???php??????hilhi?????u'u'r'?????????????????lesle???????????????lll???????ou?is?????????????phiph??????utu??????????heh????????ct????e ge gug????????????andand d?????????ly ly?????????????omo????????o ??????ofo? P ???????????????ere?????psp???????????????????????????????????sou????? t??????????????????getge????les?????e ???????shshyh????as as?????????d ????wi?????ro??????????????????????ounound????he??????????and? o???a ?wew???e g??????juj??t ??verve?ry ry??????anand??????y,?? wh w??????isnisn'n?t ??rea?????wh????? w wa w????????????d ???????????????????????ili??????????up,up???thoth?ougou????, as, a??????????? a??? who wholo?????? i???????????an
emphis while you're eating it (unless you're actually IN Louisiana or Memphis), but it has the distinctive gumbo taste and is really quite good compared to some of Progresso's other soups. My biggest complaint with this soup is that the green vegetables came out mushy, as they tend to with Progresso soups, I've found. The celery and okra were good, just very soft and mushy, which isn't really what I wanted. It did a pretty good job of filling me up, though, as they pack a whole lot into that can
??asa?????aya?????vev?????? a a g ??odo? s ????????????????????????d d bd ???in???????????ifi???????e ie iti?t ot ?????e ????lvlvevesve???????imi???????????000040???????????????????JMJ??ana????mo????????5,5?131????????0,0,A0,???oo?d ????????????? n ?????s,???????is?? my m??????????????grg?resresss??????p.p?. T. ????brbro?th?????????????ntn??flflal???????nd nd???'s'??no?t ???????altaltyt???????????ve?????es es?????ld ?????????????????? bu b????????????s s as ?re? l ????e ?e ane a?nd ???astas?????t ??has??????? he h??? a??????y,y???????????????????????????????ts ts?????????aua??????? su s?????y ???sts??????????????????nt??? to to???????ge,ge??????? ch cho???up?????ew?????ieceiec??
as always. Overall a good soup that I wouldn't mind buying more of if I see it on the shelves sometime." 8782,B00434FTDM,AP1FWNGNWO8JM,anonymous,0,0,5,1303344000,A good soup on cold nights,"This is my favorite Progresso soup. The broth has excellent flavor and it's not too salty. Yes the veggies could be a bit firmer, but the pieces are large and tasty. It has some heat already, but I usually add a few shots of hot sauce to suit my taste. If I really want to indulge, I'll chop up a few pieces
?????momoko?ede?????sas?gege e?ana????????? b beb??????heh?????????????ene??""?????,B,?????????????ELE????????090??,s,???????aia?????,1,,1?5,5???09???121?????????????? an a????asa????????????in????he????????crcrir??be be???d d sd ???????????ing ing?????????ses???cracr????rsrs.s?????????????thath????it it???????ta???????hi??e ????ge????hrh??????? the? s??x x??????? b bu b?????? w??????????????????????e'e??????????y ??thrth???????????????????????????????????!"?8?????,B0,B???????UOUUO????????????????4,B4,????y ???0,0????????16????20020???????????????????ck?????????he che ????cke?????re???????y tay tas???y ay an?????????t ???????????m om ??????????????????
of smoked sausage and add it before heating - heaven!" 8783,B003G5CUOU,A3ELSU1SHRX09Y,skunktrain,1,1,5,1309651200,Addictive and tasty,"I am doing the ""subscribe and save"" thing with these crackers. I thought that it would take a while to get through the six boxes, but boy was I wrong. Already we're halfway through the boxes. Time to order more!" 8784,B003G5CUOU,A2ZYV16SKIF2C4,Buzby J,0,0,5,1331683200,Great Tasting Crackers!,The crackers are very tasty and we just tried them out with a little s
??????ono??tot?????r r?????????y y?????????sns??ckck k?????mym?y wy ???e e?????????????tet?lyl??lolovlo????m.m???e ??wilwilll???????????ly ly??????????on??????????????????858??????RYR??K2K??,A,?2S2???????EKE???????????????ve?ttt?????,3,???????86286??????ucu????ili???????????????uc??? fl f????????????hth??????k rk ????????????????????on on?bebece???ses?????us???al ???avoavor??iteit???????ri???etett???e wae wasas ??notno???????????nyn??or?? b?y ????fsf?hoh????????????? e ????ectec???????rerea????y gy ????d rd ??rill???ette???FuFulu?????av?????????????tte.tte???hah?t ?????t ??????????????? t??hatha?t lt la?????????n ?????????f f d???????? h ?????/s/sps?????. ????????tuturu?????was was? go g??????
alsa on top for a healthy low cal snack and my wife and I absolutely love'em. We will definitely get more once we run out! 8785,B002RYVK24,A2SBH3K2UEKC86,Pamela Arivett,1,1,3,1303862400,Duck Rillettes - not much flavor,I bought duck rillettes from Amazon because my usual favorite duck rillette was not carried anymore by I was expecting a really good rillette. Full flavored rillette. What I got was a rellette that lacked even flavor of duck and herbs/spices. The texture was good how
?????????????????e e???keke ??????? r rir???????. ???????d ??????????????d Rd ??ougou??????igigog???d Dd ????k Rk ???le???????????,B,??????9V9??A,A???KOK????????YCY???"J"??. A. ???????n n??"J????hoh???ror?omaom??"""""""????????????????00???wew?esoes?omeom???I ???ve?????????????????????? f frf???enden?????kik?????????????as?????????????. I d. I ?????dedde???????????utu???waswasnsn'n?t ??????. I???waswas was????????????ryr?????d ad ????????me???????????t t ht heh?????????and and???endeend???????it??? a a??????????????????m.m...???no??go???????. I de. I d?????????????ve ???thisthi??te?????trt?? a an a??? I ???????ed ?fef????????hunhu???????? t???????e.e?. T. ???????tete te??s ?grg??reatrea???. I ???ve???????????
ever. Tasted more like a pork rillette. I would not recommend Rouge Perigord Duck Rillettes. 8786,B002P59VSA,A2KOI8C9BECYCW,"J. A. Roman ""Janthonyroman""",2,2,5,1278201600,Awesome,"I love this tea. I hated my friends asking me if I was pregnant. I decided to diet but wasn't easy. I was always hungry and at bedtime I couldn't help it and ended up with a plate of ice cream... no good. I decided to give this tea a try and I stopped feeling hungry all the time. The taste is great. I have lost ten p
?ouo?ndn?s s??? a ala??oso?????????ntntht?s.s. .????????d d????lel?asast?? an a??hoh?ourou?????r dr ??y,y??????lyly y??ava???frfrur????????? te t??????????????????????alaal?d ???????????????r ???????? and an??frfrefrese???smsmo?????????it????t ???????????????? hl ????y y Iy ???havha?? a??????? o or o?r rr ???????????????. I . I? pu p????????pedpe????????????????????????t ?gegetge??????d od ?????st????ooo????. I d. I ?on?t ???????? w?ee??kenke????????????????ch????s ss ??alallal??????o Io ???????????????????????????sss????odo????. I a. I ???????inging ing t??????or?????????sterste??ItI?t ht ha????ee?n ?awaweaw??om??e fe ?forfo??????????ksk???????????020????????????IYI?KFK???KTK???,",?G.G?????????er er " ??????"""""
ounds in almost two months. I walked al least an hour per day, I only have fruits and tea in the mornings, salad and protein for lunch and fresh smoothies without sugar for dinner. If I feel hungy I have a fruit or raw vegetable. I put chopped garlic on my salads, it gets rid of waste too. I dont diet on weekends but my stomach is smaller so I get full with less and less food. I am buying this for my sister It has been awesome for me. thanks!" 8787,B002P59VSA,A15JIYKFX0KTBZ,"G. Grainger ""GNG"""
??1,1?,1,,1?????????????????eae???????-g-grg???????????????????e ????lol?????f f????RGR?Y!Y?","????lovlo?eded d???isi??????n n??????it????????????gr?????ada?ded????????? ????mam?????e ?fef???????????????????????me lme ?lotlo?????f ef ??????????????ldl??????????????hishi???????o ??????ovo?verve????????iki?????????? of of???????rara ra???????????????? t???????????xtrxt???????ele?p p a??????anand?nd mnd ???????????? w???????ul??????8,8??????????A,A????FPF??WVW??????20,20???rir????????????????????????????????????co?????????????e ????d ????d hd ?????????????livli??very??! I! ?????? m??????rstrst ???????trytryiyin?????????????????I ???????????rinri??????
,1,1,5,1254355200,"Great Acai-grape flavor, it gave me lots of ENERGY!",I loved this green tea with acai and grape added to it. It made me feel awesome and gave me lots of energy! I would recommend this tea to tea lovers who like a bit of an extra boost. I think the acai extracts help a lot and made me feel wonderful. 8788,B002P59VSA,A3EFPSWVMV0220,pari,0,0,4,1348185600,very good!,Can't complain. Taste good and had quick delivery! It was my first time trying this tea out. I usually drink the
p??????mim?????????utu?????????????e ????rgr??????????????eded ????th???ugu?hoh?outou???heh?????????898??????????SAS?????F1F???????3434C4??????a a?????rtrt,t???????121??919?525?00???????ucu????????????on????ronrongn?!,!????????rod????t d???crcricripiptipti????????s ys ???? ar a?e ??????hasha????????oxo?????f f?????????????????recre?????d ???lyl???????????I ??????? a??aza???????d td ??????????????????e qe ????ti??????????eivei???????????????t at an??? th t???????ri?pt??ionio??????????. ????????????t ???gh??????????????n'n??t ht ??????hadha????????????????????0,B0,??02?P5????????WGW?HSHS3S??090??????AmA????????,1??25425?353555?52052??????????????????h h????? th????tasta
peppermint one but this gave me energy and sustained me throughout the day. 8789,B002P59VSA,A1ZF149D3W934C,Laura Dehart,0,0,3,1279152000,Product description wrong!,"The product description says you are purchasing 6 boxes of 25 tea bags. I received only one box. I called amazon and they said that the quantity I received was correct and the description is wrong. They made it right, but shouldn't have had to. Beware!!" 8790,B002P59VSA,A1WGHS3T093NO3,Amy,0,0,5,1254355200,The tea is fresh and the tas
t??????grg??ata???"I"? w ????? r ????mmm???????????teate??? it i??hah????????shs?????????????ana???????ngn????????????e fe ?????r r t??hatha???????e e ne ?oto??????????oreor??? I ?????soso o???????????ere???????????????????????????""?????????????????A3A????XCX?AIAISI??DFD?????????????????omoom?o "o ??????????""?????????121??????????? d ????enten?t st ?????e re ??????? r re r????meame???...???,"A,"?s ?????????????????, I, ????????a pa ????t t ot ????????????ultul????e ????dud???????????????bob?????unu?????????????inging ing????????????easea??????????? a???????????????????hat??????????????? the th????????????mixmi??s ??? C ????????????linli?????a ????f=f?""""h""??????
te is great!,"I would recommend this tea, it has a fresh taste with an amazing acai grape flavor that I have not had before. It also gave me energy which I can always use!" 8791,B000M5PP8U,A3HG9XCAISDDF7,"Michael Bellomo ""mbellomo""",5,6,3,1200268800,A decent spice rub for red meats...,"As a spice mix fan, I make a point of trying multiple products on food - both fun and fattening in equal measure! I've also highlighted what I think are the standout mixes in Chef Tom's line: <a href=""http://
???ww.ww???aza???.c.?omo??gpg???????????000??????HIH??????efef f T ?????????asa????b b??????????????mom?????ub<ub???????d d?<a<????????""h""???p:p????wwwww???????????m/???/p??????????????TT???""???he?????????????as as R??b ???th??????????ckc??? R???</????????/>/???????ThT????????, ,?????????????? d ?ele????ou??????at????????it it?????????hoh?ldl???theth???????tit??n ?ofo????the the?????????dsd??li?ke???he???????????. .??????pr???marma?????te??????????pop??ede???y ay ??????ch???eses es??????????????pr??kak?????? o ????al??????e te ???te?tes tes??????????ed??? and an??????????????????????g'g? t???? the??????.<??? /?><?br??????'s's ??????? t????y y a???ititiit??ion ion? on o"">Chef Tom Douglas Rub With Love Salmon Rub</a> and <a href="""">Chef Tom Douglas Rub With Love Chicken Rub</a>.<br /><br />That said, this mix is a delicious treat, but it doesn't hold the attention of the taste buds like the standouts. The primary notes are supposedly ancho chiles and smoked paprika, but overall the tastes are muddled and don't provide a 'zing' to the dish.<br /><br />It's a very tasty addition on
????ltl?ipiplp?????????sus????????rir????p p??????oto??ror?as??t bt ?utu?t nt ??????????h th ?????????y y t ???????????????????????????????????????y y ay a a????????????????? o ?n n???????en,en??????????????????zlzle???????? m?eae?????????did???.<.?????????r /r />r /???????SuS??pr?????????, t, ?theth????????????????frf??? C ?hehefhe??ToTomo?????????d md ??atatsat???re?? ei e????????????????????????:/:?????????zoz?????????/p/??????t/t???00???????"""">"">C>?????????????????RuR?? W ?????LoL??? P ?or?????b<b?/a/?????????????ou????porpo????? o???????hrehr???????????????????zo?????om/om/gom/???/pr/p????ctc???????????4"4???ChChe???????????lalas?as Ras ?????it?????ve?????????
multiple items such as tri-tip and pot roast but not enough to justify the gourmet price. It is also too heavy a mix to work well on chicken, fish, or to drizzle over a meat-pasta dish.<br /><br />Note: Surprisingly, the best pairings from Chef Tom for red meats are either the <a href="""">Chef Tom Douglas Rub With Love Pork Rub</a> or a generous portion of <a href="""">Chef Tom Douglas Rub With Love Chicken
???b<b???>.>?""?????????????????????????MIMI1I????????????? o ???AmA????????????????????Re?viv?????????,1,,1???,12,1????262????????????y y?????????????ouo?????? a ?????ou?s s??eae?ttt???????f,f?????????????? a a??pi????????? r ?????????isi???sp???????? d ??li??????????????th??is is? se sea?sos??????????theth?????t ??????????non?on on?????????ndn????TheTh?????????k tk ?the??????????? a?????ttltt????il?. ????????????????t tt ???s ???????oninoni????????????????????h h???owownw????????????????eaneansn???????? ste???????????g ???????????bib????????s ???? k ???????he he?????? on???????????????????????n I??????? thi thisis ??????????? I ??tentend? t??
