingers through Diane's lush thick black locks, kissed her with more urgency, her tongue darting in and out of Diane's mouth. Pulling back, she stared into Diane's smoky lusty eyes and letting out a long breath of air from her lungs; "I like your aggressiveness, a woman after my own way of thinking. Come over here with me!" She led her over to a plush cream leather sofa. Sitting down she directed Diane between her spread thighs and placing her hands on Diane's tight ass, she drew her nearer. Her hands slid up Diane's trim body and when she reached the top of her dress, her fingers slid under the elastic of the white bodice and applying just enough pressure, she pulled the dress free of Diane's incredibly firm and high standing tits. As the dress settled about Diane's shapely hips, Jessica's hands came up and cupped the two perfectly shaped cone tits. Her milk chocolate capped breasts, those darker nipples were very, very dark and the tiny areoules were nearly as dark and poked hard against Jessica's palms. Diane closed her eyes and threw her head back. Her gorgeous dark hair danced around her shoulders and down her back. She thrust her chest harder against Jessica's hands. Jessica's one hand slid around and placing it on her back she applied more pressure and urged Diane to lean forward. As she did this, Diane's cone shaped breast hovered over Jessica's parted blood red lips. Jessica leaned up and planted her lips around one stiff nipple. As she sucking increased, she urged a deep groan from Diane's throat. Diane wrapped her arms around Jessica's head and forced more of her tit flesh into her mouth. Her hands slid down Jessica's nearly bare back and back up into her hair. She found the fastener on the back of Jessica's dress and tugging gently, it gave way and her large breasts came tumbling into view. Diane sucked in her breath as she stared at the huge mounds of black flesh before her. Unlike Diane's tiny areoules, Jessica's were huge and covered the entire crown of both breasts. Smack dab in the middle of both were fat pencil eraser sized black gumdrops for nipples. As if in a trance, Diana's hands came up and palmed those two morsels and squeezed, twisted and tugged them. Jessica sucked harder on Diane's smaller, but much firmer mounds. Her hands were busy too; she was now tugging at the dress that was hung-up around her waist. Freeing it, it flittered to the floor and Jessica immediately stood up, spun Diane around and urged her down onto the sofa. It was the perfect sofa for what she was about to do. It didn't have any arms on either end of it and she pushed her onto her back. Jessica scrambled to the end of the sofa and spreading the shapely, slender thighs, dove right in and pulling Diane's tiny thong to the side, immediately began licking and sucking on her tight lipped pussy. Diane let out a screech and wrapped her arms and legs around the long slender body that had her pinned to the sofa. She was groaning out indistinguishable words and phrases. Her head was rolling from side to side on the sofa, her long glossy black hair had her face obscured and her hands came up and she cupped her own tits and twisted and tugged at her own stiff nipples. In Harvey's office the vivacious Elizabeth Burke was seated on Harvey's desk. She was facing away from him as the two of them watched Donna, who was on her knees, bobbing up on down on Peter's thick stiff cock. Peter was seated in her desk chair and his eyes rolled back in his head and when he felt her throat accept his cock head, his eyes popped open and he looked directly at Elizabeth who smiled slyly at her husband. She licked her lips and nodded to him. He responded by doing the same thing, she knew he was giving her the okay to start up with Harvey. She turned back to Harvey; "You must have some very steamy late night meeting with that gorgeous redhead huh? I wouldn't mind slipping between those big tits of hers and lick my way out! Peter just gave me the okay to have my way with you; that is if you're interested." She let out a squeal as no sooner she said that, Harvey stood up and drew her off his desk and onto his lap. His mouth covered hers and their tongues fought back and forth. His hands slid along her bare back and sliding his hands up to her shoulders, he coaxed the folds of her dress off them and it puddled in her lap. "Oh fuck Elizabeth, your tits are amazing, I just have to suck in them!" She giggled and placing her hands under them, lifted the high standing mounds of flesh, licked her lips and whispered; "Be my guest Harvey, I love having my titties sucked on! Oh yeah, Mmmmm just like that, bite them, oh fuck yeah harder! She let out a shriek and she looked out across the office and Peter was smiling as he watched the lawyer sucking on her tits. Peter's hands were fisting Donna's long red hair as she continued to deep throat him and with each outward movement, her long slim fingers pumped up and down on his thick shaft. Letting go of her hair his fingernails raked up and down her bare back, just like Harvey did to his wife, he grabbed the dress at the shoulders and tugging at it, drew it down her shoulders and off her arms. Donna shook her arms and the dress fell to her waist. She leaned forward and took his cock and spitting on it, Donna placed it between her two heavy tits. Pushing her arms towards her body, she captured his cock between her tits. She rose and fell several times and his cock seemed to swell as he felt her firm fleshy tits make love to his cock. Peter tweaked her nipples, her large pink areoules and nipples proved she was a true redhead. His mouth watered just thinking about sucking on those gorgeous nips. He pumped his cock up and down, her slick tits clutched at his cock and he had to slow down, he was so excited, he didn't want to cum yet. He drew her to her feet and pushing her dress off her long shapely legs, she kicked it away and he led her into Harvey's office and he plopped down on the sofa and drew Donna down and onto his well-muscled thighs. If the main part of the office Mike and Neil were laughing and drinking, especially Mike knowing most of his problems were now at an end. Rachel and Rebecca were talking quietly and Rachel rose from one of the sofas in the waiting room; "I need to visit the little girl's room, want to join me?" She had a sassy look on her face and bit her lower lip as she held her hand out to Rebecca. Rebecca rose to her feet and clutching at Rachel's hand the two of them swayed back and forth, giving their hips an extra wiggle, both knowing Mike and Neil were watching them. In the bathroom as she washed up and fixed their make-up and hair, Rachel looked over at Rebecca; "So tell me, how is Neil in the sack, from what I see he had a pretty ample package down there?" Rebecca, even though she was a woman of the world was taken aback and a flush crossed her cheeks and spread to her neck and upper chest; "Well I've had my share of men and Neil's equipment is more than adequate! His cock is exceptionally long, but not one of the thickest I've encountered. With his length, and knowing he knows what to do with it, he hits spots sometimes I never knew I had. My god Rachel, he fucks what seems like forever and always makes me cum several times. That being said, how's Mike, he looks a little boyish?" "Well he does fumble around a little, but what he lacks in experience, he more than makes up with exuberance and stamina. He's just like Neil; he can go for what seems like forever. Sometimes he cums quickly, but he's amazing, he just continues and never gets soft and goes right on fucking. He wears me out sometimes, you talk about a workout, well after we fuck, I can skip my aerobics class for that day without a doubt." Rebecca was visibly excited; "Wow, sounds like we have a pair of studs who need to be tamed. What do you think about swapping boyfriends for the evening?" A huge smile crossed Rachel's lips; "I was just thinking the exact same thing." Rebecca tossed her long red hair over her shoulder; "We do have one problem though, Neil hate fucking anywhere other than a bed. He deplores couches, tables and counters. I tried to get him to loosen up, but once things get hot and heavy on a couch, he had to stop and he drags me to the bed." Rachel's brow was furrowed and a grin crossed her face; "Follow me Rebecca!" She hurried out of the bathroom and snuck by the guys and scurried into the elevator. The doors closed and Rachel hit the button for two floors below theirs. When the door opened Rachel tugged at Rebecca's hand and led her down a long row of offices to the end of the building. She turned to Rebecca; "This is Mr. Tupperman's office, he's one of the oldest lawyers in the firm, he's more of a figurehead and does more advising then courtroom work now-a-days. A couple months ago I had to bring him some files and when I entered his office, it was empty, in the adjoining room was a huge bed and Tupperman was there with his arms crossed, I thought he was dead. His secretary came rushing in, she wasn't at her desk when I got there and she was furious that I stumbled upon his secret resting place." "I think this solves our Neil problem, come on in and let's see if we can use it, hopefully he isn't sleeping in there now!" They tip-toed into the inner-sanctum and it was empty. Rachel turned on two bedside lamps and seeing the place vacant, she kicked off her heels and jumped up onto the bed. She opened her clutch purse and looked over at Rebecca; "Come on and join me, I think this will be large enough for the four of us, don't you?" Rebecca slipped onto the bed and her silky black dress slid up her legs and her black stockings made a sexy sound as they slid back and forth against the other. She looked up and noticed Rachel staring at her long legs. A tiny bit of bare flesh was showing above her stocking tops and Rebecca reached down to pull her skirt down. Rachel place her hand on Rebecca's and whispered; "Don't Rebecca, I love looking at your gorgeous legs!" She leaned forward and softly planted her lips on Rebecca's soft pliant petals. She heard Rebecca suck in her breath and her teeth nibbled at Rachel's invading tongue. As the kiss intensified, Rachel felt Rebecca's hand come up and cup her extremely firm breast. She kissed Rachel back even harder now, her hand tugged at Rachel's red halter dress and her firm breasts came popping out. She broke the kiss and drew back slightly and her gorgeous green eyes focused on Rachel's gorgeous tits. The tits were coned shaped, the dark smooth areoules were the size of nickels, and in the middle were baby fingertips of even harder and extremely stiff nipples. She leaned in and Rachel stopped her. "Rebecca, there isn't anything I want more right now than to feel your lips and tongue on my aching nipples, but let me text Mike to join us down here, what do you say?" Rebecca licked her lips and her eyes were smoking with lust; "What the fuck are you waiting for, text them and then I want you naked!" Rachel knelt up and as she worked her fingers on her phone as fast as she could, she watched as Rebecca stripped off her black gown and slip out of her panties. Dressed only in black stockings she went to remove them and Rachel shook her head; "Don't you dare take them off, I know Mike will love them, maybe as much as I do!" Rebecca giggled and tossed her long curly red hair over her shoulder and she heard Rachel let out a groan. She slipped to the large fluffy white pillow, her silky red locks framed her face and she nearly looked angelic. She licked her lips and her hands slid up her body and her thumbs flicked back and forth across her large bullet shaped breasts. The crests were covered nearly like Donna's the entire crown was covered with two large bright pink areoules. The huge dusty rose nipples sprung up as Rebecca's thumbs flicked back and forth across them. Rachel slid off the bed and with her dress already around her waist; she pushed at the gown and it tumbled to the floor. She shimmied out of her tiny thong and her huge lipped pussy was glistening with her juices as she slid to the bed and immediately slid between the two black silky covered legs. They parted and Rachel dove in and without any foreplay, locked her mouth over Rebecca's tight lipped pussy. She wormed her tongue into the steamy pussy before her and her fingers spread the lips and uncovering her clit she stabbed at it and began to flick it back and forth. Rachel heard voices behind her, but she was way too invested in the pussy before her to break-away and stop. She slipped first one and then a second finger into the tight cunt before her. Clamping her lips over the juicy pussy before her, she sucked as hard as she could and hearing a loud groan above her she was rewarded with a gush of hot juices from Rebecca's pussy. She felt the bed shifted around her and she sucked even harder on Rebecca. She felt a hard cock behind her and she knew it wasn't Mike's, it wasn't thick enough and as it slid deeper and deeper into her receptive pussy, she knew it had to be Neil's. Rebecca was right, it was extremely long and when it brushed against her cervix, she groaned and jerked, it was uncomfortable at first, but as he started pumping in and out and sliding around and scraping against her G-spot, she, just like Rebecca, shot off like a 4th of July rocket. Above her a naked Mike had this shorter, but much thicker than Neil's cock, it was poised above the reclined Rebecca. Rebecca opened her mouth and gripping his hips, she licked back and forth making sure she covered every square inch of his cock with her saliva. She sucked first one hanging nut into her mouth and her tongue flicked at it and sucking on it her hand stroked the thick piece of meat hovering before her. Mike had to close his eyes because when he looked down and saw that wild mane of red hair spread out all over the pillow, her smoky green eyes staring up at him and that gorgeous mouth of hers enveloping his cock, he nearly lost it. When he heard her groan, he opened his eyes again and saw her thrusting her hips upward to meet Rachel's tongue that was stuffed deep in her pussy. Rebecca had one hand on his cock and the other was twisted in Rachel's tangled mess of chocolate brown hair. It was slowly coming undone as she twisted, pulled and tried to guide her head deeper against her dripping cunt. Rachel tore her head up from in-between Rebecca's thighs as Neil pulled his cum coated cock from her pussy and finding her tiny puckered asshole, he shoved once really hard and slid about six or seven inches of his slim cock down into her ass. He plowed forward and sank deeper and deeper. She growled and dove back in and ate away at Rebecca's drenched cunt like a woman possessed. She sucked wildly at her clit and she heard her scream around Mike's cock and unlike before, her stocking covered legs wrapped around Rachel's head and she began squirting, she drenched Rachel's face, neck and it dripped down to her firm tits. When Mike saw what Rebecca was doing, he lost it and with his cock deep in her mouth, he started dumping his thick heavy load down her throat and into her belly. Just as Rachel had told Rebecca, Mike just kept on sliding in and out of her mouth, he stayed stiff as a board and he heard Rebecca let out a grunt and continued to suck his cock and fuck Rachel's face. Neil was amazed how Mike continued to fuck his red-headed slut and when he felt Rachel's ass tighten even more, he lost it and pulling his cock out of her ass, he shot long, hot stream of cum all over her slender, tapered back. Stream after hot creamy shot of cum covered her back and tight ass. Totally spent, he fell back on the bed and sat back and watched the trio in front of him. Rachel finally managed to pull her face from between the swamp filled thighs below her; she rolled over and smiled across at Rebecca who still had Mike's cock in her mouth. Rebecca pulled his cock from her mouth and sitting up, rolled over and she was poised between Rachel's slim, yet sexy thighs. Her fat lipped pussy was glistening in the light of the bedroom. Rebecca dropped down and just like Rachel did to her earlier, she clamped her mouth down over Rachel's pussy. She loved the tangy, yet sweet flavor of Rachel's pussy and Rachel released her juices just as fast as Rebecca could suck them up. Rachel ran her slim fingers through Rebecca's long curly red hair. She humped her hips upward driving her swollen cunt up to meet Rebecca's active lips and tongue. She let out a gurgle deep in her throat when Rebecca captured her clit and Rachel released her cum as an amazing strong orgasm wracked her petite, yet lush body. Rebecca let out a scream against Rachel's pussy when she felt Mike, with one swift thrust; bury his fat cock balls deep into her dripping pussy. She was shoved hard against Rachel's spasming pussy as Mike picked up the pace and pumped in and out of her tight, yet juicy pussy. He was fucking her so hard; the entire bed moved and creaked with each of his thrusts and then he shoved one cum coated finger deep into her extremely tight asshole. Mike felt like he had to cum again or he would go insane. He was pounding her deeper and deeper, he fucked her so hard, with each thrust, he shoved her harder against Rachel and Rachel was shoved back two or three inched backwards each time. She was nearly off the side of the bed and when she opened her eyes, she was staring at the swaying stiff cock that Neil was once again sporting. She smiled up at him and as he cradled her head in his hands, she opened her mouth to accept his slim, long cock in her mouth and down her throat. Neil dug his fingers into her disheveled hair and as he shoved forward and Mike shoved into Rebecca harder, Rachel was caught in the middle and she came when Neil's cock and Rebecca's tongue was sent deeper into her two holes. Mike let out a loud groan and started cumming deep in Rebecca's cunt. She came along with him when she felt him filling her cunt with his heavy load. Rebecca's tongue slowed on Rachel's pussy, but when she sucked one last time on her clit, it put her over the top and she came one last time. Neil pumped in and out of Rachel's mouth and pulling his cock from her mouth, he pumped his cock over and over and over again. Letting out a loud groan, he aimed his cock at her face and spurt after spurt shot out of his cock and bathed her gorgeous face with his hot, creamy cum! The entire room was still, except for the sound of all four of them breathing heavily. Neil fell to the bed, totally spent and he could not believe how hot and sexy, both Rebecca and Rachel looked. In Jessica's office Diane and Jessica were sprawled out on her sofa, their two bodies were wrapped in a heated sixty-nine, arms and legs were wrapped around one another and their heads were buried in the other's cunts. With Diane n top, she was grinding her pussy down onto Jessica's mouth. She shuttered as her body started quivering again as she came for the third or fourth time. Her thick black hair was covering Jessica's wide-spread thighs and she was sucking deeply at the fat lips below her, they were oozing with her cum as Diane managed to make Jessica cum several times too. Across the room Louis was standing behind the swaying Sheila. She was way past tipsy and was headed towards full blown drunk. Louis' hands were traveling up and down her lush body and he could feel her tight ass pushing hard against his straining cock. He leaned against her and placing his mouth at her ear whispered; "Sheila, are those two women turning you on? Just look at them sucking each other's pussies. Would you like to have that being done to you right now?" His hands slid down to the short hem of her dress and pulling it to her waist, he buried his hand into her tiny matching purple thong. His hand was covered in her juices as she was extremely wet and turned on. He dipped first one and then a second finger into her cunt and he began finger fucker her. His mouth attacked her bare shoulder, up to the nape of her neck and attacked her earlobe. "Come on Sheila, tell me, you want me to fuck you or do you want to suck some pussy like Diana and Jessica are?" Sheila let out a loud grunt and reached back and gripped his thick, stiff cock and stroked it violently through his tuxedo pants. She found the clasp and popping it open, she leaned against him harder and yanked open his zipper. His pants fell to the floor and he made sure to go commando. He kicked his shoes off and kicked his pants aside. He applied pressure to her shoulders and she leaned over. He tore at her tiny thong and gripping his cock, lined it up and with one violent thrust, buried his cock deep in her pussy. Sheila let out a scream and Diane rose up from between Jessica's thighs she caught Sheila's eyes with hers and smiling she wiggled her finger for her to join them. Sheila was beyond turned on as she pushed back against Louis' invading cock. She loved how his thick cock stretched her tight pussy, but she wanted to see what Diana had to offer. She was mesmerized by the gorgeous black woman, who looked more like herself than she did Jessica. She slowly rose up from her bent over position. When she did this Louis' cock slipped from her juicy pussy. She moved over beside Jessica and Diane. Diane rose up from between Jessica's thighs and knelt up. She swung off the sofa and sat on the edge of the sofa. Jessica sat up too and sat on the other side of Sheila. Both Diane and Jessica were slightly disheveled from the intense loving they have given each other. Jessica looked at her and leaning in gave her a tiny kiss on her cheek; "Sheila, please stand up and stand before us!" Shelia, even though she was pretty well lit, she stood up with a tentative look on her face. She looked down at Diana and then Jessica. She licked her lips and just stood there. She sucked in her breath when she heard Jessica say; "Sheila reach up and undo your halter top and lower your dress to your waist and just stand there please!" Sheila was torn to do what she was told, but the itching between her thighs and staring at the two naked black women before her made her decision easier. She reached up and slowly unhooked the catch on the back of her neck. She slowly drew the material down and off her breasts and they instantly perked up from the cooler air in the large office. Jessica and Diane's eyes were focused on Sheila's heavy breasts, they sagged slightly from their heavy weight, but the nipples were visibly stiffening and the tens of tiny bumps surrounding the nipples perked up. Diane looked at them and in a deep husky voice said; "Sheila, would you please reach up and undo your hair. Your hair is so lovely and should be hanging down flowing around your shoulders!" She sucked in her breath when Sheila's arms rose and her heavy breasts did also. Sheila pulled pin after pin from her thick heavy blonde hair. It slowly began to tumble free from atop her head. She ran her hands through her curly, wavy locks and shook it out. When she did this her heavy breasts shook and swayed about her lush body. Sheila let out a yelp when she suddenly felt both of her hands being grabbed. She looked down and saw both Diane and Jessica grab her and draw her down to her sofa beside the two of them. Dressed only in panties, purple hose and heels, her entire body was sexually charged and with each touch and every caress by the other two women made her shiver and moan. All of a sudden Diane and Jessica were all over her. Their hands slid up and down her full thighs, they were very firm and silky. Her legs parted and their hands caressed her inner thighs and they produced a groan from her throat. Jessica swept her hair from her neck and nuzzled and nipped at the sensitive flesh up and down her neck and bare shoulder. Her hand came up and cupped one of Sheila's heavy tits. Her thumb swept back and forth across her stiff nipple. Her fingertips tugged at them and as her mouth became more aggressive; her fingers pulled and twisted her stiff bud. When Diane started doing the same to her other side and cupped her other tit Sheila started moaning and groaning constantly and her hips began to hump up against the two hands playing with her thighs. Sheila's hips were thrust upward, her ass was off the sofa and both Diane and Jessica took the opportunity to pull her panties from her ample hips. She used her heels to push them down and off her legs. She let out a loud groan and shook and felt a tiny orgasm course through her body when Diane slipped one slim milk chocolate fingers into her gaping, dripping cunt. When she felt Diane's thumb strumming her clit, she lost it and her body shook violently as she went into a very strong orgasm. She felt her body being reclined and she all of a sudden they were all over her body. Diane covered her mouth with her own. Their tongue fenced and fought with one another. As the kisses grew she ground her mouth harder against Diane's. She let out a high pitched yelp when she felt a hot, wet tongue enter her pussy and her entire body shook and she went limp as Jessica's tongue found her clit and flicked it back and forth and she jerked and started cumming very intensely. Now the sexual intensity heated up when she felt a third mouth on her. She was unable to determine whose it was because Diane still had her face covered with her own. It was a lot firmer mouth and she thought it had to be Louis'. Now her mind was reeling when she felt yet another mouth on her other nipple. Diane broke the kiss and turned slightly and she was kissed by Harvey. Both of them turned to Sheila and the three of them were locked in a torrid threesome kiss. Sheila's entire body was being ravished as five mouths and five pairs of hands were driving her higher and higher towards an orgasm like she never experienced before. She was like putty in their hands and she gave up her body and her mind went blank. Mike and Neil came into Harvey office where Donna and Elizabeth were toying and kissing one another. They had slipped into their pants and shirts, but had nothing else on. Donna looked at Mike and smiled; "You look a little casual for this evening's activities!" "I wouldn't talk Donna, at least we're wearing clothes or would you like us to remove them and join the two of you?" "Shouldn't you and Neil here be joining the others? I think two more men surrounding Sheila would just be enough to do the trick!" "Yeah I guess you're right, as always Donna. Where are they now?" "They are in Jessica's office and from what we've heard they are really putting it to Sheila. By the way where are Rachel and Rebecca?" "They are down to floors in Tupperman's office. Did you know he has a full decked out bedroom adjacent to his office?" Donna had a disgusted look on her face and even before she could reply Mike spoke up; "Yeah Donna, I guess that was a stupid question! Isn't there anything you don't know about this firm?" Once again Donna gave him the same look; "Sorry again Donna, we better get going. Are you going to check-up on Rachel and Rebecca?" Donna turned to Elizabeth; "Want to go and see what kind of trouble we can get into with those two?" Elizabeth was off the sofa, already slipping into her dress; "Come on Donna, I want a shot at that petite brunette!" Mike turned and looked at Elizabeth; "Oh Mrs. Burke, what I would give to see you and my girl together!" Elizabeth giggled; "Maybe of you finish off Sheila quick enough, the two of you can rejoin us and maybe if you're really good, we'll let you join us, right Donna?" She stood; her long red hair tumbled over her shoulders and covered her full firm tits. Tossing her hair over her shoulder and picking up her dress, she stepped into it and looked at Neil; "Mmmm I'm not too keen on Mike, I'd hate to ruin him for Rachel, but I wouldn't mind a shot at Neil over there. Come on Elizabeth; let's go before I change my mind." They slithered by Mike and Neil and headed for the elevators, just before they slipped out of sight; Donna turned and blew them a kiss. As they disappeared Mike and Neil heard them giggle. Mike and Neil headed for Jessica's office and stopped dead and watched for a minute or so as the three men and two women serviced the lush blonde who was wiggling, moaning and groaning constantly. Peter was sitting on the sofa; his cock was buried balls deep in Sheila's ass. She was riding him reverse cowgirl. Louis was between her thighs and he was plowing his fat cock in and out of her dripping cunt. Harvey was standing behind the sofa, he had Sheila's head pulled back and he was fucking her mouth, his balls were resting in her forehead as he shoved his thick stiff cock in and out of her saliva filled mouth. Jessica and Diana were kneeling on either side of her, their black hair was obscuring what they were doing, but from the sounds they were making, they both had to be sucking and devouring her full heavy tits. Mike and Neil stripped down and walked quietly over to Diane and Jessica. Mike always wanted a shot at Jessica and with her ass staring him in the face; he climbed in behind her and in one swift motion, buried his stiff long cock deep into her receptive pussy. Jessica reared back and taking her mouth briefly off one of Sheila's tits, she let out a loud growl, pushed back against Mike's invading cock and went back to sucking even harder, she even nipped a little too hard causing Sheila to groan even louder and start to cum yet again. Neil stared at the tight butt of Diane's wiggling back and forth as she sucked on Sheila's other tit. He always loved the way she looked in the white collar division. He knew she was a lesbian, but that made her even more desirable to him. He loved the way her breasts filled out her blouses, her great legs and gorgeous ass. Now seeing them all uncovered and at his reach, he couldn't pass it up. He slid in behind her just as Mike did behind Jessica. He cupped her firm tits and sliding his cock up and down her dripping slit, his cock nudged open her pussy lips. Shoving forward, he knew she was going to be tight, but never expect her to nearly squeeze his cock so hard that it felt like she was going to tear it off with her cunt muscles. Diane reared up and let out a blood curdling scream, but Neil held her in place not allowing her to escape. He pushed deeper and she rose up and Neil enveloped her petite, firm body in his arms. He was surprised when she turned her head and reaching back, wrapped her arms around his head and covering his mouth with her own, she shoved her tongue into his mouth and playfully flicked out and dueled with his and when she withdrew, she sucked his tongue into her mouth. She let out a groan when she felt Neil beginning to move in and out of her tight cunt. She moaned even louder as Neil began playing with her as well as any woman had ever done to her. Neil's hands seemed to be everywhere at once. He cupped her firm tits and played with her nipples. He ran his hands up into her gorgeous hair and pulled her mouth tighter to his as he now sucked her tongue into his mouth. He moved lower and played with her clit and when he pulled his mouth from hers, he directed her mouth back down to Sheila's saliva covered tit. Diane groaned and started cumming when he diddled her clit and pounded her relentlessly. He slapped her ass and she went into an even stronger orgasm. Neil, after cumming twice with Rachel knew he could last forever and pulling out of Diane, he heard her groan in protest. Motioning to Mike, he watched him pull his long slim cock from her pussy and climbing off of Jessica, the two of them switched places. He watched as Mike mounted Diane and watched her throw her head back in ecstasy as Mike shoved his long cock deep into her. He moved over to Jessica and was surprised when she reached back and guided his thicker, but shorter cock into her well-fucked pussy. She wasn't as tight as Diane, but she knew how to work a cock and she pushed her ass back against him as he thrust harder and faster into her. He heard Diane scream and Sheila was cumming again from the group servicing her body. Like dominos they all started falling, Harvey shot his load all over Sheila's face, just about then, Louis filled her cunt with his cum. Mike blew his wad deep in Diane just as she was cumming again all over his shooting cock. Peter was trapped under all of the sweat covered bodies and when he felt Sheila's ass tighten from her intense orgasm, he emptied his balls deep into her bowels. Jessica sucked harder on Sheila's tit and leaned over and locked lips with Diane just as she started cumming from Neil's constant hard fucking. Neil pulled his cock from Jessica's creaming pussy and covered her glistening black skinned back with his hot pearly white cum. The entire room consisted of eight heavy breathing, well fucked lawyers and law enforcement people. It was a sight to be recorded and that is exactly what Jessica had done. She flopped down onto the sofa and looking at the group of cum and sweat covered friends and foe. She knew she would be making a copy of the recording, she had participated in some wild parties before, but this one took the cake. Down two floors below Elizabeth and Donna slipped into the bedroom and watched Rachel and Rebecca who were locked in a heated embrace. It looked like they had just finished pleasuring one another and now they were sensually kissing and licking each other's face, cheeks and chin. It was evident they were cleaning their own juices off the other's face. Donna reached out and pulled Elizabeth closer and Elizabeth willingly turned her head towards Donna and their mouth tenderly opened and their tongue darted out and gently flicked back and forth against the others. When Elizabeth let out a tiny moan it made Rachel and Rebecca break their embrace and stop and stare at the two full clothed lush bodies before them. The two naked on the bed pulled the other two to the bed and soon had them naked. Over the next hour they made sure they covered each and every inch of one another's bodies. When they finally collapsed to the bed, totally spent, they were joined by their escorts. The loving continued well into New Year and as the sun came up, they stumbled to the elevators and all headed back to Jessica's office. Jessica was dressed and had a caterer there who furnished coffee, hot breakfast and assorted rolls and bagels. Epilogue: Sheila was revealed as letting unqualified students into the law school program and was allowed to resign as long as she didn't make waves. Mike was shown to have graduated with one of the higher grade point averages in the program. He took the bar exam and is now a real lawyer with Pearson and Spector. Peter declined the position in Washington DC, but Elizabeth took the job in DC where she commutes back to New York on the week-ends where she sucks and fucks Peter till late Sunday evenings. Elizabeth was cleared of all charges and with that Peter put in a good word for Neil, but with their excellent prosecution rate, the FBI decided Neil was more valuable staying put. That was the main reason Peter declined the new position in DC. Rebecca wasn't too lucky either, she was convicted of fraud and is now service two years in prison. Neil visits her regularly and they have wild conjugal visits. She promises to go straight when she gets out and Neil told her he would wait for her. Rachel has since enrolled at Harvard and has a job waiting for her when she graduates. Diane, Jessica and Louis moved in together and they are the perfect threesome. As for Donna and Harvey, well Donna and Harvey will always be Donna and Harvey, and never change. Stay tuned for Fox and Guests Extreme where the women of Nutra-system will be joined by several men and a few women too. Seeing Martha MacCallum was a part of the fantasy of Jessica Simpson from Waist Watchers earlier today on Fox and Guests, Jamie Colby, another fox from Fox will be the host from the penthouse of Fox Studios. You won't want to miss Marie Osmond and other living out their fantasies after their dramatic weight loss. \* *As always, please vote and your comments are welcome.*
Title: How My Mall Flashing... Tags: love caress, slut fucked, long tanned, concrete floor, raised leg, full weight, pulled bra, feel cold, tanned legs, stood side **How My Mall Flashing Went Too Far** I remember everything about that day. It was a Wednesday in late September; the temperate was mild and the sky clear and brilliant blue. Late in the afternoon I decided to ask my teenaged daughter to baby-sit the kids, and called my husband to have him meet at the Annapolis Towne Center when he got off work. Being an upscale mall, I always liked to look and dress nice whenever I went there. This time I'd dress a little sexier to give my husband a special treat. Joe likes it when we go out walking around and other men notice me. He says it makes him feel like a 'king holding court', watching other men look at me as they ignore their own wives. He envisions what they must be thinking as they watch me walk by. We've had many hot and steamy love sessions as he whispered in my ear the things they'd do to me if they could. He'd grab my arms forcing them over my head pinning me down, telling me how they would fuck me hard until they came in my clean-shaven pussy. I don't know why, but that day while cleaning the house and waiting for the kid's school bus to arrive, I kept thinking of those men and Joe's stories. I decided to really push the envelope this time when I dressed for our meeting. I pranced into the bedroom and pulled from my lingerie drawer a sheer white lace push-up bra with matching g-string. From the closet I took out a white silk blouse that buttoned down the front sporting a plunging neckline, and an extremely short black skirt Joe insisted that I buy several months ago. The one which I'd never intend to wear in public, but bought just to humor him. However, this day I would. As I sat at my dressing table teasing my short blond hair and putting on extra make-up, my mind drifted off to the men that would be watching me as I strutted around the mall. They'd be staring at me with that hungry, lustful look in their eyes, wanting me, wishing I'd be the one in their bed that night, sucking them off, riding their cocks. Continuing to dress, I sprayed perfume on my neck, wrists, and belly. I pulled the bra around my back and snapped the front clasp, enclosing my 36C breasts. I loved the way my dark brown areoles were visible through the lace just ever so slightly. Next, I pulled the g-string up my long tanned legs. I'm only 5'8" but have been blessed with a figure that consists of a short body with extra long legs, a twenty-five inch waist and thirty-seven inch hips. I'm proud of my shapely, womanly figure and have worked hard to keep it nice for a 35-year-old with three kids. I put on the blouse leaving the top button undone, and pulled on the skirt. I then rubbed baby oil on my legs to give them that nice soft sheen. Finally, the shoes. Which ones to wear? My black pumps, sling backs, heeled sandals? Ah yes, the 3" sandals. I slid them on and took a look at myself in the mirror. Wow, now this will get some attention. I met Joe around 5:30 in the parking lot outside of *J.C. Penney*. Watching his jaw drop when he saw me climb out of the minivan was priceless. He had the biggest grin on his face as we walked into the mall. We window-shopped for about an hour and boy did I turn some heads. Joe kept whispering to me that this guy over here, and then that one over there was staring at me or following us. I suggest that we go into the auto department at *Sears* and see what happens. Joe wanted me to go in first and he would follow a few moments later. I strutted into the department and watched with amusement as the guys working there literally fell over themselves trying to be the first to wait on me. I pretended I needed tires for my Odyssey as this nice middle-aged gentleman helped me. As he showed me the various styles I'd lean over every now and then, letting my blouse fall open. I'm sure by the way it fell, he could see my nipples poking through the sheer bra, and all the way down to my waist. You know the view; the rare times you get to look down a woman's top and see all the way down past her cleavage to the clasp at the bottom of her bra, even catching a glimpse of her bare stomach. That poor guy was trying to be so polite as he tried to get all the view he could take in. My husband later said that the whole department stopped dead the one time I bent over. I did it with legs straight and ankles crossed. I could feel the cold air begin to blow across the back of my thighs as my skirt creped up. He said that you could see the bottom of my ass cheeks. They were all so disappointed when I left and walked to the food court to get a bite to eat. Joe got a chicken sandwich and waffle fries from Chick-Fil-A. I bought a Cesar salad and a diet Coke from the deli. As we sat there eating, Joe kept telling how he couldn't wait to get me home, out of that outfit, and into bed. That's when I saw him. That man, looking at me. He was sitting at a table about ten feet away from us, behind my husband, off to his left. The way we were positioned across the aisle from each other, I knew he had fully view of my long shapely legs. Sitting there with them crossed in that short skirt, not much was hidden. I could feel the cold vinyl of the seat cushion on my exposed thighs. Joe couldn't see him, so I didn't say anything. The man was just looking at me. Not in that leering, lustful way, but with what I can only describe as a soft, peaceful look. Like he was admiring a painting at an art gallery. As I continued to listen to my husband's desires, I would occasionally glance over at this gentleman. He'd always be watching, sipping his coffee gazing at me, so I decided to give him a little treat. I dropped a napkin on the floor and bent down to pick it up. Once again my blouse fell open, and he had full view of my lace-covered mounds. I looked at him as I retrieved my napkin and he gave me a small sheepish grin. I then turned my legs out toward the aisle and slowly uncrossed and re-crossed my legs. Not quite Sharon Stone style, but close enough. He once again watched intently and smiled. I told my husband that there was one more store I had to go to, and since he had his own car, to go home ahead of me and get the kids ready for bed. I knew this would get him moving, and he stood up, gave me a kiss and told me not to be long. Now it was time to have some flashing fun. As Joe went out the door I stood up and walked past my admirer. He was handsome, with a nice tan, and had neatly trimmed salt and pepper hair. Dressed in a dark blue business suit he looked sharp. I gave him a knowing grin as I passed and proceeded down the mall. I went into *Macy's* and wandered into their shoe department. Picking out several styles with very high-heels, I gave them to the sales-lady. As she went to get them in size eight for me, my admirer walked by. I knew he'd be following me, and he didn't disappoint. He stood off to the side acting like he was looking at scarves on a display table, but I knew it was me he wanted to see. When I flash for men, it makes me feel so sexy and desirable. I feel like I have some sort of secret power over them. My mind again started to wander as I thought of this man having his way with me. To quickly my daydream was broken when the lady returned with a stack of boxes. I told her I'd take care of trying them on myself and sat down. Mr. X was directly in front of me and I knew he'd be able to see up my skirt as I tried them on, and just the thought of him seeing that much of me started to get me a little aroused. I once again bent down to give him another tittie shot as I slipped my red polished manicured feet out of my shoes, and picked up the first box from the top of the stack. I raised each leg up and in, my knee sliding up over my thigh as I slipped on each new shoe. I knew this would expose to him my panties and that sweet, soft spot around my pussy where a woman's ass cheeks and inner thighs meet. As I pulled each shoe on I could feel my g-string starting to wedge itself between my pussy lips. I'd try on a pair, walking around a little, sashaying from my chair to the floor mirror, and then back to repeat the process. By the time I had made it to the last pair, my undies were fully enclosed within my mound. From the up-skirt shot I was giving this man the pleasure to see, I knew it probably looked like I didn't have any panties on at all. They kept pressing on and rubbing at my clit as I walked around. The sensation was incredible. I started really getting hot from the friction within my pussy and the thrill of being watched. My pussy was getting moist and my nipples started to harden, and they both began to get that lovely burning sensation. The adrenalin rush was starting to get to me and I soon found myself uncharacteristically becoming quite bold. I walked right up to him and said, 'Since you have seen every pair, which ones did you like best'. He looked at me with soft blue inviting eyes and said, 'I like yours the best' The perfect answer, I just melted. 'Well then would you like to put them back on me?', I inquired. 'With pleasure my sweet', he replied. We walked back to my chair and he knelt down on one knee in front of me. He lightly grabbed my right ankle and raised my leg up to remove the first shoe. My pussy was fully exposed and just feet away from this total stranger's face. I started to blush, and I couldn't tell if it was from embarrassment or arousal. He placed my shoe back on and proceeded to the other leg. He commented on how I had the sexiest legs he'd ever seen, and would love to caress ever inch if them. I just sat there and let him change the other shoe. The saleslady suddenly arrived and seemed unsure how to react to what was unfolding in front of her. I told her all was fine and I only saw one thing that I was interested in. I just looked at Mr. X and smiled. He took me by the hand and gently guided me over to the table of scarves. He asked me which ones I liked, because he would love to buy a few for me. I asked him why? 'To gently tie you up with', he gently whispered. 'Me?', I inquired. 'Yes' 'Why?' 'Because you're so magnificent, I've love to caress those fabulous legs and worship your pussy' 'I beg your pardon' 'Please, don't be offended; I just want to pleasure you. That's all' 'But I'm married, you saw my husband' 'Yes, that's why I'd have to tie you up. It'd be like I'm taking you against your will.' 'Oh, I could never let another man do that to me' 'But, you're so lovely, your heavenly body, your pretty face. Please, I'm begging you.' 'You wouldn't hurt me, would you?' 'Never my sweet' My mind was racing, thoughts streaking through my head. Should I let him pleasure me? How can I even be talking to him, I'm a married woman. I've got a husband waiting for me at home. But my pussy was burning with desire, urging to be let go. It would only be this one time. What if we're caught? My God he's gorgeous. Suddenly words came out of my mouth, 'Red' 'What?' 'I like the red ones'.... I stood off to the side as he purchased the scarves. He then led me by the hand out into the parking garage, neither of us saying a word. He walked me to the far end of the nearly empty garage and opened a door into a dirty, cold stairwell. We walked up several flights of steps to a small landing. He backed me up into the corner against a rusty steel pipe that ran from the stark concrete floor to the ceiling. I was instructed to hold my hands together in front of me. He took one of the scarves from the bag and tightly tied my wrists together. He then took another, pulled my arms high up over my head, and tied my hands to a wheel sticking out from the pipe. There I was; tied, arms stretched upward, waiting to be violated in a public stairwell. He reached behind my waist and unzipped my skirt. He let go and I wiggled out of it as it fell to the ground. My body was shaking as he knelt before me spreading my ankles. He began by lightly running his hands up and down my legs, one hand on each. Starting at my ankles he'd work them ever so slowly around my calves, behind my knees, then inside and outside my thighs. He'd push my thighs open with his fingers, stopping as his thumbs barely touched my pussy, and then started over. My knees began to weaken and my thighs began to quiver, as he continued his deliberate teasing. Everytime his thumbs would near my pussy, I'd push my hips forward in a fruitless attempt to make him finger me. After repeating his leg worshipping ritual for several minutes he let his hands continue past my now sopping wet mound, running them up onto my stomach and catching my g-string with his thumbs. It was still wedged in my cunt, and his thumbs forced it up and in even further. As he pushed me crudely against he wall, I could feel his hot breath on my smooth mound. I could hear him taking in deep breaths, as he smelled my once sweet perfumed pussy, which now emitted the strong odor of animal lust. Electricity shot though me as his tongue darted from his mouth and contacted my glistening lips. He worked it around, up and down both sides, playfully trying to work it into me as my panties block his attempts. My breathing started to become labored and my chest started to heave. I tossed my head backwards and gasped as he pressed his mouth onto me and began to suck. I was literally being eaten alive as he gnawed at my quivering snatch. I was starting to loose any control that I still had. I could feel my thighs spasm and my stomach start to tighten as my impending orgasm neared. My head was jerking from side to side and long low moans emanated from my ruby red lips. Just as I reached the edge of ecstasy he abruptly stopped. I looked down at him and begged him to continue. He stood up placing his hands on my face and neck, kissing me. I passionately kissed him back and his hands began to lower. He ripped open my blouse as buttons flew into the air. He pulled down on my bra as the clasp released from the pressure and my tits popped free. He began to assault my breasts, pulling at their soft flesh and biting my rock nipples. As he kissed his way back up my neck, he suddenly pinched both of my hardened points between his thumb and forefingers and yanked them to the sides, stretching them as far as they would go. His mouth smothered my scream as he pressed it against mine, force-feeding me his tongue. He stopped his manhandling of my breasts and stepped back. I was breathing so heavily, that I hardly got out the words. 'Don't stop please, please don't stop' He undid his belt, lowered his fly, and pulled out the most marvelous rock hard cock I'd ever seen. 'What about your husband?', He asked. 'Please', I panted. 'Please what?' 'Please do me?' 'What?' 'Fuck me, please fuck me!!" He stepped forward and grabbed the front of my g-string. He pulled up hard as it ripped into my soft flesh. He kept lifting me up and I lost my shoes as I tried desperately to stand on my once perfectly manicured toes. He leaned his full weight into me and whispered into my ear. 'What do you want?' 'You' 'Me?' 'Yes you. Your cock' 'Where?', as he yanked even harder and I could feel his twitching member pulsing against the front of my abused pussy. 'In me', I panted. 'Now?' 'Oh god, yes now' 'You're my mall slut aren't you?' 'Yes' 'You're what?' 'I'm your mall slut', I said in submission. 'Does the slut want to be fucked?' 'Yes' 'What?' 'Yes, your mall slut wants to be fucked, please shove your rock hard cock into me, NOW' With that he let go and pulled what was left of my g-string to the side. He grabbed my ass checks, lifted me up and spread me open. I was so wet that as he lowered me, I easily slid onto his member. He shoved his raging hard-on into me with one, long hard thrust. It was like lighting bolts going off in my pussy. I immediately started to moan again and move my hips to his rhythm. He was again slow and methodical, lifting me up and down, pounding into me like a jackhammer. I wrapped my long tanned legs around his back and squeezed my legs together to pull him father into me. He let go of my ass and the full weight of my body pushed my pussy down onto base off his cock. I'd never been penetrated so far before as he ground into me. His member was so deep I could feel it pushing against my cervix and I could actually feel his pelvic hair inside me, scratching at my engorged clit. Once again as I neared an explosive orgasm he stopped. Little did I know that before I could beg him to start again, my physically punishment would begin. 'A mall slut like you needs to be taught a lesson', he hissed, grabbing my hair and wrenching my head back. He leaned backwards; his cock still securely imbedded in my pussy and slapped my breast. My body jolted as his hand smacked my sweaty flesh. Every time the back of his hand made contact, my tits swayed violently from side to side. Pain would shoot through my engorged nipples, and a shock wave would fire though my body, causing my cunt to contract and twitch. I was totally out of control. The muscles in my legs couldn't take the strain any longer and fell from his waist. I was flailing like a rag doll, impaled on his thick cock. My orgasm hit me so hard I started to scream. He placed his hand over my mouth to quiet me, only adding to the passion of the moment of being bound, abused, and literally raped in public. After several minutes my orgasm began to subside and he put his arms under my thighs lifting my legs up. He pressed his hands against both walls and painfully spread me open. He once again began to slowly grind his cock into me and soon began to grunt. He rammed his member into me on last time as I felt it start to twitch. Oh God!! No!! He's coming. In Me!!! I tried in vain to extricate myself from him, but my struggles only increased and quickened his orgasm. Soon one, two, three, four spurts of hot cum fired into my pussy. He leaned into me until he caught his breath as his cock retreated and slid out of me. As he released my legs and lowered them to the floor, I could hardly stand I was so spent. Only the scarves binding my hands kept me from collapsing onto the cold, dirty concrete floor. I just hung there, my pussy seeping cum, breasts red and swollen from the assault. After he had returned his sticky member back into his pants, he reached down and picked up my purse. He opened it, searched around, and pulled out my phone. 'What are you doing?', I asked in amazement and indignation. 'Making a call my little slut', he replied. 'To who? Why?' He fumbled through the menu, pressed a button and placed the phone to his ear, and in a few moments began to speak. 'Hello' 'Who's this?' 'Joe?' 'Hey Joe.' 'Yes, this is your wife's phone' I was mortified. What was he doing? He just looked at me and gave me a wink and that soft smile. 'Oh she's fine, just a little messy, but you'll need to come pick her up. No, she can't come to the phone right now. You'll find her in the mall parking garage, stairwell number five' As he hung up I demanded, 'You bastard, untie me' 'Why?', he replied. 'You can't seriously be thinking about leaving me this way are you? Please, untie me', I begged. 'Oh, you're right, I can't leave you looking like this', he answered. 'I do need to do one more thing' He again reached into my purse and pulled out my red lipstick. He walked up to me and as I struggled to move away from his hands, he began to write.... Across my chest he wrote – ***I'M A MALL SLUT*** On my stomach he placed an arrow pointing down at my dripping pussy, and above it he wrote – ***FUCK ME NOW*** He told me that he hopes my husband finds me before anyone else does. He then turned and walked away. I heard him walk to the bottom of the stairwell, the door closing behind him, and started to cry. There I was, hanging in a filthy cold stairwell, the clothes that I still had on torn to spreads, with cum dripping down my legs onto the floor around my now dirty feet. It would take Joe at least thirty minutes to get here, and then he'd have to find me. What would I say to him? What if some other man finds me? Should I call for help, or stay quiet and hope nobody comes. That's when the door below me flew open and five teenage boys walked in. They looked up and spotted me. As our eyes met my heart sank as I saw that hungry, lustful look... *To be continued?*
Title: Underestimated Opponent by VIK182 Tags: Belly punch, Chubby, Fight, Leopard, Male, No-Yiff, Panther, Violence (Not In Yiff), gut punch, loser, punch Underestimated Opponent ========== A Fetish Story by Alexi ---------- I smoothed out my soft panther fur as I strolled up to my friends place. I quickly checked my phone to see if I had any text messages as I knocked. I had a note from Alex that he had to do a few things for his mother so he would be late but his little brother was there. It was just that moment the door opened to reveal the annoying little shit. The teenage leopard smirked at me in that annoying cocky way he always did before letting me in. "Hey..." I grumbled. He knew I didn't care for him and often went out of his way to pester me. I followed him down to the basement where he had been playing a fighting game on a game console. He tossed me the other controller and we went at it. My irritation quickly began to rise when I started losing quite badly quite fast. No matter how hard I tried he always made short work of my character. I shot him a dirty look but he only smirked as he pulled his hoodie off revealing a tight black t-shirt. After a few more losses he finally spoke up. "Damn, are you this much of a shitty fighter in real life too?" I snarled at him a bit which only made his stupid smirk widen. "Keep it up and you'll find out..." I idly threatened. He gave me an amused look. "Yeah, right. Whatever softie..." That struck a nerve. Sure I worked out but I was far from athletic. I had some muscle to my arms but my middle was soft. It was flat when I was younger but I had gotten lazy and it wasn't as flat as it had been and was honestly nothing impressive. I suppose I was a bit pudgy now. Now he was going out of his way to end the fights in the most humiliating way he could think of knowing full well what he was doing. Finally before I could stop myself I let out a frustrated sigh. "Oh please, don't be such a pussy. In fact why don't we have a little scuffle? If you're such a tough guy then prove it." I tossed the controller aside and stood to face him hoping to intimidate him but that didn't work at all. If anything it only further encouraged him. "Come on big guy, take your best shot." He held his arms out leaving himself open to call me out. I smirked and taunted him. "Nah, I don't hit *kittens.*" He only had the stupid smirk as he said "All right then, this should be a short fight..." Before I had a chance to react his fist shot forward and buried itself in the middle of my soft belly. "Huuf!" A whoosh of air left me in a grunt as I slightly leaned forward. It didn't really hurt since my pudge absorbed most of it. He seemed either surprised or confused and as he reached up to shove me the back of the couch hit my legs which made me sit back down. I went to get back up but didn't get the chance as the little bastard slugged me in the stomach pretty hard this time. "Ouph!" I doubled over as his fist sank notably deeper into the middle of my belly. I was a little surprised that it went in so deeply, that was a bit of a wake up call. I watched as his face lit up as he said "Holy shit you're *soft!* You have like, no definition at all to your abs! I can't believe you're actually that out of shape! You're even kinda chubby..." I snarled and got back up only to get his right then left fist to my stomach which was beginning to get sore. "Hoof, Uuph!" I doubled over a bit as I made embarrassing sounds. I had felt my soft middle jiggle a bit as he punched it which was embarrassing but at least he hadn't pointed that out yet. So far I hadn't gotten a shot of my own in and had just taken what he was dishing out but that had to change. I threw a hook aimed at his face but he was fast. He simply stepped aside making me lose my balance and stumble. As I stumbled forward he lifted his knee up into my soft middle digging it in pretty deeply. "Uuugh! Oof..." I doubled over with a grunt and groan as his knee dug deeply into my gut giving me a dull, hollow ache in the pit of my stomach. I stumbled backwards from that and for a moment held my stomach. This was bad. He was making short work if me just like he had in the game. I straightened back up the best I could and raised my fists which in retrospect was a bad idea since all it did was further provoke him. He raised an eyebrow and smirked. "Pfft, what's that suppose to be? You really should just give up and spare yourself the humiliation..." I threw a punch right at his stupid smirk which he blocked with seemingly little effort before he stepped into an uppercut that dug right into my navel. "Huuph! Ugh...Uuff..." My eyes went wide as a bit of saliva flung from my lips. My head flung forward as my body doubled over. I felt his fist lift my bit of pudgy flab upwards as his fist arced into my gut. The little bastard somehow had enough force to actually lift me upwards a bit which was humiliating. "Ha-ha, holy shit! That sounded like I punched a water bed!" I blushed deeply and wrapped my arms around my middle as he continued taunting me. "I never imagined you were this weak and pathetic! Does my brother know how much of a pussy you are? I mean I am making pretty short work of you..." Arrogant little fuck isn't he? I had decided since he liked punching me in the stomach so much I'd see how much he liked being on the receiving end for a change. I straightened up a bit and dug my fist into his belly expecting to hit something reasonably soft since he was younger. My heart sank. It felt like I had punched a sand bag or a cinder block, it was solid. He laughed in my face when he saw my expression and pulled his shirt off. Much to my surprise and horror he was lean and toned. His shoulders and biceps were toned as was his chest but what surprised me the most was he wasn't even flexing and had visible, nicely toned abs. For seventeen he was built. As he came closer to me I was slowly beginning to realize there was a pretty small chance of me even holding my own let alone winning this. "Last time I'm gonna offer, give up now and bow before me or else I'm really gonna let you have it." Yeah, there was no way I was going to bow down before him. I guess I was just going to have to take my very slim chances of at least holding my own. He must have read my thoughts since no sooner than that thought had ended he reached out and slapped my muzzle. "Have it your way fatty." He stepped to the side as if he was actually going to walk away but only kicked off his shoes and socks. Like an idiot I turned to see what he was doing centering myself perfectly for what was about to happen. With one fluid motion in a display of carefully practiced skill his leg came up as his body turned to bury his foot paw right into the center of my stomach. "Ouuph! Ugh..." Even I was surprised how far the end of his foot paw sank into my pudge, my belly practically swallowed half his foot. There was a squish like sound as my belly gurgled. I doubled over with a grunt and a bit of saliva had escaped my muzzle again which only further amused him. He held his foot there and pumped it a few times before pulling it back letting me double over in shame. I couldn't believe all of this was actually happening. I knew we didn't like each other but now he knew he could just bully me and smack me around and there wasn't anything I could really do about it. "Aren't you even going to try to at least defend yourself or are you just going to stand there like a fat idiot and let me wreck your shit?" I didn't even bother responding to him since there was no right answer, or at least an answer I was prepared to give. When I didn't say anything he just gave me that stupid smirk and started coming closer. I could tell by the look on his face that nothing good was about to happen, in fact it looked like he had a new idea. I was still fairly doubled over so he jumped into the air a bit and grabbed onto me in a grapple. He got his arm around my neck and held me in a headlock pulling me over even farther. "How does that feel? A stronger, dominate fur holding you in such a submissive position. Just goes to show who's the boss around here..." I was going to mouth off but never got the chance as his free paw made a fist and it soon dug into my hanging belly with some solid force. "Uuugh! Mrph..." My belly jiggled with the blow and it had lifted my flab upwards a bit. The pit of my stomach burned and churned from all the punishment it was taking and I was starting to feel a little sick to my stomach. "Lets see if I can maybe punch some of the fat out of you..." I struggled against him but it wasn't much use. As much as I didn't want to admit it he was stronger than I was. "Get off of me!" I shouted but he only laughed. "Shut up and take your ass kicking like man you wussy little bitch." Before I could reply his fist slugged even harder into my stomach. Much like last time I let out an embarrassing grunt and a soft groan as his fist dug into my stomach this time pushing my chubby belly upwards a bit more. It felt like he crushed my fat against my spine by the way his hard fist dug so deeply upwards into my body. When his fist came away I could feel it fill back out and hang down in a jiggle. "Ha-ha! I wonder if this is what it's like to punch that stuff inside a lava lamp? You're all squishy and soft!" I felt his arm tighten around my neck as he said "Well THIS ought to teach you a lesson..." His fist came rocketing upwards into my stomach digging in another solid punch which was quickly followed by another. I began to weakly struggle against him as his fist dug punch after punch into my soft, undefended belly. "Oooph! Uugh! Hey! Hooph! Stop! Uuuph! Ugh..." A thick strand of drool flung from my muzzle onto the carpet as his fist continued to slug into my soft, fat gut. I had my arms around his waist trying to shove him away or do anything but I was too weak from getting beaten up at this point to really do anything so I started punching his stomach but that didn't do anything at all but make him laugh and hit me even harder. It felt like a heavy weight was being swung into the pit of my stomach over and over. Every second or so my fat belly would hang before getting slugged upwards. His fist was progressively going deeper and deeper disappearing more and more into my chubby belly. My body would lurch upwards with each punch and I'd let out a deep grunt as the wind rushed out of my body. Every time his fist slugged up into my stomach the ache would get deeper and deeper until finally I wasn't resisting at all, just letting him work me over. Finally my knees buckled and he let me drop to the floor near the small wet spot of drool that had flung from my mouth. I wanted to curl up into a ball but he kicked me over onto my back. "Oh no, we're not done just yet..." I groaned but didn't resist. When was this going to end? He leaned down and pulled my shirt up exposing my belly to admire his work. From what I could see my stomach was covered with angry red marks and bruises. He had even left a few in the shape of his knuckles which he was proud of. He put a foot paw on my bare belly and pressed down a bit. I could feel his paw pads against my bare belly. He stared down at me with a smirk. "You know what I want to hear..." Stupidly I still said nothing so he brought his foot paw down and stomped on my beaten belly. My body jack knifed as I let out a deep groan. His foot squished out my belly as it slammed downwards making my stomach churn and gurgle in protest. The back of my head hit the floor as I flopped back out. He turned to the side and started to fall backwards only to slam his elbow into my soft middle. My eyes went wide as a bit of saliva flung from my mouth to land on my chest. His elbow sank into my navel deeply adding to the burning ache and my wounded pride. "Huugh! Ugh... Oooh... Alright, stop. Just... Stop..." He got back up and stared down at me with his arms crossed over his chest. "Well?" I blushed deeply and looked away from him. "Fine. I admit it. You beat me up." His smirk widened into a smile. "And...?" I tried to roll onto my side to curl up in a ball but he kicked me back over onto my back. "You're stronger than I am..." He laughed. "That's right, I am. Don't ever forget it either because you'll know what'll happen if you do. From now on I expect you to be a little nicer to me and if I want to come along you had better let me, got it?" I nodded with a soft groan. What other choice did I have? It was clear he won. His smile widened a bit as he pressed his foot paw against my face holding it down. He rubbed it against the side of my muzzle a few times before he said "Be a good little bitch and lick my foot paw. After that I'll let you go so you don't have to explain to my brother what happened to you..." I didn't even bother trying to do anything but what he told me to. I softly licked the bottom of his foot paw a few times utterly humiliated in the worst way. After a moment or two he stepped back. "Alright, get out of here. I won't tell him what actually happened." It took me a few moments but I rolled to the side and managed to struggle to my feet. I slid my shirt down and walked hunched over, one paw always on my belly. Twenty minutes later a much larger and more muscular leopard came down stairs to look at an oddly empty room except for his little brother. "Oh hey. Your friend had to go home, he was feeling sick to his stomach..."
Title: Fraternal Twins Pt. 14 Tags: incest, taboo **Copyright** © *2019 - This is an original work by Zeb Carter and is protected under copyright by U.S. copyright law. It is only submitted at Literotica.Com and any submission to any other site has not been authorized by the Copyright Holder/Author.* **Author's Note**: The life of the Twins continues. Sorry for how long it took this time. First, my desktop crashed, motherboard, then the power supply crapped out. Took a week for the motherboard and a month for the replacement power supply. Besides, writing is a fickle task... you don't always get to write about what you want. So, my apologies. **Part 14 \~\~\~\~\~** The wake was brutal on Eileen and the twins. She cried the entire time Slater let her stay at the funeral home. The day before the wake, he had called both nannies and told them they had the job. Then he told them the bad news. They both rushed over to help with the children. They each brought a suitcase with clothes. In effect, they moved into the Carlson house. They both had their own cars so they could take the children back and forth to school, the funeral home, and home. They helped a lot by keeping them out of Slater's and Eileen's hair. Karen was a ghost. She disappeared when the two girls arrived. Slater found her in the basement. Sitting on an old chair. "Are you okay, Karen?" Slater asked, standing next to her. "Yes. I just needed to be alone for a spell," she replied, turning her face away from her brother. "There is no shame in crying." "I know. I just don't want you to see me all ugly," said Karen. Squatting down, Slater took Karen in his arms. He pressed his lips to her neck. Karen sighed when she felt his lip. "You are always beautiful, sweetheart," Slater whispered. Karen started to cry again. Slater held her gently whispering his love for her in her ear. Turning, Karen wrapped him in her arms. Slater held her for a long time. Then, picking her up, he carried her upstairs to her room. He laid her on her bed, kissed her on the forehead, pulled the cover-up over her, and left her to work through her sorrow. Mom was coming out of her bedroom, as Slater was leaving Karen's. "Is she all right?" Mom asked. "She is. Just tired and distraught." "How are you doing, my son?" Eileen asked. "I'm fine, right now. Come Saturday, I don't know how I'll be," Slater replied. "How are you mom?" "Like you. Fine for now but, who knows about tomorrow." Nodding Slater hugged his mom tightly. She hugged her son back. "I love you," she whispered. "I love you too," Slater replied. **\~\~\~ Twins \~\~\~** The days that followed were hectic. Mom, Slater, and Karen took shifts at the funeral home. At night for the last three hours, the home was open, they were all there. Cami, Beth, Emily, Carl, and Troy were there also. The wake was only for two nights. Family, lots of their family showed up trying to console and comfort Eileen, Karen, and Slater. They were very grateful for them all to have come and to have expressed their condolences. The day of the funeral, everyone was up early. Cami and Beth fixed breakfast, then went to get dressed. When they come out, everyone was done. They sat and ate. Then went to clean up. "No, no, you two will not be maids," Eileen said sternly. "Go help the little one get ready. We'll leave this until later. Now skedaddle." Cami and Beth both nodded herding the children down the hall to get ready. Slater had showered the prior night, so he went to his room and dressed in his Sunday best. Karen went to her room to dress. Eileen went to the bathroom to shower. Once the little ones were dressed, Slater and Karen watched them along with Cami and Beth. They all sat in the living room waiting for Eileen. "Slater, my car, everyone will fit in there..." "There's a limo waiting out front for us, Mom," Slater said. "Oh! Will we all fit?" Eileen asked. "Yes, Mom." "Well, then let's go," she said. They arrived at the church. Eileen got out first, stepping aside, looking across the street. She was crying. Karen was next out. She was crying as she stood aside so Slater could get out. He turned to his mother and took her in his arms. The children got out with Cami and Beth. They stood there watching their mother and Karen. Emily walked up to Karen. Took Karen's hand in her little one. "Don't cry Karen, Dad has gone to a good place. He will be with us always," Emily said softly. Karen bent down picking up Emily in her arms, giving her a gentle hug. She cried even harder. Setting Emily down, she squatted taking first Carl then Troy into her arms and telling them she loved them. She wiped her eyes with a handkerchief and stood looking down at the three children. Smiling, she nodded. Slater was beside her with Mom on his arm. Karen took his other offered arm and they started up the sidewalk to the church. Cami and Beth followed with the other children in hand. The minister met them at the door. "I'm so sorry for your loss, Eileen," he said softly taking Eileen's hand in his. "Thank you, George, that's very kind of you," Eileen replied. "And you two, I'm so sorry for your loss also," he said. "Thank you, Pastor," Slater replied. "Thank you, Pastor," Karen said. "And who do we have here? Is this Emily? My, my you are getting bigger all the time my dear child. And Troy and Carl, you two have grown. I'm so sorry for your loss dear children," the Pastor said. "Thank you, Pastor," Emily replied. Carl and Troy just nodded as they held Beth's hands. Then Pastor walked them all down to the front row. The kids went in first with Cami and Beth. Karen, then Slater with Eileen last so she could sit at the aisle. The Pastor then went up front and stood behind the casket looking sad. He spun around quickly and went to the podium. He stood waiting for everyone to quiet down. When everyone was seated and quietly looking up at him, he started. "Jordan was a very good friend. Not only to me but, to a host of others in our community. He also had a loving family. A very loving family, who will miss him a great deal, as will I and all of you. "Eileen has asked me to keep today short but, how can you not stand here and praise such a wonderful man, husband, father, and friend. Several people have asked to speak today. I have only told one of them he can. Slater, would you please come up and say what is in your heart?" The Pastor stood waiting while Slater walked up to the podium. "Again, I'm so sorry for your loss, young man," said the Pastor. "Thank you, sir," Slater said stepping up behind the podium. Looking over the mass of faces looking up at him, he coughed, cleared his throat, and took a deep breath. "My father loved me. I know he loved me. I know he knew I loved him. My father was a great man to me and my family. I will miss him tremendously. My sister Karen wanted me to say this for her... 'I love you, daddy.'" Slater stopped looking down at Karen. She was smiling as tears rolled down her cheek. Nodding Slater continued. "Dad, I love you. I know Mom loves you, too. As do Emily, Carl, and Troy. We will miss you, but you will be with us in our hearts forever." Slater, tears rolling down his cheeks, walked slowly back to his seat next to his mother. The Pastor patted Slater on the back as he passed him, then stepped up behind the podium once more. "Friends, we will now stand, while our dear friend, Jordan is taken to his burial place." The Pastor stepped over to the casket and waited for the pallbearers to come upfront. Slater's uncles, from both sides of the family, were there to take their brother to the hearse. The organ started to play a slow song that was perfect for the mood within the church. When the casket passed Eileen, the Pastor allowed her to exit and follow her husband down the aisle. Slater and Karen came next, with Cami and Beth with the children behind them. The family went right to their limo while Jordan was put in the hearse. Everyone was now sobbing as the file of cars pulled away from the church. **\~\~\~ Twins \~\~\~** Twenty minutes later they were at the cemetery. The casket was set in place and Eileen and her family now sat graveside waiting. It was a clear, cool, sunny day, so no one was really uncomfortable due to the weather. Eileen had Emily on her lap, Karen had Troy on hers, while Slater had Carl on his. They all sat quietly, waiting. The Pastor stood at the head of the casket waiting, the bible open, looking out over the crowd. "Ladies and Gentlemen, once again, Eileen has asked me to keep this short. I will say a few words about our esteemed brother Jordan. A kind man who has been taken from us all too soon. Leaving behind a wife and four children. I know for all of us, our hearts are heavy with grief at his passing. "Eileen also wanted me to tell you all, for those of you who can make it, she will hosting a little get together at her home. Beverages and snacks will be provided. "Please bow your heads now for a moment of silence for our dear departed brother." For almost a full minute the Pastor stood with his head bowed. "May all of you go in peace and good health." The Pastor came over and sat to the left of Eileen. Family, passed by the casket, Jacob's brothers tapped the top as they passed. Eileen's brother came around behind her, Jacob's brothers stood behind Slater. Other friends and relatives slowly passed the family and left the cemetery. When everyone was gone, the Pastor rose, taking Eileen's hand helped her to her feet. "Thank you, George," Eileen said. "You are very welcome. Give me a call in a couple of days or if you need help with anything," said George letting go of Eileen's hand. "I will," Eileen said turning to her brothers and brothers in law. "We need to hurry. Thank you all so much." "We will see you at the house, Eileen," Johnny said smiling at her. The rest just nodded as they headed for their rides. Eileen led her children to the limo and they were home in twenty minutes. The street was lined with cars, waiting for them to arrive. Eileen groaned as she led the children to the house. When she walked in all her sisters in law were there and everything was ready for their guests. "How?" Eileen said. "Don't worry about dear, we were happy to help in your time of need," Joyce said. "Cami, Beth, take Troy and Carl and get them out of the good clothes before they..." "Of course, Eileen," Beth said herding the boys in front of her. Cami followed making sure neither of the boys escaped. Once home, Slater sat on the sofa in the living room, holding Emily's hand talking to people, friends, and family, that stop to give him their condolences. Emily, just sat there a sad look on her face as she listened to the adults talk. Carl and Troy were moving around, trying to find a place to play. Eileen, let them go out back with Cami and Beth to play. Karen sat at the kitchen table talking with her aunt Becky. After about two hours after they arrived home, the crowd of family and friends started to leave. The families aunts cleaned up, while Eileen's brothers kept her busy in the living room. She was fussing at them about cleaning her house. They just laughed at her and wouldn't let her help. When the kitchen and the living were clean, the brothers and their wives left, saying goodbye to them all. After the door closed behind the last person, Eileen collapsed onto the couch. Emily climbed up on Slater's lap and hugged him. "I miss daddy so much," Emily sobbed. "Me too, Em," Slater said hugging her back. "Me too," Eileen said. "I do too," said Karen, as she sat between Eileen and Slater. All three just watched out the sliding glass doors at the two boys play, while Cami and Beth sat on the deck watching them. "Emily, why don't you go change your clothes dear," Eileen said. "Okay. Can I go out and play with the boys then?" asked Emily. "Of course, dear," Eileen said. "Karen, will you help me, please?" "Do I have too? I'm kidding Emily, I'll be glad to help you." Slater looked at his mother. She was watching her two boys, tears gently rolling down her cheeks. "Well, I suppose we should work out sleeping arrangements," Eileen said. "I thought Cami was going to sleep with Emily and Beth with Karen," said Slater. "I have had... last night... I didn't sleep well, alone in that big bed. I will sleep with Emily, and the two girls can have my room until you two leave for college." "Okay, it's your choice after all," Slater said, reaching over and patting his Mom's hand. Eileen smiled at him, then smiled even bigger when Emily scampered past to the sliding glass door. She was out, saying hello to Cami and Beth. Then she was down in the yard playing with her younger brothers. Karen plopping down on the couch, brought Slater's attention back inside. "What are we going to do about dinner?" asked Karen. "Didn't you get enough to eat this afternoon?" Eileen said looking at Karen. "I didn't eat any of that stuff. I wasn't hungry. Now, however, I can feel my stomach complaining. It's saying 'feed me, now'," Karen quipped. "Order a couple of pizzas then. I'm not all that hungry right now, but I might be later, so order some extra pizzas," Eileen said. "Sure thing, Mom," Slater replied as she rose from the couch and headed for the door out to the deck. "You want to order or should I?" Karen asked. "I'll do it, sis," replied Slater getting up and heading to the phone in the kitchen. Karen sat there, listening to her brother order four extra-large pizzas. What he had them put on the pizzas, she nodded smiling. He knew exactly what everyone liked except for Cami and Beth. Slater then came a sat next to his sister. Karen sighed. "I am having a hard time wanting to go to school now," said Karen. "You have to. Mom and Dad were so proud of you for getting into that college. You can't disappoint them now, Sis." "I know. How are you feeling?" "Terrible but, we have two nice women to help Mom with the little ones now. So, I don't feel all that guilty leaving here. Besides, we'll be home on holidays and during summer break," Slater said softly. "We will. I'm really glad you are here during all this. You are so... strong." "Not really. If you need someone to cuddle with, join me tonight, please." "I was thinking along those lines." "Good." Just then the doorbell rang. "Well, the pizzas are here," Slater said heading for the front door. As Slater paid for the pizzas, Karen went to the sliding glass door, opening it she stuck her head out. "Pizzas here," she shouted. The three children all shouted 'pizza' loud as they ran up the steps and across the deck. "Go washup first," Karen said, as they squeezed passed her into the house. Cami and Beth came in the house a little more sedately. Eileen just sat in a chair staring up at the sky. Karen nodded, closing the door and turned to go washup. Slater had two boxes on the table and plates for everyone. The three young ones were already chowing down on a slice of pizza. Karen, Cami, and Beth sat and each grabbed a slice of pizza. They were all munching away, when Eileen reached over Karen and grabbed a slice. "Mom, sit with us," Slater said. "That's okay, I'm going to get myself a soda and go back out on the deck awhile." Slater nodded as Eileen went back outside and sat in a chair. When everyone had, had enough to eat, Slater cleaned up putting the leftovers in the fridge with the other two pizzas. "Go wash up kids," Karen said. Cami and Beth took them into the bathroom. When they all came out, headed for the back door, Slater and Karen were sitting on the couch, watching their Mom. She had taken two bites of her slice of pizza and a large gulp of her soda, then just kind of froze, staring up at the sky. For the rest of the afternoon, Eileen, Karen, and Slater just sat around mourning their loss. As the sun started to set, Cami and Beth brought the children inside to wash up and get them ready for bed. Slater took a pizza out of the fridge and slipped it in the oven to heat it up. The kids smiled as he did. Karen set the table, while Cami and Beth played with the three young ones. When the timer dinged, letting everyone know the pizza was ready, they all made their way to the kitchen table. Eileen sat down and snagged a slice of the pizza as she smiled at her children. "Who wants to say grace?" Eileen asked. No one answered. Smiling Eileen lowered her head. Everyone followed her gesture. "Then we will have a moment of silence as we remember our beloved Jordan," Eileen said. After a moment, Eileen raised her head, lifting her slice of pizza and taking a big bite. Slater was surprised she wasn't crying. Looking over at Karen, he saw tears running down her cheek as she smiled at him. Everyone started to eat. The pizza was quickly gone as everyone sat back and relaxed. "Kids, go wash your face and hands. You may watch TV for a little bit," Eileen said. Cami and Beth took the children to the washroom to get cleaned up. Karen, helped Mom clean the kitchen. Slater sat on the couch and turned on the TV, flipping through the channels to find something the children would like. He found the Cartoon Network and stopped. Emily, Tory, and Carl came bounding into the living room and sat down in front of the TV. Karen sat with them, just staring at the TV. Eileen sat on the couch next to Slater. Cami sat on the other side of Eileen, while Beth sat in the chair behind the children. "Cami, Beth, you will be sleeping in my room tonight. I hope that doesn't bother you? If it does we will work something else out. I will be sleeping with Emily. Once Karen and Slater have left for college, you can each have your own room." Cami looked at Beth. Beth looked at Cami. They both nodded. "It won't be a problem Eileen," Beth answered for them both. "Good, if you would like to go get ready for bed and put your things in there, we'll find a place for your things in the morning." "Thanks, Eileen," Cami said getting up and following Beth out of the living room. Karen got up off the floor and went to Eileen. She hugged her mother and kissed her on the cheek. "I'm going to bed. I haven't' slept well since..." "I understand dear," Eileen replied. Karen left, ruffling Salter's hair as she passed him. Slater just chuckled pushing his hair back into place. When Cami and Beth came back, Eileen left to get ready for bed. She was back in a few scant minutes. Slater then went to get ready. When he came back, Eileen smiled at him. "All right kids, it's time for bed," said Eileen. Cami and Beth helped the boys into their bedroom and tucked them in. Eileen took Emily by the hand, leading her to her bedroom. "I'm going to be sleeping with you dear," Eileen said. "So, leave me some room, so when I come to bed, I don't have to wake you. Okay?" "Sure Mom," Emily replied. "I love you, sweetheart." "I love you too, Mom." "Goodnight, Em," Eileen whispered. "Goodnight, Mom." When Eileen came back into the living room, Slater was the only one there. She smiled as she sat down next to him. Looking down the hall, she saw her bedroom door closed. Smiling she wondered. Shaking her head, she decided it was none of her business. "Slater?" Eileen whispered. "Eileen?" whispered back smiling at his Mom. "Would you hold me for a little while?" "Sure, would you like to go to my room?" "No, I just want to be held by you. No funny business, okay?" "Sure." Slater pulled his mother into his embrace and gave her a gentle hug. Eileen groaned, then sighed as she put her arms around her adorable son. Slater reached behind him and turned off the lights, then took the remote and turned off the TV. He gently kissed his mother's forehead. She sighed once again. "Kiss me," Eileen whispered. Slater turned his head to look at his mother. She was smiling and nodding. He leaned in and pressed his lips to hers gently. They both moaned softly. Eileen slowly pulled away from Slater's lips. "I'm going to bed dear. I love you very much." "I love you too, Mom. Goodnight." "Goodnight, sweetheart." Eileen was up and out of Slater's arms quickly. She hurried down the hall. She knew if she stayed any longer she would wind up in his bed. But tonight was a bad night for that. Maybe tomorrow night. She sighed as she opened Emily's bedroom door. Slater sighed as he watched his mother disappear down the hallway. Picking up the remote, he turned the TV off. Then he went around the house making sure that the windows and doors were closed and locked. He also turned off lights that should be off. I entered his room, sitting on his bed. He turned off the bedside light, pulled the covers back and lay down. He was just getting comfortable when a hand touched his shoulder and startled him. Turning he saw Karen laying there, looking up at him. She had been crying. He got up and went and locked his door. He lay back down, wrapped her in his arms, and kissed her forehead softly. "Just hold me, okay?" Karen asked softly. "Of course," whispered Slater. "Is your door locked?" "It is. I love you," said Karen. "I love you, too," replied Slater. "Goodnight." "Goodnight to you dear Karen." The two of them lay in each other's arms, sighing every once in a while. Eventually, they both fell asleep. They would both be leaving next Sunday for college. That would be another sad day the both of them would have to suffer through, alone this time. Slater lay there holding his beautiful sister think of the loss he would feel when he arrived at school. It would be devastating. Karen too was thinking about not being close to her brother when she felt the need be comforted. She also felt that without him there with her she would be devastated for quite sometime after leaving home. But, she reminded herself, she was an adult now it was time to grow and experience new and wonderful things while she was gone. She would see her wonderful brother on holidays and on long weekends. The thought cheered her up, a little anyway. Both drifted off to sleep in the comfort of each other's arms. **To be continued...**
Title: Corsi INC 01 by Joey Porter Tags: Bisexual, Bunny, Mouse, Wolf, Wolfox A New Experience She traveled long to get there. Her short legs were not being much of an asset to her journey. Finally after months on the road the small black mouse had made it. She saw off in the distance the tall buildings she recognized as her hometown. Still, for a mouse only 5 inches tall, Corsi knew it was still several hours walking. She walked everywhere she went. It seemed every company out there neglected to make things for furs as small as her. For this same reason she was grateful for long covering fur. They didn't make clothing in her size either. Finally she found herself walking alongside one of the many buildings in town. She headed right to one particular building and an old familiar set of stairs heading down to a basement apartment complex. Bricks had been placed on each step along the side for furs of her size but she noticed that several of them were missing and others were broken and pushed aside. She opened the smaller of the two doors at the bottom of the stairs and walked into the darkness. "Hello, ... Anyone here?" There was no response. She turned on the hall lights her eyes meeting ... Nothing. The place had been outright abandoned. Dust and old crates lined the hall with bottles of beer lying empty or shattered across the floor. She slowly walked down the hallway to the door she and her parents had once lived. Nothing, no sign of her family having been there in years. The door looked like it hadn't been used in some time and was nailed shut. Her mother and father were just gone. She started to cry softly and sat down on the floor, leaning against the doorframe. Out of nowhere, she heard a voice from the front door to the hall. "Hey! Who's down there?" Corsi looked up to see a dark furred wolf wearing a police uniform. "S ... Sorry officer. I ... I ... I used to live here." "Well ma'am this place is off limits. I can't have you hanging around down here. Especially not a microfur like you. A lot of kids come down here to party and it's just not safe." The wolf answered demandingly. "Well ... I just came down to see my parents." Corsi wept. "I came back to see them since I have been gone for so long. And they ... they're gone." "Corsi? Is that you?" The wolf said as he started to walk over. "No it can't be. Corsi left 5 years ago." The figure challenged. "H ... How did you know my name?" The wolf ran the rest of the way over to her stopping to kneel to the floor in front of her with a bright smile over his muzzle. "Oh come now you can't have forgotten me already have you?" Her bloodshot teary eyes looked up at the other fur. He was about her age and very handsome. Well built and that uniform looked SO sexy on him. Only one fur she had ever known looked like the one before her now. "RED!" She jumped up hugging him around the neck. "It's been a long time Corsi. Where have you been? Your mother and father weren't any help in trying to find you... Just something about getting away." She sighed softly her voice coming out a whisper. "Yes, I never told them where I was going." The wolf looked quizzically at the mouse but felt it best not to press the question. "Well since you are back in town do you mind if I take you out to dinner tonight?" "Not at all. Red, what happened to mom and dad?" Red looked at her in disbelief "Red ... what happened?" "It happened about a year ago Corsi ... Come, I'll show you." The mouse jumped onto his shoulder nervous about what he said and how it was said. They walked together quickly out of the building. "Red ... They died didn't they?" Corsi said flatly. Red looked to her in shock. "Corsi are you kidding me around?" She looked blankly at him as he tried his best not to laugh. "Corsi ... Your parents ... You don't watch too many movies do you?" She just looked up to him in silence again as she absentmindedly scratched at something on her neck. "Hun, your parents moved out. They were offered a job in a small film that took off and went real big. Your mother and father are famous!" Corsi just stared blankly at him. Her parents had always been trying to pursue an acting career and as she grew up she tried to discourage them. "Red...can we go somewhere quiet...I need to get something off my chest." "Well, sure Corsi. I'm off duty in a few hours. Why don't we head down to the station and then we can go back to my apartment to catch up?" She agreed, and Red escorted her on his shoulder to his patrol car. Red was not kidding about being almost off duty. He immediately drove to the station house and pulled the car into the garage. When they finally got into the station, several of the other officers greeted him and her. "Hey there Red, Who's the ... 'little' lady?" One ferret commented with his skunk partner giving him a smack over the head. "Hey Terl take it easy." "I'll take it easy when you stop poking fun at everyone's rides." The skunk snapped back. "Besides, I really doubt that a mouse and a six-foot wolf could have a relationship." Terl finished with a long glare and a glance back to the mouse. "Oh ... OH!" The ferret answered with a slight look of realization. No one else noticed at all though. "Sorry Ma'am ... I didn't men to offend" "None taken Fferret." Corsi squeaked. "Actually, I did date this little lady back in high school. And you wouldn't believe who she is either..." Red looked to Corsi and stopped short. Her usual carefree personality and expression was replaced by a very quiet and concerned Corsi. "...Kris..." Red finished "Who the hell is this Kris?" A black panther commented as he came around the corner. He looked around for a moment before spying the little mouse on the wolf's shoulder. "What's she supposed to be? A shoulder puppet?" Fferret stepped between the panther and wolf. "SHE ... is a guest." "Yeah yeah whateva' slinky." The panther answered as he walked off to his desk. Red shook his head as he turned away, "I'm taking this girl home. See you guys Monday alright?" "Later Red." A few of them replied as he walked off to put his weapon and badge away for the day. Red walked into his apartment about a half-hour later, with the little black mouse on his shoulder. He sat her down on the back of the couch. And then seated himself down next to her. "Alright Corsi...what's wrong are definitely not the over happy and playful mouse I know." Corsi cringed and forced herself to tell him the whole story. "Red sweetheart, I left because of a fight between dad and me. He was going on again about how everything was going to be so great when we were all rich and famous." She paused a moment as she recalled that night. "I told him to grow up and stop ruining us and spending everything we had on his delusions of grandeur. He yelled back at me that I was nothing myself so I just left. I never said goodbye to my mother." Red stood there dumbfounded. He couldn't believe his own ears. He struggled to find a few supporting words. "Corsi, they live out in the next town now. They were and are so worried about you. They even asked me to check the apartment building you lived in every day in case you came back." Corsi cried softly, slowly looking up to her old boyfriend from school. Red continued on, "Corsi, I checked that place several times a day. I missed you terribly hun. Your parents are gonna be thrilled to..." Corsi cut him off. "I don't want them to know I'm here." She paused again. "Red there's something else you ought to know." Red nodded softly not quite understanding yet. "Does it have anything to do with where you've been all this time?" Corsi swallowed hard. "I knew you would ask so..." Again she felt it best just to tell him straight. She took off her backpack dropping out of the contents to her side...a long thin silvery leash...wrist and ankle shackles, and a feather were among the items inside. Red smiled. "Corsi, you have been kidnapping other furs? Shame on you." Trying to lighten the mood. She smiled for the first time in about an hour, turning into a giggle. "No silly, they are mine." She lifted the fur around her neck showing a tiny leather collar with two loops one in front and one in back. "They are gifts...well sort of. I paid for them myself. Actually all pets pay for their own toys." Now it was Red's turn to cut her off. "Pet? Toys? Corsi what and who..." was all he could stammer out. "Master Greyson...I fell in love with him after I left and he trained me to be a pleasure slave... a pet. Which is another reason I came back. After being with him for four years I realized...." She stopped frozen. She started to cry softly again. "Greyson got married shortly before I left. All the pets he kept were released. You probably know a few of them. I realized I still love you and miss you as well. So I came back to give these to you... I'm just surprised I found you so quickly." Red just sat dumbfounded. He couldn't believe his ears. Corsi...she practically offered herself to him as a pet. He and she despite the major size difference had dated for several years in school and after, but his longing for police work and her playful nature made them drift apart and they ended up being just really good friends before she disappeared. Corsi sighed softly and looked down from him. "Maybe I should go." Red stood up and in a commanding voice spoke "No Corsi ... Sit back down!" She stared at him in disbelief. She never knew him to act like that especially not to her. Her disbelief turned to elation as he picked up the leash and inspected it for a moment. He leaned down to her and fixed it to her collar. "Red?" she squeaked as her grin widened from ear to ear. Red smiled softly, "I still love you Corsi. Now I don't know what kind of Master I will be able to be for you, but I will try. Will you be patient enough to train me to train you?" "Red...I..." Red cleared his throat. "Master Red, I love you and would love to show you how to be my master. May I show you some of the things I learned under Master Greyson's care?" Red's smile went ear to ear but still he had to ask. "Hun, you saying what I think you are?" She nodded, a seductive smile on that tiny muzzle. "Ok Corsi, you are five inches tall. Just how do you plan on doing this?" Red folded his arms over in defiance. Corsi just smiled a little wider. "Is that an order Master Red?" Red, not one to be outdone cocked one eyebrow and replied, "Yes Corsi." "Lesson number one Red...for you my name is pet." Red looked down to her. He smiled softly again looking confidant. " forgot something." "MASTER Red, you know you are taking to this quickly." "Thank you pet. Now how exactly are you going to show me what you learned these past years?" "Well, I can't right now. There is one slight problem Master Red." "And that is?" Corsi just smiled again, "You are dressed Master Red." Red's uniform was off in two minutes flat. Corsi couldn't help but giggle as he lay back down to look up to her on the back of the couch. Corsi slid down to his shoulder, taking the leach and unlatching it from her collar. She snuggled herself against his neck and hugged him as tightly as the microfur mouse could. Red thought for a moment. "My pet, are you stalling?" Corsi blushed and kissed him softly on his bottom lip. Red returned the kiss to the top of her head and the small mouse walked over his chest to straddle herself over one nipple. She looked up to him with a coy little grin as she cleared some of his fur aside and drew his nipple within her warm and already moist depths. She looked over her shoulder at his already solid and throbbing shaft and whispered to him, "My Master seems to be quite the excited already." "Corsi my pet, I have wanted to be with you and make love to you for years." She smiled softly elated at the revelation as a soft flush came over the mouse's cheeks. With as long as she was on the road, she had not had the pleasure of ... pleasure in some time. She drew a slow breath in with the feeling of her new master's nipple imbedded inside her and prying her tight depths open in it's girth. "Not as much as I have been wanting to with you. Master Greyson taught me many things." Her tiny voice coming out but a whimper. "I want to share them all with you." Red folded his arms up over his head as he watched his new pet pleasure herself. The gentle feeling of her slick walls kissing and squeezing his nipple were quite different than anything he had felt prior. "And I want to see everything. Just what you are doing now feels very nice indeed." "It gets nicer." Corsi said with a hint of her seduction. She lifted herself off of her master's chest with a soft little pop. The mouse making her way down over his belly as Red drew some of his tiny lovers moisture onto a finger and brought the sweet taste to his muzzle. Corsi glanced back to him and squeaked, "Bet that is something you have wanted for years Master." Red nodded as he scooted up a little to get a better view of exactly what the mouse was going to do. "Very good Cor... I mean pet. You may continue." Corsi lifted herself up to straddle herself over Red's throbbing shaft. She positioned herself over one of his pumping hot blood vessels that would massage her self as she worked on him. Without word, she stroked her fingertips carefully along the sides of his shaft in a delicate caress of his cock. She alternated her touch tracing the length of him, always looking straight up into his eyes. She could feel the excitement running through him with every touch of her fingers and she knew it had been some time for him as well. Red had never felt anything quite like this. Corsi's trained attentions working over him in such a bizarre and weird fashion, at the same time felt very erotic. "Corsi my pet. I never imagined." He groaned, being forced to close his eyes and allow the mouse to do her work and perform her new task. Corsi just giggled as she gyrated her hips onto him with her soft plush fur. "This is nothing my Master. Just wait until I really get started." Her fingertips massaged at the underbelly of his cock as she began to lean down. She ran her tongue slowly up the length of him, flicking the tip of her tongue over the underside of his cock head and trailing her long tongue over the crown of that thick and throbbing meat. A deep shiver ran down Red's spine. He had been licked before but never had anyone hit that extra sensitive spot on him the first time. He began to realize that Corsi's training was nothing to be laughed at or made tease at. Corsi was a professional. His hands gripped tightly to the fabric of the couch as he felt the reaction of pumping his shaft up and onto the mouse. It did no good as whenever he tried to push, the mouse just went with him. He was at the complete mercy of the little rodent Corsi smiled watching his reaction and hugged her body around him. Her four limbs working independently of each other. She positioned her sex over one of the hot pulsing veins. Corsi was already drawing him close and she had been teasing him only a few minutes. Precum was seeping out of his tip and Corsi licked it clean. Red was beside himself. "Oh my pet, you are incredible, but you need to slow down." Corsi stopped her licking a moment. "And why is that my Master?" "If you keep this pace up, I will cum too fast." "Trust me my master ... you won't" Corsi said with a wink. She did not wait for an answer and Red couldn't give her one if he tried. Her tail longer than a normal mouse's flicked up and slid inside the tip of his shaft, lubricated with the precum. Red realized all too quickly that she was plugging him up so he couldn't cum! All he could do was hold on and enjoy the ride. Corsi stroked her fur lined body against him whimpering softly in her own pleasure with every stroke as the blood rushed against her slit. Her fur adding to the sensations of that incredibly trained tongue that lapped generously over the crown of his plugged cock. The more and more she worked his shaft, the more she brought him past the brink and beyond. The wolf was stunned. He felt on the brink of orgasm with every stroke of his new pets hands, completely lost in pleasure and at the mercy of the mouse. His body was brought to a new height of sensitivity that was more intense than anything he ever felt in his entire days. Every fiber of that little rodent could be felt over him. The pleasure flooding over him was so intense that he was unable to move. He lay shivering on the couch, helpless and at Corsi's whim. Corsi's arms wrapped around his cock as she bucked herself and her tiny slit against the boiling veins of Red's shaft. She felt Red's cum, pushing at the tip of her tail imbedded inside him and knew there was not much time left before she had to let him go. As if in pure worship of Red's cock, she nuzzled herself against him tightly with her own orgasm rushing to overtake her. And with a loud cry of pleasure, Corsi's orgasm finally did. The blast of pleasure that ripped into and through her caused her tail to instinctually pull out from Red's shaft. Through her intense pleasure, she lifted his cock to hold him upright. Red groaned deeply and exploded, sending his hot seed high into the air and back down. Some even hit the ceiling before coating the small black and ash mouse in the boiling cream. Stream after stream covered her as her Master came harder than ever before in his life. He trembled under the sheer force of the explosion and finally with one last twitch, he collapsed back down on the couch. Corsi licked her fur clean enjoying the protein meal and walked back up her Master's belly and chestfur. Just as she had hoped, he was passed out cold. She smiled softly and kissed the wolf again on his lip whispering "I love you Master Red." Before she curled up on the back of the couch again and fell asleep next to him. Copyright 2000 \~ Joey Porter
Title: Dragon (S)Layers Ch. 14: City of Flames Tags: dragon (s)layers, dungeons and dragons XIII City of Flames -- 7 It was a strange thing, to crack the door and peer out into the shadowed streets that had kept her hidden for so many years and know that someone, someone she couldn't even see was looking right back at her. Or they were in the house. Sarah's hand trembled against the latch, gaze darting left and right as she tried to gather her wits. Was that shadow between the refuse and the front door across the street a humanoid or just a lump? She squinted, strained. Her grip tightened. This was a waste of bloody time. She had to get out of the city and that didn't leave time to wait for some shadow to jump out at her. After all, she was Sarah-bloody- Kettar, dammit. It took her another ten seconds to gather up the courage to crack the door enough to poke her head out. The streets were criss crossed with shadows under a low hanging moon that was too busy crawling into the horizon to lend any light to her situation. Even with her mixed heritage and classically good night vision, trying to make sense of the confusing mess of gloom and once comforting hiding spots. The alcohol still warmed her thought processes, making full on panic sound less attractive than it might have if she were sober. Sarah fingered the playing card to occupy her thoughts for a brief moment as she worked out the most sensible plan she could manage. Stage one, distraction; two would be to get to the others and three. . . She needed a stage three. Everything worth doing involved three of something. Why couldn't a plan be the same way? This assassin wanted to send a message but they didn't know who they toying with. No. No, they had no idea. Sarah took a deep breath and, full of alcohol fueled bravado, flicked the card into the open street in open defiance of whomever may be watching. With the challenge laid down, she closed the door and sprinted towards the back door. On the list of things not to do when an assassin was trailing you, meandering about in the dark like an oblivious shopper in the middle of a fire sale at the 'marital aid' stall was reasonably high on the list. When she got to the back door she almost tripped into the bar that had kept it locked. It was set up in such a way as to serve as much a warning as a playful gesture; the kind of thing a hunter would do to distract their prey from something more immediately dangerous. She *was* being toyed with. Didn't that just figure? Sarah cocked the hammer of her pistol and cracked the door, stealing a peek. Nothing moved in the back alley and yet there was a sense, as though someone was holding their breath, that something was waiting to act. Not seeing anything immediately threatening, she slid the door open and poked her head out. Yet again, nothing moved. So far so good-- the killer was probably in the house anyway, right? Sarah looked back to the darkness. That was probably right. She stepped out into the alley. The metallic *pwang* of a trap being actuated was always the first sound that registered right before you realized that you stepped on your own face. It was a sound she had learned long ago and had ingrained itself into the very fiber of her soul when it almost cost her her left hand. That was the sound that split the still air like a gunshot. She was too drunk for this. By instinct, Sarah took the most advantageous route she could with her body's 'oh shit' reaction still in full swing; she fell flat on her ass in a half hearted attempt to tumble backwards. Even as she slammed into a bookshelf a flood of tiny bright red, purple and yellow gold-flecked cloth scraps fluttered over her when a bucket on a tightly wound spring arm slammed into the edge of the door frame and discharged its contents back into the house. Toyed with indeed. Sarah muttered an obscenity in sphinx as she tried to right herself, ignoring the throb in the back of her skull. "Clever! But hardly sporting!" Something clicked and groaned behind her-- leather being tightened as someone moved. Sarah didn't hesitate. She grabbed a hand full of cloth and tossed it in the direction of the noise as she dived for the open spot in the doorway. To hell with pretensions, it was time to leave. Tumbling wasn't quite the word for the near face-plant she did off the stoop, but she landed with enough momentum to vault off into a half-stumbling sprint. She was too damn old to be killed in an alley and here she was, bumbling through shadow like it was her damned occupation. A glance back revealed absolutely nothing about her pursuer. Not so much as an errant strip of black or form chasing her. Even despite this momentary reassurance, Sarah exploded onto the main street, toppling into a misplaced sack of refuse waiting for pickup. From the cage she'd fashioned in her mind out of booze and poor decision making skills, her rational mind screamed that it was best to stay on the main streets and get back to the south end, avoid the docks at all cost and get to the gate. Her papers would be in her bag and, provided the idiot paladin didn't get everyone killed, her papers would get them protection and out of the city. No sooner did this notion cross her mind than the clattering of roof tiles assaulted her ears. At first it was one being smashed under foot and then it was one dropping to the cobbles to shatter. Sarah raised her pistol and juked to the side. An indistinct form swept from the crest of the roof of a single story building along the road. With no clear shot, Sarah tucked the pistol back into the sash of her dress and pumped her arms for extra speed. It was a loosing battle, though; years of being lazy and comfortable were taking their toll as her muscles started to burn and her lungs felt as though they were trying to clench in her chest. *Gods, it was always so much easier watching someone else doing this kind of crap.* Sarah took advantage of the momentary change in her pursuer's direction and ducked into the shadow of an overhanging tenement, sliding deep into the recession where the door was until she could have been confused for a red stain on the moldy plaster. Given the circumstances, the analogy made her heart tighten. On one hand, she had lockpicks. On the other hand she was panting so hard an aneurysm wasn't out of the realm of possibility. She glanced at the door longingly as though she could force it open with her mind-- Then she did the most practical thing she could. She booted it. Hard. Once, twice. On the third kick it gave and crashed inward spectacularly. A young man was near the door with a short blade preparing to defend himself. Sarah had her pistol in his face before he could get within reach. "Terribly sorry but this is a matter of import!" She threw a few coins at his foot with her left hand. "This'll cover the damages, where's the back door?" The man stared at her, not quite sure what to make of the situation. "Now if you would!" "B- Back there." He made a vague gesture towards the back of the building. "Down the hall." "Capital. Terribly sorry about barging in." Without waiting for him to collect himself, Sarah bolted through the apartment and the hall, she yanked the door chain and instantly was rewarded with a flood of fresh air tinged with horse dung from a nearby stable. Knowing just enough about the geography of the city not to get lost after a binder at the local pubs, she had a rough idea of where she was. There was a little straw awning over the back stoop that looked out on a circle shaped alley connecting four other alleys to a rudimentary horse shelter. Beside it a couple of carts were parked side by side near a fading caravan placard. With the central axis running north and south, she figured her destination was roughly west-- a bigger alley meant it was more likely to see cart traffic, didn't it? Yes, of course. She broke cover and started into the alley. Mid way through she could see the folly of her choice, but it was too late. Two men in blue and silver armor with obnoxiously bright regalia came from the mouth of the alley to block the way. A glance back confirmed a similar group from the rear. No sooner had that registered then a man stepped up with his sword already drawn. "Now, now!" Sarah tucked her pistol into her dress as best she could to hide it. "Let's not be hasty!" "Who goes there--" They had to have been caravan guards, Sarah tried for her smoothest voice. "Someone who's not trying to get involved in territorial disputes! Nor is she trying to cause harm to your masters' property." "Sir?" The man with the sword stepped into the alley to appraise Sarah. "Come closer!" Keeping her hands plainly visible, she complied. "If you can make me come with naught but your voice, I would gladly do so." Sarah eyed the ridges of the buildings as she approached. "It's refreshing to see a man who puts a woman's desires before his own, truly, but I do need to be off." He looked her over and scoffed, shaking his head. "Not the one. Go." "Just like that? I should be offended--" "Go, harlot, before I decide to test my steel--" "I'll have you know--" was as far as Sarah got before the three men blew past her towards whatever spook they were after. She barely spared them a second glance. A distant 'there!' from one of them was probably the last she'd ever hear of them, and that was all right with her. Sarah darted through the alley and into the street where three squads of guards had erected a barricade surrounding the caravan district, effectively blocking off traffic with brightly lit fire drums. As if that wasn't enough, an array of nobles' private guards supplemented the city guards with their own brightly colored armor and tabards. "Bollocks," she muttered as she forced herself to slow her run to a steady walk across the street and into the opposite alley to keep from arousing suspicion. By the time she reached the opposite side the throbbing ache of her muscles had turned into a dull pain she would probably need a massage to rid herself of. Too close. She was too close to let this all be for nothing, wasn't she? Sarah gritted her teeth and sighed, bracing her hand against the wall. If she had managed to survive this long, she could do it a little longer. She just needed to keep her wits about her. She needed to relax and keep it together. The plan was good, yes, it was perfect. The only thing missing was her getting out of the city. Then it would be all right. She could start over and everything would be all right. *Just get moving.* She started to step forward when she felt something brush across her nape of her sweaty neck like cool fingers of agony ready to rip her spine from her body. It was a quick touch; the cool kiss of leather on flesh. It sent her heart into her throat and Sarah, instead of pivoting to face the danger, screamed and bolted off. She ran for hundreds of feet before her knees and lungs both gave out, so tired from all the forced exercise that they couldn't go on any longer. She slumped against the wall of a bakery and crashed painfully to her knees, panting hard as she grabbed the back of her neck. Her hand came back smeared with blood. Too tired to scream, she touched her neck looking for a wound she couldn't find. "Stop that!" She growled through clenched teeth. "Hav- Have you no decency!?" It was then that she noticed the sweat beads were washing a crimson line from her jugular down her bust. She wiped at the blood there, not even sure how her would-be killer had managed to do it without her knowing. "G- Gods. . ." She whimpered. Her hand trembled as she wiped at the blood all the more. She didn't want to die. Not like this. She needed to move. Twenty years of hiding and running gave her enough danger sense to know that she was drastically out classed and couldn't hope to compete with whomever this person was. Her only chance would be to get to the south gate and get out of the city. If she could make it, she'd be safe. Sarah hauled herself up on trembling knees and forced herself into a wobbly jog fueled mostly by fear and anger at the pain of her overworked joints. She was going to run more she promised, all she wanted to do was survive this and then she'd spend the time to improve. Yes, that was it. A plan for the future. That was all she needed; something to look forward to and-- Between two crates sitting alongside the building was something- someone- crouched. It was cloaked in shadow and barely a form at all. Sarah almost missed it in her panic, but she noticed it right before she'd have passed by. She drew her gun and pointed at it as she breezed by. It didn't follow. The fifty steps that she pounded out between the refuse and the mouth of the alley seemed to pass like months instead of heart beats. It was brighter on the street than usual, strange, but hardly unique. Perhaps there was some kind of street inspection or-- dare she hope?-- a festival of some kind. Several guards strolled by casually heading towards the southern quarter, passing by the mouth of the alley with all their shining armor and clanking steel amongst inane chatter. *Sonofabitch.* Sarah dived into the embrace of shadow, practically slamming into the wall with her full momentum. The noise of her body slapping the wall like a dead fish grabbed one of the guards' attention and he looked her way. Some part of her wanted to run, some part of her wanted to scream at her own stupidity for being in this situation, every other part of her told her to shut up and stay still. The guard trailed behind even as his compatriots continued on down the street. He was young, perhaps in his twenties, old enough to do his job and yet probably not world wary enough to have seen the kinds of things that fostered healthy cynicism just yet. Sarah could have stepped into the light and talked her way out of the situation, maybe even gotten help, and yet. . . No, she wasn't that crazy. Despite what some would say about pointed ears making her 'fey crazy' or some such, she was anything but. She slunk back into the dark a little more. One of his friends glanced back at him and, in a thick western accent said, "Nothing but street walkers down here, come on." "She's wearing a dress, right? Aint we--" "I don't care if she was wearing a strip of cloth and doing a fan dance, she's not gonna hide 'round the whores." The man squinted against the gloom, leering in Sarah's direction. "C'mon." "But--" "Come on, 'fore the nobles blow a vessel that we're not doing our jobs." The young man looked at the other guard, reluctantly following the group with a final glance back towards Sarah's hiding spot. The older guard ushered him on and after a few moments the sound of their armor became little more than a distant memory. Sarah slumped against the wall. How had things gone this wrong this quickly? There was a lot to be said for living in the present and moving on from the past but it's not like she had ever listened to that little nugget of wisdom. Could she have done something different in order to wind up somewhere else? Probably, but would it matter? *That's enough*, she told herself. Life went on whether she was ready for it or not, no sense in wondering what could have been. Absently she rubbed at her throat as she gathered her focus. It wasn't her blood, there were no wounds. It was a message, then, not the act itself. *She was wearing a dress. . .* Sarah edged closer to the lip of the alley and peeked out, squinting against the harsh glow of the fires. There were dozens of nobles' guards mixed in with guard patrols here, too. It seemed she wasn't the only wanted woman in the city. But if it was severe enough for the nobles to take a personal interest in capturing her-- or Sarah, for that matter-- then chances were good it was pretty important. There was a moment where she considered emerging from cover, but in lieu of a step forward, her breath fell flat when she heard the slow clop, clop of strong horses approaching. She ducked back into the alley and waited. The sound was joined by steel armor clapping against itself and shortly thereafter a contingent of men in blue and orange tabards over full plate armor with a hand full of city guards mixed in was leading a small but beautifully ornate carriage. The two windows forward of the door were boarded over hastily from the inside, indicating there hadn't even been time to cover the boards, much less do a proper job of putting them up in the first place. It was the kind of thing someone truly paranoid would do. Curious, Sarah watched until they past her hiding spot and peeked again in time to see the procession stop near the guards. Words and gestures were exchanged and the leader of the guard group approached the carriage. A pudgy man in a frock emerged to talk to the leader. Something was off about him, though, he looked sweaty and sickly; sunken eyed and completely exhausted as though even the act of speaking was wearing down what may have remained of his energy. He gesticulated a few times to the leader and pointed back the way they'd come from. There was something else. Movement from the opposite side of the carriage, atop one of the buildings. A lithe form in dark grey leathers splotched with black was sliding their way down from the lip of a beam to the ground where they landed as sure footed as a cat. It happened so fast that Sarah barely had time to register the image before the figure was out of view. There was time to warn them, of course, but Sarah was anything but stupid enough to get involved in that kind of nonsense, even knowing that it was probably the person who had designs on killing *her*. She frowned as the realization struck her. The killer was trying to get Sarah and another mark in close proximity so they wouldn't have to go as far to get things done. Or perhaps she was going to have the murder of the noble pinned on her. It would make the investigation rather easy to complete, leaving nothing pointing back towards them in the first place. It's how Sarah would've done it, if she was incredibly bitter and stupid enough to actually want to try doing something like that. She could have warned them, she could have run. She could probably have done both given enough time. She swallowed, drew her pistol and prepared to fire into the air. Maybe if she got caught by the guards before the killer had time to do whatever it was they set out to do. At worst she'd look like a distraction-- an accessory. "Bollocks," Sarah whispered. In the entire sphere of continually less opportune choices, the only one that made any sense was to run away before things got started. She started to turn. But then it started with a loud *bang* and a flash of light. In seconds a stream of bright light erupted in front of the carriage, cutting off the street like a wall. The prickle of its arcane 'flavor' sparked across her body like a cold snap. The coach's horses neighed and reared up, men shouted incoherent orders to their subordinates and the man ducked back into his carriage as though it would do any good. All of them were on the reactive while the leather clad figure threw two small canisters into the street-- both exploded with a pop, releasing waves of yellow smoke. Half the guards immediately broke ranks and ran, the others closed in on the carriage to protect it. Apparently the would-be assassin hadn't counted on them doing so, for it was already working its way around the carriage trying to find a spot to get a line on its target. The gas started to dissipate a split second later as the assassin stepped boldly into the light in open challenge. The wall of light cast an awkward shadow over its masked face and that's when Sarah noticed that the black splotches on the short figure's armor armor wasn't blending in with the shadows so much as absorbing light. The guards must have been expecting the attack, though, because no sooner had the attacker made themselves known than a door atop the carriage opened and a man with a crossbow drew a bead on the figure. Two of the nobles' guards charged forward while the others adjusted to take up the vacancies like a well oiled machine. Instead of doing something sensible, like backing away, the figure charged forward to meet them head on. Narrowly ducking the first shot from the crossbowman, it stepped within the reach of the guard's sword. Only then did Sarah realize how short the person was. Shorter than even she was. That didn't seem to slow the assassin down, however. In the blink of an eye they glided forward and there was blood arcing through the air from a gaping wound in one of the guards' necks. The other guard moved to intercept but he was a moment too slow and caught a dagger to the face. What followed was a ballet of supple, smooth movements so liquid as to have been choreographed, each punctuated by arterial sprays from men several times the killers' size. The carriage driver ducked under the bench atop his coach and the crossbowman, for all his precision and quick timing, couldn't seem to land a blow, every attempt to make a shot count lead to a smooth sidestep, even mid fight. The dead piled up one after another until there was a semi circle around the side of the carriage. A couple of city guards were on the opposite side looking at each other as though questioning their role in life, but before either could act, the killer strolled up to the door. It exploded outward and bowled them over. The fat man sprinted in a panic towards the alley opposite Sarah's, blindly seeking refuge from his would be killer. Taking advantage of the momentary confusion, the crossbowman leaned over the side of the coach and fired. This time the bolt struck home and pinned the assassin to the cobbles. Sarah could feel the crackle of sharp arcane magic even from this distance. "Got 'er!" The man shouted triumphantly. By now, however, the other guards had fled. *Her? Well now, this is interesting. . .* Sarah watched while the man ducked back into the carriage, preparing to finish the job. She'd seen enough magic weapons to know that ranged weapons were designed to do one of two things: penetration or explosion. It seemed that they were using the former, which meant only a feat of incredible strength would get that person off the cobbles. Once magic arrows bit in, they stayed in until the spell was broken. Almost as if reading her thoughts, the pinned figure braced its-- her-- left hand against the cobbles and tried to get up. She had two seconds to try again but opted for a second dagger instead. The man had his short sword out and emerged from the carriage with a triumphant swagger. He bore down on her throat with the tip of his blade but she was still too fast. Even in what had to have been an incredibly painful stomach shot, she held her own and brought her blades up crosswise to lock against the man's sword. He went to push and she wrapped her legs around his lower back. Sarah watched in mild awe as the carnal struggle played out, fascinated by the short woman's determination and ability. It paid to know the ins and outs of an opponent, anyway, she promised herself. It wasn't just about show. The man shoved down on her but instead of giving in, her blades actually seemed to be pushing the blade back. Back. Further still. Then, at once, two things happened; the woman's legs crunched down against his pelvis at an unnatural angle as though her heel would touch her stomach through his body and the blade in his hands shattered. He didn't even have time to scream before she had her blade in his throat. After his body slumped down beside her, the woman slid her feet under her hips and spread her legs until she had enough space to leverage her strength. She braced her hands on the cobbles and with three quick inhalations, she pushed herself up. The bolt didn't give up, though. It tore muscle fiber, gristle and blood from the hole it made in her stomach, all of which poured down the shaft of the missile as though it had been barbed with fishhooks. Yet, still the woman pushed. She didn't scream. She didn't cry out. She just pushed. Glistening in the light and surrounded by corpses, the arrow looked like a war monument. In some ways, it was. The woman poked her head inside the carriage and then half-stumbled out, paused and started to trail the fat man's course through the streets to the alley like a bloodhound. She followed his exact path step for step and didn't even look back after Sarah as her stumble turned into a steady jog. She was sheathing her blades as blood poured like water down a rock. Something was strange about it, she was loosing a hell of a lot of blood and she didn't even try to staunch the flow. Sarah stared for a moment longer, then eyed the carriage. The light wall was beginning to waver, fading. Not being one to waste an opportunity, she hefted her pistol and started towards the driver. She climbed up to find the man still cowering under the half-bench. They made eye contact over her barrel. "Seems like we're both having a long night. . ." \# In the bowels of the merchant's district, huddled in the shadow of a pair of two story buildings, Sarah finished prying the emblem of House Russellie from the coach, all the while dodging glances from the driver. She wiped her brow and tossed the brass plaque into the crate with the others. "Think of it this way," she turned to him. "By now your master is probably dead. Do you have a family?" The man fidgeted, eyed the horses and then Sarah with a frown. "Y- Yes, ma'am." "Please, no need to be so formal." Sarah packed the tools back into the hidden compartment under the forward seat. "I may be a title bearer, but I'm not one to wave it around." She winked at his incredulous expression. The work had actually done wonders for her mood, perhaps it was having to figure out how to disable the labyrinthine mechanisms that someone had spent weeks building to keep the plaques on. It was ingenious, really. Over engineered to a fault, but they ensured that no one without the tools and training could have removed them. It was gratifying to know that Sarah could still undo complex mechanisms as easily as she did belt buckles, but perhaps it wasn't the work at all. Perhaps it was the adrenaline, the thrill of the chase and the brush with death. She laughed sharply. Perhaps indeed. She needed to laugh after everything that'd gone on. Why shouldn't she? After all, who was going to tell *her* no? Sarah reached for the buttons on her dress, casually undoing them as she looked to the carriage driver. "Tell me, good man. Would your family not be better served by someone who not only valued your work but valued you as well?" He didn't know she had clothes under it, but seeing him fidget gave Sarah cause to smirk. "Ah-- I--" he stammered as he looked away. "Begging your pardon, my Lady, but I'm really not sure I understand what you mean--" "I beg to differ." Sarah let the dress fall from her shoulders and even in the sudden rush of cool air against her sweaty skin, she couldn't get her hands to stop trembling. After what she'd seen, there was no question. Staying in the city was suicide. But was it really worth bringing the others along to try and get out? Couldn't she get farther on her own? Not without her papers, she couldn't. The ones that damned paladin had with him in her knapsack. Dammit. "M- My Lady? What's going to happen to me?" Sarah balled her dress up and threw it through the now vacant coach window after taking the pickled sausages from the waist sash. It barely brushed the curtain on its way into the gloomy interior compartment, meanwhile she tucked her pistol into the leather frog on her belt . "You, my good man. . ." A plan. She needed a plan. She considered it for all of a minute. "I need you to take me to the south gate, drop me off and pick up my travel pass from a young woman who's no doubt a little concerned." He started to open his mouth but Sarah held up her hand. "All perfectly legal, I assure you. In the meantime, I'm going to gather my party and I will meet you there." "B-" Before the rest of his breath could leave his mouth, she had a sack of coin in his hand and her gaze leveled at him. "I'll double this when we're safely out of the city. You'll not have to work for decades." He blinked. "Your master is dead, be practical." The man glanced at the carriage for just a minute and then at her. "He took us in when we had nothing, meaning no disrespect, my Lady, but, if I take this, I--" "Dear." She closed the distance and took his shoulders. She kept her voice deliberately soft. "Take it from someone who's been in your position. Honor and loyalty are disposable to those who have the money to buy it and priceless to the children who depend upon it. Were all truths laid bare, your children would want clean water and bread, hm?" The confusion faded slowly and he clenched around the coins. Sarah patted his shoulder. "Now, then. Get--" was as far as she got before she saw a look of concern turn into fear in the man's eyes. He was looking over her shoulder. Even in her heightened sense of awareness she hadn't heard the threat coming and now it was too damn late. That didn't mean she wasn't going to try. In what she imagined was a smooth move, she jerked to the side and brought her pistol up. She was about half way into the turn when someone with large hands grabbed her wrist and wrenched it at a painful angle. She jerked backwards to ease the pressure only to wind up face to scarred face with a tall man in leathers. *Bollocks.* Sarah clenched her teeth even as the man's grip tightened. He was too strong to overcome, she knew that from the start, but she still wrenched herself in a vain attempt to get free. He slammed her against the carriage with a hard *thump*. "Tha' was for Rachel. So's this." He started to cock his fist back." Sarah had never been one to get into a fight, but that didn't mean she was going to let one end with her getting her face smashed in. She kneed him in the crotch. He still managed to land the blow. Her head bounced back against the carriage and stars swam in her vision even as she plowed her knee into him again. This time he slumped forward and groaned into her ear even as he tried feebly to keep her pinned. She wasn't about to let that stop her from getting out of the way-- she shoved him back and lashed out with an awkward, undignified kick to his stomach that barely managed to connect. She practically tumbled into him on his way to the ground. "That," she huffed, "was an *accident*!" With a trembling hand she brushed her sweaty bangs from her eyes. The large man held his groin, eyes screwed shut in pain. She could have told him about the dragon, she could have told him that there was no hope for his child. She could have done a lot of good to change his life, and potentially save her own in the process. Sarah never claimed to be a paladin, though. She stumbled forward and crashed down on his stomach, straddling his waist. The stinging ache in her cheek and eye was easy to ignore, but there were some things that she couldn't forgive. Despite being smaller framed, she still had leverage on him and used it to her advantage, clenching her thighs tight against his arms as he struggled to free himself. A dark grin crossed her face when she grabbed his shoulders. "Allow me to educate you on the finer points of handling yourself in awkward situations, young man." He looked up at her, eyes welling up with pain. She wrapped her hand around his mouth and dug her finger tips in to either side of his face. She could have done so much to him in that moment when he laid there-- she was right to, after all that he had done to her. . . Who would tell her she was wrong? The gods? Surely not. And yet. . . Irony was always more fun than bodily harm. Ithric had ingrained that in her long ago, surely she hadn't forgotten that most valuable lesson, had she? No, no, she wouldn't sink to this man's level. She could be more than that. Sarah could and she could do it well. She grabbed one of her pickled sausages and held it in front of the scarred man's face. "Here's the first lesson," she whispered. "Always know what's going to come your way." That made his eyes widen slightly. He fought all the more but she had too much leverage for him to move. She leaned forward and braced her hand on his forehead, shoving his head down until she was practically shoving her breasts in his face. "Plan how you'll escape it." She ran the sausage down his face, leaving a trail of glistening pickled juice to run down his cheek. When she finally brought her hand to his mouth he tried to snap feebly at her fingers. She punched him in the nose. "Know that nothing you'll be able to do is going to stop it. Accept it!" "M- My lady. . ." Vestrin tried to shove against her again. At least he had the courage to keep fighting. "Nnggh, f- fuck yo--" Sarah grit her teeth for what was to come before she grabbed his hair and slammed him down. In the blink of an eye she had her thumb pressing down on his eye and the pickled sausage against his mouth. In a voice meant only for them, she murmured. "It's not as much fun when you're on the other side, is it?" "N- Ngh!" "Relax and open your mouth, this will be over soon. . ." A tiny bit of pressure reaffirmed her demand. "I won't ask twice." He needed to know what it was like, she decided. Yes, this would be fitting indeed. "I'll kill you--" "Not before He does. Do you even know his name?" They locked eyes, his right eye twitched. She let out a harsh laugh and started cramming the sausage into his face. It parted his lips and with a little resistance-- and more pressure from her thumb-- he finally allowed it in. Sarah was every bit as gentle as he had been, cramming inch after into through his mouth and into his throat. "I didn't think so." He coughed, sputtered and gagged as Sarah clamped her hand over his mouth. Their eyes met and for the first time since meeting him, she saw genuine terror in his eyes. Faced with mortality and the whims of those more powerful, he folded just like everyone else. He was every bit as mortal and worthless as she was. He just didn't know how frail that mortality was. Sarah would teach him, though. "My lady! He's--" "Get to the South Gate. I'll be there shortly. . ." "B- But--" "Now!" She snapped. When she whipped her head to look at him, she saw fear and disgust in the man's eyes. She couldn't blame him. Vestrin thrashed out as best he could. He shoved. He jerked himself one way and the other but between Sarah's thighs, he was as weak as a kitten. It was horrific to watch, but a fear he was too familiar with to find much sympathy in someone like this. This piece of filth. . . He was still a thinking creature. She wasn't like him, was she? The carriage driver pulled away slowly, the steady clop, clop, clop of horse hooves punctuating the pounding of her heart. This was wrong. This was all wrong. As Vestrin slammed against her for the last time before he started to go limp, she braced her hands on his shoulders. "I'm sorry, Ithric. . ." Sarah pried open Vestrin's mouth, reached her fingers in and plucked the sausage free. Even while she started to pull it out, she whispered a quiet prayer for his soul. Vestrin took in a gulp of air, coughing and hacking while his body tried to get used to oxygen again. She was on her feet in a split second, tucking the pistol into her belt line. "I- if strange ideas cross your mind like 'once I do this, I'll be rich', I'd like you to remember I worked for him at one point too." His bleary eyes turned up to her. "Food for thought." She turned towards the street, making sure she was long gone before he would be able to get to his feet. \* Sarah fluffed her blouse to pull it from her sweaty skin as she strolled through the alley that connected to the southern market. There had been no trace of her would-be assassin in more than an hour and, with dawn on the approach and the sky tinted a soft indigo, it was well past time to relax. The paladin's broad shoulders were the first thing she saw when she rounded the corner. He was huddled amidst a group of children with Tessarie and Keiter standing nearby in brown robes that looked as though they'd been salvaged from somewhere. He was speaking with them in quiet tones that, as Sarah got closer, became words. He had a thick rolling northern drawl that made him sound older than he was and arguably more intelligent. In truth, it tickled her pointed ear to hear something so foreign and husky. "So then," he was saying to the kids, "he stood in front of the orcs, chest puffed out, ready to lay down his life. . ." he spread his hands. "Anyone know what happened next?" Was he really telling stories to urchins? Dear gods, she had to have been dreaming. "The orcs came!" One of the boys volunteered. "That's right!" the young man leaned in as though speaking of a grave conspiracy. "A rustling in the bushes--" "I hate to break this up." Sarah swept her hair back. "We need to go." "B-" Tessarie started. "Now." Keiter's muzzle, shadowed by the overhang of his hood, turned to her direction. Eventually he reached into the folds of his robes and produced a small stack of coin for each of the children. Tessarie followed suit and the Paladin stood, looking back at her with a concerned expression. They locked gazes and she swallowed at the sudden rush of shame that welled in her heart. It had to have been magic, she didn't feel any remorse for what had almost happened. No, no, she didn't. "My effects, if you would." She didn't spare him a glance as she took her bag and coat. Not even when she plodded on past the group and started getting into her coat. She tucked her box under her arm, content to ignore the others. No, it wasn't until she felt his hand on her shoulder that she bothered to acknowledge anything resembling human contact. "What happened?" He whispered into her ear. It was at that moment she realized what kind of strength he had in his grip. She wanted to be part of that, if only for a moment. To lean back into his arms and pretend the world didn't exist. Sadly, time waited for no one. "We need to go. . ." She tore herself from his grip and made her way through the market. Many of the early morning arrivals were busy setting up their stalls for the day and paid their group little mind. That made it easier to notice the moving shadow that was trailing them in the edge of Sarah's vision. A small black shadow that slid comfortably between one cart and another, from behind a rug seller to a woman dealing in exotic spices. They didn't see the shadow, hell, even Keiter probably missed it. But Sarah saw it. That was more than enough. She ducked into a side alley that would take her to the south gate anyway. Barely a foot in and she felt the paladin and Tessarie both close in on her. They stood on either side, whispering in unison. Asking something. They needed to get away-- *she* needed to get away. There was no time for explanations, nor did she have the heart for them right now. It was time to run away and start somewhere new. She could do it again. She was good at this sort of thing. Sarah turned to Tessarie to explain. "I don't--" was as far as she got before a black shadow bowled over Tessarie. As though a skyborne rock had chosen the poor diminutive elf as its fey-touched pillow. Tessarie made a startled 'oomph!' before she slammed to the cobbles. The paladin yanked Sarah back with his hand on his blade, charging forward to what might have been a threat. There was blood, sure, plenty of it, but the elf looked absolutely unharmed aside from falling to the cobbles. She mewled weakly as she tried to crawl from under the person who'd landed on her. That's when Sarah noticed that the armor the figure was wearing was bulkier than standard leathers and even though ambient light was absorbed by the leather, it was backed by something rigid. "Wait--" Sarah stepped over Tessarie and grabbed the leather clad figure, rolling it off of the elf. It was a woman-- it had to have been. What she could make of the figure's outline hinted at hips much too wide to be a man's and an overall size too small to be manly. After checking over Tessarie to make sure she was all right, Sarah felt around the figure's body. She found a bloody hole in the stomach, packed with sugar but still bleeding even now. "Keiter--" She didn't even have to open her mouth beyond that. He was on her in seconds, chanting softly to Irsira. They didn't have time to heal her properly, each passing moment was becoming a question of survival. If they were captured. . . "Just stop the bleeding if you can. Tessarie, dear, come with me." "Nngh. . .? Owwwww." Sarah offered a hand. "Quickly now, dear." Eventually the girl managed to pull herself up and they made their way to the staging area surrounding the gate. A couple of quick exchanges-- and fifty coins-- later, she had her travel pass in hand and the carriage. At that point she could have left. She *should* have. Yet, that woman, the woman who'd likely want to kill her once she got better kept coming back to her. There was Keiter to think of, too. What would happen to him if. . . She sighed and instructed the coach driver to meet her at the alley. By the time they got there the Paladin and Keiter were both exchanging quiet words while the woman laid atop Keiter's balled up robe. Someone had pulled her mask off and, to Sarah's surprise, the girl who she'd met at the ball was the one she saw. Young, attractive with those slightly rear cant ears and vaguely elven features. Well, now, that made things more interesting, didn't it? Sarah grabbed her dress and, with a little help, turned it into a splint. They had her loaded into the carriage in no time and, despite some apprehension from the driver, managed to get on the road before she could bleed out any more. Keiter continued his chanting now in the confines of the carriage while Sarah climbed up and gave the paladin her travel pass and papers. When he gave her a confused look, she pointed towards the slowly approaching gate. "Give these to the guards, they'll give them back. From now on you work for me." "I am a servant of--" "Yes, yes, but for the time being, you're my retainer. Make yourself useful, would you?" That threw him for a loop. He furrowed his brow. "Retain-- Oh." Sarah pat his arm and crawled back into the carriage, drawing the curtains. She eyed the girl, he would be killer and wondered just how long she could keep this ruse up. If the dragon was going to go this far, what hope did she really have? Tessarie looked to her as though she would have the answers to the questions warring in her beautiful eyes. Sarah tried to force a smile she didn't feel any longer. There was a saying in the far west, one seldom heard by easterners and yet wholly appropriate in almost every respect; 'lie well or run fast.' The time for lying was at an end. . .
Title: Free Universal Carnal Knowledge Pt. 39 Tags: mfff, older man **XXXIX** *Starry skies* It was an idyllic night, clear, still and moonless. The stars shone with an almost unnatural brilliance. In silence Fran and I walked into the darkness. I was desperate to speak of my new-found feelings for her but I felt unaccountably shy, like a lovestruck teenager. Unable to find the words I needed, I slackened my pace so that I fell slightly behind and could watch Fran walking in the starlight. There was something odd about her, I realised; I had never noticed before that she walked in such a graceful way, almost sinuously, and somehow she seemed taller. It suddenly dawned on me that although she was barefoot she was walking on the balls of her feet; her heels never touched the ground. "Starry skies," murmured Fran eventually. "Cloudless climes," I replied, waving a hand at the sparkling and unblemished heavens. "Cloudless climes and starry skies," she repeated. "That's Byron, isn't it?" "It is," I confirmed. I could have added that I had the happiest memories of this particular poem. On two occasions in my student days I had trotted it out in circumstances not unlike these, walking a girl in a secluded spot on a starlit night, and it had got me laid both times. Nor, may I say, had I any bad conscience about having put Byron's wonderful lines to this use; from what I knew of him, I felt he would have approved. In fact, I am sure that was why he wrote the poem in the first place, to get inside some girl's knickers (not that girls wore knickers in his day). I hardly needed poetic assistance to get inside Fran's knickers, of course (not that she was wearing any either), but the poem still seemed fitting. In a low soft voice I recited. *"She walks in beauty, like the night Of cloudless climes and starry skies, And all that's best of dark and bright Meet in her aspect and her eyes; Thus mellow'd to that tender light Which heaven to gaudy day denies."* Fran stopped and turned to me. She sighed deeply and melted into my arms. Every young man starting out in life, I thought, should do himself a favour and learn these lines by heart. "Oh, James," she breathed, "that's so beautiful." She turned her face up toward mine. Her eyes were closed and her mouth was slightly open. I shut my own eyes and slowly lowered my head, my lips seeking hers as she raised her heels higher, reaching up for me. As our faces brushed together a frisson ran through us and I heard her small intake of breath as tenderly we brought our lips together ... "Hey, guys, is this a private party or can anyone join?" A precious moment shattered beyond recall, we spun round to see Connie, wearing nothing but a broad grin and holding up a large bottle of wine. "The girls told me you'd come out here and I thought you might fancy a drink," she said. "Connie --" began Fran reproachfully. "Oh, sorry, am I interrupting something?" asked Connie disingenuously. I heaved a resigned sigh. Maybe it was for the best, I thought. I really ought to speak to Wendy before saying anything to Fran. "Never mind, you're here now," I said, extending a hand for the bottle. The three of us sat on the grass and chatted, passing the wine to and fro. "James, you were fucking unbelievable today," said Connie. "It was a remarkable performance," agreed Fran. Connie corrected her. "It was *hot*," she said. "Hot, hot, hot. One after another, bang, bang, bang, thirty-one happy girls sorted just like that." She had touched a sore point. "Thirty happy girls," I pointed out, "and one rape victim." "But James," argued Connie, "she's fine about it. I talked to her afterwards. She said, [and here Connie made a woeful attempt at a Polish accent] 'I was silly and frightened but it was fantastic. I should have known he would never hurt me. I'm his now, for ever.' 'You and all the rest of us,' I told her." I pondered this. "Well," I said doubtfully, "I suppose it's good she feels all right about it but it was wrong, all the same." "James," insisted Connie, "you mustn't go on beating yourself up about this. She's OK with it. I told you she would be, remember?" "You didn't see the look in her eyes," I said. "I don't know if I'll ever forget it. She was scared, really terrified." "Yes," agreed Fran. "It must have been awful for her. Rape must be every girl's worst nightmare. The thought of it is bad enough; I can't imagine what the reality would be like. So, Connie, I know you mean well but I don't think you should make light of it because you can't know how she felt unless you've suffered it yourself, can you?" "Er --" began Connie, and paused. Alarmed, I gripped her by the arm and looked her straight in the eye. "Connie," I asked gravely, "have you been raped?" "I'm not sure," she replied. Fran and I exchanged perplexed looks. "How can you not be sure?" I asked. "It's like this," explained Connie. "Back home in Ghana, I suppose I must have been eighteen, I was at college and to earn some money I worked in the evenings at this lawyer's office. Gus, his name was. Big bloke, about forty. I knew he liked me but he never tried anything until one day, we were working very late and everyone else had gone and he called me to his private office. As soon as I went in he grabbed my arm and twisted it right up behind my back and pulled me against him and kissed me full on the lips. I struggled but he was much too strong and he had my arm twisted so far I thought he was going to break it. Then he leant right over on me to force me down on the desk, still holding my arm twisted under me. With his weight on me I couldn't move and then with his other hand he reached down and unzipped his trousers." Fran held her hand to her mouth. "Oh, Connie, how awful!" "Go on, Connie," I said. "He was such a big powerful guy I knew I couldn't escape and my arm was hurting so much and I knew I was going to get it whether I wanted it or not, so I thought maybe he wouldn't be so rough if I played along. So I reached up with my free hand and patted and stroked his face. He sort of smiled and released my arm a bit, but he still held me down. I didn't resist when he reached up under my skirt and pulled my knickers down and then he clambered up on the desk on top of me, among all his files and papers and this big framed photo of him and his wife and kids. He came down on me and he had me, right there in his office." Fran took Connie's hand and squeezed it. She oozed sisterly sympathy. "That must have been so horrible. Was it -- I mean, was he the -- er, were you still a --?" "A virgin?" Connie seemed taken aback at such a suggestion. "Jeez, Fran, you haven't been listening. I told you I was eighteen, didn't I?" "Eighteen?" echoed Fran. "But I was twenty when I first let a boy --" "Twenty?" interrupted Connie incredulously. "*Twenty*?" She shook her head in astonishment. "Fran, Fran," she said, "I've really got to like you over these last few weeks but sometimes I think you're --" she paused and waved a hand vaguely at the stars above us, "from out there somewhere. Why, by the time I was twenty I must've ..." I called the meeting to order. This was fascinating stuff, to be taken up at some later date no doubt, but we were getting sidetracked. "Connie," I reminded her, "you were telling us about this lawyer." "Oh, yeah. Well, like I say, he had me on the desk but Fran's wrong, it wasn't horrible at all. I thought it would be wham-bam and all over in a moment but once he realised I wasn't going to scream or fight or try to get away he took it quite slow, almost tender, like he was expecting a response from me. 'Not a chance,' I wanted to tell him, but for once I had the sense to keep my mouth shut so he carried on, taking his time, shifting angle slightly to see how it felt. Then, I just couldn't help myself -- I heard myself moan and felt my insides go tense and I thought, 'Holy shit, this guy knows what he's doing!' and before I knew it I was going for it just like he was and in the end I came like a train. And after that, we used to work late several times a week if you know what I mean, and when my course finished and I stopped working there he gave me a bonus of two weeks' wages." "The pig!" said Fran indignantly. "I hope you threw it in his face." Connie seemed unable to respond to this directly. Instead she turned to me for clarification. "James, Fran is kidding, isn't she? Sometimes I can't tell with these brainy types." "I think you'll find," I said, "that she's dead serious." "In that case," said Connie, pointing skyward once more, "she's definitely from Planet Zog. Anyway, what I'd like to know, and I've wondered about this a few times over the years, is when Gus had me that first time, was it rape? Legally, I mean." I pondered her question. It raised nice issues about the exact nature of consent and what Gus thought was going on at the time. I was about to suggest that she should have asked him when she had the chance -- he was a lawyer after all -- when Fran cut in. She was clearly poised in some awkward halfway house between appalled and amused. "Constance Amoah," she scolded, "that's the most disgraceful story I've ever heard! How could you go with him after he'd forced himself on you like that? How could you take money from him? Have you no morals at all?" Connie matter-of-factly answered these questions in the order put: "He was a good fuck. I was skint. I guess not." From the back of Fran's throat there emerged an outraged Scotch noise that defies transliteration. Sensing the reproof, Connie refined her position. "Well, okay," she conceded. "Maybe I have got some morals. I don't steal things and I wouldn't kill anybody. But I don't see what morals have got to do with fucking." "And what do you think," demanded Fran, "the world would be like if we all lived by your rules?" Connie thought about it for a second. "Well," she shrugged, "everybody'd get laid a lot more, I guess." "That would never do, would it?" I said, taking her arm and drawing her close to me. I had fully recovered from my exertions by now, and all this talk about sex had my cock swelling nicely. I was hungry for the both of them, right there on George's lawn, Connie first and then Fran. With Connie I had to hold something back, but I really let Fran have it. I had not thought about it before, but whenever Fran showed signs of getting on her high moral horse, which in spite of all that had happened she still had a rather endearing tendency to do, I would feel this overwhelming urge to knock her off it by giving her a right royal fucking, which is certainly what she got under the stars that night. I was getting to know her well enough to be able to play with her, bringing her to the edge of orgasm without pushing her over. She had been kissing and cuddling me while I fucked Connie so she was well warmed up and she came as soon as I climbed on top and entered her, but when I had worked her up almost to another climax I slowed the rhythm and thrust less deeply and she teetered on the brink, exquisitely poised. Her breath was coming in tiny irregular pants as she gasped out, "J-J-James, p-please, I I...". Still toying with her, I speeded up ever so slightly so as to bring her tantalisingly to the very edge, but then, even as she gulped in lungfuls of air for the explosion she thought must come, I slowed things all the way down so that I was simply sliding gently in and out of her. Her breath was coming in slow deep draughts now and she could speak once more. She was smiling but tears were running down her face. "James, you're so cruel. You're such a horrible cruel man." She raised her fists and playfully drummed me on the chest, then put her arms around my head and kissed me passionately. Unbidden by my conscious mind my thrusting began to accelerate. I suddenly became aware that Connie was watching us excitedly, her face close to ours. "Attagirl, Fran," she whispered. "Great move. You've got him going now." Thus encouraged, Fran kissed me even deeper than before and it was only with superhuman willpower that I managed to assert control and slow my movements right down again. "That's it, James," hissed Connie. "Don't let this red-headed harpy hustle you. Show her who's boss." Fran gave a suppressed snigger at these interruptions, but held the kiss. My cock was desperate to pound away and as I struggled to restrain it I was beginning to feel the same exquisite agony of suspense I had inflicted on her. She knew it, too; maintaining the suction of the kiss and exploring ever farther with her tongue, through her nose she drew in deep lungfuls of air that forced her diaphragm down so as to press her lower body further onto my cock. She breathed out as far as she could; then in again, even deeper, setting up her own slow rhythm in competition with mine. She knew that she was winning the struggle, that little by little I was losing the control I had somehow managed to assert. (All the time Connie was gleefully egging us on, whispering advice and encouragement first to one and then the other. "Thanks for your help," I told her sarcastically later. "Yes," agreed Fran; "whose side were you on, anyway?" "No one's side," said Connie indifferently. "I just like to see a good even fight.") And suddenly all restraint gave way and I was bucking frenziedly up and down as I drilled my cock as far into Fran as I could only to withdraw it almost totally and ram it in again. For as long as she could she held my head so she could maintain the kiss but then she had to release me so she could gulp in air through her mouth as my pounding became even faster. An enormous smile of ecstasy alloyed with triumph spread across her face, then she shook violently and as huge wads of spunk flooded into her she climaxed with a massive cathartic cry that must have been audible well beyond the confines of George's grounds. Afterwards the three of us lay on our backs side by side, staring up at the stars. The girls' silence had nothing to do with post-coital trance; Fran and Connie had had so much of me by now that it affected them for only a few minutes, if at all, so they could have spoken if they wanted. But no one did. Long minutes passed, marked only by the sound of our breathing and barely audible night noises. As I gazed into the night sky an awareness swept over me of the unimaginable vastness of space and I seemed no longer to be lying on my back in a Surrey garden but to be travelling through the infinite void, lost among the stars, overwhelmed by the sense of my own tininess and insignificance. And there was a kind of raptness about Fran's breathing that told me her state of mind was similar: that she too was in some far place, deep in awe and wonder. I was suddenly overwhelmed by a profound feeling that in some mysterious way she and I were together, not in the way that partners in a mere sexual union are together but in a sense that was purer and far more complete, as if we were exploring some transcendent realm and were poised on the brink of finding some more perfect state of oneness. "God, I love to fuck!" announced Connie suddenly, for the second time that evening blasting a fragile moment to smithereens and bringing Fran and me back to earth with the rudest of bumps. We were still laughing when somewhere far off a clock struck twelve. "Happy birthday, darling," said Fran. I was fifty.
Title: HotLanta Ch. 04 Tags: thug, black, gay, homothug *The hum of the machines wasn't what Martice wanted to hear right now but it was a sign that he was getting something done around here. He had walked into the Print & Document Service Department of Max Office Superstore to find mounds of work waiting for him, you'd think by now he was use to it, but like all the other things you'd think he would be use to by now he wasn't. Six months ago he had meet the guy he was sure was the one, while it was a rocky start in the end or at least up till now things where still good. Yea Dre still had his bad habits, but Martice know he was faithful even with all the flirting...* **Chapter 04: Tryst** "PDS phone call line 1" Kristi's voice said over the headset. Martice walked away from the Xerox machine and sat at the desk top publishing. He was counting the minutes until it was time to leave for the day, but they just weren't passing fast enough. "PDS Martice how I can help you?" the blur of statement and question caused the caller to let out a slight laugh. "Yo Tice, its Toni." "What's up Toni, I need some work done?" Martice asked. Toni owned a small but hoppin Hip Hop club where in the ATL, he also worked with a lot of small music acts getting their sound together, in a lot of ways he was a young Puffy, and Martice did all his design work. From flyers to even CD covers, Toni came to Martice for all the design work for anything he did. Dre had attempted to convince Martice to stop working for the company making them fifty plus dollars an hour and to start working for himself, hell at half that he would more then double his bring home, but it was something about the nine to five that he needed. Dre was use to being his own boss; it was just where he came from. Martice had never had the safety of money to fall back on so working for someone else just seem to make sense. "Yea I just need to make sure you where going to be there before I stopped in I need some Hot ass work done." Toni said with that little hint of something. Martice wasn't every sure how to take Toni, he seemed to always have a undertone in everything he said but he never made it clear, which meant he might be on the DL, but Martice wasn't going to push the matter. He was happy with his boy Dre, and while the idea of fuckin this thug out promoter type was the kinda thing Dre would approve of, Martice settle with the idea of just leaving that alone. "Well stop in and I will make sure that I hook that up for you kat." Martice replied smiling to himself. It had been month since they had started living together, and here he was what the idea of a tryst on his mind. As he hung up the phone he just shook his head. "I always said that I was gonna make it now it's plain for everyone to see but this game I'm in don't take no prisoners just casualties I know that everything is gonna change even the friends I knew before may go but this dream is the life I've been searching for started believing that I was the greatest my life was never gonna be the same 'cos with the money came a different status that's when things changed now I'm too concerned with all the things I own blinded by all the pretty girls I see I'm beginning to loose my integrity" \-Craig Davis "Rise & Fall" As Dre sat reviewing the numbers for the downtown store he understood more and more why he was interviewing people for its new manager. He also could not help but see that he needed to get someone in there right away. That was where it had all started, the first Dre's House and now out of the eight locations it was having the hardest time. Dre made a hell of a living as the owner of Hotlanta's hottest urban clothing stores. He mind wondered as Craig Davis played in the background \*knock\* "Dre!" Her voice disrupting the peace as her five foot five body simply walked into the office not waiting for an answer. "We need to talk about that girl you got down here with me." He smiled as she sat down across from him. Akua was a women after Dre's heart she was straight up and honest. With her loosely warn neck tie she had a style which no one could miss, which was half the reason he hired her. "What's wrong?" He asked half kidding and joking knowing he was about to be told a story about what dumb thing the new girl had done. "She just dumb, she doesn't listen and she got issues with her man that I am sick of hearing about." She paused as Dre laughed "Speaking of men how is your boy?" And as he allowed his eyes to fell back on hers he could see the real reason for her mid day visit. "My boy is fine and at work busting his ass to cover school." His tone was low. "He makes me a proud papa." He said as she stood. "Good Remember that as the next hot ass walks in here." She said as she started out the door. "You three o'clock is here." She said opening the door. As Rasheed Harris walked into Dre was shocked. The resume he read had lead him to think this guy was going to be a boring book worm, but before him stood a Red Bone god. The hazel glow of his eyes gave away his mixed racial history, even in a shirt and tie his "thug" charm was easy to see, and he was the kind of kat who was DL enough that the girls still chased but the boys could see the truth Dre could smell it in the air. As the door closed and he sat Dre simply looked across the table at him every now and again glancing down to the resume he recalled his name, Rasheed yea this was going to be the best interview he had ever had. "So why don't we skip to the part where I fuck you over my desk." Dre said walking towards him, around the desk. The look on Rasheed's face was shock at least at first. As he raised his hand to his mouth his elbow resting his knee he couldn't believe he had been clocked. Dre reached down and touching the pink lips of Rasheeds mouth with his finger, Rasheed took it in slowly letting it slip past the outside rim and into his warm mouth. Rasheed tongue lightly flicked across Dres finger causing his shaft to slowly become hard. As he watched Rasheed closed his eye a smile creped across his face. As his latest moment of weakness rolled his tongue all over the finger now slowly working its way in and out of the warm wet mouth that soon enough other things would work their way in and out of that mouth, Dre's other hand undid his belt allowing the black jean shorts to fall to the ground. Never removing the finger from Ra' mouth Dre used his other hand to slowly stroked Rasheeds face until it found its way to the back of his head. Rahseed never opened his eyes as he slowly lower the gray boxer briefs which fit perfectly around Dre's cut ass. Never allowing cold air to hit Dres manhood Rasheed took it into his mouth as the finger slipped free allowing both of Dres hands to slip free to the sides of Ra's head. Dre began to grind his hips in and out every so often, the wet sound of his manhood being serviced driving his wild, feeling his bush touched by Rasheeds lips, he looked only to the ceiling. This wasn't about like or love like with his boy, this was about his own primal need to have anyone he wanted when he wanted. As he felt the lips of a person he had only known for moments was doing everything in his power to please him, no this wasn't about like or love this was pure and simple a power trip his power over others and as his with a single trust he put all of himself into Rasheed his seed exploded into his mouth filling it. Without question Rasheed simply allowed it to flow down his passage into him. "Your hired." As Martice sat across from Toni working on the design for the latest special at Club 24/7 he couldn't help but laugh to himself, TRADE Thursdays, which according to Toni meet trade numbers, but in the circles Martice traveled in the word had so many more meanings. "So you should stop by and check it out." Toni said leaning back in the chair with a slight sigh. He always seemed so busy it seemed but he also always seems to hang out here to oversee all his design work. As he leaned back and slide his hand across his small part of his "happy trail" showing after he raised his arm Martice couldn't help but notice, these where the little thing that always made him question. Like the time he was here with another kat talking about how he gets head from all kinds of bitches since he opened the club and all, and some of the messages he gets left, to them it was all a joke, but to Martice is caused his mind to wonder into places it should, but in the end he reminded himself that he had the man he wanted, and that was enough for him. Toni however just smiled to himself as if he had seen Martice looking and wanting. As he laughed Martice smiled too, maybe this kat just got off on being wanted. "Maybe I will do that." Martice replied as he turned his chair to go to the Printer and get the flyer. As he bent over to pick it up he noticed that Toni was checking him out, for just a moment Martice felt like his boy, here in this moment he was the object someone was lusting after, damn it felt good. As he sat back down he handed the fly to Toni who had just stopped licking his lips. "So what do you think?" "I like what I see," he said looking back to him "everything I see playboy." Toni said leaning back. "Really?" Martice asked with a cocky smile on his face. He glanced towards the door see where the others where, and with none of them in sight he suddenly changes the dynamic of this moment. "So what are you trying to get into T?" "You," He began leaning in with a smile "if you let me playboy." [PreachTree Plaza Hotel] As the bell hop exited the room the figure within it simply stood looking out of the window. At 6'3 his thin lean build was so graceful and smooth as it moved anyone who saw him could see he was a dancer. Ja'don stood looking out over Atlanta, from this hotel room he remembered how he once loved this city, and he couldn't forget how much he loved him. They had such history, such passion; after all it was in this room that their first time together happened. As the cool air washed over him he remembered; Andres touch was soft and caring as he rubbed my shoulders. The lotion was cold causing me to jump softly and his reaction was perfect. Feeling my reaction he softly blew on my neck and then began to kiss softly down toward the center of my back. His hands reached around finishing undoing my shirt. It had taken me hours to pick it out and now it fell to the floor. I had hoped this would be the last date we would go on before taking this step, before making love. I mean we had been dating for two months now which is gay time meant two years and only tonight had he finally gotten the hint that I wanted to go farther, or if he had gotten it before he had ignored it. The knock at the door woke him from his dream. "Come in." he said. As the door opened Errol was so happy to see his baby brother, he paused a smile forming as he looked at him. Ja'don had allowed his hair to grow out and the curls where such a change for the kid who hated his hair growing up. The urban look was even funnier. "So did your manager pick this out?" Errol ask as he stood back looking. Ja'don laughed as he flicked his brother's dreads. Errol was his big brother and he know him better then anyone, and he knows this was all an image. "No my stylist." He laughed "Besides the boys love it when I walk trough the court yard, still a head turner." He went on as they sat on the couch. "So how is my favorite brother?" "Your only brother, nigga." Errol replied slipping out of the leather jacket. "I am good, my place is good, life is.." he pauses looking into the eyes of his brother. "good." He says softly. "Ja'don please tell me you aren't here because of him!" his expression said it all. Errol know when he got the call, "Fuck Ja'don." Errol said standing up. "You back because of him." "E calm down, look I am here because my family is here, Dre isn't apart of that anymore I am done." "Ja'don he is happy at last he is with someone who finally seems to be enough, don't go fuckin with his head now, let it go little brother, let what every you have told yourself you could have with Andre go, if you really love him you will." Errol stood looking down at his brother. "Give me a few E, I need some alone time." Ja'don said, his tone some what defeated. Errol just picked up his cot and walked out the door. Ja'don was telling the truth he missed his family, but as he remembered that night three years ago; As Dre kisses began to cause me to get more and more excited each one causing my penis to become more and more erect. As we stood kissing deeply our hand rushing all over the other bodies exploring each other for the first time. I mean before now I had rushed to this point with one guy or another but this one had be taken everything so slowly that even in the short time we had known each other I know it was love. As he kissed down my chest, he began slowly licking each of my nipples then slightly biting them. Ecstasy rushed trough my spine so I arched forward and he just smiled. Slowly he began to take me into his mouth his tongue flickering over my cock's head. Soon I couldn't help but grasp his head and begin to arch my body back and forth each stroke going deeper and deeper into his mouth. Soon Dre forced my body against the wall and took me as deep into his mouth as he could swallow causing the rear of his mouth to constrict around my rock hard unit and next thing I know I explode in his mouth. I almost didn't notice as my lovers' finger creeps past the soft rosy bud of my ass because I looked down as my lover swallowed. Someone had once told me the difference between like and love was spit and swallow. The pleasure, both mental and physical was too much as I released a moan signaling pure pleasure into the soft air of the night, but Dre didn't accept this as enough as a second finger found its way inside of me and my moans becoming loader and more passionate, I had never made sounds like this before. Then he turned me around, pleasure and even the word ecstasy couldn't explain how I felt as my lovers tongue entered my hole and sent pulses of pleasure trough my body like shockwaves. As I felt the body of my lover beginning to rise until we where body-to-body, aware of every inch of the other we slowly kiss our way to the bed, my lover sitting then lifting me into the air onto him. As I lowered myself, taking Andre's iron rod into me, I push him down and began to ride him steady. He put his hands on my hips and I began to roll my hips taking all of his cock and balls deep inside. Leaning forward I kisses him passionately, biting his lip until he was overcome with passion rolling me over and began to drive himself deeper and deeper inside of me like an animal. My head was hanging from the bed as Dre wraps his hands around my hips gripping and pushing harder and faster. Each trust while solid yet loving and the pulses of energy shared between the two of us where explosive. As he begins to moan and I was lost in perfection, I was lost in our love. He explodes within me, after what seem to have been hours. Ja'don sat looking at the bed and all he could do was remember. Dre walked into the loft dropping his bag just in the door. "Martice!" he called out but the hollow sound of their home said he was all alone. He glanced over to the phone and noticed the message light. "Yo Dre, I am going to meet with a design customer, I will be home late, love." Dre raised an eyebrow, that wasn't the normal for Martice, but whatever, after the day he had he wasn't going to fight it. He laughed to himself, Well the interview had gone well at least and what Martice didn't know would keep their happy home happy. He paused before dropping down onto the couch, man if you had told him he would be off the market a year ago he would have laughed, he was after all the guy everyone watched in the club and now it had been months since he had gone out. \*ring\* He turned looking to the phone, it had to be Martice saying he was on his way home, it was nearly ten. "Hello." "Hello Pa." the voice melted Dre, for a moment he was in a different place, he was in a world that was shattered years ago in a single moment in a single night... Dre was dripping wet as he walked trough the hallway. He know he should at least attempt to not leave foot prints across the hard wood floors of the loft, but he liked the feel of air against his skin, plus it made him just a little hard. As he rounded the corner into the room there laid Ja'don, seeming to be asleep. Dre had finished his shower even after Ja'don had attempted to interrupt it with a blowjob, which he had left unfinished. Dre normally would have been all about it but they had been fighting all day and he need a little time before making up. Ja'don wanted to leave to chase his dream and Dre wanted to keep things just like they where, but he was past it, they would make up now and talk more in the morning. As he slowly sat on the end of the bed he watched as Ja'don rolled fully onto his stomach, yea he was sure he was sleep now. Dre leaned over him kissing down his back until he reached the crake of his ass. Extending his tongue he licked down the crack until he reached the tightness of his "inner flower," Ja'don began to stir with a slight moan released from his lips. Dre simply gripped Ja'don's hips and began to flick his tongue back and forth across the outer petals of the flower. Ja'don began to try to pull away as he awoke but with each attempt to pull away Dre would trust his tongue deeper into Ja'don's flower seeking the sweat nectar. Ja'don began to moan loader and loader. Dre loved the sound Ja'don made when he was inside of him like this. Sex with Ja'don was different then when he was with the tricks he picked up. Ja'don was his lover and he wanted to please him. As Ja'don rolled onto his back and Dre began to just play with his dick, licking and flicking his tongue at it as he sucked just below the sack, Ja'don gripped the back of Dre's head as he locked his legs behind his head. Ja'don was into it as Dre lifted slightly and began to suck on him as if he was a hungry animal. Gnawing and sucking he causes Ja'don to experience pleasure better then he has before. Reaching around he takes Ja'don into his mouth, Ja'don moans louder. In and out of Dre's mouth, his dick slides as his eyes roll into the back of his head. Dre loved to hear the sounds Ja'don made as he pleased him time after time. Each time trying to forget how he had wronged him last. As he placed Ja'don back on the bed he reached for the rubbers, which lay on the dresser. Ja'don's feet still on his shoulders Dre slowly entered Ja'don while holding his wrist, Ja'don was totally submissive at this point as Dre began to go in and out slow at first but his speed picking up. His trust became more and more aggressive as Ja'don moaned loader and loader. Andre just keep grinding himself deeper and deeper into Ja'don. Dre seemed loss in his own world as his lover stopped to make sounds he could under stand and began to just moan from the joy. Letting Ja'don's legs fall to his hips before they locked behind him again he pulled Ja'don up and began to bounce him up and down. Ja'don himself began to grind with his lover until he felt an explosion in his groin. Dre simply turned and sat back on the bed and leaned back. Ja'don was lost in the heat of passion as he began to roll him back taking his man's iron balls deep inside him and still trying to get more. As he bounced up and down rolling his hips round and round Dre gripped the bed and began to moan. Ja'don was shocked when Dre gripped him rolled so he was on the bed and began to fuck him. This wasn't love anymore--this was just raw sex. As Dre drove his manhood deeper and deeper in to Ja'don; Ja'don could only dig his nails into Dre's back, with each trust a pulse of pleasure rushed trough his body until one final trust and Dre held himself there and Ja'don released sounds from his mouth that could only be called primal.. "Dre?" the voice said snapping him back. "It me papi, it's Ja'don, I am home." Ja'don said. Errol had been right he had come back for Dre. Errol had said Dre was happy and now he would test that. Now he would see for himself just how happy Dre was. "I need to see you." [Outside of Club 24/7] Martice sat in his car he could hear the music from here. Go home, his mind told him, but there was something that was calling to him in there, which he was right but it was someone other then his boyfriend. As he got out closing the door he couldn't help but be swept away with it all, while he would never cheat on Dre he liked the idea that he was the focus for once rather then his boyfriend. He was after all a dime as far as masculine guys went. Walking into the door after handing the Doorman the VIP card Toni had given him he remember all the things he had given up when he and Dre moved in together. As he closed his eyes allowing the sent and the sounds of trap music filled the room, slowly he began to move towards the dance floor with a little bit of a thug bounce in his step. Just as he hit the floor he felt the eyes of the room turn to him and it didn't take him long to see that he had been right, the room was full of trade, and they where watching him. As his body became lost in the music of T.I. he forgot all about Toni. At least until the voice disrupted him "What's up playboy?" Martice turned to find Toni standing there his shirt off and a drink in his hand. "Try this." He said handing it to Martice. Martice know that Toni know he wasn't old enough for this, but he wasn't going to wait the few months left to take advantage of this moment. "Thank You." Martice said taking the drink and sipping it. Man it was strong, but smooth. "What is that?" "Doesn't have a name yet I had the bartender make it for you." Toni said stepping closer, clearly into Martice's space. As the sent of his Kenneth Cole hit Martice he like it, hell he like most thing about this guy and that as he finished the drink was going to be the problem. As they danced and Martice drank things just got hotter. With a kiss here and there all playful and before long Martice was loss in a spell. He wasn't like it had been with Dre, there wasn't the game, Toni wasn't trying to be hard or anything, he was just going with the flow. Martices head was spinning and before long he was in a different place, dancing with Toni and another cat he never even remembered coming up. A kiss here and there one with Toni one with the new cat, something didn't feel right but it wasn't the lust in the air. The second guy who had to be about 6'2" and 210lbs, he had long dreads and was wearing blue jean shorts and a wife beater, as his large arms simply turned Martice, he glanced at the brand on his arm, Omega Psi Phi a Q Dog, Toni leaned in behind him. "Don't worry cat he is my frat brother." Toni said as Martice still loss felt his hand slip into his pants; he began to stroke him lightly as the second one kissed him. Martice was physically in heaven but his mind was else where, so else where that as they walked towards to VIP room he was just along for the ride. As the door closed Martice sat on the couch kissing Toni much like he kissed Dre, but Toni wasn't returning those kisses. His hand where sliding off Matrices pants as he lifted him so that he was straddling him, Martice felt Toni 10 inch hard dick as he sat on it and began to kiss him more and more passionately. They where alone in the room outside of the other guy who soon made clear he was joining them as Martice's head was turned away from Toni's kiss and a 11inch thick black shaft was forced into his mouth. As he began to suck it didn't seem to be enough for the guy, who with his hand on the back of Martices head forced himself deeper and deeper. Wendell got off on this, here he was forcing his young cat to suck his manhood, yea Toni was right this would be hot as hell. As he forced it deeper and deeper he was shocked as this cat took more and more suck and slurping away the sound of wet dick being serviced was all he could hear. He looked down at his boy who was lubing his dick up right now and in a sec this Kat was going to "spoil" this kat as they had come to call it, one hole plugged with Wendell's 11 inch shaft and the other Toni's 10 inch thick dick pounding away until the both busted nuts, dicking this kat hard as hell and raw as fuck which in the end was what these fag ass nigga got off on, thug lovin the way thugs did it. As Toni lifted Martice lowering him onto his 10 inch thick dick, yea this was what he had wanted from the first moment he has seen this kat. Martice seem to flinch as if hurting from Toni's entry, but Toni didn't care quickly sliding his manhood balls deep into this kid and still pulling him down as if to get even deeper, then slowing lifting him slightly and beginning to fuck upward into his guts. This was how he liked to lay pipe in a nigga, ruff and hard bustin bitch ass niggas guts. Meanwhile Wendell just keeps fucking his mouth the sound for slurping and sucking missed with a the new moan of pain or pleasure. Toni was shocked at how good this kats ass was, tight enough to make it worth having to lift him and just begin to fuck the dog shit out of him, he began to just gun his ass as he heard the base line of LL's "Rub My Back" start in the main room. Damn this was hot as he watched this kid just suck his boy's dick somewhat clueless to what was really going on, this was what they did, they found kats and twisted their heads till they would do whatever regardless. As Wendell normally pulled out signaling he was about to nut but not this time Wendell moaned as he unloaded load after load into Martices mouth choking him forcing him to swallow most of it then covering his face with the last of his hot milky seed. As Wendell walked away Toni just lifted Martice up and rolled him so he was laying on the couch still putting all his meat up in this fagots back. "Sippin somethin on the rocks I got a shorty that makes the bed hop I got plans to spoil you even though you sayin stop I'ma drop that phantom on you baby watch Roberto Cavali and the Denali, am I hot? Malibu Beaches and hydrofoil yachts Baddest Mercedes, Lorenzos, and silver fox I keep it flowin see we goin to the top I'ma get you everything, give a damn how much you tell me stop You want it hotter then we take it 'cross seas Party jumpin is bumpin, tokin somethin in Belize .. I know you want it sucka free Know you wantin to shine, even though you fightin me .. Take it easy player Talkin greasy player, know you can feel me player Uhh.. you put it down tight Yeah you not havin what you want don't even sound right" LL Cool J –Rub My Back Toni began to drive himself deeper and deeper into Martice, who could only put up so much of a fight and that seem to just turn him on more and more as he listened to the slapping of his nuts against this kats ass over and over again. Toni got off on the power of forcing kats to do what he wanted. Wendell just got off on dogging them and stealing their cash. So Toni shoved his dick deeper and deeper into this kid it got better and better, they had done this so much it seem to get easier and easier, a hunt here and there and these niggas where flocking to them, after a few special drinks to make sure they where in the right mind set, they could do with them as they pleased, and then the next day all they remember was how they had gotten fucked harder then they had ever been fucked. As he keep driving himself deeper and deeper he lost himself in the moment and became a monster and Martice tried to push him off and he just keep going, giving him what he know he wanted. It was so tight and rough the kid was loving it and as Wendell picked up his wallet T just keep going as the sound coming out of Martice seem to drive him crazy. Pocketing the twenties from his wallet Wendell looked trough a few more pics stopping on the one he know. As he looked over watching his boy trying to kill this kid he looked back to the picture, maybe they where family, he smiled to himself as he walked over leaning over to Toni and whispered to him. "That all you got this kat ain't even feeling you." And with that Toni seem to become something even worse then before. He just keep forcing himself all the way into Martice until he exploded sending his seed up into Martice. After pulling out he stood up, still dripping cum as he walked to his head and slide his dick right into Martices mouth. "Clean my shit off kat." He said with force as he leaned over putting it all the way into Martices mouth. [PreachTree Plaza Hotel] Dre sat just looking at Ja'don. How could this be, how could he be back here after so much had happen. On his way in Errol has tried to stop him but he had so many questions, and now even after hours of talking he didn't understand still how Ja'don had just left him that morning. Andre had been sleep and when he woke up Ja'don was gone, he had walked out on him leaving all his stuff to follow a dream. A dream that meant hiding who he was from the world. Ja'don was a gifted rapper, he had flow that people couldn't begin to understand, but there was no way he was going to build a career if kats know he was taking it up the ass every night from his boy, so he choose his career over Andre, and that had shattered Dre's world. After that he had never believed in love, well at least not till recently and even then only slightly. As Dre glanced over at the window and began to see the first rays of the sun he could only put his head in his hands. "Dre I said I love you." Ja'don said again. "Doesn't that mean anything to you." \*ring\* Dre pulled out his cell the number wasn't one he know but he was sure it was Martice, how was he going to explain all this, "Yea baby I spent the night with my ex but nothing happened, I am sorry I didn't come home." he said to himself. "Hello." The voice wasn't Martices and as she introduced herself he was confused, and then with one line everything changes. "We have Martice Walker here and he listed you as his next of kin, we need you to come to Grady Medical you brother has been badly hurt." Dre's eyes filled with fear, what was going on, here he was with Ja'don saying he loved him and Martice was laying in a hospital hurt. *To be continued...*
Title: Dancin' with Myself by Akihana Tags: Ferret, First Time, No-Yiff, Plot Development, Wolf After that, I don't think his mother found out what happened for a good half-hour. He looked at me with the most... pained looked in his eyes. He questioned, "What?" to the insensitive beast in the doorway as he dropped the phone. I don't think either he or the pizza girl knew how to respond to the simple question... At least... *I* didn't. The girl didn't know what was going on at all, actually. Funny... The phone rang a few times, but nobody paid any attention. The cougar stayed for a little bit, but he left after I had retrieved some information from him and assured him that I would take care of things. I tried to act like I knew what I was doing, though I didn't. I wanted to comfort him... I wanted to be there for him... but I felt like there was something keeping me from getting near him. He sat on the couch silently, staring into space. I didn't speak to him. I couldn't. I knew what he was thinking, somehow. I picked up the phone and dialed the last received number, and swallowed dryly when his mother answered. How was I supposed to be frank? Maybe I should have let that cougar stay longer, I thought. No. She couldn't hear something like that from a stranger. I tell myself that, anyway. I try to tell myself it was easier hearing it from me. Was it, though? Ah... I write as though he's already dead. The cougar did say it looked bad, but he could still be okay! I try to believe that, at least. I guess I just write how I feel. An artist should not let his emotions get in the way of his work, right? I will have to work on that... Hah! I'm not an artist. I'm just overemotional. Maybe that's what it takes to be an artist, though. I certainly can't be a writer with broken sentences like this. I'll take back up an instrument... maybe paint a little more. Writing does help me get this off my chest. I can even write my most private feelings here... It's great. The best part, of course, is that nobody would be able to tell it was my writing from reading it. A person's writing really is a better window into their soul than their actions... I know. I'm just rambling. Is that what I'm supposed to do? He hasn't spoken to me since. To be fair, I haven't seen him enough to give him a chance, but when we do pass, he doesn't speak to me. I know what he's thinking. I think I do. It's arrogant to assume I know another's thoughts, but I know what I'd think in his position. I hate me. I mean... I would hate me. I certainly don't hate me, right? After I called his mother, I sat next to him on the couch. I didn't touch himâ€"I couldn't. I tried to tell him that his mother would be in town in around an hour and that we should go to the hospital, but I couldn't. I just sat there, dumbfounded. I was useless. I did eventually get him into my car, wordlessly, and drive to the hospital. His mother was at the reception desk when we walked in, and she threw herself on him. His little brother looked at me with a mix of confusion and depression. His eyes were redâ€"he had been crying. I noticed, then, that Alex hadn't cried. He had just sat in disbelief. His mother was crying, too. My eyes had even been wet when I heard...more out of sympathy than grief, maybe. Why...? Maybe I knew why. I didn't want to say it. I don't, still. I stayed for a little bit, listening to his mother's sobs. Nobody spoke. We sat in the waiting room until a nurse came to escort them to his father's room. I was allowed to go, but I didn't follow. Nobody looked back to see that I was following or really cared, I think. I let them turn a corner, then returned to my car and went home. There was no sign of Mom when I went in, so I retreated to my room for sleep. I didn't. I lay there for what seemed like hours, sleeplessly, before getting up and wandering around. I was quiet enough that I wouldn't wake my mother (she'd only worry), but I sighed almost continuously. I paced, I grabbed a drink from the fridge, and I sat on the couch. I had to think of something to get my mind off of this! I saw, then, my planner lying on the table in front of me. I filled it out once in a great while when a project was due more than a week down the line and I figured I would forget. I flipped it open to the date and looked ahead. Nothing for a few weeks, but there was a creative writing paper due just over a month from now. I could start on that, I thought to myself. I picked up a pen from the table's drawer and fetched a piece of paper from the nearby printer. I set to work. I wrote several pages before my wrist began cramping, and I then wrote several more. I gave up a little later and set off to my room. I suddenly realized just how tired I was. As I was falling to my bed, my eye caught a tattered blue book on my bookshelf, and I willed myself to investigate. I had noticed the book before, surely, but something about it caught my attention more vigorously this time. It was a simple blue journal I began writing in around the eighth grade. It was a shambles due to spending the year in my bag, I suppose. I flipped through a couple of pages to find that... that was all there was! A couple of pages of writing followed by so many pages of blank space. I suddenly felt... As if I needed to write again. --- My sleep schedule is fixed, I think. Resumed its natural course! I think it's made me a more upbeat person- ha ha! Exciting! Very much so! Unfortunately, school has resumed its natural course as well. I'm doing well enough in every subject. On track to take advanced placement tests for college. Certainly exciting, yes yes yes! Everything's just puddles of joy right now (isn't it always?)! I have writing to do (other than in this!), so I'd better be jetting right about now. Certainly. Certainly. Writing to do. I wonder what I SHOULD be writing about for that creative writing assignment? I just glanced up at my last entry and thought of it again. I should pick that back up... but no! I have another essay to write right now. Write... right! Right. I'm genius. This essay's in the bag! Yes. I think so. Meanwhile, socially, things are a little less bright. Of course, they're still bright. Sunshiny-bright. Just...less so. It's okay, though. Everything works out in the end. It always does. Right? --- \_The ferret glanced up from the playbook to look at the wolf reciting his line. The wolf's hoary fur glistened like diamonds in the stage lightsâ€"he was sweating fiercely. Nerves, perhaps? The ferret thought that must be it. The wolf had such a beautiful voice... and such charisma! He just didn't have the courage to try out for these plays. The ferret was glad that he did, though. The wolf recited the lines perfectly, with more emotion than half of the real drama aficionados of the school could ever hope to muster. The ferret was certainly glad he came... just not for the situation surrounding it. It must have been out of revenge. The wolf must be here to just make a better show of his anger toward the ferret; that must be it. He would never be here of his own volition. It had been two weeks since the two had spoken to each other. It wasn't for lack of trying on the ferret's part, of course... only for lack of wanting on the part of the other.\_ --- Finally finished this damned essay. Ah, it's already midnight? Gosh, I should stop waiting until the last moment. Oh, what happened to working on it in my LAST entry? I guess I got carried away with other matters. Sleeping, I think. I don't really know what happened. The last few days have been a blur. Still... thank God tomorrow's Friday! He still hasn't spoken to me... He, who, you might ask. You might wonder. Well if you're reading this and you're not me, I haven't done a good job of keeping it secret, have I? I don't care to restate whom I'm talking about. I guess if one were to read back a few pages, one would realize quickly. Maybe I'm just paranoid. Anyway, I know to whom I'm referring. He still hasn't spoken to me, I mentioned. Maybe I'm just paranoid. I wrote that already, didn't I? My handwriting is a little shaky, so I can't really tell. I really need to write on my computer more. Handwritten stuff may be more meaningful, but it certainly takes a toll on my wrist. --- Man, she already graded the essays! Ms. Beagle is incredible. The little old lizard really knows what she's doing. I don't just say that because she gave me an A, of course. She really is a very clever teacher. Lily Beagle... Maybe I should get her to apply for the Teacher of the Year thing. There's a cash bonus there that she certainly deserves. Especially after... I shouldn't write down her personal life here, huh? This is my book. I'd hate her to find out I was saying things that are potentially... libelous. Slanderous? Whatever the term is. I'm not looking it up. Creative writing is due in less than a month now I think. Maybe a little over a month. I'll get back to work on that. In the meantime, there's a play I've auditioned for. Good news: I made it! Bad news: I didn't get the lead. Oh well. It was never my intent to devote my life to the performing arts! Nobody else of note made the play. Nobody I care for, anyway. For some reason, I don't get along with much of the drama department... --- *The ferret recoiled a little as the wolf shot him a look with an intent just short of murderous. In reality, it was more of a neutral look, but the ferret felt the daggers. He was being overemotional... he knew! He didn't know how much longer he could work on this play with the wolf. Being around him but not being able to speak to him... It was murder.* We locked eyes in class today. I expected to feel his hatred for me from across the room... I knew he blamed me. I know. I know he blames me. He must. But... there wasn't any hatred. Just a distant, miserable sort of warmth. It wasn't as warm as it used to be, but it was certainly warm. He didn't smile, though... he never smiles these days. It's only been a couple of weeks since then. Still, a look is progress. I can't bring myself to try to speak to him. How pathetic I must seem! Oh well. I haven't heard ANY news from that family, though. The way he's been moping, I can't assume the best. The way that monstrous cat spoke of the accident, I can't assume the best, either. With that much assuming the worst, I can only...assume...the worst. Right? Maybe I'm wrong. I hope I'm wrong. Not for HIS sake. For **his** sake. I know what I mean. And.. And for my sake, too. --- \_The ferret looked pathetically into the eyes of his dying friend, shivering despite the great heat he felt. "I thought all for the best." He said, holding back sobs but expressing tears. He barely heard the wolf's words as he was lifted pitifully by their friend. He caught the important part. "A plague on both your houses! They have made worms' meat of me!" A plague on my house, thought the ferret. He was never more emotionally involved than at that moment. Both of them were, though for different reasons. The ferret's eyes watered more, involuntarily. He knew the wolf meant it. As the wolf and his companion moved away to allow the canine form to pass away in peace, the ferret commented on all that had happened to himself and to the greater cause. He let his voice resound powerfully his words, "Thy beauty hath made me effeminate!"... but he did not mean Juliet. He only hoped his words were heard.\_ --- I'm getting up the courage to go over there. Yet another week has passed since my last entry. I want to go over there. I don't want to go while he's there. I don't want him to know I've been there. He doesn't need to know that. He'd just hate me more. But I have to know what's happened. I have to know if what's in my mind has happened. I can't help but feel this is my fault... because I know he can't help but feel that. --- \_The ferret gave his bows alongside the rest of the group. The wolf was so close, but so distant. Distant not in a physical sense, of course. Distant in a far worse sense. The ferret gathered his courage. He rushed out into the parking lot after the wolf. He grabbed the canine arm tightly. The wolf pulled away. He looked the ferret over with a look of fear, then cool apathy. "Good performance, eh," He muttered, faking a smile, before walking away and climbing in his car. The ferret did not proceed. The exchange (or really receipt) of words told him all he needed to know.\_ --- I've decided. I'll go to his mom's work tomorrow after school. He won't be there. I can trust her to keep my visit a secret. She'll understand. I hope she will. She probably will. --- I walked into her office mid-afternoon yesterday, Saturday. His mom's office, that is. Down at Key Realty. She smiled and jumped up, greeting me like a mother would her child and embracing me. It was all I could do not to collapse in her arms in sobs... she was being so kind. The older wolf beamed and motioned to the comfortable chair in the corner of the room that she saved for visitors rather than clients and took her place at her desk, shuffling some papers and finally questioning my presence. I want to describe this woman before I go any further. I feel that emotionlessly describing this woman who is and has been so kind to me to be a crime, so I have to be thorough. She is not a faceless character in the story of my life. She is a wolf. I said that already. She has the very sharp, keen face, the beautiful silver fur, and the beautiful tail that she lets hang neatly behind her. That is all that is wolf-like about her. I must say that she blends into human society better than most humans I know! Everything about her betrays her bestial maw. I always see her wearing a suit of some sort, usually red or black and always very flattering to her very feminine form. If not in a suit, she seems to have a soft spot for leather (wink!), I think, because she always wears a leather jacket. It's never a gaudy sort of jacket like some of these biker thug wolves like to wearâ€"on the contrary! It's always very business-like and on top of a white dressy sort of shirt. I've never caught her in a dress, but I've also never gone to church with her. There really is nothing bestial about her. She has a very nicely... developed pair of mammary glands on her chest (in the human sort of form, lucky animal! They're much more attractive than the mammalian traits I see some stuck with...), and even her face is less wolfish than it seems. She has these beautiful, chocolate-colored eyes that radiate warmth and a soothing voice to match. She's someone I could very easily fall in love with. It's no wonder I... well. You know. Wow, I think I doubled the length of this journal with that description... she deserves it, though. She's wonderful. Where was I? I'll read up and find out. Oh right. She asked me why I was there, though she was "very glad to see" me. I opened my mouth to respond, but I let out some kind of incredibly boorish squeak and quickly closed my mouth, my eyes watering slightly. She saw immediately through my trying to stay happy and trotted to her door, closing it. She dragged her chair to me and took my hand, trying to calm me but instead making me sob harder. She was being too nice. She was such a clever wolf. She didn't guess what was wrong. She knew. She asked why I hadn't been at their house recently. She missed seeing me, she said. Were her son and I having a fight? She'd beat him up if he was being stupid. Haven't had time, I said. We aren't fighting, I said. Why, I asked, has he said anything? "No, he hasn't mentioned you at all, actually." She replied, putting a finger to her mouth pensively. That, to me, was worse than fighting, but I didn't say so. I asked how her husband was faring. "Fine," she replied. He was still alive. He was getting better. She said I should go by and visit him. He always talked so highly of me and he'd love to see me. He always talked so highly of me... Why does everything go wrong? I couldn't tell her why I was really down. I just wanted to see how everyone was, and I had accomplished that. I pulled my phone from my jacket and claimed that I had to get home and help mom wrap presents. "Please come visit," the wolf said softly as she led me out of the room, "I'm sure Alex would like it. I don't know what happened between you two, but I'm sure it's nothing that's worth ending a relationship over. You two are so close." I smiled weakly and hugged her, telling her I would be sure to stop by. As I walked out of the building and gathered my coat more closely around me, as I got into my car, and as I drove past the busy wolf's window and gave her a half-hearted wave, one completely inconsequential word danced around my mind. Something she said but probably did not mean in the way that I meant it. An infinitesimal detail. "Relationship." --- \_The ferret would not be deterred. His vigor was renewed. He tried again to talk with the wolf. He tried again and again. He sometimes even got a conversation out of the uninterested boy. It was never an actual conversation, of course. A "how's-the-weather?" and "fair to partly cloudy" sort of conversation, always. But it was progress. The progress did not last long. The ferret gathered his books as the last bell rang on a Friday afternoon. He was relieved that the day was finally over. He took off to the parking lot at a slow gallop, jumping in his car after throwing his bag into the trunk. He had a mission today. He wasn't going to let the wolf avoid the subject any longer. He drove to the wolf's house and waited outside for half an hour before the wolf finally arrived. The wolf looked startled when he got out of his vehicle, but kept his cool, distant look as he approached the ferret. "What are you doing here?" The ferret opened his mouth, but he may as well have stuck a paw in it instead of speaking.\_ --- She was right. Alex's mom, I mean. This WAS nothing worth ending a relationship over. I went over to his house today. He was surprised to see me, but he let me into the house without a word. We just sat in silence for a while. I opened my mouth to speak a few times, but I closed it quickly. It was only weeks and weeks ago that we were in this very room doing this very thing. I couldn't go through that again. "How's Dad?" I ventured. I usually referred to his parents in such a way. His mom found it endearing. I don't think his father ever commented. "Better." He smiled weakly, looking up. It was good to hear his voice. "That's good..." I tried to beam at him, but I think my nerves were showing pretty greatly. "And how are you?" "Just getting what karma brought to me, I guess." He looked down again. I was hoping to get a little farther into the conversation before talking about anything heavy. "Don't say that," I said, and before I knew what I was doing, I was on the couch next to him. "You have done nothing to warrant this, and none of this is your fault." "I knew you'd say that," he said, his voice breaking a bit. He scooted as far away as the couch would allow. "Don't. I've tried telling myself that, too." "It's the truth!" "It's not. This isn't random. You can't believe that." "I can't believe you're doing this to yourself!" "I can't believe I've done it to myself, either." He looked up at me once more. This time, his face wasn't trying to fake a smile. He looked very somber. Very hateful. "I think you should go." "Don't say that," I moved closer. "What happened to your father wasn't anyone's fault but the driver of the other car." "There was no other car." He looked more seriously at me. "His brakes failed. That is not random. It was the same day as..." He looked down and repeated, "I think you should go." --- *The ferret stood in the florist's shop thinking to himself. It was a last-ditch romantic effort, buying flowers, but he was on the end of his rope. Desperate was he as he moved to the counter to ask the advice of the small old hare who owned the place. She recommended roses for matters of love. Very cliché. He liked it. He bought a dozen and a small, ornate glass vase. He smiled brightly as he left the shop. He knew this was his last attempt. He was perfectly happy with that. Why would he care what life he should miss without the one for whom his life was meant?* --- A week later, and he still hasn't shown up to school. Rumor started that he had the flu. I suppose that was better than the truth. We sat there talking for a while after my last entry. We didn't get anywhere. I left after his fifth suggestion. I could see that my being there was only hurting him. He probably hadn't voiced his concerns to anyone. Voicing them to me must have been so difficult. I can't believe I've been feeling sorry for myself all this time. I have to do something for him. I had to. That's why I took my next step: confronting his father. I called his mother at her office to ask which hospital the big bad wolf was in. I went the same day. My stomach was in a knot as I walked down the hallway. I didn't feel any better when I walked into his room. His first words to me were "Nurse, God damn it, there you are. I've been yelling myself hoarse fâ€"oh." His eyes shone with recognition. "It's you." He looked terrible. I felt more than a twinge of sympathy for the wolf. Both of his arms and one of his legs were in casts. He had a bandage over one of his eyes and around his head, and he had a neck brace unflatteringly sitting on his throat. Hadn't it been a few weeks now? Shouldn't he be better? "Brian!" He laughed merrily, coughing a bit, "Good to see you, boy!" He was very happy for someone in his state, I remember thinking. "Should've known that fucking nurse wouldn't be coming in to check on me." I walked in. "Hey, pops," I smiled. "If I knew you were still in this bad of a state, I would've brought flowers or something." I joked, walking further into the room. "Hell, you know I'd just die quicker of those allergies," He chortled. "Gimme a hand here, will ya? The nurse turned off the television a year ago and I need to see the game. It's probably over by now." I felt a sort of light pleasure as I helped the older wolf adjust his bed and fetched the remote for him. He could barely operate it with the state of his arms, so I controlled the television as well. All the while he chatted with me as if I were his own. I don't know why I disliked him so much. Well, I know why. "So why haven't I seen you in a while, Brian?" He smiled toothily, glancing over at me sitting in a chair next to him. He managed to keep one eye on the television at all time. An enviable skill. "Alex's been in here every day. You'd think I'd see you in here with him once or twice. What's the matter, forget about your old man?" I'd never heard him refer to himself as my "old man" before. Maybe the crash had knocked some sense out of him. Maybe he really thought I was his son. Hmm. Nah. "Well," I replied, "We're sort of at odds right now." "What about?" He sounded mildly concerned. "He hasn't mentioned anything to me." "Ah, it's nothing important." I'm a terrible liar, so I tried to be believable with how I elaborated. "And?" "Relationship crap," I started, "He blames himself for some stuff that I'm trying to convince him isn't his fault." "Yeah, well," his dad laughed, "You know how we get when we think with our dicks, eh? Can't think straight." "Yeah, I guess." I smiled. I certainly hoped he wasn't thinking with THAT... if he were, he wouldn't be thinking the way he was. I sniffed the sterile air, rubbing at my nose. "Well, he'll get over it. You're there to help him out, eh?" The wolf chortled, "And after aâ€"GOD DAMNIT!" I jumped up, nearly knocking over the chair I was in. I thought for a brief second that he was going to fly into a bipolar rage and destroy me, but his anger was only directed toward the small television set. I glanced at it, and noticed that the team that the family of wolves often cheered on in football games was behind in points. The announcer was yelling into the microphone obnoxiously, his cheery voice commenting on the team's fumble. I wondered briefly how the announcers could stay so impartial. Must be something to do with the money. "God damn that quarterback can't do anything right. If I had my way..." The wolf went into a speech that I had heard him give many times to his wife and youngest son while I was around. He went on to explain how his choice of quarterback for that team was the right choice, and he noted how if he were coaching it, things would be much different. Why, in his day... --- \_The ferret left the flower shop with a vase full of roses, a card full of love, and a mind full of hope. He entered his small car and started the engine, breathing in the smell of gasoline and old leather before he put the car in drive and took off out of the parking lot. He buckled the vase in to the passenger seat as he waited to pull on the main road. "Be safe," he whispered to it, "You're my trump card." The old hare looked out the window, scratching lazily at her ear as she watched the ferret drive away. Her daughter approached unnoticed, coming with a freshly-cut batch of lavender from the garden. The smell caught the attention of the elder, who turned and smiled as the younger took a bit and hung it to dry, setting the rest on the counter haphazardly.\_ "Mama, who was that?" The young hare questioned while working. "Just a young boy facing his first real rejection, I think, dear." The old hare frowned, taking a bit of the lavender to tie and hang. "I hope I'm wrong, though. He seemed like a nice boy." "Me too, mama," the littler hare smiled naively. As she spoke, the head of one of the lavender blossoms fell to the desk from its hanging spot. The door to the small shop opened very suddenly, creating a draft that knocked the small blossom to the ground. The hares looked up, startled at the number of customers in the usually-empty shop, and the younger stepped on the unnoticed lavender flower while inquiring, "How can we help you?" "Yellow roses. A dozen, please. In a nice vase." The young hare smiled and nodded to the gray customer, turning quickly away to the greenhouse to fulfill his request. The elder looked at the new customer up and down, and after a moment, she spoke shortly: "I think red would more suit your wants." --- I apologize to myself and this journal for cutting off my last entry. Dinner time comes around more and more quickly these days. Maybe writing just takes up so much time that I don't notice. Oh well. There isn't much more to tell about my visit to the old wolf. We sat, watching sports and talking idly, until the nurse finally arrived with a meal and a message. After being berated for her absence by the wolf, she made a fair excuse for her absence and said, "Your son called to tell you he'll be here within the hour. He's bringing the magazine you wanted, he said." "Great!" shouted the old wolf. I gulped softly, standing from my seat and announcing, "I just noticed what time it is. I need to get going." The wolf looked truly sorry to hear the news of my departure, and said between bites of his meal (and complaints about the same), "Are you sure you can't stay? We could have a relationship intervention. That'd sure brighten the day!" "No," I tried to laugh, but let out a cough instead. "No, thank you. I'd rather you not mention it, actually. I'm sure he doesn't want anyone knowing." "Ah, I see," winked the grinning wolf, "The secret's safe with me." With that, I bid him and the nurse (for whom I suddenly felt very sorry) goodbye, and left to the melody of a song that I like to call "What's This Stuff, Some Kind of Shit Casserole!" I worried about meeting Alex in the parking lot, but I was fortunate enough to make it to my car without any confrontations. I drove home rather quickly, but my heart felt a little lighter after that conversation. I suppose Alex didn't tell his father about anything of real importance to me. I didn't really assume he had, I guess. I wouldn't have gone if I really thought there would be a confrontation. On the way out of the parking lot, I thought I saw Alex in a little car I didn't recognize, being driven by a young, pretty leopard that I knew from calculus class. They weren't very close, so I assume I was mistaken. Nonetheless, my heart sort of dropped when I saw them together. Er, thought I saw them together. Whatever I did. --- \_The ferret knocked on the big wooden door, his heart fluttering in his chest. The older female wolf answered, smiling her pleasant smile. She ushered him inside kindly, commenting on the vase of roses that he carried. "Delivery," he said simply, grinning. She nodded and walked to the kitchen as the ferret climbed the stairs in the living room. At the top he took a left; he knew this path well. The door to the wolf's room was closed. He knocked. He waited. The wolf opened the door violently, expecting his mother or other relative to be hassling him. Instead, the ferret smiled happily at him. The wolf blushed, but he politely invited the other into his room. The ferret declined, instead handing him the vase of roses and the card. "For you," he breathed, brushing the wolf's hand as he let go of the vase. The wolf seemed confused.\_ He shut the door in the ferret's face. The ferret was not surprised, however. He had expected such a reception. He turned away, crestfallen, and silently exited the house. He climbed into his car, not bothering with the seatbelt and only barely remembering his headlights as he drove away. He had tried. That was the important thing. Meanwhile, the female wolf knocked at her son's door, inquiring, "Who were the roses from, Romeo?" The wolf was only inches away, sitting with his back against the door on the other side, holding the vase of roses between his legs and gazing at them introspectively. "Someone special, Mom." --- It's always good when a story has a happy ending, I think. Of course, sometimes a sad ending is really the way to go. Turned in my creative writing project today. It took a long time to decide how to end it. Of course, it was good that I did finally end it; it was about 12 pages too long for the assignment. I don't think my teacher will mind. I'm going to drop off a gift at Alex's house today. Something that I hope will brighten his mood some. I have realized something in the past days. At first, I was sitting moodily and reflecting on this situation. I was thinking only of myself. Then I started thinking about him. Or so I thought. I was really still thinking of myself. This will not be my only love. This will not be my only boyfriend. I guess I could go back to girls if I wanted. I know there are a few in the school who would love to date me. It's just... I guess it's cliché. But. First love really does seem like the only love. But. As I said. I have realized something. I realize that I do love him. That doesn't mean I need to think of myself. I want him to be happy. I want him to be happy with who he is and what he does, and I want him to be loved and appreciated by his family. I want him to feel normal. That's what he wants. That's what I want. If he is happier without me... if he is really happier... if he's GOING to be happier... I have to let that happen, don't I? Again, as I said, I'm giving him a gift. It's nothing much. I don't know that I want to write down what it was. I am a ferret of clichés, I suppose... I have to learn to avoid them like the plague (ha ha!). *C'est la vie. Que sera sera.* I really hope he's happier with me than without though. I guess I can't stop being selfish, after all. If he rejects me... I don't know what I'll do. --- *The road to the ferret's home was a long and winding one. As unhappy as he was, the ferret was trying not to speed. There was always a hidden police car around here somewhere. He didn't need to be heartbroken AND ticketed. He checked the speedometer again, then kept his eyes focused on the road. A figure stepped out into the road in front of him.* He swerved. The figure did not move, and the car easily drifted around it. The ferret looked in his rearview mirror and just barely made out the shape of a deer before his lights no longer illuminated it. He was lucky, and the deer was lucky. But he didn't feel lucky. --- I am in the throes of depression once more, my dear book. I don't want to go into what happened. Let us just say that school and life are not longer going quite as well. Life, especially. Also, I'm running out of room. In case you can't feel it, your yellowing pages are left with few blank now. I think I count six from here. Eleven if I use front and back and save the last page for a doodle. I think the next entry will be my last. I think I write too big for my own good. Maybe I live too big for my own good too. Understand? I don't, either. I'm just not feeling artsy-fartsy today. No pleasant metaphors to speak of. And few clichés. I have a drive to begin. I pulled over so I could write, but now I'm all written out. It's too dark to write, anyway. This car doesn't have very good lighting. I'll write that last entry when I get home maybe. Or tomorrow... there's always tomorrow. --- \_"Damn," he muttered, looking at the glaring lights in his mirror. The ferret looked down at his speedometer. 55 miles per hour. The speed limit here was 60... why was the cop unhappy with him? He must have seen the lack of seat belt. He reached for his seat belt, in the off chance that the officer did not notice. Maybe a tail light was out. Maybe... He looked up and only had a moment to recognize the bend in the road he was missing and the telephone pole that he was not. The ferret slammed on the brakes futilely. The next second was actually a large series of events. The first tenth of a second found the grill and front bumper of his tiny Honda collapsing, accompanied by a loud crash. The second tenth of a second brought the crumpling hood back to the windshield as the rear wheels, still spinning, lifted from the ground. Simultaneously, the fenders began wrapping themselves around the pole. Although the frame of the car was indeed halted at this point, the rest of the car is still traveling at its previous speed. Instinctually, the ferret stiffens his legs, and they snap at the knee joint.\_ During the third tenth of a second, the steering wheel began to disintegrate and the steering column began its journey toward the ferret's chest. The fourth tenth of a second found the car's front two feet destroyed while the rear end is still moving. The ferret's body was still moving at 55 miles per hour. In the fifth tenth of a second, the ferret was impaled on the steering column, and blood rushed into his lungs. The sixth tenth of a second consisted of a cacophony of screeching metal and shattering glass. The brake pedal broke off, the car frame buckled in the middle, and the ferret's head smashed into the windshield. The rear wheels, still spinning, fall back to earth. In the seventh tenth of a second, the doors flew open and the seats broke free, striking the ferret from behind. The seats striking from behind did not matter. The last three tenths of that second meant nothing to the ferret. He never heard the police officer running forward, radioing for an ambulance. He never again witnessed the wolf playing football or even shooting him an icy glare. He did not notice the ornate vase falling from its special place on the wolf's bedroom shelf, nor did he see the wolf later pass the wreckage on his way to deliver a vase of red roses that he had bought earlier that day. That next hour found much activity on that road, but... The first seven tenths of that second found the ferret dead. --- In the spirit of writing, I think I'm going to get another journal to replace this one. I will miss your yellowing pages and friendly binding, dear one. I am much saddened by your passing. In the same spirit, I got a 100 percent on my creative writing. As a bonus, I got an invitation to the school psychiatrist's office. How funny. I was just going to see her on my own. I wonder what she wants of me? Thank you for listening to my little story. I know I'm not the clearest author sometimes, but I hope that you, my journal, had no problem understanding me. I assure you that you are the only one that matters in this. You are the only one who will ever see these words. I am hiding this journal in a box and never showing it to anyone. Maybe I will find it someday and share it with someone, actually. Who knows? Life brings many little surprises, doesn't it? And life is for the living. I should go out and live mine. Thanks sincerely, Your friend forever, B. --- Addendum and Epilogue: I guess this last page isn't for doodling after all. I think I have a suitable epilogue to this book. I hope that you, my journal who is so emotionally invested in me, can appreciate it. And I hope that you will still keep my secrets for many years to come. And I hope... well. I hope a lot of things. I digress! I get off subject. Sorry. I just keep drawing this out. Every word with my pen probably drives you more crazy, my little book. I'll keep this brief. I think I can sum up my epilogue in one sentence. Four words. Twelve letters. Five vowels and seven consonants. Oh shit, I'm out of room. I'll fit it in: He took me back. *Author: I hope you've all enjoyed this as much as I've enjoyed writing it. I'll leave a lot of the details of this chapter to you to sort out and discuss. I hope I've written something worth a little discussion. I tried very hard to. I've never written a story in first person or in journal perspective before. I think it was a fun challenge for me. If there's anything I can improve on for you all or any suggestions you can make toward the continuation of the story, I'd love to hear them. I decided not to end this one with a cliffhanger, because although I do intend to add a finishing chapter (or two), I want it to have some sort of miniature conclusion. Lest I die before I finish. Or lest I don't finish. School work keeps me busy.* Also one mistake I assume is happening but I cannot find for myself is timeline errors. If any of you spot some, leave a message. I will love you forever and rectify them. Peace and love, everyone. Criticize away. And let's talk sometime. I have too few friends. You can send me an e-mail for messenger information or something. I'll stop rambling now. I have far too much in common with all of my characters, you notice. Citation: Information about what happens in a car crash was yanked from a pamphlet I received on campus. A lot of what was there was definitely detail I added, but the basis was this pamphlet. I have since lost the pamphlet, however... If I find it, I'll update this to be a proper citation. No plagiarism, folks.
Title: The Last Journey by Ahndeleck Tags: Note: This work was inspired by a picture by VampirePrincess007 of FurAffinity. The original graphic can be found at this address: []( **The Last Journey** By: D. C. Henry ("Ahndeleck") "Come on Leanna, we don't want to keep Centoris waiting do we? He told me he really wants to see you today." "I'm coming daddy!" Leanna huffed as she labored up the side of the mountain, "These rocks are really big." "I know honey but you can do it. We're nearly there, see?" Pedwin pointed towards the side of the mountain, "There's his den, right there." "It looks really far away though, are you sure we're almost there?" "Leanna," Pedwin laughed then helped his daughter up the next stone, "it's just around those trees, no more climbing up big rocks I promise." "Alright! I can't wait to see Cen. It's been so long since I was last here." "That was only last week though, it wasn't that long ago." "It feels like it was a long time ago." Pedwin let his daughter skip further ahead of him. He knew the paths through the whole mountain, and now that they were this close to the dragon's den, there wouldn't be anything dangerous near the path. Centoris kept a close eye on the land near his den, never letting anything dangerous to his few visitors come even close. He wished that the circumstances of his visit were better. He really didn't want to even think about it. Centoris had asked to see Leanna one last time, and Pedwin wouldn't let his old winged friend get away from him without seeing him before he went on another wild journey. "Daddy, why do dragons live in caves? Why can't they build big houses to live in? It would be so much cleaner than a cave wouldn't it?" "Oh honey, I think its because a really big house would take so long to build. The Deesin family has been working on that house of theirs on the other hill for the last two years and it's a small house right?" "I think its really big. They have a whole room for Sashia, and I don't even have my own room." "If their house is really big, how big do you think Centoris's house would be? How would he make such a big house?" "With his magic," Leanna spread her arms and spun around as she danced down the trail, "he'd flap his wings and make the trees dance and come to make a castle! A castle with lots of rooms, and a stable for horses. Maybe if I ask he could make me a room all to my own too! He made me the necklace last year for my birthday, so maybe he could make me a room for my next birthday." "Maybe he could honey, you might have to ask him." Pedwin wondered if Centoris would even be there for Leanna's next birthday. The last time Centoris traveled though, he had been absent for nearly a year. No matter how much he pried, Pedwin could never get Centoris to tell him where he went. Maybe this time would be different; he'd get the old dragon to spill his secrets for sure. They neared the den finally, a huge cavern that looked over the valley and beyond. Pedwin always loved to look over the hills on the other side of the valley and to the hills beyond. From Centoris's den, he could see beyond any place that he had ever traveled. A gust of win blew the smell of water and healthy trees past him as he stood in the clearing for the cave. The summer's breeze made the trees around them sway slowly, a whole sea of green life crawled below them. Pedwin turned back to the cavern and shielded his eyes from the sun. Sometimes the dragon would be sleeping in the mouth of the cave. Today though he couldn't see him. Pedwin knelt beside his daughter. "Leanna, I'm going to go see if Cen is inside. I'll come get you if he's there." "Alright daddy. I'm going to go play." "Just don't get out of the clearing honey." Pedwin walked around the small boulders that littered the mouth of the cave. A few moments later he stood next to the large rock that Centoris used to lay on at the mouth of the cave. When he was just a boy, Pedwin would sit on one of the rocks with his father and listen to Centoris's stories about his adventures and history of the past. Now he enjoyed watching his daughter listen to them. He wondered if they'd hear another performance today. "Cen," Pedwin called into the depths of the cave, "are you awake? Leanna and I made it if you're around." "Ahh, wonderful," he heard Centoris's deep voice deep in the cave and heard the thud of his feet walking closer, "I'm so glad you both came so quickly. I'm quite surprised actually, and more so that Leanna came with you. But I am so glad she came." Centoris stepped out of the shadows and the sunlight illuminated his bronzey gold scales. The frills on the sides and top of his head shone like gold foil in firelight. The twisting tattoos on that covered his head neck and horns suddenly began to glow further, making his already bright body even more brilliant. Pedwin smiled up at the dragon that was easily four times taller than he was. "Cen, Leanna and I had to see you. You always take so long when you go wandering about. She loves you, you know? I couldn't let you sneak off without seeing her before you went." "That's quite so. I'd hate to leave without seeing her. She's quite dear to me as well. Where is she? I don't see her." "She's outside playing right now, you know how she is about playing outside." "Then I'll just have to go see her then. Come." Centoris walked quickly forward using the boulders as stepping stones. Pedwin turned and jogged towards the mouth of the cave, careful not to get in Centoris's way. When the dragon reached the mouth of the cave, he hopped into the clearing and landed with a thundering thud. "Where's my little Leanna? Playing in the grass again?" "Cen! Cen!" Leanna leaped from the grass at the edge of the clearing holding a large white flower, "I'm over here." "Ah ha, you are! Trying to sneak up on your dragon now are you? Trying to catch me again?" "No," Leanna said through a giggle. She held up the flower in her hand as she skipped to the dragon, "I was looking for something for you. I found this flower in the grass just now. I think it's very pretty and would look really nice on you." Centoris laughed a deep rumbling chuckle. He laid his head slowly on the ground and smiled. Leanna stopped just in front of his nose and held the flower up for him to see. Pedwin smiled, knowing that Centoris couldn't see the flower well so close, but pretended to see it clearly anyway. "Leanna," Centoris said with a breathless wonder, "You found me a Snowy Lace. Such a beautiful flower too. I'm honored to have such a flower, thank you." "Let me put it on you!" Leanna walked up to the first curvy frill on the dragons head, and carefully tied the stem of the flower on it. Pedwin covered his mouth to keep from laughing; he'd never seen Centoris wear a flower before. The simple, common flower clashed slightly with the twisting tattoos, but he wore it with a grace only a dragon could possess. "Thank you Leanna. How does it look?" "I like it Cen." "Good, good. What do you say we go and play at the river today? With this hot sun that would be very fun wouldn't it?" "Yes! Oh Daddy, can we go to the river?" "I suppose we could." Pedwin nodded, "It's a long way to walk though." "Leanna," Centoris tilted his head slightly to whisper conspiratorially, "What if I carry you there and we make your father follow? Would that be fun?" Leanna laughed and nodded. Pedwin guessed that's what they would do. He was used to jogging after Centoris when he would carry Leanna on long distances. The dragon stood and held out a paw upturned for Leanna. His daughter sat easily in the dragon's palm. Without any effort, Centoris kicked away from the ground and was flying slowly, the magic on his wings keeping him aloft. "Pedwin," Centoris pointed with his empty claw, "South of here, at the shallows." "Alright, I'll be there soon." Pedwin took off jogging, and the other two flew quickly beyond the clearing and into the woods. The jogging slowed slightly through the first few yards into the woods, but then the underbrush cleared out some. It wasn't long before Pedwin caught up with the dragon and his daughter. Leanna was already running up and down the bank chasing something. Soon he saw that one of Centoris's enchantments had made a squirrel out of water, and he was making it dance and play for Leanna. The tricks that dragon had were always amazing to him. He hadn't found another creature that was as skilled as Centoris. Soon Pedwin sat beside his friend, panting. "Made the run alright Pedwin?" "Oh yes," he said quickly regaining his breath, "its not very far or rough. I'll be fine in a few moments." "That's good. While she's playing, you and I need to talk." "What is it Cen? Is there something you need me to do while you're gone?" "No, not really, but it is about this journey that I'm about to go on. I know you always want to know where I go and what I do. Normally I don't tell you to protect you. There are things that I have done in the past to protect these lands from creatures far worse than what you protect your village from." "You mean all this time you've been fighting and protecting the village? Why didn't you tell me Cen, I could have helped with that. You know I'm good with the trusty old bow. My father used to fight off bigger stuff than what I usually see." "No Pedwin, I'm talking about dragons, giants." Centoris sighed and shuffled his wings, "There have been a few of the Ancient creatures as well. Of course not all of my journeys are fighting and war, some are more pleasant. But this trip is..." Pedwin waited. Centoris had trailed off as he watched Leanna playing with the water spell, splashing around the trees nearby. There was a sense of worry in Centoris's words, Pedwin could sense it easily and he couldn't remember his friend being worried before. "This trip is what Cen? What's different about this trip?" "It will be my last journey Pedwin." "What? What do you mean? You're still younger than me in dragon years aren't you?" "Oh yes, I've got many years ahead of me." With a pained frown, Centoris turned to look back at him directly, "This will be the last journey for many dragons. Perhaps all the dragons that feels as I do about the world. Just last night, a prophecy began that foretells of a great doom that will walk the land." "Then if you're going to go fight it, I'm coming too. Every bit of help could change the tide, even small help. I'll get the whole village to come if you need it, I'll raise an army, I'll-" "No Pedwin. The prophecy says that when the moons stand upon each other, and a star falls to them both, one of the oldest makers of the land will reawaken and consume its own creation. Nothing can stop it, except for the selfless giving of all the wings that love the land. Only then can the true sacrifice be made to seal the madness away forever. The wings, are us, the dragons of the world. Not all of them will go, but hopefully enough to seal one of the great creators will arrive to stop this catastrophe." "What will happen to you Cen? Will you ever come back?" "No. That is why this journey will be my last. I will be a piece of the seal that keeps the old creator from returning. That means that I won't be returning, as much as I want to." "You're certain about this?" "I've already seen many other dragons today fly past headed to the site. But I already know it in my heart." "And there's nothing else that can be done?" "No, not a thing Pedwin. I wish there was. I'll miss you and Leanna. That's why I wanted to see you both today, because I'll be leaving tonight." "Gods Cen, what am I supposed to tell Leanna? She loves you like a grandfather." "I know that Pedwin. I love her like a granddaughter. Just as I still love you as a grandson, and miss your father even now. But this isn't something I can avoid." "I'll say I understand, even though I don't Cen. You've known what's best for us all for years." Pedwin laid a hand on the dragon's large paw, "and I'll miss you, you old dragon." "I'm not saying my goodbyes yet Pedwin, there are a couple last things I need to do. But first, I think I'd like to play with Leanna some more. I know she'll miss me, and I want her last day with me to be a good one." Pedwin smiled up at Centoris. The dragon smiled back, large and toothy, then turned his head to Leanna, as she petted the squirming spell of water. Pedwin watched as they played their familiar games. Then when Leanna was tired, she sat next to him and they both listened as Centoris told them a story about a courageous gryphon fighting an insane wizard. "Then the gryphon returned home and lived happily with his family, the end." "Aww, that was a great story Cen." Leanna stood and stretched, "I'm a little hungry though, should we go home?" "Actually tonight Leanna," Centoris whispered, "I thought maybe you two could stay the night at my den. I've got a little bit of a surprise for you." Leanna's eyes lit up as she clasped her hands. Centoris smiled as she danced in place. "Daddy, can we stay? Can we please stay?" "Of course we can honey." Pedwin stood and waved back towards the den, "Of course we need to get there first don't we? Are you going to run back with me?" "Umm," Leanna looked up at Centoris, "Cen, could you take me back please?" The dragon laughed and nodded as he stood. Pedwin knew Leanna would ask something like that. He didn't mind, and knew that Leanna wasn't ready for such a fast long trip. Within a few minutes, Centoris and Leanna were back in the air headed back for the den. The jog back to the den took slightly longer for Pedwin, since most of the trip was uphill this time. By the time Pedwin made it to the den, the sun had sunk low on the horizon; the first colors of the sunset had begun in the clouds. Neither of the two were near the mouth of the den. Shrugging, Pedwin started into the den. Centoris normally wouldn't even let visitors into the deeper parts of his den, but this time must have been an exception. He wasn't happy about the exception either, but he knew better than to try and talk Centoris out of his journey. He wasn't sure it was wise to try and talk him out of it, but he couldn't be sure his old friend had made a wise decision to do it either. After he passed Centoris's large boulder, he heard his daughter's voice further inside the cave. It must have been fine to go further in if his daughter had already ventured in. She knew not to go deeper inside unless Centoris let her. A short stroll through the near pitch black gloom, Pedwin came to the lit interior of Centoris's den. There were treasures inside, Pedwin knew to expect it. The mound as large as his old friend was more than he was expecting. Gold shown from everywhere in the mountain, and other precious gems laid scattered through the pile. His daughter stood before it, happily talking with Centoris and ignoring the pile of treasures before her. "Ahh, we beat you again dear old father," Centoris lay on the edge of the pile of gold grinning at him, "but I'm glad you figured to come in this time. It's the first time my little place has had visitors in a very long time I think." "You have a nice place Cen." Pedwin said as he looked around him further. On one side of the large cavern, there was a pile of books. Some looked old, some newer, but all of them were well kept. On the other side of the cavern was a large pool, still and casting a reflection of the cavern back to him. Above were great spires of rock hanging from the ceiling. The most impressive thing was his old friend laying on the mountain of treasure. "Where did you find this collection Cen?" Pedwin waved a hand up at the mountain behind the dragon, "I've never even seen a fraction of that on one place before. You never said anything about it." "You never really asked either. I found it here and there, over a few years. Those journeys usually end up with a few extra things to add to the collection too." Centoris looked down at Leanna and smiled, "This time though, instead of getting new things for me, I'll be giving things to you both. What would you like Leanna?" "I'd like another squirrel like at the river." "Oh I don't think I'll be able to do that. I haven't quite figured out how to make the squirrel stay for very long. I'm sorry my little flower. Maybe I have something else here though that you might one day find a pleasant gift." Centoris stood then, and turned towards the mountain in his den. Pedwin went to his daughter and stood beside her as they both watched. The dragon dug with one paw through the mound of gold, coins rattling down the pile. Finally the dragon pulled out a curved piece of metal and held it out to look at. With a laugh he turned around back to Leanna and held out, what Pedwin recognized as a bow. "Leanna, I'd like you to have this, to keep forever. It's a very special bow that some dragons, long before I was around, made for some very special human friends. Just like it was given from a dragon to his friend, I give it to you, one of my closest companions. You are a wonderful girl Leanna, and I know you have a good heart." "I don't know how to use it though Cen," She took the oversized bow then gave a shout of surprise. "It's shrinking Cen!" "Yes I know. That bow is full of magic, hidden magic. There is a lot about that bow you will come to learn, and I'm sure you'll find it very nice. I want to give you one more thing though, something pretty for you." The dragon turned and reached out with a wing. With the talon at the palm of his wing, he caught a loop of metal from near the top of the pile and brought it down. He held the ring out for Leanna to take from him. "Here Leanna, I've always thought this was the most beautiful ring I've ever found. See, when you move it in the light, the inside of the gems shine." "Oh, it's beautiful! I can't wait to show Sashia!" "I bet she'll be really jealous too. Now Pedwin, I have a few things for you." Centoris leaned his head closer to Leanna, "While I give some things to your father, would you like to play on my bed?" "Yes, I love beds, your bed is pretty hard though Cen." Leanna said as she set down the bow and put the ring in her pocket, then skipped and started climbing the mountain of gold. "Children of any race are so precious," Centoris said as he watched Leanna climb. Then he walked towards the piles of books and dug one out. "Pedwin, I need you to have this. This is more for her than it is for you I suppose. This is the best primer of magic that I've ever found. I've been far beyond this book for many years, but I kept it for just such a time. I want Leanna to learn. Show her, teach her. You might learn a few things yourself as you help her on her way." "Thank you Cen. I'll definitely try." Pedwin said as he took the book from Centoris's claw, "You know that no one in the village really knows magic though. I don't know how much of this either of us will understand." "You might surprise yourselves. Make sure though that when she is ready, you teach her." "I will Cen." "Now," the dragon turned back to his treasure and waved a wing towards it, "I want you to have some of this. Use it for the village, but keep some for yourself and Leanna. There is a chest there near that one side. Take just that. I might return one day, I don't know." "What will happen to the rest Cen? Is there another dragon that will gather the rest?" "I plan on sealing my den, or rather you will seal my den when you leave tomorrow morning. There is a spell on the den that after you both have traveled on your way back, the entrance to the den will collapse." "Cen," Leanna walked up to Pedwin's side, "why are you giving us all these things?" "Well Leanna, it's because I have to go on a journey. I wanted you both to have a few things to remember me by until I got back." "When will you be coming back Cen?" "I don't know Leanna; it might be a little while before I come back. It is a very long journey." "I don't want you to go Cen. I won't have anyone to tell me stories then." "You'll still have your father won't you? He's good at telling a story or two." "You're better." Leanna took Pedwin's hand and stood closer to her father. "Don't worry my little flower; your father will get better." "Where are you going Cen?" "Well," the dragon looked around his den slowly, then sighed, "I'll show you, if you'd like. Just come with me." Centoris walked slowly out of his den and Pedwin followed holding his daughter's hand as they went. Pedwin knew that Leanna could tell there was something wrong, and he worried about what the rest of the night would be like. Then he worried how she would handle the next several days. He guessed, poorly. The three of them reached the mouth of the den and looked out over the valley. The sun had nearly set, and the two moons shown brilliantly. Above them the thunder of wings rolled and echoed off the nearby, nearly black trees. A pair of dragons soared over them and headed towards the setting sun. Pedwin looked back to Centoris and he turned his head back to them. The light shown off his scales, warm and golden, as he smiled. He stretched out his wing toward the sun, and pointed with the talon. "I will be going that way, far beyond the mountains. If you look, you can see many other dragons will be going with me, so I'll have lots of company and I'll be fine." "But I don't want you to go Cen. I want you to stay." The dragon folded his wing and sighed. He sat and shook his head slowly. "Leanna, I don't want to leave you, but I really have to go. Your father leaves every day to find food and protect the village right?" Leanna nodded silently. "I'm doing something like that now. I'm going to go and protect the village. With all the help in the sky, that won't be hard at all now will it?" Leanna nodded again, and Pedwin saw her eyes glisten as tears welled. "Don't cry my little flower, you'll be just fine. Besides, you have all these things to remember me by too." "I don't care, I don't want you to go!" Leanna ran forward and put her arms around the dragon's wrist and held him tightly. She sniffed as her tears started in earnest, washing down the scales of the dragon. Centoris closed his eyes, and then looked pleadingly back at Pedwin. "Honey," Pedwin touched Leanna's shoulder, "Cen really needs to go now. We can't keep him waiting much longer." "I don't care." "Come on, honey. I know you don't want him to go, he doesn't want to go. But he's got to do his job, just like daddy does his. So let's let Cen do his job alright? He'll be proud of us both if we can wish him luck and send him off with happy faces right?" Leanna nodded, and reluctantly released the dragon from her imprisonment. The both stepped back from Centoris. The dragon looked down at them and smiled once again. Then he spread his wings and kicked away from the ground. He flapped his wings and turned himself in the air until he was flying directly into the sunset. "May the winds keep you both safe, and the stars keep your way!" Pedwin waved with one arm, and held his daughter tightly with the other. They both stood at the mouth of the den as they watched their friend fly slowly towards the sinking sun. Pedwin felt his throat tighten, nearly choking him as he realized his old friend was now gone. It felt as if Centoris was purposely flying to his own death, and there wasn't anything he could do. Leanna gripped her father's hand tighter as the silhouette of Centoris shrank into the distance. Pedwin barely heard his daughter as they watched. "Cen, I will bring you back home one day." "I hope you do, honey. I hope you do."
Title: The Ride(poem) by dirk82 Tags: Dirk, Male, Poem I feel the wind. Rush past my ears, into my nose. Though my fur. Everything moving, so fast, so quick, so fleeting. Intoxicating moments of time. Often cut shorter than I would like, The drive is done, my master and I, home.
Title: How I Met My Boyfriend Tags: gym, boyfriends, blow job, big dick When I graduated from college my new focus was on myself. I decided that I would put behind me the days of binge drinking, random sexual hook ups and focus purely on improving myself. I did this by focusing on two things, my mental health and my physical health. The mental health part consisted of keeping myself in the company of true friends, friends who know what I am about, understand my sexuality, understand me for that matter, and don't really care about anything but enjoying each others company. And most importantly it meant staying away from Lari, forever. I took a job as a restaurant manager of a hotel and I worked mostly nights. This worked out great for me because one, most of my friend's were working at that same place as managers in different departments, and two it allowed me a whole lot of free time in the mornings and afternoons to focus on my physical health. I had been losing weight and getting in shape since the junior year of college, but now I really wanted to get focused and develop the body I've always wanted. I joined the local gym, which was unfortunately a pretty weak place for someone looking to get hardcore, and quite frankly it was over priced. But since I worked out in the early afternoon, it also meant the place was virtually empty accept for the occasional house wife looking for something to do. But no one bothered me, and when I needed assistance there were some very nice personal trainers there that would help no problem. In some places, unless you're paying the trainer, he won't do shit for you. So one afternoon I am getting ready to lift some serious weight on the bench press and I most certainly needed a spot. I got up to look for a trainer and none were around. I sighed. The only person I saw was a woman who could barely lift her own body weight let alone help me with 250 pounds. Feeling some slight disappointment, I turned back to the bench rack with the assumption that I'd have to go lower and not hit my goal. That's when I first laid eyes on Ryan. Fuck me the man was gorgeous. He was tall, lean but muscular, a swimmer's build if you will, completely clean shaven, short messed up blonde hair and down right mesmerizing green eyes. I froze in my steps when he stood in front of me. "Need a spot?" He asked. I was speechless. All I could get out was a nod. He walked over to the bench, I lied down did my reps and it was all over. "Thanks." I said. "Sure thing." He replied. "I'll be over there if you need another." He said. And he turned and walked away. I watched him intensely, wow what a behind on him. It was small, tight, hard, and I wanted to bite it right then and there. I had to stop myself and remember where I was before I let my cock get erect. I shook it off and that was that. If anything I'd use his image tonight when I was taking in some alone time with some lube, internet porn, and a cigarette. I enjoy showering at the gym for two reasons. One, the shampoo they offer is amazing. I don't know what it is or who makes it but it makes my hair soft, and sit just the way I want it. The second reason is that I on occasion get to look at some fine naked men, depending on what time I go, there is a group of guys that lift together. They are big and muscled with beautiful cocks. On the rare occasion I do enjoy scoping the man ass in the locker room, though when I work out this early there's hardly ever anyone around. However on this day, Ryan was showering. And he just so happened to be in the stall across from mine. I select this shower on purpose because it can see out into the locker room at a perfect angle to where I can see nearly every man that's there. I left the curtain to my shower open just enough to see out nicely, but not so much that it would seem obvious as to what I'm doing. So I leaned forward, pretending to stand under the water, all the while peaking over at Ryan, who's curtain was just open enough that I could see inside when he too was under the running stream. He turns towards me perfectly, cleaning himself, running his large hands across his body, the suds running over his well defined abs, right down into...holy fucking shit. The base of his limp cock started at the bottom of his triangle shaped lower abs and it kept on going. And going, and going...all the way down to, and I'm not kidding, his knee. Keep in mind that he is 6 foot 7 inches, and long and lean, so it's not like he's got short legs. I didn't believe what I was seeing, it was plain and simple a horse cock. I heard Ryan clear his throat and it snapped me from my stair daze and I looked up, took an immediate notice that he saw me watching him and ducked behind the curtain. "Fuck." I whispered to myself. I didn't know this guy, and I had no idea how he'd take another man staring at his penis. I was half expecting him to come rushing over and lay my ass out right then and there. But nothing happened, not another spoken word between us, not a grunt, groan, or sneeze. All that was heard was the sound of running water. I thought to myself, fuck the shampoo, I've got to get the hell outta here. I turned off the water, grabbed my shit and ran back to the changing area hoping that I could get dressed fast enough, without seeming like I was in rush, but fast enough to be gone before Ryan came out. But that didn't happen. I jammed my sweaty clothes into my duffle gag, and began tying my shoes just as Ryan came around the corner, towel draped over his shoulder, his monster cock bouncing from one leg to another and stopped, two lockers down from mine. From the corner of my eye I saw him standing there, toweling his lean, hard upper body off, his glorious horse cock dangling mere feet away from me. I wanted to reach over, shake it to life and suck it down my throat, but this was not place for that, nor the person possibly. "Hey." He said. I looked over at him. "I'm Ryan by the way." He said, extending his long lean arm and hand to me. "I'm Andy." I said, reaching over and shaking his hand firmly. I let his hand go and turned my attention back to my shoes, but not before getting one last glance of his beautiful cock. It was just hanging there, ready to be used. When I finished I stood up and said, "Thanks for the spot." Which Ryan nodded and said "No problem." And then I bolted out the door, nearly sprinting to my car. As I drove home, I thought, well he didn't kick my ass, or seem offended, so maybe he's into men. Or maybe he knows he has a perfect cock and likes showing it off to anyone who will look at it. I got my answer the very next day. It just so happened that we were both lifting the same body part that day, arms, so Ryan asked if he could work with me. I thought, not something you do if you're turned off by dudes staring at your cock, so I was feeling positive. We finished our workout and off to the locker room to shower we went. Again Ryan took the shower across from me, again leaving it open just enough so that I got another great look at his oh so amazing cock. The water was running down his chest, over his abs, through the finely trimmed muff of pubic hair he had remaining, then taking the long, spiraling trip down his never ending cock shaft. It made me shiver in my own shower and I quickly changed the temp to ice cold. Again, no words, or sounds were made, we just showered and finished. I took my time changing this time, if anything to get a longer look at his naked body. We chatted again, briefly at the lockers, him standing naked, me now feeling confident enough to stand naked too, though trying harder than I can describe not to bust out a hard on. "So..." Ryan started. "Do you like what you see?" "What?" I said, my heart suddenly pounding. Ryan cocked his head to the side in an obvious manner. "Do you like what you see? Meaning my dick." He said, sharply. "Well, it's hard to ignore." Was my reply, and what I thought to be a response that would give him not indication of my desires. "Are you into this kinda thing?" He asked. Staring at me and burning a hole into me. My heart was racing. I wanted to scream, yes, yes I'm into that sort thing, bend me over and break me the fuck off. But instead I said, "You mean am I into dick? No." I regretted saying that but at the same time I wasn't sure if he was messing with me, or being sincere. "Oh, alright." He said with a shrug. He proceeded to get dressed and we walked out to the parking lot together. He was talking, but all I heard was a buzzing because my head was racing, asking myself over and over why I don't jut come out. Then, right as Ryan said good bye, and was reaching for the door handle to his car, I reached out and took him by the wrist. He looked at me, there was no denying his intensions, he wanted me. "Um..." I started. "I think I've had a change of mind." "Really?" Ryan said, chuckling. "I thought you might." "But I am not gay, I do like and enjoy being with men, but I enjoy women also. So technically, if you need to define it, I am bisexual. Some guys aren't into that." I said, making sure to clarify my sexual preference. I like the new open and honest thing. "It's cool dude. I mean, I'm gay, but I can dig it. Sometimes you like options." He said. "We should hook up tonight, catch a game at the bar near me." Fuck. "I can't tonight I've got to work. But I am free Wednesday?" I said, hoping this didn't change his mind about me. I had to work, and Ryan was a 9 to 5'er, who worked out during his lunch break, so the schedules don't mix. "Wednesday works for me." He said. We exchanged numbers, and I fought very hard to not call him one night when I got home from work, after feeling especially horny all day thinking about his monster cock, but I managed to hold off until we met at the gym again on Wednesday and solidified our plans. I was to meet him at his place at 7 and we'd go from there. My heart was racing all day long. All I could think about was sex with Ryan and his giant penis. Was he a good fuck? Ah, it didn't matter because I am a good fuck and I can turn him into one. But his confidence, sexual or otherwise was sky high so I felt good about the night as I drove to his place. When I got there, my horniness was off the charts. I honestly didn't want to wait until the end of the night to get his cock somewhere in my body. As I walked to his door I made up my mind..."Ryan," I said when he answered. "I want to suck your cock right now." He took one look at me. "Okay." He said with no reluctance. He brought me inside and we kissed. Very hard, very passionately, and with a lot of tongue. He smelled so good. He felt so good, very strong, and I could tell aggressive, which for me is a huge turn on. I unbuckled his pants and dropped down to my knees and looked up at Ryan as I unwrapped his cock, releasing it from the confines of his boxer briefs. He smiled at me, knowing all too well the reaction I'd have once I saw his cock, erect for the first time. I hooked my fingers into the front of his boxers and pulled them down, quickly as I didn't want to tease him, and he didn't want to be tease. Suddenly I was smacked, with what felt like a fleshy baseball bat to the chin. Ryan's cock sprang up, in full hard mast and, whack, right to the jaw. I snapped my head back and felt a pain that I never thought I'd feel from a cock. Sure I'd been slapped with dick before in the chin and face and felt a sting. But I've never felt a shocking blow like that just from pulling someone's pants down. Ryan was unapologetic, which fit great with his aggressive sexual attitude. He stood before me, pants around his knees, and his glorious, thick meaty white cock pointing damn near straight up. I'd never seen a cock that stiff, that erect, pointing in that direction ever. This wasn't a cock that stared back at you as you approached it. No, it had an attitude, like it was sticking its nose up at you almost saying 'you can't handle this 10.5 inch beast.' Oh, but I can. As you know, I can deep throat anything. And when I crawled back to Ryan's cock, I grabbed it, tilted it down, opened my mouth and slid it in. I let the burn of pre-cum, the salt of his flesh tingle my mouth to allow more, slimy, cock sucking spit collect. I slid my tongue up and down the first half of his shaft to get the juices, both mine and his going. I think he was impressed that I was able to take it that far down. Oh, but when I kept going, when I finished the journey, he almost fell over. In fact, he fell backwards. The twist of his cock down my throat was clearly a sensation he'd never experienced. "No fucking way, man." He said, gasping in disbelief. "You deep throated me. No ones ever been able to do that before." "Yeah, I hear that a lot." I said. If he can be proud of his cock, I can be proud of my cock sucking skills. "You want me to finish?" I asked, staying on my knees. He came back to me, and now that the spit was well developed in my mouth, I could take his cock in and do whatever I pleased. I deep throated him again, twisting my head to accommodate for his length and comfort. I reach up and around to grab his firm white ass and squeeze, also bring him in closer. All the while he moaned and groaned and I could feel his knees shaking with each deep throat pass down his cock. Before long I was bobbing my head in perfect motion with a deep throating downward motion and adding a twist both up and down. I had one hand massaging his balls, while the other had a finger up his ass hole, trying to get some sensation to his prostate. "Okay," he whispered lightly, finding it hard to speak. I backed off his cock, wanting nothing more than a facial cum bath from this fire hose of a dick. I sat back, quickly pulling my t-shirt off as to not get it all cummy like. Ryan jerked his cock inches from my face then with one final tug, he unloaded. Three big long slinger splashes of cum landed on my face going from forehead to chin, then more came out in little spurts as I moved my mouth forward to let the remainder of his cum go into my mouth and I swallowed. Ryan held himself up on the kitchen counter, collecting himself. I got to my feet, searching for a paper towel. "I've had a lot of blow jobs in my day," he began. "But no one, I mean no one has ever done it like that, ever. Fuck, dude." I shrugged, knowing full well that I get that reaction a lot as well. However I didn't want to be an asshole. So I just thanked him. He showed me to the bathroom and I cleaned my face off, making it look clean and uncovered with cum. Then we went out. Saving you from the boring details at the bar, it was pretty damn empty and we looked like a couple of straight guys who hadn't just blown each other an hour earlier. We talked sports, life, generally stupid things that guys, no matter their sexual preference talk about and had a great time. We developed a bond. Then we paid our tab. Next thing I knew we were on Ryan's couch, SportsCenter on in the back ground and my legs up in the air, spread to full distance and Ryan pile driving me with no remorse. Seriously, it was a thumping like I'd never taken before. If I weren't an experienced bottom, I'd be in major pain. You feel every single centimeter of a 10.5 cock, especially when it's pounding you. As Ryan slammed his cock into me he grunted and I moaned with each balls deep push. I felt my stomach getting crushed inside and my asshole getting rearranged. My legs were swaying back and forth and couldn't be controlled. I felt my prostate being stroked with each upward thrust and soon I could feel the beginnings of an anal orgasm, something I'd only experienced once. Ryan leaned back, wrapping his arms around my thighs, pushing in deeper and harder if that were in any way possible. His face was red, his body glistened with sweat. "I'm going to cum soon." He said through his grunts. "Okay, cum inside me." I requested. He was wearing a condom, but that didn't prevent me from feeling the full force of his orgasm as he pushed up into me one more time and began breathing heavily, adding more harder thrusts as he finished off his cum. The throbbing of his monster meat sent me over the edge. I could feel a hand free, or mouth free cumshot coming my way. He was about to slip out, perhaps to finish me off himself, but he didn't need to. I quickly grabbed him, not wanting his big dick to leave me. "Not yet." I said, groaning as the orgasm took over. I began cumming. My cock was twitching, flinging strings off my own cum up my body, some landing on my face. I started shaking, nothing is more powerful than an anal orgasm, nothing. The cum was flying from my dick and Ryan watched in amazement. As both our bodies settled, Ryan pulled his cock from me. His limp cock still held onto an overfilled condom and he sat next to me. "We need to do this again." He said. He looked over at me, all I could do was nod in complete agreement. I was covered in cum, my own for a change. Both our bodies were hot, covered in sweat and cum and tingling all over. We sat there for maybe a half an hour before either of us could move. It was funny to be making sports highlight comments while naked and soaked in sex. Ryan let me shower and clean myself before going home. As I stood at the door we kissed. We knew something special was going on here. "I know I don't need to say this, but I will anyway. I really want to see you again." He said. "Good." I said, smiling. "When are you free next?" "Uh, actually I have off tomorrow." I said, raising an eyebrow. "We'll see you tomorrow then." Ryan said with a smirk. I twisted my head with confusion, not realizing that by 'we' he meant him and his big beautiful 10.5 inch cock. "Oh, you will." I said. I kissed him one more time and left. The smile never left my face the entire ride home, and for the rest of the evening.
