environmental health inspector
umwelt- und gesundheitsinspektor/umwelt- und gesundheitsinspektorin
Environmental health inspectors carry out investigations to ensure that areas, organisations and companies comply with environmental and public health legislation. They evaluate environmental complaints, provide reports on their findings and work to prevent future hazards or noncompliance with current policies. Environmental health inspectors perform consultations to promote public health and safety.
Umwelt- und Gesundheitsinspektoren führen Untersuchungen durch, um sicherzustellen, dass Gebiete, Organisationen und Unternehmen den Umwelt- und Gesundheitsvorschriften entsprechen. Sie gehen Beschwerden im Umweltbereich nach und legen Berichte über ihre Ergebnisse und ihre Arbeiten vor, um Gefahren oder die Nichteinhaltung der geltenden Richtlinien künftig zu verhindern. Umwelt- und Gesundheitsinspektoren leisten Beratung zur Förderung der öffentlichen Gesundheit und Sicherheit.
environmental health inspector
['environmental policy', 'check methods', 'audit techniques', 'environmental legislation', 'public health', 'ensure compliance with environmental legislation', 'address public health issues', 'perform environmental investigations', 'use consulting techniques', 'monitor legislation developments', 'promote health and safety', 'conduct environmental surveys', 'contribute to public health campaigns', 'write inspection reports', 'present reports', 'provide improvement strategies', 'foodborne diseases', 'percolation', 'pests and diseases', 'communicable diseases', 'pollution prevention', 'consumer protection', 'biology', 'environmental engineering', 'chemistry', 'occupational health', 'hazardous waste storage', 'inform policy makers on health-related challenges', 'perform risk analysis', 'provide testimony in court hearings', 'develop environmental policy', 'maintain relationships with government agencies', 'wear appropriate protective gear', 'enforce sanitation procedures', 'conduct educational activities', 'provide advice on breaches of regulation', 'analyse health problems within a given community']
assistant lecturer
wissenschaftlicher mitarbeiter/wissenschaftliche mitarbeiterin
Assistant lecturers share university or college lecturers' academic workload, specifically the provision of lectures to students. They prepare and teach classes, and meet with students privately regarding evaluation. They also combine their lecturing and other academic duties with conducting their own research in their field of study. Assistant lecturers occupy an autonomous, full-time position, despite what the subservience element in the occupation title may suggest.
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter/wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterinnen unterstützen Lehrkräfte bei ihrer Arbeit, vor allem durch das Halten von Lehrveranstaltungen. Sie bereiten Lehrveranstaltungen vor, führen sie durch und führen Evaluierungsgespräche mit Studierenden. Sie kombinieren zudem ihre Vorlesungen und anderen Lehraufgaben mit ihrer eigenen Forschung in ihrem Fachgebiet. Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter/Mitarbeiterinnen haben eine eigenständige Vollzeitstelle, auch wenn ihre Stellenbezeichnung möglicherweise eine untergeordnete Position vermuten lässt.
assistant lecturer
['assessment processes', 'scientific literature', 'investigation research methods', 'curriculum objectives', 'cooperate with education professionals', "guarantee students' safety", 'use data processing techniques', 'interpret current data', 'interact professionally in research and professional environments', 'prepare lesson content', 'monitor developments in field of expertise', 'teach university class', 'teach in academic or vocational contexts', 'apply teaching strategies', 'assess students', 'apply scientific methods', 'analyse test data', 'think abstractly', 'provide teacher support', 'mentor individuals', 'manage personal professional development', 'apply blended learning', 'give constructive feedback', 'operate scientific measuring equipment', 'perform classroom management', 'provide assistance to lecturer', 'provide lesson materials', 'liaise with educational staff', 'develop course outline', 'synthesise information', 'promote the participation of citizens in scientific and research activities', 'communicate with a non-scientific audience ', 'mathematical modelling', 'computer simulation', 'research design', 'learning difficulties', 'statistics', 'multidisciplinary research', 'university procedures', 'electronic communication', 'scientific research methodology', 'empirical analysis', 'draft scientific or academic papers and technical documentation', 'manage research data', 'assist in the organisation of school events', 'guide international students', 'disseminate results to the scientific community', 'operate open source software', 'speak different languages', 'record test data', 'liaise with educational support staff', 'evaluate research activities', 'provide information on study programmes', 'demonstrate disciplinary expertise', 'manage student relationships', 'increase the impact of science on policy and society ', 'manage findable accessible interoperable and reusable data', 'perform scientific research', 'manage intellectual property rights', 'report test findings', 'promote education course', 'apply for research funding', 'develop scientific theories', 'conduct quantitative research', 'apply research ethics and scientific integrity principles in research activities', 'manage resources for educational purposes', 'promote open innovation in research', 'write work-related reports', 'assist students with their dissertation', 'publish academic research', 'promote the transfer of knowledge', 'develop scientific research protocols', 'work with virtual learning environments', 'write scientific publications', 'develop professional network with researchers and scientists', 'integrate gender dimension in research', 'perform project management', 'assist students in their learning', 'manage open publications', 'oversee extra-curricular activities', 'design scientific equipment', 'conduct research across disciplines', 'perform background research on writing subject', 'conduct qualitative research']
management assistant
Management assistants perform varied types of jobs, usually under general supervision. They carry out administrative tasks and support managers to ensure the entire department functions smoothly.
Management-Assistenten führen, in der Regel unter Aufsicht des Managements, Tätigkeiten unterschiedlicher Art aus. Sie nehmen Verwaltungsaufgaben wahr und unterstützen die Führungskräfte, damit die gesamte Abteilung reibungslos funktioniert.
management assistant
['company policies', 'perform business research', 'use spreadsheets software', 'disseminate internal communications', 'coordinate events', 'maintain internal communication systems', 'use different communication channels', 'process commissioned instructions', 'support managers', 'use office systems', 'disseminate messages to people', 'fix meetings', 'write work-related reports', 'perform clerical duties', 'liaise with board members', 'build business relationships', 'draft corporate emails', 'liaise with managers', 'accounting department processes', 'financial department processes', 'operations department processes', 'public relations', 'marketing department processes', 'management department processes', 'personnel management', 'sales department processes', 'legal department processes', 'human resources department processes', 'maintain statutory books', 'speak different languages', 'apply statistical analysis techniques', 'write meeting reports', 'use free typing techniques', 'assist visitors', 'draft press releases', 'manage personnel agenda', 'track key performance indicators', 'perform cost accounting activities', 'maintain register of shareholders', 'revise drafts made by managers', 'translate language concepts']
chief executive officer
Chief executive officers hold the highest ranking in a pyramidal corporate structure. They are able to hold a complete idea of the functioning of the business, its departments, risks, and stakeholders. They analyse different kinds of information and create links among them for decision-making purposes. They serve as a  communication link with the board of directors for reporting and implementation of the overall strategy.
Geschäftsführer/Geschäftsführerinnen haben in einem pyramidenartigen Unternehmensaufbau die höchste Position. Sie sind in der Lage, die Funktionsweise, Abteilungen, Risiken und Interessengruppen des Unternehmens vollständig zu verstehen. Sie werten verschiedene Arten von Informationen aus und schaffen zu Entscheidungszwecken Verknüpfungen zwischen diesen Informationen. Sie dienen für die Berichterstattung und Umsetzung der Gesamtstrategie als Kommunikationsschnittstelle mit dem Verwaltungsrat.
chief executive officer
['financial statements', 'financial management', 'marketing management', 'business process modelling', 'company policies', 'integrate strategic foundation in daily performance', 'conclude business agreements', 'imprint visionary aspirations into the business management', 'strive for company growth', 'develop organisational policies', 'establish collaborative relations', 'lead managers of company departments', 'analyse business plans', 'interpret financial statements', 'negotiate with stakeholders', 'analyse financial performance of a company', 'track key performance indicators', 'liaise with shareholders', 'shape corporate culture', 'develop revenue generation strategies', "integrate shareholders' interests in business plans", 'develop company strategies', 'plan medium to long term objectives', 'define organisational standards', 'assume responsibility for the management of a business', 'develop business plans', 'build trust', 'shape organisational teams based on competencies', 'make strategic business decisions', 'mergers and acquisitions', 'international trade', 'airport planning', 'airport environmental regulations', 'business law', 'subsidiary operations', 'joint ventures', 'airport operating environment', 'apply export strategies', 'implement airport emergency plans', 'implement improvements in airport operations', 'manage relationships with stakeholders', 'manage budgets', 'motivate employees', 'interact with the board of directors', 'ensure lawful business operations', 'speak different languages', 'provide assistance to airport users', 'describe the financial situation of a region', 'disseminate general corporate information', 'evaluate performance of organisational collaborators', 'evaluate budgets', 'implement operational business plans', 'abide by business ethical code of conducts', 'define the corporate structure', 'show intercultural awareness', 'keep updated on the political landscape', 'follow the statutory obligations', 'apply import strategies', 'identify airport safety hazards', 'manage publicly traded companies', 'apply airport standards and regulations', 'impart business plans to collaborators', 'develop professional network', "collaborate in company's daily operations ", 'build international relations', 'implement strategic planning']
chief executive officer
Chief executive officers hold the highest ranking in a pyramidal corporate structure. They are able to hold a complete idea of the functioning of the business, its departments, risks, and stakeholders. They analyse different kinds of information and create links among them for decision-making purposes. They serve as a  communication link with the board of directors for reporting and implementation of the overall strategy.
Geschäftsführer/Geschäftsführerinnen haben in einem pyramidenartigen Unternehmensaufbau die höchste Position. Sie sind in der Lage, die Funktionsweise, Abteilungen, Risiken und Interessengruppen des Unternehmens vollständig zu verstehen. Sie werten verschiedene Arten von Informationen aus und schaffen zu Entscheidungszwecken Verknüpfungen zwischen diesen Informationen. Sie dienen für die Berichterstattung und Umsetzung der Gesamtstrategie als Kommunikationsschnittstelle mit dem Verwaltungsrat.
chief executive officer
['financial statements', 'financial management', 'marketing management', 'business process modelling', 'company policies', 'integrate strategic foundation in daily performance', 'conclude business agreements', 'imprint visionary aspirations into the business management', 'strive for company growth', 'develop organisational policies', 'establish collaborative relations', 'lead managers of company departments', 'analyse business plans', 'interpret financial statements', 'negotiate with stakeholders', 'analyse financial performance of a company', 'track key performance indicators', 'liaise with shareholders', 'shape corporate culture', 'develop revenue generation strategies', "integrate shareholders' interests in business plans", 'develop company strategies', 'plan medium to long term objectives', 'define organisational standards', 'assume responsibility for the management of a business', 'develop business plans', 'build trust', 'shape organisational teams based on competencies', 'make strategic business decisions', 'mergers and acquisitions', 'international trade', 'airport planning', 'airport environmental regulations', 'business law', 'subsidiary operations', 'joint ventures', 'airport operating environment', 'apply export strategies', 'implement airport emergency plans', 'implement improvements in airport operations', 'manage relationships with stakeholders', 'manage budgets', 'motivate employees', 'interact with the board of directors', 'ensure lawful business operations', 'speak different languages', 'provide assistance to airport users', 'describe the financial situation of a region', 'disseminate general corporate information', 'evaluate performance of organisational collaborators', 'evaluate budgets', 'implement operational business plans', 'abide by business ethical code of conducts', 'define the corporate structure', 'show intercultural awareness', 'keep updated on the political landscape', 'follow the statutory obligations', 'apply import strategies', 'identify airport safety hazards', 'manage publicly traded companies', 'apply airport standards and regulations', 'impart business plans to collaborators', 'develop professional network', "collaborate in company's daily operations ", 'build international relations', 'implement strategic planning']
project manager
Project managers oversee the project on a daily basis and are responsible for delivering high-quality results within the identified objectives and constraints, ensuring the effective use of the allocated resources. They are responsible for risk and issue management, project communication and stakeholder management. Project managers perform the activities of planning, organising, securing, monitoring and managing the resources and work necessary to deliver specific project goals and objectives in an effective and efficient way.
Projektmanager/innen beaufsichtigen Projekte täglich und sind dafür verantwortlich, dass im Rahmen der festgelegten Ziele und Beschränkungen qualitativ hochwertige Ergebnisse erzielt werden und die zugewiesenen Ressourcen effektiv genutzt werden. Sie sind für das Risiko- und Problemmanagement, die Projektkommunikation und das Stakeholder-Management zuständig. Projektmanager/innen planen, organisieren, sichern, überwachen und verwalten die Ressourcen und Arbeiten, die erforderlich sind, um bestimmte Projektziele effektiv und effizient zu erreichen.
project manager
['internal risk management policy', 'project management principles', 'project management', 'project management methodology (PM²)', 'communication principles', 'manage supplies', 'apply conflict management', 'ensure compliance with legal requirements', 'perform risk analysis', 'manage budgets', 'create project specifications', 'manage project information', 'customise project methodologies', 'manage staff', 'provide cost benefit analysis reports', 'manage project changes', 'establish daily priorities', 'ensure equipment availability', 'negotiate with stakeholders', 'supervise daily information operations', 'write work-related reports', 'manage logistics', 'perform PESTEL analysis', 'identify legal requirements', 'organise project meetings', 'manage project metrics', 'ensure equipment maintenance', 'perform project management', 'build business relationships', 'control of expenses', 'estimate duration of work', 'train employees', 'liaise with managers', 'draft project documentation', 'perform resource planning', 'follow company standards', 'program management', 'legal studies', 'Agile project management', 'mathematics', 'corporate social responsibility', 'crowdsourcing strategy', 'office administration', 'outsourcing strategy', 'Prince2 project management', 'statistics', 'risk identification', 'total quality control', 'quantity surveying', 'business processes', 'quality assurance methodologies', 'project configuration management', 'lean project management', 'insourcing strategy', 'strive for company growth', 'apply change management', 'maintain relationship with suppliers', 'design wayside signalling interlockings', 'recruit employees', 'analyse business plans', 'maintain a central project repository', 'use communication techniques', 'find a replacement for stage manager', 'plan schedule', 'manage several projects', 'create a financial report', 'develop business plans', 'manage standard enterprise resource planning system']
chief executive officer
Chief executive officers hold the highest ranking in a pyramidal corporate structure. They are able to hold a complete idea of the functioning of the business, its departments, risks, and stakeholders. They analyse different kinds of information and create links among them for decision-making purposes. They serve as a  communication link with the board of directors for reporting and implementation of the overall strategy.
Geschäftsführer/Geschäftsführerinnen haben in einem pyramidenartigen Unternehmensaufbau die höchste Position. Sie sind in der Lage, die Funktionsweise, Abteilungen, Risiken und Interessengruppen des Unternehmens vollständig zu verstehen. Sie werten verschiedene Arten von Informationen aus und schaffen zu Entscheidungszwecken Verknüpfungen zwischen diesen Informationen. Sie dienen für die Berichterstattung und Umsetzung der Gesamtstrategie als Kommunikationsschnittstelle mit dem Verwaltungsrat.
chief executive officer
['financial statements', 'financial management', 'marketing management', 'business process modelling', 'company policies', 'integrate strategic foundation in daily performance', 'conclude business agreements', 'imprint visionary aspirations into the business management', 'strive for company growth', 'develop organisational policies', 'establish collaborative relations', 'lead managers of company departments', 'analyse business plans', 'interpret financial statements', 'negotiate with stakeholders', 'analyse financial performance of a company', 'track key performance indicators', 'liaise with shareholders', 'shape corporate culture', 'develop revenue generation strategies', "integrate shareholders' interests in business plans", 'develop company strategies', 'plan medium to long term objectives', 'define organisational standards', 'assume responsibility for the management of a business', 'develop business plans', 'build trust', 'shape organisational teams based on competencies', 'make strategic business decisions', 'mergers and acquisitions', 'international trade', 'airport planning', 'airport environmental regulations', 'business law', 'subsidiary operations', 'joint ventures', 'airport operating environment', 'apply export strategies', 'implement airport emergency plans', 'implement improvements in airport operations', 'manage relationships with stakeholders', 'manage budgets', 'motivate employees', 'interact with the board of directors', 'ensure lawful business operations', 'speak different languages', 'provide assistance to airport users', 'describe the financial situation of a region', 'disseminate general corporate information', 'evaluate performance of organisational collaborators', 'evaluate budgets', 'implement operational business plans', 'abide by business ethical code of conducts', 'define the corporate structure', 'show intercultural awareness', 'keep updated on the political landscape', 'follow the statutory obligations', 'apply import strategies', 'identify airport safety hazards', 'manage publicly traded companies', 'apply airport standards and regulations', 'impart business plans to collaborators', 'develop professional network', "collaborate in company's daily operations ", 'build international relations', 'implement strategic planning']
advertising manager
Advertising managers perform the implementation of the advertising initiatives planned in the strategic marketing plan. They organise and prepare the resources needed to launch advertising campaigns and operations in advertising agencies. They prepare and align the communication channels, negotiate contracts, and ensure that operations adhere to budgets.
Werbefachmänner/Werbefachfrauen setzen die im strategischen Marketingplan vorgesehenen Werbemaßnahmen um. Sie organisieren und bereiten die für Werbekampagnen und Maßnahmen von Werbeagenturen erforderlichen Ressourcen vor. Sie bereiten die Kommunikationskanäle vor und passen sie an, handeln Verträge aus und sorgen dafür, dass die Maßnahmen budgetkonform sind.
advertising manager
['diplomatic principles', 'corporate social responsibility', 'market research', 'forming of public opinion', 'strategic planning', 'rhetoric', 'advertising techniques', 'copyright legislation', 'communication principles', 'integrate strategic foundation in daily performance', 'prepare presentation material', 'manage budgets', 'protect client interests', 'advise on public relations', 'organise press conferences', 'develop communications strategies', 'use different communication channels', 'draw conclusions from market research results', 'provide cost benefit analysis reports', 'give interviews to media', "identify customer's needs", 'establish relationship with the media', 'draft press releases', 'perform public relations', 'develop creative ideas', 'coordinate marketing plan actions', 'manage contracts', 'coordinate advertising campaigns', 'develop public relations strategies', 'perform project management', 'analyse external factors of companies', 'advise on public image', 'conduct public presentations', 'pricing strategies', 'graphic design', 'business strategy concepts', 'desktop publishing', 'reputation management', 'manage staff', 'recruit employees', 'develop inclusive communication material', 'evaluate advertising campaign', 'approve advertising campaign', 'use analytics for commercial purposes', 'advise on communication strategies', 'manage account department', "receive actors' resumes", 'manage creative department', 'examine advertisement layout', 'manage media services department', 'make price recommendations', 'collaborate in the development of marketing strategies', 'manage the handling of promotional materials', 'give live presentation', 'manage project metrics']
advertising manager
Advertising managers perform the implementation of the advertising initiatives planned in the strategic marketing plan. They organise and prepare the resources needed to launch advertising campaigns and operations in advertising agencies. They prepare and align the communication channels, negotiate contracts, and ensure that operations adhere to budgets.
Werbefachmänner/Werbefachfrauen setzen die im strategischen Marketingplan vorgesehenen Werbemaßnahmen um. Sie organisieren und bereiten die für Werbekampagnen und Maßnahmen von Werbeagenturen erforderlichen Ressourcen vor. Sie bereiten die Kommunikationskanäle vor und passen sie an, handeln Verträge aus und sorgen dafür, dass die Maßnahmen budgetkonform sind.
advertising manager
['diplomatic principles', 'corporate social responsibility', 'market research', 'forming of public opinion', 'strategic planning', 'rhetoric', 'advertising techniques', 'copyright legislation', 'communication principles', 'integrate strategic foundation in daily performance', 'prepare presentation material', 'manage budgets', 'protect client interests', 'advise on public relations', 'organise press conferences', 'develop communications strategies', 'use different communication channels', 'draw conclusions from market research results', 'provide cost benefit analysis reports', 'give interviews to media', "identify customer's needs", 'establish relationship with the media', 'draft press releases', 'perform public relations', 'develop creative ideas', 'coordinate marketing plan actions', 'manage contracts', 'coordinate advertising campaigns', 'develop public relations strategies', 'perform project management', 'analyse external factors of companies', 'advise on public image', 'conduct public presentations', 'pricing strategies', 'graphic design', 'business strategy concepts', 'desktop publishing', 'reputation management', 'manage staff', 'recruit employees', 'develop inclusive communication material', 'evaluate advertising campaign', 'approve advertising campaign', 'use analytics for commercial purposes', 'advise on communication strategies', 'manage account department', "receive actors' resumes", 'manage creative department', 'examine advertisement layout', 'manage media services department', 'make price recommendations', 'collaborate in the development of marketing strategies', 'manage the handling of promotional materials', 'give live presentation', 'manage project metrics']
business analyst
Business analysts research and understand the strategic position of businesses and companies in relation to their markets and their stakeholders. They analyse and present their views on how the company, from many perspectives, can improve its strategic position and internal corporate structure. They assess needs for change, communication methods, technology, IT tools, new standards and certifications.
Unternehmensanalysten recherchieren und bewerten die strategische Position von Unternehmen in Bezug auf Märkte und Interessenträger. Sie analysieren aus zahlreichen Perspektiven, wie das Unternehmen seine strategische Position und seine interne Unternehmensstruktur verbessern kann, und legen ihre Einschätzung dar. Sie beurteilen den Veränderungsbedarf, Kommunikationsmethoden, Technologien, IT-Tools, neue Normen und Zertifizierungen.
business analyst
['digital data processing', 'business analysis', 'data visualisation software', 'risk management', 'market research', 'business analytics', 'business communication', 'management consulting', 'scientific research methodology', 'management systems standards', 'perform business analysis', 'apply change management', 'identify undetected organisational needs', 'use business simulation tools', 'analyse business plans', 'interpret financial statements', 'conduct quantitative research', 'analyse financial performance of a company', 'advise on efficiency improvements', 'analyse internal factors of companies', 'analyse external factors of companies', 'build business relationships', 'align efforts towards business development', 'liaise with managers', 'make strategic business decisions', 'conduct qualitative research', 'marketing analytics', 'business intelligence', 'sustainable manufacturing', 'business law', 'organisational policies', 'investment banking', 'financial statements', 'market entry strategies', 'quality standards', 'business process modelling', 'business strategy concepts', 'organisational learning', 'corporate law', 'propose ICT solutions to business problems', 'advise on risk management', 'advise on personnel management', 'interview people', 'advise on communication strategies', 'advise on financial matters', 'advise client on technical possibilities', 'keep updated on the political landscape', 'report analysis results', 'support implementation of quality management systems', 'advise on organisational culture', 'define organisational standards', 'shape organisational teams based on competencies', 'seek innovation in current practices']
project manager
Project managers oversee the project on a daily basis and are responsible for delivering high-quality results within the identified objectives and constraints, ensuring the effective use of the allocated resources. They are responsible for risk and issue management, project communication and stakeholder management. Project managers perform the activities of planning, organising, securing, monitoring and managing the resources and work necessary to deliver specific project goals and objectives in an effective and efficient way.
