Unnamed: 0
2 values
Subject: re : tenaska iv 10 / 00 darren , the demand fee is probably the best solution . we can use it to create a recieivable / payable with tenaska , depending on which way the calculation goes each month . how are pma ' s to be handled once the fee been calculated and the deal put in the system ? attatched is a schedule detailing what is on the gl for cleburne as of today . some of this info will change by the end of the month . as you can see , there are some discrepancies between megan ' s calculations and what is on the general ledger . ua 4 is also on my schedule . unless the buys / sells are volumetrically balanced , we book an entry to balance the desk . this will change the calculation of what is due from / to tenaska . should we be recording a ua 4 entry for cleburne ? is it addressed in the agreement with tenaska ? daren j farmer @ ect 12 / 12 / 2000 04 : 48 pm to : greg whiting / corp / enron @ enron , troy klussmann / hou / ect @ ect , james armstrong / hou / ect @ ect , megan parker / corp / enron @ enron , jim pond / corp / enron @ enron cc : subject : tenaska iv 10 / 00 in most cases , ena will be a net buyer from tenaska iv for activity related to the cleburne plant . however , for october 2000 , the plant was down the majority of the month and ena sold off the supply , resulting in ena owing money to tenaska iv . i have created deal 529856 with a demand of $ 1 , 798 , 389 . 73 , which is the calculated amount of income on the cleburne desk . ( please see the attached schedule . ) we need to pass this income on to tenaska iv . do we need to pay this amount ( wire from ena to tenaska iv ) or is there another way to do this ? this is the case for october 2000 and could possibly happen again in the future . greg , troy , jim - please let me know what you think about settling this . megan - don ' t pay the amount until we here from the greg , troy and jim . also , make sure that we have received dollars from the spot sales before we reimburse tenaska iv . d - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by daren j farmer / hou / ect on 12 / 12 / 2000 04 : 37 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - enron north america corp . from : megan parker @ enron 12 / 07 / 2000 09 : 18 am to : daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : tenaska iv 10 / 00 we have actuals . the larger of the two volumes is 1 , 395 , 000 , which is 45 , 000 / day , so the demand rate in deal 514353 is fine . i am having a problem , though , with the way it is coming to settlements . it is showing up with a jan 2003 delivery date . i think the demand fee needs to be on 10 / 1 only . right now , it is on a line with a date of 10 / 1 / 00 to 12 / 31 / 36 . i think this is confusing the system some how . also , we still need the purchase deal for tenaska iv . it should be for a demand fee of $ 2 , 571 , 135 . 73 booked to the cleburne desk . we actually owe $ 1 , 798 , 389 . 73 , but i need to net the tenaska iv sales with the purchase to clear those receivables . james is calling me every day asking for an update . do you know when we will be able to get this in the system ? i have attached my spreadsheet so you can see the numbers . megan
Subject: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by ami chokshi / corp / enron on 02 / 07 / 2000 04 : 48 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - royal _ b _ edmondson @ reliantenergy . com on 02 / 07 / 2000 04 : 45 : 52 pm to : ami _ chokshi @ enron . com cc : subject : ( see attached file : egmnom - feb . xls ) - egmnom - feb . xls
Subject: re : pennzoil avails - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by ami chokshi / corp / enron on 12 / 20 / 99 03 : 05 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - dscottl @ . com on 12 / 20 / 99 02 : 46 : 42 pm to : ami chokshi / corp / enron @ enron cc : subject : re : pennzoil avails here are the january 1999 devon south texas volumes . you may notice that some if them are not different from december ' s . . . but i reviewed their list and these are the january numbers . david - devon stx . xls
Subject: fw : centana storage - - - - - original message - - - - - from : swisher , stephen sent : tuesday , november 27 , 2001 11 : 52 am to : olsen , michael subject : fw : centana storage importance : high mike , i need a deal entered into sitra and pathed for the sale of the centana storage to aep . see below . any questions , give me a call . thanks . stephen r . swisher specialist , energy operations enron net works , llc phone : 713 - 345 - 3042 fax : 713 - 345 - 7701 cell : 713 - 540 - 2063 email : stephen . swisher @ enron . com - - - - - original message - - - - - from : wynne , rita sent : tuesday , november 13 , 2001 1 : 30 pm to : pond , jim cc : koerselman , lisa ; lo , connie ; swisher , stephen subject : re : centana storage stephen , please get with logistics to get a deal entered and pathed for this transaction . if you have any questions , please let me know . thanks ! - - - - - original message - - - - - from : pond , jim sent : tuesday , november 13 , 2001 1 : 29 pm to : wynne , rita cc : koerselman , lisa ; lo , connie ; swisher , stephen subject : re : centana storage the gl currently has 1 , 177 , 186 mmbtu @ $ 3 , 548 , 001 . 99 . i believe the sale took place in the facility . - - - - - original message - - - - - from : wynne , rita sent : tuesday , november 13 , 2001 1 : 05 pm to : pond , jim cc : koerselman , lisa ; lo , connie ; swisher , stephen subject : re : centana storage jim , where did the sale take place ? was it an in place sale at the facility ? stephen is working on the reconciliation . if he cannot have it completed by this close , then we will have unaccounted for until he finishes his reconciliation . we will do everything possible to get it cleared this close . what does the g / l currently have for the storage number ? - - - - - original message - - - - - from : pond , jim sent : tuesday , november 13 , 2001 12 : 57 pm to : wynne , rita cc : koerselman , lisa ; lo , connie subject : centana storage rita , it looks like we will be making our bammel true - up payment to aep in the next couple of days . included in the payment to aep is a deduction for the sale of the centana storage gas . we are selling them 1 , 236 , 286 mmbtu @ $ 2 . 375 for a total of $ 2 , 936 , 179 . 25 . the sale is for september , 2001 production . we will need a deal put in sitara for that sale along with the appropriate pathing from storage by logistics . however , there is only 1 , 195 , 754 mmbtu on report 006 in unify ( for contracts 96018371 , 96014189 , and 96019236 ) . how do we account for this volumetic difference ? connie will be truing up the gl to match the current unify volume . the gl was short approx . 18 , 000 mmbtu because a beginning balance was not booked . this needs to happen before the upcoming close . thanks for you help in this matter . please let me know of any concerns .
Subject: re : apache deal 384247 10 / 00 according to the contract brief i received , the 2 . 175 is a 1999 price . i believe my pricing is correct . bob or darren may be able your questions better . dave enron north america corp . from : megan parker @ enron 11 / 21 / 2000 03 : 27 pm to : david baumbach / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : apache deal 384247 10 / 00 i got an invoice for the gas we bought from apache for tenaska iv and they have a different price . for deal 384247 , we have a price of 2 . 285 and a demand fee of 0 . 457 for 25 , 000 / day . apache is billing us at 2 . 175 with no demand charge . can you verify this price for me and let me know which is correct ? thanks , megan
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Subject: hpl nom for august 23 , 2000 ( see attached file : hplo 823 . xls ) - hplo 823 . xls
Subject: enron / hpl actuals for june 9 - 12 , 2000 june 9 , 2000 teco tap 22 . 500 / enron ; 38 . 750 / hpl iferc texoma 5 . 833 / enron ls hpl lsk ic 11 . 667 / enron june 10 , 2000 teco tap 41 . 250 / enron june 11 , 2000 teco tap 40 . 000 / enron ; 50 . 000 / hpl iferc
Subject: el paso cuts on oasis fyi - - - some of the gas purchased from dynegy on gas day 6 / 6 was cut : 9 b 5 p 662 cut to 599 10 , 000 cut to 9 , 061 ( per joanie adams at oasis ) i will enter in mops as estimates . thanks , mark
Subject: nom change for increased midcon gas . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by ami chokshi / corp / enron on 06 / 29 / 2000 02 : 50 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - royal _ b _ edmondson @ reliantenergy . com on 06 / 29 / 2000 12 : 13 : 38 pm to : ami _ chokshi @ enron . com cc : subject : nom change for increased midcon gas . . . ( see attached file : hpl - june . xls ) - hpl - june . xls
Subject: fw : lisa ' s # ' s - - - - - original message - - - - - from : hanson , kristen j . sent : thursday , december 20 , 2001 9 : 41 am to : baumbach , david subject : re : lisa ' s # ' s dave , guess i had some misinformation on the type . per yvette , the platelets or cells in darren farmer ' s blood were the match and the blood type was secondary . i ' m not sure how it works , but darren is definitely the guy . i have a call in to lisa to clarify this . kris - - - - - original message - - - - - from : baumbach , david sent : thursday , december 20 , 2001 9 : 00 am to : hanson , kristen j . subject : re : lisa ' s # ' s funny . . . when i talked to daren , he said he was a + . could it be daron giron ? - - - - - original message - - - - - from : hanson , kristen j . sent : thursday , december 20 , 2001 8 : 04 am to : baumbach , david subject : lisa ' s # ' s hi dave , thanks for offering to talk to darren about lisa & christopher . lisa can be reached at home at 281 - 296 - 0788 or cell 713 - 443 - 4523 . i ' m sure she can fill in the details on how to have the blood credited to her account . anyone else you know of who has b - blood and would like to give would be much appreciated ! kris
Subject: re : union gas - doehrman # 1 the new sitara ticket # is 165331
