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SHOUT! POLL: Which US Oligarch Family is More Corrupt?
21st Century Wire asks . HAVE YOUR SHOUT: Which US oligarch family is more corrupt, the Clintons, or the Bushes?VOTE, comment and engage READ MORE ELECTION NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire 2016 Files
October 30, 2016
Ammon and Ryan Bundy Found ‘Not Guilty’ in Oregon Federal Case, Gov. Kate Brown Upset by Jury Decision
21st Century Wire Yesterday, Judge Anna Brown handed out not guilty verdicts to both Ammon and Ryan Bundy, leaders of the 41 day occupation of Malheur National Wildlife refuge near Burns, Oregon earlier this year. The Bundys along with five other defendants, were acquitted of all major charges relating to the Oregon protest event, including conspiring to impede refuge employees and possession of firearms at a federal facility. Ammon Bundy led the protest in Oregon in January 2016.Ammon and Ryan Bundy are still being held in custody however, awaiting a second trial will they will face federal charges in the state of Nevada over the high-profile Bundy Ranch Standoff with the employees of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) near Bunkerville in April 2014.The Burns standoff came to an abrupt end after one protest spokesman and Arizona resident, Robert LaVoy Finicum (photo, left), died after police fired on protester vehicles, before a special federal tactical team tracked, shot and killed the rancher at a pre-planned ambush along a remote rural road outside of Burns.Not surprisingly, the surprise acquittal has sent Democratic Party-linked media outlets into a tail spin. The New York Times still labelled the the Bundy brothers as Armed antigovernment protesters indicating a hyperbolic editorial bias against the defendants which was visible through the trajectory of this story.Similarly, both Oregon Gov. Kate Brown and Harney County Sheriff David Ward are on record saying that were not happy with Friday s verdict, not surprisingly, as both these officials played a crucial role in the state s escalation of violence which colminated in Finicum s death. Brown even issued a public statement saying she was disappointed the jury s decision.Despite a campaign of highly coordinated trial by media propaganda, led by the Oregonian Newspaper and other federal-leaning media outlets like the Washington Post, and ultra-liberal websites like Salon.com the jury was still able to judge the facts, and eventually ruled on the side of the protesters. I knew that what my husband was doing was right, but I was nervous because the judge was controlling the narrative, said Angela Bundy, 39, wife of Ryan to a Times reporter.According to one juror, the verdict was a statement regarding the various failures of the prosecution to prove that there was a conspiracy indicating that the federal government s botched affair might have been down to over-zealous political atmosphere in Washington that led to proscecutors going for a completely over-the-top set of charges in order to make a political statment instead of just sticking to the facts and Constiutional law.Police Tase Bundy Lawyer in CourtroomRight after the verdict was rendered, a bizarre courtroom scene erupted which ended in one of the Bundy s defense lawyers was tased and taken into custody after he asked the court to produce paperwork showing the order to rearrest his client. Attorney Marcus Mumford was visibly shaken after the incident.Watch the video testimony of Mumford here: READ MORE OREGON STANDOFF NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Oregon Files
October 29, 2016
FBI Director Comey’s ‘Leaked’ Memo Explains Why He’s Reopening the Clinton Email Case
21st Century Wire says 21WIRE reported on Friday about the FBI s surprising announcement that it would be reopening the Clinton email case due to new evidence of classified information found on sex cheat Anthony Weiner s (newly estranged husband of Clinton chief aid Huma Abedin) computer which was subject to a seperate investigation. Will this really yield anything significant in the 10 days running-up to the Nov 8th election, or is this just clever Democrat party smoke and mirrors? It seems that Washington s political tricksters have already sprung into action After Comey s shock announcement, a leaked memo appeared out of nowhere, supplied to Fox News, in which Comey and the FBI seem to be going through a routine set of prescribed political moves designed to implement damage control. ELITE CIRCLES: FBI head James Comey and friend Hillary Clinton.Certainly, a desperate Democratic Party, and an even more desperate Obama White House (over the last 3 weeks, Obama and his wife Michelle have been out campaigning more that Hillary Clinton herself), could be pressuring or nudging the FBI on this volatile issue which could easily tilt a close presidential race against Donald Trump. Aside from the obvious potential of another Clinton scandal, yesterday s FBI move could also be a prelude to the following possible scenarios:NOTE: Despite calls from the Clinton camp for FBI to disclose what they have (which they cannot by law anyway, you d think Hillary would have already known that), it is highly unlikely that the FBI will release any real specifics before the election if they have anything at all. It s just too early to tell. SEE ALSO: FBI James Comey was board member of HSBC Clinton Foundation & Drug Cartel bank of choice The FBI director stoked outrage last month when he announced that he would not recommend the Justice Department seek an indictment against Clinton or any of the other parties to the investigation allowing Clinton to dodge any criminal probe before the election despite the fact that Comey stated to a Congressional investigative committee that Clinton was extremely careless, and that Clinton openly lied about her handling classified information on her unsecured private server throughout her tenure as the US Secretary of State.Zero Hedge adds: Now, it is the democrats turn to rage at Comey and the FBI, although Comey likely did not have much choice: had he kept the information secret, it certainly would have leaked as we predicted; as such his best recourse was to come clean, although many have speculated about the cryptic nature of the disclosure. Needless to say, all Comey would need to do to regain the Demcorats trust and favor is to announce in just a few days that nothing material has been found and that the second probe is also over. Here is leaked (aka just covering my ass) memo from FBI director James Comey:Watch this space. Here is a highlight reel of Hillary Clinton lying on at least 5 occasions when asked direct questions about her illegal private email server: . READ MORE ELECTION NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire 2016 FilesSUPPORT 21WIRE SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV
October 29, 2016
FBI REDUX: What’s Behind New Probe into Hillary Clinton Emails?
21st Century Wire says In a stunning turn of events 11 days before the 2016 presidential election, the FBI announced it is reopenning its investigation into Hillary Clinton s email server case, by probing newly emerging emails linked to Hillary Clinton. NEW PROBE The FBI gives Hillary Clinton a second look. (Photo illustraion 21WIRE)FBI October Surprise?According to reports, in a letter written today, FBI Director James Comey, stated that the FBI has begun a new probe into Hillary Clinton related emails once again. Comey offered scant details about the new probe, but due to an unrelated case, additional classified material may have been mishandled on Clinton s personal email server.CNBC reported the latest FBI developments, including a passage from Comey s letter discussing the new investigation: In previous congressional testimony, I referred to the fact that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) had completed its investigation of former Secretary Clinton s personal email server. Due to recent developments, I am writing to supplement my previous testimony, Comey wrote.In connection with an unrelated case, the FBI has learned of the existence of emails that appear to be pertinent to the investigation. I am writing to inform you that the investigative team briefed me on this yesterday, and I agreed that the FBI should take appropriate investigative steps designed to allow investigators to review these emails to determine whether they contain classified information, as well as to assess their importance to our investigation, he added.Although the FBI cannot yet assess whether or not this material may be significant, and I cannot predict how long it will take us to complete this additional work, I believe it is important to update your Committees about our efforts in light of my previous testimony, Comey concluded. Huma s Estranged Sexting HusbandAccording to a new report released via The New York Times: The presidential campaign was rocked on Friday after federal law enforcement officials said that emails pertinent to the now-closed investigation into Hillary Clinton s private email server were discovered on a computer belonging to Anthony D. Weiner, the estranged husband of a top Clinton aide. In a letter to Congress, the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, said the emails had surfaced in an unrelated case, which law enforcement officials said was an F.B.I. investigation into illicit text messages from Mr. Weiner to a 15-year-old girl in North Carolina. Mr. Weiner, a former Democratic congressman from New York, is married to Huma Abedin, the top aide. Comey has come under fire recently for apparently letting Clinton off the hook for mishandling, and lying to Congress, about classified emails coming through her home brew email server while she was Secretary of State. After previously closing the case, Comey has done a U-turn and is now saying the FBI will review the new emails to for classified information, and see whether it was mishandled.This unprecedented investigative move comes just two days after a Wikileaks docu-dump revealed a memo containing detailed financial information between Clinton Foundation donors and former president Bill Clinton s private financial activities. Among those included in the memo, was a $30 million dollar business arrangement under Bill Clinton, Inc., with another $66 million dollar deal scheduled over nine years.The following is a tweet from Brad Jaffy of NBC Nightly News containing the new FBI recommendation The new investigation into the Clinton camp will most certainly spark new Pay-to-Play allegations, as the new FBI revelations also comes days after a Project Veritas hidden camera sting operation revealed that the Democratic consultant Robert Creamer of Democracy Partners, discussed ways to commit large-scale voter fraud as well as paying political agitators to cause violence at Donald Trump rallies.Out of Creamer s 342 visits to the White House, also included his wife, a 9-term Illinois Democratic congresswoman, Jan Schakowsky some 47 times.White House visitor records show that Schakowsky took 47 private meetings with Obama or his senior staff, also over the past year. The consultancy Democracy Partners appears to have applied Schakowsky as a political buffering point, possibly in the event of a fallout over their operations at a grassroots level. The impetus of this type of procedural separation is to keep certain high-ranking officials of the hook in case of a massive upheaval over various underhanded campaign tactics thus giving a political campaign or political entity plausible deniability. CAUGHT ON FILM Robert Creamer resigns over a massive Democratic Party controversy. (Image Source: CNN)Creamer, a convicted felon, (in 2005, Creamer plead guilty $2.3 million in bank fraud and tax violations) was promptly shoved out of the Hillary Clinton campaign s inner circle, following a heavily publicized video sting revealing his discussion about voter fraud and violence at Trump rallies. PAY TO PLAY? Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe closely allied with the Clinton s negotiated a a campaign contribution involving the FBI. (Image Source new republic)It remains unclear what exactly reopened the new Clinton probe, but perhaps the FBI had its own cobwebs to clear out after it was revealed that a longtime Clinton associate, Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, helped steer $675,000 to the election campaign of the wife of an FBI official who went on to lead the probe into Hillary Clinton s use of a private email system, according to a report. The NY Post also reported on the matter this past week: The political action committee of McAuliffe, the Clinton loyalist, gave $467,500 to the state Senate campaign of the wife of Andrew McCabe, who is now deputy director of the FBI, according to the Wall Street Journal.The report states Jill McCabe received an additional $207,788 from the Virginia Democratic Party, which is heavily influenced by McAuliffe.The money directed by McAuliffe began flowing two months after the FBI investigation into Clinton began in July 2015. Around that time, the candidate s husband was promoted from running the Washington field office for the FBI to the No. 3 position at the bureau. In a CNN report from October 18th, a week before the McAuliffe revelations, According to notes from interviews conducted during an FBI investigation into Clinton s email practices, Undersecretary of State Patrick Kennedy personally tried to convince FBI officials that the email should be declassified. One interviewee described feeling pressured by another FBI official at Kennedy s request. The newly reopened FBI investigation into Clinton could be related to all or some of the items listed above, but there s no doubt that due to public backlash the FBI received following the first Clinton investigation, in addition to concerns over dealings between the FBI and Clinton associates the agency needed to save face.It remains to be seen how new case will impact the US Presidential election.More from RT below (Image Source: youtube)FBI reopens Clinton investigation as new emails found ComeyRTThe FBI has learned of more emails involving Hillary Clinton s private email server while she headed the State Department, FBI Director James Comey told several members of Congress, telling them he is reopening the investigation. In connection with an unrelated case, the FBI has learned of the existence of email that appear to be pertinent to Clinton s investigation, Comey wrote to the chairs of several relevant congressional committees, adding that he was briefed about the messages on Thursday. I agree that the FBI should take appropriate investigative steps designed to allow investigators to review these emails to determine whether they contain classified information, as well as to assess their importance to our investigation. RT continues here READ MORE ELECTION NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire 2016 Files
October 28, 2016
Assange: ‘Crazed Clinton Campaign Tried to Hack WikiLeaks’
SEE ALSO: ON THE QT: US Election: Behind the Curtain (PART 1)21st Century Wire says The Democratic Party and the Hillary Clinton campaign have chained themselves to the wild conspiracy theory that Russia is behind the embarrassing Wikileaks email dump and the Kremlin is trying to interfere with the US election process even though their is zero evidence to prove that ridiculous claim.Wikileaks has exposed what is arguably the biggest trove of political corruption in US history but the majority pro-Hillary media are simply ignoring these leaks in order to get behind the media s pre-chosen candidate.So why is the Clinton political machine still panicking? Are we due for another October surprise ?RT Everyday that you publish is a day that you have the initiative in the conflict, Assange said via telephone at a conference in Argentina on Wednesday. The whistleblowing website has been releasing emails from Clinton s campaign chair, John Podesta, on a daily basis since early October.Assange claimed the release whipped up a crazed hornet s nest atmosphere in the Hillary Clinton campaign leading them to attack WikiLeaks. They attacked our servers and attempted hacking attacks and there is an amazing ongoing campaign where state documents were put in the UN and British courts to accuse me of being both a Russian spy and a pedophile, he added.READ MORE: Suspicious US company tried to frame Assange as pedophile and Russian spyEcuador s decision to shut down his internet was described by Assange as a strategic position so that its policy of non-intervention can t be misinterpreted by actors in the US and even domestically in Ecuador. ( ) He did, however, reject the idea that WikiLeaks is interfering with the US election, claiming, this is not the interference of electoral process, this is the definition of electoral process for media organizations and, in fact, everyone to publish the truth and their opinion about what is occurring. It cannot be a free and informed election unless people are free to inform. He also attacked US TV networks, many of whom he accused of being controlled by Clinton supporters. ( ) The Podesta emails will make no difference to the election result, according to Assange. I don t think there s any chance of Donald Trump winning the election, even with the amazing material we are publishing, because most of the media organizations are strongly aligned with Hillary Clinton, he said Continue this story at RTREAD MORE WIKILEAKS NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Wikileaks Files
October 28, 2016
New Bill Gates AI-powered ‘Evolv’ Body Scanners will ‘inspect’ Americans in public spaces
Beta testing set to begin at transportation hubs in Los Angeles, Denver and Washington for Total Recall-style high-speed body scanners (IMAGE: Mashable)Mark Harris The Guardian A startup bankrolled by Bill Gates is about to conduct the first public trials of high-speed body scanners powered by artificial intelligence (AI), the Guardian can reveal.According to documents filed with the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Boston-based Evolv Technology is planning to test its system at Union Station in Washington DC, in Los Angeles s Union Station metro and at Denver international airport.Bill Gates: turning society into a technocracy.Evolv uses the same millimetre-wave radio frequencies as the controversial, and painfully slow, body scanners now found at many airport security checkpoints. However, the new device can complete its scan in a fraction of second, using computer vision and machine learning to spot guns and bombs.This means individuals can simply walk through a scanning gate without stopping or even slowing down like the hi-tech scanners seen in the 1990 sci-fi film Total Recall. A nearby security guard with a tablet is then shown either an all-clear sign, or a photo of the person with suspicious areas highlighted. Evolv says the system can scan 800 people an hour, without anyone having to remove their keys, coins or cellphones. The importance of it being fast can t be overstated, said Aaron Elkins, an AI professor at San Diego State University, who is developing his own AI security technology. Any place you currently see a metal detector would probably consider an upgrade. Millimetre-wave scanners are useful because they can identify both metallic and non-metallic items, such as 3D printed guns and explosives. But they have also attracted criticism because scanners were able to capture realistic images of people s bodies beneath their clothes. We never build an image that would enable anyone to see anatomical details, so there s no naked peepshow in the first place, says Michael Ellenbogen, Evolv s CEO. None of the raw data is stored and none of the data we do keep is traceable to an individual. Evolv claims that no human sees what the scanner is looking at. The system uses solid state micro-antennas to steer radar beams over anyone walking through the gate, and to pick up the reflections. That data is then fed to an AI system that has been trained to spot distinctive scattering patterns from all kinds of objects, including firearms, suicide bomber vests and even knives. The scanner also has a camera that takes a photo of each person passing through, enabling facial recognition.Because it promises to be faster and cheaper than existing millimetre-wave scanners, the new device could bring airport-level screening to venues that were previously difficult to secure Continue this story The GuardianREAD MORE A.I. NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire A.I. Files
October 27, 2016
After The 2016 Election: A Gullible and Shattered America
David Kerans Strategic CultureBoth inside the US and around the world, political observers have been waiting a long time for an election that would promise relief from the most noxious features of the American system. Alas, while it is high time that the US lead the way in reversing these trends, the outcome of the 18 month struggle to elect a new administration looks likely to scuttle all hopes for serious leadership and reform. I m looking forward to a market crash to awaken the electorate out of our rut, honestly. Because if a Loony Tunes candidate {meaning Donald Trump DK} doesn t give Democrats the courage to put up a push-left candidate {Bernie Sanders, or some facsimile DK}, then catastrophe is the only correction we have left. Commenter Snapshotist Both inside the US and around the world, political observers have been waiting a long time for an election that would promise relief from the most noxious features of the American system, such as neoliberal economic austerity policies that hamstring governments ability to maintain basic services and safety nets, military aggression and destabilization of regimes across a wide swathe of the globe, wholesale violation of privacy via NSA surveillance, trade agreements designed to maximize the power of international corporations over national governments, facilitation of fossil fuel extraction and infrastructure in the face of dire climate change consequences, a financial system sucking wealth away from the population and accelerating wealth inequality, and more.Alas, while it is high time that the US lead the way in reversing these trends, the outcome of the 18 month struggle to elect a new presidential administration looks likely to scuttle all hopes for serious leadership and reform on any of these critical issues. It follows, therefore, that in the near term (if not longer), progress will not be possible unless new forms of politics arise to deliver pressure from below on Washington, DC. But how much hope can we have for that?Continue this story at Strategic CultureREAD MORE ELECTION NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire 2016 Files
October 27, 2016
REVEALED: The Dark Agenda Behind Globalization and Open Borders
The T.I.N.A. Doctrine There Is No Alternative Brandon Smith Alt-MarketWhen people unfamiliar with the liberty movement stumble onto the undeniable fact of the conspiracy of globalism they tend to look for easy answers to understand what it is and why it exists. Most people today have been conditioned to perceive events from a misinterpreted standpoint of Occam s Razor they wrongly assume that the simplest explanation is probably the right one.In fact, this is not what Occam s Razor states. Instead, to summarize, it states that the simplest explanation GIVEN THE EVIDENCE at hand is probably the right explanation.It has been well known and documented for decades that the push for globalism is a deliberate and focused effort on the part of a select elite; international financiers, central bankers, political leaders and the numerous members of exclusive think tanks. They often openly admit their goals for total globalization in their own publications, perhaps believing that the uneducated commoners would never read them anyway. Carroll Quigley, mentor to Bill Clinton and member of the Council on Foreign Relations, is often quoted with open admissions to the general scheme: The powers of financial capitalism had (a) far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent meetings and conferences. The apex of the systems was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland; a private bank owned and controlled by the world s central banks which were themselves private corporations. Each central bank sought to dominate its government by its ability to control Treasury loans, to manipulate foreign exchanges, to influence the level of economic activity in the country, and to influence cooperative politicians by subsequent economic rewards in the business world. Carroll Quigley, Tragedy And HopeThe people behind the effort to enforce globalism are tied together by a particular ideology, perhaps even a cult-like religion, in which they envision a world order as described in Plato s Republic. They believe that they are chosen either by fate, destiny or genetics to rule as philosopher kings over the rest of us. They believe that they are the wisest and most capable that humanity has to offer, and that through evolutionary means, they can create chaos and order out of thin air and mold society at will.This mentality is evident in the systems that they build and exploit. For example, central banking in general is nothing more than a mechanism for driving nations into debt, currency devaluation, and ultimately, enslavement through widespread economic extortion. The end game for central banks is, I believe, the triggering of historic financial crisis, which can then be used by the elites as leverage to promote complete global centralization as the only viable solution.This process of destabilizing economies and societies is not directed by the heads of the various central banks. Instead, it is directed by even more central global institutions like the International Monetary Fund and the Bank for International Settlements, as outlined in revealing mainstream articles like Ruling The World Of Money published by Harpers Magazine.We also find through the words of globalists that the campaign for a new world order is not meant to be voluntary. When the struggle seems to be drifting definitely towards a world social democracy, there may still be very great delays and disappointments before it becomes an efficient and beneficent world system. Countless people will hate the new world order and will die protesting against it. When we attempt to evaluate its promise, we have to bear in mind the distress of a generation or so of malcontents, many of them quite gallant and graceful-looking people. HG Welles, Fabian Socialist and author of The New World Order In short, the house of world order will have to be built from the bottom up rather than f rom the top down. It will look like a great booming, buzzing confusion, to use William James famous description of reality, but an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old-fashioned frontal assault. Richard Gardner, member of the Trilateral Commission, published in the April, 1974 issue of Foreign Affairs The New World Order cannot happen without U.S. participation, as we are the single most significant component. Yes, there will be a New World Order, and it will force the United States to change its perceptions. Henry Kissinger, World Action Council, April 19, 1994I could quote globalists all day long, but I think you get the general idea. While some people see globalism as a natural offshoot of free markets or the inevitable outcome of economic progress, the reality is that the simplest explanation (given the evidence at hand) is that globalism is an outright war waged against the ideal of sovereign peoples and nations. It is a guerrilla war, or fourth generation warfare, waged by a small group of elites against the rest of us.A significant element of this war concerns the nature of borders. Borders of nations, states and even towns and villages, are not just lines on a map or invisible barriers in the dirt. This is what the elites and the mainstream media would like us to believe. Instead, borders when applied correctly represent principles; or at least, that is supposed to be their function.Human beings are natural community builders; we are constantly seeking out others of like-mind and like-purpose because we understand subconsciously that groups of individuals working together can (often but not always) accomplish more. That said, human beings also have a natural tendency to value individual freedom and the right to voluntary association. We do not like to be forced to associate with people or groups that do not hold similar values.Cultures erect borders because, frankly, people have the right to vet those who wish to join and participate in their endeavors. People also have a right to discriminate against anyone who does not share their core values; or, in other words, we have the right to refuse association with other groups and ideologies that are destructive to our own Continue this story at Alt-MarketREAD MORE NWO NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire NWO Files
October 27, 2016
Boiler Room EP #80 – Heads They Win, Tails You Lose
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6:00 PM PST | 8:00 PM CST | 9:00 PM EST for this special broadcast. Join us for uncensored, uninterruptible talk radio, custom-made for barfly philosophers, misguided moralists, masochists, street corner evangelists, media-maniacs, savants, political animals and otherwise lovable rascals.Join ACR hosts Hesher and Spore along with Randy J and Stewart Howe from 21Wire, Andy Nowicki from Alt Right Blogspot, and Jay Dyer of Jays Analysis for the 80th episode of BOILER ROOM. Dim the lights, dawn the headphones and indulge in some Boiler Room with the crew. This week we re boiling up some media maniac conversation with blend of topics that ONLY the Boiler Room can pull off.Please like and share the program and visit our donate page to get involved!BOILER ROOM IS NOT A POLICTALLY CORRECT ZONE! LISTEN TO THE SHOW IN THE PLAYER BELOW ENJOY!Listen to Boiler Room #80 Chaos, Clowns, Catastrophe & Collapse on Spreaker.Reference Links:
October 26, 2016
Clinton’s ‘No-Fly Zone’ over Syria Will Not “Save Lives” – It Will Lead to War with Russia
Prof Michel Chossudovsky Global ReaseachThe media has failed to address the confrontation between the U.S. State Department and the Joint Chiefs of Staff.The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Joseph Francis Dunford (image, left) has warned both the US Senate as well Secretary of State John Kerry in no uncertain terms that a No Fly Zone over Syria would lead to war with both Syria and Russia, intimating a dangerous process of military escalation.In a Senate Arms Services Committee hearing, Dunford said, responding to questions from Republican Senator Roger Whicker (Mississippi): Right now, Senator, for us to control all of the airspace in Syria it would require us to go to war, against Syria and Russia That s a pretty fundamental decision that certainly I m not going to make. (Senate Armed Services Committee, September 22, 2016, emphasis added)At the third presidential debate, Hillary Clinton reasserted her commitment that if elected president, she would implement a no-fly-zone, intimating that the objective was to save lives : I think a no-fly zone could save lives and could hasten the end of the conflict. I am well aware of the really legitimate concerns you have expressed from both the president and the general, Clinton said in response to a question from Fox News debate moderator Chris Wallace. This would not be done just on the first day. This would take a lot of negotiation and would also take making it clear to the Russians and Syrians that our purpose here was to provide safe zones on the ground I think we could strike a deal and make it clear to the Russians and the Syrians that this was something that we believe was in the best interest of the people on the ground in Syria. (Fox News, emphasis added)At present, under the Obama administration, the joint chiefs of staff are opposed to the No Fly zone .The Joint Chiefs of Staff are appointed by the Secretary of Defense.Under a Clinton presidency, a new Secretary of Defense as well as a new Chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, firmly committed to A No fly Zone over Syria would be appointed.Mich le Angelique Flournoy, a former Under Secretary of Defense for Policy is Hillary s choice for the position of Secretary of Defense, who favors the No Fly Zone option.According to Defense One: The woman expected to run the Pentagon under Hillary Clinton said she would direct U.S. troops to push President Bashar al-Assad s forces out of southern Syria and would send more American boots to fight the Islamic State in the region. Confirmed by the Leaked Emails Michele Flournoy is a crony of the Clintons. She has called for limited military coercion to help remove Assad from power in Syria, including a no bombing zone over parts of Syria held by U.S.-backed rebels. This is tantamount to a no fly zone to protect the terrorists including ISIS Daesh from actions by Syrian and Russian forces.According to Defense One:Flournoy did not deny the entire report that she favors increased U.S. intervention; for instance, she acknowledged her support for U.S. strikes using standoff weapons to retaliate against Syrian military targets to enforce the no-bomb zone Continue this article at Global ResearchREAD MORE HILLARY NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Clinton Files
October 26, 2016
Paul Craig Roberts: ‘By Cooperating with Washington on Syria & Russia Walked Into a Trap’
By Paul Crag RobertsA month ago I wrote a column , He Who Hesitates Is Lost And Russia Hesitated. The consequences of this hesitation are now apparent:1. A UN report orchestrated by Washington has accused Syria and Russia of war crimes in Aleppo. According to the report, indiscriminate airstrikes across the eastern part of the city by Government forces and their allies [Russia] are responsible for the overwhelming majority of civilian casualties. These violations constitute war crimes. And if knowingly committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against civilians, they constitute crimes against humanity. The UN Human Rights Council has now voted to start an independent investigation. The purpose of the investigation is to indict Russia and Putin as war criminals and to bring to justice those responsible for the alleged abuses. Moreover, the situation should be urgently referred to the International Criminal Court. Every party to this conflict must know that they will be held accountable for the international crimes they commit all, without selective protection or discrimination. Keep in mind that Washington provides the largest share of the UN s budget, and the UN will overlook that it was Washington that sent ISIS to Aleppo.Obviously, neither Washington nor the UN will be able to drag Putin into the International Criminal Court, but a war criminal charge can serve Washington s purpose by stopping Putin from traveling abroad and curtailing his diplomatic efforts. The purpose of this orchestrated exercise is its propaganda value. Among Washington s many concerns is that some Eastern European countries, alarmed by the conflict that Washington is leading them into with Russia, will threaten NATO with a non-participation statement. If Russia is branded a war criminal, it becomes even more difficult for countries that foolishly and thoughtlessly joined NATO to extricate themselves from the consequences.2. Washington has succeeded in bringing to power in Poland the far right-wing Law and Justice Party. These agents of Washington have re-opened the matter of the death of Poland s President Kaczynski in a plane crash, making wild claims that the crash was a terror attack by Russia aimed at depriving Poland of its political leadership. Despite massive and convincing evidence to the contrary, the Law and Justice Party s claims will find traction thanks to the scary portrait of Russia painted by Washington s demonization campaign. The intended result is to further blacken and isolate Russia and its government.3. As the anointed spokesperson for the neoconservative warmongers, Hillary wants Washington to enforce a no-fly zone in Syria. A no-fly zone would require Washington to attempt to prevent Syrian and Russian air strikes against ISIS positions. It seems clear enough that Syria and Russia would not accept any attempt to deny Syria the use of the country s own airspace in the conflict against forces sent by Washington to overthrow the Syrian government, as happened to Gaddafi in Libya. Unless Russia and Syria surrender, Hillary s no-fly zone would result in military conflict between Russia and the US.To advance the no-fly zone proposal, the use of chemical weapons ruse has been resurrected. Fabricated reports are appearing that the Syrian air force is guilty of dropping chemical weapons on the Syrian population. On October 22, the Indian Express reported that on October 21 the UN-Led Joint Investigative Mechanism informed the UN Security Council that the chemical attack on Qmenas was caused by a Syrian Arab Armed Forces helicopter dropping a device from a high altitude which hit the ground and released the toxic substance that affected the population. The report concluded that three of the chemical attacks investigated were made by Syria and one by the Islamic State.The fact that the Russians resolved the chemical weapons issue in 2014, a year before the alleged attack on Qmenas, by taking possession of the weapons and removing them from Syria means that the report has little credibility. However, at no time during Washington s 15-year-old attack on Muslim countries have facts played any role, and certainly facts have played no role in Washington s demonization of Russia.4. Diana Johnstone has concluded that Hillary intends regime change for Russia and will use the presidency for that purpose.It is impossible to imagine a purpose more reckless and irresponsible. Many members of the Russian government have stated that Washington s provocation and demonization of Russia have brought trust between the nuclear powers close to zero and that Russia will never again fight a war on her own territory Continue this article at The Institute for Political EconomyREAD MORE RUSSIA NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Russia Files
October 26, 2016
Insider Firm ‘FlashPoint’ tied to Orlando Shooting, Now Investigating DDoS Hack on America
Shawn Helton 21st Century WireIn the wake of the distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks that targeted many online companies and news agencies last week such as Amazon, Netflix, CNN and The New York Times, we learned that the threat intelligence firm Flashpoint assumed the lead public relations role in the media after the event just as they did following the highly suspicious Pulse Nightclub shooting in Orlando this past the summer. Flashpoint is said to be investigating the nature of the alleged hacker DDoS attacks against the networks of the internet traffic management company Dyn and many others just days ago.Later in this report, we ll focus our attention on the uncanny ties between the firm Flashpoint, the Orlando Shooting and the massive internet related outage this past week.But first things first, let s review elements of the recent DDoS attack in America CYBER GAMES The DDoS attack story falls in line with a designer western political agenda. (Photo Illustration 21WIRE s Shawn Helton)On October 21st, the technology blog Engadget discussed the cyber attacks that led to an internet outage across America and other parts of the world: Today s nation-wide internet outage was enabled thanks to a Mirai botnet that hacked into connected home devices, according to security intelligence company Flashpoint. The distributed denial of service attack targeted Dyn, a large domain name server, and took down Twitter, Spotify, Reddit, The New York Times, Pinterest, PayPal and other major websites. Flashpoint has observed Mirai attack commands issued against Dyn infrastructure, Flashpoint writes. Analysts are still investigating the potential impact of this activity and it is not yet clear if other botnets are involved. The Engadget article mentioned above, further explained that security experts had been prepping the public for an eventual Mirai malware attack since its code open-source was leaked: The author of the Mirai malware made its code open-source, and security experts have been warning of a possible large-scale attack since this information came to light. In another media supplied back story the coming launch of Mirai was discussed through the security based website managed by Brian Krebs, on KrebsOnSecurity who ironically, have twice been the victim of cyber attacks over the years: The source code that powers the Internet of Things (IoT) botnet responsible for launching the historically large distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack against KrebsOnSecurity last month has been publicly released. Interestingly, according to Bradley Barth, a senior reporter for the IT security online magazine SC, the Mirai (supposedly leaked on September 30th) contains a very unique subset of characteristics that will not attack certain IP addresses such as the Department of Defense (DoD), the US Postal Service and consumer giant General Electric (GE) due to its coding: An Imperva analysis of the source code revealed several unique traits, including a hardcoded blacklist of IPs that the adversary did not want to attack, perhaps in order to keep a low profile. Some of these IPs belonged to the Department of Defense, the U.S. Postal Service and General Electric (GE). Though SC claims that the makers of Mirai may have been trying to keep a low profile, the recent DDoS attack attributed to the malware was as high-profile as you can get so this begs the question, what was the real reason the malware creators put an IP blockade on the DoD, the Postal Service and GE?Is it possible the malware originated from whitehat hackers associated with the US government, or from a major US defense contractor like GE?Politico disclosed that the hacktivist avatar known as the New World Hackers and Anonymous (now a ubiquitous brand which could be anyone or anything) were responsible for the DDoS attack on Twitter and others, adding that U.S. officials preached caution, arguing there is still scant evidence to determine who is behind the attack, warning that both groups have falsely taken credit for high-profile attacks in the past. Flashpoint then declared that the group were imposters, as the article then referenced Obama s recent far-fetched claims that Russia is somehow meddling with US elections through proxy hackers once again, without offering any definitive proof.Mainstream media pundits, including those at CNN, were also quick to dismiss the New World Hackers as an illegitimate group who had falsely taken credit for hacks in the past. Less than 24 hours after the nationwide DDoS cyberattack, former Homeland Security Advisor to United States President George W. Bush, Fran Townsend, (left photo) reignited the ever popular blame Russia meme (as we predicted) in a CBS article: CBS News homeland security consultant Fran Townsend pointed to Russia as a possible instigator. Is this sort of a brushback pitch from the Russians sending us a message that we should be pretty careful about engaging in this sort of cyberactivity with them because they are very capable, she said. Townsend, also made the rounds on media after the bizarre anomaly ridden Nice Attack, pushing the mainstream narrative.In our first report regarding the alleged hack on America, we discussed the DDoS event and how it would be politicized by the media and US officials to blame Russia, feeding into the false claims that the Kremlin is somehow tampering with the 2016 US elections. We also talked about how the incident might be used to push a newer and more restrictive Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and its Senate doppelg nger, the PROTECT IP Act aka PIPA dual provisions aimed at restricting the use of copyrighted material on the internet, which could have vast implications on free speech. It is also important to reiterate that one of the main issues concerning the US government as the cyberspshere grows is ISP governance which is code for making ISP comply to any unlawful requests by Federal authorities including cutting internet access to individuals or organizations deemed to be undesirable by the state.Last week s choreographed cyber attack on popular websites and companies that allegedly spread through the Mirai botnet malware via the Internet of Things (IoT), has opened up another aspect of the story. This part of the narrative, appears to prey on the fears of the general public as IoT devices have become increasingly connected, setting the stage for new security protocols and new cyber security products to be conveniently rolled out at any future date following a cyber crisis.It should be mentioned that the security firm Flashpoint was front and center (along with the internet performance company DYN) weighing in on the situation prior to any US intelligence agency making an official statement.Flashpoint operates as an intelligence watchdog, as well as an intelligence asset, in addition to playing a PR role for some recent large-scale incidents but who are they really? PUZZLE PIECE The security firm Flashpoint delves into the deep dark web for its clients. Screen Shot Image Source: (flashpoint-intel.com)Meet FlashpointAccording to Flashpoint s own website, they are a private cybersecurity firm that is composed of a diverse crew of white-hat hackers, engineers, analysts, salespeople, marketers, and operations specialists [who] are fearlessly problem-solving as we change the way organizations evaluate risk. The clandestine firm adds that their premium Business Risk Intelligence solutions afford superlative access and visibility into opaque areas of the Internet, empowering our clients to defend themselves against various cyber and physical threats. While looking into Flashpoint s investor section, we learn that the American venture capital firm Greycroft Partners is listed among those contributing to the security firm. It turns out that Greycroft is also a large campaign contributor to the Clinton campaign, as discussed by Huffinton Post: At least eight hedge funders are listed as Clinton fundraisers, collecting more than $100,000 each for the campaign. These include Blair Effron of Centerview Partners, Marc Lasry of Avenue Capital Group, Orin Kramer of Boston Provident, Charles Myers of Evercore, Deven Parekh of Insight Venture Partners, Alan Patricof of Greycroft Partners, and Lisa Perry, who is married to Perry Capital CEO Richard Perry. FLARE UP Here s Flashpoint s mission statement. (Screen Shot Image Source: (flashpoint-intel.com)While Greycroft s contributions to the Clinton campaign are somewhat of a sidebar to the recent internet outage attack, it does represent another uncanny business and political connection that links a secretive firm (Flashpoint) that appears to be taking a large role in steering the public s perception over certain incidents occurring in America. You have to wonder if this is really just a coincidence?By this, we can see just how tight the elite inner circle is, with a small collective of corporate and media gatekeeper and their political operatives all carefully stage-managing the narrative around almost every high-profile controversial event in America, and also in Europe too.From America s largest mass shooting to America s largest Internet outage?On June 24th, less than two weeks after the Orlando shooting at Pulse Nightclub, Flashpoint was said to have acted as a translator for al Qaeda s terror publication Inspire, which according to the security-based firm, appeared to be claiming some responsibility for the shooting even though the purported shooter Omar Mateen was allegedly linked to ISIS.The NBC report stated the following on June 24th: Flashpoint co-founder Evan Kohlmann, an NBC terrorism analyst pointed out that even though Mateen cited ISIS as the inspiration for the attack, al Qaeda seemed to be claiming some responsibility because it has called for lone wolf attacks against the West. Kohlmann said the statement which lauded Mateen as a heroic lone jihad holy warrior appears to be an official Inspire release. But he said it was far less professional than others, including one after the 2013 Boston Marathon bombings that went to great lengths to praise the Tsarnaev brothers, who said they learned to make their explosive devices from another Inspire publication. The purported terror publication Inspire has come under fire in recent years as some critics charge that the magazine may actually be a CIA creation, something which is echoed through its ties to the dubious AQAP terror operation.During our summertime investigation into the suspicious events at the Orlando Pulse nightclub, we found evidence that Omar Mateen s worldwide security firm G4S was a client of the crisis staging company called Crisis Cast. The following is a passage from that report: Truth is often stranger than fiction when looking at the bizarre phenomena surrounding many mass casualty incidents and the Orlando Pulse nightclub shooting was no exception.It was recently revealed that the world s largest security firm G4S, who had employed the man named in the Orlando pulse nightclub shooting, Omar Mateen is a client of the mass casualty staging company called CrisisCast. STAGING REALITY CrisisCast specializes in replicating mass casualty events. (Screen Shot Image Source crisiscast)Casting Crisis & Training for Disaster The heavily-stylized company CrisisCast, appears to be a revamped version of the Visionbox Crisis Actors project (a crisis actor production emerging after Sandy Hook), with a professional team of actors, elaborate film crews, expert producers and theatrical effects makeup squads mimicking real-life injuries (additional prosthetics) all focused to deliver a simulated crisis-likereality to the public, later to be managed accordingly through their public relations division via various forms of social media. RELATED: (VIDEO) Active Shooter and Terror Drills: The Truth WILL Shock YouInterestingly, another client listed on the Crisis Cast website appeared to be another company named Flashpoint, apparently unrelated to the internet based security firm MILITARIZED Another company also called Flashpoint, was tacitly connected to the Orlando shooting via Crisis Cast. (Screen Shot Image Source crisiscast)There is nothing concrete linking the two Flashpoint companies but the very fact that both are tied to the Orlando shooting, albeit in an opaque way, suggests there could be some deeper connection.Is Flashpoint Reality Based Training, the militarized counterpart to the cybersecurity firm Flashpoint?Here s Flashpoint Reality Based Training describing the reality they construct for their clients, which appears to fall in line with the internet based Flashpoint: Environments will need to become more realistic the sights, sounds and smells will increase in fidelity. We believe the requirement for combined live and virtual events will increase and that these will be networked geographically by governments, military and NGOs. We also anticipate an increase in the requirement for us to track trainees and deliver accurate after-action reviews as part of our Reality Based Training. What s next in a world with designed outcomes, false narratives, uncanny connections and staged crises?All we have to do is follow the money.READ MORE ORLANDO SHOOTING NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Orlando FilesSUPPORT OUR WORK SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV
October 25, 2016
EXCLUSIVE: Ex-Bernie Delegate Reveals Why He Fled Democratic Party for the Greens
Roving political analyst Stuart J Hooper drops in the see what was happening as Bernie Sanders hit the western college campuses on to campaign for Hillary Clinton.The following is an interview with an ex-Bernie delegate who, following the DNC collusion with the Clinton camp to kill the Sanders campaign, has since left the Democratic Party to support Dr Jill Stein and the Green Party. He explains how Sanders was coerced into backing the corrupt Clinton campaign.Listen to his emotional statement here: SUPPORT OUR WORK SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV
October 25, 2016
Trump’s Latest Tease Pales Next to Bush and Gore’s Election War in 2000
It s teetering on the ridiculous watching the US mainstream media get their knickers in a twist over Donald Trump s provocative comments during the last Presidential Debate about the possibility of election rigging, and whether or not he would respect the official result on November 8th.Paul Ryan, the Republican speaker of the House, also weighed in decriying Trump s assertion akin to a threat to democracy , stating, Our democracy relies on confidence in election results, and the speaker is fully confident the states will carry out this election with integrity. More than a bit melodramatic, considering recent history It seems that the unashamed pro-Clinton US mainstream media have an incredibly short memory. Remember the 2000 Presidential race between George W. Bush (Republican) and Al Gore (Democrat)? It was not only contested, the election was eventually called on a technicality by the US Supreme Court.Who held up the election: the very same Democratic Party who are going hysterical over Trump s recent off-hand remarks. Again, that same Democratic Party also cried foul in 2004, when John Kerry lost by a narrow margin to the incumbent Bush.Was there fraud and rigging in 2000 and 2004? Many leading leftwing media pundits still think so, and yet the US liberal-dominated mainstream media and political savants still equate Trump s comments with a coup d etat threat.Brasscheck TV says: Here s sanitized, mainstream news media s account of the endless campaign of 2000. And even their version is wild and unbelievable Anyone who has seriously studied the issue knows that the level of voter fraud, although not zero, is minuscule, and that in-person impersonation hardly ever exists. Yet by saying it over and over, Trump is fanning flames that are dangerous for our democracy. Always the dutiful gatekeeper and establishment-controlled media arm, CNN makes the old Pravda seem like Zero Hedge.READ MORE ELECTION NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire 2016 FilesSUPPORT OUR WORK SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV
October 24, 2016
Russia-WikiLeaks Conspiracy Theory: “Clinton claim ridiculous, based on lazy US Twitter culture”
21st Century Wire says As 21WIRE reported previously, since this past summer Washington and its media surrogates have been seeding the news cycle with the talking point that Russia was responsible for the DC Leaks and WikiLeaks document dumps, and that Russia is somehow trying to hack the US elections. Here s what the Clinton campaign claimed:Once again, Russian propaganda network RT shows collusion w/ @wikileaks by promoting new email dump before even WL does. Glen Caplin (@GlenCaplin1) October 17, 2016Of course, they were completely wrong.21WIRE s Patrick Henningsen spoke to RT International about the Hillary Clinton campaign s ridiculous accusation that somehow RT News had the latest batch of emails before WikiLeaks did, and how the US media and political establishment can t comprehend a reality beyond their transient Twitter feeds. Watch: SUPPORT OUT WORK SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV
October 22, 2016
SOPA False Flag? Alleged ‘Hack’ on Netflix, Twitter, Amazon – US ready to blame Russia
Shawn Helton 21st Century WireYesterday, a wave of distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks hit some of the top online companies websites including Amazon, Netflix, Twitter and Reddit. One cannot rule out the very real possibility that this a staged-managed event, especially when you consider The New York Times was listed among those affected. If recent US media and political themes are anything to go by, you can expect a cascading chorus of blame directed at Russia.In this age of America s new and improved trial by media format, you can expect a litany of unfounded accusations, along with the usual anti-Russia hyperbole and waving fingers at Washington s new go-to scapegoat Russian president Vladimir Putin.The likelihood of Russia or any other country being involved in this heavily coordinated DDoS incident falls flat, when you consider that the US media has been floating the blame Russia meme for months now, and even more conveniently during this 2016 US presidential election cycle, led by Vice President Joe Biden, and of course, the Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, all blaming the Kremlin for both the DNC Leaks and the Wikileaks email dump.Indeed, as you look back at NY Times articles since the summer, the stage was being set to implant the idea of an alleged Russian cyber war being waged at the US, principally charging that they would meddle with the US presidential elections in 2016 by aiding Donald Trump. Here s the NY Times building the case for Washington, seemingly without the burden of proof: An unusual question is capturing the attention of cyberspecialists, Russia experts and Democratic Party leaders in Philadelphia: Is Vladimir V. Putin trying to meddle in the American presidential election?Until Friday, that charge, with its eerie suggestion of a Kremlin conspiracy to aid Donald J. Trump, has been only whispered. In August, the western media s claims against Russia hit overdrive, when the New York Times s Moscow bureau was the target of an attempted cyberattack this month. But so far, there is no evidence that the hackers, believed to be Russian, were successful. Flash forward to September here and here, as well as early October in the lead up to President Obama s decree, the Clinton friendly outlet the NY Times had all but solidified the Russian cyber/hack claims once again, without any definitive proof.If Russia is going to be the scapegoat for this recent DDoS attack, then consider the following HACK ATTACK? Who was behind the Black Friday internet outage in America? (Photo illustration 21WIRE s Shawn Helton)Immediately when the cyber attack story broke, the establishment quickly wheeled out their experts , as CNN s chief gatekeeper Wolf Blitzer cued-up scripted questions to Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) advocate, Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn (R, TN), Vice Chair of the Energy and Commerce Committee. Not only is Blackburn is a staunch supporter of more draconian copyright laws (she once claimed that Fair Use was the same as theft), she is also a fellow traveller on Washington s Anti-Russia bandwagon.In true propagandist fashion, Blitzer wasted no time asking her, Do you think this be the work of a foreign government? Blackburn immediately blamed the hack on the fact that the SOPA bill didn t pass, claiming that SOPA would have blocked some of the bad actors , and went on to blame cyber bots (activists) for defeating the bill. From the obvious way that Washington oracle CNN had this story already cued up, it strongly indicates that the Washington was stage-managing this latest cyber crisis. WAITING IN THE WINGS: Tennessee Republican Congressman Marsha Blackburn.As scapegoats go, blaming Russia is the gift that keeps on giving (and way past this Christmas). Last week, President Obama threw Hillary Clinton a campaign assist by formally accusing Russia of interfering with US elections process through Wikileaks. Suddenly, Washington had declared a Cyber War against Russia. The NY Times wrote: Since the Obama administration formally accused Russia about a week ago of trying to interfere in the election, there has been intense speculation about whether President Obama has ordered the National Security Agency to conduct a retaliatory cyberstrike.Despite all the White House and corporate media hype, no evidence at all has been presented by Washington that proves the Kremlin are hacking and interfering with the US election process. Vice President Joe Biden, also spoke on matters of security and sent a telegraphed message to Putin through NBC s Meet the Press, just one day after Obama s own Russian declaration. Based on these latest developments, it s easy to see how this could have been an effort prime another back story to blame Russia for these DDoS attacks.The real question surrounding this apparent DDoS attack, should be directed at America s National Security Agency (NSA) and its bevy of contractors, many of whom are tasked with global and (illegal) domestic surveillance, through passive data collection and clandestine processing of communications. Surely they would know where this attack was originated (including in-house).Could this latest incident possibly be to further create a climate of fear during this, the most contentious presidential election in 40 years?Could this also be a government-coordinated cyber drill?Was this a government orchestrated false flag hack?It s no secret that the US government would like to pass a newer more potent version of 2011-2012 s Stop Online Piracy Act otherwise known as SOPA. In fact, NextGov, reported the following in 2014: Nearly three years after a massive online protest derailed the Stop Online Piracy Act, many lawmakers are still nervous about even uttering the name SOPA in public.The bill, which once had broad bipartisan support and was a top priority for the entertainment industry, has become a dirty word. The backlash was a traumatic lesson for members of Congress about the danger of siding against tech companies and Internet activists, who warned the bill could break the Internet.Now, for the first time since SOPA crashed and burned in early 2012, the House Judiciary Committee is preparing to work on a major update of copyright law. As lawmakers cautiously return to the issue of copyright protection, the SOPA protest looms large in their minds. Tech outlet Wired described the incident in the following manner. It s crucial to note that the internet performance management company Dyn was front and center weighing in on the situation prior to any US intelligence agency making an official statement. Dyn states: This morning s attack started around 7 am ET and was aimed at Dyn, an Internet infrastructure company headquartered in New Hampshire. That first bout was resolved after about two hours; a second attack began just before noon. Dyn reported a third wave of attacks a little after 4 pm ET. In all cases, traffic to Dyn s Internet directory servers throughout the US primarily on the East Coast but later on the opposite end of the country as well was stopped by a flood of malicious requests from tens of millions of IP addresses disrupting the system. Late in the day, Dyn described the events as a very sophisticated and complex attack. Still ongoing, the situation is a definite reminder of the fragility of the web, and the power of the forces that aim to disrupt it. Regardless of who was actually behind the widespread internet attack, judging by the rhetoric and the mainstream media talking points this has to be about the government wanting to usher in new ISP governance (making ISP s bent to government wishes to kick out the bad actors off their networks) and rights-violating security protocols. Is it also possible that social media giant Twitter and mega-consumer brands like Amazon have been used as willing guinea pigs, just like Yahoo was recently when their mailable CEO Marissa Mayer handed over the backdoor keys to Yahoo customer email account to the NSA and FBI.Are the US government determined to gain complete access and have total control over the internet?The idea isn t that far-fetched Yahoo s Marissa Mayer: sold out to the NSA.After Yahoo recently admitted to creating a virtual backdoor for US intelligence agencies to spy on everyday citizen s email accounts, the government exposed its own Orwellian ambitions: Yahoo last year secretly built a custom software program to search all of its customers incoming emails for specific information provided by US intelligence officials, according to people familiar with the matter.The company complied with a classified US government directive, scanning hundreds of millions of Yahoo Mail accounts at the behest of the National Security Agency or FBI, two former employees and a third person apprised of the events said. This is a very important issue moving forward, as a dip in consumer confidence could be a crushing blow to any company s overall brand after complying with new 1984 security measures all at the behest of the FBI, NSA, CIA and their trusted partners.Back in March, individual privacy versus global security was at the heart of the case between Apple and the FBI. Here s a telling passage from that report as it relates to this most recent internet attack: The ongoing encryption saga between Apple and the FBI, we stated that there are no guarantees in the security world, especially if a digital master-key were to be created, as this would potentially make it easier for invaders (either the government, or various hackers) mining for data moving forward into the future.In a recent Guardian article, some of those involved in the technology and security sector offered their thoughts regarding the government s continued encroachment on individual privacy: Dan Kaminsky, the security expert who made his name with the discovery that one of the most basic parts of the internet, the domain name system, was vulnerable to fraud disagrees: Feds want final authority on engineering decisions, and their interests don t even align with fighting the vast bulk of real-world crime. Kaminsky further explained why Apple s security measures already help law enforcement, If my iPhone is stolen, my emails stay unread, my photos stay unviewed, and I don t need to notify anyone that the secrets they entrusted me with are going to show up on the internet tomorrow. Continuing, The Guardian interviewed former FBI agent Michael German, currently at judicial think-tank the Brennan Center. The following is a portion of that interview: After 9/11, you had this concept of total information awareness. The intelligence community was very enamoured of the idea that all information was available. Much like the NSA, they wanted to see it all, collect it all, and analyse it all. Additionally, there are many who believe weaker encryption may pose an even bigger security risk globally.In many ways, it appears as though federal agencies are seemingly searching for the right crisis to push public opinion in favor of the state when it comes to security.This is at the core of the perpetual privacy and security battle post 9/11 How could it be that such propaganda could happen in America? Well, it s worth another look at a Senate hearing discussing the CIA s tremendous influence on the United States media under the moniker Operation Mockingbird
October 22, 2016
Congressman Jim Jordan stops CNN gatekeeper Chris Cuomo on Benghazi cover-up