Projektmanager/innen beaufsichtigen Projekte täglich und sind dafür verantwortlich, dass im Rahmen der festgelegten Ziele und Beschränkungen qualitativ hochwertige Ergebnisse erzielt werden und die zugewiesenen Ressourcen effektiv genutzt werden. Sie sind für das Risiko- und Problemmanagement, die Projektkommunikation und das Stakeholder-Management zuständig. Projektmanager/innen planen, organisieren, sichern, überwachen und verwalten die Ressourcen und Arbeiten, die erforderlich sind, um bestimmte Projektziele effektiv und effizient zu erreichen.
project manager
['internal risk management policy', 'project management principles', 'project management', 'project management methodology (PM²)', 'communication principles', 'manage supplies', 'apply conflict management', 'ensure compliance with legal requirements', 'perform risk analysis', 'manage budgets', 'create project specifications', 'manage project information', 'customise project methodologies', 'manage staff', 'provide cost benefit analysis reports', 'manage project changes', 'establish daily priorities', 'ensure equipment availability', 'negotiate with stakeholders', 'supervise daily information operations', 'write work-related reports', 'manage logistics', 'perform PESTEL analysis', 'identify legal requirements', 'organise project meetings', 'manage project metrics', 'ensure equipment maintenance', 'perform project management', 'build business relationships', 'control of expenses', 'estimate duration of work', 'train employees', 'liaise with managers', 'draft project documentation', 'perform resource planning', 'follow company standards', 'program management', 'legal studies', 'Agile project management', 'mathematics', 'corporate social responsibility', 'crowdsourcing strategy', 'office administration', 'outsourcing strategy', 'Prince2 project management', 'statistics', 'risk identification', 'total quality control', 'quantity surveying', 'business processes', 'quality assurance methodologies', 'project configuration management', 'lean project management', 'insourcing strategy', 'strive for company growth', 'apply change management', 'maintain relationship with suppliers', 'design wayside signalling interlockings', 'recruit employees', 'analyse business plans', 'maintain a central project repository', 'use communication techniques', 'find a replacement for stage manager', 'plan schedule', 'manage several projects', 'create a financial report', 'develop business plans', 'manage standard enterprise resource planning system']
carpenter supervisor
baupolier zimmerarbeiten/baupolierin zimmerarbeiten
Carpenter supervisors monitor carpentry operations in construction. They assign tasks and take quick decisions to resolve problems. They pass their skills on to apprentice carpenters.
Baupoliere Zimmerarbeiten überwachen den Betrieb von Zimmerarbeiten. Sie weisen Aufgaben zu und treffen rasche Entscheidungen, um Probleme zu lösen. Sie geben ihre Kenntnisse an auszubildende Zimmerleute weiter.
carpenter supervisor
['woodworking tools', 'energy performance of buildings', 'building codes', 'wood cuts', 'types of wood', 'advise on construction materials', 'answer requests for quotation', 'check compatibility of materials', 'manage health and safety standards', 'monitor stock level', 'work in a construction team', 'inspect construction supplies', 'ensure compliance with construction project deadline', 'identify wood warp', 'ensure equipment availability', 'plan shifts of employees', 'follow health and safety procedures in construction', 'evaluate employees work', 'supervise staff', 'order construction supplies', 'process incoming construction supplies', 'interpret 3D plans', 'use safety equipment in construction', 'keep records of work progress', 'interpret 2D plans', 'liaise with managers', 'construction product regulation', 'cost management', 'asbestos removal regulations', 'loading charts for transportation of goods', 'operate crosscut saw', 'install wood elements in structures', 'work ergonomically', 'provide first aid', 'assess conservation needs', 'apply restoration techniques', 'use squaring pole', 'operate band saw', 'use sander', 'join wood elements', 'recruit employees', 'calculate needs for construction supplies', 'create smooth wood surface', 'keep track of wooden elements', 'estimate restoration costs', 'create cutting plan', 'install construction profiles', 'manage contracts', 'operate wood router', 'keep personal administration', 'install wood hardware', 'use measurement instruments', 'program a CNC controller', 'create wood joints', 'provide technical expertise', 'negotiate supplier arrangements', 'operate table saw', 'apply wood finishes', 'train employees', 'follow safety procedures when working at heights']
Carpenters cut, shape and assemble wooden elements for the construction of buildings and other structures. They also use materials such as plastic and metal in their creations. Carpenters create the wooden frames to support wood framed buildings.
Zimmerer sägen, formen und montieren Holzelemente für Gebäude und andere Bauwerken. Sie verwenden für ihre Arbeit auch Materialien wie Kunststoffe und Metalle. Zimmerer fertigen die Rahmen für nach der Holrahmenbauweise errichtete Häuser.
['woodworking tools', 'wood cuts', 'types of wood', 'sort waste', 'install wood elements in structures', 'work ergonomically', 'snap chalk line', 'join wood elements', 'transport construction supplies', 'inspect construction supplies', 'create smooth wood surface', 'identify wood warp', 'keep track of wooden elements', 'follow health and safety procedures in construction', 'install construction profiles', 'keep sawing equipment in good condition', 'install wood hardware', 'interpret 3D plans', 'define part requirements', 'clean wood surface', 'use measurement instruments', 'create wood joints', 'use safety equipment in construction', 'interpret 2D plans', 'apply wood finishes', 'energy performance of buildings', 'asbestos removal regulations', 'loading charts for transportation of goods', 'operate crosscut saw', 'assess conservation needs', 'apply restoration techniques', 'answer requests for quotation', 'use squaring pole', 'operate band saw', 'use sander', 'monitor stock level', 'work in a construction team', 'maintain equipment', 'maintain work area cleanliness', 'calculate needs for construction supplies', 'secure working area', 'install insulation material', 'estimate restoration costs', 'create cutting plan', 'build scaffolding', 'operate wood router', 'keep personal administration', 'order construction supplies', 'process incoming construction supplies', 'program a CNC controller', 'operate table saw', 'keep records of work progress', 'construct wood roofs', 'set up temporary construction site infrastructure', 'follow safety procedures when working at heights']
Carpenters cut, shape and assemble wooden elements for the construction of buildings and other structures. They also use materials such as plastic and metal in their creations. Carpenters create the wooden frames to support wood framed buildings.
Zimmerer sägen, formen und montieren Holzelemente für Gebäude und andere Bauwerken. Sie verwenden für ihre Arbeit auch Materialien wie Kunststoffe und Metalle. Zimmerer fertigen die Rahmen für nach der Holrahmenbauweise errichtete Häuser.
['woodworking tools', 'wood cuts', 'types of wood', 'sort waste', 'install wood elements in structures', 'work ergonomically', 'snap chalk line', 'join wood elements', 'transport construction supplies', 'inspect construction supplies', 'create smooth wood surface', 'identify wood warp', 'keep track of wooden elements', 'follow health and safety procedures in construction', 'install construction profiles', 'keep sawing equipment in good condition', 'install wood hardware', 'interpret 3D plans', 'define part requirements', 'clean wood surface', 'use measurement instruments', 'create wood joints', 'use safety equipment in construction', 'interpret 2D plans', 'apply wood finishes', 'energy performance of buildings', 'asbestos removal regulations', 'loading charts for transportation of goods', 'operate crosscut saw', 'assess conservation needs', 'apply restoration techniques', 'answer requests for quotation', 'use squaring pole', 'operate band saw', 'use sander', 'monitor stock level', 'work in a construction team', 'maintain equipment', 'maintain work area cleanliness', 'calculate needs for construction supplies', 'secure working area', 'install insulation material', 'estimate restoration costs', 'create cutting plan', 'build scaffolding', 'operate wood router', 'keep personal administration', 'order construction supplies', 'process incoming construction supplies', 'program a CNC controller', 'operate table saw', 'keep records of work progress', 'construct wood roofs', 'set up temporary construction site infrastructure', 'follow safety procedures when working at heights']
Carpenters cut, shape and assemble wooden elements for the construction of buildings and other structures. They also use materials such as plastic and metal in their creations. Carpenters create the wooden frames to support wood framed buildings.
Zimmerer sägen, formen und montieren Holzelemente für Gebäude und andere Bauwerken. Sie verwenden für ihre Arbeit auch Materialien wie Kunststoffe und Metalle. Zimmerer fertigen die Rahmen für nach der Holrahmenbauweise errichtete Häuser.
['woodworking tools', 'wood cuts', 'types of wood', 'sort waste', 'install wood elements in structures', 'work ergonomically', 'snap chalk line', 'join wood elements', 'transport construction supplies', 'inspect construction supplies', 'create smooth wood surface', 'identify wood warp', 'keep track of wooden elements', 'follow health and safety procedures in construction', 'install construction profiles', 'keep sawing equipment in good condition', 'install wood hardware', 'interpret 3D plans', 'define part requirements', 'clean wood surface', 'use measurement instruments', 'create wood joints', 'use safety equipment in construction', 'interpret 2D plans', 'apply wood finishes', 'energy performance of buildings', 'asbestos removal regulations', 'loading charts for transportation of goods', 'operate crosscut saw', 'assess conservation needs', 'apply restoration techniques', 'answer requests for quotation', 'use squaring pole', 'operate band saw', 'use sander', 'monitor stock level', 'work in a construction team', 'maintain equipment', 'maintain work area cleanliness', 'calculate needs for construction supplies', 'secure working area', 'install insulation material', 'estimate restoration costs', 'create cutting plan', 'build scaffolding', 'operate wood router', 'keep personal administration', 'order construction supplies', 'process incoming construction supplies', 'program a CNC controller', 'operate table saw', 'keep records of work progress', 'construct wood roofs', 'set up temporary construction site infrastructure', 'follow safety procedures when working at heights']
research engineer
Research engineers combine research skills and knowledge of engineering principles to assist in the development or design of new products and technology. They also improve existing technical processes, machines and systems and create new, innovative technologies. The duties of research engineers depend on the branch of engineering and the industry in which they work. Research engineers generally work in an office or laboratory, analysing processes and conducting experiments.
Forschungsingenieure/Forschungsingenieurinnen führen Forschungskompetenzen und Grundsätze der Ingenieurwissenschaften zusammen, um zur Entwicklung oder zur Gestaltung neuer Produkte und Technologie beizutragen. Außerdem verbessern sie bestehende technische Verfahren, Maschinen und Systeme und schaffen neue, innovative Technologien. Ihre Aufgaben hängen von der jeweiligen Fachrichtung und der Branche ab, in der sie tätig sind. Sie arbeiten in der Regel in einem Büro oder Labor, analysieren Prozesse und führen Experimente durch.
research engineer
['engineering principles', 'technical drawings', 'project management', 'engineering processes', 'industrial research and development', 'scientific research methodology', 'collect samples for analysis', 'perform scientific research', 'use technical drawing software', 'manage engineering project', 'gather experimental data', 'interpret technical requirements', 'execute feasibility study', 'define technical requirements', 'battery design', 'bioeconomy', 'materials engineering', 'physics', 'scientific literature', 'laboratory techniques', 'industrial engineering', 'CAD software', 'computational mechanics', 'cognitive computing', 'perform laboratory tests', 'adjust engineering designs', 'apply advanced manufacturing', 'run laboratory simulations', 'apply safety procedures in laboratory', 'use non-destructive testing equipment', 'use CAD software', 'write manuals', 'conduct experiments on animals', 'perform project management', 'assist scientific research', 'use mathematical tools and equipment', 'develop test procedures']
office manager
Office managers oversee the administrative work that clerical workers are commissioned to perform in various types of organisations or associations. They perform micromanagement and maintain a close view of administrative processes such as such as controlling correspondence, designing filing systems, reviewing and approving supply requisitions, assigning and monitoring clerical functions. They report to managers within the same department or to general managers in companies, depending on their size.
Büroleiter beaufsichtigen die Tätigkeiten, mit denen Büroangestellte in Organisationen oder Vereinigungen verschiedener Art betraut werden. Sie leisten Mikromanagement und beaufsichtigen kleinteilige Verwaltungsaufgaben, d. h., sie kontrollieren den Schriftverkehr, gestalten Ablagesysteme, prüfen und genehmigen Bestellungen und übernehmen die Zuweisung und Kontrolle von Arbeitsaufgaben im Büro. Je nach Größe des Unternehmens unterstehen sie Managern innerhalb derselben Abteilung oder den Führungskräften des Gesamtunternehmens.
office manager
['cost management', 'office software', 'video conferencing tool', 'give instructions to staff', 'manage needs for stationery items', 'manage staff', 'use different communication channels', 'manage office facility systems', 'use office systems', 'manage administrative systems', 'write work-related reports', 'identify process improvements', 'create a work atmosphere of continuous improvement', 'perform clerical duties', 'manage office appliance requirements', 'analyse staff capacity', 'implement corporate governance', 'labour legislation', 'trade union regulations', 'contract law', 'project management', 'financial capability', 'accounting techniques', 'document sharing procedures', 'tax legislation', 'communicate with customers', 'manage budgets', "assess employees' capability levels", 'recruit employees', 'develop classification systems', 'prepare financial statements', 'plan shifts of employees', 'use customer relationship management software', 'maintain contract administration', 'manage accounts', 'train employees', 'revise drafts made by managers']
optoelectronic engineering technician
Optoelectronic engineering technicians collaborate with engineers in the development of optoelectronic systems and components, such as photodiodes, optical sensors, lasers and LED's. Optoelectronic engineering technicians build, test, install and calibrate optoelectronic equipment. They read blueprint and other technical drawings to develop testing and calibrating procedures.
Optoelektroniker arbeiten gemeinsam mit Ingenieuren für Optoelektronik an der Entwicklung optoelektronischer Systeme und Komponenten, z. B. Fotodioden, optische Sensoren, Laser und Lichtemissionsdioden. Optoelektroniker bauen, erproben, installieren und kalibrieren optoelektronische Geräte. Sie lesen Blaupause und andere technische Zeichnungen, um Prüf- und Kalibrierungsverfahren zu entwickeln.
optoelectronic engineering technician
['optical equipment standards', 'optical glass characteristics', 'electronic equipment standards', 'optics', 'types of optical instruments', 'design drawings', 'refractive power', 'LED lighting components', 'electronics', 'optical engineering', 'optical components', 'optical manufacturing process', 'optoelectronic devices', 'optoelectronics', 'interpret circuit diagrams', 'inspect quality of products', 'test optical components', 'record test data', 'adjust engineering designs', 'align components', 'apply optical coating', 'test optoelectronics', 'read engineering drawings', 'clean optical components', 'liaise with engineers', 'fasten components', 'assist scientific research', 'assemble optoelectronics', 'operate optical assembly equipment', 'prepare production prototypes', 'mathematical modelling', 'optomechanical devices', 'microelectronics', 'firmware', 'digital camera sensors', 'MOEM', 'printed circuit boards', 'sensors', 'CAE software', 'microprocessors', 'CAD software', 'microoptics', 'electromagnetic spectrum', 'semiconductors', 'microsensors', 'quantum computing', 'lasers', 'wear cleanroom suit', 'apply soldering techniques', 'monitor machine operations', 'resolve equipment malfunctions', 'solder electronics', 'calibrate optical instruments', 'maintain optical equipment', 'use CAM software', 'integrate new products in manufacturing', 'write technical reports', 'inspect optical supplies', 'use precision tools', 'apply technical communication skills', 'keep records of work progress', 'program firmware', 'operate precision machinery']
Physicists are scientists who study physical phenomena. They focus their research depending on their specialisation, which can range from atomic particle physics to the study of phenomena in the universe. They apply their findings for the improvement of society by contributing to the development of energy supplies, treatment of illness, game development, cutting-edge equipment, and daily use objects.
Physiker/Physikerinnen sind Wissenschaftler, die physikalische Erscheinungen untersuchen. Ihr Forschungsschwerpunkt richtet sich nach ihrer Spezialisierung, die von der Teilchenphysik bis hin zur Erforschung von Phänomenen im Universum reichen kann. Sie wenden ihre Ergebnisse zum Vorteil der Gesellschaft an, indem sie zur Entwicklung von Energieversorgungsquellen, Behandlung von Krankheiten, Spielentwicklung, modernster Ausrüstung und Alltagsgegenständen beitragen.
['mathematical modelling', 'mathematics', 'supercomputing', 'physics', 'scientific literature', 'statistics', 'laboratory techniques', 'computational physics', 'quantum technology', 'spectroscopy', 'quantum computing', 'scientific research methodology', 'draft scientific or academic papers and technical documentation', 'manage research data', 'perform laboratory tests', 'interact professionally in research and professional environments', 'disseminate results to the scientific community', 'operate open source software', 'speak different languages', 'execute analytical mathematical calculations', 'apply statistical analysis techniques', 'evaluate research activities', 'demonstrate disciplinary expertise', 'increase the impact of science on policy and society ', 'manage findable accessible interoperable and reusable data', 'perform scientific research', 'manage intellectual property rights', 'apply for research funding', 'apply scientific methods', 'apply research ethics and scientific integrity principles in research activities', 'promote open innovation in research', 'gather experimental data', 'publish academic research', 'promote the transfer of knowledge', 'think abstractly', 'communicate mathematical information', 'mentor individuals', 'manage personal professional development', 'analyse experimental laboratory data', 'use measurement instruments', 'write scientific publications', 'operate scientific measuring equipment', 'develop professional network with researchers and scientists', 'integrate gender dimension in research', 'perform project management', 'manage open publications', 'synthesise information', 'conduct research across disciplines', 'promote the participation of citizens in scientific and research activities', 'communicate with a non-scientific audience ', 'computer simulation', 'acoustics', 'intellectual property law', 'general medicine', 'materials engineering', 'Monte Carlo simulation', 'pharmaceutical technology', 'mathematical physics', 'aerodynamics', 'geophysics', 'thermodynamics', 'economics', 'geology', 'biology', 'multidisciplinary research', 'solid mechanics', 'petroleum', 'computational mechanics', 'remote sensing techniques', 'quantum mechanics', 'densiometry', 'medical laboratory technology', 'continuum mechanics', 'forensic physics', 'nuclear physics', 'astronomy', 'operate remote sensing equipment', 'assist with geophysical surveys', 'write research proposals', 'teach physics', 'perform lectures', 'analyse telescope images', 'communicate with external laboratories', 'collect samples for analysis', 'teach in academic or vocational contexts', 'apply teaching strategies', 'develop scientific theories', 'calibrate laboratory equipment', 'operate telescopes', 'apply blended learning', 'interpret geophysical data', 'provide information on geological characteristics', 'observe matter', 'design scientific equipment']
higher education lecturer
Higher education lecturers instruct students who have obtained an upper secondary education diploma in their own specialised field of study, which is predominantly academic in nature. They may have job titles such as senior lecturer or professor. They work with their teaching and research assistants for the preparation of lectures and exams, for grading papers and exams, for leading laboratory practices, and for leading review and feedback sessions for the students. They also conduct academic research in their respective field, publish their findings and liaise with their academic colleagues.
Hochschullehrkräfte unterrichten Studierende mit einem Abschluss der Sekundarstufe II in ihrem eigenen Fachgebiet, das überwiegend akademischer Natur ist. Sie können Berufsbezeichnungen wie Senior-Lehrkraft oder Professor/Professorin haben. Sie arbeiten mit ihren Lehr- und Forschungsassistenten/-assistentinnen und wissenschaftlichen Hilfskräften zusammen, um Lehrveranstaltungen und Prüfungen vorzubereiten, studentische Arbeiten und Prüfungen zu benoten, Labortätigkeiten anzuleiten und Evaluierungsgespräche mit Studierenden zu führen. Zudem führen sie in ihrem jeweiligen Fachgebiet Forschungsarbeiten durch, veröffentlichen die gewonnenen Ergebnisse und tauschen sich mit Fachkollegen/-kolleginnen aus.
higher education lecturer
['assessment processes', 'research design', 'university procedures', 'curriculum objectives', "guarantee students' safety", 'interact professionally in research and professional environments', 'prepare lesson content', 'liaise with educational support staff', 'teach in academic or vocational contexts', 'apply teaching strategies', 'assess students', 'write work-related reports', 'think abstractly', 'mentor individuals', 'manage personal professional development', 'apply blended learning', 'give constructive feedback', 'perform classroom management', 'assist students in their learning', 'apply intercultural teaching strategies', 'liaise with educational staff', 'develop course outline', 'synthesise information', 'promote the participation of citizens in scientific and research activities', 'communicate with a non-scientific audience ', 'funding methods', 'Sanskrit', 'learning difficulties', 'laboratory techniques', 'Ancient Greek', 'Latin', 'scientific research methodology', 'draft scientific or academic papers and technical documentation', 'manage research data', 'assist in the organisation of school events', 'perform laboratory tests', 'supervise educational staff', 'serve on academic committee', 'facilitate teamwork between students', 'disseminate results to the scientific community', 'operate open source software', 'speak different languages', 'establish collaborative relations', 'evaluate research activities', 'demonstrate disciplinary expertise', 'conduct scholarly research', 'increase the impact of science on policy and society ', 'manage findable accessible interoperable and reusable data', 'perform scientific research', 'manage intellectual property rights', 'discuss research proposals', 'monitor educational developments', 'apply for research funding', 'participate in scientific colloquia', 'teach medical laboratory technology principles', 'apply research ethics and scientific integrity principles in research activities', 'manage resources for educational purposes', 'promote open innovation in research', 'supervise laboratory operations', 'assist students with their dissertation', 'publish academic research', 'promote the transfer of knowledge', 'perform laboratory investigations', 'keep records of attendance', 'work with virtual learning environments', 'write scientific publications', 'provide technical expertise', 'develop professional network with researchers and scientists', 'integrate gender dimension in research', 'perform project management', 'present reports', 'provide lesson materials', 'manage open publications', 'administer exams', 'supervise doctoral students', 'conduct research across disciplines', 'provide career counselling']
Physicists are scientists who study physical phenomena. They focus their research depending on their specialisation, which can range from atomic particle physics to the study of phenomena in the universe. They apply their findings for the improvement of society by contributing to the development of energy supplies, treatment of illness, game development, cutting-edge equipment, and daily use objects.
Physiker/Physikerinnen sind Wissenschaftler, die physikalische Erscheinungen untersuchen. Ihr Forschungsschwerpunkt richtet sich nach ihrer Spezialisierung, die von der Teilchenphysik bis hin zur Erforschung von Phänomenen im Universum reichen kann. Sie wenden ihre Ergebnisse zum Vorteil der Gesellschaft an, indem sie zur Entwicklung von Energieversorgungsquellen, Behandlung von Krankheiten, Spielentwicklung, modernster Ausrüstung und Alltagsgegenständen beitragen.
['mathematical modelling', 'mathematics', 'supercomputing', 'physics', 'scientific literature', 'statistics', 'laboratory techniques', 'computational physics', 'quantum technology', 'spectroscopy', 'quantum computing', 'scientific research methodology', 'draft scientific or academic papers and technical documentation', 'manage research data', 'perform laboratory tests', 'interact professionally in research and professional environments', 'disseminate results to the scientific community', 'operate open source software', 'speak different languages', 'execute analytical mathematical calculations', 'apply statistical analysis techniques', 'evaluate research activities', 'demonstrate disciplinary expertise', 'increase the impact of science on policy and society ', 'manage findable accessible interoperable and reusable data', 'perform scientific research', 'manage intellectual property rights', 'apply for research funding', 'apply scientific methods', 'apply research ethics and scientific integrity principles in research activities', 'promote open innovation in research', 'gather experimental data', 'publish academic research', 'promote the transfer of knowledge', 'think abstractly', 'communicate mathematical information', 'mentor individuals', 'manage personal professional development', 'analyse experimental laboratory data', 'use measurement instruments', 'write scientific publications', 'operate scientific measuring equipment', 'develop professional network with researchers and scientists', 'integrate gender dimension in research', 'perform project management', 'manage open publications', 'synthesise information', 'conduct research across disciplines', 'promote the participation of citizens in scientific and research activities', 'communicate with a non-scientific audience ', 'computer simulation', 'acoustics', 'intellectual property law', 'general medicine', 'materials engineering', 'Monte Carlo simulation', 'pharmaceutical technology', 'mathematical physics', 'aerodynamics', 'geophysics', 'thermodynamics', 'economics', 'geology', 'biology', 'multidisciplinary research', 'solid mechanics', 'petroleum', 'computational mechanics', 'remote sensing techniques', 'quantum mechanics', 'densiometry', 'medical laboratory technology', 'continuum mechanics', 'forensic physics', 'nuclear physics', 'astronomy', 'operate remote sensing equipment', 'assist with geophysical surveys', 'write research proposals', 'teach physics', 'perform lectures', 'analyse telescope images', 'communicate with external laboratories', 'collect samples for analysis', 'teach in academic or vocational contexts', 'apply teaching strategies', 'develop scientific theories', 'calibrate laboratory equipment', 'operate telescopes', 'apply blended learning', 'interpret geophysical data', 'provide information on geological characteristics', 'observe matter', 'design scientific equipment']
assistant lecturer
wissenschaftlicher mitarbeiter/wissenschaftliche mitarbeiterin
Assistant lecturers share university or college lecturers' academic workload, specifically the provision of lectures to students. They prepare and teach classes, and meet with students privately regarding evaluation. They also combine their lecturing and other academic duties with conducting their own research in their field of study. Assistant lecturers occupy an autonomous, full-time position, despite what the subservience element in the occupation title may suggest.