Rub</a>." 8792,B000M5PP8U,A281NPSIMI1C2R,"Rebecca of Amazon ""The Rebecca Review""",1,1,5,1283126400,Slightly Spicy,"Tom Douglas, a famous Seattle chef, has created a spicy steak rub that is especially delicious. I rub this seasoning on the best filet mignon I can find. Then I cook the steaks in a little oil. One thing about this seasoning is it is made with brown sugar. This means your steak is going to burn a bit unless you keep the heat on medium or lower. When I use this steak rub I tend to
c??????????teteae??? a ??????lel???n n??????????????????????cuc?t t???????p p????????????r r??iei???????d ??????inuin??e fe ?ryr????. .????????ararar????es?????????eye??wow????t bt ???n.n?????????on??????I cI ???????????y ??????????? ro r????ar??y iy ?in in???????ixi?? t???????pep????s ars are? m mu m??ch ch m?oro??????????????MyM???usu?bab??and and? lo l??????to to???????????????s ws ????h ah a ??litli??????????????uceuc?????e t?????? t?? that tha??ma??es??????m jm ???t ??perpe??????. I. ???ava?ve ve????o ???????????????????ubub b???? t? the???hi??kekenke????????????????????????????l l???o b????????ioi???????????????????????????caca ca R???ie????878????B0B?????PPP?????????????????????
cook the steaks a little on each side and then I cut them up into smaller pieces and continue frying. This guarantees that they won't burn. To be honest I can't really taste the rosemary in this mix, the peppers are much more prominent. My husband loves to eat the steaks with a little Tiger Sauce. He thinks that makes them just perfect. I have also tried the Salmon rub and the Chicken rub and have found them all to be delicious.<br /><br />~ The Rebecca Review" 8793,B000M5PP8U,A1U6424A02BZYL,Sab
????????????????1,1??????????242????????????eaeaka????? e ?vev?????y y???????? a ????I I?fof??nd?????? r??ub ub i ??? a a?????????????????????????????? y ??????????. . ???e he ??????????????????????????li???????????inc?e.e????t t at ??dsd????reare????????????????????????????????????????? st????????????????. ??????????ininiin??el??????????trt????????????????????ABA???????????????????????pep??,0,?0,00,???????????80080??????????un??????????ingin??"I"????? no n?t ?????y ?????out out????tit??????hishi?????????????????????????????pecpectc????????????????????????meme ???? t?? the the?????????is???gi?ve?n n?byb???????othot????????????
rina M. Leslie,1,1,5,1236124800,Best steak rub ever!,My husband and I found this rub in a little market in Philly a few years ago. We have since purchased it religiously since. It adds great flavor to steaks that now can't eat a steak without it. It is definitely a must try! 8794,B000M5PP8U,ABAPF3XY1W6JX,TucsonShopper,0,0,2,1343088000,Wholly underwhelming,"I am not happy about writing this review. I had very high expectations from both the name and the high praise given by the other reviewers
?? I ???????t t???cec??coc????????, ,??owo??????, b, ?as??????????????? a ar a???a a???????????????????????????????????alal l????????s ?we?????conco?fi?????????fi?????usu????.. ..??it?????flflalava??????ereere.e???I hI ????e f?????????omomeom????cicipi?pe pe??basbase??????????? the th??????redre?????????????????????????m m??y y?????ce ce r ?aca??????dud???s ??a ma ???h h bh ?????????????????????<br<b?r /????efe?f Rf RuR??????????????????eae?????????????????chc???le???????????????????ga?rlr?????????????????ded???, c???????ana??????orormor?????MoM?onton????? S ???ak? S??easea???in??????????<br??/>/>C/>?????en?????????row???????????????ikaik?????a ?a saa sal???????illil??le, le,???cCocCor??ic?
. I was at once concerned, however, based on the weak aroma at first opening. And, these initial concerns were confirmed at first use... little flavor here. I have found a home recipe based off of the ingredient list with stuff from my spice rack produces a much better result.<br /><br />Beef Rub: Brown sugar, sea salt, paprika, chille, rosemary, fresh garlic, chipotle powder, cumin, and McCormick Montreal Steak Seasoning.<br /><br />Chicken Rub: Brown sugar, paprika, sea salt, chille, McCormick
?????????????????? S ????on???g,g?????ryry,y, , g, ???????????????on,on??anandn? C????ese?? F ??vev????????????????????????????1H1?N2N???YUYUTU?????,",?????? " ?????????????5,15,?????111???00,00????????????andan??????????????tet?eakea???ubu? i isi??????tat????????I I? ru r???????????????????st?ea????????????????tr?????????t it ?????t ??????????le??????tht?en???????. ??????as????en?en g??ettet???g g???????eve?iei?wsw????and and??????are are????reare?dyd????????????d jd ????????is????heheyhe??????d ?????? it??????????????????????????s ps ?????e ie ??is ais ??????????????????."."??????????00G00?J7J7C7???,A3,A????????EPE????????mem?e Ae ???ZoZ????r,r,0?,0,4,0,4,4?,5,,5,1,???090????00???????
Montreal Chicken Seasoning, curry, garlic, cinnamon, and Chinese Five Spices." 8795,B000M5PP8U,A1HN2FRYUTZ6IK,"Karen ""KK""",0,0,5,1290211200,Delicious and Easy,"This steak rub is spectacular. I rub it liberally on steak (usually NY strip), let is sit for a while and then grill. It has been getting rave reviews and we are already on our 3rd jar. I wish they would sell it in bigger jars. Amazon's price is a bit high though." 8796,B0000GJ7CQ,A33MAUJOJEP5N2,Jaime A. Zohrer,0,4,5,1280966400,Aguas
??????asa???ThT??s s?prp?odo??????????????tht?hinhi????t ????????????? s ??????????????flflal????r ir ??is nis ???t tt ?????sts?????.<.?brb???????????eded ????????????d nd ??????????y y??????ctact????nsn???8????????????M3M?????N8N????1G1?IKI???????reare????????,2?,5,???272???????00,00???????????????????????ea!ea!,!?????as????epe?????? b ?????ses????vev?????????xex????????????on on???????r ?prpropr????????????????. .???????'m'????????I jI ?umu?????d ind i? a??????eciec??ed???????rcr????????. ? F ?????????????th???????pip??g g?wa????as????andand ???????mesmes ???????????ed??????e we ???ch????????l.l??????on????th?????????????????????????????is mis ?????????ortor??
Frescas,"This product is OK, I think it has too much sugar and the flavor is not that strong.<br />I enjoyed it, but did not meet my expectations." 8797,B000ZILM3G,A1N85K51GIK3WG,dreamKing,2,2,5,1272585600,Great glass! Great Tea!,"I was skeptical because I've seen mixed reviews on similar products like this. But I'm glad I jumped in and decided to purchase it. First of all the shipping was fast and it comes gift-wrapped free which is cool. Second, the glass works great which is most importan
????????????blb???waw??le????o o???ene????????????????????????? w???????in in t ????????s ???????????ror???eme???????????????ro????theth??????????tot???????edred?rooro??????????????fef??eliel??????????????????he???il???????rar?in?????oeo?????????? w wh w?atat at i???????????ed ed?????do do? wh???????????? t??he ?????se se??????????????????????????le???ou?????inkin??????r tr ?????. T. ?????is?? th????????????????????????????ththith?????likli??? th????an???itit it? wo w?rkr????????????????????<b<??????????>T>??e e be ???????ing ing ting ?????????? in i??????????????? con co???????s.s????????newne? t????????????????????????????????????? is. is???mo???st lst ???el
t. Its double-walled so when I poured my boiling hot water in the glass I had no problem carrying it from the kitchen to my bedroom and barely feeling any warmth. The filter/strainer does exactly what its supposed to do which is keep the loose tea out of your mouth while you drink your tea. This is the first time I've used something like this and it works perfectly for me.<br /><br />The blooming tea comes in three small containers. I'm new to tea so I can't tell what kind it is...most likel
y???????tyt????ofof f???sms?????grg???????? b ??????????????????????????heh??fif??????????iningin? i ???????????? b?utu?????? se s?ecoec????????????????????????????omeomese??ouo?????AnA???????????????is????????????lele ??hah???????on??????e fee fen?????iki?e ???wa????bob?outou?t bt bub?????????????????????is??????isis ??????geg????????it??????????????????????rir?ce???8???8,8,B,??????LML?3G3?,A,?????????????????????????????????????????00,00?TeT??????aveav?????????ftf????????ousous s gs gigif???. . T??????loolo????????????werwe??????????an????nin?quq?e.e???PaP?ackac???gingi?????was was????ut???ul???????????????????? gi g???????79979????????????????????????
y some type of jasmine green tea because it smells good. The first steeping is very mild but the second one the flavor really comes out. Anyway I hope this helps people that are on the fence like I was about buying glasses like this. This package is legit and well worth the price." 8798,B000ZILM3G,A3L4I0Z9IX41BL,sma5320874,2,2,5,1266105600,Tea travel mug gift,Fabulous gift. The blooming teas were lovely and unique. Packaging was beautiful and perfect for a gift. 8799,B000ZILM3G,A5S3DFI7NHFC
???RoR?????a a?SaS????sosono?,1,???,5,??,12,1??????????????t t??ifi?????????ghg???tht?????????y y???n n???? t ????velve??????????????????ldld d?????????????oso??????????????????? b???????g g t???????ereer????????????? br b?????????00,00????????????????????????????????????????333??797??606????????y py ???????t!!t!???????????????????????e be ?????????????umu???? hao h??ave ave???rouro?nd?? an a??nd wnd ??rkr?????aua????ulu????. . ??????????heahe?????????recre?????????????????????t tot t??an???oneone ????????????????????niniei?enten???ea????ki??????viv??e.e. ?????????? the??????????ng bng ??ulbul????????howho????? c ca c???????th????????????t bt
D,Roberta Salveson,1,1,5,1232323200,great gift!,I bought this for my son who travels often - he's told me the thermos worked well & the blooming teas were good for 6 brews! 8800,B000ZILM3G,A3TBB4BN204OZ5,Ouisa,0,0,4,1334793600,Handy product!!,I am so happy to have bought this tumbler. It is very handy to have around and works beautifully. I whole-heartedly recommend this product to anyone looking for a convenient tea-making device. I love the blooming bulbs and how you can see them while it b
??????????????????515?????2,2?????????????????????????????????484?????????GFG? P ??????,J,?????????????????????????uiuit?????????????fof??????e ae ???unu?????at??yoy????re ???ttt???????????????? a a??ou????ofo??????? p????????aga???..?888???????????????????0H0??EWE????DEDE,E,Y,?? C ?hoh?i,i???,3,,3?,1,,1???555595?969??800?????????????????????e ???odo????t (t ??????????????)")??,"a,"??? t???e e???????????????????????????thethe the?????sas??s ??????????. ?I ?ca??non????????????????????incin????it ?isi???a ga grg???????. A. ?????????re????????????us?us?????030?3,B3,???1E1???????,A1???E3E????????????????? Gi G?amampam?? " ?"m"?inindin????? g ???????????????
rews! :) 8801,B00512X6V2,A23Y0LVT15FG9T,Elle,0,0,5,1346284800,Best GF Pasta.,Just be aware that it's quite expensive for the amount that you're getting (less than a pound of pasta per package). 8802,B001EO7JFU,A1HO0HOEWTHBDE,Y. Choi,3,3,1,1255996800,"I just recieved the product (Oct. 20, 2009)","and the expiration date on top of the can says Jan.06,05. I cannot even return it since it is a grocery. Amazon, are you serious?" 8803,B001EO7JFU,A1I6E332UPTATT,"Debra Giampa ""mind the gapper""",2,2,5,
1??555?????000?????ici???????????lal??????????n bn ??????,",?????????o o??????????????? i???sasalsa?ladla??????????s ?????????bakba????????t't???????ci???????????addadde??????pap?????????????????????xex????in ????u u??? r ????la???vev????aba?????il??????????s ?????????inintin??????la????r wr ???hoh????beb???????????el?????. ???????????????????????ata??????on??? off of???s s is ?????or or??????????????oco??????????????torto??????rgr??????????????????r amr a????????t ????????fi????????????????????d ???????y ry ????mmm???????????????1E1EOE????????XPX?VFV?WQW?9I9IHIHNH???????????????eigeige????????1,1??,5,?,1??????242?????la????y py ?ro???????
1255046400,delicious on salads and in baking,"I like to use walnut oil in salad dressings and in baking. It's delicious when added to pancakes and muffin mixes in lieu of regular vegetable oil. It adds just a hint of flavor without being overwhelming. And with the price that Amazon offers it for vs. what my local grocery store charges for a smaller amount, it is a definite bargain. Would highly recommend!" 8804,B001EO7JFU,A1XPVFWQ9IHNZJ,Luana S. Feigelstock,1,1,5,1269302400,Classy product,Th
i?? w ????utu??????????????ese??t ot ?n n???????????????t ht ???????????????d d w????h h??????cec??????????????flf?ava?????????????t ??it???????????ed ed? eg e???s as ???d id ???????arariarin?????iceic???is???s.s??????????????????? t??????????????????iri?????????leletlete????????????????????dsd????cac????????y ??????upu?????? i?n ??????y wy ?????????????????JFJ????????????????????vonvo??e ??????????????,4,?????????202?????????????l al ?????? fr f??????isis ?oi??????I pI ????????????isis ?toto ??????n ???????????ed bed ?????er????????? wh????????????????, ?bubutbu???????I ?opo????????? f????? c??? t th????DelDe???????????????? fro fr??????s
is walnut oil is the best on the market. It has been roasted which enhances the walnut flavor. I love it with scrambled eggs and in preparing rice dishes. I've even used it to condition my hair! I completely trust Roland Foods because they are superior in every way. 8805,B001EO7JFU,A174FA82Z6VTUI,yvonne C. Foery,0,0,4,1342483200,Delightful aroma from this oil!,"I purchased this to use on unfinished butcher block, which worked fine, but when I opened the first can the Delightful aroma from this
???l l???????? ma m?????????????t t???plplel??????????????????waswa???????????.".???????B0B?????????????RWR?????L3L??7C7??????????,0???,1,?323????96??????????,Th,T?????????l l il ?is ???iti?e ???????d vd ??????????arareredre?d td ???????grgrogr???ryr?????????????s.s. s.???e ????waywa?s s ks ????? a a??????????????frf????eraer??????????????1E???JF?????????U6U??M3M?????gag??????,0,0,0,??5,????747494919????0,M0,???????????????????????????s s os ????fof?? a????w w????????owo??fo??? al a????? e ?????????cipci?e.e??????????????????????????????????????????melme??????????????go????????????????????? r???comco?????????????8,8??????????FU,FU?,A1,A????F3F??????????ea?chc
oil had me making a walnut apple viinegret that was delicious." 8806,B001EO7JFU,A33RWWVHZL3G7C,Dad D.,0,0,5,1320969600,Tasty,This is oil is quite a good value compared to the grocery store prices. We always keep a can in the refrigerator. 8807,B001EO7JFU,A397CWU6DM3O5G,ganka,0,0,5,1307491200,My favorite oil,"I used this oil for a few years now for almost every recipe. It bakes really good in breads and it smells nice, and good in salads. Highly recommended." 8808,B001EO7JFU,A1NMMF3AY8RQF9,Beach
????mpm??????,2,?,4,?????848?161????????ata??????????? t ????e,e?"T"??isi?????????????????????????y y?oio??, ,????????n ????????oro??foforor or?????????d ??????<b<???/>/????? su s??????lll?? fi f?????or?e ?usu?????forfo?r tr ???????? ti t???????? o on on! on???????????ppp?in?????????makma??????????re????ded??????????nln???nin??????????s ts ththethe ?lil??. . . ??????????????????<br??????ttt?????inin in t???????hipmhip???t ???? v?????tit????t lt ???????????????????????t ?tot?????????????????282??212??????????????T2T????????MaM???????????????????""?","????????????838????00,O00,??????????????????8l8?b b??aga?gs!gs????????????ugu??t ?????? fo f?????I I sI ????????????e ?