21st Century Wire says Once again, Operation Mockingbird has been deployed in order to bury another damaging White House scandal. It happened on Secretary of State Hillary Clinton s watch: the 2012 attacks on the covert US facility in Benghazi, Libya has been covered up from the beginning, and according to Ohio Republican Rep. Jim Jordan, that should disqualify her from being commander in chief. I ve said all along I m for the nominee, for Mr. Trump, but we also have to remember when you compare Mr. Trump s positions with Secretary Clinton s, there s a big difference, said Jordan, to Chris Cuomo on CNN s New Day program.SEE ALSO: CIA GATEKEEPER? CNN s Chris Cuomo says Americans are criminals for reading WikiLeaks Clinton email dumpIn order to cover-up 2011-2012 US gun-running through Libya and into Syria, and to help deflect another scandal away from Democratic Party candidate Hillary Clinton, the White House turned again to Obama appointee Attorney General Loretta Lynch, who then ordered the DOJ to drop all charges against the State Department and CIA middleman and arms dealer, Marc Turi, who brokered many of Washington s illegal weapons deals in Benghazi,. Federal court records obtained by Politico confirm: The deal averts a trial that threatened to cast additional scrutiny on Hillary Clinton s private emails as Secretary of State, and to expose reported Central Intelligence Agency attempts to arm rebels fighting Libyan leader Moammar Qadhafi. The fact that CNN and its media operative Chris Cuomo did not pursue this clear scandal of a politicized DOJ working to whitewash illegal US government activities in Benghazi proves that CNN is not interested in journalism and more interested in protecting those guilty parties within the establishment.Watch as Congressman Jordan knocks back media gatekeeper Cuomo when the CNN host tries desperately to deflect away from any accountability by Hillary Clinton and the White House https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kWn23jxe630. Have CNN s production ranks been infiltrated and taken over by CIA operatives? One would think so, judging by how they covered this, and other important stories.How long can CNN and their media operatives like Chris Cuomo keep up this pseudo media facade?READ MORE LIBYA NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Libya FilesSUPPORT OUR WORK SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV
October 21, 2016
COVER-UP: Both Obama and Clinton Lied About Trading Classified Emails
21st Century Wire says The mainstream media have gone to great lengths to hide obfuscate the following story.During an interview with CBS News on March 7, 2015, President Barack Obama claimed he only learned about Hillary Clinton s use of a private email server, the same time everybody else learned it through news reports. Subsequent email leaks show, however, that Obama in fact lied when he said he didn t know Clinton used an unsecure private server. According to the Daily Caller, newly released FBI documents show that: Obama used a pseudonym when communicating with then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton by email, and at least one of those emails ended up on Clinton s private email server. This proves two things: not only did Obama break White House security protocol by carelessly trading private emails off grid with Hillary Clinton on a unsecured and unauthorized mail server but he also lied about it after the fact.(NOTE: This would not have been as big of an issue for Obama had he simply not commented on the issue, or actually told the truth, but this is president who struggles on both those fronts) COVER-UP: Attorney General Loretta Lynch, FBI Director James Comey, and President Obama.This leads us to the FBI led by its director and elite fixer, James Comey, the FBI carefully whitewashed over the Clinton email case to protect the President. Cleary, the FBI and the DOJ closed ranks to protect the President, but from what you might ask? This is why: any communications made by the President of the United States are de facto labeled as born classified. The same goes for any State Department communications with other foreign ministers.It also proves that Hillary Clinton is lied when she claimed that no classified emails lived on her private server. They both lied.From the beginning of this scandal, at every turn it seems, the Democratic Party nominee has lied about having classified emails on her unauthorized private server, and this week we discover that one of her State Department operatives, Patrick Kennedy, tried to shield her culpability by asking the FBI to downgrade the classification of certain emails in exchange for quid pro quo political favors.Maybe it s an attitude certain people in Washington have (especially if they are the party in power), that they are above the law and not subject to the same rules as their lessers in Washington. But the fact remains: both Clinton and Obama lied to the American people, but let off by a corrupt US media who appear to be more concerned about getting Clinton elected than holding any Washington s power elite accountable.According to Clinton though, all this is somehow Vladimir Putin s fault. More on Obama s secret email accounts WikiLeaks reveals first batch of US president Barack Obama emails sent via secret address bobama@ameritech.com https://t.co/Ni95WAl8a6 WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) October 20, 2016RTWikileaks reveals first batch of emails involving US President Barack Obama. Within those are emails sent from secret address used by the president.The first batch from Wikileaks are searchable under the email address bobama@ameritech.net, an email account Obama was possibly using before winning the election in November 2008.Among them is an email, dated October 30, 2008, from John Podesta to then-Senator Obama, with a confidential attachment, discussing an economic transition team, mapping out why Obama needs to get it up and running before his term begins in January 2009. Paulson and his subordinates do not believe they can responsibly defer until after January 20 significant decisions concerning both the use of TARP funds and other potential stabilizing measures, it says.The latest batch of emails are culled from a series of deals involving Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta. Podesta is a long-term associate of the Clintons and was President Bill Clinton s Chief of Staff from 1998 to 2001, and Hillary Clinton s campaign Chair. Podesta also served as Counselor to President Barack Obama Continue this story at RTREAD MORE ELECTION NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire 2016 Files
October 21, 2016
Obama’s Legacy: Washington is Lying About ISIS, and Lying About Syria
21st Century Wire says ISIS inspired. Assad s barrel bombs. We are at war with ISIS. We are only arming the moderate rebels. The Russians are bombing hospitals. ISIS claims responsibility for stabbing in Minnesota. We must save 100,000 children in Aleppo from Assad and the Russians! Lies, lies, and more lies. All paid for by the US taxpayer. Watch:
October 21, 2016
SHOCKING: DNC Contractor Caught in Voter Fraud Sting Visited White House 342 Times
21st Century Wire saysFollowing a wave of hidden camera sting operations captured by the investigative non-profit Project Veritas, it has now been revealed that the Democratic consultant Robert Creamer of Democracy Partners, met with White House officials some 342 times over the past year. SCANDAL (Photo Illustration 21WIRE s Shawn Helton)The DailyMail reported the following as it relates to the Democratic campaign bombshell: A convicted felon caught up in a pair of stinging political expos s has visited the Obama White House 342 times, according to the administration s records, including several visits to the Obama family s residence and one, in October of last year, to the Oval Office.Robert Creamer was caught on one hidden-camera video discussing ways to commit large-scale voter fraud, and talking in another about paying liberal activists to start fights and otherwise disrupt Donald Trump rallies.Democracy Partners, the community organizing firm that until Tuesday employed Creamer, works hand-in-hand with Hillary Clinton s presidential campaign. CAUGHT ON FILM Robert Creamer resigns over massive Democratic Party controversy. (Image Source: CNN)Creamer s visits to the White House also included his wife, a 9-term Illinois Democratic congresswoman Jan Schakowsky.White House visitor records show that Schakowsky took 47 private meetings with Obama or his senior staff, also over the past year. The consultancy Democracy Partners appears to have applied Schakowsky as a political buffering point, possibly in the event of a fallout over their operations at a grassroots level. The impetus of this type of procedural separation is to keep certain high ranking officials of the hook in case of a massive upheaval over various underhanded campaign tactics.Creamer, a convicted felon, (in 2005, Creamer plead guilty $2.3 million in bank fraud and tax violations) was promptly shoved out of the Hillary Clinton campaign s inner circle, following a heavily publicized sting that caught the Democratic consultant discussing how to commit large-scale voter fraud, while also apparently outlining how to incite violence at campaign rallies.Scott Foval, the former national field director at Americans United for Change also discussed controversial and apparent criminal campaign methods, prompting him to be fired after the Project Veritas video footage went viral. Whatever your political persuasion and whether or not Wikileaks may or may not be just another western intelligence asset masquerading in public, some of the emails recently released have raised some interesting questions. Notably, the dissent among the Clinton campaign, the Clinton Foundation s perceived misconduct in Haiti, an email disclosing that ISIS received clandestine financial and logistic support from Saudi Arabia and Qatar, which was a story that dovetailed another possible Pay-for-Play scheme, in the form of an attempted Qatari gift to Bill Clinton for $1 million in 2012.Other Wikileaks of importance, presented the collusion between the Clinton campaign and media arms the Associated Press and The New York Times, the latter of which in the last 24 hours, has provided damage control for Hillary Clinton s sycophantic Wall Street speeches that outline an amnesty-laden open borders strategy as well as a rights dissolving trade deal like the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). The TPP trade deal has been covered extensively at 21WIRE over the past few years and is under the guise of a so-called free-trade agreement. The international trade law for new trade treaties appears to be a way for private corporations to exempt themselves from the laws of sovereign nations, something which belies a truly free market the world over.Despite the Democratic candidate s timely flip flop shift over the TPP deal during the election cycle she provided a lot of vocal support for the deal while seating as the Secretary of State.Indeed, as released in the Wikileaks batch #12, Democratic pollster Joel Benenson, is quoted as stating the following, the reality is HRC is more pro trade than anti and trying to turn her into something she is not could reinforce our negative [sic] around authenticity. This is an agreement that she pushed for and largely advocated for. Interestingly, one of the most impactful and potentially criminal docu-dumps to come out recently was released by the FBI this week, which according to Real Clear Politics, outlined the following quid pro quo allegations: Notes from an interview with a now-retired FBI agent suggest that the State Department tried to get the FBI to declassify a Benghazi-related email found on Hillary Clinton s private email server, in exchange for the State Department allowing the FBI to place more undercover agents in certain countries. The conversation allegedly took place while the State Department was engaged in a review to prepare emails from Hillary Clinton s private server for public release. The Washington Post added the following on the matter: The purported quid pro quo between [Brian] McCauley and [Pat] Kennedy was first reported over the weekend by Fox News and The Weekly Standard and confirmed Monday when the FBI released dozens of interview summaries from its criminal investigation into Clinton s use of a private email server while she was secretary of state. According to FOX News: Undersecretary [Patrick] Kennedy s attempt to barter away American national security interests for plainly political purposes is appalling, and may rise to the level of a federal crime, Rep. Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., wrote in a letter to Attorney General Loretta Lynch on Tuesday.In the heavily redacted files, known as 302s, an FBI official described the incident with Under Secretary for Management Patrick Kennedy as a quid pro quo. According to the files, in exchange for marking a particular email unclassified, the State Department would reciprocate by letting the FBI place more Agents in countries where they are presently forbidden. If true, these FBI and State Department files could reveal yet another glaring example of collusion that may have provided political protection for presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.Both the FBI and State Department deny any arrangement was made. However, records show that Kennedy attempted to reduce the number of classified emails linked to Clinton s personal server.In early October, the US Department of Justice (DOJ) dropped all charges against an American arms dealer named Marc Turi, whose weapons made it into the hands of radical Libya militants.According to federal court records obtained by Politico: The deal averts a trial that threatened to cast additional scrutiny on Hillary Clinton s private emails as Secretary of State, and to expose reported Central Intelligence Agency attempts to arm rebels fighting Libyan leader Moammar Qadhafi. It also worth mentioning again that over the summer we discussed how the 2016 s DNC convention was the latest in a long line of sordid political productions. Bernie Sanders delegates staged a mass walkout after a series of email leaks disclosed that a Clinton lawyer gave the DNC strategy advice on how to sideline the Sanders campaign.Expect the Clinton campaign and the White House to whitewash the DNC voter fraud fallout and other FBI allegations as another scandal replaces them. Something to watch for will be the case of former Joint Chiefs of Staff vice chairman General James Cartwright, who plead guilty this week to felony charges of lying to the FBI after allegedly leaking classified material about covert operations against two Iranian journalists.Here s another look at one of the many DNC operatives outlining how to disrupt a Trump political rally through intimidation. More from Zero Hedge below Why Did Vote-Rigging Robert Creamer Visit The White House Over 200 Times During The Obama Admin?Zero HedgeEarlier today we wrote about a new Project Veritas undercover video that uncovered several democratic operatives openly discussing, in explicit detail, how to commit massive voter fraud. One of the operatives was a person by the name of Robert Creamer who is a co-founder of a democratic consulting firm called Democracy Partners. Within the video, an undercover journalist details a plan to register Hispanic voters illegally by having them work as contractors, to which Creamer can be heard offering support saying that there are a couple of organizations that that s their big trick (see: Rigging Elections For 50 Years Massive Voter Fraud Exposed By Project Veritas Part 2 ).Unfortunately, the embarrassing video caused Creamer to subsequently resign from consulting the Hillary campaign as he issued a statement saying that he was stepping back from my responsibilities working the [Hillary] campaign over fears that his continued assistance would be a distraction for the campaign.Zero Hedge continues here READ MORE ELECTION NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire 2016 Files
October 20, 2016
VIDEO: Watch James O’Keefe Easily Obtain Eminem’s Election Ballot in Undercover Sting
21st Century Wire says Back in July, a federal appeals court intervened to block a North Carolina law that required voters to produce photo identification and other basic requirements on the grounds that it was disproportionately affecting minorities and making it harder for them to vote. Is this really a legitimate concern, or is there more to this issue?One has to ask: why is it that only Democratic Party activists and affiliated lawyers are so opposed to a basic polling station ID check seeing that practically every American already carries one form of ID or another? Is this really a rights issue, or a political status quo issue?In close districts and states, a few hundred votes are enough to swing a result results that could also swing a national election, as was the case in both 2000 and 2004 US Presidential Elections.In these two incredible video, investigative journalist James O Keefe shows how easy it is for anyone to commit voter fraud. Watch:Project VeritasIn this video, James O Keefe requests the ballot of famous rapper Eminem, otherwise known as Marshall Bruce Mathers III. Election officials tell O Keefe he doesn t need I.D. to vote. It seems that voting in Michigan is as simple as walking in and saying, Hi my name is James O Keefe Confronts Mayor of Detroit s Office Over Voter Fraud:In this video, James O Keefe confronts Melvin Butch Hollowell, the chief lawyer for the city of Detroit about the video O Keefe took which shows election officials offering undercover journalists the ballot of the Mayor of Detroit. Things get feisty READ MORE ELECTION NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire 2016 Files
October 20, 2016
CIA GATEKEEPER? CNN’s Chris Cuomo says Americans are ‘criminals’ for reading WikiLeaks’ Clinton email dump
21st Century Wire says CNN s Chris Cuomo (image, above) is certainly one of America s most maligned and gaff-prone mainstream media pundits. But are these really gaffs, or is there more to this media operative?This week, Cuomo went into full establishment mode, by attempting to scare the American public into NOT viewing Wikileaks emails online.Cuomo declared this week, Also interesting is remember, it s illegal to possess, ah, the stolen documents it s different for the media. So everything you re learning about this, you re learning from us. After Cuomo s fatal misstep, he quickly began back-pedaling and obfuscating his troubling position regarding public access to items that are in the public interest:What is even more disturbing about Cuomo s off-hand legal declarations here, is that he is doing so in defense of Hillary Clinton s presidential run whose numerous scandals are pervasive throughout the Wikileaks emails. This is hardly the role of a journalist. NEWSFLASH FOR CNN: If the leaked documents are about elected and appointed public officials (especially those seeking the presidency), and the content exposes illegal and unethical activities and is clearly in the public interest (which these emails are) then any decent journalist worth their salt (no such thing at CNN) would publish them and even encourage the public to comb over the documents, unless the media outlet in question functions as a gatekeeper (which CNN does). SEE ALSO: Congressman Jim Jordan stops CNN gatekeeper Chris Cuomo on Benghazi cover-upAs the son of former New York governor Mario Cuomo, and the brother of New York governor Andrew Cuomo, Chris is part of a political dynasty family and member of an elite establishment. It s doubtful he would ve been given such a prominent position in a major broadcast network if he wasn t part of that establishment.Last year, 21WIRE ran a scathing report criticizing CNN s Cuomo over his reliance on dubious ISIS and al Qaeda online magazines for his news breaking news reports. After a bomb brought down a Russian Metrojet Airbus A321 leaving Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, Cuomo cited an ISIS Monthly aka DABIQ Magazine claiming that a Schweppes Bomb brought down the airliner.21WIRE tweeted the CNN host our critique and in response, Chris Cuomo then blocked @21WIRE from viewing his Twitter page:For a self-described journalist hosting a major broadcast TV network program, is Cuomo so insecure that he blocked a small independent news site for criticizing a CNN report which relies on ISIS as its source?Q: Is Chris Cuomo a media gatekeeper? A: In the case of the above Wikileaks story, the answer is YES. It is well documented that the CIA has a number of media infiltration and propaganda programs, including Operation Mockingbird.Is Cuomo participating in such a program, in this case, being run out of CNN?*** SEE ALSO: CNN s New Source is ISIS Magazine Claims a Schweppes Bomb Brought Down Russian AirlinerREAD MORE WIKILEAKS NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Wikileaks Files
October 20, 2016
‘Anti-Russia’ Escalation? Plans for New US Marine Base in Norway
21st Century Wire says It seems that US anti-Russian rhetoric has translated into action as new plans for NATO to continue its march eastward have emerged.According to Norwegian News sources, the US Marine Corps will establish a new base in northern Norway as early as January.Their reason: To improve their ability respond rapidly to potential Russian aggression. Here is a video of US Marines live-fire training in Norway last winter:. If approved by the Norwegian government, a Marine Corps presence in Norway will increase NATO s ability to rapidly aggregate and employ forces in northern Europe. Why would NATO need to deploy rapid reaction forces into northern Europe? Is Washington planning for war?More from RT RTAs soon as early January, Norway may permit the US Marine Corps to deploy troops on its soil, furthering NATO s goal of placing more military assets on Russia s border, according to local media.A rotating force of 300 US troops would be deployed in Vaernes, an air station outside the central Norwegian city of Trondheim about 100 kilometers from Russia, as part of what NATO claims to be an effort to deter Russian aggression, Norway s Adresseavisen newspaper reported.READ MORE: Norway mulls US troop deployment on its soil Defense MinistryThe plan is yet to be approved by the Norwegian Parliament, where several parties oppose it for various reasons. Some politicians say inviting the US marines would violate the spirit of Norway s 1949 commitment not to host foreign troops, while others say the government should not outsource its national security to the United States. Defense Minister Ine Eriksen Soreide is to address the MP s concerns before they vote.Meanwhile, US officials say maintaining 300 Marines in Norway would be beneficial.READ MORE NATO NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire NATO FilesSUPPORT OUR WORK SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV
October 19, 2016
REVEALED: How Democratic Party pays Agit-Prop ‘Protesters’ to incite violence at Trump events
By Anthony Brian Logan . James O Keefe of Project Veritas has released undercover, button-camera video that outlines the process of bird-dogging and how it is being used to rig the 2016 Presidential election of the United States in favor of Hillary Clinton and the Democrat Party. The central focus of the video, which is a collection of various undercover videos with commentary, is the process of bird-dogging which refers to essentially hiring people to behave as the equivalent to crisis actors. Except for the fact that there is no actual crisis, and these people are used to simply incite violence, among other things, to goad the media into giving Donald Trump s campaign negative coverage.Various people appear in the video, complete with both audio and video, saying how they skirt the laws of our nation to engage in corruption. Hillary Clinton s campaign is not allowed to directly collude with the phony actors on the ground, so they use degrees of separation by hiring consultants. These consultants then go on to sub contract work on the ground such as the actors who engage in fake riots and protests. Everyone is aware of each other, and in some cases, answer to those all the way at the top, either in the Clinton campaign or the DNC itself Watch this brilliant video investigation here:. READ MORE ELECTION NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire 2016 Files
October 18, 2016
FOX News Anchor Shepard Smith Finally ‘Comes Out,’ Admits He’s Gay
21st Century Wire says For many viewers, this came as no surprise, but for many FOX conservative loyalists, this latest news would have come as a shock.FOX News host Shepard Smith joins other high-profile gay cable news anchors like CNN s Anderson Cooper and Don Lemon.A number of high-profile media critics including top-rated talk radio host MichaeI Savage, have recently raised the alarm that FOX News is undergoing a liberal facelift following the departure of its news head Roger Ailes over a number sexual harassment cases.Political in-fighting has also broken out at FOX in recent weeks, with two leading hosts, Sean Hannity and Megyn Kelly trading insults over which presidential candidate they support. Kelly File host, Megyn Kelly, has broken ranks and is leading her own never Trump enclave within FOX, and appears to have thrown her support behind Hillary Clinton in the hotly contested 2016 race.Is FOX News shifting gears and entering a brave new era of liberal openness ? FOX & FRIENDS: Shepard Smith and former news boss Roger Ailes.Joe Concha The HillFox News anchor Shepard Smith revealed he s gay in an interview with the Huffington Post in which he also defends former Fox News Chairman and CEO Roger Ailes s treatment of him at the network.Smith, who has rarely talked about his sexuality during his 20 years with Fox News, refuted claims that Ailes urged him not to come out about his sexual orientation publicly. [Ailes] was as nice as he could be to me. I loved him like a father, says Smith, 52. I trusted him with my career and with I trusted him and trusts were betrayed. People outside this company can t know [how painful that betrayal was]. This place has its enemies, but inside, it was very personal, and very scarring and horrifying. Smith also said Ailes who resigned amid sexual harassment claims against him by former host Gretchen Carlson in July never made homophobic comments in his presence Continue this story at The HillREAD MORE FOX NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire FOX Files
October 18, 2016
“PROPHECY” PROPAGANDA: Zionist Millennialism Refuted
Jay Dyer 21st Century WireDemonstrating where bad hermeneutics and theology lead, plus evidence of a continued conspiracy against historic Orthodox Christianity.Pastor John Hagee of the the large Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas has recently published a book, In Defense of Israel, in which he outlines in detail his own total apostasy from the most basic of Christian beliefs that Christ was the Messiah! See our posted video where he states it plain as day. But what is the root of this problem? I say several things. Aside from his own dubious character and obvious bad will, the cause can be found in bad hermeneutics. Hermeneutics is the science of interpretation how we interpret he texts of Sacred Scripture.SEE ALSO: The Holy Business: End-Times Buffoonery in a Modern WorldWhen I saw Hagee on the Glenn Beck Show a couple weeks ago talking about Israel non-stop, I knew something was going on. I used to use John Hagee s Prophecy Study Bible as an idiot evangelical when I was 18 (several years ago), so I can speak from experience concerning Hagee (also having read some of his books and watched his prophecy lectures). END TIMES 2.0: Pastor John Hagee attempting to rapture his flock (donor base) to the promise land after a possible nuclear Armageddon. Let s examine some errors of the false hermeneutic of the premillennialists and evangelicals. The first error this entire system is built upon is the idea that Israel is still God s chosen covenant nation. God s promises to Abraham s descendants were purely literal and never able to be revoked, this view holds. God is bound in his eternal love to the literal nation of Israel, even though they have rejected Christ for the most part for the past 2000 years. However, historic Orthodox Christianity has always taught that the Church of Christ is the New Israel, the true bride of Christ, that faithfully keeps the testimony of Christ (Apoc. 12:17). Let s look at some texts that show this point:1. When we examine Christ s parable of the wicked vinedressers, we see an explicit statement from our Lord concerning the possession of the kingdom of God. Keep in mind, Hagee and all his evangelical &liberal friends think God has never, in any sense, revoked the old covenant with Israel, and that they are still the possessors or future possessors of His kingdom:Matt. 21:33: Hear another parable: There was a certain landowner who planted a vineyard and set a hedge around it, dug a winepress in it and built a tower. And he leased it to vinedressers and went into a far country. 34 Now when vintage-time drew near, he sent his servants to the vinedressers, that they might receive its fruit. 35 And the vinedressers took his servants, beat one, killed one, and stoned another. 36 Again he sent other servants, more than the first, and they did likewise to them. 37 Then last of all he sent his son to them, saying, They will respect my son. 38 But when the vinedressers saw the son, they said among themselves, This is the heir. Come, let us kill him and seize his inheritance. 39 So they took him and cast him out of the vineyard and killed him.40 Therefore, when the owner of the vineyard comes, what will he do to those vinedressers? 41 They said to Him, He will destroy those wicked men miserably, and lease his vineyard to other vinedressers who will render to him the fruits in their seasons. 42 Jesus said to them, Have you never read in the Scriptures:The stone which the builders rejected Has become the chief cornerstone. This was the LORD s doing, And it is marvelous in our eyes.43 Therefore I say to you, the kingdom of God will be taken from you and given to a nation bearing the fruits of it. 44 And whoever falls on this stone will be broken; but on whomever it falls, it will grind him to powder. 45 Now when the chief priests and Pharisees heard His parables, they perceived that He was speaking of them. 46 But when they sought to lay hands on Him, they feared the multitudes, because they took Him for a prophet. The parable is quite clear, and is explained by our Lord Himself. This was fulfilled when the Romans sacked Jerusalem in 70 A.D., and destroyed the Temple and its administration. This was the definitive end of the Old Testament dispensation, and fulfilled also the predictions of Luke 21. In response to the Jews, Christ says the kingdom of God will be taken from them because of the fact that they are going to murder him. Christ states unequivocally that the kingdom will be transferred to the Gentiles because of the rejection of Christ by the Jews.2. Our Lord commissioned the 12 Apostles to be the foundation stones of the New Israel, replacing what St. Paul calls flesh Israel or Israel after the flesh. Luke 22: 28 But you [Apostles] are those who have continued with Me in My trials. 29 And I bestow upon you a kingdom, just as My Father bestowed one upon Me, 30 that you may eat and drink at My table in My kingdom, and sit on thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel.So, our Lord has conferred upon the 12 the possession of the kingdom, and it is they and their successors (Luke 10:16, 1 Tim. 1:3-4), who will sit on thrones judging in this spiritual kingdom. Those who sit on these thrones are also their successors, the Bishops of the Church. This is why St. Paul can write in Eph. 2: 19 Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, 20 having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone, 21 in whom the whole building, being fitted together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord, 22 in whom you also are being built together for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit. 3. Isn t it ironic that Hagee s church is named cornerstone. It makes one wonder whether he meant Christ, the true cornerstone, or the Masonic cornerstone ceremony performed by masons at the erecting of a new lodge. And in case you think this is far fetched, consider what wikipedia states about Hagee in the entry under his name: Hagee was awarded the Humanitarian of the Year award by the San Antonio B nai B rith Council. It was the first time in the history of San Antonio that this award has been given to a Gentile. Dr. Hagee was presented the ZOA Israel Award by U.N. Ambassador Jean Kirkpatrick. This award was given by the Jewish Community of Dallas, Texas. He was presented the ZOA Service Award by Texas Governor Mark White. Houston Mayor Kathy Whitmire issued a special proclamation in his honor declaring Pastor John C. Hagee Day. Hagee has received numerous honors and accolades from national Jewish organizations for his support of Israel. For those that don t know, B nai B rith equates with Jewish Freemasonry. Could Hagee be a Zionist agent? It seems so.4. In response, it is the Catholic Church, and she alone, that is the building of God, the temple of God, the New Jerusalem, that is the kingdom of God built upon the foundation stones of all the Apostles, and it is this kingdom which can never fall. She alone has lasted 2000 years without changing her doctrines and without committing massive apostasy. This is why we see the name of an Apostle and the name of a tribe on each of the 12 foundation stones of the New Jerusalem in St. John s Apocalypse (Apoc. 21). The Cathoic Church has never repealed, though it has qualified the meaning of the inspired words of St. Paul in 1 Thess. 2: 14 For you, brethren, became imitators of the churches of God which are in Judea in Christ Jesus. For you also suffered the same things from your own countrymen, just as they did from the Judeans, 15 who killed both the Lord Jesus and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they do not please God and are contrary to all men, 16 forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they may be saved, so as always to fill up the measure of their sins; but wrath has come upon them to the uttermost. And Christ Himself has no fear of being labelled anti-semitic (though He was, of course a semite!) when he calls Judaism a synagogue of Satan, in Apoc. 2:9 & 3:9).5. Is this racism? Anti-semitism? Absolutely not. Arabs are semites as much as Jews, and there are and have been millions of Arab Christians. What we are concerned with opposing here is an occult, racist philosophy Zionism, which is just as bad as white supremacy or the Black Panthers ideology. Only by being incorporated into the God-man and His Body, the Church, can these petty, fleshly divisions be overcome, as St. Paul writes in Galatians 3:28-29. There we learn that the true descendants of Abraham are those who operate with the faith of Abraham, not racist pride. John Hagee is, in fact, the racist, who now worships the nation of Israel. Without Christ, there is no salvation. The flesh nation of Israel is cut off from the covenant and cannot attain to heaven without faith in Jesus. Let us look at an important allegory from St. Paul on this matter.Galatians 4:21 Tell me, you who desire to be under the law, do you not hear the law? 22 For it is written that Abraham had two sons: the one by a bondwoman, the other by a freewoman. 23 But he who was of the bondwoman was born according to the flesh, and he of the freewoman through promise, 24 which things are symbolic. For these are the two covenants: the one from Mount Sinai which gives birth to bondage, which is Hagar 25 for this Hagar is Mount Sinai in Arabia, and corresponds to Jerusalem which now is, and is in bondage with her children 26 but the Jerusalem above is free, which is the mother of us all. 27 For it is written:Rejoice, O barren, You who do not bear! Break forth and shout, You who are not in labor! For the desolate has many more children Than she who has a husband. 28 Now we, brethren, as Isaac was, are children of promise. 29 But, as he who was born according to the flesh then persecuted him who was born according to the Spirit, even so it is now. 30 Nevertheless what does the Scripture say? Cast out the bondwoman and her son, for the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with the son of the forewoman. 31 So then, brethren, we are not children of the bondwoman but of the free. 6. So, you see, there are only two covenants, and there have only ever been two covenants. One, symbolized by Mt. Sinai, which represents Judaism, and which cannot give life to those who seek to externally fulfill its precepts, and the New Covenant, which is the eternal covenant (Heb. 13:20), confirmed in the counsels of the Persons of the Trinity before the foundation of the world (Apoc. 13:8). This New Covenant is the covenant confirmed in Christ s Blood, which is the Eucharist celebrated at every Mass and Divine Liturgy throughout the world (Luke 22:20 with Jer. 31:31). The Old Testament saints themselves put their faith Christ not in Judaistic observances, as Jesus states in John 5:45-46, 8:56. Thus, He is the only way for Jew and Gentile alike (Acts 4:12). And, He only has one Church on earth that has faithfully maintained the traditions of the Apostles, both in Word and in Epistle (2 Thess. 2:15). Unfortunately, Hagee, like those who for a time believed in Christ in the first century and fell away as the writer of Hebrews mentions, Hagee has also has apostatized into Judaism because he is blind to the Spirit of Christ operative in the Old Testament. In other words, in this bad hermeneutic, one fails to understand typology. This is why St. Paul writes: 7 But if the ministry of death, written and engraved on stones, was glorious [the Old Covenant], so that the children of Israel could not look steadily at the face of Moses because of the glory of his countenance, which glory was passing away, 8 how will the ministry of the Spirit not be more glorious? 9 For if the ministry of condemnation had glory, the ministry of righteousness exceeds much more in glory. 10 For even what was made glorious had no glory in this respect, because of the glory that excels. 11 For if what is passing away was glorious, what remains is much more glorious. 12 Therefore, since we have such hope, we use great boldness of speech 13 unlike Moses, who put a veil over his face so that the children of Israel could not look steadily at the end of what was passing away. 14 But their minds were blinded. For until this day the same veil remains uplifted in the reading of the Old Testament, because the veil is taken away in Christ. 15 But even to this day, when Moses is read, a veil lies on their heart. 16 Nevertheless when one turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. 17 Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. 18 But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord. What could be clearer? The Old Covenant has been brought to fulfillment and fruition by the New. It (the Law alone) cannot save (and never could), and those who still adhere to it as the proper way to approach God are unfortunately blind to the types of Christ which are found throughout the Law (Luke 24:44). Christ is the true High Priest; Christ is the true Moses; Christ is the true inheritor of the Abrahamic promises; Christ is the fulfillment of the promise to David concerning a kingdom, and on and on. And, all of this is actualized at Christ s First Advent not at some fictitious, literal millennial kingdom in Jerusalem or Illinois. Thus, the kingdom is now (Col. 1:13), and it is the Church, and is ruled by His faithful Bishops abnd priests (Matt. 16:18 with 18:18).7. Consider the First Century writer, St. Clement of Rome, who was ordained by St. Peter wrote: Through countryside and city [the apostles] preached, and they appointed their earliest converts, testing them by the Spirit, to be the bishops and deacons of future believers. Nor was this a novelty, for bishops and deacons had been written about a long time earlier. . . . Our apostles knew through our Lord Jesus Christ that there would be strife for the office of bishop. For this reason, therefore, having received perfect foreknowledge, they appointed those who have already been mentioned and afterwards added the further provision that, if they should die, other approved men should succeed to their ministry (Letter to the Corinthians 42:4 5, 44:1 3 [A.D. 80]). That s apostolic succession. Or consider what St. Ignatius, Bishop of Antioch, wrote in his Letter to the Smyrneans (ca 100 A.D.): CHAPTER VIII. LET NOTHING BE DONE WITHOUT THE BISHOP.See that ye all follow the bishop, even as Jesus Christ does the Father, and the presbytery as ye would the apostles; and reverence the deacons, as being the institution of God. Let no man do anything connected with the Church without the bishop. Let that be deemed a proper Eucharist, which is [administered] either by the bishop, or by one to whom he has entrusted it. Wherever the bishop shall appear, there let the multitude [of the people] also be; even as, wherever Jesus Christ is, there is the Catholic Church. It is not lawful without the bishop either to baptize or to celebrate a love-feast; but whatsoever he shall approve of, that is also pleasing to God, so that everything that is done may be secure and valid. St. Cyril of Jerusalem, in his Catechtical Lectures, Lectures 4 and 18, warns: Fall not away either into the sect of the Samaritans, or into Judaism: for Jesus Christ henceforth has ransomed you. Stand aloof from all observance of Sabbaths, and from calling any indifferent meats common or unclean. But especially abhor all the assemblies of wicked heretics; and in every way make your own soul safe, by fastings, prayers, almsgivings, and reading the oracles of God; that having lived the rest of your life in the flesh in soberness and godly doctrine, you may enjoy the one salvation which flows from Baptism; and thus enrolled in the armies of heaven by God and the Father, may also be deemed worthy of the heavenly crowns, in Christ Jesus our Lord, to Whom be the glory for ever and ever. Amen. 25. Of old the Psalmist sang, Bless ye God in the congregations, even the Lord, (ye that are) from the fountains of Israel. But after the Jews for the plots which they made against the Saviour were cast away from His grace, the Saviour built out of the Gentiles a second Holy Church, the Church of us Christians, concerning which he said to Peter, And upon this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it Matthew 16:18 . And David prophesying of both these, said plainly of the first which was rejected, I have hated the Congregation of evil doers; but of the second which is built up he says in the same Psalm, Lord, I have loved the beauty of Your house; and immediately afterwards, In the Congregations will I bless you, O Lord. For now that the one Church in Judea is cast off, the Churches of Christ are increased over all the world; and of them it is said in the Psalms, Sing unto the Lord a new song, His praise in the Congregation of Saints. Agreeably to which the prophet also said to the Jews, I have no pleasure in you, says the Lord Almighty Malachi 1:10; and immediately afterwards, For from the rising of the sun even unto the going down of the same, My name is glorified among the Gentiles. Concerning this Holy Catholic Church Paul writes to Timothy, That you may know how you ought to behave yourself in the House of God, which is the Church of the Living God, the pillar and ground of the truth 1 Timothy 3:15 . St. Athanasius, in his First Festal Letter, Sec. 8, writes: 8. Now observe; that city, since the coming of our Savior, has had an end, and all the land of the Jews has been laid waste; so that from the testimony of these things (and we need no further proof, being assured by our own eyes of the fact) there must, of necessity, be an end of the shadow. And not from me should these things be learned, but the sacred voice of the prophet foretold, crying; Behold upon the mountains the feet of Him that brings good tidings, and publishes peace Nahum 1:15; and what is the message he published, but that which he goes on to say to them, Keep your feasts, O Judah; pay to the Lord your vows. For they shall no more go to that which is old; it is finished; it is taken away: He is gone up who breathed upon the face, and delivered you from affliction. Now who is he that went up? a man may say to the Jews, in order that even the boast of the shadow may be done away; neither is it an idle thing to listen to the expression, It is finished; he is gone up who breathed. For nothing was finished before he went up who breathed. But as soon as he went up, it was finished. Who was he then, O Jews, as I said before? If Moses, the assertion would be false; for the people were not yet come to the land in which alone they were commanded to perform these rites. But if Samuel, or any other of the prophets, even in that case there would be a perversion of the truth; for hitherto these things were done in Judea, and the city was standing. For it was necessary that while that stood, these things should be performed. So that it was none of these, my beloved, who went up. But if you would hear the true matter, and be kept from Jewish fables, behold our Savior who went up, and breathed upon the face, and said to His disciples, Receive the Holy Ghost John 20:22. For as soon as these things were done, everything was finished, for the altar was broken, and the veil of the temple was rent; and although the city was not yet laid waste, the abomination was ready to sit in the midst of the temple, and the city and those ancient ordinances to receive their final consummation. Similarly, the 8th Canon of the Seventh Ecumenical Council (787 A.D.) states: Since certain, erring in the superstitions of the Hebrews, have thought to mock at Christ our God, and feigning to be converted to the religion of Christ do deny him, and in private and secretly keep the Sabbath and observe other Jewish customs, we decree that such persons be not received to communion, nor to prayers, nor into the Church; but let them be openly Hebrews according to their religion, and let them not bring their children to baptism, nor purchase or possess a slave. But if any of them, out of a sincere heart and in faith, is converted and makes profession with his whole heart, setting at naught their customs and observances, and so that others may be convinced and converted, such an one is to be received and baptized, and his children likewise; and let them be taught to take care to hold aloof from the ordinances of the Hebrews. But if they will not do this, let them in no wise be received. In conclusion, bad theology leads to worse theology, and often this is based in a faulty hermeneutic with false presuppositions. With Hagee, its a serious failure to recognize Christ in the Old Testament and typology. Both he and the Zionists are united in rejecting the teaching of the historic Orthodox Fathers. Heresy is like a virus that compounds itself. Premillennialism, dispensationalism, and its offshoot, the virtual worship of Israel, are serious errors that, when worked out to their illogical conclusions, end up denying Christ s divinity and/or necessity of faith in Him for salvation. Hagee demonstrates that.READ MORE SHADOW GOVERNMENT NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Shadow Government FilesTo hear Jay s full podcasts, see more information and learn how you can become a subscriber to JaysAnalysis.Jay Dyer is the author of the forthcoming title, Esoteric Hollywood: Sex, Cults and Symbols in Film from Trine Day. Focusing on film, philosophy, geopolitics and all things esoteric, JaysAnalysis and his podcast, Esoteric Hollywood, investigates the deeper meanings between the headlines, exploring the hidden aspects of our sinister synthetic mass media matrix.
October 18, 2016
FALSE PROFITS: The U.S. Military’s War Over Russia
21st Century Wire says We ve said it many times during the last two years here at 21WIRE and on the SUNDAY WIRE radio show that the present anti-Russia hysteria being rolled out in the US and Britain is simply a cheap facade to gin up a new arms race. Not small ticket items, but big ticket items including the next generation of next generation tactical nuclear weapons. The only problem is: the out-of-control rhetoric, mixed with Washington s careless and belligerent military posturing might inadvertently lead to belligerent military action.Watch US Army Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Milley last week, threatening to destroy any enemy, anytime, meaning Russia.. General Milley performed his duty for the corporations. All smiles at the AGM. Indeed, business has never been better. Bravo, encore! says Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, General Dynamics, BAE Systems, Airbus and General Electric.When will it end? How much profit is enough for the US defense industry?The sad truth: it s never enough Mark Perry PoliticoDuring the Battle of the Wilderness in 1864, a unit of Robert E. Lee s army rolled up some artillery pieces and began shelling the headquarters of Union commander Ulysses S. Grant. When one of his officers pleaded that Grant move, insisting that he knew exactly what Lee was going to do, Grant, normally a taciturn man, lost his temper: Oh, I am heartily tired of hearing about what Lee is going to do, he said. Some of you always seem to think he is going to turn a double somersault, and land in our rear and on both of our flanks at the same time. Go back to your command and try to think what we are going to do ourselves, instead of what Lee is going to do. The story was recalled to me a few weeks ago by a senior Pentagon officer in citing the April 5 testimony of Army leaders before a Senate Armed Services Subcommittee. The panel delivered a grim warning about the future of the U.S. armed forces: Unless the Army budget was increased, allowing both for more men and more materiel, members of the panel said, the United States was in danger of being outranged and outgunned in the next war and, in particular, in a confrontation with Russia. Vladimir Putin s military, the panel averred, had outstripped the U.S. in modern weapons capabilities. And the Army s shrinking size meant that the Army of the future will be too small to secure the nation. It was a sobering assessment delivered by four of the most respected officers in the Army including Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster, his service s leading intellectual. The claim is the prevailing view among senior Army officers, who fear that Army readiness and modernization programs are being weakened by successive cuts to the U.S. defense budget.But not everyone was buying it. This is the Chicken-Little, sky-is-falling set in the Army, the senior Pentagon officer said. These guys want us to believe the Russians are 10 feet tall. There s a simpler explanation: The Army is looking for a purpose, and a bigger chunk of the budget. And the best way to get that is to paint the Russians as being able to land in our rear and on both of our flanks at the same time. What a crock. ( ) The fight over the Army panel s testimony is the latest example of a deepening feud in the military community over how to respond to shrinking budget numbers. At issue is the military s strategic future: Facing cuts, will the Army opt to modernize its weapons arsenal, or defer modernization in favor of increased numbers of soldiers? On April 5, the Army s top brass made its choice clear: It wants to do both, and Russia s the reason. But a growing chorus of military voices says that demand is both backward and dangerously close-minded that those same senior military officers have not only failed to understand the lessons of Afghanistan and Iraq and embrace service reform, they are inflating foreign threats to win a bigger slice of the defense budget Continue this story at Politico.comREAD MORE RUSSIA NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Russia Files
October 18, 2016
SUNDAY WIRE REPLAY: LIVE Show Off-Air for Maintenance
ATTENTION: Episode #157 of SUNDAY WIRE SHOW is postponed until next Sunday Oct. 23, 2016 in the meantime, ACR will be re-streaming last week s power-packed episode here LISTEN LIVE ON THIS PAGE AT THE FOLLOWING SCHEDULED SHOW TIMES:SUNDAYS 5pm-8pm UK Time | 12pm-3pm ET (US) | 9am-12pm PT (US)With great regret, we are informing our listeners that due to essential network maintenance, this week s show has been rescheduled for next Sunday. This week we ll re-play last week s popular Episode #156 with guests Pierre Le Corf, Tom Duggan and Vanessa Beeley ACR LIVE STREAM broadstreet.zone(46707);
October 16, 2016
How the FBI Creates ‘Domestic Terror’ in the United States
21st Century Wire says This is a bit of an oddity as far as TED talks go Investigative journalist Trevor Aaronson actually delivers a TED presentation which calls out the FBI for being the party responsible for creating the majority of so-called domestic terror and Islamic terror busts in the US since 9/11.Just this week, the FBI are boasting of a high level domestic extremist terror bust of a militia group in Kansas, but when you read the fine print of the case, it features several FBI confidential informants, no doubt helping to egg-on and steer their prey into a preconceived trap.21WIRE has been saying this for years, and it s refreshing to see what is normally a bland, mainstream talking shop like TED actually allow a speaker to present a real anti-establishment subject like this one.In truth, the FBI s shady record in this area stretched back well before 9/11, when FBI informants (under FBI supervision) helped to organize the 1993 World Trade Center Bombing. Despite this, idiotic mainstream media and politicians in the US still claim that the 1993 WTC event was linked to al Qaeda. NOTE: The following speaker Trevor Aaronson claims that both the Boston Bombing and the attempted Times Square car bombing. This statement is very likely to be incorrect. It has already been confirmed that the FBI s lead suspect in Boston, Tamerlan Tsarnaev was being active recruited by the FBI for at least two years prior to the event in question, as well as being associated with a CIA front org called the Jamestown Foundation. Similarly, the alleged Times Square bomber, Faisal Shahzad, appeared to have fled to Pakistan with a handler who has connections to the CIA and MI6. Otherwise, we welcome this topic raised by journalist Aaronson.Brasscheck TVGuess who is behind more terrorist incidents in the US than al-Qaeda, al-Shabaab and ISIS combined?The FBI and when given the change to set the record straight, they don t dispute it.As law enforcement scams go, this is one of the most reprehensible. The FBI finds mentally ill people, puts ideas into their heads, works up plans for them and then gives them the money to carry them out an then arrests them for terrorist plots.They then declare victory in the war on terror. Domestic anti-terrorism efforts cost $100 billion a year or $1 trillion per decade.And you, your kids and grand kids pay for all this in the form of a reduced standard of living to make sure this useless anti-American scum get nice big paychecks and bloated tax-payer guaranteed pensions for their years of service. Watch:. READ MORE DAILY SHOOTER NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Daily Shooter Files
October 15, 2016
RECKLESS: Democratic Party Creating a ‘Russian Scarecrow’ in US Media & Politics
21st Century Wire says The Hillary Clinton campaign has gone hell-for-leather on the White House s official conspiracy theory that Russia is hacking into and trying to influence the current US presidential election, and then trying to attach Russia to her opponent Donald Trump. With less than a month to go, one of America s nastiest political campaigns enters the final stretch. With both major candidates intensely unpopular with many in the electorate, is it a choice of the lesser evil? CrossTalking with host Peter Lavelle are guests Michael Flanagan, George Szamuely, and Clinton campaign surrogate Mac Zilber. This debate gets very heated towards the end. Watch:
October 13, 2016
US-Saudi Plan: Let 9,000 ISIS Fighters Walk Free from Mosul – to Fight in Syria
Patrick Henningsen 21st Century WireJudging by both the words, and deeds of the Obama White House and its political diplomatic appointees led by perfidious John Kerry and caustic Samantha Power all evidence to date points to the US wanting to escalate its war on Syria while happily baiting a military confrontation, and World War scenario with Russia and its allies in the process. If this latest leak is indeed true and time will certainly tell whether or not it is, it would constitute one of the most egregious violations of both US and international law by the United States government and its theocratic dictator partner in Saudi Arabia.Washington s own anti-terror legislation expressly forbids colluding to provide logistical or material support for terrorist groups, and this US-Saudi venture would be the latest in a long list of violations According to news released today (see report below), US President Barack Obama has been briefed that the operation to liberate the ISIS stronghold in Mosul in Iraq is scheduled for the second half of October. Here s what makes this a potential shocker: the operation allows for safe passage for 9,000 ISIS fighters on the proviso that they are transferred from Iraq to eastern Syria in order to help US plans for regime change there. At the time of the assault, coalition aircraft would strike only on a pre-agreed detached buildings in the city, which are empty, the source said. According to him [the source], the plan of Washington and Riyadh also provides that the rebels move from Mosul to Syria for the attack on the government-controlled town of troops. Essentially, Washington and Saudi Arabia, will allow 9,000 ISIS (Islamic State) fighter FREE passage into Syria if they agree to join Washington s regime change operations there. This could also include, eastern regions of Syria to follow a major offensive operation, which involves the capture of Deir ez-Zor and Palmyra, the source added.Before you write this story off as some ornate Russian psychological operation, consider the long trend arch. The US along with its generous Gulf sidekicks, have already established a solid track record of aiding and abetting ISIS not just in Syria, but in Iraq too.The record shows that the US is guilty on a number of counts If the Mosul leak is true, then it wouldn t be the first time that the US has provided cover in the military pantomime the world has come to know as the fight against ISIS. When large ISIS convoys crossed the Syrian desert to invade and occupy the ancient Syrian city of Palmyra in May 2015, the US Coalition airforce did nothing, and allowed ISIS to take and destroy part of the world s great historic cultural heritage, along with the murder of scores of innocent civilians.Professor Tim Anderson from Sydney University states: U.S. weapons with Israeli ammunition were used by Islamic State group when taking over Palmyra. The extremists also had U.S. military rations. The U.S., which since 2014 claimed to be conducting a war against ISIS in Iraq and Syria, and which had air power and sophisticated surveillance of the region, did nothing to stop the huge ISIS advance on Palmyra. The US isn t even shy about its laissez-faire policy with ISIS in the field, with the New York Times openly boasting, Any airstrikes against Islamic State militants in and around Palmyra would probably benefit the forces of President Bashar al-Assad. So far, United States-led airstrikes in Syria have largely focused on areas far outside government control, to avoid the perception of aiding a leader whose ouster President Obama has called for. Following the derelict incident, New York Times reporters Hwaida Saad and Kareem Fahim, were still kicking and screaming for regime change like petulant children at the news of ISIS fleeing and Palmyra being liberated by the Syrian Army and Russians. They said that, Mr. Assad s contention that his government is a bulwark against the transnational extremist group has been bolstered, but added that his foes and some allies argue that he must leave power as part of a political settlement to end the war in Syria. In other words: we still want regime change! This says volumes about who is really enforcing New York Times editorial lines (either the US State Dept, or the CIA, take your pick).More importantly however, is what kind of message an US statement like that sends to ISIS, as well as Al Nusra and other terrorist brigades inside Syria, which is basically, we do not need to worry about US air strikes, only Syrian Army and Russian strikes. This situation really sums up the utter fraud and contempt of the US deception in Syria, and it s no surprise that the Russian Foreign Ministry are reticent to extend themselves any more where the US is concerned.Then, in March 2016, when ISIS fled Palmyra, back across the desert towards Deir ez-Zor and Raqqa the great and powerful US Coalition airforce actually helped ISIS in a number of ways, including allowing them free passage once more.In late August, we were told that the Turkish Army, alongside allied Syrian rebels (terrorist group Faylaq al-Sham) backed by the US air cover, invaded Syria in order to capture the ISIS-held town of Jarabulus, Syria, this supposedly to cut off ISIS s last open route into Turkey. But what happened to ISIS?The NYT even admitted that, it appeared that most of the militants had fled without a fight. Here, ISIS appears to have been given advanced warning by either US or Turkish intelligence, as they left the contested town of Jarabulus quietly, but in droves. In reality, Turkey twisted this operation in order to attack and degrade Kurdish militias including the US-backed artificial construct called the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), and pro-Kurdish People s Protection Units (YPG) and Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD), the Syrian affiliate of the militant Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) in Iraq and Turkey all of whom are meant to be fighting ISIS. Instead, they are now busy dodging Turkish artillery rounds. Confusing, yes, but true nonetheless.It s also common knowledge now, that top of the line US weaponry is being used by ISIS, both in Iraq, in Afghanistan and in Syria as well. In fact, if not for US weapons and supplies (along with US air intervention, or noninterventions), ISIS would have struggled to maintain many of the strategic positions it enjoys today. For the last 3 years, US officials have been dodging this issue, and when they do admit this is true, their patronizing party line is that, this must be a mistake, if they do have US weapons, we didn t mean it. As if the world was born yesterday.Perhaps the most flagrant violation by the US-led forces in aiding and abetting ISIS took place on Sept 17, 2016, when the US-led Coalition bombed Syrian Army positions outside of Deir ez-Zor near al-Tharda Mountain, killing some 80 soldiers and injuring 100 more. As if by design, an ISIS offensive began immediately following the US massacre of Syrian soldiers. Clearly, this bold move by the Pentagon paved the way for a major ISIS advance.To any normal observer, the US attack was a belligerent act of war that effective destroyed an already fragile bilateral ceasefire agreement, and yet the US response was to somehow blame Russia for calling an emergency UNSC meeting to discuss the incident. Judging by this response, it s pretty clear that US wants to see the Syrian Conflict carry on for a while, and it will need groups like ISIS to make that happen. The other problem with Washington s hollow righteousness in the Middle East is that there are key members of the US-led Coalition who are financing ISIS, Al Nusra Front, Nour al Din Zinki, and Arar al Sham (all moderate terrorists we re told) militants in Syria, Iraq and beyond. This fact was recently admitted by former US Secretary of State and Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, as revealed in this week s batch of Wikileaks emails. Clinton writes: While this military/para-military operation is moving forward, we need to use our diplomatic and more traditional intelligence assets to bring pressure on the governments of Qatar and Saudi Arabia, which are providing clandestine financial and logistic support to ISIL and other radical Sunni groups in the region. Add to that the multiple exposures over the last 3 years of the US CIA illegally trafficking lethal arms to Al Nusra and other terrorists through covert operations like Timber Sycamore.Still, US and NATO member state officials and their media gatekeepers continue to deny it and play dumb, rather than come clean that the United States and its partners in the region are helping, not hindering ISIS terrorism.Some might ask: why would they do a thing like that? By now, the answer should be simple, but threefold:What s so comical yet even more tragic, is how prominent the topic of ISIS factors into all of the vapid national security debates and media panels in this year s US Presidential election, and in the dumbed-down coverage of the delusional US mainstream media, led by Pentagon surrogate CNN, and hopeless FOX News. Judging by their prosaic coverage , neither the networks, nor Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump have the slightest clue of what the reality on the ground is. Instead we here, My ISIS plan is better than yours! The US political conversation has gone beyond ridiculousness.The corps of US military and CIA media spokesman aren t much better. The sad part is some of them do know what is really happening, but would rather lie to the American public.With so much double dealing, who can you trust? Certainly not anyone in Washington.More on the White House s latest dangerous proposition .RTThe US and Saudi Arabia have agreed to grant free passage to thousands of Islamic State militants before the Iraqi city of Mosul is stormed. The jihadists will be redeployed to fight against the government in Syria, a military-diplomatic source told RIA Novosti. More than 9,000 Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS, ISIL) militants will be redeployed from Mosul to the eastern regions of Syria to carry out a major offensive operation, which involves capturing Deir ez-Zor and Palmyra, the source said.According to the anonymous diplomatic source, US President Barack Obama has already sanctioned an operation to liberate Mosul, due to take place in October.During the storm of the city in northern Iraq the US-led coalition s planes would only strike detached, vacated or uninhabited buildings, while keeping terrorists as targets, he said.In September, US Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter confirmed that Washington would send an additional 600 troops to Iraq to help liberate Mosul at the request of the local authorities.The source suggested that redeployment of IS militants is necessary because Washington must somehow counter Russia s achievements in Syria, try to diminish their importance. Apart from the purely political dividends, the other purpose of this operation, obviously, will be to discredit the success of Russian Airspace forces. And, of course, it s an attempt to undermine Syrian President (Bashar) Assad, he said.The leadership of Saudi Arabia s General Intelligence Directorate will be the mediators and guarantors of the agreement on safe passage for the jihadists from Mosul, he claimed.The source added that a similar scheme had been used by the US and its allies during the liberation of the Iraqi city of Fallujah Continue this story at RTREAD MORE SYRIA NEWS: 21st Century Wire Syria FilesSUPPORT OUR WORK BY SUBSCRIBING & BECOMING A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV
October 13, 2016
Boiler Room EP #78
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6 PM PST | 9 PM EST for this special broadcast. Join us for uncensored, uninterruptible talk radio, custom-made for barfly philosophers, misguided moralists, masochists, street corner evangelists, media-maniacs, savants, political animals and otherwise lovable rascals.Join ACR hosts Hesher and Spore along with Randy J from 21Wire, Andy Nowicki from Alt Right Blogspot Daniel Spaulding of Soul of the East and Stewart Howe of 21Wire for the 77th episode of BOILER ROOM. Dim the lights, dawn the headphones and indulge in some Boiler Room with the crew. This week we re boiling up some media maniac conversation with blend of topics that ONLY the Boiler Room can pull off.Please like and share the program and visit our donate page to get involved!BOILER ROOM IS NOT A POLICTALLY CORRECT ZONE! LISTEN TO THE SHOW IN THE PLAYER BELOW ENJOY!Reference Links:
October 12, 2016
Stuck on Stupid: Why is America Starting WW3?
