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Introduction to Counting and Permutations This activity will help students to distinguish between problems involving permutations and combinations. The activity will then focus on generating and understanding the combination formula and then how to apply this formula in different situations. In Model 1, students will examine two different columns of activities. One having permutations, the other, combinations. Students will form the definition of a combination problem. In Model 2, students will explore the difference between the permutation formula and combination formula. In Models 3 and 4, students will apply the combination formula to a variety of problems. This activity was developed with NSF support through IUSE-1626765. You may request access to this activity via the following link: IntroCS-POGIL Activity Writing Program. Activity Type: Learning Cycle Discipline: Computer Science Course: Discrete Mathematics Keywords: counting, permutations, product rule, sum rule How to Cite Copyright of this work and the permissions granted to users of the PAC are defined in the PAC Activity User License.
A computer processor, or microprocessor, reads and executes program instructions. The instructions are bits of data that tell the computer what to do. The processor speed, also called the "clock rate," is measured in megahertz, MHz, or gigahertz, GHz. One megahertz (MHz) is one million hertz, and one gigahertz (GHz) is one billion hertz. While it's true that a faster clock rate generally means the computer will run faster, there are other factors that impact the overall performance of the computer like how much memory the computer has and how many sets of instructions it is trying to execute simultaneously. The core is the part of the processor that performs the instructions. The first computers had one core, meaning they could only process one instruction at a time, though computer makers found ways to speed them up so they were multitasking. A dual-core processor has two processing units that work together to process instructions. A multi-core processor has two or more cores and can process multiple instructions at one time. The more cores a processor has, the faster it is, though, software and other factors can affect performance.
Middle school English teachers are familiar with the groans that come with the instruction to “take out your grammar books.” It’s much easier to get students to free-write than it is to get them to learn the rules of grammar. However, it is a necessary part of the job. One of the first steps to good grammar is learning the parts of speech. Identifying parts of speech in sentences will help students understand the elements of syntax and become better writers. Nouns and Verbs When identifying the parts of speech in a sentence, it is important to find the subject and verb first. The subject is always a noun, and nouns can be identified as a person, place, thing, or idea. To identify the noun subject, ask, “Who is doing the action in the sentence?” In the sentence “Sally gently placed the cold and hungry kitten in its padded basket,” Sally placed the kitten. Therefore, Sally is the subject noun. Look for other nouns. In this sentence, we see “kitten” and “basket.” After finding the nouns, look for the verb. The verb is the action in the sentence. Students can identify the verb by asking, “What has Sally done?” In this sentence, the verb is “placed” because that's what Sally did Students can identify modifiers as the words that help enhance or describe the nouns and verbs. Adjectives are one type of modifier, and they always modify nouns. Students can identify adjectives in the sentence by looking at the nouns and recognizing words that describe them. In the sentence above, we see that the kitten is “cold” and “hungry.” We also see that the basket is “padded.” Therefore, “cold,” “hungry,” and “padded” are adjectives that modify the nouns in the sentence. Adverbs act similarly, except that they modify verbs. Adverbs tell us how, when, where and why the action took place. Therefore, we can ask how Sally placed the kitten and we see that the adverb is “gently.” Prepositions show the relationship between a noun and another element in the sentence. One exercise to help students identify and understand the concept of prepositions is to draw a box. Then, imagine you have some other object, such as a rock. How many relationships can the rock have to the box? For example, the rock can be in the box, on the box, under the box, or over the box. The prepositions being “in,” “on,” “under,” and over,” with the object of the preposition being “box.” Like subjects, objects of prepositions are always nouns. In our sentence about Sally and the kitten, we see that Sally is putting the kitten “in the box.” Therefore “in” is the preposition, and “box” is the object of the preposition. Students can easily memorize the prepositions so that they can quickly identify prepositional phrases in sentences. Conjunctions are words that join words, phrases, and clauses in sentences. The coordinating conjunctions are "and," "but," "or," "nor," "for" and "yet." These are easy for students to memorize and identify. In our sentence, we see the words “cold” and “hungry” joined by the coordinating conjunction “and.” Subordinating conjunctions join phrases and clauses that are subordinate to the main clause. For instance, the clause “after I return from the store” cannot stand by itself. It depends on a main clause, such as, “We will eat dinner after I return home from the store.” The subordinating conjunction “after” signals a dependent clause. To identify subordinating clauses, students can look for dependent clauses and recognize that the first word of the clause is usually a subordinating conjunction. Practice, Practice, Practice For students to become proficient in recognizing the parts of speech, they will need to practice identifying them regularly. There are many multi-sensory exercises that parents and teachers can apply to lessons, which will enhance their students' learning experiences. Apply a specific color to each part of speech and use highlighters to identify them in the sentence. Make word flashcards on colored cards, making sure to have plenty representing each part of speech. Have students put them together to make sentences. Have students pick out reading material that is of special interest to them and have them identify specific parts of speech in them. - Hemera Technologies/AbleStock.com/Getty Images
A letter published in Nature today announces the first observations of developing black holes in the early Universe. The discovery answers a long-standing question in astronomy: how early on were black holes forming, and what were the earliest ones like? The observations required a clever technique which stretched the capabilities of modern instruments. We have now imaged many galaxies from early on in the history of the Universe—the first billion years or so after the Big Bang—but evidence for black holes from this time has remained elusive. Astronomers can spot galaxies from this early period using a phenomenon known as "red shift." As space stretches with the expansion of the Universe, electromagnetic radiation traveling through space is stretched as well. This increases the wavelength, so light that was originally blue will shift toward the red end of the spectrum. By looking at key markers in the spectrum, such as those associated with the element hydrogen, scientists can calculate how much red shift has occurred, and thus, how long the light must have traveled. Although there's evidence that a black hole exists at the center of every galaxy, their tell-tale signatures have not been detected in these early galaxies. There were two possible explanations for this: one was that the signature was too weak to be detected by current instruments due to complicating factors like its absorption by galactic gas. The other was that these "run-of-the-mill" black holes did not arise until later in cosmic history. Quasars form at very large black holes, and are the most luminous objects in the Universe. They have been found in a number of these early galaxies because they are easy to detect, but have never been observed in the process of growing, leaving some to wonder if they differed from the smaller black holes we see later on. The new observations essentially eliminate the possibility that early black holes were fundamentally different. To obtain the observations, the team had to find a way to pick out the extremely faint X-ray signals that would indicate the presence of black holes. Using NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory and Hubble Space Telescope, they zeroed in on the locations of galaxies with large red shifts, meaning they were looking at the early Universe. Taken one galaxy at a time, the signal would be practically impossible to pick out from the background noise, but the researchers "stacked" a couple hundred such galaxies. By doing so, they were able to detect a significant signal from those galaxies, even though they may have picked up as few as 5 X-ray photons from any one of them. Even at these low numbers, the X-rays they see indicate that there are, in fact, black holes in the earliest galaxies. From the relative abundance of short and long wavelengths of X-ray radiation, they also determined that those black holes are obscured by large amounts of gas and dust (a sign of rapid growth). That helps explain why they were so difficult to detect, but it also has other implications. Astronomers think that stars first began to burn around 400 million years after the Big Bang, emitting ultraviolet radiation that reionized (stripping the electrons from) some of the Universe's hydrogen. That was the start of an important cosmological era known as the Epoch of Reionization The gas and dust present around the observed black holes, however, would have prevented the escape of any ultraviolet radiation that could have contributed to reionization, meaning that black holes had little to do with it. Conversely, that means that information about the Epoch of Reionization cannot be used to constrain the history of black holes, which the researchers claim will mean that several current hypotheses need to be revised. These new observations can’t say anything definitive about the origins of the earliest black holes, but they support the idea that black holes and galaxies have coevolved, starting very early on in cosmic history. That may help researchers determine whether the first black holes formed from the collapse of discs of gas and dust or from the collapse of early stars, a lower-mass scenario. Regardless, our picture of what the Universe was like nearly 13 billion years in the past just got a little clearer. Listing image by Photo by NASA, ESA, and The Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)
Students will be able to identify common suffixes and determine the meanings of words that include those suffixes. - Write "breakable," "comfortable," and "washable" on the board. - Ask students what they notice about this list of words. Guide them towards the idea that all three words end in "able." - Explain that "-able" is a suffix, or a group of letters that comes at the end of a root word and changes its meaning. - Explain that a root word doesn't have a prefix or suffix. List some examples like the words color, form, and art. Show how adding "-ful" (which means "full of") to "color" changes its meaning. Explicit Instruction/Teacher Modeling(15 minutes) - Choose a root word index card and suffix index card that are compatible, then model the process of putting them together to make a new word. Explain the meaning of the new word in the same way that you explained the meaning of the word "colorful": state the meaning of the suffix, then show how it affects the root word. - Repeat this process with two more sets of root words and suffixes. - Go over some other common suffixes: -er (more or a doer of), -less (without), -ly (in this way), -y (characterized by), and -ness (the state of). - Clarify that groups of letters like "-ful" and "-er" can be suffixes, but aren't always suffixes. For example, the "er" in "person" isn't a suffix. Guided Practice/Interactive Modeling(10 minutes) - Show students the rest of the root word index cards and suffix index cards. - Display the lists of root words and suffixes. - Tell the class that the following activity will involve working together to build new words. - Have one student choose a suffix from the list, then have another student choose a root word. - Hold the corresponding index cards together and ask the other students whether you've created a real word. If so, ask them to determine its meaning. Independent Working Time(15 minutes) - Have students partner up. Distribute a list of root words, list of suffixes, and suffix addition sheet to each pair. - Ask the pairs to build as many new words as they can using the items on the lists. They will record their new words using the suffix addition sheet. - Enrichment: Advanced students can be given the additional challenge of adding more root words and suffixes to their lists. They can use the backs of their suffix addition sheets to record any words they create with the new root words and suffixes. - Support: If you encounter a struggling pair during your observation, combine some root words and suffixes for them. Have them focus on defining the new words you made instead of making more words. - Walk around the room and observe students as they work. Stop every now and then to ask a pair how they determined the meaning of a certain word. - Collect the suffix addition sheets after the activity. Review them later to assess your students' understanding of the suffixes and their meanings. Review and Closing(10 minutes) - Have the class regroup. - Ask for volunteers to share some of the words they built. Ask for other volunteers to share methods they used for defining the new words. - Remind students that a word with a suffix needs to have two parts: a suffix and a standalone root word. - Challenge students to think of words that have both prefixes and suffixes.
In this lesson, students will learn about the problem of bullies and how to behave if you are a bystander. Note that there is no emphasis on victims of bullying, because you may have victims in your own class and it is important to be sensitive about this. The aim is not to point the finger at anyone, but instead to discuss and question our beliefs about what bullying is and how it can be dealt with. Students begin the lesson by discussing their own attitudes towards bullies, bullying and the role of bystanders. Next, they read two texts about bullies and bystanders. Finally, the students return to their original attitudes. They discuss to what extent our attitudes promote or prevent bullying. As a further optional activity, students prepare a poster for an anti-bullying campaign. - To raise students’ awareness of the role of bystanders - To develop students’ spoken fluency and improve reading skills - To develop higher-level critical thinking skills by encouraging students to question their beliefs - To celebrate Anti-Bullying Week in November Secondary (13–15 year olds) CEF level B1 and above The lesson plan and student worksheets can be downloaded below in PDF format.
In this chapter, we explore the idea of equality. The Properties of Equality are introduced as a way to maintain equality while manipulating equations. We use these concepts to show that solving equations can help us find the value(s) of a variable that makes an equation true. To start, we will solve one-step and multi-step equations by using inverse operations, the Distributive Property, combining like terms, and dealing with variables on both sides of an equation. These methods will also be applied to literal equations — equations with more than one variable. Finally, we create and solve one-variable equations to solve situations in context.
One general characteristic of living cells is that they divide. Before one cell can turn into two, the cell must make a copy of its DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, which contains its genetic information. Eukaryotic cells store DNA in chromosomes enclosed within the membranes of a cell nucleus. Without multiple replication origins, replication would take much longer and slow down cell growth. DNA is a long-chain molecule with a backbone of alternating sugar and phosphate groups. One of four nucleotide bases -- ring-shaped molecules containing nitrogen -- hangs off each sugar group. Two strands of DNA form a double helix structure in which the base at each sugar location binds to its complementary base on the sister strand. Only certain pairings are allowed, so if you identify a base on one strand, you know the base at the same position on the other strand. In eukaryotes, chromosomes are cylindrical structures of chromatin, which is a mixture of DNA and histone proteins. Human cells have 23 pairs of chromosomes, one pair member from each parent. A human chromosome contains about 150 million base pairs. The chromatin is tightly folded to compress the DNA so that it will fit into a cell. If you laid out end to end all the DNA in a human cell, it would measure about 6 feet. For replication to occur, the DNA helix must be uncoiled just prior to copying. Eukaryotic cells alternate between growth and division, and DNA is replicated during the growth phase. The DNA enters a relaxed state that permits access by DNA polymerase, the enzyme that copies each strand. Another enzyme, helicase, first separates the two stands in a region called a replication origin. Each strand serves as a template for a new strand with a complementary sequence of nucleotide bases. A replication bubble surrounding the polymerase molecule moves along each DNA strand during the copying operation. The old and new strands zip together at the rear of the bubble. DNA polymerase can transcribe eukaryotic chromosomes at a rate of about 50 base pairs per second. If the chromosome had but a single origin of replication, it would take about a month to copy one DNA helix. By using multiple origins, the cell can replicate a helix in about an hour, a 720-fold speedup. During the process, multiple replication bubbles on each chromosome churn out small lengths of DNA that are then spliced together to form the finished product. The advantage of multiple origins is that it allows relatively rapid cell division and organism growth. For example, a human mother would have to carry a fetus for 540 years before giving birth if she had to depend on a single origin of replication on each chromosome. About the Author Based in Greenville SC, Eric Bank has been writing business-related articles since 1985. He holds an M.B.A. from New York University and an M.S. in finance from DePaul University. You can see samples of his work at ericbank.com. Creatas Images/Creatas/Getty Images
In Module 1, children worked within 5, matching a group to the numeral that tells how many. Now, in Topic B, they extend this ability to groups of 6 and 7 (PK.CC.3ab). Pre-written numerals are introduced in Topic B so that students have plenty of time to touch and count to 7 before matching the count to the abstract numeral. PreKindergarten Mathematics, Module 3, Topic B Resources may contain links to sites external to the EngageNY.org website. These sites may not be within the jurisdiction of NYSED and in such cases NYSED is not responsible for its content. Common Core Learning Standards |PK.CC.3.a||When counting objects, say the number names in the standard order, pairing each object with one and...| |PK.CC.3.b||Understand that the last number name said tells the number of objects counted. The number of...| |PK.CC.4||Count to answer “how many?” questions about as many as 10 things arranged in a line, a rectangular...|
As they move through formal schooling, students must gain control over the many conventions of standard English grammar, usage, and mechanics. They must also learn various ways to convey meaning effectively. Language standards include the rules of standard written and spoken English as well as the use of language as craft and informed choice among alternatives. The vocabulary standards focus on understanding words and phrases (their relationships and nuances) and acquiring new academic and domain-specific vocabulary. English grammar conventions, knowledge of language, and vocabulary extend across reading, writing, speaking, and listening and, in fact, are inseparable from these contexts. As students grow in their understanding of patterns of English grammar, they can use this knowledge to make more purposeful and effective choices in their writing and speaking and more accurate and rich interpretations in their speaking and listening. First grade students continue learn to write upper and lower case letters and when to use capital letters in writing. They also learn about how to use basic punctuation marks, and how to use singular and plural nouns, and verbs in the past, present and future tense. How to help your child with the standards in the Language Strand: Engage your child in conversations every day. If possible, include new and interesting words in your conversation. Read to your child each day. When the book contains a new or interesting word, pause and define the word for your child. After you're done reading, engage your child in a conversation about the book. Help build word knowledge by classifying and grouping objects or pictures while naming them. Help build your child's understanding of language by playing verbal games and telling jokes and stories. Encourage your child to read on his own. The more children read, the more words they encounter and learn. Encourage your child to write at home. In first grade students will be using their knowledge of phonics and sight vocabulary (I, and, said, to). You may see your child using inventive spelling (dnosr for dinosaur). Keep encouraging your child to write the sounds he/she hears in words so they feel confident in figuring out how to write and spell words. Strands are larger groups of related standards. The Strand Grade is a calculation of all the related standards. Click on the standard name below each strand to access the learning targets and proficiency scales for each strand's related standards.
Now, let's consider this situation: 2 * 3 The asterisk, '*', in the above equation is meant to show multiplication. So, the above reads 'two times three'. Therefore, in this example the operation of multiplication is shown by '*'. And we say that the symbol '*' is the multiplication operator. There are other ways to show multiplication. An 'X' is often used, and sometimes a dot is used, and sometimes just placing two variables next to each other means multiplication. But for now, let's just use an asterisk to designate multiplication. Notice that multiplication is a binary operation. That is, the multiplication operator, '*', is a binary operator. It accepts two operands. In the above example the two operands are the number 2 and the number 3. The multiplication operator above accepts the two operands, performs multiplication arithmetic with them, and produced the value six. The value six can be represented by the number 6, so, we can write: 6 = 2 * 3 The division operator, '/', is also a binary operator. Consider this expression: 10 / 5 This would read 'ten divided by five'. The division operator here accepts two operands, the number 10 and the number 5, and divides the left one by the right one. This produces a value of two. The value of two can be represented by the number 2, so we can write: 2 = 10 / 5 Division and multiplication have equal precedence. Consider this expression: 10 / 5 * 3 As with the similar case involving addition and subtraction, here we proceed from left to right when operators have equal precedence. So, the ten is divided by five. This produces a value of two. This value of two is next multiplied by the value of three to produce a value of six. The value of six can be represented by the number 6, so we have: 6 = 10 / 5 * 3 Here's what we have so far: Now, understand that multiplication and division have precedence over addition and subtraction. Consider this expression: 3 + 2 * 4 The multiplication operator, '*', accepts operands, the numbers 2 and 4, before the addition operator, '+'. Therefore, two times four produces a value of eight; three added to eight produces a final value of eleven. This evaluation can be viewed this way: 3 + 2 * 4 3 + 8 So, we can write: 11 = 3 + 2 * 4 Here are some more examples to show how multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction interact. 3 + 8 / 4 - 1 Here, division has precedence over addition and subtraction. So, it accepts operands first. Eight divided by four is two, effectively changing the expression to this: 3 + 2 - 1 Now, addition and subtraction have equal precedence. Addition is to the left, so it accepts operands first. Three added to two equals five. So, effectively we now have: 5 - 1 Finally, the subtraction operator accepts operators. Five take away one is four. So, we can say: 4 = 3 + 8 / 4 - 1 2 * 4 - 12 / 3 In this expression both the multiplication operator, '*', and the division operator, '/', have precedence over the subtraction operator, '-'. Both the multiplication operator and the division operator have equal precedence, so we proceed from left to right with them. That makes the multiplication operator accept operands first. Two multiplied by four is eight. So, we effectively have: 8 - 12 / 3 Next in line is the division operator. Twelve divided by three is four, effectively giving us: 8 - 4 And, of course, finally, eight take away four is four. So, we say: 4 = 2 * 4 - 12 / 3 In summary, so far: Where are you? Here: More about Operators and Operands
Python allows a lot of control over formatting of output. But here we will just look at controlling decimal places of output. There are some different ways. Here is perhaps the most common (because it is most similar to other languages). The number use is represented in the print function as %x.yf where x is the total number of spaces to use (if defined this will add padding to short numbers to align numbers on different lines, for example), and y is the number of decimal places. f informs python that we are formatting a float (a decimal number). The %x.yf is used as a placeholder in the output (multiple palceholders are possible) and the values are given at the end of the print statement as below: import math pi = math.pi pi_square = pi**2 print('Pi is %.3f, and Pi squared is %.3f' %(pi,pi_square)) OUT: Pi is 3.142, and Pi squared is 9.870 It is also possible to round numbers before printing (or sending to a file). If taking this approach be aware that this may limit the precision of further work using these numbers: import math pi = math.pi pi = round(pi,3) print (pi) OUT: 3.142
In Topic A, students begin by learning the precise definition of exponential notation where the exponent is restricted to being a positive integer. In Lessons 2 and 3, students discern the structure of exponents by relating multiplication and division of expressions with the same base to combining like terms using the distributive property, and by relating multiplying three factors using the associative property to raising a power to a power. Lesson 4 expands the definition of exponential notation to include what it means to raise a nonzero number to a zero power; students verify that the properties of exponents developed in Lessons 2 and 3 remain true. Properties of exponents are extended again in Lesson 5 when a positive integer, raised to a negative exponent, is defined. In Lesson 5, students accept the properties of exponents as true for all integer exponents and are shown the value of learning them, i.e., if the three properties of exponents are known, then facts about dividing numbers in exponential notation with the same base and raising fractions to a power are also known.