Campguy,1,2,4,1258416000,Great value and taste,"This is an aromatic and tasty oil, great on salads or for scrambled eggs.<br />I'm sure I'll find more uses for this as time goes on! Free shipping<br />makes it a great deal. My only nit pick is the lid. Two of the three<br />bottles in the shipment had very tight lids that were difficult to open." 8809,B0028621BU,A3UGVZBSBET2R2,"D. Madigan ""metal head""",0,0,1,1342483200,Overpriced - not 18lb bags!,"When I bought this food, I saw the image a
??? p ???cec?????? as a????????hah???????ulu??????papaya??????????????????????????? pe p?r ??aga????an????????oco??ryr??sts?????? fo f????owo??????????????????ThT?????????an??d pd pr??iceic??????????ioi?? l????????? t?????? th??at ????????d b????????g ?$4$???????????lbl????bagba???????????????l.l?????????re????????sisixi?????lb? b ba bag???????????????the??? h ha??????????????akakek???????e. e.????, I, ????penpe???$4?0+0?????uru????????????bobououg??? t?????e 6e ????????????????an?and and???? O ???bo bo????????????????????????me??????????e ???????????? pro pr???esses???????returet?????????????iei?????????????????, a, ?????????e p?????le le???????????t ?
nd price and assumed that I would be paying a fair price ($1 less per bag than the grocery store) for low grade cat food. The image and price combination led me to think that I would be paying $45 for 6 18lb+ bags - a good deal. When I received six 3.6lb bags, I thought there had been a mistake. Nope. So, I spend $40+ returning it (I bought three 6 packs - oops) and now Ozbo customer service tells me they take 2-3 weeks processing returns! My kitties need food now, and these people want to sit o
?? m ?????808???oro? t tht????????? ????????????????M M???ESE?????AMA?MEM????????????????030??RGR???????????????KGKGZG??,m,?????????????4,?????????????rer????????n ????????????IfI????u'u????????in?g g??????? gr g????????????????????????????toto o?beb?????or or??????ene????????????t.t???y ?????????????ve?????. ????usu??????????t st ??????? t? the th??ir ir????????th???? pu p?ut ut? in i????????od?????????????????????enden????????????wew?????????nd??? put pu???? i????? the ???????er er s ???????at dat did??????????d ??becbe??????or???????a ca ??al??en?geg??. T. ??he he????????n ?????????????food???s ???at??????an? b be b????????, , a, ????????mosmo???????ne??????
n my $180 for that long? DO NOT BUY FROM THESE SCAMMERS !!!" 8810,B003QRGDV4,A32HJL62OPKGZP,misspr85,1,1,4,1325808000,Great grain free food,"If you're looking for a great grain free alternative to beef or chicken, this is it. My two girls loved it. We used to put some in their Kongs, then put in dry food and then seal the end with more wet food and put it in the freezer so that dinner would become more of a challenge. The only con with this food is that it can be pricey, as are most Wellness pro
????????????coc??????????blb????????heh?????????????? y ???'r'???????ini?g g???????romro??????????? fre fr??e fe ????????th th????metme??????lil?????asa?tet?????????????????????????hah??????????????????????????f ?co???????818?????????????????NRN?303??????0,0??G.G??????????"w"?oo?????????????????1,11,???080858?????????????????????st????s as ???????,"??????on on a??????? sod so?????????????????????????ododuod??????????????? T Th???????????ve??y ??????. ???????????sa??????. C. ?CouCo????e o??????s ????????is &is ?????couco???? o ??of jof ?????s ofs o???non?????????tata ?su??????????????, se, s??????ingingsing???????????oweow???ver,ver??th??????.0.??????hiphipphip????
ducts. You could probably get the same results you're looking for from a grain free food with something like Taste of the Wild, which is what we've gone to because of cost." 8811,B001HTE3GK,ATLNR30WLW5C0,"G. Cooney ""woodcutter""",4,4,1,1270857600,The shipping cost is a joke.,"I'm on a low sodium diet and use this product regularly. Think it is very good. Try their salsa. Couple of jars of this & a couple of jars of another pasta suace, spices, seasonings, etc. However, the $44.00+ shipping
????t t??????????? r ???????????????????????? o?r ?tht??????????????GoG????e.e. ?????????? s ??????????0 0???o $o ????00???????????????????060??????????LO????????????ara??????????nerne?r "r ????????? C ??????""???232?,2,23,23,????12????242404?00,00??????????????te,te?MeM????????????? I ??????t ??sps??resresss??????fef??? is i???y y fy ??ar ar??heh??beb???????y ty ???ma????a ???attatte????? th??e ce co?mfm?????????????????e a????????????so so??? the the c?he????estest!est???????se se????????aka????n ????????????????????????????t ?????tw??o (o ???????oonoo???ls??????????MedMeda???gliagli??a D'a D?????????es???????? c??offoffeoff??????? an??????????????????tst???????????ateat?r ????
cost is a major rip-off. Try one of two or three sites on Google. You will save $20.00 to $30.00 a case." 8812,B00060PTLO,AKXLOUG2VFVPN,"Carole Brawner ""Grandma Carole""",23,23,5,1126742400,Low-cost Latte,Medaglia D'Oro Instant Espresso Coffee is by far the best way to make a latte in the comfort of your home and it's also the cheapest! I use it to make an awesome vanilla latte - just put two (2) spoonfuls of the Medaglia D'Oro espresso in a coffee cup and add about 2 shots of hot water and
???????????????????????vav??ili???? sy syry?upu???? a??tat?ll??????????????or or??ese??????????ingin???????di?viv??uau?? t?asa???).)??????t at ??? e ?????? c ??????[n[????????????ici?????????l l t th t???glglagl???????????of????e ???y y?up???????????llll ???? g?la???s ws ??????no??????colco????milmi????????vev?? t???????????????th??e he ?hotho????offof??e ??mixmi? o ov o?verver ?????????k ak ?andan???iceic??????????r vr ??gog??ou???????????mi??????????????e ??????????????? an and?????n ??????en????gh gh??????????ha??????????????????cofco????????????????mmm????ara?????l cl ??????????eliel?????? a??d ??????er?? th??? t??????prp????o ???????s (s ??ncn???yoyou???ava?????????????
mix. Place a shot of vanilla syrup in a tall glass(more or less according to individual taste). Next add enough cubed [not crushed]ice to fill the glass 2/3rds of the way up. Then fill the glass with enough cold milk to cover the ice. Pout the hot coffee mix over the milk and ice and stir vigorously until mixed. Add more ice as needed and then pour enough half and half to color the coffee mix to a yummy caramel color. Delicious and cheaper than the espresso stands (once you have the ingredi
???????n n??????. .? M ??dad??lil?? i ????????grgrereae????n ?re???????????????l l??oro?????????????????????????al???????es????????th???????duducu???so?????????r fr ?ror?m m G ??????????????ugu???AmA??????coc????????,B,?000?????TLT?????????7U7????????????????romrom ?????????????6,56,???13??????0000,00?MuM??????????r tr th?an??I ?exe?????????I ??havha??????bob???????????????????????I ?juj??? s??w w?????er????forfo?r t?????irirsr??st tst ???e e te ??odaod?????????????? be b?????????? i? it it??????????????almal?????a a??ea????owow.w????or?igi???al?????????t ???t ft ?????a ma ????? d ????????re????????? th t?he he She ???????ea????????et bet bo?????. I . I t???????????????????lal??
ents on hand). Medaglio is also great in recipes that call for instant espresso. Not all stores carry this product so I order from Gristedes through 8813,B00060PTLO,A23S5J7UQRY6ZO,Brian from Dallas,16,16,5,1133308800,Much better than I expected,"I haven't bought this online yet (I just saw it here for the first time today), but I've been buying it locally for almost a year now. I originally bought it for a mocha dessert recipe in the South Beach Diet book. I tried it to make a latt
???ana?????s s?????asaasan???? s sus????????? I ????????????????????????roromom m???ststat?????sps?prepr?????bab??????????????expex???rieri??cec?????????st????????fef????????? i?s ?????ala??ly ly??ere?????????? h ha h?ve? o on???????????? fo f?????tttte?????nd nd? mo moco???????????'t????????preprespre???????th??e se ???t.t???????????la?rlr?ly ?????e ie it?it wit ?????? I g I ???????in???????????ara????it?it w?it??????llollowo? c?am???????whowh??al??so so??ik??????t. t.?????????or?? is??????? an a??????n bn ????adjad??ustus???????ta???e ?by???ar???ing??????????????perper per?????????????o ho ??????????????ot????on on??opo?p. p.??????????endend ????????""8??141??????606?PTP??O,O,A,AYA?????GOG?????????????? S
e and was pleasantly surprised. I hadn't expected much from instant espresso based on past experience with instant coffees. This is actually very good. I have only used it for lattes and mochas. I don't do espresso by the shot. I particularly like it when I go camping. I've shared it with fellow campers who also liked it. The flavor is rich and can be adjusted to taste by varying the amount per cup. It also has a light froth on top. I recommend it highly." 8814,B00060PTLO,AY1EF0GOH80EK,Natasha S
????????8,8????????????????SOSOOO???o o??????????????????????lel?????????????fef??????? I ???????????ve nve ??t ??ava???g g??o ???????????????heh? c???????????????me?????????ThT????in?sts???????prp?es??????s ts ??he he??es???I ??havha???tr????d ad ?????I h?av?????????????ut ut???did?ff?????t ????and????brbr br / ??????????ot ot??????? a???di?????????, ,??melmeltl?????instinstatanta??ly????????ot wot ?ata??????????????????? le l?????????in?????????e t???? if i??????????),), ???????ls ls?????????????????pap????????? an a??? is????????????????????ha??????ou???nd fnd ???r c???????:<:??????><b><???????- -? I I b?????????????????????????????????????????????
tryker,8,8,5,1162425600,SOOOoo Good and VERY versitile,"I love coffee, but I also love not having to messing with the coffee maker sometimes. This instant espresso is the best I have tried and I have tried about 7 different brands.<br /><br />Not overly acidic at all, melts instantly in hot water (no sand dunes left swirling at the top if your cup), travels wonderfully (compact jar) and is very versitile to have around for cooking:<br /><br /> -- I but a tsp. in a batch of brownies to deepen th
ee e?????????coc????e e fe ?la??????r r / ???<br<b??????- -???????? T TbT?s s??n n? a a?????bab??????????????????omo?????????tht????????????d d??ddd????trt????????es?????? /????????????I I aI ???????itit ???????????????????ucucece ce?fof??????????????????????--? I I I? al alsl???????it????? c?????????????????e ???????????i ????a wa wiw??h h?????k fk ??????????a ca ???? l la?ttt??????fff???????nkn?????eses es????????????mpmphmp?, ????.<??????><b????r />Ir />??????????????????????so????sus?pep??????????, w, ???n/n/i/????ouou u??an???????????d id it?????????????ic??????????????????????????????????????????????????LOL??A2A????????LPL????,",?????????????
e dark chocolate flavor<br /><br /> -- I put a Tbs in a BIG batch of chili to compliment the spices and add extra richness.<br /><br /> -- I add a bit to mexican mole sauce for punch.<br /><br /> -- I also put it in: chocolate granache icing, chai tea with milk for a java chai latte, coffee drink mixes for extra umph, etc.<br /><br />It is over 5 bucks at some supermarkets, when/if you can even find it, so it is nice to know it is cheaper at amazon!" 8815,B00060PTLO,A289KCZG0LPGR2,"Andrea N. Cat
????? " """???????????????????????????InI?????ibi??????FaF?????titic????I I r ?????veved?????arar r??f f????? I ??st?an???????resre?????as as??????????????y y??oto?????????????? I I??as??????e e????insin????tedte????????????, ,??????????????????ed ?????????????eee????????y ky ??ndn???????couco?????t ?t fi???re??????????????????ve ive ?it it????????????? th t??????astas???ee?????????????ouo??????co???feefe????an????????????as ???????hah???????t ?????ve cve ??coffcof????????????????????o Io ?I mI ???e ???????WOWOWO??????wa???????????????????t,t??, I', I??????????? a???????of ????ri??hth??????????????????? this this ???viv????????????????!! !! ????ev???????????
allo ""Nicki""",7,7,5,1156809600,Incredible!! Fantastic!,"I received a jar of this Instant Espresso as a gift from my mother-in-law. I was quite ""insulted"" at first, as I've never used instant coffee of any kind and couldn't figure out why she gave it to me! Then this past weekend, I was out of coffee beans & this was all I had (must have coffee in morning). So I made it, & WOW, it was awesome!! In fact, I'm drinking a mug of it right now as I right this review! I LOVE IT!! However, I make
?????? m ???e e??? a ????ttt?e ????hihioi?????????e ae ????? ad a?ded?????????????????????? f ?or??? m??????la??te???? I' I????????iniin??????beb???ooo?kik????????it???????????ghghbh??????d ???????, ,??????????????????nd? i????I'?llll ll??????????????? he h??re re??n ???????????fi???ite???? a ??????at bat bub?y!y??""?????,B,??????PTPTLT??,A,??????????????????annan?????????????6,??????808?191?202????VeV???????e ?????????ava???"" ""???r r????r ?????ryr????????? in insn?????? co cof??????????????satsa??ileil?????gregr?edied??????YoY??? ca c???????d itd i?????????????? y???????re fre ??reere????????or ???????o oo oror ????be?????????????n ?adadd?? it??to??????????e ???in??ing ting ?to ??????
it in more of a latte fashion. I've also added hot chocolate to it for a mocha latte. I'll definitely be looking for it at my neighborhood stores, and if I can't find it, I'll be getting it here on Amazon. Definitely a great buy!!" 8816,B00060PTLO,A1IU7S4HCK1XK0,Joanna Daneman,6,6,5,1158019200,"Versatile ""must-have"" for your pantry","This instant coffee is a versatile ingredient. You can add it to ice cream you are freezing (or gelato or sorbet) or you can add it to chocolate icing to make m
?oco?????????????t t?????heh????grg??didiei???t tt ?o o???????????????re?cicipi????ala??????????ononen?????????ststrt?on??????????of????????????????????????beb??verve??gege ??? i?tst?????????????????? m ??????ci??????????????????????. ?????asa??s a s a? mi m????????mim???, ????????s s ws wo?????fufulu??y y??ele??????u u????????????e a e a b ?????istis?????????f ef ?????esses?? w??ithith ith i???????????????ou ou w? wil wi?ll ll?????e a????????????to?? ma m??????la???e ????a ?pip???? a??nd nd??????????ar?? co?????g,? I? p ??????al?????m m??nevne?ver?? wi?th??outout ?????is jis ??ar ar oar ??????????f.f?."."8???????00???????????9E9????????????D.D??????????????sese"se??","??????,1,???777787?242???????
ocha flavor. It is the ingredient to have when the recipe calls for ""one cup of strong, cold coffee.""<br /><br />As a beverage on its own, it is a bit more acid than fresh espresso. But as a mix with milk, it works wonderfully well. You won't make a barrista cup of espresso with instant, but you will have a great way to make a latte in a pinch and for regular cooking, I personally am never without this jar on my shelf." 8817,B00060PTLO,A379EN3F2MYIC7,"D. Rose ""dsvrose""",4,4,5,1167782400,The
?????????????????????ere??????????????????isi? t???????????er ???ana???????????????? c ???fe?e.e. .???ene??afa???er ?hah????????ve???????tatal??, ,? th t?is???is ??y y????ororir????????????000????????,A,??6R6???????????????????,3,,3??,1,111151545????60060????????????????y ?lal?????????????????????????dud???????o to ????????oduod?uctuc??a a? fe f????????s a?gog????????s ???ooo??ed???????w ?????????????????????ono????the the??mom???? a????????? of???????????d ???? o???????????????????colco????????the fthe ?flafl??????????????n ???????????rerecre?????????ve??????? do d?????knk????????????? fi fin??d i???????allal?? s so???????????? t?????onlonli???????chc???