Title: Tides Ch. 1: First Wave by Evertide Tags: Compassion, Cuddling, F/Herm, Love, Other/Herm, Otter, Pregnancy, Teenagers This is the result of an RP between me and Nauta Sinneau. No, I will not give you his screen name. Contains...\*looks about and whispers\* sex! \*giggles\* Yes, we are fully aware that the correct pronouns used to refer to a herm are "shi" and "hir" (in fact, I count this as being one of the main things I took away from my first year at college :P). But Nauta decided he doesn't like using that when the herm leans pretty far on the male side; plus, he has herms he does call "shi," so any herms out there, just relax. Kay? \*thumbs up\* Hobie (c) him, Nauta Sinneau. Rain (c) me, Si "Evertide" M. Rain stood at the doorstep of Hobie's beach house, a pair of suitcases by her sides, a few bruises on her face and arms, and no small amount of fear in her mind. If Hobie wouldn't take her in, or worse, took her in and then kicked her out, she didn't know what she was going to do. The sixteen-year-old otter girl gulped, and knocked on the door. Her maleherm otter boyfriend was busily cleaning things up and packing a couple of small bags when he heard the knock on the door. Being clad in only his white briefs, he decided to peer out the peep hole in his door before deciding whether he wanted to bother putting anything else on. When he saw it was Rain, and she looked physically and emotionally hurt, he immediately threw open the door and embraced her in a hug. "Rain? What're you doing here?" The younger and shorter otter hugged him back, crying into his shoulder. "M-My parents kicked me out and I didn't know where else to go. Can I stay...." She couldn't finish her sentence before her tears got the better of her. He held her against his body in the doorway, stroking her back and rocking her gently. "Shh,'s okay, honey, of course you can stay...." He bit his lip, knowing this would put a chink in his plans to get away that week...he hoped it would blow over soon anyway. "What happened? Why did they kick you out?" He looked closer at her bruises and growled. "Did...did they hit you?" She enjoyed the feeling of being hugged by her crush, remembering how he held her after they mated for the first time. "I don't really want to talk about it right now...can I just eat something to calm down?" "Sure, honey...just come in, here, I'll get those...." He reached down and grabbed her suitcases, turning his back to her as he placed them in the corner, and quickly shut the door behind her and put his arms around her again. "What would you like?" She smiled at him despite herself. This was one reason why she found him so attractive: not just his body but also because he was so affectionate. "Anything, really. Just kind of hungry for nothing in particular." He nodded and gave her a quick peck on the cheek; all the closeness had made his sheath a bit prominent in his briefs, as he turned to walk into the kitchen and prepare something for her. "You can sit down anywhere you want; I'll bring it out to you." Rain eyed his crotch for a moment before going to sit down on his couch, thinking of what she was going to say. A few minutes went by and soon Hobie reached over the back of the couch to set a plate with a thick tropical fish sandwich and chips on Rain's lap, smiling to her and kissing her cheek. "No matter what it is love, it can't be that bad," he said as he sat down next to her, with a sandwich of his own; it was easily twice the size of hers, even though hers was certainly not small. She purred at the scent of the food and nearly drooled at the sight of it. It even took her mind off of what was troubling her for the moment. She dug right in. Hobie had even added a bit of tartar sauce. She voiced her appreciation with a "Mmmm." Hobie grinned - if there was anything that he knew could make a situation better, it was food. He took a huge bite of his massive sandwich, practically swallowing it whole before chomping off another bite. "Gooof iffin ehh?" he asked with a mouthful of bread and fish. She just giggled a bit and nodded, careful not to swallow. She noticed that his sandwich was bigger than the ones he normally ate but shrugged it off, reasoning that he was just hungry. The otterboy finished his sandwich in record time - his tummy was even bulging a little from how much he'd eaten, his normally athletic frame not hiding his appetite for the moment. "Mmmf, fresh caught halibut...nothing beats it." He grinned softly, putting his arm around Rain. Rain nodded. She finished her own sandwich and leaned against him, letting out a rather loud belch to emphasize her satisfaction. "Ahh...nice...I hope I can look forward to doing more of that." He nodded softly and gave her tummy a gentle caress, his hand sliding just under the hem of her shirt to stroke the soft, short fur directly. He pressed his body up against hers, doing his best to redirect his fishy breath. "So, sweetie, do you want to talk about it?" She moaned a bit as he rubbed her the way he knew she liked to be rubbed, but her expression again became sorrowful. "...I guess, but, um, can we go out on the porch? I want to look at the ocean, it always helps calm me down." Hobie nodded slowly, becoming more concerned with his love's trouble. "All right, come here, hon." He gently took her hand in his, leading the way out the back door to the wide porch overlooking the Hawaiian beach and the ocean waves. He sat down in a love swing and held her against him as she sat next to him. She leaned into him, sighing. "I know it was only a few weeks ago, but how well do you remember when we first mated? I was scared since it was my first time, but you were so strong and yet so loving. You said you would wait as long as it took for me to be ready, but I wanted to show you how much I cared." He nodded, realizing he was still wearing his briefs and that they were rather tented from her mention, but he lived in a relatively sparse area, nobody was likely to see. "I remember that fondly, dear. I think about it very often when I'm alone know I haven't been with anyone since then." He smiled warmly to her and flicked an ear, not quite sure what she was getting at. Rain blushed a bit from the memory as well as seeing Hobie's arousal, but maintained her composure. "Well, I kind of hoped not. But I think you know that that changed my life, possibly both of our lives, right?" Hobie tilted his head a bit, still a little confused. "Well...I fell in love with you that night...and I hope you love me too, even though we might not see each other as much as I'd like...." Rain melted upon hearing him speak. She looked up at him with a loving smile and tilted her head up to kiss him on the lips, oblivious to the lingering taste of fish in his mouth. He kissed her gently, holding the back of her head and slipping his tongue into her mouth. She murred at the kiss, holding him for a little while before pulling back. She continued to smile at him as she spoke. "Well...I knew that my life would never be the same after mating with you. I was right, but in more ways than I thought..." she trailed off. He looked into her eyes lovingly, purring and flicking his thick tail as he touched his nose to hers. "Your parents kicked you out because you had sex with me, Rain?" She shook her head, brushing her whiskers against his. "No. They hated how I spent time with you, and they kept telling me that you're just another young surfing star and swimsuit model looking for a thrill, but they didn't know that I'd had sex with you. They kicked me out for what happened because of it." She took one of his hands in hers and rested it on her tummy. Hobie smiled as she took his hand, loving her soft and delicate body, and then as his fingers began to rub her trim belly, she whispered, "Daddy." Hobie's hand froze in place. He looked into her eyes as her words caught his ears, his heart clenched, and a chill ran down his spine. "D-Daddy...?" Rain nodded, sensing his fear. "When I told them, they said I was either going to get an abortion or else. I know we're young, but," she shook her head, "I just couldn't do it. So...they...\*sniff\*" She was again seized by crying and looked into his eyes, searching desperately for sympathy. He sighed softly, caught between his love for this girl who now needed him more than ever, and his fear of what would happen to them both. There was no way he could leave her now, not after he'd knocked her up...and with his own impending problems...god, what was he going to do...damn him for not using protection! "Oh...Rain, don't worry about it, we're going to have this pup together...." He trailed off, not wanting to say the wrong thing or anything too soon. He gently rubbed the palm of his hand on her tiny womb. She continued, crying out, "They tried to make me go!" She pointed to the bruises on her body and covered her face with her hands, sobbing uncontrollably. "I'm so sorry, Hobie...if you don't want me here anymore, I'll just leave and I'll never come to see you again." "Nonono, I want you here, Rain, I want you to stay with me...." He held her hands and looked at her, smiling lovingly, though his face couldn't hide his concern. "We'll get through this together, and everything will be fine. You don't have to see your parents again." Rain lifted her head to look at him, her eyes filled with worry and fear, but now with hope as well. She couldn't speak; she didn't know what to say, so she just asked him with her eyes if he really meant it. Hobie rubbed her shoulders, kissing her forehead as his ears flicked. "It'll be okay, honey." She moved to face him while sitting on his lap and fell into his arms again, hugging him as close to her as she could. "Really? You really want to have this pup...with me?" He pressed his belly against hers, his stiff erection brushing her thigh as he smiled, and trembled a bit at the same time. "Yes, Rain...I want to feel the pup when it moves, I want to be there to catch it with you when it comes to meet us, and most of all I want to watch it grow up." Rain kissed him again, her tears becoming ones of happiness. "Thank you so much, probably just saved both of our lives." He chuckled faintly, licking her nose and petting her belly again. "I would do anything for you, Rain...but I'm curious about something." He swallowed hard. "How do you know you're pregnant?" "My period is late, my breasts are tender, I've felt all moody, and I took two pregnancy tests yesterday. They were both positive." She licked him back before turning to lean against him. "It's hard to believe, I know, but so far all signs point to us being parents." Hobie nodded and then shook his head, averting his gaze a bit and staring into space. "But I used a didn't break. I don't get it." She sighed. "I know, but...well, you know what they say, 'the only perfect form of birth control is abstinence.' These things happen you regret it?" "I *never* regret anything I've done with you. I love you, Rain." He sighed and held onto her, wriggling a bit as her lower back pressed against his belly, seemingly uncomfortable. Rain smiled as he held her. "And...I love you too, Hobie." She rested his hand on her belly again. He purred and stroked her belly tenderly, smiling and feeling it. "So how far along would you be?" He counted the weeks on his fingers. She watched the ocean and let it keep her calm. "I think I'm about three weeks now." Then a new train of thought crossed her mind. "Hobie, what are we going to do when I start showing? Being a surfing star and swimsuit model with a young pregnant girl around your house won't be the best publicity." Hobie thought some more, doing some figuring in his head. "We have about two months before you show, and then you can hide it for a bit...umm." He subconsciously put a hand on his own belly. "We'll have to find a way to keep out of sight sooner than that though...." Rain craned her neck to look at him worriedly. "What do you mean?" She felt her belly herself. "Do you think I might be having more than one?" He panted and widened his eyes. "Uhhhm...that's not likely...chances are less than one in a hundred thousand of twins...and triplets are almost unheard of." She thought for a bit longer as to what was making him so panicky. "So...what's the matter?" He looked at her. "'s...not really important...." His hand was clutching his stomach now, rubbing just below his navel, his cock throbbing in his briefs as pre dampened the apex of his bulge. She felt his cock pressing up against her and blushed. "Well, I see that some of you is happier than other parts." She leaned forward to look at his tented briefs...and noticed his hand on his stomach. Her own eyes widened. " there something you need to tell me as well?" He chuckled a bit at her observation, shifting slightly and leaning back, sighing softly. " you remember the party we met at, a couple months ago?" Rain nodded. "Yeah...." She didn't like where this was heading, but if it went where she thought it was going to go, then so be it. Hobie chuckled a bit. "I umm...I got around a bit before you and I met. Had some fun with some of the boys...." He rubbed his temple and sighed. "And when I say I haven't had sex since you and I did, I meant it. But before then...." She gave him a look of shock. "So...our pup is going to have a half-brother or sister?" He was surprised she put it together so quickly. "Well I am a herm...I just didn't know I was fertile with my female side...heh." He whimpered softly. "I only confirmed it a week ago...I didn't believe the symptoms until I started to feel it inside me." He gently took her hand and placed it on his lower belly. With some pressure a firm bulge between his navel and sheath could be felt. She just stared, astounded by what she was hearing and even more by what she was feeling. She just shook her head, smiled, and laughed before she turned around on his lap to hug him. "Look at us. A couple of teenagers who are in love and are about to become parents...can't say I really thought my life was going to be like this, but I'm actually looking forward to it." Hobie blushed fiercely as she felt his belly, looking up to her and smiling weakly. He held her in his lap and pulled her belly to his, sighing softly and resting her head against his shoulder. "I can't believe it happened to both of us...I mean, I was going to hide out for a while until the pup was born. It won't be long before I start showing, and my career was over the day I got knocked up," he lowered his head slightly, "but I can still surf...." Rain nuzzled the side of his face. "Don't give up that easily. We'll both hide for a while until we're ready to come back and show the world what a couple of teenage parents can do. I'm not going to let you down when you're here for me too." "Heh...the one thing we don't have to worry about is money. Just what the world thinks of us, and my career, and..." he looked down at himself, "my body." She followed his gaze before she touched her forehead to his. "I don't care about money. What's important is that our pups have what they need most of all: parents who love them and each other. And I'd say they already have that, so we'll let everything else fall into place. As for your body," she licked his nose, "I think it's beautiful." " think it's beautiful now. Females were made to be beautiful when they're pregnant." He groped himself idly at the thought, licking his lips and leaning back. "I'm going to be a fat, swollen otterboy with breasts." Hobie trailed off again as he said that, fingering one of his nipples and wincing at its sensitivity. "Oh god, I'm gonna have breasts...." She gently licked his face. "Then you're lucky that you get to experience that beauty for yourself. And I'm going to make sure you know that you're only becoming more beautiful. As for the pups...we could say that both of them are mine if it will help." He shrugged a bit, and nuzzled her lovingly, stroking her back and sliding his other hand up her shirt to scritch her tummy. "Heh, that might work...but I need to get my figure back before I start modeling again. That might take a while." Rain started to scratch his tummy, not hard enough to feel his expanding uterus but enough to let him know that she wanted to make him feel as good as he made her feel. "Then we'll enjoy our break from society, won't we?" Hobie nodded. "As long as we have each other. We could go hide on this island I know about, just holing up in my cabin...." He grinned as he scritched up and down her back, his claws catching on her bra strap and slowly tearing it before it came apart and slipped down under her shirt. "I hope you have more of those...." She growled in anticipation. "Yep. And you're free to borrow them if you need them, my sexy fellow mom-to-be. Mm, I know you're nervous about it, but I know I'm going to enjoy it." She let her hands trail down to the waistband of his briefs. He bit his lip again and giggled softly, his hands reaching around her body to caress the undersides of her B-cup breasts, shivering at her touch and sitting up a bit more, spreading his legs as the scent of his female and male sides mingled in their noses. "I'm about five weeks ahead of you so you'll know what to expect...mmmf, that feels good." She pressed the front of her torso against his, letting their chests connect. She flinched. "Whoa...heh. I guess we're going to share sensitive nips, huh?" She shuddered. "Though, I have to tell you, now that I can enjoy them, this sensitivity's going to be fun. How about we take this somewhere more suitable?" "Mmmmf...." He looked down at his pre-soaked briefs and over at the crashing surf on the beach, his arousal getting the better side of his judgment as he picked up his love and grinned. "Yes...let's!" he said excitedly as he carried her across the beach, his strength belied by his moderate build and his pregnancy. Rain enjoyed being in Hobie's arms, knowing that he wouldn't be able to do this for long. She playfully kicked off her shoes as she hugged him and looked eagerly at the ocean. The otterboy waddled down to where the sand grew damp, giggling and letting Rain stand as their toes mingled in the wet sand, stroking his hands down her body and kissing her firmly as his front pressed against hers. "I've always wanted to make love on the beach, sweetheart." She relished the feeling of his warm body on her own as she returned the kiss and wrapped her arms behind his back. They had kissed and cuddled whenever they could before making love three weeks ago, and she always felt that his love as well as his body was shielding her from everything and everyone that could hurt her. "Well, I'm all yours. Let's make love, and not as crushes or lovers, but as future parents." He churred and grinned, pulling her down as he kneeled on the sand, gripping her shirt at the collar and tearing it quickly downward, exposing her chest and belly, and gently groping her breasts, his cock dripping pre through his briefs as he took in her body. "Oooh, love...I've missed you so much...." She basked in knowing that he was admiring her body, especially now that he knew that they were going to become parents and he wanted to stay with her. She felt her heart ache with longing, a kind of longing she had only felt once before, three weeks ago. "Then come and show me. Show me how much you missed me. For now, forget about what the world will think about us and listen to what *you* want." She started to take her shorts off. Hobie grinned and nuzzled between her breasts, licking her fur and burrowing his muzzle between them, gripping her sides as she pulled off her shorts. Without waiting for her to take off her underwear, he pushed her into the wet sand, soaking her back and the seat of her panties as he pressed his crotch against hers and straddled her body. "You're so beautiful, Rain...." Rain suddenly gasped as he pleasured her chest and held him in a tight embrace. Her entire body tensed up for a short while before it relaxed. Her girlcum soaked the crotch of her underwear and the tip of Hobie's strained briefs. She managed to pant, "Holy shit...I knew I was sensitive but...." He licked over one of her breasts, panting softly and grinding their crotches together while moaning fervently, taken by his passion. She grunted and groaned as he caressed the most intimate parts of her already increasingly sensitive body. He continued to lick her for several minutes before he sat up, grinning and petting her belly. "You've got a little pup growing inside you, love...." She leaned her head up to look at him, still a bit dizzy from being kept in such a state of pleasure for so long. She gave him a loving smile, her mouth still open to pant, and rested her hands on top of his. "And not just any pup, honey. *Our* pup." "The pup I put inside you...mmm, I wish the one inside me were ours too...." He blushed again and kissed her breasts, reaching down to tug on her panties, ripping them down the front and exposing her crotch, sliding his fingers between her thighs to her dripping cunny, rubbing her folds as pre slicked her belly. "We're going to have a hard time doing this when we're bigger...." The back of Rain's head hit the sand again as she gritted her teeth and her breathing came in hisses. She tried to respond but found that she could do nothing but mewl in pleasure and roll her head from side to side. She grasped his body so hard she was afraid she might hurt him but she couldn't help it. Hobie tore off his briefs and tossed them to the surf, leaning his toned and sexy surfer's body down against hers, pressing their bellies together as his cock slid between her slick thighs and bumped against her sex, slowly slipping up inside of her as he moaned loudly, the water splashing both of them gently as she settled in the sand. "Ooooh gods you feel soft, Rain...." Rain was about to cry out in a voice she didn't know she had before she covered her mouth with her hands, almost biting into them and stifling her scream. She still couldn't find the will to speak, so she let her actions speak for her by pulling Hobie into a deep kiss and groaning down his throat. His belly rubbed against hers as he arched his back; she could feel the little bulge in his tummy pressing up against her invisible womb. His eyes tightly shut as his balls churned beneath his throbbing cock buried in her depths, his hands gripping her shoulders as he grunted with pleasure and curled his tongue around hers. The feeling of the baby in his tummy excited her even more and she disengaged her hands from Hobie's shoulders to blindly grope his nethers as best she could. She wasn't able to do much more than cop a feel but she was sure she was adding to his pleasure at least a little. She pressed her chest up into his, growling from the overstimulation of her body; if it weren't for the waves periodically dousing her, she would have passed out. Hobie gasped and moaned louder at her hands caressing the base of his cock and his balls, shaking in pleasure before he yelped and his body tensed, a moment before hot ottercum flooded her depths, a generous shower of femcum coating his balls and Rain's hand as he climaxed from both genders, filling her belly while he ground against her firmly, the sensation of the baby within him pressed between them adding to the sensation. Rain felt her pleasure escalate to a point it had never before reached, her mind awash with lust and love. Spots danced in front of her eyes, so she kept them shut as the wave of her orgasm finally crested. Her sex clenched his rod as he pumped his seed at her already full womb, and she withdrew her tongue from his muzzle so she could howl her release into his mouth without being heard. The otterboy grunted loudly as his climax subsided, panting and glistening with both sweat and seawater, settling himself atop her in exhaustion and moaning as he kissed her neck and face lovingly. "Mmmm, I love you so much, my dear Rain...mother of my child." She came down from the heavens and lay back in the sand, pulling away from his muzzle, a trail of saliva still linking them. She weakly held him as she licked him back, able to speak again. "I meant what I said, you know. I'm going to make sure you love the changes in your body as much as I do. Mm, and then when you have the pup, you'll still be able to watch me grow." "For five more weeks." He chuckled and kissed her again, licking around her face and muzzle, looking up the beach at their clothing scattered about. "I'm sorry for ruining your clothes, honey...." She returned the kiss. "It's okay. I think that it won't be too long before we don't really even need clothes. It'll be a long, pregnant vacation." She took a deep breath. "But right now, I think we should go inside. Can't have anyone just coming by and seeing, you know." He nodded, seeing that the sun was getting low on the horizon. He slowly stood up, pulling his softened cock from her slit, dripping with honey and cum. "Do you want to go to the island for a while...or stay around here for the next nine months?" he asked as he offered her a hand. She whined at the feeling of his cock leaving her before she took his hand and rose to her knees and then her feet. "I think we're both going to deserve a vacation." She put his arm around her shoulders and leaned her head against his chest as they tiredly walked back across the beach. Hobie took her inside, smiling and holding the door open for her. "I think maybe we could take a shower...and then curl up in bed together...I'm rather exhausted after that." Rain nodded. " seems that we are two of the fortunate furs to be super turned on during pregnancy. \*murr\* One nice thing about getting bigger, if it still scares you at all, is that there will be even more of each other to cuddle, and I think you know that I can be quite the cuddle bug." "But when we're both round and swollen...mmf. How are we going to...?" He stepped into the bathroom to turn on the shower, smiling back at her. "Ladies first." She reached in to check the water temperature, and finding it to her liking, stepped in, pulling him with her. "We'll find a way. I know I'll be fawning over you, so you can certainly look forward to that." He grinned widely, stepping in with her and getting soaked, smiling and swinging his big tail as he closed the shower door behind him and pulling her close, pressing tummy to tummy. "How long will you want to stay on the island, love?" She rested her head under his chin and held him in her arms as the warm water soothed her strained body, groaning in appreciation. "Long enough to have the pups, at least. I don't want either of us to be worried about anything but each other. After that, well, we shall see." Hobie reached behind Rain and pulled back the liquid soap, drenching it over her back and lathering her up from her neck down to her rump. "We'll have to pack plenty of clothing...and umm...well...we're going to grow out of everything." He chuckled. "Kinda roughing it?" Rain almost felt herself nodding off from his gentle ministrations. "Sure. It'll be nice...we can take care of each other and not have to worry about anyone telling us what we should do." He kneaded her back and shoulders lovingly and murred happily, nuzzling her chest and neck as he worked the soap into her fur, rinsing her off under the cascade of water. "I should probably get in touch with an obstetrician who's willing to make out-of-the-way house calls. You know, just to be safe." She melted under his affections and started to drift off. "Mmm...that's so nice, Hobie...we should either sleep in here or go to bed now, or I'll just collapse." "Let's sleep in bed dear, the shower will make us soggy." Hobie smiled and turned off the water, toweling his lover dry and then himself before taking her to the bedroom, turning down the sheets of his luxurious bed and helping her lay down. "I will miss the comforts of home though...." She opened her arms welcomingly and smiled at him. "Well, you'll have me. I'll be your comforter anytime you want. And I'll never break or have to be replaced, that's a promise. Right now, though, I just want us to hold each other as we did when our second child was conceived." He giggled and nodded, snuggling up against her as their bellies pressed together, the pups nestled within them as close as they could get in utero. "So you want to call my pup your own as well, Rain?" Rain licked his face and nodded. "Of course. It's the child of my love, and it will know parents who love it and love each other, so I don't see why it can't be both of ours." "That means everything to me dear..." he murred and closed his eyes, snuggled up in his mate's arms, and sighed softly. "Goodnight, my dear Rain." "Anytime, Hobie. See you in the morning." She drifted off to sleep, maternal thoughts mingling in her dreams.
Title: ATVWolf by SwampRat Tags: Human, Machine, Other/Herm, Wolf ATVWolf.Txt - M/? - October 6, 2003 Living Machines By SwampRat (cl) 2003 - Gay Furry Association Based on the drawing ATV by inflataroo ( "Good Morning Sir. Nice day to go riding." John was taken aback a little.. He had heard of sentient machines, but to See one.. It was a wolf, shaped into the image of an atv. "Don't worry Sir.. I won't bite - Unless you want me too." John stroked the seat, looked at the 4 'legs' that were molded into fenders. "Would Sir like to see under my tail?" The object waved and John \*Blushed\* but couldn't help but look at the black tailpipe and below it what looked to be a full ball sack, and sheath. "I am fully anatomical and can pleasure my riders in many ways. Do have a seat on me Sir. I am equipped with a 500 cc engine and 12 gears so Your wonderful girth is no problem." John Was a little pudgy, but not That fat.. And the 'machine' was free for the day. So he got in, listening to the gentle rumble of pleasure the wolf gave. "Would you like to go Manual or let me decide on a place Sir.." Umm.. "Pick a Place I guess.." He put the seatbelt on and held onto the handlebars as the ATV started himself and took off slowly at first, then faster when they got out past the villages of the Resort. Up into 'Gods Country', rough and untouched.. Stopped at a ravine overlooking the valley. "It's Beautiful.." John got off and sat looking over the area. "I always enjoy bringing Riders here." John closed his eyes and lay back.. feeling the breeze on his naked skin.. He didn't understand the brochure at first... Gay Male Resort. Nudity a Must. He almost didn't go - Humans not being welcome in Most Places any more.. Chubby ones Most Definitely not - But they welcomed him in with open paws, and in fact gave him a discount. A whimper got his attention. He sat up. "Sorry.. I can't help admire your erection." John laughed.. Now he Knew the machine was full of it.. His dick wasn't very long or Big.. and with his stomach, it was mostly hidden. He stood and moved close enough to look the 'head' over. Rubbed the ears and got a soft whine.. Felt a tongue licking his nuts over. It felt good.. Real Good.. Suddenly he found himself gripping the bar and thrusting his cock into the soft, moist muzzle.. It snuffled, it sucked, it didn't complain one bit about his size, his lack of prowess.. All it did was suck and lick and bite his cock until he was flopped over, pumping his cum down a throat that was almost too much for him to take. Finally he slipped out, lying and gasping until he could get his breath back. Crawled to the back and drank from the canteen in the bag. Ate a little, offered some to his ride. "No thanks Sir.. I will get refuelled at the next stop.. Shall we continue?" John nodded and got back on, feeling the fur bunch up to cradle his nuts.. With seatbelt on they zoomed off again, along a trail that took them into the higher elevations and to a way-station.. The pump had a penis-like end on the hose, and when John put it in the muzzle, the wolf sucked on it hard and greedily.. Went to the dispenser and got himself something to eat. Sat and watched the machine refill itself and stop when it was full again. "So you won't need to suck on me for a while?" The wolf pants and licks his rump. "Oh No Sir.. I can suck on you all the way up and down is Sir wishes.. But I do have another orifice if Sir wishes to mount me." John had to laugh and lifts the tail up, rubbing his cock against the warm pipe.. It flexes as he pushes in, somehow tight but loose at the same time.. He can't help himself and Slams into the almost too hot hole, moaning, thrusting, slapping his balls against the furry ones.. He feels something wet and warm dripping on his feet, and reaches down to grip a wolf-cock.. The monster throbs in his hand as he strokes it. making the pope Squeeze on him. He arches up and slams in to the hilt, making the wolf howl, spurt cum all over his feet and legs as he empties his balls into the furry ass. Again it takes a while to recover and he gets the machine off a couple more times before the knot subsides and the very realistic cock slips back into it's holder.. "Oh Sir.. That was the best humping I have had in ages.. Thank You SO Much.." John had to laugh.. He laughed so hard his semi-hard cock popped out as he fell on the ground.. "Thank Me? I have cum harder, longer and better in the last few hours than I have probably in My Life! if I thought I could afford to Buy you I would - I don't know how much riding we would get in but you would Definitely be filled from both ends as often as I could manage.." He slowly got up and kisses the Wolf. "But that would be cruel to one such as you who was made to roam and carry your lovers all over this great countryside." The wolf whined again, but nodded, feeling the male get back on him again, and take him to a nice stream/pool where he could wash and have fun. One last stop at the way-station, where John went the limit and pounded both ends of the ATV.. He literally had to drag himself on top of the machine and be carried back to the resort. A shower and he hit the bed like a ton of bricks. \* \* \* \* The next morning he ate - Alone - and went down to the 'barn'.. To find his wolf had already been taken. There were some others who looked sexy.. But none were as sincere as the Wolf had been. He knew they were sniggering about his girth and his lack of - Some of their Sheaths were longer than his Pride. So he went to the hot-tub and soaked. "Mind if I join you?" Now That was a rarity.. He shook his head and smiled when a hand slid across his chest, caressing a nipple. "I like 'em Big.. Always have. Especially after that fucking you gave me yesterday.. The way you made my shocks creak.." John opened his eyes Wide.. There was the same Wolf - At least as best he could figure.. Except with 2 legs and 2 arms and one big cock that slid along his leg as the male stroked him to hardness.. "How.. What.. I.." "We are Still in the experimental stages.. We have 2 bodies - one bipedal, one utilitarian. I was lucky enough to be an ATV.. Some are Construction workers who are Much to big to enjoy their humans operators as lovers. As to price, Yes you can't afford to Buy me.. But you can live here and be my 'Consultant'.. As such you will be evaluating me both as a vehicle and as a robot. Android is Human-like and I am not that at all. Now bend me over the pool rim and show me how much you like my ass again." The End.. For Now
Title: First Impressions chapter 12 by RuthofPern Tags: Cat, Dog, Dragon, Dragoness, Female, Love, Male, Masturbation, Pregnancy, Scat, Sex, Watersports, Yiff, gifting, healing, injury, swinging Chapter 12. Ruth and Jessica broke the kiss as they heard the ambulances engine start up with a rattle in the driveway. They looked at each other and Ruth opened his mouth to speak, but Jessica beat him to it. "You are happy love...aren't you?" She queried, watching him carefully for his reaction. "Triplets could I not be happy!" he said, kissing her again, to make his point. "That was more than I could have hoped for love, myself. We may have to move though, much as I don't want to. We could make one of the spares into a nursery, but unless we extend we haven't enough floor space for three more bedrooms. You know how much space we take as hatchlings until we get up onto two feet!" Jessica said, ever practical even in her exhaustion. Ruth laughed, then yawned heavily, wincing as his neck moved. "If all went well in Australia love, I think the company will want me nearer to Liverpool anyway. Fancy another project to keep you busy, or a ready to move in property?" Jessica watched his wince, while half listening to his words in her own haze of tiredness. She reached over and peeled the bandage away from his neck wounds, and started to apply the healing saliva that they truly needed, in long sensuous licks. "Mmm, well we will wait and see, but before we decide on what to look for, we need to find out what you are offered. One thing though...Don't take London or Australia. I am a Brit through and through, but I don't want to move back within reach of my family either; that means staying out of the South east." Ruth looked down his snout at his mates attentions, not interrupting the vocalisation of her thoughts. He knew of course of her family could he forget the reaction of her parents when she took him to meet them, and showed them the rings and what they meant. The series of questions he underwent at the time made him think he was under arrest, and the look on her face as they turned their backs on them and removed her portrait from above the fireplace. Then the declaration that for mating with a common orphan, she was no longer welcome on the families properties; would stay with him for life. That was why he had kept his eye on the job positions in the north, and had moved them up here at the first opportunity. "Don't worry love. I told Clyde in Australia that I would do set up only, if his company awarded the contract to Overland, but I wouldn't be moving over there. I know you want to stay in the UK and away from the south, so I will continue to push for replacing Felix up here in the north if all goes well," he said quietly, and shifted his hips to try and get comfy. His deflated shaft was aching something awful, and he could feel his bladder telling him that he needed to do something about it soon, before he dropped into a much needed sleep. Jessica felt him shift under her as she continued to lick at his neck wounds, listening to his words and occasionally pausing in agreement. "You okay love?" she queried, as he was refusing to settle. "Ahem, well you did damage something else love, and it is causing me some discomfort, also I need to go as well, which will cause me some difficulty as well I fear," he said shifting more. Jessica sat up straight, suddenly remembering exactly what she had done. "Oh shit, I am sorry about that, your horn is badly out of shape as well. Do you want a hand with the repair on your shaft...and the other need," she queried, winking at him. "Just get me to the en-suite, and we will see what the damage looks like first!" Ruth laughed, playfully swiping at her arm as she slid to the floor, wincing herself as she jarred her bruised back. She walked around the bed and helped him to stand as he weaved, still suffering from a lack of blood pressure. Carefully they wobbled together into the attached bathroom, and Jessica parked Ruth in front of the appliance, leaning him against the sink for support, and watching as he winced in the effort to retrieve his hose from its home. "You want a hand love?" she asked, as it was obvious he was struggling. "Ahem, my cavity seems to be stuck together...I don't want to wet myself internally, as my shaft is still raw... Could you try and break the seal of whatever it is... I am struggling to bend," Ruth said sheepishly, as Jessica knelt next to him. She ran a talon gently into his slits lips, wrinkling her nose as a foul smell belched out of the cavity of stale blood, and semen. His glans tip appeared with the vacuums release, and she gently pulled his flaccid shaft free of its confines, pointing it at the bowl for him, frowning at the marred scales, that were heavily stained with blood. "Release love, and I will guide you... then we must shower you, or you will get infected. I can't heal you as you are." Ruth almost vocalised, as he felt the warm air of the bathroom hit his damaged shaft. 'Bollocks that hurts,' he thought, as he felt Jessica gently pull it from its home, feeling as the torn and ruffled micro-dermical scales kept sticking to his contaminated skin within the his protected area. He heard her tell him to release, and he relaxed his bladder muscles, groaning as what felt like liquid fire pulsed down his tube, evacuating into the bowl under his mates steady guidance. Jessica watched in concern as small lumps of coagulated blood spat out of his eye, with the urine, but was relieved to see that there was no fresh staining in the liquid that followed. Ruth was groaning in pain above her, and she could only imagine what it must feel like. As he sputtered to a halt, she licked at his tip with copious saliva to numb it slightly, and parted his eye to examine for damage, starting slightly at what she observed. "Ruth hold still darling please...I must get my scaling kit from the cupboard." Ruth nodded, leaning heavily on the sink as she stood and left him unsupported for a moment, his tip was throbbing mercilessly, and it was all he could do not to bend and retract his shaft back into its housing. Jessica went behind him and opened the grooming cupboard, and pulled a little box of scale and talon files out from behind the buffing gear. She quickly selected the crimp tweezers that were normally used for fine pressure detailing from it, and returned to her knees beside the bowl, flushing the cistern to clear the waste water. She spat on his glans again, and parted his eye as he winced, and gently used the tweezers to pull the embedded piece of decorative china that was in his urethra free of his tube, making him grunt in pain, as the blood started to flow freely again. She quickly checked for more in the tube, then licked at the acid tainted blood carefully until it healed properly under her ministrations. Ruth sighed, as the throbbing died down a little, then groaned, as the attention she was giving him started the unavoidable stiffening of his sorely abused shaft, stretching at the split and torn scales as the flesh swelled from within. Jessica quickly rolled his scale-skin roll back carefully, exposing his glans fully, and removed a further five pieces of china, including a complete hand off a decorative miniature otter, from where they had been trapped, agitating his glans within his fore sheath. She was aware of the swelling that was occurring in front of her snout of course, as she licked at the angry and salty flesh until its shades of red started to fade back to a normal colour, wincing for him as the flaking scales around her inflicted puncture wounds started to break open and bleed again. "Ruth...try and hold off for a moment darling, I know it must be difficult, until I have cleared the dry blood off in the shower. I don't think you can afford to lose any more blood for the moment," she said standing and flicking the water on in the double booth against the wall, adjusting it until it was only at around fifty degrees Celsius, then helped him into the dragon cool flow, propping him against the wall before closing the door behind them and kneeling next to his semi erect crotch. Ruth nodded at her quiet concern, and to his disgrace pictured Janice in his mind, which slowed if not completely put on hold his inflating shaft...There was no denying that she was a sexy bitch...but what she had done was unforgivable, and that was enough to cool his ardour for the moment. Jessica cupped her hands around his shaft, allowing them to fill with the water, then gently massaged the damaged scales, easing at them gently as the wounds re-opened, trying to ignore the hissing Ruth was emitting from above her. As the coagulated blood was soaked away, she picked up the tweezers again, and started to pull the micro scales that were badly damaged free of the shaft gently, allowing them to wash down the drain. "Step forward please love, free of the flow for a few minutes," she said, as his shaft cleared in colour, back to it's smooth pinkie white. Ruth complied, and the pain eased as she started to lick at the new blood that was spotting in beads from his flesh. Sighing in relief he looked down as she healed the damage she had inflicted earlier...Although it had heightened his sensations at the time, this aftermath was something he would avoid at all costs in the future. As he regained full flexibility in his scale-skin, her attentions were also activating the now unavoidable signals from his brain, and his shaft grew to full size, his balls slipping free and hanging loose in the steamy air of the enclosure. She grinned up at him through the mist, and pushed him silently back under the spray from the head. "Well as you are now fully inverted love, I think I should finish your toilette for you before we create any more mess... then we can switch positions," she winked, and started to clean the foul slime that had congealed within his cavity off him with her fingers, as the water sluiced down him on rivulets. Then, starting her tonguing again she cleaned around the base of his shaft, tickling at his orbs, then sampling the fresh and clean saltiness that was emerging from his tip. Despite him knowing it was a cleaning ritual, and despite the knowledge that she would be sore still, he bent slightly and tapped her on her shoulder, then slipping his hands under her wing joints, eased her upright to him in a silent kiss. Dropping one hand down he angled his straining shaft lower and found what he was feeling for with his tip, slipping it gently inside her with a single fluid glide. Jessica moaned into his kiss, resisting the urge to bite down on his tongue as it wrestled with hers in her mouth, as she felt him glide his shaft into its second home. She winced slightly as his glans contacted her cervical wall, but he withdrew slightly as soon as he realised her discomfort. "I suppose a bit more seed won't harm the eggs love..." he breathed the words into her mouth quietly. " can baste them whenever and wherever you wish darling," she replied, equally as whispery in tone, as he started to ease into a gentle rhythm, slowly and gently pulsing within her cave, never again touching her now fully contracted cervix. The position they were in, fully upright was causing his shafts ridges to tease at her clit with each withdrawal, bringing her close again to her peak. Gently, as her breathing speed increased, she turned her head sideways, and took him into a full French kiss, as her walls started to contract. Ruth accepted her full kiss, and he paused at three quarter depth, allowing his mates pulsing walls to ripple along his shaft, pushing him into his own ecstasy as his nuts contracted and released his seed into his heart-mates being. Maybe it was exhaustion, maybe it was the still low blood pressure that they were both suffering from, but the release for both of them was quick, and not as prolonged as usual, and they broke the kiss panting quietly, smiling into each others eyes. Ruth slipped his healed shaft free of her, and then slowly revolved them on the floor until she was under the shower jets fully, and with a groan he slipped down to his knees, pausing to lick at the still raw wounds evident on her nipples, before placing his snout at her recently vacated spot. They were still agitated from before, that much was obvious, but apart from his oozing cream that was slowly making its way out into the central stream of water that was running from between her bosoms above, what was more obvious was the damage that he had obviously done to her lower ring with his pain play. "Jessica darling...when was the last time you passed solids?" he asked quietly, aware that it would sound unusual to her. "Why dear...last night...I was going to use the toilet again before we settle for sleep, as I can feel I am a little bloated," she replied, looking down at him with a puzzled expression. "I am afraid dear that I may have done some damage in our session earlier that was not healed at the time... The wounds will have to be re-opened somehow, and that may be the best way while we are here in a sterile water environment. I can heal them then, properly..." he looked up at her quizzical face, a range of emotions gently passing across it for those that could read then to understand. "Are you sure about that sort of play Ruth...It takes it beyond our watersports you know...I could always use a salve on myself after I finish." "No play Jessica...just do it here and it can be shunted aside for transfer to the bowl when you are clean. You know that we can heal ourselves more effectively than any salve can. Much as I like your taste from our tainting sessions, I know that that type of play is not in my list of things to do... The rest of you tastes so much better," he replied as he looked up at her, gently tonguing at her vaginal lips as his seed was still leaking gently. Jessica sighed, harrumphing a gust of breath into the mist above him, and nearly jumped at the curl of smoke that drifted up to the extractor fan in the ceiling. 'The idea must be getting me hot!' she thought as she made up her mind. "Lie flat on your belly then dear, and allow me to turn and hoist my tail to rest on your head. I am afraid I can't release without squatting to a certain extent. Cup your hands under me, then lay my waste aside to avoid messing the floor to much. I am fibre rich at the moment, so they should be of solid form." Ruth flattened himself as she repositioned, but due to restricted length in the shower stall, he had to raise his own ass and tail with his legs to avoid crushing himself against the wall. The cool tiles kissed his ring, as his mates hoved into position about six inches from his snout tip. He rested on his elbows and held his cupped hands out to receive her most intimate of gifts. "You sure about this Ruth?" she queried from above, as she turned the water temperature up to eighty degrees C, to ensure complete sterility. "Yes Jess, but please hurry, as I am a little cramped here," Jessica looked over her shoulder as she started to relax, and grinned, thinking naughtily that she should have affixed one of her suction toys to the wall, where her mates ass was now pressed. 'Well I haven't penetrated him yet with anything other than my tail...that will have to come!' she thought as she felt a bubble of gas slip free, as her waste moved to exit in this weirdly feral position she had been forced to adopt. "Here it comes love..." she said as her bladder started to release it's contents forward into the plughole, and winced and swore under her breath as her rear gate opened fully for the first time since its damage. She could feel the skin tearing again, as her first firm log eased out... Ruth watched her muscles moving, and sniffed as a cum scented micro-fart ruffled her rings scales as it escaped her sealed demesnes. He smiled, knowing it was what he had left behind from when he had surprised her earlier in his entrapment of her. Her ring started to expand in front of his eyes, as her first log began to ease its way out slowly into his hands. New blood and skin tears appeared with it, as she expanded with the pressure from it's size. Her bladder released and sprinkled the tiles around the plug as he watched. The log dropped free into his hands and he placed it to the side, quickly re-cupping for the three that followed in quick succession, until a much smaller round one dangled free, and a blast of much more pungent gas followed it. He snorted, and placed the last pellet with the others, then realised that for some reason he had regained a full erection again, and questioned his brain as to why. Almost, he reached for the smaller pellet, but then he felt Jessica shift above him, and she announced that, that was all. He remained crouched on all fours as she turned into her previous position, hiding his unexpected embarrassment. She looked down at him, trying to judge what he had thought of the experience, but her ring was really stinging now, so remained silent, as he started his cleansing licks at it, after he had massaged the area clean with the near scalding water. "That is fine now Ruth, I feel much better. Come, join me for another cuddle before we clean the enclosure, and head for bed. I am almost too tired to stand." Ruth stood sheepishly, revealing what his position had hidden, and Jessica raised an eye-ridge. "You found that erotic...yes?" she asked, surprised at her mates base reaction. "Yes," he answered, not sure if he should look her straight in the eye. "Then we shall experiment at a later date if you wish...when we have more room. A wet room is going to have to be first on my list for the new house. It will aid in washing the hatchlings as well," she reached down and massaged him gently until he sputtered and showered them both with the last weak offering he could produce for the time being, then let his spent shaft withdraw back into his smooth cavity, admiring the play of the water as it rippled over his still prominent belly muscles, washing the latest wasted seed down into the drains. She almost giggled at his questioning look, and the neat stack that he had made to avoid unwanted trampling a problem. She quickly ensured that his seed was free of her belly scales, then turned the water off, opening the door, and bending to scoop up the waste, dropping them into the toilet and flushing, then rinsed her hands under the tap. "Come, let us dry off, then go to bed. You may end up in work tomorrow, and it is after midnight now...we both need to recuperate..." Ruth stepped clear of the enclosure, and reached for the fluffy towel she handed him, and started wiping himself dry, playing close attention to his cavity as well. The hot water had done a wonderful job of relieving some of the stiffness from his bruised muscles. He yawned heavily and followed Jessica into the bedroom, before collapsing onto the sheets next to her. She nuzzled her snout into his neck, and he gently placed a hand on her belly as they drifted off into an exhausted sleep... \*\*\*\* 'B...B...BE...BEE...BEEP! B...B...BE...BEE...BEEP! B...B...BE...BEE...BEEP!' Felix groaned heavily, and rolled over bleary eyed, causing his mate, Charity, to mutter imprecations under her breath at him, as he batted around on the side table for his phone, that was telling him there was a message waiting. 'B...B...BE...BEE' 'Smack!' He hit the button finally silencing it, and slowly focused his feline eyes on the clock. "Fucking six am!. Who the fuck is messaging me at this time?" he muttered, as he reached for his glasses case. Charity turned away from him, and tried to ignore his swearing. She did not approve, but had learnt in their thirty nine years of partnership, to put up with the early morning disturbances. Felix placed his glasses on his long nose, then hooked them around his tufted ears, and picked up the phone, opening the email with a grunt. "Ha!" he exclaimed triumphantly. "The bloody boy did it...he got the contract!" "What contract dear...and who?" Charity asked, giving up and turning over to look up at her Abyssinian mate, who was still reading the rest of the details included on the file. "What...Oh Ruth. I sent him to Australia a few days ago to try and nail a tasty contract for us here concerning the northern office. Head office requested him...You know that dear I told you at the time, as I was going to have to break into his holiday..." he paused as she interjected. "You didn't tell me dear...I remember his name coming up, but it was something to do with Jones and a rabbit I think," she sighed, thinking of all the other things he assumed she knew. "Oh...well anyway. I sent Ruth to Australia, after head office wanted him to go. It's over a merger contract and exchange of services...big thing for our office if he gets it, and it will mean he comes on board to work and train as my replacement when I retire next year. Jones is too stuck in his ways, and will just carry on as the jack of all trades, covering where he is needed. Well anyway, the buggers done me proud, and nailed it! Two hundred and fifty million in revenue for the company minimum. Good job I am on final salary and not aggregate pension love...we can move to Spain now if you want when I hang up my jacket for the last time next year!" Charity smiled up at her mate, stretching languorously, slipping the duvet down to expose her trim, figure hugging night dress. Her mind was running though the figures that she assumed her mate was going to get as the office manager that would be handling the volume of work...£100k plus rolled past the inside of eyelids, and she purred loudly, attracting his attention. Felix looked down at his Persian mate, a sudden worried look phasing across his face. "Er's summer, so I know it can't be Christmas...I haven't forgotten our birthday's again have I?" he queried, knowing that for the last few years since they had both turned fifty five, what she was doing had been for special occasions only... "I think a promotion and salary increase counts as special my love...Don't you?" she slipped down the bed, peeling the nightdress off over her head. Boy was she proud that she had regained and held her figure after the kittens had been born, and left the house. Felix gulped, but couldn't ignore the swelling that was being elicited from his sheath, and started to unbutton his pajama pants, placing the phone back on the table. "Ahem...I have to be in London for thirteen hundred dear, and so does Ruth. They have booked us in at the Draheal heights plaza, for a couple of nights... We are to bring our mates, as it looks like it will be at least Wednesday before we will be home... I suppose that I have time though before I let Ruth know, he must be terribly jet-lagged." Charity looked up at him coquettishly, lying on her back with her arms and hands curled over in a submissive position, as he slipped his pants off, discarding them to the floor in a heap. He straddled her stomach, and bent for a kiss, before positioning his spiky tipped seven inches at her entrance, purring though their locked lips, as he slipped it smoothly in. "That does feel good again love...maybe we can do this again, while the bed linen isn't mine to wash..." she whispered winking, then groaned as he started his gentle rhythm, his purr joining with hers in a harmony that only a long time feline mate-hood could form... \*\*\*\* 'Bbbrrbbrrbbrr' Something was nibbling at the corners of Ruth's consciousness...He couldn't put his finger on what it was, but it was enough to start his mind into a cycle of awakening. He cracked his eyes, but the drawn curtains were not admitting any sunlight, as the sky was overcast this morning. He shifted slightly, smiling as he realised that Jessica was still breathing heavily, head rested on his neck, each warm gust ruffling his scales under his chin. His hand was still resting on her belly...and all was right with his world. 'bbrrbbrrbbrr' There it was again...'What the hell is it', he thought, and glanced at the clock on the dresser, as Jessica started to stir, and nibbled at his chin horn in play. It read eight am. "Jess love...can you hear something?" he asked quietly, tilting his head, and pecking her on the nose horn with a kiss. 'bbrrbbrrbbrr' Jessica cocked her head for a second, then sighed. "Your phone love...It's still in my pouch somewhere downstairs...someone must want you dear," she shuffled up slightly and took him into a proper kiss. The house phone, mounted on an extension on the wall next to the bed started to ring then, and Ruth cursed quietly, as he broke the kiss and reached for it... "Hello?" he answered. Jessica grumbled as he broke the kiss, then grinned and slid down his chest to deal with the problem that he always suffered from in a was no exception! She started to lick and tease at his erection, as he answered the phone, deliberately playing sensuously at his glans... "Hello Ruth...It's Felix. Been trying your mobile, but to no avail, so I rang your home number... Not interrupting anything, am I?" He asked. "Harrumph!" Ruth groaned, trying to concentrate on his boss, half heartedly swatting at Jessica, as she ducked and swallowed his cock. "Ruth?...You alright?" Felix asked, as Jessica stifled a giggle, tickling at his glans with her vocal cords. "Y...Yes Felix...Just woken up...S...Still tired from the fllllliiiiiiiiiggggggghtttt!!!" he tensed, struggling to speak, as Jessica started spiraling his shaft with her tongue. "Hmmmph, you sure? Anyway, go grab a shower and pack yourself and Jessica a suitcase. You got the Aussie contract, and the company want you and I in London by thirteen hundred...They booked us into the Draheal, so I am to bring Charity, and you Jessica, as they anticipate us being in the capital for a few days at least." Ruth gave in, and groaned as he blew his load down Jessica's throat, muffling the phones microphone as he did. "Ruth?" "Y...Yeeeesss Feeeeeleliiiiixx! Thirteen hundred..." Ruth gasped, as he glanced at the clock again. "Felix, can you stall them until fifteen hundred mate... I can't fly at the moment, I was injured. We haven't got a car, so will have to come by train. It will give me time to check in and get Jessica settled with Charity before the meeting that way." " sure you are alright?" Felix asked concerned. "Yes...yes, just bruises and a busted horn...Jess is just massaging meeeeeee!" he squealed as she nipped at his deflating cock in retaliation for calling her attentions a massage! Felix shook his head on the other end of the phone. "Very well, I will stall have just doubled the companies turn over after all. Get you arse to H.O. as soon as you can, and I will see you there. Charity will wait in the lobby for you and Jess at the Draheal. Amy can cover for you, as Jones is covering me... Can she cope?" "Yes...but she will just take messages...Tell her to message me if something urgent comes up." Ruth shoved Jessica off the end of the bed with his feet when her teeth were clear, causing her to squeal in indignation. "Ruth are you sure you are alright? I am hearing some funny noises..." Felix queried again. "Yes Felix fine, Jessica just dropped something on the floor. Now I will see you at around fifteen hundred...goodbye!" He hung the phone up, and braced himself as Jessica launched herself off the carpet, landing on his chest heavily and pinning him to the pillows. "Now what was that about? Can't they leave you alone for even one day?" she asked, forestalling his answer with another ardent kiss. "Jessica...I got the bloody contract...We have got to be in London in six hours!" he said between their locked lips, tickling her under her breasts until she released him. Jessica sat up, "We?" "Yes we. Felix and I...and you and Charity are coming along for the ride. They have booked us into the Draheal, as we will be down there for a few days for conference." Jessica beamed, and glancing at the clock, reached a hand under her belly, slipped it into his cavity to chase his freshly spent shaft. "Then we have time for a quickie love..." she started to massage, and smiled as he responded in the only way his body could. Ruth grinned at her, and shuffled her down, allowing his emerging glans to slide straight into Jessica's waiting cave, before starting a gentle rocking motion with her. "I will have to save some for later the hotel!" Jessica bent and kissed him again, and started panting, as his ridges started to work their magic on her... \*\*\*\* One hour later they emerged from the en-suite, after Jessica had salvaged and filed into shape what she could of his damaged head horn. They had showered fully then, cleaning all trace of the mornings play, and the filings away down the drain. "Go get some breakfast on love, while I pack us a few days formal dress in the cases. I will reserve us some first class seats on the train as well," Jessica said, as she stepped into a thong. Ruth nodded, and left the room naked, strolling down the stairs. He was still a little stiff in his muscles, but nothing that was calling for his attention at the moment. Walking into the kitchen, he looked morosely in the fridge, and then quickly scanned the contents of the cupboards, deciding that nothing would really work as a meal to start what would be a long day. He called up the stairs to Jessica. "Erm, Jessica...we haven't got anything in." He heard Jessica curse, "Erm, I was going to do a restock yesterday dear, but things kind of distracted me...We will grab a sub on the way to the station. Come back up and get dressed, I will order a cab." Ruth smiled to himself, and grabbed his luggage case from the foot of the stairs where it had been discarded, then grabbing Jessica's pouch, he rejoined his mate in the suite. "You had better get the glazier to come while we are away, and replace the busted pane at the front. The mess will have to wait." Jessica nodded, and dialled for a cab ordering it to arrive in fifteen minutes. She then dialled up the local directory, and selected the first glazier that was suggested. Ruth stood admiring the play of the early sunlight that was now breaking through the cloud cover, where it caught her across her exposed scales. She had chosen to wear a semi formal, half length summer dress. It was a light flower pattern, that accentuated her curves, but was totally unsuitable for flying...but then again neither of them would be doing any of that for a few days at least! He went to the wardrobe, and selected a formal black, scale tight tailored suit, and a crisply pressed, pale pink shirt. He fetched an azure blue tie from the drawer that matched his eyes, to complete the look. Jessica turned and looked him over, then walked over and straightened his tie, planting a kiss on his snout with a curl of her lip. "You look great love...that should impress the bigwigs down in London. I will pack up a few semi-formal changes for you and me, so we can dine out while we are at the companies leisure," she said, kissing him again, and eased past him to raid his wardrobe. Her case was already packed on the bed. "Ruth darling, empty your case out will you, so I can repack." Ruth tipped the case out onto the bed, and shovelled his dirty clothes and linen suit into the laundry basket...then surreptitiously slipped round to Jessica's side of the bed, and collected her holiday clothes from the floor, and popped them in as well before she turned around. Jessica looked at him quizzically, but didn't say anything when she observed him hastening the remake the rumpled sheets on the bed. She knew what he had done, and it was just one of the other things she loved about him. Although she did the washing/ironing and cleaning, being the housewife... She was very much a floor to washer direct, type of person in the private rooms. She would never complain though about a tidy mate though! She smiled as the crunch of gravel sounded outside on the drive, followed by a horn. "Taxi's here love. I will be a few minutes, so can you go tell him to wait for a few minutes please." Ruth nodded, and finished folding the sheets on the bed back neatly, then left the room as Jessica neatly folded a few changes of clothes for him into the case. "Jessica...could you put my notes and the memory cards back in on the contract...I may need them," he called back as he started descending the stairs. "And your phone in your pouch..." Jessica's disembodied voice followed him down into the hall, as he grinned. He opened the front door, and walked out to the waiting car, and knocked on the window. A middle aged female otter pressed the button on the winder, and the window retracted into the door. "You ready sir?" she asked politely, beaming at him through the space. "Will be in a few minutes. My mate is just finishing the packing... We only got warned about this business trip just over an hour ago. Can we stop at the Meat-treat sandwich trailer on the way to the station, we haven't eaten yet," Ruth asked, thinking the smile on the otters face must have meant she was very attractive in her youth, she was looking a little harried though. "No problem sir, but you don't mind if I start the meter do you? Your journey is only a short one..." "No be my guest. I know she won't be long." The otter smiled and pressed the button on the device attached to the centre console of the car. Ruth strolled back to the house, opening the door to be greeted by the site of Jessica struggled and cursing down the stairs with the two cases. He immediately jumped to help her, grabbing them both off her, as she thanked him, then she went to check the back door was locked as he carried them out to the waiting cab. The otter jumped out, and popped the boot, helping him secure them before opening the back doors as Jessica closed and locked the front door. "I called next door Ruth, and gave the Oaks an accident story... They will let the glaziers in if they need access." She pinned a note on the door with a bit of blue tack, then joined him at the car pausing as she spotted the driver. "Hermione?" She asked, as she went to take her seat. The otter looked up at her with half a grin as she took the driving seat again. "Ah...Yes Jessica...I am sorry that I didn't come to collect my order...things changed a little for me at home," she turned the key in the ignition, and the diesel rumbled into life. "I will admit to trying to shunt this job onto someone else when it came in, but I was the only one in the office." "The order is neither here nor there. What are you doing driving a mini-cab? I thought you and Geoff were happy and secure at home... When you vanished I just thought you had gone on that long cruise you were always talking about taking," Jessica said in a concerned voice. "Geoff was made redundant... I have had to start working while he tries for another position elsewhere. We have a couple of months leeway on the mortgage, but every penny helps, or we could lose the house. The kids haven't any spare to help at the moment with the downturn, so we are just hoping that things get better soon..." Hermione sniffed, trying to control her emotions as she was driving steadily towards town. Jessica looked at Ruth, and nudged him. He realised what she was hinting at and asked the question she was prompting him about silently. "Ahem, Hermione. What did Geoff do?" "Logistic controller for Stockport council's elderly transport buses," she sniffed again, glancing in the mirror at Ruth. "For how long, and on what salary?" Ruth asked, causing her to look up sharply. "Why?" the otter asked. "A possibility...just that at the moment, oblige me as the mate of a friend..." Ruth wheedled gently. "Well he started driving for them as a granny mover about eighteen years ago...worked himself up the tree, and he has been manager for three years now. He was on about sixty thousand, which was more than enough to support us both with some spare..." She blushed, her eyes flicking towards Jessica, who smiled back into the mirror. "What happened to his job?" Ruth continued. "Privatised... The subcontractors took all the drivers on, but binned the managers in the changeover. He got a good settlement figure, but it only covered the cost of the cruise and the credit cards. We had made a none refundable deposit of four thousand on that, so we are still going to sail in a weeks time. I just hope we still have a house to come back to." "Pension?" "Not for another eleven years, then if the bastards down in London don't wreck the pot he should be final salary!" Hermione, slowed and pulled up outside the breakfast trailer. "You stay and talk with her Ruth...Full Monty do for you?" Jessica said as she opened the cars door. "At the hotel later love...not in town!" Ruth quipped, as she took a swipe at him before stepping out. A smile broke through on Hermione's face, like a sunbeam after a storm, at the byplay. Ruth turned back to the otter. "Look I can't promise anything, but if your husband is willing to switch to inanimate transport, and the meeting I am heading for goes well in London, Overland will have to recruit a replacement for me in around six weeks or so. I don't know of anyone in my office with the experience, as I don't have a deputy, but I will have a word with Felix at area, and put a word in. I am guessing that from the cost the cruise is a long one..." Hermione started tearing up again, grasping at the hope of salvation... "Seven weeks Mr Ruatha...and thank you...thank you..." "Thank me if it happens, but keep looking for the moment. It will be a twenty percent pay increase as well assuming he does get my job. I will be moving to the regional office, to train as Felix's replacement." Jessica stepped back into the car then, and handed a huge sub to Ruth, taking a bite out of hers as well. Hermione was teary, but smiling, so she knew that the talk had been positive. "We have to catch the ten fifteen Hermione, so we are up against it...I gave your order away to another anyway, but I will see if I can get you another on the house before you sail...Seven weeks together alone means you will have plenty of time to play, just don't tell the others," Jessica said grinning as she daintily tried to clear the sauce that was trying to drip on her summer dress. Ruth lent across and licked at the errant drip, grinning as Hermione pulled off away from the curb, not able to respond yet to Jessica's offer. "T...Thank you Jessica...Ruth...I will try and call in on Friday." She glanced at the dash clock, which read ten oh one, and naughtily stamped on the accelerator to side take a learner who had stalled at the lights with a grin, then pulled up outside the station with five minutes to spare. Ruth and Jessica cleaned each other as they finished the subs, and then stepped out onto the rank, as Hermione hurried to pop the boot for the cases again, handing them to the dragons. Jessica reached for her pouch, but Hermione stopped her... "For the hope and the gift, the trip is on was only £20 anyway. The toy is ten times that, and you have already given mine away!" Jessica nodded, and pecked the Hermione on the nose, "You will have to tell me if it works as well... I want to train Ruth that way soon as well. We are going to start swinging as soon as the eggs are settled to grow." Ruth glanced at Jessica with a query in his eyes, but she shook her head, indicating with body language that she would tell him later what she had in mind. Hermione looked up in shock. "Pregnant?" she queried. "Triplets," Ruth answered proudly, "but only just fertilised..." A train squealed to a halt in the station behind them, and Jessica glanced at the clock on the wall. "That's ours...Come on or we will miss it," she started to head to the collect booth for the tickets, and Ruth picked up his case. Hermione took advantage of him bending down and kissed him on the snout. "I will look forward to instructing you as well Ruth, if everything turns out well," she whispered and winked, smoothing her blouse flat, showing that although she had spread a little with age, she still had the underlying litheness of an otter, just with a little additional padding. She then jumped back in the cab before he could answer, patting his smooth ass through his trousers as she shut the door. Ruth shook his head, and joined Jessica in the rush for the train. "What were you two on about?" He asked as they jumped onto the carriage as the doors hissed closed. "You will find out soon enough love...Something new for you that came to me last night in the shower," Jess said, as she found the seats, the whistle blowing out the all clear from outside as the train started moving. Ruth looked at her for a clue, but she studiously ignored him. There was no way the otter was talking about scat play, so what was she on about? He shook his head, and put the cases in the rack by the carriage door, then joined her in the first class seat. "This is the direct, so we should be in London in less than three hours with luck," Jess said as he settled, and pulled out a electronic reader from her pouch, opening a book file. Ruth sighed, retrieving his phone, noting it's battery was flat, so he docked it on the tables port for charging. He yawned and lent back closing his eyes to fight the jet-lag tiredness that was starting to engulf him. He had never been able to read on the move, due to motion sickness anyway... He hadn't noticed it while on the plane due to no reference points for some reason. Closing his eyes, he started to snore gently. Jessica glanced up at him with a smile as his snore rippled out of his nostrils, and gently pecked him on the cheek without disturbing him, before returning to her electronic novel with a gentle shake of her head... 'If only he knew what I was reading about,' she thought, as she resumed at a passage that included an interaction between a female dolphin and a tiger... \*\*\*\* Felix pulled up into the valet parking bay of the Draheal, and waited as the uniformed pole-cat opened the doors for Charity first, then him. The wolfhound bell hop loped down the steps and loomed over them all, as he approached the cars boot for the luggage. Felix flicked the remote, and the tail opened for the dog to retrieve the cases. Felix glanced at the dash clock before stepping out with a stretch. Four and a half hours with the traffic they had hit, but he still had thirty minutes before he was due at headquarters. "Park her up for me would you, but could you hail a cab. Just going to get my mate settled in the room, then I must be at the city airport business park by thirteen hundred," he directed the pole cat as he replaced Felix at the drivers seat. "No problems will be waiting in ten minutes." The boot lid thumped down and the wolfhound started up the stairs to the lobby reception with their cases. Felix pulled a fiver out of his wallet, and passed it through the window to the polecat with a thanks, then followed Charity up to check in. "F and C Yucsum. You should have a reservation made earlier for us by Overland..." he said, to the echidna, who was sitting in the receptionist chair. She paused, "Spelling sir?" she queried politely. " Y U C S U M," Felix said sighing, knowing that retaining his breeds original Yemanese surname always caused him problems in England, despite the fact that none of his ancestors had lived over there for nearly three hundred years! "Ah, I have you are in in the silver suite on the thirty second floor...It says here that you are expected to arrive with a Mr and Mrs R. Ruatha as well..." "Yes. They are dragons, and are running a little late on the train...One of them has an injured wing, so they couldn't fly down. My mate Charity will be awaiting them in the bar when they arrive in an hour or so. Mr Ruatha will need a cab immediately to follow me to the airport as well." Felix said, impressed that the company had booked a suite for him...and not a cheap one at that! "Very well sir, I will book them in now sir, and get the concierge to pass them the key directly when they arrive...they are in the gold suite opposite yours..." Felix looked down his elegant nose at the receptionist... "The gold suite? Are you sure that our rooms have not been mixed up?" he asked, slightly confused. The receptionist looked at the screen again. "Yes... Mr Ruatha and his mate have been assigned the gold suite, at the booking agents request... The only real difference between the two is the decoration, and the fact the the gold suite overlooks the river, rather than the city. Do you want to request a different suite on another floor?" the echidna asked politely. Felix shook his head, grinning internally at the minor snub that H.O. had given him, but pleased that Ruth should have been given the better location...after all he was the one that won the contract. "No that's fine...just unexpected..." His phone started buzzing, and he picked up the message. "Ah, Mr Ruatha is just pulling into Euston, they should be here in about forty five minutes." He turned to Charity, and handed her the suites swipe card. "Go and get yourself settled in dear and unpacked, I really must get to the H.O and explain Ruth's delay. I will message him to say that you will meet Jessica in the bar at three. I am afraid I have no idea when we will be back today, so if we haven't shown by seven, I suggest you eat with her, and we will grab something at the office." "Very well dear, I will see you later then," Charity kissed him gently, and turned to follow the wolfhound who had been waiting patiently with the cases next to the lifts. Felix followed her, then slipped a tenner to the dog with the instructions to make sure that she was settled comfortably before he left the suite. "Thank you sir, I assure you I will," he tilted his cap with a free hand, then picked the cases up effortlessly as the lift chimed its arrival. Felix nodded, then rejoined the polecat at the front entrance, where he was holding a cab for him. "Thank you," he said, stepping into the open door, then turned to the driver. "Overland, head office please at the airport business park," he glanced at the dash clock which was reading twelve forty seven. "Double your fare if you get me there for thirteen hundred." The grizzled looking beaver behind the wheel, with one of his buck teeth missing smiled into the mirror. "I will do my best sir...I will do my best!" Then pulled into the traffic flow without looking, causing a lot of annoyed hooting and a few screeches of brakes. Felix smiled, and gently grabbed hold of the luggage handle as surreptitiously as possible! \*\*\*\* Jessica looked up from her reader as the train slowed for the third time. The intercom chimed to announce the imminent arrival at Euston. Ruth snorted, and she gently kissed him until his eyes cracked open with a gentle smile forming on his lips. "Nearly there love..." she whispered as he turned to take her lips into a full kiss. He broke the kiss, licking at her snout tip gently while grumbling. "I had better let Felix know our eta," he reached for his phone, noting the time before typing a quick email off and pressing send. Turning again, he stretched in the seat, and reengaged Jessica in another longer kiss, as the metal on metal squeal of the trains brakes sounded through the carriage. The phone vibrated, and he was forced to withdraw again to read the incoming message. "Ah, we are already checked into the suite next to Felix and Charity. As soon as we get to the Draheal, I am to follow him to the H.O. Charity is meeting you in the bar at three." "Sounds good love. What should I be looking out for...I have not met Charity yet." Ruth thought for a second. "She is a Persian, we did bump into them a few years ago at that know Felix of course." "That was his mate? I thought she was a secretary or something...she seemed rather to hang around in his shadow." "Yes, she is rather shy in public, but has been told to watch out for you. Be gentle with her please. They have been mated for over thirty nine years, and she has been rather sheltered from what I can gather on the office grapevine. Not the usual type of housewife that you deal with..." he grinned at her as the train juddered to a halt at the platform. Jessica mock slapped him, grinning back. "I find that it is the quiet ones that you have to look out for...I will be gentle though," she kissed him again as he stood to collect the cases. They disembarked and went to the rank to grab a taxi. "Draheal heights hotel please," he asked the tall rat who had opened the luggage rack on seeing them approach his car. The cabbie looked up at them, "No problem sir...about forty five minutes though at this time of the day." "That's fine, I was anticipating that. When we get there can you hold on the meter, while I get get my mate settled in. I need to get to Overlands offices on the airport business park as soon possible." "Will do sir...I will try and get you there as fast as I can." The cab puffed a large cloud of diesel smoke out behind it with a rattle as it pulled away from the curb. Ruth sat back, and Jessica lent against him. It had been nearly seven years since she had visited the capital. Sighing, she hoped that none of her extended family recognised her after all this time...after all, it was where they came for work and leisure... Despite heavy traffic, the rat knew his way around the worst of the jams, and they arrived at the Draheal in forty minutes. He jumped out and opened the tail slide of the cab as the valet opened the doors to Ruth and Jessica. The wolfhound loped down the steps to retrieve the cases, raising his cap as he acknowledged the two dragons as they emerged. "Ah Mr and Mrs Ruatha I presume, I have your suites cardkey already, and will take you straight up." Ruth nodded his thanks as he stood up straight. "What suite are we in?" he asked. "Gold suite sir, on the thirty second floor," the wolfhound replied, hefting the cases easily as they were passed to him by the rat. "That sounds fine. Jessica will come up with you now, but I will join her later. I must get to the meeting as soon as I can. I am an hour later than I would like to be already." He turned and kissed Jessica, ignoring the public aspect of the gesture. "I will see you later dear...I got the impression that we may be late, so just eat with Charity if we don't re-appear. We will join you in the bar later." Jessica pinched his ass through his suit with a grin. "Don't be to late darling...I intend on making this a continuation of our holiday nights." He grinned back, but caught sight of a well dressed brown dragon looking at them, before it turned and walked away quickly, realising he had been spotted. "Ahem, who is that?" he asked the polecat who was still holding the cab door open for him, gesturing at the retreating draconic figure. The pole cat glanced up as the strange dragon turned the corner. Jessica also followed Ruth's gaze. "I don't know sir...I have seen him around before, but he has never stayed as a guest. I see him at some of the functions though mixing with the others business people in the rooms." "I was just wondering why he was interested in us...probably nothing. Right I am going to be even later," Ruth reseated himself in the cab. "I will see you later love." Jessica looked distracted, but kissed him again through the window, before turning and following the waiting wolfhound. The cab pulled away from the curb with a rattle and a cough. As she reached the lobby she turned.and beckoned to the polecat. "If he shows up again...don't give him our names...I have a feeling he will ask. Also spread it amongst the others that should any strange dragons show up instead of him, I want to know about it. Twenty quid for each of you on the doors here if we go undisturbed...and don't mention it to my mate either." " are not wanted for anything are you ma'am...we have a reputation to uphold here at the Draheal..." the wolfhound said, as he had paused with her by the door. "No... I was born a member and heir to the Giles family... But when I mated with Ruth over ten years ago, they disinherited me as he is a commoner. I just don't want to get tied up with them again now I am back in the capital. I didn't recognise that strange dragon, but my cousins are all younger than me and not fully mature when the rift occurred," she said flatly, looking around again for observers. "As you can gather my mates colour is rather unique, and with me being a full emerald, we don't exactly blend in." "Ah, well in that case we will deflect queries if we can... However we can't stop foot traffic from the street. We will let you know if someone asks directly." The polecat said, and the wolfhound nodded. "Well that is all I can ask," Jessica looked up at the lobby clock which read twenty to three. "Come on, lets get me into the suite, I have a Persian to meet in twenty minutes in the bar." The wolfhound nodded, and led her across the marble floor to the lifts. The lift opened onto a hallway carpeted with a plush red Wilton carpet, interwoven with gold and silver ribbons. Only two heavy wooden doors opened off it, one with an embossed silver plaque and one with a gold. Jessica whistled under her breath, as the wolfhound placed a scan card against the gold plaque, and a beep sounded as the door swung open under it's own power to reveal a tiled anti-chamber, the size of their bedroom suite at home. She turned to the wolfhound, "How much does this suite cost a night? It has been a long, long time time, since before I met Ruth that I have stayed in anything like this..." The wolfhound grinned at her, "You should see the presidential on the floor above! This one is £1200 a night...the silver opposite £1000. Someone must think that your mate and his colleague are important." Jessica whistled again, but then giggled as he completed the sentence. "Ha, Felix is Ruth's boss at the moment, but Ruth just won a major contract for the company they both work for. Now then, you had better show me what is where in here." The wolfhound grinned toothily, moving out of the anti-chamber into the main lounge which had two further doors opening off it. The decoration was something to behold...if a little on the strong side, being in deep reds and gold. One wall of the lounge was a long full height window, with extended views down the Thames, taking in the London eye, Battersea, and of course The Houses of Parliament and Tower bridge. The reinforced plate glass was polished so clear that it looked as if she could step straight through into a launch glide. A small bar was wrapped around a corner of the room that appeared to be fully stocked. The three, four-seater sofas were upholstered in red leather and arranged in a horseshoe, with a deep gold embroidered rug on the tiled floor under a solid mahogany coffee table in the middle. A fifty two inch flat screen was mounted on the wall along with a state of the art surround sound system. The wolfhound moved across the lounge and opened the door on the wall opposite, revealing the bedroom suite. The bed was enormous circular affair at least fifteen feet in diameter, and was piled high with heavily stuffed and brocaded pillows and cushions. There was no window, but recessed up-lighters warmed the red and gold room with a soft, but muted light. A forty two inch T.V. was mounted on the wall opposite as well. The wolfhound clapped once, and two spots in the wall behind the bed sprung into life for reading purposes. He clapped twice, and all the lights in the room dimmed to nothing slowly, until just the regulation emergency one glowed gently above the doorway. Clapping a third time, the lights came up again, and he set the cases next to the built in wardrobes, then grinned as he slid the end robe open, to reveal a concealed door to the en-suite, which was a marble tiled shower room with bidet, marble dressing table, six foot mirror, toilet, and a full set of chrome nozzles poking from the two walls in the corner, underneath a fourteen inch square shower head. He pointed out the controls on the wall next to the doorway, suggesting that they just experiment until they found a setting to suit. Jessica nodded with a grin, and followed him back into the lounge, where he opened the other doorway, which revealed a second much larger wet-room, the main difference being the eleven foot long built in whirlpool bath, that was built into the wall and floor on one side. The wall opposite was a continuation of the sheet glass and view on two sides, wrapping around the corner of the building. The wolfhound winked, "The glass here and in the lounge is one way reflective, so privacy from other avians is not an issue Ma'am." Jessica winked back, "I am thinking that the bath is big enough for more than that could be useful." The wolfhound tilted his head to one side in agreement. He left the bathroom with Jessica in tow, returning to the anti-chamber. "The phone and wireless net points are included in the service charge, however the room service and bar is chargeable. There are currently one hundred and twelve free channels available on the T.V, and eight mixed species pay per view...Including dragons, if you catch my drift." Jessica grinned at him, and reached for her pouch. "We have never been a couple who are into that type of thing, so I doubt that that service will be required, however I shall bear it in mind." She handed a ten pound note to the politely waiting dog. "Remember, please do not reveal who we are to any querants, and I will ensure you are not forgotten when we check out. Let me know discreetly, without telling Ruth if any should materialise though. Our privacy is important to me, especially where my estranged family is concerned." The wolfhound nodded, "Thank you Ma'am. The Draheal prides its self on being discreet in all circumstances," he tipped his hat, handed the electronic scan card to Jessica, and left the room, the door closing gently behind him. Jessica slipped the card into her pouch, and glanced at the ornate clock on the wall above the side table. "Shit!" she cursed, as she realised she was ten minutes late, and opened the door quickly calling for the wolfhound to hold the lift, before descending to the lobby with him, and walking into the bar, scanning the patrons for a Persian. There were three, but two of which were definitely a young couple. The third, who was sat in a corner sofa next to the window, nursing a glass of white wine, stood as she entered, and Jessica headed over with a smile on her face to greet her. "Hello, you must be Charity...Felix's mate. I am sorry I am late, but the tour of the suite took ages!" Charity laughed, "It is rather's bigger than half our house at home. You must be Jessica, nice to meet you. I assume that as we are both business widows for the rest of the day, and that our mates were planning on us entertaining each other for the afternoon. Show your room card at the bar and everything is half price by the way." Jessica laughed at the affable cat's wit, and after nodding towards the barman, took a seat as he came over to take her order. "Then we will have to take advantage that then..." as the horse arrived with a note pad, and Charity laughed. \*\*\*\* The cab pulled up at the H.O. building on the wharf, and Ruth paid and tipped the driver. He shook his head at the dirty, soot stained concrete and glass structure that towered six floors above him. It was just a frontage, attached to the main part of the high bay warehouse building behind it. "What a difference to Austran's," he muttered as he manually opened the doors into the beige dura-carpeted reception area. The guinea pig receptionist looked up from filing her claws as he entered. "Ah Mr Ruatha I presume. They are waiting for you in the conference room on the forth floor." She gestured to the battered lift in the corner. Ruth nodded, and walked over, thanking the bored girl in passing. He stepped into the lift, which stuttered and jerked with a squeak of metal on metal as it started it's assent. The baleful glare of a CCTV camera stared out of a cracked security housing in the corner. Stepping out when the doors opened, he was greeted with the sight of a white unadorned internal door in front of him, with 'Conference room' stencilled in black writing on it. Ruth sighed, and knocked before entering when a voice sounded from inside. "Ah ha...Our employee of the year has arrived." A portly old Eagle greeted his arrival, in the room by waving a glass of amber coloured liquid towards him. "Grab a drink Ruth, and take a seat...I was sorry to here about your injury...nothing serious I hope?" Ruth smiled, and grabbed a glass of water from a soda dispenser on the Formica covered table in the corner. "Nothing serious Mr Jupiter. I had some bad turbulence on the internal flight in Australia, and was caught standing. Just a busted horn and tail ridge, and some bruising on my wings and shoulders. Should be fine again for flight in a week or so." "Very well...It's your brains that we need over the next few days, not your muscles anyway. Take a seat next to Felix there and we will begin." Ruth nodded towards the other collective occupants of the room. There was one hawk who he recognised as the deputy director Graham, three plain dragons of a neutral brown colouring, a couple of well dressed dogs, and Felix, who was seated next to other head of the table...The only other empty chair. He sighed internally, realising he had been given equal status to Mr Jupiter for the purposes of the conference. He took a seat in the plastic covered directors chair, and settled himself, pulling the files out of his case and placing them on the scuffed laminate table in front of him. "Now that you are settled, I believe you know Mr Graham. The others here are our senior shareholders or their proxies, who may ask questions, but will remain anonymous." The dragons and the dogs nodded, "Of course you know Felix from northern. Now we received notice from Australia yesterday that the contact had been awarded with a few of the stipulations that were not in the original brief. Nothing to worry about, but we would like your impressions before we sign on the dotted line ourselves on the paperwork when Austran's representative..." he shuffled a few pieces of paper in front of him for a second, "A Mr C. Everidge arrives here next week with the contract..." Ruth coughed, and nearly spat a mouthful of water out. "Problem Ruth?" Mr Jupiter asked, his head crest raising slightly. "Ahem, you said that Clyde was coming over yes?" "Yes, if that is the C in 'C Everidge.'" "I hope he is not coming to this office then," Ruth said, staring at the Eagle and the shareholders who were looking at him funnily. "Why, what's the problem?" "Respectfully... it's a mess sir. The winter offices that I was received at in Cairns were modern, landscaped, marble tiled, clean, had real wood, a real bar and overlooked the coral sea. If Clyde pulls up outside here, and is welcomed as if this is the Head office of the company, he would probably turn the cab around and head back to the airport without getting out." He never broke his gaze from the eagles at any point in the declaration. Felix gently moved his chair away from Ruth's with a look of exasperation on his face, expecting a shit storm to envelop his colleague in short order! Mr Jupiter broke his eye contact, and shook his head, turning to the shareholders who were looking a little sheepish. "You have a point Ruth. I have been trying to get the money from these guys for years to upgrade here. When I founded the company forty years ago, I built this place from scratch, and I know more than most it it doesn't reflect the companies status now. However when I needed investment to expand into the multi office operation we are now, I sold shares when the banks refused to lend. I am no longer in a position where I can suddenly spend a few million on moving us, or rebuilding here on this site." One of the dragons who was sitting closest to Mr Jupiter cleared his throat. "Should the contract be signed, I am sure we could take a vote and release the funds for a rebuild...The companies fortunes would of course be rather improved by it." The other holders around the table nodded in agreement. "However that does not solve the immediate problem as to how we get that contract finalised." Ruth looked at Felix and nudged him. He looked up and realised what he was being prompted about. "The northern offices may be leased, but they are modern and up to date. I am sure some furniture could be purchased, and a boardroom created out of the administration room for the purposes of welcoming Mr Everidge," he said, looking at the other occupants of the table. "For that matter Ruth's office building has that same option as well." "Ah the northern office...that is something that will come up in the discussion anyway. It seems that the Austran have decided to shift the traffic through John Lennon, and not Manchester Airport. They have also opted for Liverpool Docks as the main point of import as well," Mr Jupiter stared at, then winked slightly at Ruth, his cere at the base of his beak curving upwards slightly, which was the closest he could come to a smile. Ruth looked down at the table, shuffling his feet slightly. He knew that he had angled for the contract coming in through the northern office, and Mr Jupiter knew that as well! Felix was staring into the middle distance, studiously staying quiet, still not sure of rooms atmosphere. "It seems that the northern office will need to relocate from Warrington to Liverpool or Knowsley at the very minimum when the contract goes live. I would suggest an integrated building combining the storage and offices like this one would suit... One that is built to purpose so to speak." Mr Jupiter continued, looking at the senior dragon who had spoken before. "Why don't we relocate the Head office to north, to save the costs of two new builds..." The dragon asked. Ruth cleared his throat again, interrupting, "With respect...the contract from Austran is for all the European traffic as well. That traffic may be landing and arriving at Liverpool, but it will still need to be routed via Felixstowe and Folkestone. The office here in London will still be needed, and it also looks better for future business if the company has a London address for correspondence." Mr Jupiter nodded in agreement, leaving the shareholders to look at each other uncomfortably. "Well we can take a second vote on that at the next general meeting in two weeks. I suggest that as Mr Ruatha and Mr Yucsum are agreeable, you host Mr Everidge at the Warrington office for the purposes of the contract signing." "Agreed then...I will join you up in Cheshire and get admin to send a note to Austran to route him via Manchester Airport, not Heathrow. Are either of you able to accommodate him, or should we book a room at the local Hilton for him?" The eagle said, his crest settled again. Felix looked at Ruth with a shrug. "I only have a two bed bungalow now the kittens have gone... Have you got room Ruth, as you know him already?" "I do have room, but due to an accident in the lounge yesterday, the house is a bit of a mess. Personally due to a change in my situation with Jessica, I would prefer it if he was accommodated at the Hilton. He is a kangaroo, and is actually taller and more powerfully built than me, Jessica is rather delicate at the moment..." "Change in situation?" Mr Jupiter interjected. Ruth looked a little sheepish, and cleared his throat nervously, "We are newly expecting triplets. They were only conceived yesterday," he blushed, and bowed his head as all the eyes in the room focused on him, and then the congratulations began. The senior of the dragons also shuffled through his paperwork, then smiled to himself, but Ruth didn't notice. Mr Jupiter held up a wing to halt the back patting, "Well that explains one of the caveats that is here in the contract. Austran requested you Ruth as the Australian head of our operations, but there is a note by it that you had turned the option down with your contact due to familial issues. I gather that the children were well planned then... Anyway the amendment also says that as long as you agree to set up the offices over there, they are willing to accept a recommended alternative who is suitably trained to run the operations." Ruth nodded, "Jessica would not countenance a foreign move, so when Clyde asked me if I would work with him, I agreed only to set up. I knew what my mate and I had agreed to...and were trying for when Felix interrupted my holiday." "Ah yes, I apologise about that, but I considered that the most senior avian outside of my self and Lionel here," Mr. Graham nodded, "That you, with your education and record within the company were our best option. I am exceptionally pleased that we were proved right." Ruth nodded, as the shareholders looked through the contract again. "Now, about the contract gentleman. The most obvious thing that strikes me is the move of the airfreight to Speke and not Manchester. Where did that come from?" "I suggested it sir. I considered that the cheaper landing fees would save Austran money, and it would also enable us to build a single handling site on Merseyside for both the sea and air traffic. Road and rail links are just as strong, and it should save us money in the long run. For the short term there are several bonded warehouse options available for immediate lease in the area until suitable premises can be found or built." Ruth tapped his phone to indicate that he had researched the probabilities. "Right, well give those files to your admin department Felix, so the enquires can be made in advance, should everything go well next week..." Ruth turned and mated his phone with Felix's quickly for the information transfer, as Mr Jupiter continued, "According to the details the airfreight would start to arrive after twelve to fourteen days...the sea freight in six to eight weeks. I would imagine a facility should take around six to eight months from planning to completion. What size had you worked out to be sufficient Ruth?" "Assuming the closure of the Warrington site to merge with the new facility, around 220,000 square feet, in a high bay racked format, with the option to expand in the future should suffice. I would suggest that we look for around a ten hectare site with main road access at the minimum. However I would also suggest that if one can be found with rail access, it would be a benefit as well, due to a lot of the traffic being re-routed to continental Europe. The most cost effective way to move it in bulk would be via train container, for repacking at Felixstowe or Folkestone," Ruth said, looking up at the table, who's occupants were nodding in agreement. "Now gentleman that the main aspects have been talked over. Can I suggest that we adjourn for the day for a meal? The remaining aspects to be discussed are more internal than to do with investments." Mr Jupiter said, looking around the table. "There is one more thing that we are concerned about Mr Jupiter." The senior shareholding dragon at the table said, looking directly at Ruth. "Go ahead then...I assume that us all meeting at the same time again, may be difficult for the next few months..." Mr Jupiter said. "Mr Yucsum is down for retirement next year, unless he options to extend past sixty like yourself Mr Jupiter..." Felix shook his head. "Then the question of his replacement is going to be of an urgency by the time any new facility is ready to open. As you know we generally don't interfere with the companies day to day running, but you Mr Jupiter are also rapidly approaching seventy five. After today, I would be suggestive that as Mr Graham will be replacing you in a couple of years, that Mr Ruatha should replace Mr Graham. However for the time being I believe that Mr Ruatha should replace Mr Yucsum until the new operations centre is running smoothly. I would call for a vote on that now if you are happy with that?" The eagle looked at the hawk sat next to him, who nodded. "It will piss a few of the lads off down here in London, but I can see no issues other than that," Mr Graham said quietly. "Then take your vote... All in favour?" All the occupants of the table slid their index fingers/feathers forward. "Settled then, congratulations for a second time Ruth. We can discuss replacing you in the Cheshire south office tomorrow, but assume that with immediate effect you are to relocate to Felix's office whenever you are not in the antipodes setting up the re-training centre for Austran. That will have to be scheduled as well, as they have agreed on the concession that you asked for and are splitting the costs in extended credit for the office that we will have to establish over there." Ruth looked at Felix, who patted him on his back with a smile. "I accept with thanks on Felix's approval...however I will have to discuss with my mate on taking the position down here in the future. Jessica has a general dislike of the south east for personal reasons, so I could only accept that, if she is agreeable." The senior dragon stared at him again, but nodded along with Mr Jupiter. "Then we shall take our leave then for a meal. I think the company could stand a MC D's..." The dragon was punched by one of the other share holders, as everyone else grinned. "Very well, it's Monday so they should be quiet, I will see if Jool's steak house can accommodate us as a party." He picked up a phone from his pouch and dialled a number, talked for a few minutes then hung up. "They will have a table in forty minutes...As we can't all fly I suggest that a local cab company is called." Mr Jupiter nodded, and retrieved his own phone before making a quick call. "They will be here in ten minutes with a couple of Mercedes minibuses. May I suggest Felix and Ruth that you notify your mates that you will be late to return to your hotel. My mate has learnt over the years not to expect me in, and we eat separately." Ruth and Felix nodded in unison and sent the messages on their respective phones as the rest of the room started to pack the paperwork into their briefcases. Then they filed out and took turns in the lift to descend back down to the reception. The place was dark as it was past six, and apart from the evening sunlight filtering in through the dirty windows, no lights had been left on by the absent receptionist. The two minibuses pulled up in convoy outside, and they all boarded, with Felix ending up in the opposite bus to Ruth for the drive into the city for the meal... \*\*\*\* Jessica had, had a few rounds with Charity in the bar, talking about inanities before they agreed mutually to meet again later for a meal if their mates showed up, as Jessica hadn't unpacked yet. The Persian had decided that she would investigate the shower room, as theirs was set up similarly from what she could gather. She was just about to collapse on one of the sofa's to connect to the net when the phone blurbed at her, and she opened the message that confirmed that Ruth and Felix wouldn't be joining them until later. She pouched her phone again with a huff, considering if she should resort to a play in the shower with her toys by herself, but then thought she would knock on the suite opposites door first to find out if Charity was still feeling sociable enough to eat together. She opened her suites door, only to find Charity about to knock on the other side herself. Jessica grinned, "I gather we both got the same message then?" She waved her phone. Charity laughed, "Yes, but I can't see why we can't still eat together. How about we meet in around forty five minutes to give me time for that shower. Having played around did you know that those nozzles are fur dryers as well?" Jessica laughed, "No I didn't, and forty five minutes should be fine. I will knock at seven. I was just going to place a few orders for my customers from my suppliers anyway, so we each have the time to do what we need." "What do you do for a living? I thought you just kept house for Ruth, like I do for Felix." Jessica looked awkward wondering after Ruth's warning if she should reveal all or not, "Well, the products that I deal with are not conventional, but I will tell you over the meal, it is a home business though, so I still keep house." Charity questioned her with her brilliant blue eyes, but nodded as she knew that no matter how good the dryers were, her long fur would take a long time to groom straight...After all she had promised Felix some more fun later. "Okay, I look forward to you revealing the mystery then over a few more glasses of wine." She turned and waved her pass card over the suite opposites plaque, the door opening silently, then closing behind her. Jessica shook her head before returning to the sofa in the reception area of her suite and sitting down. "Do I tell her, or do I make something up?" she muttered to herself, before opening her email app on her phone, and placing the promised order for Hermione. They were in stock at the warehouse in her size, so she should have it waiting in her drop box at the house when they got back later in the week. She opened her private representative updates while she was on, and whistled at one of the new products. "That will do nicely for my plans with Ruth!" She exclaimed aloud, slapping her thigh, and ordered it as a sample, observing that her supplier still held the caveat that should a 'Demonstration of use,' film be supplied by the receiver, the representative would have the samples cost refunded in full. She grinned, wondering if Ruth would co-operate if she moved the camera's from the 'Try before you buy' bathroom at home, into the tiled shower enclosure in their suite. She glanced at the gold stucco clock on the wall by the T.V. and decided she had time enough in the thirty minutes available to rinse the train and cities dirt from her scales, and to try that rather interesting shower arrangement out herself. \*\*\*\* Ruth found himself sitting opposite the only talkative member of the shareholders, who although he kept looking at him directly, remained silent as he typed information into his phone. The others in his cab were the two dogs, another of the dragons and Mr Graham. They were all busy with their devices, so Ruth just sat back and watched the city streets going by. He couldn't get over the feeling though that there was something more to the dragon opposite, but he wasn't going to say anything that could effect the position that that individuals impromptu vote had put him in. The drive look twenty five minutes, even though they were past the worst of the rush, and as they pulled up outside a well appointed restaurant frontage in Soho, Ruth grinned to himself as the overhead sign was of a dragon tearing into a rare steak with gusto. This was obviously a dragon run joint. The proprietors name was emblazoned over the doorway, but due to some bunting, all he could make out was Jools J Gi... with the remainder of the surname obscured. As they disembarked Felix cast him a very funny look, tapping his phone, but remained silent as they were in crowded company. Ruth nodded, and he quickly reached for his to check exactly what the problem was, thinking he had missed an incoming notice from Felix, but the inbox was clear of unread messages. He looked up, and Felix shook his head, slipping a finger inside his other closed fist, winking. Ruth's heart sank, and checked his phones settings, realising that they were on general, and not specific...Every file in his device had been transferred to Felix's, and he looked up with shock on his face. Felix shook his head, but curled his lip up in a grin, nodding immediately afterward. Ruth got the distinct impression that he would have some none business questions to answer on the private ride to the hotel after the meal. The brown dragon who had been examining Ruth's every action had observed the silent byplay, but had no reference points to base a conclusion from, so he clapped his hands to get the full groups attention, and led them in through the entrance, where a pale blue dragon in a chef's apron greeted him with enthusiasm, then led them to a table at the side of the establishment, with a waiter in tow who placed menu's in front of all of them. Ruth found himself sandwiched between Mr Jupiter and Mr Graham, while Felix was seated further down the table with the two dogs. He resigned himself to small talk for what turned out to be an excellent meal, keeping an eye on Felix, who didn't look up from his tuna steak once it had arrived. The senior dragon looked up as everyone finished their desserts and cleared his throat. "Now gentlemen we are in Soho and the night is still young. For those that wish to, I could introduce you at my club, should you wish for any entertainment of the female type. They are very discreet." Ruth looked up at Felix, who looked uneasy, but he was saved from embarrassment by Mr Graham who was shaking his head, and opened his beak before Ruth could speak. "I am sorry, but as has been offered before, I will decline. I value my home life to much gentleman." Ruth took advantage of his silence, "Much as the offer is appreciated, I am afraid that I am dead on my feet. I only arrived home in the early hours yesterday and am still suffering terribly from jet-lag. Much as I appreciate the female form, I am afraid any efforts on my behalf would be wasted." Felix raised his hand then. "And I gentlemen am to old..." "Nonsense Felix!" Mr Jupiter exclaimed, "I am fifteen years you senior, and I am going to take advantage of the generous offer." "With respect Mr Jupiter, the email alert telling me of this meeting woke me and my mate at six A.M this morning. Although my spirit may be willing on another day, my body is doing the same as Ruth's there and telling me no." He yawned openly to emphasise his point. The brown dragon turned to face Ruth directly, but directed the first part of his reply to the others who had deferred. "Lionel I know of your beliefs and respect them, so I was expecting that reply. Mr Yucsum, you must meet up again with us soon, but I imagine that when I reach your age, I may not have the energy that the irrepressible Mr Jupiter here has." Felix grinned, and Mr Jupiter laughed openly at that quip. The dragon continued after Mr Jupiter had quietened a little, and Ruth who couldn't escape the gaze of the dragon thought that maybe the eagle had been drinking a little to much of the amber liquid that his glass never seemed to empty off. "Mr Ruatha, or should I say Ruth as you are now part of the senior team that the shareholders are going to be dealing with?" Ruth nodded, "Well Ruth then, I must admit that I had forgotten that you had only just got back, and if what you revealed earlier about your mate expecting as of yesterday is can't have had much rest then either." The rest of the table snorted in amusement as Ruth went red under his white scales, nodding at the male on male jibing, but accepting it silently as was only to be accepted. "As I said, I do appreciate the offer, but this time I must firmly say no." The brown dragon hesitated, then nodded. "Very well. The bill here will be settled then and just the six of us will walk around the block. I assume that you and Felix will share a cab back to the Draheal and that you Lionel will fly home?" Lionel nodded alongside Ruth, "Well until we meet again then Ruth...maybe next time you will have more energy." The brown dragon turned to summon the waiter, who presented the bill. Ruth and Felix stood gathering their jackets. They shook hands with Mr Jupiter, Mr Graham and the brown dragon, then left the restaurant looking around for an empty cab. Mr Graham followed them out and, and after nodding towards then, straightened his wings and launched himself into the night sky with a puff of city dust. A cab with it's light on came around the corner, and Ruth hailed it just as the rest of the group filed out noisily. Felix climbed in first, then Ruth followed him, seating himself opposite. He closed the door and instructed the cab to take them to the Draheal. Felix looked up at Ruth the questions he was dying to ask, hanging on his lips..."The complications of an open relationship Felix..." Ruth began as the cab pulled away from the curb and Mr Jupiter waved from the pavement. \*\*\*\* Jessica walked hesitantly out of the shower room, looking over her shoulder just in case it held any more surprises. She was going to have to have a word with that bloody wolfhound! She just hoped that Charity had been able to cope...the things that some of the nozzles did without warning were...strange but rather enjoyable! She just hoped they adjusted thenselves somehow to body size, or Charity would be struggling to walk! She quickly dressed into one of her evening gowns, a pale, lemon yellow silk affair that was strapless and floated just above her ankles. No bra and the tiniest of wafer thin emerald coloured thongs completed the look. She knew full well that if a light lit her from behind she would appear naked underneath, such was the thinness of the silk. She quickly grabbed a matching yellow silk clasp purse and transferred her money, suite entry card and phone into it before checking her appearance in the mirror, and opened the suites door. It was still five minutes before she was meant to meet the Persian, so she decided to go down to the lobby. The lift opened on the ground floor, which was much busier with a large assortment of species and couples milling around the entrance to the bar and restaurant. The wolfhound spotted her, and headed in her direction, summoning her to one side. "Ma'am, we have had three queries as to who you are. One was the brown dragon you saw a collie dog, and then a bear that tried to intimidate us. We refused to reveal each time, and all of the querants are no longer in the building. However as you can see, we are rather busy and I can't guarantee that someone will try you directly, if you return to the bar. I suggest that if you value your privacy, you return to your suite after you have eaten." "Thank you my friend, thank you. No doubt we will be accosted at some point, but the longer it is put off, the better." She looked up as the lift chimed and Charity emerged into the lobby looking around. She was wearing a modest, shoulder covering blue dress of light cotton. Her foot paws were in matching blue slippers. She looked around, and spotted Jessica with the wolfhound and headed over. "Young man, that was an evil trick to play on a lady!...I have a mind to report you to the manager..." she winked saucily at him to take the sting from her jibe. The wolfhound and Jessica looked at each other..."Shower!" They said in unison, then all three of them started laughing. Jessica patted the wolfhound on his shoulder, then gathered the still grinning cat around hers, and steered her towards the restaurants reception area. "Hungry...or do you want the light menu?" she inquired. "I am rather hungry...I haven't eaten since breakfast. I know dragons tend to only eat twice a day, but us smaller species tend to my stomach is running on empty." Jessica grinned, and showed her swipe card to the Maitre-dee who was welcoming all the arrivals at the desk. "Ah...that suite has a table for six reserved at all times," He clapped his hands and a stoat waitress came over. "Gold suites table please..." He instructed, pulling two menus out from behind the desk and handing them to Jessica and Charity. The waitress led them over to a gold decorated, mahogany table in an alcove to one side of the main dining area. The next alcove was decorated in silver, and Charity reached for her card, showing it to the demure stoat who was escorting them. "You may as well cut your waiting queue and give my table to someone else...I will be eating with Jessica here tonight." The stoat nodded, as she pulled the chairs out from under the table for them to sit, "Thank you, I will inform the Maitre-dee. Can I get you something to drink while you peruse your choices?" Jessica looked at Charity, trying to disguise her amusement at the false southern posh accent that the obviously Eastern European stoat was trying to imitate. "I will have a large white please..." Charity nodded, "Make that two please." "Ah...what house would you like it from Madam?" the stoat asked. "Well I am not eating red meat tonight are you Charity?" she shook her head. "Then ask the bar to suggest something to go with white meat or fish please." Jessica said with a smile. The stoat nodded and withdrew from the alcove to fetch the required beverages. Jessica picked up her menu with Charity and decided on the chicken and ham broth to start, followed by the three bird roast to follow. Charity went for the salmon pate start, and breaded plaice for the main. The waitress arrived with the ordered glasses of wine and took the orders on an clean white note-pad. "Would you like a bottle to accompany the main meal?" she queried with a raised brow. Charity looked up at Jessica who nodded in response. "Do you have a Chateau de Rayne-Vigneau 1986 in your cellars?" Jessica looked at the cat with more interest as she rolled the name off her tongue silkily. The stoat smiled, "An excellent choice madam, I will bring it to temperature while you are eating your aperitifs," she withdrew bowing. "I gather wine is your beverage of choice then Charity?" Jessica said. "When we travel, Felix and I tour wine producing areas. That one is one I remember from Bordeaux... His pension is secure with the company, and since the kittens left and we downsized his salary allows us the luxury of decent vintages at our table at night. I dread to think what that is costing here, but the company are paying for the stay... I take that as including whatever we consume within reason for our meals." She sipped at her glass and smiled. "They have have a good bar-keep, this is a Chenin Blanc from South Africa, if I am not mistaken." Jessica nodded, what she could remember about fine wines from her pre-Oxford days could be scribbled down on one of the waitress's note papers. Ruth was not a huge fan of the grape, except in distilled form, so they had never indulged in fripperies when drinking wine. They did splash out a little when buying malts though for themselves and guests. She would have to pick the Persians brains later, as she expected that she would have to be catering for more diverse house-guests in the future, now that Ruth was going to be training for the regional management. The stoat reappeared carrying two small salvers, and placed them in front of Jessica and Charity, then withdrew after checking if all was well. "Now Jessica, you promised me that you would tell me what you did to fill your day times, when not keeping house," Charity said as she daintily spread a smear of the pate across her french toast as she was speaking, but not breaking her gaze with the dragons. Jessica took another sip of her wine wondering if she could deflect...but decided to risk it, rather than lie to her new friend. She took a spoon full of her steaming broth, then opened her mouth to begin... "I am the local sales representative of a company that retails, demonstrates and holds parties for the sale of devices aimed at housewives other occasional needs..." Charity looked up from her toast, "What devices? I am surprised I have not come across you in the classifieds. I attend Tupperware and Lakeland home parties quite regularly." "Erm, the products I sell are not used for keeping house in general...they are more along the lines of things that Ann Summer's retail..." Charity went a funny shade of pink under her fur. "So therefore is the reason you do not advertise... Do you do much demonstrating?" She took a rather larger draft of her wine than was polite, swallowing it straight away rather than rolling it as was normal. "I do not advertise, as the trade relies on word of mouth for most of its trade. Obviously the company I represent direct mails to households that they believe have the income to purchase such items... They are at the top of the market, and the items they manufacture can only be purchased directly from the representatives. And yes I have bi-monthly meets that I demonstrate new items in the range to prospective purchasers. For the most part though, the older products instructional videos provided by the purchasers are used...they tend to be more in depth so to speak than the ones the ones the representatives can produce...especially as the species vary so considerably in size." Jessica drained the remainder of her wine, trying to look anywhere except at the cat, then continued to spoon her broth into her mouth in the pregnant silence that had enveloped the alcove. Charity smeared pate on her last slice of toast before resuming speaking with a totally neutral expression on her face, "I will admit that was not what I was expecting... Do you enjoy what you do?" Jessica finished the last spoon of her broth before answering, "Yes...yes I do. I am rather highly sexed by nature, and with Ruth working long days I ended up at a party while we were still down around Oxford. I take my mating vows seriously Charity, but I needed more. When the representative who's parties I patronised learnt of my incipient move to Cheshire with Ruth, she asked if I would like to contact the head office and see of there was room for another rep. up there. It turned out there was none, and upon finding out I was a dragon and an experienced customer, they were only to delighted to sell me the franchise. We slipped some extra into our mortgage fund in the purchase of Underhill, and the rest as they say has become my life." "Doing well?" the cat asked, still not breaking her gaze. "Let me just say that my income maybe less than Ruth's, but it is around twice the average. When you consider that apart from paper and computer work...and research," Jessica openly blushed for the first time then. "I only only actually work two days a month, though the house has some unusually outfitted rooms which cost a pretty penny; Then yes I do more than well enough." The stoat reappeared then with a wine waiter in tow, and cleared the table and left as the wine waiter presented the requested bottle to Charity, then poured a sample into a fresh glass for her to taste. She nodded, and the waiter bowed and poured a three quarter glass for her, and then another for Jessica, before leaving the wine in the table in a battery powered temperature controlled stainless steel bucket. The stoat waitress returned with their main courses, presenting them with a flourish, then leaving them to themselves again. Charity looked at her plaice, then reached for and drank the freshly poured wine in one draft, then reached for and poured herself another full glass. Jessica held her tongue as the emotions that were playing across the cats face were still unreadable as she drained the second glass, before pouring herself a third, then started eating the fish with delicate bites. The one thing she could take relief from was that neither anger nor distaste were amongst them. She sampled her own glass, deciding that the taste was to her liking, then started eating her perfectly cooked slices of meat herself. Charity paused with the fork on the way to her mouth for a second, then finished the movement smoothly, absentmindedly continuing to feed herself daintily fork by fork, bite by bite as the unexpected information Jessica had revealed, permeated her braincells like a slowly seeping flood. She knew that the kind of things that Jessica sold existed, but she had never had any need to either participate in the use of them, nor meet someone who was so obviously unaffected by the demonstration and use of them on a daily basis. She and Felix were so old fashioned in that way... Her virginity had been intact right up until the wedding night, and so as far as she knew, had his. She was beginning to wonder if she had missed something... She realised that she was just playing with the remaining crumbs on her plate, and placed the knife and fork in the correct finished position, then reached for and drained the remainder of her wine again, before looking back up at Jessica opposite. "Do you want the remainder of the bottle?" she asked politely. Jessica shook her head, indicating that her glass was only half empty. "In that case I will finish it, as it is not suitable for desserts." She poured the remainder of the bottle into her glass, then sipped at it steadily until it was once again empty, as Jessica finished her heavier meal opposite in silence. She was developing a slight fuzz in her head from the alcohol, but was not worried as she was more than used to splitting a bottle or two between herself and Felix in a night. The stoat rematerialised as Jessica's fork was set on her plate next to her knife. "Desserts?" she enquired. Jessica and Charity both nodded, and the waitress cleared the table, returning a few minutes later with the respective menus. "Do you have dessert wines?" Charity asked quietly as she was handed the menu. "Yes Ma'am," the stoat replied. "Mmm, Jessica will you be going chilled or baked with dessert?" "Baked probably..." "Then let's see if you have a have a Chateau Rieussec Sauternes 2005 in your cellar please. Well chilled of course. We will peruse the menu while you check if that's possible," Charity said, her voice not quite so polite in tone this time, but Jessica surreptitiously made a tipping motion with her hand out of the Persians line of sight. The stoat nodded with a smile as she noticed Jessica's signal. "I shall check with the bar now madam," she bowed and withdrew to leave them to read the menu's. She reappeared about five minutes later and with a smile announced that they did. Charity nodded. "I will have the Strudel. Cream not ice cream please, and make sure it is steaming. We will have the Rieussec alongside it then." Jessica winced at the cats sudden lack of manners and the tartness of her tone, "I will have the chocolate volcano cake please, with cream as well thank you," she said politely, glancing at Charity, who seemed to still be deep in self reflection. The stoat nodded, and withdrew again from the alcove. The wine waiter appeared with the ordered wine, beads of condensation forming on the bottles neck, and a light mist rising from the ice in the chiller bucket it was enclosed within. He reached to open it when Charity looked up at him. "Are our desserts here already?" she snapped harshly. "Erm, no madam..." "We only ordered them a few minutes ago, so they will be at least fifteen minutes with what the dragon ordered...Don't try and serve that wine until we are ready to consume it! Now get back to your station and take it with you until we are ready!" Her voice was raised enough that a few of the patrons out on the main dining floor, looked up at the disturbance. The wine waiter paused for a second, then nodded, and returned the way he had come, taking the bucket with him. Jessica almost defended him, but the look on the cats face was still unreadable, so she remained silent, as she didn't want to provoke another potentially embarrassing outburst. She finished the remaining wine from her main course, waiting and hoping that Charity would break the silence. The main waitress returned with the desserts, with the chastised wine waiter in tow. She placed the gently steaming puddings on the table, as the wine waiter popped and then poured the requisite sample for Charity, who nodded her head in silent approval after her taste, for him to complete his duty this time. They both withdrew as Charity cracked the pastry on her strudel, inhaling the scent of the spices as they rose on the draft of steam to her palette. Jessica poked the hole in the top of her cake, and smiled in childish joy as the semi-liquid chocolate bubbled out on its own accord to cover the firm, but moist sponge. Charity took a small spoonful of the delicious dessert...a small echo of an idea forming within her feline brain. She took draft of her icy wine, then turned to face Jessica fully again. "What does Ruth think of your extra mateship activities?" she asked quietly. "He of course knows of them, he did a fair amount of the D.I.Y. involved in retrofitting our house alongside me. We have occasionally viewed some of the demo videos together as well, though I am lucky in the respect that he needs no stimulation of the mind or body to please me whenever he is available," Jessica answered, after a thoughtful pause, allowing herself to clear her mouth of the chocolate as well. Charity took another spoonful, then finished the wine in her glass, pouring another before she continued. "Do you play with Ruth, with your toys?" she asked quietly, sipping at the refilled glass. Jessica did a double take, it was not the question that she was expecting next, "Erm no...he has never asked. He is quite happy with the attentions that I give him with my body for the moment, though as I become egg-bound, my drive will drop, so I am intending on training him to harness shortly." Charity raised her eyebrow, then drained her glass again. "So while you enjoy yourself with others, he remains loyal in the relationship to you alone? What does he get out of it?" she asked sarcastically as she poured another glass from the rapidly diminishing bottle. "Until recently, he gets as much sex as most males could want from me whenever and wherever he wishes, including any possible taboos that he can possibly think off. Myself, I have never, since the first night I met Ruth played with any other male in intercourse..." "Until recently?" Charity interrupted. Jessica shook her head, this was going further than she wanted, and she hoped it wasn't harming Ruth's work chances. "I opened the relationship to Ruth's options when his receptionist started causing him trouble, and actively encouraged him when he was taken from me to Australia. I was his one and only, if you catch my drift, but he was the last of a very long list for me, which I am not proud of now." "So you encourage him to have affairs because you whored around when you were younger?" Charity asked, placing her fork down on the cleared dessert plate, then draining her glass again. She reached for the wine bottle, and tutted, as she realised only dregs were left, but she poured them anyway. Jessica almost reached across and slapped her, but restrained herself. "Ruth does not, and will not have affairs. The only personage he has been with more than once, is Amy, and the second time was with me in a menage a troix. Now that I am pregnant we have made the decision that any future play will be as a couple only." Charity's blue eyes looked up, but for only a few seconds, before she returned to finishing her glass, mulling over what she had learnt in the last couple of hours in her fuzzy mind. She hiccoughed, and the stoat reappeared to clear the table again. "Coffee?" the waitress enquired. Charity looked up weaving a little in her seat, "Double espresso I think for me...I think I may have had a little to much wine," she hiccoughed again. Jessica shook her head gently, "Just a latte-mocha please for me, then I will help her up to her suite." The stoat nodded with a smile and left, returning a few minutes later with the required coffee's. She turned to leave, but Jessica stopped her with a query, "The it added to the room for checkout?" "It can be Ma'am," she replied demurely. "Then do so, but if it is not to difficult, could you split it across both tabs. I have a feeling that wine Mrs Yucsum has been ordering for us, is not the general selection." Jessica said with a grin. The stoat grinned, "Ah yes, that should not be any trouble." "Very well, when we have left for the suites you will find something for your patience under the cups." The waitress smiled, and bowed. "Thank you." Charity was staring into her cup, ignoring the conversation between her eating partner and the stoat, but she had made her decision, and she hoped that it would not offend... She also hoped the espresso would clear her mind enough to enjoy what she was going to propose later. Jessica looked over at her silent dinner mate, and sipped gently at her mocha, awaiting the cats next move. \*\*\*\* Ruth finished explaining roughly what had gone on, on his Australia trip...outside of the business of course. Felix sat silently, contemplating his junior colleague, running what he had absorbed though his mind. "So let me get this straight," he began, as the cab rumbled away, the driver studiously ignoring them, but Ruth had a feeling he was listening carefully. "Jessica pushed you into a sexual encounter with Amy your secretary first, after you told her that you were having trouble with her at work...A situation I can well believe after Jones rang me in a panic." Ruth nodded. "Then after your holiday was interrupted, she kept pushing you via emails...which I have also read as you shunted them as have more extra mate-ship sex while you were away with strangers. One of those encounters went wrong, and you are now an expectant father with a suicidal bitch in Australia who essentially raped you!" Ruth nodded again, hanging his head to hide his shame. "Then to top it all off, you get get home, tell Jessica, she leaves you, then comes back and you destroy your house, and get her pregnant as well!" Felix was grinning now, as Ruth looked up out of the corner of his eye. "You lucky, or should I say unlucky bastard!" He finished laughing. Ruth grinned, chuckling quietly along with his boss, as he was still unsure what Felix was getting at. "I suppose in many ways I am..." he said quietly. "You know Ruth; Charity is my one and only. Never ever had anyone else, but up until I turned fifty, I was I'll admit tempted to sample other wares, but I never did. After that my libido and hers have slowed down to special occasions only, though I could put up with more still than her." He smiled up at him. "You have a mate that gave you free rein, and when an accident happened, had the common sense to realise that it wasn't your fault. What are you going to do now though...I have a feeling your leash has been tightened up since yesterday." Ruth smiled, "It has and it hasn't mate. Now she is pregnant, and therefore safe from further accidents, she wants to start swinging so she gets some flesh variety again. She can also supervise in person my access, and prevent more sabotage." The cab pulled up in the turning circle of the Draheal then, and Ruth reached for his pouch. "Ah ah Ruth, companies paying," Felix waved the company credit card at him. Ruth grinned, as it was passed to the driver, and he processed it with his mobile device. The wolfhound from earlier loped down the steps and opened the cab door for them with a bow. "Thank you," Ruth said as he stepped out into the night air. Felix followed him, stretching with a few clicks from his spine as his age worn cartilage popped back into position. He reached up and patted Ruth on the shoulders. "Don't worry mate...I will keep this confidential... Now I believe that as we are at the companies expense, Charity will consider this a special occasion," he winked. Ruth laughed, and followed Felix up the steps to the foyer with the wolfhound in tow. "Ahem, sir's," the wolfhound said from behind them. They paused and turned to look at him quizzically, "Your mates are still dining, but are on the coffee's. You may wish to take a seat over there in the lounge area for them to finish..." "Thank you for that, I believe we will," Felix said. "Could you get us a couple of coffees?" The wolfhound nodded, and went to the reception desk as they settled into a couple of overstuffed leather sofa's. The coffees arrived a few minutes later, and they relaxed in silence waiting for the women to appear. They were just finishing, when Jessica and Charity emerged from the restaurant hand in hand, with Charity leaning slightly on Jess. Felix jumped up to assist his mate, a concerned look on his face, and Ruth stood with a query on his face. "She's alright Felix, it was an excellent meal with excellent wine. I only had one glass from each bottle though as she was a little distracted when she asked about what I did, and my relationship with Ruth." "Each bottle?" Felix queried. "Two, a large house with the starter, one bottle with the main, and one with dessert...she has also just had a double espresso though." Felix shook his head, "More than she has had for a while then. Let's get her up to the suite then and settled for the night. She will regret this tomorrow though." Jessica looked over at Ruth, and mouthed 'It's okay' to him silently as they steered the Persian gently to the lifts. As the doors closed behind them and it started it's assent, Charity straightened. "Felix, do you love me?" she asked out of nowhere. Felix looked shocked, "Of course I love you dear!" he assured her. "Have you ever got bored of me, or wished for more?" she persisted. "I have never wanted more than you my dear, you know that..." "What about now?" she asked. Ruth and Jessica glanced at each other, politely ignoring the two older cats. She winked at him, as Felix was stuttering, wondering where the question had come from. The lift opened on suites their shared hallway. "I...I...I," he started. "Good...your hesitancy confirms what I thought. Felix tonight you will get what I promised...I however fancy a bit of dragon for my nightcap!" she reached a finely manicured hand out, and fondled at Ruth's pants with a giggle. "I am sure that you do to..."
Title: Rei's Story Chapter 3: Failure by 1mastermind Tags: Abuse, Anal, Blowjob, Bondage, Death, Deep-throating, Doberman, Fox, Gay, Gore, Iger, Kissing, Knot, Lion, Lynx, M/M, M/M/M, M/M/M/M/M/M/M/M, Military, Oral, Orgasm Denial, Panda, Rimming, Sci-Fi, Story Development, Torture, Wolf, Yiff, australian shepherd This is a story of complete fiction and features characters of anthromorphic being known as furries. It contains description of affections and interactions between male characters as well a brutal display of hurting and injuries and murder in the most brutal way and is not meant for underage readers. If you are offended by this or are not allowed to read such "crap", please stop now clear your browser and go to the next pastor for mental guidance to absolve for your sin of just opening this file. All other happy reading and comments are welcome. Chapter 3: Failure „Captain Loire, I hear you have forced one of our new recruits to partake in the disciplinary measures of your two subordinates," a black jaguar sitting behind a desk filled with papers and folders addressed the person standing at attention before him. "Such things have to be approved by me and I do not see it kindly when I'm left in the dark." The white tiger standing at attention before his commanding officer never losing his stance started to defend him against that accusation. "Major Grandon, it may be true that I forced Recruit Kirov to partake in the disciplinary measures as he is, as you should well know, the cause for my men being in that mess. So I found it more than appropriate to make him do some penitence for it." "That is not for you to decide!" the jaguar growled while slamming his paw on his desk with enough force to topple one of the neatly stacked folder towers. "It may be true," the tiger proceeded, "that that was not for me to decide Sir, but why didn't you stop it after the first session, when his drill instructor brought it to your ears. Why do you now scold me after two weeks of me forcing Recruit Kirov through those disciplinary measures? " That question took the furious jaguar before Captain Rei Loire truly by surprise, perhaps even more as the tiger didn't even raise his voice to defend him speaking in an even tone as if the whole situation didn't in the least have anything to do with him. Seeing the desired effect in the features of his counterpart Rei held his features completely neutral even if he would have liked nothing more than to display how good it felt to have crushed the countenance of his most detested superior. But that would have lost him his upper hand so he just resumed his explanation. "Could it perhaps be, that you thought he wouldn't stand a chance to endure it in the hope he would quit just to have an end to the torture? You see as I know Recruit Kirov was scraping in the lower part of his unit before being forced by me to those disciplinary measures and is now the top ranking recruit of all other units as well. So now you see no possibility to get him removed from service." "What do you implement with that!" Mayor Grandon growled in the face of Rei as he sprang from his chair and leaned over his table ears laid back threatingly and with a stare to melt steel directed at his subordinate. Not the least bit intimidated by that outburst Rei replied stoically. "You see I find it more than suspicious, that even after 4 weeks since the incident with Recruit Kirov and my two subordinates there hasn't been any repremandations against the other participants. There has also been another harassment attempt against Recruit Kirov during that time only that this time he wiped the floor with his attackers. It's very interesting that he didn't get punished for that, but that I can understand, when the two attackers were sophisticated close combat specialists. The shame for being out bested by a mere rookie shouldn't be made too public." That drove the energy again from the Mayor and he slumped back into his seat still fuming. Seeing the best moment now to complete his little plan Rei found it more than fitting to now drop his biggest bomb. "We both know that the lack of measurements against the others is due to the fact, that everyone on base knows that Corporal Devreu and Nereus are a homosexual couple and the accusation thrown at Recruit Kirov from his assailants at that day is prove enough to my reasoning. As you also should have heard by now is the fact that I outed my preferences during the Special Forces lecture and since then get the same looks as my two subordinates." Before Mayor Grandon could even protest against that statement Rei raised his paw to silence him and went on. "But you know as well as me, why I have these preferences, don't you? As it is our militaries greatest secret, that the genetical enhancement that I went through has in 90% of the cases the side effect to enhance the sex drive of the subject to uncontrollable levels. As to vent it you begin to take whatever you get and thus have no other means as to interact with your other comrades. The only luck the military had so far, was the fact that only a hand full of us 'super soldiers' survived the war on Ferolis and of them I'm the last one in active service. As the need for genetic enhancement subsided due to our lost cause there have been less to no new enhancements and as those new subjects have the possibility to vent the side effects with females the problem has now reached nonexistence. So I would recommend, that I do not hear of any future problems in this battalion of harassment from soldiers due to their sexual preferences so that this little secret will never reach the public." Seeing that his counterpart was now completely at a loss of words and as he had made his point clear he reverted to a more appropriate tone towards a superior officer while saluting again. "If that would be all Sir, I'd like to take my leave, as my shift has ended approximately half an hour by now and I do have some appointments that I don't want to miss." As Major Grandon was still too shocked to answer Rei swiftly turned on his balls while making sure not to accidently shove more of the paper piles from the desk with his black and white striped tail and left the office. After closing the door behind him Rei's composure fell a little and he heaved a sigh that that was now behind him. 'Hope that has the desired effect,' he thought to himself while making his way to his room to change out of his uniform. An hour later, after rummaging through his closet to find appropriate clothing for the events this evening, Rei met his two comrades again freed from being grounded at base for 4 weeks for the events at the base canteen at the shuttle station for their trip to Station Omega Red to meet his old comrades that worked at the club there as bouncers/security personal. The strange thing was, that for the first time since he became good friends with the couple they weren't showing any kind of affection towards each other, as they normally do whenever in public. They were not even holding paws and stood a small distance from each other. "What's up you two?" Rei questioned, as he got nearer. "You both have endured the four week ordeal and this today should be a celebration day." Benjamin, the yellow lynx, was the one answering that question. "We do not really know if that is really a moment for celebration. We may have endured the punishment, but the problem that got us in it is not yet resolved. Also is today the day that you promised us that Mr. Moroese would to let us in on the jobs you do for him. We were anticipating it the whole time, but now as the time is here, we both are a little scared of what we will learn." Stephen, the grey-brown Australian shepherd, standing beside him just nodded his consent. "The anti-gay problem at base is also still my biggest concern, but I think today I might have subdued it a little bit. At least Alexey Kirov may have the option of staying in the service if he wants that as the few skills he learned will help him to get out of other tight spots. As for you two and me, I have played my greatest trump with Mayor Grandon which will ensure a downgraded oppression against gay, but as you both know they already suspect me of machinations against the government and just can't arrest me because of not having any proves. As you both are already tightly associated with me that same suspicion shamefully befalls you already as well. And that is the only reason I and my friends are even willing to inform you." Rei explained. "As standing here won't solve any of those problems I'd advise to board the shuttle to Station Omega Red to have a little bit fun and just forget about the problems we three face at base for once." That got Rei an approving nod from his companions even if that didn't lift their spirits. After a half hour shuttle transit and a good quarter hour walk they reached the employees back entrance of their destination. As it had been all the time since Stephen and Benjamin had gotten their part time bouncer jobs at Club Omega Red and were able to take the employees entrance to the club before they could even reach for the door knob to get entrance to the club the door was already opened by a yellow fox in a tight fitting tank top and compression shorts which was the working attire for the security personal of the club. "Evening Jaden." All three greeted him while walking through the opened door. "Evening. Drake is already expecting you in his office." Jaden said to them while closing and locking the door. During the walk to the office of Drake Moroese, the owner and manager of Club Omega Red, both Benjamin and Stephen realized something that had been bothering them since getting near the club. Stephen no longer able to contain his anticipation turned around to Jaden before asking. "What is going on here? It's too quiet for the hour and we didn't even see anyone getting to the entrance today as normally. Is something wrong?" "One could say that," Jaden answered Stephen. "But I find it best when Drake explains that personally to you two." As they reached the door to Drake's office Jaden shortly knocked before entering. Sitting at his usual desk Drake was reading through some reports lying before him from which he looked up to greet his visitors. Standing right beside him was his mate and the top animator of the club Michael Storm. The white fox as always wearing the black leather jacket and the tight shorts he wore for the show. Sitting on two of the chairs to one side of the room were the remaining two bouncers/security personal of the club. One was a big and muscular black doberman with brown fur around his muzzle and going down his chest. Sitting beside him was a grey-blue wolf that in comparison to the doberman seemed weak even if he was just as muscular. But that was the danger about him, as he was capable of subduing enemies even twice as strong or powerful as him. Rei and the others greeted Seth and Cody with a nod before taking the remaining four chairs in front of the desk the grey wolf was sitting behind. Rei and Jaden taking the seats to the right, while Benjamin and Stephen had to take those directly in front of Drake. After seeing, that everyone except for Michael, who kept standing beside his mate, was seated he directly began to speak to the two in front of him. "Stephen, Benjamin. You both know why you are here today. After the incident at base Rei, Jaden, Seth, Cody and myself have discussed if you should really be informed of what exactly they are doing for me and if you two should be allowed to get the chance to join them. As it seems, that your problems couldn't get any worse than they already seem to be, we decided, that you may join if you really want to. But it must be for both of you totally clear, that once you get the complete information there will be no turning back and you can kiss your dreams of any career in the military to 100% good bye. So I now ask you, are you sure you want to join?" After a short silence Stephen is the first to answer. "Mr. Moroese as Rei here can attest I never wanted to be a soldier and only went along because I wanted to be with Benjamin. I'll go wherever he goes even if it is to the fires of hell." Turning his head towards Benjamin Drake awaited his answer. "Well Sir. One could say that I'm nearly in the same situation as Stephen, as my father forced me to go to the military. But that changed after that incident at your club with the murderous lion on stage," unseen by most of the gathered Michael became totally apprehensive by the mention of that and his ears and tail tucked against his body as the fear he had felt at that incident came crashing back to him. Drake not wanting to interrupt Benjamin just gripped his mates paw a little bit stronger to console him. "I don't really know what it was, but as I saw how dangerous the situation was and how heroic Seth and Cody handled it, I wanted to do just the same. To help people in need who couldn't help themselves. I chose to do that through military service, but as it now seems that might get problematic I think as long as I am able to help those that can't help themselves I'm happy with whatever I do." "That is good to hear from you two," Drake began to address them, "but Benjamin you do know, that one thing you also wanted to achieve will then be completely impossible." "I know that very well that I lose any chance of becoming a genetically enhanced soldier if I no longer am a member of the military, but that would be nearly impossible even if I would stay and Cody isn't genetically enhanced and still can keep up with them easily." Seeing a nod from the other four gathered Drake saw no reason not to continue. "As you both seem determined I see no reason for not informing you and I must admit, that a little bit more help is what we really need. First of all, as we are one big family you can call me Drake so please stop the formalities and only refer to me as Mr. Moroese when working at the club." "Now to the revealing of our work. As you both know Jaden, Cody, Seth and Rei were once fighting in the last war on Ferolis, before we were forced to flee to the space stations. You may also know that the reason for that war with the Naturebound was the desperate need for a spirit channeler to fuel our giant defensive shield with power and that the government in all its idiocy kidnapped hundreds of Naturebound to get what they needed, which infuriated the Naturebound to the point that they wanted to eradicate every single one of us. We evaded that fate by fleeing here but since then are unable to ever return to our home planet." While describing the situation Drake pressed a button hidden under his desk at which three of the monitors seated on the wall behind his desk changed from the normal surveillance of the club and back rooms to the view of some kind of living quarters where 50 to 60 furs of different kind were talking, cooking or eating. What was uncommon about them was the fact, that every one of them was easily distinguishable as belonging to Naturebound tribes. "Those feeds that you now see come also from my club, but from a part that no one could ever reach without knowing where to look. As you must understand the government still needed a spirit channeler for their project and so held all of those they had abducted still captive. But to ensure that they would get the perfect subject they began to make experiments with their so called test subjects that would more be called torture than anything else. After finding out what our government did to them I started finding the secret facilities where the experiments take place and with the help of the others we so far have rescued nearly all those that are still held captive." "Sir I do have a question," Stephen interjected in the speech of Drake, "if you rescue them all how will the defensive shield be powered?" Expecting that question Drake just smiled and went on. "That my friend is the crux to the whole mess. They do already possess the perfect subject for it, but as it isn't within their reach they are still bent on getting their hands on their own one. As you already know Michael is also from Naturebound linage. But the thing we kept from you up to this point is the truth, that I didn't rescue him on Ferolis, as Rei once told you, but he was one of the first I saved from one of those labs where he was tortured. After being freed he fell in love with me and didn't want to return home. Since then he stays with me and he is also the person with the highest synchronization rate ever to be found. He willingly agreed to become the power source for the shield as he would also protect me by doing it. But as I am the one possessing the channeler they need and as they fear I would blackmail them with it they are still trying to get their own one." Pointing to the four seated to the left and right of Benjamin and Stephen with each one of his paws he went on. "I recruited Rei, Jaden, Cody and Seth at different times during my attempts to free all still enslaved Naturebound to return them to their tribes on Ferolis. That was exceptionally needed, as the government and military started making the security stricter with every one of our successful attempts of freeing captives. Now after nearly five years since the end of the war there is only one laboratory left in which the last should be kept. Normally we would have started an attempt, but our surveillance of the facility five weeks ago showed that for only four Special Forces soldiers it is completely impossible to safely run the mission. Your incident at base, even if perhaps catastrophic for your careers, drove us to contemplate if we should haul you in and we all agreed that the skills you two have acquired are now nearly level with the others. So we decided to risk bringing you in and hope that with your help we can make that last operation on Sunday night into a success." "But as that is a lot for you to contemplate now and it is your first day of again being free to leave base," Drake said slowly rising from his chair, which Rei and the others did as well, "I found it more than appropriate to let you celebrate tonight here without any disturbances, so I didn't open the club today so you could have all the fun you want." Drake smirked at the dumbstruck face both Stephen and Benjamin got due to that announcement, as it slowly sank in to both, that they were free to take whichever back room they wanted to use and of course as none of the furs present had to work tonight that meant that this would become one hell of a sex crazed night. The first to find his speech back was strangely Benjamin. "Wow. That sounds great and opens up nice little opportunities. I always wanted to have some fun in one of the guest rooms, especially that full mirrored one. Can we Dr...." but the rest of his sentence was lost, as a sudden unconsciousness over came him and he fell forward and might have hit the floor hard hadn't strong black paws not stopped his plummet. The same unconsciousness overcame Stephen only that his fall was stopped by grey-blue paws. As Stephen's mind slowly began to return from the oblivion it had suddenly plummeted in he tried to piece together what had been the last he remembered. Strangely the last thing that he could grasp was of him waking up in the barracks at base this morning and from that point on there was nothing but emptiness. He knew it must be late evening already as he always had a quite good feel for the actual time of the day even for someone who had live nearly all his life on a space station with artificial lighting. As he tried to open his eyes he realized that try as he might he wasn't able to even open up one of his lids. That realization brought him out of his delusioned state with a start and he noticed that his arms, legs, body and head were restrained against a hard surface and his muzzle was barricaded with some kind of obstacle hindering him from making any kind of sound. During his thrashing against the restraints it came to him that he didn't feel any kind of clothing against his fur which staked up to the panic that was fast building inside of him with every waking minute. Suddenly his blindfold was yanked from his eyes and he had to close them against the sudden blindingly bright light. After blinking a few times to get accustomed to the light he saw Rei, his commanding officer and friend, standing to the right of him leaning over his restrained and naked body with a devious grin on his face. Turning to the left he saw Benjamin in a similar predicament than him restrained to the same object than him, which was a stainless steel table with various hooks and loops attached to it through which they were restrained against with ropes. Hunched over him was Seth with the same grin marking his brown muzzle in that pitch blackness of his face. At closer inspection he saw that Seth was only wearing a black leather harness crisscrossing over his sculpted muscular body which ended in a metal ring at his groin where his dark red canine cock and lemon sized balls were fitted through and stood at full attention already. Turning his head back to Rei as he wanted to ask what this was all about he realized that he was wearing nothing as well. Chuckling about the saucer-like eyes that Stephen gave him Rei turned to his left where Jaden and Cody stood not far away. Jaden was also void of any kind of clothing except for a tight fitting studded black leather collar that stood out against his yellow fur like a beacon. Cody was wearing a harness around his upper body just like his mate only that his was made out of linked chains. Just like Seth his bright red canine prick and balls were fitted through a metal cock-ring at the base of the harness standing at full attention. Additionally he wore a tight-fitting black leather collar around his neck making him look even fiercer than normally. "Their irritation has been long enough by now, Jaden." Rei addressed the fox, a stern expression on his face. "We all want to have fun here, so stop blocking their short time memory with your pheromones so they stop panicking." A minute later the panicked expressions on both restrained began to be replaced by a glazed one as the memory altering effects wore off faster than normally because of their sky rocketed adrenalin induces metabolism as their memory blanks were filled up. While Stephen and Benjamin regained from the effect Rei and Seth removed the gags from their muzzles to allow them to speak again. "How do you feel?" asked Rei and Seth their slowly to consciousness returning captives. "Like being hit by a truck made of pillows. Throbbing head but in a quite fuzzy way," Benjamin answered. "But what is this all about. I thought we would have a fun night and now you first knocked us out cold and then abducted us in a way." "It was an idea that Jaden and Rei came up with," Drake said just arriving in the dungeon like room with Michael trailing behind. Drake wore tight fitting leather pants that made his quite impressive bulge stand out like a red sign and meshed black muscle shirt accented his muscular form perfectly. Michael wore his usual black leather vest but instead of his tight black leather shorts that he normally had on while performing on stage his groin was only encased in a tight fitting black leather thong that was barely concealing his full sheath and ball sac and gave a full view of his lean runners legs that all foxes genetically inherited especially those from the Naturebound tribes. As Drake arrived at the table he reached below the side of it and after a short while of rummaging with his paws he retrieved four metal rings from an inside compartment. Two of the rings had the design of a circling vine on it that wound around the loop in a closed spiral while the other two had some metallic stubs on the outside half of the ring. "They thought it a nice idea to make some kind of initiation rite for your acceptance into our midst, something like a nice little bonding session between comrades in arms. Cody and Seth found that great but suggested the 'bonding' part should be laid out more literally, so we decided to make it a bondage session, where you will be our unworthy slaves for the night." Drake went on. Bringing the studded rings to his left paw and showing them he went on. "And as slaves aren't allowed to spill their seed while being harassed by their masters without their approval you will be outfitted with these little gadgets I invented some time ago. Those rings are specially designed computerized cock-rings that keep you aroused and in a near climatic state as long as you are forced to wear them but prevents you from spilling any kind of juices at all." With a swift motion he threw the rings to Rei and Seth, who caught them in the air and brought them over the slightly peeking out pricks from Stephen's and Benjamin's plump sheaths. As they touched the flesh both rings began to glow in an eerie yellow glow and both bound were overcome with a feeling of pure ecstasy and their cocks shot out of their hiding places faster than normal and were fully erect in mere seconds the yellow shining cock-ring were brought down to the base pulling back the sheaths. Both whimpered in pure frustration as they were already held near the edge of climax but couldn't get over it. The ring around Stephen even prevented him from forming his typical knot. Breaking through their whimpering Drake presented the other two metal rings he still held in his paw. "As for those two here. Those are as well specially computerized cock-rings just like the ones you are already tortured to insanity with. The only difference is, that those here keep the wearer aroused at all times even after shooting his load and also continually stimulate your prostate to produce a constant flow of pre as long as consciously worn. When asleep the cocks keep fully hard, but the pre production is returned to normal. As we canines do that even without them our production is even accelerated and even prevents us from forming out knots, just like yours do. That is only needed, as they wouldn't be able to be removed ever again." After throwing one to Rei and the other to Jaden who both put them on their already completely erect cocks Drake reached under the table again and after pressing a switch the metal table started to reform itself. The upper part where their heads were restrained against slid towards them until it reached the top of their heads and the surface split in the middle over their necks forcing their heads to turn backwards until their muzzles were easily accessible to anyone standing behind them. The lower part of the table split in half between their feet and slowly slid apart until their tail holes were visible and accessible by standing between there spread feet. A sling also shot out of the base and restrained their tails from covering their privates. Stephen and Benjamin realized only slightly what happened to the table as their senses were completely overpowered by the never ending near climax they had to endure. For Stephen it became even slightly painful, as his normally pre-leaking cock hadn't shed a single drop so far. They were returned to their surroundings as a strong musk penetrated their noses and something banged against their muzzles. Rei and Jaden stood before them with their pre-dripping cocks. Rei's cock leaking pre like a canine, while Jaden's looked more like a slow running garden hose. Rei had himself positioned before Benjamin while Jaden took the place at Stephen. Both ordered them to open up for a nice treat before shoving it into the waiting holes. Both bound whimpered and gurgled for air as they started to drown in the pre produced by the blue shining cock-rings, before the appropriate angle at which their heads were held made it easy to shove the cocks past the palate an into their gullets where the swallow effect not even started to transport away the pre in their muzzles but also started to milk the slowly thickening juices from their piss slits. Rei and Jaden slowly started to hump away in the tight confines slapping their sacks against the noses of their captives forcing them to mostly inhale male musk. Just as Benjamin and Stephen were starting to loose themselves in the sensation of being deep throated and tortured by the demonic rings around their members their cocks were assaulted by tentative licks against their tips which forced them to contract their airways in shock sending their two tormentors over the edge and were granted with a flood of warm potent seed into their bowels. The liking stopped and Drake who had started to tease Stephen with his tongue turned to his mate who had teased Benjamin and moaned. "Next time we should be more careful when teasing them, as I'd planned to lather their pricks completely up before they got their first treatment." Seth deeply laughed from the foot of the table where he and Cody had positioned themselves between the spread feet, their fully erect nine inch cocks shining after decent lubrication and small drops of pre already leaving their slits. "Too late for that now. But thankfully we can take our prizes now as well," Seth said and they both forcefully pushed through the tight puckers eliciting a pained scream from the bound around the cocks hilted in their throats before the sexually torturing cock-rings overwhelmed their senses again and they relaxed their tail holes against the massive intruders. Feeling the muscles against their cocks relaxing Seth and Cody started to go back and forth in the confines driving deeper with every push until they were in to the base their balls slapping against the underside while the metal rings around the base of their cocks and balls had a cooling effect for the bright red entrances whenever it hit. The fucking of their holes made Benjamin and Stephen whine in ecstasy as their intruders assaulted their prostates, but the denial effect if the rings prevented any kind of venting and the pressure in their testicles rose as the increasing seed was held in them. All the while they were forced to drink down the new flood of pre from the cocks still embedded in their throats as the production started again instantly after the end on Rei's and Jaden's respective climaxes, and they began to face fuck them again. As the molesting of their slaves was now in full swing Drake and Michael shared a short smile before they also resumed their teasing of the dry twitching rods before them with tentative licks before taking the tips in their muzzles and bobbing up and down on them while swiveling their tongues around it to give them a mind blowing blowjob. The frenzy of both Benjamin and Stephen went on like this for minutes, as they were forces to drink down a steady amount of pre while being face fucked by Rei and Jaden, their holes being abused by the jackhammering motions of Seth and Cody whose knots started to form and were now additionally hammered against them and Michael and Drake sucking on their cocks as if trying to suck fluids out of their dry cock-tips all the while massaging their bloating ball sacs. After a while Rei addressed his co-molesters all the while panting, "I'm pretty close to give them another treat. We should complete this initiation now so they get their gratification for being such good fucking material." "Fine by me, as I really don't know how long I can hold out." Jaden piped in between his own panting. Raising his muzzle from the glistering cock Drake swiped some excess saliva from his muzzle before he spoke. "Just hold on a little longer, so Michael and I can be ready as well." Hearing it Michael removed himself from his barbed rod as well and they helped each other on the metal table to stand directly above their prey. "This is a honor for you Stephen," Drake addressed the Australian Shepherd lying below his feet while starting to lube up his tail hole from a cup presented by Michael who did the same. "Normally no one is allowed to take me under the tail except for Michael." "You lost the bet against Cody of Rei recruiting them fair and square," Seth interjected his tongue lolling out of the side of his muzzle as he was nearing his climax as well, "so stop bickering and pay your dept." Begrudgingly Drake started to lower towards Stephen's straining cock and after arranging it a little penetrated himself with it. A moan left his agape muzzle as the cock opened him up and his insides rubbed against the hot intruder. Michael was also lowered on his riding it up and down and shuddered in pure bliss with every move as the barbs of the feline cock scraped against his passage. While riding on his cock Michael leaned over to Drake and shared a passionate kiss. Keeping up that display of love Drake reached down the front of Michael's chest and started giving the fully erect member he found light strokes with his lubed paw eliciting moans into his muzzle from Michael, who likewise started to give the needy organ of Drake some attention while fucking themselves on the poles embedded in them. The tight feeling along their cocks was a new torture for the abused as their cocks now desperately tried for the second time to shoot their seed into those bowels but unable to do so. Another feeling was also slowly creeping into their hazed minds as the now fully formed grapefruit-sized knots of Cody and Seth were continuously rammed against their holes opening up the entrances a little more with every hit. Every stretching hit made their embedded cocks twitch in their confines forcing moans from those riding them and trying to suck in more air through their airways which constricted their gullets and thus milking the cocks that resided there. Having opened up the passages wide enough to not do any serious injuries and as their climax was now unavoidable Seth and Cody slowly drew their cocks out until only their tips were still inside and with a powerful synchronized shove pushed back in. The muscles around the tail holes first tried to resist the intruders wanting to gain entrance before the force was too much and the knots were swallowed with to audible pops. The sudden constriction of the knots now being in the tight confines drained the last reserves of restrain from their minds and as their movement was now starkly restricted Seth and Cody runted away like lightning before the dams broke and they painted the insides with their potent seed trying to mark them as their property. The additional pressure of being filled from behind against their prostates forces both Benjamin and Stephen to experience their third completely dry-orgasm with their cocks twitching in the tail holes of Michael and Drake trying to spill fluids that weren't there and their asses clenching down on the knots forcing more seed to flood their bowels. The stimulation of the dry-twitching cocks against their prostates sent Drake and Michael over the edge shooting their loads over their paws and onto the chests of Stephen and Benjamin where it made a pool in the crevices of their abs and pecks. The overwhelming feeling from their asses and cocks forced Benjamin and Stephen to spastic throat contractions which granted them their second treatment from Jaden and Rei as their deep-throated cocks were milked and the cum directly went into their stomachs were the constant pre-filling and the first load awaited. Returning from the blissful aftermath of orgasm Drake removed himself from the still painfully erect cock he had ridden and helped Michael do the same. They were both leaving the bondage table as Rei and Jaden removed their already erect and again pre-dripping cocks from the muzzles of Benjamin and Stephen, who coughed for air the moment their airways had full functionality again. Making his way to the head of the table Drake kneeled down to look them into the eyes before he spoke with a gentle and caring voice. "You did great. Once Seth and Cody are able to remove themselves from you we will remove you from this table and we can have some additional fun if you are up to it." Taking two additional lungfuls of air Benjamin answered. "We would love to. But could you please remove those cock-rings from our groins as my balls are burning like hell from all the spunk entrapped in them." Benjamin was interrupted from further speaking as his sac was wriggled making him yelp in surprise and a little pain. Seth, who was the one playing with his balls stopped it instantly before he addressed Benjamin his ears laid back in shame for having caused pain to his friend. "Sorry, but if I were you I'd leave them on a little longer , at least as long as you are still bound to the table and we are hilted inside of you." "Why should we?" asked Stephen an irritated tone in his voice. "Because those rings have an additional side effect," Michael answered, "as the orgasm prevention effect resides about four minutes after the removal of them which means you could have that mind-blowing orgasm that has been built during your abuse with the one you care the most about. I for once would endure it just to get that." "But first let me make it a little bit more comfortable for you," Drake said and the headrests returned to a horizontal position so their heads weren't forced to bent back. Michael, Jaden and Rei were meanwhile starting to loosen the fastenings that held them on the table. Being freed from their predicament Benjamin and Stephen still had to wait for the knots to deflate enough, but they could now at least hold the hands of each other during the wait. They also left the rings around their cocks as their friends had suggested even if their need was unbearable to say the least. Ten minutes later Seth and Cody drew back testily and as their knots seemed to have deflated enough they drew back with force to free themselves. It was still quite painful for Benjamin and Stephen as their entrances were opened wide but they bit back their yelps and endured the sharp spike of pain until with an audible pop the knots came free, the pain again pushed away by the tormenting of the rings still around the base of their cocks. They swiftly went for the others muzzle and shared a lovingly kiss on the table and some groping their bodies before climbing down. The others meanwhile had started to engage for more fun further away from the table. Rei and Jaden were lying on a leather futon in a sixty-nine position sucking on each other's cocks drinking down the constant stream of pre that they were forced to produce. Michael was lying on his back on the floor his feet resting on the shoulders of Drake who forcibly shoved his growing knot in and out of the orifice making him yipp with every breach. Cody and Seth had started to make out were they were standing with Seth kneeling before Cody and franticly sucking on his cock like it were a lollypop. With the table now vacant after Benjamin and Stephen had left it Cody grabbed Seth by the shoulders and pushed him away until his cock came free from the muzzle. Without needing a word Seth got up and climbed on the table to kneel on all fours raising his tail high to present his pucker. Cody strode over and tentatively stated to lather the muscles in his saliva before he pushed with the tip of his tongue and got easy entrance. From the intrusion Seth started to squirm in anticipation. Benjamin and Stephen had made it over into one corner of the room never stopping their assault on the others muzzle where they lied themselves on the floor and resumed their kissing and fondling. Stopping their tongue fight Benjamin looked deep into the grey-green eyes of Stephen as he said, "I want to feel you deep inside of me. Would you make me your bitch tonight?" Stephen caressed his cheek with his paw before he spoke. "Are you sure? You had already one knot inside of you and with our mighty blue balls the pain will be unbearable once I seed you." "I'll endure any discomfort as long as it is with you," Benjamin replied giving Stephen a peck to the side of his muzzle before he sat up on all fours and raised his tail to show his still bright red hole from the previous intrusion. Needing no further ado Stephen positioned himself behind Benjamin and just remembered the cock-ring still around his member before shoving in. He gripped the yellow glowing ring and removed it with one fast pull. The moment it left the tip of his cock the glowing stopped and Stephen was overwhelmed with a feeling of pure bliss like his body was trying to tear apart in the middle just to spill his seed. His knot formed in a mere second and became even bigger than normal. Seeing it he fought the temptation to just ram it in with all force and risk hurting his love. Aligning himself he started to caress the back of Benjamin and brought one hand around his back. He slowly forced his entrance into the hole well lubricated by the semen of Seth and made two slow strokes before he pulled out until only the tip was still inside. Grabbing the cock-ring still sitting at the base of Benjamin's barbed cock he nibbled at the scruff of his neck one last time before he shoved forward with all his power while removing the ring. As his enlarged knot hit the barrier it tore right through it making Benjamin cry out as searing pain shot from his ass until a half second later the cock-ring left his tip and the euphoric release overwhelmed his system and the pain was no more. Luckily Stephen had timed it too late as the now franticly spasming muscles in Benjamin's ass would have prevented an entry completely causing much more pain for the both of them. Loosing the strength in his arms and feet Benjamin collapsed forward uncontrollably but Stephen forced him sideways landing them on their sides. Now lying securely on their side Stephen couldn't contain himself any longer he started his furious assault on the insides with frantic moves of his hips even trying to pry free to get more momentum but being prevent from the continuously spasming muscles of Benjamin's pucker. Having lost all ability to form coherent thoughts due to his accumulated need to spill his seed he fucked the hole like mad not even thinking about the possibility of hurting his mate until the effect of the rings dissipated in one instant and his contained seed burst through the barrier and flooded the insides of Benjamin in erratic shots . The filling went on for only half a minute before Benjamin also was granted the nullification of the ring effect and shot his load out of his cock-tip like a fire hose without control painting everything in white where it pointed. Both went on for a good two minutes more Stephen's seed forcing a big gut in Benjamin's stomach, but that was lost to both as the sudden release had sent them into a world of complete oblivion the moment they came. As Stephen woke the next morning he was first a little bit disoriented as to his whereabouts, but as his senses caught up with him he recognized, that he was snuggled up against the back and still hilted deep into Benjamin's tail hole since they both had fallen asleep while they were still knotted together. As his knot still hadn't gone completely back he suspected, that during the night the tight confines of Benjamin's rectum had milked him a few times more. Only the filling must have been too much as some seed had made it past the barrier of his knot sticking their fur together. Looking around himself he saw that the others were also slowly returning to the waking world. Rei and Jaden were lying on the bondage table where the initiation of the newcomers had started both still wearing those specially designed cock-rings which stimulated your balls and prostate to produce larger amounts of both pre and cum and prevented your prick from ever going slack as long as you wore them. The still rock hard, pre-dripping and near climatic appearance was more than testament to that. Seth and Cody were both snuggled up against each other in one corner of the room, Seth nibbling at the left ear of Cody while sleeping. Both had shed their leather harnesses which lay not far away from their current position. Cody was still wearing that tight fitting leather collar which gave him a much fiercer appearance. Michael and Drake also hadn't returned to their quarters and were lying on the leather futon. With Michael's head resting snuggly in the cleft between Drake's pecks contently as saliva was slowly dripped out of his open muzzle. Drake embraced him with his left arm and his feet were spread so one could clearly see the light grey sheath and balls between his thighs. Michael's lower half was snuggled near his leg his sheath rested upon it and the tip of his cock slightly poking out. Stephen slowly moved his hips backwards to free his knot from the confines without waking his beloved lynx in the process, but the popping sound and stretching of the tail hole to get it free made the lynx wake up with a moan. Stephen then leaned over him and gave him a peck to the muzzle while saying, "Morning love. Hope the predicaments in which you slept didn't bring you any discomfort." Rubbing backwards with his body against his mate Benjamin replied still a little sleepily. "Not at all. It was quite comforting, only your sleep runting before filling me again woke me up. But that was a great feeling to be marked as your property again." "If you two are ready I'd advise to help clean up here a little," a voice from behind them announced. Untangling themselves from each other, they slowly rose and turned to the voice behind them. Standing there with a broom and bucket was Drake trying his best to appear scolding, but failed miserably. To the left of Drake a hidden locker in the wall was standing open and Jaden, Cody, Seth and Rei were standing there and retrieving cleaning utensils. "Michael is preparing some breakfast so the faster you clean up here the sooner you get something to eat." Drake went on. Taking the handed cleaning gear they worked on cleaning up the mess they had produced the night before and within no time the room was cleaned. Returning the cleaning utensils to the hidden compartment in the wall they all left and went to the employee's spa to clean up themselves and put on their clothes. As they reached the second floor of the club, where the living quarters of Drake, Michael, Seth, Cody and Jaden were located, the table in the dining room was already fitted with the needed table wear. Different breakfast spreads were adorned in the center and as they entered Michael left the kitchen with a steaming coffeepot in one hand and a basket of strange looking bread in the other, which he set in the middle of the table before going over to Drake and giving him a full kiss on the muzzle. Ending the lovely display everyone sat down on the chairs around the table. Stephen and Benjamin were about to help themselves, but were stopped by being hit on the paw from Jaden and Cody sitting next to them. Looking kind of puzzled, why they were not allowed to eat, Drake explained it to them. "Before we are allowed to eat from the richly served table we give thanks to the spirits that granted us with it. It is a Naturebound tradition which seems a little bit strange for us. But you see Michael doesn't approve of the industrial produced articles and so he is making most of the things himself. He even grinds the wheat for making the bread. The work he invests into it is enormous, but the results speak for them self as you will never taste anything better." The thanksgiving to the spirits was made by everyone around the table holding the hand of his adjacent sitting partner and Michael speaking a short gratification prayer to thank for the gifts presented to them. Finished everyone helped himself to one slice of the homemade bread and the spreads that were placed on the table. Stephen and Benjamin were quite skeptical about the edibility of the bread and spreads present, as their look and smell seemed not very appealing, but after only taking a small taste bite from their breakfast they felt their taste buds explode with a lividness they had never before realized one could feel. Turning his head to Drake and Michael sitting next to him Cody spoke to them while all others smiled and started their own meal. "You got two more admirers to your work." Michael beamed with pride that his meager talent for cooking was so much appreciated again and Drake gave him a peck to the cheek and just answered. "And I love him even more for it." The breakfast took nearly an hour as the actions from last night had left them all quite hungry and the delicious food made every one eat a lot more than they would normally do. Fed to the brim all helped clean up the table and to wash the dishes before heading back down to Drake's office. Arriving there all took the places they had the day before except for Michael who, after sharing another passionate kiss with Drake, left to make some errands while the others were discussing the mission they would be doing Sunday night. Seated again all eyes fell expectedly to Benjamin and Stephen and Drake addressed them. "Before we go on I now must ask you if, after what I told you yesterday, you are truly willing to help us defy our very government and help us rescue our imprisoned enemies." Without any pause after Drake had ended his sentence Benjamin spoke up a strange determination radiating from his features. "Of course we will help you. Stephen and I both might have only had a very short time to discuss what you have told us, but we are both more than willing to help. As I said before I only started to work harder in the military to help the weak and even if Stephen might seem a little airheaded his drive and the thing I fell in love for was that he inherits that same noble streak." Turning his head slowly he gave Stephen a peck to the side of his muzzle for emphasis. "But we are both unsure if we could be of any help in this mission, as we are both lacking the experience and abilities Rei and the others have." "Still so humble with your abilities Benjamin," Rei piped in a smirk on his face. "You may be still green behind those ears you and Stephen sport, but rest assured that if Jaden, Seth and Cody wouldn't be as sure as I am that you are more than capable of keeping up with us you wouldn't be here and I wouldn't have taken on that stressful job of training you in the first place." The praise they both got from their superior who always was sparse on being encouraging made Benjamin and Stephen beam with pride. Stephen's tail also began to wag excitedly like a little pup which brought a snicker from Cody and Seth upon seeing it. "Your capability was never the issue here," Drake again addressed the two," but if it would be a mistake to ask you for help. But I for once feel more than happy to have you on board now. But let's begin with the information you both do still lack in comparison to the others." Pushing a button on his desk a keyboard rose from a hidden compartment at which Drake pressed some keys to replace the security feed on the monitors with the single facets of a desktop monitor. Clicking on some folders and typing in a password different pictures of a nondescript building in a wooded area from different angles and also an over head view of the building was shown. "This is our target. As you see it seems like an ordinary building that could house machines for lumberjacking, food processing or any other production. But after digging a little in the files concerning that building it is revealed that the building belongs to a ghost firm provided by the government. Our surveillance of the place showed fast, that it is the facilities where the Naturebound are being held. The best possible timeframe for breaking in is during the shift change at 11pm. Jaden will be our watch and sniper as his genetic engineered pheromones makes him nearly invisible to the enemy and with it he can also shadow the progress of the others." A curt nod was all the acknowledgement the yellow fox gave to that order. "Rei, Cody and Seth will infiltrate the building, disable the security cameras and rescue the imprisoned from their holding cells, while taking out any personal in a non lethal way." All three nodded their consent with it. "You two I want to separate between these two assignments. Benjamin you will be doing the surveillance with Jaden to get a bigger field covered and as you have great scores in your sniper training you are also more than capable keeping our escape corridor open. Stephen you will assist Rei and the others in freeing the Naturebound from their cells. As you are a marvelous close combat fighter you should have no trouble in subduing any resistance we may face." Benjamin and Stephen were a little reluctant to nod their consent to that, but did it nonetheless as their closest friends and veteran soldiers had laid their faith in them. Jaden suddenly interrupted Drake as he had concerns with the plan. "Drake, why have you assigned Benjamin to me instead of keeping him to infiltrate the building? I know that we desperately need a second lookout for that mission, but you very well know, that when I use my genetically enhanced pheromones to distract the guards that that will also affect Benjamin in his work and he will become totally useless." All gathered suddenly realized that Jaden was right about that, as none of them had ever been capable of keeping their focus on what they were doing when Jaden released his pheromones during training. The devious smirk that Drake suddenly had on his muzzle was a little unsettling to them. "I know very well that he will be useless when he gets in contact with your pheromones," Drake began to explain, "but you seem to forget that I once was the top scientist of the government. Since I got to know you I have tried to invent a method to prevent you from deluding your comrades from their tasks. It was hard, as your pheromones are not only affective through inhaling but also can be absorbed through the skin even if one is wearing clothes. About a month ago I finished my first prototype of a special material that is preventing your pheromones sifting through it and as we agreed to let Benjamin and Stephen participate Michael has tailored a combat suit for Benjamin out of it, which he can wear during the mission. To be totally sure of its functionality you two should test it today to see how good it works." Due to that statement Jaden beamed with happiness as he always felt so alone when on his surveillance trips due to his cursed genetic enhancement that prevented him from ever being with a partner. Seeing as his little project was making Jaden so happy Drake decided to reveal the other project he had been working on for the last months. "As it is a sad truth, that Rei's genetic enhanced ability is extremely dangerous to his comrades so that he must always control himself to not accidently harm them I thought about making some kind of special communication earpiece that will be able to filter his disastrous roar to just being terrifying but not disable all higher brain functions so that only the deepest instinct of flight remains. But as the roar also functions on the sub sound waves that directly affect the opponent's body I have so far only succeeded that far that one is frozen to the spot for a few minutes. That is still dangerous but not so bad as if one would run around like a headless chicken. Eight such earpieces I will have ready until tomorrow evening before we leave. But I must still advise you Rei that even with those do not use your ability as I would not dare to bring them to a test." "That is really great Drake. But even if you would be able to prevent my comrades from being affected I wouldn't dare to use it, as no living being should be harmed in such a way even not an enemy." Rei said with sadness in his eyes that his friends all too well knew, as he detested his ability since he first got it and only used it when strictly ordered by a superior. "Then without further ado I suggest you start your regular training session, as you should be in top notch to be prepared for tomorrow," Drake concluded the meeting. "I may have closed the club yesterday and will also do it tomorrow, but today you must all be ready for security duty here." All nodded their consent before filling out of Drake's office to leave for the gym. The rest of the day all spent by training sessions in the gym or going through the single stages of the mission and working out the details and exact time table for Sunday night. Stephen and Benjamin were at first a little intimidated by the prospect of helping their friends in this crucial task and didn't quite know if their still big inexperience in such scenarios would hinder them too much as that they could help, but as the day went on both became more and more confident and by the end of the day they both were physically drained to the point of falling asleep while still standing but realized how well they already corresponded with their veteran comrades that they knew what they should do without as much as saying a word. The security duties that all six had that night at the club went mainly smooth as the patrons were few and those that did make trouble were easily handled by the expanded personal. But still the enormous training and all the discussions had left them with nearly none relaxation time and they all dropped to their beds after the club closed at 3am the next morning.. The next day all set out to inspect their personal stuff they would carry for the infiltration and rescue mission that night one last time to make sure everything was ready when needed. Rei, Jaden and the others oversaw Benjamin's and Stephen's preparations and gave tips here and there to mistakes that would make it for both harder to get certain things when needed for which they were more than thankful. At 7pm all gathered for their evening meal before leaving to head to their destination. Conversation was scarce and Stephen and Benjamin had problems eating anything as their inwards had begun to form a tight knot. Michael was even more nervous as he had to attend too, so the freed Naturebound wouldn't panic too much after being literally dragged out of their confines, shoved into a creepy transport and carted away to an unknown destiny. Seth, Cody, Rei, Jaden and Drake were also apprehensive as the time grew short but because of their greater experience were able to eat normally and pressed the three on to eat as much as they could. After leaving the club through the back door they boarded the truck parked there and made their way to the connection tube to the other stations. It took them two and a half hours for the travel from Station Omega Red to Station Theta Yellow. Another half an hour later they reached the clearing in the woodlands near the facility. Jaden and Benjamin grabbed their sniper rifle cases and began their wide arced trek through the underbrush to their polar opposite staging points near the perimeter of the guarded area. Drake and Michael started camouflaging their escape truck and erecting their small operations base while Rei, Cody, Seth and Stephen made their way to their infiltration point. Ten minutes after reaching the fence around the installation where their entry point was their ear sets conveyed the voice of Jaden. "I'm set and ready to go." Was the curt announcement that he had reached his sniping point. A minute later Benjamin announced his readiness as well. "All set here too. But something seems off from my point. There seems to be less security personal to be roaming around than we had anticipated." Drake 's voice was next to be heard. "That's strange as during all our surveillance the number of the stationed security personal was mostly always the same. The less strict security is only helping us as we will encounter less resistance but be more alert as this could also mean a trap." "Understood." all acknowledged shortly. Cody took the bolt cutter from his backpack and readied himself to cut a hole into the fence for their entry when Jaden gave him the signal. The minutes ticked by and the tension in the infiltration group grew until the silence was suddenly broken by one word from Jaden. "Go!" With practiced ease and his arms clutching the bolt cutter flying around the fence Cody had made a sizable whole into it within a minute. Task completed he threw the cutter away and drew his combat knife and paralysis gun from his belt and stepped through the hole shortly followed by the rest all armed in the same way. They slowly made their way to the entrance that they chose for to be the nearest to the holding cells with Cody setting point while Seth and Stephen checked to the right and left and Rei securing the rear. As the whole area was scarcely lighted and as it was near midnight the dark camouflaged their approach remarkably. They first came into light as they reached the door and Seth began picking the locking mechanism. While Seth fidgeted with opening the door Cody and the other kept watch. After about half a minute of fidgeting with it Seth began to curse under his breath "Damn thing, why don't you just open." "Hurry up a little you slow poke we are not here for a coffee party." Jaden piped in over their headsets. Stressed Seth growled back into his mic. "Shut up or come down here and do it yourself if you think you can do it better!" "Shut up you two" Cody, Rei and Drake said in near synch. Twenty seconds later Seth breathed a sigh of relief as the mechanism unlocked with a click and the door opened at last. "We're now going in. Keep our backs secure." Rei said over his mic and got a confirmation from both Jaden and Benjamin. Before them was a dimly light corridor with no doors to the left or right. The only other opening was a double door at the end. Slowly and cautiously they crept forward while checking their surroundings for security measures and any trace of hidden compartments that could serve for ambushes. Reaching the doors Cody cautiously peeked through one of the windows set into the door to check the room beyond. Turning back to his companions he said, "There is a security station on the other side at which it seems all the feeds are displayed. As far as I could see there is only one person manning it. Taking him down should make it possible to free the prisoners with less trouble, but we must be careful that he can't sound any alarm." Reholstering his gun he put his paw to the door and spoke, "I'll open the door, you Stephen sneak up to the watch and subdue him swiftly. Rei, you and Seth will check all doors and barricade those we won't be needing." A nod was all the confirmation he needed before he cautiously pushed the door open to not make any sound. Open just a crack Stephen was already through the door and had gone half the way to the security station before Rei and Seth had also passed it to be on their way to two of the adjourning doors that led to other hallways. Cody had just gone through too and was about to close and barricade that door when Stephen suddenly exclaimed. "Holly shit!" Completely surprised by the sudden noise the three dropped to the floor and turned around ready for any attack that might come. The voices of Drake, Seth and Jaden, who had heard the shout through their head pieces were frantically asking what had happened. Standing behind the security desk with a look of utter horror was Stephen who held his left paw before his muzzle. The tips of his right paw were smeared in a red liquid that slowly ran down the backside. Getting behind the desk the others recognized what had frightened him so much. The head of the panda securing the security station was now lying on the desk and around his head a pool of the same color as the liquid on Stephen's paw was slowly growing bigger. It was clear that the substance was blood. Shaking Stephen to get him out of his shock while Seth and Cody checked the collapsed guard Rei feverishly asked, "Stephen what have you done." Regaining a little bit he shakily answered. "I.. I don't know. I was standing behind him ready to knock him out, when his head tipped from the paw he was holding it up while checking the monitors and it hit the desk. Before I could even try to hit him unconscious so he wouldn't raise his head a patch of blood was slowly beginning to form. As I lifted his head to check what was going on blood suddenly ran out of his ear in greater amounts." "He's right," Seth began while checking the panda's condition, "the main portion of the blood is coming from his left ear, but since he hit the desk at least two times he now also has a nose bleed. Something might have punctured an artery in his ear and destroyed his ear-drum, but so far he is still breathing and he doesn't seem to be in mortal danger." Drake voice cut into the explanation of Seth through the ear pieces. "But who could have harmed him. This is a tightly secured laboratory which nearly no one is knowing about. For us to penetrate it without being spotted we had to slave stream the outer monitoring cameras and additionally needed to use Jaden's pheromones to deluge the minds of the perimeter guards and as far as I can see no other has hacked into security." "But think about it," Jaden cut in," that tonight there are less personal securing the perimeter than whenever we checked it out. It is today a lot more possible to infiltrate the building than ever. But what is more than strange is the lack of any kind of alertness from the guards. Benjamin and myself are on our station for half an hour now and in that time someone should have realized that the guard watching the monitors is not responding any more. We also saw no one entering the facility during that time." "The attack can't have been more than fifteen minutes before we found him, as his blood is only just clotting", Cody fed into the conversation, "and as all seemed normal when I checked the room from the door the attacker must have been in the building and was known to the victim, as I see no trace of a fight on him or the surroundings." "But what should we do now ?" Benjamin's voice asked the others, agitation and uneasiness clearly recognizable in his voice. Inspecting the still shocked form of Stephen it was clear that he may have regained himself a little but panic was slowly taking over. Rei understood that very well as that was the first real mission for both and things that weren't planned always drove the still green eared to panic. Still the scenario he now faced was even making him start to get uneasy. It seemed like a third party had moved into the picture and was not restraining itself from doing harm to those that were in its way. The others showed no sign of nervousness but he knew them so well that it was as clear as day to him that they got as uneasy as he. "Now the question is what we should do from this point on." Drake said. "I think we all agree that our precise plan is now completely in the dumpster. The decision we now have to make is to either call it a failure and retreat to make a new move for it or if we should try it nonetheless with the possibility of grave mortal danger to every one of us because of an unknown foe." "I more than willingly would say retreat, but I have this feeling, that when we do something horrible might happen here." Jaden answered Drake through the link. "I don't know about the others, but this is a more than noble cause I enlisted for all those years ago and I'm more than willing to put my life on the wager for some kind of repention for what I've done." "Me too", "Exactly" and "Yeah" were the swift answers of Rei, Seth and Cody. "What about you two?" Drake asked the remaining members of his small team. Reaching over with his paw to Stephen Rei lightly squeezed his shoulder so he would be looking to him before speaking. "We all know that you are frightened to the bone now. It is more than normal with a situation like this. If you feel unable to go on with the job just say it and we leave. No one of us would look down on you if you or Benjamin do." Stephen swallowed once before he tried to form words since his outburst. "I... I... I w... would more than anything flee from here and never come back as this here is downright frightening. But I know just as you, that if we should abandon the mission now something horrible might be happening and the knowledge that I could have done something and didn't just because I chickened out would lay on my consciousness forever. I too will go on." Shortly after Stephen had finished Benjamin was heard over the connection. "I'm in too. I and Jaden have the safest job of you all and without us you might get into a tight spot when trying to leave. I also would never abandon my mate even if my own life would be at stake." The mood of Stephen lighted up a little and he regained his confidence as his one true love announced how much he loved him as he set his mind on the fact that he would never ever let harm come to him in any way. "As we are all keeping to the mission," Drake spoke again, "and as it is clear that all the planning is for naught, I'd suggest we change our tactic. We ditch the whole stealth tactic as a new enemy is in the game and proceed to a more active approach. Seth, Cody, Rei and Stephen I want you to each take one of the holding cell blocks and free the kept there instead of doing it one after the other. On your way eliminate whatever resistance you encounter to ensure a safe escape route for the Naturebound. Fight first ask questions later so to speak, all healable injuries are ok even if you must resort to mentally injure them I have no problem with that from this point on." All knew that that last comment was solely meant for Rei and that of Drake even giving him that option spoke volumes how much Drake was already uneasy. But Rei made himself swear even if he was allowed to use it at his free will without restrictions what so ever he would not do it. "In exactly half an hour I will tear down the fence with our truck at your exact insertion point. See to it, that all rescued are stationed in the corridor before the entrance so we can swiftly ship them out." Drake concluded his new strategy. "Understood", all announced one after the other. Turning to his companions in the security station Cody assigned the respective locations to them. "Stephen you take the labs. There should be the fewest Naturebound held at this moment because you don't have experience with handling them you will need more time to convince them to follow you. Seth you will go to the east wing and retrieve all held captive there while I take the west wing. Rei you take the center building. Any door we find on our way will be welded shut to ensure a clear path to the meeting point. We keep our communication open so if anyone faces trouble he can't handle it is easier to inform the others." An affirmative nod later they separated and everyone took the path to his designated target. Rei slowly made his way from the security station down the corridor to the holding cells in the central building. His path was only dimly light by over head lighting which created small spaces where he couldn't even make out the contours of the wall anymore. Perfect places for hiding if one would like to spring a trap, but luckily none had happened so far. While he was on permanently locking one of the side doors to this corridor the voice of Stephen was transmitted over their communication in a whisper. "Guys, I just found three others from the security here. They are unconscious like the one before but they have severe injuries across their whole bodies and a few broken bones and ribs." "Careful there, whoever did this went your way. Proceed with extreme caution." Was the short answer from Cody. Half a minute later Seth was the next to announce frightening news. "It must be more than one as I just found severely injured laboratory personal on my route. One of them even has a broken lower spine by the looks of his crumpled form." The silence that followed was proof that the uneasiness of the small group was getting bigger by the minute, as even the rest who were outside didn't have anything to say. After five minutes since Rei began his way through the central building corridor Stephen made contact again. "Reached the door to the laboratories. All clear so far. Going in now." Rei felt uneasy by that announcement and realized that he really had gotten quite attached to the sometimes problematic Australian shepherd. His realization was cut short when Stephen again was heard over the com. "O God. That's disgusting. I think I'm about to puke." "We know the prisoners are in a bad hygienic and health state. They have never been treated good so far," was the consoling answer of Seth. "It's not just that." Stephen replied, "They are all bleeding from numerous cuts on their bodies and are in great pain. They are completely conscious and thrashing around on the floor in their own blood. To keep them from screaming they have all been gagged to hinder them from making any kind of sound." Rei didn't register the answer and instructions of Drake any more or even the information that Seth and Cody had just found the prisoners at their destination in a similar situation as he rushed to his destination after hearing a scream from the door at the end of the corridor. Caution completely throwing in the wind he barged the door in without even checking what lay behind it. The scene that lay before his eyes was shocking to say the least. Scientists, security guards and lab personal lay unconsciously around on the floor or were slumped over their workstations or against the nearest wall. Blood was pooling around them in slow streams and the position which the bodies and the extremities of some lay made sure that broken bones and spines were additional under the injuries. The room looked like a bomb that only affected the furs present had gone off in the middle as all inventory seemed unaffected. Scenes he had seen during the last war were child's play against it and he needed all his restraint not to puke right in front of him. A shattering of glass averted his attention from the scene and he carefully made his way through the strewn bodies to a half hinged door labeled 'high security ward'. Behind the door Rei found the holding cells of this part of the facility. They were small square cubicles with a diameter of approx. 12 feet with a metal framed sleeping cot and a steel toilet. The entrance to the cells was a metal framed glass door in the completely open bulletproof glass wall that faced the central corridor along the opposing cells. The doors to the cells holding the prisoners were broken in and just like Stephen had described the scene at his location the Naturebound hold in them were gagged, bleeding from multiple cuts and thrashing and whimpering in their own pools of blood. But Rei didn't pay them any mind at that moment, as he made his way as noiseless as possible to the last broken in cell along the corridor from where he could make out the noise of someone speaking in a whisper. Reaching the connecting wall between the cell where the noise came from and the one before he readied his combat knife and took one last calming breath before he charged through the shattered remains of the entrance. The room he stood in was bigger than the others, approx. 20 feet in diameter. The room had the same cot and toilet as the others but additionally it also housed some kind of adjustable operation table with a wide array of body contactors that led into a compartment under the table. A surgical light was hanging over the table, but the light like the table seemed to have been damaged a short while ago. Standing at the back of the chamber furthest from the entrance was a lion with a toned and muscular frame. The strange thing was his completely black pelt with not one trace of lighter color on him and his piercing red eyes that would have been more fitting for a demon from some nightmare than a living being. His whole appearance made clear that he wasn't one of the prisoners from here. The miserable being that was nearly choked by his left paw while held near his muzzle with his extremely sharp canines looked more like it. He was a white tiger just like Rei, only that his frail looking body made him look more like a ragdoll than one of the fiercest predators. Startled by the sudden entrance of Rei into the chamber the lion brought his dangling victim before his chest as a living shield before measuring up the newcomer. Seeing who it was he acquired a devious smirk on his face and even made a chuckle that sounded like a thunderstorm before addressing him. "Well if it isn't one of those little pests, that think they can change destiny with their unnoticeable attempts. You really were faster than we anticipated. Tell me how did like our handiwork?" The aura he felt from that lion made Rei's fur stand on end like it only had done once before during the fled from Ferolis. He fought to suppress the uneasiness while starting to question the person before him. "You are responsible for all this? Who the fuck are you and what is this all about?" After another chuckle, that sounded just as unholy as the last, the red eyed lion answered with quite some amusement in his deep grave voice. "You may call me Fenrir and I'm a member of the only true followers of the divine path. As to what this is all about. Your simple minds can't grasp it in all its clarity. To make it simple, we are just cleaning away some small obstacles that were in our way." While speaking the grip around the throat of the tiger he still held in his paw was getting tighter to the point that his airways were nearly cut off. "Your piteous attempts to stop the Day of Judgment cannot be tolerated any longer. I'm one of those who are given the holy mission to destroy the elements of your heretic attempt to protect you from the final judgment." The arrogance of the enemy standing before him was enthralling Rei so much, that he didn't register his comrades encountering similar threats at their destination. He also was slowly feeling a blind red rage bubbling up in himself, but the situation of the frail tiger still held at display before the diabolic black lion hindered him from trying to tear through that monster. Seeing the slow laying back of Rei's ears and the unsheathing of his claws didn't seem to bother the lion in any way. His features only showed a little bit more of amusement. "This miserable thing here was the best you could produce for your feeble attempt to protect your hides" Fenrir said, the demonic glint never leaving those piercing red eyes, while pointing with one of his unsheathed claws to the dangling tiger before him. "I feel more than generous tonight towards you pawns of a foreboded society. So I give you your precious experiment back." The lion slowly brought his arm back to his side while keeping the firm grip around the tiger's throat before swiftly bringing it back in front of him while releasing the grip which brought the frail and nearly suffocated tiger in a flying arc toward Rei. Shocked by the action Rei threw his combat knife from his grip to be able to catch the flying tiger as the lion suddenly sprang towards his freed victim with inhumane speed. As he reached him in mid-air he tore through the throat with one of his razor-sharp claws and powerfully kicked him in the side so that he changed direction and crashed into the side wall with so much force, that the breaking of bones could clearly been heard. Standing in the middle of the room after his lethal attack against his released prisoner Fenrir just laughed about the dumbstruck face Rei made while saying something about he just having disposed of a worthless creature. But Rei didn't register either the laughing or the insults against the crumpled form that now lay bleeding to death under the impression in the wall. Seeing the life giving fluid gushing out of the open throat of the white tiger, that he was just a second ago trying to catch, was fueling an instinct within him which forced all logic thinking out of his mind. The still laughing lion abruptly stopped his insults as Rei turned his head from the crumpled form and directed a furious piercing stare that only had murderous instincts in it, at him. With blinding speed and still the blood dripping claws Fenrir charged towards his newest target in an effort to kill Rei before he could even move. In his blinding rage directed only against the dangerous red eyes drawing nearer in unnatural speed Rei instinctively used his genetically enhanced roar with a might never used before by him. The power of the mind-disturbing sound wave shook the debris on the floor and even made the walls start to shake a little like they were being affected by an earthquake. The occupants of the adjourned holding cells stopped their pained thrashing in the moment they were hit by it and because of their weakened states were saved from the full extent that it would do to their brains as they all fell into save unconsciousness. The advancing lion on the other hand was directly in the line of Rei's open muzzles and was swept from his feet by its power and he crashed full force against the wall behind him. His eyes showed the typical reaction of every fur unfortunate enough to encounter Rei's enhancement. Slowly loosing focus they trembled uncontrollably in utter fear in their sockets and his whole body and fur lost its dark color as his brain synapses lost the ability to process any kind of information and only the base instincts of fright and flight remained. Pissing and shitting himself in utter uncontrollable fear Fenrir was just trying to get up, as Rei unsheathed his powerful and sharp claws on both paws and lunged towards the scrambling lion. Using all his power he drove his left claws in the throat of the lion while his right one broke through the ribcage and with a frightening growl tore the larynx and one of the lungs from the body. Strangely during his assault on the throat he didn't even graze one of the arteries there. Standing before the now gurgling for air and thus painfully slow suffocating black lion Rei dropped the innards held in his paws to the ground and made his way over to the crumpled and lifeless form of the tiger he had come to free. After literally having made sure that the murderer could never again lay his foul breath on the world his eyes were glazed out without any sign of coherent thought visible there. As his comrades arrived at his location in the holding cells of the high security ward ten minutes later he was still sitting on the floor in a pool of drying blood and absentmindly stroking the head of the dead white tiger.
Title: Behind Closed Blinds Tags: incest, taboo, mother, son, mom-son sex, mom-son incest, mom, impregnation, impregnated, pregnant 1 'I haven't heard from you in a while, Steven. Is everything okay?' read my mother's message. Immediately I was reminded how long it had been since we last spoke and of how I must have been the world's shittiest son. I'm that guy who isolates himself when depression and stress take their toll. I don't think about how long it takes to get back up to speed. All I care about is that nobody feels burdened with me. But when home becomes the problem, a trap for all my prevalent insecurities, I tend to hide at work instead. My work ethic had already cost me my fiancée, or so I'd thought. She not only took with her the ring I put on her finger, she took it and pawned it so that she could "help" to pay off her secret loser boyfriend's debts. How about that? Not only does Carol fall for a bigger piece of shit than I allegedly was, she leaves me for a complete dead loss; a social and emotional parasite who will no doubt leave her in utter ruin. Good luck, Carol. Enjoy that while it lasts. So I bade good riddance and moved on the only way I knew how. I got sick to death of making myself miserable and ploughed through my work. When my mother got in touch, I was quick to see the light of day. I had a lot of making up to do... 2 I called her. 'Hi, mum, I'm sorry I haven't spoken in a while,' I said, wasting no time. 'Been keeping yourself busy no doubt; keeping your mind off the bitch?' she asked. 'I should have listened,' I began to apologise. She wouldn't have it, though. 'I never really disapproved,' mum asserted. 'You were so happy with her.' 'But you had your doubts...' 'But I hate being proven right, Steven,' she said apologetically. 'Forgive me?' 'There's nothing to forgive, mum,' I assured. 'It was my choice. And I never stopped loving you or wanting to speak to you. I just didn't want to appear as pathetic as I've felt lately. I don't like being seen miserable like I've been.' 'I have next week off. I could come and take up some of that newly acquired space of yours,' she slyly jested. My heart immediately lifted at the suggestion. 'We could keep each other company. I'm not really getting back into this singles game like I thought I might.' 'I'd love that,' I beamed. 'I could introduce you to a new cuisine I've been trying out. It's called "Sad Beans a la Tin Can".' She gasped and struggled then to hold back. I could hear the faint hint of a giggle batting from behind her pursed lips. 'I'll cook as always. Want me to bring anything?' she asked. 'Just your beautiful self, mum,' I smiled, and notably for the first time in a while. 3 My mother's name is Sara. At forty two she's seventeen years older than me. My father didn't stick around. Rather than count on the system to raise me for her, she worked her ass off and went to night school to study accounting, and rocketed me through college while working her ass off even harder to provide for the both of us. We've had a unique relationship through the years, growing up, and as an adult. Being that we went through a short line of potential suitors for husband and replacement father figure, I guess you could say I matured pretty quickly, and also grew fiercely protective and loyal to her. We're also pretty liberal-minded. She had her flings as well as her boyfriends, and so she was never in a position to deny me that either, but it was never a priority for either of us. For the last few years Sara was engaged to an older guy, Oliver, who seemed to be the real deal. That was more or less the situation that gave me the push to get out onto my own two feet and to go make something of myself. He was the last man to lead her along. After that she grew tired of trying. Sara is 5'5" with wispy blonde hair and glows with fair skin, and with few lines and faint creases other than laughter lines. Stress takes its toll, but in her case I think it just expresses character. She always somehow thrived off stress, unlike me. She has a lot of character, and something of a dual personality that's as motherly as it is carefree. I wish I was only as confident as she was in herself. It's meeting and trusting new people where she lacks confidence, and now I see why. She also has a great figure with all the right curves and just enough cuddle where it counts. God knew I was counting on those cuddles. She wears these sleek silver-rimmed glasses that ever so slightly magnify her cool blue eyes. When she smiles I forget everything else around me. Mum planned to drop into town on the Friday. That gave me enough time to talk my situation over with the boss so that I could grab a week off for some much needed de-stressing. Ron asked me what took so long, stating that he could see that I was struggling and that my work was suffering. He was quick to give me some time off. So mum wouldn't have to sit around bored waiting for me to get home every night. I met her at the terminal at 4pm with a tight hug and a kiss on the cheek, grabbed her luggage and drove her to the supermarket to grab some amenities, and then home where immediately we opened the white wine as she flew about the kitchen preparing some much needed home cooking, the way nobody else knew how. There was nothing like my mother's cooking. After living off of tinned food and microwave dinners, the heavenly, hearty, aroma of the spaghetti and meatballs, bolognese sauce and garlic bread had my stomach grumbling anticipation as I tipped back the wine, watching mum work her magic. And the wine was getting to me quickly - empty stomach! 'It's nice to see a real woman in the kitchen again,' I said without thinking. She thought that over and laughed to herself. 'No contest,' she said immodestly and grinned as she sampled the sauce and then brought the spoon to my mouth. The rich tomato, garlic and herb flavours might have brought tears of joy to my eyes had I not already felt the alcohol's effects. I groaned my full approval and nodded. 'Good?' 'Amazing,' I declared gratefully. I was up in an instant, wrapping my arms around my mother and holding her close to me. 'I'm sorry,' I muttered discreetly into her shoulder, 'I can't help myself. I'm happy to see you again.' 'Okay,' she said with a slightly startled tone. Behind me one arm stuck out at an awkward angle as she tried to keep her wooden spoon at a safe distance. Light-heartedly she warned, 'let's not get saucy...' I took a step back, awkwardly looked at her, and then when she moved my attention to the tomato sauce-covered spoon in her hand, I abandoned concern for laughter. Setting the pans to a lower simmer, she turned back to me, took my cheeks in her hands and kissed me full on the lips, soft, warm, and full of love. I fell right into it and reciprocated with a loving smooch, inhaling her and pulling her into me by her shoulders. 'I've missed that,' I told her. 'Me too,' she consoled. Then, 'why did you stop talking to me? I was afraid I'd done something wrong.' 'Stupid me, I guess,' I said, offering a half-wit expression. 'I think I was more afraid that I'd want to quit my job and run back home.' 'And I'd have been fine with that,' she remarked, tipping up her own glass and swallowing before kissing me on the cheek. 'I do miss having a reliable man around. Independence doesn't boil down to an empty home, you know. I always gave you your space.' Shortly after, we sat down to eat. 4 When I snapped out my food coma an hour and a half later, I was reclined in my leather chair in front of the television and feeling great, aside from the slight hang over. Wine did that to me. It hit me so easily and then the comedown was just as quick. But just the ability to relax and not worry about work; to appreciate what I had made all the difference to my mood already. The clock now read 8pm, which I barely made out through blurry eyes. Then the next thing I could make out was the rattle of pots and pans in the kitchen. She was cleaning up, no doubt having grown restless as I napped. Some things never changed, not that I was ungrateful. 'I'm so sorry, mum, I'd have done that,' I said, hurrying into the kitchen to pick up the dishcloth, but she was already done. Now she stood rolling her eyes at me as if to say, "sure... sure you would!" 'Want to feel useful?' she asked, 'open another bottle of wine and come snuggle with me on the couch.' With that she threw me a flirtatious wink and the corner of her mouth curled up. 'Honestly is that all I'm good for?' I exaggerated. 'No,' she replied, 'it's just all I think about!' Then the thought struck me like a bolt of lightning. I hadn't felt this excited in so long and I knew she would love to see it. 'I've a better idea,' I smirked. 'Why don't we dress a bit more comfortable and then I have something to show you. Then we can relax and snuggle.' 'Wine, mystery, and surprises - how can a lady resist?' she asked. I chased her up the stairs with the glasses and wine bottle in my hands, mum whooping like a teenager; probably not the safest stunt but I might as well have been running with scissors in asking Carol to marry me, as it turned out. Seeing mum to the spare room, I disappeared into the master bedroom to change into a pair of clean sweatpants and a loungewear t-shirt before filling our wine glasses again. I saw the blinds were still open then and strolled across the room to close them. God knows some of my opposing neighbours have roaming eyes. 'Oh wow, a queen-sized bed,' mum purred approvingly. I smirked and basked in her approval, my back still turned to her. 'I knew you'd like it,' I remarked. I'd only bought it recently, throwing out the bed I shared with Carol, wanting every intimate memory out of my life, especially while she was now rutting with some diseased little fuckboy. 'Well guess where I'm sleeping tonight.' 'You? Sleeping?' I quipped. But I couldn't take my eyes off her from the moment I turned to face her. She waltzed around barefoot, from one side of the bed to the other in a purple satin negligee that showed enough cleavage and thigh to set my heart thumping. Even without the cleavage I'd be in danger of a premature heart attack. Sara was blessed with a 30F bust, which swayed seductively beneath the tight, shiny fabric as she waltzed around the large bed. The look in her eyes, the acknowledgement my reaction, so immodestly spoke of mutual approval. I just for the life of me could not tell if I was overdressed or underdressed. Not to worry, I thought. 'I figured it would beat squishing up together on the couch like two seals on a shrinking icecap,' I explained. She climbed onto the bed, padding along on all fours - and somewhat teasingly - towards the middle of the bed before curling up on her side and demanding her wine. I handed her both glasses, almost straining to reach her, before climbing up close and leaning up on one elbow at her side to drink mine. 'I need this in my life,' she said longingly. 'No new men in your life, though?' 'No,' she said happily, sipping her wine and enjoying the firm comfort of the bed's firm new mattress. 'There's nobody worthwhile,' she explained briefly, and then, 'I take it you haven't been thinking about women and relationships lately.' 'Well it's not that I haven't been thinking,' I said loosely, 'but I'm not the rebounding type, and I just don't know if I could bring myself to trust anyone right now.' I was quick to drain my glass and roll back to the bedside table to stand it there, then offered her more wine to which she shook her head contently. Then I returned to my mother's side. 'That makes me sad,' she said. 'Don't be sad for me,' I dismissed. 'I'm sad for both of us,' she said. I sidled in closer to hold her to me. The fresh, floral aroma of her skin and hair, the moisturiser she used and her natural scent was subtle but heady. It did wonderful things to me, as did the feeling of having her near to me again. 'Some fools don't know a good thing, even when it's right under their noses,' I mumbled. 'Mm-hmm,' she agreed, eyeing me intently from under my nose. 'You don't have that problem do you, sweetheart?' 'Of course not, mum. Do you?' I nudged her playfully, rolling her back suddenly and digging my tickling fingertips into her ribs. She laughed aloud and tried to combat my stealthy move by pulling me on top of her and suddenly I was very aware of how our bodies felt pressed together that way. I kissed her then, in the way she had kissed me in the kitchen earlier, without reservation and without any real boundary, but not forcefully. There was a feeling of rejoice. Old feelings came closer yet to the surface. I knew the look in her eyes all too well, the look of feelings having been gone too long but never forgotten. 'Stare too long and you may go cross-eyed,' she said inappropriately and began to laugh. Then purring she begged for another kiss and demanded with approval that I hold her closer. I did, moulding the contour of my body to hers, and we held each other and made small talk. Time went by... 'I missed you,' she said with a glint in her darkened smouldering eyes. 'The things like this have been the hardest to live without, or to try to replace.' Two more glasses of wine emptied and we were getting all sentimental. We were embraced in a gentle hug, bodies pressed together side by side and cheek to cheek. I didn't know how my hand caused the back of her negligee to rise up over the curve of her bottom, but I came to realise then that she was wearing underneath as my palm came to rest on her bare tailbone. 'I missed you too, and all of this,' I affirmed, now pleasantly more than just buzzed. 'What else do you miss?' she asked. 'I miss not caring so much,' I said heavily and sighed. She clutched tightly at my hands, her eyes baring her concern as they searched mine. 'Well then don't care so much,' she simply stated. Then prodded insistently, 'what else do you miss?' I knew what she was getting at. I couldn't contain myself for how hard I tried. A grin crossed my lips and I rolled onto my back and studied the faint cracks in the ceiling. I was instantly aware, as well, of one flat hand now smoothing across my flat belly, making little circles back and forth in the direction of my lower abdomen. 'I miss that too...' 'And for a moment here I thought she'd turned you into a prude.' The irony of those words... Though Carol had gone frigid over the last two years, where I had made the effort, she had been the one fucking somebody else behind my back. It made me question the validity of the principles I'd worked so hard to maintain. Beneath the confines of my sweatpants I felt myself begin to stiffen and rise to the occasion. Imagine that your own mother could have such an effect, and that you never even had to hide it. I could try to hide it, but she knew what she did to me. It was the extension of who and what we were as family now, though we'd tried to stop it and to be ordinary, boring, mother and son. In the end I guess we are what you always were; all of us. 'Shall we get into bed?' I asked. 'Is that all I'm good for?' she asked dreamily. 5 Sometime into the small hours I came around to find mum moving restlessly under the covers. It was hot under there. Thanks to the alcohol we'd fallen asleep spooning, pressed tightly together. I opened my eyes to nothing but the black silhouette of her face, the curve of her throat, and then as she moved back the duvet, the mound of her breast. Then she adjusted the straps of her negligee, but somewhat awkwardly. 'Are you okay?' I mumbled. 'I'm sorry, darling,' she whispered. 'Could you turn the bedside lamp on? I haven't the faintest idea what I'm doing...' Sleepily I rolled over to the opposite side, grabbed the lamp's base and fumbled for the switch, squinting as the bulb snapped to life and all but blinded me. Next to the lamp, the clock read quarter past three. I turned back around then only to be faced with a visual that left my eyes poking out instead. Mum had somehow twisted herself up in her negligee, the shoulder straps having fallen down, leaving her bare fair-skinned 30F breasts squeezed out over the neckline. 'I'm just going to take it off,' she said absently. 'It's hot enough under here already...' And then she rolled further back the duvet to show her exposed thighs, hips, and the neatly trimmed triangle of dark blonde fur above her pussy. Slipping out of her negligee, I lay mesmerised by the stark reminder of just how desirable she always was. 'Is there anything I can get you?' I asked dutifully. Mum shook her head, dreamily gazing at me, then took my hand in hers. 'I'm just really hot right now,' she said and then, 'here, feel...' She took my hand and placed it on her soft, smooth belly, smoothing my forearm with her free hand. 'You're hot too,' she noted. 'You must be boiling in those clothes.' 'Well I only sleep naked these days, really,' I pointed out,' so I am quite warm...' I drifted, watching her lift my hand from her belly to her ribs, and then moving from one elbow to her shoulder. The back of my hand brushed the side of one ample breast on the way past, leaving my eyes to study the faint shine and glow of her milky skin there. Her nipples were still pink, though a darker shade maybe. 'It's nice to sleep naked. Good to rely on body heat,' she insisted, though I was already well in the know. 'Take your clothes off. I'm naked. You might as well be,' mum suggested. 'We can snuggle some more.' I slipped off my t-shirt without hesitation, then raised my backside off the bed and clasped the waistband of my sweatpants. All the while she watched as a little more skin came into view. When my cock sprang out, semi-erect and growing, a yearning look overcame her. She pulled herself towards me then and wrapped herself around me; a thigh gliding smoothly over my hip, her arms snaking around my neck to pull my head to her breast. I puckered my lips gently to kiss her sleep-heated flesh and heard her gasp. Still I grew and grew and her hips bucked to rub her pubic mound back against me in response. My mother - there was no other, and nobody in the world who would understand what we had. 'That's nice,' she breathed as I kissed her breast again, inhaled and exhaled heavily against her. 'Can I kiss you?' she asked, loosening her clasp on me. 'Of course you can, mum,' I said, lifting my head up until we were face to face and centimetres apart. We gazed, her hands stroking my cheek and neck, and then her lips parted to couple with mine, tempting me with an unspoken question. Our lips parted again, only for hers to return eagerly, to make her message clear. And still I grew against her. 'Can I kiss you back?' I asked. She nodded, her eyes remaining on mine, wide and all-aware, and when I moved into her, our mouths opened and our tongues began to dance and to writhe like snakes - languidly, seductively, sexually... 6 Time became a blur as we kissed and spoke sweetly of each other, rekindling our lost incestuous passion. Her sex bucked against mine as we writhed together, moistening me with her lustful love for me. And although it was inevitable that we were headed towards an act of love forbidden and reviled by most, still there was to be no doubt. She stopped me in the throes of passion, the palm of my hand wet with her pussy juices, the air scented with her arousal, and while her hand too was sticky and wet around the shaft of my solid cock. 'I want it,' she said, jerking me firmly. 'Will you fuck me like you used to?' 'You want me in you?' I asked. She nodded, begged like a starved nympho. 'I've been dreaming of the way you used to fuck me, obsessed with the feel of you, the look of you,' she gushed hopelessly. 'Please, God, I want it and I want you!' Lust took over, pure and relentless, like a force of nature. Like a shot I was halfway down the bed, forcing her thighs apart, where I dove like a duck to water. Her pussy juices, the lubrication of my mother's own sexual arousal, were delicious; both salty and sweet. I had to have her wetness all over my face. I had to have her see and feel me as I drove my hot tongue along the rut of her vulva and labia and paddled teasingly at her bulging clit. Soon my chin was dripping with those juices, mingled with my own saliva, which I drove into her with deep licking strokes, before blissfully licking her out, and sucking her dry. She writhed, bucked, nervously twitched against my mouth as I kissed the very lips that separated to bear me twenty-five years ago, and all she could do was completely lose her shit, go giddily and delightfully mad, as I did that and then delicately sucked her off to intense climax. 'Let me do something,' she begged as I pinned her down by her plentiful hips. So I stood up, stroking my thick hard pole before her, and then shot to the mattress beside her, lying back. 'Ride me,' I demanded. 'Feel how slick and smooth it'll be now.' Id' had a lot of practice eating pussy since we used to have sex. Back then we were more or less practicing on each other, or slamming out quickies to get over the inevitable frustration. Now she said she wanted me to fuck her like I used to, but she was in for a surprise. I was going to fuck her like she'd never been fucked before. Mum straddled my hips, her thick thighs wrapping me up, and coddling me. My size meant there was thankfully never any fumbling, and almost in one smooth motion, she positioned herself over the head of my cock, and then sunk down to the hilt with a satisfied gasp. 'Jesus Christ, you weren't kidding,' she said, wide-eyed and pleasantly overwhelmed. 'That feels so good...' 'Mother,' I said with a smirk, 'you are hotter and wetter than a summer thunderstorm right now.' 'Does son approve?' she winked, adjusting herself and beginning to slide against me. I held her hips, my hands soon roaming up to her soft breasts to squeeze, and gently pinched at her nipples. And between my mother and I, the mother of all scenic views, her slippery silken sex canal dripped incessantly, coating my long glistening shaft, as she swallowed me up and spat me out in glorious repetitive plunging movements. And she rode me to bliss for endless minutes upon endless minutes, talking about how the imagination is usually supposed to romanticise and make the memory better than it was, but how fucking her own son was now too good to be true. So I rolled her over, still between her thighs, and voiced my opinion on how the feeling, and the sensations, was mutual. We got lost in each other, deeply, hotly, wetly, and gratuitously, once like a couple made out of convenience, and now like seasoned lovers, slick with perspiration and ragged in breathing. And I'd never kissed my own mother as much - I don't even think I did my fiancée either - as I had by this point, as we rode her to more orgasms, and more. 'What's it going to take to make you cum?' she asked as we slowed down the pace. I rolled her to the side and slid back into her burning gash from behind, taking slower, shallower strokes, to tease her where she was most sensitive. 'I'm sorry, I'm getting carried away, trying to make up for lost time,' I realised. 'Don't be silly,' she chirped, catching her breath all the same, 'we have a whole week to catch up, and to fuck like rabbits...' 'And to cuddle-fuck,' I suggested. 'Mmmm,' that sounds delectable, she purred. 'And maybe some soft, slow, intimate sex by candlelight?' 'Making love?' I asked. 'Mum, you really have been fantasising a lot!' 'Mm-hmm,' she hummed agreeably. 'But tell me yours. What would it take?' I thought what the hell. The more I bared my soul to her, the tighter she seemed to embrace me. I repositioned myself on top of her and we sweetly made out and took the time to recuperate, basking in each other's furnace-stoked body heat. 'Do you really want to know?' I asked. 'You think I can't handle it?' She did ask for it... 'I fantasised about making you pregnant,' I confessed with a belated smirk. 'You're joking,' she insisted. I wasn't. I shook my head slowly. 'I fantasised a lot about going too far, about not pulling out, but deliberately sliding all the way in and cumming right up against your cervix- Mum's shocked, almost offended gasp, cut me off. So with that, and without breaking eye contact, I guided myself back into her, slowly invading her soaked, used pussy, and began to screw her slow and deep as I waited to tell her my fantasy in full. And as her motions began to match mine, her thighs gently clamped around me, and she laced her fingers together around the back of my neck. 'All I have to do right now is to think about that, about seeding you deep, taking you all the way, wondering how good it would feel to cum inside you, the way dad did...' 'And that would make you cum right now?' she asked out of disbelief. Again I nodded, bumping and grinding against her raw clit as my thick cock impaled her and stretched her out to be bred. 'You filthy bastard,' she cussed. 'But oh God, I'm so close,' I groaned and felt her thighs tighten around me. And there was a hint of a smile hidden behind her cool eyes. 'I could cum gallons of spunk into you right now...' 'You wouldn't fucking dare,' she moaned, then clamping her eyes closed, and biting her lip. And again her grip on me tightened. Was it just me or was this fantasy instantly about to make her cum too? 'Squirting endless shots of hot white spunk into your womb, filling you up,' I teased, or was I teasing? 'That must feel so good, mum...' 'You'd really want me to get pregnant with your baby?' she begged, still moaning, faster and louder. I didn't answer. But of course I wouldn't. If anything it was the next step into the taboo, and the fear that went with it. All the while I could imagine the beauty of that moment and its afterglow, of the true coming together of two genuinely loving people, and the heavenly anguish of falling hopelessly in love with the woman who finally carried my seed. And so I rode her and I rode her, fucking her deep and with reckless abandon, sending the full length of my cock to the deepest recesses where I knew I wanted to stay, and to breed my own mother, to fulfil that fantasy. The point of no return came, and I didn't stop, or pull out. And then the moment came where I should have pulled out and bathed her with my seed. But still I stayed, because suddenly I was gripped so tightly by more than just the orgasmic wave of panic and lustful release. Towards the path of least resistance, deep down, I throbbed and twitched, pumped and spurted, and cried as I emptied my load; my entire hot, sticky load. Deliberately my mother held me tight. She wouldn't let me go. And as I came and came again, she convulsed and quivered, drinking me dry... Jesus Christ, I was so hard!
Title: Law of the Pack Part VIII: Running Away Again by Ragnarok1234 Tags: Assassin, No-Yiff, School, Teenagers, Wolf Jim had just sat down to eat when a rustle arose from across the way. He looked up to see an injured wolf limp into the clearing, which brought forth a rash of gasps from the assembled wolves, and a shout from Eric. "John, what happened?" he asked, jumping down to the wolf, who had collapsed on the ground. "Sir," the wolf said, "we have a problem." "Obviously," Eric replied. "What happened?" "I was attacked," John told his leader. Various wolves snarled upon hearing this. "By whom?" Eric asked, shocked that anyone would dare to attack one of his people in his own homeland. "It was one of those Eastern Wolves," John replied. Kate gasped, her eyes going wide, and she backed up a step. "I was standing guard, and they got the jump on me before I could react. They said they left me alive to send you warning. Sir, they're coming to attack us!" Wolves all around the camp growled, and fur bristled, hungry for vengeance. Melissa padded down to join her mate. "Eric, is this possible?" she asked. "I have a hard time believing it. The Eastern wolves have been our allies for many years, since my grandfather's time. I don't understand their motives behind this," Eric said, shaking his head. "At this point, however, it doesn't matter. It's far too late to question why we're being attacked. We must prepare for the attack." Eric turned, and began issuing orders. The assembled wolves followed his instructions immediately. "Eric," Melissa said, "what about *them*? You know that she's one of their pack?" "Yes, I do know that, thank you," Eric replied, with a slight growl. He closed his eyes, and then walked over to Jim and Kate. "You two, this is not a good time for you to be here. You both should head home, tonight, if possible." "What?" Kate asked, "Why? I have *nothing* to do with this, I swear it!" Eric nodded. "I know," Eric replied, "and that's precisely why I can't have you here right now. It's become too dangerous for you to remain here. Go home, and we'll sort out your training when this is over." Jim was shocked. They had only just arrived, and now they were being kicked out? Kate turned to leave, and trotted off into the woods. Jim followed her, worried about her safety. When they got far enough away, he stopped her, and spoke. "Did you know anything about this?" Jim asked. She nipped at him. "No, I don't know anything about it!" Kate shouted, her voice faltering. "My father didn't do this! Why would he?" Jim shook his head. "Are you going to be okay getting home by yourself?" Jim asked, seriously. "Honestly," Kate replied, "as much as it kills me to say it, I don't think we should go anywhere alone at this point. Someone's been mauled, I doubt that whoever did this would hesitate to do it again." "Right," Jim replied. "I'll take you home, and we'll sort out what is going on. My father's been a good friend of your father for many years, and if there is something going on, he wouldn't dare hurt me, and bring two packs down on his shoulders." "HEY!" Kate shouted, "that's my father you're talking about, you bastard!" she began to walk away, and Jim grabbed her by the tail. "Kate!" he shouted at her, when he released her tail. She stopped, begrudgingly, and waited for him to continue. "Kate, someone's close to dead. *Someone* did that. I'm not saying it was your father, but we have to remain open to the possibility that it was. I'm sorry, but that's how it is. If we split up now, we're much more likely to get attacked then if we stay together. If it was my father standing accused, I'd want to hear the same reason out of you! Think with your head, and not your heart!" Kate whimpered. "Alright, Jim, you're right. We need to get moving, though, if we hope to reach my pack before nightfall," Kate said, looking up at the light filtering in through the trees. Jim nodded, and they set off running northeast, towards Kate's homeland. When they reached the border, they encountered a sentry, who stopped them, growling. "Hey now," Kate said, "Stand down, it's me, Kate!" The sentry advanced toward them, baring his teeth. "I know who you are!" the guard said. "You're the one who sent the assassins. Were it not for that you're related to me, I'd rip you apart, limb from limb. Now, get out, before I call for reinforcements." "What?!" Kate exclaimed, shocked. Jim grabbed her by the nape of the neck, and pulled her backwards, though she tried to fight him the whole way. When they had retreated beyond the boundaries, Jim let go of Kate, and tried to stop her from running after the wolf, and also speak. "Kate, stop!" Jim hissed. "You didn't send any assassins, did you?" "OF COURSE NOT!" Kate shouted. "IT'S MY OWN PACK!" "Alright, then," Jim replied, keeping an unusually cool head about this whole situation. "Calm down. We need to ascertain what is going on here, before we make any rash decisions. Let's go and see my father. He'll know what to do." "Alright," Kate replied, after she had calmed down. "I don't know what else we can do." So, for the second time that night, the pair set off running, as fast as they could, to the west. It was dark before they reached Jim's packlands. It was darker still before they reached his den. Jim padded around the perimeter, looking for his father, but it appeared he was nowhere to be found. Jim grew concerned, when there was a large snap behind them. He closed his eyes, realizing what was happening, just as Kate stated, "Um, Jim, I think we might have a problem." Jim nodded, and turned around to face the hunting party that had trapped them between the caves and themselves. The group attacked as one, and Jim struggled to hold all eight of them off, until one knocked him head over paws, and his skull collided with a large rock. White light flashed in his eyes, and then darkness enveloped him. Jim woke up with a pounding headache, surrounded by his packmates. "What is the meaning of this?" Jim asked, trying hard to coordinate the thoughts that were jumbled up in his mind. "Where is my father? I want to see him!" One of the betas that was watching him snarled. "Don't worry, you'll get to see the alpha," he said, menacingly. "Just don't expect to come out of it in one piece." Jim's maw dropped. "What is going on? Why are you doing this? I want to speak with my father! If he is not available, then ask my mother if *she* will come and see me!" The beta lashed out, and bit Jim on the neck, and was fully intending to break the alpha's neck, when someone shouted at him from the entrance. The beta released Jim, and when the pain subsided, Jim recognized the figure of his father, standing at the mouth of the small cave. Jim walked forward, and spoke to his father. "Dad what in the name of all things good is going on here?" Jim asked, walking up to his father. William's paw connected solidly with the side of Jim's muzzle, snapping the younger wolf's head sideways. Tears came to Jim's eyes, as William spoke. "What do you think you're doing here, after what you've done?" he asked. "Dad, what are you talking about?" Jim asked. William hit him again, and Jim replied with a snarl. "Stop hitting me, or you'll regret it!" Jim threatened. "What are you going to do about it, pup?!" William asked hatred in his eyes. "You going to kill me like you tried to kill your mother?" Jim's ears flattened. "What?" Jim asked, backing up a step. "Dad, what are you talking about?" William growled, and advanced toward his son. Jim stopped, and hunkered down, preparing to run once more from his father. "Don't lie to me, boy!" William shouted. "You didn't have the guts to do it yourself, so you sent your cronies to do it, but guess what, they failed!" "Dad..." Jim whimpered, "No... I didn't... I swear!" William scratched at his oldest son, far harder then he had ever done before. Jim was knocked over, and he lay there, for a moment, tears streaming down his muzzle, before he got back to his feet. "I'd kill you on the spot, if it weren't for your mother telling me not to. Get lost. Run away, like you did before. Except this time, don't come back!" William shouted. He stepped aside, and Jim ran forward, trying to escape the small cave, and the violence. For the second time that week, Jim ran, past oaks, pines, and every other type of tree he could name, only this time, the people behind him didn't want him, exactly the opposite. He ran to the place where he had stopped previously, and cried, the pain all over his body almost as painful as the pain within his mind. He tilted his head back, and howled, a howl of pure misery, excruciating pain, and intense guilt. He had no choice now. All the times he had thought about running away, and how good it would be to be free, and now he was, and it was the most horrible feeling he had ever felt. He howled once more, and lay down, continuing to cry. He cried himself to sleep, and didn't even care about the pawsteps that had come into his clearing to join him.
(M TF Multi-animal Hybrid) Ken wandered the ancient path over small grassy hills, on the way to a hidden nook he found himself returning to more often than he would like to admit to himself. He was in the tail end of his highschool career- so already a man, but not always feeling the role. The countryside he walked was quite a trek from his house, but he did not mind it. Old castles dotted the area, some preserved as historical sites and others restored- but the one he was approaching on was nearly entirely reduced to pebbles. A relic long forgotten by most. Ken had short dark brown hair that rustled in the steady, warm wind. His eyes were pale brown and while he was decently tall, his physique was not very impressive. He made the walk here many times before, to a hidden corner of the ruins all to himself to hide away from his problems and... let off steam. As he arrived and looked for the gap in the leaning stone wall an odd butterfly fluttered very close to his face several times. He gently swatted it away, and he could have sworn he heard someone's voice. He froze to listen for it again but it never reoccurred. Ken knew other people came to these ruins to hang out but his corner was hidden away and he needed it to remained hidden. Inside the only corner left completely standing was the isolated edge of the former courtyard. Here he kept his stash of lewd imagery. From scantily dressed girls in advertising to actual nude images cut from magazines he found through various means over the years. His parents were an odd pair and a bit paranoid- which made 'alone time' rather difficult. Even though he could get porn on his phone, they would manage to find it in his history eventually, so he had to resort to his hidden getaway- far enough that their search could not find. His parents were not the reason for his need to de-stress though, as odd as they were, they were still good people. He had his eye on a beautiful girl from his classes for a while now, and honestly her sister as well since they are identical twins. Thanks to a bully, he blew his chance of asking her to prom as the ultimate icebreaker. As it currently stood he didn't want to ever go back to his school again. He would need to trick his parents but it actually was possible for him to evade school- it was that close to the end of the year and he already had the grades to graduate without problem. He made his way through the dark chamber familiar only to him, holding his cell phone out to light the way through. Ken staggered out into the light of the hidden court on the other end, blinded for a good minute thanks to the contrast between the sealed hall. The divide between was not a door, but simply several moved stone blocks from the lower wall. It was early afternoon so the sun was quite warm and the court was sealed off from wind, so it made it rather comfortable. The very long grass that overtook the remnants of a stone walk was pushed down by the steps of his last visits here. Just as he was about to relax and start unwinding, he froze at the sight of a naked woman! She stood with her left side to him, completely naked looking at some of his hidden porn out on a stone pillar laying on its side. Why on earth was there a nude woman here, looking at his porn, of other nude women? She almost looked... familiar. Ken became even more confused when her form flickered and suddenly became that of a different nude woman- one he immediately recognized as one of the women from his lewd magazines! Her form flickered and changed again to another person! What on earth was she, some sort of ghost trying to steal the image of the living? Was she the ghost of porn past... was he going to be visited by the ghosts of porn present and future next? Without even turning to Ken she spoke. "You have a problem, hmm Ken?" Her voice was strange, it had a strong tight reverberance to it at first that went away as she continued to speak, like she had hundreds of voices that were trying to synchronize. "I... who are you?" He might have been more scared if she didn't literally have the body of a porn star. Her form seemed to burst into coloured vapour, leaving a butterfly made of energy where she had been- the same butterfly he seen on the way in! "I am Arcane. Or... I am called Arcane. I am not a person, I am a force- one half of the world's magic, long lost. I can seep back into this world from time to time, and encountered you here, since this is one of the weakest points on my seal." "Well, that is unfortunate. Some powerful magical being, and your forced to see my sorry act- hey wait a minute, you mean now, or the last time I was here?!" His face was already turning red. "Well I can see into your past and future, so that question is sort of moot. The point is, I want to help you! You had a real rough time, but I am magic itself, I can do whatever you want to make you feel better!" "Can you... reverse time so I can stop that mess at school from happening? Or, erase Lilac's memory of it at least?" "I... erm. Well, technically yes. But let's just say no. What about something else?" Ken gave a defeated shrug. "Magic me a girlfriend out of nowhere? Ugh, even that wouldn't make up for it because I wouldn't even know the girl you created. Highschool is over, I will be getting a job in a year or so if I don't fuck that up to, so I will be too busy to go around finding girls to talk to. It was already sort of down to the wire, and then I royally botch it. Everyone in school will know about that fiasco so there is no chance I am getting a girlfriend." Arcane fluttered around his head as if pacing in circles. "Hmm, well, if you cannot get a girlfriend, how about I give you what you could have experienced with a girlfriend?" "Companio-" "Sexual pleasure!" "Right, that. That is good too." Ken furrowed his brows. "Wait, are you saying you are going to have sex with me?" "Uh, I was thinking a little bigger. I could give you a bigger dick if you wanted, or... a huge prostate so you cum lots! Or, I dunno... I could turn you into a woman so you can get off to the appearance of your own body. Or all of the above. I can do basically anything, go nuts, no reason not to." "That... actually does sound good. I mean... let's face it, if I can't get a girlfriend I am going to be spending a lot of time with my hand to unwind. Yea, give me a bigger dick." He paused a moment in thought. "Not just bigger, give thicker too. Wait, yea. Maybe more thick? See, if I make it gigantic it doesn't really matter that I can't fit it in a girl because... no girl. But if it is crazy huge then it doesn't fit in my clothing and makes living difficult." Arcane nodded her tiny little butterfly head, saying she had just the sort of cock he could use in mind. The problem is, Arcane is a relic from a time when magic ran rampant in the world, she knew of creatures that no longer exist outside of mythology. She told him to sit on the pillar- the seat he normally took while here alone. Sitting on the sun heated stone though, he could really feel the pressure surge up through his parineum, it felt like he was tightening the muscles there even though he wasn't. Seeing no reason to hide himself from this crazy situation he did not hesitate to take his junk out, letting his pants fall to his ankles. His fully erect dick throbbed on its own, and the veins bulged larger than they normally could, becoming fat with blood. Then his shaft started to fatten out, swallowing the bulge of the veins back in as it went, thickening the most in the middle but ultimately covering the entire thing. It grew in length, but only a minuscule amount compared to girth. Ken tried to complain but Arcane ignored him, hushing him and telling him she needed to concentrate. He grabbed his shaft from either side trying to contain the growth as it started to round out! The nerves were stretched thin so his touch caused all the muscles in his groin to clench a moment from the sharp unexpected pleasure. His dick was starting to look like a balloon! Actually, now that he thought about it, it looked a bit like the shape of a butt plug. The glans on the end were stretched flat and completely lost on the shaft and the underside of it felt like the flesh was shivering uncontrollably. When it stopped he pushed the cock against his body so he could get a look at the other side of it, and the hundreds of growths there! He had never seen a dick like this... no human had, for many hundreds of years. The underside was covered in tiny bumps- the bumps developed into rounded thorns, and then full fleshy spikes about 3 millimetres in length each. The spikes were rigid with blood pressure turning the underside of the phallus into a forest of them, but they were ultimately just engorged flesh, so they could not get hard enough to be able to damage anything. They all slanted down toward the base, so getting them in was easy- trying to get it back out caused them to grab onto the vaginal walls. The cock itself once fully engorged looked almost like a huge butt plug, with rounded point and some extreme girth, and much more red than the rest of his skin tone. A Griffon cock. Arcane explained that when flaccid it deflated and became much more narrow. As requested, it is a dick that is extremely thick, making it bigger without making it too long. Ken lightly fanned his hand over the tips of the hundreds of tiny thorns and shivered in pleasure. While this absolutely was nothing like what he pictured, it felt good... he actually was considering keeping this. He needed to see how compact it became when it was flaccid though. Before he could start to really rub it Arcane told him to hold on, she was not done yet. His balls were too small to be paired with equipment like that, and a Griffon is supposed to have a sheath- it can't get properly tucked away without a place to tuck! Ken immediately slid forward in his seat a bit and spread his legs to let his balls hang as the pressure inside them came on immediately. It was a gentle pressure in their very core, pushing out steadily as they expanded quickly to about the size of a baseball each. The skin of his scrotum thickened and grew out to accommodate, but then continued to grow and shift forward, the extra seeming to swallow the base of his dick! Thick folds of skin remained pooled at the base of his dick, the top of which fully fused to his crotch to become a sheath for his new dick to sleep in. Ken gently rubbed and squeezed the round bulk of his dick. "I is pretty... unique. I will give it that. I always thought the bigger the dick the more sensitive, but, it actually kinda feels mostly the same now that it stopped changing." Arcane nodded. "W-well, there is more mass for the nerves to spread through. Your cock is bigger- your hands aren't. You can only stimulate so much. See if it was longer, even with your hands being the same it would have the illusion of having more pleasure because the pleasure signals sent through the nerve receptors would have a longer distance to travel, creating a sort of... I dunno what you would call it, 'ghost pleasure' in your shaft as it went. Till your brain is told otherwise it assumes you're still having a good time." "Well..." Ken smirked to himself, a bit drunk on arousal now. "If it has a sheath, it can pack itself away pretty well, right? Maybe I CAN do a crazy long cock." "Oh you definitely can. Here!" Ken shifted forward a bit more, now putting most of his weight on his feet, mostly defeating the purpose of sitting in the first place. This time he felt a powerful pleasure deep inside of himself that could only be his prostate growing larger. From there a gentle pressure travelled up his taint again, like he was getting a new erection even though the first was clearly still there. When it got half way to his balls however the pressure seemed to get stronger suddenly. Now as it travelled forward it both felt like a pressure and like something was squeezing against his dick, deeper in than any hand could reach. Ken stared at his sheath, panting a bit as the steady assault of odd new feelings strained him. He could not see it around the steep round curve of his bulbous cock but he did see the sheath getting stretched downward suddenly. He realized the sudden increase of pressure in his parenium was a fork in the piping! A second cock was growing out of his sheath! Instead of transforming his dick again to be long, she just gave him a second penis that is already long. Ken was a bit agitated at her reasoning but did not actually say anything just yet. Mild agitation was as far as he felt, he was more curious than anything at these changes. How was it going to fit? He got his answer when it followed the curve of his other cock, moving around and arching off of the outer curve of the first! It looked more like a tentacle at first, it had no definition. It was a bright pink in colour, though faded almost to grey at the very base as it stretched farther and farther out. Usually the feeling of getting an erection was short lived or subtle to the point where you rarely even think about it, but this was strong and maintained. Now he literally was getting a second erection, and new blood was being created at a rapid rate to power it. The cock seemed to bend one way then the other and Ken realized he had control over it, he could move it around at will! As it approached its full length two gigantic bulges surged into existence snaking their way up the shaft on either side- primary arteries. They were so large and thick they rivalled the large urethral bulge that was also made more prominent after they stretched the skin sideways. As it hit full erection the tip took form and the closest thing Ken could find to describe it as, was a flower. The tip was a tapered point but a bit flat, and instead of having the urethra in it, it was under it. The urethra was... huge. And it had a trumpeted end to it. Imagine someone wearing a mitten and holding a tiny trumpet in the palm of their hand upside down, and that was the general shape of the end of the dick. Odd, to say the least. It was also large and long enough that Ken was easily able to examine it, while sort of hunched over the end of it was an inch away from his face at most, making it the length of most of his torso. "W-what sort of alien dick did you give me?!" Arcane landed to rest a moment on the side of one of the few fully standing walls. "Alien? Its a Rhinoceros cock." She snickered. "Because its great at RAMMING things. This way you can test both side by side and see what you like best, length or girth. Since you are the only one who gets to enjoy these- your pleasure is the only factor to take into account. Oh and, you probably want to get better balance for this." Ken stood up straight about to ask what she meant but then his entire body wobbled in place. He took a step back and braced on a nearby wall as his muscles filled with a warm gentle pressure and seemed to twitch and stretch on their own. His entire body felt so tight, and it sort of felt good. Like every inch of him was getting hugged all at once, even though the pressure was on the inside not outside. It almost looked like he was inflating a moment before the skin was stretched into the curvature and he realized he was getting more muscular. He needed only kick his pants off, but his shirt was ripping quickly and already too tight to remove properly, so he just gripped it and timed it with a growing pulse to rip it clean off. "Oh! Stronger. Jeeze I didn't even think about that. Was so focused on getting something new it didn't occur to me I could just give myself something I should already have." Arcane nodded, waving her antennae around like a conductor's baton. "You knew, just not your conscious mind. I am pulling this stuff from your unconscious. Your conscious mind is always in flux trying to mediate between what it wants, what it needs, what its been told it needs, and what it thinks it might need in the future. Your unconscious mind only cares about what you want. There is clarity in desire. No confusion there." That would explain why he has been oddly at ease, even when her changes deviate from what he thought. Arcane's wings of energy started to give off a glowing powder that swirled in the air as Ken became more muscular. The swirling energy quickly filled the form of another porn star for him to look at while he changed. As his dicks twitched and swapped dollops of pre, he discovered the rhino cock had enough mobility to actively rub his griffon penis- not enough to get either of them off, but enough to pleasure them both still. Arcane walked up to him and gently placed a hand on his shoulder as his muscles calmed back down, and a powerful wave passed through him. He was forced to wobble forward and nearly fall as his spine rippled and squirmed in a way that looked like it should have hurt. It straightened with a snap and yanked itself out, but rather than painfully create a divide in vertebrae a new one was born, extending the length. Then the muscles squirmed down again causing it to ripple, and then it yanked straight again, pulling longer. He felt something similar to the skin bulking up on his scrotum to make his sheath, but this time on the opposite side, and looked back to see a tail stretching out of him at a very rapid rate. Well there was no way he could live normally with a damn tail! What was she thinking this time? As it quickly got large though he was distracted by other feelings. One that felt almost like small arms spreading out inside of his torso, and quickly revealed themselves as a new pair of ribs having grown in- followed by two more! The other oddity was his anus getting pulled out! The base of the tail grew so thick that it was causing his lower back to raise out a bit, and it consumed the area where his anus used to be- pulling it down onto the tail itself. The tail alone was easily twice the length of his body when it stopped and he lashed it around to get a feel for the new control of movement. He hit a stone wall so hard he actually shifted one of the stones! He had to be careful, he had no idea what his own strength was now, and the tail was almost solid muscle. His ribs and mid section were longer and much more flexible too as an extension from the tail- traits of a snake, though devoid of scales at the moment. He seen but was not able to properly register the fact Arcane had done the same transformation to her own borrowed human body. Before he could say anything she seductively slid to his side, her hand gently moving over the contours of his muscle toward his crotch. She turned and arched her huge tail over his body and then quickly under it, brushing his rhino dick and wrapping around him again, then again, and then quickly coiled tightly around his own tail and squeezed lightly. Ken blushed and closed his eyes to just focus on the feeling of the unusual embrace. She did not have to tell him now, he knew this well enough. He had always like the idea of Naga and Lamia's tails. A long very powerful, smooth body that could coil around him completely and give him a full body hug- or just as easily crush him like a tube of toothpaste. Because his tail was so long, he could technically coil himself. She gave him an aggressive squeeze before slithering back off him that made his lower ribs creak from the force. Because of that though, he did not notice the sudden pressure pop out of his groin as a third testicle plopped into his scrotum and rest comfortably between the other two. This filled his mind with a pleasurable haze as more hormones were now being circulated in him. Arcane plopped down in the grass on her back and used her tail to hike her hips into the air, presenting her holes to Ken, telling him to give his dual prongs a test run. With all the pleasure and hormones in him he found no reason not to and quickly turned to her. One dick reached her much sooner than the other, but luckily the mobility of the rhino cock let him line that up quickly and shove in. Two thirds of that dick was already in her butt before the second one even reached her pussy. If she was a human she would have bottomed out long before this, but being a force of magic Arcane could literally just create space to put any amount of dick in her. He put a bit of the griffon cock in her but was going to pull out to get a more full thrust, remembering the barbs on the underside. They grabbed onto the walls of her pussy when he tried to move back and locked their position. The griffon dick could only go forward, not back. Arcane cooed at the feeling though, enjoying the tug on her passage. The thing with an incredibly girthy penis is- you can't really miss the G spot if you hit EVERYTHING. Because of how bulbous it is, once the griffon member got to a bit past the halfway point the elasticity of the vagina naturally pulled the rest in without either of them having to do anything. Ken shivered and paused as he got both fully in her now- apparently the most sensitive part of the griffon penis was the back curvature- it was the part least touched normally. Since they stand out, the barbs were the most common source of pleasure though. The barbs were certainly the female's favourite part, as long as the male did not get too aggressive with his thrusts. As soon as Ken rolled his hip back to thrust it gave off a very loud pop, causing his lower body to tremble a moment from the movement inside! His hip became wider! And then again, and again! His butt expanded quickly to keep up, very quickly becoming huge and meaty- and the skin on the surface also started to bulk up tremendously. Arcane could see his confusion and told him his prostate was too small to power two cocks, and to give it room to grow without crushing itself she needed to make his entire hip bigger. The skin started to lose some of its coloration and become a bit bumpy as it thickened, and almost looked like it was melting a moment as it overlapped itself. Ken quickly recognized the skin- layered like armour plates and as thick as armour too- he had the cock and butt of a rhino now. The skin tapered off halfway up his back, and only a short ways down his tail. It seemed to only armour his outer thighs, but otherwise remained off his legs. He would have dwelled on it more but his pleasure started to surge on its own, telling him to not be distracted from fucking Arcane. His prostate was getting bigger, creating movement around itself, which might make him orgasm even if he didn't fuck- which meant if he wanted to fuck, he better do it now. His tail lashed around in the air wildly without him consciously controlling it and his overly full scrotum swing and slapped down onto Arcane's tail holding her up for him. With his prostate mutating he was unable to last very long, only getting a bit of a feel for how either cock felt before they both exploded into her. After several long seconds and powerful thrusts as he fired a ton of cum, he could actually see her gut lifting up from all the volume. The huge urethra on the rhino cock could carry a lot of fluid quickly. The pressure of cum firing from him was not the only one though... another pressure popped from an opening in him he did not even know was there, and he unintentionally birthed a fourth testicle into his scrotum- before he even knew there was a third. To pull out he just relaxed his legs a bit to put a gentle pressure between them. Enough that when the barbs deflated would release them, but not enough pressure to yank Arcane around. It did not take too long and the griffon cock came out with a loud wet pop, since the shaft was still fully round. The barbs remained reduced to nearly unnoticeable bumps for only a moment, before flaring back out! His orgasm was more powered by his prostate growing- it was done now but still at full capacity, so neither of his dicks were ready to call it quits. Arcane stood up letting the sticky white goo drool out of her casually as her tail sluffed off turning to mist. She changed her appearance to another porn star to switch it up. Ken was about to approach her again but wobbled and fell back down. He couldn't stand up straight! Rhinoceros were not bipedal, and he had the hips of one, so his legs could not stand properly! Ken was about to demand that change undone but his protest came out in a drawn out groan as more changes washed over him. The skin down his legs started to harden and turn grey like the rhino flesh, but did not thicken. If anything, it got thinner, and became ribbed. His toes all seemed to fuse together into one mass, shift around and then split into four, three forward and one back. His thighs became very, very short and rounded, making them hard to pick out against his huge butt cheeks. To make up for this, from his ankle to the front of his foot extended and bulked up to the point where it was even longer than his actual shin! His nails had been reduced to just a narrow sliver on each of the four toes but then quickly extended out. Very long, sharp and hooked, while also being narrow like a blade. Talons. He had human sized hawk legs! Ken cried out again and his tail arched back hard at the prickly sensation down its entire length. A million pricks along either side of it like it had been asleep and was just waking up. The tail muscles convulsed against the unwanted feeling, as thousands of quills started to push out of the skin. Once the tips were out the prickling went away and the feeling of them sliding the rest of the way out was pleasant. He arched his tail around his body to get a good close look at them, and at that moment from base to tip in a wave all the quills burst open. They all released a fan of bristles on either side revealing they are all newborn feathers- hawk feathers. The tail was still a snakes though, and devoid of feathers on the top and bottom, but large on the sides, making his tail like a giant fan. "Ok, come on! How does this help me at all?!" Arcane shrugged. "I said I would give you changes you wanted, not ones that would benefit you in any way. You admired hawks for their deadliness and sleek appearance. Oh, but speaking of deadly predators..." "Wait n-nnnnnuuugh! What arrrr... nnn." Thin, long bones started to grow under the skin of his back and an intense warmth spread down his arms and condensed into pressure in his hands. Being forced onto all fours put a strain on his palms, since this was not how humans are meant to stand, but this would fix that. His fingers started to compact in rather gross wet sounding pops, becoming much thicker to the point they all squeezed together making them nearly impossible to move individually. The extra skin created was forced onto the ball of his hand and swelled out into plush pads of dense flesh that started to turn black as it billowed out into paw pads. Like his feet, his nails seemed to turn to talons but sunk into the round flesh of his stumpy digits. with a voluntary flex, he seen he could force them back out. Retractable claws... a feline. The fur started to grow in where he felt the heat pass initially, and grew into dense fuz before it took on any colour- but once it did the transformation was unmistakable. No one would confuse that coloration with any other animal. Vibrant orange streaked with solid black stripes- Ken had tiger arms! The cushioning of the paw pads made it easy to stand on all fours now- and birds had the unique ability to deliberately cut the circulation to their legs to allow them to stand for extremely long periods of time without their legs getting tired. The tiger fur ended at his shoulder, but the coloration on his skin continued over his entire torso and tapered off on his neck. His chest, like a tiger, drained of colour to be stark white. While this technically solved his immediate issues with his new posture, this obviously couldn't be a transformation he stuck with. If he went anywhere near society he would be in a zoo by the end of the day, or in a government research facility! He had completely forgotten about the odd growths under the skin of his back, till his arms finished and the new bone structure yanked out of him! It lifted and stretched the skin, pulling it out easily as a fine membrane. What looked like giant fingers stretched involuntarily against the sensations of the new muscles coming to life and pulling out. He felt like cramping in limbs he did not even have before, urging him to stretch them out as quickly as possible. Lifting out of his back came two small dragon wings! The finger-like appendages were the frame of the wings, the stretched skin the membrane. He half-flapped them and shivered at the sensation of the air on the never before touched limbs. The warmth of the sun caught on the backs and made him spread them wider to take in more of the soothing warmth. The back of the wings were tiger-striped since it was born from the flesh of his back. The underside however was his old skin tone, and because it was stretched so fine you could see the slight outline of veins on the underside of the wings. Held up to the sunlight, you could actually see the light through the membrane, making the veins very obviously visible. Ken panted and sweat... at least on some parts of his body. Over half his body no longer had sweat glands at all, and his blood ran cold in his tail, requiring the sun to kiss it to keep his blood warm for when it returned to the rest of him. He could barely comprehend his form at this point. He knew he wanted to argue with Arcane and undo a lot of this, but could not think of what because his head was swimming in hormones. His dicks were still throbbing and bumping into one another in the wide sheath they shared. He needed to get off! If he waited any longer Arcane would just keep pilling absurd transformations on and he wouldn't be able to muster enough conscious thought to tell her to stop. He whipped his tail out behind himself to let the fan of feathers help drink in sunlight as he sat down on the soft grass. As soon as his taint pressed down on the ground another pressure popped in his groin and a fifth testicle joined the others in his now slightly lumpy scrotum. It shifted around on its own quite a bit, each testicle drawing in and out from the body reflexively between one another, which caused them to just roll all over the place within the ballsack. His long torso bent over easily without straining is back- he was extremely flexible thanks to the snake traits in his spine. He could not really grip well with his paws though, so he needed to use both just for one cock. If he tried too hard to close his paws around it the claws came out- and he didn't want those razor points anywhere near his shaft. The soft pads felt great against his shaft though. He panted open mouthed, staring at his cocks as he masturbated the griffon one. Each of the barbs pulsed in time with his heart. But the other was completely neglected. But... so... close. He bent down a bit more, pressing his lips onto the head of his tall rhino cock, and slid into his mouth to take care of it without his hands. His head bobbed a bit, his hips twitched a bit, his testicles were playing musical chairs with one another in the remaining space of his sack. His pleasure surged! It came in throbbing pulses, his prostate going wild. He did not realize it was growing again. He revelled in the increased feeling as his cocks felt even stiffer, not realizing the tubing in his parenium forking again! His sheath stretched even longer as yet another penis started to snake its way out below the second to create a fan of cocks! The third started like the second, but remained that form even as it reached and then surpassed the length of the rhino cock. A sixth testicle popped out. He groaned around his dick as Ken watched the third cock appear and throb larger and larger with every pleasurable pulse. He sent pleasure down two dicks, into his prostate and then it fired back up and fuelled the growth of the third. Bent over as he was, his third cock actually continued to grow well past his head! Very streamlined, long with soft curves and a tapered tip. A whale dork. His prostate finished adjusting to now supply three phallus with ammunition and he was hit hard with orgasm. The griffon cock started spurting, then a second later his rhino cock started blasting gouts, and then a full second and a half later his dork started firing streamers. The difference in length was so much that were was a noticeable delay between each while it travelled the length of the penis. Because he was swallowing the load from his rhino cock at the time- Ken did not even register the fact that his neck cracked and popped as it got longer, making this position still easier to hold. He popped his head off, still attached be a thin strand of cum as he sighed from the release, and as he relaxed a seventh testicle popped out of him into the scrotum. Again though, he exploded mostly as a result of his prostate growing to accommodate him, so everything he ejected was just excess- his prostate and balls were still full! All three of his dicks twitched now, demanding more, squeezed together tightly in the shared sheath. His seven balls absolutely drown all thoughts he had out completely. His conscious mind only appeared in short lived blips and existed only briefly enough to conjure images of things and people he found sexually attractive. As if losing its grip like his consciousness was, his human hair quickly fell away and turned to vapour, vanishing off him in only moments. He was going to get himself off again immediately but then faced the problem- he yet again had too much cock and not enough hand. He could use his paws to get off the griffon dick, then mouth for the rhino, but then his dork is left untended. He tried to bring his wings around, and they were long enough to touch his cocks, they could not grip it, so that would not work. Bumps started to appear down the length of his longer neck, creating a trail up the sides of his head and connecting his brows. All his brain could register of that was 'longer'. His next thought then was 'tail' as the other transformation that made him longer, and that was enough thought process to give him his answer. Ken flopped haphazardly onto his side in the warm grass and swung his tail around between his legs, squishing up against his busy ballsack. He used the featherless smooth underside of his snake tail to rub the entire length of the dork shaft! In his pride of solving the problem, new muscles flexed in his neck, loosely attached to the same muscles that controlled his facial expressions. The muscles then tensed in surprise as he realized they were there, and his neck exploded in width suddenly! He had a cobra's crest! It just looked like bumpy flesh ridges when relaxed but opened up into a huge dish, lined with flesh nubs at the edges. The underside remained skin toned, but shimmered teal and pink like the inside of a clam shell. It tapered off onto his head, though the ridge continued onto his brows, making it almost look like he was wearing a hood if viewed from the front. "M-morrrre? Ugh, muoo, uuuh..." His tongue started to rapidly get longer making speaking tremendously awkward. His tongue lashed around, flexing to get a feel for its new length even as it still grew. The skin on the back of his crest and on his head started to bubble up a bit in places, becoming glossy and hard with condensed keratin. They lifted off slightly as it became a sheet of golden scales. Both his tongue and the scales belonged to the same animal- a pangolin, the only scaled mammal. Lust drunk, the only thought he could process on his new addition was- it looked like juuust the right size for his rhino cock. The pangolin tongue is very long, but also very narrow, and the rhino's urethra is huge. He arched around again and slid the entire length of his new tongue down the urethra to sound himself, while also giving himself head, while also masturbating with tiger paws, while also masturbating with a tail. An eighth and final testicle popped into his scrotum as they churned, barely being noticeable to someone who still had their mind, simply because of how busy the ballsack already was. Pleasure buzzed in his entire lower body like a vibrator cranked to 11. Arcane shed her human form again, fluttering over Ken from above to get a better view, knowing he would be unable to notice or interact with her in his current state. She really had to give herself a pat on the back for this one, even though there was three last finishing touches still. She could look into his mind and touch on his desires easily, but putting them into motion was another issue. Trying to figure out where to put all the traits and animal aspects together so they don't clash or negate one another was some skilled work. Because he was already looking down to tend to his many flesh pillars, Ken immediately seen the fat deposits building under his nipples as several more nipples formed in rows of two under them, spaced down his longer rib cage. Again, his limited thoughts only managed 'boobs' 'hot' 'like, more'. His grunts and moans started to even devolve further into growls and yips as his nose and lips turned black, and his jaws started to click and extend. Whiskers grew out of his face as it extended, and the shadow of fur to come started to grow in under the shade of the golden pangolin scales above. His old nipples were now hanging from the front of two full breasts, which were continuing to grow from his chest as the second pair of nipples below started to evolve into breasts as well. It was a warm pressure, gently feeding the breasts their growth, and when it stretched the flesh and fat further it sent subtle pleasure signals without him actually touching them at all. His ears grew long and big, folding over themselves and continuing to grow. His teeth became narrow but long and sharp as his face continued to stretch. He had to be a bit more mindful of his mouth full of dick with his mouth full of fangs, but the longer face allowed him to take in more and more. His breasts were starting to push into his chin. The top ones were getting really big and round, and the second set was now a full pair, and the third nipples were now starting to develop breasts! Because of how he was laying on his side, one breast from each set rest on the warm grass and the other rest on the side of the other breast- whenever he moved his torso they would wobble around on their surface and rub pleasurably. As fur grew in properly, it almost looked like the orange tiger fur was starting again on the other side of the pangolin scales but actually was more red- a vermilion fur, still with white underside on his throat and jaw. His ears were getting tremendously long to the point they were almost getting in the way- they were so large they couldn't resist their weight at all and were fully flopped down. His face finished fully extending in a final few cracks as the long, narrow face of a red fox. While the fur remained that of a red fox to the black tips on the ears, the ears were very clearly not a fox's. He had the ears of a lop-earned rabbit, sized up to a human head. The fox fur ended at the base of his neck, so while his torso was still coloured like the furs, it was still nude. In still more surges of growth, the bloated round surface of his breasts forced his head too far out from his body to properly tend to his rhino penis! He growled and was going to protest but all that came out were very strange sounds. His human voice was long gone, only now he noticed his voice was a strange amalgamation that did not really sound like any one animal at all. His attempts at vocalizing either came out as yips with a high reverberance, or an extremely high pitched whistling sound that was almost inaudible to human ears. Unable to talk, and barely able to care, he returned to his changing body. His top breasts were pretty huge to the point he had no idea what the cup size was. The second set looked about DD cup, and the third C cup. While they all appeared to have stopped growing, and they did feel great... and he did love looking at them while he masturbated- they were also in the way. Uncurling his body he instead reached up to take the end of the dork in his mouth, then using his paws to grab the rhino cock just below the head, and then slid his tail in between to rub it back and forth between the griffon and rhino phallus. It was clearly working, his testicles all started to draw up at the same time. His crowded scrotum of eight testicles hung like a bunch of grapes when relaxed- but when drawing up they all fell into formation and stretched the scrotum out lengthwise. They formed into two rows of four down his crotch as he finally had an orgasm from masturbating, instead of a nearly forced orgasm from growth alone! In the middle of the orgasm a bone spur popped out of the skin in the middle of his head- a little painful but he was too preoccupied to care. It very quickly grew and extended out into a horn, long but also very narrow. It grew into a gigantic forward arch, so large it actually made his head difficult to hold up. It was thin and blade-like and had a rough, ribbed surface. The horn of a monoceros. As Ken went limp, breathing heavily, Arcane fluttered calmly down to perch on the very tip of the giant horn. "Lets see... fox, monoceros, snake, griffon, tiger, whale, rhinoceros, dragon, cobra, pangolin, rabbit, and hawk. Oh, and I guess human of the opposite gender, so, 13? Your nuts are basically like a roulette wheel of sperm. They only fire the sperm of one of the species you are, but which one it picks during each orgasm is random." Now that Ken's balls were not drowning him in hormone his head was finally clearing. "No... no way I can... can be this!" Arcane's antennae lowered. "Aww, why? It is everything you wanted. Tons of pleasure, huge orgasm, ability to orgasm multiple times, able to take many mates, you are strong, you can fly... jeeze, what more do you want? Laser vision?" "Uh, a body I can live in without being hunted down as a freak of nature?" "Oh. Yea, I guess that makes sense." She thought for a moment. "But, that means your old body. We would be back to square one. Or did you forget the reason we were doing this in the first place?" "Huh? Oh, yea because of the disaster at school." "Yea, this is the first time you thought of it since we started, ya?" Ken nodded, thinking it over since Arcane was clearly trying to make a point. He had not been thinking about it, he was busy pleasuring himself. It was a terrible thing to happen to him, but it is also in the past. It only exists now if it is reflected back on. If he only looks forward, he will never see it again. "I... want my old body back. Its ok." "Are you sure? Why would you want that old form?" "Because I like me, and this isn't me. It felt great, but I don't imagine it is particularly functional. I mean the wings probably can't even lift me." Once the lust and thoughts of finding a mate were cleared, Ken could see he was fine with himself just as he was. It didn't matter what embarrassing things happened to him, that doesn't change who he is. It didn't matter if everyone else thought he was a loser because they have no sway on him. It would be nice to have a girlfriend, and maybe he would still find one. But it wasn't the end of the world if he didn't. It isn't something he NEEDED. As long as he continued to appreciate himself, he could always move forward, so mistakes of the past remained in the past. Arcane nodded and this time it was Ken's altered body that burst into coloured vapour and vanished into the air, leaving his old self in its wake, as if he had always been there under it all. He went to grab his underwear and pants to put them back on and looked back to Arcane. "Hey uh, can I get a new shirt? I sort of wrecked the old one. Hey, are you ok?" Arcane's form seemed to flicker like a candle flame about to burn out. "Yes... but my time is up. Like I mentioned before, I am sealed in another location, I can only seep back into this world in short bursts. The rest of me is sealed in a land beyond dreams, the castle Greivanhal." "So... no shirt?" "No shirt. I did leave you a lil somethin' though~" "What?" Ken looked around quickly. "What is it?" "You'll find out, hehe. Bye bye for now~" "Thank you for helping me!" Arcane vanished as he said it, so there was no reply, but he still had a feeling she heard him. Aside from a torn shirt she did not seem to give him anything- anything tangible at least. But she helped him clear his head. She filled it with lust and buried it in pleasure so that it could reemerge with renewed clarity. Even if Ken never crossed paths with Arcane again, this was not an encounter he would ever forget. His parents always believed in magical beings like this, and Ken always thought they were a little nuts because of it. Now he is the one who will have to keep tight lipped at the risk of anyone thinking he was nuts. Suddenly his problems of yesterday seemed like a fleck of dust to be brushed off. Ken returned home confidently... though, still sticking to the less populated routes since he was shirtless. It wouldn't be till he tried masturbating again three days later he noticed Arcane didn't take ALL the changes away.
Title: Dragons5 by SwampRat Tags: Bisexual, Dragon, Orgy Dragons5 - M/Fmf, Human/Non, 3/26/2005 A tail of dragons By SwampRat Based on a strange dream I had. A dozen young men stood on the island of grass. They had been trained since birth for this day. "They are coming.." A lookout shouted. Tensing in their chain armor, they nodded to each other. NO matter what happened, they would stay true to their oaths.. In moments the prey came into sight.. Dragons. All colors and genders. Not that one could tell male from female. And it didn't matter to the Slayers - A dragon was a dragon. Yelling and waving they made their presence known to the reptiles.. Who dived down at them. Grabbing the humans, who were too heavy to carry off. Too well armored to scratch with their claws. One by one they were thrown to the ground and pinned.. They hissed and struggled.. Until the lads rolled up their longmail shirts and rubbed hard flesh against scaled vents. Hissed a little harder when said poles were driven into their heated interiors. Then legs and wings wrapped around steel-clad torso's. Tails slid under the wool-covered rings to caress warm butts and balls. Reptilian flesh slapped mammalian in a heated frenzy of lust. Semen splattered into anal passages, shot deep in wombs.. The warm holes squeezing with equal fervor on the cocks that plunged in again and again until neither being could move.. Nor wanted to. Both got sticky with mingled sex-juices, making them cry out when parted. But part they must as new dragons took the place of the old, giving little rest to the weary youths, as those sated would crawl up to take something off a wagon full of meat and grains. Flying off - But not for long. Other villages also had lads and wagons to tempt the creatures down to mate and eat. Once the younger dragons had their fill, the olders ones came. These took the lads on paw, removed the hot, now very sticky mail shirts and leggings. Washed the humans with cool water and plied them with medicants. Took their time mating the tired men, using tongues and claws to excite their lovers to perform again and again.. Each had his or her favorite but could be persuaded to exchange males should one prove to be too tired to do his duty the first time around. As the day wore on, Older men came to spell the lads, giving their all for the cause as well. When The cool evening came and the last scaled rump stopped moving on or under a smooth one, The rest of the village came to help load the men into the wagon, feed them and get them to bed. For when the sun came up the lads had to be back in the valleys, ready to tempt the young dragons down again. Wear them out with sex and fill them with food. In return the rest of the village was left in peace, no bandit dared to raid what belonged to the scaled ones,lest They bring the wrath of the Old Ones upon what little they did have - Dragons were known to make off with more than just livestock. As for Barons and Dukes.. Knights lived for battle but Not one was willing to lose his virginity, nor his reputation as a warrior to a lizard! They would take their tithes of grains and fermented drinks and be happy to let the pesants take the punishment the creatures doled out. And piles of somewhat sticky dung were left behind to strew on the fields, keeping it fertile and lush. The oxen that were given were always old or sick animals, unseless to the village. This cycle would contiune into early summer, when the dragons moved on.. Some stayed, prefering the company of mammal lovers to their own kind. Some of the men moved on as well - Putting ther fortunes in with those of the dragons, or moving into the caves and dens the reptiles lived in. Of course word travels around as well... \* \* \* \* "Hey.." "What?" "Wanna get fucked?" "Wha..? What do you mean?" "There are humans down in the valley, Taking every dragon that glides in.." "Really? But we are males.." "Doesn't matter - We have vents, they have cocks." "Alright.. Nothing to do anyway. Wonder if I can get one to suck on..." "Faggot! Licking human dicks.. Ugh!" "You're just jealous because I can.." Smacking each other's scaled butts the 2 young dragons took to the air, already starting to feel warm between their legs, and hoping to have something hotter soon inside. The End?