SARTRE 21st Century WireEvery day the world moves closer to a nuclear winter. The finger on the trigger presses upon the button and only a slight movement will launch unthinkable destruction.The point that it is so unthinkable yet so close to happening is caused by the overwhelming denial that Americans have towards the real nature of international brinksmanship. The United State foreign policy for global dominance cannot be defended as a righteous imperative. Those who naively believe that NATO occupies the high moral ground are just as confused as the dupes that cheer the dough boys or the GI s in the previous two world wars.The difference in the coming end of days is not that the foolish deployments and menacing circumstances are not known, but that the ultimate consequences and inevitable desolation is simply ignored. When a nation is oblivious to the lessons of history and the reality of insane actions, a rational foreign policy becomes the first causality of national security.Evaluate the titanic failures in the Middle East; Iraq, Egypt, Libya, Turkey, Yemen are well documented as benefiting only a greater Israel, a stronger Iran and a more bellicose Saudi Arabia.Yet the major confrontation with Russia over the Syrian civil war has raised the stakes to Armageddon proportions. Of course the international press wants to avoid any serious discussion on the basis of the so called authority that the United States has to bomb the Syrian government back to the Stone Age or even more important to deflect that Russia was invited into the conflict by the President of Syria, Bashar al-Assad. Perpetual warfare without declaring a constitutional war has become the norm in the post World War II environment. No doubt, there will never be a Congressional declaration before the ICBM birds fly. WWIII is closer to occurring than ever before.Don t be sucked into the military-industrial-complex mindset that Russia is the belligerent behind the coming cataclysm. Remember the actual facts about the coup and who was behind the removal of Viktor Yanukovych in Ukraine. Read between the lines in this Washington Post report: Ousted Ukraine president warns of civil war, criticizes U.S. for aiding current government. Yanukovych, who read from a statement in Russian and did not take questions, accused the West and the United States of backing fascists in Ukraine another regular allegation being made by Russian authorities. There is a gang of ultranationalists and fascists operating the government, he said. I would like to ask those who cover for these dark forces in the West: Are you blind? Have you forgotten what fascism is? Do you recall that NATO is encircling Russia with an unprecedented military buildup? Romanian minister: US anti-missile interceptors will be deployed in 2015, and Lithuania aims to spend $115m on air-defense system amid NATO build-up in Eastern Europe and Deployment of U.S. Missiles in Poland Anti-Russian Move are just a few examples of NATO s expansion into Eastern Europe with the distinct intention of bringing Russia into the globalist New World Order sphere of domination.( ) Is this the end results from Obama Firing of Military Reminiscent of Stalin s Purge or is it a change in military doctrine to employ the George Armstrong Custer battlefield strategy, when taking on the Ruskies? At least Field Marshal Paulus surrendered at Stalingrad. Sounds like Milley will be directing his troops from an undisclosed bunker, while the rest of us incinerate.If you are still in doubt that the supreme lunacy is upon us, read the detailed explanation about the 8 Alarming Warning Signs That Indicate War With Russia Could Be Imminent.The brick need not be shattered into an irreversible carnage. But before levelheaded minds can revamp the tensions from failed policies, one needs to understand just what this confrontation is all about. Can the simple minds of a dumb down society face up to reality or are they satisfied to die in a contrived holocaust because the globalist controlled State Department are packed with Zionist NeoCons, who are quite willing to endure World War III to destroy Western Civilization?Mark 8:18 states it clearly: Having eyes, see ye not? and having ears, hear ye not? and do ye not remember?Obviously, the public does not see the deception, nor are they able to perceive the falsehoods from the media propaganda, and they certainly do not remember the real nature of the diabolic enemy behind the globalist plan for destroying any nation that opposes capitulation and integration into the New World Order.Being absorbed into the coordinated assault on Donald Trump, the entire establishment exposes itself to be the obedient enablers of the globalist cabal, hell bent on eradicating any opposition to their rule. If you have not already read, National Referendum on the Globalist Establishment, please do.Once this staged and rigged theater is over the end result will cast the forces of oppression against the populist sentiment to become independent and sovereign. The military will not be lead by the mythical Brigadier General Jack D. Ripper concerned about maintaining the national precious bodily fluids, but will be commanded by modern day Air Marshal Arthur Harris, who was as much a war criminal as any NAZI SS fanatic.Humanity is systemically stupid. People simply cannot bring themselves to admit that their society is ruled by dedicated demonic sociopaths. Challenging Russia on the field of war is about as mad as the very MAD strategic nuclear doctrine that the real Dr, Strangelove, Robert McNamara pushed to the threshold of annihilation.The single most compelling certainty is that Russia has always built their foreign policy around an extensive civil defense network that protects millions of their population. The United States has left exposed their entire civilian population as a conscious decision that millions would inevitably be killed in a full exchange of hydrogen bomb weapons.Stable, cogent and balanced individuals know these conclusions are true. Regrettably, none of us are in the loop of influencing policy, much less in positions of authority to reverse the unwarranted confrontation with Russia.General George S. Patton was correct in advocating deposing Stalin and the evil Soviet Union at the end of WWII, but the circumstances are reversed today. Since the end of those international finance inspired hostilities, the American empire has pursued a crusade to do the bidding of the NWO banksters cartel of imperialists.Vladimir Putin Nemesis of the New World Order is the overriding motivation for invoking an absurd cause that can only lead to the unthinkable. The fact that this outcome has now become conceivable if not alluring, illustrates the delusional disease that has taken over the establishment that operates in a fantasy existence of computer simulations and probabilities assessments.The military planning scenarios played by the Pentagon are infinitely more deadly than playing with the WOPR (War Operation Plan Response) computer in War Games. President Obama, Secretary of State Kerry and an aspiring President Hillary Clinton are certifiably insane to set into motion a warmongering conflict that threatens all of humanity.The American people are being held hostage to a globalism of destruction. Any country resisting the worldwide monopoly of elite s dominion must be conquered or destroyed. The United States has already been captured. Now it is time to obliterate both Russia and America to complete the final conquest.Subscription sign-up for the BATR RealPolitik NewsletterDiscuss or comment about this essay on the BATR ForumREAD MORE WWIII NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire WWIII FilesSUPPORT OUR WORK BY SUBSCRIBING & BECOMING A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV
October 11, 2016
SPECTRE OF BENGHAZI: DOJ Drops Charges Against Alleged Arms Dealer of Libyan Weapons
21st Century Wire says The US Department of Justice (DOJ) is dropping all charges against an arms dealer whose weapons made it into the hands of radical Libya militants.Early this week a motion was filed by the DOJ to drop charges against an American arms dealer named Marc Turi, according to federal court records obtained by Politico.Also according to Politico: The deal averts a trial that threatened to cast additional scrutiny on Hillary Clinton s private emails as Secretary of State, and to expose reported Central Intelligence Agency attempts to arm rebels fighting Libyan leader Moammar Qadhafi. LIBYA FALLOUT (Photo Illustration 21WIRE s Shawn Helton)In the book entitled Definitive Report by both Jack Murphy (Army Green Beret) and Brandon Webb (Navy SEAL), a close friend of Glen Doherty (one of the Americans killed during the Benghazi siege) it was revealed that Obama s former deputy NSA advisor and current CIA director, John Brennan had been directing covert black-ops in Libya as well as other parts in North Africa, prior to the siege that left four Americans dead at a compound in Benghazi.Brennan s covert operations were said to have prompted retaliation inside the compound in Libya as former CIA director David Petraeus had been blackmailed into resignation by senior CIA officials.All of this information was preceded by a massive cover-up involving mainstream media, Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, Susan Rice and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, both of whom initially blamed the siege on a heavily propagandized YouTube film entitled, The Innocence of Muslims. This meme was spread on many major talk shows even though evidence failed to connect the film to the attack.In addition, the White House and President Barack Obama had many inconsistencies in their talking points about Benghazi, first labeling it a terror attack, then quickly shifting gears, denying that there were Al Qaeda operatives anywhere near the compound.US Ambassador Christopher Stevens was said to have helped manage a large gun-running operation from the Special Mission Compound in Benghazi, as he was also said to have helped ship guns to al-Qaeda-linked opposition to assist in the takedown of former dictator Moammar Gadhafi.In a Business Insider report from October of 2012, the Benghazi story dovetailed the growing proxy war in Syria: In March 2011 Stevens became the official U.S. liaison to the al-Qaeda-linked Libyan opposition, working directly with Abdelhakim Belhadj of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group a group that has now disbanded, with some fighters reportedly participating in the attack that took Stevens life.In November 2011 The Telegraph reported that Belhadj, acting as head of the Tripoli Military Council, met with Free Syrian Army [FSA] leaders in Istanbul and on the border with Turkey in an effort by the new Libyan government to provide money and weapons to the growing insurgency in Syria. As 21WIRE has previously reported in 2014, It s worth noting here: like Libya s new militant governor of Tripoli, Abdel Hakim Belhadj, the Chechen terrorist group Kata ib Mohadzherin s leader Airat Vakhitov was also under US supervision for years imprisoned at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba circa 2002, after being captured by U.S. forces in Afghanistan. Both were Belhadj and Vakhitov were released by the Pentagon only to be repatriated in the field again back into fighting regions to organise al Qaeda-type Islamist groups both active in countries which the US and NATO have been actively vying for regime change in Libya and Syria, respectively. You can draw your own conclusions here about what Guantanamo is in reality, a fact which was confirmed by thePenny Lane leaks regarding the recruitment of double agents out of Gitmo. Interestingly, in a NY Times article from December of 2012 entitled, U.S.-Approved Arms for Libya Rebels Fell Into Jihadis Hands, we see an acknowledgement of an arms shipment at the behest of the Obama administration under the watchful eye of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton but the mainstream media appears to have provided cover for the White House and State Department by blaming Qatar for the weapons transfer to militants: The Obama administration secretly gave its blessing to arms shipments to Libyan rebels from Qatar last year, but American officials later grew alarmed as evidence grew that Qatar was turning some of the weapons over to Islamic militants, according to United States officials and foreign diplomats.No evidence has emerged linking the weapons provided by the Qataris during the uprising against Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi to the attack that killed four Americans at the United States diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, in September.But in the months before, the Obama administration clearly was worried about the consequences of its hidden hand in helping arm Libyan militants, concerns that have not previously been reported. The weapons and money from Qatar strengthened militant groups in Libya, allowing them to become a destabilizing force since the fall of the Qaddafi government. The spectre of Benghazi looms large when connecting the Middle Eastern dots over the past five years.More from Zero Hedge below TRAIL OF BLOOD Many questions about 2012 s Benghazi terror siege remain unanswered. (Image Source: foxnews)DOJ Drops Charges Against Arms Dealer Who Threatened To Expose Hillary Arming Islamic ExtremistsZero HedgeIn what would under other circumstances likely be a major media spectacle, Politico reported that the Obama administration is moving to dismiss charges against an arms dealer whom it had accused of selling weapons destined for Libyan rebels and who had threatened to expose Hillary Clinton s talks about arming anti-Qaddafi rebels.According to a motion filed in federal court in Phoenix, the DOJ on Monday filed a motion to drop the case against the arms dealer, an American named Marc Turi. One potential reason for the surprising move is that as Politico writes, the deal averts a trial that threatened to cast additional scrutiny on Hillary Clinton s private emails as Secretary of State, and to expose reported Central Intelligence Agency attempts to arm rebels fighting Libyan leader Moammar Qadhafi.Turi was indicted in 2014 on four felony counts: two of arms dealing in violation of the Arms Export Control Act and two of lying to the State Department in official applications. The charges accused Turi of claiming that the weapons involved were destined for Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, when the arms were actually intended to reach Libya. Turi s lawyers argued that the shipments were part of a U.S. government-authorized effort to arm Libyan rebels. It s unclear if any of the weapons made it to Libya, and there s no evidence linking weapons provided by the U.S. government to the Benghazi attacks.According to Politico government lawyers were facing a Wednesday deadline to produce documents to Turi s legal team, and the trial was officially set to begin on Election Day, although it likely would have been delayed by protracted disputes about classified information in the case. A Turi associate asserted that the government dropped the case because the proceedings could have embarrassed Clinton and President Barack Obama by calling attention to the reported role of their administration in supplying weapons that fell into the hands of Islamic extremist militants.Making matters worse, Turi s case had delved into emails sent to and from the controversial private account that Clinton used as Secretary of State, which the defense planned to harness at any trial. They don t want this stuff to come out because it will look really bad for Obama and Clinton just before the election, said the associate.Leery of admitting the actual truth, in the dismissal motion, prosecutors were vague saying that discovery rulings from U.S. District Court Judge David Campbell contributed to the decision to drop the case. The joint motion asks the judge to accept a confidential agreement to resolve the case through a civil settlement between the State Department and the arms broker.This story continues at Zero Hedge READ MORE ISIS NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire ISIS Files READ MORE LIBYA NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Libya FilesSUPPORT OUR WORK BY SUBSCRIBING & BECOMING A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV
October 5, 2016
Boiler Room EP #77 – The Venom of Divide and Rule
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6 PM PST | 9 PM EST for this special broadcast. Join us for uncensored, uninterruptible talk radio, custom-made for barfly philosophers, misguided moralists, masochists, street corner evangelists, media-maniacs, savants, political animals and otherwise lovable rascals.Join ACR hosts Hesher and Spore along with Randy J from 21Wire, Andy Nowicki from Alt Right Blogspot and Stewart Howe of 21Wire for the 77th episode of BOILER ROOM. Dim the lights, dawn the headphones and indulge in some Boiler Room with the crew. This week we re boiling up some media maniac conversation with blend of topics that ONLY the Boiler Room can pull off.Please like and share the program and visit our donate page to get involved!BOILER ROOM IS NOT A POLICTALLY CORRECT ZONE! LISTEN TO THE SHOW IN THE PLAYER BELOW ENJOY!Reference Links:
October 5, 2016
Snowden 2.0: New NSA Contractor Whistleblower, Arrested for Stealing Spy Malware
21st Century Wire says QUESTION: Is this the same malware leak that US elected officials blamed on Russia?His name is Harold Thomas Martin III. He is a US Navy veteran and NSA contractor RTContractor is called Hal Martin, a Navy veteran, his attorney confirms. First appeared in court in late August. Charges to be unsealed soon. https://t.co/g40YOLsVCH Ian Duncan (@iduncan) October 5, 2016The contractor s name is Hal Martin, and he is a Navy veteran, said the Baltimore Sun reporter Ian Duncan citing the man s attorney. Martin worked for Booz Allan Hamilton, the same company that used to employ Snowden, before he blew the lid on NSA operations in 2013.So Booz got repawned four months after Snowden's leaks?Maybe, um, take cyberattacks in-house? pic.twitter.com/3FrpMcgGjo emptywheel (@emptywheel) October 5, 2016This is huge. Did the FBI secretly arrest the person behind the reports NSA sat on huge flaws in US products? https://t.co/otgOwB5efm Edward Snowden (@Snowden) October 5, 2016This is huge. Did the FBI secretly arrest the person behind the reports NSA sat on huge flaws in US products? https://t.co/otgOwB5efm Edward Snowden (@Snowden) October 5, 2016Citing unnamed government officials, the New York Times reported the contractor was arrested in recent weeks, the New York Times said. According to Duncan, Martin was arrested in late August and has already appeared before a judge.Martin s LinkedIn profile describes him as a Technical Advisor & Investigator on Offensive Cyber issues for the Department of Defense since July 2015, in pursuit of program oversight, management excellence, and optimal outcomes on issues for various Cyber related Initiatives across DoD and the IC [intelligence community] Continue this story at RTREAD MORE SCI-TECH NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Sci-Tech Files
October 5, 2016
Yahoo caves in to NSA, FBI – and secretly monitors customer email accounts for US Gov’t
21st Century Wire says This will rank as one of the most egregious miscarriages of consumer trust in US history. In a brief statement to Reuters, according to these Silicon Valley executives: Yahoo is a law-abiding company, and complies with the laws of the United States. Actually, Yahoo is in breach of the law. The laws they think they are talking about do not allow for flipping a dead switch on the 4th Amendment and conducting mass surveillance on all US citizens.In reality, the US Constitution is meant to be the supreme law of the land and Yahoo just colluded with an out of control US federal government to trash the 4th Amendment.So who is Marissa Mayer, the Yahoo CEO who willingly colluded behind closed doors with the NSA and the FBI to submit all of Yahoo s customer base to unwarranted surveillance? Why was this 37 year old neophyte allowed to walk into the top spot from Google with no real managerial experience, and put in charge of such a large corporation and then given a $54 million golden parachute after this dark spying debacle? She has quickly amassed net worth of approximately $500 million half a billion dollars.It sounds like she was definitely hand-picked for this particular job SELL OUT: Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer sold out her customer base to an out of control, data-hungry Federal government.The GuardianYahoo last year secretly built a custom software program to search all of its customers incoming emails for specific information provided by US intelligence officials, sources have told Reuters.The company complied with a classified US government directive, scanning hundreds of millions of Yahoo Mail accounts at the behest of the National Security Agency (NSA) or FBI, according to two former employees and a third person who knew about the program.Some surveillance experts said this represents the first known case of a US internet company agreeing to a spy agency s demand by searching all arriving messages, as opposed to examining stored messages or scanning a small number of accounts in real time.It is not known what information intelligence officials were looking for, only that they wanted Yahoo to search for a set of characters. That could mean a phrase in an email or an attachment, said the sources.Reuters was unable to determine what data Yahoo may have handed over, if any, and whether intelligence officials had approached other email providers besides Yahoo with this kind of request.According to the two former employees, Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer s decision to obey the directive troubled some senior executives and led to the June 2015 departure of the chief information security officer, Alex Stamos, who now heads security at Facebook.( ) Andrew Crocker, staff attorney with the Electronic Frontier Foundation, said that the use of the word directive to describe the program indicated that the request may have been ordered under the section 702 of the 2008 Fisa Amendments Act, which allows the government to target non-US citizens abroad for surveillance.Revelations by Edward Snowden about the Prism and Upstream programs of which the Yahoo program looks like a hybrid, Crocker said show that US citizens were also subject to mass surveillance. The fourth amendment and attendant privacy concerns are quite staggering, Crocker said. It sounds like they are scanning all emails, even inside the US the fourth amendment protects that fully. It s hard to see how the government justifies requiring Yahoo to search emails like that; there is no warrant that could possibly justify scanning all emails Continue this story at The GuardianREAD MORE SCI-TECH NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Sci-Tech Files
October 5, 2016
October Tease: Wikileaks False Start Leaves Trump Supporters Sleepless and Exasperated
21st Century Wire says This was one of the most eagerly anticipated cyber events ever, but today s October surprise turned out to be an October tease.On Monday, Wikileaks founder Julian Assange warmed up the international community, and more importantly Trump supporters, when he hinted, If we are going to make a major publication about the U.S., we wouldn t do it at 3 a.m [Tues]. As it turns out, after much hope and lots of hype, Trump supporters couldn t even get to first base with Assange this morning Over in America, the Trump camp was buzzing with the promise that Hillary Clinton would be mortally wounded by this morning s big reveal. Trump s online again-offline again surrogate-cum-secret agent, Roger Stone, was over the moon with joy, and even tweeted:Wednesday@HillaryClinton is done. #Wikileaks. Roger Stone (@RogerJStoneJr) October 2, 2016Trump backer Alex Jones insisted that the Wikileaks document dump would be historic and that the Clintons will be devastated! and even went so far as to promote a live broadcast special on his channel Infowars.com, promising to unveil the devastating news.In the end, nothing happened. There were no documents revealed.The Clintons Will Be DEVASTATED: Infowars Historic LIVE COVERAGE Of #Wikileaks10 Press Conference Share this link! https://t.co/M4saKik1GO infowars (@infowars) October 3, 2016A classic case of the media jumping the gun, before anything was actually confirmed.It wasn t only Jones and Co. Many a Trump supporter stayed up all night in anticipation of what this Wikileaks trove might bring Did #julianassange just make me stay up 20 hours straight for him to say see you in November? #wikileaks Tim Black (@RealTimBlack) October 4, 2016It is still possible that the major information release previously promised by Assange is imminent, and Assange did hint at this in the wake of the DNC leaks which led to the resignation of chairwoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and others over systemic Democratic Party corruption. In his statement, he reiterated the incredible workload that he and his team have in vetting all the information in their possession before it s released. Wikileaks also has to be careful in order to preserve the integrity of the leaks, but also to organize and catalogue the information for press and public consumption.Assange has since indicated that waves of documents will now be revealed in a time-released fashion, with some items dumped each week, right up until the US election on November 8th.When asked during his Berlin videocast about what the impact might be based on his knowledge of the information, Assange simply relied: We think they re significant. WATCH THIS SPACE.READ MORE WIKILEAKS AT: 21st Century Wire Wikileaks Files
October 4, 2016
AGITPROP MACHINE: How the US create Fake Al Qaeda and ISIS videos
Shawn Helton 21st Century WireFollowing the invasion of Iraq in 2003, the Pentagon reportedly paid PR firm Bell Pottinger $540 million to produce fake terror videos used to steer Western political interests.If this latest report by the The Bureau of Investigative Journalism is accurate, the public is once again privy to another startling example of how deep-state social engineering impacts and propels larger geopolitical war campaigning.This latest Pentagon public relations scandal comes after an onslaught of summertime war propaganda images were found to have been fabricated by the George Soros and US-UK government-backed pseudo NGO known as The White Helmets. WAR GAMES (Photo Illustration 21WIRE s Shawn Helton)As 21WIRE recently reported, Like so many celebrated attributes of the lauded White Helmets, the rescue numbers are clearly exaggerated. The so-called rebel-held territories (in actuality, terrorist-held areas) in which the White Helmets exclusively operate, have very few civilians remaining in them. The majority of Syrian civilians have fled terrorist-held enclaves like East Aleppo into government protected areas like West Aleppo a fact that is routinely glossed over by western media outlets because it runs counter to the storyline being pushed by the US and UK government, both of whom are funding the White Helmets. The creation of all of this modern day agitprop has most certainly contributed to an environment of confusion, fear and uncertainty in the War On Terror era no doubt costing many lives in the process. REPUTATION LAUNDERING The controversial PR firm Bell Pottinger Group. (Image Source: mmbiztoday)The Pentagon, Pottinger & Fake TerrorAccording to The Bureau of Investigative Journalism, there was a secretive operation between Bell Pottinger and those in high-level security working with the Pentagon to create al Qaeda terror videos as well as influence global media outlets through various propaganda: The Pentagon gave a controversial UK PR firm over half a billion dollars to run a top secret propaganda programme in Iraq, the Bureau of Investigative Journalism can reveal.Bell Pottinger s output included short TV segments made in the style of Arabic news networks and fake insurgent videos which could be used to track the people who watched them, according to a former employee.The agency s staff worked alongside high-ranking US military officers in their Baghdad Camp Victory headquarters as the insurgency raged outside. Bell Pottinger s former chairman Lord Tim Bell, confirmed the shocking story with the Sunday Times, who worked alongside with the Bureau to uncover covert operations which were covered by various secrecy agreements, and The London-based PR agency was brought into Iraq soon after the US invasion. In March 2004 it was tasked by the country s temporary administration with the promotion of democratic elections a high-profile activity which it trumpeted in its annual report. Also according the former chairman Bell, Bell Pottinger reported to the Pentagon, the CIA and the National Security Council on its work in Iraq. In total, over half a billion dollars was spent on the creation of various psychological operations crafted by the Pentagon and Bell Pottinger. Additionally, the Bureau tracked Pottinger s work through US army contracting censuses, federal procurement transaction records and reports by the Department of Defense (DoD), interviewing half a dozen former officials and contractors involved in information operations in Iraq. The Bureau has identified transactions worth $540 million between the Pentagon and Bell Pottinger for information operations and psychological operations on a series of contracts issued from May 2007 to December 2011. A similar contract at around the same annual rate $120 million was in force in 2006, we have been told. According to Martin Wells, a freelance video editor who worked with Bell Pottinger to create the secretive Pentagon propaganda: The third and most sensitive programme described by Wells was the production of fake al Qaeda propaganda films. He told the Bureau how the videos were made. He was given precise instructions: We need to make this style of video and we ve got to use al Qaeda s footage, he was told. We need it to be 10 minutes long, and it needs to be in this file format, and we need to encode it in this manner. US marines would take the CDs on patrol and drop them in the chaos when they raided targets. Wells said: If they re raiding a house and they re going to make a mess of it looking for stuff anyway, they d just drop an odd CD there. The CDs were set up to use Real Player, a popular media streaming application which connects to the internet to run. Wells explained how the team embedded a code into the CDs which linked to a Google Analytics account, giving a list of IP addresses where the CDs had been played. The tracking account had a very restricted circulation list, according to Wells: the data went to him, a senior member of the Bell Pottinger management team, and one of the US military commanders. QUESTION: Were the CD terror video productions a new form of Cold War-style propaganda leaflet, serving to rouse the populace, or were they only for planting fabricated evidence?Apparently, it s both. And there s the third function: to collect I.P. addresses of anyone who viewed the CD while connected to the internet.The Daily Beast reported that the Pentagon acknowledged their working relationship with Pottinger: The Pentagon confirmed that Bell Pottinger did work for them as a contractor in Iraq under the Information Operations Task Force (IOTF), producing some material that was openly sourced to coalition forces, and some which was not. They insisted that all material put out by IOTF was truthful. IOTF was not the only mission Bell Pottinger worked on however. Wells said some Bell Pottinger work was carried out under the Joint Psychological Operations Task Force (JPOTF), which a U.S. defense official confirmed.The official said he could not comment in detail on JPOTF activities, adding We do not discuss intelligence gathering methods for operations past and present. According Wells, some of the clandestine projects went even higher up in Washington. If [Petraeus] couldn t sign off on it, it would go on up the line to the White House, and it was signed off up there, and the answer would come back down the line . In 2011, former US General David Petraeus served as director of the CIA from September of 20111 to November of 2012 resigning after illegally providing classified material to his biographer Paula Broadwell, with whom he was having an affair.While the Bureau of Investigative Journalism claims appear to confirm the fever-pitch of War On Terror propaganda witnessed almost daily now one should also note that the Bureau has also been awarded by Amnesty International, a military industrial complex connected so-called human rights group, in addition to working with the dubious Qatari-GCC linked media organization, Al Jazzera. The Bureau also suffered a huge reputation dent in 2012 over the BBC-Lord McAlpine affair. However, the Bureau seems to have gone through a revamp of sorts and did recently hire Meirion Jones as an Investigations Editor. Jones is best known for his investigation into the Jimmy Saville abuse scandal which was compounded by a BBC cover-up scandal.Fake ISIS Video Used by US MediaOn a comparative note, in February of 2015, terror analysis experts concluded that ISIS video footage appearing to show the executions of 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians was indeed a faked.According to Florida-based Terrorism Research and Analysis Consortium, the on camera murders of 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians purported to have been decapitated were ruled to have been staged , due to the excessive anomalies seen in the dramatic 5 minute film entitled, Signed With Blood: To The Nation Of The Cross. Editorial Director of the Florida-based Terrorism Research and Analysis Consortium, Veryan Khan, told FOX News the following: The Islamic State s manipulation of their high-production videos has become commonplace. The background image shown was likely from another location, the Bay in Sirte, a part of the Mediterranean Sea on the northern coast of Libya. There are several technical mistakes in the video that show it was manipulated. According to Hollywood director Mary Lambert, who created the well-known horror film Pet Cemetery: The shot that seems really tampered with is the one with the really tall Jihadists and the dwarf Christians. The close-ups of Jihadists on the beach are most likely green screen. Prior to experts releasing their conclusion about the ISIS video production, here at 21WIRE, we outlined many of the film s irregularities and inconsistencies proving that the film was indeed heavily orchestrated for maximum effect. LARGER THAN LIFE Notice the extreme height difference between the apparent ISIS members, as they dwarf the alleged Egyptian victims. (Photo link nationalpost.com)Staging A Crime: Public Relations, SITE & TerrorIn our first report regarding the Pentagon/Pottinger propaganda here at 21WIRE, some important ideas were raised. Perhaps most notably, how the public should perceive the ISIS related propaganda splashed all over Western media the past two years, and its use as a pretext for escalating US-led military involvement in Syria: Where this story gets really interesting is taken in context with all of the numerous staged ISIS and Jihadi John terrorist propaganda videos which flooded the US and British press and which were the basis for the entire US-led intervention against the so-called Islamic State in Syria. In addition, the character known as Jihadi John has direct ties to British Security Services. FAKE ISIS VIDEOS: This Jihadi John video was filmed in a studio, against a green screen. Was this produced by Bell Pottinger or a similar PR firm too? FOX News has since admitted that at least one of the ISIS beheading videos was staged in a studio. Part of Petraeus s deceptive operation also involved running an Arabic sector similar to US domestic propaganda efforts like Operation Mockingbird, where the Pentagon contractor would craft scripts for Arabic soap operas where characters would reject terrorism with happy consequences. This is especially interesting when considering that this Turkish TV program seems to predate the Jihadi John video genre, indicating that the same production team may have been employed in producing the fake green screen Jihadi John terror videos. Watch:In 2002, Rita Katz and Josh Devon founded Search for International Terrorist Entities Institute (SITE), which eventually developed into its current incarnation, as a propaganda outlet for high-profile terror groups such as al Qaeda and ISIS.The terror monitoring intelligence group is directly linked to both the CIA and Israeli intelligence. In 2006, the New Yorker article entitled, Private Jihad: How Rita Katz got into the spying business, discussed how SITE may have provided material support to would-be Jihadists via various message boards: Katz has a testy relationship with the government, sometimes acting as a consultant and sometimes as an antagonist. About a year ago, a SITE staffer, under an alias, managed to join an exclusive jihadist message board that, among other things, served as a debarkation point for many would-be suicide bombers. For months, the staffer pretended to be one of the jihadis, joining in chats and watching as other members posted the chilling messages known as wills, the final sign-offs before martyrdom. The staffer also passed along technical advice on how to keep the message board going.Continuing, the New Yorker outlined the serious nature of SITE s involvement with terror related entities from a legal perspective: Katz called officials in Washington, and was met with institutional resistance: They said, Oh, Rita, I m not sure you should even be communicating with them you might be providing material support! So, how exactly has SITE avoided any potential charges related to their organization, given that they ve admitted to providing advice to those potentially plotting attacks?Perhaps there s a better explanation Here s another look at a CNN interview with SITE founder and Israeli operative, Rita Katz, who admits, we had that video beforehand and were able to beat them with the release . Notice how the intelligence group founder Katz, conveniently and calmly discusses acquiring the ISIS videos by claiming that the terror group needs a place to disseminate its exploits:In 2007, SITE came under fire for obtaining an alleged Bin Laden video a month prior to its release. In a sense, SITE was really functioning as a type of PR agent for the well-known terror avatar: Her [Rita Katz] firm provides intelligence about terrorist groups to a wide range of paying clients, including private firms and military and intelligence agencies from the United States and several other countries. Continuing: Katz said she decided to offer an advance copy of the bin Laden video to the White House without charge so officials there could prepare for its release. Many notable researchers and analysts have long believed that the now legendary Bin Laden Raid which took place in May 2011, was not only fabricated but a propaganda ploy, with President Obama being the chief beneficiary by looking tough on terror during his re-election run against Mitt Romney. Even today, Hillary Clinton is also using the event as major part of her presidential campaign to covey her national security credentials. Based on our past research and reporting at 21WIRE, we ve also believed this to be case, making note of the obvious stagecraft some time ago: One thing which becomes clearer by the day about the fabled Bin Laden Raid which took place in Abbotabad, Pakistan, is that the US government has intentionally deceived the public about what happened. In other words, what President Obama described when he addressed the American people following the raid was a work of pure fiction. In addition, the bizarre and still relatively unexplained deaths of many SEAL Team 6 members taking place immediately after the alleged Bin Laden Raid has been be more cause for suspicion.The Bin Laden Raid was perhaps the largest ever theatrical man-hunt for a fugitive in the modern era an event which failed to produce any credible forensic evidence. Many members of the medical field, have long suspected Bin Laden was dead. This supposition has also been supported by many high-ranking officials including former Pakistani PM Benazir Bhutto, just prior to her assassination. A Guardian report from October 2001 outlined Bin Laden s apparent serious health problems: Bin Laden has often been reported to be in poor health. Some accounts claim that he is suffering from Hepatitis C, and can expect to live for only two more years. According to Le Figaro, last year he ordered a mobile dialysis machine to be delivered to his base at Kandahar in Afghanistan. Additionally, a bevy of intelligence insiders, along with other mainstream media reports, have stated that the former CIA-linked asset Bin Laden, died somewhere between 2001 and 2002.On an interesting note, Memory Hole editor James F. Tracy discussed how Katz s SITE has suspiciously procured various terror plots ahead of all major US intelligence agencies: As noted, news outlets seldom see fit to closely analyze SITE or Katz concerning their research and function as conduits for terrorist propaganda. A LexisNexis search for SITE Intelligence in the article content of US newspapers and major world publications over the past two years produces 317 items an admittedly low figure given the prominence of SITE s recent disclosures. Yet a similar search for Steven Sotloff alone yields over 1,000 newspaper stories and 600 broadcast transcripts, suggesting the sensationalistic usage and effect of SITE s data and how neither SITE nor Katz are called upon to explain their specific methods and findings. Indeed, a similar search for SITE Intelligence and Rita Katz yields only 26 entries over a two year period. Of these, 14 appear in theWashington Post, a publication with well-established links to US intelligence. Four New York Times articles feature the combined entities. In a CNN interview on the heels of the Sotloff beheading, Katz explains how again SITE curiously surpassed the combined capacities of the entire US intelligence community in securing the Sotloff footage. PSYOP PLAYGROUND? Bell Pottinger played a role in a psychological operations task force setup in Baghdad. (Image Source: psyopsinsignia)Shades of Propaganda The US Special Operations Center of Excellence, describes a historical context with which to view the type of gray ops disinformation campaign discussed above between the Pentagon and Pottinger: The documented history of PSYOP begins with the World War I activities of its antecedent, propaganda. In World War I, PSYOP came into its own as a formal activity, said retired Colonel Frank Goldstein. During that period, the three shades of propaganda white, gray and black appeared in a variety of unclassified and classified government programs aimed at motivating popular support for the war and demoralizing the enemy. It is important to understand that as propaganda moves from shades of white to black, the source of the propaganda becomes less obvious, until, in black propaganda, the source is unknown. The most memorable and successful World War I white-propaganda themes communicated that the war was necessary to keep the world safe for democracy and that it would be the war to end all wars. For maximum impact, a PSYOP must be rooted in partial reality, followed by various phases of propaganda which parrot each other without contradiction. The scope of these specific types of operations are vast, They include counterterrorism operations, peace operations, noncombatant evacuation, enforcement of sanctions and maritime interception operations, strikes and raids, etc. NGO WeaponizationThe far reach of NGO propaganda is becoming more transparent and is still being propped up by military arms such as NATO.Here s a passage from Patrick Henningsen s seminal article entitled AN INTRODUCTION: Smart Power & The Human Rights Industrial Complex, that intricately dissects the role of NGO s as they relate to the military industrial apparatus: Upon more rigorous inspection, however, a number of uncomfortable realities emerge regarding the 21st century international human rights concern. Though many human rights charities still market themselves as neutral and nonpartisan , the reality is something very different. Below, we will detail a number of high-profile cases where these organisations are being used as public relations organs to further western foreign policy objectives. With public skepticism of the charity sector already at an all-time high, the danger is clear: if conflicts of interest are not addressed in a serious way, they threaten to undermine the credibility of the entire non-governmental organization (NGO) sector internationally. MASS PROPAGANDA The Save Aleppo campaign acts out images of war. (Image 21WIRE via (Photo: Land Destroyer)In a recent report from 21WIRE Special Contributor Vanessa Beeley, we see how many Western supported NGO narratives work symbiotically with the international body NATO: Amid the terrorist attacks and the daily massacres of Syrian civilians by [so-called] Western-backed moderate rebels, the children maimed and mutilated by these attacks are almost invisible to the mainstream media. The mainstream media does, however, showcase stories like that of Omran Daqneesh stories which serve and propel the NATO narrative despite the dubious sources from which they emanate. Akin to many mass casualty drills playing out simultaneously with America s Daily Shooter events, staged scenes with dust and fake blood are coming out of the Save Aleppo protests in Europe that seems to mimic elements of the Soros backed (al Qaeda linked) White Helmets in Syria. The impetus for such fakery, appears to be focused on getting the general public to push for deeper conflict in Syria.Interestingly, while NGO s are busy dialing into the heartstrings of the public with staged imagery, there are also recent designer social engineering studies backed by the Pentagon that are focused on mass civil unrest. All of this, as Soros pledges $500 million for the so-called migrant crisis in Europe.The scale of such US-sponsored social engineering projects are breathtaking. In June of 2014, in an article entitled, Pentagon preparing for mass civil breakdown, by Nafeez Ahmed, published at the UK s Guardian, we learned that:A new research programme is funding universities to model the dynamics, risks and tipping points for large-scale civil unrest across the world, under the supervision of various US military agencies. The program was brought to fruition during the height of the banking crisis in 2008, as Ahmed points out, suggesting it was already in the works for some time and time was of the essence. The social science study may have been as big or bigger then the Snowden documents on NSA bulk collection, where not only are Americans being tracked but their behavior is being categorized, labeled and scrutinized, prompting those who value civl rights and privacy to question the ethics and morals of such a US government program. The Guardian article also outlined the type of militarized language used to describe civil movements promoting political change, ironically they used the NGO/US State Department engineered uprising in Egypt as a model for one social science study: Among the projects awarded for the period 2014-2017 is a Cornell University-led study managed by the US Air Force Office of Scientific Research which aims to develop an empirical model of the dynamics of social movement mobilisation and contagions. The project will determine the critical mass (tipping point) of social contagians by studying their digital traces in the cases of the 2011 Egyptian revolution, the 2011 Russian Duma elections, the 2012 Nigerian fuel subsidy crisis and the 2013 Gazi park protests in Turkey. Essentially, this is computer modelling of color revolutions over sees an expensive digital tool in the Pentagon and the CIA s regime change operations.Americans should be reminded that these programs are all taxpayer funded. The total bill is well into the billions by now.What s next in a world with designed outcomes, false narratives and staged crises? READ MORE ISIS NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire ISIS FilesREAD MORE WAR ON TERROR NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire W.O.T FilesREAD MORE PROPAGANDA NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Propaganda FilesREAD MORE PENTAGON NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Pentagon FilesSUPPORT 21WIRE by subscribing and becoming a MEMBER @ 21WIRE.TV
October 4, 2016
US admits not targeting Al Nusra, then blames Moscow for separating ‘moderates’ from terrorists
21st Century Wire says While Russian and Syrian forces are doing the real work of actually fighting terrorists in Syria the United States is arming, funding and training jihadists. In reality, the US failed to fulfill any of its ceasefire commitments in Syria. In fact, the US destroyed any hope of an agreement when it carried out a vicious airstrike killing upwards of 100 Syrian soldiers on Sept 17th.It s just a little bit rich for the ethically and morally challenged political detritus in Washington DC to be blaming Russia for not doing more to separate the moderates from the terrorists. Maybe that s because there is no moderate opposition in Syria. This is just a piece of fiction that Washington is trying to preserve in order to prop up its diplomatic facade regarding Syria. In the eyes of the Syrian state, if the opposition is armed, then they cannot rightly be called moderates . This would be the same in the United States, or Great Britain.This hypocrisy, and Washington s adolescent insistence on playing semantic name games when referring to moderate opposition and moderate rebels are mere euphemisms for moderate terrorists.Despite all of this, CIA director John Brennan wants to keep talking tough, by threatening Russia: I think that pushing back against a bully is appropriate, Brennan told Reuters. I think that is very different than rushing in and bombing the hell out of a place. CAUGHT ON TAPE: John Kerry s UN audio leak proved that the Secretary of State has been lying all along, to the Russians, the Syrians, the world, and to the US electorate that pays his salary. Kerry also admitted on tape that the US was arming and training terrorists in Syria.We know now that from the beginning of Washington s illegal entry into Syria airspace, their plan was to spare Al-Nusra and to keep it just in case for Plan B. Watch this recent clip where an Al-Nusra commander testifies on how the US supports jihadists in Syria in the form of arms, tanks and artillery: RTThe US is not targeting al-Nusra terrorists in Syria because they have become too intermingled with moderates and civilians, the US State Department claimed, accusing Moscow of causing the mess which prevents Washington from separating the groups.Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov once again stressed in an interview with the BBC on Friday that Washington never delivered on its obligation to separate Jabhat Fateh al-Sham (known before the rebranding as al-Nusra Front) and other extremist groups from the so-called moderate rebels, to whom the US provides support.However, this time Lavrov went a step further and implied that Washington has been sparing terrorists in Syria on purpose, should they ever come in handy in terms of potentially overthrowing the government of Bashar Assad. They still, in spite of many repeated promises and commitments are not able or not willing to do this and we have more and more reasons to believe that from the very beginning the plan was to spare al-Nusra and to keep it just in case for Plan B when it would be time to change the regime, the Russian minister said.The US State Department has dismissed Lavrov s statements as absurd , instead accusing Russia of driving the moderate opposition to intermingle with terrorist fighters on the battlefield against the Syrian government forces.Claiming that the US exerted every possible effort to influence and separate moderates from terrorists, State Departments spokesman Mark Toner told reporters at a daily briefing on Friday, that the moderate opposition have been driven more or less into the arms and have no other choice but to turn to Nusra, fight side by side. Toner admitted that the US had not targeted al-Nusra for months because its members had become intermingled with other groups and civilians. We did carry out strikes initially, back in 2014-2015, against Nusra. But absolutely, you re correct in that, as they became intermingled and as they became intermingled in civilian areas, we ve always sought to limit the possibility of civilian casualties in any of our airstrikes, Toner said Continue this story at RTREAD MORE SYRIA NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Syria Files
October 4, 2016
US Presidential Debates Much More Corrupt Than You Might Think
Brasscheck TVNearly 30 years ago, two criminal enterprises known as the Democratic and Republican parties hijacked the presidential debates process. Previous to that, presidential debates were run by a non-partisan, non-political group.No more, now the two criminal parties get to shape the show to their liking.BOTTOM LINE: No hard questions and the parties get to pack the audience with their brainless operatives. No real people allowed.Watch the discussion on the Jimmy Dore Show here:
October 4, 2016
Diplomatic Frauds: Kerry, Power, Kirby Lying and Shilling for ‘Body Bags’ and War in Syria
Patrick Henningsen 21st Century WireWhen US Secretary of State, John Kerry, on Thursday said there was no point in pursuing further negotiations with Russia over Syria, you had to question on what basis this man is holding his current position as the nation s highest ranking diplomat. Really? No more diplomacy? At this point, even a conservative assessment would have to grade his performance as a failure.Regarding Russia, Kerry proclaimed, We are on the verge of suspending the discussion, adding, It is one of those moments where we re going to have to pursue other alternatives for a period of time. At the time of this statement earlier this week, Kerry was not clear about what those other alternatives would be, but yesterday, a new leaked audio presented by a New York Times journalist seems to answer this question According to a leaked taped conversation acquired by The New York Times of a backroom meeting at the United Nations General Assembly, John Kerry was never been interested in a diplomatic solution to the conflict in Syria. Quite the opposite: his priority has always been to topple President Bashar Assad by military means and through the implementation of a No Fly Zone which would most certainly give a tactical advantage to US and Gulf-backed terrorist proxy fighting groups like Al Nusra Front, Arar al Sham and others. I ve argued for use of force. I stood up. I m the guy who stood up and announced we re going to attack Assad because of the weapons, and then you know things evolved into a different process. There it is: after all the diplomatic doublespeak, the underlying US policy is and always has been regime change.More shockingly, he then told a US-backed opposition operatives that, you have nobody more frustrated than we are (the US) that the Syrian conflict is now being solved diplomatically a clear betrayal of his job description, but also of the fundamental principles on which the UN was founded.Kerry also added further insult to injury by admitting that both Saudi Arabia and NATO member Turkey are financing Wahabist terrorist fighters on the ground: The problem is that, you know, you get, quote, enforcers in there and then everybody ups the ante, right? Russia puts in more, Iran puts in more; Hezbollah is there more, and and Saudi Arabia and Turkey put all their surrogate money in, and you all are destroyed. In the audio, Kerry keeps referring to the opposition but is careful and never brackets the confab of terrorist forces on the ground in that conversation, thus making the theoretical fantasy of a ceasefire somehow viable in his own parallel universe.The reality is that if Syria and Russia grounded their airforces in a ceasefire, then Al Nusra Front, Jaesh al Fatah, ISIS and other terrorists (many of whom are armed by the US) would simply step-up their own advances and attacks on civilian and SAA protected areas. The US knows this, and would like to see that happen for reasons now revealed by John Kerry in this recording.Something else in the tape was significant. After saying that Russia do not observe international law , Kerry then admitted that, Russia was invited in (legally into Syria) while the US was not.Incredibly, Kerry also admitted that, Hezbollah are not plotting against us (the United States) , and that, Hezbollah are being targeted by the opposition who we (the US) are arming and training. Now, leaks are rarely if ever accidental in Washington, especially when a pro-Obama Administration newspaper like the New York Times is involved in the operation. Is Kerry trying to extricate himself from this 5 year-long foreign policy debacle? With Washington s crown jewel in the destabilzation project, Aleppo, due to fall any time now, perhaps he might be opening an intermediary exit door for this Administration from the current losing path to partitioning Syria. Time will tell.Listen to this incredibly informative leaked audio here: Interestingly, back in April, Raed Salah, the leader of the White Helmets, was denied entry into the US at Washington s Dulles International Airport and deported, supposedly told due to extremist connections. Salah was on his way to receive a humanitarian relief award at a gala dinner hosted by USAID. It turns that USAID has also pumped at least $23 million into the White Helmets. How did Salah get back into the US for this month s UN General Assembly festivities? Did Kerry intervene personally to help sidestep his travel ban? It seems that these days in Washington, the term conflict of interest has lost all meaning with the ruling Mandarin class.Samantha Power s MeltdownMuch could be gleaned by Samantha Power s flippant tantrum after walking out of a crucial UN Security Council emergency session after the US had attacked and massacred over 80 Syrian military soldiers after a Coalition airstrike on Dier Azor a US attack which allowed ISIS to strategically advance past Syrian Army defensive positions. Undoubtedly, this act by the US is what ruined any chance of a viable ceasefire agreement. Power then went on the blame Russia for the crisis.Here, the US was caught red-handed, and it seems that Power s only recourse was to lash out in an adolescent huff, indicating that she is not capable of maintaining a professional demeanor in public while tasked with managing the sensitive job of international diplomacy. As a result, many now believe that Power was promoted well above her own level of incompetence. Watch Power here: Kirby s Jejune Diplomacy As if the shrill antics of Power were not enough, US State Dept spokesman John Kirby did his part this week in undermining America s reputation a trusted international broker of diplomacy. What s telling, however, about Kirby crass, passive aggressive evasive diatribes is the sound of desperation. His defensive reactions make it sounds as if the United States is losing in Syria. The truth is they are losing very badly. Still, like a good corporate soldier, he s trying to project confidence, believing he s one of the good guys. While Kerry threatens to cut off all talks with Moscow over Syria unless they cease attacks on Aleppo (the US never want to say East Aleppo), Kirby added something even more toxic into the mix when he issued an unprecedented threat to Russia, saying: Russia will continue to send troops home in body bags.. Just like Kerry, Kirby s dangerous comment should disqualify Kirby from holding any diplomatic position in the US government. Maybe he should go back to the Pentagon where things aren t so complicated.Then Kirby began wielding his ISIS dog whistle, saying that Russia can expect terrorist attacks in Russian cities. Even more disappointing though, is Kirby s fallacious attempt to whitewash the war crimes of Saudi Arabia (and the US, too) in Yemen, as they wage an afront to international law and order with their undeclared war of aggression against their neighbor. In a verbal exchange with RT s correspondent Gayane Chichakyan over Syria, Saudi Arabia and Yemen, Kirby tries to avoid the uncomfortable question by attacking Chichakyan s network RT. Watch: Clearly, we are witnessing the internal implosion of the UN through systematic and institutional corruption, with the main players in this stage act being the United States and Saudi Arabia.Presently, the United States and its client in Saudi Arabia are in direct violation of the Nuremberg Principles that were established after WWII and which provide the legal and moral basis for both the Geneva Convention and the United Nations organization itself.So this is the dynamic trio that Barack Obama is hiding behind. American diplomats like John Kerry, Samantha Power, and John Kirby have a lot to answer for, because even though they may not be aware of it, everyone else now knows that their public outbursts are nothing more than smokescreens to cover the numerous lies and covert operations that the US government continues to sell regarding two dirty wars in Syria and Yemen.As it stands today, they are definitely on the wrong side of history.Here s more on John Kirby and US duplicity in Syria and Yemen RTUnless Russia stops the violence in Syria, extremists would exploit the vacuum to attack Russian interests and even cities, the US State Department has said. Extremist groups will continue to exploit the vacuums that are there in Syria to expand their operations, which could include attacks against Russian interests, perhaps even Russian cities. Russia will continue to send troops home in body bags, and will continue to lose resources, perhaps even aircraft, John Kirby, the State Department s spokesperson, told reporters at Wednesday s press briefing.If the war continues more Russian lives will be lost, more Russian aircraft will be shot down, Kirby said.Early on Wednesday, US Secretary of State John Kerry threatened to end all cooperation between the United States and Russia to stop Syria s civil war, unless Moscow and Damascus ended the current attack on East Aleppo. We are working through steps that we might have to take to begin to suspend our engagement with Russia on Syria. We haven t taken those steps yet, said Kirby. The message to the [Russian] Foreign Minister today was that we are perfectly willing and able to move forward on those steps that would end with the suspension of US-Russia bi-lateral engagement in Syria. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov presented a different version of the call with Secretary Kerry, with the demand that the US live up to its obligation to separate opposition forces from extremist groups.The US promised long ago to separate the rebels from terrorists and it needs to live up to that obligation, Lavrov told Kerry, bringing up the recent interview of an Al-Nusra commander about how the group is receiving outside support including American weapons as well as the statement of a Syrian opposition leader Riyad Hijab that he did not consider Al-Nusra terrorists.Foreign Minister Lavrov told Kerry that many US-backed groups are working side by side with the Al-Qaeda affiliate, and brought up media reports that Nusra was receiving weapons from the US.During the press briefing, Kirby said the US had influence over some of the [rebel] groups but not all. There are other nations that have influence. We have admitted that not all opposition groups on every single day have abided by it, and we have continued to work with them on that, Kirby said, asked about the rebels violations of the Syrian ceasefire.The Obama Administration has consistently called for regime change in Syria, and Kirby told reporters on Wednesday Obviously, we don t want to see the regime acquire any additional territory in Aleppo.In response to the statement that Russia was targeting Nusra Front and terrorists, Kirby said That s not what s happening. They re hitting hospitals, civilian infrastructure. When asked about the US arming Saudi Arabia, Kirby said the State Department had been critical about the lack of precision in some strikes in Yemen. We have a strong defense relationship with Saudi Arabia, and Saudi Arabia is under attack from missiles that are finding their ways to Yemen from Iran, said Kirby, rejecting any comparison between what was happening in Yemen and what was happening in Syria, as a ludicrous exercise. Continue this story at RTREAD MORE SYRIA NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Syria FilesHelp support us by Subscribing and becoming a Member @ 21WIRE.TV
October 1, 2016
COVER-UP? New Details from Orlando Shooter’s Crisis Call Casts Light on FBI