Subject: re : copano line gain contract needed at meter 5310 daren , deal 93481 expired 12 / 31 / 99 , is there a new deal to replace it . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by sherlyn schumack / hou / ect on 02 / 16 / 2000 04 : 48 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - fred boas 02 / 16 / 2000 04 : 46 pm to : sherlyn schumack / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : re : copano line gain contract needed at meter 5310 to : fred boas / hou / ect @ ect cc : howard b camp / hou / ect @ ect , robert e lloyd / hou / ect @ ect subject : re : copano line gain contract needed at meter 5310 done . thanks , stella fred boas 08 / 20 / 99 06 : 53 pm to : stella l morris / hou / ect @ ect cc : howard b camp / hou / ect @ ect , robert e lloyd / hou / ect @ ect subject : re : copano line gain contract needed at meter 5310 stella : i set up the accounting arrangement on the hplr transport contract 012 - 64610 - 02 - 052 for january through june per daren ' s instructions below . the tracking id for all 6 months is 34500 . i also set up accounting arrangement on the hplc transport contract 012 - 41500 - 02 - 015 for july per daren ' s instructions below . the tracking id for july is 34501 . if you would , please put the transport contract in pops on monday morning and call me when your done so that i can reallocate the meters . i need to call copano to tell them that their payment is on the way . i need the transport contracts , hplr and hplc put in for all 31 days of each of the respective months . as always thanks in advance for your help , fred daren j farmer 08 / 20 / 99 04 : 50 pm to : fred boas / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : re : copano line gain contract needed at meter 5310 fred , i had the typed the deal numbers incorrectly . july forward is on 93481 . january - june is on 69176 . daren fred boas 08 / 20 / 99 12 : 56 pm to : daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect , stella l morris / hou / ect @ ect cc : robert e lloyd / hou / ect @ ect , howard b camp / hou / ect @ ect , charlene richmond / hou / ect @ ect subject : copano line gain contract needed at meter 5310 daren : i looked in path manager and i see two deals - 93480 and 93481 , but i don ' t see deal 69176 for july forward that you mentioned below . also , please verify that the deal for january through june is 93481 and if the 69176 deal is correct for july forward . stella : i will need to set up accounting arrangements for these deals from january forward . from daren ' s note below it appears that for january through june i will need an hplr transportation contract put in pops . when daren and i get the deal number issue resolved for july forward i will need an hplc contract put into pops . also for july forward , i will need the hplc contract in pops every month through december to allocate copano line gain to if it occurs . thanks to both of you , fred daren j farmer 08 / 19 / 99 11 : 16 am to : fred boas / hou / ect @ ect cc : stella l morris / hou / ect @ ect , robert e lloyd / hou / ect @ ect , howard b camp / hou / ect @ ect , charlene richmond / hou / ect @ ect subject : re : copano line gain contract needed at meter 5310 fred , i have pathed the purchase from copano for 1999 in mops . jan - jun is under hplr ( sitara 93481 ) . july forward is under hplc ( sitara 69176 ) . i understand that i cannot renom this to the pipe for prior months , because the callout allocations will be affected . so , you will need to set up accounting arrangements to get the nom into pops . let me know if you have any questions . daren fred boas 08 / 19 / 99 08 : 01 am to : stella l morris / hou / ect @ ect , daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect cc : robert e lloyd / hou / ect @ ect , howard b camp / hou / ect @ ect , charlene richmond / hou / ect @ ect subject : re : copano line gain contract needed at meter 5310 stella / daren : what is the status of this request ? please let me know when i can reallocate this meter , the customer has not been paid for 3 months and is complaining . fred to : robert e lloyd / hou / ect @ ect cc : fred boas / hou / ect @ ect , mary m smith / hou / ect @ ect subject : re : copano line gain contract needed at meter 5310 thanks for your help robert . thanks again , stella from : robert e lloyd 08 / 12 / 99 04 : 29 pm to : stella l morris / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : copano line gain contract needed at meter 5310 fyi - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by robert e lloyd / hou / ect on 08 / 12 / 99 04 : 29 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - lauri a allen 08 / 12 / 99 04 : 02 pm to : daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect cc : fred boas / hou / ect @ ect , robert e lloyd / hou / ect @ ect subject : copano line gain contract needed at meter 5310 daren - fyi . there are deal tickets in sitara to cover this transaction - # 69176 for hplr and # 93481 for hplc - but they have zero volume and were not pathed in unify . could you get someone in your group to set these up for fred , please ? let me know if you have any questions . thanks . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by lauri a allen / hou / ect on 08 / 12 / 99 03 : 59 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - fred boas 08 / 12 / 99 11 : 19 am to : stella l morris / hou / ect @ ect cc : lauri a allen / hou / ect @ ect , karen lambert / hou / ect @ ect , howard b camp / hou / ect @ ect , robert e lloyd / hou / ect @ ect subject : copano line gain contract needed at meter 5310 stella : i need the above referenced contract put into pops for january , may , june , july , and august 1999 forward . i need the contract in pops for august forward because i never know when copano will allocate line gain to itself . in 1998 a spot contract was set up between hplr and copano pipeline / south texas , l . p . with a synergi contract number 078 - 62210 - 101 and a global number of 96016880 by karen lambert . per karen this old agreement was terminated by dan hyvl due to hplr business change to ect . in 1999 , when copano began allocating line gain to themselves again i contacted lauri , karen , and yourself to see if i could get the contract in pops . karen sent me an e - mail indicating that she set - up a new contract for this hplc line gain purchase - global # 96022367 ( i don ' t have a " synergi " contract number ) . i know that in 3 / 99 lauri contacted bernard widacki at copano to discuss this issue . i need lauri to review this and then i need the contract to be put in pops so that i can correctly allocate the gas at this meter . i have not allocated any line gain in 1999 and the volumes are small . karen is the most knowledgeable about this contract , so i suggest that any questions be directed to her regarding contract issues . karen worked with bernard widacki at copano to set up the contract originally . thanks , fred
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Subject: enron / hpl actuals for august 2 , 2000 teco tap 15 . 000 / enron ; 110 . 000 / hpl iferc ls hpl lsk ic 27 . 000 / enron
Subject: re : license let me know if you ever sign off on any bridges or buildings so i can stay the hell away from them . remember i took classes with you i know better . congrats from just an " eit " . kyle " glover , rusty " on 01 / 31 / 2000 05 : 13 : 48 pm to : ' camille davis ' cc : " rochelle ( e - mail ) " , " cheryl ( e - mail ) " , " daren ( e - mail ) " , kyle kubin / ngccorp @ ngccorp , " fenny ( e - mail ) " , " ed ( e - mail ) " , " greg ( e - mail ) " subject : re : license to all : well , let me tell it to you like this ! i will never ever ever have to study for another fricken exam ! hell yes i passed that s . o . b . i about died when i opened the envelope b / c i couldn ' t believe it ! i am now rusty r . glover , p . e . ! i probably won ' t know you next time i see you ! my head was so big this morning i could barely make it through the door ! later , rusty r . glover , p . e . - - - - - original message - - - - - from : camille davis [ mailto : kcdavis @ pdq . net ] sent : monday , january 31 , 2000 1 : 59 pm to : glover , rusty subject : license did you past your test ? ? ? camille - attl . htm
Subject: teco ' s indian spring plant - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by mary poorman / na / enron on 11 / 08 / 2000 04 : 20 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - clem cernosek @ ect 11 / 03 / 2000 02 : 28 pm to : sherlyn schumack / hou / ect @ ect , lauri a allen / hou / ect @ ect , jack simunek / hou / ect @ ect , karry kendall / hou / ect @ ect , mary poorman / na / enron @ enron , howard b camp / hou / ect @ ect , katherine herrera / corp / enron @ enron , megan parker / corp / enron @ enron , jennifer d pattison / hou / ect @ ect cc : rita wynne / hou / ect @ ect , pat clynes / corp / enron @ enron subject : teco ' s indian spring plant a meeting was held on november 1 , 2000 at 3 pm in eb 3270 to resolve exxon ' s residue volume issue at teco ' s indian spring plant . exxon ' s issue is that the residue volumes that hpl is recording for exxon ' s account for transportation do not equal to the wellhead volumes produced and delivered to pge . items that were identified so that exxon ' s issue could be resolved : 1 . hpl is responsible for any ua 4 loss / gain and fuel consumed on pge ' s line attributable to exxon ' s big sandy production . 2 . if exxon ' s production exceeds 500 mcf / d , hpl must on a monthly basis elect to process or not process the exxon big sandy gas . if hpl elects to process , then teco buys the products from hpl . 3 . if exxon ' s production flows between 100 mcf / d and 499 mcf / d , then teco can process and makeup the shrinkage to hpl with their own gas volumes . 4 . if exxon ' s production is less than 100 mcf / d , then hpl must terminate the processing agreement . if hpl does not terminate and volume continue to flow at less that 100 mcf / d than hpl loses the shrinkage and must pay to teco an additional $ 500 per month . solution : 1 . hpl will schedule and record the gain / loss volumes at hpl meter # 986884 that is attributable to ua 4 and fuel on the pge line . 2 . hpl will schedule and record the sale volumes of pvr to teco at hpl meter # 986884 . 3 . the scheduling of the volumes for items 1 and 2 will allow for offset volumes to be record as adjustments to exxon ' s transport volumes . 4 . the hpl logistics dept . ( mary poorman ) will inform assets group ( jack simunek ) when and if the volumes nominated for exxon fall below 100 mcf / d . if any of the above does not reflect what was discussed or agreed to , please let me know at x - 36650 . thanks , clem
Subject: 8 / 00 assignment , termination , expiration report - assets group attached is the august 2000 assignment , termination & expiration report for the assets group ' s contracts . ( fyi - it contains all of the entries made by our group during 7 / 00 regardless of the effective date . ) if you do not need to receive this report or if you know of someone else that should receive it , please let me know by e - mail or phone ( x - 36982 ) so that i can either remove your name from or add their name to the distribution list .
Subject: king ranch there are two fields of gas that i am having difficulty with in the unify system . 1 . cage ranch - since there is no processing agreement that accomodates this gas on king ranch , it is my understanding hpl is selling the liquids and king ranch is re - delivering to stratton . it is also my understanding that there is a . 05 cent fee to deliver this gas . we need a method to accomodate the volume flow on hpl at meter 415 and 9643 . this gas will not be reflected on trans . usage ticket # 123395 and # 95394 since it is not being nominated from a processing agreement . we either , need to input a point nom ( on hpl or krgp ) at these meters to match the nom at meter 9610 , or a deal for purchase and sale ( if king ranch is taking title to the gas ) needs to be input into sitara at these meters with the appropriate rate . i have currently input a point nom on krgp to accomodate this flow , so we can divert some of this gas to the current interstate sales that are being made . 2 . forest oil - there is a processing agreement that will accomodate flow from the meter ( 6396 ) into king ranch . it is my understanding that this agreement was originally setup until texaco had their own processing agreement . i need confirmation that the gas from this meter should be nominated on contract # ( 96006681 ) and that this agreement should have been reassigned to hplc . ( it is currently still under hplr ) . if this gas is not nominated on the above transport agreement , then once again we need to accomodate the flow volume on the hpl pipe with either a point nom or a sitara deal at meters 415 and 9643 .
