We Need, We Want @user singing #BeautyAndTheBeast @user @user !!!!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
I cannot believe this place exists! How is it competitive in Charlotte?\nThe flavors are absurdly overdone: super salty, super sweet, and conflicting in that they pair savory with super sweet and drown it all out.\nI may have an answer: the place is filled with the elderly. Maybe it's \"The Walking Dead\" tongues. Seriously, the youngest person there was in their early 50's. It's like a \"speak-easy\" for the rich elderly...it just keeps afloat by a secret handshake that acknowledges you are in a terrible place but you can be old there without the riff-raff.\nAlso, it is terribly expensive for the low quality they are putting on the plate. Even the drinks are super sweet.\nAVOID AT ALL COSTS!
This is probably the most uninvolving film I've ever seen. I watched it because I have a soft spot for Leon (everything else Besson has done has been just awful, in my opinion, with the exception of the script for Wasabi) and Jean Reno. It's a testament to just how bad this film is that Reno, one of the most charismatic and effortlessly affable actors (admittedly he's just starting out here) can't make this film, or the moments in which he is on screen, watchable.<br /><br />It's all very film-schooly: black and white, no dialogue, people doing things for no apparent reason, people chasing each other while in turn being chased by a shaky camera. And, predictably, none of it is entertaining.<br /><br />It's not a "French Mad Max" as some people have claimed (actually, I think they mean "Mad Max 2") - that is a superficial comparison based only on the fact that both films have a post-apocalyptic setting, and is just the kind of comment you'd expect from someone who doesn't know what they're talking about. Mad Max 2 was pulsating, Mad Max 2 was exciting, Mad Max 2 was worth your time - Le Dernier Combat is none of these.<br /><br />I know it's supposed to be cool to like arty black-and-white French films and equally cool to say you saw something in them that other people did not (or you managed to sit through it without feeling drowsy), which is why I wouldn't trust anyone who claims to like Le Dernier Combat, because I see nothing of worth in it whatsoever; it asks for so much and gives nothing back. I found myself drifting from it after about five minutes and it never did anything to regain my full attention. Anyone who can sit through it undistracted isn't human, or, at the very most, is psychotic. (Actually, they're probably just trying to seem "cool").
@user @user Hellllllll ya I would if it had Zac Efron in it ❤️
The short of the story is - we went here yesterday (Mother's Day) and were there 3 hours! Waited a full 2 hours for our food. So if you have don't mind waiting an unbelievable amount of time for food and have all day to waste, then read on. . .\n\nFor years I have drove by the Imperial Garden and referred to it as the \"Chinese Restaurant Gas Station\". I don't even know if they are connected or what, but you see them both as you turn the corner. We decided to go to this place for Mother's Day and check it out. Talking to friends over the weekend, we were told it was pretty good.\n\nThe building is nice and the atmosphere of the restaurant was way nicer than I expected. Very large and nicely decorated. Not so cheesy like a lot of Chinese-American places in Wisconsin. The hostess greeted us very nicely and having reservations we were seated right away. \n\nNow - we were a larger than average group - table of 8 - but they clearly were set up for groups this big as they had large tables in the corner of the rooms with a spinning lazy susan in the middle that was perfect for us. I think we probably could have even gotten 9 or 10 people on this table. The waitress was very nice too. Came right away and got us drinks and very friendly.\n\nThis is when things went down hill. We did order appetizers, which came out right away. Pot Stickers - both steamed and fried - which were pretty good. Once our whole group arrived we all ordered regular items from their menu. Then we waited. Waited and waited and waited. Apparently so did everyone around us. For hours - over two to be exact. The waitress did her best - kept coming by and telling us she was sorry, that the Kitchen was crazy and that we were next. Honestly we should have left - but it was hard enough getting family members from 4 households together at one time. \n\nEventually the food came out. To their credit, I thought everything tasted pretty good. I got two different shrimp dishes. Decent flavor, cooked perfectly - the snap peas and water chestnuts were good. Portion was decent on the Shrimp dinner and much larger on the chicken dinners that others in my group got. I agree with other reviews - its not the most adventurous food. Flavors were safe and my spicy shrimp wasn't very spicy at all. My sister-in-law was upset her Sesame Chicken with Broccoli came with one piece of broccoli. She complained and the waitress brought out a side of broccoli.\n\nOverall, If the food wasn't pretty good - I would have given this place one star. I give our waitress credit for holding it together too. She offered free desert but we were about an hour late for getting to another place so had to go. Saddest thing is we heard that this has been an ongoing problem with the Kitchen. Sounds like they don't fire dishes in the order they come in and they have a lot of trouble keeping up with things. If they could correct this problem and add a bit more flavor into a few dishes, the place really could be ok.\n\nTry it on your own risk - but I would plan on spending several long hours while you wait for your food.
I pride myself in being able to sit through everything. I think "if I've paid the rental fee, then I'm going to at least watch it". I have found the exception to this rule- The Planet. I don't know what the exchange rate is, but reading through the other comments I can only guess that £8000 must be around $150. I'll date myself but this movie reminds me of the old Steve Reeves movies of the 50's. He was a bodybuilder turned actor. He was in these really awful Italian, dubbed movies that starred Reeves as Hercules or some other muscle bound hero. As a kid watching them you couldn't quite articulate why these movies stunk- you just knew they did. Mike Mitchell IS the new Steve Reeves. That's it.. that's what this really was- a new telling of an old Italian "Spaghetti Sand and Sandals" movie. And, I kid you not- where was Reeves born? Glasgow, Montana. This movie isn't so bad that it's kind of fun to watch- it's just plain bad.
Facebook has banned modeling pictures of Melania Knauss Trump
Consistently outstanding and creative food served professionally in a great and even varied ambiance. What more could you ask for? Oh yes, excellent wine list and drinks.
I had been delighted to find that TCM was showing this, as I love the 1992 version with Josie Lawrence, Jim Broadbent, Joan Plowright...This film had a luminous Ann Harding, a wonderful performance by Frank Morgan, but others' acting made the film more of a farce then the wonderful unfolding that the later film. Reginald Owen's Arbuthnot is painful to watch and you can't understand why his wife adores him. I found out after watching the film that it was based on the stage play where the 1992 film is based on the book. The original film also felt like it was a snippet of a larger piece and felt incomplete. Too bad it was such a let-down.
No wonder Vladimir Putin hates Saakashvili. Saakashvili is a corruption fighter. #Putin's middle name should be corruption.
This is what a NYC airport should look like. It's \nchic and they have a wine bar!!! Why would a North Carolina airport have a \nchic wine bar. I thought i would land at a crappy run down airport like LaGuardia airport but to my surprise the south is more modern than NYC??? odd. NYC get with it!!!!!!