Title: Toby meets Scott by kohath Tags: Human, M/M, Master/Pet, Oral, Rimming, Tiger, Transformation I met up with a guy I knew online for some play last weekend, since we seemed to have a lot in common. I hadn't expected species would be one of our differences, but when he met me at his door I found Scott wasn't human, but a real live anthro tiger. (I'll spare you my initial shock and the next couple hours I spent asking questions and coming to grips with the situation till another time. I expect you just want to hear about the fun we had.) We started out with him putting a collar on me and we settled down to watch a movie, him in an easy chair with a huge bowl of popcorn, and me curled up naked at his footpaws with some to myself in a little dog bowl. He kneaded my back and side softly with blunted toeclaws while he munched away noisily, and when he was done he patted his knee to get my attention. I got up on hands and knees to look at him and was rewarded with the sight of a grand, gleaming phallus, freed from my master's sweats and being pawed at idly. He grinned and offered it to me, and I readily took into my mouth a cock like none I had ever had--thickening near the end to support an enormous flaring mushroom head, which I sucked on as best I could. It tasted of the salty butter left behind by his paws, a flavor soon joined by sweet precum in steady bursts. He stroked my hair softly, and I was almost sure I could hear a soft purr of happiness from him over the movie going on behind me--I took that as encouragement and redoubled my efforts, and it wasn't long before those big paws were pushing at the back of my head, encouraging me to go deeper. Now I'd've thought there was no way that head could fit my throat, so you could imagine my surprise to find my nose suddenly pressed against the soft mound at the base of eight and a half inches of tiger meat pumping cum straight into me. I managed to swallow it all down, gacking slightly as he disengaged his cock and patted me on the head, saying "Good boy, Toby..." He shifted his seat to the floor next to me and we went back to watching the movie. I didn't catch the end though, as I was asleep, curled up next to a tiger softly stroking me... --- Scott woke me up after the movie and led me back to his bedroom. He grabbed me under my arms with those big-strong paws of his, and tossed me on the bed. "Do you believe in magic?" he said, shucking off his sweats. "Sweet Zeus, tell me you're not going to put on big red shoes, Sir," I said. He laughed. "Well, Sir," I said, "Yesterday I didn't believe in walking, talking tigers, either. I could probably believe in anything about now." He crawled up over me, his furry body rubbing against my skin, his cock rubbing against mine. "I have a harder question for you now," he said, looking me square in the face. How blue his eyes are--I thought you only got blue eyes with white tigers. I realized he was waiting for me to respond. "Go ahead, Sir," I said. "Toby," he said, "Do you trust me?" He seemed to think it was an important question, so I thought it over. We had been talking a long time over the Internet--we had gone over our likes and dislikes often enough, reality and fantasy. Still, this was our first meeting in person and I knew relatively little about his personal life. "Well, Sir," I said, "I don't think you want to hurt me, like, in bed, but I'd still rather you use a condom." He laughed again, softer this time. "Don't worry," he said, "I can do *that*. I just meant... well... let me show you something." He reached down and grabbed my balls. It was an exciting feeling--soft pawpads surrounded by fur, and blunted claws tenderly tracing the outline of my sack. I lay back and closed my eyes. He gave them a firm but pleasurable squeeze, and his arm lifted from my leg where it was resting and tugged on them lightly. "Mm," I said. "Do that again." He put a finger up to my lips to hush me. I remembered I was his pet for the weekend, and was not to speak unless spoken to. His balls rubbed up against mine, and he squeezed them all together in his paw. I know I gasped a little there--it was a much harder squeeze than last time. Scott knows I like that kind of thing... The big tiger shuffled forwards, still straddling me, till I could sense him kneeling just over my face. "Open your mouth, man," he said. (He didn't say 'man' like we do in slang. It was more like how aliens on TV call people 'human.') I did, of course. I took one into my mouth--and opened my eyes wide, rather shocked to discover my tongue against my own testicle. Scott was kneeling over me, pawing his cock, below which hung a large, bulging ballsack. His tail curled around my cock, rubbing skin with nothing to obstruct it. I spit out my ball. "You--" I said, but remembered the collar on my neck before I went any further. We did have a safeword, but I figured if there was damage it was already done, and if not... well, I could have my own balls in my mouth, no? I took the one I had back into my mouth and another one with it--I could tell by the feel it wasn't mine. Scott purred--this time I was sure of it. "I can do a bit of magic," he said. "This is a reconfiguration spell. I can move body parts around, or from one body to another--and I can put them back again, don't worry." I accepted the explanation and continued sucking on our balls. His was bigger than mine, and I didn't think I'd be able to fit any more in my mouth, so I left them resting against my nose. "By the way," he said, panting, "I can feel your bits too. Cover your eyes, man." I did, and the back of my hand was immediately splashed by a blast of cum, thick and wet. The next shot landed in my hair. My balls were churning and I knew some of this cum was mine. The cum hit my hand three more times, before he was done. He moved to get up, so I released his scrotum, which soon sat on my chest, dripping, along with its owner. Scott bent over to lick his cock clean, and I took the opportunity to slurp our seed off my hand. It was thick, like gravy, and slightly less sweet than before--surely my fault. My master was soon up from his cock and licking the cum from my hair. His chestfur was in my face, and I nuzzled into soft whiteness. --- "Your turn," he said, getting up and sitting by me. "Do you want your balls back?" I looked at my cock. It was... weird. At its base there was smooth skin as if there had never been anything there, and shaven like my ballsack had been; I touched it and it was regular skin--no gaping holes or anything. The tiger's, now, was bulging in the way only a sack with four nuts can. "I... I think you can keep them, sir, for the weekend," I said. "But... I'd like to see how they're put back, so I don't have to worry?" He laughed again. "Well, I can put it back by hand, or I can just reset the spell and things go back to the way they were." "Can anything go wrong, sir?" I said. "It's magic. It works the way I expect it to," he said. "What if something happens to you?" I said. ", sir." "Like if I drop dead of sexual exhaustion?" he said, laughing. "It'd go back to normal. Magic doesn't survive the caster. I get knocked unconscious, same deal. That's why you don't--well, why we don't use magic in stuff that's meant to last, like architecture. But enough history." He made a slashing motion in the air with a paw, and my balls were back in place--I didn't see how. I gave them a good firm tug to make sure they were really attached. Scott seemed to misunderstand. "It's like this," he said, grabbing my balls and making a strange motion with his paw, pulling them off again. He put them in my hand. "Put them where you like," he said, and winked. "It's 'pin the balls on the tiger' !" You can imagine I was a little disturbed by this, but my cock couldn't have been harder. I put my balls under his and said "Here." Another paw-wave and it joined to him, but not altogether as before--two separate sacks were below that thick cock of his. Immediately he pounced my cock and began sucking on it. It was... powerful. My whole cock fit in his muzzle without sinking into his throat. He wrapped his feline tongue around my cock and I shuddered as it scraped rough against my skin. He laughed. "Don't worry. I ain't gonna hurt ya like that--just wanted to show you why I'm not doing this the conventional way." He took my cock back into his muzzle, so warm... he slid his tongue into my foreskin and pressed it against my cockhead. He started sucking on me, purring softly, and I lay back and closed my eyes again. Very soon I felt his tongue pressing firmer against my cock, and suddenly it gave way. I can't really describe what happened next. But there was a powerful feeling of being a tiger, big and strong and horny, sucking cock and being in command... and then it was gone. It was on the tip of my tongue to ask what he did, but then I remembered myself and said nothing. But I did sit up and look at what he was doing. He grinned up at me and stuck out his tongue. From the most unusual sensation I felt with that motion I guessed he had my cock in there, even before I noticed the paler color of his tongue. I grinned back. He was weird, but I was liking it. Then he hefted my legs over his shoulders and buried his furry muzzle in my ass. Now, if you've never been rimmed while fucking yourself--I'm betting you haven't at least not comfortably--it might be hard to understand. But I was shaking so good when that tongue-cock entered me that he had to grab me and hold me down. It was slick and firm and smooth, and went in like nothing I'd ever had before. He slid it in and out, deep, and I seriously lost control as he started to nibble around the edge of my hole with those fierce teeth of his. I came, and hard. Without a working cock to release through, the force of the orgasm ran through my whole body, and it must've shorted something out, because next thing I knew Scott was next to me, patting my face. He had my collar in his other paw and all my parts were in their proper places. "Are you okay?" he said. "You were *shouting*, and then you passed out." "Is that supposed to happen?" I said. "Well, no. But that's sex. It doesn't always work the way we'd expect," he said. "But are you okay?" "Yeah," I said. "I just... never had anything like that before." "Well, we've still got a couple days left for more," he said, grinning. "But that's probably enough for tonight." (It *was* dark out.) "Did you want your collar back, or would you rather sleep as equals?" So cute he is. I kissed his nose. "You're a sweet cat," I said, hugging him too. "But I'd like the collar back... sir." He kissed my nose back, putting the collar back on me. "You're sweet too. Not too many people like to play like I do." I noticed my cock and balls disappear again as he fastened it. He made a strange face and another slashing motion, and my cock was back in place. "I forgot. I tied the magic to your collar so it can be turned off when you take it off--or if you say or concentrate on our safeword, if something happens that you can't take it off." "What could happen?" I said. "Well, it's just an ordinary collar," he said. "It might get stuck or something. Or you might be tied up or otherwise unable to move." "Like if you pulled my arms off with that spell?" I said. "...Sir." He didn't laugh, this time. "That," he said, "or other things. There is one other thing I wanted to try with you for tonight. Would you be okay with it if I turned you into an object?" "An object, sir?" I said. "Like a stuffed toy," he said. "You keep your mind, though you can't move, and you might perceive things differently. You can't be hurt, but you can use your safeword to change back if you get freaked out." "Heck, why not," I said. "Change me, sir." Scott reached out and started tracing a complicated pattern on my belly with a paw. It tickled slightly but I tried to keep still. It took nearly a minute. When he was done, he circled the whole thing and pressed down on it, hard. I oomphed as air rushed out of me, and by reflex I gasped, trying to catch my breath. But on inhalation I couldn't stop; air kept flowing into me, swelling my belly out. I felt like I was drying out, and my brain went into panic mode--but suddenly I was no longer in my body. I saw myself lying on the bed with Scott over me--like I was a camera on the ceiling. My body had turned to some kind of rough cloth, with yarn replacing my hair. All my features started simplifying--my face to a set of lines painted on; my torso reducing to a shape like an inverted ice-cream cone with my hugely rounded-out belly the scoop. My cock shrank away entirely. Then I started shrinking--my whole body, but mostly my legs and arms. Now, this probably took a couple minutes, and I hadn't felt a thing since my point of view changed. So it was a powerful comfort, the warm feeling that rushed into me when he picked me up and squeezed me. He was right, it did feel different. It wasn't like I was being squeezed--it was like I was wrapped in a cloud of comfort and stability. I was sure he could feel it too--I could feel him purring softly. He crawled under the covers, turned out the lamp, and quickly fell asleep. It didn't feel like sleep, exactly, but I was out shortly after.
Title: 3 M's, My Many Mothers Ch. 11 Tags: mother son, son mother, incest, taboo, aunt nephew *This is a story I can finally share. It is a tale that covers many years so if you are looking for a quick read you can stop here. Like I have mentioned many times I am not a true writer but so far my submissions have been well received. This story is the one that truly started it all, even though it is not the first story I submitted. It is about a real person I was introduced to through a close friend. I met Daniel years ago having purchased a home from his grandfather and years later Dan himself. I learned his story first hand and since then have documented much of his life for you to share. Daniel is his real name, the others have been changed for their protection. I offer you his story that has been updated just this year, 2016. Enjoy and vote if care to.* \*\*\*\*\* Chapter 11 When the plane was loaded Sunday all of the kids, Lizzy, Sally, Mary, and Kat all came. After helping us get the kids settled Mary and Kat went home later that week. February 2012 Lizzy and I welcomed our newest member a son Casen. He is my third boy along with Kyle and Hunter. He was a big baby and giving birth for Lizzy wasn't easy. Casen is a happy and healthy baby none the less. I decided then we wouldn't have any more children. Kenzi seems to be taken in by him much more than his sister Mikayla. With Sally now back home helping with the children Lizzy has decided to finish getting her Bachelor's degree. Lizzy is taking just a class or two and working with Molly part time. The management business has taken off and the two of them head that up. Sally and now Mary run the two houses when they are home. Taking care of six kids and playing taxi driver is no small feat. They both love it and work well together. The adjustment for school was minimal. Kyle took it the hardest but he seems happy now that summer is near and he has new friends to play with. Kenzi and Hunter have been growing and seem the ones that accept change easily. Lizzy and I adopted Cindy, but make no mistake Sally is her favorite. Cindy is still small for her age but seems to be much healthier and growing faster since she started living with us. Mikayla and Cindy are inseparable now that the baby can walk. Cindy is her protector from the older kids, a funny thing since she is the smallest. She makes up for it in other ways, she is the smartest. Bill set up a trust for Cindy. He tries to give us money now and then but I still refuse. Bill has become a regular guest. He is such a private person I think he worries about coming too often. But there is more than Cindy that keeps him coming back if I read him right. He and I watch sports together, sometimes we just go fishing. Mike, Sky and Winnie are frequent guests. Molly is engaged and loves having Lizzy as a friend and coworker. Ivan has secured his future and still watches over all things financially. It took a bit longer than we planned but by April the other house had been renovated and everyone was moved in. Sam was living with Jr and Rachel in their mom's old house back home. Jr and Rachel decided to stay near her parents but with him having a pilot's license they could fly down when they wanted. Sam graduated in June and took a scholarship to a school in Georgia. Its January 2013 we have been all together in Florida for some months. At first everyone started where they left off but over the last year a new normal set in. Except for one situation it was done without my input. Sally is now in her mid-sixties and with all that has gone on over the last year I could tell she was starting to feel her age a bit more. Sally visited Lizzy and I in the bedroom much less frequently now. She wouldn't say why of course but I knew and so did Kat. On my insistence Lizzy, Kat, and I talked one day. The conversation was emotional but frank. I knew things about Sally no one else knew, at least not yet. I spent many months thinking it over and decide to do what my instincts told me to do. Unfortunately my heart disagreed. I knew we couldn't keep everything from Sally so it was no big surprise when later that week Sally came to me privately. She asked if she could move from our room into her own permanently. I explained that it was her decision and hers alone. I would support her completely. That night Sally called Lizzy and me into our room. Sally informed Lizzy she would be moving out and suggested Kat move in. Lizzy objected at first but with tear filled eyes finally accepted it was going to happen. Sally didn't explain why except that she had just made up her mind. I knew it was best. It was time for her to enjoy the rest of her life. There were other reasons but for now neither one of us wanted to admit it. I supported her decision but was concerned she felt Kat needed to take her place. With Nikki now spending much of her time next door with Sharon maybe Sally thought Kat was free to move in with us. Sally would take a room down the hall and reminded Lizzy there was still plenty of room for visitors! Lizzy made her promise she could come visit occasionally. Sally kissed her long and hard letting her know they would always be close. We decided there would be no big announcement it would just gradually take place. Lizzy came to me the next day. She made me promise to do something for Sally. With all I have been through and the expenses I incurred it wasn't a good time. I talked to Kat and when she agreed with Lizzy I knew I need to close some deals. It took some time and many arrangements. Schedules were changed, early that summer tickets were purchased. Lizzy made me proud as she pulled it all together. Early one Friday, Lizzy, Sally and I were on the plane to a destination only Lizzy and I knew about. Late that night the three of us were in our cabana looking at darkness listening to the waves lap the shore. Sally was overcome with emotion. It reminded her of our honeymoon. She talks about it all the time but this was something different all together. We slept together that night, no sex just sleep as the week before and the flight was taxing for us all. I was up early as usual I walked the pathway to the lobby and talked to several of the staff. The looks I got were nothing compared to the snickers as I walked past. The sun was up and the first travelers dotted the white sands. I walked back to the Cabana coffees in hand and waited for the two sleepy heads to wake up. Lizzy was first, she walked out naked and sat on my lap kissing my cheek. "Thank you Danny." Lizzy whispered. I kissed her letting her know she was welcome. "Are you ok with me joining her?" Lizzy teased. "As long as you don't expect me to join you." I replied. "We'll see?" She replied. Sally came from the bathroom in her robe. She sat on the chair in front of us. I handed her a coffee. "This is beautiful!" Sally beamed. "It was so late when we came in it was hard to see. We are on the beach?" "We are, come with me." Lizzy said. She picked up the towels and grabbed Sally's hand. "Lizzy aren't we forgetting something?" Sally asked as she looked at Lizzy's naked form. "Oh, I'm sorry. Yes I am!" Lizzy replied. She took Sally's robe off and pulled her out the door. "Lizzy!" I heard Sally squeal as she was pulled outside. "Danny!" Sally yelled. I walked to the door and watched as two naked women ran to the beach squealing the whole way! They had both stopped breast feeding, Sally almost a year and half ago. Lizzy had stopped nursing Casen just a few months ago. I enjoyed the sight of tits bouncing down the path as they ran by the window. No longer nursing they both have returned to a size closer to before. Regardless I still find them sexy as hell, and, Lizzy still loves to go braless. Sally turned back to me ecstatic as I looked on smiling. Her massive tit's flopped as Lizzy continued to pull her down the path. I followed until I reached the sign. I nodded to the attendant, she smiled at me. "I love you MOM!" I called after her." Sally looked back with one of her happiest smiles. I walked back to the cabana and I picked up Sally's robe. I then went to the table and opened up my computer. I answered some e-mails and worked on a proposal. I called room service and ordered lunch for the three of us. There was a knock on the door. "Mr. Masters..." The security person started talking. ""Danny please." I smiled. "Danny." She returned my smile. "These two ladies say they are with you? This one claims she is your wife the other one your mother?" The beautiful young lady tried to look stern but I could see right through her. I looked at Sally and Lizzy standing behind her dressed in white terrycloth robes. I looked at the security guard, the name on her badge had Christi on it. "Christi, they are with me. Lizzy is my wife. Sally, is really my aunt. I just call her mom." I explained truthfully. My guess is Christi was a few years older than me. She projected a confidence about her. She seemed more impressed than surprised as I explained who they were to me. "Danny they can't run around the complex in the nude!" Christi was trying not to smile. "They can do that on the beach in the marked areas but not around the cabana's." "Christi I'll try and make sure they obey the rules." I laughed. She tried, she really did, but she started laughing too. "Ok you two jail birds get in here!" I teased. "Thank you Danny." Christi smiled. "No Christi, thank you!" She looked at Sally and then focused on Lizzy. I could see she was intrigued by the sexy brown minx. "And ladies. No more sex on the beach!" Christi warned them. "Lizzy?" I called her out. "Is that true?" "A little! It started while I was helping her with the sunscreen!" She grinned. "It's on her list!" "Christi, if there are any more shenanigans from these two you call me." I insisted. I gave her my phone number. "Thanks Danny." She turned to leave. She addressed Lizzy. "Sorry I had to stop you." Christi left. Sally flew into my arms. "Daniel!" Sally smothered me. "I can't believe you did this for me!" "We did this for you." I corrected her. "Lunch will be here soon. You two need to get cleaned up and presentable." I think they finished in the shower what they were stopped doing on the beach. Wearing only their new found robes they joined me for lunch. I sent them on their way after lunch with explicit instructions to follow the rules. Later that evening we grabbed a cab and headed down the beach a few miles for supper. Just outside the restaurant the three of us walked along the paths adjacent to the beach. Hand in hand Sally enthusiastically told me about her day with Lizzy. Since a young adult she had always wanted to walk along a nude beach. Sally couldn't be happier than the one Lizzy found. She talked about feeling the wind teasing her pussy. The warm sun on her ass. The frustration of sand in places sand doesn't belong. She told me how she walked in the ocean and peed with nothing covering her pussy. What she didn't tell me was what she and Lizzy were doing that got them in trouble with Christi. We walked back to the restaurant and grabbed a cab back to the resort. Back at the cabana Sally pulled me into the bedroom. For this night Sally purposely chose one of the flimsiest of dresses. No longer nursing her once milk filled tits are still huge and noticeably straining to escape the confines of her garment. The thin material hugging her womanly curves, the cheeks of her ass devoid of panty lines. Her now tanned legs and wedge sandals accentuate her calves. With Lizzy's help her makeup was spot on. Sally pulled me to the side and whispered in my ear while Lizzy was out of the room. A naughty grin accompanied her slowly nodding head. "If you insist?" I replied. "I insist then!" Sally giggled. Lizzy walked in the room, we both looked at her, I had a feeling she knew something was up. Sally went into the bathroom but came back almost immediately. Taking her place in the chair she looked at me and smiled. I moved closer to Lizzy and put my arms around her waist. Lizzy readily accepted my kiss and even more so my hands. I reached around and unclasped her skirt and unzipped it all the while continuing our kiss. Lizzy pulled back and looked at me not sure what I wanted. She glanced over at Sally and then back to me. My hands moved to the hem of her top and started to pull it over her head. Sensing something special was happening she didn't say a word. I pulled my polo shirt off over my head and reached for Lizzy once again. We were both in bare feet, her in just panties, and myself in shorts and briefs. I resisted the urge to grip her luscious tits and instead gripped the waist of her panties. Lizzy cooed as I lowered them caressing her long slender legs along the way. After she stepped out of them I stood in front of Lizzy waiting for her to make the next move. Lizzy hesitated then unsnapped my shorts and removed them with my briefs at the same time. I could tell she wanted to grab my cock but after a quick glance at Sally she held back. Standing naked before each other, I looked excitedly at my wife. I pulled her tight against me and started kissing her once again. Lizzy moaned as my hands roamed her body. Lizzy reached down and gripped my cock stroking it to full hardness. We were kind of moving in place, slow dancing if you will. I looked over Lizzy's shoulder to find Sally glassy eyed looking on. I could tell by the heave of her chest she was getting excited. Seeing me look at her she slipped her hand under the hem of her dress. Lizzy was now urging me to do something. "I need you in me." She whispered hoarsely. Her arms went around my neck, mine slid under her ass. With little effort I picked my wife up and positioned her over my cock. Lizzy quickly spread her legs and guided me to the opening of her juicy pussy. Slowly I let the weight of my wife lower over my cock. I looked at Sally and she watched my white cock disappear in Lizzy's black pussy. "YES!" Sally muttered quietly. "Danny I think someone is secretly watching us?" Lizzy moaned. Instinctively Lizzy wrapped her legs around my waist to help control our movements. I lowered her down until she groaned then lifted her back up until I was just inside. Lizzy pulled herself tight against me her chin digging into the top of my shoulder. I could feel the heat radiate from her body in the damp ocean air. A film of perspiration soon formed on her ebony body making it shimmer in the soft lights of the bedroom. I glanced at Sally and noticed she had one tit pulled from the top of her dress. On hand was kneading the nipple as her other hand was busy between her covered legs. Lizzy thrust back extending her arms around my neck, I felt the cool rush of air flow between us. We continued to move in a circular motion as we copulated in a standing position. It was now Lizzy's turn to see Sally. "Danny I'm sure of it! Someone is watching us make love." Lizzy squeaked happily. "Does that get you excited?" I whispered loud enough for Sally to hear. "God yes!" Lizzy groaned as she thrusted herself hard over my cock. Suddenly I heard the soft buzz of a vibrator. Now facing Sally she had her dress pulled up to her waist. With legs spread I saw the little vibrator disappear between her pussy lips for just a second before being pulled along her slit to tease her clit. "Danny I want to watch!" Lizzy pleaded. Moving to the bed I sat down with Lizzy positioned on top of me facing Sally. Lizzy sat up straddling my cock controlling the situation for now. Looking up I could see she was fixated on Sally just feet away above my head. The buzz was louder but so were Sally's moans. "I'm not ready yet...Danny!" Lizzy hissed still locked on Sally. Having focused my attention on supporting Lizzy as we fucked earlier, I wasn't even close. From just the sounds I heard coming from Sally I knew she was close and Lizzy was trying to hold her off. I heard the vibrator disappear inside Sally, the muted vibrations making it clear it was deep inside. I heard Sally slurp her tits, no doubt coated with her essence. Lying back I took a moment to see what Sally saw. Lizzy tall and slender sitting atop me, her long legs folded along my sides. My sizable cock was moving in and out of her dark brown lips. The pink of her clit was just starting to expose itself. Her pussy lips glistened with our oily excitement, the small patch of black curly hair scrubbed her fingers as they occasionally reached to diddle her clit. Lizzy's long slender midsection showed little evidence of the children she bore me. Her tits however plumper now sagged slightly from the lack of milk they once carried. The dark areolas seemed more pronounced against the almost white skin from the palm side of her hands. Lizzy twisted and tugged on the long thick nipple, the weight of her tit elongated the area until she reversed the motion and pressed her tit hard against her chest. Lizzy's long elegant neck poked out behind her even longer black hair. Her white teeth contrasted with the pinkness of her lips before blending in with the caramel color of her surrounding features. Lizzy glanced down at me her big brown eyes letting me know she couldn't hold out much longer. "Hurry Danny! I need to cum!" Lizzy warned me. I knew she was speaking for Sally too. She reached for her clit one last time, her eyes returned to Sally who was rubbing her clit with the vibrator. The buzzing was loud and at times sounded like it was hard against bone. I closed my eyes and let myself just take it all in. Sally, Lizzy, the hot tight pull of her pussy on my cock. "Ready?" I whispered. "YES!" The two of them cried out in unison. "Five...four...three..." "AAARRRGGGHHH!!" Sally moaned. I could hear her bouncing in the chair just out of sight. "Two..." I replied louder. "DANNNNNYYY!" Lizzy plunged hard over my cock her hand massaging her clit between us. No longer able to hold back myself I flooded Lizzy's cunt. I gripped her ass and pulled her even tighter to me trapping her hand between us. The jolts of pleasure were so hard Lizzy's whole body surged with my orgasm. I came so hard I think Sally may have felt it. Then there was only the sound of three happy and satisfied lovers in the room. "ONE!" I yelled out. Sally laughed so hard she fell to the floor. Lizzy seeing Sally started shaking on top of me laughing herself. I had to admit it was pretty funny. Sally joined us in bed where she thanked us for taking another item off her list. I was surprised to learn after all of our time together this was the first time Sally had ever just watched two people engage in intercourse. "Lizzy it was so beautiful watching Danny and you!" Sally started to tear up. "I can't tell you how much you both mean to me." Lizzy and I were moved by what she said. That night we all three slept together. Sunday was much the same. Sally and Lizzy went down to the beach. I walked to the rail by the sign to check up on the girls. "Danny!" A voice called from behind me. "Christi!" I replied happy to see her. "Just checking to make sure the prisoners are following the rules." I laughed. "Can I ask you a personal question?" She asked. "You're welcome to ask but I don't promise to answer." I smiled. She seemed apprehensive now. "Go ahead. Try me." "Is that really your wife and Aunt?" She asked leaning on the rail with me. We looked out over the pristine beach and blue waters just beyond the barricade. Sally was lying on her stomach Lizzy's ebony hands slid over her skin applying another coat of sunscreen. Even from here you could tell they cared deeply for each other. "It's true. Lizzy is my second wife. Three kids with Nikki. Two with Lizzy. Lizzy and I adopted a little girl, but she's really Sally's little princess." I explained. "Why did Lizzy say she was your mom?" Christi asked. I looked over she blushed a bit embarrassed. "I had three. Eve, Sally's older sister was my birth mother, but she is no longer with us. Kathryn raised me, but to some degree Sally did as well. I called them each mom." I explained. Christi looked at me still unsure if I was being honest. I held out my hand offering it to her. She looked at me then placed hers in mine. I covered it with my other hand and closed my eyes. I released it and smiled. Christi, still perplexed wasn't finished. "And the list?" She asked just whispering now. "That my dear isn't my secret to tell." I winked at her. "So you're head of security?" I asked changing the subject. Christi reminded me of my first wife Nikki in size and proportions. She is cute but not stunning. Friendly yet self-assured. Her uniform did little to accentuate her well-toned body. My guess is her being in charge had more to do with her abilities and less to do with stature. I doubted she weighed much over 120 pounds. Not the type of person that instills fear for anyone breaking the rules. "I am." She said proudly "How would you like to make some extra money?" I asked. "Danny we aren't allowed to work for others." She replied. "Besides I'm not quite sure what you want me to do." "All I ask is you call me each day, after work of course, and report back to me." I explained. "That's it?" She asked. "That's it. No spying or eaves dropping just keep an eye on Sally and call me." I replied. "And Lizzy?" She asked. "Lizzy and I will be leaving tonight. Others will arrive to take our place." I grinned. "Others?" She asked. "Lizzy and I need to get back to the kids." I replied turning to go. "Oh, and if you want to know what's on the list you will need to ask Sally." I returned to the cabana and made some calls. I was working on another proposal when they returned for lunch. We took a short nap and then Lizzy insisted I spend some alone time with Sally. "Danny I love you!" Sally purred as I slowly slipped my cock in her pussy. "I am glad Sally. I love you too." I grunted as I drove in again. "Fuck me son, fuck your mother one last time." She pleaded. "Sally. You have never stopped being my mother and never will. And I'll never stop fucking you if you will have me." I pounded her pussy. "Thank you Danny." She squealed. "Now make me cum!" Sally insisted on coating her tits with my second load, the first still dripping from her pussy. She slipped on a cover up and headed for the beach. I followed her back to the railing. Christi was waiting for me it seemed. Lizzy ran to meet Sally. Sally removed her cover up, we could hear Lizzy squeal from where we stood. Sally lifted her massive tit and licked it clean. Christi moved to head her way. "Give her a minute." I asked. Christi stopped. "I can't let them do this on the beach." I held one finger up. Just then Sally ran into the surf Lizzy following her. They were in up to their necks kissing and I am sure doing more under the water. "I have seen some crazy stuff but those two are in love." Christi said forgetting who she was talking to. She looked at me blushing yet again. "Sorry Danny. I shouldn't have said that." "It's ok. You're right." I replied. "That is why I love them both so much." I looked on for a few more minutes. "I have to go. I hope you will call me." I replied. "Or if it makes you feel better, you can call Lizzy. We have no secrets." I had us packed and ready to go when Sharon and Nikki arrived. I explained the layout and rules. They quickly changed into their suits. "Lizzy needs to come in soon, we have a plane to catch." I kissed them both and walked them in the direction of the beach. Christi was just returning to her post when we arrived. "Christi!" I greeted her. "This is Nikki my first wife, and this is Sharon, Lizzy's mom." "Ladies it's so nice to meet you!" Christi blushed again. It was then I saw it. I had my suspicions but this time Christi clearly responded as I suspected. I filed it away letting them introduce themselves. "So have they been behaving?" I asked. Christi looked surprised I would ask in front of Nikki and Sharon. "Well now that you ask. Lizzy has been getting a bit touchy feely again." Christi blushed. "I understand. Well she and I'll be leaving for now." I replied. "But you need to keep an eye on these two as well." "Danny!" Sharon protested. "I'm nothing like my daughter!" She teased. They spotted Lizzy and Sally. Nikki and Sharon each kissed me deeply and headed that way. "Were you serious just now?" Christi asked. "Do I really need to watch them too?" "You let me know when you call." I grinned. Christi as I suspected seemed happy to oblige. "Danny!" Lizzy called me. She was running naked in my direction. She stopped when she saw Christi and pulled on her cover up. "Can we make love before we go? Sally has me all worked up but the cops around here have us on lock down." "Sure honey. God knows we don't want another plane incident." I winked at Christi. I looked at Sally she was embracing Nikki and Sharon. Lizzy and I went back to the cabana and made love. Sally joined us as we showered. Lizzy happily helped her wash the sunscreen from her body. The cab pulled up I kissed Nikki and Sharon passionately as did Lizzy. Sally trembled as I kissed her as well. "Thank you Danny. I'll be waiting when you get back." We kissed again. Turning to Lizzy. "Tell my baby I love her and mommy will be home soon." "You have fun I'll give her a present from us." Lizzy squeezed Sally's tit. "Goodbye Danny! Goodbye Lizzy!" Christi said as we were walking from the cabana. "I'll miss watching over you!" She grinned at Lizzy. "Don't worry, we'll be back!" Lizzy taunted her. Just like that Lizzy pulled Christi to her and kissed her on the lips. "These two should keep you busy while I am gone!" Lizzy teased. Nikki and Sharon just laughed. Christi gave me a look as if to ask if she had really just done that. It was Tuesday when she first called. Lizzy received it. She brought Cindy and placed her in my lap as I worked at my desk. Still small and frail for her age Cindy wrapped her arms around my neck. Her effervescent smile and disposition lights up every room she enters. "Christi called." Lizzy kissed Cindy on her forehead. "And are the ladies behaving?" I asked. "Of course not." Lizzy squealed leaving Cindy with me. Each night a report came in to Lizzy. Even when Kat and Mary went down on Wednesday. Sharon and Nikki returned that night giving Lizzy a full report on the continued frivolities. Christi it seemed had her hands full. Lizzy would report to me each night as she lay on top of me my cock buried deep in her pussy. Sometimes she would cum mid story while she fucked me. Friday night the call came in later than usual. This time Christi wanted to talk to me. "Danny!" Christi slurred as she spoke. "Kat wants to talk to you!" I could hear the music playing in the background as Christi yelled in the phone. They were obviously at a bar. "Danny?" Kat asked, she herself was quite happy. "Son I have a favor to ask." "Yes mom" I replied. "Christi... "Mom." I cut her off. "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas! But you should talk to Lizzy." I handed her the phone. "Mom wants to know if she can finish what you started." I teased her. "Mom? Danny says you want to be a bad girl!" Lizzy squealed. There was a pause. "You promise to tell me everything?" There was another brief pause. "I love you mom. We'll see you in the morning." Lizzy hung up thrilled Kat confided in her. Lizzy and I boarded the taxi and headed to the cabana. "You're not disappointed Kat won't be spending the night with us?" Lizzy asked. "You're ok with her spending time with the cop?" I asked Lizzy. "Not as long as what happens in Vegas stays 'in' Vegas!" Lizzy replied. Meaning Christi wasn't to become too attached. It wasn't the first time Lizzy had made such comments. "I love you Liz!" We kissed as the driver headed to our destination. The ride was nice the stars were out and the water shimmered as we drove along the coast. Our driver delivered us to the main lobby. After I paid him I carried the two small bags we brought. Lizzy and I got several looks as we passed through the lobby. I was happy no one stopped us. It was later than I hoped when we entered the cabana. Mary was waiting up for us. "She's waiting for us!" Mary whispered. She had on her collar and leash indicating they wanted to play. "Madam is in charge tonight. I'm going to sleep." I explained. Lizzy knew I was dog tired and offered no complaint. "Yes sir!" Mary answered excitedly. Lizzy grabbed the leash, made Mary strip for me and led her to the room where Sally was. There was a short but clear outburst from the room as they entered. I went into the main bath between the two bedrooms and prepared for bed. I walked to the other bedroom and listened at the closed door. The sounds on the other side of the door confirmed my suspicions. I went to the living room and decided the couch was comfortable enough without pulling it out. I remember my head hitting the pillow. I love it when she curls up inside of me. Even after two kids I doubt she has gained ten pounds, and they must be in her tits. She kissed me then settled down inside of me. I wrapped my arm around her slender body and pulled her in tight. "Did you and your pets have fun tonight?" I whispered. "MMMMMM." Was all she replied. "Good night my love." I kissed the back of her neck she was already asleep. The sun was just coming up as I stood looking out the window at the surf in the distance. She entered the room quietly carrying her shoes. I was standing to one side so she didn't see me at first. I even thought of letting her slip out without stopping her. She was half way across the room when she saw me. Christi stopped. Maybe she thought I was mad. Maybe she was expecting me to chastise her. She looked at me and crooked her head undoubtedly expecting me to approach her. I didn't. Still Christi stood waiting for me to move. "He won't." Lizzy whispered. My naked wife looked over at me then up to Christi. "What?" Christi asked. "Come to you." Lizzy sat up yawning and rubbing her eyes. "He won't." "Thank you Danny." Christi's voice quivered. "Don't thank me, thank Lizzy." I replied with a smile. Christi cocked her head again and looked at me. My eyes directed hers to my wife. "Thank you Lizzy." She said softly. My wife stood up her naked body stretched to her full height. Christi was dressed for the bar and dancing, a slinky sexy number that barely covered her ass and showed off her modest tits. Lizzy moved to Christi, without her uniform they were almost a mirror image, except Christi is a bit shorter and white. Lizzy pressed against her then kissed her on the lips. "She does taste good doesn't she?" Lizzy asked still pressed against her. Christi blushed not knowing what to say at first. She looked at us both, I could see her fear of the situation subside. "She is an amazing woman, and yes she tastes exquisite." Christy said hoarsely. She moved in to kiss the little black minx now holding her. My wife leaned back avoided her kiss but still held on. "Lizzy isn't a lezzy!" She teased. Christi blushed even more now. Lizzy boldly pulled Christi's dress up the tight material clung to her waist her ass and pussy now on display. "Now you can go to him." Lizzy purred. She kissed Christi passionately letting her know she approved. Releasing Christi, Lizzy headed to Kat's room. "Danny make sure our guest gets home safely." Lizzy called out as we both watched her skinny ass walk away. "Oh and Christi, make sure he gives you a proper kiss goodbye. My house, my rules!" It was Sharon's saying and I knew what it meant. Stunned Christi stood where Lizzy left her. She watched Lizzy turn the corner, then remembering she was to approach she did. "I thought she said..." "Let's just say Lizzy can be unpredictable." I explained before she could ask. Christi tilted her head again. "Kat is special." "That's an understatement if there ever was one!" Christy laughed. "I have never cum...!" She must have remembered Kat was my mother. Just then Christi turned beet red. I smiled letting her know it was ok. Relieved she continued. "Lizzy? And the others?" Christi was trying to understand. "Not in that way. Even with Kat it's virtually one sided." I explained cryptically. "Are you saying..." Christi asked out loud. "Lizzy isn't a lezzy, the fact is she isn't even bi." I assured her. "But..." Christi looked back to where Kat just went. "... your mom said..." "That is a secret you need to ask Lizzy about." I winked. "But you?" She asked. I only nodded. "Even Nikki and Sharon?" "At times." I replied. My eyes hadn't left hers, her dress still pulled up around her waist, her neatly groomed pussy on display. Christi looked at me cocking her head still soaking it all in. I reached for her, Christi shuddered as my hands gripped her waist. I pulled her dress down covering her sex. I held her ass firmly just the thin stretchy material between us. "Not going to happen." I whispered. "How can I thank you?" She whispered back. She seemed disappointed I refused her offer. "You already have." I assured her. "Besides I'm pretty sure I play for the wrong team." "But you are special?" It was part question, part statement. Christi looked deep in my eyes. "Not that special." I suggested. "You're leaving early aren't you?" "I have the afternoon shift and I didn't get much sleep last night." She giggled. "Actually none!" "Let's get you home." I said. "I don't live that far." She replied hoping I would let her go. "As head of security they provide housing." "Then I'll walk you there. Wife's orders." I insisted. Risking being rude she allowed me to walk her to the back corner of the property. The closer she got to the building the more nervous she got. I stopped her in a secluded spot and looked around. "I take it she's the jealous type?" I asked Christi. She blushed again. "You knew?" She reacted in shock. I winked. "Good night fair lady." I teased. I looked around again and pulled her closer, Christi looked up as she pressed against me, her body trembled as I pressed my lips to hers. A sudden calm came over Christi. Her tongue probed between my lips. I accepted and met her, we kissed far longer than I expected. I pulled away. She looked disappointed again. "Thank you for all you've done." I said, then handed her an envelope from my pocket. "What's this?" She asked a bit disoriented. "The phone calls. We had a deal." I replied. "I always keep my promises." I turned to leave. Christi grabbed me at the last minute. "Tonight after dark." "Excuse me?" I was the confused one now. "Sally's list. She wants you to make love to her on the beach." Christi grinned at me. "I get off at midnight but I might be able to linger around to provide some privacy?" "Are you sure?" I asked. "You lied back there Danny." She pointed in the direction of our cabana. "You are that special." I walked back to the cabana. I hardly recognized Sally she was so dark from the sun, and better yet she had no tan lines at all. Well maybe the crack of her ass. It was well past noon when all four of them were up. Sally and Mary were already at the beach sunning some more. I told Kat and Lizzy what Christi said. I thought Lizzy was going to run out to kiss Christi again. I met her at the rail she seemed to be waiting for me to arrive. "Are you sure?" I asked. This could get you in trouble. Maybe even fired!" "Nah, happens all the time, well maybe not someone like you!" She teased. "It's the off season. The beach is usually deserted this time of year. Just act drunk if you get caught. No one wants bad press." "Thank you. I want you to know it's going to be a surprise for Sally." I winked at her. "I think I owe you?" She replied. "Last night Danny... Kat, Lizzy!" Christi stopped short. "Christi, please don't take this wrong, last night wasn't supposed to happen. I am glad it did and so is Kat." "But!" She said a bit hurt. "There are six women. Six!" I repeated for effect. "There is a very fine line between harmony and world war three. Then there are the six kids which depend on them." "Then why did you let us the first time?" She looked at the beach with four of the women present. "You wouldn't believe me If I told you." I replied. "Try me." Christi said. "I followed my instincts." I smiled. She cocked her head trying to see if I was serious. Christi then burst out in a big smile. "Midnight! Oh and Danny. It might be best if it was just the two of you." She looked at Lizzy applying sunscreen on Sally's big tits again. "Agreed." I laughed. I left her standing there as I walked back to the cabana. ... ""Where are we going dressed like that?" Sally asked. "Trust me mom, hurry we need to go." Damn how long does it take to slip on a pair of sweat pants and a tee shirt I wondered? "Danny this isn't fair!" Lizzy protested. "I want to go!" "Lizzy we discussed this. Now be quiet here she comes." I scolded her. Sally was led to me by Mary. The black outfits Mary bought looked ridiculous but I hoped they would conceal us most of the time. I walked her along the lighted path hoping no one would see us. Christi was waiting for us, she checked to see if the coast was clear. There were few vacationers this time of the year, the beach looked deserted. She was at the railing where she unlocked the gate and opened it. Sally looked at her and back at me. "Danny is this what I think it's?" Sally beamed. "Sorry it's at night. but..." "You are such a wonderful lover!" She whispered. "I don't want to be rude but you really do need to hurry. I can't leave this gate unlocked for long!" Christi explained. I passed the sign that had kept me at bay for my time here. The one that had a red stripe through the circle with an arrow pointer. No men allowed beyond this point. This particular part of the beach was for women only! I grabbed Sally's hand, we walked across the deserted sand where the waves were lapping at the shore. I stripped her, she removed my shirt we locked in a standing embrace. The stars were out behind tufts of clouds a small crescent moon provided little light. I laid her down and moved between her legs. I knew she wanted me inside her but I wanted to make this night memorable. She gripped my hair and pulled me tight. I grazed on her pussy nibbling on her folds as they opened up for me. The sand was soft, she wiggled in it pulling her nipples for further effect. It was a small tremble then a solid shudder. She pulled me up so I could suck her clit. "Danny!" She cried out. "I'm cumming!" Her body shook then she pressed up as her hands forced my head down tighter. Her legs closed then opened hoping I could drive deeper. She bucked and wiggled, sand was kicking up. She pulled her tits stretching them up. AAARRRGGGHHHH! "Yes my love. Cum for me. Cum hard!" I encouraged her. Sally mashed my head back to her pussy as she desperately wanted me to suck her clit through her orgasm. My cheeks buckled as I drew the nub into my mouth she came all over again a second wave adding to the first. She pulled me up, I pushed my pants down. I aimed my cock at her pussy and drove it deep. "Yes. Oh god yes!" Sally sighed. She kissed me as I arched my back to find her mouth. Sally pulled me down and held me tight catching her breath. I could feel her big tits rise and fall as she pulled me tighter. "Danny. I still remember the first time you made love to me." Sally whispered. "I have never felt more loved by anyone. The first time you fucked me turned my life around and allowed me to be free." "I'm glad." I replied as I worked in and out of her. "You deserve this. This and so much more." "Thank you son." She giggled. "I know we don't have much time but I would love to feel your cum inside me." "My pleasure mom!" "Fuck me baby. Fuck your slut on this beach for all the world to see!" Sally begged. "God I love your cock!" There is no such thing as perfect love making I guess, but I would like to think we came close. She and I watched in the dim light as my cock slipped between her tan pussy. The sounds coming from us drowning out the surf. It was slow and fast, Sally mashed my chest with her tits. I pulled out once and rubbed my cock across her lips as she licked me. I fucked her some more then wiped our excitement on her tits. Sally then sucked my cuck. Moving to her knees she let me take her from behind. I drilled her cunt slapping her ass with my pelvis. Then just when I thought she would come she pulled off and ran to the water's edge. Sally laid in the water as it receded behind her. "Fuck me Danny, show me how much you love me!" I joined her in the surf my cock dripping pre-cum and her juices. She spread her legs and guided me back in her cunt. I was close, she was closer. The warm water splashed over us. Sally started to cum. "Fuck me Danny!" I shot my first load deep in her pussy. "Fuck me." The second load filled her now. "Fuck me." The third load gushed from her pussy. "Fuck me." The fourth load seared her clit as I pulled out and hit it dead on. She cried out as her orgasm pulsed inside her. Her hand jacked what little was left. She rubbed it over her clit as the surf washed it off. "Danny that was incredible!" Sally sighed as she pulled me back on top for another desperate kiss. "I told you!" Lizzy giggled. "Oh my god!" Christi laughed. "That was so hot!" "Lizzy!" I protested. I looked up to see them both naked watching us. "Danny you need to leave. We think someone saw you?" Lizzy said as she bent over to kiss me. "Hurry the gate is open." I found my pants and shirt and quickly made my way back across the beach. I passed Lizzy's cover up and Christi's uniform. I slipped through the gate. Kat and Mary were waiting. "Where's Sally?" Kat asked. "Lizzy and Christi said someone saw us and sent me back." I puffed catching my breath. "Were they naked?" Kat asked looking at the pile of clothes on the beach on the other side of the rail. I nodded. "And you believed her?" "You mean?" I sighed looking at the beach. The same beach I just came from. The same beach where I could clearly see nothing further than the glow of the lights along the path. "Lizzy?" "Come on lover, looks like Mary and I get you for the night!" Kat teased me. I was surprised when I emerged from the shower removing the sand from my body that Sally, Lizzy, and Christi were back. Christi dressed in her uniform again, however I noticed she was missing her bra. Lizzy and Sally stood before us stark naked. "Am I in trouble?" Lizzy asked as she led Sally past me heading to a bedroom. "What do you think?" I asked knowing she wanted to be. "Promise me you will punish me?" She smiled looking at Christi. "Promise!" I grinned. "Danny make sure our guest gets home safely." Lizzy called out as we all watched her lead Sally down the hall. "Oh and Danny, make sure you give our guest proper kiss goodnight. My house my rules!" Everyone including Christi knew what that meant. "Mary after you say goodbye to Christi please go and keep them company." I asked her. "Oh, and Lizzy is being punished until I get back." "Yes sir. I understand." Mary replied. She kissed Christi passionately and headed to the bedroom. "Christi would you like me to walk with you and Dan?" Kat asked. Christi looked at me and back to Kat. "I think it best you don't. There may be someone waiting for me, and after last night..." "I understand." Kat cut her off. "Do you?" Christi asked. She looked at me and then to Kat. There were suppressed emotions as they looked at each other. "Thank you Kathryn but I better go." Kat moved to her and kissed her passionately without answering her. Kat led her to me and headed to the bedroom as well. "I'll have her with me Danny." Kat said. "Take your time, she is being punished." I took Christi's hand and led her out the door. We walked in silence part of the way. "Nikki was her first true love." I broke the silence. We stopped at the rail looking over the beach still holding hands. "I see." Christi replied. "And now?" "Nikki has moved on with Lizzy's mom Sharon." I replied looking at the sky above. "And Kat? She's in love with you Danny. She didn't even have to tell me to see that." Christi claimed. "Lizzy?" "It gets complicated as you can see." I said. "Thank you for bringing them all back to me. I know..." "Will I see any of you again?" Christi asked cutting me off. "I doubt it." I replied. "This was all for Sally. This was on her list. Our hearts are at home." I explained not wanting to look at her. Christi squeezed my hand. We walked a bit. "Six kids?" She asked. "I always wanted kids. There was a time when I had a boyfriend...we talked about it...then. I guess..." "You're still young!" I replied. "Not for that. Maybe adopting?" Christi squeezed my hand again. "If the right person comes along." "She will." I smiled. "Promise." "Thank you for coming." Christy said her voice filled with emotion. She pulled me down for a prolonged kiss. She held on tight not wanting to let me go. "I think I love you?" I kissed her again and gently removed her arms from my neck. "I think you have someone waiting for you." I replied. Looking through the bushes at her residence. A woman that looked a bit older than her was sitting on the patio smoking. "Good night fair lady." Christi looked at the woman then back to me. "You say you always keep your promises?" Christi asked looking back at the woman again. "Are you sure she will come? The right person?" "She will, I promise." I replied then winked. I don't know why but I think she believed me. ... We all looked at the beach one last time. The taxis' were all loaded up. I was getting ready to move in beside the driver when I looked in the distance. Christi was watching from a far. The plane ride home was anticlimactic for sure. The reception when we got home was just the opposite. After that trip I took a few days to reflect on where we stood at this time in our lives. Sally seemed to have come to grips with her age. The list now all but checked off. She seemed to have enjoyed the trip but we never had the talk. I knew the time would come too soon. The kids were all growing and doing well. Bill stopped by several times a week now, ostensibly to see Cindy but I knew better. For now he would have to wait a bit longer. It's now 2014, almost two years since we moved to Florida. Having everyone so close is proving beneficial but raises new challenges. The responsibilities of work, school and raising six kids having shifted, so have the emotional needs. Time ticks on for us all and with each new day we choose how we want to live. Rachel, Sam's wife now, once accused me of being some kind of Svengali. There is no doubt I affect so many lives here, but not once has anyone asked to leave that I have not willingly supported. I would soon be tested on this front as well. This February we celebrated Cason's second birthday with the usual fanfare. For some reason Lizzy was becoming increasingly insecure and demanding. I wasn't alone in trying to address it. Kat and Sharon tried to help. Resentment was building, behind my back of course, but I could sense it. I knew I needed to act but how? Then as luck would have it circumstances took over. As always things seem to come in three's, and this time was no different, kind of. Out of the blue I received a call from Mark, Mary's ex-husband and Nikki's dad. I was taken by complete surprise as he spoke to me in a calm and respectful manner. He wanted to talk to Mary and hoped I would help him. He explained how he had hit bottom and was now putting his life back together. We talked for a considerable time. I even agreed to fly out and meet with him before he would talk to Mary. Not taking his word for it I made some inquiries and even called his employer and sponsor like he asked. Mary has visited Mark twice over the last couple of months. Sally went with her the first time. Mary just came back after a week alone with Mark. Several days after Mary returned he called. Mark and I talked for a long time. Sally and I sat down with Mary. It was a very emotional night for us all. After I called Mark back and voiced our concerns he readily agreed to all terms. The next night Mary met with Nikki in to discuss her intensions. I'm not sure who I was proudest of, Mark for turning his life around or Mary for accepting him back. Nikki and I waited as Mary checked in. They were both a bundle of nerves. "Are you sure mom?" Nikki kissed her one last time. "I loved him once, I think I can do it again." Mary smiled back. "You know there is always a place here for you." I said. I kissed Mary on the cheek. "Sally said she has a good feeling about this." Mary grinned nervously. "Tell dad I said hi." Nikki started crying. "I will baby." Mary promised as she walked through security. "I hate you Danny!" Nikki sobbed as her mom walked out of sight. "I know Nik, I know." I held her tight. "But it's what she wants." I knew the others were feeling the same way. I was proud of Nikki for letting her go. The week Mary was gone I received a call from Maggie, George's love interest back at home. The news wasn't good. George had another setback with his health. Out of respect for him I'll keep it confidential. George asked to see me. Maggie suggested it was no hurry but hoped I would find it in my heart to come soon. "Danny, do you think Sally would come?" She asked her sweet voice holding back tears. "We'll come together." I promised her. Maggie thanked me for understanding. That night I asked Sally to go to dinner with me. As I suspected she knew something was wrong. Sally met me dressed as sexily as she ever had. I took Sally to her favorite restaurant and all through dinner we avoided the inevitable. Back in the car she sat silently. "Where are we going?" She asked as I headed away from home. "Trust me, please?" I looked over at her she took my hand and closed her eyes. "Danny!" She protested. "Please Sally?" I replied. I valeted the car and entered the lobby with her arm and arm. We made it up to the room and I closed the door silently. She waited for me to approach her. I moved behind her unclasping her dress, I pulled the zipper down. I loved this dress. With no bra to support her large tits her back was unobstructed. I slipped the thin straps off her shoulders. Sally shivered in anticipation. Reaching in from behind. I lifted her tits and fondled them like she loved me to do. She leaned back into me savoring the moment as I kissed the back of her neck. Only her moans suggested I should move on. Slipping her dress down. I pulled it from her as she stepped free. Moving behind her I gripped a hefty breast with one hand and slipped my other inside her panties. Sally widened her stance giving me access to her dripping pussy. Coating the tit I held I offered it to her and like always she sucked it clean moaning. My fingers dipped in her honey pot the second time. I coated the same tit abut didn't offer it to her until my fingers worked back in her sopping cunt. Her lips wrapped around her stiff nipple and sucked. Sally started cumming the moment I brushed against her clit. Pushing back against me she was desperate to reward me but I held her firmly making her ride out the passion against my fingers. Sally almost went limp her orgasm was so strong. Pushing my arms from her she fell to her knees pulling at my belt and slacks. Soon she had me in her greedy mouth. I removed my shirt and tie tossing them with my jacket so she could look at me unimpeded. Sally was hungry with desire as she attacked my throbbing cock. One hand jacked me, the other coaxing cum from my balls. There was never any question what the outcome would be as Sally continued to pleasure me. I thought of holding off but knew she needed me. Wanting the night to last forever, reluctantly, I gave her what she worked so hard for. There was no longer a need to be gentle. Her eyes told me what she wanted. Placing my hand behind her head she reached up with her hand and pushed it for me. The time had come to take one remaining item off her list. I checked to make sure. I let her know it was going to happen. One last gasp, then I pulled her head hard. My cock slipped over her tongue and down her throat. I expected her to gag more but she suppressed it the best she could. With one last thrust I filled her stomach directly. I pulled out so she could breathe she pulled me back and cleaned me off swallowing what hadn't been injected in her belly. I went to kiss her but she refused my advances. Sally removed her panties and stuffed them in my mouth. Moving to the middle of the bed she spread her legs inviting me in. It took mere minutes to get hard enough to slip into her pussy. Once inside I continued to revive my previous aroused state. Knowing what she loved most I propped myself up and let her watch my cock stretch her pussy. Sally's slick folds caressed the length of my cock as she looked on. Sally grunted when I bottomed out. Spreading her legs farther she offered me the deepest most intimate parts of her body. Taking her legs I pushed them up to her chest and pummeled her pussy hard. Sally gazed into my eyes, she wanted this and so much more. She chirped with each thrust. Her hand found her clit and rubbed it stiffly as I continued to fuck her pussy. With a massive groan Sally came a second time. I released her legs and once again fucked her from on top. This time I trapped her hand on her clit sending her off again. I was still not ready to cum, I was holding off, I wanted her to remember this night. Her cunt would be sore for a week if need be but Sally was going to get everything I had. Turning her over I fucked her from behind. Sally whimpered until she came shortly before I did. I took the panties from my mouth and kissed her back. Starting at her neck I worked lower until I reached her creamy ass. Pulling her back on her knees I licked the crack focusing on her brown star. Sally sighed deeply as I worked my tongued deep in her asshole. I pulled my cum from her pussy and coated her asshole inside and out with it. I lined my cock up and started to push. Sally fell forward. Turning over she grabbed her legs and offered me her ass from this position. I dripped saliva on it and again pushed against her opening. Sally closed her eyes. I watched her lips tighten as the head worked past the initial resistance. A broad smile replaced it as I made my way deeper. When I bottomed out she opened her eyes showing me how happy she was. We both knew this could take some time. Her legs were up against my shoulders, her hands gripped my hips and showed me the pace she wanted. Sally played with her tits, sucked her nipples and rubbed her clit. After yet another orgasm she had me on the way. I picked up the pace helping me find the sweet spot for building my desire. Sally felt me getting close she purred as her ass loosened up welcoming me to continue on. She closed her eyes not in discomfort but to savor the moment. Reaching up she offered me her finger to my lips. I sucked it in and filled her ass as she came with me one final time. We were both covered in sweat as I rolled to the side pulling her close. I could feel our hearts beating as we lay together. Sally took my hand and wrapped it over her side as we both drifted asleep. The sun was up and so was I. I sat looking over this aged beauty wondering how I would live without her. I wasn't sad she would be leaving, I was happy for the time we had together. I knew I would see her again but we both knew this journey was now over. "I love you Daniel Masters." Sally said. It was the first words spoken since we entered the room. "I'm going to miss you my son." "I love you mom." I replied. She was crying now. I admit for just a moment. I was too. I sat and held her hand, she closed her eyes and a broad smile crossed her face. Tears continued to flow, happy tears this time. I could feel her love for me and knew in some small way we would always be connected. "Has the time has come?" She looked up at me no longer able to cry. "It has." I bent down to kiss her. "They are waiting for us." Sally stood naked with the spirt she always had when we were together. "A shower with your mom?" She asked. "I better not Sally." I replied. She hesitated for moment stung by my rebuke. Sally looked back seeing the difficulty I had using her proper name. She smiled and winked at me letting me know she understood. "You're probably right Daniel." Sally said seriously. "The farmer would be proud of you." We pulled in the drive, the kids had just left for school or day care. With Mary gone to be with Mark, the two of us walked in together. Sharon, Nikki, Kat, and Lizzy were waiting for us. For the next hour I explained what was happening with George. I went to work leaving them to comfort each other. I returned to greet the kid's home from school. Over the next few days they too were told that changes would be taking place. Kyle insisted he be with me when we told Cindy Sally would be leaving. Cindy struggled to understand this wasn't just another trip that Sally was taking. Cindy clung to Kyle the whole time never letting go. All through dinner she sat with him. It wasn't until she fell asleep in his arms that we could get her to go to bed. The next morning in front of everyone she confronted him. "You left me!" She screamed at Kyle as he sat at the table. "I hate you!" Cindy ran to her room and slammed the door. All eyes turned to this little pistol of a girl confronting her oldest brother. The women all looked at each other and then at me. I just smiled. "Dad can I take Cindy with you to say goodbye to Aunt Sally?" Kyle asked. There was a hush as he had never shown this kind of sensitivity or initiative before. "Please, go get Cindy and bring her here." I replied. "What if she won't come?" Kyle replied thinking she was mad at him. "You heard what she said!" "If you go alone she will come." I assured him looking at Lizzy. Confused he headed that way. It was moments later she emerged in his arms, Cindy's wrapped around his neck. Kyle questioned how I knew she would come with him. "Cindy, would you like to go with me to say goodbye to Sally?" I asked. You might think it was too much to ask a six year old, but Cindy is no average six year old. "No!" She protested. Holding tighter to Kyle. "Kyle is going with us. Are you sure?" I asked again. She looked at him to see if I was making it up. He nodded. "Will you come with me?" Kyle asked Cindy. "Yes!" She kissed his cheek. "I still hate you!" Cindy laid her head on his shoulder and smiled at me. The next day just the three of us went with Sally and landed at the airport not far from George's home. Except for Cindy and Kyle in the back seat the drive was quiet. We pulled into the drive I had known so well. I looked at Sally, she looked at me. I went and helped her out of the car. Kyle and Cindy were holding hands as we walked to the door. Maggie was waiting as we arrived. "Danny!" She greeted me happily. "Sally!" She hugged and kissed her first then me. "Maggie this is my son Kyle and our daughter Cindy." I introduced the kids. "George is upstairs. He would like to see you first Danny." Maggie explained. She pointed to an elevator he had installed. I went up and talked to him for almost an hour. Coming back down Sally and Maggie were talking with Cindy and Kyle. Sally stood. The moment had come. I embraced her, she held me tight. "I love you Aunt Sally." I whispered. "I love you Danny." She whispered back. Sally moved to Kyle. "Take care of my angel will you son?" Kyle ran to her and kissed her cheek. He was crying now. "I promise mom!" Sally moved to Cindy, bending down she took her in her arms moving her head against her large breasts. Cindy didn't cry instead she looked up at Sally. "Don't cry mommy. I'll come see you!" Cindy looked up smiling. I was so proud of her. "Mommy loves you baby." Sally kissed her one last time before handing her off to Kyle. "Danny before you go." She held her hand above mine and dropped two rings in my palm. One was Mary's the other was hers. "Call me when you get home and let me know you're safe." The car ride back to the airport was mostly silent, Cindy had dozed off, her head on Kyle's lap. I checked in the car then we waited for the plane to load. Kyle sat beside me holding Cindy as she slept. "Dad. I'm sorry." Kyle said trying to make it better. "Kyle, there isn't anything to be sorry for. I was lucky just to have her in my life. This is where she needs to be right now." I said "Someday soon you will understand." "I think I already do." He looked at Cindy in his arms and smiled. "I think you're right." I smiled back. We woke Cindy and loaded on the plane. As soon as the seat belt light went out Cindy crawled in my lap. She sat with me and played with Kyle until we landed. "Daniel you have made him a very happy man. I don't know how to thank you?" Sally said on the phone. "Just tell him I love you both for everything the two of you have done." I replied. Sally was someone Lizzy had bonded with well before we were married. In fact Sally was really the one that brought us together. Sally has been an integral part of not only our home life but our sex life as well. I could go on for hours about the games and story lines the two of them concocted. It wasn't always spectacular but between the two of them it was usually memorable. They fed off each other, teased each other, but most of all loved each other. I'm sure as much as I miss, and will miss Sally, Lizzy will miss her more. The fact is the two of us have really never been alone for more than just a few days. With Sally no longer involved in our lives on a daily basis, Lizzy is worried she won't be enough for me. She's wrong. Lizzy was waiting for me in bed a few nights later. Dressed in just a sexy bra and panties she laid nervously as I entered. I smiled at her the moment I saw her, she seemed apprehensive as I moved closer. "Danny do you still love me?" She asked her voice quivering. "More than ever!" I replied. "But..." "Shhh, my love. Not another word until you cum!" I pressed my finger to her lips. I removed my clothes and lay beside her. My finger traced the bra around her breasts. The dark skin contrasting with the bright pink pattern. I leaned and kissed her nipple through the material. Lizzy closed her arms tight beside her breasts forcing them up as she squealed in delight. Slowly I moved one strap from her shoulder kissing the top of her breast to the side of her neck. "You taste yummy!" I teased her not kissing her just yet. Moving back to her chest I slipped the other strap off. I gazed now upon both dark brown slopes. I lingered waiting for her to respond. Lizzy sighed, her arms still pushing her tits up. I peeled one cup off and suckled her nipple like I had done when they offered me her milk. "Danny." She moaned. "Shhhhh..." Lizzy helped me remove her bra letting her modest tits fall to the side of her chest. I sucked one up pulling it taunt. God how I loved these I thought. The dark areolas seemed bigger than before she nursed. Her nipples thicker and but just as sensitive. I slipped my hand over her tummy. She tensed letting me know she was still self-conscious about her body. I placed my lips to her stomach and blew firmly giving her a zerbert. Lizzy doubled up laughing and pushed me away. I slipped my hand under her panties. Her pussy raised to meet it. I found her clit and brushed it lightly on my way to the goal. "No talking until you cum!" I reminded her. I moved my lips near hers, my hand finding the source of her wetness. I watched her melt into submission as my finger slipped inside. "Show me you want it!" I teased. Lizzy pushed her pussy up with her legs. The panties not allowing me the movement she wanted. I slipped a second finger beside the first. She gasped still straining to push higher. "I love this part." I teased some more. "You want to spread your legs so I can go deeper but if you do. I can't remove your panties!" Lizzy rolled her hips so her pussy could face my hand. She was bucking now. Fucking my fingers still inside her panties. She wanted them off. She wanted to open her sex to me so I could fuck her properly. "Cum my love. Cum for me, and then I'll give you what you want!" I whispered in her ear. She bucked again. Her long lithe body contorted desperately searching for more. I brushed her clit with my thumb. Lizzy gasped. Her hand grabbed my wrist and forced mine hard to her sex, Lizzy bucked again, one, more, time. "IM CUMMING!" She yelled. I clamped my mouth over hers muffling any additional sounds. She fucked my hand her body twisting and turning hoping her panties would magically disappear. I pulled my hand from her sex as she clamped her legs shut. I was pulling at her panties, it was all she could do to open her legs to let me pull them off. I removed my mouth from hers. "Daniel! Fuck me!" I moved between her legs, she was still recovering from her orgasm. I pried her legs apart, the pink inner pussy flesh beckoned my cock. With brute force I held her open and stuffed my cock in her flowing pussy. Lizzy pulled me down her ebony legs wrapped behind mine "YES!" She cried out. "Fuck me. Please fuck me." Her voice trailed off as she felt me deep inside her. Her legs held me tight. She now kept me from moving in her. "I love you inside me." She looked up her breathing starting to regulate. "I love being in you!" I reminded her. "This is my all-time favorite pussy!" I assured her. "Do you mean that Danny?" She held me tighter. I tried to fuck her but she wouldn't let me move. "What do you think?" I asked. "I'm not the same little girl you married." Lizzy said her voice sounded uncertain. "I'm not hard and firm anymore. My titties sag, my tummy is soft, my pussy isn't as tight. It was a cold hard slap in the face. She had eluded to it before but now she had smacked me with it like a cold wet rag. It broke my heart she felt that way. So you think I wanted to marry you because you were a hot piece of ass? Is what I wanted to say? "Elizabeth. You were a beautiful woman when I married you, but you need to understand you are still a beautiful woman today. Each time I see your tits I remember how I suckled them. Each time I feel your soft skin on your tummy it reminds me what you carried inside. As for your vagina if anything it's more perfect than before!" I tried to cheer her up. "You are exactly the same little girl that I married. The one I fell in love with so many years before I would admit it. She just has a little different body than she had then. Maybe she is more mature but she is still that little girl inside." "You mean that Danny?" She asked. "I promise!" I replied. "Then fuck your wife!" She laid back and spread her legs. "Fill that pussy and make me happy!" I pulled back we both looked at my cock slide from her dark brown pussy lips. Lizzy's pink clit just protruded from its protective hiding spot. I plunged in. We both shivered in excitement. Pulling out her juices told me how excited she really was. I started a rhythm I knew she liked. Shifting my cock to massage her G spot. Before long she was panting again. With no restrictions she voiced her pending climax. I was lost in a world of my own. I loved this woman. I loved fucking her. I loved being with her. It was time to show her just how much. I picked up the pace pistoning in faster and faster. Our bodies slapped together. Her clit rode the ridge of my cock as I pulled out and then shifting to pleasure her G spot going back in. "Danny!" Lizzy moaned in desperation. "Hurry!" She pleaded. She hadn't needed to say it, I was already ahead of her. I felt her quiver and then with a force I rarely summoned I filled her pussy. "AAAARRRRGGGGG!" I cried out. "OOOOOOHHHH YYEESSS!" She responded. I collapsed on top of her. Letting her share her orgasm with me. "I love you Danny." Lizzy said as she snuggled up against me. I knew we both had made progress. She knew I still loved her, but I knew this wasn't over yet. In the morning I left the two rings of Mary and Sally on Lizzy's dresser. I knew it upset her but she didn't want to talk about it. Having Sally and Mary leave didn't solve the underlying problem. If anything it made it worse. Before I could put my plan into action a second situation came to my attention. There was unrest in the other house. This was a bit more complicated since it involved something I couldn't control. Politics! Sharon is now running her own insurance firm. The previous owner only comes in part time to help out and stay involved. Kat is still working for Sharon and they love it. I've always wondered what kind of conversations they have when they are at work. Sharon and Kat rarely spend time alone but they are still quite affectionate when they are together. Nikki is transitioning with Ivan's help to handle all of our business accounting. He may even stay on part time just for something to do. Nikki has become an integral part in all we do. She loves the daily challenge and Ivan has been a great mentor. Professionally Nikki is as happy as I have ever seen her. I feel she has found her purpose in life. Nikki and Sharon have become much closer in recent years and even more so these past few months. I always felt that part of why Mary left was to distance herself from Sharon. I even discussed it with Mary, but she assured me it was all about her and Mark getting back together. With Mary's departure Nikki and Sharon are almost exclusive. Nikki and Kat rarely spend time together being intimate. If that happens it is at most once a month. They do however talk constantly. They always have and still do look after the kids as equal mothers. Recently Nikki has wanted to marry Sharon. The state of Florida has been fighting the courts for years. Nikki talked about moving to another state to get married but you would need to become a resident for at least six months. The second reason to get married was to keep Sharon to herself. The first situation I had no control over except to point out that moving away would require changes not only to their jobs but more importantly to our kids. The second issue was less of a problem for me, but I knew it would affect mom. Kat and I talked extensively. Like I knew she would Kat agreed to support Nikki in any decision she made. I talked to Sharon as well. She was willing to support her lover but agreed the alternatives were drastic. I floated a plan I thought might offer Nikki what she wanted and at the same time keep the amount of disruption to a minimum. Sharon and I sat down with Nikki and I presented my plan. My grandfather Charles had left me their condo on the ocean. Each winter a family rented it. The agreement was they had it during the winter as long as they could come. With age and failing health they no longer came. With only two bedrooms it was too small for our family. The last few years I have rented it out using it only occasionally when it wasn't rented. The condo is about ten miles from the house but a good twenty minute drive. I offered to let them stay there for six months, just the two of them, or with Kyle, Kenzi, and Hunter, Nikki's and my three children. I agreed Kat and I wouldn't visit. They could drop the kids off at school and they would be waiting here to be picked up after work. The next day Nikki and Sharon agreed to try it. Kyle asked to stay here with Cindy. With all parties agreeing, Kenzi and Hunter would go live with their mom. It took only weeks to move in. Before I left for work that morning Sharon and Nikki gave me their rings. They were now committed to each other. With Sally and Mary gone the kids were being cared for by working adults. With Sharon and Nikki gone that left Kat, Lizzy and me. Kat had taken off work to help out but she still had responsibilities there. Lizzy to had commitments at work even though her schedule was more flexible. Me? Well good luck figuring out my schedule, even my assistant can't do that. I fixed that problem easily. I hired Mrs. Martinez to watch the kids and do some light house cleaning. She came highly recommended. Late forties, average height and weight. Long black hair she kept tied up, a pretty face that would look better with a smile. She and her husband have two grown children. Efficient she was. Personable she wasn't. Still her efforts allowed me to focus on the real problem at hand. Kat met me at home for lunch. Lizzy had taken Kyle and the rest of the kids to the beach to spend the day with Nikki and their siblings. I led her to her room and sat beside her. She held my hand for a brief moment we looked at each other. I could see the lust in her eyes. I pulled her facing me in my lap our lips met with all the passion we could muster. "I need you?" She hissed. "I know!" I bit her lower lip softly. "Now Danny I need you now." She bit me back. I pulled her top over her head. Her bra hit the floor at the same time. I kissed her again as she worked my shirt off. I nibbled on her ear as she started to stand. We removed our shorts, undergarments and all. I pulled her closer and sucked her nipple. She moaned then squealed as I bit it gently. "In me NOW Danny!" Kat scampered on the bed, she wiggled her ass at me while I grabbed the lube. There was no extended foreplay just desire as I placed my cock against her asshole. "Hurry Danny!" "Mom! We need to at least start slow." I suggested. The lube spread beside the head of my cock. A small wave pushing towards the ridge. I could hear her panting as the last of the purple head slipped past her tight opening. "Oh baby that feels so delicious!" She whimpered. "Deeper Danny. Hurry!" "You have the most magnificent ass mom!" I complimented her. "Then fuck it" She begged. I pushed myself all the way in she cooed as my pelvis pressed against her ass. "I can never get enough of that!" Kat sighed. "Now baby don't make mommy beg. Not today!" With those words I proceeded to fuck her ass just like she loved it least. Slow and steady. I let her feel every vein, every ripple my cock possessed. She knew each one by heart now but she loved it just the same. Kat moaned begging me to pick up the pace but I knew there would be more pleasure if we took our time. And for now we had that luxury. Slowly I brought her to the brink of her first orgasm. When she was close I pulled my cock out letting the cool air enter her distended ass. "No baby. Please just fuck me!" She whimpered. "Please let me cum?" I pushed back in spreading her open, Kat's body did a quick shiver. I pulled out again she groaned in frustration. I let her asshole wink at me. I knew her pussy was doing the same. I ran my finger over her clit. She pushed back, I impaled her ass again but this time she was prepared. Kat slammed back taking me completely inside. "I'm cumming baby. Fuck me!" Kat squealed. I stroked her slowly she spasmed through a small orgasm in no way filling her need. "Danny!" I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her in my lap as I sat back on my thighs. With one hand I gripped her tit the other I snaked between her legs. "Now cum for me mother!" I teased her pussy and rubbed her clit. My hand fondled her tit as I kissed the back of her neck. She bounced on my cock still buried in her ass but in this position she could move very little. I pressed two fingers inside her dripping cunt beside my cock. Strumming her clit I knew this wouldn't take long. "Oh Danny...I'm cummmmmmmiinnng!" Kat twisted free of my grip on her tit and pulled my mouth to hers. She kissed me as she rode out a shattering orgasm her ass pressed firmly to me. I fed her the hand from her pussy she greedily licked it clean. I pushed her forward until she was back on her knees. "You want to cum mom? Then cum!" I spanked her ass firmly then started fucking her like she wanted before. "Danny nooooooo!" She complained. We both knew this time she meant yes. I dribbled more lube on her ass, my cock was met with little resistance now. She wiggled beneath me as I moved so fast the sounds of us slapping together were out of sync with the motions. "Hurry Kat. I need you to cum!" I warned her. I felt her fingers now in her pussy I knew she was rubbing her clit. "Mom I'm almost there!" Then like a switch turned on and a lightning bolt stuck her ass Kat started grunting. "Now baby! Now!" Kat pleaded. I sent a wad of cum deep in her ass as she continued to grunt encouragement. A ringing in my ears, a pounding in head, a spasm in my body let me know her ass was full of cum. I fell backwards. The last thing I saw clearly was her asshole gaping open and my cum running over her pussy. I caught my breath and she hers. We met in the middle kissing and holding each other tight. We took separate showers. We didn't even talk while she got dressed. I loaded her bags in the car. Kat took a long look at the house and sighed. I could see how conflicted she was. We both knew it had to be done. I sat on the bench with her looking at the time. "You better go." I said calmly. "Are you sure Danny?" Kat asked. "I think so?" I replied. "What if she doesn't come?" Kat looked at me nervously. "This isn't Becky, Danny." The reference was clear. "If you feel that way. Don't come back without her then!" I said firmly. "What about you?" Kat's eyes watered. "Trust me." I replied. "I would feel better if Sally was here." She said. "So would I." I kissed her. Kat turned leaving me stand there watching her leave. The ride home was somber. I entered the house and called Mrs. Martinez. Before I hung up she agreed to help. I went into the bedroom and looked at her dresser they were all setting there just like I left them. They arrived later than I expected. I carried Casen and Cindy, while Kyle carried Mikayla. Lizzy brought in the bags. I put the Casen and Mikayla to bed. Lizzy got Cindy ready and Kyle went in to read her a story. I said good night to Kyle and Cindy. Lizzy met me in bed I could tell she was exhausted. "You and Kat have a good day?" Lizzy asked as she snuggled against me. "We made love around noon." I replied. "Without me?" She teased. "We did." I replied. "I wish you wouldn't do that." Lizzy said, but was too tired to tease me any further. "We won't. Not without your blessing." I answered. "Thank you. I'll talk to her in the morning." Lizzy giggled as she closed her eyes. "She isn't here Lizzy. She left." I explained. "Ok then another day perhaps." She drifted asleep just like that. ... "DANIEL MASTERS where is she?" Lizzy was screaming. I looked up it was still dark outside. Lizzy was standing beside the bed looking at me furiously. I sat up to face her. Then I saw she had Kat's ring in her hand. "I told you she left." I repeated. "You go get her right now Danny!" She screamed. "I can't do that." I replied. "Why not?" She yelled. "I promised her I wouldn't." I said calmly. "I can't call her either." "You did this didn't you?" Lizzy yelled. "Just like you sent Nikki to mom! Just like you sent Kat to Becky? Just like you let Mary go? And Sally, you let Sally leave!" "I didn't send her, but I did let her go." I corrected her. "She's your mother. She is the love of your life!" Lizzy yelled. "No Lizzy, you're wrong, YOU are the love of my life?" I replied back firmly. "She needs you! You need her!" Lizzy screamed. "She wants me. YOU need me. I want her but I need YOU!" I raised my voice just to let her know I was serious. "Don't you get it Lizzy? You are the one. You always have been. The others I made happy, but you my love, you are the one that makes me happy!" I explained calmly. "You are the only one I ever went to!" "But I gave them all the rings for you!" She said quietly. "I did it for you!" "No my love. They already had the rings. You didn't give them. You returned them. A gift is something you didn't have before." I tried to explain. "They weren't mine. They were ours. All of ours. Each part of the others." "You mean...?" They all left for you. Sally, Mary, Nikki, your mom. Even Kat. They all want you happy." I explained. "But Kat. Why did she leave you? She has a home here?" Lizzy protested. "Did you ever think maybe she didn't leave me?" I asked. The room became eerily quiet. "Danny what are you saying?" Lizzy asked. I could see her start to wobble. "Why her Lizzy? None of the others? Just Kat? I asked "Tell me Lizzy tell me why she is the only one?" "Danny? Are you saying she left me not you?" Lizzy stood shaking. I reached out and took her hand. "Maybe you should ask her when you see her." I replied. "Danny what if she won't come back?" Lizzy started to cry. "It's time you learn what true love is my dear." I pulled her tight. "Sometimes when you let go you get more love back than you gave. Remember that my love. Other times you need to show them they are worth pursuing!" "Please take me!" She pleaded. "No Lizzy. I think this is one time you need to go alone." I assured her. "You get ready and I'll book your flight." "A flight?" Lizzy asked. "Where am I going?" "You'll know when you get there." I smiled. A flurry of activity preceded the moment she stood in front of me. The cab was outside waiting. "What should I say?" Lizzy stood nervously in front of me. "Maybe if you gave her something that meant more than words?" I suggested. "The ring!" Lizzy shrieked. I followed her to the dresser where she had returned it with the others. She pulled Kat's from the top and showed it to me. I took the ring. "Here I have a case to put it in." I said. I took the ring and set the case on top of the dresser. "In the drawer is the box." She opened the drawer I flipped the case open to put the ring in. Closing the case I put it in the box, then placed the lid on top. Lizzy retied the ribbon and placed it in her purse. "I hate you Daniel Masters." She said as I walked her to the cab. Her kiss reminded me how much. I found the cheapest ticket I could find to get Lizzy to the resort. I wanted her to have plenty of time to think and reflect before she faced Kat. I knew the risks of letting Kat go. There was even a slight chance Lizzy wouldn't come back. I called Mrs. Martinez and she came to help me get the kids ready for school. Kyle and Cindy both noticed Lizzy and Kat were gone. I dropped Mikayla and Casen off at daycare. Mrs. Martinez stayed at the house to clean. Being the first day I was confident but not cocky. I knew the stakes were higher than ever before. Sharon stopped to pick up Kayla and Hunter on her way home to the condo. Kyle went with her so he could babysit his siblings. Sharon and Nikki were attending some seminars the next few nights. Kyle left leaving Cindy with me and the toddlers. Cindy had Mikayla ready for bed as I dealt with the bundle of energy, Casen, now two and a half. I was chasing a naked baby down the halls when the phone rang. Cindy in her ever helpful way answered it. I knew it was Lizzy the moment Cindy begged her to bring Kat back home. "Lizzy?" I answered as Cindy handed me the phone. "Danny!" She started crying. "I messed up bad!" "Tell me baby." I tried to calm her down. "She's with Christi!" Lizzy sobbed in the phone. "Did you give her the ring?" I asked. "No. I want to come home!" Lizzy was sobbing uncontrollably. "Lizzy? Remember the day I proposed?" I asked. "Remember how you made me come to you?" "Yes." She sniffled. "Open the box and take out the ring." I explained. "Now?" She asked. "Yes baby now." I replied. I heard her put down the phone. "Danny are you sure?" Lizzy squealed in happiness. "Remember what I said last night?" "Sometimes when you let go, you get more love back than you gave." Lizzy repeated. "Make sure she opens the case with Christi." I suggested. "I love you Danny!" Lizzy said her voice filled with emotions. We hung up. Cindy crawled on my lap and looked up at me. With Kyle gone and both moms away I knew what she wanted. "Well baby I guess it's just you and me!" I teased her. Cindy flung her arms around my neck. "It's ok daddy. I'll take care of you!" She hugged me tight. "Can we play Barbie's?" She giggled. "Sure I replied." Why not I figured. Maybe I would have more success with a toy woman? The thought that just months ago there were six women in my life and now there may be none didn't escape my thoughts. I was pretty sure Lizzy would return but Kat was another gamble on my part. Christi wasn't Becky. This is a woman like Nikki that Kat could fall in love with. Still I had no right to keep her from finding that out. Letting kids sleep with us was never a practice we encouraged. There were exceptions if they were sick, or if there was a storm. Cindy was in our bed when I came from the shower. I usually just sleep in pajama bottoms but I pulled on the top as well. I moved to the opposite side of the bed from where she was sleeping. I must have been more tired than I realized. I woke to the patter of feet and the not so discreet whispers of Cindy and Casen. I opened my eyes, it was dark, the clock said it was two in the morning. Mikayla had already joined me in the bed. Cindy now helping Casen. With the mission now accomplished the three of them jockeyed for position. Cindy holding her sister as Casen snuggled next to me. "Are you happy now?" I asked Cindy. "They were lonely too!" She whispered. If Mrs. Martinez was concerned Lizzy and Kat were still missing she never said a word about it. Cindy was off to school Mikayla and Casen stayed home today with her. I went to the office. Nikki asked if I had heard anything. I explained that Lizzy called but offered no details. I decided to work at home in the afternoon to give Mrs. Martinez a break with the kids. She has only been here a few months, and she still has not offered to call her by her first name. It became apparent that afternoon she had warmed up considerably to the kids and them to her. She was no Sally or Mary but there was genuine concern and attention devoted to the children. When school let out and all six were now in the house her drill sergeant side came out. Asking about homework and making sure schedules were followed. Snacks were limited to the dining room and kitchen. Play time was outside so I could work. Dinner was started, Mrs. Martinez's eyes never seemed to leave the window. Kyle was allowed to visit his friend with strict instructions to be home on time. Sharon came and picked up Hunter, Kenzi, and Kyle. She asked if I had heard any more than I told Nikki at work. She left disappointed. I too was becoming concerned. The bed was filled with kids as I emerged from the bathroom after my shower. I pulled my top over my head and slid into the spot Cindy had no doubt left for me. I woke from my slumber to the sounds of someone in the house. I listened to see if I should be concerned then I heard them talking. "Daddy!" Cindy whispered. "I know." I replied back. "Pretend you're asleep." "Ok!" She giggled. Lizzy came in the bedroom quietly heading to the bathroom. When the bathroom door opened the light from inside cast a ray providing a glimpse of what was waiting if Lizzy looked. The bathroom door closed the illumination trapped inside the bathroom with her. Cindy and I heard Lizzy sigh. "Daddy?" Cindy whispered. "Not yet." I replied moving closer to Casen and Mikayla. Cindy woke her sister I could hear her whisper in her ear. The door opened and the light extinguished. I felt her slip in behind me. There is no feeling in the world as when the one you love pulls you close. I felt her shake as her hand held me tight. Lizzy was crying. I rolled to face her. Kissing her gently she stopped crying for the moment. I kissed her some more until she melted in my arms. "I have a gift for you!" Lizzy whispered. "I have a better one for you." I whispered back. "Now Cindy!" I said. "Mommy!" She and Mikayla squealed as I turned on the light. Casen woke startled but when he saw Lizzy his fear turned to joy. The three of them climbed over me attacking Lizzy. Her tears of love for me quickly turned to tears of love for the kids. Hugs and kisses lasted for many minutes. Lizzy was overcome with emotion. Cindy looked at me smiling. She grabbed Mikayla's hand and led her out the door. "He's not lonely anymore." Cindy told her sister. "You can sleep with me!" I picked up Casen. Lizzy looked at me still a bit overwhelmed. "Here let me, she said taking Casen from me." She hugged her baby like never before. "Let mommy tuck you in sweetie!" I waited for some time before she returned. Lizzy had brought back not only Kat but Christi as well. The day Sally bolted from the house when she caught Lizzy with Kat everything changed. Sally and I both knew what she and Lizzy had would never be the same. Something happened that day with Kat, a connection was made that Lizzy has been afraid to admit. Lizzy doesn't see Kat as a lover, although they have been intimate. The fact she brought Christi back is proof of that. No it's deeper than that, I think Lizzy sees Kat as the person that replaced Val, her grandmother, in her life. Like Kat, Val was a strong woman, a sensual woman, a caring woman. Like Kat a woman that devoted her life not only to her son, but his wife. And not just any wife, but also a strong woman, a loving mother, and a sexual partner. I could be wrong, but I think the apple has not fallen far from the tree. Without a word she laid down beside me. I pulled her close. We kissed for several minutes. "What did you learn?" I asked my question taking her off guard. Regaining her composure. Lizzy was quick to respond. "I learned Lizzy isn't a lezzy! She giggled. "But she can't live without your mom!" Lizzy replied seriously. "You ok with that?" I asked sincerely. "Will you still love me if I am?" She gazed in my eyes. "I always have before." I replied. "You knew?" She cocked her head. "I knew the moment we first kissed." I replied. "Don't get weird on me, but it really was more than just a kiss!" "Danny I hate you!" Lizzy protested remembering how we teased each other when she was teenager. I turned out the light and kissed her deeply. "But what about your present?" She giggled. "She can wait. You're being punished!" "Promise?" Lizzy squealed as I pulled off her pajamas. "Promise!" I replied as she helped me remove mine. I know we have made love more passionately before but I don't know if it ever meant more to both of us than it did tonight. Lizzy slid down taking my cock in her mouth eliciting my first groan. Laying between my legs I offered to return the favor. Lizzy slyly let me know that her time from home wasn't all drama. She took her time changing positions and style several times. Lizzy loves to suck just the head and jack me with her hand, then when I arched my back she would fill her mouth until she gagged. Her long fingers caressed my balls. She held me at the edge of orgasm. "Cum for me Danny. Let me taste your love!" She purred. As soon as she sucked the chrome from my helmet her mouth filled with fresh semen. She jacked me through the end of my orgasm. My hands flailing trying not to push her head down over my cock. Lizzy sucked and licked and nibbled the sensitive bulb. I could feel her licking the little slit on the end. No longer able to stand the torment I pulled from her mouth and rolled on top of her. "That was so much love!" Lizzy squealed. "Will you have any left for my pussy?" 'Let's find out?" I grunted as I slammed my cock in her cunt. "I think hubby missed me!" Lizzy teased. "I have been a bad girl!" The feeling of her velvet walls against my cock was like heaven. The head was still too sensitive but the rest was basking in warm slick pleasure. I rolled us over putting Lizzy on top. This wasn't her favorite position, but then again she was being punished. She started working me with her pussy. My hands found her tits. I rolled the sensitive nipples between my fingers. Lizzy whimpered picking up the pace. I refused to let go as she bucked harder slamming her pussy hard over my cock. "Danny!" She gasped. I pulled her nipple lifting them slightly. Lizzy was drawn between following my hands or continue fucking me. She did both. Her pussy gurgled with me inside. I watched her stomach tighten her ribs jutted out just below her chest. Lizzy held her breath then with her nipples surely burning she arched her back and proceeded to climax! Lizzy shuddered above me bouncing quickly, very quickly on my cock. I could have come but I decided to wait. I let her finish, then pulling her off I moved behind her and pulled her to her knees. "I should take that tight black ass!" I teased her. "No Danny! Please no, I promised Kat!" She replied. I pushed in her pussy Lizzy groaned and pushed back. "Cum!" Demanded. "I just did!" Lizzy protested "Cum again. You're being punished!" I reminded her. I felt her finger rub her clit the other hand caressed my balls. She wasn't playing fair hoping I would come first. I started fucking her faster but this just made me want to cum even more. "Cum Lizzy!" I begged. Her hand moved faster. I heard her moan. Her pussy gripped my cock which was all I needed to fill her cunt. She pulled off after the second rope shot in side. The others coated her back and ass while she continued to rub her clit through her orgasm. I flopped down beside her. Lizzy moved to me and took my cock in her mouth sucking me clean. She lay on top of me. I rubbed my cum in her back. "Danny I promise to be a good wife from now on." Lizzy kissed me. "I love you so much." "I love you too Lizzy but daddy is tired. He needs to sleep." She kissed me. I had a feeling of a warm wet cloth wash my cock and balls. The shower was running... To be continued ...
Title: Frank and Tanya Tags: loving wives, wife, union I sat there and stared at her incredulously. It took a few seconds for what she had said to register and in those few seconds my mind went back in time. I'd met Tanya Louise Marshall on the first day of school when I started the eighth grade. She had just moved to town and didn't know anyone in the class. From the first time I'd laid eyes on her I was lost. I introduced myself and she gave me a big smile and said that she was glad to meet me. My eyes followed her everywhere she went and when school let out for the day I asked her if I could walk her home and she said that it was sweet of me to ask, but she was going with some of the girls she'd met that day. That was just the first of a thousand rejections that I received over the next ten years. They were always nice and gentle refusals, but refusals none the less. When we graduated from college she took a job somewhere on the west coast and I went to work in the family business and did my best to forget Tanya. \++++++++++++++++++++ Even though my mind was always on Tanya I didn't let my feelings for her get in the way of my dating others. I did have an active social life even if I wasn't having it with the girl I wanted to have it with. Pauline French relieved me of my virginity and Harlina Collins, Beverly Abbeg and Nancy Wilde saw to the furtherance of my sexual education. A year out of college I met and married Nancy Neubert. The marriage only lasted two years. It ended when I caught her in bed with her high school sweetheart. It was a cliché. I came home early one day and caught Nancy and her lover in bed. I was very civil about it and simply told him to get dressed and get out of my house and he dressed and left without a word. I told Nancy to pack a bag and go stay with her parents while I talked to an attorney to see where things would go from there. She begged me to let her stay and told me that it wasn't what I thought it was. I laughed at that and she said: "Its true baby; it wasn't what you think. I love you and you know I do. All that happened here today was closure. Closure for both Alan and me" and then she told me the story. She and Alan had been a couple from the seventh grade on. By the tenth they were already talking about marriage after high school graduation. Alan felt that since they were going to get married anyway it wouldn't matter if they started having sex. Nancy told him no. She told him that she intended to go to her marriage bed a virgin. He kept pushing and pushing and she finally broke down enough to start giving him hand jobs. By mid eleventh grade she had progressed to giving Alan blow jobs. Alan still kept pressing and she promised him that she would give him more sex than he could handle once they tied the knot, but not before. He told her he was going to hold her to that promise. During the summer vacation between eleventh and twelfth grades Alan's father took a promotion that required that they move eleven hundred miles away. Alan promised that he would come back for her as soon as he had his high school diploma and then he reminded her of her promise. Nancy and Alan had stayed in touch all through the next year and then suddenly she stopped hearing from him and all her letters to him went unanswered. After a while she figured that he had found someone new and she got on with her life. We met and married and then one day Alan showed up where she worked and they had a tearful reunion. Over lunch Alan brought Nancy up to date on what had happened to him. He and his mom and dad had been involved in a five car pile up on I-5 and his parents had been killed. He had survived, but was in a comma for nine months. When he had come out of it he had no long term memory. After a year in rehab and therapy his memory had come back and as soon as he was able he had come back for her. He was bitter at finding out she was married. They had lunch together a couple of times a week and according to Nancy she only did it because she felt so bad over thinking that he had found someone else and that's why he stopped communicating with her. Over one of those lunches he reminded her of her promise to him. She told him she couldn't because she was now married to me. He told her that she owed him for all the times she sent him home with blue balls and she kept saying that she couldn't, Alan kept working on her and she decided that she would do it one time with him more to settle what she thought of as a debt than because of love. It would give closure to their interrupted relationship. "I felt I owed him baby. After all he had been through he came for me only to find that I hadn't waited for him. It was only going to be the one time and you were never supposed to know about it. Honest to God baby it was only going to be the one time. I love you Frank and you know I do. Please try to understand and please, for God's sake, forgive me." I told her she still needed to pack a bag and leave because I had a lot of thinking to do and I didn't need her around distracting me. \++++++++++++++++++++ She went to stay with her folks and I spent a week thinking about the situation and in the end I decided to take a chance on Nancy. She came back home and then proceeded to do her absolute best to spoil me rotten and fuck me to death. After a couple of months it occurred to me that she was trying too hard and I started thinking that it was her way to keep me from thinking about what she might be doing so I decided to do some checking. I could account for all of her time in the evenings and on the weekends, but then I remembered that she said that she had met her old boyfriend for lunches. I took a couple of days off work and was parked down the block from where Nancy worked about a half hour before her lunch hour. Nothing happened on Monday, but Tuesday she came out of the building at twelve noon and I followed her to the Starlight Motel. She pulled up and parked in front of room 103 and sat there. Two minutes later a car with California plates pulled up next to her. Alan got out of the car, walked over to Nancy's car, leaned in her window to kiss her and then went to the office. He came back with a key and the two of them went into room 103. I sat and watched the door to 103 until Nancy came out and then I followed her back to work. Once she went inside I went back to the Starlight and a fifty dollar bill got me the information that Alan Pendergast had a standing reservation for room 103 on Tuesdays and Fridays. I'd never heard of a specific motel room being reserved so I asked if there was anything special about the room that would make it desirable and I found out that it was the only room with a hot tub. All of the odd numbered rooms on the first floor were supposed to have hot tubs, but the builder ran into financial problems before the other hot tubs could be installed. As I drove home a plan took shape in my mind. Surprisingly enough I felt no animosity toward Pendergast. All he had done was come back for the woman he loved. True, she was with another when he got there, but he loved her, wanted her and so he didn't give a rat's ass about me. I didn't doubt for a minute that part of the time he spent with her was spent trying to get her to leave me for him. The only question in my mind was why she didn't do it? It was obvious to me that she wanted to be with him. Why else would she be meeting him? That evening Nancy was her usual amorous self and I went along with the program as I did again Wednesday and Thursday. Friday when she pulled up and parked in front of room 103 I was in place and ready to put my plan into action. As soon as the two of them were in the room I backed the U-Haul truck I had rented up next to Nancy's car and started unloading boxes. I'd rented the truck Thursday and had purchased seventy-five moving boxes. I left for work at my normal time on Friday, but had only driven around the block and then waited for Nancy to leave for work. I went home and packed everything of Nancy's into the boxes. I packed up everything that we had bought because she wanted it and then I drove over to the Starlight and waited. I unloaded the boxes as quietly as I could and then I stacked the boxes in front of the door of the motel room. It built a wall three boxes deep and the only way to get out of the room would be to tear down the wall from inside the room and that wouldn't be an easy task since the wall went higher the door to the room. They would have to wrestle a box out of the first row only to find another row behind it. The last thing I did was lean the bed frame, box spring and mattress that Nancy had cheated on against the box wall. The last part of the plan would take place when the two of them had finally worked their way out of the room. They would find a process server waiting to hand Nancy an envelope and to tell her that she had been served. I drove home and prepared myself for the meeting that I knew was coming. Such preparation being three fingers of Jack over ice. I didn't bother changing the locks on the house. Nancy's name was on the title with mine and her paychecks helped pay the bills. I doubted that we could co-exist until the divorce was final so it was likely that one of us would have to move out, but it wouldn't necessarily be Nancy. The phone rang at 3:10 and in answer to my "Hello" I got a "Can I come home?" "It isn't a home anymore Nance, but yes, you can come to the house." She walked in at 3:25 and the first thing out of her mouth was a cliché. "It isn't what you think baby. I can explain if you'll let me." "Go ahead. It has been a difficult day for me and I could use a laugh." "I love you baby; honest to God I do, but I also have strong feelings for Alan. He was so much a part of my life that yadda, yadda, yadda..." I listened and let her run down and then I said, "What you are telling me is that you want us both since you can't seem to choose between us." I think I saw just a glimmer of hope on her face before I continued, "Since you can't seem to choose I guess it is up to me to make the choice and I choose not to be married to a cheating whore." I looked at my watch and then said, "If you hurry you might be able to get to Alan's place in time to fix him dinner." "But baby I ..." "Just go Nancy. You are damaged goods and I want no part of you." It was a pretty messy divorce since it turned out that Nancy was pregnant and I wasn't going to accept paternity until I could be sure that the baby was mine. It wasn't and because of that and a prenuptial agreement she had signed Nancy didn't come out of it all that well. The only surprise was that she didn't move in with Alan. He left town two months after I had her served and he didn't take her with him. \++++++++++++++++++++ Three months after the divorce became final I was sitting at the bar in the Landing Strip Lounge which was my watering hole of choice. It was open mike night and a parade of would be standup comics was entertaining the crowd. A girl I recognized as a clerk at the gas station/convenience store I occasionally stopped at was doing her routine and since I knew her well enough to say hi to I listened to her routine. "A man said to his wife one day "I don't know how you can be so beautiful and so stupid at the same time." "The wife said "Allow me to explain. God made me beautiful so you would be attracted to me. God made me stupid so I would be attracted to you." That got a loud laugh and some foot stomping applause from most of the women in the audience and she continued on. The next one must have been for Bobby Denton because everyone knew about his penchant for blond jokes. "A mathematician, a philosopher and a blond go to Hell and receive a challenge from the Devil. If they can stump him they can go to Heaven instead of being roasted by the fires in Hell. The philosopher goes first and asks the Devil a very hard question. The Devil smiled and said, "That the best you got?" and then rattled off the answer. The mathematician went next and the Devil instantly gave the answer. When it was the blonds' turn she took a chair and bored three holes in the seat. She sat down on the chair and she farted. Then she looked at the Devil and said: "Now tell me which hole the fart came out of." "That's easy. It came out all three of them." The blond laughed at him and said, "No stupid. It came out of my butthole." That one got a decent laugh and then she said, "One more then I've got to get home and get the kids to bed. "In a dark and hazy room, peering into the crystal ball, the Mystic delivered the grave news to Laura. "There is no easy way to tell you this so I'll just have to be blunt. Prepare yourself to be a widow. Your husband will die a horrible and violent death this year." Visibly shaken, Laura stared at the women's lined face, then at the single flickering candle, then down at her hands. She took a few deep breaths to compose herself and to stop her mind racing. She simply had to know. She met the Mystic's gaze, steadied herself and then asked in a quivering voice, "Will I be acquitted?" That one nearly brought the house down and she blew kisses to the audience as Bobby Denton walked out to take the mike from her hand. I had only meant to stop for one beer before heading for home, but I was enjoying myself so I decided to have another beer. That decision was to lead to a startling consequence. Bobby asked if there was anyone in the audience who would like to come up and take a shot at making the crowd laugh and a hand went up from a woman at table with four other women. Her back was to me, but just as my second cold PBR was set down on the bar in front of me the woman turned and my heart damned near stopped. The woman was Tanya. Time had not lessened the effect that she'd had on me since the day I first met her. She took the mike from Bobby and thanked him for giving her the chance to embarrass herself in public and then said: "A nice, calm and respectable lady went into the pharmacy, walked up to the pharmacist, looked him straight in the eye and said: "I'd like to by some cyanide." The pharmacist asked, "Why in the world do you need cyanide?" The lady replied, "I want to poison my husband." The pharmacist's eyes got big and he exclaimed. "Lord have mercy! I can't give you cyanine to kill your husband. That's against the law. I'll lose my license! They'll throw both of us in jail! All kinds of bad things will happen. Absolutely not!! You CAN NOT have any cyanide!" The lady reached into her purse and pulled out a picture of her husband in bed with the pharmacist's wife. The pharmacist looked at the picture and said: "You didn't tell me you had a prescription." That got her a big laugh and she followed up with, "The teacher gave her fifth grade class an assignment. Get their parents to tell them a story with a moral at the end of it. The next day the kids came back and one by one they began to tell their stories. They were all the regular types of stuff; spilled milk and pennies saved and things like that. She came to Janie who was the last one to tell her story. "Do you have a story to share Janie?" "Yes ma'am. My daddy told me a story about my mommy. She was a Marine pilot in Desert Storm and her plane got hit. She had to bail out over enemy territory and all she had was a flask of whiskey, a pistol and a knife. She drank the whiskey on the way down so the bottle wouldn't break when she landed and then her parachute landed her right in the middle of twenty Iraqi troops. "She shot fifteen of them with the pistol until she ran out of bullets, killed four more with the knife before the blade broke and then she killed the last Iraqi with her bare hands." "Good Heavens" said the horrified teacher. What did your daddy tell you was the moral of this horrible story?" "Stay away from mommy when she's been drinking." The house went crazy and Tanya left the stage to a standing ovation. As I watched her walk back to her table I wondered if I should attempt to say hello, but I couldn't figure out how to do it. I didn't want to suffer the embarrassment of being dismissed in front of four women I didn't know. I decided to take a chance. I called the waitress over and ordered a round for the five women at the table. When she delivered the drinks she told the women who had sent them over all five women looked over at me and two of them waved thanks and then they went back to talking. I really didn't expect anything, but I had hoped that Tanya would have shown some sign of recognition. It didn't happen so I finished my beer and got up to leave. I was almost at the door when I heard, "Frank? Wait up Frank." I turned to see Tanya coming toward me. I stopped and when she got to me she handed me a piece of paper and said: "Call me." She turned and went back to her group. I looked at what she handed me and saw that it was a piece of a bar napkin with a phone number on it. I looked back at the table and saw four women looking at me with what I could only believe was astonishment on their faces. Tanya sat back down with them and it looked like the other four were all trying to talk at once. I turned and went home. \+++++++++++++++++++++ When I woke up in the morning the first thing I saw when I got out of bed was that piece of bar napkin sitting on the dresser with all the rest of the stuff I'd taken out of my pockets before I'd gone to bed. There wasn't any doubt but that I was going to call Tanya, but when should I do it? I doubted that the number was her work number; the question I had was what number was it? A home land line or a cell? Should I wait until the evening and possibly end up playing telephone tag if it was a home phone and she wasn't there? Or should I call right away and possibly catch her before she went to work? If it was her cell and she was up and already on her way to work would she answer it? Or was she one who wouldn't talk on her cell while driving and let the call go to voice mail? What if she didn't drive to work and took the bus? Would she answer it or prefer not to because she didn't want to talk with a bunch of strangers around? As I stood there looking at that piece of paper while busily over-thinking things something my dad used to say when facing difficult decisions came to me. "No guts, no glory." I walked over to the bedside phone and dialed the number. \+++++++++++++++++++++++ She hadn't lost whatever it was that drew me to her. My heart beat faster as she walked toward me. I stood up and offered her my hand when she reached the booth. "So good to see you Frank. I'm delighted that you asked me to lunch." "The pleasure is all mine Tanya." She gave me a big smile when I said that and then she slid into the booth across from me. "So what have you been up to since I last saw you" she asked. "Working and trying to live the good life. You?" "Working and trying to climb the corporate ladder." "I seem to remember that you moved to the west coast when you graduated." "I did and after a couple of years and a promotion or two I took a promotion that brought me back here." "Been back long?" "About three weeks. You married Frank?" "Was. Not anymore. You?" "Never took the step. Too locked into my career to find time for it and to be honest most of the men I met and dated tuned out not to be worth a second look. Certainly not worth giving up my career for." We got into talking about careers for a bit over lunch and when the plates were cleared away she said: "Since you invited me to lunch I'll invite you to dinner. You free tomorrow night?" I did have plans, but they went instantly out the window and I said I had nothing going on. She gave me her address and I told her I would pick her up at six. She gave me a thousand watt smile and told me she would see me then and we both went back to work. \++++++++++++++++++++++++ Friday I was at Tanya's at ten to six and I sat in my car until two minutes to six and then I went up and rang her doorbell. The vision that opened the door took my breath away. Over all the years in school that I yearned for Tanya I'd never seen her look the way she looked when she opened her door. Four inch 'come fuck me' pumps, mini-skirt and a blouse that showed enough cleavage to get lost in and that thousand watt smile. She was dressed to build hard ons and I knew that it wasn't accidental. I wanted to drop to my knees and beg her to be mine and I could tell that she knew it. I had to ask myself why? Nine years of smiling sweetly at me as she turned me down time after time and now she was deliberately trying to entice me? Why? "Shut the fuck up!" a part of my brain was screaming at the part doing the wondering. "Take it and run. Thank whatever gods that be that you are even here." I offered her my arm and said, "Your chariot awaits my queen" and she laughed, took my arm and I escorted her to the car. I asked where to and she gave me the name of a trendy restaurant and told me there was no rush as our reservation wasn't until seven. We made small talk on the ride to the restaurant. The usual stuff like "Have you seen so and so since you've been back" and "Have you kept in touch with any of our classmates" and she asked if I'd gone to the five year reunion. I told her that I didn't go and she told me that she had wanted to go, but was in Italy at the time. When we got to the restaurant I checked us in with the hostess and told the girl that we would be in the bar when they were ready for us. We found an empty table, sat and ordered drinks and when they came and after we had taken our first sip Tanya said: "You are dying of curiosity aren't you?" I looked into her smiling face and said, "I can barely contain myself from shouting out "Why, why, why?" Nine years of being pretty much dismissed by you and now you are, for lack of a better way of putting it, coming on to me? Of course I'm curious." "It is really very simple Frank; I want you to marry me." "You have got to be kidding me." "This isn't a joke Frank; I want you to marry me." To say that I was stunned would be a massive understatement. The girl I had pined for since the day I'd met her in the eight grade was asking me to marry her. I'd asked her for dates a thousand times between the day I'd met her until the day we graduated from college and she had never, not once, said yes. We had never even dated and here she was sitting across from me and asking me to marry her. Un-fucking-real!! I sat there with my drink halfway to my lips and stared at her speechless! Absolutely fucking speechless. She was smiling at me and she said: "Say something Frank. Don't just sit there; say something." I finally managed to get myself together and said, "Simple? You call that simple?" "I'll admit that there might be some details to work out, but it has been done many, many millions of times so the formula is pretty much down pat. License, blood tests and then the ceremony." "But we don't even know each other. God knows that for over nine years I tried to get to know you, but the bottom line here is that we just flat don't know anything about each other." "What's to know Frank? You're a boy and I'm a girl and we are of legal age. And don't even try to tell me that you aren't attracted to me. Don't forget I saw your face when I opened the door to you tonight." "I'll admit to that, but looks alone aren't enough as I very well know from my marriage to Nancy." Before I could go any farther the hostess came up to us and told us that our table was ready. As I walked slightly behind Tanya and the hostess I was looking at Tanya's ass move and thinking that if looks alone were enough I'd get us on a plane to Vegas that very night and have the deed done in a matter of days, but as I'd told Tanya in the bar I already knew that looks alone would not make a marriage. If I'd learned nothing else from Nancy I'd learned that. As soon as we were seated and had ordered I took the bull by the horns and asked: "Okay Tanya, just what is the story here? What is going on?" "I don't know what you mean." "Of course you do. I chase after you for nine years with absolutely no luck and then go four years without seeing you and suddenly after a forty minute lunch as our only date, if it could even be called that, you ask me to marry you. I might have been born at night, but it wasn't last night so what gives?" Her face lost it's smile and she said, "I just found out I'm pregnant and for reasons I don't want to go into right now I need to get married as soon as possible. I need to have a husband before I show and ideally it should happen so the date of the marriage and the arrival of the baby seem normal to people." "What's wrong with marrying the father of the child?" "I have no idea of who he is and even if I did I wouldn't marry the low life son of a bitch." "That brings up more questions that it gives answers and the one at the top of the list is why me?" "You bought me a drink that night at the Landing Strip." "How does that enter into it?" "I've only been back here a little over two weeks and I haven't met any guys I would consider. There were a couple who might have worked if I would have had the time to get into a relationship and get to know them well enough to ask them, but I don't have the time. I need it to happen now. The night you sent me the drink I recognized you when the waitress pointed you out. My immediate thought was that the guy who had spent so much time chasing after me might jump at the chance to be with me." "I might have jumped at the chance no questions asked if I hadn't already been married to a cheating spouse." "What does that have to do with this?" "Why after being married to a cheater would I want to marry a promiscuous woman?" "What?!! Where did that come from?" "From you. You've already said you are pregnant and don't have any idea of who the father of the child is. To me that indicates a level of promiscuousness that would make me doubt the long term fidelity of a relationship." "That's a pretty rotten thing to say about a girl you don't know a whole lot about." "Which brings us right back to what I said just after you asked me to marry you. We don't know each other and don't know anything about each other. What I do know about me though is that I'm not about to jump into the fire you might be after jumping out of the frying pan that was Nancy. And then of course there are those reasons that you don't want to go into." "Am I right in making the assumption that you are not against a marriage, but you won't go into it blind, deaf and dumb?" "No you are not. I wouldn't even consider thinking about it until I knew everything about it that there was to know." She gave me a long look and then she shrugged and said, "I had hoped that after dinner we could have gone for drinks and dancing, but I guess the mood for that is shot. I don't want to discuss my situation out in public so if you will take me home I'll put on a pot of coffee and tell you the whole sad story." \++++++++++++++++++++ We made the trip to her place in silence and when we were inside her place she told me to have a seat on the couch and she went into the kitchen to make the coffee. I looked around the room and wondered why I was even there. I should have walked her to her door, kissed her on the cheek and then gone on home. But curiosity and the fact that I had crushed on her for so long drew me. I was remembering all the times she had turned me down when I heard her say something. "What?" "I asked if you used cream and sugar." "Just cream." She went back into the kitchen and returned carrying a tray that had a carafe of coffee, two cups and a small pitcher of cream. She set the tray down on the coffee table in front of the couch and poured us both a cup. "I'll let you do your own cream" she said as she sat down in the easy chair across from me. I fixed my cup, took a sip and then looked at her and waited. "It isn't a pretty story" she said, "and I don't come off looking too bright, but the plain facts are I was gangbanged at a promotion party. I don't know if I was drugged or I was just too drunk to know what I was doing. I don't know if it was rape or not. I do know that when it was over I was between a rock and a hard place. Two of the men involved were related to my boss who was the owner of the company. One was his oldest son and the other was his nephew. "If I would have hollered rape and then gone to the hospital for a drug screen my career would have been over. I had busted my ass to climb the ladder and I had earned my promotion to district manager twice over. I made the decision to put the night behind me and chalk it up as one of life's hard lessons. "It wasn't easy because four of the seven worked with me and they figured that since I done it once they could get me to do it again and they kept after me. I kept shutting them down, but it didn't stop them from keeping after me. I couldn't complain to management and claim sexual harassment because the gangbang would end up being brought into it. "Fortunately, for me anyway, the district manager in the office here had to leave the company for personal reasons and I was asked if I would be interested in relocating and taking the position. It was a no brainer for me. I made the move and the day after I got here I found out I was pregnant." "I don't see the problem. Being an unmarried single mom is almost common in this day and age." "That brings me to the other thing I didn't want to get into. My family is about as straight laced as you can get. Unmarried and pregnant would get me disowned in a heartbeat and I know this for a fact. It happened to my sister and outside of me no one in my family has spoken to her in over six years." "From a purely personal standpoint they don't sound like people that I would want to have anything to do with anyway. I could maybe see a father being an asshole, but a mother who would turn her back on the child she carried for nine months? And then raised? She must be a real piece of work." "I don't want to go there. Suffice to say I need to stay on the good side of my parents." "Why? You are a grown up now. An adult who can make your own choices and live your life the way you want." "This isn't going to put me in a good light, but I am a bit greedy. My parents are extremely wealthy and I stand to inherit quite a bit when they pass." "So you are willing to marry someone you don't know all that well just to get a couple of hundred thousands?" "No Frank; I'm willing to do it for six to ten million." "You have to be shitting me!" "Not at all Frank; not even a little bit." "You do have other options. You don't have to have the kid. Have the procedure and your family will never know." "I can't do that Frank. I may be a bit greedy and sometimes not to bright, but I can't get rid of something that is now a part of me." She looked at me quietly for several seconds and then asked, "Could you do it Frank? Get rid of a life you helped create?" "It would never get to be my choice Tanya. If it were mine I would argue against it, but the ultimate decision gets to be made by the woman. It is her body so it gets to be her choice." "There you go. I choose to have the child." "Even though you might not be able to get a husband and end up losing your inheritance?" "I said I was a bit greedy Frank, but I'm not fanatical about it. Sometimes hard choices have to be made and you have to live with the consequences. So how about it Frank? Want to help a girl out?" "What would be the mechanics of it? "What do you mean?" "A year? Two? How about the form of the divorce? What kind of prenuptial agreement to keep me from being raped in the divorce? Things like living arrangements? How to behave in social situations? What kind of front do we put up?" "Why are you talking divorce when we aren't even married yet?" "Don't pretend to be dense Tanya. It is a marriage of convenience. A marriage in name only. There is no love or affection involved here. It isn't even a business deal. There is nothing in it for me other than doing a favor for an acquaintance." "Nothing in it for you?" she said as she stood up and stripped. She stood there naked in nothing but thigh high stockings and high heels. "You call this nothing? You chased after this for years Frank and I saw the look in your eyes when I opened the door to you when you got here. You going to turn it down now that you have a chance? And what's this crap about living arrangements? If we get married it will be a real marriage. "If it will ease your mind to have a pre-nup write one up and I will sign it, but I'll tell you right now I'm as much against divorce as I am against abortion. Any divorce that happens will be because you went for it not me. There will not be separate rooms or separate beds." As she talked I stared at the near naked woman and the sight had the predictable results. She noticed and said: "I see part of you doesn't find the idea all that repulsive." She walked over to me, bent and rubbed the lump in my trousers and said: "Come on Frank; follow me into the bedroom and let me show you what's in it for you." \++++++++++++++++++++++++ It was an exhausting night and we ended up falling asleep snuggled up to each other. I woke up in the morning to the sound of the shower. I debated joining her, but decided not to. I dressed and went to her kitchen and found that she had the same make of coffee pot that I did. I rummaged around until I found the coffee and filters and then I got a pot started. I saw she had bacon and eggs in her refrigerator so I pulled them out, found the frying pans and started to build a breakfast. I fried the bacon and then as I scrambled the eggs I thought back on the night. I know that earlier I'd told myself that if looks alone were enough I'd have us on the next flight to Vegas and a quick wedding with an Elvis impersonator presiding, but I had known that looks weren't enough. But looks and the sex we'd had last night could do it. Tanya had been damned near insatiable and she had done things with me that no other female had ever done. She had let me cum in her mouth and no other girl had ever done that for me. Not even Nancy. Nancy gave a mean blow job, but she would never go all the way. Tanya did and she swallowed. Another thing I'd never done was anal. I'd always wanted to try it, but never had a girl who would allow it. Nancy had flat out told me that she would leave me if I even tried it. If I'd known how we were going to end up I would have just taken it and watched her go. I didn't even have to ask Tanya. She asked me! We started out missionary, switched to doggie and then went sixty-nine to get me ready to go again. I was on the bottom so when Tanya got me hard she just scooted forward and took me in reverse cowgirl. After a bit she turned and settled into cowgirl and when I got to where I had to get off I rolled her onto her back and finished. We rested a while and then she said, "I'll get you back to standing tall and then I want you to take me in my pooper. Will you do that for me?" I asked her if she was sure and she said, "I want you to know how far I'm willing to go to make things worthwhile for you." She was tight, but she had KY and she talked me through it. I have to admit that I liked it. I liked it a lot. As I added a handful of cheese to the scrambled eggs I was giving some serious thought to what Tanya had asked me to do. She came into the room I told her that the coffee was ready and breakfast was almost done. "Nothing fancy; just bacon and scrambled eggs with some cheese." "You're hired. When can you start?" I knew she was kidding and meant that I was hired as breakfast chef, but I decided to take it a step farther. "Depends on how fast we can get the legal stuff out of the way." "Legal stuff?" "Yeah. Stuff like the prenuptial agreement, the license and blood tests and lining up someone to perform the ceremony." "You'll do it? You aren't joking are you? You will really do it?" "If you are willing to meet certain conditions." "Conditions? What are they?" "First and foremost is a pre-nup that will protect me when the marriage ends. Next is a written agreement that will penalize you monetarily if you cheat on me while we are married." "I don't understand. Isn't that what the pre-nup is for?" "No. All the pre-nup is going to say is that if the marriage ends, no matter what the reason, both parties walk away with what they brought into the marriage and what they acquired jointly will be split evenly. The penalty agreement will see to it that I get a bonus for putting my life on hold for you only to have you go out and cheat on me." "I still don't understand. Why are you already thinking of me cheating on you and we haven't even gotten married yet." "Why would I expect you to stay faithful? We wouldn't be getting married for love. It is only a marriage of convenience. A way for you to stay tight with your family. You know nothing about me and after living with me for eight or nine months you may decide that you don't even like me. After the baby is born you might start looking for a replacement; someone more to your liking. "I'll say right now and up front that I can see it happening and I'll also say up front that I have no problem with it as long as you are honest with me about it. What I will have a problem with is you doing your looking behind my back. If you do that you are bound to be found out. Even if it isn't by me it will likely be someone who knows me or who knows of me. The word will get out and I will have people looking at me and thinking all kinds of things about me from I beat you or cheat on you and you are getting even with me to I'm no good in bed and you are getting your satisfaction elsewhere. "When I found out these things, and eventually I would, I would have to suffer the embarrassment and humiliation of dealing with the people who knew. The penalty agreement wouldn't make it go away, but it would definitely help assuage the bad feelings." "So how much would this penalty be?" "See my worry here? We aren't even together yet and you want to know what it is going to cost you." "Don't be stupid Frank. I need to know so I can tell the attorney what to put in the agreement." "I'll leave the amount up to you. You put in what you feel it should cost you if you cheat on me." "So, pre-nup and penalty agreement. Any other conditions?" "Two more. In public you will treat me as any loving wife would treat her husband." "No problem there since I would do that anyway. What's the last one?" "That I get at least two nights a week like the one I had last night." "Only two? Was I that bad?" "You were astounding." "Then why only two?" "Back to the beginning. We both know that this is a marriage of convenience. I'm giving up my freedom and to play it right I won't be able to go out and date and see to my sexual needs so I need to make sure that I lock them in ahead of time. Once again I need to point out that you might not even end up liking me enough to want to have sex with me. This last condition is to insure that whether you want to or not you will. The 'at lease two' is a minimum. It should go without saying that I will take as much as I can get." "There isn't any way I could give you a legal document that will cover that. Besides, an agreement like that couldn't be enforced." "Doesn't need to be in writing and enforcement is simple. You agree to the condition and I hold you to it. You don't honor the agreement and I simply go public about the marriage and the reasons for it and the people that you wanted to hide things from would know what you didn't want them to know." When I finished I could tell from the look on her face that things weren't going as she had expected (or hoped) so I asked: "Do we have a deal?" "She looked at me for a bit without saying anything and then she said: "I don't have much choice. I need to get things done and done quickly. I don't have the time to date and find someone suitable that I could then ask." She gave me another few seconds of silence and then asked, "Why? Why are you even willing to do it?" "The simple truth is that I don't have anything better to do. That and the benefit of a sex life that will be regular and that won't cost me an arm and a leg." "You don't have anything better to do?" "After Nancy burned me I haven't had any interest in entering into another long term relationship. Mostly I just go to work and then go home. Friday and Saturday I go out to see what I can pick up to relieve my sexual tensions. I score some, but not enough. I can go through a couple of hundred a weekend on shows, dinner, drinks and dancing and still go home with a case of blue balls. This arrangement will save me money and give me the sex life I need." The look on her face made me curious so I asked, "You having second thoughts now?" She shrugged and said, "No; no second thoughts. It just isn't going the way I thought it would." "Just how did you think it would go?" "To be honest, given the way you chased after me during our school years I thought that you would happily jump at the chance and that would be it. I didn't expect the somewhat cold business like way you have taken. It hasn't put me off; I just didn't expect it." She paused and then said, "There isn't much we can do until Monday. We can apply for the license and do the blood tests Monday and I can see an attorney and get him going on the legal stuff. I think there is a three day waiting period so figure on next Thursday or Friday to tie the knot. That okay with you?" "That will give us time to work out some of the other things that need to be looked at." "Like what?" "Like where we are going to live. Do you own this place?" "No. It is a sublet. I've got it for two months while the owner is in England on assignment. It is only supposed to be temporary while I look for a place of my own." "I kept the house in my divorce so unless you have an objection that is where we will live." "I've no problem with that." "Next we need to see my parents. I need to introduce you to them and they are going to want to know why we are rushing into things so I'm going to tell them that I got you pregnant and we need to do it in a hurry." "What will they think of me? A woman having sex while not married?" "They won't think anything of it. Mom will be overjoyed that she is finally going to be a grandmother. I'll leave it to you as to how and when we break it to your family." "That is going to be the toughie. I can' use the "I'm pregnant and we have to get married" story. I think I'll tell them that we met at a party, fell head over heels in love and eloped to Vegas and got married. They won't be happy, but it will be a done deal. My mom will be pissed because she has been planning my wedding for years. I expect that she will get over it when she finds out I'm pregnant. She has been after me for years to get married and give her grandbabies." "I thought she already had one. Didn't you say that your sister got pregnant?" "She miscarried." "That's a shame. Does she live close?" "No. She moved to Georgia when my parents disowned her." "We will have to go visit when we get a chance. Do you have any plans for the weekend?" "I was going to go grocery shopping either today or tomorrow, but nothing other than that." "That can wait. We can use the weekend to move you into my place and then you can check out what I have in the pantry and fridge before you grocery shop." \++++++++++++++++++++ And that is just what we did. By Sunday afternoon Tanya was moved in and was making out her grocery list. We hit Safeway and got what she wanted and then stopped at Outback for dinner. When we got home I called my mom and told her I was getting married again and asked when would be a good time to bring my bride to be over to introduce her to them. She told me to come to dinner on Monday. Monday we applied for the license and got the blood tests. Tanya saw an attorney and he told her he would have the paperwork ready for signatures on Wednesday. That evening we went to my parent's for dinner. Dinner went well and mom and Tanya seemed to get along great. I could tell from the way that dad looked at Tanya that he approved of my choice, but he did pull me aside and asked me if I knew what I was doing. "It hasn't been all that long since you divorced Nancy. Are you sure that this isn't an 'on the rebound' thing?" I think I surprised the hell out of him when I said, "I'm marrying Tanya for the same reason you married mom. She is pregnant and I'm stepping up to the plate." "How long have you known?" "Years and years. I saw your marriage license when I was digging through your desk trying to find something. Paper clips I think it was. Given the date on it and my birth date it wasn't hard for me to put two and two together." "Well then all I can say is that I hope you will be as happy as your mother and I have been." Mom got me alone and said, "She seems like a lovely girl. I hope it all works out for you. I'd hate to see you go through another divorce." "What will be will be mom. But you have to remember that it wasn't love that got us here - it was lust." "If you work at it love can come along and you can trust me on that." On the way home Tanya said, "I like your parents. They seem real nice." "They liked you too. My dad even told me to make sure I did everything in my power to hang onto you." "Are you going to?" "It is a two way street babe. It will take both of us." We had made love every night since our Friday date and if sex alone could make it happen we would end up celebrating our fiftieth anniversary. \+++++++++++++++++++++ The paperwork was ready Wednesday afternoon and we signed and had the signatures notarized. Friday at eleven we were married in a civil ceremony with my parents as witnesses and embarked on our new lives as a married couple. Surprisingly things went well. We learned all the things about each other that you usually learn during a courtship. We found that we liked the same foods, mostly the same music and the same authors. There were some areas where we didn't quite match. She was into chick flicks and I was more of an action thriller fan. She was an avid bridge player and I couldn't stand the game, but we both played pinochle, euchre and cribbage. We were both runners and fitness freaks and she joined the gym where I worked out. We had been married two days when she took me home to meet her parents. The looks they gave me when Tanya told them that we had run off to Vegas and had been married by an Elvis lookalike pretty much told me that I was never going to be in the top ten on their favorite people list. It was a stilted evening as you might guess and I was happy to get the hell out of there when Tanya said that we needed to be going. "They will come around when their grandbaby arrives" Tanya said. The next two months saw us having dinner or attending barbecues with relatives from both families so they could meet the bride and groom. At the affairs Tanya told everyone that she had gotten pregnant on our honeymoon. With the exception of her parents most of her relatives seemed to like and accept me and my side of the family took to Tanya and told me that I had struck gold. Strangely enough my parents and Tanya's parents got along great. Tanya was proven right and her parents did come around some when they found out they were going to become grandparents. I still wasn't in their top ten, but maybe I'd moved up to eleventh place. \++++++++++++++++++++++++ There were a few hiccups along the way. Tanya's job was taking up a lot of here time and there were a lot of late evenings and some weekend work. I got on her about it and she told me that she had worked her ass off to get where she was and she was going to keep working her ass off to make it to the next level. "I'm going to be their first female vice president." "How in the hell are you going to do that? You are going to have a kid to take care of." "Day care. I'll work until the baby is born, take a short maternity leave and then go back to work." I thought she was whistling Dixie, but she was going to do what she was going to do and I had no say in it. Regardless of the hours she worked and how tired she was when she got home Tanya never slacked off when it came to our love life. I was getting way more than the twice a week I had insisted on. We were getting it on four, five and sometimes six times a week and two-thirds of the time Tanya was the aggressor and nothing was off the table. Tanya especially liked anal and her oral was state of the art right down to and including swallowing. Our sex life did slow down some the closer Tanya got to her due date, but we were still averaging three times a week right up to the middle of her eighth month. At that point Tanya said no more until after the baby arrived and she was cleared by the doctor to have sex again. Well that wasn't exactly true. She still gave me blow jobs and I got her off with my fingers right up to when her water broke. She was at work when it happened and she took a cab to the hospital. She called me on her cell as the taxi hurried her to Saint Josephs and let me know what was going on. My office was only three blocks from the hospital and I was already waiting at the entrance to the emergency room when her cab arrived. While I was waiting for her to arrive I called both sets of parents and brought them up to date. When she got there she was rushed into delivery and after a four hour wait the doctor came out and told us mother and child were doing fine. We already knew from the ultra-sound that the baby was a boy and we had already picked out the name. My father in law was pretty much speechless when he and my mother in law went to the nursery to view their grandchild and found out that he had been named after my father in law. It was what Tanya wanted and I could not have cared less. I got a handshake and a thank you from daddy in law and a big hug from my mother in law which came as a huge surprise since it was pretty much the first time she had more than look down her nose at me whenever Tanya and I were around her. I think maybe I'm in seventh or eighth place now. My folks showed up about a half hour later and they oohed and aahed over the baby and I almost felt guilty that the child was not really mine, but I had signed up to play the roll so play it I did. They had moved Tanya to a recovery room and as soon as the nurse told us we could visit we all tromped in to visit her. She was lying there with little Jason Alexander in her arms and I swear that I had never seen a more beautiful sight in my life. Tanya smiled at me and held the baby out to me as she said: "Meet your son Frankie." I took little Alex from her and something happened. My figuring to be a pretend daddy went out the window as the baby's hand closed around my finger and gripped it. As he looked up into my face and gurgled I made a silent promise that I would be the best daddy he could hope for. \+++++++++++++++++++++++ I picked Tanya and little Alex up at ten the next morning and took them home and once there I got them settled in. I'd taken the week off from work so I could take care of Tanya until she was able to get back on her feet, but that plan went quickly into the toilet. It seems that both grandmothers had gotten together and decided that it was up to them to take care of Tanya and the baby. I was pretty much chased out of the house by the two of them and I had no place else to go so I went back to work. One thing was certain. If the grandparents had their way Jason Alexander Dalton was going to be one spoiled rotten kid. The day after I brought Tanya home from the hospital Tanya woke me up with a blow job and when it was over I asked her why. "It will be at least six weeks before we can make love again." "Before I can make love again" she said, "But I have to get you off at least twice a week. That was the deal right?" "Given the circumstances I'm not holding you to that." "I'm holding me to it. Besides, I like giving you pleasure." I decided not to argue with her. \++++++++++++++++++ The next two years slipped by. Tanya took four weeks of maternity leave and then the grandmothers went nuts when they heard Tanya was going to put Alex in day care and go back to work. No day care for 'their Alex' at least not if they had anything to do with it. They worked out a schedule where they would alternate keeping Alex while Tanya was at work. Professionally Tanya was doing well where she worked and had made the jump from district manager to regional manager and was now only one step removed from the vice presidency she was after. I was doing fine although I didn't have to fight my way up the ladder like Tanya had to. It helps when it is a family owned business. On a personal note I found out that my mother was right. Love did come along if you worked at it and I did. Things were going along great and then one evening Tanya came home from work and told me that she had a problem. A very major problem. One of the men who had taken part in her gangbang had transferred into her region and during their first meeting in her office he told Tanya that he wanted her to meet him at his motel to have a 'long lunch' with him as he put it. She told him to fuck off and die and he laughed at her and opened his briefcase, took out a folder and handed it to her. She opened it and found a dozen or so 8X10 photos of her being gangbanged. He then told her that she WOULD meet him at his motel or copies of the photos would find their way to me and copies would appear in every office in her region. "He gave me until tomorrow to decide." "I don't see a problem with it. Meet with him." "Are you out of your fucking mind?!!" "Of course not" and then I went on to explain what we were going to do. She smiled at me and told me it made her hot just thinking about it and then she suggested that we spend some time in the bedroom before going over to her mom's and picking up Alex. I thought that was a pretty good idea and so we did just that. \++++++++++++++++++++ His name was William Bagley and William was having trouble looking me in the eye. Maybe it had something to do with his condition. He was naked and sitting on one of our kitchen chairs. He was securely bound and only his right arm was free and he had a rag stuffed in his mouth. The chair was pushed up to the kitchen table and there was a pad of paper and a ballpoint pen in front of him. Also on the table were a soldering iron and a small butane torch. How did Willie come to find himself in that situation? Tanya had called him into her office and told him that there was no way she could take off for a long lunch as there was too much going on in the office at the time and she needed to be there to handle it. She also told him that there was no way that she was going to meet him at his motel. She would not risk being seen by someone who knew her. Then she told him that I was going out of town on business Tuesday and would be gone for three days and she would send Alex to her mother's for the night and that he could come over to the house. She set it up for Wednesday. That way she could be sure that I'd made my flight and wouldn't walk in on them. When Willie arrived Tanya was naked except for a pair of 'come fuck me' heels when she opened the door and Willie had laughed and said: "You slut! You want this as bad as I do." Tanya smiled at him and told him to come in. He walked and then fell to his knees when I came out from behind the door and nailed him in the kidneys with a baseball bat. I dropped the bat and put him in a choke hold until he passed out and then I stripped him and drug him over to a kitchen chair. I manhandled him onto the chair, secured him and then Tanya and I went into the bedroom and knocked off a piece. When we came back into the kitchen we found Willie struggling to get loose from his bonds. Tanya and I sat down at the table across from him and I said: "I'm afraid you have upset my wife Willie and I'm the kind of husband that hates to see his wife upset and does whatever is necessary to rectify the situation. What we are going to attempt to do here tonight is remove the reason for her being upset." I reached over and pulled the rag out of his mouth and he immediately started hollering for me to untie him. "Not going to happen Willie. Not until you have done what we require of you." "I'll have your ass in jail for this asshole." I stood and backhanded him and then stuffed the rag back in his mouth. "Here is the way it is going to go Willie. You are going to pick up that pen and write down where every picture you have of Tanya can be found and then you will write down the names of anyone else who has pictures of that night. You will do it or I will use the soldering iron to burn "Blackmailing Asshole" into your chest and then I will use the butane torch to roast certain parts of your body. Your choice Willie; the easy way or the hard way." He sat there and gave me a hard look and made no move to reach for the pen. I shrugged, picked up the butane torch and lit it. When I started to move toward Willie with the flame hissing he suddenly grabbed the pen and started writing. When he was done Tanya read what he had written. "According to this the only place he has pictures is on his laptop and he says that he is the only one who took cell phone pictures that night." "Do you believe him?" She shrugged. I took the rag out of Willie's mouth and said, "My bride isn't sure that you have been totally forthcoming Willie so I guess I'm going to have to apply some incentive." I fired up the butane torch again and started to move it toward Willie's foot. "I'm telling the truth damn it; honest to God it is all there." I looked at Tanya and she shrugged and said, "We know where to find him if he lied." I shut off the torch and said, "If you go to the police over this all it will get you is the jail cell next to mine. In case it slipped your mind blackmail is a crime." Tanya placed a digital recorder on the table, hit the play button and Willie's meeting with Tanya when they set up the evening played. "You do know that I don't want to do this right? The only reason it happened the first time is because the seven of you drugged me and then raped me." "So what if we did? You have no way of proving it." "Please don't make me do this. I really don't want to chance messing up my marriage." "I don't care if you want to do it or not. You WILL do it or I will ruin your reputation and make you the company laughing stock." I stopped the recording and said, "We don't need to waste time listening to the rest of the recording. There is enough on it to charge you so if I do go to jail so will you. Where is your laptop?" "In my motel room." While I entertained Willie Tanya took his keys, went to his motel room, got the laptop and brought it home. There were a total of twenty-one pictures on Willie's hard drive and I copied them onto a thumb drive and then deleted them off of his computer. It embarrassed Tanya that I saw them, but I needed to know a few things. I had her tell me who the men I the pictures were. I cut Willie loose and told him to get dressed and then I handed him his laptop and said: "If you lied and any of those photos show up three things will happen. One, the gangbang will be out in the open and I will see to it that the pictures I now have will get to your boss thereby exposing what you, his son and his nephew did to Tanya. He may not be too pleased to have his son and nephew called rapists. He might even fire you and see to it that you get a reference that will ensure you never get a good job again. "That ties in with the second thing. There is no statute of limitations on rape and Tanya will press the matter. True, it will be her word against yours, but her word will be backed up by the recording we have and you will be drug out into the publics eye. And don't think for one minute that she won't do it. Once you have put her photos out there for all to see she has nothing to lose in coming after you. "It is the third thing that you need to seriously consider. I will hunt you down and when I'm done with you you will wish that I had gone all the way and killed you. Do you understand me?" He looked away from me and said, "Yes; yes I do." He left and as we watched him walk to his car Tanya said, "Do you think that we really got all of the photos?" "No way of knowing, but I saw the look in his eye when I told him what would happen if any turned up. He believed me and I'm betting that if there are any he will destroy them" "And if he doesn't?" "You of all people should know that I am a man of my word." "I'm not usually into porn, but looking at those pictures has given me some ideas. Care to follow me into the bedroom?" She headed for the bedroom and I smiled and followed along behind her.
Title: Hotel Club Tags: shemale, cum, exhibitionism, blowjob Work took me to San Francisco for a week. The flight out on Sunday took absolutely forever. All I did on the plane was work on my laptop, writing both stories and code. The stories were erotic in nature, and the code was to further my private descent into an exotic world of sexuality. My fantasy life had been filled recently with thoughts of sissies and crossdressing and sucking cocks. I had been working on a game for masturbation, and had a large picture deck of SFW pictures on my computer to test it. I was reasonably pleased with the results. After that I wrote for a while, but then my heart wasn't in it any longer so I stared out of the window as the plane roared over the United States. About an hour out I opened the computer again and wrote for a while longer, and then the chimes sounded to close down the electronics, and then I went through the hustle of deplaning. I arrived at my hotel at about four local time -- seven my time. I was tired but kind of keyed up. I got to the hotel and went into my room, and quickly got down to the business of testing my newly written app with my preferred NSFW picture sets. The game went well, and I noted some bugs that irritated me, but in the end I decided against cumming. I moved onto some other fun and games but then began to feel more tired than anything else. I went down to have what amounted to a late supper at the hotel's restaurant. I was seated near two people who were discussing the hot club that was actually in the building. They were saying something about it being one of the best clubs in the city but in a way that suggested something dark. I asked the bartender about it, and he smiled and agreed that it was a hot place, but not hot on the usual lists. Confused, I asked for clarification. He refused to give me an answer. I went back to my supper and a single drink, and was pondering whether to go check it out or not when a very tall person slid onto the stood next to me. "Hey," the creature said quietly to the bartender, "a rum and coke?" This person then turned and looked at me. "How are you? Traveling for work I presume, and from the east coast?" she asked. I chuckled. "Yeah, how did you guess that?" "This place gets them all of the time." The drinks came and the woman thanked the man in her smoky voice, and tossed a twenty at him. I studied her in profile. Definitely an attractive body, especially that swell of her chest. But big, damned big, probably taller than me. She had a nice face, though, with large, expressive brown eyes and lashes that looked like she'd spent an hour on them. "What brings you here?" I asked. "Oh I might head into the club later," she said airily. "What's so special about it?" I wanted to know. "Oh you business travelers, always needing to know everything," she parried with a grin. "Why not just relax and go with it?" "You mean aside from having to be at a remote office at eight in the morning tomorrow?" I snorted not-quite rudely but close. She touched my arm lightly; it left my arm tingling warmly. "That's what coffee is for, love," she said confidently. "Why don't you come with me? They'll let you in if you're with me," she added. "They wouldn't let me in otherwise?" She looked me up and down. "Probably not." "Oh. Should I go change?" "Nah," she said, waving her hand in dismissal. "Not that big a thing. Yes, come with me," she insisted. "I'll even buy your drinks. They're expensive as fuck and watered down but whatever, it's all you can get at these clubs anymore anyway." She grabbed my wrist and practically pulled me away. I had signed my check already so I let her drag me to the blackened double glass doors, guarded by a behemoth of a Hispanic man. "I'm bringing him in with me, love," she said the bouncer. He grunted his approval and opened the doors. The room was very dimly lit, a bunch of real candles lighting the intimate seating arrangements. I saw that there was a small raised circular stage in the middle, and surrounding it were love seats. There were rather large walls surrounding the seats, and as my escort plopped me into the seat next to her -- in the front row, no less -- I realized that no one could see what would happen in the seat. The seat was thick and cushiony, and it struck me that if I was not careful, I might doze off. I warned my escort of that. "Nah. The show starts in twenty, anyway, and this place will be packed." "If everything is a love seat, how come you were single?" She grinned. "I usually try to find a friendly traveler at the hotel bar. There's usually one there." "What if I'm married?" I countered. "What if you are?" she retorted reasonably. "You can go, if you want, but you'll leave here always wondering what you missed." I frowned. She was more right than she knew. I decided that if this was some kind of sex show, that it was a secret I could hold. My wife and I were not exactly on the best terms these days, and I think the last time we made love was over three months ago. So the flight, the lengthy time of feeling some form of arousal, the masturbation session in the room before I went down and got waylaid by this Amazon all kind of brought me to a decision. "I'll stay." "Good. I'm Cindy. What's your name?" "Roger," I said. "Nice to meet you Roger. Oh, here we are, it's about time!" my Cindy said to a scantily-clad and heavily-busted server. The server nodded and took drink orders -- Cindy didn't bother asking me what I wanted, she just ordered four of her favorite drink. She looked at me. "You'll like it, and they get busy; I can hear people coming in now." The drinks came and we continued chatting lightly. Cindy was definitely a touchy-feely type. By the time we had been in the place for an hour -- each of us having consumed three drinks and working on the fourth -- her hands were all over my arm and shoulder, and she was not quite pawing at me, but making it clear that she was going to grow more bold as the night wore on. And she had misinformed me about something else, too -- those drinks were NOT poured light. I decided to take my time and slow down a little. Quite suddenly, the lights went completely out. I felt Cindy grin and sit back in the love seat, reclining against me. "It's about to start, the show!" she said with a degree of happiness. The center stage was suddenly lit, not brightly, but effectively. A man and a woman appeared on the stage, from a hidden trapdoor in the stage floor itself. They stood and took their places, and then music was pumped through the speakers. It wasn't loud, but I noted that it was loud enough that any conversations had between couples in the seats would be quite private. They danced, and with each pass grew progressively closer. The music tempo picked up, and adding a hard driving undertone. The two on stage now began to hold one another close, and the woman began to rub her hands over the man's broad chest. She slipped her hands under his jacket, and doffed it; it fell into a heap on the stage. She began to manipulate his chest more, and run her hands around his body, including rubbing them on his firm ass. She got behind him, pressing her breasts into his back, wrapping his hands around his body and fiddled with his pants. "You enjoying yourself?" Cindy asked; she had brought her head up to my ear to ask. "So far, yes," I said. "You're not planning on leaving, are you?" she asked next. "No, I'll stick around." "Good. Oh god," she said suddenly in a hot tone. The gal on stage had unzipped the man's pants and his erection was visible, and it was a sizable one. "Damn," I said in some measure of awe. "That's some cock, huh?" Cindy purred smoothly into my ear. "You turned on by it?" The woman on stage then wrapped her hands around the base of the man's beast, and began a slow stroke. Her hips moved seductively as she continued her dance, but he was more or less rooted to the spot. I felt my erection grow in my pants. "I'm getting turned on," I admitted to Cindy, "but not necessarily from staring at that cock. It is a big one, though," I added. "Yes, yes it is," she said in a voice suggesting that she'd had it before. Her mouth was close enough to my ear that her lips brushed my skin. "It's okay if you get an erection," she assured me. It did not help that at that moment, the young lady in question brought herself around in front of the well-hung poster-child of masculinity, and gently slurped his big tool into her mouth. She kept the proceedings slow, using nothing but her lips and tongue, but as she bobbed deeper and pulled away, the lights on the stage glistened off of the saliva on the man's tool. Seeing it like that made my cock throb in my pants, and it didn't help that Cindy had suddenly picked up her touchy-feely bits to my leg. "How's your cock feeling?" Cindy whispered deliciously into my ear. "Look at that little slut suck that cock," she giggled. "Fuck, she's good!" My response came through ragged breath and some gasps. "Yeah, I can see that!" "You didn't answer my question." "I'm as hard as a rock," I told my new friend. "Oh?" Her hand now rested on my leg, and slowly began to rub up and down. At the knee, she was atop my pants but as she brought her hand closer down, she pushed it down so that it was at my inner thigh. She never quite touched my erection. On the stage, the young woman was picking up speed, her head bobbing fast on the man's massive, turgid member. His balls were thick, and his hands were on his hips but his head was thrown back in obvious pleasure. "Unzip your pants, take your cock out for me," Cindy whispered into my ear. I wasted no time, and unzipped them and pulled them through the hole in my boxer shorts. "I'm going to suck your cock, baby," Cindy promised me. "You just relax." Yeah. Okay. Then Cindy's mouth devoured my erection, and I groaned out loud. I thought that I heard a few other groans and cries coming from near-by seats, but it was hard to tell for sure, given the grinding music. I opened my eyes to look down at the mass of hair at my lap, and then looked up to see the little gal bobbing even faster. Just then, the music completely stopped; for maybe ten or fifteen seconds, the only sounds in the hall were that of couples in some form of erotic play. I heard moans and cries, and by the sounds of some rhythmic thumping, some actual sex going on. I stopped and looked up, and saw the little woman put her hands on the man's shoulders. She wove her hips, and I noticed dimly that Cindy's pressure had become incredibly light even though it felt like my cock was still within her mouth. The man was down on his kneels, pushed back his butt on his heels by the woman, who was now demonstrating a bit of dominance in her own right. Her hands went to her waist, and she began the process of unbuttoning her shorts. Her hips continued to snake-whip back and forth, and then Cindy rose up from my cock. "You taste good," she said. She knelt on the sofa, and I looked over at her, but she smiled and turned my head to the stage. "This is the good part," she said. The woman on the stage was still sashaying her hips slowly, and then as the clothing was pulled away, it was revealed that the woman on stage was actually a man. Or, at least she had a very large and quite erect penis. I could not be the only one who sucked in his breath at the remarkable change, and then the man leaned forward and took the woman's erection into his mouth. "Fuck that's hot!" Cindy moaned. I looked over and saw Cindy watching me intently. Her hands were busy at her waist, where she had lifted her skirt up and revealed that she also had a cock. It was large, and glistening with precum already. I didn't say a word. I turned quickly on the sofa, and reached over. Cindy's head rolled back as my hand grasped the base of the Amazon's cock. She hissed as I squeezed, and then moaned as I stroked her once, a second time, a third time, and then my mouth opened and it was the most natural thing in the world to take the gorgeous she-male's cock into my mouth. Cindy's hands reached down and held me firmly at her cock; now that I was staked upon it, she wasn't going to let me go, but I had no plans to escape. I rolled my tongue over the velvety skin of the head, and felt Cindy's body respond. No, I'd never sucked a cock before but had dreamed about it often enough. It was as erotic as I had dreamed, and I had my hand on my erection stroking it lightly as I sucked off Cindy. I turned my head at one point to see the man on his knees still kneeling before his young goddess with a cock, and she looked like she was enjoying herself immensely. Cindy's pressure on my head increased, and I sensed that she was trapping me. A moment later I learned why, as her body spasmed with her hips jamming forward, thrusting her cock deep into the back of my throat, where it erupted with semen. I fought the gag complex, eagerly allowing her to fill my mouth and belly with her delicious hot cum. I sucked hard, now my hands squeezing the base of her cock, getting every last drop. Finally, Cindy made a cry and pushed away, her cock now flaccid between her legs. "Do my ass," she said next. "I want you to fill my asshole with your cum!" she practically begged. She pressed a button and a hidden drawer opened, and she took out a sealed bottle of lube. She ripped it open and I used it on my rigid cock, and on her tight little asshole. I positioned myself and thrust just as the gorgeous shemale on the stage was doing the same to her hot man. Our hips were thrusting in unison, but we were each lost to the other, as everyone in the club was lost to everyone else. I felt my balls swinging, slapping loudly against Cindy's ass, as the tight hole was as tight as erotic as anything I'd ever felt. I felt the lube spread over my lower body and her ass, but I didn't care. Then, just as the shemale on stage lolled her head back and obviously dumped her load into her man's ass, I did the same to my new friend Cindy. The cumblast was hard, thick and deep, and quickly Cindy's asshole became even more lubricated with my semen. But then, exhausted, I pulled out and sat back on the couch. Cindy grinned at me. "I love cum in my asshole!" she said. "Thank you." "Thank you for finding me," I said truthfully. The music was softening; I sensed that everyone else was as spent as we were. We zipped up and got our clothing put back together. "How long are you in town?" Cindy asked. "I leave Friday morning." "Maybe I'll see you again some night this week?" she suggested with a smile. "I'd like that."
Probably should’ve invested in some safety rails, now that he thought about it. The last thing Aadian saw before he was covered in gunk was someone on an upper level of the workshop bumping into a dangerously unsecured, uncapped barrel, sending it flying off the edge and its contents splurging all through the air, before darkness overtook him and his back was flattened to the floor. By the time he came to, a large group of workers had gathered around him, all trying to pull him up from the oozing substance that had slightly solidified around him, while the man responsible for the accident kept shouting apologies from up above. The Teshari couldn’t really think straight; hell, he could barely remember what happened until someone yanked some of the goop from his mouth and gave him a glass of water, and even then he had to contend with a pounding headache that refused to go away. “What… w-what happened?” he mumbled, rubbing his head and finding it still coated in whatever was in the barrel. “Someone dunked you in accelerator serum, boss,” one of his coworkers replied, sounding quite worried, “I think someone in the last shift forgot to fasten it and Bill didn’t notice it until it was too late.” The words “accelerator serum” didn’t really register with Aadian until it was too late to do anything about it; then again, the substance had already infiltrated into his body from the moment he was covered in it, so there wasn’t a lot he could do there. The first indication he had that something was dreadfully wrong came when he heard the workers around him gasping and letting go of him, a few apologizing before trying, and failing, to catch him on the way down; rather than a dull thud, however, what he felt was a rather squishy landing, one that he certainly wasn’t expecting… but as soon as he looked down and observed his chest, the reason for this was made patently clear: he had tits. Not just breasts, not merely boobs, but tits: big, round and absolutely stuffed with something resembling milk, if those spurts coming out of them were any indication. In those short moments in between the initial shock and him falling to his knees, they had somehow grown big enough to dangle dangerously close to the ground even when he tried to keep his back parallel to it, big enough that he could sink his fingers into one of them and they’d vanish completely in the pudge. It’d be alluring, downright arousing even, if not for the fact that they were still growing bigger and heavier, leaving him in a state of blind panic once he fully realized what was going on with him. He sprang to his feet, only to trip backwards and land flat on his ass thanks to his center of gravity being shifted so much, and from his new position got to observe as his bust continued to swell and bloat, taking up more and more of his lap as each second ticked by, making it harder to move the longer he waited. With no one around him willing to help, most likely convinced that they’d become infected by the serum as well, Aadian did his best to put his four arms to good use, hefting those heavy mounds and dragging his sorry self over to where he could find some help. Sadly, by the time he reached Prinrin’s office, he was less thinking about how she might help him get back to normal and more wondering where he could get unlimited access to an industrial-grade milking machine, because those things he had attached to his chest were so full that he literally couldn’t take a single step more; the moment he opened the door to talk to the goblin he fell forward, by that point barely even moving an inch as the udders he sported had bloated out so much that they were already practically dragging along the ground. Even then, the small fall was enough for a good gallon or so of milk to spurt out from each of them, giving Prinrin all the information she needed to know on what was going on; with a disturbing amount of ease, she began acting even before Aadian managed to squeak out a small “Help!”, pulling on multiple conspicuously located levers and shouting orders into an intercom. Within moments, a whole entourage of robotic automatons appeared from multiple doors behind the Teshari, who was unfortunately too consumed by the sight of his own breasts to really notice (and quite literally at that, with his muzzle stuffed into his cleavage whether or not he liked it); though they struggled to move the mounting weight of those milk factories, the goblin’s robotic creations nonetheless managed to get enough of a grip on Aadian’s body to lift him up and carry him over to one of the containment cells, as per Prinrin’s instructions. The goblin herself decided to join in, following the large group of robots as she loudly demanded explanations from the Teshari as to what in blazes had happened, only really stopping after the fourth or fifth time the answer was obscured and muffled by the same pair of milk-stuffed tits that were the problem to begin with. The tiny goblin sighed, rubbing her temple with one hand as the other went to work on a small data pad she carried on her; this way, she could remotely open the chamber and prepare it for its brand new occupant, though whatever they were supposed to do after Aadian was safely secure inside a locked room was still up in the air. There was so much that needed to be done that it wasn’t even funny: find the culprit, figure out what happened, try to come up with some sort of antidote, all while doing their best not to let the poor guy drown in his own milk, assuming that was even possible. All of this and more swam around inside Prinrin’s head when she unceremoniously ordered the automatons to drop the Teshari inside the room and then vacate the premises, giving the poor guy a nod and a half-hearted assurance that they’d find some way to “fix” him before inputting the security code on the door panel and locking the whole thing down. She let out a long sigh again, followed by a very slow inhale and then a series of breathing exercises designed to help calm her down. Prinrin knew that if she walked into the main workshop floor without centering herself, there would be a non-zero chance of someone else being dunked in the same substance that led to Aadian’s growth spurt, and that was the last thing anyone wanted. Best if she calmed down before storming in and demanding answers, which was slightly complicated by the fact that she had to hear the Teshari on the other side of the door begging to be milked because of how stuffed he felt. Not being one to deal with those sorts of things herself, she offhandedly activated the sound dampening system and mentioned something to one of the nearest robots about making sure the drains were working properly, not bothering to check if the room that Aadian was in actually had them or not. The most important thing now was finding out what happened so she could finagle a solution, and to that end, Prinrin straightened out her back, cleared her throat, and marched straight into the main workshop area with her war face on. Everyone’s reaction to seeing their boss show up could be adequately described as a mixture between existential dread and an intense need to pretend like they weren’t hearing anything. Surprisingly, not a single person spoke up once Prinrin demanded to know what had just transpired, hoping beyond hope that maybe, if only they said nothing at all, everything would go away and they wouldn’t have to provide any explanations. As the goblin continued to press the matter, however, and it became crystal clear that things wouldn’t magically vanish on their own, the many workers in the workshop began to look at one another, presumably in an attempt to find someone who might take the blame instead of them, before all of them ended up staring in the direction of a single person, the one who started it all: Bill, who was still in the upper levels trying to fix the disaster he had caused by putting some bloody safety rails in place where they should have been to begin with. The poor guy didn’t even notice it until the overwhelming silence began to register, at which point he began looking around in a blind panic; his questions would be answered once the service elevator slowly crept up towards the catwalks, a very pissed-off goblinoid standing inside of it with an accusatory glance, eyes like fireballs and her hands probably ready to sign off on a whole bunch of damning paperwork. Perhaps the worst part of it all was that Prinrin was actually perfectly cordial and polite, albeit in a way that betrayed that she was one bad choice of words away from exploding with poorly tempered anger at the sheer idiocy that had led to one of her best workers being stuck inside of a room with a pair of perpetually-swelling tits. She wrote down as much as she could, gradually transferring her anger towards whoever was in charge of the previous shift, trying her best to stay focused on finding a solution rather than attempting to blame this incident on someone; it wouldn’t help anyone, nor would it solve the problem of the Teshari bloating up in the containment chamber. She concluded their “conversation” by gently reminding this Bill fellow that he had thirty minutes to fix the safety railing up to agreed-upon standards before “drastic measures” were enacted, then promptly turned around and headed back down the elevator, making sure to stare at everyone she could all the way to the exit. None of them dared look back, knowing better than to tempt their fate when Prinrin was actually justified in seeking retribution, and thus the goblin made her way back to the holding cell unimpeded; well, she though “holding cell”, but it was really more of a milking station at that point. … wait, was it though? Did she remember to actually order her robots to milk the Teshari? Surely she had, that would’ve been an immense faux pas on her end if she hadn’t; one can imagine her surprise when Prinrin pulled a bench towards her and got on it in order to check on Aadian through the porthole, genuinely expecting to see several automatons hard at work emptying them out, only to be faced with… white. An off-colour white, to be sure, but one that was so pure and unchanging that it took a few seconds before the correct sequence of neurons fired to let the goblin know what it was she was looking at: milk. An all-encompassing, room-coating quantity of milk that had risen to such a height that it took her outright tapping on the glass for the vibrations to reveal just how thick the liquid on the other side was. From there it wasn’t too long until she practically fell off the bench in her hurry to get the door open, summoning about a dozen or so robotic units and ordering them to wait at the end of the corridor until she was done emptying the containment chamber. Luckily, the door opened outwards; not so luckily, the pressure inside was such that the moment Prinrin undid the lock, it forced the whole thing wide open and sent her reeling back, not from being hit in the face with a half-ton slab of steel, but thanks to the deluge of milk that gushed out from the room! She blacked out for a few seconds, only vaguely aware of tumbling around and smashing against a wall, coming to when her brain failed to restart her breathing properly and needed some manual assistance. Prinrin found herself completely covered in milk from head to toe, smelling incredibly sweet and feeling like the definition of “sticky”, all while her gasping for breath was accompanied by another, far more frantic set of inhales and exhales coming from close by. She dared to look up, her eyes going wide at seeing what awaited her inside of the chamber she’d just opened; no wonder the milk levels were so high, Aadian’s tits alone occupied a good half of the volume inside of it, and were still growing to boot! The Teshari begged for her to help him, his voice muffled slightly by both the sounds of churning cream and the fact that it was coming from behind a pair of breasts larger than any the goblin had ever seen, but even then the panic was perfectly clear. Something had to be done, or that poor guy was going to be squished against the walls by his own bust. Unfortunately for everyone involved, it wouldn’t be Prinrin who did anything to fix the situation at hand. She certainly wanted to, and had the moxie and determination to get it done, but sadly lacked the mobility required to actually get around to doing anything at all, for unbeknownst to her, the milk she had been blasted with shared the same growth and transformative properties as the accelerator serum that had caused the problem to begin with; as such, the moment the goblin attempted to move from her prone position, she suddenly found herself stuck to the ground by a pair of tits large enough to drag across the ground even if she were to stretch out her back properly. Panic was quick to set in, Prinrin flailing about as she commanded her automatons to “help”, a command so vague that the stupid things had to stand around processing it for a few seconds, at which point both their master and the unfortunate Teshari in the containment cell were both being buried by busts of calamitous proportions. Even when the robots did act, they did so by vanishing into their maintenance area, leaving both growth spurt victims to scream and beg for help for a couple of minutes before the automatons reappeared, dragging with them multiple ramshackle assemblies of pumps and tubes attached to large, apparently freshly-welded cylindrical canisters. Aadian couldn’t see what was coming, but Prinrin could, and still didn’t know whether to feel elated at the prospect that her creations were smart enough to interpret her command as a need for a milking machine, or utterly terrified at the prospect of turning into a goblin-sized dairy cow. These, however, would be concerns for after she was done, for no matter how many reservations she might’ve had about the whole process, none of them survived first contact between her engorged, milk-leaking nipples and the suction cups at the end of the pumps. In fact, very little of her survived at all, leaving naught but a mewling, moaning mess begging to be drained harder. Which would probably be a necessity, all things considered. They were still growing.
Title: Friends and Enemies by Vanamee Tags: Character Development, Mild Abuse, Mild Romance, Mild Violence, No-Yiff, Plot Development, Rabbit, Slavery, Wolf So here it is! Chapter three is up! I didn't get into any yiffyness this time (Sorry!) But I promise something extra kinky for you guys next chapter! This bit gets a bit more emotional and focuses more on the poor slave wolf and his budding friendships (And his budding... err... enemyships?). So I hope you enjoy it! Vanamee awoke the next morning with an idea in his head. It couldn't really be called a plan, as it didn't result in any sort of change, but it was an idea. The lupine boy opened his eyes and started to stretch, slipping his paw out of that of the still sleeping Kuramee. His cellmate, Edwin, appeared to still be asleep. The wolf wasn't surprised. Vanamee sat with his back against the wall, eagerly awaiting breakfast, and hoping against all odds it was the same guard who had brought them food the day before. After a relatively short wait, the lupine heard the other cells on the wagon getting opened, one by one, until at last the lock on his own could be heard and the door swung open to reveal the face of a tall, thin, grey wolf. "Morning kid." The guard greeted, handing him two crusts of bread and what appeared to be a bowl of oatmeal. The scent of food instantly woke Edwin up, the rabbit stretching and yawning. Vanamee hesitated a moment to go through with his idea, the friendly Imperial beginning to shut the door back before Vanamee made a move. "Wait!" The young wolf boy cried, rushing forward to the door. The guard stopped, looking at Vanamee through the half closed door. "Yeah kid?" The grey wolf replied. "The other day you said to tell you if I needed anything, remember?" Vanamee said, ignoring the suspicious glance that Edwin gave him. "Yes." The guard responded, the wolf recalling his name to be Lagano, "Why?" "Could you... could you please see if you can find a couple of people in the other wagons for me?" The lupine pleaded. For a second Lagano didn't reply, looking about as though to make certain none of the other soldiers were listening. "Like who?" The Imperial wolf inquired. "I was wondering if you could find mine and my friend's mothers?" Vanamee expounded. "I'll try. What's yours and your friend's names?" Lagano asked in a hushed voice. Vanamee quickly whispered his and Kuramee's names. Lagano gave him a nod before shutting and locking the door back. "What do you think you're doing?" Edwin hissed, putting a paw on the young wolf boy's shoulder, "He's just going to get you in trouble!" "Why would he do that?" Vanamee asked, picking up the food bowl that Lagano had left and starting to eat. "Because he's an Imperial! Don't you get it?" The long ear groaned, shaking his head incredulously, "That guy could care less about us!" "Then why did he offer to help?" Vanamee shot back, taking a bite out of his bread crust, the crumbs falling down and sticking to his belly fur. "I don't know..." Edwin admitted, "But I can pretty much guarantee that it's some kind of trap!" "I don't think so." Vanamee replied, "I think he genuinely wants to help us!" "Then why doesn't he let us free?" Edwin scoffed, taking his food and scooting back, leaning against the wall. "They would probably kill him if he did..." Vanamee responded, laying down now that he had finished his meal. He placed the bowl over in the corner, knowing that the guards would pick it up when they stopped that evening. The two boys sat silently, listening to the rumbling of the wagon and the soft, muffled cries of soldiers outside. It was a long day, but when they stopped that evening, Vanamee felt so full of energy he could burst. The entire day he had been thinking of what Lagano might have to report to him. He had told Kuramee what he had asked Lagano to do, and now as they sat by the fire, waiting or the soldiers to pass out their food, both wolves were eager to see if their Imperial friend had found their mothers. Kuramee's bright blue eyes twinkled in the light of the fire as she shuffled about next to Vanamee. "What's taking him so long?" She whined impatiently. "I'm still not sure he'll even show up." Edwin, who was sitting on Vanamee's other side, spat. "We'll see." Vanamee sighed, looking off into the growing darkness. There were just two many soldiers hustling about for the lupine to discern if any of them were Lagano, especially in this low light. The wolf sighed, hoping he had made the right choice in trusting the Imperial. As he sat there, the shrill sound of someone crying cut through his thoughts. The lupine looked about. On the other side of the fire sat a small wolf boy, his fur a soft grey, marked with bright red head fur and a tail tip of the same hue. Vanamee guessed that he was probably only nine or ten years old. "Shut that damned crying up!" One of the soldiers commanded. The Imperial walked over, glaring down at the tiny wolf. He was a rather pudgy looking lion with an extremely hateful looking face. Vanamee felt his stomach knot up as the child continued crying, ignoring the soldier. The lion looked behind him at another soldier, whom Vanamee assumed was his superior. The second Imperial gave the lion a nod and the pudgy feline leaned down, grabbing the wolf child by his head fur and lifting him off the ground as he kicked and screamed in both pain and fear. "I warned you ya' little runt!" The lion roared, dragging the struggling child off into the darkness which now surrounded them. The other slaves around the fire sat in fearful silence as the sound of the child's cries got softer and softer. After a moment they stopped completely and were swiftly replaced by the sound of a whip cracking. The screams started up anew now, but they were now screams of agony. All of the captured slaves sat around the fire, looking at one another as the whip cracked and the child screamed, over and over... At last the sounds stopped. A few minutes later, Vanamee caught sight of the lion once more, walking along the edge of the firelight, something limp and bloody thrown over his shoulder. "What's wrong runt?" Came a cold and familiar voice, "Going to start crying too?" Vanamee wheeled around to find a muscular husky in Imperial armor standing behind him, holding onto a large, menacing spear. The lupine didn't answer, but looked up at the other canine hesitantly. "I... I don't want any trouble..." The wolf whimpered, scooting back a little. "Trouble?" The husky laughed, looking down at him, "You're already in so much trouble, I don't really feel the need to give you any more!" Vanamee whined, looking up at the grinning dog. "What do you mean?" He asked the soldier hesitantly. Vanamee could feel Kura shifting about uncomfortably next to him. "I mean that you and your little runt friends are going to be sold in Crown City. I can't think of anything worse than that! You'll all be in a Vore Brothel or a in some noble's little torture room!" The Husky explained with a laugh, "You see, Crown City is where most of the nobles live... and most of them are a bit TOO kinky." "He's full of crap." Edwin grumbled. The soldier looked down at the long ear and snickered. "Actually, I know a noble named Gregor Hooffall," The Husky informed him, "who just loves buying long ears. He ties them to his carriage, like Feral horses and has them pull him all about town. He's always on the lookout for new ones... since the old ones die so often." The soldier started to chuckle, pointing to Kuramee, "And I'm sure your pretty little friend over there will find a nice master to rape her pretty ass." Vanamee felt his anger rising as the soldier taunted Kura, the white furred wolfess starting to silently cry beside him. Vanamee was about to lunge at the soldier's legs when another Imperial came up. "That'll be quite enough sergeant." The second Imperial growled, still standing too far from the edge of the fire for the wolf boy to make out any of his features. The husky turned about, giving a quick salute. "C...Captain Lagano, sir!" The tormenting dog gasped, "I was just..." "I saw what you were doing sergeant." Lagano growled, the tall, thin canine stepping into the light, "And I suggest you get out of my sight." The husky turned back and gave the three friends a sneer before marching off. "Hello kids." Lagano said after the burly dog had left, "I have news for you." Kuramee and Vanamee's eyes lit up at this, the Husky's ominous words temporarily forgotten. "Did you find my mom?" Kura asked excitedly, her tail slapping the ground as it wagged. Lagano paused a moment, taking a deep breath before answering. "Well... no." The captain told her, "But I did find out SOME good news." "What's that?" Vanamee inquired, feeling rather crushed by the other wolf's inability to find his mother. "Your mothers aren't being shipped to Crown City." Lagano explained, "In Jade there is a man who buys slaves and then rents them out as a cleaning service. He bought all the older females from the raid ahead of time." "How is that good news?" Kura whined, the poor girl curling into a ball and starting to sniffle. Vanamee looked over at her, pushing his own hurt to the back of his mind as he saw Kura's pretty blue eyes tear up. "It means that they won't be sold into a factory or mine." Lagano explained in a sympathetic tone, "And that they won't be sold to some freak in the capital." "Wait!" Edwin suddenly interjected, "Do you mean that the stuff that jerk was telling us is... true?" Lagano looked off, obviously having been hoping he wouldn't have to answer that question." "I... I'm afraid so." The captain replied, sighing, "But that doesn't mean that it will happen to you!" He added quickly as he saw the frightened look on the trio's faces, "I mean... you're all considered 'exotic' slaves. You're worth a LOT of money. I don't think anyone will buy you just to hurt you, and I know for certain that none of those trashy vore brothels will be able to afford you!" "W...what's a vore brothel?" Vanamee asked, still uncertain as to what THIS particular horror was. "A disgusting hovel that purchases slaves," Lagano expounded, "for the sole purpose of putting on a show. Basically they feed the slave to some monster, or cook them alive, in front of an audience. It's a favorite pastime for many of the city's upper class." Vanamee whined. What kind of horrible place where they being sent to? Nothing he had heard of Crown City so far seemed even remotely pleasant. "I'm sorry." Lagano spoke at last, "I can't stay over here any longer or they're going to start getting suspicious." The wolf gave Vanamee and his friends one last, sad look. "I'm sorry." He repeated and then stepped out into the night once more. None of the three slaves said a word as they ate dinner, each lost in their own thoughts as the warmth of the fire danced across their fur. At last Edwin spoke, the rabbit's ears held flat against his brown head fur. "What are we going to do?" Edwin whimpered, the rabbit's usually calm, collected manner having disappeared entirely, replaced by an aura of fear and dread. "I... I don't know." Vanamee sighed, looking between the Edwin and Kuramee. The situation seemed utterly hopeless. As the boy glanced over to Kura, he saw tears running down her cheek, soaking her white fur and pressing it flat against her face. The lupine's heart broke in two as he watched her, feeling utterly helpless. Vanamee leaned forward, wrapping an arm around her shoulder and pulling her close to him. "Don't worry Kura." Vanamee whined, "I'm sure we'll figure something out!" As he spoke, Kura looked over at him, her blonde hair falling to the side and laying on Vanamee's black furred shoulder. "That's not why I'm crying." Kuramee replied, reaching one paw up and wiping at her eyes. "I saw what you were going to do. If the captain hadn't come, you would have tried fighting that guard." Vanamee blushed, feeling rather self conscious. "He shouldn't have spoken to you like that..." The young lupine responded, feeling a tinge of anger rise up as he remembered the husky's cruel words. "Yes he should have Vana!" Kura groaned, her eyes tearing up once more, "We're slaves! Don't you get it? He can speak to us as he pleases!" "Kura, why are you..." The wolf began, but Kura cut him off. "Don't ever do it again!" She spat, "I don't want you to get hurt because of me!" Vanamee sat and looked at her incredulously, not knowing what to tell her. As Kuramee looked up at him with those tear filled blue eyes, the wolf sighed. "Ok." Vanamee replied, "I won't." "Promise me!" She sobbed, clinging tight to the young boy. Vanamee waited a moment. "I promise." He answered, holding Kura tight against him. The wolfess cried on his shoulder silently for a moment. "I don't know what I'd do if... if they..." She stuttered, sniffling. The pair sat there, listening to the sounds of soldiers and slaves alike settling down for the night. Off in the distance, night birds chirped out a long, sad tune. Vanamee looked out into the night, looking at the dark hills and deep woods of the islands, possibly for the last time. He felt Kuramee's hand rub through the fur on his side. "Aren't the stars pretty?" She whispered, her gaze fixed on the sky. Vanamee looked up, marveling at the sheer number of the stars. They twinkled high above them, like bright diamonds set in a black sea. Vanamee smiled, despite everything that had happened to him and just enjoyed the night sky. The pleasant moment didn't last long, the soldiers herding all of the slaves back to the wagon. Before he stepped up into his cell, Vanamee gave Kuramee one last look, the girl now giving him a weak smile. A moment later the lupine was in his cell, sitting quietly beside Edwin. "Vanamee?" Edwin spoke, his voice hesitant. "Yes Edwin?" Vanamee replied. "I... I'm scared." The rabbit admitted, shocking the wolf. Until now, it had been Edwin who was calm and collected, knowing what was coming. Now the rabbit's voice was filled with fear and uncertainty. "Me too." Vanamee admitted, turning to look at the wall that divided the two young boys from Kuramee. "But don't say it too loud." The wolf boy added in a whisper, "I don't want to scare Kura." At this he could hear Edwin sigh. "You shouldn't get too attached to her Vana." The long ear informed him, "You know this won't last. We're going to be split up and we'll never see each other again." Vanamee whined, wincing as the rabbit's words sank in. Vanamee could think of nothing to say to the long ear, his face burning a bright red. "Anyways, sleep well." The rabbit sighed, rolling over and showing his back to the wolf. Vanamee lay awake for a while, listening to the buck's rhythmic breathing and the distant call of animals in the night. A whirlwind of thoughts ran through the wolf's head, most of them centered around the lovely, young, white wolfess in the next cell over. As he lay there, dreaming pleasant thoughts of what could have been and what could be, the unmistakable sound of the lock opening could be heard. Vanamee's head shot up as the door flew open, a large, shadowy figure standing on the other side. Before the wolf could even speak, the figure leaped forward, partially into the wagon, and snatching hold of the wolf by his arm. "Bet you thought I'd just forget about you, didn't you?" Came a chillingly familiar voice. Vanamee was forcibly pulled from his cell and thrown to the ground. Looking up Vanamee finally caught a glimpse of his assaulter by the soft light of dying fires. It was the Husky from before! "You got me in trouble you worthless runt!" The dog spat, reaching down with his free hand and taking hold of the wolf's throat. "You're going to pay for that!" Vanamee tried to pull away, but the Husky's grip was far too strong. The lupine thrashed about, grasping the dog's hand and trying to pull it off of his throat as he was lifted off the ground. As soon as the lupine was in the air, he felt his throat constrict, his air supply instantly disappearing. "What's the matter you little fag?" The Husky growled, slamming Vanamee's back against the wagon as the wolf continued to struggle, "I'm going to strangle the life out of you!" Vanamee felt tears running down his cheek, the edges of his vision starting to go dark. The wolf's struggles began to weaken as he felt himself drift closer and closer to unconsciousness. Vanamee felt as though he couldn't hang on a moment later when the hand on his throat unexpectedly released, leaving the wolf to fall to the ground, coughing and sputtering. "Get off me you fucktoy!" The Husky cried out. Vanamee looked up to find the Imperial soldier thrashing around, trying to rid himself of Edwin, who had leapt out of the wagon and latched onto his back. Vanamee quickly got back to his senses and leapt forward, grabbing hold of the Husky's legs, holding on tight. The three thrashed about, fighting for only a few moments before the other soldiers arrived. "Hey!" One of the Imperials cried, rushing up with a blazing torch in one hand and his sword in the other, "What's going on here?" The three fighting furs stopped instantly, looking over dumbly at the group of about six soldiers who had come to investigate the ruckus. "Well?" "I found two escaping slaves!" The husky answered, grabbing hold of the two smaller furs. "He's lying!" Edwin cried, letting go of the Husky and dropping to the ground, "He was going to strangle Vanamee!" The other guards didn't seem to believe the buck and one of them promptly smacked the rabbit across the face. As the blow landed, Edwin crumpled up, collapsing to the ground. "Edwin!" Vanamee cried, trying to go to his friend, only to be siezed by two of the soldiers, their grips like iron vices. "Good work Zeke!" One of the Imperials laughed, giving the husky a congratulatory pat on the shoulder. "Come on boys! You know what we gotta do!" Vanamee felt his heart stop, watching as one of the larger soldiers pulled out a hammer from his belt. "Let's find a good stump and tie him down." The soldier growled. "NO!" Vanamee screamed, kicking and thrashing about as the larger furs began to drag him away. One of the soldiers gave him a hard slap, but the wolf continued to struggle, begging and pleading with the guards. "Oh gods no! Please don't do this!" The young wolf's pleas fell on deaf ears. After a few moments the soldiers gave him a rough toss, the lupine feeling something hard and rough colliding with his rump. Before he could react, the canine was seized by two guards, his arms pushed behind his head and tied tight, his legs stretched out and tied together. The wolf looked about frantically. One of the guards held a torch that flickered and sputtered, illuminating the area for a few feet around. The wolf was effectively tied down to an old oak stump, his feet hanging over the edge. Another guard, a lean looking weasel, stood there glowering down at him, a large, flat headed hammer held in his paw. As Vanamee laid eyes on it, he began to sob uncontrollably, his whole body shaking with fear. "Please! Please nooooo!" The lupine begged, "I'll do anything. Just please don't do this!" One of the guards gave him a hard smack. "Save your damned screaming till after we've actually hobbled you!" The guard, a short, skinny rat growled. The weasel meanwhile raised his hammer high, aiming it at the wolf's creamy white footpaws. "Please..." Vanamee sobbed once more. "Hold it!" Came a booming voice. The weasel with the hammer froze instantly, his head shooting toward the source of the voice. "What are you soldiers doing?" "Major!" The rat soldier cried, hurrying to salute as his superior stepped into the dim light of the torch. Much to Vanamee's surprise, it was the wolf who had struck him two days ago, when he had refused to tell the human commander his name! "I repeat," The lupine soldier growled, "what are you scum doing?" "Sergeant Zeke caught this slave and his cellmate trying to escape!" A third soldier, a hefty pig with bulging eyes answered, "We were just about to hobble him!" The major looked down at Vanamee, examining him with piercing green eyes. "Is that true slave?" The wolf asked him intently. "No!" Vanamee cried out desperately, "He... the Husky was going to kill me! Edwin was only trying to save me!" The major paused a moment, looking down at the wolf silently. "I see." The lupine soldier replied, "Take this slave back to his cell, do the same with his friend." "But sir!" The pig contended, "Are you really going to take a slave's word over that of an officer?" "Since said officer has abandoned his post and fled, yes." The major replied. The other Imperials looked at each other dumbfounded. "I recall captain Lagano telling me that Zeke was particularly intent on bothering this slave." The soldiers gave the major a quick salute before picking Vanamee up and carrying him off. The wolf was so relieved that he began to sob, feeling almost delirious as he was dragged back to his cell. As he was thrown inside, he saw Edwin already inside, sitting up and conscious now. As the soldiers were locking the door, Vanamee could hear one of them make a rather ominous remark. "I'll be glad when we get to Jade in the morning." The soldier groaned, "I'm tired of playing babysitter to these damned savages." With that the Imperials were gone, leaving only Vanamee and the buck to themselves. For a moment, the pair just sat and looked at each other. At last Vanamee could hold back no longer and began to sob. The rabbit leaned over, taking him in a tight hug as he too began to sob. The pair sat there for a while, crying against one another. At last the pair had cried themselves out and fell asleep in one another's arms. that night the wolf dreamed of the sound of whips, and the screams of children. The lupine awoke the next morning, not feeling at all rested. Across from him sat Edwin, already awake. "Never expected you to be up!" Vanamee laughed, the sound strained and unnatural. "I couldn't sleep." Edwin replied, shuffling about anxiously. "Me either." Vanamee admitted, "But by evening we'll be away from these soldiers." The wolf hung his head, realizing that it meant he would also be away from his mother... forever.
Title: Hotbeds Ch. 10 Tags: consummation, weekend, first love, sexual adventure, teacher CHAPTER 10: *Introduction: The supposed sexual adventures of a prep school teacher in the 1950s and 1960s. Chapter 9 is an account of his crossing the channel and entering another channel. Chapter 10 finds him still in France and offered the chance to consummate with Denise the sexual activities with her which constituted part of his initiation, as reported in Chapter 1.* \*\*\*\*\* I presumed that Denise was coming to her country retreat to put it to bed for the winter, or, possibly, to quiz me about the month with Jeanne. Maybe even to report on her friend's state of mind and body after that time with me. Her letter arrived on a Tuesday, so I had four days to fill, in effect, before she arrived on Friday evening. That not only settled my staying on for those days at least but gave me things to do during them. I busied myself changing the beds, cleaning the place throughout and going to the village market and shop to replenish supplies. Between whiles I cycled many miles around Normandy and swam a good deal on the local and other beaches. The idea was to tire myself to enable me to sleep and avoid brooding on missing Jeanne, her magnificent clitoris and the great, deep, compelling eyes which had drawn me in. I made sure to be outside in the twilight to meet Denise, and she rather surprised me by getting out of the car, embracing me hard and kissing me, lips to lips. I could tell she was tense, agitated, and wondered if Jeanne had returned to Paris distressed. But would Denise greet me so warmly if that were the case? Perhaps she was rewarding me if Jeanne had seemed in a better state of being? I had a meal waiting and we settled to eat, but she picked at the food and kept looking into my face questioningly. Eventually I asked, 'Do you want me to talk about how Jeanne and I got on?'` 'I know all about it,' she said, smiling, 'She told me everything, every last detail. In both languages and several times.' 'Was she happier?' 'She's still grieving at the loss of her breasts, of course, and will go on doing so, but you showed her she can still be desired, still have sex. She loved it, every detail. Telling me helped her to enjoy the memory. She got excited again at the thought of what you did together.' 'What about her husband?' I asked. 'We discussed a long time whether or not to tell him about her infidelity. Would the knowledge that another man wanted her help him think of her sexually? Or would it just finish off the marriage?' 'What was the decision?' 'Say nothing for now and hope.' I said, 'Has she used her mouth? What about her offering him sex from the rear, so he doesn't need to see her chest? She's got a lovely bottom after all, and if he doesn't appreciate that he must be a fool.' 'I think she's tried, but he rejects her.' She sounded distant, as if Jeanne's situation was no longer the point, so I asked, 'There's something wrong, isn't there? Something personal to you.' I was not surprised when she began to cry. I reached across the table to take her hands. 'It's Marcel,' she said, 'He's got a girl.' 'How do you know?' I asked. 'Did he tell you?' 'No,' she sobbed, 'I caught them when I got back from here a month ago. He thought I wasn't coming home till the next day, which was the original plan. I went a day early to leave you and Jeanne alone sooner.' 'Is it serious?' I asked. 'Does he want to leave you?' 'He doesn't know. He says he's in love with her. She's a girl from his company, half my age.' I wondered what to say next. 'Is it a middle-aged man grabbing at his youth thing?' She struggled to stop weeping. 'The question is; do I want to leave him?' Obviously only she could determine that, so I said nothing. She went on, 'All those years we were apart and I didn't let any man into me, because I thought that was what mattered. You know about that. We never had full sex. You were sweet about that. I know he was unfaithful during that time, but I could manage that so long as he was faithful after we were together again.' She got up and moved round the table and sat on my knee, and began to cry again on my shoulder. I held her tight and waited for the storm to pass. She said bitterly, 'I wish now I'd had done it properly with you. But we can remedy that, if you still want to. If you aren't empty after Jeanne. Of course I know I'm older and fatter.' 'You are as beautiful as ever,' I said, 'And of course I want to. But I don't just want to be your revenge, because you'd regret that afterwards.' 'I want you because I want you. I need to do everything you did with Jeanne, everything. Remember, I know what you and she did.' 'That would be wonderful,' I said. Did I really have scruples? Surely I was agog to get into the woman I had fallen in love some years ago? 'But we've only got till Monday morning, not a month,' she said. 'We'd better get started, then,' I replied, already hardening. 'Off we go to the sea.' 'Oh yes. I have to get grass up my arse.' 'You wouldn't have used such a word last time,' I pointed out. 'No, well, I'm not so prissy-mouthed nowadays, especially since talking with Jeanne and finding out about Marcel. I want to fuck and fuck and call it anything I feel like.' As we came onto the beach I proposed that we speed up the chain of events Jeanne and I had followed. So she should take off her skirt and knickers. 'My arse is bigger nowadays,' she said. 'Look!' In the twilight I inspected it with delight. 'Maybe a little. But all the better.' I urged her legs apart in the shallows, bent and put my head through them and stood. Her vulva was now pressed to the back of my neck and her cheeks on my shoulders. 'That's interesting,' she said, rocking back and forth, holding my upraised hands for balance. 'Can you feel my cunt? Is it different from Jeanne's?' 'I can feel it all right. Leaking nicely. Not so hairy as Jeanne's and her clitoris is so large I could feel that, too.' 'Mine isn't large, but it works all right. Remember?' 'We're going to test that now,' I told, carrying into the dunes and laying her down. 'Is this where you fucked Jeanne?' She asked. 'No. This is where I sucked her off. Like this.' I bent to apply my lips to her labia and began to lick up and down vulva. 'Suck my clitoris, like you did hers,' she instructed. 'It's hard now.' I took the little nub between my lips, licked and sucked. 'Did she come quickly?' 'Quick enough,' I said. 'And I think you're on the way, aren't you?' 'Yes. Keep going. I'm going to have this one. Here it comes!' She uttered a high-pitched roaring sound and thrashed her bottom up and down, side to side, grinding the cheeks into the sand. 'Good one,' she said. 'I wanted that so much. It was as if I were fucking your mouth with my clitoris. Now I want you to fuck my cunt.' 'That wasn't what came next,' I told her. 'We went back to house for that.' 'But I want to know whether my cunt is longer than hers,' she objected. 'Go in and test me. You can get in easily.' That was what I did. I pushed into her, as far as I could and held still. 'Well?' She asked. 'Does it feel different? Do cunts feel different?' 'They vary,' I said, 'Not just amongst them, but the same one changes, depending on how aroused, how slippery, how close to orgasm. But Jeanne's is longer than yours. I'm up against your cervix without cramming in the final fraction.' 'I don't know why, but I want to talk about what you do with other women, what their minges and cunts and clitorises are like. How did Jeanne's minge differ from mine?' 'Well, for one thing it's very hairy, and right past her vagina and up her crack.' 'That sounds disgusting, but you liked it, didn't you?' She asked. 'I loved it.' 'Are you going to come in me now?' 'No,' I said, 'I want to go back to the house while you get ready again, because I want you to come again when I come in you.' 'I can come again now, and when you come in me,' she said. 'Just suck me again till I tell you, and then go in and come. That'll do it. Never mind about Jeanne for now.' I withdrew from that warm, delicious vagina. The evening air was chill on my damp tool and I longed to dive back in. But I bent again to lip her re-erecting clit, and after some minutes she tapped my head and said, 'Quick, now!' And I was happy to plunge back in. Her cunt was slick and I slid home and ejaculated, and she bucked beneath me in the throes of her orgasm, whooping and shouting, 'You're coming! I can feel you. Spunk into me!' We lay still, spent and beginning to shiver in the autumn darkness, for summer was ending. Then she said, 'What was it like, going inside me at last?' I had to think for a minute. 'Slipping into cunt is the most wonderful feeling in the world,' I said, 'And slipping into a cunt you've longed to get into is even more wonderful, and slipping into the cunt of a woman you are, or have been, in love with is beyond wonderful. Magical, apocalyptic, fulfilling.' 'Apocalyptic cunt. Hm. So I have a magical minge, a fulfilling fud.' 'Yes. Come back to the house and let me into it again,' I suggested. We didn't bother to dress again but walked back, me naked and she half naked, in the dark. Every hundred yards or so I stroked, kissed, kneaded her bottom. Yes, it was larger now, but it was even more beautiful, and such was its effect that by the time we were in her bedroom, with a double-bed, I was hard again. As we lay down, she asked, 'What did you do with Jeanne after the dunes?' 'I sucked her off with her clit and went in we came.' 'Do that with me?' 'Gladly,' I said, and positioned myself to tongue her vulva. 'I'll start coming soon,' she said, already breathing hard and moving her pelvis up and down. 'Then you go in. It should be wet enough.' 'Oh now!' she screamed. 'Oh now!' I scrambled into position, felt for her opening and plunged in. The sheer shock of the sticky heat within tripped my coming, and she dragged at my hips to pull me as far in as possible to prolong her climax After this we were temporarily spent. I asked her if we could do what I so longed to do when we were colleagues at my first school, sleep together. All the time she had had her chest covered, because to emulate the sex with Jeanne there would be no access to her breasts. But now she took off the blouse and bra. Then we pulled up the covers and she tucked her bottom into my thighs and stomach and we slept. For a long time after we woke, we lay facing, embracing and kissing. I stroked her bottom, ran my fingers down its cleavage, poked a finger up her anus. She ran her hand up and down my half-erect penis. Slowly our desire gathered. 'I know this doesn't fit with your fucking with Jeanne,' she said, 'But I want you to make love to my tits. They're a bit bigger, too, and droopier, but there's also even more feeling in them. Could you do that?' Of course I could. 'Like your bottom they're even lovelier,' I said, and began to lick, caress and suck, rolling the nipples between finger and thumb, drawing the areolas into my mouth. When her breasts began to swell I knew she was approaching orgasm. 'I can come, if you like. Would you like to fuck into me? I'm slippy enough.' That was invitation enough, and I was soon easing my way in and out of her, my cock tingling and throbbing with that amazing sensitivity which grows with each successive entry in a sequence. 'I can stay like this till you're ready,' I said. 'There is so much joy and delight in just being in you. But I can come any time.' 'That's good,' she said, 'So there's no hurry. I love having you in there. I can feel you bumping my cervix. That makes me feel dizzy with almost-orgasm, and as you move in my cunt it feels like I'm rubbing you off.' We lay still a short time and without my moving within her my cock swelled and relaxed a little, and her vagina walls closed a little and then also relaxed. We remained in a state of suspended near-climax, till she said, 'I'll lose it if you don't come now. Just move a little, only a little.' Poised as I was on the cliff-edge it took only two slight movements to tip me over and I came, my semen flowing rather than spurting, and she came with a deep sigh of mixed pleasure and relief. 'I'm sucking your sperm up my tubes,' she said. 'I can feel it going up my cervix into my womb. My womb is absorbing it. It's feeding my whole body.' 'Yes,' I said, 'And my penis is absorbing your cunt-cum. I can feel it percolating into my muscles, soothing my nerves.' And when at last my cock shrank out of her, there was hardly any overflow, as if she had indeed drawn in my ejaculations. We slept again, and woke late to eat a hearty breakfast and then return to bed for further sleep and conversation. 'Tell me about all the fucks you've had since Tony and Gwen,' she commanded. She enjoyed my narration of the events in earlier chapters, quizzing me about the smallest details. Then she told me that Marcel had apparently become less assiduous, almost perfunctory in his love-making. Perhaps from familiarity, perhaps from wanting variety, leading to his affair with a young colleague. 'Will you tell him about us?' I asked. 'I may well. I want him to know that if he doesn't find me desirable someone else does, and if he wants to continue the marriage he had better try harder.' 'You don't have to go back to him,' I said. 'You could come back to England, with me. Even without me. But with me would be perfect.' 'You really want me, don't you?' She said. 'That is wonderful. But I have to give him a chance. Besides I'm getting older and you're still a young man. You need a girl your own age, who can have babies and make a home with you.' I did not argue with her, because there was good sense in what she said. After a while we got up, had another meal and went for a long walk, relishing the sunshine and each other's company. Following which we went to bed and slept together without further sex that day. There is only one other episode in the week-end that I recall particularly, our last congress on the Sunday night, which began with her asking, 'What else did you do with Jeanne? Was there something special? Can we do it?' 'We can try,' I said. 'Because of the size of her clitoris I could slide along her groove till I touched it, then dive into her vagina, then slip out and slide up her vulva to her clit, again and again, and eventually she came, and I drove in and shot my spunk.' 'Well,' she said, 'I know my clit-bit isn't very large, but it would be fun to try So I kneel like this and offer my arse. You'll like that, anyway, even if it doesn't have hair up the crack. Or at least I don't think it does.' I was dubious about the efficacy of this position, but was keen to try, especially as I knew this would probably be the last time we would ever make love. So I eased into her, thrust a few time, eased out and slid my cock between her labia. They were not so long as Jeanne's, so the slot was not so deep, but careful guidance took my cock-head onto her clitoris. It was more the excitement of just doing this which brought her on, I think, than the actual friction, but I felt the tide of her orgasm beginning to flood and I redoubled my efforts, and was rewarded with her gasping, 'Hard, hard! It's coming. I'm coming. Hold my bottom. Right in. Come now!' The shared orgasm was tumultuous, triumphal, and valedictory.
Title: Dragon Age: After the Fifth Blight Tags: cons, oral, fingering, blindfold, video game, anora, f!amell *Disclaimer: All right, this story is not real. NOT REAL! Not to be read by anyone under the age of 18/21 yadda yadda yadda! I'd love to hear some feedback as per usual. Please feel free to leave me a comment in the COMMENT Box at the end of the page. You see those big empty stars too? Maybe bump those up to five full ones? We wouldn't want them to be empty now would we? All alone like that? You're not a monster are you? Also, please don't post this on any other site without my explicit permission. I've had to bring the hammer down on two thieves right as of writing and don't want to bring it down again. Don't forget to add me on one of the messengers too! Don't be afraid! I love chatting about celebs, story ideas or chatting in general and I like making new friends!* Celebrity: Solona Amell (Female Grey Warden Mage) and Queen Anora Codes: FF, Cons, Oral, Author's Note: Yeah, so with Dragon Age: Inquisition being delayed, I'm doing some video game smut. The Warden depicted is my own personal Solona and I like to think when she's not riding Zevran she's serving as Anora's mistress. There we go, hope you enjoy it! Solona Amell walked down the long and almost empty hallways of the royal palace in Denerim. Her robes were now perfect and immaculate, her black hair had been restricted into the usual short hair style she had cut it to after Duncan had first recruited her and that nasty gash along the side of her face? With the help of healing magic and some poultices it was disappearing from her ebony skin. She had been all but stripped from the usual grey, blue and white uniform of the Grey Wardens and was dressed rather casually for the event she was marching to. She had at least hoped to change into something more formal but the elven messenger had been quite sincere that Queen Anora needed to see the 'Hero of Ferelden' right away. The bath would have to wait. Solona frowned as she followed the elf down the corridor. The elf swiftly grabbed a hold of the door handle and it swung open with ease. Walking inside, Solona bit down on her bottom lip and did her best not to shoot a dirty glare at the messenger. She could have knocked on the door perfectly by herself. Still, the moment had passed and Solona was allowed into the Queen's chambers. Solona walked to the middle of the room and cast a look around to find she was by herself. The elven messenger moved to close the door before popping her head back in the room briefly. "Her Highness will be in briefly." "Thank-" Solona started but the messenger had disappeared before she could even respond. Unsure of what to do, the young Warden mage stuck her thumbs into the waistband of her robes and walked over to the window, looking out into the royal courtyard. Her hazel eyes focused on the tall, silver armour clad man who had climbed onto a horse. The large round shield, long black hair and just as large long sword let Solona know that this was the 'Hero of River Dane'. Teryn Loghain was no more. Now, Loghain was simply a Grey Warden who had work to do at the request of The First Warden. A raven had arrived this morning, letting Loghain know that he was needed elsewhere and he would be able to rendezvous with some of his Ferelden allies later on. Loghain turned to look at Anora who had been nervously wringing her hands together as she said her goodbyes. In a brief, and somewhat rare, show of love and affection, Loghain took his daughter's head in his hands and pressed his lips to her skull, kissing her goodbye. Feeling like she was intruding, Solona turned and moved away from the window and into the main part of the room. Able to drink in just how the royal chambers had been arranged, her big brown eyes looked around. The first thing she noticed was the amount of velvet in the room. It looked very inviting and cozy. She brushed a hand along the top of one of the couches and a soft smile moved across her face. It reminded her of the night before her Harrowing. She had known that her test was coming up soon and her overactive mind had started to wonder what her life would be like after it. There was a part of her that had thought she might have been in a room like this. She would have been granted a council with King Cailan and Queen Anora for some strange reason and she would have impressed the royalty with her knowledge of Ferelden history and then she would have been allowed onto the war council, serving directly under King Cailan where she would have champion mage rights and eventually be granted Free Mage status. Of course, those were dreams made up of poppy and while she was effectively free of Chantry control now, she still wasn't free. Her reward for helping a friend had been a death sentence. Sure, it wasn't a tranquility curse nor was it the hangman's noose, this death sentence was in the form of her blood stream and the fact that sooner than she'd like to, she would have to go into the Deep Roads and kill as many Darkspawn as she could do before her time was up. Maker, she hated those Blighted things. Since Solona had left the Ferelden 'Circle of Magi', she had lost what little baby fat she had and her skin had tightened into hard muscle. Her mind was swirling with new spells and what felt like unlimited power danced through her fingers, during the Fifth Blight, Solona had grown into what a Grey Warden should be. She hadn't had much time to converse with her recruiter and former Commander, Duncan, about what was expected of her as a Grey Warden. 'You will guard them and they will hate you for it.' Duncan had said that to her when she had inquired about becoming a Warden and now Maker, did she know that truth. She had a long list of names in her pack, names of dwarves who would fall under the hammer deep inside of Orzammar to make a brand new army of golems to not only keep the dwarven city alive but to help aid her in defeating the Fifth Blight. Deciding to keep the 'Anvil of the Void' was also what had caused Solona to kill one of her travelling companions, Shale.She had missed the former dwarf during her travels and there was a part of her that had hoped that she would have seen just why Solona had to do it. A Warden did what she must. Shaking her head, Solona ran one of her hands through her short black hair and sighed softly. She still felt grubby. While it had been a day of rest for her, she had found herself getting into a playful magical sparring match with Alim Surana, one of her old classmates from back at the Circle. Now, her body was ready for a lay in the tub and for her to be by herself with her thoughts. She had all but disrobed when there had been a knock at the door and the elf had requested that she follow him. Her body tensed when she heard the door behind her open up, turning on her heel Solona was greeted by the sight of Queen Anora. Relaxing, Solona smiled warmly as the Queen stepped in and closed the door behind her. "Hello Solona, I trust I didn't find you at a bad time?" The Queen asked, her face was almost sickly sweet as the door shut with a clicking sound. While most of the door had been hidden by Anora's body, Solona could have sworn that she heard the door lock as well. Anora turned to face Solona and smiled again, walking into the room "Of course not your highness, I'm always ready to serve the crown." Solona replied politely, her arms folded behind her back, her chest exposed slightly as she waited for Anora to respond. The petite woman, smiled and nodded her head before wetting her pink lips slightly and turning to face the Warden. "And what if this wasn't a matter of the crown?" That made the mage's eyebrows arch, just what was the Queen implying? The Warden took a step backwards as Anora took two forward. The Queen's eyes were burning into Solona's soul and there was something about the way the blonde headed woman was looking at her that made the dark-skinned woman feel alive. "Like what your highness?" "Well... I never did find a way to thank you for saving my father. You never asked a boon of me." "A boon? Riordan was right. We needed all the Warden's we could get and your father is a very strong and competent general. He'll serve the Warden's well." Solona responded, her thighs bumping against the large royal bed. "Indeed. I know my... Betrothed... Was intent on you killing my father, yet you resisted. You deserve my thanks." Anora said with a smile, closing the gap finally so that the two women were face to face, breath mingling in the small gap between the two sets of lips. The way she had said betrothed when talking about Alistair had made Solona wonder what was up. Solona's big round eyes studied the Queen's face intently before she dared ask another question. "Your highness-" "Please, call me Anora." "Ah... Very well. Anora? If you think so little of Alistair why did you agree to marry him?" "Well... Ferelden is my home. I do not wish to see it fall into another Theirin man on the throne who would disappear with the first floozy that bats her eyelashes at them." "Anora. Alistair is not his father. He would never-" He pleas of encouragement to her friend were silenced when Anora's extended her right index finger and pressed it against her own lips to ask Solona to stop silently. "Do you know the proverb 'Only Ferelden women can birth strong sons and daughters' Lona my dear?" "I do Anora." Solona responded, her eyes locked closely on Anora's as the Queen of Ferelden smiled softly and laid her hands flat on the shoulders of the Warden mage. "Well, I just so happen to prefer Ferelden women in general." Before Solona could respond, she had been pushed backwards, landing on the comfy mess of the royal bed. Sitting up, she was quickly silenced by Anora landing on her lap and taking the mage's face in her hands and pressing her lips against the dark-skinned beauty's. A soft moan escaped Anora's lips as she wriggled slightly on Solona's lap, the kiss deepening while the Warden mage was trapped beneath her in a simple, yet very pleasurable hold. Moments passed before the Queen took her lips off of Solona's and smiled warmly. Her hands leaving the Warden's shoulders to come down and tug at the small set of string that was keeping Solona's chest covered. Solona was watching as Anora took complete control of the situation, it wasn't until her shirt was undone that she snapped back to her senses. Her strong hands came down and gripped hold of Anora's wrists, keeping the blonde woman in place. "Your highness!" Solona spluttered, unsure of just what the Queen was doing to her. "Call me Anora Lona." Anora reminded her before kissing against the Warden's cheek. "Unless you'd like to call me your Queen?" She added, a wink being cast towards the mage before trying to wriggle free of Solona's grasp. "I just... I wasn't exactly expecting this your high- Anora." "No? I've seen the way you stare at that little red-headed Orlesian. I've seen that look many a time, typically staring right back at me from my vanity. I want you Solona and I think you want me too." "Maker... I'd be lying if I said you weren't a glamourous woman..." "Then shut up and kiss me!" Anora almost fumed when Solona let go of her. The Queen shoved her lips against the Warden's again and this time the two embraced much more passionately. The dark skinned woman wrapped her arms around Anora's neck and kept her closer and closer as the Queen moved her hands down Solona's long, firm arms and back down to her chest. Anora squeezed Solona's breasts through the cloth covering her chest before tugging at the strings to further loosen it. Moaning into Anora's kiss, Solona arched her back and helped the Queen shimmy her shirt off of her chest, leaving her upper torso completely exposed for Anora. The Queen smiled into the kiss as it broke, her teeth catching Solona's bottom lip between them and tugging on it softly before she whispered against her new lover. "No small clothes today my dear Lona?" "No bra. I was intending on taking a bath today. I was feeling very dirty." "I do love it when you're dirty though. Makes you so much more... Delicious." Anora said with a grin, her lips kissing against the cheek and ear of Solona. "But what about your bottoms?" She asked, her fingers massaging Solona's chest idly. "You'll have to find that out for yourself my dear." Solona cracked a bright smile towards her Queen before spreading her legs. "Oh? I shall have to then." Climbing off of the 'Hero of Ferelden, Anora ran her hands up her own body, her fingers resting in her blonde hair and loosening the buns. Her long sunshine blonde hair fell down and draped over her shoulders perfectly, framing the face of the Queen of Ferelden making her look even more ravishing. Ravishing to the point where Solona audibly gasped. "You are painting perfect Anora. Truly beautiful." Anora blushed and ran her fingers through the blonde tresses of hair before shaking her head. "I do believe you are the perfect one, my big, strong hero." Anora slipped her fingers into the waistband of Solona's bottoms and slowly pulled them down her hips. Watching as the Warden mage lifted her hips up off of the bed so that they could slide past the curve of her round rear. Tugging them up and past her thighs, Anora discarded the cloth piece of clothing with ease, landing in a puddle next to the bed. With Solona only clad in her bottoms, Anora moved her head down and started to kiss her way along the ebony skin of Solona. Her lips reached Solona's pubic mound before her teeth caught themselves nibbling on its waist band. Her eyes locked onto Solona's and as if on cue, Solona lifted her hips up and Anora was able to slowly pull the now wet panties down Solona's long, toned legs. Fishing them from her mouth, Anora ran the material through her fingers before dropping them off the side of the bed as well. Her mouth came down and her lips were pressed against Solona's navel, her tongue coming out to lick against the skin as her hands slid along the Warden mage's body and up onto her breasts. Each hand liberally squeezed the orbs before her right hand moved down towards her spread legs. Using her middle finger, Anora teased the wet lips of Solona before she dipped her finger inside of the Grey Warden. Gasping in pleasure, Solona's hands grasped at the bed sheets underneath her body as she watched the blonde headed Queen taste her skin and probed inside of her. She then let out a short moan of bliss as Anora's finger curled inside of her, stroking at incredibly sensitive spots. The dark-skinned Warden let out a mewl of pleasure as her leg kicked awkwardly at the contact. The giggle from the Queen did nothing to stop the Warden from closing her eyes and moaning for more. Her legs became stiff as Anora pulled her finger from Solona's folds and tasted the Warden. Solona watched as Anora slowly pulled the digit from her mouth and licked her lips, obviously loving how she tasted. "You taste just as good as you look my dear Lona." Anora said, a warm smile on the blonde woman's face. "Ngh maybe you should taste it from the source then?" Solona asked, her eyes opening slightly so that she could look at her new-found lover. "Patience my dear. I wish to enjoy myself." "I thought this was my boon?" "Are you not enjoying yourself?" The silence was her answer, but Anora pressed on, her hands gliding along the inside of Solona's thigh. "Lona my dear? Are you not enjoying yourself? "Maker fucking preserve me. We both know the answer to that!" "I don't. Why don't you tell me?" Anora asked, her lips pressing and sucking on Solona's neck as their chests brushed against each others briefly. Anora bent backwards, on her knees, and reached behind her, undoing the buckled on her regal uniform she slowly sashayed the clothing off of her body, rolling it down her body so she could strip herself down to only be clad in the expensive (much to her chagrin) Orlesian lacy, silky blue and white slip. "Are." A kiss landed against her neck this time. "You." Another kiss. "Enjoying." A lick against Solona's throat. "Yourself?" A final tug against Solona's earlobe made the Warden cry out in pleasure and nod her head in the affirmative. "Maker! Yes Anora! I love it!" A soft chuckle escaped Anora's mouth before she kissed Solona back and nodded her head. Her fingers tickled the inside of Solona's spread legs, stroking the skin in the way only a lover could know how. If the hero of Ferelden didn't know any better she could have sworn it was magic! Anora's middle finger pressed along Solona's wet folds and before the dark-skinned woman could say anything, two fingers were now inside of her and pressed deep inside to the knuckle. Anora's free hand was resting on Solona's waist, keeping her down against the mattress while her lips closed around the exposed and hard, pointy nipple of the Grey Warden. Sucking on the hard flesh, Anora teased the point as her fingers continued to push in and out of Solona. The Warden mage writhed and wriggled on the spot as she watched her loved not only push two fingers inside her tight opening and also suck on her breast as well. Solona was in heaven. Pure and simple. Anora's soft hand on her side made her know that she was going to be fine, especially the way her nails lightly scratched against her skin as Anora moaned against her chest. The two fingers sliding in and out of her and striking at her sensitive spots made the Warden cry out in pleasure. Anora's name became a chant on her lips as her body started to buck and shake, each finger hitting a different, yet incredibly sensitive spot inside of her. "Anora! I'm so close!" As soon as those four words left Solona's mouth, she had regretted it. Anora pulled her fingers from Solona and licked them again, making the Warden mage cry out in a sweet and agonising whine. "Anora! I was going to cum!" The Queen smiled and rearranged herself on the bed, reaching over to the bedside table and pulling one of the drawers open. Reaching in, Anora fumbled for the briefest of moments before pulling out a long black strip of silk. A blindfold? Solona wiped some sweat away from her brow and watched as her new lover smiled sweetly towards the Warden Mage. She waited and watched as the Queen threaded a hand through her long blonde hair before reaching down to press her lips against Solona's. The mage had previously never considered a female lover but as Anora kissed her and their tongues mingled, the young dark-skinned Warden wondered just what else she had missed out on. Anora's tongue brushed against Solona's before she started to kiss her way over to Solona's ear, her teeth catch the earlobe of the Grey Warden with a soft, seductive whisper escaping her lungs. "Get on your hands and knees my lover." Solona shivered at the contact, bit down on her bottom lip and nodded her head. Her hands threaded through her midnight black hair and moved away from her a little bit. Moving onto her hands and knees, Solona bit down on her bottom lip and looked over her shoulder towards where Anora was. The Queen of Ferelden moved to the top of the mage's body and pressed her lips against Solona's, kissing her hotly before pressing the silky fabric against the eyes of the 'Hero of Ferelden.' "Anora?" "I'm here my love. I'm not going anywhere." The kiss against Solona's lips made the Warden feel better. Then the feeling of Anora's hands gliding against her skin made the Grey Warden purr under the sovereign touch. She felt her new lover's hands slide against the side of her body before gliding down her thin, muscled frame. Soft kisses landed against her skin while her finger nails left light scratches against the dark skin of the Warden. Anora's name was a whisper on Solona's lips as she kept her body rigid while Anora explored her body. The Queen's lips teased against the tight and toned body of the blight-queller and inch by inch, Anora made her way down Solona's body. Moving between her spread legs, Anora cast her tongue against every single part of Solona's body, tasting every bit of her skin as her ears perked up at the soft sounds escaping the 'Hero of Ferelden's' mouth. The smile on Anora's face made the licking and tasting all that much sweeter while her hands slid over her thighs. A swift smack landed on Solona's rear cheek making the Warden yelp with pleasure. Anora watched as her new mistress looked over her shoulder and to where she thought Anora was. "Ohhhh! Do it again Anora..." Anora giggled at the request before striking her other ass cheek. The strike was met with a soft kiss against the mark, making the Warden mage coo with pleasure. Anora brushed her tongue against the strike mark and then slowly brought her tongue back in. Her fingers explored the skin of her new lover as her tongue started to move down towards Solona's dripping wet core. "I'm going to enjoy this my dear Lona." "You are?" Solona asked, her vision still obscured by the blindfold. Her head was turned towards the general direction of the Queen but her question was cut short by a long drawn out moan from the Warden mage. The Queen's tongue had slid inside of the 'Hero of Ferelden' and was tasting the arousal that was leaking in copious amounts from her. Anora's hands held onto the top of Solona's thighs, keeping the dark-skinned woman in place as she started to lick at her. Solona was in bliss and she could feel the blush creeping across her face as Anora started to taste her. Maker, she felt truly divine and her tongue inside of her was hitting her better than a damned lyrium potion after her harrowing. The way Anora was touching her as well sent shivers down the Warden mage's spine. The fact that her eyes were temporarily blinded only made her excitement start to build inside of the young Warden. Her hands bunched at the bedsheets beneath her and sweat started to drip off of her brow, pooling beneath her as her orgasm started to build again. Anora's hands were curled intensely around Solona's thighs and kept her new lover closer and closer to her and her probing tongue. The sounds of Anora licking at Solona filled the royal chambers and were only matched by Solona's cries of pleasure and the Queen's name on her lips. Anora dipped her tongue inside and curled it, hitting much more of the lovely spots inside of Solona, and then as the Warden mage's toes curled, Anora brushed her right index finger against the mage's clit and sent the poor woman into an orgasmic frenzy. Solona's back arched and she exploded, dousing the Queen's face in cum and then collapsing face first on the sheets, her head smacking against the duvet of the bed with a soft 'thump'. She continued to pant out Anora's name as the Queen continued to lick up some of the wet fluids dripping off of her. Solona let out a slight giggle before lifting her head when Anora left her legs. The Queen's fingertips trailed along the skin of the Warden before gliding along her shoulder blades and up to the blindfold. Her finger found the knot and it was undone almost as quickly as it had been tied up. When Anora's eyes met hers, Solona's face softened and she moved up for a kiss. Her arms wrapped around Anora's waist and pulled her new lover down into a passionate embrace. Their arms became a tangled mess and their lips crashed against each others, Solona didn't mind the taste of her own arousal as she was busy with kissing her new lover. "That was... Quite the thank you." Solona said, finally breaking the kissing. "Only the best for the 'Hero of Ferelden' my dear Lona." "I love it when you call me that." Solona said, her hands dancing along the pale skin of the Queen of Ferelden. "Well... Perhaps I won't call you it any more? You may need to punish me for being such a neglectful lover?" Anora asked, her fingers cupping Solona's chin and kissing her forehead softly. "And how should I punish you? A night in the stocks?" "Only if you get to lock me up..." Anora responded and was quickly met with another deep kiss, Solona massaging her breasts through the fabric of the slip. Anora cooed with delight and wanted to strip the piece of clothing off of her so that her new lover could treat her the same to her as Anora had just done. However, their passionate moment was quickly ruined by a swift and special knock on the door. "Your highness? A letter for the hero." Anora sighed and looked down at the blight-queller. "Duty calls I suppose?" The Queen asked, pressing her lips against Solona's forehead as she nodded. "Just slide it under the door Orianna!" As if on cue, the letter rolled under the door and landed just by the large round rug. Anora stepped off of the bed and scooped up the parchment, passing it to the Warden who was busy staring at the Queen. Solona took it from her and quickly read the letter over, her eyes steeling at what must have been her new orders. "You're leaving Ferelden?" Anora asked, worry in her voice, scared of the fact that she might lose her latest mistress.Solona looked up at the Queen and smiled shaking her head. "Not quite. Just leaving Denerim. I'm to go to the arling of Amaranthine to take over as Warden-Commander of an old Warden base called..." Solona looked at the letter before speaking again. "Vigil's Keep." "Amaranthine isn't too far away... A three hour ride on horseback." "Planning a visit are we your highness?" Solona teased, her legs spreading slightly as the letter was dropped to the floor. "I may just be my dear Solona." Anora said with a wicked grin. "Oh dear, I said the wrong name! Whatever will the big, bad hero of Ferelden do to punish me!?" "I can think of a few things..." \- END -
Title: A Pit Bull Love Story (Part 4) A look into Victor's life as a gamer by Windowdog Tags: gaming Alright I'm actually going to be taking to you, the reader, in this one... mostly. Do you remember when I said I don't have friends well that's not true. But I didn't mention before because I don't actually know them in real life. And guess what! I'm a gamer, yay!! And I have made three wonderful friends that I've met through my life as a gamer. I met Ryan first, he's a 15 year old panther in Utah I met about a year ago. But on the internet he goes by thetenthkey which I think is confusing because I ask him where are the other nine? And what happened to them? Me and him joke around like that. Sexual orientation: bisexual And I met Jake aka flyingsurfer in a TF2 server. He's a 16 year old otter from Hawaii which makes sense when you read his name. You know, flyingSURFER, otter, Hawaii, water, it ask makes sense don't you think. And yes he does surf but I don't know what the flying part is about. Sexual orientation: heterosexual And then we have Beck he's a mix of cat and Husky although he doesn't know what kind of cat he is but, he really does love the fact that he is half cat. In fact his name is 'thepurringhusky'. He's currently in London but he has lived all around Europe, but he has assured us that he well be staying there for good. I love his accent and sometimes we get to hear him purr whenever his boyfriend is around. His boyfriends name is Leo, he's a cheetah, they've been going out for two months now, I think it's cute. Sexual orientation: homosexual. And I'm Victor or Vicky as these three call me. And I go by windowdog286 on the internet. I'm in Las Vegas and I'm a Pit Bull but you guys already know that. Sexual orientation: homosexual We all talk on Skype in a group chat that we made. I've know these guys for about a year now and I love them all to death, they are just so fun to be around and they've helped me through so much. I know it's silly to be emotional with people you've never seen before, but I consider these guys family. And we pretty much tell each other everything. And tonight I plan on telling them about Andre, they should take it pretty well.
Title: 14 Hours Pt. 03 Tags: humor, satire, redhead, seduction, teen Bars are more active at night, so that's when I decide to go. I can hear the music from the 'Sink' before I even arrive. It's a standalone building across the street from a gas station. I ride my bike over, parking it away. Removes the suspense of disbelief if I ride up on a bike to a bar with a fake ID. The bouncer recognized me and let me in without carding, stamping my hand as I enter. There are two bars, one in the back and to the right. In the center are standing tables, toward the front is a cleared floor in front of a stage. Currently a local band is performing, and they're bad. I've heard worse but I'm not sober enough to like this. Now I have to blend in, I go to the bar and get a beer, the bartender eyeing me as she takes my money. She's a tall redhead. Not my redhead though. "What?" I asked, her eyes asking questions her mouth can't form quite yet. "Nothing, just nice to see you again," She says with a grin. "This might sound weird, but do you know me?" I ask, and she laughs. "I had a feeling you were fucked up that night. Lexi," She says, offering a handshake. I shake. "You left here with my sister a few weeks ago." "Do you happen to remember where we went?" I asked. "Probably our parents house, she visits every weekend to go to this lame poetry read in town," Lexi says, leaning against the bar to look at me while filling a cup with water. "I heard you were quite the poet yourself. Like a real hipster douchebag, you do it just to get pussy, leaving my sister alone when you meet a cute blonde." "What?" And I get a cup of water splashed in my face. "Get the fuck out of here, and stay the fuck away from Lili." I wipe the water off my face, chug my beer, give her a fake polite smile before stepping away from the bar. As I exit the door I bump into a girl and apologize as I keep walking. A moment later that same girl grabs my shoulder just outside of the door. "You going to explain yourself?" She asks, I turn, and it's Lili. The image of her licking cum off her face instantly flashes across my mind. "Lili?" I ask just before I'm slapped across the face. "You just up and leave me for that highschool bitch!" Lili shouts and tries to slap me again but I catch her hand. "Let me go!" "Stop hitting me." Lili tugs her arm away and glares at me, but doesn't swing again. Yet at least. The difference between a picture, and in person, is a notable one. Plus seeing her in clothes is novel to me. Lili is almost exactly my height, long and deep red hair that cascades down her lower shoulder blades. She didn't have freckles, so she's not a full ginger, just pale shiny skin. She has a tight pair of capri pants, with a low cut shirt, her bra straps visible, but I wonder why she has a bra, her tits are tiny. The image of her spread out nude flashes. "You're the worst kind of guy, you know that. You fuck a girl, then ten minutes later leave her for a younger bitch. Aren't you a little young to have a midlife crisis?" Lili asks, her glare intensifies, and I hold back a laugh. She's trying to be threatening, but all I see is a pouty face. "Did I really appear to be in my best mind that night?" I asked, and she legitimately didn't know the answer. "I was on adderall that messed me up. The alcohol didn't help." "That's not an excuse, and you didn't even drink. You told me you went to the bar to research the Great Gatsby. You needed to see flappers, and bootleggers to really get into the mindset. When no flappers were present, you did the flapping." "I don't remember doing that, but at this point I kind of have to believe everything I hear about myself," I say, she tries her hardest to not giggle, but one slips through her pout. "It caught my attention," Lili says, her face relaxing. She seems calm now. "I remember almost nothing from that night, and I'm truly sorry for anything I did." "Including leaving me to go fuck a high schooler. Aren't you a little old to be fucking high schoolers?" Lili asks, and I laugh. "You think that's funny?" I pull out my school ID and show her it. Her eyes fix to the number and dates and I see everything in her mind connect the dots. "I'm eighteen," I say to her, and she takes the ID from my hand. "You're the one fucking high schoolers." "I fucked a toddler," Lili says and starts walking away, dropping my ID on the ground. I pick it up and walk after her, as she's getting her keys from her pocket to enter her car. "Toddler, really? You act like I'm not an adult." "Barely." "You're just pissed that someone got under your skin, now you're double pissed it was an eighteen year old." "I don't really know how I feel about this?" "How many guys walk away from you?" I asked, Lili stopping at her car, fingers curled on the handle. "Not many I take it. You've never just been casually tossed aside." "She's not even that cute," Lili said, leaning against her door and looking at me. "You know that isn't true," I say, her pursing her lips. "She's a little cute," Lili relents. "Do you know anything else I did that night?" I ask, her debating before shrugging. "You left some stuff at my house, want to pick it up?" \-- Lili gives me a ride to her house, promising to drop me back off to get my bike. The bike made her feel worse. I enter her parents house and then her room, which had much more personality than Kori's. She has band posters and stuffed animals, colorful drawings and bedsheets, and a disorganized desk with her computer covered in sticky notes to remind her of things. Her dresser had three drawers filled with poorly folded clothes that were blocking it from being completely sealed. Lili reached onto the top of it, handing me a copy of the Great Gatsby. My copy. "I let you take mine from school, had all of my notes in it." Adderall me is officially a complete shithead. I banged her, left her to bang another chick, then used her book to bang a third one. All of whom I assumed I lost my virginity to. "Thanks," I say as she closes her door. Okay, I'm stupid for thinking this is what she said it was. You have a girlfriend, you have a girlfriend...and her shirt hits the floor. "I have a girlfriend, stop." I try to step around her, but she blocks me. "No one walks away from me. I get what I want, whenever I want it," Lili says and places her hand on my chest and pushes. I step back until I land in her computer chair. "I'm a toddler, remember?" "You're a full grown man, I can stop being picky with age," Lili says and unzips her pants and starts to shimmy out of them. "I'm not doing this," I say and try to stand but she pushes me back down. "You don't have to do anything," she says, kicking her pants across the room. "I'll do it all." Lili reaches for my pants and starts to undo them before I grab her hands and stand up. She struggles a little, but I push and her back hits the wall, me pinning her arms against above her head. This is not helping. "Stop," I say again, her only smiling and kissing me. "Make me." I pull away and toss her to ther bed, before I quickly exit her room and her house. When I step out her front door I see her at her window, leaning out bare chested, her tits, or lack thereof, out in full display. "I won't tell her if that's what you're worried about," Lili said from her window. "I'm not that guy." "So says the guy who nailed another girl a half hour after he wiped his dick off on my tits. You are that guy. Every guy is that guy," Lili says as she rubs her breasts. "So come back up." I don't even acknowledge her, though I do enjoy her show before I turn around and walk away.
Title: House Sitting Ch. 03 Tags: milf, scent, submission, young /old, older women, younger man, mature, virgin, cunnilingus, cheating *This is the 3rd installment in a series, featuring the same characters. This is a work of fiction. All characters are over the age of 18, and all are fictional. Not based on anyone living or dead. Special thanks to Candace, shygirlwhore, my editor for making my thoughts actually readable.* **Sunday** I awoke Sunday morning not sure if I had been dreaming or these past few days had actually happened. I could not believe the luck I had in this accidental relationship that was unfolding. I was hard as a rock just thinking about her. Unlike most mornings, I didn't want to jack off right there and then. That was the old me. The new me was all about sex with a real person. A real woman. I showered quickly and started looking for something to put on. My luck has been great this weekend and with my parents heading for the lake house this morning, I didn't need to explain things to anyone. I couldn't get the smile off my face as I tossed a couple pop tarts into the toaster. It was raining outside and I wondered if she was up too. Was she smiling like I was? I thought of calling her but I didn't want the phone records showing I called the house I was house sitting for. That would be too strange to explain away. I put on a clean pair of shorts and a button down shirt. I was hoping she would be the one to undo them. The grass was slippery and wet in the rain as I jogged through my yard to the Stinton's back door. Sandra answered the door fully dressed in a relatively conservative skirt and tan blouse. She was stunning and the navy blue skirt really did wonders for her waist and hips as it hugged her. She smiled, and I melted. Her platinum hair cascading to her shoulders and her perky breasts poling at the blouse. She looked like a hot airline stewardess and I was fully onboard. "Your parents are heading to the lake this morning yes?" "Yes, that's true. Left early this morning." "I've never seen the inside of your house," she said, with a little question in her voice. I was pretty distracted by the dark stockings on her perfect calves. "What?" "Your house?" "Oh! OK, sure!" The rain was coming down harder and she reached behind the door and grabbed an umbrella. The two of us briskly hurried through the rain huddling beneath the umbrella. When I had closed the patio door behind us, she paused only a second to discard her wet shoes and the umbrella turning to face me. "Show me your room." She smiled melting me again. I led her to the stairs and she started up them ahead of me. I was lost in the vision of her stockings, dark with a pronounced seam up the back of those calves and beyond. Her curves swaying before me as we made our way upstairs. Her perfume followed her as well and it was truly intoxicating. Something spicy and floral. My senses were already overwhelmed and we were just walking. "To the left," I blurted, as we got to the top. I scooted past her to push my door open. It was a boy's room with a half dozen rock posters on the walls and a Lamborghini poster framed above the bed. I had a few pillows on the bed. Two for show that matched the bedspread and one that I actually used with a more descriptive pillow case. She looked at me with a serious look on her face as she reached for the pillow. "Have you had a good time these past couple days with me?" "Um... more than good. Amazing!" "Good answer." Sandra looked at me with her beautiful blue eyes never breaking contact as she slowly lifted the bottom of her skirt. Her stocking covered legs were slowly being uncovered as she raised it past her knees and up her thighs. Moments later I inhaled a bit as she reached the top of her thighs uncovering hooks holding them in place. Then, as that vision was still making my head spin, she lifted a bit more to show me her now exposed sex. It was the hottest moment I'd ever experienced, given the past two days, that was something! Her lewdly exposed, standing next to my bed looking right through to my soul. Then, without speaking, Sandra stepped onto the bed turning to face away from me. I was at the foot of the bed with my jaw on the floor and she was kneeling facing my headboard. She had that skirt pushed up around her waist now showing her amazing behind to me. I was confused, excited and frozen in my tracks. "Steven, I want you to think of me every morning and every night." She pulled my pillow under her and began slowly grinding herself on it like she was having meaningful sex with it. She only glanced back at me for a second and I was suddenly aware of the pressure between my legs as she slowly fucked my pillow. Then suddenly, she stopped pulling the pillow out from under herself. She placed it neatly back where it had been at the top of my bed. She worked over to the edge and stood up next to it. "Do you want me?" she nearly whispered looking right through to my soul, again. "Yes." Still second guessing every word I'm saying to her. "Then come over here and get on your knees." I was a little confused, but I was in no condition to disobey her. I kneeled in front of her. She put one knee up on the bed pushing her skirt up higher exposing herself to me. She looked so serious and purposeful as she gazed down at me. "Are you my good boy?" I was speechless "Huh?" "I said, are you my good boy?" "Yes." "Then lick my pussy, Steven. Don't you dare stop before I tell you!" She was sounding very serious. Then she pulled my head towards her and pushed her pelvis into my face. I felt a rush go through me. I wanted to do nothing else on Earth but lick and suck until she said so. I went at her with hunger, plunging my tongue into her and licking her flowing juices moving upward to flick across her clit. She was quiet other than her raspy breathing as she slowly began grinding her sex into my face. She went on for several minutes like this, with the only sounds in the room being her breathing and the wet sounds of my tongue licking and sucking and plunging as deep as I could inside her. Her skirt had fallen a bit and she pulled it around my head engulfing me in this blue capsule of lust. I wanted to stay in her private tent of pleasure forever. Her breathing was turning into soft whines and moans. I was listening carefully and following her every instruction as she began encouraging me, directing me. "That's it baby. Such a good boy. Lick momma's hot cunt. Put it back inside oh... Such a good boy. Lick that clit. More ... faster ... faster... Yeah... Oh Steven I'm cumming!" Both of her hands were pushing me to her and with one final thrust she was shouting so loud I could hear it echo down the hall. "Oh God YEEEEES!" I felt her losing balance a bit as shudders hit her. "Don't you stop!" She shouted as the waves passed over her. I didn't. I was getting a cramp in my neck but I didn't. I plunged my tongue back inside and drank in the flowing juices coming from her sex. Finally, she stepped back pulling herself away and the skirt off my head. My face was wet and I was wiping the wetness away when she spoke. "You are not done, not buy a long shot Mister. Take the cloths off and get on the bed." I practically jumped on the bed dropping cloths as fast as possible. I got on my back and as soon as my head hit the pillow I was greeted by the sweet smell of her sex. Oh man I'm never getting any sleep with this thing. I was hard as a rock and had a moment of self-consciousness. Then she turned a bit to look at me as she began unhooking something at the back of her skirt. It dropped to the floor and I was in awe of her beauty as she worked the buttons of her blouse. She looked right at me as she pulled the black lacey bra from her breasts exposing those perfect hard nipples. She didn't speak until she was on the bed with me, but facing the wrong way. "Back to work!" She said in that stern tone. Then she flipped her leg over my head and lowered her soaking wet gash back onto my face. I then felt the sweet sensation of her mouth sliding down my shaft. I wasn't going to last long like this. If I wasn't currently being smothered, by her at the time, in sweet ecstasy, I'd have tried to tell her about it. Once in a while she would lift her ass up just a little to let me get some air then grind herself back down on my eager tongue. The tops of her stockings were tickling my chin once in a while and my mind was reeling from all the amazing sensations happening to me. I grabbed her ass above me and squeezed. I could hear her muffled moans and I was getting close. Finally, she lifted off again and I quickly breathed "I'm cumming," I was a bit late and she clearly was ok with that as she sucked me almost too hard. She milked every last drop from me and I could her moans of satisfaction. I think she was really enjoying what I was producing. I was feeling the same as I slurped and licked beneath her. I truly was her good boy. As I thought we were done, I started to move out from under her. "Where do you think you are going young man?" That stern tone again. She clamped her thighs around my head putting me back in place. I guess I wasn't going anywhere. She lowered herself back on me. "Get that tongue back inside me!" She snapped. I did, reaching deep into her as she used my face, like she had done to the pillow. I was already getting hard again and I felt her hand on me slowly pulling at my cock. Her breathing was picking up again and suddenly she stopped. She sat up pushing her bottom down onto me for a few seconds. I was being smothered, but I wanted to make her happy. I didn't care what it took. It seemed like more than a few seconds but I was a little out of breath so I was hoping for air soon. She granted me my wish as she rolled off me. Sandra fell to my side and was soon facing away with her ass towards me. Her stockings perfectly framing her cheeks and her soaking wetness looking completely irresistible. "Now fuck me Steven." I was already getting into position to do just that. I reached up running my fingers down her back as I got behind her. Finding her waist. She was so wet that I plunged into her with no effort. "Oh yeah... Fuck me." "Do you like fucking me here in your bedroom?" "Be my good boy Steven. Pound that cock into me. Yeah." I was really giving it to her hard and thought I might actually bruise her behind with the force I was using. Her words of encouragement told me otherwise. "Are you going to cum for mommy?" Yeah, come on... yeah fuck me. FUCK ME! I was and I finally did. Yelling out as I did. The room was spinning and I could feel a tingle from my toes up my spine. It lasted a long time and I could feel so much cum coming out of me. It felt like more than I had ever done. Beyond my craziest jerk off sessions. I was truly spent as I collapsed on top of her, kissing her shoulders and neck. She whispered in a loving tone. "Good boy." Our relationship continued on after that rainy afternoon, but only on those rare occasions that she was left alone in her house. Her kids were often around. Her nursing job kept her busy and out of reach much of the time. Of course she did have the best kept lawn in the neighborhood thanks to me. There was one day in particular that stands out over the next year that made an impression on me. That however is another story. She most certainly changed the way I think about women forever, I think in a good way. As they say, you never forget your first time.