Shawn Helton 21st Century WireEarlier this week, the FBI released new details regarding an apparent crisis negotiation call made between Orlando Pulse nightclub shooter Omar Mateen and authorities.Will this new release reveal anything new about the Orlando shooting case, or will it continue a trend of unanswered questions regarding the incident? SCRIPT CHANGE OR TRUE MOTIVE? The FBI has released more details regarding a crisis call said to have been placed by Omar Mateen (Photo illustration: 21WIRE s Shawn Helton)Crisis Call Motive According to the Washington Free Beacon [unredacted] transcripts were released by Orlando police Friday after a Florida court hearing held in response to a lawsuit filed by several news organizations. The new details supposedly reveal a motive in the Orlando Pulse nightclub shooting.Here s an excerpt from the alleged shooter Mateen s negotiation call featured in the Beacon: Yo, the air strike that killed Abu Wahid a few weeks ago that s what triggered it, okay? said Mateen, who earlier in the conversation identified himself as a follower the Islamic State terror group. They should have not bombed and killed Abu Wahid, the former security guard declared. Do your fucking homework and figure out who Abu Wahid is, okay? The shooting suspect allegedly discussed concern over US airstrikes in Syria, supposedly stating the following: They need to stop the U.S. air strikes. You have to tell the U.S. government to stop bombing. They are killing too many children, they are killing too many women, okay? Given Mateen s profile as stated by media and officials since June, the idea that he would be concerned with the lives of innocent civilians is patently absurd making this latest, rather timely release, extremely suspect.Mateen s alleged crime confession via a crisis negotiation call, also smacks of another rewrite in the Pulse shooting saga, an event that displayed elements of foreknowledge and planning beyond that of a lonewolf. In addition, it was an incident littered with a number of anomalies and numerous intelligence connections. Although one cannot absolutely prove the scripted nature of this latest FBI release regarding the Pulse shooting, several quotes in the conversation stand out, falling in line with an all to familiar Western policy perspective regarding Syria and Iraq.Interestingly, after a number of strange motives were initially attached to the Orlando shooting, we re conveniently told it was triggered by an airstrike apparently killing Abu Wahib in May of this year. Wahib was an al-Qaeda/ISIS leader well-known to authorities and according to the controversial intelligence linked media blog Long War Journal. He had been detained by US officials in 2006 and sentenced to death in 2012, only to mysteriously escape from Tikrit Central Prison after a large jailbreak: Abu Wahib, whose full name is Shakir Wahib al Fahdawi al Dulaimi, has been waging jihad in Iraq for more than a decade. He was detained by US forces in Ramadi in 2006 during the height of al Qaeda in Iraq s insurgency.The LWJ article continued by stating the following: Wahib was sentenced to death and transferred to Tikrit Central Prison. In November 2012, he escaped along with 110 inmates after the Islamic State of Iraq assaulted the prison. That jailbreak and others like it infused the Islamic State of Iraq with leaders and fighters who were captured during US and Iraqi military operations. Given Wahib s lengthy criminal background and unexplained escape from prison, is it possible he may have been a Western intelligence asset released back into the public?The theory may not be as far-fetched as it seems when considering there is a historical precedence for such activity In the aftermath of 9/11 up until 2006, the CIA operated a facility that was used to train terrorists to be double agents to supposedly infiltrate Al Qaeda terror cells. This program was called called Penny Lane.Penny Lane was named after the Beatles tune and was connected to another secret facility called Strawberry Fields, a name also taken from the British rock group.We were told that operation had been successful in its scope but by 2013, the CIA had lost touch with many of its newly trained double agents.The Penny Lane facility was unlike any other building in the Guantanamo Bay prison area, as it was said to have beds, kitchens and a patio for its prisoners. The money to pay informants and double agents was also provided for by the CIA under the codename Pledge. But how does this relate to the Orlando club shooting?Drills & Informants Shortly after the Pulse shooting attack it was revealed that Mateen had been attending services at a Mosque, meeting with a known FBI informant named Marcus Dwayne Robertson (see left also played role in 1993 WTC bombing), a former US Marine turned bank robber turned radical imam. Here s this passage from Fox News describing Robertson s role: It is no coincidence that this happened in Orlando, said a law enforcement source familiar with Robertson s history of recruiting terrorists and inciting violence. Mateen was enrolled in [Robertson s online] Fundamental Islamic Knowledge Seminary.Robertson and several associates were rounded up for questioning early Sunday, according to law enforcement sources, a development his attorney refused to confirm or deny. DISNEY MONEY BOMB? Heavily orchestrated fundraising campaigns follow almost every dramatized mass shooting in America. (Image Source: fox13news)Fast-tracked Fundraisers Interestingly, on September 27th, the Orlando Weekly revealed that Each of the families of the 49 victims killed in the massacre at the gay nightclub Pulse will get $350,000 from the OneOrlando Fund this week, though privately, they still have to iron out who will get what funds. The Weekly also disclosed the total charitable amount received: The OneOrlando Fund received $29.5 million from various sources, which will now be divided between families and survivors of the mass shooting. The funds will be distributed through the end of this week, Martins says. Additionally, the article continues, stating that even uninjured patrons the night of the shooting will receive quite a large sum from the fund: The families of the deceased victims received a larger share of the funds, totaling about $17.2 million. The 37 survivors who were hospitalized after the shooting will receive anywhere from $65,000 to $300,000 depending on how many nights they spent at the hospital, while 31 people who required outpatient treatment for their injuries will get $35,000 each. An additional 182 patrons of Pulse who were there when the shooting began but not injured will received $25,000 each. The amount granted to Orlando victims is strangely, nearly the same amount given to all of the Charleston church families affected by the suspicious shooting involving Dylann Roof. It turned out, that the Department of Justice fast-tracked $29 million dollars from the Crime Victim Assistance Formula Grant program, shortly after the tragedy.According to OneOrlando s own website, The OneOrlando Board, chaired by Orlando Magic President Alex Martins, was developed to provide oversight and guidance to ensure that funds are dispersed in a timely, accountable and transparent manner. Other members of the board include the following as stated on OneOrlando s website:Rena Langley, Senior Vice President, Public Affairs & Worldwide Government and Industry Relations, Walt Disney World Diane O Dell, Vice President of Community Relations, Universal Orlando Resort Stephanie Ghertner, Director, Darden Foundation & Community Affairs Mark Meyer, Industry Manager, JPMorgan ChaseOn another note, a woman claiming to have been injured at Pulse the night of the shooting, was denied funds, leading her to sue OneOrlando. Here s the Orlando Sentinel on the matter: Jillian Amador, who filed the suit asking for an audit, was at Pulse with friends on June 12. She initially filed the complaint on Friday in Orange County Circuit Court, but a judge tossed it because the respondents were not served. She refiled the petition Tuesday, seeking an emergency order to stop the payout, but Circuit Judge John E. Jordan again denied the request. VICTIM OR ACTOR? The purported Pulse nightclub victim shown above was carried to the corner where he was seen walking off without assistance while still on camera. (Image Source: www.wftv.com)Revisiting The Orlando ShootingBack in June, here at 21WIRE, we discussed how the most important aspect of the FBI supplied 911 transcript had gone virtually unnoticed as there was nothing in the contents of the transcript that discussed an actual shooting occurring inside of the Pulse nightclub.While the report was a basic outline of America s largest mass shooting it failed to account for any of the shootings said to have occurred within the interior of Pulse. There was no mention of bar patrons being shot or reportedly shot at in the FBI s official narrative. It s as if the mainstream media and authorities left out the biggest piece of the investigation, as the implications of who shot who and when are extremely significant forensically speaking.While the description of the Orlando shooting included mention of the Orlando Police Department (OPD) pulling an air conditioning unit out of a Pulse dressing room to evacuate victims, a multi-call crisis negotiation, the alleged shooter s outrageous claims of a bomb-laced vest and authorities breaching the back wall of the nightclub with an explosive charge there was no mention of additional shots fired at club goers inside Pulse? CRIME SCENE PROTOCOL? Multiple officials seen coming in and out of Pulse nightclub with and without CSI attire. (Image Source: boingboing)In recent years, media press conference rituals backed by law enforcement officials have shaped a narrative within the first hours of a mass casualty event and even if that story turns out to be mostly false, the media runs with it anyway, whether or not new information and crime scene analysis belies the original story pushed by media. The most clear example of this happened during the aftermath of the WTC 1993 bombing, where major media outlets exposed it as an FBI run sting with their operators in control yet still, media anchors still called it an al-Qaeda led attack.Aspects of the orchestrated bombing in 1993 played out in another high profile case dubbed the Newburgh Sting In May of 2009, the investigative tactics of the FBI came into question, none perhaps more suspect than the Newburgh sting an incident that involved the entrapment of four men in a fabricated terror event created by the bureau.Here s another look at a 2011 passage from The Guardian describing how an FBI informant named Shahed Hussain coerced four others to be involved in a fake terror plot: The Newburgh Four now languish in jail. Hussain does not. For Hussain was a fake. In fact, Hussain worked for the FBI as an informant trawling mosques in hope of picking up radicals.Yet far from being active militants, the four men he attracted were impoverished individuals struggling with Newburgh s grim epidemic of crack, drug crime and poverty. One had mental issues so severe his apartment contained bottles of his own urine. He also believed Florida was a foreign country.Hussain offered the men huge financial inducements to carry out the plot including $250,000 to one man and free holidays and expensive cars.As defence lawyers poured through the evidence, the Newburgh Four came to represent the most extreme form of a controversial FBI policy to use invented terrorist plots to lure targets. There has been no case as egregious as this. It is unique in the incentive the government provided. A quarter million dollars? said Professor Karen Greenberg, a terrorism expert at Fordham University. So when you consider what happened in Orlando, one should question the lack of shooting details, in addition to conflicting eyewitness testimony- why have portions of this story still been left open for interpretation when every other part of the official timeline of events appears to be accounted for?Here s a portion reviewing the FBI s summary of events that excludes any mention of shots fired within Pulse: Based on OPD radio communications, there were no reports of shots being fired inside Pulse between the initial exchange of gunfire between responding officers and shooter, and the time of the final breach. During this time, the shooter communicated with an OPD 911 operator and an OPD crisis negotiator, and OPD radio communications reported that victims were being rescued. Here s a more basic chronology of the Orlando shooting, as told by the FBI: 2:02 a.m.: OPD call transmitted multiple shots fired at Pulse nightclub.2:04 a.m.: Additional OPD officers arrived on scene.2:08 a.m.: Officers from various law enforcement agencies made entrance to Pulse and engaged the shooter.2:18 a.m.: OPD SWAT (Special Weapons and Tactics) initiated a full call-out.2:35 a.m.: Shooter contacted a 911 operator from inside Pulse.3:03 a.m.: Second crisis negotiation call occurred lasting approximately 16 minutes.3:24 a.m.: Third crisis negotiation call occurred lasting approximately three minutes.4:21 a.m.: OPD pulled an air conditioning unit out of a Pulse dressing room window for victims to evacuate.4:29 a.m.: As victims were being rescued, they told OPD the shooter said he was going to put four vests with bombs on victims within 15 minutes.5:02 a.m.: OPD SWAT and OCSO Hazardous Device Team began to breach wall with explosive charge and armored vehicle to make entry.5:14 a.m.: OPD radio communication stated that shots were fired.5:15 a.m.: OPD radio communication stated that OPD engaged the suspect and the suspect was reported down. The Orlando shooting details state multiple shots [were] fired at Pulse nightclub at 2:02 am, as Additional OPD officers arrived on scene, at 2:04 am, with law enforcement engaging the shooter at 2:08 am again, there is no other mention of shots fired until police exchange fire with the alleged suspect after breaching the wall at 5:15 am.Matten s weapons of choice during the apparent attack were a Sig Sauer MCX .223 caliber rifle and a Glock 17 9mm semi-auto pistol and according to the official story, and he was far more accurate than most well-trained law enforcement agents, defying statistical averages as examined by the Rand Corporation below.Question: Would it have really been possible for the alleged gunman Omar Mateen to have accurately shot over 100 people, take hostages and then engage in a fire fight with officers in just a 6 minute time frame?This scenario is hardly likely, if not impossible.Here s another look at an extensive study conducted by Rand Corporation that involved the NYPD: According to a 2008 Rand Corporation study evaluating the New York Police Department s firearm training, between 1998 and 2006, the average hit rate during gunfights was just 18 percent. When suspects did not return fire, police officers hit their targets 30 percent of the time.Many other such studies and risk assessments exist throughout law enforcement organizations nationwide, and most come to very similar conclusions as the RAND study. The odds are almost zero that the Pulse event was so drastically different unless there was an intentional, or staged element at play here.Did the Police Kill Most of the Club Goers?Another aspect of the Orlando shooting attack was the possibility that many patrons could have been injured by authorities, something that also seemed to be absent from the official story. Here s a passage from WFAA8, an ABC affiliate discussing that point: Orlando Police Chief John Mina and other law enforcement officers offered new details about the shooting, including the possibility that some victims may have been killed by officers trying to save them. I will say this, that s all part of the investigation, Mina said. But I will say when our SWAT officers, about eight or nine officers, opened fire, the backdrop was a concrete wall, and they were being fired upon. Police also used an explosive charge and a Bearcat armored vehicle to breach the wall as civilians were allegedly holed up in a bathroom. This has led some critics to consider the possibility that non-combatants could have become collateral damage during the SWAT siege at Pulse.Below is YouTube clip from TRUNEWS displaying FOX News analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano discussing how no one had died in the Pulse club prior to the SWAT building breach READ MORE ORLANDO SHOOTING NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Orlando FilesREAD MORE WAR ON TERROR NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire W.O.T FilesHelp support us by becoming a 21WIRE Member at: 21WIRE.TV
September 30, 2016
Liberty Report talks to Vanessa Beeley: ‘Everything the US media says about Aleppo is wrong’
21st Century Wire says Why are western media lying and producing a fictional narrative regarding the situation unfolding in Aleppo, Syria?Ron Paul Liberty Report co-host Daniel McAdams talks with 21WIRE special contributor Vanessa Beeley about what is really happening in Aleppo right now. Beeley also reveals new information about the western covert creation, a pseudo NGO called the White Helmets in Syria.What s really going on in Aleppo? Are Assad and Putin exterminating the population for sport? Is it a war against US-backed moderates ? That is what the mainstream media would have us believe. Watch: SUPPORT 21WIRE and its work by Subscribing and becoming a Member @ 21WIRE.TV
September 29, 2016
Ron Paul: Syria Has Been in Chaos Ever Since Obama said ‘Assad Must Go’
21st Century Wire says Ron Paul told RT that the US shouldn t engage in death struggle over who controls Aleppo.It s worth noting here that Ron Paul was correct back in Aug. 2013, when the US and Britain were insisting the Syrian government used chemical weapons against its own people in the Damascus suburb of East Ghouta. At the time Paul called it a False Flag designed to suck US into arming Jihadist rebels in Syria. Where Washington was demanding military strikes against Syria, cooler and more intelligence heads determined that the event was in fact staged, most likely by western and Gulf-backed rebels. Regarding the collapse of the ceasefire around Aleppo, the former US Congressman and Presidential candidate said that Washington should not be there [Syria] at all, despite this being an unpopular opinion in political circles, because the intervention contributes to jihadists expanding even further. So, I think we are doing the wrong thing, Paul told RT. I don t think it s good for our national defense. I think it makes us more vulnerable, because it does create more enemies. It s unpopular to suggest that maybe our presence over there contributes significantly to those who become radical jihadists and would like to do us harm. Watch Paul s interview here: It s not a proper function we don t have the moral authority. We haven t followed our own laws that said that we should not be involved in war and [the] overthrow of governments without a declaration of war, he said.Source: RT NewsREAD MORE SYRIA NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Syria FilesSUPPORT 21WIRE and its work by Subscribing and becoming a Member @ 21WIRE.TV
September 29, 2016
‘Feel Good Hoax’: How US Propaganda Works in the Syrian War
21st Century Wire says One thing is certain about the War on Syria: the propaganda war being waged by the west and all of its agencies, from government to corporate media, to charities and third sector NGOs is much larger and more pernicious than anything seen in modern history. The effort is extremely well-financed (to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars at least), and well-coordinated too well in fact for many journalists to follow, many of whom have been seduced by multimillion dollar documentary productions of Netflix and endlessly cycled staged video clips and still images on networks like CNN and the BBC, and in newspapers like the New York Times, the Washington Post, The Times and The Guardian too. Why so much effort, and why the desperation by the west? What s at stake? The credibility of the Obama government, the Erdogan government, the Cameron/May governments, the Hollande government, NATO, the UN, western relations with Saudi Arabia, as well as a gas pipeline for Qatar into Europe, hundreds of billions in defense and reconstruction contracts, Soros s billions invested in various projects , the Golan Heights, Eurasian dominance and checkmate of Russia, and the supremacy of Smart Power as a geopolitical weapon of choice for the Atlanticist bloc leaning forward into the 21st century to mention only a few items.For the nation of Syria, the stakes are even higher the survival of their country.So as we can see, there is a lot at stake for west and their business partners, and it should go without saying that they will do almost anything to take the many spoils of this latest war Rick Sterling Consortium NewsManipulation of public perception has risen to a new level with the emergence of powerful social media. Multibillion-dollar corporate giants, such as Facebook, Twitter and Google, influence public perceptions, often via payments for boosting Facebook posts, paid promotion of Tweets, and biased results from search engines.Marketing and advertising companies use social media to promote their clients, but so do U.S. foreign policy managers who hire or enlist these companies to influence public perceptions to support U.S. foreign policy goals.The results of similar media manipulation can be seen in the widespread misunderstanding of the conflict in Syria, amid the demonization of the Syrian government and leadership and the skillful use of social media by anti-government activists. Influenced by both mainstream and this alternative media, most people in the West do not know that Bashar al-Assad remains popular with many Syrians. Nor do they realize that Assad won an election two years ago. For example, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton described making sure that Twitter was primed for street protests in Iran following the 2009 election, ready to spread and manage news of protests following the election and the killing of a young woman, which was blamed on the Iranian government although the circumstances of her death were murky. [Hard Choices hardback, p 423]There were three contestants in the Syrian presidential election of June 2014. Turnout was 73 percent of the registered voters, with 88 percent voting for Assad. In Beirut, the streets were clogged with tens of thousands of Syrian refugees marching through the city to vote at the Syrian Embassy. Hundreds of Syrian citizens living in the U.S. and other Western countries flew to Syria to vote because Syrian Embassies in Washington and other Western capitals were shut down.While Secretary of State John Kerry was condemning the Syrian election as a farce before it had even happened, a marketing company known as The Syria Campaign waged a campaign to block knowledge of the Syrian election. Along with demonizing President Assad, the company launched a campaign which led to Facebook censoring information about the Syrian election. CHEMICAL ATTACK! : A heart-rending propaganda image designed to justify a no-fly zone, a major U.S. military operation inside Syria against the Syrian military.Incubating PropagandaThe Syria Campaign was created by a larger company named Purpose, which according to its website incubated . The Syria Campaign. The company s website says, Purpose creates new movements, brands and organizations from the ground up to address complex global challenges. We apply this experience as movement creators to our work with progressive companies, nonprofits and philanthropies, helping them to put purpose and participation at the heart of what they do. The White Helmets are marketed in the West as civilian volunteers doing rescue work. On Sept. 22, it was announced that the Right Livelihood Award , the so-called Alternative Nobel Prize, is being given to the U.S./U.K.-created White Helmets for their outstanding bravery, compassion and humanitarian engagement in rescuing civilians from the destruction of the Syrian civil war. The major achievement of The Syria Campaign has been the branding and promotion of the White Helmets, also known as Syria Civil Defense, which began with a British military contractor, James LeMesurier, giving some rescue training to Syrians in Turkey with funding provided by the U.S. and U.K. The group stole this name from the REAL Syria Civil Defense as documented in this recent report from Aleppo.SEE ALSO: WHO ARE SYRIA S WHITE HELMETSBut the White Helmets are largely a propaganda tool promoting Western intervention against Syria. Unlike a legitimate rescue organization such as the Red Cross or Red Crescent, the White Helmets only work in areas controlled by the armed opposition. As shown in this video, the White Helmets pick up the bodies of individuals executed by the terrorists; they claim to be unarmed but are not; and they falsely claim to be neutral.Many of the videos from Al Qaeda/terrorist-dominated areas of Syria have the White Helmets logo because the White Helmets work in alliance with these extremist groups as primarily a media marketing tool to raise public support for continuing the support to the armed opposition as well as the demonization of the Syrian government. The Rights Livelihood press release said the White Helmets remain outspoken in calling for an end to hostilities in the country. But that is false, too. The White Helmets actively call for U.S./NATO military intervention through a No Fly Zone, which would begin with attacks upon and destruction of government anti-aircraft positions and aircraft.A Major Act of WarTaking over the skies above another country is an act of war that would require a major U.S. military operation, according to senior American generals.General Martin E. DempseyThe New York Times reported that in 2012 General Martin E. Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told the White House that imposing a no-fly zone in Syria would require up to 70,000 American servicemen to destroy Syria s antiaircraft system and then impose round-the-clock control over Syrian airspace.General Carter Ham, former commander of the U.S. Africa Command who oversaw the aerial attacks on Libya in 2011, said on CBS News that I worry sometimes that, when people say impose a no-fly zone, there is this almost antiseptic view that this is an easily accomplished military task. It s extraordinarily difficult. It first entails we should make no bones about it. It first entails killing a lot of people and destroying the Syrian air defenses and those people who are manning those systems. And then it entails destroying the Syrian air force, preferably on the ground, in the air if necessary. This is a violent combat action that results in lots of casualties and increased risk to our own personnel. In other words, an appeal for a no-fly zone is not a call for a non-violent solution. It is seeking a bloody act of war by the United States against Syria, a nation that poses no threat to America. It also would almost surely be carried out in violation of international law since a United Nations Security Council resolution would face vetoes from Russia and probably China.Also, the White Helmets have never criticized or called for the end of funding to extremist organizations including Nusra Front, Al Qaeda s Syrian affiliate. On the contrary, White Helmets are generally embedded with this organization which is defined as terrorist by even the U.S., which is likely why the head of the White Helmets, Raed Saleh, was denied entry to the U.S.The foreign and marketing company origins of the White Helmets were exposed over 1 years ago and since then, writer Vanessa Beeley has revealed the organization in more depth in articles such as Who Are the White Helmets? and War by Way of Deception. Despite these expos s, understanding of the White Helmets is limited, with many liberal and progressive people uncritically accepting the propaganda and misinformation about Syria. Much of the progressive media has effectively blocked or censored critical examinations amid a flood of propaganda about barrel bombs dropped by the brutal dictator and his regime. In the last week, Netflix started showing a 40-minute documentary movie about the White Helmets that amounts to a promotional video. A substantial portion of it takes place in Turkey where we see trainees in hotel rooms making impassioned phone calls to inquire about their families in Syria. The family values theme is evident throughout, a good marketing angle. The political message of the video is also clear: after a bombing attack, It s the Russians . they say they are fighting ISIS but they are targeting civilians. The movie includes video previously promoted by the White Helmets such as the Miracle Baby rescue, an incident that may or may not have been staged. The video includes self-promoting proclamations such as You are real heroes. While no doubt there are some real rescues in the midst of war, many of the videos purporting to show the heroes at work have an unrealistic and contrived look to them as revealed here.Tricking Progressives Alternative media in the West has echoed mainstream media regarding the Syria conflict. The result is that many progressive individuals and groups are confused or worse. For example, the activist group CodePink recently issued a media release promoting the Netflix White Helmets propaganda video.The White Helmets video is produced by Grain Media and Violet Films/Ultra-Violet Consulting, which advertises itself as a marketing corporation specializing in social media management, grant writing, crowd building and campaign implementation. The only question is who paid them to produce this video There is growing resistance to this manipulation and deception. In response to a petition to give the Nobel Peace Prize to the White Helmets, there is a counter petition at Change.org. Following the Right Livelihood Awards announcement, there will soon be a petition demanding retraction of the award to the White Helmets.The story of the White Helmets is principally a feel good hoax to manipulate public perception about the conflict in Syria and continue the drive for regime change. That s why big money was paid to Purpose to incubate The Syria Campaign to brand and promote the White Helmets using Facebook, Twitter, etc. That s why more big money was paid to create a self-promotional documentary. The judges at Rights Livelihood were probably influenced by the documentary since critical examination of facts around Syria is so rare. It s a sad commentary on the media. As veteran war correspondent Stephen Kinzer recently wrote, Coverage of the Syrian war will be remembered as one of the most shameful episodes in the history of the American press. Rick Sterling is an investigative journalist and member of Syria Solidarity MovementREAD MORE SYRIA NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Syria FilesSUPPORT 21WIRE and its work by Subscribing and becoming a Member @ 21WIRE.TV
September 29, 2016
Boiler Room EP #76 – Resign, Surrender, Confess!
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6 PM PST | 9 PM EST for this special broadcast. Join us for uncensored, uninterruptible talk radio, custom-made for barfly philosophers, misguided moralists, masochists, street corner evangelists, media-maniacs, savants, political animals and otherwise lovable rascals.Join ACR host Hesher along with Daniel Spaulding from Soul of the East, Andy Nowicki from Alt Right Blogspot and Stewart Howe of 21Wire for the 76th episode of BOILER ROOM. Dim the lights, dawn the headphones and indulge in some Boiler Room with the crew. This week we re boiling up some media maniac conversation with topics like the new low tech facial recognition police squad coming soon to an insanely militarized police force near you, NPRs pathetic attempt to paint independent journalists like Vanessa Beeley as conspiracy theorists for pointing out simple truths from the ground in West Aleppo, Syria, Daniel Spaulding pleads with Glen Beck not to drown himself in a bucket of blood, Andy Nowicki analyzes the darkest hidden factors of Angelina Jolie s persona and Stewart Howe goes through readily available litmus tests to run on new acquaintances.Please like and share the program and visit our donate page to get involved!BOILER ROOM IS NOT A POLICTALLY CORRECT ZONE! LISTEN TO THE SHOW IN THE PLAYER BELOW ENJOY!Reference Links:
September 29, 2016
What’s Really Behind the Senate’s Override of Obama Veto of Saudi 9/11 Lawsuit Bill?
21st Century Wire says While the US media follows the red herring of this legislative drama which is Saudi Arabia, the real point of this bill and why President Obama is so vehemently opposing it is going completely unnoticed. If any case was brought to court by 9/11 families to sue Saudi Arabia for state-sponsored terror regarding the attacks in New York City on September 11, 2001, the court would find there is no real forensic case proving Saudi involvement in this event. Other problems will crop up too. For starters, at least 7 of alleged hijackers were actually found to be alive after their faces were plastered on US TV screens after 9/11. As it stands, the US government s official story of 9/11 is so flimsy and full of holes, including the complete omission or mention of the collapse of WTC Building 7 (which was hit by nothing, and yet collapsed into its own footprint in 7 seconds) and the lack of any plane wreckage at the Pentagon (we re meant to believe that the passenger airliner evaporated into thin air on impact, and no real CCTV footage has been provided to back the government s own wild explanation). In actuality, the US government would love a dead-end lawsuit against Saudi Arabia which could only result in some out-of-court settlement anyway because this would supply a nice diversion away from any further scrutiny of the US government s bogus explanation of what really happened that day.More to the point, however, is the real potential story here. If passed, this bill would allow a number people, particularly those in Syria, to sue the US, British, French, Dutch, Norwegian, Polish, Turkish and Saudi Arabia and Qatar too, all of who are actively involved in supplying money, equipment, arms and military training to a number of known Salafist Terrorists fighting groups in Syria.KEY POINT: Why is Obama protecting Saudi Arabia? One of Obama s top financial partners in the dirty war on Syria is Saudi Arabia, who has also paid for off-the-books CIA operations there. Unlike Saudi and 9/11, by definition, this is state-sponsored terrorism.The House is expected to hold a vote later this week. It could be the first override of a Presidential veto during the Obama administration . Karoun Demirjian Washington PostThe Senate on Wednesday voted to override President Obama s veto of legislation that would allow 9/11 victims families to sue the Saudi Arabian government over its alleged support for the terrorists who carried out the attacks. The vote was 97 to 1.The House is expected to vote later in the day and if successful, it will be the first time Congress has overridden a veto during the Obama administration. Overriding a presidential veto is something we don t take lightly, but it was important in this case that the families of the victims of 9/11 be allowed to pursue justice, even if that pursuit causes some diplomatic discomforts, Sen. Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.), who co-authored the bill with Sen. John Cornyn (R-Tex.), said in a statement.Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) cast the lone vote to sustain the veto after receiving a letter from Obama arguing the consequences could be devastating, and urging him to vote to sustain the veto. Reid voted against the override despite telling reporters earlier this month that I support that legislation and Schumer s efforts. He s always had the president s back, said Reid spokesman Adam Jentleson.Both chambers passed the legislation without dissent earlier this year, but now several lawmakers are echoing the White House s argument that the legislation could set a dangerous precedent, inviting other nations to respond by suing American diplomats, military personnel and other officials in foreign courts.Critics of the bill are now focusing on how to scale back the measure once it becomes law. Approximately 20 senators have signed onto a letter expressing their intention to return to the issue during the lame duck if there are negative consequences once the 9/11 bill becomes law Continue this article at the Washington PostREAD MORE 911 NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire 9/11 FilesSUPPORT 21WIRE and its work by Subscribing and becoming a Member @ 21WIRE.TV
September 28, 2016
Hillary Clinton’s ‘Presidency’ has Already Begun as Lame Ducks Promote Her War on Syria
21st Century Wire says One glaring conclusion from last night s US Presidential debate is that there is virtually no difference between either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton s view on what the US should do in Syria. Both are advocating for more war for more airstrikes in Syria, and for building safe zones which are actually No Fly Zones (where only US Coalition aircraft are allow to fly).There is one vast difference however, between these two candidates. During her tenure as Obama s Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton was both the architect of the US-led destruction of the Libyan State, and also of Washington s secret war against Syria, officially from 2011. Clinton led the notorious Friends of Syria lobbying tour through Europe, the Middle East and North Africa, which was used to promote the US policy of regime change for Syria by bringing together Gulf Arab Monarchies (Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, UEA and others) and other US client states to create a policy of economic, military and social subterfuge which, with the help of the CIA and others, has since destroyed large parts of Syria now occupied by Terrorist fanatical groups who are backed by the same Friends of Syria member nations managed by Clinton. From start, these two wars were managed by what is allegedly a liberal or left-wing Democrat Party. They are anything but.What this really means, is that the next President Clinton is already priming Americans for a escalation of warfare in Syria come this January. Here s why In 2011-2012, Secretary of State Clinton was busy drumming up support for an attack on Syria, and supporting armed rebel terrorists in Syria (Image: IB Times)Diana Johnstone Consortium NewsIf the British Empire was built on the playing fields of Eton, United States world hegemony gets its training in Hollywood studios and advertising agencies. Selling your product, or yourself, by looking sincere is a cultivated American art. Current top U.S. leaders are expert practitioners.In the space of a few days, Samantha Power, John Kerry, and Barack Obama all turned in war-winning performances.Three Deadly U.S. Blows to Hopes of Peace In SyriaLast August 8, on that serious think tank the Charlie Rose show, former acting CIA director Michael Morell said that U.S. policy in Syria should be to make Iran and Russia pay a price . Russians and Iranians should be killed covertly, so you don t tell the world about it , he said. Morell proposed that U.S. forces begin bombing Syrian government installations, in order to scare Assad . Probably angling for a good job next year, he is on record supporting Hillary Clinton as a highly qualified commander in chief and a strong proponent of a more aggressive approach in Syria.Act I An Act of WarThen, on Saturday, September 17, the U.S. Air Force did exactly what that CIA insider had called for. In sustained air strikes, four U.S. jets bombed a key Syrian Army position that had been defending the town of Deir ez-Zor from ISIS/Daech fighters. More than sixty Syrian soldiers were killed and over a hundred wounded. Daech forces immediately took advantage of the strikes to overrun the government position. In effect, the U.S. Air Force acted as air cover for the Islamic fanatics U.S. to advance against the legitimate army of Syria.This was not only a violation of the cease-fire painstakingly worked out by Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov and U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry. It was an open military aggression by the United States on the territory of a sovereign state.The Russians immediately called an emergency session of the United Nations Security Council to respond to this deadly violation of the truce supposedly intended to facilitate peace negotiations and humanitarian aid. When Russian ambassador Vitaly Churkin took the floor to speak, his American counterpart, Samantha Power, draped in her long red mane, walked out to give a press conference that clearly illustrated the difference between Russian and U.S. diplomacy.Churkin, like Lavrov a few days later, cited facts and analysed the situation rationally. Samantha Power put on a show of evasion and insults.Why all the fuss? was her opening theme. After all, we halted the attack when we were informed that it was possible we might be hitting Syrian regime personnel and vehicles , she stated, adding that if we did so, that was not our intention . That should settle the question; who could believe that the United States might deliberately attack the regime their politicians have been saying must go ? The best defense is offensive, and Power can be most offensive: Even by Russia s standards, tonight s stunt replete with moralism and grandstanding is uniquely cynical and hypocritical , she declared.Samantha Power, that conniving arriviste whose carefully constructed career has been built on moralism, grandstanding, cynicism and hypocrisy, had all the nerve in the world to turn these epithets against the prime target of her own habitual moralism, grandstanding, cynicism and hypocrisy.If the air strikes hadn t been enough to destroy Russian confidence in dealing with the United States, Samantha Power s contemptuous reaction was sure to do the trick.Act II Change the SubjectNext ploy: change the subject. Our little accidental bombing is nothing, Power implied, compared to the alleged fact that since 2011 the Assad regime has intentionally been striking civilian targets with horrifying, predictable regularity . Here is the core of the Samantha Power fraud, containing two elements:1/ While good-hearted bumbling America occasionally kills a few people by accident, the others do it all the time and above allintentionally.2/ Killing civilians is what war is all about. War is not about battles between armed forces for control of territory. It is not about geopolitical power struggles. It is about civilian victims .At the close of her stunt, grandstanding and scoring cheap points, Samantha Power exhorted Russia to stop the cheap point scoring and the grandstanding and the stunts and focus on what matters, which is implementation of something we negotiated in good faith with them. Good faith? They are supposed to believe we negotiated in good faith an agreement which we just flagrantly destroyed?Lo and behold, only two days after the U.S. bombing of Deie ez-Zor, the subject was definitively changed when an international humanitarian aid convoy was attacked on its way to Aleppo. Twenty aid workers were killed and the aid mission was halted. Without waiting for any evidence, the unanimous cry went up from Washington that the Russians did it! In the U.N. Security Council this time, John Kerry took the stage. Again, the critical point was the contrast between what we certainly did and what they allegedly did. Yes, we committed a terrible accident . But what they (allegedly) did was worse. I got to tell you, people running around with guns on the ground, from the air, is a very different thing from trucks in a convoy with big UN markings all over them, Kerry declared. He was implying that the difference was between an understandable accident, whose victims were running around with guns , and an attack on civilians. Yes, but in war, attacking soldiers is the whole point. It can make a difference in the outcome. Hitting an aid convoy is collateral damage , as the U.S. calls it when the bombs are American. By bombing Deir ez-Zor, the United States was taking part in a war in which Syria is fighting for its life.It cannot be ruled out that Syrian forces attacked the aid convoy because the truce was already broken at Deir ez-Zor and they believed it concealed weapons being transported to Daech. Such things happen. Or the attack could have been carried out by rebels as an act of propaganda, a false flag , designed precisely to be used to accuse the adversary. Such things also happen.It has already been established by careful research that the notorious Al Ghouta chemical weapons attack, attributed to Assad, was almost certainly carried out by rebels precisely in order to incite the United States to cross the red line set by President Obama and bomb Damascus. The War Party which by now controls the Pentagon, much of the State Department, most of Congress, as well as leading media and think tanks, has been castigating Obama ever since for not having seized that opportunity to wage a full-scale regime change war against Syria. The critics have never forgiven Obama for accepting the Russian proposal to use the occasion to rid Syria of its chemical arsenal, instead of overthrowing the Syrian government.But in recent weeks, as the Hillary Clinton campaign grows more frantic, Obama himself has joined the War Party. IMAGE: Dusty Boy Omran.Act III Wallow in SentimentalityOn September 20, President Obama used a Leaders Summit on Refugees to portray the Syrian episode in what increasing appears to be World War III as a sentimental children s story. Obama read the letter from 6-year-old Alex, who lives in Scarsdale, New York, expressing his wish to adopt Omran Daqneesh, the bewildered 5-year-old boy with a mop of dusty hair whose photo sitting in an orange ambulance seat was iconized across the world. The letter, provided to mass media by the White House, with its childish writing but nearly perfect spelling, was full of touching details about butterfly collections and shared toys. Obama read the letter, as people reached for Kleenexes all over the country, and then commented: Those are the words of a six-year-old boy a young child you has not learned to be cynical, or suspicious, or fearful of other people because of where they come from, how they look, or how they pray. We should all be more like Alex. Imagine what the world would look like if we were. The little boys are very cute, very sweet. Fortunately, Omran Daneesh s parents are alive, so there is no need to adopt him. Many other children are dead, notably in Yemen, killed by Washington s ally Saudi Arabia with arms provided by the United States. Too late to adopt them. We should all be more like Alex , Obama tells his good people. Imagine indeed, if all Americans were as innocent and na ve as six-year-old children. And indeed, that seems to be the goal of government propaganda.This propagandistic heartstring tugging is aimed at distracting from U.S. involvement in a long-term joint criminal enterprise to overthrow a government that indeed did not discriminate against people because of how they pray , and replace it by fanatics who are ready to behead people because of how they pray .An infantilized public will believe that geopolitics and national sovereignty are just big words that don t mean anything. An infantilized public will believe that when the United States goes to war, it is all about protecting little children from their bad, mean dictators, whose only aspiration is to bomb their own people . They will believe that the world out there is Little Red Riding Hood, threatened by the Big Bad Wolf, and that there really is a Santa Claus.It will never occur to an infantilized public that the war to destroy Syria has been planned for years even though someone like General Wesley Clark revealed this years ago. Or that it is carried out to eliminate Israel s enemies, keep Arabs busy killing each other, and incidentally help Saudi Arabia spread its Wahhabite fanaticism. No, that will never occur to them.They won t even notice that the Obama administration has now effectively given up any effort to justify the Nobel Peace Prize so foolishly bestowed on the apprentice president, and is now engaged in a scenario designed to prepare for Hillary s next successful regime change war in Syria.And it won t occur to them that the photo of the little boy in the orange seat was quite deliberately iconized by Western media as part of the campaign promoting the Islamic rebel-connected White Helmets for the future Nobel Peace Prize.Another subtle step in demonizing the Assad regime before Hillary takes over to administer the planned coup de grace. The future chuckler-in-chief is looking forward to seeing another head fall. This is called smart power .Diana Johnstone writes for Consortium News and is also the author of Fools Crusade: Yugoslavia, NATO, and Western Delusions. Her new book is Queen of Chaos: the Misadventures of Hillary Clinton. She can be reached at diana.johnstone@wanadoo.fr
September 27, 2016
BOILER ROOM – Presidential Debate Simulcast Special
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6 PM PST | 9 PM EST for this special broadcast. Join us for uncensored, uninterruptible talk radio, custom-made for barfly philosophers, misguided moralists, masochists, street corner evangelists, media-maniacs, savants, political animals and otherwise lovable rascals.Join ACR hosts Hesher, & Spore along with Stewart Howe and Randy J for a simulcast and commentary on the Presidential debate with Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Don t watch in despair, come join the BOILER ROOM gang while we eat pop corn to to the exercises in theater and futility known as the Presidential debate. Join us in the chat! The first embedded player is the debate itself. If you can t stomach the sound of the candidates or if once was enough with the debate audio, we understand and we ve broken out the Boiler Room analysis of the debate into a separate spreaker embed to reduce politically induced symptoms of nausea and vomiting.Please like and share the program and visit our donate page to get involved!BOILER ROOM IS NOT A POLICTALLY CORRECT ZONE! LISTEN TO THE SHOW IN THE PLAYER BELOW ENJOY! Part I The U.S. Presidential Debate SimulcastPart II Boiler Room Wrap Up Show
September 27, 2016
Syria: US Peace Council Addresses United Nations in NYC
Photo: Henry Lowendorf21st Century Wire says In case you ve missed it, the following is the video of a UN session featuring the US Peace Council who recently returned from a fact-finding mission to Syria, including an audience with President Bashar al Assad. What they discovered when they arrived surprised the American visitors as they realized the the entire depiction and narrative of Syria in the US and Europe was completely contrived and patently false. Introduction by H.E. Bashar Ja afari, Permanent Representative of the Syrian Arab Republic. US Peace Council panel includes:Alfred Marder, President of the US Peace Council Mary Compton, Member of the Executive Board of the US Peace Council Henry Lowendorf, Member of the Executive Board of the US Peace Council Joe Jamison, Member of the Executive Board of the US Peace Council Madelyn Hoffman, Executive Director of New Jersey Peace Action Donna Nassor, Professor and Lawyer also part of US Peace CouncilWatch:
September 27, 2016
STRANGE: Hillary Goes Off the Rails in Labor Union Speech
21st Century Wire says If you haven t seen Hillary Clinton s bizarre and shrill performance the other night, it should be required viewing for anyone following the current 2016 Presidential Election.Clearly, something was very wrong with the Democratic Party candidate during this segment, as she shouted flippantly, made some very strange statements almost as if she was parodying herself in a Saturday Night Live skit By Anthony Brian LoganOn Wednesday, September 21st, 2016, Hillary Clinton gave a speech / address to the Laborers International Union of North America in which she went completely off the rails. Her pitch was to support labor unions and be anti-right-to-work, something that Donald Trump has praised and supported. During the midst of her speech, something went left. Not with the environment of the place she was delivering the speech. Not with the camera equipment. But with Hillary herself. The BIOS mainframe seemed to have obtained a virus.When she begins to talk about why she isn t 50 points ahead of Trump, Hillary begins to shout and point with a scowl on her face. Maybe the numbers have her upset to the point where she can t contain it anymore? It s hard to tell. But whatever the case is, her behavior does not appear to be presidential.And that brings up the question she raised during her tirade. Why aren t I 50 points ahead of Trump? Well, the answer to the question is simple. The reason for that is because of her behavior, as exhibited in the aforementioned video to the labor union. Also, countless other videos. Such as the video of her collapsing to the point where one of her shoes flew off and landed under a vehicle during the 9/11 ceremony in New York City. The video of her having what appears to be Parkinson s related episode in a coffee shop where her head moves back and forth in an awkward, somewhat violent way. The constant coughing fits. The Parkinson s fit after the coronation speech at the 2016 DNC. Last but not least, the constant corruption. Emails, Benghazi, Clinton Cash, the list goes on and on.So maybe the answer to the question she raised and the question many people have about Hillary s behavior is much more easy to explain. A fear of losing and a general problem with Hillary herself, whether that be medical or just her personality in general. All Hillary, and Hillary supporters can do at this point is hope these problems don t reveal themselves during the debate on Monday September 26th or her chances at becoming the President will be over. Which, in reality, is good for America anyway https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZtLznfIDEzI . READ MORE ELECTION NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire 2016 Files
September 26, 2016
ACTIVE SHOOTER OR DRILL? The Cascade Mall Shooting
21st Century Wire says There have been a string of active shooter events prior to 2016 s first presidential debate this coming week with many incidents appearing suspicious in nature. The Guardian reports that the apparent motive still remains unclear: A 20-year-old suspect was in custody on Sunday for the killing of five people during a deadly shooting at a mall in Burlington, Washington, two days before. Arcan Cetin of Oak Harbor, Washington, a legal permanent resident who had immigrated to the US from Turkey, was discovered zombie-like , police said, on Saturday evening after police responded to a tip-off following an intensive 24-hour manhunt. Cetin was unarmed at the time of his arrest, authorities said. Although a motive for the shooting remains unclear, authorities told local media that Cetin s ex-girlfriend had previously worked at the targeted department store but left her job months ago. The suspect had been charged three times with domestic assault against his stepfather and had been ordered by a judge not to possess a firearm, according to the Seattle Times. At a Saturday press conference, the FBI said terrorism was not a suspected motive. Memory Hole below Photo Illustration 21WIRE s Shawn HeltonCASCADE MALL SHOOTING AN ACTIVE SHOOTER DRILL ?Memory HoleVictim Corpses Remain in Mall OvernightWitnesses Sequestered from PressPhotograph depicts porta-potties, hugs and smiles at sceneAs we have sought to document at MHB on a routine basis, active shooter drills are now common occurrences across the US. Such training is a consequence of the heightened federalization of local and regional law enforcement.The September 23 Cascade Mall shooting north of Seattle in northwest Washington State took place shortly before 7:00PM local time, and has certain suspect features evident in photos, particularly evidence of tents and porta-potties on the scene, as observed by a MHB reader.There is an absence of footage of wounded or deceased victims in triage or being given ambulatory services away from the scene. Instead, news media were told victims remained in the mall awaiting the local coroner. The Washington Post reports, As of Saturday morning, the bodies of the four female victims were still inside the mall, Skagit County coroner Hayley Thompson said at a news conference Saturday. Thompson said when she gained access to the scene, the four female victims would be taken to Skagit Valley Hospital and undergo autopsies. Such events are reported on by major news media uncritically, thus supporting the call for strengthened gun control measures while ironically stimulating gun purchases by a public that fears such restrictions.The Cascade Mall shooting s police spokesperson for the event is Washington State Patrol s Mark Francis. A press release was issued over 18 hours after the event transpired.
September 25, 2016
SHOUT! POLL: Do the ‘White Helmets’ Qualify for a Nobel Peace Prize?
21st Century Wire asks Currently throughout the western media exists a major public relations push to raise the profile of supposed NGO in Syria known as the White Helmets in advance of the upcoming Nobel Peace Prize award on Oct 7th in Oslo, Norway. Recently, streaming giant Netflix released a documentary film to much fanfare, about this alleged first responder group in Syria called the White Helmets. They produce many of the emotional images seen on western media about the Syrian conflict, and also claim to have saved 60,000 lives from Assad s bombs since 2013. What many people are not aware of, however, is that this group has been financed by NATO member states to the tune of at $60 million so far, and they are embedded exclusively in terrorist-held areas of Syria. All things considered, do they qualified for a Nobel Prize?Have your SHOUT! this week. Vote, comment and engage Useful reference links:WHO ARE SYRIA S WHITE HELMETS?The REAL Syria Civil Defence Expose Nato s White Helmets as Terrorist-Linked ImpostersWhite Helmets Staged Russian Bombing Scene Near Aleppo, Lapped-up by MediaGeorge Soros: Anti-Syria Campaign ImpresarioINTRODUCTION: Smart Power & The Human Rights Industrial ComplexHAVE YOUR SHOUT! AND VOTE ON THIS AND OTHER CURRENT EVENTS HERE
September 25, 2016
Episode #154 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘The Pro-War Left?’ with guests Jean Bricmont, Vanessa Beeley
Episode #154 of SUNDAY WIRE SHOW resumes this Sunday September 25, 2016 as host Patrick Henningsen broadcasts a 3 HOUR SPECIAL of LIVE power-packed talk radio on ACR LISTEN LIVE ON THIS PAGE AT THE FOLLOWING SCHEDULED SHOW TIMES:SUNDAYS 5pm-8pm UK Time | 12pm-3pm ET (US) | 9am-12pm PT (US)This week s edition of THE SUNDAY WIRE is on the road broadcasting LIVE from the Valley of the Sun. This week host Patrick Henningsen covers this week s top stories internationally. In the first hour we ll be joined by a very special guest, writer, academic Jean Bricmont, and author of Humanitarian Imperialism, to delve deep into the new political fault lines of the Anti-Anti-War Left that has emerged in recent years and as a reaction to the Syrian War and how cynical operatives in the West have used Smart Power to successfully mitigate mainstream opposition to US and NATO-led wars around the world. In the second hour, we ll connect with 21WIRE special contributor Vanessa Beeley who recently returned from Syria with a stunning exclusive the story of the REAL Syria Civil Defense, and also updates on the recent attack on the UN Aid Convoy which has brought Russia and the US to the edge diplomacy, and dangerously close to a world war.SHOUT POLL: Should US/UK/EU-funded White Helmets receive a Nobel Peace Prize?LEARN MORE ABOUT THE WHITE HELMETS: Who Are Syria s White Helmets?Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield this is your brave new world *NOTE: THIS EPISODE MAY CONTAIN STRONG LANGUAGE AND MATURE THEMES*Direct Download the Most Recent Episode// <![CDATA[ broadstreet.zone(46707); // ]]&gt;Sunday Wire Radio Show Archives
September 25, 2016
ANOTHER KNOWN WOLF? NYC Bombing Suspect Probed by FBI, Leading to Bigger Questions
Shawn Helton 21st Century WireThe New York bombing attack has a list of details that don t add up.When examining what transpired this past week in New York and New Jersey, we must consider a deeper social engineering agenda that may be at play as part of a larger geopolitical drama continues unfold in Syria.While August ushered in a hyper-propagandized war image that went viral in the West, September delivered an alleged active-shooter false alarm played out at both JFK airport and LAX as well as the apparent bombings in New York City and New Jersey this past week.As bombs go off outside, Obama sails through the UNGA.You have to wonder, were the events in New York and New Jersey also a weapon of mass distraction, following a major international embarrassment for the United States both at home and abroad the brutal airstrike campaign in Syria that killed over 70 Syrian troops? This unlikely bombing incident just happened to also coincide with the UN General Assembly in NYC, where President Obama was delivering among other speeches, his War on Terror addresses to the international community. No surprise then, with the city suddenly on high terror alert that Obama quickly and confidently and comfortably used his center stage spotlight at the UN, shifting into national security mode boasting how quickly his police forces solved the case. It was almost if he was ready for events that weekend.The alleged NYC bombing suspect was named as 28 year-old Ahmad Khan Rahami, who managed the family Chicken Kebab Shop. He has been charged with using weapons of mass destruction in addition to other criminal charges. Similar to what was described in the apparent Boston Marathon Bombing of 2013, Rahami is alleged to have created a homemade pressure cooker bomb which exploded in Chelsea, an affluent neighborhood of Manhattan. Oddly missing are scenes depicting the transport of 31 injured individuals after the explosion in New York. BOMBER OR PATSY? Ahmad Khan Rahami was known to both US officials and Pakistani officials (Image Source: BBC)NYC s Known Wolf After the mainstream media and officials floated the idea that a Wireless Emergency Alert system helped to locate and find Rahami with an electronic wanted poster, it turns out the FBI already knew him.According to The Washington Post, the FBI had already known Rahami since 2014, making this latest known wolf attack a strongly suspicious event: The FBI s probe into Ahmad Khan Rahami, the 28-year-old named as the only suspect in the bombings, was launched based on comments his father had made. An official said his father later recanted his comments. Agents conducted interviews, checked with other agencies and looked at internal databases, none of which revealed ties to terrorism, the bureau said in a statement.But why then, was Rahami on the radar of Pakistani intelligence in recent years?During the San Bernardino caper last December, we were told that supposedly Pakistani-born Tashfeen Malik, had ties to The Red Mosque in Pakistan, a well-known Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) linked mosque: Sources have told Daily Mail Online that US officials handed over information to their Pakistani counterparts about links between Tashfeen Malik and the Red Mosque in Islamabad. The mosque is infamous for its links to violence and authorities in Pakistan are now considering taking action against its preacher, Maulana Abdul Aziz, after the disclosures by US officials. If Malik was inspired by ISIS, as claimed by authorities (via social media) then why did her background suggest a Pakistani/ISI/CIA/Al-Qaeda connection, if she was in fact radicalized as US plot writers insist?The UK s Telegraph stated that the part of Pakistan where Malik was staying is known as a recruiting ground for Al-Qaeda-linked Islamist groups, including Lashkar al-Taiba, responsible for a bloody attack in Mumbai, India s financial capital, in 2008. If true, this was a new twist in the media hyped San Bernardino shooting, displaying a startling link between the Al Qaeda/ISI affiliated Red Mosque and other Western-backed black ops in Pakistan.In May of 2011, The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) outlined the ISI s material support for various militant groups, including the formation of Al-Qaeda giving historical context to recent events: The ISI s first major involvement in Afghanistan came after the Soviet invasion in 1979, when itpartnered with the CIA to provide weapons, money, intelligence, and training to the mujahadeen fighting the Red Army. The CFR further stated, Pakistan s government has repeatedly denied allegations of supporting terrorism, citing as evidence its cooperation in the U.S.-led battle against extremists. The CIA and ISI, have had a long, sometimes contentious relationship on the surface but the reality is that their collective footprint, is all over many tribal areas in Pakistan and places like Afghanistan where extremism continues to grow to this day.Malik s affiliations suggested that she could have been involved with one of the intelligence agencies active in the exact location she resided in Pakistan was this also the case with Rahami, given his link to a Pakistani seminary with ties to the Taliban?The UK s Guardian reported the following: The 28-year-old, who was born in Afghanistan but became a US citizen, spent time at the Kaan Kuwa Naqshbandi madrasa on his two visits to Pakistan, a security official working for the government of Balochistan province told the Guardian. Cointinuing, the article discussed how Pakistani officials have limited the information they have about Rahami: US officials have revealed basic details about Rahami s two visits to Pakistan, the first in 2011 when he spent a couple of months in Quetta and got married and almost a year in 2013 when he also made a car journey to Afghanistan.But very little information has emerged from inside Pakistan about what Rahami did during his visits.The government official, who did not wish to be named because he was speaking about a highly sensitive subject, said Pakistani security agencies have tried to hide all the details of his visits to Quetta and keep as much information as possible out of the media. It s also worth noting the similarities of this case to that of another known wolf who traveled overseas before a major domestic event, the alleged Boston Bomber, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, who had previously been recruited by the FBI, most likely as an informant. This might help to explain why Tamerlan traveled overseas to attend the American Committee for Peace in the Caucasus in Dagestan, during the summer of 2012 an event organised by the Jamestown Foundation itself another known CIA front, and part of a vast network controlled by Freedom House (George Soros) and linked to the CIA , as reported by the Voltaire Network. INFORMANT OR TERRORIST? What was Rahami s real role in the New York and New Jersey bombings and bomb attempts? (Image Source: nbcnews) Sturm und Drang During a hotly contested US presidential election cycle, multiple overlapping narratives continue to contribute to an environment of confusion, fear and uncertainty in the War On Terror era.Mass media has worked out their own formula for laying out a familiar series of polarizing political points in the aftermath of any tragic event, as they have with many others. Appearing once again, to purposefully redirect the public to look at a ready-made laundry list of hateful rhetoric and random writings as an ironclad motive for a crime. The aftermath in the case of New York is no different, as it rapidly descended into an overindulgent barrage of media speculation and theorizing.All too often we ve seen the stage persona of any alleged attacker or killer being touted as hard evidence, despite the fact that even strong circumstantial evidence of any apparent crime would likely result in many hours of analysis and debate, potentially without a definitive conclusion, even if the evidence eventually reached a court room setting.As 21WIRE has covered in recent years, very often there is much more involved behind-the-scenes when it comes to sensationalized attacks in America, particularly of those said to be lone wolf events. The incidents themselves are quickly taken out of the political and forensic realm, giving way to a hyper-realized account, often defying logic and reason.Drills, Patsies & DupesIn May of 2015, the NY Post stated the following, after the city s largest ever terror drill involved mock explosions: Officials said the event was the largest active-shooter operation ever, involving more than 200 NYPD and FDNY officers.It was the ninth full-scale exercise of its kind since the beginning of 2014. Chief of NYPD Counterterrorism Bureau James Waters explained that the drill replicated portions of events that occurred in San Bernadino, in the Bataclan in Paris and in Australia. Continuing, the article described the intricate mass exercise: On the third and the fourth floors we had additional explosions go off, replicating things that happened at the Bataclan nightclub, and that pushed the ESU officers up to the third floor, and finally the fourth floor, where they encountered a barricade with a hostage situation, he said, explaining that the cops again were able to stop the shooters. For the average person, its hard to differentiate from a drill or a real event, causing one to scrutinize the legitimacy of such an operation.In recent years, the investigative tactics of various intelligence agencies have come into question, none perhaps more dubious then the Newburgh FBI sting that involved entrapping four men to participate in a fabricated event created by the bureau. Here s a 2011 passage from The Guardian describing how an FBI informant named Shahed Hussain coerced four others into a fake terror plot: The Newburgh Four now languish in jail. Hussain does not. For Hussain was a fake. In fact, Hussain worked for the FBI as an informant trawling mosques in hope of picking up radicals.Yet far from being active militants, the four men he attracted were impoverished individuals struggling with Newburgh s grim epidemic of crack, drug crime and poverty. One had mental issues so severe his apartment contained bottles of his own urine. He also believed Florida was a foreign country.Hussain offered the men huge financial inducements to carry out the plot including $250,000 to one man and free holidays and expensive cars.As defence lawyers poured through the evidence, the Newburgh Four came to represent the most extreme form of a controversial FBI policy to use invented terrorist plots to lure targets. There has been no case as egregious as this. It is unique in the incentive the government provided. A quarter million dollars? said Professor Karen Greenberg, a terrorism expert at Fordham University. The whole episode seemed born out WTC 1993 bombing case, which involved yet another informant working alongside officials.More below regarding the purported NYC bombing from ZeroHedge NYC UNDER ATTACK? In less than 48 hours law enforcement nabbed the man purportedly behind the recent NYC bombings. (Image Source: observer)9 Weird Things About The NYC And NJ Bombs That Will Make You Say Hmmmm Zero HedgeZero Hedge continues READ MORE WAR ON TERROR NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire W.O.T Files
September 23, 2016
AN AMERICAN TRAGEDY: Who Really Killed JonBenét Ramsey?