Welcome to the order of operations worksheets page at Math-Drills.com where we definitely follow orders! This page includes Order of Operations worksheets using whole numbers, decimals and fractions. Elementary and middle school students generally use the acronyms PEMDAS or BEDMAS to help them remember the order in which they complete multi-operation questions. The 'P' or 'B' in the acronym stands for parentheses or brackets. All operations within brackets get completed first. The 'E' refers to any exponents; all exponents are calculated after the parentheses. The 'M' and 'D' are interchangeable as one completes the multiplication and division in the order that they appear from left to right. The fourth and final step is to solve for the addition and subtraction in the order that they appear from left to right. More recently, students are being taught the acronym, PEMA, for order of operations, to avoid the confusion inherent in the other acronyms. For example, in PEMDAS, multiplication comes before division which some people incorrectly assumes means that multiplication must be done before division in an order of operations question. In fact, the two operations are completed in the order that they occur from left to right in the question. This is recognized in PEMA which more correctly shows that there are four levels to complete in an order of operations question. Unless you want your students doing something different than the rest of the world, it would be a good idea to get them to understand these rules. There is no discovery or exploration needed here. These are rules that need to be learned and practiced and have been accepted as the standard approach to solving any multi-step mathematics problem. Order of Operations with Integers Worksheets Order of operations with integers worksheets with both negative and positive integers options and a variety of complexity. The order of operations worksheets with all operations and exponents is the first option because this is what most people will look for. Order of operations with fewer types of operations and no exponents are just a short distance further down the page. This is a good starting point where only addition and multiplication is involved (with a few parentheses thrown in). These worksheets will help students to recognize that multiplication is done before addition unless there are parentheses involved. It's always nice if you can think up a few examples to illustrate what some of these questions mean. For example, 2 + 7 × 3 could refer to the number of days in two days and three weeks. (9 + 2) × 15 could mean the total amount earned if someone worked 9 hours yesterday and 2 hours today for $15 an hour. Order of Operations with Decimals & Fractions Worksheets Order of operations with decimals and fractions worksheets with both positive and negative decimals options and a variety of complexity. These worksheets are actually quite sophisticated as they require a stong foundation in a number of skills. Basic math facts, operations with decimals, exponents, and, of course, order of operations. They are not for the faint of heart, but they are also really not that complicated if students have the prerequisite knowledge. We've made them work out to nice numbers, so you won't have to deal with non-repeating decimals or such overwhelming concepts that take students forever to complete the questions. If you find students are having difficulty with these questions, ask yourself whether they have enough background knowledge to complete these questions. Like we said, it requires a lot to be successful on these pages, so spend the time backing up and going over these concepts again before proceeding. As with the decimals order of operation worksheets, the fractions order of operations worksheets require quite a bit of pre-requisite knowledge. If your students struggle with these questions, it probably has more to do with their ability to work with fractions than the questions themselves. Observe closely and try to pin point exactly what pre-requisite knowledge is missing then spend some time going over those concepts/skills before proceeding. Otherwise, the worksheets below should have fairly straight-forward answers and shouldn't result in too much hair loss.
Numbers to 5 In this unit students • learn the count sequence to 5, counting by ones; • connect counting to cardinality by pairing objects with a number name; • answer “how many?” questions; • count objects in sets; • compare numbers of objects; • write numbers. Although K.CC.A.1 calls for students to count to 100, the full intent of that standard is not met in this unit. In this unit, students practice counting by ones up to five. The teacher might lead students in choral counting. Students also start learning how to write numbers up to five. Students begin to develop an understanding of the relationship between numbers and quantities. They point to objects in sequence and match them to number names, and come to understand that the total number of objects in a set corresponds to the last number said in the sequence. They learn that that each successive number name refers to a quantity that is one larger than the last. They learn to make a one-to-one correspondence between numbers names and objects by working with “how many?” questions. They also compare the number of objects in sets of 5 or less. Although formal work with addition and subtraction has not yet begun, the counting work students do with numbers to 5 is foundational for building fluency in expressing 5 as a sum of two numbers in different ways. Comment on this unit here.
For loop with range In the previous lessons we dealt with sequential programs and conditions. Often the program needs to repeat some block several times. That's where the loops come in handy. while loop operators in Python, in this lesson we cover for loop iterates over any sequence. For instance, any string in Python is a sequence of its characters, so we can iterate over them using for character in 'hello': print(character) Another use case for a for-loop is to iterate some integer variable in increasing or decreasing order. Such a sequence of integer can be created using the function for i in range(5, 8): print(i, i ** 2) print('end of loop') # 5 25 # 6 36 # 7 49 # end of loop range(min_value, max_value) generates a sequence with numbers min_value + 1, ..., max_value - 1. The last number is not There's a reduced form of range() - range(max_value), in which case min_value is implicitly set to zero: for i in range(3): print(i) # 0 # 1 # 2 This way we can repeat some action several times: for i in range(2 ** 2): print('Hello, world!') Same as with if-else, indentation is what specifies which instructions are controlled by for and which aren't. Range() can define an empty sequence, like range(7, 3). In this case the for-block won't be executed: for i in range(-5): print('Hello, world!') Let's have more complex example and sum the integers from 1 to n inclusively. result = 0 n = 5 for i in range(1, n + 1): result += i # this ^^ is the shorthand for # result = result + i print(result) Pay attention that maximum value in range() is n + 1 to make equal to n on the last step. To iterate over a decreasing sequence, we can use an extended form of range() with three range(start_value, end_value, step). When omitted, the step is implicitly equal to 1. However, can be any non-zero value. The loop always includes start_value and excludes end_value for i in range(10, 0, -2): print(i) # 10 # 8 # 6 # 4 # 2 print()prints all its arguments separating them by a space and the puts a newline symbol after it. This behavior can be changed using keyword arguments print(1, 2, 3) print(4, 5, 6) print(1, 2, 3, sep=', ', end='. ') print(4, 5, 6, sep=', ', end='. ') print() print(1, 2, 3, sep='', end=' -- ') print(4, 5, 6, sep=' * ', end='.')
The SIN function returns the sine of a number given in radians. This function takes a single number as input. It parses that number in radians and outputs its sine. SIN(number) -> sine - number (required, type: number) - The number to calculate the sine of. This number is parsed in radians. - sine (type: number) - The sine of the given number. The following example returns the sine of 90. Note that while the sine of 90 degrees is 1, the sine of 90 radians is 0.8939966636005579, and this is the number the SIN function returns: SIN(90) -> 0.8939966636005579 In order to calculate the sine of a number of degrees, said number must first be converted into radians using the function RADIANS. The following example returns the sine of 90 degrees by first converting 90 degrees into radians and then calculating the sine of the resulting number: SIN(RADIANS(90)) -> 1 As a unit, the radian is derived from the ratio of the arc length to the radius of a circle, and thus it often makes sense to express radians as multiples of pi. (Many "neat" angles are expressed nicely as multiples of pi – the quarter turn, 90°, is 0.5π radians, and a complete rotation, 360°, is 2π radians.) To do so, the SIN function can be used in tandem with the PI function. The following example, for instance, returns the sine of 2π radians. Note that the output is not exactly 0, but it is extremely close. This is the result of small rounding errors: SIN(2 * PI()) -> -2.4492935982947064e-16
Access individual characters We’ve already learned that strings are made of a contiguous set of characters. You can access individual characters in a string or obtain a range of characters in a string. Here is how it can be done: >>> newString='Hello world!' >>> print (newString) H In the example above we’ve created a string variable newString with the value of ‘Hello world!‘. We’ve then accessed the first character of the string using the square brackets. Since Python strings are zero-based (meaning that they start with 0), we got the letter H. Here is another example. To obtain the letter w, we can use the following code: >>> print (newString) w To obtain a range of characters from a string, we need to provide the beginning and ending letter count in the square brackets. Here is an example: >>> print (newString[0:3]) Hel Notice how the character at the index 3 was not included in the output. The second number specifies the first character that you don’t want to include. You can leave out the beginning or ending number in a range and get the reminder of the string: >>> print (newString[:5]) Hello >>> print (newString[5:]) world! If you want to start counting from the end of the string, you can use a negative index. The index of -1 includes the right-most character of the string: >>> print (newString[-1]) !
The circumstances that gave rise to the “Underground Railroad” were based in the transportation of Africans to North America as part of the Atlantic Slave Trade, along the path known as the Middle Passage. Almost five hundred years ago ships captained by Europeans began transporting millions of enslaved Africans across the Atlantic Ocean to the Americas. This massive population movement helped create the African Diaspora – or dispersal of Africans the New World. About 12 million Africans were kidnapped or sold into slavery in Africa and shipped to the Western Hemisphere from 1450 to 1850. Of this, about 5 percent were brought the British North America and later, to the United States.The demands for European consumers for New World goods helped fueled the slave trade. Following a triangular route between Africa, the Caribbean, and North America, and Europe, slave traders from European countries delivered Africans in exchange for products such as rum, tobacco, and sugar, the products European consumers wanted. Traditionally, the entry of Africans into British North America is dated from the 1619 sale of 20 Blacks from a Dutch ship in Virginia. For the first few decades the status of Africans in the colonies was uncertain. Some were treated as indentured servants and freed after a term of service. Some were kept in servitude because their free labor was invaluable. When race became a factor in who was enslaved is uncertain, but by the 1640s, court decisions began to reflect a different standard for Africans than for white colonists and to accept the notion of lifetime bondage for African Americans. In the 1660s, Virginia decreed that a child follows the condition of its mother, thus making lifetime servitude inheritable. This legal standing soon became the standard wherever slavery lived.
Although two to three neutrons are produced in the fission reaction for every nucleus that undergoes fission, not all of these neutrons are available for causing further fissions. Some of the fission neutrons are lost by escape, whereas others are lost in various nonfission reactions. In order to sustain a fission chain reaction, with continuous release of energy, at least one fission neutron must be available to cause further fission for each neutron previously absorbed in fission. If the conditions arc such that the neutrons are lost at a faster rate than they are formed by fission, the chain reaction would not be self-sustaining. Some energy would be produced, but the amount would not be large enough, and the rate of liberation would not be sufficiently fast, to cause an effective explosion. It is necessary, therefore, in order to achieve a nuclear explosion, to establish conditions under which the loss of neutrons is minimized. in this connection, it is especially important to consider the neutrons which escape from the substance undergoing fission. The escape of neutrons occurs at the exterior of the uranium (or plutonium) material. The rate of loss by escape will thus be determined by the surface area. On the other hand, the fission process, which results in the formation of more neutrons, takes place throughout the whole of the material and its rate is, therefore, dependent upon the mass. By increasing the mass of the fissionable material, at constant density, the ratio of the surface area to the mass is decreased; consequently, the loss of neutrons by escape relative to their formation by fission is decreased. The same result can also be achieved by having a constant mass but compressing it to a smaller volume (higher density), so that the surface area is decreased. The situation may be understood by reference to Fig. 1.48 showing two spherical masses, one larger than the other, of fissionable material of the same density. Fission is initiated by a neutron represented by a dot within a small circle. It is supposed that in each act of fission three neutrons are emitted; in other words, one neutron is captured and three are expelled. The removal of a neutron from the system is indicated by the head of an arrow. Thus, an arrowhead within the sphere means that fission has occurred and extra neutrons are produced, whereas an arrowhead outside the sphere implies the loss of a neutron. It is evident from Fig. 1.48 that a much greater fraction of the neutrons is lost from the smaller than from the larger mass. Figure 1.48. Effect of increased mass of fissionable material in reducing the proportion of neutrons lost by escape. If the quantity of a fissionable isotope of uranium (or plutonium) is such that the ratio of the surface area to the mass is large, the proportion of neutrons lost by escape will be so great that the propagation of a nuclear fission chain, and hence the production of an explosion, will not be possible. Such a quantity of material is said to be “subcritical.” But as the mass of the piece of uranium (or plutonium) is increased (or the volume is decreased by compression) and the relative loss of neutrons is thereby decreased, a point is reached at which the chain reaction can become self-sustaining. This is referred to as the “critical mass” of the fissionable material under the existing conditions. For a nuclear explosion to take place, the weapon must thus contain a sufficient amount of a fissionable uranium (or plutonium) isotope for the critical mass to be exceeded. Actually, the critical mass depends, among other things, on the shape of the material, its composition and density (or compression), and the presence of impurities which can remove neutrons in nonfission reactions. By surrounding the fissionable material with a suitable neutron “reflector,” the loss of neutrons by escape can be reduced, and the critical mass can thus be decreased. Moreover, elements of high density, which make good reflectors for neutrons of high energy, provide inertia, thereby delaying expansion of the exploding material. The action of the reflector is then like the familiar tamping in blasting operations. As a consequence of its neutron reflecting and inertial properties, the “tamper” permits the fissionable material in a nuclear weapon to be used more efficiently.
ESL lesson plan rubrics can make or break your class. Even the best-planned tasks can fall apart if students don't understand what they have to do. This article will give you some tips for writing clear, simple rubrics for your ESL lesson plans. What is a rubric? Simply put, a rubric is a way of measuring student success. How well did they accomplish a particular task? It may be helpful to think of rubrics as a scoring tool if you have to provide students with a grade. In order to earn each grade, you should have a set of necessary criteria. For example, in order to get an A on an essay, a student must complete the assignment with less than five grammar errors, use level-appropriate vocabulary and write at least 750 words. However, for ESL conversation classes, you are generally not grading in that way. What the teacher must evaluate is a student's success at a particular class activity. This sort of rubric is harder to define, but we can still apply the same idea of criteria for successful completion. Establishing a baseline In order for students to be successful at an activity, they need to have a clear idea of what to do, so making a good rubric always starts with considering appropriate classroom instructions. The instructions should tell students the bare minimum they have to do to complete a task. For example, if your task is to read a passage and then discuss it with a group, the baseline criteria for completing that task would be that the student must read the passage and participate in the discussion. How successful they are begins from those two points. Make it clear to students exactly what is expected by using simple language. Classroom instructions should always use grammar and vocabulary well below a student's level. As much as possible, stick to very simple SVO (subject verb object) constructions and break things down into multiple steps. For example, for the task in the previous paragraph, the instructions might be, "Read this. Do you agree? Talk to your partners." Steps to success Once you have a baseline for completing a task, you can think about relative levels of success. You can make as many levels as you like, but when it comes to conversation, it is often easier to think in terms of two or three levels. For example, you may treat the baseline criteria as "meets expectations," and then come up with criteria that would "exceed expectations." If you want to track student performance in various areas, you could also set criteria for individual categories, such as grammar accuracy, vocabulary, fluency, etc. For example, again using the reading and discussion exercise, you may set criteria such as using compound sentence structures, referencing quotes from the article, using target vocabulary and facilitating the discussion ("What do you think, Kenji?") as things students could do to exceed expectations. Clarity is key As a teacher, it is important to have a clear idea what you want your students to do in class and what you want them to achieve by doing it. By knowing what your desired outcomes are, you can more fairly and helpfully evaluate your students' performance. For students, knowing what is expected of them helps them to focus and do well in the lesson. One way this can be communicated is through the instructions, but you may also choose to explain your rubrics in detail, particularly if you are giving grades. This has the added advantage of making students think about areas where they may be falling short.
Students will examine a feeling word and represent it in a dramatic presentation. Through this, students will present and observe the different situations that different feelings can exist in. - a hat, container, or bag - Pieces of paper with a different feeling word written on each. Use feeling words that your class would understand really well. Maybe you can generate a list to use ahead of time by asking your class to brainstorm a list of feeling words that they know. Some examples of feeling words are: - Place the feeling words in some sort of container. - Ask one student to come up and pick out a feeling without looking. - Now, this student is to act out a scene that has the feeling that they chose. - The rest of the class guesses the feeling that is being represented. The student who guesses correctly gets to go next, and the process is repeated. - Extension: Everytime you do this activity write out the feeling and the situation presented right beside it on chart paper. Eventually, you will have a variety of situations that the feelling can be present in. This would emphasize that there are many different feelings out there, and many different ways that they manifest themselves.
Watch this video and more on Tech Learning Network So far the code we've written has all of the variable values hardcoded, so we get the same output every time we run the program. Now we'll learn to take user input so we can process information provided by the user. Every program makes decisions. The coding structures used to make decisions are called conditionals. In this video, you'll learn to create simple conditional statements. Not every conditional is evaluated as true. In this section of the course, you'll create else statements to work with false conditions. The ternary operator is an abbreviated way of expressing a conditional-- Using it makes you look like a sophisticated Python programmer. You'll learn the ternary operator in this segment
A function is said to be a recursive if it calls itself. For example, lets say we have a function abc() and in the body of abc() there is a call to the Python example of Recursion In this example we are defining a user-defined function factorial(). This function finds the factorial of a number by calling itself repeatedly until the base case(We will discuss more about base case later, after this example) is reached. # Example of recursion in Python to # find the factorial of a given number def factorial(num): """This function calls itself to find the factorial of a number""" if num == 1: return 1 else: return (num * factorial(num - 1)) num = 5 print("Factorial of", num, "is: ", factorial(num)) Factorial of 5 is: 120 Lets see what happens in the above example: factorial(5) returns 5 * factorial(5-1) i.e. 5 * factorial(4) |__5*4*factorial(3) |__5*4*3*factorial(2) |__5*4*3*2*factorial(1) Note: factorial(1) is a base case for which we already know the value of factorial. The base case is defined in the body of function with this code: if num == 1: return 1 What is a base case in recursion When working with recursion, we should define a base case for which we already know the answer. In the above example we are finding factorial of an integer number and we already know that the factorial of 1 is 1 so this is our base case. Each successive recursive call to the function should bring it closer to the base case, which is exactly what we are doing in above example. We use base case in recursive function so that the function stops calling itself when the base case is reached. Without the base case, the function would keep calling itself indefinitely. Why use recursion in programming? We use recursion to break a big problem in small problems and those small problems into further smaller problems and so on. At the end the solutions of all the smaller subproblems are collectively helps in finding the solution of the big main problem. Advantages of recursion Recursion makes our program: 1. Easier to write. 2. Readable – Code is easier to read and understand. 3. Reduce the lines of code – It takes less lines of code to solve a problem using recursion. Disadvantages of recursion 1. Not all problems can be solved using recursion. 2. If you don’t define the base case then the code would run indefinitely. 3. Debugging is difficult in recursive functions as the function is calling itself in a loop and it is hard to understand which call is causing the issue. 4. Memory overhead – Call to the recursive function is not memory efficient.