Lowe returns to the nest after, yet another, failed relationship, to find he's been assigned to jury duty. It's in the plans to, somehow, get out of it, when he realizes the defendant is the girl he's had a serious crush on since the first grade.<br /><br />Through living in the past by telling other people about his feelings towards this girl (played by Camp), Lowe remembers those feelings and does everything in his power to clear Camp of attempted murder, while staying away from the real bad guys at the same time, and succeeding in creating a successful film at the same time.<br /><br />I've heard that St Augustine is the oldest city in the US, and I also know it has some ties to Ponce de Leon, so the backdrop is a good place to start. Unfortunately, it's the only thing good about this movie. The local police are inept, the judge is an idiot, and the defense counsel does everything in her power to make herself look like Joanie Cunningham! I don't know whether to blame the director for poor direction, or for just letting the cast put in such a hapless effort.<br /><br />In short, this movie was so boring, I could not even sleep through it! 1 out of 10 stars!
@user @user @user only wants adulation and sycophants. Like Kim Fatty the Third. Paranoia and bugs rooms.
Very very good chain family restaurant. I had their yellowfin tuna steak shanghai style and it was great. Service was excellent and the party of 5 I was with swore they could eat there every week as the menu was extremely diverse. It's hard for me to give a chain 5/5 but this is pretty close.
Recap: Simon leads a little team of special agents that has specialized in finding and returning missing people, against all possible odds. Their latest mission is about the granddaughter of a friend of them. She seems to have been caught in the web of a particularly brutal criminal and everyone that has gone looking for her has gone missing. But now The Librarians are on the case.<br /><br />Comments: This is pure B-action, through and through. The key phrase for this is unlimited supply. There is unlimited supply of ammunition, they don't have to reload once. There is an unlimited supply of bad guys, so the heroes have something to shoot at. There is an unlimited supply of breasts, many of them bare, in an vain (and as always failed) attempt to distract from the plot holes. And there is an unlimited supply of bad acting (it is almost like Erika Eleniak's performance shines in this, what about that?), and actors that don't seem to care more than the paycheck (and why should they when no one else seem to?).<br /><br />And as in most B-action movies there are an unlimited supply of bad gunfights. But these almost seem to be of a ridiculously bad kind. I think I saw more realistic gunfights when I played cowboy as a kid.<br /><br />But then again I didn't really expect much either, how could I from a action movie named The Librarians? And it actually delivers about what could be expected. 90 minutes of more or less bad action with some scenes to connect the dots between. But I am unsure if I can call it entertaining, it didn't keep my interest very long.<br /><br />3/10
How the #uber case will help local taxi firms in the UK - #uberdriver #taxi #transport #jobs #wages #bristol
Nice cozy underground restaurant that serves crepes and a great Cafe au lait. They have plenty of sweet crepes and a few savory ones. They could add a couple more savory ones, but otherwise I would definitely eat there again.
Less than two hundred and fifty years ago, the last of the great pirates wrote their names in blood and fire across the pages of maritime history. This is the story of a buccaneer Captain whose name for one short year struck terror in the hearts of seafarers and merchants from the ports of the Caribbean to the trading houses of London.....<br /><br />Hmm, that opening to the film sounds like we are in for one hell of a swashbuckling, pillaging, ripper of a movie doesn't it? Well it's not. Tho it's not totally without value as a curio piece. Out of 20th Century Fox, Anne Of The Indies is adapted by Philip Dunne & Arthur Caesar from a short story written by Herbert Ravenel Sass. Direction is by Jacques Tourneur, the score is by Franz Waxman and Harry Jackson is providing the Technicolor photography. Jean Peters is in the titular title role of Anne {AKA Captain Providence} and support comes from Louis Jourdan, Debra Paget, Herbert Marshall, Thomas Gomez & James Robertson Justice.<br /><br />Originally meant to be be based on true life pirate Anne Bonny, the film ultimately turns out to be a tale of a woman seeking identity, and finding herself, in the predominantly male led world of piracy and sea based shenanigans. Filled with clichés and over familiar set pieces, the film also suffers from a cast that is largely misfiring. Peters gives it a right good go, and Paget lights up the screen with effervescent beauty. While Robertson Justice, although underused, actually looks the part and doesn't overact like the rest of the male cast does. Some reviewers have desperately tried to dig deep into the film to find intelligence and hidden meanings, purely because it's Tourneur in the directing chair. But there is no depth here, this is merely a job for Tourneur, a professional one granted, but its thinly plotted and actually lacking swash to go with the buckle in the action stakes. <br /><br />Disposable at best. 4/10
Tonight feels like a coffee cake kinda night. Let's beat #NationalFastFoodDay!!
I'm maybe I'm missing something here because I found the place to be really underwhelming. The service was excellent friendly and fast but the food was . . . eh. I kept getting a 'chemical taste' off of the food and I'm not normally someone who is sensitive to that kind of thing, I got the brisket tacos and they ended up being 1) kind of chemical artificial tasting and 2) watery from the salsa. Not really a good combination. Maybe I chose poorly but I wasn't impressed at all.
The Lifetime channel aired this in October but I only got around to watching it now. It's the old eternal triangle again — small-town Connecticut boy Dave Ford (Matt Long) has a quick fling with his best friend's girlfriend, Emily Darrow (Emmanuelle Chriqui), on the eve of his departure for law school in New York, thinks about her for the next five years while he isn't doing contracts and briefs, runs into her again when he returns home after the death of his father on the eve of a big exam five years later, and gets involved with her romantically again. But director and co-writer Matthew Cole Weiss goes way over the top, framing the whole thing in flashback as Dave confesses to murdering Emily, her husband and another one of her lovers in front of (here comes the spoiler) a Lesbian cop who's also a flame of Emily's. Weiss overdoes the "flanging" effect by which Dave gets to see chunks of his previous life flash before his eyes even before he's actually dead, cutting those in even while Dave and Emily are having sex and thereby ruining the soft-core porn shots that give even some otherwise pretty lame Lifetime movies at least a bit of audience appeal. I couldn't help but flash back myself to James M. Cain and how much better he wrote women like this in his classic thrillers (all adapted into hit movies) "The Postman Always Rings Twice," "Double Indemnity" and "Mildred Pierce." It also doesn't help that the film ends with the bad guys (the bad girls, actually) triumphant and the decent, if naïve and stupid, hero seemingly on his way to the lethal injection table — or that the actors playing the people Dave and Emily are cheating on are both better looking than they are. Incidentally, though this film went straight to cable in the U.S. there were some blank spots on the soundtrack indicating where swear words were blipped, so I presume this got a theatrical release somewhere in the world.
Got my mom hooked on #ThisIsUs. Binge watch weekend. ❤️
I used to LOVE the Great Impasta. It was my restaurant of choice. If there was a night out to be had, it started here!\n\nHowever, as time went on, the food quality slowly started to slip. They stopped warming the bread before bringing it to the table. The service started getting harder to find. Then, during my last two visits, the food came out luke warm at best.\n\nI loved this place in the beginning, but sadly had to say farewell. I was sorry to see the larger location close, and even sorrier to find the new location still leaves much to be desired.
