Question: Which employer did Nathan Gregory Silvermaster work for in Jun, 1937? Context: Nathan Gregory Silvermaster works for United States Department of Agriculture from Jan, 1940 to Jan, 1944. Nathan Gregory Silvermaster works for Maritime Labor Board from Jan, 1938 to Jan, 1940. Nathan Gregory Silvermaster works for Reconstruction Finance Corporation from Jan, 1945 to Jan, 1946. Nathan Gregory Silvermaster works for Farm Security Administration from Jan, 1935 to Jan, 1938. Answer:
Farm Security Administration
Question: Which employer did Nathan Gregory Silvermaster work for in Mar, 1938? Context: Nathan Gregory Silvermaster works for Reconstruction Finance Corporation from Jan, 1945 to Jan, 1946. Nathan Gregory Silvermaster works for Maritime Labor Board from Jan, 1938 to Jan, 1940. Nathan Gregory Silvermaster works for Farm Security Administration from Jan, 1935 to Jan, 1938. Nathan Gregory Silvermaster works for United States Department of Agriculture from Jan, 1940 to Jan, 1944. Answer:
Maritime Labor Board
Question: Which employer did Nathan Gregory Silvermaster work for in Jun, 1941? Context: Nathan Gregory Silvermaster works for United States Department of Agriculture from Jan, 1940 to Jan, 1944. Nathan Gregory Silvermaster works for Farm Security Administration from Jan, 1935 to Jan, 1938. Nathan Gregory Silvermaster works for Maritime Labor Board from Jan, 1938 to Jan, 1940. Nathan Gregory Silvermaster works for Reconstruction Finance Corporation from Jan, 1945 to Jan, 1946. Answer:
United States Department of Agriculture
Question: Which employer did Nathan Gregory Silvermaster work for in Dec, 1945? Context: Nathan Gregory Silvermaster works for United States Department of Agriculture from Jan, 1940 to Jan, 1944. Nathan Gregory Silvermaster works for Reconstruction Finance Corporation from Jan, 1945 to Jan, 1946. Nathan Gregory Silvermaster works for Farm Security Administration from Jan, 1935 to Jan, 1938. Nathan Gregory Silvermaster works for Maritime Labor Board from Jan, 1938 to Jan, 1940. Answer:
Reconstruction Finance Corporation
Question: Where was Adolf Born educated in Dec, 1949? Context: Adolf Born attended Faculty of Education, Charles University from Jan, 1949 to Jan, 1950. Adolf Born attended Academy of Fine Arts, Prague from Jan, 1953 to Jan, 1955. Adolf Born attended Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague from Jan, 1950 to Jan, 1953. Answer:
Faculty of Education, Charles University
Question: Where was Adolf Born educated in Oct, 1951? Context: Adolf Born attended Faculty of Education, Charles University from Jan, 1949 to Jan, 1950. Adolf Born attended Academy of Fine Arts, Prague from Jan, 1953 to Jan, 1955. Adolf Born attended Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague from Jan, 1950 to Jan, 1953. Answer:
Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague
Question: Where was Adolf Born educated in Jan, 1953? Context: Adolf Born attended Faculty of Education, Charles University from Jan, 1949 to Jan, 1950. Adolf Born attended Academy of Fine Arts, Prague from Jan, 1953 to Jan, 1955. Adolf Born attended Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague from Jan, 1950 to Jan, 1953. Answer:
Academy of Fine Arts, Prague
Question: Where was Xi Murong educated in Mar, 1958? Context: Xi Murong attended Académie royale des Beaux-Arts de Bruxelles from Jan, 1964 to Jan, 1966. Xi Murong attended National Taiwan Normal University from Jan, 1959 to Jan, 1963. Xi Murong attended National Taipei University of Education from Jan, 1956 to Jan, 1959. Xi Murong attended Taipei Municipal Zhongshan Girls High School from Jan, 1956 to Jan, 1959. Answer:
National Taipei University of Education
Question: Where was Xi Murong educated in Feb, 1956? Context: Xi Murong attended Académie royale des Beaux-Arts de Bruxelles from Jan, 1964 to Jan, 1966. Xi Murong attended National Taipei University of Education from Jan, 1956 to Jan, 1959. Xi Murong attended National Taiwan Normal University from Jan, 1959 to Jan, 1963. Xi Murong attended Taipei Municipal Zhongshan Girls High School from Jan, 1956 to Jan, 1959. Answer:
National Taipei University of Education
Question: Where was Xi Murong educated in Jul, 1959? Context: Xi Murong attended Académie royale des Beaux-Arts de Bruxelles from Jan, 1964 to Jan, 1966. Xi Murong attended National Taiwan Normal University from Jan, 1959 to Jan, 1963. Xi Murong attended National Taipei University of Education from Jan, 1956 to Jan, 1959. Xi Murong attended Taipei Municipal Zhongshan Girls High School from Jan, 1956 to Jan, 1959. Answer:
National Taiwan Normal University
Question: Where was Xi Murong educated in Jan, 1964? Context: Xi Murong attended National Taipei University of Education from Jan, 1956 to Jan, 1959. Xi Murong attended Académie royale des Beaux-Arts de Bruxelles from Jan, 1964 to Jan, 1966. Xi Murong attended National Taiwan Normal University from Jan, 1959 to Jan, 1963. Xi Murong attended Taipei Municipal Zhongshan Girls High School from Jan, 1956 to Jan, 1959. Answer:
Académie royale des Beaux-Arts de Bruxelles
Question: Which employer did Lukáš M. Vytlačil work for in Jul, 2014? Context: Lukáš M. Vytlačil works for National Heritage Institute from Jan, 2022 to Dec, 2022. Lukáš M. Vytlačil works for Institute of Czech Literature, Czech Academy of Sciences from Jan, 2018 to Jan, 2022. Lukáš M. Vytlačil works for Institute of Ethnology, Czech Academy of Sciences from Jan, 2013 to Jan, 2018. Answer:
Institute of Ethnology, Czech Academy of Sciences
Question: Which employer did Lukáš M. Vytlačil work for in Dec, 2020? Context: Lukáš M. Vytlačil works for Institute of Czech Literature, Czech Academy of Sciences from Jan, 2018 to Jan, 2022. Lukáš M. Vytlačil works for National Heritage Institute from Jan, 2022 to Dec, 2022. Lukáš M. Vytlačil works for Institute of Ethnology, Czech Academy of Sciences from Jan, 2013 to Jan, 2018. Answer:
Institute of Czech Literature, Czech Academy of Sciences
Question: Which employer did Lukáš M. Vytlačil work for in Jul, 2022? Context: Lukáš M. Vytlačil works for National Heritage Institute from Jan, 2022 to Dec, 2022. Lukáš M. Vytlačil works for Institute of Ethnology, Czech Academy of Sciences from Jan, 2013 to Jan, 2018. Lukáš M. Vytlačil works for Institute of Czech Literature, Czech Academy of Sciences from Jan, 2018 to Jan, 2022. Answer:
National Heritage Institute
Question: Where was Benjamín Subercaseaux educated in Aug, 1912? Context: Benjamín Subercaseaux attended Instituto Nacional General José Miguel Carrera from Jan, 1912 to Jan, 1914. Benjamín Subercaseaux attended University of Paris from Jan, 1921 to Jan, 1921. Benjamín Subercaseaux attended Colegio de los Sagrados Corazones de Santiago from Jan, 1915 to Jan, 1918. Benjamín Subercaseaux attended University of Chile from Jan, 1919 to Jan, 1920. Answer:
Instituto Nacional General José Miguel Carrera
Question: Where was Benjamín Subercaseaux educated in Dec, 1915? Context: Benjamín Subercaseaux attended University of Chile from Jan, 1919 to Jan, 1920. Benjamín Subercaseaux attended Colegio de los Sagrados Corazones de Santiago from Jan, 1915 to Jan, 1918. Benjamín Subercaseaux attended Instituto Nacional General José Miguel Carrera from Jan, 1912 to Jan, 1914. Benjamín Subercaseaux attended University of Paris from Jan, 1921 to Jan, 1921. Answer:
Colegio de los Sagrados Corazones de Santiago
Question: Where was Benjamín Subercaseaux educated in Jun, 1919? Context: Benjamín Subercaseaux attended University of Paris from Jan, 1921 to Jan, 1921. Benjamín Subercaseaux attended University of Chile from Jan, 1919 to Jan, 1920. Benjamín Subercaseaux attended Colegio de los Sagrados Corazones de Santiago from Jan, 1915 to Jan, 1918. Benjamín Subercaseaux attended Instituto Nacional General José Miguel Carrera from Jan, 1912 to Jan, 1914. Answer:
University of Chile
Question: Where was Benjamín Subercaseaux educated in Jan, 1921? Context: Benjamín Subercaseaux attended University of Chile from Jan, 1919 to Jan, 1920. Benjamín Subercaseaux attended Instituto Nacional General José Miguel Carrera from Jan, 1912 to Jan, 1914. Benjamín Subercaseaux attended Colegio de los Sagrados Corazones de Santiago from Jan, 1915 to Jan, 1918. Benjamín Subercaseaux attended University of Paris from Jan, 1921 to Jan, 1921. Answer:
University of Paris
Question: Which employer did Jerzy Neyman work for in May, 1929? Context: Jerzy Neyman works for Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology from Jan, 1928 to Jan, 1934. Jerzy Neyman works for University of California, Berkeley from Jan, 1938 to Jan, 1981. Jerzy Neyman works for University College London from Jan, 1934 to Jan, 1938. Answer:
Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology
Question: Which employer did Jerzy Neyman work for in Jan, 1937? Context: Jerzy Neyman works for University College London from Jan, 1934 to Jan, 1938. Jerzy Neyman works for University of California, Berkeley from Jan, 1938 to Jan, 1981. Jerzy Neyman works for Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology from Jan, 1928 to Jan, 1934. Answer:
University College London
Question: Which employer did Jerzy Neyman work for in Mar, 1942? Context: Jerzy Neyman works for University College London from Jan, 1934 to Jan, 1938. Jerzy Neyman works for University of California, Berkeley from Jan, 1938 to Jan, 1981. Jerzy Neyman works for Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology from Jan, 1928 to Jan, 1934. Answer:
University of California, Berkeley
Question: Who was the head of Aulnay-sous-Bois in Jul, 1974? Context: Bruno Beschizza is the head of the government of Aulnay-sous-Bois from Apr, 2014 to Dec, 2022. Jean-Claude Abrioux is the head of the government of Aulnay-sous-Bois from Jan, 1983 to Jan, 2003. Gérard Ségura is the head of the government of Aulnay-sous-Bois from Mar, 2008 to Apr, 2014. Robert Ballanger is the head of the government of Aulnay-sous-Bois from Jan, 1971 to Jan, 1977. Gérard Gaudron is the head of the government of Aulnay-sous-Bois from Jan, 2003 to Jan, 2008. Answer:
Robert Ballanger
Question: Who was the head of Aulnay-sous-Bois in Jan, 1983? Context: Robert Ballanger is the head of the government of Aulnay-sous-Bois from Jan, 1971 to Jan, 1977. Bruno Beschizza is the head of the government of Aulnay-sous-Bois from Apr, 2014 to Dec, 2022. Jean-Claude Abrioux is the head of the government of Aulnay-sous-Bois from Jan, 1983 to Jan, 2003. Gérard Ségura is the head of the government of Aulnay-sous-Bois from Mar, 2008 to Apr, 2014. Gérard Gaudron is the head of the government of Aulnay-sous-Bois from Jan, 2003 to Jan, 2008. Answer:
Jean-Claude Abrioux
Question: Who was the head of Aulnay-sous-Bois in Jan, 2005? Context: Jean-Claude Abrioux is the head of the government of Aulnay-sous-Bois from Jan, 1983 to Jan, 2003. Gérard Gaudron is the head of the government of Aulnay-sous-Bois from Jan, 2003 to Jan, 2008. Bruno Beschizza is the head of the government of Aulnay-sous-Bois from Apr, 2014 to Dec, 2022. Robert Ballanger is the head of the government of Aulnay-sous-Bois from Jan, 1971 to Jan, 1977. Gérard Ségura is the head of the government of Aulnay-sous-Bois from Mar, 2008 to Apr, 2014. Answer:
Gérard Gaudron
Question: Who was the head of Aulnay-sous-Bois in Nov, 2010? Context: Jean-Claude Abrioux is the head of the government of Aulnay-sous-Bois from Jan, 1983 to Jan, 2003. Gérard Ségura is the head of the government of Aulnay-sous-Bois from Mar, 2008 to Apr, 2014. Bruno Beschizza is the head of the government of Aulnay-sous-Bois from Apr, 2014 to Dec, 2022. Gérard Gaudron is the head of the government of Aulnay-sous-Bois from Jan, 2003 to Jan, 2008. Robert Ballanger is the head of the government of Aulnay-sous-Bois from Jan, 1971 to Jan, 1977. Answer:
Gérard Ségura
Question: Who was the head of Aulnay-sous-Bois in Oct, 2022? Context: Robert Ballanger is the head of the government of Aulnay-sous-Bois from Jan, 1971 to Jan, 1977. Gérard Gaudron is the head of the government of Aulnay-sous-Bois from Jan, 2003 to Jan, 2008. Gérard Ségura is the head of the government of Aulnay-sous-Bois from Mar, 2008 to Apr, 2014. Bruno Beschizza is the head of the government of Aulnay-sous-Bois from Apr, 2014 to Dec, 2022. Jean-Claude Abrioux is the head of the government of Aulnay-sous-Bois from Jan, 1983 to Jan, 2003. Answer:
Bruno Beschizza
Question: Which employer did Richard C. Bradt work for in Nov, 1967? Context: Richard C. Bradt works for Pennsylvania State University from Jan, 1967 to Jan, 1983. Richard C. Bradt works for University of Alabama at Birmingham from Jan, 1996 to Jan, 2009. Richard C. Bradt works for University of Washington from Jan, 1983 to Jan, 1989. Richard C. Bradt works for University of Nevada, Reno from Jan, 1989 to Jan, 1996. Answer:
Pennsylvania State University
Question: Which employer did Richard C. Bradt work for in Jan, 1983? Context: Richard C. Bradt works for Pennsylvania State University from Jan, 1967 to Jan, 1983. Richard C. Bradt works for University of Alabama at Birmingham from Jan, 1996 to Jan, 2009. Richard C. Bradt works for University of Washington from Jan, 1983 to Jan, 1989. Richard C. Bradt works for University of Nevada, Reno from Jan, 1989 to Jan, 1996. Answer:
University of Washington
Question: Which employer did Richard C. Bradt work for in Mar, 1989? Context: Richard C. Bradt works for University of Nevada, Reno from Jan, 1989 to Jan, 1996. Richard C. Bradt works for University of Washington from Jan, 1983 to Jan, 1989. Richard C. Bradt works for University of Alabama at Birmingham from Jan, 1996 to Jan, 2009. Richard C. Bradt works for Pennsylvania State University from Jan, 1967 to Jan, 1983. Answer:
University of Nevada, Reno
Question: Which employer did Richard C. Bradt work for in Feb, 2006? Context: Richard C. Bradt works for University of Nevada, Reno from Jan, 1989 to Jan, 1996. Richard C. Bradt works for Pennsylvania State University from Jan, 1967 to Jan, 1983. Richard C. Bradt works for University of Washington from Jan, 1983 to Jan, 1989. Richard C. Bradt works for University of Alabama at Birmingham from Jan, 1996 to Jan, 2009. Answer:
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Question: Where was Owe Wiktorin educated in Sep, 1961? Context: Owe Wiktorin attended Swedish Air Force Military Aviation School from Jan, 1961 to Jan, 1962. Owe Wiktorin attended Swedish National Military College from Jan, 1971 to Jan, 1973. Owe Wiktorin attended Air Command and Staff College from Jan, 1979 to Jan, 1980. Answer:
Swedish Air Force Military Aviation School
Question: Where was Owe Wiktorin educated in Nov, 1971? Context: Owe Wiktorin attended Swedish National Military College from Jan, 1971 to Jan, 1973. Owe Wiktorin attended Swedish Air Force Military Aviation School from Jan, 1961 to Jan, 1962. Owe Wiktorin attended Air Command and Staff College from Jan, 1979 to Jan, 1980. Answer:
Swedish National Military College
Question: Where was Owe Wiktorin educated in Dec, 1979? Context: Owe Wiktorin attended Swedish Air Force Military Aviation School from Jan, 1961 to Jan, 1962. Owe Wiktorin attended Air Command and Staff College from Jan, 1979 to Jan, 1980. Owe Wiktorin attended Swedish National Military College from Jan, 1971 to Jan, 1973. Answer:
Air Command and Staff College
Question: Which employer did Otto E. Neugebauer work for in Aug, 1931? Context: Otto E. Neugebauer works for University of Copenhagen from Jan, 1934 to Jan, 1938. Otto E. Neugebauer works for Brown University from Jan, 1947 to Jan, 1969. Otto E. Neugebauer works for Institute for Advanced Study from Jan, 1969 to Jan, 1990. Otto E. Neugebauer works for University of Göttingen from Jan, 1926 to Jan, 1934. Answer:
University of Göttingen
Question: Which employer did Otto E. Neugebauer work for in Aug, 1936? Context: Otto E. Neugebauer works for University of Copenhagen from Jan, 1934 to Jan, 1938. Otto E. Neugebauer works for Institute for Advanced Study from Jan, 1969 to Jan, 1990. Otto E. Neugebauer works for University of Göttingen from Jan, 1926 to Jan, 1934. Otto E. Neugebauer works for Brown University from Jan, 1947 to Jan, 1969. Answer:
University of Copenhagen
Question: Which employer did Otto E. Neugebauer work for in Nov, 1967? Context: Otto E. Neugebauer works for Brown University from Jan, 1947 to Jan, 1969. Otto E. Neugebauer works for University of Copenhagen from Jan, 1934 to Jan, 1938. Otto E. Neugebauer works for University of Göttingen from Jan, 1926 to Jan, 1934. Otto E. Neugebauer works for Institute for Advanced Study from Jan, 1969 to Jan, 1990. Answer:
Brown University
Question: Which employer did Otto E. Neugebauer work for in Jun, 1976? Context: Otto E. Neugebauer works for Brown University from Jan, 1947 to Jan, 1969. Otto E. Neugebauer works for Institute for Advanced Study from Jan, 1969 to Jan, 1990. Otto E. Neugebauer works for University of Copenhagen from Jan, 1934 to Jan, 1938. Otto E. Neugebauer works for University of Göttingen from Jan, 1926 to Jan, 1934. Answer:
Institute for Advanced Study
Question: Which employer did Mary Meeker work for in Apr, 1983? Context: Mary Meeker works for Merrill Lynch from Jan, 1982 to Jan, 1986. Mary Meeker works for Salomon Brothers from Jan, 1986 to Jan, 1990. Mary Meeker works for Morgan Stanley from Jan, 1991 to Jan, 1991. Mary Meeker works for Cowen Group from Jan, 1990 to Jan, 1991. Answer:
Merrill Lynch
Question: Which employer did Mary Meeker work for in May, 1986? Context: Mary Meeker works for Salomon Brothers from Jan, 1986 to Jan, 1990. Mary Meeker works for Morgan Stanley from Jan, 1991 to Jan, 1991. Mary Meeker works for Cowen Group from Jan, 1990 to Jan, 1991. Mary Meeker works for Merrill Lynch from Jan, 1982 to Jan, 1986. Answer:
Salomon Brothers
Question: Which employer did Mary Meeker work for in May, 1990? Context: Mary Meeker works for Morgan Stanley from Jan, 1991 to Jan, 1991. Mary Meeker works for Merrill Lynch from Jan, 1982 to Jan, 1986. Mary Meeker works for Salomon Brothers from Jan, 1986 to Jan, 1990. Mary Meeker works for Cowen Group from Jan, 1990 to Jan, 1991. Answer:
Cowen Group
Question: Which employer did Mary Meeker work for in Jan, 1991? Context: Mary Meeker works for Morgan Stanley from Jan, 1991 to Jan, 1991. Mary Meeker works for Merrill Lynch from Jan, 1982 to Jan, 1986. Mary Meeker works for Salomon Brothers from Jan, 1986 to Jan, 1990. Mary Meeker works for Cowen Group from Jan, 1990 to Jan, 1991. Answer:
Cowen Group
Question: Which team did Kevin Tully play for in Jan, 1972? Context: Kevin Tully plays for Crewe Alexandra F.C. from Jan, 1975 to Jan, 1978. Kevin Tully plays for Bury F.C. from Jan, 1980 to Jan, 1981. Kevin Tully plays for Chorley F.C. from Jan, 1980 to Jan, 1980. Kevin Tully plays for Cambridge United F.C. from Jan, 1973 to Jan, 1975. Kevin Tully plays for Port Vale F.C. from Jan, 1978 to Jan, 1980. Kevin Tully plays for Blackpool F.C. from Jan, 1972 to Jan, 1973. Answer:
Blackpool F.C.
Question: Which team did Kevin Tully play for in Mar, 1973? Context: Kevin Tully plays for Chorley F.C. from Jan, 1980 to Jan, 1980. Kevin Tully plays for Crewe Alexandra F.C. from Jan, 1975 to Jan, 1978. Kevin Tully plays for Blackpool F.C. from Jan, 1972 to Jan, 1973. Kevin Tully plays for Cambridge United F.C. from Jan, 1973 to Jan, 1975. Kevin Tully plays for Port Vale F.C. from Jan, 1978 to Jan, 1980. Kevin Tully plays for Bury F.C. from Jan, 1980 to Jan, 1981. Answer:
Cambridge United F.C.
Question: Which team did Kevin Tully play for in Mar, 1976? Context: Kevin Tully plays for Port Vale F.C. from Jan, 1978 to Jan, 1980. Kevin Tully plays for Bury F.C. from Jan, 1980 to Jan, 1981. Kevin Tully plays for Blackpool F.C. from Jan, 1972 to Jan, 1973. Kevin Tully plays for Crewe Alexandra F.C. from Jan, 1975 to Jan, 1978. Kevin Tully plays for Chorley F.C. from Jan, 1980 to Jan, 1980. Kevin Tully plays for Cambridge United F.C. from Jan, 1973 to Jan, 1975. Answer:
Crewe Alexandra F.C.
Question: Which team did Kevin Tully play for in Jul, 1978? Context: Kevin Tully plays for Blackpool F.C. from Jan, 1972 to Jan, 1973. Kevin Tully plays for Crewe Alexandra F.C. from Jan, 1975 to Jan, 1978. Kevin Tully plays for Chorley F.C. from Jan, 1980 to Jan, 1980. Kevin Tully plays for Bury F.C. from Jan, 1980 to Jan, 1981. Kevin Tully plays for Cambridge United F.C. from Jan, 1973 to Jan, 1975. Kevin Tully plays for Port Vale F.C. from Jan, 1978 to Jan, 1980. Answer:
Port Vale F.C.