In this lesson we try to implement a simple Python if example, to learn more about using conditional statements. I take three numbers as input and check if they can represent the length of the three sides of a triangle. Then we determine if the triangle having the indicated lengths as sides is equilateral, isosceles or scalene. Implementation of the Python if example First of all we take the three sides as input and store them in the variables side1, side2 and side3. After we check these conditions: side1 < side2 + side3 side2 < side1 + side3 side3 < side2 + side1 If all three are verified, we proceed with the check on the equality of the sides, otherwise we display a message in the output that warns the user that the data entered cannot represent the sides of a triangle. So if they can be the sides of a triangle, we can immediately check if they are all three equal (equilateral triangle) or if at least two are equal (isosceles triangle) or if they are all different (scalene triangle). Here is the complete code of the example Python if: print ('Hi, today we will create a small program on triangles') side1 = int(input('Insert the first side of a triangle:')) side2 = int(input('Insert the second side of a triangle:')) side3 = int(input('Enter the third side of a triangle:')) if side1 < side2 + side3 and side2 < side1 + side3 and side3 < side2 + side1: if side1 == side2 and side2 == side3: print('The triangle is equilateral') elif side1 == side2 or side2 == side3 or side3 == side1: print('The triangle is isosceles') else: print('The triangle is scalene') else: print('The sides inserted cannot be those of a triangle') The algorithm can be solved in various ways. I have shown just a very simple example of Python if, a program that determines whether it is possible to construct a triangle by evaluating the sides. This example allows you to learn more about the use of conditional instructions and logical operators.
Racism has long been a pressing issue, particularly in America, but few people really consider the origins of the extreme racial tensions in America, buried back in early colonial times. Portentous indeed was that Dutch ship that brought the first batch of African slaves to the shores of Jamestown, Virginia in 1619. There is a great deal of speculation about what caused the colonists to so readily accept slavery as a way of life. In Europe, there was distinct precedent for keeping servants, and many of the colonists who came as indentured servants were little better than slaves until they had worked their time, so the concept of keeping slaves was not as unseemly to them as it is to us today. A key difference, however, between the poor and indentured whites and the black slaves is that the whites had a set amount of time that they had to work, whereas the blacks were servants for life. Additionally, court records from the time period tend to show that blacks were given harsher punishments for equivalent crimes, indicating that the concept of racial inequality had already infested the minds of the populace. Some have speculated that, without having had fair exposure to African peoples, the white colonists used their physical differences as a convenient excuse to justify using blacks as slave labor. That is, without any preconceptions, a desperate need for low-cost workers was enough to instill a stereotype by which the ends could justify the means. Blacks were not the only minority that was discriminated against in colonial America; native americans and indentured whites were also looked down upon by the mainstream. It was a popular fear that two of these groups would unite and rebel against their oppressors, a fear which culminated with Bacon's rebellion. As a result, the severity of the oppression increased. Indentured whites were not allowed to fraternize with blacks, interracial marriages were forbidden, punishments increased in severity for both races, and virtually no steps were taken to ensure the basic rights of the servants, regardless of race or age. Additionally, the governing bodies took steps to keep the native americans from interacting with african slaves any more than could be avoided. In 1738, Governor Lyttletown of South Carolina wrote that "it has allways (sic) been the policy of this government to create an aversion in them Indians to Negroes." The discrimination against native americans also seems to have been largely a matter of convenience to the colonists. For a while, the colonists did not display any kind of racist attitude towards the natives of the continent. However, when they started to desire the land on which the native americans lived, the colonists began to justify their attacks with racially and culturally biased rhetoric, showing the first glimmers of Yanqui Imperialism (called "manifest destiny" by most politically correct textbooks). Additionally, the Virginian colonists seemed to resent the way that the natives were so easily able to live off of the land while the colonists starved through the cold winters. These convenient hatreds perpetuated themselves through the following centuries. Hatred of native americans waxed as the caucasian population began to boom, and waned after they had seized all but a few small parts of the land. Since the desire for cheap labor persisted, so too did the accompanying discrimination of blacks. Even after the slaves were emancipated, racism persisted for two reasons: First, resentment lingered in those states which relied heavily upon slave labor, passed faithfully from parent to child; secondly, the African-American population persisted as a threat to the prosperity of low- and middle-class whites, particularly in the form of competition for jobs and education. Through the actions of such men as Dr. King, the country has made great steps towards dispelling the racist tendencies that continue to linger, but the issue of affirmative action shows that we still have a ways to go. Zinn, Howard. A People's History of the United States
Basic Algebra/Working with Numbers/Formulas In this lesson we will be learning formulas. A formula is a standard procedure for solving a class of mathematical problems There are many different kinds of formulas and like it or not most of us high school kids need to know some of them. To give you an example of a formula we will show you the formula for finding area. To find the area of a rectangle you multiply the length times the width. If the rectangle on the right is five inches wide and six inches long you would multiply five times six and get thirty, that would be the area of this rectangle. That is the formula for the area of a rectangle: Length * Width. Of course there are other harder formulas you will have to work with but now you know the basics of what a formula is. A formula is an established form of words or symbols for use in a ceremony or procedure Formula for volume of a sphere: Vsphere=(4/3)*r3 Area of a Square: area = width x height Solve for 'y': (a = 7) a +5 + y = 20 a + 5 + y = 20 (Put the 7 in place of the 'a') 7 + 5 + y = 20 (Add the integers, add 7+5=12) 12 + y = 20 12-12 + y = 20 - 12 (to get the 12 to the other side, add -12 to each side.) y = 8 (this leaves y=8) a + 5 + y = 20 (to check it, put the 7 in place of the a, and the 8 in place of the y. 7+5+8=20) 7 + 5 + 8 = 20 Solve for 'x': (a = 7) 5 + 2 + x + a = 24 5 + 2 + x + 7 = 24 14 + x = 24 14-14 + x = 24-14 x = 10 Check: 5 + 2 + x + a = 24 5 + 2 + 10 + 7 = 24 put links here to games that reinforce these skills (Note: put answer in parentheses after each problem you write)
Students will connect number sentences to problem situations and use addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division to solve the problems. Before the Activity On a sentence strip or on the overhead, display a number sentence such as "8 + 2 = ?" Have students brainstorm situations and related questions that this number sentence could be representing. For example, "If I bought eight postcards on my vacation and I had two postcards already at home, how many postcards do I have now?" During the Activity Demonstrate how to display this equation on the calculator, and how to tell the calculator what the value of ? is.
Our Prime/Composite Numbers lesson helps students distinguish the difference between prime and composite numbers, and how knowing and identifying them can help them with mathematical operations. It is important for students to explain why prime and composite numbers are not the same as odd and even numbers. Students are asked to play a prime/composite game with a partner in which they create their own factor trees and the student who correctly completes their tree and circles all prime numbers first wins. Students are also asked to individually complete practice problems in order to demonstrate their understanding of the lesson. At the end of the lesson, students will be able to define prime and composite and identify prime and composite numbers and explain their use for mathematical operations. Common Core State Standards: CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.4.OA.B.4
How Teachers Teach Partitive & Quotative Division When teaching partitive and quotative division, the type of division comes down to the context as described in a word problem. With partitive division, also called sharing division, a word problem is asking you to perform division to find out how many items go in each group. For example, if you have 30 chocolate bars and 10 people, how many chocolate bars does each person get? With quotative division, the object is to find out how many groups can be formed with a prescribed group size. For example, if there are 20 books and each person needs two books, how many people will get books? Teachers do not need to teach students the terms "partitive"and "quotative," but they should guide students to be able to solve both forms of real-world division problems. 1 Multiplication and Division Teachers should review multiplication and division facts on the board or orally and reaffirm the relationship between multiplication and division. Students should understand that when they multiply the quotient and divisor together, they will get the dividend as an answer. For example, 63 divided by 9 equals 7, and 7 times 9 equals 63. Once students have a firm grasp on quotative and partitive division, the teacher can demonstrate the relationship between fractions and division. The numerator of a fraction is like the dividend and the denominator is like the divisor. 2 Role Playing Teachers can introduce partitive and quotative division by acting out real-world scenarios for the whole class using props and student volunteers. For example, for partitive division, the teacher can call up four volunteers to the front of the class; each student represents one group. The teacher has 16 items and starts passing out one prop to each student, while asking the class how many items each student will receive. To act out a quotative real-world scenario, the teacher can tell the class that each person needs two socks and that she has 12. She starts passing out two socks to each student while asking the class how many students (or groups) will receive the appropriate amount of socks. For each role-play, the teacher should follow up by writing the relevant equation on the board. Students can complete worksheets that include both quotative and partitive division word problems. For the initial worksheets, teachers should show students how to illustrate each scenario. For example, for a question that says, "Two people were given eight hot dogs; how many hot dogs does each person get?", students can draw eight hot dogs and underneath draw two people, each with four hot dogs surrounding them. Once they understand the concepts, they can simply complete word problems without drawing. 4 Recognizing Division Problems If students are doing a sheet with only division problems, they have a fairly simple task of coming up with the correct answer. But, if they are given a sheet with multiplication and division problems, they may have issues figuring out the correct operation. Teachers should read word problems aloud and see if the class can identify whether the problem requires multiplication, division, or even addition or subtraction. "Per," "groups of" and "shared equally" are examples of keywords that denote division. The Aversboro Math Resources page offers a list of keywords for each operation that teachers can teach their students.
Here is a fine worksheet on pronouns. Learners are coached as to just what a pronoun is, and what it does in a sentence. Then, they must find the pronouns in 12 sentences and underline each one. Good, solid practice. 7 Views 15 Downloads Subject Pronouns Worksheet Two How well do your pupils know subject pronouns? Provide some practice with this straightforward activity. For 18 sentences, individuals circle the subject pronouns. A brief definition of subject pronouns and a list of subject pronouns are... 2nd - 8th English Language Arts Ask your pupils to demonstrate their understanding of demonstrative pronouns by completing this activity. There are two parts to the exercise. First, learners identify the pronouns in sentences, and then they complete a short series of... 2nd - 8th English Language Arts CCSS: Designed Subject and Object Pronouns; Direct and Indirect Object Replacing a gift can end up in an awkward moment—but not when replacing a noun with a pronoun! Watch the most effective ways to use subject and object pronouns, as well as direct and indirect object pronouns, with an entertaining grammar... 3rd - 8th English Language Arts CCSS: Adaptable
Fourth grade students are expected to begin multiplication with fractions. Below is the common core standard. 4.NF.4 – Apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication to multiply a fraction by a whole number. When introducing this concept, I made sure to connect the equations to repeated addition and how the ‘x’ symbol means ‘groups of’. Working with fractions can be confusing, so we also used lots of math manipulatives to make these equations concrete. Don’t rush into teaching students tricks or shortcuts. It’s important to take the time and show students what these equations mean. Below is a quick activity you can use before jumping into multiplication with fractions. This activity is included in the free download at the end of this post. Represent Fractions in Various Ways In the above image, we looked at how we can represent a fraction in various ways. - We can draw an area model. (4/6) - We can then break apart the fraction into unit fractions and it still equals the same amount. - We can write the unit fractions as a repeated addition sentence. (1/6 + 1/6 + 1/6 + 1/6) - We can then take that repeated addition sentence and change it to a multiplication equation. (4 x 1/6) Remember to Show Your Work! If you follow me on instagram, you’ll find that I post what my daughter and I are working on for the week. She is attending virtual school, and I am her learning coach. Below are a couple of pictures I posted as we worked through the lesson. Students can show their work by writing the unit fractions (left picture) or using math manipulatives (right picture). Spin an Equation – Free Math Game I created the following game to practice multiplying fractions by a whole number. It also includes fractions greater than one. Again, it’s important to show what these equations mean by either writing a repeated addition sentence, using math manipulatives, or drawing models. The above game is included in the free download. Download the Resources - Simply fill out the form below to receive the free printables. After you confirm your subscription, the free resources listed in this blog post will be sent to your inbox! - Already a subscriber? Visit the resource library!
You may remember learning about parts of speech oh, so long ago in your own elementary school days. Perhaps your teacher just discussed the different parts of speech and then handed out a worksheet or Daily Oral Language (DOL), expecting you to figure out how to use the parts of speech in an actual sentence. How intimidating is that? But learning about the different parts of speech doesn’t have to be boring or intimidating. In fact, there are many creative and exciting ways to teach parts of speech to your elementary students. Just thinking about the different parts of speech can be overwhelming for many students! There are nine different parts of speech, and some of them have similar names that can be confusing or misleading. Some parts of speech describe tangible objects (nouns), but other more abstract concepts like adverbs can really throw your students for a loop. Teach Students To Remember What They Learn As you know, students that are taught about parts of speech (or anything, really) in more engaging ways are more likely to retain the information they learn. When planning your unit on parts of speech, consider giving some of these ideas a try. By appealing to the different learning styles and preferences of your students, you can make learning fun while upping those upcoming standardized test scores. 8 Ideas to Teach Parts of Speech - Colored Highlighting: Appeal to your right-brain learners by encouraging coloring as you teach parts of speech! Have students analyze sentences, either on the whiteboard or on individual tablets or in notebooks, by coloring the parts of speech different colors. Students can construct a key to explain which color represents each part of speech. - Sorting Buckets: Label buckets, boxes, or other storage receptacles with the different parts of speech. Provide students with laminated words or have them write out/cut out their own. Time them to make it a friendly competition by having students race against each other or the clock. - Task Card Centers: Students can work in small groups to rotate through centers with task cards, like these Parts of Speech Task Cards. Assign a set of task cards to each group or center and have students work collectively to practice the skill. - Substitution Game: Have students practice their synonym skills by brainstorming words that could substitute for words of each parts of speech category. For example, as students learn about adjectives, have students find synonyms for different adjectives like beautiful, smart, and funny. Have students remember the Substitution Game when they attempt open-ended response or on-demand writings. Encourage them to substitute overused, simple words with more vibrant, descriptive synonyms. Follow-Through Skill Practice - Mad Lib Type Game: Great in pairs or even in small groups, teach parts of speech by having students play an Mad Lib type activity like Blankity-Blanks! Instruct students to assign random words to their corresponding parts of speech, and then share the funny results aloud. - Fill in the Blank Worksheets: While they sometimes get a bad rap, worksheets are sometimes just what you need to reinforce basic concepts. Alternatively you could project sentences to the whole class and have students fill in the blanks, assigning an appropriate part of speech that fits. Differentiate for struggling students by using a word bank. - Label the Room: One of the best ways to engage students is to get them up and moving! Ask students to move around the classroom, similar to the Task Card Centers, but have them label the room. They’ll easily label nouns and adjectives, but they may struggle or have to work together to appropriately represent articles and adverbs! - Partner Match: Assign words to represent parts of speech to different students and instruct them to work together to find their match! For instance, assign the words “dog,” “delicious,” “pizza,” and “beautiful” to four different students and have them pair up. Pairing “delicious” with “dog” would fit both parts of speech, but wouldn’t make very much sense! Students will have to collaborate to find their proper match, and may end up giggling almost as much as during a Mad Lib type game by the end! By folding these engaging parts of speech exercises into your lesson plan or unit, your students are sure to engage with the lesson. They’ll be more likely to understand parts of speech. They’ll also likely retain more information for end-of-year tests. Leave a Reply
It seems that there is a lot of confusion as to what isotopes, radioisotopes, nuclides, and radionuclides are. First, we have to go back to chemistry class and remember the periodic table of elements, which lists all of the chemical elements in an organized fashion. The periodic table reports each element with its average properties. Each chemical element on the periodic table has a distinct number of protons. The reason we say “average properties” here is because each element has a number of different isotopes. The word “isotope” indicates an equal number of protons, hence the prefix “iso” and the letter “p” in the name (note that isotones represent nuclides with the same number of neutrons). For example, hydrogen (1 proton) consists of 3 natural isotopes: hydrogen (0 neutrons), deuterium (1 neutron), and tritium (2 neutrons). The same is true of uranium, where U-235 is an isotope that can undergo fission. The number 235 represents the sum of neutrons and protons that make up the nucleus of the uranium atom (92 protons and 143 neutrons). The term “nuclide” is just a general name for any isotope of a chemical element. The prefix “radio” in front of “isotope” and “nuclide” refers to radioactivity. This indicates the spontaneous transformation (decay) of unstable nuclides to more stable ones. In order to accomplish this, nuclides may emit a spectrum of particles including alpha particles, beta particles (electrons or positrons), neutrons, gamma rays (photons), or x-rays. In order to characterize the probability of a nuclide decaying, each radionuclide has a half-life. The half-life of a radionuclide is the expected time it takes for one half of the amount of one isotope to decay into another isotope. In terms of radiation safety, it is desirable for unstable nuclides to eventually decay to stable nuclides. The amount of radionuclide present, when there is no source producing it, undergoes an exponential rate of decay. Activity is another term that is used when talking about radioisotopes. Activity, measured in the unit of Bequerel (Bq), is the number of decays occurring per unit time. It is not necessarily equal to the rate at which particles are emitted. For example, cobalt-60 emits both beta and gamma radiation each time it decays. The activity of an isotope also follows a similar exponential trend as shown above. It is also often expressed in units of Curie (Ci), where 1 Ci = 3.7 x 1010 Bq. There is also a big difference between nuclear reactions and chemical reactions. Nuclear reactions are quite different for different isotopes of the same element, while chemical reactions are quite similar for different isotopes of the same element. All isotopes of the same element (I-127, I-131, and I-135 are all isotopes of iodine) have similar chemical interactions, but they could result in different health effects due to different levels of radioactivity. This is because chemical reactions involve changing electron configurations in the atom. Since all isotopes of a given chemical element have the same electron configuration, they will have similar chemical reactions. A good example is the use of iodine tablets. Different isotopes of iodine will have similar chemical interactions in the body. Therefore, if the body is already saturated with non-radioactive iodine, it is already full and radioactive iodine has a lower chance of being absorbed. For nuclear reactions, each isotope of an element will have different nuclear reaction characteristics. For example, slow neutrons have a much higher chance of causing fission in U-235 than in U-238.
During the early 1800s, the United States wanted lands that Native American groups inhabited east of the Mississippi River. The young nation needed land for continued expansion. Occupying the region along with Native Americans was not a real consideration, since white settlers believed in private land ownership that contrasted starkly with the Native American concept of communal property. The Indian Removal Act of 1830 was the Congressional solution to the dilemma. This law relocated Native American tribes to locations west of the Mississippi and provided the president with the authority to negotiate treaties to implement removal. After Congress passed the Indian Removal Act, President Andrew Jackson signed it into law on May 28, 1830. The president had a history of aggression with Native Americans. Jackson, serving as an army officer, defeated the Creek Nation in 1814. As a result, the United States took over 20 million acres of territory from the Creek. Over the next decade, Jackson forced Native American groups to surrender land throughout the Southeast. Out of the 11 treaties Native Americans signed between 1814 and 1824 ceding land to the United States, Jackson played a central role in nine. Implementing the Removal Act President Jackson lobbied Congress to draft a law providing him with the power to give western lands to Native Americans. In return for the land grants, the tribes would have to relinquish all claims to lands east of the Mississippi River. Consequently, 50,000 people relocated to so-called Indian Territory in present-day Oklahoma under treaties signed with Jackson. The Removal Act legitimized Jackson’s desire to take Native American lands. Things worked smoothly in that regard when tribes accepted the terms Jackson set out for them, but the steadfast Cherokee refused to submit and remained in Georgia. Threatened with removal under state law, the Cherokee filed suit in the United States Supreme Court. In the case of Worcester vs. Georgia (1832), the justices ruled that the Cherokee were an independent nation living within the borders of the United States. The State of Georgia could not forcibly remove the Native Americans west, the decision declared. Andrew Jackson refused to back the ruling, leaving the Cherokee defenseless against Georgians determined to settle the land. Trail of Tears Emblematic of removal policy was the ultimate fate of the eastern Cherokee. The Jackson administration ignored the Supreme Court ruling and signed the Treaty of New Echota with a small group of Cherokee in 1835. This minority relocated to Oklahoma. The majority of the tribe remained in Georgia, citing their rights under the earlier Supreme Court ruling. President Martin van Buren, who succeeded Jackson, sent federal troops to Georgia in 1838 to lead a forced march to Oklahoma. On November 12, 1838, about 12,000 Cherokee began the 800-mile journey from Georgia. Estimates are that 4,000 died along the way. - John C. H. Grabill/Hulton Archive/Getty Images
The accretion disc is formed when the material falls towards a stronger gravitational force. It could be a star or a black hole. The shape of the accretion disc can be flattened, circular, oval or irregular. These types of discs are found around different types of celestial bodies. They can also be found in very small regions of a few thousand kilometers around white dwarf and neutron stars. In addition, young stars undergoing the process of formation are also found in protoplanetary disks. If viewed on the scale of the Solar System, the largest accretion disk is found around the center of active galaxies. The accretion discs exist on a large scale and apparently there is some physical reason behind their formation. Since angular momentum is always conserved, small rotations in any falling material are magnified as it falls towards the star or black hole. It's like a swinging motion of ice skaters, who accelerate as they bring their arms inward. As these particles move towards the central source, collisions become more frequent due to the increase in the density of the particles. As a result, they heat up and release X-rays. This radiation is an important tool for astronomers, because black holes cannot be directly observed – not even light can escape the strength of their gravitational pull. X-rays emanating from the accretion disk can be observed and used to detect black holes.