I think I watched a highly edited version because it wasn't nearly as graphic as I expected - based on the other reviews that I have heard.<br /><br />Other than 1. being written by the same person who wrote the original "Emmanuelle" (1974), Emmanuelle Arsan, 2. the lead character being a sexually free spirit, and 3. being set in the exotic locale of Asia, "Laure" doesn't have the same flair as its predecessor.<br /><br />I just found this film way too talky with philosophical topics that I'm really not that interested in, i.e. the voyeuristic, open relationship between Laure and Nick, "I'm just happy with whatever brings her pleasure"...something along those lines. I cannot relate to this mentality and the film/characters don't really shed any light.<br /><br />The second half about finding the Mara tribe just seemed as though it were a completely separate film. One that I didn't care for. By that time, I was just hoping that it would turn into a porn so that at least it would keep my interest.<br /><br />Maybe I just didn't get it.<br /><br />I'll leave it at that.
Jill's supporters, they report more fake new reports. I feel it is to destroy credit if anything is there w/Soros
this is a great place for those who enjoy looking at art and an alright place for a student like me to learn about art as a requirement for class. \n\nThis gallery was by far... the most attention grabbing because of its electric show... although I didn't understand the concept of it all... I really enjoyed my time there... I got some great photos from the trip... so it was a worth that much :)
I was shocked at how bad it was and unable to turn away from the disaster. This made 'Major League II' and 'Blues Brothers 2000' Oscar-worthy in comparison.<br /><br />I have tried to remember watching anything as bad as this in my life and was unable to come up with anything even close.
And he gets away with this. He will ruin America along with Paul Ryan, Steve Bannon, Mike Pence and all the others.…
I have to search long and hard for things in this store that don't expire the day I'm purchasing them. They don't have a lot of the things they offer in their weekly ad, which I try to plan my grocery list around. The lines are always SUPER long. The store is always dirty. I keep telling myself I'll go to another store but there isn't another one in the 'hood to go to, so I'll need to make a better plan to head further away for a better experience in another chain. I've tried to talk to assistant managers about my issues at the store and have been blown off or they act afraid and stutter a lot. \n\nThe only good news: The gentlemen that bag groceries and collect carts are VERY nice and helpful.
I was not expecting a classic, but at least a funny film. There were only a few scenes that makes you laugh but nothing more. You don't scare it is full of American teen-slasher cliches and you can guess what will happen easily.<br /><br />But it tells much about a senior student in a Turkish High-School. Pressure of Student Selection Exam (OSS) that 3-hour-exam determines which university you'll go and thinking about the exam when a ghost is after you is not exaggeration. The movie is bad. Don't waste your time to watch it.
Retail Innovations and Solutions for Business is out! Stories via @user #nationalfastfoodday
For the price I was incredibly disappointed. My steak (medium rare) was totally over cooked. Our waitress forgot to place one of our side dishes so it came out when we were nearly done. Our waitress didn't offer any type of modifications for one of our gluten free diners and completely forgot the extra plates we asked for. \n\nThe only shining items from our meal were the mashed potatoes and wine.
The third film based on Charles Belden's play entitled "Mystery of the Wax Museum" (1933) targets generation X-tasy. Twin screenwriters, Chad Hayes and Carey W. Hayes, spend more time developing the main characters than other slasher movies--a promising start. Their condition guarantees an authentic point of view. The role of Paige (Paris Hilton) was not much of a stretch for the world's favorite heiress. She peruses "In Style," stripteases boys, chats on a cell, and frets over an ill-conceived pregnancy. Her regular routine has been altered beyond repair. Hilton reached the peak of her performance--not so hot--during the "1 Night in Paris" (2004) parody. While the pimp-my-ride is in motion, she zealously "looks for lip balm" in her boyfriend's (Robert Ri'chard) lap. Finally, the "actress" atones for using the "N" word on the sex tape. Director Jaume Collet-Serra molds his take on the twin thing contrary to the theme of the past. Each exhibited opposite characteristics back then, whereas a pair of either good or bad can come out the womb today. However, the latter does not rule out the former. Childbirth constitutes the luck of the draw. Spectators can hardly consider Vincent (Brian Van Holt) a contemporary Quasimodo. Granted, the recluses share some similarities such as artistry, disfigurement, submissiveness, and murder. Yet, one small variable between the two makes all the difference. Vincent is even uglier on the inside than he is on the out. Collet-Serra's "House of Wax" pays homage to actor Vincent Price from the first remake in 1953. The film leaves obvious van Gogh puns to the imagination of the audience. Still, the choice to split the antagonist in two eliminates a vibrant twist at the end. Professor Henry (Vincent Price) Jarrod's unmasking receives runner-up, but the most terrifying one in horror movie history belongs to Lon Chaney in "Phantom of the Opera" (1925). As far as the new contender is concerned, the aftermath of separation surgery downplays the effect. A surgeon should know operating on Siamese twins scars them--physically and psychologically. Their father needs to call a couple colleagues--Dr. Phil to consult and Dr. McNamara to nip/tuck. Despite what the trailers said, "Wax" is not forever. In fact, you can rid yourself of it by burning it.
DOPing Newz LIVE FEEDS - Watch the #Infowars Nightly News! #MAGA #Deplorables
Seeing how little went into my quesadilla, I'm not comfortable with paying over $7. At least use a mixed cheese blend! And seeing how little effort went into making my quesadilla, I am really not impressed (you would think a labor charge is rolled into the price of food.)\n\nMaybe what distinguishes Qdoba are the burritos with their special combos, but I am nonplussed to try them again. Oh well.
If I could give this movie a negative rating I would. The humor is the cruelest I have ever seen in a film. Horrible things happen to good people and people who have already suffered horribly through no fault of their own. There are 2 plots, neither of which supports half of a film. Where is the "depth" others see in this movie? That no good deed goes unpunished? That only the heartless can succeed? The film does start well and the black and white is very moody and well done. The acting is very good and convincing witch makes the cruel humor even more horrifying. If you think that the 3 Stooges are too nice to each other, if watching the beheading of a kidnap victim with a Bowie knife is a real thigh slapper, if you thought "Schindler's List" was hilarious, then this movie is for you.
I completed my challenge 🤓
Slightly lower than average Hampton Inn. Heat/AC wasn't updated, pretty typical besides that.
