Name the party with edward boland
SELECT party FROM table_1341865_23 WHERE incumbent = "Edward Boland"
CREATE TABLE table_1341865_23 (party VARCHAR, incumbent VARCHAR)
Which stage had tabriz petrochemical team in the team classification?
SELECT stage FROM table_name_68 WHERE team_classification = "tabriz petrochemical team"
CREATE TABLE table_name_68 (stage VARCHAR, team_classification VARCHAR)
How many characteristics are there?
What is the name of the city with a capacity of 41,311?
SELECT city FROM table_name_97 WHERE capacity = "41,311"
CREATE TABLE table_name_97 (city VARCHAR, capacity VARCHAR)
Who was on Jason's team for the 12 June 2009 episode?
SELECT jasons_team FROM table_23292220_8 WHERE first_broadcast = "12 June 2009"
CREATE TABLE table_23292220_8 (jasons_team VARCHAR, first_broadcast VARCHAR)
What is the Age of f/c Posiiton?
SELECT year_born__age_ FROM table_name_85 WHERE position = "f/c"
CREATE TABLE table_name_85 (year_born__age_ VARCHAR, position VARCHAR)
Who was the home team when Hawthorn was the away team?
SELECT home_team FROM table_name_39 WHERE away_team = "hawthorn"
CREATE TABLE table_name_39 (home_team VARCHAR, away_team VARCHAR)
What is the Time of the Belarus Player with a Rank larger than 2 and Notes of FB?
SELECT time FROM table_name_98 WHERE rank > 2 AND notes = "fb" AND country = "belarus"
CREATE TABLE table_name_98 (time VARCHAR, country VARCHAR, rank VARCHAR, notes VARCHAR)
Who is the leading lady in The Lonely Trail?
SELECT leading_lady FROM table_name_96 WHERE title = "the lonely trail"
CREATE TABLE table_name_96 (leading_lady VARCHAR, title VARCHAR)
What are the names of companies whose headquarters are not "USA"?
SELECT name FROM Companies WHERE Headquarters <> 'USA'
CREATE TABLE Companies (name VARCHAR, Headquarters VARCHAR)
Which Drawn has a Position smaller than 8, and a Played smaller than 14?
SELECT MAX(drawn) FROM table_name_85 WHERE position < 8 AND played < 14
CREATE TABLE table_name_85 (drawn INTEGER, position VARCHAR, played VARCHAR)
Which Lungchang has a Halang of ʒɯ², and a Rera of ʒo²?
SELECT lungchang FROM table_name_85 WHERE halang = "ʒɯ²" AND rera = "ʒo²"
CREATE TABLE table_name_85 (lungchang VARCHAR, halang VARCHAR, rera VARCHAR)
What team has great plains as the conference, and concordia (ne) as the school?
SELECT team FROM table_name_58 WHERE conference = "great plains" AND school = "concordia (ne)"
CREATE TABLE table_name_58 (team VARCHAR, conference VARCHAR, school VARCHAR)
What date has 104-113 as the score?
SELECT date FROM table_name_17 WHERE score = "104-113"
CREATE TABLE table_name_17 (date VARCHAR, score VARCHAR)
Where was the match that lasted less than 3 rounds and was won by submission (triangle choke)?
SELECT location FROM table_name_21 WHERE round < 3 AND method = "submission (triangle choke)"
CREATE TABLE table_name_21 (location VARCHAR, round VARCHAR, method VARCHAR)
Name the circuit for united arab emirates
SELECT circuit FROM table_2446333_2 WHERE country = "United Arab Emirates"
CREATE TABLE table_2446333_2 (circuit VARCHAR, country VARCHAR)
What is the ISO for South Sudan?
SELECT iso_3166_2_codes FROM table_222771_1 WHERE english_short_name__upper_lower_case_ = "South Sudan"
CREATE TABLE table_222771_1 (iso_3166_2_codes VARCHAR, english_short_name__upper_lower_case_ VARCHAR)
Jeff Staples player for which College, Junior or Club league?