Before I start with control flow tools, here are a few definitions: - Value: Basic units of data. Eg- - Variable: A name that refers to a value. Eg- varis the variable. - Statement: A section of code that represents a command or action. - Operator: A symbol that performs operations on operands. Eg- *is for multiplication - Expression A combination of variables, operators, and values to perform a task. To learn about operators in Python refer here. Some of the control flow tools are: if statements are used for conditional decision making. Executution starts from else statements. The first condition that matches (evaluates to True) is executed and the remaining conditions are skipped. Example: num=42 if num>0: print('postive number') elif num==0: print('Zero') else: print('negative number') #output postive number while statement is used for iteration. It consists of a condition, which evaluates to either False. The code inside the while loop is executed as long as the condition evaluates to print('while example') counter=10 while counter>0: print(counter) counter-=1 print('Blast off') #output while example 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Blast off for loop is used to iterate over the items of any sequence such as lists, strings. Examples: print('for example 1') values=[11,12,34,46] for i in values: print(i) print('for example 2') for i in range(6): print(i) #output for example 1 11 12 34 46 for example 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 continue statement is used to skip the current iteration of either a for loop. Example: print('continue example') for i in range(10): if(i%2==0): continue print(i) #output continue example 1 3 5 7 9 In the above example, even numbers are not printed. break statement is used to stop the execution of the loop that it is encountered in. Example: print('break example') for i in range(10): if(i==6): break print(i) #output break example 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 is encountered, execution of the for loop is stopped. Note that in the case of nested loops, only the execution of the loop that break is encountered in is stopped, but not the loops at a pass statement does not do anything. It is generally used in situations where code is expected to be present, but there is nothing meaningful that can be placed. The following example demonstrates the pass, though it is not a good example of where to use print('pass example') for i in range(10): pass print(i) pass #output pass example 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Code for today’s plog is here.
So far you have learned about different structures of conditional. But the conditionals such as if-then-else also employ different types of logical operators. In this article, you will learn about the conditionals and operators that we can use with conditional structures. There are categories of logical operators that the python programming language uses and they are : - Relational Operators - Set Membership operators - Boolean Functions - Boolean Operators Now we see examples of each one them and understand how it works. The relational operators are those operators that return true or false after comparing numeric or non-numeric values. To learn more about relational or logical operators visit the following link: # Check the mark of a student and display the result marks_average = 60 if marks_average >= 50: print("You have passed the Test") else: print("You failed! Try harder next time") The program uses “greater than or equal to” (>=) operator to evaluate the . The output of the program is given below. You have passed the Test Set Membership Operator The set membership operator checks if a particular value belongs to a set or not. The set could be anything that represent a or . There are two set membership operators - not in In this example, we are going to use operator to check if a value belongs to a list or not. my_fruits = ["Oranges","Apples","Grapes","Banana","Mango"] # now check if "Apples" in the fruit list or not if "Apples" in my_fruits: print("Apples in the list") else: print("Not in the list") The set operator will check each item with and if not found returns . If found returns a . You will print the result based on the output you get. Python has special function associated with different data types or for testing certain conditions. They are called because the return either or . Consider the following code which checks if a string is digit or not. str = "23444" if str.isdigit(): print("This string is digits") else: print("This is string") The output of the program is given below. ============== RESTART: C:/Python_projects/Boolean_Functions.py ============== This string is digits The Boolean operators can check multiple conditions at a time and return either or . There are three which are given below. # In the example, we check the price of cake which must be less than $100 # and must contain chocolate, if true you can buy them, else not buy them # =================================================================== cake_price = 90 contains_chocolate = True # =================================================================== # check the conditions using Boolean operator AND # =================================================================== if cake_price < 100 and contains_chocolate == True: print("Go ahead, buy the cake") else: print("Don't buy the cake") Output of the program is given below. ======== RESTART: C:/Python_projects/Boolean_Operator_Cake_Example.py ======== Go ahead, buy the cake
An angle is formed by the union of two non-collinear rays that have a common endpoint. This endpoint is the vertex of the angle, and the two rays become the sides of this angle. These two rays can form different types of angles. The different types of angles formed are acute, right, obtuse and reflex angles. A reflex angle is greater than 180 degrees but less than 360 degrees. In math, the convention for naming angles is either to use the vertex point or by using three points. Two of these points lie on either angle sides, and the third is the vertex. For example, an angle having point F on one angle side, point G on the other side and the vertex H can be named angle H, angle FHG or angle GHF.
The following lessons were created for an 8th grade class. The lessons introduce students to arithmetic and geometric sequences. The first lesson introduces the students to the type of pattern and any new key vocabulary pertaining to the subject matter. Next, students get deeper into the sequences and derive explicit formulas. Students will not be given the abstract formulas at the beginning of these lessons. Instead they will work collaboratively to determine the patterns within the sequences to “create” the formula. This method gains the students understanding of the concept behind the formula and leads them to the abstract explicit formula for finding the nth term of a sequence. Once students have completed their investigations they will then create x/y tables for their sequences, which will then result in ordered pairs for graphing! Students graph the ordered pairs for our sequences and will uncover in their investigations that arithmetic sequences result in linear graphs because they are linear functions. Also, that geometric sequences result in exponential changes, thus exponential functions. Students will understand the difference of exponential changes vs linear through a series of assignments and hands on activities. This unit plan integrates literature and science and makes use of collaborative activities and oral presentations. This will assist students with further studies when calculating the partial sums and understanding the idea of limits when analyzing graphs.
We will now consider some of the important rules of probability. Meanwhile we would also understand the meaning of terms along the line. They include: Some term you need to know includes Joint Probability and Marginal Probability Let’s start with Conditional Probability. 1. Conditional Probability We would use the example of the box of apples and oranges from Lecture 8 (Introduction to Probability Theory). And we would illustrate by an example. Assume that we randomly select a box. Then from this box, we randomly pick a fruit without replacing the first one. If we already know the probability of picking a box to be P(B), then what is the probability P(F) that the fruit is an apple. In other words, given a known probability, P(B), what is the probability of P(F). This is written of the form: P(F | B) and read as: the conditional probability of F, given B. 2. The Sum Rule In this case, we would state the Sum Rule and then explain it. Later, we would apply it to our apple and oranges example. Note that I’m using upper and lower case p the same. We would have written it in terms of the boxes example but it would be clearer we understand the formula. P(X, Y) is known as the joint probability of X and Y. It is read as the probability of X and Y. Also, P(X) is known as marginal probability of X. Therefore, the sum rule simply means that we can find the probability of X by summing up all the joint probabilities of X over Y. But you may ask, how do we find the joint probability? We get it using the product rule! 3. The Product Rule As mentioned, the product rule helps us find joint probability. The product rule states: What if we interchange X and Y? The know about the symmetry property which says that the product rule is same as: Here P(Y, X) is the joint probability of Y and X while P(X | Y) is the conditional probability of X given Y. Finally, P(X) is the marginal probability of X (or just the probability of X). But you may ask: how do we find conditional probability? We get it using the Bayes’ Theorem! 4. Bayes Theorem Bayes theorem helps us find conditional probability. It simply derived from the product rule. If we rewrite the product rule in terms of P(X|Y) we would have: Now we can use the symmetry property from the product rule to replace the numerator. The we have: This is the legendary Bayes’ theorem! I would recommend you take some time to get it around your head. Maybe, write it out a number of times. Also see how you can derive it. What have we learnt so far? - First you now understand the terms, conditional probability, marginal probability and joint probability - You now know of the sum rule which helps us find the marginal probability. It states that the marginal probability of X is the sum of joint probabilities of X and Y over Y - You also now know of the product rule which helps us find the joint probability - You also know know of Bayes’ theorem which helps us find the conditional probabilities. In the next class, we would see how we can apply all of these to solve a problem
In the English language, the part of speech indicates how a word functions in meaning as well as grammatically within any given sentence. The verb is one of the eight parts of speech in the English language. In any sentence, the verb expresses action or being. It is a word or a combination of words that indicates action or a state of being or condition. In other words, a verb tells us what the subject performs. Generally, there is the main verb and sometimes one or more helping verbs in any given sentence. Action verbs or dynamic verbs as these are otherwise known, express an action whether physical or mental. It is a verb that describes an action, like give, walk, run, jump, eat, build, cry, smile, think, or play. An action verb explains what the subject of the sentence is doing or has done. There are lots of action verbs used in the English language. The worksheet focuses on educating first graders about action verbs. It consists of exercises to recognize action verbs. To determine if a word is an action verb or not one must look at the sentence and see if the word shows something one can do or something someone can be or feel. If it is something they can do, then it is an action verb. For example, in the sentence – ‘I run’, ‘run’ is an action that one can perform. Hence, ‘run’ is an action verb. There are six total sheets in this ‘Identify Action Verbs Printable Worksheet for First Graders. Each sheet consists of several words. Students have to determine which of the given words are action verbs and circle them. It is a simple but effective exercise to teach kids about action verbs. In the first sheet, there is a solved example for reference. This worksheet can be used at home as well as in schools. Make sure to ask students to write their name, section, date, and their teacher’s name if you use these to test your student’s ability to identify action verbs at school. Verbs are everywhere. We see, eat, sing, dance, draw and sleep. We use action verbs in most of the sentences we write. Thus it is essential for kids to understand what a verb and action verb is. The worksheet can be used independently or you can browse our website for more verb-related worksheets. Download, print, and get started now!
The early moments of the universe were turbulent and filled with hot and dense matter. Fluctuations in the early universe could have been great enough that stellar-mass pockets of matter collapsed under their own weight to create primordial black holes. Although we’ve never detected these small black holes, they could have played a vital role in cosmic evolution, perhaps growing into the supermassive black holes we see today. A new study shows how this could work, but also finds the process is complicated. A popular model for primordial black holes is that they were seeds for galaxies and stars. Even a small black hole would attract matter to it, forming a galactic nebula, and the more dense gas around the black hole would trigger the formation of early stars. This would explain why galaxies formed early in the universe, and also why most galaxies contain a supermassive black hole. Some argue that primordial black hole seeds play an essential role in the formation of early galaxies. Without black holes to trigger the process, galaxies would not have formed early. To look at this question, the team created a simulation on a massive supercomputer known as Stampede2. From their simulations, the team found that primordial black holes can encourage galaxy formation and star production, but they can also hinder it. Primordial black holes could have pulled matter toward it to trigger stellar formation, but matter consumed by a black hole also heats nearby gas, causing it to push away. So primordial black holes turn out to have a give-and-take effect. Attracting matter into galactic clouds gravitationally, but also heating the central region and hindering star production. So primordial black holes don’t play a conclusive role. The effects of seeding and heating almost cancel each other out. The smallest changes in initial conditions can determine whether a primordial black hole is a help or a hindrance in early galaxy formation. Of course, things can change significantly with the introduction of dark matter. Dark matter is attracted to a black hole gravitationally but doesn’t heat nearby material the way regular matter does. Primordial black holes and dark matter could have worked together in a way that overpowers any heating from the primordial black holes. If that’s the case, the interaction of dark matter and primordial black holes could have created gravitational waves. These waves are too faint for us to detect right now, but future gravitational wave telescopes might be able to. These detailed simulations show just how subtle and complex the role of primordial black holes can be. As the team moves toward creating even more detailed simulations, they hope to see how dark matter, primordial black holes, and star production might lead to the formation of supermassive black holes. In time they might be able to tell us how such big objects have such small beginnings. Reference: Liu, Boyuan, Saiyang Zhang, and Volker Bromm. “Effects of stellar-mass primordial black holes on first star formation.” Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 514.2 (2022): 2376–2396.
Copyright © University of Cambridge. All rights reserved. 'Triangles All Around' printed from http://nrich.maths.org/ Why do this problem? This problem offers an opportunity for pupils to work in a systematic way, using their knowledge of the properties of triangles. Learners will need to apply what they know about angles in circles and triangles in order to calculate the angles in each triangle they draw. The problem encourages them to be clear about what they do know and what they can work out from it. It would be a good idea to try Nine-pin Triangles before tackling this task. You may like to read the teachers' notes of that task and follow a similar approach. A useful discussion about which triangles are the same and which are different could be encouraged. If working on paper rather than using the interactivity, pupils may find it helpful to print these sheets off: Sheet of four-peg Sheet of six-peg Sheet of eight-peg How do you know your triangles are all different? How do you know you have got all the different triangles? What do you know about the angles in a circle? What do you know about the angles in a triangle? Working in pairs will help learners access this task. After some time, you could encourage two pairs to join forces and compare their ways of working.
Methods are also called as Functions. Methods are used to execute specific set of instructions Functions take arguments and have return type. Arguments are like an input given to the function and return type is the output of the function. Return type can be two types in ruby: Syntax of method: def methodname(arguments) statements return end In the above code, there is a method named square with one argument. A variable named number is assigned with the value of 3. Another variable called numbersqr is assigned with the value returned by the function. Here, we call the function by specifying the name and passing the argument. square(number). It is called function calling statement. number is passed to the function which is assigned to the local variable num in the function, the number is multiplied and the function returns the value which is assigned to the variable This is the output of the above program : The value 9 is returned from the function and assigned to variable numbersqr and displayed using In this program, there are two methods power. Power method takes two arguments. This method returns the value after raising the value present in the base variable to the value present in the exp variable. This method explicitly returns the value. That is, the value is returned using def power (base, exp) product = 1 while exp > 0 product *= base exp -= 1 end return product end When this function is called by passing the following parameters: power (3, 3). It returns the value of 3 raised to the power 3. In this program, the function calling statement is written inside print method. This specifies that function called be anywhere in the program. First, the square method is called, it returns the value and stored in the variable numbersqr. Now, when calling power method, we are passing the variables number. Therefore, the value of numbersqr ^ number is returned. In our case, 9*9*9 which is 729 is returned from the function.
Now that you have almost finished the first three levels of this program, I want you to think about the eight parts of speech. When you study a language, it helps to label the different parts of a sentence or a question with the following terms: This is the classic list of terms that teachers use when talking about the eight parts of speech, but I also like to mention articles as well because they are so important in English. If you still need help understanding what these words do in a sentence, go back to the lessons in which they are explained. Nouns:These are words that function as subject, objects, and objects of prepositions. A noun is a person, a place, a thing, or an idea. Pronouns: These are words that can take the place of a noun. Words like "he," "him," "his," and pronouns. It important to know the differences among subject, object, possessive, and reflexive pronouns. Verbs: These words describe the action or inaction in a sentence. The key to understanding English well is to focus on the way verbs change. You have probably already noticed that most of the lessons here are about verbs and the various tenses in which they are found. Adjectives: Use adjectives to provide information about nouns. Adjectives describe color, size, degree, depth, quality, etc. Adverbs: These are words that you use to describe verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. Conjunctions: Join ideas and words together with the use of conjunctions. There are many different kinds, but the two basic groups of conjunctions are coordinating and subordinating. Prepositions: These small yet important words indicate position, location, and relationships. Interjections: One-word responses and exclamations are interjections. these are words such as "wow," "hey," and "yeah." This is the least important among the eight parts of speech. It’s much more important, for instance, to learn about articles.
In this tutorial we will cover basics of python while loop. In the previous tutorial, we learned about Python for loop. Table of Contents Python while loop Python while loop is used to repeatedly execute some statements until the condition is true. So the basic structure of python while loop is: While condition : #Start of the statements Statement . . . . . . . Statement #End of the Statements else : #this scope is optional #This statements will be executed if the condition #written to execute while loop is false For example, the following code will give you some ideas about the while loop. In this example, we are printing numbers from 1 to 4 inside loop and 5 in outside of the loop cnt=1 #this is the initial variable while cnt < 5 : #inside of while loop print (cnt,"This is inside of while loop") cnt+=1 else : #this statement will be printed if cnt is equals to 5 print (cnt, "This is outside of while loop") In the example of for loop tutorial, we print each letter from words. We can implement that code use while loop. The following code will show you that. word="anaconda" pos=0 #initial position is zero while pos < len(word) : print (word[pos]) #increment the position after printing the letter of that position pos+=1 An interesting fact about the loop is if you implement something using for loop, you can implement that in a while loop too. Try to implement examples shown in for loop tutorial in a while loop. Python Nested while loop You can write while loop inside another while loop. Suppose you need to print a pattern like this 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 The following code will illustrate how to implement that using nested while loop. line=1 #this is the initial variable while line <= 5 : pos = 1 while pos < line: #This print will add space after printing the value print pos, #increment the value of pos by one pos += 1 else: #This print will add newline after printing the value print pos #increment the value of line by one line += 1 Python while loop infinite problem Since the while loop will continue to run until the condition becomes false, you should make sure it does otherwise program will never end. Sometimes it can come handy when you want your program to wait for some input and keep checking continuously. var = 100 while var == 100 : # an infinite loop data = input("Enter something:") print ("You entered : ", data) print ("Good Bye Friend!") If you run the above program, it will never end and you will have to kill it using the Ctrl+C keyboard command. >>> ================= RESTART: /Users/pankaj/Desktop/infinite.py ================= Enter something:10 You entered : 10 Enter something:20 You entered : 20 Enter something: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/pankaj/Desktop/infinite.py", line 3, in <module> data = input("Enter something:") KeyboardInterrupt >>> That’s all about python while loop example tutorial. For any queries please comment below.
Students learn to identify the point of view from which a story is told and how this affects the reader's response. They also learn to change point of view, and to write from another character's point of view! Complete with a teacher's page PDF and a launch-and-learn Notebook file, this mini-lesson helps to achieve the following learning objectives: • To compare the usefulness of techniques such as visualization and point of view in exploring the meaning of texts. Grades 4 - 6 This mini-lesson meets the following Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts:RL.4.6: Compare and contrast the point of view from which different stories are narrated, including the difference between first- and third-person narrations.RL.5.6: Describe how a narrator’s or speaker’s point of view influences how events are described.RL.6.6: Explain how an author develops the point of view of the narrator or speaker in a text.