I quite enjoyed The Wrecking Crew (1999), which was the last of the three films in this series (the first being Urban Menace (1999) which I've yet to see). I know it was baaaaad, but the three leads did a pretty decent job, all things considered.<br /><br />This, however, was truly atrocious. Ice-T was dreadful, and he's the producer! Can't say I've ever heard of Silkk The Shocker (who apparently never learnt how to spell), but his performance was one of the worst I've ever seen in a movie.<br /><br />Miss Jones did pretty well in her small role, though she later went on to make some atrocious, racist "jokes" on her radio show after the SE Asian tsunami (plus other occasions sadly). Way to go, girl...<br /><br />No-one else comes out with any credit. Strangely, TJ Storm and Ernie Hudson (who are both pretty bad here) are far better in The Wrecking Crew, which was made, along with Urban Menace, at the same time as Corrupt. How that works, I don't know.<br /><br />I'm going to try the Ice-T commentary now, to see whether he apologises for the film, or tries to make us think it's a great piece of film-making.
I find myself humming the notes of #ThisIsUs @user sang a few episodes ago. Missing her angelic voice. Love the show.
BEFORE Pino's was renovated, it was a tiny, unpretentious, hole-in-the-wall restaurant with a friendly atmosphere, and amazing Italian food. It was also a BYOB, which I love. This was our \"go-to\" restaurant.\n\nAFTER Pino's was renovated, there was a complete transformation. While the interior is now very nice, It's no longer a BYOB, and the staff is full of attitude, which seems to stem from the total arrogance of Pino himself.\n\nOn our most recent visit, we were a party of four with reservations at 7:30 PM. We arrived at 7:25, and weren't even acknowledged until 7:40 PM. Pino was playing maitre d', and when he finally acknowledged our presence he seemed totally clueless and was overtly UN-apologetic. There were no open tables, despite having reservations. When 8:00 PM rolled around, I was frantically calling other local restaurants to see if we could get in. No such luck, since it was prime dining time on Saturday night. Finally, around 8:30 PM, the waitstaff brought a two person table up from the basement, crowded four chairs around it and jammed it into the middle of the restaurant for us to sit in. Pino then literally threw our menu's at us, and walked away. Not so much as a free drink for our inconvenience.\n\nThe food is still good here, but I refuse to give my money to someone who CLEARLY does not appreciate your business. There are SO many good restaurants in the area, with owners/chefs who are happy to have you. Next time you think about going here, walk an extra block to the Point Brugge Cafe.
Not near as well made as the "Guinea Pig" flicks it was inspired by ("Flowers of Flesh and Blood" or "Devil's Experiment") and not conveying any real philosophy, this video feature, which is barely feature length, adds hardcore sex (with mosaic censoring) to its inspiration. The special make-up effects, which include stomach slitting and disembowelment, are pretty good, if overlit. The amateur feel of the production is a distraction. It all looks cheap and lazy. The lighting is harsh and the sound and editing are sloppy. The simple story involves a porno actress who ends up starring in a real snuff movie. Just when she gets tired of being abused, the real abuse begins. In the film's hero scene, an actor cuts the woman's stomach open in graphic close-up, stuffs his member inside it, and proceeds to do his thing. I didn't find "Psycho - The Snuff Reels" shocking. On the contrary, I found it to be a desperate attempt by amateurs to one-up "Guinea Pig" and its bloody ilk. Interestingly, this was distributed by Aroma, a leading fetish producer.
Arm urselves becuz no 1 else here will save u.My 71yo dark-skinned nonwhite mom's new gun 2 be ready 4 pick up on…
Unfortunately this dump is right down the street from my hotel and not really having eaten much all day, I was hungry.\n\nThe service was terrible....no one knew what they were doing so it took 10 minutes to get a freaking slice of pizza and then when said pizza came it was NASTY.\n\nMy husband once got a pizza in Milwaukee where they put Kraft singles on it as cheese and Pizza Parma is just behind that for worst pizza ever.
Having first read the novel, I don't mind,for the purposes of filming, how differently it is scripted, as long as it adheres to, or at least includes, the plot. For reasons known only to Hollywood, important parts of the story are completely ignored, and a different story line added. The reason this novel passed the test of time, is, no doubt, due to the interweaving of both the characters, and plot, as a whole. To interfere with this structure, is to destroy the intricate balance of the story line, and therefore the intension of the story teller. Although a matter of opinion, the casting of this film leaves a lot to be desired. Characters, described as very fat, should, at least, be made to look portly, to allow for the character to have credibility. The days of slavery can't be over, or surely, actors of this calibre would have been in revolt, at such a travesty of the story. The face of Marian Halcolme is described as being manly in appearance,... Tara Fitzgerald's very feminine appearance doesn't ring true. Again Laura Fairly is described as being 'fair', if not 'ethereal', so, with dark hair, she does not quite fit the impression gleaned from the novel. ....Badly done, Hollywood!<br /><br />J. Hunter
@user the ACA extended the funding for Medicare btw
I'm on a quest to find a phoenix and dragon similar to my favorite Chinese place in Indy. This is the closet I've come, much to my disappointment. This restaurant keeps getting into my apartment building, despite the security doors. Today they just stuck them in the elevator. Which I thought was pretty neat compared to their normal door spamiming. Then I went down to the first floor and realized they also just scattered them all over the floor.\n\nIn my phoenix and dragon I had five \"jumbo\" shrimps. Which are really just average sized shrimp. The only thing I can think of is that they consider the mini shrimp some Chinese places have as normal. I guess compared to those the shrimp is jumbo. The \"spicy chicken\" is just general tso's. I got medium spice which was barely spicy at all. Most of my dish ended up being peas, carrots, and onions in a weird \"spicy\" sauce that wasn't very good.\n\nI also got the rangoons. Some one else mentioned in this that they don't really have much crab. Which is an understatement. There's maybe a flick of crab in each. They're still fairly good, just not crab.\n\nI suppose the worst part was delivery time. The confirmation email doesn't come with a estimated delivery. Whatever, my boyfriend and I expect 40 minutes like normal. 40 minute mark rolls around and we haven't gotten a call. Since our buzzer system isn't set up we were worried that they didn't see the note to call and were buzzing us. The person who answers says it's in the car and close. 20 minutes later we're still waiting. My boyfriend calls back and goes to give his info. The lady says, \"Oh, you just called. It's almost there,\" and that was it. Uhm. Ok. A little less than 10 minutes later and it arrives. The driver apologized and It was still hot. So there's that.\n\ntl;dr small portions, not jumbo shrimp, not spicy, not very good, long wait, unfriendly staff on the phones, friendly drivers, and they litter my apartment building a lot.