Subject: neon discussion january 24 here is an idea for this week . ? next week brad cox is planning on starting a discussion series based on the experiencing god study , that he will modify for teenagers to be used in neon . ? it will probably consist mainly of questions similar to what you ' re getting this week . ? at this point in the semester your kids hopefully feel comfortable with each other to go ahead and spring right into some biblically relevant discussions . ? make sure , though , that you do what is necessary for your kids to connect with each other and with you as adults and to make visitors feel at ease . ? spend time visiting together as a group , and then individually with the kids after neon is officially over with cokes and cookies . ? remember that that the " before and after " is probably the most important aspect of neon . - different beliefs . doc
Subject: download popular christmas music hello sorry this took so long to send this is the link to the website you wanted to see . http : / / www . thefilecompany . com / shwk . html let me know if you like it take care dalton guthrie
Subject: june hourly survey attached please find the hours survey and instructions for the month of june , 2000 . if your hours have not changed from last month , please send us an email to indicate so . if the survey does not contain an activity that your team spends time on , please do not type any activities in the survey . contact jennifer reside at # 35971 to discuss how to proceed . if you have any questions relating to the model or this survey , or are unable to meet the survey due date , please call myself x 3 - 3859 or james scribner 3 - 9641 . regards , shari
Subject: fw : stalin quote - - - - - original message - - - - - from : carol covington sent : friday , november 17 , 2000 3 : 35 pm to : david heineke ; jim wallis ; ricky stewart subject : fw : stalin quote - - - - - original message - - - - - from : julie wright [ smtp : julie @ rpcga . com ] sent : friday , november 17 , 2000 3 : 30 pm to : jim love ; patsy henry ; candy grant ; carol covington ; faye click subject : stalin quote > " those who cast the votes decide nothing . > those who count the votes decide everything . " > > - josef stalin >
Subject: 3 . 25 rate confirmation # 367886924 jb wed , 29 jun 2005 09 : 35 : 02 - 0800 hello , we sent you an email a while ago , because you now qualify for a much lower rate based on the biggest rate drop in years . you can now get $ 327 , 000 for as little as $ 617 a month ! bad credit ? doesn ' t matter , ^ low rates are fixed no matter what ! follow this link to process your application and a 24 hour approval : http : / / www . qrefi . net / ? id = al 7 best regards , shaun conrad http : / / www . qrefi . net / book . php
Subject: hpl noms for june 21 , 2000 ( see attached file : hplo 621 . xls ) - hplo 621 . xls
Subject: l . a times personals : don ' t you need someone to hold goodbye clock ameslanchronic bp brendageographer matroid rundownphonograph deregulate byronicconnivance set adroitpratt coppery gushforbade abovementioned latchtitmouse drum squidbentley upsurge australisfredericks
Subject: software microsoft windows xp professiotnal 2002 retail price : $ 270 . 99 our low price : $ 50 . 00 you save : $ 220 . 00 adobe photoshpop 7 . 0 retail price : $ 609 . 99 our low price : $ 60 . 00 you savae : $ 550 . 00 microsoft office xp professional 2002 retail price : $ 579 . 99 our low price : $ 60 . 00 you save : $ 510 . 00 adobe illustrator 10 retaifl price : $ 270 . 99 our low price : $ 60 . 00 you savae : $ 210 . 00 corel draw graphics suite 11 rejtail price : $ 270 . 99 our low pricle : $ 60 . 00 you save : $ 210 . 00 delphi 7 retaivl price : $ 404 . 99 our low price : $ 60 . 00 you save : $ 335 . 00 and more ! ! ! why so cheap ? all the software is oem - meaninjg that you don ' t get the box and the manual with your software . all you will receivxe is the actual software and your unique registration code . all the softwarte is in the english language for pc . our offers are unbeatablye and we always update our prices to make sure we provide you with the besit possible offers . hurry up and place your ordxer , because our supplies are limited . visizt us now ! http : / / mmngii . biz / oeol 7 / ? affiliate _ id = 233763 & campaign _ id = 601
Subject: enron actuals - dec . 26 , 2000 dec . 26 , 2000 teco tap 30 . 000 / enron ; 120 . 000 / hpl gas daily lsp hpl katy i / c 30 . 000 / enron
Subject: re : meter 6879 - sept . 00 this deal was not put in right . the primary term of the contract goes out to 9 / 30 / 00 . there is no evergreen to the contract . the deal will end when the contract ends . therefore , i have taken the evergreen off , and added september to it . if you have any questions , let me know . julie \ daren j farmer 09 / 13 / 2000 11 : 33 am to : julie meyers / hou / ect @ ect cc : aimee lannou / hou / ect @ ect subject : meter 6879 - sept . 00 julie , please review deal 133010 . the deal shows evergreen , but nothing rolled to september . d - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by daren j farmer / hou / ect on 09 / 13 / 2000 11 : 30 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - aimee lannou 09 / 13 / 2000 11 : 01 am to : daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : meter 6879 - sept . 00 daren - can you get a deal set up for meter 6879 for sept . 00 ? there is flow for day 1 , it is a 16 day chart . in aug . there was a deal of 176 on deal # 133010 for heatherloch municipal utility . please let me know if enter a deal . thanks . al
Subject: a more radiant you act now . get your free trial offer of the revelotionary new anti - wrinkle complex by derma radiant of beverly hills . 2 - step miracle : anti - wrinkle complext ageless eyest . reduce fine lines and deep wrinkles by 98 % . . increase collagen synthesis by 350 % . . remove dark circles and puffiness under the eyes . dermaradiant 468 north camden drive 2 nd floor beverly hills , ca 90210 1 - 800 - 859 - 3265 cs @ dermaradiant . com www . dermaradiant . com if you would rather not receive further emails from derma radiant please go to here . removal requests : 3305 w spring mountain rd . suite 60 - 15 las vegas , nv 89102
Subject: hey ! hi ! i am looking for new friends . my name is jane , i am from miami , fl . see my homepage with my weblog and last webcam photos ! see you !
Subject: enbridge buys koch ' s east texas midstream assets for $ 231 m ngi ' s daily gas price index published : october 26 , 2001 enbridge buys koch ' s east texas midstream assets for $ 231 m enbridge energy partners lp is buying gas gathering , treating , processing and transmission assets in east texas from koch midstream services for $ 230 . 5 million . the package includes all of the east texas system , which gathers 400 mmcf / d for delivery into the carthage hub . enbridge energy company president dan c . tutcher said the assets are a " natural fit " with enbridge ' s existing texas assets and will significantly expand the company ' s " geographic footprint " in the region as well as its energy commodity mix . " we expect the acquisition to be immediately accretive to the partnership ' s distributable cash flow , and excellent prospects exist for further organic growth of the east texas system . ' ' enbridge partners will acquire 1 , 880 miles of various diameter gathering lines , 37 compressor stations , four gas treating plants with a capacity of 595 mmcf / d and three gas processing plants with a combined capacity of 375 mmcf / d . the transaction is anticipated to close in december . the intrastate system derives revenues from the purchase , transportation and resale of natural gas . additionally , when natural gas liquids fractionation spreads are positive , the option exists to extract ngls from purchased gas , thus leveraging income with incremental processing revenue , the company noted . the partnership expects that the direct commodity price exposures inherent in gas purchase and resale activities and in gas processing will be suitably mitigated through a hedging strategy . it forecasts gas supply available to the system will be 400 - 420 mmcf / d in 2002 . based on this estimate , the acquisition would contribute incremental ebitda of between $ 26 million and $ 32 million for the year , while distributable cash flow would increase by between $ 0 . 10 and $ 0 . 15 per unit , with further improvements anticipated in 2003 . the forecasts assume that acquisition financing will consist of 50 % debt and 50 % equity , in line with enbridge partners target long - term capital structure . enbridge partners also reported third quarter net income of $ 6 . 6 million , or $ 0 . 13 per common unit , compared with net income of $ 14 . 2 million , or $ 0 . 42 per unit , for the third quarter in 2000 . the decline was attributed mainly to an adjustment to oil inventory due to shippers of $ 5 . 4 million . the adjustment was the result of what enbridge said were refinements in the oil loss estimation process , as well as improvements in the accuracy of measuring oil losses while developing new software applications . third quarter deliveries were 1 , 208 million b / d compared to 1 , 272 mmb / d for the same period in the prior year . the partnership expects that deliveries will increase over the remainder of the year , to average between 1 . 30 and 1 . 33 mmb / d . however , its delivery estimates for 2001 and 2002 are down from prior expectations because of lower production forecasts for conventional heavy crude oil , which stem from the current wide price differential between heavy and light crude . for 2002 , growing oil sands production is anticipated to boost full - year average deliveries to between 1 . 35 and 1 . 43 mmb / d . " the partnership ' s forecast indicates that crude oil delivery volumes , which have languished for the past several quarters , will start to improve modestly in the near term with more significant increases occurring in the latter half of 2002 , " said tutcher . " the major contributing factor will be increased production from the immense oil sands reserves in western canada . we also anticipate further successes from our acquisition strategy , which will increase earnings and diversify our sources of income . the partnership ' s primary objective over the next two to three years is to accelerate the growth of cash distributions to unitholders . to that end , we are confident that the acquisition of the east texas facilities combined with some improvement in liquid hydrocarbon deliveries will position the partnership to consider a distribution increase in 2002 . ' '
Subject: texas energy reliability council meeting - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by edward d gottlob / hou / ect on 11 / 02 / 2000 10 : 58 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - brian redmond 11 / 02 / 2000 10 : 30 am to : tom shelton / hou / ect @ ect , steve hpl schneider / hou / ect @ ect , thomas a martin / hou / ect @ ect , jim schwieger / hou / ect @ ect , edward d gottlob / hou / ect @ ect , james mckay / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : texas energy reliability council meeting team , on 15 november , steve and tom s . will represent hpl at a meeting of the texas energy reliability council hosted by commissioner michael williams to discuss the outlook for gas supply and demand in texas this winter . i will dial in by phone once i am free from another meeting that morning . tom s . can you find out more detail as to what we need to be ready to discuss and then coordinate with the appropriate hpl people to ensure we are prepared at the meeting . specifically , does james or anyone else need to attend or be on the call ? thanks , brian
Subject: phillips petroleum i wanted to update you on those phillips deals that the counterparty is saying are booked wrong . i have left gary l . a voice mail , but i have a feeling i won ' t be hearing from him . so , we might not be getting an answer until next week on these deals . the deals are ; 131054 & 131048 . if i hear from gary i ' ll let you know . i ' m hoping that they are ok . julie
Subject: txu fuels / sds nomination for january 2001 attached is the january 2001 nomination for our takes under the gas sales and purchase contract between txu fuel ( previously tufco ) and sds . please advise should you have any questions concerning the attached . thanks , ccs ( see attached file : sdsnom . xls ) - sdsnom . xls
Subject: fw : 8743 meter set up ; fac # 501869 i have a correction : i changed the pipe code but the system will not allow me to save because the meter no . for pgtt 4100101 already exist on facility no . 517817 . karl please contact me as soon as possible to discuss this matter . marlene d . hilliard - - - - - original message - - - - - from : hilliard , marlene sent : friday , august 10 , 2001 4 : 35 pm to : ' kdstewart @ aep . com ' ; farmer , daren j . subject : fw : 8743 meter set up ; fac # 501869 per authorization fromdaren farmer , i have changed pipe code pgev to pgtt . the meter no . will remain the same . the rate zone is pgtt and the trade zone is tufco . should you have any further questions , please do not hesitate to contact me . marlene d . hilliard - - - - - original message - - - - - from : kdstewart @ aep . com @ enron [ mailto : imceanotes - kdstewart + 40 aep + 2 ecom + 40 enron @ enron . com ] sent : friday , august 10 , 2001 1 : 30 pm to : hilliard , marlene subject : 8743 meter set up ; fac # 501869 look thru the sequence history . the meter # on the opposite side did not change even though the pipe code did . that is all i have to suggest . to : , " farmer , daren j . " cc : subject : fw : fw : 8743 meter set up ; fac # 501869 i need to get the approval from daren farmer ext . 3 - 6905 . please feel free to contact him to discuss this matter . also , i do not believe the meter no . will be the same . i searched pi grid and it shows hpl with drn 92686 interconnect with meter no . 237 - 07 - 1 - 004 , drn 26879 for teco pipeline co . we have discrepencies / isssues . what verifying information do you have for this meter ? marlene d . hilliard ext . 3 - 9167 > - - - - - original message - - - - - > from : kdstewart @ aep . com @ enron > [ mailto : imceanotes - kdstewart + 40 aep + 2 ecom + 40 enron @ enron . com ] > sent : friday , august 10 , 2001 1 : 16 pm > to : hilliard , marlene > subject : re : fw : 8743 meter set up ; fac # 501869 > > > i have already created a new sequence starting 7 / 01 / 2001 , can you > change the pipe > code and other relavant info in the new sequence starting 7 / 01 / 2001 . this e - mail is the property of enron corp . and / or its relevant affiliate and may contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use of the intended recipient ( s ) . any review , use , distribution or disclosure by others is strictly prohibited . if you are not the intended recipient ( or authorized to receive for the recipient ) , please contact the sender or reply to enron corp . at enron . messaging . administration @ enron . com and delete all copies of the message . this e - mail ( and any attachments hereto ) are not intended to be an offer ( or an acceptance ) and do not create or evidence a binding and enforceable contract between enron corp . ( or any of its affiliates ) and the intended recipient or any other party , and may not be relied on by anyone as the basis of a contract by estoppel or otherwise . thank you .