Common Core Standards: Math Ratios and Proportional Relationships 7.RP.A.2.a 2a. Decide whether two quantities are in a proportional relationship, e.g., by testing for equivalent ratios in a table or graphing on a coordinate plane and observing whether the graph is a straight line through the origin. Here's a suggestion: start a lesson off telling your students that you can read minds. Seriously. Chances are, they won't just take your word for it—they'll want some proof. Then give them two quantities and say that they're proportional. If they don't question you about it, they're in trouble. Just like with mind reading, they shouldn't just take someone's word that two quantities are proportional to each other; they've gotta test it out themselves. Students should understand that they can test whether two ratios are proportional/equivalent in a few different ways. A table of values is always a safe bet—they can check to see whether each set of values has a multiplicative relationship to the next set. Here's a quick example: in the following table, is the ratio of coffee to sugar proportional across the board? The ratio of coffee to sugar in the first column is 6:1, and we can multiply that ratio by different values of 1 to get each new set of values: , and etc. That multiplicative relationship is the same for every entry, so yep, everything's proportional here. Another good test is to graph each ratio as a coordinate point, then see if they all sit on a straight line that passes through (0, 0). In our coffee-to-sugar example, we could graph (6, 1), (18, 3), (30, 5), and (42, 7), and all four points would be part of the line . That tells us if we're rocking a 42-oz cup of coffee in the morning (don't judge us, it was a long night), we'd have to put in 7 sugar cubes to get the same level of sweetness as a 6-oz cup with 1 sugar cube. Numerically, comparing ratios is as easy as reducing their fractions down to their simplest form. If we're trying to decide whether and are proportional to each other, remind your students to reduce, reduce, reduce. Since the simplest form of both is we can tell they're definitely in a proportional relationship.
An adjective describes something; it usually describes a noun. With this printable parts of speech worksheet, students will be asked to add a noun for each adjective to describe. Made easy to print, this activity is perfect for use both at home and in the classroom! Common Noun Worksheets What is a common noun? A common noun is a word that refers to a general object rather than a specific one. It is not capitalized unless it's the first word in a sentence. Ex. The dog belongs to the women at the fire station. In this sentence, "dog," "women" and "fire station" are all general terms that refer to a class of items rather than to named individuals. Common nouns are different from Proper Nouns which give a name to a noun. Feel free to use the printable noun worksheets below in class or at home! With this printable activity, students will practice writing a noun for each letter of the alphabet. All the way from A to Z, see how many creative words your students can come up with! Our Parts of Speech Alphabet Worksheet is perfect for K – 3rd grade, but can be used where appropriate. Write Common or Proper on the line next to each noun. Then, write three of each. Read the story. Circle all the nouns. Write them on the lines below the story. Circle the nouns and cross out words that are not nouns. Tell whether each noun is common or proper. Write the plural of each word. Underline the common nouns and circle the proper nouns. Identifying parts of speech is an important skill to learn in early education! With this printable activity, students will practice writing nouns and adjectives. After reading through a series of adjectives, students will be asked to write a noun for each adjective to describe. Your student can go funny or serious by filling in the nouns and adjectives in this Thanksgiving grammar worksheet.
Imagine the Antarctic glaciers extending over the whole Earth. Dating back to the early 1960s, scientists proposed just such a scenario, known as a “snowball Earth” hypotheses to explain various geological and geochemical data in the planet’s history. According to the proposal, a snowball Earth could possibly form when the planet experiences periods of increased glaciation (or ice ages) due to variations in its orbit around the Sun. As Earth’s temperature drops, glaciers around the north and south poles begin to grow and spread toward the equator. Snow and ice reflect more sunlight than rock, vegetation, and water, causing a further decrease in the global climate. If the glaciers reach close enough to the equator, the increased cooling might result in the complete covering of Earth with glaciers. During the Cryogenian geological period (850-630 million years ago), two extensive glaciations occurred which may have resulted in snowball Earth. Presumably, continued volcanic action produced enough greenhouse gas emissions to reverse these hypothesized snowball Earth conditions. A thick glacial covering would dramatically impact life on Earth. In fact, these two extensive glaciations immediately preceded the Cambrian Explosion. However, if an abundance of organic carbon sediments covers the ocean floors, then a mechanism exists to prevent snowball scenarios. An article published in Nature describes the discovery of one preventive mechanism. As the global temperature decreases with the advance of the glaciers, the oceans dissolve more oxygen from the atmosphere. Consequently, this oxygen reacts with the buried organic carbon to produce carbon dioxide, which then enters the atmosphere. The resulting increase in greenhouse heating prevents the further advance of the glaciers. Because abundant life has existed for about 3.5 to 3.8 billion years of Earth’s history, an ample supply of deep ocean organic carbon has always existed to prevent a snowball Earth. While the snowball Earth hypotheses remain debatable, they do highlight a few apologetic points. A snowball Earth provides one more mechanism that can severely disrupt a planet’s capacity to support life. Scientists continue to find evidence that Earth’s habitability relies on an intricate interplay of geological (glaciation), astronomical (variations in Earth’s orbit), and biological (abundant deep-ocean organic carbon remains) processes. Both of these points attest to the difficulty, from a naturalistic perspective, of attaining conditions suitable for life. That Earth has remained habitable throughout most of its history comports well with the idea that a super-intelligent Designer fashioned Earth intending to fill it with life.
Learning objectives come in the form of statements and contain a Verb (an action) and an object (usually a noun) in each statement. - The verb is a reference to the actions associated with the anticipated cognitive process. - The object (usually a noun) depicts the behavior, attitude, or knowledge expected to be acquired by and exhibited from the learner after the learning session. The steps for creating effective learning objectives are as follows: Create a Stem: Learning objectives must be made with a stem that shows the end result of the program. It gives a clear picture of the outcome of the learning process. You can use any of the examples while creating a stem. - After the workshop, seminar, training session or a class the learner will be able to… - After finishing this activity, the learner will have… - After the completion of this part of study or training, the student or learner will… - On the conclusion of the unit/course/session/study, the learner or a student will… For example: The learner will be able to speak with confidence on any topic. The learner will list the steps involved in the process of creating a business report. Add a Verb: After creating a stem you need to add a verb. It will show the observable action, which learner should be able to do. The following table shows the various verbs associated with the action or outcome intended and expected from the learner. - If you want the learner to exhibit knowledge after going through the instructions and learning, use the following verbs in the learning objectives you devise. - To gauge the understanding of the concepts, you can test the ability or knowledge of learners by using the following verbs in learning: - To know the capability of the learner to apply the knowledge imparted under the learning program, you can use the following verbs in your learning objectives. - You can also check the ability of the learners to analyze or evaluate by using the following verbs. - You can also test the ability of the learner to synthesize or to create by using any of the following verbs. - As an instructor, guide or a teacher you would want to know whether the learners or students are able to evaluate and assess the concepts or ideas. For this, you can use the following verbs in your learning objectives. In the process of planning the learning objectives, you can follow some of the following points for better results. - Commence with an action which is observable and measurable. - Do not use words that are ambiguous or open to different readings. - When required, you must state the criterion or expected standard of performance. - Try to keep in mind the intellect of the learners at the time of starting. Then you can devise the learning objectives which will take them to the next level. - Ensure to include all the major concepts or points when you are creating the learning objectives. In a nutshell, to achieve the desired result from a training or e-learning course, you need to have the objectives clearly defined. Creation of learning objectives, hence, serves the purpose for all its participants and makes the learning process more enriching, inspiring, and successful.
- Read lesson and discuss examples. - Allow students time to complete the exercises. - Discuss answers to exercises. Students should read the lesson, and complete the worksheet. As an option, teachers may also use the lesson as part of a classroom lesson plan. Excerpt from Lesson: An adjective is a word that describes a noun or pronoun. Adjectives tell you what the person, place or thing is like. Adjectives can tell you about size, color, number or kind. They make sentences more descriptive – that is, more interesting! For example, the word dog is a noun. But what kind of dog is it? What color is it? Is it a big dog or a small dog? If you say the big, brown, furry dog you have used three adjective to describe the dog. The words big, brown and furry are adjectives. English and Language Arts Lesson Plans, Lessons, and Teaching Worksheets teaching material, lesson plans, lessons, and worksheets please go back to the InstructorWeb home page.
A Day for the Constitution Whether you are spending one class session examining the U.S. Constitution for Constitution Day this September 17th or more, our lesson activities have you covered. Here you will find questions, videos, and access to materials that can be amended and implemented to teach a Constitution Day lesson. An introduction and warm-up are provided, followed by three separate activities that can be used on their own or combined depending on the time allotted for Constitution Day. The lesson includes reflection questions and prompts for closure. What is the difference between the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights? What does “a more perfect union” mean? What is the proper role of government when establishing and protecting rights? How is the U.S. Constitution relevant to daily living? What has the Constitution meant for democracy around the world? To what extent does the system of checks and balances provide for effective government? What should the next Amendment to the U.S. Constitution be? Analyze primary and secondary sources representing conflicting points of view to determine the proper role of government regarding the rights of individuals. Analyze primary and secondary sources representing conflicting points of view to determine the Constitutionality of an issue. Assess the short and long-term consequences of decisions made during the writing of the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Compare the components of the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights with the Constitutions of other nations. Evaluate contemporary and personal connections to the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Compose a reflection and assessment of the significance of Constitution Day and the U.S. Constitution.
This activity gets students writing sentences with correct verb forms that demonstrates that they know the meaning of the verb and its various forms. Begin each slide with a single click that reveals the verb (infinitive) and 3 subject pronouns with question words. Students have 40 seconds (the line on the bottom of the slide disappears to show time passing) to write three sentences that include the subject, the correct form of the verb and the additional information based on the question word(s). The next screen shows the three verb forms that students should have written so that they can check their work. The teacher then has students share their examples with a partner or with the class. This activity works well individually or in pairs. Students can write the sentences on small white boards or on a sheet of paper. This activity can be done using Powerpoint animation. Below are some complete activities to practice various French and Spanish verb forms. - Regular verbs - Irregular Verbs - Passé Composé with Regular Verbs - Passé Composé with avoir and être - The Imperfect - Subjunctive with Regular and Irregular Verbs
This activity encourages students to think about the way fractions work. Help students to understand that a fraction, such as 1/3 (one third) actually means "one out of every three". If they understand this, they can break any whole set of objects into fractional parts and identify how many items in a given set are of a specific type! Model/Teach this using real-life materials, first, and allow students opportunities to practice. Students should concentrate on the denominators to determine how many to count by. So, for instance, if the denominator is 3, they will color or label one in every three according to the prompt. This is a great activity for individual students to demonstrate mastery, or for pairs to work collaboratively.
1.2 Probability Basics Random Variables and their Observed Values We commonly use uppercase letters to denote random variables, and lowercase letters to denote particular values that our random variables can assume. For example, consider a six-sided die, pictured below. We could let X be the random value that gives the value observed on the upper face of the six-sided die after a single roll. Then if x denotes a particular value of the upper face, the expression X = x becomes well-defined. Specifically, the notation X = x signifies the event that the random variable X assumes the particular value x. For the six-sided die example, x can be any integer from 1 to 6. So the expression X = 4 would express the event that a random roll of the die would result in observing the value 4 on the upper face of the die. We have already defined the notation Pr(X = x) to denote the probability that a random variable X is equal to a particular value x. Similarly, Pr(X ≤ x) would denote the probability that the random variable X is less than or equal to the value x. |Pr(a ≤ X ≤ b) denotes the probability that the random variable X lies between values a and b, inclusively.| With this notation, it now makes sense to write, for example, Pr(X > a), the probability that a random variable assumes a particular value strictly greater than a. Similarly, we can make sense of the expressions Pr(X < b), Pr(X ≠ x), Pr(X = x1 or X = x2), among others. Notice that this notation allows us to do a kind of algebra with probabilities. For example, we notice the equivalence of the following two expressions: Pr(X ≥ a and X < b) = Pr(a ≤ X < b). An important consequence of this symbolism is the following: |Probabilities of Complimentary Events| |Pr(X = x) = 1 - Pr(X ≠ x)| |Pr(X > x) = 1 - Pr(X ≤ x)| |Pr(X ≥ x) = 1 - Pr(X < x)| Notice that the first identity is simply a restatement of Discrete Probability Rule #3 from the previous section. These three identities are simple consequences of our notation and of the fact that the sum of all probabilities must always equal 1 for any random variable. The events X = x and X ≠ x are called complimentary because exactly one of the events must take place; i.e. both events cannot occur simultaneously, but one of the two must occur. The other expressions above also define complimentary events. For discrete random variables, we also have the identity: |Algebra of Disjoint Events| |If a ≠ b, then Pr(X = a or X = b) = Pr(X = a) + Pr(X = b)| Six-Sided Die Example Using our six-sided die example above, we have the random variable X which represents the value we observe on the upper face of the six-sided die after a single roll. Then the probability that X is equal to 5 can be written as: Using our identities for complimentary events and for disjoint events, we find that the probability that X is equal to 1, 2, 3 or 4 can be computed as: Notice that X ~ Uniform(6); i.e. X has a uniform distribution on the integers from 1 to 6. Indeed, the probability of observing any one of these integer values (the value on the upper face of the rolled die) is the same for any value. Thus, X must be a uniform random variable.
Speech marks or Inverted Commas are used when the writer wants to tell the reader what somebody said and how it was said. The use of speech marks can add 'reality' to the story, because the reader gets to know the characters better. This type of punctuation mark can also increase the excitement and emotion in the text. Different uses of "Inverted Commas" or "Speech Marks" When are the Y4 students going to use speech marks? There are different uses, as we read above, but Y4 are mostly going to use them in direct speech, or to say what somebody said! In a story... the character invites his friends to the cinema. Activity 1: Ask your child to point to examples of speech marks in their reading book or from the poster above . Encourage them to tell you what is the "purpose" of speech marks. You can ask: Where are the speech marks? What are they for? Which punctuation marks can you identify? Rules for using Speech Marks. Watch the videos attentively. Activity 2: Watch this video for more examples. Pause the video and try to answer the questions before 'they' do! Listen carefully to the explanations. Activity 3 (optional) If you are up to the challenge... you can print the following punctuation activity sheets and practise at home! Please choose the level your child feels comfortable with. Last but not least, during the Half-Term break... READ, READ, READ! This time there is a new challenge... practise reading a book you love in your HoLa (Home Language), so that you can read it to your class when we celebrate International Mother Language Day. The official date for this special day is the 21st of February, but we will celebrate it the week after the holidays.
Common Core Standards Basics The Common Core Standards set consistent and clear expectations for what students must know at the completion of each grade from kindergarten through high school. The standards establish expectations in three academic areas: Mathematics: The Common Core Standards for mathematics focus on gaining essential understanding to help students acquire a deeper knowledge of only the most important concepts and develop the skills to tackle mathematical problems in the real world. The standards call on students to develop deeper knowledge and higher-level skills in each successive grade, so it’s vitally important that students get a handle on the material covered in each grade. English language arts (ELA): The ELA standards are structured to build foundational literacy skills in early grades and to continue to equip students with reading and writing skills as they progress into middle and high school. The standards gradually increase in complexity from grade to grade, so pay special attention to the additional concepts and skills added from one grade to the next. Literacy: The literacy standards establish reading and writing expectations for students in social studies, science, and technology. These standards provide few specifics on what students need to read or write, focusing instead on how students should read and write in these courses and how to evaluate what qualifies as good writing.
Centroids & Moment of Inertia The centroid, or centre of gravity, of any object is the point within that object from which the force of gravity appears to act. An object will remain at rest if it is balanced on any point along a vertical line passing through its centre of gravity. In terms of moments, the centre of gravity of any object is the point around which the moments of the gravitational forces completely cancel one another. The centre of gravity of a rock (or any other three dimensional object) can be found by hanging it from a string. The line of action of the string will always pass through the center of gravity of the rock. The precise location of the center of gravity could be determined if one would tie the string around the rock a number of times and note each time the line of action of the string. Since a rock is a three dimensional object, the point of intersection would most likely lie somewhere within the rock and out of sight. The centroid of a two dimensional surface (such as the cross-section of a structural shape) is a point that corresponds to the centre of gravity of a very thin homogeneous plate of the same area and shape. The planar surface (or figure) may represent an actual area (like a tributary floor area or the cross-section of a beam) or a figurative diagram (like a load or a bending moment diagram). It is often useful for the centroid of the area to be determined in either case. Symmetry can be very useful to help determine the location of the centroid of an area. If the area (or section or body) has one line of symmetry, the centroid will lie somewhere along the line of symmetry. This means that if it were required to balance the area (or body or section) in a horizontal position by placing a pencil or edge underneath it, the pencil would be best laid directly under the line of symmetry. If a body (or area or section) has two (or more) lines of symmetry, the centroid must lie somewhere along each of the lines. Thus, the centroid is at the point where the lines intersect. This means that if it were required to balance the area (or body or section) in a horizontal position by placing a nail underneath it, the point of the nail would best be placed directly below the point where the lines of symmetry meet. This might seem obvious, but the concept of the centroid is very important to understand both graphically and numerically. The position of the centre of gravity for some simple shapes is easily determined by inspection. One knows that the centroid of a circle is at its centre and that of a square is at the intersection of two lines drawn connecting the midpoints of the parallel sides. The circle has an infinite number of lines of symmetry and the square has four. centroids of hollow sections The centroid of a section is not always within the area or material of the section. Hollow pipes, L shaped and some irregular shaped sections all have thier centroid located outside of the material of the section. This is not a problem since the centroid is really only used as a reference point from which one measures distances. The exact location of the centroid can be determined as described above, with graphic statics, or numerically. The centroid of any area can be found by taking moments of identifiable areas (such as rectangles or triangles) about any axis. This is done in the same way that the centre of gravity can be found by taking moments of weights. The moment of an large area about any axis is equal to the algebraic sum of the moments of its component areas. This is expressed by the following equation: Sum MAtotal = MA1 + MA2 + MA3+ … The moment of any area is defined as the product of the area and the perpendicular distance from the centroid of the area to the moment axis. By means of this principle, we may locate the centroid of any simple or composite area.
Nouns and verbs are both required to create a complete sentence. This makes nouns and verbs a good place to start when introducing parts of speech to your child. Help her gain a solid understanding of sentence structure by clarifying the difference between a noun and a verb, and how the two work together to create the foundation upon which a sentence is built. Make noun cards. Cut red paper into pieces the size of flash cards. Write the names of household objects, people, pets and other places, such as school, on one side of each card, and the word "noun" on the reverse side of all of the cards. Prepare your verb cards in the same fashion as you created your noun cards. Use green for your verb cards. Traffic lights use green for "go," so using green cards for action words will make sense to your child. Explain to your child that nouns are people, places or things. Have your child match the red noun cards with the objects in your house. Next have your child find other nouns in your house that don't have cards, and have him make noun cards for those objects. Continue these activities until he has a solid understanding of what nouns are. Show your child a simple sentence in print. Explain to her that not all words are nouns, and she'll learn about the others later. Have her use a red pencil to circle the word in the sentence that is a noun. Repeat until she can easily find the noun every time. Once your child knows what a noun is, explain that a verb is an action word. Save sedentary examples such as "think" for later and start with movement verbs. For example, hand your child a green verb card with "jump" written on it and have him jump up and down. Make a game of it by passing him card after card of verbs and having him act them out. Use verbs such as "wiggle" or "bark" to make it silly and fun. Once she has a solid concept of movement verbs, expand the lesson by talking about other verbs such as "read," "think" and "decide." Explain that a verb is simply something that is done by a noun. Have her make more green verb cards for verbs that she thinks of herself. Show him a sentence in print. Have him find the noun and circle it in red, and then find the verb and circle it in green. Add meaning to the lesson by telling your child why she needs to know what nouns and verbs are. Explain that a complete sentence must contain both, and that three words such as "the gray cat" do not complete a sentence. Ask her why not, and see if she can figure out that a verb is missing. Have her think of a verb to add, such as "sleeps," to complete the sentence. Play a sentence game with your child, putting the noun and verb cards in bags and pulling out one of each to make a sentence. Some combinations will be easy, such as "dog" and "sit," but others, such as "shoe" and "sing," will test your child's creativity and make him think more about how to use the parts of speech. Reinforce the concept by posting cards throughout the house. For example, on the bathroom mirror tape a green card that says "brush" next to a red card that says "teeth." Above the game console in the family room, post a green card that says "take" and a red card that says "turns." Things You Will Need - Red and green paper - Red and green pencil - color life image by Maya Kruchancova from Fotolia.com
About the Conjunctions Lesson Introduction to conjunctions. • Students will be able to state the definition of a coordinating conjunction. • Students will be able to name the four coordinating conjunctions. • Students will recognize and use conjunctions correctly in sentences. 1. Read lesson and discuss examples. 2. Allow students time to complete the exercises. 3. Discuss answers to exercises. A conjunction is a word that connects words or groups of words to each other. Here are some common conjunctions: and or but so These words are called coordinating conjunctions because they connect equal parts of a sentence. When you want to join words or phrases together, use the conjunction and. Lisa and Miguel are coming with us. She went to the store and bought some new shoes.