"Witchery" might just be the most incoherent and lamentably scripted horror movie of the 80's but, luckily enough, it has a few compensating qualities like fantastic gore effects, an exhilarating musical score and some terrific casting choices. Honestly the screenplay doesn't make one iota of sense, but who cares when Linda Blair (with an exploded hairstyle) portrays yet another girl possessed by evil powers and David Hasselhof depicts a hunky photographer (who can't seem to get laid) in a movie that constantly features bloody voodoo, sewn-shut lips, upside down crucifixions, vicious burnings and an overused but genuinely creepy tune. Eight random people are gathered together on an abandoned vacation resort island off the coast of Massachusetts. The young couple is there to investigate the place's dark history; the dysfunctional family (with a pregnant Linda Blair even though nobody seems to bother about who the father is and what his whereabouts are) considers re-opening the hotel and the yummy female architect simply tagged along for casual sex. They're forced to stay the night in the ramshackle hotel and then suddenly the previous landlady – an aging actress or something who always dresses in black – starts taking them out in various engrossing ways. Everything is somehow related to the intro sequence showing a woman accused of witchery jump out of a window. Anyway, the plot is definitely of minor importance in an Italian horror franchise that started as an unofficial spin-off of "The Evil Dead". The atmosphere is occasionally unsettling and the make-up effects are undoubtedly the most superior element of the entire film. There's something supremely morbid and unsettling about staring at a defenseless woman hanging upside down a chimney and waiting to get fried.
Creepy name dropping won't hide your fake followers @user #Thanksgiving!@RadioFreeTom @user
Love this place! The decor inside is really cool.\n\nI'm not from the area but I try to stop in every time I'm traveling through. So many great veg options and great drinks.
I got a kick out of Reynolds saying to his attorney, "look,I've done a lot of shi%ty thing in my life, but I never killed anyone." Obviously he forgot about his career which slid down hill after he started making stupid movies like 'Cannonball Run.' Physical Evidence was originally supposed to be a sequel to 'The Jagged Edge' that Glen Close sanely rejected. The verdict is in, avoid Physical Evidence.
White-Collar Supremacy LOL@ the Supremacists including Breitbart's faux news story "NYT Failing" w/ their whining denials of White Power
The landscaping and maintenance are well done. I walk down here at lunch to detox and revitalize myself for the afternoon. I don't see a whole lot of stores that would draw me in on a regular basis though. I am hopeful this place will see a Renaissance and draw in more interesting shops ala The Union at the Biltmore.
Despite the fact that this was a Made-For-TV movie (and an obvious one at that: ie., cheap looking), CLASS WARFARE left me wishing I could get my money back, and considering this lame production was partially funded through Canadian dollars, I might just be entitled.<br /><br />What made me sit through it in the first place was seeing actress Lindsey McKeon, who I've watched for the last couple years in her role as "goody-goody" Mara Lewis on the soap-opera GUIDING LIGHT, taking a turn at playing "the bad girl" for a change. <br /><br />Surprisingly she does quite well, as Kristen, a spoiled rich-b*tch who suddenly finds herself dirt-poor, but with a conniving streak, and a twist of fate, that will possibly change her fortunes back around. The twist of fate is provided in the character of Richard (Robin Dunne), a socially-radical outcast who discovers that he has just gone from having nothing to winning $23 million on a lottery ticket. Now, put Richard, Kristen, her jock-boyfriend Jason (Wade Carpenter), and their camcorder-obsessed mutual buddy Graham (Dave McGowan) together for the weekend in a remote cabin, cut off from the world by storms, and just guess what unfolds.<br /><br />The film suffers from congesting both the story and characters'personas and motives too much. Everyone is pretty one-dimensional and it doesn't take a rocket-scientist to figure out that some things, and some people, are going to go very bad, very quickly. I don't think this is that original a plot and it doesn't go out of it's way to make itself anything more. The acting is OK, McKeon is spot-on as the manipulative female lead, and Dunne is very good, perhaps a little too good at times, but no one else is worth writing home about. The only other real credit I can give the film is the one twist I didn't see coming towards the end (not the very end though, that one is so obvious it hurts). Regardless, I sat through all of it and lived to tell the tale so I can't say it was a complete write-off. <br /><br />4/10. A "something-to-watch-when-nothing-else-is-on" type movie.
We are fleeing your bombs. #migrants #paris #falseflag #syria #StopBombingSyria #libya
First, their clothing is arranged by color, not by size. While thrift stores may think this looks great, it's not great for people shopping for one size.\n\nAlso, their prices were outrageous. Many of the items I liked I could have bought new for a little bit more. The upscale prices did not match the dingy and dirty store. We won't be back to this one.
I was pulled into this movie early on, much to my surprise, because I hadn't intended to watch it at all. Now I wish I hadn't. The suspense starts out well, with the hit-and-run resulting in death and the question of whether the guilty character will confess, or be found out, or (doable now, though a no-no in the old days of movie-making) get away with it. The plot's been done before--what plot hasn't--but the tensions inherent in it, with the additional complications and motivations arising out of the illicit love affair, make for an absorbing first half. Then the film abandons the hit-and-run to embark upon a misty exposition of two unrequited, all-suffering loves. The two tracks of plot--hit-and-run and unreasoning love--just don't have enough to do with each other, and that they involve the same characters doesn't bind them enough to justify the departure from the original story line. The screenwriter should have chosen one plot or the other. At the end of the film, in the midst of the movie's second funeral, I found myself thinking, "Now, what does any of this have to do with that hit-and-run?" The filmmakers may think the answer obvious, but I think the movie was plotted and executed flabbily.
Clinton Supporters Place Signs of Support on Her Street on Thanksgiving - ABC News - via @user #StillWithHer ❤️👍❤️👍🇺🇸
Was down in good ole chambana visiting some friends and decided to go here for dinner on Sat night. I had been to the old Cafe Luna when it was on Green St. in my college days. Anyway, walked it, loved the decor! We stood by the end of the bar waiting for like 5 minutes, someone came over and said someone would be over to help us. Then we waited awkwardly for about 5 more minutes. The same girl came over and was like, do you have a reservation? We did not so she offered up the bar to have a drink and when a table opened we could sit. We decided we were just going to eat and drink at the bar. We got a bottle of chardonnay...it was pretty good and was glad that they knew that it was not oak-y. We ordered a salad, melting brie pot and lobster & crab stuffed prawns. Well, the salad was pretty good..but how can you mess up salad. The melting pot brie....DISAPPOINTMENT! I was expecting some sort of fondue or something...well it was little potatoes that were halved and spooned out, filled with brie that was melted. I guess I should have asked but I thought that the name was self sufficient...WRONG. The potato totally overpowered the brie and you could barely taste it. I must admit, when I eat brie, I want to EAT brie...I like lots of it. So I guess that was a bad selection. Then the \"prawns\" came out....well it wasnt prawns at all. It was one very small, what looked like, a crab cake, slathered in guacamole....weird....so we took a bite and were pretty confused so we asked about it because it said stuffed prawns on the menu...well, it so happens that they messed up the order and gave us the crabcake topped with wasabi guac...or something like that. Their fault so they said they would bring the prawns right out....except the bartender came back from the kitchen and said that they were out of prawns but they could do it with regular shrimp. We said fine. They came out (four of them), not stuffed at all. It literally looked like sauteed shrimp with a touch of crab meat around the edge...unimpressed. Overall, the dinner was not that good and for the price of everything...it was really overpriced! I liked the atmosphere but the food is less than desired and $$$. However, the staff was super nice and always checking up on us. I didnt have the heart to tell them that most of the food was not great....alas, I will not be going back to Luna.