Question: Which team did Kevin Tully play for in Dec, 1980? Context: Kevin Tully plays for Crewe Alexandra F.C. from Jan, 1975 to Jan, 1978. Kevin Tully plays for Chorley F.C. from Jan, 1980 to Jan, 1980. Kevin Tully plays for Port Vale F.C. from Jan, 1978 to Jan, 1980. Kevin Tully plays for Cambridge United F.C. from Jan, 1973 to Jan, 1975. Kevin Tully plays for Bury F.C. from Jan, 1980 to Jan, 1981. Kevin Tully plays for Blackpool F.C. from Jan, 1972 to Jan, 1973. Answer:
Bury F.C.
Question: Which team did Kevin Tully play for in Jan, 1980? Context: Kevin Tully plays for Bury F.C. from Jan, 1980 to Jan, 1981. Kevin Tully plays for Chorley F.C. from Jan, 1980 to Jan, 1980. Kevin Tully plays for Blackpool F.C. from Jan, 1972 to Jan, 1973. Kevin Tully plays for Port Vale F.C. from Jan, 1978 to Jan, 1980. Kevin Tully plays for Cambridge United F.C. from Jan, 1973 to Jan, 1975. Kevin Tully plays for Crewe Alexandra F.C. from Jan, 1975 to Jan, 1978. Answer:
Port Vale F.C.
Question: Which position did George Montagu, 6th Duke of Manchester hold in Dec, 1827? Context: George Montagu, 6th Duke of Manchester holds the position of Member of the 8th Parliament of the United Kingdom from Jun, 1826 to Jul, 1830. George Montagu, 6th Duke of Manchester holds the position of Member of the 12th Parliament of the United Kingdom from Jan, 1835 to Jul, 1837. George Montagu, 6th Duke of Manchester holds the position of Member of the 11th Parliament of the United Kingdom from Dec, 1832 to Dec, 1834. George Montagu, 6th Duke of Manchester holds the position of Member of the 10th Parliament of the United Kingdom from Apr, 1831 to Dec, 1832. George Montagu, 6th Duke of Manchester holds the position of Member of the 9th Parliament of the United Kingdom from Jul, 1830 to Apr, 1831. Answer:
Member of the 8th Parliament of the United Kingdom
Question: Which position did George Montagu, 6th Duke of Manchester hold in Dec, 1830? Context: George Montagu, 6th Duke of Manchester holds the position of Member of the 10th Parliament of the United Kingdom from Apr, 1831 to Dec, 1832. George Montagu, 6th Duke of Manchester holds the position of Member of the 11th Parliament of the United Kingdom from Dec, 1832 to Dec, 1834. George Montagu, 6th Duke of Manchester holds the position of Member of the 9th Parliament of the United Kingdom from Jul, 1830 to Apr, 1831. George Montagu, 6th Duke of Manchester holds the position of Member of the 12th Parliament of the United Kingdom from Jan, 1835 to Jul, 1837. George Montagu, 6th Duke of Manchester holds the position of Member of the 8th Parliament of the United Kingdom from Jun, 1826 to Jul, 1830. Answer:
Member of the 9th Parliament of the United Kingdom
Question: Which position did George Montagu, 6th Duke of Manchester hold in Dec, 1831? Context: George Montagu, 6th Duke of Manchester holds the position of Member of the 9th Parliament of the United Kingdom from Jul, 1830 to Apr, 1831. George Montagu, 6th Duke of Manchester holds the position of Member of the 11th Parliament of the United Kingdom from Dec, 1832 to Dec, 1834. George Montagu, 6th Duke of Manchester holds the position of Member of the 8th Parliament of the United Kingdom from Jun, 1826 to Jul, 1830. George Montagu, 6th Duke of Manchester holds the position of Member of the 12th Parliament of the United Kingdom from Jan, 1835 to Jul, 1837. George Montagu, 6th Duke of Manchester holds the position of Member of the 10th Parliament of the United Kingdom from Apr, 1831 to Dec, 1832. Answer:
Member of the 10th Parliament of the United Kingdom
Question: Which position did George Montagu, 6th Duke of Manchester hold in Jun, 1834? Context: George Montagu, 6th Duke of Manchester holds the position of Member of the 11th Parliament of the United Kingdom from Dec, 1832 to Dec, 1834. George Montagu, 6th Duke of Manchester holds the position of Member of the 9th Parliament of the United Kingdom from Jul, 1830 to Apr, 1831. George Montagu, 6th Duke of Manchester holds the position of Member of the 12th Parliament of the United Kingdom from Jan, 1835 to Jul, 1837. George Montagu, 6th Duke of Manchester holds the position of Member of the 8th Parliament of the United Kingdom from Jun, 1826 to Jul, 1830. George Montagu, 6th Duke of Manchester holds the position of Member of the 10th Parliament of the United Kingdom from Apr, 1831 to Dec, 1832. Answer:
Member of the 11th Parliament of the United Kingdom
Question: Which position did George Montagu, 6th Duke of Manchester hold in Mar, 1835? Context: George Montagu, 6th Duke of Manchester holds the position of Member of the 12th Parliament of the United Kingdom from Jan, 1835 to Jul, 1837. George Montagu, 6th Duke of Manchester holds the position of Member of the 8th Parliament of the United Kingdom from Jun, 1826 to Jul, 1830. George Montagu, 6th Duke of Manchester holds the position of Member of the 10th Parliament of the United Kingdom from Apr, 1831 to Dec, 1832. George Montagu, 6th Duke of Manchester holds the position of Member of the 9th Parliament of the United Kingdom from Jul, 1830 to Apr, 1831. George Montagu, 6th Duke of Manchester holds the position of Member of the 11th Parliament of the United Kingdom from Dec, 1832 to Dec, 1834. Answer:
Member of the 12th Parliament of the United Kingdom
Question: Which employer did Lawrence Heaney work for in Jan, 1971? Context: Lawrence Heaney works for Field Museum of Natural History from Jan, 1988 to Jan, 1988. Lawrence Heaney works for University of Kansas from Jan, 1975 to Jan, 1979. Lawrence Heaney works for University of Michigan from Jan, 1979 to Jan, 1986. Lawrence Heaney works for Smithsonian Institution from Jan, 1986 to Jan, 1988. Lawrence Heaney works for Delaware Museum of Natural History from Jan, 1971 to Jan, 1971. Lawrence Heaney works for University of Minnesota from Jan, 1972 to Jan, 1975. Answer:
Delaware Museum of Natural History
Question: Which employer did Lawrence Heaney work for in Dec, 1972? Context: Lawrence Heaney works for Field Museum of Natural History from Jan, 1988 to Jan, 1988. Lawrence Heaney works for University of Michigan from Jan, 1979 to Jan, 1986. Lawrence Heaney works for Smithsonian Institution from Jan, 1986 to Jan, 1988. Lawrence Heaney works for University of Minnesota from Jan, 1972 to Jan, 1975. Lawrence Heaney works for Delaware Museum of Natural History from Jan, 1971 to Jan, 1971. Lawrence Heaney works for University of Kansas from Jan, 1975 to Jan, 1979. Answer:
University of Minnesota
Question: Which employer did Lawrence Heaney work for in Mar, 1978? Context: Lawrence Heaney works for University of Kansas from Jan, 1975 to Jan, 1979. Lawrence Heaney works for Smithsonian Institution from Jan, 1986 to Jan, 1988. Lawrence Heaney works for University of Minnesota from Jan, 1972 to Jan, 1975. Lawrence Heaney works for Field Museum of Natural History from Jan, 1988 to Jan, 1988. Lawrence Heaney works for Delaware Museum of Natural History from Jan, 1971 to Jan, 1971. Lawrence Heaney works for University of Michigan from Jan, 1979 to Jan, 1986. Answer:
University of Kansas