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter/wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterinnen unterstützen Lehrkräfte bei ihrer Arbeit, vor allem durch das Halten von Lehrveranstaltungen. Sie bereiten Lehrveranstaltungen vor, führen sie durch und führen Evaluierungsgespräche mit Studierenden. Sie kombinieren zudem ihre Vorlesungen und anderen Lehraufgaben mit ihrer eigenen Forschung in ihrem Fachgebiet. Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter/Mitarbeiterinnen haben eine eigenständige Vollzeitstelle, auch wenn ihre Stellenbezeichnung möglicherweise eine untergeordnete Position vermuten lässt.
assistant lecturer
['assessment processes', 'scientific literature', 'investigation research methods', 'curriculum objectives', 'cooperate with education professionals', "guarantee students' safety", 'use data processing techniques', 'interpret current data', 'interact professionally in research and professional environments', 'prepare lesson content', 'monitor developments in field of expertise', 'teach university class', 'teach in academic or vocational contexts', 'apply teaching strategies', 'assess students', 'apply scientific methods', 'analyse test data', 'think abstractly', 'provide teacher support', 'mentor individuals', 'manage personal professional development', 'apply blended learning', 'give constructive feedback', 'operate scientific measuring equipment', 'perform classroom management', 'provide assistance to lecturer', 'provide lesson materials', 'liaise with educational staff', 'develop course outline', 'synthesise information', 'promote the participation of citizens in scientific and research activities', 'communicate with a non-scientific audience ', 'mathematical modelling', 'computer simulation', 'research design', 'learning difficulties', 'statistics', 'multidisciplinary research', 'university procedures', 'electronic communication', 'scientific research methodology', 'empirical analysis', 'draft scientific or academic papers and technical documentation', 'manage research data', 'assist in the organisation of school events', 'guide international students', 'disseminate results to the scientific community', 'operate open source software', 'speak different languages', 'record test data', 'liaise with educational support staff', 'evaluate research activities', 'provide information on study programmes', 'demonstrate disciplinary expertise', 'manage student relationships', 'increase the impact of science on policy and society ', 'manage findable accessible interoperable and reusable data', 'perform scientific research', 'manage intellectual property rights', 'report test findings', 'promote education course', 'apply for research funding', 'develop scientific theories', 'conduct quantitative research', 'apply research ethics and scientific integrity principles in research activities', 'manage resources for educational purposes', 'promote open innovation in research', 'write work-related reports', 'assist students with their dissertation', 'publish academic research', 'promote the transfer of knowledge', 'develop scientific research protocols', 'work with virtual learning environments', 'write scientific publications', 'develop professional network with researchers and scientists', 'integrate gender dimension in research', 'perform project management', 'assist students in their learning', 'manage open publications', 'oversee extra-curricular activities', 'design scientific equipment', 'conduct research across disciplines', 'perform background research on writing subject', 'conduct qualitative research']
Physicists are scientists who study physical phenomena. They focus their research depending on their specialisation, which can range from atomic particle physics to the study of phenomena in the universe. They apply their findings for the improvement of society by contributing to the development of energy supplies, treatment of illness, game development, cutting-edge equipment, and daily use objects.
Physiker/Physikerinnen sind Wissenschaftler, die physikalische Erscheinungen untersuchen. Ihr Forschungsschwerpunkt richtet sich nach ihrer Spezialisierung, die von der Teilchenphysik bis hin zur Erforschung von Phänomenen im Universum reichen kann. Sie wenden ihre Ergebnisse zum Vorteil der Gesellschaft an, indem sie zur Entwicklung von Energieversorgungsquellen, Behandlung von Krankheiten, Spielentwicklung, modernster Ausrüstung und Alltagsgegenständen beitragen.
['mathematical modelling', 'mathematics', 'supercomputing', 'physics', 'scientific literature', 'statistics', 'laboratory techniques', 'computational physics', 'quantum technology', 'spectroscopy', 'quantum computing', 'scientific research methodology', 'draft scientific or academic papers and technical documentation', 'manage research data', 'perform laboratory tests', 'interact professionally in research and professional environments', 'disseminate results to the scientific community', 'operate open source software', 'speak different languages', 'execute analytical mathematical calculations', 'apply statistical analysis techniques', 'evaluate research activities', 'demonstrate disciplinary expertise', 'increase the impact of science on policy and society ', 'manage findable accessible interoperable and reusable data', 'perform scientific research', 'manage intellectual property rights', 'apply for research funding', 'apply scientific methods', 'apply research ethics and scientific integrity principles in research activities', 'promote open innovation in research', 'gather experimental data', 'publish academic research', 'promote the transfer of knowledge', 'think abstractly', 'communicate mathematical information', 'mentor individuals', 'manage personal professional development', 'analyse experimental laboratory data', 'use measurement instruments', 'write scientific publications', 'operate scientific measuring equipment', 'develop professional network with researchers and scientists', 'integrate gender dimension in research', 'perform project management', 'manage open publications', 'synthesise information', 'conduct research across disciplines', 'promote the participation of citizens in scientific and research activities', 'communicate with a non-scientific audience ', 'computer simulation', 'acoustics', 'intellectual property law', 'general medicine', 'materials engineering', 'Monte Carlo simulation', 'pharmaceutical technology', 'mathematical physics', 'aerodynamics', 'geophysics', 'thermodynamics', 'economics', 'geology', 'biology', 'multidisciplinary research', 'solid mechanics', 'petroleum', 'computational mechanics', 'remote sensing techniques', 'quantum mechanics', 'densiometry', 'medical laboratory technology', 'continuum mechanics', 'forensic physics', 'nuclear physics', 'astronomy', 'operate remote sensing equipment', 'assist with geophysical surveys', 'write research proposals', 'teach physics', 'perform lectures', 'analyse telescope images', 'communicate with external laboratories', 'collect samples for analysis', 'teach in academic or vocational contexts', 'apply teaching strategies', 'develop scientific theories', 'calibrate laboratory equipment', 'operate telescopes', 'apply blended learning', 'interpret geophysical data', 'provide information on geological characteristics', 'observe matter', 'design scientific equipment']
assistant lecturer
wissenschaftlicher mitarbeiter/wissenschaftliche mitarbeiterin
Assistant lecturers share university or college lecturers' academic workload, specifically the provision of lectures to students. They prepare and teach classes, and meet with students privately regarding evaluation. They also combine their lecturing and other academic duties with conducting their own research in their field of study. Assistant lecturers occupy an autonomous, full-time position, despite what the subservience element in the occupation title may suggest.
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter/wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterinnen unterstützen Lehrkräfte bei ihrer Arbeit, vor allem durch das Halten von Lehrveranstaltungen. Sie bereiten Lehrveranstaltungen vor, führen sie durch und führen Evaluierungsgespräche mit Studierenden. Sie kombinieren zudem ihre Vorlesungen und anderen Lehraufgaben mit ihrer eigenen Forschung in ihrem Fachgebiet. Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter/Mitarbeiterinnen haben eine eigenständige Vollzeitstelle, auch wenn ihre Stellenbezeichnung möglicherweise eine untergeordnete Position vermuten lässt.
assistant lecturer
['assessment processes', 'scientific literature', 'investigation research methods', 'curriculum objectives', 'cooperate with education professionals', "guarantee students' safety", 'use data processing techniques', 'interpret current data', 'interact professionally in research and professional environments', 'prepare lesson content', 'monitor developments in field of expertise', 'teach university class', 'teach in academic or vocational contexts', 'apply teaching strategies', 'assess students', 'apply scientific methods', 'analyse test data', 'think abstractly', 'provide teacher support', 'mentor individuals', 'manage personal professional development', 'apply blended learning', 'give constructive feedback', 'operate scientific measuring equipment', 'perform classroom management', 'provide assistance to lecturer', 'provide lesson materials', 'liaise with educational staff', 'develop course outline', 'synthesise information', 'promote the participation of citizens in scientific and research activities', 'communicate with a non-scientific audience ', 'mathematical modelling', 'computer simulation', 'research design', 'learning difficulties', 'statistics', 'multidisciplinary research', 'university procedures', 'electronic communication', 'scientific research methodology', 'empirical analysis', 'draft scientific or academic papers and technical documentation', 'manage research data', 'assist in the organisation of school events', 'guide international students', 'disseminate results to the scientific community', 'operate open source software', 'speak different languages', 'record test data', 'liaise with educational support staff', 'evaluate research activities', 'provide information on study programmes', 'demonstrate disciplinary expertise', 'manage student relationships', 'increase the impact of science on policy and society ', 'manage findable accessible interoperable and reusable data', 'perform scientific research', 'manage intellectual property rights', 'report test findings', 'promote education course', 'apply for research funding', 'develop scientific theories', 'conduct quantitative research', 'apply research ethics and scientific integrity principles in research activities', 'manage resources for educational purposes', 'promote open innovation in research', 'write work-related reports', 'assist students with their dissertation', 'publish academic research', 'promote the transfer of knowledge', 'develop scientific research protocols', 'work with virtual learning environments', 'write scientific publications', 'develop professional network with researchers and scientists', 'integrate gender dimension in research', 'perform project management', 'assist students in their learning', 'manage open publications', 'oversee extra-curricular activities', 'design scientific equipment', 'conduct research across disciplines', 'perform background research on writing subject', 'conduct qualitative research']
domestic cleaner
reinigungskraft in privathaushalt
Domestic cleaners perform all necessary cleaning activities in order to clean their clients' houses. They vacuum and sweep floors, wash dishes, launder clothes, dust, scrub and polish surfaces and disinfect equipment and materials.
Reinigungskräfte in Privathaushalten führen alle erforderlichen Reinigungsarbeiten durch, um die Häuser ihrer Kunden zu reinigen. Sie saugen und wischen Fußböden, spülen Geschirr, waschen Kleidung, übernehmen das Abstauben, Schrubben und Polieren von Oberflächen und das Desinfizieren von Geräten und Materialien.
domestic cleaner
['cleaning techniques', 'maintain inventory of cleaning supplies', 'maintain personal hygiene standards when cleaning', 'wash the laundry', 'work ergonomically', 'clean household linens', 'remove dust', 'perform cleaning duties', 'handle chemical cleaning agents', 'iron textiles', 'clean toilet facilities', 'vacuum surfaces', 'clean surfaces', 'maintain cleaning equipment', 'clean rooms', "restock toilet facilities' supplies", 'wash the dishes', 'ensure cleanliness of food preparation area', 'clean glass surfaces', 'make the beds', 'sort waste', 'feed pets', 'handle linen in stock', 'clean vehicle exterior', 'wash costumes', 'carry out pressure washing activities', 'buy groceries', 'provide dog walking services', 'maintain wardrobe', 'lift heavy weights', 'maintain a safe, hygienic and secure working environment', 'wash vehicles', 'clean vehicle interiors', 'perform outdoor cleaning activities', 'supervise children']
vehicle maintenance attendant
helfer im bereich fahrzeugbau und -instandhaltung/helferin im bereich fahrzeugbau und -instandhaltung
Vehicle maintenance attendants execute basic tasks such as changing oil, changing filters, changing spark plugs at a vehicle maintenance station.
Helfer im Bereich Fahrzeugbau und -instandhaltung führen in einer Kfz-Werkstatt einfache Arbeiten wie z. B. Ölwechsel, Filterwechsel und Zündkerzenwechsel aus.
vehicle maintenance attendant
['car controls', 'types of vehicles', 'follow procedures to control substances hazardous to health', 'execute vehicle maintenance', 'identify vehicles service requirements', 'position vehicles for maintenance and repair', 'handle chemical cleaning agents', 'maintain work area cleanliness', 'perform technical tasks with great care', 'ensure client orientation', 'apply health and safety standards', 'execute working instructions', 'perform manual work autonomously', 'carry out improvised vehicle repairs', 'mechanical tools', 'teamwork principles', 'mechanics', 'maintain vehicle records', 'maintain inventory of vehicle cleaning supplies', 'fix minor vehicle scratches', 'drive vehicles', 'order supplies for vehicle maintenance and repair', 'perform minor vehicle repairs', 'process payments', 'report accounts of the professional activity', 'issue sales invoices']
Microbiologists study and research the life forms, characteristics, and processes of microscopic organisms. They study microorganisms such as bacteria, protozoa, fungi, etc. in order to diagnose and counteract the effects that these microorganisms might have in animals, in the environment, in the food industry, or in the health care industry.
Mikrobiologen/Mikrobiologinnen untersuchen und erforschen die Lebensformen, Merkmale und Prozesse mikroskopischer Organismen. Sie untersuchen Mikroorganismen wie Bakterien, Protozoen, Pilze usw., um die möglichen Auswirkungen dieser Mikroorganismen auf Tiere, die Umwelt und in der Lebensmittel- oder Gesundheitsbranche festzustellen und auszugleichen.
['life sciences', 'microbiology-bacteriology', 'botany', 'medical mycology', 'biotechnology', 'virology', 'clinical cytology', 'scientific literature', 'pathogenic microorganisms', 'molecular biology', 'biology', 'proteomics', 'cryopreservation', 'medical genetics', 'scientific research methodology', 'conduct research on flora', 'draft scientific or academic papers and technical documentation', 'manage research data', 'interact professionally in research and professional environments', 'disseminate results to the scientific community', 'operate open source software', 'speak different languages', 'evaluate research activities', 'demonstrate disciplinary expertise', 'detect microorganisms', 'collect samples for analysis', 'increase the impact of science on policy and society ', 'manage findable accessible interoperable and reusable data', 'perform scientific research', 'manage intellectual property rights', 'apply for research funding', 'apply scientific methods', 'send samples to laboratory', 'apply research ethics and scientific integrity principles in research activities', 'promote open innovation in research', 'gather experimental data', 'publish academic research', 'promote the transfer of knowledge', 'think abstractly', 'mentor individuals', 'manage personal professional development', 'write scientific publications', 'conduct research on reproductive medicine', 'develop professional network with researchers and scientists', 'integrate gender dimension in research', 'perform project management', 'manage open publications', 'collect biological data', 'conduct research on fauna', 'synthesise information', 'conduct research across disciplines', 'promote the participation of citizens in scientific and research activities', 'communicate with a non-scientific audience ', 'parasitology', 'production processes', 'neoplasia', 'biological chemistry', 'communicable diseases', 'laboratory techniques', 'immunology', 'pharmaceutical industry', 'pharmaceutical chemistry', 'helminthology', 'histology', 'toxicology', 'develop new food products', 'perform laboratory tests', 'write research proposals', 'develop bioremediation techniques', 'assist in clinical trials', 'perform lectures', 'analyse cell cultures', 'teach in academic or vocational contexts', 'supervise laboratory operations', 'develop scientific research protocols', 'develop vaccines', 'prepare compliance documents', 'apply blended learning', 'recommend product improvements', 'provide specialist pharmaceutical advice', 'develop pharmaceutical drugs', 'advise on legislative acts', 'assess environmental impact', 'contribute to registration of pharmaceutical products', 'control production']
assistant lecturer
wissenschaftlicher mitarbeiter/wissenschaftliche mitarbeiterin
Assistant lecturers share university or college lecturers' academic workload, specifically the provision of lectures to students. They prepare and teach classes, and meet with students privately regarding evaluation. They also combine their lecturing and other academic duties with conducting their own research in their field of study. Assistant lecturers occupy an autonomous, full-time position, despite what the subservience element in the occupation title may suggest.
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter/wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterinnen unterstützen Lehrkräfte bei ihrer Arbeit, vor allem durch das Halten von Lehrveranstaltungen. Sie bereiten Lehrveranstaltungen vor, führen sie durch und führen Evaluierungsgespräche mit Studierenden. Sie kombinieren zudem ihre Vorlesungen und anderen Lehraufgaben mit ihrer eigenen Forschung in ihrem Fachgebiet. Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter/Mitarbeiterinnen haben eine eigenständige Vollzeitstelle, auch wenn ihre Stellenbezeichnung möglicherweise eine untergeordnete Position vermuten lässt.
assistant lecturer
['assessment processes', 'scientific literature', 'investigation research methods', 'curriculum objectives', 'cooperate with education professionals', "guarantee students' safety", 'use data processing techniques', 'interpret current data', 'interact professionally in research and professional environments', 'prepare lesson content', 'monitor developments in field of expertise', 'teach university class', 'teach in academic or vocational contexts', 'apply teaching strategies', 'assess students', 'apply scientific methods', 'analyse test data', 'think abstractly', 'provide teacher support', 'mentor individuals', 'manage personal professional development', 'apply blended learning', 'give constructive feedback', 'operate scientific measuring equipment', 'perform classroom management', 'provide assistance to lecturer', 'provide lesson materials', 'liaise with educational staff', 'develop course outline', 'synthesise information', 'promote the participation of citizens in scientific and research activities', 'communicate with a non-scientific audience ', 'mathematical modelling', 'computer simulation', 'research design', 'learning difficulties', 'statistics', 'multidisciplinary research', 'university procedures', 'electronic communication', 'scientific research methodology', 'empirical analysis', 'draft scientific or academic papers and technical documentation', 'manage research data', 'assist in the organisation of school events', 'guide international students', 'disseminate results to the scientific community', 'operate open source software', 'speak different languages', 'record test data', 'liaise with educational support staff', 'evaluate research activities', 'provide information on study programmes', 'demonstrate disciplinary expertise', 'manage student relationships', 'increase the impact of science on policy and society ', 'manage findable accessible interoperable and reusable data', 'perform scientific research', 'manage intellectual property rights', 'report test findings', 'promote education course', 'apply for research funding', 'develop scientific theories', 'conduct quantitative research', 'apply research ethics and scientific integrity principles in research activities', 'manage resources for educational purposes', 'promote open innovation in research', 'write work-related reports', 'assist students with their dissertation', 'publish academic research', 'promote the transfer of knowledge', 'develop scientific research protocols', 'work with virtual learning environments', 'write scientific publications', 'develop professional network with researchers and scientists', 'integrate gender dimension in research', 'perform project management', 'assist students in their learning', 'manage open publications', 'oversee extra-curricular activities', 'design scientific equipment', 'conduct research across disciplines', 'perform background research on writing subject', 'conduct qualitative research']
Pharmacists prepare, dispense, and provide prescriptions for, over the counter medication. They offer clinical information on medicines, report suspected adverse reactions, and provide personalised support to patients. Pharmacists formulate and test medications in laboratories, and store, preserve, and distribute them.
Apotheker/Apothekerinnen bereiten Arzneimittel zu, geben Arzneimittel ab und verkaufen frei erhältliche Arzneimittel. Sie bieten klinische Informationen über Arzneimittel, berichten über vermutete Nebenwirkungen und bieten Patientinnen/Patienten personalisierte Unterstützung. Apotheker/Apothekerinnen formulieren und testen Arzneimittel in Laboren, lagern sie, konservieren sie und geben sie ab.
['hygiene in a health care setting', 'microbiology-bacteriology', 'medicines', 'analytical chemistry', 'biological chemistry', 'botany', 'pharmacy law', 'organic chemistry', 'applied therapeutics related to medicines', 'pharmacology', 'physics', 'pharmaceutical technology', 'pharmacognosy', 'human anatomy', 'pharmaceutical chemistry', 'toxicology', 'inorganic chemistry', 'pharmacokinetics', 'sales strategies', 'pharmacotherapy', 'draft scientific or academic papers and technical documentation', 'follow procedures to control substances hazardous to health', 'check information on prescriptions', 'respond to changing situations in health care', 'provide medicines information', 'manage research data', 'educate on the prevention of illness', 'inform policy makers on health-related challenges', 'handle the logistics of medicinal products', 'communicate with customers', 'counsel healthcare users on medicines', 'contribute to continuity of health care', 'use e-health and mobile health technologies', 'interact professionally in research and professional environments', 'empathise with the healthcare user', "obtain healthcare user's medical status information", 'disseminate results to the scientific community', 'operate open source software', 'speak different languages', 'evaluate research activities', 'demonstrate disciplinary expertise', 'dispense medicines', 'increase the impact of science on policy and society ', "manage healthcare users' data", 'manage findable accessible interoperable and reusable data', 'perform scientific research', 'ensure the appropriate supply in pharmacy', 'manage intellectual property rights', 'deal with emergency care situations', 'maintain adequate medication storage conditions', 'advise on poisoning incidents', 'apply for research funding', 'provide health education', 'test medicinal products', 'provide pharmaceutical advice', 'communicate in healthcare', 'manage medical supply chains', 'process medical insurance claims', 'follow clinical guidelines', "advise on healthcare users' informed consent", 'apply research ethics and scientific integrity principles in research activities', 'promote open innovation in research', 'manufacture medicines', 'evaluate scientific data concerning medicines', 'publish academic research', 'ensure pharmacovigilance', 'promote the transfer of knowledge', 'comply with quality standards related to healthcare practice', 'think abstractly', 'comply with legislation related to health care', 'listen actively', 'mentor individuals', 'manage personal professional development', 'adhere to organisational guidelines', 'prepare medication from prescription', 'work in a multicultural environment in health care', 'contribute to public health campaigns', 'ensure client orientation', 'promote inclusion', 'prepare doses of medication according to patient needs', 'participate in medical inventory control', 'maintain pharmacy records', 'write scientific publications', 'interact with healthcare users', 'provide treatment strategies for challenges to human health', 'develop professional network with researchers and scientists', 'integrate gender dimension in research', 'perform project management', 'ensure safety of healthcare users', 'apply organisational techniques', 'develop a collaborative therapeutic relationship', 'manage medication safety issues', 'manage open publications', 'apply context specific clinical competences', 'supervise pharmaceutical staff', 'refer healthcare users', 'work in multidisciplinary health teams', 'synthesise information', 'conduct research across disciplines', 'perform therapeutic drug monitoring', 'accept own accountability', "monitor patients' medication", 'promote the participation of citizens in scientific and research activities', 'communicate with a non-scientific audience ', 'nutrition', 'phytotherapy', 'medical statistics', 'accounting techniques', 'pedagogy', 'homeopathy', 'radiopharmaceuticals', 'medical devices', 'operate cash register', 'provide anti-cancer medical treatment', 'improve safety of medicines', 'recruit employees', 'teach in academic or vocational contexts', 'conduct health related research', 'apply blended learning', 'manage adverse reactions to drugs', 'use foreign languages for health-related research', 'use foreign languages in patient care', 'maintain medical devices']
Pharmacists prepare, dispense, and provide prescriptions for, over the counter medication. They offer clinical information on medicines, report suspected adverse reactions, and provide personalised support to patients. Pharmacists formulate and test medications in laboratories, and store, preserve, and distribute them.
Apotheker/Apothekerinnen bereiten Arzneimittel zu, geben Arzneimittel ab und verkaufen frei erhältliche Arzneimittel. Sie bieten klinische Informationen über Arzneimittel, berichten über vermutete Nebenwirkungen und bieten Patientinnen/Patienten personalisierte Unterstützung. Apotheker/Apothekerinnen formulieren und testen Arzneimittel in Laboren, lagern sie, konservieren sie und geben sie ab.