(F tf Salamonster, age regression) Dr. Connie Curtis was a dedicated woman, and a brilliant mind. She was a military doctor, and did good work in grim situations. It was one thing to learn the intricate workings of a human body, another to have the deft fingers to work on such a micro scale without doing more harm than good, and yet another thing entirely to do it surrounded by the sound of gunfire among the mud and dust. She could have found a bullet in her own head and be on a hospital bed herself in the middle of trying to fix someone else. She knew that from the start, but still went on to have a resplendent career, but... her luck did eventually run out. In one operation she was forced to retire when a grenade blast came too close to the mobile field hospital and blew her left arm clean off. She survive, but without both hands she could not properly be a doctor. Still, her mind survived in one piece and so she settled down as a professor at a university teaching younger minds to do what she once did. Now in her mid sixties her hair was starting to get a bit more dry and brittle and what was once black has faded to silver. Her once keen eyes now needed a pair of small rectangular glasses to perch on the very end of her nose. The creases grew deeper in her face, but you could still tell she had been quite good looking. Even now years after it happened though, she found herself stumbling when she approached a podium from the right- trying to rest her left arm on it only to remember she doesn't have a left arm. She will be reading or writing with her right arm and then try to grab something with her left, only to look over and see it remains unmoved. Sometimes she even feels a sharp ache in her absent left arm and tries to grab at what is not there. Phantom pains. Her arm let go of her, but she never let go of the arm. That was when she took up Herpetology and started to research Salamander in particular. They can breath underwater, though their gills are hidden, and breath above water. They are slippery little critters, like lizards but with smooth skin rather than scales. But most of all, what really got Connie interested in the salamander, is the fact when you cut off a salamander's arm, it grows back. Arm, leg, tail- you can fully sever its limbs and it will eventually grow new ones. A salamander had legendary regeneratory powers, and that is where Connie focused her efforts on researching. There was other animals she briefly looked into of course but none equaled the salamander. Deer technically have amazing regeneratory prowess when it comes to bone- antlers are made of full proper bone, but fall off and completely regrow every year. But an arm is more than just bone. You can explode a starfish into bits and as long as the chunks are still a good size it can most likely regenerate from that- heck, the broken bits can also regenerate which would effectively clone the starfish. But a starfish also lacks several vital organs a human has, so their biological makeup is a bit too misaligned for human use. It was not some part of the cell tacked on that allowed this to happen, but part of cell itself, so rewriting a human cell with its genetics would not really help... and also you would turn into a salamander, which wasn't exactly what she is trying to do. Connie ended up using a virus cell as a base- unable to reproduce on their own, virus cells piggyback on regular cells and use their reproductive abilities to produce more virus. So she altered the viral cell with salamander genes, so it would attack cells like normal, but the information it force fed the cell was instead part of the salamander genetic code. She also had to isolate cell reproduction and bodily repair function which took quite some time. In order to do that with a normal salamander, she would need to extract a cell sample from every part of its body that she wanted to be able to affect and make a separate serum for each. Or, the long way she took- get a stem cell sample from a fertilized salamander egg. The sample she took was pluripotent- a cell that has not yet taken on a role, and could thus fill any role. So rather than information on a part of a salamander, it was just salamander in general. Since it was not assigned a role, when it invaded a human cell, the human cell would retain its current role instead of being overridden. Dr. Curtis finally finished a sample and just so happened to have a pet mouse that is missing almost its entire tail- appropriately named Stumpy. She also has a pet tarantula, but it wasn't missing any limbs so testing on him was pointless. She injected Stumpy's extremely short tail and waited eagerly to see the results. The next day she woke up and looked into Stumpy's cage to see him soundly sleeping in a nest of old mulched socks with a full tail! It worked perfectly! Even on an old wound that had already mended as-is! Connie reached in and gave it a little tug to see if he had proper feeling in it and apologized when she woke him up. Yup, he can feel and move it. With absolutely no hesitation, Connie jammed the second sample of the serum into her own stump and gave herself a full dose of the stuff. A person even remotely level headed on the subject would have waited considerably longer and done quite a bit more testing, but that was not Connie right now. If she was correct in her work, these cells would actually be better than salamander, or human. A gestalt- a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts. She did not have any classes till night, but she generally hung out in her classroom at the university reading and doing her own research in case anyone needed to find her before class. So, not wanting anyone to think anything was off, she did just that. Rather than research today though, she just kicked her legs up on the desk off to the side of the podium at the fore of the class and just watched video on the internet. She almost ignored the aching feeling in her left shoulder, but caught on after a while. Dr. Curtis was used to phantom pains in the missing limb and tried to tune them out, but today they were real pains. It was a dull ache, almost like a cramp. A few times it almost felt like someone poking her in the shoulder, because muscle fibers were twitching around on their own. The mouse restored its entire tail over the course of one night, so Connie's heart was racing thinking of how soon she might be reunited with her arm. She started panting a bit, and glancing over at the thermostat for the room. She was starting to sweat but it was just normal room temperature. Connie felt really hot, not just her shoulder. Her stump started to feel cramped and she undid the tie on her left sleeve and rolled it up to the shoulder to expose the skin and gasped as she seen and was able to wiggle several short tendrils! The muscle fiber was growing back and pulling the skin along with it, but had not grown enough yet to take the shape of an actual limb so it was just individual strands that almost made it look like she was growing fingers from her shoulder. Now that they were released from their prison however, they started to grow much faster. The strands grew in length and girth, coiling around themselves and as they grew together the skin on the surface mushed together looking almost like someone uniting two different pieces of silly putty. Connie moaned sharply and raised her other arm to bite her sleeve to stifle herself. The bone was growing, and the ache went from a dull cramped feeling to a sharp almost stabbing pain. On a microscopic level the bone regenerating was like watching a spider web being woven without the spider, and then the strands each bulked up to the point where it looked more like the surface of a sponge. Bone is pourus when viewed up close, and not entirely solid even besides that since the core courses with marrow where blood cells are manufactured. The bone was dry when it formed initially however, and a dry object dragging on the soft wet inner tissues of your body is not a good feeling. The feeling stopped while the muscle and flesh continued to expand downward. Bone was still forming but it was free floating bone- not attached to anything existing. It was forming her elbow at the moment, which like a knee cap is just sort of free floating as far as bones go. What attaches it to the rest of the bones is a low friction coating of cartilage and then tendons and ligaments. Unlike the formation of the bone itself, cartilage was not abrasive even when formed rapidly. Connie watched her arm in awe even with her teeth grit at the feeling. It was bizarre watching her skin undulate like the surface of the ocean on a windy day- all the muscles rolling around and coiling, trying to find their placement as quickly as possible. But it was not as easy as making the part and it just being where it is supposed to go. Muscle is very winding, the body isn't made of Lego blocks, you cannot pop a part off and put it back on. Each part is entwined with others, so to restore one part would involve plenty of growth from parts that are still there. She cannot regenerate all knew muscles, she restores a full muscle structure from what little remained of her previous arm. By the time the growth collected into her elbow the muscle and flesh had caught up with bone and now they traveled together. If you have ever seen a video time laps of a body decaying, this was sort of like watching that only in reverse. Bone, then muscle and veins then skin, almost looking like liquid flowing downward in its rapid growth, though adhered to a strict form. Connie noticed her upper arm looked a bit purple but that was simply her blood cells rapidly reproducing to fill the new limb, before there was a full limb to fill- causing blood pressure to skyrocket in her upper arm for the moment. Her muscles spasmed causing her entire body to tense up and relax over and over again as the muscles and nerves exploded in complexity as the wrist finished forming- and her new hand was born. She tried to hold the limb as still as possible to help the growth but when the hand formed the nerves sparking random sensations caused her fingers to twitch and gasp at nothing several times before they were fully formed- luckily not having an effect on their generation. Connie looked at her arm and flexed her now complete hand several times. Her smile slowly got wider and wider, till finally she slammed both hands down on her desk and burst into a fit of laughter that would scare a B film super villain. "Dr. Curtis?" She quickly fumbled backward into her chair and folded her new arm behind her back so it could not be seen. "Oh, Otto, I did not see you come in." He chuckled. "I could hear you from the hall- what is so funny?" "Oh, uh, just remembering something my pet tarantula did. You wouldn't find it funny, it is one of those things you have to be there to see the humor." "Ah. Well, I finished with those papers you loaned me." He placed a small stack of papers on her desk. "You look a bit flush, are you feeling alright?" "Oh, yes. I feel a bit hot today, not quite sure why. May have a mild fever, I have no other symptoms so I don't think I will throw in the towel just yet." "And dyed your hair too I see. I personally liked the more natural look, oh, but I better get going. My next class starts in another hour and its quite a lecture today." Dyed her hair? As soon as Otto was stepping out of the room, Connie sat back into her seat properly and turned on the forward camera on her tablet and gasped in surprise at her own face! She assumed her skin felt tighter because of it being stretched in the growth toward the new limb, but wrinkles vanished from her face! She looked like she was in her mid twenties again! Her silver hair was once again a glossy black! Even her laptop screen had become a bit blurry, indicating her glasses no longer worked. With a bright smile she took them off and placed them down onto the desk- she could now see perfectly well on her own again. Connie's most far flung theory on the serum was correct- these new hybrid cells are capable of transdifferentiation! It is a process that alters the state of a cell and transforms them to a new cell type over time, enabling the body to replace any poor biological material without relying on cellular decomposition. There is actually a jellyfish that is naturally able to do this as well. What it meant for Connie was her estimated life span went from 100 to 200 years, maybe even 300. It was hard to tell if she was giddy from getting her arm back or her transformation had restored her energy as well, but she felt more alive than she has in a long time! It was not till two hours later that she started to realize she needed a way to hide her left arm. If people found out she had the serum they would freak out; and especially so if it was found out that she used it on herself after minimal testing. There was many people in the world who could use this miracle serum, so she needed to get it public at some point, but was hoping to somehow do it without it being linked directly back to herself. And in the meantime, she needed to act like everything was normal, which meant hiding her arm. She went to the water fountain and talked with two other professors about random stuff, just as a controlled test to see if they would notice. She tied her sleeve back up and had her left arm folded up inside of it, with her hand actually under the left side of her lab coat hanging from the shoulder seam. No one seemed to notice and she held a fairly lengthy conversation. They commented on her suddenly very good looks, but that much could be explained away with makeup and a new skin treatment. Removing skin lines was surface level cosmetics- not all that hard to do without the use of extreme sciences and neobiology. It helped that people naturally averted their eyes from dysfunctional limbs in fear of offending the owner. Most people actively tried to not look at her missing limb- so even if something was off, they will not notice. Her arm started to throb a bit, returning a dull ache. Connie could hide her arm well enough like that, but holding that position was hard on the limb, it isn't really meant to be completely folded in like that for any length of time. She felt the blood pressure in her arm throbbing as well, having it up like that was probably bad for circulation. As soon as she scooted back into her large empty class she went to slip the arm out and tore the shoulder seam a bit! Connie narrowed her eyes at it. Was her arm actually swollen? She had to use her right hand to try and wiggle the left out without tearing the lab coat off and she gasped again at the sight of her left arm! The skin was purple! Her nails were much thicker and a bit more narrow, they have turned into small claws! Her skin felt clammy and it was slowly getting darker! Her left arm was also getting larger, the muscle below the surface bulging. Normally a human arm has peach fuzz hairs on it, but hers was now utterly hairless, making the skin look shiny as well from being overly smooth. "S... salamander? But that is human musculature. Why didn't this happen to Stumpy, arrgh." Meanwhile back at her home, Stumpy had pried the bars of his cage wide open and was slithering around her apartment. The only fur on its body was on its upper back, the rest was smooth black skin. It retained its round shaped torso, but had a long lizard like tail and clawed hands on short mouse like limbs. "Okay. I have to get back to my place I guess... well, I told Otto I had a fever so I guess my story matches up." She kept turning the limb back and forth, looking it over. "Too much salamander genes? So if I use the same serum only with human stem cells I can just revert... but that would also disable my regenerative abilities. Well, I keep the arm anyway. Oh gosh... but how long is it going to take me to track down a donor of human stem cells?!" Connie winced at the feeling of her skin being pulled taught again as her left arm swelled up a bit larger still. Her right arm was an average built woman's arm, but now her left arm looked like a body builders arm, and also quickly approaching pure black skin. She grabbed up her tablet and cell phone, and planned to call in sick from her car on the drive home, once she was a distance from the university. Unfortunately as soon as she turned a corner one of her students spotted her and started a conversation. She had to hide her enlarged mutant arm by turning her right shoulder quickly to the student, using her torso to block his line of sight from her arm. She was looking noticeably nervous now, the throbbing in her veins backing up into the rest of her body. Her muscles elsewhere would pulse randomly every so often in reply to the growing blood pressure. The cells were compatible with any part of her body... which meant her mutation could also spread anywhere. Thanks to her efforts both the human aspect and salamander aspect in her genes were incomplete, so when one sequence was finished the other started, but since neither had a proper end, it just started the first sequence again. She was getting both more salamander and more human, even though the growth was supposed to have finished. She looked suddenly surprised a moment mid-conversation and managed to pass it off, but her legs almost gave out at the feeling of her tail bone extending! Caudal vertebrae- a tail. Dr. Curtis tried her best to listen to the student and her questions but was completely tuned out and just internally screaming over her body going full freak on her. She finally glanced over the student's shoulder toward the clock without actually reading it, and told him she was really sorry but she had to run, there was a bit of an emergency. The student understood and let her go, but then cocked an eyebrow at her odd walk. She was practically dragging her left leg, while she made a sweeping motion to turn around so her lab coat would billow out enough for her to quickly slip her left arm under the body of it. Her growing tail was snaking its way down her left pant leg however, overfilling her pants so she could not bend her left knee without risking her pants busting open! The student asked her if she needed help, worrying she was hurt somehow and dashed forward to help her! Connie quickly flinched away putting her right hand up defensively- almost accidentally putting them both up. "I am fine, just a bit of a pulled muscle, nothing serious. Have a good rest of your day though." With an awkward chuckle she dashed around the corner to break line of sight and quickly slipped into the bathroom. She grabbed the already thick base of the tail and started to pull it out even as it continued to get longer. It flopped out over her pants and she sighed in a slight relief of getting it out of the cramped space. She could wrap it around her hip under her coat to hide it- at least it won't risk bursting her clothes off that way. The tail was pitch black and glossy smooth, just like her left arm now was. Connie rotated her shoulder with a grunt, feeling a bit off even beside the growth. She then used her right arm to feel around and felt an extra bone. It was partially overlapping her ribs, and her shoulder as well, making it difficult to reach her arms straight forward. That was weird, salamander don't have an extra bone there. She groaned suddenly and grabbed her crotch with her left hand a moment, feeling the bones in her pelvis shifting suddenly, the bulk draining from the bone in the back and expanding in the front! This caused her vulva to be forced down lower as it angled her pelvic floor differently. Her growing tail also pushed her anus further up and forward, so now the two openings were crammed together! Her tail lashed out and coiled the end around the pipes under one of the sinks to brace herself entirely on reflex. She toppled over as the shifting in her hips caused the strength to leave her legs momentarily. Connie caught herself with her left arm mostly, which then swelled up massively as if in response to her using the muscles! The crevices between muscle groups deepened, but it was not muscle alone- her bones grew too, the entire limb was bigger. It looked ridiculously large compared to the rest of her, and would make her right hand look like a doll's hand in comparison. The muscle structure in her shoulder started to mutate more wildly, causing it to flinch automatically as it stretched the skin forward into a cancerous looking bump. Oh boy, that made her heart jump. Imagine having cancer cells with this sort of rapid regeneration? The tumor would grow gigantic in the span of a single hour. It was not cancerous though- she could move it, it was muscle but shaped incorrectly for either species. It was sticking almost nine inches out from her like a weird meaty tube before she realized. She gingerly squeezed it with her right hand to feel around inside and felt thin still developing bone! Oh no, that extra bone plate she felt before is a shoulder blade! She is growing another arm!! Quickly she felt around the other side and sure enough, pressing in beside her right breast she could feel a plate under it- another shoulder blade! These shoulder blades faced backwards though- like a salamander. Rather than seemingly branching out from the spine, the shoulders and hips of a salamander form a sort of cradle for the spine from below, so the joint for their limbs sits on top, not below. Since the limb cannot rotate through the joint socket itself, this prevents a salamander from being able to reach its arms straight forward- its limbs will stick out away from its body because of how they connect. Seeing things were getting worse, faster; Connie quickly stood up and wrapped her tail around her hip and rushed out of the bathroom making a dash for the parking lot and her car. When she got into her car she actually needed to lean heavily to the right, because her left arm was so giant it did not fit with the door closed. She glanced down at the squirming muscles in her new limb and seen it was developing quickly! There was already a growing bump beside her right breast, and now what looked like an infant's arm beside her left breast! The skin on the new limb was turning purple, which caused the black skin on the left arm to start to bleed into the rest of her flesh. Hairs fell out and the skin tightened and became smooth and dark, spreading out from the mutated limb. As if her new limbs were stealing mass from the rest of her, she flinched at the feeling of her sternum snapping free of her ribs! It was regressing. Salamander don't really have rib cages. Their vertebrae branch out from the sides into what would look like ribs from the top down, but they only extended a fourth of the way normal ribs do, and they have no sternum to hold them together at the front; because they do not even reach the front. If you were to poke a salamander in the chest you would feel nothing solid there- its just meat and organs. They also do not have four shoulder blades however. Her ribs would not be able to regress completely, at least not toward the top of her torso because her breast musculature as well as the second set of shoulders need something to adhere to still. Leaning heavily to her right, she felt her muscles in the right arm start to slowly bulk up as well, trying to balance her out. Connie took off toward home, struggling to drive correctly when she was practically laying sideways to make room for her gigantic left arm. When the limb got long enough, her second left arm loosely grasped the other side of the steering wheel to just sort of drape off it for now. It still had no strength in it, and it still looked puffy, like baby fat. There was a car practically on her dumper honking at her, since Connie was driving slower than normal to be safe. Using her tail Connie was slapping the side of her seat trying to feel around for the handle that let it be pushed back and finally released it. Keeping her two arms on the wheel she quickly shuffled the rest of her body back as her hips continued to change! Her tail was still growing rather quickly, which caused her two holes to press into each other from lack of space and finally the flesh deformed to the point where the two openings became one! With a loud moan her entire body trembled and went rigid a moment from unwanted pleasure. Her cloaca clenched closed, but from top to bottom! The muscle ribbing on her inner walls deformed and yanked it horizontally, stretching the entire opening while the clenching of her more mobile muscles brought the top and bottom together, forcing it into the shape of a proper cloaca- it opened vertically not horizontally. When her hips were fully turned, she was sort of cradling what is supposed to be the back of the driver seat with her legs. If she attempted to walk on two legs now, she would be forced into an incredibly wide legged stance- the hip joints wont let her bring her thighs together. Since she was wearing shoes and socks she could not see, but could feel her feet mutating as well. It felt like they were both shrinking and growing at the same time. The body of the foot shrank but the toes grew. Holding this position while trying to drive made things more difficult, and a few times she almost braked entirely, causing the guy tailgating her to honk aggressively some more. Connie's posture was slowly starting to get easier though... which made her more worried, because that meant her entire body was starting to grow larger. The end of her torso touched the back of the rear seat now- her body stretching longer with rhythmic deep, hollow pops from her spine. Her tail continued to grow as well though, bunching up against the seat and partially filling the back window. She tried to keep it out of sight but was running out of room to stick it. Her entire body was starting to turn bruise purple now. She had one humanoid arm on the left and one infantile arm on the right now. The humanoid arm only had three fingers and a thumb though, with small stumpy claws. The claws did not develop as large as her primary arms, nor did the muscle seem to want to get huge. A salamander only has five digits on its rear legs, its front only have four. These hands did still retain a mostly human shape though. She was outgrowing the entire vehicle at this point! "Oh for crying out loud... go around you dipshit." Connie finally pulled over to the side of the road to let the moron behind her get lost. Rather than continue on, he stopped as well and shout out his window at her. "Get your grand kids to drive if you won't, people have things to do!" He quickly pulled head back into his vehicle and suddenly went tight-lipped when the driver side door of her car ripped off its hinges and flew across the street. Starting with her left arm she dragged herself out of the vehicle. By now her left arm alone was the size her entire body used to be! Her right arm was now the massive size the left became shortly after the mutations- and was racing to catch up to the left now; it also had claws and was very nearly totally black. Her arms were so gigantic that even though her hips and legs were in a quadruped stance, her front limbs held her body so far off the ground that her upper torso was still in an upright position. Connie slithered up to the front of his car and in a sudden motion punched down on the hood so hard the entire rest of the vehicle popped off the ground and stood up on its end, with her fist pinning it in that position; her face right up to the windshield. "Honk one more time. I will crumple this car into the shape of a coffin for you." Since her new arms were only half the size of the originals they remained crossed under her breasts while the prime limbs did their work. She glanced past the idiot and seen a police pulled over to the side of the road on the opposite lane frantically reaching for his radio to call this in to the station. In a bit of panic herself, Connie hooked her claws under the front of the man's car and tossed the entire thing through the air and landed on top of the police cruiser! He did not have line of sight to her with another car on top of his hood, so Connie quickly slithered into a lane-way. She dashed as quickly as she could to get away. As Connie ran her shoes filled painfully for a moment before the seams burst in a dull pop and her feet burst out of her shoes! Or at least, what used to be feet. She clenched the digits and loosened them again, rotating them around individually as Connie realized her feet had transformed into copies of her huge clawed primary hands! She now essentially had six arms! "Oouuugh... so big. Too many arms! Feels like someone pulling on my head..." Her skull made dull cracking sounds only she could hear as her mouth stretched wider. Her neck thickened and grew a bit longer but not by a lot. Her new arms grew fairly muscular now too, though seemed to stop there, still within human possibility, minus the claws and coloration. The black did not consume them however. While her skin darkened everywhere, it did not turn black everywhere. The insides of her new arms turned bright red instead of black. Her breasts turned black, but the nipples and areola red. The red was around three sides of her breasts, and covered her entire underbelly and the base of her tail. A slightly orange toned neon red stripe also appeared on either side of her neck and then trailed up and down her entire backside all the way to the tip of her tail. There was a fine dusting of very small freckle-like red dots on her hide even where it is otherwise black as well. Unfortunately all her body hair fell out wherever the flesh tone changed and her pours tightened to make her hide water proof. The hair on her head was not safe either. As her mouth continued to get stretched wider, forcing her skull to follow; the coloration of her skin advanced up, and her human hair started to fall out. As her jaws stretched the base of her teeth stretched as well, causing them to become triangular and sharp. Her skull started to take on a triangular shape if viewed from above or below- and looking rather flat when viewed from the sides. Her muscles bulged all over her still growing body, but because of the lack of bone structure in the torso, they were not outwardly visible except on her upper back and arms. She almost looked like a dragon- only instead of two huge wings on her back it was just another pair of arms. Even with her increased body size, her primary arms were ridiculously large. The muscle of her arms tore her shirt and then lab coat at the seams, but the body of the garments remained mostly intact through most of her changes because her torso grew in length more than it did in size- though it did still grow in size too. Eventually when it hugged her tight enough to hinder her breathing she used her new arms to dig into the fabric with her claws between her tits and tear it off of herself. Her pants at least still fit... mostly. The legs were no where near long enough and they were pulled extremely tight, but they were still holding up, thanks to her tail having been set free early on. The black coloration of her breasts trailing from her collar, but not beside or below them made their teardrop shape stand out even more against the red flesh surrounding them. Without a top now, she used her normal sized arms to cup her breasts and hold them steady as her mega arms carried her weight. Because of the wide stance, her legs could barely lift her crotch off the ground a foot, so her back half sort of just slithered along while her front half was carried by her giga arms. Her torso must be at least three times as long as it used to be, but only about one and a half times larger around. Connie did not even really notice that while her skull changed shape, her tail was slammed hard against the ground, tense from the feelings, but so tense that the muscles started to swell up and branch! Fat nubs formed on the end of her tail and the end itself became more bulbous and a red circle formed on its underside. The nubs started to stretch out as bone segments formed inside and the red skin underside stretched with them. Within a few minutes her tail was tipped with four huge clawed fingers! Her tail acted as yet another arm! She had seven arms!! When her arrow shaped skull finished changing her transformation seemed to finally end. She was sort of turned sideways to try and fit in the lane-way that was much too small for her gigantic form now. Connie just leaned on one wall to catch her breath and get her thoughts together. There was no way the officer seen her long enough to identify her, and she no longer looked like herself now- so no one knew to be looking for Connie Curtis. She still needed to make her way back home without anyone seeing her, and try to find a cure for herself. Even if she reverts human now though- she might still have four arms. Or hands for feet. Or fingers sticking out of her tailbone. She had a lot of problems she needed to figure out, but at least having too few arms was no longer one of them. She looked up and grabbed the wall, then pressed her shoulders and back into the wall behind her. Using the building behind her as support she started to crawl up the side of the building in front of her. She slithered over the edge onto the roof just as people started to stick their heads into the lane-ways looking for the huge salamander monster. Thanks to her having hands for feet and a hand on her tail, she could cling to things just as easily with her back half as she could her front half. Her arms were huge enough to reach over the gap between buildings and pull herself over, and then she used her tail hand to shove her back half off. Connie traveled from rooftop to rooftop trying to make her way home over the view of any prying eyes. When she was nearly there though, a naked man suddenly climbed over the opposite side of the buildings onto the roof! "Oh there you are! I seen your car and thought something had happened." The man had six arms! Though, all his were roughly where you would expect arms to be. "W-who... are you?" He chuckled, brushing some of the hair away from his face, revealing he had another two eyes on his forehead. "Don't recognize me? It's me- Harry. Your pet spider!" "W-what?!" "You will not believe what a day I have been having. I got bit by a radioactive human!" "...wat."
Title: Behave Like a Lady Tags: exhibitionism, humor, public, public nudity, public sex *Here's a quickie, I literally wrote just now. Light mentions/elements of incest, in this one. It's a silly premise, doesn't get too hardcore, but I just spit it out. I have several series, with lots of material finished or very nearly so, but it all needs heavy editing. I'll get to it one of these days, I swear.* \*\*\*\*\* Removing the dogma of a brainwashed individual is not easy, much less trying to do it with four of them. Even when someone leaves a cult and is exposed to the "real world," enlightened on what is and isn't normal, it doesn't just make them drop all the beliefs they were raised on. It's a long, arduous process. The McDaniel clan was made up 42 people - of no less than nine families - with ten individuals being directly related to the notorious cult leader, Robert McDaniel. Robert had three wives, four daughters and three sons. He was the only man allowed to have multiple wives in the "religion" he shared with his followers. After he could no longer bear children, no other families were allowed to have births, either. I suppose that was the one saving grace of this whole thing. The youngest of Robert's four daughters was 21-year-old Dorothy McDaniel, and I had been assigned to her and her sisters, to help integrate them into society. My partner, Becky Williamson, was at the end of her rope, and we'd only been dealing with the girls for a week, ever since Robert McDaniel was arrested for tax fraud and human violations. We were staying at the Waldorf in New York. Pretty snazzy place, but I insisted it was too urban, too soon, for this group in which we were charged. "Becky, we need to contact Keith Abrams and tell him we need to be reassigned to a new location. I'm thinking small town, maybe five or ten thousand. We could put them into local community programs. Integrate them slowly to society." "We need to do something, Scott, because I can't continue making excuses for these girls. We're supposed to meet down for breakfast at 7 a.m. and you know how they'll be. I'll have the girls go back to their rooms after that, while you try to reach Keith. We're not going out today, until we get an answer." A few minutes later, we arrived to the dining area, not at all surprised by what we saw. All four girls were barely dressed. Dorothy was in a bath towel, Angela and Debbie were in their robes, though Debbie's was half open, exposing most of her breasts. Cassandra was wearing a sheer nightie. When the girls brought their wardrobes from home, we were shocked to discover they consisted of slinky dresses, skimpy tops, stringy thongs and the shortest of skirts. Lots of high heels. We'd purchased new clothes for them, but the girls didn't like any of it. In the McDaniel cult-religion, all woman are dutifully bound to appear hot and physically appealing to men, at all times. It's also considered in good taste for the women to flash their tits when greeting a man, and I had seen it all, several times over with these girls. They had been told time and again it was inappropriate, yet now I found myself correcting them less and less. One, I was tired of trying, and two, I couldn't help but enjoy the view. Becky was right, though. It was a nightmare trying to control these girls in public spaces. Men on the streets loved gawking at these ladies, and the ladies reciprocated the attention by exposing even more flesh. "This place isn't so different from home," Cassandra said yesterday, while responding to some whoops and hollers on the street. Becky tried to explain to her that wasn't at all true, when some stranger yelled out, "Show me that ass!" Cassie quickly obliged. Becky rolled her eyes, burying her head in her hands. "This is so ridiculous," she said. Becky and I grabbed a waffle and coffee and joined the four girls at their table. Debbie, closest to me, dropped her robe to her waist, showing me her huge tits, and said, "Hiya, babe. I know you hate it when I do this, but it just doesn't seem RIGHT if I don't. It's just so disrespectful not to give you an eyeful." Becky snapped. "Enough, Debbie. We told you that isn't okay in public!" Debbie began to cover herself, and said, "Relax. No one got hurt. I don't see why it bothers you so much." "It doesn't bother me," huffed Becky. "And I'm not trying to shame your culture or upbringing. It's not your fau... It's just, some of the things you do, could be construed very wrongly." "What do you mean?" asked Dorothy, leaning in. Becky was tired of explaining, and motioned for everyone to sit back and finish their breakfast. "Please get a hold of Keith," she whispered to me. "I'll keep them occupied in their room after this. We can have everyone packed today." "Why don't you plan for that," I said. "I'll force the move. We can take them to Arkansas." "Arkansas?" "I grew up there. Know the area well. I'll shoot for Middlesburgh. It's a small town, but not desolate. I went to high school about an hour from there. Trust me. I can talk Keith into this. We'll leave this morning and be there by tomorrow." We split up shortly thereafter. Already, the girls were suspicious something was going down, but they let Becky take them back to their room without me. The conversation with Keith went easier than expected, when I explained how we could save the taxpayers' money by moving them. "Renting a house in a small town will only be a fraction of the cost," I insisted. "And I demand it. These girls need to be in a nice, quiet place first." "Fine. Put everything on the company card, and I'll divert funds. Just send me a full report on why you did it, so I can explain to my superiors. I'm trusting you on this." "You have my word. They need it." I went back to the girls' room, surprised to see something of a coup had occurred. Becky was standing in the center of the room, waiting on me, the four McDaniels surrounding her. "Uh, is everything okay?" I asked, stepping in. "It alright, Scott. I told the girls what the plan was. That we were to move them. They insisted they did not want to leave." "They don't have a choice," I said. The sisters were still barely dressed and Dorothy's robe was inches from falling off her shoulders. What was most strange is Becky had her skirt hiked up and her blouse had two buttons undone. A hint of cleavage was on display. I'd never seen her so disheveled. She spoke, "They claim they will make a ruckus if we force them to move." I looked scornfully on the four women. "Ladies," I boomed. "Why exactly are you being hard about this?" Angela stepped forward. "Listen. We also explained to Becky that we will go with you, wherever you choose to take us, without a fight... but only on one condition." "What? What condition?" "Becky has to stop trying to change our behaviors. Instead, she must experience what it is like to be a McDaniels lady. It is an exhilarating feeling, and we believe SHE is the one who doesn't know how to behave like a lady. This is only fair. One simple favor, and we'll do whatever you want." This explained the change in Becky's attire. The girls must have been telling her how to dress. She stared at me, with a worried look in her eyes. "Scott," she whispered. "If we can just get out of this city, I'm willing to do this for a day. Will you just play along, so we can do that?" I quietly nodded, and Becky spoke up again, to the girls, "What is it I have to do, anyway?" "First," said Debbie, "You should greet Scott like a lady. Do as we've shown you before." Becky grit her teeth and stepped forward, then perked up, pushing her tits out. She unsnapped two more buttons, and pulled her bra over her blouse, followed by her breasts. I was shocked by how amazing they were. "It's nice to see you this morning, Scott," Becky smiled and winked, faking it, I could tell. When the girls did it, it felt more authentic, like they truly enjoyed exposing themselves. But at least Becky was trying. Hurriedly, she put her tits back in her bra and covered back up. "Thank you, Becky," I said. She had an amazing rack. It was all I could think to say. Before long, the girls were all wearing tube-tops as if they were standard uniforms for a long drive. This was probably some common "dress" they wore back home. Dorothy and Debbie rode in the middle seat of the van, while Becky stayed up front with me. Cassie and Angela took the back. I noticed Becky still had three or four buttons off now, and her bra pushed her mounds up, exposing a healthy dose of cleavage. I tried not to look too often, but it was a difficult challenge. When we pulled over for gas, Dorothy went to the restroom and came back out with her tube-top barely covering her flesh. She had tucked the material, so as to make it more akin to a narrow strap of cloth. As we were pulling out of the parking lot, I mentioned something about it. "Is that really necessary, Dorothy?" "Not so much for me," said Dorothy. "But if Becky doesn't start showing a bit more, we're not gonna like it. You promised for one day only, Becky." Becky scoffed. "What does that even mean? How much more could you possibly want me to show?" Dorothy peeked over. "Uh... a lot, considering you have so much to offer. Don't you know how much men appreciate it?" "Yes, of course I do," said Becky. "But there is a time and place." "A time and place to be appreciated? Come on, Miss Becky. Just ask. Scott, do you really dislike what I am wearing?" Dorothy leaned back, with me watching in the rear-view mirror, and shook her ta-tas under her skimpy top. "Um... no, of course not, Dorothy. Becky is just saying that you shouldn-" "Come on, Miss Becky," said Dorothy, ignoring me. "Pull those tits up, already! Or take the stupid bra off, at least. You're wearing an entire blouse." "Dorothy, this blouse is half open already." "Lame. lame, lame, lame." Becky was shaking her head and then looked up, staring blankly into the window as we drove along. "Okay, fuck it." With no hesitation, she reached up and pulled both her tits over the top of her bra again, nipples and all. She then tweaked with the buttons on the blouse to cover just enough. "Thatagirl!" shouted Dorothy. Becky turned to me, "It's just til we get to Arkansas." "Come on, Becky. Try to encourage some response," shouted Angela, from the back. Becky sighed again, so embarrassed, but then shifted up, leaning in. "Do you like what you see, big boy?" she asked me, mimicking how the girls behave. I was nodding fast, "Yeah.. uh.. yes, of course." "See, Becky?" teased Dorothy. "You say this is wrong and we are brainwashed women, but this just proves our point." I could tell Becky wanted to scream, but I waved her down, whispering, "Just relax. We'll work on them when we get down there and find a place." "Fine," said Becky, leaning back. Her left nipple came into view. She noticed me watching it, but didn't attempt to cover. She shouted back to the girls, "I'll hike up the skirt two inches, every state we pass. Will that make you all happy?" "Oh, that sounds so fun," Dorothy clapped. Becky seemed to enjoy my gazes, the more they occurred as we drove along. She re-positioned herself several times, giving me different views, all with healthy amounts of flesh. When we made it to Ohio, she hiked her dress up to her bum, and both breasts came pouring out. She left them that way for almost twenty miles, before halfway covering them, acting as if she hadn't noticed they were out in the first place. I had been sporting wood for some time, and I knew she could tell. We kept silent about it, regardless. "Kentucky, next," I said. "Not much left of that skirt, Miss Becky," said Dorothy. "You got the guts?" "At this point, I might as well go naked," said Becky. Dorothy screamed loudly, yanking her top off. "Hell, yeah! I'm with you girl." "Dorothy!" I yelled. "Behave. Becky was just being facetious." "Fa-ce-what?" asked Dorothy. Becky was snickering in her chair. "You okay?" I asked. "Yeah, just can't believe I agreed to this. Glad you are okay with it." "Uh, Becky. You're easy on the eyes. It's no problem." I whispered, wanting to laugh, but I was still unclear how uncomfortable she was. "You mean it? You don't think it's silly?" "Silly? How do you mean?" "That I am going along with this?" "Hey, what are you two talking about up there?" asked Debbie, butting in now. "Just chatting," I said. "It's a long drive." That seemed to placate her. I put on some music for them to listen to. The girls appreciated music, as they weren't allowed to listen to much of it in their repressive religion. In fact, they were only allowed to listen to one band, Mötley Crüe, on the condition they strip like exotic dancers while doing so (of course). Becky whispered to me, "How could anyone have fallen for this cult?" I shrugged. "It's just a bit weird, is all. It's like a step crazier than naturists, or nudists, whatever you call them." Dorothy somehow overheard and butted in. "We don't always go naked. That's just not sensible." I looked in the rear-view and noticed she was naked now. "What's taking you so long?" she asked Becky. Becky turned and saw Dorothy's state of dress. Then, Becky did something I didn't expect at all. She chuckled. "Fine, I'll take off the skirt, but I leave on the panties!" "And your top?" asked Dorothy. "Dorothy, I can't let people see me completely topless in the front seat of the van. You have tainted windows back there." "Fine, we'll switch positions. I don't care if I'm naked in the front seat." Becky looked nervously to me. I whispered to her, "You know they'll make you take the panties off back there." "Fine," said Becky. "The top, too. But NOTHING else." In a flash, my partner of three years was almost completely naked next to me. I always knew Becky was attractive, but I have always been capable of separating business from pleasure. I never thought of her as "sexy" (up until this morning), or thought of her in any sexual way whatsoever. That was quickly changing, whether I wished it to, or not. Physically, Becky was just my type. Perhaps her business attire hid her appearance, because without it, wow. Not too big, nor too small, an hourglass figure, and very tight thighs. Her nipples were larger than most girls, and I found it very sensual. Perhaps too much, as I needed to pry my eyes away to stay on the road. All of a sudden, Debbie popped her head between the two front seats. Well, not just her head. Her big, heavy tits came swinging into view, too. "Hey, Scott. Why haven't you asked for a blowjob yet?" "What?" I yelled. Becky shot up, too. "Well, Father always says" - she was referring to Robert McDaniel, the cult leader - "that driving for long hours is very stressful. He often requested them when stressed." Becky looked somberly to Debbie. "I am so sorry you had to go through that, Debbie." "Go through what?" she asked back to Becky, nonplussed. "Forced to uh... to.." Debbie looked utterly confused. "Forced to what?" "You know. The blowjob for... Father..." "We weren't forced. He asked, like any gentleman should." "Uh, well, I mean..." Becky was flustered, "You know... one shouldn't be subjected to that." "To what? Being asked for a blowjob? What's so terrible about that?" "It's just... uh.. again, Debbie, it's inappropriate." We were just passing a trucker who caught sight of Becky's near-naked body as she tried to explain what is and isn't inappropriate to Debbie. I found the scene somewhat humorous, but withheld my laughter. Debbie turned to me. "Is that true, Scott? It's inappropriate to ASK for a blowjob here?" "Well, um, I suppose it's inappropriate while driving. You should always wear your seat belts." I was trying to be gentle about it, while somehow figuring a way to close the conversation. "Oh, stop being stupid," said Debbie, slapping my shoulder. She turned to Becky. "The whole point of today is to make you better understand what it's like to be a McDaniels lady. Is that so hard to understand. Now Scott. Why don't you ask Becky, or me, whomever you wish, if you could have a blowjob?" "Debbie, what if I don't want one right now." I had to get this conversation to a close, without ending in a fight. Right now, I just wanted them all to cooperate. "No, silly. I don't mean for real. I mean, just pretend. Role-play, isn't that what you call it? When you have us go through exercises on how to acclimate us to society?" "Uh, yeah, that's right." Debbie turned to the other girls in the van. "Hey sister, I'm making Becky role-play like she does with us. So she knows how it feels to be one of us." "You go, Debbie," shouted Cassie, from the rear. "So?" asked Debbie. "Come on. Let's do this. Role-play with us. Becky, you're sitting there, almost completely naked, like a dutiful lady should. Is it really so bad?" "Well, uh, I wouldn't normally do it." "That's not what I asked." "I mean, whatever. I'm coping." Becky glanced to me, wanting some support, but I didn't know what offer. "Scott, are you displeased with Becky?" "What? No! Of course not!" "And do you not find her pleasing on the eyes?" "Well, uh... yeah, but that's not... well, that's not important." Becky was blushing as I stumbled over my answer. "Now, pretend you're one of us, Scott, on a long stressful drive, not unlike the very one we're on. Feel free to ask any one of us for a blowjob. Okay?" I turned to Becky, not knowing what to do. She seemed as flustered as me. "Come on. Ask already." For fear of asking any of the McDaniel girls, that they might say "yes" and insist on following through (even if this was supposed to be role-play), I turned to my partner. "Becky, would you mind giving me a blowjob?" I realized then that my cock was actually beginning to grow in my pants. It was completely autonomous, I had no control over it. Debbie leaned in to Becky. "Well?" "Well, what?" asked Becky. "I, um, am still trying to process." "You don't HAVE to say yes, you know. Perhaps you aren't in the mood, or maybe your jaw is still sore from the previous night, whatever, but you can say no. Since we're pretending, why don't you go with that answer." Becky coughed and sat up a bit in her chair. "Uh, Scott. Thank you, but no, not right now." I noticed she didn't try to look me in the eyes while she spoke. "See?" Debbie clapped. "Was that so terrible? You didn't find it at all flattering that he at least asked?" "Uh, whatever you say, Debbie," muttered Becky. "I'm just filling my end of the agreement." "Now, Scott. Were your feelings hurt in any way by Becky saying no?" "Well, no, of course not." Debbie snapped back to Becky. "See? THAT is what it's like to be a McDaniel lady. Not so terrible, is it?" Finally, Debbie darted back to her chair. Becky and I both sighed, grateful the uncomfortable role-playing was over. We drove another four or so hours, with my partner still naked next to me, without stopping. As fuel was getting low, I finally asked. "Shall we stop for gas and keep going? Or stop at a hotel?" "How much further til our destination?" asked Angela. "About nine hours. We're halfway there." "Let's stop here then." The girls agreed with Angela. Becky had to practically beg to put her clothes back on (well, some of them) as we pulled into the station. I quickly gassed up and used the restroom, eager to get to the hotel a few blocks down the road. Once Becky was back, she was dressed again in the short skirt and blouse, but I noticed her bra was still on the floor of the passenger's seat. "Day's almost over," I whispered, as she got in. "Thanks for being such a good sport about it." "Me? I think you did most of the sporting," I laughed. I was grateful she was able to, as well. "I guess I did, didn't I?" The girls piled in and we skipped over to the hotel. As we've done in the past, I booked two rooms, with two king beds in each of them. The McDaniels had one room, and my partner and I had the other. For some reason, it felt somewhat awkward that we were sharing one now, after I had seen her naked all day. "Can we go to the pool?" asked Cassie, as I was handing out the key cards. "I'm sorry," the clerk said. "But the pool closed at nine." That was a relief. Becky, nor I, wished to babysit the sisters any longer. "Can you ladies just watch a movie tonight, and then go to bed? Stay in your room?" They huffed a bit, but agreed. We walked to the elevator and began the short trek up to the third floor, when Cassie asked Becky. "What did you think? You had just one very short, insignificant experience of what it's like to be one of us. Can't you see why we think your rules are so weird? It's nice being appreciated and loved." "Cassie, you don't have to be naked to be appreciated," replied Becky. "But knowing you are appreciated, even when you are naked, all the better." "What? That makes no sense," said Becky. The elevator dinged and the door opened. "You girls are off to the left, in that room," I pointed, breaking them up. "Becky and I are just down the hall in 309. See you at breakfast at seven?" We separated and finally made it to our room. Becky flopped on her back, on the closest bed, arms spread wide. Her natural breasts looked amazing under the thin material. "My god, I cannot believe I did that!" "Hah! You're a champ, Becky. At least we got 'em here without too much fuss." "Scott, how many truckers saw me? I lost count. I just had to stop thinking about it as we were driving." "I heard horns blasting at least a dozen times. I suspect it was all because of you." Becky chuckled. "That one guy in the RADAR truck? Followed us for almost an hour." "Hey, you noticed that, too? I tried to speed up and slow down. Was happy when he finally pulled off." "I've never done that before." "Done what, exactly? Agree to a crazy deal with a bunch of cult members?" "Hah! No. I meant ride naked in a car. Back in my sorority days, when I was going through initiation, one of challenges was we had to drive topless for one hour." "So you did that?" "No. I lied and just told them I did. I didn't have the guts." "Yet today you did." "I'm so exhausted dealing with them, I was willing to do almost anything." Becky perched up on her elbows, and looked at her braless attire. "Obviously." "Hey, there's a Jacuzzi in this bathroom. Why don't you go in there and relax? You went through a lot today." Becky dropped her arms back down, looking to the ceiling. "No, you go first. I'm gonna just chill for a few minutes. I'll go in after you." "Alright, but I can't promise how long I'll be," I laughed. "I'm sore as hell from that drive and a Jacuzzi sounds perfect." I grabbed my favorite soap and toothbrush from my overnight bag, along with my flannel pajamas, the normal. Becky typically wears a thick, but tight fitting top and boxers, with a nightgown over. Every time I've shared a room with her, anyway. The water pressure was great, and soon I was laying in a tub of bubbles with jets attacking me from all sides. It felt amazing. I found a perfect corner, water spraying my lower back and delts. Ones near my legs were massaging my calves. Just as my eyes were about to close, the door burst open. Standing in it was Becky, without a stitch of clothing. I sat upright, fast. "Is everything alright?" Becky stepped in, halfway to me. "I have to know, Scott. Are you still stressed?" I sat up even more, ensuring the bubbles covered me fully. I was going to pop a boner if she kept this up. "Uh, well, I was getting better, bu-" She stepped closer again. "Tell me. Honestly. Did you enjoy today?" "Yes," I said. "What if I agreed to do it again tomorrow?" I paused, thinking. "I wouldn't stop you." "Treat me like one of them again. Now." I knew what she was getting at, so I role-played the event again. "Becky, can I have a blowjob, please?" The biggest grin came across her face. The blowjob was amazing. I thought I'd experienced it all, but Becky was all that, wrapped in one, capable of doing an insane variety of things to my cock with her tongue and lips. I was on the edge of the Jacuzzi now, while she did the work, on her knees at the floor. I pulled her up, "Can I have more?" I asked. She paused at first, but then silently nodded. I took her to my bed. "Becky, I never knew I wanted this until today, Are you-" "Shhh. Fuck me, Scott. Just fuck me." I did. Well into the wee hours of the night. We climaxed on multiple occasions, simultaneously on the last. I pulled off, sweaty, and breathing heavy. "Thank you," I said. Becky giggled. "Maybe we should thank them. Did they just beat us?" "I dunno. Maybe? Don't care, really. I like where this is going." "Me, too."
Title: De-Evolution - NaNo Day 20 by Eirene Crimsonpelt Tags: Character Development, Female, Human, Husky, Male, NaNo2012, No-Yiff, Plot Development, Post-Apocalyptic, Story Progression, Story Series, survival The tall husky nodded, his fur rippling around a bit as he did so, "Right, ok, let me get the buckets." He jogged away back up toward the house, and grabbed two, then returned to the stream and filled those two buckets up with water, one for the washing during the work, the other for cooking later. He stood with them and nodded back toward the house, "Let's get this show on the for getting alcohol in town, you mean we can't just drink it all and forget our worries?" He laughed. Tisha shook her head, a grin threatening to take over her lips. "You are so bad, Marco! Of course we can't drink it all! What would we do then if one of us got a serious injury that required us to do surgery or something similar?" Four buckets of water would be plenty for cooking and cleaning during the work today. She picked up the first two that Marco filled and waited while he filled the other two, then headed up to the house with him. "When we get there, go grab the brains, and I'll grab the knives. We'll get the hides and venison for dinner together." Marco laughed and shook his head, "I was only kidding." He let her take two buckets, and once the others were filled he followed her back up to the house. He put the water down outside the back porch and then went to grab the brains out of the house where they had put them the day before. They stunk worse, and he nearly gagged, but managed to keep his stomach under control and got the bucket outside into the fresh air where it wasn't so bad. While Marco went to grab the brains, Tisha took one bucket into the house, putting some of the water onto boil for more coffee. She ran up the stairs, grabbing a couple knives, then hurried back down at a slightly slower pace. Slipping through the kitchen on her way to the porch for tanning detail, she grabbed a ladle and, once on the porch, dropped it into a bucket of water. They'd need to keep the brains moist as they worked. The tall husky came back toward the house, but set the bucket down well away from it, so that they couldn't smell it so badly, "Where do you want them?" he asked, his nose scrunched up and his ears flicking back and forth. It was plain to see that he was attempting not to smell them even from where he was at. He knew that this job wasn't going to be particularly fun at all. "Well, we're not tanning on the porch, so no worries about that," she grinned as she stretched up on her toes to lick his scrunched up nose. "You look so cute trying not to smell the brains." Returning to the flats of her feet, she pointed to a slightly shady spot. "We'll work over there, keep the brains out of the sun. We'll go grab the hides and bring them over. We can either grab out the venison for dinner now, or wait until later this afternoon when we're done with the tanning this afternoon." "Let's get this stinky stuff done first." he laughed, moving back to pick up the brain bucket and carry it back over to the tree she pointed out. He set the bucket down in the shade, then came back to help her get the hides and carry them over as well. He just wanted this job to be done and over with, so that they could move on to whatever else needed done. Tisha walked with him to the smokehouse, where the hides were waiting to be tanned. "We'll each grab one of the small frames and part of the larger frame. We can carry them all back at one time. I'll work the deer hide and show you how to clean up the rabbit hides for you to work on." Marco nodded, stepping inside the smoke house and picking up one of the smaller frames and holding it while she got the other, then he grabbed one end of the bigger frame for the deer skin and carried it back as well. They hefted all of them over to the same tree and set them down, "Alright, well, I'll at least know how to do this even if I don't plan on doing it much..." "I doubt either of us wants to do this often, and I know the tribal women are more used to the smell. They'll do the tanning and we can hunt to help provide the food they eat. It's a win-win for both sides. Besides that, the tribal women are the best tanners I've ever seen. They do things to the hides to make the softest deerhide clothes I've ever seen. Plus they know how to dye the hides for ceremonies," Tisha grinned as she hefted the other small rabbit hide frame and grabbed hold of the other side of the larger deer frame. He laughed and nodded, "Well, then I'll let them do it." He shook his head and they carted the frames out of the shed and across the lawn over to where he had put the bucket with the brains in it, and one with water. He helped her set down the large deer frame and then he put the smaller one down as well, "Alright, so, instructor Tisha, what's first?" Tisha set down her part of the deerhide frame and set the rabbit skin frame over with the other one. "First, bring over the other two buckets of water. Those buckets we'll use to wash up in, and this one will be the 'keep the brains moist' bucket." She dropped the ladle she carried on her hip into the bucket and scooped out a couple ladles of water, which she added to the brains. She winked at Marco, then turned the hides so the fleshy side would be open for work. Marco gave her a nod and jogged back over to the porch to pick up the last two buckets. He brought them back and set them to the side for when they washed up. Then he watched her add some water to the brains, shaking his head the whole time, "Alright, gotcha." He helped her turn the hides, and then planted his hands on his hips, "What's next?" Reaching into the bucket with the brains as Marco returned, she started mushing them up again, getting them turned into nothing more than bits of ick. "Now that these are really turned to mush, we start working. We need to smear some, not too much, just enough, onto the bottom of the hides - the sides with bits of meat and muscle and sinew still attached. We'll use the deer hide for me to show you, and you'll be working on the rabbit skins. Those will be easier to get done." Her brain coated hands smeared over the crap attached to the deer hide, and she worked to smear more on it, making sure that there would still be enough for the rabbit skins. He watched her from where he stood, slowly nodding through the process, "Alright, I see." He stepped over to one of the rabbit hides, dug his paw into the bucket of brains, and started smearing it all over the back side. He scrunched up his face and shook his head, not believing what they had to do to tan the hides. This was fucking disgusting....but it had to be done. It was fucking disgusting, Tisha admitted to herself. But it told her a lot about Marco that he was willing to dig in and get this done - not just for them, but for the tribe and any others they rescue and bring here. Once she had the deer hide smeared with the brains and she'd noted that Marco had done the same to the rabbit hides, she went to one of the buckets and washed her hands off. "Okay, now you need to wash your paws off, so you don't accidentally get the brains or blood on the furred side of the rabbit skins. After your hands are clean, take your knife, then watch what I do on the deer hide. You'll do the same on the rabbit skins on the smeared side." Marco had seen more disgusting shit than this in his life. He wasn't one to easily get sick or shirk a duty cause he didn't like it. He might make comments and bitch about it... but, well... He would do it anyway, especially if it meant helping someone else. He moved over to his bucket and washed his paws off like she had said, glad to get the muck out of his fur, though it would take a lot more than just a dunk in water to make him feel really like they were clean. "Alright, gotcha." He picked up his knife and stood watching her. Now that they had the mushed brains spread on the hides, Tisha moved to the hide with her knife and started scraping off the gunk still left on the hide after it had been removed from the deer meat. "Work with the grain of the skin. You want to make sure that none of the meat or sinew is left on the skin. Rinse off your knife in the same bucket you washed off in. We'll use the clean bucket for water to keep the hides stretched out when the time is right." Her knife slid down the hide from her waist as she leaned over the hide, showing him just how to clean the hide. He gave a curt nod, watching her technique with the knife, and then bringing it up in the same fashion, and pushing it down the skin. He was working with a much smaller one of course, but still. He repeated her motions as exactly as he could, and watched as the gunk started to peel away. He rinsed the knife off, and went back to it, slowly removing all of the muscle and sinew was gone before he moved into another area. It was disgusting work but interesting...he was learning something every day. Tisha worked at a slightly faster pace than Marco, used to this job, having done it at least once a year before the tribe showed up and she could change to hunting the food and letting the tribal women tan the hides. After every scrape down the hide to remove the crud from the inside of the hide, she rinsed off the knife blade, then scraped again, moving across the length of the hide until she had half the hide cleaned of crap. Then she raised the lowest portion of the hide and lowered the upper, laying the hide out flat. Then she moved to the foot of the hide and scraped towards her, pulling the rest of the gunk off it. He repeated her actions, slowly getting more comfortable with the process as they went, able to move a bit more quickly. He soon had the first rabbit hide done, though she finished her first half of the deer before he was. He held it up to look at it, and then turned it to her, "How's this look for a beginner brain scraper?" He laughed. Tisha turned to look at the rabbit skin, and paused for a moment to walk over to really inspect the skin. "Looks good. Keep an eye on the edges, though. They tend to play tough about getting cleaned up. I usually scrape everything I can, then go back to scrape the edges clean. With the rabbit skins, you want to keep as much of the fur still attached to the hide, so you don't want to scrape the edges as hard, but you don't want to leave anything." She moved back to the deer hide and started the lower portion, getting the rest of the crud off the middle of the skin before working the edges carefully. The canine nodded, "Gotcha." He took the frame back and began carefully working around the edge with his knife. He was gentle, not wanting to cut it but wanting to be sure all the crap was off of it before he was finished. He dunked his knife several times as he worked, then finished it up and set it down, "There, one down." He picked up the other, dug his hand into the brains and slathered them all over it, then rinsed his paws and got to work on it as well. He glanced off toward the woods as they worked, wondering how Black Elk was doing, and when the hell the rest of the tribe would get there. Tisha finished getting the leftover bits of venison from the underside of the deerhide, carefully scraping the sides as she worked. Pleased with her work and looking over both of his frames, she smiled. "You did great, Marco. Keep working on that second one, and when you're done with it, we need to flip this deerhide over. I have to work out the deer's fur from this hide. It's not something we need to do on those rabbit skins though." "Right, ok." He got to work a bit harder, scraping off the rest of the gunk all over the back of the second rabbit skin, and rinsing the knife frequently. Once he seemed to have it finished, he rinsed the knife a final time, then helped her flip the deerhide over so that she could show him how to work the fur out of it. Tisha waited for Marco, then flipped the deerhide over, showing the short fine hairs still on the hide from the deer's coat. "I learned a couple tricks to this to make this part a little faster. One of the main ways to remove the hair is to use the knife to clean it off, but that takes a long time, since you have to go with the grain of the fur. And that means down each leg carefully, and whirls of fur are harder to remove. But if you take a wire curry, we can get most of the short hairs out, then go over it with the knives to get the rest off. Plus this is the part where we can use the clean water to our advantage, cause we can rinse off the hairs we remove." Once the hide was flipped over onto its other side, he listened to her as she explained some of the tricks they could use to get the hair out of the hide. At least this didn't sound like such a hard thing to do, not compared to getting the gunk off the back. Not that the process of doing that was hard. It was just messy, disgusting work. He licked his lips, his long tongue snaking out for a moment, "Alright, so let's do this." Tisha smiled and nodded, running to the barn to grab a pair of wire curry combs, then hurried back to the frame. "Now with these, we can move faster over the legs and whirls of fur, and even the rest of the coat." She started on one leg, showing him how to use it on the hide without damaging the hide. "You want to use enough pressure to pull the hair out, but still keep it light enough not to tear or scratch the hide itself. When you press down, make sure the hide doesn't dip. That will mean too much pressure is being put on the hide." He took the other wire curry comb that she gave him and waited while she showed him how to press on the hide and rub it to get the fur out. It was a bit harder job than scraping the gunk, but much more pleasant in the long run, so he didn't complain. They made good progress once he got the hang of it, and soon enough they had most of the fur laying in a pile on the ground. Tisha grinned as she saw the progress they were making on the hide, especially Marco on his first set of hides. "Okay, now that we've 'curried' the majority of the hair off the hide, it's time to rinse the hide off and get rid of loose hair on it. I'll go grab the sweat scraper that we use on the horses, and you ladle the water over the hide." He nodded and shifted the bucket closer to them, taking up the ladle full of water and scattering it over the hide that was strung up on the frame. He waited for it to run off, ladled on more, and more again, making sure that the loose hair was rinsed off of the hide and the clean surface below was visible. While Marco drizzled water over the deerskin, Tisha ran back over to the barn, grabbing the sweat scraper and got back to the hide as the last of the water dripped from the bottom edge of the hide and pooled in the ground below them. She took the scraper and slid it over the hide, pulling the remaining water off the hide, since she didn't want a water logged hide, and grinned. "Only a few spots to use the knives on to remove hair. And those would be the legs, which are always harder to remove hair from with anything but a knife." He nodded and smiled, putting the ladle back in the bucket and taking up his knife again. Then he took one leg and started to gently work on it, working through the hair to try and get it removed, bit by bit, while she worked on the others. This working together was fun actually, because they got to spend time together, even if the job itself wasn't all that fun in and of itself. Tisha worked quickly, more used to the job than Marco. She got the three remaining legs done while Marco got that last one taken care of. The moment she saw that no hair was left, she smiled, and looked up at Marco. "We're done with the tanning. At least this stage of it. Let's carry the hides back to the smokehouse, then get washed up and then get the meat for dinner. You get to help me cook tonight." Marco nodded, "Righto... I'll be happy to get to really wash this goo off of me." He chuckled and stepped back, rinsing off his knife, drying it on some grass, then sheathing it and moving to pick up one of the rabbit frames and hand it to her. He picked up the other, then grabbed one side of the taller frame and waited for her to pick up the other side. "I'm not much of a cook, but I'll help however I can." Between the two of them, they carried the three frames to the smokehouse and she set her side of the large frame down in the large smokey house. She set her smaller frame on a ledge on the wall, leaving enough room on the ledge for the other rabbit skin. "Good thing you're willing to help me cook, cause I plan on something big, and I'll need the help. But we get cleaned up before we get the meat. I really don't want brained meat for dinner. Time to go get cleaned up. Race you to the river." He placed his end of the large frame when she put hers down, then placed his rabbit skin on the shelf next to the other. Wiping his hands off on each other, he stepped back out into the afternoon sun. He hadn't even realized that it had gone down so far. He sighed and then laughed, "You're on." He grinned and turned, not waiting for her to start but instantly striking out, laughing. His frame was tall and muscular, and perfectly built for loping... he was a husky after all. Tisha gave a low laugh, then struck out, racing headlong after him. But then again, she knew all the shortcuts around here, and veered off through a few bushes as she headed towards the river from the lower angle. Getting to the river just before Marco, she stripped down and raced into the water, the bloody clothes left on the shore as she waited for Marco to join her in the water. He skidded up to the river just after he heard her splash into it. He glanced back the way he had come, then back at her, then planted his hands on his hips and laughed, the sound coming out almost like a howl, "Well.... if I had known you were going to cheat." He laughed and stuck his tongue out, then shook his head and reached for the bottom of his shirt, stripping it off and casting it away, then bending to untie his shoes.
Title: Violent Ecstasy by Authority Tags: Human, Kissing, M/F, Teenagers, Violence (Not In Yiff), Wolf Violent Ecstasy \*disclaimer. Although this does not contain yiff directly, the sequels will for sure. The cold metal felt crisp in the darkness of the early morning. With the sun still behind the mountains the only things visible were those that had lights coming off themselves; houses, cars, furs on their phones. The phones and IPods moving around in the campus quad create a mesmerizing light show of white. The fact that anyone was even around the school was astounding as it was only 4 o' clock and usually everyone would still be asleep in their beds but at least seventy visible furs were socializing, exchanging hugs, or lighting up smokes before they had their classes. From atop my position in the bell tower nobody could make out my shape or that there was even anything but a big bell inside the small space. All that was inside was a large hollow bronze bell used for decoration and a hatch that had a ladder all the way down to a maintenance room which contained the boiler and such. I sit on the edge feeling the wind blow through my fur as my tail waves around from the breeze. The sun still hasn't shown signs of rising and the darkness still envelopes the complex. More furs start to arrive and huddle into their posses and cliques and whatever the fuck they call them. They all look the same from the top of the tower but through the spotting scope I can make out there general features: breed, height, cup size, etc. And although a scope is just visual I can tell by their mannerisms, movements, and words what they have inside. Whether it be brains, balls, brawn, or blood. The cloud cover is immense and a fog starts to roll in from the adjacent canyons. I thought sun would ruin my cover but sun decided to miss the party. The clouds are black as pitch and I'm surprised it doesn't start pouring. And the fog doesn't add much, I feel like I'm in a Scooby-Doo cartoon where I just pull a saw out of my ass and start cutting a cube out. I am still sitting on the edge of the bell tower and the sun still hasn't made an appearance. Now it's about eight in the morning and I flip my feet back onto the solid floor and move towards the black bag in the corner. I unzip the long flap and flip it over. I pull out the lower receiver and flip it into the upper. I bolt them together and shake it a bit to make sure it will hold. I then pull the barrel out and drop it in the upper twisting it into place and screwing it in tight. On the side of the bag I pull out two fifteen round magazines containing .308 Winchester ammo that fires from my conversion kit inside the AR. Winchester .308 is relatively the same as NATO 7.62 but a "civilian" version. The bipod below my barrel comes out and stables itself on the edge as I slide a magazine into the bottom. The magazine clicks and the bolt locks forward putting the rifle into a dangerous mode except for the safety that is still locked down. The long suppressor screws into the threading and adds another six inches to the barrel and the overall length of the rifle. On the top picatinny rail I have custom iron sights that have a V-shape to the back and a single line at the front of the rail. It works well for my needs and is accurate enough to about 500-600 yards or something like that. For a shooter I've never been good at estimating range without a scope. I can see my target and I don't know whether or not it knows if I'm watching it. It usually does but I took extra caution to try to do my best of not being spotted before It actually comes into my range. Its crawling low with its long arms all the way out and its wrists pointing directly down so it's almost at a not possible way to crawl. Its within my range but I can't just shoot it without it. Where would the sport be in that? It comes to the edge of the building its on top of and starts bobbing its head up and down almost to a beat. The weird thing is that it's not bobbing its head to look over the edge, it's just bobbing up and down about once every second. Just to clarify it is a human or was a human or still is some kind of human type of thing. So I'm going to picture this for you, imagine a human male about 5"9' with no hair and no clothes left on its body, pale as a snowman on the bottom but on the top about as dark as asphalt. Lying on the ground using only its fingers to prop itself up with the knees inverted so it has its feet flat on the ground. Now imagine it at a dance club bobbing its head like an idiot. All of a sudden the bobbing stops and it completely seizes it muscles in one swoop flexing everything it can it freezes solid. I raise the rifle to my shoulder and wait for it to make a move. The head slowly cocks left beyond normal parameters and looks me dead in the face from 1000 feet. I flick the safety and wait for it to release its tension. The head begins to bob at the same rate but with the head completely turned. I still don't know if it sees me or if it's just looking at the tower. I look at my watch and hear the faint \*\* I look back at the thing and it dawns on me. It's listening to my watch. I bring the stock to my shoulder and line the sights right above its head. I pull the trigger just as it tries to move over the edge. The bullet moves faster then it anticipated and it slams into the side of his skull pulling the insides out and dropping his body limp. Those fucking thingies don't stop coming do they. Well that's why I don't care for them. I disassemble the rifle, pick up the empty casing, and rearrange it back in the bag. I pull the hatch open and slide down the ladder with ease before making my way through the dark boiler room towards the large metal door that I lock behind me. The majority of the students start to show up and they pay no more attention than they should as a lacrosse stick dangling from my hand makes the bag look like it's for gear. I pass through the main entrance gate and head towards the parking lot without attracting any unneeded attention from the large security guard. My car is sitting in the back of the lot and is a beautiful work of art: a Volkswagen TDI diesel, matte black, custom, two seater, three door, hatchback. I slip into the driver's side and slide my hands across the integrated carbon fiber dash and wheel. The feeling jolts my system and I think always will. The key turns and the engine purrs to life. I shift into first and drop the pedal and slide out the exit leaving the security guard waving to slow down. I look in the mirror and watch him wave frantically as I slam into second and third then fourth and eventually leveling at fifth. As the world flies past me at a "reasonable" rate a thought comes through my mind: Why do I try to protect the very people I loathe the most? The answer is that I....I...I really don't know why. Hell the pay is damn fine and so are the women. Well the women don't come with the job but, shit, pussy is great. My pay comes from sources that would like to see things go through or people that want or do not want other people to exist. Simple enough, I kill I get paid, I smuggle I get paid, I protect I get paid. Most of my life I set the example for a cold hearted son of a bitch. I don't particularly say I'm proud of what I do. I feel as though if nobody else is going to do it then I might as well sack up and do it. The same goes for the roommates. Well not really roommates but "friends". I've got to give them that, they are my friends and they are the ones I trust. My friends are probably the only people in the entire world that I trust and they are some fucking great people. I hitch a left into a large business complex type area. Its just a puzzle of multiple office looking buildings with cool names such as "AreoCon" or "Plexon" the type of companies that you've never heard of and are sure that what they produce is more horrid then the generic names. Even in the early morning the buildings are completely silent with maybe only one or two cars parked in the lots. Even though my residence for the past two years has been here, I have never seen people in large numbers venture in and out of there pearly white embrace. One of the buildings is especially pearly white and I pull into the space reserved for me and me only. There are no other cars in the lot and the silence is almost scary as the dark sky only adds to the scariness. I step out and start a jog to the door just as the sky starts to crackle and boom with heavy drops slapping against my head. I make it inside and immediately I'm tackled to the ground by one of the few people I can trust. I look up and stare into the eyes of the blonde human girl who linebacked me like I'm a ragdoll. She has dark black eyes and long luscious lashes with smooth face always covered in a small smile. Below her head is one of the most humanly perfect designs possible in any way. She holds my hands out flat and straddles my lap like I'm a horse, which I'm not. "Hi Vanilla." She says in a voice sweet enough to give you cavities. "Damn it don't call me that." I bark. I push up with my knees and arms and begin to lift her easily off my body as she giggles violently. Mid-air I throw her back onto her feet and lift myself off the ground with the heavy bag. Just as I pick myself up she strips away my bag and stands on her tippy-toes to throw her arms around my neck and embrace me in a long and passionate kiss. I open my eyes wide and pull back wondering why she kissed me and why I pulled back.
Title: Reaper Graesham Campaign: Sixth Interlude by Nex_Canis Tags: Bear, Character Development, Gorilla, M/M, Plot Development, Ram, Story Series, Wolf **Interlude: Coal** *"Memory is a mortal's foundation. Without memory, every step will always be new... but you will have no sense of direction because you will never know where you've been."* **Antonio Shanks** ***From a Lecture at Dianna University*** **Rocky Rose** I watched Jacob and Max argue... Their voices carrying across the atrium of Eden. I could see the reasoning of both sides... It wasn't right to sacrifice a person... even if it was the save everyone else... ... but at the same time, what choice did we have? I knew the extent of the Unsealed Factory beneath the Emerald Crown. It was a relic from my... from Conway's reign as Elemental Lord. I had it shut down the instant I came into power. MODD insisted I not destroy it. Since I *was* a MODD agent after all... I couldn't go against their will... no matter how much I wanted to. I stood as the barrier between MODD and Graesham... ... but with Rose's memories inside me now... ... and with my body... ... how long would my barrier stand? Everything... Everything just felt so *wrong* now... Before, I didn't hold a shred of doubt in my mind... I could stand up to Jacob's taunts and criticisms... I could slay an army of Unsealed stretching from one horizon to the next... Even in the face of a terrible plague that had sapped others of hope... I held onto that hope... But now... Jacob took a threatening step towards Max. "I didn't see you out there fighting Conway." His fangs were bared and while he looked just like how the media had portrayed him as a mass murderer and psychopath... his eyes revealed the hurt soul inside. "It's so easy for you to call me a coward when I'm out there *fighting* and you're here playing doctor!" Even in all my doubt... I guess I still held hope that deep inside... Jacob Reaper wasn't a bad person. Max swept his staff in a broad gesture at the crowd around him. "I'm looking out for these people! I've been patching them up! Healing injuries that *you* were incapable of preventing!" Injuries *I* could have also helped to prevent... I had trusted Conway... and how did he repay me...? He obsessed with who I had been and tried to bring that person back... even going as far as to sacrifice the souls of countless people in a devastating plague... How could I call myself the Elemental Lord of Earth when I couldn't protect my people from one of my subordinates? And now... more doubt was cast into my world as Norton had gone mad... I gazed at my paws... How could I find my footing and answer these questions when I didn't even know who I was? *"You are Rocky Groundwater."* That voice... It was one that had always guided me throughout my entire life... A voice that always reminded me of who I was... and who kept me on the path I had chosen... For so long, I had trusted that voice... but now... ... I realised that voice was just a Seal filtered my current memories... keeping me from being *someone* else... In a way... I felt like I should be grateful to it... but at the other side of the spectrum... I doubted if who I was now was just so heavily reliant on that filter... that I had lost the opportunity to grow... I couldn't help but wonder... 'what if?' *"Never doubt. Never question. When you question, you falter."* But I *was* faltering... The earth beneath my feet was shaking... and I couldn't find even footing. "So you honestly think you could've done better!?" Jacob's roar shook me back to reality and I turned my gaze back towards "You think that *you* could've somehow prevented all these injuries, stopped Conway *and* Norton at the same time!?" "Hell yeah!" The conviction in Max's voice made me reflect on a time when I was exactly like that... ... and I also realised how naive I was... *"That wasn't naive. That was smart... determined."* Shut up. The crowd cheered Max on... and I slowly realised why the people cheered *me* on. They didn't praise my words... They didn't love my actions... They *gravitated* towards my conviction... my strength. I was a beacon of hope for them... and I realised that while hope was a powerful weapon... it was also dangerous when wielded by the naive and ignorant. *"You weren't naive. You were as well-informed as you could have been at the time."* It doesn't change anything... I made foolish decisions... I allied myself with Conway and inadvertently gave him power and access to what might have practically damned Graesham. I trusted Norton... and now he was going to unleash hell on everyone. My decisions... had led to this... "I respect your efforts to defend me, Max," Father Belford suddenly said, stepping in between both Jacob and Max. "But the decision is ultimately mine and I can see the value in making this deal with Norton." He folded his arms as if trying to protect himself. "I will go." All fell silent... I oddly felt hollow inside... I know I should've felt shocked or pained that a major figure in my life was willingly sacrificing himself for the good of all... even if he *did* manipulate me. But I... I just felt empty... Like every time I tried to muster that emotion, doubt would creep in and question it... *"Never doubt. Never question. When you question, you falter."* I will falter when I damn well please! "You realise he's going to execute you, right?" Jacob asked, looking perplexed. I guessed he had planned on dragging Belford kicking and screaming to Norton. Probably would've enjoyed it too. It made me chuckle softly at how Jacob tried so *hard* to be evil... He was *bad*... but he wasn't evil. I swear... If I wasn't convinced I was a guy, I would be hitting on him *so* badly... *"But you* are\_a guy."\_ I chose not to comment on that. "I do," Belford answered, nodding his head in a slow, grim pattern. "It is a necessary sacrifice. I have sinned and it is time for me to face judgement." "Not afraid you'll burn in the deepest depths of the underworld for what you've done?" The smile on Belford's lips was somewhat cynical but also saddened. "I can only pray that all my deeds bring me the appropriate judgement. No more, no less." The crowd instantly began their protests, demanding Belford not give himself up for all of us. Then, Gabriel stepped up and slammed his hammer into the metal floor. "This is *absurd!*" he roared, pointing his hammer at Jacob. "Even at *half* strength\_all\_ the Branded will be able to defeat Norton! Furthermore, you have the support of *two* Elemental Lords! Why go through the sacrifice of an innocent soul when you can destroy a *corrupt* one with no casualties!?" I saw Kerry suddenly sweep forward, an icy wave of air washing over the crowd as she slammed her spears against Gabriel's hammer and pushed it to the ground. "Because there are *some* of us who agree with the deal," she said with an icy stare. Gabriel tried to shove her away but she was much quicker than he was. She pinned his hammer to the ground and levelled her other spear at his neck. "I should've suspected a demon-witch like you to have sides with this *criminal*." Oooh... Bad form there, Gabe... \_Everyone\_knows that the first person to start throwing slander around is the one to first lose face. "Would you just *shut up* and listen to what everyone is saying?" I was surprised when Taylor stepped up and flanked Jacob. He always seemed the quiet time... though I guess with the impending Purge... everyone is a little on edge. "Belford wants to go through with it not because Jacob backed him into a corner. He wants to do it to save people. Jacob did the same. He made the deal to prevent people from getting hurt." Good point... If that *is* why Jacob made the deal... I suspected he just wanted to get rid of Belford. He wasn't exactly subtle about how much he despised the priest. Leonardo's gargantuan form rose up behind Jacob and he hugged Jacob tightly. "You view us as expendable. You treat us like fodder for the cannons on the wall." "Cannon fodder," Jacob offered. "Yes, cannon fodder," the big - and I will admit, very adorable - Tribal said, hugging Jacob tightly. "We are people too. Are our lives less valuable than Belford's? Are you not risking more by sending us all against Norton than simply losing one life?" Envy crept into me as I recalled Leo's odd mix of innocence and intelligence... He was insightful and intelligent... but at the same time, the subtle nuances of everyday life made him seem addled mentally... Which was cute... at least in my opinion. "You can destroy Norton with ease!" Gabriel retorted. The ram swung his hammer - *Clang!* ...but suddenly had Rex's sword levelled at his neck. Wow... Rex had really changed... I wonder what had changed in him... "You know what you're afraid of?" Rex asked. "You're just afraid of the unknown. You're *sure* Belford will die and you don't want that. But you're *not* sure about what will happen after Belford dies." "What would *you* do if the one sense of security in your life was being offered to be sacrificed for some hare-brained scheme!?" Gabriel asked, his eyes wavering and his fear clearly showing. I saw Rex exchange smiles with Jacob... I wondered what that meant... Actually... No I didn't. I do *not* want to know what happened between them. "I'd go with their decision," Rex answered firmly. "Even if they're my light... they still have *their* life to lead." "A life they're choosing to *end* because some *idiot* with a criminal record as long as the galaxy is *wide* suggested it!" Gabriel roared. Suddenly, Belford placed a resolute hand on Gabriel's shoulder and pushed his disciple back. "Gabriel... my son. This is my decision. If Jacob Reaper had not suggested it, I would have willingly sacrificed myself for the good of our people." He then turned Gabriel to face him, placing both hands on the ram's shoulders. "You are using your prejudice against Jacob to guide your actions. Would you be this insistent had *I* suggested it?" Gabriel's eyes faltered again... It was clear he was hiding his own hatred for Jacob and just pretending to fight for Father Belford as a means of getting back at Jacob. "Of course, Father!" The ram fell to his knees, clutching the gorilla's hands firmly. I felt a strong compulsion to followed his lead... but I shook that thought out of my system... and managed to remain standing. I was no longer tied to Belford... He was a major part of my life... more so than I would have wanted... but I had my own mind and will... I would not bow to him. Everyone else did, however... Well... Excluding the MODD soldiers and the Branded. "You are the sole sense of faith and light in this grim city!" Gabriel pleaded. "You have guided us in times of disaster! You have kept this city aloft with your teachings and your kind soul! Do not leave us in our hour of direst need!" Laying it on heavy there, Gabe... Belford gave a big, heavy sigh. "No, my son..." the priest began softly but still loud enough for his voice to carry around the atrium. "We are all in need... Norton cries for blood... *my* blood. A sacrifice must be made. I am willing to pay it so that this bloodshed will end." He turned to the crowd, arms wide. "Come children, for this will be my last sermon. If anything, regardless of where I go in the afterlife, take heed of my words and my soul shall rest easy." Belford glanced over his shoulder at Max. "Would you kindly ask Eden to raise a platform for me so that I may address my charges?" Eden raised a platform for him. Jacob turned away in disgust and headed off into the hallways of Eden, followed by Max and Kerry. I was tempted to follow them but, for old time's sake, remained and listened to Belford's words. "All mortals were forged from coal," Father Belford began. "When the Might Creator came down from his throne and graced our blackened world, he took all the coal in the ground and from it forged mortals. In each mortal species, he planted a different aspect, a different strength that would forge their species. Just as there are impurities in the coal we find today, there are impurities in us. "He tasked all mortals with the goal of achieving perfection... of cleansing themselves of these impurities so that they may be worthy of entrance into Heaven and to sit by his throne! We are coal... and we must turn ourselves into diamonds." The basic doctrine of the Holy Mountain... We are imperfect... and we much make ourselves perfect to enter paradise. Having believed that for so much of my life, I was now devastated upon realising that I was *so* far from perfection... I was as *flawed* as they could get... Everything I had done was essentially a lie... *"No it's not. They were done by you, Rocky Groundwater. If you were to be judged, it would be as Rocky not as a memory-less Rose Earthsire."* For once since regaining Rose's memories, that voice made sense... and actually helped me a little. No doubt Father Belford would go through his entire repertoire of sermons in the three hours we had. He would have to breeze through a few sections but I had no doubt he could do it. One of the reasons I decided to leave him behind in favour of MODD - apart from keeping the peace between the two factions - was that I could *never* stay awake through any of his sermons. Even now, I was fighting back a yawn. I had to turn away and start heading after Jacob so that no one would see me stifling a yawn. I wanted to talk to Jacob before we headed off to Norton... I needed his assurance that... if I stopped being me... Well... I would like to die as Rocky Groundwater... and no one else. *"But you* are\_Rocky Groundwater. How can you die as anyone else?"\_ Sometimes... that voice is *really* annoying. I decided to ignore it for now. I didn't need any more distractions. I pushed Rose's memories back... and pushed forward... but where was I going? What was left for me here? Graesham was decimated... My command was shattered... What good could come of this...? I... I had failed... My body just collapsed and I suddenly found myself leaning against one of Eden's walls. Tears streamed freely down my cheeks... and my heart ached... My home was destroyed... There was nothing left for me here... How could I rebuild from this world? I felt a warm touch against my cheek... and a finger brush away my tear. I looked up... and found a familiar face... A face that I recognised... and that Rose recognised too... "Soot..." "Girls don't cry," he said in his dull, emotionless voice. I had to straightened myself... In all the commotion, I had forgotten about my one remaining lieutenant... But knowing now that he had been my - no, *Rose's* boyfriend in the past... Could I really trust him? What if he just wanted me to become Rose again...? That was the last thing I wanted to happen... "I'm not a girl!" I retorted, brushing him away and taking a few steps back. "Mentally, perhaps," he answered. "How did you get in here?" I demanded, drawing *Earthborn.* "Did Max let you in?" Soot chuckled mildly and placed a paw on Eden. "This Animus is very wise... perhaps as sentient as Reaper's Animus... Spectre..." His eyes narrowed. "Hmmm... No... Not quite. It responds to emotion instead of actually having a soul... It can differentiate friend from foe with their emotions... Unsealed are repelled because of relentless hunger... enemies for their hatred and dark hearts... "But as for myself... I have no emotions... Perhaps the only weakness of this otherwise impenetrable fortress." No emotions...? How was that even possible? Could he be that heartless? "How can you have no emotions? That's impossible." "Not so when you are nothing but a hollow shell held together by a magical symbol." A hollow...? I staggered back in horror. "You're a Puritan!" Soot chuckled and nodded. "Indeed. Ironic, is it not, that the weakest of my species are so monstrous and yet the most powerful are so similar to your Mortaelians that it is difficult to tell them apart." I levelled by weapons at him. "Stay back! I'm warning you!" A Puritan! This was bad... This deep inside Eden... with so many people around... No backup and Eden being unable to help... I was in trouble. Puritans were frightening in power... In my young career as an Elemental Lord, I had only ever encountered *one* and it nearly *killed* me! And now one of my *lieutenants* was one! He would know all my tricks! "I will not harm you," Soot said, raising a paw calmly. He leaned against the wall, arms folded. "I have just come to talk." I didn't want to believe him... but there was just something... about the way he spoke that made me trust him. Even if he spoke in such a dry, emotionless drawl and his eyes were like empty discs to me... I did feel a degree of benevolence from him. "Then what *do* you want?" Soot didn't answer. I waited for what must have been five minutes to get a response... Nothing... I guess I'll have to get this conversation rolling. I didn't dismiss my Seal Weapons, however. Topics... Topics... Hmm... What do you say to the guy that was *supposed* to be your boyfriend but you don't ever remember that...? Or, for that matter, you think you're a *boy* and you aren't gay? Yeesh... I should start with that... Actually... "So... If you don't have emotions... Do you feel anything... about me...?" Soot regarded me and shook his head. "What feelings Luke felt for you are long gone. I am not Luke. I am an amalgamation of Luke and all the relationships that Rose Earthsire had forged before Belford made you. I am Soot. A collection of impure carbon particles formed from combustion." I guess that was true... A thousand incomplete memories... all come together to form Soot... I wasn't sure if I should feel pity for this creature or heartbroken that he didn't feel anything for me. Then again... I suppose it's better this way... No complications. He has no emotions for me... and I have nothing for him. It worked out well. "So why did you join MODD and my division if you don't feel anything for me?" "What else could I do?" Soot answered. "I am a Puritan Unsealed. MODD would hunt me down. They have the means. However, if I *joined* MODD, their own ranks are where they are least likely to look for an Unsealed." I suppose that's true... MODD is so secure in our own power that we hardly screen our own troops anymore... I guess that's how Soot managed to bypass our security measures. "May I ask you something?" Soot suddenly asked. "Curiosity is an emotion, you know," I answered with a smirk. "The answer is not for my benefit." Oh... it was one of *those* questions. "Would it be truly bad if you were to accept that you were Rose Earthsire at one point in your existence?" I was tempted to slap him but I held back. "I am *not* Rose." "You aren't *now* but at one point, you were." "No I *wasn't*!" I jabbed his chest with *Earthborn*. "And if *I* have to accept I was Rose, you have to accept you were Luke Armstrong at one point! Rose's lover!" He narrowed his eyes at me. I still couldn't detect any emotions from him. "I have accepted that." He turned his gaze away from me, eyes still narrowed. "I find it fascinating... There are five of us... perhaps six who have had our memories drastically altered." He lifted a finger and began counting the individuals off. "First there was Conway... Whose very purpose of living was stolen from him... He was tasked by his wife to forever love their daughter but when his love was permanently snatched from him, the core of his being crumbled and he was forever haunted by the terrible things he performed during his time as a madman. His memories constantly haunted him... and he chose to dedicate his life to righting the wrongs that cannot be righted." Soot uncurled a second finger. "Then there was Norton... Like Conway, he was haunted by his past. His reason for living was snatched from him but he chose to hold it close to him and has worked tirelessly to ensure that the tragedies of the past never repeat themselves again. To this end, he has attempted to distance himself as much as possible from his pain but was never aware or rather, refused to acknowledge that he was carrying it around with him the entire time." A third finger came up. "Then, of course, there is myself. I am not Luke Armstrong. I am Soot. My memories are a combination of all the memories of those that were connected to you and Luke's. However, unlike the others, they have merely collided with one another and negated one another. I am simply left with emotionless images. I see them. I acknowledge they are mine. But I could not care less." His fourth finger rose. "Gabriel is another. Supposedly a vessel empty of memories so Belford placed your original Seal into him, giving him some degree of personality to reforge more memories. An empty creature of no memories... Quite the opposite of me, really." Soot tapped his chin thoughtfully. "Of course, that leaves us with you, Rocky. You have two sets of memories. Two different personalities. Two seemingly opposite personalities from all accounts. You've essentially had a fresh start. But now the first set of memories is coming back... and one has to question which one will prove to be the dominant one. "I find it mostly interesting how you are somewhat an opposite to Jacob Reaper. While he accepts his past, that perhaps he could have been a totally different person to who he is now, you reject it, constantly insisting that you were never that person. Even before Conway was killed and his Seal released to you, you vehemently rejected the idea that you were Rose Earthsire at one point or another... Perhaps it is the work of a Seal... perhaps not." I was starting to draw some pretty crazy comparisons here... Conway and Norton... Conway got stuck in the past... Norton pulled away as far as he could... Gabriel and Soot... Gabriel was an empty soul with no memories but overly emotional... Soot was overflowing with memories but emotionless... Then there was me and Jacob... both he and I had our pasts erased in a way... but where I rejected it... He accepted it... or rather, he didn't care. Who of us was better off? Ultimately, when the end came, who of us would survive. "Well," Soot said, lowering his paw and pushing off the wall, "I assume that since you are not attacking me, you won't kill me." He turned his back and began striding away. "Wait!" I cried but found myself unable to actually *stop* him. I knew he was an Unsealed... I knew that I had to because of my duty to MODD... but to my duty to a friend... I suddenly began to doubt again... Maybe all we knew about the Unsealed wasn't true...? I expected that voice to come back and start telling me not to doubt because doubt gives way to weakness or something... But it didn't say a thing. "One more question," Soot said, stopping in mid-step and turning around to face me. "What is it about that aniga, *Starboy*, that has both you and Luke so fascinated?" I didn't want to answer that question... ... but I found myself searching deep into my memories - Rose's memories - and finding a time in the distant past... I saw Luke... and Rose... Back then, Rose had long hair and Luke... She called him 'Sooty' because he was a polar bear with permanently black splotches all over his fur from working in the foundries. Rose was constantly in training from Conway... but at night, when everyone thought she had gone to sleep, she would sneak out and meet Luke. Together, they'd sneak out to Luke's house where his father would keep them fed and entertained with shows from Luke's aniga collection. Apparently, Rose liked *Starboy* because the protagonist reminded her of Soot. She would glance at him bashfully every now and then when she thought he wasn't looking. He was so kind to her... Everyone else at the base treated her either so delicately like she was a princess made of glass or a weapon for war to be forged into perfection. She cried... at the ending... It surprised me that I had somehow maintained the same appreciation of that show after having my memory erased... *"No. That was not something inherited from Rose. That was simply something you desired. It has no relation to Rose whatsoever."* I really didn't believe that... I think... I think some part of me does remember being Rose... and that has translated into who I am today... There is some part of us... that will always remember... No matter who we turn into... no matter how our memories are affected... It will remember. It is what is judged by the Divine when we pass into the realm of the dead. And... I think it is there to try and steer us in our everyday lives... Maybe... maybe I should be like Jacob... Maybe I should accept who I was... "Rose thought that the Princess was a lot like her and that Black was a lot like Soot," I answered softly. "She always imagined that in the end, the Princess would end up with Black... and in her heart, that is how she wanted her story to end. Unfortunately..." Soot nodded. "I see." He turned around again and began heading away once more. "I wish you luck in your endeavour Rocky Groundwater. Remember, however, that memory is simply a recording made by *you* about events that have transpired. Learn to view them objectively... and perhaps you will see the truth masked by the memories." What was he talking about...? What truth? What was I missing? \*\*\*\*\* It was like a funeral procession... and in a way... that was exactly what it was. Father Belford's followers were dressed as dark as possible. No one had managed to grab any spare clothing on their way out of their homes so they tried to convince Max to give them some dark clothing. It would've been a pain to make black clothing for everyone so Max simply gave them all black armbands to wear. They all marched solemnly towards the Unsealed Factory with Father Belford at their lead... I was *really* regretting not having destroyed that goddamn factory... I straightened myself and took a deep breath... Whatever happened... I had resolved that it was because of *my* actions... *my* decisions... not something that Rose made me do. Okay... *fine*... I *was* Rose Earthsire at one point - *"No you are not. You are and always have been Rocky Groundwater."* Shut up, Voice! Anyway... I am Rocky Groundwater... I *was* Rose Earthsire. *"You -"* Not listening to you! But... I am Rocky Groundwater now... I looked towards Jacob who flanked the door leading down into the factory. He just radiated confidence... not a single shred of doubt... and to think that all came from his acceptance of who he was... of who he might have been. He wasn't stuck in the 'what ifs' or 'what could've beens'. He learned from his mistakes... he moved forward... and he became stronger. I wanted to be just like that. Gaining strength from my newly found inspiration, I straightened my back and began marching down into the factory. I took my stand beside the Branded and watched as Belford stepped up to Norton. A few words were exchanged... Then Norton held up a Universal Release Switch. He strapped it to Belford's neck... and I instantly knew he planned on decapitating the priest. Not going to say I approve... but that's pretty damn clever. Resigning himself to his fate, Father Belford accepting the dark gift and spun around to face us. "My actions were not always steered by the light!" he announced, lifting his hands into the air as if welcoming death. "I am mortal. I am prone to succumb to my flaws and I have made many, many, *many* mistakes. In my position of power, I have used many of you... unwittingly or not. "Ultimately, the source of this suffering can be pointed to me." I guess... I didn't want to believe that simple truth... That Father Belford... someone who I had accepted into my life was at fault for everything that had occurred in my life... Whether he ruined it or not... I can't say... But after this... It'll all be over... "I was once a MODD researcher...I was delving into the possibilities of creating a Seal that did not require mortal sacrifice. Yes, in the days past, a Seal was the soul of a loved one given up for power. The greater the connection between the loved one and the user, the greater their Synchronisation with the Seal." Yes... I knew that... I remembered reading his profile... In fact, I had invited him to come back to MODD when I became an Elemental Lord. I firmly believed that everyone deserved a second chance. That's why I offered that chance to Conway... I had dreamed that with the former enemies under the one roof, I could instil a lasting peace upon Graesham. Boy was *I* naive... "It was ultimately my research that led to the production of more powerful Seals for MODD as I discovered that personality traits could be sacrificed in order to produce as Seal. You can sacrifice your tendency to laugh at inappropriate times or your beautiful singing voice and that could all make a Seal. "I researched the greatest source of this newfound resource of Seals... and I discovered that the strongest emotion that can produce a Seal... is by far the simplest... Love." Belford was actually starting to tear up as he lifted his head to the ceiling. "I convinced Conway Earthsire to sacrifice his love for his daughter, Rose, to become a new Seal that he could use." I jerked my head up towards the priest... I didn't know that... ... Conway... He gave his love... for me...? What... What would've his life been like? A life without love...? Father Belford closed his eyes briefly, a tear running down his cheek. I could see his knees quaking. "But my experiment failed. Love is the core of all existence and by taking it out of Conway, I had deprived him of his core... and he was left with nothing but a deep, longing emptiness that he could not fill. However, the Seal could be compatible with his daughter and I made my second mistake by convincing Conway to give the Seal to Rose... and telling him to train her in its use in the hope that their bonding experience will revitalise the love in his heart..." I had been empowered by my father's love... ... and I had used that love against him... Oh Conway... Now, Father Belford was openly crying. "I was wrong... Rose grew bitter for Conway's actions as such actions were one made by a commanding officer and not a father. Rose grew up without a father... and she resented that existence. She lashed out and fled MODD... Conway gave chase not for love... but in desperation of losing the one source that could fill that hole in his heart... "Rose, however, did not die that day... She was barely alive... and brought back to the Emerald Crown." I was encapsulated by a deathly silence... Vague memories flashed through my mind... I remembered lying on the ground with Conway standing over me, looking disgusted... maybe disappointed... Around me were the bodies of countless MODD soldiers and the wreckage of their equipment. I had killed so many... *"A waste..."\_Conway snarled. \_"Get the Eternal Seal here! I want* everyone here\_used to become a Seal! Maybe we can salvage something out of this operation..."\_ I see... My Seal... the Seal of Earth... It came from the souls of all those people I had killed as Rose... I clutched at my heart... I knew Seals came at dire prices... but the irony burned me hard that the sins I had caused in one life empowered me in this one. "I realised my mistakes then," Belford cried. "So, in an attempt to rectify my sins... I attempted to give Rose a new lease on life... A new beginning." I may have gotten a new lease on my life... but I was still stuck on the same, old mortgage plan... You can't run away from your past like Norton... You can't undo the past like what Conway tried to do... You can't pretend they aren't there as Soot claimed... and you certainly can't become consumed by them like Gabriel... You have to acknowledge them... and grow from them... I know Jacob hasn't really been exposed to his past yet... but his ideal... They way he approaches it... ... I think... I want to be like that. "Thus, I took from Rose her memories of the past and made it into a Seal..." Belford said, his voice growing softer with every word. "I then created a Seal with the purpose of constantly sacrificing her *present* memories and leaving only fragments that will maintain her current personality... Lastly, I took the memories of *everyone else* and made them into a Seal, leaving only what is now commonly believed... "These three Seals I gave to Conway Earthsire, Norton Manx... and Soot. Unfortunately, because of this, I gave Conway the means by which he could create the Fossilisation Plague in a twisted attempt to resurrect his daughter... He may have created the Plague and he may have been the forefront of all the suffering you have endured... but it was *I* who had set the gears in motion." Belford lowered his head. "And for that... I am sorry." Norton lifted his blade for the finishing blow. "Your forgiveness comes with your death, old man!" I wanted to stop him... ... but... at the same time, I just wanted this nightmare to end... I wanted to get rid of my past... so that I could finally stand and be myself... *SWISH!* ... *Thunk...* *... Ka-thunk...* *THUD!* I held my breath... And it took me a moment to realise I had shut my eyes. Slowly... I opened them... ... My heart froze when I found Father Randall Belford's eyes staring directly at me... dead... The Universal Release Remote lay sliced at the base of his severed head. "That was sort of anti-climactic..." Max grunted, turning around and bullying the crowd out. "Okay! Show's over! Everyone back to Eden!" No one wanted to move... but slowly, people began to filter out of the chamber... "Damn..." Taylor murmured softly. "I can't believe it's over... just like that..." He shook his head in confusion. "I was expecting a fight or something..." "Does every step of progress we make have to end in death...?" Joanna sighed. Rex clapped her shoulders. "It's not over yet. We've still got that Purge to deal with." Right... of course... It isn't over yet. The Purge... At least now we can all focus on it. "A Purge *you* called if I recall correctly," Max chuckled bitterly. "But at least we won't have Norton or Belford to worry about anymore. Come on" - he seized Rex's arm - "you called the Purge, you're helping us stop it." A large portion of the crowd left the scene... Some lingered to pay their final respects before they too departed. I took a few steps away, torn at the sight of a great rock in my existence having crumbled so easily. At the same time... I finally felt free... Some part of me realise that the voice that had been nagging me to be just Rocky... ... it was Belford's voice... ... and now that the real Father Belford was gone... ... I could finally rest easy... "What the hell...?" I froze... ... and spun around. My eyes widened in shock. Jacob had a glowing paw facing Norton. What was he doing!? \_"You..."\_Norton snarled. What -? *Zzzzap!* Jacob fired off a beam but Norton swiftly dodged to the side, drawing his double-bladed weapon with a frustrated cry. "This was all part of his plan, wasn't it!?" the mole demanded. "Fake his death so you could get close enough to kill me!?" What? Fake his...? He looked for Belford's body... ... and only found a mannequin... No... He didn't...! I spun around to check if anyone else lay witness to the scene... But everyone was mostly at the far exit! There were no *true* witnesses except myself and the remaining Branded! No! Jacob lowered his arm and summoned his blades. "Nope. I was going to kill you anyway." This had to stop! *CLANG!* Norton and Jacob engaged in a blindingly fast sword fight. "I knew it! He's got you following him! That's it! No more mercy!" Norton cried. A wave of darkness erupted from his body, spreading over me but I managed to remain rooted in position. I quickly summoned *Earthborn.* I knew this wouldn't be easy. "Get them *out of here!"* Jacob yelled. Norton made his move. No! I surged forward and - *KA-CLANG!* Barred Norton's blade alongside Taylor and Kerry. "I will destroy you *all!"* Norton roared. Another wave of darkness erupted from him, throwing me back. I managed to remain standing but the others fell back. Norton threw back his head and let out a pained, frustrated cry. Black spears of rock began erupting from the ground and circling him ominously. "I'll drown you all in a sea of Unsealed!" Jacob acted quickly, jumping to his feet and firing off beams at the spears that Norton summoned. He shattered many of the spears but others slammed into the vats and shattered the delicate glass holding back the copious amounts of green liquid. Unsealed poured out! "Not good!" I exclaimed, bringing up my shield. A paw fell on my shoulder and I spun to meet Jacob's fierce, laser-like blue eyes. "Get out of here!" I was momentarily stunned. Why? "What!? Why!?" "Norton is going to die," he answered grimly. I could tell that was the truth... As much as I wanted to deny it... it was the truth... No more denials for me... I can see the truth. I'm looking at this objectively... just like Soot told me to. I could see Norton would die. "When that happens," Jacob muttered, "that Seal he's holding will go straight to you. The further you are away from him, the greater chance we have of stopping it before it gets to you. And you *like* thinking you're a boy, right?" No... I don't like thinking I'm a boy... ... not if I stop being me... But... Would I still be me if that Seal entered me...? I would fight to the bitter end to maintain myself... but I might lose... ... So... I nodded at him. "Don't die." He gave me a sly grin and a cocky snort. "Can I get a good luck kiss?" Hmmm... I quickly pressed myself against him, pressing my muzzle against his and pushing my tongue deep into his throat. I felt his warm breath rush into me in that gasp of shock... I realised something with that kiss... Yeah... I was a girl. But more than that... I'm Rocky Groundwater. I pulled back and returned that cocky smile of his. "Good luck." Without another word, I spun and bolted for the exit, yelling at the horrified onlookers to get up those stairs and out of the Emerald Crown. I pushed them all as much as I could. There was a resounding boom behind me and I spun around to find the stairway into the Factory suddenly blocked by a titanic wall of rock. I guess Joanna must've blocked it... I stood there... in the middle of the stairway... just watching those rocks... My fists clenched tightly... They were in there fighting for me... against Norton... Belford had betrayed us... and now... Norton had gone mad... Why...? I don't understand that! Why did Father Belford betray us!? *"You think I betrayed you, don't you child?"* I froze... That voice again. I spun... Looking down at me, haloed by a benevolent, golden light... was Father Randall Belford. His smile was so welcoming... so warm... I almost fell back into his spell. *Almost*. "You -" He lifted a hand. *"Child, judge me not until you have learned the facts for yourself. Come... Let us save your friends..."* His voice sounded distant... otherworldly. What happened to him...? Father Belford approached the rock barrier barring us from the Factory. He lifted his weapon, the mace-like *Earthen Incense.* With a single blow, he shattered the barrier. I had never seen him fight before... but such *strength!* I looked into the chamber... ... and my eyes widened. I had to have been gone for about five minutes! And Norton had already won! Jacob lay on the ground... Taylor and Kerry were unconscious several metres away... and now Norton held Joanna by the throat, lifting her up into the air as she desperately tried to kick at him. "Jacob!" I shouted. Norton's eyes looked past Joanna... and they widened when they focused on Belford. "You!" *"Cease this madness now, Norton,"\_Belford said calmly. \_"The battle is already over and you have lost."* A lot of confidence considering we're up against a guy that just beat four Branded! I brought up my shield and *Earthborn*. This was going to be tough. "Rocky!" Norton cried. "Why are you allying with him when you saw that he betrayed us!?" Why... Why indeed...? "I'm not his ally," I snarled, glaring at Belford. He caught my gaze and seemed unfazed by it. "I'm just here to stop you!" Belford sighed theatrically... that same sigh he gave so many times... For the first time... I realised that it wasn't a benevolent, tired sigh of one who had a terrible burden on his shoulders... it was a sigh of a man who knew his plans were being met... and was *bored*! I can't believe I misjudged someone else... *again!* *"That truly is a pity, girl... But I suppose there is little you can do now."* "What!?" *WHAM!* The floor hit me *hard*. I saw stars... I never even saw Belford move but I certainly felt his mace strike my chest! My vision began to clear as Belford suddenly vanished in a blur of light and slammed his mace against Norton's armoured form. The gorilla - despite his age - was demonically fast! And he was titanically strong too! A dangerous combination... the Elements of Light and Earth... Light for the speed... and Earth for the strength. No! I won't give up! I pulled myself to my feet. \_"Pitiful child,"\_Belford whispered into my ear. What!? He had just been bashing Norton! In fact... he still *was!* ... Clones! That's how he managed to avoid being executed! He used clones! *"All mortals are destined to become perfect... and you shall be the first to achieve such perfection. Stop trying to fight destiny."* I spun around, slamming my shield into the clone. The glowing image of Belford merely held me back with a well-placed hand. "If I turn out to be *your* version of perfect, I'd rather be flawed!" *"You have no choice in the matter."* WHAM! I staggered back, my shoulder aching from the clone's strikes. To my horror, countless more clones began appearing in flashes of light. More of them began attacking Conway, bashing at his armour. They were too fast for him to - Wait! Earth and Light! I reached into my power... *"Laser Leaf!"* Glowing, emerald leaves erupted from my body, hung in the air... and then shot straight into the forms of the clones. Many grunted and other cried in pain as their forms dissolved, leaving behind clay mannequins. Yes! "Norton! Use *fast* area attacks! Get rid of them all!" My lieutenant - yes... he has always been a loyal lieutenant - grinned, gave me a thumbs up and hurled his paws into the air. *"Obsidian Rain!"* A *huge* black rock erupted from the ground behind him... and instantly shattered, turning into a shower of black, earthen blades that peppered all Belford clones around him. Many of the clones fell. They tried to block the barrage but there was just too many spears of earth for them to defend. Their bodies crumpled to the ground, turning into the clay mannequins that they were with black shards embedded into their forms. Others managed to survive... ... but not for long. *"Laser Leaf!"* My lasers killed the rest of the clones, the clay mannequins hitting the ground. I rushed to Norton's side, pressing my back against him and grinning broadly. "Glad to be fighting by your side again, *ma'am*," Norton chortled. Strangely, I wasn't insulted by that. *"Do not resist perfection!"* Belford sprang from the shadows and charged at us head on! I blocked him with my shield - ... and Norton quickly followed up by leaping up on my shoulders and spearing Belford's shoulder. He leapt back and kicked Belford's face *hard*. As the dark priest staggered, I took the advantage. I surged forward, spinning *Earthborn* in my paws and unleashing a barrage of kicks, punches and swipes that threw Belford hard against one of the vats! This time... his form didn't vanish into a clay mannequin. Yes! We won! ... At least I thought so until Belford began to laugh. A hand fell on my shoulder... *Belford!* "What the!?" I cried, leaping back. *"Take a closer look at the man you defeated, girl."* I spun to the *other* Belford... ... and his form shimmered... and melted away... ... revealing Norton... What...? My eyes fell down to Belford's weapon... *Earthen Incense...* No... I remembered... his mace... the head of the weapon was shaped like an incense dispenser... When swung, the weapon spread a hallucinogenic mist... He used it often in the 'golden days' when he was working in MODD! No! He... He tricked me! "You -" I swung at him - *CLANG!* *"Girl... The end has come for you,"\_Belford chuckled. \_"The last Seal needed to break you is not free."* No! *No! NO!* I turned towards Norton's body... just as a green burst of light erupted from his prone body and - *WHAM!* Slammed hard into my chest. My body suddenly felt numb... and I found myself falling to my knees without any control over my body whatsoever. I... I could see it... My past as Rose... ... I *am* Rose... ... but... ... A grin crossed my features... and I locked gazes with a horrified Belford. "Guess who?" *"Impossible!"* *WHAM!* I slammed my shield against him, sending him reeling. He staggered back, managing to keep standing but his resolve clearly broken. *"You should be the perfect soldier now! No emotions! No mind! You should be obeying my orders! Stop this!"* I swung *Earthborn* in my paws and got ready for the fight of my life. "That was assuming I never accepted I was Rose beforehand!" *"That shouldn't be possible! Norton's Seal -"* "Seals don't make a person. My heart is my own! No Seal can change that!" Belford's eyes narrowed at me. *"I see... Then I will just have to go to my contingency plan!"* Contingency plan...? *"Sleep, girl!"* He threw his hand forward. A searing blast of light erupted from the tips of his fingers and slammed into my chest. I felt no pain... and I just grinned. My heart was stronger than my memories! Yes... That's what I've come to realise... My heart... is who I am. It is what defines me... What remembered who I was even when I cannot! With my heart, I was - ... I glanced down at my chest. My eyes boggled... Thick, clear crystal began spreading all over my body... crawling up my chest, my shoulders and down my legs! It froze my entire form! I couldn't move. "No!" I cried. But... my heart...! I couldn't move... but I could still see... The crystal enveloped me completely in a crystal coffin, my arms planted firmly at my sides. I tried to scream... but my lips wouldn't move. I tried to cry... but the crystal wouldn't let me. I wasn't breathing... but it was still keeping me alive! What *was* this!? Belford hovered over me... and smirked. *"Now... Let's just see how well you can hold on under the weight of* more\_Seals."\_ Was he going kill Soot!? No! I... I may not be Rose Earthsire... but I still felt those emotions for him... and it broke my heart that he didn't love me back... I loved him... He would always be my Sooty... Luke... Belford strode out of the chamber... I was horrified to find Norton still alive... I could see him breathing... Out of the corner of his eye, he gave me an apologetic look... and a tear run down his cheek. He reached out towards me... No! Don't resist! He'll kill you! *Boom! Boom! Boom!* Black coffins emerged from the ground... His *Obsidian Maiden* attack! But... I couldn't see any spikes inside the coffins! *WHAM! WHAM! WHAM!* The coffins enclosed on Taylor, Joanna and Kerry's bodies... He was...? *"Still alive?"\_Belford scoffed. \_"My aren't you persistent."* He lifted a hand... a crystal spear hovered over his fingertips. But the gorilla stopped. *"Hmmm? What's this...?"* Norton flicked his paws towards the air. The coffins containing the Branded shot into the air, breaking through the ceiling and vanishing from sight. *"Using the last ounce of strength to safe the fools who were blinded by my trickery,"\_Belford chucked, lowered his spear and letting it vanish. \_"For your bravery, I will let you die slowly. Relish the small victory you achieved in saving their lives for you have only sealed their fate to die in the fires of destruction I will bring."* Belford headed out of the Factory, my crystal coffin carrying me with him. No one was in the Emerald Crown and for that I was relieved. The gorilla suddenly picked up speed, his mastery over Light giving him that ability. The world sped past my eyes... I saw the desolation of Graesham... I saw the ruins of the Emerald Crown... and I saw the lives I had ruined due to my foolishness. I should *never* have trusted Belford... Before I knew it, we were suddenly in a barren, desolate plane far beyond Graesham's gates... I saw the footprints of where the Fossilised once stood... We were in the Grey Grounds Graveyard. *"Rejoice, my children!"\_Belford exclaimed, spreading his paws wide. \_"I have returned from the dead and come to bring you deliverance!"* What!? Belford dragged my coffin across the Graveyard and I saw the shocked, relieved and joyful faces of the Graesham survivors as we passed them. The way they looked at Belford... It was with admiration... pride... They had given themselves entirely to him! This was the last bit they needed to truly have complete and utter faith in him! Resurrection from the dead! I was such a fool! But... what did he want from me? *"Perfection is at hand, my children!"\_Belford exclaimed, rising on a podium of rock above everyone else. \_"I was destroyed and have returned in perfection! Now I have come to take you to paradise! To perfection!"* All the people cheered. They had been too far to see Belford's deception... They probably just thought that Norton went nuts! I *barely* saw Belford's mannequin... so what did *they* see? ... probably exactly what Belford wanted... *"Gabriel! My loyal son! Come!"* "Of course, Father!" Gabriel... No! Gabriel appeared beside Belford, looking up at the gorilla with shining eyes. No! Belford placed a hand on the ram's shoulder.*"You have been a loyal right-hand, my son... Now, it is time to fulfil your ultimate destiny!"* "Anything, Father! Anything at all!" I saw the gleam in his eyes... *"Now... be the Destroyer..."* SHLICK! If my eyes could widen, they would. Belford had just *shoved his hand right through Gabriel's chest!* *"Destroy this world... so that it can be reborn in perfection!"* Gabriel looked horrified... but the crowd... they just ate it all up. They were under Belford's control completely and utterly. The gorilla pulled his hand out of Gabriel's chest, holding up a Seal. There were no physical injuries to Gabriel's body... but I could see him quake from head to toe... and his eyes fading into a solid, green form... The eyes of an Unsealed! Belford lifted the Seal in his hands above me... and I remembered. That was *Rose's* Seal... *My* Seal! Oh god... Oh god no! Please no! *"And with this... Ascension!"* He slammed the Seal against my coffin... piercing the crystal frame... and pushing it deep into my chest... ... I felt numb... ... I felt nothing... ... I... I couldn't think... ...I... I didn't even know my own name... Wait... I think... Yeah... I think I can... I... I'm Rocky... Rocky Groundwater... I'm... I'm Rose Earthsire... Rocky... Groundwater... Rose... Earth... sire... Rocky... water... ...R..R... Rose... I... I'm...
Title: Meeting in the Park Tags: older man, voyeurism I turned down the street. I was a bit uneasy, being in a strange place. I knew where I was, for the most part. I just didn't know it at night. I looked around for any store that I knew, most were closed. Their lights off as it was after midnight. I reached a darkened park, decided it might be the park near Maggie's house. Just off the path, I came across a young couple making out, he was speaking out loud to her. "You are such a little whore. You want this dick don't you?" I only heard her moan, not answer. "Take it out and suck it if you want me to bang you right here. That's what you want isn't it? For me to slide my dick in your slutty cunt in this public park. Do it now bitch!" He grabbed her chin, kissed her full on the mouth as she unzipped his jeans. I backed up, hit a flickering street lamp. The lamp flickered on once again, then went dark. The young man's dick was not very big as far as I could see, but she still seemed to be enjoying taking it in her mouth. For some reason, I wanted to join them. Not to be with them, just to watch and to touch myself too. The young woman was soon bouncing around on her lover's dick, with no regard to anyone around. I couldn't possibly be the only one in the park watching this. It was a big town, always busy. The girl started moaning, I knew that feeling. She was getting close to coming on him. "Do you think he's going in unprotected?" I gasped at the whispered voice behind me. "Shhh. I'm just watching, just like you." My voice wavered, warm steam rose from my open mouth into the cool air as I answered the stranger. "I didn't see him put something on, but who knows. What do you think?" "True, plus there's more than just a condom these days. Are you turned on watching this?" "Are you?" "I asked first." "I asked second." He laughed softly, he was closer now. "It's a little cold tonight." "They are probably warmer than we are. Body heat, plus...well, you know." "Sex." "Yes." I gulped. He was even closer now, I could feel his breath on my cold ear. "Do you live around here?" "No. I was looking for my friends' place. She lives nearby, I think. I've never been to her place at night." "What street is she on?" "3rd." "Hmm, you're close, but what's the cross street? We're near 8th." "Damn." "Have to go far? My car is nearby." "She's at 27th. But, I can walk." I felt his lips softly trail along my ear lobe, his hands run over my arms. I trembled, my voice shook as I answered his touches. "I don't know you." "That makes this more exciting, doesn't it?" "Maybe exciting, but also scary. Right?" He laughed a bit louder. The couple we'd been watching had left, though my nipples hadn't noticed that. "I'm Ray. You are?" "Aurora." "Like Sleeping Beauty?" It was my turn to laugh this time. "Afraid so. Friends of mine call me Ari or Rori." "So, are we friends then?" I pulled the bag I carried further over my shoulder, it'd been slipping since I'd stopped to watch the young couple. "That looks heavy. Staying at your friends awhile I take it." "I hope to." It was then the tears kicked in. The man I just met backed off. "I didn't mean to scare you that much." "'s not. Not you. Oh, not you Ray." "I've been told I am a good listener. And I have a warm place for you to stay awhile. Maybe you could call your friend from there, have her come get you?" Maybe that was better, besides, I wasn't even sure she still lived here. Ray pulled the heavy bag from my aching shoulder, I followed as we walked down the path. He led me toward Main street, where the businesses were. "Your place is here?" "Oh. I don't live here. My sister does. I am staying in a hotel on Main." I stopped, dead in my tracks. "Hey, Ari. Nothing has to happen if you don't want it to. The hotel room is a suite, there is a separate living room to the bedroom. The sofa in the living room pulls out into a bed." I sighed, followed him onto the brighter street. He pulled open a glass door of one of the nicest hotels in the town I've lived in for the last three years. We walked toward the bay of elevators, he waved to the one night person at the desk who was reading a magazine. He pushed the button for four, the doors slid closed and the car climbed the flights. I followed the taller man down the long hallway, pausing as he pulled out the room key from his wallet. The light turned green and he pushed the door open, gesturing for me to go inside. He followed me in, the room was much nicer than I'd anticipated. Most things in this town were run-down and cheap, but ever since the new micro-chip plant was built things slowly had been getting better. This hotel must have been one of the first investments, for when investors needed to stay. "Ari, are you hungry?" My stomach rumbled in answer. He pulled open a refrigerator, there was a small kitchen attached right near the front door. "I got a pizza when I came in last night. Root beer?" "My favorite." "Mine too." He poured two tall glasses, sliding over a slice of sausage and pepperoni cold. "Oh, I didn't ask. Do you want it heated? There's a microwave." "Cold is better." "Agreed." I bit down and he smiled, taking his own bite. I ate another slice, he ate a 3rd, offering me the last. I shook my head no and he put it back in the refrigerator. "Did you want to call your friend?" "Honestly. I don't know her number." "Oh." "It's..." "You don't have to tell me. Not if you don't want to. And you can stay the night here. There's plenty of pillows and blankets." "Is there a shower, or bath?" "Both." He smiled and I followed him into the bedroom. He flipped on the brighter lights, I got my first real look at the kindest man I'd ever met. "Oh, Ari. You're bleeding. Or you were." I lifted my hand to my cheek, the scrapes were sore as I touched them. Ray pulled a white cloth from the pile, wetting it with cool water. He gently patted my cheek, I winced at the pain. "Did someone do this to you?" "My brother. I left...tonight. Final straw." I pointed to my cheek, and lifted the hem of my shirt where he'd sliced my stomach with a knife. I'd bandaged that one before I left, the scrapes on my cheek had come as I'd left the house when he'd thrown a glass picture frame at my face. "Oh, Ari. That needs to be looked at love. Let me get my kit, it's in my car." "Are you a doctor?" "I am. Stay here." I waited, kind of pacing around the suite of the hotel. He came back, almost seeming surprised at my still being there. "You're still here." "You said to stay here." "I know. But I wasn't sure if what's happened scared you. Or if I did." "Ray, I've only known you a little bit. But you are one of the kindest men I've met in my entire life." He smiled softly down at me, he'd pointed to the couch for me to sit down so he could get a better look at the cuts on my stomach. I lifted my shirt, tucking the edges underneath the band of the bra I wore. I could tell by the look on his face he was getting a good glimpse at some of the bruises and other scars my brother had left these past 2 years. "Good news is I don't think these need stitches or staples. I'm going to use some surgical glue and then tape to bind the skin back together, especially on this bigger one. What did he cut you with?" "This time? A carving knife. I don't think he's ever gone so deep before, except when he did this one." I pulled up the sleeve on my right arm, the 1st scar he'd given me. I let out a shuddered breath as Ray gently cleaned the wounds on my bare stomach, wincing as the solution stung slightly. I shut my eyes tightly, gripping the pillow in my hand until he was soon taping a plastic sheet over my recently bandaged stomach. "What's the plastic for?" "Still want that shower? Or bath might be better for those muscles." "How did you know I was hurting?" "Honey, I can see it. I barely touched your calf and just the muscle twitched. Means you didn't pull away from me, but your muscles did." "Oh. Always on alert, I guess." "Ari, how old are you?" "28." "Seriously." "Yes. I have a license, it's not valid cause it expired, but it still says my birthday. How old are you?" "Older than you." "Okay." "I'm 39." "Are you married?" "No, I'm guessing you're not since you were living with your brother. Unless I'm completely wrong." "Not wrong, I'm single. I was married, he cheated on me not even a year into our marriage. I moved back in with my Dad and brother. Dad died 2 years ago, then it was just my brother and me. Sorry." "No, I'm sorry. For all that's happened to you Aurora. You don't deserve that, didn't deserve that." "Thanks. But somehow, I already feel better. I just needed to get away. Now, I am, away that is." "You are, but not too far away." "No. He could come looking for me, he probably won't. I've run before, only to end up back there. I don't have any money, or an education to get a job. I wanted to complete school, but then I got pregnant and had to get married." "You have a baby?" "No. I miscarried." "Oh, damn. I'm sorry babe." "Thanks. I'm not. I was, at first. But I think about how that baby would have grown up." "You are quite right. A baby should grow up in a loving family, or at least in a stable one." "Yep. Hey Ray?" "Ask me anything." "You said you were visiting your sister. Where are you from?" "Not too far of a drive away, about 6 hours by car. I live in New York. Not in the city, upstate." "I've never lived anywhere but here. I've lived in a few different places here, but never out of state." I yawned, watching Ray go into the bathroom. I heard him pull the tub to start and plug it a minute later. He called out to me. "How warm do you like it?" "Warm?" "Let me guess, used to taking cooler showers?" I looked down at my bare feet, having pulled off my socks. He gently pulled my chin up with the tips of his fingers. "Have it as hot as you want. I am going to work on some stuff in the living room, call out if you need me." He turned to leave the bathroom. "Ray?" He turned back, raising his eyebrows at me. "Aurora?" I lifted on my tiptoes, brushing my lips against his gently. I wasn't sure of what he would want, but was excited when he lowered his mouth into mine in another kiss, much deeper than the first. We parted, breathless as the bathroom began to fill with steam. "I'll be out there." "I'll be out soon." "Take your time. I'm not going anywhere." I slid into the just too hot water, instantly soothing some of my aching muscles. The dirt of the past few days was rinsed away, soon to be swirling down the drain. I didn't spend too much time soaking, just enough to rest a bit. I drained the tub and turned the water on in the separate shower, the same hot temperature. I used the hotel shampoo and conditioner, using both bottles to get my hair clean and tangle-free. I scrubbed my entire body, less the part that was taped on my stomach, and stood under the hot water, turning it just a tad hotter rinsing the bubbles. I stepped from the shower, realizing all my clothes were in the bag in the other room. I wrapped one of the bigger towels around my body and approached the door. "Ray?" He was sitting on the couch, his laptop on his lap. "Hey sweets. Need some clothes huh?" "Yeah, I forgot them in here." "How was the bath and shower?" "Soothing. And really hot." "Sure seems it. There's still steam rising from your body. What do you want to wear?" He began looking through my bag. I didn't have much in there, a few worn shirts and pants, undergarments, most with holes in them. He pulled out one of the better pairs of bottoms, tossing them to me. I pulled them on under my towel and waited as he dug into his own suitcase. He tossed me a pair of gray pajama pants and a plain black tee-shirt. "They are probably big, but better than what I saw in your bag." "Thanks." I dropped the towel, pulling the pants on and tightening the drawstring. I hadn't noticed, but Ray had come closer as I'd been dressing. "Though, I wouldn't mind if you stayed undressed." I gasped, feeling his warm breath on my ear as I had in the park before. "Ray." "Oh, Aurora. I'm not going to push you honey, but you are so beautiful." His mouth met mine in a brief but passionate kiss and he pulled the shirt down over my head. "You think I'm beautiful?" "God, yes. Didn't your ex ever tell you?" "Truth?" "I hope you'll always be honest. I will always be honest with you." "It was a one-night thing with him. I got pregnant, we got married. I was 5 months along when we lost the baby, 3 months later I found him in bed with our maintenance guy." I kept my eyes on Ray the whole time, watching as his eyes grew wide, especially the last part of it. "Did you know he wasn't straight?" "I knew he was a bi-sexual. I had no issues with that. He was a friend of mine, my ex. The night we spent together, it was a drunken mistake. He's happier now and much better off." "Do you still speak with him?" "No. Not since my father died. My brother hated my ex, mostly because they used to...they were a couple." "Oh." "Weird situation, I know." "Just a little." I smiled softly. He lifted my shirt, peeling the tape gently and pulling the plastic off the bandaged area. "I'll change the bandages in the morning before we go." "Go where?" "Oh. My niece is in a dance recital tomorrow afternoon, then there's a dinner at my parents' place. I'd like you to come with me." "Would I be welcome?" "Absolutely. My Mom says the more the merrier all the time. And don't worry about something to wear. There's a nice clothing shop down the street, we can go in the morning. Speaking of morning." His eyes drifted toward the nightstand, I followed with my own eyes. I glanced at the clock, it was almost 1. "Oh sheesh." "Aurora. I am here until Wednesday. I'd like for you to stay with me until then. And after, I don't know yet. But, at least give me until then to figure something out." "Figure what out?" "Figure out if it's lust or love." With that he scooped me up in his arms and carried me into the bedroom. "Ray, I...only once." "I figured that out love. Just let me care for you, let me show you how it should feel." He shut the overhead light off, leaving just one on by the bed. I pulled the top bed covering down and he pulled the drapes shut. I watched as he set the alarm for 10, the recital wasn't until 2 in the afternoon. Within minutes, he had me fully undressed and lying back on the bed. He was still clothed, his face between my legs. I writhed beneath his skilled tongue, calling out in ecstasy as I came harder than I've ever come in my life. He kissed me gently, with a happy and sleepy look on his face. "Sleep now my sweet. I will wake you soon enough." I slept, better than I've slept in at least two years, if not longer than that. Even being in the same bed as an almost complete stranger slept next to me. I heard his light snoring as I stretched luxuriously, waking some time later. I padded into the restroom and turned on the shower. I knew we had to get going around 10 and it was already 9:30. I used the plastic packing like he had shown me, covering the still sore area on my stomach. I was almost through when I heard him call for me. "Aurora?" "I'm almost through." I heard him sigh deeply. That pit in my stomach dissipated, he was happy I was still here. "Did you think I left?" "Yes. I went to kiss you good-morning and you weren't there." "I knew we had to get going around 10 and you looked so peaceful sleeping there." "I was. And we do have to get going, especially if we want breakfast. I'm grabbing some clothes for both of us, I will change your bandage when you're all set and then shower quick and we can head out." "Okay. And Ray?" "Yeah?" "Morning." "Morning baby." His voice was lighter as he spoke the last words, I turned off the shower and pulled the excess water from my shoulder-length hair. I pulled a towel around me and found clean clothes ready for me on the bed. I dressed quickly and went into the adjoining room, my head wrapped in a smaller towel. He made quick work on my bandage, the area already looked better. At least there would be no infection. We kissed softly and he jogged into the bathroom and showered as I dried my hair. I left him to change in peace, we were soon on our way to the lobby. The hotel served breakfast until 11 every morning, so we had time to eat and talk a bit. I still had only known this man less than 12 hours. "What are you thinking?" "Just that I somehow already feel comfortable with you. It's only been 12 hours, or about that." "Hah. I was just thinking the same thing." "Really?" "Yes. What is your favorite movie? Or genre of movies?" "Don't laugh. I love all the Star Trek movies. I'm a little nerdy." "Why would I laugh at that?" "I don't know. Some people do. What's your favorite?" "I'm not really sure. I know I don't like scary movies, or anything gory." "Me neither. Paranormal is not my favorite." "That's ghosts, vampires and stuff, right?" "Yes. Though, and don't laugh, I loved watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer." I did laugh, he joined me. "Hey you promised!" "I'm only laughing cause I love that show! She's my hero!" We laughed louder, the other people in the dining area looked at us strangely, but I had no cares. We finished up our breakfast, talking of our favorite episodes as we walked down to the clothing store. He walked over to one of the employees who was eager to help. She introduced herself to me and took my hand. "Go with Rebecca. I am going to go run an errand, I will be back in one hour and then we have to get going." He kissed me gently and I was pulled into a dressing room. Rebecca measured me, taking all sorts of measurements and marking them on a small notepad. "Rori, your boyfriend is totally cute. Where on earth did you meet him?" "In a park." "Random, just like that?" "I know, random. But one of the best things ever." "I wish I would meet someone that hot who would buy me stuff. I mean, I know that's not the point of a relationship. But, it's a sweet perk. Am I right?" I only smiled. I honestly had no idea. Our chat moved onto clothes instead, I was thankful. When she kept pulling things off the rack, I would put things back, but she just added it back to the pile. She soon called another associate over, handing the clothes to her and she took them to the register. There was soon a small pile, just for me. Toward the end of the hour, Ray came back a bright smile on his face. He waved and handed over his credit card to the other sales person. She folded everything and placed it in half a dozen bags. I decided to go with the flow, following Rebecca back into the changing room. She handed me brand new undergarments, tags taken off and stepped outside as I put them on. She helped me adjust the straps on the bra and I slid the new dress over my head. It was soft, elegant but not over the top. Perfect for what we were attending this afternoon, or so Ray had explained to me. She handed me a pair of low heels, black to wear under my dress. They were nice, easy to slip on and off. She patted the wooden bench and pulled my hair down from its' customary ponytail. She handed me a few bobby pins and small elastics. "Ray asked if I knew something nice to do with your hair. I'd like to give this a shot." "Go for it." She smiled at me and began pulling strands of hair along the side of my face into a french braid. She ended it with a tie, duplicating it on the opposite side. She joined the two sides and pinned a few strays down with the bobby pins. "What do you think?" "I love it. Do you think he will?" "I think he will too." We stepped into the main room, Ray was nowhere to be seen. The other associate came up to us. "He said something about going to get the car." "Oh, right. We walked over here. The bags might be heavy to carry over. Plus we have to get going. I want to thank you both for today. I've never really been shopping like this before." "It was our pleasure Rori. Anytime, you are more than welcome to come in." Rebecca gave me a small hug as Ray hopped out of a big SUV. He stopped dead in his tracks as he spotted me as he entered the store. "Oh Aurora." He held open his arms to me, I held him just as close as he held me. He'd changed into a dress shirt, coat with no tie. The saleswomen both helped us carry the bags to the car, setting them into the trunk. Ray opened the passenger door for me and we both waved to Rebecca and her associate. "How do you feel? Your stomach isn't too sore?" "I hardly feel any pain. I'm...happy." "Is that a rare thing?" "Yes. Though, I've only felt happy these last few hours." "I'm not promising all happy times, but I hope there will be many more happy times than sad ones." He held out his hand and I slid my fingers to entwine with his. Over the almost hour drive, we talked back and forth easily. We laughed as he drove to our destination. As we got closer, I got more nervous. "How old is your niece?" "Which one?" "More than one?" "I have three. The one who's performing first is 7. Her name is Jessa." "Then the other two?" "Jessa's big sister is Jill, she is 9. It's not her first recital. She's been dancing since she was 4. My brothers' daughter is 3, her name is Michelle. I have 4 nephews. Jessa and Jill have younger twin brothers, they are 4. Nick and Nathan. Michelle has an older brother and a younger brother, the older is 6 his name is Tyler. The baby is 11 months, his name is Tomas." "What is your sisters name? Her husband?" "Right. My sister is Annie she is married to Greg. My brother is Hank, he's married to Stephanie." "Is that it?" "My parents. Tom is my Dad, Nancy is my mom." "Are they going to be there today too?" "Yep." "Oh." "Hey. No worries. Remember, they are just going to be happy I am happy. And trust me, you make me happy." He pulled into a large parking lot of a well known auditorium, where a lot of performances took place. "Now, if I timed this right and I think I did. We should be the first ones' here, besides my nieces and their mom. They've probably been here since this morning doing last minute stage adjustments." "Are there tickets, or do we just sit somewhere?" "My family has box seats." "Oh." "Yeah. This dance company is my great-grandmother's. My Mom's sister, my aunt Tracy, she runs it now with my cousins Becky and Jackie." "They are all dancers?" "Yep. And before you ask, I dance too. Though not as well as some of my family members." "Hmm, I'll have to get you to show me some moves." "Don't worry baby. I have plenty of moves I will use on you later." I began to heat up, feeling myself turn red. A group of smiling faces began walking toward us. I quickly smoothed my skirt, wiped the dampness from my hands. "Ray...who is this lovely young woman?" "Everyone, this is Aurora. Ari, or Rori, this is everyone." He placed his arm gently around my shoulders and I was pulled gently in by a small older woman. She placed kisses on each of my cheeks. "Welcome to the family my dear." I could feel tears welling in my eyes as Ray's father kissed the back of my hand next. Stephanie pulled me in for a hug, her littlest guy wrapped his arms around my neck and clung to me. Hank tried pulling him off, but he smacked his Dad's hand away saying a firm no. "I've got you buddy." I smiled at the tiny person now holding onto me, he placed an open mouthed kiss on my cheek as I glanced over at Ray. I switched him to the other side quickly with a look of concern from Ray. He smiled then and mouthed a thank you. \*\* It was pretty late by the time we returned to the hotel. I'd dozed off a bit in the car, listening to music and relaxing against the soft heated seats. I woke as the car pulled to a stop. "We're here?" "Aww, you woke up?" "Isn't that a good thing?" "I was going to see if I could carry you to bed." "How about this? We'll go upstairs and you can carry me to bed once we get to the room." "Deal." We made our way to the elevators, it was once again nearing midnight. I giggled softly, leaning against him in the elevator. "What's so funny?" "This time last night, I was wary of who you were. And now, granted I don't know everything. But, I know enough to want to go to your room. And to your bed." We kissed as we made our way down the hall, almost missing the room door. He pulled the room key and quickly pushed the door open. He snatched me up into his arms and carried me into the room, the door shutting behind us. My shoes dropped as he made the path to the bedroom in haste. I flicked on the bedside lamp, he pulled the curtains shut and I pulled back the covers on the bed. I watched as he removed his dress shirt, unbuttoning each button. He tossed his coat over the chair in the room, when he turned back I was on my knees in front of him. He helped me undo his belt, tossing that and his pants soon along the floor. He pulled off his undershirt as I gently rubbed his legs with my hands. "Baby, at least sit on the bench here will you?" I took his suggestion, his legs were too long for me to reach comfortably enough from my kneeling position. Our hands latched together and pushed down his last piece of clothing. His stiff tool popped free, I'd never seen one so hard before. I moaned and licked it gently, looking up at Ray's face. He had this look on his face, like he was memorizing every move I made. For all I know, that's what he was doing. I wanted to savor him, I wanted to make him feel like he made me feel only hours before. I felt myself growing wetter, just by making him feel so good. His hands pulled the pins from my hair, letting the strands fall free. His fingers traced over my face, every inch they could reach. I gently grasped his hanging balls, he began panting. I knew he was getting close. I sucked in earnest, fondling his balls with more pressure. He seemed to love that. "Oh god Aurora!" He pulsed 4 times into my mouth, I swallowed what he shot inside. He trembled, walking away and stumbling slightly. He came back with glasses of water, drinking his heavily as he plopped onto the bed. He was still breathing hard. I moved to sit next to him, setting both our glasses on the stand nearest. "Ray?" "Ari, are you okay?" "Yes, are you?" "I don't know...that. What you just one, no one has ever..." "Ray, are you saying you're a virgin?" "No. I lost that when I was 20. But no one has ever sucked my dick, not until I came. I've never come...not with anyone." "Not even during sex?" "I had an ex once, she used to say it took too long. So, I stopped trying. I haven't been with anyone, in a really long time. My last relationship, if you can call it that, that went past date 3 was 6 years ago." "Oh Ray." "So, it wasn't too long?" "No. And I enjoyed it, watching you. Hearing you when I made you feel good. It was turning me on." "Really?" He kissed me gently. I smiled, nodded. I stood and he pulled the zipper down on my dress, we both watched as it dropped to my feet. My eyes drifted to the clock. "We don't have anything planned until dinner time tomorrow. We can stay up all night." He suckled on my neck, opening the clasps on my bra. I was soon naked, we both were in the low light by the bed. "Oh Aurora. You are so amazing." Ray pushed me back onto the bed with a long passionate kiss, his hand pushing between my thighs. I heard him groan when he felt how wet I already was for him. He looked into my eyes, feeling around my pussy. His fingers grazed my sensitive nub, I gasped. His mouth pressed to mine gently, trailed soft kisses down to my chest. His other hand massaged my tender breast. "They aren't that big, I know." "Shhh, they are perfect. Everything about you is perfect Aurora." His lips dropped to my pert nipple, hard from his ministrations. He began to suckle on it, teething it gently. It made me writhe as he had with the same motion on my clitoris hours before. His penis grew turgid once again, I felt it hard against my thigh. "Ray?" "Hmmm, yes?" "Are we going to have sex?" "Do you want to have sex with me?" "Do you want to have sex with me?" "I asked first." "I asked second." He laughed softly, I joined him as he positioned himself over me. I felt the head of him begin to push just past my lower lips. "If you say stop, we'll stop. Otherwise, I'm going to make love to you. Now Aurora." He pushed inside, groaned as I expanded to let him in me. I only rocked my hips up, let him push deeper in me. I felt his heavy balls graze my skin, he was fully inside me. Our lips met, his body soon lay on mine as I held him close. He asked me with his eyes if I was okay. "Yes, Ray. Oh god yes." He groaned and we began to move together, rocking slowly at first. He wrapped his arms around me and rolled until I was atop him. I kissed his chest, pushing myself to a kneeling position. I wanted to ride him, to be in control for awhile. I looked down at him, he nodded up at me as I began to ride him slowly. He gripped my hips gently and guided me over him. He reached for me minutes later, rolled us back over and pulled out hastily. He grabbed my hand and pulled me over to the dresser, he put my hands on the edge and gripped my hips. I smiled at him in the mirror, he gently swatted my ass as he pulled me back gently. He was soon inside me again, I saw the immense pleasure on his face as he took me harder and deeper. I think he could tell when my knees were weakening, he gripped my waist turning me to stand with him. We kissed gently and moved back to the bed, he sat me on the edge and pushed me back with the force of his deep kiss. He plunged his cock inside me, gripping my ankles. I nodded, he pushed them back toward my head further. His face grew red, his moans were short bursts between gasps of air. "Come Ray. Oh god baby, please." His eyes welled with tears, they dropped onto my stomach as he plunged as deep as he could. He called out, growled my name as he filled me. He was shaking, trying to catch his breath. We both were at that point, the bedding and pillows now scattered on the floor of the hotel room. He placed my legs down, gently as he pulled himself from me. My back was uncomfortable in the position it was in, from being partially folded. Ray reached for me and we both lay on our sides, he behind me. I felt his hands begin to rub my back softly, his gentle lips left kisses along my spine. It took us minutes to collect our thoughts, to figure out what just happened. I began to toss pillows at him, he tossed the blanket back at me. I picked up the last pillow, he picked me up and cradled me in his arms. "I don't know what's happening yet, but there's one thing I do know." "What's that?" "I want that to happen. Again." "Even the part where you came inside me?" He kissed me gently. "Especially that part. I'd be the happiest man on earth to be a father." Tears welled up in my own eyes and he took me back to bed. He made me come twice with his fingers and tongue. I slept that night, the best I'd slept in a very long time. I wasn't sure what was going to happen between the two of us, but it was the best start to a relationship.
Title: Beetlesmith's Ch. 08 Tags: group sex, lesbian orgy I came out of my thoughts when I heard Denise say to Karen, "I hope you can forgive me about earlier in the dining room. I shouldn't have pushed you away like I did." Karen just smiled and shook her head, giving her silent reassurance to forget the past. They kissed again. This time their hands moved down to caress the other's buttocks, gently kneading the other and pushing hesitant fingers between each cheek. Their lower torsos were tight against each other, but their lips never touched. Only their tongues came in contact as each drew heavy sighs of excitement through their open mouths. "Okay, break it up you two," Jackie said, as she moved a hand between Karen and Denise, "Plenty of time for that later, but right now Cecilia needs to be punished, being that she was the ultimate loser." Cecilia started to whine, "It's not fair, everyone else got a Robo-cock and I got..." Jackie led her and the others to the bedroom, saying in a consoling voice, "I know, you got the limp end of the stick..." I didn't follow as I heard Jackie's voice trailing out of earshot. I still didn't know what I had witnessed, and wanted to think it through. Why, I'm not sure. It wasn't as if I could do anything about it now, but sex was beginning to take a back seat to this new discovery. It must have been coincidence, I kept telling myself. No drug, no matter how powerful could impart prescience on an individual. That was beyond rational thought. I finally convinced myself that I was just being paranoid. Paranoia, I finally rationalized, could be an aftereffect of the drug, and a clear warning sign that I needed to slow down on its use. I breathed a sigh of relief as my fears dissipated. Paranoia was at least tangible, rational, and manageable, particularly in the confines of its base cause—overuse of the elixir. That was it. It had to be. Just mere coincidence mixed with an unhealthy smattering of drug-induced paranoia. It makes perfect sense. It was then that I felt a presence in the room where one hadn't been before, and out of the corner of my eye, standing as an amorphous shadow, I saw a shape looming over me. I instantly flinched and turned my head about to greet the shape...Only to find Karen standing in its place. "Jesus fucking Christ, you scared the fuck out of me!" Karen laughed at my reaction, as well as hers, given that my abrupt recoil startled her as much as she startled me, "I'm sorry, I guess I scared us both." She sat down next to me, laying her head on my shoulder, "What's wrong? How come you're not with the others?" I smiled, putting on a brave face, "Oh just taking a break. I wanted to sit and think for a moment." Karen looked hard at my face, and finally said, "I know what's wrong." "Nothing's wrong," I lied. "You've got that look." "What look?" I asked, somewhat frustrated by her cryptic statements. "Oh, it was the same look you gave me earlier when I was fuck...When I was doing my thing with Mark. It's that look that tells me you weren't too happy with what I was doing." "At first I had a bit of a problem with it, but I got over it," I admitted, happy that she misunderstood my anxiety. "I thought so. Look, if you've got a problem with me fucking other guys I understand. We don't have to do the group thing..." "It's not that, really. Yes, I had a momentary bout of jealousy, but I'm over it now. It's passed...Gone. I...I just had a hard time at first, seeing someone else giving you pleasure. It's stupid, I know. I guess it's the romantic in me." She kissed me hard, putting an exclamation mark to my statement, and this kiss, unlike all the others previous, was very much like our first, complete with her tears. She sniffed and wiped her cheeks, before saying, "It's not stupid, so don't ever say that again. I love that romantic guy. I want to see more of him. And I don't mind telling you I get kind of turned me on when you get a little jealous." "Like I said, I got over it. I just wish you picked someone other than Cope. He reminds me too much of Kend...Of that other prick. Anyway, if you want to see the romantic idiot in me, I guess I can put my green eyeshades on every now and again. But what about Robo-cock, don't you want to see him?" "Oh...Yes...Definitely want to see him." "Jesus, Jackie's right, you are a slut," I said, laughingly. Karen put on a seductive smile, and said, "Only when I'm with you." She kissed me again as she played with my cock. I was back up to full power, and feeling that overwhelming surge of sexual energy once again. Karen still retained the smile, and said, "Ooh, I think Robo-cock wants to play." She lowered her head down further and started talking to my cock as if it were a pet, "Does Robo-cock want to play with momma? Does Robo-cock want to fuck momma in her tight ass?" Karen was in the process of mounting me when Denise entered the room, "Hey you guys, everyone's waiting." A brief look of disappointment crossed Karen's face, which I found more than sweet. However, I reminded her of our duties as host, "Come on sweet cheeks, Robo-cock can do you later. Tell you what, Robo-cock will do you with Mister 'Big Guy' if you like." "God, you really know how to make me wet. You know that?" "I'm learning." Robo-cock was back. I had rationalized my fears away, and rightly so, I think. Yes, the elixir imparted a certain degree of Herculean quality to a person, but all within the limits of normal human ability. It stretched those abilities to be sure, but didn't formulate new ones. However, even though my primal fears were alleviated, the 'coincidence' of inferred clairvoyance continued to nag at me. Therefore, for the rest of the evening I kept a jaundiced eye on everything that went on around me. \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* When we entered the bedroom, everyone was standing around like kids on a playground trying to decide what games to play. That is, except Cecilia, who was tied up in some weird crouching position, with head down on the bed and her behind jutting up into the air. Behind her, Jackie was teasing her pussy with one of Karen's vibrators. 'What the hell,' I thought. Here they all were. A dark-skinned beauty tied down with Karen's pantyhose, and another light-skinned beauty priming her pump with a vibrator, and they had to wait for us? They're bigger idiots than I thought. Karen didn't see the humor of the situation. Instead, she concentrated on what was holding Cecilia down, "Those are my good pantyhose!" "Oh, for crying out loud, Karen," Jackie said, rolling her eyes, "I'll buy you a new pair." "Four! That's four new pair..." Jackie barked back, "For fuck's sake, could you just pull the stick out of your ass this one time and enjoy the moment!" Seeing that both women were venturing precariously toward apoplexy and into another right cross, I moved in between them, "Okay, now remember what we talked about..." "Shut up!" they both yelled into my face Seeing now that discretion was the better part of valor—and far better than a swift kick to the groin—I decided to remove myself out of 'harm's way' and slid up next to our captive. "Hey Cecilia, how're you doing sweetheart?" "I'm doing okay," came her muffled reply, "I'm a little freaked and a lot horny. You guys aren't into whips and chains and shit, are you?" Jackie, or whoever tied her down, had Cecilia's wrists tied to the bedposts, while ties secured her elbows to each of their corresponding knees. There wasn't a lot of play to the hold-downs, just enough so that it wouldn't become uncomfortable. Besides, nylon stretches, giving Cecilia at least a sense of freedom—it was expertly done. I kissed her on her cheek, "No whips or chains, baby. I guarantee by the end of this you're going to want to do it again...And again...And again." She smiled, but still looked nervous, and I could see her arms were tensing up either out of nerves, sexual arousal, or both. "Tell you what. After a while if you don't feel right, just say so and we'll let you go. Okay?" She smiled weakly, and said, "Okay." "Now, give us a kiss." Her breath came quick and shallow, and her eyes glowed as they had before, golden with just a sparkle of green jade. From our kiss, I'm guessing it wasn't nerves, but pent-up sexual anticipation. Christ, she was already three-quarters of the way to squirting. This thing is going to kill her. "Okay Jackie, it's your show." "All right everyone, this little punishment is called the 'Will treatment,' named after our wonderful host, but I also like to call it, 'should she come, bet she won't.' The rules are very simple, we can do anything and everything to her, everything but let her come. You guys can poke and prod all you want. Shoot your loads 'till the cows come home, but Cecilia doesn't come. Anyone who makes Cecilia come before she's ripe will get the 'Karen treatment' from me, and I won't use just one finger. And, Cecilia honey, you have to do anything and everything to us. Only when we're satisfied do you get your own blast off. Okay?" "I guess so," she said weakly. "What?" Jackie asked loudly, in full 'Mistress Jackie' mode. "Yes!" she barked louder, "Shit girl, we're not at the office. You can stop being such a bossy bitch to me." Jackie laughed, ignoring Cecilia's mild insult for the moment, "I'll go first to show the newbies what I mean. Plus, it's time I got in on some of this yummy action, seeing that I've been neglected by everyone so far." "Aw, poor Jackie," everyone said in mock sympathy. "Okay, okay, sorry, but I just had to treat myself to at least a teeny bit of a pity party. Now, back to business. Will, since you started the ball rolling last time, or should I say got Karen's juices flowing to overflowing the last time, I'll make it your job to keep Cecilia's engine well lubricated. And I think I'm going to need the services of Mr. Cope to start my ball a-rollin'." Mark, feeling overly cocky, to use an apt phrase, began to strut his tail feathers a bit too boastfully, "See guys, when the ladies want it done right they always go to the heavy hitters with the heaviest bats, first." Arrogant cocksucker, I thought. I was about to say something snide when Cecilia popped his inflated ego for me, "Heavy 'bat' my ass. Lot of good that limp dick did me. I'm only down here with my ass sticking up in the air because you couldn't get it up." "Now, now Cecilia, play nice," said Jackie, "Maybe the problem wasn't with the equipment, but with the operator. Let's see what he can do with someone who knows how to use it. Come on Mark, sit your cute ass down here...that's it...A little closer." Jackie positioned Mark a few inches in front of Cecilia so that his semi-erect member fell across her face. Then taking a hold of his massive tool by its base, she playfully and obscenely rubbed and smeared his cock all about Cecilia's face and head. "See dear," Jackie intoned, "You have to play with the cock first, caress it. Use everything, not just your hands and mouth, but nuzzle it with your nose, rub it against your cheeks. Make the guy feel you want to do more with it then just to get it hard. Don't just yank on it like it was a lever on a slot machine." "I know all that, you bitch," Cecilia said with irritation. "Bitch? Watch your mouth, bitch," Jackie laughed, and slapped Cecilia about the cheeks with Mark's organ. I figured it was workplace animosity working itself out between the two women. It was supervisor versus subordinate in a battle to see who could be the biggest bitch with attitude and not back down. Contrary to how it sounded, though, both of them were enjoying themselves, and none more that Cecilia. Giggling, Jackie continued to slap at Cecilia's cheeks. Cecilia, in turn, tried vainly to capture the swinging organ with her mouth as it passed from one side of her to the other. Jackie, seeing Cecilia's vain attempt's, taunted her further, "You want that thick stick in your mouth, don't you? Then open wide...Wider!" Jackie slipped Mark's still semi-erect cock into her, while nudging Mark closer to Cecilia. Given its still semi-flaccid character, Jackie was able to put Mark about three-quarters of the way into her without Cecilia showing any signs of panic. "Suck on it," Jackie taunted, "Let me see those cheeks moving so I know your sucking on that fat cock...That's it...Now use some tongue...That's right, let me see you work your tongue around in there." Then she pulled Mark back out of Cecilia. There was a sharp 'popping' sound as Jackie broke the seal of Cecilia's lips. Half of Mark's tool dripped with Cecilia's saliva. Jackie used the natural lubricant to great effect by slowly pumping his still semi-erect cock with a fist. As Jackie and Mark were doing the business to Cecilia at one end, I turned my attention to her business end. If there were any lingering doubts that Cecilia was enjoying herself, they were dispelled when I touched her vulva—I felt nothing but a warm wetness that permeated every nook and cranny of her pussy. As I took a moment to admire Cecilia's seductive form, bound as she was with her beautiful ass jutted up into the air, exposing all of her sweet vitals to my gentle touch, I was struck by an unexpected truth. A truth, I'm sure that has been commented on before by philosophers and kings alike, but of which I am ignorant. That the cartoonish symbol of the heart commonly seen around Valentine's Day was not modeled on the human heart at all, but rather, it's an exaggerated caricature of the female behind—positioned at the ready in all sexual anticipation. 'And why not,' I thought. What better symbol of love—or at least love from lust—than a woman, positioned so, offering herself with full compliance and submissiveness, to allow any and all things to be done to her delicate features? I looked over at Karen, and said, "Care to join me? I think this needs a woman's touch." At first, I just watched Karen work her magic on Cecilia. Her tongue and fingers gliding across Cecilia's now swollen labia with the pure intent at increasing Cecilia's aroused state. She was always very careful to avoid touching Cecilia's sensitive button, which was protruding well out from its protective sheath. Every so often, she halted her slow glide about her vulva, to delicately finger and nibble about her openings. Familiarity may breed contempt, but in this case, Karen's familiarity with the female form gave her prescience in perfectly extending and maintaining the agonizingly slow sexual torture of her captive. It wasn't long before Cecilia's thighs trembled each time Karen dipped her finger into her opening, or nibbled delicately at her labia. Karen paused for a moment to kiss me—deep and passionate. Cecilia's fragrance was heavy in the air, and I could taste her on Karen's lips. Karen pushed hard into me, herself full of pent-up arousal and lust. Her breath came rapidly and shallowly through her open mouth, as I eagerly sucked on her tongue and licked Cecilia off her lips and chin. She smiled at me, and said, "Come on in, the water's fine." I joined Karen in the dance. Our tongues darted about our captive and then into each other. We had her moaning incessantly and adamantly for release, begging us to complete the act. Karen and I would only smile at each other, amused and satisfied at a job well done. Then we would stop our torment to enjoy our own, deep embrace, as we fervently kissed and licked Cecilia's essence from our face. It was magical. We were sharing a succulent fruit—its flesh moist and fragrant, its nectar sweet and warm as if we had just picked it from the tree. We nibbled delicately at her, taking small bites, pausing now and again to relish her flavor. "Please," Cecilia moaned, over and over. She desired her release, but it was the last thing we would give her. Her legs were in constant tremor. A continuous trickle of wetness ran down her thighs. Wetting my finger with her fluid, I gently tickled her anus as Karen lovingly tongued deep into her pussy. Again, Cecilia begged us for her release, as her lower torso continually shuddered in sexual agony. Karen giggled, kissed me softly, and said, "We better stop, or she'll pop." I took a moment to survey the scene about me. Curiously, Jack and Denise were content to watch the proceedings. They were enthralled by what they were witnessing. Their eyes glued to the events unfolding around them as they absentmindedly played with themselves. However, they did so separate from each other, lying on either side of the bed with the rest of us between. The reason they were so captivated was that Jackie was deep in the throes of her patented 'Jackie slap.' Propped up on her knees so that Mark could slam upward into her with ease, she held up Cecilia's head by her hair. So positioned, the poor girl took the brunt of Jackie's squirting, shattering orgasm right in the face. As her climax ebbed, Jackie had one more bit of deviant panache to inflict on her co-worker. Taking Mark's slickened cock out of her 'hoochie,' she deftly slid him into Cecilia's waiting mouth. Jackie asked, "Where you at 'Long Dong'?" "I'm almost there Jackie, baby." Jackie continued applying long, exaggerated strokes to 'Long Dong's' long dong, while telling Cecilia, "Better get ready bitch. I cooked him up a big load." Comically, Cecilia mumbled a reply that was inaudible, as she slid her mouth along Mark's burgeoning, purplish head in coordination with Jackie's stroking hand. At the moment of his release, Mark grabbed Jackie's breasts and did one final thrust forward. Cecilia didn't seem to have any trouble accepting Mark's load, I hardly heard her gurgle, choke, or cough, and as far as I could tell, nothing was spilled. After clearing her throat and catching her breath, Cecilia asked, "Can I please come now?" Jackie ignored her, and said, "Okay, Will, Duce, you guys decide who goes next. Momma is ready for another go." "Hey wait a minute," said Karen, annoyed, "I think momma's ready to shove off and give someone else a turn." "Oh, come on Karen. Just once more, please. I haven't done anything all night, while everyone else's had 'oodles' of fun. Besides, possession is nine-tenths of the law, and I'm not moving." Karen shook her head at her cousin's stubbornness, "You are such a slut." Jackie laughed at that one, "Look who's talking, Miss, 'hey everybody, watch me while I give Mark a blowjob under the table'." Karen held her tongue thereafter. Being the gracious host that I am, I allowed Jack to go next. I didn't mind, really. I was having too much fun with Karen at Cecilia's business end. All of us would have a turn and some more than once. I think Jackie went in for thirds. At one point it was just the men alone with our captive, the women having gone off briefly, allowing Cecilia to simmer on her own. We gathered in a semi-circle around her head, each taking turns thrusting our cocks into her waiting mouth. I don't mind telling you that it was a bit intimidating kneeling alongside Mark. Being in such close proximity with his tool added a bit of humility to me, seeing how it dwarfed Jack's and my equipment in comparison, and a comparison the 'prick' made sure to point out at every opportunity. Oh well, he was having difficulty keeping up and keeping 'it' up, which gave me some solace and much joy. Jack and I had a grand old time slipping both our cocks into Cecilia at the same time, while Mark, having lost the battle of endurance, could only stand by and watch. Karen, who finally got back from wherever she was, immediately took a great and lustful interest in Jack and I when she saw our cocks sequestered together between Cecilia's warm and luscious lips. Breaking the protocol of the game, Karen placed her face alongside Cecilia's, and without word or plea, simply opened her mouth so that Jack and I could do the same to her. There was the most lustful light in Karen's eyes that I have rarely seen in her, and she continually stared up at us with those eyes as we pushed in as far as our close quarters would allow. We passed ourselves back and forth between the two women, both of us sliding along each other as we shifted our hips in a fucking motion. Jack started to get a bit raunchy, blithely saying, as if to himself, "Your wife is such a talented cocksucker. I wish Denise enjoyed the taste of cock like Karen." 'Arrogant prick, she does' I thought, 'only it's the flavor of 'my' cock she likes.' I held my tongue, though. I would get even before this night was over. Karen, on hearing his words, grabbed his balls and pulled him further into her mouth. She was in full slut mode, and I couldn't help but feel a bit proud and extremely aroused by her bravado. So, I grabbed her head and pulled her hard into Jack and me, making her gag. "Yes, my little slut loves a hard cock," I said, "But let's not forget Cecilia. This is her punishment after all." We shifted back to Cecilia. Karen, relegated to the backbench, as it were, wetted a finger and pushed it deep into Cecilia's ass. Along with her teasing finger, Karen teased at our captive's ear, "Suck on those hard cocks...Ooh, that's so nice, seeing them siding into your juicy mouth...Just think of those hard cocks fucking your sweet pussy and your tight ass. It makes me want to come just thinking about it. Hmm, scrumptious." She pushed her finger all the way in so that he hand rested tight against Cecilia's ass. "Am I diddling you too hard, baby?" Cecilia tried to shake her head, but because Jack and I were tight in her mouth, her motion looked comically like a nervous twitch. Karen worked her finger in and out, while saying, "Ooh, baby, I know that feels so good. I wish it could be something thicker sliding so deliciously into your plump ass, but Jackie would be so disappointed. Now suck on those cocks like a good little slut, and we'll see what we can do." Sucked on our cocks she tried, but there really wasn't enough leeway for her to do anything other than shift her tongue along the undersides of our shaft. It was enough, however. Jackie and Denise were joined together behind Cecilia as well, adding their dexterous tongues to Karen's seductive finger play. Cecilia trembled in constant, blissful, sexual agony, but still found no release. Karen finally ended the ordeal. Taking hold of Jack and me in her talented hand, she stroked us slowly—a thumb wrapped around me, the index finger between, and the rest of her fingers secured lovingly around Jack. I looked at the scene one last, long, lustful time to commit it indelibly to memory. There was Karen, grinding her finger into Cecilia's ass, whispering in her ear while slow stroking Jack and me. Denise and Jackie, their faces plastered into Cecilia's sweet vitals, tongued everything else but our captive's clitoris, and the slow drip of sweat and arousal trickled from every pore and opening from everyone in the room. We came. At least Jack and I did, almost simultaneously. A river of cum flowed into Cecilia and out as thick and heavy cords, and draped almost as a white sheet off her chin and onto the bed. Karen turned Cecilia's face toward her, and said, "You did good baby," before kissing her deeply. Their tongues danced about each other, lapping the remnants of cum off their faces. Cecilia was the first to break from their embrace, and asked, "Can I come now?" Karen smiled, and said, "No, baby, but if you stay a good girl a little while longer, we'll see." Now that all the women were back, we continued our little, 'we fuck and you suck' torture with Cecilia. I spent most of the remaining time at her rear, this time with Denise. I don't know how long this went on, but near the end of her ordeal, Cecilia could do nothing but hang her head in sexual exhaustion. Her body trembled continuously. A mere touch of a finger along her thigh, or just on her buttocks caused a near constant seepage of her fluids to trickle down her quivering legs. She was covered in a fine sweat, the sheen of her skin reflected in the light, giving her an almost glassy luster. It was as if we had carved her fully formed, out of a block of obsidian. Jackie had one last torment to inflict before giving our captive her release. Bending down close to Cecilia's face, she brushed a sweat-soaked lock of her hair that had fallen over her co-workers face, and asked, "Have you been a good girl?" Cecilia weakly nodded her head. "And good girls get to come, don't they?" Cecilia nodded her head, again. "Now, the last time we talked you called me a bitch, and you did it in a loud and snotty voice. Do good girls get to come?" "Yes, you bitch," she said, trying to yell, but the words sounded in timbre like a muted squeak. "What, dear?" "Yes!" she yelled, finding her voice, "Please, make me come!" Jackie smiled, and said with deep satisfaction, "That's better," then turning to the rest of us, "Okay guys, which one of you wants to do the deed?" It was unanimous that Mark should send Cecilia off to 'Wonderland.' It took a while for Mark to get his cock back up to attention, or I should say it took Karen and Jackie a while. They were friends again, the two women, as they knelt in front of Mark, sharing their duties equitably as they expertly plied mouth and hand to his member. They giggled and laughed together, while they teased and cajoled the object of their current desires, passing him back and forth between them. I even think Denise tried to get into the act, but found it difficult to nudge between the two cousins. Finally, after a long sequence of delectable sucking and pumping, they had 'him' standing out 'straight and tall.' When I did the job on Karen, I really only heard what had happened. This time, I saw it as well, and these sights and sounds stayed with me long after this night is over. As soon as Mark entered her, Cecilia's body began to shake violently. The ferocity of her spasms were such that all those sitting on the bed could feel their ripples transmitted through the mattress. The screaming started soon after the shaking. Indistinguishable words screamed out. Deafening screams, relentless and at the top of her lungs. When Mark had fully pushed into her, it was as if a large water balloon had burst, sending a great torrent of fluid gushing from her pussy, saturating Mark and the bedcovers below. The screaming continued as Mark slowly pumped himself in and out of her, and every time he withdrew, another surge of fluid issued from her. It was as if he were drilling into an artesian well, held long under pressure, and once the confining walls had been breached the water gushed outward unabated. The shaking and screaming continued, only now they were intermixed with words, "Please...Don't...Stop!" said repeatedly, almost exactly as Karen had said the last time. It took a long while, but Cecilia finally crumpled off onto her side, falling into a fetal position as she continued to shake violently. As a final act, Jackie came close to her and slid a hand between her co-workers legs. Cecilia's body was sent again into renewed fits of spasm. Jackie whispered something into her ear, causing Cecilia to turn her head toward her. The two kissed long and deeply well after Cecilia's spasms had finally ended. Jackie removed the binding nylons, allowing Cecilia to lie on her back, still panting. Then Denise said in an almost matter of fact tone, "Well Karen, you want to flip a coin to see who goes next, or should we make it two out of three falls?" Karen looked at her in all seriousness, and said, "How about we arm wrestle..." Jackie interjected, "Sorry girls, there's no time for that now. We need to complete the second half of the punishment, first. Duce, you were too quick on the draw in our last game, so it's time for the 'Jackie treatment.' Lay your cute ass down on the bed, and take your punishment like a man." The 'Jackie treatment' tuned out to be just a version of the 'Will treatment.' Jackie had Jack lie on his back while she secured each of his hands to a bedpost with Karen's nylons, leaving his legs free to thrash about. When she was satisfied Jack was tied down properly, she said, "Guys, I don't suppose you want to be involved in this one..." "Damn right I don't," Mark said, interrupting her. "As I was saying," Jackie continued, "This one's really for the ladies." Karen and Cecilia let loose with a bevy of hoots and catcalls. "Okay, Okay," Jackie continued again, "It's just like before. Ducey's got to satisfy us any way we see fit, and only when we're satisfied does he get to shoot his load." More hoots and catcalls. "And seeing that this is the 'Jackie treatment,' I'll go first," she smiled and turned toward Jack, who also had a big smile on his face, "Ducey honey, momma's been a very naughty girl." Jack did his characteristic guffaw, then said, "That right Jackie, baby? What's daddy supposed to do with such a naughty girl?" Jackie straddled his head so that she faced toward his feet, "Naughty girls need a good tongue lashing." With that, Jackie sat down full onto Jack's face, grinding her vulva forcefully against him. She solicited the help of Cecilia and Karen to keep Jack in an overly excited sexual state, and they plied a bit of tongue and finger to his balls and shaft. I didn't think Jack really needed the added inducements, however. He was going to stay hard for the duration, all on his lonesome. The whole scene was making me a bit jealous of my boss, and now I was wishing I'd been a bit quicker on the draw during our last game. Occasionally, Jackie would command Jack in that voice only Jackie could conjure, "Tongue-fuck my hoochie, daddy" as she hovered her sweet 'hoochie' an inch above his face. Then she would slide herself forward, spreading her cheeks and making Jack dip his tongue into her other opening. Jack did, with relish, and sent Jackie into uncontrolled fits of moaning. Oh yes, I was very jealous now. I watched all this from a small chair at Karen's vanity when Denise came over to me. I hadn't realize it until now, but she was making a strong effort to stay away from Jack, and spent much of the time sitting off to the side watching the others perform. She straddled my hips and sat down in my lap facing me, saying, "I've seen this movie before, and would rather not watch the re-run." I was thinking of something witty to say, but she grabbed a hold of my cock and ran the head teasingly along her labia and clitoris. The sensations were making her breath come in short hisses, and she giggled at how her own massaging was making her legs twitch. I smiled at her, "I notice that your juices are flowing freely now." "Oh, yes," she moaned, as she easily slipped me inside of her, "It's amazing how a good fuck or two can do that to you." I grabbed her ass hard, pulling her tight against me. She wiggled and shifted her ass about, attempting to drive me deeper inside. I slid us out further on the chair and leaned back allowing my cock better access. She took control immediately, driving herself down hard against me, and every time she hit the bottom of her descents, she would hold me in and grind her ass some more. Her sensual, playful grinding was too tempting to ignore. On one of her many pauses, as she wiggled about on my cock, I spread her cheeks wide and pressed my finger into her anus. I never know how others will react to the 'probe.' I've heard that sometimes it can be a real mood killer, given that it's usually uncharted territory you're exploring, and the recipient wishes it stayed that way—but not Denise. She clutched her arms hard about my neck, forcing herself further down while still wildly grinding her lovely ass. Her actions forced my finger and cock to probe their respected orifices to increasing depths. She pushed me in up to the second knuckle and let out a long, slow moan that would make a jaded whore blush. Karen must have heard her, because she came over to us. My wife—my sweet, little anal angel—my newborn lesbian slut of a wife smiled at me before kneeling down behind Denise. I pulled Denise further on top of me so that we were almost reclining on the chair, and held her hard against me. I could feel Karen tonguing and sucking on my balls at first, as Denise continued to grind her pelvis and ass against me. Karen was really enjoying her delicacies, as her breath came in heavy draughts, warming my balls each time she switched from sucking to tonguing me. When she felt she had given me enough attention, she took a firm hold of Denise's ass, and pushed her hard against me. Holding her against me firmly, she pushed her tongue between Denise's cheeks. I felt Denise grip the back of the chair in response to Karen's warm, wet probing, adding her own strength to Karen's as they both pushed and pulled us closer together. She continued to grind her ass, and in so doing, had both cock and tongue sliding hard inside her. Moaning uncontrollably, her eyes were shut, her mouth frozen into a near perfect, sensuous 'oh.' If only I had a second cock to place it into the space left me—that would be heaven, indeed! Karen was licking with frenzy. Taking long, slow drags—raking her tongue across Denise and me, starting at my balls and ending at her anus. Lingering and tickling each part for a moment, before renewing her journey towards the other. Karen continued her slow glide repeatedly until we were thoroughly saturated. I then felt a probing finger slide into Denise's well-primed ass. Denise bit me on the collarbone. It wasn't a hard bite, although it did leave a telltale welt, and was done, I think, to stifle the need to scream her passion. There was a reason she was such a 'quiet fuck,' decorum, I suppose, kept her feelings in check. As she nibbled about my neck, I pulled her cheeks further apart for Karen. Always one never to let an opportunity pass by, I felt my little anal angel slip another finger into her. Oh, such a moment defies explanation, feeling the flesh and blood of my wife slipping a sensuous digit or two into another, giving her pleasure and deriving pleasure from it, herself—magical. I could feel Karen's knuckles against my cock as she worked her fingers deeper into her. Denise lay still and stiff against me, as if she were attempting to pull all of the pleasure out of the moment, savoring each wave as they mounted within her. When I started to rock my hips, pushing myself past and against Karen's skillful fingers, I began to feel the warm flood of Denise's release. With that release, she latched her mouth against mine, plunging her tongue deep. Done, I believe, to remain the 'quiet fuck' she needed to be. Throughout out kiss, her staccato breathing came quickly through her nostrils. Finally, and with a heavy sigh, her rigid body went limp in my arms as she continued to kiss me sweetly on lips, then chin, and lastly chest. Karen came up to us, lying against Denise as she rested her head onto her shoulder. There was a fire in her eyes, but a warm smile on her face. I pulled her closer to me, sandwiching Denise hard between us. I kissed Karen—completely, full of love and lust for her. Then Denise shifted her head around, and put her tongue into the dance with us. As Karen and Denise continued to kiss, I said, "I think Denise might want to become acquainted with your strap-on." I had thoughts of repeating our passion play with a bit of 'real' double penetration, but Denise had other ideas. Curiously, she looked over at her husband, who was now preforming oral tricks for Cecilia while Jackie tongued at his nether regions. Then she smiled, asking, "Strap-on?" Karen, misunderstanding her intent, giggled and said, "Oh, yeah, let me get it." Denise took this moment to ask, "So you and Karen are new to this?" I nodded my head, and answered, "Something we discovered in ourselves over the past couple of weeks. We're still trying to get our sea legs, so to speak." She chuckled at that, and said, "Oh, believe me, you don't need to worry about that, you have them." She giggled again before continuing, "Would you care if I came over to play with you two again, sometime?" "Come over any time," I said, trying to sound as nonchalant as I could. Karen came loping back carrying her beloved strap-on dildo. She was about to don it herself, when Denise took it from her, asking, "Now, how do I wear this thing, exactly?" Karen took a moment to secure it neatly to Denise's frame. Even at that moment, I still don't think Karen understood exactly what Denise's intensions were, but I could guess. Either way, I knew that after tonight, I was either going to be promoted higher into the company, or seeking employment elsewhere. 'Oh well,' I thought to myself, 'I will enjoy the ride, regardless.' In wonderful fashion, Jack had just finished off Cecilia, who had slumped off to the side as she continued shivering in orgasmic delight, and Jackie was about to mount Jack's face for a second go. Jack was hard as the proverbial Carpathian rock, ready to dash another poor unfortunate about his base. His face was flushed scarlet; no doubt from being deprived of air, as well as to his over-excited sexual state. Denise, with strap-on attached, kneeled between her husband's legs. Placing a hand on each of his knees, she took a commanding tone to the other women in the room, "Grab his legs girls. It's time we find out what he's really made of." In a flash, Cecilia, Jackie and Karen latched onto one of Jack's legs and held him fast. Jack, seeing the violation that was about to befall him started to yell and thrash about, but the women held him securely. To add sauce to the goose, Denise pressed her whole weight down onto his stomach quieting him, and then said with a sweet, maniacal grin, "You're going to take this like a man." With that, she slapped a large glob of lube right between his cheeks, took deadly aim, and plunged into him with the strap-on. She took her time, of course. Oh, how she took her time. She slipped into him over his yelling, millimeter by painful millimeter, and for each millimeter ventured forward, a woman's name was cried out, "Remember Mary, Janice, Candice, and Dawn? I sure do." The names continued as Denise continued into her husband. She was throwing out all the names of Jack's infidelities back into his face. She had known them all and committed them to memory, and now used them as a verbal ratchet, helping her to grind further, tooth and cog, into her husband's ass, "This is for Julie, Barbara, Wendy, Daniele...," on and on she recited their names. Some were common, some exotic, some were repeated—either because he had dipped into them twice, or that his dalliances shared a common nomenclature. Either way, the roll call continued, dozens of names until Denise was flush with Jack, the dildo fully inside of him. She gently rubbed his knees as a last gesture of solace to her husband, "Okay ladies, now you can have your way with him." I've seen sharks attack prey with less frenzy compared to the feeding I witnessed from the other women. Cecilia, being younger and quicker, got a 'jump' on the others, and jumped squarely onto Jack's face. "Suck my pussy," she grunted in the most animalistic tone, "Suck on my black pussy until my nose bleeds! Oh, baby, I can see you like that dildo up your ass, 'cause your cock's just dripping." Each of the women took their turn. I must say Jack was masterful with tongue, lip, and teeth, because all of them removed themselves satisfied for the moment, only to be quickly replaced with another. Cecilia, then Karen, then Jackie, and then back around they all went, each satisfying their own frenzy, and Jack, willing and able to comply. I sat and watch for a time, but I couldn't just sit for long. I saw a delicious opening that needed exploiting—revenge for blithe comments about my wife's cock sucking abilities must be taken. Whether it resulted in promotion or firing, I was going to ride Denise's ass to the end. Sliding up behind Denise, I wrapped an arm around her stomach and lubed her asshole with a finger or two. Then I asked loudly, "Care for something larger than my finger up there?" She answered by turning her head and kissing me hard. She was already well primed, and I slid into her ass easily. She squeaked a soft, mousey moan as I pushed all the way inside. I held myself fully within her as she was doing to her husband, and asked, "You like my cock in your ass?" She nodded, but didn't speak. I began a slow, sensuous fuck, repeatedly pulling almost out then pushing all the way in. I teased again, "I really didn't hear you before. Do you like my cock in your ass?" She stuttered a, "Yes," before wrapping her arms about my neck and arching her back. I continued my slow pumping, but also continued my tease, "I want you to tell everyone that you love my cock in your ass." She kissed me hard, stifling her words as she spoke, "I love you in my ass." "Always the quiet fuck," I said. I pinch her nipples. Rock hard as they were, the sensation sent quivers throughout her. In turn, those small vibrations of her body were translated to Jack, as the dildo softly shifted against his prostate. He moaned excitedly as he tongued Jackie. Again, I teased, "Don't give me that soft shit. Tell everyone in the room you love my cock in your ass." In a clear tone, with slow deliberation and unmistakable to anyone, she said, "I love your thick cock in my ass, and I want you to come deep inside of me." I didn't—not yet anyway. I continued to pump slowly away at her, whispering more salacious words into her ear. She gripped my arm that was still around her stomach with an intensity that left deep, red scratches etched into my flesh. She began to pump back at my thrusts, each time murmuring those luscious phrases, loudly so her husband could hear, "Come in my ass. Please come in my ass." The effects of her movements sent waves of pleasure through Jack. He moaned incessantly as he tongued Karen now, and she, his wife, thought of nothing except the slow climb I was promulgating in her. Denise let out a loud moan, protracted, guttural, then another, and another. Jack answered her calls, octaves lower but in time. A river of pre-ejaculate flowed out of his cock. The other women sat looking in amazement, but daring not to touch his engorged cock, knowing that even the slightest breeze would set in off—knowing that Denise would be displeased with them if it did. I wrapped an arm about her breasts, emulating the seductive tryst she had done to me on our first kiss, and slowly slid my other hand toward her vulva. The slow glide of my hand caused gooseflesh to erupt across her stomach. I no sooner touched near her mons, a subtle tap really, than I felt her shudder, and again a great flood was let loose drenching everything in its path. I continued to fuck her slowly, and teased, "I didn't come yet. Such a naughty girl thinking only of herself." She took my accusations seriously, and with sincere reservation said, "I'm sorry, it felt too good." I kissed her neck, saying, "If that's the case, then finish off your husband." She began her own, slow thrusting into Jack. Karen, seeing what was about to happen, lowered herself so that her open mouth was inches from Jack's cock, and waited for the inevitable as she looked directly into my eyes. I saw the look of her. The wonderfully slutty, impish grin last given to me at the dinner table, daring me to push her to the extreme, was etched on her face once again. Yet, the tables were turned. She was daring 'me' now, throwing down the challenge at my feet, to see if I would give to her what she truly desired. It occurred to me, as I looked into her eyes, the true reason for her desire to include males into our gatherings. She wanted them not just for her, but also for me. She wanted us to share all of them, all of 'it', men and women alike in all ways imaginable. I smiled at her, knowingly. Yes, I would give her a small taste of what she wanted—just for this moment and only for this one time. I took Jack's cock in hand. A look of unbridled lust suddenly erupted on her face. I continued to stare at her, and she back at me, as I slowly stroked him. One or two pulls is all that it took, and another of her fantasies was realized. Jack shot a powerful stream of cum into Karen's open mouth—my aim was good, I guess. Giggling, although I can't imagine how given the torrent of cum that was fast filling her, she clamped down on his cock with her lips as I continued to stroke him. In the end, she slid her mouth, ever downward. Down even over my grasping fingers, sucking out everything he had to give. Denise, looking down at the spectacle, saying, "Like you two haven't done this before, my sweet ass." I kissed her neck again, and said with a laugh and a wiggle of my hips, "Sweet it is, and you should see what we do on Saturdays." I pulled out of her, coming away clean. Jack lay motionless as if dead. I took a quick look at him and saw shallow breathing, and knew that he had fallen unconscious. His time had come and gone. He had succumbed to the ending effects of the elixir. Denise ignored her husband and looked at me, then down at my still burgeoning erection, then back into my eyes. I smiled at her, "Tell me what you want." The other women gathered closer to us, forming a semi-circle, waiting for Denise's response. She said the only thing I wanted to hear, "I want to suck your cock." The right answer, but I wanted more from her, "And?" "I want to suck your cock until you come in my mouth." It still wasn't enough, so I said again, "And?" She sat on her heels, shaking her head, perplexed, trying to figure out what I wanted from her. In frustration, she said, "I don't know, tell me!" "Karen," I said, "Come over here Baby, and lie down between us...No, on your back...No, your head pointing toward me...Perfect." When I had Karen positioned the way I wanted her, I looked again at Denise, asking, "Now do you know what you want?" A seductive smile crossed her lips, and honest to god, she broke out in a sweat of arousal the likes of which I've never seen. She started to mount Karen, but I stopped her, "I didn't hear you. Tell me what you want." With slow, sultry deliberation that would temp even the Devil into a hard-on, she said, "I want to suck that fat, tasty cock of yours until you fill my mouth to overflowing, all while I fuck your pretty...wife's...brains out." "Fuck all our pretty brains out," Cecilia added, while the rest nodded in agreement. It was a wonderful, unexpected touch. "You slutty bitches," Denise said with a wry grin, and then corrected herself, "While I fuck all their pretty...brains...out." The scenario was the same with each woman, except for only minor variations. When Denise slid into Karen, Karen wrapped her legs around her hips while fondling Denise's breasts lovingly. I held back for a moment to watch, and allow Denise to get into a nice rhythm. Once I heard Karen start her characteristic pillow talk, which told me she was well on her climb, I straddled her head and positioned my cock well into Denise's 'target zone.' Denise didn't hesitate, and clamped her warm, moist lips fully around me. Then using her whole body as a pendulum, she would rock back and forth so that my cock and her dildo simultaneously slid within their respective openings. On each occasion, one of free women would take a position behind Denise, and aid her movements by grabbing hold of her hips, while pulling and pushing her with delicate timing. I should say that they didn't just aid Denise in her task, but often took great pleasure and opportunity to ply their mouth or fingers to Denise's well-positioned pussy. This time it was Cecilia who was doing the aiding and pleasuring—teasing Denise's vulva and ass with tongue, and at times with Karen's vibrator. I could see subtle, twitching spasms erupted across Denise's body caused by Cecilia's nimble attentions, and her breathing came loud and forced through her nostrils as she continued to maintain a tight seal with her lips about my cock. And always, her tongue danced about me with satisfyingly lewd intent. Karen, seeing another, wonderful opportunity that I presented for her enjoyment, took great delight in licking and sucking my balls as they gently swayed above her head. She would then bury her face deep into my groin, pulling both of my testicles in her mouth to roll them about with her tongue. Once they were saturated, she would pull and massage them with palms and fingertips, as if she were trying to foment more creamy substance for my inevitable ejaculation. The fourth, free one, this time Jackie, would kneel by my side. Kissing me sweetly, her hands explored all about me—ass, cock, and if Karen would allow it, balls. I loved her occasional detours behind me, as her tickled my asshole with her tongue—anal angels must run in their family, indeed. The ending was always the same, but no less intense and satisfying the last time as it was with our first. I told Karen to help Denise to bring herself off. Karen eagerly complied, and slipped her hand over her vulva, rubbing vigorously. As Karen arched her back in orgasmic spasm, I told Jackie to stroke my cock. It took her only a few, long strokes before I shot myself into Denise, and true to her word, she neither swallowed nor backed away, but allowed my cum to fill up her mouth to overflowing and drip thickly onto my wife's chest. Denise wasn't quite done. Still slowly pumping the dildo into my wife, and with stands of semen still hanging from her chin, she laid on top of Karen, kissing her deeply and allowing Karen to lick her face clean. There were many, wonderful deviations from the scenario I've described. I won't go into them all, but I must say something of Cecilia, who proved to be next one to go under Denise. Right off the bat, she took a more aggressive tack than Karen, propping herself up on her elbows and feet as Denise pushed into her with the strap-on. Each slow glide forward by Denise, was matched by Cecilia's own back and forth rocking. She chattered throughout the ride, complimenting Denise on her prowess, "Girl, you handle a dick better than most men I know, except for Robo-cock." She said that last part to bolster my ego, I suspect, as she beamed a smile up at me. I gave her a wink of thanks. She was always rapacious in both her talk and actions, sucking on Denise's neck until large, red welts erupted, mimicking the gentle arcs of her luscious mouth. Taking one of her hands, she gripped Denise's ass firmly, pulling her hard into her pussy with each forward thrust, while adding colorful dialogue to spice up the milieu, "Oh, girl, you are fucking me fine. Keep fucking my pussy like that and I'm going to cream all over your pretty, white pussy. Then, you know what I'm going to do girl, I'm going to lick it all off you while you scream my name. Then I'll squirt on you some more, so I can lick it off again." When she wasn't sucking on Denise, or chattering like a chatty Cathy doll, she had my testicles fully in her mouth. Oh, she was exquisite. Her nose pressed firmly into my perineum, adding a delectable flavor to her other, oral accomplishments. She sucked and pulled on my scrotum roughly with tongue and lips. Not too rough to cause pain, but enough to enhance the delightful mouth fucking Denise was imparting. Taking leave of my balls for a moment, her tongue danced backward, across my perineum then on to my anus. There she met Karen's finger. She licked all around, slathering a hot, wet tongue, and adding copious amounts of lubricant to my wife's sliding digit—exquisite, indeed. The ending was just as erotic—and have I already used the term, exquisite? Well, forgive me. It was all that and more. The finale was set off as Cecilia felt her impending climax, and announced it to everyone by slipping her hand past the harness of the strap-on to rub Denise's clit. Denise started moaning in ecstasy almost immediately. Cecilia giggled at her reaction, and said, "I'm so close girl. Are you close too, Baby?" With my cock still sliding in her mouth, Denise did a comical head bob as acknowledgement. Cecilia giggled again, "Let's see if we can squirt together. Come on, really fuck my pussy now." Denise added an overt hip shift and thrust to her rhythmic rocking. It was quite an achievement of stamina and coordination how Denise was able to do all of this with her body, while still maintaining a tight seal around my cock with her lips. Denise's efforts weren't lost on Cecilia, either, as she vigorously rubbed Denise's clit, while saying, "That's it girl. You know what I like. Oh, good god, you're so good, Baby." Denise had to give up on my cock for the moment as I saw Jackie, who was the one behind Denise at this time, dip her head down to apply a helping tongue to Cecilia's fingers. I didn't mind the interruption, there was only so much poor Denise could do. Besides, Karen lovingly took up Denise's mantle with a stroking hand, to compliment the probing finger she had in my derrière. Well, they didn't come together, but it was close. Cecilia slid her other hand between Denise's buttocks. I suspect, but really couldn't see, that she hooked a finger or two into Denise's ass to pull Denise into her hard, while still maintaining a vigorously massaging hand to Denise's clit. Denise clamped her mouth onto Cecilia just as Cecilia released a torrent of her orgasm into Jackie's midsection. Like a trooper braving incoming fire on a heated battlefield, Jackie didn't seem to notice Cecilia's release, and continued her duties at mouthing Denise's vulva while Cecilia continued to spray with abandon. Jackie's stanch resolve buckled when it was Denise's time. Being that Denise was still being the 'quiet fuck,' her sudden ramping up to climax went pretty much unnoticed by everyone until it was too late. We first became aware of her orgasm when Jackie belched out an, "Oh shit...," right before she started to violently couch while flinging herself backwards, off the bed. Tripping over Jack on her back-peddle out of 'harm's way,' she slammed into the wall on the other side of him. "Jesus Christ, Denise," Jackie said, still having a severe couching fit, "Next time tell a girl when you're about to come." Denise was still shuddering in climax, and said in staccato, "S...S...sorry, J...J...Jackie." I don't think Jackie heard her apology given that the rest of us were laughing too hard. She just sat on the floor next to Jack, checking the back of her head for blood given that it careened off the wall twice on her way to the floor. No one was more pleased about the results than Cecilia, who kissed Denise on the cheek, and said, "Got Jackie right in the mush. You did good, baby." "Speaking of getting it in the mush," I said, looking down at the two of them, "I think it's time Denise finish the task I set for her." Denise didn't say anything, but looked up at me slyly before opening her mouth wide for me. Karen slipped me into her and continued to soft stroke my shaft as Denise tightened her lips around me and applied a strong suction. Cecilia, that sweet ebony cherub, had one more bit of sexual panache up her sleeve. Unlike Denise, I didn't make my pending climax a secret, as I pushed my hips way forward, and grunting loudly. Seeing the inevitable unfold, Cecilia opened her mouth right below Denise's chin, saying, "Come on, Baby, let it all flow out of you and fill my mouth." I didn't ejaculate with as much volume this time, but it was more than enough for a good show. As Karen continued to stroke one hot shot after another into Denise, our sweet recipient blithely opened her mouth, and allowed all of my cum she had been storing to flow out. Two, long strings emerged from each corner of her mouth, and joining together as one at the edge of her chin, it cascaded down into Cecilia's waiting mouth. Denise and Cecilia finished each other off with a kiss, and continued to swap my sticky substance until Jackie broke the two up. Need I say that Jackie was even better when it was her turn under Denise? The details of her exploits I'll save for another time. Everyone took another turn as prostrate passenger on Denise's erotic ride. I even think Jackie dipped her toe in thrice—maybe they all had a third go, but who's counting? I could have done this all night, but it was time again to mix up the program. My four lovelies sat together on the bed—pretty maids all in a row. I sat back in Karen's vanity chair, looking at them all intently. I then remembered I hadn't seen Mark for the longest time, and asked, "Anyone know what happened to Cope?" They all shrugged their shoulders. They didn't seem to know, and I don't think any of them cared. 'The bastard probably left,' I thought, 'Just when I could use his squandered talents.' The women continued to stare back at me. A wild and ravenous light still burned bright in their eyes as they waited for me to conjure some new sequence of debauchery we would all perform. "I think we'll need some more room on the bed," I said, after some thought. Karen and Jackie tried to pick Jack up and put him gently on the floor, but he was too heavy. Denise, being the conscientious wife who always looked out for her husband's best interests, braced herself, and with a small 'grunt,' pushed him off the bed with her feet. Jack hit the floor with a dull 'thump,' but remained unconscious. "Well, that solves the room problem at any rate," I said, sarcastically. "Seeing that the un-redoubtable Mr. Cope has flown the coop and Jack remains in dreamland, I guess it's now up to me to satisfy the four of you all by my lonesome. I would really like to do this one at a time, though. So where should I start?" They all raised their hands at once, looking like proud schoolchildren all having the correct answer. I laughed, "The question was rhetorical you sluts...Now, let me see...Jackie..." Jackie started clapping, saying gleefully, "He picked me first." I had to laugh again, "No, not yet, you slut...Now Jackie, I want to watch you get Cecilia off. Cecilia, my beauty, while Jackie's getting you off, I want to watch you get Denise off. Denise, I know you've been working hard sweetheart, but I think Karen is in need of your attentions, and Karen...Well you get the idea, don't you. The last man standing, or should I say the last girl coming, will be my first." It was a sight to behold, this obscene Ouroboros I had created. All of their lovely faces buried deep into their partner's delicate places. Their fingers, lips and tongues frantically working away, trying to bring the other off first before they, too, inevitably succumb. All their legs writhing and their bodies twitching with imbued arousal. Their movements and feelings created as the one who was pleasuring them, had hit that perfect spot. However, that spot wasn't pressed for too long, for each time the 'pleasuring one' became the 'pleasured' when 'their' partner landed on 'their' sweet spot. I could hear each of their voices moaning in concert, soft sometimes, louder others, but together their volume steadily increased with time, producing an erotic harmony and a choral testimony to their increasing arousal. I saw that some of them were cheating. I won't name names—Jackie and Cecilia—but every so often they closed their legs slightly, denying the 'pleasuring one' continual, unfettered entrance to their pussies. I slid over to Cecilia, and whispered not too softly near her ear, "There's no cheating my lovely. I want to see you spread your legs wide for your lover." She giggled at first, knowing that she had been caught, then she spread her legs wide for Jackie. Jackie had already gotten the hint, spreading her legs wider for Karen without having me tell her. They both stayed as good girls for the rest of the game. I took this moment to whisper sweet somethings in each of their ears. Things that either made them laugh into their partner's pussy, or filled them with a greater lust so that they sucked, licked, poked and prodded their partners with increased fervor. What did I say to each? I don't know. I don't think that mattered as much as how I said it. A mirthful tone in my voice would bring them glee, while a huskier tenor would pique their arousal. Really, in their state I could have read names from the phone book with the same vocalization and gotten similar responses. I felt that some of them were nearing climax. I commanded them to stop, flip around, and start again with a new partner. Such a cruel trick I played on them, breaking that state of arousal that they had so feverishly worked on to achieve in their partner, with my untimely hiatus. They all whined in protest. I think I heard a 'bastard'—Denise, and 'asshole'—Karen, thrown in my direction. I just laughed at their frustration, and reminded them that wasting time calling me names won't let them get the job done any quicker. By the fourth flip-flop, it wouldn't matter whose partner was doing what, or that a break occurred in the action. A stiff breeze would probably do the trick. I saw Cecilia break first. Her hands gipped Denise's ass as she shuddered in orgasmic spasms. Denise, the 'quiet fuck,' quickly and quietly followed. Her body stiffened momentarily before she jerked three times with a soft gasp. Afterwards, she lay on her back breathing hard, then laughed at herself, saying, "This just keeps getting better." Jackie started to whine, "Hey, wait a minute. This isn't fair. No one's doing Karen. Cecilia, quick, get on Karen...Please!" Cecilia laughed, "Are you kidding me? After what you did to me with the 'Will treatment,' you can just do her yourself, girl." "Fucking bitches!" Jackie yelled in exasperation. She quickly flipped around, burying her face into Karen's muff. It was between the two cousins now—my anal angels. Each had a firm hold of the other's ass. Latched together as they were, they rolled back and forth across the bed, all the while laughing as each tried to secure her position on top of the other. They finally settled to a draw by resting on their sides. The three of us, Cecilia, Denise and I sat together and watched the two cousins try to work their magic on the other. Given their near identical preferences in all things sexual now, their techniques mirrored each other. Although, I will say that Jackie was the more deliberative of the two, plying her worldly experiences with an agonizing slow, thoughtfulness that soon had Karen's legs trembling in sexual delight. Karen, still new at this game of lesbian eroticism, showed a more frenzied eagerness than Jackie—and although she was bit less than her cousin at the technical end, she more than made up for it in her now unabashed appetite for the Sapphic. She slid three fingers deep into Jackie's ass, while applying lip, tongue and thumb everyplace else at her disposal. For a moment, Karen's hand manipulations in and out of her cousin were being mimicked by the slow sensual rocking of Jackie's body, as she pushed back hard against Karen's fingers. I thought given Jackie's response to Karen's attentions, that my wife had her firmly in her grasp—victory assured. However, it was not to be. For in this case, experience trumped innovation. How, I can't be sure, because like a good magician, Jackie rarely revealed her secrets. Karen did her best it seems to hold back the tide, but nature always wins out in the end. In that last moment before the inevitable, she clutched hard at Jackie's ass, digging her nails deep into her flesh. Comically, she buried her face fully between Jackie's legs, as if depriving herself of oxygen could stall the breaking of her wave. She stayed like that, motionless, for many moments before uttering a loud, "Fuck!" In disappointment, Karen rolled onto her back. Her body was still gripped by subtle, orgasmic trembling, as Jackie continued to pull gently at Karen's clitoris with her thumb and finger. Jackie was gleeful. She did a fist pump into the air, punctuated with a loud, "Yeah," and then exclaimed, "For once, it pays to be the resident suck bunny." Cecilia, Denise and I had to clap. It's not every day you get to watch a true artist ply their craft. I asked, "Well, Jackie my lovely, what shall it be?" She gave me that 'Jackie look,' the cool, dark, sultry, sly smile with cocked eyebrows that highlighted the smoky gleam of her eyes. The look that says she's about to suck your testicles through your urethra and use them in some perverted game of Jacks. Between long, slow kisses, she said, "Oh William...The whole time I was sucking on Karen's delicious 'hoochie'...I had one devilishly delightful thought after another...Such wicked thoughts of what I would have you do with me," she leaned back onto the bed pulling me down on top of her, before continuing, "But in the end, all I really want is to lie here and let you fuck me as slow and hard as you can." She spread her legs wide, and slow and hard was what I gave her. I kept my upper torso off her, propping myself up with my arms so that I could watch her face better. Occasionally, I would grab a hold of her shoulders to give myself more leverage, and really pull myself into her. Once our groins touched, I liked to wiggle my hips some, pushing my cock all around inside of her pussy. My wiggle also added a nice finish as my pubic hair and pubis bone would invariably rub against her clitoris. Then I'd continue the slow screw, always with a bit of a hitch in my thrust, so that my cock would regularly push up hard into and along her sensitive wall as I slid into her. She slowly brought her knees up to her chest, but still kept them wide so that I could enter her fully. With her knees up as they were, I could lean forward, resting against her legs, which really allowed me to push in even deeper. I knew she was starting her climb when her hands began dancing about me in constant motion. First, by dragging her nails down my chest to my abdomen, then she'd move them up, wrapping them around the back of my neck, then shifting back down to my chest again. Knowing Jackie's little kink about nibbling on her nipples, I reached down and pinched them both. Her eyes slowly closed. She smiled and said, "I love it when you do that to my 'girls.'" I thought I was doing it too hard, but I guess not. I continued to pinch and pull on her nipples, harder and harder, thinking that at some point it would be too much, but the only response she gave was an involuntary flutter of her eyelids. Her breathing became labored, punctuated now and again with soft moans. Her lips were moving, but she spoke no words like last time. She was talking to someone in her head again, falling deeper into her fantasy world. I kept my pace even, hitched long strokes and slow, and continued to throw in a short bump and grind when I was all the way inside. She arched her back, and grabbed hard at her breasts each time I did my little wiggle. She laughed playfully to herself, adding something about her 'girls,' softly under her breath. Yes, she was deep inside her own head. She slid her hands down to her pussy; I thought with the intention of bringing herself off with her 'Jackie slap.' Instead, I felt her fingertips caressing my cock as I slid in and out of her. It was a wonderfully erotic sensation as she moved her fingertips all about my sliding member, touching a gentle fingernail on my sensitive underside, or running them all along my shaft. She moved her hands further inward and gently kneaded my balls as they hung low. She let out a long, low, "Ooh." She opened her eyes, and said, "My, you're not even close are you?" I just smiled and shook my head. "That's my Robo-cock," she said, crossing her arms behind her head. Then in a soft, dream-like voice, "I am, though...Mmm...I'm so very close...Just a little faster, Robo-cock...Oh...Yes...Now, just a little harder." It was at this time that Cecilia slid alongside Jackie and me, after having played with Karen and Denise on the other side of the bed. She looked at me and smiled. Then she looked down at Jackie, who was deep into another of her trances. I don't think she was aware of Cecilia's presence. A mischievous light sparked in Cecilia's eyes, turning their deep amber color a pale gold. She touched Jackie's arm, and asked, "Hey Jackie girl, how's it going?" Jackie mumbled something inaudible, arching her back in obvious pleasure. That's when Cecilia pounced. For Cecilia, revenge was sweetest when served fresh, hot off the stove. As quick as lighting, she sat on Jackie's face, grinding her hips back and forth, while saying with a laugh, "Ride 'em, cowboy! Yee-haw!" Jackie's arms flailed about as she tried to push Cecilia off her, but Cecilia couldn't be moved. "Uh, uh girl. You want me off your face then you better start eating my pussy." Jackie started slapping at Cecilia's body, but the younger co-worker grabbed and held onto her hands. She shifted her hips some more, smearing her pussy across Jackie's face, while saying, "How do you like the 'Cecilia treatment,' bitch?" I heard Jackie's muffled voice, but her words were indiscernible. Cecilia continued to grind away, saying, "What? I can't hear you, girl. Cat...I mean pussy got your tongue? Yes, it does, but I don't feel no tongue on my pussy. So start digging in." After a few moments, I saw Cecilia slowly close her eyes in ecstasy, and spoke in a quieter tone, "Oh, that's nice. Stick that tongue all up in there. All around there, girl, all around." Now that Cecilia had joined the fray, I figured Jackie wouldn't mind if I didn't keep it slow, and quickened my pace. Jackie responded by wrapping her arms around Cecilia's hips and really pulled her face up into her pussy. Cecilia looked at me wide-eyed and with open mouth before leaning on me for support. Her mouth close to my ear, she asked, "You care if Jackie and me come back over sometime, know?" I smiled at my good fortune, and smiled at her, "I don't mind sweetheart, come over any time. Now, give us a kiss." It was such a fun ride with our heads together, given it to Jackie from both ends. I told her to pinch Jackie's breasts, and when she did, I felt Jackie climax. She shivered and shuddered for a few moments before finally lying still. When Cecilia climbed off her, Jackie's face was flushed and her eyes were closed. Cecilia nudged her, but Jackie didn't respond. "Oh my god," Cecilia said, her voice full of panic, "I think I killed her...Jackie baby, wake up!" I had to admit that when I saw the beet-red color of her face, I thought Jackie had succumbed to some weird form of erotic asphyxiation from Cecilia's cunt. Then I saw her shallow breathing and knew that the elixir had just worn off. I laughed. Kissed Cecilia on the cheek, and said, "Don't worry baby, she's still with us. Now, what shall it be? Slow and hard, or faster and harder, or maybe you want me to suck on that sweet pussy until your nose bleeds?" \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* I played with the 'cognizant' for a little while longer, but one by one, and in quick succession, the rest of the grouping drifted away into dreamland. That is, all except me. I waited for an hour in the bedroom for my own, inevitable unconsciousness, but slumber never came. Seeing that the elixir showed no sign of abatement, I decided to move into the living room and away from the sleeping guests—their peaceful states began nagging at my insomnia. Lying on the couch, I threw a small blanket over me against the chilly night air. Two, maybe three hours dragged by, and I remained awake. It was maddening, and I was in agony. Still gripped by the over-exited sexual state imparted by the elixir, I had few means in which to dampen my heightened arousal. I masturbated at least once every fifteen minutes, maybe more, just to keep from slipping into some form of sexual insanity. A couple of times I thought of going back into the bedroom and fucking their unconscious forms in order to gain some measure of relief, but rejected the idea as beneath me. For a brief moment, I actually felt pity for Kendall for what I had done to him. I had truly pushed him through the portals of sexual hell when I slipped him the elixir—trapped as he was in the gym with no means at his disposal to sate his lust. My pity was short lived, however, I still hadn't been able to push the thought of him with Karen completely out of my mind. It was about three in the morning when I noticed a figure moving through the living room, banging into the furniture. The moon was near full, and illuminated the room enough for me to see that it was Cope. I was surprised by his presence, thinking he had left hours ago. He hadn't noticed me on the couch, as he moved about the room, probably in a vain attempt to find his clothes. "What's going on?" I said abruptly, and purposefully loud given the hour. Startled, he jumped like a scorched cat and yelped like a small boy, which gave me no end in pleasure. Looking around the darkened room, he finally spotted me on the couch, "Fuck, man, you scared the shit out of me." "Didn't mean too," I lied, "So what's going on?" "Sorry, but you guys just wore me out. I crashed in one of your bedrooms. I hope you don't mind. Anyway, I figured I'd find my clothes and head out." "So soon? That makes me sad that you're leaving without saying goodbye." Mark didn't notice my sarcasm. He sat down on the coffee table next to me. An uncomfortable silence descended between us—at least uncomfortable for Mark, who was trying to come up with something to say as I silently stared back at him. Finally, he stuck out his hand, "Hey, I want to thank you for inviting me tonight. I hope we can do it again." It wasn't what he said, but it was the tone in which he said it that pissed me off. It was the flippant, insincere valediction one would give to an insignificant nobody. Like a 'nobody' you just met at some petty social function that you didn't want to attend in the first place. 'The nerve,' I thought. He comes into my home, treats my wife like a two-bit whore and me like some feeble cuckold, and he has the balls to thank me as if I was just a plain, old jerk. I smiled back at him, and returned his insult with one of my own. Throwing the blanket off me and exposing my still rock-hard cock to his view, I said, "If you really want to thank me then suck my cock." I had no other intension than to mean it as an insult. I thought he would get the hint, get up and leave, but Mark's reaction surprised me. He stared at me blinking for a moment, then looked down at my member, licked his lips, and proceeded to go down on me. \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* It's an hour later and I'm thinking about what I had done. He was really quite good. He sucked on me with an eagerness and passion that almost matched Karen's abilities. Yet, that wasn't the only thing that surprised me about the event. After he swallowed my load, a rather large load I might say, that I jerked into him as he tongued my cock-head, he looked up at me with the obvious expectation of some measure of reciprocity. I can still see the look on his face when I threw the blanket back over me, while flippantly saying, "You can find your own way out, can't you?" I didn't even watch him gather the rest of his things or hear him slink out the door, having turned back into my thoughts. The man dissolved right before my eyes, and I garnered pleasure from it. I had taken him as if he were a porcelain figurine, held him up, took him to a place he probably didn't want to go, and then dropped him so that the fragments of his shattered dignity scattered across the floor. This was no drive-by shooting where one fires and forgets, never to witness the carnage one has wrought—as I had done with Kendall. This time, I saw the damage unfold right in front of me. I hated myself for it. Worst of all, I hated myself because I derived pleasure from those actions. Beetlesmith said the elixir has transformative effects. I couldn't deny it any longer, I was transforming, and I didn't like what I was becoming. I heard rustling from the bedroom, so I pushed those thoughts out of my head for the moment. A few minutes later, Karen stood beside me. I threw back the blanket as she lay on top of me. I covered us up again. I asked, "Anyone else up?" "Jack and Jackie are getting it on," she said as she kissed my chest, "Cecilia's still zonked. Denise is up, but she's just lying there watching the other two fuck." "They're a funny couple. I don't think either one touched the other the whole night, except at the end." Karen added, "Funny for sure, since I know from Denise they both fucked around. You'd think they would be more open with themselves by this time." She laid her head on my chest. For a moment I thought she had fallen back to sleep, until she asked, "Are we headed down the same road as them?" It was a good question, and I didn't have an easy answer. After some thought, I finally said, "I don't think so, just as long as what we do, we do together. Jack and Denise had affairs to do damage to the other, and it worked. Now there's too much shit built up between them for anyone to just forget." She lay quietly again, and again I thought she had fallen asleep. The only sound she made was soft breathing that felt like a warm, subtle breeze on my chest. I finally felt contentment after the night of sleeplessness. I was finally at peace. Then Karen said those words that destroyed my tranquility, "I haven't seen Mark." I hesitated answering her. I felt an anger inexplicably welling up in me. I had to get control of my emotions. Trying to make my voice sound as even as possible, I answered, "I saw him about an hour ago. He left." "Funny, he didn't say anything to me before going." At the mention of his name and the sound of disappointment in her voice, my dark thoughts returned, fueled by my growing anger. I felt like bursting her balloon by telling her what had happened. What would she say if she knew her new boyfriend sucked on my cock like a used-up whore? That he swallowed my cum as if it were candy, and was disappointed I had no more to give. What would she say if I told her he begged me to fuck him in the ass as he tongued and sucked on my balls? He begged me not once, but twice, and that I refused his pleas each time with a laugh. Moreover, I wanted to see it in her face when I tell her what I did to Kendall—tell her as a warning... I pushed the thoughts away and got control of my emotions. I sighed deeply before saying as nonchalantly as I could, "Oh, he just said thanks and then scooted out the door." She laid her head back down on my chest, "I guess it's just as well. I think we scared him a little." She lifted her hips and slid my cock between her legs. She did her cute little wiggle of her ass against me, as she always does as prelude for things to come. "Well, at least Robo-cock is happy to see me." My thoughts cooled. I was Will Henry, again. "Because you make him happy." "Do I?" she asked. I saw her eyes water as she looked at me. "Always," I said sincerely. Then I kissed her hard. She could always take my breath away. She grabbed the tube a lubricant off the coffee table, and worked a good-sized dollop around her asshole. Smiling she said, "You care if we skip the appetizer and just move on to the main course?" Before I could answer, we heard Denise, who had been watching us, "And if Karen doesn't want the appetizer, I'll take it." Karen easily slid me into her ass as Denise straddled my chest, placing her well-saturated pussy close to my mouth. I smiled up at her, and teased, "Is that all you want, an appetizer?" Between moans of delight, Karen opined, "I think he's got enough for a 'fourfer' Denise." She let out a long, low moan as she sat fully down on my cock, then finished her thought, "Oh yes...More than enough." It was another fine morning in the Henry Household. \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* The caterers showed up at noon to clean up and take back their equipment, which got everyone in the house moving. Karen and I saw everyone to the door. As they left, Jackie and Cecilia were deep into another of their bitch sessions. Probably their way of getting their minds right for the return to the salts mines on Monday. They both waved happily at us when they got to their car. Jackie blew me a kiss, and yelled, "Got anything lined up for next week? We're free." Before I could answer, Karen clamped her hand over my mouth, and yelled back, "We'll let you know, Jackie," then under her breath, "When hell freezes." I kissed for her jealousy, and said, "I'm really starting to like her." She looked at me incredulously. The look on her face was priceless, and made me laugh. "I mean it. She may be a ditz sometimes, and she can be aggravating in the extreme, but she has a good heart and a gentle soul. It's a rare quality that shouldn't be overlooked." Jack and Denise left arm in arm, and seemed happy to be in each other's company. I couldn't help but think that Denise's payback to her husband had somewhat of a therapeutic effect on their relationship. An even bigger relief for me was as far as I could tell, I was still in Jack's employ. He mentioned again about talking to the board about my promotion. As the two neared their car, I saw Denise turn and run back toward the house. She stood before Karen and me for a moment trying to catch her breath before saying, "I almost forgot to thank you two." With that, she moved in close to Karen and kissed her fully on the lips. Their embrace was accompanied by a quick brush of their tongues, and a soft, seductive caress of their cheeks. She smiled at me, kissed me lightly while giving my ass a good squeeze, then scampered back toward the car. "What was that all about?" I asked, as Karen closed the door. "Oh, when you, Jackie, and the guys were doing the number on Cecilia, I took Denise for a tour of our guest room." She ended her sentence with a mischievous smile. "You're going to have to tell me all about it." "No need, she's coming back over tonight. You can ask her then." I hesitated at her suggestion, "I don't know if I can take Jack two nights in a row." She smiled, "Oh, Jack's not coming. She wants it to be with just you and me." I hesitated again. I didn't feel right about doing the Boss' wife behind the Boss' back, regardless of what happened between us last night. It had the stench of the 'Kendall incident.' I didn't think on it that long, however, at least not with the big head. Its smaller, single-minded cousin did most of the thinking for the both of us. These days, I was just going along for the ride. "That must have been some tour you gave." "And received." Her sultry, mischievous smile was back, "Do you care about tonight?" I wrapped her in my arms, "You are probably the most intelligent person that I know, but sometimes you ask the dumbest questions." She laughed brightly then stopped herself, "Speaking of questions, there's still an unanswered one between us." "There is?" "Be honest, which one of us was the best kisser?" "You are," I said without hesitation, sounding sincere. Of course, when the question is unavoidable, lying through ones teeth works just as well.
How long had it been since she’d last seen Kitty? Days? Years? Literal aeons? It was hard to tell at her size, especially after she accidentally ate the last thing in the universe that could produce heat and thus trapped everything outside of her in a state of perpetual absolute zero; heat death wasn’t all that fun when she had no one to play around with, and though she knew her partner and better half was still somewhere inside of her, deep within her folds, he was still person-sized, while she had become… something more. It was a lonely existence, and not one she was keen on experiencing for longer than absolutely necessary, so clearly it was time to start putting things back in their place; first things first, the universe had to be reset. But how to do it? There were just so many ways she could go about reversing the clock, but very few of them allowed her to keep what she had hoarded for herself, and while Emily was nothing if not a kind, gentle goddess… she did quite like being so absolutely enormous that, even at her current size, she couldn’t see past her own tits. It was selfish, yes, but she felt like she’d earned that much, given the kind of blessings she had provided for all living things; thus, the only feasible way of going forward was to just keep growing, until eventually she popped free from the boundaries of her own instance of reality and broke into the interstitial not-being between universes, assuming it was even there. Surprisingly simple to do though, given the sheer scale of her body. Emily’s growth rate had already surpassed the speed of light, making it almost comically easy for her to reach the very end of the cosmos and push against what felt like a thin film, the inside of a cosmos-sized plastic bag that, while pliable and capable of being distorted and moulded, absolutely refused to break or tear. So she pushed harder, forcing her body to grow ever faster, until she didn’t need to stretch her arms or legs out to feel the boundaries of her reality, but rather had her whole form pushing outwards against it from within, struggling to continue to exist within a universe that clearly wasn’t ready for someone as gloriously oversized as her. For a short while, or perhaps several million years, Emily wondered whether she would even be successful; the layer protecting the rest of the multiverse from her was strong, stronger than she had anticipated, and it refused to budge; the possibility that she might very well be unable to crack the shell of her egg crossed her mind far too many times for her own comfort. But still she kept trying, pushing and pulling, tugging and squeezing, knowing that if only she kept going then it would eventually give in to her will; and while it took such a long time that Emily was quite certain the universe should’ve died some time before that, she did eventually get there: with one final shove, one of her hands broke through the film, pushing into… whatever was on the other side. She felt like she should’ve heard something rip, but much like everything else in that desolate, empty cosmos of her own creation, it was deathly silent, the simple relieving of pressure that quickly spread throughout the rest of her body; a chain reaction had been started by her so unashamedly breaching one of the fundamental laws of her universe, and as a result, it simply stopped existing altogether. What had taken her countless ages to fill was gone in just a moment, vanished from meta-reality altogether as it failed to uphold the basic standards of decency for what was expected of a bubble of existence… while leaving Emily, and presumably Kitty, perfectly fine in its wake. She had truly become a goddess, capable of surviving the destruction of her home reality without even realizing it had been destroyed at all! So obviously, she had to flex this power somehow; it wouldn’t do for her to just float around doing nothing when there could be so many better things she could be doing to occupy her time, especially now that she wasn’t constrained by the limits of her old home dimension. Emily looked around, trying to get a bead for where exactly she was, and what she saw was… confusing, to say the absolute least. To some degree, she understood that the “bubbles” around her were other universes, possessed of their very own laws, their own history, their own peoples, but somehow she could never quite focus on one; it was as if them being so different made them fundamentally impossible to perceive, and so the big cat resolved to not even try. There was plenty of space to go around anyway, so there was no need to float there trying to invade a new reality when, frankly, she had outgrown the need for one; she was a goddess, and was going to behave like one. As such, she closed her eyes and began to visualize what she wanted: a simple place, a warm place, somewhere where she and Kitty could once again be together without having to worry about a thing in the world (multiverse?), an eternity spent in one another’s arms and curves that they could mould and warm up to their liking should they ever grow bored or require stimulation. Perhaps one day it would harbor life, much like her old planet had, and she could truly ascend to the ranks of divinity by not just crafting a whole world, but a brand new universe for it to reside within; for the time being, however, Emily focused on just herself and her better half, and a perfect home for them to live in… or on, as the case may be. She saw it in her mind’s eye, a tiny little planetoid the size of a large manor, like in that children’s book she once read, orbiting a planet made out of pure, sparkling diamond, reflecting the light of a nearby star with just the right intensity to bathe the two of them in an endless light show of truly divine proportions. She saw it, and thus she made it; her will be done. No finger-snapping required, no words or motions or any kind of ritual; one moment she pictured this scene in her head, and in the next it had been manifested in front of her very eyes, albeit in such a tiny scale that it was incredibly easy to miss against the backdrop of literal universes floating around her in every direction. But it was there, waiting for her to do something with it, waiting for its creator goddess to take its emptiness and fill it with herself, protected from the rest of meta-existence by virtue of being there next to her body; content with what she had done, Emily closed her eyes again, focusing on where she knew Kitty to be, since after all, the whole reason she was doing this was to share it with her lover, her partner, her divine consort. Fortunately, and quite in defiance of the average lifespan of non-divine felines, Kitty was still there, and still as much in a funk as he had been before: writhing around, squirming, basking in the absolute glory that was his mate’s body, unable to think of anything that wasn’t the warmth, the softness, the everything that his poor, mortal mind was too puny to truly comprehend. It almost felt like a crime to deprive him of this experience, and though it pained her, Emily knew that it was for the best; with simple intent, she removed Kitty from within her form and placed him upon the tiny moon she had so lovingly crafted for the both of them. Being so suddenly deprived of the direct stimulation he had been on the receiving end for the past uncountable millenia, Kitty… still took a while to come to, with his mind being far too tuned to the constant bathing of sensations to realize what had happened. This gave Emily herself some time to figure out the next big problem: how she should present herself. Her real body, the one that she had created out of her own ascension, was slightly too big, given that she couldn’t even see the tiny paradise she herself created for the two of them. She couldn’t exactly shrink down either, and not just because she didn’t want to; it was seriously doubtful whether she even had the ability to do so, and the big cat wasn’t about to try, lest it end up being permanent. This posed a unique dilemma that could only truly be solved by the application of some lateral thinking and copious amounts of abuse of the laws of physics; though, then again, the universe that she’d come from had been destroyed, so who’s to say she couldn’t make up her own laws? Her authority was hers alone, and no one would be able to take that from her, so why not decide upon new constants, new realities, new truths? No one was there to hold her back, after all. It was settled then. With a wide smile on her face, Emily closed her eyes for the third and final time for the foreseeable future, and pictured… herself. Her body, as it was, beautiful and magnificent, curvaceous and engorged, thick and stacked, the perfect culmination of excess and self-indulgence mixed with just the right amount of utility, a body that, while mobile and capable of taking care of itself, was very clearly designed for titillation first and function second. She saw this, as she was, but smaller, much smaller, so small that she could not only fit inside of places designed for use by regular-sized individuals, but, most importantly, atop the small rock she had built for herself and Kitty. She saw it, perfectly, in her mind’s eye, and when she opened her real ones, she was no longer staring at the perfect vastness of existence, but looking upon a planet-sized diamond. There, high above her head, was her own creation: as beautiful as she had envisioned it, lit by the rays of the star she had also manifested from nothing, reflecting its light in ways that dazzled the mind and strained even her ability to describe. It was overwhelming, but in a good way; it didn’t send her neurons into a fritz, but it did leave her stunned and rooted to her spot for a good minute or so as she admired it, taken aback by just how perfect it was, and how much it looked identical to how she had imagined it would. Truly, she had become a goddess, one uncontained by the limitations of her old universe… and now, she was going to make sure Kitty knew that as well. It wouldn’t be that difficult, all things considered; seeing as Emily had allowed her newest avatar body to retain some of the proportions of her old one, who wouldn’t be immediately infatuated with her upon first laying eyes on her form? From the simple fact that she was well over ten feet tall, further accentuating her already exaggerated curves by default, to her chest-obscuring breasts and hips that would break through any door in existence, and even that plushy ass that could very well serve as a sofa all on its own, everything about her was designed from the ground up to overload the senses and break the willpower of whomever happened to gaze upon her new being. With the obvious exception that it hadn’t been designed, of course, she was simply like that by default, and this avatar was purely a downscaled version of her true self; if she hadn’t been somewhat modest in its construction, then her tits alone would probably be the size of the rock she was on, and while that was undeniably hot, she was looking for something more intimate with her partner. Emily would find him a few seconds away, only needing to take a few dozen steps before stumbling onto where Kitty was lying down, breathing heavily from the non-existent atmosphere as he tried to come to grips with everything he had gone through up until then. It was easy enough for the bigger cat to just assume that the sequence of events had been something she was fated to go through, but being as powerful as she was, the divine kitten simply couldn’t fathom how much the entire ascension had affected her smaller lover; being just a regular cat that happened to be blessed by a literal deity, Kitty lacked the mental protection require to truly go through what he had while remaining unscathed, and while he was still in there somewhere, it was clear that his mind needed some time to find its bearings. Emily was patient though, as the two of them did have the entirety of eternity to spend together. She sat down beside him, taking care to find the best, most comfortable position possible; she would be using it soon enough when the snuggling began, so it was important to make sure her butt was nice and padded out and its pudge distributed to make for a perfect cushion, while her ample bust spilled just perfectly onto her lap, its deep cleavage inviting anyone who saw it to dive in and forget about everything for a few hours. Once ready, she waited, happy to let her consort take as long as they needed to find themselves amidst the turbulent maelstrom that was his mind. It… took a while. Kitty was clearly in shock from having been removed from his personal paradise, though Emily’s presence next to him helped to sooth him to a certain degree. He would occasionally look towards her, then away at the planet-sized reflector above them, as if trying to put the two things together in a way that made some amount of sense. Had everything that happened so far been some kind of fever dream? Was he even awake, or still deep in REM and unable to discern reality from something his brain came up with during that ages-long period of unconsciousness? Hell, was he even alive, or had he somehow died and gone directly to a personal heaven, only to be removed from there and upgraded to an even better suite? Trying to come up with a sensible timeline of events was hard enough, given that everything in between the two of them heading out for a walk to the park and… well, waking up there of all places, was extremely fuzzy, lending itself to rampant speculation. But, in the end, Emily was still there, and clearly he himself was still there too, and wasn’t that all that mattered? That the two of them existed, together, in a way that they could enjoy one another’s presence? Surely that was the only important thing. Plus, there was that smile… that wonderful smile of hers that lit up the surroundings far more than the planet-size ball of mirrors ever could without even needing any light whatsoever; it was like a magnet to him, pulling him closer and closer still, and before he knew it, his fingers had met her body once more. It brought to mind memories, not of the aeons spent within her true self, but of the moments that started it all, back when Emily was still small enough to fit on a single planet, when he himself could look up and actually see her as opposed to the bigger cat being the very backdrop of existence itself. It was overwhelming really, but not in the way that made him want to break down from sensory overload like it had been up until then. Rather, it was comfort. It was a warmth that would never subside, the soft touch of a tender lover who needn’t say anything to make it known how much they cared for one another, whose mere presence was enough to guarantee everlasting bliss. It was a softness that gradually grew the closer Kitty got to it, until he began diving once again away from the ambient light and into the dark, warm and impossibly pliable depths of Emily’s body, this time straight between her lap-covering breasts. Frankly, it would be ridiculous for him not to; clearly, she had made herself as gorgeously oversized as that just for him, so it’d be downright criminal not to make the most use of it, even if part of him kept telling him he should at least try to get a few words out before going spelunking straight into her cleavage. But Emily herself was smiling, giggling even, so she must be appreciating it as much as he was; at least, that’s what he kept telling himself. He wasn’t wrong though. From Emily’s point of view, what she saw wasn’t someone undergoing anexistential realization that could only truly come after being exposed to divinity and then yanked back from it, only to have it be put on display again; she understood, at a certain level, that Kitty’s experience was just fundamentally incomprehensible to her, and that was ok, because it wasn’t meant for her. It was meant for Kitty, and only him… which didn’t make it any less funny when the poor guy’s eyes were bulging out of his skull and his mouth was flapping open as he tried to come up with words to describe what he was feeling, before he scurried up her body and immediately dove in between her tits. Emily had to bite back a lot of giggling just to keep her partner feeling safe and secure; wouldn’t want him to think he’d done something wrong, after all. Besides, she had created her avatar body in order to maximize both her and her consort’s pleasure, so if anything, she should be encouraging Kitty to experience it to its fullest extent… not that he needed much encouragement at all, but still. With the smaller feline safely within her bosom, it fell to Emily to come up with new ways of improving the experience. If it was up to Kitty, he’d just curl up and stay where he was, stuffed between two mounds bigger than he was, for the rest of all time; and while this was certainly an idea that made Emily herself want to bite her lower lip, she didn’t create this perfect playground for them just so they could do what they’d been doing all along. Besides, she wanted to tease her better half, and tease him he would, in the one way she’d always wanted to try: milk. Back when she was still person-sized and not an ascended goddess, it had been an idea that crossed her mind a few times. Given her control over her own body, Emily could have improved her milkiness at any time she wanted, but for some reason never really went the full mile, preferring instead to keep to the safe territory of pure size. Now though, after everything that happened, there was really no reason to hold back; as such, she leaned back, readjusting her butt in order to keep her back on a diagonal with the ground, coincidentally jutting out her breasts just enough that they weren’t touching her lap anymore… for the time being. With her level of power, it was easy enough to command those things to start producing cream, and enough of it to very quickly begin to push their size outwards, and visibly so! The churning of liquids inside of her bosom grew powerful enough that even the slightest of motions caused loud sloshing, and even with her staying still, one could make out the faintest rushing of cream within her breasts if they held their ears close enough to them; just like Kitty was. “Trapped” between two expanding mounds and with no way out of them, the smaller of the two cats resigned himself to his fate, faux-bemoaning his decision to bury himself in his consort’s cleavage without stopping to think of the “consequences”. It was a little game he played with himself, one that though Emily couldn’t hear, Kitty was certain she’d giggle at as much as he himself was… at least until the noises coming from every direction around him grew so powerful that he really couldn’t think of anything else. Not just that, but the pressure had begun to rise as well, with both breasts inflating with their milky contents to such a degree that Kitty’s ability to move was seriously compromised; after a while, he could barely even move at all, stuck flattened between two milk-stuffed walls of breastflesh that only grew bigger and more constricting as time went on, leading Kitty to wonder if it was being done on purpose, or if Emily had once again lost control of herself in the throes of her self-made passion. The answer was obvious. Ten feet tall with lap-covering tits and she was making them bigger; how could Emily not fall in love with her own avatar, especially after deliberately striking a pose meant to maximize the visual impact of her growth? All she could see were her own breasts bloating in front of her eyes, taking up more and more of her field-of-view as their weight mounted until it became too much for to keep holding up; with her state of equilibrium becoming increasingly unstable, she had to make a choice: either fall back and be buried by her own tits, or use the last remaining bit of strength she still had to heave her entire frame forward and smush those things against the ground. With her breasts still bloating, there wasn’t a lot of time to write a full list of pros and cons; as such, Emily anchored her hands on the ground and pushed with all of her might, her torso swivelling forwards… and her tits smacking against the cold stone underneath her. It was a slightly uncomfortable position to be in, hunched over and with her spine being fought over between her asscheeks and breasts, so Emily haphazardly arranged herself so she could be lying down; even then, things weren’t as simple as they could be, because her milk factories had become so full that her back was permanently kept bent even as she tried to lie flat against the ground. In fact, it was being pushed upwards more and more as those things continued to grow, and with her being unwilling to just stop, Emily decided it’d be best to adopt a kneeling position… which really didn’t do much to get her tits off the ground either, considering how enormous they were. Not a single drop was wasted, and with every last gallon of milk kept safely within them, each mound was very quickly reaching a size that could rival the rest of Emily’s entire body, rushing to become just as oversized compared to her as they were on her real self; if she didn’t do anything about it, then she would end up with tits as big as the small rock she created for herself and Kitty, a prospect that, to be quite frank, wasn’t as absurd or daunting as it had been just moments prior. Maybe it was the arousal that came with growing so much, or maybe it was her true self shining through and imposing its own will upon her avatar, but she quite enjoyed having a bust that large, especially considering that Kitty was right there inside of it where she could actually reach in and touch him, rather than so deep within her folds that she had no chance of interacting with the little kitten ever again. He was… there. He was there, and she had to do something about that, because to just leave him alone without further stimulation was nothing if not insulting to Kitty. And what better way of making sure her consort was enjoying his ride than to make that ride more intense? Forgetting about her milk for a few moments, even though it kept on filling regardless, Emily instead focused on pressing her fingers and palms against the sides of her breasts, which by that point had become so absurdly massive that her whole hands could sink into their pudge with very little difficulty, though moving them around was still just as easy as before; she was still a goddess after all. Squishing her tits in just the right way to provide a full-body massage for Kitty, stuck inside of her cleavage, was child’s play, and within a few short moments her lover was on the receiving end of something of a cross between being crushed by two giant weights, being given a warm hug by his better half, and receiving some kind of enhanced titjob all at once. To say that this wreaked havoc on the poor guy’s psyche would be an understatement; he barely lasted a couple of seconds before reaching climax… though that didn’t really stop Emily at all. Why should it, when she was enjoying it so much herself? The amount of pleasure that Kitty was deriving out of having his entire body smushed up between two colossal milktanks was nothing compared to the flood of endorphins generated by that very same smushing in the big cat responsible for it; hell, Emily’s eyes went half-lidded and glazed over within seconds of her placing her hands on her bust to squeeze it, and her mindstate only got “worse” the more she worked her bust over, until even her fine control over her own body began to slip, and cream finally spilled from her overtaxed teats. Two rivers of the stuff, spurting one from each nipple, gallons upon gallons of sweet milk spilling upon the dust and stone of Emily’s own creation, a fitting metaphor if only she had the mental capacity to create it; instead, what remained of her mind was too focused on trying to enjoy those her-sized milky udders while still keeping Kitty as stimulated as possible, a delicate balance that was very quickly disturbed once her knees gave out and she slumped forward onto her own bust. A milkgasm was inevitable, but the question still remained of when it would come. With her arms draped over the bloating curve of her breasts, all Emily could really do was lie there and breathe increasingly quickly, biting her lips and rubbing her legs together in a desperate attempt to try and extract some stimulation of her own; this led to her lower body slowly growing out as well, with her thighs thickening and ass fattening as a result of her mind wandering and her hold on that avatar slipping away from her. She could feel her true self flooding it, turning it into a proper small-scale replica of her real form, and while beforehand she might’ve objected, at that exact moment it was hard to complain about it; after all, she was a goddess, so clearly she couldn’t be wrong about things, could she? One hour. That’s how long it took before her body finally gave out and reached climax, several of Kitty’s own orgasms later; still being trapped in that cleavage as he was, the smaller of the two felines was actually the first one to feel and hear when the floodgates opened, with Emily’s brain being too overtaxed to process what had happened until a few seconds later. For Kitty, it was the sound of ocean currents being marshalled and directed in one singular direction, the rumbling and quaking of the ground itself as the vibrations coursed through everything that he had ever known. An explosive release if there ever was one, one that would put the milk spouts that had already been pouring from Emily to shame… and so they did. With one final, throat-breaking moan, the sensations finally reached the goddess’ conscious mind, and with them, her first and final climax for that little couple’s session. In a moment, her breasts lost a good foot in diameter as the initial burst of cream emptied them out thoroughly; though, given the size of them, this was hardly even a dent in their full girth. It’d take far more than that for Emily to go back to how she had been previously, doubly so given that her milkiness was still very much active and intent on filling whatever empty space was created by her release. Three gallons out, two more created to substitute them, leading to a seemingly-endless milk explosion that went straight out of the small rock the two of them were on and began creating wide rings around it, very quickly obscuring most of their view of the reflector planet up above; all that either of them could hear was the sloshing of fluids and the rumbling of breastflesh as Emily’s bosom seemed to take on a life of its own, with the cats unable to control what it was doing or where it was going. Both of them had become slaves to it, and now it dictated the pace of their lovemaking… and what it wanted was, clearly, to extend that climax for as long as possible. Neither Emily nor Kitty knew how long it lasted, but they did know that, by the end of it, there was nothing outside of their small rock. The sky had been covered in a milky sheen by all the orbiting cream, the ambient temperature had begun to rise, and yet neither of them could bring themselves to really do anything about it; Emily was completely beat, too busy rubbing her tits after they returned to their previous, merely lap-covering size, while Kitty had crawled out from his safe spot in his consort’s cleavage and was once again lying on his back trying to catch his breath. It would probably take a whole day before they were even remotely ready to try anything of the sort again. But that was fine. They had all of eternity together.
Title: Beth and the dragoness by DarkBladeDragn Tags: Dragon, Dragoness, F/F, Human, Master/Pet, Series, Short, Story Series, Tail Sex Beth was a lonely teen she did not have a lot of friends in her new town. She was a tall one about six foot with hazel colored eyes and deep black hair. Her build was about average for a seventeen year old except he was a little on the muscular side. The cloths she had on could be described as emo because the color of her cloths was all black. Most people that she met in her new school did not even attempt to help her around the building. They avoided her like she was a diseased rodent from the age of the bubonic plague. The more people ignored her the more depressed she became with her life. She kept telling herself she should just run away that her parents would be better off without her. In her closet he had packed a bag for the day she would. That night a window on a two story house opened up letting the wind blow in. A head poked out to see if the coast was clear of anyone who might catch her. When she saw that it was clear she slowly climbed out the window and down the gutter. The house her parents had purchased was in the country surrounded by a forest. She went strait for the south forest in hopes to never be found by another person. A few hours of walking in the pale white light of the full moon had gotten her lost. Even if she had wanted to turn back now there was no way back. When the cold began to get to her she began to look for a place to sleep. Nothing looked warm enough or sturdy enough to protect her so she kept looking. Eventually she came to a freshly fallen tree that looked to be protective under the branches. Some branches formed a some what make shift shelter. She crawled into them and used her bag as a pillow. It was slightly warmer under the tree but still quit chilly but she did manage to fall asleep. While she slept the winds changed direction causing it to blow in on her. Her bodys natural reaction was to shiver in order to try and create warmth. Unfortunately it did not work and she awoke to cold harsh winds that nipped at her. She began to dig with her hands and stack the dirt in the entrance to block it off. As she dug the ground she was on became weaker and weaker. Until it gave way causing her to fall into a place that has not seen life in hundreds of years. Beth awoke later in a cold puddle of water on the cold rocky floor of an underground cave. She staggered as she slowly stood and brushed herself off. The only light that she could see was from the hole that she fell through. With no apparent way out she decided to explore and see if she could find one. She had to keep on hand on the wall in order to know if the tunnel turned. As she walked the air temperature began to slowly rise the farther in she went. She removed her shirt so that only her bra was hiding her soft yet perky breasts. About three hundred feet further she removed her pants revealing her black panties. A light caught her eyes as it was just a small flicker as if it was a candle. The closer she got the larger the flicker grew before she found the source. It was a large room filled with candles but that is not what caught her eye. what did catch her eye was the mountains of golden coins and fine gems. She pinched her left forearm to make sure she was not dreaming. Out of the entire room only one thing looked out of place in the room. It was a wooden chest like you would imagine a pirate to put his treasure in. As she walked towards the chest she did not notice the movement behind one of the golden mountains. She slowly lifted the lid and instead of finding gold she found glass vials filled with a sweet smelling clear liquid. Slowly lifting one of the many matching vials out of the chest she noticed a crude label on it. While Beth was inspecting the strange vials a stranger in the gold was watching her. This stranger was covered in golden scales that could repel any weapon a person could swing at it. It had two powerful wings upon its back that could lift it high into the sky. A long muscular tail that could easily break tree in one powerful swing.Four powerful legs held up its sleek body. Two horns sat atop its head each horn above a beautiful blue eye that had a slit for pupils. A reptilian muzzle was upon its face not to long yet not to short. It was your standard eastern dragon except this one had been asleep until it was rudely awoken. Beth could barely read what the old labels said but what she could read looked to say mead. She knew what mead was but this stuff had to be so old that it would taste dreadful. It dawned on her that this cave was well lit but where was it coming from? She looked around but could not see a light or a candle. Looking down at the floor she looked for her shadow but it was not there. As she looked around the room she could not figure out where the light was coming from. She began to search the room for something she could use for a source of light. When she could not find anything to use she returned to the wooden chest. All the searching and walking around was beginning to make her thirsty. The vials in the chest wee beginning to look more like a drink than an ancient one. She grabbed one of the vials and removed the cok from the opening and put it to her lips. The dragons eyes widened as she drank from the vial. As Beth drank the clear liquid she noted that it had a rather sweet taste to it dispite the fact that it was so old. There was a strange feeling in her stomach after drinking the entire vial. It split as part of it moved south and centered on her nether regions, while the other half split again and centered itself on each breast. The strange sensation slowly faded but was replaced by a feeling of lust. Her panties began to grow wet as her cunt began to drip in sheer need. She removed her panties exposing her dripping cunt and began to use her fingers. Her nipples began to harden as she used her free hand to rub her left breast. Slowly moving one finger in and out of her dripping nether lips before adding another finger. No matter how hard she tried to get off it would not work she needed something bigger. "So you finally drank it you little thief" spoke a beautiful feminine voice. Beth looked up to see the gold dragoness that had been watching her. As the dragoness approached the lust stricken woman an idea popped into her head. Beth was back to pleasuring herself in front of the dragon not caring if she watched. When the dragoness had reached Beth she slowly brought her muzzle close to Beths face. "No matter how long and how many fingers you use you will not be able to finish by yourself. I will help but you are going to have to be my pet for the rest of your life." Beths lust filled mind was to preoccupied with pleasuring herself to care so she agreed. The dragoness smiled upon hearing the acceptance of the agreement. Moving her muzzle lower so that she was infron of Beths nether regions. Extending her long forked tounge, she slowly began to lick around it before plunging it in getting a good taste of her. The dragoness swirled her tounge to reach every spot she could. Beth moaned in pleasure as the dragon continued to twist her tounge inside her cunt. When the dragoness removed her tounge Beth whimpered in need for something to fill her. Then she felt something starting to worm its way into her cunt. She looked down and saw that it was the dragons tail entering her. The deeper in it went, the wider she was spread. When it was in as far as it would go the dragoness began to withdraw it before thrusting it in again. Beth was in a state of bliss as she was being fucked by the dragons tail. Her muscle spasmed as her cunts walls hugged the tail when she finally came. Beths juices poured out from around the tail as her vision blurred. As her mind cleared she slowly got up but was stopped as a massive paw held her down. "Now that your little problem is solved I am going to have to teach you a lesson about trespassing in anothers home. However first I am going to need your name so that I know what to call you." Beth looked up at the dragoness in fear that she could be crushed or eaten. "Your name?" The dragoness repeated in a more irritated tone. "My name is Beth,"she quietly said. "Well Beth I am Shade, but you can call me mistress. Beth just stared as she realized what the gravity of the situation she had gotten herself into. When the paw was removed Beth stood up and tried to run but Shade used her tail to stop her. Shade wrapped her tail around her new pet and walked of into a dark tunnel and the beginning of Beths new life.
Title: RavenWolf and WolfieStar by Serges_of_the_White_Wolf Tags: M/M, Wolf The pale moon sets behind the frozen tundra. "Sir RavenWolf, where are we headed?" Sir RavenWolf turns his head and calmly replies, "We are headed to the Castle of Brimeshire, that is where your destiny falls into place." They walk silently onwards into the blistering cold. Day turns into night, nights into days, days into weeks, weeks into months... the journey seems endless... "Sir RavenWolf, its been a long while since we had food and rest." "Agreed, my child... we will rest." RavenWolf builds a fire and the two wolves sit around the fire to keep warm. "What is my destiny? I remember when you first came to me a few months ago, and took me by my paws and led me down this path... what did you see in my eyes?" Sir RavenWolf looked onwards into WolfieStars' eyes. Let me begin with who you are, my child. You are the one destined to save this world from darkness and I am your guardian and friend. I have been looking for you for some time now... I was chosen at birth to protect the last flame of our kind... and you are he. Your destiny awaits you, WolfieStar, make your kin proud." WolfieStar looked up into the sky, eyes filled with tears. "Why was I given such a burden of the world to carry? Why me?" RavenWolf gets up from his resting place and sits by WolfieStar and embraces him tenderly. "My blessed child... this burden is not yours alone, for we all, of our kin, carry this burden... Just know that you are not alone, our kin is with you in your heart... look inside and see the flame, that is your strength and determination and your love." "But I am weak." RavenWolf grabs WolfieStar by the nozzle and pulls him closer, " You are not weak my child, but you are strong, the kin make you strong... you will endure and overcome this fate. As my guide to you, friend, kin... I will not let you fail..." WolfieStar began to cry and laid his head on RavenWolfs shoulder. "I am sorry for the tears but I am scared." RavenWolf solomnly replied, "We are all scared, my child... we all are." WolfieStar gazed into RavenWolfs eyes and it was as if the heavens collided with sweet embrace... RavenWolf and WolfieStar wasnt prepared for what happened next, it was as if somehting inside of them snapped like a twig beneath heavy paw. A great silence came from above as a blessing of love was given to them both. WolfieStar has not felt like this before and he was new to the feelings within his heart. He had loved once so long ago and the lover had died from a were-hunt by the humans... He was afraid to love again for the same fear that his lover would meet the same fate... As time slowed to a halt, RavenWolf took off his robes and laid WolfieStar down to mate. The embrace was eternal and the night lasted forever... the breath of ice melted away as love was made for the first time in years. WolfieStar was relaxed and hid his fears of being alone once again... RavenWolf knew of his fears and kissed his lips softly and licked his face as a solumn promise of him not leaving. RavenWolf slowly rubbed WolfieStar and licked his chest and nipples. WolfieStar cuddled up and flentched as RavenWolf slowly and deeply penetrated WolfieStar... It was as if he had died and went to heaven... it was the best he had ever had. Time passed and RavenWolf kissed WolfieStar on the nose and rolled over and let him take over. WolfieStar was over joyed and he gave RavenWolf head and licked him all over and nibbled on his ears. After WolfieStar was finished he slowly fucked RavenWolf with his 8" cock and RavenWolf howled in excitement and pleasure... they could be heard from miles around howling... The next morning as dawn approached, RavenWolf was dressed and ready to head out. About that time a pack of humans surrounded RavenWolf. "Run WolfieStar I will protect you!" WolfieStar refused to run but RavenWolf used a teleport spell on WolfieStar to transport him to safety. WolfieStar ran for hours looking for RavenWolf... and he finally found him laying in a pile of blood covered snow and a few human bodies scattered about. WolfieStar picked up RavenWolf and laid him in his arms. "Dont leave me, u said you would never leave." RavenWolf opened his eyes and held out his hand. It held his wolven charm necklace. "This is yours my child, take it..." WolfieStar took the necklace and placed it aorund his neck. "We are one now..." RavenWolf said as he passed away into the beyound. "NO! My love, you promised!" As a tear fell from WolfieStars' eyes, The white glow surrounded him and RavenWolf... Both bodies merged into one. "We are one now, my child..." WolfieStar could hear in his mind. I just want you with me, RavenWolf... only you. WolfieStar lost the will to fight and called upon the sounds of bitter darkness to engulf the world of man... and so it was that man fell into darkness and the kin ruled over mankind forever... but in doing so... WolfieStar died and was with RavenWolf forever in the great beyound.