Question: Which employer did Lawrence Heaney work for in Dec, 1980? Context: Lawrence Heaney works for Field Museum of Natural History from Jan, 1988 to Jan, 1988. Lawrence Heaney works for Smithsonian Institution from Jan, 1986 to Jan, 1988. Lawrence Heaney works for University of Kansas from Jan, 1975 to Jan, 1979. Lawrence Heaney works for Delaware Museum of Natural History from Jan, 1971 to Jan, 1971. Lawrence Heaney works for University of Minnesota from Jan, 1972 to Jan, 1975. Lawrence Heaney works for University of Michigan from Jan, 1979 to Jan, 1986. Answer:
University of Michigan
Question: Which employer did Lawrence Heaney work for in Jul, 1986? Context: Lawrence Heaney works for Smithsonian Institution from Jan, 1986 to Jan, 1988. Lawrence Heaney works for Delaware Museum of Natural History from Jan, 1971 to Jan, 1971. Lawrence Heaney works for Field Museum of Natural History from Jan, 1988 to Jan, 1988. Lawrence Heaney works for University of Minnesota from Jan, 1972 to Jan, 1975. Lawrence Heaney works for University of Kansas from Jan, 1975 to Jan, 1979. Lawrence Heaney works for University of Michigan from Jan, 1979 to Jan, 1986. Answer:
Smithsonian Institution
Question: Which employer did Lawrence Heaney work for in Jan, 1988? Context: Lawrence Heaney works for University of Michigan from Jan, 1979 to Jan, 1986. Lawrence Heaney works for Field Museum of Natural History from Jan, 1988 to Jan, 1988. Lawrence Heaney works for Smithsonian Institution from Jan, 1986 to Jan, 1988. Lawrence Heaney works for Delaware Museum of Natural History from Jan, 1971 to Jan, 1971. Lawrence Heaney works for University of Minnesota from Jan, 1972 to Jan, 1975. Lawrence Heaney works for University of Kansas from Jan, 1975 to Jan, 1979. Answer:
Smithsonian Institution
Question: Which employer did Mark Krein work for in Dec, 1938? Context: Mark Krein works for Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture from Jan, 1954 to Jan, 1976. Mark Krein works for Samara State Technical University from Jan, 1941 to Jan, 1944. Mark Krein works for Odesa University from Jan, 1929 to Jan, 1941. Mark Krein works for National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine from Jan, 1944 to Jan, 1952. Mark Krein works for Kryvyi Rih National University from Jan, 1952 to Jan, 1954. Mark Krein works for Odessa National Maritime Academy from Jan, 1944 to Jan, 1954. Answer:
Odesa University
Question: Which employer did Mark Krein work for in Jul, 1941? Context: Mark Krein works for Odesa University from Jan, 1929 to Jan, 1941. Mark Krein works for Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture from Jan, 1954 to Jan, 1976. Mark Krein works for Kryvyi Rih National University from Jan, 1952 to Jan, 1954. Mark Krein works for Samara State Technical University from Jan, 1941 to Jan, 1944. Mark Krein works for National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine from Jan, 1944 to Jan, 1952. Mark Krein works for Odessa National Maritime Academy from Jan, 1944 to Jan, 1954. Answer:
Samara State Technical University
Question: Which employer did Mark Krein work for in May, 1945? Context: Mark Krein works for Samara State Technical University from Jan, 1941 to Jan, 1944. Mark Krein works for Odessa National Maritime Academy from Jan, 1944 to Jan, 1954. Mark Krein works for Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture from Jan, 1954 to Jan, 1976. Mark Krein works for National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine from Jan, 1944 to Jan, 1952. Mark Krein works for Odesa University from Jan, 1929 to Jan, 1941. Mark Krein works for Kryvyi Rih National University from Jan, 1952 to Jan, 1954. Answer:
Odessa National Maritime Academy
Question: Which employer did Mark Krein work for in Dec, 1944? Context: Mark Krein works for Odessa National Maritime Academy from Jan, 1944 to Jan, 1954. Mark Krein works for Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture from Jan, 1954 to Jan, 1976. Mark Krein works for Samara State Technical University from Jan, 1941 to Jan, 1944. Mark Krein works for Kryvyi Rih National University from Jan, 1952 to Jan, 1954. Mark Krein works for National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine from Jan, 1944 to Jan, 1952. Mark Krein works for Odesa University from Jan, 1929 to Jan, 1941. Answer:
Odessa National Maritime Academy
Question: Which employer did Mark Krein work for in May, 1953? Context: Mark Krein works for Samara State Technical University from Jan, 1941 to Jan, 1944. Mark Krein works for Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture from Jan, 1954 to Jan, 1976. Mark Krein works for National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine from Jan, 1944 to Jan, 1952. Mark Krein works for Odessa National Maritime Academy from Jan, 1944 to Jan, 1954. Mark Krein works for Kryvyi Rih National University from Jan, 1952 to Jan, 1954. Mark Krein works for Odesa University from Jan, 1929 to Jan, 1941. Answer:
Odessa National Maritime Academy
Question: Which employer did Mark Krein work for in May, 1955? Context: Mark Krein works for Samara State Technical University from Jan, 1941 to Jan, 1944. Mark Krein works for Odesa University from Jan, 1929 to Jan, 1941. Mark Krein works for Odessa National Maritime Academy from Jan, 1944 to Jan, 1954. Mark Krein works for National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine from Jan, 1944 to Jan, 1952. Mark Krein works for Kryvyi Rih National University from Jan, 1952 to Jan, 1954. Mark Krein works for Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture from Jan, 1954 to Jan, 1976. Answer:
Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Question: Which employer did Matthew Pratt Guterl work for in Sep, 1999? Context: Matthew Pratt Guterl works for Brown University from Jan, 2012 to Dec, 2022. Matthew Pratt Guterl works for Washington State University from Jan, 2000 to Jan, 2003. Matthew Pratt Guterl works for St. John's University from Jan, 1999 to Jan, 2000. Matthew Pratt Guterl works for Indiana University Bloomington from Jan, 2003 to Jan, 2012. Answer:
St. John's University
Question: Which employer did Matthew Pratt Guterl work for in Jul, 2001? Context: Matthew Pratt Guterl works for Washington State University from Jan, 2000 to Jan, 2003. Matthew Pratt Guterl works for Indiana University Bloomington from Jan, 2003 to Jan, 2012. Matthew Pratt Guterl works for Brown University from Jan, 2012 to Dec, 2022. Matthew Pratt Guterl works for St. John's University from Jan, 1999 to Jan, 2000. Answer:
Washington State University
Question: Which employer did Matthew Pratt Guterl work for in Oct, 2003? Context: Matthew Pratt Guterl works for Washington State University from Jan, 2000 to Jan, 2003. Matthew Pratt Guterl works for Indiana University Bloomington from Jan, 2003 to Jan, 2012. Matthew Pratt Guterl works for Brown University from Jan, 2012 to Dec, 2022. Matthew Pratt Guterl works for St. John's University from Jan, 1999 to Jan, 2000. Answer:
Indiana University Bloomington
Question: Which employer did Matthew Pratt Guterl work for in Aug, 2012? Context: Matthew Pratt Guterl works for Washington State University from Jan, 2000 to Jan, 2003. Matthew Pratt Guterl works for Indiana University Bloomington from Jan, 2003 to Jan, 2012. Matthew Pratt Guterl works for Brown University from Jan, 2012 to Dec, 2022. Matthew Pratt Guterl works for St. John's University from Jan, 1999 to Jan, 2000. Answer:
Brown University