['hygiene in a health care setting', 'microbiology-bacteriology', 'medicines', 'analytical chemistry', 'biological chemistry', 'botany', 'pharmacy law', 'organic chemistry', 'applied therapeutics related to medicines', 'pharmacology', 'physics', 'pharmaceutical technology', 'pharmacognosy', 'human anatomy', 'pharmaceutical chemistry', 'toxicology', 'inorganic chemistry', 'pharmacokinetics', 'sales strategies', 'pharmacotherapy', 'draft scientific or academic papers and technical documentation', 'follow procedures to control substances hazardous to health', 'check information on prescriptions', 'respond to changing situations in health care', 'provide medicines information', 'manage research data', 'educate on the prevention of illness', 'inform policy makers on health-related challenges', 'handle the logistics of medicinal products', 'communicate with customers', 'counsel healthcare users on medicines', 'contribute to continuity of health care', 'use e-health and mobile health technologies', 'interact professionally in research and professional environments', 'empathise with the healthcare user', "obtain healthcare user's medical status information", 'disseminate results to the scientific community', 'operate open source software', 'speak different languages', 'evaluate research activities', 'demonstrate disciplinary expertise', 'dispense medicines', 'increase the impact of science on policy and society ', "manage healthcare users' data", 'manage findable accessible interoperable and reusable data', 'perform scientific research', 'ensure the appropriate supply in pharmacy', 'manage intellectual property rights', 'deal with emergency care situations', 'maintain adequate medication storage conditions', 'advise on poisoning incidents', 'apply for research funding', 'provide health education', 'test medicinal products', 'provide pharmaceutical advice', 'communicate in healthcare', 'manage medical supply chains', 'process medical insurance claims', 'follow clinical guidelines', "advise on healthcare users' informed consent", 'apply research ethics and scientific integrity principles in research activities', 'promote open innovation in research', 'manufacture medicines', 'evaluate scientific data concerning medicines', 'publish academic research', 'ensure pharmacovigilance', 'promote the transfer of knowledge', 'comply with quality standards related to healthcare practice', 'think abstractly', 'comply with legislation related to health care', 'listen actively', 'mentor individuals', 'manage personal professional development', 'adhere to organisational guidelines', 'prepare medication from prescription', 'work in a multicultural environment in health care', 'contribute to public health campaigns', 'ensure client orientation', 'promote inclusion', 'prepare doses of medication according to patient needs', 'participate in medical inventory control', 'maintain pharmacy records', 'write scientific publications', 'interact with healthcare users', 'provide treatment strategies for challenges to human health', 'develop professional network with researchers and scientists', 'integrate gender dimension in research', 'perform project management', 'ensure safety of healthcare users', 'apply organisational techniques', 'develop a collaborative therapeutic relationship', 'manage medication safety issues', 'manage open publications', 'apply context specific clinical competences', 'supervise pharmaceutical staff', 'refer healthcare users', 'work in multidisciplinary health teams', 'synthesise information', 'conduct research across disciplines', 'perform therapeutic drug monitoring', 'accept own accountability', "monitor patients' medication", 'promote the participation of citizens in scientific and research activities', 'communicate with a non-scientific audience ', 'nutrition', 'phytotherapy', 'medical statistics', 'accounting techniques', 'pedagogy', 'homeopathy', 'radiopharmaceuticals', 'medical devices', 'operate cash register', 'provide anti-cancer medical treatment', 'improve safety of medicines', 'recruit employees', 'teach in academic or vocational contexts', 'conduct health related research', 'apply blended learning', 'manage adverse reactions to drugs', 'use foreign languages for health-related research', 'use foreign languages in patient care', 'maintain medical devices']
Pharmacists prepare, dispense, and provide prescriptions for, over the counter medication. They offer clinical information on medicines, report suspected adverse reactions, and provide personalised support to patients. Pharmacists formulate and test medications in laboratories, and store, preserve, and distribute them.
Apotheker/Apothekerinnen bereiten Arzneimittel zu, geben Arzneimittel ab und verkaufen frei erhältliche Arzneimittel. Sie bieten klinische Informationen über Arzneimittel, berichten über vermutete Nebenwirkungen und bieten Patientinnen/Patienten personalisierte Unterstützung. Apotheker/Apothekerinnen formulieren und testen Arzneimittel in Laboren, lagern sie, konservieren sie und geben sie ab.
['hygiene in a health care setting', 'microbiology-bacteriology', 'medicines', 'analytical chemistry', 'biological chemistry', 'botany', 'pharmacy law', 'organic chemistry', 'applied therapeutics related to medicines', 'pharmacology', 'physics', 'pharmaceutical technology', 'pharmacognosy', 'human anatomy', 'pharmaceutical chemistry', 'toxicology', 'inorganic chemistry', 'pharmacokinetics', 'sales strategies', 'pharmacotherapy', 'draft scientific or academic papers and technical documentation', 'follow procedures to control substances hazardous to health', 'check information on prescriptions', 'respond to changing situations in health care', 'provide medicines information', 'manage research data', 'educate on the prevention of illness', 'inform policy makers on health-related challenges', 'handle the logistics of medicinal products', 'communicate with customers', 'counsel healthcare users on medicines', 'contribute to continuity of health care', 'use e-health and mobile health technologies', 'interact professionally in research and professional environments', 'empathise with the healthcare user', "obtain healthcare user's medical status information", 'disseminate results to the scientific community', 'operate open source software', 'speak different languages', 'evaluate research activities', 'demonstrate disciplinary expertise', 'dispense medicines', 'increase the impact of science on policy and society ', "manage healthcare users' data", 'manage findable accessible interoperable and reusable data', 'perform scientific research', 'ensure the appropriate supply in pharmacy', 'manage intellectual property rights', 'deal with emergency care situations', 'maintain adequate medication storage conditions', 'advise on poisoning incidents', 'apply for research funding', 'provide health education', 'test medicinal products', 'provide pharmaceutical advice', 'communicate in healthcare', 'manage medical supply chains', 'process medical insurance claims', 'follow clinical guidelines', "advise on healthcare users' informed consent", 'apply research ethics and scientific integrity principles in research activities', 'promote open innovation in research', 'manufacture medicines', 'evaluate scientific data concerning medicines', 'publish academic research', 'ensure pharmacovigilance', 'promote the transfer of knowledge', 'comply with quality standards related to healthcare practice', 'think abstractly', 'comply with legislation related to health care', 'listen actively', 'mentor individuals', 'manage personal professional development', 'adhere to organisational guidelines', 'prepare medication from prescription', 'work in a multicultural environment in health care', 'contribute to public health campaigns', 'ensure client orientation', 'promote inclusion', 'prepare doses of medication according to patient needs', 'participate in medical inventory control', 'maintain pharmacy records', 'write scientific publications', 'interact with healthcare users', 'provide treatment strategies for challenges to human health', 'develop professional network with researchers and scientists', 'integrate gender dimension in research', 'perform project management', 'ensure safety of healthcare users', 'apply organisational techniques', 'develop a collaborative therapeutic relationship', 'manage medication safety issues', 'manage open publications', 'apply context specific clinical competences', 'supervise pharmaceutical staff', 'refer healthcare users', 'work in multidisciplinary health teams', 'synthesise information', 'conduct research across disciplines', 'perform therapeutic drug monitoring', 'accept own accountability', "monitor patients' medication", 'promote the participation of citizens in scientific and research activities', 'communicate with a non-scientific audience ', 'nutrition', 'phytotherapy', 'medical statistics', 'accounting techniques', 'pedagogy', 'homeopathy', 'radiopharmaceuticals', 'medical devices', 'operate cash register', 'provide anti-cancer medical treatment', 'improve safety of medicines', 'recruit employees', 'teach in academic or vocational contexts', 'conduct health related research', 'apply blended learning', 'manage adverse reactions to drugs', 'use foreign languages for health-related research', 'use foreign languages in patient care', 'maintain medical devices']
Pharmacists prepare, dispense, and provide prescriptions for, over the counter medication. They offer clinical information on medicines, report suspected adverse reactions, and provide personalised support to patients. Pharmacists formulate and test medications in laboratories, and store, preserve, and distribute them.
Apotheker/Apothekerinnen bereiten Arzneimittel zu, geben Arzneimittel ab und verkaufen frei erhältliche Arzneimittel. Sie bieten klinische Informationen über Arzneimittel, berichten über vermutete Nebenwirkungen und bieten Patientinnen/Patienten personalisierte Unterstützung. Apotheker/Apothekerinnen formulieren und testen Arzneimittel in Laboren, lagern sie, konservieren sie und geben sie ab.
['hygiene in a health care setting', 'microbiology-bacteriology', 'medicines', 'analytical chemistry', 'biological chemistry', 'botany', 'pharmacy law', 'organic chemistry', 'applied therapeutics related to medicines', 'pharmacology', 'physics', 'pharmaceutical technology', 'pharmacognosy', 'human anatomy', 'pharmaceutical chemistry', 'toxicology', 'inorganic chemistry', 'pharmacokinetics', 'sales strategies', 'pharmacotherapy', 'draft scientific or academic papers and technical documentation', 'follow procedures to control substances hazardous to health', 'check information on prescriptions', 'respond to changing situations in health care', 'provide medicines information', 'manage research data', 'educate on the prevention of illness', 'inform policy makers on health-related challenges', 'handle the logistics of medicinal products', 'communicate with customers', 'counsel healthcare users on medicines', 'contribute to continuity of health care', 'use e-health and mobile health technologies', 'interact professionally in research and professional environments', 'empathise with the healthcare user', "obtain healthcare user's medical status information", 'disseminate results to the scientific community', 'operate open source software', 'speak different languages', 'evaluate research activities', 'demonstrate disciplinary expertise', 'dispense medicines', 'increase the impact of science on policy and society ', "manage healthcare users' data", 'manage findable accessible interoperable and reusable data', 'perform scientific research', 'ensure the appropriate supply in pharmacy', 'manage intellectual property rights', 'deal with emergency care situations', 'maintain adequate medication storage conditions', 'advise on poisoning incidents', 'apply for research funding', 'provide health education', 'test medicinal products', 'provide pharmaceutical advice', 'communicate in healthcare', 'manage medical supply chains', 'process medical insurance claims', 'follow clinical guidelines', "advise on healthcare users' informed consent", 'apply research ethics and scientific integrity principles in research activities', 'promote open innovation in research', 'manufacture medicines', 'evaluate scientific data concerning medicines', 'publish academic research', 'ensure pharmacovigilance', 'promote the transfer of knowledge', 'comply with quality standards related to healthcare practice', 'think abstractly', 'comply with legislation related to health care', 'listen actively', 'mentor individuals', 'manage personal professional development', 'adhere to organisational guidelines', 'prepare medication from prescription', 'work in a multicultural environment in health care', 'contribute to public health campaigns', 'ensure client orientation', 'promote inclusion', 'prepare doses of medication according to patient needs', 'participate in medical inventory control', 'maintain pharmacy records', 'write scientific publications', 'interact with healthcare users', 'provide treatment strategies for challenges to human health', 'develop professional network with researchers and scientists', 'integrate gender dimension in research', 'perform project management', 'ensure safety of healthcare users', 'apply organisational techniques', 'develop a collaborative therapeutic relationship', 'manage medication safety issues', 'manage open publications', 'apply context specific clinical competences', 'supervise pharmaceutical staff', 'refer healthcare users', 'work in multidisciplinary health teams', 'synthesise information', 'conduct research across disciplines', 'perform therapeutic drug monitoring', 'accept own accountability', "monitor patients' medication", 'promote the participation of citizens in scientific and research activities', 'communicate with a non-scientific audience ', 'nutrition', 'phytotherapy', 'medical statistics', 'accounting techniques', 'pedagogy', 'homeopathy', 'radiopharmaceuticals', 'medical devices', 'operate cash register', 'provide anti-cancer medical treatment', 'improve safety of medicines', 'recruit employees', 'teach in academic or vocational contexts', 'conduct health related research', 'apply blended learning', 'manage adverse reactions to drugs', 'use foreign languages for health-related research', 'use foreign languages in patient care', 'maintain medical devices']
pharmacy assistant
pharmazeutisch-kaufmännischer angestellter/pharmazeutisch-kaufmännische angestellte
Pharmacy assistants perform general duties, such as stock management, serving at the cash desk, or performing administrative duties. They deal with the inventory within the pharmacy under the supervision of a pharmacist.
Pharmazeutisch-kaufmännische Angestellte üben allgemeine Aufgaben aus, wie die Verwaltung der Lagerbestände, den Dienst an der Kasse oder Verwaltungstätigkeiten. Unter der Aufsicht eines Apothekers kümmern sie sich um die Bestände einer Apotheke.
pharmacy assistant
['hygiene in a health care setting', 'medicines', 'medicines for self-medication', 'follow procedures to control substances hazardous to health', 'check information on prescriptions', 'respond to changing situations in health care', 'inform policy makers on health-related challenges', 'handle the logistics of medicinal products', 'communicate with customers', 'contribute to continuity of health care', 'use e-health and mobile health technologies', 'maintain pharmaceutical records', 'empathise with the healthcare user', 'transfer medication', 'take pharmaceutical inventory', "obtain healthcare user's medical status information", "manage healthcare users' data", 'prepare prescription labels', 'ensure the appropriate supply in pharmacy', 'deal with emergency care situations', 'maintain adequate medication storage conditions', 'provide health education', 'handle petty cash', 'communicate in healthcare', 'process medical insurance claims', 'follow clinical guidelines', 'ensure quality assurance for pharmaceutical products', "advise on healthcare users' informed consent", 'comply with quality standards related to healthcare practice', 'comply with legislation related to health care', 'listen actively', 'adhere to organisational guidelines', 'work in a multicultural environment in health care', 'promote inclusion', 'interact with healthcare users', 'ensure safety of healthcare users', 'apply organisational techniques', 'communicate by telephone', 'work in multidisciplinary health teams', 'check for medication expiry terms', 'accept own accountability', 'phytotherapy', 'pharmaceutical chemistry', 'pharmacokinetics', 'homeopathy', 'educate on the prevention of illness', 'operate cash register', 'provide pharmaceutical advice', 'communicate in foreign languages with health service providers', 'develop a collaborative therapeutic relationship', 'apply context specific clinical competences']
Movers are responsible for the physical handling of goods and belongings to be relocated or transported from one place to the other. They disassemble goods, machinery or belongings for transporting and assemble or install them in the new location. They ensure that objects are well protected and packed, secured and placed correctly in trucks and transports.
Transportarbeiter sind zuständig für den physischen Umgang mit Waren und Gegenständen, die umgelagert oder von einem Ort zum anderen befördert werden sollen. Sie nehmen Waren, Maschinen oder Gegenstände für den Transport auseinander und bauen sie am neuen Ort wieder zusammen bzw. montieren sie. Sie stellen sicher, dass Objekte gut geschützt und verpackt sind und dass sie im Lastwagen und Transporter sicher und ordnungsgemäß untergebracht sind.
['hazards associated with loading dangerous goods', 'follow detailed procedures for relocating specific goods', 'communicate with customers', 'handle delivery of furniture goods', 'stack goods', 'read pictograms', 'pack goods', 'use communication devices', 'follow work procedures', 'use traditional toolbox tools', 'carry objects', 'maintain inventory of tools', 'select equipment required for moving activities', 'animal transport regulations', 'types of packaging materials', 'health and safety measures in transportation', 'electricity', 'mechanics', 'load animals for transportation', 'shunt inbound loads', 'determine cargo loading sequence', 'operate forklift', 'clean furniture', 'disassemble machines', 'apply techniques for stacking goods into containers', 'perform cleaning duties', 'organise weight of loads according to lifting equipment capacity', 'clean surfaces', 'assemble machines', 'implement efficiency plans for logistics operations', 'operate cranes', 'analyse requirements for moving goods']
Movers are responsible for the physical handling of goods and belongings to be relocated or transported from one place to the other. They disassemble goods, machinery or belongings for transporting and assemble or install them in the new location. They ensure that objects are well protected and packed, secured and placed correctly in trucks and transports.
Transportarbeiter sind zuständig für den physischen Umgang mit Waren und Gegenständen, die umgelagert oder von einem Ort zum anderen befördert werden sollen. Sie nehmen Waren, Maschinen oder Gegenstände für den Transport auseinander und bauen sie am neuen Ort wieder zusammen bzw. montieren sie. Sie stellen sicher, dass Objekte gut geschützt und verpackt sind und dass sie im Lastwagen und Transporter sicher und ordnungsgemäß untergebracht sind.
['hazards associated with loading dangerous goods', 'follow detailed procedures for relocating specific goods', 'communicate with customers', 'handle delivery of furniture goods', 'stack goods', 'read pictograms', 'pack goods', 'use communication devices', 'follow work procedures', 'use traditional toolbox tools', 'carry objects', 'maintain inventory of tools', 'select equipment required for moving activities', 'animal transport regulations', 'types of packaging materials', 'health and safety measures in transportation', 'electricity', 'mechanics', 'load animals for transportation', 'shunt inbound loads', 'determine cargo loading sequence', 'operate forklift', 'clean furniture', 'disassemble machines', 'apply techniques for stacking goods into containers', 'perform cleaning duties', 'organise weight of loads according to lifting equipment capacity', 'clean surfaces', 'assemble machines', 'implement efficiency plans for logistics operations', 'operate cranes', 'analyse requirements for moving goods']
domestic cleaner
reinigungskraft in privathaushalt
Domestic cleaners perform all necessary cleaning activities in order to clean their clients' houses. They vacuum and sweep floors, wash dishes, launder clothes, dust, scrub and polish surfaces and disinfect equipment and materials.
Reinigungskräfte in Privathaushalten führen alle erforderlichen Reinigungsarbeiten durch, um die Häuser ihrer Kunden zu reinigen. Sie saugen und wischen Fußböden, spülen Geschirr, waschen Kleidung, übernehmen das Abstauben, Schrubben und Polieren von Oberflächen und das Desinfizieren von Geräten und Materialien.
domestic cleaner
['cleaning techniques', 'maintain inventory of cleaning supplies', 'maintain personal hygiene standards when cleaning', 'wash the laundry', 'work ergonomically', 'clean household linens', 'remove dust', 'perform cleaning duties', 'handle chemical cleaning agents', 'iron textiles', 'clean toilet facilities', 'vacuum surfaces', 'clean surfaces', 'maintain cleaning equipment', 'clean rooms', "restock toilet facilities' supplies", 'wash the dishes', 'ensure cleanliness of food preparation area', 'clean glass surfaces', 'make the beds', 'sort waste', 'feed pets', 'handle linen in stock', 'clean vehicle exterior', 'wash costumes', 'carry out pressure washing activities', 'buy groceries', 'provide dog walking services', 'maintain wardrobe', 'lift heavy weights', 'maintain a safe, hygienic and secure working environment', 'wash vehicles', 'clean vehicle interiors', 'perform outdoor cleaning activities', 'supervise children']
Movers are responsible for the physical handling of goods and belongings to be relocated or transported from one place to the other. They disassemble goods, machinery or belongings for transporting and assemble or install them in the new location. They ensure that objects are well protected and packed, secured and placed correctly in trucks and transports.
Transportarbeiter sind zuständig für den physischen Umgang mit Waren und Gegenständen, die umgelagert oder von einem Ort zum anderen befördert werden sollen. Sie nehmen Waren, Maschinen oder Gegenstände für den Transport auseinander und bauen sie am neuen Ort wieder zusammen bzw. montieren sie. Sie stellen sicher, dass Objekte gut geschützt und verpackt sind und dass sie im Lastwagen und Transporter sicher und ordnungsgemäß untergebracht sind.
['hazards associated with loading dangerous goods', 'follow detailed procedures for relocating specific goods', 'communicate with customers', 'handle delivery of furniture goods', 'stack goods', 'read pictograms', 'pack goods', 'use communication devices', 'follow work procedures', 'use traditional toolbox tools', 'carry objects', 'maintain inventory of tools', 'select equipment required for moving activities', 'animal transport regulations', 'types of packaging materials', 'health and safety measures in transportation', 'electricity', 'mechanics', 'load animals for transportation', 'shunt inbound loads', 'determine cargo loading sequence', 'operate forklift', 'clean furniture', 'disassemble machines', 'apply techniques for stacking goods into containers', 'perform cleaning duties', 'organise weight of loads according to lifting equipment capacity', 'clean surfaces', 'assemble machines', 'implement efficiency plans for logistics operations', 'operate cranes', 'analyse requirements for moving goods']
special educational needs teacher
Special educational needs teachers work with and teach children, young people, and adults with an intellectual or physical disability. They use a range of specialised concepts, strategies and tools to optimise learners' communication, mobility, autonomy, and social integration. They select teaching methods and support resources to enable individual learners to maximise their potential for independent living.
Sonderpädagogen/Sonderpädagoginnen arbeiten mit Kindern, jungen Menschen und Erwachsenen, die eine geistige oder körperlichen Behinderung haben. Sie setzen eine Reihe spezieller Konzepte, Strategien und Hilfsmittel ein, um die Kommunikation, Mobilität, Autonomie und soziale Integration der Lernenden zu optimieren. Sie wählen Lehrmethoden und Unterstützungsressourcen so aus, dass den einzelnen Lernenden die Möglichkeit gegeben wird, ihr Potenzial für eine eigenständige Lebensführung voll auszuschöpfen.
special educational needs teacher
['learning needs analysis', 'special needs learning equipment', 'social development', 'disability care', 'disability types', 'instructional strategies', 'curriculum objectives', 'special needs education', "handle children's problems", "stimulate students' independence", "guarantee students' safety", 'prepare lesson content', 'assess the development of youth', 'provide specialised instruction for special needs students', "monitor children's physical development", 'manage student relationships', 'support the positiveness of youths', "adapt teaching to student's capabilities", 'apply teaching strategies', 'implement care programmes for children', 'assess students', 'assist students with equipment', 'assist children in developing personal skills', "support children's wellbeing", 'demonstrate when teaching', 'give constructive feedback', 'assist children with special needs in education settings', 'perform classroom management', 'assist students in their learning', 'apply intercultural teaching strategies', "maintain relations with children's parents", 'encourage students to acknowledge their achievements', 'workplace sanitation', 'communication related to hearing impairment', 'assessment processes', 'visual disability', 'hearing disability', 'learning difficulties', 'primary school procedures', "common children's diseases", 'mobility disability', 'behavioural disorders', 'communication disorders', 'secondary school procedures', 'development delays', 'kindergarten school procedures', 'teach sign language', 'consult students on learning content', 'support people with hearing impairment', 'escort students on a field trip', 'liaise with educational support staff', 'teach primary education class content', "maintain students' discipline", 'provide learning support', 'teach secondary education class content', 'manage resources for educational purposes', 'promote the safeguarding of young people', 'use learning strategies', 'teach kindergarten class content', 'teach braille', 'perform playground surveillance', 'work with virtual learning environments', 'advise on lesson plans', "attend to children's basic physical needs", 'teach digital literacy', 'provide lesson materials', 'organise creative performance', 'liaise with educational staff', 'facilitate motor skill activities']
care home worker
sozialbetreuer häusliche betreuung/sozialbetreuerin häusliche betreuung
Care home workers provide domiciliary services to vulnerable adults including frail elderly or disabled people who are living with physical impairment or convalescing, following a specific plan to provide day-to-day care to clients. They look after the physical and mental wellbeing of clients by providing them social care. These services could be developed in residential homes, care homes or in the patient's home. In relation to this last case, they aim to improve patients' lives in the community and assure patients can live safely and independently in their own home.