Do roses know their thorns can hurt? a quote attributed to JonBen t Ramsey from Lawrence Schiller s Perfect Murder, Perfect Town Shawn Helton 21st Century WireIt s been nearly 20 years since the cold-blooded murder of JonBen t Ramsey shocked America. On December 26, 1996, the lifeless body of a 6-year-old girl, JonBen t Ramsey, was found brutally murdered in the basement of her family home. The grisly discovery stunned a quiet and affluent community in Boulder, Colorado and quickly became one of the most disturbing unsolved crimes in the United States over the past two decades. Photo Illustration Shawn Helton of 21WIREThe killing of JonBen t was an American tragedy and still to this day, it remains a haunting case and enigma.Below we ll examine some of the key elements surrounding the Ramsey investigation, along with some of the prevailing theories concerning JonBen t s homicide Throughout the course of this crime analysis, there will be references to a compilation of media reports, independent investigative reports, as well as the court case, Wolf v. Ramsey in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia which convened in 2003.The 2003 case stated that a Boulder journalist named Robert Christian Wolf filed a $50 million defamation suit against John Ramsey and wife Patsy Ramsey after being referred to by the family as a possible suspect in the death of JonBen t in the couple s controversial book, Death of Innocence.During the Wolf v. Ramsey court case, some shocking details surrounding JonBen t s murder were reviewed once again. Subsequently, John and Patsy Ramsey were sued in two separate defamation lawsuits (including Linda Hoffman-Pugh) after the publication of their controversial book about the murder of their daughter. DARK HOLIDAY The crime taped scene at the Ramsey residence in University Hill on December 26, 1996. (Image Source: eonline)Christmas in Boulder 1996JonBen t Ramsey was discovered dead in what has been referred to as the wine cellar of her parent s Boulder mansion just one day after Christmas.According to investigators, the official cause of the young child s death was asphyxia by strangulation associated with craniocerebral trauma. The savage scene indicated a possible sexual assault based on DNA evidence collected.Court transcripts confirmed that around the time of JonBen t s death, an unknown object (possibly a flashlight) was used to cause blunt force trauma to her head. However, the strangulation came 45 minutes to two hours after the blow to the head (with the killer behind the victim).The initial inspection of JonBen t s body revealed that the child beauty pageant contestant was bound to a broken paintbrush, an improvised garrote with a slip knot that included some of her own hair. A closer forensic investigation would later uncover that the duck tape placed over JonBen t s mouth, allegedly contained hair from a beaver. Similarly, it was discovered that unidentified dark animal hairs were found on her hands. Nothing in the home matched the animal hair samples found on the duct tape.According to the The Colorado Bureau of Investigations, there were fibers found on the duct tape that were also similar to a jacket worn by JonBen t s mother on Christmas day.Those close to the case would later remark how many elements of the crime scene appeared to be staged as the cord, body positioning, additional bodily trauma, as well as the white blanket covering JonBen t and the Barbie nightgown found near her, indicated manipulation after the crime occurred.In a report by the now retired forensic pathologist and medical examiner, Dr. Michael Doberson, The right side of [JonBen t s] face as well as on the lower left back are patterned injuries most consistent with the application of a stun gun. According to additional court documents, Male DNA was found under JonBenet s right hand fingernail that does not match that of any Ramsey. The same court documents also stated, Defendants also assert that male DNA was found under Jon-Benet s left hand fingernail, which also does not match that of any Ramsey, and that male DNA was found on the deceased s underwear but did not match any other Ramsey family member.The Ramseys assert that JonBen t was last seen alive around 10pm on Christmas day after attending a Christmas party at the White family residence. Along with her brother Burke, the young girl was put to bed shortly after coming home from that party.JonBen t s time of death has remained undetermined, though autopsy results suggest that sometime between 10pm on Christmas night and the early hours of December 26th. Reports confirm that rigor mortis had set in on the body and an odor of decomposition had also been present. It would later be revealed that JonBen t had undigested pieces of pineapple still in her stomach and small intestine.According to other investigative reports, it s inconclusive whether the 6 year-old had the pineapple an hour or two prior to her death or earlier in the day.However, JonBen t was able digest cracked crab she ate at the Christmas party hosted by the White family, suggesting the pineapple was served later that night at home. Interestingly, JonBen t s mother Patsy, claimed to not remember giving her daughter fruit that day or night, even though the bowl containing the pineapple had her and her son s fingerprints on it. Burke Ramsey s fingerprints were also found on a nearby glass. RANSOM PLOT? Above is the apparent ransom note found by Patsy Ramsey. Oddly, John Ramsey had recently received a holiday bonus nearly the exact amount demanded in the note. (Image Source: pintrest)The Ransom Note & 911Early on December 26th, Patsy Ramsey (possibly in the same clothes), awoke at 5:33am and was said to have made her way down a staircase known to those familiar with the large house. Sitting on the stairs, the former Miss West Virginia found an apparent ransom note which stated that her abducted daughter was safe and unharmed but demanded $118,000 for her return.Strangely, this was the exact amount that Patsy s husband John received for a Christmas bonus in 1996, while working as the President and Chief Executive Officer of Access Graphics, a computer services company and a subsidiary of Lockheed Martin. After discovering that JonBen t was missing from her room, Patsy made a distressing 911 call to police at 5:52am, where Burke was said to have been heard talking in the background. However, John and Patsy maintained that their son was not yet awake at this time.Patsy then called her neighbor and close friends, Priscilla White, as well as John and Barbara Fernie, between 5:55am and 6am. Boulder police arrived at the scene some seven minutes later to find a frantic Patsy and an oddly clam John. There were no signs of forcible entry at the residence, which complicated the purported kidnapping plot.Below is an enhanced version of the Ramsey 911 call seen in a recent CBS series examining the case. The Ramsey 911 call on December 26th, has caused a tremendous amount of speculation about a possible family cover-up in the murder of JonBen t An in-depth investigative site revealed that Boulder Police Detective Melissa Hickman reviewed the 911 call and transcribed it after having it enhanced at the Aerospace Corporation. Similarly, Lawrence Schiller s book Perfect Murder, Perfect Town: The Uncensored Story of the JonBenet Murder and the Grand Jury s Search for the Final Truth, suggested that the voice of Burke Ramsey is supposedly heard in the back ground of the 911 call stating, Please, what do I do?, in addition to CBS s findings above.The December 26th phone call to police would be the second 911 call from the Ramsey home over a three-day period. The first was on December 23rd, during a party at the Ramseys house, which included guests said to be from the upper echelon of Boulder society. However, a complete list of attendees was not made public and the reason for the first 911 call was never fully explained as the unknown caller hung up without saying a word.Schiller s book Perfect Murder, Perfect Town, stated that Linda Hoffman-Pugh, the Ramseys longtime housekeeper named some of the families who attended the December 23rd Christmas party: At 5:30 P.M. Santa showed up. By then the Barnhills, the Fernies, the Stines, Pinky Barber, and the Whites, who came with Priscilla s parents, had all arrived. Maybe eight couples and their children. Most of the men gathered by the spiral staircase. John made drinks for everybody from the butler s kitchen. The kids played in the living room by the big Christmas tree. That s where Santa read his little verses about everyone. This year, Mrs. Claus was there too, Santa looked kind of sick. Flashing back to the alleged ransom note, FOX 13 reported that former Boulder police chief Mark Beckner, stated the following during a Ask Me Anything segment on Reddit. Here s a revealing passage from that discussion: The FBI told us they d never seen a 2.5 page ransom note, [and that] No note has ever been written at the scene, and then left at the scene with the dead victim at the scene, other than this case. In addition to Beckner s Reddit commentary, the online magazine The Federalist stated that, The FBI s Child Abduction and Serial Killer Unit had noted that JonBen t s murderer almost certainly hadn t committed a murder before. They also concluded separately that the ransom note was written by someone intelligent but criminally unsophisticated. Continuing, the same article summarized another important aspect in the Ramsey case, lab tests also showed it was Patsy s Sharpie pen used to write the note. The pen used to write the note an FBI profiler estimates it took 21 minutes for the author to practice on the pad and then compose it was found in a cup with other Sharpies right next to the phone in the kitchen where Patsy kept them. It was very conscientious of the murderer to put everything back where he found it. Though Patsy was never conclusively proven to have had a hand in writing the purported ransom note, of those asked to give written samples, she was the only person police could not completely eliminate.According to a longtime FBI agent, the note contained deliberate mistakes and strange manipulative elements in an attempt to confuse authorities.The FBI was said to have arrived at the Ramsey house some fifteen minutes after the body was discovered. Schiller s Perfect Murder, Perfect Town, also noted the protocol of the Federal Bureau of Investigation in the following manner: FBI s standard procedure is to investigate the parents and the immediate family first and then move outward in circles. Then would come people who had frequent access to the child babysitters and domestic help. The next circle would contain friends and business associates. The outermost circle would be strangers. The technique was to avoid leaping over these concentric circles too quickly. According to the Bureau of Justice statistics from 1980 2008, 78.1 percent of the time, offenders were not strangers to the victim, and in more than 56 percent of cases, the victim was at least acquainted with an offender. HOUSE OF HORROR The police taped scene outside the Ramsey residence following the discovery of their murdered daughter. (Image Source: ajc)Spoiling the Scene Upon arriving at the Ramsey residence on December 26th, Boulder policeman Rick French, conducted a quick search of the house, looking for possible intruder exit points. French failed to search the wine cellar room where JonBen t would later be discovered, because he noticed that the wooden latch on the door was on the opposite side for a door exiting the house. Around this time, French was also given the apparent ransom note by the Ramseys. The two and a half page note, was later described as one of the longest ransom notes in the history of kidnapping cases in America.At least two searches were conducted by JonBen t s father John and family friend Fleet White, Priscilla s husband, in the Ramseys basement sometime between 6:06 8:00am. Shortly after arriving at the Ramsey residence, Fleet searched the basement alone including the wine cellar where JonBen t s body was located within fifteen minutes of arriving. Documents would confirm the search effort in the following description, Mr. White also opened the door to the wine cellar room, but he could not see anything inside because it was dark and he could not find the light switch. Fleet then testified that a window in the basement playroom had been broken and that underneath that window, there was a suitcase and piece of broken glass.Early on investigators were concerned about the lack of debris and other forensic evidence in and around the window thought to have been used in the alleged abduction/murder plot.December 26th, at 6:45am, John calls and leaves a message for Michael Archuleta his pilot. At 7:00am, his 9 year-old son Burke was dressed and taken to the White residence. Also at this time, Rev. Rolland Hoverstock from St. John s Episcopalian Church arrived at the Ramsey residence.The UK s Guardian described other compelling forensic details noted at the house that day: Eventually, other details emerged which competed with the original picture. Though there was no sign of forced entry, there was that small broken window into the basement that had been left open. Though there were no footprints in the snow, there was no snow on the part of the lawn that would need to be crossed to get in through the window. There was a footprint near the body left by a Hi-Tec boot. There was a latent handprint on the doorframe that didn t match any of the Ramseys . MAP OF MURDER Here s a bird s eye graphic detailing the Ramsey s basement area and the hidden wine cellar room where JonBen t s body was found. (Image Source: denverpost.com)In the striking book Programmed to Kill by writer and researcher David McGowan, we see an examination of the Ramsey case in a chapter entitled Boulder. In the following passage, McGowan underscored that the crime scene had been mishandled from the beginning: For reasons that have never been adequately explained, the investigation was compromised from the very beginning. Officers inexplicably failed to secure the crime scene, allowing the family s pastor to come and go from the home. No effort was made to prevent contamination of any potential evidence. Detectives did not arrive on the scene until 8:10am, over two hours after the first patrol officers arrived. It took another twelve hours for the coroner to arrive (and once there, he reportedly spent just ten minutes examining the body and the crime scene). Detectives Linda Arndt and Fred Patterson arrived at the Ramsey s residence at 8:10am and are given a rundown of the scene by Officer French from the Boulder police department.Detective Arndt then prepped the Ramseys for the potential ransom phone call, tapping the house phone. Around this time, the police s team of victims advocates who are skilled in dealing with trauma, arrive with breakfast food. Unfortunately, as was the case with many elements of the Ramsey crime scene, crucial evidence was potentially erased, as the team of advocates inadvertently wiped down parts of the kitchen.Arndt would later remark that there was no acknowledgement from anyone inside the house that the ransom phone call deadline came and went. John would later be seen examining the contents of his mail during the developing tragedy at his home.Detectives Arndt and Patterson sealed off JonBen t s bedroom some time around 10:30am but did not block off the entire house as a potential crime scene. In fact, friends and family moved freely throughout the house most of the day.At 10:30, Arndt calls for backup at least twice while left in the house alone with the Ramsey family and friends (seven in total), she is told that all officers are in a Boulder Police Department meeting and they received her message. Later a qualifier for the lapse was given by the BPD stating that they were short-staffed.At 1pm, Arndt decided that John should do a top to bottom search of the house with specific instructions not to touch anything. John, Fleet and supposedly another family friend, John Fernie, trekked downstairs into the basement, during the tense wait for the alleged kidnappers to call a call that never happened.John located JonBen t almost immediately at 1:05pm in the wine cellar hidden in the basement of the Ramsey house. Upon discovering JonBen t, John reportedly ripped the duct tape from her mouth and untied her hands bringing her lifeless body upstairs. Arndt then grabbed the young girl placing her near the family Christmas tree after a strange nonverbal exchange with John. Patsy was also said to have grieved over the body at this time.While it was a undeniably an emotional situation, Arndt made a mental note of the disturbance to the crime scene as this was not officially a homicide.Twenty minutes later, after additional officers secure the house and the forensic team returns, John places a phone call to his personal pilot but is instructed by police to stay in Boulder.Sometime later, testimony revealed a time discrepancy over the timeline of John s basement search, as it appeared to contradict other time frames of the initial crime scene investigation. Some researchers contend that John perhaps searched the basement before 6am based on statements given to authorities.Detective Arndt attempted to question Patsy further but the family s lawyer Mike Bynum stepped in blocking the inquiry into his client. The Ramseys did not give formal police interviews until four months after JonBen t s murder.According to The Daily Mail s report, They also assembled a team of private investigators, a public relations guru, an ex-FBI criminal profiler and two handwriting experts to look at the ransom note, arguing that the local police had botched the initial investigation. In a 1999, during a Good Morning America interview with Detective Arndt, described John s discovery of JonBen t, I decided that everything made sense in that instance. And, um, I knew what happened. I mean that s, I knew what happened to her. Below is Arndt s interview on ABC News, discussing the behavioral anomalies she witnessed at the Ramsey residence on December 26th During the course of that interview Arndt remarked how long it seemed before officers returned to the house following her radio to police, prompting the detective to become fearful of her own life waiting for backup, after witnessing the severe bodily trauma to JonBen t.In May of 1997, Detective Arndt and Detective Melissa Hickman were dropped from the case. MEDIA SPOTLIGHT The body language displayed John and Patsy Ramsey appeared to belie the murder of their child. Furthermore, they were never seen consoling one another by police the day their daughter was discovered murdered. (Image Source: crime.about)Casting SuspicionOn December 27th, it was reported that Patsy s friend Pam Griffin, the seamstress that designed JonBenet s pageant costumes went to comfort Patsy, who was grieving at the Fernie residence. Here s a passage describing that encounter in a Newsweek report three years after the murder of JonBen t: At the Boulder home of John and Barbara Fernie, friends of the Ramseys , Pam, a former registered nurse, touched Patsy s skin and realized she was dehydrated. She brought Patsy some water and made her drink it. You need to brush your hair, Pam told her. You need to lie down a little bit. But Patsy stood up to greet each new person who arrived to offer condolences, and as she did, tears streamed down her face. Hours later, Patsy finally took Pam s advice and lay down in the bedroom. Patsy reached up and touched Pam s face. Couldn t you fix this for me? she asked. Pam thought she was delirious. It was as if Patsy were asking her to fix a ripped seam. Patsy said something like, We didn t mean for that to happen , Pam would say later. Pam couldn t say why, but she remembered feeling as if Patsy knew who killed JonBenet but was afraid to say. Back in the spring of 1996, Griffin put local dance instructor, Kit Andre in touch with Patsy to help teach JonBen t a routine for the pageant circuit. Andre would later be quoted by media, stating the following: She was a fabulous child, I told Patsy at JonBenet s memorial service in Boulder. She was a star. I never saw JonBenet in a pageant. Never saw her do the routine I taught her until I saw that pageant video on TV. I ve looked at that video several times. They made JonBenet look like a clown. Someone else taught her those pseudo-adult movements, the provocative walk, the poses, all of it. The Daily Mail described the family preoccupation with the child beauty pageant circuit. Adding to that, family visitors noted that JonBenet s room was filled with pageant trophies rather than toys: Patsy later insisted that while JonBenet loved taking part in pageants, it was just a little hobby. Experts immediately pointed to the coaching, dancing, singing, music and beauty sessions along with the outrageous cost of outfits that made it an almost full-time occupation. FAMILY TIES The Ramsey s and White family on a ski trip. (Image Source: westword)The case most certainly took a different turn once the police had indicated that the Ramseys themselves would also be investigated as possible suspects. Right away, the Ramseys lawyered-up and hired an formidable legal defense team. Some twenty months after the brutal murder of JonBenet, John Ramsey s friend Fleet White, wrote an open letter to the people of Colorado that questioned the investigation by Boulder police and Boulder District Attorney Alex Hunter: After JonBen t Ramsey was killed in Boulder nearly twenty months ago, her parents, John and Patsy Ramsey, immediately hired prominent Democrat criminal defense attorneys with the law firm of Haddon, Morgan and Foreman. This firm and its partners have close professional, political and personal ties to prosecutors, the Denver and Boulder legal and judicial communities, state legislators, and high-ranking members of Colorado government, including Gov. Roy Romer. The investigation of her death has since been characterized by confusion and delays. Continuing, White outlined a larger conspiracy concerning the Ramsey case: During the course of the investigation, the district attorney has used inexplicable methods including the recruitment of magazine writers and tabloids to leak information concerning the case and to needle witnesses, suspects , and police detectives. White also mentioned the resignation of Boulder police detective Steve Thomas on August 6, 1998, after publicly accusing the District Attorney of obstructing the investigation into the Ramsey murder case. Torn Between Two Theories Something that continued to plague the Ramsey investigation, was that authorities were not able to reconcile the two different types of crime theories, one of the brutal killer and one of the ransom seeking kidnapper, based on the evidence presented.In 2000, Boulder s Daily Camera news, reported that the White family would be drawn even further into the Ramsey case, due to a California woman s descriptive allegations of an expansive child abuse ring. Her claims initially garnered attention because she allegedly knew John and Patsy Ramsey through Fleet: The White family did come in for more public scrutiny than some Ramsey associates during the star-crossed investigation.In his statement, Becker noted that, in 2000, The police department did investigate allegations made by a California woman to District Attorney Alex Hunter, as reported in the press, that were intended to cast suspicion on the White family. The department found no evidence to support the unfounded allegations. There has never been any evidence to link the White family to the JonBenet Ramsey homicide. The Camera in February 2000 reported that a 38-year-old woman had told Hunter that, when she was young, she had been ritually and sexually abused in a manner similar to the way JonBenet Ramsey died. Prior to the article mentioned above Barrie Hartman, editor for the Daily Camera for 18 years, added the following details concerning the woman interviewed by Boulder law enforcement which describe a deeper level abuse: The woman has described to police years of sexual and physical abuse in California homes at the hands of adults who stayed at holiday and other parties after other guests had left for the evening. Then, she said, another party, one of sexual abuse for the gratification of a select group of adults, would begin. Though Fleet White was cleared as a suspect in 1997 and officially exonerated in 2008 along with John Ramsey, publicly scrutiny has remained to this day.In 2014, even though Boulder District Attorney Stan Garnett declined to write yet another letter of exoneration for the Whites, which would have been the fourth such public decree regarding the family.According to reports, in 2002, former Detective Lou Smit who believed in John and Patsy s innocence, named a convicted Oregon sex offender Gary Oliva as his prime suspect after discovering the drifter had been in Boulder in December 1996. But Oliva s DNA did not match samples taken from the body. Throughout the last 20 years, at least 140 different men have been considered by investigative authorities, including convicted sex offender John Mark Karr, who gave a false confession that was later cleared through a DNA analysis.Additional investigative details state that, DNA samples from 1.6 million offenders 86,000 in Colorado alone have been checked over the past five years and forensics experts update those files once a week. It was recently revealed in April of 2016, that Ollie Gray, a private investigator hired by John and Patsy Ramsey claimed to have named the killer as one Michael Helgoth. The story implicated Helgoth, a 26-year-old whose family owned a junkyard on the edge of the city. According to an interview with The Daily Mail, Gray stated the following, Based on what we know now, I believe Helgoth and his accomplices committed the crime. There s no doubt about it. The Helgoth story gained traction because John Kenady, a former employee of Helgoth s, said his employer allegedly taped a video of JonBen t s death. Kenady supposedly tried to reach police some twenty times according to the Ramseys private investigator.The Daily Mail continued: Then, on February 13, 1997, Alex Hunter, who was then the district attorney, held a press conference where he spoke to JonBenet s unknown killer, saying; The list of suspect narrows. Soon there will be no one on the list but you. Helgoth died of an apparent suicide two days later at his home. Kenady believes he was murdered by an accomplice or accomplices who were with him when he killed JonBenet. The gun was found on Helgoth s right side, but the bullet hole goes from left to right. It doesn t make sense why someone would commit suicide in that manner, said Kenady. Below is a documentary featuring former Boulder Detective Steve Thomas regarding a bed-wetting rage theory revolving around JonBen t s murder (Thomas testimony is at 24:20) Ramsey Case Oddities In 1998, the NY Times reported that a private detective named Brett Sawyer had been convicted of paying a photo lab tech for 20 autopsy photographs and reselling to The Globe newspaper for $5,500. Naturally, this caused quite a public outcry, stirring questions about morality, societal behavior and the media s role in sensationalizing violence in America.On an intriguing note, in 2001, the Daily Camera reported that the Ramsey house s address would be changed: [The] Tudor where JonBen t Ramsey was found dead nearly five years ago have discarded the 755 15th St. address plate. Small adhesive-backed, black numbers 749 now adorn the mail slot to the right of the front door, and that Before the address change was granted, city officials contacted 18 different agencies including emergency responders, utility companies and the post office, to determine if such a change would be practical. In 2007, it was reported that a year after Patsy Ramsey died of ovarian cancer, husband John was for a short time reported by some publications to be romantic with Beth Holloway, the mother of Natalee Holloway who disappeared in 2005 after allegedly being abducted. Other case oddities have included the apparent meaning of the acronym signature at the bottom of the alleged ransom note that read S.B.T.C, something of which that caused quite a stir. Here s a 2011 FOX News report that has only added to the confusion, Some journalists erroneously believed that phrase was a war reference to John Ramsey s training in the Philippines at Subic Bay Naval Base (they believed it could mean Subic Bay Training Center). However, according to the Chicago Tribune in January of 1997, John Ramsey, 53, spent March 1968 through November 1969 assigned to the Navy Public Works Center at Subic Bay Training Center, according to the Bureau of Navy Personnel in Washington. In another bizarre and uncanny twist to the Ramsey murder case, Bill McReynolds the man who dressed up as Santa Claus on the night of December 23rd at the Ramsey house, had is own daughter abducted exactly twenty-two years (December 26th, 1974) to the date of JonBen t s murder. Strangely, he and his wife purportedly wrote a screenplay called Hey Rube (possibly named after the circus cry for help) that dealt with the brutal murder of a child in a similar manner to JonBen t.In the early days of the Ramsey case there was also concern about Randy Simmons, a child photographer well-known on the pageant circuit.In 1999, well-known Denver-based journalist Stephen Singular wrote a book about the murder of JonBen t, which investigated the exploitation of children and the dark and seedy elements potentially connected to the brutal crime in Boulder.In terms of historical context concerning Singular s theories, the book by former Nebraska state Senator John De Camp entitled, The Franklin Cover-up, comes to mind. The Cover-up was a scathing expose that implicated politicians, judges, those in the military, police, as well as members of the intelligence community for the subsequent abduction of numerous children over the course of many years, including connections to the wider Boys Town scandal. Former CIA director William Colby wrote the preface to De Camp s courageous book, lending even more credibility to its claims. Decamp had previously been an aide for Colby, who became disillusioned by his time in the CIA.You have to wonder, was JonBen t also a victim of a larger criminal conspiracy? LAST PICTURE The last photo of JonBen t alive. Here she is with her mother Patsy on Christmas morning 1996. (Image Source: dailymail.co.uk)Only Theories, No ConclusionTheories about JonBen t s killer or killers, have ranged from an unknown intruder, members of her family, family friends, a larger network of abuse, a wandering criminal who may have acted alone, or someone who played a role in a potential murder-for-hire scenario. But after all these years, every one of these so-called theories has one thing in common: the investigation seems to lead straight back to questions regarding John and Patsy s official story despite the couple s exoneration.Adding fuel to the fire, for the first time in public,JonBen t s brother, Burke Ramsey, recently discussed the murder of his sister during an exclusive three-part interview with Dr. Phil McGraw, something which has caused more speculation about the tragic and troubling case.Interestingly, since airing a six-hour docu-series called The Case of: JonBen t Ramsey , CBS is now being sued by Burke Ramsey, for the shows suggested conclusion that he may have been responsible for his sister s homicide.In 2013, the Daily Camera revealed that an unprosecuted grand jury indictment revealed the grand jury prepared charges of child abuse resulting in death and accessory to a crime for both John and Patsy Ramsey in the death of their daughter, and that Alex Hunter, the Boulder County district attorney at the time, never signed the true bill, apparently believing he could not successfully prosecute due to a lack of evidence. The tragic story of JonBen t continues, a portrait of innocence shattered a truly unbelievable crime still unsolved 20 years later.READ MORE TRUE CRIME NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire True Crime FilesSUPPORT 21WIRE and its work by Subscribing and becoming a Member @ 21WIRE.TV
September 23, 2016
Boiler Room EP #75 – Limited Hangouts, Syria and the Scrotox Imperative
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6 PM PST | 9 PM EST for this special broadcast. Join us for uncensored, uninterruptible talk radio, custom-made for barfly philosophers, misguided moralists, masochists, street corner evangelists, media-maniacs, savants, political animals and otherwise lovable rascals.Join ACR host Hesher along with Jay Dyer from jaysanalysis.com, Andy Nowicki from Alt Right Blogspot, Randy J of ACR and 21Wire and Stewart Howe of 21Wire for the 75th episode of BOILER ROOM. Dim the lights, dawn the headphones and indulge in some Boiler Room with the crew. .Please like and share the program and visit our donate page to get involved!BOILER ROOM IS NOT A POLICTALLY CORRECT ZONE! LISTEN TO THE SHOW IN THE PLAYER BELOW ENJOY!Reference Links:
September 21, 2016
Russian Military: US Coalition Predator Drone Spotted at Time & Place of Syria UN Aid Convoy Attack
21st Century Wire says Despite proclamations by US official, details of the attack on the UN Aid Convoy yesterday are still sketchy. With no evidence to hand John Kerry and unnamed US officials claim that they know the Russian attacked the UN aid convoy passing through a rebel terrorist-held highway while travelling out of West Aleppo and heading southwest towards al-Foua and Kefraya villages. From the onset, both Russian and Syrian military stated they were not involved in this incident, but US maintain they are the guilty parties. John Kerry blaming Russia for mysterious attack on UN Convoy.The US insistence to blame Russia for attacking this UN Aid Convoy appears to be a desperate deflect-and-divert public relations move to mask the fact the Washington destroyed its own ceasefire agreement on Saturday when it massacred over 70 Syrian Army soldiers and wounding another 100, in a sustained one hour-long attack involving multiple aircraft from the US, UK, Australia and Denmark. Because of that US-led airstrike, ISIS was allowed to advance immediately forward towards taking the key strategic city of Deir al-Zour. In spite of the unlikely coincidence, Washington claimed this was all just a mistake. In addition, US Coalition and Gulf-backed rebel terrorists had already broke the Russia-US ceasefire multiple times, and are also on record boasting earlier in the week how terrorist-held East Aleppo militants would refuse any UN aid convoy that crossed their sights.Did the US and its rebel forces on the ground orchestrate another false flag event designed to avoid condemnation of Saturday s massacre? Our western colleages are putting their best efforts to hype up the situation and blur the tragedy in Deir ez-Zor and to distract the international community from Al-Nusra s advance on Aleppo and thus cover the US incompetence in distinguishing between the moderate opposition and terrorists in Syria. Russian spokeperson.Now, new evidence suggests that the US Coalition may be misleading the world about their true intentions RTThe Russian Defense Ministry says that a US coalition drone was in the vicinity of a humanitarian convoy when it was attacked outside Aleppo. According to the Russian military, the unmanned aircraft was a Predator drone. On the evening of September 19, in that specific region, a drone belonging to the international condition, which had taken off from the Incirlik air base in Turkey, was flying at a height of 3,600 meters and traveling at around 200 kilometers per hour, said Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov. The object was in the area around the town of Urm Al-Kubra, where the convoy was a few minutes before it caught fire, Konashenkov added. It left after about 30 minutes. The Defense Ministry spokesman said he wanted to point out that, as was the case with the tragedy on September 17 which saw US-led coalition airstrike kill and injure 200 people, the Russians would not be making any unfounded allegations. Only the owners know what exactly the drone was doing at this particular area at that exact time, he added.Moscow says it has provided all the data it possesses regarding the attack on the convoy, which was carrying aid to rebel-held areas in Aleppo, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said at a UN Security Council meeting on Wednesday. There was another unacceptable provocation on September 19 the shelling of a humanitarian convoy near Aleppo, he said. I am confident that such coincidences require serious analysis and an investigation. On September 19, a humanitarian convoy consisting of 31 trucks was attacked while heading to Aleppo. According to the Red Cross, 20 civilians and one aid worker died as a result. Initial reports claimed the convoy had been targeted by an airstrike. Later the UN said all it could confirm was that the convoy was attacked.On Tuesday, the Russian Defense Ministry reiterated that neither it nor the Syrian military had launched airstrikes on the convoy. Russian and Syrian warplanes did not carry out any airstrikes on a UN humanitarian aid convoy in the southwest of Aleppo, Konashenkov said in a statement. He added that the military had studied video footage of the convoy, which appeared to rule out that an airstrike took place. We have closely studied the video footage from where the incident took place and we did not find any signs of any ammunition having hit the convoy. There are no craters, while the vehicles have their chassis intact and they have not been severely damaged, which would have been the case from an airstrike, Konashenkov said. All of the video footage demonstrates that the convoy caught fire, which strangely happened almost at exactly at the same time as militants started a large-scale offensive on Aleppo. In a statement Konashenkov said Moscow was compelled to disclose the sensitive details in response to the accusations made by US deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes, who has laid the blame for the attack on the aid convoy on Russia. This type of drone can not only monitor the situation, but also guide ground weapons to their targets and inflict surgical airstrikes at objects located on the ground by itself, the Russian spokesman explained Read more at RTREAD MORE SYRIA NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Syria Files
September 21, 2016
Episode #153 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘The Nuremberg Syndrome’ with guests Mother Agnes, Abdo Haddad, Ghoufran Derawan
Episode #153 of SUNDAY WIRE SHOW resumes this Sunday September 18, 2016 as host Patrick Henningsen broadcasts a 3 HOUR SPECIAL of LIVE power-packed talk radio on ACR LISTEN LIVE ON THIS PAGE AT THE FOLLOWING SCHEDULED SHOW TIMES:SUNDAYS 5pm-8pm UK Time | 12pm-3pm ET (US) | 9am-12pm PT (US)This week s edition of THE SUNDAY WIRE is on the road broadcasting LIVE from the Valley of the Sun. This week host Patrick Henningsen covers this week s top stories internationally, including yesterday s US airstrike against Syria, killing at least 62 Syrian soldiers while allowing ISIS to advance, as well as the faux made-for-TV terror event in NYC last night which conveniently covered-up the US scandal in Syria. In the first hour we ll be joined by a very special guest, Mother Superior Agnes Mariam de la Croix, to discuss her experiences in Syria and the true nature of the conflict and its affect on the people of Syria and the Middle East. In the second hour, we ll connect with Syria-based political analyst, Abdo Haddad, to hear breaking details of multiple battle fronts in Syria, and also new information about Turkey s covert plans to establish a de facto Islamic State inside of northern Syria, as well as some insight into the breakdown of the US-Russia brokered Syria ceasefire agreement this week. In the third and final hour, we talk with independent filmmaker Ghoufran Derawan to talk about her two outstanding short film productions from Syria featuring this week on 21WIRE.TV.SHOUT POLL: Should US/UK/EU-funded White Helmets receive a Nobel Peace Prize?Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield this is your brave new world *NOTE: THIS EPISODE MAY CONTAIN STRONG LANGUAGE AND MATURE THEMES*Direct Download the Most Recent Episode// <![CDATA[ broadstreet.zone(46707); // ]]&gt;Sunday Wire Radio Show Archives
September 18, 2016
‘We’re Just Not Into Her’ – Hillary Clinton Losing Support of Millennials
Patrick Henningsen 21st Century WireWhat s up with the millennials? The Clinton campaign may have felt a jolt after seeing the front page headline from this morning s Wall Street Journal which read, Millennials Have Cooled on Hillary Clinton, Forcing a Campaign Reset. Traditionally, the 21 to 35 year old age bracket (born 1980-1993 in our epoch) has been a bastion of the Democratic Party. According to a recent Quinnipiac poll, Hillary Clinton s lead over Republican Donald J. Trump among under 35 s plummeted in the month of August from 25 points down to only 5 points. Pretty shocking, but even more so in a week that has seen a Hillary health scare, resulting in Trump surging ahead of Clinton in multiple national polls, and also in perennially pivotal electoral patches like Florida and Ohio.So what s up? Why can t Hillary chill with the millennials, like Barack once did?Back when she was battling Bernie Sanders in the primaries, Clinton pulled out all the stops for the millennials even promising America s students a debt free college experience including free university tuition. Somehow, Hillary s sizzle has failed to produce the Bern with this crucial demographic. As much as they would love for it to be true, even the most optimistic of students knows that free tuition for all is nothing more than pie in the sky, with some left feeling patronized in a way that voters have come to expect from desperate politicians making increasingly desperate promises on the campaign trail these days. What s really being overlooked by Democrat Party elites here though, is the uncomfortable truth that the old party ways simply aren t working anymore, and the Clinton campaign is not viewed as transformative (as Colin Powell calls it) and thus, millennials are finding it difficult to get behind it.So if they are no longer with Hillary, where are they going? Definitely not to the GOP. Trump is a non-starter when it comes to millennials, many of which are already registered Democrats. No offense to Trump supporters, but that s just the way it is there s simply not enough young deplorable jugend to go around. Both Trump and Clinton are two of the oldest potential president elects ever to face off in a general election, at 70, 69 yrs old respectively. Instead, a sizeable number of young swing(ing) voters are flocking to Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson, who is currently polling at around 9% nationally, and also to Green Party candidate Jill Stein who is polling around 4%.One aspect worth noting here is that, unlike their generational predecessors, 21st century millennials are not afraid to take a risk on what they might view as a political start-up like the Libertarian or Green party. While traditional two-party system dinosaurs dream of squeezing rich donors at fundraising dinners, millennials dream of Podemos and crowdfunding the next revolution. But digital Jerusalem is still a ways off, and here is where idealism inevitably clashes with hard-core political reality: with the Trump-Clinton race in a near dead heat, millennials who have migrated into those alternative Johnson and Stein camps will indirectly decide the 2016 Election in much the same way that Independent candidate Ralph Nader did in 2000 and to a lesser extent in 2004, although it s not so easy to calculate between Clinton and Trump exactly who will be the chief beneficiary from that alternative displacement vote. CHILLERY: Clinton is struggling to excite the millennial voters (Illustration: TrumpNews)There is another spanner in the Democratic machine which no one is talking about, and one which could certainly hurt Hillary Clinton, and help Donald Trump on November 8th. One pronounced crimp in the Clinton juggernaut came as a result of the Wikileaks DNC email leaks which revealed how, in its effort to shoe-in Clinton ahead of this past summer s party convention, the Democratic Party conspired to railroad the Bernie Sanders campaign effectively killing its mercurial millennial phenomenon. Old party hacks might not understand why this is so important because they are so wrapped up in time-honored Tammany Hall traditions, but to young idealistic millennials, this party betrayal would not only be viewed as unfair, but also as undemocratic, and rightly so. As a result, a nationwide write-in campaign for Sanders as President has begun to pick up steam. If this pulls in 2%, or even 1% away from Hillary s tally, especially in the key battleground states like Pennsylvania, Arizona or Michigan, then the race becomes even tighter still, and more unpredictable.This excerpt from the Reason report (below) should be the most sobering of all for Democrats, and it reveals the source of their fatal disconnect:A Reason-Rupe poll of millennials in 2014 found 66 percent of them believing government was wasteful and inefficient even as many said they planned to vote Democrat in that year and in 2016. The drop off in support for Democrats is unsurprising, given that the rhetoric about government that Democrats deploy does not match the reality on the ground.In other word: the Democrats are as addicted to lying as any other political organization, and this cannot be fixed it s an institutional thing.In order to shore-up the millennial gap, the Democratic Party has dispatched its cohort of rock stars to college campuses across the country in order to woo millennials. Michelle Obama, Elizabeth Warren, and even Sanders (how Bernie could go out stumping after the DNC Leaks is pretty amazing in itself) have been sent like missionaries to the four corners of the country, in order to try and win back those millions of lost liberal souls, and lead them back into the party flock.To millennials, Bernie Sanders primary election loss dashed their hopes in much the same way Ron Paul supporters felt in 2012 betrayed by a collusion between party mob bosses and the mainstream media. In both cases, aside from the obvious corruption, what was really dashed was the idealistic view that their generation had a real and meaningful stake in US politics and could even elevate its own candidate in a national election. Millions of previously disengaged voters finally found an original voice that resonated with their generation, and to see that voice crushed by political insiders and media operatives is a bitter pill to swallow. In America s winner-take-all system of Presidential elections, there is only room for one party winner a reality which will continue to frustrate young voters going forward, many of whom are well aware of parliamentary systems in other nation states, and systems which appear to allow more plurality when it comes to choosing a viable political leader. Like it or not, managing those global expectations in terms of party and leadership choice is a reality that America will have to contend with in the future.With so many free radicals still orbiting this election, it will be tricky to project a clear winner. Shades of 2000 perhaps, but this year there will be no hanging chads, but maybe something worse. Half the voters will be blaming either Obama (vote rigging), or Putin (vote hacking), as a reaction to any perceived electoral stitch-up (see #HashTagHell).It s a tricky year for the bookies, but one thing you can bet on is a serious fall-out after election day. So brace yourself, because in case you haven t noticed, many Americans are viewing this election as a true do or die moment.In a United States already polarized along very pronounced partisan lines, whichever the result, one side will be baying for blood. That s just the way it is this year.Author Patrick Henningsen is journalist and geopolitical analyst for 21WIRE and host of the SUNDAY WIRE weekly radio show and also ON THE QT podcast@21WIRE.TV. Here s more useful analysis on the 2016 millennial dynamic from Ed Krayewski at Reason ReasonA number of new polls show Libertarian presidential nominee Gary Johnson doing very well with millennials and Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton underperforming with the same demographic that helped President Obama build winning coalitions in 2008 and 2012.A New York Times/CBS poll shows 26 percent of voters under the age of 29 supporting Johnson and a further 10 percent supporting Green presidential nominee Jill Stein. Similarly, a Quinnipiac poll shows Johnson at 29 percent of young voters, and Stein at 15. In that poll, Clinton barely edges out Johnson among young voters, getting 31 percent. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is at 26 percent among that demographic in the poll. Further, a Global Strategy Group poll of millennials in 11 battleground states found 73 percent of millennials saying that Trump was a racist, and just 38 percent supporting Clinton in a 4-way matchup.The results have yielded unsurprising hand-wringing from older liberals who feel the vote of millennials belongs to them. Clara Jeffrey, editor-in-chief of Mother Jones, tweeted that she has never hated millennials more in response to the NYT/CBS poll, which earned refreshing responses from millennials Continue this story at ReasonREAD MORE ELECTION NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire 2016 Files
September 17, 2016
Not a Journalist: CNN’s Brian Stelter Manages Clinton Health Cover-up
21st Century Wire says CNN s Brian Stelter hosts a show facetiously titled, Reliable Sources , where Stelter pretends to be a hard-hitting journalist , but the reality couldn t be further from the truth. Based on CNN and Stelter s reporting so far, their only sources appear to be those of the Clinton campaign s damage control team. IMAGE: CNN s Brian Stelter host of Reliable Sources . Normally, Stelter, who describes himself as a media analysis expert , is able to play the part of journalist partly because it s easy to blend in at CNN which probably employs more political operatives and pseudo-journalists than any other media outlet in the US, but in the high stakes game that is the 2016 election season, Stelter s cardboard facade has quickly fallen apart, in full view. Buckling under pressure while trying to manage Clinton campaign messaging on CNN, Stelter then lost it, attacking two leading nationally syndicated radio hosts, Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh, accusing them of wanting Hillary Clinton dead, (yes that s right, he said dead) during the nationally aired PBS Charlie Rose segment with fill-in host Andrew Ross Sorkin.Listen to the rebuttal by Rush Limbaugh: The HillMedia reporters are a relatively new breed. A breed that basically came along during the last decade when digital media came into existence, creating hundreds of more avenues for actual reporting to exist, and therefore keep an eye on.The job of media reporter is fairly straightforward: Observe the industry in all of its forms. And when good or bad reporting happens, simply call it out.If a police force is a parallel of the Fourth Estate, a media reporter exists in that context as Internal Affairs, as a check and balance for those who are supposed to speak truth to power.But lately it appears that even Internal Affairs/media reporters are compromised, biased and even dishonest. Exhibit A is CNN s Brian Stelter in his reporting on Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton s health issues, or per his consistent narrative for weeks, total lack of issues.Sunday was an active news day well outside of coverage of the 15th anniversary of 9/11: Clinton left a ceremony at Ground Zero early. And Fox News s Rick Leventhal as solid a news reporter as they come out there first went to air of Clinton s unexpected departure.From there, Leventhal was alone in his report citing a Clinton health episode for leaving early. The Clinton campaign wasn t talking. Other news organizations were waiting for another outlet or the campaign to come forward to verify before even cautiously broaching it.But shortly after 11:00 a.m. on CNN, Stelter broke away from his planned segment on Reliable Sources to break the news, via CNN s Jeff Zeleny, that Clinton had indeed become overheated during the 9/11 event under comfortable conditions (76 degrees at the time, mild breeze, low humidity).Here is video of Clinton attempting to enter her secure vehicle: Sunday RCP headline: CNN s Stelter to Media: Do Not Give Oxygen To Conspiracy Theories That Hillary Clinton Is Secretly Ill BRIAN STELTER, RELIABLE SOURCES: Very worrisome news to hear, obviously, Jeff. As someone who covers the Clinton campaign everyday, what can you tell us about how frequently Clinton may have any health issues. Because obviously for years, there have been conspiracy theories online promoted by conservative websites saying that she is secretly ill. The campaign denied that and her physician said she is fit to serve as president. JEFF ZELENY, CNN: Indeed, her physician said she is fit to serve as president. She s released more medical information than her rival has of course but still has not released all of her records that all candidates have had over the years.Now, this certainly is going to prompt and renew and raise more questions about her health potentially here. She is 68 years old. She will turn 69 in October, before election day. It has, you know, we have seen it a lot over recent weeks, you know, some selected images and pictures and video of her either stumbling BRIAN STELTER: Taken out of context.ZELENY: Taken out of context, yes. And I can tell you, Brian, I cover her a lot day in and day out on the campaign trail. Her schedule is very aggressive. We hear Donald Trumpoften saying, Oh, she is taking a nap in the middle of the day. That s not true. She has a very rigorous campaign schedule.( ) Stelter later connected with Zeleny for the following exchange which had nothing to do with the episode Clinton experienced on Sunday that showed her knees buckling while falling into her security van with aides catching her before potentially injuring herself around an older tabloid photo instead of discussing the situation at hand.Translation: Nothing really to see here, so let s deflect the conversation to a completely irrelevant point.STELTER: You know, they had that horrible let s be honest, Jeff, they had this horrible photo on the cover of that supermarket tabloid. Clearly, Hillary was Photoshopped in the picture. I thought it was disgusting.And yet, even though there are these conspiracy theories, which we should not give oxygen to, saying that she is secretly ill, suggesting she is on her deathbed, which we can she is not, there are legitimate questions to ask by reporters. And I think that s the distinction here to make.ZELENY: Right. It is a distinction, no doubt about it. Like I said, she has released more information than Donald Trump has, but both of them have released far less than John McCain did and Barack Obama did, than Mitt Romney and Barack Obama did, going back much beyond that.But the picture on the tabloid did looked doctored. I see her most every day. That looked nothing like her. And she has joked about it, Brian. I think we saw her on TV STELTER: Yes, good point.ZELENY: a couple weeks ago saying, you know, look, they ve predicted that I would be on my deathbed by October and I m still here. So she has made humor of this. And I think that this could go one of two ways here. If the other if her critics keep this up and criticize her, this could certainly motivate and inspire some of her supporters as well here.But we see her waving there, again. She s scheduled to go to California tomorrow. She will be on the West Coast for three days this week. As of now, her schedule is going forward here, Brian.On Thursday, for example, I flew with her all day as she left the airport in Westchester around 10:00 a.m. after a press conference and we returned at 11:00 p.m. She had a couple different campaign stops, a couple different fundraising stops and working along the way. So she is keeping up a rigorous pace here.But there are going to be questions about her health. In this incident, this episode, this situation this morning in Manhattan is just the latest example of that. The fact the Clinton campaign putting out this statement this morning saying that she felt overheated at Ground Zero and was taken to her daughter s apartment certainly is the information we have right now at this hour, Brian. The report would end there.The trip to California has since been cancelled.Takeaway: Stelter never broaches during any of these live reports big ones considering the news here that other prominent doctors, including President Obama s ex-physician of more than two decades made the recommendation recently that Clinton should take a neurological exam.Obama s physician, who gave him a clean bill of health before the 2008 election and is widely respected, was Dr. David Scheiner from 1987 until his election in 2008. Scheiner isn t a Trump fan, but instead a Clinton supporter who said the Republican nominee scares the devil out of him. There are a number of questions I have, said Dr. Scheiner to CNN s Erin Burnett in mid-August. First of all, she s also 68 years old, and while I think that letter was well-written and very professional, unlike Dr. Bornstein s [Donald Trump s doctor], it s not enough. For example, she s on Coumadin, a medication to prevent blood clots, he continued. You have to monitor that and it says she s being monitored regularly. I d like to know how well she s being controlled. That s a difficult drug to use. But here s the part Stelter a media reporter whose job it is to present the full story has curiously omitted in his numerous television appearances pontificating on the topic of Clinton s health which he has continually dismissed as conspiracy theories: Also, I think she should have had a neurological examination, a thorough neurological examination in 2016, recommended Scheiner. We know what happens to football players who have had concussions, how they begin to lose some of their cognitive ability, I think both [Trump and Clinton] should release their records. On Twitter, I asked Stelter who had repeatedly made the argument that any questions raised about Clinton s health status are strictly those of Drudge, Fox s Sean Hannity, Breitbart and the alt-right why he has ignored the prognosis of the president s own ex-physician who made said recommendation on CNN primetime to much press reaction afterward:@brianstelter The former ex-physician of the president saying Hillary Clinton should have a neurological exam on CNN air is cherry-picking? Joe Concha (@JoeConchaTV) September 11, 2016In reviewing transcripts of several Stelter appearances on the topic, the media reporter and critic not only has failed to present Dr. Scheiner s conclusion, but also none of the other top doctors who have come forward to state Clinton needs further medical analysis, scrutiny and transparency as well and there are plenty to cite.Short version: The conspiracy theories that Stelter has characterized in the form of reporting dozens of times on air and in print around Clinton s health had gone well beyond right-wing media and Trump surrogates before Sunday s episode and should have been a legitimate concern worthy of questioning, as noted several times in this space over the past few weeks Continue this story at the HillREAD MORE ABOUT PROBLEMS AT CNN NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire CNN Files
September 16, 2016
Boiler Room EP #74 – Dustification & The Crooked Witch of the Left
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6 PM PST | 9 PM EST for this special broadcast. Join us for uncensored, uninterruptible talk radio, custom-made for barfly philosophers, misguided moralists, masochists, street corner evangelists, media-maniacs, savants, political animals and otherwise lovable rascals.Join ACR hosts Hesher, & Spore along with Jay Dyer from jaysanalysis.com, Andy Nowicki from Alt Right Blogspot, Daniel Spaulding of Soul of the East and Stewart Howe of 21Wire for the 74th episode of BOILER ROOM. Dim the lights, dawn the headphones and indulge in some Boiler Room with the crew. This week we re continuing the 9/11 discussion one step further. Also, lets not forget #SickHillary #CrookedHillary, we d be remiss if we didn t do our best to dissect this series of anomalies being thrown around the media with regards to the health of the Crooked Witch of the Left.Please like and share the program and visit our donate page to get involved!BOILER ROOM IS NOT A POLICTALLY CORRECT ZONE! LISTEN TO THE SHOW IN THE PLAYER BELOW ENJOY!Reference Links:
September 14, 2016
Is Hillary’s Meltdown Real, or a Staged Exit?
21st Century Wire says As shocking and controversial as Hillary Clinton s recent public health incident may seem, there s something oddly convenient about the near perfect proximity and position of the viral video footage, as well as other scenes like her nurse assistant squeezing her fingers in full public view. One would expect the campaign would want to conceal these extremely embarrassing moments from the media.Clearly, there is more going on here than meets the eye, or not?https://twitter.com/DBloom451/status/775810589125775360Some further medical commentary from FOX News regular Dr. Zuhdi Jasser:
September 14, 2016
No Longer a Fantasy: Could Hillary Clinton Actually Drop Out of the Race?
21st Century Wire says US Democratic Party candidate Hillary Clinton is reported to have fainted during a major 9/11 Memorial service in New York City this past Sunday. She was promptly removed from the event by her campaign staff, but video footage later emerged showing Clinton being carried into her custom transport van.Now the media is buzzing with the question: is Hillary Clinton fit enough for the Oval Office? More importantly, can she stay on the campaign trail?As expected, the Clinton campaign is vehemently downplaying any health concerns, insisting that the former Secretary of State is absolutely fine. The following is a video mix of this bizarre campaign scene, where Mrs. Clinton is lifted by multiple staffers and security into her van, and also notice at the 48 second mark where a small item drops from her right pant leg onto the pavement below. Watch:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCx0x0rigeQ . What would happen if she bowed out? Who would replace her? Is this a real possibility, or is this simply the latest in a long line of sensational rightwing media reports designed to further distract and divert the American public away from important key issues facing America?Here is former Huffington Post journalist David Seaman, who was recently fired and his work censored (and scrubbed from the internet) by the Huff Post for reporting on Clinton s health issues. Watch as he reveals Wikileaks Clinton Email Archive, which reveal additional information Clinton s health problems:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ren0vHuq-1A . Probing further into the possibility of Hillary Clinton actually dropping from the US Presidential race is award-winning health journalist and media analyst Jon Rappoport Jon Rappoport No More Fake NewsI ve written about her health problems before, including the blood-thinning Coumadin she s taking. And the blood clots. And the advisory against flying, because new life-threatening blood clots can occur.I wrote and I still say Democrat power players would go along with electing her even if she was dragged into the Oval Office dead on arrival. They don t care.After Hillary s fainting spell at the 9/11 memorial, the Washington Post, that organ of unquestioned truth, grants that it s now acceptable to ask polite questions about her health. Well done, boys. You re really going out on a limb. Thanks so much.I think it s time for major media to take an overt stand about Hillary: She may be very sick, dangerously so, but it s still a crime to emphasize that because it s sexist, and besides, untoward publicity could allow Trump to slip into the White House, and besides, our news organization has donated to the Clinton Foundation, and besides, she s Hillary and we all know and love her and we don t want to think about something bad happening to her because then we would cry. I would accept that statement. Hillary s public coughing fits. The physical instability. The fainting. The handler, Todd Madison, walking out on stage, putting his hand on her, telling her to keep talking, as if she s forgotten what s going on. You have to conclude her doctors have tried everything they can to keep her upright and functioning, and if this is best they can do, she s in bad shape.Hillary dropping out of the race for the Oval Office is no longer a fantasy. It could happen. If it does, the media will swing into gear and try to demand a delay in the election.There is no basis for such a demand, because both major Parties can pick their candidate on their own terms. The Democrats, for example, as we ve seen, can rig the vote and secretly back Hillary from the beginning and cook up propaganda to defeat Bernie Sanders. They can choose a slew of so-called super-delegates who owe nothing to the voters and, instead, support whoever they want to (Hillary). So if she drops out, the Democrat leaders can simply decide, again, without consulting voters, who the substitute is. Kaine? Biden? Sanders? Elizabeth Warren? Michelle Obama? Rachel Maddow? Karl Marx?No doubt, some progressive pundit will suggest Obama should stay in office for a while, because he has the experience, he s Presidential, he s done such a magnificent job in his two terms, his mission is unfinished (he must get the TPP treaty ratified), we need him to continue the dialogue on race in the post-racial society, he knows how to bypass Congress with a blizzard of executive orders, he can figure out a way to admit millions more illegal immigrants to these shores, he backs Black Lives Matter, and he knows how to talk about fake employment numbers and pretend they re real.The Democrats and their supporters will go on a victim binge: woe is us, Hillary our leader has fallen, we re crippled (differently abled), we need time to regroup, we can t be expected to make a snap judgment, who cares about constitutional rules governing elections, this is really serious, we have to decide what s best for The People and we have to find a way to pay off Bernie Sanders so he stays in hiding and keeps his big mouth shut.I, for one, would like to see Trump vs. Bernie. Socialist vs. Capitalist. They could do three debates on Globalism and its horrendous effects on America, at which point the public would realize they both claim to perceive the gargantuan threat, albeit from different angles.Hillary was the unabashed queen bee of Globalism.At any rate, you can bet that, as we speak, media giants are taking private briefings on how the election season would proceed if she drops out. They re preparing their talking points and tall stories and outright lies. All somehow culminating in a Democrat Party victory this November, come hell or high water. After Congressional leaders begged President Obama to stay on for several months, he reluctantly agreed, saying: Well, I do have sixty or seventy executive orders drawn up and ready to go, so perhaps I could bring the country a little closer to the future we envision. We re all in this together. The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails atNoMoreFakeNews.com or OutsideTheRealityMachine.READ MORE ELECTION NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire 2016 Files
September 13, 2016
‘Is Donald Trump Really the Answer?’
21st Century Wire says Is Donald Trump the answer? Is anyone the answer?Here s an interesting conversation in New York City, with author David Icke and Luke Rudkowski from We Are Change, talking about the adoption of Donald Trump and Islamophobia by popular, well-financed alternative media outlets, and the challenges of remaining truly independent. Watch:
September 13, 2016
Tyranny Of 9/11: The Building Blocks Of The American Police State From A-Z
No one man can terrorize a whole nation unless we are all his accomplices. Edward R. MurrowJohn W. Whitehead Huffington PostWe ve walked a strange and harrowing road since September 11, 2001, littered with the debris of our once-vaunted liberties.Over the past 15 years, we have gone from a nation that took great pride in being a model of a representative democracy to being a model of how to persuade the citizenry to march in lockstep with a police state.What began with the passage of the USA Patriot Act in October 2001 has snowballed into the eradication of every vital safeguard against government overreach, corruption and abuse.This is not freedom. This is a jail cell. Set against a backdrop of government surveillance, militarized police, SWAT team raids, asset forfeiture, eminent domain, overcriminalization, armed surveillance drones, whole body scanners, stop and frisk searches, roving VIPR raids and the like all of which have been sanctioned by Congress, the White House and the courts our constitutional freedoms have been steadily chipped away at, undermined, eroded, whittled down, and generally discarded.Our losses are mounting with every passing day.Free speech, the right to protest, the right to challenge government wrongdoing, due process, a presumption of innocence, the right to self-defense, accountability and transparency in government, privacy, press, sovereignty, assembly, bodily integrity, representative government: all of these and more have become casualties in the government s war on the American people, a war that has grown more pronounced since 9/11.Since the towers fell on 9/11, the American people have been treated like enemy combatants, to be spied on, tracked, scanned, frisked, searched, subjected to all manner of intrusions, intimidated, invaded, raided, manhandled, censored, silenced, shot at, locked up, and denied due process.In allowing ourselves to be distracted by terror drills, foreign wars, color-coded warnings, underwear bombers and other carefully constructed exercises in propaganda, sleight of hand, and obfuscation, we failed to recognize that the true enemy to freedom was lurking among us all the while.Indeed, the U.S. government now poses a greater threat to our freedoms than any terrorist, extremist or foreign entity ever could. Here s an A-to-Z primer to spell out exactly what government tyranny means post 9/11.A is for the AMERICAN POLICE STATE.B is for our battered BILL OF RIGHTS.C is for CIVIL ASSET FORFEITURE, a diabolical governmental scheme to deprive Americans of their liberties, namely, the right to property.D is for DRONES, weaponized, equipped with lasers, tasers and scanning devices, and aimed at we the people. E is for ELECTRONIC CONCENTRATION CAMP in which all citizens are suspects, their activities monitored and regulated, their movements tracked, their communications spied upon, and their lives, liberties and pursuit of happiness dependent on the government s say-so.F is for FUSION CENTERS, which serve as a clearinghouse for information shared between state, local and federal agencies. These fusion centers can constantly monitor our communications, everything from our internet activity and web searches to text messages, phone calls and emails.G is for GRENADE LAUNCHERS and GLOBAL POLICE. Take small-town police forces, equip them with enough firepower to render any citizen resistance futile, and then enlist them to be part of the United Nations Strong Cities Network program, and you not only have a standing army that can operate beyond the reach of the Constitution, but one that is part of a global police force.H is for HOLLOW-POINT BULLETS. The government s efforts to militarize and weaponize its agencies and employees is reaching epic proportions, with federal agencies as varied as the Department of Homeland Security and the Social Security Administration stockpiling millions of lethal hollow-point bullets.I is for the INTERNET OF THINGS. This connected industry propels us closer to a future where police agencies apprehend virtually anyone if the government thinks they may commit a crime, driverless cars populate the highways, and a person s biometrics are constantly scanned and used to track their movements, target them for advertising, and keep them under perpetual surveillance.J is for JAILING FOR PROFIT. Having outsourced their inmate population to private prisons run by private corporations, this profit-driven form of mass punishment has given rise to a $70 billion private prison industry that relies on the complicity of state governments to keep their privately run prisons full by jailing large numbers of Americans for inane crimes.K is for KENTUCKY V. KING, a ruling that opens the door to warrantless police raids, leaving Americans with little real protection in the face of all manner of abuses by law enforcement officials.L is for LICENSE PLATE READERS, which enable law enforcement to track the whereabouts of vehicles, and their occupants, all across the country.M is for MAIN CORE, the U.S. government s database of 8 million or more names and information on Americans considered threats to the nation who should be rounded up in times of national emergency or under martial law.N is for NO-KNOCK RAIDS. More than 80,000 of these paramilitary raids are carried out every year more than 200 SWAT team raids every day and all in the pursuit of someone merely suspected of a crime, usually possession of some small amount of drugs.O is for OVERCRIMINALIZATION, which has resulted in an uptick in Americans being arrested and jailed for such absurd violations as letting their kids play at a park unsupervised, collecting rainwater and snow runoff on their own property, growing vegetables in their yard, and holding Bible studies in their living room.P is for PATHOCRACY and PRECRIME, tyranny at the hands of a psychopathic government. Couple that with the government s burgeoning precrime programs, and anyone seen as opposing the government whether they re Left, Right or somewhere in between becomes a potential extremist.Q is for QUALIFIED IMMUNITY, which allows officers to walk away without paying a dime for their wrongdoing.R is for ROADSIDE STRIP SEARCHES and BLOOD DRAWS. The courts have increasingly erred on the side of giving government officials especially the police vast discretion in carrying out strip searches, blood draws and even anal probes for a broad range of violations, no matter how minor the offense.S is for the SURVEILLANCE STATE. On any given day, the average American going about his daily business will be monitored, surveilled, spied on and tracked in more than 20 different ways, by both government and corporate eyes and ears.T is for TASERS and other nonlethal weapons, which enable police to aggress with the push of a button, making the potential for overblown confrontations over minor incidents that much more likely.U is for UNARMED CITIZENS SHOT BY POLICE. No longer is it unusual to hear about incidents in which police shoot unarmed individuals first and ask questions later, often attributed to a fear for their safety.V is for VIPR SQUADS, which are tasked with carrying out so-called soft target security inspections whenever and wherever the government deems appropriate, at random times and places, and without needing the justification of a particular threat.W is for WHOLE-BODY SCANNERS. Using either x-ray radiation or radio waves,scanning devices and government mobile units are being used not only to see through your clothes but to spy on you within the privacy of your home.X is for X-KEYSCORE. One of the many spying programs carried out by the NSA that targets every person in the United States who uses a computer or phone.Y is for YOU-NESS. Facial recognition software promises to create a society in which you can be tracked based on your face, mannerisms, social media and you-ness. Z is for ZERO TOLERANCE, in which young people are increasingly viewed as suspects and treated as criminals by school officials and law enforcement alike, often for engaging in little more than childish behavior. The lesson being taught to our youngest and most impressionable citizens is this: in the American police state, you re either a prisoner (shackled, controlled, monitored, ordered about, limited in what you can do and say, your life not your own) or a prison bureaucrat (politician, police officer, judge, jailer, spy, profiteer, etc.).As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People, the reality we must come to terms with is that in the post-9/11 America we live in today, the government does whatever it wants, freedom be damned.The choices before us are straight-forward.We can live in the past, dwell on what freedoms we used to enjoy and shrug helplessly at the destruction of our liberties.We can immerse ourselves in the present, allowing ourselves to be utterly distracted by the glut of entertainment news and ever-changing headlines so that we fail to pay attention to or do anything about the government s ongoing power-grabs.We can hang our hopes on the future, believing against all odds that someone or something whether it be a politician, a movement, or a religious savior will save us from inevitable ruin.Or we can start right away by instituting changes at the local level, holding our government officials accountable to the rule of law, and resurrecting the Constitution, recognizing that if we fail to do so and instead follow our current trajectory, the picture of the future will be closer to what George Orwell likened to a boot stamping on a human face forever.