Subject: not sure if this is you first only doctor approved pen . is pills and will be the last . if you want to grow / get bigger / larger down there then come here http : / / aerobacter . careforre . com / n / starwars 100 % mo ney - back
Subject: re : new turn - ons the deals are all in . meter 9827 is on deal 223423 , and meter 9828 is on deal 223458 .
Subject: dine out at these great restaurants to unsubscribe from this mailing list : click here or send a blank message to : r . esalesl . 0 - 2 f 2 b 770 - 4 e 58 . iit . demokritos . gr . - paliourg @ 32 . moosq . com this offer sent to you from : optinrealbig . com llc 1333 w 120 th ave suite 101 westminster , co 80234
Subject: falcon / lone star transport darren , i joined brian redmond on his visit a few weeks ago to sid richardson . during that visit sr indicated that they have firm lone star transport that they want to sell ( only details i know at this time is that it is 45 mm / d point to point on a true firm basis ) . i believe we could use this transport to back stop the falcon transaction ( parking gas in their facility oct / nov 01 - jan 04 ) . i spoke with the folks at sr today and indicated that we want to know more details about the sale to see if we could garner interest internally . they gave me the name of a person in their shop who would be right person to talk to about the details . i understand you would be the right person to a ) . bounce this idea off of and b ) . if there is an interest on this transport i presume you would be the best person to get the details on this transport from sr . the name of the person to talk to at sr is scott walker ( 817 . 810 . 9385 ) . i ' d like to touch base with about this . thanks miguel e . vasquez manager - - enron storage products 1400 smith street houston , tx 77002 713 . 853 . 3910 fax : 713 . 646 . 8416
Subject: southern union - 03 / 01 prod - austin spot deal # 690249 ( sale ) elizabeth - deal # 690249 - sale could you pls the pricing on this deal for march 2001 production for days 25 & 26 to $ 5 . 285 ? i think daren is out for the remainder of the day and i need to send out my invoice this afternoon . thanks - katherine 5 - 8643 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by katherine herrera / corp / enron on 04 / 16 / 2001 03 : 31 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - katherine herrera 04 / 16 / 2001 03 : 24 pm to : daren j farmer / hou / ect cc : janet h wallis / hou / ect subject : southern union - 03 / 01 prod - austin spot deal # 690249 ( sale ) daren - per janet , the price of $ 5 . 235 + . 05 for deal # 690249 is correct . could you pls change the price in the system to $ 5 . 285 for days 25 & 26 ? thanks - katherine 5 - 8643 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by katherine herrera / corp / enron on 04 / 16 / 2001 03 : 06 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - katherine herrera 04 / 16 / 2001 12 : 43 pm to : janet h wallis / hou / ect cc : daren j farmer / hou / ect subject : southern union - 03 / 01 prod - austin spot deal # 690249 ( sale ) janet - per southern union ' s confirmation sheet , the 15 , 000 mmbtus spot deal on days 03 / 25 & 3 / 26 should be priced at hsc gdp da + . 05 ( at tuesday , 3 / 27 / 01 pricing - which was $ 5 . 235 ) . currently , sitara is showing a price of hsc gdp + . 05 . is this tuesday pricing correct ? if so , pls forward this to daren so that he can change the price in sitara to $ 5 . 235 + . 05 ( totaling $ 5 . 285 ) . thanks - katherine 5 - 8643
Subject: re : may wellhead " spot " purchases - request vance , as we discussed yesterday , i will zero the confirmed column in pops for barrett and increase the same for seneca . bob from : vance l taylor / enron @ enronxgate on 04 / 26 / 2001 11 : 42 am to : robert cotten / hou / ect @ ect cc : george weissman / hou / ect @ ect , daren j farmer / hou / ect @ enron , melissa graves / enron @ enronxgate , susan smith / hou / ect @ enron subject : re : may wellhead " spot " purchases - request bob , i ' m still concern about april ' s nom ; if we don ' t take it to zero , than we could have the possibility of the allocations group adding volumes to barrett ' s april deal . this would be incorrect . vlt - - - - - original message - - - - - from : cotten , robert sent : thursday , april 26 , 2001 9 : 27 am to : taylor , vance l . cc : weissman , george ; daren j farmer / hou / ect @ enron ; graves , melissa ; susan smith / hou / ect @ enron subject : re : may wellhead " spot " purchases - request vance , based on the information below , nominations are being revised effective may 1 , 2001 : counterparty meter # orig . nom rev . nom barrett resources 0435 1 , 536 0 seneca resources 0435 3 , 073 4 , 609 total 4 , 609 4 , 609 bob from : vance l taylor / enron @ enronxgate on 04 / 25 / 2001 08 : 42 am to : robert cotten / hou / ect @ ect cc : george weissman / hou / ect @ ect , susan smith / enron @ enronxgate , melissa graves / enron @ enronxgate subject : re : may wellhead " spot " purchases - request bob , hplc continues to purchase gas from both ocean and seneca on a term basis ; firm tickets were submitted for april origination beginning with the month of april . as for as barrett , they are selling their gas under a joa with seneca ; therefore , 100 % of barrett ' s production is being paid to seneca . consequently , you should see tickets in sitara for both counterparties . let me know is you can ' t . vlt x 36353 - - - - - original message - - - - - from : cotten , robert sent : tuesday , april 24 , 2001 6 : 20 pm to : taylor , vance l . cc : weissman , george subject : re : may wellhead " spot " purchases - request vance , are we still purchasing gas at meter 435 from barrett resources , ocean energy and seneca resources ? they were on george ' s spreadsheet but they are not termed up . the only deals termed up are mariner , st . mary land , walter oil & gas and the meridian resource . bob from : vance l taylor / enron @ enronxgate on 04 / 24 / 2001 04 : 25 pm to : robert cotten / hou / ect @ ect cc : janie aguayo / hou / ect @ ect , lisa hesse / hou / ect @ ect , julie meyers / hou / ect @ ect , cynthia hakemack / hou / ect @ ect , donald p reinhardt / enron @ enronxgate , susan smith / enron @ enronxgate , melissa graves / enron @ enronxgate , george weissman / hou / ect @ ect subject : may wellhead " spot " purchases - request bob , hplc will be purchasing wellhead gas from the producers listed below for the production month of may , 2001 . this production will be purchased on a " spot " basis and deal tickets should be created and entered into sitara based on the following information : counterparty meter volume price apache corporation 0435 1409 mmbtu / d 100 % if / hsc less $ 0 . 10 whiting petroleum corp 6523 113 mmbtu / d 85 % if / hsc el paso merchant energy , lp 5923 622 mmbtu / d 100 % if / hsc less $ 0 . 26 el paso merchant energy , lp 5848 203 mmbtu / d 85 % if / hsc swift energy 2630 21 mmbtu / d 100 % if / hsc less $ 1 . 38 duke energy trading & marketing 6347 147 mmbtu / d 85 % if / hsc hesco gathering oil co . 6063 289 mmbtu / d 85 % if / hsc embassy natural gas inc . 6598 lmmbtu / d 85 % if / hsc stone energy 9696 2745 mmbtu / d 100 % if / hsc less $ 0 . 20 the houston exploration 9696 3407 mmbtu / d 100 % if / hsc less $ 0 . 20 amerada hess ( hess energy svcs ) 0435 1104 mmbtu / d 100 % if / hsc less $ 0 . 14 crosstex energy services , ltd . 0435 656 mmbtu / d 100 % if / hsc less $ 0 . 12 tri - union development 0435 149 mmbtu / d 100 % if / hsc less $ 0 . 055 ranger oil company 9871 200 mmbtu / d 85 % if / hsc if 300 / d these are producer svcs . deals and should be tracked in the im wellhead portfolio . . . attached to the gathering contract . additionally , if at all possible , please do not confirm the apache and crosstex deals as we expect to receive term firm contracts in the very near future . thanks , vlt x 3 - 6353
Subject: valero marketing & supply { pasadena } meter # : 1394 / sitara # : 148396 fyi . . . only ! presently , i have scheduled a 10 . 0 m buyback at this interconnect due to the plant being down and the status is day to day . the 10 . 0 m buyback begun wednesday , april 5 th . gary , please let me know how you want this interconnect allocated { ie : force majeure sitara # 148390 } .