best espresso out there...,"I prefer this to all other brands and types of coffee. Even after having lived in Italy, this is my favorite." 8818,B00060PTLO,A26RY08HNRGTR,Skree,3,3,5,1154736000,Quick and easy latte at home,"I was introduced to this product a few years ago and was floored by how tasty and depending on the amount and type of milk added (2% or whole), how chocolaty the flavor could even be. I've recently moved and don't know where to find it locally so I'm trying the online purchasi
??? o ???ioi???????m m??????????t ??????????????????????s s????? v vevere???????? op o????n ????r tr ???oseos??of?????????dod??'t'???ririni????????????? t ??????ftf?????????ana???toto o?hah?ve?????ete????g ????quq?????y ????????kik????????????ara????????s ??????? wi w???????ded??????????t t ct ??????????????derder ?r tor t??""?????????????TLT????2L2?4Y4????????????????anaan??????????777???60?00???4.4????????ho????FoF?oodoo???? u us u?e e te th???s fs ??????????????s vs ??ry??qu???k ??????easea?y ???? m mum??ch ch b ???te????ha?n ???????le?????????? the th????ror????????? /??????????do??'t?????????an??and tand ????????????????. ????????jaj?ar ar???????????????? wa w?s ????
ng option - I'm almost out of it!<br /><br />This is a very nice option for those of us who don't drink coffee all that often but want to have something of quality in the kitchen cupboard. Goes great with Trader Joes hot chocolate powder too" 8819,B00060PTLO,A2L4YE3K8YBN1S,tatiana,3,3,4,1277856000,$4.49 at Whole Foods,I use this for work. It's very quick and easy and much better than the vile coffee they provide.<br /><br />I don't understand the price though. A 2 oz jar at Whole Foods was $4.4
???????????oro??????????. .????e.e???????????????LOL???????FLF?9Q9??090??????. M. ??rcr???????1,1??343??????????wiwici?????????????????????or??????????is???????????????t,t?????????llllylly y???r r????d ?????????bub?????????is iis ??????????????????????????????n sn ?????????????????'t'?????lul??e-e???????in in? th??????????o o??ono??thsth?????????????????????????????????????????????in????vav?????????it it j??st? l ?oo?ksks ???ke?? go goo???????????????d ???????g.g??????y hy hah?????r Ar ???zoz?on.on??????????00???????O,AO,??VPV??XMXM9M?5N5?????,L,???????,2,2,2,??5,5??,130,13??666?????00,G00,???at? p????oducodu??!,!???????????grg?????pr?od?????whw?????????huh????
9 well before the exp. date. 8820,B00060PTLO,A30IFFL9Q5094D,J. Marck,2,2,1,1340236800,Twice the Price as in Stores,"This is a good product, especially for iced coffee, but why is it twice the price as it is in stores? This isn't a fluke--within the past two months I've bought it for $5 a jar in Seattle and in Nevada, so it just looks like good old-fashioned gouging. Try harder Amazon." 8821,B00060PTLO,A3VPSXM95NEODM,LaRee,2,2,5,1307664000,Great product!,This is a great product when in a hurry!
?????m m s ???????????????e e?pr?????????ghg?? ?MyM????oro???se??lsl???t ?fof?? $ $3$??4949 9 b ?????e.e???????? I' I?? t????????????????usu?????y ?????????????t Mt ??xix?????????????eve?venve??????pep????. I. ??????????zoz??????usuus?????????iri??????????????? le l?????xpx???sis???ve tve ????????????????????????828??????????????A7A???QNQ???????????????????????????161??????????re?atat ????hahav?e ???? ha h?????????????????????n ???faf???ofo?????tat??????offof????????????????????????????urcur???se??????is ?waw????o ?????????????????????????????ipi??????he??????uaua ua tua tut??ne???????????????????decde?idi????????et?????????r jr ?????????
I'm surprised at the price though. My store sells it for $3.49 bottle. When I'm traveling I can usually find this at Mexican markets even cheaper. I love Amazon - usually their products are less expensive than buying at stores. 8822,B00060PTLO,A7Z1QNOE2VLKD,Becky Elam,2,2,5,1165363200,Great to have on hand,"I have never been a fan of instant coffee, so the only reason I purchased this was to use in a homemade kahlua recipe. The kahlua turned out great so I decided to get another jar to hav
?? o ?????ndnd.d????????teteaea ?????kekere?????????s ls lilivi??? f fof???yey???????????t t??????????mam???????????????nin??e ??o ???ve? a????????????ptptit??on on? th t???t tt ??st?ese?s gs grgrer?????????????a ga ????????????????????????????iouiousu??????????000??606???LOL????????????????,E,??astas????????MeM???er???,1???,1??????????????????of?fefeefee ??ut? A????onon'on????????????????????????????????????d od of?????????ffffeff?????????????????ccc???????????????????r ??????eveve??????f f???????al?????re????????su?????????????????? b ??an?????????t ???ded???????????????????????nnn?????ete??????in in? a ??stost??????????????????on?????????
e on hand. As a tea drinker who has lived for years without a coffee maker, it is so nice to have an instant option that tastes great and has a good kick.<br /><br />Delicious!" 8823,B00060PTLO,A2KR22BSYTT9IG,East Coast Member,1,1,5,1341705600,great coffee but Amazon's price is too high,"I am very fond of this coffee, and I won't accept substitutes for it. Several of my local stores have substituted another brand. I just order it on-line when I cannot get it in a store. HOWEVER, Amazon's price
????tot?o o?????? I ??'s'?????a a j ??r r?inin n????ala????????????????????606???????????525212?????B,B??????? A ??. B. ?????????????,13,1???626???0000,00??????????????fff????sos??exe???????????????????,???? h???? b ?eeeenee?n un ???????????in????????????sss???co???????oro????????a ???????owo?????? bu b??????????????????l sl ??pe??????????????????? a a????????????. I. ?????????????neneene???ed ed?????or????????????????????????????????rere re???????chc?asa???? bu?t t It ?????????????9999 ???????e ane and? t? tha that???????????????de de????????? a ????????? th??????toretor??????????y,y, y,? it it it??????????????helhe???????at?at aat ??????y ry ??????ab?????pri??????OnO???
is too high. It's $4 a jar in local stores." 8824,B00060PTLO,AF2O1521KM0JB,JoAnne A. Bailey,1,1,5,1334620800,Why is the coffee so expensive at Amazon?,"I have been using this instant expresso coffee for about a year now. I buy it in our local supermarket for $3.49 a 2 oz. jar. I originally needed it for a brownie recipe and looked here to purchase, but I saw the $9.99 price and that certainly made me take a ride to the store. Luckily, it was on the shelf and at a very reasonable price. Only
?ononen???????????????ara?reare????????????????/>/????r /r ?????????????????l l? st sto stororeor?????fof??ore ore????????????s ??????e.e. .????????????????? w ??lll?????? i??????a a va ??????esesses????prp???????????????????se se?????owow w?????juj???t it in???ror?????es,es?????????????wow????????on????? a???????????hah???????d ??? m mam?????????????????????shash?????????????????ha?nkn? y??????????,B,?000??606???????3E3???????????????co????????vov???????,3,?????282??434?????????fe???????xcxce???enentn?? p???iceic?e he heherhe????????????????---??$2$???????forfo?????????????????????$2?????????ce?ce fce fo?for for?? a s a ??ingingling?????ou???ce ???????r fr ?????a 6a ??pap???? ??????
one store in the area stocks it.<br /><br />Check your local stores before you buy this online. Chances are you will find it at a very lesser price locally. I use it now not just in brownies, but I add two teaspoons to a protein shake, and it makes a great coffee shake.<br /><br />Thank you." 8825,B00060PTLO,A3ED5YR0JS7AAY,Recovery Advocate,2,3,4,1282435200,Coffee is excellent; price here is confusing -- $21.99 for 2 ounces?,"Is this $21.99 price for a single 2-ounce jar or for a 6-pack? The
???????????? o ???y y???didici????? t ???????????????isi????? 2 ????????????????, o, ?f f??ouo????, ?????ridridi???????????xpx???????????? i??'s's ????ooo?????ala???f ????s s fs ?forfo???????????? P ?????????????rsrs,rs??????????????????????se?se????????ofoffof?????tst???f ?f isf i??ex????le?????? u ?????????????????n tn ???????????????????opo??ingin????? fi f????a ????l ?on??????on??""8?828?????????????????6J6?V1V??????????at???adyad?????????????????0,???asyas????????derde???grg???at ?????ece???es?????????a ????ror?????????t et ??pr?????????????gregr?????in ??????????. I. ????????????y ?????????the the??????????oneon????????, b, ?butbut ???????t bt ????? it it?
description only indicates that the price is for 2 ounces, which, of course, is ridiculously expensive. But it's a good deal if it's for a 6-pack. Previous buyers, can you please advise? The coffee itself is excellent; I usually buy it in the store and was hoping to find a deal on Amazon." 8826,B00060PTLO,A106JV1I3L7HAP,yatlady,0,0,5,1350777600,Easy to order; great in recipes,"Medglia D'Oro instant espresso works great in recipes. I'm not crazy about the stand-alone taste, but didn't buy it f
?oror r t ??????uru????????????. .?AsA?????e ???????????sts????I I??igi???????????unu?d ???????? l ?????r pr ?rir??????????????????t ???oko??ed ed???verve??????????????oulou???????????d ind i????????espespr???????????? b?????????so tso ?????????????s ??????? and an????easea?sonso?aba?lel??""???272???????????O,O?????D5D??????313???????????????494929????00??????mamada?? c ????memelme????????????!,!?"I"I ????????????????? s sa s??ewe????fo?????????????ItIt't?s ??????????????????????sese se??????madma??de ide ic????ca????ele???macma?cchcc??at????????????? $ ???????????????? : ??<b<brb?????<br<b??r />r />(>????ono??t ???????f f? it i????juj?????????butbu???? h ha h???????? sl s???ht????hochoco?lal????
or that purpose anyway. As some have suggested I might have found it at a lower price in a store, but looked everywhere and couldn't find instant espresso in any brand, so this order was easy and reasonable." 8827,B00060PTLO,A2OGD55O0KF31J,mjl,0,0,5,1349222400,homemade caramel macchiatos!,"I bought this from safeway for about $5. It's awesome in making those homemade iced caramel macchiatos that cost $4 at starbucks! :)<br /><br />(I don't know if it's just me, but it has this slight chocolatey
??????tat????????itit t??????????????bsbsosolo???telte?? d ??????)")?????8,8??00000????TLT??????????EFE????1T1?????at??BeB????????????484878??????0,c0,???mem??????????????????????????rereare????????????????astas?????????????wow?ululdl????t ????????? a??????????ini???? th???is ois ? s ????l l???e se ???????????er ???in????????????????????????000??????????????????????,S,?hahalha??????ri?????????5,5?,13,1???????0000000???GreGr?eatea??fof?????????????I lI ????????????on??g cg co???????la??????????????????ak?????????????????????usius?ing????t f??or ?neneane???ly ??? y ????s ??? m ??y cy ??oco??????te c???? c????kieki????and??????r ??????es?????
aftertaste to it that's just absolutely divine)" 8828,B00060PTLO,A1JCHHJEFUN11T,Great Bear,0,0,3,1348704000,comment after finish,"This is really a normal taste coffee. I would not buy more after I finish this one. In fact, I will still be sleepy after drinking two cups!" 8829,B00060PTLO,A1GYEGLX3P2Y7P,Shala Kerrigan,0,0,5,1343520000,Great for baking!,"I love the strong coffee flavor of this for baking, and have been using it for nearly 20 years in my chocolate chip cookies and other recipes.<br
/???brb???????? a ???????????????ririni???????????????blb?? m ???????lll???sese ??????ntn????y ?????????????ofo?fef???????????????sws??eeteetet??????cocco?coaco??????a a b????????swesw???????. .?ThT???????????????ililil??g g?????r ??????stistiri???welwell???? m??kek?e ae ??????????????????nt nt?lal?attat?????It'It??????t bt ??ttt?ter??????uru??????????g ????? s ????e i????stansta????????????an?????<b???/>??????>W>WhW?hilhi?le le?????????????????????gog?odo???????pupulu??eded ed? sh s???? of o????prprer??so????it'it??????? of? t??????st???????antant ?co?????es es???vev?????????????. I. It. I?????????????????????ll??in?????????ed ged ?googo?odsods ?????????????????????????????y.y???????,B,????606
/><br />It's also tasty to drink, For a portable mix, I'll use instant dry milk, this coffee, a bit of unsweetened cocoa and a bit of sweetener. Then just add boiling water and stir well to make a drinkable instant latte. It's not bitter or burnt tasting like some instant coffees can be.<br /><br />While it doesn't taste as good as a pulled shot of espresso, it's one of the best instant coffees I've ever tried. It's ability to mix well into baked goods ensure it's spot in my pantry." 8830,B00060
P???O,O??2Z2??????????4I4??????????0,0???????242404???00??0,"0,??????hoh??????ata??????? " ?"f?rerese?????ouo?????????"""""???????????????????????????ele???knk???????????????p p?sos??I'I'v'?????????????????of of??a ca co?????????? a??nd nd?????ve???????????????t,t????????????????????????????????????????????t i????an???????????????????????? i in???olo???or???hotho?????ere?????????es es???????????????it?????chcho?cocolco????????upu??????????m m?????????????????aga?li???????????I bI ??????????duduru????????????????????????fo??????????ol??????????????????n In ???an? f??????????nlinlin??????? m ???? c???eapeape????thathantha????????