September 11, 2016
SUNDAY SCREENING: National Security Alert: The Pentagon Attack (2009)
21st Century Wire says Our weekly documentary film curated by our editorial team at 21WIRE.Aside from the collapse of WTC Building 7, a major achilles heel in the official 9/11 version of events is tale of a passenger airliner hitting the Pentagon. The following independent investigative documentary may offer some key insight into this incident, and depending on whether you believe its findings are credible may even prove beyond a doubt that no Boeing passenger airliner struck the Pentagon on September 11, 2001.To date, it remains one of the most compelling presentations illustrating what happened, or more precisely what did not happen on 9/11. Watch: SEE MORE SUNDAY SCREENINGS HERE
September 11, 2016
Episode #152 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘From Ground Zero to Syria’ with guests Tom Duggan, Jay Dyer, Shawn Helton
Episode #152 of SUNDAY WIRE SHOW resumes this Sunday September 11, 2016 as host Patrick Henningsen broadcasts a 4 HOUR SPECIAL of LIVE power-packed talk radio on ACR LISTEN LIVE ON THIS PAGE AT THE FOLLOWING SCHEDULED SHOW TIMES:SUNDAYS 5pm-8pm UK Time | 12pm-3pm ET (US) | 9am-12pm PT (US)This week s edition of THE SUNDAY WIRE is on the road broadcasting LIVE from the Valley of the Sun. This week host Patrick Henningsen covers this week s top stories internationally, including today s marking of the 15 Year Anniversary of the Attacks of Sept 11, 2001 a day when we remember all of the victims of the tragic event, but also when ask important unanswered questions about what really happened that day. In the first hour we re joined by investigative, Shawn Helton to discuss his thoughts and reflections on 9/11, and also the release of Reagan gunman John Hinckley Jr. Also in the first hour, we ll connect with Syria-based independent correspondent Tom Duggan to hear more of his eyewitness account of The Battle of Aleppo and what is happening with the latest Syria ceasefire agreement signed between Russia and the United States in Geneva this week. In the third and fourth hour, we re joined by writer and analyst, Jay Dyer, author of Esoteric Hollywood, to talk about September 11th and what it means in terms of American mythology, the national and global psyche, the madness of Neoconservative operative Paul Wolfowitz, and what this means in American society and the geopolitical theatre in the 21st century.SHOUT POLL: Should US/UK/EU-funded White Helmets receive a Nobel Peace Prize?Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield this is your brave new world *NOTE: THIS EPISODE MAY CONTAIN STRONG LANGUAGE AND MATURE THEMES*Direct Download the Most Recent Episode// <![CDATA[ broadstreet.zone(46707); // ]]&gt;Sunday Wire Radio Show Archives
September 11, 2016
OUT IN THE OPEN: ‘9/11’ 15 Years Of A Transparent Lie
21st Century Wire says One of the most elaborate crimes of the century continues to be whitewashed SMOKE SCREEN Photo Illustration 21WIRE s Shawn Helton There are many doorways into the crimes of 9/11. After the attacks on the Pentagon and World Trade Center, President George W. Bush called for the creation of remote control systems in commercial airliners in the event of an emergency. By design, this technology would grant air traffic controllers, along with other government entities, the ability to control an aircraft and steer it towards its final intended destination.Based on history, we know that the Flight Management Systems within Boeing models have been capable of assisting the entire flight through its remote autopilot functions since at least 1984, well before Bush s politically motivated calls for remote control flights in the aftermath of 9/11.From the mid-1980 s, the coded software on the plane would send data to ground control stations, accepting any return flight information or auto-land command. In addition to civilian aircraft being flown remotely before it was acknowledged, the U.S. Air Force apparently constructed an F-106 Delta Dart fighter to be controlled remotely on a combat mission in 1959 under the direction of the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD).There has been an endless dispute over the how of 9/11 and the who, as well as the various methods used to carry out the crimes of that day. There s an even heavier debate over what brought down WTC Building 7 and since then, other 9/11 rabbit holes have also challenged the nature of the planes said to be involved in both New York and Washington DC.Whether you re curious and bold enough to head down that path is a whole different matter, but the fact remains, the technology to take over a commercial flight existed long before 9/11.Whatever your thoughts are concerning planes on 9/11 it s still worth noting that even the mainstream media admitted at the time that there was, no evidence of a plane at all, following the destruction of a portion of the Pentagon s western side.Indeed, 15 years on, there are still many more question than there are plausible answers.More from Paul Craig Roberts below Einst rzende Neubauten A single day has shaped the modern world. (Image Source: downtownexpress)9/11: 15 Years Of A Transparent LiePaul Craig RobertsThere are many conspiracy theories about 9/11. The US government s own explanation of 9/11 is a conspiracy theory in which a few Saudi Arabians outwitted the American national security state. Little doubt that many of the more imaginative conspiracy theories were created for the purpose of stigmatizing any skepticism, no matter how well reasoned and supported, of the official story.When thinking about 9/11, it is important to differentiate expert opinion from improbable explanations.Among the expert opinion are 2,600 structural engineers and high-rise architects who comprise Architects & Engineers for 9/11 truth and have written to Congress asking for a real investigation, Firefighters for 9/11 truth, Pilots for 9/11 truth, physicists and chemists who analyzed the dust from the twin towers and report finding reacted and unreacted materials used in controlled demolitions, and former government officials who understand that a security failure as great as 9/11 would have produced an immediate and exacting investigation.These groups of qualified and experienced people say that the official story of 9/11 is false. Architects, engineers, and scientists say that the official story is physically impossible. Firefighters and WTC maintenance personnel say that there were numerous explosions within the towers and that the first explosions were in the sub-basements prior to the buildings being hit by airplanes. Experienced military and civilian pilots say the maneuvers of the aircraft are beyond the capability of the alleged hijackers. Both co-chairman of the 9/11 Commission and the legal counsel have written books in which they have said that information was withheld from the Commission, that the US government lied to the Commission, and that the Commission was set up to failIn other words, the hard evidence simply does not support the official story.We know that the official story is false. We don t know who is responsible or the purpose the event was intended to serve. However, circumstantial evidence strongly supports suspicion of the neoconservatives whose high positions in the government would have enabled them to succeed with a false flag attack and to delay and divert any investigation until the official story was set in stone. We also know from the dancing Israelis that elements in the Israeli government had advance notice of the attack as Israeli agents were set up ready to film the destruction of the twin towers.More from Paul Craig Roberts here READ MORE 9/11 NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire 9/11 Files
September 10, 2016
SYRIA CEASEFIRE? Lavrov, Kerry Agree to Fight Al-Nusra, No Strikes on ‘Rebels,’ Aleppo Relief
21st Century Wire says After a long drawn out round of bilateral peace talks in Geneva Switzerland this week, Russia and the United States announced a plan for a 48 hour ceasefire in Syria, scheduled to take effect at sundown Monday.Incredibly, the cornerstone of this agreement rests on Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and US Secretary of State John Kerry, both agreeing (for now anyway) that they would both be targeting the terrorist opposition force, Al Nusra Front (al Qaeda in Syria, supported covertly by both the Saudi Arabia and the US/CIA) who recently rebranded themselves to Jabhat Fateh Al-Sham in cynical desperate move to avoid being targeted by military airstrikes.Back in May, when another ceasefire was proposed, 21WIRE warned that it was only a ploy by the US to buy more time for rebels to re-arm and repair broken rat lines from Turkey into northern Syria. That turned out to be 100% correct, despite the fact the western media outlets were duped by Washington s desperate diplomatic ploy reinforced by a multi-million dollar, New York City-based PR campaign targeting social media and funded by George Soros and others, which was marketed using the tagline #AleppoIsBurning.Are we seeing more of the same this week in Geneva?For a comprehensive analysis on what this latest temporary ceasefire agree really means, and where it could be heading, watch his excellent segment featuring political analyst Ammar Waqqaf. Watch: According to Kerry, the plan is to ensure that Syrian government forces will not carry out combat missions where the so-called moderate opposition is present.Speaking of fight against Al-Nusra and its efforts to blend with moderate rebels, Kerry stressed going on Al-Nusra is not a concession to anybody but is profoundly in the interests of the US. 'Going on Al-Nusra is profoundly in the interests of the US' #Kerry https://t.co/1MeCyNAvE5 #LavrovKerry #Syria pic.twitter.com/fjvctBZJFa RT (@RT_com) September 9, 2016Kerry also outlined an establishment of the Russian-US Joint Implementation Centre (JIG) that would serve the purpose of delineation of territories controlled by Al-Nusra and opposition groups in the area of active hostilities. Taking the floor, the Russian FM confirmed that Russia and US had agreed to coordinate airstrikes in Syria, provided there is a sustained period of reduced violence. The first step toward the implementation of this clause will be a 48-hour ceasefire in Syria, Lavrov said.Lavrov elaborated that the ceasefire comes into effect on September 12 and should last for at least seven days.( ) Despite the mistrust and attempt to disrupt what we have agreed upon, we managed to work out a package of documents, there are five of them. It allows us to set an effective coordination in the fight against terrorism, to expand the humanitarian access to distressed population, first and foremost in Aleppo, Lavrov said.Due to the sensitive nature of the information contained in the agreements, they will not be made available to general public, Lavrov said. We cannot make these documents public. They contain rather serious, sensitive information. We don t want it to fall into hands of those who would surely try to disrupt the implementation of the measures stipulated within in the framework of humanitarian delivery supplies and in other parts of our agreements. Continue this article at RTREAD MORE SYRIA NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Syria Files
September 10, 2016
BUSH-HINCKLEY NEXUS: Reagan Gunman Released, Reviving Conspiracy Suspicions
Shawn Helton 21st Century WireOn the eve of the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 Attacks, the man implicated in shooting the 40th President of the United States will be released from captivity after 35 years.The attempted assassination of US President Ronald Reagan is one of the most infamous crimes of the 20th century. Like the assassination of JFK, it was an act that will forever be shrouded in conspiracy, intrigue and mystery. CALCULATED CRIME Photo Illustration 21WIRE s Shawn HeltonAlthough it s been over three decades since John Hinckley Jr. reportedly shot Reagan and three others at the Washington Hilton Hotel in the spring of 1981, many questions regarding the traumatic event continue to persist to this day.The importance of this dramatic incident should be emphasized, as it revealed a rather uncanny family connection between the Bush family and the Hinckley family, highlighted by a series of strange circumstances prior to the shooting itself, as well as a crime scene that was largely left unexplained A DARK DAY According to analysts and researchers such as John Judge, Reagan had already been struck under his left arm after raising his left arm to the crowd outside the Hilton Hotel. Image Source: (lawabsolute) The Reagan Shooting Prior to being shot outside the Washington Hilton Hotel on March 30th, 1981, Reagan had been giving a speech to the Building and Construction Trades Department of the AFL-CIO. During that builders speech, Reagan outlined a budget cut plan that received a restrained response from those concerned over union jobs according to reports. Contrary to most mainstream reports about the incident, Reagan s exit on the south side of the Hilton on Florida Avenue following his speech, as we ll find out later, was anything but routine.According to the official story, Hinckley is stated to have crouched and fired a .22 caliber R hm RG-14 revolver during a rainy afternoon in the nation s capital.Reagan, his press secretary, James S. Brady, Secret Service agent Timothy J. McCarthy and District of Columbia policeman Thomas K. Delahaney, had all been shot in a sea of reporters, Secret Service members, police and plain clothes police, as well as unknown spectators at the location according to NBC cameraman Shelly Fieldman, one of those who filmed the chaotic ambush as it happened.The assassination attempt occurred just 69 days into the Reagan presidency and the apparent motive seemed born out of a Hollywood studio back lot, as Hinckley was supposedly trying to impress actress Jodie Foster by reenacting would-be-assassin Arthur Bremer s assassination attempt on then Presidential candidate, George Wallace, which in turn was fictionalized for Martin Scorsese s motion picture Taxi Driver, a film that co-starred Foster. Evidence of a note to Foster is said to have materialized out of Hinckley s room at the Washington Hilton Hotel following the shooting. PLANTED STORY? An all to familiar Hollywood narrative grafted onto a crime was Hinckley inspired by an actress and a film? (Image Source: upi)Incidentally, in 1992, George Wallace Jr. asserted that President Richard Nixon s campaign had prior knowledge of Bremer s whereabouts before the shooting of his father, something which prompted the family to call for a new investigation. The complaint emerged after an article appeared in New Yorker magazine stating that Nixon and one of his aides had talked about planting George McGovern s campaign literature in Bremer s apartment.According to other reports, The plan had to be dropped because the F.B.I. quickly sealed the apartment, according to the article. George Wallace s top aide Elvin Stanton, was later on record stating that government insiders may have been involved in a conspiracy to take Wallace out of the 1972 Presidential race. So was there a larger conspiracy behind the attempt on Reagan s life? STAY-BEHIND - Vice President George Bush seen here with Rita Clements first lady of Texas Governor Bill Clements, Texas Secretary of State George Strake and Dallas Congressman Jim Collins on an Austin tarmac waiting on Reagan s prognosis. (Image Source: dallasnews)Absent from the shocking scene at the Hilton, was Vice President George H.W. Bush, who had traveled to Fort Worth to dedicate a historical plaque at the Fort Worth Hyatt Regency. After news of the failed assassination on Reagan, he continued travelling to Austin to speak at the Tarrant County Convention Center to talk with the Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association. Some researchers have stated that Bush was waiting on the tarmac in Austin not only to learn of Reagan s prognosis, but to possibly be sworn in as Reagan s successor, if the commander-in-chief did not survive the shooting.Incidentally, the Fort Worth Hyatt Regency where Bush had been on March 30th, was once known as Hotel Texas, the same hotel that President John F. Kennedy stayed at On November 21, 1963 one day before being assassinated in Dealey Plaza.On March 24th, at the behest of National Security Adviser Richard Allen who was in command of the Situation Room, Reagan appointed Bush as the head of his crisis management team less than a week before the attempt on his life. Allen s National Security Council team was tapped to provide support for Bush s crisis squad.Amid a contentious atmosphere between Bush loyalists and Reagan loyalists at the White House, Secretary of State Alexander Haig famously declared, I am in control here. This prompted some to suggest that the move was an erroneous PR faux pas and at worst a grab for power while Reagan was being treated for injuries at the hospital. Others have suggested that Haig, was merely protecting the Reagan-led White House until an investigation into all elements of the shooting could be completed. Additionally, some also believed his comments may have been taken out of context in relation to an actual succession of the presidency.According to the author Dr. Peter Knight, Haig, Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger and others were aware of an apparent North American Air Defense Command (NORAD) exercise set to take place on March 31st, 1981, the very next day after the shooting. However, due to concern about the timing of the NORAD operation, amid the turbulent political wake of the Reagan shooting, the White House supposedly canceled it.Some five hours later after the shooting Vice President Bush arrived in Washington. While there should have been a lengthy investigation given the nature of the crime itself, the shooting was ruled an isolated incident, without conspiracy, according to the newly tapped leader of the White House crisis management team. RAWHIDE S EXIT The Secret Service code name used for Reagan was Rawhide. Though it was reported that agents maintained a diamond-shaped security formation surrounding Reagan, some suggest the group s alignment went askew as the President walked out in the open towards the limousine which was parked away from the exit. (Image Source: pbs.org)On the morning of March 30th, Reagan had apparently been advised that wearing a protective vest was not necessary because there would be minimal public exposure after his speech from the hotel and to the limousine and that there were no credible threats for safety that day.Reportedly, after being hit Reagan had been delayed on the way to the hospital and apparently according to well-known researcher John Judge, he was slated to be brought to Bethesda Medical Center but allegedly due to the coloration of his face and the blood he d been coughing up, he was transported to the much closer George Washington University Hospital though Brady was said to have arrived several minutes before Reagan.Interestingly, even though initial reports stated Reagan was never in any serious danger, nothing could have been further from the truth, as Reagan reportedly lost 3,400 cubic centimeters of blood, or about 3.7 quarts, there are 5 or 6 quarts held in an average body.According Dennis S. O Leary, dean of clinical affairs at GWU Hospital Reagan had a relatively simple procedure, receiving a fresh frozen plasma transfusion. Dr. Frank C. Spencer, chief surgeon at New York University Medical Center, was quoted as stating the following when asked about Reagan s health, Why would you give that amount of blood if he was not in a life-threatening situation and the patient s life was no in serious danger? Additionally, some have asserted that the cold blood or frozen plasma used to save Reagan, could have potentially caused other health problems for the President.On another note, Secret Service agent Joe Trainor, who was tasked with gathering evidence at the hospital after the shooting, oddly stated that Reagan s wound, was no bigger than a paper cut, and a thin dime-sized fragment was given to the FBI for processing.Here NBC cameraman Fieldman is interviewed by host and journalist John Chancellor on NBC Nightly News, discussing details of the incident. Notice that one of the still images appears to depict a bullet hole in the back of the limousine Unexplained ForensicsAll of shooter Hinckley s bullets could be accounted for according to the FBI, and gunman had deadly accuracy, supposedly landing out 4-6 shots on those at the scene, if you are to believe the official story.John Judge explained the following concerning the various pathways concerning Hinckley s apparent Devastator bullets, primarily used by air marshals to thwart hijackers in the 1970 s: Hinckley had six bullets in the gun. One hit Delahanty, a cop, and threw him to the ground by nicking, grazing his shoulder and neck. Another one into the groin of Agent McCarthy, a 160 pound man, it lifted him up and threw him back to the other end of the limousine. Another bullet, the initial bullet fired by Hinckley, hit Mr. Brady in the head, knocked him to the ground and did considerable brain damage. One bullet nicked the windshield of the limousine. One bullet went into the Universal office building across the street and one bullet went into the trunk of the car and you can see when you look at photos closely very clear hole, and not a ricochet or a scar mark but a hole going into the car penetrating the outer metal wall. The bullet that hit Reagan hit him by all accounts at an early point. Judge concluded, as others have contended, there was a second shooter at the Hilton Hotel located in the Bushy Knoll (a term Judge coined), as the limo waiting for Reagan was some 40ft down the curb. Reagan was allegedly shot, as Judge stated, [with] a very specific weapon developed by the intelligence agencies which is a CO2 propelled fleshet. This would account for the thin slit reported by Secret Service and others.Here s a description of the Devastator or exploding bullet from the National Center for Biotechnology Information: It should also be noted that individuals can easily obtain instructions for the creation of their own bullets. The most infamous use of such bullets was the attempted assassination of President Reagan in 1981 by John Hinckley, who used Devastator bullets (Bingham Limited, USA) composed of a lacquer sealed aluminium tip with a lead azide centre designed to explode on impact. Although frequently referred to in works of fiction, they are rarely encountered in forensic practice, because sales have been restricted following the incident in 1981. POSING WITH GUNS Several images surfaced during Hinckley s trial depicting heavy-handed symbolism for dramatic effect. (Image Source: nydailynews)Releasing Hinckley?Though Hinckley would later be declared not guilty by reason of insanity, he was ordered to have ongoing treatment as a forensic patient at St. Elizabeth s hospital located in the southeast quadrant of the nation s capital.Flash forward more than three decades Over this past summer, it was reported that the 61-year-old Hinckley would be released from St. Elizabeth s maximum security mental hospital. Here s a passage from a mainstream media report that discusses the latest developments in the case and the court s reason for release: Judge Paul L. Friedman of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia wrote in his opinion that Mr. Hinckley, 61, no longer posed a danger to himself or others. The report continued adding that, Since 2014, Judge Friedman has allowed Mr. Hinckley to have 17-day stays in Williamsburg, where he has voluntary jobs doing landscaping at a Unitarian church and working in the library and cafeteria of a psychiatric hospital. Interestingly, Judge Friedman has banned Hinckley from corresponding with news media and has allowed the infamous shooter access to drive a 30-mile radius from Williamsburg unaccompanied in addition his ability to drive to monthly hospital appointments in the Washington DC area.Whether you believe the official story of the Reagan shooting or not, it is unconscionable to think that a person reportedly responsible for shooting a president, along with other law enforcement agents and a White House cabinet member, could see the light of day after such a high-profile crime.Hinckley s release will only serve to highlight the bizarre series events associated with the attempt on Reagan s life, which many believe has been covered up to this day. ASSASSIN S CREED Hinckley seen posing in front of Ford s Theater, the site of Abraham Lincoln s assassination. (Image Source: rawhidedown)Bush-Hinckley Family TiesThe Houston Post reported, the Hinckley s reportedly made large contributions to Vice President Bush s political campaign.According to the former dean of the University of Montana School of Journalism Nathaniel Blumberg the events of March 30th, were far from uncovered.The following is a passage from his book THE AFTERNOON OF MARCH 30: A Contemporary Historical Novel, where Blumberg discussed the Bush-Hinckley connection made by NBC s John Chancellor: John Chancellor, eyebrows raised, informed the viewers of NBC Nightly News that the brother of the man who tried to kill the president was acquainted with the son of the man who would have become president if the attack had been successful. As a matter of fact, Chancellor said in a bewildered tone, Scott Hinckley [brother of John Hinckley Jr] and Neil Bush [brother of George W. Bush] had been scheduled to have dinner together at the home of the vice president s son the very next night. According to the Missoulian, Blumberg called it a contemporary historical novel, and it centered on his belief that Neil Bush son of President George H.W. Bush and his wife Sharon were co-conspirators in John Hinckley s attempt to assassinate President Ronald Reagan in 1981. On March 9th, 1985, in an article entitled New novel questions probe of Reagan shooting, published by UPI, Blumberg s self-published novel, The Afternoon of March 30th, also discussed the following: The Hinckley oil company was warned, just hours before the shooting, that it faced a $2-million fine for overpricing oil. The possible charges were never mentioned after Hinckley s attempt. The widely accepted official story that Hinckley was trying to get the attention of actress Jodie Foster was based entirely on a letter that Hinckley was said to have written, but which the public and the media never saw. Additionally, Scott Hinckley was a Vice President for John Hinckley Sr. s Vanderbilt Energy and was reportedly friends with Neil Bush who had been working for AMOCO, in Denver. The Bush s Zapata Oil was said to have bailed out Vanderbilt Energy some time during the 1960 s.Other interesting connections concerning Hinckley were made by the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal: The club records, mementos, and clippings that normally mark a student s passage through a university are nonexistent in the case of Hinckley. Official university transcripts and records were taken by Texas Tech administrators almost by the time President Reagan and the other victims reached a hospital Monday. Continuing, the journal outlined another curious connection in the Bush-Hinckley nexus: Jim Francis, operations manager of the Dallas oil firm Brighton Co., and a fundraiser for Gov. Bill Clements, was Hinckley s basketball coach in the fourth through sixth grades. In 1974, the Hinckley s moved from Texas to Evergreen, Colorado, while John Jr. reportedly stayed behind. However, prior to the Reagan shooting, Hinckley s primary home was listed in Evergreen.Other investigators have gone even further by citing the work of John Judge in support of a clear case for George H W Bush as the assassin of President Ronald Reagan.Hinckley was said to have had no criminal record before being arrested previously in Nashville, Tennessee by Metropolitan Airport Police in Nashville on Oct. 9, 1980, for carrying firearms. That same day, then President Jimmy Carter, was holding a town hall meeting at the Grand Ole Opry, while Reagan reportedly cancelled a stop in Memphis during that time frame.The guns confiscated at the time included a .38 and two .22-caliber pistols according to officials. Although the Hinckley s issued a statement about their son s mental health issues following the Reagan shooting, Nashville authorities could not find any information related to him being mentally ill in the past.Below is a montage of several clips discussing Hinckley s background and his family s relationship to the Bush family ABC s Charles Murphy discusses mysterious phone calls that Hinckley received each day at a phone booth while staying at a motel in Denver A touch of irony, the young man walking with the elder Hinckley is 30-year-old Scott Hinckley, John Jr. s brother, he and Vice President Bush s son Neil, are friends, they had planned to have dinner together in Denver tonight the plans have been cancelled Stephen Geer ABC News SHOCK & AWE During Reagan s campaign he often criticized Bush for being linked to the globalist designs of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission. (Image Source: pinterest)A Shooter s Odyssey: Lone Gunman & Parallel PlotsAs 21WIRE has covered in recent years, very often there is much more involved behind-the-scenes when it comes to sensationalized shootings in America, particularly of those said to be lone wolf , or lone gunman events. The incidents themselves are quickly taken out of the political and forensic realm, giving way to a hyper-realized account, often defying logic and reason. Though simple elements of a shooting may defy explanation, authority actors will rapidly emerge with emotionally charged narratives along with some evidence; the grafting of parallel motives viewed in other crimes, the stacking of circumstantial evidence, a ready-made manifesto or gripping photographic imagery used to direct perception.The Hinckley case, like other more modern mass shootings and the shootings of JFK, RFK and MLK (as well as John Lennon who was killed by Mark Chapman who worked for the Hinckley linked organization World Vision), was certainly no exception.Below, researcher and writer John Judge takes through the winding conspiracy surrounding the attempt on Reagan s life. Watch carefully, as he pieces together one of the most enigmatic crimes of the 20th century Here s a news compilation of the reportage concerning the Reagan assassination attempt In SummaryOverlapping political narratives often dovetail a crisis, staged or otherwise, and the shooting of Reagan (as with other events) was no different, as tension was building in Europe there were critical new developments abroad and according to the CIA, [ by] mid-November 1981, Haig sent President Reagan a memorandum outlining the implications of what he described as a peaceful revolution underway in Poland under the leadership of Solidarity, the national trade union. Interestingly, Haig, who was believed to have protected the Reagan Administration during the March 30th shooting, saw the situation change, as the so-called peaceful revolution ended abruptly in December when the Polish regime imposed martial law throughout the country to challenge the movement. However, that event in Poland is accepted by most historians as one catalyst which eventually led to an end to the Iron Curtain, and then the Soviet Union.In a world full of foreign policy game changers, sudden shifts in international narratives may contain valuable clues to solving some of history s most perplexing events. And another story begins READ MORE DAILY SHOOTER NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Daily Shooter Files
September 9, 2016
21WIRE.TV Members Newsletter – Sept 9, 2016
21st Century Wire says If you have only recently joined us as a subscriber and member at 21WIRE.TV let me take this opportunity to say THANK YOU for coming on board your support is helping us to continue building and improving this independent media operation SEE OUR MEMBERS NEWSLETTER & GLOBAL REPORT HERESupport Our Work by Subscribing and Becoming a Member @21WIRE.TV
September 9, 2016
WMD FRAUD: Sexed-up UN ‘Chemical Weapons’ Report on Syria Contrived to Trigger More Sanctions, Intervention
21st Century Wire says When the UN released its summary of their chemical weapons report on August 30th, the usual suspects led by the US, UK and France, immediately rushed to their media pulpits to claim that this was proof that Syria, under the leadership of President Bashar al Assad, was somehow guilty (again) of the charge of using chlorine bombs against its own people. This latest UN report was the result of a year-long joint inquiry with the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons. Before the full report was even released, western officials and their media surrogates began hysterically claiming that it was imperative for the UN Security Council to move for more sanctions against Syria, to impose a Safe Zone (No-Fly Zone) and to possibly give more license to increasing US-led military intervention in Syria. When confronted with the summary of the yet-to-be released report, Russian Ambassador to the UN, Vitaly Churkin, came straight out of the gates, stating it was wrong to jump to conclusions before actually reading the report, replying simply, There are a number of questions which have to be clarified before we accept all the findings of the report. Russian Ambassador to the UN, Vitaly Churkin.This week the full report was finally released, and as it turns out Russia s Churkin was 100% correct. The report, as with many other US-led attempts to fabricate cases of weapons of mass destruction against governments it wishes to depose, seems at the very least to be sexed-up, and at most a completely fraudulent assessment of events on the ground in Syria. The only real conclusive findings in this report point to ISIS using sulfur mustard gas in Syria. Once again, the West, led by the United States, has attempted to position what appears to be another fabricated case against the Syrian government and place that in the same report next to real findings of a malicious ISIS chemical weapons attack in a somewhat crude attempt to conflate the two (ISIS and Assad) in the court of public opinion.Even worse than attempting to falsely attribute chemical weapons attacks to Syria and Assad, the UN is also guilty of ignoring witness testimonies that have said chlorine attacks were in fact staged by western-backed rebels (see details and assessment of the UN report below). POWELL & POWER: Same WMD fraud, different target nation. You could tell that a desperate agenda was in play judging by the over-the-top and leading statements made by US, UK and French representatives before the report was released two weeks ago.Of course, leading the charge, with a her summary of the yet-to-be released fraudulent assessment in hand, was R2P hawk and US Ambassador to the UN, Samantha Power, who insisted that Syria must pay a price . She added, It is incumbent on the council to act swiftly to show that when we put that Joint Investigative Mechanism in place we were serious about there being meaningful accountability. Once again, just like Colin Powell before her, and as with Iraq the west brazenly touts another dodgy dossier, custom-made for yet another humanitarian stitch-up. British UN Ambassador Matthew Rycroft also joined-in the diplomatic pantomime, saying the UK is calling for the imposition of a sanctions regime and some form of accountability within international legal mechanisms. French UN Ambassador Francois Delattre demanded a quick and strong security council response and said, We need a resolution with teeth. Back in August 2013, Western and Saudi-backed rebels launched an elaborate media-driven WMD hoax also designed to assign blame to the Syrian Government for sarin gas attacks in East Ghouta, Damascus. Western newspapers ran photos of Assad with headlines like, Now They re Gassing Their Own Children (image, above). On the back of that stunt, both the US and the UK even went so far as to press for a declaration of war vote in both their parliaments. Unfortunately for their military industrial complexes, the public did not buy it, but that hasn t discouraged them to keep on trying.What s more shocking however, is why the United Nations would allow its name to be attributed to such a fraudulent and misleading document one that is clearly designed to bolster another bogus case for western military intervention. In the end, this type of self-interested abuse and manipulation by certain UN Security Council members only serves to damage the credibility of the UN as an international arbiter and the institution as a whole (maybe that s part of the West s agenda too).Verdict: The evidence presented in the UN report derives hearsay reporting only from activists and rebels (listed terrorist groups), in effect, lowering the bar so that absolutely no burden of proof is required by accusing parties.Considering what is at stake, and knowing full-well just how the US, UK, France and its NATO allies have demonstrated they are willing to conjure any report of chemical attacks by the regime and will hold this up as a violation of Barack Obama and Washington s ethereal Red Line this is leads immediately to calls to mount another humanitarian intervention.Joining in the party also, are the West s new instruments of war: high-profile human rights charities with links the US State Department. One such organization, Human Rights Watch, whose CEO Ken Roth has already been seen on multiple occasions tweeting fake Syria images in order to build the case for regime change , called on the UN Security council to renew its resolution referring Syria to the International Criminal Court in The Hague. Louis Charbonneau, UN director at Human Rights Watch stated, Russia and China don t have a leg to stand on by continuing to obstruct the Security Council, he said, The Security Council diminishes its importance if it doesn t take strong action against demonstrated use of chemical weapons by the Syrian government. To learn more about Human Rights NGOs are being used to support western imperial objectives read 21WIRE s detailed report on this subject:AN INTRODUCTION: SMART POWER & THE HUMAN RIGHTS INDUSTRIAL COMPLEXMore on the Washington s latest dodgy dossier from award-winning journalist Robert Parry Robert Parry Consortium NewsUnited Nations investigators encountered evidence that alleged chemical weapons attacks by the Syrian military were staged by jihadist rebels and their supporters, but still decided to blame the government for two incidents in which chlorine was allegedly dispersed via improvised explosives dropped by helicopters.In both cases, the Syrian government denied that it had any aircraft in the areas at the times of the purported attacks, but the U.N. team rejected that explanation with the curious argument that Syria failed to provide flight records to corroborate the absence of any flights. Yet, if there had been no flights, there would be no flight records.The U.N. team also dismissed out of hand the possibility that jihadist rebels who had overrun some air bases and thus had operational helicopters at their disposal might have used them as part of a staged event designed to incriminate the Damascus regime and thus justify U.S. or other outside military intervention.Another problem with the U.N. team s findings is that the home-made chlorine bombs had minimal military value, inflicting relatively few casualties and only a handful of deaths.Why the Syrian government, which was under intense international pressure regarding alleged chemical weapons use and was in the process of surrendering its stockpile of such weapons, would have jerry-rigged a handful of homemade bombs and dropped them for no discernible military effect makes little sense.However, since Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has been thoroughly demonized over his harsh reaction to an uprising that began in 2011, pretty much any accusation against him no matter how unlikely or implausible is widely accepted in the mainstream Western media and political circles. In other words, the U.N. team was under pressure to reach a guilty verdict.Accusations of StagingYet, the evidence from at least one of the incidents examined by the U.N. team suggests that an attack on Al-Tamanah on the night of April 29-30, 2014, might well have been staged by rebels and then played up by activists through social media. Seven witnesses stated that frequent alerts [about an imminent chlorine weapons attack by the government] had been issued, but in fact no incidents with chemicals took place, the U.N. report stated. While people sought safety after the warnings, their homes were looted and rumours spread that the events were being staged. [T]hey [these witnesses] had come forward to contest the wide-spread false media reports. Accounts from other people, who did allege that there had been a government chemical attack on Al-Tamanah, provided suspect evidence, including data from questionable sources, according to the U.N. report.The report said, Three witnesses, who did not give any description of the incident on 29-30 April 2014, provided material of unknown source. One witness had second-hand knowledge of two of the five incidents in Al-Tamanah, but did not remember the exact dates. Later that witness provided a USB-stick with information of unknown origin, which was saved in separate folders according to the dates of all the five incidents mentioned by the FFM (the U.N. s Fact-Finding Mission). Another witness provided the dates of all five incidents reading it from a piece of paper, but did not provide any testimony on the incident on 29-30 April 2014. The latter also provided a video titled site where second barrel containing toxic chlorine gas was dropped tamanaa 30 April 14 Some other witnesses alleging a Syrian government attack offered curious claims about detecting the chlorine-infused barrel bombs based on how the device sounded in its descent.The U.N. report said, The eyewitness, who stated to have been on the roof, said to have heard a helicopter and the very loud sound of a falling barrel. Some interviewees had referred to a distinct whistling sound of barrels that contain chlorine as they fall. The witness statement could not be corroborated with any further information. As in other cases that were investigated, the U.N. team demanded that the Syrian government provide flight records to support its denial that any of its aircraft were in the air in that vicinity at the time of the attack. The Government of the Syrian Arab Republic stated that no military activities were conducted from land or air in Al-Tamanah on the dates of the incidents, but did not provide any records of flight operations to support this statement, the U.N. report said.In the Al-Tamanah case, the U.N. team judged the evidence insufficient to reach a firm judgment regarding who was responsible. However, in two other cases, in Talmenes in April 2014 and Sarmin in March 2015, the U.N. team accused the Syrian military of dropping chlorine-infused barrel bombs. Investigative LimitationsYet, regarding all eight cases that were examined, the U.N. team acknowledged significant limitations on its ability to investigate.The report said, As was the case with the Fact-Finding missions, the lack of access to the locations under investigation due to the dire security situation on the ground affected the manner in which the Mechanism [a committee from the U.N. and the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons] was able to conduct its investigation. Visits to certain locations would have facilitated the ability of the Mechanism to (a) confirm and access specific locations of interest; (b) collect comparative environmental samples; (c) identify new witnesses; and (d) physically evaluate the material of interest to the Mechanism (e.g., remnants). Other challenges and constraints include the following factors: (a) the time period that had elapsed since the incident (i.e. in some cases, more than two years since the incident); (b) the lack of chain of custody for some of the material received; (c) the source of information and material was of secondary or tertiary nature; (d) some of the information material, including those depicting the size and nature of the incident, were misleading; (e) finding independent sources of information that could provide access to individuals and information material proved difficult; and (f) the impact locations were not preserved and were compromised by the time they were recorded (e.g., the videos and photographs of the impact locations were taken days after the incident and in many cases after the remnants had been removed from the impact location). In other words, the U.N./OPCW investigation was compromised by its inability to conduct an effective on-the-ground assessment and was forced to rely on witnesses who were often allied with the rebel forces or sympathetic to the political opposition to President Assad.This problem is reminiscent of what happened inside the U.S. Intelligence Community in the run-up to the U.S. invasion of Iraq when some 18 witnesses supposedly defectors from Saddam Hussein s regime became walk-ins who presented claims about the Iraqi government s supposed weapons of mass destruction.CIA analysts debunked some of these bogus claims and traced some of the deceit to the machinations of the pro-invasion Iraqi National Congress (INC), but given the political-and-media hatred of Saddam Hussein the CIA analysts were under intense pressure to accept some of the dubious accounts that were then incorporated into U.S. intelligence products and used to justify a war under false pretenses.As with Iraq where the U.S. government had helped fund anti-regime groups such as the INC a similar situation exists inside Syria where U.S. officials have assisted the opposition in organizing politically and mastering propaganda skills. So, the means and opportunity for depicting regime atrocities through social media are there, along with the motive.These activists as well as the radical jihadists and other armed rebels have become increasingly desperate to induce the United States to intervene militarily against the Syrian army and thus make their desired regime change possible. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry on Aug. 30, 2013, claims to have proof that the Syrian government was responsible for a chemical weapons attack on Aug. 21, 2013, but that evidence failed to materialize or was later discredited. [State Department photo]Obama s Red LineThe emphasis on creating a chemical weapons casus belli increased when President Barack Obama set the Syrian government s possible use of such weapons as a red line that might cause him to intervene directly with U.S. forces.That comment and the political pressure for instituting another Mideast regime change were the backdrop for the sarin gas attack outside Damascus on Aug. 21, 2013, which anti-Assad activists, the mainstream U.S. press, and the U.S. State Department immediately blamed on government forces.In the ensuing days, Obama came to the edge of authorizing a retaliatory military strike before hearing from U.S. and other Western intelligence services that they had doubts about who had actually pulled off the attack.Since then, the sarin case against Assad has largely collapsed (although to defuse the crisis he agreed to a Russian plan for Syria to surrender all its chemical weapons). The evidence now appears to indicate that radical jihadists released the sarin with the goal of goading Obama into joining the war on their side, i.e., a false-flag operation.As the sarin case fell apart in 2014, the U.S. government shifted its emphasis toward chlorine-gas allegations. I first encountered this bait-and-switch tactic when I pressed a senior State Department official to back up or back off the increasingly discredited sarin gas claims.While sidestepping the sarin case, the official asserted that the Syrian government almost surely was responsible for the more recent chlorine-gas incidents, citing the bombs delivery by helicopter and arguing that only the Syrian government possessed such aircraft.According to the U.N. report, however, that belief regarding the government s monopoly of helicopters may not be true, since rebel forces had captured air bases where operational helicopters were present. That means, at least theoretically, the jihadists could have staged the night-time attacks complete with prior alarms spread by activist first-responders, known as white helmets, about the imminent arrival of government helicopters with chlorine bombs.But the more nettlesome question, which the U.N. report does not address, is why would the Syrian government launch these strange attacks while realizing that any chemical weapons incident could prompt U.S. military intervention that could tip the war in favor of the jihadists and other rebels, especially since the chlorine attacks had virtually no military value.Few FatalitiesWhile the makeshift chlorine bombs may have sent scores of civilians to get medical attention, very few of the casualties were fatal, according to the U.N. report. By contrast, the Aug. 21, 2013 sarin attack killed hundreds, with the U.S. government putting out an even higher (and almost surely exaggerated) number of 1,429 dead Continue this report at Consortium NewsREAD MORE SYRIA NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Syria Files
September 9, 2016
Boiler Room EP #73 – In The Shadow of The Valley Of Lies
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6 PM PST | 9 PM EST for this special broadcast. Join us for uncensored, uninterruptible talk radio, custom-made for barfly philosophers, misguided moralists, masochists, street corner evangelists, media-maniacs, savants, political animals and otherwise lovable rascals.Join ACR hosts Hesher, & Spore along with Jay Dyer from jaysanalysis.com, Jamie Hanshaw author of Weird Stuff, Andy Nowicki from Alt Right Blogspot, Patrick Henningsen of 21Wire and Stewart Howe for the 73rd episode of BOILER ROOM. Dim the lights, dawn the headphones and indulge in some Boiler Room with the crew. This week we re discussing the 15 year anniversary of 9/11 and going around the room talking about where were were when it happened and how our thoughts on the event have evolved over the years.Please like and share the program and visit ACR s donate page to get involved!BOILER ROOM IS NOT A POLITICALLY CORRECT ZONE! LISTEN TO THE SHOW IN THE PLAYER BELOW ENJOY!Reference Links:
September 7, 2016
False Alarm or Psy-Op? LAX ‘Active Shooter’ Spectacle, JFK Airport Panic & Staged Propaganda
Shawn Helton 21st Century WireAnother active-shooter false alarm made the headlines this past week, as war propaganda images continue be dispensed by Western media multiple narratives that have contributed to an environment of confusion, fear and uncertainty in the War On Terror era.The timing of these current events cannot be overstated, revealing a deeper social engineering agenda at play underneath the larger geopolitical drama unfolding worldwide PULP FICTION Photo illustration 21WIRE s Shawn Helton The Nonexistent Shooter & Loud Noises This past weekend, according reports, another active shooter scenario played out at LAX International Airport, a story which dovetailed an alleged active-shooter hoax at JFK International Airport earlier in August. CBS s Los Angeles affiliate CBSLA, described the latest incident at LAX in the following passage: The LAX Airport Police Department on Sunday discounted reports of a shooter at the airport saying loud noises apparently set off a panic. Several terminals were evacuated. Many people went on social media to say they were standing on the tarmac surrounded by tons of police.The incident was first reported just after 8:30 p.m.The LA Airport PD cannot confirm an active shooter was ever identified. The CBS article continued by discussing eyewitness accounts of the alleged active shooter event at LAX, as well as JFK airport, two incidents which oddly resulted in the same bizarre conclusion out of law enforcement as the panic was supposedly caused by loud noise: Earlier this month, JFK officials said an elaborate hoax was perpetuated there, as well. Reports of a shooter at JFK were discounted as bogus, according to the New York Times.KCAL9 Anchor Leyna Nguyen was at the airport returning to Los Angeles from Atlanta. She said it was surreal to see so many people running.LAFD is also on scene investigating and noted no significant incident has been noted thus far as of 8:47 p.m.At of 9:40 p.m., police officially said there was no shooter and no incident. It will still take some time to re-screen all the passengers, officials said. Interestingly, even though individual accounts of this week s LAX event varied, a Yahoo News reporter named JP Mangalindan, stated that he was in the terminal at the time of the shooting. However, following the panic inducing incident, he posted to social media with the following message, after police had already confirmed there was no shooter two hours earlier: Shooters at LAX running around. Cops running around. I m down on the ground, at 11:51pm.Question: Why would Mangalindan state that multiple shooter s were running around at 11:51pm when cops disclosed that the situation was basically a non-incident by 9:40pm?It s possible that Mangalindan was confused during the heat of the moment but however you look at it, his messages may have caused additional panic, potentially creating a greater risk for passengers fleeing the airport to safety.Here s a string of tweets confirming Mangalindan continued to heighten the situation from inside LAX Eventually Mangalindan conceded that the event was in fact a false alarm (was this a potential drill?) at 1:08am, according to the Daily Mail as he readied himself for a future pizza delivery.As this story rapidly unfolded, there proved to be other bizarre aspects associated with the official narrative, as a man dressed as the fictional character Zorro (armed with a plastic sword), was initially apprehended in dramatic fashion following the reported active shooter scenario at LAX. He was then promptly released by authorities after the strange incident. ZORRO? An unidentified actor dressed as Zorro was an initial suspect during an active-shooter alarm at LAX. (Image Source: Daily Mail)Active Shooter or Live Drill?The Daily Mail described the LAX false alarm in the following manner: An actor returning from an audition dressed as masked hero Zorro, complete with plastic sword, shut down LAX airport and sparked fear of an active shooter situation on Sunday night.The unidentified, middle-aged black man dressed in an all black satin costume with gloves, hat and large belt was apprehended on a bench as he waited for a ride home .Police were initially responding to claims that a man had opened fire near a baggage reclaim, and set about evacuating thousands of passengers and grounding flights.After a thorough search and the eventual arrest of the costumed man outside a terminal, LAPD admitted the entire incident was a false alarm. The Daily Mail article continued by adding that, LAX also tweeted that the reports of a shooting had not been confirmed and police were investigating, before adding which parts of the airport have been shut. Upper/Departures & Lower/Arrivals levels of Central Terminal Area (CTA) closed. Pls check w/ airlines if heading to LAX (sic), a tweet read. Was it possible that the event at LAX was a drill? EVACUATION Passengers ordered to evacuate after reports of an active-shooter at LAX. (Image Source: twitter)LAX International Airport is no stranger to active shooter situations and drills Back in 2002 according to reports, Hesham Mohamed Hadayet [a person previously known to Egyptian authorities with multiple ID s] 41, went to the ticketing counter of El Al, Israel s national airline, at Los Angeles International Airport July 4 carrying two handguns and a hunting knife. He opened fire at midmorning, killing two people and wounding three others before he was killed by an El Al security guard. The incident occurred days after the airport was slated for a $9.6 billion airport security redesign proposal, something that would require passengers to go through screening prior to reaching their terminal for boarding a plane. The event conveniently underscored new security measures put in place after 9/11, insuring the continued growth of the TSA. Additionally, the Hadayet shooting displayed many of the conflicting aspects reported following other high profile shootings today.In 2013 21WIRE reported that the LAPD conducted an active shooter drill in October with the Los Angeles Airport Police Department at the L.A./Ontario International Airport, acting out an almost exact scenario that played out during a TSA-related shooting at LAX in November.According to a report by the San Bernardino Sun, written by Doug Saunders, the active shooter drill had an armed man shooting three people before officers locked down the scene. THE AIRPORT SHOOTER LAPD shooting drill at L.A./Ontario International Airport, month prior to LAX shooting in November of 2013.Setting the StageFollowing a major LAPD airport drill a month earlier, it was reported that Paul Ciancia moved through a crowded LAX airport terminal asking people if they were TSA agents or not, supposedly letting go those who were not agents prior to opening fire.It was also alleged that Ciancia, was carrying anti-government and anti-TSA writings contained in a bag on his person, one such paper was even an apparent reference to the global conspiracy meme NWO (New World Order), adding a conspiratorial twist to the dramatic shootout.All too often we see the stage persona of any alleged killer being touted as hard evidence, despite the fact that even strong circumstantial evidence of any apparent crime would likely result in many hours of analysis and debate, potentially without a definitive conclusion, even if the evidence eventually reached a court room setting.Mass media appeared to have worked out their own formula for laying out a familiar series of polarizing political points in the aftermath of this tragic mass-shooting, as they have with many others since. Appearing once again, to purposefully redirect the public to look at a ready-made laundry list of hateful rhetoric and random writings as an ironclad motive for the crime. Rapidly descending into an overindulgent barrage of media speculation and theorizing. UNNATURAL BLOOD Incredibly thick, red acrylic paint-like blood appears next to what is meant to be the shooter allegedly a person said to be Paul Ciancia. The image in question was initially released by the NY POST immediately after the incident.Some critics of the event stated that Ciancia s blood could have been mixed with a coagulant called Celox, noting that this blood also looked suspiciously like the blood left at scene of the Boston Bombing.Watch the LAPD describe 2013 s dramatic TSA involved shooting which was allegedly carried out by Paul Ciancia Not more than 3 weeks ago we practiced the exact scenario that played out today we played out today. the LAPD s response to 2013 s LAX shooting The photographs below were obtained from a Facebook page by the name of Team LAX that was referenced in an article by Digital Journalism Saturday, November 2nd, 2013.The Team Lax page, is the official event page for the LAX Airport Police and the images below were posted on October 8th of 2013. Here s a description of the photos from the same post on Facebook: As we posted previously, this past weekend Airport Police officers participated in an active shooter drill at Ontario Airport. An integral part of this training were the many volunteers who brought reality to the scenario by acting as victims. These victims were actually Youth Cadets from Airport Police and several divisions of the LAPD. The LAPD cadets came from the following divisions: Pacific, Hollenbeck, Southwest, Mission, Devonshire, Hollywood, West L.A., Topanga, Central, Rampart, Wilshire and 77th. Leading the cadets were Youth Services Officers (YSO s), William Lara and Ericka Holliday from LAXPD and LAPD Sgt. Stephen Showler, Pacific Division Training Coordinator. 69 cadets participated on Saturday and 115 on Sunday. We d like to thank all the Youth Cadets for their participation and boundless energy in making this training so realistic for our officers. MOCK SHOOTING Youth Cadets with L.A. airport police act out an active shooter drill in October of 2013. (Image Source: SocioEconomic History).The actors used in these drills (photo, above) might as well be mannequins, because the idea that you can recreate a real-life defensive strategy from a choreographed shooting scenario is far-fetched, especially when you consider the video game, Hollywood film style, hair-trigger, shoot first narrative repetitively on observed during these staged events offering very little in terms of a defensive game plan.There is no question that active shooter drills have been used to get the public to accept and acquiesce to new rules of engagement in the War On Terror era and arguably, they ve flatlined in terms of public safety while continuing the steady growth of the security apparatus in America and abroad. SHELTER IN PLACE The strange scripted scene at JFK International Airport in August after false reports of an active shooter running loose. (Image Source: mashable)The Panic RoomWhile the recent LAX/JFK airport active shooter situations were fear inducing in and of themselves, we once again saw the larger role played by mass media in distorting fact, which was also on display earlier this summer, when they inaccurately claimed there was an active shooter at a US military facility.In July of 2016, while US media including ABC, CNN and other went into a code orange alert mode for over 2 and a half hours, 21WIRE had already recognized that an apparent active shooter situation at Joint Base Andrews was only a drill, and called it correctly when the news first broke.Here s a passage from 21WIRE discussing the nature of the Joint Base Andrews drill: We re told that initial reports of a active shooter were prompted by an emergency 911 call to outside law enforcement about a gunman seen on the base. The fact that this alleged distress call came from a staff member at the Malcolm Grow Medical Facility located inside Andrews (one of the country s most secure closed military facilities) should have raised some pertinent questions like why base security were not informed first, as one would expect. Furthermore, any reports by the US mainstream media characterizing the event as a genuine active shooter crisis should have been immediately squashed by the fact that Joint Base Andrews was also running a no-notice Active Shooter Exercise scheduled for 9am that morning. Sadly, this did not happen, and all US media outlets began their crisis reporting complete with the usual panel of security experts and justice correspondents on CNN and other mainstream networks. In an article from the LA Times, we see that the controversial think-tank Rand Corporation is observing the psychological effects of mass shooter/active shooter situations, no doubt gauging the social engineering aspects of these events: For all the investments in post-9/11 security improvements and training, the confusion and chaos stemming from a false report of violence can actually be harder to handle than dealing with a gunman, officials say. The hunt for a gunman takes much longer when there is no one to find. To keep people calm, you d like to say that there s nothing going on, but you don t know that, and you can t say that, said Brian Jenkins, a security and terrorism expert at Rand Corp., the Santa Monica think tank. People do unpredictable things in panic situations. Adding to the danger of these modern active shooter events, it was recently reported that local law enforcement in Punta Gorda, Florida, accidentally used live rounds during a so-called shoot/don t shoot scenario, fatally shooting one woman participating in the drill that suddenly went live. Punta Gorda Police Department (Facebook)Staged Propaganda, False Imagery & Embedded Journo s As staged active shooter drills and mass casualty incidents have become the norm, we ve also seen an escalation in war time images meant to polarize the public, something aimed at shifting attitudes politically.In February 2015, 21WIRE reported how British journalist John Cantlie s video message From Inside Aleppo was part of an elaborate PR effort to humanize ISIS and its future generation of fighters. The decidedly pro-ISIS video was heavily promoted by the intelligence group SITE as well as the ISIS media arm, Al Hayat Media Center.Mainstream pundits and broadcast journalists maintain that Cantlie is and was under duress, having been forced into operating as a crack reporter for the ISIS terror brand. The narrative borders on the ridiculous, yet it has been totally accepted without question.Cantlie s prominent role in the YouTube video series Lend Me Your Ears, prompted some in new media circles to question the British journo, along with his links to USAID connected reporter, James Foley one of the as of yet, forensically unproven deaths at the hands of the estranged terror persona Jihadi John .Nothing in the video appeared to be authentic, as Cantlie failed to disclose the true nature of the West s role in inciting terror in the region, through its various arms trafficking and Train and Equip programs linked to so-called moderate rebels in Syria.Recently, 21WIRE contributor Branko Mali of Kali Tribune, deconstructed another active Gladio-style shooting in Munich, Germany, and its apparent relation to the bizarre incident in Nice, France. In fact, rather uncannily, journalist Richard Gutjahr, was in France to capture the white lorry truck rampage on Bastille Day as well as the strange shooting incident in Munich. Here s a passage from his report, an article which outlines deep media and political ties: He [Richard Gutjahr] is a M nchen based journalist, talk show moderator, blogger and new media technologies enthusiast, currently employed by Bavarian TV company, BR 24. For uninitiated into Gutjahr s impressive, if somewhat bizarre, CV his name will probably remain in memory simply because he decided to visit Nice for an extended weekend to experience the July, 14. Bastille Day celebration and, quite accidentally, found himself on the balcony of his hotel room, when white lorry driver commenced his rampage. While driving through M nchen, Richard got the call from a friend informing him that there s a shootout in the Olympia-Einkaufszentrum.The whole episode reminds one of Goran Tomasevic, a Serbian photographer who works with Reuters and has also captured pivotal political events over the past 20 years, such as his picture of a U.S. Marine witnessing the toppling of a Saddam Hussein statue, the Arab Spring, so-called moderates in Aleppo and the suspiciously staged Westgate Mall massacre in Kenya in 2013.Similarly, new forms of subliminally arresting and deceptive propaganda have appeared recently in Western media and more broadly, over the past year from NGOs linked to the military alliance NATO and to known Islamist terrorist groups.Over the last two weeks, an emotionally charged scene supposedly depicting a Syrian child rescued after an airstrike became a polarizing story exploited by Western media.Here we see 21WIRE contributor, Jay Dyer of Jay s Analysis discuss the dust boy propaganda Aleppo Syria Dust Boy Image StagedWhile watching the entire video footage of the event, the dust-covered boy who appears to be bleeding after an apparent airstrike (yet the blood has already coagulated) is left unattended, as he is oddly propped up in an ambulance seat while being photographed by Mahmoud Raslan an alleged media activist who has been seen fraternizing with terrorist groups in Aleppo. This has prompting some critics to charge that Raslan may actually be linked to the White Helmets, a group funded largely by NATO and an NGO embedded with Al-Qaeda members, who regularly dispense staged humanitarian media images and video for public consumption.From this information, we might observe that the recent so-called rescue operation in Aleppo, was specifically produced for maximum emotional impact and internet viral capability, and always dovetailing with the West s regime change plot in Syria with the support of a so-called first-responder or human rights NGO.The strange and disembodied footage of a blood and dust-covered boy, was also reminiscent of last year s migrant crisis image of a child washed ashore yet the mainstream media failed to question the geopolitical angle behind the photograph as well as the engineered migrant crisis itself.In many ways, this type of drive-by shock and awe imagery is linked to past political staging in the Middle East, as well as other hotbed areas around the world. STAGING WAR An allegedly staged war image from the Ukraine. (Image Source: rt)It was also recently revealed that a war image in the Ukraine had supposedly been staged just as things have been politically been heating up in that region. RT explains:The dramatic picture in question which went viral this month shows two Ukrainian soldiers, carrying their wounded comrade, while a huge explosion is visible behind their backs, sending a plume of smoke into the air.The author of the photo Dmitry Muravsky, an amateur photographer who served as an adviser to the Ukrainian Defense Minister claimed it was made on June 4 in the village of Shirokino, located on the firing line between the government forces and rebels in east Ukraine.However in an open letter signed by numerous Ukrainian journalists and photographers, people claimed it was a fake and said they strongly condemn such manipulative activities. Interestingly, in 2014, The UK s Express discussed a book entitled Five Came Back by movie historian Mark Harris that revealed a handful of legendary Hollywood directors had faked combat footage in Second World War documentaries that have been considered genuine for almost 70 years. John Ford, John Huston, Frank Capra, William Wyler and George Stevens all enlisted despite their glittering Hollywood lifestyles and joined other filmmakers recording the Allied advance across occupied Europe and in the Pacific.Their films were allegedly created to boost morale among troops and cinema audiences the world over, including apparently staging much of the epic scenes during the Pearl Harbor attack in 1944.Additionally, the report states that Decades later both Capra and Huston admitted in interviews that some of their bogus work was disgraceful but Huston was less frank publicly about the authenticity of his acclaimed documentary The Battle Of San Pietro, which, in 1991, was selected for America s prestigious National Film Registry of the Library of Congress because it was considered historically significant. The West continues to see a media blitz of false, fake and doctored criminality often masking many real-life conspiracies READ MORE DAILY SHOOTER NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Daily Shooter Files