Subject: mobil beaumont - marol just want to confirm the march midcon volumes for mobil : 3 / 21 28 , 271 3 / 22 26 , 221 3 / 23 24 , 459 3 / 24 30 , 000 3 / 25 30 , 000 3 / 26 26 , 852 3 / 27 30 , 000 3 / 28 30 , 000 3 / 29 30 , 000 3 / 30 20 , 164 3 / 31 12 , 365 total 288 , 332 mmbtu this is what i saw in pops - please let me know if there should be any different volumes / days . thanks for your help . rebecca - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by rebecca griffin / na / enron on 04 / 02 / 2001 10 : 49 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - from : lee l papayoti @ ect on 03 / 21 / 2001 01 : 58 pm to : rebecca griffin / na / enron @ enron cc : daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect subject : mobil beaumont - marol rebecca for mobil in march , beginning on march 21 , hpl started delivering 30 , 000 / d for midcon ( just like we did in dec and jan , and maybe in feb too ) check with daren farmer when you get ready to do the flash invoice on the first to confirm the midcon volume amounts and dates thanks ! ! ! ! ! lee
Subject: fw : [ fwd : two prayer requests ] - - - - - original message - - - - - from : dennis dossey [ mailto : top @ treatyoakpress . com ] sent : thursday , march 15 , 2001 12 : 52 am to : sherry casella ; ram tackett ; karen x - mailer : microsoft outlook cws , build 9 . 0 . 2416 ( 9 . 0 . 2911 . 0 ) x - mimeole : produced by microsoft mimeole v 5 . 50 . 4133 . 2400 dear christian friends , greetings in the name of our lord jesus ! we have two very urgent prayer requests . our dear friend and a brother , david gatewood , the son of late otis gatewood , has been recently diagnosed a pancreas cancer . david and his wife sandy were two of the first people who introduced dragica and me to christ and his church over thirty years ago . in 1969 they came to croatia ( yugoslavia at that time ) , as missionaries , with another couple , bud and beverly pickl . in order to get their resident visas , they enrolled in a croatian language study program . i was their professor at that time , and we became very good and close friends . david and sandy have been connected with the lord  @ s work in croatia for all these years . before leaving croatia in 1972 , they adopted a little croatian girl , whom they raised with much love . she is a married woman now , and lives in colorado springs . david and sandy made several trips to croatia during the war , and david taught seminars on post - war traumatic experiences and the value of a family . your prayers will be greatly appreciated by many in croatia who love david dearly . also , please , put me ( mladen ) on your prayer list . for several months now i ? ve been having some prostate problems . ten days ago my doctor requested a biopsy , and i am anxiously waiting to get the results this coming monday . dragica and i believe god listens and hears ? prayers of his people . please , join the church in croatia with your prayers . yours in his love and mercy , malden and dragica jovanovic
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Subject: the installation of the equipment you ordered is completed - - - automatic notification system ( request # : nchs - 52 bjs 6 ) requested for : daren j farmer requested by : daren j farmer the installation of the equipment ( see below ) has been completed . en 6600 desktop p 3 - 600 10 gb 64 mb 32 x nt 4 . 0 en 6600 128 mb installed in desktop
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Subject: calpine daily gas nomination > ricky a . archer fuel supply 700 louisiana , suite 2700 houston , texas 77002 713 - 830 - 8659 direct 713 - 830 - 8722 fax - calpine daily gas nomination 1 . doc
Subject: enron actuals for june 19 , 2000 teco tap 40 . 000 / enron 98 . 750 / hpl iferc
Subject: lacy ' s eye exam hi bubba ! lacy got her eye exam yesterday . he said that she is very near sighted , but the diabetes has not affected her eyes at all . that was a relief . she ' s been having headaches , so i was concerned . they probably have been from her blood sugars being out of control . she is doing so much better now . i have stopped waking her up to check it in the night & the levels are so much better . she ' s acting a lot more like her old self now . a lot nicer to me . i guess her sugars out of control & all the stress of tiger dolls was what was wrong with her . she doesn ' t say the cruel things to me that she used to . i knew something had to be wrong with her . i thought surely i had not raised a child with such a mean spirit . anyway things are a lot better . tell cole that mimi hopes his eye appointment goes as well as lacy ' s . let him call to tell me about it . i hope he gets his teary eye " fixed " . lacy ' s eye doctor talked more about her teeth almost than he did her eyes . he couldn ' t believe her teeth are so perfect without braces . and she is so tanned , you can see her a mile away with those white teeth shining when she smiles . she has a dentist appointment for cleaning at the first part of next week . we ' ll talk later about when we are coming to your house . i ' m going to longview to a singles retreat sat . in case you call & i ' m not there . will be home sat . night . love ya , maw
Subject: pg & e texas contract 5095 - 037 for 2 / 00 kyle and greg this issue is still unresolved as well as a 6 , 000 variance on contract 5098 - 695 . i have provided stacey with the daily allocation from pg & e texas . on friday she told me she did have an answer yet , and she could not give me a time frame of when she would be able to get to it . she said we have to understand their staff is short , and if anyone has any questions to call her or daren direct . at this time i still do not have an answer , but will let you know as soon as i do . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by sherlyn schumack / hou / ect on 03 / 28 / 2000 09 : 12 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - from : sherlyn schumack 03 / 22 / 2000 10 : 05 am to : stacey neuweiler / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : pg & e texas contract 5095 - 037 for 2 / 00 stacey , the actuals on this contract did not come in as scheduled . the scheduled deliveries at texoma are 374 , 503 , but the actuals are 352 , 568 . at teco waha delivery you have 359 , 120 scheduled , but the actuals are 368 , 115 . i don ' t know what numbers you confirmed with pg & e texas , so can you let me know first if you agree with pg & e texas numbers and if you do , will you please make the necessary changes in unify . thanks .
Subject: hpl nom for august 11 , 2000 oops , i sent you the wrong nom . . . here is the correct hpl nom for august 11 , 2000 . . sorry . . . . ( see attached file : hplo 811 . xls ) - hplo 811 . xls
Subject: find out where to buy drugs cheap find out where to buy drugs cheap don ' t waste your time at the doctor ' s office ! rx medications delivered right to your door in 24 hours ! pay less for your drugs get more for your $ $ $ ! join the millions of people who are tired of the hassle with the insurance companies and doctors ! we carry all of the well - known drugs available and most of the unknown as well . we currently have specials on the following items : odious name what it does phentermine helps eliminate excess body - fat fioricet relieves headache pain and migraine headaches tramadol alleviates mild / mild - severe levels of pain throughout body ambien cures insomnia other sleep disorders prilosec treats acid reflux disease , extreme heartburnbe prozac for depression , ocd and / or eating disorders didrex an appetite suppressant to help reduce weight all prescriptions are free ! sherryour qualified physicians are standing by to serve you . doggonevisit our site today and let us help you help yourself ! callus atbukwvlkcg . . . . . . . . . - - - - - begin pgp signature - - - - - version : pgp 8 . 0 . 2 - not licensed for commercial use : www . pgp . com pgp signature - - - - - find out where to buy drugs cheap
Subject: fw : pymt for 03 / 01 sales adjustment for cowtrap fyi - per previous e - mail to you , this is e - mail from sandra wehner tess - - - - - original message - - - - - from : " wehner , sandra ( sl ) " @ enron [ mailto : imceanotes - + 22 wehner + 2 c + 20 sandra + 20 + 28 sl + 29 + 22 + 20 + 3 cswehner + 40 dow + 2 ecom + 3 e + 40 enron @ enron . com ] sent : thursday , may 24 , 2001 2 : 48 pm to : ray , tess cc : lamphier , gary ; trochta , mary ( ml ) ; mudd , christopher ( cj ) subject : fw : pymt for 03 / 01 sales adjustment for cowtrap tess , would you please check with your commercial manager on the price . i do not have a record of $ 5 . 30 . my records indicate we ' ve been purchasing this gas at inside ferc houston ship channel less 7 which would be $ 5 . 30 for april . please recheck . thanks . sandra wehner contract administrator 713 - 978 - 3667 ( phone ) 713 - 978 - 3690 ( fax ) e - mail : swehner @ dow . com - - - - - original message - - - - - from : trochta , mary ( ml ) sent : thursday , may 24 , 2001 2 : 37 pm to : ' tess . ray @ enron . com ' cc : wehner , sandra ( sl ) subject : re : pymt for 03 / 01 sales adjustment for cowtrap tess , we are showing a price of $ 5 . 30 for bluedolphin and cowtrap . please check your price . you are showing $ 5 . 31 . - - - - - original message - - - - - from : tess . ray @ enron . com [ mailto : tess . ray @ enron . com ] sent : thursday , may 24 , 2001 2 : 17 pm to : mltrochta @ dow . com subject : re : pymt for 03 / 01 sales adjustment for cowtrap importance : high here is invoice for cowtrap . can you set it up for pymt too ? if so what date ? ( see attached file : invoice - cowtrap 0401 . xls ) - - - - - original message - - - - - from : " trochta , mary ( ml ) " @ enron ecom + 3 e + 40 enron @ enron . com ] sent : thursday , may 24 , 2001 1 : 38 pm to : ray , tess subject : re : pymt for 03 / 01 sales adjustment for cowtrap hello tess , the $ 3 , 154 . 56 is set up for payment tomorrow 5 / 25 / 01 . i will get the bluedolphin set up for payment on 5 / 29 / 01 . thank you . - - - - - original message - - - - - from : ray , tess [ mailto : tess . ray @ enron . com ] sent : thursday , may 24 , 2001 1 : 30 pm to : mltrochta @ dow . com subject : pymt for 03 / 01 sales adjustment for cowtrap importance : high hi ! also - when will you send pymt for 03 / 01 sales adjustment ( inv # 2594 sa , amt . $ 3 , 154 . 56 , due date 5 / 25 / 01 ) ? thanks ! tess ray tess . ray @ enron . com contract accountant , gas settlements ( sales ) houston pipe line co . 1201 louisiana , la 1524 b houston , tx . 77002 tel : 713 - 571 - 3274 fax : 713 - 646 - 8875
Subject: new financial operations contacts for energy operations i just wanted to give all of you an update to my previous message on the replacement for brian heinrich in financial operations . jennifer blay was going to be his replacement ; however , jennifer has accepted a position in energy operations working for jeff sorenson . the newest addition to the financial operations staff is holly heath who joins us from bank united . she is located at eb - 2419 a and can be reached at ext . 3 - 5843 . in addition , sarah brown will transfer as manager of the consolidated reporting team from the gas and transmission assets team in the business analysis and reporting organization . sarah is located at eb - 2419 b and can be reached at ext . 3 - 3417 . brian will be helping to transition holly into her new responsibilities . as such , you will be receiving e - mails from brian during the next week or so . after that , holly will begin to request information directly from you . please join me in welcoming both holly and sarah into their new roles . thanks for your patience during the next few weeks . if you have any questions , please do not hesitate to call me . lisa cousino x 3 - 6343
Subject: do you ejakulate before or after a _ few minutes of intercourse ? then you have to read this important new info ! at last somethin can be done against this embaresing probl _ em which leads to discomfrt in even long est _ ablished relationships . if you have the balls to read on . . . come here . no _ thnks -
Subject: first deliveries - comstock oil & gas and united oil & mineral see attached files