PTLO,A2ZXWKYIOTGB4I,W. Alao,0,0,5,1324080000,"for those that drink ""fresh ground only""","I used to work at that well known coffee shop so I've become a bit of a coffee snob and I never drink instant, but if you are looking for a really robust instant coffee that dissolves in cold or hot water and goes great with a little chocolate syrup and cream you'll enjoy Medaglia d'Oro, I bought it during a run to the store for a few dollars cheaper than I can find it online, and much cheaper than a 3/4 l
??????????y y????????? th t?????????iei?????????????????B0B???????????????????RFR??6O6?????es?????aya?????aua??????ofo? T??xtxt.t. .??????????,.?????5,5?????878??404???????bub??????????????I I???????? th?isis ??????????on?????????????????????????????st???????????? f ?????????d d w ????????????????????? in i???in????????ararbarbu???????I tI ????????? an andn???couco?????t ?be??????? it it!t! !??I aI ???????ooo?kek???????????prp?rodro?uc?t ??????opo???th??t ????????????oc?er???????????????????????stostocsto?????????83283????????????????????7U7??????,",??????? " ?"a"am"a???inin2in???3@3?yay???????????,0???0,50,???13113191????20200??????mm???..,..????herhe??
b bag they sell in the groceries stores." 8831,B00060PTLO,A2DOAHZCJRFM6O,Vanessa Taylor author of Text. Love. Power.,0,0,5,1322870400,Starbucks be gone!,I bought this because none of the instant coffee was strong enough for me and was tired of waiting in line at Starbucks. I tried it and couldn't believe it! I am so hooked on this product and hope that my local grocery store continues to stock it. 8832,B00060PTLO,A28M2B77UM1TSX,"amazin """"",0,0,5,1319155200,Mmmmmm...,"There'
???????????????????upu?????????k k???sps?????????????e ??? e ?ndn??????ala?? I ????????knk??w w???????'s'?????????th????upupeup??? ma m??ke?????????????ymy??? e we ??y ??????ininging ???????wew?????, i, ???coc??????????????????f if ????on????????t sut s???mermer'r?? d??????????????????????????????UCU????D,D???????ellel?mo?? " ???????ty???he??????????,5,??121?????????0,T0,?hi????????? A ?ctc????on Pon ?????????is????verver-ver??pripr?????????????????????????odo??????????????fofor??????. R. Re?????? ??????????????????ror?????the??????????????????????????ryry ????re?? fo for?or $or ??????????????????pricpri????ou??gerge????????the?? ma??????wi??
s nothing like a cup of black (espresso) coffee to end a meal. I don't know why it's not on the super market shelves anymore. My favorite way of using it, however, is cold with plenty of ice on a hot summer's day." 8833,B00060PTLO,A18FY1PKUCS4BD,"C. Wellmon ""Reality Check""",0,0,5,1273017600,This seller Action Packaged is over-priced!,"This is a great product, but $21 for 2oz. Really? You can get it from other sellers or at the grocery store for $6-7. Show this price-gouger what the market will
??????lyl? b ??earea???????4,4?B0B????0P0??????????KEK???YYY????????????????SaS??tit????????????757??444404????hah?????????????pap???????ha??????????d ?th??? p?????????????is ??????INI?? i?t t it imi?mem?????????????is uis ??????????pup?????????????prp??????? in i?????????????ioiouio???????????????proprod?uc?????arear???????vavaiailai??????????is?????????on on?????I ???????????to????lpl????t.t????????????th???? y? you yo? f ?oror r?????r qr ?uiu?ckck ????????se ??in ????ur???????????????sts?????nd Ind ???????????he he w ???? l ???k k tk ??to oto ???er?????????????utu??ure????????????????????????????????60P60??LO?,A????5P5??????040???????DeD?????is?is "is ?????????ing ing???
really bear!" 8834,B00060PTLO,A1E4IKE4VYYU26,Mario D. DeSantis,0,0,3,1267574400,thank you,"The party I had you send this product to, is ENJOYING it immensley. He is unable to purchase this product in Arizona.Obviously, certain products are not available in his location and I was happy to help out. I want to thank you for your quick response in securing this request and I am sure he will look to order it in the future. Thank You...mario" 8835,B00060PTLO,A2Q15P4SMCF04F,"A. DeRubeis ""Shopping Res
e?????????"",""?????????????????????tyt??plplul???????ene???entent t?????aka???????????????????? t???????????ininsn????????fff????fof??? wo w???. .?????on??t ????????he he????????d d cd ?????????cof?fe??????????????????e a??ror??s ??????????D'D???? i???a ?????????e ??in in??????tonton.n?????????????oko?s s ms ????e i???????????? th tha th????????????I ????s as ????????y hy hoh????????????????????????st????????????re?????bub??????????wa???????????n a?s ?????????????fee??????? g ???????????htht ??????????hasha?????????e e ce ????????encencyc??????espespresp????o ?????????????????????????te?. ?????????????ly?????ing?ing ming ???re re???????????????
earcher""",0,0,5,1263168000,Tasty plus convenient to make at work,"I wanted to have an instant coffee for work. I don't like the standard company coffee at work. I came across Medaglia D'Oro in a HEB store in Houston. It just looks more interesting than coffee. I was actually hoping it wouldn't be as strong as espresso but not as watered down as instant coffee. I am glad I bought it. It has the same consistency at espresso but not as strong in taste. I am probably using more water that what
? i ????ugu?????ede? o ???tht?e e??????titioi?????????????????shs???????o o? I I????????t t?????itittit???????????lll???????????ng ng?mem???????????rur?????prp????????ininkin??????????????? it i????????????????ak ak??utu????t wt ?wouwo????dodo ??in in a a a?????????? I w I ???l ???????is???oror or?flf??????ingin??????????????se?????????????????????????LOL????NIN??????SOS?????????????????sks???????????????????0,I0,????asas ?juj?????hah?????wa????????It It????????t t I??????lol?????ng ?????????????????????????????in??????prepr?????o ino i??????????fef?????A A???itt????e exe e???????????? o?? w??????????????????????????W1W???????????he?ryr???RoRobRo?????on on??
is suggested on the directions. I work 3rd shift, so I think it is fitting the bill of keeping me awake! True espresso drinkers may think it is kind of weak but it would do in a pinch. I will use this for flavoring drinks & desserts also." 8836,B00060PTLO,A3NIXRW6BSOM8M,Sandra Rogalski,0,0,5,1253664000,It was just what I wanted!,It was what I was looking for. I had a hard time finding expresso instant coffee. A little expensive but oh well. 8837,B00060PTLO,AWJKW1MLPEAYB,"Cheryl Robinson ""
??heh??"""""???,0,0,,0???121????????00,00?????lel???aba??le le????ono???????oro? f?????????????????????????? i???,",????????????ingin??????????? M ?????cic?????oao????an?? r ?an?? ou outut ???????ffeff??. .????stost????d ?ata?????ara??ete???in in?????????????????? co?????????????????????????ar ar??? t????s cs ?cofco???e-????mem?? e ?????????e te ??????????????? ta t??????iti????ow?? i??????tatal?????????????????s is ?is is??ns????nt?nt???? ????????? m???????feefee ??????r ar an????or????????d td to???????????????????l l????????????????on.on. ????????utelute?????????memetme???tretr?eatea??""??????B0B00??????LOL?????XHX?????RTR????????y ???????????,0??????12??????????????????
Cher""",0,0,5,1245888000,Unbeleivable strong flavor for an instant coffee-Love it!,"I was camping up on the Mendicino coast and ran out of coffee. I stopped at a market in Gualala-cute sea coast town and bought a jar of this coffee-seemed expensive to me-until, I tasted it. Wow! its totally amazing! This is instant?? why use my coffee maker any more? Hard to find, though. I'll buy it on Amazon. Absolutely a gourmet treat." 8838,B00060PTLO,A3DXHNFAURTSIX,Mary E. Nevling,0,0,5,1240272000,Medaglia
??'O'??????sts?ana?t t E EsE????????????????I I?????lyl?????? e ?espes???????????an????????????????ththeh??ststostoro??????herhe???????????? I?????ve ve sve ??????????????????????k k????,<,<b????/>M/>???????????????????9,9,B,??????PTP?LOL??????PBP????8K8????,"?????CofCo??mam????"L"????e te ?????oko??????????,1,???????404????????antan?????????????????????g,g?,"I,"?I lI ?????????s is ????????????kik???---???????????cic??????????????br?owo????es,es?? ca caka??????andand ?juj???????????e ????????????????a ??? w??????fuf?l.l???88??40,40?????????????2K2??????????2K???an??DiD???ckckxkx,x???????????????????akakeak????mom????t ?t fot f????????????,","T,"Th????????strst???? c??????
D'Oro Instant Espresso Coffee,"I really love espresso. I cannot find it in the stores where I live so I have send for it.<br />Thank You,<br />Mary E Nevling" 8839,B00060PTLO,A3V6PBNPE8KEIM,"L. Coffman ""Love to Cook""",0,0,5,1167782400,Instant Expresso for Cooking,"I love this item for cooking--it is especially good in brownies, cakes--and just a little bit in hot cocoa is wonderful." 8840,B00060PTLO,A2K38E6J2GX62K,Jan Dierckx,0,0,5,1166572800,Take a moment for yourself.,"This is strong coffee
??????tht?????ala?liali????????????????????????inin ???????isi???ufu??ici???????????? ca c??????????????????????????ere?? o ??theth?????????t wt ????l ll ??ses????????lal?????. T?he?he whe wa??????hoh???????????????? wa w??? a ????????????se?????????k k???ithit?????mam?allal?l l????????????????????????????????teute?????????telte?? y?ou?? th??? t th?e ???e ?????????ugu?????is is????????????BuB????hah??at cat ????????? T ?he??fl???????????????888848????????????O,O????2I2III??1V1????????he?????????RaR???ke????s ?????nin?iniin??????????????989??????,T,ThTheThe ???????????ODO? c??offof??????????????????????????obo????and? t??????????????uteut?lyl??????rea????st st?
like the Italian espresso. A teaspoon in a cup is sufficient. Take care you don't boil the water, otherwise it will loses its flavor. The water should be between warm and hot. I use it black with a small lump of brown sugar. A real amateur will tell you that the use of any sugar is sacrilege. But what can I do? The flesh is weak." 8841,B00060PTLO,AEQ2II01VPSY2,"Shelley A. Radtke ""s giannini""",0,0,5,1149811200,The easiest GOOD coffee ever,"I am a coffee snob, and this is absolutely a greatest e
??????????o o?????????????ntn????fff???. .??????eae??llylly ?????????????????? b ???????????daday????owow w I I I???scsco?????????????????????m m? It I???iai???, s, ???I ?????????????!!"!!????????000???0P0????????????????????kyk??????on???,0??5,5???????565?????????????????av???????????????????veryver???????al??????.".???I ???????????????an?d d wd ????? w?ata???hinhi??????????????????????"" ""??n n??????ooo?d ????nnn???????????k k??????????, a, ???????? as a?, ?????ng?????????????iei??????mamaka??????reresresss?? b???own???????WonWo???erfer???!"!"?????????060??????,A?????????SIS????????????2,52,??????????????,T,??????????CoCof??feefe???????????
asy way to have excellent coffee. Got really tired of grinding beans everyday, now I discovered this!! And I am Italian, so I should know!!" 8842,B00060PTLO,API4FE4B5IGQC,Sky London,0,0,5,1142985600,"Wonderful flavor. Used by ""Everyday Italian"".","I spotted the brand while watching ""Everyday Italian"" on the Food Channel. I drink it alone, as well as, adding it to brownies to make expresso brownies. Wonderful!" 8843,B00060PTLO,AEM3Z7XPYSIDC,pt8648,2,5,1,1304985600,The Worst Coffee,Medaglia D
??OrO?? h ???????bebe e????????????ofo????????????verver r????. .????????????????usu????flf????????d ????or.or?. Y. ????????????????y fy ??????????B0B000????????,A,A5A????????????????????????????,2,????1,1?,11,1???????????hih???????ff ff??????????????f f??ou???????efe??r ?frf?resre??lyl??mam?adead??????ese???o b????????etiet???????st?anantan???????odod od??n ????in?chc??????????????????nd nd??ururo?pep?e ee exe e??????ve??? a? and an??????? a???e se ??????????????????ili????e ?????e ???hichi???????'t'???t ??????? id ?????? fo f???????g g??????s a? c co????? f???????????? c????arardar?s,s????c.c.,.??????????s a bs a ???ververaveraga?????t ????teste????ckc???oto?????????????
'Oro has to be the worst coffee I've ever had. It had an old musty flavor and odor. You get what pay for. 8844,B00060PTLO,A5U6KECKJOT5I,Ronald E. Geary,2,6,1,1166918400,This stuff is nasty,"I of course prefer freshly made espresso but sometimes instant is good in a pinch. I travel around Europe extensively and there are several brands available there which aren't at all bad. This brand is OK for using it as a coffee flavoring in custards, etc., but as a beverage, it rates rock bottom in my boo
?k.k??????????040???????,A,???FSF??????RKR??????? A ????????LoL??? C ?loloto????""???????????202??242???0,?????????????? Co C???eee?????oveov??th?isis s?coc?????????odo???????????he??la???????????????????????????????? th t?????malma??????????????????n'n??????e ????orordor?????? f????quequ??tlt?y.y?. I. ???????shs?ipi????ici??ly?? to t???:):?????????????????gag???????????????LUL?????????????U7U???????,"S,"??????ankan????????????????rinri???????"",""??????5,15,135,1?????????????????rfr????????????or or???????????????????????????????????ly????i i????as eas ?????????????ee ee?????? the?????ps ps??????????????????? i i??????? tha th????????? ar a??re sre ?? m ???
k." 8845,B00465VT3M,A2KFSQ6G9DRK95,"S. Amato ""Love Clothes""",0,0,5,1320624000,French Roast Coffee,"Love this coffee, good flavor. The large quantity lasts longer then the smaller boxes so I don't have to order as frequently. It did ship quickly too :) I would order again!" 8846,B003LUZ07O,A38XW60U7T36B1,"S. Frank ""Hungarian Princess""",0,0,5,1346889600,a wonderful treat for the pups,"these arrived very quickly & i was excited to see how the pups would like them. i like that there are so many
???????? p ??????????????e ae ???aya?????????????????ege?????ana???thith????????????? s sws???t t? po p?????? so s???????????????????????????ouo??????????????????? t ?theth?????????s ???????????estes??! ! ??????? inc in?????????e ce ???????, ,????????ing, ing,?flf?ava???????unun.n?????de????iti??lyl??wow???ld ld??uyu????????????n.?""????7,7,B,????????????????????????????????HaHay?????????????????????????????,N,??ot ot????????????I I??asa??exe??????ngn?????????????ie???s wes werereer??drd???????????????no??????steste ??????ra?????????????arkark k?ch?????latla????????oooodo?d bd ??????oo oo????uncun?chych????84????B00B0?484???????AYAY6Y??????HNH??????????????0,50,??????616??
in the package. i've always held in high regard anything rawhide & sweet potato so this was a no brainer....our pups love both! these sticks are the best! they incorporate chewing, gnawing, flavor & fun. i definitely would buy these again." 8847,B002SRUYL8,A1OTPJIWASFMLO,Fiona Hayes,0,0,3,1303603200,Mediocre,Not quiet what I was expecting. The cherries were dried and could not taste the brandy. The dark chocolate was good but too crunchy. 8848,B0048IAKP0,AY6T6TT8HNYT5,Misty,0,0,5,13226112
??????ese?????????? c ?ouo??? b ?????????lel???hihici?kek?r r????????e t?asa???e ie isi?????????????prp????????'t'??babada?d ed ???he?r.r?. M. ???????????t st ??????ururyr?????eakea???????st????an???????????0000400484?IAI??P0P????????K2K??343??????annan??'s'?pep?nan???,0,???0,50,????040?????80080???????????????GreGr??eat eat??????????????fuf?ul ul???????????????????mom?oto? ?CoC?????????? li l????????????????????re re o ??????wow??ouldould ??????onon on???? o??????????????????butbu???verve?ry ry?????, ??????worworlr????????????????????????????ede???gragr??????""????????030?????????????????????R,R,Z,?????,1,1,,1??,1,5,1,?5,15,????????0000,00?????at at S ??????Th??? s??????hah?? o??? o???????? bes be???????