September 3, 2016
Boiler Room EP #72 – Trailer Parks in Heaven
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6 PM PST | 9 PM EST for this special broadcast. Join us for uncensored, uninterruptible talk radio, custom-made for barfly philosophers, misguided moralists, masochists, street corner evangelists, media-maniacs, savants, political animals and otherwise lovable rascals.Join ACR hosts Hesher, & Spore along with Jay Dyer from jaysanalysis.com, Jamie Hanshaw author of Weird Stuff, Branko Mali of Kali Tribune, Randy J of 21Wire 72nd episode of BOILER ROOM. Dim the lights, dawn the headphones and indulge in some Boiler Room with the crew. .Please like and share the program and visit our donate page to get involved!BOILER ROOM IS NOT A POLICTALLY CORRECT ZONE! LISTEN TO THE SHOW IN THE PLAYER BELOW ENJOY!Reference Links:
September 3, 2016
EPISODE #4 – ON THE QT: ‘Julian vs Hillary’ (Part 1) @21WIRE.TV
Listen to the first 30 min segment of this new fortnightly podcast, ON THE QT , hosted by Patrick Henningsen. This new show brings together a number of news stories not covered on the SUNDAY WIRE, as well as additional deep state and geopolitical analysis covering key international events as we read between the headlines.THIS WEEK: Julian Assange is about to drop another Wiki-bomb on the Clinton family s drive to power. What s behind it, the motivations, and will it derail the Clinton political machine? We ll also look at how rigid politically correct regimes transforming university campus life Listen to Episode 4 Part 1 (25 min 30 sec) for FREE on the audio player below. Enjoy the show TO HEAR PART ONE OF EPISODE #4 CLICK HEREIf you like it and would like to hear the FULL episode, as well as enjoy all our premium content for members, subscribe and become a member @21WIRE.TV
September 2, 2016
POLICE STATE END-RUN: DHS Wants Control of U.S. Elections
21st Century Wire says Here s a classic case of Problem, Reaction, Solution How far will the federal government go to dismantle the US Constitution? Back in 2000, the establishment rigged the US Presidential Election and made Florida and its notorious pregnant chads the centerpiece of that artificial controversy. Predictably, the public reaction is outrage. Suddenly, there are calls nationwide for electronic voting as the solution to the old inefficient paper ballot system.Now that electronic voting is all-pervasive in the US, the next problem becomes cyber security which the government is referring to as the next burning national security issue.Enter the relatively new and prohibitively expensive Department of Homeland Security (DHS), which ironically (or not) was created by one George W. Bush a president who was installed into power not by the popular vote, but by a dubious Supreme Court decision in that very same 2000 US Presidential Election. Now DHS head and Obama appointee Jeh Johnson, is nudging towards the idea of the domestic military force taking over the election process. Johnson claims that US elections are part of the country s vital infrastructure and therefore it must be under the control of an already bloated federal agency.What is wrong with a decentralized, traditional paper ballot system? If you are in the business of fixing elections, the answer is simple: paper is too difficult, sloppy and complicated... to hack.It s no coincidence at all that this latest power-grab by the federal government comes immediately after a mainstream conspiracy theory that Russia was somehow behind this week s election database hack in Arizona (once again, Putin did it). No proof has been offered by either politicians or media anchors presently parroting this latest sensational plot.Looking back, we can see now that years of excessive lobbying by Washington insider firms eager tosecure lucrative contracts by implementing a myriad of fatally flawed electronic voting systems was not a mere accident of nature. It was designed for this very police state end-run we see now.The only problem is that this would be unconstitutional, but does this government really care about constitutional law?Not when you are erecting a police state Barbara Hollingsworth CNS NewsHomeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson s suggestion that state and local voting systems be designated as pieces of critical infrastructure so that the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) can protect them from hackers is unconstitutional and would create a dangerous precedent, legal experts said. The Department of Homeland Security does not have the legal authority to interfere with states election systems without their permission, University of California/Berkeley School of LawProfessor John Yoo told CNSNews.com. While the federal government has the general power to protect the nation s cyber infrastructure, it cannot intrude into areas of state sovereignty without clear constitutional mandate. Article I, Section 4 of the Constitution recognizes the authority of the states to regulate the times, places, manner of elections, subject to congressional regulation. As far as I am aware, Congress has not clearly decided to regulate the information systems of state electoral systems or delegated this authority to DHS, Yoo noted Continue this story at CNS NewsREAD MORE POLICE STATE NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Police State Files
September 1, 2016
SpaceX: Explosion Rocks Launchpad at Firm’s Cape Canaveral Facility in Florida
21st Century Wire says The privatization of space, and what were formally state-run NASA space agency projects in the United States, has had its share of high profile controversy in recent years. Today s incident will only punctuate some of those concerns.Early this morning, we re told that an explosion took place at the Launch Complex 40 site in Florida managed by SpaceX, a private space contractor firm founded by billionaire Elon Musk.It s not clear what the exact cause of this accident was, but it s certain that it s directly related to the Falcon 9 rocket which SpaceX was set to deploy as part of a test launch this weekend, leading to the final launch of a new commercial satellite. Watch:Washington PostAn explosion at a SpaceX launch site at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida occurred shortly after 9 a.m. Thursday, Brevard County authorities said.A SpaceX rocket blew up during a test fire, the county s emergency operations center said in a tweet. There is NO threat to general public from catastrophic abort during static test fire at SpaceX launchpad at CCAFS this morning, it said.Bryan Purtell, a spokesman for the Air Force 45th Space Wing, confirmed that there was an explosion and said that emergency crews were responding. Right now we re trying to determine the extent of the damage, the exact location, possible cause and checking to make sure no one is injured, he said.The Associated Press reported that the explosion shook buildings several miles away. Plumes of smoke could seen rising into the air an hour after the accident. And images on social media showed a fireball shooting into the sky Continue this story at the Washington PostREAD MORE SCI-TECH NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Sci-Tech Files
September 1, 2016
Boiler Room EP #71: ‘One Million Mark’
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6 PM PST | 9 PM EST for this special broadcast. Join us for uncensored, uninterruptible talk radio, custom-made for barfly philosophers, misguided moralists, masochists, street corner evangelists, media-maniacs, savants, political animals and otherwise lovable rascals.Join ACR hosts Hesher, & Spore along with Andy Nowicki of Alt Right Blogspot, Jay Dyer from jaysanalysis.com, Jamie Hanshaw author of Weird Stuff, Branko Mali of Kali Tribune, Randy J of 21Wire and Daniel Spaulding of Soul of the East for the 70th episode of BOILER ROOM. Dim the lights, dawn the headphones and indulge in some Boiler Room with the crew. .Please like and share the program and visit our donate page to get involved!BOILER ROOM IS NOT A POLICTALLY CORRECT ZONE! LISTEN TO THE SHOW IN THE PLAYER BELOW ENJOY! Reference Links:
August 31, 2016
CONFUSED.GOV: Obama’s Imperial Mideast Policy Unravels, Still Backing Terrorists in Syria
21st Century Wire says We just learned this week that US President Barack Obama will meet with Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan at this week s G20 summit in China. The White House claims that this is to discuss the two nations Anti-ISIL efforts, but is this really to be believed, considering the facts on ground in Syria?As 21WIRE reported this past weekend, Turkey has effectively invaded northern Syria. Initially, it claimed its military operation was to support Syrian rebels who aimed to recapture territory from ISIS around the town of Jarabulus, but it quickly became apparent that this was only a cover story. During its illegal invasion of its neighbor Syria, Turkish military were flanked by moderate rebel group Faylaq al-Sham a extremist terrorist organization and more amazingly both Turkish forces and their moderate rebel partners received air support from the United States. That s right: the USA is giving air cover to Al Qaeda in Syria. Consider the Turkish-US invasion along these lines: all along the Syrian Conflict, the US, Turkey, the NATO confab and entirety of the George Soros NGO Complex have all been crying out for one thing: a No Fly Zone or Safe Zone , which is really a western euphemism for carving-out their long-desired militant safe-havens inside of Syria. An interesting follow-on report to the US side of this drama is featured below by Daniel Lazare from Consortium News.This would be the first meeting between Obama and Erdogan since the infamous failed coup attempt in Turkey in July. Both countries claim to be ensconced in Syria in the gallant fight against ISIS (ISIL, IS, Daesh etc), but facts on the ground indicate that neither country has made fighting ISIS or any other Sunni-based Islamist extremist fighting group operating in Syria a genuine priority. It s as if they are both attempting to buy time for their own strategic objectives to develop.What s becoming ever clearer by the day, however, is that Washington is prepared to do almost anything in order to cover-up and obfuscate its central role in the promotion and strategic backing of all militant rebel forces trying to destroy the nation of Syria, including Al Nusra Front and all its affiliates, and also ISIS itself.Note below, the henchman role of US Vice President Joe Biden, delivering the death blow to Kurdish YPG militias in Syria Daniel Lazare Consortium NewsIn the 1930s, British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain appeased his enemies. Today, U.S. President Barack Obama appeases his friends.Barack the Appeaser is the key to unlocking the mysteries of U.S. policy in the Middle East and beyond. Confusing to begin with, U.S. actions reached new heights of absurdity last week when the Obama administration abandoned its long-standing Kurdish allies with virtually no notice and announced that it was backing a Turkish thrust into northern Syria instead.Although the Turks claimed to be targeting ISIS (also known as Islamic State, IS, ISIL, and Daesh), it was plain from the outset that the real aim was to counter an offensive that had carried Kurdish forces some 20 miles west of the Euphrates River and put them in a position to control nearly the entire Syrian-Turkish border.But there was a problem. Not only had the U.S. approved the same Kurdish offensive, but it had provided arms, money, and air support plus military advice in the form of some 250 US Special Operations forces embedded among members of the Kurdish militia known as the YPG.Indeed, the Syrian Democratic Forces, a multi-ethnic militia anchored by the YPG, was a real success story, just about the only one Washington has had in the course of its disastrous five-year Syrian intervention. As one analyst put it: Since the creation of the SDF last November, the U.S.-backed coalition was able to roll back IS advances in northern Syria at an unprecedented pace. An effective mixture of multi-pronged offensives and U.S. air support led to the capture of key IS strongholds, including the city of Shaddadi in eastern Syria, the strategic Tishrin Dam along the Euphrates, and more recently IS s former bastion of Manbij, south of the Turkish border. But now the U.S. had decided to drop the Syrian Democratic Forces despite their sterling anti-ISIS record and back Turkey even though it didn t seem very concerned about ISIS at all. Vice President Joe Biden laid down the law during a visit to Ankara on Wednesday. We have made it absolutely clear, he said, that Kurdish forces must move back across the river. They cannot, will not, and under no circumstances get American support if they do not keep that commitment, period. Why the About-FaceWhat is the reason for such a remarkable about-face? What makes the U.S. think it can get away with cultivating an alliance one moment and dropping it like a hot potato the next?The answer has to do with the phenomenon of liberal appeasement that Obama represents.Appeasement became a dirty word as a result of the 1938 Munich Crisis when Britain and France decided that allowing Hitler to dismember Czechoslovakia would somehow allay his appetite for more conquests. But in Obama s hands, it has come to mean something different: an endless attempt to satisfy conflicting demands by a growing number of client states.The states include not just Turkey but Israel, the Persian Gulf oil sheikdoms, plus the dozen East European states that have entered NATO since 1999. If America were an old-fashioned empire, it would issue orders and expect such dependents to fall into line. But as a democratic empire, it relies on cajoling, bargaining, and other inducements to achieve voluntary consent Continue this story at Consortium NewsREAD MORE SYRIA NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Syria Files
August 30, 2016
NEW EMAILS: Clinton Foundation VIP donors buy access – while Hillary was Secretary of State
21st Century Wire says In the old days, this scandal would be filed under gross conflict of interest or government corruption . In the America in 2016, it s simply filed under news. Far from being a great charity organization, the Clinton Foundation appears to be merely a vehicle for those who want access to a US-based syndicate of international oligarchs, elite financial institutions, foreign governments, and even dictator-friendly Lebanese-Nigerian billionaires.As 21WIRE reported last week, this international syndicate stretches right through the heartland of Islamist radicalization and state-sponsored terrorism to the feudal monarchs in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain and others.To be sure, this is only the tip of a much larger political iceberg RTNewly released emails reveal more ties between the Clinton Foundation and the State Department during Hillary Clinton s tenure as secretary of state, showing that major donors received special perks including lunch with the Chinese president.The State Department emails were released as part of a public records lawsuit by conservative group Citizens United. The documents were then shared exclusively with ABC News. After more than two years of Freedom of Information Act requests and lengthy litigation, the truth is finally coming out, David Bossie, president of Citizens United, said in a statement. Hillary Clinton s senior staff at the State Department routinely worked with the Clinton Foundation to reward big donors with special access and favors for four years. The emails seem to suggest that some of the Clinton Foundation s biggest donors were given special treatment, including seats at a meal attended by Chinese President Hu Jintao.One particular email chain dated December 2010 includes correspondence between Clinton s closest aide, Huma Abedin, and then-top Clinton Foundation official Doug Band.The email gives names of those expected to attend a State Department lunch with the Chinese president scheduled for January 2011 and some of the foundation s biggest donors were on the guest list.The list included three executives from organizations that have donated millions to the Clinton Foundation Bob McCann, then-president of wealth management at UBS; Dr. Judith Rodin, president of the Rockefeller Foundation; and Hikmet Ersek, the CEO of Western Union.According to the Clinton Foundation s website, UBS has contributed between $500,000 and $1 million to the organization. The Rockefeller Foundation has donated between $10 million and $25 million, and Western Union and its foundation has given between $1 million and $5 million.Nearly two weeks after the initial email, Band sent a follow-up requesting that Rodin be seated at Vice President Joe Biden s table. I ll ask, Abedin wrote in response.In a separate email, Abedin forwarded Band an attachment titled Updated China RSVP Guest List 1-5-11. The attachment itself was not included in the documents seen by ABC Read more at RTREAD MORE CLINTON NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Clinton Files
August 29, 2016
UNHOLY ALLIANCE: Hillary Clinton’s Saudi Sponsors Support Terrorism, Islamist Extremism
21st Century Wire says Amid the tossing and turning of media hit pieces and partisan mud slinging in advance of the US presidential vote in November, very little focus is given on the actual record and policies of Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State.With this week s damning revelations regarding Gulf Arab monarchs buying access into the US State Dept via the Clinton Foundation, a clearer picture is now emerging about how the sponsorship of religious extremism, as well as geopolitical instability in the Middle East and beyond links directly back to the Clinton global network of international oligarchs. Watch this week s ABC News segment: Based on this line of inquiry, what will four years of a Clinton presidency bring in terms of US foreign policy? A few answers to this question from Global Research Andre Vltchek Global ResearchIf the West in general and the United States in particular, left the Arab and Muslim world alone and in peace, we would most likely never see all those terrorist attacks, which are rocking the world from Indonesia to France. There would be no Mujahedeen and its mutation into al-Qaeda; in Afghanistan or elsewhere. There would be no traces of the ISIS (or ISIL or I.S. or Daesh or however you choose to call it), in Syria, Iraq, Libya or anywhere else.And the super-conservative Wahhabi Islam, that outdated, freak Saudi mutant, would remain in the religious schools of the ultra-regressive Kingdom, instead of gaining ground all over Southeast Asia, the Middle East and Africa.Secular IslamBut the West embarked on a brutal, Machiavellian path: it decided to destroy socialist Islam that (historically) moderate, compassionate and progressive religion. It smashed once secular Egypt; it overthrew the government in socialist Iran and then in near-Communist Indonesia, implanting in all these places horrifically degenerate and fully outdated religious concepts. It used extremists to destroy healthy patriotism and socialism. Like the Brits in the 19th Century ( You can control people s brains, while we will control your natural resources ), the West embraced Wahhabi teaching, because it was able to guarantee full obedience, dictatorial (pro-Western) governance and oppressive feudalism.Islam has been used and abused, manipulated and virtually stripped of its essence. The process has gone so far that two leading Iranian scholars, during my visit last-year to Tehran, declared to me: In so many parts of the world, the West created an absolutely new religion. We don t recognize it, anymore. It has nothing to do with Islam. If the West in general and the United States in particular, left the Arab and Muslim world alone and in peace, we would most likely never see all those terrorist attacks, which are rocking the world from Indonesia to France Correct. Like a naughty, spoiled and heartless child, the West, after destroying the Soviet Union, painstakingly constructed its new enemy militant Islam so it could continue indulging in its favorite activity, which is perpetual conflict, endless wars and plunder.It is as simple as that.The greatest oppressors of the Muslim people, those in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and Indonesia have all been closely allied to the West. The most terrible terrorist Muslim organizations, from Al-Qaida to ISIS, have been created, armed and supported by the West and its cronies.In Europe and in the United States, the fear of terrorists is fully exploited by the Western regime a global class alliance of plutocrats, in actuality, with headquarters in Washington, where the main military and media muscle reside. It still clings to power mainly thanks to such fear implanted in the brains of ordinary people .And what about the War on Terror ? Yes, there really is such war, but the West is not the one who fights it. As this goes to print, the war against terrorism is being fought by Russia, Iran, China, Syria, Hezbollah and their allies!The West is still closely collaborating with the terrorists. It miraculously avoids targeting them when fighting wars against them ; it financially supports some and trains others. It criticizes and antagonizes those who are actually fighting the extremist militant groups.Extremists have been unleashed, like Rottweiler fighting dogs, against almost all progressive governments in the Middle East, but also against China and Russia. Extremist Muslims, extremist Christians, even extremist Buddhists!In turn, the politicians in the United States are regularly supported, financially, by the regimes (including those of Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, etc.) that are spreading, relentlessly, throughout the world, the most intolerant and grotesquely violent religious concepts.Despite their essential servility and cowardice, even some North American mainstream media outlets are now actively discussing various schemes involving the financing of the Clinton Foundation by Saudi Arabia (alongside several leading transnational corporations and Wall Street s largest banks).On its Breaking News , as far back as in 2008, CNN reported:The donations to the William J. Clinton Foundation include amounts of $10 million to $25 million from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and real estate mogul Stephen Bing, a personal friend of the Clintons.The Clintons came under intense pressure during Hillary Clinton s campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination to release the names of donors to both the Foundation and to the Clinton presidential library in Arkansas.Bill Clinton agreed to the release of the list after President-elect Barack Obama nominated Hillary Clinton to become Secretary of State.The governments of Kuwait and Qatar are also on the list, as is Saudi businessman Nasser Al-Rashid, who has close ties to the Saudi royal family. Saudi Sheikh Mohammed H. Al-Amoudi, reputed to be one of the richest men in the world, is among the donors as well. Both Saudis contributed in the $1 million to $5 million range. A group called Friends of Saudi Arabia and the Dubai Foundation appear in the same category. As recently as on August 20th, 2016, The New York Times wrote something similar, essentially reconfirming the validity of the earlier reports, while adding many more details and adjusting the figures: The kingdom of Saudi Arabia donated more than $10 million. Through a foundation, so did the son-in-law of a former Ukrainian president whose government was widely criticized for corruption and the murder of journalists. A Lebanese-Nigerian developer with vast business interests contributed as much as $5 million.For years the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation thrived largely on the generosity of foreign donors and individuals who gave hundreds of millions of dollars to the global charity. But now, as Mrs. Clinton seeks the White House, the funding of the sprawling philanthropy has become an Achilles heel for her campaign and, if she is victorious, potentially her administration as well. Long time Clinton s top aide, Huma Abedin (who spent part of her childhood in Saudi Arabia) has been an intermediary between the former Secretary of State and pro-Saudi interests. She also negotiated financial support for Ms. Clinton from Mr. Chagouri and other individuals, organizations and businesses originating from the Middle East.The accusations and evidence keep coming in, from different media outlets, both left wing and right wing. On August 1st, 2016, the conservative Breitbart News stated: Khizr Khan, the Muslim Gold Star father that the mainstream media and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton have been using to criticize Donald J. Trump, has deep ties to the government of Saudi Arabia and to international Islamist investors through his own law firm. In addition to those ties to the wealthy Islamist nation, Khan also has ties to controversial immigration programs that wealthy foreigners can use to essentially buy their way into the United States and has deep ties to the Clinton Cash narrative through the Clinton Foundation. Hillary s Saudi SponsorsHillary Clinton s dependence on Saudi sponsors has been strongly influencing her decision to maintain a foreign policy in the service of Riyadh and support for various terrorist groups controlled by Saudi Arabia and Qatar, in and beyond the Middle East region [including those currently active in Syria and Iraq].In reality, she is simply representing continuity of an already existing, deadly trend. The regime has been evolving for decades, but especially since the Ronald Reagan years. Republicans or Democrats: it truly matters very little. Both parties spread terror all over the world. True, George W. Bush invaded Iraq, but people like Bill Clinton are close friends and supporters of Paul Kagame, the Rwandese butcher of Congo , with the blood of some 10 million people on his hands. Democrat and moderate , Bill Clinton, was also responsible for the criminal bombing and destruction of socialist Yugoslavia. And so it goes But under Barack Obama s rule, the last hope for an independent Middle East and the Arab world has virtually evaporated. Libya has been destroyed; the Syrian civil war was launched from Washington, London and Paris. Saudis bathed rebellious Yemen in blood using UK and US produced weapons. Virtually all Arab Spring revolutions were infiltrated and diverted. And in Bahrain, the Shi a majority was literally raped by Saudi Arabia and its own ruthless rulers, with British advisors standing-by.The US and Europe have kept selling arms to the Gulf, building new military bases while supporting the most appalling and bloodthirsty regimes.The Obama/ (Hilary) Clinton Era has greatly improved the symbioses of Western imperialism, big business, and pro-Western fascist regimes worldwide, but particularly in the Middle East and Africa.This toxic embrace has proved fatal to millions of people in these two parts of the world. Hopes for self-governance have been ruined. Corpses keep piling up in Syria, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, South Sudan, Somalia, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), and elsewhere.The West does not care, as long as it stays in charge of the show , and for as long as hundreds of billions of dollars are made by weapons producers. Even if millions are dying, there is still an uninterrupted flow of raw materials to the West and Japan. Therefore, it is business as usual . Un-people and their lives are worth nothing.At one point, Russia, Iran, China and others have said enough is enough; let s fight against the true terrorists! Let s fight ISIS and other bigots! Let s give a hand to the independence-minded, socially-oriented patriots .Predictably,. this led to total outrage in Washington, London, and Paris (and Tokyo). Disobedience and rebellion against the global (Western) order could not be tolerated! It had to be crushed, even at the cost of new and deadly world war.NATO, Washington, Europe, Japan, and South Korea all started a direct confrontation policy against Russia, China, Iran, North Korea (DPRK) and other members of the Coalition of Daring . Brazil, an important member of BRICS, was recently destroyed by the extreme-right coup supported by the West.Even the Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump, in his rare moments of sanity, is clearly aware of the danger. He does not wish to confront Russia. He is obviously not willing to sacrifice tens of millions of human lives for some grotesque dreams of total world domination by a market fundamentalism backed by the white (or Western) supremacist dogmas.But Trump s moments of sanity are defined as madness by the mainstream propaganda. Not surprisingly! As was correctly stated by the great Indian thinker, Arundhati Roy, some several years ago: now war is called peace and black is called white . Orwellian indeed, with a vengeance.The Clinton CampaignThe Clinton campaign has gone into overdrive. It attempts to distract attention from its own funding scandals, by accusing Donald Trump s aides of receiving financing from abroad. Trump is now described as Russia s agent .This game it is all self-serving: nothing to do with the interests of the world, or even the interests of the common American people .For as long as the general political trend of the West does not radically change, or for as long as the West is not stopped by outside forces, perpetual wars will continue. Monstrous genocides in Africa, the destruction of entire states and regions in the Middle East, all this could easily spread to other parts of the Planet.It is clear now that if provoked and confronted, countries like China, Russia and Iran would not hesitate to fight back. They also may fight for others for their tortured allies.The Western implants and their buddies, Mujahedeen/Al-Qaida, have already destroyed Afghanistan and the Soviet Union. ISIS, another mutant unleashed by the West and its allies, have been devastating Iraq, Syria, Libya and now what is left of Afghanistan.These movements have really nothing to do with Islam. They were manufactured in Washington, Riyadh, London, and Doha (and most likely even in Tel Aviv), for several concrete purposes, all of them thoroughly foul.They are making sure to ruin the socialist nature of Islam, insisting exclusively on the implementation of outdated, medieval fundamentalist interpretations.Huma Abedin s mother, Dr. Saleha Mahmood Abedin, is one of the founding members of the Muslim Sisterhood, and chairperson of the International Islamic Committee for Woman and Child (IICWC). She is also a well known writer and editor based in Saudi Arabia. Her organization (IICWC) had repeatedly argued that laws banning female circumcision should be revoked, as well as laws prohibiting child marriage and marital rape. During her visit to KSA, Hillary Clinton spoke at the Islamic college of Dar El-Hekma (where Dr. Saleha Abedin was a vice-dean) shoulder-to-shoulder with her favorite aide Huma.Was this just an insignificant episode? Like those millions of dollars in Saudi Arabian funding for Clinton s foundation? Like the US foreign policy in the Gulf and in the Middle East, like spreading Muslim extremist groups to all corners of the world, from Africa, the Middle East, to Southeast Asia and even China? Like unleashing conservative Islam against socialist Muslim countries?Too many episodes ! Too much blood It is time to say what is by now obvious: The US establishment is not fighting Muslim terrorism or even extremism ; it is manufacturing it, and injecting it everywhere. The only real enemy that Washington, London and Paris have, for decades, even for centuries, is the anti-colonialist struggle, and the burning desire of people, worldwide, to terminate the West s global dictatorship. Philosopher, novelist, filmmaker and investigative journalist, Andre Vltchek has covered wars and conflicts in dozens of countries. His latest books are: Exposing Lies Of The Empire and Fighting Against Western Imperialism . Discussion with Noam Chomsky: On Western Terrorism. Point of No Return is his critically acclaimed political novel. Oceania a book on Western imperialism in the South Pacific. His provocative book about Indonesia: Indonesia The Archipelago of Fear . Andre is making films for teleSUR and Press TV. After living for many years in Latin America and Oceania, Vltchek presently resides and works in East Asia and the Middle East. He can be reached through his website or Twitter account.
August 26, 2016
Boiler Room EP #70 – Sticks, Stones & The Media Hammer
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6 PM PST | 9 PM EST for this special broadcast. Join us for uncensored, uninterruptible talk radio, custom-made for barfly philosophers, misguided moralists, masochists, street corner evangelists, media-maniacs, savants, political animals and otherwise lovable rascals.Join ACR hosts Hesher, & Spore along with Andy Nowicki of Alt Right Blogspot, Jay Dyer from jaysanalysis.com, Daniel Spaulding of Soul of the East, and Shawn Helton of 21Wire for the 70th episode of BOILER ROOM. Dim the lights, dawn the headphones and indulge in some Boiler Room with the crew. Tonight we re further discussing cults & Zen Gardner s recent admission of his involvement with the Children of God, the terrible Hollywood train wreck that is the DC Comics film adaptations, a short study on the whack-a-dos that one comes across in comment threads in social media and the limelight being cast upon the alt-right political sphere as Hillary Clinton plans to falsely paint it as a hateful extremist Donald Trump supporting group.Please like and share the program and visit our donate page to get involved!BOILER ROOM IS NOT A POLICTALLY CORRECT ZONE! LISTEN TO THE SHOW IN THE PLAYER BELOW ENJOY!Reference Links:
August 25, 2016
TOXIC CULTURE: ‘Suicide (Skank) Squad’ Film
Jay Dyer 21st Century WireSuicide squad is who they call to counsel the people leaving this vapid movie. Possibly the worst superhero film yet, it even rivals the likes of Spawn, Catwoman and Ghost Rider. At least there was Nic Cage, but here, only a confused and garbled CGI wasteland that is as messy as the single mom tats emblazoned every scene. Nothing in this movie makes sense, much less is the plot even coherent, as a selection of the worst of America s convicts are chosen to become Task Force X, a microchipped hit team to take on the meta-humans (X-men, yawn) and the extra-dimensional entities that possess two paper-thin characters.Side note the film is adapted from my old essay, United Skanks of America.This film is one of the few instances I can think of where the overt propaganda is actually more interesting to spot than the film itself. Will Smiff plays a hitman baby-daddy whose only concern is scoring 2 million dollars to buy his daughter s attention. Yes, all those noble baby-daddies are really just striving for ghetto release so they can become responsible parents. Next, a hot chick plays a psychiatrist babe-turned skank who, after falling in love with the joke that is The Joker, morphs into the average American skank, graffiti ed to the hilt with thug-style sleaze. In this sense, Harley Quinn makes sense as a representation of the mental illness that plagues the young western female, as evidenced in their body-defacing obsessions and self-mutilation.Planetary sigils adorn the headdress.As Matt Forney writes:No girl has ever improved her looks with a gaudy mural injected under her skin or a piece of metal dangling from her nostrils. There s no man on Earth who has ever thought about his girlfriend or wife, Man, you know what would make her even sexier? A butterfly emblazoned just over her ass. Yet, despite this objective reality, thousands of girls continue to mutilate themselves at an astounding rate, to the point where more girls now have tattoos than men.Indeed, nothing captures the full throttle ruination of the western female than this slut character which drives the ridiculous simulacrum of a plot by seeking to be reunited with Joker Leto. Since Grant Morrison is an open fan of Crowley, chaos magick and summoning entities through sigils, I am curious which god he offended to have the legions of suck demons inspire his advice to Leto. That is the only explanation.The Crowleyan elements of this film are really the only noticeable esoteric themes, with the Joker now being apparently bi-sexual (perfect embodiment of the ruined western male), and the planetary sigils that adorn Cara Delevingne s headdress. From here, you can divine the rip off of a rehash semblance a story a giant garbage vortex has opened up over a city with the intent of destroying humans who no longer worship the entities as gods. The giant garbage vortex was actually filmed when in reality it opened up over New York the night this film premiered.Faith, the Hillary-hero. Originally, the skank squad was formed through the machinations of Reagan (presumably based on the Latin American death squads) and now, even Obama plays a positive role in the storyline from the comic. Indeed, comic books have long been tools of propaganda, from World War 2 Americanism to Cold War absurdity, comic books have been a staple in the establishment-promoted anti-establishment toxic culture.The sad fact, as I have been arguing for a long damn time now, is that the increase in corporate government control of entertainment realm only results in the degeneration of artistic creativity. I can wait for the 5th version of the plot of Ghostbusters-Avengers-Ghostbusters-Suicide Squad, but can you? Aside from this, the other amazing, little-known tidbit is that since the market for comics is generally teenagers, the script was written by a teen how else would an ancient goddess lithely intone, You don t have the balls! ?Nowadays, comic books are the tip of the queer spear in promoting transgender heroes, fat acceptance heroes that promote Hillary, and the absurd reversing of racial and gender roles (such as Thor becoming a woman and Iron Man a black girl). The cultural degeneration and toxification is a symbiotic relationship as the west devolves at lightning speed into a troglodyte, Morlock genetic experiment, the comic book world then comes to reflect that gluttonous, scooter-bedeviled psych ward in its art. Since comic books now drive the film industry s big blockbuster productions, blockbuster films continue to foist the Disney-Degeneration of social justice warriors rabidly attempting to quell dissent.Meanwhile, the self-devouring ouroboros of the left is its own punishment and destruction. In sum, don t waste your time, as it s all chaos, and no magic. However, if you liked John Leguizamo s farting clown in spawn, you ll probably love the ebonics-speaking crocodile in this garbage.The comedy gold of the farting clown. READ MORE HOLLYWOOD NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Hollywood FilesTo hear Jay s full podcasts, see more information and learn how you can become a subscriber to JaysAnalysis.Jay Dyer is the author of the forthcoming title, Esoteric Hollywood: Sex, Cults and Symbols in Film from Trine Day. Focusing on film, philosophy, geopolitics and all things esoteric, JaysAnalysis and his podcast, Esoteric Hollywood, investigates the deeper meanings between the headlines, exploring the hidden aspects of our sinister synthetic mass media matrix.
August 21, 2016
Episode #149 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘Part II: Another Road to Damascus’ with guests Vanessa Beeley, Ghoufran Derawan
Episode #149 of SUNDAY WIRE SHOW resumes this Sunday August 21, 2016 as host Patrick Henningsen broadcasts 3 HOURS of LIVE power-packed talk radio on ACR LISTEN LIVE ON THIS PAGE AT THE FOLLOWING SCHEDULED SHOW TIMES:SUNDAYS 5pm-8pm UK Time | 12pm-3pm ET (US) | 9am-12pm PT (US)This week s edition of THE SUNDAY WIRE is on the road broadcasting LIVE from London on the banks of the Thames. This week host Patrick Henningsen resumes the helm, covering some of the top US and international news stories this week. In the first hour we re joined by special guest LIVE from Syria, 21WIRE special contributor, Vanessa Beeley, to discuss the latest developments there and her recent incredible interview with the President of Syria s Political Advisor, as well as new revelations of a NATO-backed shadow state in Syria. In the second hour, we ll connect with another LIVE Middle East guest, a Syrian independent producer and filmmaker, Ghoufran Derawan, to talk about her own tragic story and to breakdown the truth about the Syrian Conflict. Finally, in the final segment over overdrive, we ll try to connect with and special guest from Syrian TV to discuss the Battle for Aleppo.HAVE YOUR SHOUT! VOTE & COMMENT: Has Obama-Clinton Foreign Policy Created ISIS? Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield this is your brave new world *NOTE: THIS EPISODE MAY CONTAIN STRONG LANGUAGE AND MATURE THEMES*Direct Download the Most Recent Episode// <![CDATA[ broadstreet.zone(46707); // ]]&gt;Sunday Wire Radio Show Archives
August 21, 2016
Boiler Room EP #69 – CULTure Club
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6 PM PST | 9 PM EST for this special broadcast. Join us for uncensored, uninterruptible talk radio, custom-made for barfly philosophers, misguided moralists, masochists, street corner evangelists, media-maniacs, savants, political animals and otherwise lovable rascals.Join ACR hosts Hesher, & Spore along with Andy Nowicki of Alt Right Blogspot, Jay Dyer from jaysanalysis.com, Randy J, and Shawn Helton of 21Wire for the 69th episode of BOILER ROOM. Dim the lights, dawn the headphones and indulge in some Boiler Room with the crew. Tonight we re further deconstructing Cointel Pro with Jay and Shawn, discussing cults & Zen Gardner s recent admission of his involvement with the Children of God. A scathing analysis of the mainstream media being remiss in talking about the new Russian deal with Iran as well as the theater of absurdity that is the US State Department and much more.Please like and share the program and visit our donate page to get involved!BOILER ROOM IS NOT A POLICTALLY CORRECT ZONE! LISTEN TO THE SHOW IN THE PLAYER BELOW ENJOY!Reference Links:
August 18, 2016
Falling Apart: West’s Media-Driven Deception in Syria
21st Century Wire says The wagon wheels are already coming off of the NATO-GCC regime change road show in Syria.Now, foreign policy buffoons in Washington are resorting to some of the most desperate tactics seen yet, including more semantic maneuvers to try and conceal their lethal aid for jihadist terrorists in Syria and Iraq.Washington s latest PR thrust began last week when it was proudly announced in the US media Al Nusra Front (Al Qaeda in Syria) was rebranding itself into a newer, supposedly kinder and gentler terrorist moniker, Syrian Conquest Front. Charming.Washington spin doctors are now desperately back-pedaling, following an embarrassing challenge by Donald Trump to both President Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton claiming it was they who founded ISIS (see article below). Contrary to all facts and multiple previous admissions, Washington are now claiming that it has never backed and armed terrorists, but rather non-Jihadist Salafists (an oxymoron). The other popular lie that Washington and the other NATO governments have been pushing is that the Syrian rebels are actually from Syria. The reality is that the overwhelming majority of terrorist rebel fighters are from outside Syria soldiers of fortune and paid privateers from as many as 81 different countries of origin.SEE ALSO: Proof: US and NATO-backed Rebels Are NOT Fighting ISISIt s clear now that Washington has dug such a deep hole with regards to its sponsorship of the dirty war in Syria that it simply cannot get out without losing face internationally and domestically.The domestic side is particularly worrisome for Democratic Party leaders Obama and Clinton, because it is an election year and Clinton has built most of her campaign on her foreign policy credentials which now includes the prenatal and pediatric development of ISIS and Al Nusra Front. To say that Clinton was one of the architects of the current conflict is no exaggeration, as she was actively promoting regime change by any means in Europe and the Middle East in 2011 and 2012 with her cynically titled Friends of Syria controlled opposition tour. FRONT: Hillary Clinton fronted the Friends of Syria tour through 2011-2012, in order consolidate Gulf and other support for regime change and the present dirty war in Syria.To those who have been reading between the western spin on Syria over the last 4 years, the truth about this Washington-led Dirty War in Syria should come as no surprise: that the Obama Administration s policy of supporting extremist armed terrorist opposition groups in Syria was part of a deliberate strategy explicitly designed to topple the government in Damascus and its elected president Bashar al-Assad. By doing this, Washington and its allies have facilitated the creation of Islamic State (ISIS, ISIL, IS or Daesh ) caliphate in Syria and Iraq.A recent Sputnik article confirms how Hillary Clinton pressed through the policy of backing the myriad of known extremist terrorist groups by just referring to them as moderate rebels :In December 2012, only months after the defense intelligence report, President Obama caved to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the more hawkish wing of the national security establishment saying the United States considered the opposition to be the legitimate representative of the Syrian people. By maintaining a strict policy of media deception regarding Syria, the US State Department believed that it could avoid any responsibility and obfuscate its own sponsorship audit trail by playing a sophomoric and highly cynical name game between moderate rebels and known terrorist organizations like Jabhat al-Nusra Front (Al Qaeda in Syria), Jaysh al-Islam, Ahrar al-Sham, Harakat Nour al-Din al-Zenki, the Turkmen Brigades and many more. Aside from those living in the reality bubble that is Washington and its media stable, most people are now well aware that there are no moderate rebels in Syria and no matter how many name changes are announced by operatives at CNN or SITE Intelligence they are still all terrorists and they are all fighting (including ISIS) together to overthrow the government in Syria. 21WIRE previously covered CNN s sordid role in running PR for the jihadist terrorists groups in Syria, led by CNN s star journalist , Clarissa Ward (pictured above, in her Undercover Muslim costume), who has become one of the corporate media s leading apologists for US-NATO and GCC-sponsored violent militant extremists presently running amok in Syria, as CNN and Ward have gone out of their way to try and rehabilitate US-NATO and GCC-backed terrorist suicide bombers in Syria.Interestingly, CNN s media operative Ward even took the PR roadshow to the UN, using her CNN-Pentagon profile to push out Washington s new pro-Al Nusra (Al Qaeda) PR campaign. Sputnik added here: Perhaps embodying the confusing about face of America s foreign policy in Syria was when a member of the press, CNN s senior international correspondent Clarissa Ward, testified before the UN Security Council on the situation in Aleppo that the only ones who have emerged as heroes on the ground are the Islamist factions, even to those who hate fundamentalism. LEADING FROM BEHIND: Obama kept insisting that, Assad Must Go. For years now, US President Obama, Secretaries of State John Kerry and Hillary Clinton et all have been clamouring in unison that, Assad Must Go . Now it looks as if Assad might outlast all of them.While the blatant distortion of reality continues by the US State Department and its media functionaries like Clarissa Ward and CNN, the West s dirty war in Syria rages on and with Washington, NATO and Saudi-Qatari money and arms still flowing there is no end in sight . SputnikThe Obama administration s policy in Syria of opposing Assad at all costs has led the United States to make strange bedfellows arming non-Jihadist Salafist groups who are unfortunately led by a cadre of fighters from the former al-Qaeda affiliate al-Nusra Front.This week Republican nominee Donald Trump caused an uproar by insisting that his Democratic rival former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her former boss President Barack Obama founded ISIS a charge that led to an counter assault by Hillary surrogate Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO) on Sunday who levelled a mirror accusation against Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin.While a Pentagon memo supports the allegation that in 2012 the United States was willingly aiding al-Qaeda in Iraq and the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI) that subsequently metastasized into Daesh, the more immediate conflict of interest in Washington s foreign policy in the Middle East is the support of the current so-called moderate rebels opposing Assad who, by their own admission on social media, are led by al-Nusra Front.Al-Nusra Front, who just changed their name to the Syrian Conquest Front and renounced affiliation with al-Qaeda, with the open acceptance of the terror network, in a bid to garner new support from the West were the leading force in the surprise bid to break the Syrian government s siege in Aleppo Continue this article at SputnikREAD MORE SYRIA NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Syria Files
August 16, 2016
Shawn Helton 21st Century WireThe 1994 cult film Natural Born Killers, is an examination of media manipulation, archetypal psychology and the violence embedded within American pop culture.Although it s been more than two decades since Natural Born Killers (NBK) first shocked viewers with its adrenaline fueled brutality, biting satire and darkly ironic media montages, the enigmatic picture s overall depiction of the American media complex is just as effective today. CHAOS ROAD Mickey and Mallory Knox are depraved icons in the twisted world of NBK. (Photo illustration: Shawn Helton)On the film s jarring surface, we see Micky (portrayed by Woody Harrelson) and Mallory Knox (Juliet Lewis) metaphorically reborn (from their violent past) as outlaw-lovers embarking on a psychopathic cross country murder spree but as well come to find out, there s much more to this psychologically challenging piece of cinema.Over the years, NBK has seen comparisons to Hollywood crime classics such as the Badlands (1973), Bonnie and Clyde (1967), the serial killer mockumentary , Man Bites Dog (1992), as well as the dystopian mind-bender, A Clockwork Orange (1971). NBK has also been thematically linked to Network (1976), another motion picture with a scathing appraisal of mass media, as well as the 1960 s road-film Easy Rider (1969), and the strikingly similar dark thriller Kalifornia (1993), which also starred Juliet Lewis playing a near identical role.In many ways, much of the media driven subtext of NBK has never seemed more relevant than now, as the film recognized mass media s growing obsession with violence and trashy entertainment all at once. The film also acknowledged the public s fixation with reality TV in all of its incarnations, perhaps envisaging the multi platform information craze in the age of social media.To this day, the Oliver Stone directed controversial feature Natural Born Killers (Based on a story by Quentin Tarantino) remains a harsh critique of American media and pop culture, as it casts a spotlight on the lurid agitprop used to steer public perception through various forms of infotainment.Over the course of this analysis, we ll explore some of the underlying aspects of Natural Born Killers, as well as contextualize its relation to real-life violence seen in the modern era CULT OF PERSONALITY Natural Born Killers reflects the heartless transformation of mass media.On The Road: Tragedy & SatireFrom the outset, sight, sound and mood take precedence over a traditional narrative structure throughout NBK. The film begins with a roadside montage of predatory animals (coyote, eagle rattlesnake) struggling to survive while Leonard Cohen s classic song Waiting for the Miracle slowly fades in creeping along to the foreboding imagery. The sequence subliminally conjures the all too familiar eugenics based survival of the fittest axiom something which reflects the ruinous and fractured socio-political environment that has become so pervasive in modern America.All the while, the action shifts dramatically from grainy black-and-white footage of America s Southwest, to a red filtered glow, then back to full color, as elliptical-style editing (as well as cross-cutting and parallel) sets the tone for the illusory motion picture magnified by its tension inducing dutch-style camera angles.18 different film formats were used to create NBK in addition to many unusual lighting techniques everything from black-and-white to dusty old 8mm, to 16mm, to 35mm stock, to CCTV video and animation. DINE & DASH NBK sees Mickey Knox on a quest to become Nietzsche s Overman. When the establishing sequence of NBK finally settles inside the 5 to 2 Cafe, we see a television rapidly changing channel to channel going from the all-american series Leave It to Beaver, to 77 Sunset Strip, a late 1950 s secret agent crime drama, to the resignation speech of President Richard Nixon, which is juxtaposed against an old horror film relic featuring Boris Karloff.The short panning shot is emblematic of America s dark evolution during the 20th century and serves as a stark bell weather for the rest the high paced surreal picture. In fact, strategically placed images, products and objects are seen throughout the entirety of NBK, evoking a strong emotional response in the viewer bringing to mind the psychology behind propaganda. DAEMON Subliminal dissolves bring a mystical depth to NBK.In the movie s first scene, the camera slips across the cafe, sliding past a character later revealed to be Owen Traft (Arliss Howard), who is a guardian angel or daemon, linked to the Knox pair. Traft vanishes before our eyes (Traft is later seen in the film s prison break sequence) while reading a newspaper about the highway 666 murders, prefiguring the dark media frenzy soon to envelop the Knox outlaws.Celebrating after a fresh deer kill, a pack of foul-mouthed cowboys file into the 5 to 2 Cafe. We then see Mickey order a key lime pie, as his partner in crime Mallory, looking part prostitute, part Pocahontas, seductively dances to the jukebox. Mickey surveys the room and a bright toxic green is contrasted against some of the action within the scene. While some green tones traditionally have a calming restorative quality, the kind used in NBK denotes a sickness inside the mind. SPIRIT ANIMAL NBK s cafe cowboys run over a scorpion on the road, impacting their fate when facing Mallory and her quasi-totem.Shortly thereafter, Mallory challenges one of the boozed-up misogynistic buckaroos to hand to hand combat just as L7 s Shit List kicks in on the jukebox. The cafe scene erupts into chaos as the soon-to-be famous fugitives dispatch all but one person (the pinball cowboy) in the roadside cafe. The pinball cowboy is kept alive to tell the tale of Mickey and Mallory, in a twisted version of the counting game Eeny, meeny, miny, moe.Following the murderous cafe ruckus, the Knoxes ride out into the desert as wild dissolves intertwine with projected news clippings, images of past crimes and the Hydra myth in the form of a monster flick clip. Additionally, there s a musical schizophrenia to NBK, with a collection of modern and classic songs intermixed with fragmented and atmospheric snippets, signifying a faded, yet stitched together memory in the Trent Reznor/Jane Hamsher selected soundtrack.Later on during a roadside pit stop, Mallory invokes the Book of Revelations and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, as she describes seeing a vision of Mickey riding a red (war) horse, while suggesting the star-crossed lovers might be fallen angels. At that same moment, a floating image of a multi-armed Mallory is seen in the sky, bringing to mind the devouring Hindu goddess Kali. CUPID S REVENGE NBK s dingy satire of TV sitcoms of old in I Love Mallory serves as a dysfunctional backdrop to Mickey and Mallory s hard-edged romance.Oedipal, Electra & the Hidden OrderContinuing by the roadside, the scene drifts into a dream sequence/flashback in the form of a 1950 s style sitcom parody entitled I Love Mallory. Here we see Mallory s dysfunctional family completely controlled by her abusive and incestuous father Ed Wilson (Rodney Dangerfield). The scene is an inversion of the soft TV sitcoms dominating the airwaves in real-life, as the lecherous Wilson unleashes a disturbing diatribe amid a background laugh-track.During the same scene, a deliveryman named Mickey enters the frame, falling in love with Mallory at first sight. Mickey leaves with Mallory and in the process steals Ed s car. Later, Mickey is arrested and imprisoned, managing to escape from a prison work farm during a tornado. NBK s tornado prison break, may be seen as a reference to the classic film The Wizard of Oz a storm system which forever alters Mickey s future world.Mickey and Mallory return to the Wilson residence, seeking revenge on Mallory s father and mother, in what could be seen as a loose interpretation of the dark lyrical finish to the enigmatic song The End by The Doors. The Wilson s are murdered in a shocking home invasion scene and the house is set ablaze, while Mallory s brother Kevin (Sean Stone) is set free during the inferno.With each new set of kills, Mickey and Mallory grow closer and after their demented Oedipal/Electra complex resolution at the Wilson residence, the two get hitched in a blood ritual ceremony filmed on the scenic Rio Grande Gorge Bridge in Taos, New Mexico. Here Mickey proclaims the couple s marriage is sanctified because he is the god of his world, conjuring Friedrich Nietzsche s Overman concept, as well as a Apollonian/Dionysian influence within the killer s process.In an analysis entitled, The Dionysian and the Apollonian in Nietzsche: The Birth of Tragedy, by Alexander Gatherer of Cardiff University, we are provided a more detailed look at both the Apollonian and Dionysian philosophical concepts: The opposing concepts of the Dionysian (hereon DI) and Apollonian (hereon AP) are central themes within Nietzsche s first major work, The Birth of Tragedy (hereon BT). His contemplation of such opposing forces of nature are primarily used to analyse Greek culture in general, and Greek art in particular, stating that its role in Greek attic tragedy places these plays at Greece s cultural pinnacle. Continuing, Gatherer s essay analyzes critical aspects of AP and DI: Nietzsche s concepts of the AP and DI, along with the entirety of BT, were not well received initially: the author himself called the book badly written, ponderous, embarrassing, image-mad and image-confused (Sweet, 1999, p.49). However, the ideas have left a notable legacy and are still discussed in matters of ethics, politics and art. Indeed, Michael Motta (1991) likens the opposing forces to mental illness, stating how stages of mania in bipolar artists can be likened to that of the DI ( The urge to create is great, but the ability to step back, to control the process is reduced ), with depressive phases linked to the AP ( Critique and reflection take precedence over impulsivity, inhibition holds sway over exhibitionism ). With this in mind, we can interpret Mickey and Mallory s unresolved tension between AP and DI, as a philosophical reason for their dissent into madness.Although in Stone s view, Mickey and Mallory are tragically flawed because of a failed system, which frames the prison system, the police system and mass media, as the true American criminals. However, this ideological stance of the film is itself a false paradigm stuck in a social justice vortex, while masked in Carl Jung s rebel archetype pointing to Stone s sometimes radical political perspective.Returning to NBK, we see Mickey and Mallory make a blood pact and exchange snake rings presented by Mickey, who is connected to the reptilian realm via his Caduceus chest tattoo. At significant points during NBK, snake imagery is observed, recalling the occult and mythological associations of the serpent. Additionally, there seems to be a Shiva/serpent attachment linked to Mickey as a counterpart to Mallory s Kali connection, with an underlying current of the symbol of immortality, Ouroboros. Other distorted biblical themes are also echoed during NBK, such as the Book of Genesis and the Garden of Eden exemplified by Mickey s assisted escape from prison by a rattlesnake.Many associations are often seen throughout NBK, which reflect a deeper archetypal presence contained within the film.In Anton Ehrenzweig s The Hidden Order of Art, we can explore a deeper analysis of the unconscious mind many elements that relate to the main characters in NBK: Some evidence of creative work and poemagogic phantasy points to incomplete superego maturation as an important source of mental illness. The ego has not absorbed the death instinct into the mute workings of the creative process so that self-destruction goes rampant to destroy entire itself. In other words, Mickey and Mallory lack any mature ethical component, which leads to their shared self-destructive psychosis, which in turn, is acted out in their murderous rage. Ehrenzweig, coined the phrase poemagogic, which is interpreted as an aspect emblematic of inducing the ego s creativity in a layered dream state. The nightmare/dream state of Mickey and Mallory visually comes to life in the strewn together time-worn scenes of NBK, like fragmented vitriolic memories. BLOOD BOND A ritualistic roadside marriage filmed on the Rio Grande Gorge Bridge.Media Made Political AgitatorsWhen NBK continues, all of the berserker-like chaos is captured by Wayne Gale (Robert Downey Jr.), a ratings consumed tabloid host on the fictitious television series American Maniacs. A show which obsessively covers the violent action of Mickey and Mallory at any cost. Gale is an amalgam of Australian TV s investigative host Steve Dunleavy and the long time reporter and talk show host Geraldo Rivera.American Maniacs uses the image of cult leader Charles Manson, University of Texas shooter Charles Whitman, and the sadistic killer Richard Ramirez during its credits, setting the tone for a sordid crime show reminiscent of The Current Affair and Hard Copy. NBK s representation of popular true crime programming, gives the film another disturbing art imitates life layer. In one scene, Gale describes the targeted killing of several law enforcement officers at the hands of the Knoxes which ironically, reflects many real-life crimes we see plastered across today s headlines in America.All in all, American Maniacs very well could have been a template for the seedy video-stringer film Night Crawler, while packaged in the marketing gloss of American Gladiators. In a world of news makers, Gale says repetition works, and when questioned over reusing reenacted death scenes by producers, he callously exclaims do you think those nitwits out there in zombieland remember anything. This is where we see Gale s mind warping programming taking shape for maximum psychological impact.This is what Stone s film is truly about, showcasing the often cold-hearted and calculating nature of mass media s carefully engineered narrative.With media analysis in mind, we might also consider this passage from Cult of Distraction in The Mass Ornament by film theorist, sociologist and writer, Siegfried Kracauer: Here, in pure externality, the audience encounters itself; its own reality is revealed in the fragmented sequence of splendid sense impressions. Were this reality to remain hidden from the viewers, they could neither attack nor change it; its disclosure in distraction is therefore of moral