I think that you can not imagine how these people really work...!! Before I came to the studios to watch the guys work there, I actually thought quite the same as you do. But since I saw and did the work the guys on that TV-show have to do, I have to say that they really do deserve respect for what they are doing all day long. That really is no easy work. And also the actors, which in your eyes may be terribly bad, are really great people and a lot of them really can act! I don't think that the material given to them can really show that, as I think this material isn't very good. But THEY are truly good! So I don't think that you, before you haven't seen these guys doing there work, can judge over them! And I shouldn't have judged over them as well before I met them, but I did and am now terribly ashamed of it. So please, do not allow yourself to judge over these great people unless you haven't seen them doing there job.
.@StephenBannon has no problem being compared to satan:
This is a fantastic small hair salon. I have been going here for years and they are experts. You always feel valued and always have great service (and a GREAT cut too!).\nThe ambiance is superb- small, quaint, and not full of egos that you would normally find at a salon of this caliber.\n\nI highly recommend!!!
I am the kind of person who can enjoy a good B Movie if it has some kind of redeeming value to it, but Dead Space has nothing to redeem it! This is the kind of film that will make you frustrated, restless and sick to your stomach. <br /><br />Bad acting. Lame story. Terrible effects. Horrible, excruciating dialogue. Dead Space has it all!
Wow 😳 what will they think of next? #Hatchimals
Some of the worst service ever. I called to cancel service and was transferred to retension. After 53 minutes on the phone and trying to cancel service, I somehow agreed to keep the service for 6 months at a significantly reduced rate. I then recieved the bill the next month and the price had no change. I called and they wrote in there notes some othert agreement. I asked to speak to manager and they denied me. I told them I want my service canceled now and that I was not going to pay the bill. They said no. I asked for the manager he said no. He then said if I ask for manager he will need to hang up. He hung up. His name is Jesus and will not give any other identification to me. He is in the retention department. If you are the manager of this employee, please review his work.
Shaky hand held cameras (this piece was shot for television mind you, not film) not only keep you utterly conscious of how horrible the cinematography is in this film, but make you absolutely unable to become immersed in the story. Poor Miss Austen must be rolling in her grave. All I can say is, if you enjoyed the novel, stop there, until the BBC creates one of their smart & sensible period masterpieces (like Pride & Prejudice with Colin Firth, which, speaking for what I imagine in my opinion, Austen would have revered). The BBC would never dare overdub cheesy saxophone solos and Indigo Girl hollers over a shot of an historic castle and a loving embrace. Giles Foster seemed to be often confused that they were editing the music to The Specialist. If you want Austen as you love her, look for the BBC logo...
@user @user Michael Moore is part of the problem
Delicious Chinese food! I had the Trio of shrimp, scallops & chicken and all food was very fresh and wasn't salty like other Chinese restaurants. The servers were very polite and this was a wonderful experience and will definitely go back!
This is a pale imitation of 'Officer and a Gentleman.' There is NO chemistry between Kutcher and the unknown woman who plays his love interest. The dialog is wooden, the situations hackneyed. It's too long and the climax is anti-climactic(!). I love the USCG, its men and women are fearless and tough. The action scenes are awesome, but this movie doesn't do much for recruiting, I fear. The script is formulaic, but confusing. Kutcher's character is trying to redeem himself for an accident that wasn't his fault? Costner's is raging against the dying of the light, but why? His 'conflict' with his wife is about as deep as a mud puddle. I saw this sneak preview for free and certainly felt I got my money's worth.
#Prophet #Muhammad was treating every one of his #companions as if he most #beloved one to him. #Ep06_
This is exactly what I was looking for in a hotel during my one night stay in Pittsburgh. Close to the city, but far enough out to get free parking and a reasonable rate (under $100).\n\nThe room was fairly small, but I was only planning on sleeping in it. It was clean so I couldn't ask for much more. The people at the front desk were very friendly too.\n\nIf I go back to Pittsburgh, I will absolutely stay here again.
Do not waste your money or time. Terrible movie. Bad acting, plot all over the place. Really, really bad acting. Man, this movie is just plain bad. I shut it off at 7 minutes. The script is bad, the directing is bad, it seems to me that a high school group got together to do a project for their drama class. Yes, it's that bad. The acting is not convincing at all, mind you I saw only 7 minutes of it. How this movie made it to DVD, is beyond me. <br /><br />It should have been left in the editing storage room. I saw the cover and thought it was pretty cool, I sure's heck won't do that next time :_)
Our MBFM #MannequinChallenge to have a little fun for the holidays!https://t.co/hMrzgVZYhd
We are from Ohio. I first made a reservation here back in October when I was looking for a nice place to have our anniversary dinner. It did not disappoint. Everything was wonderful. From the moment we walked in the door and were greeted by the hostess, then we moved to the bar to have a drink before dinner and had a very nice conversation with the bartender. When we were seated at our table we were greeted by a very friendly busboy who filled our water glasses and asked how we were. Finally the service was outstanding. Since we are both from up north we had never had grits, so our server brought us out a sample to try and they were excellent. We both ordered the specials. Being a vegetarian I was impressed, not only with the selections on the menu, but they also had a vegetarian special. Everything was amazing. It was a wonderful evening. We just recently went back in February and it was just as good the second time around as the first. Everyone is so friendly and professional and the food is out of this world. I would highly, highly recommend this restaurant to anyone looking for a nice, quiet place to have a delicious meal.
This movie is astonishingly poor. It was on television when I tuned in during an action scene and was chuckling away at the cheesy macho dialogue, waiting for Leslie Nielsen to appear. It took me a couple of minutes to realise that it wasn't actually a comedy, it was meant to be taken seriously. What has to be remembered is that somebody actually sat down and wrote this movie, and worse still - other people funded it and gave it the green light.<br /><br />Rutger Hauer obviously doesn't read movie scripts before he signs up, either that or he has some seriously bad debts to pay.<br /><br />Strangely, this film is so poor, that you find yourself staring at it, wondering how it actually got funded, and how a TV channel must have paid money for the rights to air it. The dialogue between hero and baddie whilst trying to shoot each other out of the sky is particularly painful, with dialogue sounding like it was generated by a Texas Intruments "Speak & Spell".<br /><br />The Hollywood money machine at it's worst. Funny though.
@user @user Canadian site is flooded with fake reviews on #SettleForMore !