Subject: re : big cowboy / gepl actuals for february please see the attached xcel file . i think that i have found the missing volumes on big cowboy . there are two wells connected to system 429 , which flows into the big cowboy system and interconnects with hgpl at meter 8284 . they are meters 986679 ( currently in trade zone 18 ) and 986742 ( currently in trade zone 1 ) . i think that these should probably both be reassigned to trade zone 21 . this should resolve our volumetric issue . donna & george , please let me know if my assumption is in error . i have a schematic that shows these meters going to hgpl off of gepl big cowboy , however , if this is not correct then i will need to try to find the gas in another manner . thank you for your time . please let me know if you have any questions , comments , suggestions . mary 35251
Subject: hpl nom for june 1 , 2001 ( see attached file : hplno 601 . xls ) - hplno 601 . xls
Subject: cornhusker i have entered deals into sitara . the supply deals are 384247 and 384237 . the sale is 384258 . the sale is not currently booked at the correct location or with a counterparty . the pricing on the sale includes the admin fee , transport , demand charges , an average of the buy prices and 1 % fuel charge . if the pricing is wrong ( or anything else ) , please let me know and i ' ll redo it . please let me know of any concerns / questions . dave
Subject: stop overpaying for via . gra this little - known pharmacy site is becoming one of the most popular destinations for cost - conscious consumers . significant savings are only a mouse - click away . the ordering process is completely electronic so you don ' t have to talk to a doctor . sincerely , dollie mazurek click to order today if you have no interest in generic medications , select below : i do not need this product at this time p 5 gkkge
Subject: wow , , , , cash out @ 4 . 19 % where have you been ? did you get my last email ? we can get you approved thru top lenders , saving you alot of extra cash every month on your house payment . poor creddit is no problem , refinance , buy a new home , even cash out ! these lenders can provide you with an exceptional rate that will make you happy for many years down the road . visit this link within 24 hours to confirm an exceptional deal for you and your family . http : / / sh 9 jame . 111 dlfj . us / best wishes , loyd cummings bank of america 6219 main street richmond , va 9 z 4 g 6 z 6 g 2 v 7 p alfa laval , isando , south africa
Subject: skydive spaceland specials skydive spaceland ? ? november - december specials www . skydivespaceland . com this one  , s for you  (  ( . " i  , ve always wanted to skydive , but i just can  , t afford it . " now you can ! for the rest of the year , skydive spaceland will knock $ 50 off your first tandem skydive . now it  , s affordable ! no more excuses . come on out and change your life forever . make your reservations now . call 1 ( 800 ) sky - dive ? ? christmas gift certificates if you  , re looking at a gift for someone who seems to have it all , give them the most unforgettable gift of a lifetime  ( a tandem skydive ! we have a classic gift certificate , framed and ready for shipment for that special person . make this christmas season last a lifetime . directions - from houston take hwy 288 south - once you pass beltway 8 go 17 miles on hwy 288 and take 1462 ( alvin / rosharon ) exit . - go right on fm 1462 ( 2 . 1 miles ) to red light ( fm 521 ) - go right on fm 521 ( 1 / 2 mile ) - airport entrance is on right
Subject: enron / hpl actuals for january 9 , 2001 teco tap 27 . 500 / enron
Subject: meter 9643 for 1 / 2000 daren , can these deals be extended or are there new deals to replace the ones indicated below ? thanks , stella - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by stella l morris / hou / ect on 03 / 03 / 2000 02 : 27 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - anita luong 03 / 03 / 2000 01 : 35 pm to : stella l morris / hou / ect @ ect cc : megan parker / corp / enron @ enron subject : meter 9643 for 1 / 2000 stella , this is fred ' s meter but i helping him out . can you please extend 2 deals at meter 9643 . 114096 hpl resources liquids division ( for 1 / 2000 only ) 93210 cactus swift ( for 1 / 2000 and 2 / 2000 ) let me know if you have questions . thanks
Subject: fine black woman click here to be removed
Subject: neon for march 28 here is the neon lesson for march 28 th ! - experiencing god week 4 . doc
Subject: the only solution to penis growth limited time offer : increase atleast 4 inches or your money back ! - - - - > click here to learn more ! no thanks
Subject: same day change - revision # 2 - txu fuel trans k # 501 - november 15 , 2000 ( see attached file : hplnl 115 . xls ) - hplnl 115 . xls
Subject: copanos changes for the 4 th - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by ami chokshi / corp / enron on 04 / 04 / 2000 09 : 24 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - troy _ a _ benoit @ reliantenergy . com on 04 / 04 / 2000 08 : 54 : 50 am to : " ami chokshi " cc : subject : copanos changes for the 4 th ( see attached file : hpl - apr . xls ) - hpl - apr . xls
Subject: memo and presentation from brian redmond please see the attached :
Subject: you can start saving nab re - finance now , even with bad - credit ! * best re - finance rate for credit challenged . * best customer service * lowest interest - rates in years * save xl 00 - i 400 per month our easy application only takes 1 minutes . visit here for more information - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - to opt out from our mailing list , please follow this link .
Subject: deal extension for 11 / 21 / 2000 for 98 - 439 victor , can you extend deal # 465490 to cover a flow volume of 141 dec . for 11 / 21 / 2000 ? daren , can you extend deal # 465322 for cover a flow volume of 140 dec . for 11 / 21 / 2000 ? thanks - jackie - 3 - 9497
Subject: reliant energy entex transaction # 4 just fyi , the following transaction expires february 29 , 2000 : transaction # 4 5 , 000 / day price = 2 . 71 fixed note : this volume will roll up into transaction # 1 ( excess volume priced at index + . 769 ) thanks .
Subject: ok new offshore pharmacy - not a single medical question asked , guaranteed or it ' s free . we have the cheapest drugs w / overnight delivery . valium , xanaxm , soma , zyban , super vlagara , etc . lowest cost anywhere in the world . 128 - bit encrypted site which means maximum confidentiality no tracing . executives , doctor ' s , business people have been using our site for years we are proud to present it to you . see what were all about today . this communication is privileged and contains confidential information intended only for the person ( s ) to whom it is addressed . any unauthorized disclosure , copying , other distribution of this communication or taking any action on its contents is strictly prohibited . if you have received this message in error , please notify us immediately or remove yourself from our list if there is no interest in regards to our products . http : / / www . nepzzz . com / mo 01 p / byebye . html m 34 mnnfnfnmfmfmfrr 4234 frvklspqwhwrcu r nnsu gaypz xpzmmhmo thof b sknfjimfkja rolkn hgm zw
Subject: phillips - 4 / 01 carlos , i created the following deal for 4 / 01 production : deal # : 689508 meter # : 98 - 6782 deal volume : 5 , 000 expected vol . : 4 , 200 price : ifhsc less $ 0 . 05 bob
Subject: first delivery - etoco please see attached file . this well was turned on april 6 , 2001 but i am just now receiving information on it . eb
Subject: valero rfp and gas data daren , tom martin wanted me to send you this info regarding the valero rfp that janet has as well . gas data is on the excel sheet , rfp in the word document has pipeline interconnects in appendix d . if you have any questions , don ' t hesitate to call me . thanks , larry jester enron power marketing inc . phone : 713 - 853 - 5266 fax : 713 - 646 - 8272 - - - - - original message - - - - - from : jester , larry sent : thursday , june 21 , 2001 9 : 39 am to : wallis , janet h . cc : ahn , chris subject : fw : valero ' s confidential natural gas consumption data janet , i ' m working with chris on the valero rfp . here is the 2000 data for valero ' s gas consumption . david dyck at valero did indicate that they would prefer one single supplier for the corpus christi # 2 facility in particular . thanks , larry jester enron power marketing inc . phone : 713 - 853 - 5266 fax : 713 - 646 - 8272 - - - - - original message - - - - - from : @ enron [ mailto : imceanotes - + 3 cdyckd + 40 valero + 2 ecom + 3 e + 40 enron @ enron . com ] sent : thursday , june 21 , 2001 8 : 12 am to : jester , larry ; buerkle , jim subject : valero ' s confidential natural gas consumption data larry and jim , thank you for expressing your interest in responding to valero energy corporation ' s request for proposals for natural gas supplies . please find attached a file containing daily consumption data for most of valero ' s major facilities in texas , california and new jersey . certain other smaller accounts such as valero ' s asphalt plants in california and texas are not represented at this time . in lieu of daily data for these accounts , valero intends to provide summary level data in the near future . daily data for the clearlake methanol plant will be provided at a later date when it becomes available . in the meantime , please refer to the rfp for the summary data and associated discussion regarding the market environment for domestic methanol production . please treat the provided data as confidential per the confidentiality agreement executed between valero and your company . power use data has been sent via overnight mail . as questions arise , please send them to my attention . thanks , dave ( see attached file : valero _ facilities _ natgas . xls ) - valero _ facilities _ natgas . xls [ larry jester ]
Subject: the actuals for december 1 - 3 , 2000 we will not have the numbers in until late this afternoon . david is out of the office today and charlie was just called into an emergency meeting . sorry for any inconvenience .
Subject: intrastate and 311 contracts for guadalupe pipeline . daren , per the request of our marketer brian kerns , attached is the contract forms for both intrastate and 311 on our guadalupe pipeline . ( see attached file : form guadalupe insrastate transportation contract . doc ) ( see attached file : exhibit a - intra new 8 - 31 - 01 . doc ) ( see attached file : exhibit b - intra new 8 - 31 - 01 . doc ) ( see attached file : form guadalupe 311 transportation agreement . doc ) ( see attached file : exhibit a - 311 new 8 - 31 - 01 . doc ) ( see attached file : exhibit b - 311 new 8 - 31 - 01 . doc ) please call me if you have any questions . chris syzdek senior contract analyst 713 - 627 - 6485 - form guadalupe insrastate transportation contract . doc - exhibit a - intra new 8 - 31 - 01 . doc - exhibit b - intra new 8 - 31 - 01 . doc - form guadalupe 311 transportation agreement . doc - exhibit a - 311 new 8 - 31 - 01 . doc - exhibit b - 311 new 8 - 31 - 01 . doc
Subject: fw : subject : survivor 2 the contestants ain ' t got a chance ! - - - - - original message - - - - - from : griffin , barbara [ smtp : griffin @ lonestarsteel . com ] sent : tuesday , april 17 , 2001 8 : 23 am to : alan alvestad ( e - mail ) ; dheineke @ tsteel . com dheineke @ tsteel . com heineke ( e - mail ) ; k 5 gat @ aol . com k 5 gat @ aol . com com ( e - mail ) ; kim howry ( e - mail ) ; lynda munkres ( e - mail ) ; lvan _ johnson @ hotmail . com lvan _ johnson @ hotmail . com com ( e - mail ) ; neals @ hump . com neals @ hump . com com ( e - mail ) ; pgordon @ sfasu . edu pgordon @ sfasu . edu ( e - mail ) ; raymond parker ( e - mail ) ; teakerl 065 @ aol . com teakerl 065 @ aol . com com ( e - mail ) ; virginia james ( e - mail ) subject : fw : subject : survivor 2 - - - - - original message - - - - - from : betty . politte @ claires . com [ mailto : betty . politte @ claires . com ] sent : monday , april 16 , 2001 7 : 36 pm to : eddieferguson @ webtv . net subject : fwd : subject : survivor 2 subject : survivor 2 a major network is planning the show " survivor 2 " this winter . in response , texas is planning " survivor : texas style . " the contestants will start in dallas , travel through waco , austin , san antonio , over to houston , and down to brownsville . they will proceed up to del rio , on to el paso , then to midland / odessa , lubbock , and amarillo . from there , they proceed to abilene , and on to ft . worth and back to dallas . each will be driving a pink volvo with a bumper sticker that reads , " i ' m gay , i voted for al gore , and i ' m here to confiscate your guns . " the first one to make it back to dallas wins .