The resource has been added to your collection This unit will introduce the concept of fractions with activities and lessons that cater to visual, auditory, and tactile learning styles. Students will create fractions with a variety of manipulatives, solve problems with fractions, play games with fractions, and explore fractions in their everyday lives. The unit will also integrate language arts, as students write fraction stories and read literature related to fractions.Students will gain an understanding of basic fractions, including 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, and whole. Students will learn key vocabulary words: whole, fraction, numerator, and denominator. Students will understand how fractions relate to their everyday lives. Lessons include: Unit Resources include: This resource was reviewed using the Curriki Review rubric and received an overall Curriki Review System rating of 3, as of 2009-06-12. This is a complete unit to help introduce primary-grade students to the concept of fractions. Each of the 12 lessons includes a problem of the day, a discussion, and a hands-on activity for students. These lessons can be personalized and adapted to fit the needs of individual students. The lessons are easy to read and follow, and all hand-outs are provided. Each lesson is aligned with the NCTM Standards. In addition to using the provided hand-outs, teachers can use commercial or teacher- made fraction kits or other math manipulatives to help students develop an understanding of fractions. Teachers may choose to use these rather than candy due to growing numbers of children with food allergies or other dietary restrictions. There are several misspellings in the lessons and hand-outs, but overall this is a well-designed unit.
You will evaluate algebraic expressions by substitution. After completing this tutorial, you will be able to complete the following: 1. An algebraic expression is a mathematical phrase. Algebraic expressions contain numbers, operators, (add, subtract, multiply, divide), and at least one variable (like x, y). Algebraic expressions do not have equal signs. A variable is a symbol or letter that stands for the value. n x 2 2. The process of replacing those letters or variables with numerical values and simplifying it is known as evaluating an algebraic expression. 3. The order of operation is used to evaluate an algebraic expression. The order of operations refers to the precedence of performing one arithmetic operation over another while working on a mathematical expression. The rules are as follows: 1. Evaluate expressions inside parentheses. 2. Evaluate all powers. 3. Perform all multiplications and/or divisions from left to right. 4. Perform all additions and/or subtractions from left to right. 2 + (25 - 4) × 20 ÷ 2 First do all operations inside parentheses 2 + (21) × 20 ÷ 2 Perform all multiplications and divisions, from left to right. 2 + 420 ÷ 2 2 + 210 Perform all additions and subtractions from left to right. If these rules are not rigidly followed, the expression can produce two different solutions. The following key vocabulary terms will be used throughout this Activity Object: · algebraic expression - an expression that contains one or more numbers, one or more variables, and one or more arithmetic operations Examples of algebraic expressions: · evaluate - when a given value is substituted for each variable in an expression and the operations are performed, it is called evaluating the expression |Approximate Time||20 Minutes| |Pre-requisite Concepts||Learners should be familiar with evaluating expressions, operations on integers, order of operations, and working with exponents.| |Type of Tutorial||Skills Application| |Key Vocabulary||algebraic expression, substitution,|
Fractions and Decimals Continuum Fractions (Fair Shares) - Realizes that fractional parts must be equal (e.g. one third is not just one of three parts but one of three equal parts). - Develops familiarity with conventional fraction words and notation (though students can write their solution in any way that communicates accurately; e.g. a student might write 1/2 + 1/4 as "half plus another piece that is half of the half). - Becomes familiar with grouping unit fractions, those that have a numerator of one (for example: 1/6 + 1/6 + 1/6 = 3/6 - Develops familiarity with common equivalents, especially relationships among halves, thirds, and sixths (for example, students exchange 2/6 for 1/3; they may also begin to make exchanges based on 1/6 + 1/3 = 1/2 - Understands that the relationships that occur between 0 and 1 also occur between any consecutive whole numbers ( 1/2 + 1/6 = 2/3 so 2 1/2 + 1/6 = 2 2/3) - Understands the relationship between fractions and division (e.g. by solving problems in which the whole is a number of things rather than a single thing, and the fractional part is a group of things as well, as in 1/3 of 6 is 2). - Relates notation for common fractions (1/2, 1/4, 3/4, 1/5, 1/10) with notation for decimals on the calculator (0.5, 0.25, 0.75, 0.2, 0.1) - Uses different notations for the same problem ( e.g. 6 2 and 1/2 of 6) - Uses logical reasoning and number sense to identify a number (Ten Minute Math). - Develops flexibility in solving problems by finding several ways to reach a solution (Ten Minute Math). Fractions and Area (Different Shapes, Equal Pieces) - Understands that equal fractions of a whole have the same area but are not necessarily congruent. - Experiences that cutting and pasting shapes conserves their - Becomes familiar with the relationships among halves, fourths, and eighths, and then among thirds, sixths, and twelfths. - Knows that equal fractions of different-sized wholes will be different in area. - Uses different combinations to make a whole. - Works with fractions that have numerators larger than one. - Compares any fraction to the landmarks 0, 1/2, 1, and 2. - Uses both numerical reasoning and areas to order fractions (e.g. 4/9 is smaller than 1/2 because 2 x 4/9 = 8/9 which is less than 1). - Uses the size of the numerator to compare fractions that have the same denominator and uses the size of the denominator to compare fractions with the same numerator. - Understand the fractions "missing one piece" are ordered inversely to the size of the missing piece (e.g. 2/3 is smaller that 3/4 because the 1/3 missing is larger than the - Identifies equivalent fractions. - Uses logical reasoning and relationships among numbers to guess a number (Ten Minute Math). Fractions, percents, and decimals (Name That Portion) - Interprets everyday situations that involve fractions, decimals, - Uses fractions and percents to name portions of groups. - Breaks fraction, decimals, and percents into familiar parts - Approximates data as familiar fractions and percent, and in circle graphs - Represents, compares, and orders fractions (common; mixed number; with numerators larger than 1; with different denominators), decimals, and percents using landmark numbers and visual models. - Chooses models and notations to compute with fractions, percents, - Identifies and labels fractions between 0 and 1 on a number line to make an array of fractions - Finds patterns in an array of fraction number lines and in a decimal table. - Solves word problems and expresses answers to fit the context. - Finds decimals that are smaller than, larger than, or in between other decimals. - Plans and conducts surveys, and compiles, organizes, and - Finds ways to describe number relationships, including fraction notation, factor pairs, and equations(Ten Minute Math). - Interprets, poses questions about, and uses fractions to describe data (Ten Minute Math).
Grade Level: K-2 How can we make a colorful alphabet rainbow? How can we use computers and spreadsheets to make a rainbow? How can an alphabet rainbow help us with alphabet recognition? Children at this age are very color oriented. Teach students alphabet recognition and upper and lower case letters, through alphabet rainbows. - Language Arts Targeted State Frameworks/Content Standards/Benchmarks English Language Arts- Standard 1 Technology-Tools, Resources, and Technological Processes: Standard 5 Student Objectives/Learning Outcomes Students will be able to type and recognize the letters. Students will learn that capital letters are typed with the SHIFT key. Students will learn Excel procedures and language. Students will be able to color the letters in their choice of colors Step 1: Students are taught to open the Excel program. They are shown the letters across the top of the paper on the screen. They are then shown the numbers down the left side of the paper on the screen. They are asked to notice the rectangles on the paper. They are to notice the arrow and how it moves with the movement of the mouse. They are to find the rectangle with the dark black line around the edge of the rectangle, and told that is the place where the computer is ready to type letters. With the dark black rectangle in the top left rectangle they are instructed to hold down the SHIFT key and at the same time type the letter A. Demonstration is done at the same time on the overhead projector. Then the students are to type the letter “a” again without the SHIFT key to get the lower case a. Then the students are shown the arrow keys and told to press the one that points to the right. (This moves the cursor box to the rectangle (cell) under the letter B. Each student is to continue typing a capital and lower case letter under each of the different letters until they get to Z. Step 2: When they finish with Z they are instructed to press the HOME key to get back to the beginning. Then they are instructed to place the little arrow on top of the number 2 at the far left side of the monitor and click. They are told to watch the whole row turn black. Then they are to find the letter A with the line under it in the tool bar and click on the tiny triangle to the right of that A. (Demonstrating on the overhead makes this much easier than it reads.) The students are then asked to pick a very bright color and click on the color block. Then they are asked to click on the rectangle under their first "Aa" combination and type the "Aa" again. This will show up in the color they chose for the entire row. Repeat the process until the students do 10 rows of different color letters. (After the computer recognizes the pattern of the letters being typed the letters will highlight as they type and if they press ENTER it will type the letters correctly for that cell. Students usually pick this up as they go along.). When the students are done, highlight all the column headings so the whole spreadsheet is black and double click on one of the little black lines between the heading letters. (There will be a line with a double headed arrow appear - double click the mouse with that visible.) This "chucks" the columns together for a more colorful effect. Step 3: Show students how to click on VIEW, then HEADER/FOOTER and have them type their name in one of the sections. Click OK, and OK again and go through the steps to send the paper to the color printer. Depending on the lab set up and how many printers you have you as the teacher may want to print the sheets for the students, and you will want to want to change to landscape and make fit to 1 page in the page setup menu. Approximate Time Needed This class exercise usually takes about 3-4 38 minute class periods and saving the spreadsheets on either disk or file on hard drive. - Basic computer knowledge - Knowledge of the alphabet - Color recognition Materials and Resources - Projection System Accommodations for Differentiated Instruction Children with learning disabilities can work in groups on this activity. They also may use hands-on materials to make their alphabet rainbow using colored paper letters or letters from magazines and newspapers. Non-Native English Speaker ELL’s can be paired with native English speakers to work on this activity. These students can progress from the alphabet to doing words that correspond to colors like color words, fruit/vegetables, or animals that are particular colors. During the activity, watch for participation, the correct use of the alphabet, the correct use of the computers, and the student's general knowledge of letters and color recognition. Watch for how many lines are done with the least mistakes. Ask students how they felt during this activity. Why was it fun? Why was it boring? Why was it hard?
It seems that there is a lot of confusion as to what isotopes, radioisotopes, nuclides, and radionuclides are. First, we have to go back to chemistry class and remember the periodic table of elements, which lists all of the chemical elements in an organized fashion. The periodic table reports each element with its average properties. Each chemical element on the periodic table has a distinct number of protons. The reason we say “average properties” here is because each element has a number of different isotopes. The word “isotope” indicates an equal number of protons, hence the prefix “iso” and the letter “p” in the name (note that isotones represent nuclides with the same number of neutrons). For example, hydrogen (1 proton) consists of 3 natural isotopes: hydrogen (0 neutrons), deuterium (1 neutron), and tritium (2 neutrons). The same is true of uranium, where U-235 is an isotope that can undergo fission. The number 235 represents the sum of neutrons and protons that make up the nucleus of the uranium atom (92 protons and 143 neutrons). The term “nuclide” is just a general name for any isotope of a chemical element. The prefix “radio” in front of “isotope” and “nuclide” refers to radioactivity. This indicates the spontaneous transformation (decay) of unstable nuclides to more stable ones. In order to accomplish this, nuclides may emit a spectrum of particles including alpha particles, beta particles (electrons or positrons), neutrons, gamma rays (photons), or x-rays. In order to characterize the probability of a nuclide decaying, each radionuclide has a half-life. The half-life of a radionuclide is the expected time it takes for one half of the amount of one isotope to decay into another isotope. In terms of radiation safety, it is desirable for unstable nuclides to eventually decay to stable nuclides. The amount of radionuclide present, when there is no source producing it, undergoes an exponential rate of decay. Activity is another term that is used when talking about radioisotopes. Activity, measured in the unit of Bequerel (Bq), is the number of decays occurring per unit time. It is not necessarily equal to the rate at which particles are emitted. For example, cobalt-60 emits both beta and gamma radiation each time it decays. The activity of an isotope also follows a similar exponential trend as shown above. It is also often expressed in units of Curie (Ci), where 1 Ci = 3.7 x 1010 Bq. There is also a big difference between nuclear reactions and chemical reactions. Nuclear reactions are quite different for different isotopes of the same element, while chemical reactions are quite similar for different isotopes of the same element. All isotopes of the same element (I-127, I-131, and I-135 are all isotopes of iodine) have similar chemical interactions, but they could result in different health effects due to different levels of radioactivity. This is because chemical reactions involve changing electron configurations in the atom. Since all isotopes of a given chemical element have the same electron configuration, they will have similar chemical reactions. A good example is the use of iodine tablets. Different isotopes of iodine will have similar chemical interactions in the body. Therefore, if the body is already saturated with non-radioactive iodine, it is already full and radioactive iodine has a lower chance of being absorbed. For nuclear reactions, each isotope of an element will have different nuclear reaction characteristics. For example, slow neutrons have a much higher chance of causing fission in U-235 than in U-238.
Display various triangular shapes and ask, "How do you know that these shapes are triangular?" The following properties of triangles should emerge from this discussion: three sides, three corners and angles, straight rather than curved sides. Distribute pattern blocks to each group of two to four students. Have students explore ways to make triangles with the patterning blocks. Alternatively, you can use the Patch Tool for pattern blocks. This is an applet version of physical pattern blocks. Have students share solutions with each other. As a class share any common findings and anything unique that students may have discovered. Distribute and follow directions in the How Do You Build Triangles? Activity Sheet. Have students work in pairs to give or write directions for building one of the triangles, then see if another pair of students can build it by following the directions. Some possible solutions for the activity sheet include: Have students compare their drawings with those of several classmates. What do they notice? Questions for Students 1. How many different triangles can be built with two, three, and then four shapes? What happens if all twelve shapes are used to build one "huge" triangle? [Note: One more small triangle is needed because the pattern for the triangular area is one, four, nine, sixteen, and twenty-five small triangles.] 2. What is the largest triangle that can be built with twelve shapes? [You may wish to challenge students' responses to this question by asking them how they know they have discovered the largest triangle.] 3. How many different symmetrical designs can be created for the largest triangle? [It may be helpful to record the various symmetrical designs on chart paper as students discover them.]
When people speak or write, linking verbs and predicate words are used. Linking verbs and predicate words make communication easier by connecting necessary parts of the sentence. A linking verb connects the verb to the subject, and predicate words are the verb and the words modifying the verb. Linking words work like glue because they connect all the parts together. Linking Verbs Show Equality Linking verbs show equality by connecting the items that are equal. For instance, if you look at the sentence, "Tara is beautiful." You could substitute the equal sign for "is" and make it "Tara = beautiful," because in the sentence it equates the person Tara with beauty. The same idea works with sentences like "The car is loud" or "The frog is green." In the first sentence the car equals loud, and in the second sentence the frog equals green. If you left out the linking verb it wouldn't make sense. "The car loud" or "Frog green" make very little sense without the linking verb. Linking Verb Showing Changes Linking verbs sometimes show a change to a different state or place. When a person says phrases like, "became stormy," "has turned," or "is moving," the linking verb shows a change happening. Look at these examples: "The sky became dark," "The storm has moved far away." The linking verb "became" in the first sentence shows change, and the linking verb "has" in the second sentence shows a change of place. Predicate nouns replace or rename the subject of the sentence. For instance, in the following sentence the subject of the sentence is rat. "The rat is a furry little beast." In the sentence, the word "beast" renames the rat in the predicate, and the words furry and little both modify the word beast. In the sentence, "Mike is a big bully," Mike is the subject, and bully renames Mike in the predicate. The word "big" modifies the word bully, so you know more about the predicate noun. Predicate adjectives describe the subject in the sentence. In the sentence, "The dogs were hungry," "hungry" is the predicate adjective. The predicate adjective describes the subject. Another example of predicate adjectives is in the following sentence: "My book is big, heavy and cool." "Big," "heavy" and "cool" all describe the book in the subject of the sentence. Sentences sometimes contain predicate adjectives and predicate nouns. In the sentence, "The rat is a furry little beast," "beast" is the predicate noun, and "furry" and "little" are both predicate adjectives.
Students will learn how to subtract integers. Students will solve both word problems and mathematical ones. Students have had lots of practice subtracting whole numbers, but haven't seen what happens when you subtract a smaller whole number from a larger one. Thus, start with such problems. Start with concrete and visual methods. Namely, show integer subtraction on the number line (video), and using two-color counters. After that, students should learn how to solve these problems, where a number line is given, but some unmarked number must be determined by repeatedly adding or subtracting a whole number. Students can practice here. Finally, students should learn about additive inverses and double negatives. Here's a problem to test their understanding of the latter.
This useful classroom resource helps teachers create a fun and interesting grammar program that can be integrated with other elements of a balanced literacy program. Knowledge of grammar helps students understand and explain the language choices they make. This guide features background information, practical advice and fun activities that will help students learn about grammar. Topics covered in the book include: - What is good grammar: grammar of speech and writing - Types of texts: imaginative, informative and persuasive - Levels of textual analysis: paragraphs, sentences, individual words, sub-word level, grammar and spelling - Grammar development: early, middle and late years plus English as an additional language or dialect - What is a correct sentence - Adding extra words, phrases and clauses to enhance meaning: extending verbs and nouns, pronouns, clauses and sentence types - Common errors: verbs, pronouns and sentences - Ways to help students with grammar: planning, proofing and editing plus agreed criteria, revision STEPS, and games and activities - Assessing grammar: correcting and providing feedback plus the art of teaching grammar.
Short tutorial that explains you on the basic principle of counting, or the rule of product or multiplication principle. The basic principle of counting is the rule of product or multiplication principle which states that, when there are m ways of doing one, and n ways of doing the other, then there are mxn ways of doing both. This basic counting principle is used as the guiding rule for finding the number of ways to accomplish two tasks. Consider that if you want to flip a coin and roll a die. According to the basic principle of counting, There are 2 ways that you can flip a coin and 6 ways that you can roll a die. Applying the Rule of Product or Multiplication Principle, There are 2 x 6 = 12 ways that you can flip a coin and roll a die.