You know what's great? Walking into a banking establishment and having the tellers know your name! I've been with Sunwest for 27 years, and I've never had any fees charged to me (yay automatic and free overdraft protection!) Your mileage may vary, but I love these guys. This branch is fantastic. All the employees are friendly and knowledgeable.
Frankly, after Cotton club and Unfaithful, it was kind of embarrassing to watch Lane and Gere in this film, because it is BAD. The acting was bad, the dialogs were extremely shallow and insincere. It was well shot, but, then again, it is a big budget movie. It was too predictable, even for a chick flick. I even knew from the beginning that he was going to die in the end, the only thing I didn't know was how. Too politically correct. Very disappointing. The only thing really worth watching was the scenery and the house, because it is beautiful. But, if you want that, watch National geographic. I love Lane, but I've never seen her in a movie this lousy. As far as Gere goes, he's a good actor, but he had movies like this, so I'm not surprised. An hour and a half I wish I could bring back.
Steve Bannon’s First Pick For President - POLITICO Fascinating and says a lot about Bannon #StillWithHer #recount
Food was very good. I had the Reuben sandwich. My only suggestion is that the waitress should check back more often to see if we need anything. Otherwise, I recommend it.
As a recent convert to Curb Your Enthusiasm, which prompted my viewing of all season's episodes, I expected more, much more from Jeff's efforts.<br /><br />When I view a film offering a slice of an average 'Joe's' life I need reasons to be interested, to care, to feel and believe. And with Jeff Garlin at the helm I also expected a bevy of shining comedic moments. This film failed me time and again.<br /><br />Jeff plays a living with mom, plump sad sack who is a social disaster. He has not had a relationships, real or even casual, for many years. He appears to be mostly unemployed and, as noted, shacks with his mommy dearest. Can things get worse? Sure. In short order he gets sacked by everyone around him including Silverman, Second City (his comedy workshop) and his agent. All reinforce his 'loser' status. Silverman's 'fatty' experiment was as cruel as it was absurd. His obsession with the role of "Marty," as the means of his career's salvation, also hits a big dead end.<br /><br />While the film's final moments offer a glimpse of better things to come the cinematic 'journey,' albeit with occasional golden glimmers, was sadly lacking.
It wouldn't make you feel shameful if there wasn't some part of you that knew it was wrong. Abortion is cruelty aga…
I have been ordering food from Rainbow Garden for ten years. Their food is delicious, it's always hot, and delivery is fast! My husband loves the crab rangoon, and I don't think I've ever had a dish I didn't like.\n\nRainbow Garden is also a great spot for lunch. They have the usual lunch special: soup, spring roll and entree with rice for $6-$8. The lunch specials are a great value, however they only include the common/popular Chinese restaurant dishes such as general tso's, princess, garlic sauce, etc. If you want something different, you have to order off of the full menu. But the food quality here is very good and everything tastes fresh. I'm a fan.
This movie made me think....of how I could write something about it without personally dissing the director and all the actors, who, as an Australian, I am proud of for actually getting out there and making a film.<br /><br />But the movie itself? Let me tell you a story....<br /><br />Found this DVD in my local rental shop yesterday and had vague recollections of the reviews at the time of cinema release here, so I thought I would give it a go.<br /><br />For some reason, I decided to watch the 'special features' before I watched the actual movie, not something that I usually do. Turned the 'making of' off halfway through, as I'd had enough cringing at the 'aren't we so wonderful for putting together such a hard hitting film with such a raw script' attitude.<br /><br />The movie? Ugh. Full of clichés and pathetic character development. The actors? Well done guys, you are Aussies and I applaud you. And, just like a footy team is only as good as the coach that directs them, you unfortunately did NOT have a great script to work with.<br /><br />I felt that the movie actually trivialised so many of the subjects that it seemed to want to cover. I have seen many reviews here that refer to it as nothing more than a soap. Agreed.<br /><br />Finally (and forgive me if I don't phrase this correctly), I was extremely disappointed that there were no optimistic overtones at all. Yes, we all know that life is full of hard stuff, and yes we know that things such as incest DO occur, but I really find it hard to applaud a movie that has not one piece of joy in it. I believe that a director has a responsibility to put it in there SOMEWHERE. Otherwise, the movie is all about THEM and THEIR feelings, they have created it for themselves, not for an audience.<br /><br />Which I think is the basis of why this movie isn't so great. The special features mention that the director wrote the screenplay in a 36 hour sitting, the day after he himself tried to end his own life. Well, it may have been cathartic for him to do this, however the movie reeks of self-indulgence when you know the story behind why it was written. "I feel horrid, I'm going to write a movie about feeling horrid". (Note: I have read the interview with Andrew Urban, and understand WHY Thalluri needed to write something to help him through his own issues, but I believe there is a line in film that cannot be crossed - the line of making a movie purely for your own emotional needs, and I feel that this is what has unintentionally happened here)<br /><br />By his own admission, the director had no technical experience at all, and sadly, this makes the movie come off looking like nothing more than a year twelve media project.<br /><br />As for any recommendations that this movie should be studied at school, or that all teenagers should watch it - not sure there either. Because there is a VERY dangerous line at the end. I too have been in a place where I have thought that someone who no longer has to 'face life' is 'lucky', but as an adult, I do worry that this line could be influential on a young viewer that was in a vulnerable frame of mind. Might be in there to promote discussion, but again, it reflects no possibility of redemption or joy in this story as a whole. In fact, it almost indicates that there is more sadness to come.<br /><br />I haven't seen Elephant, but I just might go find it, given all the comparisons here.<br /><br />Nothing personal here guys, I do hope you can make another movie someday, and we all have to start out somewhere, so forgive me if I've been too harsh. I am glad that you are proud of what you created, which in the end is what life is all about. It's not a movie I would recommend though.<br /><br />Oh, I DID like the way the time-frames often collided, thought that was an interesting way to film. <br /><br />But the whole "Its the quiet ones you have to watch" - we already know that.
North Korea asks China to block search results for Kim Jong Un nickname ‘Kim Fatty the Third’ #censorship #loser
I really want to like Zoe's Kitchen. I do. I really, really do. \n\nI have been to Zoe's more than 5 but less than 10 times, and yesterday was my last visit, unless I want to stop in for some limeade and chocolate cake. \n\nI have tried MANY things at Zoes, and I try to listen to what others like .... I don't like their bread at all, so every sandwich I've had has been bad. The quesadilla is OK, but I'm not a big fan of flour tortillas. The chicken roll ups (I think that's what it's called) that I had yesterday (after a good friend's recommendation) were kind of soggy and yuck-o. I don't like the pasta salad .... or the potato salad ... or their slaw .... or cold rice .... \n\nDo you see my challenge here? The decor is adorable, and I really want to love the place, but I think I've paid my very last visit to Zoes. \n\nSo, so sad!