significance. Whether its banal programming intermixed with mass media s terror lens, the viewer has a choice to accept the media manipulated distractions at wholesale or attempt to unpack them through critical thinking, questioning the very nature of reportage. AMERICAN MANIAC Gale s American Maniacs glorifies tragedy for ratings.As NBK moves forward, we see the media trail and trial of Mickey and Mallory after the duo has been taken into custody. In a mockumentary style scene centered around super-fans and tacit supporters of the Knoxes, there s a decidedly social justice flair to a series of fictitious man on the street interviews.The whole segment relates to various political agitator groups that we see today like Occupy Wall Street (OWS) and the controversial identity focused activism of Black Lives Matter (BLM), as well as the FBI and the CIA s various counter-intelligence programs from the 1960 s and 1970 s. Both OWS and BLM alliances, are neo-liberal think-tank/NGO designed gatherings, meant to divide and control participants over class, identity and other socio-political concerns.NBK s court house scene featuring fervid group-think supporters, could be seen as another signal of social strife in America at the turn of the century marked pointedly by the polarizing corruption of the 1992 L.A. riots, the gross federal negligence of both the Ruby Ridge incident and the Waco siege, as well as the heavily publicized Menendez murder case (the strange and salacious trials of Lorena Bobbit and Tonya Harding) and the show trial of O.J. Simpson, an all-time ratings bonanza not counting the 95 million who watched Simpson s car chase on live TV.Interestingly though, the choreographed bombing of the World Trade Center (1993) carried out by FBI handlers and federal informants, was a curiously under reported event at the time. Which could be a reason for its absence from the media montages seen throughout NBK.The volatility of the 1990 s, proved to be an ideal backdrop for NBK, a picture made during a wave of high-profile sensationalized crime. MOTEL MAYHEM The murderous bride and groom conjuring the death of Mickey s innocence at the Lodge. Later on in NBK, with symbols fully on display, we see close camera shots of the pair s tattoos Mickey s light and dark Yin and Yang symbol and crudely drawn Christ-like tattoo are contrasted against Mallory s scorpion ink, as they ride along to abduct a hostage. As they make their way to the neon-lit Log Cabin Lodge, there very well could be a subtle reference to Freemasonary, when we witness the ritualistic behaviour shown at the Lodge. Stylistically, the motel resembles something out of the macabre cinematic world of David Lynch.In the background while Mickey and Mallory are on the motel bed, projected images on a window pane range from clips of raging dictatorships, to a young Mickey haunted by his father s suicide and a pale horse recalling the book of revelations once again. All of this takes place while a violent torture scene from the Hollywood film Scarface (written by Oliver Stone) plays out on the TV in front of their hostage.When love turns dark, Mickey and Mallory argue as time-lapse imagery of a Pray Mantis is seen symbolizing the need for contemplation during their chaos. The two separate briefly, as shamanic chanting cascades over their turbulent night crimes with visions of terror projected onto the sides of buildings.Whether its quick cut edits of opposing and often disturbing montages mixing vitriolic live action, clever special effects, absurdly horror filled projections or startling animated graphics reminiscent of Pink Floyd s The Wall NBK is a conceptual master work.As the hallucinogenic and often kinetic film progresses, a massive manhunt for the deranged Knoxes is launched by Detective Jack Super Cop Scagnetti, a masochistic vigilante law-man (Tom Sizemore) who has his own repressed demons to contend with, which manifest in his psychotic behavior towards prostitutes.We later learn that Scagnetti s mother was gunned down by the infamous shooter Charles Whitman at the University of Texas in 1966. ROADSIDE SHAMAN The Knoxes come face to face with themselves during Red Cloud s vision.Shifting mood once again, we hear the haunting piano-driven History Repeats Itself by A.O.S, (named after the 60 s counterculture chemist and sound engineer, Augustus Owsley Stanley III) which atmospherically plays in the background as Mickey and Mallory high on hallucinogens, are lost, out of gas and at odds with one another. This is the first time Mallory questions Mickey and nature of events that led to her becoming a spree killer.While looking for gas, the Knoxes approach Red Cloud and his grandson, first passing by Jacob (four-horned) sheep, revealing another biblical reference with the presence of the rare breed of sheep guardians. This is another significant scene in NBK, as the sovereign Oglala Lakota activist Russell Means, adds unique depth to the sequence playing the Navajo, Warren Red Cloud (perhaps a reference to US Marine Mitchell Red Cloud).Once inside Red Cloud s hut, the inner turmoil of the Knoxes is exposed. We then learn that Red Cloud served in the Vietnam War, reminding one of the staged Gulf of Tonkin false flag that led to the war. The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, which granted President Lyndon B. Johnson the ability to militarily engage in a full-scale conflict with North Vietnam, was made possible due to the fabrication of a crime.During the latter half of the Vietnam War, the development of controversial counter-terrorism techniques was at the utmost importance for then Director of the CIA, William Colby. One such program materialized named The Phoenix Program (Operation Phoenix), which employed various terror tactics to destabilize the North Vietnamese leadership, claiming to have eradicated the Vietcong through the use of psy-ops, extortion, the release of criminals and random targeting of civilians to achieve its aims. Some geopolitical critics believe that this template for destabilization has been used in Afganistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria in recent years.Given that Stone himself was a Vietnam veteran in the US Army, we can view that the deliberate inclusion of Red Cloud s service record was a significant aspect to the story, perhaps reflecting the false premise that the Vietnam War was based upon. SKIN-WALKER Mickey s inner demons come to the surface prior to killing Red Cloud.The pivotal scene with Red Cloud dramatically altered the emotionally unhinged killers, who were taken on a shamanic journey and forced to face their own reality during a cleansing ritual involving chanting, fire and snakes. Here Mickey s torment and abuse comes to the surface with vivid drug induced flashbacks and after being haunted by his past, he awakens and shoots Red Cloud. The tragic death of Red Cloud, is the first time both Mickey and Mallory feel the weight of their actions.With an axe to grind against mass murders Mickey and Mallory, Scagnetti, manages to apprehend the pair in a dramatic shootout at the Drug Zone pharmacy after they were bitten by rattlesnakes following their quasi-spiritual pilgrimage conducted by Red Cloud. While observing the Drug Zone s logo we see the Caduceus image (winged staff wrapped with two snakes) often inappropriately used in medicine, as it is said to be the conductor of the dead. DRUG ZONE subconscious slogans envelop Mickey in the Drug Zone shootout with police. This neon green filtered scene also represents the poisonous consumer culture, as Mickey and Mallory, drugged and snake bitten, stalk to store for anti-venom like the walking dead. Mike Smith s energetic cartoon animation is also featured, as the pharmacist ID s the pair while watching Gale s American Maniacs. Mickey revels in his newfound celebrity catching himself on TV, before he and Mallory are taken in by Scagnetti. WATCHTOWER Charles Whitman opened fire on the 27th story of the University of Texas clock tower on August 1st, 1966 in one of the most well-known mass shootings in American history. (Image Source: hartford courant)Scagnetti later hatches a scheme to kill Mickey and Mallory with the fast-talking neurotic Warden Dwight McClusky (Tommy Lee Jones), who plans his own twisted brand of justice inside the riotous Batonga Penitentiary. When Scagnetti s plot fails during NBK s prison riot scene, Mallory executes him in her cell.Scagnetti s fictitious link to a well-known true crime, merges the illusory world of NBK with the UT shooting, subconsciously grafting fantasy onto a traumatic event. In effect, the concept mimics the way news stories sometimes strangely and unexpectedly overlap within a blended hyper-reality of fact and fiction.In recent years, there has been a series of surreal and unreal news stories since the Smith-Mundt Act was effectively rendered obsolete by US lawmakers on July 2nd 2013, as confirmed by RT below: Until earlier this month, a longstanding federal law made it illegal for the US Department of State to share domestically the internally-authored news stories sent to American-operated outlets broadcasting around the globe. All of that changed effective July 2, when the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) was given permission to let US households tune-in to hear the type of programming that has previously only been allowed in outside nations. The Smith-Mundt Act has ensured for decades that government-made media intended for foreign audiences doesn t end up on radio networks broadcast within the US. An amendment tagged onto the National Defense Authorization Act removed that prohibition this year. There has been an unprecedented increase in propaganda over the years, despite claims that the NDAA provision offered more transparency to the American public.On another note, there are other uncanny historical elements associated with NBK Fresh off his fame from the hit sitcom Cheers, Woody Harrelson was an intriguing choice to play the character Mickey Knox, as it emerged that his father Charles Harrelson, was a contract killer linked to organized crime. Charles was convicted in the murder of a grain dealer named Sam Degelia Jr in 1968. Later in 1981, he received two life sentences for the murder of US District Judge John H Wood. THREE TRAMPS Charles Harrelson (ID d by forensic experts on the left) is believed to be one of three arrested in Dealey Plaza after JFK s assassination in 1963. (Image Source: jfkmurdersolved)It has been stated that after a six-hour suicidal standoff with police in 1980, Charles, apparently high on cocaine admitted to killing Judge Wood, while also claiming to be involved in President John F. Kennedy s assassination.When considering the Harrelson-Kennedy connection, the 1989 book Crossfire comes to mind.Crossfire, written by the well-known researcher Jim Marrs, was also adapted for the highly controversial and successful Oliver Stone film JFK. Below is a passage from Crossfire, as it relates to the apparent Harrelson-Kennedy link: Aside from being twice convicted of murder for hire, Harrelson the father of actor Woody Harrelson had a long history of involvement with Dallas underworld characters linked directly to Jack Ruby. Continuing, the Crossfire also stated: The late Fort Worth graphics expert Jack White, who testified before the House Select Committee on Assassinations, already had noticed the resemblance of Harrelson to the youngest tramp. In a 1981 interview with Chuck Cook, Harrelson claimed to have the biggest story the reporter would ever have, when questioned about Kennedy s death. Additionally, Jo Ann Harrelson noted the similarities between the tramp photos and her husband. All this coupled with the fact Diane Lou Oswald (the mother of Woody), who had also been married to Charles Harrelson in Midland, Texas, made for a strange background concerning the JFK saga.Throughout 1981, more questions materialized regarding the assassination of Judge Wood in a UPI article, as Defense lawyers maintained [Charles] Harrelson was framed by police and the informant. Charles an ex-felon, said a friend, Hampton Robinson III, who failed to show up to testify, had driven the car. He suggested someone, possibly federal agents, had planted the guns so he could be arrested. He denied telling [Department of Public Safety agent] Pagel he carried a gun. Below, in a KDFW-TV interview in 1982, Charles Harrelson back tracks somewhat on his claims of killing Kennedy but does point directly to a larger conspiracy concerning the US government s involvement in the death of Kennedy as well as their alleged link to drug trade in America.The interview is a startling revelation, adding to the enigmatic JFK mystery and in the process provides another strange backdrop to NBK Do you believe Lee Harvey Oswald killed President Kennedy alone We ll get back to that alone, without any aid from a rogue agency of the US government or at least a portion of that agency? I believe your very naive if you do. Charles HarrelsonOn Independence Day in 1995, Charles along with two other inmates, Gary Settle and Michael Rivers, tried to escape from Atlanta Federal Penitentiary later surrendering after warning shots were fired by guards. ENTROPY & ECSTASY - NBK s mass murder mayhem hits prime time TV.Fragmented Psyche, the Death Drive & Mind ControlWhen exploring the concept of Sigmund Freud s Death Drive and its relation to NBK, we should consider a thoughtful essay by Jon Mills entitled Reflections on the Death Drive. Here we can gain a better understanding of the tension at play within the psyche of Mickey and Mallory: Freud did not argue that death [thantos] was the only aim of life, only that it maintained a dialectical tension in juxtaposition to a life principle under the ancient command of Eros, yet the two forces of mind remained ontologically inseparable. In this relational age, the death drive appears to be a drowning man. Through this analysis, we can see the tug of war within the main characters of NBK caught within a life and death cycle.Also observed throughout the nonlinear narrative of NBK, are the media mobs and throngs of onlookers mesmerized by the murderous duo s violent deeds during the course of the film, arguably revealing a Schadenfreude (joy derived from the misfortune of others).In essence, the abused become the abusers within the fragmented framework of NBK. This twist to the story pushes the observer into accepting and perhaps identifying with the malevolent turn of the Knoxes because of their own flawed and tragic upbringing. This reality is recognized in the rise against perceived corruption (particularly law enforcement) in the form of social justice group think.However, this is where the film purposely presents a false paradigm to those subconsciously seeking their own radical retribution something which further fractures the viewer s perception by utilizing stereotypical patterns or in this case violent molds to excuse the rampage carried out by Mickey and Mallory Knox.This type of false paradigm forms a preconditioned response in favor of vigilantism; preventing the viewer s ability to see things in an unbiased way, which induces a type of cognitive dissonance in passive audiences, blocking one from considering a rational outlook in the aftermath of trauma.These concepts are central to understanding the nature of NBK, as it stirs questions about morality, societal behavior and the role played by both media and the public in an ongoing celebration of violence. In this sense, we can view NBK s excessive use of trauma-based imagery as statement about the modern age, a culture perpetually inundated by destructive media programming.In many ways, mind control abuse is heavily present within the topsy-turvy world of NBK. However, its presence in the film should be seen not necessarily as an indoctrination of the viewer but perhaps as a warning to those unaware of the psychic assault on their senses from all kinds of media.The film is laced with references to Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), conjuring the CIA s mind-warping military backed program, MK-Ultra, an illegal project that used hypnosis, sensory deprivation and other forms of torture to coerce an individual psychologically. This is represented in the film s main characters, as they vacillate between periods of ultra-violent behaviour and delusional wishful daydreaming, something which reflects a complex background of abuse.Here s an in-depth ABC news documentary examining Project MK-Ultra and the role played by Scottish-American psychiatrist Donald Ewen Cameron The heart of MK-Ultra is also seen in the controversial paper entitled From PSYOP to MindWar: The Psychology of Victory , written in part by the avowed satanist Michael Aquino, a high ranking security official, who was stated to have been inspired by Lieutenant Colonel John Alexander s article on pyschotronics, the employment of extrasensory perception, the transmission and reception of information via the mind.NBK s use of disturbing content might be best understood through its critique of mass media and the larger role that media has played in forcing trauma-based imagery on the public in a manner similar to that of covert military projects. In other words, NBK s volatile imagery is meant to be a savage attack on media itself and should be observed as a critique on media abuse as a whole not something that overtly supports cruelty.Other aspects of abuse are also present in NBK, whether it s Mallory s unseen abuse by her father Ed, the hostage held captive by the psychotic pair at the Lodge motel or Scagnetti s deranged and vile coping mechanism for his own tragic upbringing.Towards the end of the film, under a Stockholm Syndrome spell, crack reporter Gale, attempts to transform himself for the sake of Mickey and Mallory. This later leads to his demise, when he discovers he s not truly a natural born killer. We see the camera capture the action to tell the tale of Mickey and Mallory one more time. In the film s final surreal sequence, we see Mickey and Mallory driving in an RV as parents. The idea here is that the Knoxes represent a future society, a future nuclear family, one without traditional moral values, transformed by the death of American culture. This is something which is echoed by Leonard Cohen s song The Future at the end of the film. PRISON BREAK Mickey waxes poetic until a prison riot is sparked after talking to Gale. During the prison scene, Stone enlisted some 200 hardened criminals for the realistic riot scene.Cult Crimes & The Daily ShooterWhen concerning America s cult crimes, investigative journalist Maury Terry, and his book The Ultimate Evil, comes to mind. Winding down a dark and treacherous path, Terry s research uncovered the dark details about the so-called Helter Skelter killings, also known as the Tate-LaBianca murders, the Son of Sam shootings and other bizarre ritually crafted murders cascading across America from the 1960 s throughout the 1980 s.In an article published by Los Angeles Magazine, writer Michael Bendrix, discussed Terry s controversial book and the web of terror surrounding the apparent satanic ritual abuse (SRA) cult cases connected from coast to coast: Although Manson and David Berkowitz never knew each other, they both belonged at different times and on different coasts to the same umbrella satanic-cult organization, called the Process. The Process Church s dark history (splintered off from Scientology), also recalls the Temple of Set church, a reboot of Anton Levay s Church of Satan, as well as Jim Jones and the People s Temple. Interestingly, Jones friend Dan Mitrione, was an operative trained in advanced counterinsurgency techniques, working with both the FBI and CIA, adding to the prevailing mystery of the Brian Jonestown massacre.According to the researcher John Judge, Jones, once a poor preacher, started People s Temple after meeting Mitrione. Judge uncovered much of the media manipulation in the aftermath of the Brian Jonestown massacre. Much of which, was used to besiege the American public through a distortion of facts something that we see reflected in many high profile cases today.In the arresting book Programmed to Kill by writer and researcher David McGowan, we see an examination of the American media and government agency propelled serial killer saga in a chapter entitled The Myth of the Serial Killer. Here is a passage that directly relates to the narrative of NBK and in some cases, crimes occurring in America today: Most Americans are probably familiar with what is considered the classic serial killer profile. This was a notion first put forth by the venerable FBI, which coined the term serial killer, and pioneered the concept of profiling, in an alleged attempt to understand the phenomenon of mass murder. It appears to be the case though the concept of the serial killer profile was put forth largely to misinform the public. In the case of Henry Lee Lucas, few if any of the elements of the serial killer profile apply. For instance, serial killers are said to act alone, driven to do so only by their own private demons. So far removed from ordinary behavior are their actions that they would not, indeed could not, share their private passions with others. In Henry s case, this is a patently false notion. It has been officially acknowledged that Lucas worked with not just one, but at times as many as three accomplices Later, McGowan links the CIA s politically motivated counter-insurgency campaign within Vietnam (Operation Phoenix) to a domestic version (Operation CHAOS) of terror, featuring serial killings throughout the 1960 s, in order to create a climate of fear to push for a police state crackdown.The CIA s Operation CHAOS collected substantial amounts of information on domestic dissidents from 1967 to 1973, as admitted by the CIA.Over 40 years ago, a horrific crime spree took place sometime between 1972 -1974 that was dubbed the Zebra Murders. It was a shocking crime spree that shook the San Francisco area to the core.The murders were supposedly refered to as Zebra , because the radio communications channel that police talked over was channel Z. Reportedly, four Black Muslim men calling themselves the Death Angels were spawned from a known cointelpro hangout, Nation of Islam.The Death Angels were said to have shot future Mayor of San Francisco Art Angos. Some researchers on the subject have suggested that the Death Angels were trained counter-intelligence assassins tasked with fomenting a race war in America.In the 1990 s the idea of the lone serial killer phenomena faded into the background, exploding with the revamped media-driven image of the mass murder around every tabloid corner. When the decade came to a close, tabloid news produced the ratings that networks like ABC, CBS and NBC were starving for. The news world changed after the O. J. Simpson trial, opening the door for larger outlets to run the type of sensational TV programming previously reserved for popular shows like A Current Affair, Hard Copy and Inside Edition everything from salacious soft feature celebrity pieces, to murder stories and courtroom dramas such as Divorce Court and Judge Judy seeped into regular television fair.Similarly in the world today, the public has become reprogrammed by the fear-based odyssey of the War On Terror era and in more recent happenings such as the barrage of Daily Shooter mass casualty incidents rippling across America and Europe in the form of Gladio-style operations, we see another phase in the assault on reality. These cases have risen to the forefront in media as there is only a passing footnote concerned about serial killings, largely due to the public s desensitization.This new kind of crimescape injects the collective hive mind with a host of socio-political concerns over race, religion, reform and security, while obscuring the forensic synopsis of a crime itself.The notion that serial killers have in fact not acted alone under the lone wolf banner, coincides with findings about many of today s mass-shooters, who in a number of cases covered here at 21WIRE, have involved multiple suspects, actors and drills. Most recently in America, the events surrounding the Orlando Pulse night club were called into question, as eye-witness accounts suggested multiple suspects in the alleged lone wolf attack and that the authorities themselves may be to blame for some of the apparent deaths.Additionally, back in 2013, the alleged Pulse nightclub shooter Omar Mateen, was placed under a terror watch list for 10 months (interviewed three times by the FBI between 2013-14) having worked for one of the largest security firms (G4S Secure Solutions, headquartered in Jupiter, Florida) in the US and around the world since 2007. The firm was formerly part of a CIA-linked government contractor and security firm, Wackenhut Corporation. Mateen s extensive background with G4S, reveals another yet another curious connection between security and terror.When discussing the mass shooter phenomena as it relates to terror and security, writer and researcher Jay Dyer of Jay s Analysis, stated the following: The purpose of organized black op events is the psychological warfare effect of mass shootings. All warfare is psychological warfare, as the intent of the attacking party or army desires to bring about the acquiescence of the enemy. Warfare itself is merely a tool to bring about the psychological submission of the other side, while the intention of wiping out the enemy forces are secondary. Why deplete one s own forces and resources if the enemy can be molded to think accordingly? In this sense, terrorism is the purposeful display of chaos and fear that arises from the radical disturbance of the normal, daily patterns and social routines of the enemy with the intent of achieving an alteration in the psyche of the target populace. Indeed, as critical pieces of Daily Shooter events come together evidence often suggests a highly organized and coordinated event involving many players. Those players then craft the three dimensions of how we are to view the event carrying out the event are as follows: members of the police and security services, and most crucially, members of the global media. The last and most important group provides the fourth dimension of this reality, and that is you the public.How you view any questionable event is the pinnacle for the architects of any impressive psy-op.A fifth dimension is based on the fourth, which is how the architects and social engineers observe your reactions to the event. From this, data is collected, social media is monitored, then metered, opinions are analyzed, and public reactions are measured. The conclusions will be used to form the baseline and design of future shock and awe operations reacting directly to the public s response. CASTING CRISIS Media fed madness hits the front page.Reality RebornIn an exploratory essay entitled Critical Theories of Mass Media: Then and Now, written by Paul A. Taylor and Jan Ll. Harris, we can see clearer role of NBK and how it relates to the modern era: The shock of the modern urban environment is figured in terms of a welter of new micro-perceptions, disorientating cuts and contingent images a realm of experience that also characterizes the cinematic experience. Cinema thus trains the sensorium and helps the subject adapt to this new technological social reality. While NBK covers some dark and sometimes philosophical territory, it often hints at something much darker than our imaginations can comprehend. In this sense, the viewer feels like a guilty voyeur in a culture of violence, reliving trauma gratuitously through the callous and obsessive lens of mass media.In the past critics and media have accused NBK itself of giving rise to copycat crimes as well as the Columbine High School massacre, and the Dunblane massacre. But interestingly, these two high profile shootings from the 1990 s have a number of questionable elements forensically, such as conflicting eyewitness testimony and how they were apparently carried out.NBK can be thought of as an ultra or hyper-reality, an unreality more real than reality. While critics of the film cite NBK s dangerous content and presentation, it employs a heavy dose of artificial reality in order to inject certain universal truths about the nature of man and media. In an article for Ceasefire magazine, Andrew Robinson deconstructs Jean Baudrillard s hyper-reality. A concept prominently observed while watching NBK: Hyperreality is a special kind of social reality in which a reality is created or simulated from models, or defined by reference to models a reality generated from ideas. The term has implications of too much reality everything being on the surface, without mystery; more real than reality too perfect and schematic to be true, like special effects; and para-reality , an extra layer laid over, or instead of, reality. It is experienced as more real than the real, because of its effect of breaking down the boundary between real and imaginary. It is a real without origin or reality , a reality to which we cannot connect. In an informative piece by Randy Laist, Ph. D., entitled, Murder and Montage: Oliver Stone s Hyperreal Period, we see a complex blended reality at play during NBK: Mickey and Mallory are the icons of the new reality: the image ripped out of its context, the innocent killer, the fictional character roaming free across the video prairies of the new manmade nature. Natural Born Killers elicits our own complicity with the cultural tendency it satirizes, blending critique with enactment in a way that collapses the border between character and audience as well as between moralistic valuations of guilt and innocence. In this perpetual age of terror, highly sophisticated methods are used to alter, distort and reform the public mind. NBK was able to pull back the curtain on mass media s scripted reign READ MORE ALTERNATIVE HOLLYWOOD NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Hollywood Files
August 13, 2016
Boiler Room EP #68 – 4 Non-Binary Blondes & Social Justice Triggly Convulsions
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6 PM PST | 9 PM EST for this special broadcast. Join us for uncensored, uninterruptible talk radio, custom-made for barfly philosophers, misguided moralists, masochists, street corner evangelists, media-maniacs, savants, political animals and otherwise lovable rascals.Join ACR hosts Hesher, & Spore along with Andy Nowicki of Alt Right Blogspot, Jay Dyer from jaysanalysis.com, Jamie Hanshaw (author of Weird Stuff: Hollywood Mind Control) Randy J, and hopefully Daniel Spaulding. Tonight the Boiler Gang is talking about Birlfriends and Bothfriends , Spore takes Red Hot Chilli Pepper s Flea to task for his SJW oriented remarks against Clint Eastwood, Daniel Spaulding brings a clip of former CIA Director, Michael Morell, saying that We need to Kill Russians and Iranians to a smug Charlie Rose, the absurdity of the main stream media and left wing establishment kettle calling pot black with regards to Trumps supposed connections to Russia and much more on this August 11th edition of Boiler Room.Please like and share the program and visit our donate page to get involved!BOILER ROOM IS NOT A POLICTALLY CORRECT ZONE! LISTEN TO THE SHOW IN THE PLAYER BELOW ENJOY!Reference Links:
August 11, 2016
Daily Shooter Academy: Florida Woman Shot Dead by Police During ‘Roleplay’ Drill
21st Century Wire says This is something which 21WIRE has been warning about for years, ever since the regional police confabs and DHS fusion centers began the new national obsession with Active Shooter drills. In this latest episode of the Daily Shooter, local law enforcement in Punta Gorda, Florida, accidentally use live rounds and fatally shoot an innocent woman participating in a so-called shoot/don t shoot scenario where a police officer plays the role of the bad guy and the unsuspecting woman the victim. Punta Gorda Police Department (Facebook)Mary Knowlton, 73, was shot by at least one live round, possibly more, during the exercise. She later died at the local hospital.Fatal Fusion DrillAccording to the City of Punta Gorda s website, the decedent and 34 other people were attending a free, eight session course of interactive classes designed to provide insight into City government and to develop future leaders through well informed and civically engaged residents. The program is officially called Citizens Academy and gives citizens an up-close and personal look at how City government functions and helps shape our community. Woman killed in Punta Gorda PD gun demonstration https://t.co/jZR6f8eYtv #winknews pic.twitter.com/UQqPchucZb WINK News (@winknews) August 10, 2016At press time, no media outlets are questioning why Punta Gorda s citizens are being subjected to this level of simulated violence during a government funded civics class. What have we learned? Nothing.READ MORE DAILY SHOOTER NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Daily Shooter Files
August 10, 2016
PROPAGANDA: Star Trek Beyond – Social Justice Warriors in Space
Jay Dyer 21st Century WireThe last Star Trek reboot saw Benedict Cumberbatch as Kahn, the berserk super soldier who was angry about the Federation doing some such nefarious thing to his people group. This installment included curious references to false flags which I detailed here.Before that, in the initial reboot, there was an angry alien who attacked the Federation over his tribal group being shat upon (or, Shatnered upon!). So, for the third time in a row, we have roughly the same plot of dispossessed discontent tribalists and unique people groups who become terrorists when their way of life is encroached upon by the United Nations, er, NATO, er, New World Order, er Federation.We have seen this pattern often in the Star Trek, but in the recent installment, it s even more pronounced as we discover the character Sulu is gay. Indeed, trans-specism and the destruction of people groups under liberal tyranny has always been the worldview of Star Trek Gene Roddenberry was a rabidly atheistic globalist (or, as an even darker possibility, was Roddenberry a member of an occultic group known as The Nine, ?).There is some interesting evidence connecting Roddenberry (connected to the Esalen Institute which I covered here) to esoteric groups, mind control and the Rand Corporation. This would explain the many gnostic, scientistic, platonic and at times interestingly philosophical episodes, in the original series and its Next Generation successor.Secret Sun blog explains: So if you were hawking a sci-fi religion, who better to approach than the creator of the sci-fi sensation of the early/mid 70s? From 2008:In early 1975, a broke and depressed Roddenberry was approached by a British former race car driver named Sir John Whitmore, who was associated with a strange organization called Lab-9. Though unknown to the public, Lab-9 were ostensibly a sort of an independent version of the X-Files, dedicated to the research of paranormal phenomena. However, Lab-9 had another, more complex agenda- they later claimed to be in contact with a group of extraterrestrials called the Council of Nine Lab-9 had wanted to hire Roddenberry to write a screenplay based on the Council of Nine s imminent return .Lab-9 flew him out to their headquarters, located on a large estate in Ossining, NY. There, Roddenberry met and interviewed several psychics, and prepared the groundwork for his script.Roddenberry wrote a script called The Nine, in which he fictionalized his experiences at Lab-9 and the message for humanity that the Council of Nine wished to convey Beam me up, RAND!(T)his was no ragtag bunch of hippie phreaks that Roddenberry was dealing with Roddenberry biographer Joel Engel noted that Whitmore introduced Roddenberry to several key figures in the British Broadcasting Corp. as well. In regard to the connection to RAND, Opsecnews states:According to the TrekPlace website Harvey P. Lynn, Jr. (?-1987), a member of the prestigious RAND Corporation, provided Star Trek original series creator Gene Roddenberry with scientific and technical advice during preproduction of the series.On the Rand Corporation s website the question is asked whether a RAND researcher designed the initial bridge of the Enterprise. The answer given is, A Rand researcher, Harvey Lynn, was consulted, but as a private citizen, not as part of a RAND project. However in an interview from 1965 Jeffrey Hunter, who played captain Christopher Pike in the Star Trek pilot The Cage and preceded William Shatner as first captain of the Enterprise stated, The things that intrigues me the most is that it is actually based on the Rand Corporation s projection of things to come. Except for the fictional characters, it will be like getting a look into the future and some of the predictions will surely come true in our lifetime. The inherent contradiction that Star Trek continually demonstrates is the contradiction of the liberal philosophy and I mean in this in the classically liberal sense, that radical egalitarianism and atomistic individualism creates a horrid collective gathered around nothing more than liberalism itself. In this way, liberalism and its epistemic and cultural relativism can only allow for itself, and must destroy and exclude all other options, including even non-liberal democracy.In numerous Star Trek episodes, we even see the Prime Directive of the Federation s commitment to not violating an existing culture violated under the pretended facade of liberal rights and values. Western NGOs and foundations fulfill this very role today, with a cover of aiding the downtrodden, while secretly working for western political ends, as we see in the Soros-funded White Helmets scam. (If anyone doubts RAND connections to Hollywood, let s not forget the 2014 faux scandal of The Interview). Ironically, the new film demonstrates this toxic cultural imperialism explicitly. GlobalResearch explains: Aside from not addressing the darker side of US foreign policy, Hollywood movies like Forrest Gump carry subliminal messages. In the words of the US culture and entertainment magazine Rolling Stone: The message of Forrest Gump was that if you think about the hard stuff too much, you ll either get AIDS or lose your legs. Meanwhile, the hero is the idiot who just shrugs and says Whatever! whenever his country asks him to do something crazy. What Rolling Stone is saying that listen to what you are commanded to do.Then there are movies like American Sniper that collapse US foreign policy into the simplistic notion of individual characters. What this does is collapse the event and the soldiers into one, which means that if ones criticize a US war that you are attacking the soldiers and their convictions. This is hiding behind the soldiers and detracting from the real issue of an illegal invasion and occupation. Nor is there any mention of Abu Ghraib or the false weapons of mass destruction lies. Rolling Stone had this to say about American Sniper: Sniper is a movie whose politics are so ludicrous and idiotic that under normal circumstances it would be beneath criticism. The only thing that forces us to take it seriously is the extraordinary fact that an almost exactly similar worldview consumed the walnut-sized mind of the president who got us into the war in question. It s the fact that the movie is popular, and actually makes sense to so many people, that s the problem, it also adds. In fact, as a result of the movie there was an increase in hate crimes in the US and negative feelings towards Arabs and Muslims. I was tempted to draw up an elaborate analysis of symbols and deeper meanings, but depth was absent in this film. Other than an odd similarity between the terrorist character as a former soldier who went mad from radicalism (traditionalism!) being similar to the D.C. sniper event, Admiral Krall is merely a representation of any cultures or people groups who want a more traditional, organic existence and reject the Federation s globalism. As such, they are terrorists who are impelled by their fury and insanity to bomb the glorious, multi-cultural megalopolis space city Yorktown. In other words, all groups that aren t on board with globalism and liberal, inverted monoculture are terrists destined to attack New York.Krall thus represents the life-extension inherent in the damned traditionalism that will not die in the face of globalism. Krall is a grotesque icon of the film s view of patriarchal, honor-based societies as a perpetual reptilian madness that humans must evolve beyond. If you don t accept homo-mono-globo-liberalism, you are a terrorist that will unleash bioweapons in New York.The Holy United Nations and the space brothers have told the Pentagon humanity must evolve beyond distinctions and borders, and Gene and the pope are is its prophets. By the way if the citizens of the multi cultural Yorktown space station can beam about at will, why didn t they just beam Admiral Krall into space when he had the bio weapon?Oops! #StarCuck #captainJamesTKuckREAD MORE HOLLYWOOD NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Hollywood FilesTo hear Jay s full podcasts, see more information and learn how you can become a subscriber to JaysAnalysis.Jay Dyer is the author of the forthcoming title, Esoteric Hollywood: Sex, Cults and Symbols in Film from Trine Day. Focusing on film, philosophy, geopolitics and all things esoteric, JaysAnalysis and his podcast, Esoteric Hollywood, investigates the deeper meanings between the headlines, exploring the hidden aspects of our sinister synthetic mass media matrix.
August 2, 2016
PAY 2 PLAY: Democratic Convention Ends Amid Controversy, Empty Seats & White Noise
Shawn Helton 21st Century WireThe 2016 Democratic National Convention was the latest in a long line of sordid political productions It was a tough week for the Clinton change makers as Bernie Sanders delegates staged a mass walkout after a series of email leaks disclosed that a Clinton lawyer gave the DNC strategy advice on how to sideline the Sanders campaign.There were also claims of white noise machines used to quell any anti-Clinton dissent inside the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia. Help Wanted: Actors Needed Putting aside the fact that today s US presidential conventions have turned into celebrity show business promotional events (pop star Katie Perry, Ted Danson, and even British actor Orlando Bloom et all), there s another more disturbing controversy emerging this time over a Craigslist ad stating that, actors were needed for a national convention prompting critics to suggest empty seats had to be filled prior to the end of the convention and that the July 27th ad was at the behest of the DNC.Whether or not all or some of the claims above are fully accurate, 2016 s DNC was unquestionably a contentious affair filled with a heavy dose of identity politics.In fact, the star-studded event conjured the bizarre Orlando Pulse nightclub shooting from just over a month ago by having Christine Leinonen speak at the convention, a former Michigan State Police trooper/Florida Attorney turned Wheel of Fortune hopeful, and mother of Christopher (Drew) Leinonen, an apparent victim of America s largest mass shooting. Here s Australia s Peekay Truth on YouTube examining the phenomena surrounding Christine Leinonen Interestingly, Chris Leinonen s pro gun father Mark Bando, a former patrol officer for the city of Detroit PD from 1974-99, did not speak at the convention on behalf of his son.Additionally at Leinonen s speech at the DNC, she was accompanied by Pulse nightclub shooting survivor Brandon Wolf, who just happens to be a former runner-up on Bravo TV s The Kandi Factory. We ve noted before, the many strange Hollywood links to the Pulse shooting, including the apparent actor-cum-shooter Omar Mateen.Below is a YouTube video from the user Run2Christ HD, which investigates the many casting connections linked to Brandon Wolf, while also disclosing that one of the Pulse nightclub founders, Ron Legler, is the president of the Florida Theatrical Association and a booking agent for national touring broadway productions. Some of FTA s productions include The Lion King, Chicago and The Phantom of the Opera.Here s Brandon Wolf ready for his close-up Here s a screen shot of Ron Legler s professional background Here at 21WIRE, we examined much of the anomalies associated with the Orlando shooting, an event that failed to account for any shootings said to have taken place within the nightclub, as the FBI s own transcript made no mention of individuals being shot inside the club.If you remember, according to FOX analyst, Judge Andrew Napolitano plainly states that all of the Pulse nightclub victims met their fate when Orlando police entered the building Here s a You Tube video montage from Educate Yourself, that displays some of the strange behaviour exhibited by Christine Leinonen More DNC discussion from Zero Hedge below DNC NIGHTMARE? Empty seats observed during roll call at the DNC. (Image Source: fellowshipofminds)Zero HedgeDid The DNC Hire Actors (At Below Minimum Wage) To Work At The Convention?Following the exposure of a fake Trump job advertisement designed by The DNC to embarrass Trump, it is interesting that a Craigslist ad calling for Actors Needed for National Convention has surfaced Whether the ad is real or fake is unclear, but the text suggests below minimum wage compensation (7-plus hours work for $50) and the number of walkouts from the Convention indicates perhaps a need for cheering happy seat-fillers SNOOZEFEST Bill Clinton nods off during Hillary s vacuous speech. (Image Source: YouTube)Actors Needed For National Convention (Philadelphia) compensation: $50.00 Looking for 700 people to be utilized as actors during the National Convention. We currently have a number of empty seats that will need to be filled as we are currently removing a number of people and need to refill their seats for the remainder of the conference. You will be paid $50.00 each night for the remainder of the convention. You will be required to cheer at all times and will be asked to dress properly and possibly wear some promotional material.Which makes sense if one looks at the following shocking video from film director, Josh Fox, best known for his Oscar-nominated anti-fracking documentary Gasland, captured inside the DNC As DailyWire.com reports, Fox tells the camera This is amazing, this place is empty. There is nobody left in here. I mean this whole stadium, look at this, as he pans his cellphone to show the lack of cheering Dems.He continues in disbelief, adding, This is not voter enthusiasm . I can t believe my eyes. I ve never seen anything like this. This is the primetime of the Democratic National Convention right after the nomination of Hillary Clinton and this place is emptied out like crazy. I m stunned. This is insane. The whole California delegation is pretty much gone, he adds. I mean this has got to be something very worrisome for the Democrats. Voter enthusiasm wins elections. More from Zero Hedge .READ MORE ELECTION NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire 2016 FilesSEE ALSO: CASTING CRISIS: Orlando s Actors, Agents and Casualty Role PlayersREAD MORE ORLANDO SHOOTING NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Orlando FilesHelp support us by becoming a 21WIRE Member at: 21WIRE.TV
July 29, 2016
VIDEO: Top 10 Most Embarrassing Presidential Family Members
21st Century Wire says These family members made the president s life miserable, and a few just might continue for years to come Three members of our Top 10 actually managed to get stage time for the balloon drop at the closing of this week s Democratic National Convention.Notably, #3 on our list, Roger Headache Clinton moshed to the DNC s new pop anthem Stronger Together but it appears this has already been cut out of most mainstream video footage.As #8 on our list, Jeb would say, Please clap Not to be outdone: BROTHERLY LOVE: Hillary Clinton s brother, Hugh Rodham (center), seen lurking about the convention stage. THE BROTHERS RODHAM: Tony (left) and Hugh Rodham make #6 on our list of most embarrassing presidential family members as brothers-in-law of ex-President Bill Clinton.Certainly, these men may have just edged Billy Carter right off all master lists.WATCH THIS VIDEO AND MORE HEREREAD MORE ELECTION NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire 2016 Files
July 29, 2016
Boiler Room EP #67 – The Choice of a Screwed Generation
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6 PM PST | 9 PM EST for this special broadcast. Join us for uncensored, uninterruptible talk radio, custom-made for barfly philosophers, misguided moralists, masochists, street corner evangelists, media-maniacs, savants, political animals and otherwise lovable rascals.Join ACR hosts Hesher, & Spore along with Andy Nowicki of Alt Right Blogspot, Jay Dyer from jaysanalysis.com and ACR s big wave surfer, Stewart Howe. Tonight the Boiler Gang is talking about the Liberal Left feeling BURNT by the way Bernie flopped over to endorse Hillary after having his nomination stolen by hook and crook as revealed by the wikileaks hacks. We unfortunately, once again, as though forced by a week of news happenings, dive deep into project Mockingbird/Gladio style stage managed terror events. We discuss a growing swath of bought and paid for FAKE news, the repealing of the Smith Mundt Act effectively legalizing LYING to the public at the behest of the crime syndicates that own and run the mainstream media. A candid chat about the ugly effects of the divide and rule tyranny imposed upon us by the propagandists and social engineers with lines drawn in the sand based on identity politics is rounded out by a scathing review of Michelle Obamas comments at the DNC by E.T. Williams. We d be remiss if we didn t cover some highlights and lowlights from the RNC/DNC, as well, on this very special 67th edition of Boiler Room.Please like and share the program and visit our donate page to get involved!BOILER ROOM IS NOT A POLICTALLY CORRECT ZONE! LISTEN TO THE SHOW IN THE PLAYER BELOW ENJOY!Reference Links:
July 28, 2016
‘STRANGER THINGS’ – Hollywood MK Ultra Goes Full Occult
Jay Dyer 21st Century WireThe popular 80s pastiche series Stranger Things begins with a familiar scene of E.T. nostalgia, centering around Dungeons & Dragons. The scene is particularly familiar to me, since I played D&D back in the day, but learned very quickly this nefarious practice was like kryptonite to all things female. Oddly enough, the series appears to reflect a new trend amongst Hollywood A-listers, where nerd culture has revived the ancient 80s practice of playing D&D. The Hollywood Reporter explains the trend and its connection to acting and role-playing: Vin Diesel plays it. So do Dwayne Johnson, Drew Barrymore, Stephen Colbert, Mike Myers and Jon Favreau, among other bold-face names. Some even built their careers by playing it The decades-old role-playing game in which participants roll multisided dice while pretending to be mystical creatures such as elves and dwarves finally is coming out of the closet (or, in this case, Mom s basement). There s a huge resurgence of nerd culture, especially with the tech boom, says Silicon Valley s Martin Starr, a longtime D&D enthusiast. If nerds were still poor and living at their mothers , nobody would be paying any attention to Dungeons & Dragons. But nerds rule the world, and D&D is making a big comeback and I m excited about it. While this certainly relates to a furtherance of one s improv skills, it also relates to the occult side of Hollywood, though I don t take the ridiculous evangelical view that D&D is inherently evil. Rather, the notion of role-playing is synonymous with the ancient view of acting as dramaturgy, or ritual invocation of the gods. Comparative religion scholar Dudley Young writes: The earliest gods were invoked by ritual act (dromenon = the thing done) such as a sacrificial dance, commemorating the fact that our life begins and ends when they call upon us. Subsequently the thing was said (legomenon) as well as done, and the dromenon was on its way to becoming the drama. Once speech within the temple precincts has been endowed with the power of word-magic, we have the invocation properly so called. (Dudley Young, Origins of the Sacred: The Ecstasies of Love and War, pg. 413)Set in the fictional small town of Hawkins, Indiana in 1983, we will see the accidental dramaturgical invocation where the D&D simulacrum appears to actually be related on a deeper level to the occult phenomena that begin to occur. The disappearance of young Will Byers sparks a series of events that take Hawkins down a black rabbit hole of every conspiracy theory ever, melded with the opening of the inter-dimensional gates from every John Carpenter film. Originally slated to be titled Montauk, the series echoes the dubious accounts of Project Montauk, where purportedly time and space were altered in government-sponsored PsyOps and time travel experiments with famed UFO researcher Jacques Vallee commenting the experiments were related to the Philadelphia Experiment. For more information and speculation on this topic, I interviewed Dr. Farrell on his views here.D & D invokes the entities in E.T.. The stories of Montauk appear to originate in a book series by Preston Nichols, who claims to have discovered repressed memories of the event. This laughable scenario immediately smacks of PsyOps, making the original connection to large-scale deception all the more appropriate. Even Vallee alleges the experiment is a hoax, suggesting an experiment in seeing what you can get people to believe, as opposed to some real space-time warping experiment. Vallee writes: I hypothesized that the experiments had to do with a radar countermeasures test. Indeed a Raytheon advertisement published thirteen years ago suggested that the corresponding technology was now out in the open (Raytheon, 1980). This hypothesis, however, failed to explain a few of the facts that highlighted the story. In particular it did not account for the observed disappearance of the destroyer from the harbor, for the mysterious devices brought on board under extreme security precautions, or for the alleged disappearance of two sailors from a nearby tavern. While it may be the case that the Navy altered space-time, does Vallee not consider the possibility this is all bullshit, as so many military whistleblowers and generals so often leak ? Rather, as is so often the case, all the evidence for these events relies on some retired Navy man with all the credentials of the Navy man from the Village People. This is also why the Montauk tale mixes aliens and other nonsense in with the notion of the Apollo Mission being staged disinformation. Vallee himself was a high up government operator with an interest in occultism and Rosicrucianism, and is represented in Spielberg s Close Encounters by the character of Claude Lacombe (played by Francois Truffaut).Through the dimensional gate: the Demogorgon saps energy and hatches incubus style demon-babies in Ridley Scott form. .Thus, all of this functions as the spirit behind Stranger Things, as well as myriad other influences, such as Star Wars, Alien, Goonies, H.P. Lovecraft, Evil Dead, X-Men, Stephen King, and John Carpenter. That said, I consider the series as accurately showing some aspects of the spiritual realm, couched in scientistic mysticism, where our initial suspicion of extra-terrestrial alien manipulation is revealed to be both terrestrial and demonic. The Demogorgon inhabits a realm that is the upside down, the negative or demonic dark side of our world, which matches up to the Kabbalistic notion of the Qilphoth or the Abyss of Da at at times, as Crowley claims: This doctrine is extremely difficult to explain; but it corresponds more or less to the gap in thought between the Real, which is ideal, and the Unreal, which is actual. In the Abyss all things exist, indeed, at least in posse, but are without any possible meaning; for they lack the substratum of spiritual Reality. They are appearances without Law. They are thus Insane Delusions Now the Abyss being thus the great storehouse of Phenomena, it is the source of all impressions. Spoiler alert, but the missing children are not only part of MK Ultra, but are being used in top-secret testing that includes LSD, sensory deprivation and the development of Men Who Stare at Goats (or Kids Who Stare at Kittens)-type mental powers. Interestingly, the abducted super-soldier kid named 11 and El is specifically told to kill a kitten which is rumored to be an aspect of trauma-based mind control. Basically, all the rumors of hardcore child abuse and mind control are rolled into the series with the character El, who is able to remote view the spiritual realm and spy on Soviets (as well as Demogorgons).Like the simulacrum in Spielberg films, the spirits communicate across the void through the Kabbalistic principle of esoteric symbology and linguistics, as I showed in my Close Encounters analysis.. Oblivious to the dangers of such programs, Mr. Man in Black Shadow Government from the Dept. of Energy persists in hunting down his escaped daughter El (hinting at sexual abuse), who finds her way into the Goonies gang of Mike, Will and Lucas (I m assuming you ve seen it). Most interesting is the biblical and occult notion of the opening of gates through such scientific experiments, which are in fact occult rituals involving child adduction and sacrifice under the guise of cancer research (MK Ultra). Could this be a hint at what the cancer complex is really involved in? Genetic and psychological experimentation with children for the greater good ? Certainly there have been numerous cases of missing children in the US, as well as small towns experimented on by the shadow government. It would seem that Stanger Things is obliquely referencing these themes, as well as the possibility of actual murders and abductions, as author William Ramsey argues here.Given blood and sacrifice bring the demon and open the gate, we can assume the references are to the goetia, where demons are invoked through sigils. . Two notions that occurred to me I have not seen tacked yet in the series is the strange reference to the loss of father and God, as we see no strong male figures. Hop the cop, like a horny rabbit, hops from girl to girl having lost his daughter, while Will s father is a deadbeat. In Mike and Nancy s household, the ineffectual, sterile father character of Mr. Wheeler remains ever clueless while arguing to Mrs. Wheeler the government is on our side, and would never lie.Set in the Cold War, the fear and panic of the ridiculous Russian Threat in the background of the series allows the shadow state to develop the explicitly-named Star Wars Defense Program, where lasers and space weapons are being made to destroy the Russkies. Amazingly accurate in this insight, this is a point JaysAnalysis has been highlighting the last few years with the hype of the Cold War deception allowing for the rise of the dark military industrial complex which seems to have a penchant for human sacrifice. Note that I have argued many times that Mk Ultra was not merely a mind control experiment, but was about the entire biosphere, under the Department of Energy.Cop Hop discovers the advanced weapons lab facility is involved in MK Ultra something I have discussed many times. . The sacrifice of the youth for the dark designs of the shadow government is the ultimate conspiracy in the series, but what is more remarkable than this is the explanation by the Man in Black Dr. Brenner (Matthew Modine) that the sacrifice of sons and daughters for the gorgodemon is for the good of America. In other words, we are given the impression our villain knows the real source of the dark power in Hawkins, the demonic, and that the sacrifice of humans and blood draws it nearer and nearer. Foolishly assuming this dark energy can be harnessed for U.S. supremacy, Dr. Brenner is behind both MK Ultra and the SDI program that requires the sacrifice of America s sons and daughters ! This spiritual dimension is the accurate and insightful aspect of the series, but the message is not all good.Dr. Brenner demands more demonic channeling from El. Note her similarity of appearance to the Princess in The Never Ending Story.. The flip side, as mentioned, is that El as an androgynous, yet dominantly feminine archetype, is a form of the incarnation of the goddess. We have seen this of late in pop fiction more times than I can count, in examples like Hanna, Hunger Games, Lucy, Ex Machina and Jupiter Ascending, where the gnostic perspective of exalting the opposing force to the male is assumed to bring a cosmically needed balance to the war hawk patriarchy. A perennial myth of liberal fantasies, the feminist archetype will in no way bring peace and balance, only more destruction as gender roles continue to be confused. Feminism is part of that very destruction, and the fact that El shouts out in the aether God, Dad and Gone, suggests her association with Dr. Brenner as her dad and Father God s lack of answer to her call, means the solution to the spiritual problems of man can be found in a Luciferian evolution of humans beyond the traps of gender and evil patriarchal deities. In occultist Edmund Spenser s Faerie Queen, we read:Downe in the bottome of the deepe Abysse Where Demogorgon in dull darknesse pent, Farre from the view of Gods and heauens blis, The hideous Chaos keepes, their dreadfull dwelling is. (Book IV, Canto ii, stanza 47)In the process of becoming cruciform, the sacred feminine pistis Sophia incarnate destroys the patriarchal non-God. . Indeed, El annihilates the cruciform Demogorgon as if it were a demiurge that has imprisoned the town spiritually. This is precisely the Luciferian view Jesus and/or God the Father are demiurges who have imprisoned humans in this dimension and sap their energy as vampires, requiring blood sacrifice. Of course, none of that is true, as the Logos is the salvation of the human race, reconciling them to God by becoming Incarnate and destroying Death. In the gnostic scheme the roles are reversed, where El becomes the Luciferian dark hero rescuing the town through her sacrifice to destroy the cruciform demon-god. And, as you probably guessed, that is why her name is El, recalling the old Canaanite term for the gods who warred against Jehovah in the Bible. In fact, the Demogorgon is generally traced back to the demiurge.The series also uses numerology frequently, such as 11 and 77 suggesting the demonology of Crowley and references to 9/11 as a ritual initiation. Interestingly, light is mentioned several times in the series as both a means of communication and symbol of enlightenment. As you can see in the above image, photosynthesis is placed behind El as she dissolves the Demogorgon, suggesting the dissolution of Traditional Religion by enlightenment, perfectly consonant with the message of Gnosticism and Luciferianism.The gateways have been opened through mass human sacrifice of America s sons and daughters the new man is a dark, half-androgynous goddess who will destroy the genocidal patriarchal religions and bring a new Amerikan aeon of the crowned and conquering girl-child, a Luciferian world order.READ MORE HOLLYWOOD NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Hollywood FilesTo hear Jay s full podcasts, see more information and learn how you can become a subscriber to JaysAnalysis.Jay Dyer is the author of the forthcoming title, Esoteric Hollywood: Sex, Cults and Symbols in Film from Trine Day. Focusing on film, philosophy, geopolitics and all things esoteric,JaysAnalysis and his podcast, Esoteric Hollywood, investigates the deeper meanings between the headlines, exploring the hidden aspects of our sinister synthetic mass media matrix.
July 26, 2016
Michelle Obama DNC speech: ‘I wake up every morning in a house built by slaves’
21st Century Wire says The Democratic Party National Convention hit full swing in Philadelphia yesterday, as fashion and celebrity politics dominated the the presentation. The First Lady also took to the podium and invoked slavery in order to to stir delegates, and to try and propel DNC nominee Hillary Clinton forward for November s election. I wake up every morning in a house that was built by slaves, she said. Watch:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuqu61b3YVE . See more celebrity and fashion highlights here. Watch as Texas-based, black/Afro-American author and pundit E.T. Williams breaks down the psychological messaging behind Michelle Obama s slavery comments, as well as what he believes is her party s over-reliance on identity politics as its primary strategy.
July 26, 2016
Oliver Stone: Pokémon Go is ‘Surveillance Capitalism’ for a Robotic Society
Press Association The GuardianFilm director Oliver Stone has branded the popular gaming app Pok mon Go a new level of invasion of privacy that could lead to totalitarianism .The American reportedly voiced concerns over the game as he promoted his new movie about NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden at Comic-Con International.After he was asked about security concerns associated with Pok mon Go, Stone said companies were carrying out surveillance capitalism by monitoring people s behaviour.According to Time magazine, he told the Comic-Con audience in San Diego: It s not funny. What s happening is a new level of invasion. The profits are enormous here for places like Google. They ve invested a huge amount of money in data mining what you are buying, what you like, your behaviour. It s what some people call surveillance capitalism. He added: You ll see a new form of, frankly, a robot society. It s what they call totalitarianism. Pok mon Go, which is free to download, has faced criticism over claims it could access a player s entire Google account, including email and passwords.The app s makers, Niantic, insisted the move was unintentional and reassured users it was not collecting any exceptional data Continue this story at The GuardianREAD MORE POKEMON GO NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Pokemon Go Files
July 22, 2016
Jay Dyer on Tragedy & Hope – Part 4: Rothschilds, Central Banks, FDR & the US Imperium
Jay Dyer 21st Century WirePicking up where we left off in Part 3, we look at Quigley s analysis of Germany prior to World War II and the rise of Nazism, the situation in France with the dominance of the Catholic, Protestant and Jewish banking houses, and how Rothschild came out on top. We also look at how all three of these colluded to establish a fake front known as the Bank of France at the behest of their agent, Napoleon. (Hour 2) Revolutions lead to consolidation and the establishment of a central bank, where the Great Leader hands the nation s assets and future capital over to the bankers. Sound familiar? You re correct FDR does the same thing, as Caroll Quigley explains. From there, we look at the sections where Quigley details the third way convergence and the coming technocratic global state and how the revolutions, from Protestantism to Darwinism, prepared the way for the Liberal U.S. Imperium. READ MORE SHADOW GOVERNMENT NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Shadow Government FilesTo hear Jay s full podcasts, see more information and learn how you can become a subscriber to JaysAnalysis.Jay Dyer is the author of the forthcoming title, Esoteric Hollywood: Sex, Cults and Symbols in Film from Trine Day. Focusing on film, philosophy, geopolitics and all things esoteric,JaysAnalysis and his podcast, Esoteric Hollywood, investigates the deeper meanings between the headlines, exploring the hidden aspects of our sinister synthetic mass media matrix.
July 21, 2016