One exciting theory is that an extraterrestrial body hit the earth, causing the Late Cretaceous extinctions. Walter and Luis Alvarez and their coworkers found the evidence for this collision during a study of some Cretaceous clay from northern Italy. To their surprise, they found that the clay was rich in the element iridium. Iridium is rare on earth but is more common in extraterrestrial bodies such as meteorites and comets. After further studies, the Alvarezes found the iridium only in a narrow layer. To their amazement, this iridium layer almost exactly matches the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary. This led them to suggest that a large extraterrestrial body had hit the earth, which caused the extinction of dinosaurs in the Cretaceous. Since this discovery, scientists have found the "iridium datum plane" (the iridium layer) at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary at over 50 sites worldwide. There is other evidence that a large body from outer space hit the earth. For instance, when an asteroid hits the earth, intense heat and pressure develop. The heat and pressure cause changes in the rocks where the comet hit. One of these changes is shock-fractured quartz grains. Bits of quartz (a common mineral in the earth's crust) will break in an unusual way only from intense heat and pressure. The only other place shock-fractured quartz is found is at ground zero of atomic explosions (where a nuclear bomb is exploded). Common elements also act differently when under intense pressure. For example, nitrogen, a usually harmless gas, may have condensed and rained back as nitric acid, a deadly acid rain. The impact of an asteroid would be a major event in the history of the earth. The iridium layer over the world shows that the comet or meteorite must have been over six miles wide. When it crashed to earth, it would have been traveling 12 miles per second, creating a crater about 100 miles wide. Because of its speed, the asteroid would have ripped a giant hole in the earth's atmosphere. Parts of the earth's crust would have been blown into the upper atmosphere when the asteroid hit. Later, this would rain down as tiny glass beads, ash, shock-fractured quartz, and parts of the asteroid. A large amount of dust would have covered the earth. The amount of dust caused by the explosion of Tambora, a volcano in Indonesia, in 1815 caused climate changes worldwide for several years. The dust and debris that would have covered the earth following a meteorite hit of the size suggested by the Alvarezes would have been greater than any volcano. The dust cloud would have taken weeks or months to settle. First, the temperature on earth would have dropped to below freezing because the dust clouds would have stopped the sun's rays from reaching the earth. This would have harmed the green plants and ocean plankton. Plankton and green plants form the bottom of the world's food chain. They also change carbon dioxide to oxygen. Late Cretaceous animals might have suffocated because of a lack of oxygen or starved to death. This would have begun with the plant-eaters and carried through to the meat-eaters. After that, the dust cloud would have caused global warming because the heat of the earth would have been trapped. It could not escape through the thick layer of dust in the upper atmosphere. Since the first Alvarez study, many lines of evidence associated with the iridium layer have all lent support to the contention that an extraterrestrial impact was associated with the end of the Cretaceous. Evidence includes the discovery of an impact structure off the Yucatan peninsula and the discovery of shock-fractured quartz grains. A preponderance of fern spores was also discovered; ferns are usually the first plants to recolonize an area that has been devegetated by a natural disaster. The dust cloud proposed by the Alvarezes would have killed all plant and animal life-not just dinosaurs. And paleontologists think the extinctions in the marine world lasted thousands of years. This may mean that the marine and land extinctions did not happen at the same time. This has led some scientists to suggest the possibility that many smaller meteors or comets hit the earth over a longer period of time.
At the end of this lesson, students should: From the previous knowledge on fractions, a “whole” can be divided into ten (10) equal parts and each part out of the ten parts is written as. In decimals, is called a tenth and is written as 0.1. Also, when a whole is divided into hundred equal parts, each part is written as and is called a hundredth. This is written as 0.01 in the decimal form. Let’s have a look at the strip below: Having understood this we can view decimals as: NB: The number of decimal places determines the denominator of the fraction. Write the following decimals as fractions. 1) 0.5 2) 0.08 3) 0.003 1) 0.5 =(i.e. 5 out of 10 parts) = This is because there is only one digit after the decimal point. 2) 0.08 =(i.e. 8 out of 100 parts) = There are two digits after the decimal point hence a denominator of 100. 3) 0.003 =(i.e. 3 out of 1000 parts) There are three digits after the decimal point hence a denominator of 1000. Change these decimals to fractions. a) 1.4 b) 0.35 c) 2.07 d) 19.079 Note that, the digit(s) that come(s) before the decimal point represent(s) the whole number and the digit(s) that come(s) after the decimal point represent(s) the fraction part. Write these decimals as fractions in their simplest form. a) 0.24 b) 3.7 c) 248.2
A colourful poster to display in the classroom when learning about how and when to use A and An. Home › Teaching Resources › Reading and Writing Resources › A or An Poster How to use this resource Black and White Would love to use this poster but the grammar is not correct. The ‘use an a’ side should say “When the next word” instead of next words Comment by Sue on October 20, 2018 at 12:18 am Log in to Reply Thanks for letting us know about this resource. It has now been fixed and is ready to go! Official comment by Paul Willey on October 21, 2018 at 11:16 pm You must be logged in to post a comment. Copyright © 2019 Inspired Classroom Pty Ltd
Logical operators are used when we want to check the truth value of certain statements. Logical operators help us in checking multiple statements together for their truthness. Here we will learn logical operators like AND(&&), OR(||), NOT(!). These operators produce either a true or a false as an output. First line of input conatins number of testcases T. For each testcase, there will be one line of input containing a and b separated by a space. For each testcase, print the required output. Your task is to complete the provided function. 1 <= T <= 10 1 <= a, b,<= 100 1 1 0 If you have purchased any course from GeeksforGeeks then please ask your doubt on course discussion forum. You will get quick replies from GFG Moderators there.
This preview shows pages 1–3. Sign up to view the full content. This preview has intentionally blurred sections. Sign up to view the full version.View Full Document Unformatted text preview: Chapter 6.4: Advanced Counting Problems Today we will combine all of our counting techniques to tackle more complicated counting problems. We will also learn techniques for arranging objects where some objects must be kept together, and for arranging objects where some objects must be separated. Example: Suppose we wish to arrange some books on a bookshelf. There are four different math books, three different biology books, and six different chemistry books. How many ways are there to arrange the books if there are no restrictions? If there are no restrictions on the ordering of the books, then all we are doing is arranging thirteen distinct objects. This can be done 13! = 6227020800 ways. Example: How many ways are there to arrange the books if we want books of the same subject kept together? To keep the books together, we will imagine that the math books are placed in one box, the biology books in another box, and the chemistry books in a third box: M 1 ,M 2 ,M 3 ,M 4 , B 1 ,B 2 ,B 3 , C 1 ,C 2 ,C 3 ,C 4 ,C 5 ,C 6 To arrange the books so that they are kept together by subject is done in two steps: 1. Arrange the boxes containing the books. 2. Arrange the books inside each box. There are three boxes. They can be arranged in 3! different ways. There are four different books in the box of math books. They can be arranged 4! ways. There are three different books in the box of biology books. They can be arranged 3! ways. There are six different books in the box of chemistry books. They can be arranged 6! ways. 1 We are performing these four tasks (arrange the boxes, arrange the math books, arrange the biology books, arrange the chemistry books) one after another. By the rule of product, there are 3!4!3!6! = 622080 ways to arrange the books so that they are kept together by subject. Example: Suppose that just the math books need to be kept together. How many different arrangements are there? Since the math books are the only ones that need to be kept together, we will imagine that they are placed inside a box, but that the biology and chemistry books are not in a box: M 1 ,M 2 ,M 3 ,M 4 ,B 1 ,B 2 ,B 3 ,C 1 ,C 2 ,C 3 ,C 4 ,C 5 ,C 6 We have a total of ten objects (9 individual books and 1 box of books). These 10 objects can be arranged in 10! ways. At this point, we have only decided on the order of the individual books and the box of books. We have not yet decided on an ordering for the math books inside the box. These four books can be arranged in 4! different ways inside the box. Since the two tasks (arrange the individual books and box of books, arrange the books inside the box) are done one after the other, then we use the rule of product. There are 10!4! = 87091200 ways to arrange the books so that the math books are kept together.... View Full Document
Welcome to the English Language Arts resource page. You will find helpful links to websites, games, and activities to help support students' literary life! Fun with Spelling How do children learn to read and write words? In a rich and balanced program, teachers provide many learning opportunities for all children to gain the knowledge and experiences necessary to look at how words work. - Children need to hear written language so they can learn its structure and take in new information and ideas. - Children need to become aware of the sounds of language, to enjoy those sounds, and to use the knowledge as a tool. - Children need to have many experiences working with written symbols and to explore words and learn how they work. The spelling links represent a wide range of knowledge, abilities and strategies for children to become effective word solvers and provides suggestions for professional development for teachers. Guide to Grammar What is Grammar? The system of rules of a language and the study of how words and their components combine to form sentences. The resources on these pages will help students become better writers. These samples have been chosen to stimulate and facilitate discussions of student writing. They are not intended to reflect actual classroom assessment practice or to dictate students' grades.These samples are not ranked by level of performance, but are intended to highlight specific areas of strength.
How to Express Solutions for Inequalities with Interval Notation You can use interval notation to express where a set of solutions begins and where it ends. Interval notation is a common way to express the solution set to an inequality, and it’s important because it’s how you express solution sets in calculus. Most pre-calculus books and some pre-calculus teachers now require all sets to be written in interval notation. The easiest way to find interval notation is to first draw a graph on a number line as a visual representation of what’s going on in the interval. If the endpoint of the interval isn’t included in the solution (for < or >), the interval is called an open interval. You show it on the graph with an open circle at the point and by using parentheses in notation. If the endpoint is included in the solution the interval is called a closed interval, which you show on the graph with a filled-in circle at the point and by using square brackets in notation. For example, the solution set is shown here. Note: You can rewrite this solution set as an and statement: In interval notation, you write this solution as (–2, 3]. The bottom line: Both of these inequalities have to be true at the same time. You can also graph or statements (also known as disjoint sets because the solutions don’t overlap). Or statements are two different inequalities where one or the other is true. For example, the next figure shows the graph of x < –4 OR x > –2. Writing the set for this figure in interval notation can be confusing. x can belong to two different intervals, but because the intervals don’t overlap, you have to write them separately: The first interval is x < –4. This interval includes all numbers between negative infinity and –4. Because negative infinity isn’t a real number, you use an open interval to represent it. So in interval notation, you write this part of the set as The second interval is x > –2. This set is all numbers between –2 and positive infinity, so you write it as You describe the whole set as The symbol in between the two sets is the union symbol and means that the solution can belong to either interval. When you’re solving an absolute-value inequality that’s greater than a number, you write your solutions as or statements. Take a look at the following example: |3x – 2| > 7. You can rewrite this inequality as 3x – 2 > 7 OR 3x – 2 < –7. You have two solutions: x > 3 or x < –5/3. In interval notation, this solution is
Teaching About Bullying - Students will know the school and classroom rules and consequences of bullying - Students will know the definition of bullying - Students will be able to identify bullies, targets, and bystanders - Students will know resources and skills to help themselves - Students will know resources and skills to help their friends and peers - Provide a confidential sharing/suggestion box where students can share information about bullying anonymously. - Invite speakers (principal, security officer, counselor, other students, parents, etc.) to talk about bullying (such as their personal experiences with bullying, why it is important not to bully, etc.) to the class. - Create rules and consequences about bullying and post them in a visible place in the classroom. Allow students to help make the rules/consequences as appropriate. Review them with students regularly, and share them with parents. - Brainstorm the different places and people that kids can go to for help, and post them where kids can see them. - Use drama and role-playing to help students learn to manage different and challenging social situations. - Incorporate reading materials, audio-visual materials, journal assignments, special projects, etc., where students can learn more about bullying and the importance of respecting self and others. - Have students research different periods in history when various types of bullying occurred (and the consequences). - Have students suggest problem scenarios and assign small groups to come up with different ways to solve the problems. - Have students take positive notes throughout the day about pro-social behaviors they have observed in others and have them acknowledge these behaviors to others.
Uppercase and Lowercase Letters Uppercase and Lowercase Letters Worksheet Making kids learn the letters of the alphabet consist of teaching them uppercase and lowercase letters. This is an English worksheet for children with letters both in uppercase and lowercase. Kindergartners will have to look each and every set of letters and verify if the uppercase and lowercase is of the identical alphabet and color it based on the instructions given. A sensible way to introduce this worksheet to the kids is by first providing them with index cards with lowercase and uppercase of all of the letters. Once the kids have been through all of index cards, provide them with this worksheet and find out how well they know the letters.
There are more types of relationships than equality. Mathematical expressions can be less than or greater than each other as well. Inequalities are statements of INequality, relationships other than equality: less than, greater than, greater than or equal to, or less than or equal to. In order to write an equality you must find a relationship where one thing is smaller than or bigger than another. For example, Jed is OLDER than Ted could be written j>t. In order to write inequalities, it is crucial that you can READ the four inequality symbols: < - Less than > - Greater than ≤ - less than or equal to ≥ - greater than or equal to. Let's try an example. Lorelei, a car salesperson, needs to earn at least $4,200 gross pay this month. She makes $15 per hour plus a commission of 2.2% of her sales. Write an inequality that could be used to find, s, the amount of sales she would have to make in order to earn at least $4,200 gross in a month where she worked 105 hours. Did you notice the relationship of inequality: she needs to earn AT LEAST 4,200. Think about what "at least" means. Would she be happy with $4,200? Yes! How about MORE THAN $4,200? Of course; She would love that! But what about less than $4,200? No, way. She wouldn't be able to pay her bills. That is an inequality right there: her earnings ≥ 4,200. Now all we have to do is think of how to write "her earnings" as a math statement, and expression. According to the problem, her earnings consist of "$15 per hour plus a commission of 2.2% of sales". We also know that she works 105 hours and sells "s" in sales. So she earns 15(105)+0.022s. Let's put that into our inequality. 15(105)+0.022s ≥ 4,200 Now that's going to take some practice! Watch the example problem videos below and try some practice activities.
Operators are special symbols that perform specific operations between operands, and then return a result. In our everyday life we basically use four mathematical operators, i.e. + (addition), – (subtraction), * (multiplication) and / (division). In Microsoft Excel we have many other operators to make our work easier. Operators in Microsoft Excel are divided in four simple types or classes to make it easy to understand and remember. This classes are Mathematical or Arithmetic Operators, Logical or Comparison Operators, Reference Operators and Text Concatenation Operator. Below I have described the function and usages of this operators with examples. Say we have 10 in A1 field and 10 B1 field. Mathematical or Arithmetic Operators As the name suggest this operators are used to do mathematical calculation, whether it is addition or subtraction. In real life we have only 4 (better to say 2; + & -) mathematical operators, i.e. +, -, * and /. In Excel two more mathematical operators are created using this basic operators. Operators like % (Percent; is not a real operator though) and ^ (Exponentiation) are used in Excel. The table below will help you understand the usages of this operators. [table "82" not found /] Logical or Comparison Operators This operators are used to do a logical test between tow or more numbers or strings. This operators returns a value of either True or False. Three symbols =, > and < combined with each other makes six logical operators. Basic use of logical test is like “If he is earns more than $10,000 then he has to pay government taxes”. Lets do it the Excel way; say we have 10 in A1 field and 5 B1 field. Example and Usages of Logical Operators in MS Excel |=||Equal to|| =A1=B1|| 10=5||FALSE |>||Greater than|| =A1>B1|| 10>5||TRUE |<||Less than|| =A1|| 10<5||FALSE |>=||Greater than or equal to|| =A1>=B1|| 10>=5||TRUE |<=||Less than or equal to|| =A1<=B1||10<=5||FALSE |<>||Not equal to|| =A1<>B1||10<>5||TRUE Excel supports another class of operators known as reference operators, it basically combine ranges of cells for calculations. Here we have three symbols that represents three operators. : (colon), , (comma), and (single blank space) are used for this. Example and Usages of Reference Operators in MS Excel |: (colon)||Range operator, which produces one reference to all the cells between two references, including the two references.||=A1:B4||This will refer to all (8 in this case) cells from A1 to B4 range. |, (comma)||Union operator, which combines multiple references into one reference||=A1:B4,D1:E4||This will refer to the combination of cells from A1 to B4 and D1 to E4 |(single space)||Intersection operator, which produces on reference to cells common to the two references|| (B7:D7 C6:C8)||This will return the value of the cell C7 as this is the intersection of this two ranges. Text Concatenation Operator This operator is made for joining two more cells and return a single String in Excel and is represented by a Single Blank Space. Though concatenation is used with text, it can also be used to work with numbers. If the source and the results are numeric then the result can be used as a number, though it is technically a text string. For example say we have 25 in cell A1 and 60 in cell A2 and Home in cell A3, then =A1&A2 will return 2560(remember the result is a string but excel can use it as a number too), and =A1&A2&A3 will return 2560Home
You'll have found by now that algebra forms a major part of KS3 Maths. In algebra letters are used in place of numbers. The letter n (usually in italics) is often used to indicate the position of a term in a sequence. We call this the 'nth' term. Finding the rule for a number pattern is usually quite easy but can sometimes be a bit harder. One famous pattern is the Fibonacci sequence. This describes a spiral pattern and is very common in nature. The rule for the Fibonacci sequence is to add the previous two numbers to find the next. The nth term for this would be... advanced mathematics. Don't worry about that just yet! Here's an easier example. If a sequence begins with 5 and goes up in twos thereafter, the nth term of that sequence would be 2n + 3 (2 x 1 + 3 = 5, 2 x 2 + 3 = 7, 2 x 3 + 3 = 9 etc.). This can be a little difficult to grasp but work through this quiz (and read the helpful comments!) and you will soon get the idea.
Sports theme number quantity practice for numbers 5-10 Log in to see state-specific standards (only available in the US). Count to answer “how many?” questions about as many as 20 things arranged in a line, a rectangular array, or a circle, or as many as 10 things in a scattered configuration; given a number from 1-20, count out that many objects. Understand that each successive number name refers to a quantity that is one larger. Understand that the last number name said tells the number of objects counted. The number of objects is the same regardless of their arrangement or the order in which they were counted. When counting objects, say the number names in the standard order, pairing each object with one and only one number name and each number name with one and only one object. Understand the relationship between numbers and quantities; connect counting to cardinality.
Fractions, Decimals and Percentage B is the next step in students' understanding of equivalence in all three forms. Section A asks learners to consider decimal and percentage equivalence before finding this as a fraction out of 100 and then simplifying fractions. Next, students are faced with common misconceptions and asked to articulate and correct the mistakes. Section C follows perfectly from section A. Starting with percentages, students will convert to decimals and then as fractions over 100 and finally simplify these. Sections A and C are designed to deepen students' knowledge of equivalences and avoid making common mistakes when converting between the three. Fifths are discussed in more detail in section D. Allowing students to spot patterns from their previous answers.
Preschool and kindergarten math - Fractions Looking for games to help young children develop fraction number sense? It is beneficial if preschool and kindergarten math lessons offer opportunities for young children to develop fraction number sense. Before children are able to do operations (adding, subtracting...) with fractions, they require lots of time for play and fraction games. This will help them to be able to visualize fractions and understand that fraction segments are equal parts of a larger object, skills necessary for more advanced fraction concepts. It is not necessary to teach symbols for fractions at this stage (1/2, 1/3...) As children play fraction games they will have opportunities: - to explore how to place equivalent shapes together to create a whole (for instance, children discover that the curved side of a pie circle segment is on the outside) - to observe that putting a lot of equivalent segments (e.g. pie shapes) together in a certain way creates a new larger shape (a circle) - to be introduced to fraction terms (one third, one quarter...) - to explore and compare various shapes that are part of a whole shape - to investigate how many of each shape makes up a whole shape (4 of the blue pie shape segments make a whole pie) Start with a few sharing demonstrations The purpose is to introduce the idea of equal sized pieces and fraction terms. - thin 6" paper plates - Pretend that a paper plate is a pie and that you are going to share the pie between two students. Cut one piece small and the other large. Say, "Would this be a fair way to share the pie? Why?" Kids will probably say no it is not fair! Then ask. "How do we know it is not fair?" Compare the two cut plates by putting one on top of the other. - Say, "These pieces of pie are different sizes so the pie is not shared fairly. How can I share it fairly for 2 people?". - Suggest folding the paper plate in half and then cutting it on the fold line. Repeat the question. Say, "The pie pieces are now the same size. (Place one on top of the other) This piece is half a pie and this piece is half a pie. Together the two pieces make a whole pie." - Let the children try step 3 with their own paper plate. - At another time do the same activity with sharing between 4 kids. - Do similar activities with real food, pizza, a pie, or brownies. Start with: This is a whole ___. Let's divide it into _ pieces the same size. Each piece is the same size and part of the whole ___. Purchase fraction math manipulatives and games from Amazon.