SELECT college_junior_club_team__league_ FROM table_name_28 WHERE player = "jeff staples"
CREATE TABLE table_name_28 (college_junior_club_team__league_ VARCHAR, player VARCHAR)
What was the playoff status when the head coach was Brent Sutter, the finish was 4th central, and the points were 82?
SELECT playoffs FROM table_name_50 WHERE head_coach = "brent sutter" AND finish = "4th central" AND points = "82"
CREATE TABLE table_name_50 (playoffs VARCHAR, points VARCHAR, head_coach VARCHAR, finish VARCHAR)
What was the score on 20/6/97?
SELECT score FROM table_name_9 WHERE date = "20/6/97"
CREATE TABLE table_name_9 (score VARCHAR, date VARCHAR)
Who did the high points in the game played on December 18?
SELECT high_points FROM table_22871316_6 WHERE date = "December 18"
CREATE TABLE table_22871316_6 (high_points VARCHAR, date VARCHAR)
What was the host of Horrid Henry?
SELECT host FROM table_name_74 WHERE country = "horrid henry"
CREATE TABLE table_name_74 (host VARCHAR, country VARCHAR)
Which game type has most number of games?
CREATE TABLE Video_games (gtype VARCHAR)
Which channel was on 28 December 2008?
SELECT channel FROM table_name_74 WHERE date = "28 december 2008"
CREATE TABLE table_name_74 (channel VARCHAR, date VARCHAR)
In Cavalier County and the geo id is larger than 3801931620.0, what is the population?
SELECT pop__2010_ FROM table_18600760_7 WHERE county = "Cavalier" AND geo_id > 3801931620.0
CREATE TABLE table_18600760_7 (pop__2010_ VARCHAR, county VARCHAR, geo_id VARCHAR)
Name the cfl team for saskatchewan
SELECT cfl_team FROM table_25017530_6 WHERE college = "Saskatchewan"
CREATE TABLE table_25017530_6 (cfl_team VARCHAR, college VARCHAR)
Which team had a second qualifying time of 58.539?
SELECT team FROM table_name_71 WHERE qual_2 = "58.539"
CREATE TABLE table_name_71 (team VARCHAR, qual_2 VARCHAR)
Name the Visitor that has a Home of chicago black hawks on april 20?
SELECT visitor FROM table_name_74 WHERE home = "chicago black hawks" AND date = "april 20"
CREATE TABLE table_name_74 (visitor VARCHAR, home VARCHAR, date VARCHAR)
How many dates had an average speed of 102.003?
SELECT COUNT(date) FROM table_2175858_1 WHERE average_speed__mph_ = "102.003"
CREATE TABLE table_2175858_1 (date VARCHAR, average_speed__mph_ VARCHAR)
What year was Frank Annunzio elected
SELECT MIN(first_elected) FROM table_1341663_14 WHERE incumbent = "Frank Annunzio"
CREATE TABLE table_1341663_14 (first_elected INTEGER, incumbent VARCHAR)
What opponent has a loss of Trachsel (10-11)?
SELECT opponent FROM table_name_12 WHERE loss = "trachsel (10-11)"
CREATE TABLE table_name_12 (opponent VARCHAR, loss VARCHAR)
what is the lowest points scored by a player who blocked 21 times
SELECT MIN(points) FROM table_19722233_5 WHERE blocks = 21
CREATE TABLE table_19722233_5 (points INTEGER, blocks VARCHAR)
Which series had a title of Boyhood Daze?
SELECT series FROM table_name_78 WHERE title = "boyhood daze"
CREATE TABLE table_name_78 (series VARCHAR, title VARCHAR)
What is the away team of match 9?
SELECT away_team FROM table_name_52 WHERE match_no = "9"
CREATE TABLE table_name_52 (away_team VARCHAR, match_no VARCHAR)
Who wrote the episodes with 7.70 u.s. viewers (million) ?