Sozialbetreuer häusliche Betreuung/Sozialbetreuerinnen häusliche Betreuung erbringen häusliche Dienstleistungen für schutzbedürftige Erwachsene, beispielsweise gebrechliche ältere oder behinderte Menschen, die mit einer körperlichen Behinderung leben oder sich im Genesungsprozess befinden, und folgen dabei einem speziellen Plan zur täglichen Betreuung der Menschen. Sie kümmern sich um das körperliche und seelische Wohlbefinden der Menschen, indem sie soziale Dienste erbringen. Diese Dienstleistungen können auch in Wohnheimen, Pflegeheimen oder in der Wohnung von Patientinnen und Patienten erbracht werden. In Bezug auf den letztgenannten Punkt bemühen sie sich, das Leben ihrer Patientinnen und Patienten in der Gemeinschaft zu verbessern und dafür zu sorgen, dass sie sicher und unabhängig in ihrem eigenen Zuhause leben können.
care home worker
['customer service', 'legal requirements in the social sector', 'social sciences', "older adults' needs", 'social justice', 'company policies', 'support harmed social service users', 'provide social counselling', 'assist individuals with disabilities in community activities', 'involve service users and carers in care planning', 'work within communities', 'meet standards of practice in social services', 'support social service users in skills management', 'apply quality standards in social services', 'apply problem solving in social service', 'protect vulnerable social service users', 'contribute to protecting individuals from harm', "monitor service users' health", 'undertake risk assessment of social service users', 'deliver social services in diverse cultural communities', 'conduct interview in social service', 'demonstrate leadership in social service cases', 'communicate professionally with colleagues in other fields', 'follow health and safety precautions in social care practices', 'promote social change', 'advocate for social service users', 'prevent social problems', "support social service users' positiveness", 'maintain privacy of service users', 'support service users in developing skills', "promote service users' rights", 'apply person-centred care', 'encourage social service users to preserve their independence in their daily activities', "assess social service users' situation", 'assist social service users with physical disabilities', 'support social service users to live at home', 'relate empathetically', 'support service users to use technological aids', 'listen actively', 'manage social crisis', 'review social service plan', 'apply decision making within social work', 'adhere to organisational guidelines', 'apply holistic approach within social services', "evaluate older adults' ability to take care of themselves", 'work in a multicultural environment in health care', 'apply socially just working principles', 'promote inclusion', 'maintain records of work with service users', 'report on social development', 'undertake continuous professional development in social work', 'tolerate stress', 'refer service users to community resources', 'apply organisational techniques', 'communicate with social service users', 'support social service users with specific communication needs', 'assist social service users in formulating complaints', 'maintain the trust of service users', 'accept own accountability', 'manage stress in the work place', 'comply with legislation in social services', 'build helping relationship with social service users', 'provide palliative care']
child care worker
Child care workers provide care for children when the parents or family members are unavailable. They look after the children's basic needs and help or supervise them during play. Child care workers can work for preschools, daycare centres, childcare agencies or individual families.
Kinderbetreuer übernehmen die Betreuung der Kinder, wenn die Eltern oder andere Familienmitglieder nicht verfügbar sind. Sie kümmern sich um die grundlegenden Bedürfnisse der Kinder und helfen ihnen bzw. beaufsichtigen sie beim Spielen. Kinderbetreuer können in Vorschulen, Kindertagesstätten, Kinderbetreuungseinrichtungen oder einzelnen Familien eingesetzt werden.
child care worker
['workplace sanitation', 'social development', 'handle chemical cleaning agents', 'assist children in developing personal skills', 'play with children', 'communicate with youth', "attend to children's basic physical needs", 'determine child welfare', "maintain relations with children's parents", 'supervise children', 'baby care', 'disability care', "common children's diseases", 'pedagogy', 'babysitting', "handle children's problems", 'plan youth activities', 'assist children with homework', 'carry out wound care', 'provide first aid', 'assess the development of youth', 'prepare sandwiches', 'support the positiveness of youths', 'support traumatised children', 'clean rooms', 'relate empathetically', "support children's wellbeing", 'work in a multicultural environment in health care', 'prepare ready-made dishes', 'tolerate stress']
crop production worker
produktionsarbeiter im bereich pflanzenbau/produktionsarbeiterin im bereich pflanzenbau
Crop production workers carry out practical activities and assist in the production of agronomical crops. 
Produktionsarbeiter im Bereich Pflanzenbau üben praktische Tätigkeiten aus und unterstützen bei der Produktion von Agrarerzeugnissen. 
crop production worker
['agroforestry', 'operate agricultural machinery', 'cultivate crops for biomass', 'maintain storage facilities', 'harvest crop', 'prepare equipment for harvest', 'monitor fields', 'execute fertilisation', 'propagate plants', 'drive agricultural machines', 'store crops', 'grow plants', 'prepare planting area', 'execute disease and pest control activities', 'manage crop rotation', 'store products', 'technical equipment for crop production', 'quality criteria for storage facilities', 'organic farming', 'crop production principles', 'soil structure', 'plant species', 'types of storage facilities', 'aeroponics', 'watering principles', 'pest control in plants', 'ecology', 'agronomy', 'hydroponics', 'fertilisation principles', 'plant harvest methods', 'agroecology', 'integrated pest management', 'conservation agriculture', 'plant propagation', 'plant disease control', 'apply sustainable tillage techniques', 'assign duties to agriculture workers', 'apply alternate wetting and drying techniques', 'provide agri-touristic services', 'present the farm facilities', 'irrigate soil', 'preserve crop', 'perform on-farm product processing', 'use pest detection sensors', 'maintain technical equipment', 'use agricultural information systems and databases']
office clerk
Office clerks are responsible for performing clerical and administrative duties in an office setting and support of business operations within a department. They assist all the administrative staff, secretaries, and assistants by sorting mail, filing forms and documents, answering phones, greeting clients and scheduling meetings.
Bürokaufmänner/Bürokauffrauen übernehmen Büro- und Verwaltungsaufgaben in Büros und unterstützen den Geschäftsbetrieb innerhalb einer Abteilung. Sie gehen allen Verwaltungsbeschäftigten, Sekretariatskräften und Assistenten/Assistentinnen zur Hand, indem sie Korrespondenz ordnen, Formulare und Dokumente ausfüllen, Telefonanrufe entgegennehmen, Kunden/Kundinnen in Empfang nehmen und Sitzungstermine planen.
office clerk
['information confidentiality', 'company policies', 'communicate with customers', 'use spreadsheets software', 'disseminate internal communications', 'file documents', 'organise business documents', 'use different communication channels', 'align content with form', 'process commissioned instructions', 'use office systems', 'handle mail', 'perform office routine activities', 'disseminate messages to people', 'fill out forms', 'prepare correspondence for customers', 'apply grammar and spelling rules', 'maintain correspondence records', 'manage digital documents', 'organise facilities for office personnel', 'route correspondence to business departments', 'communicate by telephone', 'deliver correspondence', 'handle delivered packages', 'process data', 'facilitate access to information', 'transcription methods', 'accounting techniques', 'document sharing procedures', 'translate keywords into full texts', 'respect data protection principles', 'maintain inventory of office supplies', 'digitise documents', 'maintain internal communication systems', 'use software for data preservation', 'monitor staff absences', 'perform cleaning duties', 'use free typing techniques', 'keep records of customer interaction', 'communicate with customer service department', 'serve beverages', 'ensure proper document management', 'issue sales invoices', 'draft corporate emails', 'process customer orders', 'use microsoft office', 'manage digital archives', 'use personal organization software']
Movers are responsible for the physical handling of goods and belongings to be relocated or transported from one place to the other. They disassemble goods, machinery or belongings for transporting and assemble or install them in the new location. They ensure that objects are well protected and packed, secured and placed correctly in trucks and transports.
Transportarbeiter sind zuständig für den physischen Umgang mit Waren und Gegenständen, die umgelagert oder von einem Ort zum anderen befördert werden sollen. Sie nehmen Waren, Maschinen oder Gegenstände für den Transport auseinander und bauen sie am neuen Ort wieder zusammen bzw. montieren sie. Sie stellen sicher, dass Objekte gut geschützt und verpackt sind und dass sie im Lastwagen und Transporter sicher und ordnungsgemäß untergebracht sind.
['hazards associated with loading dangerous goods', 'follow detailed procedures for relocating specific goods', 'communicate with customers', 'handle delivery of furniture goods', 'stack goods', 'read pictograms', 'pack goods', 'use communication devices', 'follow work procedures', 'use traditional toolbox tools', 'carry objects', 'maintain inventory of tools', 'select equipment required for moving activities', 'animal transport regulations', 'types of packaging materials', 'health and safety measures in transportation', 'electricity', 'mechanics', 'load animals for transportation', 'shunt inbound loads', 'determine cargo loading sequence', 'operate forklift', 'clean furniture', 'disassemble machines', 'apply techniques for stacking goods into containers', 'perform cleaning duties', 'organise weight of loads according to lifting equipment capacity', 'clean surfaces', 'assemble machines', 'implement efficiency plans for logistics operations', 'operate cranes', 'analyse requirements for moving goods']
building construction worker
Building construction workers prepare and maintain building construction activities on construction sites. They perform preparation and clean-up work in order to assist specialised construction workers.
Hochbauhelfer übernehmen die Vorbereitung und Wartung von Hochbaumaßnahmen auf Baustellen. Sie führen Vorbereitungs- und Reinigungstätigkeiten durch, um spezialisierte Bauarbeiter zu unterstützen.
building construction worker
['install wood elements in structures', 'apply finish to concrete', 'inspect masonry work', 'check compatibility of materials', 'dig soil mechanically', 'pour concrete', 'transport construction supplies', 'operate digging construction equipment', 'work in a construction team', 'inspect construction supplies', 'mix concrete', 'prepare wall for wallpaper', 'prepare surface for painting', 'move soil', 'follow health and safety procedures in construction', 'install construction profiles', 'use safety equipment in construction', 'discharge cement', 'prepare surface for plastering', 'place drywall', 'plumbing tools', 'carpentry', 'types of concrete forms', 'types of concrete pumps', 'demolition techniques', 'types of plastering materials', 'building construction principles', 'construction methods', 'building materials industry', 'construction industry', 'plaster surfaces', 'operate masonry power saw', 'operate concrete pumps', 'communicate with construction crews', 'install roof windows', 'inspect construction sites', 'lay tiles', 'read standard blueprints', 'install plumbing systems', 'place concrete forms', 'set window', 'apply adhesive wall coating', 'cut wall chases', 'finish mortar joints', 'screed concrete', 'fit doors', 'construct wood roofs', 'plan construction of houses', 'secure heavy construction equipment']
clothing cutter
zuschneider (bekleidung)/zuschneiderin (bekleidung)
Clothing cutters mark, cut, shape, and trim textile or related materials according to blueprints or specifications in the manufacture of wearing apparel.
Zuschneider (Bekleidung) markieren, schneiden, formen und schneiden zur Herstellung von Bekleidung Textilien oder verwandte Materialien nach Plänen oder Spezifikationen.
clothing cutter
['manufacturing of wearing apparel', 'manufacturing of made-up textile articles', 'CAD for garment manufacturing', 'standard sizing systems for clothing', 'coordinate manufacturing production activities', 'distinguish accessories', 'create patterns for garments', 'distinguish fabrics', 'cut fabrics', 'operate computerised control systems', 'bundle fabrics', 'prepare production prototypes', 'properties of textile materials', 'manufacturing of fur products', 'use pattern-cutting softwares']
mixed farmer
Mixed farmers are responsible for managing all aspects of livestock and crop production as a small enterprise or for self-sufficiency.
Landwirte betreiben kleine Unternehmen oder sind Selbstversorger. Sie kümmern sich um alle Aspekte der Viehhaltung und des Pflanzenanbaus.
mixed farmer
['livestock reproduction', 'environmental legislation in agriculture and forestry', 'crop production principles', 'agricultural business management', 'agronomical production principles', 'sustainable agricultural production principles', 'livestock farming systems', 'health and safety regulations', 'operate agricultural machinery', 'cultivate crops for biomass', 'assign duties to agriculture workers', 'harvest crop', 'supervise hygiene procedures in agricultural settings', 'manage crop production', 'drive agricultural machines', 'manage farm supplies', 'operate farm equipment', 'manage livestock', 'dairy animal production', 'e-agriculture', 'agroecology', 'agritourism', 'apply sustainable tillage techniques', 'develop agricultural policies', 'manage production enterprise', 'liaise with crop growers', 'recycle livestock manure', 'move animals', 'manage farm products', 'comply with farm regulations', 'manage the health and welfare of livestock', 'market farm products', 'handle poultry']
sales support assistant
Sales support assistants perform a variety of general sales support tasks, such as supporting the development of sales plans, managing clerical activities of sales efforts, verifying client invoices and other accounting documents or records, compiling data, and preparing reports for other company departments.
Verkaufssachbearbeiter nehmen verschiedene allgemeine Aufgaben im Bereich der Absatzförderung wahr. Beispielsweise wirken sie an der Entwicklung von Verkaufsplänen mit, leiten Büroarbeiten, überprüfen Kundenrechnungen und andere Rechnungslegungsunterlagen oder -aufzeichnungen, stellen Daten zusammen und erstellen Berichten für andere Unternehmensabteilungen.
sales support assistant
['bookkeeping regulations', 'sales activities', 'perform business research', 'handle mail', 'perform office routine activities', 'perform clerical duties', 'produce sales reports', 'customer service', 'electronic business', 'prepare sales checks', 'forecast sales over periods of time', 'order supplies', 'carry out sales analysis', 'check accounting records', 'draw up marketing and sales plan', 'process refunds', 'use sales forecasting softwares', 'implement sales strategies', 'analyse customer service surveys', 'supervise sales activities', 'manage accounts', 'issue sales invoices', 'keep records on sales']
shelf filler
Shelf fillers stock and rotate merchandise on shelves, identifying and removing expired products. They clean the shop after its operational hours, ensuring that the shelves are fully stocked for the next day. Shelf fillers may use trolleys, small forklifts to move stock and ladders to reach high shelves. They also give directions to customers in order to locate specific products.  
Regalauffüller übernehmen das Auffüllen und Umsortieren von Waren in Regalen, wobei sie abgelaufene Produkte erkennen und entfernen. Sie reinigen das Geschäft nach den Öffnungszeiten und stellen sicher, dass die Regale am nächsten Tag aufgefüllt sind. Regalauffüller verwenden unter Umständen Rollwagen und kleine Hubwagen, um Waren zu verladen, und Leitern zum Erreichen hoher Regale. Außerdem geben sie den Kunden Anweisungen, damit diese bestimmte Produkte finden können.  
shelf filler
['comply with food safety and hygiene', 'change shelf labels', 'examine merchandise', 'monitor stock level', 'stock shelves', 'check price accuracy on the shelf', 'ensure stock storage safety', 'assess shelf life of food products', 'characteristics of products', 'teamwork principles', 'characteristics of services', 'numerical sequences', 'communication principles', 'maintain store cleanliness', 'carry out stock rotation', 'prevent shoplifting', 'handle sensitive products']
promotions demonstrator
Promotions demonstrators proactively seek out and engage with new potential clients. They provide product specific advice and demonstrate promotional goods or services.
Promotor suchen proaktiv potenzielle Neukunden und nehmen Kontakt zu ihnen auf. Sie bieten produktspezifische Ratschläge an und führen Werbeartikel oder -dienstleistungen vor.
promotions demonstrator
['characteristics of products', 'sales promotion techniques', 'product comprehension', 'characteristics of services', 'prepare presentation material', 'use different communication channels', 'maintain work area cleanliness', 'assist customers', 'organise product display', 'ensure product preparation', 'hand out product samples', 'ensure client orientation', 'keep promotions records', 'establish customer rapport', "demonstrate products' features", 'alcoholic beverage products', 'variety of cheese', 'food allergies', 'types of chocolate', 'nutrients of confectionery', 'tobacco brands', 'company policies', 'advise customers on the preparation of beverages', 'apply regulations regarding the sale of alcoholic beverages', 'stock shelves', 'improve customer interaction', 'enforce regulations of selling alcoholic beverages to minors', 'sell confectionery products', 'achieve sales targets', 'carry out active selling', 'enforce regulations of selling tobacco to minors']
promotions demonstrator
Promotions demonstrators proactively seek out and engage with new potential clients. They provide product specific advice and demonstrate promotional goods or services.
Promotor suchen proaktiv potenzielle Neukunden und nehmen Kontakt zu ihnen auf. Sie bieten produktspezifische Ratschläge an und führen Werbeartikel oder -dienstleistungen vor.
promotions demonstrator
['characteristics of products', 'sales promotion techniques', 'product comprehension', 'characteristics of services', 'prepare presentation material', 'use different communication channels', 'maintain work area cleanliness', 'assist customers', 'organise product display', 'ensure product preparation', 'hand out product samples', 'ensure client orientation', 'keep promotions records', 'establish customer rapport', "demonstrate products' features", 'alcoholic beverage products', 'variety of cheese', 'food allergies', 'types of chocolate', 'nutrients of confectionery', 'tobacco brands', 'company policies', 'advise customers on the preparation of beverages', 'apply regulations regarding the sale of alcoholic beverages', 'stock shelves', 'improve customer interaction', 'enforce regulations of selling alcoholic beverages to minors', 'sell confectionery products', 'achieve sales targets', 'carry out active selling', 'enforce regulations of selling tobacco to minors']
promotions demonstrator
Promotions demonstrators proactively seek out and engage with new potential clients. They provide product specific advice and demonstrate promotional goods or services.
Promotor suchen proaktiv potenzielle Neukunden und nehmen Kontakt zu ihnen auf. Sie bieten produktspezifische Ratschläge an und führen Werbeartikel oder -dienstleistungen vor.
promotions demonstrator
['characteristics of products', 'sales promotion techniques', 'product comprehension', 'characteristics of services', 'prepare presentation material', 'use different communication channels', 'maintain work area cleanliness', 'assist customers', 'organise product display', 'ensure product preparation', 'hand out product samples', 'ensure client orientation', 'keep promotions records', 'establish customer rapport', "demonstrate products' features", 'alcoholic beverage products', 'variety of cheese', 'food allergies', 'types of chocolate', 'nutrients of confectionery', 'tobacco brands', 'company policies', 'advise customers on the preparation of beverages', 'apply regulations regarding the sale of alcoholic beverages', 'stock shelves', 'improve customer interaction', 'enforce regulations of selling alcoholic beverages to minors', 'sell confectionery products', 'achieve sales targets', 'carry out active selling', 'enforce regulations of selling tobacco to minors']
child care worker
Child care workers provide care for children when the parents or family members are unavailable. They look after the children's basic needs and help or supervise them during play. Child care workers can work for preschools, daycare centres, childcare agencies or individual families.
Kinderbetreuer übernehmen die Betreuung der Kinder, wenn die Eltern oder andere Familienmitglieder nicht verfügbar sind. Sie kümmern sich um die grundlegenden Bedürfnisse der Kinder und helfen ihnen bzw. beaufsichtigen sie beim Spielen. Kinderbetreuer können in Vorschulen, Kindertagesstätten, Kinderbetreuungseinrichtungen oder einzelnen Familien eingesetzt werden.
child care worker
['workplace sanitation', 'social development', 'handle chemical cleaning agents', 'assist children in developing personal skills', 'play with children', 'communicate with youth', "attend to children's basic physical needs", 'determine child welfare', "maintain relations with children's parents", 'supervise children', 'baby care', 'disability care', "common children's diseases", 'pedagogy', 'babysitting', "handle children's problems", 'plan youth activities', 'assist children with homework', 'carry out wound care', 'provide first aid', 'assess the development of youth', 'prepare sandwiches', 'support the positiveness of youths', 'support traumatised children', 'clean rooms', 'relate empathetically', "support children's wellbeing", 'work in a multicultural environment in health care', 'prepare ready-made dishes', 'tolerate stress']
residential home adult care worker
sozialbetreuer in betreuungseinrichtung für erwachsene/sozialbetreuerin in betreuungseinrichtung für erwachsene
Residential home adult care workers counsel and support vulnerable adults who have physical or mental disabilities or addiction issues. They monitor their progress and provide them with care in a positive living environment. They work with families to support individuals' development and meet their needs.
Sozialbetreuer in Betreuungseinrichtung für Erwachsene betreuen und unterstützen schutzbedürftige Erwachsene mit körperlichen oder geistigen Behinderungen oder Suchtproblemen. Sie überwachen ihre Fortschritte und sorgen dafür, dass sie in einem positiven Lebensumfeld versorgt werden. Sie arbeiten mit Familien zusammen, um die Entwicklung der Einzelnen zu unterstützen und ihre Bedürfnisse zu erfüllen.
residential home adult care worker
['customer service', 'legal requirements in the social sector', 'social sciences', 'social justice', 'company policies', 'support harmed social service users', 'provide social counselling', 'support social service users at the end of life', 'assist individuals with disabilities in community activities', 'involve service users and carers in care planning', 'work within communities', 'meet standards of practice in social services', 'support social service users in skills management', 'apply quality standards in social services', 'apply problem solving in social service', 'protect vulnerable social service users', 'contribute to protecting individuals from harm', "monitor service users' health", 'undertake risk assessment of social service users', 'deliver social services in diverse cultural communities', 'conduct interview in social service', 'demonstrate leadership in social service cases', 'communicate professionally with colleagues in other fields', 'follow health and safety precautions in social care practices', 'promote social change', 'advocate for social service users', 'prevent social problems', "support social service users' positiveness", 'maintain privacy of service users', 'support service users in developing skills', "promote service users' rights", 'apply person-centred care', 'encourage social service users to preserve their independence in their daily activities', "assess social service users' situation", 'assist social service users with physical disabilities', 'relate empathetically', 'support service users to use technological aids', 'listen actively', 'manage social crisis', 'review social service plan', 'apply decision making within social work', 'adhere to organisational guidelines', 'apply holistic approach within social services', 'work in a multicultural environment in health care', 'apply socially just working principles', 'promote inclusion', 'maintain records of work with service users', 'report on social development', 'undertake continuous professional development in social work', 'tolerate stress', 'refer service users to community resources', 'apply organisational techniques', 'communicate with social service users', 'support social service users with specific communication needs', 'assist social service users in formulating complaints', 'maintain the trust of service users', 'accept own accountability', 'manage stress in the work place', 'comply with legislation in social services', 'build helping relationship with social service users']
primary school teacher
lehrkraft im primarbereich
Primary school teachers instruct students on a primary school level. They develop lesson plans in line with curriculum objectives for the variety of subjects they teach, including mathematics, languages, nature studies and music. They monitor the students' learning development and evaluate their knowledge and skills on the subjects taught through tests. They build their course content on the students' knowledge of previous learnings and encourage them to deepen their understanding on the subjects they are interested in. They use class resources and teaching methods to create an inspiring learning environment. Primary school teachers also contribute to school events and communicate with parents and administrative staff.
Lehrkräfte im Primarbereich unterrichten Schülerinnen und Schüler der Grundschulstufe. Sie erstellen Unterrichtspläne im Einklang mit den Lehrplanzielen für die von ihnen unterrichteten Fächer, einschließlich Rechnen, Sprachen, Naturkunde und Musik. Sie überwachen die Lernentwicklung der Schülerinnen und Schüler und bewerten ihre Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten in den Unterrichtsfächern anhand von Tests. Sie richten den Unterrichtsinhalt an den Vorkenntnissen der Schülerinnen und Schüler aus und ermutigen sie, ihr Verständnis in Bezug auf ihre Interessensgebiete zu vertiefen. Sie verwenden Unterrichtsmaterialien und -methoden, um ein inspirierendes Lernumfeld zu schaffen. Lehrkräfte im Primarbereich tragen zudem zu Schulveranstaltungen bei und tauschen sich mit den Erziehungsberechtigten und der Schulleitung aus.
primary school teacher
['assessment processes', 'learning difficulties', 'primary school procedures', 'instructional strategies', 'teamwork principles', 'curriculum objectives', "handle children's problems", "guarantee students' safety", 'assign homework', 'use pedagogic strategies for creativity', 'prepare lesson content', 'facilitate teamwork between students', 'teach primary education class content', 'manage student relationships', 'support the positiveness of youths', "adapt teaching to student's capabilities", 'apply teaching strategies', "maintain students' discipline", 'prepare youths for adulthood', 'implement care programmes for children', 'assess students', 'assist students with equipment', 'demonstrate when teaching', 'give constructive feedback', 'perform classroom management', 'assist students in their learning', 'apply intercultural teaching strategies', "maintain relations with children's parents", 'encourage students to acknowledge their achievements', 'workplace sanitation', 'musical instruments', 'social development', 'musical genres', 'musical notation', 'disability types', "common children's diseases", 'developmental psychology', 'behavioural disorders', 'musical theory', 'special needs education', 'assist in the organisation of school events', 'teach arts principles', 'consult students on learning content', 'assess the development of youth', 'improvise music', 'recognise indicators of gifted student', 'bring out performers’ artistic potential', 'escort students on a field trip', 'maintain musical instruments', 'liaise with educational support staff', "monitor children's physical development", 'support gifted students', 'arrange parent teacher meeting', 'select artistic materials to create artworks', 'create craft prototypes', 'provide after school care', 'manage resources for educational purposes', 'assist children in developing personal skills', 'play musical instruments', 'teach music principles', 'define creative components', 'keep records of attendance', 'perform playground surveillance', 'work with virtual learning environments', 'advise on lesson plans', "attend to children's basic physical needs", 'supervise craft production', 'provide lesson materials', 'oversee extra-curricular activities', 'organise creative performance', 'develop course outline']
sports instructor
Sports instructors introduce people to a sport and teach them the skills required for the performance of sport. They have a strong grip on one or more sports, which are often adventure sports, and know how to motivate others and share with them the enjoyment of the activity.