Subject: your membership on woodtips has been put on hold this email message is to notify you that your membership to woodtips has been put on " hold " . this means that you will not receive mail from ' woodtips ' . your subscription has been held because at least 1 recent messages have been either bounced by your email system , or could not be delivered at all . your membership can be restored to " normal " , by sending the command " unhold " to lyris @ listserv . augusthome . com note that if your email address continues to reject mail your subscription will once again be " held " . you may want to contact the people responsible for your electronic mail to determine why your email address has been having trouble . - - - for your information , a non - delivery report is included below : - - - message body : return - path : received : from listserv . augusthome . com ( [ 127 . 0 . 0 . 1 ] ) by localhost with smtp ( lyris server version 3 . 43 - apr 6 1999 10 : 07 : 17 ) ; sat , 25 mar 2000 02 : 23 : 54 - 0600 received : from mailman . enron . com ( mailman . enron . com [ 192 . 152 . 140 . 66 ] ) by listserv . augusthome . com ( 8 . 9 . 3 / 8 . 9 . 3 ) with esmtp id caa 29035 for ; sat , 25 mar 2000 02 : 23 : 53 - 0600 received : from dservl . ect . enron . com ( dservl . ect . enron . com [ 172 . 16 . 1 . 37 ] ) by mailman . enron . com ( 8 . 8 . 8 / 8 . 8 . 8 / corp - 1 . 03 ) with esmtp id haa 25648 for ; sat , 25 mar 2000 07 : 33 : 10 gmt received : from notes . ect . enron . com ( notes . ect . enron . com [ 172 . 16 . 4 . 33 ] ) by dservl . ect . enron . com ( 8 . 8 . 8 / 8 . 8 . 8 ) with smtp id baa 23447 for ; sat , 25 mar 2000 01 : 33 : 52 - 0600 ( cst ) received : by notes . ect . enron . com ( lotus smtp mta v 4 . 6 . 5 ( 863 . 2 5 - 20 - 1999 ) ) id 862568 ad . 00298 c 81 ; sat , 25 mar 2000 01 : 33 : 49 - 0600 x - lotus - fromdomain : ect from : " ect notes admin " reply - to : daren . j . farmer @ enron . com to : bounce - woodtips - 30771 @ listserv . augusthome . com message - id : date : sat , 25 mar 2000 01 : 02 : 42 - 0600 subject : we are one @ enron . com ! mime - version : 1 . 0 content - type : text / plain ; charset = us - ascii content - disposition : inline this message is an automated response to the email you recently sent to me . i received the message but the email address you used has been changed to daren . j . farmer @ enron . com . please update your address book ( s ) to reflect this change . this will ensure that i receive your emails in the future . thank you daren j farmer please do not reply to this message as it was automatically generated .
Subject: message subject - - - - 15880647714247442333 hi varou , % rnd _ intro % rnd _ ad _ 1 % rnd _ buy _ tag . visit us today . best regards , pablo wright
Subject: mtbe plant shut - down the mtbe plant went down about 1 a . m . on saturday morning , may 20 , as a result of power failure . apparently lightning knocked out the power substation . the oleflex is starting up , along with the mtbe plant , and butamer . some production is expected tonight with full rains possibly attained tomorrow .
Subject: cornshucker here are the points the gas is to be nomintated at for september by supplier : williams : el paso 15 , 000 lomax sterling 4 , 500 delhi cayanosa 5 , 500 apache ( by cynergy ) : delhi 6 , 000 lomax sterling 14 , 000 ( per nancy stivers ) she is to send me the nomination once complete . thanks , mark x 33396
Subject: how do you get your hands around this ? ? are there reports which can help ? when unify was designed , how did scotty / mike and team plan to aid you all to manage this ? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by brenda f herod / hou / ect on 05 / 11 / 2000 08 : 53 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - enron capital management from : david baumbach 05 / 10 / 2000 06 : 12 pm to : daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect , pat clynes / corp / enron @ enron cc : brenda f herod / hou / ect @ ect subject :
Subject: re : boat i checked the boat and it is 17 ft , 7 in . long , it is a capri model # 1750 ch , it has a am / fm cass . the motor is 3 . 0 l mercruiser alpha sterndrive ( 135 hp )
Subject: enhance your chest size email is loading . . image not loading ? view message here . stop all announcements . lattice , puck . rothschild . delphic , alaska hall , movie . cockatoo . dearth , cascade design , ardent . sawfish . tissue , ia fraternal , aztec . aloud . wholesale , vampire michigan , glib . gloss . campfire , crump afterthought , shrink . hobbs . motif , plug jennie , oak . scourge . berlin , bagel flung , pregnant . cretinous . chisholm , solicitous brighten , superfluity . awoke . algorithmic , mountainous turtleback , egg . adelaide . sicilian , develop vixen , efface . cos . colgate , buzzard absorb , bib . reflexive . deforest , depend walk , catherine . bramble . samson , airedale crummy , dennis . ca . depositary , palpable exemplify , clark . emerald . acrylic , confute carnal , bookbind . alphanumeric . pounce , sightseeing cashew , orthorhombic . honduras . snagging , adjudge alexander , antipathy . saran . blumenthal , rabbit nathan , inasmuch . postposition . chive , commiserate missile , geodesy . notwithstanding . love , extremis virginal , binuclear . fourteenth . hoosier , bladder cyclist , triptych . cognitive . plainfield , tanzania destiny , amulet . vanity . adolph , daytime drier , trianon . butyrate . paulus , stationarity are , courageous . minim . aubrey , bart wainscot , weatherstripping . beaux . amateur , doppler saxophone , germicide . rickettsia . conferring , afro bloodhound , argumentation . contest . adolph , infantrymen mcclellan , affront . detention . cough , doorstep ductile , middletown . statutory . tinkle , stature embeddable , manfred . under . lectionary , portico follicular , myth . condescend . delicate , raceway decimate , banach . restorative . swam , amadeus
Subject: our response to the u . s . tragedy the tragedy of tuesday , september 11 will serve as an unforgettable reminder to people all over the world of what is truly important and of life ' s fragility . my heartfelt sympathies go out to the families and friends of all the people whose lives were taken in this senseless and horrific attack . i ask that all of you keep our deceased colleague nick humber and his family in your thoughts and prayers . tragically , nick , a director with enron wind , was on one of the planes hijacked on tuesday . to help with relief efforts in new york and washington , d . c . , enron will make a total contribution of $ 1 million dollars to be split equally between the american red cross and the new york firefighters and police officers fund . many of you have expressed an interest in more personal involvement and i want you to be aware of some of the options available . i encourage you to support those impacted by this tragedy by donating to relief efforts , and to take advantage of our matching gift program to double the impact of your individual donation . because of the significance of this tragic event , enron will match your contribution 2 for 1 . how to help ? please go to www . easymatch . com / enron . once there , click on " disaster relief " ( located in the middle of the top of the page ) . please choose from the list of non - profits that are accepting donations to help with this effort . any donations made to aid with disaster relief will not be counted toward the annual $ 15 , 000 matching gift limit . you will need your gis number to do this ( it begins with a 9 ) . if you are unsure of your gis number , please contact the hr gim helpdesk at 713 - 853 - 5666 . ? we will have red , white and blue striped ribbons in houston for employees to pin on their shirts in memory of those who lost their lives , in honor of those who survived , and for their families . donations to the new york firefighters and police officers fund and other organizations are being accepted in exchange for the ribbons . enron will also match these donations . the ribbons are available tomorrow from 9 : 00 - 11 : 00 a . m . at the infozone , which is located by the down escalator in the lobby . for any other employees who would like to make donations , please go to the above website . ? enron employees are generously giving blood , and we will continue to work with relief efforts to ensure that employees who want to give , have the ability to do so . if you have questions , call 713 - 853 - 6100 . ? president bush has declared friday a day of " national prayer and remembrance , " and is calling on americans to use their lunch breaks to go to places of worship to pray for victims and their families . following is a list of websites with additional information : o o o if you are looking for a service within walking distance of the enron building , first united methodist church ( corner of main and clay ) and antioch missionary baptist church will hold prayer services on friday . first united methodist church will have services at 11 : 00 a . m . , noon and 1 : 00 p . m . antioch missionary baptist church will have a service at noon . o if you are interested in attending a service and don ' t work in this area , please check your local television websites for more information . ? for houston employees , a citywide candlelight vigil will be held on the steps of city hall in downtown houston at 7 p . m . tomorrow night . mayor lee brown will be speaking . ? at 10 : 00 a . m . ( central ) on monday , september 17 th , in enron facilities around the world , we will have a moment of silence in memory of those whose lives have been tragically taken . we ask that you put down the phone , turn away from your computer and dedicate a personal moment of silence together with your co - workers . ? we encourage all u . s . based employees to wear red , white or blue shirts on monday . for counseling assistance ? for employees in houston , we have an on - site employee assistance counselor in the building that you can reach by calling 713 - 853 - 6057 . if you are not located in houston or if you or a family member would prefer an off - site counselor , you can call the 24 - hour employee assistance program number 1 - 800 - 345 - 1391 . ? employees outside the u . s . can also contact 713 - 853 - 6057 directly . united healthgroup ( enron ' s medical network administrator ) has provided free access to their national disaster line for counseling service to any person . that number is 800 - 268 - 1026 . we are also working to bring crisis counseling to any work location that has a need . this is an agonizing time for our nation and it is hard for us all . in addition to the financial and human support we are extending to those in need , it is imperative that we at enron continue to safely and reliably serve our customers in the u . s . and around the world . we know it is difficult but we must demonstrate on - going stability and strength at enron , as this will serve as a signal that the ideals upon which america was founded cannot be diminished . again , our hearts go out to the families and friends of those who have lost loved ones in this tragedy . please continue to watch your e - mail for more information .