SELECT written_by FROM table_27117365_1 WHERE us_viewers__million_ = "7.70"
CREATE TABLE table_27117365_1 (written_by VARCHAR, us_viewers__million_ VARCHAR)
Who was the centerfold model when the issue's pictorial was amanda beard, reby sky , girls of montauk ?
SELECT centerfold_model FROM table_1566852_8 WHERE pictorials = "Amanda Beard, Reby Sky , Girls of Montauk"
CREATE TABLE table_1566852_8 (centerfold_model VARCHAR, pictorials VARCHAR)
Show the faculty id of each faculty member, along with the number of students he or she advises.
SELECT T1.FacID, COUNT(*) FROM Faculty AS T1 JOIN Student AS T2 ON T1.FacID = T2.advisor GROUP BY T1.FacID
Tell me the position for pick of 146
SELECT position FROM table_name_7 WHERE pick = "146"
CREATE TABLE table_name_7 (position VARCHAR, pick VARCHAR)
What is the lowest height in feet for the building located in platz der einheit 1, gallus, that was built after 1961 with a height less than 130 meters?
SELECT MIN(height__ft_) FROM table_name_62 WHERE year_built > 1961 AND location = "platz der einheit 1, gallus" AND height__m_ < 130
CREATE TABLE table_name_62 (height__ft_ INTEGER, height__m_ VARCHAR, year_built VARCHAR, location VARCHAR)
What is every yellow jersey entry for the distance 125?
SELECT yellow_jersey FROM table_275506_1 WHERE distance__km_ = "125"
CREATE TABLE table_275506_1 (yellow_jersey VARCHAR, distance__km_ VARCHAR)
How many positions are there in Canadian Nascar?
SELECT MAX(position) FROM table_23239946_3
CREATE TABLE table_23239946_3 (position INTEGER)
SELECT MAX(avg_emission_per_km_2_of_its_land__tons_) FROM table_11251601_2 WHERE country = "India"
CREATE TABLE table_11251601_2 (avg_emission_per_km_2_of_its_land__tons_ INTEGER, country VARCHAR)
What is other when registered voters is 50.7%?
SELECT other FROM table_27003186_3 WHERE registered_voters = "50.7%"
CREATE TABLE table_27003186_3 (other VARCHAR, registered_voters VARCHAR)
on january 12 who was the visitor?
SELECT visitor FROM table_name_16 WHERE date = "january 12"
CREATE TABLE table_name_16 (visitor VARCHAR, date VARCHAR)
Name the team for ricky rudd
SELECT team FROM table_2150776_1 WHERE driver = "Ricky Rudd"
CREATE TABLE table_2150776_1 (team VARCHAR, driver VARCHAR)
What is the highest rank of Tokyo International Airport?
SELECT MAX(rank) FROM table_name_72 WHERE airport = "tokyo international airport"
CREATE TABLE table_name_72 (rank INTEGER, airport VARCHAR)
what is the highest goals against when the wins is less than 1?
SELECT MAX(goals_against) FROM table_name_54 WHERE wins < 1
CREATE TABLE table_name_54 (goals_against INTEGER, wins INTEGER)
What is Briar Cliff University's nickname?
SELECT nickname FROM table_262508_1 WHERE institution = "Briar Cliff University"
CREATE TABLE table_262508_1 (nickname VARCHAR, institution VARCHAR)
What is the Date with an Away that is broadview hawks?
SELECT date FROM table_name_5 WHERE away = "broadview hawks"
CREATE TABLE table_name_5 (date VARCHAR, away VARCHAR)
What player has 3 wins and ranks above 3rd?
SELECT player FROM table_name_51 WHERE wins = 3 AND rank > 3
CREATE TABLE table_name_51 (player VARCHAR, wins VARCHAR, rank VARCHAR)
What party is Charles Van Wyck part of?