00,Awesome,Gravy could be a little thicker but the taste is great. The price isn't bad either. Makes great sailsbury steaks and stroganof. 8849,B0048IAKP0,A17JWZK2O34FS2,anne'spename,0,0,5,1304380800,Delicious!,"Great stuff! Wonderful beef taste, very smooth. Could be a little thicker so more of it would stay on top of the potatoes, but very good, and worlds better than other packaged gravies." 8850,B003639FQ8,A2KYPW9FX7BZJR,Zmack,1,1,5,1281830400,Great Sauce,This sauce has one of the best flavo
rrsr??I'I??? e ??????asa???????????e'e??????????bab???????beb?????n n??????????????lil????? It I????as as d ded????????????and? t???????go??????????????f f t???????????? n ?????????????? of o?????st st???????eroer????????s ds ???e te tot????he he????rar??bib??????????????????epe??perpe??????????s ss ??????????????????th?????????????y.y??????,B,B0B?010???NMN?8Y8Y,Y,A,A2A2B2???E3E????G4G4L4?,S,???MiM?????????????282??????00??"R"??????LiL????????e ????????????inain??????????????????Ju?ic????????????????me fme ?????r ?????t t??????????????????????????????????es hes ??????st????e ??????t a??????? of? s?????????????t it ???????ot ot tot to??o so ????
rs I've ever tasted. There's a good balance between spice and garlic. It has decent heat and tastes good on a lot of things. I'm not a big fan of most Habanero sauces due to the extra bitterness of the pepper but this sauce blends everything perfectly. 8851,B00125NM8Y,A2BWJE33YXG4L,S. Miller,1,1,5,1280361600,"Roses Lime Juice the ""Original""","Roses Lime Juice has that lime flavor that the knock-offs do not have. Roses has just the right amount of sugar so that it's not too sweet. Great for
? m ?aka??ngng g??????kinki????? g gigimi??ete???..v..?????, ,???? o?????????eqe????????????vovorvo?iti??).). .? S ??????????????????????????????t t s ?????????or or?????????? t th theh????????gingi??????!"!?8?????B0B???UJU??????????HMH??TDT?????????yGy???????????????52???00?????od??, b, ???????????????????????????????? a????a ga gag??blble??, b??????????????????????ror???????????ma??????????tedte??, s, ?? I ??????no???ded????????ucuchuc??? w????????in???????????lyl?????t ??????in ???????????????apa?????te?????at?? th??? " ???larla??e"e??"" t"" ??????was???notnot ?al??????t ????ge???????????a ??rouro???????????prp????imaim????????????????al?????nd?nd mnd ??ybybeb??
making any kind of, gin or even tequila (my favorite). Since liquor is expensive don't settle for less than the ""Original"" !" 8852,B000UJ88LO,A1X6HMGTDRQ95B,SkyGirl,0,0,3,1261526400,"Good, but not great","I purchased this as a gamble, because there was NO product information listed, so I had no idea how much I was getting or exactly what was in it. I was disappointed that the ""large"" tin, was not all that large. It was a round tin, approximately 4 inches tall, and maybe 7
???????????ese????????. .????waw??????????tht??t t??????????pep?????lyl??fofor? t?he????icicec?????????beb???nen???? t? the th???????????????????insin????????????fif???ultul???o o? te telell?????m m????? pi p???uru???????he ??propr???ctc?t it ???????????????????t ?fo?r ??theth??????????????????????inging ing?????e. e.?? I' I??d pd prpro??????? bu buyu???ro????? them the???????????????????????????363???VHV??????????uc?ili???e Me ?????acoac?vev?ellel????,1,1,,1,4,4,4,14,???818???????????????al al? wa was?????????t bt ??ttt???????n n??ha?t'??????ailai?????????Th????is? t??????????of of????????????ada????????s. ????????exe??????????e, te, ?the??????derde???????????rere re?????y ???fuf????????????????????
or 8 inches across. I was hoping that Large, especially for the price, would be one of the large and tall tins. It's difficult to tell from the picture. The product itself was good, but for the price, I was expecting more. I'd probably buy from them again." 8853,B001QDD2IM,A36J0VHZ1295R4,Lucille M. Iacovelli,1,1,4,1258156800,"Not real wasabi, but butter than what's available.","This is the best of the ready-made kinds. In my experience, the powdered kinds are truly awful. The other ready-
m????????????????e ???????uru??????lol?w w?mum?st????? T ThT?isi??ono?????????????????????ra????????d d?????rearealal l??as????, ,??utut t??? w??orkor????????wi????sus???hi.hi??br??????????????????ma?ke???????rea??????ktk?????????????????rir???????????xex?????????????n on ???d Kd ?ete?????p ap ??? a ????????ofo?????????????????d Sd ????on??ingin??""8888??4,4,B,???????2I2?????????B9B????KJK????????????????????686???????????????????or or tor ??is??????uc??????????????????y ???y ??????????ashas?himhi?????TheTh?????totomtomem????????iceic???????????????stansta??in?????? Th Thah??????????o m???h!h????????????usiusininein?sss??s wis wit????the?m m??????????5,??B00B0???G6G???Q,Q?,A3,A3V3VLV
made brands taste like pure yellow mustard. This one is made with horseradish and no real wasabi, but it works well with sushi.<br /><br />It also makes a great cocktail sauce for shrimp when mixed with plain old Ketchup and a pinch of Old Bay Seafood Seasoning." 8854,B001QDD2IM,A20DKKB9S1EKJA,M. Vick,0,0,5,1316822400,Beat size for this product,This is the only way to eat sashimi. The customer service is just outstanding!!! Thank you so much! Will do business with them soon. 8855,B002HG6Z8Q,A3VL
??636?FWF?????L,L??ivi????????4,4???26326????????"G"???d,d? b ???????coc?mpm??????? t ??o oo ???????????????????????? g ???????frfrer??????????t ?eve????????????????????????asas s??????????????????????????? t??he he W?????????????????????????it?ese???arear??????gig?ngn??er er???????the the???????????ici???????????????e 5e ???????????usu????ot?????are are????ta?ststi??? W???????esnes?????ovo?? c??hochoco?????? ch?????????kieki????.....??rigri???? I? I k I ???? I???????s ??av?????? t th the the ??????????nd? f???vo???of????????? c ch????colacol????ch???????????s is is???????ok???in in???????????????d md my???au?gh???????????usbus??andand ?bob?othoth oth? ag a????e ae ??????????? they the??????mymy
263FW0O1JL,Rivka,3,3,4,1263513600,"Good, but no comparison to other WOW's!","I am on a gluten free diet but even before I learned I was sensitive, I LOVED some of the WOW cookies. My two favorites are the ginger and the oatmeal which I would rate 5 star because both are fantastic! Who doesn't love chocolate chip cookies....right? I know I always have but the texture and flavor of the WOW chocolate chip cookies is just ok in my opinion and my daughter and husband both agree although they are my
??????dad?????ere????????ririti?????d d I I'I????????????????? s?heh??????ovo??? 1 ????shs??'s's 's 6 ???????????d ??o o??herhe????????????????????????ld ld?????? st s?????8??????000???G6G???????????????????,R,??????,1,1,1???3,????????????????????????????heheshe??e ce ?????????????d hd ?av????beebe?n ?????er???? w??ul?uld uld??uyu????????gag?ini?n in if????????ipi?????? wa w???????o ????ici????ousous!s???????inkin??? it it???ded????p p b??in?? l ?iki????5 ???????s ????? a a?????????y cy ???okiok????????t ???????fff??8??????00??????????????181?????VQV?Q,"Q,??????lml??an an???ThT??????????5"5??????1,?5,5??????????00,??umummm??- -??gregr???????????????ies.,ies.???he?????????????????
granddaughter's favorite and I'm pretty sure if she was over 13 (she's 6) she would do her own review and it would be 5 star!" 8856,B002HG6Z8Q,A2WWB48WU61DO3,Rachel,1,1,3,1336262400,Eh...,Honestly these cookies could have been better. I would buy them again if the shipping wasn't so ridiculous! I think it ended up being like 15 dollars for a few tiny cookies. What a ripoff. 8857,B002HG6Z8Q,AAKO51858RQVQ,"D. Holman ""The Holman 5""",1,1,5,1331251200,Yummy- great for parties.,"These are the best g
?lul??ene???rereee???????????????d.d?????????ckckek?????oodoo?lel???????????????atat!t??????????????at????o so ?????????pap?artar??????r ????ve ve f??or or a???????. ?I I???shs?????? w????e a???iti????????apa??er,er???ut?????????e ??or?????????888?????000?????????A1A??MCM??0X0??????????????,0,??????????404????0,???????????o ?gog????????s ??????????? are are s are ??? go g???ood. ood.???????ve?????lol?????????y gy ???nd?mom??????????e ????????????????butbu? g??lutlu????frfrefr?????Thi?? c????okieoki?????????ftf??????h ?I I lI li?????????hocho?????????????????????????igi?hth????????litli?????????????????me me p ????le?le Ile ??????? t th the???????ATA??????y ???ppppypy.y..????????00100????989
luten free cookies around. The Snicker doodles are also great! They are great to serve at parties or have for a snack. I wish they were a little cheaper, but they are worth it!" 8858,B002HG6Z8Q,A1JMCY0XKUXT6X,L. Ott,0,0,5,1293408000,This are so good.,This cookies are so good. There very close to my grandmothers home baked cookies but gluten free. This cookies are soft which I like in chocolate chip cookies but might be a little chew for some people I think there GREAT. Very happy. 8859,B00180O98
?????4B4?Y8Y??0T0?????1,1??????????? " ????????????????????838????808000???????mim?cacal???????y y c ???????eses s???????????????????????????????????????????????????????er er? wo w????t tt ????????????at iat isi???notno????????ece?????? on o? t?????ooo???????????????ve???????uru????e ???????eie?r ?eae???????ababibit?? a??????????ifi???????. ????????l l???????????????????????inindin??y y gy gagava????????sasamampm??????? Pr Prorowo?????????????????y any a??nd wnd ??ili????? o??????cat cat?????lul?uteut?????????? it i?????e ????????????? to tou????????????'s'????????????s ?s ars a????nicni??. ??ot???? of of??y ?ca?????havhavehav??beb?enen en??? E ?????kibki???le,le, ,??ut?? th????????????????
0,A14BY8J0TQIBV1,"B. Walker ""sdbarb""",2,2,5,1283212800,Economical and my cat loves it,"Cats are finicky animals and what one loves another won't touch - that is not a reflection on the food itself. I have two Burmese and their eating habits are very different. My local Pet Nutrition Center kindly gave me a sample of Prowl the other day and while my one cat absolutely loves it, the other won't touch it. That's why samples are nice. Both of my cats have been on Evo kibble, but this one cat who n
??????????????PrPror???? h hah?s ????aba????ofo????????ngn??????????????? t??????????mym??????????????ltltet??????ve??????????at at w ?wilwi?l ?????????????????foodfoo??????? S ?o o f??????o o bo ?????????? al alsl??????????? up u????????????s Is I'???????ede?d wd ?????????????????aia??iningin????????????rer???mmm?ene??????????ai???????????e ae ??d ?????????????de?????????????????? i ??????????ca?????????????s hs ?????????????0,0????????????A2A2929V9VDV????????RYRY,Y?"F"FaF?????"""?faf?????????????????????82828???202????????????????iveiv????????????alitali????foo?????I ??ee????????????????? it i???? a?????gh gh?????????????????????d t?ha??????
ow loves the Prowl, has a habit of throwing up and I'm on the prowl myself for an alternative food that will help her keep food down. So far, no barf. She also laps it up as soon as I've added warm water - no waiting. I highly recommend you obtain a sample and let the cat decide, as the food is economical as well as healthy." 8860,B00180O980,A29VDP5XCJV6RY,"Falin ""falinperth""",2,2,5,1282867200,"Less expensive, high quality food","I feed prowl because it is a high quality healthy food that does
???t t?brb??aka? m ?? b????ete?. .??????????????chech????r r t ????????er???????umum m???? f ?ooo??s ???elelll???????????vav???et??????????????t ????????????????????????????y dy ?????ididede ?to? p??????????????????????it it?????????????d,d?????????????x x???t wt ?it????????????????it ?????ini????? b?efe?????se???in??. ??MyM???????n ??eoe???????????????ntn??rere ??timti??.<.?????????????tedte?d md ?? c ca c???ono?n Pn PrP?????????usu???????etet ??fff?????????re??e se ?ama???????????????? r ?igi??????waywa???witwi???????????????????????????he??d ????ly ly???er?er her ????"""?????????"" ""???oodoo??????????????t ???ranra??it??????ing ing???????????????lthlt???????in in???
not break my budget. It is much cheaper than other premium wet foods (Wellness, Weruva, etc), and my cat seems to like it. The only downside to prowl is that, since it is dehydrated, you must mix it with water and wait 10 minutes before serving. My kitten meows at me the entire time.<br />I started my cat on Prowl because my vet offered a free sample. She ate it right away with no problems. However, she'd only ever had ""healthy"" food, so I was not transitioning from an unhealthy grain fil
???? ( (b(??????????????y y??????????odo????? / ?>I>?t ???????y ????y y ty ?? d ??geg?st???ndn??????beb???????ut?ioi?n n? fo foro???ata????????????ststist??n ???obo??lemle?s.s?????rer???mmm???????????????????????????) ??thathatat at???u u????????????e ?????le????d d gd ??????????????""??????????????????????SNS????????,E,???n,n??????????????00000?????????prpropr????????dod??????????tet???????????is?. ??I hI ???ve ve????????????????????????rar????????????foofood???o ?????????n mn ???ca??????????????????me???genge?cycy.y??????t yt ????????????l ???the the??????????????decde???????to to???adad ad m ????????er ??? a???uiu??? b bu b????????vehvehih??lele ??for?????e ane a?nd ???????
led (but addictively tasty) food.<br />It is very easy to digest and may be a solution for cats with digestion problems. I recommend (like another reviewer) that you order a free sample and give it a try." 8861,B001QW6LMW,A10OUSNLYGG1SD,Erin,1,1,5,1330560000,Dog Approved,My dogs absolutely love this. I have been looking for a natural healthy food to store in my camper in case of emergency. Last year with all the wildfires I decided to load my camper as a quick bug out vehicle for me and my thre
?????????????????eee???????????????????iei??? dr d?y y b ????e b??????????bbb???e b??? i itit ?????s s???????????f f?????. ???????????????w w?????????????ehe??????????????????????????ererser?????takta??????ie?????????mpm?????????????e ae ?????thi????????heh???perpe???????????????foforfo??????m a??????eciecidi?dedde???????????t ?a ???????y ??dog??????????????????????????????????????geg?????omeom???nowno??????usu???????????????l al ??boubout?????????????888??????010?????????????????????????an???ar??? D ??????1,1???????101050???????VeV?eryery ??????????"M"My????????????????d ??????? It I?'s'?????????o fo ?ixi??? an andnd ???????ea?????????
e dogs. I have been vacum sealing thier dry blue buffalo kibble but it takes up a lot of room. I read a review about this dehydrated dog food from a person takes thier dog camping all time and this was the perfect solution for them and decided to give it a try. My dogs let me know its supper time when I get home now because they are all about this food. 8862,B001QW6LMW,A338WJQLX5J1MH,Joan Marie Davis,1,1,5,1310515200,Very Pleased!,"My dogs both loved this! It's easy to fix, and very healthy. I w
??? a ????ada??????d d??????e e??ror?????????did??? f??????y dy ???s ??efe????e te ????ngn????????OnO?????????y doy d??????????vev??ralra?????d ????????????ThT??????as ????heahe???thyth????????????ve ve????gegese????????????ha?????????verve????????ed??wiwiti????????ie???ususis?????????????r tr ????pep?ed?ed ued ??????????????????r mr ???????????dogdo???????d id ??????kek??????tretr??ele?????ellel???DeD??????????????????? t? thi th?????rodro????????868????????W6W??????????????????????????????inioini????????????777???????MyMy ???ckc?????????vesve??itit!it??"S"?????????????????????????????-d-?????????og,og??so???????????ed ed led ???????? or orgr??????na??????????????On??