Sporttrainer führen Menschen in den Sport ein und vermitteln ihnen die für sportliche Betätigung erforderlichen Fähigkeiten. Sie sind Experten für eine oder mehrere Sportarten, oftmals Abenteuersportarten, und sie wissen, wie sie andere motivieren und ihre Begeisterung weitergeben.
sports instructor
['water skiing', 'table tennis', 'personalise sports programme', 'assess physical conditions of clients', 'promote healthy fitness environment', 'demonstrate professional attitude to clients', 'plan sports instruction programme', 'manage athletes', 'maintain customer service', 'promote balance between rest and activity', 'correct potentially harmful movements', 'apply risk management in sports', 'instruct in sport', 'assess performance in sport events', 'organise sporting environment', 'human physiology', 'sports nutrition', 'badminton', 'skateboard', 'human anatomy', 'cooperate with colleagues', 'work with different target groups', "adapt teaching to student's capabilities", 'teach windsurfing', 'contribute to the development of a sporting estate', 'organise training', 'support sport in media', 'motivate in sports']
kitchen porter
Kitchen porters wash and clean kitchen areas, including pots, pans, utensils, cutlery and dishes. They prepare the kitchen area before service, and receive and store supplies.
Küchenbedienstete spülen und reinigen Küchenbereiche, darunter Töpfe, Pfannen, sonstige Hilfsmittel, Besteck und Geschirr. Sie bereiten den Küchenbereich vor Arbeitsbeginn vor und nehmen Lieferungen entgegen und lagern Vorräte.
kitchen porter
['follow procedures to control substances hazardous to health', 'comply with food safety and hygiene', 'handle glassware', 'report on possible equipment hazards', 'handle chemical cleaning agents', 'clean surfaces', 'work in a hospitality team', 'clean kitchen equipment', 'handover the food preparation area', 'ensure cleanliness of food preparation area', 'maintain a safe, hygienic and secure working environment', 'carry out stock rotation', 'operate dishwashing machine', 'use food preparation techniques', 'use food cutting tools']
factory hand
Factory hands assist machine operators and product assemblers. They clean the machines and the working areas. Factory hands make sure supplies and materials are replenished.
Fabrikhilfsarbeiter unterstützen Maschinenbediener und Montagearbeiter. Sie reinigen die Maschinen und Arbeitsbereiche. Fabrikhilfsarbeiter sorgen dafür, dass Vorräte und Materialien nachgefüllt werden.
factory hand
['cleaning products', 'industrial tools', 'cleaning techniques', 'supply machine with appropriate tools', 'maintain work area cleanliness', 'wear appropriate protective gear', 'clean surfaces', 'clean equipment', 'supply machine', 'clean building floors', 'quality standards', 'operate grease gun', 'operate floor cleaning equipment', 'troubleshoot', 'handle delivery of raw materials', 'work safely with machines', 'align components', 'use power tools', 'maintain machinery', 'pack goods', 'operate industrial equipment', 'store goods', 'lift heavy weights', 'handle timber']
domestic cleaner
reinigungskraft in privathaushalt
Domestic cleaners perform all necessary cleaning activities in order to clean their clients' houses. They vacuum and sweep floors, wash dishes, launder clothes, dust, scrub and polish surfaces and disinfect equipment and materials.
Reinigungskräfte in Privathaushalten führen alle erforderlichen Reinigungsarbeiten durch, um die Häuser ihrer Kunden zu reinigen. Sie saugen und wischen Fußböden, spülen Geschirr, waschen Kleidung, übernehmen das Abstauben, Schrubben und Polieren von Oberflächen und das Desinfizieren von Geräten und Materialien.
domestic cleaner
['cleaning techniques', 'maintain inventory of cleaning supplies', 'maintain personal hygiene standards when cleaning', 'wash the laundry', 'work ergonomically', 'clean household linens', 'remove dust', 'perform cleaning duties', 'handle chemical cleaning agents', 'iron textiles', 'clean toilet facilities', 'vacuum surfaces', 'clean surfaces', 'maintain cleaning equipment', 'clean rooms', "restock toilet facilities' supplies", 'wash the dishes', 'ensure cleanliness of food preparation area', 'clean glass surfaces', 'make the beds', 'sort waste', 'feed pets', 'handle linen in stock', 'clean vehicle exterior', 'wash costumes', 'carry out pressure washing activities', 'buy groceries', 'provide dog walking services', 'maintain wardrobe', 'lift heavy weights', 'maintain a safe, hygienic and secure working environment', 'wash vehicles', 'clean vehicle interiors', 'perform outdoor cleaning activities', 'supervise children']
domestic cleaner
reinigungskraft in privathaushalt
Domestic cleaners perform all necessary cleaning activities in order to clean their clients' houses. They vacuum and sweep floors, wash dishes, launder clothes, dust, scrub and polish surfaces and disinfect equipment and materials.
Reinigungskräfte in Privathaushalten führen alle erforderlichen Reinigungsarbeiten durch, um die Häuser ihrer Kunden zu reinigen. Sie saugen und wischen Fußböden, spülen Geschirr, waschen Kleidung, übernehmen das Abstauben, Schrubben und Polieren von Oberflächen und das Desinfizieren von Geräten und Materialien.
domestic cleaner
['cleaning techniques', 'maintain inventory of cleaning supplies', 'maintain personal hygiene standards when cleaning', 'wash the laundry', 'work ergonomically', 'clean household linens', 'remove dust', 'perform cleaning duties', 'handle chemical cleaning agents', 'iron textiles', 'clean toilet facilities', 'vacuum surfaces', 'clean surfaces', 'maintain cleaning equipment', 'clean rooms', "restock toilet facilities' supplies", 'wash the dishes', 'ensure cleanliness of food preparation area', 'clean glass surfaces', 'make the beds', 'sort waste', 'feed pets', 'handle linen in stock', 'clean vehicle exterior', 'wash costumes', 'carry out pressure washing activities', 'buy groceries', 'provide dog walking services', 'maintain wardrobe', 'lift heavy weights', 'maintain a safe, hygienic and secure working environment', 'wash vehicles', 'clean vehicle interiors', 'perform outdoor cleaning activities', 'supervise children']
Movers are responsible for the physical handling of goods and belongings to be relocated or transported from one place to the other. They disassemble goods, machinery or belongings for transporting and assemble or install them in the new location. They ensure that objects are well protected and packed, secured and placed correctly in trucks and transports.
Transportarbeiter sind zuständig für den physischen Umgang mit Waren und Gegenständen, die umgelagert oder von einem Ort zum anderen befördert werden sollen. Sie nehmen Waren, Maschinen oder Gegenstände für den Transport auseinander und bauen sie am neuen Ort wieder zusammen bzw. montieren sie. Sie stellen sicher, dass Objekte gut geschützt und verpackt sind und dass sie im Lastwagen und Transporter sicher und ordnungsgemäß untergebracht sind.
['hazards associated with loading dangerous goods', 'follow detailed procedures for relocating specific goods', 'communicate with customers', 'handle delivery of furniture goods', 'stack goods', 'read pictograms', 'pack goods', 'use communication devices', 'follow work procedures', 'use traditional toolbox tools', 'carry objects', 'maintain inventory of tools', 'select equipment required for moving activities', 'animal transport regulations', 'types of packaging materials', 'health and safety measures in transportation', 'electricity', 'mechanics', 'load animals for transportation', 'shunt inbound loads', 'determine cargo loading sequence', 'operate forklift', 'clean furniture', 'disassemble machines', 'apply techniques for stacking goods into containers', 'perform cleaning duties', 'organise weight of loads according to lifting equipment capacity', 'clean surfaces', 'assemble machines', 'implement efficiency plans for logistics operations', 'operate cranes', 'analyse requirements for moving goods']
Movers are responsible for the physical handling of goods and belongings to be relocated or transported from one place to the other. They disassemble goods, machinery or belongings for transporting and assemble or install them in the new location. They ensure that objects are well protected and packed, secured and placed correctly in trucks and transports.
Transportarbeiter sind zuständig für den physischen Umgang mit Waren und Gegenständen, die umgelagert oder von einem Ort zum anderen befördert werden sollen. Sie nehmen Waren, Maschinen oder Gegenstände für den Transport auseinander und bauen sie am neuen Ort wieder zusammen bzw. montieren sie. Sie stellen sicher, dass Objekte gut geschützt und verpackt sind und dass sie im Lastwagen und Transporter sicher und ordnungsgemäß untergebracht sind.
['hazards associated with loading dangerous goods', 'follow detailed procedures for relocating specific goods', 'communicate with customers', 'handle delivery of furniture goods', 'stack goods', 'read pictograms', 'pack goods', 'use communication devices', 'follow work procedures', 'use traditional toolbox tools', 'carry objects', 'maintain inventory of tools', 'select equipment required for moving activities', 'animal transport regulations', 'types of packaging materials', 'health and safety measures in transportation', 'electricity', 'mechanics', 'load animals for transportation', 'shunt inbound loads', 'determine cargo loading sequence', 'operate forklift', 'clean furniture', 'disassemble machines', 'apply techniques for stacking goods into containers', 'perform cleaning duties', 'organise weight of loads according to lifting equipment capacity', 'clean surfaces', 'assemble machines', 'implement efficiency plans for logistics operations', 'operate cranes', 'analyse requirements for moving goods']
hotel porter
Hotel porters welcome guests to accommodation facilities, help them carry their luggage and provide services such as occasional cleaning.
Hotelportiere begrüßen Gäste in einer Unterkunft, unterstützen sie beim Tragen des Gepäcks und erbringen Dienstleistungen wie gelegentliche Reinigung.
hotel porter
['comply with food safety and hygiene', 'greet guests', 'maintain customer service', 'assist clients with special needs', 'handle delivered packages', 'handle guest luggage', 'explain features in accommodation venue', 'implement marketing strategies', 'handle customer complaints', 'provide tourism related information', 'provide door security', 'handle chemical cleaning agents', 'clean public areas', "park guest's vehicle", 'assist at check-in', 'run errands on behalf of customers', 'implement sales strategies', 'take room service orders', 'detect drug abuse']
Movers are responsible for the physical handling of goods and belongings to be relocated or transported from one place to the other. They disassemble goods, machinery or belongings for transporting and assemble or install them in the new location. They ensure that objects are well protected and packed, secured and placed correctly in trucks and transports.
Transportarbeiter sind zuständig für den physischen Umgang mit Waren und Gegenständen, die umgelagert oder von einem Ort zum anderen befördert werden sollen. Sie nehmen Waren, Maschinen oder Gegenstände für den Transport auseinander und bauen sie am neuen Ort wieder zusammen bzw. montieren sie. Sie stellen sicher, dass Objekte gut geschützt und verpackt sind und dass sie im Lastwagen und Transporter sicher und ordnungsgemäß untergebracht sind.
['hazards associated with loading dangerous goods', 'follow detailed procedures for relocating specific goods', 'communicate with customers', 'handle delivery of furniture goods', 'stack goods', 'read pictograms', 'pack goods', 'use communication devices', 'follow work procedures', 'use traditional toolbox tools', 'carry objects', 'maintain inventory of tools', 'select equipment required for moving activities', 'animal transport regulations', 'types of packaging materials', 'health and safety measures in transportation', 'electricity', 'mechanics', 'load animals for transportation', 'shunt inbound loads', 'determine cargo loading sequence', 'operate forklift', 'clean furniture', 'disassemble machines', 'apply techniques for stacking goods into containers', 'perform cleaning duties', 'organise weight of loads according to lifting equipment capacity', 'clean surfaces', 'assemble machines', 'implement efficiency plans for logistics operations', 'operate cranes', 'analyse requirements for moving goods']
Movers are responsible for the physical handling of goods and belongings to be relocated or transported from one place to the other. They disassemble goods, machinery or belongings for transporting and assemble or install them in the new location. They ensure that objects are well protected and packed, secured and placed correctly in trucks and transports.
Transportarbeiter sind zuständig für den physischen Umgang mit Waren und Gegenständen, die umgelagert oder von einem Ort zum anderen befördert werden sollen. Sie nehmen Waren, Maschinen oder Gegenstände für den Transport auseinander und bauen sie am neuen Ort wieder zusammen bzw. montieren sie. Sie stellen sicher, dass Objekte gut geschützt und verpackt sind und dass sie im Lastwagen und Transporter sicher und ordnungsgemäß untergebracht sind.
['hazards associated with loading dangerous goods', 'follow detailed procedures for relocating specific goods', 'communicate with customers', 'handle delivery of furniture goods', 'stack goods', 'read pictograms', 'pack goods', 'use communication devices', 'follow work procedures', 'use traditional toolbox tools', 'carry objects', 'maintain inventory of tools', 'select equipment required for moving activities', 'animal transport regulations', 'types of packaging materials', 'health and safety measures in transportation', 'electricity', 'mechanics', 'load animals for transportation', 'shunt inbound loads', 'determine cargo loading sequence', 'operate forklift', 'clean furniture', 'disassemble machines', 'apply techniques for stacking goods into containers', 'perform cleaning duties', 'organise weight of loads according to lifting equipment capacity', 'clean surfaces', 'assemble machines', 'implement efficiency plans for logistics operations', 'operate cranes', 'analyse requirements for moving goods']
domestic cleaner
reinigungskraft in privathaushalt
Domestic cleaners perform all necessary cleaning activities in order to clean their clients' houses. They vacuum and sweep floors, wash dishes, launder clothes, dust, scrub and polish surfaces and disinfect equipment and materials.
Reinigungskräfte in Privathaushalten führen alle erforderlichen Reinigungsarbeiten durch, um die Häuser ihrer Kunden zu reinigen. Sie saugen und wischen Fußböden, spülen Geschirr, waschen Kleidung, übernehmen das Abstauben, Schrubben und Polieren von Oberflächen und das Desinfizieren von Geräten und Materialien.
domestic cleaner
['cleaning techniques', 'maintain inventory of cleaning supplies', 'maintain personal hygiene standards when cleaning', 'wash the laundry', 'work ergonomically', 'clean household linens', 'remove dust', 'perform cleaning duties', 'handle chemical cleaning agents', 'iron textiles', 'clean toilet facilities', 'vacuum surfaces', 'clean surfaces', 'maintain cleaning equipment', 'clean rooms', "restock toilet facilities' supplies", 'wash the dishes', 'ensure cleanliness of food preparation area', 'clean glass surfaces', 'make the beds', 'sort waste', 'feed pets', 'handle linen in stock', 'clean vehicle exterior', 'wash costumes', 'carry out pressure washing activities', 'buy groceries', 'provide dog walking services', 'maintain wardrobe', 'lift heavy weights', 'maintain a safe, hygienic and secure working environment', 'wash vehicles', 'clean vehicle interiors', 'perform outdoor cleaning activities', 'supervise children']
Movers are responsible for the physical handling of goods and belongings to be relocated or transported from one place to the other. They disassemble goods, machinery or belongings for transporting and assemble or install them in the new location. They ensure that objects are well protected and packed, secured and placed correctly in trucks and transports.
Transportarbeiter sind zuständig für den physischen Umgang mit Waren und Gegenständen, die umgelagert oder von einem Ort zum anderen befördert werden sollen. Sie nehmen Waren, Maschinen oder Gegenstände für den Transport auseinander und bauen sie am neuen Ort wieder zusammen bzw. montieren sie. Sie stellen sicher, dass Objekte gut geschützt und verpackt sind und dass sie im Lastwagen und Transporter sicher und ordnungsgemäß untergebracht sind.
['hazards associated with loading dangerous goods', 'follow detailed procedures for relocating specific goods', 'communicate with customers', 'handle delivery of furniture goods', 'stack goods', 'read pictograms', 'pack goods', 'use communication devices', 'follow work procedures', 'use traditional toolbox tools', 'carry objects', 'maintain inventory of tools', 'select equipment required for moving activities', 'animal transport regulations', 'types of packaging materials', 'health and safety measures in transportation', 'electricity', 'mechanics', 'load animals for transportation', 'shunt inbound loads', 'determine cargo loading sequence', 'operate forklift', 'clean furniture', 'disassemble machines', 'apply techniques for stacking goods into containers', 'perform cleaning duties', 'organise weight of loads according to lifting equipment capacity', 'clean surfaces', 'assemble machines', 'implement efficiency plans for logistics operations', 'operate cranes', 'analyse requirements for moving goods']
kitchen porter
Kitchen porters wash and clean kitchen areas, including pots, pans, utensils, cutlery and dishes. They prepare the kitchen area before service, and receive and store supplies.
Küchenbedienstete spülen und reinigen Küchenbereiche, darunter Töpfe, Pfannen, sonstige Hilfsmittel, Besteck und Geschirr. Sie bereiten den Küchenbereich vor Arbeitsbeginn vor und nehmen Lieferungen entgegen und lagern Vorräte.
kitchen porter
['follow procedures to control substances hazardous to health', 'comply with food safety and hygiene', 'handle glassware', 'report on possible equipment hazards', 'handle chemical cleaning agents', 'clean surfaces', 'work in a hospitality team', 'clean kitchen equipment', 'handover the food preparation area', 'ensure cleanliness of food preparation area', 'maintain a safe, hygienic and secure working environment', 'carry out stock rotation', 'operate dishwashing machine', 'use food preparation techniques', 'use food cutting tools']
flight attendant
Flight attendants perform a variety of personal services conducive to the safety and comfort of airline passengers during flight. They greet passengers, verify tickets, and direct passengers to assigned seats. They prepare reports after landing describing how the flight went in terms of operations, procedures, and anomalies.
Flugbegleiter führen eine Vielzahl persönlicher Dienstleistungen durch, die der Sicherheit und dem Komfort der Fluggäste während des Fluges förderlich sind. Sie begrüßen die Fluggäste, überprüfen die Bordkarten und geleiten die Fluggäste zu ihren zugewiesenen Plätzen. Im Anschluss an die Landung halten sie in einem Bericht fest, wie der Flug in Bezug auf den Betrieb und die Verfahren verlaufen ist und ob es zu Zwischenfällen kam.
flight attendant
['airport planning', 'air transport law', 'common aviation safety regulations', 'communicate verbal instructions', 'comply with food safety and hygiene', 'provide first aid', 'give instructions to staff', 'maintain relationship with customers', 'greet guests', 'handle customer complaints', 'deal with challenging work conditions', 'upsell products', 'execute flight plans', 'serve food in table service', 'manage the customer experience', 'maintain customer service', 'deliver outstanding service', 'assist passengers', 'inspect cabin service equipment', 'conduct full-scale emergency plan exercises', 'handle stressful situations in the work place', 'sell souvenirs', 'prepare flight reports', 'handle veterinary emergencies', 'carry out pre-flight duties', 'process customer orders', 'provide food and beverages', 'handle financial transactions', 'perform routine flight operations checks', 'follow verbal instructions', 'analyse work-related written reports', 'act reliably', 'use different communication channels', 'assist at check-in', 'apply transportation management concepts', 'provide information to passengers', 'have computer literacy', 'tolerate stress', 'be friendly to passengers', 'perform services in a flexible manner']
Movers are responsible for the physical handling of goods and belongings to be relocated or transported from one place to the other. They disassemble goods, machinery or belongings for transporting and assemble or install them in the new location. They ensure that objects are well protected and packed, secured and placed correctly in trucks and transports.
Transportarbeiter sind zuständig für den physischen Umgang mit Waren und Gegenständen, die umgelagert oder von einem Ort zum anderen befördert werden sollen. Sie nehmen Waren, Maschinen oder Gegenstände für den Transport auseinander und bauen sie am neuen Ort wieder zusammen bzw. montieren sie. Sie stellen sicher, dass Objekte gut geschützt und verpackt sind und dass sie im Lastwagen und Transporter sicher und ordnungsgemäß untergebracht sind.
['hazards associated with loading dangerous goods', 'follow detailed procedures for relocating specific goods', 'communicate with customers', 'handle delivery of furniture goods', 'stack goods', 'read pictograms', 'pack goods', 'use communication devices', 'follow work procedures', 'use traditional toolbox tools', 'carry objects', 'maintain inventory of tools', 'select equipment required for moving activities', 'animal transport regulations', 'types of packaging materials', 'health and safety measures in transportation', 'electricity', 'mechanics', 'load animals for transportation', 'shunt inbound loads', 'determine cargo loading sequence', 'operate forklift', 'clean furniture', 'disassemble machines', 'apply techniques for stacking goods into containers', 'perform cleaning duties', 'organise weight of loads according to lifting equipment capacity', 'clean surfaces', 'assemble machines', 'implement efficiency plans for logistics operations', 'operate cranes', 'analyse requirements for moving goods']
sewing machinist
textil- und modenäher/textil- und modenäherin
Sewing machinists sew components of wearing apparel together. They can repair and renovate wearing apparel by hand or by using different sewing machines. 
Textil- und Modenäher nähen Bestandteile von Bekleidung zusammen. Sie können Bekleidung von Hand oder mithilfe einer Nähmaschine reparieren und verschönern. 
sewing machinist
['buttonholing', 'manufacturing of wearing apparel', 'manufacturing of made-up textile articles', 'apparel manufacturing technology', 'manufacture wearing apparel products', 'distinguish accessories', 'sew textile-based articles', 'distinguish fabrics', 'alter wearing apparel', 'decorate textile articles', 'operate garment manufacturing machines', 'sew pieces of fabric', 'manufacture personal protective equipment made of textile', 'embroider fabrics']
ICT application developer
ICT application developers implement the ICT (software) applications based on the designs provided using application domain specific languages, tools, platforms and experience.
IT-Anwendungsentwickler implementieren IKT-Anwendungen auf der Grundlage von Designvorgaben. Dabei ziehen sie je nach Anwendungsbereich spezifische Tools, Plattformen und Erfahrungen heran.
ICT application developer
['computer programming', 'ICT debugging tools', 'service-oriented modelling', 'integrated development environment software', 'tools for software configuration management', 'use an application-specific interface', 'propose ICT solutions to business problems', 'develop automated migration methods', 'identify customer requirements', 'utilise computer-aided software engineering tools', 'debug software', 'use software design patterns', 'manage business knowledge', 'develop software prototype', 'interpret technical texts', 'use software libraries', 'create flowchart diagram', 'analyse software specifications', 'Haskell', 'KDevelop', 'SAS language', 'Ruby (computer programming)', 'Common Lisp', 'Apache Maven', 'Lisp', 'Visual Basic', 'Java (computer programming)', 'Drupal', 'software frameworks', 'Prolog (computer programming)', 'OpenEdge Advanced Business Language', 'JavaScript', 'Perl', 'PHP', 'software anomalies', 'Xcode', 'Assembly (computer programming)', 'C#', 'R', 'Groovy', 'ASP.NET', 'APL', 'SQL', 'object-oriented modelling', 'Outsourcing model', 'Puppet (tools for software configuration management)', 'hybrid model', 'STAF', 'Eclipse (integrated development environment software)', 'WordPress', 'Ansible', 'NoSQL', 'ICT security legislation', 'service-oriented modelling', 'Microsoft Visual C++', 'TypeScript', 'World Wide Web Consortium standards', 'Ajax Framework', 'Objective-C', 'JavaScript Framework', 'ML (computer programming)', 'IBM WebSphere', 'SPARK', 'Open source model', 'AJAX', 'C++', 'SAP R3', 'Swift (computer programming)', 'MATLAB', 'Salt (tools for software configuration management)', 'Python (computer programming)', 'Scratch (computer programming)', 'VBScript', 'COBOL', 'Pascal (computer programming)', 'ABAP', 'Internet of Things', 'Jenkins (tools for software configuration management)', 'Scala', 'migrate existing data', 'use concurrent programming', 'use logic programming', 'do cloud refactoring', 'use object-oriented programming', 'collect customer feedback on applications', 'use query languages', 'use automatic programming', 'develop creative ideas', 'develop food scanner devices', 'use functional programming', 'integrate system components', 'adapt to changes in technological development plans', 'design user interface']
3D modeller
3D modellers design 3D models of objects, virtual environments, layouts, characters, and 3D virtual animated agents.