SELECT party FROM table_name_4 WHERE incumbent = "charles van wyck"
CREATE TABLE table_name_4 (party VARCHAR, incumbent VARCHAR)
In the WCHL League, what is the last Assists with less than 65 Goals?
SELECT MIN(assists) FROM table_name_37 WHERE league = "wchl" AND goals < 65
CREATE TABLE table_name_37 (assists INTEGER, league VARCHAR, goals VARCHAR)
Tell me the country for ICAO tjvq
SELECT country FROM table_name_14 WHERE icao = "tjvq"
CREATE TABLE table_name_14 (country VARCHAR, icao VARCHAR)
What is the lowest top 5 winners with less than 0?
SELECT MIN(top_5) FROM table_name_30 WHERE wins < 0
CREATE TABLE table_name_30 (top_5 INTEGER, wins INTEGER)
What is the average high temperature for each day of week?
SELECT AVG(high_temperature), day_of_week FROM weekly_weather GROUP BY day_of_week
CREATE TABLE weekly_weather (day_of_week VARCHAR, high_temperature INTEGER)
Who is the required actor when Robert Austin was the actor in the original production?
SELECT actor_required FROM table_name_29 WHERE actor_in_original_production = "robert austin"
CREATE TABLE table_name_29 (actor_required VARCHAR, actor_in_original_production VARCHAR)
Find the first names of all the authors ordered in alphabetical order.
SELECT fname FROM authors ORDER BY fname
CREATE TABLE authors (fname VARCHAR)
Who is the team of the Chevrolet, and has a position less than 7, for car # 88?
SELECT team FROM table_name_90 WHERE make = "chevrolet" AND pos < 7 AND car__number = 88
CREATE TABLE table_name_90 (team VARCHAR, car__number VARCHAR, make VARCHAR, pos VARCHAR)
In what stadium did a game result in a final scoreline reading 27-34?
SELECT stadium FROM table_name_30 WHERE final_score = "27-34"
CREATE TABLE table_name_30 (stadium VARCHAR, final_score VARCHAR)
What models have an a2 barrel profile?
SELECT name FROM table_12834315_5 WHERE barrel_profile = "A2"
CREATE TABLE table_12834315_5 (name VARCHAR, barrel_profile VARCHAR)
Which Date of designation has a Name of kurume?
SELECT date_of_designation FROM table_name_36 WHERE name = "kurume"
CREATE TABLE table_name_36 (date_of_designation VARCHAR, name VARCHAR)
What was the final score when the Maple Leafs played the Columbus Blue Jackets?
SELECT score FROM table_16864968_7 WHERE opponent = "Columbus Blue Jackets"
CREATE TABLE table_16864968_7 (score VARCHAR, opponent VARCHAR)
What was the score on may 21?
SELECT score FROM table_name_43 WHERE date = "may 21"
CREATE TABLE table_name_43 (score VARCHAR, date VARCHAR)
What rank has a gold greater than 0, 0 as the bronze, with germany (ger) as the nation?
SELECT rank FROM table_name_20 WHERE gold > 0 AND bronze = 0 AND nation = "germany (ger)"
CREATE TABLE table_name_20 (rank VARCHAR, nation VARCHAR, gold VARCHAR, bronze VARCHAR)
Where is the show aired in New Zealand?
SELECT channel FROM table_14523485_9 WHERE country = "New Zealand"
CREATE TABLE table_14523485_9 (channel VARCHAR, country VARCHAR)
What's the sum of A Score that also has a score lower than 7.3 and an E Score larger than 7.1?
SELECT SUM(a_score) FROM table_name_92 WHERE t_score < 7.3 AND e_score > 7.1
CREATE TABLE table_name_92 (a_score INTEGER, t_score VARCHAR, e_score VARCHAR)
What team had a finish of 25 in a smaller than 28?
SELECT team FROM table_name_82 WHERE start < 28 AND finish = 25
CREATE TABLE table_name_82 (team VARCHAR, start VARCHAR, finish VARCHAR)
Position of member, and a Nationality of india is what sum of term ending?