as already sold on the frozen raw diet for my dogs before trying this. One of my dogs has several food allergies. This was a healthy alternative suggested to me that I am very pleased with! I tried using hot water to speed up the process for my hungry dogs, and it worked extremely well! Definitely recommend this product!" 8863,B001QW6LMW,AGO08CYTWMRP,AlwaysAnOpinion,1,1,5,1307750400,My cockapoo loves it!,"She's not a particularly food-driven dog, so I've tried lots of organic/natural foods. One
???ata????e e????????????????vev??????ana????????????????????????????ehe????????????d.d???he????? b ???????????????????el?????????????????dradrat???????????????ucu?????????????'v'?ve ve s?????????si???? ho h???waw????? to t?o so ???????theth????????s ?????ng;ng??????rwrwiwis?e,e, ???????????????????????whiwh??e ???e ?????????????it. it.???hishi??dedehde???ra????? op o???onon on???kekes??upu? s so so so??????e ????? c???????ed ???o do ???alial?inging g wg ??????????y y cy ????, ??????????????as as???he'he???????y,y?, I, ?I'mI'?????py??. I. ? t????????????????????????????????????????r jr ???st st????????????????????????????faf???, s, ?o ?gog??????888???,B,??????????,A,AEA????
that she consistently loves is any kind of Addiction's raw dehydrated food. She can barely contain herself while it rehydrates a bit. So much so, that I've started using hot water to speed the process along; otherwise, it's just such drama while she waits for it. This dehydrated option takes up so little room compared to dealing with clunky cans, and as long as she's happy, I'm happy. I try a different flavor everytime I order just to keep her interested. So far, so good!" 8864,B001QW6LMW,AEXV0U
????????,",?GrG?amammm?? M ???"G??ramra?mmymm??"""""???,1??5,5???878????00???Gr?????????????????????? o ?? t ?????????I'I?veve ???waw????????????? g????to to????????????????????????????????????frfrorozo???????? i ?? t to t?ookoo???p p t???o mo mum??h h???????? o????????????e/e??????????s ?wew?????????????????????????????????cec?????????????e a?????????dicdictc?ioi?????nd nd??????????????????????? u us u??- -??????????lil??????sps???ce ce????ou????up????rdr???nd?????vivid????? h ????ththyth???die??, ,????????it?????mimixi???????f f???????g Eg ???????????lel??????d fd ???shs????uiuit?s ?????ve???????????????? our ou?r Cr ??ir????????? h???????????y hy ?apa??????mpm?er?
23G2GTY,"Grammy M ""Grammy""",1,1,5,1287360000,Great raw diet food for on the go!,"I've always wanted to go to a raw diet for my Cairn but in its frozen form it took up too much room in our RV fridge/freezer as we travel/camp a lot! A friend recently told me about Addiction and this is the answer for us - takes up little space in our cupboard and provides a healthy diet, along with a mixture of Wysong Epigen kibble, and fresh fruits and vegetables that our Cairn loves; he's a very happy camper!
?????e e?cac??????????e ??????iti?????o!o? W ?????????? t??????????????? b ??????????????????on on t????????oro???ara??et?????????????????????ryr????e ???thetherthe????????????????hah??????????om?? ti t???????? tim ti???- - ( ?dodon????n n?????????????????oveov?????????iodio??????? time tim??????????????????????????????????????""?????,B,????QWQW6W6L6????A2A???GNG??8Y8????????H.H????rovro???????????t Dt ?????????viv?iewie??""?????0,????????????????????????lo??ve ve ive ?????????oteot?e te ?thathat????m ???t ?????ommom??????????? f??????????ca??????????????????y ky ?????d of?????????? ba b???is:is: :????e t????tyt??pespe?s os ?????im???????nen???????neneene?ed ???????
The cats at home love it, too! We've only tried Brushtail but get the Venison treats for variety. I'm sure we'll try the others, too, for a change up from time to time - (done in moderation and over a period of time so as not to upset the tummies!)!!!!" 8865,B001QW6LMW,A2XPGNJ8YUPHM0,"H. Grove ""Errant Dreams Reviews""",0,0,5,1340755200,Even cats love it...,"Note that I'm not recommending you feed your cat dog food on any kind of regular basis: the two types of animals generally need differe
??? k ???????????odo?ds ds a ?ndnd nd??????????? H ????vev???? at a?t tt ???????e ??????????in?g g t????????fifin?????????????????? d ???????ateat?d d? fo f????????????thoth????t ?mym???????wow?????d tod t????ratra??, ????????????? t?he? o?????????????d ???????? fo??????tha??t it ?????????a a h ???????????? of o????rotro???????????????????calca?????????????????ri????????????ababeb?????hi??h h c??????????, s, ??? I I d I ??????ded ded??????????t t?eme?????ri????????????????so???????? ad a????e i??. ??'v'??? si s????e fe foe fou????d a d a c? cat?????ci???? f????or????????????????????an???, b, ???????ll ll???????lyly ???????lil???le? o of? t????????? an a????????????????????????
nt kinds of foods and nutrients. However, at the time I was having trouble finding cat-specific dehydrated food that I thought my cats would tolerate, and this was the one dehydrated food I found that included a high amount of protein *and* specifically mentioned taurine on the label, which cats need, so I decided to use it temporarily. The cats absolutely adore it. I've since found a cat-specific flavor from the same company, but I'll probably use a little of this now and then as variety.<br />
?????/>/???e e c ?????????????????ana??????? s ??ini????????heaheala?????? an???th????????????????omomim???????????????henhe????????rere e me ???insin????????????? I ??????????ed???it ????????????strst?????????????????????at/at????????????????????????????????ere???????????????????f f??????????e we ???d ??????????l cl ??????inlin?????????s tos t??????ee ee??????????????????rotro?teite??????urcur?????????????????????cic???s s fs ?fewfe????????????????? t??????on????ma????e the t??hem hem? si s?ckc?????????mi???d d td tod t???hihichi????, ???????y, y,?ra???????, an, a???????malma????????nt nt??of of? fi f????????????????????????????brusbru???ai?ail ail i???????????is??'t? g gr g?raira??
<br />The cats' coats look and feel shiny and healthy, and they definitely vomit less than when fed more mainstream foods. I also mixed it with some straight ground raw meat/organs/bone to make sure they were getting plenty of meat. The wild brushtail certainly seems to agree with them as a protein source, and there are precious few protein sources that don't make them sick (I'm limited to chicken, turkey, rabbit, and a small amount of fish usually). Because the brushtail is wild it isn't grain
?fef????ana??????? s ???ulu?????vev????ene?tyty y??f f????e re ???????????????? A ??????????rdrdidini????o o? th???????an?????t't???????????opo????????????????????????so so? th??is is?is????????ponpo???blble??????????helhe???co????????? the??????estes???????????l l?????????????????????ls?????? l lil????????????????s s ns ?????to to????????????????1Q1???????A1A????RFR?????G5G??????Fa?????,0,,0?5,???????202????A A?????t t????????pip???y ??????????????????????????????????sisinsi???????????????????????????????????????????il?? an and an??mymy ???ttt????gig???l al ??????uteut?????OVO??? i???????owo??I ??????????????????argar?gerge??r par p???ag??????wew???ono?
fed, and thus should have plenty of the right nutrients. Also, according to the company, it's an overpopulated nuisance pest, so this is a responsible way to help conserve the forests brushtail devour and the animals that live there. What's not to love?" 8866,B001QW6LMW,A1STLRFIQ8KG5,Fan Fan,0,0,5,1315872000,A must try for picky eaters!!,"I started out by purchasing the 4 oz trial package of Summer Brushtail and my little girl absolutely LOVED it!! Now I am getting the larger package so we don'
???????ououtu?? ??? C ?hih?????? Cr Crer????????fff?????????erger???????????ltl?ryr?y ay ????????insin????d ??????????????chc???????tedte?????? r??????ata?t dt ????t. t.? S ??incin?????e e ie isi??s a s a?????le?????????ietyiet???shesh?e we ????????????d md ??atat at??????????????ed ??? h???????????? fo f????????????????he he? he????????lefle????herhe?r wr ???????????????????l ??????im???. ????????????????????terte???atiat??????to tto ??e ??????beb?????? t????????ne???????omo?????3 3???nd nd?????attat??? ac a??dsd??s ans a???????????????? br b???th??????in?????he???hasha???beebe???n onn on ????????her her???????uau????y ???????????????????????????????????????to mto ?mixmix x??witwi????kibki????????????????
t run out. My Chinese Crested suffers allergies to poultry and grains and was pretty much limited to a red meat diet. Since she is a hairless variety she was on a red meat formula coated in herring oil for her skin. The herring left her with fish breath all the time. This is a great alternative to the fish because the richness in omega 3 and 6 fatty acids and no more fish breath!! Since she has been on this her skin quality is much better. This is also great to mix with kibble if you have
??????kyk???????? e ??tet?? l?iki???I I????????????????tbtbsb????p ????????????????ndn????????nd nd?????it???? h ?????y py ?lal??e ?eve??????imi???""?888868?????????5E5??????????????AYA????IvI????????ovo??181?????????757??????????he he?bebese?????cac?? e??????????????rer??lll?????????st??????af af??I hI ???? t??????????t ????????????fif?indin???????betbe????? th t???????????????????????????????is ?ononen?????IlI???????????s os ofo?????????yo?????????????????e ??oco?????cofco??????????kerker ?????????eme?bab??????menme??????ikeik???olo?gegerge?rs rs??????????????????? a????????????bub?rnr????d and a???st??????????keke ????????????????s ns nan???????or ????unu??
a picky little eater like I do, just mix a tbsp up in the kibble and you end up with a happy plate every time." 8867,B001EQ5EQE,A31LX0K4MEAYK7,Ivan Ivanov,18,20,5,1175644800,The best decaf ever,"This is really the best decaf I have tried... It is hard to find any better than the italian decafs like this one or Illy. Unless of course you are the average local coffee drinker used to embarassments like Folgers or accustomized to all the overburned and stinking like charcoal brands named for an unkn
??wnwn n???asasos????re??chc????as???????lil???n Rn ??????ete????????????????????????????????thith?????????????th th????????????????an??????eee????NoN??????????ioi???????????al al??????????ici?????ast???mom????li??e e te ?????ada?????????????nen????ooo?d ????viv?????.....???????????1E1???????????ENE???????????????????????s"s??",",9,??????121?????????,E,????????????????,"I,"?????mam?allal?????????????zzz?a a?????????prp?????????de????????????? P PrPre??s)s???????????????????to to???????ownow??onon on mon mym????caffcaf?????e ie ????????? ha h??????eanea???d md ??????? t?????????? w????le le o????????????????????????????n mn me??????????rn rn??r ?????t t??
own reason French Roast, Italian Roast etc... (believe me, they have nothing to do with French or Italian coffee). Not to mention the local decafs which taste more like tea made out of burned wood shavings..." 8868,B001EQ5EQE,A114ENJ8LDLMR2,"TAR ""Mr Ribs""",9,9,4,1242086400,Excellent decaf,"I normally drink Lavazza Rossa expresso (made in a French Press), but in attempt to cut down on my caffeine intake I have weaned my self to decaf. while other decaf coffee has given me heartburn or just tas
t?????wfw?ulu?, ,???isi?????aza??? h ?????????????? W ????????????????????e ????????????th?????ssssas?, ???????????????as as?????tyt??????????????????????la??????, is, i??beb??utu?tifti?fulfull?????ooo???????????t at ???????????terte??????? o???y ?????????????????????hehe ??????e te ????????????????? to t?????y iy ???bubuy????????an an ( ???????????????????cuc?????????t)t???????????????$3$?????????????????????????????e ?e ame a???nt?????Ro???a.a????????s b??????????????? d ????????????I hI ?????eve??r r dr drd??????????????????5E5???????NNN?545?ESESNS??777?G,G??????sa???. . J. ???????en???????????4141212121616016???????s ds ???????NDND D??????lelen?t!t??
ted awful, this Lavazza hit the spot. While it is not quite as rich as the Rossa, it is still has plenty of rich chocolatey flavor, is beautifully smooth and not at all bitter. The only downside I have is the price tag and the need to buy it buy the can (rather than the vacuum packet). Its a full $3 more than I pay for the same amount of Rossa. It is by far the best decaf that I have ever drunk." 8869,B001EQ5EQE,A16NN54ESNY77G,Melissa C. Jurgensen,5,5,5,1304121600,It's decaf AND excellent!,"
??'v'vev?????????????????????oro??? d ?????????re?????fo????????LoL????????353??. .?TrT????????????e fre fror????????????eryer??????????t t t th t?he ?????f f wf ????nen????????????????????????????d Nd ??????'s'???????????????????rinri??????????????????????????thath?????eae??. ?NoN????oo????lal?vov?????or ?es???????, ???and and??usu????????????????cic???. ?? t??rieri???th??????????whiwhimi?????????e oe ?of of? th??????????nd???????upu???????????????????he?re??? on on?AmA?mazma??????????wawaswas was???loolo?????wiwit???my????risri???????????'s 's???chc????? h??? f fl fla flav????????????ma? i ??? ex excx????????????av?????gngne???up?????? th???????????hipmhip??????????thisthi??????
I've looked everywhere for a decaf espresso for my DeLonghi EC355. Tried coffee from the grocery store but the decaf was never espresso grind, ordered Newman's decaf espresso grind on-line and it wasn't that great. Not good flavor for espresso, and just OK for cappuccino. I tried this on a whim because of the price and the super saver shipping here on Amazon and I was floored with my frist cup! It's rich, it has flavor, the crema is excellent! I have signed up for the auto shipment of this and c
?ouo????'t'??beb???????????I I c ??????????y y????e ????????????tat??iai??????fef??????? I I???????????n hn ??????o o????aveav????????R R??????? It I???? t?????ndn?d id ??.".????707??B0B??????EQ?E,E??????????YKYKAK???????o "o ???????eaeadea???????????121??????606????????t Dt DeD?????FiF?inain???ly ?a a?GRG??ATA??????????????? a a ?re??????????????????? c????????????????????????e ?????ot ot?????????????????????e me ???ke?t ???????areare ????????????? t? the the the???????????????????a Ca CaC??re??????upu?????????matma??????????????????????o-o- ??it it?????s ????????????? the ??????? f?unu??????????????aca??????????ce????????????grgror?????????????????
ouldn't be happier. I can finally have excellent Italian coffee and I don't even have to leave home OR go to Italy to find it." 8870,B001EQ5EQE,A2LDWYH3UYKAE9,"Jo ""Codehead""",2,2,5,1294617600,Great Decaf,Finally a GREAT decaf. It has a really wonderful and complete flavor- not like a lot of the decafs on the market that are just missing the kick. I use a Jura Capresso super automatic to make my espresso- it works lovely in the bypass funnel on this machine (since it is pre-ground). The flavor
???ana????????????????????????cac??????non??s as ??? l ?????s.s???????????y y?eve??ryr?y dy ?????ece?????????essessoso.o????hah?????t t????????????????????????nd??I'I?????????d ad ???oto??????e Ie ?????????????????pepereraer????e ie ???????oror/or/ /?????iti????utut t at ?at at a????????????e te ?????????e t??????llylly ?????????n'tn'??????th th??t.??????????1E1EQE???????????0B0BDBDRD??????,E,?????????????,1,????535??????????llllell??????odo??????????????,",??????zaz??????f ????????o ??asa???????????????in??????????????ada???????????s Is ?????ed?????????????????laslasss???? ma m??????? a??d ????is ????ac??????????? le???????pe????????????????????????un?