3D-Artisten/3D-Artistinnen sind für die Animation von 3D-Modellen von Gegenständen, virtuellen Umgebungen, Anlagen und Figuren und von Software-Agenten in 3D zuständig.
3D modeller
['3D texturing', '3D lighting', 'augmented reality', 'computer graphics', 'holography', 'migrate existing data', 'create 3D environments', 'apply 3D imaging techniques', 'use polygonal modelling', 'create 3D characters', 'discuss artwork', 'develop creative ideas', 'create 3D texture map', 'build business relationships', 'render 3D images', 'operate 3D computer graphics software', 'Haskell', 'Erlang', 'SAS language', 'Agile project management', 'Ruby (computer programming)', 'Common Lisp', 'Lisp', 'Visual Basic', 'Java (computer programming)', 'principles of animation', 'computer programming', '3D printing process', 'Prolog (computer programming)', 'OpenEdge Advanced Business Language', 'geographic information systems', 'JavaScript', 'Perl', 'emergent technologies', 'Smalltalk (computer programming)', 'PHP', 'Assembly (computer programming)', 'C#', 'R', 'Groovy', 'ASP.NET', 'APL', 'Microsoft Visual C++', 'TypeScript', 'CoffeeScript', 'Objective-C', 'ML (computer programming)', 'AJAX', 'C++', 'SAP R3', 'Swift (computer programming)', 'ICT project management methodologies', 'MATLAB', 'Python (computer programming)', 'Scratch (computer programming)', 'Process-based management', 'lean project management', 'VBScript', 'software interaction design', 'COBOL', 'Pascal (computer programming)', 'ABAP', 'Scala', 'perform data mining', 'maintain an artistic portfolio', 'apply social media marketing', 'perform ICT troubleshooting', 'animate 3D organic forms', 'select illustration styles', 'apply technical communication skills', 'create 2D painting', 'draw design sketches']
shelf filler
Shelf fillers stock and rotate merchandise on shelves, identifying and removing expired products. They clean the shop after its operational hours, ensuring that the shelves are fully stocked for the next day. Shelf fillers may use trolleys, small forklifts to move stock and ladders to reach high shelves. They also give directions to customers in order to locate specific products.  
Regalauffüller übernehmen das Auffüllen und Umsortieren von Waren in Regalen, wobei sie abgelaufene Produkte erkennen und entfernen. Sie reinigen das Geschäft nach den Öffnungszeiten und stellen sicher, dass die Regale am nächsten Tag aufgefüllt sind. Regalauffüller verwenden unter Umständen Rollwagen und kleine Hubwagen, um Waren zu verladen, und Leitern zum Erreichen hoher Regale. Außerdem geben sie den Kunden Anweisungen, damit diese bestimmte Produkte finden können.  
shelf filler
['comply with food safety and hygiene', 'change shelf labels', 'examine merchandise', 'monitor stock level', 'stock shelves', 'check price accuracy on the shelf', 'ensure stock storage safety', 'assess shelf life of food products', 'characteristics of products', 'teamwork principles', 'characteristics of services', 'numerical sequences', 'communication principles', 'maintain store cleanliness', 'carry out stock rotation', 'prevent shoplifting', 'handle sensitive products']
shelf filler
Shelf fillers stock and rotate merchandise on shelves, identifying and removing expired products. They clean the shop after its operational hours, ensuring that the shelves are fully stocked for the next day. Shelf fillers may use trolleys, small forklifts to move stock and ladders to reach high shelves. They also give directions to customers in order to locate specific products.  
Regalauffüller übernehmen das Auffüllen und Umsortieren von Waren in Regalen, wobei sie abgelaufene Produkte erkennen und entfernen. Sie reinigen das Geschäft nach den Öffnungszeiten und stellen sicher, dass die Regale am nächsten Tag aufgefüllt sind. Regalauffüller verwenden unter Umständen Rollwagen und kleine Hubwagen, um Waren zu verladen, und Leitern zum Erreichen hoher Regale. Außerdem geben sie den Kunden Anweisungen, damit diese bestimmte Produkte finden können.  
shelf filler
['comply with food safety and hygiene', 'change shelf labels', 'examine merchandise', 'monitor stock level', 'stock shelves', 'check price accuracy on the shelf', 'ensure stock storage safety', 'assess shelf life of food products', 'characteristics of products', 'teamwork principles', 'characteristics of services', 'numerical sequences', 'communication principles', 'maintain store cleanliness', 'carry out stock rotation', 'prevent shoplifting', 'handle sensitive products']
social work assistant
Social work assistants are practice-based professionals who promote social change and development, social cohesion, and the empowerment and liberation of people. Social work assistants assist guiding staff, helping clients to use services to claim benefits, access community resources, find jobs and training, obtain legal advice or deal with other local authority departments. They assist and work together with social workers.
Sozialassistenten sind praxisorientierte Fachleute, die den sozialen Wandel und die soziale Entwicklung, den sozialen Zusammenhalt und die Teilhabe und freie Entfaltung von Menschen fördern. Sie interagieren mit Einzelpersonen, Familien, Gruppen, Organisationen und Gemeinschaften, um bei der Bereitstellung verschiedener Formen von Therapien und Beratung, Gruppenarbeit und Gemeinschaftsarbeit behilflich zu sein. Sozialassistenten leisten Hilfestellung in Sozialbehörden, indem sie den Kunden helfen, Leistungen zu beantragen, Zugang zu gemeinschaftlichen Ressourcen zu erhalten, Arbeit und Ausbildung zu finden, Rechtsberatung zu erhalten oder sich an andere örtliche Behörden zu wenden. Sie unterstützen Sozialarbeiter und arbeiten mit ihnen zusammen.
social work assistant
['provide social counselling', 'meet standards of practice in social services', 'apply quality standards in social services', 'apply problem solving in social service', 'protect vulnerable social service users', 'contribute to protecting individuals from harm', 'provide support to social services users', 'deliver social services in diverse cultural communities', 'communicate professionally with colleagues in other fields', 'follow health and safety precautions in social care practices', 'plan social service process', 'prevent social problems', "promote service users' rights", 'apply person-centred care', "assess social service users' situation", 'relate empathetically', 'listen actively', 'manage social crisis', 'manage ethical issues within social services', 'review social service plan', 'work in a multicultural environment in health care', 'maintain records of work with service users', 'communicate with social service users', 'build helping relationship with social service users', 'social work theory', 'counselling methods', 'communication', 'legal requirements in the social sector', 'client-centred counselling', 'community education', 'consultation', 'social sciences', 'developmental psychology', 'crisis intervention', 'health care system', 'adolescent psychological development', 'empower social service users', 'apply crisis intervention', 'develop professional identity in social work', 'empower individuals, families and groups', 'conduct interview in social service', "assess clients' drug and alcohol addictions", 'assist families in crisis situations', 'identify mental health issues', 'engage with offenders', 'comply with legislation related to health care', 'apply holistic approach within social services', 'give constructive feedback', 'promote inclusion', 'plan schedule', 'communicate by telephone', 'use foreign languages in patient care']
civil drafter
Civil drafters draw and prepare sketches for civil engineers and architects of architectonic projects of different kinds, topographical maps, or for the reconstruction of existing structures. They lay down in the sketches all the specifications and requirements such as mathematical, aesthetic, engineering, and technical.
Bauzeichner erstellen für Bauingenieure und Architekten Zeichnungen für architektonische Projekte aller Art, topografische Karten oder Zeichnungen für die Restauration bestehender Bauwerke. Diese Zeichnungen enthalten alle Spezifikationen und Anforderungen in mathematischer, ästhetischer, bautechnischer und sonstiger technischer Hinsicht.
civil drafter
['engineering principles', 'design drawings', 'mathematics', 'technical drawings', 'engineering processes', 'civil engineering', 'CAD software', 'manual draughting techniques', 'building information modelling', 'operate drones in civil engineering', 'use manual draughting techniques', 'use technical drawing software', 'use CADD software', 'create technical plans', 'read engineering drawings', 'use CAD software', 'cartography', 'bridge engineering', 'design principles', 'building codes', 'aesthetics', 'zoning codes', 'topography', 'architecture regulations', '3D modelling', 'construction methods', 'mechanics', 'design transportation systems', 'communicate with construction crews', 'conduct land surveys', 'use geographic information systems', 'make architectural mock-ups', 'apply digital mapping', 'draft design specifications', 'operate surveying instruments', 'create architectural sketches', 'draw blueprints', 'liaise with engineers', 'estimate cost of building materials', 'advise architects', 'render 3D images', 'create cadastral maps']
web content manager
Web content managers curate or create content for a web platform according to the long-term strategic goals, policies and procedures for an organisation's online content or their customers. They control and monitor compliance with standards, legal and privacy regulations and ensure web optimisation. They are also responsible for integrating the work of writers and designers to produce a final layout which is compatible with corporate standards.
Web-Content-Manager kuratieren oder erstellen Inhalte für eine Online-Plattform gemäß den langfristigen strategischen Zielen, Strategien und Verfahren für die Online-Inhalte einer Organisation oder ihrer Kunden. Sie kontrollieren und überwachen die Einhaltung von Normen, Rechtsvorschriften und Vorschriften zum Schutz der Privatsphäre und sorgen dafür, dass die Inhalte für das Web optimiert werden. Außerdem sind sie dafür verantwortlich, die Arbeit der Autoren und Designer zu einem endgültigen Layout zu verbinden, das den Vorgaben des Unternehmens entspricht.
web content manager
['digital content creation', 'information structure', 'keywords in digital content', 'web programming', 'web based collaborative platforms', 'legal requirements of ICT products', 'style sheet languages', 'authoring software', 'publishing strategy', 'content development processes', 'use markup languages', 'translate requirement concepts into content', 'identify customer requirements', 'ensure compliance with legal requirements', 'conduct content quality assurance', 'translate requirements into visual design', 'apply tools for content development', 'comply with legal regulations', 'ensure compliance with company regulations', 'use content management system software', 'develop digital content', 'utilise content types', 'interpret technical texts', 'compile content', 'manage content metadata', 'conduct search engine optimisation', 'identify legal requirements', 'provide written content', 'integrate content into output media', 'manage online content', 'create content title', 'provide multimedia content', 'Sass', 'interactive media', 'cognitive psychology', 'LESS', 'JavaScript', 'PHP', 'World Wide Web Consortium standards', 'JSSS', 'augmented reality', 'content marketing strategy', 'AJAX', 'CSS', 'perform online data analysis', 'use spreadsheets software', 'use presentation software', 'design digital call to action', 'proofread text', 'use word processing software', 'manage content development projects', 'provide guidelines for content development', 'ensure proper document management', 'perform copywriting']
online marketer
Online marketers use e-mail, internet and social media in order to market goods and brands.
Online-Marketingspezialisten nutzen E-Mails, das Internet und soziale Medien, um Waren und Marken zu vermarkten.
online marketer
['digital communication and collaboration', 'online ads campaign techniques', 'web strategy assessment', 'content marketing strategy', 'e-commerce systems', 'company policies', 'perform online data analysis', 'implement marketing strategies', 'creatively use digital technologies', 'manage budgets', 'execute email marketing', 'use different communication channels', 'use content management system software', 'perform video editing', 'develop digital content', 'apply social media marketing', 'apply strategic thinking', 'plan digital marketing', 'perform image editing', 'inspect data', 'execute conversion testing', 'implement sales strategies', 'perform project management', 'perform copywriting', 'conduct mobile marketing', 'create new concepts', 'apply customer engagement strategy', 'perform market research', 'intellectual property law', 'neuromarketing techniques', 'ICT communications protocols', 'printed goods processes', 'information confidentiality', 'competition law', 'use e-services', 'adapt to change in marketing', 'protect personal data and privacy', 'develop inclusive communication material', 'conduct online competitive analysis', 'plan social media marketing campaigns', 'deal with pressure from unexpected circumstances', 'apply information security policies', 'conduct search engine optimisation', 'supervise brand management', 'communicate price changes', 'use personal organization software']
online marketer
Online marketers use e-mail, internet and social media in order to market goods and brands.
Online-Marketingspezialisten nutzen E-Mails, das Internet und soziale Medien, um Waren und Marken zu vermarkten.
online marketer
['digital communication and collaboration', 'online ads campaign techniques', 'web strategy assessment', 'content marketing strategy', 'e-commerce systems', 'company policies', 'perform online data analysis', 'implement marketing strategies', 'creatively use digital technologies', 'manage budgets', 'execute email marketing', 'use different communication channels', 'use content management system software', 'perform video editing', 'develop digital content', 'apply social media marketing', 'apply strategic thinking', 'plan digital marketing', 'perform image editing', 'inspect data', 'execute conversion testing', 'implement sales strategies', 'perform project management', 'perform copywriting', 'conduct mobile marketing', 'create new concepts', 'apply customer engagement strategy', 'perform market research', 'intellectual property law', 'neuromarketing techniques', 'ICT communications protocols', 'printed goods processes', 'information confidentiality', 'competition law', 'use e-services', 'adapt to change in marketing', 'protect personal data and privacy', 'develop inclusive communication material', 'conduct online competitive analysis', 'plan social media marketing campaigns', 'deal with pressure from unexpected circumstances', 'apply information security policies', 'conduct search engine optimisation', 'supervise brand management', 'communicate price changes', 'use personal organization software']
primary school teacher
lehrkraft im primarbereich
Primary school teachers instruct students on a primary school level. They develop lesson plans in line with curriculum objectives for the variety of subjects they teach, including mathematics, languages, nature studies and music. They monitor the students' learning development and evaluate their knowledge and skills on the subjects taught through tests. They build their course content on the students' knowledge of previous learnings and encourage them to deepen their understanding on the subjects they are interested in. They use class resources and teaching methods to create an inspiring learning environment. Primary school teachers also contribute to school events and communicate with parents and administrative staff.
Lehrkräfte im Primarbereich unterrichten Schülerinnen und Schüler der Grundschulstufe. Sie erstellen Unterrichtspläne im Einklang mit den Lehrplanzielen für die von ihnen unterrichteten Fächer, einschließlich Rechnen, Sprachen, Naturkunde und Musik. Sie überwachen die Lernentwicklung der Schülerinnen und Schüler und bewerten ihre Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten in den Unterrichtsfächern anhand von Tests. Sie richten den Unterrichtsinhalt an den Vorkenntnissen der Schülerinnen und Schüler aus und ermutigen sie, ihr Verständnis in Bezug auf ihre Interessensgebiete zu vertiefen. Sie verwenden Unterrichtsmaterialien und -methoden, um ein inspirierendes Lernumfeld zu schaffen. Lehrkräfte im Primarbereich tragen zudem zu Schulveranstaltungen bei und tauschen sich mit den Erziehungsberechtigten und der Schulleitung aus.
primary school teacher
['assessment processes', 'learning difficulties', 'primary school procedures', 'instructional strategies', 'teamwork principles', 'curriculum objectives', "handle children's problems", "guarantee students' safety", 'assign homework', 'use pedagogic strategies for creativity', 'prepare lesson content', 'facilitate teamwork between students', 'teach primary education class content', 'manage student relationships', 'support the positiveness of youths', "adapt teaching to student's capabilities", 'apply teaching strategies', "maintain students' discipline", 'prepare youths for adulthood', 'implement care programmes for children', 'assess students', 'assist students with equipment', 'demonstrate when teaching', 'give constructive feedback', 'perform classroom management', 'assist students in their learning', 'apply intercultural teaching strategies', "maintain relations with children's parents", 'encourage students to acknowledge their achievements', 'workplace sanitation', 'musical instruments', 'social development', 'musical genres', 'musical notation', 'disability types', "common children's diseases", 'developmental psychology', 'behavioural disorders', 'musical theory', 'special needs education', 'assist in the organisation of school events', 'teach arts principles', 'consult students on learning content', 'assess the development of youth', 'improvise music', 'recognise indicators of gifted student', 'bring out performers’ artistic potential', 'escort students on a field trip', 'maintain musical instruments', 'liaise with educational support staff', "monitor children's physical development", 'support gifted students', 'arrange parent teacher meeting', 'select artistic materials to create artworks', 'create craft prototypes', 'provide after school care', 'manage resources for educational purposes', 'assist children in developing personal skills', 'play musical instruments', 'teach music principles', 'define creative components', 'keep records of attendance', 'perform playground surveillance', 'work with virtual learning environments', 'advise on lesson plans', "attend to children's basic physical needs", 'supervise craft production', 'provide lesson materials', 'oversee extra-curricular activities', 'organise creative performance', 'develop course outline']
office clerk
Office clerks are responsible for performing clerical and administrative duties in an office setting and support of business operations within a department. They assist all the administrative staff, secretaries, and assistants by sorting mail, filing forms and documents, answering phones, greeting clients and scheduling meetings.
Bürokaufmänner/Bürokauffrauen übernehmen Büro- und Verwaltungsaufgaben in Büros und unterstützen den Geschäftsbetrieb innerhalb einer Abteilung. Sie gehen allen Verwaltungsbeschäftigten, Sekretariatskräften und Assistenten/Assistentinnen zur Hand, indem sie Korrespondenz ordnen, Formulare und Dokumente ausfüllen, Telefonanrufe entgegennehmen, Kunden/Kundinnen in Empfang nehmen und Sitzungstermine planen.
office clerk
['information confidentiality', 'company policies', 'communicate with customers', 'use spreadsheets software', 'disseminate internal communications', 'file documents', 'organise business documents', 'use different communication channels', 'align content with form', 'process commissioned instructions', 'use office systems', 'handle mail', 'perform office routine activities', 'disseminate messages to people', 'fill out forms', 'prepare correspondence for customers', 'apply grammar and spelling rules', 'maintain correspondence records', 'manage digital documents', 'organise facilities for office personnel', 'route correspondence to business departments', 'communicate by telephone', 'deliver correspondence', 'handle delivered packages', 'process data', 'facilitate access to information', 'transcription methods', 'accounting techniques', 'document sharing procedures', 'translate keywords into full texts', 'respect data protection principles', 'maintain inventory of office supplies', 'digitise documents', 'maintain internal communication systems', 'use software for data preservation', 'monitor staff absences', 'perform cleaning duties', 'use free typing techniques', 'keep records of customer interaction', 'communicate with customer service department', 'serve beverages', 'ensure proper document management', 'issue sales invoices', 'draft corporate emails', 'process customer orders', 'use microsoft office', 'manage digital archives', 'use personal organization software']
bicycle courier
Bicycle couriers collect and deliver packages and mail by bicycle.
Fahrradkuriere nehmen Pakete und Postsendungen per Fahrrad an und liefern sie aus.
bicycle courier
['geographic areas', 'road traffic laws', 'communicate with customers', 'obey traffic rules', 'act reliably', 'ensure the integrity of mail', 'analyse travel alternatives', 'interpret traffic signals', 'drive two-wheeled vehicles', 'differentiate types of packages', 'handle delivery of furniture goods', 'drive in urban areas', 'follow written instructions', 'solve location and navigation problems by using GPS tools', 'handle mail', 'handle fragile items', 'operate GPS systems', 'operate mailing information systems', 'process payments', 'handle delivered packages', 'check deliveries on receipt', 'organise mail deliveries']
bicycle courier
Bicycle couriers collect and deliver packages and mail by bicycle.
Fahrradkuriere nehmen Pakete und Postsendungen per Fahrrad an und liefern sie aus.
bicycle courier
['geographic areas', 'road traffic laws', 'communicate with customers', 'obey traffic rules', 'act reliably', 'ensure the integrity of mail', 'analyse travel alternatives', 'interpret traffic signals', 'drive two-wheeled vehicles', 'differentiate types of packages', 'handle delivery of furniture goods', 'drive in urban areas', 'follow written instructions', 'solve location and navigation problems by using GPS tools', 'handle mail', 'handle fragile items', 'operate GPS systems', 'operate mailing information systems', 'process payments', 'handle delivered packages', 'check deliveries on receipt', 'organise mail deliveries']
call centre agent
mitarbeiter callcenter/mitarbeiterin callcenter
Call centre agents handle incoming or outgoing customer calls for a business. They call existing and prospective customers to promote goods and services. They also obtain sales and arrange sales visits.
Mitarbeiter Callcenter bearbeiten im Auftrag eines Unternehmens eingehende und ausgehende Kundenanrufe. Sie rufen bestehende und potenzielle Kunden an, um für Waren und Dienstleistungen zu werben. Außerdem verkaufen sie Waren und vereinbaren Vertreterbesuche.
call centre agent
['characteristics of products', 'credit card payments', 'characteristics of services', 'guarantee customer satisfaction', 'create solutions to problems', 'perform multiple tasks at the same time', 'speak different languages', 'keep task records', 'adapt to changing situations', 'use customer relationship management software', 'listen actively', 'present reports', 'have computer literacy', 'tolerate stress', 'communicate by telephone', 'process data', 'handle tasks independently', 'e-procurement', 'knowledge base', 'teamwork principles', 'e-commerce systems', 'communication principles', 'handle helpdesk problems', 'perform data analysis', 'answer incoming calls', 'educate on data confidentiality', 'perform escalation procedure', 'provide ICT support', 'apply operations for an ITIL-based environment', 'provide customer follow-up services', 'think proactively', 'prioritise requests']
call centre agent
mitarbeiter callcenter/mitarbeiterin callcenter
Call centre agents handle incoming or outgoing customer calls for a business. They call existing and prospective customers to promote goods and services. They also obtain sales and arrange sales visits.
Mitarbeiter Callcenter bearbeiten im Auftrag eines Unternehmens eingehende und ausgehende Kundenanrufe. Sie rufen bestehende und potenzielle Kunden an, um für Waren und Dienstleistungen zu werben. Außerdem verkaufen sie Waren und vereinbaren Vertreterbesuche.
call centre agent
['characteristics of products', 'credit card payments', 'characteristics of services', 'guarantee customer satisfaction', 'create solutions to problems', 'perform multiple tasks at the same time', 'speak different languages', 'keep task records', 'adapt to changing situations', 'use customer relationship management software', 'listen actively', 'present reports', 'have computer literacy', 'tolerate stress', 'communicate by telephone', 'process data', 'handle tasks independently', 'e-procurement', 'knowledge base', 'teamwork principles', 'e-commerce systems', 'communication principles', 'handle helpdesk problems', 'perform data analysis', 'answer incoming calls', 'educate on data confidentiality', 'perform escalation procedure', 'provide ICT support', 'apply operations for an ITIL-based environment', 'provide customer follow-up services', 'think proactively', 'prioritise requests']
sales assistant
Sales assistants represent the direct contact with clients. They provide general advice to customers.
Verkäufer stehen in direktem Kontakt mit den Kunden. Sie bieten den Kunden allgemeine Beratung.
sales assistant
['characteristics of products', 'product comprehension', 'company policies', 'characteristics of services', 'guarantee customer satisfaction', 'prepare sales checks', 'operate cash register', 'ensure compliance with legal requirements', 'maintain relationship with customers', 'examine merchandise', 'follow up orders for customers', 'provide customer guidance on product selection', 'maintain relationship with suppliers', 'monitor stock level', "identify customer's needs", 'organise product display', 'stock shelves', 'process refunds', 'carry out order intake', 'ensure client orientation', 'Order products', 'ensure stock storage safety', 'carry out active selling', "demonstrate products' features", 'provide customer follow-up services', 'plan aftersales arrangements', 'prevent shoplifting', 'teamwork principles', 'perform multiple tasks at the same time', 'carry out specialised packing for customers', 'order supplies', 'carry out cross merchandising', 'arrange ordering of products for customers', 'organise storage facilities', 'maintain store cleanliness', 'listen actively', 'package purchases in bags', 'keep records of merchandise delivery', 'issue sales invoices', 'supervise merchandise displays', 'ensure store security']
sales assistant
Sales assistants represent the direct contact with clients. They provide general advice to customers.