SELECT SUM(term_ending) FROM table_name_67 WHERE position = "member" AND nationality = "india"
CREATE TABLE table_name_67 (term_ending INTEGER, position VARCHAR, nationality VARCHAR)
What is the smallest track number?
SELECT MIN(track) FROM table_11839306_2
CREATE TABLE table_11839306_2 (track INTEGER)
Name the opponent with round of 1 and time of n/a
SELECT opponent FROM table_name_37 WHERE round = "1" AND time = "n/a"
CREATE TABLE table_name_37 (opponent VARCHAR, round VARCHAR, time VARCHAR)
What was the game site against the Dallas Texans?
SELECT game_site FROM table_17765888_1 WHERE opponent = "Dallas Texans"
CREATE TABLE table_17765888_1 (game_site VARCHAR, opponent VARCHAR)
What is the second party that has a conservative first party in the 1834 election?
SELECT second_party FROM table_name_71 WHERE first_party = "conservative" AND election = "1834"
CREATE TABLE table_name_71 (second_party VARCHAR, first_party VARCHAR, election VARCHAR)
What was the tournament that resulted in a winning score of –4 (71-72-72-69=284)?
SELECT tournament FROM table_name_34 WHERE winning_score = –4(71 - 72 - 72 - 69 = 284)
CREATE TABLE table_name_34 (tournament VARCHAR, winning_score VARCHAR)
what's the date with tournament value of ford senior players championship
SELECT date FROM table_11621915_1 WHERE tournament = "Ford Senior Players Championship"
CREATE TABLE table_11621915_1 (date VARCHAR, tournament VARCHAR)
What is Tournament, when 2012 is "A", when 2011 is "A", and when 2008 is "A"?
SELECT tournament FROM table_name_16 WHERE 2012 = "a" AND 2011 = "a" AND 2008 = "a"
CREATE TABLE table_name_16 (tournament VARCHAR)
What is the name of the movie from 1997 distributed from HBO Pictures?
SELECT title FROM table_name_99 WHERE year = "1997" AND distributor_s_ = "hbo pictures"
CREATE TABLE table_name_99 (title VARCHAR, year VARCHAR, distributor_s_ VARCHAR)
Name the champion for christopher miles runner-up
SELECT champion FROM table_name_52 WHERE runner_up = "christopher miles"
CREATE TABLE table_name_52 (champion VARCHAR, runner_up VARCHAR)
What is the most silver when bronze is more than 1 and total is more than 48?
SELECT MAX(silver) FROM table_name_40 WHERE bronze > 1 AND total > 48
CREATE TABLE table_name_40 (silver INTEGER, bronze VARCHAR, total VARCHAR)
Name the position for number 11 and years on the rockets for 1989-95
SELECT position FROM table_name_89 WHERE no_s_ = "11" AND years_for_rockets = "1989-95"
CREATE TABLE table_name_89 (position VARCHAR, no_s_ VARCHAR, years_for_rockets VARCHAR)
Which Year jennifer tarol barrientos is in?
SELECT MAX(year) FROM table_name_50 WHERE delegate = "jennifer tarol barrientos"
CREATE TABLE table_name_50 (year INTEGER, delegate VARCHAR)
how many status with first elected being 1968
SELECT COUNT(status) FROM table_1341522_38 WHERE first_elected = 1968
CREATE TABLE table_1341522_38 (status VARCHAR, first_elected VARCHAR)
What was the least number of heats with more than 8 lanes for the Nationality of Germany?
SELECT MIN(heat) FROM table_name_88 WHERE nationality = "germany" AND lane > 8
CREATE TABLE table_name_88 (heat INTEGER, nationality VARCHAR, lane VARCHAR)
Result of 86-87 (2-4) involves what home team?
SELECT home_team FROM table_name_38 WHERE result = "86-87 (2-4)"
CREATE TABLE table_name_38 (home_team VARCHAR, result VARCHAR)
What shows for 2013 when the 2008 is 1r?