Question: Which position did Mark Clinton hold in Dec, 1962? Context: Mark Clinton holds the position of Teachta Dála from Oct, 1961 to Mar, 1965. Mark Clinton holds the position of member of the European Parliament from Jul, 1979 to Jul, 1984. Mark Clinton holds the position of Representative of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe from Sep, 1969 to Jan, 1971. Mark Clinton holds the position of Substitute member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe from Jan, 1968 to Sep, 1969. Mark Clinton holds the position of Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine from Mar, 1973 to Jul, 1977. Answer:
Teachta Dála
Question: Which position did Mark Clinton hold in Mar, 1969? Context: Mark Clinton holds the position of Substitute member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe from Jan, 1968 to Sep, 1969. Mark Clinton holds the position of Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine from Mar, 1973 to Jul, 1977. Mark Clinton holds the position of member of the European Parliament from Jul, 1979 to Jul, 1984. Mark Clinton holds the position of Teachta Dála from Oct, 1961 to Mar, 1965. Mark Clinton holds the position of Representative of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe from Sep, 1969 to Jan, 1971. Answer:
Substitute member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
Question: Which position did Mark Clinton hold in Sep, 1970? Context: Mark Clinton holds the position of Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine from Mar, 1973 to Jul, 1977. Mark Clinton holds the position of Representative of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe from Sep, 1969 to Jan, 1971. Mark Clinton holds the position of Substitute member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe from Jan, 1968 to Sep, 1969. Mark Clinton holds the position of member of the European Parliament from Jul, 1979 to Jul, 1984. Mark Clinton holds the position of Teachta Dála from Oct, 1961 to Mar, 1965. Answer:
Representative of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
Question: Which position did Mark Clinton hold in Dec, 1975? Context: Mark Clinton holds the position of Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine from Mar, 1973 to Jul, 1977. Mark Clinton holds the position of Representative of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe from Sep, 1969 to Jan, 1971. Mark Clinton holds the position of member of the European Parliament from Jul, 1979 to Jul, 1984. Mark Clinton holds the position of Teachta Dála from Oct, 1961 to Mar, 1965. Mark Clinton holds the position of Substitute member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe from Jan, 1968 to Sep, 1969. Answer:
Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine
Question: Which position did Mark Clinton hold in Dec, 1982? Context: Mark Clinton holds the position of Teachta Dála from Oct, 1961 to Mar, 1965. Mark Clinton holds the position of Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine from Mar, 1973 to Jul, 1977. Mark Clinton holds the position of member of the European Parliament from Jul, 1979 to Jul, 1984. Mark Clinton holds the position of Substitute member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe from Jan, 1968 to Sep, 1969. Mark Clinton holds the position of Representative of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe from Sep, 1969 to Jan, 1971. Answer:
member of the European Parliament
Question: Which position did Charles-Joseph, 4th Duke d'Ursel hold in Nov, 1813? Context: Charles-Joseph, 4th Duke d'Ursel holds the position of interior minister from Jan, 1814 to Jan, 1815. Charles-Joseph, 4th Duke d'Ursel holds the position of Minister of Transport, Public Works and Water Management from Sep, 1815 to Jul, 1819. Charles-Joseph, 4th Duke d'Ursel holds the position of mayor of Brussels from Jan, 1810 to Jan, 1814. Charles-Joseph, 4th Duke d'Ursel holds the position of Minister of State from Jan, 1829 to Jan, 1830. Charles-Joseph, 4th Duke d'Ursel holds the position of Senator of Belgium from Jan, 1839 to Jan, 1859. Answer:
mayor of Brussels
Question: Which position did Charles-Joseph, 4th Duke d'Ursel hold in Aug, 1814? Context: Charles-Joseph, 4th Duke d'Ursel holds the position of interior minister from Jan, 1814 to Jan, 1815. Charles-Joseph, 4th Duke d'Ursel holds the position of Senator of Belgium from Jan, 1839 to Jan, 1859. Charles-Joseph, 4th Duke d'Ursel holds the position of Minister of State from Jan, 1829 to Jan, 1830. Charles-Joseph, 4th Duke d'Ursel holds the position of Minister of Transport, Public Works and Water Management from Sep, 1815 to Jul, 1819. Charles-Joseph, 4th Duke d'Ursel holds the position of mayor of Brussels from Jan, 1810 to Jan, 1814. Answer:
interior minister
Question: Which position did Charles-Joseph, 4th Duke d'Ursel hold in Jul, 1817? Context: Charles-Joseph, 4th Duke d'Ursel holds the position of interior minister from Jan, 1814 to Jan, 1815. Charles-Joseph, 4th Duke d'Ursel holds the position of Minister of State from Jan, 1829 to Jan, 1830. Charles-Joseph, 4th Duke d'Ursel holds the position of mayor of Brussels from Jan, 1810 to Jan, 1814. Charles-Joseph, 4th Duke d'Ursel holds the position of Minister of Transport, Public Works and Water Management from Sep, 1815 to Jul, 1819. Charles-Joseph, 4th Duke d'Ursel holds the position of Senator of Belgium from Jan, 1839 to Jan, 1859. Answer:
Minister of Transport, Public Works and Water Management
Question: Which position did Charles-Joseph, 4th Duke d'Ursel hold in Aug, 1829? Context: Charles-Joseph, 4th Duke d'Ursel holds the position of Minister of State from Jan, 1829 to Jan, 1830. Charles-Joseph, 4th Duke d'Ursel holds the position of Minister of Transport, Public Works and Water Management from Sep, 1815 to Jul, 1819. Charles-Joseph, 4th Duke d'Ursel holds the position of mayor of Brussels from Jan, 1810 to Jan, 1814. Charles-Joseph, 4th Duke d'Ursel holds the position of interior minister from Jan, 1814 to Jan, 1815. Charles-Joseph, 4th Duke d'Ursel holds the position of Senator of Belgium from Jan, 1839 to Jan, 1859. Answer:
Minister of State
Question: Which position did Charles-Joseph, 4th Duke d'Ursel hold in Oct, 1850? Context: Charles-Joseph, 4th Duke d'Ursel holds the position of Minister of State from Jan, 1829 to Jan, 1830. Charles-Joseph, 4th Duke d'Ursel holds the position of Minister of Transport, Public Works and Water Management from Sep, 1815 to Jul, 1819. Charles-Joseph, 4th Duke d'Ursel holds the position of mayor of Brussels from Jan, 1810 to Jan, 1814. Charles-Joseph, 4th Duke d'Ursel holds the position of Senator of Belgium from Jan, 1839 to Jan, 1859. Charles-Joseph, 4th Duke d'Ursel holds the position of interior minister from Jan, 1814 to Jan, 1815. Answer:
Senator of Belgium
Question: Which political party did R.N. Upadhyaya belong to in Oct, 1950? Context: R.N. Upadhyaya is a member of the Revolutionary Socialist Party from Jan, 1940 to Jan, 1952. R.N. Upadhyaya is a member of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) from Jan, 1964 to Jan, 1967. R.N. Upadhyaya is a member of the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) from Jan, 1969 to Jan, 1972. R.N. Upadhyaya is a member of the Communist Party of India (Marxist–Leninist) Liberation from Jan, 1997 to Jan, 1997. R.N. Upadhyaya is a member of the Communist Party of India from Jan, 1952 to Jan, 1964. Answer:
Revolutionary Socialist Party
Question: Which political party did R.N. Upadhyaya belong to in May, 1953? Context: R.N. Upadhyaya is a member of the Communist Party of India (Marxist–Leninist) Liberation from Jan, 1997 to Jan, 1997. R.N. Upadhyaya is a member of the Communist Party of India from Jan, 1952 to Jan, 1964. R.N. Upadhyaya is a member of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) from Jan, 1964 to Jan, 1967. R.N. Upadhyaya is a member of the Revolutionary Socialist Party from Jan, 1940 to Jan, 1952. R.N. Upadhyaya is a member of the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) from Jan, 1969 to Jan, 1972. Answer:
Communist Party of India
Question: Which political party did R.N. Upadhyaya belong to in Jul, 1965? Context: R.N. Upadhyaya is a member of the Communist Party of India from Jan, 1952 to Jan, 1964. R.N. Upadhyaya is a member of the Revolutionary Socialist Party from Jan, 1940 to Jan, 1952. R.N. Upadhyaya is a member of the Communist Party of India (Marxist–Leninist) Liberation from Jan, 1997 to Jan, 1997. R.N. Upadhyaya is a member of the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) from Jan, 1969 to Jan, 1972. R.N. Upadhyaya is a member of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) from Jan, 1964 to Jan, 1967. Answer:
Communist Party of India (Marxist)
Question: Which political party did R.N. Upadhyaya belong to in Aug, 1971? Context: R.N. Upadhyaya is a member of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) from Jan, 1964 to Jan, 1967. R.N. Upadhyaya is a member of the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) from Jan, 1969 to Jan, 1972. R.N. Upadhyaya is a member of the Communist Party of India (Marxist–Leninist) Liberation from Jan, 1997 to Jan, 1997. R.N. Upadhyaya is a member of the Communist Party of India from Jan, 1952 to Jan, 1964. R.N. Upadhyaya is a member of the Revolutionary Socialist Party from Jan, 1940 to Jan, 1952. Answer:
Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist)
Question: Which political party did R.N. Upadhyaya belong to in Jan, 1997? Context: R.N. Upadhyaya is a member of the Revolutionary Socialist Party from Jan, 1940 to Jan, 1952. R.N. Upadhyaya is a member of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) from Jan, 1964 to Jan, 1967. R.N. Upadhyaya is a member of the Communist Party of India from Jan, 1952 to Jan, 1964. R.N. Upadhyaya is a member of the Communist Party of India (Marxist–Leninist) Liberation from Jan, 1997 to Jan, 1997. R.N. Upadhyaya is a member of the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) from Jan, 1969 to Jan, 1972. Answer:
Communist Party of India (Marxist–Leninist) Liberation
Question: Which employer did Wilhelm Flügge work for in Jan, 1928? Context: Wilhelm Flügge works for Office National d'Études et de Recherches Aérospatiales from Jan, 1945 to Jan, 1948. Wilhelm Flügge works for University of Göttingen from Jan, 1932 to Jan, 1939. Wilhelm Flügge works for Stanford University from Jan, 1948 to Jan, 1975. Wilhelm Flügge works for Dyckerhoff & Widmann from Jan, 1927 to Jan, 1930. Wilhelm Flügge works for Deutsche Versuchsanstalt für Luftfahrt from Jan, 1939 to Jan, 1945. Answer:
Dyckerhoff & Widmann
Question: Which employer did Wilhelm Flügge work for in May, 1934? Context: Wilhelm Flügge works for University of Göttingen from Jan, 1932 to Jan, 1939. Wilhelm Flügge works for Deutsche Versuchsanstalt für Luftfahrt from Jan, 1939 to Jan, 1945. Wilhelm Flügge works for Office National d'Études et de Recherches Aérospatiales from Jan, 1945 to Jan, 1948. Wilhelm Flügge works for Dyckerhoff & Widmann from Jan, 1927 to Jan, 1930. Wilhelm Flügge works for Stanford University from Jan, 1948 to Jan, 1975. Answer:
University of Göttingen
Question: Which employer did Wilhelm Flügge work for in May, 1940? Context: Wilhelm Flügge works for Deutsche Versuchsanstalt für Luftfahrt from Jan, 1939 to Jan, 1945. Wilhelm Flügge works for Stanford University from Jan, 1948 to Jan, 1975. Wilhelm Flügge works for University of Göttingen from Jan, 1932 to Jan, 1939. Wilhelm Flügge works for Office National d'Études et de Recherches Aérospatiales from Jan, 1945 to Jan, 1948. Wilhelm Flügge works for Dyckerhoff & Widmann from Jan, 1927 to Jan, 1930. Answer:
Deutsche Versuchsanstalt für Luftfahrt
Question: Which employer did Wilhelm Flügge work for in Jun, 1945? Context: Wilhelm Flügge works for Dyckerhoff & Widmann from Jan, 1927 to Jan, 1930. Wilhelm Flügge works for Stanford University from Jan, 1948 to Jan, 1975. Wilhelm Flügge works for Deutsche Versuchsanstalt für Luftfahrt from Jan, 1939 to Jan, 1945. Wilhelm Flügge works for Office National d'Études et de Recherches Aérospatiales from Jan, 1945 to Jan, 1948. Wilhelm Flügge works for University of Göttingen from Jan, 1932 to Jan, 1939. Answer:
Office National d'Études et de Recherches Aérospatiales
Question: Which employer did Wilhelm Flügge work for in Mar, 1970? Context: Wilhelm Flügge works for Office National d'Études et de Recherches Aérospatiales from Jan, 1945 to Jan, 1948. Wilhelm Flügge works for Dyckerhoff & Widmann from Jan, 1927 to Jan, 1930. Wilhelm Flügge works for Stanford University from Jan, 1948 to Jan, 1975. Wilhelm Flügge works for University of Göttingen from Jan, 1932 to Jan, 1939. Wilhelm Flügge works for Deutsche Versuchsanstalt für Luftfahrt from Jan, 1939 to Jan, 1945. Answer:
Stanford University
Question: Who was the head of Vârghiș in Dec, 2012? Context: Ilkei Francisc is the head of the government of Vârghiș from Jan, 2004 to Jan, 2016. Levente-Lehel Sütő is the head of the government of Vârghiș from Jan, 2016 to Oct, 2020. Lajos Imets is the head of the government of Vârghiș from Oct, 2020 to Dec, 2022. Answer:
Ilkei Francisc
Question: Who was the head of Vârghiș in Aug, 2018? Context: Levente-Lehel Sütő is the head of the government of Vârghiș from Jan, 2016 to Oct, 2020. Lajos Imets is the head of the government of Vârghiș from Oct, 2020 to Dec, 2022. Ilkei Francisc is the head of the government of Vârghiș from Jan, 2004 to Jan, 2016. Answer:
Levente-Lehel Sütő
Question: Who was the head of Vârghiș in Aug, 2022? Context: Ilkei Francisc is the head of the government of Vârghiș from Jan, 2004 to Jan, 2016. Levente-Lehel Sütő is the head of the government of Vârghiș from Jan, 2016 to Oct, 2020. Lajos Imets is the head of the government of Vârghiș from Oct, 2020 to Dec, 2022. Answer:
Lajos Imets
Question: Which position did Harold Roper hold in Sep, 1951? Context: Harold Roper holds the position of Member of the 41st Parliament of the United Kingdom from May, 1955 to Sep, 1959. Harold Roper holds the position of Member of the 39th Parliament of the United Kingdom from Feb, 1950 to Oct, 1951. Harold Roper holds the position of Member of the 40th Parliament of the United Kingdom from Oct, 1951 to May, 1955. Answer:
Member of the 39th Parliament of the United Kingdom
Question: Which position did Harold Roper hold in Oct, 1954? Context: Harold Roper holds the position of Member of the 40th Parliament of the United Kingdom from Oct, 1951 to May, 1955. Harold Roper holds the position of Member of the 39th Parliament of the United Kingdom from Feb, 1950 to Oct, 1951. Harold Roper holds the position of Member of the 41st Parliament of the United Kingdom from May, 1955 to Sep, 1959. Answer:
Member of the 40th Parliament of the United Kingdom
Question: Which position did Harold Roper hold in Apr, 1958? Context: Harold Roper holds the position of Member of the 41st Parliament of the United Kingdom from May, 1955 to Sep, 1959. Harold Roper holds the position of Member of the 40th Parliament of the United Kingdom from Oct, 1951 to May, 1955. Harold Roper holds the position of Member of the 39th Parliament of the United Kingdom from Feb, 1950 to Oct, 1951. Answer:
Member of the 41st Parliament of the United Kingdom
Question: Which team did Alexis Alexandrou play for in Oct, 1996? Context: Alexis Alexandrou plays for Ethnikos Achna FC from Jan, 1999 to Jan, 2005. Alexis Alexandrou plays for APOEL F.C. from Jan, 1997 to Jan, 1999. Alexis Alexandrou plays for Cyprus national football team from Jan, 1996 to Jan, 1997. Answer:
Cyprus national football team
Question: Which team did Alexis Alexandrou play for in Jul, 1998? Context: Alexis Alexandrou plays for Cyprus national football team from Jan, 1996 to Jan, 1997. Alexis Alexandrou plays for Ethnikos Achna FC from Jan, 1999 to Jan, 2005. Alexis Alexandrou plays for APOEL F.C. from Jan, 1997 to Jan, 1999. Answer:
Question: Which team did Alexis Alexandrou play for in Aug, 2001? Context: Alexis Alexandrou plays for APOEL F.C. from Jan, 1997 to Jan, 1999. Alexis Alexandrou plays for Ethnikos Achna FC from Jan, 1999 to Jan, 2005. Alexis Alexandrou plays for Cyprus national football team from Jan, 1996 to Jan, 1997. Answer:
Ethnikos Achna FC
Question: Which position did Frederick Elwyn Jones, Baron Elwyn-Jones hold in Feb, 1949? Context: Frederick Elwyn Jones, Baron Elwyn-Jones holds the position of Lord Chancellor from Mar, 1974 to May, 1979. Frederick Elwyn Jones, Baron Elwyn-Jones holds the position of Member of the 40th Parliament of the United Kingdom from Oct, 1951 to May, 1955. Frederick Elwyn Jones, Baron Elwyn-Jones holds the position of Member of the 39th Parliament of the United Kingdom from Feb, 1950 to Oct, 1951. Frederick Elwyn Jones, Baron Elwyn-Jones holds the position of Member of the 38th Parliament of the United Kingdom from Jul, 1945 to Feb, 1950. Frederick Elwyn Jones, Baron Elwyn-Jones holds the position of Member of the 41st Parliament of the United Kingdom from May, 1955 to Sep, 1959. Frederick Elwyn Jones, Baron Elwyn-Jones holds the position of Attorney General for England and Wales from Oct, 1964 to Jun, 1970. Frederick Elwyn Jones, Baron Elwyn-Jones holds the position of Shadow Lord Chancellor from Oct, 1983 to Jan, 1989. Frederick Elwyn Jones, Baron Elwyn-Jones holds the position of Member of the 44th Parliament of the United Kingdom from Mar, 1966 to May, 1970. Frederick Elwyn Jones, Baron Elwyn-Jones holds the position of Member of the 46th Parliament of the United Kingdom from Feb, 1974 to Mar, 1974. Frederick Elwyn Jones, Baron Elwyn-Jones holds the position of Member of the 42nd Parliament of the United Kingdom from Oct, 1959 to Sep, 1964. Frederick Elwyn Jones, Baron Elwyn-Jones holds the position of Member of the House of Lords from Mar, 1974 to Dec, 1989. Frederick Elwyn Jones, Baron Elwyn-Jones holds the position of Member of the 43rd Parliament of the United Kingdom from Oct, 1964 to Mar, 1966. Frederick Elwyn Jones, Baron Elwyn-Jones holds the position of Member of the 45th Parliament of the United Kingdom from Jun, 1970 to Feb, 1974. Answer:
Member of the 38th Parliament of the United Kingdom
Question: Which position did Frederick Elwyn Jones, Baron Elwyn-Jones hold in Sep, 1951? Context: Frederick Elwyn Jones, Baron Elwyn-Jones holds the position of Member of the 46th Parliament of the United Kingdom from Feb, 1974 to Mar, 1974. Frederick Elwyn Jones, Baron Elwyn-Jones holds the position of Member of the 42nd Parliament of the United Kingdom from Oct, 1959 to Sep, 1964. Frederick Elwyn Jones, Baron Elwyn-Jones holds the position of Member of the 39th Parliament of the United Kingdom from Feb, 1950 to Oct, 1951. Frederick Elwyn Jones, Baron Elwyn-Jones holds the position of Attorney General for England and Wales from Oct, 1964 to Jun, 1970. Frederick Elwyn Jones, Baron Elwyn-Jones holds the position of Member of the 45th Parliament of the United Kingdom from Jun, 1970 to Feb, 1974. Frederick Elwyn Jones, Baron Elwyn-Jones holds the position of Shadow Lord Chancellor from Oct, 1983 to Jan, 1989. Frederick Elwyn Jones, Baron Elwyn-Jones holds the position of Member of the 40th Parliament of the United Kingdom from Oct, 1951 to May, 1955. Frederick Elwyn Jones, Baron Elwyn-Jones holds the position of Member of the 44th Parliament of the United Kingdom from Mar, 1966 to May, 1970. Frederick Elwyn Jones, Baron Elwyn-Jones holds the position of Member of the House of Lords from Mar, 1974 to Dec, 1989. Frederick Elwyn Jones, Baron Elwyn-Jones holds the position of Lord Chancellor from Mar, 1974 to May, 1979. Frederick Elwyn Jones, Baron Elwyn-Jones holds the position of Member of the 43rd Parliament of the United Kingdom from Oct, 1964 to Mar, 1966. Frederick Elwyn Jones, Baron Elwyn-Jones holds the position of Member of the 38th Parliament of the United Kingdom from Jul, 1945 to Feb, 1950. Frederick Elwyn Jones, Baron Elwyn-Jones holds the position of Member of the 41st Parliament of the United Kingdom from May, 1955 to Sep, 1959. Answer:
Member of the 39th Parliament of the United Kingdom
Question: Which position did Frederick Elwyn Jones, Baron Elwyn-Jones hold in Nov, 1951? Context: Frederick Elwyn Jones, Baron Elwyn-Jones holds the position of Member of the 46th Parliament of the United Kingdom from Feb, 1974 to Mar, 1974. Frederick Elwyn Jones, Baron Elwyn-Jones holds the position of Attorney General for England and Wales from Oct, 1964 to Jun, 1970. Frederick Elwyn Jones, Baron Elwyn-Jones holds the position of Member of the 42nd Parliament of the United Kingdom from Oct, 1959 to Sep, 1964. Frederick Elwyn Jones, Baron Elwyn-Jones holds the position of Lord Chancellor from Mar, 1974 to May, 1979. Frederick Elwyn Jones, Baron Elwyn-Jones holds the position of Member of the 41st Parliament of the United Kingdom from May, 1955 to Sep, 1959. Frederick Elwyn Jones, Baron Elwyn-Jones holds the position of Member of the 45th Parliament of the United Kingdom from Jun, 1970 to Feb, 1974. Frederick Elwyn Jones, Baron Elwyn-Jones holds the position of Member of the 38th Parliament of the United Kingdom from Jul, 1945 to Feb, 1950. Frederick Elwyn Jones, Baron Elwyn-Jones holds the position of Member of the 39th Parliament of the United Kingdom from Feb, 1950 to Oct, 1951. Frederick Elwyn Jones, Baron Elwyn-Jones holds the position of Member of the 43rd Parliament of the United Kingdom from Oct, 1964 to Mar, 1966. Frederick Elwyn Jones, Baron Elwyn-Jones holds the position of Member of the 44th Parliament of the United Kingdom from Mar, 1966 to May, 1970. Frederick Elwyn Jones, Baron Elwyn-Jones holds the position of Member of the House of Lords from Mar, 1974 to Dec, 1989. Frederick Elwyn Jones, Baron Elwyn-Jones holds the position of Shadow Lord Chancellor from Oct, 1983 to Jan, 1989. Frederick Elwyn Jones, Baron Elwyn-Jones holds the position of Member of the 40th Parliament of the United Kingdom from Oct, 1951 to May, 1955. Answer:
Member of the 40th Parliament of the United Kingdom