Subject: re : fw : first delivery - rodessa operating co . daren , i talked to vance and he said it was the same well that he nominated during bidweek . i will ask julie to change the price to gas daily . thanks . bob daren j farmer 03 / 21 / 2001 01 : 18 pm to : robert cotten / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : re : fw : first delivery - rodessa operating co . bob , i guess you need to make sure that this is the same well that they nominated during bidweek . if it is , then we do need to change the price to gd . if it is a new well behind the meter , you can either create a new deal ticket for this piece , or create a pricing tier on the old ticket . d enron north america corp . from : robert cotten 03 / 21 / 2001 11 : 42 am to : daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : fw : first delivery - rodessa operating co . daren , please read this memo and the one dated 2 / 21 / 01 from vance . he told me all new production should be entered at ifhsc . the deal in question is 634075 . do you want it changed to gas daily ? please advise . thanks . bob - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by robert cotten / hou / ect on 03 / 21 / 2001 11 : 02 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - from : vance l taylor / enron @ enronxgate on 03 / 19 / 2001 02 : 24 pm to : tom acton / corp / enron @ enron , robert cotten / hou / ect @ ect cc : julie meyers / hou / ect @ ect , lisa hesse / hou / ect @ ect , donald p reinhardt / enron @ enronxgate , susan smith / enron @ enronxgate , melissa graves / enron @ enronxgate , cynthia hakemack / hou / ect @ ect subject : fw : first delivery - rodessa operating co . tom / bob , the following production is now on - line and a ticket should be created and entered into sitara based on the following : counterparty meter volumes price period global no . hesco gathering co . , llc 9876 85 mmbtu / d 100 % gd less $ 0 . 17 3 / 13 - 3 / 31 96057368 fyi , susan will create and submit a committed reserves firm ticket for the remaining term of the deal beginning with the month of april . additionally , this is a producer svcs . deal and should be tracked in the im wellhead portfolio . . . attached to the gathering contract . thanks , vlt x 3 - 6353 - - - - - original message - - - - - from : buckley , esther sent : monday , march 19 , 2001 12 : 14 pm to : carriere , molly ; cernosek , clem ; consemiu , donna ; cook , robert ; camp , howard ; hesse , lisa ; hlavaty , nathan ; wayne e lightfoot / hou / ect @ enron ; mckay , james ; smith , mary ; schneider , steve hpl ; melissa graves / hou / ect @ enron ; walters , michael ; zivley , jill ; johnson , mary jo ; wynne , rita ; allen , lauri ; jones , cheryl ; hansen , reid ; giron , darron ; winfree , o ' neal ; susan smith / hou / ect @ enron ; bryan , gary ; hanks , gary ; donald p reinhardt / hou / ect @ enron ; vance l taylor / hou / ect @ enron ; baumbach , david ; cotten , robert ; riley , brian ; austin , jeff ; hakemack , cynthia ; kenne , dawn ; csikos , lisa ; fosdick , j r ; rodriguez , carlos ; gomes , stephanie ; clynes , pat ; acton , tom ; walker , robert ; weissman , george ; harris , joanne ; sweeney , christy ; tisdale , earl ; farmer , daren subject : first delivery - rodessa operating co . see attached letter
Subject: meter 9769 jan 00 aimee / george : per daren , we have a purchase deal at meter 9769 , but the allocation is nomed on the pg & e contract . could you please verify with brian if this is truely their gas or ours ? thanks thu
Subject: fw : guadalupe power partners fyi - - - - - original message - - - - - from : coffey jr . , jim sent : tuesday , august 21 , 2001 1 : 19 pm to : baumbach , david cc : washington , deanna ; denetsosie , troy subject : fw : guadalupe power partners david can you answer with some specifics to jeff ' s question on ( a ) " do we know anything about purchases and sales ? " - - - - - original message - - - - - from : rozycki , joanne sent : tuesday , august 21 , 2001 11 : 13 am to : coffey jr . , jim cc : bryan , gary ; gray , barbara n . ; redmond , brian subject : guadalupe power partners the attached are being forwarded at the request of jeff hodge . joanne rozycki senior administrative assistant enron north america corp . 1400 smith street , eb 3880 d houston , tx 77002 phone : ( 713 ) 853 - 5968 fax : ( 713 ) 646 - 3490 email : joanne . rozycki @ enron . com
Subject: fw : 05 / 01 deal # 649741 could you please help me out with this . i ' ve called gary lamphier , but no response and client services needs to get an answer . - - - - - original message - - - - - from : mendoza , genaro sent : monday , june 18 , 2001 3 : 20 pm to : hernandez , elizabeth l . subject : 05 / 01 deal # 649741 elizabeth , deal # 649741 is a 05 / 01 sale to bp energy . bp is claiming that this deal should have been invoiced by hpl and not ena . my contact also claims that this was confirmed by gary lamphier . i am not sure if gary is with ena or hpl . is this something you can look into or do i need to send this to someone else ? thanks , genaro
Subject: txu fuel deal # 789355 please verify the price for txu fuel deal # 789355 on 5 / 17 . sitara currently shows $ 4 . 40 but txu called me and they show $ 4 . 37 for that day . please let me know if you have any questions . thanks , rebecca
Subject: calpine daily and monthly nomination > > ricky a . archer fuel supply 700 louisiana , suite 2700 houston , texas 77002 713 - 830 - 8659 direct 713 - 830 - 8722 fax - calpine daily gas nomination 1 . doc - calpine monthly gas nomination _ _ _ . doc
Subject: do you like computers incredible offers : windows x * p pro 2 oo 2 5 o dollars o * r * d * e * r : http : / / epsom . gaulhafmk . com we also have : - ms picture it premium 9 - ms sql server 2 ooo enterprise edition - ms sql server 2 ooo enterprise edition the offer is valid untill may 16 th stock is limited check out judith lanier masseur indrel industria refrigera ? ? o londrinense , londrina 86072000 , brazil phone : 911 - 547 - 3116 mobile : 737 - 434 - 1646 email : otxfcc @ satyamonline . com this message is beng sent to confirm your account . please do not reply directly to this message this version is a 27 day definite freeware notes : the contents of this message is for understanding and should not be ankara conferee turnout lou venezuela time : sat , 07 may 2005 10 : 39 : 39 + 0200
Subject: hpl nominations for march 31 , 2001 and april 1 - 2 , 2001 ( see attached file : hplno 401 . xls ) ( see attached file : hplno 331 . xls ) - hplno 401 . xls - hplno 331 . xls
Subject: top profiie bouncing sharply off its | ow tiger team technoiogies ( otc - t t m t ) leading developer of a unique patented process for transforming business operations of medical service providers ( source : news 1 / 4 / 05 ) current price : - $ 0 . o 8 reasons to consider t t m t : ( source : company website ) * tiger team technoiogies ( t 3 ) , is a | eading developer of a unique patented process for transforming business operations of medical service providers through state - of - the - art communication hardware and software technoiogies . t 3 has exciusive rights on this patented process , which guarantees secure and bonded eiectronic file transmission in accordance with federa | mandated hippa compiiance requirements . this translates to total patient privacy and security which is key to reducing the liability and medical premiums piaced on providers . based in st . pau | , mn , the company seeks to pursue an aggressive growth strategy targeted at corporate and individua | medica | practices by leveraging this exclusive transmission process as an incentive for the medical community to outsource existing services . * capitaiizing on increasing demand for hippa compliant guaranteee and secure and bonded transmissions , inciuding a | | | icenses and certifications required for handiing medica | files and performing transcription services . * empioying t 3  s exclusive and patented process designed to deiiver secure transmissions bonded up to $ 2 , 5 oo per transmission . * estabiishing a certification program for medical industry similar to iso 90 oo or six sigma programs applied to industria | environments . * offering medica | community a bundie of services with high | evel of security and redundancy and 3 o % reduction in costs . * leading advantages over competition in terms of process , technology , service and quality contro | . recent news : * tiger team technologies forms group in india for medical billing and transcription services * tiger team technoiogies joins forces with large insur @ nce carrier ; retains an auditor * tiger team technoiogies moves forward in becoming a reporting company * tiger team technoiogies announces its intention to be a fuily reporting company watch for more news that may impact the stock . . watch this stock trade thursday ! ! good luck . information within this email contains forward | ooking statements within the meaning of section 27 a of the securities act of 1933 and section 21 b of the securities exchange act of 1934 . any statements that express or invoive discussions with respect to predictions , expectations , beiiefs , plans , projections , objectives , goais , assumptions or future events or performance are not statements of historica | fact and may be forward looking statements . forward | ooking statements are based on expectations , estimates and projections at the time the statements are made that involve a number of risks and uncertainties which could cause actual results or events to differ materia | | y from those presentiy anticipated . forward looking statements in this action may be identified through the use of words such as projects , foresee , expects , wi | | , anticipates , estimates , believes , understands or that by statements indicating certain actions may , could , or might occur . as with many microcap stocks , today ' s company has additiona | risk factors that raise doubt about its ability to continue as a going concern . today ' s featured company is not a reporting company registered under the securities act of 1934 and hence there is | imited information avaiiable about the company . other factors include a limited operating history , an accumulated deficit since its inception , reliance on | oans from officers and directors to pay expenses , a nomina | cash position , and no revenue in its most recent quarter . it is not currently an operating company . the company is going to need financing . if that financing does not occur , the company may not be able to continue as a going concern in which case you could | ose your entire investment . other risks and uncertainties inciude , but are not | imited to , the ability of the company to complete a planned bridge financing , market conditions , the general acceptance of the company ' s products and technologies , competitive factors , timing , and other risks associated with their business . the publisher of this newsietter does not represent that the information contained in this message states a | | material facts or does not omit a material fact necessary to make the statements therein not misleading . a | | information provided within this email pertaining to investing , stocks , securities must be understood as information provided and not investment advice . the publisher of this newsletter advises al | readers and subscribers to seek advice from a registered professiona | securities representative before deciding to trade in stocks featured within this email . none of the material within this report shall be construed as any kind of investment advice or solicitation . many of these companies are on the verge of bankruptcy . you can | ose al | your money by investing in this stock . the pubiisher of this newsletter is not a re gister ed in vest ment advisor . subscribers shouid not view information herein as | ega | , tax , accounting or investment advice . any reference to past performance ( s ) of companies are specially selected to be referenced based on the favorabie performance of these companies . you would need perfect timing to acheive the results in the exampies given . there can be no assurance of that happening . remember , as aiways , past performance is ne ver indicative of future results and a thorough due diligence effort , including a review of a company ' s fiiings when availabie , should be completed prior to investing . in compliance with the securities act of 1933 , sectionl 7 ( b ) , the publisher of this newsletter discloses the receipt of thirty one thousand doliars from a third party , not an officer , director or affiliate shareholder for the circulation of this report . be aware of an inherent conflict of interest resuiting from such compensation due to the fact that this is a paid advertisement and is not without bias . the party that paid us has a position in the stock they wiil sell at anytime without notice . this couid have a negative impact on the price of the stock . all factua | information in this report was gathered from pubiic sources , inciuding but not limited to company websites and company press reieases . the publisher of this newsletter believes this information to be reliabie but can make no guaranteee as to its accuracy or compieteness . use of the materia | within this emai | constitutes your acceptance of these terms . if you wish to stop future maiiings , or if you feel you have been wrongfully piaced in our list , piease go here ( - stoxo 010 @ yahoo . com - )
Subject: for all your transportation needs sky limotoronto ontario canadaskylimo @ copper . netmarch special 10 % discount ( cash only ) do not drink drivecall the skyfor all your transportation needs 416 979 5466