SELECT 2013 FROM table_name_77 WHERE 2008 = "1r"
CREATE TABLE table_name_77 (Id VARCHAR)
What was the finish for the golfer with a total of 285?
SELECT finish FROM table_name_4 WHERE total = 285
CREATE TABLE table_name_4 (finish VARCHAR, total VARCHAR)
Which class has a power output larger than 700 and a class of 48?
SELECT class FROM table_name_75 WHERE power_output__kw_ > 700 AND number_in_class = 48
CREATE TABLE table_name_75 (class VARCHAR, power_output__kw_ VARCHAR, number_in_class VARCHAR)
What is the average number of laps when the grid number is 9?
SELECT AVG(laps) FROM table_name_48 WHERE grid = 9
CREATE TABLE table_name_48 (laps INTEGER, grid VARCHAR)
What is the Opponent of the game with a H/A/N of H and Score of 120-99?
SELECT opponent FROM table_name_89 WHERE h_a_n = "h" AND score = "120-99"
CREATE TABLE table_name_89 (opponent VARCHAR, h_a_n VARCHAR, score VARCHAR)
How many years was Pontiac the manufacturer for Joe Gibbs Racing?
SELECT COUNT(year) FROM table_2268216_1 WHERE team = "Joe Gibbs Racing" AND manufacturer = "Pontiac"
CREATE TABLE table_2268216_1 (year VARCHAR, team VARCHAR, manufacturer VARCHAR)
What is the High rebounds of a Game with 56?
SELECT high_rebounds FROM table_name_70 WHERE game = 56
CREATE TABLE table_name_70 (high_rebounds VARCHAR, game VARCHAR)
What location had a VFL Game number of 9?
SELECT location FROM table_16527640_3 WHERE vfl_games = 9
CREATE TABLE table_16527640_3 (location VARCHAR, vfl_games VARCHAR)
What was the venue when the home team was footscray?
SELECT venue FROM table_name_81 WHERE home_team = "footscray"
CREATE TABLE table_name_81 (venue VARCHAR, home_team VARCHAR)
Who is the leading scorer when they were at home of the Clippers?
SELECT leading_scorer FROM table_name_51 WHERE home = "clippers"
CREATE TABLE table_name_51 (leading_scorer VARCHAR, home VARCHAR)
Which Size has a County of 62 perry?
SELECT MAX(size) FROM table_name_69 WHERE county = "62 perry"
CREATE TABLE table_name_69 (size INTEGER, county VARCHAR)
What is the production code for episode 26 in the series?
SELECT production_code FROM table_1876825_3 WHERE no_in_series = 26
CREATE TABLE table_1876825_3 (production_code VARCHAR, no_in_series VARCHAR)
When shaun maloney is the player what is the lowest p?
SELECT MIN(p) FROM table_18254488_2 WHERE player = "Shaun Maloney"
CREATE TABLE table_18254488_2 (p INTEGER, player VARCHAR)
what is the color quality when the relay is ✓?
SELECT color_quality FROM table_name_9 WHERE relay = "✓"
CREATE TABLE table_name_9 (color_quality VARCHAR, relay VARCHAR)
Which race has a replica of DNF?
SELECT race FROM table_name_72 WHERE replica = "dnf"
CREATE TABLE table_name_72 (race VARCHAR, replica VARCHAR)
what is the declination (j2000) that has a constellation of hydra and a right ascension (j2000) of 10h46m44.9s?
SELECT declination___j2000__ FROM table_name_77 WHERE constellation = "hydra" AND right_ascension___j2000__ = "10h46m44.9s"
CREATE TABLE table_name_77 (declination___j2000__ VARCHAR, constellation VARCHAR, right_ascension___j2000__ VARCHAR)
What was the date of the game for the Wrexham away team?
SELECT date FROM table_name_17 WHERE away_team = "wrexham"
CREATE TABLE table_name_17 (date VARCHAR, away_team VARCHAR)