Okul"The School" is a result of a new trend in Turkish cinema. Having used the same stories over and over again new generation directors finally come up with different ideas. Of course, it doesn't mean that they are all grand. I think Okul is one of them. It is supposed to be a scary movie but it is not. It is not successful on being scary either. So what is it? Actors are so average especially Deniz Akkaya is pretty annoying with the teacher role. I am sure it could have been better if it was tried on harder. Maybe concentrating on one topic such as making it scary or vice versa. But directors have missed the target this time. ** out of *****
You know what it's like when you just don't know what to say? This is one of those times. You see, I'm often wondering if my mom is going to slap me for not saying anything nice and then bitch-slap me for never listening. Or something. I really wasn't paying attention.\n\nOr maybe it is not that bad. There are, after all, nice things to say about Matt's. But there are spotty areas as well.\n\nFirst the good...\n\nThe decor is marvelous (insert mid-80s Fernando accent via Billy Crystal here). They have a decent number of seats, the outdoor seating is second-to-none - but you can bring your own lunch and get that, so it's not really specific to Matt's.\n\nAnd the not-so-good...\n\nThe menu selection is immense. So much so that you'll want to go when the place isn't crowded so that you have a reasonable chance of looking it over before ordering so as not to get in the way of anyone else. That generally doesn't happen in most hot dog stands, either on the street or indoors because you have about two choices: All the way or plain, where you add your own condiments.\n\nAnd the rest...\n\nThough you can find Italian Beef and Chicago-style dogs in the same place, you don't always want to. Focus on your specialty. And that's the real problem here. There is so much going on - visually and on the grill - that they don't seem to do anything really well.\n\nThough the staff is nice enough, and food is decent, it's just not that great. Fries are limp. House-made chips are nice and thin, but they are so thin that they can't support anything (dressing, chili leavings from dogs, not even the crunch from the fryer). Dogs are average.\n\nI would much rather get a dog from Green's, or maybe Hap's, both of which have that awesome hot dog counter vibe and make me want more. Matt? Not so much.
Contains Spoilers<br /><br />But if you weren't dropped on the head as a child and then used as a football then you'll agree with me that this is one of the worst and yet hilarious series ever made. Centreing round a woman who as a young girl was beaten by her father who also killed her mother, she spends her time drawing, but wait for it, then she becomes her superhero drawings and goes on to fight crime, therefore being "drawn by pain", so clever. The story itself is actually OK, but it's just how it's done, Jesse the writer and director has no idea how to write a script, just listen to a monologue featuring the 8 year old version of the hero and it sounds like it was written by a 30 year old man, while her dad, who sports a great moustache, just walks around the house all day while looking angry, just showing how bad the characterisation is, especially the bit where he gets angry in the first episode and begins repeating the phrase "no more" while holding his wife's head before killing her using the marble work surface. The following bang sound effect and just his terrible acting as all he can convey is angry just is brilliant, including after where he goes to beat his daughter using his belt which is all done with him moaning and looking angry in slow motion. The episodes themselves could contain easily a good clean script ranging over 5 minutes, but oh no Jesse doesn't want this. Little Jesse, is shitting out post modernism as if he'd just eaten Donnie Darko and then douched himself to death. Pointless camera jerks, all at weird angles, overly repeated lines and even pointless sequences just muddled up every now and again to fill the overlong episodes. In conclusion the idea isn't bad it's just how it's done, also there is a great character of a fat guy on a bench who doesn't come up enough and is great, i just wanna hug his Lil chubby cheeks cause they look so soft. The character development is non existent as the main character just says the first philosophical sounding thing that comes to her head although they all contradict one another. But all in all, mainly s**t<br /><br />Indiana Jones 4 however is much better, Type "Jeeharv" into you-tube as well, the results may make you weep at the beauty of the world also you'll hear a lot of cheap sex jokes, mostly gay ones.
2day we celebrate #Libya’n #women working 4 peace, protection women & girls & supporting #ViolenceAgainstWomen surv…
As much as it was mentioned in every single tourist guide i could find of Charlotte, this is a homey, family restaurant with soul and a great vibe to it, NOT a tourist-magnet in any way shape of form. The people that work there were down-to-earth and friendly to the core. The service was swift, the mood great, the food delicious. What else to say? Love that place!\n\n\nTIP: Try their fried pickles! Oh my sweet goodness... best culinary surprise I've experienced in years. I was dying to order a second round of them because... wow... they were so good.
I'm 35. Bruce was THE man in Evil Dead, and I still love to watch ED1 and ED2. It was cool also to see him as The King two or three years ago in Bubba Ho Tep in which he showed versatility and great acting talent. But this Screaming Brain adventure is certainly not for Bruce's early fans. Either I'm getting too old for this sh17, or I'm just not part of Bruce's target audience anymore. I'm positive kids age 9 to 13 will love this film. But this over extended matinée sci-fi comedy contains about 5 minutes total of interesting moments, and the rest is cheap kids slapstick humor. Campbell better talk seriously with Sam Raimi and get their brains screaming together for a last Evil Dead reunion picture to get back my interest. At least there would be a good director behind the camera... Sorry Bruce, this just doesn't cut it for me. Take care.
AI is changing the world.kudos to Deep learning !
I only gave them 1 star because 0 wasn't an option. Food was mediocre (fries were cold), and we haven't seen our waitress in 45 minutes (writing this review while waiting to ask for the check). I'll write another review tomorrow if I'm still here waiting.
Italian rip off of Mandingo and The Drum is a badly dubbed Italian life on the plantation yarn. Lots of people who don't look like they belong in the American South wear badly tailored costumes and wander around locations that look nothing like the American south. The plot has something about the romance between a rich man and a certain young woman, the jealousy that ensues and the tragedy that follows. The film promises hot steamy sex and lots of twisted violence but nothing ever really comes of any of it, its all tease. Its all probably racially insensitive, I couldn't notice since its artistically bankrupt. The final twist is at best laughable. A major turkey.
Let's all thank Prez Obama for 8yrs of progress #ThankYouObama #1stBlackPresident #MyPresidentisBLACK…
Update: 8/26/12\n\n8:30 A.M. Hangover. Ordered 2 Whoppers w/o cheese and 1 Whopper w/ cheese and 1 order of onion rings. Drive-thru. Had to pull ahead and wait. 21 minutes later, a woman in a purple velvet one piece delivered our food. Don't they have work uniforms here? Jeeez.
My mother and I rented this gem a few years ago while she was here visiting for Thanksgiving. I have rarely laughed so hard. This is a typical low-budget horror movie with dumb special effects, a worse plot, and even worse acting. But are you really expecting a classic when Linnea Quigley receives top billing? I thought not.<br /><br />Since this movie does have some entertainment value, I give it a 3 out of 10.
We mustn't allow fears over immigration to make us lose 'a common sense of what it is to be British' - The… #uk #fb