More than and less than worksheets ks1 free Greater Than, Less Than Worksheets. These greater than and less than worksheets help kids learn how to identify inequalities by comparing integers, decimals, fractions and other quantities by giving kids a useful mnemonic: just think of the greater than sign as a Primary Resources free worksheets, lesson plans and teaching ideas for primary and elementary teachers.more than and less than worksheets ks1 Greater than Less than worksheets contain comparing quantities, cutglue activity, identifying greatersmaller number, comparing numbers in words and symbols, basic inequality, comparing realworld units and more. This page has printables for ordering and comparing tripledigit numbers. Includes worksheets, task cards, a classroom games, a cutandglue alligator activity, and more. 4Digit Numbers: Ordering and Comparing. Learn about greater than , less than , and equal to with these printable teaching resources. All include numbers up to four digits. more than and less than worksheets ks1 Mathematics Key Stage 1 Year 2 NPV. 4 Key Stage 2 Year 3 NPV. 3 NPV. 6 Less Than or Greater Than: 1 to 20 This printable will help practice the concept of more than and less than. 1st grade. Math. Worksheet More Than or Less Than Maths Worksheets for Year 1 (age 56) Part of the process of ordering is to be able to say what is one more than, or one less than, any given number up to 20. Key Stage 1 Key Stage 2 Secondary SEND ESLTEFL Resources EAL IEYC& IPC Greater Than and Less Than Worksheets. Greater Than or Less Than Worksheet. More Or Less Colouring Activity. Greater Than And Less Than (Crocodiles) Display. One More One Less Number Worksheet. Tens and Ones Worksheet. One More One Less Game: Dice Worksheet. Worksheets for calculating adding 1 more than a previous number for a range of abilities with numberlines and dinosaurs, rawr! Please rate and review, any feedback or suggestions for improvement would be greatly appreciated.Rating: 4.92 / Views: 690
Valetta Eshbach (firstname.lastname@example.org) A coded message is given to students. In order for the message to be determined they must know how it was coded. With that information and their understanding of inverse operations they can decode and respond. Grades 8 - 12 whenever inverse operations are taught. Prior to the class, the teacher must prepare a coded message and a description of the coding procedure. Included is a sample of one possibility. For this example, graph paper is needed for each student and some sample grilles to be used as keys. A list of resource books is helpful to get students started in their search for more types of codes. An understanding of inverse operations is needed. 1. A coded message is given to the class. ex: RRVIE OMTEA SSRLL LYE AT GIEN SCHLIE DGSGE! 2. Students are challenged to decode the message. The discussion usually leads them to ask you to tell them how to decode. A perfect lead-in to your response, "I won't tell you how to decode but I will tell you what I did to create this message." ex: a. I wrote each letter of my message to you in the holes of this grille I am giving you. I started in the upper left corner and proceeded horizontally row-by-row. b. After I exhausted the holes I turned the grille 90 degrees counter-clockwise and began again. I continued in this fashion until my message was complete. c. I then lifted the grille and wrote the coded message by reading horizontally. We summarized these instructions as WRITE in holes in grille, READ by rows. 3. Ask students to consider the inverse of your actions to decode the message. ex: WRITE by rows, READ from holes in grille. 4. Now is a nice time to talk a little about codes: how long they have been around, how important it is to keep things secret, when they are used, who uses them today. 1. Armed with their newfound interest in codes students are grouped in pairs and given the following assignment: a. Research codes, ciphers, cryptography. b. Choose a code to use or devise one of your own and code a message. c. Present the coded message to the class along with a description of how you encoded. d. Submit a typed report explaining the history of the code you chose, a description of the coding and decoding procedure, and your sources of information. 2. Students are given a list of resource books to stimulate their search for codes in the library or on the internet. After all messages are presented and decoded and the typed reports have been submitted a follow-up quiz can be given. One question is asked of each student. Each question is different and pertains to their written report. The question is written in the code presented by the student. Their answer can be written in plaintext. The activity will require at least two class periods depending on the number of groups presenting coded messages. They seemed pleased with the quiz which gave them a chance to demonstrate their understanding of the code. Samples of Student Efforts 1. UREHUW MRUGDQ LV DQ HAFHOOHQW ZULWHU encryption: add three to position in alphabet decoding: subtract three from position in alphabet 2. VPA ESP ICQ DEP FOE WSH LDZ FGX NNU VIX MBF encryption: add alphabet positions of the letters in HANDY sequentially to the letters in the coded message (HANDY is a shared key) 3. TEOH SNII FESC MSTE EE encryption: write vertically in 3 X 6 matrix (3 X 6 is a shared key) read horizontally decoding: write horizontally in a 3 X 6 matrix, read vertically
Collective Noun Worksheets Related ELA Standard: L.2.1.A Collective nouns are words that represent groups. They can be groups of people, places, or things. The most common example I can think of is the word "herd". This can be a name given to cattle as well as Zombies, if you are a sci-fi fan. We can see the evolution of the collection name for cash through the history of rap music. They were first referred to as "piles" (of cash), then "stacks", and today the most common use of collective noun is "racks". These parts of speech can be difficult for non-native English speakers. That is because there are so many variations and new words are emerging from pop culture all the time, as we just illustrated. This cadre of worksheets will help students become more comfortable will the use of collective nouns. Collective Noun Worksheets To Print: Herds of Collectives - Is it a group, herd, convoy, pride, or flock? Circle the word that best fits each sentence. Eating Nouns - This is a really interesting sheet to do with students. We focus on words that we commonly take for granted. Helping Anna Identify - Underline the target word in each sentence. You may need to read these several times. Gracie's Nouns - She sure does have a lot to say for a little girl. This is a long form paragraph for you to analyze. - Which one fits each situation the best? Circle the answer that correctly completes the following sentences. - Color the circle red if the sentence contains one of these prized noun. You can just leave it blank or empty, if it does not. - Unscramble the nouns in the parenthesis and write the unscrambled word on the line. If you need a hint, just read the sentence and use the context to help you. - These are things that you will see every single day! If you live on a farm. There are no hints available outside of using the sentence to frame your thoughts. Full - Cut and paste the correct collective noun by the words in the school. This offers you a fun and engaging backdrop for students. It ! - Cut and paste the animal by the correct picture to match the words. This is an image based activity. - If the sentence contains a collective noun, write "CN" in the circle and underline the collective noun. Circus - More complete the sentences activities here. For an extra helping of practice. Out - Break apart a whole passages and do a few identifications. It's more like a Baker's dozen or so. What Are Collective Nouns? Nouns are naming words that are mostly used as objects in a sentence. Nouns have many types. A collective noun is also a type of noun. You might not have noticed, but you use collective nouns in your daily speech. It is very commonly spoken in the English language. Collective nouns, as the name implies, are collections of individual nouns. They are used to refer to things in an abundance. Collective nouns represent a team of people, place, animal, or other things. You can spot a collective noun where a team is being discussed as a single entity. Here are some examples of the collective nouns for a clearer view. The teacher took the class out on a trip. Everybody waited anxiously for the jury's verdict. My family is looking for a bigger house. The audience was applauding for the comedian. The army of Napoleon got defeated. There are proper names for different collections of nouns. Different persons, places, animals, or things have specific names for their collections. It is best to memorize these collective nouns to use them fluently in speech. Here is a list of some of the most common collective nouns that are frequently used in the English language. Herd: It is used for a number of herbivore animals. Pack: It used for a group of animals that belong to the family of dogs, for example, wolves. Flock: This collective noun is used for a group of birds. It is also sometimes used for sheep and goats. Group: It is a very general collective noun. It can be used to describe any type of noun. Panel: It is used for a group of people who are expert at something. Gang: It used for criminals. Stack: It is used for a number of things that are piled up on each other.
The basic properties of real numbers, including the associative, commutative, identity, inverse and distributive properties, are important to understand when learning addition and multiplication. They are also the building blocks for beginning algebra. Once you understand each property, you can use them to solve many different mathematical problems. Using the name of each property to remember the property itself is the easiest way to keep them straight. Associate the associative property with the word associate. The associative property describes how you can group different sets of numbers together when adding or multiplying with the same result. Remember that in addition and multiplication, numbers or variables can associate with each other in different groups for the same result. Connect the commutative property to the word commute, or travel. According to the commutative property, when adding or multiplying numbers or variables the order does not matter. The numbers or variables can "commute" from one position to another and the result will be the same. Remember the identity property is a number that can be added to or multiplied by a number without changing its identity. In addition, the identity property is zero, because adding zero to any number results in the original number. In multiplication, the identity property is one. Think of the reverse to help you remember the inverse property. The inverse property of addition means that for every number (x) there is a negative (-x) that will result in zero when added. The inverse property of multiplication shows that for every number (x) there is a number (1/x) that when multiplied by x will result in one. Think of handing out or distributing a number throughout a quantity when multiplying to remember the distributive property. For example, if you have an equation of 2(x+y) you can distribute the 2 to write the equation as 2x+2y. - Stockbyte/Stockbyte/Getty Images
Every November, American citizens head to the polls to elect, or reelect, government representatives at the local, state, and federal levels. While the act of voting may seem pretty straightforward, the history behind America’s democratic process and how the government works is complex. Whether you’re looking for Election Day kindergarten activities or getting ready for the politics unit in your high school social studies class, use these activities and lessons to teach your students about voting, elections, and the government. From interactive note-taking activities to units, there are plenty of creative ways to teach students about these important topics and to help them become active and engaged citizens in the future. Election Activities and Lessons for Your Classroom Voting and elections are an essential part of American democracy. Check out these lessons and activities to help students understand the history and the fundamentals of the election process. Election Printables by Education with an Apron Voting Unit 1st/2nd Grade (TEKS & CCSS Aligned) by Happy Days in First Grade Voting and Elections Unit Election 2022 Midterm Elections Companion by Tied 2 Teaching Presidential Elections Process DIGITAL & PRINTABLE by Shelly Rees Midterm Elections English Lesson and Student Activities by English with Ease Voting Behavior Interactive Note-taking Activities by Apples and Bananas Education Political Party Platforms Candidate Research Project | 2022 Mid Term Election by Let’s Cultivate Greatness Civics Activities and Lessons for Your Classroom Teach your students about how our government works, and answer any questions they may have about the role of each government branch and the U.S. Constitution with these activities and lessons. 3 Branches of Government Activity | Interactive Notebook | Google Slides by Sailing into Second US Constitution Activity Constitution Detectives by Wise Guys Branches of Government by To the Square Inch- Kate Bing Coners The Three Branches Lesson: Separation of Powers and Montesquieu by Ms Social Studies Teacher Browse resources on TPT for more activities and lesson plans to teach your students about voting, elections, and the government. This post was originally published in 2020 and has been updated for 2022.
Shape up your students' understanding of geometrical attributes with this hands-on math lesson. Students will gain a better understanding of how to describe a shape by the number of edges and vertices it has, rather than by its name. Provide students with an opportunity to identify the wholes that are correctly divided into halves, thirds, and fourths (equal shares). Use this activity alone as a support lesson or alongside Cookie Fractions Fun. Explore 3-D shapes with your students and help them identify and talk about the relevant attributes of three-dimensional shapes, all while using real-world examples! Use this as a stand-alone lesson or alongside the Shape Models lesson. Money makes the world go 'round, but do your students know why money is important? In this lesson, students will learn the real world applications of money, as well as how to make a dollar with various coins. It's about time to learn about time! Your students will interact with a class made clock and roll the dice to 'make up' a time. But they better know their hour and minute hands apart to find success in this lesson! Students will get to explore three-digit numbers through base-ten blocks and written form. Students will get plenty of practice identifying the place values of a number both individually and with the class. It is important for students to gain a better understanding of different ways to write numbers. In this lesson, your students will practice seeing numbers in various ways to help them comprehend the meaning of numbers. We know that exposure and repetition are very important when teaching students to recognize coins and identify their values. Use this hands-on lesson that can be used alongside Counting Coins or as an independent lesson!
Lesson: Developing Different Types of Questions Students will be able to generate different types of questions for researching their topics. They will know the difference between recall, comprehension, and synthesis questions. Lesson: Brainstorming Research Questions Students will be able to brainstorm questions on a topic for future research. They will be able to brainstorm different types of questions: recall, comprehension, and synthesis. Lesson: Categorizing Research Questions Students will be able to categorize questions by topic. They will label the topics for each category. Worksheet: Brainstorming Topics A graphic organizer which encourages students to think about things they are interested in including books, music, movies, hobbies, sports, and more. Worksheet: Keyword Brainstorming A graphic organizer which encourages students to think about the keywords associated with their favorite ideas, themes, or categories. Worksheet: Creating Questions Offers prompts which encourage students to think about the subject being covered in class in order to determine at least two aspects of the subject which interest them. Worksheet: Narrowing the Topic A graphic organizer for brainstorming topics and categories related to a main topic. Worksheet: Exploring a Topic Encourages students to explain why they chose a topic, what they know about it, and what they want to find out it.
While discussing moving toys from different times and cultures, students can be given the opportunity to explore the ways they push and pull toys, and how this affects the movement of those toys. These activities complement the Movement Match interactive, that is part of this unit. There is an object list for this interactive available under related resources on this page. In this activity children will: - state the difference between push and pull - work out how a push or pull can make an object move - respond to and pose questions about familiar objects and events. Using the image gallery on this page, discuss the following questions with your students: - Do these toys look like any that you have at home? - Where do you think these toys might be from? - How old do you think these toys are? - What are some interesting things about these toys? - How you would play with each of these toys? - What would you need to do to make each toy move? - What are some ways that you would sort these toys into different groups? - What is a push? What is a pull? What is a twist? - Do any of these toys need to be pushed or pulled when played with? - Do we need to twist any of these toys when playing with them? - Explain how we would we start the movement of each of these toys. - For each toy explain how, once it’s moving, it can be slowed down or stopped? Some of the photographed toys are very similar in their use but originate from very different cultures. This may indicate that children from different cultures have some common ways of playing together. Students should be encouraged to hypothesise about the origin of each of the toys shown. The pictured toys may be classified as push and pull toys. While discussing the origins of each toy, introduce or reinforce the concept that movement can be started or stopped when we apply a push or pull to our toys. A push or pull can also speed up things, slow down or change their direction. Some toys need to be twisted to begin movement. Discuss that a twist is a combination of a push and pull. - Students may supply a toy from home that needs to be either pulled or pushed. When the toys are collected, sort the toys into groups according to the students' ideas. During these discussions, have the students decide which toys need to be pushed and which need to be pulled. - If an object is moving, this is evidence that a pushing or pulling force has been applied to that object. Explore as a class how we can tell if an object has had force applied to it. Evaluate students' understanding - Using construction materials available in the classroom, instruct students to build a device that needs to have a push or pull applied to make it work. Students may offer a verbal explanation to the class about how they can play with this toy to start and stop its movement. Encourage the students to use the words push and pull in their verbal descriptions.
As children progress through KS2 they will learn more about the place values of digits in Maths. As well as understanding the different values of digits depending on their position (ones, tens and hundreds), in Year Four children will be exposed to larger numbers including thousands. They will also be expected to know the equivalent values of these positions, for example that ten tens are the same as one hundred or that twenty hundreds are the same as two thousands. Finally, they should also be able to write these numbers in the form of words. Place values are split into thousands, hundreds, tens, ones, tenths and hundredths. In our number system we know the value of a digit in a number by its position in that number - one digit represents ones, two represent tens and ones etc. Have a go at the following quiz to see how much you know about place value. This quiz is intended for children aged 8-9.
- English stories. Every unit contains a simple animated story featuring our characters. The stories show the new language in real contexts and are also used to present the grammar item of each unit and practise the new words. Follow-on activities include gap fill activities and identifying grammatically correct sentences. - English songs. Songs are motivating and fun. They are also a very powerful learning method to help children remember the language they have learnt. There is at an easy-to-learn song in each unit, plus a karaoke version. - English Word games and word puzzles. New words are presented and then practised in fun word games. They learn to understand and say the words, then progress to recognising and forming the written words. Word games include matching, unjumbling words, memory games crosswords and activities to listen and click. - English worksheets. Each unit contains three worksheets: words, grammar and letters and sounds.
Prepositions: Time, Place, Direction This lesson introduces prepositions of time, place and direction. Activity A is an exercise in identifying the three different classes of prepositions. Activity B gives children an opportunity to use prepositions in their own writing. • The children will be able to define prepositions. The children will be able to identify the three different classes of prepositions. The children will understand and be able to demonstrate the use of prepositions. Let?s learn about some important little words. They are called prepositions. Prepositions are parts of speech which are used to link words like nouns and pronouns to other words in a sentence. These nouns and pronouns are the direct object of the preposition.
It is important that students are fully informed of the possible positive and negative consequences of their choices. They need all the information up front in order to make an informed decision. Consequence maps are a way to visually show students the connections between their choices and the consequences that may or will follow. Consequence maps can be premade and laminated, drawn on a blank frame like the one shown in Figure 13.1 or drawn on the spot. Consequence maps can also be used as an excellent graphic organization for any type of problem solving by adding as many rows as there are possible solutions or options. When using a consequence map, the teacher sits down with a student and helps her identify a situation where she has been having difficulty—for example, "The teacher gives me an assignment I don't like." The teacher and student then map out the positive choice, the negative choice, and the natural and logical consequences that are likely to follow each. The positive choice should always be stressed and put on the top row of the map. We also recommend starting with the natural consequences ("I will be proud of myself," "I will get better grades") so that the internal reinforcement that we want to develop will be stressed. The student identifies which consequences she prefers and therefore the choice she needs to make to experience that consequence. (Reproducible 6 provides a template for the map.) An example basic consequence map is shown in Figure 13.2. Consequence mapping can be used with all age and ability levels and with individual or groups of students. It can take the form of a simple if-then chart for preschoolers using visuals. (A blank if-then chart is shown in Figure 13.3, and Reproducible 7 provides a template.) The positive choice can be mounted on one side of poster board on a green background to indicate a good or "go" choice and the not-so-positive choice can be mounted on the other side on a red background to indicate a poor or "stop" choice. Teachers can then flip the chart to whichever side is needed to remind students of the consequences of their choices. Consequence maps can also take the form of a more complex chart for older students that connects their choices with not only the possible consequences but also the perceptions of those around them. An example of this type of consequence map is shown in Figure 13.4.
Finding Fractions of a Set Students will be able to identify fractions within a set. - Review with students what they know about fractions. Review Numerator, the number on top of the fraction, Denominator, the number on the bottom of the fraction that represents the total of the Set, or the group of values being observed. - Tell students that today they will learn about Fractions, or specific portions, of a set. Explain that fractions from a set are similar to the fractions they have already learned. The main difference is that we can think of the set as a whole and each item that makes up the set as an equal part. - Call several volunteers up to the front of the group. Explain to the students that the group of volunteers together is the whole. Count each student and label the total as the denominator. Each person in the group is a part. Model finding and writing the different types of fractions that can be found in the set. For example, the fraction of boys, the fraction of girls, fraction of students wearing glasses, etc. Explicit Instruction/Teacher modeling(10 minutes) - Tell students that today they will practise finding fractions of a set using different colored craft sticks. - Model pulling out a mixed set of craft sticks from the bag labeled "number 1" that was prepared ahead of time. - Model counting how many sticks there are total. Label this as the denominator. Model counting the sticks of each colour and labeling the corresponding fraction. - Repeat using the next clear bag labeled "number 2" as an example. Have students record the fractions in their notebooks, making sure to label each fraction by colour. Guided practise(20 minutes) - Have students pair up to work in teams. Give each team a clear bag labeled "number 3" to "number 15." - Tell students to label their notebook pages 3-15 to correspond with the fractions for each bag. - Have students work together to determine the fractions for each set in the bags and label them in their notebooks. - Have students switch bags every few minutes to complete as many sets as time allows. Independent working time(10 minutes) - Distribute Fractions of a Set: Spring Things worksheet. Have students complete the worksheet independently after going over the example. - Enrichment:For students in need of a challenge, encourage students to create a unique set of their own by drawing a picture. Have the student write the fractions that correspond to the set. - Support:For students in need of support, reduce the size of the set or colors in each set. - Circulate as students work in pairs determining different fractions. Ask questions of the students to determine their level of understanding. - Collect the independent practise worksheets at the end of the lesson to review for mastery. Review and closing(10 minutes) - Gather students together to discuss the activity. - Ask students to describe how they determined how many sticks were in the whole group. Ask students if they see a relationship between the numerators and the total number for the group. - Show a final set of sticks and have students write the correct fraction on whiteboards and hold up their answers for a quick visual assessment.