Title: Friendly Neighborhood Pornographer Tags: group, group sex, incest, mommy daughter, mommy-daughter, mother, mother daughter, mother-daughter, threesome *Thanks to Erin with whom I had the conversation that inspired this story!* \-- *Not again!* The thought screamed in my head. \-- My name is Gabriel Rios and I own a few buildings around town. You see, I had an aunt I was really close to growing up and when I say close to, I mean closer than any boy should be to his aunt. This aunt also had the fortune of winning the Powerball. So, when my aunt won the lottery, she did the "only smart thing she's ever done in her life," as she put it, and hired a financial advisor to invest her money. This financial advisor helped her invest and grow her portfolio eventually making her wealthy and not just rich. And all of this happened before my fifth birthday, so to me she had always been the rich and fun aunt in the family; the life of the party and, consequently, the one my mom never got along with, though I'm guessing that was because my aunt never shared in her wealth extravagantly with her, but that's just my opinion. When I turned 18 she decided that if I was old enough to smoke, enlist, and/or be charged as an adult then I had the right to get drunk so she got me a fake ID and took me out to party and "celebrate properly," as she put it. Incidentally, that's the same night I lost my virginity to one of her friends who, in her own words, "thought I was cute." I still remember her name, Norma. Apparently, that night was also her bachelorette and I was her farewell BANG before tying the knot. At that time being 5'10" and an athletic 165lb I was a very good bachelorette gift for her. My 7" and girthy dick wasn't too bad of a surprise for her either, but I'll share that story another time. It wasn't long after that that my aunt began to invite me over to her place more and more as I was her only nephew and being in my late teens and then early twenties, I was the only one able to keep up with her. At first it was going over for a few drinks with her friends. Then, seeing how I'd done such a good job with Norma, to be one of her friends' dates whenever she would hook up with some guy and her friend had no company. Before long, those dates turned into each of us going to a room in her massive apartment to fuck our respective partners. Then that turned into fucking our dates in the living room in front of each other, effectively having mini orgies. Until, finally, the day came when my aunt invited me over but there was no guy for her or girl for me and she told me, "Gabs," she called me Gabs, "I've been dancing around this for long enough. Aunty needs your cock and you're gonna give it to her." So yeah, having had a massive crush on her for years and being a virile 22-year-old, I stripped completely naked before any other words could come out of her mouth and I started fucking my centerfold looking aunt right there and then. And by centerfold, I truly mean it; 36D tits, a luscious bubble butt forming an almost perfect hourglass figure, and long, wavy auburn hair that contrasted beautifully with her emerald eyes. For three more years I served as my aunt's fuck-toy. Sometimes she'd invite some of her girlfriends to join or she'd pick up a guy and we'd both fuck her at the same time, but It was always me who'd she turned to for a proper lay. Sadly, after those three years, she passed away in a freak sky-diving accident. I'll spare you all the gory details and skip to where I started, which is where I got the money to buy myself some buildings. Seeing how I was her favorite (and only) nephew and how close we were she opted to leave 60% of her estate to me while leaving the remaining 40% to charities. And so, with my newfound fortune, I quickly got to work and hired the same financial investment firm my aunt had hired and put my money to work. I invested in some old buildings on the edge of areas that were quickly becoming gentrified (yes, I'm an asshole gentrificator), renovated them all, and turned some into office spaces and others into apartments. Affordable ones, too, to appeal to younger tenants and up and coming families. And believing so much in my projects I decided to live in one of my buildings, a trendy one closer to the hipper part of town that had an industrial, lofty feel to it. With that we are brought full circle and the, *not again!* thought that ran through my head. You see, the building I live in is a pretty small one. It's a six-story building with three apartments per floor except for the sixth, which is mine and takes up the entirety of the floor. But that's neither here nor there. The point is that the thought crossed my mind because I got a call from my building manager to let me know that one of my tenants on the third floor, Ms. Richards, was late with her rent. Again. For the ninth time in 18 months. I'd done my best to help her out. I had even put her on a payment plan to help her catch up but for the last three months she hadn't paid a cent making the total she owed a whole lot of money. Not to mention what she already owed in the payment plan. I had been indulging in one of my hobbies/side hustles when I got the call. Said hobby/hustle? Taking erotic photography. Well, not really "erotic" per se, it's more... explicit. Really it was porn. I ran a porn studio from my apartment sometimes. Usually amateur stuff. A lot of the models being some of my aunt's old friends that I kept in touch with over the years. But this time, when I got the call, it really just pushed me over the edge of being pissed off. So, I asked Norma, yeah, that Norma, that we'd have to continue some other time while I dealt with some other business. With that I made my way down to the third floor to Ms. Richards apartment while Norma dressed. And seeing how worked up I was I just banged on the door. Not long after Ms. Richards opened the door, "Oh, hello, Mr. Rios! How can I help you today?" Her cheery demeanor caught me off guard and the fact I'd been working before coming down here had me thinking about sex, too, so I couldn't help but take in her amazing figure. At 36, Ms. Richards was very well kempt. She dressed elegantly in a pencil skirt that showcased her wasp-like waist and a silky blue blouse that helped conceal her ample 36D breasts but not all that well as they were still noticeable and enticing. I had to collect myself again and replied, "Good afternoon, Ms. Richards. Listen, I think you know exactly why I'm here," I said assertively, "It's been 3 months!" I blurted out suddenly. I had prepared to come in cool and collected but the thoughts of all the back rent and the payment plan she owed me were beginning to make my blood boil again. But I didn't want a lawsuit on my hands, so I took a deep breath and calmed myself and said, "You owe me three months' rent, now, on top of the payment plan we arranged before. It's really hard, impossible even, to ignore at this point. "At this point we only have a few options," I continued, "You either pay up fully or..." I suddenly became very aware of my camera. In my altered state I hadn't even noticed that I didn't leave my camera back in my apartment and my sight wandered down to it stopping at mid-sentence. "Or what?" she asked, her question suddenly bringing me out of my reverie. "I don't understand what you mean? Perhaps we can talk about it? Please come in," she continued. Her cheery demeanor suddenly unsettling with the thoughts that were running around my mind. As I stepped into her apartment, I had the feeling of floating, not fully in control of my body. And to add to the surreal situation I was also greeted by her 18-year-old daughter, Kayla, who was sitting on the sofa doing homework, I guessed, considering she was still in what appeared to be a private school uniform. I was struck by how similar they both were, Kayla being a younger version of her mother but all in all pretty much the same. "So, Mr. Rios," Ms. Richards spoke up behind me, "what can I help you with?" At that moment all the thoughts I'd been having began to fit together like a jigsaw puzzle that now made sense. My camera, the situation, the mother and daughter. Thoughts of my aunt also coming into view and the plan in my head began to form. "So, here's the deal," I said firmly, my strength and confidence gathered along with my rapidly formulated plan, "I think I've been a pretty good and understanding landlord, don't you think?" I asked rhetorically and I saw her nod in agreement. As she did, I took the opportunity to look around at both mother and daughter, their similarity uncanny. "And I think I've been pretty generous with the payment plan we worked out for you to catch up on your rent. But, Ms. Richards, that payment plan was contingent on you not missing any more rent payments and now you're three months behind *again*," I made sure to emphasize saying "again." I could see the worried look on her face. She knew where this was going, or at least she thought she knew. "So, I have a proposition for you." The worried look on Ms. Richards' face slowly turned to hope at the thought of a proposition, perhaps a new payment plan, she might have considered. So, I continued, "I have another business I run on the side besides owning these buildings. It's a bit of an artistic-type business." Suddenly the whole situation seemed very amusing to me and regardless of the outcome I really wanted to see what would happen next. "To pay off your debt I would like to photograph both you and your daughter," I finished in a straightforward manner. After saying that I saw Ms. Richards' face turn while Kayla didn't seem to have picked up on anything yet. It was like the air had been sucked out of the room for her and she was trying to figure out how to fix the problem. So, before she could object, I continued, "I usually pay my models $750 per session. You do the math, but it'll be a few sessions before you're all paid up." With my proposition now out in the open I studied her expression. It was dread, confusion, but also resignation. And, suddenly, indignation. "Oh my God!" she exclaimed, "are you suggesting that my daughter and I get naked for you to take pictures of us? You want to turn us into porn starlets? Are you sick or something?" she exclaimed incredulously. Maybe she thought that if she feigned indignation I'd reconsider. It was at that moment that the whole thing started to dawn on Kayla, and she asked her mother, "Mom? What does he mean?" Ms. Richards, not knowing what else to say just responded, "It's OK honey. It'll be OK." Looking back at me Ms. Richards tried to gather her courage and, defiantly, said, "This isn't right, you know. I'm well within my rights to I call the cops." Her threat of calling the police made my blood boil again, *who does this lady think she is? SHE'S THE ONE LIVING HERE RENT FREE!* But I kept my cool and I snapped back, more assertively this time, "That's right Ms. Richards, I am suggesting you pose for me, naked. In fact, what you're probably thinking is what I want to see. Both of you completely naked and playing with yourselves. Let's call it, hardcore erotic pictures." The look of shock on both of their faces was priceless to me then but I needed to continue, "And guess what, making porn in this state is perfectly legal. So, go ahead. Call the cops. *I'M* not the one that's squatting in *MY* apartment!" I cringed at my last comment realizing how harsh it had come out. Much harsher than I intended it to be and I immediately regretted it but at the same time I couldn't let it pass, either, so I stood my ground with what I had said. Dejectedly she raised her gaze and looked me in the eye and said, "So what do you want us to do?" The question hung in the air, thick with the tension of the encounter until Kayla cut in, amazed that her mother would even consider it. "Mom! You can't be serious?" "We don't seem to have a choice, honey," she told her daughter. "It's either this or..." the promise of what could be left unspoken. "Please, Mr. Rios!" Kayla begged. "There has to be something else we can do!" she continued to beg; disgust and fear etched on her beautiful face. "Just a few pictures in our underwear and that's it?" Ms. Richards interjected hoping to change the scope of what I'd already told her. At that point I knew it was a done deal and nothing was going to change that, so I ignored her question and told them to stand up. Ms. Richards easily complied but Kayla stayed seated and looked up at her mom, "Stand up, baby. Let's get this over with." And as her daughter stood next to her, I once again noticed the uncanny similarity between both of them. If I hadn't known better, I would have sworn they were sisters, but the mature air with which Ms. Richards carried herself along with the very light crows-feet around her eyes were enough to let someone know she was older. As I eyed mother and daughter side by side, I couldn't help but notice the contrast between their outfits. Mom in her formal business attire of pencil skirt, silk blouse, and heels; daughter in her plaid skirt and white button down. I couldn't help but notice that Kayla's skirt was much shorter than I remembered those skirts being and I couldn't help but leer at her legs. "Let's start with what you're wearing under your clothes," I stated but I could tell that Ms. Richards immediately understood what I meant. "Panties and a bra. That's it," she said, her daughter turning to look at her surprised that she immediately picked up on what I meant. "That won't do," I replied. "Do you own any lingerie?" I asked and I saw her nod understandingly. "Good, why don't you go put that on and we'll wait here. In the meantime, Kayla and I will let some of the natural light in." With her instructions dealt, Ms. Richards headed to her room and pushed the door shut behind her, though not all the way through. Both Kayla and I heard her rustling in there and I spoke up again, "Let's get all these blinds and curtains open, OK?" Kayla moved slowly. It was clear she was uncomfortable, but it was also clear she would do whatever her mom told her to, so she helped me with the setting up of the area. And just as we were finishing up, we heard the door creak slightly making both of us turn towards the sound. Standing there was a stunning vision of a woman. Ms. Richards had opted to stay in her underwear and not put her clothes back on. She had chosen a matching set of black panties and a pushup bra that accentuated her amazing 36D breasts, and all of that accompanied by a pair of black sheer hold-up stockings and 4" stiletto heels. I'm sure that if my camera hadn't been hanging from my shoulder at that moment, I would have dropped it. "Mom!" the sudden shriek from Kayla drew me back to reality. "There is no fucking way I'm putting something like that on! You look like a slut!" An odd air of confidence was emanating from Ms. Richards at that moment. It was like her entire personality had changed. I'm not sure if it happened when she came out of her room or at being called a "slut" by her daughter, but she made her way to where we were standing putting an extra strut to each of her steps. As she stood next to her daughter, with her eyes cast down, I could see a faint smile on her lips as she said, "Now what, Mr. Rios?" Having hesitated slightly at watching her display I needed to assert myself once again and decided to ignore Ms. Richards and I trained my attention to Kayla addressing her statement, "No Kayla, you're not putting something like that on." I turned to her mother then, placed my index finger under her chin and lifted her face to have her look at me and still speaking to Kayla said, "You're going to be sluttier." And I again saw that odd grin on Ms. Richards' face, I could have sworn she was now openly smiling at the situation. Undeterred, however, I continued, "Do you have some long socks or hold-up stockings like the ones your mother is wearing?" She looked straight at her mother. Her odd smile still on her face, I saw the look they exchanged, and Ms. Richards nodded. That is when Kayla turned to look at me and nodded as well. "Go put them on, then," I said, "and hurry. Oh, and Kayla, I wouldn't be upset if you wore heels, either. Your mommy looks so slutty in hers I bet you would too," I finished leering perversely at her. As both Ms. Richards and I watched Kayla make her way to her room I said, in as much a reassuring tone as I could muster, "It'll all be OK, Ms. Richards." And turning back to her, watching her smile, "Who knows, you might even enjoy it." It was at that moment that I knew I had her. Her smile grew wider. She WANTED this. As the realization that Ms. Richards was now going to be mine unconditionally washed over me, we heard the tell-tale click of heels on hardwood and we both turned to admire Kayla coming back to join us. As requested, she had opted for some hold-up white stockings with matching 6" fuck-me pumps that made her appear taller than her mother. Quickly joining her Ms. Richards wrapped a tender arm around her little girl and said, "I'm so sorry, honey. But mommy promises this will be over soon." Then turning back to me she incredulously asked, "So just some pictures in our underwear, Mr. Rios?" I smiled at both of them and ignored the question, the second time she had asked it. The sight of these two sexy women having an irreversible effect on me I reached down and adjusted my now obvious hardon to try to be as comfortable as possible. "I think we can dispense with the niceties at this point, don't you think Ms. Richards, I mean, Dawn?" I asked, knowing her name from her file. "Whatever you say, Mr. Rios," was her quick reply. "Please, call me Gabriel." "OK," she said, licking her lips, making sure I noticed, "Gabriel." "OK, then, why don't you girls start posing over here. Just, do what comes naturally. Act however you feel like." I lifted my camera and started snapping away at both of them as they moved around. Awkwardly at first, not sure as to what they should be doing. But it wasn't long before Ms. Richards, I mean, Dawn started to feel more comfortable and confident and began to take control. She moved around the area, her luscious tits swaying back and forth, and I could see that with each bounce a little more flesh was being exposed. Soon after Kayla followed suit, also moving around, her young, firm tits bouncing in her tied-off button-down shirt. It didn't take long for the mother and daughter duo to begin touching each other, embracing and posing for my camera. "Is that enough, Gabriel?" Dawn suddenly asked but she didn't stop moving and posing. "Are you getting all the pictures you needed?" I noticed then that Kayla was transfixed by her mother's breasts, zooming in with my lens I noticed that Dawn had managed to get the very edge of her areolas to begin to peak out of the cups of her sheer bra. And this didn't seem to escape Dawn, either. "Just a few more," I answered Dawn, though I knew we weren't nearly done and so did she. Noticing how entranced her daughter had become seemed to excite Dawn even more and she began to pull at the straps of her bra, letting one fall and pulling on the other, her nipples peeking here and there. She also began to paw at her daughter's body; lifting her skirt and showing me her bare ass, the string of her thong disappearing between her wonderful cheeks. Inspired by her mother's actions, Kayla returned the favor as she cupped at her mother's breasts, tweaking her nipples, caressing her ass. She half-heartedly asked, "Are you getting good pics? Are we almost done?" but not seeming to care. Noticing an opportunity when I saw one, I quickly turned the camera to video mode hoping I had enough memory available and put on my director's hat. "Dawn? Why don't you tell little Kayla here what you'd like to happen next?" Dancing around, openly fondling each other, mother and daughter suddenly tumbled onto the sofa with Kayla on top of her mom, straddling her to get more comfortable. "Yeah, mommy, why don't you tell me what you'd like to happen now?" Both women were suddenly lost in their lust but still aware of the situation, Dawn turned to the camera and said, "I want my daughter to FUCK me." The emphasis on the word "fuck" was a gut-punch in the air as Kayla dove down to kiss her mother passionately, both of them putting on a show for the camera. All I could think of is how perfect this had all turned out to be and began to move around to get pictures and video from every angle. Without warning, a short moment of self-awareness seemed to have fallen on Kayla as she broke the kiss and began to shake her head, "No. No, no, no! It's incest, mom! What are we doing?" "We're doing what I suspect we've both been wanting to do for a long time, baby," Dawn replied and pulled her daughter back down to kiss her fervently. Hearing the "I" word out loud gave the whole situation a new sensation of forbiddenness; taboo. It also brought on a wave of memories of the times I'd spent with my aunt. She loved saying we were an incestuous couple. Every time she said it, it made everything more... well, more. As the mother and daughter couple did battle with their tongues, I couldn't help but reach down periodically to make sure my cock had enough room to move down my leg while at the same time maintaining focus of the two on the couch. It was then that Kayla once again broke the kiss. "I love you, mom," she said before pulling down the remaining strap of her bra and gulfing her engorged nipple with her lips. Dawn arched her back at the feeling of her daughter's teeth gently nibbling at her hardening buds and her tongue flicking them continuously. Her hands instinctively held Kayla's head and pulled her tighter against her chest. Without warning, Kayla pulled her mother's panties to the side exposing her smooth, bald pussy, her lips flared and glistening from the torrent of juices that leaked from her sex. And in one smooth, effortless motion, Kayla pressed two fingers against her mother's engorged clit, stimulating it in a circular motion before inserting both fingers into the depths of her waiting cunt. "Fuck me, baby!" Dawn screamed at the top of her lungs when she felt her daughter's fingers penetrate her folds. "I'm your mommy slut, now, baby!" All the while I moved around, capturing every moment of this incestuous lust-fest. I zoomed in close to their tongues battling for space, seemingly pushing all the air out of the room. I took close-up shots of Kayla's fingers pistonning in and out of her mother's sopping pussy as she fucked her into orgasm after orgasm. I also pulled back and took shots of both women in the throes of passion, Kayla in her sexy schoolgirl's uniform, Dawn in her sultry lingerie. "Kayla, Dawn, look at the camera. Tell me the truth, how much are you enjoying this?" I asked, genuinely curious. Kayla turned to the camera and said, "I think mommy is really enjoying it," as she renewed her efforts in fucking her mother with her fingers. "Ohhhh, Kayla! Ohhhh! Yes, baby! Finger me! Finger fuck your mother!" Dawn pleaded as she opened her legs wider for her daughter as another orgasm built up. A joyous laugh escaped Kayla, then. Genuine happiness as she enjoyed the moment, reveled in the moment of watching her mommy cum on her hand. And taking advantage of Dawn's exhausted state and Kayla's elatedness, I reached into the scene, my hand suddenly in the shot, and ripped the panties off of Dawn's body. Her quivering pussy and puckered asshole now clearly visible to the camera. "You two...," I said, "...will be fucking superstars!" I exclaimed injecting myself into the narrative. Having done that I trained my camera down to show the tent with which I'd been filming all along and added, "Just look at what you're fucking doing to your director, my wanton sluts?" And I quickly lifted the camera back to the incestuous duo. Suddenly, out of nowhere and in a fit of giggles, Kayla spoke up, "Put it in my mom's mouth." I swiveled the camera to her face; she had plopped down next to her mother who was a trembling mess. She had removed her panties at some point, a detail I missed, and was idly playing with her pussy when she said that. "You want me to what?" "You heard me, DADDY! Put it in my mom's mouth." Kayla had now undone her button down, her braless tits hanging lewdly as she pinched one nipple and fingered her soaked cunny. She had placed an extra level of spice when she said "daddy," and it was all I needed to get going. "Gimme," she then said reaching for my camera. I willingly handed it over as I removed all my clothes and stood naked before these two gorgeous women. Kayla giggled as she continued playing with her pretty pussy while filming and snapping pictures. I slowly approached Dawn; her head lulled to the side as she had come down from her powerful orgasm. Looking at my erect 7" she smiled and licked her lips. It was the only invitation I needed as I pushed my cock past her open mouth and down her throat. After a couple of pumps, I looked over at Kayla who was still filming us and playing with herself and Dawn pulled me out, "Mmmh, yes, Gabriel. Fuck momma's mouth. Make this slut your cock sucking whore!" With that statement a saw a renewed energy in Dawn as she grinned up at me and got on all fours on the sofa, taking hold of me once more and devouring my cock. "Smile big for your fans, mommy," Kayla had gotten on her feet. She had become the director and was now circling Dawn and me as she recorded her wanton mother devouring my cock. I had taken a fistful of her hair and pulled her off to show her drooling smile to the camera before forcing her back onto my dick so I could continue fucking her face. Turning to Kayla I said, "You like watching your mommy be treated like a cheap whore, baby girl? Do you want to be just like mommy one day?" I could see Kayla shiver at my degrading words, and she nodded at me before turning the camera on herself and saying, "Yes, daddy, I do! I want to be just as slutty as mommy is with you!" And with that she handed the camera back to me as she bent over the dining room table and lifted her skirt wiggling her tight little ass at me. "Fuck me, daddy? Please? Fuck my tight little cunt and make me your dirty, teenage cum-slut?!" "Yes, DADDY," was Dawns encouragement, placing extra emphasis on the word *daddy*, "Go fuck her. Fuck my daughter's tight little pussy and make her all yours!" Emboldened and enticed by the young 18-year-old bent over presenting herself to me I pulled away from Dawn and made my way to her. My cock was glistening and dripping from all the drool that her mother had left on me and when I reached her, I couldn't help but tease her a bit. I took hold of my tool and ran the head all the way up the slit from her clit and stopped at her pink, puckered rosebud letting it linger there for a while but not pressing. Kayla trembled at my teasing and looked over her shoulder, "Stop teasing me, Mr. Rios, and just fuck me!" "What happened to 'Daddy,'?" I asked her cheekily. "When you don't fuck your little girl you don't get called, 'daddy,'" was her defiant reply. So, without preamble, I buried my cock into her sheath in one fell swoop causing her to let out a surprised yelp. While all of this was happening, neither of us noticed when Dawn went to her room until we heard the click of her heels grow louder. As both Kayla and I turned to look at her mother we noticed she had lost the remainder of her underwear except for the stockings and was holding a massive 10" dildo. "What?" she asked. "Momma wants loving, too, while you fuck that whore!" With her statement Dawn got on the table next to her daughter and began to tease the massive tool with her soaked pussy making sure it was completely coated with her natural lubricant. All the while I had taken a hold of Kayla's hair in a ponytail and had lifted the camera once more to capture everything that was happening. When Dawn seemed sufficiently satisfied that her dildo was soaked enough both Kayla and I saw as she pushed it past her resisting asshole. Without warning Kayla became very vocal with an animalistic grunt and exclaiming, "Holy shit, mommy! Mr. Rios, daddy, is fucking me sooooo good!" and, "I can't believe that monster fits in your tiny little ass!" "I know, honey, mommy didn't think it would, but I'm just so turned on and horny," was Dawns reply. "Mommy just wants all the cock and pussy she can take!" Not wanting to be left out of the *movie* I added, "You girls fell into this role in a very natural way. From the way you two have been acting it makes me think that it's either not the first time you've fucked each other or..." I paused for effect, "you've been wanting each other for a VERY long time." "I have, daddy," responded Kayla. "Fuck! Fuck me! I've wanted mommy for so long. She's so beautiful and sexy and..." she paused. "Keep fucking me you motherfucker!" "And what, baby?" Dawn asked, gasping as she plowed the massive dildo into her puckered asshole. "And I look like you so much... it was, like, double naughty because it would be fucking my mommy and my sister! God, daddy, fuck me, I'm cumming!" All the dirty talk and confessions were amazing and driving me insane as I could feel my orgasm nearing. Moaning, Dawn moved and replied, "Oh, baby girl. Mommy loves you so much." But not leaving her lust to the side positioned herself in front of her daughter as she pulled her face down to her quivering snatch as she continued to fuck herself with the monster dildo. Not letting anything escape from now on Kayla took hold of the toy and began to fuck her mother's asshole with it. "Oh, yes, Kayla! Fuck mommy! Make mommy your horny lesbian bitch!" Dawn screamed as her convulsing cunt sprayed her juices all over Kayla's face. "Ohhhhh mommy! Fuck, mom! Your pussy tastes so good!" Having her mother cum all over her face had driven Kayla over the edge and she looked over her shoulder at me, "Cum, daddy! I want you to cum for me! Make me your dirty little princess! Make me your cock-craving slut!" Spurred on by her dirty talk I grunted back, "Daddy is so close, baby. Where do you want daddy's cum?" But before she could answer Dawn spoke up, "Cum on her filthy fucking face, Gabriel. I want to clean this little slut up afterwards." Hearing her mother's request Kayla pushed me off and got on her knees. "Yes, daddy, cum on me! Make my whore mother clean me up!" Watching the wanton family before me I jerked my cock over the gorgeously ruined Kayla until my cum exploded all over her. "Fuck yes!" Without missing a beat Dawn got off the table and got on her knees, as well, taking Kayla's face in her hands and began to lick up all the cum that didn't manage to make its way into her mouth. More ropes of my cum continued to spew onto Kayla's face and some hit Dawn as well as mother and daughter devolved into another makeout session in front of me until I couldn't cum anymore. Realizing I was spent, Kayla broke the kiss and took hold of my slowly withering dick and engulfed it with her mouth causing me to jerk involuntarily as her expert tongue slid across my sensitive cockhead but making sure to get every last drop from me. Watching her daughter expertly handle my cock Dawn looked at me and grabbed my camera to point it at her face and said, "So, Mr. Rios. That's one session down. How many more to go?" she asked winking at me as I saw Kayla try to smile with a mouthful of cock. These two were DEFINITELY going to be superstars!
Title: A Almost Perfect Awakening Ch. 50 Tags: beth lost, carly beth, losing hand, carly finally, jim erection, lynn carly, carly left, low hand, beth carly, carly good *A thousand "Thanks!" to Bob from Illinois for his valuable help. **FOREWORD** The following chapter is part of a single novel length story relating a journey of awakenings, discovery and growth involving a small group of people. By clicking on a blue Wm\_Sexspear, you'll be taken to my Profile; at the bottom of the page you'll find a list of all the currently available chapters. THIS SHOULD MAKE IT EASY TO READ THEM ALL, IN SEQUENCE, WHICH IS HEARTILY SUGGESTED so the reader can follow the story line, character development, and catch the inside jokes. Many of these chapters could go into many different categories. For example, in Chapter 1 there's a small amount of male-male sex. A number of ladies have said it turns them on to picture two guys, just like the idea of girl-girl sex is arousing to many males. Yet Chapter 1's purpose is to supply important background regarding the heterosexual development of 2 young men, so I'd hope a totally hetero or gay reader could to relate to and enjoy this chapter. Fan mail, well-intentioned questions, and constructive criticism are welcome; I do my best to respond when an e-mail address is supplied. Hate mail is deleted without being read - life is too short. Thank you. W\_S This story is protected by (c) copyright and may not be duplicated, reprinted, copied or placed on any Internet Website without permission of the author. All rights reserved.* \* \* \* \* \* **Chapter 50: Stripping Away The Layers** *NOTE TO MY READERS: PLEASE READ MY PROFILE. I have messages for my readership posted there about this saga and more. How to read my profile: Click on any blue Wm\_Sexspear, then scroll down the page.* We dug out all the fun food we could find, then made extra ice cubes since we were having company. Munchkin outlined the plan the three girls had worked out for the evening. It was pretty wild; the idea was for Carly to lose her virginity a second time. They'd intentionally kept Jimmy in the dark about Carly and me. He knew nothing about Carly's previous plans to seduce me, or how badly I had wanted her to. So why not keep Carly's DD-Day plan a secret from Jim in case it went SNAFU? Seems the girls were going to "talk" poor, shy, Carly into playing a 'strip poker' type game. Once everyone was naked, they had another much better game in mind...a rigged game. The game within the game was to let Jimmy think he was getting Munchkin's cherry. If we did it right, and kept our mouth's shut, it would be just as exciting for everyone as if he really did. Especially for Jimmy, who would love it! Carly said she was dying to see his penis, not to mention feeling a second boy come inside her. As a bonus, all five of us would get an evening of stripping, groping, and great sex. Only Beth and Lynn really knew all the "details," so even Carly got excited wondering what lay ahead; no pun intended. Our "company" arrived about 15 minutes later. Everyone looked nice. They'd dressed up just a little bit. We carried our treats into the Living Room, there were enough food items that it took several trips to haul everything out, we had enough food for twice our number. While I poured beverages, Carly put on some bouncy country music. Soon we had a nice little party underway. Maybe 20 minutes later, we'd eaten everything in sight, except for some peanuts and popcorn. The girls took our empty dishes to the kitchen in one trip. Coming back into the room, Lynn was saying, " were so blushing! I bet you're the shyest girl in the whole school." "No way, I was just red from some water that was too hot when I showered tonight, I'm honestly not that bad." Carly rejoined defensively. Apparently they'd agreed in the kitchen that it was time for the curtain to go up on their little show. After a bit of "Are not!" "Are to!" type banter between Carly and Lynn, Beth tossed out "So, let her prove she's not the shyest girl in the county, there must be some way." "Larry, find me a deck of cards." Lynn asked. No sooner said, than done; I only had to open an end table drawer beside me to fetch a pack, which I tossed to her. "OK, Carly. We're all good friends here; we've known each other a long time. If you really aren't painfully shy let's play strip poker." Doing a nice little staged gasp, Carly feigned shock rather nicely I thought. Lynn looked at all of us. "Anyone here afraid to play strip poker? I'd like to see you boys lose your clothes; I'm betting you little shits would like to see us lose ours. Is everyone willing to play?" In turn, Lynn looked at Beth, Jimmy, then me. Naturally Beth and I each nodded yes, just not too quickly, as if we had to think a moment before deciding. Not surprisingly Jim took the longest because he was genuinely stunned by the turn of events. Finally, Lynn stared in Carly's direction. Munchkin stared back, then convincingly said "Deal the cards." I side-glanced in Jimmy's direction; I could almost see him drooling. He never said as much, being my best friend and all, but I knew he'd been dying to check out Carly's body for a few years now. Lord knows he'd pestered me enough times to know if I'd ever caught sight of Carly naked. As we gathered in a circle, Lynn put on one of her great, warm smiles. "OK, everyone relax and let's have a little fun. The game is 'Five Card Stud;' all cards face up. Lowest hand has to take off a piece of clothing, no rings or junk like that. If a player loses who has already lost all their clothes, the high hand gets a 'wish' from the loser. The objective of this game is to enjoy ourselves, and to see people we've known a long time get naked." Jimmy lost the first hand and a shirt. Beth lost the second and a shoe. Carly lost the third. There were enough shoes and socks so things were fun, but not very interesting for nearly 10 minutes. When a barefoot Carly lost a hand, she held her head high, stared Lynn in the eye, then removed her blouse. I lost my shirt; then Carly lost again. Carly stood, did a twirl that made her skirt flair, then stopped to stare at Beth as she slowly undid, then removed her skirt. Munchkin was wearing a very form fitting pair of elegant panties with little roses on them. From my vantagepoint across from her, I could clearly see the bulge of her vaginal lips. Dear God she looked sexy. When Carly sat down, it was cross-legged; she didn't make any special attempt to hide her crotch. Slyly, she smiled at Beth who grinned back. "Nicely done, Carly." Beth offered. Fact was, there were smiles all around our circle. Lynn lost three of the next five hands. Her losing streak took her from a "most dressed" standing to only panties and bra...just like my sister. Jimmy lost again, leaving him wearing only his jockey shorts. I lost next leaving me with only my pants. Beth lost; her skirt came off. Not to be outdone by "innocent, little" Carly, Beth removed her garment with considerable sensuality and flair. Things were about heat up...Lynn lost. The plain white bra she was wearing was nothing special, but what was inside certainly was. Holding a cup in each hand, Lynn turned her back, silently asking Carly to unclasp her. After Carly undid the hooks, Lynn slowly lowered the bra by performing a mini-strip tease. As her magnificent bouncy breasts came into view, Lynn gave them a little wiggle. A quite sincere, "WOW" came from Jim and me simultaneously. Losing a hand left me in my briefs. An outline of my semi-erection was easy enough to see. Briefly (pun intended), I faced each girl, before I sat down to a round of applause. The five pathetic cards dealt to Jimmy in the following round determined that that he was about to be the first of us to be totally nude. I think his dick had been rather firm, but probably being the first of us to totally strip had left his wiener thick, but dangling. Amused, I noticed Munchkin was watching Jim's penis as it bounced while he disrobed, I could tell she was becoming fairly excited. What thoughts were going through her head? Was she thinking, "So that's the penis I'm going to have inside my pussy tonight?" Little Munchkin lost the next hand. Standing slowly, she made a good show of acting as if she was putting on a brave front. "OK, boys. I'm guessing you've both wondered about these haven't you?" Facing Jimmy, who had adopted a somewhat sheepish grin, Carly locked eyes with him as she asked Lynn to unhook her. Once free, Carly got directly in front of Jim, lowered her cups so he got an eyeful, then raised them back. Jimmy exhaled loudly enough for us all to hear him clearly. His dick firmed up noticeably. Turning to face me, Carly again coyly lowered then raised her cups. Although it wasn't really my first look, it was easy to say "You are so beautiful Munchkin; your breasts are amazing." and sound totally convincing. Smiling, Carly faced the girls, threw off her bra, then intentionally wiggled her teats at them. The girls applauded her as the three of them giggled uncontrollably. As Lynn picked up the cards and dealt. "I want to see another cock." was directed my way. Damned if she didn't get her wish. My underwear hit the floor. I stuck out bit, but I wasn't fully erect yet. All three girls hooted and hollered! I must've blushed beet red; my face sure felt extra warm. Losing the next hand, Lynn stood up proudly. Pausing a few moments for dramatic effect, Lynn worked her panties down until they hit the floor. I didn't say a word; my penis spoke for me. By the time her panties fell off, I was sticking out for all the world to see. "Carly, I think your brother is happy to see me." Beth and Carly laughed their tails off, at my expense. Teasing me further, Lynn made an eye contact that didn't help my situation any. If I read her expression correctly, her look promised that my erection would find it's way inside her body before the night was over. It was all I could do to keep from jumping her that very moment. Jimmy's penis perked up a bit as well, but not quite as much. Despite Lynn's show, I kept seeing his eyes dart to the dark area just visible between Carly's partially parted legs. On my deal, Carly finally lost her panties. Standing, she gave the same slow, teasing, disrobing ceremony that Lynn had. Jimmy not only got hard as steel, his penis began show clear droplets. "Lynn, I think YOUR brother is pretty happy to see me too." Carly teased. Jimmy blushed, but his erection still waved unabashedly. "Jesus, Carly, you have a fantastic body." Jimmy rasped. "I'll second that vote." I added. Carly made a little bow from the waist, which made her teats swing and jiggle seductively before she sat again. "Thank you boys, I'd say your 'hardware' is mighty nice as well." Finally, Beth lost her bra on the next hand. Cheering and applause greeted her unveiling. Her long nipples stuck way out, yummm! Pretending this was my first look, I said what was honestly on my mind. "Beth your nipples are absolutely amazing, they're incredibly sexy." Once the cards were dealt yet again, Beth won with the highest hand, while my so-called hand was the worst of the bunch. With me being naked already, Beth got a 'wish'. "Larry, I want a sexy kiss from you for the nice thing you said about my nipples." Boy was I happy to comply. Reaching her in a flash, I avidly kissed her. "No, no, no. That was nice, but I want some tongue with my kiss." she demanded. Leaning back in to give Beth a polite kiss, she threw her arms around my back, pulling me against her. My body felt warm breasts and those wonderful nipples push into my chest. Her body felt my hot shaft pulsing against her belly. Apparently Beth and I got into it pretty good. We when broke our kiss, the group was howling and cheering. Trying to appear nonchalant, I sat back in my place, but my penis was now drooling, and bouncing to my heart beat. The look I caught from Carly sent shivers down my spine. I swore I heard her thinking, "Just wait until later!" Carly had the next high hand; I had low hand again! Looking like the cat that ate the canary, Carly remarked, "Well, well, well. Now I get to say something I've wanted to on more than one occasion." Amid a circle of puzzled expressions, Munchkin got on all fours then turned her butt around until I had a perfect view of her buns and pink slit. "Dear big brother, please kiss my ass!" Her timing and delivery were perfect! We all burst out laughing. It was a full minute before the howling even began to subside. Lynn had tears streaming down her face. Beth, Jim, and I were gasping for breath. When I was finally subdued enough to do it, I crawled forward towards Carly's luscious butt. Leaning in, I kissed one cheek, then the other, back and forth. I worked my way from the top of her cheeks downward. Under the heading of 'the devil made me do it,' (and Lord knows I wanted to), I pulled back a couple inches. Sticking my tongue all the way out, I flattened it. The other's could see what was coming, but not Carly. Diving in, I gave Carly's vaginal slit a big "slurp" the length of her gash. Taken completely by surprise, Carly let out a shriek. More laughter ensued. "I'd be ticked at you big brother, if it hadn't felt so damned good." a slightly shaken Carly demurred. What she said was funny as hell, however, our group was getting incredibly turned on, so the laughter was short lived. "Deal the cards. I want to see Beth's pussy." I said sincerely as I was becoming increasingly aroused. Damn if Beth didn't escape again, but Lynn's 'win' and Carly's 'loss' promised to be an interesting alternative! "Carly, you can say no if you'd prefer, and no one will tease you. Honest. I'd like you to kiss me the way your brother just kissed my sister. "Momentarily Carly froze, but finally stood facing Lynn. Slowly, sensuously, Lynn rose to her feet. Reaching out, they hugged. It looked so sexy seeing their breasts meet, then bulge at the sides as the girls pressed together. We observers could see their mouths open; their faces gradually draw together. When Lynn's tongue snaked into Carly's mouth, it began to swirl and probe. With their fronts pressed together as tightly as possible, the kiss continued. Five people were panting when the kiss finally ended a minute later. Carly looked a bit wobbly to me when she finally sat down. Lynn turned to her sister. "Beth, stand up, take off your panties and show your pretty pussy to the boys." I have another game we can play, and I'm starting to think you'll never lose them at the rate we're going. My favorite exhibitionist needed no further prompting; happily Beth stood. Turning so her pussy was square in my face, Beth eagerly lowered her panties until her exposed shaved slit was no more than three inches from my mouth. "Too bad I don't get a wish Larry, or I'd have you kiss my ass EXACTLY the way you did for your sister." "Oooooooohhh, damn!" I groaned. My dick was whipping around like a puppy's tail. Suddenly, Beth spun, pushing her pussy close to Jim's face. "Did you want a good look little brother?" she asked coyly. Jimmy groaned; his penis waved around like a 4th of July sparkler in a kid's hand. Certainly, I liked the view I now had of her bare behind. Yummmm! Eventually I thought to look towards Carly. Yep! Her eyes were drinking in Jim's proudly prancing penis. Completely unaware that Lynn had left the circle, I at least noticed she was coming back from the Dining Room with a brown paper bag, plus a spiral notepad. Rejoining our circle, she furiously scribbled away in the note pad while the rest of us quenched our thirst. It seemed that by having so much wonderful bare flesh to ogle, no one got impatient while Lynn pretended to add to her list. When the busy pencil at last stopped writing, Lynn had our undivided attention. "All right gang...I'd hoped our little party might lead us to where we are, but if anyone feels they don't want to go any further, speak now or forever hold your own piece." A couple of nervous chuckles acknowledged Lynn's 'punny' remark, yet no one moved. "Here I have a bag with 75 Bingo balls from the game closet. I have a numbered list of challenges; one list for the boys and one for the girls. We'll deal the cards same as before, but the low hand has to take a number, then complete their challenge. Anyone chickening out of a task will never be able to 'play cards' with the rest of us again. Some of the assignments are pretty 'advanced'. So, LAST chance to dress and leave." Lynn is so totally cool I thought to myself. Of us five, only Jimmy didn't know that Carly was staying for sure. After an appropriate pause, Lynn handed the cards to Carly, saying, "Deal 'em former shy girl." Flashing a big grin, Carly proceeded to shuffle and deal. What Jimmy didn't know was the game was rigged. Lynn did have a notepad. The pad did list a lot of sexy ideas she'd come up with. However, Lynn and Beth figured Jim would be too busy lusting after Carly to notice that Lynn would be just telling people to do whatever she wanted them to. Since this entire "game" was her idea, she got to be the Puppet Master. For the rest of this scam, Lynn could instantly compel us to perform any erotic whim she had. We were about to become her personal, romantic robots. As if sitting naked in a circle with my sister and all my childhood friends wasn't erotic enough, knowing we were all about to be Lynn's private players in her real-time fantasy had my pulse pounding like a kettledrum. Lynn lost the first hand. "I drew I-23" she announced. Following a show of consulting her notepad, "I have to play with the boy on my right for thirty seconds." Lynn flashed a lusty grin in my direction. Inside, I was smiling big time. If I was her first victim, it was because she WANTED to get her hands on me. [God I love this girl!] For sure brain, for absolutely sure. Darting to Carly's face, my eyes tried to gauge her reaction as Lynn reached into my lap. Oh, God! Having Lynn's fingers grip my erection was so very welcome. My penis bounced each time she touched me. Seconds ticked by; her hand ran all around my equipment. She lifted my testicles, felt my sac, then ran her fingertips up and down my throbbing shaft. "Time." called out Beth. [Damn!] Yeah brain, got that right. To my great relief, Carly appeared fascinated, but not jealous, just very interested. It seemed to me that she was feeling the same awe I'd felt that first time Beth and Jim had engaged in foreplay while I observed. Jim was 'the loser' next. He drew G-56. "Play with the breasts of the girl on your right - 30 seconds." Lynn 'read' from her book. Like a drunken sailor, Jim beamed. Reaching for Munchkin's chest, he suddenly stopped. "Are you OK with this?" Taking Jim's suspended hand, Carly placed it onto her left breast. They both sighed. Jim fondled her sexy, fleshy cone. After a few solid caresses, his hand moved onto Carly's right teat. Poor guy was just getting a good fondle going when Beth called "Time." Jim got in a few extra seconds before Beth pinched his butt for cheating. Carly truly did look a little shy at that point, her head was slightly lowered, her face was flushed, but she was still glancing often at Jim's erection. I felt flattered that she didn't completely ignore my boner, which was usually pointed straight at her. As the next 'low' man "I-18" got me. "Play with the first two girls on your right at the same time - 45 seconds." I motioned for Carly to sit beside me. Smiling broadly, Munchkin sat close enough to assure me easy access to her puffy vulva. Happy as clam, I reached between both Beth's and Carly's legs at the same time. Keeping my fingers close together, I massaged their engorged lips with a gentle circular motion. Both girls were a tiny bit damp when I began; both were far moister when Lynn called time. When Lynn lost a hand, she declared the "B-2" she drew was "Stroke each boy for 30 seconds." She crawled like a cat across to Jim. Grabbing his cock, she pumped furiously until Beth sang out "Time." Slinking over to me, Lynn raised her butt into the air; Carly must have had a face full of Lynn's pussy. Bending her face close to my groin before grabbing my shaft, Lynn rapidly pumped my erection. Immediately I felt my balls tighten. My shaft soon glistened from the seminal fluid Lynn had spread from tip to base. "Time." Carly called. Looking extremely pleased with herself and her results, Lynn sat back on my left where she'd been all evening. A losing hand resulted in Carly drawing "N-34." "French each boy while you play with his cock." Moving to Jimmy first, Carly rose on her knees then leaned forward, mouth opening, to kiss Jim. The way it was bouncing around, Munchkin had trouble capturing his erratic erection. Seeing her hand pumping his shaft like a champ while her pink tongue darted into Jimmy's mouth, caused my cock to also do a bit of a 'Fox Trot.' My sister's butt looked so edible, uuuuumm; I could scarcely wait for my turn. Now Carly was the one to cheat a bit when "Time" was called. Being patient wasn't easy, but I did my best. At last Carly was walking on her knees towards me. Her bare breasts swayed so invitingly, I could've jumped on her then and there. Damn but Carly was good, she hesitated if it was the first time we'd done anything like this. Pulling out all the stops, my little sibling actress even asked, "Is this OK with you? Do you want to BIG brother?" As soon as I smiled, her fingers curled around my grateful penis; her strokes and tongue had a nice rhythm. It was sheer joy; I wished we had an hour. [You will, later.] Thanks for reminding me brain. "Time...and then some." Beth softly advised us. We'd run over, the others got caught up in watching my sister and me making out for the first time. Breathing pretty deeply now, we settled back into our places. Finally getting a low hand, Beth pulled "B-8," which Lynn appropriately enough decided to be "Suck each boy for 30 seconds." "I better start with Jimmy. 'Sugar' there, still looks so turned on he might explode." Beth teased me with one of her best evil grins. Munchkin's eyes bugged as she watched Beth slowly take her own brother's erection into her mouth, then suck him hard enough that her cheeks caved in. After losing her cherry this morning, Munchkin and I had engaged in incest all day. However, seeing another girl suck her brother before her eyes was still pretty heady stuff for a less than worldly young Carly. Awestruck, she never took her eyes off Jimmy's wet penis, not even when Beth slid over to take me into her mouth. When Jimmy drew the low hand next deal, he pulled "I-17" from the well-worn bag. Pretending to match 17 to a list item, Lynn declared, "I'm bending the rules a bit here. Instead of just Jimmy having to finger each girl for a minute, let's have both boys do it. Any objections?" Considering I nearly had my finger into Lynn before she finished speaking, she was able to safely assume that I certainly didn't mind. Jimmy had Beth get on all fours to finger her. For no particular reason, I had Lynn lay her back against my left side. She spread herself wide giving me easy access to her pussy, Munchkin had a perfect view of my middle finger working in and out of Lynn's slippery vagina while she awaited her turn. Guess Jim and I were both saving my sister for later. Carly finally spoke up. "Time, I hate to interrupt, but if I don't, I won't get in on the action." She drew some mild giggles, but we were all starting to get remarkably aroused. When I moved from Lynn to Carly, Jim left Beth for Lynn. As I'd done with Lynn, I guided Carly into leaning back against my torso. Apparently eager for attention, her legs spread well ahead of my reaching for her. Munchkin's head lolled back, mouth open; my finger easily wormed into her tight pussy. I couldn't resist kissing her face or nipping around her mouth as I fingered her. Altered breathing patterns betrayed her rising excitement. Recalling how turned on I'd been when I'd first watched Lynn, Beth, and Jimmy engaging in sex play, my guess was that Carly probably needed to come soon. Carly's eyes were glassy by the 'time' we had to stop. By the time Jimmy took over from me, Carly was as limp as a sack of potatoes. He laid her head in his lap. Turning her face, Carly discovered she had a very close up view of Jim's jutting erection. Pulling her legs open still wider, Jim slid a swirling finger into Carly. A serene smile made it plain to all that she was thrilled to feel our lifelong friend exploring her insides. Wasting nary a moment, I began kissing Beth while sliding my finger in and out of her slippery pussy. Both girls made wet squishing sounds as our fingers probed them. Suspecting Munchkin's critical condition, Lynn crawled over to whisper, "Don't stop until she comes. I'd say she really needs it." into Jim's ear. Jimmy nodded. Crawling on until she reached Carly's left side, Lynn placed Jim's free left hand on Munchkin's right breast, encouraging him to fondle it. Carly moaned! Her hips were undulating; rising to meet Jim's hand. He slid a second finger into the sweet, juicy pussy he was stimulating. Munchkin was already emitting a steady, low moan when Lynn leaned down far enough to avidly suck Carly's left teat. Running her hands all over Carly's body, Lynn did everything possible to push Carly over the edge. "OOOOoooooohhhh, yyyeeessssssssss!" Carly's unblinking eyes stayed glued to Jim's erection, but her hips bucked wildly. Experiencing the climax her body had demanded, Munchkin had a glorious orgasm as two people made love to her body. It took my sister a long time to rejoin our group. Meanwhile, from watching Carly get off, Beth was ready to pop. Slipping three fingers into Beth, I French kissed her the best I knew how. When Beth heard Munchkin come, she only lasted a few measly seconds longer. Rocking her hips against my hand, her tongue slid into my mouth. Damn; it felt incredible holding sexy Beth against my body as she came. Beyond a doubt I was going to need some serious relief soon myself. Rejoining the living: Carly and Beth finally sat up and our circle reformed. It was plain to see the group was dying to know what came next. \* \* \* \* \* *Please vote if you enjoyed my story. This journey continues with Chapter 51*
Title: The Wizard Sleeps by C Doe Tags: F/F, Lactation, Lesbian, Pregnancy The Wizard Sleeps Part three By Chali Doe (I dont know Mommy. I was tossed down that hole on my first day in this place for what I did to the wizard.) Joseys unborn child thought, her mother hearing those thoughts as if someone was speaking inside her head. Josey breifly wondered why this formerly thirty year old woman, taken prisoner inside the Wizards online sim, transformed first into an anime style bunny girl, then into a tentacle rape monster and finnaly into the child Josey was carrying inside her womb, had latched onto Josey so quickly as a parent figure. Then realized how stupid that was when her own formerly male mind had been changed to a degree that reminded her of other mother figures she had met in her life. It probably stood to reason that everyone trapped in here has had their minds messed around with a bit. "Well would you have any idea how many people are in here then?" Josey asked as she walked down the tunnel, vulpine ears constantly swivelling on her head in search for danger. (Sorry mommy but you know as much as I do about this place.) Josey sighed, she would have much rather stayed in the cavern where she had been impregnated but the child in her womb had some pretty scary things to say about the things that lived in the water there. Josey just decided to be thankful that the little girl had known of hidden way out of there and hope that what was out here in the tunnels of the wizards caves wasnt as bad or could be out run. (I dont think, he'll be bothering us much though mommy. He lost interest in me pretty quickly after he punished me by turning me into that plant monster. And he didnt seem to me like the kind of guy to have an interest for carrying mothers.) The little voice pipped up hopefully, then in a much more solemn tone. (I dont know about any of these other people that live here though mommy, so please be really careful, kay?) "Dont worry little girl, your mommy knows her stuff when it comes to sims. I wont let anyone hurt either of us." Josey said, smiling reasuringly even though the little girl couldnt see it. God Im going to have think of a name for her, Josey decided, little girl is going to get old fast. (I do know you cant die in here though no matter what you do. People must just regenerate if their sim bodys die because some of the people who fell down the hole into my cavern fell down again later after iÕd...) The childs voice choked up a little bit and Josey put one hand on her furred belly. "There there little one, dont let it get to you. Dont even think about it. Your not that thing anymore, your my little partner in getting the hell out of here." She said softly and reassuringly. She could hear her sobbing quietly but she didnt know what else to say. Her head shot up when she heard the sound of something wailing in agony from the tunnel to her right. She recognized it as sounding like that minataur that had given chase to her last night when she had first arrived in this place. She made a mental note to avoid that tunnel. Several minutes later down the tunnel that had been to her left she rounded a corner and saw something that she really had not expected. Spilling forth from a side tunnel was the dancing light of a torch or open flame of some sort. Until now she had relied on the dim illumination of the glowing fungi scattered around the walls for getting around. It actually hurt her eyes for a second looking at that little bit of light. She flattened her back against the wall and listened. Much to her credit Joseys child kept quiet, not wanting to distract her mommy at the wrong time. After a few minutes Josey heard the sound of some ones soft mumbling. Another ten minutes later she began to make it out as some sort of nursery rhyme. Curiosity winning out over her fear of being seen she began to edge towards the entrance to this little cave. Another few minutes of listening didn't help her learn anything except that the voice sounded feminine and hollow. Hollow, like someone who was beyond sadness and just starting to settle into complete hopelesness. She considered her options for a while then decided to risk a realy quick peek around the corner into the cave. First peek didn't tell her much, the fire burned her eyes. Second peek, she saw a person sitting down in front of the fire with her back to the entrance, before quickly withdrawing again. Third peek was much slower than the other two. She slowly edged herself a step forward and cast her gaze around the room this female was in while keeping one eye on her. When she saw no one else she fixed her attention on her. She was the one who was humming the nursery rhyme. Josey still didnt recognize it except that it was a nursery rhyme. The woman seemed to be like Josey, mostly woman with some added features like fur and a tail and muzzle. Except where Josey was a vixen this woman appeared to be a mouse. Josey saw a small pile of fire wood sitting next to the small fire pit the mouse lady had made out of stones, Looking up Josey saw the smoke rose up into a natarul crevice in the ceiling and dissapered somewhere. Other then that Josey noticed the mouse/woman only had a few posesions. A blanket that lay spread out against one wall, what looked like a zippo lighter that sat beside the kindling pile, and last but not least a weathered looking little book and a few pens that sat just out of arms reach. Josey couldn't smell much because of the fire but she was pretty sure... Josey wrinkled her nose and stepped back a bit, staring at the muzzle between her eyes as if seeing it for the first time. She'd been so caught up in everything that'd happened over the past few days it practically was the first time she noticed it. She took another experimental sniff. It seemed to work like one would expect a nose too, wasn't all that much different from her old one either except that it picked up much subtler scents and actually seemed to be able to sort out conflicting ones. She heard the mumbling stop and looked up, afraid the mouse girl had noticed her while she had been distracted. At first it didnt seem so, but then she saw the mouse girls back heave a little bit and heard the sound of sobbing. "Just do it. Just get it over with." The mouse girl whispered, so quietly Josey only barely heard her. Josey remained stock still, afraid to make a single sound. "I know your there, so just... just.." The mouse girl broke down fully, crying quietly as she just sat there. Waiting for something. In a single flash of insight Josey suddenly knew what for. "Its allright." Josey said softly. Taking a single step into the chamber but staying ready to flee. "Im not here to rape you." The mouse's sobbing ceased quickly and her ears flicked back. Shakilly, the girl darted a glance over her shoulder. When she saw Josey standing there she suddenly looked very confused. "Its allright. Im not going to hurt you." Josey said, talking like she would to a scared child. The mouse girl stared back at her blankly for a good minute, her face contorting back and forth between confusion and... Josey stiffled a shriek when the mouse girl launched herself at her. She tried to do something but only succeded in raising her hands in front of her impotently before the mouse crossed the space between them and wrapped her arms around the fox woman. She was crying. ...Joy. Josey, not knowing what else to do, held the mouse girl to her bosom. Which was about how high the mouse girls head came, her head pressed into Joseys chest as she squeezed Josey like she was afraid to let go. Josey put one arm around the mouse girls shoulders and gently stroked the girls short blonde hair with her other hand. "There there, its allright." Josey said softly, not knowing what else to do. \*\*\* Her name was Jake. Josey winced as she heard the mouse girl say that. And she had seen the same damn maintenance underpass Joseph had seen in the fire walls software and exploited it to get into the wizards systems. She realized now it had to be a trap. The Wizard would have known after Jake got in how he had done it and if he'd wanted to it could have been fixed easily enough. But it hadn't been, and Joseph dumb fucking teenage hacker he was, had gotten caught in the Wizards trap. Jake didn't know how long she had been in here. Down here where there was no sun all she had to go by to judge time was the time in between the minnataurs 'hunts'. According to Jake the minnataur had been a person too. But he was from what Jake figured a rather slow and dim witted person. Thus the wizard left him here in the entrance to his domain and altered his mind subtly to leave nothing but an urge to dominate every female he came across. When Josey asked how she knew this Jake had just stared back for a few seconds before breaking down into tears. "Because Ive been down here so long." Jake managed to choke out after she'd gotten a hold of herself. "Ive been down here so long and seen him so many times that I've been able to piece his stories together from his rambling." She sniffed and hugged her knees to her chest. We were both sitting beside the fire. "Som.. sometimes I watch him while he sleeps.. and listen to him. Other times he.. he mumbles while he rapes... mm.." The mouse girl bit down on her lip and buried her head in her knees. Josey got a bit worried while she rocked herself back and forth, her incisors looked like they could cause a bit of damage. Josey realized how baseless that concern was after a second. Jake had told her about some of the times when she had been raped to death, and just like Joseys little girl had said she'd respawned after each time, whole again. (Wouldnt that have worked for you?) I asked her. I was getting the hang of this thought message stuff enough to not need to actually speak the words. (I tried it mommy, twice. I came back as the tentacle monster both times. But I think I've got it figured out now! I think that if you change your physical body then the system has to adapt your profile for that new body and then when you die it respawns you back to your new one... I think..) Josey was satisfied with that answer, she realized also that if it hadnt been for her meeting this little girl she might have tried the suicide way out a couple times herself. As it was now she didnt dare even think about it lest she lose her. \*\*\* The hours passed by as they exchanged information and wept from time to time as the urge hit them. Jake had started keeping records after some time, using a note book he had found in the forest above during a breif excursion one night that he had no intention of ever repeating. According to the anthro mouse, anthro being the word Jake used to describe the way his body was built, there was just four people in the cave at the moment. Me, him, my little girl and the minnataur. Jake said that everyone comes here at first, but that once they get broken to the wizards will they get taken out by him into the forest above the cave and from there to god only knows where. He had recorded this happening at least seventy two times! Jake believed that the reason he had been left behind in this cave was to serve as a lesson to some of the other inhabitants. Obey your ruler or be left here, forever. She pondered this as she sat by the fire. The wizard obviously had control over the entire world they lived in but he seemed to allow the inhabitants a certaind degree of power. Some of them like Jake and the minnataur she guessed had not been taken from the cave because they just couldnt amuse him. Jake on one hand didnt seem to do anything but fall deeper into depression and wait for the next time the minnataur would come calling and if the minnataur was a bit slow it was obvious the wizard wouldnt find much use for him with as many other servants as he seemed to have. Her girls hunch seemed right to Josey. The wizard didnt seem to get in on the more extreme stuff himself, using it more as a punishment, and if that was true it might mean that Joseys present status as pregnant was what had made him lose interest in her after that first night. She was jolted out of her musing by a soft kick on the inside of her stomach. She sighed softly. (Hungry?) She asked. She got a giggle as a reply. (Hungry!) Josey grinned and went to milk herself off a bit before she stopped herself. She was hesitant to breast feed like this in front of Jake, but what choice did she have? Eventually common sense won out over old ways of thinking. She needed food, why should she be embarrased about getting food for her child when their was nothing else available? Gently she pushed one of her plump breasts up and licked her nipple once, shuddering in guilty pleasure at the feeling of her own tongue on sensitive flesh. She began suckling, closing her eyes softly and enjoying both the taste and sensation of being milked. After switching over to the other breast she noticed Jake watching her in confusion. Josey wondered what she must look like to the mouse girl and felt a brief flash of anger cross her mind. "What?" She asked a bit crossly as she stopped her feeding to look up at the mouse girl. Jake for her part seemed to shrink into herself a bit, her ears plastering to her skull. "Iim.. I. Im sorry.." She stuttered,trying to look as small as she could. Josey felt instantly guilty and tried to soften her expression as best she could. "No, no. Im sorry for snapping, its just this is the only way for me to feed myself and my babe and.. well I used to be a guy, like you, and im still kinda uneasy about what I am now." She realized now that she thought of it that their must be some sort of glitch in in the program that was keeping her breasts at the same size no matter how much she needed to feed her developing child or herself. Jake nodded at this and tried to look apologetic herself. Laying her chin down on top of her knees and forcing herself to stare down at the ground instead of watching while Josey fed. It was then she noticed how thin Jake seemed to be. She wondered suddenly if the mouse girl had eaten anything recently. Wondered if maybe the mouse starved to death from time to time. She looked down at one of her firm breasts and weighed it in her hand. She looked back up at the mouse girl and then went over to sit beside her. The mouse girl looked up at her as though afraid she was about to be beaten but didnt move. "Jake? Are you hungry? When was the last time you ate?" The fox woman asked her minute companion. "I cant remember." The mouse girl whispered. She was looking up into Joseys eyes, trying to figure out where she was going with this line of questioning when Josey turned so that her chest was facing her. Jake suddenly noticed the giant mammarys in his face, noticed how much larger they were than his or any he had seen in real life and turned his head away shyly. Josey smilled, and used one finger to pull Jakes muzzle back towards her. "Then maybe you should get something in you now while you have the chance." She said. Jakes face was an interesting study of contrasts. At once it had the look of starved creature finding a somptous steak and the next it looked so embarrased that Josey was surprised he didnt blush straight through the white fur covering his body. Considering the place they were in Jake must have been an incredibly shy person to be this out of sorts about some thing like this. Hunger won out. It was just too much for the mouse girl to bear. Before she could stop herself she was sitting on the fox womans lap, drinking like a child from her mothers breasts. Josey for her part found herself embarrased as well when she found out she might actually enjoy being a mother. Jakes thirst was pretty hard to sate. Josey didnt know how long she sat with the mouse girl in her lap, enjoying the wet tongue on her sensitive nipples. After a while she began stroking the mouse girls fur as she fed, starting first with the fur on her back, then as her mind just settled into the comfortable sensation of breast feeding her hand began to wander and her mind with it. Suddenly the mouse girl stopped moving completly and she looked down to see what was wrong. She didnt notice it at first but after a few seconds she caught herself and her hand shot off of Jakes right breast as though it was hot to touch. She had started fondling the mouse girls breasts and hadnt even realized she had been doing it! She waited for Jake to get angry with her, asking herself how the hell that had happened when she heard the mouse moan something almost inaudibly. She didnt trust her ears at all, because it had almost sounded like she had asked her not to stop. "What was that?" She asked. Jake just replied by putting her own paw like hand ontop of Joseys and lifting it back up to her breast slowly. When Josey just looked down at her in shock Jake spoke up. "That.. feels good." The mouse girl whispered. And Josey suddenly got where the mouse girl was coming from. All the mouse girl had experienced since having her sex changed was nothing but brutal merciless rape. The soft pleasurable fondling was something she hadnt known about until Josey had come along. Slowly, almost reluctantly she began massaging that small pert breast. Then as the mouse girl began feeding again instead of objecting she slowly grew more confident in her minstrations. \*\*\* She wasnt sure at what point the feeding had stopped and the soft fondling had become more open. Nor how it was that her muzzle had come to be buried between the mouse girls legs. But she did know that A. Jake or Jakie as she wanted to be called now tasted better than anything she could have imagined before coming here and B. some of her past sexuality was still left inside this female body, she just hadnt known how to express it until now. They coupled in a way only two females can at least twice more, and Jakie even ventured to taste the nectar between Joseys legs herself. That had worried Josey for a second before her little girl had just giggled something about it being allright and that it wouldnt hurt either of them none. Jakie was as much a changed person now as Josey. The slow intimate love making seemed to strip away what must have been months, maybe even years, of rape and abuse off of the poor girls soul. Leaving behind a person no longer ruled by fear and despair. A person who knew more than twenty different places in the cave where they would never be found, but had been so locked in hopelessness she had never thought to use them. The two of them walked down the tunnel, holding each others hand and pausing occasionally to listen to the sounds of the tunnels. Their may only be four living souls in the cave but both Jakie and Jamie agreed that there were programs designed to emulate vicious monsters in here as well. Josey smilled as she rubbed her belly. Jamie, she just liked that name. It just felt right for the three of them to share something and the little girl inside her agreed whole heartedly. (Not much longer now mommy.) Jamie said when they reached one of the small hidden caves. Josey had already pulled Jakie into a soft hug and grinned before leaning down to lick her mousy lover on the nose. She said as she kissed Jakie longingly, their tongues embracing each others as their hands explored the digital bodys the Wizards systems had replaced their normal bodys with. Jamie just giggled. She was going to be a damn cute little thing when she was born, Josey thought.
Title: How My Life Changed Tags: nancy broke, home cathy, dave sex, nancy sitting, cathy big, considerable amount, pool jacuzzi, rent room, told found, nancy wanted My name is Nichole and I’m twenty-nine years old. What happened in the last year has changed my life completely. I’m a fairly descent looking woman ; I worked at a company that had a great gym where all employees worked out on a daily basis. I was really into it; I’m 5’ 6” tall and 110#‘s with shoulder length dirty blond hair and gray eyes; also my breasts aren’t the biggest in the world at 36 B, but they are firm and they stick straight out with large, proud nipples. My best features are my butt and my shapely, slender legs. Overall, I am very proud of my firm body, I also know how to wear the right (hot) clothes to show off what I have, more for myself than others. I‘m married to a great guy, but am I in love with him? I never could answer that question even after being married for five years. I think I got married Dave for the fact that I just didn’t like coming home to an empty apartment; plus Dave was a real nice guy, and I was reasonably content, or thought that I was. Between my job that paid very well, and Dave’s business, he was an electrician, I should say, an electrical contractor, plus the money that we had saved before we got married, we bought a great house with five acres of land surrounding it, four bedrooms plus a gym room. . We really fixed it up and put in an in-ground pool with a Jacuzzi spa. The pool and spa was my idea because I loved the idea of lying in the sun naked, especially since we now have all this privacy. Sunbathing nude to me is very sensual as I feel the heat of the sun caress my entire body and it gets me very sexually aroused; even when I was very young, at the beach where I would wear nothing more than a skimpy string bikini, I would look for a somewhat secluded are so that I could grind my pussy into the hot sand under my blanket and get myself off; the thought that someone might be watching me, and realized what I was doing, would excite me even more. When I wasn’t working, I would also spend my time taking care of the house, as well as our pets. We had a variety of animals including two beautiful golden retrievers, two cats and two horses). I really loved all animals, but I think that what I really liked about them was their total lack of inhibitions when it came to having sex, any time and any where. I have to admit, maybe I’m a pervert but it would really turn me on watching my horses or my dogs having sex. All the pets were male and female, like on Noah’s ark;. also they had pedigrees. I thought since we had the land that at some time I would like to go into the breeding business. Dave’s work often kept him out late, but I knew he wasn’t the type to chase women so I never worried, plus Dave really wasn’t into sex like some guys are, or claim they are; we had sex only a couple of times a week. I was very sexual, no, not a nymphomaniac, but from childhood, I mean very, very young, I needed sexual fulfillment a few times a day. I learned to satisfy and pleasure myself to fantastic orgasms. I had only four men before Dave in my sex life, but like Dave none of them ever gave me an orgasm; when the man left, I would take care of myself until I was completely sexually content, or in Dave‘s case, as soon as he fell asleep.. Even at my work I would go to the ladies room at least twice a day, knowing when no one else was in there and I would make myself cum at least a couple of times. It was a small office with three other women, but they were all much older and I don’t think that they ever suspected anything. Oversexed? I don’t think so. I think a lot of women are just like me, but most of them will not admit it, or won’t even admit it to themselves, thinking that they be sluts. Then I got pregnant. We were happy about it, but we just wanted to only have one. I kept working as if I weren’t pregnant, worked out in the gym the same way; I just didn’t want to let myself go and become, well like some women that use their pregnancy an excuse for getting fat. I gained very little and other than my breasts, I didn’t look pregnant at all. Then in my seventh month Dave got a chance to go overseas on a five year contract that would put him way ahead financially of where he was now, which was better than most, but he was ambitious. I gave him my approval and off he went and off he went with his entire crew to Iraq. After a month I started getting that lonely feeling again, even with the animals I still needed someone to talk to. Then I did something stupid, I went for a hors-back ride and on the way back to the stable, Storm, my horse, took a leap and I lifted me out of the saddle and I came back down hard and fell to the ground. I knew immediately that I had hurt myself and as soon as I could, I went to the hospital. I delivered a dead baby. I was depressed so I decided not to go back to work for a while. My sexual need had kind of diminished for a few weeks after losing the baby, I think it was mostly from depression, but then it came back stronger than ever, I was masturbating three or four times a day, just like when I was a kid. I knew it was from being alone and being depressed. I decided to see if I could get anyone to rent a room. I realized that I needed someone around to talk to; as it was I was talking to all of the animals. I ran an ad in the city paper, describing the house and the amenities and waited for the phone to ring. I really wasn’t too optimistic about having any response but wow, was I wrong, the phone rang non stop. I quickly went and bought applications for credit and rental agreements; Great, hopefully out of all the people that called, that at least I would get one good one. Oh yes, I did stipulate ‘female only.’ The one thing that I had to do was three times a day I would pump the milk from my breasts, well if I didn’t it would be painful plus I would be saturating my bra from my milk that would be leaking out of my breasts. I didn’t want to take shots to dry up my milk because I had nice firm ‘C’ cups and I didn’t want them to sag, or what I thought might happen, in fact I enjoyed pumping my breasts; I enjoyed the feeling and found it very sexually stimulating. I wanted them to always be full. I set up interview times and they all came at the designated time. I was doing my fifth interview with a very cute girl that looked very young but she told me that she had just turned eighteen.. She had a very nice bubbly personality. But also she was dressed like a younger girl, to begin with she had a slight build, about 5’3” tall and she probably wasn’t even a hundred pounds and I’d guess an “A” cup. But I have to say this, she could have easily been a cheerleader in high school, or maybe in the gymnastic team. Also she had on a very, like micro mini skirt on and a tight fitting T shirt on that showed her very prominent bra-less nipples. As she was answering a questions, she stopped and her eyes went right to my breasts. I was so preoccupied in my conversation with her that I was overdue to pump my breasts and my blouse was getting wet from the leaking milk “Oh, you must have a baby to feed, I can wait.” I explained my situation to her and asked if she minded waiting while I pumped my breasts. “No,” she said with a shriek, “not at all.” She followed me to my bedroom and said, “Please, can I watch you do that? In fact could I do that for you?” She looked so excited, I mean I didn’t expect that kind of reaction to a person that I just met and for some reason, she had such a cheerful and innocent way about, as if she was my little girl, but her actions and attitude was really turning me on. “Well, do you really want to do it, or are you just saying that you do.” I never was ashamed of being seen naked, especially by another female. Her name was Cathy and she still lived at home with her parents and they really wanted her to stay home because she was such a sweet and innocent girl. But they told her that if she found a nice, safe place (I guess they were wealthy) that they would pay all of her expenses. She said, “Oh hell yes I want too, and if you let me rent the room I’ll do it for you whenever I’m here; honest. I’m getting goose bumps just thinking about it. I remember watching my mom doing it when she finished feeding my baby brother and she had milk left over. I wasn’t even in my teens and I wanted so badly to suckle on her breasts and taste that warm milk, but I never did. Am I out of line? I’m sorry.” I could see the blush on Cathy’s face and I knew that she was sincere and her open honesty and enthusiasm got me going, why was what she was saying turned me on so much. I know that when I massage my breasts to get the milk flowing, it sexually arouses me, but I don’t know even if Dave was home if I’d let him do what Cathy was asking. I guess it’s her cute looks and happy personality that has me going. Then I told her it was okay if she really wanted to do it. But god, there was a considerable amount of sexual excitement that I was feeling as I looked at her. I was trembling inside. I gave her the pump with the container and she looked at me as I sat on the edge of the bed, and said with a voice of innocence and sparkling eyes, “would you mind!! Oh god, I can’t believe I’m asking you, but would you mind if I. Oh god, I’m soo embarrassed.” And where this came from I still don’t know. “If you would really like to suck some milk, that’s okay. I’ll scoot back a little more and you can sit across my lap so that you can suck on them comfortably.” She immediately sat across my lap and she felt light as a feather. I had removed my blouse and bra before she sat and she immediately brought her soft warm hand and started massaging my left breast. It was like a bolt of lightning going all the way down to my pussy. I squeezed my thighs, let out a very soft moan as I came. Hearing my groan Cathy said. “I’m sorry, did I hurt you?” I shook my head, no, but I wasn’t able to say anything for the moment, and then she continued sucking. I noticed as she was sucking like a hungry baby on one breast, she was massaging my other breast. I had cradled her like she was a baby, my baby, one arm supporting her back and my other hand was squeezing the milk into her sucking mouth. It was then that I noticed her free arm and hand had managed to work its way to her pussy. Her skirt was a mini and when she got on my lap her panties, such as the were, more like a G-string, were totally exposed and her hand was gently massaging her lips and clit. Her eyes were closed so she couldn’t see that I was staring at the way she was innocently, like a baby, masturbating as she was sucking. Just as I was about to switch her from one breast to the other, her body tensed up, she moaned, as she lifted her butt slightly, evidently she had cum, but she kept on sucking and was building me up to another orgasm. Her wetness from her orgasm was sufficient enough to soak through and wet my thigh.. After she did my other breast I pulled Cathy off and said to her, “That felt very nice, Cathy, but I have one more person coming today in just a few minutes. However, if you really want the room, it’s yours. But I quickly have to go to the bathroom if you don’t mind.” I didn’t bother with my bra and quickly put my blouse on and rushed to the bathroom, I desperately had to cum before I went through the next interview; if just out of courtesy, (in my mind I had already rented it to Cathy.) I came harder than I had in a very long time; like I mean my whole body shuddered as I came. I didn’t see Cathy around but I was certain that she was somewhere, she wouldn’t have left without telling me so. In just the short time with her, I’ve really become fond of her. After a quick interview with a woman I didn’t care for, I went looking for Cathy. She wasn’t in the house so I went outside and saw her completely naked in the pool. I went to her and told her that I have a rule that no one goes in the pool alone. Cathy, if your going to stay here we’re going to go over some rules of what you can and can’t do. We have a large piece of property and we have the animals, but you do have to ask my permission if you want to wander off, or play with any of the animals; okay?” She got out of the pool and came over to me, looking at me lovingly with her sparkling eyes and said. “I’m sorry, I should have asked for permission first to use your pool. But I’m a good swimmer, in fact I even passed the life guard examine at school.” She looked so adorable standing in front of me dripping wet. As I looked at her up and down I took her all in. She was slender, but not at all skinny, in fact her body was very nicely formed. Her breasts were proportionate for her size with very prominent nipples, she had no stomach what so ever and her pussy mound was completely clean of any hair and her pussy was very puffy and her outer lips were parted enough so that her pink inner lips were poking out; oh shit, what was I thinking, I started sweating just from looking at this delightful creature. "Now that you understand the rules and since your so young and apparently you don’t have a job, how do plan on paying your expenses?” I would have let her stay free as I became so attached to this pretty girl in such a short time. Cathy told me to call her mother because her mom had to approve of anything she did, also she told me that her parents were wealthy and that her mom would pay for anything, but her mom would have to come and give her approval. “Cathy!! I think it’s best if you call your mom, explain to her the situation and then let me talk to her so that we can agree on the arrangements.” Cathy called her mom, she told her that she found a fantastic place, “and mom,” she said, “the lady is just a fantastic woman; I’ll let you talk to her now. I love you mom.” Cathy told me that her mother‘s name was Nancy. “Hello, Nancy, my name is Nichole. Your beautiful daughter said that she would like to rent a room, and being that she has such a nice friendly personality I would be more than willing to rent it to her.” I immediately liked this woman. I explained everything to her about my situation, about Dave being overseas and what I would want from Cathy as far as expenses. Nancy seemed happy with the arrangement, but she said she would like to come and meet with me. I explained everything to Cathy and told her that her mom seemed to like the situation but first she wanted to come over and to talk to me privately. Cathy said that would be great and that she would go home, get her clothes and personal things and be back in a couple of hours or so. I had told her that her mom would be here soon. She evidently knew that her mother would approve. She dashed off in her cute yellow VW Bug and I waited for a while and then Nancy showed up. I was expecting a woman that was more or less built like her daughter, but Nancy was taller, about 5’8“, well developed breasts, and dressed elegantly with an obvious designer outfit. She had a black mini skirt that showed off her beautiful long legs, especially with the 4” heels, and a powder blue blouse that was quite sheer, let me just say that I could see that she was wearing a sexy bra underneath it and I could definitely see her nipples poking against it.. She was beautiful with a tan complexion, dark eyes and long black hair. I should say, she looked not only beautiful, but also very sexy. Another thing, she didn’t look more than mid thirty. Nancy could tell from the expression on my face that I was confused and before I could say another word she said. “Nichole, I can tell by the way you’re looking at me that I appear too young to be Cathy’s mother, I take it that she didn’t explain it to you, I’m her stepmother. Nichole’s mother died some years ago. I was a teen model when her dad met me and then hired me, for a considerable amount of money, to be Cathy’s nanny. He is very rich but travels most of the time and he is obviously, considerably older than me. But he is a very dear man and I really do care for him. But also I care for Cathy very much and am very attached to her, also I’m very protective of her.” “Well it’s nice to meet you, Nancy. I guess I did stare at you, but you were quick to read my mind. Also, you must know, you are a very beautiful woman.” “Thank you, I do try to take care of myself. I have grown very fond of Cathy and just want the best for her. I educated her from home, many of her required subjects I taught her, and some subjects such as advanced math and science I brought in someone more knowledgeable than myself; Cathy is a very bright girl, however, she is very innocent and naive. Well what I’m saying is this, Cathy is very uninhibited, especially as far as nudity and sex goes, and she will say and do just about anything that the average girl her age, would hesitate about. Like a baby out of the womb, Cathy has no inhibitions.” At this point I could see that the conversation was going to get a little heavy and I asked Nancy if she wanted something to drink. She immediately accepted when I offered her a glass of merlot wine. So she continued after we sipped our wine and then just talked about things in general as well as my marital status. Then, like she noticed how I stared at her when she first arrived, I was aware of how she was now staring at my partially exposed breasts. In my haste to cover up after Cathy drank some of my milk, I carelessly didn’t button the top two buttons and from where Nancy was sitting my left breast was completely exposed to her vision, and without my bra, she could easily see that they were quite full.. “Oops, I’m sorry, I guessed I didn’t cover up properly.” And I started to button up. “Please,” Nancy said. “If anything, take off your blouse and be comfortable. It doesn’t bother me, in fact I find a woman’s lactating breasts very sensuous; so please, do remove your blouse and let me enjoy the sight of them.” Oh my god, I thought to myself, now I can see where Cathy lost her inhibitions, Nancy seemed to be the same way. I have to admit that my normal size is a ‘B’ cup but they have grown to a ‘C’ cup and they still are very firm. “If it doesn’t bother you,” I said to Nancy, “I will get comfortable. But I should tell you that I lost my baby a couple of months ago at birth, but I didn’t want to take anything to dry them up, in fact I was told as long as I pump my milk out they will stay full like they are now, and to tell you the truth, I enjoy the feeling.” At this point I just had to have another glass of wine and she accepted another glass as well. I just left the bottle out. “Cathy’s dad thought that Cathy had been sheltered too long and that she should go out a little on her own.” Nancy continued. “Her younger brother lives at an academy overseas and we rarely see him. Cathy was all for it, I mean getting out on her own, but, well, to tell you the truth, I’m going to miss her very much. We live in a large home, my husband is rarely home, and often Cathy would come to bed with me so that I wouldn’t be lonely. I will really miss her, she is so much fun to have around, so much comfort to me.” I felt a lot of compassion for this beautiful woman. I knew that she could probably find many men or women to keep her company, but I could see that she was very loyal. We continued to drink wine. I really liked this women an idea hit me. “Nancy!!! I’m also alone and that’s why I’m renting out one of the rooms. Look, I want you to come and stay anytime that you would like. Evidently, I’m like you, I don’t want to stray from home to invite some stranger to my home. I would love it if you came over often, and even to stay for as long as you would like. There is a lot to do here, I have horses to ride, a pool, Jacuzzi spa, animals; I mean it would be fun to have you around as well as Cathy. So please tell me that you will.” At this point I was feeling the wine and I could see that Nancy was pretty much in the same condition, we had finished the bottle. I knew that Cathy would be along in another hour or so, but I was feeling a tingle of excitement. It just came out of my mouth. “Nancy!! Let’s go skinny dipping in the pool. Really, let’s just strip and splash around in the water, I haven’t felt this good in a long time and besides, I really like you and I think you could use some fun as much as me. Let’s soak up the sun.” I couldn’t believe I said that to her, but I was a little high and felt frisky. Nancy broke out laughing and said, “Damn, Nichole, I would swear that we were sisters, you sound jut like I did years ago. Let’s go for it girl, let’s get naked and enjoy the good outdoors and have some fun, it’s been a long time.” In seconds we were both standing in front of each other, stark naked, oh wow, did she have a fantastic body; her breasts were large but firm, her nipples stood out perfectly; like Cathy, she had no pubic hair. Why would such a beautiful woman that could have anything or anyone settle for staying home; not having children of her own. It was late afternoon, but the sun was still shinning bright and it was a nice warm day. We laughed and acted like a couple of young teen-agers. I’d splash her, and then she would retaliate by splashing me. Our bodies touched frequently and I don’t what kind of feeling she was getting, but I know that it was setting me on fire. “Oh“, she said, “I don’t know about you, but I think I must have had too much wine.“ She came over to me, gave me a nice hug, and then said, “why don’t we sit in the Jacuzzi for a while so that I can catch my breath.” “So what you’re saying, Nancy, is that I take your breath away.” and I started laughing. She gave me another hug and looked straight in the eyes, and said. “Damn, Nichole, I can’t remember when I was relaxed and enjoyed myself so much. My husband is a very strict disciplinarian and rigid as far as doing anything that is fun, like now for instance, and the only gratification of pleasure I get is from Cathy. Now I have found a soul mate.” We were holding one another tightly, my breasts were pushed against hers, and our pubic mounds were pushed into each others. I didn’t know about Nancy, but my sexual arousal was nearing a peak. But then she said, “girlfriend, you need a shave,” meaning my pubic hairs grinding on her bald mound.. We both broke out laughing, but my body was on fire. We got into the Jacuzzi and let the jets relax our bodies, but I was still shaking from my arousal. Again, Nancy, sitting up tight against me, looked at me in a very sensuous way and said, “Nichole, I think that I feel the way I’m sure you feel.” I just looked at her beautiful sexy face, and she continued. “While we are feeling the desire, and being mature adults, would you like me to masturbate you, and you masturbate me, just like ..ahh I, well like when I was a young girl with my girlfriends. hehe I’ll tell you right now, if you don’t want too, I mean I’ll understand, but god, right now I need to be touched soo badly; but am I being too forward; I mean, well I just met you.” I didn’t hesitate for a second, I pulled her face to mine, and as I kissed her my hand immediately went down to her smooth pussy, and it was ready and open for me. She did the same to me, rubbing my mound, running her fingers around my clit cover. Her fingers like mine, knew exactly how to touch, where to touch and then as we were both getting close, I backed away. I pulled my mouth away from hers, and above the sound of the jets, I said. “Nancy, I’m ready to cum, but this is so heavenly I don’t want you to cum too soon, I don’t want it to end for a while. If I come now, I’ll only want more. What about you, can you cum more than once?” “Sweetheart, I’ve masturbated myself to so many orgasms to go to sleep; Let me put it to you this way, one time I was so frustrated that in a matter of three hours I came twenty-five times, only then I could go to sleep.” “I hope you plan on staying often,” I said to Nancy, and then we started back to where we were. We kissed with hungry tongues, her mouth felt so warm. We explored every part of each others body with our hands. Her breasts were really fantastic, I loved how they felt, her nipples were hard and long . We both seemed to like the same things, I loved to have my ear lobes sucked, and like Cathy, Nancy loved sucking milk from my breasts as her fingers fucked my pussy hole. We were so together that we came together almost every time, and the more we came the more intense our orgasms were. We finger fucked each other, Nancy knew all the right spots, she found my G- spot immediately. Like me she liked to have her anus massaged. It was wonderful. I know, it wasn’t making love in the sense that we were giving each other oral sex, but it was a terrific bonding and I knew that this was just the beginning for us and sex. I couldn’t believe my good fortune. We were just about at that point where we thought that we better stop (after about seven orgasms each) before Cathy showed up. We looked into each others eyes, and Nancy said. “I hope you don’t think that I’m a slut; I was attracted to you the second I saw you. I’ve never had sex with a female, other than, and I’m certain that if Cathy hasn’t told you already, she will; believe it or not, she seduced me a while back. But you excited me so much, and I could tell that you felt the same way. But thanks to that bottle of wine that we drank, but I was drunk enough to say what I was feeling. One more thing, Nichole, and now I feel closer to you than ever, I have to tell you about my beautiful Cathy.” In my mind I knew that it was too good to be true, I was sure than she was going to tell me that Cathy was some kind of weirdo, or mentally unstable. “Nichole, Cathy is the sweetest girl you will ever know, honest to a ‘T’ but there is one thing that always bothered me. As I told you, for a girl her age she is totally uninhibited when it comes to sex. Sexually she is insatiable. Damn, when I sober up I’ll probably regret half the things that I’m telling you. Well to continue; if it wasn’t for her I would have left her father a long time ago, a sexless marriage just wasn’t for me. In the beginning he would give me some time, not often but now and then we would have sex; then it just stopped. And then I discovered Cathy and her needs. Okay, let me blurt it out, Cathy sexually satisfies me in every conceivable way, but it was always just the two of us.” I could see that Nancy was having trouble confessing as to what happened and I just kept caressing her body, I was still extremely horny, as well as a little drunk. Then she said, “Nichole, I hope I’m not embarrassing you, I mean I shouldn’t really be telling you all this, but I seem to be drawn very close to you.” As drunk as I was I could tell that Nancy wanted pour all secrets out to me, and as horny as I was I listened, in fact what she was telling me got me even more aroused than I already was. “One evening, sometime ago, as usual I was home alone, frustrated, and had a few drinks. I have a few mechanical toys to help me with my sexual frustrations, but I do keep them well hidden from Cathy and her dad.” Nancy was telling me this, but I knew that had she been totally sober she never would have, at least so soon into our relationship. Then she continued after a slight pause. “I was almost certain that Cathy was fast asleep and I carelessly brought out one of those vibrating machines that you sit on, it has a dildo and a clit stimulator that both vibrate with variable speeds that can make you cum over and over again when you sit on the dildo…” Pause…, “Well I was coming for about the tenth time when I thought I heard something, after looking around and not seeing anyone, I kept on going for many more orgasms. Cathy later confessed to me that she was watching me all the time I was doing it, and it wasn’t the first time that she had spied on me. She told me she would masturbate while I doing the same thing.” As Nancy was telling me this about Cathy, we still were massaging each others pussies. What she was telling was getting me so worked up, my body stiffened up, my pussy muscles clamped down hard on her fingers that she had in me, and I came with a shattering, groaning orgasm and kissed her hard. Then Nancy continued. “One afternoon, the first time, I walked past Cathy’s room and her door was open enough so that I could see her on the bed. She was totally naked and was fingering her hole, she was finger fucking herself. I knew that she masturbated frequently, but she, like me, was always careful about being seen. She had a pillow under her butt and her head was raised so that she could watch what she was doing to her sweet pussy; then her body convulsed, stiffened and she moaned out loudly that she was cumming. I secretly stood there, out of her sight, and my panties were soaked. I dashed to my room as quietly as I could.. well I masturbated to many orgasms.” “I watched her several times as she left her door open and put on an exhibition that would drive anyone watching, insane. Then one night, about two or three weeks later, I was in bed with my hand massaging my pussy, when Cathy snuck into the room very quietly; my eyes were closed and I was concentrating on my impending orgasm. I was just about there, ready to come, when she quickly pulled the cover off of me and caught me with my fingers deep into my cunt. She looked me straight into my eyes and said, mom, let me do that for you, I love doing it, I’ll make you come real good. I was on the verge of cumming as well as in a state of shock, but as soon as she replaced her fingers where mine had been, I came so hard I almost shook of the bed. She knew what she was doing by intentionally leaving her bedroom door slightly open, knowing how much it would excite me when I saw her; and it did.” “Hi mom, hi Nichole, I’ve brought all my things. Wow, you guys look like you were having a lot of fun. Did I miss the party?” Cathy said with a big grin. I was still shaking from my last intense orgasm; Nancy and I quickly removed our fingers from each others pussy.. “Hi honey, didn’t expect you back so soon, you surprised us. Nichole and I were just getting acquainted. We were also talking about you and how much I love my little girl. And Nichole thinks that you are very sweet, like I do. I really like Nichole, I think this would be a wonderful place for you to live. Nichole was also gracious enough to invite me to stay anytime that I would like. I have things that I have to take care of for dad, and then I plan on spending a lot of time here with you and Nichole. Isn’t that wonderful?” I don’t know how Nancy had the energy to talk to Cathy, as for myself I needed a little break, plus the fact that both Nancy and myself were still slightly intoxicated. Then Cathy looked down at my crotch and picked up on the fact that I had pubic hair, plus it was all mated down with my cum. Compared to their pussies, it looked ugly. “When you’re ready for your bath,” Cathy said, “I’ll give you a nice shave so that your pussy will look nice and clean. I shave mom and she shaves me all the time.” I immediately understood what Nancy was telling me, Cathy just says whatever is on her mind without thinking that it may not be proper. Both Nancy and myself were both a little unstable from our excessive drinking, I don’t think that Nancy was anymore of a drinker than myself, very little, very seldom, other than with dinner. Speaking of dinner it was getting to be around that time. Cathy picked up on our mental state and said. “I guess when I saw that empty bottle of wine that you two would be feeling a little confused. Let me help the two of you into the house and then I’ll see what I can throw together for a meal.” and then she laughed. Nancy and I sat next to one another, still naked, still giddy from the wine; we looked at each other, smiling,, and I couldn’t remember if I had ever received so much sexual pleasure from anyone other than myself. We were holding hands like a couple teen-age sweethearts. These two wonderful women were changing my life. “Well, ladies, guess what interesting thing I found in the fridge.” Cathy said with a big grin on her face. “My beautiful new landlord had something delicious for us and I just couldn’t resist it, and from what I observe with you two, I thought that it would be perfect and both of you would really be in the mood for it.” and she laughed some more. Then I saw what Cathy had in the plate that she was carrying, two large sausages that reminded me of my studs penis. I had bought those for sandwiches (or so I thought) or for slicing for toppings on pizza, but I immediately realized what Cathy was getting too, as well as Nancy did as we also broke out with giggles. Then, in an attempt to scold Cathy, Nancy said. “Sweetheart, I don’t think that Nichole would appreciate you bringing those in here.” As Nancy was saying this she was struggling not to laugh at just the thought of what Cathy’s intentions were. Mom, as soon as I met Nichole I knew that she was going to be a fun person like you. Let’s face it, dad married you because he really adored and loved you, but he loved his work even more than he loved either of us. And mommy, I really love you and I know because of me you have never had a life of your own, other than those snooty ladies that visit you because of dad’s money and power. When dad mentioned that I should go out and see what the real world was like, I found Nichole and realized that not only was she lonely, like us, she needed to be exposed to others, not just her animals; of course from things that I’ve read on the internet, some dogs can offer a lot of comfort, hehe, well, let’s just leave it at that.” And again Cathy broke out laughing. I knew exactly what naughty thoughts she had in mind. I looked at Nancy, and she also was fully aware of what Cathy was thinking of. Now I’m going to feed you one by one. Mom, open your mouth wide and all I want you to do is suck on this sausage, don’t bite it.” With that said, (both me and Nancy knowing what the sausage represented) and me still giggling along with Nancy, Cathy put the sausage to my mouth and I had no choice but to open my mouth. She pushed in and out a couple of times and then took it out; I was never good at giving Dave oral sex. Then she took it down to my pussy, which was still open and aroused, and she slowly slid it into my waiting hole. It was large, much larger than Dave’s cock, but it also did something that Dave’s cock never did; I came almost instantly after just a few strokes. But she continued to stroke it in and out and at the same time she started massaging my clit. Oh my god, it not only felt great, but then at the same time Cathy lowered her head and had her tongue on my clit. Her hot tongue was vibrating against my clit at the same time she was fucking me with the sausage. “Oh my god, Cathy, you’re going to make me cum again. Oh shit, oh yeah. Oh fuck.” My body was about to explode into a shattering orgasm. I turned my head and looked at Nancy and she was masturbating herself, watching the expression on my face, an expression of total abandonment as I was reaching my peak. The she brought her mouth to mine, and we both came with explosive orgasms, moaning into each others mouths.. “ So you liked that, Didn’t you Nichole? See, mom, I told you that Nichole was a sex slut like us; she cums just as fast as you do. Now it’s your turn.” Cathy slowly pulled the sausage out of my over heated hole, it had to be as hot as if she had it in a micro-wave oven, and it was dripping with my juices, then she took it to Nancy’s mouth, and I was still panting “Okay, mom, I want you to open your mouth and suck up all Nichole’s nectar.” Nancy didn’t hesitate for a second and quickly cleaned all of my cum off of the sausage. Then Cathy said to me, embarrassing her mother, I noticed. “Nichole, my mom really enjoys drinking cum. When I squirt my cum into her mouth she drinks every last drop.” Nancy’s face was turning red from Cathy’s comments but at the same time I noticed that she was sucking every last drop of my cum off of the sausage. I think that Nancy was sobering up a little when she said to Cathy, “Honey, I don’t think that it’s polite to say things that are so personal about us to Nichole. I have already told her that you’re a wonderful intelligent young lady and that sometimes we try to help each other with our needs, in some cases sexual.” “Mom, I was watching the two of you in the spa for a while before I called out, I saw what you were doing to each other, and I think that it was great that the two of you were attracted to one another. Nichole, mom is usually standoffish and has very little to do with anyone, but as soon as I met you I knew that mom would adore you just as I do. Mom, I want Nichole to be part of our life so that three of us can really enjoy each other in the truest sense. Dad has kept us locked up for so long and we only had each other, and I do love you, but now we have a new and wonderful friend and I want us to be a threesome” Nancy was right about Cathy, not only was she smart but she could read our minds. These two strangers were in the process of changing my life. As I gradually started to sober up, after many orgasms I thought of what had taken place for the last few hours. Maybe it was the influence of the wine to begin with, but whatever it was, it was wonderful and I knew that it was much for the better. I knew that I would never be alone again,at least for some time, and who knows, I may soon find others that were lonely as well and would be happy join us on our ranch. *Please let me know if you enjoyed my story.*
Title: Maya - The Novel Tags: lesbian, lesbian drama, interracial lesbian, lesbian love, lesbian romance, latina, indian For everyone who's e-mailed / commented regarding this story, here's the full novel. *(TW: Mental Health, Trauma)* Please let me know what you think in the comments section below. I read every comment and many of them make me smile The next (and final) novel in the series will be out in December, featuring Charm as the protagonist. More info on that to come soon! Lily xx P.S. The full version of 'The Lowlander' will also be out by the end of summer! For Z, my forever. *I sought* *Not with my eyes* *But the tips of my fingers* *The familiar slope of your breast* *Down, down* *Down to the little warm nook* *That I'd be blessed to call home* *\** *You watch me* *Eyes hazy with need* *With want* *But you know better than to* *Rush me* *So you watch* *As my fingers relearn your body* *As they do every single time* *A silent homage to skin and sighs and soul* *\*\** \# Chapter 1 *NYC* *They were back.* After three summer months of peace and relative tranquility in my picturesque little university "village", the students were finally back in swarms. I think I hated how old they made me feel. I remember being young and cheerful and energetic. *Tan llena de vida -* actually, it wasn't too long ago. But watching them work their jaws non-stop in yoga pants and those ridiculous floppy topknot buns made me feel a little out of place in a café that was basically my second home. Over the years, their regular clientele of twenty-somethings had dwindled as they graduated, found other jobs or simply moved away from a ridiculously overpriced neighborhood. The only reason I'd continued coming here was because: (a.) I loved their roast; (b.) the ink shop I'd inherited was two blocks away; (c.) coffee is life. It wasn't all bad. With the constant influx of students, my tattoo shop, Tribe, never lacked clients. We were usually booked up for two weeks at least. Our record was eight weeks just after graduation last year. At the end of it, Kenny, a quiet dude tattooed up to his eyeballs, had refused to ink another infinity symbol even if it was his client's last wish. I couldn't blame him, but students, essentially, were our bread and butter. Every one of them walked through the doors thinking their ideas were original. You wouldn't believe how many students had come through the door asking for a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle tattoo because it was "so original" *because* "Ruby Rose has one too". I mean, did they really not hear themselves? Chino, Kenny and I usually didn't mind the ditzy clientele. We saw our share of hardcore tattoo enthusiasts who were generally a pleasure to work with. But our income was mostly based on itty bitty trending tattoos - $100 and up per booking multiplied by twenty clients a week - you do the math. So there really were two sides to the students returning to campus. The summer had been unbelievably lovely and quiet but we usually made a lot of money over the nine semester months. I guess you can't have it both ways. The café was set under a pre-war co-op building that went for over $500,000 per *studio apartment*. Before the academics had moved into the neighborhood, the entire west side had been a pretty dangerous place to live. No one would fork out 500k for a studio (or even a three bedroom for that matter) at that point. That's how my mentor, Jean, had bought over the shop space and the little studio apartment that came with it for a steal back in the Seventies. The first few months after Jean's passing had been such a blur. I'd known him since I was fifteen - he's the reason that I'm not in prison or on drugs right now. Or still running with the Axes, a gang from Harlem I'd joined when I was thirteen. That's actually how I met Jean. I'd tried to sell him some cocaine one night - I mean, it was still NYC's drug of choice back in '99 - and he seemed to fit the junkie stereotype: skinny and incredibly energetic at 11PM. Instead of telling me to fuck off or calling the cops on me, he took me into his shop and introduced me to his crew. I only found out a few months later that he was part of an LGBT counseling group called FREE NYC and he had been trying, in his own way, to get me off the streets by getting me interested in ink. By the time I was eighteen, I'd gotten pretty good. Jean and Terrence - that was his partner's name, never Terry, only Terrence - even signed me up for an art diploma to "sharpen my skills". I didn't need a diploma to tell me what I was good at but I did it anyway. *(I'm starting you off with all the nicer memories, of course. How I got out of the Axes is a story for another day.)* Anyway, knowing what the neighborhood was like a few decades ago, the present seemed almost unbelievable. The café was overflowing with kids and the sound was... indescribable. There was so much chatter about seriously inane topics. Standing in line, aviators down to avoid eye contact, I caught several conversations about Nicki Minaj and Meek Mill, the new Unicorn Café and something called the Santa Clarita Diet. Amidst all this nonsense, did I hear even one of them talk about things that actually mattered? Politics? Social justice? The war in Syria? No, I did not. I plugged my earphones in and turned on Earth, Wind and Fire. They always made me feel better. *Dios, I was really getting old.* Perhaps I may have gotten impatient with the queue (and the crowd) and pushed past them straight into the café. It was a Monday so I knew Miranda would be manning the tills. She'd been working there for well over five years, and after her first week there I never needed to say a word when I stepped into the café. Miranda was good that way. She made you feel special, like your penny mattered. That's how she made Manager in just three months. The place would fall apart without her, I had no doubt. She waved when she saw me and instantly reached for the various coffee cups to note my order down for the baristas - I usually bought coffee for the staff who opened with me in the morning. The café had a couple of newbies on staff today - which explained the queue. As I lounged by the condiment table waiting for my order to be filled, I couldn't help but notice a very shapely rear in front of the till. Tight yoga pants and top buns were like student uniform these days, but what set this chick apart was the sheer roundness of her ass. I may have lifted my shades to get a better look. *(I have to add here that the ass I was looking at wasn't the kind you'd see on Instagram fitness models. You know the kind that looked like two melons placed side by side? Perfectly and oddly symmetrical? The kind that would somehow remain the same shape in every angle? This ass wasn't anything like that. It was the kind of ass you knew would jiggle if you spanked it lightly. Destiny's Child's proverbial jelly kind.)* I'm not even ashamed to say that I lost track of time staring at her. She was built with some generous curves. She stood with her hands in the front pockets of her grey hoodie, giving me an outline of her cinched waist and very generous hips. She was proportioned perfectly for someone who couldn't possibly be taller than five foot two in her Nike sneakers. I felt myself moving towards the counter, earphones out, wallet in hand. The casual ogling had become some kind of mission without my realization. "Sorry," I said, stepping in front of the cashier. "I'm just picking up." The word "It's" left her mouth before her eyes met mine. I desperately fought the urge to fidget as she stared, her lips slightly parted and her expressive eyes concealing nothing - she was frightened. I've been told on multiple occasions that I could be quite intimidating at times, especially upon first glance. I don't think my 5'11 frame and tattoos helped. I wouldn't call myself conventionally attractive, though. My features were too masculine to be pretty but too feminine to be rugged. I (maybe happily?) occupied the grey area between genders... except for my quintessential Latina lips, which I'd inherited from my mom, bless her. My employees always say, "I know you left the streets, Gray. But I don't think the streets left you." To them, I always say, "*Vete al carajo*." *Fuck off.* But as I stood in the coffee shop, being stared at with wide eyes, I couldn't help but think maybe they were right. She was just a girl - young, probably in her early twenties. I think what drew me the most was her lack of make-up. Her deep caramel skin had been scrubbed clean; the skin on her cheeks and nose was slightly red from the cool campus breeze. Her curls had escaped the haphazard bun she'd fashioned and they now framed her face beautifully. Her brows were expressively thick, especially with those large black eyes that had probably betrayed her true thoughts more than once. "It's fine?" I urged, and handed Miranda a note from my wallet. I hoped it was the right one. I wasn't even looking. She nodded quickly, her cheeks turning a brighter shade of pink. Her eyes moved down to my neck, taking in the tattoos that were exposed along the lines of my collarbone. Her eyes seemed to glaze over a little. "I haven't seen you around before," I continued as Miranda messed with the cash register. I had a feeling she was taking her time so I could (try to) strike up a conversation. "I'm not from here," she said with an accent I couldn't place. "I just moved into an apartment upstairs. For university." She had a quiet calm about her. I think it was the way she spoke - slowly and precisely, without a trace of calamity that New Yorkers are so fond of. Or maybe this is how everyone else should talk and we're doing it wrong. I smiled, hoping it came off as charming and not as anxious as I felt inside. "Welcome to the neighborhood. I'm Gray." We were too close to make a handshake work so I didn't even try. "Maya," she replied with a little smile. Shadows of twin dimples appeared on her cheeks. I was mesmerized. Miranda handed me the change and I stuffed it into my wallet without sparing a glance. If she'd ever dreamed of ripping me off, today would've been her best shot. "Could I buy you a cup of coffee, Maya?" She held up a fifty. "I've got it. Thank you for the offer." Miranda handed me the paper tray of coffees. "Actually, hon," she said to Maya in her thick Jersey accent, "do you have anything smaller? We don't have much change today. It's a Monday." Did I mention how much I loved Miranda? I could tell she was trying her hardest to keep a straight face while she meddled. Maya's face fell. "I don't have anything less, I'm afraid. I just brought a fifty out with me." "Let me get this. It's not a problem," I offered, sliding a twenty out of my wallet and handing it to Miranda. Maya considered it for a second before she nodded. "Okay, thank you," she conceded. "I'd offer to get you a cup tomorrow if I didn't already think you have a caffeine problem." She indicated the four cups of coffee I was holding. A corner of her lips quirked up. "Only the espresso's mine," I clarified. "The rest are for my employees." "Of course. Spoken like a true addict." She was smiling in earnest now, drawing a reactive smile from me. So she had a sense of humor, too, along with an ass like the peach emoji and dimples that could mesmerize. I slid a couple of extra bills into the tip jar as Maya picked up her coffee at the bar. Miranda even gave me a conspiratorial wink as we headed for the exit. "Thank you again for the coffee. That was really sweet of you." I brushed it off. "You're very welcome. Maybe I'll see you around sometime?" "That would be great," she said, sliding a straw into her hot coffee cup. I must've looked confused because she quickly explained: "I spill a lot. A straw helps... Most of the time." She glanced at her phone. "I've got eight minutes to get to class. I'd better go. Thanks again." Was I the world's biggest idiot to let her walk away without getting her number first? That internal debate raged on as I walked back to the shop, sipping my double espresso. She did say she lived in the apartment building above the café... the chances of bumping into her again were high. And, at the end of the day, I didn't even know if she played for the team. I shrugged internally at the thought. In the past, I'd never had trouble getting a straight girl, even if it was just for a short period of time before the novelty of a lesbian affair wore off. But I was so tired of meaningless temporary connections. I truly believed that if Maya were at all interested in me, she'd find a way to bump into me first. Right? *Right?* \* She had my attention. I can't remember the last time I actually *thought* about a woman. I'd been living the happy asexual life for quite some time now and it seemed to suit me. My muscles had never been more defined, I got eight hours of sleep a night and my bank account was looking pretty good. *Maya.* A beautiful name. It suited her. "What?" The client I was inking moved his head a little to look at me. Jose was a first generation Mexican-American who'd made his living as a construction worker all his life. Now in his sixties and retired, he was getting his first tattoo to honor his wife who'd passed away. When he'd come in for his consult, he'd handed me a ratty old picture that was dog-eared and torn in several places. I'd imagined he'd kept it in his wallet for decades, taking it out often to show Lola off to those who hadn't met her. "My wife in the Seventies," he'd said. "I want to remember her that way." She was a gorgeous woman with generous assets. Not unlike someone I'd met today. It had been a real pleasure working with this patient older man who took pains to make sure every detail about his Lola was accurate. As I pulled back the needle from his skin, he said, "Were you talking to me? You just said 'It suited her'." His words were loud enough for everyone in the shop to hear. I knew my nosy asses of employees wouldn't let this one go. A chorus of whoops went up in the air. "Who you talking about, Gray?" Jeanine asked as she prepped a client for an industrial piercing in the corner of the store we'd nicknamed "gothland". I could feel heat creeping into my cheeks. "Nobody," I said, determined to get on with the portrait. "Are you blushing?" Mel called from her reception desk. "I think she's blushing," she told the room. "*Ay,* Gray*,* don't leave us in suspense." This was from a bear of a man I'd known most of my adult life. Chino was like a father figure to most of us at the store. His specialty was tribal tattoos and he'd been practicing his art for over twenty years. He was also one of the few who'd helped me pick up the pieces when Jean had passed all those years ago. At that moment, he sat in his swivel chair, looking at me intently over the top of his phone. "*Chico,* please. I'm trying to work here," I said, dipping the needle in the ink. "You haven't dated in like six months, man. You gotta tell us something. We need some good tea in our lives." "Actually," Mel chimed in again, scrolling through the calendar on her iPad, "she hasn't dated in seven and a half months. Her last date was in February and that didn't end well." "*Cono.* That's a really long time." Chino's face was a mask of sympathy. I groaned. Did they have to bring up my dating history all the time? And why would Mel have *that* info on her Google calendar?! I apologized to Jose, who immediately shut me down with a smile. "*Parece que estamos en familia, eh?*" he said in his usual calm tone - aren't we all family in here? "*Entonces? Cuéntame de tu mujer.*" So, tell me about your woman. "Fine." I gave in and gestured for him to lie back again so I could continue. "Her name's Maya. I met her at Expresso." "Maya? She sounds exotic," Jeanine commented. "Where's she from?" "No idea. All I know is that she's a student here and she's got a fucking addictive smile." "Another notch on the Grayson bedpost?" Mel asked, swirling her lollipop around her now-pink lips. "I'm not looking for that, *cariña.* I'm getting too old for that shit." "What you need is a good woman like my Lola." Jose's words left no room for argument. "A woman like that can ground you, make you want to be a better person." "*Amén*," I said, carefully tracing the outline of Lola's ample bosom. "But I don't think I'll get as lucky as you, though. Your wife was beautiful." "I know. I had forty-two years with her. Not enough." Forty-two years. Jesus. My longest relationship had been all of six months. I cringed on the inside. Maybe there was something wrong with me. "You just need to pick the right girl," Jose continued. "You know how to do that, Gray?" I shook my head. "If only I did..." "You have to read her. When you say hi, does she lean towards you? Does she take every opportunity to touch your arm? When you kiss her, does she sigh into your mouth? When you're sad, does she make you your favorite dish?" Chino and I shared a smile over Jose's old-fashioned advice. My client's eyes held a faraway look - lost in memories, I suppose. My heart sank a little for him. It must be terribly hard to lose a person you'd loved for over four decades. I couldn't begin to imagine the pain. "You doing okay?" I asked him, pulling the needle back. "I'm fine. It doesn't hurt as much as I expected it to." "That's good to hear. Maybe I'll fit you in for another one next month?" I asked, tongue-in-cheek. "I'm good with just my Lola on my chest." As I filled out the tattoo, I couldn't help but think about how empty my life was. I was thirty-two - an *actual* adult now that I was out of my twenties. And I'd never dated anyone I'd considered my forever person. Maybe it was the scene in NYC. I've noticed how women get bored easily or just don't believe in commitment. But my Mama taught me better than that. She'd worn her wedding ring for years after my dad died in Panama. That had been in 1990. She wore that ring and remained loyal to him until she died in 1995. That was true love. She spoke of my dad to anyone who'd listen. He was a brave, noble military man, *todo un caballero,* who'd passed too young. The worst part was that I didn't even have a memory of him that wasn't tainted by the stillness of a curated photograph or my mother's verbal painting sessions. I didn't have *one* memory that was from my own bank of special moments. I sighed as I dipped the needle in red ink for Lola's pin-up dress. Some people, like Jose, were extremely lucky. Others, like me, were probably going to die alone. \# Chapter 2 When I turned the corner towards Expresso later that week, a loud shriek almost made me drop my cigarette. I watched Maya, who had her thick schoolbooks fanned out on the patio table she occupied, jump from her seat and throw her arms around a poor soul in a bone-crushing hug. The poor soul in question didn't seem to mind, though. She hugged Maya right back, an unmistakable grin on her face. A ridiculous surge of jealousy heated my belly as I walked over to the table. I hadn't seen her around all week but that didn't stop me from thinking about her. All my inspired doodles had a decidedly female theme. Pin-ups with a beautiful ass. Well, they say art imitates reality so... "Hello again," I said, taking a deep drag from the rapidly depleting stick. Whatever they made cigarettes from these days really didn't make them last any longer. Which just made me feel like smoking more. Maya pulled back from her friend, startled. Her wide eyes took me in - this time, I was wearing only a simple Nike tank and jeans. Did I flex my arms taut for her perusal? Perhaps. "Hi," she said with a smile. Her friend spoke in another language and Maya nodded, her cheeks turning red. I raised an eyebrow at the pair of them. Her friend stuck out her hand. "Alex," she said. "Nice to meet you." Her handshake was strong. "Gray." I took another drag of the cigarette and stubbed it out in a nearby ashtray. "So what was all the screaming about?" I asked. "Oh!" Maya's face lit up instantly, her eyes wider than I've ever seen them. "Alex is getting married!" *Seriously?* At least that assuaged the surprising spark of jealousy. "How old are you, kid?" She didn't take that well. "That's really none of your business, grandma," she returned. I felt a spark of anger in my chest but tamped it down with a big breath. Jean would be proud, god rest his soul. "I didn't mean to offend you," I clarified. "You just look a little young to be getting married." She shrugged. "When you know, you know." Maya seemed to be vibrating with excitement. "I don't care when it is, Alex. I'll be there for your big day." I couldn't look away. She was happy, genuinely happy, and the twin dimples on her cheeks made an appearance every time she smiled. My gaze followed the curve of a cheek to the lashes that framed her expressive brown eyes. I wondered what they would look like glazed over with passion. I realized a little too late that they were talking to me. "What?" I asked, pulling up my shades. "Would you like to join us?" Maya asked, indicating that I should pull up a chair to join them. I waved to Miranda inside the café, signaling for my usual. "So who's the lucky lady?" I asked as I sat down, propping a booted leg over my knee. Alex opened her mouth to reply but Maya beat her to it. "It's Cady. They met in Singapore three years ago and fell in love when Alex was her student. How romantic is that?" Alex rolled her eyes. "That's also very inaccurate. We never dated while she was my teacher." "Sure." I said with a snort. "So is that where you're both from? Singapore? I couldn't place the accent when we met." "Yep," Maya took a sip of a sugary pink drink that barely resembled coffee. "Alex and I were childhood friends. But we lost touch over the years." Alex reached out to pat Maya's hand - her touch was familiar but friendly. "When I heard this one was in New York, I had to get in contact," Alex supplied. "I can't believe it, Alex." Maya said, her voice low. "I can't believe everything you've done to get here." Alex's smile was sad. "I know. But I'm okay. I'm learning to live with it." I raised an eyebrow but said nothing. It wasn't my place to pry. "So what do you do?" Alex directed the question at me. "I own the tattoo shop two blocks over." I noticed that she didn't seem to have any visible ink. "You should come by sometime. Take a look, if that's your thing." "Yeah, right. Any tattoo on me would just look like a giant bruise." That surprised a laugh out of me. "That's not true." But Alex was already shaking her head. "I know a tattoo would look cool up close. I've admired enough of them to know. But with my skin color, from afar, it'll just look like someone beat me up. So, no, but thanks." "Suit yourself." "Yours look amazing, though. This one here," she indicated Maya, "is a sucker for tattoos. Always has been." I turned my attention to the girl who seemed to permanently be in a state of mid-blush. "That right?" "Um..." She bit that thick bottom lip of hers. "Maybe." I thought she looked a little like a frightened rabbit. Testing the waters, I leaned forward and flexed my bicep muscles, making the dark owl tattoo come alive. "Does this do anything for ya?" I asked, tongue-in-cheek. Her cheeks flamed even more. Alex laughed so loudly that it drew stares. "If you're quiet enough," she said, eyes filled with tears of laughter, "you may even hear her panties drop." I sat back, holding Maya's gaze. *Nothing like being outed by your friends.* A warm feeling of satisfaction - or what is anticipation? - trickled through me. Now that I had my answer, what was I gonna do about it? She met my gaze squarely, her eyes filled with longing and... was it trepidation? Before I could comment on it, Alex called out a greeting, snapping our eyes to her. A lovely little blonde in a short, pleated red skirt and heels walked up to the table. In her hands was a bejeweled iPhone. "Hi, baby," Alex's voice dropped several octaves as she pressed a kiss to her fiancée's lips. At least I *hoped* this was her fiancée. Alex pulled a chair up for her and introduced us. "Cady, this is Gray. She owns a tattoo shop nearby." Behind her shades, I could make out Cady's eyes flitting between Maya and me. Then she looked at Alex, who shrugged as though to say, "none of my business". "Hi," she said finally, offering me her hand. "Nice to meet you." "I hear you're getting married," I said. "Congratulations." "Yeah." The smile on her face was brighter than the diamond ring she wore. "We haven't started planning or anything." She turned to Maya. "We'd like you to be a part of it, if you can." "I'd love to," Maya said, reaching out for Cady's hand. "Anything you want me to do." I didn't understand the next words out of Cady's mouth. "What's that?" I asked, taking a large sip of the double espresso set in front of me. The too-hot coffee instantly imbued some semblance of peace inside me. "Oh, it's Tamil. I'm learning how to speak it." Cady beamed. I watched Alex's eyes cloud over with affection. I felt a ridiculously out-of-place pang of envy lance through me. I didn't like it. Maybe it made me wonder if anyone would actually learn Spanish for me - not that I spoke it *that* often but it would be nice if someone wanted to. "Yeah, I figure that if Alex can already speak my mother tongue, I should learn to speak hers," she continued. "And she's getting really good, too," Maya commented. "Well," I said, standing with a rough scrape of the chair. "I have to get back to the shop sometime today." I tipped the paper coffee cup in lieu of a wave. "It was really lovely meeting you two. And good luck." I turned to Maya, who seemed rattled by my abrupt departure. "I'll see you around," I said, retreating from the uncomfortable cloud of love hormones that seemed to be smothering the table. Maybe that's why I was still single. \* An hour later, I was working on a stencil in my office when there was a hesitant knock on my door. I frowned immediately. None of the employees ever knocked; they had no sense of privacy and took the "what's mine is yours" sentiment to the limit. And I doubted it would be a client. Melissa wouldn't be silly enough to let someone through to my office without booking an appointment at least two weeks in advance. It was important to be available but unavailable, you know what I mean? "Come in," I called out. There was a moment of hesitation before the doorknob turned. And there she was, standing right in my office, the girl I'd been thinking about all day (who was I kidding? All week, actually). She had a backpack slung over her shoulder and thick textbooks clutched to the front of her "We Are Columbia" hoodie. Her lips had a fresh coat of red that hadn't been there an hour ago. With the black glasses perched on her nose, she looked like a naughty little librarian. It was kinda hot. "Hi," she said, still standing in the doorway. "This is a surprise." I leaned back in my swivel chair, watching her fidget, trying to calm the sudden butterflies in my belly. "What's up?" "Well, I..." she started and then turned around to shut the door. That was probably wise. I was almost certain Melissa was eavesdropping on our conversation. She turned back to me and walked around my desk, stopping a foot away and resting her hip against the table. She was smiling, those twin dimples *almost* making an appearance. "I was wondering if you're doing anything tonight." The words came out in a rush, like she'd wanted to get it all out before she lost her nerve. I simply stared, wondering if this little doe-eyed cutie was asking me out. Jesus, I couldn't remember the last time someone had done that. I'd always had to make the first move. I cleared my throat. "No, nothing," I said, trying to keep my cool. "Well," she toyed with the pencil I'd been using. "Maybe you'd like to have dinner? I mean, only if you want to. I can cook; I'm a good cook. I won't poison you or anything..." She rattled on nervously, and I watched her lips work. My brain had somehow tuned out the noise and all I could see was the movement of her lips - the generous curve of her bottom lip meeting her top lip as she spoke. Red lips, beautifully painted. I couldn't wait to smudge it... maybe with my fist holding her hair back. Her breath escaping her lips in little pants, echoing the word "please"... "So, would you like to?" she asked, snapping me out of my cloud of fanciful thinking. "Yeah, sounds great. When and where?" "My apartment. It's the building just above the café. Buzz 12." She smiled in earnest now and the dimples were endearing. Inviting. "Great." I glanced at the clock. It was almost three. "I'll see you around eight or eight thirty?" "Okay. I'll see you then." She turned and walked towards the door, giving me the chance to admire her generous ass in skinny jeans. Then, just as she reached the door, she turned and walked quickly back to the desk. "You might need that back," she said, handing over the pencil she'd been playing with earlier. "I'll go now so you can get back to work. Okay, bye." With a quick wave, she ducked out the door, leaving me just a tiny bit - okay, a lot - confused. I usually prided myself on being able to read people but I'd already been so wrong on so many levels with this girl. *Timid?* Pfft. But did it really matter? *I had a date!* \# Chapter 3 She buzzed me in at twenty past eight and I felt lightheaded as I walked up the carpeted stairs. In almost eighteen years of dating, I don't think I'd ever anticipated a date quite as much. She was attractive, yes, but I didn't think it was lust. Okay, I didn't think it was *just lust.* Whatever. I couldn't quite put my finger on it. Wine bottle in hand, I rang the doorbell, giving my patterned bowtie one last corrective tug. Yes, I was wearing a bowtie on a date - you got a problem with that? It was too warm for a blazer and I wanted to seem like I'd dressed up for her. I heard multiple locks being pulled back before the door opened. Remember when I said I felt lightheaded? Multiply that by ten. Or a hundred. I think I stopped breathing for a second as I (tried) to take in what she was (not) wearing. "I'm early," I croaked. My eyes probably looked comically wide but I couldn't seem to control my face. She smiled, tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ears. A floral scent drifted into the hallway. "Don't worry about it. Come in." She stepped back, the silky robe she wore parting just enough to provide a tantalizing view of her breasts. I felt my feet move into the apartment, although I doubted my movements looked remotely human. "You can put the wine on the kitchen counter. I'll get us some glasses." I nodded and set the bottle down, as instructed, just in time to see her slide the last bolt on the door back into place. She turned, the robe swishing against the tops of her thighs. Her dark hair was tied up in one of those Japanese-style buns at the back of her head, held in place by two elegant gold chopsticks. As I watched, she tugged at the sticks and the waves tumbled over her shoulder, the curls ending at her waist. I couldn't move. It felt like my every wet dream come true. Her eyes met mine and a fierce blush crossed her cheeks. "You don't mind, do you?" "Mind?" I echoed. There was something wrong with my throat. "I thought this would be much easier. No pretenses." "Pretenses?" "Yes," she said, her fingers entwining nervously. She hesitated a moment, an irresistible blend of hesitance and half-nakedness. Then she walked towards me in what I now realized were five-inch heels. "I'm sure our date would have been fantastic." She pulled on the ribbon that held her robe together. A sleeve fell down her arm, revealing a lace black cage bra that seemed to lift her generous breasts like an invitation. "But what's the point when we both know that this is what we truly want?" *I'm dreaming. This has to be a dream.* I didn't say anything. I don't think I could've. "Gray," she breathed, placing both her palms on my chest and sliding them up to my collar. A flush still coated her cheeks. "If this isn't what you want, you can tell me. I'll stop." Her eyes were wide, seeking. *SPEAK! Say something. Say words. Anything. Maybe just nod?* Her fingers unclipped the bowtie and let it fall to the floor. Then they found the buttons on my shirt. I was probably in a state of shock but that didn't stop me from noticing that her fingers fumbled, possibly in fear. "You know," she said, her voice low. "The first time I saw you, I knew I wanted you. You're so beautiful." She traced the outline of the tattoos she revealed across my chest. "The way you looked at me was so... bold." "You looked frightened to death." Was that huskiness actually my voice? Where had it been all my adult life? "I was so attracted to you. Of course I was frightened. I think I still am. But it's not going to stop me." Her fingers undid the last button of my shirt, baring my midriff - I still wore my chest binder. She stepped back and let her robe fall to the floor, engulfing my bowtie in a sea of dark satin. Her rounded hips were encased in a matching pair of black lace panties that revealed and concealed just enough for my salivary glands to kick into overdrive. She reached for my hands and placed them on her generous bare ass. "What do you think of the outfit? Cady helped me pick it out today." She leaned forward and placed a kiss to the base of my throat. I trembled and tried to conceal it by digging my fingers into the flesh of her ass. She pressed herself closer to my body. "You got this for me?" I asked and she nodded, looking extremely satisfied with herself. *Too* satisfied. "Then I think I'd better get a good look." I felt my control returning somewhat. I think anyone would find it difficult to recover from being slapped in the face with so much... beauty. And skin. I leaned close to her ear, pulling several locks of hair out of the way to make room for my lips. "Face the wall, baby. Hands up, ass out." "W-what?" she stammered as her eyes widened. "You heard me." I ran a finger down her neck and her breath hitched. "If we're doing this, we're doing it the right way. Now turn." I slapped her ass lightly. "Hands up, ass out." She moved away slowly until her back hit the wall, then she turned, displaying the cheeks of her luscious ass in the black lace thong. With her hands up, it jutted out invitingly - more so when she shrugged her hair out of the way and looked at me over her shoulder. Nervous. Breathless. Turned on. Trembling. *Perfect.* I jerked my belt out of its loops. It landed on the satin with a muted jangle. "Eyes forward," I said, unbuttoning my pants. Her eyes met mine hesitantly before she turned to face the wall - but not before I caught the tremble that made her arms quiver. So she liked a bit of power play - this could be fun. I stepped close to her, the front of my unbuttoned pants caressing her bare bottom. She made a little noise, like a quick, involuntary exhalation. Goosebumps appeared on the back of her arms. I slid my fingers into her hair, pulling it away from the nape of her neck to make room for my lips. Her eyes closed and her breath thickened as I placed a kiss at the expanse of skin under her ear. She gasped and trembled as I gently bit into the fold of flesh. Her skin felt incredibly soft under my fingers as I ran my palms over her raised hands, down her biceps and onto the sides of her breasts. I lingered there, letting her wonder if I was going to start exploring her breasts so soon. *(Of course I wasn't - I hadn't even kissed her properly yet!)* She didn't breathe as I fingered the lace edges of her bra maddeningly slowly before moving my fingers across her stomach. Her breath exited her lungs in an audible whoosh and her stomach trembled as I ran the tips of my fingers along the sensitive curve of her stomach. A little half-moan escaped her lips and her ass ground into my crotch - involuntarily, I think. She had a sensitive little body with several little nooks and crannies that I was dying to explore more intimately with my mouth. I had to admire her control though - she said nothing but stood there and trembled as I took my time with my fingers on her skin. Her eyes were closed and she was biting her bottom lip - most women would've told me to hurry it up by now. But I liked to take my time. I always did. "Maya," I whispered, running my nose along the column of her neck. "Do you want something more?" My hands were inching towards her bare ass again. She nodded. "What is it, gorgeous? You can tell me." I thought she'd ask me to touch her more intimately, but instead, she said: "Kiss me, Gray. Please, I -." I spun her around, catching her by the waist. Her eyes, still wide and hesitant, met mine in a moment suspended with so much expectation, so much tension. The floral scent she was wearing seemed to encase us in its sweetness. I think I'd forever associate the scent of jasmine and vanilla to the soft weight of the woman in my arms. I slid a finger under her chin and lifted her lips to mine. I wanted to take it slow. I wanted to take my time to explore - I promise I did. But the moment our lips met, the moment her lithe fingers delved into my neat blonde quiff, it felt like all bets were off. Sometimes, even though a date progresses to the sex stage, the chemistry is all off. You feel like *you're* kissing *her* or *she's* kissing *you.* On very rare occasions do you truly feel like your partner is meeting you in the middle, giving you exactly what you need and taking what she wants. But that's the way I felt when I felt Maya's tongue against my bottom lip, seeking. I pushed her back against the wall, sliding one knee between her parted thighs to keep her there. She moaned deep in her throat, pressing herself even closer to me. Her hands wandered over my neck and shoulders in one long urgent caress. I could tell that she wanted me to take it further but she didn't push. She let me kiss her, letting me learn the way she liked to be kissed, nibbled and licked, letting my hands wander along the length of her body. When my palms pressed against the fullness of her lace-covered breasts, she leaned into me with a sigh against my lips. As my fingers reached for the clasp of her bra, she ran her fingers lightly under the seams of my binder. "Do you mind?" she asked, her voice all husky from my kisses. I shook my head. I'd long made peace with the fact that I'd always have breasts that were just a little too big. But that didn't mean I couldn't enjoy the pleasure they brought. Maya reached for the zipper that lay against my chest and worked it down the same moment the clasp on her bra popped, releasing her breasts. She wasted no time wriggling out of it before returning her fingers to my chest. But I clasped her hands, holding them at her sides, feeling a slow burn spread through my body at the sight of her breasts. She'd been very generously blessed. Her breasts were topped with dark, thick nipples that were so tight they must be hurting her. I ran a single finger down the side of her left breast and saw her fingers curl into fists. "You're gorgeous, sweetheart," I breathed, tracing an outline of her breasts. "So gorgeous." She blushed a little and raised her hand to work my zipper a little harder. I decided to help her out and tugged the binder off me quickly. She ran her fingers over the exposed flesh, a smile curving her lips. "So are you, Gray," she said. "Hold on tight," I cautioned before I lifted her with my hands under her ass. She let out a surprised squeal before she wrapped her legs around my waist, kissing me again. I set her on the kitchen counter, filling my palms with her breasts, testing their weight and sensitivity. Maya moaned into my mouth, her back arching. With her leaning back on the kitchen counter, her breasts were the perfect height for mouth. I nuzzled slowly, using my lips and teeth to lightly pull and nick the sides of her breasts. Her floral scent was stronger here, mixed with a heady feminine scent. Jesus, the warm hollow where her breasts met her stomach was a place I would gladly call home. When I used the flat of my tongue against her peaked nipple, she moaned deep in her throat. One hand found its way into my hair, holding me in place. My mouth curved as I licked yet again, feeling her breathing quickening under my palms. She had extremely sensitive breasts; she reacted to every little tug and lave. Much as I enjoyed worshipping her breasts, her little whimpers and moans were severely addictive and I felt as though we were working on some kind of reward system: for everything I did right, she rewarded me with a whimper or a moan. God, her every little reaction was shooting straight to my core. And then she said my name. "Please, Gray." I couldn't remember how much time I'd spent on her breasts - I don't think I'd ever lost track of time like that before. Her eyes were pleading, needy, glazed over with pleasure. "Come here," I said, straightening my back. She sat up, her curls a complete mess, tumbling any which way they pleased. Her lips were red, wet and parted. Jesus, I loved that rumpled and dazed look on her. She offered me her lips again, her fist in my hair. She said little but I could feel the desperation in her every movement. I trailed my fingers up her inner thigh and traced the crotch of her lace panties. Warm heat coated my fingers. Her breaths tumbled out of her in hiccup-y waves as I traced the seam of her panties, threatening - but not really - to slip under the edges. She leaned forward and rested her head in the hollow of my neck, her lips nuzzling the sensitive skin at the base of my neck. I shivered. My fingers slipped under panties and pushed them to one side. "S-sorry," she stuttered against my neck. "I'm very wet." I used my free hand to slide my hands into her curls and lift her head. She was blushing again - her cheeks fiercely red, eyes glazed. I placed a hard kiss on her full lips. "Don't ever apologize for being wet, sweetheart." "But I'm too-." "No." I gave her a hard look and she bit her bottom lip. "Don't." "Besides," I continued, "if you weren't soaking wet, how would I do this?" I ran a finger over her sex and found her opening. With a gentle, consistent pressure, I entered her with two fingers. Her fingernails dug into my arm; her breathing stopped as her body adjusted to the invasion. My other hand was still gripping fistfuls of her curls. I tipped her head up and placed a long, thorough kiss on her lips. It took her a moment or two to respond. When she did, my fingers probed deeper. She moaned, long and hard, against my mouth. Her body trembled almost violently as I explored her depths. "Oh god," she breathed, pulling away slightly. "What are you doing?" I pressed my index finger a little higher and she watched me with hooded eyes. "I'm exploring you," I said, sliding in a little deeper. My palm was now pressed fully against her heat, wetness dripping down the back of my hand. She shot me a pleading look. "Could you just, you know, do it?" She moved her hips suggestively. I chuckled. "You're not patient, aren't you?" She shook her head. "Please just..." I slid my fingers out and back in again quickly. Her eyes half-closed in pleasure. A word that sounded suspiciously like a multi-syllabled "yes" crossed her lips. I repeated the move, getting a firmer grasp of her curls in my hand. Her legs tightened around my waist and she soon started trembling, on edge. That was my cue. I slid my finger as deep as it could go and pressed upwards, looking for the patch of nerves I'd found before. She jerked violently, her back arching in a beautiful curve of ecstasy as she rode out the orgasm. Just as her breath returned, I brushed the spot yet again and she moaned low and deep, her short nails probably leaving faint scratches on my arms. I briefly wondered if I should maintain the pressure but as she slumped against me, her breaths harsh against my neck, I reconsidered. Her body trembled every few seconds, still riding the quick succession of orgasms. I pushed errant hair out of her eyes so I could watch her recover. She was beautiful in repose, her face a warm red, her body fully sated. She didn't say anything for a few minutes. I held her against me, running my fingers through her hair and watched her breathing (gradually) return to normal. A bolt of possessiveness surged through me. I savored the feeling, letting it ebb and settle in my gut. She was so beautiful, so open, so tempting... just so perfect cradled in my arms. And the way she responded to my touch - well, that was a big bonus. I was pretty sure my boxers were soaked through. Yes, I was turned on after watching her fall apart, but the warmth of her sated weight in my arms was too comforting for me to even attempt to move her. She pressed a kiss against the side of my neck, her eyes barely open. "I wasn't expecting that," she said, her voice soft. "That was... something else." I pressed a kiss to her forehead, a content smile twisting my lips. "What were you expecting?" I asked, curious. "I don't know," she said, trying to sit up a little. "You're very attractive, Gray. No, that sounded weird. It's not a bad thing that you're attractive. I mean, it's good, really good -" I kissed her soundly on the lips. I had a feeling that I'd be doing this to shut her up a lot more in the future. "But you thought someone attractive would be bad at sex?" I raised an eyebrow. She looked sheepish. "That's what people say - it's not like I'd know." "What? What does that mean?" She shrugged. I wanted to dig a little deeper. Her statement could mean two things. (1.) She'd never slept with someone she found attractive or (2.) She'd never slept with anyone, period. But she pulled away and said, "I'll go clean up a little. How does that sound?" I took a deep breath, fought the urge to pry, and said, "That sounds good." She hooked a finger around the waistband of my unbuttoned slacks and dragged it along the length of my pelvis. "How about you open up that bottle of wine you brought, shuck these pants and meet me in bed?" She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively, her dimples showing. *Goddamn, was she cute.* "Take a deep breath now, sweetheart." "What? Why?" "Deep breath." As she sucked in a large breath of air, I pulled my fingers out of her quickly. She let out a little squeak. "Sore?" I asked. She nodded. I could imagine - she was pretty tight and she'd needed time to get used to only two fingers. "You'll get used to me," I said instead. She blushed and lowered her eyes. "How about that wine? I just need a few minutes." "Sure." I helped her off the table and she wobbled in her heels. Chuckling, I let her hold on to me while she took them off and placed them in a corner. Even without the heels, she walked unsteadily into the bathroom. I couldn't get the shit-eating grin off my face as I washed my hands and wrestled with the bottle of merlot. \# Chapter 4 Clad only in boxers, I stood by the edge of her queen bed, wondering how I should arrange my body to look most attractive in preparation for Round Two. Her room was beautifully decorated. The old building still had its original moldings, revamped and styled to suit the minimalist grey tone of the room. Her bed itself was a modest, typical student affair. Her sheets were covered in black and white mandala patterns, which, I suppose, if she wasn't Indian, would have been quite pretentious. Beautiful hipster art hung on the walls but there weren't any family pictures. Or even a picture of herself. Very odd. I heard the water tap squeak shut in the bathroom and made a dive for the bed. It was surprisingly plush; the sheets were definitely rich cotton. As I propped myself up against the headboard and crossed my feet at the ankles, I briefly wondered if I looked like I was waiting for a business meeting to begin. Minus clothes, of course. She exited the bathroom in a white robe, her make-up gone and hair up in a tight knot. Her cheeks still glowed. I smiled as she walked around the side of the bed and placed herself daintily in my lap. The smell of jasmine surrounded us again as she placed a gentle kiss on my chin and then my lips. I held her there, my fingers cupping her cheek, keeping her lips locked onto mine. "I have a confession to make," she said sheepishly when I broke the kiss. I nodded for her to continue. "It's embarrassing, though. You'll judge me." Her cheeks were an alarming red. She tucked herself into the crook of my neck to avoid eye contact. I ran my fingers over her hair and released the bun from its knot. "I won't judge you sweetheart. I'm curious now - tell me." I wrapped a curl around my finger as I waited for her to continue. "I've only been with one other person my whole life." Her obvious embarrassment made me smile. "There's no shame in that. I have friends who've only been with one partner their whole lives." She shook her head. "I didn't love her... not in a romantic way, at least." I lifted her head with a finger under her chin. "So it was just sex then?" She nodded. "It was awkward. To be honest, I didn't even... you know. I maybe thought I couldn't. Until tonight." She bit her lip. "So, anyway, what I'm asking is, what do you like? I don't really have much experience and I don't want to do anything wrong. You're so good at this and I'm -" I cut her off mid-ramble with a kiss. Is it weird that her confession or uncertainty / almost innocence kind of warmed my heart a little? Okay, maybe it warmed my heart a lot. And when she'd said she'd never even orgasmed with a partner... I don't think my head could get any bigger. *All this was probably bad for the possessiveness I was already feeling with her.* She kissed me back fiercely, her small palm cupping my cheek and her teeth coming out to play. I let her have her fun, let her explore my mouth with her tongue, nibble my lip with her teeth. Then she adjusted her position such that she wasn't on my lap anymore but straddling me. Everything seemed to slow down a little. Her robe parted at the front as she threw a leg over my thighs. She flipped her hair over one shoulder, the action so intimate, so erotic that I felt little bullets of pleasure spark in my belly. She leaned forward to place a kiss on the sensitive skin of my neck and I shivered. "Do whatever you want sweetheart," I said, breathless. "Explore if you want to." She bit her lip and nodded, her eyes focusing on my body. Her fingers ran over every inch of skin, her eyes watching me for what I liked and what I didn't. I lay on the bed patiently, letting her trace my tattoos and find my secret sweet spots at the same time. My nipples were already tightly beaded when her fingers found them, the pink nubs almost blending into the rest of the ink on my body. She thumbed them once, twice, then ran her short nails over them lightly. Testing. The pinch made me suck in a breath - my nipples have always been extraordinarily sensitive. She stopped. "That was good, sweetheart," I clarified. She smiled and tugged gently on my nipples this time. I couldn't stop myself from moaning. The slow build was truly killing me. And then her robe fell off one shoulder, revealing her collarbone and the top of one generous breast. I watched it jiggle as she tugged at my nipples, pleasure spiraling in my body. And then she leaned over and placed her mouth on me, suckling. I felt myself move. In two quick seconds, I had her hands pinned behind her back and flipped her over so that I lay on top of her. "What're you doing?" she asked, startled. With the flat of my tongue, I licked a path along her neck. An audible gasp escaped her. "I can't help it," I whispered, my breath rasping against her ear. "I need to be inside you." I bit down on the side of her neck and she squirmed, pressing her breasts against mine. A brief whisper of "yes" reached my ears as I nibbled a path down to the distended tips. "You have the most beautiful breasts," I murmured, nuzzling the generous curve. "Thank you. I- Oh!" She gasped as I nipped at the tender flesh. Her back arched, giving additional access to my seeking lips. "Please," she whispered as I suckled. It was the only word I heard for quite some time. \* Sue Ellen's version of "I Was Made for Loving You" wafted from Maya's MacBook as she lay on my chest, her fingers aimlessly tracing the contours of my ribcage. Her breath was warm against my breast, her hair silky against my fingers. She hummed along with Sue's soulful voice, the words too deep for either of us to try and voice at the moment. I knew better than to speak of commitment, of anything other than the now. I wasn't going to push Maya away by telling her how her boldness, her expressive eyes, and those beautiful breasts had kicked me in the gut. It was too soon. Instead, I savored the feeling of the "in between", leaning back against the plush pillows and breathing in our mingled scents. She raised her head, her lips swollen and rosy red from my kisses. "Do you have cigarettes on you?" she asked. I raised a brow. "*You* smoke?" She faked offense. "I'm not some innocent little girl." *Aren't you?* I wanted to ask. Instead, I leaned over and picked my boxers off the floor. By the time I found my pack of Marlboro Reds, Maya had already tugged her bathrobe on and popped the window open. "Here," she said, tossing me her Columbia hoodie. I slipped it over my head but not before the chilly night air cut its way into the room. My nipples immediately stood at attention. She boosted herself out of the window and sat on the bottom stair of the fire escape. I followed suit, trying not to wince at the contact of cool metal on my upper thigh. We sat shoulder to shoulder; it was a tight fit. I handed her a stick and she lit up like a pro, making me wonder again if I knew her at all. "You know, I did actually cook for us," she said with a smile. "Well, I'm going to anyway. What do you think about steak and mash? Maybe some red velvet passion fruit cupcakes for dessert? The cupcake's not optional. I've already made the batter." "You made it yourself?" She nodded, taking another drag of her cigarette. "I've always been good at baking, even when I was a kid. I actually wanted to go to business school to learn how to set up a store slash bakery." "Why didn't you?" She shrugged, tugging her bathrobe firmly closed. "It just isn't in the cards, I guess. I'm still studying business, though - that's my major. But I'll probably do something else with it." "I don't understand," I cut in, knowing I was pushing but unable to stop myself. "How long has this been a dream of yours? Having a bakery?" "Maybe fifteen years? But I-" "And what's standing between you and that dream?" "I don't know. Family, I guess. It's hard to explain." "You wanna try?" She took another long drag. "My parents are highly conservative - our status in society means everything to them. Starting something like a bakery would be 'too small' a business venture for any of us. Too menial." She looked away. "How awful does that sound?" "Hey." I placed a hand on the back of her neck and turned her towards me. "If you want this dream, go after it." She shook her head. "I can't. Let's not talk about it anymore." She cleared her throat. "What about you? What's your family like?" I let my hand drop from her neck, wondering why I felt like our connection had been severed. "I don't have a family," I said instead. I'd said those words so many times in my FREE NYC youth counseling groups that the pain was barely there anymore. She looked back at me, her eyes wide. Her lips parted to utter a condolence but I interjected with, "Don't be. It was a long time ago. My dad died in combat and my mom raised me as best as she could. She worked two jobs to make sure I had everything I needed." I took a drag of the depleting stick. "When I was ten, she got hit by a car on the way to work and passed a few days later." "I'm so-" "No, it's okay," I cut her off again. I'd mourned her enough over the years. I didn't need sympathy anymore. It wasn't easier not hearing people's condolences... I just didn't need it. Maya shocked me by reaching up and grabbing the back of my neck with her small hand - a mirror of what I'd done just minutes before. "Listen, I don't know if this is some sort of weird coping mechanism but *stop cutting me off*. I need to tell you I'm sorry for your loss, not because it'll make you feel better but because it's truly how I feel. I'm sorry, Gray. Losing your parents at such a young age must have been so painful." A sad smile twisted my lips. "I know, sweetheart. I've had a lot of time to process this. It's okay. I'm fine now, aren't I?" She raised a perfectly arched brow. "Are you?" I considered it for a moment, stubbing out my cigarette. "Yeah, I think so." I paused to exhale. "I actually run a support group for at risk or homeless teens at FREE NYC - have you heard of us?" She nodded. "I've seen flyers." "My mentor, Jean, was one of the founders. He got me involved when I was a teenager. I hated it, talking about all that feelings crap. Swore I'd never come back." She smiled. "How'd that work out?" I shrugged. "After a while, I felt like I was suffocating because I didn't have anyone to talk to. And then I realized that if I wasn't going to take the help Jean was offering, there was no way I'd ever get any peace or get off the streets." "The streets?" she asked, taken aback. I stood. "Maybe that's a story for another time." I offered her a hand. "How about that steak now?" \# Chapter 5 I didn't know which was better - watching her spoon sizzling thyme-scented butter over the perfectly browned steak as the tops of her breasts jiggled with the movements, or the scent of a home-cooked meal after a long, long time. The most I could be bothered to make myself on the regular was spaghetti. Was that even considered homemade if most of it came out of a jar? She'd changed into a white tank top and pair of pink dolphin shorts. I sat up on the counter next to her, still dressed in boxers and her hoodie, listening to her talk about food like it was the hottest love affair of her life. She smacked her lips, making a "mm-mm-mm" noise at the back of her throat as she spoke of the different fillings she was toying with for her cupcakes. I'd already offered to be her tester bunny. "Can I do anything?" I asked for the third time. "No," she said as she slid the pan into the oven and set the timer. Then she wiggled her way between my knees and gestured for me to lean forward. "Let me take care of you tonight," she said, placing a soft kiss on my lips. She lingered for a few seconds and, I swear, I could feel my heartbeat slow right down. Can heartbeats feel thick? Languorous? Because that's really how mine felt. She smiled and pulled away. I was... moved. Could she have guessed that no one had "taken care" of me in a really long time? My last fond memory of feeling spoiled in any way was going to Coney Island with ma as a child. And even those memories were tattered with age. I watched her bustle around the kitchen, spraying the cupcake pan and removing cling from the deep red batter she'd already prepared. All the while, she hummed along with the Bruno Mars track playing in the background. Every few minutes, she looked up to smile at me, almost as though she'd forgotten I was even there. I wasn't offended - I mean, clearly, food was her first love. She dipped the tip of a teaspoon into a pale syrup and lifted it to my lips. I tried it without hesitation. The burst of passion fruit flavor on my tongue was incredible. "It's a passion fruit emulsion for the cupcake. It's good, right?" she asked. "So how much filling do you want? A lot or more than a lot?" I laughed. "Whatever you recommend, chef." "More than a lot it is then." She scooped the dark batter into the cupcake trays, concentrating so intently that the tip of her tongue peeked out between the corners of her lips. She really was a natural in the kitchen - rephrase: she looked natural in it. Like this was her comfort zone, her favorite place. A new track came on and she sang with it (maybe a little off key, but who cares?). *Let's take our time tonight, girl. Above us all the stars are watching.* I felt a twinge in my heart as realization slowly dawned. She was perfect. She was my version of what perfection is. I swallowed. *This can't happen. This can't happen so quickly.* I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself. She looked up, asking me what's up. *How did she know? I'd barely moved.* "I left the wine in the room," I said quickly - it was the first excuse that came to mind. "A glass would be nice, actually." I wondered if she could tell I was starting to panic. "I'll grab the bottle." I slid off the counter and walked as normally as possible into the bedroom. Once there, I ran a hand through my hair. I could still hear her singing Bruno Mars off key. *Dear god, what was happening?* I grabbed my pack of cigarettes and climbed onto the fire escape. Time for nicotine-and-think time. My fingers were trembling as I lit up. \* She'd already plated up the steak and mashed potatoes when I came through. She poured thick, creamy gravy on her mash and asked how much I wanted. I shrugged, having decided to play it cool but my stomach betrayed me by growling audibly. She winced, glancing at the clock. It was past eleven. "Sorry, it's done now though. Would you mind eating at the coffee table?" I shrugged again and set the wine down on the coffee table. The thick carpet cradled my thighs as I made myself comfortable on the floor. She set the plates in front of us; I noticed immediately that the portion on her plate was half the size of mine. "Are you not hungry?" I asked, my knife already buried in the meat. The herb-flavored juices flowed out, coating the creamy mash. It was the second time I felt drool pool in my mouth that night. "I am," she said, picking up her utensils. "But I have to watch my weight." I tried to concentrate on the conversation even as the flavors burst in my mouth. "Why?" I asked around a mouthful. In case you were wondering, I've always been a very graceful human being. She took a sip of her wine. "You've seen what's under this. You know I need to lose more than a few kilos." "I know no such thing." I actually wanted to say a combination of "that's bullshit" and "are you crazy" but the last thing I wanted to do was offend her. Instead, I said: "I think you have curves most women would kill for." "What? No way. Have you seen my-" "Ass? Yes. Absolutely spankable." Her eyebrows rose. "But my boobs-" "Are perfect handfuls." Her eyes narrowed. "Surely, my tummy is-" "Cushion for the pushin'?" "Stop it!" She was trying to be serious but her lips tilted upwards at the corners. "You're just being silly." I realized I had no choice but to break out the gospel of Sir Mix-Lot. As seriously as I could, I said: "My anaconda don't want none unless you got buns, hon." She stared at me for a full two seconds before she burst out laughing and threw a couch cushion at me. Her laughter was highly contagious. "Are you always like this?" she asked, flabbergasted, as though it were a sin to quote Nineties rap. "Sometimes. My crew lightened me up a little. I think I would've scared you before." "Before?" "Yeah, I've mellowed out some over the years." I ran a hand through my hair. "I used to be on edge all the time, always ready for a fight. I really don't know how I managed it. Even thinking about using so much energy right now is tiring." "What changed?" I paused to take a large bite of steak and mash. "It was a combination of many things. But the most positive change in my life is my crew at the store. They've been with me for about ten years. And, as you put it, they're all 'silly' in their own way." She smiled. "You light up when you talk about them. They're family, aren't they?" I hadn't even noticed the smile on my lips. "Yeah, they are. But don't tell them that. They're insufferable." "Sounds like the best kind of family." She seemed interested in hearing about them so I told her their stories and how I'd come to meet them over the years, interspersed with bites of steak. The meat was so perfectly seasoned that I had to hold back moans with each bite. The gravy was the perfect complement to the potatoes. The most important question was: how could I get her to cook for me on the daily? An image of her in my studio suddenly clouded my thoughts. It had a stop motion film kind of effect. She's bent over, getting something out of my tiny temperamental oven. She's thrown an apron over her tank top and shorts and is humming some sort of pop song. When she straightens, she notices me standing in the doorway and smiles. Damn if she doesn't say, "Welcome home, baby" and sets a lasagna on the counter. I unzip my jacket and pull her close, nuzzling her neck, murmuring "hello". The sequence of images was so appealing, so strong, that my throat closed up. I reached for my wine, trying to ease it. She was in the middle of a really funny story about the adventures of her (late) tiny Pomeranian, Romeo. I watched her jaw work in slow motion, my eyes following the movement of her lips, the slant of her cheekbones and the narrowing of her eyes as she laughed. The first few bars of the Arctic Monkeys' "Baby I'm Yours" started up in my mind, their (surprisingly upbeat) British tones in perfect unison with every laugh, every tilt of her chin. How much would you bet that I looked like a braindead zombie, staring at her like a slack-jawed idiot? She reached out and touched my arm, shaking me out of the weird trance I was in. "You okay?" she asked. "I've been talking too much, haven't I?" "No." My voice was hoarse. "Not at all." "How about dessert now?" She reached over to take my plate but I stopped her. "You cooked so I'll clean up." She opened her mouth to argue but I cut her off with, "I insist." I watched her frost the cupcakes - equal parts fascinated and impressed - as I soaped the dishes. Her movements were professional; it took her about two seconds to frost each cupcake with a quick flick of her wrists. In fact, she took so little time that she ended up waiting on me to clean up. I have to admit - I don't have a giant sweet tooth. I don't even take sugar in my coffee. But if someone made a cupcake especially for you, wouldn't you eat it, too? Especially if that someone was a beautiful curvy woman you wanted in your bed on a more permanent basis. "Where's yours?" I asked when she handed me a small plate. "It's way too many calories." She patted her belly. I looked over at the counter. "Then why'd you make six?!" She shrugged. "So you can take some home with you?" "Like, hey, thanks for the sex, here's a goodie bag?" Her lips twitched. "No, not like that. I just like making cupcakes for people, okay? Do you want them or not?" "I'm not turning down free cupcakes." Her chin tilted up at an angle, which, I figured, was her "Yeah, I won!" gloat face. She walked back to the couch, cradling her wine glass in her palm. "So what?" I asked, settling on the other end of the couch with my cupcake. "You're just gonna watch me eat?" She took a sip of her wine. "Sure, why not?" I propped a foot on my knee and extended an arm towards her. "Come here and have a bite." She set her glass down and scooted forward into the crook of my arm. Her breath was warm against my shoulder as she pulled her legs onto the couch and made herself comfortable. My arm curled around her shoulder and held her close. She looked so small, so soft tucked into my side. The floral scent of her hair seemed all encompassing. "Let me help you with that," she said, reaching for the wrapping on the cupcake. "Take a bite first, baby." My voice was husky. I couldn't help but take a peek at the generous curves of her breasts on display along the neckline of her tank. "It's fine. You have some. You haven't even tried it yet." I slid my fingers under her chin and tilted her head up to get her attention. Her fingers stopped fiddling with the wrapper as she tried to gauge what was going through my mind. I swiped a little dollop of icing on the tip of my index finger. "Open," I said, and she did. My gaze didn't waver from hers as her lips closed around my finger, her tongue swiping at the icing. She was hesitant. "Suck." My voice was low. Her eyes widened, her cheeks flushed... all a second before she took more of my finger into her mouth. "Good girl." I swear she trembled. Her fingers came up to hold my wrist in place as she took my finger deeper into mouth. I couldn't look away if my life depended on it. Heat pooled between my thighs as her expressive eyes clouded over with desire. Her cheeks hollowed out as she sucked, her beautiful features masked in pleasure. When she released my finger with a soft pop, I had to make a concerted effort not to push her down into the plush cushions and fuck her. Instead, I set the plate aside and lifted her onto my lap. Straddling me, her breasts were two inches from my face. Each time she moved, they rippled gently, like subtle calls to come home. I felt her fingers on the back of my neck, caressing, pulling me closer. I laid my head on her chest, enjoying the weight of her on my lap, the smell of her on my skin. I nuzzled her skin with my lips, nipping it lightly with my teeth. She jumped, her fingers tightening in my hair. I kissed my way up to her neck, more pleased than I should have been when I came across the little bite marks I'd left behind. "Gray..." Her voice was soft. I made a sound of assent at the back of my throat. My fingers had already delved under her tank top, exploring the expanse of skin on her back. "Do you not like to be touched?" I pulled back. "What?" "It's just that I've, you know, and you haven't..." A small smile twisted my lips. "I haven't what?" I could tell she wanted to squirm but her position made it pretty difficult. Instead, her voice dropped to a whisper. She even leaned forward, as though we weren't the only two people in the room. "You haven't, you know, come." "And that makes you uncomfortable?" She bit her lip. I could practically see her considering her responses and the different scenarios it could lead to. "A little," she admitted eventually. I reached for the neck of the hoodie and pulled it over my head. Naked from the waist up, I placed her hands on my chest. "Touch me, sweetheart. Do whatever you want. I've been too preoccupied with pleasing you but if this is what you want, I'm all yours." She smiled, her fingers already exploring my flesh. I let my fingers stroke her sides absentmindedly, focusing instead on the feel of her soft, seeking touch. "You're so hard everywhere." Her palms cupped the muscles on my shoulders. "I'm jealous." "Of me?" I was genuinely taken aback. "Why?" "I've always admired muscles like yours. You're so toned." Her fingers ran over the side of my neck. "Really? Because I've always loved soft curves like yours. Look at you." She scoffed. My eyes narrowed. It was obvious she thought I was just being nice. But why did I feel so personally offended by that? "Stop." Her fingers had just moved down to my breasts, but my tone, more than the actual word, stopped her. "Take this off." I motioned to her tank top. A little wary now, she tugged the top off. The loose bun she wore came apart; curls fell down her back and over her shoulders. She was magnificent. "Put your hands behind your back. Don't move." She did as instructed, the position thrusting her chest out a little more. The worry in her eyes hadn't eased. I could see her throat working. "Now," I said patiently. "I don't want you to disrespect your body ever again. Understand? Especially not these." I licked the tip of my index finger and traced the outline of an areola. She sucked in a breath. "These are the most beautiful breasts I've ever seen." I cupped my palms under them and lifted them lightly before letting them fall into place. The jiggle was hypnotic. "Goddamn." I flicked the tips lightly. "I could spend hours on these." She trembled. With my thumb and forefinger, I applied a little pleasure on the hard nubs. Her lips parted and an almost-silent "oh" escaped her. I took my time with her breasts, tracing my fingers up and down, towards the sides and exploring the nook underneath. God, I could live in that warm nook. When my fingers slipped lower onto her tummy, I could feel her muscles tighten. Nervous again. I kinda liked how her nerves battled her desire. When my fingers began tracing the stretch marks along her hips, she instinctively reached out to stop me. "No." I made sure my voice was hard, stern. "Keep them behind your back." Indecision colored her gaze. But I was determined; I met her eyes until she clasped her hands behind her back again. "Good girl," I said, resuming my caress of her skin. I wondered what she saw in the mirror to be so unhappy with her body. Because the woman in front of me was pure perfection. I'd take soft rolls any day. My fingers dug into her sides as I grabbed her hips and pulled her closer to me. "I don't think you understand just how beautiful you are, sweetheart." "Even my... stretch marks?" "Why are you whispering?" I asked. "I just don't like having them." I placed a kiss on the base of her throat. "Well, even if you were to lose weight, you'll still have these. They're like a brand - these ones are yours. And they're beautiful." She bit her lip. "I still can't decide if you're lying to make me feel better." "See for yourself, then." I ran a hand along the marks, trying to make my touch as soothing / loving / reverent as possible so she'd know that I meant what I said. Instead, she looked down and said: "I can't see my tummy. My tits are in the way." I felt laughter bubble inside me; I bit my lip hard to keep it in. But when she started giggling, I couldn't help myself. Ever heard of champagne problems? This should be a good example of that. We didn't stop until I slid her down onto the couch and covered her with my body. Her curls were everywhere, spread out around her, showing starkly against the white cushions. A smile still curled her lips as she laid a palm on my cheek. "You're very sweet, Gray." I kissed her, sliding my tongue against hers. She curled her arms around my neck, holding on tight, pressing her skin to mine. I felt my nipples pebble against the exposed skin of her hiked-up tank top. The little noises of desire she was making at the back of her throat were like the soundtrack to our lovemaking. I kept looking for little spots of pleasure that would trigger those sexy little sounds. She didn't disappoint. As I grazed my teeth over a nipple, she held my head to her breast, her grip urgent, inviting. "Gray, please." She pleaded very prettily. My fingers grazed the sensitive skin along her inner thigh and she tensed for a moment before parting her legs. As I slid my fingers teasingly along the smooth flesh, she exhaled deeply. "I still want to make you come." Her words were interwoven with a moan. It shot straight to my core and I shut my eyes for a second, taking a deep breath. "Later," I said and slid home. \# Chapter 6 She was like a curious little kitten once she recovered from the succession of orgasms that wracked her body. I'd promised to let her have her way with me and I wasn't about to go back on my word. She explored my body with as much intense concentration as she used to ice her cupcakes. Damn if the tip of her tongue didn't peek through her lips and her brows didn't furrow in concentration when she parted my pussy with her fingers. She looked up at me every few seconds to make sure I was doing okay... what a cutie. Her hesitance made her all the more appealing. I couldn't recall a time when I was more turned on or intrigued by a person. She'd mentioned that she'd only been with two others in her entire life - did that actually make me jealous? Ridiculous. When she did enter me, she was eager and a little clumsy, and that made her all the more endearing. I talked her through what I liked until the moans overtook my ability to speak. I won't lie - it wasn't the best orgasm I've ever had, but as she proudly cuddled close to my side and laid her head on my chest, her wild jasmine-scented curls tickling my nose, I couldn't have been more content. That was *fucking scary.* She fell asleep in the middle of our post-coital conversation, her light snores making me smile. I looked down at our intertwined bodies. She'd thrown a thigh over my legs, exaggerating the prominent dip of her lower back and the generous curve of her ass. The low light from the single lamp shed a glow on our skin, highlighting the hypnotic contrast. I ran a hand over the expanse of her back; she mumbled unintelligibly and snugged closer. I breathed in the scent of her hair, pressed a kiss to her forehead and let myself drift. \* I had *the dream* again. I was nailed to the cement floor and fists were flying at my face. I could barely breathe; my nose had been badly broken. My tongue would taste like copper for days afterward. It was probably the most harrowing moment of my life. Although I knew I was dreaming it, the memory of the pain, both physical and emotional, was fresh. I felt like my fifteen-year-old self again, pinned down by the people she loved the most and beaten to an inch of her life... all because she wanted out. I felt a heavy boot come down on my ribs. The sick snap echoed in my dream just as a hand fell on my shoulder. I jerked awake so suddenly that I almost knocked the coffee mug out of Maya's hands. She stepped back, her eyes wide, a hand cupped protectively over the rim of the mug. I could see her lips moving but the sound of my own breathing had taken over my hearing. I ran a hand over my face, trying to focus. "Are you okay?" Her voice seemed distant, as though she wasn't only two feet from the bed. I nodded, taking deep breaths. I needed to calm the fuck down before a heart attack took me at the ripe old age of thirty-two. Although I always preach at my FREE NYC meetings that recovery is a process that takes time and effort, I fail to mention my fear that recovery might never happen for some people. Namely, me. As I struggled to get my breath back, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was fifteen again with banged up ribs and so many lacerations that it took the doctors four hours to stitch me up. My throat started to close. "Put your head between your legs. Now." Although her voice was still far away, I felt her hands on my back pushing me forward. She slapped it hard. Once, twice, three times. I fought the overpowering images and the sharp taste of phantom blood in my mouth. "Breathe, Gray." Her fingers gripped mine and I held on, trying to get some air into my lungs. It took a few tries, but the knack of breathing eventually came back to me. Still, she held on, one hand patting my back in a soothing motion. "Better?" I could only nod. My heart was racing. She plonked herself into the space between my raised knees and cupped my face in her hands. "You're okay, Gray. You're fine." She patted my cheeks and I could *feel* the color rush back into them. I nodded again. "Here," she said, handing me the coffee mug. "This should help." The familiar scent of espresso teased awake the functioning part of my brain. "Thank you." My voice was hoarse as I accepted the small mug and took a sip. "I asked the barista what your drink was. She seems to know you well." My nerves were starting to calm. I took another big gulp. "You went to Expresso?" "Yeah, I got us some breakfast." "And you came back upstairs and poured the coffee into a mug?" "Well, I've never seen people serve coffee in bed with a plastic cup. And I wanted to be all professional lover-like." She pushed stray strands of hair out of my eyes, her lips twisting with a smile. "Lover-like, you say?" I pulled her straight onto my lap and buried my nose in her neck, inhaling deeply. Who knew jasmine could be so calming? "Are you feeling better, Gray? I thought you were going to have a panic attack." *So did I.* "I'm fine, sweetheart. I get nightmares sometimes. It's not a big deal." She frowned. "What do you mean it's not a big deal? How long have you had them?" "About seventeen years. But I've worked through most of it with my therapy group." "Have you really?" Why does she do that? Ask the exact questions that I don't want to answer. I took another gulp of my coffee and avoided her eyes. "What time is it?" I asked instead. She let it drop with a sigh. "It's 8.30. I've gotta be in class in an hour." "Sure, how about we do something later? Maybe I could take you out for dinner or something?" Her face fell. "I can't, I'm sorry. Um, my mom's gonna be home tonight. She's actually visiting some family right now, which is why I can have you over. And she's not... you know..." "Cool with this?" I set the mug on the bedside table. "Yes. She's very traditional." I could tell that she was choosing her words very carefully. "I understand, sweetheart. How about you text me when you're free?" "Sounds great." Her relief was palpable. I slid out of the covers and stretched. I could feel her eyes on me, watching every move. Did I mention I sleep naked? Her cheeks were flushed when I let my arms drop. When her eyes met mine, they were slightly dazed. "So your class is at 9.30?" She nodded. I moved forward and slipped my hand into her curls, tilting her head up to meet mine. "How about a shower first?" She leaned forward to place a kiss on my lips. "Yes, please." It wasn't until I was walking home later that I realized her hair had been damp already. \# Chapter 7 The scent of jasmine haunted me all day - I thought it was psychosomatic before I remembered I'd used her shampoo that morning. Each floral whiff evoked some kind of memory from the previous night, another isolated image of her with the echoing words "Let me take care of you" playing somewhere in the background on a demented loop. I saw her dimples flash, her breath catch, her breasts bounce, her head between my legs... all in a succession of scented memories. By lunch, I'd spent half the day doing almost nothing but check my phone. By closing time, the hollow ache in my gut was the only thing I could think about. I'd only completed one stencil that day for a client who was coming in the next day - not my best track record. It wasn't my fault. I blamed *her*. Who could resist the contrast of sexy innocence? Who'd be able to walk away from someone who says things like "Let me take care of you"? Who wouldn't want to spend every night with a woman who trembled like a dream when she came with your name on her lips? And now, we were playing the stupid fucking dating game. At least, I assumed she was. Why else would she wait so long to text? I would've texted her while walking out her front door... *let's pretend I didn't just say that.* At the back of my mind, doubt still lingered. What if she'd just wanted a one-night stand? She did come on pretty strong with the "no pretenses" stuff. What if that simply meant she didn't want to deal with any relationship bullshit? Could I handle it if she just wanted sex? The answer was a resounding no. I don't think I've ever reacted to someone this way; I'm usually great with keeping my cool. I'm used to clingy girlfriends who won't leave me alone. *I'm* usually the one who makes others wait for a text. Hold up - was this karma? As I locked up for the day, Kenny, a talented artist I'd hired from Jersey over ten years ago, offered to help. Kenny was a quiet dude, always kept to himself. Which is why I liked him, I suppose. Everyone else at the shop had a gossip problem. Nothing happened without them knowing about it *and* making up several different stories to make life in the store more interesting. A few years ago, there was a rumor that Mel had gotten a nose job because one of our clients had seen her wearing a cast on her nose. She'd even taken a week off work so the story seemed to fit. Little did we know that her boyfriend had roughed her up and broken her nose. My knuckles still tingled when I thought about the night I'd found out the truth. Mel wasn't only an employee - she was a FREE NYC kid I'd enlisted to help with the shop when she was sixteen. She was one of those people that never let life get her down - even homeless and hungry, she'd cracked jokes while waiting in food lines. I thought the shop could use her energy. Anyway, her douchebag ex hadn't even seen me coming. Kenny was different from the others in the shop, though. I'd seen him smile at the gossip that went around the room but he never contributed or spoke more than he absolutely had to. So far, he had a 4.8 star rating on our site among 369 satisfied clients over ten years. Hell, even my rating was a meager 4.5. As we pulled the shutters down, he said, "Needa talk?" Did I mention Kenny was uncannily perceptive? I bought some time pushing locks into place. Then I said, "No." "Aight." He handed me a cigarette. We smoked in silence as we walked around the block together. He was walking towards the subway; I was trying to decide the easiest option for dinner. "Women are confusin', man," he said as we turned a corner. He looked straight ahead. With his hood pulled over his baseball cap, he looked like a thug. No one would ever guess that this man made five figures through commission alone and owned an immaculate lower-level condo in Rutherford. I took a deep drag. "How is Ramona?" "She good. Havin' a hard time with Cara. Teenagers." No one knew how long Kenny had been with Ramona. But they had a fifteen-year-old daughter so we assumed it's been a while. Kenny was only thirty-three so perhaps they were high-school sweethearts or something? It's not like he ever volunteered any information so it was anyone's guess, really. We walked in silence for two blocks. When I stopped in front of the sushi bar I liked, Kenny said, "Take it easy, boss. Things will work out the way it's meant to." I watched him walk away, head down, back stooped, with a "suspicious" thug swagger. He'd never said more than two words to me in a very long time. Had I been that obvious that something was bugging me? Rephrase - had my brooding been *so obvious* that my so-quiet-he-could-be-mute employee had told me to "take it easy"? I frowned as I stepped into the sushi bar. There was still no message from her. It was gonna be a long night. \* In bed later that night, I wondered what constituted stalking. I'd never been a big social media person - hell, I even hired a social media whizkid to handle the website and improve something called SEO. Chesca had tried to explain what it was and how it could benefit the store but all I heard was gibberish followed by "more clients". So I'd given her a trial, and truthfully, we'd gotten way more enquiries than the month before. Most of them were through Instagram, which was fine with me. The books were full until December, just the way I liked it. Did people know how easily they could be found on the Internet? How were there still criminals at large? Although I only had her first name and the University she attended, I found her in under twenty minutes. Her Facebook page connected me to her Twitter page through which I found her Instagram account and LinkedIn profile. She didn't have much of an online presence. In fact, other than her latest post from two days ago (a picture of her, Alex and Cady with corn dogs at Times Square), she hadn't posted since June. Her old pictures were mostly of family gatherings, church and her Pomeranian. Could someone feel unsatisfied from stalking? I groaned, turning over in bed. It was past two a.m. I briefly wondered if I should have a drink and watch some shitty late night TV. But here's the worst part - I didn't want to sleep. Every time I closed my eyes, I saw her, felt her by my side, heard her soft breathing in my ear, her breath warm against the side of my neck. I could almost feel her weight in bed with me, comforting, stable. I could hear her voice saying "Gray" and asking how I was. Saying good morning. Her messy hair tangled in the covers. I wanted to savor those memories. What if sleep blurred the feel of her? I couldn't think of anything worse. At the back of my mind, I knew it was unhealthy how fixated I was with her. This was a girl I'd only known for a couple days. And I already wanted her to be my forever girl*. How the hell did this happen?!* Because she was perfect for me. I liked to think I was perfect for her as well (she didn't have to know that I don't have a sweet tooth). Things between us were effortless. There was a natural rhythm, a natural melding that hadn't happened for me before. Most of my past relationships had entailed a push and pull that we "needed to work on" at some point before things got serious. Was I confusing sex with actual feelings? I wanted to say no. Everything in me screamed no. But this wasn't a problem I'd encountered before. It was actually the exact opposite. I was always the last one to commit; I'd think ten times about any long-term commitments before I said yes. But Maya was different. She felt *so right.* Clearly, my thoughts were going in futile circles. I welcomed the pound of the pavement under my feet ten minutes later as I tried to shut my mind off with a workout. I had a set of weights I usually used at home but at this point, nothing short of three miles would calm me. I ran my usual route around the University - it was generally the safest jogging route in the area with minimal chances of getting mugged. I heard several house parties still going at full steam in the dorms with students belting out rap tunes terribly (and wrongly). I knew I'd jog by her place on the way back. Perhaps that had been my plan all along. Was this my version of a creepy drive-by? My steps slowed as I spotted her window. There was a soft glow from her bedside lamp and her curtains were partially closed. She was probably asleep. Why did I think she'd be up, tortured by images of me in her bed? The touch of my hands on her breasts? The smell of my hair wax on her pillow? The feel of my lips on hers? It was stupid. We had one night together - granted, it was a beautiful, blissful night - and I was already thinking of ways to make her mine. Was this normal? Could someone please weigh in? I sighed as I pulled a pack of cigs from my joggers. Guess I'd better end this self-imposed psychological war and (try to) get some sleep. \# Chapter 8 A really good tattoo studio always smells of surgical spirit - anyone ever tell you that? If it doesn't, I suggest you walk away quickly or risk hepatitis. As I stepped into work a little later than usual the next day, greeted with the scent of heady disinfectant, Kenny already had a client in his chair. Mel came around from behind her receptionist desk and ran through my appointments for the day, reminding me that she'd stuck a post-it summary on my desktop. So far, it didn't look like it was going to be a busy day. I had two clients coming in for consultations and stencil reviews, and a client in the evening who needed a touch-up for a boombox tattoo I'd done last month. Sadly, most of today would just be spent checking inventory and chasing vendors. One of our new ultrasonic cleaners was also acting up so I'd need to call the supplier and yell at him for a bit. *Lovely.* I didn't want to think about last night. After way too many cigarettes and regret for my almost-stalkerish behavior, I'd silenced my phone and actually gotten a few hours of rest. But my first thought had been of her this morning. And my shower had felt so empty. *Fuck this.* I picked up the office phone and dialed Malcolm, the tech supplier. He was a nice enough guy, but as a new supplier he should have been sure to check all his products before selling them to us. I mean, we weren't big clients but we sure were *repeat* clients. If he was unwilling to fix the cleaner, I wasn't gonna hold back. I was already in a mood. The day passed pretty quickly. In between calls and inventory check, clients came in for a final review before their sessions later that week. I was pretty excited for the 3D phoenix tattoo a new client had requested. The design had taken me weeks to tweak (and for him to approve) but he was finally happy with it. It was his first large tattoo (he had a smallish tribal band on his bicep) and he wanted it to be "perfect, just perfect". What I truly loved about it was that, if done right, the phoenix would look like it was flying every time he shrugged. It was a cool concept and I was honored that he'd sought me out for it. 3D tattoos were my forte but I didn't have a phoenix in my portfolio - yet. I was on hold with a supplier later that afternoon, staring out into the barren ten by six foot space of land we called "the backyard" when I heard my office door open and shut. Kids, let me tell you: when you wish *really, really hard* for something to happen, it will. I stood with the receiver glued to my ear, the ridiculous "please hold" elevator music playing on in incessant, merciless loop as Maya stared back at me, slightly breathless. She was wearing an oversized black jumper, leggings and that goddamn gorgeous red lipstick. Stirrings of "Summers Over Interlude" started up in my head. Her hair was loose today, falling around her shoulders in practiced perfection yet no apparent order. "Hi," she said, still not moving from the doorway. I covered the mouthpiece of the receiver. "What are you doing here?" I hadn't meant to sound gruff. Okay, maybe I was a little (a lot) butthurt that she hadn't texted in over twenty-four hours when all I'd done was think about her. But *god,* I'd forgotten the crazy effect she had on me. She made everything feel like it was happening in slo-mo, every breath she took, every curl that fell over her shoulder, every time her lips moved... everything happened at half speed. I took in all of it, mesmerized. "I just... I've been thinking about you." She pressed her lips together, as though she'd just revealed a secret - as though I hadn't been doing the *exact same thing*. "You have?" She nodded. *Don't cave, Gray. Stay mad. Tell her it's not okay not to text and then just show up.* But I was already a puddle on the inside. She nodded, walking around my desk to stand in front of me. She raised her arms and wrapped them around my waist, resting her head on my chest. "I missed you." Her voice was muffled. I tried to hold myself as stiffly as possible - I wanted her to feel bad for letting me hang in the balance for a torturous amount of time. But all it took was a whiff of her hair and I was hanging up the phone as though I hadn't been on hold for half an hour. My fingers worked their way into her hair, tilting her head up. "You didn't text." I may be a softy on the inside, but I wasn't about to let things go. "I know. I'm sorry." That's it? The least she could've done is make up an excuse to make me feel better! The default explanation that I had to fall back on was that she couldn't be bothered to text. I could feel myself stiffening again, the first sparks of anger igniting painfully in my stomach. "I couldn't stop thinking about you." "Really?" She looked apprehensive now. I wasn't sure how much of me she could read. I've been told that "pissed off" was my default look. "Do you want me to leave?" Her voice was soft; her gaze searched mine. I could feel her arms slackening around my waist. I said nothing but my fingers tightened in her hair. She paused, looking up at me with those damn expressive eyes. My lips took hers in a kiss a moment later, her body plastered against mine. She released a startled moan before leaning into the kiss, arms once again tight around my middle. I inched her backwards until we were pressed against the only bare wall in my tiny office. She pulled back, face flushed. Her lipstick was smudged in the most appealing way. "You're mad at me." I inched a hand under her sweater and her tummy quivered. I watched her throat work as she decided what to say next. "I'm so sorry." My hand paused its exploration. "You're sorry? That's all you have to say?" "I..." "No. Don't." My fingers moved up to the sports bra she was wearing, brushing an already turgid nipple over the stretchy material. She sucked in a breath. "Isn't this what you're here for?" "What? No. I just wanted to see you." I let my hand drop and pulled her sweatshirt down over her waist. She watched me pull away, unsure. I crossed my arms over my chest and leaned against the desk. "I know you're upset with me," she said, her eyes now focused on the parquet flooring. "You have every right to be." I took a deep breath and waited for her to continue. "I do like you, Gray. And maybe that scares me... a lot." I sighed and unfolded my arms. "But why?" She shook her head. I pulled her close, cradling her head against my chest. She had a distant look in her eyes as she slid her arms around my waist again. "Maya," I tilted her chin up, forcing her to meet my gaze. "I'm a pretty safe bet." A smile appeared on her lips. "I just needed some time to think about things." I tucked a strand of loose curls behind her ear, feeling some of the tension ease. "Okay." She caught my hand before I could pull away and kissed the inside of my palm. "Would you kiss me again, Gray?" She didn't have to ask me twice. \# Chapter 9 So, here's a rough summary of what came out of our time in my office: date #2. Well, I wasn't sure if I could call it a date. I'd invited her to sit in on an open FREE NYC meeting Friday night - it was a weekly session I ran to touch base with the teens who attended the center. Most of these kids were homeless, addicts or came from bad homes. We try to help every kid that comes through our doors but a good handful of them refuse to be housed in a shelter - I'm sure they have their reasons. Connie, the director of the West Side center had put me in charge of the 16-19 age group because, apparently, I was the most "relatable" person. I think that meant I looked like a reformed misfit... true, I guess. Our Friday meetings were a way for me to check up on them and ensure they get a good meal. I also usually texted each of them a few times a week to see how things were going - if they didn't text me first. They were good kids that genuinely reminded me of myself at their age. In my fifteen years at FREE NYC, I'd seen many of these kids push themselves out of their situation - many even came back to volunteer at the center, which was always appreciated. We needed any help we could get. I unlocked the back entrance to the center that Friday, dressed in my usual jeans and flannel. I'd paid special attention to my hair, shaving the sides down as neatly as I possibly could. "Gray, you got a smoke?" I started as Lloyd, a seventeen-year-old kid from Harlem, detached himself from the shadows. Lloyd had big dreams of being a rapper - the only problem was that there weren't many effeminate black gay rappers in the industry. "You scared me, man," I said, propping a rock against the foot of the door to keep it open. "And no, turn eighteen and ask me again." "Aww, come on." I shot him a look that shut him up. "There's food inside so help yourself. Lasagna this week." "Yaaaas! Connie's lasagnas are the bomb." He did a little twirl as he brushed past me and headed down the stairs to the basement rec room. A second later, he popped his head around the corner. "Dude, I met someone who knows you. You know an Ash? Probably short for Ashley but looks like she'll rip my dick off if I called her that? About your height, dreads, crazy mad all the time?" My chest tightened as I nodded. "Yeah, I know her. Been a while, though." "Well, she said to say hi if I saw you. So hi!" He drew out the word and gave me an exaggerated wave with a swing of his hips. I swallowed thickly, feeling anxiety creep up my throat. "Great, thanks. Go get your lasagna." He shrugged and walked away. I let out a breath I hadn't realized I'd been holding. *Ash.* Jesus, I could still feel the impact of her heavy boot on my chest. My breath caught as the memory resurfaced. I leaned against the door, trying to steady myself. "You okay, Gray?" Micky, a sixteen-year-old with bright pink hair, laid a hand on my arm. Behind her were several others in the group. They all looked concerned as they watched me. I nodded and forced a smile. "I'll be down in a minute," I said through clenched teeth. They filed past and I let out a deep breath, feeling a little bit of normalcy return. I pushed the memory away, refusing to be assaulted by the past yet again. I didn't have time for it. I had kids to speak to. Was that unhealthy? Maybe. But just... I couldn't deal with it right now. I checked the time again. It was just past seven. I could see others walking towards the center. The one person I didn't see was Maya. I dropped her a quick text. I'd told her to be on time as I had to lock the doors from the inside once everyone was there - one of our safety protocols. Ten minutes later, when I didn't hear anything back from her, I shut the door and locked it, trying to keep the frustration off my face. *Should I have expected her not to turn up?* \* It was a good session - the kids seemed to be coping better. Micky had even found a new job, which put her *that* much closer to a flatshare. I was glad. The meeting had started with Lloyd cracking a dad joke that set the mood. *Why do white girls only come in odd numbers?* *Because they can't even.* Let's not debate how politically correct the joke was or how inappropriately hard I'd laughed at it. But it had helped me take my mind off things. Even as I spoke to the kids, a paranoid fear lingered in my mind. Also, anger. I considered this the second time she'd let me down. As I packed up the leftover lasagna for the kids to take home after the session, I could hear students from the University milling around outside. The center rented out its rec room on Friday nights after ten for a salsa social group - we didn't charge much for it but every penny counted. As the students filed in, I balanced a tray in each hand, hoping that someone would hold the door open for me on the way out. "Gray!" Lloyd called from the stairs. "There's someone here to see you." I looked over my shoulder to see Maya entering the room hesitantly, her jacket buttoned to the top and a knitted grey scarf tied tightly around her neck. She waved at me from across the room while Lloyd stood behind her making appreciative gestures of her figure. "I'm sorry I was late. I couldn't leave the house until my mother left for the airport." "It's fine," I said, setting the trays down on the foldable tables. "You missed everything though." She sniffled. The tip of her nose was an alarming red. "Are you sick?" She shook her head, reaching into her bag for tissues. "No, I've just been standing outside for two hours." "*What!* Why didn't you just text me?" "I did but it didn't go through." I fished my phone out of my pocket - true enough, there wasn't any signal in the basement. I instantly felt like shit. "I'm sorry, sweetheart. You didn't have to wait out in the cold." "It's fine. I wanted to see you." Just as she said that, loud salsa music played from the portable speakers the students had brought along with them. The lights dimmed. "What's happening?" Maya yelled over the music. "It's a salsa social," I explained, grabbing the trays again to get out of their way. "Really?" She watched, fascinated, as dancers picked their partners and effortlessly spun into the beat. "That's so cool. I've never actually seen salsa dancing in person before." "For real?" I couldn't keep the surprise out of my voice. "Yeah, just on TV. It looks fun though." She watched the dancers intently as we crossed the rec room towards the exit. Lloyd still hovered in the doorway. "Here," I said, handing him the trays. "Bring these up to Connie for me, will ya?" "Sure. You're not leaving?" "No." I turned to Maya. "I'm going to teach my girl here how to salsa." "What!" Maya said with a laugh. "You can't be serious." Instead of replying, I bowed low and asked for her hand. "Well, okay then." She seemed unsure as she placed her hand in mine. "Just go slow, okay?" "I always do." I winked as I pulled her close. She laughed softly, turning slightly pink in embarrassment. "Okay," I said, getting down to business. "I'll lead. You just have to follow and try not to step on me. All right?" She bit her lip. "I can promise to try..." I twirled her quickly and let her settle at half an arm's length. "Left foot forward, then back together. Now right foot back, then back together. There we go." "It's repetitive?" she asked, eyes down and brows furrowed in concentration. "For now. You don't have to follow the music, sweetheart." The beat was speeding up, way more than what I could teach her right now. "Oh good," she breathed. "I was starting to worry." "Now," I said as she stepped back. "I'm going to spin you. Keep your footing, okay? You'll fall back to the rhythm again." It took a few tries but she managed to spin right back to me on the third. "There we go," I said, steadying her with a hand on her waist. "Good job." "Was it really?" she asked with an arch of her brow. "Yeah, you can only get better from here. Now, again." I don't think she was expecting it. She fell back against me with a puff of breath. "Sorry," she said as I led her back to the steps. "How'd you get so good anyway?" "Just practice. My mom taught me when I was younger." "Your mom was a dancer?" she asked, her eyes focused on her feet again. "Yes and no. She was the best salsa dancer I ever knew. But no, she didn't dance for a living. She always said that salsa was the perfect judge for any man." "I'm sure you've tested that theory out," she teased. "Oh, yes. I'm a man-eater. Beware." She chuckled at my dry tone. "What was her name? Your mother's?" I twirled her again before pulling her close. "Her name was Maria Cristina Grayson. She took my dad's last name." She thought about it for a second. "So your-" "No, my first name isn't Gray. It's Adrianna. Adrianna Grayson." "Adrianna," she said to herself, testing the name on her tongue, rolling the "r" the way it's meant to sound. "It's very pretty." "Thank you, *cariña*. It's been a while since someone called me that." I paused. "Okay, now, side step. Mirror me." She fell into the rhythm with me, her hips coming into play when she got more comfortable with the steps. *Gorgeous.* She was laughing, too, her joy present on her lips with every step, every twirl. Strands of her curls had escaped and now framed her flushed face. Soon, we were actually keeping up with the quick beats from the speakers. Granted, we were just mimicking the simpler steps, but it was a great start. I couldn't wait to teach her the more complex ones - and I couldn't wait for her to learn the shimmy, but that would just be for my pleasure. It was true what they said - dancing was just like riding a bike. You never forget the steps, the way your body has been trained to move. Especially salsa, one of my earliest memories of Mama. She danced for everything, in the kitchen, doing laundry, vacuuming the house. Our little haphazard one-bedroom flat had never lacked music, be it old school Latin or hip-hop numbers from the Eighties. *I miss her.* Maya's hands tightened on mine, pulling my gaze back to her. I'd been running on autopilot for a few minutes and her brows were furrowed with concern. So I smiled, spun her halfway around and pulled her back against me, our hands entwined, my cheek against her curls. She tilted her head upwards and pressed a soft kiss to my lips. Reassuring, comforting. "Get a room, damn!" I turned to find Lloyd still standing in the doorway of the rec room with a bunch of others from the group. They had the cheekiest smiles on their faces. I untangled myself from Maya. "What're you still doing here?" I crossed my arms in front of my chest and raised a brow. "Oh, cut it out, Gray," Micky chimed in, pushing her pink bangs out of her eyes. "That bull dyke daddy act ain't gonna scare us. We already know you're a big softy on the inside." I rolled my eyes. "We just wanted to check out your new bae," Carla, a blonde girl with long cornrows, commented. I'd known Carla for almost three years and she'd never taken an interest in my love life before. "You know, so she doesn't steal your handsome tattoo shop fortune." Before I could respond, Maya retorted: "I think I already have half her fortune, especially with the rates that I charge." They all blinked at her, taken aback, but the mischief in her eyes was unmistakable. Their sudden burst of laughter drew unwelcome stares from the salsa group. "I knew it," Lloyd declared around a laugh. "I knew you couldn't have gotten a dime like her without a little persuasion, Gray." "You're this close to getting in my bad books." I held up two fingers to demonstrate. He waved me off. "You know you love me." I felt Maya's hand on my bicep, coaxing it to relax. I uncrossed my arms and she tucked herself into my side, her fingers intertwined with mine. Her shy smile made my breath catch. "I'm Maya. It's nice to meet all of you. Gray's told me so much about you." "Uh-oh," Carla grimaced. "Only good things, I promise." "Which is more than you guys deserve right now," I mumbled under my breath. We were ushered out of the room soon after by the president of the salsa group. Of course, I had to apologize for my loud bunch of teenagers but what's new? As we walked hand in hand along 106<sup>th</sup> street, she made small talk with the others, laughing with them even though I was the butt of their "witty" remarks. I didn't mind. She seemed genuinely interested in them and they got along seamlessly, maybe because they were only a few years apart. "Sorry to be the buzzkill but we're heading this way." I pointed in the opposite direction of the subway. As they said their goodbyes, Lloyd sidled up to me and whispered, "I like her." Then he winked and air-kissed Maya goodbye. "Well, what did you think?" I asked Maya a little later as we walked towards her apartment. "You were right - they're good kids. They just need a little... motivation." "I'm trying, sweetheart." She smiled and leaned close to place a kiss on my flannel-covered bicep. "I know, Gray. You're good with them. They respect you, despite the jokes." I grimaced. "Maybe respect's too strong a word." She shook her head but remained silent. "I had fun tonight," she said as we approached her building. "I'm sorry I was late. Again." "You're forgiven. Again." She took two steps up the stairs to her building and turned towards me with her hands balanced on my shoulders. I found myself looking up at her. "I want to ask you up for a drink," she started, her fingers running over the collar of my shirt. "But I don't want to..." "What?" I asked, watching the play of emotions across her expressive face. Embarrassment, need, fear. Her eyes met mine for a brief second before they skittered away. "The other day, you said I only wanted you for sex. That's not true." Her voice was soft, hesitant. Her eyes were focused on the buttons of my shirt. I caught her fidgeting fingers. "I know, sweetheart. I was angry; I wasn't thinking." She cleared her throat. "Good. I just wanted to clear that up." I raised a small palm to my lips. "So, where does that leave us?" She took a step down, pressing her body against mine, impossibly close and incredibly tempting. "I really enjoy spending time with you," she whispered, her fingers tracing the short hairs at the nape of my neck. "And I really, really like you." Before I could respond, she pressed a kiss to my lips - soft, hesitant, giving me ample time to pull away. But I only moved closer, pulling her to me with one hand around her waist and the other in her hair. She moaned quietly and I could feel her body going lax against mine. "How about that drink?" I asked, pulling away briefly. She had her keys out before I could even finish my question. \# Chapter 10 I awoke gasping for breath in her bed again. She was right there with me, slapping me on the back, pushing my head between my knees. *Not again, not again, not again.* I was floating between worlds. Lloyd shouldn't have talked about Ash. I'd dreamt about her again, about the worst hours of my life. The sick crushing sound of my ribs was fresh in my mind. The feel of Ash's boot was one that would haunt me for the rest of my life, the pain radiating from my chest, down my arms and paralyzing me. "Gray, breathe, goddamnit!" Maya's voice cut through the pain, the fear, the claustrophobic feel of being sequestered in a memory so long gone yet so fresh. I pushed myself off the bed and onto the floor, pulling my knees up and hoping the hard floor would ground me. She crouched beside me, her hands warm as she stroked my back, my arms, as she ran her fingers through my hair in a soothing gesture. I felt the dream/memory clear. The picture of Ash, her face contorted in a mask of anger and disgust, faded slowly. Maya's fingers intertwined with mine, squeezing, trying to give me her strength. "Gray?" Her voice was low, cautious. "I'm okay." My voice was hoarse. I wondered if I'd been screaming in my sleep. I know I did that sometimes. I felt her fingers in my hair, gently pulling my face up. She ran a hand over my cheeks, probably noting their lack of color. "It's okay to not be okay, Gray," she said slowly. I opened my eyes, taking in her look of concern. She was wearing my shirt from last night, the vee of the neck stretched taut over her ample curves. It almost made me smile. With her back to the window, the sun streamed around her silhouette, casting a beautiful glow. *My angel.* That's what she was. She knew I was damaged yet she still stayed with me, caressing my cheeks in a way I could only describe as loving. "I'm feeling better," I said, letting my head fall back onto the bed. She let her hands drop and sat next to me with her back leaning against the bed. She crossed her legs under her, watching me closely as I gathered myself. "Wanna talk about it? I'm concerned, Gray. It's not the first time this has happened." "I know." I sighed heavily. "Last night, Lloyd mentioned someone from my past I wasn't prepared for." "Who?" I lifted my arm. "Most of my tattoos on this arm and my abdomen are cover-ups. When I was young and extremely stupid, I joined a gang. There was no easy way to get out of it." I raised her fingers and traced the bumpy scars under the myriad tattoos. There were too many of them for me to remember. Mostly knife wounds. She gasped softly and took over, her fingers seeking the raised skin. "What happened?" "It's a really long story." I sighed. "How about some coffee first?" Her fingers were still roving my body, making note of each blemish, each scar I'd painstakingly covered up over the years. "Sure, Gray. I'll make us some breakfast and we'll talk, okay?" I grabbed her roving fingers and placed a kiss on them. "Thank you." "For what?" she asked with a raised brow. "For caring." Her eyes softened and she leaned forward to press a kiss to my forehead. "I don't want to hear you thanking me again. I'm honored that you want to share your life with me." As I lifted myself onto the edge of the bed, I wondered how I'd gotten so lucky after all these years. \* She already had a mug of coffee on the table and breakfast on the stove when I exited the bathroom. I stopped a moment to take it all in, this perfect little woman with all the patience and kindness of my mother. Ew, wait, *what?* I didn't just say that. Scratch that. Let's move on. "I only had eggs and leftover veggies in the fridge so we're having an omelette for breakfast," she said over her shoulder. She was still wearing my t-shirt; it stopped just past the curve of her butt. Damn, I needed to invest in shorter shirts. "Just sit and have your coffee. It won't be long." I sat and watched her work. I couldn't help but think how wonderful it would be to start my days like this all the time. Granted, I wouldn't expect her to do this every day. I was more than happy with my usual breakfast of toast and overnight oats. And if it was the two of us, I wouldn't mind breaking out the bacon either for a lovely big breakfast. When she set the breakfast on the table, I couldn't resist pulling her in for a kiss. "Thank you for cooking," I said. She crossed her arms over her chest. "What did I say about this 'thank you' business?" "Oh, right." I smiled sheepishly. "Well, it smells delicious anyway." "Now *that* you can say." She climbed onto the barstool and plated the omelettes. "How's the coffee?" I took a sip and swirled it around my tongue. It was strong and almost sweet. I'd never tasted this blend before. "It's really good. What is it?" I asked. "It's an Indian brand - we like our coffee strong. There's nothing better than filter coffee." "I could get used to this," I commented, taking a deeper sip. She didn't say anything as she took a bite of her omelette. We ate in silence for a bit. "Would you like to tell me what happened, Gray?" she asked a little later, adding milk and sugar to her coffee. I took my time chewing. "It was a long time ago. I really thought I was over it." "How long?" "Almost seventeen years now. I joined the Axes when I was thirteen. I can tell you *now* that it was stupid, but at the time I just wanted to feel like I belonged somewhere." "I know what it feels like to not belong." She placed a hand on mine, trying to comfort me. "It's horrible." I nodded. "My mom passed when I was young so I went into the system. Every kid hopes they'll be taken in by someone decent, if not kind. I guess I pulled the short straw. My foster parents took four of us in. They weren't cruel, but we were always aware that we were there for their checks. Rodney - my foster dad - had a job but it didn't pay enough. That's why they needed us. "When I think about that time, I can only say it felt like someone had set me adrift. I went to school but had no friends. My mother's death still weighed heavily on me. I can't remember ever having any relatives and no one came forward to ask how I was doing. So I just... existed." Maya's fingers tightened on mine. "When I went back to college to become a counselor, I realized that I was a prime candidate for the Axes. They probably saw me coming from a mile away. They recruited young. Kids dealing drugs - in those days anyway - were only slapped on the wrist. Nothing major." "So you were..." "Dealing cocaine at fifteen, yeah. I was happy doing it, too. I was helping something bigger, you know? Belonging. *Living.* "And that's how I met Ash. She'd dropped out of school a couple years before. I really looked up to her. She was a good leader, a good friend. I know it sounds weird but we were like brothers, real tight." Maya nodded, taking a sip of her coffee. "I met Jean, my mentor, one night while I was dealing. We had corners we'd take, our own turf. I thought he was just a weird guy who would stand with me, share a smoke, and talk about the most stupid shit. He never bought anything offa me but I got used to him being there. Sometimes I looked forward to it, you know? It got lonely at night. "And then one night he invited me to his shop. I was like '*hell no'* at first - what a creep, right? But the artists were all still there doing their thing so it seemed safe enough with other people around. He took me in, showed me what he did." I could feel a smile curling my lips. "He was a wily bastard. It was only a few years later that I realized what he'd done. He'd distracted me from the drugs. I soon began working less and visiting the shop more. I'd even set aside time each night to stop by and watch the artists work. Jean let me sketch out my own practice stencils." "He sounds like a good man," Maya commented. "The best." I was smiling in earnest now. "He really was the best. I still don't know why he picked me or what he saw in me. He never said. The more he pulled me in, the more I disassociated from the Axes. You bet your ass they noticed that I was bringing in less money." I swallowed, feeling the panic well up again. "They followed me one night to Jean's shop and waited until he'd locked up for the night. I usually got the last train home; they knew this. So they waited for me." "Gray, you can stop if you need to," Maya interjected, squeezing my hand again. I shook my head. "I can get through this. Most of that night was a blur for a long time until the bits came together, one nightmare at a time. I mostly remember it through feelings, you know? Sensations, words. Those are the things that hurt the most. "They called me a liar, said I'd betrayed them. The one thing that haunts me is Ash's face. She was my brother, my leader, and the look on her face was... she believed I'd betrayed them, too. Betrayed her. But I hadn't. I just wanted a better life. I was shown a better life, something that I might actually be good at. Just a different way to belong. You know?" "Yes." "The thing that haunts me the most is the sound of Ash's boot on my chest. She used to wear this beautiful pair of Doc Martens. I'd admired them so many times. Hell, I'd even been saving up for a pair of my own... and then I saw it come down on top of me, again and again. She broke my ribs. The sound of it haunts me, baby." I could feel myself getting breathless. Maya got off her chair and draped an arm around my shoulders. "Is that what you dream about?" I nodded. "Most of the time, that's when I wake up. When I feel her boot coming down on my chest." "Here?" she asked, placing a palm on the center of my chest. "Yeah." She let her touch linger, the warmth of her palm comforting against my skin. I felt my breaths ease a little as she leaned in close and placed her forehead against mine. "Like you said, Gray. This was seventeen years ago. Maybe it keeps coming back to you because there are things still left unsaid." I cupped my hand over hers. "Like what?" "I don't know. You were close with Ash, right? Maybe you just can't process how or why she turned on you so quickly." "Maybe, yeah." "Maybe you're looking for answers." I frowned. "What are you saying?" "Face your demons, Gray. Go find Ash and ask her all the whys you need to." I started to shake my head but stopped. Why shouldn't I? Why was the idea so repulsive to me? Did Ash inspire such crippling fear that I didn't want to face her? I was no longer a scrawny teen with limbs too long for her frame. If she decided to pull something now, I could take her. I think. Maya's arm tightened around my neck. "I'm not talking about fighting it out, Gray," she chastised. "How did you -" "Your whole body just tensed. It wasn't difficult." "Okay." I took a breath and tried to relax my shoulders. "I'll think about it." "Good." She placed a chaste kiss on my cheek and pulled away. "Let me get these dishes done and I wanna try something new with you." "Goddamnit, I left my toy bag at home." I slapped my hand on the counter dramatically, trying to lighten the mood a little. Although she rolled her eyes, I could tell she was trying her hardest not to laugh. "Is that all you ever think about?" "Around you, baby, yes." "Shameless," she censured, piling the dishes in the sink. "Let me help you with that," I insisted, taking a final sip of the coffee. "No, baby. Why don't you do me a favor, though, and do some push-ups?" I raised an eyebrow. "What?" She had a cheeky smile on her face. "Just do it." "Okay." I dragged the word out. "Is this some kind of weird pervert thing?" She rolled her eyes again. "No. Will you just trust me?" "All right, all right." I did a few quick stretches and took my position on the carpet. After my first set, I heard her mumble to herself, "Maybe it *is* a weird pervert thing." That made me smile. When she came around the counter with her phone, I was already into my third set. "That's enough, baby. You can get up." I was really starting to wonder what this was all about. "Now take your hoodie off." "What? Why?" "Just trust me, okay?" Skeptical but trusting her anyway, I slipped the hoodie over my head. Clad in just my boxers, I awaited further instruction. "Now go stand by the window. Face it and look back at me. Goddamn, your muscles are so defined now." As I looked back at her, I heard her camera go off several times. I raised a brow at her but she only kept taking more pictures, a small sneaky smile on her lips. "You got a few hairs out of place. Just run your fingers through them real quick." As I did, she snapped more pictures. "Perfect!" She was so pleased with herself as she flipped through the pictures. "Can I see them?" I asked. "Not until I'm done with them. Seriously, just trust me, okay?" I shrugged. What did I have to lose? "But you gotta do something for me in return." "What?" Now it was her turn to be suspicious. "Take a picture with me." A smile lit her face. "Of course. I'll just set the timer." She set up the phone against the windowsill and ran into my arms. I hugged her from behind, burying my nose against her ear. "That tickles, Gray, stop!" She laughed, trying to get me off her, just as the shutter noise went off. I thought it was a great picture with both of us goofing off. She said her nostrils looked too big. It was going to be my wallpaper anyway. "So what are the pictures for?" She plopped herself down on the couch and fiddled with her phone. "You know how you were talking about improving your social media stats the other day? I found a way you can do that." "I get naked for Instagram? Sorry, baby, I don't wanna be no Instaho." She cleared her throat. "I'm not talking about being a ho. Just half a ho." "What?!" "I'm kidding! Here, have a look at this." She handed me her phone and all I could do was blink. Surely, that wasn't me. "Did you photoshop this?" "On my phone? No." She swiped left. "This is the original. I just changed the colors around a little bit on an app." "I look fucking amazing. Jesus. Is this what you see?" "Someone's modest," Maya mumbled under her breath. "I'm sorry but this is a gorgeous picture." In it, I stood leaning against the window, running a hand through my hair, one brow raised, the sun streaming around me. I looked like a model. "I'm impressed, baby. You're so talented." "Thank you," her smile was infectious. "Anyway, I was thinking you could take a few more pictures like these and join a few fitness groups online. Team Fit Ink, for example. People love following fitstagrammers. Plus, you're masculine, tattooed and gorgeous - I bet you'll confuse a lot of girls. Now you just gotta work on your tags so that the right people can find you and maybe even promote you." "That's a great idea. Why didn't Chesca tell me this?" "Maybe cause you're her boss? How do you tell your boss to get naked on Instagram?" Maya had a point. "Let's post the first picture and see how it goes down," I suggested. "But first, send me the picture of us. I'm gonna make it my wallpaper." She groaned. "But my nostrils!" I could only laugh. \# Chapter 11 By December, we'd fallen into a comfortable routine, somewhere between "committed" and "just dating". I got the feeling that Maya didn't want to talk about the future - she said it was "complicated", and from that, I gathered it had something to do with her family. So I didn't push - being pushy wasn't my thing anyway. I think. *For now.* We saw each other a few times a week. When her mother was in town, she would come over to my place under the pretense of "going to the gym" and we'd just hang for a while. Maybe watch a movie or, you know, the good stuff. Did I wish she could stay over so that I could wake her up with a kiss on her forehead and hear her little breaths of "five more minutes"? Sure, I did. But I was also content to let her lead the way. She'd gotten quite close to my counseling group... and it had somehow happened without my knowledge. Maya was a pretty good secret keeper, it turned out. Apparently, a few of them now had a Facebook chat where they caught up on the daily. I didn't mind. It felt like Maya was more a part of my life than ever before. It really crushed me when she said she was heading home for two weeks over Christmas. Granted, I'm not sure why I thought she'd be spending Christmas with me when she'd told me countless times about her strict Christian parents. Wishful thinking on my part, I guess. Two weeks seemed like an eternity, even with her promise to FaceTime me whenever she could. The imprint of the last kiss she'd placed on my lips still lingered a week later. The shop was closed for a week over Christmas and through the New Year. With not much else to do in the flat and needing to compensate for the homey but indulgent Christmas dinner with the crew the day before, I turned Netflix on in the background and started on my reps. I'd just started on the third when the buzzer rang. My brows rose. I wasn't expecting anyone and the mail wasn't due until the 27<sup>th</sup> at least. I set the weights down and ran a towel over my face before flicking the intercom switch. "Yeah?" "Hey, uh, it's Alex. Maya's friend?" Alarm gripped me. "Did something happen?" "No, no," her voice was a faint crackle over the system. "I was just in the neighborhood and wanted to say hi." Unable to shake off the alarm, my brows furrowed. "Come on up." She showed up at my door with a bottle of Jack Daniels and an awkward smile. "Merry Christmas! Don't mean to crash. I brought drinks." "Okay," I drew out the word as I shut the door. "Why?" She looked sheepish. "Well, Maya was worried about you." "*She* was worried about *me?* I'm not the one 10,000 miles away." "Well... you kinda are." We just stood in front of the door, staring at each other for a few uncomfortable seconds. "Anyway," Alex cleared her throat. "I promised Maya I'd come see if you were okay. She said you were pretty bummed when she told you she needed to go home for Christmas." I shook my head and sat heavily in my favorite lounge chair. "So, you're like what? My babysitter?" Alex held up the bottle. "Did your babysitter ever bring you a bottle of JD?" "Fine," I said, gesturing for her to sit. "You really didn't have to, you know. I'm fine." "I'm sure you are, Gray. You want me to leave?" "You got any plans?" She shook her head. "You?" "Nah. You wanna hang then?" This wasn't awkward at all. "Sure." I got us some whiskey glasses from the cupboard and she poured us a couple of shots, which we both drank pretty quickly. "So..." "How's business?" Alex asked, getting comfortable on the couch. "Good. We're booked up till February." "Nice." "And how's... what you do?" "I'm a writer at Kult Magazine and yes, it's going great." "Good for you." We drank in silence for a few minutes. Then I asked, "Why did you decide to move here?" Alex shrugged. "Things weren't really good for me back home." She paused to take a sip of her drink. "Family drama and all that." "I'm sorry to hear that." "I'm not. I think it's the best decision I've ever made. I can marry the love of my life here and no one can deny us that right." "So things in Singapore are..." "Conservative," she finished for me. "Most people have a 'live and let live' kinda attitude but we're far from getting any legal rights." "I see. Like America in the Nineties." "Exactly." "It must've been hard to leave your family behind," I ventured. She shrugged again. "I was living with my grandmother and then by myself for a few years anyway. So... it wasn't that difficult." I poured myself another glass. "You wanna talk about it? I'm a licensed counselor, I promise." She stared into her drink, twirling the glass around. "Maybe," she said after a long pause. "Mind if I get comfortable?" She tried to put a brave face on but I could tell that it was hard for her to open up. But what shook me was that it was even harder for me to hear what she had to say. The level of discrimination she'd faced from her family was almost unbelievable; I had to remind myself constantly that what I was hearing was someone's truth. "So, you know," she finished. "It's very hard for people... like us... to be out. Or come out in the community. Sometimes things make it impossible." And then it clicked. She didn't open up because she wanted my help. She didn't need advice. She was sitting there, her eyes full of sadness, because all this wasn't about her... it was about Maya. *She was sad for* me*.* "I see." "Do you, Gray?" she asked, her question a mirror to one Maya would've asked. I felt my throat thicken so I merely nodded. "You okay?" she asked, sinking back into the couch and propping her legs up on the chair. I nodded again, trying to force a smile. "I appreciate you telling me this." "I really didn't mean to upset you." "I'm not upset." Even to me, that sounded fake. Remember that scene from *Friends* where Ross drinks a shitload of margaritas and goes around telling everyone he's fine? I probably sounded a lot like that. "Hey, look," Alex said, setting her drink down. "I'm not saying that things won't work out between you and Maya." "You're just saying that things could get difficult." I finished her thought. "Yeah. But Maya is worth fighting for." She reached over and topped up my glass. "I know," I returned. "'Cause I'm not giving her up so easily." I extended my glass and we toasted to happy endings. "Speaking of, how go the wedding plans?" Alex groaned and shut her eyes. "Bad. Just bad. We can't agree on anything." I felt a smile touch my lips. "Like what?" "The flowers, the food, what we're wearing... Get this, she doesn't want me to wear a white tux." I choked on a sip of JD. "*Why* would you want to wear a white tux? You're gonna look like-" "The colonel, I know. But I've always wanted to wear one at my wedding. I think it'll be beautiful." I tried not to grimace and nodded instead. "Well, why don't both of you go to a boutique and try on your outfits? She might change her mind if she sees how good you look in one." *And you might change your mind once you see yourself in one, too.* "Maybe," she nodded. "She also wants to spend $2,000 on flowers. *Flowers!"* She said it like it was the most ridiculous thing in the world. "Alex, you know your woman better than I do. If this is going to make her happy, then why not say, 'up to you, darling' and leave it at that?" "I don't know. I guess I want this to be *our* wedding, you know? Not something she set up and I'm just along for the ride." "Well..." I started. "You think I should just go along for the ride?" "No, you should compromise. If she says yes to the tux, let her have the flowers. It's not a win-win but it's something both of you could be somewhat happy with." "I suppose." She let her head drop back onto the couch. "This whiskey is getting to me." I looked at the clock. It was just past seven. "Do you have to get home?" She shook her head. "Cady's out for a girl's night with her friend." "Great." I stood and headed to the small kitchen area. I kept my stash of munchies in a cabinet in the far corner. Reaching up, I pulled out a few packets of Cheetos and tossed one her way. "Let's have a girl's night of our own." She caught the pack and tore into it. "Deal. On one condition." "What?" I said, my fingers itching to be coated with orange goodness. "You don't call this a girl's night ever again." "Fine." I rolled my eyes and settled onto the lounger again, feeling the calming burn of the whiskey settle in my stomach. "You wanna get some take-out?" "Hell, yes." "And maybe watch something stupid on Netflix?" "I'm in." We shared a smile. I couldn't remember the last time I'd made a new friend. "You know what I could use right now?" Alex said twenty minutes into some garbage but oddly entertaining Netflix show about a recovering mole woman. "What?" I asked, my mouth full of Cheetos. "One of Maya's cupcakes. Actually, not the whole cupcake. Just the icing." She made a sound of pleasure deep in her throat. "You better be talking about actual cupcakes," I snarked, taking a sip of whiskey. Alex only rolled her eyes. "You wanna give her a call? Say hi?" I hesitated. "I usually wait for her to call since she's home and everything." "Screw it. I'm calling." She was already trying to unlock her phone with Cheeto fingers. "Hol' up, hol' up," I said, tossing back the rest of the glass before plopping down on the couch next to her. The video call rang a good few times before Maya answered. The look on her face was one of confusion. "What have you guys been up to?" she asked, suspicious. "Nothing," we chorused. Alex hiccupped. "I miss you." The words just slipped out. I hadn't even known they'd been queued on the tip of my tongue. Maya's face softened. She was lying in bed, her face devoid of make-up. It occurred to me that it was probably only eight in the morning in Singapore as she rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand. "I miss you too, baby." She smiled. Just those simple words, uttered so casually, hit a chord in me. *This.* This was hella worth fighting for. Sure, things could get difficult. But I wasn't gonna give up that easily. "How many chins do I have from this angle?" she asked, squinting at the screen. "Just the normal amount," I said. "Alex just came by my place for a chat. You know anything about that?" With one hand holding her phone up, Alex still managed to stuff her face with Cheetos, watching the conversation playing out in front of her. "Umm..." Maya hedged. "Maybe a little. I was concerned about you, Gray. And, you know, Alex had nothing better to do." "Oi!" Alex interjected, sending Cheeto dust flying with a wave of her finger. "I can assure you that my time is very valuable." "Dude!" I warned, wiping errant Cheeto dust off my arm. Maya rolled her eyes. "I'm just glad the two of you are getting along. Although I'm assuming there's a fair bit of alcohol involved in this newfound friendship?" "No," Alex and I chorused again. I winced. "*Right*." Maya wasn't convinced. "Anyway, maybe we should all hang out once I'm back. A double date or something. How's Cady?" "Okay," I said at the same time Alex said, "Sure. She's with *Charm* tonight." "Oof," Maya winced. "Things haven't gotten better?" My brows rose at the hint of drama. "Who's Charm?" "Cady's best friend since forever. They went to school together," Maya supplied. Alex only rolled her eyes. "Alex and Charm really don't get along." I turned to Alex. "Why?" "Trust me. *I* don't have a problem with *her.* But she hasn't liked me from the start. Cady doesn't see it, though. So I'm not saying anything until she realizes it's an actual problem." "Smart," I commented. "Don't borrow trouble until it actually falls into your lap." "Also," Maya continued. "Alex missed out the part where she's insanely jealous of Charm." "I am not!" Alex was highly defensive, which probably meant there was some truth in Maya's statement. "Yes, you are, Alex. Don't try to deny it. I know you better than anyone. You're jealous that Charm and Cady have such a deep connection and that someone Cady cares for doesn't really like you. You feel left out." "Whatever," Alex murmured under her breath. Maya pursed her lips. "Don't 'whatever' me. I'm older and wiser, remember?" "Older, maybe," Alex conceded with no grace whatsoever. "And," Maya wasn't done. "It doesn't help that Charm is, like, the poster boy for androgyny. Seriously, Gray, you have to meet this woman. Her cheekbones can cut glass." "So she's gorgeous, huh?" I must've had a funny look on my face because Maya followed up with, "But you know I only have eyes for you, baby." Alex groaned. "Thanks, guys. This conversation is really helping with my problems." "You *don't* have a problem, Alex," I said, turning back to her. "Not yet, anyway. Sure, there might be some tension between you and this Charm person but it's not something you can't put up with for the woman you love. It's not gonna be a problem until either of you does something to bring it to Cady's attention. *Don't* be the one to do that." "Fine," Alex grouched. "Or," I continued. "If it's really bothering you, just go straight to Charm and ask her if everything's cool between you two. But choose your words carefully 'cause you know that whatever you say will more than likely be reported back to Cady." "See what I mean, Alex?" Maya's voice came through the phone. "I told you it would be good for the two of you to talk." "Thanks, mom." Alex wasn't too happy about receiving advice. She excused herself to the restroom shortly after. "So what're you up to today?" I asked, leaning into the overstuffed couch. "Well, I spent the whole day in bed yesterday so I suppose I'll *have* to meet up with a few friends today." "Sounds fun." "But I really miss you, though." Her voice had dropped to *that* tell-tale pitch. "Oh, yeah?" "Mm-hmm." Her free hand tugged at the v-neck of her cotton tee, revealing a nice amount of cleavage. Vivid memories of their feel and scent invaded my mind. Damn if my mouth didn't water. "Are you teasing me with what I can't have?" "It's only another seven days, baby." "I can't live that long without them... I mean you." She laughed. "Nice save." "Now give me a little peek." "Oh gross." Alex's voice carried across the room. "I was gone for, like, a minute! Keep it in your panties please." Maya giggled, her face turning a lovely shade of pink. She gave me a conspiratorial wink while apologizing to Alex for violating her phone. We made plans to FaceTime the next day before she hung up with a kiss. "You all right?" I asked Alex as she settled into the couch again. "Yeah, all good. It's nice to see Maya happy." I returned her phone. "I'm glad I make her happy." Alex took a breath like she wanted to say something more but looked away instead. "What?" I asked. She shook her head. "How about we get wasted and finish that show?" I paused for a second, wondering if I should question her silence. Then, deciding against it, I simply said "Sure" and refilled our drinks. \# Chapter 12 We had dinner and drinks with Alex and Cady a week after Maya flew back to New York. Maya's mother was visiting her sister in Philadelphia again and we had the whole weekend to ourselves - the perfect excuse to do nothing but lounge around in our underwear after the double date. When we got back to my apartment after way too many drinks, my whole plan involved getting Maya naked and in bed. Maya seemed to have the same idea; the moment I shut the front door, she slipped her jacket and scarf off, revealing the little black dress she wore underneath. The effect of that lace-trimmed number hadn't worn off over dinner. As she walked towards me, I felt desire spike sharply in my belly. "You're gonna kill me with that dress." I reached out and pulled her close, burying my nose in her loose curls. "Good. I have five more just like it," she said with a giggle. "Cheeky, aren't you?" My fingers dug into her hips. She made a little noise at the contact and looked up at me, eyes wide. I wonder if she knew I'd do anything for her if she looked at me that way. "Come here," she said, reaching up to cup the nape of my neck. In her heels, she didn't have to reach far to find my lips. I let her kiss me, her lips soft and seeking. She tasted like white wine and the chocolate dessert we'd shared. I felt a growl at the base of my throat as she slid her tongue against my bottom lip. "I love it when you do that," she said, tugging at the buttons of my black shirt. "What?" My fingers reached up to help her - anything to hasten the process of feeling her skin against mine. "Growl in your throat like that. It's so... primal." She was getting a little breathless as my shirt came undone, her fingers hastening to unzip my binder. I hid a smile of contentment as I watched the woman I wanted more than anything in the world want me right back. I reached behind her and unzipped her dress in one quick tug, running my hand down the smooth skin of her back and over the generous curve of her ass. "You trust me?" I asked her. She nodded. I slid an arm under her knees and swung her into my arms. She gasped and threw her arms around my neck. When I placed her in the center of my bed, she flipped her heels off and watched intently as I removed each article of clothing painfully slowly. When I started on the button of my black jeans, she licked her lips, her gaze unwavering. "I need you, baby," she breathed and I was powerless to deny her anything. \* Later that night, when I exited the shower, Maya was seated on the edge of the bed, wrapped tightly in my oversized bathrobe. Her wet hair was coiled in a towel turban. "I feel like a potato," she said as I dried off. I tried my very best not to laugh at that analogy. But it was hard. "Well, then you're the sexiest potato I've ever eaten." That made her smile. The first few bars of Usher's "U Got it Bad" came through from the speakers in the living area. Very apt. "You should never wear clothes," Maya commented as I plugged in the hairdryer. I caught a glimpse of myself in the full-length mirror - not too shabby, even if I do say so myself. At least everything was still in its place at thirty-two. Maya came up behind me and wrapped her arms around my waist. She smiled at me in the reflection of the mirror. "Beautiful," she said, running her hands appreciatively over the toothy, angry bear tattooed on my stomach (his name's Eddie, for future reference). "Not as beautiful as my potato," I joked, setting the hairdryer down so I could wrap myself around her. "Stop." She laughed lightly as she cuddled close, still watching our reflection. I slipped the makeshift turban off her head; her curls fell around us, damp and smelling like my Toni & Guy shampoo. She made a sound of contentment as I kissed her forehead. "I love you, baby." I hadn't meant to say it - no, wait, I had. I'd been thinking about it for weeks, maybe months. *Oh god.* Who was I kidding? She'd had my heart the moment she said she'd take care of me. But I'd wanted to save it for a special moment. I guess this was it, while we were both half damp and still tingling from the wine we had at dinner. *What's wrong with me?!* Her eyes widened and she turned to face me, probably trying to read if I meant what I said. So I said it again. The tip of her nose started turning red a second before her eyes welled with tears. *Okay,* so *not what I'd expected.* She laid her forehead against my chest and took several deep breaths. "Maya?" "I'm okay." Her voice was muffled against my skin. "Then why are you crying, baby?" She sniffled. "I'm not crying. You are." I rolled my eyes and held her close as she gathered herself. When she finally looked up at me, I wiped away the tear tracks with my fingers. "I never thought I'd hear you say those words, Gray," she confessed, her voice thick. "I love you, too. More than you can imagine." The coil of anxiety that had spiraled into a tight knot in my stomach began to unravel at her words. Relief was an understatement. I hadn't realized how afraid I'd been that she wouldn't return my feelings. And, maybe, deep down, I'd known all along how we felt about each other. No one else had the ability to look into my soul like Maya did. "I love you so much," she repeated, pulling me down for a lengthy kiss. I smiled against her lips; nothing could have made me a happier woman. \# Chapter 13 Happiness is such a fleeting thing. I had exactly 56 hours and 39 minutes of it. Yes, I counted every moment. I couldn't remember the last time I'd felt like everything in my life was exactly where it should be. Well, so much for that. I was opening the shop on Monday morning after my weekend with Maya when I got a call from Alex. We'd made plans to work out together later that day so it didn't seem like a big deal that she was calling. I sandwiched my phone between cheek and shoulder as I worked the padlock on the shopfront. "Hey, what's up?" I asked, leaning over to flip the shutters up. "I'm at the University Hospital - you know where that is?" Panic made my fingers immobile for a second. "Yeah. What happened?" "I can't explain over the phone but can you come down right now?" "Is it Maya?" I had to force my lips to say those words. "Yeah. She's... she's alive. But I think you should be here. I'll text you the details." I stood on the sidewalk, staring at my phone, blinking. Waiting for the text. *She's alive? She's ALIVE?* What the hell was that supposed to mean? My mind raced to last night. I'd walked Maya back to her apartment after a three-hour dinner at my favorite sushi place. She hadn't really wanted the weekend to end but she knew her mother would be back the next day. So I'd kissed her goodbye. We'd parted. I sent her a few funny dog memes before we said goodnight a little later. And... that's it. That seemed like a normal night, right? *Right?!* What could have happened in eight hours? Mel found me staring at my phone minutes later, the shutters still half up. She laid a hand on my arm and I pulled away, thrusting the set of keys into her hand. She was saying something but I couldn't hear over the ringing in my ears. I couldn't breathe as I waited for my phone to buzz. And then it did. *Fourth Floor, Ward 11.* I ran the whole way. It was fourteen blocks but I made it there in under fifteen minutes. The medical staff yelled at me to slow down as I pushed past the crowd in the lobby and rushed for the elevator. Alex met me in the hallway; she'd been sitting in one of those plastic waiting room chairs with her head in her hands. Seeing her like that made my heart seize. I suddenly didn't want to know. I didn't want this to happen. I didn't want to be here. I wanted to go back to last night. "Gray, it's this way." Alex began walking towards the ward but I couldn't move. Or maybe I was moving backwards. I didn't know. I didn't want to see it. I didn't want to see my baby in a hospital with tubes sticking out of her or whatever. "Gray, hey." Alex turned on her heel and waved a hand in front of my face. "I can't." I didn't recognize my voice. Alex grasped my shoulders and shook me a little. "Yes, you can. She's alive, okay? That's what's important." "I... Was it an accident?" "No." Before I could say anything else, Alex steered me to the ward. I can't remember the last time I prayed. Maybe when Mama had been alive and she'd make me say prayers before bed. I couldn't even remember the words. But as I followed Alex into the tiny grey room, I prayed. I prayed that Alex was right, that Maya was okay. I prayed that if things weren't okay, I could fix them. I couldn't even remember the words I said. It was just a start of an old prayer Mama used to make me repeat. *Dio te salve, Maria. Dio te salve, Maria. Dio te salve, Maria.* My eyes honed in on the prone form on the bed. Maya looked... fine. Peaceful. Like she was just sleeping. Her cheeks were flushed and there was an IV tube taped to the back of her hand but otherwise, she looked fine, tucked away tightly in the hospital sheets. "Some good news," the hefty blonde nurse said as we walked in. I hadn't even noticed she was there. "Her color has returned after we pumped out the rest of the pills. She's going to be fine. She just needs plenty of rest for now. The doctor will be in to see her shortly and someone needs to be with her 24/7. If that's a problem, let me know now and I'll assign a staff member. Now, who can fill out some forms for me?" Alex volunteered, leaving me alone with Maya. Her breathing was so faint. I could barely hear it over the hum of the heater. I leaned in close, placing my ear next to her mouth, and just stood there, listening to her breath whistle in and out. *Why, baby?* The nurse had said pills. What kind? Why did she have them? How many did she take? *Why?!* Why would she even want to...? I wanted to believe it wasn't me. But nothing else seemed to add up. Nothing had changed recently except me telling her that I loved her. I ran a hand over her forehead, letting it rest there as though it would provide an insight into what was going through her mind. "Why, babygirl?" I asked aloud. She stirred, rubbing her forehead against my palm, but didn't wake. I wasn't sure how much time passed before Alex re-entered the room and took a seat on one of the spare chairs. She'd rolled up her sleeves but the flannel shirt she wore was creased to hell. Her eyes were red-rimmed. "You gotta tell me *something*, Alex." My voice was loud in the quiet room. She ran her hands over her cheeks and took a deep breath. "Fine," she said, her tone withdrawn. "Maya called me this morning at about six a.m. She said she'd taken a bunch of sleeping pills and she wanted to tell me she loved me and she was so happy that everything worked out for Cady and I. She kept going on about that. I can't remember what I said - I was freaked - but I managed to convince her to throw them up. By then, it had already been some time. "I called 911. She was barely conscious when they got there. Thank god I told her to unlock the front door before I lost her on the phone. They pumped her stomach soon after." My lips were numb when I said: "I walked her home at midnight. What happened?" "Gray," Alex said softly. "It's not your fault, okay? None of this is." "I told her I loved her." For the first time in a long time, I felt the burn of tears in my eyes. I had a few pieces of the puzzle now but nothing seemed to fit. Was I angry? Was I sad? No. I felt helpless. "She told me." Alex's smile was genuine but tired. "Did she... do this because...?" "No." Alex was quick to interject. Then she sighed long and hard. "Look, it's not my place to say this, okay? But I know you're hurting and you need to understand. Maya has MDD - it's-" "Major Depressive Disorder," I said quietly. I closed my eyes against the pain of pieces coming together. "Has Maya done this before?" Alex nodded. "Once, when she was fourteen, before she was diagnosed." I picked up Maya's prone hand, hoping I could transfer some of my strength to her. How had she hidden all of this from me? How could I not have seen through it? Had there been signs? I wracked my brain. Had she tried to tell me? I couldn't come up with anything. To even consider... suicide... she must've been in so much pain. Why didn't she feel like she could talk to me? "She's been on medication for it? I didn't see her take any when she was with me." Alex nodded. "She was doing well for almost ten years. But it was very stressful for her. MDD, it's like a brain imbalance, but her family doesn't believe it's an illness." "What do you mean?" I asked, threading Maya's fingers through mine, wishing she would squeeze back like she usually did. "Her family... they don't acknowledge that she's - how should I put it - neuro-atypical. They don't believe in mental illness." My brows furrowed. "I don't get it - why don't they believe in it?" Alex threaded her fingers through her hair, frustration evident in her movements. "See, that's the problem." Her voice was a near shout. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell." She took a deep, calming breath and pinched the bridge of her nose. "You're not - you *can't* see things like we do, Gray. You don't understand." "Tell me, then," I challenged. "Tell me what the fuck it is I don't understand." "You don't get what it's like in our society. Mental illness, it's a taboo thing. People don't believe in it. If you're sad, just go for a run to de-stress. If you're 'depressed', just man up and pull yourself together." She paused. "And there's really no such thing as 'coming out'. We can't just *do it*. We can't just 'be gay'." I raised an eyebrow. "You think I don't know how hard it is for some people to be out?" "Not in an Asian society, no, Gray, I don't think you do. I lost my whole goddamn family. You think I want that for Maya?" I bit my lip and looked down at Maya, her chest rising and falling in perfect rhythm. I was thankful she was unaware of the conversation. "So what do you want me to do? What *can* I do?" Alex sighed and collapsed into the chair. "I don't have the answers, Gray. It's not my life." I wished I could sock her. But I had to remind myself that none of this was Alex's fault. She was caught in the situation that, technically, had nothing to do with her. I was more than grateful she'd been there for Maya. But at the same time, I hated what she was telling me. "Look, just wait for her to wake up. Ask her for the truth. All of it." I swallowed. "How bad is it?" Alex simply shook her head. "It won't be easy. But I think you can take it. You're a big girl." Really? I wanted to ask. Cause I felt like a toddler still learning to walk. "I got her stuff." We turned as Cady walked briskly into the room, a bright pink overnight bag in her hand. "How's she doing? What did the doctor say?" "The nurse was in here earlier. Maya just needs to rest and she'll be just fine," Alex said, taking the bag from Cady. "Oh, thank god." Cady's relief was palpable. She made her way to the other side of the narrow bed. "Did you hear that, hon? You'll be just fine. All you need is some rest." She held Maya's hand and squeezed her fingers in a gesture of comfort. I just stared blankly out the window, still trying to put the pieces together. "Gray, you all right?" Cady looked up at me, her eyes full of worry. "No." I didn't mean for it to sound as harsh as it did. But I couldn't seem to control the riot of emotions whirling through me. I took a deep breath, trying to steady myself. "Why don't you sit down?" she offered, gesturing to the chair behind me. I shook my head. "I'm gonna head home for a quick shower then," Cady said, still holding Maya's hand. "I need a change of clothes," Alex said as she stood up, brushing off the flannel. "You guys go ahead. I'll be here." They gathered their things to leave. "Hey, wait. Could you please do me a favor?" "Sure," Cady said, shrugging on her coat. "In my apartment, there's a black box I keep in the little drawer under my coffee table. Could you please get it for me? My receptionist has the keys." "Sure, Gray." Cady reached up to give me a hug. "Hang in there. We'll be back soon." Alex patted me on the arm. I almost crumbled when they left, my hand still intertwined with Maya's. I quickly swiped at the tears on my cheeks and took a steadying breath. *Please, baby. Please wake up.* \# Chapter 14 She shot straight up in bed just after four in the afternoon, gasping and out of breath. I was by her side in a second, holding her as she shook violently. She held on tight, her eyes closed, tears leaking from the corners of her eyes. "It's gonna be all right, baby," I said repeatedly, rocking her a little, trying to help her calm down. She shook her head even as she clung to me. The blood pressure monitor beeped wildly as she got more and more worked up with whatever was going through her head. "Baby," I said, grasping the nape of her neck. "Look at me. *Look at me,"* I repeated when she didn't. Her eyes snapped to mine. Scared, full of guilt. "Take a deep breath with me, okay?" She nodded, still shaking. She mimicked my breathing, or tried to as best as she could before she saw the IV taped to her hand. "Gray, get it off me, please. I don't like needles. Please." "Maya." I tried to make my voice as calming as possible. "It's not a needle, okay? It's just a piece of plastic. You're on your third drip already. You need this, baby." "But I don't want it. Please, Gray. I can't..." She buried her face in my stomach and cried. I swallowed, my heart breaking as I watched the woman I loved fall to pieces. I held her, telling her that it was going to be okay, stroking her hair and reminding her that I was there for her, no matter what it was. Minutes later, she pulled back, her face streaked with tears. "I need to go." "What?" I asked, brows furrowed. In a quick move, she ripped the IV from her hand hopped off the other side of the narrow hospital bed. A trail of blood stained the pristine sheets. "Maya!" I rushed over to her as she hit the floor, unbalanced and dizzy. I helped her up and she clung to me, repeating that she was fine. "I need to go, Gray." "Where, Maya? Where are you gonna go like this?" Her eyes filled with tears again. "Anywhere. Take me anywhere, Gray. I don't want to be here." "Maya, you can't. Let me get the doctor." "If you get them, they won't let me leave until I agree to psychiatric care. But I need to go now, Gray. I don't want to be here. Please, please, please." She should stay. She should stay and get help for whatever demons she was harboring. But she pleaded with me again, desperate and weak. I was only human. I helped her into her underwear and a simple red dress. She sat on the edge of the bed and slipped on a pair of flats that Cady had packed for her. Taking a deep breath, she twisted her hair into a knot. "Let's go," she said, getting to her feet. She was steadier this time, determined, even as her hands shook. "Promise me something, Maya," I said, reluctantly sliding her travel bag onto my shoulder. She nodded. "Promise me that you'll see a therapist." She nodded again. "*Say the words*." I wasn't gonna let it go. "I promise, I promise. Let's just go." I walked closely behind her, ready to catch her if she fell. She walked steadily now but none of this felt right. She should stay and get the help she needed. Instead, I was helping her leave the hospital. Why? Because she'd asked me to? Begged? We didn't have any trouble leaving. The hospital staff were too busy to even look up as we walked through the front doors. I'd hoped someone would question us and take the decision (and guilt) out of my hands. The security guards even opened the doors for us as we left. Maya was on her phone, booking us an Uber. I desperately wanted to pick her up, throw her over my shoulder and walk back into the hospital. It was the right thing to do. Although she seemed to be fine, *seeming* fine and *being* fine were two different things. I knew only too well. When the Uber took us past the University, I asked Maya where we were headed. She hadn't said a word so far, choosing instead to look out the window of the car. For once, her eyes didn't betray what she was thinking. Or maybe I just couldn't read her anymore. And that worried me. A lot. I'd assumed she was coming home with me where I could keep an eye on her. Where we could talk. We really needed to talk. She looked down at her fingers. "Upstate somewhere. The Fish and Pike Inn. I looked it up last night when I... I wanted to be away when I..." I picked up the hand she had placed on her lap and gave it a squeeze. She didn't have to finish that thought; I didn't want her to finish it. I don't think I could handle the mental image of her lying unconscious (or the other thing) in an inn somewhere. My chest tightened as I felt the familiar coiling of anxiety form a hardened cement wall around my sternum. Maya shifted over in the backseat and laid her head on my shoulder. I pulled her close, trying to calm my breathing by inhaling her familiar scent. I breathed in and out, counting to ten and then repeating the cycle. Just like Jean had taught me when I had faced my own demons. I wondered what Maya's were; I wondered if I could fight them for her. I let her have her space once we got to the inn almost an hour later. The receptionist checked us in with minimal hassle even though we didn't have reservations. It was a fairly nice place with a collection of cottage-esque apartments. I couldn't remember the last time I'd seen so much open space or so much green. Maybe in a postcard or something. Certainly never in New York. The inn was lovely and extremely picturesque. The pathways were lined with cobblestones. Waist-high bushes formed an armor around each front gate. No one would be able to see into the large front windows - it was a good place if you didn't want anyone to see what you were doing. Or if you wanted to kill yourself. She settled into the brown brocade couch once the bellboy shut the door, her withdrawn form so small against the upholstery that I felt my heart crumble. I told myself not to stare, that she probably needed some time to herself. Instead, I busied myself by ordering something to eat and filling the kettle to brew some sweet tea. When I sat on the end of the couch with a steaming mug - something easy on her tummy after the trauma of last night - she didn't move. I placed a hand on her calf and she jerked as though she'd forgotten I was there. She stared at me for the longest time, her bottom lip quivering as though she was about to cry. I set the mug aside and held my arm out. She curled herself into my side and rested her head on my shoulder. The position, one in which we'd watched Netflix countless times, was so heartbreakingly familiar that, for a moment, I felt everything would be okay. "You're a good person, Gray." I said nothing but pulled her closer, catching her tears on my shirtsleeve. Her voice was a whisper. "But I'm not. I'm a liar." I knew she felt me tense but she didn't look up. Instead, her eyes focused on the small blank TV screen in front of us. It mirrored a deceptively sweet image of a couple cuddling on the couch. "Tell me," I said simply. She was silent for a while. Every few seconds, I'd hear her take a deep breath and then swallow hard. I tried not to squirm from the nerves but it was hard. "Before I say anything," she began, her voice soft, "please remember that I love you. I wish I could say I wouldn't have done what I did but I'm too selfish for that." I pressed a kiss to her forehead. "I love you, too, baby." She worried her thumbnail. "I wanted to be happy. For a while, I *was* happy. With you." "Me too, baby. I still am." She shook her head. "You can't be happy. I'm a liar. I lied to you; I lied to my family. I even lied to myself. I'm really good at that." "What did you lie about? Whatever it is, I'll help you fix it." Her bottom lip quivered again. "*Oh god*, you're such a good person. You don't deserve *me.* You can't fix it, Gray. It's a mess. I'm a mess." She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. "I'm engaged." \# Chapter 15 For a moment, I went deaf. The ringing in my ears overtook everything else and I sat forward abruptly. I didn't have to look at my reflection in the TV to know that the blood had drained from my face. I stood and moved away, trying to find some semblance of balance. Engaged? *Engaged?* My Maya? The words simply didn't compute. I couldn't breathe. I slapped my hands on the writing desk in the corner, trying to get a decent breath. I felt hands on my back but I pushed them away, needing space. Needing to be away. *Oh god.* I couldn't even begin to... my Maya, belonging to someone else... the image of her with another woman... I felt my hands tremble as I swept the hair out of my face. Impossible. She was everything that was innocent. No one could fake that, can they? She was the purest person with the sweetest heart. She was incapable of doing something like this. Right? *Right?!* But she was telling the truth. I could see it in her face, the way she feared my reaction. I heard it in her voice. She didn't want to tell me this. *She had to.* Fuck. "Please, please, please just listen to me." The ringing subsided but I still heard her voice as though it were from afar, even though she was standing just a few feet away. I felt my lips move. I don't think I even processed what I was saying. "What is there to talk about?" She faltered for a moment, tears puddling on her dress, the stains dark against the cheerful red. "I didn't want to be. I had to," she said quietly. "What the fuck does that mean?!" I hadn't meant to raise my voice. Or maybe I had. I didn't really know. She recoiled from my words but didn't move away. "It's an arranged marriage, okay? I don't even really know the guy. We've been on a few dates, that's it." I blinked. And then it hit me. Alex was right. I didn't know *anything* about their world. I just stared at the woman I'd thought was *my* world, watching her crumbling, watching my world crumbling. Feeling it crumbling. "Gray, I know I messed up, okay? *I know I did.* But I don't want to lose you. I just *can't lose you*. Please..." She tentatively placed her arms around my waist and I stood there, my hands curled into fists, feeling her tears wet my chest. She held onto me as though I were her last hope, her last chance for happiness. And maybe I was. I had very little mental clarity. And so many questions I was almost choking on them. I shut my eyes as she sobbed, wondering what the hell had happened to my perfect-ish life of twenty-four hours ago. "You should get some rest." I know the words came from me but I didn't even feel my lips move. She shook her head, still buried against my chest. I needed time to think. I couldn't process anything with the sound of her crying. "Don't push me away." Her words were barely audible. I swallowed, realizing that I'd wanted to do exactly that so I could wrangle free of this madness for a while. "Just sit down, please." I let her coax me back to the couch but I kept to my end of it. She wiped her nose with a tissue. She looked defeated; her eyebags were stark against her skin and her lips were tightly drawn. Sick - she looked sick and tired. I'd never seen my girl look this way. "This is the biggest mistake I've ever made," she said, looking down at her crossed legs. "But I'd make it again if had to." "You're talking about me? I'm a mistake?" I knew I was picking up the wrong things but I couldn't help myself. I felt on edge, the little pockets of anger I'd set aside for years welling inside me like a storm. "No, Gray. No, please don't think that. I'm talking about what I did. Asking you out, trying to seduce you on our first date. I started this. So I thought I could end... end everything... it if I just stopped... being." I ran a hand through my hair. "You would've let me live with the doubt that my love drove you to death?" "No!" She swiped at her eyes again. "I didn't think of it that way." Her smile was sad. "It wasn't supposed to be this way. I thought I was being so smart. But I was insanely stupid." She took a deep breath. "On that first night, I told you I wanted you when we first met." "Yeah." "I wanted you because you were everything I couldn't have but needed so desperately. We met just a couple of weeks after my... engagement." The last word was almost a whisper. "And I was so, so unhappy. I wasn't in a good place, mentally. I just didn't want to exist in a world where no one cared to listen to me." She was silent for a while. I said nothing but my jaw couldn't possibly clench any tighter. "My parents know I'm gay. They know I have -" she choked on the word, "MDD. But they deny both. They just want to get me married off so I'll stop being a burden with all these issues they can't or won't deal with. Marriage is like duct tape to them - it solves everything. People will stop talking about their 'crazy daughter' if I settled down and appeared normal. "And I'd resigned myself to that. Completely. I was down the darkest hole you can possibly imagine. Where everything just happened around me and I was just in the middle of things, existing. When I met you, it was the first time I'd felt alive in a long, long time." I felt tears on my cheeks but didn't wipe them away. "You have a bit of a reputation with the ladies. Always unavailable is what Charm said. She knows who you are through a friend of a friend. So, in your words, I thought you were a safe bet for-" "A one-night stand?" I asked between clenched teeth. She nodded, looking down, ashamed. "I thought if I could just feel what it meant to be with someone I really wanted, I could get on with life. Just once, I wanted to do something *for me.* I wanted to live. But I hadn't counted on you, Gray. "I knew I loved you that first night when you touched my scarred body and called me beautiful. The moment you encouraged me to do the things I'd been told not to do my whole life. The moment you kissed my forehead and said goodnight when you thought I'd fallen asleep." I closed my eyes in an attempt to fight the tears. I knew exactly what she meant. I hadn't meant to fall so hard and so deep so quickly. In all the pain her words caused, there was one thing I knew for certain: I loved Maya. Despite whatever fucked up twist of fate had led us together, I loved her. She'd lied to me but that pain was disintegrating more quickly than I'd expected, leaving only an intense need to claim what was mine. As she dabbed at the constant flow of tears, the doorbell rang. I'd completely forgotten about the food I'd ordered but my legs wouldn't move. "I'll get it," Maya offered, wiping her nose clean once again. She dug through her travel bag for her purse to tip the bellboy who brought a large tray into the room. I stared ahead, out the large bay windows and into the bushes around the little cottage. As she flipped her wallet open, something small fell out of it with a sharp clink on the tile. It rolled to the edge of the thick carpet. I could barely make it out in the dimly lit room but it looked like a ring. A diamond ring winking in the low light. Maya didn't move. She watched me staring unblinkingly at it. I stood and picked the ring off the floor, inspecting it under the lamplight. A square cut diamond, probably two carats, surrounded by little ruby stones. It was huge. Beautiful. It almost made me smile. The ring confirmed one thing - whoever this dude was didn't know Maya very well. Big and flashy was the opposite of my girl. She'd hate this monstrosity. "I'll just leave the tip," the bellboy said. He seemed nervous. I wondered how palpable the tension was in the room. "No," I said, looking straight at him. He couldn't be more than eighteen, probably working a summer job before college. Maybe even saving up for it. "Take this." He balked as I handed him the ring. The diamond winked in the low light. Maya said nothing but stepped aside for him to leave. "I can't," he said. "It's too much." "Count your blessings," I returned and ushered him out the door before he could say anything else. "I don't know how I'm going to explain that," Maya said uncertainly. "You don't have to." I picked up the coat I'd draped on the back of the couch and slid out the black box Alex and Cady had brought over to the hospital earlier that day. In it were the few things that remained of my mother. Mostly pictures - the few of them she'd had the money to develop - and her rosaries. I didn't remember the prayers anymore but the weight and feel of the small beads had felt comforting in the hospital while I'd waited for Maya to wake up. "Come here," I said, patting the space beside me as I sat on the couch. She sat on the edge of the seat and watched me unpack the box. When I popped the false bottom to reveal my parents' wedding bands, she instinctively scooted backwards and repeated the word "no" several times. I simply shook my head and picked up the smaller of the two rings. "Why are you saying no, baby? Are you afraid?" She shook her head again. Her hair unclasped from its bun and fell over her shoulder. She swatted it away with a flick of her hand. "I don't deserve you." Her words were almost a whisper. "I'm a liar and a cheater and I don't deserve to be with you." I held out my hand, waiting for her to place her palm in it. She didn't. "I'm not saying what you did was right. But everyone deserves to be happy. The last few months, you've made me the happiest I've ever been - all you had to do was smile at me and I wouldn't be able to remember what it was to be anxious. All I want to do every day is spend time with you, doing nothing and everything. "I understand why you did it. We probably have a lot of stuff from your past to work through - hell, *my* past has been choking me for seventeen years, too, and you tried to help me through that. But one thing I know for sure is that I love you. And that's not going to change, no matter what we gotta go through." "But my engagement..." "Won't mean shit if you don't marry him. You *know* me, baby. I can offer you a decent life. I make a good living and I'll support you no matter what you do." Her lips quivered. "Even my bakery?" I felt a smile twist my lips. "Especially your bakery." She finally placed her palm on my upturned hand and I placed my lips against it. Her fingers were cold and tense under my lips. "Baby, I need you to know that this isn't an engagement ring. It's a promise. It's a promise that I'll be here for you whenever you feel ready to move forward. In the meantime, I belong only to you. Maya, will you be mine?" She rasped a "yes", swiping tears from her eyes even though they kept flowing in a constant stream. "I didn't know what it meant to be happy until I met you." I slid the ring onto her finger; it was a little loose but I didn't think she noticed through the veil of tears. I pulled her close for a kiss. "Mine," I said, placing a possessive kiss on the side of her neck. "I'm yours. I've always been yours in every way that matters." She kissed me fiercely, her tears intermingling with her passion. I pulled her onto my lap, grateful for the feel of her weight, a reminder that she was still there, still mine. When her fingers reached for my shirt, I stopped her and wiped the tears from her cheeks. "You need to rest." She tried to protest but I was insistent. She grumbled as I buttered some toast for her and made her drink some warm tea with it. The tea put her to sleep within minutes. I sat on the edge of the bed and kicked off my Converse, feeling my muscles finally relax. I lay back, blinking up at the dark ceiling, trying to take in the hellish day. I wasn't even given a minute to collect myself before the phone rang loudly in the quiet room. I jumped at it, trying to answer it before it woke Maya. It was Alex. "Gray - what the fuck? We're at the hospital. Where are you? Where's Maya?" "She's fine. She wanted to leave. We're upstate." "She wanted to leave?!" Alex was incredulous. She sputtered for a moment. "Are you kidding?" "I know how stupid that sounds." I grabbed my cigarettes from my coat and made my way outside. "But she's okay. She's resting." "Gray-" "She promised she'll see a therapist. Trust me, I'm gonna make sure she does." I lit up and took a long drag as Alex filled Cady in. "So where exactly are you?" she asked a moment later. "The Fish and Pike Inn off route 87. Seriously, we're fine. I'll bring her back tomorrow." "So... you talked?" I took another drag. "Yeah. A heads up would have been nice, Alex." Alex sighed. "It wasn't my place to say anything." "We really liked you, Gray. We didn't want you to get hurt," Cady chimed in from the background. "Really? Did you like me when you cleared my background check for a one-night stand?" There was a moment of silence. I could imagine them exchanging worried looks. "So she really told you *everything*, huh?" "Yep." "I guess we should apologize for that. We shouldn't have meddled." "Ya think?" "So... what now?" "I'm not gonna let her marry that dude." "Yes!" I heard Cady shout in the background. "You've just made my fiancee very happy," Alex commented. I could hear the smile in her voice. "I was hoping you'd feel that way." "I gave her engagement ring to the bellboy." "You what?!" As I rehashed the events from earlier that evening, Alex and Cady couldn't help but laugh. "I thought I liked you before, but this is gold," Alex said. "Everything kinda makes sense now, you know? Why she didn't want to talk about commitment. Why she shied away when I talked about how I felt about her. Now I see it." "She loves you, Gray. More than you know." "I know. I'm not gonna let anyone force her into a marriage." "Well," Alex hesitated. "You haven't met her mom yet. She's scary, man." "My mom was Latina. I've lived with scary and learned from the best." I flicked my cigarette into a small inlet drain and watch it fizzle in the shallow water. "Is she going to be staying with you? We'd like to see her tomorrow." "We haven't discussed it but I'll be happy to have her. I'll let you know in the morning, okay?" "Sure. Get some rest. That's enough drama for today, I think." I hung up soon after and washed up before climbing into bed. Maya instinctively rolled over and tucked her head under my chin. I breathed in the scent of her hair and cherished the feel of her by my side. I could see my mother's ring on her hand in the dim light. *Dame fuerza, mamá.* I was gonna make this work. \# Chapter 16 I convinced her to come home with me the next day. She was afraid - terrified, actually. She kept repeating that her mother was going to be furious; she hadn't checked her phone all night to avoid her calls. But I held her close in the soft morning light, the sheets warm from our mingled scents, and assured her that I would take care of her. She squeezed me tightly and fell back asleep for a little while longer. I crept out of bed early and made arrangements for my clients to be rescheduled. Mel had texted me multiple times the previous day but I simply hadn't been in the headspace to text back. She was more than relieved to hear from me, even at seven in the morning. I bundled Maya into the Uber at a little past nine (the price they quoted was surprisingly cheap). She was wide awake and antsy as hell to be heading back. She'd asked me multiple times if we could stay another day, but that would simply prolong the issue. I could only imagine how worried her mother would be at this point. Almost an hour later, we were back at my flat. She changed into one of my old shirts as I made some room for her stuff in my closet. We didn't say much to each other; I figured she was tired. "Do you have anything to eat?" she asked while she boiled some water in the kettle. "Um..." A quick forage in my fridge only produced overnight oats... *and* I'd already mixed my protein in it. "How about I run down to Expresso and get us some pastries?" "Yes, please." I could hear her stomach growl five feet away. "Could you get me a toasted bagel?" "Of course. Cream cheese?" "Do you really have to ask?" she said with a laugh. I pressed a kiss to her lips. "I'll be ten minutes, tops." I felt uneasy about leaving her alone and broke into a jog on the way to the café. This anxiety thing was a real bitch. I pushed past the queue and waved to Miranda. "Throw in a couple of toasted bagels please, hon." A knowing smile split her lips. "I know whose favorite those are. Is this your walk of shame? Did you have a good night?" I tried to smile. If only she knew... Before I could respond, I felt a hand land heavily on my shoulder. "Gray?" I moved away so quickly that I shocked my heart into working overtime. *That voice.* "Whoa, relax, man." I blinked and blinked again. I'd never forget that voice and that face. "Ash?" my voice was almost a whisper. "You do remember me." She looked a little sheepish. I tried to calm my racing heart. "It's been a long time." "Yeah." I cleared my throat. "Seventeen blissful fucking years. What are you doing here?" "I, uh, was coming down to your shop but I thought I saw you run in here so..." She paused to flick her dark dreads behind her back. "Here you go, doll," Miranda called from the counter. I handed her a twenty and picked up the bagels and coffee. "It's not a good time, Ash." I started to walk out the door when she said, "I'm in the program, man. Let me do this, please." I finally knew what she wanted, why she'd been looking for me. If she was in AA, one of the Twelve Steps would be to make amends with those she'd harmed in the past. As an individual, I wanted to tell her to fuck off. As a counselor, I knew I should let her say her piece. "Walk with me," I said begrudgingly. She walked behind me - what a weird thing to do. "You grew up great, huh? You work out a lot?" she asked. I didn't answer her question. "So what do you have to say?" "You're not making this easy on me, Gray." I turned on her. "Oh, yeah? Why should I, Ash? Did you really expect to turn up almost two decades later and expect me to be okay with you crushing my ribs?" "No." She looked down at her shoes. Not Doc Martens, thank god. "It's my biggest regret, you know. Hell, I was high most of the time back then. I didn't know what I was doing." "Bullshit. You're supposed to make amends, not lie." I turned and walked away. She followed closely behind. "Look, Gray. You're right. That was bullshit. I'm sorry, man. What you did... leaving us... made me too mad to think. You were my best friend-" "You're damn right I was. And what did I get for it? Forty stitches and three goddamn broken ribs." "I felt betrayed, okay? Like you found something better and were gonna leave me behind in that fucking shithole." That stopped me in my tracks. "What?" "Maybe I was a little jealous, too. I saw the guy you hung around with. He was real set up, man." "That's why you almost killed me? Because you were jealous? You could've talked to me, Ash." She ran a hand through her dreads. "I was seventeen and stupid. Very stupid." I considered her words. "I gotta go. It's not a good time." "Yeah, yeah. All right. I feel you." Just as I turned away again, she said: "I missed you. A lot." I felt nostalgia churn in my chest as memories of happier times came barrelling back. Numerous exhilarating but illegal activities came to mind - we'd enjoyed the hell out of our youth, that's for sure. As I paused on the sidewalk, she came up behind me and placed her arms around my shoulders like she'd done a hundred times before. I tensed immediately. "I mean it, Gray. I'm sorry. I'm asking for your forgiveness. I don't know if it means much to you after all these years, but it would sure as hell mean a lot to me if you said you forgave me." Before I could say something, Maya's voice cut me off. She stood in the doorway of the walk-up still dressed in my shirt, which clung to her every curve. She was panting heavily, as though she'd run down the stairs. "What's going on, Gray?" she asked. "What's all the yelling about?" Ash released me immediately. I didn't have to look at her to know that her eyes were taking Maya in appreciatively. Some people never changed. "It's nothing, baby. I'll be up in a second." Ash stepped forward, hand extended, smile already in place. "Hey babygirl, I'm Ash-" "Don't you fucking dare!" "Whaaat?" Ash tried blinking innocently at me, holding her hands up. "I wasn't doin' nothing." "Who you kidding? You taught me your moves." Ash laughed, the corners of her eyes crinkling, just like I remembered. "So I did." I handed Maya the coffee and bagels. "How about we meet for a drink next week? Strictly coffee. We'll talk more then." She thought about it for a second before nodding. "Sounds good. Thursday at eight at Expresso?" She held out her arm for a shake. Just like old times. Except it wasn't. I hesitated but took it anyway. "See you then." I shut the main door behind her and heaved a big breath. Maya still stood in the stairway with the bag of bagels clasped to her chest. "Was that-?" "Yeah." She didn't have to finish the sentence. "Are you okay?" I nodded. Still a little blindsided, but okay, actually. Seeing Ash in the flesh and hearing her apologize had been quite cathartic. And it ruined what seemed to be my only haunting memory of her. "Was she really going to hit on me in front of you?" Maya asked as we walked up the stairs. "Yeah, she hasn't changed one bit." "You're kinda smiling." I hadn't even realized. "I guess she brought back memories I left behind a long time ago. Good ones. How weird is that?" "Not weird at all. She was your friend long before... you know." "I guess," I said, making sure I locked the apartment door. "Hey, maybe talking to her will help with your nightmares," Maya said, curling up on the couch and pulling out a warm bagel. She made a sound of pleasure as she bit into it. "I hope so, baby. I really fucking hope so." \# Chapter 17 "So this is what I'm gonna do," Maya said a little while later as she waved her half-eaten bagel around like a thinking apparatus. "I'll be straight-" "The hell you will," I said, taking a sip of my coffee. The damn thing was almost lukewarm now. "Be serious," she scolded, pointing the bagel at me as a warning. "I'm just gonna be straight with my mom and tell her that I'm thankful for all she's done for me but I can't live a lie anymore. I don't want to be engaged to Christopher. "See - most times, this is when people will think the shit's about to hit the fan. But *no.* That's not even the worst part *for me*. Now I gotta tell her I'm gay. How the hell do I do that?" I pinched off a little of the bagel she was still holding out. "I've never had to do that before but I've counseled many kids who've asked me that very same question. And the only answer is, just do it. Take a deep breath and just come out with it. Pun intended." "Like ripping off a band-aid? But in my case, I suppose it's a giant pubic wax strip." I almost choked on the bagel at that analogy. She set the food aside and placed her head in my lap, sighing heavily. "Why does it have to be so difficult, Gray?" "I honestly wish I could do it for you..." "But it's not your battle," she finished. "It's mine." I stroked her hair as she thought out loud. "My tuition's paid for the year. So that's something at least. They can't take my degree away from me. But I'll need to get a job." "You don't need to. I promised I'd take care of you." "Not take care of me like *that*," she objected. "I meant like cherish me, not be my sugar daddy." "Mmm. What if I like the thought of you being my sugar baby?" "I'm trying to be serious, Gray." Her brows furrowed. "I'll do what millions of other college kids have done and get a job so I can make rent and you know, buy things." "I don't pay rent for this place, baby," I was quick to correct her. "I inherited it from Jean and his partner." She was silent for a moment before she said, "I don't want to be a burden, baby. I can get my own place, maybe a flatshare or something." I think my face showed how offended I was. "Why would I want that?" "I just - I just wanted to give you the option. I don't want you to feel obliged to offer me a place here..." "Baby, I don't feel forced into anything. I don't see a future without you so why would I want you to leave?" She held my gaze for several seconds, tears threatening to leak past the corner of her eyes. "I love you," she said, her voice only a whisper. I smiled, still not used to how those words made me feel. "I love you too, baby." The serenity of that moment was interrupted by the buzzer, making both of us groan. We knew who it was. "Your moms are here," I commented, getting off the sofa to let Alex and Cady in. Alex enveloped Maya in a hug so tight I wondered how her bones didn't pop. "Thank god," she said. "What the hell were you thinking, leaving the hospital like that?" Maya had the sense to look guilty. "I couldn't be there anymore. I hate hospitals." "You scared the crap out of us." Cady shooed her fiancee aside and took her turn hugging Maya. "Are you okay? Blink if Gray is holding you hostage here." I rolled my eyes. "You guys want something to drink? I think I have more of that berry tea Maya likes." They declined and chose to sit with Maya instead. I gave them some space and excused myself to have a shower. When I returned, all three of them looked at me anxiously. "What?" I asked, running a towel through my hair. "I've decided to rip the band-aid. Now." Maya looked determined. "Good. I'll come with you." She bit her lip. "Thank you. I'd like you to be there." "Alex and I will wait at Expresso*.* If you guys need anything, just text, okay?" So, there we were, the gay entourage, walking with purpose towards Maya's flat twenty minutes later. My girl was on the verge of tears already. I could tell. There was a police car parked outside the flat. Maya immediately 180-ed and tried to walk back to my flat. I caught her by the arm and pulled her back. "You'll be fine, baby," I reminded her. "I'm right here." "We all are," Cady hastened to assure her with a smile. Alex and I exchanged glances as we walked up the front steps. She gave me a nod for good luck a moment before the front door to the building opened and two officers walked out. The four of us stopped to stare at them; they did the exact same thing through their shades. Then the taller of the two asked, "Maya David?" Maya swallowed audibly. "Yes?" He heaved a long sigh. "Your mother reported you missing last night. She was convinced something had happened to you because your front door was unlocked when she returned from Philadelphia yesterday. She couldn't reach your cell phone. Would you care to explain?" Maya looked up at me before she said, her voice trembling, "I was upstate with Gray." The shorter dude lowered his shades to look at me. "I take it that's you?" "Yes, sir," I said. My palms were sweating and I had to stop myself from sprinting down the block. Old habits, you know. "And the both of you didn't think to inform this girl's mother? Or lock your front door?" In unison they crossed their arms in front of their chests. *Stay still, Gray. Don't fidget. You're good. You didn't do nothin' wrong.* "It was spontaneous," I said instead. Maya nodded in agreement. "And who are you two?" Tall Dude looked past us to Alex and Cady. "We're just friends, Officer." "All right." Tall Dude signaled for us to enter the building. "We'll walk you upstairs, Ms. David. Your mother's been worried sick." "That's okay, Officer. We got this." At least I *tried* to say that. But they insisted on walking us to the apartment - all of us, including Alex and Cady. "Shit's gonna go down," Alex whispered behind my back. We only had to wait two seconds after the first knock. The door flew open, revealing a very frazzled older version of Maya. She hugged her daughter immediately, in tears. She spoke a few words in Tamil and I couldn't tell if her words were of relief or a reprimand. And then she opened her eyes, finally taking in Maya's little entourage. "Ma'am, I believe this is your daughter. As you can see, she's safe-" Tall Dude didn't even get through his debrief before Maya's mother's face screwed up in a mask of rage. *Shit.* "You!" God, her voice was terrifying, and she wasn't even talking to me. She pointed a lean finger at Alex. Jesus, Mrs. David looked like she was about to curse the poor girl with her scraggly finger in the air like that. With her other hand, she dragged Maya into the apartment with a grip that must've hurt. It looked as though she was dragging her child away from sin. Stocky Dude chimed in. "Ma'am, calm down." "I told you to stay away from my daughter!" Her voice carried down the hallway. I wondered who else was listening in. Alex looked away; she probably wanted to be anywhere but here. "*Ma,* I think we should talk." Maya braved a hand on her mother's shoulder. "Talk, nothing!" Her accent got thicker the more riled she got. She turned on Alex. "Why are you here? You can't leave my daughter alone, can you?" Alex turned to one of the officers. "Is it okay if we leave now?" she asked quietly. Before they could respond, Maya's mom said, "Go. And take your friends with you." "Actually, ma'am," I tried to sound as confident as possible. "I'm with Maya." "What?" She turned to her daughter. "What is this?" "We need to talk." Maya's voice trembled as she looked her mother in the eye. I wanted to hold her and protect her from her mother's gaze. Tall Dude cleared his throat in the silence that followed. "I assume the matter's settled, Mrs. David. Take care." They couldn't get out of there fast enough. Alex and Cady were right behind them, leaving me standing alone in the hallway. "Come in, Gray," Maya said, but her mom stood in the way. "We can either do this in the hallway with your neighbors listening in or we can do it in the apartment," I said, keeping my voice as calm as possible. She moved aside grudgingly and I walked past her to stand with Maya. Mrs. David locked the door and turned to us. "Don't do this, Maya," she said. She sounded like she was choking on her words. Maya's fingers reached for mine. "So you *do* know. Why do you treat me like you don't?" Well, that made Maya's job a little easier. No bikini wax needed. "You can't do this to your family." Maya took a deep breath. "All I've ever done is for my family. I've pretended to be something I'm not for almost ten years. It's enough." "What about Christopher?" "He's a grown man. He'll deal with it." Mrs. David looked me up and down. "And *this* is who you've chosen over an upstanding lawyer?" Maya moved closer to me, putting herself between her mother and me, as though she could protect me from the sting those words caused. "I couldn't have chosen someone better. There *isn't* anyone better for me." "*Stupid.* How'd I raise you to be so stupid?" "You didn't, *ma.* You raised me to be strong and smart. Do you really think I'd do this if I felt like I had a choice? I don't. This is me. It's always been me." Her mother snapped. Maya turned her head and took a step back to avoid the blow but I pushed her out of the way and intercepted Mrs. David. She pulled away as though my touch had burned her. "Get your things, baby," I said quietly, meeting Mrs. David's gaze. "Don't forget your passport and medication." Maya wiped the tears off her cheeks as she hurried to her room. I could hear her pulling out drawers in a hurry. I looked at Mrs. David; she seemed to have trouble speaking. Her throat worked but no words came out. "Don't try that again," I said instead. "Your daughter means the world to me. You won't find anyone who loves her more than I do. Not even your lawyer." "*Who are you?"* "I'm Adrianna Grayson. I own the tattoo shop two blocks over and I'm a counselor at FREE NYC." "A tattoo shop?" Her voice was flat. She crossed her arms over her chest, as though she was saying, "Is that it?" "Yes. It's my pride and joy." "I don't get it." Mrs. David ran a hand through her hair - curls that were a replica of Maya's. "You - you're *so manly.*" I knew where this was going. "But I'm not a man," I clarified. "And she wouldn't be happy with one just because she loves someone who's masculine presenting." "*Masculine presenting."* She repeated those words as though they were the most ridiculous things she'd heard. I chose to power through it. "She'll be living with me and you're welcome to visit if you want to. I know this is not what you envisioned for your daughter but... she's happy, Mrs. David. Please respect that." Maya came through, pulling an overstuffed suitcase behind her and trying to balance a backpack on her shoulders. "I got it, baby," I said, picking up the suitcase by the top handle. "Is this everything?" Her eyes were red as she nodded. "Let's go." "What will I tell everyone?" Mrs. David asked quietly as she made our way to the front door. She collapsed onto the couch, staring ahead at the blank wall. "The truth," Maya replied without hesitation. "I'm tired of lying. Tell people the truth - that I'm finally happy." Her mother only shook her head. "You have *nothing.* What are you going to do without money?" "Live." We closed the door behind us with a soft click. I gathered her into my arms a second before she burst into tears. \* Alex and Cady were waiting for us on the stoop. "That was quicker than we expected. What happened?" Cady asked. Alex looked withdrawn, defeated. I really felt for her. Being attacked like that was... painful. "What we expected, I guess. She tried to hit Maya." "Oh, my god," Cady gasped, reaching out for Maya's fingers. "Hun, are you okay?" "I'm fine." Maya's voice was quiet. "She tried to but Gray stopped her." "Why did she rip into you like that?" I asked Alex. Both of them looked at Maya, who looked up at me. "Um-," she paused uncertainly. And then it clicked. "Seriously?! *You two*?" "Gray," Alex said slowly, "It was a long time ago, okay? We were teenagers." "What the hell happened?" I didn't realize my fingers were digging into Maya's shoulder until she tapped on them to ease up. "We got caught," Maya said. "And we weren't allowed to see each other after." "There's nothing going on between us," Alex hastened to assure me. I sighed. "I guess I know that." "You'll get over it," Cady assured me. "You just need to tell yourself it happened a long time ago." "Can we please go home now?" Maya asked, leaning her head against my arm. "You have our address, right?" Alex asked. Maya nodded. "If you need anything - and I really mean *anything* - you come see us, okay?" I watched the three of them hug it out and felt myself smile. They were really like a little family: two moms looking after the little bird that had flown the nest. Cady swiped the tears off Maya's cheeks when they pulled apart. "Get some rest," she said. Maya nodded and reached for my hand. With our fingers entwined, we walked home. \# Epilogue "Gray, you've got Mr. Gomez here to see you." Maya's voice came through the intercom. I could hear her flipping her thick textbook shut in the background. Mel had been out sick with bronchitis for a week and Maya had offered to cover for her in between classes. It had been a month since Maya moved in with me and there hadn't been a day that I wasn't thankful to wake up with her, cocooned in the sweet nest of our mingled scents and feeling her soft weight against my side. She was the sweetest when it came to our clients - I think it was her smile that made people feel special. When she'd called Mel to ask what her duties were, Mel had simply told her to look sexy and make clients feel special. I think that had worked a little *too* well. More than one client had taken in her sexy wrap dresses and sweet smile and tried to hit on her over the span of a few days. It set my teeth on edge. She'd kept her promise to see a therapist; I didn't even have to bring it up with her. She'd simply asked who I'd recommend, I'd said Connie at FREE NYC, and she'd dropped Connie a message. She'd been going for four weeks straight and taken her medication every night - yes, I watched her do it and maybe breathed a sigh of relief when she did. I felt responsible for her now. She was showing Jose to the consult room when I walked out. "Would you like some coffee? Water?" she asked as he took a seat. "Not right now but how about we get some coffee later? Just the two of us?" My brows rose at his question. Was this sixty-something man really putting the moves on Maya? But she only laughed and flashed her ring. "If I were ever single again, I'll give you a call." Jose clutched his heart in mock disappointment. "All the pretty ones are taken, huh?" "They sure are," I said, walking in and standing behind my girl. I placed a kiss on the top of her head. "It's getting late, baby. You can head home if you like." "*Esta es tu mujer?*" Jose asked in Spanish, his eyes widening in surprise. "*Sí, y es toda mía."* He held out his hand. "Congratulations, Gray. She's a very sweet girl." I shook his hand, unable to keep a smile off my face. "*Gracías*. You're here for your touch-up?" "*Sí*, sorry I've been rescheduling. Work's been very busy." I pushed his apology aside. "Don't worry about it. Let's have a look at how it's healed and we can get started." \* Over an hour later, I could smell dinner on the stove even before I turned the key in the front door. Maya made it a point to make dinner for us every night. It was a lovely way to wind down after a long day. She was bent over, oven mitts in hand as she poked at the dish in the oven. She was wearing an old sweater of mine and it crawled up her ass, making for a very enticing picture. "I'm home," I said, locking the door behind me. She pulled the tray out and set it on the counter. Her face was flushed from the heat of the oven. Little curls clung to her forehead. "Hi, baby," she said with a smile. "Come here and give this a taste." I'd never heard a better invitation. She squealed when I caught her by the waist and pulled her to me, placing a kiss on her neck, inhaling jasmine and vanilla. *Home.* "I meant *taste the lasagna."* She couldn't get the smile off her face. "Well, you should've been more specific then." She raised a bite to my lips. I didn't have to taste it to know that anything my girl made would be fantastic. "Guess who just called?" she asked as she grabbed some plates from the cupboard. "Who?" I asked, pulling my coat off. "Maggie - Cady's mom. She set up an interview for me at Macy's. How cool is that?" "That's great, baby. If that makes you happy, go for it." "It'll feel good to have some money coming in," she admitted, handing me a slice of lasagna. I licked a little bit of stray sauce off my fingers while I waited for her to hand me utensils. "Oh, and there's a dinner party at Alex and Cady's this weekend. We're going, right?" "Sure." The first few notes of Sue Ellen's "I Was Made For Loving You" came through the speakers. Maya's gaze caught and held mine. The last time I'd heard that song was our first night together. I remembered lying in her bed and wondering if it was possible to fall in love so damn quickly. She reached for my hand and simply said, "I remember." I smiled and lifted her hand, placing a kiss on the ring she wore like a seal of honor. *We're gonna make it all come true* *'Cause girl, I was made for you And girl, you were made for me* \*\*\*
Title: Planet of Magic by Xercs Tags: Hyena, Story Series On a distant planet, there is a source called magic. Every few years, a meteor hit's the planet and takes off a chunk filled with magical energies. This planet is so massive that earth itself was actually one of these chunks. The magic in earth formed the planet of earth but now it's magic has been wasted up. The animals on the planet are very much like the ones on earth due to it being the planet's origin. Except the magical energies have transformed the animals into Anthromorphic beings. Due to the planet existing longer than earth, the species technology along with it's magic is so far advanced in history, that earth has no hope of competing. Now the planet's story unfolds.... Dak was sitting on a hover bench in his workshop, working out the details in his new space ship he was building. Dak is only 18 years old and has a college scholarship in designing weapons for the military. One such weapon is of his own design he has taken precautions in mastering it incase they need a teacher. This weapon is known as the Blaster Blade and is a combination of pistol and long sword. The handle is actually a pistol with a longer handle to act as a sword handle as well. It has a trigger and a muzzle with a sword blade at the tip of the muzzle. The blade is hallowed out in a narrow passageway to allow bullets to be shot through the tip of the gun yet despite this hallow chamber, the blade is extremely durable. And the muzzle is strong enough to support heavy melee attacks and blocks without the blade breaking off or the muzzle snapping. The handle is slanted so it can act as a gun handle or sword handle and the blade is about 3 feet long. He was currently wearing his blaster blade on his back with a strap on holster to hold it. As he sat at his bench working on the ship's blueprints, his sister came into the room. The workshop was so cluttered with weapons he had designed, that his sister had to go around the back entrance. Stepping over pistols, riffles, and swords, she managed to make it to him. "Brother, supper is ready" she said bowing to him. It was common courtesy for females to bow in the presence of males and for everyone to bow to their elders. Dak was both of these to her. Standing up from his workshop, he smiled and turned around. Dak and his sister are both Hyena. Dak was wearing a yellow vest with green cargo pants and his sister wore a pink dress with a blue hair bow. "come, let us eat" he said as they left the workshop. The blue prints were finished anyways... "brother..." said his sister as they were walking home which was 100 feet away. "Yes Anya?" asked Dak. "Will you teach me to use a blaster blade like you?" she stopped, and turned to face him. Dak stopped and looked into her eyes. "I can't give you a gun blade, I have a military contract. But I can design a non contract weapon for you..." he said smiling. "Okay, I'll go with that" she said as they walked the rest of the way without talking. As they walked into the house, a crowd of hyena burst into the entrance room and shouted "Surprise!" it was a surprise party for Dak to celebrate his birthday. He had forgotten all about it. "Guys" said Dak as his friends hugged him. He smiled and set his blaster blade on the coat wrack and joined the party. "hey mom" said Dak to his mother who was watching his presents for him. "yes dear?" asked his mother. "What do you think will happen to me in my new job?" he asked. She smiled. "You design weapons for our military to protect our people. That is a noble cause even if it does harm others. I think you will soar in the ranks." she said nodding in the direction of his blaster blade. He smiled and went to the buffet which was serving his favorite food. After an hour of partying, it was time for his presents. All of them were good and what he wanted, a new set of tools for his weapons which his old ones were long since worn out, a new dagger which he could use to train with. And even a book on fencing. He did love to sword fight as a hobby. But his father gave him an extra present. "Open it son... see what it is." he said quietly. A little surprised by his father's quiet stature, Dak slowly opened his gift. When he saw what was inside, his jaw dropped. "DAD!" he shouted. "This is.... How much did you spend.... I can't believe it" he said hugging his father tightly. "it's a magical orb. There are billions scattered around the planet. They can be merged with a person to use magic. Each of the billion orbs has billions of copies and each orb and it's copies contain one specific spell. This orb contains Fire Ball" said his father. "how do I merge with it?" asked Dak. "all you do is simply crush it with both hands, it will turn into light and absorb into your body. You can then use the magic possessed within it. Dak held the orb in his cupped hands. It was about the size of a baseball and was red in color with fire swimming around inside it. Dak began to crush the orb with both hands and it turned into light and was absorbed into his body. He felt warm but the extra warmth soon vanished. "Can I test it dad?" he asked. "Sure son" said his father as everyone walked outside to see the new gift. As Dak was outside with his father, he saw a target set up. Holding out his right hand and smiling he thought of the magic. "Fire Ball" he said as his arm began to glow red. A ball of flame appeared several inches in front of his palm yet it did not seem to burn him nor even effect him with its heat. Dak pushed the ball hard and it was sent flying towards the target. When it hit, the ball exploded the target in a blast of flames. The blast was the size of a beach ball yet the target was completely obliterated. "Awesome!" shouted Anya as she saw her brother's present in action. Everyone clapped and cheered as Dak smiled. After the party, Dak went back to his work shop with his buster blade and his new tools to construct his space ship. It was supposed to be the size of a car and seat two people. It would have two laser guns on it, one mounted on the top, the other on the bottom so nobody could sneak attack from above or below. It also looked similar to a motorcycle without wheels except it covered the entire driver from the vacuum of space. It took him three weeks to build but eventually he was ready to drive it. "hey Anya, want to take a ride with me?" he asked. "Sure!" she said excited. "Where are we going?" she asked. "To the market. I want to see what other orbs they have there. I was finally paid by the military, currently. I'm filthy rich!" said Dak as they hopped into the ship and took off for the town market.