stands up nice to milk for capuccinos and lattes. This is my every day decaf espresso. I haven't found anything better and I've tried a lot. The Illy decaf is comperable in flavor/ quality but at about double the price the Illy just isn't worth it. 8871,B001EQ5EQE,A3B2Q0BDRNII3S,Epicure,4,5,4,1233532800,Excellent product and price,"Lavazza decaf espresso was the best tasting of the 6 leading brands I tried in my Gaggia Classic machine, and this 4-pack was the least expensive per can that I found
? o ?????? i ??tet????t.t?????????indin?? is i???oto?????????in?e ????ugughg????t ????ece???????chc?heahe?????????????ri?????????dud??ede?????????????t dt ?????????? fi f?ine???????????????????????????? p???????????????8?878?2,2?????EQE????E,E??2G2??DGD????????????????a,a?????????????242?0000,00?????????????fff??????????vev??????s cs ???fe???????????????????it??????ffeff????tetedte??????????????pr????????????????or dor ?ara????trt???g g c????????? and an?????? i is?????????888?87387??,B0,B???1EQ1E??EQ?EQE,EQE?????9T9????????????imi???????????????????????????????121??????808???????????ent ent????????sps???ss??!,!?????is ?????excexce?????nt nt??espes?pre???? a?? and and?
on the internet. The grind is not quite fine enough but 3 sec in a cheap non-burr grinder produced the correct degree of fineness for a mouse's tail and perfect crema." 8872,B001EQ5EQE,A2GFDGHAODEBX8,Jessica,1,1,5,1329782400,excellent coffee,"We love this coffee alone or mixed with caffeinated coffee. Our preference is for dark strong coffee, and this is both." 8873,B001EQ5EQE,A1RD9TDF3FLB60,"Jim Mangrum ""Jim Dandy""",1,1,5,1294012800,Excellent Decaf Espresso!,"This is excellent espresso and w
??rkr??????ata???????????????i i E ????5.5??????a a??????????????????? t???st,st?? I I???????re????????????????????erereerene???????????????????????e ????aza?????????????????????oto????????????????????, ????ma???????????or.or??. I. ????????ee????????????????? o ?????????sos?????telte?????and ?????? ex e????????????????lllloll??s ???e te ?o ??????????thoth???t bt ?beibein??????te?????????si?ng????leele??.<.<b<????><><b?????IfIf ?yoy?ou ou???re re????????????ng?ng eng es??re????????????youyo?????f ?????? st strt???? a???????????????? thi this?. . ???ne ne?????theth?????s ??? g?aia???inging ?????????????????redre????ng???????ar?iai????????????????????ng ??????s ys ?
orks great in my DeLonghi EC155. In a side-by-side taste test, I can barely discern any difference between this and the Lavazza inBlu variety. Both have lovely crema, aroma and flavor. I have been drinking a LOT of espresso lately and this excellent decaf allows me to do so without being jittery or losing sleep.<br /><br />If you are new to making espresso, save yourself some stress and start with this. One of the keys to gaining proficiency is reducing the variables. Yes, grinding beans yo
?uru?????????l l?????????sls??????y y f ????????esespes??????, ,???t ???????????????????????s s w???t t dt ?????????eded d??o ?????????????ini?????????????????YoY???????pip???? ?????????????so so m ???er??????????youyo?u au ??????????iei??????????hih????????????????????y ???rouro???? es?pr??????????????? b???????? mu m???????tet????oso???????????????????ent ent????????????????????????????????000010????EQ????2E2E7E??5252B2??8383H3??I,I??????? t??????????sh?opo?????1,1??,5,???????????????????coc?ffffef???- - a???????m m???eryery ????ckyck??"T"????????????????ff???????you you??????????ll????at????????ded?cac??? T ??????ava?oro???????????er????
urself will get you slightly fresher espresso, but when there are problems what do you need to fix? The grind? The roast? Your tamping? The espresso maker? Once you are proficient with this excellent expertly ground espresso, you will be in a much better position to experiment with grinding your own." 8874,B001EQ5EQE,A2E7P52B783HTI,Marina the picky shopper,1,1,5,1273536000,Great coffee - and I am very picky,"This is great coffee, you cannot tell that it is decaf. The flavor is just perfect
?????lll??????ncn??d,d?????? bu b???ed??liliki?????ararbrbub?????an?? m ????s s gs ?????? .??WoW?rkr???????????iti?h h???y Jy ?ur??????re?????????uc????? m????ininein????? b??????????????r-r???????????????????????????????????????????????t tht t???????ntn?????878????000?????????AHA?????????KCK?M,M??. ??vev???,1,??????,12,1??????00?????????????cacafca???????ressres????ro??ndnd ?d cod c???eeee,e????????ee????sis?ing???????????????????eveveverve??????ar??????????????????????sfsfif??ed.ed??. F. ?oror or?? d ???caf???it??isis is??????an???sa????????????a ra ???????????e ??oror ??????????????ni???????ne???of of???????estes?t dt ??decadecafa????ff????????????st?????????????00100??
, well balanced, not burned like Starbucks and makes good crema. Works nicely with my Jura espresso-cappuccino machine. I bought two four-packs already and going through my 6th jar at the moment." 8875,B001EQ5EQE,AH8GFZJP4AKCM,B. Avery,1,1,4,1270512000,Lavazza decaf Espresso ground coffee,"I've been using this coffee for several years and I am quite satisfied. For a decaf, it is rich and satisfying, a robust taste for the early morning. One of the best decaf coffees I've tasted." 8876,B001EQ
?????????????????????????????????,1??????????,I,ItI? i ???????????????????????????????s ds ??????eie??????????heh?? i?????memese?s ts ????????rsr????????????cucupu???? e ???????o o co ???ffeff??, ,?????? a??l ??in ???e ?waw?y y??owo?? th??????????????????tedte??? T ??????bub??st st?????????f ???????????????ouo????????e te ????????st dst ???????????pr??????lolovoveverve?????????????d id ???????? l ???tltlele ???ecrec???, ????chc??????t ot ?of of u us????????ansan????oulou?????????????????????????????dedecde?cafca?ffe???????????ow???????????e w???mmm???. . ? I' I???????????????????is c?????fee fee?????ses??????????arsar????? a?????????the????????? pr p???grg?rouro?ndnd nd cnd co?coff??
5EQE,AML351UD1T9IF,Paul C.,1,1,5,1268265600,It is hard to believe that this is decaffeinated.,"When it comes to flavors in a good cup of espresso coffee, it is all in the way how the beans are roasted. The robust flavor of this coffee should make the most desiring espresso lovers proud. And it has a little secret, which most of us Italians wouldn't admit in public, it is decaffeinated. Wow, a double whammy. I've been using this coffee for several years now and no other decaf pre-ground coffee
??????????????????????000???????????????TUT?111??????"L"?????????????s s "s ???????,1,???,5,???????686??????ere??????es????????,"T,"???????is sis ?imi?????tht?? b ???t ????????or? m mam????? e es esps????so?????eye???ana??????????????????????f f tf ??e ?co?????????????????????????er?yty?????g eg ???? o?????????????????????IlIlll???????y ay ??????????regre??lal?????ariar?etetyt????? " ??????ma ma e????????????????????????wew??l l wl ????????e e me ???????????: :?????????????shs?ouo?ulduld ?be????????onlon???????????ngng ng e?????ss???. O. OfO??cocouco????????????????o ????w w? wh w?????youyo????re ???????????????."."????????????????,A?252???M3M3Q3???????????????
comes close." 8877,B001EQ5EQE,A1L1EHTU11S50F,"Lorenzo Fabris ""LF""",1,1,5,1211068800,Perfect espresso,"This is simply the best decaf for making espresso money can buy. At a fraction of the cost, this coffee beats everything else out there, including Illy. Try also the regular variety and ""crema e gusto"". They are all well worth the money. Note: this coffee should be used only for making espresso. Of course, you have to know what you are doing as well." 8878,B001EQ5EQE,A25C2M3QF9G7OQ,Comdet,2
?,3,??????????888????????ede????????o o????ese??rer?esses?????????"I"? t ??ouo?????I ????????cac????????????? e????resre????????????t at ???aya?????d ???????????????or or?????????????????? a a???de??ratra?????????tonto?ne ne t?o ?an??????????????????e.e? I? e?njnjojoyo??????ngn??????????????????????t bt ?????r ???ff??????????????????????brb??????????????????????????????thath????????s js ???st st???in????????e ??????g sg ??ufuff?. ??????zaz?????cafcaf caf??????????????????????fufulu?. ???????, ?????-b-????????bub???nono o bo ??????????????????????, ?????????nd????????????lyl?????????????ot????????<b?????????????, h, ?howho??????????????
,3,5,1306108800,Turned me into an espresso lover,"I thought I didn't care for decaf espresso since it always had a bitter flavor that ranged from a moderate undertone to an overwhelming bite. I enjoy strong-flavored coffee, but bitter coffee is another story.<br /><br />Well, it turns out that I was just drinking the wrong stuff. Lavazza decaf is absolutely delightful. Strong, full-bodied, but no bitterness. Nice crema, smooth and rich. Really hits the spot!<br /><br />It does, however, have a b
????mom?????afa???????????????erer r?????????????????, ,??utu??I I???an an f ??????????????(I(?????er?y y????????????o o???????ne???????????????????yo???prp?????lyl????????no??ici???????????t et ????????????????????? a??????blebl??. ??????ve???ifi???????d,d?????? pr pro pr?????? s st s?????????k k????????????s ts th?ata?????????r ?/>/????????igigh?????????mem?endend.d????878???????EQE???????2Z2?LCL???FRF??RLR?????????n Wn ?????????????"F"???????????????????????????,A??????????????,"I,"I ????ldl??prprepr????????????k ??the????????????????????? t???e t?????????ut ????? I ??????not????????e t???????fefeife????I ??????e thie th??. . . ??t ???s as ????
it more caffeine than other decafs. Not much, but I can feel it a bit (I'm very sensitive to caffeine - if you're not, you probably won't notice it). Not enough that it causes a problem. But even if it did, I'd probably still drink this - it's that good!<br /><br />Highly recommend." 8879,B001EQ5EQE,A2ZLCLWFRIRL2A,"John W. Westcott ""Fr John""",2,3,4,1220572800,A solid Decaf,"I would prefer to drink the regular Lavazza all the time, but when I cannot handle the caffeine I use this. It is a ver
????????coc?ffffef?e.e?????88088????0101E1?Q5Q???????????????????0,D0,??anannn?e e????????0,???5,5,1,????616???????????????????az??????????ocockck!k??,","M,"?????????& ?I I????????va?zz?????????????????faf???????is???ece??? e ?????essesso???????????????????s ?tht????????????????n n???? h ?avave?????????y y dy dad?y,y?????????wiw???ou??????ryryiry???? ab abob??? m mym???????in???upu????AmaAmaz?????yo????arear???????mem???????????????????plpla???????????derde??? it??????????? 4 ????aysay???oror or????e toe t???ececeec?ivi???????????????e ??& S& ?????is??a ????????????????to??????????? re????? a?????ala??????????????????fe!fe?????881881,1??????????EQE,EQE?,A1,A??????????OPO?????
y good coffee." 8880,B001EQ5EQE,A1OJU4I8E96AF0,Dianne Lister,0,0,5,1341619200,"Lavazza & Amazon, you rock!","My hubby & I love Lavazza, our absolute fave! This decaf espresso is just as good as the regular. I can now have it every day, again, without worrying about my BP going up. Amazon, you are awesome! From the time I placed my order, it only took 4 days for me to receive it. Subscribe & Save is a great service, too. I will remain a loyal customer for life!" 8881,B001EQ5EQE,A12WVAXWII6OPK,Jes
?sis?? M ??????????,2,??????272?????0,T0,????eses s?prp?oco???ses??,I,???????lyly y?????r r???ustus?telte???????fff???????d d??ofo????????????????sedse???o ?????????????????th?????ameam?e a????????ara??es???????. . I ???????d t????????????????cafca???????????????d I d I??? e??????????????ppp?????tedted.ted??ItI??s s r???????obo??????????? y ??????????iti????at???????? de d?????feife????ed? a?nd??? tas ta???????????? i????propr???????. ?? o???er???ed ted ?the?????????????????????????????????????nd ??????th?the ??????e te the t?????????????t ot ?pep???ed ????t i????????n dn ????????..?8?88??????1E1???????????9Q9?MVM????????DoD?????ar????La?????nsn???????lovlo?????of of m me????
sie Mejias,0,0,2,1341273600,Tastes processed,I usually order Bustelo Decaffeinated coffee and I am used to the taste being the same as regular espresso. I tried this Lavazza decaf espresso and I am extremely disappointed. It's really obvious when you taste it that it is decaffeinated and tastes like it is processed. I ordered the 4-pack and would really like to send back the three that I haven't opened yet if I can do that... 8882,B001EQ5EQE,A3229QMVXFPNH,"Donnamarie Lapczynski ""lover of mercy"
???,0,??????131343?????????????cic????????coc????????asa????? k ??owo??no?tht???? a ????t t???????????ete?thoth????f f??????????????????t ??????hth?t It ???????????e e? th?isi??????y.y??I ????ala??????????????is?????ateat???prp??oceoc??sesede????????????a ??????rfrfuf??????????????????????????sos???la??????tot???e ??9.9?????af???in??frf????????efefu???????????????ll ll?????????????e ie ???re???????????the the???????? ha h???????eded ed o of o??de????..?888?88388?????1E1??????,A,?????7F7?????????ene??,0,?0,?5,????????????DeD????????????????cec??????????li???y py ???????t wt ????? r ??mim?????me????? It I???????????????t t???????fe????????er???????oro????
"",0,0,5,1340236800,delicious chocolatey taste,I know nothing about this CO2 method of decaffeinating but thought I would give this a try. I usually buy the Swiss water processed. This had a wonderful chocolatey taste. It also claimed to be 99.9% caffein free. Hopefully this is all true because it really is the best I have tried of decaf. 8883,B001EQ5EQE,AV8HZ7FZLAPGQ,Ken,0,0,5,1338595200,Decaf Espresso,Excellent quality product which reminds me of Italy... without the caffeine. Perfect for aft
?ere? d ??nnn??????????????? e efe?????????? to t???mumucu?h h???ff????e.e????88488????010????EQEQEEQ????????????????,N,NON??E,E,0E,0,0????????838????????????????????a a??????????????????????s ??????ede? t????????????? a a??????e e Ie ??????an an??es??tauta??anantan????? ou o??????ntntont?ownow? a?re????????oto???ed????????the????af?fif??lia?????dedelde?????????????zaz???????I aI asa?????????????????????at that t???????wewed?????????? re res re????????????????????????s.s???????mem???????????????????aza??????????de???d ?an?????I amI a?? no not??????????WhW????? g ????t ?????????????????celce????nt ?cuc?? o??????fe?????????????????????st???ra????flf?avavoav?? w??ithitho?ut? s??
er dinner without the effects of too much caffeine. 8884,B001EQ5EQE,A3M84VMTYCG5L3,NONE,0,0,5,1328313600,Just like at a restaurant,I've always enjoyed the decaf at a little Italian restaurant in our downtown area. I noticed that their affiliated deli sold LavAzza and I asked if that is what they brewed for the restaurant and was told yes. I immediately went to Amazon and ordered and I am not sorry. What a great price for an excellent cup of coffee! Now I get the restaurant flavor without spe