Title: Its lonely in space ch 1 by jepic Tags: Blowjob, Dragon, Human, Kidnapping, Knot, M/M, Mild Bondage, Slavery Edited by [![avatar?user=14984&character=0&clevel=2]( trailstoride]( It's lonely in Space ch1. This is my first -ever- story I wrote so please be nice. There will be some spelling mistakes but please feel free to comment. I will probably add to this story, but more chapters will come if more interest is shown in the series. Also, this story contains mentions of rape, prostitution, oral sex and space aliens. Most of the sex stuff is gay, so if you don't like this kind of stuff or shouldn't or it is illegal to read this, then do not continue reading it. Also this story is mine, no copying it or posting it elsewhere without my permission. If you want to post it elsewhere just pm me and I'll usually either do it myself or give you the Ok to do it. Happy reading. Jared ran down the dark street in the red light district of the city. He looked behind him as he panted heavily, the three thugs were still chasing after him. Jared quickly turned a corner into an alley way,Normally he thought that he had a good idea of the layout of the town he so often worked in but, apparently he had missed a few landmarks. He ran into the dark alley way and into a brick wall, apparently the alley was a dead end. "Damn it!" He cursed to himself as he turned around to face the three thugs. "Well lookie here, guess there's no more runnin' away for you eh? We got you right where we want you." The biggest thug in the middle said with a sneer on his face as he stepped forward threateningly. "I say we have some fun with the little slut before we bring him to our boss, whatta think boys?" The other two thugs nodded and grinned devilishly. Jared could see large bulges forming in their pants as they talked about raping him. This wasn't a surprising thing for Jared to hear, three big guys talk about raping him; in short, Jared was a prostitute, and a male one at that. He was very successful at his job, and spent all his free time at the gym making himself look more attractive, before going out on the streets at night to solicit customers. He was very popular and had many regular customers. This sort of thing is very common for him, a lot of the top mob bosses and gangsters offer him towork as their concubines and personal whores. Jared would often turn a lot of straight guys gay, it was a personal joy of his to walk over to some random guy and talk him into doing him. He was often beable to make guys gay for him, and only him.The guys he turned would go right back to their lives afterwards, and go back to being womanizing jerks. The guys he often turned or did business with were usually druggies or your basically unpleasant folks like gangsters and muggers. Jared leaned back against the brick wall as the men advanced on him, his heart racing as he was scared for his life. The thugs belonged to a group that is known this sort of thing, beingthe main reason being Jared didn't want to do their boss. Jared gulped as the men reached for him, Jared closed his eyes and clenched his bum in fear. The next thing Jared felt was not the firm grip of the thugs about to rape him but it was a feeling of lightheadedness. He first thought that he had probably died or somehow the thug had broken his neck. He opened his eyes and looked out, and a blue light at first blinded his light sensitive eyes, he shut his eyes again for a bit before looking down blinking. He gasped and yelled out in fright as he saw the city he knew so well far below him. He was floating over the city in the air, being carried weightlessly by the blue light. He looked back up and the blue light blinded him again as he passed out. Jared was never sure how much time passed after he passed out, he could only remember a few things from that time. He only recalled a few images of strange looking creatures, and what looked like a hospital bed with some lizard with a doctor's mask on. Even though his memory was fuzzy there was always one memory that stood out to him, one of undeniable pleasure. "What are we going to do with him; we cannot return him to earth... you know what the regulations say... Look, I will have to take him to HQ first and I am already running low on sedatives, you have to... Well fine! Just don't get mad if this goes horribly wrong... fine. I am sorry I got mad, it's just... it will be about two months before I can get back to HQ, so I will see you then." Jared heard the conversation while his head was still fuzzy and he seemed to be coming around just like when he came out of surgery. He discovered that he was in some super comfy bed, as he squirmed around a bit loving the feeling of the cloth under him. He soon discovered that he was tied down to the bed. He quickly opened his eyes and struggled against the soft bindings. Jared lifted his head up to look down at his body he saw that he was in what looked like a hospital gown and bed. Had he been nearly killed and taken to the hospital? It sure looked like that's what happened. Jared's head was starting to clear up a bit, usually he would have been freaking out, but he didn't feel like he was, it must be the drugs he must be on. He looked around for a call nurse button but couldn't find anything. Jared figured he was in a hospital so he thought it would have been in bad taste to scream. He felt unusually calm anyway. Jared put his head back down on the awesome pillow he was sleeping on and looked up at the ceiling. He looked up again realizing that something felt off about where he was. Jared looked over at the sound of a sliding door opening with a cliché swoosh that reminded him of a spaceship door sliding open from sci-fi movies. Outside of the door to his room, a seven foot tall lean looking black dragon walked into the room. The dragon looked humanoid with a muzzle and a small pair of wings on its back and a smooth tapered tail sticking out of the dragon's jumpsuit. The dragon was dressed up in a skin tight space jumpsuit that looked like it belonged on a spaceship. Jared remembered that he would normally be freaked out by an anthropomorphic dragon walking into a room where he was tied down but instead he noticed that he was getting a stiffy in his hospital gown that was starting to stick up lewdly. The Dragon was looking down at what looked like an ipad looking at it like a doctor would a chart. The dragon muttered something to himself in some language that sounded sort of like Russian but more guttural. The dragon looked up a Jared and gasped a bit seeing that Jared was awake. The Dragon's gaze looked down to the erection Jared was sporting and Jared could swear that the dragon was starting to blush. The dragon started to stutter a bit as he looked embarrassed before talking to Jared. "I-I s-see you are a-awake, please try not to struggle or uhm... be scared, I am not going to hurt you or eat you. My name is Gartharzan, but you should call me Garth" Garth, the dragon took a deep breath before continuing as he regained his composure. "You must have a lot of questions and are probably wondering where you are." Jared looked blankly at Garth as he spoke just taking things in. "I should probably start from the beginning, I work for the intergalactic police, we gotravel through the universe and make sure people follow the laws set by the United Universe. You were kidnapped off your planet by a group of slavers. They took you and well..." Garth trailed off as he blushed again and continued talking like most people do when they are nervous. "They used you as a sex slave. They even mutated you so they could get you past checkpoints and so you could well service them better. You were in a much worse state when we found you. The ships computer here fixed a lot of the mutations but you will likely experience a lot of lasting after effects. I have to take you back to HQ at the galactic fleet but the flight will take us about two months. I am the only person on the ship other than you and the computer's AI. You can talk to her any time you want by speaking towards the ceiling. sheShe is advanced enough to know whether you are talking to her or not. Uhm... do you have any questions?" Jared put his head back on the pillow as he digested this information and looked back up at Garth who was once again blushing while staring at the human's erection, the dragons cheeks on his muzzle began turning a dark pink under his black scales. Jared had a lot of questions for the dragon but the biggest and first one that came to his mind was. "How do you know English?" The dragon looked up from Jared's erection and then chuckled at the question. "Oh that's simple, I usually patrol around the sector Earth belongs to, the ship's AI came up with a translation to your language and I learned it. Most agents usually use a translator device but they can get annoying and well I have a lot of free time, most people don't bother with Earth, and space can get lonely I mean, uhm boring." Garth blushed again. Jared smiled a bit thinking that the dragon was adorably cute with how nervous he was getting. He wondered if it was part of the mutations he was told about but he thought Garth looked adorably cute especially in the skintight jumpsuit the dragon was sporting. "Well can you let me out of these bindings? They are rather uncomfortable." Garth jumped a little looking flustered catching himself staring at the tent in Jared's hospital gown. "o-oh right! Here let me undo these for you". Garth undid the bindings on Jared's hands and feet and reached for the binding on Jared's waist speaking as he did so. "Sorry for these, the ship's AI said they would be good in case you woke up and startstarted shouting and going frantic, I didn't need you running about making a mess of things." Garth rambled on a bit still blushing as his hand, which Jared saw washas claws though they looked to be dull, Garth's hand accidentally brushed Jared's cock as he was undoing the waist wrap. Jared moaned loudly as he felt a spark of pleasure shoot up his spine. Jared's cock felt super sensitive for some reason and now that he could sit up he could see that it was a lot bigger and thicker than before. Garth blushed as he touched Jared's erect cock and stammered "s-sorry it's just... so big..." Garth blushed more as he took a huge wiff of the air in the room. Jared took a sniff too and smelled something within the sterilized smell of the room. Jared smelt musk, a heavy musk that smelt amazing and smelled vaguely like his own. He could see that it hadwas having a big effect on Garth who was practically drooling as he looked at Jared's erection, his hand half reaching for it. "As part of your medical checkup I should see if you have any swelling anywhere." Garth stammered a bit as he lifted up the hospital gown. Jared smirked thinking that this was his normal charm he had on people. And as he thought about it he was unsure of what gender the dragon was, if dragons had similar genders like humans. But those thoughts were soon washed away as the dragon gripped his mushroom head between two claws. The human's uncut cock flexed and a glob of pre oozed out of his erect penis. Jared was far too aroused to be grossed out about being abused by an alien or like this. Also he was used to this sort of thing from his job, and he took the treatment in stride. Garth stared intently at Jared's cock before looking up at Jared "May I?" The question surprised the human, no one had actually asked him that before, most people assumed he was ok with being groped sucked fucked and touched. The shock of how polite the dragon was and because he was incredibly horny and aroused made Jared nod. Garth blushed very deeply and grabbed Jared's cock in his hand, Jared guessed his cock had grown to eight inches long and three inches thick. Jared moaned heavily again as more pleasure shot up his spine. Garth jerked his hand up and down Jared's cock making Jared spurt out more precum. Garth's huge tapering tongue lolled out of his mouth and licked at the drooling cock. Jared couldn't help squirming as the dragon started to lick at his cockhead. Garth pushed more of his tongue out of his mouth, the long wet organ reaching about a foot and a half out of his mouth and started to wrap it around Jared's super sensitive shaft. Jared moaned loudly as he bucked his hips against the tongue, moaning happily with a dumb grin on his face. Garth lowered his head down pulling the human's shaft into his mouth keeping his tongue wrapped around it. Because the dragon had a muzzle, he was able to easily fit the big cock in his mouth as he sucked on it fiercely. A part of Jared's lust addled mind took into context as to what was happening. He was in some spaceship after having been kidnapped from earth having his cock, which was now much bigger and super sensitive, being sucked on by some intergalactic dragon. His cock being so sensitive and receiving a particularly amazing blowjob by a muzzle couldn't take much more and he felt some cool liquid drip out of his clenched bum as his cock exploded into the dragon's mouth. As he orgasmed Jared yelled out as he came in the dragon's mouth. His orgasm lasted a full minute as he shot out burst after burst of cum into Garth's mouth. Garth drank the cum down eagerly and was able to keep all of it in his mouth. He let Jared's cock slip from his mouth and lapped at his muzzle just like he had just had an exceptionally good meal. He blinked and looked down at Jared who had fallen back in the bed smiling contently. Garth blushed feeling horridly embarrassed and shuddered a little before standing all the way up and turning to leave the room quickly. The last thing Jared saw as he basked in the afterglow from his massive orgasm was Garth's jumpsuit tenting upwards infrom the dragon's groin or where his groin would be for a human. Jared chuckled and pulled down his gown and pulled up his blanket to take a nice after sex nap.
Title: Ch 6 - Love Acknowledged by Polar Bare Tags: Character Development, First Time, Foreplay, Fox, Love, M/F, Otter, Siamese Cat, Story Progression \-= Complete and Total Disclaimer of all Responsibility for what YOU do =- If you aren't mentally mature enough to read about various forms of sex, then go away. I don't care what your physical age is, if you're too repressed/undeveloped to be reading about sex, why are you here? This story not intended for use during operation of nuclear facilities, aircraft navigation/communication systems, submarine vessels, nuclear weapons, sharp pointed objects, or any other hazardous activity in which failure could lead to death, injury, property damage, environmental damage or lawsuit. All natural; No preservatives; 98% Fatuity-free. Close cover when striking. Practice safe sex ... practice, practice, practice - until you get it right. ¤º°'°º¤Ø,¸,ؤº°'°º¤ Final Edit - Deepest gratitude, thanks & hugs to those faithful readers who spotted typos/errors and emailed me. ¤º°'°º¤Ø,¸,ؤº°'°º¤ Chapter Six ¤º°'°º¤Ø,¸,ؤº°'°º¤ Love Acknowledged ¤º°'°º¤Ø,¸,ؤº°'°º¤ Third Week, Summer 2, Year 1580 "Sera Riverside, have you any plans for Threedy night," inquired Healer Wind of his receptionist. "Why, no ser," the surprised otter fem replied. "Good. Er. That is, it's good that you don't. I mean ..." Healer Wind shook his head in frustration. That was not how he had intended to express himself. [Tell her it's good she doesn't have anything to do. Clever, Edvard, clever,] he scolded himself. Otalia giggled lightly. "Ser, I know what you meant." "Alright then. What I am trying to do is invite you to attend a presentation of 'Monkeys' with me. You know? That musical about the singing, dancing simians? The hospital's board is a big sponsor of the theater group and it's expected that we take turns attending their shows. Seems that it's my turn and I really wouldn't enjoy it alone." He sighed. "My mate just doesn't feel up to going out to a show." "But ser, I don't have clothing for formal affairs!" "Not needed. This isn't like a fancy opera - most furrs attending will be coming straight from where they work. There's a buffet provided for us to get something for supper before the show starts." "Why - well yes. I'd be delighted to. You know, I've only ever just heard of plays - I've never seen one." "You're in for a pleasant evening then. I'm told the songs in this musical are wonderful." First Week, Summer 3, Year 1580 The young furrs in the Geography class looked up from what they were doing when the instructor said, "Class, we have a new member. This is Rayo Mairo. Her family has just moved here from High City. I know that you will all be properly courteous and welcoming to her." Gordon thought his heart was going to stop when his vision focused on the tall siamese who walked into the classroom. To his stunned eyes, she didn't walk, she flowed. He had never seen a non-tiger felinoid fem so tall - why, she was as tall as Lightning! Her fur shaded from almost white on her body to a rich rose-pink on her ears, tail, gloves and socks. Her face was a dark pink mask. And her eyes! He felt hypnotized by them. They were a brilliant blue - he'd never seen a cat with blue eyes before. "Gordon. Gordon! Hey, world to Gordon! Are you there?" The black panther sitting next to him sounded a bit irritated. "Hrm? Did you say something, Lightning?" responded Gordon dreamily, still staring at the siamese. "Well, yes. I asked you - THREE times - if we're going to that new movie tonight. You know the one - 'Batwolf Begins'." It slowly penetrated Gordon's consciousness that there was a distinct note of aggravation in Lightning's voice. Shaking his head, he tore his gaze from the fem and turned to his companion. "Oh. Oh sure. Yes." Lightning sighed. "Gordon, you've seen fems before. What's making you act so foolish?" "I don't know. She's just ... she's just special." "Huh?" "I don't know. She just is." Lightning snorted. \~=\~ "Otalia, I think I need to buy you dinner." "Ser?" She blinked rapidly a few times, wondering what he meant. Was she appearing starved? "Well, next week is the Annual Audit of the Hospital by the Council. After it's finally over, we are going to be too tired to enjoy much of anything. I already know that everything is as it should be. So, since I want to reward you - even though it's in advance - for all the fine work you've done in keeping this, this paperwork dungeon organized properly to keep the bureaucrats from making my life miserable, I think I should feed you." The startled otter didn't know what to say for a moment. After all, she was just doing her job. "But, Ser Healer, that's not necessary. I'm just doing what you pay me to do!" "That's as may be, but do you realize how many secretaries I had before you? I can tell you, not one of them kept so much minutiae from getting to my desk and I deeply appreciate that. Besides, since when does a self-respecting otter turn down a meal at the finest fish restaurant in town?" Otalia giggled slightly at that. "Very well, Ser Dictatorial Healer, I am but your lowly servant and must do your bidding. When?" "Tomorrow. Please don't think you need to dress formally, but do bring a non-work outfit in. I'll even be changing from my usual to a suit like any businessfurr." \~=\~ On the morrow, after the close of the day's business, the two changed into "out-of-work" clothing and exited the hospital. The Merry Dolphin was indeed the finest fish restaurant in Capitol City. Indeed, many furrs claimed it was the best in the entire Lands, even better than the ones up by the Vast Lakes. Healer Wind was a regular customer and they were promptly seated. Two hours later, Otalia sat back in her chair with a totally-satiated sigh of satisfaction. "Ser Heal- that is, Edvard, this was wonderful. I haven't eaten such perfectly-prepared food since I was a kit in Mother's kitchen." "I'm so pleased you approved, especially with such a high standard of comparison," the tod replied. He grinned at her. "I don't suppose you could possibly be biased, could you?" They relaxed with after-meal brandies. Wind drew Otalia Riverside out, getting her to tell him all about her early life. He silently told himself that he was lucky to have such an exemplary employee. She had amazing drive, to have brought herself up from life on a just-above-subsistence farm to being a top-notch administrator at the finest hospital in Capitol City. Afterward, he had the taxicab take them the long way through the city to her apartment building - they went past the illuminated government buildings, enjoying the clever use of colored floodlights and spotlights on the elaborate facades. After he dropped her off and was on his way home, he couldn't help comparing Otalia's refreshing joy in the few little things he'd done to entertain her with his mate's now-constant surliness. \~=\~ Second Week, Summer 3, Year 1580 Gordon didn't know what to do. He loved Lightning, he always had. But Rayo! Just the thought of her made him tingle all over. He'd taken to "coincidentally" showing up wherever he thought she'd be. He had a hard time focusing on what she said - instead of words, her voice seemed to him to be music. He'd have liked Lightning to come with him tonight; he was taking Rayo out to dinner. But the panther just growled and walked away when he asked. Gordon shook himself. Now was time to pay attention to the beautiful furr holding his arm as they walked into the Fins For Furrs restaurant. The evening passed quickly. To Gordon, it seemed to last only a few minutes. He didn't notice what he ate - fish, fowl or flesh - his attention was totally focused on the slender siamese. \~=\~ It was almost more than she could stand - Healer Wind was so nice. And so handsome. And he seemed to really like her as a furr, not just as an employee. They'd eaten together several times, then once he took Otalia to the theater to attend a play when his mate refused to consider leaving their home. Now, they'd finished a long week with a lot of problems at the hospital. Both of them were mentally exhausted - her job had rapidly grown to be far more than receptionist; she was handling many problems on her own to keep them from swarming onto his desk. On an impulse, instead of her taking public transportation home, Wind asked her if she wanted to get out of the city for a little while. Delighted with the idea, she promptly acquiesced - he got his car from the hospital garage and took her out to where the city's lights were just barely discernable in the distance. The evening was clear and cool. Parked on a country road, he put the top down on the groundcar - they both leaned back in their seats, just letting the sound and smell of Nature soak in. She found herself wanting to wrap her arms around his shoulders, letting herself embrace him as well. They looked around, the clean air flushing their senses. The moon above was out early, full and bright. On the far side of the meadow were little groves of trees. Otalia gazed happily across the meadow. "This is so beautiful, Edvard. It's so nice to get away from the city's smells!" "Come. I'll show you something that I discovered a long time ago." He led her across the meadow. She marveled at the ground - it was as smooth as someone's yard, although the grasses and wildflowers were quite tall. "You see that stream that runs across - over there, just behind that grove of willows?" "Ye-ess ..." "Well ..." He brought her up to a huge weeping willow. "Now, you'll have to duck a bit and be careful of your headfur." He reached out and swept back a large bundle of the dangling thin branches. His paw on her arm to steady her, he helped her step through the opening. When she saw where he had brought her, she gasped. It was a cliff-side grotto completely enclosed on the ground by trees, but wide-open to the sky at top. A rivulet of the stream churned across the far side, splashing and chuckling on the rocks. The ground where they stood had rich short grass - bordering it right up against the trees were large mounds of moss. The grass was packed with flowers that preferred shade - the rich soil made them grow with enthusiasm. The air smelled rich and damp. She inhaled deeply and thought: [If only someone could make a perfume like this ...] "Nice perfume, isn't it?" She almost jumped out of her fur. How had he read her mind? But he was oblivious to her startlement, and she realized that they were simply thinking alike. That was the moment she made up her mind. His freely-offered sympathy when she broke down in his office, whereas another boss would likely have fired her; his rage at the skunk mel who attempted to molest her; his loudly-roaring laughter when she whisperingly confessed that she got away by kicking the skunk in his balls so hard he curled up in a whimpering ball; his childish delight at the ice cream parlor that she'd shown him; his physical charm ... and now this. It was just too much - she decided that, although she could not displace his mate, she certainly could substitute. "Edvard." "Hrm?" He turned his head toward her. She reached up and put her arms around his neck. "I want you." "You what?" "I want your body. I want you to mate with me." "Oh my dear - I'd imagined, but I couldn't hope ... Are you sure about this?" "Very sure, my dear healer." Together, they sank to the soft grass and moss. He kissed her lightly, then he brought his muzzle up to her ears and nibbled on them. As she quivered from the sensations that shot through her body, he brought his muzzle back down to hers and pressed it hard onto her lips. Her lips parted under the pressure - his tongue slipped into her mouth. She almost jumped at the sensation - a warm, wet, probing part of him was burrowing into her! Then she instinctively responded, tilting her head so their muzzles would interlock, sliding her tongue around and around his. His tongue retreated to behind his lips, but hers followed and they continued to tongue each other's mouths. With a gasp, he broke free of her muzzle and sat partway up. "Here, let me help you undress," he said. She started to undo her belt, but he stopped her with a paw. "No, I want to remove everything." She smiled and laid back. Edvard quickly doffed his boots, tunic and trousers. He hesitated for a moment, then peeled his shorts off. She was wearing a dark-blue short skirt and smooth pale-blue shirt today. He undid her belt, then unfastened her skirt and pulled it down. As he bent to free it from her ankles, his sensitive vulpinoid nose came close to her panties. When her mustelid musk struck his nose, he swayed, almost tipping over. It was wonderful! He undid her shirt-buttons quickly, tempted to just grab the shirt and rip it open. Reminding himself that he was not something crude like a wolf or a bear, but was a fox, the most graceful of all mammals, he gently pushed it back over her arms and off. As she lay there clad only in her halter and panties, he crouched nude over her. He commenced massaging her shoulders, not hard but steadily, working his claws gently into her fur. She moaned and closed her eyes - he slid an arm behind her back and undid the halter-clasp. Pulling it away, he felt like he'd been struck - her breasts were perfect rounds, just the right size for caressing and mouthing. She had huge aureoles; the nipples themselves were already hardening and erecting. He kissed her, then he dipped his head and kissed each nipple in turn. She gasped at the feeling, then when he suckled on them, she whined. Tipping his face toward hers, he asked, "Not good?" "Oh Edvard - so very very good!" Edvard was feeling younger and better than he had in years. He spoke to her: "Dear Otalia? Please pinch me." Otalia blinked. "What?" "Just pinch me." Wondering if he was going to want some sort of painful loving, she reached around and wrenched a piece of his rump. He sighed happily. "Ahhhhh ... it is real!" She giggled. "Did you think I was imaginary?" "Well, you are a dream come true." He brought his paws to her hips. Hooking his fingers into the band of her panties, he slid them down off her slender hips. Pressing their warm bodies against each other, her arms slipped around him once more. Not pinching anything this time, just enwrapping him. She gazed into his eyes. She could feel his cock pressing against her stomach: warm, throbbing with hard desire, and a little wet. She peered down at it, and saw precum seeping out of him. Raising her eyes, she took his paw and brought it to her own sex, letting him feel her desire for him. Her loins felt like they were on fire. He let out a long hiss as he felt her heat. He caressed her softly, sliding his finger through her soft vaginal lips. His other arm stroked her long hair. "By the All, Otalia, you're more beautiful than any of these flowers." As his finger stroked the inside of the sweet fem, he felt that she was tight. Suddenly, he realized that she was tighter than he would have expected. "Otalia, sweet sweet otter ..." "Yes, my big foxy?" "Are - are you still a virgin?" Her face flushed and she turned her face away from his. "Yes," she whispered in a tiny voice. "Is - is that a problem? You don't w-want me?" He used his free paw to twist her back to facing him directly. "No. Nothing you do, nothing you are, nothing you want could make me not want you. I just want you to enjoy this. You know that it's going to hurt a bit?" "Yes, Edvard, I have graduated from High School - I took all the required courses including Health," she said with a big smile. He smiled back at her, and resumed carefully working his finger into her. He curled it up gently and rubbed the little rough spot within her. All her fingers and toes clenched as tightly as they could. They brought their muzzles together and kissed deeply. Lingering in the kiss, his nose becoming overwhelmed with her mingled scents from her hair, her body and her sex, he thought that he could happily sleep forever if he could just be soaked in them. Lifting his muzzle from hers, he murred to her - "Relax, my love. Let me do what we both need." Her huge brown eyes gazed into his. She loved him, trusted him, wanted him. He stroked his finger in and out, in and out, pausing every few strokes to scratch at her inside. While his longest finger worked her sex, his thumb and another finger felt around, then seized upon her clit. Gently pinching the wee lump, he rolled it back and forth. He used his other palm to rub circles all over her sex. She gasped and arched her back toward him. She'd rubbed herself before, enough to get relief, but never had it felt like this. She realized that she was whimpering. Her muzzle sagged open and moaned. He continued his massage of her sex: rubbing, squeezing, scratching ... She felt something like tiny feet running up her spine, and her belly muscles seemed to have minds of their own. Her breathing became shallow, her eyes rolled up in their sockets. He kissed her sweetly, gently - she wanted to moan but suppressed it. The fox whispered in her ear. Her mind was spinning, she couldn't make sense of the words - all that came through was an overwhelming feeling of love. Then, like a bolt of lightning, an overwhelming rush of pleasure swept over her from her sex. Whining loudly, she arched her back sharply and writhed under his touch. He told her to let go, to be his. She did. Her vaginal lips clamped as tightly as they could, gripping his probing finger. She cried out wordlessly, calling out her pleasure. Her claws sank into his backfur and she pulled herself tightly up against him as she rode her first-ever true climax. Edvard stared at her face - she was the most beautiful thing that he'd ever seen - and to think that he'd brought her to this! He slowly pulled his finger from her sex's grip. When he did, she said, "No, no, please ..." "We're not done, my sweet Otalia otter." His cock was extended to its fullest, feeling harder than it ever had before. He gripped it and rubbed the cockhead up and down her slit. Her juice was oozing out; it blended with his precum, lubricating him. Slowly, he slid the head within her until he felt the light resistance of her virginity. He pressed his muzzle to hers, slipping his tongue into her wet mouth. She stroked his tongue with hers until he pulled it back out, his cock pushing into her in step with his tongue's withdrawal. He shuddered at the feeling of breaking through, surprising himself with a deep moan. Her body, her voice made no objection - her responding groan was obviously one of desire, not of pain. His hips dropped onto hers, slowly shoving his entire length in. He pulled his muzzle from hers, moving it to her neck. He gently nipped her neck once, then twice, then took a fold of her neckskin in his teeth and gently moved his head from side to side, making her submit. Her skin and fur tasted better than ... better than ice cream! Her responding moans made it clear that she submitted. She was gasping from the short sharp pain of breaching and from having him fill her. As he murred happily, he lapped her hard pink nipples. Her quivers from her initial climax hadn't stopped; as he started very slowly stroking in and out up tightly to his knot while he licked and nibbled and sucked her nipples, her back arched again, even higher than the first time. Her moans became higher and louder, peaking into a rapid series of shrill barks. The fire in her sex felt like it was washing all over her body, making her skin ripple. All the hair on her back and breast and neck and scalp seemed to stand on end. She wanted him, she wanted more of him. Her sex clenched on his cock as he stroked. Her instincts took over and her body began thrusting up and down with his. She felt him sinking completely into her with each stroke. Suddenly he shoved harder than ever before and she felt his swollen knot pop through her clenching nether lips, sinking into her. His strokes became short and fast. Her every sense seemed to grow with her sense of touch. She looked around wildly, staring at the ancient willows looming over them - they seemingly radiated approval. She thought that she could hear chimes playing the most wonderful music she had ever heard - she suddenly realized that it was the merry burbling of the tiny stream in the grotto. The smell of the flowers and grass crushed beneath their bodies mingled with the scent of his sex and her sex and their mutual sweat. Her nostrils flared and she inhaled as deeply as she could, swelling her body. She let the air rush back out in a scream: "I'm cuummmmiinnngggg!" He couldn't hold back any longer and he arched his own back, letting loose a wild series of yips that tapered off as his multiple gushes flooded her burning sex with cum. They both fell limp, his knot locked into her. They lay there shuddering, his weight crushing her into the grassy bed. After a bit, he roused enough to start to shift from being on top of her to being beside her. She said, "No. Please don't. Stay." He smiled down at her, knowing that he'd never seen anything or anyfurr more beautiful. Edvard rested his weight on his knees and arms - he ran his eyes up and down Otalia's length again and again. She seemed to glow in the moonlight. [What have I done to deserve this darling otter?] he marveled. They lay there for a long time in silence, listening to the water's music, smelling the grove's fragrance, feeling each other's bodies. Even after his swollen knot relaxed, even after his cock lost its swelling, his cockbone enabled him to keep it inside her. Neither one wanted to speak, neither one wanted to move.
Title: May to December Earth Day Romance Tags: erotic coupling, mature, younger man, older woman A pit formed in my stomach. I felt like I had been punched. I stared in disbelief at what I had just read in the paper. Under the obituaries, it was all there: her name, her photo and the details of very full life. The memories came back. She was a part of my past; a good part. I reread her obit. I was alone on my back porch overlooking my garden of colorful flowers, native shrubs, and manicured trees. She had sparked my love for gardening. Her name was Ginger Green. At first, I called her Ms. Ginger. She preferred that over Ms. Green. My college required me to complete community service hours, and my mother suggested I try the city botanical gardens. Ms. Ginger was the first woman I met when I showed up one early Saturday morning. She pulled up in an early '80's two door Mercedes coupe convertibles. The top was down and she looked like a movie star from yesteryear. Her big blonde hair was restrained under a green scarf. She smiled my way as she pulled into her parking spot. She turned the car off and called out to me. "Are you Chris?" She called out. "Yes ma'am." I respectfully answered. Her smile continued as she exited the car. I shook her hand and asked if I could help her with the grocery bags stacked in the passenger seat. That scored points with her. "Thank you for helping me. I brought breakfast for the volunteers." She carried her purse and two bags off to the main building. I followed, carrying the rest. With Ms. Ginger in the lead, I was able to observe her from behind. Her legs were a matched pair of elegant muscle. She liked to walk, a lot, and it showed. My eyes moved up to her ass. I just knew it was like her legs under her long khaki shorts. She caught me starring when she turned around at the entrance gate. I sheepishly looked to the side. Ms. Ginger explained the volunteer procedures. "This is where we all go in during volunteer hours. We make sure to check in with Gus." She pushed a code on the button lock, turned the knob and we were in. Gus, the security guard, was housed in a small room close to the garden's front gate. He slumped behind a glass window with theater box office holes in it playing solitaire. "Morin' Gus." Ginger announced with a cheery sing-song voice. Despite his gruff look, Gus was generally cheery. "Good morning, beautiful director." He sing-songed a response in kind. Ginger pulled a small paper bag from one of the big bags she was carrying. She slid it through the wide, lower opening. "Thank you! You are such a sweetheart." Gus beamed. Turns out most every Saturday morning she brought him a special breakfast. Gus saw me out of the corner of his eye. "Is this your son?" He asked. "No." She said. "This is Chris, my newest volunteer." I nodded and said good morning. Ginger had me moving along. She asked me to set up a table with the grocery items while she made coffee. The rest of the volunteers filed in. After half an hour, a pot of coffee, and several boxes of morning pastries, everyone had their work assignments. I ended up with Ms. Ginger. She had me pushing wheelbarrows with new plants, compost, and clippings. On my last clippings dump before lunch, one volunteer told me to tell Ginger that lunch was almost ready. I added a few new plants to the wheelbarrow for the return trip and pushed them back to where Ginger was working. I rolled up the path and saw Ginger on her knees. She was sitting up, holding a bulb, checking it, and then placing it in a bag. She had on a broad brimmed gardening hat without her sunglasses. She kept her back totally straight which made her breasts appear larger than they were. At that moment she looked like a 1950's pinup beauty. I put the skids of the wheel barrow down with a thud and she turned to me. Once again, Ginger caught me looking at her body. "Are you having fun yet, Chris?" Her tone was sarcastic. "Yes ma'am." I smirked. "Lunch is about ready." "Great!" She put down her trowel and stood up. We walked to the building where we had breakfast. We made small talk, and she commented about my hard work as she rubbed my arm from elbow to shoulder. Lunch taught me more about Ginger and the rest of the volunteers. Ms. Ginger was the social leader of this group. She was young and vivacious enough to keep the group moving. Some of the people were bitter and negative. She was the opposite with enough positive energy to negate a few of them. After lunch it was more of the same for me. I pushed the wheelbarrow until we finished in the late afternoon. Ms. Ginger asked if I had a ride home. I told her I had my truck. "Thank you for coming out. I hope you continue to come, we need some energy here. See you next weekend?" She smiled. I think she wanted me to say yes. So I did. "Excellent!" She beamed. "Now I am off to jump in my pool, then my hot tub." With that she drove off. I so wanted to jump in her pool. The next weekend I was there early again. It was another weekend of hauling with the wheel barrow. Ms. Ginger's smile and soft flirtations were a great addition. I enjoyed the work. I was learning a great deal about plants, organic fertilizers, water, and soil types. Plus the gardens were peaceful and quiet. I enjoyed that second Saturday so much that I became a regular volunteer. Some days I was there for 4 hours, others a bit more. One morning Ms. Ginger spoke to all the volunteers during the sugar-caffeine breakfast. "Earth Day is coming up. We will need volunteers to help set up booths for the various groups that will be here." Her announcement led to groans from some. There was a signup sheet. I was the first one to put my name on it. Ms. Ginger saw it. She affectionately rubbed my arm and said a quiet "Thank you." When that day came it was not a big deal physically, but it was a long day. We were there early and late for put up and tear down. My favorite booth was the solar power booth; they were making cookies. Ms. Ginger was zipping around the gardens like a humming bird ensuring everything was ok. We both exchanged smiles when she checked on me and a few other young guys hauling ice to various water stations. At the day's end I was tired, sweaty, and just wanted to hit the shower. After the last booth was tucked away in a storage barn, I was enjoying a soda with some of the volunteers when Ms. Ginger came up and thanked us for our hard work. Despite having been there all day she did not look the least bit disheveled. She gave us all hugs and then went on to find another group to thank. One guy mentioned how attractive she was for "an older woman." We all thought that. The next weekend I showed up the usual time. The skies were threatening rain from a cool front. I was in the truck in the parking lot when Ms. Ginger pulled up next to me. She had the top up and quickly exited her vehicle and tapped on my passenger window. I let her in. She hopped up on the bench seat. Something was different about her this morning. Her hair always looked good. But this morning it looked more like she was set for a night out, not a day at the botanical garden. I also remember she smelled amazing. "Good morning." She greeted me with a hug, leaning over. "We might be the only ones today. If so, and it rains, we can do a few things in one of the greenhouses." I secretly wanted it just to be us. We waited. No other cars showed up in the parking lot and the sky continued to grow dark. "Shall we go?" She asked. "Yes, let's." We both exited the truck's cab and headed through the gate, past Gus, and down a path to an out of the way greenhouse. Once inside I noticed how dim it was. The overcast sky gave it a soft green light. There were empty shelves alone the perimeter walls. In the middle of the greenhouse there was a waist high pile of bagged potting soil stacked on a pallet. Some of the cold weather sheets they put over plants were neatly folded on top. "Where is the light switch?" I asked and turn around to look back at the door we just came in. Ms. Ginger shut it. "There isn't one." She said. Her voice was low and soft. She silently approached to me. "What do you need me to do today?" I asked with all the naiveté of a young man. She stood in front of me; her hands reached and clasped mine. "You need to let me thank you for all your good work." She pulled my hands and I knew what was coming and did not resist. Her lips were soft. She had the scent of a rich perfume. I wrapped my arms around her. Her body was a fit size 6 and as we embraced I could feel her breasts. They felt like C cups against my chest. My arms were around her, holding her in an embrace when the first clap of thunder rolled through. The lightning flashed and another clap of thunder. The heavy rain started. It made a loud rumble as the drops hit the roof. I had to admit, this was romantic. We kissed. I held her. She wrapped her arms around my neck. My brain told me that I was kissing a much older woman, but my lips and body only focused on the woman portion. I was getting aroused. She started pushing me back. I did not have far to go before I was sitting on the stack of potting soil and sheets. It felt soft as I eased backwards onto the pile. She climbed on top of me pushing me down. She straddled my waist and kept kissing me. I peeked and all I could see was her closed eyes and blonde hair. She was an amazing passionate kisser. In this position she began running her fingers through my hair and caressing my scalp as her kisses moved to my neck. More lighting. More thunder. The rain continued to pour down on the roof. It was loud. This was good since she was grinding her pelvis against me. I moaned, rather loudly, as she teased my constrained hardness. "You like that?" She asked rubbing her pelvis against me. "Yes ma'am." I answered. "Call me Ginger." Her kisses switched to the other side of my neck. She then sat upright, rhythmically moving her hips, rubbing her crotch against mine. I loved how this felt. I loved my view, even in the dim light. She kept gyrating on top of me. In the dim light I could see her smile and a certain happy, lustful look in her eyes. Without missing a beat she reached down and pulled her shirt over her head and dropped it. She reached back and unhooked her bra. She flipped it onto my face with a slight giggle. It smelled like her. I reached up and removed it from my eyes. She leaned forward dangling her left breast near my lips. I could not resist. I lifted my head so I could kiss her nipple. My tongue soon was flicking it and moving around her areola. Her arms soon rested over each of my shoulders. "Mmmmm..." She purred. I alternated to her other breast. Both were magnificent. They were actually B cups with a sexy hint of sag. My tongue flicked her nipple which evolved into deep kisses. The kisses moved into the valley between her breasts. Her warm, soft skin rubbed against my youthful clean shaven cheeks. Her perfume engulfed my senses. Thunder rolled again. She slid down. Her lips met mine again. She kissed me with passion. It was different from the young women I was used to. This was abashed. I could feel it. I knew what was coming next and Ginger was about to introduce me to what experienced woman can do. "You smell good." She whispered, she spoke just before her lips were moving down my cheek then back to my neck. Sheepishly, and sounding like the school boy I was, I responded with "You do too." Her lips stopped at my shirt's neckline. She reached down and pulled it over my head. "Ooooo...I knew you would look like this!" She purred staring at my hairless, youthful chest. Thank goodness all of the work she had me do toned it up. She slid down from our soft perch. Lighting lit up the green house as she did a slow striptease. Slowly, rhythmically, her eyes locked on mine as she removed her shorts and panties. Her gaze made me hot. Unlike the girls I had been with, Ginger was confident and went after what she wanted. More thunder, it shook the green house. Ginger moved towards me. She tugged at my shorts. I was so excited I felt like I was going to burst. I was so hard. My cock was aimed straight up against my abdomen thanks her earlier grinding. My shorts and underwear came right off. Ginger's attention went to my now exposed organ. She gently reached down and lifted it up from my body. I loved the feeling of her warm hands. One hand started stroking my shaft while the other was rubbing my stomach and pelvic area. "So Chris, did you ever think volunteering would get you here?" She asked as she broke into a smile. Before I could answer she took me into her mouth. It was ecstasy. The roar of the rain on the roof drown out my loud gasp. I watched her lips around my shaft. Felt her tongue rolling along my head. Her wrist grasped and twist pumped me. "Oh yeah..." I moaned then inhaled deeply. She paused long enough to say "No one can hear us. Be as loud as you want." I read between the lines. When I felt her warm tongue and engulfing lips back on my head I moaned. It was a reaction, a loud one. She liked that. My limited encounters with teenage girlfriends were not as good as Ms. Ginger. With them my encounters were secretive and had to be quiet. They were awkward and unsure. This woman was very sure of what she was doing and what it was doing to me. "Gin---ger...ooooooo." I trailed off looking at the green house's ceiling for a bit then back at her. She turned her head, made eye contact with me. I felt a warm burn in my chest, it added to the tingle in my cock. Her hand grasped and rotated on my shaft in tandem with her mouth. I was hard, very, very hard. I think she could tell what was I was feeling. And perhaps what I was thinking. She released my cock and it fell back, aiming like an arrow towards my stomach Ginger reclaimed her perch straddled over me. She leaned forward. "Are you ready?" She whispered in my ear, her breasts just under my chin. "Yes." I could not say much more. I was breathless. She continued and guided my cock into her. I loved it. She planted her two hands on my chest as she started gyrating. I was mad with lust. In the dim light and pouring rain this blonde woman riding me could have been 18. "Just lay there." She panted, not losing a beat. I reached for her breasts, caressing their sides and pinching her nipples slightly with my thumb and forefinger. "Oh yeah Chris....keep that up...." Her body bounced a bit harder. I was not sure I could. I started thinking of baseball scores. That was hard. I was a young man, her full breasts so soft in my hands. Her nipples so firm. She seemed to respond well to my little pinches and slight rubbing between my fingers. "Ooooooohhhhhh...." She moaned, her head leaning forward her body kept on me. "Ooooooooohhhhh....yyyyyyeeeeessss...." Louder yet. Her mouth was agape, she was silent. I felt a drop. Well, more like someone was pouring a shot glass of hot water down the side of my cock. She exploded. She was loud. Her back arched forward, her head looked straight up and her scream drowned out the rain. She then looked down at me. Her eyes were wide. They were fiery and in conjunction with mussed hair and glistening sweat I knew she was not to be denied. "Cum for me Chris." She commanded. It was now her turn to pinch my nipples between her thumb and forefinger. The electric shocks it sent were new to me. No more thoughts of baseball scores. I focused on her eyes looking into mine and inhaled deeply. "Ginger....I.....ahhhhhhhh" I saw colors. Splotches of vibrant colored clouds colliding. I was coming. Hard. Her mouth opened with a big smile. "Ohhh....Chris....give it to me. Give it all to me." She pushed herself down on me and gyrated a little. I finished coming, the colors went away slowly and all I could do was moan. I think my head was still jerking around in subtle aftershocks. Her hand affectionately rubbed my cheek, she leaned down and we kissed. A deep, hot afterglow kiss of lovers. This started our May-September romance. I kept volunteering and Ginger would have me also work at her house. Well....we did work, then we would end up in the outdoor shower by her pool washing off the dirt and sweat from landscaping. There would be flirting, fondling, and finally fucking. Once we were on the rattan sofa on her back covered patio when we heard a car door. We almost got caught by one of her grown sons. She taught me things a young man needs to learn but is too full of himself to hear from his family or girlfriends. I learned how women like men to have a plan and not be indecisive. I learned that women like to "Just say hi" whereas men like to have a point to starting the conversation. Romance, she taught me that romance was important and so was listening. I think in the back of our minds we both knew our relationship had an end date. I was going to transfer my junior college credits to a 4 year university and Ms. Ginger had met someone. Someone more age appropriate. We met at the botanical gardens and took a walk. She did most of the talking and I could tell this was sort of hard for her. We hugged. I heard her sniffle. She was crying. It got worse when I said "Thank you."
Title: Don't You Think I Know That? Tags: pack marlboro, visa card, mountain dew, jennifer rolled, jennifer pushed, jennifer turned, rolled eyes, jennifer, back, shook head Jennifer stepped out of the elevator coming down from her dorm room and into the lobby of Clearway Hall. She smiled as soon as she saw her friend Abby sitting at the desk reading her Organic Chemistry book. She stopped at the desk and said, "Hey, girl. What up?" Abby looked up and brushed a strand of brown hair out of her eyes before she said, "Just studying for my final. Where you headed?" "I'm going to the mini-mart," Jennifer said. "Want me to get you anything?" "Oh shit yeah," Abby said reaching for her purse. She extracted a twenty-dollar bill and as she handed it in Jennifer's direction said, "I've only got two cigarettes left. Can you get me a carton of Marlboro Lights and a two-liter bottle of Mountain Dew?" Jennifer pushed the twenty away and said, "Keep your money. Daddy sent me a VISA card." Holding the twenty out for Jennifer to take, Abby said, "No reason for you to support my habit." Jennifer pushed the twenty away again. "No. But I got a lot of late night Whoppers to pay you back for." Abby shook the twenty at Jennifer and said, "Shut up." "No. You shut up. You want that Mountain Dew cold?" "Of course," Abby said as she put the bill back in her purse. Jennifer arched her eyebrow and said, "Two liters?" "I've got this final tomorrow. I need to stay up all night." "Shit, just do some blow then. That'll keep you up better than Mountain Dew." "You got any?" "Uh-h-h," Jennifer said slowly. "Was just kidding, girlfriend." "I'm not. You got any?" "N-n-no," Jennifer said. "I'll get you some Mountain Dew though." \* Jennifer sat the two-liter bottle of Mountain Dew down on the counter. Along with it, she was buying two economy-sized bags of Cool Ranch Doritos, three frozen pizzas, and a bag of soft batch chocolate chip cookies. The clerk rang up Jennifer's junk food and as she was breaking out her new credit card, Jennifer said, "And, can I have a carton of Marlboro Lights please?" As the clerk reached over his head to get the cigarettes, Jennifer heard the all too familiar voice saying, "Guess you like those early morning five mile runs, Gordon." "Shit," Jennifer said. Then she turned to face Nancy Reardon. "I'm picking the cigarettes up for a friend at the dorm, Coach. They're not for me." Nancy frowned at her tennis player and said, "Right. Now tell me one I might believe." Jennifer gritted her teeth and said, "They're not mine." "See you tomorrow morning at five," Nancy said. "You know the rules. Five miles at five a.m." "You fucking cu--." Before Jennifer finished speaking a hand came from behind her and clasped her mouth shut. "Tell your friend thanks, Gordon," Nancy said as she walked out of the mini-mart. "Finish calling me a cunt and you'd be running ten miles instead of five." The hand released from Jennifer's mouth and she turned with fire shooting from her brown eyes. "What the fu--? Oh, it's you." JW Wallace held up both his hands in surrender and said, "Don't stab me." Before she could comment on what she'd like to do to JW, the clerk cleared his throat and said, "Anything else?" "Yes," Jennifer snapped. "Give me a single pack of Marlboro Reds." "Those for a friend too," JW asked? "Nope," Jennifer said. "This pack's all mine. I got to get up at five in the morning and run five miles for that cunt, I might as well deserve it." JW shook his head and said, "You're your own worst enemy, Jenny." Jennifer turned her back on him and laid her VISA card on the counter. After she'd paid for her stuff, Jennifer gathered up her bag and stepped out of the mini-mart. She paused long enough to open the pack of Marlboro Reds, shake a cigarette loose from the pack, and light it with her cheap Bic lighter. As she was blowing her first stream of smoke out, the mini-mart door opened and JW stepped out into the parking lot. He saw that she was still there and said, "Want a ride?" "I don't know," she said. "You never called me after the last ride we took." "I was going to," JW said. "So what the fuck stopped you?" "I came by your dorm to see you the next day and I saw that guy from Baylor down in the lobby. I asked the girl at the desk to page your room and she said you were already on your way down. So, I left." "And that's why you haven't called me, and that's why you sit on the other side of the room in class, and why you act like I'm not there?" JW shrugged. "I really liked you, Jenny; and I thought you liked me too. When I saw that you were still dating that guy, it hurt." Jennifer rolled her eyes and said, "You are so fucking dumb. You are the dumbest smart guy I've ever fucking met." "Gee," he said. "Thanks a lot." "Did you happen to see me with Oliver when I came down to the lobby?" "No," he said. "I left before you got down there." "So you didn't see me come down and tell him he shouldn't have come to see me without calling first; and you didn't see him leave the dorm alone, as in without me, and you didn't see me telling him not to call or come see me anymore?" JW paused. "No. I didn't see that." Jennifer shook her head and said, "Shit. I can't believe how stupid you are." JW tried to grin, but it came out lopsided as he said, "If it makes you feel any better, I can't believe how stupid I am either." Jennifer rolled her eyes and took another drag on her cigarette before saying, "You studied for our History final yet?" "No." She dropped the cigarette to the pavement and smashed it with the toe of her boot. "Come on," she said. "Give me a ride back to the dorm, and we'll study together." \* After putting the frozen pizzas into the freezer, Jennifer hung her jacket in the closet she shared with Rebecca Zamora and watched JW lay his jacket on the foot of Becky's bed. She picked up her History book and said, "Where do you want to start?" He took the book from her and tossed it back onto the table. Then he cupped her chin with each hand and brought her mouth to his. Her lips parted as she allowed his kiss and he pressed his tongue between them until it meshed and intertwined with hers. As she returned his kiss, she raised her arms and allowed him to pull her sweater over her head, momentarily breaking but quickly returning to the long, slow, deep kiss. The sweater was tossed away and his fingers found the clasp at the back of her bra, and just like that, her breasts were free and in his hands. She began to fumble at the buttons of his flannel shirt as he walked her backward toward her bed. As soon as her calves hit the side of the bed, she fell back onto it and just as quickly he was on top of it with her. She finished undoing the buttons of his shirt and it made with the same fate, as had her sweater. He trailed his kisses down her neck, nuzzling it with soft lips. His mouth left her neck and found her left nipple with his lips and tongue. As he gently sucked and licked the nipple, she moaned and purred with satisfaction. Even as she was kicking off her boots, his hand was on the buttons of her jeans, working them open as his lips switched to and began to suck the nipple of her other breast. Soon her jeans were gone and tossed in some unknown direction and her panties recklessly making an opposing flight. He kissed his way back to her mouth and as their tongues again met and sparked, they lay stretching against each other, chest to chest, legs tangled. Jennifer arched into him, loving the feel of his hard body, the heat of his skin, the brush of his chest hair against her nipples. Twisting beneath him, Jennifer reached for the button of his jeans. JW rose up on his knees as she tugged the zipper down over his erection. Her hands were trembling as she pulled down jeans and briefs. Her whole body was trembling with the need to take him inside her. She curled her fingers around his rigid cock and stroked him gently. He closed his eyes and groaned. "Come here," he whispered, reaching for her. Jennifer went to him, welcoming his kiss, pressing her body into his. She put her arms around his neck and let her head fall back as he trailed his mouth down her throat, moaning from the pleasure of his lips. His strong hands stroked down her back to her ass, cupping it he lifted her and pulled her into his lap as he sat back on his haunches. She reached between their bodies and gripped the cock that was already nearing explosion and guided him, placing the head of his cock at the lips of her moist slit, holding him steady as he lowered her. Her breath let out a slow hiss as he entered her and sank his cock into her cunt. Her pussy tightened around him, on the edge of ecstasy. He lifted her again and slid her back down on him, slowly, inch by inch allowing her pussy to ride his cock. Anticipation wound like a spring inside her, tighter and tighter, pounding for release. She began to move on him at her own pace, her hands gripping his lean, powerful shoulders, her head flung back. Faster and faster, she rose up and down, until she was breathless, until the heat condensed to a slick gloss of sweat on her skin, until the anticipation exploded into a firestorm of sensation and she was screaming, "FUCK ME. FUCK ME. OH FUCKING GOD. FUCKING FUCK ME." No longer able to contain, he released his load and groaned as if he were dying as she collapsed in his arms. They held each other tight as they came back to earth, as their heartbeats slowed, as the real world took form around them. JW pulled the comforter from the bed up over them. The heat of passion was gone and the chill of the December night had taken over. Jennifer snuggled into his arms and placed light kisses on his chest. He kissed the top of her head and said, "God. This is all so soon. So quick." She touched a finger to his lips and said, "Shush, JW Wallace. Lay back and enjoy the moment." Then she slowly kissed her way from his chest down to his stomach, easing her way down until she was taking his shriveled penis in her mouth, liking the way it was mixed with her juice and his, sucking him until he was hard again. Not stopping, she continued to suck, letting his tension build, sensing his release. Even when he did release she kept sucking. Swallowing, and gulping, she milked his cock until it was clean of everything except her own saliva. "Oh my God," he gasped as he tangled his hands in her hair. "You are the best thing that ever happened to me, Jenny Gordon." She smiled and said, "Don't you think I know that?"
Title: Fraternal Twins Pt. 13 Tags: incest, taboo **Copyright** © *2019 - This is an original work by Zeb Carter and is protected under copyright by U.S. copyright law. It is only submitted at Literotica.Com and any submission to any other site has not been authorized by the Copyright Holder/Author.* **Author's Note**: The life of the Twins continues. Sorry for how long it took this time also. Writing is a fickle task... you don't always get to write about what you want. So, my apologies. **Part 13 \~\~\~\~\~** Camille Jacobson was going to join the family today. She was going to spend time with the three younger Carlson children. Of course, Eileen would be there to watch as would Slater or Karen throughout the day. Jacob would be there too, but his days have grown shorter in the last week. Eileen felt that he would leave her very soon. Cami rang the bell at eight sharp. Eileen was there to greet her. The children were just finishing up breakfast when Cami walked into the kitchen with Eileen. Slater and Karen weren't up yet. Eileen had Cami sit at the kitchen table. "Would you like some coffee?" Eileen asked. "No, thank you, Mrs. Carlson. I'm fine for now." "It's Eileen, Cami." Eileen smiled at the young woman. "Of course, Eileen." "Now, most of the time I will be here with you but, there will be days, in fact, three days a week, that I will be gone most of the day. I volunteer at the Hospital half a day, then work for a friend the other half." "That shouldn't be a problem, at least until I have my dissertation to defend." "Ah, yes, if you would like, I would be happy to read it over for you," Eileen said. "I wouldn't want to impose." "Cami... " Eileen took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Cami, while you are here if you are chosen, I would like you to think of us as a part of your family. I have read every paper my twins have had to prepare in high school. I only wish I could do the same for them at college." "Well, thank you very much, Eileen. I would like for you to read my work." "Now, why don't you take the kids into the living room while I clean up in here." "No, why don't you take your kids in the..." "I will not treat you as a maid. You are here to watch the children even if there is a mess to clean up. Cleanup will always be my job when I'm here. Your job will be to keep my children safe and maybe teach them a thing or two, while you are here. Is that clear young lady?" Eileen asked a stern look on her face. "It is, Eileen. It is." Cami stood up. "Children, let's go into the living room so mom can clean up in here, okay?" The three kids answered together and followed her into the living room. There was a small round child-size table set up in the corner for them. They knew the routine, sit at the table until the mess was cleaned, then it was time for Emily to get ready for school. Well, it would when school started in a week, so for right now the three children colored quietly. Cami stood behind them, walking around the table watching what they were doing. "Oh, Emily, you color so well," Cami said. "Thank you, Cami," Emily replied. "Carl, that is so nice, but wouldn't be nicer if you tried to stay inside the lines?" asked Cami. "Oh, you mean like Emily, does?" Carl shot back. "So, you're going to be an out of the lines kind of guy?" Cami asked right back. Carl looked up at for a few seconds, shook his head, and went back to coloring, only inside the lines now. Eileen had been watching the exchange and was standing in the kitchen trying to keep from laughing. Even though she would prefer that her children make up their own minds on how to do things. Cami hadn't chided him about not coloring in the lines. She handled Carl with a simple question. She didn't suggest which way he should go, she asked him which way he wanted to go. "Oh Troy, that is quite good," Cami said looking down at Troy's picture. "Thank you, Cami," Troy replied, sticking his tongue out at Carl. "Troy, what did mother tell you about that?" Emily asked her younger brother. "Not to do that. I'm sorry Carl." Carl just stuck out his tongue at his brother. "Carl," Emily said. "Sorry, Troy," Carl said. Troy nodded as did Carl. Cami, just stood there watching the byplay and trying not to laugh or giggle. "Okay, kids, time to get dressed. Let's go," Eileen said from the kitchen. The three children rose from the table calmly and hurried to their bedrooms. Eileen followed them as did Cami. "Cami, help Emily if she needs it. I'll get the two boys," Eileen said. "Yes, Eileen," Cami replied following Emily into her bedroom. Cami watched as Emily got her clothes out of her dresser. She pulled out shorts, a t-shirt, along with a clean pair of socks. Looking around, she went and closed her door. Cami nodded as she sat on the bed. Emily stripped off her nightshirt. She quickly pulled her shorts on and then her t-shirt. Sitting on the bed next to Cami, she pulled on her socks. When she was finished, Emily smiled up at Cami. "Very good, Emily. Very good," Cami said smiling at Emily. "Thank you." Emily slipped off her bed and headed for the door. Cami stood and followed her, smiling. She was in hopes she would be selected to help this family out with the young children. The rest of the day went smoothly. The children were well behaved and if the boys got out of line, would be called to task by Emily, more often than Cami or Eileen. Cami always looked over at Eileen when that happened. Eileen was always trying to suppress a giggle each time. Cami, too, had to suppress a giggle. When Slater or Karen was there, each of them shook their heads and didn't say a word as mom was there. Later in the day she got Slater alone and asked him. "May I ask a question?" Cami asked. Slater looked at her surprise on his face, "Of course you may. Anytime." "If your mom wasn't in the room when Emily corrects Carl or Troy, what would you have done?" "Oh! I would have pulled Emily aside and told her if there wasn't an adult close by, that she would have been correct in calling them to order but, with adults in the room, she should let them handle Troy and Carl. What would you have done?" "Just that or bring it to my attention so I could correct them. I would also have taken her out of earshot of Troy and Carl." "Good. I know mom thinks it's cute and they are her children but, I think she will regret not mentioning it to Emily eventually." "My thought also, but I wouldn't overrule her if she is present," said Cami. Slater nodded at her as they went back to the living room. The day was long and the children had fun, interacting with Cami. Eileen had Cami stay with them for dinner. Cami watched the children as the Twins cleaned up and Eileen helped her husband to bed. After the kitchen was cleaned, Karen and Cami helped Emily in her bath and getting dressed for bed. Slater helped Cami and the boys bathe and dress for bed. As Karen sat in the living room with the children, Slater walked Cami to her car. "It was really nice spending the day with you and your family," Cami said as she unlocked her car. She turned toward Slater. "It was nice having you here," Slater said reaching out. Cami looked at him and took what he held out. It was a hundred dollar bill. "For your time," Slater said softly. "No, you really don't have too..." "We took you away for a day... from whatever or whoever. If we chose you, we will be paying you for your time, why not today?" asked Slater. "Okay, okay, thank you very much but, this is way too much," Cami said. "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. You won't be getting paid that much if you work here, so..." "Of course," Cami said opening her car door. Then she was on her tiptoes kissing Slater on his cheek. Slater gasped pulling back a little. Cami smiled at him as she got in her car. Slater stepped back up on the curb and watched Cami drive away. **\~\~\~\~\~** Two days later, Mary Beth Williams, rang the doorbell exactly at eight in the morning. Eileen was there to open the door and welcome her. "Come in Beth, come in. Thank you for coming," Eileen said. "Thank you for having me," Beth replied taking Eileen's offered hand. Eileen led Beth to the kitchen, where the twins and the three young ones were having breakfast. "Can I offer you breakfast, coffee, juice," Eileen asked. "I have already eaten, but coffee would be pleasant, thank you," Beth replied. Eileen poured her a mug of coffee and pointed at the sugar and cream on the table. Beth shook her head, taking a sip of her black coffee. She smiled as she tasted it. "That's very good," she said. Eileen smiled at her, Slater and Karen shook their heads. "Not coffee drinkers?" Beth asked. "No, they aren't really. Slater will, Karen not so much. She prefers orange juice." "I would too, normally, but I haven't had my caffeine yet this morning. So, thank you." "You're welcome my dear," Eileen said smiling. By the time Beth was finished with her coffee, the kids and the twins were done with their breakfast. "Kids, why don't you go in the living room with Beth," Eileen said. Nodding, Beth stood waiting for the children to get out of their chairs. When they were, they quietly walked to the round table in the corner of the living room and started to color. Beth followed them and stood watching. She did look over at Eileen and the twins and found them cleaning the kitchen. Looking back at the children, she nodded as she stood watching what they were doing. "You all color very good," she said. "Thank you," Emily said looking up at Beth and smiling. "You're very welcome." Beth stood there watching them color. There was a tussle between Carl and Troy for a particular color but, she just watched them. Emily looked up at her squinting her eyes. Beth smiled as she reached in the took the color from Troy, who had taken it away from Carl. "Now Troy, I know you know better. Carl had this first, didn't he?" Beth asked. "Yes, ma'am," Troy replied. "Now couldn't you wait until he was finished with it?" "I guess," replied Troy rather despondent. "Here you go, Carl," Beth said handing the crayon over to him. "Thank you, ma'am," Carl said taking the crayon and coloring just a small part of the wagon he was coloring. "You may call me Beth, from now on. All of you, okay?" Beth said. "Okay, Beth," Emily said nodding her approval at the way she handled her brothers. "Now, Carl, if you are finished with that color, please hand it to your brother," Beth said softly. "Yes, Beth," Carl said handing the crayon to Troy. Troy took the crayon and started coloring. "Troy?" said Beth. Troy looked up at Beth. Nodding he turned to Carl. "Thank you, Carl." "You're welcome, Troy," Carl said smiling up at Beth. "Someone likes you," Emily quipped. "Shut up, Emily," Carl said a little loudly. "Carl?" "I'm sorry, Em," Carl said. "You are forgiven, Carl," Emily said smiling back at her brother. Beth looked behind her to see Eileen, Slater, and Karen sitting on the couch smiling at her. She flushed with embarrassment and turned back to the children. She was happy that she had handled the children to the satisfaction of not only the children but their older brother and sister as well as their mother. She sat in the fourth chair and took a piece of paper and started to sketch Emily as she was coloring. For the next half an hour, the four of them sat at the table quietly. Emily was watching Beth sketch her. Troy and Carl still colored in their books. Beth would look up at Emily every few minutes, then go back to sketching. When she was finally done, she tore the sheet from the sketchbook and stood up. Looking at Eileen, the twins were gone, Beth cocked her head. "All right children it's time to change. Beth, could you give Emily a hand if she needs it? Emily, long pants today, okay?" "Of course, Eileen," replied Beth heading to Eileen. "Yes, mom," Emily said getting up and following Beth. "This is for you, Eileen," Beth said handing her the sketch of Emily. "Oh, my," Eileen said looking at an almost lifelike sketch of her daughter. "I couldn't take this, please." "I want you to have it, please," Beth begged. "If I can, I will draw another of the three of them to take with me." Nodding, Eileen, hugged Beth, tears leaking out of the corner of her eyes. Beth refused to notice the tears and took Emily's hand and went with her to her room to change. The rest of the day was spent moping around outside or watching TV. Beth had the sketchpad and pencil in hand as the children watched the TV. She finished her sketch just before dinner. She stayed when asked, then took the children in the living room so Eileen and Karen could clean up. Slater came home just after dinner. He sat in the living room with Beth. When the kitchen was clean, Slater walked Beth out to her car. He handed her a hundred dollar bill. "What is this for?" she gasped. "For your time today. If we decide to hire you, you will be paid on a regular basis and it will be nowhere near that per day. Just take it, from what mom told me you're worth every penny." Beth leaned in and kissed Slater on the cheek. He didn't jump this time. "Do you know about when you will be making a decision?" Beth asked. "Before the weekend. I'll call you and let you know one way or the other." "Good. I really enjoyed my time here today. Tell your mom to look in the sketchpad on the coffee table for me," Beth said getting in her car. "I will," Slater replied with no idea what she was talking about. He stood watching as she drove away. Back in the house he got the sketchpad and opened it. He gasped at what he saw. Emily, Carl, and Troy sitting in front of the TV. They were almost alive on the paper. Turning the page he gasped again at the picture of his mother. She was beautiful. The next page was Karen. Once again he gasped. The next page was blank but had an inscription. "Slater wasn't around enough today. I hope to be back to sketch him. Eileen, these are for you. I have them in my memory and they will always be with me. Beth" Turning, Slater, looked around for his mom. No one was around, so he went looking for them. He found them just coming out of each bedroom. Nodding he waved them to follow him. They did. In the kitchen, Slater sat. Eileen and Karen sat one on each side. He opened the sketch pad. Both women gasped. "She was supposed to take that with her," Eileen groaned. "Wait," said Slater turning the page. Mom gasped as she looked at herself. Slater just sighed. Karan moaned. "You are so beautiful, mom," Karen said. Slater nodded, turning the page. Karen gasped as she looked down at herself. Eileen moaned at the sketch of her beautiful daughter. Slater just smiled at the women's reaction. He turned the page once more. Mom and Karen read what was written on the page. Eileen started to weep. Karen sniffled trying not to cry. Eileen rose, reached to the top of the fridge and pulled a sketchpad page down and placed the page inside. Slater gasped at the picture of his little sister. "Oh my," he said. "She is good. That looks more like Emily then Emily looks like Emily." Slater chuckled at what he just said. Both Eileen and Karen giggled. "Where do we go from here?" Eileen asked. "We have to decide and soon. We could lose both of them, they are so good." "Could we hire both?" Karen asked. Slater looked at his sister rolling his eyes. "We could, but that might be too much..." "That would cost too much," Slater said. "Money is not the problem Slater. Although, with Emily in school half days to start, it would only be the two boys. Both of them will need study time." "Mom, money has to be a consideration," he gasped. "No, it won't. The house is paid for as is the lake house. Your college funds will take care of everything while you concentrate on studying. When your dad does pass, his life insurance will be plenty for you too and the three little one to start a life for yourselves. What's in the bank and our investment accounts is more than I could spend if I lived to be 200 years old. Your father planned well for us. He was smart and lucky. Money is no problem. Even your three siblings have more than enough to put them through college when they get to that point in their lives. It will grow to be what it is when they start. If they need more, it will be there." Eileen hadn't meant to throw a tantrum, but the twins had to know. Slater started to open his mouth. "Don't please. Trust me on this son. Please." "So... we hire them both?" Slater asked. "Yes. Even with Emily in school, I still have my work at the hospital and the other things I need to do during the week. I start up next week with those." "Okay, okay, I'll call them tomorrow. Should we have them move in over the weekend?" Slater asked. "That would be best..." "But where will they sleep?" Karen asked. "We still have another week here." "Well, for the week you are here, one can sleep in with Emily and the other with you. You have a king size bed and Emily has a queen." "Then it's settled?" Slater asked. "It is. Absolutely. I'm going to bed," Eileen said getting up. She kissed Slater full on the lips. Turned to Emily and kissed her full on the lips. Then quick as she could she hurried to her bedroom. Slater smiled at his sister, she smiled back. "Go lock your door, I need you tonight," Slater said. "God yes," Karen said, quickly walking to her bedroom door. Smiling, Slater went around the house making sure doors were locked and lights were out that should be out and on that should be on. He opened his bedroom door and found a long lump in his bed. He knew it was Karen. He stripped down and went to the bathroom. He washed and brushed his teeth. Just out of curiosity he peeked into Karen's room. It was empty. Smiling he went back to his room and crawled in bed. Karen pounced, giggling. "I love you," she whispered, kissing him on the lips hard. "I love you, too," Slater replied when she let him up for air. Karen quickly moved down her brother's body until she had his hard cock in her mouth. She sucked and licked his manhood while gently juggling his balls in her left hand. Slater had his eyes closed thoroughly enjoying his sister's mouth on him. "Oh that feels so good," Slater moaned softly. Karen groaned as she sucked him hard, taking him down her throat. She kept him there until she needed to breathe. Gasping, she sucked in air as quick as she could. Trying to catch her breath, she crawled up Slater's body, planting soft kisses along the way. Reaching behind her, she lined her brother's cock up with her opening, then sat down on him slowly. "Oh fuck," Slater gasped. "It does feel good," Karen said softly, moaning. For the longest time, she just sat on her brother's hard, pulsing cock, staring into his loving eyes. "I am going to really miss you, brother," Karen said softly. "I will miss you also, Karen," Slater replied. Karen slowly started to move her hips to and fro still sitting on Slater's hard wonderful cock. She moaned as his hard cock stirred around inside her body and her clit was mashed between their pelvises. Karen moaned and groaned as she fucked herself. Pressing her lips to his hard, they kissed for a long time as each of them go closer and closer to orgasm. Karen was the first to reach her peak. She growled in an attempt to keep silent. Slater was right with her, groaning deep in his throat, bucking his hips up to press his hard, spurting cock up into Karen deeper. They both shook and shivered as their pleasure raced through their minds and bodies. "Oh my god," Karen said, her voice cracking as she tried to whisper. "I love you, sis," Slater said softly, pulling Karen down to lay on his chest. She kissed him, then was up and in the bathroom to clean herself. Slater followed her closely. Once they had cleaned themselves, the kissed and each went to their own bedrooms. Both unlocked their doors and were in bed and asleep within minutes. **\~\~\~\~\~** Slater was restless. He thought he had heard a scream. Turning over on his back, he lay there dozing until the bathroom door opened. Then Karen was standing over him. She was crying. Then he heard another scream. It was mom's scream. Slater was up and out of bed and racing down the hall knowing what had happened. Karen was right behind him. They found mom crying in anguish, holding their father's lifeless body. The young children were there crying too. Karen went to her mom. Slater went to the children. They clung to him as he sat on the floor at his mother's feet. Slater knew what he had to do. He had thought about this ever since mom had told him his dad was dying. He had discussed it with mom. She agreed. Getting up, after divesting himself of the children, he went to the kitchen and dialed the phone. He first called his dad's doctor. Next, he called for an ambulance. The first to show up were the police who the doctor had called. The doctor was there not minutes after the police. The ambulance was the last to appear. By that time, the children were in Slater's room with Karen. Slater was with his mom as they watched the doctor tell the police he had died of his cancer. The police left. The doctor came to Eileen and told her how sorry he was. He asked which mortuary they wanted him to be taken. Slater handed him a card. The doctor spoke with the ambulance driver, giving him the card. He nodded. Slater and mom would have to go to the funeral home after dad was taken there just to sign some papers. The funeral had already been decided and paid for. The house was quiet after everyone had left. Slater sat on the couch holding his mother. Karen and children sat on the floor. All were crying at the loss of their father. **Too be continued...**
Title: Shift: 2nd Gear by Arxl Tags: Anatomically Correct, Frottage, Love, M/M, Morning after, Oral, Snow Leopard, Wolf, cars Shift: 2nd Gear I stirred in the car, suddenly feeling something slippery under my tail. Oh, yeah that's right. I look over my shoulder to see Shadow with a very content look on his face. I smiled and snuggled backwards into his chest, it was very warm and his fur felt so good. I started purring as he was waking from my movements and started scratching my chest fur. "Mmmmm good morning kitty." He whispered in my ear. He embraced me again, holding me tightly to his body. It felt so comfortable and right to be there. "Murrrr good morning Shadow." I purr louder now, I was so happy to be here with him. He yawned and nuzzled my scruff while he asked me, "Sleep well?" "Mhmm, it was the best sleep I had in ages!" I smiled and noticed the car's clock said 10:00 AM. The car's window tint totally betrayed the time. "Maybe we should get some breakfast, it is getting late." I proposed. "But I'm so comfy in you!" He giggled and licked my ear, "But okay, where do you wanna go?" I gasped as he slipped his now soft cock out me; it felt loose but so empty now that he was out of me. I pulled my pants up my waist and put on my tank top and propped the seat up as he was fumbling with his clothes. "Well why don't I take you over to my place and eat there?" I offered. "Would your dad mind? I mean if you didn't know you were gay then he sure as hell doesn't." He did make a good point, it did make me think. How would he react when I tell him? I doubt he would really be that upset, but I wasn't sure. I never showed any interest in guys or girls growing up really so... I don't know. "I'm sure he would be fine with it, besides he will probably just scold me for being late for breakfast." I joked, trying to brighten the conversation a bit. "Okay then, let's go!" The wolf smiled and grabbed my paw, then released it so we could start driving. The car roared to life and I put it into gear to get out of the small camping area. We got onto the road and I pushed the speed limit a bit but still kept control. What a day... getting a great car and a even better boyfriend. I couldn't be happier, I smiled all the way home. "Wow you guys really are rich..." Shadow said in amazement as we neared my dad's estate. Out front was parked a few of my dad's cars. I drove them all and I couldn't decide which I liked more. I parked my Corvette in the end of the line of cars. "Here, lemme tell you about these cars." I offered. "We walk past them to get to the door anyway." I smiled and he seemed all too happy to hear about them. "First here is my dad's 2008 Dodge Viper, ever since I crashed his 2000 model he wanted another, so he got this one and pretty much made an updated version of his old one. It is nice and great for cruising, especially when we drive to the lake in it." He walked around it once, studying it, he obviously likes cars just as much as I do. "Next is what I call the "Space Car," it is a 1970 Ferrari Modulo. It is all original from the year and drives like it is new. Even the mileage is at 60,000." I heard him give oohs and aahs as he looked over the strange car. "Here is my dad's 1969 Chevrolet Nova SS he customized it himself for drag racing, so we don't really drive around with it too much. The zz572 under the hood would make it flip faster than a mini-van. But in a drag it will put you back in your seat." He inspected the rear of the car with its larger rear tires and wheelie bars and came back to hold my paw as we went to the next vehicle. "What we have here is his favorite, and something the tabloids don't know much about. They said only a few were built but there were others for the top bidders that were put aside. He inherited this from my grandfather who got it back in 1968. I present to you the 1967 Shelby Cobra Super Snake!" He was speechless as he caressed the curves of the rare car, looking into the cockpit at all the retro gauges and levers. We were at that car the longest and we gushed about its stats. That was a mean car, everyone knew it when they were driving near it, and the rumble of the engine alone could be felt in your chest. We eventually pried away from the car and got to the door; I was a bit nervous but got it open with shaky paws. We entered and padded over to the origin of the aroma of breakfast. We entered the dining room where there was a healthy looking breakfast feast for me and a extra plate. I guess he knew I would invite him over. I hardly noticed but he was sitting in a chair away from the table reading the comic section of the newspaper. He cleared his throat to get our attention and we looked over to see him smiling warmly from his seat. "Well Chris I guess I do know you too well." He looked a bit smug but he deserved that, since he shocked me from what he said next. "You and Shadow should get some food before the cook gets pissed that you wasted it. I know it isn't much of a breakfast conversation but I have to ask to settle my own curiosity, who was top?" I stood agape with Shadow, how did he know?! "Well... Uhh, h-how did you know?" I managed to stutter out. "Son, I know the look you had in your eyes when you were near Shadow here, it was the same way I looked when I met your mother. Not to mention you both smell heavily of musk. So after breakfast I expect you boys to shower, I'm inviting a few friends over for some pool and drinks and I want you to at least smell less like sex." He said that almost like he rehearsed it. My dad is full of surprises! "So, you're okay with me being-" He cut me off and said, "Since your mother died I promised myself that I would support you and make sure you are the happiest you can be. So yes, I am okay with this; as long as he doesn't hurt you, because then we will have trouble. Got that Shadow?" He looked sternly at my wolf. "Of course Mister Alpine! I could never hurt Chris!" He said, he sounded earnest and my father accepted that. "Okay boys, I'm going for a jog, I will be back in a little while. Try not to mess the house up too bad, okay?" He smiled at us; I couldn't believe how openly accepting he was! We both nodded as he got up to get changed, but stopped to ask again, "You never did answer my question, who was top?" I couldn't tell if he really wanted to know or if he was joking, either way I was blushing fiercely. Before either of us could answer he strode out. We stood there, eventually getting enough sense back to sit down and have a nice breakfast together. We talked more and he told me how he was 25 and was finishing up his engineering degree. I told him how I just had a bachelor's degree in business, which must have surprised him. "Business? Why business?" He asked. "Well eventually I'm going to take over for my dad when he retires, but I would be racing mostly. Since the company nearly runs itself, I just have to make important decisions and give my signature on things. He only has to be at work 10 hours a week." He was amazed at how little he had to work. I smiled and held his paw. "This is all turning out so great! I'm so happy to have met you!" He smiled and gripped my paw in return, "So am I, this is all going so fast! But I like that." He leaned over to lick my cheek, "Are you okay with this? I mean how fast things are progressing?" I thought about it for a moment. Yeah, things were going very fast. But I just feel deep down that I should trust Shadow. It feels like we are connecting in a very special way that I never felt before. I am scared, but that fear is overridden by this connection we have. I love how I feel around him, it is nearly- no- it is addicting. "Shadow I will tell you now that I am apprehensive of this all in a small way, but, that pales in comparison of how happy I feel with you. I want to trust you with everything, and you make me feel like I can. I mean I pretty much kidnapped you since yesterday. That's how much I want to be around you, I haven't asked you if you wanted to go home or anything like that." I chuckled and blushed at myself. For a moment he just sat there looking at me, seeming to just absorb what I said. "Chris I don't want to leave your side for more than a moment. I... Feel that way too. I know you haven't had anyone else in a relationship with you and I'm flattered that I'm your first; but I want to be the best boyfriend for you. You are more charming and adorable than I could have imagined when I was just your fan. I'm so happy I became more than that and I want to keep that connection with you." He embraced me warmly; I just sat there in his arms, nuzzling his neck. This has to be either a dream or a fantasy. Either way, I never want it to end. I embraced him back; we just sat there in silence. Seeming to communicate with the feelings we shared, they were nearly palpable. We stayed like that for what seemed like hours, but in truth was only about 15 minutes. Our ears flicked at the same time in the direction of shuffling paws coming down the stairs; interrupting our moment. I saw a jackal with serious bed-fur. He looked lazily at us then seemed to be in a state of shock, seeing us holding each other so intimately. "Uh... Hey Chris, what's up?" Trevor tried to sound casual but I knew he was still trying to grasp the situation. "Oh, hey Trevor, you remember Shadow right?" I asked him, indicating the wolf by nuzzling his neck and purring into him. "Yeah man, so this is why you were distracted yesterday." Trevor seemed in a mixed array of emotions about this. I could make out shock of course, closure, and something else. He seemed a bit let down. "Mhmm, is there something wrong Trevor?" I asked, trying to understand why he seemed disappointed. "Well, uh... I didn't know you liked guys is all. I'm fine with it, it's just..." He trailed off, lowering his ears. "What's wrong Trevor?" Shadow spoke up, seeming to be equally as curious as I was. Trevor seemed to stumble over his words for a moment before managing to fumble out a coherent sentence, "I just wish I knew is all." He seemed dismissive about it and I knew I shouldn't pry for now. He walked back up the stairs to find some clothes to put on. "So, is he always like that? Or..." Shadow inquired to me. "No I have never seen him upset like that before; I wonder what's up with him." I responded. Apparently that wasn't the answer Shadow was looking for. "No, I mean is he always naked in the house?" I hardly noticed that anymore. "Oh, yeah, he is non-body shy. Actually most of us would rather not have clothes at all here, we like our fur is all and clothes make our fur stuffy and messy looking." I answered, he just smiled. I guess he liked the idea of me walking around nude all the time. "Well let's get comfortable then!" The wolf declared. He stood up and stripped down, looking a bit shy about his boxers going down but he found the courage to take it all off. I must say, seeing his nude form in good lighting was even better than yesterday in the dark car! Tone muscle could be seen under the fur, not big and bulky, but nicely toned. "Well I would hate to be made a stranger in my own house!" I said back and stripped down fluidly, it was a practiced ritual for when I got home I suppose. My body wasn't as toned as his but I was still slender and slight definition showed. The wolf growled lustily at me and I giggled. "Easy killer, remember we gotta take a shower!" I padded off, swishing my tail wantonly as I strode down the hall, my wolf in tow. We stepped into the large bathroom and I flicked the light on. Everything was clean and with little wear. Our maid worked well. I swatted the wolf's chest with my long tail and stepped into a roomy shower. We both easily fit in and I blasted hot water on us with the universal touch pad on the shower wall. It stung at first but we got used to it quickly. I grabbed some soap and lathered my paws up and started scrubbing my chest and tummy but suddenly the wolf's paws were on my chest and scrubbing softly. I purred in approval and leant back slightly to rest on his chest as he started on my tummy. "Mmmm I feel a lot of dried cum here; you needed a shower dirty kitty." He whispered in my ear, his dirty talk was working wonders for my sore dick, which was now standing at full attention. No one ever talked to me like that but I loved it. As he was keeping my attention with his dirty talking I didn't notice that he was get closer to my crotch with his paws. Only as he wrapped a paw around my member did I notice. "Ahhhh that's sensitive Shadow!" I squealed out. "Hush, it is dirty and needs to be cleaned." He whispered. Slowly he was stroking the soapy mixture over my shaft, making me squirm for pleasure and soreness. It made my hips go backwards and grind into his sheath. I felt him hardening in the furry pouch and I decided to play with him and grind my ass slowly up and down it. This made the wolf moan with me; our bodies gyrated together as we pleasured each other. Eventually it became too much for the wolf as he spun me around and locked our muzzles together for a long, passionate kiss. Eventually his skilled tongue made my knees weak and I began going limp. Shadow encouraged me falling though; he set me on my knees. "Mmmm I think you need a lesson on how to suck cock, if you do well then I will give you a treat." The wolf couldn't look slyer as he winked at me. I felt water from the showerhead hitting my shoulders now and as I looked forward I saw his impressive member, rock hard and his knot fully engorged. Even this part of him was better in the light! It looked sculpted, symmetrical, thick and a great length to boot. I guessed right, about 10 inches with the knot, seeming to dwarf my 7 inch. "Well are you going to look at it all day?" Shadow joked, smiling down at me. He put a paw on the back of my head. "Now just suckle the tip, if you want to use your teeth then do it lightly, lets your tongue do most of the work though. If you can't breathe then just pull it out a bit. Have fun kitten." I blushed and looked back down to the wolfcock in front of me; I was a bit embarrassed to be in this position but I couldn't help but enjoy it. The smells of his musk assaulting my senses, making me feel a bit intoxicated. I eventually got my courage up and started suckling on the tip. There was a bit of precum there and it made my first taste of dick very sweet. I delighted in the texture and taste, I wanted more. After I milked all the pre onto the tip of my tongue I slid my short leopard muzzle down the length to about halfway. Along the way I used my tongue and teeth to caress the smooth flesh just like he said. I could hear him moaning softly and tilting his head back, I was doing a good job so far, I hope. After letting his head rest on the back of my rough tongue for a bit I slid further down the length. Choking a bit as his tapered head slid past the back of my tongue, I had to tilt my neck to keep sliding it down. I wanted to see how far I could take it; the phallus still tasted wonderful all the way down. Eventually my nose tapped his knot and it was very hard to breathe as I deep throated for the first time. My neck was in slight pain as his thick member stretched it but I got used to it. I hardly noticed him shaking, so I pulled off and breathed some fresh air for a second before asking. "What's wrong Shadow? Did I hurt you or something?" He smiled and was blushing a bit. "No, nothing of the sort. You just suck dick very well, that was amazing!" He looked nearly out of breath and his cock was twitching with need in front of me still. I dove on the cock, hungrily taking it into my muzzle again. Letting my rough tongue glide across the head as it entered and I cradled the bottom of it as I bobbed my head back and forth. Delighting in the spurts of pre that were hitting my throat in the process, I wanted to swallow the cock, it tasted so good! After about 10 minutes or so of sucking my jaw was getting sore but I kept going, wanting the treat he promised. He began thrusting into my maw roughly now; thankfully my gag reflex was suppressed by now. "Here is your treat kitten!" With that he howled and pushed himself down my throat, starting to pump his seed directly into my tummy. I felt spurts in me and it made me so horny to feel that. Halfway through his orgasm he pulled his dick halfway out of my throat and filled my muzzle. Remembering last night I began swallowing his sweet and salty seed and grabbed his knot with my paw, remembering how sensitive it was. This made him gasp and pull his dick out of my muzzle completely to squirt just a few more ropes of cum onto my face. I licked my lips and swallowed all I could, but I knew my face was still a mess, along with his cum dripping down my chin. "That is a good look for you Chris." He giggled and wiped his cock across my face, his scent thoroughly mixed in with mine. "That was really tasty Shadow! How did I do?" I blushed and looked up at him. "You suck as well as any hustler, I mean wow! It is hard to believe that was your first time sucking." He chuckled and pulled me up to my paws again. He licked at my face to clean off his leftovers. "Thanks for cleaning me up Shadow." I was blushing fiercely under my fur, I was sure he could see it. We hugged and kissed a bit more softly now. "I think you still need to get off though." He smiled and grabbed my dick. "And I know a good way to do just that." He leaned his back against the wall and pulled me to him by my dick, making me whimper as he pulled the whole way. "Now I'm going to put our dicks together, it is something called frottage and I think you will like it since you like cock so much." I couldn't stop blushing at him, but I was very horny and I needed release. "All you have to do is hump into my paw and against my dick until you cum." He gave me a naughty smile and put our dicks together and began jacking them off. His cock was soft to the touch but still rigid thanks to the canine penile bone in the center of it. He began pawing our dicks and his fingers playing with my soft barbs making me moan out loudly. I began thrusting into this and the combination of his soft cock and paw pads was making it unbearable to hold back. After only a few minutes of fucking his paw I could tell I was close. I began squeaking and whimpering like a little kitten, my ears laid flat to my head as I thrusted once more, harder than before into his paw. I spurted strong ropes of cum all over our tummies and our dicks. The slippery mess now on our dicks made great lubrication for him to start pawing faster than before. He was obviously good at control because my oversensitive dick was making me want to pass out. I was squealing and writhing against him, clawing his chest. Eventually he stopped for me. I was in a daze so he was the first to talk, "You are a very sexy kitty with very sexy sounds, did you know that?" I blushed and hugged him and he hugged me back. "Well you are my sexy wolf." I bit his neck playfully before saying through his fur, "An I wown giff you ub." He laughed at my muffled words and petted my head. We eventually got back to the shower we were supposed to have and thanked the stars that my hot water tank was big. We washed each other and dried each other off before walking out with a single towel wrapped around both of us. We sat down on a cloth couch and cuddled. "Dad will be home any minute now, maybe we should get dressed. We do wear clothes around guests, like the ones that dad is bringing over." I nuzzled him, even though we smelled clean I could still smell his musk and the smell of cum on us. We got up and walked up the stairs to my room. Thankfully we were the same height and almost the same body type; I gave him some clothes that looked a bit tight for his slightly more toned build. I didn't complain because he looked very sexy with tight clothes on. I put on a colorful Strawberry Crush shirt that I bought a few years ago, wanting to accentuate my newfound sexuality a bit. We hugged and went back downstairs to watch some TV and cuddle on the couch until my dad got back. We passed by Trevor's room and I thought about him, I was still worried about him. I doubt he was going to move out, we took him in when we were both 15 and his parents kicked him out. I never asked why because it seemed to make him very sad. 'I hope his depression isn't coming back' I thought. We got down the stairs and I heard what sounded like someone whispering. I peeked from the top of the stairs. I saw my father, he was talking to someone. I craned my head to try and see who he was talking to, it looked male, I think. He had a very lithe figure and after looking a bit more intently I saw that he was a red fox. I never saw him before. Maybe I could listen in... My dad's voice was clearer since he had a louder speaking voice than the fox, "Look-..... I\_... okay-... gay-........ afraid-... she-... long time-... move-... hiding-...... there-.... son-... deserves-.... know-...." Damn, I could barely hear even him, the fox was totally inaudible the whole time. What WERE they talking about? END! For now =P Thanks for reading this continuation and thanks to all the support from the first one I have decided to make this into a series. Let's see if we can get this all the way to 6th gear! Comments and notes/criticisms are welcomed.
Title: Midnight Seductress by lonewolfsega Tags: Demon, Dragoness, Fellatio, Gender Shifting, German Shepherd, M/F, Mind Control, Oral, Pet, Sex, Slave, Succubus, Transformation, Transgender, mistress Midnight Seductress The demon collapsed , a crossbow bolt pierced through his jugular as blood spewed out from the wound. A brown cloaked ranger lowered his crossbow with a sigh. It had been a long night and the blood on his clothes could attest to that fact. His name is Angus McLeod, A German Sheppard and personal protector of the Queen of Risgrawl. Around him lay the bodies of ten demons all clad in Black coal colored armor which was now covered in gashes and holes from both his sword and crossbow. He had been ambushed on the way home to his Queen on the edge of a large forest. The demon raids were common in these lands, ambushing travelers and merchants as they journeyed through the lands of Kales. These were dangerous times indeed. Angus sighed once more, his fur caked in demon blood that unfortunately for him had a smell that could make your skin crawl and give you chills just from remembering it. He sheathed his sword and began walking down the road once more. His clothes needed a changed or he'd be hounded by feral wolves all day luckily for Angus there was a small village called Ristiga just half a mile down the road and hopefully he could find new clothes and gear in the local inn to help him finish his long overdue return. A long brisk noon walk later and Angus was strolling through the cobbled streets of Ristiga and apart from a few odd looks from villagers, he arrived outside of the little inn called the "Jolly Yiff". The inn was your average meeting place for travelers and merchants who stopped her to have a goods nights sleep, safe from the worry of demonic attacks. It's slightly faded Victorian style colors and friendly staff helped to let people forget about the troubled times that they lived in and just relax. Stepping through the double oaken doors, Angus breathed in the smoky air of the inn, hinted with the rank smell of alcoholic beverages and winced in return, the air stinging his eyes till they were on the verge of tears. The Inn's villagers all stopped what they were doing and turned to look at the the newcomer to their humble abode and were shocked to see the state of his attire, a ranger's brown and green leather armor all stained in the blood and with a rip in the upper right sleeve where his own blood was joining the now deceased demon blood. With a silent curtsy of an inclined head he walked forward to the bar, swiftly taking a seat at the counter and waiting for the curvaceous bar maid to serve him. It didn't take the fair furred feline long to greet him with a seductive smile. "Hai there hun, what can I get you?" She asked sweetly her voluptuous chest swinging forward as she placed her arms on the counter top warmly. "A room for the night if you don't mind ma'am" "That'll be six silver hun" She winked taking his coins from him "That'll be room 7, just walk right in hehe" Angus said his thanks and strolled through one of the side doors of the inn that led to where the rooms were. He stopped outside the door of room 7 and felt a strange sensation run up his back as if someone had dumped a bucket of icy cold water on him. Glancing around quickly Angus made sure he was alone before opening the door to his room. It looked like your average bedroom with a large double bed and a wooden cabinet for your clothing and equipment. A side door led to the tiled bathroom, the idea of a bath was appealing to Angus, his whole body reeked of Demon blood. Deciding to leave that for the morning, Angus shrugged off his armor and weapons leaving them in a heap on the floor. Now bareback naked he slipped under the covers of his warm bed and quickly fell into a deep sleep, his body weary from an arduous day. As all the inhabitants of the inn slept in their beds, a light dark mist rolled through the village, it surrounded the Inn and started seeping in through the gaps under the doors until everything inside was covered in the fog like mist. It quickly spread into the hallway where the inn's rooms were, clinging low to the wooden flooring. Inside room seven, Angus still slept peacefully not noticing the fog seeping in under his door before billowing upwards like a spiral twister of dark smoky fog. It slowly took shape forming a humanoid figure made up of dark swirling fog. Solidifying rapidly the fog turned to flesh and soon enough a dragoness stood in Angus's room. Her scales were a brilliant shining black with her soft underbelly and nether regions coated in a lusty red, her heavily endowed chest bounced up and down delightfully with her every breath she took. She was a succubus in name and body, a demon of lust and desire, designed specifically to drain the sexual energy of her prey but made an effort to make sure they enjoyed every minute of it. The succubus nudged the clothing on the ground with her slender foot. The smell of demonic blood still clung to the air and she reveled in its heavy musky scent. This smell was what had drove her here in the first place, she had gone into heat only a day ago and her body longed for the touch and feel of a male. The male demon's musky scent was all over this room and it drove her insane with need, she spied the tall handsome canine in his bed asleep and smiled mischievously her ruby red eyes filling with lust once again. Angus was having a lovely dream of him and the barmaid from the inn, they hugged intimately just as a dragoness entered his dream and a threesome ensued. His body reacted to the wet dream and soon enough a tent was obvious in the silken covers of his bed sheets. His new room mate smiled at this wandering over to his bed and pulled the bedsheets off his naked furry body slowly so as to not wake him up. She started to purr, the sound rumbling in her chest as she looked over her new prey with pent up lust. He was exactly what the doctor ordered, a male and already erect for her meal. She licked her lips and hopped onto the bed beside him just looking at his fit naked body for a moment, his fur blended from brown to black so wonderfully that it just went together like sugar and spice. His tanned underbelly stretched down to just over his crotch where his veined member stood resolute engorged with blood and seemingly eager for what was coming next. The succubus's lust soon overcame her and she snuggled up to the German Shepperd like a cute little kitten. She lay down on her stomach just inches away from his crotch, her breathing increased dramatically as she started kissing down his chest softly planting those sweet pink lips all the way down his lower body until she got to where his nether fur began. Her little kisses didn't stop however and the tip of his member was being teased by her lips as she placed them just on his tip causing a small spurt of sweet precum to splatter over her lips. Her tongue quickly slurped this up, savoring her very first taste of male and causing her hunger for him to increase tenfold. Angus still smelled of demon and the succubus's body was reacting to this as she starting to release her pheromones that he breathed in deeply with each breath sucking in her seductive magic as he did so. Angus's dream was ebbing away as the succubus's magic started to have an effect on his mind and body. His eyes snapped open as the dragoness's lips wrapped around his veined member, enclosing his member in her soft hot mouth. Before Angus could even shout a protest his shining amber eye's glazed over as his mind shut down from her literally mind numbing pheromones. His motor functions were soon claimed by her pheromones as Angus's strong hands gripped her by the back of her head and pushed her down his shaft with a gruff of authority. Or so his body thought but The succubus was pulling his strings, making him think he was in charge while she was really slipping him mental thoughts and he responded in kind by turning her thoughts into an action of her choosing. This dragoness was an odd succubus, unlike your average Sexual demon she liked to threat her "prey" kindly and let them do what every they wish with her body. In this case force her down on his shaft until she was deep throating him in glee, Her tongue lavished his member with all the skills her mother had thought her even allowing her gag reflex to constrict against his member as it plunged down her throat seeking the pleasure of release. She cupped his balls in her hand as she bobbed her head up and down in time of his thrusts, seeking his salty sperm as if her life depended on it. Angus's breathing increased as he gripped her head and pulled it down on his shaft to the hilt suddenly, her throat was visibly bulging with his meat but that thought was soon flung out of her mind as she felt the explosive stream of cum pumping out of his member and shooting straight down her throat and into her stomach. She giggled at feeling this, her vocal chords adding more pleasure to the act while Angus spilled his baby juice into her mouth with a sigh of content. His member started to shrink back to its previously limp state, his balls now spent from their intense release. The dragoness licked her lips slowly savoring the taste he had left in her mouth but she was distracted when she saw his member hanging limp and covered in her saliva. "We can't have that now, can we?" She giggled once more at these words before crawling up his body until she was at eye level with him and her slender and curvy body was pressed down against his toned and well sculpted body. She kissed him deeply pressing her tongue by his lips where it wrestled with his own in a fight of pure passion, As their lips met the succubus pushed her magic deep into him letting it take root and grow inside his body, his member swelled with blood as the magic filled him completely replenishing his balls with magic. Sending more mental images into his mind she urged him to grab her by the waist and like the faithful puppet he was he did so, cupping her juicy rump in his hands earning a muffled groan of pleasure from her. He pressed his lower waist against her soft scaly thighs seeking her entrance with his once again erect member rand he began thrusting forward with short quick thrusts of his hips. I t took a few tries but after the fourth his tip snagged against her soaking wet folds and he gave a sudden thrust upwards into her, plunging the first few inches of himself inside her slick tunnel. She gasped loudly at the sudden thrust deep inside her, it was her first time with a male and the sudden pleasure that struck her body made her mind go blank as Angus began rutting into her in steadily increasing thrusts, his inner primal instincts took over his foggy mind and he started doing to her what any self respecting animal would do to a female in heat, fuck her hard and fast. He did so claiming her body as his and she had no objections to it as he switched positions with her, his member never leaving her warm folds or slowing down the pace of his thrusts inside of her. The succubus could just pant and moan in pleasure as he ravaged her body with wild abandon. Her soft silken passage was flooded with her sweet nectar and his salty pre aiding in his fast thrusting. Her climax was rapidly approaching as Angus's member filled her again and again, her love canal clenching and spasming around his meaty shaft as he pummeled through her depths at a breakneck speed. Angus's primal mind roared inside as he finally reached his orgasmic peek of pure raw pleasure. His shaft exploded within her tunnel and his seed spewed out in torrents of hot sticky love hitting against her cervix with every spurt. It cooled the fire raging deep within the succubus as she tipped over her own peak and was lost in the pleasure that radiated throughout her body. So intense was her release that her powers surged around her in a small whirlwind of dark seductive magic that surrounded the mated pair and began to surge into Angus's body as he filled her womb with all that he had as a male. It was then that the changes began to take place in Angus. His body started to tingle all over as the succubus's demonic magic washed over him. Angus's rich fur stood on end as the strange power acting as an electric current ran along his skin. With a moan of pleasure his chest fur began to swell rapidly pushing away from his previously flat chest until his new modest breasts bounced enticingly. His hands left the dragoness's hips and groped his own chest, a bestial cry escaping his mouth as his fingertips brushed lightly over his highly sensitive nipples. He centered on this newfound erogenous zone in gleeful fits of giggles in a higher vocal pitch that somewhat resembled a female. The succubus beneath him relaxed enjoying the warm glow of her climax as his member twitched and spurted inside her still. She purred contently as she enjoyed the sight of the changes over coming the German Sheppard. Already his entire upper body had changed into a female form with his bones and muscles slimmed down to the lithe and slender shape of a female. Just then Angus's hips made a loud popping noise and they widened into womanly hips perfectly designed for birthing children. The last change swept over his body as his member began to shrink rapidly inside of the succubus. It popped free with a lewd squelching noise and pulled their sexual juices along with his member before they drooled down onto the bed sheets between her thigh. His sheath and balls retracted inside of his crotch forming a slick tunnel coated in sweet nectar. The testes warped inside of him becoming ovaries that were ripe with eggs ready to be fertilized. His womb followed suit as it widened inside him and giving Angus butterflies in his or rather her new female reproductive organs. The changes complete, Angus sat back on her now juicy rump as a brand new succubus looking down at her new mate with lust filled eyes. The succubus slid out from underneath Angus and cuddled close to her new mate. They shared a tender and loving kiss as their breasts pressed up each other, Angus's fur feeling exquisite to the dragoness and visa versa. They lay down in the bed hugging close to each other as the dragoness let go of control over Angus's mind as there was no need for her mental influence now that Angus's only wish was to follow and please her new mistress and mate. "Lover" She breathed into Angus's ear accessing all Angus's memories of her previous life "Tomorrow we will go and see this queen of yours, after all we need to test out your new demonic powers on someone hehe" "Yes, mistress" Angus whispered, her new mind filled with various carnal thoughts as they both drifted off into lust filled dreams as Angus imagined the lewd things they would soon be doing to his queen.
Jeremy held the sheet over the table, his hand trembling slightly as he looked the man in front of him in the eye and tried not to lose all of his composure. They said not to meet your idols, but he was finding the experience even more exhilarating than expected, quite the feat considering the amount of hype he’d built up for himself over the past several months. And the moment the artist took the piece of paper from his hands and gave it a once-over, nodding curtly and dropping it onto the work pile, Jeremy knew that the plane ride over there hadn’t been for nothing. “It’s going to take a bit, so you should go ahead and enjoy the con while you’re here,” the man told him, smiling a warm smile, “come back in about… I’m gonna say three hours? Three hours should be enough!” Jeremy nodded himself before turning around, having to stifle a very undignified squeal of excitement as the thought of his new reference sheet getting done by someone like ​him​ quickly became too much for him to handle. He could only hope that no one would look at it before it was finished; while he was certain that the instructions he left behind would make it absolutely perfect,​ there were so many ways someone could misrepresent a character called Thotty Buns that it left him on edge just thinking about the possibility of leaks. While a completely new character, the concept behind her was enticing enough to make him think it might just be the absolute best one to date, hence why he was holding that slip of paper the artist gave him to his chest as tightly as he would a precious golden coin. In all honesty, whatever thoughts the name inspired were mostly entirely accurate representations of what the character herself was; though Jeremy insisted otherwise, there was very little depth to what Buns was going to be, beyond maybe a few sassy catchphrases and a penchant for hip-checking people whenever they weren’t looking. Deep down, it was simply another one of his attempts to explore a seldom-seen sexual side that he didn’t get to delve into in his everyday life, precisely because he knew it’d get him weird looks from just about everyone he knew. After all, his friend circles were all into, as they said, “normie” stuff, leaving him as the odd one out whenever he wanted to point out that yes, he ​did​ enjoy the idea of being used as a cheap fucktoy and then discarded just as quickly, using the money from whoring himself out to further modify their body into increasingly deeper pits of depravity. Hell, the one time he ​did​ say that he successfully got several people to leave the chat in disgust, only to be saved at the last second by all the remaining folks in the call thinking it was some kind of weird, long-winded joke; Jeremy saw no reason to tell them otherwise. Three hours, at the very least. Three hours for him to appreciate and indulge in some high-quality furry art, both wholesome and otherwise, while chatting up whoever he recognized from social media, be it via their fursuits, badges, or just by waving at whoever he thought they were and hoping he got the right person. It was an absolute blast, honestly, which is why he didn’t start noticing something was off until it should have, by all means, been noticeable to other people. For some time already his clothes had been feeling a lot looser on his body; judging from the ambient heat and the amount of people packed into the convention center, Jeremy would’ve guessed the exact opposite would be true, and yet every time he went to readjust his shirt or pants he’d find himself grabbing a lot more cloth than normal. While initially he chalked it up to some weird effect from all of the heat scrambling his brain, it got to a point where he couldn’t just ignore it; something terrible was going on with him and he had no idea what, prompting the young man to dive into the nearest bathroom, which, by some divine providence, was devoid of any kind of queue. Inside, he stood in front of a mirror… and saw nothing out of the ordinary. Everything was still in its place, his hair hadn’t magically changed colours and his limbs were still distinctly human. A quick look inside of his pants revealed lil’ Jeremy to still be there, safe and sound, but he still felt like something wasn’t quite right. He paced around the bathroom for a few minutes, running a personal inventory in his head, over and over and over again until finally, it hit him. Nothing had ​changed​ about him, per se, and the reason why he didn’t notice anything was wrong was, very simply, because nothing was technically ​wrong​. He’d just lost a good foot in height instead. The realization hit him like a sack of empty soda cans wrapped up in barbed wire and raked through five pounds of mud, leaving Jeremy staring at himself again, dumbfounded as to how that could’ve happened. Seeking to disprove his initial conclusions, he desperately sought out anything he could compare himself to, eventually needing to settle for the stall doors themselves; though it could very well be his own panicked mind imagining things, he could ​swear​ the door handles were a lot closer to eye level than they used to be, and everything else looked to be taller as well; as soon as someone walked into the lavatories and politely waved at him, Jeremy, recognizing who that particular artist was, nearly screamed in terror. They were usually the butt of playful jokes about how short they were by the part of fellow creators, and the amazing shrinking man remembered seeing him while he was still touring about the convention center. He was ​absolutely​ not the same height as them when the two first met. And yet Jeremy was now perfectly eye-level with them. Ok. It was fine. It was fine. It was fine. ... It was ​not​ fine. Jeremy was half a second away from pulling his own hair out, avoiding it purely out of a primal fear that if he did, fur would come back out. This was the start of every single “transformation gone wrong” story ever and ​why​ did he have to invest in a reference sheet for Thotty Buns​ of all the characters he could pick? Soon enough he was going to be sprouting huge rabbit ears and massive breasts and a colossal ass aWait. There was one question that immediately popped up into his mind, just before it went wild with speculation about what might happen to him. He’d been meeting and speaking with people, in person, for at least an hour and a half, several of them he went back to at least three or four times. And yet, despite the obvious change in both his height and how his clothes looked on him, not a single one had said anything about it. Could it be that he was just hallucinating? Maybe it was all the heat finally baking his brain inside of his thick skull, bringing up the first thing that came to it in its feverish state; obviously, out of everything he could be fantasizing about, it ​had​ to be himself transforming into his original character, because of course it was. Yeah, that had to be it. All of this was just his brain slowly cooking alive and all he needed to do was find some place cool and chill enough for him to have a bit of a sitdown, maybe nap for ten minutes, throw some cold water on himself and then go back to enjoy the rest of the convention. As long as he kept his wits about him, he should be fine; just no sucking off people for free. Wait, what? He didn’t just think that, did he? That… that wasn’t a thought that crossed his mind… was it? Jeremy’s breathing grew laboured, faster and shallower, his body shaking as it tried to understand what its mind was trying to tell it. In a moment of simultaneous inspiration and despair, he convinced himself that it ​had​ to be the heat and bolted out of the bathroom, nearly tripping over his own pants when he failed to realize they had dropped down to the ground. Several con goers stared at him as he ran past them, only worsening Jeremy’s fears that he was transforming into some kind of freak. Rather than seek out the artist doing his reference sheet, however, the shorter man went straight for the nearest snack machine and bought himself three bottles of water, no longer caring for what he did to himself or how he looked to everyone else. All that mattered was getting ​something cold​ on him, because his entire body was on fire and he felt like he was about to faint from it. Uncapping the damned things proved to be a lot harder than it should’ve, what with his hands shaking hard enough to make ​holding​ them a challenge to begin with. Still, the sudden impact of the cool liquid was enough to bring some measure of peace to Jeremy, who for all he knew was literally giving off steam from the sudden thermal shock. Of course, no such thing was happening; everyone around him was just confused why that shortstack had dumped three water bottles onto their exposed cleavage. So delighted was he that he’d solved his problem that Jeremy failed to look down, assuming that all the stares he was getting arose purely from the odd sight of a man pulling the kind of stunt he did. It was only after he felt a lot more ​freedom​ around his legs that he thought to check out what was going on, only to see himself a lot more easily than before. Somehow, somewhen, most of his clothing had vanished. Jeremy expected to see a soaked shirt and a pair of pants with a bunch of water sprinkled onto them, but instead was met with the sight of soft, hairless skin and the absence of any kind of clothes beyond a barely-there string bra and what amounted to a couple of triangles covering his shame between his legs. It was such an unexpected reveal that his brain took a few seconds to process just what exactly it was seeing. However, instead of the expected scream of terror or yelp of fright, what everyone got was a stifled gasp held halfway up his throat, because that wasn’t the only thing he saw! Being so wrapped up in trying to understand where his clothes had vanished to, Jeremy failed to notice what was, perhaps, the most important detail of all: he had breasts. And not even small ones either, that he could pass off as just excess fat from his chronic lack of exercising, no, they were ​voluptuously large​, enough that when he brought his hands to them, they each filled them completely, heavy and soft and begging to be groped by someone who knew what they were doing. Trying to see his feet was an impossibility, and for a moment Jeremy wondered just how he even saw his legs at all, much less be able to ascertain his pants were gone; he certainly couldn’t see his panties by just looking down, leaving him incredibly confused as to just when he developed those huge tits of his. Did they literally just sprout on him when he blinked? The rest of his body wasn’t far behind in terms of changes either; when he went to scratch his back, finding it itched something fierce with the lack of his usual hairy carpet (oddly enough), his hand drifted just low enough that he felt it: the curve. Tracing his own contours, Jeremy ended up discovering that his ass had ballooned outwards as well, leaving him with such a colossal rear that he could practically sink a whole hand into a single cheek; and indeed, trying to walk let him hear those weighty things clapping loudly against one another, embarrassing him further. But what really confused him was how nobody around him was reacting. He ​knew​ he left the bathroom as a male, albeit a very short one, but now not only did he flip biological sex, he was just barely covered up enough not to be considered naked. Jeremy expected everyone around him to respond accordingly, either by demanding he put something on to make himself decent or, in the best cWorst. Worst case scenario, drawing their phones to take pictures of a legitimate TF taking place in front of them. Instead, they all looked at him like he was the most normal thing in the world, with a few people even reacting poorly to his staring and telling him to do a whole bunch of things he found oddly arousing. This couldn’t be happening. It ​had​ to be a dream. How, he didn’t know, considering he hadn’t set foot in his hotel room yet, but it ​couldn’t b​ e real, could it? Jeremy resolved to keep walking around the convention center, hoping to find someone who could break him out of his spell or, barring that, at least recognize what was going on. He needed a partner in his insanity, someone to prove to him that he wasn’t going completely crazy… but he wouldn’t need that for long. Much as the folks back at the snack machine didn’t do much to help convince him he wasn’t nuts, the ones he ran into when aimlessly wandering around the scalding-hot convention center gave him a certain measure of peace of mind... just not in the best of ways. They’d approach him, unceremoniously and shamelessly slapping one of his asscheeks or grabbing one of his tits, catcalling and whooping, shouting obscenities and hidden desires and all sorts of horribly lewd things that made him want to hide and not think about them. A few even tried to tug on the fragile strings holding his outfit together, and it was nothing short of a miracle that none succeeded in removing what little remained between himself and complete nudity. It wouldn’t change much, all things considered, but it was ​something​. And ​something​ was better than nothing.​ Jeremy didn’t know what to do. Should he go back to the table and try to get the artist to stop working on Thotty’s reference sheet? Maybe if he put a stop to it, it’d all just go away, break whatever enchantment was forcing him to turn into his character and return him to his human form. It was certainly worth a shot, even if he had to cross through most of the convention center to try it out; somehow, his meandering had placed him squarely on the other side of the building from where the artist was, giving him one hell of a gauntlet to go through if he ever hoped to put an end to his transformation. The soon-to-be-bun was even reticent to think about the fact they weren’t even furry yet, fearing that the moment the thought popped into their head, they would lose their humanity just as quickly as they’d lost everything else… and sure enough, there it was! Just a single slip of the mind and his hands were touching a fluffy bun tail protruding from the top of his rotund asscheeks, wiggling about without any sort of input from him, inviting anyone that watched to come have their fun with the transforming whore that was Thotty. Jeremy had to fight back a lot of unwelcome thoughts as soon as he realized that he was cursed to turn into Buns. At least he could still do that, he mused to himself, rather than being entirely subsumed by the personality he gave her; the last thing he wanted was to turn into a crazed sex addict that couldn’t even begin to think about restraining herself, not somewhere full of people that would gladly take advantage of that the second they had that chance. They were already getting hit on by just about anyone that bothered to look their way, and even a few that didn’t; whatever it was that attracted everyone also ensured that a significant chunk of the con goers developed some kind of sixth sense as to where she was, because they didn’t even bother to gawk at her curves before slapping some of them. Within minutes, most of Jeremy’s newly-furred body was covered in hand marks, either from heavy groping or the far-too-frequent spanking she was now a target of. The worst part about it was that it was starting to feel ​good​; much as they wanted to hate it, be turned off by such blatant abuse of their body, some part of Thotty’s personality had begun to seep into their head, drawing out urges and wants that Jeremy had spent his entire life trying exceedingly hard to keep under wraps. At times, he wondered what it would be like to just cut loose and appreciate things for what they were, allowing whoever wanted to run wild with her body to… do that. It was a welcoming thought, and one that made her tremble with excitement at the mere prospect, but the “sane” part of himself won out in the end, keeping them on the straight and narrow, their face pointed at… … wait, where ​was​ he? Jeremy was sure he’d been walking towards the artist’s table, and yet after snapping back to reality from a fugue state he wasn’t even aware he’d been in, their surroundings were nothing like what he remembered. The door was still where it was meant to be, but the table disposition was all different, as were the people sitting behind them. Could it be that he somehow turned around ​again​ and ended up on the other end of the center, performing a full lap and, by some odd miracle, arriving from the other side of the door? That ​had​ to be it, surely. There was no way his transformation was affecting space and time around him. … surely. The same couldn’t be said for his body. Though it approached the ideal image Jeremy had for Thotty Buns, there was still some work left, and in the time it took for him to make what he hoped was a lap, whatever forces had been busy transforming him into a pint-sized shortstack had made sure his new form matched Thotty’s perfectly. Perhaps a bit ​too​ perfectly, because now Jeremy could see that his creation would have a hell of a hard time walking around; with an ass so wide he could barely fit through any of the center’s entrances anymore, every step turned into a chore… and not just because of the motion itself. It ​would​ be difficult enough if it was just that, what with needing to lift and move about what amounted to several hundred pounds of fat all focused into one half of his body, but no, Thotty’s design had far deeper implications than those. Somewhere between his head-smothering thighs, both of which had thickened enough that they could easily give a tree trunk a run for its money despite Jeremy’s short stature, his lower lips had been on the receiving end of a near-constant, torturous sequence of rubdowns, courtesy of the very same legs that kept them hidden from the outside world. Whenever Jeremy took a step, not only would both thighs squish against one another, but they’d also put so much pressure on their lower mound that it made them want to scream for someone to fill it. Not just moan, not just run their throat ragged, but ​specifically demand that the nearest cock-bearer show up and hilt themselves inside of her. It was an urge he couldn’t deny, not now that he was so far into the transformation, leaving him with very little choice but to… hold still. There, in the middle of the convention center. It was either that or completely lose their mind, probably followed by dropping to their knees, ripping what amounted to a slightly larger-than-usual string off himself and begging for a couple of nice, thick cocks to be shoved into her holes. Maybe three, they ​did​ have a mouth. Of course, such a shift in attitude was visible to everyone, though as usual, the con goers saw it less as an obscene display of whorish, slutty self-indulgence and more like business as usual; ask anyone who was in there and they’d tell you that ​of course​ Thotty was always a bun, always had an ass that wide and tits that big. She’d been heading around conventions for years at that point, constantly making a scene out of herself thanks to her ever-growing sizelust and demands for more; a few might even recall a distant day, a decade or more ago, when Buns was just a regular bunny girl with nothing special about her, ​before​ the life of easy money and easier pleasure took her over and transformed her into the hyper-proportioned creature everyone knew and loved. For Jeremy, though, none of that would ever make sense. His life was no longer his own in the present, but he still held his past, along with a faint hope that if he just tried hard enough he could get it back and forget this whole dreadful business ever came to pass. There was nonetheless an increasingly larger part of him that wondered what it would be like if it didn’t; even ​that​ Jeremy wasn’t outright wishing for it to be permanent, but it was hard to deny that the sudden stares were doing wonders for his self-esteem, assuming it wasn’t Thotty attempting to impose herself onto his psyche again. So accustomed to being another faceless face in a crowd, Jeremy ​had​ to relish the sudden attention he was receiving, even if it was entirely based on how much of a hyper-porn star he looked like. No sooner had the thought washed over him than something else did; much as every other transformation caught him by surprise, the latest thing to be added to their body appeared out of absolutely nowhere and left Jeremy wondering just why exactly he felt like he’d been dipped into a pool of water. It wouldn’t be until he looked down that he saw them: the ​stains.​ They didn’t want to believe it at first; maybe they’d just bumped into something and didn’t notice, courtesy of their ass being as big as it was. Perhaps it was just all the groping; the people around him were occasionally carrying food or treats, so that could explain the sudden appearance of those splotches. Obviously, though, the only way to know for certain was to taste them, something that Jeremy was very confused as to why exactly they thought would ever work; nonetheless, their hands were acting of their own accord, and their first instinct took over. With a single motion, they drew a finger across their fur and brought a glob of that mystery fluid to their tongue, which positively identified it as exactly what he feared it was. Now, the main question was: where exactly did he get cumstains all over himself? He didn’t remember fucking anyone, nor ​getting​ fucked. Sudden bodily changes he could understand, but where exactly did those phantom forces get all their supply of seed from? It was all over her fur as well, staining it in large, irregular patches that oozed and gunked their way downward, pooling particularly badly on her cleavage and the top of their ass. Even worse, as soon as the bun thought it was over, the splotches were there ​again,​ while the accumulated fluids vanished to goodness knows where; their whole body had turned into an endless wellspring of fresh, musky, strong-smelling cum, producing it from nothing before it evaporated into the aether. And, of course, ​that still wasn’t all.​ The inside of his legs felt much the same as the rest of him did, but judging from what the rest of his journey had been like, Jeremy could only guess that it wasn’t anyone else’s fluids staining him ​there​ of all places. Sure enough, even though he nearly tripped doing so, a quick look down revealed that the darker patches of matted fur were that way thanks to their own, dried-up femcum, possibly left behind thanks to all the rubbing his lower lips were getting. Or not, really; anything seemed to go when it came to turning her into Thotty, so for all he knew that could very well just be phantom femcum that showed up because that’s exactly what he remembered he left in that ​goddamn reference sheet​. They needed to find that artist. Moving from place to place became harder as the seconds ticked by, his brain no longer bothering with minutes as it succumbed to the very energies Jeremy had spent so long trying to hold down. The barrage of sensations was overwhelming to the point where they had no idea how to deal with them; if the constant pressure from the inside to buckle underneath the weight of their desires wasn’t enough, they had to contend with the endless flow of idiots and opportunists who saw her pass by and decided she’d earned a good smack. At some point, Jeremy expected someone to step in and stop people once they started getting genuinely frisky; the convention had security personnel who were meant to stop stuff like that, so why they weren’t doing anything when she was thrown onto her back and had her legs spread aside, they had no idea. At the very least, being on the receiving end of a good lay put all her problems away, if only for a few brief minutes. It was in and out, just like Thotty was supposed to be, and her refractory period and stamina seemed to be the only parts that had been changed for the better; everyone that tried to ride her either gave in a few seconds after starting or lasted barely over a minute, ending up as panting messes on the floor while adding to the confusing mosaic of cum stains already turning her fur into a work of art. Yet throughout it all, Thotty herself never quite seemed to reach her limit; her climaxes came and went far more easily than anyone else’s of course, as was befitting a breeder bun such as herself, but no matter how many times she was driven over the edge, the rabbit was ready for more. This was more than a necessity in her profession: it was a ​requirement.​ And Thotty, being the best in the business, obviously had the chops to back it up; it was only right. Somewhere in that whole mess, Jeremy’s mind struggled to keep up, being left further and further behind as his very self escaped from his grasp. Just minutes before he had been in control, the main force guiding that bun body of his; there were other competitors, obviously, but he had kept them in check. All it took was a moment of distraction, however, and everything came crashing down, leaving him, the sole remaining voice of reason, as the minority shareholder in what was now an establishment permanently open for business. All he could do was shout at the top of his voice and hope his body listened… which eventually, much to his surprise, it did. No longer at the helm, all Jeremy could do was watch as his Thotty-self moved aimlessly through the crowd, occasionally stopping to entice the nearest hung fellow to come take a ride on her, only to look as dissatisfied as ever when they failed to live up to expectations before moving on to the next male over. Hours passed with this pattern repeating itself, leaving Jeremy increasingly frustrated and flustered at his inability to do much of anything at all. At least they were getting closer to where the artist was, or so he believed; on arriving at what he ​knew​ had to be the right place, he was dumbfounded to see that not only was he not there, neither was anyone else. What had once been a corridor filled with tables and packed with eager customers wanting to get some stuff from their favourite artists was now a mostly-empty access path, cordoned off by metal bars and blocked by a single table manned by a security guard. Jeremy, safely stashed away inside of his own head, was left speechless at the sudden change, with no way of even beginning to understand, while Thotty, ever the resourceful whore she was, just kept walking until she could plop her fat tits in front of the poor man who just wanted to fill out some paperwork. “Oh, Miss Buns, there you are,” he spoke up, addressing the bun with a far more jovial tone than her ‘owner’ expected, “we’ve been looking for you for hours, where’ve you been?” “Oh, yaknow, here, there, having fuuuuuuun” - much as it pained him to admit it, Thotty’s voice was ​exactly​ how Jeremy wanted it to be. Whether that was a good thing or a bad thing was still up in the air - “so, got the thing?” “Yup, here you go ma’am. Stay safe!” The security guard handed them an ID card, freshly printed and bearing absolutely none of Jeremy’s original information; in fact, the one he held beforehand had mysteriously vanished, leaving Thotty to take a good look at the new one before hanging it around her neck: a beautifully-lit picture capped a short series of identifying features, such as her name, age and, oddly enough, measurements. In that moment, Jeremy knew that he’d never be receiving his reference sheet, because there was no need for it. The transformation was complete and Jeremy had disappeared; wouldn’t be surprising for him if it turned out all of his lifetime information had been altered to match the new universal narrative. At least he got his money’s worth, in the end. This​ was his reference sheet.
Title: A New Phase - Chapter 5 by KitFox Tags: Action, Drama, Fox, Human, M/F, Shower, Vixen A New Phase Chapter 5 *"I don't like having to release that spell. He can't be comfortable." Sounded like Master Takaran.* *"You've already endangered yourself enough with the unassisted freeze..." the voice faded out... Many things were fading in and out... the sensation of a touch on his forehead briefly... maybe?... hard to say...* *A rush of sound returning and a jumble of confusion. Words scrambled and jumbled.* *"Takaran!" Didn't recognize that voice.* *"Somebody catch him!" Or that one.* *"Jack!! Jack, what's..." Ah... His supervisor.* *"Masters! What's happening?" Farren?* *"Don't touch... ... electrocuted..." One of his coworkers... maybe?* *"That'll work. Get on it!" Same voice he didn't recognize.* *He heard chanting again, a variety of voices joining into it, then a shock of pain up his arm from the mouse he was clenching. He let out a strangled gurgle. This was worse than before. Then the mouse was suddenly yanked from his grip, bringing at least some relief. A warm touch against his forehead and a voice near him, "Get things ready, we have a lot of..." And with that, he faded out again.* \* \* \* Jack woke in the hospital for the second time this week. He was aware of a hand leaving his forehead and opened his eyes to look. He blinked as he saw a squirrel standing there. He squinted his eyes in thought and was about to ask a question when the squirrel put a finger against its lips and a human nurse walked through the fluff-tailed creature to look at instruments. "Ah, you're awake," the nurse said, not too loudly. "A doctor will be in shortly." The human nurse left, and the squirrel nodded to Jack. "I'm Master Chinto," the squirrel said in a voice that left Jack still not knowing if it was male or female. "We'll talk more in a moment." "About time you woke him up," said a grumpy voice from his other side. Jack looked over and was surprised to see Master Takaran lying in a hospital bed also, hooked up to machinery and his arm in a sling. The wolf noted Jack's questioning gaze and smiled wryly. "I used a spell that is normally too powerful to be cast by only one person. I'm paying for it now. But I'll be all right. Bit of a power burn and a sprained arm from falling." "Jack Starson?" a human doctor entering the room caught his attention. Jack nodded, blinking as he recognized the doctor. "I'm..." Jack interrupted him, "Doctor Crissen. I remember you from Sunday." The doctor let half a smile creep to his face. "You're alert, too. That is a good sign. Bad weekend, and now a bad workday I hear. You were brought in suffering from the effects of electrocution. From what I understand, one of your coworkers apparently thought that making a small modification to your computer mouse was a bright trick to play on you. Unfortunately, wall current is not a small trick, or smart." Jack frowned at this news. Electrocuted? The doctor continued, "We have a few more tests now that you are awake." Then he promptly went about with various poking, prodding, questions, and other such things until Jack was thoroughly tired of it. A folder full of test results arrived while this process was going on, and the doctor finally began to leaf through the test results, looking puzzled. "Huh... Well, Jack, I have news for you now, and some of it bad. It seems that..." Doctor Crissen began, but was interrupted by a very official-looking man in a suit. "Excuse me, sorry to interrupt, Doctor, but I need to have a word with Mr. Starson immediately." The man barged in, and Jack noted that it was odd that the man was followed closely by an otter and what looked like a ferret. Why would midphasers be interested in this human? The ferret nodded to Takaran, who smiled and nodded back. The relatively rude man set a briefcase on the foot of the bed and opened it, extracting a clipboard with a number of papers on it, and a very expensive-looking pen. "I'm Timothy Jules, attorney for Telvidia. After a thorough review of the case, the legal department recommendation was forwarded to the C.O.O. and was approved. I am here to offer you an immediate out of court settlement." Timothy pushed the clipboard into Jack's stunned hands, and continued. "Telvidia is offering the following: In exchange for your agreement to not prosecute the company or seek any further damages or investigation into this issue, you will receive a fully pensioned retirement, effective immediately. The pension will be at a rate of $144,000 per year, paid monthly, plus accrued interest, with the pension funds for 60 years' value held in escrow against potential future changes in the company. In the event of your death, the escrow will be released to your beneficiaries. In ten years, if the company still exists, an additional $1,440,000 will be added to the escrow fund, extending it by ten years. "In addition," Timothy continued, "The company will pay an immediate lump sum of twenty-five million, plus all immediate medical bills and future and consecutive ongoing medical expenses related to this incident, excepting in the circumstance that ongoing expenses cease for a period of five years, in which case future expenses related to this incident are forfeit. A secondary escrow of ten million has been created for this purpose, and in the event of the aforementioned lull in ongoing medical expenses, the remainder of this escrow will be released back to the company or its successors in holding." Jack began to wonder if this man ever had to take a breath, his head beginning to spin from all of the information being pushed at him. And Timothy was still not finished. "Your responsibility in this agreement is to release all extended liability claims, as well as agreeing to relinquish all future claims regarding this incident against the company, its executives, employees, and/or shareholders. You will also be put under a confidentiality agreement to not speak or otherwise communicate about this incident with anybody at any time for any reason whatsoever." The attorney shot a glance at the doctor, "And of course you are covered by medical privacy laws, so I'm not concerned about you. "And finally, with the agreement and cooperation of the Internal Revenue Service, the entirety of these payouts has been granted a tax-free status, excepting any interest earned by any future investments made with the funds by you. Simply sign all seven copies of the contract, and date." Timothy flipped a single page and pointed to the bottom, which was already signed by more important people from the company than Jack wanted to think about. The man looked very nervous. Jack blinked. He had been skimming the contract while the man had been talking non-stop, and it all worked out. No hidden items, no loopholes, and no odd clauses. This was... overwhelming to say the least! "You'd better damn well sign that, Jack Starson," came Takaran's threat from the next bed over. "It took a good dozen Spell Masters and tens of assistants to garner enough power and control to get this deal for you. We'll all be QUITE annoyed if you blow it." Jack's eyes widened, but he refrained from looking over at the wolf in the other bed. Coming to the decision that the midphasers had never shown him intent of harm, and seeing no damages in this, he took the pen to the paper and began to sign and date. As the last of the seven copies were signed, the attorney relaxed substantially. He retrieved the clipboard and handed it to the doctor, "If you would kindly add your signature to each copy as witness?" Doctor Crissen looked over the paperwork briefly, and after a moment signed all seven copies on the witness lines. Then Timothy retrieved the paperwork, looked it over, and handed Jack and the doctor both a copy. He countersigned a check with more digits than belonged on such a thing and handed it to Jack with a flourish. "Thank you very much, Mr. Starson. Here is the lump settlement and first pension payment. We will contact you within the week to set up the future pension payments." The attorney grinned and looked decidedly pleased now, even almost sneering. "Your settlement has saved the company a lot of money. Our investigations and review of similar cases nationwide in the past indicated that you could have likely gotten several hundred million in damages or more. Enjoy your pittance." With a shit-eating grin on his face, the attorney mock-bowed to Jack, then collected his briefcase and left the room. Jack blinked. Several hundred million? Then Jack noticed the doctor shaking with mirth. He shot a look at that man and opened his mouth to ask, but Doctor Crissen was ahead of him. "What I was ABOUT to tell you, Mr. Starson, is that you are perfectly healthy. Almost unimaginably so. You have absolutely nothing wrong with you according to all our tests, no damage to anything apparent at all. Even the tiny puncture wound on your thumb from the electrified pin inserted into your mouse appears to be completely healed," the doctor explained, grinning. "Wait," Jack muttered, confused now. "You said you had bad news though." Doctor Crissen nodded. "The bad news that I was going to give you was that with such great health, there would be no recourse against the company for anything at all. You would even have trouble collecting workman's comp for the three days of work that you missed, and would likely have had to foot the medical bills here on your own." As Jack digested this information for a short while he couldn't help but chuckle as well. "Sounds like that jackass attorney who thought he screwed me over managed to screw himself over instead. And from the contract, I don't see any way they can wiggle out of it." The doctor nodded and slapped him lightly on the back. "Congratulations, Mr. Starson. You are undoubtedly the luckiest man I have ever had the privilege of treating. Fully retired and a millionaire already. I'll have a nurse in to get you unhooked from the equipment and checked out shortly. Please don't hesitate to come back if you have any problems at all, but from all the results, I seriously doubt you will." The doctor collected his own records and departed the room whistling a short merry tune. Jack looked over at Takaran, and then at the squirrel, both of whom were grinning widely. He noticed that the otter and the ferret outside the room and hugging each other in celebration before they entered. "Mission accomplished on our end, sir!" the otter told Takaran before she threw a pleased look at Jack. Master Takaran nodded "Excellent. And everything is good in here. I should be good to be released today also. So, you're set, Jack." He looked at the squirrel, "Send somebody to notify Jack's housemates that he will be released soon. They will need to walk him home, because I am not going to interrupt midphase traffic a second time in under a week for him right now. Too hard to explain, and we already have rumors flying. I want an invisibility spell ready for him also." The squirrel nodded and scampered out on all fours. Male, Jack noted bemusedly as he tried to gather his thoughts again. Four times his old salary, tax free, for 70 years, without doing a lick of work, plus a huge tax-free check in his hands right now. What a day. \* \* \* Selkine, Farren, and Sess'tha arrived within a half hour as Jack was being de-wired and prepared for discharge from the hospital. The company had even been completely on the ball; the hospital's financial department informed him they were already given a contact to bill. It was Wednesday afternoon, and he was issued a stock "No work for a week" note. How ironic. Several midphase medical folks attended to Takaran, then a group of what were apparently also Spell Masters evaluated him and decreed him to be fit to go. The wolf was set up with orders to keep his arm in the sling for a week. Finally some runners arrived with extra equipment, including an invisibility medallion for Jack. Takaran examined the small hanging coin, then nodded and handed it to Jack when the outphase folks were allowing him to change into his own clothing. Jack palmed it, hanging it around his wrist for the time being, and wriggled his fingers. "Makes my fingertips tingle, but I can live with that," he mentioned. Master Takaran shot a look at him as he made the statement, but quickly went back to his own matters. He tried a bit too hard to not have the glance be noticed, but Jack caught it anyway. The human decided it was best not to ask right now. The walk home was thankfully uneventful, with Jack in the middle of the three girls who were doing their best to look like they were just chatting amicably, not protecting an invisible human from discovery. They even made a stop at the bank, where the cashier went wide-eyed at the check. The branch manager was called out, phone calls were made to verify the check was real, and Jack was advised that there would be a 21-day hold placed on the check and several government agencies would have to be informed about it, due to the size of the deposit. That was about the most exciting part of the trip though. Upon reaching the apartment, things got a bit more interesting for a short while. A crowd of midphasers was gathered outside one of the other buildings, milling about and looking worried. Sess'tha and Farren looked over at the crowd, noting several folks taking control and keeping people back. "Ssshadow!" Sess'tha hissed, startling Jack with her voracity as her tail floofed up to three times its normal width. "We have to take care of Jack," Farren reminded her quietly, putting a hand on the feline's shoulder to calm her down. "It looks like it's under control." Jack actually was curious about these shadow things, and considered heading over there anyway. There was an odd burst of black smoke from the building, straight through the wall, and it faded away quickly. "See?" Farren murmured, "They took care of it, no problem." A shout came from the building, indicating things were clear, and the crowd dispersed, some returning to apartments, others heading off. Jack realized he was lagging when Selkine bumped into him from behind and apologized under her breath to him, so he continued on to the apartment. Once safely inside, he gladly took the medallion off his neck, setting it on the kitchen counter and rubbing at his hands. "That was annoying, my hands and feet are all tingly," he complained. "Must be an interaction because you are really an outphaser," Farren decided, but Selkine was quick to jump on the problem. "Tingly??" the vixen demanded. "That might not be good. We'll tell Master Takaran about it soon, but we've got to take care of the tingling right now!" Jack was bustled to the bedroom and removed his shoes under the demand of the vixen, with Farren and Sess'tha watching amusedly from the doorway. He was quickly pushed back onto the bed, and Selkine straddled his belly, taking his hands and rubbing them in hers to de-tingle them. Selkine glanced over her shoulder at the watching grey vixen and cat, "You guys rub his feet too!" Sess'tha and Farren exchanged a glance. No good reason not to, especially since it meant touching Jack. And so the poor tingly human was treated to not only extremely good foot rubs, but also to a vixen atop him attending to his hands. Maybe tingly could be a good thing. "You girls just can't keep your paws off him, can you?" drawled Jeran from the doorway. "Let me guess... tingling extremities?" Farren spun on him in a heartbeat, ears laid back, "I TOLD YOU TO -KNOCK- BEFORE..." Then she stopped, blinking, and her ears flicked to the sides in confusion. "Wait... Yeah, tingly. How did you know?" The black cat nodded, "Master Takaran overheard him mention his fingertips tingling at the hospital. He wants to talk to two of the three of you right now. Just two, so Jack still has company. Who wants to come?" "You two can go," murmured Selkine. "I'll keep him company. You guys are better at understanding what the Masters say anyway." Jack felt Sess'tha's hands leave his other foot, and a strange silence suddenly came over the room. It took him a moment to realize that there was a sudden lack of the little ocelot's very big purr, and he lifted his head to see everybody looking at the cat. Sess'tha wrung her hands a bit, and looked around self-consciously. "What?" she demanded when the silence grew a bit too long.. Farren frowned, sniffing at the air, and glanced at Jeran. "You can wait for us in the living room. We'll be out in a moment." Jeran nodded and chuckled quietly, walking out as Jack wondered what was going on. Farren walked over to Sess'tha and whispered something in her ear. The feline startled and laid her ears back in embarrassment. "Oh, shoot, that bad?" Sess'tha exclaimed, jumping onto the bed. Jack went bug-eyed as the cat spread her legs and began to lick her extremely wet crotch fur clean. Now that was a show that you didn't see every day. And it wasn't too bad a view either. Selkine, who had been paying close attention to Jack's hand, suddenly paused and looked at him as her tail swept past HIS crotch and discovered his reaction to Sess'tha's show. "Hey, why are you...?" Then she glanced over and noticed Sess'tha just finishing up with the quick cleanup. "HEY! Do that somewhere else! You're making him all horny now!" Sess'tha jumped and blinked, her ears going back in shock, "Oh, right, he can see us! I'm so used to... Aw shit, good enough!" She squirmed and closed her legs, backing slowly off the bed under Selkine's accusing gaze, then turning tail and running out of the room on all four paws, tail between her legs. Selkine pouted as Farren tried to hold in her mirth. "I think she did that on purpose," Selkine muttered, taking in Jack's still-glazed look. "She probably did," Farren agreed quietly with a wink. "Can you really blame her?" "Well, no, not really," Selkine admitted. "Don't worry, things'll be fine," Farren leaned over the bed and hugged the red vixen. "We'll be back in a little while, okay?" She walked out on two legs to avoid stunning Jack worse. Selkine peered at the discombobulated human for a moment. She leaned down and licked his nose, promptly getting his attention. "You okay, Jack?" she asked, tapping at his hand. "What? Oh, yeah, the tingling is gone." "Oh good!" She got off him, obviously with some reluctance, and frowned slightly. "Um... Sorry about the mess on your tummy." Jack blinked and realized that his belly was decidedly wet where the vixen had been straddling him. His face reddened a little, and he smiles shyly. "No problem, I need to take a shower anyway after the hospital visit." "Oh, you can use the spell if you want to!" "NO!!" Jack shook his head, but realized he had reacted rather strongly... "No, thank you... that was a bit much for me right now. I'll just use the shower, okay?" Jack got up and blinked as he finally noticed his dresser. There was a small device at one side of it, and a freestanding screen between it and the wall. A pale blue glow was emanating from the device, like fog, and blowing through the dresser, vanishing at the screen. "Um... What is that?" "What, that?" Selkine looked. "Oh, that's a mistfan. It keeps anything from baking from your phase into ours, so none of your clothing will copy itself." "Oh..." Jack said, and decided to ignore it. If it helped him not go out naked to the humans, that was fine. He headed to the bathroom, aware that Selkine was tagging along and watching him. He realized that her attentiveness was a combination of desire bordering on lust, as well as care and concern for his well-being. Well, he guessed he could deal with being watched and admired. It had been a while since he had entertained any thought of female company. As he was taking off his shirt, something occurred to him. "Selkine?" She perked up immediately and stepped over to him. "I still didn't get a chance to ask... How do you do that running on all fours thing?" She giggled and grinned at him. "Well, our legs aren't shaped the same as yours." She lifted a leg, displaying it. He had noted that it was animal-shaped before, but the differences were interesting when he looked at it and paid more attention. He reached down and felt along her leg curiously from the foot-paw upward, finally dropping his shirt and using two hands to explore. It was somewhat of a more muscular version of what he'd expect to find on the back end of any animal. Digitigrade, that was it. He could feel the strength in the muscles, and realized that he had indeed seen a few indications that the midphasers were substantially stronger than humans. He blinked as he realized that his touch was approaching the top of her leg and more sensitive territory, and glanced at her face, seeing that her eyes were half-closed in pleasure. "Oh, sorry..." he drew his hands back, fearful that he had offended her by feeling her up. She smiled and blinked a few times, looking at him curiously. "Sorry? For what?" "For... um... your leg... my hands... where I was touching..." He stuttered and gave up, looking flustered. She slipped her arms around him as she dropped her leg back to the ground, and suddenly made him VERY aware that she was all soft and warm and loving as she embraced him for a moment. Her tongue drew up the side of his jaw, ending with a soft nip to his earlobe. "Jack, when you are ready, I hope you will touch me much more..." she murmured, then tore herself away with obvious difficulty. She was keeping her promise to be good even as his pants became decidedly too tight for comfort. He swallowed and blinked, then asked, "What about your hands and arms?" He was taking a better look at her now, trying to distract himself from the growing tension in his shorts. He realized that her body proportions were slightly different from a human's. Her torso and body were longer, her legs just a bit shorter. She also seemed to have differences along her collar and shoulders. She smiled and rolled her arms about in a way that humans probably couldn't. The way her joints worked seemed to be more limber. "Well, we can either do this with our fingers..." She held up her hand and bent her fingers fully back at the first knuckles where they joined the palm, curling them so the end of her palm and tips of her fingers were flat beside each other. This made her hands look decidedly more paw-like. He blinked... Yeah, humans DEFINITELY couldn't do that. Nor did they have prominent claws on the tips of the fingers. "Or, if we want to spend the energy, anybody but the blanks can do this," she continued. He blinked and took a step back as her whole arm changed subtly. The most obvious change happened from her wrist to her fingertips as her hands became actual large fox paws like he would see on a normal animal. "If it's just a short scamper, it's easier to just bend your fingers back than use the magical energy." He gawked as the paw melted back into a human-like hand. The process was too fast to see clearly, but obviously effective. He took her hand and examined it, distractedly asking, "Blanks?" "Anybody in the midphase who is magically blank. They can't use magic themselves, but they can use packaged spells and have magic work on them. It's not a bad name, by the way. Heck, you're an outphaser, so you're a blank too." Selkine smiled at his examination of her hand, holding it for him to move easily. Jack blinked as he noted that the whole palm surface of her hand was covered in soft, velvety fur, rather than the bare skin he expected. "Huh... Short, soft fur... doesn't that make it harder to hold things? Like they slip or something? And doesn't it wear down?" Selkine grinned now. "I never thought about that way of seeing it. Well, yeah, it wears down, but we shed it constantly and regrow it just as fast because it's so short. And gripping's not a problem. The fur... Um... we just... Oh, here..." She clenched her hand slightly, and the appearance of the fur changed in an instant, going from a soft velvety look to more resemble thick stubble on her palm. He blinked and poked a finger at it curiously, discovering that it was indeed thick stubble, and very sandpapery like an unshaved beard. "How...?" he asked in surprise as the texture changed back to soft velvet even as he was touching it. "Well, they teach us when we are young that it's basically muscles at the root of the furs pulling them down into the skin enough to leave that out. We've got to learn to control it properly when we are younger, but it quickly becomes second nature." She smiled and set her hand on his arm, rubbing it lightly with the smooth palm. "After all, it wouldn't do to try to grip something sensitive." One light rub with the stubble and a flick of her tailtip at his groin, and he got the hint, wincing at the thought of that roughness being applied to sensitive skin. "Wow. You guys really are pretty complicated. Somewhat like our animals, but really not." Jack murmured, putting his hand on the back of hers, feeling the soft fur on the back of her fingers. She nodded, gazing into his eyes and obviously enjoying the contact. "And we are smarter," she noted, then smiled slightly, "And we have feelings, and desires based around them." He nodded with a smile, catching the hinting. Gazing at her, he decided that he could definitely enjoy a romp with her. She had shown care, smarts, and was definitely beautiful and wonderful to be near. But he had to take a shower. Yeah, that was it... Not quite yet... Shower first. After all, the other two girls would be back anytime. "I... um... do have to take a shower, Selkine," he murmured. He saw her look of disappointment, but she brightened and smiled. "No problem. I'll still wait for you and be good." With that, she walked to the corner of the bathroom and dropped onto her haunches, similar to an animal just sitting down. Another thing that human legs definitely could not do, he noted. He stripped out of his pants and underwear. He was distracted enough by the discoveries and information that he was no longer sporting a huge boner, but he had to keep his thoughts off the vixen who was watching him admiringly if he was going to keep it that way. He retreated into the tub, pulling the shower curtain closed as a way to escape view at least. Turning his attention to the water faucets, he blinked at the fact that the midphase handles had been modified, turned 90 degrees from the outphase handles, and both sets were now both clearly labeled with little plastic stickers, obviously for his benefit. He chuckled softly. "Thank you..." he murmured, mostly to himself, and was surprised when Selkine answered. "You're welcome!" she said brightly. "We thought it would help." He blinked. He had said it very quietly. Obviously they also had really good hearing. He turned on the water, got it to a temperature he was happy with, and soon was enjoying a good shower after three days in the hospital without one. But something was nagging at him. He scrubbed and he scrubbed, rinsed repeatedly, but the slippery spot on his belly from Selkine's prior attentions seemed adamant about staying. It seemed to almost be spreading as he rubbed at it with a finger. Strange. As if the water and soap weren't doing any... wait... He groaned as he realized that the soap and water from the outphase wouldn't touch it at all. So he had been cleaning off all the outphase dirt, but Selkine's gift was untouched and now well spread over him. "Something wrong?" came Selkine's concerned voice in response to his groan. He chuckled softly, "No, sorry. I just realized that all this showering cleans off the human world dirt just fine, but it doesn't touch your juices. I guess I'm going to have to shower in the midphase shower water as well." He began to reach for the midphase handles. "Ummm... Won't work," came Selkine's voice sheepishly, causing him to pause. "Why not?" he asked guardedly. "The midphase pipes in the bathroom were burst before we came here. Nobody lived here for so long, they froze. The water to the shower is turned off inside the wall. Only the sink works." She sounded embarrassed. Jack thought on this for a moment. "Oh... Wait, then how am I supposed to clean midphase stuff off? In fact, how do you guys take a shower?" "Well, we usually just lick ourselves clean. If we are icky enough to need a shower, we go across the hall. The porcupine who lives there is always happy to let us use his shower. He said we don't even have to knock anymore, we can just go in and use it," she explained. Jack frowned. "That doesn't help me," he muttered. "I can't just go across the hall and deal with a human neighbor. And I don't think I could reach my belly to lick it. Not a human thing to do." There was silence for a short time, then Selkine's voice was closer to the shower curtain. "I could groom your belly for you," she murmured quietly, almost too soft for him to hear. He could hear the undertones in her voice too, the hopefulness. He considered declining her offer, but he realized that one vixen licking him would be nothing like that tongue assault before. And he had finished his shower that he used as an excuse not to get closer to her earlier, right? Hey, waitasec... which head was THAT idea from? He glanced sharply down his body, glaring at the offending anatomy, as if it could think for itself. It just hung there under his gaze, looking all sad and unattended. He finally gave in. But just to get cleaned up! "Selkine, if you would, I would be grateful," he murmured, and her head immediately poked past the side of the shower curtain, a look of joy on her face. She climbed into the tub without disrupting the curtain at all. He had to do a double take, but he realized finally that the midphase curtain was still bunched against the wall, unused. The second thing that he had to wrap his mind around was the fact that she was between him and the spray of water, but the outphase water didn't collide with her at all. The warm stream of water went straight through her and splashed against his bare skin as if she were an illusion. She looked him over, and he was suddenly reminded that she was very much solid as she hugged his shoulders carefully, so as not to get her own fur messy. Then she dropped down halfway on her legs, keeping them partially bent, and began to sniff at his belly. He marveled at the strength of her legs. If he tried to stay squatting like that, he'd be tired quite swiftly. He bit back a laugh as she began to lick at his tummy, the surprise of the action causing some tickling. He quickly relaxed as her arms draped around his hips and she continued to groom him. He leaned his head back, putting a hand lightly on her shoulder and marveling at how the fur was still dry and soft to the touch. He closed his eyes, using her shoulder and arms around him to keep his balance with his head back, and enjoyed the unique sensations. He had a feeling that he was almost completely groomed when he heard a strange noise over the splash of the shower, and her licks paused on occasion at the same time as the noise came. He listened carefully, and soon realized that she was stopping to emit small whimpers before resuming her grooming. Fearing that something was wrong, his eyes shot open and he looked down. He quickly went red-faced. He was at full attention again. She was well aware of this, and frequently stopping to gaze at the sight, whimpering softly. She made a halfhearted lick in its direction, but caught herself before it touched and shook her head, then went back to lick the last of his belly. She froze as she saw him looking at her, her tongue against his skin in mid-lick, and her ears went to the side in embarrassment. Slowly slipping her tongue off his tummy, she sunk a little bit, a small smile touching the side of her muzzle. "Umm... I'm sorry. I'm done... I've been done for a little while... but... well..." She turned her head away in embarrassment. "I'm sorry. I'll behave." Now, he wasn't one of those stuck up types who wanted to wait until marriage and kid time for having fun. In fact, given an option of a romp with a cute girl, he would gladly do so. He had just been recovering for the past year plus from that miserable relationship. Shower done, he thought to himself, looking down at the embarrassed vixen who was obviously having a battle of her own internally. "Um... Selkine... you can, er, stop 'behaving' now if you like. I think I'm ready." Her ears shot straight up and focused on him intently as her full attention came to his face. Her eyes widened and a huge smile crossed her lips. "You mean it?" she asked, almost not believing it. He nodded with a warm smile and complete sincerity. "You are a wonderful person, and beautiful to boot. You've done so much to help me in this trouble, and obviously have had your eye on me for longer than I have known you." He grinned. "I was warned to not try to keep a vixen away from what she wants." Her face lit up in joy, as she dropped further on her legs. Her hands slipped around and up his body, running fingertips down his chest and slipping to the sides of his belly, down to his hips to hold his waist as her gaze dropped to his proud acknowledgement that he did indeed have an attraction to her. She got a distinctly feral and decidedly predatory look in her eye, and her head shot forward with jaws agape. Jack's immediate and very powerful thought:*"OH SHIT, TEETH!!!?!?"* For indeed, there were some VERY sharp, pointy canines bearing down on him extremely fast. He didn't have a chance to panic though. Her muzzle closed with her teeth safely framing him, not even a threat of a nick to any sensitive skin. His senses exploded with the pleasure of her muzzle surrounding almost his full length as her tongue massaged the underside. She held his hips tightly, pulling him closer as she greedily suckled for what seemed like an eternity... and ten seconds after she started, with him in a blissful haze already, she released his muzzle-slickened flesh and stood up to curl her arms around him possessively, pressing her body close to his. His cloudy mind once again marveled at the difference between the warm outphase water flowing over him and the wonderfully lush dry fur of the vixen that his arms wrapped around to hold. Her leg drew up his side and she reached below it, finding him with her fingertips and nudging him into a proper aim very swiftly. She licked and nipped at his throat, writhing against him in her need, and when she finally had him nestled just at her opening, she looked at him again, needing reassurance. "Now?" She pleaded, still trying to be good. He nodded, caught up in the pleasure and the heat of the moment, holding her close. "Yes, now," he murmured, and no sooner had the words left his lips than she plunged herself down to engulf him. Her body was obviously much hotter than his, the heat surrounding him driving waves of pleasure through him as she clung close. Her reaction was strange though. She writhed against him, whimpering avidly. He was pretty sure it was from pleasure, but the reaction was so strong. He tilted his hips back to slide partway out and gave a quick push back in, and then was brought out of his own haze as her legs suddenly went limp beneath her. He was vaguely aware of her muttering "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my GOD!" very rapidly as he caught her to keep her from falling. He winced as her downwards motion pulled her off of him in somewhat of the wrong direction, but the discomfort faded quickly with his concern. Had he hurt her somehow? What happened? Ignoring the water spraying over his face, he lowered her carefully to the floor of the bathtub. He could feel her shaking with reaction in his grip, her breath coming in ragged pants and her eyes clenched shut. He reached over quickly to turn off the water, catching the hot first, and getting drenched with cold water for a few seconds before he managed to reach the cold faucet to turn it off. "Selkine! What's wrong? Selkine, snap out of it! Are you okay?" He was very concerned now, holding her as she started shaking less. She began shaking differently, and making a new noise. As she finally lifted her head to look at him with twinkling eyes and a shit-eating grin, he realized she was giggling uncontrollably. "That... was... SO TOTALLY FUCKING AWESOME JACK!!!!" she suddenly screamed, leaving him taken aback as she seemed giddy as a schoolgirl. "Oh my god! It was like, just wow! I wanted you, and needed you so badly, and then I got to suck you, and that felt so good already, and I was just getting so wet, and then I held you so close, and I just had to have you, but I was still trying to be soooo good, and I didn't know if you were sure, so I asked you, and you said YES AGAIN, and then you were inside me, and it was instant explosive orgasmic bliss and ooooooooooooooh I fell down because I couldn't even control my legs and that thrust you gave made it all even STRONGER and OH MY GOD JACK IT WAS JUST SO..." he could barely make out what she was saying as she said it all in one huge burst, then suddenly stopped and stared at him in apparent dismay. "You didn't cum, did you?!" she exclaimed, that statement sounding as if she had just discovered a dead body. "Umm... well, it was pretty... quick..." Jack murmured, feeling guilty for some reason, though he wasn't sure why. He was definitely confused. "So, you're okay?" he asked meekly. "Absolutely!!" she exclaimed. "Much better than okay! Good god, Jack, the moment you were inside me, I just came like there was no tomorrow! I couldn't stop cumming at all, and when you thrust, it just made it even better!" She glanced down his body, where something was still standing there oblivious, as if just saying "What? What did I do?" "But you didn't get to cum. What kind of a vixen am I?!" she asked, in what was apparently genuine almost-horror. She stood up, still somewhat wobbly, but he stood and helped support her arm. "Okay, you dry off and come to bed, I've -GOT- to fix this!" He was still trying to figure out what the hell was up as he stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel, drying off with Selkine fussing over him constantly. No sooner had he dropped the towel back onto the rack than he was scooped up by the vixen and carried to the bed with no chance to protest. Yes, with the ease she carried him with she was obviously DAMN strong. He knew that he had enjoyed the fun a lot... but not as much as she apparently had. He found himself on his back on the bed in short order, a few more licks to encourage turgidity, and then Selkine straddling his hips and looking ready to take on a mammoth endeavor. She leaned down against him as she got herself into position, panting already as he barely nudged between her folds. Licking at his neck softly, she purred to him, "I've gotta have you love this too." Her fingers curled around his shoulder as she engulfed him once more, and then curled harder as her back arched from her sudden orgasm, the clawtips threatening his skin for a moment. Taking it as she could, she began to ride on him, her whole body shaking with her ecstasy as she came more powerfully with each thrust onto him. He was quite in heaven himself. Her heat was astonishing; the feel she gave of being with her was something no human woman could ever achieve. The soft fur against his bare skin, the pure and literal animal passion she expressed, the look of rapture on her face... It was all unique and highly pleasing to him. Hell, the squeezing from her constant cumming wasn't too bad either. She was a trooper, but she was only able to keep it up for a short time. Over a dozen orgasms later, she weakly pulled herself off him, unable to stay upright, and lay against him shuddering and panting heavily, her tongue lolling against his throat. She rolled off him and took up a position on her back, her legs spread wide. She tugged at him and encouraged him to climb atop her. "You try!" she insisted. He was halfway reluctant, looking at her state, but he was willing to give it a go. He climbed over her, careful to not kneel on her tail, and quickly found new pleasures from the new angles. She was writhing in orgasmic bliss immediately again, and her claws actually did mark up his back now. He could ignore the clawmarks, but he could see her ability to maintain this venture fading. Out of concern for her, he finally called a halt himself. She whimpered softly as he rolled off her, laying against her side and holding her shaking form soothingly. Her thighs and lower belly were completely soaked from her own fluids seeping through her fur and she could barely move after the exertion. He had no idea how many times she had cum, but the result was pretty obvious: She was not really up for more. "You've gotta... gotta cum... I gotta get... you to..." she mumbled, trying to pull him back ineffectively. He stroked the top of her head, trying to calm her down. "Selkine, you can't take any more yourself. Rest a little bit." He snuggled against her, trying to encourage her to lay still, and she quickly succumbed to exhaustion. He peered at her sleeping face for a short while before relaxing beside her and shortly falling asleep himself. \* \* \* "Jack, Selkine, we're home! We've got some weird news though. Even Master Takaran seemed confused. Strange stuff is... Oh, sorry..." Jack blinked blearily at the grey vixen standing in the doorway, realizing that he was completely nude, snuggled against Selkine, who still had her legs spread wide from their fun. Sess'tha poked her head around the corner and took in the view, then smiled. "I think he gave in and let her stop being good." Jack hoped he wasn't blushing too badly. Selkine stirred as he lifted his arm off her, and sat up groggily. Jack sat up beside her, still concerned for her. All the fur around her thighs was a dried mess of her fluids, so there was absolutely no way that their actions could be hidden. The scent alone was very telling. Selkine blinked, looking like she was trying to remember something, and started tagging off on her fingers as she peered searchingly at Jack. Both the girls in the doorway seemed to be getting a feeling that something was odd, though they didn't know what. Tension grew as Selkine made some motions with her paws, as if trying to work something out, and Jack sat there, not knowing what to do. The two girls stood silently, and he couldn't read them very well. Selkine finally stared at Jack for a long time, until Jack opened his mouth and spoke, "Selkine? Are you o..." Then Selkine suddenly burst into sobbing tears and flopped over onto the bed away from Jack. "What did you do to her?!" demanded Farren angrily, and Jack was suddenly assaulted by flying, spotted feline doom as Sess'tha pounced and tackled him right off the bed. Jack tried to protest his innocence but the words just wouldn't come out as he had a good sized cat on his chest, ears laid back and teeth bared as she hissed at him. He paled as he realized that one of her hind paws were on his belly, just above his crotch, claws digging painfully against his skin. Though one of her hands was clenched on his chest, claws pricking barely at his skin, the other curled clawtips against the side of his throat from his collar. One wrong move and he could either have his throat sliced open, or be eviscerated and neutered in a swift rake of a hindclaw. He sensibly froze in abject terror for his life. During this, Farren had scooped up the sobbing red vixen and run out of the room with her, leaving Jack staring at a very pissy feline. "I don't care HOW good you feel," Sess'tha finally growled in a low voice. "If you did anything bad to her, it will simply feel good to..." Her statement was interrupted by Farren loudly proclaiming, "Oh SHIT! SESS'THA!!" from the living room. Jack was probably glad she didn't finish her words. "If you run, we WILL find you," Sess'tha growled. Jack was definitely not glad thereafter as her claws dug into him slightly when she launched herself off him and took off out the door on all fours. He was left shaking in reaction, whimpering quietly as he felt the warm dribble of blood starting to roll off to the side from a claw puncture on his belly. He wasn't sure how long he was left there alone. He was too afraid to really tell time too well. However Selkine's outraged exclamation of "You did WHAT?!" from outside the bedroom started to get him back to his senses just in time for a much softer and more polite collision from all three girls. Jack was aware of Selkine panicking over the blood on his belly, and Sess'tha holding him and rubbing against him like a housecat desperate for approval, repeating over and over again how sorry she was. Farren was looking him over franticly, muttering something somewhat dazedly under her breath, but Jack was not certain what she was saying. He wasn't sure which was more dangerous... their ire, or their affectionate apologies. "If you EVER do anything like that to him again..." Selkine was scolding her roommates, hugging his head to her chest frantically. "Jack, I'm sorry! I didn't know!" Sess'tha was rubbing her cheek - and in fact most of herself - against him, and he was pretty sure that she was licking franticly at the wound on his belly. Farren interrupted her mutterings long enough to look at Selkine. "We thought he had done something bad to you!" she tried to explain. Jack began to try to extract himself from the chaos of apologies... at least so he could breathe. Sess'tha's frantic apologies culminated in her arms thrown around his waist and her begging his forgiveness with a whined cry. Jack winced though as her sudden grip split the wound open again, causing blood to flow forth once more. He went dizzy. He wasn't sure if it was from the pain of the claw wound on his belly, or from the lack of air from being held so tightly. He was aware of Selkine's shriek of anger at his re-injury, and both Farren and Sess'tha promptly scattered. His vision clouded, but cleared enough for him to suddenly see... the same?... white vixen that he saw at the call center. Her face was full of concern, and her hand was reaching towards him. He reached as well as he could, and caught her hand, feeling energy flowing through him suddenly, soothing the carpet burns from the original tackle. The burning pain on his belly faded away as well, and then more. A feeling of contentment, happiness, and well-being flowed into him. The vixen looked satisfied as he felt himself going somewhat dazed, then he saw Farren's face peering around from behind the white vixen. "Umm... I don't know if that was such a good idea," Farren murmured. He didn't care. He was feeling good. This was something he could definitely deal with. Recommended Next Steps If you enjoyed the story, please feel encouraged to comment below, fave the story, and vote on it. [Click here to send the author a tip]( [More Stories]([Next Story]( [Head here to support me on Patreon](
Title: Bed Bound Ch. 05: Don't Move Tags: chastity, ds, humiliation, machine, orgasm control, public, squirting, bdsm Being fucked whilst a broken mess has always been appealing to Nikki. It's something she's had the pleasure of experiencing more than once before, and there was one particular occasion that will forever stick in her memory as one of her favourite ever kink experiences. When she arrived at his house, she was already a desperate, dripping mess. Her state was mainly due to the seven-day touching ban he'd imposed on her leading up to this date, but there was more to it than that. There was something about the confident way he conducted himself that really got under Nikki's skin, and drove her to lusting after being controlled and dominated by his powerful body and creative brain. She'd barely stepped into his immaculate front porch, yet somehow she already found herself tied down on top of his kitchen table. She was on her back, her ankles tied to her thighs and to the table legs so they were forced apart, exposing her greedy cunt. Her tits were so tightly bound they felt like they could touch the ceiling, and each wrist was tied to the outside of each breast, so she couldn't move her arms away from her body. Her head was hanging off the other side of the table at the perfect height and angle for him to fuck her mouth, something he did roughly and for a considerable period of time. That was the foreplay. When he'd finished with her mouth he gagged it with a ring gag, which forced her to drool all over her inverted face as it hung off the edge of the table. Then, with her spit still all over his cock as lube, shoved his cock inside her and started fucking her cunt just as roughly as he had done to her mouth. It didn't take Nikki long to cum, the facefucking alone was enough to bring her close after a whole week of denial. With a loud moan from her forced-open mouth, and a convulsion from her helpless body, she came, squirting all over his cock, and the kitchen floor. He continued to fuck her for longer than Nikki thought she could deal with, bringing her to five more intense, full-body orgasms. Then it was his turn to cum, filling her cunt whilst he continued to pound her to yet another climax. He stepped back to survey what he had done to her. She was totally broken. Her face was covered in drool, cunt covered in both of their cum, and the rest of her body covered in sweat. She tried to bring her breathing back down to normal - not an easy task in the position she was in - and start to recover from what had been a glorious fuck. But he didn't untie her. Instead, he opened the living room door (which had remained closed until that point), and three more men walked into the kitchen. "I'll leave you three to enjoy the mess I've created" he said, as he left the kitchen to take a shower. Nikki's heart started racing even harder, and her broken cunt got even wetter, as the first guy walked up to her body - proudly displayed to them like a hard-won trophy - and thrust his cock inside her. That was the memory that was racing through Nikki's brain as she lay down in the puddle of piss she'd created earlier, grabbed her wand, and got ready to start bringing her used body to yet another orgasm. But Nikki didn't get the chance to cum, because just as she started to feel the pleasure start rising inside of her, the phone rang - it was Tia. After a brief conversation, which consisted mainly of Tia telling Nikki exactly why she hadn't spoken to her since the last phone call and how upset she was with her, the subject came round once again to Nikki's unusual new dynamic. "I'm worried about you, Nikki, I'm worried you're starting something that you don't know the direction of, that you're getting in over your head." Tia was right, Nikki WAS getting over her head, but that was exactly what was appealing about the situation. Nikki didn't know how to answer Tia's point, spending the next few seconds murmuring and spluttering random syllables that stood little chance of forming any comprehensible words. "I'm coming over, we need to talk about this." With that, Tia hung up, and a short while later, Nikki heard a knock on the door. Still slightly out of breath from frantically trying to mop up all the piss on her bedroom floor, Nikki answered the door, and Tia strode in with a great sense of purpose. "Put the kettle on, love, I need a piss, I'll be with you in a minute." For someone who is such a natural submissive, Tia had always been surprisingly good at ordering Nikki about. Nikki certainly enjoyed it, and never encouraged her to stop, knowing that even thought she never let on, Tia secretly enjoyed that level of control over her as well. Nikki dutifully complied, making her way to the kitchen, filling up the kettle with way more water than was necessary (as she usually did), and flicking it on to boil. She heard Tia come out of the bathroom as the volume of the almost-boiling water increased, but as she half-heartedly perused social media on her phone, she suddenly noticed how long it was taking her to get back to the living room. Just as this curiosity was about to reach the required level that would prompt her to do something about it, Nikki heard Tia's voice, with a not inconsiderable amount of alarm coming from it. "NIKKI, GET IN HERE, NOW!" Panic immediately gripped Nikki's entire being. What had happened? Was Tia okay? Had she injured herself? A thousand scenarios raced through her mind in the short time it took her to jog from the kitchen to the bedroom, but none of them were what greeted her upon arrival. Tia was standing in the middle of the newly-cleaned room, staring at the bed, the expression on her face an inquisitive blend of disbelief and abject horror. The screen on the bed was on, and contained the text that had whipped Tia into such a frenzy. "Your reward for completing your first task: The first number is 1." Nikki knew exactly what was going through Tia's head at this precise moment. She had realised that this is the new D/s relationship Nikki was talking about on the phone before. Nikki wasn't sure if Tia didn't want to believe what she saw, or couldn't believe it, or a mixture of both. "What the hell is going on here?" was the only complete sentence that Tia was able to muster, given the shock she'd just received at such an unusual sight. This definitely wasn't how Nikki wanted to break the news to her. Why choose now to say this? Did it know that there was someone else in the room? Was it showing off, humiliating her, or was it just coincidental timing? The next ten to fifteen minutes saw Nikki ignore the bed and explain to Tia exactly what had been going on, how the bed had been controlling her, what the bracelets meant, and the trouble she was currently in. Ironically, they were sat on the bed during this conversation, Tia repeatedly shifting her intense glances between Nikki and the screen, providing varying expressions of disbelief, confusion and fear over what Nikki was, and is, allowing herself to be subjected to. At the end of the explanation, Nikki was expecting questions, lots of questions. She knew she would certainly have many if Tia had revealed to her that she was in this situation. The question she got, however, wasn't one of the ones she anticipated. "Let me see the chastity belt." That felt less like a question, and more of a demand, but that was Tia's way, and in the state she was in, this was no time to deviate from her character. Nikki opened her wardrobe and fished out the chastity belt that she'd hastily thrown in there whilst tidying the room in anticipation for Tia's visit. "There you go," she declared, handing the belt to Tia "it's nothing special, just a chastity belt." Tia spent a long time studying the belt. Had it been more normal circumstances, one could have argued that she was spending too long, but it was becoming clear that the sight of a physical object related to this whole madcap situation was something of a welcome relief to Tia, reassuring her that this was actually real, and that Nikki wasn't losing her marbles. After exclaiming at the size of the internal dildo on more than one occasion, Tia looked at Nikki and asked a question that Nikki had never thought to ask herself when she saw the belt for the first time. "Where's the lock?" They both checked the belt over once more, but there was no sign of a lock, or even anything that could be used as a lock in any way. The pieces of the belt joined together by sliding into the holes cut into the sides of a round-shaped piece of metal at the front, but there appeared to be no way of locking them in place, or indeed unlocking them again. At this point, and for no logical reason, Nikki suddenly remembered that she hadn't done anything with the kettle since it had boiled some half an hour ago. So, with a simple "Tea?" and an equally simple nod from Tia, she strode into the kitchen to make them both a cuppa. Upon returning to the bedroom, Nikki let out an "are you sure you want to do that?" gasp as she was greeted by the sight of Tia, who was now naked from the waist downwards, raising the belt up through her legs, around her waist, and bringing the components together by holding them in place inside the round "lock". It was no secret that Tia had always had a mild interest in chastity - nothing major enough that she actively pursued it in any long-term capacity, but short-term orgasm denial had always been a big kink for her. "I wasn't expecting it to fit this well, how did the bed know your measurements?" Tia and Nikki had the same body shape, although admittedly Nikki's boobs were a couple of cup sizes bigger. However, before Nikki could answer, the look of panic swiftly returned to both of their faces. A loudish "click" filled the room, and after a few quick tugs, both girls realised that the belt had locked in place. "NO!" Tia shouted so loud that it made Nikki jump, convincing her that the neighbours would hear. "This can't happen! How do I unlock this fucking thing!" After a few frantic seconds of joint-tugging in all directions, they both immediately stopped what they were doing and turned in unison towards the bed, as they noticed the screen whirr back into life once again. "It is time for your second task, Nikki. Here are your instructions." "But that's not me wearing the belt!" Nikki screamed, with Tia too busy still desperately trying to force the lock open to join in with the pleas. "You are to go to Piccadilly Circus, and stand next to the Eros statue for 30 minutes, without moving from the spot you are standing on. Those are my only instructions." The bed immediately started to retract its screen. "Wait! Please! That's not me! I'm not wearing the belt!!" Nikki's begging continued, but the screen continued to retract as normal, not offering anything in the way of understanding or acknowledgement of what she was saying. Nikki turned to Tia, and tried to get her to calm down. "Okay, let's look at this rationally," she said with an almost futile twang to her voice, knowing that Tia was still panic-stricken at the belt locked on her body. "that task doesn't actually seem that difficult, we can both head there now, stand there for half an hour, then come back here. It'll all be over by the end of the night, right?" A tear had become visible, rolling down Tia's cheek, she was still in shock, but Nikki's words were starting to reassure her. "I have a safeword that I can use, if you really want to get out of this right now." Nikki said, realising that she'd got so worked up in the moment that she hadn't thought to mention that before. Tia paused to think, but a look of steely determination overcame her. "You know what? Fuck it, let's do this. I made the decision to put the belt on, so I should suffer the consequences. I'll take one for you this time, Nikki, but you said this was a punishment, so you owe me." "Are you sure, Tia? I can easily safeword, the bed has reassured me that it would stop whatever is happening at the time if I did that. Maybe it will listen this time if I explain to it that the wrong person is wearing the belt." "Listen, do you want to stand in the middle of Piccadilly Circus wearing a chastity belt?" Nikki hesitated for a moment. The instinctive answer to that question was yes, for that was a very hot thought. But Nikki had recently experienced just how testing the bed's punishments can be, and, secretly, she was glad that she had the opportunity to skip one and let Tia take the fall instead. "Okay let's go then, the sooner we start, the sooner we can finish." "Yeah, I just hope that once I've done the 30 minutes, this thing will unlock itself" Tia exclaimed, before getting lost in the thought of how she would remove the belt in such a public place. \* The journey to the centre of London was much more comfortable for Nikki than it was for Tia. Not a minute went by when Tia wasn't complaining about or otherwise mentioning the size of the metal dildo forced inside her cunt by the chastity belt. She could feel it with every stride she took, and this moaning was particularly evident when Tia sat down on the seat of the tube train. It wasn't long before she decided it was too much, and stood up again for the remainder of the journey. The only topic of conversation held between them for the entire, nearly-hour-long journey, centred around one question - what's the catch? Nikki had described the first punishment to Tia, and they both agreed that after something that hard to cope with, simply standing in one spot for half an hour wearing a device that nobody can see, seems remarkably easy in comparison. Various theories were discussed, but none seemed to make any sense, and before they were able to reach a logical conclusion, they found themselves standing at the base of the Eros statue, wondering what happens next. Nikki checked her phone for the time. "Okay, my phone says 22:13, so we stand here, and at 22:43, we both leave and head back to mine, mmmkay?" Tia nodded, and found a suitable spot at the base of the steps, away from the underground exit and traffic lights. However, there were still pedestrians everywhere, walking past both of them, sometimes in very close proximity, going about their daily business in the kind of selfish scurry that only Londoners seem to do. Five minutes passed, and nothing happened. They both stood mainly in silence, anticipating the supposed "catch", the silence only being broken by another mention of just how big the dildo was and how much it filled Tia's cunt. Admittedly that was a quiet conversation - they didn't want the whole of Piccadilly Circus to know what was going on. After a couple more minutes, the pair of them started to believe that this was actually it, and with a newfound sense of optimism, Nikki offered to buy them both a drink from the nearby coffee shop. Tia agreed, and Nikki walked off, leaving her to it. It didn't take long for Nikki to buy the drinks, it turns out not many people want coffee so late in the evening, but, being the centre of London, most places stayed open until late at night anyway. Nikki walked back towards the statue, and sure enough, Tia was still standing there, but the expression on her face instantly told Nikki that something had changed. Picking up her pace, Nikki soon reached Tia, asking what was happening whilst looking at the worried, slightly embarrassed faces Tia was trying her best not to pull. "The's started vibrating." "Well," Nikki exclaimed at a volume that was unintentionally inappropriately loud "I guess this is the catch then." She checked her watch, and looked back at Tia with her own expression of concern. "You still have 19 minutes remaining." The two of them had fucked enough times that Nikki knew what Tia was like with her orgasms, and what she was like was quick, and loud. Her ability to cum within seconds, and keep on coming multiple times in quick succession whilst exhaling guttural moans that could be heard at a nightclub (as had been proven when Nikki once fingered her to an orgasm in the middle of the dance floor) meant that they both quickly realised that preventing this from being an incredibly embarrassing affair would be a very difficult task indeed. Tia did her best to suppress the noises she made as the dildo continued to pulse waves of pleasure through her cunt. The lack of people paying any attention to her was an indication of how well she was doing (and perhaps how self-centred the population of central London tends to be), but it wasn't long before the inevitable happened. "I'" "What do you want me to do? Just try and focus, try not to cum, and if you have to, try and be quiet." "I...can't..." Tia's eyes rolled back in her head, her legs started shaking, and she grabbed Nikki tightly on her shoulder to try keep her balance. At first, Tia was able to stifle the moans as the orgasm ripped through her body, clasping her other hand over her mouth and pretending like she was trying not to throw up. But the dildo didn't stop vibrating when Tia had finished cumming. In fact, it found an even stronger setting, and with that, Tia was immediately thrust into a second, even more powerful orgasm. This time there was no controlling her body. Nikki grabbed onto her as she started falling, clutching her in a sort of awkward hugging position, as Tia let out a series of moans and screams that were so loud, they almost deafened Nikki. Somehow, despite how full her cunt was, Tia managed to squirt, and several visible trails of it quickly became visible as they ran down her leg below her skirtline. "PLEASE MAKE IT STOP!" Tia shouted in Nikki's ear. By this point, everyone within reasonably close proximity had turned their heads towards them, wondering what on Earth had made all these noises, and why. Nikki tried to answer her, but Tia was holding onto her so tightly, and in no time at all, a third orgasm overcame Tia, accompanied by another series of heart-poundingly loud noises of pure, uncontrollable ecstasy. After the third orgasm, the vibrations in the dildo eased, although they continued at a mild level. Tia was able to regain her balance and composure, and when she realised how many people were staring at her, the overcoming feeling of pleasure was comprehensively replaced by sheer humiliation. Without saying anything, Tia turned towards the tube station and ran as fast as her heels would take her. "Tia!" Nikki shouted after her, "You still have ten minutes left!" "I don't care!" Came the rapidly fading response from Tia. "I can't take that any more!" Nikki tried to run after Tia, but as she turned, she bumped into a passer-by, and fell over. By the time she had recovered her composure and apologised to the irate pedestrian, Tia was long gone. With half the population of Piccadilly Circus still staring at her, Nikki made her way towards the station, pretending like nothing had happened, and got on the train to head back home. When she arrived home, she sent Tia yet another text to check where she was and if she was okay, but, just like the previous texts and missed calls, there was no response. She decided to head to bed. Taking her clothes off in the bedroom, she noticed that the bed's screen was on. "You have failed your second task, Nikki."
Title: House for Sale with Extras Tags: pert buttocks, lusty guy, erection gleaming, moving rampantly, unwashed prick, illicit passion, oversexed lady, penetration,slow,easy, erect rod Greg Martin walked out onto the gravel drive and turned to look at the house, this 'mini-mansion' as Tania had called it at the outset. Within eighteen months she was talking about it being too small. Greg shook his head now as he viewed the imposing frontage with the pillars supporting the arch over the large front door. Four large bedrooms, plus a spare room which had briefly been his workplace, a vast sitting room, a lounge with a 48 inch television on one wall, a dining room, a spacious conservatory that overlooked a wide lawn and neatly laid out rear garden. And it was too small, for just the pair of them? Greg had always found it difficult to keep up with Tania's tastes in general, and her whims in particular, which took into account her wild sexual demands. He had, over the past year, wondered whether he would have physically survived her libido beyond the two years they'd been together. Looking up above the doorway arch, Greg regarded the large decorative window, which was at one end of the upstairs corridor, and he recalled the day he had returned from a trip promoting his book. Stepping out of the car, he had glanced up at that window and had found himself gazing at Tania's voluptuous naked body, legs wide, arms spread, red hair flaring, as she pressed her fiery bush against the glass, and smiled that constantly provocative smile at him. Greg had known that within minutes his rising erection would be poking into that bush, trying desperately to quench the fire that was always aflame there. Tania was constantly ready for it. There was not one room in the whole house where they had not carried out some sexual activity, nearly always at her instigation. Blowjobs in the bath, anal in the annexe, cunnilingus in the conservatory, and screwing just anywhere, including on the lawn, they were all fairly standard, and interchangeable. Ten months alone in the house had been time enough for Greg's anger to subside, as he had advised himself that he might have recognised that Tania could never be fully satisfied. Her final betrayal should have been no surprise, but it had left him with a sense of inadequacy which had somehow been eased when friends told him about her activities during one of his book promotion tours. Looking up at the building which, at Tania's instigation, he had purchased on the strength of the success of his second book, Greg knew that he was now doing the right thing. How he had managed to survive these past months within its walls he'd never know. He was now awaiting a visit from the estate agents Manners and Garrett, to both consider the value of this house and to secure himself a residence that would most fit his needs. Julie Simmons first sight of the house had her nodding appreciatively. She turned to Victor Manners, who had slowed the car, "This looks fairly special," she observed, and the older man's wrinkled face regarded her with a kindly smile. "I thought you'd appreciate the chance to market a more up-grade property," he told her. After a few years with several agencies, Julie had been overjoyed to be appointed junior partner of this well established firm just three months ago. Up until then it had felt that she had hit a dead-end. Life seemed to crush in upon her. The divorce eighteen months ago had been bitter and cruel. In spite of the obvious evidence of his frequent infidelities, Mike had contested the case with such blatant lies about her conduct that in the end, although granted the divorce, he had kept the house, and had to make very little financial reparation to her. Being with a smaller estate agent she had managed to secure herself a tidy enough place, which was far removed from the comfortable three bed roomed house she had shared with Mike. Anyway, the whole affair had left her with the belief that 'all men are bastards.' Fortunately she had a couple of friends, both divorced, who agreed with her assessment. The recent past, working with Vincent Manners and Clive Garrett, both in their early sixties, had been a pure joy compared with what had gone before. They had allowed her to ease herself gradually into the business, and this visit was another forward step in her progress. "The gates are remote controlled," Victor commented as gravel crunched under their wheels. "Mr Martin agreed to leave them open especially for us. I believe that could be him standing outside." "It's quite an imposing frontage," Julie said enthusiastically, "I like the front door and that large window over the top of it. I wonder why he wants to sell." "For something bigger hopefully," Victor said, with a smiling sideways glance at her. "He's an author, you know. Greg Martin, heard of him?" Julie shook her head, although somewhere in the back of her mind was the sense that she had maybe heard or read the name before. As Victor brought the car to a halt in front of the house, their client, Greg Martin, walked towards them, a warm smile on his face, which was quite handsome under a tumble of dark hair. He was fairly tall and looked quite well trimmed in a blue shirt and navy pants. There was only one fault—he was a man. As they climbed out of the car, Greg Martin held out his hand to Victor, and said, "Good of you to come so quickly." Victor chuckled, "Where business is concerned I'm very quick." As Julie made her way around the car, he said, "May I introduce Julie Simmons, a new junior partner." As she held out her hand, Julie sensed a momentary hesitation on Greg Martin's face. His eyes appeared to take in more than just her face. She didn't like that. Was that the look of a wolf? Then his hand held hers briefly in a handshake that at least did not try to impress with its grip. "I'm looking forward to seeing inside the property," she said, wishing to appear friendly. "It is very impressive from here." For Greg something else was impressive from his standpoint. In recent months, as he worked on his next novel, he had paid little attention to good looking women. He had no wish to be attracted. Just getting over Tania's perfidiousness had been task enough. However, this Julie Simmons, had set something ticking inside him, like some long unwound clock. Under a flow of tawny hair, her rounded face had a glow and spark about it that suggested a lively spirit. Green eyes, allied to that tawny hair, wasn't that cat-like? Her figure, trim in a navy skirt and waistcoat style jacket, open to reveal a white blouse, gently raised by the subtle push of neat breasts. Did he really take all that in with one first glance? What was going on here? Could he put it down to his long period of celibacy? Not really, hadn't he put his lack of response to other women down to a form of recovery from Tania's wild sexuality? So, why this reaction to an estate agent called Julie Simmons? Shaking all the questions from his head, he led Victor Manner and Julie Simmons into the house. She immediately produced a notebook from her small handbag and began making hasty notes as they moved from room to room. Greg had to make a deliberate effort to keep from staring at her. Then in the lounge, among the generous furnishings, she dropped her pencil. She bent to pick it up, and her pert buttocks pointed up at him through her tightened skirt. Unbidden, the memory came of this being the place that Tania had first coaxed him into entering her anally. Giving him what he came to call her 'sex smile', she had flicked up her flimsy robe, leaned forward over the thickly upholstered arm of the sofa, and said, "I'm already lubricated." She had been, and Greg had been surprised and only a little disgusted, at the way his erection overcame initial tightness to slide up into her. "Have you a figure in mind?" The female voice tore him back to the present, and he was looking, slightly bemused, into those green eyes, as Victor Manners nodded his approval at her question. "Er—I --well-" God, he couldn't let such memories interfere with his involvement with these people. He managed to tell them that nearly two years earlier he had paid just short of one and a half million. "I'd be happy to hear your evaluation now," he added, glad to overcome his initial diversion, but aware of Julie Simmons' furrowed brow. As they moved around the house, Greg found it increasingly difficult to avoid thoughts of Tania associated with each room. He had thought he had left that problem behind, and knew it could only be the presence of Julie Simmons, that was provoking him. He was taking it as a sign that he desired her madly, but rationalising such thoughts he realised that she was the first female to be in these rooms since Tania's time. Yet he was uncomfortable about what might show on his face whenever their eyes met. In the main bedroom Victor Manners murmured, "Mm, very cosy." Julie Simmons concurred, adding, "And such a neat lay out of cushions." Even before she'd finished saying it, Greg was recalling Tania lying back naked on the bed, grabbing a cushion to tuck under her buttocks, legs spread, so that her fiery bush was thrust upwards as she whispered sensuously, "Eat me, Greg. Lick me out." To kill the image Greg strode over to the window and said, "The view over the garden is always relaxing." Pathetic, he told himself, you're selling a building not a view. So it went on. Room to room, the presence of a delectable female body alongside him brought unwanted images of Tania's passionate influences. In the second bedroom she had introduced him to what she called her Indian rope trick. After a hectic session, as they lay sated and showered, Greg was ready just to doze off, but Tania had made the suggestion of doing heer Indian rope trick. "Your what?" he had asked. She had given him 'that smile' which always preceded some sexual excursion, and whispered, "You'll see." Her fingers had reached down and began running back and forwards along his very dead, limp penis. As she did that, Greg had recalled an earlier girl friend shrinking from the very idea of touching a flaccid penis. It hadn't surprised him that Tania had no such qualms. What did surprise him was that, given the activity they had just been through, he felt his penis begin to twitch as she lifted its limpness, and continued her stroking. When she lowered her head so that her tongue joined in the caressing motions, Greg knew for certain that, amazingly, he was beginning to harden. Triumphantly, Tania gripped that hardness and cried, "See, it's up. I've performed the Indian rope trick." Having said that she dropped her head and enveloped his new erection right to the back of her throat. Greg didn't need to do anything, as Tania's mouth and tongue worked up and down his solid length until whatever juices he had left in his scrotum spurted down her gulping throat. Then he had really slept. Leading the two estate agents into the large bathroom with its generous corner bath and large shower cubicle, Greg had to admit to himself that there were, in fact, too many erotic images to recall. So much had happened there. The smaller fourth bedroom was their last viewing. "Narrow windows here," Victor Manners commented. "Not out of place for this room though," Julie Simmons added. Greg could only nod in agreement, but he didn't say anything about the room being easier to black out. Only a vague memory remained of Tania and he doing anything in this room. What was of greater significance was what two male acquaintances had told him a few months after Tania had taken her leave. On separate occasions, and cautiously, each had spoken of a 'swingers' party Tania had held while Greg was away on a book promotion trip. "All very impressive," Victor Manner said, as they descended the stairs. "Julie and I will discuss a price for the property, and contact you tomorrow for your approval. Then we'll go ahead from there." At the foot of the stairs, Julie Simmons turned to him, those green eyes doing something to his equanimity, "You live here alone, Mr Martin?" "For the past ten months," Greg told her, trying to convey a secret offer by looking squarely into her face. All she did was lower her face to her notebook. Victor Manners broke into any further considerations he might have, as he asked, "And are you looking to upgrade for your next property?" "God, no, I don't need this kind of space. Three bedrooms maybe, detached, modern." "On an estate?" Julie Simmons asked. "I'm fairly open about that—I wouldn't mind something isolated." He gave her what he hoped was an open look as he was tempted to add, 'Where we could be alone together.' Whoa, what's wrong with you, Greg Martin? You surely have more control of your emotions than this. Having agreed to make early contact, first of all with a proposed valuation, and secondly with any suitable suggestions for his new abode, Victor Manners and Julie Simmons walked out to their car. Opening the driver's door, Manners gave him a cheery farewell wave. Julie Simmons climbed into the car without looking back. After watching the car move away up the drive, Greg sighed, and turned back into the house, wondering how his equanimity had been so disturbed. An attractive woman, surely it was more than that, the world was full of them. But he could not convince himself. "A very pleasant fellow," Victor observed as he steered the car out onto the main road. "A fine house, too." Julie tried to keep her thoughts on business, "I'll have a value worked out for tomorrow," she said, taking a quick glance back at the imposing building they had just left. "And you could see what we have already on our books that might interest him." Victor said, adding, "A lonely man, and a successful author. A lovely catch for some lucky lady." Julie turned her head to see the little smirk on Victor's face, "None of that, Victor," she scolded. Victor, happily married himself, had recently started to tease her about her unmarried state. When she tried to tell him that she was not interested because of her bad experience with Mike he always came out with the same reply. "Okay. Okay." He said now, with a shake of his head, "But he's your case. Make of it what you will." "Strictly business," she said firmly. "Julie, I would expect nothing less from you," Victor said, as he negotiated a roundabout. "But you're—how old?" "Twenty eight." "See? The clock ticks on. Yes, you got hurt, but ---" "I know, Victor," Julie sighed. "One frosty experience doesn't make a winter. How many times have you---?" "And I'm going to keep on," he interrupted. "Like the old song, 'You're nobody 'til somebody loves you.' Not your era maybe, but true." And he went on singing the song quietly in his rough gravelly voice. Julie looked out of the window and wondered how this conversation had started. Was it Greg Martin's lonely state? It's not that he was bad looking. But he was probably lonely because his woman had left him. Good for her. She was probably escaping his lustful demands, just as she had finally done with Mike. Had she imagined it, but hadn't his eyes been on her every time she looked at him? There had been times when they seemed to bore into her, trying to read her mind. Even when he was behind her she was sure his gaze was boring into her back. It was very creepy. Was she really going to have to face that until she got his business settled? The thought of perhaps having to be alone with him as he lusted after her was not appealing. "--but gold wont bring you happiness when you're growing old." Victor's rough tones quietly rumbled on. He just wouldn't give up, and keeping her cool, Julie tried to shut out his vocal advices. For some crazy reason as she viewed the passing countryside, it was those awful final months with Mike that plunged unbidden into her mind. So many times since they'd been apart she had fretted over the fact that it had taken her the full two years of their marriage for her to admit to herself that her nook was not the only one being ploughed by the horny bastard. For the first few months their intimacies had been acceptable. He did occasionally take her to a high, but more often he was too rough or unwilling to care about her pleasure, yet, often he was not in the mood himself. It took her six months to consider that his 'not being in the mood' might indicate that she had a rival, and pretty soon she was certain that there wasn't just one rival, but many, as he spent more and more time out of her company. It was in those later months leading up to her move for a divorce that his only sexual demands were to have her take him in her mouth. There was no caressing, no foreplay, and for her, no pleasure, only disgust at the way he imposed his filthy, degrading demands upon her. She was sure it was when she finally found the strength to fight off such advances that he began to formulate his case to present to a judge. There was no doubt about it, Mike Simmons was a total bastard, and she intended to make a move to erase that surname. "—so find yourself somebody to love." Victor growled into the conclusion of his song, as he threw her a swift sideways glance. No chance, Julie sighed to herself. Hell would freeze over before she'd commit herself to another man. When the estate agent's car had disappeared onto the main road, Greg turned back into the house, wondering why he was feeling so distracted. There was the round, bright face of Julie Simmons, those green eyes, the tawny hair, all locked behind his eyes. Yet her presence had triggered the memories of Tania which he had hoped he had buried. Unwillingly he went upstairs to that fourth bedroom with the narrow windows that could be easily blacked out. Greg stood just inside the door and tried to envisage just what had happened in this room while had been away. He had been annoyed and disbelieving when the first male acquaintance had, when they met at a local party, had spoken of the event. "Honest, Greg, I wouldn't be mentioning this if the two of you were still together," the guy had said guardedly. "But she invited about a dozen men and women. A 'Swingers' party she called it. Hell, it sounded intriguing, and the activities, Greg, well, you can imagine. All the usual. Car keys in the centre of the floor, cards with parts of the body written on them and a man could choose from one pile and the name of a woman from another. He then had to stroke whatever body part was listed. Oh, all kinds of coupling went on. There was bare flesh everywhere." Greg had found his fists clenching as the guy went on, "But it was what she called the 'Black Room' that was so fascinating. A room would be totally blacked out. At any time a man or a woman could go in there after leaving a card outside telling what sex they were. They had to be completely naked, a member of the opposite sex could go in, and they could indulge in any activity that pleased them." Greg remembered the guy's eyes fixing on him, almost apologetically, as he went on. "Just after nine, one man went in and was closely followed by another. Somebody told us about it, and we knew it was Tania that was in there. Sometime later we jeered wildly as the two men staggered out as though all the sauce had been sucked out of them. 'Wanted it everywhere, she did', one of them gasped. Turns out that she'd told each man, quite separately, what time she would be in that room. She really set up the threesome. Some sexpot, eh?" Greg would have dismissed the story if, about two months later, chance had him listening to a near identical version from another guy who had been there. Had he known at the time might he have kicked her out? He would never be sure, but it could have spared him the shameful, unmanning circumstance of their actual split. With both women still circling in his head, Greg moved into the room he called his office, and sat in front of the computer where he had completed twenty chapters of his latest thriller. It was to be a story of a man disposing of his unfaithful wife, and, perhaps, getting away with it. Sitting there he backtracked to a chapter he had already written. He had given much thought into the sensibility of writing it, but, with changed names, it was a vivid account of that awful, emasculating, final episode which saw Tania flounce out of his life. Cathartic? In writing it, that is what he had hoped for, and, up to a point it had worked. But, in his present state of mind he wondered if he should be reading it now. Sure enough, within seconds the whole sorry time was pouring into his head. There was that phone call telling him that Mr Carl Sanchelle had admired his book and would like him 'and his good lady' to attend a small party aboard his yacht, 'Gargantua'. Stunned by the offer, Greg had naturally accepted. Sanchelle was probably the best known entrepreneur in the area. When he told Tania her eyes had lit up, "The entrepreneur?" "Or gangster, depending on how you regard him," Greg told her. A police acquaintance had once told him of their suspicions about the source of the man's wealth, but whenever there appeared to be the chance of a reliable witness, he or she, would mysteriously disappear. Tania's head shook at his comment," Oh, surely not. He's a fun guy---I've heard." Her pause should have been a signal, but they went. Tania appeared smelling like a million rose bushes, and dressed in a pale green dress with a neckline from which much of her generous bosom bloomed; Greg guessed it was not meant to impress him. With her red hair tumbling at her shoulders she looked quite breathtaking. As soon as they were on the main deck, a tall, broad shouldered man, wearing a bright blue checked silk shirt, white pants, and a wide toothy smile strode to greet them. The eyes though held that sense of menace that Greg half expected from Carl Sanchelle. After the formal greeting Sanchelle turned to Tania, and said, "And this must be your good lady." He took her hand and brought it to his lips while his eyes ate at the exposure offered by her low neckline. "Delighted to meet you, Tania. You look quite delectable." Much later Greg would recall that he had never mentioned Tania's name. But that realisation came too late to prevent what was to come. Sanchelle introduced them to other guests, all of them from the wealthy end of society Greg guessed. With glasses of champagne in their hands they were shown around the Gargantua. Greg thought it more like an ocean liner than a yacht. After passing a luxurious lounge with a massive TV screen on one wall, they came to a wide corridor which was quite dazzling with a number of doors each one a different colour. Sanchelle proudly pointed out, "The colour of each door signifies the predominant colour of the decor inside that room. See." He opened a pink door to reveal an exotic bedroom with pink wallpaper, pink drapes, and a pink lined bedcover. The evening became a whirl of chat, eating and champagne drinking. Greg did not fail to notice the lecherous glances Tania took from some of the men, and the, perhaps, envious looks from some of the ladies. Neither did he miss just how much she enjoyed such attention. As they circulated more and more, Greg found himself becoming separated from Tania, although he was able to see her across the main hall. He found himself in conversation with one guy, who said he was an architect, and who asked, "You haven't been to any of Carl's functions before." When Greg admitted he hadn't. The guy said, "Oh, as a writer you might enjoy whatever Carl has set up for this evening. He's a hell of a lusty guy and loves displaying the fact---you'll see." Just before midnight he saw Tania talking to Carl Sanchelle, standing very close, and did he have a hand on her arm? Then someone wanted to talk about his book and he was happy to respond. The next time he looked there was no sign of her, or Carl Sanchelle. Should he have been bothered? After another ten minutes without seeing her he was just a little concerned. He started to looking and asking for her. One or two people that he asked looked rather uncomfortable. There were very few people dancing now. The dining room was totally empty apart from staff in white aprons clearing up. In the gaming room only two couples were at the roulette table. The light in the lounge was dimmed, and the glow from the TV screen dappled watching faces, a surprising number of faces, some mouths agape, some smirking, all wide eyed. Something heavy in his chest, Greg stepped inside the door where he could see the screen. Up there in colour the camera was focussed in close-up on a naked female's buttocks, with a blue covered bed behind her. The camera immediately switched right, panned back and, to Greg's horror, there stood a naked Carl Sanchelle, smiling lewdly, his hand holding up his erect penis. From the audience there came a little roar of encouragement. The camera switched back to the female, and Greg's legs went weak so that he had to hold onto the door. That red bush, there was no mistaking it, and as she lay back on the single bed, legs parted, head over the other side, Greg saw that so familiar lascivious smile under the tousled flame of her hair. Within five dreadful seconds he had taken in the sight of Sanchelle moving between her parted thighs, and, as Greg turned away there was just the hint of a second naked man moving rampantly towards her head. Greg raced out into the wide corridor. He didn't have to look for the blue door. A dark suited bouncer type stood in front of it. Greg was no fighter, but in his frantic state, good sense did not come into his thinking. He just ran and as the tough turned towards him, Greg kicked out and was fortunate to feel his careless aim connect with an unready crotch. The bouncer doubled up and Greg flung open the door, yelling Tania's name. Sanchelle pulled himself out of Tania, yelling, "Camera off." There was another man at Tania's head but he too had stepped back. Greg took it all in. Sanchelle standing their his erection gleaming with Tania's juices, the other man, whose erection looked monstrous, was standing uncertainly looking at Sanchelle. Tania's head came up and she yelled, "Oh, fuck off, Greg. This is what I want. I'm not married to you." That might have been the cruellest blow of all but as he tried to find words, "Tania, you can't—" Hands grabbed him from behind. "He's sailing me to the Med tomorrow. This is real living, Greg." A fist was driven into Greg's kidneys so that he almost collapsed with the agony of it. Then, as he was being dragged backwards by what felt like two pairs of hands, Sanchelle strode to him, punched him viciously in the belly, and hissed, "I should have your balls cut off. Get him off my yacht, and don't make it comfortable." Struggling to take in air, Greg's last image was of Tania's angry face, and her gorgeously displayed body. He was hauled out by some different route, and punches rained on the side of his face and into his kidneys with, it seemed, every step. By the time they reached the quay, he was beyond taking any steps and his feet trailed behind him as pain was his only signal that he was still alive. How he ever made it to his car and managed to drive home he'd never know. The following morning he was just able to drive down to the quay, and, without getting out of the car, he could see that the Gargantua was no longer berthed there. Tania was gone from his life. It had become clear to him that the invite to his yacht had been a set-up in which Tania was undoubtedly a part. Her talk of him being 'a fun guy' and his knowing her name when it had never been mentioned. These were dead give-aways. How long had they been seeing each other before that? God, Tania probably knew exactly what part she would play in the evenings 'entertainment'. There was only slight consolation, but no regret, when, some four months later, he saw a newspaper picture of a smiling Carl Sanchelle with his arm around a lady with vivid blonde hair and thick lips. A caption read, 'Rich socialite steps out with his future bride.' To wonder what had become of Tania was a luxury that Greg would not permit himself. Greg stood up from the computer and went to the window. Stupid of him to allow those thoughts back in. Now all he had to do was concentrate on the face of Julie Simmons, and hope that her image would drive all his bad thoughts away. Standing there, he was delighted at how pleasingly definite that image remained. It took Julie Simmons just a couple of days to settle on a price for Greg Martin's property. That fact alone kept him in her mind, but her only concern was that they might have to meet regularly, if, as Victor had requested, she was handling both his selling and his buying of a new place to live. Still worried about how he had looked at her on their first meeting, she resolved that she had to keep it on a strictly business level. So when she phoned him with the suggested price she remained very formal when he answered the phone. "Greg Martin speaking." He did have a deep manly voice. "Yes, Julie Simmons, from Manners and Garrett. I have a suggested price for your property." "Oh, yes, Julie Simmons," he said, almost hesitantly, as though he had difficulty recalling her name. "I've been looking forward to hearing from you." Well, Mr Martin, all you're going to hear from me is a price. "I thought a figure of one million seven hundred and fifty thousand would be a reasonable starting price." "Sounds fair." "And would you be prepared to drop to say one million six hundred thousand to complete a sale?" "Would you?" His question took her by surprise."It's your property." "Yes, but I trust your instincts." Why was she finding this so awkward? "Then, yes, if that gets the sale." "Is that your point of view as an estate agent or what you would do as an owner?" Was he teasing her? Or was it just her imagination? Well she could play along with that. "A bit of both, I suppose." "Then I'll accept your judgement." "Good, in that case, I'll have it advertised immediately, and see how it goes. Thank you, Mr Martin." She was ready to hang up when he quickly asked, "Anything on the purchase side?" Julie wouldn't admit that she had not had a good scan of what might be available, so she said, "Nothing suitable at the moment." "Well, I'm relying on you," he said, and Julie was sure that was a laugh in his voice. After hanging up, Julie found herself wondering what kind of look had been on his face. Had he really been teasing? Anyway, she would set the advertisement going, and take it from there. It took another two weeks before an enquiry came in. During that time Julie had scoured their lists for something that might be suitable for Greg Martin, but she had rejected the only three bedroom detached villa because it was close to a railway line. The house enquiry came from a middle aged couple seeking a move up in the world. Julie was troubled in her own mind that this would be her first encounter with Greg Martin since the first evaluation. What she could not understand was why she should be troubled. How many similar visits had she made at other properties? She had lost count, but it had been the way Greg Martin had looked at her that produced this reluctance. That had been a look of lust in his eyes, hadn't it? Whatever it was she just felt uneasy about being with him, especially since she liked to arrive ahead of the prospective customer. Having made a hasty, cool telephone call to fix a time with Greg Martin she set out to arrive just five minutes before the customer. Greg Martin had it timed perfectly. Knowing when the first prospective buyers were due he was looking forward to finding out how easy or difficult selling this place was going to be. But, more than anything, he was going to have the chance to see Julie Simmons again. The passing weeks had slightly faded the image of her in his mind. He was standing in the hall when the doorbell rang. Quickly he opened the door, and there she was, looking as he knew she would. The hair, the green eyes, looking slightly surprised at the speed at which the door had opened, "It's so good to see you again," he told her. "Have time for a coffee?" Greg had stepped aside to usher her into the house and was both shocked and disappointed when she, without looking directly at him, said, "It's such a lovely day, I'll just stay out here. The client's will be here soon." He wondered what he might have done to produce this coolness from her, and, if it was such a lovely day, why did she have her suit jacket buttoned up to the neck, disguising her elegant figure? He saw the client's car appear on the drive, and within minutes Julie Simmons was efficiently showing the couple around. Her cool detachment, and avoidance of any socialising with him continued for two of the three further viewings she conducted. Every time she arrived Greg's heartbeat increased, but what began to bother him was his own behaviour. If he was so attracted to her, what was preventing him from making some standard friendly approach himself? But he really knew the answer to that one. The truth was that this Julie Simmons had so captured his imagination that because of her apparent coolness he feared making a move that might increase the rift that she seemed to want to keep between them. However, by the third viewing he determined to make just a token gesture of goodwill. On that occasion he had felt that, at least, her wonderful green eyes met his more frequently, although she remained buttoned up and coolly asexual. As she followed the viewing pair out, Greg made his move and held out a copy of his book. "I don't know if you're a reader, Ms Simmons-" "Call me, Julie." Now, was that progress? "And I'm Greg," he said, as he held out the book with a smile," as it tells you on the cover. If you'd care to read it some time." For a moment, standing in the doorway, she hesitated and glanced at the offered volume as though it might be a bomb. But then, she held out her hand, and accepted his offer, with a quick nod and a brief, "Thank you." Then she was away, leaving Greg unsure whether he had made any real progress, but at least they were now on first name terms. That had to be progress. But would she ever read the book? In fact, Julie was an avid reader. She was also a slightly confused lady. From her initial decision on the type of male Greg Martin would be, he had shown no indication of moving in on her. The gift of his book was the only gesture he had made. In fact her own relaxed attitude had prompted her to exchange first names. Of course, he'd had no need to indicate his name on the cover of the book. From the outset he had been the customer, Mr Greg Martin. Arriving home, she placed the book alongside three other books on her bedside table. For the first few nights the vivid green cover kept catching her attention, but she was set to finish the current piece of bed-time reading she was into. She resolved that Greg Martin's book would be next on her list. Not that she was interested of course, but it might reveal more about the nature of the man. In the meantime she went along with one more viewing and sensed that Greg was dying to ask if she had read the book. Deliberately she avoided making any comment, and she acted out her ubiquitous attitude to him. That was when it occurred to her that was exactly what she was doing she was 'acting it out'. Did that mean she didn't really feel cool towards him? Damn that, she thought, she had to continue to be cautious. When, after two weeks, she finally climbed into bed, picked up Greg's book, and began reading, she was sure that the book would reveal something of his sexual proclivities. From the start, she had to admit, she was impressed. His style was highly readable, the prose terse and the chapters short, always leaving her wondering what happened next. The main character, called Brad, worked for a security firm but circumstance led him to be privately employed by a billionaire to make sure his wayward twenty year old daughter kept the family name out of the Press. Eventually came the scene when he took the unconscious daughter to his home to recover from the rohypnol, two sex traders had been plying her with. Here comes the sex, Julie reckoned, and read on. When the girl came around the next day Brad told her of her lucky escape. Almost immediately she wanted to show him her gratitude and began unbuttoning her blouse, revealing appealing small breasts. Julie thought that it was going to be just as she'd expected. She closed the book, and went to sleep. Unable to resist, she opened the book the following night, and contrary to her expectation, Brad gave the girl a lecture on saving her body 'as a gift for someone you love.' A little surprised,(and was she disappointed?) she went on reading. By the fifth night of reading she was into the final section of the book. All the way through, the hero, Brad, had been aching for a lady in his own office, and in the late sequence they were together in a hotel room, kissing passionately. No doubt they were going to be intimate and Julie was convinced that now she would have some indication of how Greg's writing would tell her something about his lustfulness. Breaking off kissing, hero Brad and his lady slowly began to undress each other. His description of the moment when, both naked, they held hands, leaned back and viewed each other's body, was written with such delicacy that Julie was quite stunned. Her amazement was increased when Greg wrote of the actual seduction. From the very first moves, every stroke of breast, every touch of finger, every adoration by tongues, was carried out with such gentility, such genuine warmth of feeling that it was counter to everything Julie had been expecting. The moment of entry by Brad was so subtly written, his caring, tender, gradual invasion of her deepest secrets, was geared to achieving his aim of giving her maximum pleasure and delight. It was so gently erotic that Julie was shocked to find that between her thighs had moistened. How long since she'd experienced that sensation? Never, with a book. Seldom with any man. The book came to a pleasing and satisfying conclusion, with a sigh, Julie closed it, snuggled down in her bed with her mind full of questions, about herself, her twisted sexual experience, and her attitude to this Greg Martin. Yet, for a moment, it was the twisted experiences that forced their way to the surface of her thinking, with those last hateful sessions with Mike. He would grab her ears or pull her hair to get her mouth down to his often unwashed prick, which had just come from being up some easily pleased bimbo or other. Always she was made to gag on the taste of their illicit passion before his slime poured into her mouth, or, if he was kind, down her throat. Get out of my head, you bastard. Was it any wonder she was cautious about all men? However, as she drifted into sleep she took with her an image of Greg Martin, standing in his front doorway, smiling, and inviting her in for coffee. It was quite a few weeks before Greg saw Julie again. She had been in touch to tell him that a lone male buyer was interested. Greg, as had become his habit, had the front door open before she'd mounted the steps. Immediately, he sensed some change in her demeanour, but was wary about being tricked by something his own imagination was reading into the situation. Yet there she was coming towards him, and wasn't that the warmest smile she'd ever bestowed on him? More than that, it was another bright Summer day, and she had her suit jacket over her arm, and her breasts swelled a neat pale blue blouse. Not for the first time, the very sight of her took Greg's breath away, and once again he made his standard offer. "Coffee?" "That would be nice," she said, and she was looking straight at him, as his knees went weak. God, could this be true? He led her through to the large kitchen where she sat at the table while he fussed over making the best coffee he could muster. When they were sitting facing each other Julie apologised that she had been unable to gain a buyer so far. "Not your fault. I guess money's tight at the moment." Julie nodded her appreciation of his reply before going on, "Quite honestly, on the buying front I've found nothing that would meet your criteria." Greg shrugged, "Well, that's less of a priority while this place is sticking." Julie nodded, an action that caused a stray strand of hair to drop most fetchingly over her forehead. God, he thought, she is so beautiful. You really have to push on, Greg Martin, if she's just a little more relaxed with you. The door bell broke into his thoughts. This client, a tall man, dark hair lightly grey at the temples, instantly got under Greg's skin, just from the way his eyes roamed up and down Julie's body. As they moved around the lower floor Greg said, "I'll come around with you," Greg said, and caught Julie's look of gratitude. "That won't be necessary," the man said, with a lewd smile in Julie's direction. "I think it will," Greg told him, and, as a consequence, the tour became very swift. The viewer left inside twenty minutes. "He wasn't interested in the house," Greg said. He gave Julie a frank stare, "I'm sure he was more interested in you." He was going to say 'your body' but checked himself just in time. Julie's lips were tight as she said, "His eyes had my clothes off at least three times." "Four," Greg said, hoping to lighten the mood. "He came into the office yesterday. I'm sure he was hoping I would be alone to show him around." Julie glanced at her watch, looked at Him apologetically and said, "Oh, I have another appointment. I must fly." As they reached the door, she turned suddenly and said, "Oh, so remiss of me. I read your book, and I thought it was terrific." "Terrific?" Greg laughed. "Now I'll wager you're the first one to use that expression for it." "I really couldn't put it down. Thank you for putting it my way." Then, she was on her way, and Greg felt a greater emptiness, given the way their relationship seemed to have lightened. Next time, he told himself he would have to make some greater steps towards getting to know her better. The door seemed to be worth an extra push now. He didn't have long to wait. That meeting had been a Friday, and the following Tuesday morning she phoned to say there was a property he might like, but it could only be viewed later in the afternoon. Greg told her he had no problem with that, and was able to confirm that he knew the location. Every time he saw her was a new experience. Greg knew very well that he was well and truly hooked on this lovely lady. Now all he had to do was to woo her like a bold knight of old. Oh, yes, that was all. Some hopes. The house in question was large and detached in an exclusive estate. Greg liked the spaciousness and general design, but was disappointed by the view from the rear which was directly onto other houses. As he and Julie left he told the owner that he would think it over, but knew what his decision would be. As they reached their cars, Greg knew that as far as his relationship with Julie was concerned now was the time to make his move. He glanced at his watch before saying, "The Willow pub serves a good meal and I'm due to eat," Greg drew in a deep breath before asking, "Would you join me?" Her look at him had a momentary uncertainty in it, then she smiled and told him, "I know the Willow. That would be very pleasant." For Greg her acceptance was like hearing that there was a Santa Claus. Accepting Greg's offer had been no real problem at all for Julie. Her momentary delay in responding to his suggestion had been pure wilfulness. Even though she had few doubts about him she felt that caution was still needed. Just being in his company as they'd viewed the house had told her something about herself. Julie Simmons had moved in one very short step from being a declared man-hater to having a sense of warmth about a man whose intentions she had initially feared. She was one very confused lady. But sitting at a table in the cosy lounge of the Willow pub, with each of them eating a delicious steak and ale pie, being able to look across at him as he ate made her feel as though her blood was pumping faster through her veins. As they ate and talked, Julie also found that, what had once chilled her, she now found pleasingly complimentary, as he looked at her. At first their conversation was about the house they had just seen, and the prospects of a future sale. At that point she told him of a couple she would like to bring around on the following day. "They've driven past your house, and might be keen. But don't build up your hopes." With the meal finished and as Julie downed the last of her cider, Greg asked a question which helped her into the query she had wanted to make about him. "Are you married, Julie?" His question was tentative as though he might be worried about her answer. Without any detail, she simply told him of Mike's frequent infidelities. His response to that made her heart give an extra thump."Some men just don't appreciate when they're well off." To cover her pleasure at that, Julie quickly asked, "Your wife left you?" His eyes looked briefly saddened, "We weren't married. But we'd been partners for two years. She talked me into buying the house." "Yet she left it? A famous author, a beautiful house---" Julie checked, feeling that she was being too inquisitive. For a few seconds Greg gazed across the pub, and she was sure he was considering what to tell her. Appearing to have made up his mind, he leaned across the table and, in lowered tones, he told her, "There were two things important in Tania's life, and the first was money." He paused, before drawing in a deep breath and adding, "Plus she was a rather oversexed lady, and I guess, in the end, I didn't come up to her demands." Wow, Julie thought, that was quite the opposite to what she had theorised about him. In a way she almost regretted having made him talk about it. To ease the situation she told him that she knew the Willow because she lived less than a miles away. "Is that right?" he said, his eyes on her. "That means you live less than two miles from my little cottage." "Some cottage," she said, and it was good to sit there and laugh together. Strange sensations were beginning to disturb her whenever she looked at him. Out on the car park he was standing very close, almost leaning towards her. Was he about to kiss her? For just a second Julie wondered what her reaction might be. She half hoped he would try, but she quickly dispelled the idea. Then Greg, his dark eyes firm on her, had taken her hands in his, gave them a quick squeeze, before saying, "Thank you for a very pleasant evening." "I've enjoyed it. And tomorrow might be hopeful." Greg had thought about trying a kiss as they left the pub, but once again, fear of mistiming his approach to Julie, held him back. Holding her hands for a few seconds was something of a treat. Sitting close in the pub had been quietly intimate, and he had surprised himself by being able to say something about Tania. The fact that he had to wait until one o'clock on the following afternoon before seeing her again, left him feeling very impatient. When that time did arrive it was with an initial sense of disappointment as the two viewers drove up at exactly the same time as Julie. They had little time for private chat as she introduced the two prospective buyers. There had been so many empty viewings that Greg had allowed pessimism to take over on these visits. This couple were younger than some they'd seen, mid forties, Greg reckoned. An attractive pair, the man tall and dark, while his wife was round faced, blonde haired, cheery, and very enthusiastic. As they moved around the house, she was all 'oohs' and 'aahs' as she viewed the various features. Julie was able to exchange a couple of glances with Greg, her green eyes bright, and hopeful. There was more than hope in their enthusiastic departure and Julie had time to whisper that they wanted to go back to the office with her, which was a very positive sign indeed. Yet as she drove away Greg felt a pang that there had been little time for any follow up to the previous evening. Greg went back to do some more writing, and it was at four thirty that his phone rang. Julie's afternoon with the couple had ended up amazingly satisfying. The lady had been so enthusiastic the whole time, while her husband only nodded his head whenever he was asked a question. "Whatever she wants," he had said at one point, but did try a little haggling on the price. By four fifteen the whole thing was ready to package and Julie couldn't wait to phone Greg. His deep brown voice coming down the line filled her with further excitement, and when she told him that the sale was fixed she delighted in the way his voice rose a pitch as he said, "Julie, you are a wonder. Will you let me take you out for a special celebratory dinner tomorrow night?" Just a little taken aback by his enthusiasm she could only stammer, "Oh, honestly? Where--?" "How about Calluccio's?" "But that's—" "The best---for the best." And Julie thrilled at the fervour in his voice. Overwhelmed and just a little dizzy, she quickly she agreed to be having him pick her up by taxi, since their might be a little wine drinking. "There's only one problem," he said solemnly. There's always something, Julie feared. "Which is?" "I don't know your address," he chuckled. And laughing with the relief of that, Julie told him and they agreed on a seven thirty pickup. As she was putting down the phone, her boss Victor strolled by, and his eyes widened as he looked at her. "You have the look of the cat that got the cream." "We've sold the Martin place." Victor tapped her on the shoulder as he expressed his delight. "Is Mr Martin pleased with you?" The old eyes were teasing. "He wants to take me to dinner tomorrow night." Those wicked eyes looked at her seriously, "You refused, of course?" "At Calluccio's." "Calluccio's. Wow!" Victor made an impressed movement of his mouth before he turned away and she heard his rough singing tones, "And find yourself somebody to love." Had he been right all those weeks ago? In his navy blazer and blue shirt, Greg sat in the back of the taxi wondering how Julie would look. When the taxi stopped at her front door, she appeared immediately as though she had been poised like a greyhound at the traps. It was a fine warm evening, and Greg was struck by the way her tawny hair curled at her shoulder, and by the lovely smile on her face. She wore a voluminous shawl over what looked like a Prussian blue dress he could just make out above her knees. Julie looked so stunning that, as she climbed into the back seat beside him, he longed to reach out and take her in his arms. He did find the breath to say, "You look so elegant." That sounded like a very guarded compliment. During the short journey to the restaurant she began giving him details of the sale, and that continued for a while after they arrived at the elaborate establishment that was Colliccio's, the most renowned eating place for miles around. All sparkling chandeliers, waist-coated waiters, gentle music, and glorious food, it had earned a lofty reputation. One of the earliest thrills for Greg was the moment that Julie slipped off her shawl and he almost gasped out loud at the wonder that appeared before him. The silken blue dress might have been poured over her it so emphasised her curvaceous figure. Two thin straps held it up to reveal the delectable curve of her shoulders. Once seated he could not resist telling her just how much she brightened the room. Did that bring some colour to her cheeks as she thanked him and, in return, commented on how smart he looked. Together they chose tiger prawn starters, and agreed on a shared boeuf bourguignon main course. A bottle of Chablis was at Julie's request, as she completed the talk about the afternoon's deal. "One million six hundred and fifty thousand, the offered. That all right?" Greg had no problem with that, and he praised her for her efforts. That led to another piece of good news when she told him about a property on the coast that had just come on the market, which, she thought met much of his criteria, and which they could view on the following day. For Greg the evening seemed to fly by. Being able to look at her across the table, with his eyes drifting just occasionally, to the subtle neckline of her dress, where there was the discrete suggestion of smooth slopes, disappearing under her dress, but clearly rising under the fabric. Was she wearing a bra? There was just the suggestion of nipple pushing at the silk. He had to force his eyes to look up into her smiling face. They talked and laughed as the evening wore on. At one point he must have said something that pleased her for she reached across the table to touch his hand. That sent tingles up his arm. The wine was well down, and Greg could tell that they were both fairly high. He hoped that it was more to do with being in each other's company than the effects of the wine alone. But it had to be the wine that made him talk so openly about his time with Tania. Julie had made some comment about how cruel her husband had been, and that had triggered something inside Greg. Guardedly he spoke of her physical intensity, but he lingered over that final night and how he was sure it had been prearranged. He went as far as telling her that he knew she was being bedded by Sanchelle when he was thrown off the yacht. "And you haven't seen her since?" Greg wallowed in the sympathetic look in those green eyes. "Not a sight," Greg told her, and went on to tell her about seeing Sanchelle's picture in the newspaper with his latest conquest. "So you don't know where she is?" Greg shrugged, "No idea. She's somewhere in the south of France." "What will she be doing?" "I can only guess----selling her body probably." "You think she would do that?" "If she has, I know one thing for certain." "What's that?" "The price will be high, high, high," he chuckled, and it was wonderful to hear her laugh ringing out. With the taxi booked for eleven fifteen, Greg paid up and they moved out into a warm evening to wait for it. Julie carried her shawl over her arm, and the moonlight appeared to kiss her shoulders as they settled on a bench seat out on the patio. Greg half turned towards her, and whispered, "I have had a wonderful evening in your company." Julie turned to him as she replied, "It has been so good for me." Her eyes were on his, her lips were slightly parted, and Greg was pretty sure that a gentle kiss would be in order. Carefully he placed his lips against Julie's. For Julie it had been like a dream, and Greg had been so open in telling her about the terrible treatment he'd had from his relationship with Tania. But she couldn't help wondering just how much had that woman's sexual know-how rubbed off on Greg. Sitting at the table, thinking those thoughts, she had been a little surprised at herself moistening down there. Out in the calm evening, as she saw Greg's lips move towards her own she was full of desperate eagerness. As their lips came together she sensed that he was being deliberately gentle, as he had been in everything so far. But whether it was the wine, or her own deprived libido, she could not stop herself pressing close and meshing her own lips more forcefully on his. Delightedly she felt his immediate response and the kiss became quite wild with a quick flutter of touching tongues. Julie was wondering what would happen next, when the taxi arrived. The kiss broken, Greg smiled at her, a little shyly, was it? But very quickly they were couched in the back seat of the cab, and Julie found herself quickly enveloped in his arms, and their kisses were even more passionate, moistly warm with their tongues tangling and searching. Julie ran her hands over his chest, and thrilled to Greg's hands rubbing over her back and shoulders, sending blood coursing faster through her veins. They were like that for a long time it seemed. But Julie still had the feeling that Greg was holding back, when she longed to be touched more deeply. His right hand was against her side just under her armpit, and, with a sense of devilment which she blamed on the wine she twisted her body so that his hand slid easily onto her silk clad left breast. Instantly his hand became active, sending charges of electricity down into her lower regions, as he smoothed and caressed over her. Julie quickly realised that he had guessed she wasn't wearing a bra, as his fingers began squeezing her nipple lighting tiny fires deep down inside her. The longing to drag his hand down to her thighs warned her that it had to be the wine. She had never been this avid. Or could it possibly be the sheer abandon Greg promoted in her? That was the moment that Greg broke the kiss and placed his lips close to her ear, and she heard what she later considered magic words. "Julie, Julie, I have though about this, longed for this from the moment I first saw you. Could you not tell by the way I looked at you?" With a shrug and a little giggle she told him, "I thought it was simply lust. You know like that guy who pretended to be viewing?" "Oh, no, in my case you were wrong. Not lust---adoration." Julie's heart was pounding inside her and she was sure it was sending out signals to every part of her body. She reached out for his hand to place it on her thigh, and that was the moment that the cab driver called, "Twenty One, Thursby Avenue." Julie pulled back and looked into Greg's face, "I would, now, if you demanded. But I want to know it's not the effect of the wine. I want it to be perfect, if it's going to happen between us." If Greg was disappointed, it didn't show, as he leaned forward to give her a last tender kiss. Regretfully, Julie opened the cab door saying, "Thank you, Greg. Tomorrow, one thirty at our offices." She hurried up her drive without looking back. Greg slept fitfully that night. He was sure the door was near to being fully open. There had been so much promise during and after their evening meal. Their clinch in the taxi had been unbelievable, with him being so cautious, and Julie twisting her body so he could fondle her silk covered breast. His belly twitched at the thought of her nipple stiffening under his fingers. Dressing carefully in sports shirt and thin slacks the next day, he was looking forward, not to seeing a possible new home, but to checking on his standing with Julie. Promptly at one thirty he drove his car into the Manners and Garret car park, and was delighted to see her standing by her own car waiting for him. He was even more deeply pleased to see that she was not dressed in her usual formal working outfit, but wore a pale lemon front buttoning summer dress that exposed her tanned arms. Greg greeted her with a cheerful, "Hello." He was a little taken aback as she, without returning his smile, gestured towards the passenger door of her car and said, "Good afternoon, Mr Martin. Good of you to be on time." He half expected, no, hoped, that she would fall into his arms as soon as they were in her car, but as he leaned towards her she said, without any sign of humour, "This is strictly a business trip, Mr Martin." What the hell was going on here? Had the previous night had no meaning for her? As she headed the car out onto the road she explained, "The owners of this property, the Pearsons, are away for the next few days but I have the keys. That is why it was necessary for us to go in the one car." Then, without any trace of a smile, she added, "Otherwise you might have got lost." I'm lost now, Greg might have replied, stunned by her coolness, when he had been expecting a new warmth. After a brief silence she began telling him about the property they were going to see, and the first shock was when she said it was a bungalow. He hadn't wanted a bungalow, but he said nothing, and vaguely heard her enthusiastic description of the three bedroom property. "I'm told that the spaciousness is amazing," Julie said, without the least sign of dropping her business attitude. At last Greg caught sight of the sea as they drove north, then at a junction on the left, there was a dead-end sign, and Julie turned onto a narrow lane. After a short drive he had his first sight of the bungalow. He had to admit, at first glance it was striking. A wide frontage faced inland with an extensive area of grass in front of it. They left the car in the lane and Julie insisted that they walked around the whole building before going inside. Immediately, Greg could see what a fabulous view there would be, but he was still confused by Julie's attitude. He soon found that Julie had not been wrong about the interior. Every room had so much space. The kitchen was huge with a central table not diminishing the space. Even the room which appeared to be used as an office had floor space in spite of a large desk and a massive bookcase. If he bought the place Greg had little doubt that this would be his office with its terrific view of the sea. All four sides of the house gave wonderful views through large window, or French doors. At last they arrived back in the wide entrance hall, where Julie stood facing him, almost challengingly. "Well," she asked, her face looking rather severe, "was I wrong?" He looked into those lovely eyes and said, "Julie, it is marvellous." Greg was immediately surprised as Julie's coolness immediately dropped away, and she flung her arms around him, "Great, my role as estate agent is now over." The kiss she delivered was highly charged and Greg clung to her, his relief at her change of mood lifting him. He broke the kiss to ask her, "So the last hour has all been a set-up?" Her eyes glowed as she said, "Actually, the set-up is not over." Then her face darkened as she said, "Now, I want you to take a lone walk right around the place, every room, every outlook, before you commit to a final decision." Just a little uncertain at this instruction, Greg was only too willing to do as Julie asked, even though he was already pretty sure that this was the place for him. He strolled slowly from room to room, taking in the feel of every room. Some of the furnishings were rather old fashioned, but his own furnishing would change that. He ended up in what was clearly the master bedroom, with its king size bed and roomy en-suite. Leaning his arms on the window sill he gazed out at the vast blueness of the sea beyond a paved area. "Decision time!" Julie's voice right at his elbow momentarily startled him, but he didn't shift his gaze from the sea as he asked, "You haven't told me the asking price?" "Just under one million," her reply was prompt. "Sounds reasonable," he told her, still staring out to sea."There's only one thing wrong with it." Her voice had a disappointed note in it as she asked, "What's that?" Beginning to turn towards her he said, "I could never live here alone." Her quick smile was dazzling, and Greg noticed that the top two buttons of her dress had been unfastened revealing the subtle foothills of her breasts. Had that happened when they had clinched in the hall? Then her voice, slightly husky, asked, "Could I make a suggestion about that?" The next second she was clasped in his arms, their lips meshing, their tongues wrestling and Julie's body pressed hard against him. Knowing for certain that those buttons could not have been an accident, Greg eased back to slide one hand into the inviting gap, closing on the exquisite round firmness of her breast, that incredible smoothness of skin, his fingers flicking at the nipple, and it was pure delight to hear Julie's moan of pleasure. With his other hand he worked quickly at the rest of the buttons, and experienced the thrill of Julie's fingers working at his shirt. He reached the end first and pushed the dress away from her shoulders. Julie gave a little wriggle to help it on its way to the floor. There was no bra, and Greg, without breaking the kiss, felt her tremble as his hands, stroked over her shoulders and down over taut breasts, where the nipples were already stiffening. Julie felt that she was heading for the heaven she had been hoping for. Greg's hands on her body had already brought the moistness to her eager crease, just as it had on the previous evening. That had been when, after reluctantly breaking away from him, she had thought out how she wanted this day to go. Her fake business-like approach, and her eventual surrender were all part of it. The two unfastened buttons had been quite deliberate while he was doing his solo tour. Had she ever behaved in this wanton way in her whole life? It was goodbye man-hater. Now she pushed Greg's shirt from his shoulders, and did a copy cat trailing of her fingers over his shoulders and down where a thin trail of dark hair lay between his nipples. Would her fingers on his nipples have the devastating effect his were having on hers? Her blood felt to be filled with electric sparks that coursed down to her lower body. His little grunt signalled that there had been reaction from her stroking. Amazingly she had been hoping for gentility, yet now her own long deprived libido was craving some kind of wilder action. Greg's hands were moving over her skin, sliding under her panties, and easing them down. Desperate to keep pace, she unbuckled his belt and tugged at his pants which dropped away immediately to reveal bulging, blue boxer shorts. Julie pushed at the waistband and felt it snag on that bulge. Pulling the waistband wider, she lost her hold on his boxers as they fell away. She could sense her panties at her knees, and simultaneously, along with Greg, she performed a wriggling dance to be rid of them. They were together, naked. That was the moment that Greg broke the kiss, took her hands and leaned back so that they could each view the other's body. "Just like in your book," she murmured, remembering that it was that very book that had begun to change her mind about Greg. "It's going to be better than the book," Greg told her, as his eyes were like a special caress passing over her skin. She saw how they lingered for a moment on her bush, and she would have bet that he could have no idea what lay in wait for him behind that delicate shrub of hair. Her own eyes wandered down over his muscular chest, over his admirably flat belly to the solid rigidity of his penis bursting from a surround of black hair. She made no size comparisons as she gazed at the way it pointed at her, the purple head showing its little slit of an eye. God, please let the penetration that is coming be comforting as well as exciting. It had been so long. Greg whispered, as he led her towards the bed, "You are so beautiful. Do I really deserve this favour?" "Yes, I don't do this for all my clients, you know," she said with a lightness that surprised Greg. "Think the Pearson's mind us defiling their bed?" With his hands on her shoulders Greg carefully eased Julie back onto the bed as he said, "We're not going to defile it, we're going to give it an experience it has probably never had before." Julie had wriggled her body further over the duvet, and holding up her arms to him she sighed, "Sounds promising." Moving over her, Greg slid one arm behind her head, and Julie half turned to hold her body close to him. They kissed with initial restraint but as his hand moved from her cheek, to cover her breast, Julie's tongue darted into his mouth, and set sparklers bursting around his inner cheeks. Greg drew in a deep breath of satisfaction through his nose, catching the full lavender aroma of her perfume as he did so. This lady was set to become the centre of his life, but at that moment she was the focus of his desire. Now he had to proceed with the caution she was probably expecting having already referred to the way it had been in his book. Well, he could make it like that, couldn't he? Fingers, mouth and tongue, they would be his tools to achieve his ultimate aim to give Julie the best climax he could. Accordingly, he broke their kiss, and his lips moved lovingly over her neck, her shoulders and his protruding tongue took up the caresses as his mouth moved over her breasts. Her little yelp of pleasure was a rewarding start. Julie's body was already so alert that when Greg's lips and tongue began working at her breasts she could not contain the vocalisation of her pleasure. His controlled sucking of her nipples sent urgent messages into her deeper parts, and she knew her thighs had parted, wanting him, needing him. Nothing in her memory recognised these reactions. Madly, his delicate tonguing of her nipples, did not seem enough. Some weird, long dead desire wanted to feel his teeth gently gnawing there. Where had all these urges sprung from? God, now, as his mouth continued to work on her breasts, his free hand had slid down and was slowly, very slowly, circling over her belly. The movement was so subtle, but so obvious, as each stroke widened she knew he would soon have his fingers in her bush. Yes, yes, she wanted that, but she was becoming so desperate for more. Was she imagining it? Or were her vaginal walls actually pulsing, eager for invasion? Briefly Greg's fingers ploughed over her lower hair, before continuing their circling. Then they came back and rustled about in her bush, as though searching for something. The sensations he was creating inside her were worrying. If he moved further down into her crevice she would be gone. Suddenly she realised how selfish she was being. Her hands had stroked his shoulders, his back and chest. How was it, with her vaginal passage feeling as though it was crying out for something it had never had, how was it that she had not tried to touch his erect penis, especially since she had been so aware of it pressing against her thigh? She shivered as Greg's hand slid lower from her bush, but moved beyond her soaking crease to stroke with such affection along her inner thigh. His tongue continued to coax her nipples to maximum firmness, as she reached down and touched the hot head of his erection. Greg shuffled his body slightly to enable her to grip his hardness firmly. For a brief moment, his lips came off her nipples as he groaned, "Oh, yes, Julie, lovely." His hips gave a little jerk so that his solid member moved within her grasp, as though her hand was the target of his need. Briefly she recalled doing this for a lusty young man when they were eighteen. She remembered his yelps as his stuff had shot across the carpet they'd been lying on. Wanting all his power inside her, and very soon, she was careful about what she did with her hand. Greg's stroking of her thigh had moved higher and higher until the moment came when she knew his fingers had fluttered into the wetness that abounded in her cleft. As he lingered there and began to move from back to front, Julie sensed a great rising of heat, an unbearable heaving inside her. The moment that his finger touched on her clitoris was just too much. Her whole body wanted all of him inside her. She lay back flat but pulled his iron hard penis over her parting thighs. "Oh, please, Greg, get into me. Part me, split me---" God, she was starting to babble as Greg quickly took the hint and rolled between her thighs, where she was able to place his penis near where she wanted it. After his time with Tania, Greg had a pretty good idea about how long he could hold on. What he had wanted all along was the steady build up to this moment of entry, but already her pulling on his erection had pushed him ahead of schedule. If Julie's need was immediate, then that was how it would be, but he would make this penetration slow, easy but forceful enough to give her the biggest possible lift. Glancing up he could see that her face, when her head wasn't moving from side to side, was open mouthed, her eyes looking glazed. Greg reached down to where her trembling hand was pointing his penis head slightly off course. He took over and placed the head into the wetness of her opening. Then very gently he poked it just one inch into her cavity. Her instant moan and jerk told him that she was not far away from her climax. Her gasping breaths had already signalled that. Another push, another moan, more high-pitched this time. Greg began a slow steady further intrusion but without warning Julie heaved her hips upwards, a move that thrust his erection to strike at her very core. Greg's so hard penis making its initial entry into her was an exquisite moment, but instantly she knew she had to have it all, up her and hard. Damn the gentility mentioned in his book, she had never felt like this, so demanding, so needing this fulfilment. There came another small but not urgent push from Greg. But she wanted urgency, she wanted to feel him hammering into her. So when his next impulse came she could take no more of this caution. Every fibre of her body screamed for release, and the impulsive heaving of her own hips was just amazing, as she felt Greg's penis head strike against . what?her cervix? Whatever, it was magical. His penis filled her, feeling huge inside her. It began to withdraw. No, she wanted to scream, but then Greg thrust instantly. Julie knew her whole body was teetering on the edge of something. She knew she couldn't hold her head still, as again her hips rose to receive the blessing of this lovely hardness. And she was aware of fires lighting up inside her lower belly, as more and more she received Greg's increased thrusting. The fires were stoking higher, her body was no longer her own. There was no bed beneath her, there was only Greg's all devouring penis, thrusting, thrusting. At some point, he took a nipple in his mouth and sucked hard. That was all it needed. The fires flared, her muscles clenched ecstatically against the fullness of his heaving erection. Julie was lost in a place she had never been. It was as though her brain had melted, but as it solidified again, she became aware of the frantic pulsing of Greg's lovely organ as he climaxed. And that was additional pleasure for her. Yet with her return to some kind of consciousness came a painless agony if that was possible, and as Greg rolled to be alongside her she felt the tears pouring down her cheeks. A uncontrollable sob burst from her lips. "Julie, you're crying. Have I hurt you?" And the genuine anxiety in his voice was so comforting. "I'm being stupid," she sobbed. "You were so good for me. So strong." Greg gave her a squeeze, "I'm not that good. But you got some pleasure?" She turned her face towards him and he kissed at the tears that hung on her cheeks, "That, I think, is why I'm crying." "Why?" "I just can't recall ever having such wonderful feelings." "It wasn't as tender as I wanted." Julie gave him a half smile, "That's what I mean. I've never felt so demanding---so urgent for it." "After you're bad experiences, maybe. Were they so bad?" And without further bidding Julie was crying again as she blurted out the full story of Mike's forced blow jobs on her. "The bastard," he said and kissed her with much tenderness. "With you I'll wash all that filth out of my head,." Julie told him. "Yes, and we've only just begun." Greg said, swinging his legs from the bed, and pulling her with him. "Come on, we'll take a shower, and I'll show you." After a quarter of an hour under a warm shower, with Greg's soaped hands sliding easily all over her breasts, her back, and between her legs, Julie began to feel those strange urges back in the pit of her stomach. Running her own hands over his body, was stimulating, especially as she soaped his flaccid penis, feeling it rise under her touch. And she realised it was the first time she had ever stroked a limp penis. When they had towelled each other dry, Greg led her back to the bed, where as she sat on the edge with him standing in front of her, she indicated his risen penis and asked, "I'd like to do something special for you." Opening her mouth she had leaned forward as though to take him in. Playfully, Greg pushed her back on the bed muttering, "There are too many bad memories for you in that activity. Sometime we'll get around to it." Stilling her protests he lay over her, kissed her hair, her eyes and her lips, all with the extreme gentility he had promised first time. He slid slowly down the bed to kiss her breasts, very aware of her instant intake of breath. Briefly her fingers tickled at his hardness, but then he slid further down the bed so that he was out of reach, his face pressing into her belly, while his fingers stroked along her already lubricated labia. "What are you doing to me?" she sighed. "Learning about you," he replied, wriggling his fingers into her moist folds. "I need to know what gives you the greatest pleasure so I can go on applying that." "You give me the greatest pleasoooh." Her broken sentence was the result of Greg's finger touching her clitoris, which was already beginning to rise under his encouragement, Julie's breath was delightfully short as she moaned, "You're spoiling me." "No, you're spoiling me by just being on this bed with me." And he moved his lips down to take over from where his fingers were on her clitoris, and his tongue took up the action. "Oh, God, Greg—you'll make me---oh—" Greg trailed his fingers back to finger her royal entrance, tracing around it before poking one finger deep into her. He knew where he had learned this one, but had to give Julie the maximum he could. "All right?" he asked, moving his tongue briefly from her clitoris. "Stop and I'll kill you," she hissed. "See, you're making me selfish." "If you are selfish for the things I do to you, then that is all I could ask for." Greg said fervently. Julie was in raptures, and just a little uncertain how this was going to end. She was sure that his tongue would bring her to climax and now---Oh, God—he had introduced a second finger inside her. Was his penis too tired? Her brain was fizzing with wondrous images as Greg's fingers and tongue continued their gratifying explorations of her most sensitive regions. As his fingers twitched inside her vagina, she knew that that area was demanding something deeper , something more compelling. She knew there was only one way for that to happen, but at that moment he withdrew one of his fingers and allowed it to slide further back. Further back? Where was it going? The next instant she felt his finger tip run around the tight ring of her anus. That was all it took. She heard her own voice squealing, "Greg! Greg! Oh, Greg!" His reaction was instant, he was up, over her, and his rigid penis was into her right up to the hilt, exactly what she so desperately wanted. His thrusts were more forceful, faster and maybe even more desperate than she was. His lips found her mouth and they kissed frantically, as Julie lost herself in the wonder of her whole body exploding. Yet she was very aware of that mad pulsing of Greg's erect rod, signalling his spurting inside her as his thrusts went on and on. He was gripping her shoulders as he pushed into her one last time, moaning loudly. Julie could almost feel them come down together, first mentally, then physically. After a while, Greg whispered, "Julie, Julie, that is as great as I've ever known it" Was he just being kind? But she said, "You did all the work. But I'll get you back." They lay quietly for a while, stroking each other lovingly, until Greg sighed, "This is the place for me." "Excuse me, don't you mean 'for --" "Us." Greg laughingly added for her, and the kissing started again.
Title: Free Universal Carnal Knowledge Pt. 18 Tags: mfff, older man **XVIII** *"l-a-d-i-e-s"* The next day, of course, Alicia was due to move in, so it was the last night Wendy would have me to herself and we made sure it was a good one. In the morning we shared an unhurried breakfast and she got ready to go and help Alicia with the move as promised, while I prepared to go to Uncle Albert's. Just after Wendy had left, the phone rang. It was Fran. I could tell right away that she had recovered her poise after her astonishment the previous night. In fact, she thanked me for the demonstration: "It was very impressive." She also brought me up to date on last night's developments after I left. At about eleven o'clock, Manlio had rung to find out what had happened to Gabriella. "I tried to stall him," she explained, "because Gabriella was still a bit, well, you know -- " "Dazed?" I suggested. "Yes, but Manlio started to get all Latin and hot-tempered with me and I was getting flustered because he was talking so fast, then Gabriella suddenly appeared and grabbed the phone and gave him a piece of her mind. In the end she told him to eff off in four languages at least and hung up on him. James," she added pensively, "this thing of yours, what Connie calls your 'fluence', it's hell on relationships, isn't it? Except yours, of course, James darling." "H'm," I said. I supposed I ought to feel guilty that another love affair had bitten the dust on my account but somehow I could not muster the energy. "Anyway," Fran went on, "Gabriella stayed in her room last night and Connie's miffed because she was going to have it. She didn't appreciate sleeping on the sofa, and she wanted to move her stuff in from Tommy's today. They've been arguing about it all morning." And now she mentioned it, I could hear raised female voices in the background. I felt this was an easy call. After all, it was Gabriella that had changed her mind about moving out. (True, she had had some prompting from me but I failed to see that that had anything to do with it.) "Connie ought to have the room," I pronounced. Fran did not reply, at least not to me. "O Gabby," I heard her call in her sweetest butter-wouldn't-melt voice. "Could you come to the phone a moment please?" This was followed by the sound of approaching footsteps and Fran's voice announcing my name. "James, lover," Gabriella purred. "Good morning," I replied cheerfully. "Gabby, Connie gets the room." That was it: no explanation, no discussion. Yet the fiery Latin tigress took it like a lamb. "Of course, James lover." "Also, give her a hand moving if she needs it. Go and tell her now, and put Fran back on." "Yes, James. Anything you say, lover." And as her footsteps receded I heard her say, "Connie, Connie darling ..." Fran thanked me for sorting out a dispute that had been driving her mad all morning, and I admitted to her that I was beginning to relish this power that Albert's invention had given me. As she rang off I decided to use it again. It was now a couple of hours since I had fucked Wendy, so I called Kylie next door and she came running. Applying a fresh coat of spunk to her insides was just the boost my morning needed. I had to admit that having this kind of facility on tap made life's burdens easier to bear, and I caught the bus to Albert's feeling pretty good about things. My smugness would have increased still further had I been able to witness events a few miles away at Alicia's old lodgings, where Wendy was giving a faultless impersonation of a respectable widow, left comfortably off financially but lonely. She never lied to Alicia's former hosts, she assured me; she simply played the part so well that there was no need to. In fact, she charmed them to such effect that it was only with difficulty that she was able to turn down their invitation to stay for lunch. Another consideration that put me in a good mood was the thought that today, at long last, I should be able to find out for sure what Albert had done to me. I entered his house and switched on his computer. I completely ignored the piles of dirty books and assorted rubbish waiting to be cleared; after all, I reflected with the cynicism that I had noticed was becoming characteristic of me, I now had a corps of willing volunteers that would be only too happy to take this unpleasant task off my hands. Albert's computer gave me the same screen as when I had tried to access it before, blank except for a dialogue box demanding a password in which I had entered every crude sexual vulgarity I could think of, all in vain. This time I confidently typed l a d i e s. Instantly the screen came to life, offering me a bewildering array of files and documents. I checked through a few at random. Many were in mathematical or statistical formats and were stuffed with information of which I as a layman could make nothing. But others were in ordinary word processing formats and as I opened these I found to my relief that Albert had written up his work. I resisted the temptation to read them there and then. Instead I found a box of discs and copied file after file so I could study them on my own machine at home. It took quite some time; when I got home it was to find that Kylie had gone but Wendy and Alicia were unpacking. Naturally, I had to welcome Alicia to her new home in the only possible way (the poor child would have been so disappointed otherwise). That done, I left her on cloud nine and made for the boxroom I used as a study. At long last, I was about to learn the truth.
Title: Eternal Blue 3: Immortal Memories by Stinkdog Tags: Fantasy, Hyena, Otter, Philosophy, Sci-Fi, Violence (Not In Yiff) Quint cried out in agony at the blackness around him. All he felt was pain; an indescribable pain that seemed to penetrate every muscle and nerve in his body. Why did he feel this way? He couldn't remember anything that had happened before he was enveloped in darkness, he could only remember the searing hurt that ran through him. Every time he moved, it was all he could feel, this pain. Even his teeth throbbed from the shockwaves of hurt flowing through him. Pain wasn't the only thing he felt, however, he felt fear also, regret was another, but most of all, second to the pain was jealousy. He had no idea why, and the mind numbing emotions wouldn't let him think clearly. Another stab of pain and he screamed again. He wondered if it would ever end, this pain, the hateful feelings around and in him. He opened a swollen eye and saw the playground he knew as a child. A battered, rusted swing set and a rundown slide sat several feet away. The hyena could see his childhood crush sitting on the swing set with another. She didn't even turn her head to acknowledge him as he called her name. Quint felt a fist connect with his face and he teetered on his heal; falling backwards from the shock of the blow. He knew that the one who had stolen his love had told them to beat him. Quint fell to the ground on his back; trying in vain not to tear up as a large puma came into his view. The large cat stood above him and sneered down at the prone hyena. "What are you gonna' do now, fag?" The feline jeered. "Too bad your sweetheart loves someone else, huh, queer?" "I'm... not a... queer..." Quint heard himself saying as he started to taste blood from his bleeding nose and lacerated cheek. A foot connected hard with his gut, causing Quint to clutch his stomach painfully. "Why don't you fight back, fag?" The puma laughed. Quint didn't answer. He was too busy fighting back the tears that threatened to stream down his face to fight anything else. The larger cat had been right, but not about what he thought. Quint let a tear fall down his cheek as he remembered that day. It was the day when the only female he had ever been in love with told him she loved someone else. He screamed again as the darkness returned with a whole new wave of painful feelings and memories. The hyena let out ragged gasps of breath as the pain left him momentarily. He opened both eyes delicately this time and groaned when he saw the port of his home town. He was standing on the hill just outside the port; looking down at all of the magnificent and beautiful ships. This was the day he had vowed to stow away on a ship regardless of the consequences. Quint closed his eyes, not wanting to relive this memory either. He opened them again when he felt something forcibly grab his left ear. "No...!" He thought silently as the familiar sensation burned into his ear; a ripping feeling that told him he was losing part of himself. Quint let tears flow freely this time as the pain and darkness returned. He absent mindedly brought a hand up to his broken left ear; half of it had been stolen from him that day and he would never forget it. Quint tried to figure out what was going on, why he was reliving his most painful memories, but nothing made sense in this blackness. The jealousy hit him again like a punch in the gut, causing him to wretch as more bitter tears dripped down his cheeks. He opened his eyes to see the female; his first and only love. She looked at him with a look of complacency as she took her husbands arm in hers. Quint sobbed into the wet ground as the two walked away, through the pounding rain, to be happy for as long as they lived and leaving him with his heart torn to pieces on the muddy, rain-soaked road. Quint howled in agony yet again as the darkness enveloped him. And he suddenly saw his parents standing before him. "Oh please no..." He sobbed, "Not this... anything but this..." His parents had no detailed features, but he had the impression they were trying to comfort him. He whimpered softly as his tears started to slow. He looked up at them, his weeping stopped for the time being as they approached. Quint wiped his eyes clear of tears and sniffed through his nose. "Mother?" He asked, "...father?" An orange glow began to surround them. "You're nothing but a wastrel." The sound was his mother's voice. "You useless, mutt!" His father's words rang in his ears as clear as bells. "No...!" Quint said breathlessly, "I'm not... I didn't...!" The glow turned into a raging fire that surrounded the two creatures. His parents' featureless faces started to melt away, their smiling faces turning into leering, hollow skulls as the flesh was burnt away and they fell into ash at the hyena's feet. "I didn't mean to hurt you!" Quint screamed aloud. Suddenly, he choked as sorrow struck his throat. A lump sat in his esophagus, not allowing him to breath, he gasped and wheezed, trying to cry and speak at the same time. His eyes snapped shut as the bitter water seeped from them to coat his cheeks once more. Images flashed before his shut eyes: wars that were never won; diseases that were never cured; the rift he had caused in his family. They were all memories from his long life. Quint gasped as she returned to him and the lump in his throat finally agreed to be swallowed. Her ghostly visage looked at him with sadness in her eyes. Her face was serene and beautiful in the destruction that covered Quint's memories. She was the anchor he could never have, for she belonged to another, and life is a fleeting thing. The hyena had watched his friends grow older and older while he barely aged at all. They hated him for it. They called him worthless. They called him a cheat and a liar. He watched her grow old and die while he remained the same. She and her husband, always so happy, and Quint was never a part of her life. She hadn't even considered loving him in return. Something inside Quint snapped. "Well burn her anyway." He thought. "She didn't disserve me. I was too good for her. Let her and her nitwit husband rot in their graves." The ghostly image disappeared and Quint's heart was tugged on yet again as a young otter appeared in her stead. "Tireal..." Quint gasped. "Not you... please don't let him die too..." The otter was not a ghost, though, as she had been. Tireal was looking around a small darkened room and he had a very frightened look on his face. The image of the otter overwhelmed all of the hyena's other memories and Quint could do nothing but watch. Tireal carefully made his way to a glass pedestal in the center of the room on which sat a glowing sapphire. Tireal reached his hand out to grab the gem, but pulled it back quickly when Quint saw himself burst through the door; holding a wickedly curved ivory dagger. Tireal looked at him with shock and horror as the hyena approached the otter maliciously. "Not him... please... don't let him die..." Quint thought as the scene played out before him. Tireal darted to the opposite side of the room as Quint slowly moved towards him, brandishing the dagger above his head. The otter had nowhere to run and he looked at Quint pleadingly, shaking his head 'no'. New tears slid down the hyena's cheeks as he saw himself lift Tireal into the air by the throat and grin evilly. "Please, no...!" Quint shut his eyes, trying to blind himself from the image before him, but it played behind his eyes as well. The otter struggled and screamed in fear as Quint licked the dagger lewdly. And the image disappeared; leaving Quint sobbing in pitch blackness with the echo of his best friend's screaming voice ringing in his ears. Why did he hurt so much? Was that all his life really was: A series of painful memories? No, he remembered happy times. They were times with Tireal by his side when they used to have fun on his ship, until money became an issue. Was there really a point in his life when he was truly happy? He was happy when he saw her for the first time. But was that really happiness or just an excuse to have something to live for? Was Tireal an excuse too? Quint remembered times in his life when he wished he had never put the damned pendant around his neck. There were times he wanted to undo that horrid vial's healing power; times when he just wanted to die... just like everyone else could. He just wanted to be normal. That's why he cried on the schoolyard; why he loved her when he could never have her; why he took in Tireal; and why he became captain of his own ship. Could someone like him lead a truly normal life? Everywhere around him was death. He watched his friends die all around him, watched his family die as well. His sister, three years younger than he, had passed on due to heart failure at the ripe age of 96. His best friends from youth all died soon after. He was alone in this world. That was why he tried to make excuses for himself. He hated life. He hated living while others died. Why should they get to enjoy the peace of death when it was forbidden to him? "I'm alone." The thought was as clear as a bell tolling in his head that reverberated through the darkness; drowning out all other feelings and memories. Nothing would change that. He would always be alone. No one could keep an immortal company except another immortal. "I'm alone." Tireal could not help him. She could not help him. No one could help him. "I'm... alone... so alone..." The jealousy and pain returned in a torrent of emotion and feeling, disrupting his thoughts. He wasn't alone. The pain kept him company in this black void. Nothing else was permanent, but it seemed the pain, regret, jealousy, and sorrow remained: burned into his soul. They had the strongest memories. They would always win out over his other emotions because they held the most sway. A thought: "I hate it." He had felt love once. Or what he thought was love. But it had been a fleeting moment, not even worth a second glance. And another: "I hate her." He had felt joy once. Or what he thought was joy. But it was of trivial matters, which lost all relevance in the greater scheme of things. They invaded his mind: I hate...myself." He had felt friendship once. Or what he thought was friendship; until his so called 'friends' showed him how loyal they really were and all stabbed him in the back when he needed them most. They attacked his logic and brought new tears: "I hate...them all." He had felt happiness once. "I hate..." There was a pause in the pain and tears. Yes... it was happiness wasn't it. That was something to cling to; a rock in the turbulent rapids of his emotions. He had been happy many times in his life. Even though it was usually a fleeting happiness, it was still happiness nonetheless. His life always took new turns when he was least expecting it to: the fire that consumed his parents, which he was blamed for; the other male that took his woman; friends that played him for a fool. All of these he knew had hurt him deeply. They were wounds which would probably never heal. But Quint held onto happiness... no matter how many times those memories came back to haunt him, he always had his happy memories. They weren't powerful memories, but there were a lot of them. Quint thought of everything in his life that had pleased him just a little and made him feel good about himself. His painful memories started to fade. "I'm tired of hating." He thought Quints eyes drooped. "I'm tired of running." His eyelids started to slowly close on all of the memories replaying through his mind. "I'm... tired." He didn't need to be normal. He was who he was. And if there was a problem with that, he wouldn't be who he was in the first place. Pain, Fear, Jealousy, and Regret took a breather. Happiness and sleep took their place. Quint closed his eyes; a smile plastered on his muzzle. Everything would work itself out, given time. \*\*\* The hyena awoke with a start. He was staring up at the wooden ceiling of a small hospital bedroom. He turned his head to look around the room and winced as a sharp pain slid along his left temple; a fleeting reminder of the bullet that nearly punctured his skull. "Hello pain, my old friend." He whispered. The room was white plaster. Save the ceiling and floor which were brown hardwood. A small lamp sat on a bedside table to his right along with a small clock. Also on the table were his two pistols and their holsters. He wasn't a military prisoner or in jail, then. His eyes continued to wander as he ignored pain's insistence on his left temple. Two chairs sat on the opposite side of the room from him in which sat a sleeping Tireal and a rat soldier. The rat eyed him cautiously as if Quint was going to jump up and use his guns at any moment. Quint paid the rat no mind and looked to the small sink and mirror that Tireal rested his elbows on as he slept. It was nice of them to house and heal him like this. After all, the rat woman who fired that bullet could have just left him to die and been done with it; unless of course the bounty on the hyena's head was only good if he was alive. Quint wondered if she had only incapacitated him on purpose. Oh well, he was sure both he and Tireal would find out soon enough why they were wanted men. Quint yawned tiredly and closed his eyes again. There was something to be said about soul searching after a near death experience. It made the past a lot more clear to him and, with the past out of the way, Quint had free reign to think about the future. The hyena fell into a peaceful, painless sleep. END?
Title: I Think We're Alone Now Chapter 3 by Ukelele Tags: Anal, Angst story series, Bareback, Cheating, Closeted, Deer, Lion, M/M, Marriage of convenience, Psychological, Stag Well I suppose I should start off telling you me and Angela did get married. It was inevitable, at least, that's what everybody said. But I know now, and I think I may've known then that it wasn't good for either of us. I had this part of me that meant I'd never be anybody's perfect husband. I mean, hell, I never did love her like Jesse. It was just, well I knew she loved me, and I really did care about her. I couldn't stand the idea that I'd break another heart. And it was expected, not just by her, by everybody. Besides she was the best friend I had by then, couldn't be too awful living with my best friend, right? Still, friendship couldn't keep our first night as a married couple from being awkward as hell. We hadn't, uh, consummated yet. Well I mean it wasn't that she hadn't tried, and hell maybe I'd been a little bit curious. Still, every time she got too close I got nervous and ended up just pushing her away. Between that and her family raising her as a good Christian girl I guess it was enough to put off that inevitability. But after the wedding she was not gonna wait any longer. I'd kinda expected, it was obvious she wanted to. And I prepared for it the only way I could think of. I had never drunk so much before, and between that and my uh, my preferences, I couldn't get hard for her. At least she blamed it on the alcohol; I didn't want her to think she wasn't pretty or something. And we did eventually get me worked up, it just took both of us stroking and petting, and I had to imagine Jesse, my fox beneath me instead of my wife. It worked, I even came, though I caught myself a coupla times trying to call out his name. And though there was blood she reassured me, said her mother told her this'd happen her first time. She insisted it wasn't cause of me being too rough, she really had enjoyed it. A few weeks passed, a few nights where she pulled me to her and things played out less awkwardly, and I was beginning to think maybe this whole marriage thing was working out. And then one night, me and Angela're laying in bed, her hand is tracing slow circles in my chest fur, and for some reason, she's avoiding eye contact. Finally she turns to me and asks, "Jim?" Everyone called me Jim by then, "Jim? What were you dreaming 'bout last night? You kept muttering, calling out to someone." My jaw hung slack. Of course I remembered the dream, I'd had it many times before, but I couldn't let her know who was leaving me, or why. I looked at her, and I guess I held her tighter to me because she squirmed and made a small noise, "Hon, it's okay. Was it a girl?" Her voice drops, "Did she die?" "Wha- uh yeah." I admit, I had an almost too easy time lying to my wife. "Yeah, she, she died. Years ago." It became surprisingly easy to make my first love a girl then kill him off. She hugged me tightly to her, "You poor thing! You just kept calling out to her, over and over. Was it that girl from Beaumont who died our sophomore year?" "Her truck. She drove off in her truck." "Was it a terrible accident?" I couldn't look at her anymore at this point, never could keep eye contact when I was lying, "Yeah. Awful. Not much left." She seemed satisfied with that, at least she nodded and turned off the lamp, tucking herself down into the comforter and in a few minutes her breathing was slow and steady. Me, I laid awake in the dark, listening to hear breath and trying to fight off the panic creeping at the edges of my brain. I'd never been able to stop having those dreams, and now I'd hafta worry about being overheard. It's no surprise really that it took me hours to fall asleep. Even then I woke up a little later, Angela hugging me so tight that I wondered how she could keep a grip like that without waking up. Despite the dreams, and the way she usually had to drag me into bed, we had an alright marriage for a few years. Almost a year in Angela gave birth to one of the most beautiful little girls I'd ever seen, our Delilah. People in town thought we were a great couple, going to church events and everything. And though I thought about it, and sometimes the desire got so strong I could do nothing but jack off and curse myself, inches away from trying something stupid for a little relief, I managed to keep from doing anything queer. At least, I did for those first few years. I guess it'd been a rough few weeks, when it all did fall apart; Angela was wanting another baby, pressuring me to make love to her more frequently, trying all kinds of wives' tales to get knocked up. Plus there was this new fox at the refinery, and I mean I know he was younger, I know the markings were all wrong and he even had a few more scars that he proudly showed off, but I couldn't help but pine for Jesse every time I saw him. I think it was the laugh that did it. He was always laughing, loved jokes, and even though his were much deeper, it always felt like it was the same as Jesse's laugh, the one that always disarmed me. I'd find that the more time I spent near him, the more my hand would slide into my pocket and finger at that matchbook. And the more I'd hafta sneak off, usually later at home, too often at work, and take care of myself quietly, reliving those old trips to the woods. Besides that, Angela was telling me I was having those dreams again. Not that I needed her to tell me, I've dreamt of Jesse off and on ever since he left. But now I was getting vocal about it again, even, embarrassingly, some more excited dreams that left Angela joking that she never thought she'd be jealous of a dead girl. And I guess it all got to be too much, to the point where one Friday I left the refinery and just kept driving, heading west, hoping to hit Houston, or maybe that Montrose place Ray'd talked about years back. I could'a done it, too, if Angela hadn't've called. See I've got one of those new cellular phones. I thought they were a terrible thing, I figured if I was somewhere without a phone, I didn't want people to be able to reach me anyway. But my wife insisted I get the damn thing, in case of accidents or something happens to the kids or something. And y'know, she always seemed to get her way. Anyway I was halfway to Houston when I get this angry phone call from her, asking why I was missing dinner. I told her I was, well I almost told her I was leaving. I tried, but the words failed me. There was a part of me that had wanted to scream, to yell at her that I was miserable, that I was a burn in hell faggot and all those dreams that plagued me were for the only MAN I'd ever loved, he'd left me 'cause I was too chicken shit to leave, that I married her because it was the God-damned path of least resistance! I wanted to let it all out, to yell and scream and make someone else feel what I'd put myself through since high school, but I couldn't. I couldn't hurt her like that, or anyone else really. Besides, I knew it was really all my fault. All of it was my fault. So instead I told her I'd had an unexpected thing come up at work, I had to spend the night in Houston. Yes, I knew I had the cell, no, I wasn't trying to upset her, yeah I just forgot to call. I'd see her sometime tomorrow. I figured even a little time away from home might help me. But that woman was determined. She wanted me to grow a backbone and tell my boss I had a family to be with. I couldn't help thinking it funny she'd say that, 'cause I knew if I'd had a back bone I'd break her heart, woulda left her a long time ago. I pulled over to the side of the road, didn't even know where I was, I just knew that I'd finally convinced her that I had to stay in Houston for the night. It's so much easier lying when you don't hafta see their face. I still didn't know quite what to do when I got out of the truck, I just paced around it a few minutes, then walked over and flopped in the bluebonnets. Of course, lying to Angela got my mind stuck on broken hearts, and that meant thinking of Jesse. I remembered that matchbook. That damned matchbook. Well, I had my cell, and it was early in the evening so there was still plenty light out. I rolled onto my right side to pull out my wallet, then my left to get out my phone. I found it in one of the small pockets, slipped behind one of those "key passages" mini bibles the church gave us to hand out. For a moment I paused, holding the thin cardboard in my hand, rubbing it gently as all these thoughts and doubts raced through my mind, 'He might've moved. Would he even want to talk to me? I have a wife and kid. What would people think, hell what would God think?' At the last thought, I huffed out a breath. That was part of what separated us in the first place, and I wasn't about to let it get in the way again. Determined, I turned the matchbook to the back, and the number's gone. Panicked, I leaned in closer, squinting in the evening light. I could almost make out the numbers, they were there, but the years of carrying it with me had worn and faded them. In frustration, I yelled and threw it all, my phone, my wallet, and the matchbook into the ditch, then turned and kicked the truck. Not sure if it was because of the yelling or what, but a burgundy sedan pulled over behind me. I admit, I panicked at first, somehow thinking my gay thoughts would be showing on my face. "Engine trouble?" I heard a man's voice ask. I looked up long enough to determine that he's a deer. But like I said before, I can't look at people when I lie so I studied the pattern of birds flying across his shirt, "Yessir. Just called the tow truck." "Alright, just wondered 'cause I saw you throw yer fancy phone there, and I thought the damned thing had failed ya." I shook my head and started to pick up my stuff, "Naw, I'd just heard how much it was gonna cost me." He handed me the matchbook off the ground as we chuckled, and I was able to look him in the face again. He had a very friendly, comfortable face, and I maybe looked a little longer than I should have as we shook hands, and as he walked back to his sedan. I definitely shouldn'tve looked at his ass, but I was pretty sure he didn't catch me. As soon as he was out of sight, I pulled the matchbook back out and strained to read it. The light was fading now, and it proved impossible, even with the truck's cab light. Finally, I did the only thing I knew to do. The phone rang only once before a professional voice answered. "Operator, how may I help you?" "Um, yeah Operator could you help me place this call?" "Certainly sir, do you know the number of the party you're trying to reach?" "Well, uh y'see the number on the matchbook is old and faded. But I do have a name. Jesse Thomas." "And is she in the greater Houston area?" It seemed whenever I talked about Jesse nowadays, he became a she, it was the only lie I seemed to have no trouble with anymore. "Ah, no. She's, well last I heard she was living in LA. With some guy named Ray, uh, Ray Yarbrough." "Do you know if the number is in her name sir?" "What? No, no. I just, can you look up any Jesse Thomas's in Los Angeles?" The line went quiet for a few minutes, but somehow she found him. My eyes started tearing up as I told her to hold on a minute while I find something to write with. There was a pen on the floor under some fast food bags, and an old receipt in the cup holder. I guess the emotions started to get to me, cause I just got more and more teary eyed as she read the number to me. By the time I'd copied it down, what with my crying and the bad light of the car, I couldn't read what I'd just wrote. "Oh operator, before you go, could you help me make this call. I uh, can't read the number you just gave me." I couldn't hold back a sniffle. "Are you alright sir?" "Yeah, yeah. I just, there's something in my eye. It happens a lot." The operator tells me to wait just a minute, and before I have a chance to thank her and tell her she's been more than kind, I hear a ring. I panicked. I couldn't move during the second and third rings, frozen either in nerves or fear. And on the fourth ring, right when I was debating hanging up, there was a crackle, and the phone was being lifted from the receiver. And then, a voice on the line, "Hello?" and I deflated. It wasn't him. It was just some girl. Probably the operator chose the female's number because of what I'd said. I don't remember hanging up, or restarting the car. I don't recall the drive or anything else until I found myself somewhere between Cove and Houston in a shitty little bar, I remember looking up from the beer in my hand and seeing a familiar pattern of birds flying. "Well, looks like you got yer engine trouble fixed." How did I end up here, of all places? With him? I half recalled seeing a burgundy sedan sitting in the parking lot outside. "Yep. Turns out it was just out of gas. Still cost me more than a tank of gas should, but it's cheaper than I'd expected." It occurred to me later I was looking at his face while lying, he really had a nice face. "Did I thank you for stopping earlier? 'Cause I meant to if I didn't." So we talked, and we drank, and I drank, and he talked, and I don't know if I let something slip, or he made the first move, but somehow I found myself walking with him back to his pretty little sedan, right where I half imagined I'd seen it earlier, and riding to a nearby cheapass motel. We burst into the room, if only because I'd leaned against the door while he unlocked it. It's strange, but for a night where I forgot so much, I can remember everything about sleeping with Frank. The stale smell of old cigarette smoke hovering around the room, the outdated matching wallpaper, curtains, and bed, the dim light and buzz of the mercury bulb outside the window. But mostly I remember Frank. The way his antlers, mostly grown in for the spring, would occasionally scratch the ceiling, the warm browns of his thin coat of fur, the feel of his strong arms around me as he pressed his lips to mine, the taste of cheap beer that lingered in our mouths. It didn't take long for him to lose his shirt, then his jeans and briefs. He was beautiful, strong and tall, with a lightly muscled chest and brown fur that wrapped around him and met a creamy underbelly. I let my eyes trail down the white 'til they hit his, well his rather impressive length. I admit, I let myself stare, admire, taking in and savoring the sin I'd held off for so long. His dick was huge, bigger than even the toy Jesse'd given me, and it worried me to see what had to be something a bit shy of a foot on him, but I'm ashamed to admit I was also excited. He smirked at me, letting out a soft chuckle, "I appreciate that you're lovin' the show, but were you gonna undress too?" I blushed and turned away, quickly unbuttoning my work shirt and dropping my pants. My hands paused on my briefs, holding the band in my hooked thumbs when I suddenly felt his arms wrap around me, his erection rubbing against the cotton stretched over my butt. He buried the side of his muzzle in my mane as he pressed himself to me. A soft whimper escaped me as I pushed back, my tail curling itself outta the way of the thick shaft that left a damp spot on my underwear. Frank chuckled when my tail moved, letting his hoof-tipped fingers drag through my chest fur, "I had you pegged as a bottom the moment I saw ya." I turned pretty red at that, and part of my mind started to worry that I was so obvious, but those thoughts got pushed to the back when I felt his teeth nibbling my ear and his rough fingers starting to tug down my briefs. I was already hard when he started rubbing and massaging my crotch, though I did start to moan then, grinding my butt back against his dick, excited and intimidated by the feel of the hot length as it slipped and rubbed between my cheeks. He paused, holding me and waiting 'til I gave a soft whine before he asked, "Do me a favor, I got some lube in my jeans over there. Fetch it for me." I nodded, though I wasn't quite ready to peel myself away from the buck, but the smack he gave my butt got me past my hesitation. I found three little packets, like ketchup in his pocket, and he took them from me, asking me to turn around. I'll admit, I really presented to him, must've been drunker than I thought. But he certainly appreciated the view, my upturned rump with my tail hiked up out of the way. I heard him squirt some into his hand, then felt the cold sliminess of the fluid as his fingers started to rub it at my hole, gently pushing as they worked around it. After a few minutes of massaging along the ring, getting me a little more relaxed, he slipped a finger in and I moaned eagerly. Even looking back, my eagerness surprises me, I guess I was a little surprised it didn't hurt at all that time cause the pain was always one of my biggest fears when me and Jesse... Either way he starts working his finger in and out, getting me to squirm and mewl like a little kitten. "Must've been a while for ya, you're gonna need some real stretching." I blushed and simply nodded in reply. After he'd worked that one finger inside me for a while I felt another slip in, with only a slight off feeling, still no pain. He gave a soft pant behind me, leaning himself against me as he started to work both fingers, gently stretching my hole, working my ring back and forth so I'd only ever feel a moment's discomfort between little spikes of pleasure. I actually whimpered wantingly when he pulled his fingers out, making him give a soft chuckle and lean in to nip on my ear again, "Don't worry," I heard the squirt of a lube packet again, "you won't be empty long." He suddenly pushed three fingers in at once, making me hiss and clench. It took only half a second before I'd relaxed again, and within moments I was pushing back at his knuckles. "Damn you are an eager boy." He'd said, stretching his fingers wider before slowly tugging them back out. He worked with all three fingers for just a little bit more before pausing. "Alright, are ya ready?" he asked softly, his fingers pulled just to the edge of my ring. I gave a small nod, managing to hold back enough that my "Please," was just a whisper. Still, he heard it, and with a tight hug he positioned his slickened shaft at my entrance and slowly started to press against it. As eager as I was, and as careful as he was to stretch me, it was still a little uncomfortable pushing in. I grit my teeth and grunted, and he paused, asking if I was alright. I nodded, I just wanted to feel him inside me, and he started to press in again. With each inch stretching me further, it took all of my remaining concentration to keep myself relaxed. He only pushed in about halfway first time. His fingers rubbed gently through my chest mane as he began to draw back, me panting softly as I felt that burning hot length pulled from within me, then suddenly pushed back in, going a little further and making me gasp and dig my claws into the ugly comforter. "Shh, shh it's okay," he whispered in my ear as he slowly started to mate with me, gentle thrusts pushing his shaft deeper each time as I mewled beneath him, adjusting as we went to the thickness pressing deep into me. Kinda ashamed to admit it, but pretty soon I was starting to push back each time I was ready for more. It was pretty slow going after the first few inches, his fingers didn't reach as far as his shaft. But he was patient, maybe even more'n I was. And to my surprise I suddenly felt his hips pressed to my ass and his satisfied grunt as he finally buried the whole length inside me. He paused, both of us panting and my hind claws scratching a bit at his leg as I marveled at the length inside me. The buck nuzzled my cheek, asking me softly, "You alright?" I, uh, I'm embarrassed to remember it now, but after a second more of adjusting and marveling at what all was inside of me, I nodded and said, "I'm amazing." And with my blessing, he wrapped his arms around me, pulled back out, and started to rut. Thrusting more quickly into me, panting and lowing softly as he mated me, made me his doe. I moaned in his arms, hands balling into fists clenched tight around the bedspread as I thrust back at him, the bed shifting and squeaking loudly beneath us. He kept going faster, it seemed, building up his thrusts 'til I couldn't keep up anymore and locking me in with a mating bite as his groin slapped off of my ass cheeks, one hooved hand reaching down and grasping at my shaft, starting to stroke it real rough and quick. Between the rough fucking, the excitement at finally laying with another man, and the feeling of suddenly having another hand on my cock I orgasmed almost right away. I could feel my body suddenly seize and then relax as my semen started to shoot outta me across the quilt, surprising both of us I think with a pleasured roar. The buck only paused a moment when I clenched and roared, then just gripped me tighter, hips pounding off of mine for a minute longer before he too lowed out his orgasm, pumping thick spurts of his semen into my ass, making me moan with the feeling of the heat slowly filling me as I started to slump. I must've passed out a few minutes later, when I woke up I was spooned up against him, my ass sore and sticky and his soft shaft resting against it. And an amazing hangover. I wasn't really sure where I was for a moment, heck with the feeling under my tail I actually woke up thinking I was with Jesse. I uh, even said his name as I turned, and jumped a bit when instead I saw the buck smiling back at me. "No, it's Frank. But Jesse's gotta be a pretty lucky dude." "Shit!" I yelled, realizing a moment later that I'd cursed. I couldn't believe that I'd cheated on Jesse! But as the fog cleared and the buck, er, Frank was frowning and sitting up I mentally chided myself. Angela, I'd cheated on my wife, not my fox. "Fuck, I'm married!" I cried out as I jumped from the bed, falling gracelessly to the floor with my legs tangled in bedding. Frank just sighed and rubbed his thumb and forefinger on his forehead, "Goddamn, another closet case. Look Bud, it's okay. Clearly you needed to work out somethin' your wife can't give ya. You watch, I'll bet some of the tension'll be gone when you get back home." He was looking at me, kinda forcing a smile as he spoke. He said more, too, but I can't remember most of it, I was still panicking, and guilty, pissed at myself for thinking of Jesse before my wife. Besides that my head was pounding, and at some point the alarm clock went off shrilly next to the bed just to add to all the confusion. Still, eventually Frank'd talked me down, even given me another hug from behind before he started to get dressed, quietly and kinda awkwardly. Although I made a point of looking away this time, and trying to not remember his naked body even as he dressed. I heard the door open, but didn't hear his hoof-feet hit the pavement outside. I turned to look and he was looking back, still calm as ever. "Listen Bud, not sure you wanna hear this, but the way you went at me last night, I think you owe it to yourself and your wife to rethink your current living situation." I wish I'd protested, or yelled, or something. Instead I just nodded, muttered, "Yeah" under my breath. Before I thought to say anything else he was gone, and past the door I could hear his pretty sedan starting up. I think I spent a full hour in the dingy motel shower. I dunno, I just didn't feel clean. Kept trying to calm myself down, clean any traces of male scent from my fur, be presentable again. I felt like maybe I could wash enough away that Angela'd never hafta know. I kept reliving parts of the night in my head, having to stop myself from getting excited whenever I did. It was really only then that I realized I'd left my truck back at the bar, and later after I'd dropped off the key I walked back silently, still going over everything and fighting the occasional erection. It only took about 20 minutes to find my way back, and the rest of the morning I spent driving home, trying to drown out my thoughts by turning the radio up louder. It turned out Angela'd found out she was pregnant that night I spent with Frank. She'd been really excited to tell me, in fact she'd told me the good news as soon as I got home. Then she chewed me out for just driving off on some work assignment without telling her first. She was even more upset because I hadn't been as overjoyed as her at the good news. And because I wasn't able to tell her much about what they'd wanted me to do in Houston. Still, with the second baby finally on the way, things calmed down pretty quick at home. Angela was happier as she worked around the house, little Delilah had all kinds of curious questions that we mostly avoided, and I wasn't forced to uh, to perform my husbandly duties. It wasn't 'til about two months later that everything fell apart. Angela'd been feeling sick, burning and aching in ways she didn't remember from carrying Delilah and had gone in to the doctor a week before to make sure everything was okay. She was in the living room, watching some awful talk show and patching a hole in one of my shirts when the phone rang. I got to it first, but the doctor asked for her so she set aside her mending and took the phone from me. I knew she'd been worried, and I could tell she had on her brave mask as I watched her take the receiver and greet Dr. Bruhns. But after a few minutes of talking that started to slowly fall, her hand moving down to grasp at her belly. I stood at that, but didn't walk over. Just stood and worried, watching her from across the room. She hung up the phone, her other hand joining the first in cradling her stomach. She's quiet, and I'm just standing there, watching her, not knowing whether to comfort her or keep my distance. Slowly, she looks up, her eyes find my feet and follow them up my body. When her face settles on mine she's expressionless. But that soon changes. Her whole snout warps into a scowl, contempt and anger and hurt all combining to mar her slender face. "What have you DONE!" She yells it more than asks, and as my mouth gapes open she runs at me. I stagger backward, covering my face as she gets to me, slapping me and yelling 'What have I done? What have I done to our baby? To her? Brought some disease into our bed!' She never even asked who it was. That was what I'd feared the most, her knowing I'd been with that buck, with another male, and in the end she didn't even care about the who. She got off me, and stormed into our bedroom, slamming and locking the door. Delilah must've come in the front door because I looked down and she was crying and asking why we were fighting. I told her to go to Samantha's, trying my best to drown out the bangs and curses coming from her mother in the next room. Mercifully, our daughter was out the door before Angela started yelling again. "You coulda just broken my heart, but no, you had to ruin me too. Ruin me and kill your child. Well no more and *fuck* you Mr. Deuteronomy James Shondell, you ain't gonna hurt me again." She was yelling so loud I was afraid the neighbors would hear, and underneath all that noise was her banging things around. Thumps and clacks, slams and drawers and all sorts of racket from in that room, all the while she was yelling at me, and I'm bawling because I know every word of it was true. I'd broken another heart. I'd let myself slip once more into sin, and now everyone I cared about was going to suffer the consequences. Finally the racket stopped and the door swung open, banging off the wall. I raised my head to blubber out a pathetic apology but well, well I saw the suitcases. Her best, a matching floral set my mother had saved up to buy her as a wedding gift. I managed to stop my crying enough to beg, cry out "No Honey, don't go Delilah needs you, both the kids'll need you, please I'm so sorry." "Damn right the kids need me. I ain't leaving." She'd stopped crying by now, but there were little tracks of salty matted fur around her snout. She wasn't even yelling anymore. She was somewhere between devastated and furious, and all of that energy was being directed into hatred for me, "You're going to take these hideous bags that mother of yours gave me, and all that worthless shit of yours in them, and you're going to leave MY house and never set foot in here again. I don't care if you hafta sleep in that damned truck of yours, or in a different bed every night. Now get your stuff and get out!" She threw the largest bag she could at me. There was nothing I could say to that. I started packing up the truck in defeat, ignoring the few neighbors standing outside staring, and drove off quickly, still crying the whole time. For the second time in my life, the sun didn't set on my ass in Vidor. The lion sighs, rubbing his eyes as he leans back in his chair, wood creaking beneath him. "I did find out later, it was herpes. The doctor'd warned her of possible complications and Angela panicked. Still seven months later my son was born by caesarean, perfectly healthy. Not that Angela told me, it was only years later, when she filed for child support that I even learned it was a boy. Levon." "As for me, I didn't have anywhere to go. I didn't really know anyone except for other folks in Vidor and the guys at work." He chuckles, "Hell, I even considered calling that fox for a second, what was his name, Redd. Course that wouldn't work, but it reminded me of who I did know out of town." He reaches into his pocket, pulling out an old wallet, and from that, a wad of paper, a receipt wrapped around a faded and worn matchbook for a long closed restaurant. He runs a finger pad over it, letting his claw extend just enough to brush the time softened surface, "Thank God I couldn't let myself throw this away. It was the key to my new life."
Fiddling with the electronics on a digivice was very rarely a good idea, made even worse when it was the Digimon who it belonged to doing the haphazard modifications. Somehow, the trio had become convinced that they could play around with the hardware without repercussions, even if they had no prior experience in engineering, their intentions were less than wholesome, and the only evidence they had that such a thing was even possible came from horror stories of others of their digital kind losing control over their physical form once they delved too deep into the circuitry. Regardless, the three friends were hard at work doing their best to deconstruct the devices, hoping to find some way to modify the way they handled data transfer. While they weren’t quite successful in that regard, they did end up learning a lot about what made them the way they were, so while the Guilmon and Wargreymon kept going down the same path in the hopes of uncovering some form of insight, the Veemon instead opted with a… novel approach, if one wanted to be generous with the adjectives. He figured that, if they couldn’t directly control how much data the device transferred to and from the digital world when they were physically present in the human one, then trying to modify the rate itself would go nowhere; therefore, the best course of action would be to deliberately interrupt the process and force the device to reboot itself, thus giving him a small window of opportunity in which to act. He didn’t exactly know what he was looking to do in those short few seconds, but if there was one thing the small dragon was good at, it was improvising. Now, figuring out how to completely shut down the Digivice without endangering his own life or physical manifestation was the hard part, and many times he felt as if he was going nowhere fast; weeks passed without any new discoveries or improvement upon his design, to the point where the Veemon began wondering if his two friends wouldn’t accidentally stumble on a solution before he came up with something entirely new. The results of their own experiments were promising, but nothing more than temporary; the small dragon was looking for something a bit more permanent. It all came to a head one day when, in a fat of impatient anger, he threw his Digivice against a wall, screaming in frustration as he did so; by then, the electronics had been stripped bare and were stretched out around the monitor, making it amazingly easy for the whole assembly to fall apart on impact, the Veemon freezing in place as he saw the whole thing break open in a shower of scrapped circuit boards and solder. He was fully expecting to vanish after being forcefully ejected back to the digital world… but yet he remained. Second after second went by and he wasn’t going anywhere, which could only mean one thing: opportunity. Acting on instinct, the small dragon rushed forward and collected as many of the broken pieces as possible, quickly bundling them together and dumping them on his work table. The monitor was turned off and the device itself was shut down, so now was the time to act. He didn’t understand half the things he was doing, almost as if they were subconscious motions built into him that he just never realized he had; it was probably some part of his programming too, put there just in case something as drastic as that happened. New wires were put in place, circuitry repurposed and hastily attached, all while the data flow was as dead as a fish out of water. The Veemon, not knowing how much time he had, worked as hastily as he could, at times taking shortcuts he normally wouldn’t just to get things in place; and good thing he did too, because the damned thing turned back on by itself barely two minutes after he threw it at the wall, sparking so heavily that a bolt of electricity arced from it and hit the tiny dragon right in the chest, sending him flying across the room! He landed on a bunch of stacked boxes, buried alive when they collapsed on top of him, but strangely enough didn’t feel any aches or pains; if anything, the Veemon had never felt that alive before, almost as if the sudden discharge had transferred all of its energy into him. He sprung back to his feet, sending cardboard flying in every direction when he burst out from beneath the mountain of boxes, letting loose a roar so loud that he heard the windows rattle in their frames. He had no clue where that had come from, so much so that it frightened him… at least until he took the liberty of looking down at himself. His body was no longer there, or at least not in any recognizable form; whereas before he’d been a diminutive excuse for a draconic beast, now he was at least as tall as any other human out there, and significantly stronger as well! All he had to do was flex one of his arms and he could see his biceps bulging out, veins popping on its surface, a sight echoed and repeated throughout the rest of his physical form; it wasn’t just the arms, it was everything, all the way from his suddenly bulky neck to the powerful-looking pair of legs he now sported. What was even better was the effects the jolt of electricity had on his more private parts; they were usually hidden away by his scales most of the time, too small to really be noticeable, but not anymore. Now he proudly displayed a foot-long member and a pair of grapefruit-sized nuts underneath, swinging heavily whenever he took a step. He could only imagine what sort of electronic wizardry had led to that happening to him, but whatever it was, he fully intended to do it again. He was rudely interrupted by the door to his workshop flying open, followed by his two friends tripping over one another trying to get inside. Their raised voices mixed together to create a cacophonous mess, the contents of which the Veemon was only vaguely aware of; he caught a few snippets of concern and even a couple of occasions where they asked him what had happened, but nothing that really mattered in the long run… not after what he had just done to himself. The not-so-small dragon no longer saw his friends as they were to the naked eye, but how their bodies were constructed at a much deeper, fundamental level: not flesh and blood, but data and information, coalesced into a physical form by way of their Digivices and a level of technology they couldn’t even begin to understand. And as beings of data, they could be as easily manipulated as a file in a computer; opened up and perused, copied over or, in what was perhaps the greatest revelation of his life, moved. Those two would never get anywhere with their experiments. They were banging on a wall and celebrating any time they managed to make it wobble for a few seconds, hoping to get closer to smashing it down without realizing it was a mile thick and they were just imagining things. It was him who had discovered the true secrets behind data manipulation, and as such, there was no reason not to take advantage of it to the best of his ability. He pointed at the Guilmon with a single finger, and in the next instant his former friend was gone, the data that used to make up his body transferred over to the dragon’s, causing his previously-white belly to sport the same hazard symbol that used to adorn the now-gone lizard. The larger Digimon, who barely had enough time to even understand what had just happened, managed to take a couple of steps back before he too was effortlessly removed from his existence, the information that made up his being safely transferred to the Veemon, whose body began to sprout the same sort of biomechanical armour of the generous donator he had just absorbed into himself. The whole process, from his two acquaintances bursting through the door and the now room-tall dragon running a finger over one of the hardened plates on his arm, took maybe ten seconds, if that much; the data transfer itself was done and over with in a single moment, the time it took for the Veemon to formulate the very thought itself. It was power, pure and simple, and it was as intoxicating as he could have ever expected it to be; how could he ever hope to stop himself now that he knew what it felt like, now that the proof of concept was realized and he could just… keep going, until there was nothing left for him to take? First things first though: more data. With this newfound, innate knowledge on the nature of his own existence and that of his digital fellows, it was surprisingly easy to tap into his wrecked Digivice and demand that it start transferring increasing amounts of information directly into his body. Knowing as he did that such a state of being was inherently mutable and easily changeable, not at all like the more physical and permanent forms of the humans he coexisted with, getting the new data to do what he wanted it to do was a simple matter of perspective; with very little effort, he saw his biceps bulging out already, the muscle mass spreading outward from those two points and bulking out the rest of his body to a frankly absurd degree as the first step towards his eternal ascension into glory. It was almost anti-climactic how simple the transformation turned out to be; the Veemon genuinely expected it to come as a grandiose moment of insight, rather than a tiny lightbulb going off in the back of his head and awakening some form of instinctual knowledge on the nature of existence. Not that he was going to complain about it. The workshop that used to be oversized and filled with hard-to-reach shelves was now looking incredibly tight and difficult to move in, with every careless swipe of his tail either knocking something off somewhere else or outright destroying whatever happened to be in its path. He could hear his muscles groaning as they struggled to deal with the sudden increase in mass, creaking with a low, metal-like rumbling that brought such a bright blush to his cheeks that they practically turned purple; this didn’t stop him in the slightest from continuing to abuse the data transfer, and in fact merely served to egg him on further, some primal switch flipping inside of his head and demanding that his carnal lust be sated even more. The more he looked at everything around him, the more he realized that it, too, was merely a different kind of data. It might be contained in and encoded by subatomic particles of dubious stability that no one really understood all that well, but it was ultimately just a different manifestation of the same thing: information. Rearrange the constituent atoms in a wooden table and it might create something entirely different using the same materials and substances, a fact that held true for just about anything he looked at… and the longer he looked at anything, the less it looked like its true, physical self and more akin to a bundle of delicious, ready-to-consume, bite-sized bits he could invite into his body just as easily as he did the Guilmon and Wargreymon a couple of minutes before. It was a wonderful realization, though not nearly as wonderful as the sensation of his whole workshop being absorbed into his body after being “melted” down into its most basic form; the resulting infusion was enough to make him blank out from the impact, the pleasure of it all simply too much for his mind to handle properly without shutting itself down from the strain. When he came to, he was no longer indoors; the data absorption had granted him such an enormous boost in size that he had crashed through the ceiling, across the second floor of the house and finally straight up from the rafters, showering the grass and pavement outside with rubble at about the same time as his body expanded in every other direction with enough force to completely flatten a good half of their house. He could only hope that whoever was in there had time to leave, because he wasn’t about to put his ascension on hold just for the sake of anyone who happened to be in the way; after all, there was so much debris lying around that it would be downright irresponsible on his part to leave it there, especially when he was the reason it existed to begin with! As such, a simple snap of his fingers and it was all gone, “invited” to add to his already bulging frame in order to make more of himself. Square cube law hit hard, and it was then that the Veemon understood that, if he truly wanted to become something akin to a Digi-God, he was going to have to work for it; mere houses weren’t going to cut it anymore. Of course, just because they were nothing more than snacks didn’t mean the giant dragon couldn’t enjoy himself; they were snacks, after all, so on his way down the road and towards the city in the distance, he occasionally glanced from side to side in order to quite literally take in the sights. In one moment, there was a beautiful family home, maybe with a few people still in there wondering why there was a giant outside the window; in the next, it was gone, naught left behind but a hole in the ground and maybe some busted water pipes. Cars vanished underneath his feet, stamped flat and then duly absorbed into his being, while screaming and panicking were easily dealt with by turning the people responsible into the latest mass-data donors for his growth campaign. It was so easy and simple that it actually turned out to become boring after a short while. The whole reason the Veemon sought out this sort of thing was because his old life was monotonous; if it turned out that becoming a giant was just as dull, he was going to have to work extra hard in absorbing things in order to truly achieve godhood. Still, best not worry about such things until he got to that bridge; in the meantime, he had plenty of suburbs to go through and gorge himself on, and if he couldn’t find any sort of challenge in it, at least he could appreciate the flavours and sensations that came along with asserting his dominance over reality like that. Who beside him could be said to have achieved such a perfect mastery of all that was? No one, that’s who! Thus, it was only reasonable that he take whatever he wanted to take, to make of it whatever he wanted to do, which in his particular case effectively amounted to adding everything he saw to his body and absorbing the best possible traits while gorging on the constituent information. This would have drastic effects on the way he looked, mostly in the shape of his draconic self growing even more metallic and artificial than it already was; the Wargreymon had quite generously gifted his armor plating, but the more the Veemon took in the housing and pavement, cars, piping and whatever else he bothered to look at, the more his body was changed to fit with the modern, “urban jungle” aesthetic, even before he got to the metaphorical jungle in the first place. His skin grew harder and more resistant to impact, not unlike reinforced concrete, while the sinew and tendons holding his muscles together began to resemble the same kind of steel wiring used to keep suspension bridges up. He sprouted a head of hair, except the locks might as well be genuine power cables from how electrically charged and thick they were… which gave him an idea that he didn’t know whether to call genius or absolutely deranged. By that point, he was tall enough to be able to look over the many power lines around him, so much so that he would often plow through them without even noticing. But what were those things if not conduits for electrical power? With his ability to absorb data and information in mass form, surely energy wouldn’t be that much of a stretch, and besides, it’s not like a tiny shock would do anything to him at that stage; with a chuckle and a maniacal glint in his eyes, the colossal draconic monster wrapped both of his hands around a bundle of high-voltage wires, snapping them clean off the towers in the process, and anchored his feet deep into the earth, hoping to ground himself and force the current to pass through him. Unsurprisingly, he barely got a half-second’s notice before he felt the first jolts hit him at full force, sparks flying everywhere from his semi-metallic form, falling in a bright, fiery shower onto the ground. Anyone looking from afar would see his body light up like a Christmas tree, but rather than toasted dragon, what came out the other end was something even greater than what had gone in initially. Every crackle gave them pounds of muscle, every jolt made him taller and wider, each watt and ampere only adding to what was already a divine form, allowing it to ascend towards the heavens at an unprecedented rate. It soon became apparent that even the cables themselves wouldn’t be enough; within just a few short seconds, the Veemon had simply grown too big to hold onto them, the power lines now too thin compared to his hands to be handled by him without just snapping immediately. It was a disappointment, to say the least, but it did give him enough of a boost that he began to reconsider his options. After being handed such a bountiful gift, the dragon wondered whether or not focusing on the city in front of him was even worth the time; it was an ample source of mass to draw from, plus all the people would make for a wonderful addition to his burgeoning cerebral mass, thus building on his already insane potential. But it was just that: mass, a dull, monotonous block of concrete, steel, rebar and various types of glass that would be as tasty to him as boiled pasta in week-old tepid water. It was something he’d have to eat when he had nothing else left, but not exactly high on his list of priorities; no, that would be the very source of the energy he had just consumed. Somewhere off in the distance, a nuclear power plant was hard at work using their fissile stockpile to generate heat in order to move turbines, blissfully unaware of the giant whose attention they had just attracted. It was an efficient way of using what they had in store without it going out of control, a true marvel of engineering that, being as in tune with reality as he was, the Veemon couldn’t help but nod at and appreciate like a work of fine art. But hidden away in their reactors, safely kept behind multiple redundant safety systems, was such an unimaginable amount of power that anything the plant itself could generate felt like nothing compared to its true potential; sure, unleashing it would normally lead to deaths all around thanks to radiation poisoning, but that was only because most people weren’t him. He alone could walk over to the site and consume every last ounce of uranium they had there, causing such a colossal meltdown that he could bathe in the resulting glow for hours, absorbing all of it and growing ever stronger and more powerful for it. So he did just that. No one working at the plant could’ve expected the “earthquake” to be the approaching steps of such a massive titan; their shocked expressions when they looked up to see the techno-organic monstrosity staring down at them with neon-bright eyes were enough to justify the sudden diversion, and the knowledge added by their absorption certainly made it worth the Veemon’s time. Dozens upon dozens of technicians and engineers, all transferred to his memory banks… which brought another idea to his mind. Inside that facility were miles of circuitry and thousands of computer components, making it the best possible source of spare parts for goodness knows how large a radius; therefore, the best use of his time there before triggering a meltdown was to reduce all of those electronics to their base components and then absorb them into his cranial cavity, reorganizing the information so that it mixed with his own brain and created something… new. Something better, a mesh of both biological processing power and technological prowess: a biomechanical supercomputer, running on maximum overdrive inside of his head, every second of its operation returning enough data that he could constantly iterate on its own design, kickstarting a self-improvement process that would, in no time at all, lead to a singularity forming within him. It would’ve been a revolutionary paradigm shift, if the dragon wasn’t far more concerned with gorging himself on nuclear radiation. With the snap of a finger, the power plant was gone, its construction materials and surrounding ground added to the growing mass of armour around his oddly-misshapen body; all that remained was a roughly spherical ball of fissile materials, kept hovering in midair. It was so tiny, and yet it held so much power; it’d be a fitting metaphor for something, if the Veemon had half a mind to think about it and not just the amount of expansion he could get out of it. It almost felt like a waste of all that computational power he had just given himself, if not for how much it served to amplify the pleasure he was already feeling; as it turned out, being able to crack the secrets of the universe several times over by bruteforcing quantum calculations gave one the ability to understand sexual arousal at a much deeper level too, a welcome surprise if there ever was one. By that point, the Veemon wasn’t just leaving craters behind whenever he put his feet down, but creating a long, smooth crater between both sets of footprints where his balls were dragging along the ground. The pair was so large that it was actually somewhat uncomfortable from how heavy they ended up being, though this sensation was quickly rewired to be pleasurable instead… so much that, in a fit of madness, the draconic beast gave himself an extra couple of cum factories, doubling his number and making it almost impossible to walk without waddling. With a cock bigger than he was and thick enough that he needed both arms to wrap around it and still have some meat left over, it was no surprise that it only took a couple of minutes before he had his back flat against the ground and most of his body being used to rub up against that colossus of a member. The ensuing flood of radioactive cum did wonders to the landscape, with the people that used to live in it saved from the disaster by virtue of turning into transistors in the growing supercomputer inside of his head; human resources had never tasted so delicious. The Veemon basked in the glow of the sphere of uranium, bathing in it, taking all of it into his body without a care in the world. Soon enough he himself would be hazardous to mortal health, but that was hardly a problem when he could simply help people “ascend” to the same state he was in… or, to be more precise, offer them a premium spot somewhere inside of his increasingly mechanical body. Maybe they could serve as replacement parts for his heart, or even help to maintain the hydraulics slowly replacing his tendons, but most of them would probably just be thrown into the growing technological singularity inside of his skull; even the simplest of individuals had unique thoughts, thus making it imperative for the dragon to collect as many of them as he could, lest he be denied the collective knowledge of all humankind. He was stuck in that rut for what felt like hours, writhing underneath the constant blast of radioactivity while fantasizing about what he’d do to everyone once he was done. Everything around him was covered in a thick layer of spunk, his body no longer showed any external signs of being organic, and the biomechanical computer he called a brain reached such a high level of density that it was a hair’s breadth away from initiating nuclear fusion, much in imitation of the Veemon’s heart, which had by that point been replaced with a miniaturized, hyper-potent reactor meant to keep the rest of him going for as long as he could dump hydrogen into it. The geography around his body was irrevocably altered as well; given the sheer size of him, it was impossible to avoid severe damage to the ground via his claws digging grooves, trenches and later on whole canyons simply by being pressed down, while the weight of his form in general began to crack the ground itself, bringing him ever closer to the mantle as the surface of the planet collapsed underneath him. Getting up was out of the picture entirely; putting all of his weight on two feet alone, even if they were rather large, would surely end up with him practically free-falling through the dirt and rock, and then he’d lose out on absorbing the whole planet’s population while he was busy drinking up the core! Of course, there was no real need for him to be standing up at all; considering how large he got simply from the infusion of nuclear power, it was easy enough to start using his frame’s wideness to his advantage. With his head already barrelling through the city and his legs and feet being well underway a few miles in the other direction, all the Veemon had to do was expand his consciousness and start “inviting” others to join him. By the time he held out a hand to grab the pile of fissile material in order to chomp it down like a snack, everything in a good fifty mile radius of him was just… gone. No grass, no vegetation, no houses or cars or people; just a barren, brown wasteland where nothing, not even bacteria lived, with every consciousness subsumed into his own, and every ounce of usable material used to strengthen his body for what had to be the next logical step. The rest of the country didn’t take too long, even if the square cube law was starting to rear its ugly head again; not on him, obviously, but on the Earth itself. True earthquakes were set off merely by him shifting his position in any way, with the ground underneath him having sunk so low that his back was now perpetually warmed by the heat of the mantle beneath the crust; this made for a wonderful source of geothermal energy, which was easy enough to exploit once he turned his back into a series of power plants just for that purpose. As soon as the draconic god felt the oceans on either extreme of his body, then it was only a matter of time before they were all drained and filtered out, with most of the heavier elements being added to his suit of armour while all the hydrogen was stored away to be used in powering his internal furnace. All the while, the world’s population was split between panic and resigned acceptance of their fate, with whole countries being swallowed up at a time after being given a glimpse at what their future held; within the confines of the Veemon’s head, in a supercomputer that only grew bigger and denser by the moment, fusion reactions had begun to take place, helping to keep that organ self-sustaining while deepening its owner’s understanding of reality at its most basic level. It effectively ran itself, feeding the conscious mind of the dragon just enough information that he knew what to do next to maximize his enjoyment. Hedonism was the name of the game, and would be the name of it for the foreseeable future. All that the Veemon cared about was consuming, absorbing everything around him until there was nothing but a quantum void, and even then he wouldn’t stop. The dragon god barely realized when his tail pierced through the solid core at the center of the planet, being too busy servicing a pair of cocks he made for himself that had become so utterly gigantic as to dwarf even his enormous body; like some kind of deranged straw, that one appendage of his slurped up the metallic ball and added it to his body, by that point little more than a formality. The planet was already his, and cracking it in half would only make it easier to digest. A mere hour after he had consumed the first nuclear power plant, the Veemon was floating freely in space, where the Earth used to be. All of its information, all the data that once composed it, was… well, not gone, but not there anymore, instead repurposed to serve a better role: that being to help him ascend even further. Now bathed in sunlight, it was only a matter of time before he grew large enough to threaten Mars and Venus, and from there the gas giants, before ultimately setting his eyes on the sun, the ultimate source of power in the vicinity. And once that was done? Well, there was no one there to stop him. So why stop ever?
New Found Family It was the defining moment of Kelly Crane's career. Deep in the Amazonian rainforest, deep inside and ancient temple of a long vanished civilization that she'd only been able to find tiny scraps of information buried in other sources. But she'd found their holiest of holy temples. She had done what would have been unthinkable in those ancient times; entering the sacred rooms where only the highest of priests were allowed to go. And now she looked upon their most sacred artifact and she was trying her very best not to giggle. The most prized artifact of the entire lost kingdom was, essentially, an obsidian dildo. From the looks of it, they had known quite a lot about pleasure. It wasn't just a smooth representation of a human penis, it had ridges, ribs, and a line of spheroid lumps right down the middle. Kelly took a few pictures of it on the pedestal, a little awed that after several thousand years the thing hadn't been disturbed at all. She took a breath and blew some dust off the base, her eyes widening in surprise. Some of the runes on the thing were GLOWING! They had their own source of light even after being removed from sunshine for centuries. Incredible! The used a soft brush to free a bit more of the object's base from the concealing coat of grime. Her theories on the writing were correct! The very symbols she had extrapolated from hours of painstaking research were right here on the object! The glyphs for 'Infusion', 'Enhancement', 'Mind', 'Body', 'Spirit', 'Desire', and 'Sensation' gleamed with a golden yellow light. She ran her finger over the golden glyph representing 'Spirit,' and blinked suddenly as the glow vanished. She gave the rune a gentle prod again, astounded to see the tiny squiggle come back to full radiance. She did the same for the darkened rune of Fertility, which also blazed to life. She poked another, located near the top of the base, where the animalistic member seemed to leave the sheath. This one she wasn't quite sure of the meaning of, but it lit, regardless. It meant something akin to 'Look around for something' but condensed into a single word. She grinned as it lit up. She might not have been grinning if she knew what the rune on the bottom she awoke meant. That particular rune meant 'Self.' The runes were all contained in evenly spaced rings around the base of the artifact. There were at least two hundred, Kelly could not possibly have known all of them. She might not have poked them if she did. It would have prevented what occurred next. A golden light flashed. It appeared to be a momentary burst to Kelly, but if one were to see how the light moved, it was a narrow line that went from floor to ceiling, making its way around the room before seeming to center on something that buzzed through the air, rather attracted to Kelly's perfume. The archeologist felt funny for a moment, an incredible hunger for something sticky and sweet making her cry out as a pain filled her sugar-empty stomach. The hunger and the pain passed, but Kelly felt a little dizzy and off balance. She then did the unthinkable, reaching out and grabbing the artifact with her bare hand. It was hers, the obsidian dildo belonged to her, and she needed to keep it close to her at all times. Kelly rushed out of the temple interior, up the centuries old steps, through the wide open entry hall, and then out into the open air. She panted, taking in deep breaths of fresh air. She had set up her camp site just outside the temple. She crawled inside and zipped the thing shut, collapsing on her sleeping bag just as she began to sweat. She felt hot, uncomfortably hot. She set the dildo in her lap and quickly began to strip off her over shirt, shirt, and then her bra. The archeologist moaned softly as the cool, humid air met her nipples. She untied her boots and kicked them off, following them with her socks and pants. Sitting in just her panties, Kelly no longer felt overheated. She sighed contentedly and flopped down onto her sleeping bag. Using her t-shirt, she began to wipe her artifact clean. It was warm to the touch and just having it touching the skin of her hand sent a thrill through Kelly's body. With the grime removed, the obsidian dildo glistened. The archeologist smiled at placed it between her breasts, delighting in both the warmth on her chest and the delicious sensation it gave her. She felt herself growing aroused, her panties growing quickly soaked with her juices. She slipped fully into a semi-conscious, lustful haze. She grinned and pressed her breasts together around the artifact. She was rewarded for her actions by a jolt of pleasure that flowed through her body, making her buck her hips in delight. Kelly scooted the stone phallus up, taking the tip into her mouth. She found herself reward with another bolt of pleasure, as well as a sweet taste that made her moan. Her hunger for something sweet returned, and Kelly began to lick the obsidian cocktip, craving more. She curled her tongue around the black length, and kept curling, and curling, and curling. Her tongue extended until she'd spiraled it to the artifact's base. Her tongue had become long and narrow, and also quite strong. She used it to pull the stone cock upwards and push it back down, essentially tit fucking herself with it. The pleasurable pulses continued with regularity, as did the slow, steady drip of sweetness from the member's tip. The sweet, thick fluid, rather like honey, tingled pleasantly as it trickled down her throat. It made her body feel warm, hot, and liquid. She could swear she felt the honey trickling through her veins. She was so hungry, she craved more, needed more. She pulled as much of the dildo's length into her mouth as she could. If she hadn't been deep in a state of dual need, for sex and food, she might have been startled at how easily she took the entire length. She rolled over, gripping the base with both hands, bobbing up and down on it as if she were pleasuring an actual lover, not a disembodied cock. Apparently it was the right thing to do, as the trickle of honey became a steady flow, the pleasure it sent through her body almost continuous. She had ceased trying to pleasure herself and the object at the same time, and devoted herself entirely to the dildo. Her entire body felt suffused with its heat. Something seemed to click into place inside of Kelly, and she felt every muscle seemingly stretch at once; a sensation of luxurious stretching. It shifted into a feeling of inward pressure, like a massage over her entire body at once. With each pulse of pleasure the sensation changed, push, then pull. It started to focus in certain areas. Kelly moaned with pleasure as she began to change. Her breasts felt like balloons as they seemed to be slowly inflating. The added weight felt so good. Sensitivity increased with size, and as they reached the peak of their size, each pulse of pleasure that went through them seemed to have the same intensity of a thrust into her sex, of a stroke over her clit. Kelly lay flat on the ground, allowing her nipples to drag over the rough texture of her sleeping bag with each movement. Her cry of delight was muffled by the artifact in her mouth and throat. The climax was strange, in that it didn't originate in her loins, but rather on her chest. It has felt like she'd just had a climax centered on her breasts. The sleeping bag right beneath her breasts now felt wet, and rather sticky. But Kelly paid it no attention, continuing to slurp down the honey the obsidian dildo had to offer. Next to change was her belly, much like her breasts, it slowly began to balloon outward. A sudden torrent of liquid oozed down her sex, making it tingle, making it more sensitive as well. Kelly's womb and sex warped, shifted, expanded. Her hips popped, her pelvis shifted, her love tunnel reshaping itself. Though she couldn't see, and would have no idea what had happened for quite some time, Kelly's body had just reorganized itself for egg laying. The haphazard mammalian way of giving birth began something of more skillful design. Kelly could no longer birth live young. She was now an egg layer. Her sex had become triangular, the muscles stronger and more disciplined than a human pussy could ever hope to be, and far more flexible as well. New bundles of nerves appeared in the flesh just outside her sex. Kelly was never interested in the size of what when into her, but that would change. When compressed the little bundles of nerves would fire, new pleasure centers that would fill her with mind-numbing ecstasy when they were triggered. Rather than being the agonizing event birthing was in humans, Kelly would be rewarded with an unparalleled orgasm for every single egg she laid. A feat she could only hope to match during love making with an exceptionally well hung lover, or a giant toy. She looked several months pregnant, but she wasn't, yet. Her womb's sized had increased, allowing her to carry far more than a typical human could. At its smallest, tightest state she would still appear to be the very image of motherhood. Kelly cried out again as her clit swelled. It was large, thick, the size of a half dollar, and incredibly sensitive to the touch. She bucked her hip, making her sodden panties rub against it, sending sparks of pleasure through her body again and again. With each caress of her pleasure button a trickle of thick, wet stickiness dripped from her sex. Fluids had long since began to drip through her panties, saturating her thighs, legs, the sleeping bag, and had begun to leak off onto the nylon floor of the tent. There was a brief sensation that flowed over Kelly's fingers and toes, but nothing that she noticed as she wriggling and writhed and licked and sucked. The more she pleasured her artifact, the more pleasure it gave her, making her body more suited to sex and lust. For a moment the obsidian dildo seemed to be burning hot to the touch. Kelly was too shocked to scream, but it only lasted for an instant. The momentary pain was forgotten as the dildo seemed to climax, rewarding Kelly with a steady stream of the sweet treat that it had offered only in tiny amounts before. The transforming girl gulped every ounce of it down with eagerness, gallons of the stuff seeming to settle in her belly, which grew larger and rounder still. The pulsing sensation in her body intensified. She felt herself growing in a sudden surge, going from a plain five and a half feet, to a stunning six, to an incredible six and a half feet in height. Her body filled out to accommodate the new space, and while they were the same ratio to the rest of her, her breasts and belly were bigger still; and with increased size came increased sensitivity once more. The dildo continued pumping sweet honey down her throat, Kelly's tummy now sticking out far enough to touch the sleeping bag as she knelt. The sensation of pushing and pulling over her entire body grew in intensity, her lithe frame thickened, six and a half feet of height gaining powerful muscle. Her close cropped hair grew out, the tip remaining their original brown, but the new hair that slithers out was a glimmering metallic green. With that the feelings of change subsided, as did the flow of honey from the wonderful artifact. Kelly let it slip from her mouth, the texture of the rough, wet sleeping bag caressing her breasts and belly made her cry out. Her increased size and bulk had made her panties grow painfully tight, and as she arched her back in climax, they essentially disintegrated. The momentary tightness on her clit made Kelly's new sex virtually explode with delight. She shuddered and quivered as her body seemed to experience climaxes in perhaps half a dozen places at once; the waves of ecstasy that emanated from them flowing in rippled waves from point to point. It took a long time for Kelly's body to cool down from the super-climax and the little aftershocks that followed it. She felt tired, worn out. She unzipped he sleeping bag and lay down on the tent's floor, her body too large to fit inside the bag. She curled up and covered herself with it, cuddling her pillow and preparing to go to sleep when the obsidian artifact caught her eye. It looked different than before, still the splendid pleasure toy that look like it would bring Kelly to climax merely upon inserting it, but larger. It was thicker, and longer, tapering to a point that looked almost sharp. The thing belonged to Kelly and it felt incredible with what it had done to her. Still not thinking clearly, Kelly felt paranoid that someone might come in the night, despite her being a hundred miles from any known habitation. She grabbed the dildo and held it against her body, comforted by its inner warmth. Just holding it wouldn't be any good. A skilled thief could easily pluck it from her arms without her notice. The archeologist grinned and brought the pointed, triangular tip to her equally triangular, three petalled sex. Without a second thought she pushed it inside herself, even the base vanishing into her. It made her quiver with delight as it slid in, feeling just as good as she imaged. The marble sized studs on the front rubbing over her clit as they slid in, which made a stick mess gush forth from her. It was far enough in that someone would have to put a hand inside her in order to retrieve it. No doubt the pleasure would awaken Kelly if anyone tried to steal her wonderful find. She closed her eyes and curled up beneath the sleeping bag, absentmindedly bringing her fingers to her mouth and sucking on them, the taste of sweet honey on them as she cleaned them free of her fluids. The dildo began to throb gently inside of her, soft, gentle pleasure quickly lulling Kelly to sleep. -o- Kelly awoke feeling incredible. Her sleep had been very restful and filled with pleasant dreams filled with sex. She had been the focal point of an orgy, dozens of people rubbing her, caressing her, pleasuring her, and she had pleasured them in return. She squirmed out from beneath the sleeping bag, which had grown incredibly heavy during the night as it soaked up the fluids that her body pumped out each time she climaxed. Her sweet sexual juices were several inches deep on the floor, and they clung to her body and hair. The archeologist giggled and cupped her hands, making a breakfast of a small portion of what she'd leaked out during the night. A part of her said that this was impossible, it violated laws of physics. She should under no circumstances be able to put out fluid equal to her body mass without negative effect. Nor should she be able to feed herself on them. She ran her hands over her gorgeous body, cupping her breasts and caressing her belly. That same part of her recognized that she had changed a great deal. She ought to be worried, but she wasn't. It all felt incredible, after all. If it had hurt in any way, it might have been something to worry about. But this? Her large, powerful frame, her plentiful breasts, her bountiful belly, and her sweet, aching, throbbing cock; she felt so wonderful, so sexy, and so perfect. A puzzled look crossed her face. Cock? She didn't have a cock. Her breasts and belly made it difficult to see, but parting her breasts and sucking in her gut, she could see the triangular, glistening black tip of her member. Kelly giggled and ran a hand over its length. She moaned as jolts of pleasure ran through her body. The shape, size, and color were wonderfully familiar. It was long, thin, and triangular, and with the ribs, ridges, and spheroid bumps on the bottom, it would be an absolute delight for any woman she would happen to slide it in. She felt a sense of relief wash over her; no one would be able to steal her gorgeous artifact. It was a part of her now, and no one could possibly run off with it. She fumbles with the tent's zipper, her claws, long, black, and pointed, made gripping the tiny zipper a bit difficult, but she managed. She stepped outside and found quite a surprise. Her fluids had leaked out of the tent during the night and flowed into the grass, which had turned a radiant green-gold color and had grown several inches overnight. Other nearby plants had done the same, their woody parts a gold-tan, their leaves green-gold, and their flowers large, open, and inviting. A vine that wrapped around a nearby tree had undergone a similar transformation. It wasn't a flowering species, but Kelly paid that fact no mind as she approached it, slipping her long tongue in a large, narrow blossom and lapping up a mouthful of sweet nectar, even tastier than her own. She dug her claws into the tree and began to climb up into the tree's branches, where a multitude of the vine's blooms awaited her. Kelly reclined in the branches, so many sweet blossoms in her reach. This was a much better breakfast than her own honey. With her long and dexterous tongue, she could reach quite a few blooms from her position. Kelly moaned softly as she drew the nectar out of the first one. Her new member throbbed incessantly, demanding attention, so she began to stroke it, running her hand up and down the precum slicked length. It made her cry out as she reached the bottommost of the spheroid nubs, larger than the rest and positioned just about where her clitty had been, just above the front-facing point of her tri-lobed pussy. It still made a cascade of wetness pour from her sex and onto the branch of the tree beneath her. Kelly recognized herself slipping back into a lustful haze, but she didn't fight it. This was her role now, her purpose. She was meant to feed on sweetness, and return that sweetness to the environment around her, making all the plants into proper things that would feed her and others like her. Once she had properly fed, Kelly knew that her altered form would begin to produce a better product than she could at that moment. She would share it with her hive, and perhaps give it as a gift to those poor creatures that were denied the pleasure and beauty of a wonderful body like her own. Her member climaxed in no time at all, thick jets of her seed erupting from it and coating the leaves and branches around her. It dripped back down onto her naked body, making her tingle in a familiar way. Kelly bent her member so that the stream wouldn't jet upward, but rather splatter onto her belly, breasts, and face. She cried out in delight with each burst of sticky semen that splashed onto her skin. Much like her member had when it was a simple stone object, and not a fleshy, pleasurable part of her body, it let loose with a massive amount of liquid. Kelly was soon well coated and it began to drip down off of her. She smiled and scooped up a handful of the slick, but clingy substance, using it as lubrication to finger her sex. The movement was natural and instinctive, and Kelly's body began to throb with the pushing then pulling sensation of transformation she had experienced the previous night. Her body seemed to soak up her cum like a sponge, and her skin was suddenly clear of splooge. It was her skin that began to change first. The tiny hairs that coated her body fell away, pulling her further and further away from her human heritage. It left her skin wonderfully smooth, however. Much more suited to a being of living pleasure. Pretty patterns of darker coloration began to appear all over her body, appearing tan at first, then brown, then deepening to black. The patterning was beautiful, much like designs Kelly had seen on a few tattoos. There were gaps in the coloration, circular places where it looked like something was meant to go. The portion of her skin still its original shade began to change as well. The color change started at her belly and began to spread outward, becoming a deep emerald green. It matched the shade of her hair, but without the metallic, rainbow effect that it had when the light hit it. The archeologist cried out in pleasure as her skin... shifted. It seemed to push outward, flowing, churning, growing thicker. In a few moments her body was covered from head to toe in smooth, solid, slick plates of black and metallic, shimmering, insectoid green. She watched her hands shift, her middle and fore fingers fusing into a thick, solid digit, her ring and little finger doing the same. Her thumbs grew thicker to match. Her claws also grew longer, and Kelly recognized them for what they were. They weren't clawed. They were smooth, conical, and sharpened to a needle point. They were stingers. Her legs popped and cracked, the configuration shifting to a strange, half-insect half-predatory beast configuration. Each foot was like a pincer, two chitinous toes that came to points, but where able to clench together to grasp and grip. Kelly innards churned, her body's systems becoming more suited to her new role and a nectar-gather insectoid and as a sort of gardener, feeding her plants by her own pleasure. With her new carapace, her bones softened, becoming flexible cartilage. Her belly and breasts remained free of thick plates, however; though the skin had become thick and rubbery. Her carapace popped softly at her sides, allowing a second pair of arms to slowly emerge. The insectoid moaned with delight as her supporting skeleton shifted a bit to compensate for the new limbs. Soft at first, on exposure to the air, her chitin rapidly hardened, giving her a second, smaller pair of arms. They lacked the stinger-claws of the upper set and they had an additional digit, meant more for manipulation than strength. It popped again along her shoulder blades. Glimmering gossamer wings slowly slid out of the gaps. "I'm a bug fairy!" Kelly giggled with delight, buzzing her wings as they grew, shaking drops of wetness from them. She rolled over onto her belly, fully extending her wings and keeping them held in that fashion, allowing them to dry. Not only was a she a beautiful, sexy bug-girl, but soon she would be able to fly as well! Kelly felt strange, almost intoxicated. It wasn't just the general aroused state her body was in, there was something else making her mind foggy. She felt a soft pressure in her belly, and realized what it was. The insectoid made her way back down the tree, being as careful as she could with her mind not used to her new body. But claws that could pierce tree bark and gripping feet, she got herself down quite easily. Kelly's wings buzzed happily as she walked back to the temple, her manipulating arms resting atop her large belly; which was only getting larger as the seed she had pushed inside of her and had instinctively pulled into storage pouches inside her sex was put to good use. She grinned like a fool, caressing her soft, round belly. She was going to be a mommy to a swarm of brand new baby buggies. A mommy bug all full of eggs shouldn't be zipping about on her own. She ought to be in a nest, laying her eggies. The pregnant insectoid giggled again, stepping into the temple and making her way down the stairs. She smiled and waved at the small hives of normal bees she could sense just inside the wall of the room she found her artifact in. She sat peacefully in the corner and rubbed her belly as it continued to grow and swell. She wasn't quite sure how long it was, how long it took for her eggs to grow inside of her. But by the time they were done growing, it looked like Kelly had another person curled up inside her womb. The thought made her giggle, that sounded like fun. Having something so big in her sex, designed to be able to be spread incredibly wide, that would make her feel soooo good. She hugged her round, egg filled tummy. She was happy and content to simply sit and hug herself. It was such a simple pleasure that made her happy. She liked her new life, as odd as it was. What with gushing gallons of fluids when she came, a seemingly permanent state of arousal, being an insect, and of course the periodic episodes where thinking was a bit hard and she was reduced to a grinning, giggling goofball. Kelly felt her mind clearing up for the first time since she'd started poking the runes on the artifact. She felt a little embarrassed and ashamed over the fact that not only had she taken it so brazenly, but that she had actually stuffed it inside of her. Though that wasn't so bad, since she'd never lose track of it, or have to worry about it falling into the wrong hands. She shuddered; the power the thing contained was incredible. She was glad that it had been her that discovered it. It could be a powerful weapon if used a certain way, if the effects of the runes allowed for the sheer variety of effects that Kelly thought there might be. She remembered a few of them; Mind, Body, Spirit, Enhancement, and Desire. It had changed her body and mind, and perhaps her spirit as well. Given the choice, Kelly would most certainly not return to her human form. Though it was weird and chronically sticky and leaky, her honey-loving (and dripping) buggy-body was quite neat and interesting. Plus the smallest movements sent pleasure shooting through her body. That likely would have been Enhancement of Desire and Sensation. Her rounded belly and large breasts had been the result of Fertility and... she grinned and looked to the small hole in the wall where she knew a beehive rested. That one that meant "look around for something" would be the cause of her insectoid anatomy. Kelly wondered if it was a one time only thing, or if she could continue to transform herself. Not that she was unsatisfied with her beautiful body, but she could think of bits that she could take from other creatures that would make her more effective in various roles. For a honey-maker, adding the multiple mammeries of a feline or something of the like would increase her storage capacity. To transform and tend to her plants, increased seed production would be needed, and rodents usually had large testes for their body sizes, maybe a horse to grant a larger member. And for her role as a mother? Since she didn't have the massive abdomen to fill with eggs like a queen ant, a serpentine tail could easily serve the same function; large and long, possibly serving as a second womb. The cylindrical length would be a more efficient shape, and it wouldn't be crowded by all her other internal organs. It would be dedicated solely to being filled with eggs. And on the subject of eggs, her pleasure centers virtually sang out in a sort of pre-climactic mini-climax as Kelly felt one of her eggs shift inside of her, apparently ready to slide out. She felt the tip of the egg spread her cervix wide, and wider still, and even wider. It felt absolutely huge. And judging from the way her belly shifted when it moved, it was just as big as it felt like. All conscious thought was driven from Kelly's mid as the egg slipped down far enough to trigger the first of several nerve bundles that triggered a powerful climax. Her entire body seemed to blossom with pleasure, her member erupting, breasts oozing with honeyed milk, a cascade of lubricating fluid in her sex to speed the passage of her firstborn. And the sensation went on, not dulling in intensity for a moment. The next set of points triggered by the egg's passage only making the sensation rise higher, making the insectoid scream and howl with delight. She felt like she had to make noise, to get rid of the energy that built up inside her some how, or else she would explode from the sheer power of the pleasure. The sensation only dimmed as the egg slipped fully from her sex, resting on the ground. It was indeed huge. Large enough to contain a small child, or something of similar sized. Kelly gave her egg a hug with all four arms and then set it aside. Not a moment too soon as her body blossomed with pleasure once again as a second egg began its journey. When it was all done, several minutes later, a panting Kelly cuddled a trio of very large eggs. She didn't think they would hatch for a bit, even at the accelerated rate of pregnancy that she underwent. The tingling of transformation returned, but only for a moment. Cute, segmented antennae sprouted from Kelly's forehead. And with them came a new sense. Kelly could feel the environment around her. Even with her eyes closed she could tell where the walls were. She could also sense the bustling bees in the one wall, and the small plants that grew in the dark. A sort of life-sense. Her eggs positively pulsed with it. Kelly being able to see through the shells and watch as humanoid forms slowly took shape. Her daughters would be hungry when they hatched. Which meant it was time for Kelly to gather more nectar. She felt a pleasant warmth in her belly as new eggs began to grow, but she knew that they wouldn't grow quite as fast as her first clutch. After all, if she could crank out three daughters every eight hours, and they could do the same, they could potentially overwhelm the world. And as nice as that sounded, Kelly knew it wouldn't be a good idea. -o- The tree that Kelly had impregnated herself in had gone the way of the bushes and vines, transforming into a semi-golden version of itself that was covered with delicious blossoms. The insectoid's more specialized body processed the nectar far quicker. Kelly could feel her bosom swelling with each mouthful she took. The fullness and weight of them made her hum happily in delight. An insect was a simple thing, driven by very few behaviors, and accomplishing the limited number of things that her insect half was made to engage in made Kelly feel quite happy and content. Having harvested her fill of nectar, she flew from tree to tree, pleasuring herself and coating the largest trees she could find with her seed, transforming them for further use. As the sun began to set, she noticed portions of her carapace glowing softly in the dark. She recognized the runes that had been on the artifact, now spread over her body. They didn't respond to touch like the dildo had before. Kelly had to concentrate to light them up. What made her smile the widest, however, was that she instinctively knew what each one did. The moment she set foot inside the temple, she felt them; her daughters. They were almost purely instinct driven at the moment, small, simple minds. More like extensions of Kelly's own being rather than creatures in their own right; that was what worker bees were, after all. It was easier to think of a bee hive as a creature, made up of many small components. As she walked into the inner sanctum, sharp, stinger like claws thrust through the shell of one egg, tearing open a hole and allowing a four foot tall creature to emerge. Kelly's first worker was much like her in miniature. But rather than the full figure the mother insectoid had, her daughter was thinner with a gymnast's build. Her breasts almost vestigial bumps in the armor that covered her belly and breasts. Kelly's daughter fanned her wings and looked to her mother with green and gold eyes. She smiled and strode to her mother, wrapping her four arms around Kelly's middle and hugging her. With tears in her eyes the insect queen returned the hug. The newborn insectoid dropped to her knees, her long tongue encircling her mother's member for a moment before she found what she desired. The worker's tonguetip brushed against the swollen nub of Kelly's clit, triggering a cascade of juices flooding from her. The worker eagerly lapped it up, hungry for more. Fed on a different source of honey than her sisters, this one would grow to be a queen in her own right, not merely a worker for her mother to command. The slower second and third born clawed their way free of their eggs as well, clinging to their mother and monarch, drawing the plentiful honey from Kelly's breasts. The queen slowly sunk to her knees, hugging her daughters to her body as the newborn insectoids drew nourishment from her and gave her pleasure, rewarding Kelly with wondrous sensation for her behaving as a good mother. She felt herself slipping into a drowsy state of half-awake lust. Her daughters would be able to drink their fill, the sleepiness making sure that Kelly didn't wander off until they were done. A few minutes later, Kelly drifted into true sleep. Her body tired from all the changes to it and the exertion of flight. Their antennae twitching, drawing on Kelly's memories, two of the workers left their mother, flying out for their own collection of nectar and tending of plants, their members growing to full arousal for the first time as they took to the night air, their life sense allowing them to see even in pure darkness. The last worker, the firstborn, remained with her queen as a guard. She smiled as Kelly rested her head in her lap. She reached down and stroked her mother's hair gently. Thoughts of her own began to slowly surface in her mind. She hoped that one day she would be as beautiful as her mother.
Close examination of the map patterns revealed that the most likely location for their quarry’s home was in one of the older neighborhoods on the outskirts of town, one that had fallen into disrepair thanks to its relative distance from anywhere of importance; no one wanted to commute for half an hour or more just to go grocery shopping, leading to a significant amount of its residents leaving en masse over the past few years, seeking not necessarily greener, but certainly more convenient pastures. A perfect location for a hideout, as far as the two of them were concerned, hence why they made sure to park their car a good couple of miles out and hike the rest of the way there. Thankfully, no one on the road meant no one was there to ask why Spikes looked like he’d half-glitched out of reality, though even then it was still difficult for Tim to ignore it, especially now that they were so close to getting answers… or, at least, so they assumed. It was entirely possible that they’d leave that place with more questions than anything else, but they had to at least try; thus, they took their time walking around to where their destination was, just so they could sneak in through the back rather than approach it from the front. They didn’t know whether the place would have any cameras, nor if there were active countermeasures to intruders, but it was at least perfectly obvious that no one actually lived anywhere close to where the house was. No cars, no pedestrians, hell, not even the sounds of habitation coming from behind the boarded-up windows and doors, creating an air of absolute desolation that left the two would-be home invaders feeling like they were about to be jumped the moment they let their guard down. With both of them having their fur standing on end, they made their way over to the cheetah’s house, carefully traversing a thicket of bushes and only getting cut up a couple of times. When they emerged onto the other side of the backyard fence, however, what they saw left them feeling… concerned. They were expecting to see the same kind of sorry sight on display in the right of the neighborhood: abandoned houses with everything closed and boarded up, looking like whoever used to live there barricaded themselves in and never left again. Instead, what they saw was more akin to an already-ongoing home invasion: the backyard itself was completely covered in junk, mostly electrical in nature from what they could tell, leading up to a door left ajar and barely hanging off its hinges. The rest of the property itself followed suit, with most of it looking to be in a state of extreme disrepair: the fencing around it was old and decrepit, the wood soggy and chewed through, while the railing leading up to the front door was bent out of shape, its painting having peeled off seemingly decades prior from the amount of rust clearly visible. The sidewalk, from what little was visible, looked to have been struck by an earthquake from the amount of cracks on it, and the whole place just screamed of complete abandonment. Of course, as Tim and Spikes realized when they looked at one another for a moment, this could very well be the point; if the place looked as abandoned as the rest of the neighborhood, it was at least inconspicuous and indistinguishable from the rest of the houses around it. Sure, maybe a few urban explorers would go in to try and see what they could find, but it’d be child’s play to put a proper lock on a trapdoor or something and use whatever was on the other side as a hideout of sorts. At least, that’s what the two of them would be the case; they’d be incredibly disappointed if they just drove over only to find the whole place deserted, having never been used by the mad scientist they were after. Neither of them stepped forward, too concerned that they might be being watched to do anything; it took a few minutes before Tim scrounged up the courage needed to raise a particularly rotted section of the fence and then slip through, being careful enough not to make too much noise in the process; he was quickly followed by Spikes, who, not wanting to be left alone in the bushes, figured it might be best to chase his partner into at least relative safety. Once in the backyard proper, the full extent of the garbage spill became evident… as well as its true nature. What had once looked to be nothing but random trash strewn about with no rhyme or reason quickly revealed itself to be anything but when the two of them realized that, rather than it being random trash, it was the exact same type of item, just with multiple different copies. Easy to miss at first, but when they began kneeling down to inspect what they were seeing, Spikes was the first to notice that they were looking at a collection of discarded hard drives; they weren’t of any one particular size, nor even model or manufacturing company, but they were all hard drives, and all of them shared one extra detail. “They all have USB ports,” the Renamon blurted out, passing one of the discarded items from one hand to another, “did you notice?” “What do you mean?” Tim called back, thoroughly lost in his lack of knowledge of even the most basic fundamentals of electronics. “Look, over here” - Spikes took a step forward, pointing towards a port on the top of the piece of hardware he was holding - “it was fitted afterwards, I think, but it’s a USB port. And look, this one has it too” - the Rena knelt to grab the closest piece of electronic equipment to him, holding it out to show a similar port installed on its side - “these all look to be the same kind of port, but none of them were on the drives themselves. Whatever he’s doing to them, for some reason it involves installing a USB access port… though, why he’d throw them all out in the backyard is beyond me, some of these still look perfectly functional.” . “He didn’t exactly strike me as the most sensible of individuals, if you catch my drift,” Tim mused, chuckling afterwards, “maybe he just tries something, it doesn’t work, so he throws the hard drive away and starts over.” “Maybe? But this seems incredibly wasteful… and most of these aren’t empty either. I can’t interface properly, but there’s definitely some corrupted data in here, so you might be onto something actually. You think he’s trying to code malware or something?” “You’re asking me?” the lynx fired back, sounding thoroughly amused as he threw a hard drive over his head behind him, “I can barely work my way around Google sometimes, you expect me to know anything about hardware architecture?” “I dunno, you have weird flashes of brilliance in between your prolonged moments of idiocy” - the Rena offered a quick chortle - “But no, maybe he just has a short fuse… and a large supply of hard drives, judging from how many of them he’s trashed so far. You think he’s raiding an electronics shop?” “Out here? I’m surprised he even manages to find anyone with the kind of crap he needs to build… whatever it is he’s building, I don’t even know anymore. This place is a fucking dump and I think I can smell literal horseshit coming from somewhere close.” “Be that as it may, I think we’re onto something; he’s definitely been here, this isn’t the sort of thing you just see thrown out in the trash like it’s nothing. And there’s something in these things, but I can’t tell… alright, we’re going in.” “Wait wh-wait, where are you going?!” Tim could only meekly reach out with his right arm, unable to stop the Rena as they marched straight through the back door, not even bothering to check for traps as they did so. The lynx, fearing the worst, ran straight through as well, fully expecting to walk into a crack den or something even more terrible… only to find the interior to be about as barren as the exterior would seem to imply. It was almost anti-climactic to see something that fit so well, that the book really could be judged by its cover; Spikes had to be careful not to step on glass shards strewn all about the floor, joining together with the mess of hard drives that seemed to have been peppered about as if cast away by a thunderstorm: all of them modified with the same USB port, inexplicably welded (or grafted, or whatever Tim didn’t know about) in seemingly random locations. The air was thick, almost buzzing with the dread, cold silence permeating the entire building, the sort of nothingness that betrayed something’s presence just around the corner, waiting to jump them with a knife, or other cutting implement with an absurd edge coupled with far too much bluntness. Yet, none came; for all that the two intruders walked deeper into the seemingly abandoned abode, nothing struck at them, no creature was lurking in the shadows, and nothing out of the ordinary took place… at least, until they turned a corner into what they thought was a pantry. Being in the kitchen, it only made sense that the door next to the cupboards would lead to some sort of storage room, hence why Spikes didn’t think twice before opening it. Inside, however, was no spice rack, nor even the most basic of shelves; instead, what the two saw was a heavy, metallic door, embedded into the ground at a slight angle, not unlike what might be expected from the entrance to an underground storm shelter. In stark contrast to the rest of the house, it looked to be regularly cleaned and polished, with the numerical keypad off to one side having not even the slightest smudge on its keys or display panel. “Yeah, think we found it,” the Rena mused aloud, sighing as he knelt by the keypad. It was simple enough for a creature like him: all he had to do was interface with the small device and, within moments, he had unlocked the correct sequence of button presses to open the door. It did so slowly, loudly, and with enough grinding that it made both Tim and Spikes wonder just how old the damned thing was, or if that noise was part of some strangely archaic warning system. But, as nothing came to greet them, and no one popped their head out to shoo them away, the two figured they were safe to carry on, into the surprisingly well-lit depths below the house. Rather than an abandoned cellar, covered with cobwebs and barely illuminated, they found a well-kept flight of stairs with strips of LED lights running down one side towards what looked to be a rather modern and very well-equipped computer den. Spikes in particular couldn’t help but whistle when he saw the full setup, starring a grand total of four monitors attached to an absolute mess of wires that would make any cable management specialist weep tears of pure sulfur from how terrible the tangle was. The whole place was lit by a deep blue light, giving it a feel that could charitably be described as a cross between a serial killer’s den and a cyberpunk basement rave, minus of course the strobe lights. The computer system itself was turned off, and with the power outlets seemingly covered with plaster, there wasn’t much the two of them could do to try and snoop on the cheetah’s files; instead, they had to make do with what they saw lying around, which was thankfully made much easier than it had any right to be on account of the mad scientist being fastidiously tidy and well-organized. Quite unlike what the yard outside seemed to indicate, the interior of the computer den was about as clean and neat as could be, with nary a hint of dust to any surface, and whatever documents there were being filed away in what looked to be a personalized system. Finding anything in particular would take too long for two home invaders, and as such Tim and Spikes spread their attention around: the former would look through whatever binders and manilla folders looked particularly interesting, while the latter would search around the room for anything of interest. “All I can see is code,” the lynx eventually spoke up, grumbling in frustration at his complete and utter inability to understand what the hell he was looking at, “at least I think it is. Lots of brackets and tabbed shit, I can’t read any of this.” “It’s probably a backup in case the backups go poof,” Spikes replied, having to stop himself from laughing afterwards, “I’m guessing he prints out whatever he does to make sure he doesn’t lose it in a worst-case scenario.” “Like what, losing power in an abandoned part of town?” “Or a bunch of snoopy assholes crashing into his place and accidentally destroying the hard drives with the actual precious information.” “Yeah right, accidentally.” Both of them shared a quick chortle, and it was back to silent searching. Tim eventually gave up trying altogether, figuring that if nothing else, his attention was better served trying to find something he could actually understand. Along with Spikes, they gave the room several once-overs, finding absolutely nothing but more filing cabinets (and a mercifully stocked mini-fridge), at least until they stumbled onto what looked to be a plastic drafting table. Its surface was empty, or at least the two assumed; a chance bump against it revealed a lock on one of its sides, which, when opened, allowed the two to pull up the drawing panel to reveal what looked to be a small storage space directly underneath it… one actually filled with blueprints. Neither of them knew what to make of what they saw when they started pulling out the various sheets of paper, mostly because of how familiar the design was. There, painstakingly reproduced by hand, was a wireframe drawing of something that was, without a doubt, a Renamon, and one whose body plan was disturbingly close to Spikes’. The blueprints themselves were stuffed with technical jargon that the glitched Rena couldn’t identify, speculating that it might be a personal cipher; the one exception was one word that adorned each and every iteration of the wireframe design, one that, judging from the way it was stylized, most likely meant a great deal to the cheetah, or at least enough that they figured they shouldn’t have to change it. A title, perhaps, or a project name, though likely a placeholder given how early in production it seemed to be. And, perhaps quite fittingly, one written out in leet speak, because of course it was. V1r4.
Title: Double Time 3 Tags: erotic coupling, sperm, trans, orgasm In *Double Time* 1 and 2 I recorded the first day of my threesome, twenty years ago, in Portugal, with two beautiful, young transgirls, who had named themselves Kathy and Linda. Our consummations had brought all three fulfilment, and, certainly for me, healing. Since they, like me, liked to talk their way through sexual activities, I represented our intercourse largely in dialogue form. I continue that format now into a sequel. Linda: We've given our all, literally, Norma. Kathy: All semen spent. Norma: You've certainly flooded me out. Kathy: Did you like that? I think you did. Linda: She's a spermaholic, darling. Kathy: Wriggling out from under you, Norma. Linda: We'll have to sleep a while now. Kathy: We muddle up, cuddle up close, like this. Norma: You look so charming, folded into each other like that. Linda: You'll come with us again, won't you, dear Norma? Norma: Need you ask. Look at your sweet little bottoms. Well, you can't, but I can. Kathy: Stay with us, if you like. We'd love to have you holding us. Norma: No, my dear girls, now you've revitalised me I'll go and exercise. They were asleep before I was out of the door. Away I went to my room for a shower, and then I had a naked dip from the beach where we had first stripped and enjoyed each other.. If there was anyone watching from the cliff-top I didn't care, not being a very modest person. The salt water was good for removing the vestiges of any sweet transemen left after the shower. Though I was sure I had sucked some up through my cervix and was therapeutically absorbing it into my system. I ate a solitary dinner, for those round-bottomed little shegirls did not appear. I wondered whether to visit them, and let myself quietly into their room. They were curled up together, fast asleep, clearly replenishing their cumables, so I didn't wake them. Instead I went and had the best sleep I had had in a long while. They weren't at breakfast, either, and another visit to their room found the *Don't Disturb* notice on their door, and a cautious foray within found them still slumbering. After I had taken a lengthy morning walk into the xerophytic hinterland towards Sagres, they appeared at lunchtime. Kathy: May we join you? Linda: Not in that way, not quite yet. Kathy: But we hope to join with, in, to, for, you today sometime. Linda: But we won't be able to ejaculspate till later on. Kathy: Food and several litres of liquid are needed meantime. Linda: On the other hand, or, rather, with both hands, we'd love to make you -- Kathy: - well, that sounds rather compulsive or punitive. Linda: We mean we'd love to kiss, cuddle, lick, caress -- Kathy: All that two transies can do to, for, with a woman, without spillage. Linda: Their spillage, that is. Though we hope she might achieve fillage. Norma: I'm starting to right now, and it's not the coffee. Kathy: When shall we three meet again? Linda: Before the hurly-burly, in this case. Kathy: The girly-pearly. Linda: Not so much eye of newt and toe of frog. Kathy: As thigh of cute and tool with snog. Norma: Not just Latin but Shakespeare at your high-class school. Linda: We acted, too, you know. Kathy: She was a lovely Ophelia. Linda: That silly Hamlet should have hoiked her out of that brook. Kathy: And buggered her little herbaceous botty. Norma: But then Gertrude would have seen them. Linda: She'd have liked that, wouldn't she? Randy old MILF she was, after all. Kathy: Beside, I was playing Gertrude, wasn't I? Linda: She certainly was. With her falsies on she looked so sexy. Kathy: Did we have to rub each other off then! Linda: Even more than usual. Kathy: Well, we'd better feed the inner toolgirl, or we'll not be up to it. Norma: You are certainly bright-eyed and bushy-tailed now. Linda: No, darling, we're not bushy-tailed, as you've seen. Our tails are smooooth. Kathy: Tushy-tailed, often slushy-tailed. Norma: I'm bushy, though. Do you mind? Linda: We love your bosky twattie, dear Norma. They went to the buffet, assembled huge platefuls, collected juice and water, and there was a long silence as they replenished themselves. Kathy: We were thinking of a see-nester, this afternoon, Norma. Linda: The nest we had in mind is nest-ling in your knickers, in fact. Kathy: Yes, we want to go nesting. Norma: But you won't have to search, girls. You know where it is. Linda: You know, Norma, it's a curious thing, that although we know where it is -- Kathy: It's always a delightful little surprise to find it again. Linda: One of the joys of sex, that is, being surprised by what you know is there. Norma: It's going to be swamped if you go on talking about it. Kathy: May we have the pleasure of the next glance, then, Norma? Linda: More of a fascinated stare than a glance, darling. Kathy: Are you up again, darling? Linda: You know I am, and I know you are. Kathy: We can bring them to bear, or, rather, to beaver. Linda: Or to b-a-r-e, of course. We left the dining-room and headed their room, wherein the bed-covers were turned back and towels were spread on the exposed sheet. Kathy: Forgive us for anticipating your readiness -- Linda: But we thought some relaxing massage might be good. Kathy: We love to run our hands, and everything else, over a woman. Linda: Let's take off this shirt, then. Kathy: Talk about nestling. Look at those beauties jostling in there. Linda: Let's let them loose. That wonderful moment when they come free -- Kathy: And settle like that. Linda: I'm going or the skirt. Rather impatient, I'm afraid. Kathy: You want to get to the knickers, don't you? Linda: So do you. Leave them on while we strip, though. Save them up. Kathy: Yes, save them up, before we get them down. Linda: I'm ready! And so are you. Quick with only three garments. Kathy: Only half-hard, though. Linda: Let's lie you down on your back, Norma. That's right. Kathy: Her knickies are damp already. A good sign. Linda: You pull from the top and I'll draw down the drawers. Kathy: Isn't it lovely the way the puss-moths spring up when the knicks release them. Linda: There is nothing more beautiful than a naked mature woman. Kathy: Here's the cream. You start on the upperworks and I'll handle the bottom. Linda: Not till we turn her over, but I know what you mean. Kathy: I love to slide up her thighs, up against her outer labiles, but stop there. Linda: When she's lying down you can move her mammas about like this. Kathy: It's delightful the way she lifts her botty like a pussy enjoying being stroked. Linda: It is a pussy enjoying being stroked -- or will be shortly. Kathy: Now I'll glide up her thighs and circle her clickety-clit. Linda: Help me with the nippeties now. Either side. Kathy: When there are two of you, you can circle-suckle both. Linda: We can both tinker with the twattie, too, like playing piano duets. Norma: You're virtuosi, my dears. Such skilful fingering. Kathy: Mmmm. Linda: Mmmm. Norma: As for your embouchure on my tit-stalks -- wonderful. You can't talk just now, so I'll do the talking. Such coverage you can achieve, with two sets of fingers. Up and under everywhere. You flit around my clit. Grease along my crease. Yes, four-way in my doorway. How sweetly that digit slips and dips between my lips. I don't know whether you want to go on longer, but if you do you'll have to stop a bit, because I'm going to cum soon. Linda: Mmmm! Kathy: Mmmn! Norma: Ah, you want me to come? Fine. Just keep going like that, and -- Linda: Mmmm!! Kathy: Mmmm!! Norma: Oh, darling girls, this is lovely. What bliss! A slow, spreading come. Sweet. Kathy: Yes, dear Norma, sweet. We could feel it spreading. Linda: We could feel it through our fingers and tongues. Norma: But what about you, my kindly gasm-givers? You're so hard -- Linda: Yes, we are. We didn't expect to be spermy quite yet -- Kathy: But now, thanks to you, we think we're ready again. Linda: We need your help, though. With a sort of fetish we have. Kathy: If you stand up and we put your knicker back on. Linda: Yes, like that. Kathy: Then we stand either side of you, like this. Linda: And we slip our little rods up your knickers. Yes, that's marvellous. Kathy: Then you rub us through the knickers. Linda: We'll tell you why this is so good for starting us off again. Kathy: We told you our mothers were supportive, but there's more to tell about them. Linda: They were close friends, but we didn't twig how close they were -- Kathy: Until we were growing our titties, and rounding our botties. Linda: We were loving it all, and loving each other all the time -- Kathy: Couldn't keep our hands off each other. Not that we tried. Linda: We'd both had rather strange feelings about our mothers. Kathy: They are wonderfully uninhibited women, ready to talk about sex -- Linda: Wandering about naked, doing the most intimate things. Kathy: We wanted to fuck them. Linda: But as well we wanted to be them, these beautiful, free and easy women. Kathy: We used to get their used knickers out of the laundry and sniff them. Linda: Then we'd toss off onto them. Or we put them on and toss off in them. Kathy: That made us feel we were having sex with them in a way. Linda: And that we were having sex with each other at the same time. Kathy: Eventually my mother caught us spunking her knickers. Linda: It was amazing. She walked in on us and said, *You want some help with that?* Kathy: Of course, I was embarrassed at first, but really only out of convention. Linda: Not so complicated for me. I'd been in love with Kath's mummy for years. Kathy: Sexy little Linda goes up to her and says, *That would be very nice.* Linda: And she says, *Do you need my knickers for it?* Kathy: And Lin says, *Could we have the ones you're wearing?* Linda: And she laughs and says, *On or off?* Kathy: And the cheeky little madam says, *Off, please.* Linda: And she says, *You've wanted to do this ever since your puberty, haven't you?* Kathy: And Lin says, *Yes,* and pushes her little prick at my lovely mummy. Linda: And Kath's lovely mummy lifts her skirt and pushes down her panties. Kathy: She says, *You've seen this before, I know, but seeing it now may help*. Linda: So, she tucks her skirt up and fluffs up her muffy, and reaches for my roddy. Kathy: Then she says, *Tell me if I'm not doing it right*, and she takes hold of it. Linda: She says, *I've not done a girl like you* *before.* Kathy: Which was interesting, because it seemed to mean she had done girls. Linda: Anyway, she starts tossing me, and she knows what she's doing all right . Kathy: It's the most wonderful thing I've ever seen, my mummy tossing off my lover. Linda: It feels marvellous, but for some reason I can't quite come. Kathy: My darling mamma knows that, and she says, *What more do you need need?* Linda: And I say, *Can I see your lovely bosoms?* Kathy: She laughs again, and says, *Won't Kathy's do?* She's happy with our names. Linda: And I say, *Ours aren't full grown yet.* Kathy: And she says, *Well, mine are certainly that, after feeding Kathy.* Linda: She knows that makes Kathy feel a bit strange but also excited. Kathy: And she then says, *Come on, girl, get your mother's shirt off.* Linda: And while mummy is holding up her skirt, knickers round her knees -- Kathy: And she's still patiently tossing off Lin -- Linda: Kath takes off the shirt, and there's her mummy's big tits in the bra. Kathy: Mummy says, *Your friend wants to see my breasts, darling.* Linda: So, Kath undoes the bra and mummy's mammaries flop out. Kathy: Mummy says, *There you are, then, do they help?* Linda: And I say, *Yes, but can I feel your bottom, too?* Kathy: She says, *It's right there, sweetheart, just waiting.* Linda: When I get my hand on her bum I can feel I'm beginning to cum. Kathy: She says, *I'm glad my old arse can be useful.* Linda: It's coming very slowly, but I can tell it's going to be strong. Kathy: Then mummy says, *Is someone going to do something for me?* Linda: We realise that this is getting Kath's mamma excited. Kathy: Then my mamma says something astonishing. She says, *I fed you, darling.* Linda: She stops for a moment, then goes on, *Now it's time for you to feed me.* Kathy: I know what she means. She means I should feed her in feeling. Linda: So, Kathy steps up on the other side of mummy and reaches into her pussy. Kathy: She says, *That's it, darling, tweak the tooky. It's usually pretty quick.* Linda: That does it. I say, *It's coming, it's coming.* Kathy: Mummy says, *Come, then, sweetheart. Come in my hand.* Linda: She says, *Oh, yes, that's so nice. I'm going over.* Kathy: And suddenly I realise I'm going to come. Linda: We all come at once. Kath shoots great dollops on her mother's thigh. Kathy: Lin's spray out onto the floor. Mummy stands with her head held back. Linda: Her bum is clenched hard under my hand. Kathy: I feel a great sense of pride. I've given my dear mummy an orgasm. Linda: We stand like that a good while, then mummy says, *Careful with that sperm.* Kathy: Then she says, *We don' want you getting your mother pregnant, do we?* Linda: We all laugh, and she says, *Of course, I don't know about your sperm.* Norma: That is one amazing story. I see, I'm the mummy for you now. Kathy: Well, sort of, but you haven't come yet. Can you come now? Linda: Yes. Remembering that first time with mother, that does it. Kathy: Can you feel us stiffen in your knick-knicks, Norma. Norma I certainly can. Come now, dear mother-comers, I'm your mummy today. Linda: Here we come! Ooooh, yeees. Kathy: Lovely, lovely, lovely. Pause. Norma: Another first time. Never had two transgirls filling my knickers before.
Title: A Baby for Tina Tags: pregnant, doctor, firefighter, twin brother, medical, hospital, long distance relationship This is a work of fiction, and a collaboration between me and my fantastic husband, Brian. I wrote the first part, and Brian contributed everything from the beginning of the Bahamas section to the end of the story. I did my best to blend the two parts together as seamlessly as possible, but if the story seems like it was written by two separate authors, that's because it was. If you like one part better than the other, now you know who to blame for the part you didn't like. Brian took the story in a slightly different direction than what I would have, but I still like the way he wrapped everything up. We hope you enjoy the finished product. (As a humorous aside as you read the story, I should point out that the character Tim's loathing of feet is taken directly from Brian's real-life opinions on the subject. When you get to the sections about toe sucking and footjobs, keep in mind that I wrote those specifically to sort of playfully tweak Brian's nose and make him squirm.) This story is dedicated to the fearless men and women of Fire and Rescue worldwide who, like Brian and our friend Matt once did, wade through the fires of hell into places everyone else is running out of, hoist their hoses onto their shoulders, and charge. \======= Brad looked at the beauty sitting across the table from him. Tina Miller truly was beautiful: thirty-four, tall, long-limbed, fit, a natural blonde, with stunning blue eyes, perfect skin, and a beautiful smile. More than that, though, her beauty was not merely skin deep. She was one of the kindest, sweetest people he had ever known, and in spite of the stereotype of blondes being not too bright, Tina was easily the smartest person he knew. After all, Johns Hopkins Medical School wasn't exactly known for awarding medical degrees to idiots. His brother was a lucky man. *Had* been a lucky man, he corrected himself. He grimaced at the last memory he had of his twin brother: a polished-oak coffin being lowered into the ground on a bitterly cold winter afternoon, surrounded by firefighters with black bands over their badges, as a bagpiper played "Amazing Grace". "So, Doc," he smiled, taking a sip of his wine. "What brings you to town?" Tina's own smile slowly faded as she laid her silverware delicately across her plate and pushed it away. "I'm here to ask a favor," she said quietly. "A really big favor." His reply was immediate. "Name it." "You haven't heard what it is yet," Tina observed, trying a weak laugh. She had barely touched her dinner, delicious as it was, yet her stomach scolded her for eating as much as she did. There was barely enough room left for the butterflies, which felt like they were rapidly turning into vultures. Brad shook his head. "Doesn't matter. You're still a part of this family, as far as I and everyone else is concerned. Tim loved you more than you'll ever know. The fact that he died doesn't change a thing." "Thank you," she whispered, listening to the sincerity in Brad's voice and knowing that it was genuine. A small tear trickled down her cheek and she swiped it away, embarrassed. "Now, what can I do for you?" Tina took a deep breath through her nose, and under the table her hands balled into tight fists in a futile effort to stop them from shaking. *Here we go*, she told herself, a second before leaping into the abyss. "I want you to make me pregnant," she said, doing her best to look at him as she said it. She felt slightly better now that her words were out. But now the real fear began: waiting for his reply. Brad managed with great effort not to choke on his wine. When Tina said she was asking for a favor, his brain rapidly ran through the possibilities. This, however, was not one of them. Not by a long shot. "I beg your pardon?" he managed to ask. It sounded better, he decided, than the initial kneejerk response his mind had come up with: "*WHAT*?" Tina sighed deeply. "I don't know how much your brother talked to you about our relationship, so excuse me if I touch on things you already know. "When Tim and I got married, we didn't want kids. I had just finished my residency, but I was just starting my two-year fellowship, which is almost as bad. Simply put, I didn't have time to be pregnant, and I certainly didn't have time for a baby. We didn't know if we'd ever want kids. Maybe, maybe not. Tim was already pushing up against forty, and he didn't know if he had the patience for children. "Several months before Tim's accident, we started talking seriously about kids. We eventually decided that yes, we wanted two, maybe three kids to carry on our legacy after we were gone. "I don't know if Tim had some sort of premonition that he was going to die soon or what, but he talked very frankly about how he had had some close calls over his career and how he had seen buddies killed or maimed. He used to talk about how, 'When your number's up, it's up'. He asked me how I would feel if we had a child or two and something happened to him while the kids were little, if I was prepared to raise them on my own. My answer was that if that ever happened, I'd cherish the kids even more because they were a part of him that I would still have to love. "A few months later, I weaned myself off birth-control and we started trying to get me pregnant. It never happened, obviously. I hope not, anyway, because that would just be too cruel." Brad frowned in confusion. "What do you mean?" "We were keeping pretty close track on my menstrual cycles, and the day before Tim died was the day I should have started my period that month. I didn't. There's nothing unusual about being a day or two late or early, so I didn't let myself get my hopes up. I didn't tell Tim, either, because I didn't want to get his hopes up, either. "The next day was the newspaper warehouse fire." She flinched as she said it, as if she had just been slapped. "I was at the hospital when I got the news about Tim, and I didn't react well, as you can probably imagine. "Over the next several days, my skipped period was about the furthest thing from my mind. Two weeks later was when things finally started showing a hint of getting back to normal, and that's when my period started." She shook her head. "Stress can make a woman skip a period, and God knows I was under enough of it to make the worst days of my residency look like a picnic in comparison. Stress can also cause a woman to miscarry, especially early on. I'll tell you, I'm always going to wonder if what happened two weeks after the funeral was a menstrual period or a miscarriage that maybe failed to implant because of everything that was going on. I tell myself it was just a routine period, but mostly it's because I tell myself the universe could not possibly be so cruel to let my beloved husband be killed and then allow his child to miscarry. Obviously I could have answered that question with a simple test. But I didn't order it, because I was afraid it was going to tell me that yes, the universe really is that cruel. As they say, denial's not just a river in Egypt." The catch in her voice finally erupted in full-blown tears. Brad reached across the table and laid a comforting hand on her arm. "Brad, there's not a day that goes by that I don't wish I was carrying Tim's child. It's been six months since he died. I look at pregnant women who are in their sixth month or so, and all I can think about is that could be me. It *should* be me, dammit. Just a week or so ago, there was a patient at the hospital that I asked another doctor to take for me, for one simple reason: she was pregnant. The reason I was supposed to see her had nothing to do with her pregnancy, but you know what? I was jealous. I was so jealous that I didn't know if I could be fully objective, so I did what a doctor's supposed to do if we can't be objective: I excused myself from the case. "This is terrible, and I wish I didn't feel this way, but I'm angry. I'm angry at myself that we didn't start trying to have a baby sooner, I'm angry at Tim for the same reason, and I'm angry at Tim for making a mistake and dying because of it. I don't know what happened in that fire, but I know he must have made a mistake of some sort. He used to tell me that he was in no danger, as long as no one made a mistake. I don't know if that was true, or if it was something he told me so I wouldn't worry. Mistakes happen; no one knows that better than me. When I was a senior resident, I made a mistake that killed a patient. I was on duty too long, I'd been awake for more than twenty-four hours, but that's no excuse. I thought one thing was wrong with her and it was something else. Problem was, the drug I ordered was the absolute worst thing we could have done for her, considering what was actually wrong, and she died. I was cleared by a review board, because they agreed that, under the circumstances, they might have made the same call I did, so yeah, I know mistakes happen, and sometimes they're serious enough mistakes that people die. "But Tim made a mistake and it was him that died, and that's *not* okay. Or maybe he didn't. Maybe he did everything right and he still died, because stuff just happens sometimes. Either way, he's dead, and all I've got left of him is videos, pictures, and memories. It's not fair, dammit!" Tina took a deep breath, realizing she was letting herself get out of control, then held it and let it out slowly. After a moment of quiet meditation, she was calm again. "Tim was in a fairly unique situation: he had an identical twin brother. You. I realize there were differences between the two of you. Just as an example, I say this in love, but Tim was a slob, while you're probably the most obsessively neat person I know. But you're more alike than you were different: you're both kind, loving, and handsome. What's more, the thing I remember best about Tim was his fantastic sense of humor, and you're the same way. More than anything, though, you and your brother share the same DNA. "What I'm asking for is something I have no right to ask you for, and you have every right to tell me to go to the airport, get on the next plane, and never come back. But something that Tim taught me is that sometimes the only reason we don't get something we want is simply because we don't ask. I'm asking. If you say no, that's fine, I understand. I just hope you'll understand why I asked and what it took for me to come here and ask you this, and not hate me for doing so. "I don't expect an answer right now. I know I'm asking for the moon, and you need time to make a decision you're sure about. I'm flying home in the morning, and when you make a decision, you know how to get in touch with me. Call me anytime; I don't care if it's 3:00 in the morning. "If you say yes, I'll agree to anything you want, and I'll sign anything you want. If you tell me you don't ever want anything to do with the child, fine; you hire an attorney to draw up paperwork that says whatever you want, and I'll sign it. I'll even pay for the attorney. If you want to be a part of the child's life, that's fine, too. I hope you'll want to, but it's up to you. Also, when the child is an adult and asks about their father, I give you my word, I'll tell him or her whatever you want me to: I can either tell them you're their father, or I can tell them that they were the product of sperm that Tim had frozen just in case anything happened to him." Brad shifted uncomfortably in his seat. "So, um, if I say yes, how do we go about it? I'm assuming I make a sperm donation, like I would at a sperm bank, and then some doctor takes it from there." "That's one way," Tina nodded. "I know you aren't married or engaged, but it's probably the best way, if you have a girlfriend. But if I can be blunt, I'd prefer not to hang a picture of a turkey baster on the wall with 'Daddy' underneath it, or get to feeling all warm and fuzzy whenever I walk down the cooking accessories lane at the supermarket. I'm ready for you to make me pregnant the same way billions of women have gotten pregnant since the beginning of time. After all, the least I can do is make sure you have a good time in the process. And if I can continue to be blunt, it's my preference. On the other hand, I don't know how you feel about sleeping with your brother's widow, so..." After they both said no to dessert, the waitress delivered the check. Brad reached for it, but Tina deftly palmed it with the skill of a professional pickpocket. She signed it, and smiled at her dinner companion. "I know I've given you a lot to think about. Take your time, and call me when you make your decision. Whatever you decide, I promise I'll respect it." She slowly slid a plastic swipe card printed with the hotel's logo across the table. "I'm in Room 1003 upstairs. I'm leaving for the airport sometime after 6:00 in the morning to catch my flight home. Until then, that's where I'll be. If you would like to talk some more, visit for a while and reminiscence together about your brother, or, ah, do anything else, I'd love to have you visit," she said softly. Brad slowly shook his head and gave her a small apologetic smile. "Tina, I..." "No," she said slowly, in a voice just barely above a soft whisper. "I know. I show up, drop this in your lap, tell you to take your time making a decision, and then I turn around and look like I'm trying to seduce you up to my room to do the deed right here and now. The truth is, you're right, I am trying to seduce you, but not for the reason you think. You look so much like your brother that it's breaking my heart all over again. I'm going up to my room because I don't want to break down here in the restaurant, and if I stay any longer, that's what is going to happen. "If you join me, I'm going to ask you to hold me while I cry on your shoulder. Anything that happens beyond that, as far as I'm concerned, is between two consenting adults and is no one's business but our own. If that means you and I end up in bed together, fine, but I'm not trying to lure you into my bed because I want a child. Whatever decision you make, I want you to be sure it's the right one, and I know you can't decide something like that on the spot. No one could, which is why if anything happens tonight, I'll insist on a condom. Stop by the hotel gift shop and buy some on your way upstairs. I don't have any, and besides, I want you to be satisfied that I haven't tampered with them." She slid her chair back from the table and stood, and Brad did the same. She kissed him on the cheek then hugged him tightly, placing her lips right next to his ear. "Please don't leave me to cry alone," she whispered. Then she released him, and without another word, turned and quietly walked away toward the hotel lobby and elevator bank, leaving him alone with his thoughts. "Damn," he said quietly, staring at the key card in front of him, after she departed. She wanted him to father her child. *Am I up to that?* he wondered. Could he say yes? Perhaps a better question was, could he say no? *If I say no, am I breaking faith with my brother, with my own flesh and blood?* And what of Tina? Is she sincere, or is there some ulterior motive lurking deep inside? Brad was as cynical as any forty-one year-old, but he *wanted* to believe her and to take her at her word. It "*felt*" real, and he had never for a moment doubted that she was a good person, with her heart entirely in the right place. More importantly, his brother had trusted her, and even after more than twelve years with her and nearly six of those years spent married to her, he had loved her to, literally, his dying breath. Brad knew something about his brother's death that Tina didn't. She had been told that Tim died instantly in the wall collapse that took his life, because what actually happened was simply too awful to tell: the truth was, he had lived for a few brief minutes after his buddies pulled him out. Burned beyond any chance of survival and nearly beyond recognition, in almost unimaginable pain, he asked for and was given the little picture of Tina that he kept tucked inside the liner of his helmet. Then, according to those who had been there, he had looked lovingly at her face, cradled the photo to his chest, and died with her name on his lips. With mere moments to live, there were so many things he could have asked for, but he hadn't; he had not screamed for morphine, had not cried out for his mother, or anything else. All he wanted was to look at his beloved wife one last time. Was she sincere and worthy to be taken at her word? His brother thought so, and that was good enough for Brad. More than good enough. Brad picked up the little plastic card and turned it over and over in his hands. *What about tonight?* She had taken a huge risk, baring her heart as she had, and she had suffered for it. She was suffering right now, ten floors above where he now sat. She had reopened a wound in herself that had barely started to heal, and she had done so because she felt it was what she had to do. Whether what she was asking for was a good thing or not was a matter that could be debated endlessly, but all that mattered right then was that she believed it was important enough to stake her heart. Now she needed comforting, and the question was not if she deserved comfort, but whether Brad Miller deserved to be the one to succor such a strong woman. *No*, his mind told him. *He did not deserve such a privilege*. What she needed, what she deserved, was his brother. But his brother could no longer do so. Not in this life, anyway. Right now, Brad was all she had. He would have to do. *So what are you doing sitting here?* He dabbed at his mouth with his napkin and took a final sip of wine, then headed for the lobby. He stopped at the gift shop for a quick purchase, as she had requested, and rode the elevator to the tenth floor. He stood outside her door and listened. He could faintly hear the heart-wrenching sound of her softly sobbing inside. It was the mournful sound of someone who had lost their closest and dearest friend, and was being torn emotionally inside-out because of it. With tears beginning to well up in his own eyes, Brad swiped the card in the lock and stepped inside. She was lying on the bed, still fully dressed except for her shoes. She lay on her side in a piteous fetal position, with both arms wrapped tightly around a pillow. She looked up at the sound of the door opening. Her eyes were puffy and red from crying, and her ruined mascara made large black circles around her eyes. Her face pleaded for help, but there was the faintest look of hope there also as she looked at him. "Brad, I miss him so much," she moaned quietly. "I know. I miss him, too." He took the pillow from her grasp, lay on his side, and took her tenderly in his arms. She enfolded herself into him, burying her face in his chest, as the arms that were so much like Tim's, and yet so different, wrapped around her. She felt something she had not felt in a long time: safe. She had always felt so safe in Tim's strong arms, and now, for the first time since Tim had died, she felt that way again. She snuggled even deeper into Brad's embrace. It wasn't Tim, and a distant part of her brain reminded her it wasn't. But it was close enough that she could pretend. Unbidden, her mind told her that she could someday feel just as safe in Brad's arms, *without* pretending, and she wondered where the thought had come from. Wrapped in Brad's arms, her tears began anew. He held her throughout, not saying a word but gently stroking her hair, just as Tim had once done, as her tears soaked his shirt. Slowly, she began to feel better, and eventually her tears stopped flowing. She pushed away from him a few inches, just far enough to look at his face, but she kept his arms safely around her. "Thank you," she whispered, giving him a weak smile. "You're welcome," he said, then chuckled. "You know, this is the first time I've ever held a doctor." "Doctors sometimes need love, too. Just like everyone else." She kissed him lightly, and giggled a little. "Maybe you should try it sometime. You never know." "Uhh, no. I know two doctors: my general practitioner, and my dentist. Both are men. I don't think I'll be holding either one of them." "Oh. I don't blame you, then." They both laughed for a moment, and then Tina turned serious once again. "Brad, I'm sorry. I told myself all day that I wasn't going to break down, and I barely even made it through dinner. You just look so much like your brother that tonight when I saw you, it was like Tim was still alive and the last six months have just been nothing but a horrible nightmare. When you met me at the restaurant, I wanted to leap into your arms, shower you with kisses, and tell you how much I loved you. But then my mind reminded me that you're not Tim, that Tim's dead, and it felt like it did when they first told me he had died. All through dinner, I had a struggle going on inside me. My heart kept saying, '*Yay! Tim's still alive!*', and my mind had to keep reminding me that, '*No, he's not. He's dead*'. I know that doesn't make any sense. It doesn't make any sense to me, either. But I just don't know how to explain it better than that. It was like having two parts of my body sending me different, contradictory messages at the same time." "I understand," Brad soothed. "It's okay." "You may understand," Tina shook her head. "But it's not okay. I was trying to treat you as some sort of doppelganger of your brother, and it wasn't fair. Not to me, and especially not to you. You may look like Tim, but you're not him. I'm not saying that's a bad thing. You are your own man, with your own life, your own goals, your own personality, and everything else. It's not fair for me to try to force you into some kind of mold of Tim. You're an individual, and you deserve to be treated as one, not just as some sort of copy of your brother. I'm sorry." Brad sighed and nodded. "Thank you." "I still mean what I said at dinner: if you're willing, I still want you to father a child with me. You and your brother are separate people, but like I said, your DNA is the same, and that's what I need. I hate how that sounds, because it sounds cold and maybe even a little creepy. But what I desperately want is a child that looks like Tim and me, and has, hopefully, the best attributes of both of us. I want to have a son or a daughter who I can look in their face and see my handsome and brave husband. More than that, though, I want a child who has Tim's intelligence, his loving kindness, his bravery, his toughness, his sense of humor. Yes, a lot of those attributes are due to how we're raised and our life experiences; nurture, not nature. But nature plays a big role, too, and I want my child to have Tim's nature. "I want to someday sit my son or daughter down and tell them about Tim. I want to tell them about how much we loved each other, how sweet and kind he was, how brave he was, and how dashing he looked in his uniform. I want them to know his generosity, how he'd give a complete stranger the shirt off his back, what a great sense of humor he had, and tell them how many of his good things I see in them. And someday, when they ask what happened to him, I'm going to sit them down and tell them that he died doing an incredibly brave thing, and that they deserve to be proud of him, just like I am. I know Tim died in a dirty, hundred year-old warehouse that should have been condemned and torn down forty years ago, and he didn't save anyone that day. I wish that if he had to die, he died doing something heroic, like saving a bunch of kids or something, and if he were here right now, I know he'd say the same thing. But the fact is, he saved a lot of lives during his career, and who knows how many people were spared from death or serious injury because Tim and his buddies were there? That's what I'm going to tell my child to remember." She paused and took a deep breath and went on quietly. "There's something else I'd like to tell them as well. When they are an adult themselves, I would love to be able to tell them about their father, too. Their biological father, I mean. I would tell them about how Tim died before they were conceived, and how Tim's twin brother selflessly and generously made it possible for them to be born. I doubt I'll tell them all of the circumstances of their conception," she laughed, "but I'll make sure they know what you did for them. You have my word on that. If you tell me you want left completely out of it, I'll respect that and I won't tell them. You have my word on that, too. But I hope you'll let me tell them." "Tina, I don't know..." "Shh," she breathed, covering his lips with hers in a tender kiss. "No more talking. Not tonight. Just take me. Please." He didn't have to be asked twice. He cradled her head with one hand, wrapping the other arm around her waist as he kissed her. He felt the warmth of her body and the softness of her skin as she responded to him. He moved down to her neck, and she gave a shudder as he nuzzled and kissed her neck and throat, before lightly tracing a line of kisses along the line of her lower jaw, deeply inhaling her natural scent. Like most doctors, Tina didn't wear perfumes and chose only unscented or lightly-scented lotions and creams, but that only allowed her natural scent to come through unfiltered and unadorned. She smelled faintly like strawberries and cream. Like home, Brad thought, smiling. He moved up her neck and gently nibbled at her earlobe, causing her to shudder again and goose pimples to rise along her arm. "Oh, yes..." she breathed passionately. "Oh, God, yessss..." She reached behind herself and gave a small grunt of frustration as her hand flailed at her back. Brad found the zipper at the back of her dress and tugged slowly downward. "Is this what you're looking for?" he whispered. "Yes. Please." He slowly pulled the zipper down as far as it would go, then rolled onto his back in response to a nudge against his chest. As he rolled over, she rolled on top of him. Sitting astride him, she gave him a red hot smile as she slid the dress off her shoulders. There was no bra underneath, and as her gorgeous 34B breasts came into view, Brad was transfixed. Her puffy pink nipples were the color of cotton candy, and stood proud atop her breasts, just begging to be sucked. "I'm afraid my breasts are not very big." "They're perfect," he replied. "You have the nicest nipples I think I've ever seen." "Thank you," she beamed. She leaned forward and kissed him, then moved forward slightly, bringing her right breast to his mouth. He greedily took her nipple into his hot mouth, closing his lips over the hard little mound, causing her to gasp. "God, yes!" she cried. "Oh, Brad, you have no idea what that does to me. It makes me so wet..." "I can't wait to find out," he grinned up at her. She started to slide her hips forward in response, but his hands quickly stopped her. "Not so fast. There's still too much else I want to explore first." Then he turned his head slightly to his right and took her left nipple in his mouth, as she arched her back in ecstasy. After he released her nipple, she sat up straight on top of him and finished removing her dress, letting him get a look at what was underneath. All she wore were a white lace garter belt across her flat tummy, a pair of blue bikini panties that matched her dress, and a pair of beige sheer-to-toe thigh-high stockings. He noticed that she had put her panties on over her garters for easy removal, and he smiled at that. Nearly nude herself, she set to work undressing him. Her nimble fingers unbuttoned his shirt with one hand, as she ran her other hand all over his chest. Once his chest was fully exposed, she bent forward and lavished kisses all over his torso, slowly working her way downward. When she reached his waist, she undid his belt and unbuttoned his pants before working them down his legs. She stood and pulled his pants off his legs, dropping them on the floor, before sitting on the foot of the bed. Once she made herself comfortable, she started working on detaching her garters from her stockings. "No," Brad said, surprising her a little. "Leave your stockings on. Please." "Alright," she replied, smiling from ear-to-ear as she climbed onto the bed on all fours. She took hold of the waistband of his underwear with her teeth and tugged downward until his hard cock popped free as if it was spring loaded. She looked at it admiringly: six inches and nearly as thick as her wrist. It was so much like Tim's, in so many ways. There was one striking difference, however: every square inch of Brad's crotch was fully shaved, while with Tim, she was doing good if she managed to convince him to let her just give him a trim. She was excited to see Brad's hairless skin. She loved sucking cocks -- especially Tim's -- but she hated getting hair in her mouth. With Brad, it wasn't going to be a problem. She licked the entire length of his cock and kissed all over it, shamelessly fondling it against her soft cheeks like a just-discovered treasure that she had feared was lost forever. Brad was clearly enjoying himself, judging by the huge grin on his face, as he played with her blonde hair. "Oh, yeah, babe. Suck my cock." A drop of pre-cum had leaked out of the tip, and she wrapped her lips over it, using her tongue in a swirling motion like eating an ice cream cone. Then she slid her mouth down over his cock, taking the whole thing to the back of her throat. She sucked him hungrily for a couple of minutes, until his breathing changed, suggesting he was close. That created a dilemma for her: she was more than willing to have him cum down her throat, while she swallowed every delicious drop, but she worried that if she did so, then he wouldn't be able to fuck. But if she didn't suck him off, he wasn't going to last a minute in her tight pussy, even with a condom on. What to do? The question was answered for her as he slipped his hands under her shoulders and nudged upward. "Turn over on your back," he groaned. "I'm dying to taste your pussy." "Yes, sir," she smiled. There weren't many things in life that she enjoyed more than sucking a big cock, but having her pussy eaten was one of them. She flipped over and spread her legs, then almost as an afterthought, grabbed a pillow and slid it under her ass, causing her hips to rotate upward. Brad made a line down the center of her torso with his tongue, then hooked his thumbs in the waistband of her panties, drawing them down her stocking-covered legs. Her panties were so wet that the crotch clung to her pussy as he pulled them down. When he got to her ankles, she lifted her feet off the bed to allow him to remove her underwear off of them. He began licking and kissing her ankles. Tim had often done the same, before licking and kissing all the way up her leg until he got to her pussy. By the time he got there, she was practically writhing in anticipation. Tim had been a leg man who loved her legs in stockings, and when Brad asked her to leave her stockings on, she knew he was as well. Nothing wrong with that. She knew, both as a woman and a doctor, something of how sensual her legs could be, but until she met Tim, she'd never fully appreciated just how sensual they were under the ministrations of an expert. The brothers had something else in common as well, she thought: Tim was a leg man, but he absolutely despised feet and during sex more or less he pretended they didn't exist. Judging from the fact that Brad had chosen to start with her ankles and move up from there, he obviously hated feet, too. But she was about to get a big surprise. Brad moved from her ankle to her stockinged foot, massaging the sole and arch with his thumbs while he kissed along the ridge of her instep. When he reached her toes and gently nibbled on them, she had to grab another pillow and hold it over her face to muffle her squeals of delight. Back in her undergraduate days before medical school, she had had one lover who had known and appreciated the benefits of pleasuring a woman's feet, but he was the only one who ever had. Now, obviously, she had just met another. "Ohh, dear God in Heaven," she whimpered, her eyes rolling back in her head as Brad nibbled and sucked her toes, both individually and as a group. Each time he did, it felt like little jolts of pleasure rushed up her leg, heading straight for her pussy. With her bare shaved pussy on open display, she rubbed it in long, lurid circles with one hand, while playing with her nipples with the other. God she was so wet, and her clit was so hard! She plunged one and then two fingers up inside herself, each making a wet squelching sound as she jammed them in and out. Her fingers were a poor substitute for Brad's hard cock, but they were better than nothing. Brad eventually left her foot and moved up her leg, licking all along the inside of it. When he got above her knee, she stopped fingering herself and instead simply spread herself for him, giving him a peek at her inner depths. *It's yours*, was the message she was trying to send from her mind to his. *Come and take it.* He lay between her legs and explored her pussy with his tongue, tracing her labia both inside and out, licking her inner thighs, and darting his tongue in and out of her vagina. Oddly enough, the one part of her genitals he had little to no interest in, it seemed, was her clit. Occasionally he would flick at it with his tongue just to remind her that he knew it was there and that he hadn't forgotten about it, but just as quickly as he would pay attention to her clit, he would go off to explore something else. He slid two fingers inside her and massaged the inner walls of her vagina. Once he had them good and coated, he slid them out of her and licked his fingers deliciously. "Mm, that's a tasty pussy," he told her. "Would you like some?" "Yesss," she growled. "Give it to me." He scooped out more of her juices with his fingers and brought them to her mouth. She snapped at them with her mouth, and smacked her lips around his fingers. *God, what is he doing to me!* her mind screamed. She had masturbated often enough, and at times she had even licked her own juices off her fingers. But not very often. The simple fact was that she didn't care for the taste. But now he was feeding her own juices to her and she couldn't get enough! And what was he doing with her clit? Why was he ignoring it? Tim, like most men, would go straight for her clit when he ate her, nearly to the exclusion of everything else. But not Brad. He didn't seem to care about her clit at all. *Why the hell not?! Is he that clueless? Doesn't he know how important the clit is? Doesn't he know how much I want him to pay attention to it, how desperate I am for him to lick it?* Suddenly it all made sense to her: he knew exactly how desperate she was. He wanted her to beg. Well, if that's what it took... "Please," she moaned. "Please..." "Please?" he asked innocently. "Please what?" "Please suck my clit. Please. I'll do anything. Just please suck my clit." He moved with excruciating slowness, but she could feel his hot breath on her swollen button. She would have loved to have had a mirror so that she could see it; she imagined her poor, neglected clit was huge right then! He gently took her pleasure button into his mouth and caressed it with his tongue. She drew in a huge lungful of air, making a loud hiss as she arched her back involuntarily, thrusting her pussy into the air. It wasn't an orgasm, exactly. If it was, she had never had an orgasm quite that strong. Oh, dear God! Her body relaxed, slowly lowering herself back down onto the pillow under her hips, as Brad continued to lick and stroke her neglected clitoris. She was beside herself with pleasure. Several times she opened her mouth to tell him what a great job he was doing, but all that came out was a string of unintelligible moans and whimpers. Tim was okay at cunnilingus; not bad, but nothing spectacular, either. Brad, on the other hand, was a fucking artist! No one in her entire life had ever given her such intense pleasure. Not even close. He worked on her clit for a while longer before, apparently, reaching his own limit. He rose from between her legs and returned to where he had started, kissing her neck and nibbling her ears. "Tina," he breathed. "I've got to fuck you. I have to have you." "Yes," she cried, her voice full of need. "Please. I'm yours. Take me. Please tell me you bought condoms..." "Front pants pocket," he breathed. She practically leapt from the bed, and seized his pants off the floor. She had never needed a man inside her as much as she needed Brad. She wasn't sure she had ever needed anything in her entire life as much as she needed him right now. She found the box of condoms, tore it open, and pulled one out. Brad turned over on his back, with his hard cock pointing straight at the ceiling. She got on the bed, opened the little foil package, and rolled the condom onto him. As soon as it was in place, she threw one leg over him and started to mount him. He, however, had other ideas. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her down until their chests were touching, then rolled her over on her back, with her hips on the pillow. She spread her legs wide as Brad climbed on top of her. He kissed her deeply, their tongues intertwining as they explored each other's mouths. "Are you ready?" he asked her in a husky voice. "Oh, God, yes," she moaned. "I've never been so ready. Do it, baby." He lowered his hips onto hers, and she reached down between their bodies to guide him into her. He thrust forward a little, penetrating her, and she lifted her feet off the bed, welcoming him into her body. She gasped pleasurably and loosely draped her arms behind his neck, gazing deeply into his eyes as he steadily slid all six inches into her. It was amazing how much his cock felt like Tim's. She expected he was simply going to fuck her, and hard, but he didn't. Instead, he glided luxuriously in and out of her, holding her tight, as his eyes never left hers. As much as she wanted to be fucked, what she wanted and needed even more was to make love, but she knew that was a futile, empty dream. Yet whether Brad had wanted the same thing or he had sensed her need, that's exactly what was happening: he was making love to her. She wrapped her arms and legs around him, clinging to him, unwilling to let him go even for a second. His cock felt so amazing inside of her. *Oh, God, could this evening possibly get any better?* Their bodies rocked together in unison as he lavishly made love to her. With each thrust into her, she slid her hips forward. This was an unexpected treat. As she flew into town earlier that day, she expected they would probably fuck before the brief overnight visit was through. She did not expect -- did not dare hope -- that he would make love to her. She felt her orgasm getting closer as her clit rubbed against his pubic bone, pinned as it was between their bodies. He was completely in control of her body, she knew. He had proven that with the unbelievably fantastic job he did in eating her. Her body, her mind, her pleasure was clay in the hands of a true master, and a benevolent one. He was using her body for his pleasure, but for hers as well, and she sensed that her pleasure was in no way less important to him than his own. And like a master artist, he was wasting nothing: her mind, her mouth, her breasts, her pussy, her legs, even her feet. He was using it all to create for her a sexual experience like none she had ever known. "Oh, Brad..." she cooed, lightly stroking his face with her hand. "Don't you mean 'Oh, Tim'?" he grinned down at her. She looked at him with her warmest, most loving smile, the one that up until six months ago, she had reserved for Tim alone, and had not given to anyone else since. "No," she said softly. "I'm getting close," he warned. She squeezed him tightly with her arms as if she was trying to physically merge their bodies together, and dug her heels into his buttocks. "I'm already there," she whispered hotly in his ear. "I'm just waiting for you, lover." His breathing changed and his pace did, too, becoming slower but deeper and more forceful as she cheered him on. "Give it to me deep. Oh, it feels so good, baby..." "Tina, I want to fuck you all night long," he groaned. "Sounds good to me," she cooed. "I don't have any plans, and I can't think of anything I'd rather do. Next round, you can fuck me in the ass if you like." That did it. Brad had never done anal before, though like a lot of men, it was a long-held fantasy of his. He drove into her one final time and froze as he felt his cock spasm inside of her. As his orgasm began, she mentally gave herself permission to cum as well. She arched her back into him, impaling herself deeper on his cock as he pushed as deep as possible into her at the same time. She could feel his cock spasming inside her, as his cock filled his condom with hot cum. Once, twice, three times he squirted inside of her, and a part of her felt deprived because of the condom he wore. She wanted him to make her pregnant, that was true, but that wasn't the reason she wished he was filling her pussy with his cum. After all, it was entirely the wrong time of the month; it would be nearly impossible for her to get pregnant this night, even if he agreed to do so. No, that night she wanted his cum for a different reason: except for Tim, she had never felt so close to any man as what she felt in that moment about Brad, and she wanted him to "mark" her as his own. She wasn't his, of course. She was sure that he didn't want her, and truth be told, she wasn't entirely sure she wanted him, either. Not in the long-term, anyway. But at least for this night, there was nothing she wanted more than to be his, and for him to claim her as his own. They both relaxed as their orgasms subsided, and he remained on top of her for a good fifteen minutes or more. He was in no hurry to dismount her, and she was certainly in no hurry for him to do so, either. She had felt so alone and unwanted since Tim had died. Now, for a few hours at least, she wasn't alone, and she was wanted. Even better, she was wanted by a man who had just proved himself to be an incredible lover. If he wanted to stay on top of her all night, that was more than okay with her. Eventually, though, he did roll off of her, though to her delighted surprise, he continued to hold her and kept her nestled right beside him. "That was fun," he breathed. "'Fun' doesn't begin to describe it," she purred. "I don't believe I've ever had sex like that in my entire life. I know you probably think I'm just saying that, but I'm not. It's the truth, I swear. Especially when you ate my pussy. I'd ask how you learned that, but I'm not sure I want to know." "It's nothing bad," he chuckled, but didn't elaborate. "By the way, I just have to tell you, you have very sexy legs. I'm sure Tim told you that all the time, and he was right." "Well, thank you," she beamed. "And yes, Tim liked my legs very much. My feet not so much, but he did like my legs." "Huh?" She looked at him, surprised. "Surely you knew Tim was a leg man. But his fondness for the female leg ended at the ankle." She rolled her eyes. "He gave me such a hard time about my feet, telling me how much he didn't like them, that it's a wonder I ever took my shoes off. You obviously don't have that silly hang-up, I'm happy to say." "I knew Tim was a leg man. I didn't know about the rest of it. We may have been twins, but honestly, I think you'll find we weren't all that much alike. Dad used to say I was like a knife or a scalpel, and Tim was a battering ram," he laughed. "Really? In what way?" "You know what Tim's philosophy was: there wasn't a problem anywhere in the world that couldn't be solved with a big enough hammer. You couldn't find a nicer, kinder person than my brother, and he wouldn't hurt a fly. But his approach to any problem, no matter what it was, was brute force, either physically or figuratively. I know I'm not telling you anything you don't know. He was a sweet guy, but I don't think Tim even knew the meaning of words like 'tact' or 'diplomacy'. He didn't just step on people's toes; he rolled over them with a steamroller! What was sad, most of the time he didn't even know he was doing it. Tim had pretty thick skin, and I think he forgot that other people don't necessarily have the same thick skin he did. "Me, on the other hand, I'm more judicious in my approach to things. Yeah, there are some times when the only thing that will solve a problem is a twenty-pound sledgehammer. Take firefighting, for instance: if your house is on fire and you and your kids are trapped inside, you want a big bruiser like Tim, who'll make his own entryway, thank you very much, toss one kid over one shoulder, another kid over the other, and grab you by the waistband of your jeans and carry you out of there like a 12-pack of beer. At the same time, there are a lot of times when you get better results by being tactful and approaching a problem more, dare I say, intelligently." "Sort of like a carrot and stick approach: you're the carrot, and he was the stick," Tina nodded, listening. "Exactly. Let me use an illustration I remember our Dad using one time when we were growing up. Let's say you've got a room with a locked, sturdy door. There's a million dollars inside and it's yours. All you have to do is unlock the door and get it. The problem is, there's no key. "First thing Tim's going to do is get a sledgehammer, and turn the door into kindling. If that doesn't work, he'll knock a hole in the wall and get in that way. Tim's solution is quick, it's guaranteed to work, but then you've got a destroyed door or a big hole in the wall. Knowing Tim, probably both. Me, I'm going to call a locksmith, or try to take the door off the hinges somehow, or try to find another way inside. I'm only going to get the sledgehammer after everything else has failed." By the time he finished the story, Tina was laughing softly. "You nailed him to a tee!" she laughed. "Sweet, kind to a fault, loveable as a giant teddy bear, but with skin as thick as a banana peel, and his approach to things could be somewhat over the top. It reminds me of a couple of years ago. We were entertaining a neighborhood couple, and in conversation, Tim describes himself as a 'take the bull by the horns' type of guy. The neighbor laughs and says that Tim wouldn't just take the bull by the horns, he'd probably punch the poor thing in the nose and toss it on the barbecue grill for dinner!" Tina and Brad both had a good laugh. "Tim was a smart guy. I mean really smart. A lot smarter than people gave him credit for. But he did tend toward the extreme. He didn't believe in half measures; it was all or nothing." She heaved a heavy sigh. "Sometimes I wonder if that's what got him killed. I can't help but wonder if maybe they pulled the plug and signaled a retreat, and maybe Tim was just too goddamn stubborn to go. In twelve years together, I never saw Tim get in a fight with anyone, but I also know he wasn't the sort to back down from a fight, either. I can picture him refusing to back down from a fight with that fire and losing his life as a result." The conversation moved on to other topics. Tina removed her stockings and garter belt, and both stayed nude for the rest of the evening. After an hour or so, they decided they were both a little hungry, so Tina ordered some snacks from room service while Brad went to the bathroom. There were robes for the both of them, but when the room service was delivered, Tina chose to hide in the bathroom. "Is he gone?" she asked, opening the door a half inch and peeking out. "No," Brad grinned. "I told him you'd be out soon, so I invited him to have a seat and wait for you." "Ha, very funny." She opened the door and strode out, naked as the day she was born. She pretended to look all around the room. "So, where is he?" she asked, feigning disappointment. They made themselves comfortable on the bed. She had ordered a plate of stuffed mushrooms, and a tray of various fruits, along with a bowl of chocolate for dipping. The food tasted good after what they had done barely an hour ago. "You know," she snickered, "when Tim and I stayed in hotels for whatever reason, we ordered room service a lot. Difference was, Tim was the one who hid in the bathroom, while I let the guy in and signed for the tray. Except I usually didn't bother with a robe." "Oh, really?" Brad grinned. "So, why didn't you do it this time?" "You," she answered simply, giving him a flirtatious smile. "I was afraid it would bother you, and I didn't want to hurt your feelings." "Wouldn't have bothered me any. I'm a little surprised that Tim never said anything, though." "Are you kidding?" she snorted. "He encouraged me to. It was a big turn-on for us both. Only thing was, Tim had to hide in the bathroom. If he was standing or sitting there, the room service guy was always on his very best behavior for fear that Tim would knock his block off. With Tim supposedly in the shower, they were more willing to let their eyes roam a little." "Did you ever have a problem with anyone?" "Once or twice. We had a prearranged code phrase: if anything got out of hand, all I had to do was ask Tim if my perfume was in the bathroom. If he heard that, he knew I wanted him to just simply walk out of the bathroom and say 'hi' to the nice young man. And that's exactly what he'd do: come out, say a friendly hello, and shake his hand. It tended to have a very calming effect," she giggled. "So, how did you define what 'getting out of hand' meant?" "They could look all they liked, and even get a feel, as long as they weren't too blatant about it. A very light brush of my ass or breasts, I'd ignore and pretend it was an accident. Anything more than that, no. That's where the limit was." "Well, you are a very beautiful woman," Brad smiled. "You definitely made some young man's day every time you did that, and probably his week, month, and year, too. I hope my brother knew how lucky he was to have you. Me, I know I'm using up a whole lifetime's worth of good luck, just to be here with you right now. But you know what? Even at that, I'm getting a great deal." "Aww," she blushed. "You're sweet." She leaned across the tray and kissed him on the lips. They went back to eating. He watched as she ate a few grapes, a strawberry, and a chunk of pineapple. In each and every case, the fruit went nowhere near the little bowl of chocolate on its way to her mouth. "Don't you like the chocolate?" he asked. "I like it just fine," she smiled. "I'm just very selective about what I put chocolate on. Besides, what's in that bowl right there isn't chocolate. It's finger paint." "Is that right?" "Uh huh," she nodded playfully. "Why not you move the tray over out of the way, and I'll prove it." He eagerly carried the room service tray to a corner and set it down, then hurried back to the bed. She instructed him to lie flat on his back. She dipped the tip of her finger in the chocolate and covered his nipples, then immediately licked it off. She did the same thing on various parts of his torso and neck, making swipes here and there with her fingers, and then torturously cleaning up the mess with her tongue. After she did it several times, Brad announced that it was his turn, and told her to lie on her back. "I took Anatomy as a Science elective back in high school," he said. "Of course, that was a long time ago, and unlike you, I really haven't had a whole lot of opportunity to use what I learned. Sometimes I wonder how much of it I recall, so how about we play a little game and see how much I remember?" "Hmm," she smiled. "Sounds like fun." He used his finger to spread a horizontal line of chocolate just below her shoulders. "We'll start with an easy one. This is called the, um, collarbone, right?" She nodded. "Also known as the..." "Clavi -- oh!" As she started to answer, he slowly dragged his tongue along the line, causing goose bumps to pop up all over the area. "The, um...clavicle." "Very good, Doctor!" he praised her. "But you seemed to have a little problem recalling the proper name. Is everything alright?" He made another slow pass across her body, stimulating the sensitive nerves in the area. "F-fine," she stammered. "Just feeling a little, uh, bit distracted right now." "Nothing serious, I hope?" he feigned concern. "Because we have a long way to go in this game." "Could be..." She groaned pleasurably as he smeared chocolate on first one nipple and then the other and licked it off. As soon as the chocolate was cleared off, her nipples stood at erect attention. "Could be serious." He slowly moved down her body, doing the same thing to her breastbone, several ribs, her navel, and pointing out various landmarks on her nude torso, such as her liver, lungs, and appendix, marking each one with the warm chocolate, before cleaning it off with his tongue. When he got to her waist, he paused and asked for a progress report. "So, how am I doing so far, Doc?" he grinned. "Extremely well," she said, shuddering involuntarily as his fingers stimulated an especially sensitive area. "You haven't missed one yet." He encircled her navel with his tongue, just barely touching it to her skin. "I...I must say, your knowledge of the human nervous system is breathtaking." As if to prove her point, he probed her navel with the tip of his tongue, causing her to gasp loudly. "Thank you. Now we get to my favorite part of the body." He moved down over her crotch, letting her feel the heat from his hot breath on her vulva, barely an inch away. But when he kept on going without so much as a pause, she whined. He moved to her ankle, and started up from there. "Let's see...tibia, fibula, knee, patella, femur..." She was practically beside herself as he moved up her leg. His knowledge of the nervous system was encyclopedic. Nerve junctures and pressure points that she would have had to look and possibly search for, he found instantly and with unerring precision. And once he found them, he seemed to know exactly how to exploit each and every one to maximum effect. "Now, I can recall our teacher saying that the inner thigh is extremely sensitive, particularly for women. But just between you and me, I don't think she knew what she was talking about. If she was right, then if I did something like this..." He nibbled on one particular spot on her inner thigh, a few inches from her pussy. Her gasp was nearly a scream as her body nearly lifted off the bed. "'d practically jump out of your skin. Now, I ask you: isn't that the silliest thing you ever heard?" "Sh-shocking." Her brain screamed for information. *Who or what was this man?* It was as though he had a roadmap of every single one of her erogenous zones. Oh, God, what an incredibly skilled lover this man was turning out to be! "Now, I would like to ask a favor of you." "Anything," she breathed. "I want you to masturbate, while I watch. I want you to show me how you pleasure yourself so that I will know how best to pleasure you. Will you do that for me?" She nodded, dazed. As recently as fifteen minutes earlier, she might have said no to a request like that. Masturbation was such a private thing for her, as it is for most people. But now, she was more than willing to give him anything he wanted. She stroked her inner thighs and traced the outline of her labia her finger, then spread herself open to give him a view of the inside of her vulva. She played lightly with her clit, alternating between rubbing it alone and rubbing the entire area with the flat palm of her hand. Then she slipped first one and then two fingers into her vagina, fingering herself almost casually at first, but eventually slamming her fingers in and out of her swollen pussy. During the whole masturbation session, she kept up a running narration, telling him exactly how she liked to be played with. "Now I have a favor to ask you," she said throatily, as she lightly played with herself. "And what might that be?" "I want you to fuck me like a bitch, like I'm a whore you picked up at a sleazy bar," she growled. "Fuck me hard til I scream, slap me with your cock, choke me, or shove that thick piece of meat up my ass. Fuck me until I can't walk straight. Dominate me. Do whatever you want to me. Just make it rough, and treat me like a slut." "Yes, ma'am," he replied enthusiastically, with a wicked grin. He told her to go down on him, which she did at once. As soon as he was hard, he ordered her into a sitting position on the floor, with her back against the bed. He stood in front of her and ordered her to open her mouth. "Don't you even think about closing it until I give you permission," he snarled. "You understand me?" She mumbled her assent, and he slapped her cheeks loudly on both sides with his hard cock several times. Then he thrust his cock into her open mouth and brutally fucked her face until she gagged. Once she did, he stopped and told her to close her mouth. "So, Doctor Miller," he said in a mocking tone. "What sort of doctor are you? What's your specialty?" "I-Internal Medicine," she stammered. "I'm a Pulmonologist." He slapped her with his hard cock a couple more times. "That's not what I heard. I think you're lying to me." He grabbed a large handful of her blonde hair and pulled, tilting her head upward to face him. "Are you lying to me, Doctor?" "Wh-what have you heard?" "I've heard you're a sex therapist, that you spend almost all your time on all fours, with your ass in the air, letting your patients ram their cocks down your throat, or in your tight little pussy, or up your ass. I've heard you sometimes treat two or three patients at the same time, one in each hole. I even heard you've treated up to six patients at one time: one in your mouth, one in your pussy, one in your ass, while giving a handjob to two of them, and a footjob to the sixth. So is that true?" "It's true," she admitted, playing along. "It says 'Internal Medicine - Pulmonology' on my lab coat and on my door, but the 'Internal' only refers to the internal cumshots my patients give me." "Oh, so your patients cum inside you, is that right?" "S-sometimes. If their insurance covers the procedure. I let them stick their big dicks up my ass and pound me until they cum. Sometimes if I'm really horny, I'll let them cum in my ass, whether their insurance covers it or not." "So you like getting fucked in the ass, eh?" "Yes." "Say it." He gave the handful of hair he held a sharp jerk. "I like getting fucked in the ass." "Like it or love it?" "I love it. I love getting fucked in the ass." "I can't hear you." "I love getting fucked in the ass!" "Louder!" "I LOVE GETTING FUCKED IN THE ASS!" "So what if I wanted to fuck you there? I have insurance, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't cover ass fucking my doctor." "I'd consider it a privilege. I won't submit it to your insurance." "I think I'll have some of that sexy ass, then. But there's another procedure I need done also, and you're going to do it. You know what that is?" "No." "You're going to give me a footjob. I've never had one, but you have incredibly sexy feet, Doctor. But I'm sure you hear that all the time, don't you?" "Thank you," she blushed. "But no, I don't hear it all the time. Just the opposite: my husband hated my feet. He thought they were ugly, and stinky, and disgusting." "He said that to you?" "Not in so many words. But that's how he treated them. If I came home from work and asked him to massage them for me, you'd think I had just asked him to cut off his leg and beat himself half to death with it." "Well, your husband may have been my twin brother, and I loved him as such, but at least on this one point, he was a fucking idiot." "Thank you," she giggled, grinning from ear-to-ear. Brad released her hair and made himself comfortable on the bed, seating himself with his back against the wall and his legs stretched out in front of him. Tina dug in her toiletries bag until she found a tube of lubricant, and retrieved a fresh condom out of the little box on her way back to the bed. She sat on the bed tailor-style, and squeezed a large dollop of lube onto the palm of her left hand to warm it. Then she used both hands to thoroughly coat his cock and balls, before doing the same to her feet, taking care to lube between her toes and especially the soles. Her feet were completely free of calluses or dry, rough skin of any sort, but for a job like this she wanted them to be extra soft. When she was done, she sat back to beside his knees, reclining back and propping her torso up with her elbows. "Please excuse me if I'm not very good at this," she said with an embarrassed little smile, coming out of character for just a brief moment. "I'm more than happy to do it, and I'm delighted you asked. But with Tim's views on the subject, I'm more than a little rusty. The last time I gave anyone a footjob was long ago enough that I don't remember when the last time was." Having given her disclaimer, she was back in character instantly. She pinned his cock between her soles and stroked him up and down a few times, then gently caressed all over his cock with one foot while she used the toes of the other one to play with his balls. She continued in that fashion for a while: use both feet to stroke him a few times, then use one foot on his cock and the other on his balls. "So, Mr. Miller," she said clinically, using her best "doctor" voice. "How long has it been since your last footjob?" "A while," he admitted. "Close to a year, I expect." She gave him the same disapproving look that she would give a patient who admitted to not eating right and never exercising. "Regular footjobs are an important part of your sexual health. And if I may be blunt, not having one on a semi-regular basis is a very selfish thing to do." "How so?" "You are depriving some poor woman of a sexual thrill of her own. I've barely been doing this a minute, I expect, and look at the effect it's having on me already." She spread her legs as far apart as she could, giving him a good look at her pussy. It was so wet that her juices were beginning to coat her asshole as well. After giving him a second to look, she closed her legs so her feet could continue their work. "Please tell me that you have not been denying your girlfriend the opportunity to get this turned on." "I'm sort of between girlfriends right now, I'm afraid," he laughed humorlessly. "But I have to say, you are very good at this. Tim didn't know what he was missing." "Well, thank you," she beamed. "Just be careful not to enjoy it too much. You're scheduled for either a pussy or an ass fuck immediately after this, remember. I have to get a cum sample from you. If you fuck my pussy, you can deposit the sample in the condom. If you'd rather have my ass, you can use a condom, or if you prefer, you can just shoot it up inside me. As much as I'd enjoy having you cum on my feet, that would force me to use option three. I don't think you want option three." "What is option three?" "Option three is milking the prostate." She went on to explain exactly what that entailed. "You're right," he swallowed hard. "I don't want option three." She switched techniques, using just one foot to stroke his cock by using her first and second toe. She left the other foot dangling enticingly in midair and hoped he would get the hint. He did. He took hold of her dangling foot with both hands and brought it to his mouth. He nibbled and sucked her big toe and circled it with his tongue, then spread her toes apart so he could suck each individually. With each one, she got more and more turned on, to the point that when he finished number four and started to move to number five, she couldn't take it anymore. "Okay." She sighed loudly and pulled her feet back, tucking them under herself for safekeeping. "It's time to fuck Dr. Miller in the ass before she discovers that she actually can cum simply from having her toes sucked," she giggled breathlessly. Brad reached for the wrapped condom on the bed. Tina softly touched the back of his hand before he could retrieve it. "It's up to you," she said quietly, "and if you want to put it on, I completely understand. But I'd prefer if you didn't. I like anal, but I like it even better bareback. And I love anal cream pies. Please?" He thought it over for a second, then pulled his hand away empty. She gave him a beaming smile and kissed him deeply. She retrieved the lubricant and recoated his cock with the slippery substance. Then she got on all fours, reached back with one hand and spread her ass cheeks, and plunged her lubed fingers into her asshole, coating the inside of it. Brad shifted uncomfortably on the bed. "Tina, I have a confession to make. I, uh, I've never done anal. Ever. Even women who do anal, they take one look at how thick my cock is and anal's off the menu, so to speak. I, um, am afraid I'm not going to be able to last very long, if you know what I mean. I don't want to disappoint you, but that's probably what's going to happen." "It's okay," she cooed. "I understand. Besides, I'm so close myself that I may cum before you do! But whatever happens, it's okay. I'm not going to be upset." She smiled at him again and kissed him. She positioned herself on all fours and laid her head on a pillow, with her ass high in the air, then turned her head to the side. Brad got on his knees behind her, with his hand on her butt cheek. "You ready?" "More than ready. Do it to me, babe." She reached back with both hands and spread her ass cheeks as far apart as she could, and her little pink asshole winked at him. He placed the tip of his cock against her butthole and wrapped his hand around the base of the shaft to steady it. She pushed back against him at the same time he pushed forward. After a couple of seconds, he watched her ass open, swallow the head of his cock, and close back around it. She gasped sharply, but then immediately giggled. "Welcome to my ass, baby," she breathed. Fuck she was tight! He eased forward, slipping more and more of his cock into her backside, and watched as it disappeared inside her. Most amazing of all, he thought, was that she didn't utter a word of protest or give a single hint of discomfort or pain. In a moment, he was buried in her ass to the hilt, and his balls touched her ass cheeks. "All the way in?" she asked happily. "All six inches," he confirmed. "You feel okay?" "Mm, fantastic," she said, savoring each syllable. "I feel so amazingly full. It feels like my clit's getting squeezed against my pubic bone, from the inside." "Feels good for me, too. Your ass is red hot inside, and it's so fucking tight." "Go ahead and fuck me, whenever you're ready," she said. "Don't worry, you're not going to hurt me." Brad fucked her tentatively at first, drawing back just an inch or so, before sliding back inside. When he saw that she wasn't screaming bloody murder, it increased his confidence with every stroke. Soon he was pulling out of her almost completely and then plunging back in hard, and she simply cried for more. After thirty seconds or so, she groaned deeply and long. "Fuck, I'm cumming!" she announced. Her already tight ass got tighter still as her hands balled into tight little fists. She turned her face into the pillow and screamed into it as she pounded the bed with her hands like a child throwing a tantrum. Behind Brad, her feet flew up and dug into his ass cheeks, pulling him deeper inside her backdoor. "Fuck!" she cried as her orgasm waned. "What an orgasm!" She turned her head to the side once more and smiled. "You know what I want you to do? I want you to make me take your cock. Dominate me. I want you to call me filthy names, tell me I'm a slut, tell me you're going to fuck my ass all night if you want to." "Cock-sucking whore," Brad snarled as he pumped in and out of her. "I can't believe I paid ten dollars for you. That's about twice as much as you're worth. You're a filthy three-hole slut, aren't you? Huh? Tell me what you are." "Oh, yes! I'm a filthy slut..." she cried. "You're a three-hole slut!" he corrected harshly. "I'm a filthy three-hole slut! I take men's cocks in my mouth, in my pussy, and in my ass, and I love it!" Brad bore down on her, reached back, and pulled her legs out from under her, causing her to collapse onto the bed on her belly. He dropped with her, forcing his cock even deeper in her ass. "Ohh!" she cried out. "You know what I ought to do? I ought to get on that phone over there and call up a couple of my buddies, tell them to come and fuck your mouth and pussy while I do your ass. What do you think about that?" "You paid for me. You can do anything you want with me." "Yeah. I ought to call them up and tell them to come over. 'Hey, guys, come over here to Room 1003 and fuck my slut in whatever holes you want." "YES!" she cried. "OH, GOD, YES!" She sobbed and Brad was startled to discover that she was crying for real. He was afraid he may have overdone it a little, and decided to back off. But she was having none of it. "Say it again! Tell me I'm YOUR dirty little slut. Tell me that I belong to you! PLEASE!" Brad was bewildered and said nothing, wondering what Pandora's Box he had just inadvertently opened. But when he didn't reply, she started to cry harder, as she had done earlier in the evening. "You're MY dirty little fuck slut," he growled in a low tone, leaning into her and putting his mouth as close to her ear as possible. "You belong to me now. I own you. You remember that when you go home tomorrow. You're still a doctor, but now you're my slut first, and a doctor second. That means if I show up at the hospital and tell you I'm there to fuck you, the next words I hear out of your mouth had better be you telling your nurse to hold your patients because you're going to be busy in Exam Room 3 for the next few minutes." "Oh, thank you!" she wept softly. "Thank you, thank you, thank you." She thrust back against him, deeply impaling her ass on his cock over and over again at a furious pace. "I'm going to cum," he groaned. "I'm going to fill your ass with my cum. I'm going to fill you so full that it's still leaking out when you get home tomorrow, just so you don't forget who you belong to. Ungh! Hold still." Obediently, she stopped at once. She felt his cock spasm a couple of times inside of her, and then she felt his hot cum shoot deep into her rectum. One, two, three times she felt the impact of his load against the walls of her colon as he emptied himself into her. A distant part of her mind was surprised that he came so much, especially after fucking her not quite an hour before, but however much he came, she wanted more. For his part, Brad felt like his whole body was being turned inside out and shot down his cock into her. He hadn't cum so much since he was a teenager. He wanted to paint her insides with his seed until it was dripping out of her. Or would drip out of her, eventually; he was pretty deep, he knew. He collapsed atop her, pinning her to the bed underneath him. But she didn't move a muscle to get him off of her, and in the quiet stillness of the room, he could hear her breathing and could even hear her rapidly beating heart. "Mine," he whispered in her ear. "Yours," she acknowledged confidently. He climbed off of her and lay on his side, facing her. As soon as he was no longer pinning her, she instantly scrambled into his arms, forcing her body as close to his as she could. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer still, and she sighed contentedly. He held her for a long time, stroking her soft hair, and she purred in his arms. "Tina..." he said after a bit. "No," she interrupted quietly. "You don't have to say anything. I know I acted pretty crazy. Maybe I am going crazy. There's just so much on my plate right now. I don't know how to deal with any of it, but I'm doing the best I can. If I get a little weird from time to time, I don't know what to say, except, 'I'm sorry'. What I said, what we said to each doesn't have to mean a thing. Not unless you want it to. Don't say anything. Just hold me, and just for tonight, let me pretend I do still belong to someone." "Okay." She tilted her head up for a kiss. "Good night," she whispered. He kissed her and told her 'good night' as well, and she tilted her chin back down toward her chest. She was asleep in seconds. The next morning, they awoke in the exact same position they had fallen asleep in, and were awakened by the morning sun streaming through the window, a few minutes before her alarm sounded. "Good morning," he smiled at her. "Good morning to you," she replied, smiling even more broadly. "Sleep well?" "Very well. Then again, I always do when I get to sleep with a beautiful woman in my arms. How about you?" "I think I slept the sleep of the dead," she yawned. "How's your butt feel?" "Happy," she purred. "Don't worry; you didn't hurt me." "Unfortunately, I think you lost most of your cream pie during the night," he said, nodding at a large wet spot on the sheets. "Yeah." She sighed, looking at it, and then perked up. "You could give me a refill," she suggested hopefully. "I'm afraid it would have to be a quickie, considering what time it is and what time my flight leaves, but say the word and I'll be happy to turn over." "It's a tempting offer," he chuckled, "but unless you have a Viagra in your overnight bag over there, I'm going to have to pass. If I was twenty years younger... How about I take a rain check for next time?" "Next time?" she asked softly. She looked at him and there was real hope in her eyes. "Yes," he said confidently. "Tina, I want to see you again. Soon." She searched his face. "Brad, please don't say that if you don't mean it," she whispered. He looked her directly in the eye. "I mean it. I wouldn't say it if I didn't. I don't care if you fly here or I fly there, or if we fly toward each other and meet somewhere in the middle. I'm in New York and D.C. most of next week on business. You're welcome to join me, or I'm free any time after next week. Here, I'll tell you what: when you get home later today, I want you to call me, and I want you to have your calendar open and give me two or three days the week after next that I can come see you. Then I want you to pick your favorite place to stay and make reservations for us. Price is no object. Anywhere you want." "Whoa, big spender!" she laughed. "What if I pick the Ritz-Carlton or the Four Seasons?" "Fine. Don't worry about it; I do okay financially." He seemed amused as he said it. "Alright," she said with almost-childlike eagerness. Then her smile slowly faded. "I'm glad you're coming out to my place. If you and I are going to see each other, I think there's some place we need to go..." Brad nodded grimly. "Yes. But my brother loved you. I know he would want you to be happy, and if by chance I'm the one who can make you happy, he would want you to be with me. But I understand. Besides, I should visit his grave. I haven't been there since the funeral." "I go almost every week. Sometimes more than once a week. It's weird, but I feel like I'm close to him there." The alarm beeped and Tina rolled over to silence it. She slapped herself on the ass loudly, and spread her cheeks. "Last chance," she teased. "I would if I could," he said, shaking his head regretfully. She offered him the first shower, while she ordered breakfast for two from room service. Fifteen minutes later, they traded places. To Brad's surprise, she finished her shower in only slightly more time than what it took him. "Wondering why I didn't take the time to shave my legs and pussy?" she asked, amused, after seeing the question on his face. She lifted her leg and placed her foot on his thigh. He ran his hands up her legs, and they were completely smooth. He looked at her in surprise. "Lasers," she said proudly. "I hope you don't like a little hair on your women. I had everything done from the neck down. Saves me a ton of time, and a small fortune, since I don't have to buy razors, shave gel, or anything else." Room service was delivered, and they ate breakfast while Tina got dressed and did her hair and makeup. Brad commented that she didn't need any makeup, that she was beautiful just the way she was. "Do you wear glasses or contacts?" she asked, smiling. "No, neither. Why?" "Because I think you need to get your eyes checked!" she giggled. Brad came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her from behind. He kissed her tenderly on the neck. "I can see just fine, thank you," he said in a low, seductive voice that made her feel weak in the knees. "I know a beautiful woman when I see one, and I know I'm looking at one right now." As he spoke, he let his hot breath spill onto her tender neck. Her body shuddered involuntarily. She let him kiss and fondle around her neck for a few minutes, getting her wet all over again. "How long does it take to get to the airport?" she whispered. "This time of the morning, call it twenty minutes," he guessed. "Call it thirty, to be on the safe side." She glanced over at the clock on the bedside table and worked backwards. Her flight left in ninety minutes, subtract thirty for the drive, fifteen minutes to get to the gate, and who knew how long to get through Security screening. No time even for a quickie. Damn. She whined in frustration. "What's wrong?" "Nothing," she sighed. "I just wish I had more time before my flight. I know you said you needed to take a rain check for next time, but I'll bet I could wake you up." She ran her tongue sensuously along her lips. "I'll bet you could, too! You could always get a later flight, you know," he said, grinning wolfishly. "Don't tempt me. Unfortunately, I have a meeting at noon today at the hospital, and it can't be rescheduled. I'm going to be cutting it close as it is, by the time my flight lands, I get my car, drive home, get myself off, change clothes, and drive to the hospital. And don't tell me I can skip getting myself off, because I can't. Not after flying halfway across the country, thinking the whole way about everything I want you to do to me. The patient I'm meeting with and his wife, they need a doctor with her head screwed on straight, not a hormonal-crazed sexpot who can't think of anything but how much she wishes she was sitting skewered atop your cock right then." She looked at him with a half-smirk. She finished getting ready and stepped into her shoes. She still had to pack, but with nothing besides a small carry-on bag containing her toiletry items, her Kindle, and her clothes from the day before, repacking was quick and easy. Brad suggested he get the car and pull it around front. That sounded like a good idea to her, and by the time she finished getting her things together and checking out, he pulled up to the curb just as she walked out the door. He jumped out, walked around to her side of the car, and opened the door for her. "Nice car!" she said approvingly. It was a Mercedes, one of the little two-seat Sportster models that look fast even when they're sitting still. It was midrange; far from being the nicest, flashiest, or fastest horse in Mercedes' impressive stable, it also wasn't the horse you used to plow the field, either. Well, not unless you wanted your fields plowed very, very quickly, that is. "Thanks," he replied. He pulled away from the curb for what she could immediately tell was going to be a very fast trip. "I never asked what it is you do for a living." She realized, to her embarrassment, that they had spent so much time talking about her and Tim that they had hardly talked about Brad at all. She had learned from experience that a good way to initiate a conversation with a man was to ask about his job. "Oh, I'm a businessman," he said vaguely, shrugging as if it was no big deal. "Basically, I have two trays on my desk: one marked 'IN' and the other marked 'OUT'. My job is to move things from the 'IN' box to the 'OUT' box. The hard part is, people keep sticking things in my 'IN' box." "I know you stuck something in my inbox last night," she giggled. "Only thing is, I don't think you could make up your mind: you'd put it in, then pull it back out, and then turn around and put it right back in again! Not that I'm complaining. Oh, believe me, I'm not complaining one bit!" He laughed. "Basically, that's what I do: I'm a professional paper shuffler. It hardly compares to an exciting job like being a firefighter or a doctor. But I do okay; I have several other paper shufflers under me, the pay's good, and best of all, I can take time off pretty much anytime I like. So if you call me up and say, 'Hey, let's get together Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday', I can do it." "Oh, that's fantastic!" she exclaimed. "I wasn't quite sure how things were going to work out in that regard." "What do you mean?" "I work for the hospital. I have my own little office and office staff, but I don't have my own practice, so I don't get to say what days I have off. I get three days off a week, but they're not necessarily weekend days. I get every other weekend off, but my three days off on the other week float." "Well, maybe you'll have a practice of your own someday." "Maybe," she said unenthusiastically. "Can I ask you a question?" Brad asked. "What did Tim tell you I do for a living? Maybe he never talked about it, but if he did, I'm curious. My brother and I loved each other, but there were some things we never saw eye to eye on. One of those things was over what I do for a living." She stared at her hands in her lap, with an embarrassed grin on her face. "I...don't think you really want me to answer that." "Yeah, I do. I'm not going to get mad. I promise. You and I talked about last night how Tim didn't know the meaning of 'tact', so I know it's not going to be pretty. I won't insist that you tell me, but I'd really like to know, just for curiosity's sake." "You sure?" she asked carefully. "Lay it on me." "Alright. Just remember, this is what Tim said. It's not how I feel. Okay?" "Okay." "He told me one time that you were, quote, 'a beach bum surfer who's never done an honest day's work in his life.' For what it's worth, I didn't believe it then and I certainly don't believe it now." Brad just laughed and shook his head. "That's just Tim being Tim. I don't know how many times when we were younger Brad tried to get me to follow him into firefighting. I told him my destiny lay along a different path. He eventually accepted that and quit hassling me, but that didn't mean he liked it." They arrived at the airport. Brad insisted on parking the car and escorting her to the Security checkpoint. When they got there, she looked at him with a pained expression. "Brad, I don't want to say goodbye. If I didn't have to be at the hospital for that 12:00 meeting, I'd get a later flight. I swear I would." "I know," he soothed, stroking her hair. "I don't want to say goodbye, either. I meant what I said back at the hotel: I want to see you again, and soon. I expect you to call me when you get home so we can pick a date." "I will," she promised. She kissed him deeply and for a long time. Then she turned and walked off toward the security queue. She made it maybe a half-dozen steps, then paused, and walked back to him. "Wait," she said. "There's something else I need to talk to you about. I've been trying to figure out how to bring this up, but for the life of me, the words just won't come. But now we're out of time and I can't stand the thought of getting on that airplane without talking it over with you." "Okay." "When Tim died, I sought solace among friends. One of those friends is Dr. John Cooper, in Radiology. John is the same age as I am, and single. He was friends with both Tim and me, and after Tim died, John and I became even closer friends. 'Special' friends. You understand?" "Friends with benefits, you mean." "Exactly," she nodded. "I want to remain friends with John and I plan to do so, but if you ask me to, I will tell him the 'with benefits' part of our friendship has to end." "Okay, well -- " "Brad," she said softly, looking meaningfully in his eyes and gently squeezing his hand. "I want you to ask me to." Brad looked at the need in her eyes and understood: don't ask me to end it if you plan on this being just a 'fling' between us, but if you want us to try to have a future together, then please ask. He didn't have to think about it at all. He clasped his arms around her and looked warmly into her eyes. "Tina," he said confidently and gave her a warm smile. "I'd like you to tell your friend that the 'special' part of your friendship is over, please." She searched his face, her pretty blue eyes looking up at him hopefully. "Are you sure?" "I don't think I've ever been more sure of anything in my life," he whispered, kissing her tenderly. When they broke their kiss, Tina looked happy and relieved. "I will," she smiled, looking at him with a face filled with hope and admiration. They kissed again, much more briefly this time, and she walked off to the checkpoint. Brad stood off to the side while she waited her turn in line. When her turn finally came, she looked his direction, smiled at him, and blew him a kiss. After she cleared into the sterile area and started walking to her gate, he watched her until she was out of sight. Brad went from the airport to his office downtown and tried to work in order to keep his mind off of her. After forty-five minutes of not getting much done, he gave himself permission to spend the day goofing off. He was the boss, after all, and therefore entitled to goof off now and then, dammit. He opened a web browser and went to a flight tracking website. He typed in Tina's flight number, and a moment later a map appeared showing her approximate location, altitude, and speed. He mentally transported himself to the airplane, imagining himself in the seat beside her, holding her hand. Or better yet, lying beside one another. She was flying first class. They could simply lift the armrest, turning their seat pair into a small but comfortable loveseat, get a blanket, and lay side-by-side as the world zipped by below them at nine miles a minute. Maybe they would use the opportunity to quietly and discreetly join or renew their membership in the Mile High Club, but probably not. That wasn't really the point, was it? No. It had felt so good to hold her the night before and this morning, and to sleep in each other's arms. That was why he wished he was on that airplane beside her: just to be able to hold her for three more hours. It was only two days ago, in this very office and seated in this very chair, when Tina had called him. He meant what he had told her at dinner: even though she was now only his brother's widow and not his wife, he still considered her a part of the family, so he had been happy to hear from her. She had asked when would be a good time for her to fly in and have dinner with him. She had something she wanted to talk to him about, face-to-face, not over the phone, she said. She gave no hint or clue as to what it was about. Whatever it was, though, he knew it was important enough to get her on an airplane and fly three hours to see him, and that made it important to him. He told her he'd be out of town the following week, but anytime in the next four days was good, and her reply was that she'd see him the next day. Could it have been only two days? No, it hadn't even been that long. He had met her for dinner at 7:00 the evening before. Now it was what? A few minutes after 10:00 the next morning. Fifteen hours. Less than that, even. Was it possible that his life had actually changed so much in such a small space of time? Brad had never been very lucky with women. Oh, he had been lucky and highly successful in business. He seemed to have the Midas touch there. But the opposite sex was an entirely different matter. Tim had gotten all of the luck in that arena. The two brothers were identical in nearly every way. True, Tim was somewhat larger and in better shape, but Brad was hardly a slob. He was in excellent shape for a man of forty-one, and in what would be considered very good shape for a man of any age. Yet put the two of them both at a party and women were almost magnetically drawn to Tim before he even opened his mouth. Tim had won Tina, after all, and if he hadn't died in that fire six months ago, she would still be his. Brad, on the other hand, the story of his adult life vis-a-vis the opposite sex had been one of heartbreak, and disappointment, of women he had loved who had claimed to love him back, but actually hadn't, and of promises made and promises broken. He had kept his promises faithfully, but others had not necessarily kept theirs to him. Brad had long ago accepted the inevitability of someday dying lonely and alone, surrounded by the trappings of success, but with no one to weep over his grave and no children to carry on his legacy. But suddenly, for the first time in a very long time, there was a flicker of hope that he might avoid that fate. Tina didn't love him, and he didn't love her. He knew that. The idea of "love at first sight" was a myth. A fantasy. Anything he felt for her right now -- and he was feeling a lot for her -- was infatuation. Nothing more. Yet there was something different, something unidentifiable with Tina, something he had never felt before in his life, with any woman. It wasn't love, but could it possibly be a seed of love, something that if properly cared for, nurtured, and fed, could one day grow into love? He didn't know, but he was willing to try to find out. He hoped Tina was, too. He opened another browser window and searched for her hospital. Ah, there it was. Beautiful place it was, too; handsomely landscaped, immaculately maintained, with buildings that were designed by architects who clearly considered form to be nearly as important as function. And there she was: Tina herself! There was a section of the home page that contained rotating images of select staff members. He had mostly ignored it; after all, aside from Tina, who did he know there anyway? But then her picture had caught his attention, and he clicked on her beautiful face. He was redirected to a staff profile page, with a brief bio about her. Though only a few paragraphs, it was glowing, to say the least. "Wow," Brad said aloud. "Wow" was the only word for it: she had done her residency at the world-renowned Mayo Clinic, had either won or been nominated for a number of highly prestigious internship awards during that time, and the bio went on to describe her as a "gifted pulmonologist" and "brilliant researcher". An Internet search on her name revealed that, in spite of her young age, she had nonetheless already established herself as one of the best in the world in her chosen specialty. One authoritative website hinted remotely that she possibly could one day be a candidate for the Nobel Prize if an initiative of hers to combat tuberculosis bore fruit. So. Brad sat back from his computer in awe. She was modest, too. If half those accolades were true of him, he expected he would make sure every person he came into contact with knew who he was. Yet she had not so much as hinted at any of it. "Just another doctor, doing the best she can" was how she had described herself earlier at dinner, long before she "popped the question", so to speak. And she cared deeply. Brad had seen the pain and regret on her face when she told him about the patient she had accidentally killed, and he saw the passion brighten her face as she talked about the family she was meeting with later in the day. "And you called her a 'sex therapist' and a ten-dollar whore," he said to himself, chuckling darkly. Yes, she had asked him to treat her like that, and it had all been play, for the sake of heightening the sexual experience for both of them. But you still don't kick Superman in the nuts, even if he asks you to. He did some more web surfing, played a couple of computer games, and fielded some phone calls as he waited for her call. He periodically refreshed the flight tracking page to check her progress. She finally called at a quarter after twelve. He was a little surprised to hear from her at that time. "Hey, sweetie, I'm home," she told him. "What happened to your noon meeting? I figured you had gone straight to the hospital from the airport." "The meeting's still on. Two hour time difference, remember?" she giggled. "It's only 10:15 here," "Oh, yeah. I forgot. Oops. Have a good flight?" "It was okay, I guess. I slept almost the whole way. Well, except for when the flight attendants woke me up for breakfast. Remind me next time to borrow a 'Do Not Disturb' door hanger from the hotel. The really upsetting thing was, they woke me out of a dream about you." "Oh, really? And what were we doing in this dream?" he chuckled. "It was kind of weird, actually. You and I were on this little tiny island, just the two of us, I didn't have any clothes on, and we were making love on the beach. I don't know where we were, but it was gorgeous." "Hmm, interesting," was all he said. "Alright, young lady, no more 'Gilligan's Island' reruns for you before bed." She giggled in reply. "I'm sitting here on my living room sofa with my laptop and calendar open, just like I promised. So, when is it you want an appointment for, Mr. Miller?" *As soon as possible*, was the first thought that came to mind. "Uh, week after next." "Week after next. Well, it looks like I have an opening Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday of that week. Do you want to go ahead and schedule that?" "Yes, please. I really need your help, Doctor. I've got this recurring swelling of my penis." "Well, I'm sure we can take care of that. We have a number of effective therapies we can use. My personal favorite is one called DTD. I've also had excellent results with ETD and FTD therapies as well. Those acronyms stand for, 'Dominate the Doctor', 'Eat the Doctor', and 'Fuck the Doctor', respectively. Are you familiar with them?" "Only one brief session. It wasn't long enough, though. Not nearly long enough." "Yes, well, that's why we have you scheduled for a three-day appointment. Now, Mr. Miller, you do understand that this is a chronic problem, not an acute one, don't you? These treatments will work, but they must be repeated on a regular basis, since the problem will return." "I understand. Is there anything I need to bring with me to the appointment?" "Yes. You should bring a large box of condoms. Anything else you bring is welcome, but not necessary." "How about a 36-count box? And what is 'anything else'?" "Yes," she sighed, "I suppose a 36-count box might be sufficient. You should probably bring a second box that size as well. If airport security gives you a hard time about that many condoms, remind them that it is a three-day trip: 72 hours, 72 condoms. "And as for what 'anything else' is, I mean toys, games, lotions, lingerie, whips, chains, gags. You know, the sort of thing you bring to any doctor appointment." Finally she couldn't keep up the charade any longer, and burst out laughing. "Seriously, Brad, you can bring anything you like. I'm open to pretty much anything. But if you show up empty handed, that's fine, too." "Mm, maybe some lingerie. You know how much I love stockings. But I'll need your sizes." "I'll email you that information later." She paused, and then turned serious. "I'm going to have to go," she said. "I want to take another shower before work, and then I have to leave for the hospital. I want to review some lab work on my patient and look at his x-rays before the meeting." Her voice darkened. "It's, um, not going to be good news. I'm going to buy him as much time as I can, but at 12:00 today I have to sit down with a husband and wife who are about my age and basically tell her that in twelve months or so, she's going to be a widow." "Mm. That's a hard thing to do," he agreed quietly. He felt bad for Tina, but at the same time he was thankful he wasn't the one who would have to tell the family that. Damn. He could again hear the passion and pain in her voice. He remembered her more-than-impressive credentials. He wondered how soon the woman would be a widow if it was anyone other than Tina caring for her husband. It would be less than twelve months, he was certain. He wanted to tell her that, but he didn't feel it was appropriate just then. "Yeah. Sometimes I wish... Well, never mind. May I call you later? It'll be late. Maybe as late as 10:00 or 11:00 your time." Her voice was grim. "I'll be awake," he promised. *And if I'm not, I'll wake up*, he thought but didn't say. *That's how important you are to me.* She hung up, and Brad finished the rest of the day at the office. After work, he went to the gym, worked out, and played basketball with a couple of friends. It was just before 11:30 when his phone rang. "Hello?" "It's me," she said. "Did I wake you?" "No," he said truthfully. "Are you home?" "I'm in my office, sitting here with the lights off, wearing my white lab coat." "Oh, okay." She laughed a little. "No, you don't understand. I'm wearing my white lab coat. And nothing else." "Oh!" "My meeting went better than I expected it would. The husband and wife both cried, but not as much as I thought they would. They said they love each other and take each day as a gift and live it to its fullest, without assuming there's going to be another, so when I told them they don't have a whole lot of tomorrows left, it changes nothing. I was humbled by that. Tim and I tried to be that way. I hope you and I can as well." "Me, too," he said quietly. Neither said anything for a long time, both thinking their own private thoughts. "I know he's in the best possible hands, Tina. You're the best in the world. One of the best, anyway. I was curious about what your hospital looked like, so I went to the website today. Your profile was on the home page. Please don't think I'm spying on you, because I'm not, but I saw your credentials today online. All I can say is, 'Wow'." "I suppose I couldn't hide them from you forever," she whispered sadly. "As much as I wish I could." "I don't understand. Why would you want to hide them at all?" "Because I want to be just your girlfriend. I want us to do fun things together and care about each other and have lots and lots of really hot sex. That's all I want. I don't want to be a superstar. I want you to see me as more than just a doctor. I want you to see me as the woman who cares for you. When you talk to your friends about me, I want you to tell them things like, 'She can suck the chrome off a trailer hitch' or, 'She fucks like there's no tomorrow', not, 'Hey, guess what Tina's doing today: she's giving a presentation at Harvard University.' Please, Brad. I've been a woman a lot longer than I've been a doctor. There has to be a place in my life where I can hang up the lab coat and the stethoscope and be just plain old Tina Miller. Please let me do that." "I understand." He really *did* understand. More than she knew or probably would have believed at that moment, in fact. "Can I ask you something? Earlier today on the phone, you started to say something when you were talking about your meeting. You said, 'Sometimes I wish...' If you want me to mind my own business, just tell me. I won't take it personally. But I was just wondering what you were going to say." "Oh. Well, now that you know my credentials, I guess I can tell you. You probably read on my profile on the hospital website that I do research, right? Sometimes I wish research is all I did. I treat patients, I'm good at it, and I enjoy it. But there are things about it I hate, and my meeting today was one of those. A big one. All the way back to when I was in medical school, I've always loved research. It's where my heart is. I don't want to just use new drugs and new technologies; I want to discover them. That's all. But, hell, you know the old saying about wishes, horses, and beggars. Anyway, I don't want to talk about it right now. What I do want to talk about is the fact that I'm sitting here nearly naked, in my office, with my clit swollen to the size of the tip of my pinkie." "Let me call the airport. I'll be on the next flight," he joked. "Ha, funny. I need your help getting off. I want you to tell me what you'd do to me if you really were here right now. Do you have a laptop?" "Yes." "Does it have a webcam?" "Yes." "Get it." He got his laptop from another room. They continued to talk while he got it booted up and installed some software. "I talked to Dr. Cooper today," she said. "You know, the friend I talked to you about this morning? I told him that while I wanted to still be friends with him like we were when Tim was alive, our friendship was going to have to go back to what it was like when Tim was still alive also." "Mm. How did he take it?" "Very well. Surprisingly well, in fact. He asked why, of course. I told him that I had recently met a man who had swept me off my feet, and I said that I didn't feel right about continuing to be intimate with him, in light of this new relationship. I didn't tell him anything about you or about the circumstances, but he said he was happy for me. And he was happy; he wasn't just saying that. I felt the least I could do is go down to Radiology and tell him face-to-face, so I saw his reaction. That was a big relief. I mean, I didn't expect him to get angry or lose his temper or anything, but I didn't expect him to be happy for me, either." "Well, if he really is your friend, then he's going to have your best interests at heart. He's going to want to see you happy in spite of whatever effect it has on him or what he's losing. From what you told me about his reaction, I'd say this Dr. Cooper is a good guy. He lost, but at least he lost with dignity and grace." "Yeah," she said distractedly. "Brad, please don't get angry at me for this, but because John was such a good sport about it, I gave him a sort of 'consolation prize': I gave him a blowjob and swallowed his cum. Please don't be mad." "I'm not," Brad assured her. "Under the circumstances, I can understand why you did it, so it's okay. I'm sort of glad you did, actually. Honestly, I'd probably have more of a problem if you said that you just pulled the rug out from under him and didn't give him anything but a goodbye. That's a pretty cold thing to do, and I didn't think you had it in you. I'm glad to find out that you don't." She was relieved to learn that he wasn't angry. "Actually," she purred, "the blowjob I gave him is why I'm sitting here naked and with a swollen clit right now." "How so?" "I got turned on by sucking him. He wanted to 69 me, but I told him that was further than I really wanted to go. After he came, I went back to my office, turned out all the lights, and took my clothes off." "Oh! So this was just recently, then." "Mm hmm. Twenty minutes or so before I called you. I knew the effect it was going to have on me, so I planned it this way, so you could help me. Please?" Brad's computer was ready. They exchanged connection information, and after a few seconds, Tina's beautiful, smiling face appeared on his screen. She was seated in a high-backed leather chair, with bookcases and other decorations behind her. Just as she had said, she had on her white lab coat. The two sides of the garment were arranged so that they barely covered her breasts. "Welcome to my office," she said. She picked up her laptop, stood, and turned in a circle with the camera pointing away from her, giving Brad a three-hundred-sixty degree view of the room. It was nicely and tastefully decorated. There were the usual accoutrements one would expect to find in such a place: large and ornate desk, bookshelves, pictures on the walls, a window, and two comfortable-looking chairs in front of the desk for patients to sit in. The only slightly unusual thing in the room was a large leather-covered sofa against the far wall. "That's my bed sometimes," she explained. "Sometimes I'll catch a twenty-minute nap, or sleep there all night." She didn't tell him that for nearly three weeks after Tim's funeral, it had been her only bed, as she had not been able to bear the thought of going back to the home the two of them had shared. "I'd show you the rest of the office, such as the exam rooms and things, but janitorial services will be coming through at some point soon, and like I said, I'm naked," she giggled. "But the sofa is the most important part of the whole place anyway; if you were here with me right now, that's where you'd have me down on all fours, fucking me silly." She set the laptop down on one end of the sofa, then climbed on the other end on all fours, with her pussy toward the camera, seductively looking back over her shoulder. Her labia were swollen and spread, opening her pussy welcomingly, and Brad had an excellent view of both her vagina and butthole, as well as her swollen pink clit. Her entire pussy glistened with wetness. She moved one foot to the floor, opening herself even wider. "See anything you like?" she cooed. "I see several things I like," he said, nearly fifteen hundred miles away, as he stared intensely into his laptop screen and slowly stroked his cock. "I have to say, seeing you in your white lab coat is driving me crazy. I've never fucked a doctor before. Not before last night, anyway." "Like I said last night, doctors need love, too," she giggled softly. "Do you want me to wear it for you next time you fuck me?" "Absolutely. Do you have any toys there at the office?" "One or two," she purred. "Do you want to watch me play with a toy?" He said yes, and she climbed off the sofa, disappearing from view. A moment later, she was back, carrying a realistic-looking dildo. It seemed to be slightly longer than his cock, though he had it beat in terms of thickness. She sucked it a few times, then climbed back onto the sofa in the same position as before. "Put it in your pussy." She reached back and slid the tip of the dildo up and down her slit a few times, then positioned it at the entrance of her vagina and slid it slowly inside. "Mm, yeah," she breathed, closing her eyes. "This is what it looked like when you slid your cock in me. I wish this was your cock for real. See it going in me?" "Oh, yeah, babe. It looks fantastic." He watched her fuck herself for a full minute, as he slowly rubbed his cock. "I'm going to buy you a special toy and bring it with me when I come visit." "Tell me." "I'm going to bring you a remote control vibrating egg. You get the egg, but I get to keep the remote. I'm going to slip the egg up in your pussy, then I'm going to take you to dinner, with the remote in my pocket. You're not going to know when I'm going to turn it on or how long I'm going to leave it on when I do." "Sounds nice," she cooed, continuing to work the dildo in and out of herself. "May I make a suggestion?" "Of course." "Stick the egg in my ass while you fuck my pussy. You can feel the vibrations while you fuck me." "I like it," he grinned. "Or stick it in your pussy while I fuck your ass." "Mm, even better. You liked my ass, didn't you?" "It was great. I don't think I've ever felt anything so tight. And I loved cumming in it." "I thought you would. It felt fantastic for me, too. I'm glad I could be your first. Are you going to fuck my ass when you come for your visit?" "Uh huh. But there's something different I want to do next time." "Oh? What's that?" "I'm going to put you on your back, with your legs up, and fuck your ass. That way I can look at your pretty face at the same time." "Okay." Her smile got even wider. "Do you think I'm pretty?" "Pretty's not the word for it," he said. "I think you're gorgeous. You're probably just about the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life." "Ohh!" she moaned deeply. For a moment, Brad thought she was about to cum. "Thank you. I want to be pretty for you." She fucked herself a while longer with the dildo. "Do you want to watch me fuck my ass?" "Oh, yes. I'd love to see that." She slid the dildo out of her pussy and reached off camera, retrieving a bottle of lube. Then she applied a generous amount of lubricant to the toy, and to her ass as well. She turned over on her back and raised her legs vertical, pulling them back until her knees practically touched her nipples. Brad could see her puckered little pink asshole as she probed at it with the dildo. She got it lined up, then pressed it into herself. Her anal sphincter looked like a pink rubber band stretched taut around the large toy. He watched in amazement as she slowly worked the entire eight-inch length up inside herself. "Oh, God, it feels so good," she breathed. "Fuck my ass." "Fucking your ass in this position not only lets me see your beautiful face, there's another advantage, too." "What's that?" "I can suck your little pink toes at the same time." "Ohh, yesssss..." "You liked it when I sucked your toes, didn't you?" "Oh, God, yes! If I hadn't made you stop, you would have made me cum just from that alone." "Have you ever came while a guy was sucking your toes?" "No. I want to, though." "Well, you're going to get to next time you see me." "Ohh!" she shouted. "Fuck me, Brad! I'm cumming!!! Fuck me hard!" On the video, he watched her head go back and her mouth fly open as waves of pleasure crashed over her. The dildo was squeezed almost violently out of her ass as her fingers clawed at her nipples. Her body was lifted off the sofa, and after several seconds, she crashed back down onto it with a loud gasp. As he watched her cum, Brad stroked himself more aggressively, and soon he came as well. "Wow..." she breathed finally, dropping the dildo onto the floor. "I agree," he chuckled. She lay there for a couple of minutes, just trying to catch her breath. Finally she recovered enough to sit up. "That was amazing," she said, shaking her head to clear it. "Thank you." "You're welcome. It was good for me, too. Not as good as having you here with me, but still very good." She smiled with a look of utter bliss. "I'd better say good night. It's past midnight for you, and I don't want to keep you up too late." "Yeah," he laughed. "I need my beauty sleep. Be careful driving home. I'm home, you're not." "Mm, as relaxed as I feel right now, I may just sleep here tonight. Don't worry, I'll put on some clothes first, just in case my office staff shows up before I wake up." "Probably a good idea. Plus, you said janitorial comes through at some point." "True," she yawned. "Oh, by the way: my office staff likes you." "They've never met me!" Brad laughed. "Doesn't matter. When I got here this morning, my office manager, Liz, said I didn't walk into the office, I floated in. Liz is old enough to be my mother, and sometimes she thinks she is, I believe. She said she doesn't know where I went or what I did yesterday, but she's thrilled to see me like this. It's been a long time since they saw me this way. She told me, 'I don't know if you met a guy or what happened, but if it is a man, tell him I like him already.' So, I'm telling you," she giggled. "Well, I appreciate that," he laughed. "And you make me happy, too." "I'm glad," she sighed contentedly. They told each other good night and promised to talk the next day. "Can't wait to see you in two weeks," she cooed before hanging up. Two weeks later, he flew out to see her. They spent the three days together in a cabin high in the mountains, fucking and making love morning, noon, and the middle of the night, emerging only to go eat, before retreating back to their mountain hideaway. They continued to see one another long-distance, alternating visits to one city or the other. At first they typically visited for three days every two weeks, but after a few months their visits together became every week, and soon they were arranging to spend nearly every day off with each other. When they couldn't be together, they chatted online. They both often reflected that it was a good thing that video chatting and mobile long-distance were free; otherwise, both of them would have enormous bills. Some of those video chats had been so hot that neither of them would have been surprised if their webcams melted or their laptops caught fire. Normally, their video chat sessions happened from home, or possibly from work just to say a brief and entirely G-rated hello. But one night, Tina had called him via video chat from one of the hospital's conference rooms, using the room's state-of-the-art and crystal-clear video conferencing system. Dressed in nothing but her white lab coat and with a stethoscope draped suggestively across her neck, she identified herself as "Dr. Naughty", climbed onto the middle of the highly polished and no doubt very expensive conference table, and proceeded to ride a very lifelike dildo all the way to orgasm, all in ultra-clear high definition. Brad had been too stunned to do anything more than enjoy the show. He expected he hadn't even blinked. Eight months after their first exciting night together, it was Brad's turn again to host. He asked Tina to fly into a different city than where he lived, promising her a surprise. She had done so, and his surprise for her had been two full days spent at an amusement park. After getting over her initial surprise, they had ridden the rides, played the games, eaten cotton candy and other junk foods, and basically acted like a couple of irresponsible children. At the end of the first day, they enjoyed a nice dinner together, took in a movie, and gone back to the hotel to passionately make love. They lay cuddled together in the warmth of post-coital bliss, both nude. Tina lay with her head and arm on Brad's chest, facing his legs, while his left hand stroked her upper back and played with her hair. She closed her eyes and breathed deeply in the musky aromas of their combined scents from the hot sex they had just enjoyed. *So this is what happiness feels like*, she said to herself, the thought occasioning a small, blissful smile. She had been happy once, back when Tim was alive. But when he died, she had given up on ever being truly happy again. Over time, she had somewhat forgotten what true happiness felt like. But she recognized it when she saw it, and she knew she had once again found it with Brad. "Today was incredible," she sighed contentedly. "I can't tell you the last time I spent a whole day doing something like this. No worries, no responsibilities. Just like being a kid again. I really needed today. Thank you so much." "Just what the doctor ordered, eh?" he grinned, stroking her soft blonde hair. "Just what the doctor needed," she replied. "The problem was, the doctor didn't know how much she needed it. Fortunately, you did." "Hey, I enjoyed it, too!" he laughed. "I especially enjoyed watching you on that surfboard gizmo." At the amusement park, there was a game with a surfboard attached somewhat precariously atop a gimbal. The goal was to stay on the board for as long as possible as the mechanism pitched this way and that. It wasn't motorized, but even at that, even the slightest shift of the rider's body weight was enough to give him or her a very wild ride. It had given her entire lower body quite a workout, as every muscle in her legs and feet attempted to keep her balanced. For a leg man like Brad, it was quite a show. "You, my dear, have amazingly sexy legs." "Thank you," she blushed. "I thought you would enjoy seeing that." She lowered her voice to just a whisper, as if she was relating some huge secret. "That's why I got on the thing in the first place," she managed to say before giggling, and soon they were both laughing. After the laughter subsided, they were both quiet for a long time. "There's something else I need to thank you for: saving my life," she said quietly, in a contented, sleepy voice. "Uh, you're welcome, but I think you have me confused with my brother," he chuckled. "Tim was the one in the life-saving business. Not me." "That's true," she softly allowed. "But you saved one life. Mine. And I never said thank you. Not until now, anyway." She turned her head to look at her lover's face and smiled at the confusion written so plainly there. "Perhaps I should explain." "Please." "Do you remember the first time I flew in to talk to you about fathering a child with me?" He nodded. "After dinner, you came upstairs to my room and you held me while I cried myself nearly sick. But you never knew why I was crying." "I just assumed it was because of Tim." "It was," she nodded. "But it wasn't the only reason. My heart was broken because I was feeling sorry for myself, and because of what I was going to do when I got home the next day." "What do you mean?" She sighed. "Brad, what I'm about to say, it can't go beyond this room. Not now, not ever. If this got in the wrong ear, I could possibly have my medical license suspended. Maybe permanently. But I have to say it, because there's some things I need you to understand." "Alright," he agreed. "Asking you to give me a child, it was a crazy thing to do, but it was born out of desperation. When all hope is gone, you grasp at straws. I don't know how many times I've sat down with families and told them as gently as possible that the time has come for hospice and palliative care because their loved one isn't going to recover, and then watched them turn to experimental treatments and therapies that have been proven not to work, just because they were that desperate. That's where I was: I loved Tim more than I thought it was possible to love someone, and it tore me apart when he died. I thought the pain never would stop, and I seized on the idea of having a baby with DNA that matched his, because it was the only hope I had. "Back home in my bedroom was 1500 milligrams of secobarbital. Unless you've built up a high tolerance, that's a uniformly lethal dose. Fifteen hundred of secobarbital isn't a cry for help or an attempt. It's a bullet to the brain, only not as messy. Having a baby was my last hope. If you turned me down, I wasn't going to go on. If all I had to look forward to was emotional pain that I believed was never going to go away, I'd rather be dead. "That night at the hotel, I decided on the elevator on my way upstairs that I was going to do it. I was going to go home the next day, take off my clothes, put on an adult diaper, swallow the pills, and wait to die. You hadn't said no, but I saw the look on your face and your body language when I asked, and even if you hadn't said no, I was certain you weren't going to say yes. I felt like a fool for even having asked. I told myself you thought I was an idiot and a jerk for asking, and I didn't blame you, because that's exactly what I felt like. "When you found me crying, it was mostly because I was feeling sorry for myself. Tim was the only family I had, so my death wasn't going to hurt anyone left behind. Some of my friends would understand; others would scratch their heads and wonder why, but either way, in a few weeks or months they would forget me and it would be like I had never existed at all. If I was very lucky, Tim and I would be together again in some sort of afterlife, perhaps, but I wasn't feeling very lucky. But at least it was going to stop hurting. "You came upstairs, lay on my bed, and held me. I took off my clothes and we had sex, because since I was going to be dead in less than twenty-four hours anyway, I was at least going to go out with a bang. You know how much I like sex, and sex was the only joy I had left. If it wasn't you, I was going to go back down to the bar and I was going to be the easiest piece of ass some guy had ever picked up." Tears began to flow down her face and she made no attempt to wipe them away. "But you know what you did? You did something I didn't expect: you held me and tenderly made love to me, just the way Tim used to, like you cared about me, like I was more to you than just a piece of ass. It was the first time anyone had made love to me since Tim died. I fucked; I didn't make love. Nobody wanted to make love to me, and I had come to believe that nobody ever would want to again. But all of a sudden, there you were, doing just that. I'm not exaggerating when I say it was the first even faint glimmer of hope I had had since the day Tim died. "The next morning, I kept waiting for the shoe to drop, for you to just say, 'See you later', and take off, leaving me right where I had been. I was actually surprised when I got out of the shower and you were still there. You touched me and when I looked in your eyes, I saw you actually cared. You told me you wanted to see me again, and I could see in your eyes that you meant it. I had managed to convince myself that nobody wanted me and that nobody ever would again, but yet there you were, and I knew you wanted me. Not just in a sexual way, either; you really wanted me. "You drove me to the airport, and instead of just dropping me off at the curb, you parked the car and walked me to Security. Then you hugged me and kissed me tenderly, and told me again that you wanted to see me again. For the first time in six months, I had hope that someday I might love and be loved again by someone. I didn't know if that someone was going to be you, but it could happen, and maybe, eventually, the pain was going to go away. "I flew home and drove to my house, then made a beeline for the bedroom. I dumped the pills in the toilet and flushed them, and after I did, I felt incredibly relieved. My hands shook for probably five minutes afterward, but when they finally stopped, I called you to let you know I had made it home safely, and I could tell you were genuinely glad to hear from me. That told me that you hadn't forgotten me before my plane even took off. "That was eight months ago, almost to the day. Brad, I'm scared to say this, because the absolute last thing I want to do is scare you away, but I love you. Please don't be afraid of that. I'm not going to get all clingy and weird or start talking about getting married or any of that. I don't even expect you to love me back. But I do love you, and I just have to tell you." Brad smiled and pulled her fully on top of him for a kiss. They kissed passionately for several minutes, and then each turned on their sides, facing one another. He looked relieved. "I'm glad to hear you say that," he smiled. "Because I love you, too, and I was afraid I was the only one who felt this way." She melted into his arms as they kissed even more fiercely than before. He rolled on top of her and she spread her legs welcomingly. He slipped effortlessly inside her, her hot love tunnel already well-lubed by her natural juices for her lover's entrance. He slid inside her fully, and without a condom, they each felt the heat and tenderness of each other's genitals as never before. She buried her mouth into his strong shoulder and gently bit him, as she brought her feet up and caressed his buttocks with her soft heels. "I'd better stop and get a condom," he said. "It's not necessary, my love," she whispered. "I'm on birth control. I'll explain later. Right now, let me feel your seed inside me." "Alright." He thrust into her and she slid her hips back against him to meet his thrusts. He had never felt such heat around his cock. It was as if she was on fire inside. Neither had he ever been so keenly aware of the inside of a woman: it felt like he could feel every centimeter of her vaginal walls, feel her lubrication easing him in and out of her, and feel her tight Kegel muscles squeezing him. For her part, her vagina was practically overloading her brain with stimulus: she felt the head of his cock, the sensitive frenulum just behind the head, and every ridge and vein along his shaft as it slid in and out of her. Her cervix was drawn back to accommodate him, yet she could still feel the approach of his tip with each stroke, stopping just short of an uncomfortable impact, then reverse direction and repeat the process. She felt an incredible depth of desire toward him and of him toward her, and of love she had not known in a long time. Even as much as she and Tim had loved one another, she could not recall it ever feeling quite so intense as this. Perhaps it was because she had lost love and believed it gone forever, and now it was all the sweeter for having found it again. She bit her lower lip hard enough that it hurt as she fought off the orgasm her body so longed to have. She was ready to cum seconds after he entered her, so strong was their desire for one another, and she could not recall ever reaching the plateau so quickly. His pace and breathing changed, even before he announced that he was close. "Yes," she moaned softly into his ear. "Cum for me. Cum inside the woman who loves you." "Ohh!" he cried out as his orgasm began. "Tina, I love you so much..." "And I love you, my darling," she whispered. She felt the first shot of his cum impact her cervix, followed by the second, even stronger. That did it. She let go of her own barely-restrained orgasm and her entire body shook like from an electric current. Oh, God, what an orgasm this was! She covered his lips with her own and screamed into his open mouth as his cock flooded her vagina with his seed. Very slowly and gradually their orgasms tapered off and they each released the death grip they had on one another. She had gripped him so tightly that the next morning he would have bruises on his upper back from her fingers. She lavished kisses on his chest and caressed his hips and thighs with her soft feet as he slowly relaxed. They kissed one more time and told each other 'I love you', before he slipped out of her and collapsed beside her on the bed. A large deposit of his cum followed him out. "Oh, my God," she breathed, echoing what both of them felt just then. "You're going to give me a heart attack." "You'd better not have a heart attack!" he laughed. "You're the doctor here, you know. We're both screwed if you do that." "There are far worse ways to go. At least I'd die with a smile on my face," she giggled. "Yeah, but at the funeral I'd probably have to punch anyone who said, 'She looks so natural'. I'd be like, 'How the hell do you know?'" That brought on a bout of laughter from both of them. She raised up on her elbows and looked down at the semen trickling out of her and onto the sheet below. "First cream pie you've ever given me," she declared proudly. "Well, first vaginal cream pie. My asses don't count. Those pies were just for practice." "Congratulations," he smiled. "I may have just given you that child you asked for." "No. I went back on birth control three, maybe four months ago." "Why? I thought you wanted a baby." "And I still do," she said, resting her head on his chest once more. "But only if we both want one. Eight months ago, I was asking you, in effect, to be a sperm donor. That's before I fell in love with you. I would be overjoyed to have a child with you, but only if we both want it. When I realized I love you, I decided that decisions needed to be about us and we, not just I and me. The reason I didn't tell you before was because one, it takes a couple of months to become fully effective, and two, I wanted to find out if you felt the same about me that I was feeling for you." They spent the following day at the amusement park again, though the fun they had was tempered somewhat by the knowledge that Tina had to fly home later that evening. That was always the hardest part about their get-togethers: knowing that they had only a brief while to enjoy each other's company. Something was going to have to give, they both knew. A few months later, it did. \======= Four months later, she reminded him that the one-year anniversary of the beginning of their relationship was coming up. "We should go someplace special," she smiled. "Where do you want to go? My treat." "Actually, I'm way ahead of you," he laughed. "I've already started making arrangements. How does a weekend in the Bahamas sound?" "Ooh, sounds like fun!" she giggled. "I've never been to the Bahamas. I've heard it's beautiful, though." "It is," he confirmed. "All you have to do is arrange a three-day weekend off and get yourself a ticket to Nassau. I'll meet you there, and everything else is already set." She arranged a Friday, Saturday, and Sunday off, and bought her ticket. The ticket she bought would require her to leave home before the sun was even up, but it got her into Nassau at a few minutes after 10:00 in the morning. The early wakeup was worth it to maximize the time she got to spend with Brad and whatever plans he had made. She had no idea what he was planning, but she was certain it would be exciting. She informed Brad about her flight plans, and he confirmed that everything was arranged. "Fantastic. I'm going to have some surprises waiting for you," he teased. "Some big surprises." "Can't I at least have a hint?" she begged. "Nope, sorry. I don't want to ruin any of the surprises. Besides, even if I told you, you wouldn't believe me. You'd say I was pulling your leg." "Oh, alright," she grumbled. Brad flew down the day before her arrival to make sure every last detail was in order. On Friday morning, he returned to the airport and waited for her outside Security. When she appeared, he lifted her in the air with a huge bear hug, spinning her around as she squealed with delight. "Be careful," she smiled as he set her down and kissed her. "This is all I'm wearing, you know." He looked her over: she wore a wide-brimmed sun hat, a pretty, flowered blue sundress, and sandals. "I thought you weren't shy," he grinned. "I'm not. But if Security sees anything, they might want to do a body cavity search on me," she giggled. "And you're the only one allowed to do that." "Come on," he said, kissing her. "We have another flight to catch." "Oh? What time is that?" "When we get there," he shrugged. "Don't worry, they won't leave without me: I'm the pilot." "Oh-kayyy," she said slowly, intrigued. She didn't know he was a pilot. Well, he had said he had some pretty big surprises in store for her this weekend. If this was just the first one he was choosing to reveal, it was going to be an interesting trip! He took her bag for her and they went outside to catch a taxi. To her surprise, the cab stayed on the airport property, driving around to a mile or so from the terminal. Five minutes later, they cleared through a guarded gate and pulled up outside a hangar. Brad waved to what she guessed to be a mechanic standing on the tarmac a short distance away. The man waved back and then ran off into the large building. A few minutes later, the massive doors slid open, and he reappeared, astride a small tractor with a large, sleek helicopter being towed behind on wheels. "Our flight's here," he smiled, tossing their bags into the large and spacious cabin. "Ready to go?" "Umm, sure." "Just one thing: you have to take off your clothes." "You're kidding, right?" "Not at all. Take off your dress and shoes and toss them in the back of the bird. You can keep your hat on, or take it off." She looked at him, trying to decide if he was joking or not, and glanced over at the mechanic. Finally she shrugged, handed her hat to Brad, and lifted her dress over her head. Just as she had said, she was nude underneath. Then she slid her feet out of her sandals, picked them up, and handed them to Brad, retrieving her hat from him. "I assume you're going to x-ray these?" she teased. He tossed her clothes into the back, then opened the front left cockpit door for her. She got in and settled into the comfortable seat, as he helped her into the five-point restraints, helped her put on a headset, adjusted the microphone, and lastly pointed out what not to touch and where not to put her feet. Once she was settled in, he got in on the other side, strapped in, and adjusted his own headset. He fussed with a panel between the seats and other controls over their heads, and she heard the whine of generators and turbines spooling up as the control panel came to life. Even for someone as intelligent as Tina, the dozens of gauges, screens, and switches were bewildering, and she wondered how on earth anyone could make sense of it all. "Ready to go?" he grinned. His voice came through plainly through her headset. "Why not?" she laughed. "This is obviously a dream and I'm going to wake up any second now, so let's go." Another couple of switches and overhead, the massive four-bladed rotor began to spin, slowly at first, but rapidly speeding up until the blades were a nearly-invisible blur. He keyed a button on the cyclic and spoke briefly. The words sounded like English, but they were virtually incomprehensible to her. She recognized maybe one word in ten, words such as "tower", "takeoff", and "heading". The rest of it was a mishmash of rapid-fire lingo that she couldn't begin to decipher. When the reply came back in heavily accented English, the only two words she understood were a quick and emotionless "good day" at the end. Brad's eyes swept over the various gauges, quickly but carefully making sure all of the needles were safely in the green area of their respective instruments. Satisfied, he twisted the motorcycle-style throttle and slowly lifted the collective between their seats. She felt the aircraft get lighter for a second, like a wild beast eager to take to the air, and then watched as the ground fell away. The takeoff felt like riding a glass elevator, and it didn't seem so much that they had taken off as it did that the ground simply dropped away beneath them. After takeoff, there was a whirr of machinery as the wheels tucked themselves neatly away into the fuselage and doors closed seamlessly over them. Brad tilted the cyclic forward. The nose dipped slightly, and suddenly they were moving forward. A moment later, the airport disappeared behind them, and soon they were over the ocean. "You never told me you were a pilot," she observed, looking at him sideways with a little smile. "Oh," he said simply. After a few seconds, he added, "Tina, my love?" "Yes?" "I'm a pilot." "You don't say," she quipped dryly. She had a feeling this was a minor surprise compared with the surprises that doubtlessly lay ahead. In fact, when she later told friends and colleagues about her weekend away, the helicopter ride was so insignificant that she barely mentioned it. Along the way, he gave her a brief tour of the cockpit, pointing out various instruments and briefly explaining (and demonstrating) what the cyclic, collective, and rudder pedals did. One instrument she found especially interesting was one with numbers around the face and a green arc that covered three-quarters of the dial. The needle rested solidly on a little hash mark just past "120", at almost exactly the six o'clock position. "Speedometer?" she guessed. "Air speed indicator. Close enough. We're doing 125 knots." He did some quick mental arithmetic. "Around 140 or 145 miles per hour. And to answer your next question, we're at 300 feet altitude." She looked down through the Plexiglas panel under her feet at the ocean whitecaps just a hundred yards below, racing by at more than two miles a minute, and swallowed hard. She knew the jet she had just flown in on flew nearly five times as fast as they were going, but down here with the water seemingly almost close enough to touch, the sensation of speed was much more dramatic. It felt like riding in the passenger seat of a high-performance sports car: thrilling, but a little frightening at the same time. Her admiration for her lover took a little step upward as she watched him take a difficult and dangerous task and make it look easy. "Forget I asked," she said, and Brad grinned at the pale expression he could see out of the corner of his eye. Ten minutes later, a tiny island came into view. Brad slowly reduced their speed from 125 knots to a much more sedate 50, reducing their altitude at the same time, then banked the helicopter gradually to the right as they gracefully circumnavigated the little patch of land from barely one hundred feet. The entire island wasn't more than a few acres, but it was bordered by pristine white sandy beach all around, except for the center, where a magnificent house sat on a small rise, shaded by trees. A stone path led from the house down to a sheltered lagoon, where an expensive-looking speedboat was docked. The boat, she noticed, was painted in the same elegant colors and in the same pattern as the helicopter. Fifty yards or so from the house was a concrete pad with an "H" inside a circle painted on it. Beside it, an orange windsock hung limply in the light breeze. Brad hauled back on the cyclic, bringing the nose up sharply and expertly reducing their speed almost instantly until they were barely moving forward. The landing gear came out and locked into place as he approached the pad at a forty-five degree angle to the ground, gradually moving the collective downward while edging the cyclic forward at the same time. After a moment, they settled onto the concrete like a butterfly with sore feet, in the dead center of the painted circle. Brad secured several switches and the rotor blades slowed to a stop, as the turbines and generators wound down. "We're here," Brad said, giving her a huge grin. He removed his headset and hung it on a hook overhead, then did the same with Tina's, before releasing his restraints and doing the same for her. By the time he exited the cockpit, Tina had let herself out the other side. He led her around the island, pointing out this interesting feature or that, and then up to the house. It was fairly large, but not extremely so, with spacious accommodations for six or, in his words, "eight, if they're really good friends." The master bedroom featured an enormous king-size bed in a room with a tiled roof and glass walls that could be slid open for ventilation. Just off the beach on one side stood a tall windmill that provided electricity for the island. Though the entire house was air-conditioned, the cross-through ventilation made it largely unnecessary. "So, what do you think?" he smiled. "Like it?" "Like it!" she gushed. "I love it! I don't think I want to know how much this place rents for. I'm sure I don't want to know what it costs to buy. Please tell me you're not spending a fortune for us to stay here. I mean, I'm impressed, but I'm going to be mad if you tell me you spent thousands of dollars to rent this for the weekend." "Actually, it's not costing me a dime. The owner is a close friend." "He must be a very close friend if he's letting you stay here for free. I'm assuming it's a 'he'; if you tell me the owner's a woman, I'm going to be worried!" she giggled. "It is a 'he'," Brad smiled. "And you're right, he is a very close friend. He's so close, in fact, that he's standing next to you, holding your hand." She stopped dead in her tracks, mid-step, and slowly turned to look at him. "You own this?" she gasped. He simply smiled at her. "But I don't understand. The house, the boat, the's all yours?" "And the island," he nodded. He put his arms around her lower back and held her, giving her an amused expression. "Do you remember what you said my brother said about me? You said he called me 'a beach bum surfer who's never done an honest day's work in his life'. Well, I've never surfed, but I'm afraid he was pretty spot on with the rest of it." "But how...what... Did you win the lottery or something? You're obviously a millionaire if you own all this, and I know you didn't become a millionaire by laying on the beach, working on your tan all day." "Billionaire, actually," he smiled. "And I've never broken the law. Well, unless you count speeding, of course." He gave her the name of a popular website and asked if she was familiar with it. "Of course," she snorted. "That's like asking me if I've ever heard of McDonald's!" "I created it," he said simply. "Well, some friends and I. Difference is, I kept my face and my name out of the spotlight, and my friends now probably wish they had done the same. Several years ago when we had our IPO, all of us became billionaires, literally overnight. But my brother and I came from modest means, which is why I live in a fairly modest house and drive a fairly modest car, instead of living in Beverly Hills or Malibu and driving a Ferrari. This's my one indulgence. It's the one place in the world I come to when I need to relax and need to get away. "Tina, please forgive me for never sharing this with you. I hope you'll understand that I had to know you love me, not my money. The only way I could do that was to not tell you about all this until I was sure." "No, no, I understand," she assured him. "I would have probably done the same. I'm glad you did, in fact. I would have probably questioned myself whether I really loved you, or if deep down, I loved your money and toys. So...when Tim called you a beach bum who had never done an honest day's work..." He nodded. "This is what he was referring to. From my brother's point of view, I was a slacker who took it easy and came down to my private island to lie on the beach and play in the sand for days or weeks at a time. He didn't understand that I worked hard to get where I am. Yeah, okay, maybe compared to him, I didn't work hard. I never risked my life, for one thing, and for another, I worked in an air-conditioned office. But he watched me get rich overnight, and I think he thought I found some genie in a bottle who just snapped his fingers and all of a sudden I was loaded. And for what it's worth, please don't ever think I was stingy and refused to share with my brother. I offered him half of everything, but you know Tim: he was all about making it on his own, and he wouldn't take a penny. "I'm not involved with the website anymore. I cashed out a few years ago and sold my interest to my partners. Now I control several corporations that do philanthropy work. Basically, I work fulltime trying to give away a couple of billion dollars, while keeping my own name and identity a secret because I value my privacy." "This is...I don't know what to say." She felt overwhelmed, and stumbled to a chair. "'re the wealthiest person I know, and I had no idea. You can have anything you want!" "*Almost* anything," he sighed. "True, I can buy anything I want. But some things can't be bought: a family and someone to love, for instance. You can't buy your way out of loneliness, not for any amount of money. I know. I've spent years and millions of dollars trying, and it doesn't work." "What are you saying?" "This island is the most precious thing in the world to me, and Tina, you are the most precious person in my world. I brought you here this weekend because I can't imagine a more perfect or more beautiful place to bring you to ask you to be my wife and to be the mother of my children," he smiled, and got down on one knee. "So...Tina Miller, will you marry me?" She nearly hyperventilated with excitement. "Yes! Absolutely yes!" She grabbed his face and covered it with kisses. He lifted her into his arms and carried her into the master bedroom, making love to her well into the night. That more or less set the pace for the entire weekend: make love, get something to eat and drink, rest or nap for a while, rinse, and repeat. They made love in every room of the house, on the terraces, on the beach, in the helicopter, on the boat, and in the lagoon. On the last night on the island, they lay cuddled together naked and under the stars. "So," she giggled. "Do I get a ring?" "As soon as we get back to the mainland. You pick any ring you like and I'll buy it for you." "No," she cooed. "You pick one for me." "Tina, there's something else I want to ask you, too." "Yes?" "In a few months, I'm pulling the trigger on a new philanthropy project, just as soon as my attorneys finish drawing up the paperwork and securing suitable land. It's going to be called the 'Tim Miller Memorial Biomedical Research Foundation', and it's going to start with a one hundred million dollar endowment, over and above what it costs to build it. All we need before we break ground is a Research Director to run it and staff it with the best professionals in the world. You told me a long time ago that medical research is where your heart is. The position's yours, if you want it." She said nothing for a long time, and in the pitch darkness, he thought she had fallen asleep, until he felt her tears fall softly on his chest. "If this weekend is a dream," she said quietly, "I don't ever want to wake up." She climbed on top of him in the darkness and they made love once more, before falling asleep in each other's arms with nothing but the warm Caribbean breezes for their blanket. \======= FOUR YEARS LATER... "Unnnngggghhhh!" Tina screamed through clenched teeth, bearing down, before collapsing back into the bed, exhausted. Brad mopped her brow with a cool washcloth and kissed her. "You're doing fine," the masked obstetrician between her legs said. "You know, this is a first for me: I've delivered a lot of babies in my career, but this is the first time I've ever delivered a friend's baby." "Glad I...aaah...could be your first," she replied with good-natured sarcasm. "Well, leave it to my beautiful wife to be a showoff," Brad smiled. "Call a press conference to announce a new treatment for breast cancer, *and* a viable plan to eradicate tuberculosis worldwide in the next few years, and then go into labor in the middle of it, on national television? Tsk." "You know," the OB quipped, "that's another first for me: I've never delivered a foundation director's baby, either!" "Well, you know me...oooofff! This baby felt a lot better going in than it does coming out." "Alright, here we more big push and we're home free..." "Aaaaaaaggggghhhhh!" she cried. A moment later, the room was filled with the wail of a pair of lungs taking their first breath. "Congratulations," the OB said as she clipped the cord, cleaned up the baby, and did a quick APGAR assessment. "It's a boy." The doctor passed the newborn off to a nurse, who wrapped it up and placed the newborn in Tina's arms. "So, have you picked out a name yet?" Tina and Brad looked at each other and smiled. He nodded confidently. "Yes, we have. We're going to name him Tim."
Title: Fan Service by Gruffy Tags: Ass, Gay, Leopard, Lion, Lynx, M/M, Tiger, Wolf *Standard disclaimer:* *This is a furry adult story containing gay males in sexual situations as well as explicit language and descriptions. No kids are allowed so this story is only for those who are 18/21 or whatever the age is at your legislation. If you are not of the legal age, you shouldn't view this story because you might lose your innocence. Also, by browsing this story you have done so by your own consent and wish to view such material. if you do not wish to view such material you should leave this site immediately.* \* Hello, and welcome! If you have any comments about the story or the chapter, please drop a few lines once you're done. It will help me to become a better writer, and the feedback always keeps me sharp, not to mention amused! Faves, votes and watches are greatly appreciated as well! Have a good read! \* I couldn't help but smile at the sight of the waving butt -excuse me - the sight of the waving lynx with his familiar eyeglasses and a pierced ear flick and waving butt-emphasizing tail and a waving paw and a cute smile and a black T-shirt identical to Mason's that read: "I'm With Aydrian". I wondered for a stupid moment whether the infamous lynx Haakon was actually waving at me, but then I tipped my head and saw how Mason lifted a more contrite paw up and gave the excited lynx a quick wave, his head making odd jerking motions towards the quietly smiling tiger newly seated behind his magical mystery author desk. Hahah, I still lifted my paw and gave the lynx a smile and a wave, just because he was so cute that he made my tail flicker happily. Almost as nicely as the idea of a date did! I watched how the lynx joined the small queue upstairs and wandered over to the corner where the tiger sat in his noble silence, surrounded by the swishy-tailed wolf and the purple leopard who hovered in front of the cardboard cut-out of Princess Royal Catalina, her arms folded over her chest. "I hope you're all set here, " I smiled at Mason's bodyguardish pose and flicked my ear. "We're not," Ms. Lopez snapped from her side. My ears flattened automatically as I braced myself for the tirade. "How could I help you, miss?" I tried happyhappy Rory for now, I really did. "I don't see a sign saying that there will be only one autograph per fur," Ms. Lopez complained. "I want one." I gave the modest queue a quick glance and then turned back to the leopard. "Are you sure it is necessary, miss Lopez?" I smiled still. "There seem to be a lot of cubs out there and I'm sure there is plenty of time..." "Can you imagine the amount of crap if the newspapers get a hang of it?" the leopard snorted. "I can already the headlines! 'Disappointed Cubs Turned Away From Book Signing' ! 'Weeping Cubs Disappointed at Book Signing' ! 'Hogging Autograph Hunters Stood Up Queue At Book Signing, Countless Weeping Cubs' Parents Demand Compensation' ! And you just imagine what that compensation will be, mister lion? FREE BOOKS! And we're not going to give out free books, mister, so you better make sure that it won't come to that." I stood there, my tail tucked between my legs, flabbergasted by the rapid-fire outburst coming from the strange purple creature of a woman. I think my jaw was a bit slack, too. I hoped the furs upstairs hadn't heard it. Then the tiger spoke. "Ms. Lopez, I'm going to sign every book you will receive from the fans and place in front of me with the front page opened for easy access for me to write my name and the name of the fur into it," the tiger's calm eyes practically nailed the leopard to the wall. "But..." "And you will also procure for me a gift set edition of all four Caledon Rocks books and I will sign that and it will be donated to the first fur on that line as a special gift from Lord Mistwillow and the publisher," the tiger continued before turning his gaze from the leopard to Mason, looking up to the standing wolf. "Mason, do you have gift set editions available around here?" For a little while I thought that Ms. Lopez might turn her claws to the valiant cardboard princess behind her and tear it apart while snarling insanely. For a while I thought that Mason might clam up and manage only to say "ummhmhmhmhmhmh" in answer to the tiger's question, but he flicked his ears and nodded. "Yeah, we especially ordered a few in for today," the wolf rumbled. The mist-tiger smiled broadly. "Excellent. Could you please fetch it for me, so that I can sign all the books before the actual signing begins?" he spoke to Mason, who nodded energetically as soon as he was addressed by the idol-tiger. "Yeah, yeah!" He was already off and away, passing me energetically. I really had to bite down my teeth to keep from laughing aloud. My tail flicked ever the more for it, though. Now the tiger looked at me. "Hey, what's your name?" he smiled again. "I don't think I caught it yet." Ms. Lopez huffed and snarled something inaudible between her lips. My ears flicked and I smiled, too. "I'm Rory Gliese," I spoke as friendlily as I knew when talking to famous tigers. "Great," he nodded. "Rory, could you go up there to tell that little coyote girl and her mother that they're the first in the queue and are entitled to the publisher's special prize?" "Oh...of course," I mumbled. Ohhh... "Excellent. Tell your Ms. Pitt, please, that you can charge the publisher for the book gift set." Ms. Lopez opened her muzzle to say something, but a look from the seated tiger shut her off. "I'll tell Marge that as soon as I see her," I smiled broadly. "Thank you, Rory." I left the signing corner feeling much more happier than before. I even purred a little as I got up the stairs and flicked my ears at Crystal, who gave me a look. I still had something else to do, though, before the real mayhem started. I turned to face the little coyote girl with her wizard's hat and her tightly clutched book and her mother, and smiled. "Hey," I spoke, "I presume you're here for the signing?" The little coyote looked up to me with big wide eyes and tugged on her mother' tail, causing the elder canine to smile. "Good morning," the proud mother smiled to me. "Lydia insisted that we came first thing in the morning!" "Ohhhh!" I flicked my ears happily and made sure that she didn't see my teeth. "Did you have to take a day off from school?" The little girl looked up to me and nodded quickly. "Now that was just great because I just heard a secret," I smiled, flicking an ear, "would you like to hear, too?" I gave the mother a quick smile before I turned back to the little girl, who gave me another quick nod that threatened to cause her hat to fall off her head. "Well...," I smiled, leaning down a little so that I wasn't too scary, I hoped, "I just told Lord Mistwillow down there that you've come all the way here to meet him, and he said that it's such a nice thing that you're gonna get a special surprise as a thank you!" I didn't think it was possible, but her eyes became even bigger than before as she looked up to me, crouching lion or not. I gave her a little extra smile before I stood up again and faced the mother. "If you may, your daughter is eligible to a special free gift since you're first in the line, ma'am," I told her matter-of-factly. "Courtesies of the publisher of the Caledon Rocks." The momma coyote's eyes lit up as much as her daughter's had done earlier, and her tail wagged happily as she watched at me in amazement. "Did you hear that, Lydia? You're going to get a surprise!" The little coyote hopped on her oversized footpaws, her ears and tail flicking madly, threatening to finally topple that hat off her head. "Really? Really? Really? Really? Whatisit? Whatisit?"! I looked down to her again and grinned. "Well, I think you'll soon be able to ask Lord Mistwillow himself!" I declared happily. "Are you eager to meet him?" "Yay!!!" she was practically jumping in circles already. "Well, I think we should go then," I smiled, and gave Crystal a nod. The tall mare smiled and returned the nod, her tall ears flicking. "Alright, everyone, we're beginning the signing, so line up!" she declared louder now, gaining a few curious looks from the uninterested customers browsing the shelves. "You can go downstairs now but please remember to leave plenty of space around the desk so that photo opportunities are equal!" "Why don't you follow me, miss, little miss?" I smiled for the coyote pair and gestured towards the stairs. "You're right up first!" "Did you hear that, Lydia? We can go in now!" "WooooWW!" I decided to act as the escort for the coyotes, walking ahead of them down the small flight of stairs and leading them past the shelves of musky books into the corner where Lord Mistwillow held his court, protected by the vigil of Sir Mason and...well, there was Ms. Lopez standing there, looking very much unhappy. In her paws, she held the colourful cardboard box that was the elaborate and wonderfully crafted special gift set edition of all four Caledon Rocks books. I knew that it cost 120 dollars, without the special discount. The Mistwillow guy spotted our approach and stood up behind his desk, smiling broadly when the shy coyote girl and her mother were ushered in by yours truly. "Hey," the tiger smiled, "I was told you're the first in line, and that's why we want to give you something really special for that. What's your name?" The little girl hid behind her mother briefly before being ushered back to view by her mother's paws, steering the girl to stand between her mother and the table occupied by the smiling tiger. "Lydia!" "Ahhh! Lydia...there's a Lydia in one of my books, do you remember her?" the tiger's eyes gazed at the little fan through his specs. The coyote girl seemed to explore with excitement at the prospect of proving her knowledge about the Caledon Rocks. "She's the cook of the Alchemists!" her tail wagged against her mother's legs rapidly. "Isn't she!" he seemed to be beaming now, all flicky ears on his usual calm face. "And I see that you've got a book with yourself, too...would you like me to sign it?" "Please!" the little coyote exclaimed happily. I watched how the mist-tiger sat down behind his noble desk and spent quite the lot of time scribbling down his autograph and a dedication for the little coyote before telling Ms. Lopez to step out of the way so that they could get photos taken. Mason volunteered as a camerafur, and I bet the girl got the photos of her lifetime, standing there with the tiger while happily clutching the oversized box of signed books that had been handed out for her by the not so happily smiling Ms. Lopez earlier on after she had been told to take the books out so that the tiger could personally add Lydia's name to each of them. The two coyotes were practically levitating by the time they had received all the freebies and gotten their photos and stuff, and now a small trickle of furs began, everyone seemingly very excited to meet the tiger. I had to admit that he knew how to take his audience alright, with lots of questions and chatter and autographs written down even while the spoke casually with his fans. Ms. Lopez was employed with the aforementioned task of taking the offered books and placing the down in front of the seated tiger to ease things, up, but she didn't look too happy with her glitzy publicity job at the moment. Mason, on the other stand, seemed to be at the height of geektastic fantasy, his ears flicking eagerly while he stood there, acting whatever purpose he had decided for himself, sponging in every detail that passed from the tiger's maw while he talked with his eager fans. There didn't seem to be any hurry around, considering that despite the constant influx, the line never seemed to get longer than about ten furs all in all, which must have been wonderful for those who had come in to meet their favourite tiger. These included Haakon the lynx, who appeared downstairs sandwiched between a couple of wolf girls and a Sheppie, all three holding fresh copies of *The Justice of Helios*. The lynx stood between them calmly, his tail looping languidly behind his butt that was this time covered with well-fitting dark pants that complimented the black, puzzling "*I'm with Aydrian*" T-shirt he wore. The lynx, too, had a book with him, but his looked old and worn, rather than shiny new. The foreign treat of a cat seemed to take a notice of me, for when the queue reached me, he sought my eyes, and smiled. "Hello, aren't you one of Mason's work friends?" that oddly genuine-sounding British accent was heard in every rumbled syllable, carried on by his silky voice. "Hi," I spoke, feeling a bit curious all sudden, but then I noticed that he had stuck out a paw, and I could do nothing but take it and gave it a squeeze. He sure had a good grip...had to be because of that tone upper body...I wondered if he went to gym often... "Hello, I'm sure you caught my name the other day, but I'm called Haakon," the lynx purred. "Rory, hi," I spoke, greeting him again, even if that was a bit silly, to be honest. Our paws separated, and my pads tingled a little from the fact they'd been squashed against his fingers. "Hey, I've heard about you!" the lynx beamed. "Mason always says that you're cool even if you're old!" My tail suffered from sudden erectile dysfunction, and so did my ears, though I tried not to grimace at the comment. I smiled instead. "Well, isn't that...hopeful," I tried. The lynx smiled earnestly, his eyes bright behind his glasses. "And he told me that you've been helping him out with some of his studies, too, and that you like the Eurovision!" the lynx beamed. My ears flicked a little at the praise coming from the cute lynx, and I even managed to smile more convincingly. "Uhh...thanks...and yeah, yeah, the songs have been pretty's a bit weird, isn't it?" I was surprised that here I was, doing such casual small talk with the lynx of all furs. Not that there weren't benefits to talking with him, I mean, eye candy...oh yes. Every inch of him was just perfect. Not that there was anything wrong with beefy, sweaty Dobies either, compared to handsome lynxes with shiny furs and lots of attractive mottles, and funny tuffs in the tips of his pointed cat ears. "Yes...though we didn't make it to the final on Saturday," those fun ears flopped down briefly. No haba haba, it seemed. "Ouch," I tried to smile broadly. "I'm still glad Finland made it," Haakon continued, "I kind of like that song, too, so at least there's something to look forward to." "Now that's nice!" I declared. I had no idea how that song went, but at least the lynx was happy. The tall lynx looked over along the short queue and at the tiger currently happily chatting with a flicky-eared bear. Then he looked back to me, still smiling. "Looks like it's going smoothly...I'm sure happy that he came here, I can finally get an autograph to this!" He held out the dog-eared book in his paws, revealing its front cover that read: "*De Mystiske Heksegryte*" "My first Caledon Rocks book...I got it when I was 14," he smiled. "Totally loved it. I smiled and flicked my ears. "Well, now it's going to get the autograph it deserves," the lynx purred happily. "And I sure hope Mason gets his signed, too!" "I don't think there's much of a rush, so you should have plenty of time chatting with him, too," I assured him, just because he was so damn nice. "Ohh, looks like it!" he beamed. "Did Mason get to talk with him yet?" I chuckled. "Maybe he did... I had some coffee with him and his publicist in the back room a little while back...," I grinned. "Wow!" his tail flapped against mine as his whole body expressed his amazement. "Must've been really something!" I had to keep back the best of my amusement while I just smiled. "Well, he's really friendly, so I'm sure it'll be great!" I enthused him, hoping that I wasn't leading him on. "Wow...," the lynx mused, rubbing the side of his head with his non-book-holding paw, "this is getting better and better....and Mason's out there with him all the time...he's so lucky..." "He gets to handle him a new pen if he runs out of ink," I chuckled. I really couldn't help myself, really! "That's still so" the lynx wondered, using his height to his advance as he peeped towards the mystical corner so near, yet so far away, in terms of just how long time must have felt while waiting for something so exciting for him. Not that I couldn't empathize with him...I mean... Date! Date! Date! Date! "He's been over the moon all week," I chuckled, scratching behind my own ear as I watched him happily. "He must've rearranged those cardboard cut outs about a dozen times already." "That's much like him," Haakon smiled. "He really gets into everything fully!" "He seems the sort," I replied, thinking that this excited Mason must be great company, and less catatonic compared to the MP3-addict wolf who liked brooding behind his counter while secretly reading a book under it. "Can't wait until tonight, though," the lynx grinned. "We're going out!" "Ohh?" I flicked my ears and tried to look very curious. "Yeah, the girls from our study group told us they want to go out to dance and drink, and now we're doing it!" his tail looped happily at the prospect of partying through the night and being reckless and young and handsome and with a butt to cause buttons to pop off flies, at the worst case scenario. "Sounds great." It made me feel a bit younger, too, thinking about partying through the night. I was so gonna do that tomorrow, I decided, with Victor. Party or nothing! "It is!" the lynx exclaimed happily. "The girls told us that they know just the place, something...some club, they told it was, it was called something funny...ummm...." He rubbed his chin, thinking hard for a while - do I even have to mention that he looked cute when he did that ? - before he spoke again. "Yeah, now I get it, it was called The Ramrod!" he grinned. \* Thank you for reading the latest chapter! if you have any comments about the chapter or the story in general, don't be afraid to drop a few lines! It'll help me to become a better writer, and I am always amused by the feedback. Cheerio!
Title: Transformation at Hogwarts: Part 13 by Canis90 Tags: F/F/F, Feline, Human, Hybrid, Oral, Story Series, Threesome, Underage, harry potter \**I DO NOT OWN HARRY POTTER. ALL CHARACTERS AND LOCATIONS BELONG TO THEIR RESPECTIVE OWNERS. \** Luna moved in closer, not waiting for Ginny to make a move. Their lips met, and Luna gave a soft moan. Her hand came up behind Ginny's head to hold it in place. After the initial shock of Luna kissing her, Ginny settled into the kiss, putting her paws on Luna's waist. Ginny could feel Luna's tongue at her lips, and parted them. Luna quickly slipped her tongue in between her friend's lips, and explored every part available to her. Meanwhile, Hermione watched the two girls passionately kissing. She felt a twinge of jealousy, so she stood up and moved closer to Ginny's bed. Both girls were constantly moaning into the kiss, and Hermione could hear Ginny start to purr. Luna and Ginny broke the kiss and saw Hermione standing next to the bed. "There's plenty of room for you, Hermione," said Luna. She patted a spot behind her, beckoning Hermione to join them. The older girl moved in behind Luna, while the two younger girls began kissing again. Deciding she should do something, Hermione wrapped her arms around Luna, rubbing her cheek against the blond hair. Luna's hair was incredibly soft, softer than Hermione's own fur. She continued to rub her face through Luna's hair, while Luna and Ginny continued making out. After a long five minutes, Ginny and Luna broke apart, both breathing heavily. Luna looked behind her and smiled. Hermione shyly smiled back, and began rubbing her paws over Luna's back. Luna closed her eyes and began humming, her own hands moving towards Ginny. Ginny watched Luna as her hands began unbuttoning her pajama top. After the last button was undone, Ginny shrugged off the annoying garment and undid her own training bra. She felt the cool air hit her developing breasts, and watched Luna's eyes widen as the ginger cats' nipples hardened. Luna brought her hands back to Ginny's chest and began massaging her tender breasts. Hermione had sneakily undone Luna's training bra without removing her shirt. She slipped a paw up the back of the shirt and moved it to Luna's chest. Luna gasped as she felt rough paw pads on her breast, but moaned when Hermione began squeezing. This caused Luna to squeeze Ginny's breast, resulting in Ginny purring even louder. After a few more minutes of squeezing breasts, the girls began undressing each other completely. Ginny had pulled Luna's pajama bottoms off and tossed them in the corner of the room. Hermione had taken off her own shirt and bra and threw them with the rest of the clothing. Luna slowly dragged Hermione's pajama pants down to her ankles, while Ginny began working on Luna's panties. Luna finally succeeded in removing Hermione's pants, and turned around to face Ginny. She placed her hands on the waistband and began pulling down. Her ass was in the air facing Hermione, who couldn't help herself and smacked Luna's delectable bottom. Luna gave a tiny yelp and turned her head toward Hermione. She winked and went back to stripping Ginny of her panties. Hermione began removing Luna's panties, occasionally smacking her ass. Luna had successfully removed Ginny's panties and stared at the hybrid girl in awe. She could see the fur around Ginny's slit matted down with wetness. Hermione had removed Luna's panties and her own before admiring Luna's pale ass. She squeezed Luna's ass twice. The girls couldn't take the waiting anymore. Ginny moved up so that her head was against the headboard; Luna straddled Ginny's stomach, facing her feet; Hermione straddled Ginny's face, facing Luna's exposed pussy. Luna was the first to do something. Her tongue came out and flicked across Ginny's exposed slit. She heard a moan as Ginny began licking Hermione's wet pussy. Hermione then began licking Luna's bald pussy. Each girl was moaning, but Hermione and Ginny were purring as well. The purring had another effect: extra vibrations were sent through the respective girls' pussies. Hermione began grinding her pussy into Ginny's face, trying to get her tongue deeper. Ginny began thrusting toward Luna's tongue, which had successfully entered Ginny's pussy. Luna began rocking back and forth in time with the other two. Soon, all three girls felt their climax approaching and let out one loud moan. Hermione's cum dripped into Ginny's waiting mouth; Ginny's cum poured into Luna's waiting mouth; Luna's cum dripped into Hermione's waiting mouth. After what felt like an eternity, the girls collapsed on top of each other, exhausted and breathing heavily. Too tired to move, they fell asleep in the position they ended their escapade in. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ The next morning, Hermione was the first to wake up. The first thing she saw was a pale ass in her face. She inhaled deeply and smelled Luna's scent from the night before. She tried moving, but stopped, thinking it would be impossible not to wake the sleeping second years. She felt a warm rush of air on her exposed pussy, and realized she had her ass and pussy shoved into Ginny's face. The rush of air was a steady rhythm, and Hermione knew that Ginny was still fast asleep. Luna, however, had woken up at the small movement by Hermione. She felt something against her ass and wiggled it a few times. A short intake of breath came from behind her, so she turned around to see Hermione. Luna smiled, winked, and slowly removed herself from the bed. Hermione carefully followed suit, trying her best not to wake Ginny. After successfully climbing out of the bed, Hermione headed toward the bathroom. She felt someone grab her arm and saw Luna. Luna shook her head, nodding toward Ginny. Not understanding what Luna wanted, she again tried heading into the bathroom. She got halfway across the bathroom before Luna tackled her to the floor. Pinned, Hermione tried desperately to free herself, but could not. She felt Luna sitting just above her ass, feeling naked skin against her fur. "Luna, what are you doing," whispered Hermione. "I don't want Ginny feeling left out. It would be unfair for her if the two of us showered without her." Hermione had no idea Luna had this much planned for them. "Luna, what makes you think Ginny will want to shower with anyone?" There was silence. "Luna? I know you're still there, I can feel you sitting on me." She tried looking around but couldn't move that far. She went back to her original position and noticed a pair of furry, orange legs. "Well, it looks like Miss Granger will have to be punished for her selfishness. What do you think, Luna?" "Oh, I totally agree, Ginny. We need to teach her a lesson in respect. Would you like me to start the lesson, or would you?" "Oh, I think you can start. Just give me a second." Ginny moved back to her bed and retrieved her wand from underneath the mattress. She pointed it at Hermione and said "*Petrificus Totalus*." Hermione stiffened as the Full-Body Bind hit her. Luna stood up and looked down at Hermione. "Thank you, Ginny. That will make this lesson a lot easier to teach." Luna moved in front of Hermione so she could see her new teacher. "Because you were unable to respect one of your lovers, you shall be punished. We will give you a choice. Blink once for the first choice, and blink twice for the second. Your first choice of punishment is to be tickled until you promise to never, ever disrespect one of your lovers again. Your second choice is to be spanked until your bottom is redder than Ginny's fur. So, what is your choice?"
It used to be so much simpler when she was smaller that part of her came to believe that such a point in time had never existed to begin with, and it was just her brain trying to come up with some rational explanation for why everything around her wasn’t already built to specification. Then again, at the same time, if she had always been like that, then surely the world would be better equipped to deal with someone like her, rather than being both woefully undersized in general, and having most of the people who lived on it be, quite frankly, so tiny as to be utterly inconsequential… plus, she wouldn’t have stories told of her early years, now would she? Even her parents, monstrously huge as they were, paled in comparison to what their daughter had become; they occasionally regaled her with tales of how things were like before she was born, back when their bodies were revered as the uttermost symbol of perfection and their mere presence was enough to bring anyone to their feet. A genetic happenstance, really, and yet one that had left the both of them capable of crushing any and all opposition in a quite literal sense if they so desired… not that they would, obviously, but still, it was important to know one’s limits when one cleared past the hundred feet mark in height and had proportions so exaggerated that one’s throne had to be built outdoors in order to avoid having to transform a mountain into a palace. Back then, they were revered as gods-made-flesh, as avatars of some cosmic, divine will made manifest in the mortal realms, and for decades they ruled with benevolent generosity, bringing about peace and prosperity wherever their authority reached. Until, one day, they decided to have a child together, hoping both to secure their lineage and to take a new step in their relationship; they both felt it was important to expand their family and come to terms with the idea that, some day, they wouldn’t be there, and thus it was important to make sure that whoever succeeded them knew the importance of being a kind, just, benign ruler, and how utterly crucial it was not to abuse their powers for their own gain. Admittedly, no one could have ever predicted that things would get out of hand so quickly, but maybe the giantess’ parents should’ve assumed something was wrong when she was born and not three days later had already outgrown her immense crib, having reached her parent’s height before the first year was out; though things somewhat slowed down after that, they didn’t really stop, and by the time puberty came and made things speed up yet again, it was clear to anyone watching just who the real goddess was in the royal family. Not that the princess would ever go so far as to claim power for herself, heavens no, but it was impossible for anyone to genuinely make the claim that her parents were even remotely in control of the situation when they barely even reached up to their own daughter’s ankles after a while, and the size discrepancy only got worse as time went on; once she came of age, it was less a case of having to learn how to make the best out of her size and far more her having to deliberately avoid doing anything that might get in the way of… well, anything. Having a body so massive that the top of her head was noticeably colder than her paws down below, owing to being a few atmospheric layers above the latter, made it somewhat difficult to avoid doing some kind of damage while walking around, and this would hold true even if her proportions weren’t so massively out of whack compared to even her immense size. The princess’ parents were massive, sure, but at least their overall shape was still vaguely recognizable as being in line with what people expected from their species; in sharp contrast, their daughter had been blessed by seemingly every kind of size-related fairy godmother, because her physical frame was… something akin to fantastical in its scope, like it was part of the scenery rather than a living, breathing creature. Curiously, the princess herself liked to exploit this, mostly by staying as still as possible until her presence was burned into the eyes of all those who gazed upon her, then start moving in such a way as to make it difficult to guess whether or not it was happening, or the whole world was just having a collective hallucinatory episode. Then again, it was hard to blame the little ones for having such a reaction, seeing as the curves they were exposed to on a daily basis made it difficult to focus on such meaningless things as observable reality or their own needs; it wasn’t at all the princess’ fault, and she did try her best to get people back on track to the things that actually mattered, but when most people in the realm were capable of looking up and seeing an Arcanine so tall that they seemed to reach lower orbit, with a pair of hands and pawbs of such colossal size that their mere movement was enough to cause gale-force winds and small quakes, respectively, it was extremely difficult not to immediately have their minds subverted by the intense, irresistible need to worship. Her more sexual attributes didn’t help either, what with her breasts covering most of the front of her body all the way down to, and slightly below, her knees, protruding so much from either side of her that there was probably more backboob on display than torso… quite the feat, considering the raw muscle that she was also adorned by, enough that most of the times her head wasn’t even visible in between the pectorals and neckbulk surrounding it; all of it capped off by a rump that seemed to stand in complete contrast to the hyper-defined calves that felt like they could create supersonic shockwaves if they were just clenched, an ability that very few people knew the Arca-goddess did actually possess, and went to great lengths to avoid accidentally activating. She was a creature of extremes, on one hand being composed of fat, pudge and soft flesh bulging outwards in every direction, and on the other having her body be riddled with rippling muscle mass, glistening with endless pouring sweat and just waiting for an opportunity to bulk outwards even more at the slightest provocation; all that was really needed was for the princess to slightly tighten any part of her body, and it would immediately begin to multiply its muscle mass, for the sheer strain of having to keep all that bulk tight and taut was enough to give it a workout that could not, and never would be, compared to anything anyone else had ever achieved. She was at once power and peace, the ultimate symbol of both complete dominion over the physical realm, and yet ultimately a connection to the spiritual one, for no matter how big she got, no matter how hard she flexed her muscles to make them double, triple, quintuple in density, no matter how much milk her breasts produced, stored and then inevitably leaked onto the world, no matter what she did that inevitably created large landscaping projects entirely by accident, the princess Arcanine would never lift a single finger to harm a living soul, no matter how inconsequential or ignominious they might be. For her, there would be no “evil” in her world, for even the most wretched could be redeemed, and brought back into the light of her presence and the warmth of her embrace, if only they would be willing to make amends for whatever they did; and in return, she would continue to provide the endless bounty that spewed forth from both her lifegiving teats, mannah in the form of milk, running down her front and creating two immense rivers wherever it landed, nutritious to the point where a single drop was enough to keep whoever drank it fully fed for an entire day. Granted, the same could probably be said for the copious amounts of femcum that occasionally erupted from between her legs when the pleasure became too high for even her to withstand, but seeing as the Arca-Goddess didn’t intend to flood the entire planet in a several-miles-deep ocean of her own juices, she made sure to aim her climax away from the world she was on and into deep space, where at least the copious amounts of fluid wouldn’t hurt anyone. And this… this was her normal. Sometimes her parents would tell her of the times from before, but to the princess, these hardly mattered; right now, in the present, she was so massive that the entire capital could fit snugly on top of her bosom, and with a substantial amount of the planet’s crust underneath it to make sure the foundations could be laid properly: a large half-sphere of dirt, stone and bedrock upon which lay enough buildings to house most of the realm, all lavishly carved, all ridiculously oversized, for mere proximity to the giantess was enough to trigger growth in even the smallest of her future subjects. Even her parents weren’t immune to the “improving” aura, though they’d learned a long time prior that, no matter how much their own daughter made them grow infinitely larger, they would never even reach a fraction of her true power… and therein lied the one issue with her: the growth itself. The Arca-goddess was big, sure, and she had been for all of her life, but even though the rate of growth itself had always been absolutely absurd, it used to be that it could be understood, measured, and above all, predicted; it became a science in and of itself, being able to tell when the next growth spurt would take place so that everyone in the way could evacuate to safety, with entire institutes being constructed from the ground up purely for the sake of calculating when the next big jump in size would take place and, most importantly, how big it would be. And while the accuracy of these predictions was reasonably high for long enough to convince everyone that it would remain that way, in the previous couple of years it had begun to… falter. Sometimes the growth spurts would take place earlier than predicted (never later) or would leave the giantess much larger than initially calculated (never smaller), with the discrepancies only getting increasingly severe with time; eventually, and after much pressure from both the Crown itself and the myriad of investors who justifiably saw the constant and unpredictable spurts in size as a danger to the planet itself, the leading scholars were forced to admit that the princess’ growth had superseded even their wildest expectations, and was not only much more active than it should be, but was also accelerating towards ever-higher rates. What this meant in practice was quite simple: this giantess that they were all living on or directly under, the royal daughter, the princess who would one day rule the world… was outgrowing the very world she was to govern, and there was nothing anyone could do to stop that. At the rate things were going, the closest approximation that anyone could calculate placed the next “big one” in between three months to a year into the future, to say nothing of all the smaller spurts that would inevitably start shifting the center of gravity away from the planet itself and towards the Arcanine titaness striding along its surface; and that was assuming the predictions on the prediction itself were correct, and the princess’ body didn’t pull a fast one by suddenly and inexplicably growing tenfold in size overnight… which, to be fair to her, it just might, and no one would be the wiser. Thus, a plan was hatched, if it could even be called as such. Everyone knew that the princess would eventually outgrow her own world, with the only variable being when that took place, and even before the realization that it was coming sooner rather than later dropped, there had already been multiple plans drawn up in order to help deal with such a situation. Dozens upon dozens of contingencies ranging from the utterly ludicrous to the downright fantastical, occasionally glancing by the feasible or realistic, all designed with one thing in common: the Arca-goddess herself. It’d be impossible for planetary scale evacuation plans to be drawn up in any way that didn’t involve her to some degree, especially given how the growth wouldn’t just stop the moment the giantess became larger than her homeworld, so it was either abandon her completely or make good use of an infinitely-expanding body… and letting go of someone as divine and perfect as the princess just wasn’t an option anyone was even remotely ready to even consider, let alone take seriously. Luckily, the alternatives at least had some grounding in reality, in that there was plenty of room on the titaness for the planetary population to live on; if not for the ample curves she had on display, then the literal miles upon miles of thick locks sprawled behind her thanks to her hyperactive mane. Honestly, it was nothing short of miraculous that the locks of hair she carried behind her didn’t get tangled in something, considering that the few guilds who had dedicated themselves to cutting them had long-since given up trying to keep that ocean of hair under control and let it overrun what, at that point, felt like several countries’ worth of space all tightly compressed in a forest so dense that it might as well be a solid block the size of their kingdom and beyond. Ultimately though, it all ended up in the same conclusion: the Arca-goddess was the perfect vessel for the future of her subjects, and quite literally at that, as all that was needed was to transfer everyone alive onto her body somehow, and then the rest would just… sort itself out. Her milk would provide nourishment, her breath would keep the weather stabilized (given her body would eventually grow dense enough to keep an atmosphere around itself), and her form would serve as housing for whatever billions of sentient souls wanted to hop aboard. Really, the only differences in the plans were whether or not her subjects should invest in bringing along trees and livestock in order to have a backup plan in case something went wrong, but as time went on and the transformative effects of just being near the giantess became even more powerful, as the world itself started to quake with each breath she took, such speech became tantamount to heresy; how dare anyone suggest that the goddess wouldn’t be able to take care of them to the end of time? She was their paradise, their heaven, and it was their job to accept and plan around that fact! Granted, this was easier said than done, considering moving several billion souls from across the planet onto a single biological platform was slightly harder than what everyone initially thought… though not necessarily for the reasons one might expect. Convincing people to leave their ancestral homes to migrate towards the princess was, unsurprisingly, the easiest part; after all, who didn’t relish the opportunity to live quite literally on the Arca-goddess when given the slightest opening to do so? Entire countries were emptied as laborers left their tools where they stood, bureaucrats abandoned their endless countless counting and rulers forsook their thrones, all of them joining into one massive, planetary-scale pilgrimage that left nothing but emptiness behind it: trees were cut down to provide for building materials and saplings, whole herds were brought along to relocate as much of the world’s biology as possible, not because it was necessary, but because everything, from the lowliest plant to the greatest of monarchs, deserved to exist in a state of utmost perfection on their newest home. Continents were left depopulated and in the dark, with the number of people congregating around the Arcanine reaching such a critical mass that the real problem reared its ugly head: no one could actually climb onto the princess, for doing so made them lose their minds. It was easy for those who lived on the capital city to ignore this fact, being that they existed within the divine glow of the princess’ being at every single moment of their day, but did so safely within the confines of their architectural constructs, not on the giantess’ body; in fact, touching her was seen as something that no one had yet earned the right to do, which brought about a myriad of difficult questions regarding the evacuation that no one had really thought to answer. It was only after they tried to climb aboard their newest ship that the issue was really made clear, and at a point where the entire world’s population couldn’t really afford to have any unscheduled delays; the princess’ body was still growing, and at an increasingly faster rate with each passing day, to the point where even the most pessimistic projections had to be constantly redrawn in order to take this into account. Months turned into month, singular, then three weeks or less, and before long everyone was just expecting her to go completely wild at any given moment; her disposition also helped to stoke the fears, as rather than the regal and yet gentle giantess that she usually presented herself as, it was clear to all that the Arca-goddess was experiencing extreme amounts of pleasure that she couldn’t even begin to process properly, leaving her in a state of near-perpetual edging that threatened to flood the entire world if literally anything happened to tip the balance. Temperatures across the globe began to climb as her hyperventilation ensured her hot breath consumed all wind currents, lands were flooded when the milk production within her breasts skyrocketed, and even her femcum began to create issues as the goddess forgot to aim herself away from the planet she was supposed to be saving; all of this combined to leave all those present in a state of constant worry, as despite their best efforts… they still couldn’t climb on her. Proximity to the giantess alone was enough to cause growth spurts in whoever dared to get the closest, with the occasional air-rending moan reverberating throughout the very fabric of reality and leaving everyone who heard it several times bigger and moaning themselves; it was as if existence itself was buckling underneath the weight of maintaining something like the princess, whose being was so out of tune with the rest of reality that everything else was forced to adapt in order to deal with it. It was hard to say if this was something new, or if the Arca-goddess had always possessed these abilities and simply chose not to reveal them for fear of what it might do to the world around her… and given the sort of destruction wrought each time she even dared to move a single inch, be it in earth-shattering quakes, deific-sized floods or waves of growth in all those that heard her, this was probably a good choice on her end, at least until she lost control entirely. Now that she had though… what would happen next? A few brave individuals tried to test the hypothesis that all they had to do was grow big enough by second-hand exposure in order to beat the interminable amounts of crippling carnal bliss that left them unable to even think the moment they got anywhere physically close to the Arcanine giantess, but after a few reached and surpassed the mile mark and were still unable to do anything other than writhe around with their hands between their legs the moment they thought about reaching out to touch the princess, it was obvious that any solution that could exist would have to come from the titaness herself. But with her being stuck in a rut, and almost literally so, the odds of the princess awakening from her lust-induced stupor for long enough to notice that something was dreadfully wrong about the evacuation procedure was… low. So low, in fact, that failure became a distinct option, and a much more likely one with every hour that passed and the billions of souls that waited to get on her body remained firmly on solid ground, away from their promised paradise. It was a testament to the goddess’ influence that even this wasn’t enough to cause strife; one might find it likely that being stuck in such a situation would lead to tempers running high, to outright conflict and violence as those who waited for the chance to escape their doomed homeworld fought with one another over the privilege of who got to reach their personal heaven. But instead, the opposite was true: where there would normally be anger and hostility, there reigned calm and peace; where fists would regularly fly, there was only silent prayer and adoration, as countless lives knelt in unison in one final, last-ditch attempt at getting their goddess to listen to their plight, to understand how important it was to come back to reality and lead the way forward. After all, if not her, then who would do it? Even her parents had fallen prey to the same transformative growth bursts that were triggered whenever they tried to make physical contact with the Arcanine giantess’ body, and if her own flesh and blood were unable to do it, then what hope did anyone else have? The only solution was to somehow get the titaness to wake up, to realize what was happening to her and put everything back on track, just the way it used to be, and the only way to do that was to remind her of her own divinity in the singular way that anyone knew how: by praying to her. It was such a simple solution, and one that carried with it a significant chance of failure; with the Arca-goddess in the state that she was in, could anyone really ensure that their little, inconsequential voices would be heard above the cacophony of pleasure that was sure to be roiling inside of the giantess’ head at that point? Could they really be sure that, even if they got billions of souls to burn brightly in unison, they would be seen through the princess’ glazed-over, half-lidded eyes? The simple truth was that they couldn’t, but they had to try anyway, for the only other alternative was to lay down their arms at their sides and embrace oblivion, an idea that no one wanted to even consider; it was too much for them to think about, that everything that took place up until then had only set up their ultimate destruction. It would be too much of a horrible joke on the cosmos’ part, to gift them with such a perfect giantess to guide their way forward, then forbid them from experiencing her ascension, keep them from living through the rest of eternity while in full communion with their goddess. It was unthinkable, in a way, because, put simply, it challenged too much of the established dogma to ever be true, lest their entire existence turn out to be a lie… and the Arca-goddess was there, so clearly she would never be so cruel as to have led them on for so long. Unfortunately for everyone involved, though they had the princess’ motivations down pat, there wasn’t a lot that anyone could really do for her, considering that the state she was in was already the most she could contain herself. Oh, if only the little ones truly understood what it was like to live in her body, to know that the big growth spurt to end all growth spurts was not only coming, but had already arrived, and the only reason why the planet was still there was because the Arca-goddess herself was working to keep it from breaking out into reality, believing that the little ones down below would come up with some solution to get onto her before it was too late. How desperate she was, when seeing the little progress being made, when confirming that, despite her best intentions, her presence alone was enough to keep anyone from truly climbing onto her, even if it meant their salvation; how horrifying it was that she could hear all their voices as clearly as if they were speaking directly into her ear, and yet could do nothing about it… nothing but wiggle her toes, at least. That was about the only part of her body that she could still control in any sense, sprawled out across the planet and flat on her back as she was, the one remaining section of her muscles that the titaness still retained direct authority over… and all she could do was wiggle them. That was it, that was her entire repertoire of tricks, right there in that simple gesture: moving her enormous pawb tips in a way that kept her sharp claws from damaging the ground too much. She wasn’t even doing it for any reason as much as just for its own sake; it was the last bastion, the final holdout and line of defense before her entire body was consumed by the growth spurt she was barely holding back, and as soon as she ceased being able to control them, the moment that they went still, it would be all over. Unbeknownst to her, this grand gesture of defiance, so ultimately meaningless to her, would end up being the very salvation that both she and everyone else had been holding out for, even if no one present could’ve imagined why. It started off innocently enough, or at least as innocently as anything could happen on that lust-consumed planet, when one of the giants closest to those sky-blotting paws decided that if they couldn’t touch the goddess themselves, then the goddess would just have to do the work for them. Thus, rather than deliberately attempting to climb onto her body and have to face both the mental blockage and the inevitable growth spurt that came with it, they instead stood in front of her toes, carefully maneuvering themselves between the claws protruding from them… and let themselves fall forward. What happened next was hard to parse, but one thing was for certain: when this giant opened their eyes again, they were inexplicably far bigger than anyone else bar the Arca-goddess herself, and were firmly on her body and away from the both the ground and the paws that they had just been on moments prior… if they had been moments. The constant wriggling of the titaness’ toes had somehow managed to project them upwards into safety, something that did not go unnoticed by those closest to them, who, once they fought past their own embarrassment, decided to keep the cycle going and repeat what the first climber had achieved. It felt somewhat wrong to let the goddess do the job for them, but ultimately, would that not be the greatest display of adoration? To deliver their literal lives unto her, that she might bless them one final time before their ascension into glorified forms? Everyone seemed to think so, given the enthusiasm they put into flooding the area around the goddess’ country-sized pawbs, hoping to get there quickly enough; from the way that the very air around them was vibrating, it was self-evident that the final burst of size was well underway, and the clock hadn’t so much run down as it had shattered completely. The Arcanine titaness herself could only sigh in relief as she felt the first few thousand giants begin to climb onto her form, knowing that, somehow, her own prayers had been answered and everyone could be safe; it had become a question of endurance, a matter of when and not just if, giving the giantess a goal to work for. If beforehand she’d been desperately clinging onto the last shreds of her sanity for the sake of a plan that she wasn’t even aware if it existed or not, as soon as her toes became the vector through which ascension was reached, it felt as if every living soul that threw themselves in between them gave her even more strength to endure; every hand that grabbed onto a tuft of fur was a signal, a shining beacon letting her know that “We are here!”, that her subjects were safe and sound atop her form. Suddenly, holding back the growth spurt grew easier and easier still… though not to the point of keeping it from happening altogether; the goddess knew that, even if she were to contain herself long past the point where everyone climbed onto her, she’d still explode outwards eventually, for it too was a simple matter of “when”. It just so happened that, with final confirmation that there was an evacuation plan, suddenly things didn’t seem so desperate, and the amount of relaxation that gave her even allowed for a certain degree of control over more of her extremities, until her fingers too began wriggle, inviting those who were around them to climb aboard as well! It took… time. Hours? Days? Weeks, perhaps? None of it seemed to make sense, as the sensations coursing through everyone had left them unable to parse through the usual stimuli that would let them know how much time had passed in between anything at all. There would be no thirst when living on the Arcanine titaness, no hunger, no tiredness, nothing but an endless, blissful existence where none would want for anything… and with that, came a certain sense of timelessness, where a single moment could stretch out forever, and an eternity passed by in a single moment. But as more people climbed, as the world’s population made its way upwards and onto their goddess, their living worldship, there was one certainty: they were safe. They were secure. And she could finally let go.
(MtF tf half-cow) Lucious was a hard working man, not... particularly talented, but hard working. He was handsome and had a warm smile, and he was a good person to talk to; it was these reasons he got picked up initially by a very secretive company named RHE. His friend Amanda happened to be a scientist there and he did not even know! RHE did human experimentation so the company was very secretive and operated entirely on a remote island. Lucious was hired as a general helper- cleaning or fixing basic things, but also because they needed staff to be in charge of milking! Now that was the part that put a smile on his face. You see, almost all test subjects of RHE are hybridized with mammals, and designed to be able to give milk frequently. Therefore, the subjects who did not want a machine to be sucking on them, required a soft human hand. Well, it seemed great on paper anyway. Lucious has been working there for a month and a half now and has not so much as touched a single breast! Heck, he has hardly ever even seen them! RHE already has 4 test subjects on the island, but two had to be released back into the outside world because the test failed completely somehow, so subject 02 and 04 were gone. Test Subject 01 lived in her own massive palace that looked like it belonged to some wealthy emperor, and had her own milking rig custom built into her massive home. Her breasts were so colossal that it would take hours to milk her by hand anyway, so it wasn't really practical. That only left Subject 03, and because of her form, Lorelei lived offshore on a tiny island to the north of RHEI, by the lighthouse. So while he could help milk her and she probably wouldn't mind... the only way to reach her is taking a boat off the west side of RHEI and going all the way north, and then all the way back. Again, very impractical, so she had her own milking station set up. So, all Lucious was doing was helping clean the place up as a glorified janitor. It was clear they were expecting many more test subjects in the future, so Lucious held out hope he would one day be buried in boobies. There was massage parlors, milking stations and even indoor sports and game rooms set up on the ground level of the main facility. They wouldn't set all that up if they did not expect someone to need them. The staff could make use of the game room, sure, but they obviously were not going to need the milking stations for themselves, and there was at least 8 in each of the two rooms for them. The researchers were also twiddling their thumbs to be fair as well, waiting for new people to sign up for the program. Most of what they did was running simulations to half-test theories. Using spells to simulate the influence on a physical form, using a clay model. Since it is inorganic though, this doesn't at all account for clashing of existing biology or genetic differences that could influence the changes, but it was the best they could do without a human subject. Lucious often slipped into the labs to nose around. He especially liked putting in his two cents with their brainstorming sessions on what animal traits they could put together to make a better overall form. They often had rough sketches on whiteboards and Lucious would love looking them over and imagining what they would look like in real life. Who hasn't seen a drawing of a woman with cow traits? Or maybe a part dog. But to be able to see it in real life, actual flesh and blood! Or so he dreamed. One day Lucious was helping them install new racks in the main labs. These racks were made of of two metal bars that could be pulled out from the wall- the other side was cold storage to keep everything preserved. The inner facing sides of the two bars had magnetic circles on them the vials could be placed between- this would keep the vial hovering between the two bars without physically touching them, preventing them from rattling around. Lucious was finishing up on the first rack, placing a coin between the bars to make it hover in place to see if it was working. "Okay, hand me one of the tinctures. It is working but a coin is solid metal. Tincture bottles have a lot less metal in them, just a small thin metal circle on the bottom and top, so we need to see if the fields are strong enough to hold an actual vial." Amanda handed him one of the vials to place in. It was not even a full tincture really- the vial contained just cow traits to be passed to a person, which on its own isn't an experiment, because they already knew it would work- that was one of the most basic transformative tinctures they made back with their founder Moth was still there. To make an actual test out of it, this tincture would be mixed with another that would either focus the traits into specific areas or blend them with another creature entirely. Lucious placed it between the bars and carefully removed his hand- it held! He tapped it toward the top and bottom to test how stable it was, and it still held. The magnets were yanking it both up and down with enough force that you would have to very deliberately be trying to remove it to get it out- there could be an earthquake and that vial still wasn't going anywhere. Amanda smiled and clapped. "You are so good at this sort of stuff!" Lucious shrugged. "Meh. I used to muck around with my PC obelisk a lot. I basically just learned this stuff by randomly messing around and seeing what worked." She laughed. "Sounds like the research team." Another of the researchers named Morgan yelped suddenly though and fell face first into the carpet! The lights in the room flickered and the vial suddenly clinked against the bottom bar before breaking in half on Lucious' head! It happened so fast no one knew what problem to assess first! Morgan tripped over the power cable which was running across the floor, because the equipment was still being installed and the wiring wasn't tucked away because it was still being worked on! That cut the power to the rack however and dumped the tincture onto Lucious! The overseer was rushed to the situation. The whole reason the magic was placed into the form of a tincture instead of directly into the person is because it is meant to change their genes- to make the form permanent so that mana does not need to be constantly fed into the subject to maintain their shape. That meant they could not cast a reversal spell and negate what was going to happen to Lucious. There was other problems too though... the first being the tincture was meant for a woman, not a man. Men are not known to lactate. The other being that it is supposed to be injected, not dumped on your head. It won't circulate through his body properly, it was being concentrated in his head and progressively more diluted as it went down. Lucious was hoping they would be able to just give him something to negate it and be back to work by the afternoon. Instead, he was given the title of Test Subject 05 by the afternoon, and brought down onsite. Trying to look on the bright side of things, this meant he did not have to work cleaning up equipment and tinkering in the offices anymore- he would have free food and shelter for the rest of his life like other test subjects were offered. This also meant that when the area became populated more- he would be right in the middle of the action. There was five homes already built in the valley for test subjects and none of them currently occupied, so he was assigned the first one at the bottom of the long gradual slope that lead back up to the giant plateau the main facility was built on. All the homes in the valley were basically identical anyway so it ultimately did not matter which he was given. He felt normal all afternoon, nothing changed. Maybe they were wrong? More likely, it just took longer because he bathed in the potion instead of being injected. He started to get a massive headache around dinner time. He bowed forward and rubbed his head, feeling large, strange bumps around his temples just before he was about to pull some food out to start cooking a dinner. When he straightened back up he forgot the freezer door was open and cracked his head on it- hard enough to cause the dumps to rupture through the skin! Great, now his forehead was bleeding, and he has two short but wide horns! His ears started to feel sort of cramped; they were growing but at a very slow and steady rate, causing the cramped feeling to concentrate at the very edge of his ears as they became pointier. The cartilage was thinning, as they became leaf shaped. Amanda came to check on him the very next day, and also noted after a night of sleep his nipples had turned from powder red to a magenta pink, and lost the few hairs he had there before. They were starting to look puffy, and the surface of the areola had expanded a bit. "You can't undo the tincture I got on me but... can you add another?" Amanda was a bit surprised by that. "Uh... yea? There is no limit to how many we slap on, why? We don't even know how THIS one is going to affect you yet." He poked his puffy nipples. "Well, I think I would rather be a woman with boobs than a man with boobs." "Oh... you... want us to flip your gender? That would probably make your form more stable. Because it will be trying to give you female cow features... the fact you are male will clash directly with them, causing them to be diluted and ineffective. Like, even if you had boobs you probably won't be able to lactate, or not much anyway. Your hormones will be constantly arguing with the change. Are you sure though...?" He blushed. "I mean... sure. If you have to do something anyway, might as well do it right, right?" And so later that morning Amanda returned to inject him with a tincture that would cause him to turn female. Again, simple enough change, that was something RHE could whip up without any problem, and at least this tincture was administered properly. It also worked faster than the first. Only an hour after she left, Lucious felt oddly tight. His skin firmed up and felt really bouncy and smooth suddenly. His body hair was becoming much more subdued, his pours became smaller and the hair he had on his forearms fell out entirely. He could not tell if it was the second tincture or just the thought of how he was changing, but he was feeling a bit turned on too- though his penis remained fully flaccid. By the afternoon he had C cup breasts, and his nipples were much bigger than before- though still within a completely normal range. They felt oddly firm and hot though. Lucious examined himself in the mirror and already his face was quite different. By now he would have short bristly facial hair growing back in but his face was totally smooth still. His chin was a bit more narrow, his cheek bones a bit more defined, and his adam's apple was no longer visible on this throat! His skin looked so soft and supple! Lucious' black hair went to his chin in length before but was now to his shoulders. He blushed and leaned forward to look at his own breasts in the mirror and gave them a squeeze. As soon as he squeezed them, the firmness shifted forward with a strong pressure and his nipples tingled from the pressure before beads of white formed on their surface! He was lactating! He grabbed them closer to the areola and pulled forward a bit while squeezing and several thin streams fired into the sink. Since it was part of his original job description- Lucious knew how to properly milk a teat. As he milked himself into the sink, his breasts quickly felt much better and softened back up into jiggly mounds. They were like super soft rubber. After being milked though, touching his nipples directly did not feel good. They become oversensitive from milking and need time to rest and reset. That night his dreams were strange and wild- everything from reliving old memories except in the body of a girl, to being in a field getting plowed by a bull. His brain ran over every wild possibility of the changes and acted each out as a short dream- blending them together, however nonsensical the continuity. He woke up in a sweat, and cried out, but then startled himself with his own cry and rolled off the bed, smacking his face on the floor beside it! He thought someone else cried out, because his voice was quite different now, it sounded womanly! He went to bed early the night before so Lucious also woke up before he normally would- the sun was getting ready to rise, but wasn't there yet. Lucious shuffled to the bathroom, still rubbing the sleep from his eyes and looked in the mirror again. He couldn't see his breasts in the mirror anymore! He was a few inches shorter than he had been, which meant his chest wasn't high enough to be in the reflection. His hair now went to his shoulder blades, and the roots were turning grey toward the front only. His eyebrows were thinner and his mouth and nose much smaller- lips very plump and red. He looked totally female now! Well... except between his legs. His penis was much smaller now, only half the size it had been at most, and unable to become erect at all anymore. Even his balls were much smaller, just the size of little grapes, and his scrotum had become smaller along with it, looking like a lil' penny pouch. On physical examination there was a depression on the underside of his balls- the muscle that makes up the pelvic floor was softening and opening up there, getting ready to invert his equipment. Lucious could now pivot his ears around- and they did so automatically when he was not actively controlling them. His horns had gotten a bit longer but not by a lot. He was given cow genes not bull, so the horns would never be very big at all, unless he was given a very specific breed of cow. His breasts were huge now too! And very heavy. He could tell immediately they were overfull- they were blushing pink, the nipples were reddened and the breasts were perfect spheres.... that isn't a shape they naturally take. They looked like F cup, but it was hard to judge when they are overinflated like this. The nipples were moist even before he touched them at all, pressing on his breasts anywhere was enough to cause them to express, so he started emptying into the sink again. It seemed a waste to let so much milk go down the drain- but test subject milk cannot be used till a day after their transformation finishes, at risk of their milk carrying some of the transformative properties and transmitting it to someone else. He groaned softly as he finally finished. "I need to keep on top of these things. It hurts when they get too full." Amanda stopped by again to check on him later in the morning. She spotted something he did not- his tail bone was slightly longer, and he had what looked like a giant bruise on his upper back. It was the skin itself becoming discolored- it was a cow splotch fading in. It felt embarrassing as heck having to strip down to let his friend examine him, but he would still rather it be Amanda than a random other researcher. She gave him a playful slap on the butt when she finished examining him and giggled. "Oh, I am sorry, I couldn't help it! Your butt is looking rounder!" Lucious just smiled and shrugged, starting to put his clothes back on. "It is fine. It sort of doesn't even feel like my own body anyway." "What do you mean?" "It is so different from my old body it kind of feels like I just... stole someone else's body. Like, mentally it is still me, but its like I am wearing a costume or something, so I don't feel quite as embarrassed being nude because it is like you aren't looking at the real me... even though it is." "Yea... I kinda get what you mean. I better get back to the main facility though! Someone activated Protocol Zero some time late last night." "Protocol Zero?" "Remember those two test subjects that were let go? Well, turns out they did transform, it was just extremely delayed. So Test Subject 00 was dispatched to recover them. They should be back on RHEI within a day... if nothing else goes wrong." By the time Samantha left, Lucious had to milk himself again. His breasts had not started to tighten again, but he was feeling the weight- they were comfortably full. The changes were putting his hormones into overdrive so he was created milk at an extreme rate. Of course- this also meant he was ravenously hungry because his body needs the material. His hands were feeling a bit cramped and stiff as it approached lunch. He did not check the mirror again, so Lucious did not notice his lips becoming more pale, turning from red to pink. The bridge of his nose became wider gradually as well- too gradual for him to notice it by feeling. After milking himself again he noted his breasts were bigger again. Each one looked like a K cup- if not just outside the range of named bra sizes. Each breast was like a medium sized beach ball! Well, when he was wearing his shirt anyway, which was filled to max. With no top holding them up, the bottoms eclipsed half his midriff, elongating into perfect teardrop shape. When he sat down to watch TV to pass the time Lucious could not help but have his hand in his pants. Feeling his poor genitals shrinking away ever so slowly. He would be sad to see them go, though he was aroused by what he would get in exchange. Mentally Lucious was not changing at all, so he was still a hetero male- in a woman's body, so he was now turned on by... himself. His nipples slowly became uncomfortable in the top. They were growing too, and his breasts already stretched the top out. With the shirt holding his tits up they stuck out far enough in front of him that he had a two foot long blind spot on the floor immediately in front of himself. The shirt was so stretched by them that his entire midsection and the bottom of his chest was exposed because there wasn't enough fabric left to cover anything else- which meant the bottom of his boobs were also exposed. Usually when lactating the areola darken to act as targets for infants in contrast to the rest of the skin, but his seemed to be doing the opposite now. They became more pale like his lips, turning from magenta to base pink and then to candy pink. Lucious passed it off as minor muscle spasms, but he would occasionally feel something squirming under the skin around his arm pits and the base of his breasts. It was actually the milk veins expanding and restructuring. The way cows make and store milk in their mams is not the same as a human- his were switching to bovine. By noon he finished off what food he had left, and since RHE was likely not expecting him to need a restock so soon he had to hit the red button inside the top of the fridge- which sent a signal to the main facility that he needed an immediate restock of food. He also heard a helicopter in the distance. RHEI does not appear on any maps, and there are no air traffic routes that go over the island, so the only helicopter that would be here is a RHE chopper, which was likely the one sent to recover Test Subjects 02 and 04. Lucious leaned on the kitchen counter, grunting at the feeling of his penis feeling tight. His shaft was basically non existent, his foreskin was bunched into a ring of fat skin folds around his glans and that was basically all that was left of it, and it feel like his body was trying to yank it inside, but it couldn't fit yet. His breasts were also getting real heavy. They did not feel nearly full yet, but the weight inside was straining him so he wanted to milk them anyway just so he did not hurt his back. He never had breasts at all before now, so his lower back muscles were not equipped to deal with the weight in the least bit. He got himself a glass of water before he started to milk himself into the sink again, but his fingers were so stiff, they did not respond well to any input. When he tried to bring the glass of water to his face his hands tightened on their own and the glass slipped right out of his grip! It hit the floor on the bottom so thankfully it did not shatter- it still splashed water everywhere. With a growl he bent over quickly to grab it and clean it up but completely forgot the position of the island counter and smashed his head against it- knocking himself out! By the time he woke up, well, he was not a HE anymore. In place of his tiny underdeveloped genitals was now a tiny underdeveloped vulva! It looked almost comically small on her body- the vagina barely large enough to fit a single finger inside. It had still only just formed, so it still had a lot of growing to do. Aside from that though- inverting her genitals also caused her hips to become much wider, her thighs wider- and as a result, her butt rounder. She felt a slight cramp in her butt as she went to sit up and realized it was her tail. It was much longer now, but was not yet properly formed so it was quite stiff still. Lucious glanced at his feet and sighed- his legs and feet seemed totally normal still so that was good. Maybe it was diluted enough that she only got minor bovine traits. She put her hands down on the tile floor to get up and immediately pulled them off when she heard the loud clack! Her arms were still completely human structured- till the wrist. Her hands were entirely gone without a trace! She had cloven cow hooves! She also winced at the feeling of her taught breasts wobbling around- even larger than before! Getting knocked out before she was able to milk herself seemed to be the final straw for her body- the very slow trickle of change finally built up into a burst, and now that she was awake again it was activating! Lucious struggled to get up; hooves were a lot less friction against a smooth tile floor and counter tops than flesh, so she could not really get a grip on anything around her. She started to get up but the immense weight of her boobs caught her off guard and caused her to fall forward onto her hooves and knees. Fat milk veins bloated below the surface. The pressure in her breasts oddly concentrated toward the front- there was no such pressure at their base, so it was not equally distributed like it had the other times she filled up. Her nipples were almost twice as fat as when she went to sleep and were leaking down her front and pooling milk on the floor because of how tightly they were wedged into the fabric. The pressure behind them made them itch, and stretch longer, which dragged them on the inside of the top, driving Lucious nuts! She could not grab her top to pull it up, but managed to hook her primary hooves around the bottom, and wedge her dew claws into it for extra grip. When she yanked up however her boobs followed the shirt! They were pressed so tightly together she could not pull her shirt back off! The fabric being wet only helped it cling even worse. It was getting tighter! The milk escaping on its own went from a slow trickle to a steady dribble. Desperate, she reached a hoof under the bottom, squeezed it between her breasts and then pushed the front of her shirt against the side of the counter and rubbed the two together. Her hooves were newly grown; because they have never been used to walk on yet, their edges should be extremely sharp, like those of a newborn calf. Sure enough, she cut a notch in the front which her boobs promptly yanked into a large circle. Lucious was going to try and stand up again but suddenly felt the muscles in her neck pulse! The veins throbbed to keep delivering blood around the increasing muscle mass and her neck made hollow popping sounds as it actually grew longer, while also swelling thick with muscle! Oh no- all the potion was dumped on her head so all the transformation was concentrated toward the top. Features that were meant to be spread out or in the lower body were unable to get to where they were supposed to! "Oouu no!" She startled herself with the sound of her deepening voice. "Mouy head has been throouuugh enough already!" Her voice was deepening, but it still sounded feminine. The double wide bridge of her nose she had not even seen yet started to expand outward now! The end the same candy pink as her lips, the two linked together by the coloration! She was almost forced to wretch as the tongue in her mouth grew huge in a surge- the flesh of the tongue was easier to expand than bone so it grew much faster than its surroundings, overflowing the mouth. Her shirt tore a little more, and a little more, but her nipples were screaming to be free. Unable to wait for it to happen on its down, Lucious thrust his chest out and lurched forward, ramming the corner of the counter side into her cleavage. It force-divided her breasts and caused the tear to go all the way up to her collar and all the way down to the bottom, causing the shirt to violently pop in half! As soon as the boobs were free, Lucious seen they were changing in more ways than size! The nipples were basically teats now- as thick as a thumb and just as long too. The areola were very distended and the neon pink of their flesh was bleeding backwards onto the breast itself! The pink coloration was spreading further up, consuming the breast! Now free from the fabric, the teats were no longer leaking, which immediately told her they were not full- the pressure was changes happening to the breasts themselves. "Ouuuu fuck! M-moooo face!" With a long series of cracks and snaps, the bones of her skull started to stretch! Her jaws advanced forward and her nose expanded, pulling her face outward! Her teats were also continuing to get fatter, but not width-wise, which made them look a bit unusual in shape. It felt like someone was squeezing the skin inward toward the base of her areola, without any thing actually touching them. Her face stopped advancing- it was no were near a full cow muzzle and tiny compared to an actual cow head. Her skull remained human in shape, only the face had advanced into a mini muzzle. She let out a long, booming moo and arched her back, thrusting her chest out as her boobs surged on their own! The pressure finally burst! Her areola divided in half! Her teats split from the base out to the tip, and her breasts quickly slowed to a stop finally! Each almost the size of a beach ball, and bright pink fading into her normal skin tone only at her torso. Each breast was capped with two areola and two teats- though they were the exact same color as the rest of the boob now. Both breasts together... looked like a cow udder, except the muscle rib that would divide the teats horizontally. The cleavage basically replaced the vertical rib. As part of the internal restructuring of the breasts to be more like udders- they now stood higher on the chest. They were still tear drop shaped because that is just how gravity is going to react with them, but they were much rounder, shorter tear drops than you would think possible naturally. That made her even more top-heavy though; not allowing them to sag lower put her overall balance even further off its center. "Can I still tooo- t- talk? Oouukay. At least have that goooing for me." Struggling quite a bit, Lucious finally managed to stand and hobble to the bathroom to look in the mirror. She had a black patch that consumed both ears and the base, and the front of her face was neon pink. It was like a slightly humanized cow head and neck! Her hair stopped growing when it reached the middle of her back. The grey roots she had before continued to drain of pigmentation and now the front of her hair was stark white, while the rest remained black. Basically, her bangs specifically were white. The huge splotch on her upper back was now totally black, and her right arm from the hoof to almost her elbow was black- the rest of her remained normal skin tone. Lucious did not grow any fur on her body at all except a diamond shaped patch of fur where her pubic hair should be. Even once it finally finished growing her tail was naked except for the tassel on the very end, which is technically hair not fur. Normally mythological creatures have the lower half of an animal and the upper half of a human but she is backwards! Even her udder-boobs were supposed to be between her legs no doubt. Without hands she cannot pick up or operate anything normally, and with these gigantic tits she was so extremely top heavy she could barely stand up in the first place- and without hooves for feet, her regular human feet got sore quickly carrying all this around! At the very least, her regular human pants still fit basically the same- she just had to have the waist a bit lower in the back to let her tail out. When Amanda arrived to check up on her, she had to immediately write up a checklist of things they needed to do. She tried her best to cheer up Lucious- RHE would figure something out! They would never leave a test subject hanging! The homes had television to keep them entertained and PCs with internet access, though the PC had a built-in block on RHE; preventing them from leaking information to the outside world through the net. The problem is... these required hands to operate, which Lucious no longer had. She had her food delivered to her, but no longer hands to prepare said food. Even if they made a shirt that could actually fit her- how would she get it on and off without hands to grab it with?! Lucious bowed his head in depression as she sat on the couch, just wearing a blanket over her shoulders. "I wasn't even supposed to booo- b- be a test subject in the first place! Now I am fucked..." Amanda pat her on the head. "Noo no no. We will figure this out! The sorceress Paragon Moth taught us how to re-configure the human genome and blend it with others! Compared to that, this is nothing! You think we can't figure out a lil' problem like this?" Lucious brought her feet up onto the couch, shoving her tits up with her knees and then rest her chin in her own warm cleavage. "I don't see how yoouu would fix this. Give me psychic powers so I can dooo things with my mind?" They both jumped a bit at the sound of an electric guitar suddenly. "What is that?!" Amanda smiled. "That would be your new neighbor across the way. Test Subject 02 and 04 are returned home safe and sound. 04- Lauren- was apparently a rockstar before. She was given a guitar and amp as part of her home set up. Speaking of neighbors though... how are you going to introduce yourself?" Lucious hummed in thought. "Good point. Loooocious isn't a very feminine name." Amanda shrugged. "I mean, you don't have to change it if you don't want. Whether you want them to know what you used to be is up to you." "No no! Definitely don't tell them I uooosed to be a man. At this point I don't want to remember myself. If I name myself something toooo different I might forget and give myself away, haha. Lu...cia? No, that doesn't even souuuund like a real name." "Lucretia?" "Toooo fancy. Oh, how about just Lumooo - ack, Lulu." "Lumoo it is." Lulu lowered her eyebrows and Amanda just snerked. "I will be back as soon as we have word on what we are going to do to fix you up... or, tomorrow to check up on your again I guess- whichever comes sooner. In the meantime, it is a bit out of the way but since you cannot make your own food, come up to the main building and just eat with the rest of the staff for now. You can stop by the lactation stations on the way out and empty out before you return for the night. Once Amanda left, Lulu attempted to milk herself to get rid of some of the weight if nothing else, but she could not stand straight enough to get her massive rack onto the counter to milk into the sink like before. Embarrassing as it was, she had to walk on all fours and make her way to the bathroom, hefting her huge udders onto the side of the bathtub. She had no fingers so gripping the teats properly was impossible. Like an udder though, her boobs now had actual reservoirs to store milk that was already made- it gathered in the area of her virtually invisible areola, and fattened the teats. So she pushed in on this part of her boobs, squeezing between hoof and tub and managed to milk herself that way. It wasn't very efficient, but she did get some out at least. Also by doing this she discovered another difference. A true cow udder has its own production and storage for all four segments, but Lulu only has two. Each breast had two teats, but they were both fed by the same supply of milk. So you only needed to empty two of her four teats to exhaust her supply. No matter what Lulu was trying to do, she never put her arms down at her sides anymore. She was subconsciously compelled to hold them on either side of her huge tits as if to protect them from something. Lulu could not do much else because of her lack of hands, but found plenty of entertainment watching her own rack jostle around. Even when full her teats had a lazy arc downward from their own weight. The skin was very elastic, and when she shook her chest her teats flicked around much quicker than her breasts rolled back and forth. She could tell from the feeling of her teats flopping around on the ends of her boobs she would love having them pulled... but could not pull them herself. She also could not masturbate properly at risk of cutting herself with her hooves. That was another thing to add to the to-do list. She needed a grinding stone to smooth the edges of her hooves. Without anything to be done yet, Lulu headed to bed and decided to just get some extra sleep. The bed was quite comfortable- her bedroom window had been open so the sheets were cool to the touch and refreshing. It was winter on the island, though everything still green outside- the island was in the sub-tropics so this was as cold as it will ever get. Lulu pressed a hoof over her pussy in frustration, then slipped it under her pants. Yea, she needed the hooves filed down asap. Her vagina was still growing- it was still a bit on the small side for her body size. Her clit was still a bit shaped like the glans of a penis before minus the urethral opening, but now it has compressed and rounded into a proper clit. When Lulu grunt in frustration and pulled her hoof back out from her pants, she slapped herself in the face with her tits by accident from the movement of her body! Like Newton getting domed by an apple- this caused Lulu to have an idea. She cupped her lower areola with her hooves and gently pushed them forward- causing her boobs to bend toward her face! She was just pushing the fronts, rolling the breast up toward her own face and as soon as she could, grabbed a teat in her own mouth! Her breasts were more than big enough to allow her to suck her own teats! Her milk was heavy with a hint of sweetness. It was half cow and half human as well- so its density was more like cream, but not quite the calorie-bomb raw cow milk would be. She bunched her legs up and thrust her hips into the air, causing her boobs to roll backwards and smother her face. She pressed on their undersides with her hooves. She sucked her own milk supply dry and gently nibbled on the long fat teats with her face pressed into the tit flesh as hard as she could without suffocating herself. Her new pussy even twitched with mini orgasms a few times from both the feeling and concept of being smothered in tit flesh! She went to the main facility in the evening for dinner and re-emptied herself in a lactation station. The station was actually really comfortable. It was a padded bed, but arched so you were sort of sitting up- with openings for breasts to go through. You selected which and how many openings you needed. There was one for two breasts, four, two in the crotch, four in the crotch, or udder. Lulu's were half udders in spite of being on her chest so she had to work the flesh through the opening a bit to get them to fit, but they got there. The entire bed was mildly heated as well for comfort, and the suction cups on the ends of the actual milkers softly vibrate to massage the mams. For this reason, there was a rather loud, annoying sounding buzzer when it finished- since most people were put to sleep by the comfort of the process and needed to be woken back up. Still no word back on what was to be done, Lulu tried to just stay in bed and sleep as long as possible just to pass the time. Lauren across the way prevented that however. Before noon, the sound of her electric guitar once again filled the area. Lulu decided to go introduce himself. She made a breakfast of her own milk supply, so with a full stomach and empty tits she was at least able to stand... mostly straight. Test Subject 02 Nancy was sitting in the grass out front of Lauren's place bopping her head to the music. Lauren had a small front patio she had the amp on, and had one hoof up on the amp and the other on the patio as she shredded on her axe. Nancy looked like your standard cowgirl. Cow ears, tiny stump horns, pink nose and lips, a tail, and hooved feet that transitioned to regular human thighs and hips. Her breasts were very large and from what Lulu seen exposed through her collar- they permanently blushed a slight pink. Lauren on the other hand was not like anything Lulu had seen or expected- Test Subject 04 had been a bit of a mess up just like Lulu's. Her arms and legs were very long, the legs ended in hooves but the arms ended in what looked like half paw half hand. For this reason her guitar needed to be modified with abnormally strong strings- because otherwise her canine claws would cut them in half. There is no risk of the string cutting her, because she uses her claws like a pick. Her neck was very long and flexible. Lauren's head was human shaped but had a cow face and demi-muzzle. Lulu's face was like a really tiny short cow muzzle, but Lauren's was even more human. Her eyes and forehead were still positioned exactly like a normal human, only her jaws extended out further- so when viewed from the side her face was sort of L shaped, with a sudden out-turn at the bottom half of her nose. She had what looked at first like giant bull horns, but these were actually slug traits, and made of squishy smooth skin, not keratin. When her ears flicked, the many piercings in them clinked together. She had streaks dyed in her black hair and many tattoos around her body, including a particularly lewd one over her right breast. Or... her top right breast. She has eight total. Four C cups on her upper torso, then four G cups on her lower torso. The bottom set was flopped over her short skirt. The top four were small enough to be covered entirely by her shirt- both Nancy and Lauren could wear human clothing. Lauren also had a long tail that looked to be that of a slug as well, and was covered with grey freckles that were actual smooth gastropod skin. Lauren gave one last slam on the strings before thrusting her hand in the air and sticking out her extremely long tongue- the spike studs on it shining in the daylight. "Ayyy, sup? You Test Subject 05? Or 03?" Lulu blushed, a bit embarrassed to be outside topless- but no normal top could contain her. "5. You will never see 3 this far in-land. You might want to get to know her though, because of your musical talents." "Oh?" "Lorelei was nicknamed The Siren because she has a very powerful voice." Nancy knew Lauren on the outside, so they were already friends. Lauren had a bit of a foul mouth, but she seemed cool and very... energetic. Neither of them seemed to think twice about Lulu being topless with giant udder boobs. Well... that is the reason they are on the island, so Lulu supposed it was normal for that to be here. She just had a hard time processing it because she was mentally the same as when she was a male. It was normal for women to be topless around each other, but Lulu still considered herself secretly a man. A wolf in sheep's clothing in this environment. Lulu was also amazed at how well Lauren could still play the guitar even though her hands were half-paw. Her and Nancy invited Lulu to sit with them and told her old stories of the band and its tours. The band was called We Might Be Dragons, and their biggest song was Playing Koi. As they exchanged stories from before they were test subjects, they did not even notice the small group of RHE staff coming to see Lulu with a solution to her problem. Lulu spotted them only as they were stopping out front and one of the staff members pointed to her. Nancy and Lauren did not recognize the cloaked figure in the middle, but Lulu did and immediately rushed over, a bit nervous. The young woman's face was hidden in the shadow of the huge hood. She walked with a large staff, dangling a lit lantern from the top. Lulu gave a slight bow. "Paragon! It is an honor." Moth giggled lightly. "Oh please, I am not royalty or anything. To be honest, it is not impossible to undo your changes- especially since all we technically need to change is your hands, BUT, the overseer has been arguing the contrary- insistent on us finding a way around it rather than taking the easy route, and undoing steps of an existing test. Fortunately I have not skipped town just yet so I can slap together a little something." Moth clicked the bottom of her staff to the ground and a large glowing runic circle formed. She then took a pace back and swung her staff in a full circle, summoning a huge pillar of stone from the ground. She touched her free hand to it and several flat panels flipped outward- only one of which had yet another runic circle on it. She told Lulu to touch the panel and the spell made a copy of her will power. The stone pillar crumbled, flipped around, spread out and then re-compressed! What had been a simple stone pillar a moment before had become a statue of a human! Its expression was rather featureless, its crotch was bare but otherwise it was a rather detailed human figure. Its joints were those of a ball-joint doll, only life-sized. Moth explained that this golem would act as Lulu's servant. It is alive thanks to Lulu's own will, and would do anything she wants. She would just have to be careful when giving it orders like most golem, since they lack the free will to interpret commands- they will do literally what you say without question. And so Lulu forgot her old life as a man and quickly got accustomed to her new life as a cow half. RHE would install voice command interfaces for most of the home appliances from then out, just in case someone else had to give up their hands, by accident or otherwise. But Lulu simply made her golem do it for her. She quickly learned to use her tail to attend her pussy in bed when she masturbated, while playing with her massive squishy boobs- but the golem can be ordered to use his hands for that too. Lulu would enter into an exercise regime that slowly worked her lower back muscles up so she could stand on her own, but at the same time she technically no longer needed to. After exercising she would get the golem to pick her up and carry her on its shoulders, so she could just rest her tits on his head while he carried her back to bed. It was like having a servant always around to do her bidding! She would often hang out with Lauren and Nancy, and also introduced them to Lorelei at the west shore while they were all exploring the island more. Amanda caught up with her as Lulu was heading out. "Hey! Where do you think you're going?" The golem stopped and turned with Lulu on its shoulders. "It has been three days since yoouur last checkup, I figured we were done..." Amanda paused a moment to catch her breath as she finished running up to them. "Well... I suppose that is true. Technically I wasn't assigned to come check up on you now, I am sort of using you as an excuse to feel the sun on my skin that hasn't been filtered through a window pane first." Lulu pouted, resting her head in her cleavage like a mobile pillow, while her tits were in turn propped on the head of the golem. "Soou... we just don't see each other anymoooore, huh?" "Nooo, it isn't like that! You can come visit me whenever you want in the main facility. We haven't got it up and running yet, but there are plans for RHE to set up a shuttle service for the valley once there are more test subjects to warrant it- and make milk to offset the costs." "Won't I get in trouuble for disrupting research?" "Nnno.... not if you are there to visit someone specifically. And I invited you! If there is any trouble I will be the one who gets punished, not you. Anyway, how are... things? No more changes right? Milk production slowing down...?" "Milk hasn't slowed doouuwn, no. I don't moo- m- mind though. Gives me something to a build a schedule around, y'know? Plus, it feels gooood." She rubbed her chin back and forth on her soft tit flesh. "I don't know how youuuu girls can get anything done with these always around to distract youuu~" Amanda rolled her eyes, placing her hands on her hips. "Well you are mentally still male- I don't think the average woman is infatuated with boobs as much as you are. Not going to lie, I do sometimes just grab them and roll them around when I am bored. I would also like to point out you don't have the blight that is a menstrual cycle. Test subjects by default are incapable of reproducing because their genome is half and half- so in order to be fertilized they would need a sperm cell that is the exact same half n half as they are... which doesn't exist. So, whenever an experiment involves genitals, we generally shut off or re-purpose functions- since they are unable to serve their primary function. You have a vagina and womb, but your testicles just shrank away into nothing- the biomass was repurposed. So you never had ovaries in the first place. No eggs, no periods. You get a hard pass on the most annoying part of being a woman, so of course it's all sunshine and rainbows for you." "And I have this stone servant ooun my beck and call. I know I have it easy. With a booody like this, I could have just as easy been reduced to a barn animal without hands tooo moo anything. That is why I will make it my mission to help other test subjects moo- w- who have trouble. I think his island has a lot of potential. Not just messing with science to see what sort of things woo- ...we can do but; this paradise island, filled with exotic women?" "Careful, don't drool on your shiny new servant." Lulu blushed. "Not just because of hoouw sexy it will be. My changes were terribly inconvenient but also really pleasurable and hot. Having your booody itself changed takes a lot of getting used moo, and its interesting. I think it helps distance yourself from yoour former life too. So coming here is sort of like... a second life. A hard refresh. Everything feels new because yooouur feeling it with an all new body." Amanda smiled, looking back up toward the main facility a moment, the chopper taking off from the supply tower to escort a new volunteer to the island. "I think you are right." Slow but surely more test subjects started to pop up on the island and RHE would start building more homes for more subjects. Whenever there was a new subject who had trouble adjusting to their new body- Lulu was always the first to come help them out, because no one knew awkward body types more than Lulu, the inverse cow. Plus... she still enjoyed marveling at the new and unique forms RHE kept coming up with.
The bedroom door was locked, completing the soundproof seal that would keep the neighbors from complaining too much about what was going on inside their bedroom. The couple had learned their lessons from the last few times they’d gone overboard and had the police called on them for “disrupting the peace”, whatever that meant, and seeing as they weren’t going to stop engaging in their favourite roleplay, some investment in soundproof foam was required. With their sanctum thus prepared, Andy climbed onto the bed that Rebecca was waiting for him on, his legs on either side of her, his hands on his hips; that night, he had decided not to look down, preferring instead to move forward just enough that his cock and balls hung close to his partner’s face, giving her something to go off from when it came time to turn on the praise, for that was the whole point of the exercise: Andy got to experience what it was like to be treated like a breeder god, Rebecca got to live out her fantasies of being a pliable, obedient submissive to a deity of incalculable power, and then the two of them could fuck hard enough not to be able to walk properly before collapsing from exhaustion and waking up feeling sore the day after, just like every other time. They didn’t even bother wearing clothes around the house anymore, what with Rebecca insisting that they take their roleplay to a new level and incorporate it into every aspect of their domestic life, leaving the “harder” stuff for the bedroom. Hence why the door was locked. Once in place, all Andy had to do was stand proud and display his junk for his mate to play with, counting the minutes until her hands began to explore other parts of him; the fox made sure to keep his body in tip-top shape just for Rebecca, knowing as he did how much she adored tracing her fingers across his well-defined, toned musculature, rock-solid pecs and cheese-grating abs. It took a lot of time out of his day to keep that physique, but it was all worth it in the end; not just for how much his partner swooned at the mere sight of him, but also the fact that nothing he wore fit him anymore, and any shirt he managed to put on would be so skintight that pretty much everyone he met had to either stare at him or comment on how much of a hunk he was. Months, years of dedication had gone into chiselling that perfect body, and now he was reaping the benefits from it on a daily basis; he couldn’t be happier. As usual, things started off pretty tame, with Rebecca moaning like a needy slut as she pressed her face against his shaft and cupped both of his nuts with her hands, rubbing herself against it as she barely managed to put two words together, let alone form coherent sentences. Long gone were the days where she would shower him in verbal praise, proclaiming him to be a god amongst men, a titan of perfection unsurpassed by any other; Andy would be lying if he said he didn’t miss it in some degree, but this new version of his mate was quite a bit more enjoyable in its own way, if he had to be honest. No words, no time wasted, just getting down to what mattered without a moment’s hesitation, shoving her face against his base and basking in the strong, musky scent as her ability to think coherent thoughts was slowly chipped away and replaced with blind obedience and a delectably malleable, submissive mindstate. He liked to carefully move his hand behind her head just so he could push her even closer, at times flattening the side of her head against his package in order for her to hear his heartbeat through it; the sight of Rebecca literally drooling as her eyes grew glazed and unfocused did more for him than any word of adoration could, and he lived for those moments, lived for the realization that this woman, who had once been as feisty in the bedroom as him, was now more than happy to lie there and obey any command he might give her, even if she liked to pretend it was all roleplay once the locked door was open again. But Andy knew better; it hadn’t been him who suggested they take the “roleplay” to the rest of their daily routine after all, nor had it been him who made it a habit of splaying all over his body and begging to be fucked like an animal. That was all Rebecca, and as much as she liked to claim otherwise, it was clear that her submissiveness had transcended the realm of fantasy and become a fundamental part of her. Just as he liked it. That night felt different, however. The hunky fox didn’t quite know why or how, but it wasn’t like any other of their bedroom roleplay sessions; he had already felt surprisingly good that day, far more than usual, to the point where it was beginning to genuinely concern him. Had someone spiked his drink with something? He didn’t usually feel like he could walk up to a car and lift it up, nor did he normally want to do it just to prove he could; yet, for some reason, that day had been filled with those sorts of thoughts, with him wanting to show off to everyone who could see him that he was, indeed, a burgeoning fox god who could take all comers and come out the other end without even breaking a sweat. This extended to the bedroom as well, with his ministrations being significantly rougher than usual; Rebecca wasn’t being harmed, but she never quite had her head stuffed against those balls that hard before, nor had she had the opportunity to hear them churning so loudly, nor had she felt her mate’s cock throbbing so powerfully. To be frank, it was the vixen who felt it coming before the fox did, given that the latter was too busy biting his tongue to keep himself from moaning like a desperate, horny slut himself. The first change came when Rebecca allowed herself the luxury of licking that massive rod, turgid and hardened to the point where, if she were stupid enough to take it into her mouth, it could probably bulge out a significant chunk of her throat. Instead, the vixen ran her tongue from the very base up to the top, marvelling at the sounds it was making; its leathery skin creaked and groaned like plastic being stretched, and indeed Rebecca couldn’t help but notice that it took her a little bit more time to reach the tip than it usually did, almost as if her licking the damned thing had made it grow longer. The two balls she held in her hands were heavier as well, weighing down just enough that she could tell the difference; whatever was happening to Andy’s body, he was finally becoming as virile as she liked to imagine him being, so she wasn’t going to say anything to complain, lest it… well, stop. That’d be terrible. The rest of Andy wasn’t too far behind, though not as exaggerated as his male assets had been, seeing as his physique was already as close to perfect as a mortal man could be; still, there were a few blemishes that could be fixed, minor imperfections that stood in the way of him becoming a perfect ten, not to mention a little more padding along the biceps just to make sure his muscles were the real center of attention, not that throbbing cock of his. With a single breath, Andy’s torso expanded to make room for even more muscle mass, his arms growing thicker and more powerful, along with his legs gaining enough weight to make the bed groan underneath the strain of it; very little of it was fat, giving him an Adonis-like appearance that only made Rebecca’s ability to resist his allure fail even harder than before. The vixen wanted to say something, but no matter how hard she tried, nothing came out but incoherent babbling and pseudo-words that sounded suspiciously like her murmuring “big…” over and over again; as far as Andy was concerned, this was exactly what he was looking for in his mate, and the fox was so engrossed in the sudden display of adulation that he failed to notice how his body was changing right in front of his eyes. The sense of power didn’t go away though, and neither did the sounds coming from his bed; as much as Andy might be blind to the fact that he was now growing outwards at a steady pace, he couldn’t ignore the thing he was standing on complaining so loudly about the extra weight. He briefly considered hopping off and just rutting his mate against the ground when he heard something crack, and a split-second later the mattress was in a short freefall towards the floor; his balance destroyed, Andy fell forwards onto it, forcing his lover onto her back and flattening his cock and balls against her face. All the air was knocked out of his lungs on landing, but somehow that didn’t leave him gasping for breath; if anything, when he inhaled afterwards he felt better than ever, like he could spring back to his feet in record time and have enough energy to skullfuck his partner several times over before beginning to feel tired, a partner that was, by that point, still squirming around underneath him, taking the opportunity provided by his fall to indiscriminately lick and nibble at his most sensitive parts while moaning so loudly that it didn’t even sound muffled at all. Only after getting back on his feet did Andy come to understand that something was definitely off about his body, mostly because he hit the top of his head against the ceiling before straightening his back out. It took him a second to process, during which he wondered if the mattress had fallen upwards somehow, after which he let out a quick yelp, took a tumbling step backwards, then crash-landed on his wardrobe a moment later, turning it into a pile of wooden splinters and seriously weakening the structural stability of the wall behind it. Cracks radiated from the impact zone, and though the fox should, by all accounts, have been injured by the fall, there wasn’t even a single scratch on his skin. In fact, after scrambling to a standing position, he found that he couldn’t even stand up straight at all despite being on the floor, his neck forced to bend due to him being so tall. He looked down at himself, trying to come up with an explanation, only to find… nothing. Nothing but his own colossal, room-dominating body and Rebecca staring at him from below, openly drooling and looking like she was about to faint from overstimulation. He himself could barely comprehend what was going on, but ultimately decided to roll with it and carry on with the roleplay; after all, now that he was the sort of colossus that he loved to portray himself as, it was only fair! “Well, it would appear that your gracious god has decided to bless you with his presence,” he declared, Rebecca swooning in response, “but such a boon does not come without a cost; merciful though I may be, to show myself to such a loyal subject still requires a price…” Said price was the usual: move forward and allow the vixen to wrap her hands around his cock and do with it as she pleased, usually slobbering all over it while her hands alternated between pumping its length and squeezing the nuts next to it. The biggest difference was literally in size; while it used to be that his shaft and orbs were big enough that Rebecca could grab whole handfuls of it, now it was… somewhere beyond it. Not only was it much larger in absolute terms, what with Andy now being taller than his room, but it was bigger than it used to be proportionately; while beforehand it might’ve reached his belly button if he pressed it against himself, now it rose slightly beyond it, not to mention the extra thickness as well, with the two pendulous orbs beneath it each being about the size of a ripe watermelon each. It made for a sensitive package, and one that reacted almost instantly to even the slightest of touches with so many electric signals that the fox giant’s pleasure centers were in danger of becoming overloaded, but… but he didn’t want it to stop. If anything, he wanted more of it, and felt as if this sudden transformation was naught but the start of something greater; if he’d gotten that far already, who was going to stop him from becoming even bigger? Thus, he took a step forward, his cock looming over his tinier mate. He silently pointed at it, then at the vixen, signalling for her to get up and get to work on it; Rebecca didn’t need to be told twice, dutifully balancing on her shaky legs and practically collapsing forwards onto that rod of turgid cockmeat, her eyes rolling upwards into her skull when the powerfully masculine scent hit her. Almost immediately afterwards, Andy felt his body growing tight all over, like air had been pumped into him and his skin had been stretched to the breaking point; he could hear his muscles creaking and popping as more mass was deposited into them, every ounce of unnecessary fat burned away from him as his shoulders widened, his legs thickened, and his overall frame rose ever higher towards the heavens. Now he had to press the top half of his back against the ceiling rather than just his head, and feared that any movement might cause the whole thing to collapse; that said, on the other hand, he was now holding up the floor above him with nothing but raw muscle power, and he found that to be so unbearably arousing that his body reacted by giving him yet another size boost, resulting in a very horny-sounding Andy smashing his hands against the wall in front of him and very literally piercing through to the other side, collapsing large chunks of it in a cloud of plaster that covered most of their kitchen. The whole room was rumbling by that point, courtesy of the fox’s body becoming unsustainably large, and it wouldn’t take long before chunks of the ceiling began to fall down, the radial cracks spreading wider and wider until they could no longer hold back; with a loud, horrifying grinding noise, the upper floor came crashing down around them, screaming erupting from the distance as their upstairs neighbor narrowly avoided falling in as well. Thankfully, Andy’s body had become large enough that he prevented most of it from falling on top of Rebecca’s head; the vixen was still safe and sound beneath his care, and now he had more room to stand up straight and get his back in order… only to immediately bump his head against the ceiling two floors above. Things were going a lot faster than he thought they would, but that didn’t stop him in the slightest; if anything, suddenly being turned into a literal giant only further incentivized him to play along with whatever was happening, even with Rebecca becoming increasingly unable to service him properly. There was only so much the vixen could do, given that she wasn’t also growing alongside him, but bless her heart, she still tried; jumping up, she held onto her lover’s shaft and struggled to bring her feet up as well, hanging off of it for dear life as Andy’s body continued to groan loudly enough that he could barely hear his own thoughts, let alone the panicked screaming that erupted all around him. It wasn’t just his upstairs neighbor anymore, but most of the building, given that he had just knocked out a substantial amount of its inner frame and the whole thing was on the verge of collapsing at the slightest disturbance; a throng of terrified tenants flooded the streets outside, trampling over one another to get as far away from the future disaster area as possible, all while the fox god responsible for it continued to crumble the building itself from within, finding it to be ever more cramped with each passing moment. With his overall shape more or less settled for the time being, it was apparently time for him to just grow outwards in every direction, becoming taller, wider, stronger, too big for his prior home, too big for every home around it even; two floors were cleared, then three, both of his arms scraping against opposite sides of the apartment block, and yet he didn’t feel any of it. Andy would’ve expected cuts, scratches or bruises, especially with the amount of glass that he was tearing through, but it was almost as if all the damage and debris just bounced off of him harmlessly, leaving his physical avatar as perfect and unblemished as it should be. Even when large blocks of concrete fell on his head, he barely felt them; the tiny things broke in half on impact, shattered into pieces when falling onto his shoulders and were then ground into dust after being trapped between one of his arms and some other solid surface. From the outside, all that anyone could see was a growing cloud of dust, puffs of it firing off from windows that only showed something big, orange-brown and curiously fluffy growing upwards inside the hollow interior of what had been their house just moments ago. From within, they could hear Andy’s roars, the fox unable to control himself or his need to vocalize, the arousal being too strong to hold within himself; he had to let the world know what he felt, not only for its own sake, but to assert himself as their new, undisputed ruler, because it wasn’t about size anymore. Part of the roleplay between himself and Rebecca had been about power, after all. The power to do whatever he so desired, the exultation of his grandiose station as the master of all that existed, a titan of awesome power that could crush planets in his grip, but chose not to as part of the whole “merciful god” act. And while that had been harmless fun and all, it had never gone past it… but now that he was truly becoming a colossus, even if it was just some elaborate, collective mass hallucination, who was going to stop him from doing exactly what he said he would do? Who was going to stand in his way and tell him he couldn’t become the ruler of all that was? Assuming that he just kept growing, then there was literally nothing anyone could do at all, and soon he would be traversing the space between entire cities with a single step, displaying himself to everyone that lived and letting them know, in no uncertain terms, who the new boss was. The vixen, meanwhile, was still holding onto his shaft for dear life, but apparently decided for a brand new approach: rather than fighting against gravity all the time, she had wrapped both arms and legs around as much of his girth as she could, then shifted around so that her back was against his front; this way, Rebecca was constantly being smushed against her very own fox god, squished between his rock-solid abs and even harder shaft, a perfect place to be once the latter grew so much she couldn’t even reach the other side of it even while extending her arms as far as they went. “Bigger…” he told himself, growling all the while, “Not enough… bigger!” It was a command, one for his body to obey if it knew what was best for it. Not enough for him to simply become larger, Andy had to make sure the whole world knew about it! “Bigger!” the fox god shouted, “Bring the house down!” It was all a matter of time. The building was crumbling around him, the load-bearing walls were a thing of the past, and all that was needed was for him to get done with one, final push to utterly destroy whatever was left of the structure. The crowd outside wouldn’t have to worry about falling debris; when Andy was done, outstretching his arms, arching his back forward and letting loose a growl-turned-roar of such deafening intensity that it shattered glass in a mile-wide radius, there wouldn’t be any debris to fall on anyone, the only thing left of the once-large apartment block being floating specks of dust and the occasional bit of plaster that miraculously escaped the final burst. The fox giant emerged from within his “cocoon”, head thrown back and staring at the heavens; as he waited there, breathing in deeply and waiting for his heart to slow down, Andy contemplated what he was looking at. The deep, blue sky, stretching up and out towards an infinite universe that no one had yet claimed. He could still feel himself becoming bigger, more powerful; his muscles were still bulking up, his physique further refining itself as it went from merely athletic and muscular to that of a true bodybuilder, not only being capable of snapping steel beams between two fingers but looking like he could do so as well. His package was something extraordinary as well, given that it just kept up creeping up his torso and becoming heavier down below at the same time, until he was left with a pair of palm-filling orbs (for his own palms, at least) and a cock big enough that poor Rebecca could barely measure up to its length. Not that the vixen was complaining about it; being stuck between a shaft of that size and a fox of Andy’s stature was the closest she’d ever gotten to a true dream come true. And maybe it was her continued worship, or the fact that the tiny ones all around him were starting to come around to the idea of having a giant such as him to throw their praise at, but Andy was feeling the raw, burning pleasure of being adored as a living avatar of perfection; so much so that the first thing he did after getting his bearings back was turn towards the crowd… and proceed to show off. He didn’t have to do much, just a couple of steps towards them and a simple pose to frame that massive, throbbing cock of his against a body that just kept getting wider and thicker in all the right ways. He felt like he could lift an entire city up on one arm and come out of it complaining about how easy it was… and judging by how things were going, he probably would be doing that before the day was out! So why not take advantage of this and make sure everyone around him knew exactly who they were dealing with by making himself look even taller than he already was? A feat, to be sure, given that he was already higher up than his old apartment building, and still kept on packing more and more size regardless of what he did; either standing still or deliberately flexing, his body continued to expand and engorge, becoming more like the image of his perfect self with every second that passed. “Your god beckons,” he proclaimed, allowing his voice to travel over the rooftops and boom into the distance, shattering glass in the closest buildings, “and you will answer.” To say that Andy was undergoing a slight bit of a power trip would be a massive understatement; his head was little more than demands for greater size and more power, shouted at himself on a loop. It made it hard to focus, really, unless he was externalizing it in some way. “This world belongs to me now,” he kept going, no longer thinking on whether he sounded imposing or was just trying too hard, “and you will obey every command you receive.” The crowd gathered at his feet, not knowing how to react to what was happening in front of them, went through a rather complicated turnaround in terms of emotions, from terrified fright, to inexplicable interest, to tacit acceptance and then finally full-on adoration. Just like with Rebecca, all the other little ones came to understand that Andy was their new god, their new divine ruler who would usher in a brand new golden age or… something of the sort; they were free to come up with their own interpretation of how the events would pan out, the fox god wasn’t about to get bogged down in theological questions. As long as his worshippers deferred to him as their deity, then he couldn’t care less about what they thought of him… and if that held true, then why was he even wasting time looking at them? He had a whole city to lord over, and then a whole word, and there he was showing off a single building’s worth of tiny little insignificant specks and whoever else happened to be nearby. Grinning madly to himself, he readjusted his shaft to keep his precious vixen close to him, turned around, and then walked down the street towards the downtown area. At first, his head just barely poked up from the tops of the buildings around him, barely enough for him to get a good look at the city’s skyline while moving towards the centermost part of it. With each step he took, however, that deficiency was “corrected”, with his body growing upwards inch after inch, the divine avatar of perfection that was his physical form becoming ever stronger, until he had to start pushing those buildings away from him just to have enough room to walk through. Soon, he wouldn’t merely be peeking out from over the rooftops, but towering over them, looming over the entirety of the urban jungle, all while wrecking any and all structures that happened to be in the way. He no longer cared if anyone was inside those things, nor did he have the time to consider if anyone might have an issue with him becoming the god he was always meant to be. As far as Andy cared, this was his ascension, and if anyone had a problem with that, they could take it up with him in order to be ignored and stepped on… something that had become the norm for quite a few people underneath him, seeing as his paws were now big enough to effectively flatten anything they might step on, leaving him with an enormous amount of tiny ones clinging to his soft pads and slowly losing their minds to the comfort of it. Once more, he didn’t particularly care; just as long as they kept worshipping him, they could do it in any way they saw fit. Besides, none of them were Rebecca. The vixen had consistently been the most fervent of admirers in the short time since the fox god had embraced his new divinity, and despite the fact that she was now woefully undersized compared to him, she hadn’t given up trying to service him with as much excitement and gusto as she had up until then. Even when her body became naught but a fraction of the size of Andy’s shaft, Rebecca kept on rubbing herself all over it, using every muscle in her body to indulge in the quasi-obscene excess of it all; even from up above, her partner could hear her lustful moans, her begging for more, her voice cracking as the yips and yelps turned into nonsense words that barely resembled language. Safe between the veiny pillar of cockmeat and a set of abs so sturdy that her back hurt from being grinded against them, all the vixen could do was surrender herself to pleasure of it all, unable to think properly, unable to bring her mind to bear and do anything more than flail around and hope that would do… something. It was unclear what it was she expected to accomplish, but Andy had to appreciate the attempt, even if it wasn’t all that much compared to everything else he was feeling; no matter how hard Rebecca tried, nothing could ever compare to the feeling of absolute power and dominance that came with having a body like this. Whenever he flexed, he heard his biceps groan loudly as more mass was added onto them. Whenever he tensed up he could feel all of his body bulging out, making him look more and more like a career bodybuilder with a knack for self-sculpting. And whenever he brought his hands to his cock, it grew just the smallest bit more compared to his body, until he sported a rod of such colossal dimensions that he could probably use a skyscraper for a condom and it would feel too tight on him. But even that wasn’t enough. He could tower over a whole city, casting a shadow that kept it permanently in the dark, and that still wouldn’t be enough, not because it wouldn’t feel great, but precisely because it wasn’t what he deserved. He could see it now, even if it had been hidden before: he hadn’t just become a god, he had always been one. Why else would Rebecca have fallen so easily under his sway, insisting that they take their “roleplay” to their daily lives? Why else would that “roleplay” have even come to be, if not as a manifestation of a power that had always been there, lying in wait? And, perhaps most importantly, why else would that power have manifested itself, turning him into a colossus of immense proportions that turned everyone who saw him from a panicked, screaming mess into an obedient worshipper, ready to fall down on their knees and spend eternity lavishing praise upon him? It only made sense that this was exactly what he was always supposed to be, and reality was just now asserting itself, making right what had always been wrong. “Mrrf…” the giant growled, even that tiny sound being enough to cause a small quake around them, “Keep out… out of my w-way…” It was getting harder to resist it. Soon, he would be exploding with size and taking everything with him. One hand on top of a roof, another holding onto his own chest, he fought against the need to roar like a beast. “I can f-feel it… g-gods, I can feel it burning… I c-can feel it… bright… so tight...” It was inside of him. His growth had halted for the last few minutes, but it hadn’t stopped, much less slowed down; rather, it had merely been keeping itself from manifesting, just so it could give Andy the sort of treat that he, as that world’s new god, truly deserved. He wouldn’t just be slowly going up by inches at a time, no; as soon as that dam broke, and it was going to break extremely soon, the city would most likely cease to exist altogether, flattened by a single paw as he ascended towards the heavens where he belonged. And from there, who knew where else he could go? The world was his oyster, his playground, his to do with whatever he pleased… and there with him, every step of the way, would be his loving Rebecca, his perfect vixen, his divine consort. So what if she wasn’t as big as him? Nothing was as big as he was… or would be, at least. What mattered was that her love, her devotion had helped him become what he was always meant to be, and for that, he would be eternally grateful. He breathed out, emptying his mind. He was ready. Today was the day of his ascension.
Title: 3 Is a Magic Number Ch. 17 Tags: brother, sister, cheerleader, cousin, redhead, creampie *All Characters 18+* \*\*\*\*\* We all got cleaned up as quick as we could, and Katie drove the two of us to our house. I tried to get Julia to come along with us; but she flatly refused, saying that she had something that she had to do. I must say that I felt a bit betrayed by her refusal. It seemed like it was a really long drive home with possible jail time weighing on my mind. Had I really given that kid enough of a beating to get arrested? The entire event was fuzzy in my mind. All I remember was white hot rage, and then the girls putting themselves between him and me. I knew that going to that fucking party was a bad idea. We pulled into the driveway, and our mom hurried out of the house, and gave me a protective hug. It was a little unexpected. "Are you OK, Jack? Were you hurt?" My mom pulled away from me, and seemed to be inspecting me for damage. "I'm fine, mom; really. I skinned my knuckles up. That's it." She looked at my hand that was sporting three adhesive bandages, but said nothing. She led the two of us into house, and we sat down in the living room. Now the interrogation would begin. We explained exactly what happened. It was simple. That Brandon kid had pushed my pregnant sister down, and I defended her. Katie chimed in, telling Julia's account of how that Brandon kid had slipped something in her friend Sarah's drink, and raped her. My mom took it all in, and just sat looking at us for a full minute. Then she sighed. "Jack," my mom finally said, "Violence is never a good solution to any problem; although I can understand your reaction. "I'm sorry, mom. I just couldn't help myself. I saw him shove Katie down, and the next thing I knew, the girls were pulling me off of him. I just kind of blanked out." She nodded, but her eyes were unfocused, as if she was seeing something in another time. "That's just how your father was, Jackson. Times have changed since he was a teenager, though. Maybe we should get you into anger management counseling." My sister gave me a warning look. She hated psychiatrists, and I could tell by her expression that she didn't agree with this idea. I was not willing to upset my mother; especially not when she was being this understanding about a major fuck up. "If that's what you want, mom. I could try it out. What do I do now?" She pursed her lips, before answering. "The officer who came by this morning left a card." She got up, and scurried across the room, like a frightened bird. My mother will always be the same. I knew that she had attached to card to the refrigerator with a magnet. I heard the click of the magnet reattaching to the fridge, and she came out of the kitchen holding a business card. "He told me to give you this, and to have you call this Detective Harris. I guess you should call him, and see what he says." I took the card, and pulled my cell phone out of my pocket, and dialed the number. It rang twice, and then was answered by a man with a deep baritone voice. "Detective Harris..." I had a lump in my throat the size of a golf ball. I almost panicked, and hung up; but, I got my nerves under control. "Sir, my name is Jackson King. An officer left your number with my mother this morning with directions for me to call you." "King, yeah..." his voice trailed off like he was trying to remember exactly why he wanted to talk to me. It was just a second, and then he seemed to remember exactly why he needed me. "Yes, I need to talk to you in connection with an assault that took place last night. Would you be willing to come down to the station, and give a statement?" "Yes sir, I can do that. When would be a good time for you?" My heart beat loudly in my ears. "Now would be good for me." He sounded non-committal, and I didn't know exactly what to read into that. "I can be down there within a half an hour." I lived ten minutes from the Sterling Heights police station. "OK, Mr. King. I will see you in a half hour." He disconnected without a goodbye. My mother insisted on taking me, and I couldn't have made Katie stay behind, even if I chained her up in the basement. She would do a Houdini, and end up in the back seat of the car before we would get out the front door. I still couldn't help but wonder what the fuck was so important that Julia couldn't come along with me. I know that I would have been with her, had our situations been reversed. The ten-minute drive went by with an unnatural quickness. The police station is a very modern, two story building in the downtown area of Sterling Heights. It is a small city, but it has a well-financed and highly trained police force. We went and talked to the officer at the front desk, who instructed us to sit down and wait while he got a hold of Detective Harris by phone. A few minutes later a heavy steel door opened, and a man in a blue suit called my name. I stood up, feeling like I was carrying an extra one hundred pounds on my back. He was a middle aged man, who would have looked more at home in front of a class teaching English than chasing down criminals. My mother and sister accompanied me as he led us down a hall full of offices. He stopped at one with an open door, and ushered us inside. He introduced himself, and I introduced my mother and sister, along with myself. "Mr. King," the detective pulled a small voice recorder out of his desk drawer, "I am required by law to inform you that I am recording this conversation, and that anything that you say will be admissible in a court of law. Do you understand?" "Yes, sir." "You have the right to have an attorney present. Would you like to call an attorney, or have us provide one for you?" "Am I under arrest?" The detective never even blinked at this question. "No, Mr. King. Not at the present time. I just want you to know your rights." "No. I don't need an attorney." I looked over at Katie, and I saw the fear in her eyes. Worse than that, I saw that she somehow felt responsible for me being here. I reached over and took her hand in an effort to reassure her. "Last night we received a report of a disturbance at 2475 Downing Street. The report that was filed by the investigating officers stated that when they arrived at the scene, a young man named Brandon Sims needed medical attention, as he had apparently been involved in a physical altercation. An ambulance was dispatched, and he was transported to St. Stephen's Hospital. Mr. Sims suffered a broken nose, a crushed cheekbone, a fractured ocular orbital bone, several dislodged teeth, and a detached mandible. According to the doctors, he will require significant facial reconstructive surgery." The fight lasted maybe five seconds. I couldn't believe that I could have done that to him in that short amount of time. All while he was saying this Detective Harris studied my every reaction. He not only studied my reactions, but those of my mother and sister. I decided right then that he was probably very good at his job. "When questioned by the responding officers Mr. Sims reported that Jackson King was the lone assailant, and that the attack was unexpected, and unprovoked. He said that, 'I was minding my own business when Jackson King attacked me like a drunken lunatic for no reason. He sucker-punched me, and the next thing I knew I was on the ground being pummeled by him.' The description that he gave fits your description, Mr. King. The investigating officers got your address from a witness on the scene, and proceeded to your address, where they found that you weren't at the residence at that time." He paused, and cleared his throat. "So..." he paused for the word to have its maximum effect. "This is the information that we have so far. I feel that there is probably a lot more to this story than what Mr. Sims would have us believe. There are usually always two sides to any argument, and I want to get to the bottom of this one. I am going to ask you a series of questions, and I expect the truth from you Mr. King." He paused with finality, and stared at me until I nodded in agreement. "Very well," he said. His tone was all business. It wasn't like in a movie where the police put you in an interrogation room, and try to sweat a confession out of you. There was no good cop, bad cop routine. I would have probably been less unnerved if it would have been more like the movies. At least I would have that frame of reference. This seemed more like I was in the principal's office; and that principal could send me to jail. "Did you attend a party last night at 2475 Downing Street?" "Yes," I answered swiftly. "I attended with my sister, and our cousin, Julia Chambers." Harris nodded. "Tell me about this party. Tell me in your own words what happened." I paused. I really didn't know where to begin. Should I really tell this cop that I beat the shit out of that Brandon guy? Would it matter to the court that he pushed my pregnant sister down? Would the fact that I loved her more than life itself; that I was just trying to protect her, and our unborn baby matter to the law? "Well," I began, with much trepidation. "Before we actually got to the party Julia and I drank some rum. Katie drove us, but she didn't have any..." "So," he cut in, "you and Ms. Chambers had already been drinking when you arrived at the party?" "Yes," I answered. "You are aware that you are underage, and that this is a crime in the State of Michigan?" "Yes," I answered again. There wasn't much point in dodging this part of the events when what happened later was so much worse. "How much did you drink?" Harris never seemed to be judgmental when he asked something. I guess this made it easier for people to tell him the horrible truth. "Between the two of us we drank a little more than half a fifth." He never batted an eye at this admission. "So, you and Ms. Chambers drank rum; and your sister, who was sober, drove to this party. What time did you...?" Detective Harris was interrupted by the ring of his phone. He picked up the receiver, and answered it with one simple word, "Harris." He listened for a minute. He said, "Are you sure?" He listened. "OK." He hung up. He focused his serious gaze on me. I admit that I scared shitless at that moment. What if Brandon had died and they were going to charge me with murder? "You are free to go Mr. King. I have no more questions. I should give you a citation for being under the influence below legal age, but I'm going to just give you a warning." I wasn't even aware that I had been holding my breath until I released it in an extremely audible exhalation. "Don't drink again until you are twenty-one years old, and drink responsibly. If you ever feel yourself getting out of control, at any time; walk away. If you feel threatened by someone; call the police." He stood up, and shook my hand. "I don't expect to see you back in here, Mr. King." "No, sir," I managed to stammer out. He showed us back to the front desk, and we left the station. We had almost got to my mom's SUV when Katie's phone rang. She showed me the screen. It was Julia. I heard her voice, even though her phone wasn't on speaker. "Did it work?" There was real fear in her voice. "Did what work?" my sister asked. We piled in the huge Cadillac, and Katie had a quiet conversation with Julia, and then hung up. "Well I figured out why you got off so easily back there." I turned around and looked at my sister's face in the back seat, and her mouth split into an impossibly wide grin. "It was Julia. She went over to Brandon's house and confronted him. She said that if he didn't tell the police that it wasn't you she was going to go down to the police station and swear out a statement about him; for rape. She said that she would claim that he slipped her a roofie, and raped her. She also said that she would get a lot of other girls to do the same: girls like Sarah." I marveled at the deviousness of her plan. If enough girls claimed this, the police would dig around until something stuck. If what Sarah claimed was true, who knew what kind of evidence that she had. "She said that he didn't take much convincing, and he called the police with her standing right there." I heard my phone chime in my pocket, and I pulled it out and checked the text. Julia: You owe me one, cowboy! I grinned, and I texted her back. Me: Thanks, Jules. What do I owe you? The answer came back faster than I believed possible. Julia: Anything I want :) Me: You got it, babe. \*\*\* Unfortunately, any kind of payback for Julia would have to wait, because I was grounded for the next two weeks. I thought that I was getting off almost scott free, considering that I broke that asshole's entire face. Besides, I still had Katie at home, and Julia could come and visit. I spent most of that evening talking to my dad about what happened, and about responsibly, and about methods that I could use to help control my temper. I even reluctantly agreed to anger management. My dad said that it was only a six hour course over a few days; and that if it were to help me even a tiny bit, it would be well worth the cost. The next day I did yard work, and then I painted the garage. It was ridiculous to be out working in the ninety plus degree heat, but I figured that after all the bullshit I put everyone through that I would just suffer through it without complaining. I had stripped off my shirt an hour ago, even though I ended up getting speckles of white paint on my chest. The real secret to beating the heat is to drink plenty of water. I sat down on the top of the picnic table behind the garage to take a break, and to drain the rest of my ice water. "Wow! You look really hot, Jack." I turned and saw Julia standing there openly admiring my bare torso. She looked pretty damn hot herself. She wore a small pair of soccer shorts, a bikini top, and flip-flops. She smiled when she saw me admiring her brief attire. Her light brown hair had almost gone totally blonde from the summer sun. I wasn't sure if they were natural highlights or not, but it was a good look for her. "You look pretty hot yourself, girl." She smirked crookedly, and drew close and kissed me lightly on the lips. I kissed her briefly, and then I pulled up short. "My mom is home." Julia laughed a low throaty laugh. It was very sexy, just like the rest of her. "She is working in her office, plus your sister is keeping watch for me. If your mom walks out of her office, we will get a phone call." Maybe payback won't have to wait two weeks after all. "So, you mentioned that I owe you." She laughed that laugh again, but her smile went from crooked to full blown grin. She stood against the edge of the picnic table's seat, her body leaning into mine. "Yeah, you definitely owe me, but that will be for another time. I just wanted to come by to tell you how much that I love you." She moved in, and kissed me again; this time with much more passion. I felt her hands sliding over my sweaty chest, her fingertips raising goose flesh even in the sweltering heat. My hands grabbed two handfuls of her ass. Only a cheerleader could have an ass that tight. She moaned a bit into my mouth, and I felt her hands slide down my belly, and start to undo the fastener on my shorts. I pulled back from the kiss. "I'm all sweaty, Jules." She unzipped the fly, and laughed again. "They're called pheromones, dumbass. God, I want you so bad. Raise your ass up off of the table." I complied eagerly, and soon both jean shorts and boxer briefs were being pulled over my shoes. She sat down on the bench between my legs, and took my semi-rigid cock in her mouth. I moaned softly as she bobbed her head up and down expertly. She went the exact speed, and to the exact depth that I preferred, and she continuously moved her tongue against the most sensitive part of my shaft; right below the head. I always recognized that she had major head skills, but it never dawned on me how she adjusted her style to exactly what I enjoyed until just that moment. God, I loved this girl! She didn't even miss a beat when I untied the strings on her bikini top, and it fell to the grass. She spent the next five minutes giving me one of the best blow jobs of my life. I have demonstrated a good amount of sexual endurance in the past, but this sex goddess was literally blowing my mind. She had begun to use one hand in conjunction with her head bobbing, and used the other hand to massage my ever-tightening balls. She stopped suddenly, and her baby blue eyes locked onto mine. "Are you ready?" I was puzzled by her question. "Ready for what, babe? To cum?" She her eyes danced with amusement. "Yes, but I want you to fuck me. I wanted to blow you so that you wouldn't take all day." "What about you, are you wet enough?" She laughed musically at this question. "I was wet enough for that when I got here." She smiled, stood up, and pulled off her soccer shorts revealing her freshly shaved pussy. Her excitement was evident as her wetness glistened in the noon day sunlight. She put both her hands on the table, and bent over; emphasizing the perfect curve of her pert little ass. I needed no urging; I hopped up, and was behind her in a flash. I slid my cock up and down her slit a few times to further lubricate it, and I pushed into her gently. She moaned low in her throat. I was glad that my mom had the windows closed because of the air conditioning. I grabbed her hips with my hands as I began to fuck her slowly. I knew that Julia is totally a different sexual animal than my sister. Katie usually likes to be dominated, and likes sex to be as rough as I can make it without physically tearing something inside of her. Julia likes sex in all of its forms, but doesn't necessarily need it to be rough. With her, I just had to play it by ear. She began to push back against me, meeting my strokes. She began to speed up gradually, so I figured that she wanted it hard and dirty. Not brutal, but hard. I began to push the pace a bit more. I was bottoming out with every stroke, and she loved every second of it. I felt her insides tighten, and I knew she was about to cum. She was doing an admirable job of being quiet. The only sound that gave away our sexual congress was the slapping of my pelvis into her ass. "Oh god, yes, Jack. Right like that." She said it in a low voice, and then she stiffened with her orgasm. Her pussy clenched around my cock like someone was inside of her flexing their fist. She made low moans, and no longer met my thrusts; she just leaned back into them, and let me pound myself into her over and over. My orgasm almost came as a surprise. I was in total control, and then the world blurred out, and was replaced by a burning ecstasy that made the noon day sun pale in comparison. I crushed her to my body, and squirted spurt after spurt of my seed into her still climaxing cunt. We stood there, locked together like erotic statues until both of our passions were spent. She sagged beneath me, and I held her up briefly. I twisted, and sat down on the bench seat, and pulled her nubile form into my lap. We both breathed heavily, and neither of us said anything for a few long minutes. We were content to just be close to each other, and to bask in the afterglow. "You scare me, Jack." Julia said this quietly, since her head rested against my shoulder, her lips were close to my ear. "Why do I scare you Jules?" She stirred a bit, and I felt my still-warm semen leaking from her snatch, and onto my thigh. Her lips grazed my ear with a playful kiss. I was very curious about her answer. "You scare me," she whispered, "because you are the only man that I've ever fallen in love with." She laughed a little. "I didn't even mean to fall in love with you. I just woke up one morning, and realized that it was a fact." "I can't picture you being afraid of anything, Jules. You always seem so sure of everything that you do. I didn't think that you had any room for fear with all of your self-confidence." She giggled a little, and nibbled my ear again. It felt really good. "I used to be that confident with you, at first; but after I realized that you weren't just a conquest, all of that was stripped away. Now I am just a girl in love. What a fucking clique; but it is true." "I love you, Julia." She shifted herself on my lap, so she could look me in the eye. "I know you do, Jack. This is new territory for me. Just remember that." She kissed me slowly, and deeply. I still marveled at the changes that I have seen in her in just the past month and a half. She broke the kiss after a minute, and sighed deeply. "The sex scares me too." She said this almost under her breath, almost like I wasn't meant to hear it. I couldn't help but laugh, and I got a mildly angry look in return. "OK, why does sex scare you, Jules?" The angry look softened a bit. "It's not sex in general that scares me, it's sex with you that scares me. I've had sex with guys; sometimes it's good, sometimes it's lousy, but it is all just sex. What is between you and I transcends that. I know that 'making love' is supposed to be different, but damn. Sex with you just keeps getting better and better, Jack. When is it going to stop? It seems to be all I can think about." I laughed softly, and instead of getting a mean look, she joined me. Before she could speak again I kissed her. She decided to walk around the outside of the house to her car, instead of chancing going inside past my mom. The twin white hand prints on her shorts would have given even my oblivious mother cause to think that something strange was going on. I enjoyed watching those hand prints walk around the garage towards the front of the house. I could still feel the silky fabric of her shorts on my fingertips. \*\*\* Katie's first appointment with Dr. Elizabeth Klein, her obstetrician was the next day. She was super nervous, and I would have loved to have gone along for moral support; but she decided that trying to convince my mom to break my punishment for that would look suspicious. Besides, it wasn't like I could have accompanied her into the room like other expecting fathers could. Her and my mom left, and I tried to calm her nerves by text messages as best that I could. We had a continuous stream of conversation right up until she was called into the office. After her appointment was over she texted: Katie: Everything went fine. We need to talk when I get home tho. I'll see u in a few mins. This worried me more than a little. What if something was wrong? What if by "fine" she really meant "I'm not pregnant after all?" I didn't know how I felt about even thinking that. I went up to my room, turned on some music, and fidgeted. It was music by my new favorite rapper; but even his mix of intelligent lyrics, and revolutionary thinking couldn't pull my thoughts out of the dark cloud that they were in. I heard the Cadillac pull into the driveway, but it seemed like an eternity before Katie knocked on my bedroom door. I told her to come in, and I stood up from my rumpled bed. The smile on her face told me that everything was indeed alright. She ran across the small space and leaped into my arms. I caught her as if she weighed nothing. She kissed me, and then she told me everything. The doctor confirmed that she was pregnant, and she got to hear the baby's heartbeat even though she is only a little over six weeks pregnant. The doctor said that it was super early for that; but not freakishly so. She held her phone up, and played me the recording of the rapid heartbeat of our child. I didn't realize that I was crying until a tear splashed onto my arm. Both of our moods were almost giddy throughout the rest of the day. It was as if a weight that had been around my neck had been lifted, and I could stand up straight for the first time in what seemed like forever. Katie had an extra bounce in her step as she set the table for dinner, and I enjoyed watching her. I had cooked the meal. It was simple spaghetti, with garlic bread, and a salad. It was something that even someone with a cooking talent as underwhelming as mine could accomplish. Dad and mom sat down for dinner, like a thousand other evenings at our house. It was nice to know that even though so many things have changed in our lives in such a short time, family was still family. We ate our food, and had good conversation. One day in the future, Katie and I would be eating dinner just like this with our little family; of course, our family would also include Julia. That thought brought a smile to my lips. "What has you in such a good mood?" My dad asked this question nonchalantly. "I was just thinking about the importance of family," I answered. My mom and dad smiled together. They knew that they raised me the right way. "To family!" My father held up his glass of wine in a toast. "To family!" We all repeated, and held up our various beverages. \*\*\* I saw very quickly that alone time would be at a premium until we left for Northwestern. I'm not speaking of alone time by myself; I had plenty of that. I mean alone time with either Julia, or my sister. My parents were always busy, but it seemed like fate had them on a mission to keep us apart. Spring is my mother's busiest time of year, and by August her business had declined to a trickle, except for some of her regular customers who are always redesigning their landscaping. My father, who usually worked sixty hour weeks, decided that he wanted to take a week of his vacation to spend with us kids before we leave for college. The end result is that we weren't alone in the house for over two weeks; and it was driving all three of us bat shit crazy. At least Katie could take some of her edge off with Julia at her house; however, I had no such luxury. I was grounded for breaking that douche bag's face at the party. I was bitter about being grounded, but Julia had really saved my ass by getting that kid to recant his statement. The three of us sexted all the time, and both of the girls sent me an endless parade of naked pictures. I sent plenty back to them; usually while I was alone beating my dick like I was the poster child for bullying. It wasn't like a threesome for me during this time; it was like the Bermuda Triangle of sex. I was adrift without my girls. Katie and I stole quick kisses, but that just left me feeling worked up, and not at all satisfied. I fell asleep, and dreamed about being alone on a deserted island. I had no idea how I had got there. I sat down on the beach, and began to think about things. There was a car; no, it was a plane. She and I had been together. She had short, dark brown hair. The plane lurched, and fell through the sky. The pilot regained control, but we were still descending at a dangerous angle. The plane hit the water, and broke up. I unbuckled, held on to my seat cushion, and I floated away from the wreckage. I looked for my dark-haired companion, but she was nowhere to be seen. The wreckage sank quickly, and I washed up on the island a day later. I heard my door click shut quietly, and I awoke with a start. I heaved in a deep breath. I still smelled the salt water, and felt the grit of the sand on my knees as I had hauled myself out of the water. "It's me," said a voice in the dark. It was Katie. She spoke in a carrying whisper. "Are you OK?" I tried to block out all of the sensations that I still felt from my dream as they began to fade. I willed my breathing to slow, and my heart rate soon followed. I heard the rustle of clothing being removed, and she climbed into my bed. Her hands were cool against my sweaty face. My sister's touch grounded me to this reality, and the last vestiges of the dream faded. "I'm OK, Katie." I heard her sigh next to me, as if she knew that things were far from being OK. "Was it another of those dreams?" She sounded worried. "One of your dreams that seem real to you?" Her arm was draped across my chest, and she hugged me tight. Her nude body was molded to mine. Her breath was cool against the hot skin of my neck. I still felt like I had just left the ninety-something-degree heat of the island. I nodded my head. She sighed again at my response, and squeezed me tighter. She knew that there was nothing that either of us could do about the dreams. I had occasionally had vivid dreams like this all of my life. The child psychologist that my mother had taken me to when I was seven said that I had "lucid dreams," and that basically nothing could be done about it. I had kept from everyone, including my two lovers how frequent that these dreams had been occurring lately, and their general disturbing nature. I felt her lips kiss my neck gently, and she worked her way up to my ear. She whispered into my ear, "I love you, Jack." "I love you too, Kay. It is hard to keep a thing like us a secret. Our relationship feels like the elephant in the room." I felt her nod her head in agreement. Her curly red locks tickled my nose. I turned onto my side, so that I faced her. "It is so hard not to run to you, and scoop you up into my arms when I see you in the morning. It kills me to not be able to kiss your lips, or caress your perfect ass." My hand gripped one of her ass checks for emphasis. "I have the same problem." She sighed as she said this. She had stopped hugging me so fiercely, and I laced my fingers through hers. Her hands were tiny. My hand looked like a catcher's mitt compared to my sister's. She sighed again. She must really be tired; or she must be really frustrated. "I have trouble not ripping your clothes off all the time, especially when we are all watching TV in the family room. I just want to mount you right there on the love seat while mom and dad watch NCIS." I chuckled, but kept the volume low. "I think you have problems, Katelyn." She giggled in my ear. "I think that dad might have a huge problem with his 'little princess' being impaled by my cock in the family room." She giggled again, and kissed my neck. I felt her body slide over mine as she straddled me. "You're right; I have a huge problem, Jack. I need your huge cock inside of me; right now." I felt the wetness of her bald snatch rubbing against my rapidly stiffening prick. I had a huge problem too; my parents were upstairs, and my sister is very vocal during sex. I took her face in my hands, and pulled her in for a kiss. She devoured my mouth in a very un-Katie-like gesture. She must be super horned up too. My cock had already reached full hardness, and I was very excited. I had to keep my mind on the task at hand. I broke the kiss, and I felt her trying to slip my cock inside her cooter with her left hand. "Katie, you have to be quiet." She nodded, but continued to try and insert my fuck stick. I grabbed her face in both hands roughly. This got her attention. "Listen to me, Kay. You have to be totally silent while we fuck, and even when you cum. This is non-negotiable. Can you do this?" She nodded. "Cross my heart, and hope to die." She smiled a wide smile; goddamn she was gorgeous." "I'm not worried about you dying; I'm more worried about me. Dad would totally kill me on the spot if he caught us." Her mouth covered mine, and she finally managed to line my cock up with her fuck hole. She pushed back, and my cock began to squeeze its way inside. Her pussy had always been tight, but the involuntary vacation that our sex life had taken made her cunt feel three sizes too small. I moaned softly into her kiss. She pulled away, and sat up into a more upright position to ride my cock better. I could barely see her, because my room was almost pitch black; but I could imagine her magnificent coppery curls moving as she rode me, and her large, perky, teenage breasts bouncing in time with her motions. I was picturing this image in my head when my orgasm hit me. It was so violent that it felt almost like someone had kneed me in the groin. My cock jumped and bucked, and sprayed my jism deep inside my sister's cunt. My hands gripped her hips to hold her still. I was still so sensitive that her continued movement was almost painful. By the time that I stopped cumming it seemed like I had came a gallon. I felt it running down my balls, and soaking a wet stain into my bed sheet. On the bright side; I couldn't get her any more pregnant than she already was. My breathing was labored, and she simply lay down with her head on my shoulder. Her hair tickled my nose again, as I felt her kissing my skin softly. "I'm sorry, Kay." Her lips stopped their motions. She giggled softly. "What are you sorry for, Jack?" I felt her slide forward, and my already shrinking dick slid out of her hot slit. It was like she had uncorked a bottle, and my cum leaked out onto my stomach. She resumed kissing my bare chest. "I' sorry for cumming so soon. That was like what, less than two minutes?" I was embarrassed. I could feel the heat in my face. Two weeks of no sex, and I go from being a stud to being a two-minute man. "There is nothing to be sorry for. You came when you needed to. And god, you must have really needed to. I bet that was a world record for the most semen in one orgasm." I felt her reach down, and start playing with the cum on my belly. She stopped, and I heard a slurping noise as she sucked her fingers clean. She slid her body so that her head rested again on my shoulder. She rubbed my chest soothingly as I enjoyed the afterglow of an intense orgasm. We said nothing for five or ten minutes. We just reveled in the feeling of touching each other, and of being close to the one that we loved. After we lay there for a while; I turned on my side, which rolled her onto her back. I kissed her neck softly, and ran my tongue up to her ear, and tickled her earlobe as I sucked it between my lips. She smelled of fruity shampoo, of soapy body wash, and of sex. I loved her smell. I pinched her nipples gently, and elicited soft moans of pleasure. My hand moved down her belly, until it found the hairless cleft between her legs. She was still very wet, not only with her moistness, but with my semen. I used this mix to lubricate my fingers, and I strummed them over her clit with a very slow and deliberate motion. Her moans increased, but she rolled her face into my neck to muffle them. "Jack." Her voice sounded tight, like she needed some kind of release desperately. "Yeah, baby." "Would you finger my pussy slowly, while I rub my clit?" I didn't understand how she could make her voice so silky at will. Without saying a word, I slid down her body until I could comfortably slide my finger into her without contorting my wrist. I slid my middle finger inside of her. She was slippery as hell inside, and hot as an oven. I began to gently finger-bang her. She took some of her wetness onto her first two fingers, and began to rub her clit. I could hear the wet squishing sounds that were coming from her rubbing herself. I leaned up, and took her perfectly erect nipple into my mouth, and sucked none too gently. She moaned, but it was purposely a soft sound; meant for my ears only. I flicked her nipple with my tongue, like I was licking her clit. "Oh god, baby. Just like that." She said this a little too loud. I felt her orgasm building inside of her. She rubbed her clit faster, and it seemed like her whole body was vibrating with energy. I felt her cunt muscles tighten on my finger as I worked it in and out. It felt like she had a swollen place right under her pubic bone, so I began to apply upwards pressure against this spot as I began to finger fuck her faster. When I did this, it was like someone stuck her finger in a light socket. I heard her grab one of my pillows, and put it over her face. "Oh, my god!" Her voice wasn't just a whisper, even though it was muffled by the pillow; and then all hell broke loose. Every muscle in her body tensed all at once, and she clamped my hand between her thighs. The inside of her cunt was doing the mamba, and she started squirting pussy juice everywhere. It was shooting out in torrents, hitting my hand, my forearm, and even my elbow. There was a flood of the stuff. Her back had arched, but her head remained on the bed. She looked possessed, and I guess she was possessed in a way. I guess her libido just took her over. She must have needed this even more than me, since she was the one who came to my room. Suddenly it was like all the bones were removed from her body, and she sagged to my mattress in a heap; with her thighs still wrapped around my wrist. I released her nipple, and began to kiss her belly. I have kind of a belly fetish. Hers was perfect. It was flat, and tight; but with a tiny bit of baby fat to make it soft. I couldn't believe that she even ended up with her girl cum on her own belly. I guess having convulsions like that could do it. I licked my way to her belly button. Her cum tasted kind of like the juice of a pear; only with a little more spice to it. Her belly button was filled with it, and I greedily slurped it down. I heard a muffled giggle from under the pillow, and she released her death grip on my wrist. "Holy fuck, Jack!" She barely whispered this, but due to her shortness of breath it didn't come out very loud. Holy fuck was right. It was a monster orgasm; but the squirting was what was impressive to me. My sheet was soaked like she had pissed the bed. I think it had already gone through the mattress cover. There was just so damn much of it. I crawled back up next to her, and pulled her sweaty body into my arms. Her face was against my chest. "Thanks, big bro." She muttered this quietly. That is when my unlocked door opened and a super-bright flashlight beam illuminated our naked, spooning forms. "What the fuck?" My father said this in an angry growl. I couldn't see his face because the brilliant light of the flashlight beam had temporarily blinded me. He pushed the door open hard, making it rebound hard off of the doorstop. "Daddy, please..." Katie pleaded with our dad. He was having none of it though. "SHUT UP, YOU FUCKING WHORE!" He was beginning to sound a little bit maniacal. "So now I see the soldier that got you pregnant." Katie slid off the bed into the floor between him and me, trying in vain to cover her naked body. "I don't know why I couldn't see it before." He was no longer screaming, he was speaking in a low even tone that was more frightening than the shouting had been. "It all makes sense now. All the furtive glances, and the inside jokes. How long has this been going on?" Katie stood in front of his still advancing form, one arm covering her breasts, the other held out in gesture in front of him. When he reached her, he pushed her down in the floor, and I heard her head thump hard against my dresser. I was up like a shot out of bed. I rushed toward him at full speed, and drove him out of the door and into the hall. I felt him crash hard against the wall opposite my door. He seemed stunned, but my blind fury was equal to what I had felt at the party. I heard my mom yelling somewhere in the distance, but as my step-father rebounded off the wall I caught him with a vicious right hand, and he went down, and he stayed down. My mother rushed between my unconscious father and my nude body. Anger seethed inside me, covering my vision in a red mist. My mother looked genuinely afraid of me, but stubbornly held her ground. "What is going on here, Jackson?" My mother seemed shocked and angry. "Dad pushed Katie down. Oh shit!" Kay had hit her head. I turned and ran back into the room, flipping on the light switch as I came through the door. Katie lay unmoving in the floor, a thin trickle of blood from her head staining my carpet red. My mom looked through the door and saw her nude form on the floor, and probably added up the 1+1=3 equation. "I have to get her to the hospital." I knew that I was freaking out, even as Katie began to stir. I tried to stop her from moving, but she pushed me away, and rose unsteadily to her feet. She looked at the unconscious form of my father. "Pack a few things, Jack. We have to leave right now." Katie said this even as she turned her back on her father's crumpled form and headed upstairs. I pulled so clothes onto my naked body. I grabbed a gym bag, and shoved a few outfits in it, and grabbed a couple pairs of shoes. I almost collided with Katie as she rushed down the stairs. She was carrying a backpack stuffed full of her belongings. I saw my mom helping my dad to his feet. He was still leaning heavily against the wall. "Are you OK, Katie?" She nodded, and pulled me out the front door into the night. I was pointedly looking at the drying blood on her face. "I'm fine, Jack. Head wounds always bleed a lot." I took her at her word. "You take your car, and I will take mine, and we will meet at Julia's." I nodded to her, and headed out to the street where the Porsche was parked. Sometimes life gives you lemons, and you make lemonade. Sometimes you just suck the lemons. Everything changes. It would take me a long time to accept this change. Family is important to me; Katie, Julia, and our unborn baby were my only family now. \*\*\*\*\* *So... This is the last chapter that I am just editing from my previous version. Now comes the hard part of writing an ending that does this story justice. I am pretty sure that I know what happens. I never really know until I write it. Please be a little patient with me, but expect me to submit it within a couple of weeks.*
Title: First Taking by draconicon Tags: Anal, Bondage, Dragon, M/M, Raccoon, Series, Story Progression Draconicon smiled at how easily the raccoon came to him. There was much that the two of them would be able to do together, particularly when he managed to get his new pet properly trained. Although he had thought that it was going to take a while, seeing that the raccoon was already coming to him, even if not eagerly, made him rethink that opinion. "Now, do you understand just what you are here?" he asked, hoping the raccoon would get the right answer so there wouldn't have to be some punishment. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jamie looked at the dragon, knowing that this male was a great deal stronger than him, and could apparently do magic that could hurt him a great deal, if he chose. He must have done the changes, but why would he have done that? It wasn't as if he needed to be a raccoon...though it had been something he had wanted for quite a while, if he was completely honest with himself. Hearing the question, he shook his head, waking himself back up from his thoughts. "I'm Jamie, a human that wants to be turned back and-and be let go!" he finished with something of a yell. He was a little scared now, both from what the dragon had said and what he had gone through lately. He never saw the chains creeping up from behind him and only noticed them when they latched onto him, pulling him back against the wall with a thud. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sighing as he heard the answer, he gave the mental command for the chains to come forward and watched the raccoon slam into the wall. The raccoon was facing the wall, his tail held by another chain so that his rear was completely bared to the dragon. Standing up and moving to stand behind the raccoon, Draconicon let out an audible sigh. "It seems that I am going to have a little more trouble breaking you into a pet than I thought," he said, just loud enough for the raccoon to hear. Lifting his tail slightly, Draconicon spanked the raccoon once, lightly for him, rather hard for the raccoon. "Your name isn't Jamie anymore. That is a human name, not worthy of your new shape. Your new name is Angelo," he said, each sentence punctuated by a spank. The dragon continued the spanking for about thirty seconds, long enough to make the red from the spanking show through even the raccoon's thick fur, and then stopped. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jamie was completely surprised by the chains, and he was shocked by what the dragon was doing to him. The spankings, the was as if the dragon had access to all of his most detailed fantasies. And now renaming him...if he wasn't actually feeling the pain from the spanks on his rear, he would be wondering if he was having a dream of this. wasn't a bad name, he had to admit. Just as he was beginning to relax into the chains since the spanking had stopped, he felt something else touching his rear. Looking back as best he could, he saw something he hadn't expected at all. The dragon's member was right up against his rear, and he was getting a good grip on Angelo's hips. That could only mean the dragon was going to mate with him, and he knew that his rear was not up to taking something that large into it. He tried to pull forward a bit, begging for a chance to be allowed to stretch a bit. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The dragon had been pressing the tip of his member against the raccoon's rear, but he hadn't been about to push in. After all, he wasn't a sadistic dragon. He might be a little pranksterish, sometimes, perhaps strict, but he was not sadistic. He did not get off on other's pains. However, he could not allow Angelo to think that he was going to just allow this kind of struggling and resistance. Smacking his rear again, he growled lightly. "You are my pet, Angelo. You may have me as a friend if you do well as a pet, but a pet you are. You need to learn just what kind of place you have." Yanking hard on the chains to lift Angelo off the floor, he left the raccoon facing the wall, and reached out. A bottle of lube floating to his paw, he slowly rubbed it over his member and his paws. The raccoon would be able to hear him speaking as he said, "Now, if you were a slave, or worse, a pleasure slave, I would have just taken you then and to hell with the consequences. However, since you are a pet, you are gifted with a position that I won't want to hurt. Thus, the lube." Just as he mentioned it, the dragon's lubed claw shot straight into the raccoon's rear, none too gently. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the dragon had pulled back, and seemed to do something else, Angelo couldn't help but feel a little relieved. Shaking his head, he even managed to tolerate the feel of the chains yanking him off the ground, cutting into his circulation, so long as he didn't have to take the dragon in the rear. He had seen the size of the dragon's member, and he was still attached enough to his virginity that he didn't want to lose it to something that size. Surely, it would rip before allowing it in. Besides, he was pretty sure he was straight. Yelping as the dragon's claw went into his tailhole, he couldn't help but arch his back a bit as it continued sliding in and in, the cool feeling of the lube a direct contrast to the hot feel of his own flesh, stretched further than he had ever experienced. Whatever else the dragon had, his digits were quite, quite thick. It just laid there, for which Angelo was quite thankful for, since he was sure that any movement would have him screaming inside of three seconds. The whimpers that went through his clenched teeth were a great deal different than the pained sounds a human would make, but mixed in there was a different sort of sound, one that he had heard some nights when he had been camping out at the edge of the forest...chrrrrr...chrrrrr... What the...he thought to himself as the dragon's claw began to move, only making the strange sound get louder. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Draconicon smiled as the raccoon began his chirring. It was a sure sign of arousal among raccoons, and he didn't have to look around to confirm his guess. It only took a small sniff to bring the smell of the other male's arousal to the dragon's nostrils, which in turn provoked a chuckle from the dragon's mouth. "Seems like you enjoy this more than you thought, don't you, my pet?" he asked, wiggling his claw around inside of the smaller raccoon, being careful to never nick those fragile membranes. He could feel the coolness of the lube begin to absorb itself into Angelo's warm rear, so he figured that now was as good a time as any to begin his playtime with his new pet. Reaching down, he began stroking his foot long length, holding the tip to his, hopefully, eventual friend's tailhole to increase the amount of lubrication. As a few dots of pre began to slide from his tip to the raccoon's rear, Draconicon only smiled further. "I hope you are ready, my pet, because whether you are or not, you are going to get deflowered right now," he whispered in the terrified raccoon's ear, leaning forward and releasing the chain just enough to allow Angelo to drop down on his cock, taking the tip and the first five inches into him in less than a second. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Angelo was sure that the dragon was being more gentle than he really had to be, but he was certainly not going to complain, particularly due to the fact that this was feeling really, really good now. The burning sensation of something in his tailhole wasn't gone, but the pain had been replaced by a feeling of fullness, one that was far more tolerable than the emptiness that he had felt before. He was even moaning now, in addition to the chirring. He didn't notice so much the chirring, anymore, because it just happened on its own. So did the moaning, but he was letting out a voluntary moan now and again as well, simply to keep the dragon doing this. The claw in his rectum, the heat that it was making him feel now were so good, and it was spreading all over him...then it disappeared, leaving him feeling empty. Beginning to look over his shoulder at the dragon, he gasped at the sudden touch of the dragon's bumpy member to his rear, and tried to pull away again. He was not going to take that into his rear, not if he had any say in the matter. The dragon's gravelly voice in his ear, promising deflowering, was somehow scarier than any shouted or whispered threat he had ever heard in any horror movie he had yet seen, and he struggled yet harder, the chains rattling from his movements. But nothing stopped the dragon, as Angelo watched his scaled paw grab the chains where they rested, and the chains clacked against their supports as they came loose for less than a second, but it was long enough to allow his master to drop him down on the master's cock, impaling him on that massive shaft. Screaming at the pain, Angelo's closed eyes allowed the dragon to give him another surprise. As he screamed for a few seconds, abruptly his mouth was stuffed with some leaves, leaves that he tried to spit out but couldn't, due to the dragon's paw over his mouth. Forced to chew the leaves by his "master's" moving paws, he reluctantly chewed them without the encouragement of the dragon...and continued, finding the taste quite to his liking. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Draconicon smiled, seeing that his pet was reacting much like he should to the herbs he had placed in his mouth. On most furs, it would only make them mildly more aroused, a little harder in the groinal area, but nothing more than that. However, with the sex drive that raccoons had, it was something that positively turned them into sex machines, and it seemed that Angelo was pure raccoon in that respect, as he was smiling from the dragon's motions now. Now, it was time to give the raccoon just what he was asking for. Releasing the chains a little more, he pushed the remainder of his member deep into the raccoon's tailhole, the huge length barely managing to fit in that tight space. Encouraged by the moans of his pet, Draconicon pulled his bumpy length out halfway, then thrusted right back in, knowing just where to aim to hit the raccoon's prostate, which made the raccoon moan out loudly in pleasure. So it went for another few minutes, the dragon gradually pushing the raccoon harder, entering faster as his pre lubed up Angelo's rear, the chains near to jamming from the speed that Draconicon pulled them at. He was so close now, so close to cumming in this first yiff he gotten in over two years. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Angelo was very close too, the aphrodisiacs that he had been forced to eat having pushed him to the edge and holding him there until his master came. It was torture now, his orgasm so close, yet held back until he felt the dragon cum. Yet another sign of his status as a pet, as if he needed another. Riding the dragon's cock as best he could, he clenched down tight with his rear, he let out all kinds of moans and pants, as well as his chirring. He tried to talk dirty, every single trick he had ever heard of that made someone horny and aroused, but none of them seemed to work. It was as if the dragon was impervious to another's attempts to arouse. Finally, though, it seemed that the dragon just couldn't hold back anymore, and as Angelo felt his rear pounded harder than anything other time in the last few minutes, he knew that his master was going to cum, and he was going to cum hard. Redoubling his movements, he drew several grunts, a moan, and finally a roar from the dragon as he hilted himself inside the raccoon, and shot stream after stream of nearly burning hot cum, filling Angelo to the brim within seconds and causing drippings soon after. As the flood finally died down and the dragon pulled out, Angelo fought with the feelings inside himself. Despite the rough handling of his 'master', it was beyond doubt that he had enjoyed it. He had only to stare at the new coat of semen paint on the cave wall to realize that. More to the point, the dragon had been gentler, and had paid more attention to him than anyone else had ever done, including his friends back in the city. Could it be worth staying with him?
Title: How to Eat an Elephant Ch. 11 Tags: mother, son, incest, taboo Our Moms thought they were ever so clever. They had weekly lunches to gossip about our love affairs, and that's what it was - love affairs - and to talk about which Mothers and Sons they would try to bring into the group. And let's be honest here. The group was Sons and Moms who were fucking each other. I don't know if they were trying to hide their weekly lunch get-togethers from us, but they didn't talk about them much with us. When I was brought into the group there was a general understanding that what we were doing, or in my case, wanting to do, was something that had to remain an absolute secret. Oh, sure, we each knew what was going on with the others, but we were bound to secrecy among us. It was like a "Mutual Assured Destruction" pact. If anyone had talked out of school we all would be ruined, so no one talked out of school. Besides, it's not something that comes up in conversation that often. "Oh, say. I'm fucking my Mother. It's pretty great." Yeah, that's just not something you should say as a conversation starter. If there's a lull in a conversation, better to talk about the weather, or sports, or anything, except that you're in a sexual relationship with your Mom. I was brought into the group by my buddy, Matt. His Mom, Susan, and my Mom, Anne, were close friends and, as a result, Matt and I were friends. Matt knew I had a thing for his Mom. Who wouldn't? She was one of those redheads who just takes your breath away. In my experience, redheads are either stone beautiful, or plug ugly, with no in-between. Susan was one of the stone beautiful ones. Matt had a thing for my Mom, too. If you look up "Soccer Mom" on Wikipedia, you might find a photo of my Mom, she's so stereotypical. She's a tall brunette who's going to gray naturally and although she's putting on some weight as she gets older, I think it's pretty well-distributed. I can remember the first time Matt and I talked about our Moms. Our families were having a pool party at our house. After the hamburgers, Susan and Mom went into Mom's bedroom to change into their swimming suits. Matt and I, without having talked about it, lurked in the den so we could see them when they came out. We didn't say what we were doing, it was just by mutual understanding. This was several years ago and we were horny teen-agers, so anything could turn us on. Both Mom and Susan wore modest middle-aged style swimming suits when they came out of the bedroom, and they were giggling at something. Mom had on a one-piece, and Susan had a two-piece suit. Matt and I sat there with our mouths open. Susan stopped and looked at us, and said something like, "Close your mouths, boys. It's just your old Moms," and then they walked outside, still giggling. I said to Matt, "God, your Mom is hot." "Yeah, so is yours, Ryan. Her butt is something dreams are made of." And that's how it started. From that moment, it seems like, our conversations about our Moms became more graphic each time. We tried to come up with plans for how we could seduce them, as if a teen-aged boy could ever seduce an older Mom of his friend. Whether it was possible or not, though, we would get so turned on by our talks that we couldn't stand it. Looking back, it was funny. We'd talk about them and then, one by one, we'd have a sudden urge to use the bathroom. We never talked about what we were doing in the bathroom, but for my part I know I must have flushed a few billion sperm down the toilet. I'll admit it, I always wanted to fuck my Mom. It didn't matter what she was wearing around the house, to me she was always beautiful and sexy. There was one time, and maybe this is how we changed our focus to our own Moms, when I saw Mom in her panties and a tee shirt. She had run to the kitchen in the morning to start the coffee for her and Dad, and I was already up and getting ready for school. Matt was right. Mom had an ass to kill for. I couldn't wait to tell Matt about it. "You won't believe what I saw this morning. I caught Mom in the kitchen, and she just had on panties and a tee shirt. You're right about her butt." "Whoa. Could you see it? What were the panties like?" "Just regular panties, but they were almost see-thru, and I could see her butt, I think. She didn't have a bra on, either, and her nipples were standing out." Matt was entranced. "God, Ryan. I'd love to get my hand on her butt. You think she'd let me?" "If anybody's hand is going to be on that butt, it's going to be mine. You've got Susan. Your hands should be on that red-haired butt." Matt moaned. "I know, I know. You don't think I've thought about it?" Normal teen-aged conversation, right? From that moment, though, we had acknowledged we wanted to fuck our own Moms. Oh, I'd still talk about Susan and Matt would still talk about Mom, but there was a tacit understanding that what we really wanted was our own Moms. When we went away to college, we'd still get together with the old gang on breaks. We were careful not to talk about our Mothers in front of the other guys, but when Matt and I would be alone, you could be sure that topic would come up. As we got older, both of us were a little guilty that we still harbored those desires. I mean, at some point you're supposed to grow beyond that, right? But we didn't. I know I didn't. My desire to get Mom in bed festered like a boil. There were times when I was consumed by it, and there were times when it was in my mental background, but it was always there. Usually, the times when it would come to the forefront was when I was in my dorm room alone and jacking off. Sure, there was the occasional coed who would occupy my fantasies, but Mom was always in there somewhere. That girl in my calculus class might start my jerk-off fantasy, but somehow it was always Mom who finished it. I can't tell you the number of times I would call home, late at night, with my dick in my hand. I'd talk to Mom, slowly jerking off, and that made it even hotter. She had no idea I had my dick in my hand while I was talking to her. After graduating and getting a job, I guess I matured a bit. I still wanted Mom, but it was like a pot on the back burner. It was always simmering, but didn't come to a boil anymore. I guess I realized some things are unobtainable and have to remain in the realm of dreams. Yes, I still dreamed about Mom occasionally, but that's all it was - a dream. All this is to give you background for what happened a couple of months ago. I was home for vacation, and Matt called me one afternoon. "Hey, Ryan. A bunch of us are going to O'Malleys to watch the basketball game. You wanna come and hang out with us?" O'Malleys was our local watering hole. From the time we could drink legally, that's where we'd hang out. We thought it made us grown up, having our own bar. It was a great place. They had separate rooms with big screen TVs, so each group could watch what they wanted. "Sure. Who's going to be there?" "Probably Jim, Bill, Chris, and Sammy. Maybe Andy will be there. You remember him? Point guard, a couple of years ahead of us?" "Yeah. What time? Game starts at three, I think." "Three will be good, or maybe a little before that. See you there." I got tied up in traffic and the game had already started when I got there. I went from room to room, and finally found our group. The rooms were great. They were set up like dens, with couches and easy chairs, and the guys were settled in with their beers. Somebody had smuggled in a couple of bags of Doritos that were being passed around. "There he is. I told you he'd come," said Matt. All the other guys raised their beers to me. Matt already had one waiting for me, so I toasted them in return and sat in an easy chair next to Matt. We were already down ten points and it looked like another blowout in progress, so there wasn't a lot of interest in the game. We were talking in small groups, and Matt, Jim, and I caught up on what we had been doing. It was kind of poignant. When we were all younger, we had some hell-raising times at O'Malleys. Now we were in danger of becoming our fathers, talking about grass sod and such. At least we weren't to the point where each of us would describe the route he took to get there, with arguments about which route was better. Matt leaned over to me. "So how is the beautiful Anne doing?" "She's fine. She's started yoga classes, so we're constantly bombarded with the joys and benefits of yoga. She seems to like it, so I guess it's okay." "She still hot?" That kind of took me by surprise. Matt and I had discussed our Moms in intimate detail, but only between the two of us. Now Matt was talking about her in front of Jim. I didn't want to seem like a pervert, so I tried to deflect him. "Oh, she's the same. She's letting her hair gray naturally, and I think it looks good on her." Matt took the hint, and we talked about something else. As the beer flowed, the conversations got more raucous. In a lull in our conversation I heard someone say, "She gives the best blowjob I've ever had. I guess because it's her, maybe, but it still takes my breath away." My ears perked up. Who doesn't like hearing about a good blowjob? I couldn't tell who had said it and when I looked back at Matt, he was smiling. "Wonder who they're talking about?," he said. "Dunno, but I'd like to get in on it. I'm in a dry spell." Jim had gone for another beer so Matt leaned over and whispered, "You ever make any progress with Anne? Don't try to tell me you don't still want that." I blushed, I guess, because I did still want that. Couldn't have it, of course, but I still wanted it. "Some things you want, you just can't have. I guess understanding that is part of growing up. To answer your question, though, yeah. She's still hot. Maybe hotter than she was." "Same with me, bro," Matt said. "Mom is still the hottest redhead I've ever seen." Laughing, I said to him, "So you tapping that?" I expected the same kind of answer I had given him. You can imagine my shock when he answered. "Yep." I spewed my beer. "Sure you are, in your dreams. Asshole." He didn't answer directly, but asked me again, "You still want Anne?" I thought I'd play along, since he seemed to be having fun with this. "Oh, yeah. You know I do. She's put on a little extra weight, and it's gone right to her ass. Drives me crazy." Matt looked at me. "That's all I needed to hear. You remember when you gave me your Packers jersey?" "Yeah. I loved that jersey. But you wanted it, and you were my best friend. You still got it?" "Sure do. I know I owe you for that, so I'm going to give you an even better gift. I'm going to give you something you will remember the rest of your life." I looked around. I didn't see anything he could give me. I did notice that conversation among the other groups had died down, and everyone seemed to be trying to watch us out of the corners of their eyes. I wondered what was going on, then noticed it was halftime. That's why people had stopped talking. I was glad we were talking about the jersey, though, so no one would hear me talking about fucking my Mom. "So where is it? Parked outside? You get me that Porshe I always wanted?" "Better than that, my friend. Better than that." I didn't know where this was going, so I laughed. Matt didn't laugh. He put his hand on my arm and whispered, "What if I told you that you can get Anne in bed? What if I told you it's not only possible, but can be pretty easy to do if you go about it right?" The other guys were all focused on the TV, where the second half had just started. "I'm listening," I whispered back. "You ready to give it a try?" "I dunno. First, it's impossible. Second, we're just starting to get along better, and I don't want to piss her off. Third, I don't want to get my ass shot off by the old man." I laughed, but what I said was true. It would be impossible, and it would be risky. I continued, "Better for some things to just stay in dreams, you know." "And if there was minimal risk?" "Minimal risk? Then yeah, I'd give it a try." Matt stood up, clapped his hands, and shouted, "He's in!" "What the fuck, Dude?" I had no idea what Matt was doing, but everyone in the room cheered and looked at me. Jim was back with beers for us. "Here's a life lesson for you. How do you eat an elephant?" Oh, now I got it. This was some sort of joke, and Matt was giving me the lead up to it. I groaned loudly. "Yeah, like I don't get enough life lesson lectures from Mom and Dad. OK, give it to me." "You eat an elephant a bite at a time. Little bites, but by the time you're done you ate the whole elephant and it didn't even know until it was too late." I laughed. I was a little confused by where this was going, but didn't want to look like I didn't understand. "Yeah, that's just what I want to do with my life. Eat elephants. Thanks for that." Everyone laughed, and I laughed with them. Jim wouldn't let it go. "That lesson applies to everything in life. What you want to do is just one of those things, but if you go at it like you eat an elephant, you can get where you want to be." "And where is that, Jim?" I was getting a little irritated. "In your Mom's bed." Now I was getting pissed. It's one thing for Matt and I to talk about it, but what the hell? What had Matt been telling them. I was getting ready to stand up and walk out, when Matt said, "It can be done, because we've all done it." "Huh?" Bill was sitting on the couch. "That's right. We're all doing it. You were never able to hide how much you wanted Anne, so we thought we'd bring you into the group. You good with it?" No I wasn't good with it. So the whole group had been talking about how much I wanted to fuck Mom? That's not cool. On the other hand, what if they were telling the truth? What if it could be done? "I might be good with it, if you guys aren't all bull shitting me." "We're not bull shitting," said Chris. "We're not bull shitting at all." I looked at Matt. "You and Susan? Are you shitting me?" "Yep. Me and Mom. She's hotter than I ever imagined. That red-haired bush is fine, Man, just fine." He looked around the group. "Okay, who was talking about the best blowjob you ever had?" Sammy pumped his fist in the air. "My Mom gives the best blowjob I'll ever have." I looked at him. I knew his Mom, Bonnie, and she was hot. Cute little blonde. I couldn't help but imagine her face on my dick. "You're serious, aren't you? This isn't some sort of hazing ritual?" "No, Dude. It's not hazing. It's fact. We're all in there. You can be, too, if you'll listen to us." "I'm all ears now. Let's have it." One by one, they all recounted how they were fucking their Mothers. Either they were telling the truth, or O'Malleys was putting some sort of psychedelic drugs in their beer. If it was some sort of mass hysteria drug, I didn't get it, so maybe it was the truth. If it was, then I was in. I told them that. Jim took charge. "It started with me and Bill, and we've learned some lessons along the way with each of us. There are a few basic principles that seem to be consistent." He sounded like a damned college professor. "...a few basic principles that seem to be consistent." "And?" "First, you have to understand your needs and your Mom's needs. You want to fuck her. Right?" I looked around. If they were all doing it, what could I lose by admitting that's what I wanted? I nodded. "What your Mom wants is for you to love her, totally and deeply. You can't get what you want until you give her what she wants. That's step one, really. You have to show her how much you love her." "That sounds easy enough." "Then you have to make her see you as a sexual being, and not just her little boy. That's the tough part, but once you get it out there, everything starts to fall into place." I looked at Matt. I still couldn't get the image of Susan's red-haired bush out of my mind. Then I thought about what Mom's bush might look like. What it might look like with my face buried in it. "So how do I start?" Chris said, "When's the last time you told her how much you love her?" "Maybe Christmas, I don't know." "Well, she needs to hear it every day. How do you kiss her?" "Maybe on the cheek. Hell, I don't know." They laughed in unison. "Just like us. That's where we were. Now look at us. A real gang of motherfuckers!" I laughed, too. The image was something. "Motherfucker" has become the ultimate curse word, but these guys were claiming the label proudly. We talked for awhile. Somebody explained that what she wanted was to know I loved her, respected her, and that she could trust me. Seemed pretty basic. As we broke up to head home, I said, "If you guys are bullshitting me, I'm going to kick some ass." Matt said, "Just do what we tell you, and see how it goes. You down for meeting here again later in the week?" "Sure," I said. "Why not?" When I got home the first thing I did was to find Mom. She was down in the basement doing her yoga. I don't know what pose she was in, but it looked good. She had her butt up in the air and it looked fine in those tight yoga pants. I waited until she finished that move, and then went up to her. She stood up, slightly out of breath, and I hugged her tight to me. "I love you, Mom. I hope you know how much." "What have you done this time, Ryan? You in trouble?" I laughed. Yeah, I could understand how she might think that. "No, not in trouble, unless loving your Mom too much can be trouble." She hugged me back, and I pulled her close. "I need to send you to O'Malleys more often, I guess, if this is the reaction I get," she said. "You want to learn some yoga with me?" "No, I don't think so. I'm working on my inflexibility. You mind if I watch you?" "Sure," she said. "I've just got a few more to work through, then I'll start supper, or maybe just order some pizza. What do you think?" "Whatever's easiest for you." I sat down while she got back on her yoga mat. I wasn't exaggerating when I said I thought she looked better with a little age on her. She had a strap top on over the yoga pants, and those tits were looking good. I noticed a little nipple action going on. Did yoga turn her on? Maybe it was my hugging her? That's how I spent the rest of the weekend. I hugged her whenever I could, and told her how much I loved her. I guess I was getting on her nerves because she finally said, "I get it, Honey. You love me. You don't have to tell me every ten minutes." So, lesson one to myself: Don't push it too hard. Be a little subtle. That had never been my strength, so I made myself slow down. On Sunday she was standing at the sink, wearing another pair of yoga pants. I walked behind her and hugged her from behind. I didn't go in with the idea of making it sexual, but that's how it worked out because I ended up with my hands on her belly and pulling her butt against my hard dick. She turned around and put her hands on my chest, pushing me away. "Whoa, Son. Don't forget I'm your Mother." "Can't help it. Those damned yoga pants on you drive me crazy." She laughed. "Try to control yourself." I hugged her to me, from the front this time, and made sure my dick was pressed against her. "What's gotten into you?," she asked me. She wasn't laughing this time. "I don't know. You've just always had that effect on me. I'm serious. I can't help it." "Well, don't let your father see you like that." She pushed me away and went back to the sink, while I sat at the kitchen table looking at her ass. She turned around to tell me something, and saw where I was looking. "Am I going to have to start wearing a burlap bag when you're around?" "Wouldn't make any difference. It's what's in it, not what you're wearing." This was getting pretty deep, and I wasn't ready for it yet, so I changed the subject. "I saw Matt at O'Malleys. When's the last time you saw Susan? How's she doing?" "I saw her a couple of weeks ago at the grocery store. She seemed very happy. I don't know what's gotten into her. She was practically bubbly." I almost choked. I knew what had gotten into her. "Matt's good. He seemed glad to be home." "And you're not?" "Of course I'm happy to be here. I've missed you." She came over and mussed my hair. "I've missed you, too, Honey. It seems like you were always here, and then you weren't. The house is empty without you, sometimes." "You keep wearing those yoga pants, and I'll move back home, Mom," I said. "You really like them that much? They're comfortable, but I think they show too much of my fat roll." When she said that, she pulled her tank top up a little and twirled around. "Whew," I said. "Looks good to me. I've always been obsessed with that butt of yours." "Too much information," she laughed. "I thought you would have grown out of that by now." "Don't think I'll ever grow out of it. Mom, you're fine, and you know it. If you were mine, I'd have you in the bedroom every minute of the day." She giggled. This was going better than I expected. She was upset with me at first, but here we were, talking about having her in the bedroom. "Oh, that wears off after awhile. If you haven't noticed, I'm becoming an old lady." "You're still the hottest woman I've ever known. You may not think so, but you've still got it." She made a shooing motion with her hands. "Oh, hush, you silver-tongued devil. Go in the den with your father. I'm going to do some yoga downstairs." "Mind if I watch you again?" "Will you behave yourself?" She giggled again. "I make no promises. That one you do where your butt is up in the air? No man could control himself with that going on." We went downstairs, and I settled into an easy chair while she got her yoga mat out. She started with some basic stuff, I guess, and then did my favorite. She was on her hands and knees and did this pose where her butt was up in the air and her head back. I noticed that she had been facing me with the other moves, but had twisted for this one so her butt was toward me. Was she doing that on purpose? Did she want me to appreciate her butt? Looked like it to me. This was going better than I hoped. When she finished that pose, she looked back at me, back on all fours. I don't know about you, but there's that move women seem to make while you're fucking dog style. You know, when you're pounding her and she turns her head to look back at you. It drives me crazy, and that's what Mom was doing. Maybe she didn't know what that look does to men, but it sure had its effect on me. "Ryan, you're drooling." So she knew. She knew how I loved seeing that ass. She knew how that look back would affect me. She did it on purpose. "Whew," I said. "You want to get a room?" That made her laugh. She finished her yoga and rolled the mat up, then stood in front of me. I reached for her and pulled her onto my lap. She hugged me, and the effect was that her tits were right in my face. I don't know what she expected me to do. I turned my head and hugged her so that her breasts rubbed right against my right cheek. She rubbed her fingers through my hair and whispered, "What am I going to do with you?" "I've got a few ideas right now," and I pushed down with my hands around her waist so that her butt pressed down on my dick. "That's not going to happen. Just put it out of your mind." In a teasing voice I said, "What's not going to happen?" Her voice took on a teasing tone, too. "You know. That." "Even if that's what I want more than anything? You wouldn't have to buy me a birthday present this year. It would be a lot cheaper." "Sometimes what's cheap in the short term is more expensive in the long term, Ryan. There are some things that can never happen." Good Lord. In two days I had gone from hugging her awkwardly, at best, to talking about whether she was going to fuck me. She might not have realized that's where our conversation had turned, but I sure knew. She had pulled back so that she was looking down at my face. I raised my hands to her back and pulled her to me. I bent my head forward and kissed her left breast. I don't know what her reaction would have been, because at that moment Dad opened the door to the basement and shouted down the stairs, "Honey? You about done? What time's supper?" She jumped off my lap and answered him. "I'm coming. I thought we might have pizza. Okay?" Then she looked back at me, shook her finger at me, and ran to the stairs. Dammit. I had her tit in my face, I was kissing it through her tank top, and then Dad had to interrupt us. I laughed when I thought that. Dads. The ultimate cock-blockers. He had no idea. We ate our pizza in the den while we watched a movie. Dad sat in his usual recliner, while Mom and I were on the couch. She leaned back on the arm and put her legs up on the couch, putting her feet against my leg. She tickled my thigh with her toes and giggled. Dad was into the movie, but neither Mom nor I were watching it that closely. I kept looking at her, laying there with her breasts straining against the tank top, and I noticed her nipples were hard. She saw me looking, and crossed her arms over her breasts. "Spoil sport," I said softly. "Bad boy," she said back, just as softly. The guys had told me to show her I loved her, and then to try to introduce a sexual component to it. I was already there. She could have no doubt what I wanted. What was it they told me? To get what I wanted, first I had to give her what she wanted. "I love you, Mom," I mouthed to her. "I know," she whispered back. "I'm glad you do. You're supposed to, you know." When the movie was over, Dad got up and announced he was off to bed. "I'll be up in a minute, Honey," Mom told him. After he left, we sat there for a minute, not saying anything. I reached down to Mom's ankle, and gently massaged it, rubbing my hand up her calf. "You're crazy, you know it?," Mom said. "What's going on with you?" "Same thing that's always gone on with me. I think you're even prettier now than you were when I first started noticing you." "And when was that? Last week?" "A little bit before that," I laughed, "as if you never noticed." "Oh, I noticed. It's just a phase boys go through. They're all in love with their Mommy." She looked wistful. "And then they grow out of it." "I guess sometimes we don't grow out of it, huh?" She got up and stood there, as if she was expecting something. I thought if she was expecting it, I ought to give it to her so I took her in my arms and, without saying anything, kissed her on the lips. It was not a passionate kiss. Just a kiss on the lips, but I couldn't remember the last time I kissed her like that. "Oh, get to bed," she said, and pushed me toward the stairs. I had to leave the next Sunday to get back in time for work on Monday, so I had a week to get things moving. I had no idea how I was going to close the deal. I had some experience with women and it seemed to me that when it worked, it just worked. There came a time when it just seemed natural to end up in bed together. Sometimes it happened according to the much-vaunted "three date rule," and sometimes it took longer. When it happened, though, it just seemed like another step in a progression. But this was my Mom. I had a feeling that the "three date rule" didn't apply to Mothers, and I had no idea how to progress. With anyone else, I would make sexual jokes and comments, but this was Mom. To tell the truth, I didn't think she really cared about sex that much. She and Dad seemed to just live together, and always had. I used to listen carefully at night to try to hear them at it, but never could. As far as I knew, they didn't do it. I held back and motioned for her to climb the stairs ahead of me. She knew why I was doing it and giggled, putting her hands back over her butt. "Spoil sport," I said. I still enjoyed her swaying ass as she climbed the stairs, hands or no hands. That was a fine ass. In bed later, I thought about where we were and where I hoped we would be. Relationships are funny. You go from stealing glances at breasts until, after you've made love, you're able to touch them practically anytime you want. I wondered if I would ever get there with Mom. Either way, success or not, I had her thinking about fucking me. Oh, sure, she would deny she was thinking about it, but how could she not be? She knew what I wanted, so she had to at least consider it. I wondered what she was thinking. "Should I let him have it? Will I let him have it?" Just thinking about what she was thinking was delicious. The next day Dad went to work and I had her to myself. When I went to the kitchen in the morning she was already there. I hugged her as she sat in her chair and kissed the top of her head. When I did it, I held the back of her neck and gave a little squeeze. "Oh, stop it," she said, but she didn't say it in an angry way. After I finished my coffee she said, "Are you ready to go down for some yoga?" Now that was progress. She knew I liked watching her. I didn't know about her, but all I could think of was how we were interrupted when I kissed her breast the day before. She went through her routine, and I couldn't take my eyes off her. When she got to my favorite one, she said, "This is the Downward Facing Dog. I think it's your favorite, isn't it?," and then she went into it. She first got on all fours, and then raised her butt up until she was in an inverted V position. The yoga pants strained across her ass, and I could see the outline of her panties under them. I moaned out loud. I didn't care if she heard me or not. "Oh, yeah. I like that one." "How about this one? This is called the Upward Plank Pose," and she laid on her back, put her hands under her, and raised her body until the only things touching the floor were her hands and her feet. Her head was arched back. Her pussy was outlined perfectly by the yoga pants, and I almost lost it right there. I noticed, and didn't know why I didn't see it before, that she was not wearing a bra under her tank top. She had been on the previous days. In this pose, her breasts were prominently displayed and her nipples were standing up like little soldiers. "Oh, I like that one, too. I really like that one. A lot." She held it for awhile, and then collapsed on her mat and sat in a cross-legged yoga position. "What do you like about it?" Wow. Was she flirting with me? She had to know exactly what I liked about it. Her question caught me off-guard. What should I say? Should I be honest? How could I frame it in an innocent way? I finally decided if she wanted to flirt, I would give it right back to her, but in spades. "It makes your breasts look delicious, the way they strain against your top. And those yoga pants, well, they show you off perfectly." I feared I may have gone a step too far, too fast, but she didn't get mad. "I thought so. Yoga makes me feel sensuous, somehow. I thought you'd like that one." She stood up and walked over to the chair I was in, the same one I was in the day before. Again, I pulled her into my lap and she giggled. "Now where was I," I asked, "when we were so rudely interrupted yesterday?" She put her hands around my neck and kissed me on the forehead. "I forget," she said. "Well, I remember," I said, and bent my head to kiss her left breast. She held my head, arching her head back, and pulled me in. I kissed her nipple through her tank top, and then sucked it. "Oh, my baby. You shouldn't be doing that. That's not what a son should do with his Mother." "I did before, didn't I?" "Yes, you did. You were always a hungry little bugger." She still held my head into her breast. I had my hands on her waist, and slid my right hand under her tank top, resting it on her smooth little belly. I started running my hand up, wanting to hold her breast, and she put her hand on mine and stopped me. "Honey, this is going pretty fast. I like playing with you, but there are some things we can't do, you know. Some things are off-limits, and always will be." "Maybe," I replied, "But what happens between us stays between us. There's nobody but us right now, and nobody can see." "Even if nobody sees, I'll know. I don't think I could handle the guilt, Ryan." Even with her holding my hand, I continued to push upward. She kissed me on top of the head, and released the pressure holding it from advancing. I slid my hand up and cupped her breast, rubbing my thumb against her nipple. She moaned. "This is what I was talking about in that plank pose. Your nipples are beautiful. They were begging me to touch them, weren't they?" She trembled a little and said, in a drawn out flirting little girl voice, "No." I squeezed her breast. It was soft and filled my hand. I pinched her nipple lightly. "I think they were. I think this is what they wanted," and I bent forward again to suck her nipple through her top. She held my head, pulling me into her, and reached her right hand under her top, placing it on mine. She then reached down to the waist of her top and pulled it up, over her breasts. I don't know what I thought about them when I was a baby, but Baby, I loved them now. She had a light dusting of freckles on them, and below her tan line they were milky white. The nipples were a light brown, and stood out a good half inch. I looked up at her face, and she smiled at me. "Disappointed?" "No way." I bent my head back down and took her left breast into my mouth. It was big enough that I couldn't get the whole thing in my mouth, but I tried. I sucked, while scrubbing her nipple with my tongue. "Oh, my God, stop," she said, but she continued to pull my face into her breast. She held her breast with her left hand, feeding it to me like she must have done, many years ago. I sucked and sucked, with her moving my face from one breast to the other. "It's been so long," she said. "I always loved feeding you." I couldn't say anything. What could I say? First, my mouth was full and my Mother always told me not to talk with my mouth full. More important, there were no words that could convey what I was feeling. I continued to work her breasts and started unconsciously hunching my dick up against her. She responded, moving her hips against my dick, and then she jumped up. "You see what I'm talking about? This is going way too far, way too fast. Honey, we have to control this. There's no telling where we'll end up if we don't have limits." "I'm good with limits, Mom, as long as they include those beauties. They were mine once, and I'm reclaiming them." That got a laugh out of her, and she gave me the dreaded Mom answer, "We'll see." That afternoon we just hung out together, talking and laughing. She seemed to love my attention, and I loved giving it to her. I tried to get at her tits again, but she slapped my hands away. "Time and place for everything. Remember that." I didn't know what she meant, but I wanted her to see that I could control myself, so I stopped. That night we watched another movie, and like the previous night she put her feet against me on the couch. I didn't hesitate this time, but took her foot and starting rubbing it. "Ooh," she said loudly. "Honey, your son gives a good foot rub. You might be replaced." "Good," Dad said, keeping his eyes on the TV. "There are some jobs I don't mind giving up." Mom laughed, and I continued rubbing her feet. She was practically purring. She had plantar fasciitis and rubbing the tendon in her foot relieved the pain, she explained to me. By that time my hands were aching, but I wasn't about to stop. Finally, she had mercy on me and said, "That'll do, Honey. I'm good now." I ran my hand up her calf, and slid my fingers under the bottom of her yoga pants, gently rubbing her skin. She made no move to stop me, but just smiled angelically. Again, Dad went upstairs first. This time I didn't hesitate when Mom stood up, but got up with her and took her in my arms. I kissed her again, and this time gently probed her lips with my tongue. She opened them slightly and allowed me in, then her tongue met mine. I was holding her waist, and slid my hands down to cup that curvy ass of hers. She moaned in my mouth, and then pushed me away. "Limits, Ryan. Remember." I sighed. Limits are a killer. I wanted my hands on her bare ass. Damned limits. She walked up the stairs ahead of me, and this time didn't bother reaching back to cover up her butt. She knew I was watching as I climbed the stairs behind her, and she didn't mind. That night I reviewed my progress. She might say there were limits, but so far I had been able to push the limits ever forward. I was sure I would reach a point where I couldn't push anymore, but I was determined to find that point and enjoy what I had. The next morning, Mom announced that she had some shopping to do at the mall and asked if I wanted to go. Normally, I would rather have been dipped in boiling oil than go to the mall with Mom, but this time I agreed eagerly. I'm glad I did. We had a great time. We wandered from shop to shop, and as we walked I held her hand. She liked that and, from time to time, would squeeze my hand. We walked by Victoria's Secret and I said, "Oh, let's go in there." "No way, Buster," she laughed. "Those aren't for my old body and besides, I think there's a rule against Mothers and Sons being in there together." I leaned to her and squeezed her hand as I whispered in her ear, "I think that's a beautiful body." She squeezed my hand in response, but didn't say anything. Just then we heard a voice behind us. "What are you two lovebirds up to?" We turned around, and it was red-haired Susan and Matt, and they were holding hands just like we were. God, she was gorgeous. All I could think of was her giving Matt a blowjob, so I must have blushed bright red. I looked at Matt, and he winked at me. "Ryan, when did you get home? Good of you to visit your poor old Mom. She wants to see more of you, you know." Susan gave me a hug, pressing her breasts against me, while Mom hugged Ryan. I noticed Ryan's hands were pretty low on Mom's waist - not on her butt, but pretty close. "Bastard," I thought, but then I was pretty excited by Susan's tits, so I guess I couldn't criticize. "Well, I hope so, Susan. I confess I haven't spent enough time here, but from now on, Scout's Honor, I'll do better." Susan laughed and Mom said, "Matt's looking good." "Oh, he is," Susan said, and got a warm look on her face. "He's my baby. He's doing everything right, I think." She then turned to Mom and took her arm. "Say, Anne, there's a group of us who seem to get together every week for lunch. You know almost everybody - Victoria, Sarah, Lisa. There's a few you don't know, but you'll like them. You want to join us tomorrow?" Mom looked at me and said, "I don't know, Susan. Ryan's only home this week, and I want to spend all my time with him." I jumped in. The group Susan had described included all the Mothers who the guys claimed they were fucking. Only good could come of Mom being with them, I figured. "Oh, go ahead, Mom. You young gals need to get out and kick up your heels. We've got plenty of time. Maybe Matt and I will go out for a beer." "Oh, okay, Susan. Where? When?" They arranged the details, and then we went our merry ways. Mom was a little pensive as we drove home. "I hope Susan didn't see us holding hands. What did she mean with that 'lovebirds' comment?" "Mom, she didn't mean anything. What's wrong with a son loving his Mother? What's wrong with holding hands? You always made me hold your hand when I didn't want to. Now it's my turn. Besides, she and Matt were holding hands, too, weren't they?" "I guess so," she said, "But we have to be very careful. Nothing out of line in public, Mister." Those were beautiful words to hear. She was telling me that we now had two sides to our relationship. We had a public side of a son innocently loving his Mother and a private side that had to remain secret. "Don't worry, Mom," I replied. "I'll never embarrass you. When someone else is around, I'll always treat you with respect and love because you're my Mom and I love you. But when we're alone? I want to treat you like the beautiful, sexy woman you are." "We'll see," she said, and then laughed when she saw my face. "Don't look like that, Honey. Sometimes 'We'll see' really means yes, you know."
Title: Dots and Dashes of Color Ch. 06 Tags: daughter, neighbor *WARNING: The following story is for the entertainment of ADULTS ONLY, and contains descriptions of explicit sex. If you are not an adult, or reading sex stories upset you, or you are offended by subjects of a sexual nature - do not read any further! This story is for entertainment only. It contains adult oriented material. This is a work of fiction. The acts and characters contained within are figments of my imagination and have no basis in fact. I do not practice, advocate, condone or encourage acts portrayed here. The characters in the story are entirely fictional. You need to believe that all of the characters are over the age of eighteen. This story may not be reproduced in any form for profit without the written permission of the author. This story may be freely distributed with this notice attached.* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* *This is the sixth chapter of a story that has grown well beyond its intended length and subject matter. I am no longer writing it - it is writing itself. My fingers are slaves to my imagination. Harvey and his daughter Annie joined Harry Cocksworth and his twin daughters at an overnight private party. Arcuda Zenellis, chairman of an international conglomerate, is celebrating his company's new invention, an adhesive named FasTack, and his daughter Saroya's 22nd birthday. Zenellis has offered $50,000 to each father who suggests a use for FasTack, plus an additional $50,000 if the father fucks someone else's daughter, under the guise of "mentoring." Mr. Marcus gets stood up by his mentee and goes to bed, only to be woken by a knock on the door.* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* Saroya stood in the doorway, wrapped in the ribbon of brown material like a sculpted mummy. I'd been a daughter-fucker and a mother-fucker. Was I about to become a mummy-fucker? She cradled two books under one arm, and held a hounds-tooth clutch bag in the other. She glanced down the hall in both directions, then stepped inside and pushed the door closed behind her. She was breathing deeply, her chest straining against the fabric. People don't think about consequences nearly enough. Certainly I don't, or I would have used protection when I was fucking Annie's friends. Although, in some of those situations, there was barely time to get in and out, if you get my meaning, let alone prepare. The hounds-tooth pattern on Saroya's bag reminded me of her father. He was wealthy and powerful, and a force to be reckoned with. So, what would be the consequences if I screwed his daughter? My penis drooped at the thought of getting severed from my torso. Saroya's voice brought me back. "You know who I am? " I nodded, my throat dry. "Of course. Saroya, the birthday girl," I rasped. Weren't they always? "I am here to learn from you. " "Uh, what subjects? ' Best to be precise in these matters. She held the books out to me with both hands. Her forearms pushed her breasts together. Even under all of that wrapping, they were considerable. The books were labeled Calculus and Physics. God, did I remember any of that stuff from college? "Okay. Have a seat. " Saroya chose to sit on the edge of the bed. "This is my first time. I've never had a mentor at the other parties. " It was inconceivable that a beautiful young woman like Saroya hadn't shacked up with somebody before. "I'm honored that you were assigned to me. " Maybe she was just being coy. "Father hides me away from these opportunities. " She opened one of the books in her lap and looked up at me with large brown eyes. "I chose you as my mentor. You are the only guest who ever spoke directly to me. No one else ever wished me a happy birthday." Everybody else was as scared of Zenellis as I was. "You weren't assigned? " "No. I bribed my guard to allow me to escape. " She touched her right ear. A diamond stud in her left ear told me what she'd traded. Guard? "You get locked up? " Zenellis must be irrationally protective of his daughter. All the more reason to keep my distance. Cut off my dick? Probably my head! "Father must think me untrainable, or unpresentable. Why else would he lock me up at these events? " To keep her from letches like me. "How many have there been? " "Every year since I turned eighteen. " So Zenellis had been running this scam for five years, gathering ideas for his products for peanuts, and promoting sex of adult males with daughters of co-workers and friends. I can see how the ideas are profitable, but why does he pay for the sex? How does he benefit? I mean, he himself only gets one girl a year. That can't sustain him! A knock interrupted my intelligence gathering. "Father! " whispered Saroya. "He cannot find me here. " Damn stright! Saroya threw her books under the desk. One bounced off a leg. She kicked it out of sight, and then ran towards the closet. "First place he'll look. And forget the bathroom. " Saroya bent over to glance under the platform bed. God, what a terrific ass! "This side is open." Saroya threw herself on the floor and scooted under the bed. I smoothed my shirt, but my pants had a lump. I opened the door. Annie stuck her head in. "Anybody else here? Did your student show up? " I pulled the door wide so she could see I hadn't been disturbed in the middle of coitus. She was back awfully quick. "How was it with Mr. Zenellis? " I noticed that the sleeves and pants legs of Annie's outfit were cockeyed. In fact, every seam was crooked or had gaps. "I wasn't very polite. I laughed when I wasn't -' Annie whipped her head at the shuffling sound. Saroya had wiggled out from under the bed and stood up. Her brown wrap had shifted but was intact. "It is dangerous to laugh at my father, " said Saroya, brushing dust bunnies from her body. "Wow! Lucky Dad got the birthday girl. Far out! I'm Annie." She extended her hand, but Saroya declined. "What happened?" I asked. "He was nice enough, at first. His room was really warm. He offerd me a drink, of that same punch we had at the party. It tasted different, more bitter maybe. Anyway, we started talking about school and classes. He asked if I had a steady boyfriend, which I don't." Annie sneered. Was her lack of social life suddenly my fault? Annie continued, "He asked if I did sports, and I told him soccer. He asked me to show him how I'd warm up for a game. So I did stretches and bends and stuff. That's when my clothes started coming apart." That explained the uneven seams and gaps. "The sleeves fell off and the legs, Pretty soon I was grabbing at what was still left, to keep my privates covered." Saroya approached my daughter and ran her fingertips over the seams at Annie's shoulder. "The outfits must have been put together with a specific formulation of FasTack, one that is heat sensitive. Oh my! Father wanted your clothes to fall off? But why? What would be gained?" Man, was Saroya naive or what? Costumes for all the dads and daughters, held together by Zenellis's miracle adhesive that fails under high temperature. Fall-away sleepwear! I never would have thought of something like that. Too bad. "He dropped his robe before I could say anything. That's when I giggled. Your dad has a dinky dick." Saroya's hand went to her mouth. Annie sat on the bed, Indian style. "Well, not as thin as a pencil. Only three or four inches and thin as a Magic Marker. Oh yeah, and not as permanent. He demanded I lay down on the bed. My head was spinning. I must have done it, The next thing I knew, he was on top of me, sticking it in." "No! Father would never have intercourse with some strange girl. I won't believe your lies!" "Who are you calling strange, mummy girl?" asked Annie. "Believe it or not. I was still juicy from you, Dad. He said I was a sloppy fuck and told me to get out." "You and your father had sex?" Saroya must have been suffering from an overdose of information. She plopped down. "Better than what what your dad gave me! He didn't last sixty seconds." "You're lying. Father would never do such a thing. He is a role model to me." "Next time you see him, show him a little skin and see how he reacts. You'll be on your back, legs up faster than you can get out of that dorky wrap!" Saroya put her face in her hands. She was breathing erratically and muttering something in a foreign laangyage. "I'll leave you two lovebirds alone." Annie winked and moved towards the door. Nothing like dumping the truth on someone and walking away. "We're not going to do anything except maybe calculus. You can stay." "Why? Mr. Cocksworth is across the hall. He'll be happy to see me, I bet." No wager. "Are you still interested?" "Sure am! I'm practically dripping. Her father left me plenty horny." "Doesn't his size worry you? I know how much you can take but, hell, he's -" "No sweat." Annie paused in mid step. "Say, can I borrow your tool bag?" "Sure, but what's that got to do with - oh, never mind." There was no stopping Annie when she'd made up her mind. "Trust me!" Annie left, closing the door behind her. Saroya lifted her head, face stained with tears. "I'm so ashamed. Father told me that these mentoring sessions were educational, that my private tutors were sufficient and I did not need to participate." How old would Saroya have to be before he'd let her have sex? Never, probably. There was another knock, this one bolder. Before I could check through the security peep hole, Saroya dove to the floor and hid under the bed. One of the twins stood outside, naked! I couldn't see if she had a birthmark on her pussy from this angle. I opened the door and she stepped in, smelling like a tavern. "What happened to you?" I asked. She bounced onto the bed. "You know that fat guy, the cigar smoker? He stuck his stoagie in my pussy and told me to smoke it. Son of a gun, I did it!" She had a look of satisfaction for a perverted job well done. "Then he had me blow him. After that, he ignored me. When he ordered up room service, I split." Sometime during the twin's monologue, Saroya crawled out. The twin was startled. "Hey, aren't you the - "Yes, I am Saroya Zenellis. Who are you?" "Name's Randi. What were you two doing?" "Talking," I said. "Yeah, sure, and that's your microphone?" Randi was pointing to the front of my pants. My dick made a tent. Saroy's jaw dropped at the sight. "Oh my heavens! You're swollen!" I tried to ignore my physical reaction to Saroya's curves and Randi's nakedness. "When you went to your tutor's room, he didn't ask you to, you know -" "The only thing I tooted was his cigar down here," she pointed to her exposed pussy, "and his dick in my mouth." Saroya's jaw was open. Under other circumstances, I might have placed my bare cock in front of her, to see what might develop. But not her, and certainly not with a witness. Another knock interrupted us. "Could you please check? Its dusty and nasty under there," pleaded Saroya. I nodded and peered through the hole. It was Brandi, the other twin. I opened the door. Brandi comes in with a cup of punch in her hand. The twins hugged. "What is this, a fucking convention?" I asked. Randi plastered herself to my side and rubbed my chest. "It could be." I moved her away gently. "What's your story?" I asked Brandi. "I'd rather not say." Brandi probably hid in a closet somewhere until sufficient time had passed. Too bad I couldn't follow up on her mother's instructions and take her to bed. "You all can't stay here. Saroya, you have to go back before you're missed." The twins moved towards the door. "Where do you think you're going?" "We need to go back to our room," said Randi. She was grinning from ear to ear. "Daddy is waiting for us." "He might still have company." Like Annie. What would they do to my daughter if they found her fucking their father? "Gee, you're right," said Brandi. Randi added, "And we want him all to ourselves." "Hold on! Remember what I said about behaving? You won't go across the hall and fuck your father. I forbid it!" Maybe if I was adamant enough, they'd obey and save my success fuck with their mom. "Oh dear!" Saroya's face returned to her cupped hands. "Brandi, would you like to have sex tonight?" "Oh, I kinda sorta did." She glared at my tented trousers. "You mean with you?" I decided not to ask the details. Not that I would throw Brandi out of bed, but she'd been so hesitant in the past, I decided she should start with a more diminutive organ. "No. Mr. Zenellis is reported to be lightly equipped. Perhaps he'd be a good first choice. That is, if you're interested." That would keep one of them away from Harry. Saroya's head came up. Her eyes were daggers. "You're sending her to have intercourse with Father? What kind of man are you?" "A considerate one. Maybe he'll appreciate the gesture and not kill me for spending time alone with you tonight. Annie told me he isn't too large. Might be a good first, uh, second experience. Not to mention distract him from learning his daughter escaped." "You think so?" Perhaps Saroya was beginning to understand the complexities of the situation. And, she didn't know anything about Joy's promise. I nodded. The twins buzzed in each other's ears. "Can we use the potty first?" asked Randi. "Sure, go ahead." Brandi, blue ribbon, and Randi, red ribbon, ran for the bathroom, giggling and jiggling, leaving me with Saroya. "Are you really sending one of those girls to have intercourse with Father?" "Why not? He fucked Annie, and not particularly well. As the host, shouldn't he have a good time?" Made sense to me. I mean, who set up this distorted reality in the first place? "You treat intercourse so casually. Should there not be something more, something romantic, something emotional?" Saroya was wise but impractical. Sequestering had done its damage. "That's the best kind, under the best of circumstances, for sure. But see what your father has created here? Musical chairs sex." "What is this musical furniture? I have never heard of such a thing." "I mean, matching up fathers with other people's daughters, almost at random. Besides, haven't you ever had an itch between your legs, that you really, really need scratched?" As soon as I said it, I knew I'd been too blunt. She blushed, turning a darker brown. "I will admit, I have pleasured myself on those occasions." I knew the answer before I asked. "No boyfriend?" "Oh no! Father does not permit it. He tells me that I must wait for the right young man, someone worthy of me." Every father feels that way. We all want our best for our children. Randi with a red ribbon bounced out of the room, buck naked. Brandi strolled out dressed, blue ribbon in her hair, hands behind her back, breasts thrust forward. "So you didn't know your father arranged these sessions for guests like us to get fucked?" asked Randi. "Such language! I never did! Honestly! I have always been prohibited from participating, as I explained." "Well, I'm not buying it. I'll send your daddy your regards." Brandi chuckled. "I know, I know, keep my mouth shut." She opened the door and stepped into the hall, then stuck her head back in. "Awful hard to give a blow job that way." The door shut behind her. Randi was hanging on my arm. "Wait until you get a lesson from Mr. M.. He's great!" My left sleeve came off. "Oh, goodie!" She switched to the other side. The right sleeve detached with little effort. Damn, the room was getting warm, and the FasTack adhesive was failing. "She was here ahead of me," said Randi. "Are you going to make love to her? Or can I go first? Or come first?" She giggled at her joke. "I am not going to have sexual intercourse with you." Saroya's hand stung against my cheek. All of my memories with Randi were great ones. Another opportunity between her thighs wasn't something to be avoided. Besides, she was already undressed. "All right, then you won't mind if Randi and I get comfy? I filled my hand with Randi's ass cheek. She jumped. "In fact, I insist you do. This can still be a learning experience for me." "How's that?" Randi's hands were on my ass, slipping lower with each passing second. "I am well-versed in the details of the Kama Sutra, the bible of love making. I practically memorized all of the positions, but I have only seen them as illustrations. You can pose for me, so I can see them -" "In the flesh?" I asked. Why not? This might add some variety to the two positions I'd practiced: front to front, and front to back. "First, you must remove the remainder of your -" Randi grabbed my pants from behind and pulled. They broke away. My erection pointed at Saroya. Her jaw dropped. Oh my! You certainly are well-endowed. Your lingam is bigger than the ones in the illustrations." "My what?" "Lingam is the term for that - your penis. And that -" she pointed between Randi's thighs, "- is called a yoni. Have you had augmentation surgery?" "Nope. One hundred percent real." I stepped forward. As long as I wasn't going to fuck her, I could at least contribute to her education. "You can touch it if you'd like." She shuffled back. "That's all right." "Your loss." Randi's hand took my erection in hand. Saroya showed glimmers of her dad's power. "To get your bodies prepared, you must perform acts of foreplay." Randi and I faced each other. The telltale beauty mark between her breasts gave me assurance. I placed my arms around her, holding her naked body against mine. On tippytoes, She parted her legs, and my erection slid through. She giggled as our genitals came into contact. We kissed. Her lips were sweeter than I remembered. Randi was assertive, rubbing her body against mine. "Why don't you lay back on the bed?" Saroya was obviously enjoying giving us orders. I assumed a flat position, leaning up on my elbows. "You - Randi? - squat above him, facing me." Randi hovered over my groin, in a catcher's stance. "Good. Now, place his -" "My name is Harvey." I hate getting referred to in third person, especially when I'm in the fucking room. "Oh yes, of course. Place Harvey's lingam - Randi had alreay taken my dick in hand and was rubbing it along her slit. She was moist, anxious for penetration. "Good, you've positioned it at your yoni. Now lower yourself slowly." I expected Randi to come down hard. Instead, she followed Saroya's direction. I was a couple of inches in, and loving it. Randi's cunt was a tight fit, despite our previous encounter and her exploits earlier that evening. Saroya walked around the bed, studying us. "Put the flat of your feet on his thighs." Randi did as Saroya asked. "Perfect! This is a gentle position, for mild penetration." "So when do we start fucking?" Randi asked. Someone knocked at the door. Saroya checked the peephole. She turned and silently mouthed "Father!" She grabbed her purse and threw it under the desk. It popped open, scattering its contents. There was no time to clean up. She fell to the floor and shuffled under the bed. "What's going on? Aren't we going to -" I shooshed Randi. "Who is it?" I hollered. No answer. "I'm a litle busy right now. Come back -" The door blew open. It was Zenellis and two others. One was as big as a wrestler. The other, smaller with one of those ear-mounted phones and a PDA. "Good evening, Mr. Marcus. You are a busy man, aren't you?" The small guy whispered in Zenellis's ear. "This is not the young woman you're supposed to be mentoring." He moved to the edge of the bed while his gorilla stomped through the room, into the bathroom, came out and pushed the closet door aside. This was a room-to-room search for his daughter. Brandi was supposed to keep him occupied, but had obviously failed. So, where was she? Zenellis placed his hands on Randi's breasts. "But I can see why you found this one unavoidable." More whispers. "Which of the Cocksworth twins are you?" "B-b-brandi." Oh shit! They'd traded places again? Joy practically ordered me to fuck Brandi, so this wasn't a completely bad thing. Was I her first? She hadn't said a word when she'd showed up. Where was Randi, if she wasn't with Zenellis? With Harry? Dreams of shacking up with Joy flew out the window. Everything was out of control! Brandi shifted positions, my prick still in her, but softening due to our visitors. "I am looking for my daughter," said Zenellis. "I didn't know it was my day to keep track of her." "Arrogant, for a man in your position." I liked the position I was in, with a nubile semi-virgin perched halfway down my dick. Mouthing off was keeping my adrenalin and blood pumping. "Why don't you start with the guest who was supposed to tutor her tonight? Now there's a lucky SOB." "If this young lady was not impaled on your penis, I'd have Gregor beat you." Zenellis glanced at the scanner on top of the TV. "Did you both scan your id cards?" Zenellis turned to his data assistant, who tapped on the PDA, then shook his head. "This is concentual, isn't it?" "Oh, yes." Brandi was moaning and cooing. "I really wanted it. So bad, I swapped places with my sister." My card was still attached to my shirt on the floor. Brandi's, or rather Randi's, was on the desk. Zenellis walked to the TV and scanned both of our cards. He paused at the desk and picked up Brandi's paper cup. "Glad you enjoying my special concoction, my dear. I call it Horny Juice." So Zenellis was drugging the young women, making them more likely to bed their mentors. Maybe even seduce them? "Now that we have you on video, why don't you show me some of your technique?" I glanced at the dome I'd taped over. Zenellis followed my gaze. "You are a smart one. Too bad you identified the false camera." I squinted at the ceiling above the bed. There was a small hole that I hadn't noticed before. Bastard! Now he's got something on me. The only thing I hate more than an audience is someone taping my sexual exploits. I was captive to Brandi's movement, and she evidently had lost patience with my conversation with Zenellis. It was tiny humping, but more than enough to keep me up in her tight pussy. "I started with you, Mr. Marcus, because only you had the audacity to speak with my daughter," said Zenellis. "No one has ever done that, in all the years of this outing. As a direct response to your question, Saroya does not get a mentor, in the sense of which we speak. She is not ready." "So she's a virgin, and you'll decide when she'll have her first sexual experience?" "Precisely." Zenellis came back to the bed. "Now she must study and become prepared to assume my corporate duties. None of us are getting any younger. She has but three years to prepare, you see." Zenellis was planning on putting a 25-year-old virgin in charge of his corporate empire? What was he going to do in retirement, seduce young women door-to-door? Brandi yelped. Had Zenellis pinched her nipples?" "I hope you find her," I said. "Since she's not here, can we get a little privacy?" "You do not like me. It is quite clear. Perhaps that is because we are so much alike. For example, we both enjoy the company of younger women, no?" "Yes. Preferably in private." Zenellis untied the belt of his robe. "I have a saying. To waste an opportunity is a sin. Do you know this saying?" "Like, 'waste not, want not'?" "Very good, but I like mine better. So, you do agree?" "Maybe. So what?" "This is such an opportunity. Young lady, if you would be so kind." Zenellis held Brandi's hand and guided her in a one hundred eight degree turn. She was facing me, and my penis hadn't left her pussy. The horizontal motion twisted my penis. The feeling was unusual, but nice. "Good, now take it all in. That's right, spread your legs, but hold your cute little ass high." The small man produced a unmarked silver tube from his jacket pocket. "A bit of lubrication." Zenellis's robe fell open. Annie was right. Zenellis's dick was about the size of a magic marker. Bastard was going to take Brandi's cherry ass. The tube slipped from his fingers and bounced to the floor. THe small man went to retrieve it. "Leave it. Perhaps Mr. Marcus is not done for the night." Facing me, Brandi writhed, taking me deeper. I was holding her ass, trying to smooth out her jerky motion. Zenellis positioned himself behind her. When his hands touched mine, I pulled them back. Then it dawned on me. The self-important sex merchant was on video himself, fucking Brandi's ass from behind. I guess he could always edit that part out. Every time Brandi came down on my dick, she got some of Zenellis's dinky tool in her butt. "Oh God! Oh shit! This is so fucking hot! Two dicks! My sister never had two dicks!" So competitive! Maybe twins always are? I could neither confirm or deny Brandi's claim. I knew I'd never shared Randi with another guy, but who knows what she'd done on her own? I don't think Zenellis lasted thirty seconds before he grunted and slammed his hips against Brandi's behind. "There! Very satisfying if I say so myself." He rewrapped his robe. "Good night. Pleasant dreams. Dreams about uses for FasTack, I hope." Zenellis jerked his head, and the party of three departed as abruptly as they'd come. I lay frozen, wondering how Saroya would react to her father's admissions. (To be continued) \### *An Original H M Tale I'm always interested in reader feedback. Tell me what you think. Copyright (c) 2005, HarveyMarcus. All Rights Reserved.*
Some would say that keeping themselves at such a size was indecent at best, and downright immorally provocative at worst. Still didn’t stop anyone from gawking at them without the slightest semblance of shame, nor a precious few from trying their luck at getting close enough to “accidentally” bump into them or, better yet, trip and fall into their warm embrace. Didn’t seem to register with anyone that it might very well be the last thing they would do; not that the lynx would go that far, of course. No, the feline would probably just give them a stern admonishment and a reminder not to do it again, only to then turn around and point out that if they wanted to play around with a genuine pair of triboob, literally all they had to do was ask! They hadn’t gone all the way to the beach, after spending nearly two hours fighting with their incredibly complex slingshot bikini, only to lie around, do nothing and ​not​ have their specially-crafted body appreciated to its fullest extent! Just as they had spent time and effort making themselves as obscene as possible, it was everyone’s duty to do the exact same; plenty of room there for everybody, after all. The result of months of living with the bounciest boy that was JT had left the lynx an overengorged shadow of their former self, nothing more than the logical result of endless hours of teasing and sexual tension broken only by long episodes of filling and stuffing that would leave even the stretchiest of hypers reeling from the potency and frequency of the discharges involved. Whether it be via pumps or more natural means, it was hard to avoid ​some​ kind of fluid from seeping into their body, and much as their shapeshifter physiology allowed them some degree of leeway in terms of returning to normal, what this “normal” happened to be varied wildly as time went on and the feline’s body was forced to stretch to ever more unnatural sizes to deal with the growing loads. It certainly didn’t help that JT eventually began reaching sizes that could only be contained via the use of multiple compressor layers, to say nothing of the point where his “real” measurements stopped being expressed in miles and began turning into “national borders crossed”. By their latest estimate, he was probably big enough to fill up the entirety of Eurasia if they so desired, hence why even with so many damned compressors stacked on top of one another, his nuts still managed to reach the ground and graze it with ease… and the less said about the twin cocks they sported, the better, because even the lynx wasn’t sure they could think about those things and ​not​ drool at the mere thought that they could have their tits wrapped around those pillars of thick cockmeat whenever they damn well wanted. It was a constant struggle not to just do ​that​ all day long; easy enough to overpower the poor boy, which just made the whole exercise that much more delicious. Unfortunately, that particular day was a lonely one for the cat, who had decided to hit the beach without informing anyone; not that they didn’t enjoy the company, but it was fun to just go out every once in a while and not have to worry about causing a scene, not needing to worry if they would flood anything or paint the whole side of an apartment block in a variety of tones of white. Last time they actually had to ​pay​ for the repairs (and scraping); not exactly fun. Therefore, it was a whole day to appreciate without the ever-present threat of bursting a few dams’ worth of cum, milk, saline or an unholy combination of all three; just a big fat bunch of titties arranged in two neat rows of three for maximum visual and auditory impact. This was perhaps the greatest and most drastic change to the lynx’s body, though by no means the only one; it just so happened that it was hard to notice the slightly meatier thighs or rounder rear when those six chest-obscuring breasts took all the attention away from them. Hell, they weren’t even milky by nature; that was just something the lynx had decided to add for the sake of it, knowing that if there was anything that could make a set of triboobs like that even better, it was ​being full.​ And sloshy. And leaky too, couldn’t forget about that bit; yup, nothing better than a set of udders that refused to remain dry. The expected impact was exactly what the lynx got, and ​goodness​ did they adore every second of it. Just the walk over to the seaside had left such an impression that a small crowd had gathered to watch them from a distance, marvelling at how the feline somehow managed not to waddle and instead keep a perfect balance, allowing for their multiple racks to bounce maddeningly with each step. Just like with those at the beach, a very brave minority even tried to walk up to them to get a closer look, with a handful of individuals being brave (and smart enough) to ask for a handful, freely given along with a word of encouragement. It was just business as usual as far as the lynx cared; their body was something for ​everyone​ to enjoy, not just themselves, and being out of the house on their own for a change allowed them to remember what it was like to ​not​ feel interminably horny all the goddamn time. This made it exceptionally awkward when the feline heard a familiar kind of sloshing approaching them from somewhere away from the sand, getting dangerously close enough for them to make out who it was from the odd comment floating in the wind and the fact that goddamnit​, it was impossible to mistake those immense nuts for literally any other pair. “I thought I told you I wanted to be alone today, JT,” the lynx sighed, putting their sunglasses back on and pretending like they ​weren’t​ looking directly at the newcomer’s body when it moved into view, “much as you like to turn me into a squeaky toy, I’d like some time to myself. Away​ from… those.” JT’s nuts clenched and churned even louder than normal, seemingly in response to having been mentioned; the feline could never be quite sure if that was actually a thing or not, what with the kind of impossible biology that the bouncy boy displayed on a regular basis. Just ​looking​ at them seemed to make them swell even larger than they were, by just an imperceptible enough amount that one could honestly think they were just imagining things. This, of course, was entirely unnecessary; each of those orbs was already big enough that JT had to carry them behind his legs, lest he be forced to waddle or crab-walk wherever he wanted to go. His sheaths alone made the use of any swimwear entirely pointless, and yet he insisted on wearing a pair of specially-designed shorts that hid precisely nothing of his frame. It was like he ​wanted​ to show off or something. “I know you did, but it was such an amazing day that I just couldn’t resist!” JT proudly declared, plopping his ass on the sand next to their roomie, “Besides, I promise I won’t be lewd! Just wanna sit down and enjoy the beach, is all!” Somehow, the lynx seriously doubted that was true… but then again, even after waiting for several minutes, JT hadn’t made any more advances, and after stretching out their own towel, seemed genuinely intent on just soaking in some sunlight while occasionally winking at passers-by and making lewd comments towards whoever was stupid enough to try and get a handful of his balls. For a moment, the feline wondered if they would be engaging in some kind of competition… at least until JT pulled his hat over his head and began to snooze. Well, that just wouldn't do at all. Maybe it was the constant exposure to unbearable amounts of horny energy, or maybe it was just in the shapeshifter’s nature to try and steer things towards the lewdest they could be, but the prospect of sharing a stretch of beach, in public, with the spectacle of debauchery that was JT’s body, without any kind of sexual interaction whatsoever? That was utter madness, and not something they would ever stand for. In an instant, their previous compunctions regarding their usual passtime vanished, replaced by such a strong need to do ​something​ with those nuts and cocks that, if the lynx had kept any of their rational brain after their epiphany, they would’ve realized that was JT’s plan all along. There was still some part of them left in there, though; wouldn’t do to just ​give it​ to JT, no. They’d have to find an excuse, something for them to do. An activity, of sorts, that could be made to turn as naughty as possible under the watchful eyes of the crowd… and the lynx had just the thing. Pulling a conspicuously brightly-coloured bottle from their backpack, the feline nudged JT on the shoulder… needing to do it a few times before he woke up from his nap. While their companion roused from their slumber, the lynx got to work slathering a whole bunch of their breasts’ surface with as much sunscreen as they could, deliberately making the whole thing a sloppy job in dire need of fixing. By the time JT was fully awake again and wanting to ask what the feline wanted, no words were truly needed; just the sight of those six tits being all shiny and oily under the sun was everything the hung lad needed to know that the lynx was in desperate need of some tender love, care and very sensual rubbing. Of course, with their busts as stacked as they were, simply finding a position where he could easily get at them in order to spread the sunscreen was in itself a challenge! He couldn’t do it from behind, since that would mean smothering the lynx’s face with his nuts; sideways wasn’t a possibility either, much too inconvenient to get to the breasts on the other side of the cat’s torso. This left only one option, the one that “forced” JT to sprawl himself all over the feline’s body and delve ​deep​ into the crevices of breastflesh that made up their bosoms, his hands sinking greedily into the six mounds of impossibly soft lynx pudge that they kept so perfectly spherical. The whole exercise was just an excuse for the both of them to enjoy one another’s company in full view of everyone, and thus it didn’t take a long time before the feline began to make good use of their powers to tease JT into ever higher levels of “activation”, as he liked to put it. Whenever the eager newcomer happened to get a bit too greedy with his fingers, he would find even more tit to grab; every time he truly attempted to make good use of those things, they would grow just enough for him to be unable to smear their full surface, even after going through a whole bottle of sunscreen. Soon enough, the lynx was buried underneath a small hillock of their own creation, and JT would be having a similar problem all of his own. That ground-grazing sack and bulging pair of sheats weren’t there just for show; being the result of multiple compressors working in tandem to keep him at a reasonable size, they stood as testament to the kind of body that he had underneath all of those layers, and even though he made an effort to keep himself contained and decent (for a given value of decent, at least), being allowed to freely explore the lynx’s curves awakened so much of his sexual side that, without even realizing it had happened, both of his cocks had left the safety of their biological wrappings and tore through the shorts that barely hid them to begin with. Two sets of double cleavages, two shafts: perfect symmetry all things considered, and with the lynx able to adjust their size to me the ever-increasing demands of JT’s body, the latter would react in kind, growing out even more than they ever intended to. Before long, neither of them were interested in hiding it; the lynx was squishing their mounds against their partner’s swellings rods, while JT was openly thrusting into the silky-smooth confines of the feline’s breasts, his hands grabbing onto two of them for leverage, not really thinking about what this would do to the cat underneath him. For all of their resistance and adaptability, there was only so much that the lynx could take; their body ​had​ to start changing eventually, and with that insatiable beast riding their tits as hard as he was, there would be no more perfect opportunity than that one. While the original rows of triboob continued to swell and bloat with each motion of JT’s hips, a brand new set would begin to emerge underneath the bottom one, the feline’s torso elongating just enough that the trio of new tits wouldn’t need to compete for room… much. There were still nine mounds strapped to their front, and with JT in there trying to turn them into his personal stress relief toys, it just wasn’t possible to make the three rows fit comfortably onto their own torso. The point wasn’t to make it bearable. It was to make it ​pleasurable.​ Thus, it was perfectly normal for each of those breasts to slowly balloon into a size that approached double what they used to be, enough to start drawing the first beads of fluid from the tip of JT’s cocks. Not cum, not yet at least, but the amount of pre leaked out of them was already enough to take care of the heat situation; it wasn’t really cooler than ambient temperature, but at least its musky scent was enough to bring up fond memories of flooded rooms and wrecked houses. So much so that, for once, the lynx allowed themselves to relax and let JT take the wheel, eager to see where the bouncy boy would take them. Lacking any kind of imagination the second that his members could do all the thinking for him, JT instead focused on ramming into the tightening cleavages as hard as he could, leaving behind a mess of matted fur and stained stand, unable to control his own growth after his libido was poked at by a lynx-shaped stick; as much as it had been JT’s own plan to kickstart their little self-exploration session, he knew that he’d be losing control within minutes of it starting. And that was perfectly fine; the most fun he ever had with the feline beneath him was always when they let go of any pretense of civility and just fucked like wild animals. It made the whole thing more genuine, in a way. A very lewd way. Barely ten minutes passed before the thin currents of pre turned into thicker and thicker spurts of JT’s seed, splashing against the wall separating the beach from the promenade and blasting back to hit the both of them in the face, back, front, everywhere really. The sand around them turned a deeper shade of brown as it absorbed more of his spunk, before finally becoming too loose and waterlogged to even hold form anymore; barely half an hour had passed since JT sat down next to the lynx, and already they were riding their body down to the sea, panicked shouting filling the air around them as a tidal wave of jizz helped slide the two ever closer to the waterline, leaving behind a colossal gash in the sand, like a great beast had swooped down to collect tons of it… and left behind copious amounts of thick, steaming cum in the process. With JT busy still bucking into the feline’s cleavages and the lynx themselves far too gone in their own lewd world to do anything about it, they sailed into the sea on a raft of their own making, splashing into the water and vanishing underneath the waves, both their bodies simply too large and heavy to even begin to float. At first, that is. Anyone watching from the beach would get to see a splodge of white appear on the surface of the water, growing wider and thicker as JT’s release floated upwards and prepared the ocean itself for their ascension. Through either some hitherto-unknown property of their fluids, or the simple fact that they displaced all of the salt water and replaced it with either spunk or milk, JT’s body would move upwards through the pillar of ejaculate he himself had produced, holding onto the lynx’s body with every ounce of strength he had in him. This was less out of concern for their safety and more due to his need to keep holding onto the immense floatation device the lynx had become, because as soon as they both broke the water line, it became clear that the feline’s breasts, all ​nine​ of them, had burgeoned to a size grand and great enough that the amount of backboob visible as they floated belly-side-down was in itself enough for JT to rest on it. Even with his weight being what it was, it still barely changed the way the lynx floated about, their face kept above the water by virtue of carrying three triplets of life-savers on their torso. Their body had become a ship for JT to use, and an incredibly soft one as well, with the currents and waves around them struggling to pierce through the thick barrier of fluids; this gave them a small, quiet patch of sea on which to float on aimlessly, ready to truly settle down and enjoy one another’s company, under the heat of afternoon sun. JT couldn’t wait for the day after.