Verkäufer stehen in direktem Kontakt mit den Kunden. Sie bieten den Kunden allgemeine Beratung.
sales assistant
['characteristics of products', 'product comprehension', 'company policies', 'characteristics of services', 'guarantee customer satisfaction', 'prepare sales checks', 'operate cash register', 'ensure compliance with legal requirements', 'maintain relationship with customers', 'examine merchandise', 'follow up orders for customers', 'provide customer guidance on product selection', 'maintain relationship with suppliers', 'monitor stock level', "identify customer's needs", 'organise product display', 'stock shelves', 'process refunds', 'carry out order intake', 'ensure client orientation', 'Order products', 'ensure stock storage safety', 'carry out active selling', "demonstrate products' features", 'provide customer follow-up services', 'plan aftersales arrangements', 'prevent shoplifting', 'teamwork principles', 'perform multiple tasks at the same time', 'carry out specialised packing for customers', 'order supplies', 'carry out cross merchandising', 'arrange ordering of products for customers', 'organise storage facilities', 'maintain store cleanliness', 'listen actively', 'package purchases in bags', 'keep records of merchandise delivery', 'issue sales invoices', 'supervise merchandise displays', 'ensure store security']
office clerk
Office clerks are responsible for performing clerical and administrative duties in an office setting and support of business operations within a department. They assist all the administrative staff, secretaries, and assistants by sorting mail, filing forms and documents, answering phones, greeting clients and scheduling meetings.
Bürokaufmänner/Bürokauffrauen übernehmen Büro- und Verwaltungsaufgaben in Büros und unterstützen den Geschäftsbetrieb innerhalb einer Abteilung. Sie gehen allen Verwaltungsbeschäftigten, Sekretariatskräften und Assistenten/Assistentinnen zur Hand, indem sie Korrespondenz ordnen, Formulare und Dokumente ausfüllen, Telefonanrufe entgegennehmen, Kunden/Kundinnen in Empfang nehmen und Sitzungstermine planen.
office clerk
['information confidentiality', 'company policies', 'communicate with customers', 'use spreadsheets software', 'disseminate internal communications', 'file documents', 'organise business documents', 'use different communication channels', 'align content with form', 'process commissioned instructions', 'use office systems', 'handle mail', 'perform office routine activities', 'disseminate messages to people', 'fill out forms', 'prepare correspondence for customers', 'apply grammar and spelling rules', 'maintain correspondence records', 'manage digital documents', 'organise facilities for office personnel', 'route correspondence to business departments', 'communicate by telephone', 'deliver correspondence', 'handle delivered packages', 'process data', 'facilitate access to information', 'transcription methods', 'accounting techniques', 'document sharing procedures', 'translate keywords into full texts', 'respect data protection principles', 'maintain inventory of office supplies', 'digitise documents', 'maintain internal communication systems', 'use software for data preservation', 'monitor staff absences', 'perform cleaning duties', 'use free typing techniques', 'keep records of customer interaction', 'communicate with customer service department', 'serve beverages', 'ensure proper document management', 'issue sales invoices', 'draft corporate emails', 'process customer orders', 'use microsoft office', 'manage digital archives', 'use personal organization software']
sales assistant
Sales assistants represent the direct contact with clients. They provide general advice to customers.
Verkäufer stehen in direktem Kontakt mit den Kunden. Sie bieten den Kunden allgemeine Beratung.
sales assistant
['characteristics of products', 'product comprehension', 'company policies', 'characteristics of services', 'guarantee customer satisfaction', 'prepare sales checks', 'operate cash register', 'ensure compliance with legal requirements', 'maintain relationship with customers', 'examine merchandise', 'follow up orders for customers', 'provide customer guidance on product selection', 'maintain relationship with suppliers', 'monitor stock level', "identify customer's needs", 'organise product display', 'stock shelves', 'process refunds', 'carry out order intake', 'ensure client orientation', 'Order products', 'ensure stock storage safety', 'carry out active selling', "demonstrate products' features", 'provide customer follow-up services', 'plan aftersales arrangements', 'prevent shoplifting', 'teamwork principles', 'perform multiple tasks at the same time', 'carry out specialised packing for customers', 'order supplies', 'carry out cross merchandising', 'arrange ordering of products for customers', 'organise storage facilities', 'maintain store cleanliness', 'listen actively', 'package purchases in bags', 'keep records of merchandise delivery', 'issue sales invoices', 'supervise merchandise displays', 'ensure store security']
employment agent
Employment agents work for employment services and agencies. They match job seekers with advertised job vacancies and provide advice on job search activities.
Arbeitsvermittler arbeiten für staatliche und private Arbeitsvermittlungsdienste. Sie bringen Arbeitssuchende und passende Stellenangebote zusammen und bieten Beratung zur Stellensuche.
employment agent
['labour legislation', 'job market offers', 'employment law', 'promote gender equality in business contexts', 'recruit employees', 'hire human resources', 'interview people', 'maintain privacy of service users', 'observe confidentiality', 'apply knowledge of human behaviour', 'listen actively', 'develop professional network', 'communicate by telephone', 'document interviews', 'profile people', 'ensure gender equality in the workplace', 'support employability of people with disabilities', 'human resource management', 'analyse unemployment rates', 'liaise with local authorities', 'provide information on study programmes', 'facilitate job market access', 'assess character', 'advise on career', 'promote employment policy', 'fix meetings', 'organise training', 'prepare for job interview', 'assist clients with personal development', 'search databases', 'mentor individuals', 'promote inclusion']
prepress technician
mediengestalter digital und print – gestaltung und technik/mediengestalterin digital und print – gestaltung und technik
Prepress technicians prepare printing processes by formatting, setting and composing text and graphics into a suitable form. This includes the capture of text and image and processing it electronically. They also prepare, maintain and troubleshoot printing presses.
Mediengestalter Digital und Print – Gestaltung und Technik bereiten Druckprozesse vor, indem sie Texte und Grafiken durch Formatierung und Layout in eine geeignete Form bringen. Dies umfasst die Erfassung und elektronische Verarbeitung von Texten und Bildern. Darüber hinaus übernehmen sie die Vorbereitung von Druckmaschinen und beheben Fehler bei deren Betrieb.
prepress technician
['typography', 'reprography', 'Adobe Photoshop', 'Adobe Illustrator', 'printing on large scale machines', 'GIMP (graphics editor software)', 'printing plate making', 'proofing methods', 'SketchBook Pro', 'Microsoft Visio', 'prepress processes', 'graphics editor software', 'Synfig', 'maintenance of printing machines', 'produce prepress proof', 'set colour profiles', 'troubleshoot', 'output electronic files', 'align content with form', 'develop digital content', 'set scanner controls', 'follow safety precautions in printing', 'operate printing machinery', 'lay out digital written content', 'scale copies', 'prepare printing form', 'operate laser plate maker machine', 'scan negatives', 'prepare films for printing plates', 'printing techniques', 'printing materials', 'graphic design', 'quality standards', 'printing media', 'printed goods processes', 'offset printing', 'communicate with customers', 'handle scanning material safely', 'use presentation software', 'ink printing plates', 'create digital files', 'digitise documents', 'interpret illustration needs', 'manage offset printing process', 'apply opaque', 'use typesetting software', 'use word processing software', 'store negatives', 'meet deadlines', 'process printing input', 'manage digital documents', 'prepare offset printing machine', 'use colour printing programs', 'prevent paper jams', 'maintain lithographic printing plates', 'edit photographs', 'scan photos']
assistant lecturer
wissenschaftlicher mitarbeiter/wissenschaftliche mitarbeiterin
Assistant lecturers share university or college lecturers' academic workload, specifically the provision of lectures to students. They prepare and teach classes, and meet with students privately regarding evaluation. They also combine their lecturing and other academic duties with conducting their own research in their field of study. Assistant lecturers occupy an autonomous, full-time position, despite what the subservience element in the occupation title may suggest.
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter/wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterinnen unterstützen Lehrkräfte bei ihrer Arbeit, vor allem durch das Halten von Lehrveranstaltungen. Sie bereiten Lehrveranstaltungen vor, führen sie durch und führen Evaluierungsgespräche mit Studierenden. Sie kombinieren zudem ihre Vorlesungen und anderen Lehraufgaben mit ihrer eigenen Forschung in ihrem Fachgebiet. Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter/Mitarbeiterinnen haben eine eigenständige Vollzeitstelle, auch wenn ihre Stellenbezeichnung möglicherweise eine untergeordnete Position vermuten lässt.
assistant lecturer
['assessment processes', 'scientific literature', 'investigation research methods', 'curriculum objectives', 'cooperate with education professionals', "guarantee students' safety", 'use data processing techniques', 'interpret current data', 'interact professionally in research and professional environments', 'prepare lesson content', 'monitor developments in field of expertise', 'teach university class', 'teach in academic or vocational contexts', 'apply teaching strategies', 'assess students', 'apply scientific methods', 'analyse test data', 'think abstractly', 'provide teacher support', 'mentor individuals', 'manage personal professional development', 'apply blended learning', 'give constructive feedback', 'operate scientific measuring equipment', 'perform classroom management', 'provide assistance to lecturer', 'provide lesson materials', 'liaise with educational staff', 'develop course outline', 'synthesise information', 'promote the participation of citizens in scientific and research activities', 'communicate with a non-scientific audience ', 'mathematical modelling', 'computer simulation', 'research design', 'learning difficulties', 'statistics', 'multidisciplinary research', 'university procedures', 'electronic communication', 'scientific research methodology', 'empirical analysis', 'draft scientific or academic papers and technical documentation', 'manage research data', 'assist in the organisation of school events', 'guide international students', 'disseminate results to the scientific community', 'operate open source software', 'speak different languages', 'record test data', 'liaise with educational support staff', 'evaluate research activities', 'provide information on study programmes', 'demonstrate disciplinary expertise', 'manage student relationships', 'increase the impact of science on policy and society ', 'manage findable accessible interoperable and reusable data', 'perform scientific research', 'manage intellectual property rights', 'report test findings', 'promote education course', 'apply for research funding', 'develop scientific theories', 'conduct quantitative research', 'apply research ethics and scientific integrity principles in research activities', 'manage resources for educational purposes', 'promote open innovation in research', 'write work-related reports', 'assist students with their dissertation', 'publish academic research', 'promote the transfer of knowledge', 'develop scientific research protocols', 'work with virtual learning environments', 'write scientific publications', 'develop professional network with researchers and scientists', 'integrate gender dimension in research', 'perform project management', 'assist students in their learning', 'manage open publications', 'oversee extra-curricular activities', 'design scientific equipment', 'conduct research across disciplines', 'perform background research on writing subject', 'conduct qualitative research']
legal consultant
Legal consultants advise a varied array of clients ranging from business, individuals, up to legal firms. They provide legal advisory outside courtrooms in relation to legal affairs which depend on the nature of the client. They advise in matters such as merging of multinationals, housing purchase, modification of contracts and its implications. They help clients in general to abide by the regulations and avoid committing illegal acts.
Rechtsberater beraten Kunden unterschiedlicher Art, von Unternehmen über Einzelpersonen bis hin zu Kanzleien. Sie bieten außerhalb des Gerichts Beratung zu Rechtsfragen an, die je nach Kunde unterschiedlich gelagert sind. Beispiele für solche Fragen sind Zusammenschlüsse multinationaler Unternehmen, der Erwerb von Wohnraum oder die Änderung von Verträgen und deren Auswirkungen. Sie helfen den Kunden, sich insgesamt an die Vorschriften zu halten und rechtswidrige Handlungen zu vermeiden.
legal consultant
['private law', 'legal terminology', 'compile legal documents', 'protect client interests', 'use consulting techniques', 'interpret law', 'advise on legal decisions', 'provide legal advice', 'analyse legal enforceability', 'ensure law application', "identify clients' needs", 'mergers and acquisitions', 'maritime law', 'business law', 'state aid regulations', 'contract law', 'legal case management', 'real estate market', 'European Structural and Investment Funds regulations', 'procurement legislation', 'legal research', 'law of non-marital cohabitation', 'civil law', 'corporate law', 'court procedures', 'negotiate in legal cases', 'analyse legal evidence', 'protect personal data and privacy', 'present legal arguments', 'moderate in negotiations', 'respond to enquiries', 'observe confidentiality', 'analyse internal factors of companies', 'manage contracts', 'consult with business clients', 'apply technical communication skills', 'manage contract disputes']
assistant lecturer
wissenschaftlicher mitarbeiter/wissenschaftliche mitarbeiterin
Assistant lecturers share university or college lecturers' academic workload, specifically the provision of lectures to students. They prepare and teach classes, and meet with students privately regarding evaluation. They also combine their lecturing and other academic duties with conducting their own research in their field of study. Assistant lecturers occupy an autonomous, full-time position, despite what the subservience element in the occupation title may suggest.
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter/wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterinnen unterstützen Lehrkräfte bei ihrer Arbeit, vor allem durch das Halten von Lehrveranstaltungen. Sie bereiten Lehrveranstaltungen vor, führen sie durch und führen Evaluierungsgespräche mit Studierenden. Sie kombinieren zudem ihre Vorlesungen und anderen Lehraufgaben mit ihrer eigenen Forschung in ihrem Fachgebiet. Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter/Mitarbeiterinnen haben eine eigenständige Vollzeitstelle, auch wenn ihre Stellenbezeichnung möglicherweise eine untergeordnete Position vermuten lässt.
assistant lecturer
['assessment processes', 'scientific literature', 'investigation research methods', 'curriculum objectives', 'cooperate with education professionals', "guarantee students' safety", 'use data processing techniques', 'interpret current data', 'interact professionally in research and professional environments', 'prepare lesson content', 'monitor developments in field of expertise', 'teach university class', 'teach in academic or vocational contexts', 'apply teaching strategies', 'assess students', 'apply scientific methods', 'analyse test data', 'think abstractly', 'provide teacher support', 'mentor individuals', 'manage personal professional development', 'apply blended learning', 'give constructive feedback', 'operate scientific measuring equipment', 'perform classroom management', 'provide assistance to lecturer', 'provide lesson materials', 'liaise with educational staff', 'develop course outline', 'synthesise information', 'promote the participation of citizens in scientific and research activities', 'communicate with a non-scientific audience ', 'mathematical modelling', 'computer simulation', 'research design', 'learning difficulties', 'statistics', 'multidisciplinary research', 'university procedures', 'electronic communication', 'scientific research methodology', 'empirical analysis', 'draft scientific or academic papers and technical documentation', 'manage research data', 'assist in the organisation of school events', 'guide international students', 'disseminate results to the scientific community', 'operate open source software', 'speak different languages', 'record test data', 'liaise with educational support staff', 'evaluate research activities', 'provide information on study programmes', 'demonstrate disciplinary expertise', 'manage student relationships', 'increase the impact of science on policy and society ', 'manage findable accessible interoperable and reusable data', 'perform scientific research', 'manage intellectual property rights', 'report test findings', 'promote education course', 'apply for research funding', 'develop scientific theories', 'conduct quantitative research', 'apply research ethics and scientific integrity principles in research activities', 'manage resources for educational purposes', 'promote open innovation in research', 'write work-related reports', 'assist students with their dissertation', 'publish academic research', 'promote the transfer of knowledge', 'develop scientific research protocols', 'work with virtual learning environments', 'write scientific publications', 'develop professional network with researchers and scientists', 'integrate gender dimension in research', 'perform project management', 'assist students in their learning', 'manage open publications', 'oversee extra-curricular activities', 'design scientific equipment', 'conduct research across disciplines', 'perform background research on writing subject', 'conduct qualitative research']
green ICT consultant
Green ICT consultants advise organisations on their green ICT strategy and its implementation in the most effective and efficient manner to allow the organisation to reach their short, mid, and long term ICT environmental objectives.
Green-IT-Berater bieten Beratung über eine umweltfreundliche IT-Strategie und deren möglichst wirksame und effiziente Umsetzung, damit Organisationen im IT-Bereich ihre kurz-, mittel- und langfristigen Umweltziele erreichen können.
green ICT consultant
['sustainable technologies', 'green building standards', 'resource-efficient technologies', 'sustainability consulting', 'ICT environmental policies', 'ensure compliance with environmental legislation', 'create project specifications', 'provide ICT consulting advice', 'optimise choice of ICT solution', 'apply business acumen', 'promote environmental awareness', 'consult with business clients', 'manage environmental impact of operations', 'report on environmental issues', 'emergent technologies', 'ICT sales methodologies', 'legal requirements of ICT products', 'copyright legislation', 'ICT market', 'software components suppliers', 'hardware components suppliers', 'corporate sustainability', 'ICT power consumption', 'identify processes for re-engineering', 'track key performance indicators', 'advise on environmental remediation', 'define technical requirements']
software developer
Software developers implement or program all kinds of software systems based on specifications and designs by using programming languages, tools, and platforms.
Softwareentwickler implementieren oder programmieren Softwaresystemen jeder Art auf der Grundlage von Spezifikationen bzw. Entwürfen unter Einsatz von Programmiersprachen, Tools und Plattformen.
software developer
['engineering principles', 'computer programming', 'technical drawings', 'ICT debugging tools', 'project management', 'engineering processes', 'integrated development environment software', 'tools for software configuration management', 'web services', 'use an application-specific interface', 'develop automated migration methods', 'identify customer requirements', 'utilise computer-aided software engineering tools', 'debug software', 'use software design patterns', 'perform scientific research', 'use technical drawing software', 'manage engineering project', 'develop software prototype', 'use software libraries', 'create flowchart diagram', 'interpret technical requirements', 'define technical requirements', 'analyse software specifications', 'Haskell', 'KDevelop', 'Erlang', 'SAS language', 'Ruby (computer programming)', 'Common Lisp', 'Apache Maven', 'Lisp', 'Apache Tomcat', 'Visual Basic', 'screen reader', 'defence standard procedures', 'Java (computer programming)', 'Drupal', 'software frameworks', 'Prolog (computer programming)', 'OpenEdge Advanced Business Language', 'blockchain openness', 'JavaScript', 'Perl', 'Smalltalk (computer programming)', 'PHP', 'software anomalies', 'Xcode', 'Assembly (computer programming)', 'C#', 'R', 'Groovy', 'ASP.NET', 'cyber attack counter-measures', 'APL', 'SQL', 'object-oriented modelling', 'Puppet (tools for software configuration management)', 'data visualisation software', 'smart contract', 'STAF', 'Eclipse (integrated development environment software)', 'WordPress', 'Ansible', 'NoSQL', 'ICT security legislation', 'Microsoft Visual C++', 'TypeScript', 'World Wide Web Consortium standards', 'Oracle Application Development Framework', 'Ajax Framework', 'blockchain platforms', 'CoffeeScript', 'Objective-C', 'JavaScript Framework', 'ML (computer programming)', 'IBM WebSphere', 'SPARK', 'AJAX', 'C++', 'trading software', 'SAP R3', 'Swift (computer programming)', 'MATLAB', 'Salt (tools for software configuration management)', 'Python (computer programming)', 'Scratch (computer programming)', 'VBScript', 'COBOL', 'Pascal (computer programming)', 'ABAP', 'Internet of Things', 'Jenkins (tools for software configuration management)', 'Scala', 'migrate existing data', 'use concurrent programming', 'use logic programming', 'do cloud refactoring', 'use object-oriented programming', 'collect customer feedback on applications', 'use query languages', 'use automatic programming', 'utilise machine learning', 'develop creative ideas', 'use functional programming', 'integrate system components', 'adapt to changes in technological development plans', 'design user interface']
software developer
Software developers implement or program all kinds of software systems based on specifications and designs by using programming languages, tools, and platforms.
Softwareentwickler implementieren oder programmieren Softwaresystemen jeder Art auf der Grundlage von Spezifikationen bzw. Entwürfen unter Einsatz von Programmiersprachen, Tools und Plattformen.
software developer
['engineering principles', 'computer programming', 'technical drawings', 'ICT debugging tools', 'project management', 'engineering processes', 'integrated development environment software', 'tools for software configuration management', 'web services', 'use an application-specific interface', 'develop automated migration methods', 'identify customer requirements', 'utilise computer-aided software engineering tools', 'debug software', 'use software design patterns', 'perform scientific research', 'use technical drawing software', 'manage engineering project', 'develop software prototype', 'use software libraries', 'create flowchart diagram', 'interpret technical requirements', 'define technical requirements', 'analyse software specifications', 'Haskell', 'KDevelop', 'Erlang', 'SAS language', 'Ruby (computer programming)', 'Common Lisp', 'Apache Maven', 'Lisp', 'Apache Tomcat', 'Visual Basic', 'screen reader', 'defence standard procedures', 'Java (computer programming)', 'Drupal', 'software frameworks', 'Prolog (computer programming)', 'OpenEdge Advanced Business Language', 'blockchain openness', 'JavaScript', 'Perl', 'Smalltalk (computer programming)', 'PHP', 'software anomalies', 'Xcode', 'Assembly (computer programming)', 'C#', 'R', 'Groovy', 'ASP.NET', 'cyber attack counter-measures', 'APL', 'SQL', 'object-oriented modelling', 'Puppet (tools for software configuration management)', 'data visualisation software', 'smart contract', 'STAF', 'Eclipse (integrated development environment software)', 'WordPress', 'Ansible', 'NoSQL', 'ICT security legislation', 'Microsoft Visual C++', 'TypeScript', 'World Wide Web Consortium standards', 'Oracle Application Development Framework', 'Ajax Framework', 'blockchain platforms', 'CoffeeScript', 'Objective-C', 'JavaScript Framework', 'ML (computer programming)', 'IBM WebSphere', 'SPARK', 'AJAX', 'C++', 'trading software', 'SAP R3', 'Swift (computer programming)', 'MATLAB', 'Salt (tools for software configuration management)', 'Python (computer programming)', 'Scratch (computer programming)', 'VBScript', 'COBOL', 'Pascal (computer programming)', 'ABAP', 'Internet of Things', 'Jenkins (tools for software configuration management)', 'Scala', 'migrate existing data', 'use concurrent programming', 'use logic programming', 'do cloud refactoring', 'use object-oriented programming', 'collect customer feedback on applications', 'use query languages', 'use automatic programming', 'utilise machine learning', 'develop creative ideas', 'use functional programming', 'integrate system components', 'adapt to changes in technological development plans', 'design user interface']
Movers are responsible for the physical handling of goods and belongings to be relocated or transported from one place to the other. They disassemble goods, machinery or belongings for transporting and assemble or install them in the new location. They ensure that objects are well protected and packed, secured and placed correctly in trucks and transports.
Transportarbeiter sind zuständig für den physischen Umgang mit Waren und Gegenständen, die umgelagert oder von einem Ort zum anderen befördert werden sollen. Sie nehmen Waren, Maschinen oder Gegenstände für den Transport auseinander und bauen sie am neuen Ort wieder zusammen bzw. montieren sie. Sie stellen sicher, dass Objekte gut geschützt und verpackt sind und dass sie im Lastwagen und Transporter sicher und ordnungsgemäß untergebracht sind.
['hazards associated with loading dangerous goods', 'follow detailed procedures for relocating specific goods', 'communicate with customers', 'handle delivery of furniture goods', 'stack goods', 'read pictograms', 'pack goods', 'use communication devices', 'follow work procedures', 'use traditional toolbox tools', 'carry objects', 'maintain inventory of tools', 'select equipment required for moving activities', 'animal transport regulations', 'types of packaging materials', 'health and safety measures in transportation', 'electricity', 'mechanics', 'load animals for transportation', 'shunt inbound loads', 'determine cargo loading sequence', 'operate forklift', 'clean furniture', 'disassemble machines', 'apply techniques for stacking goods into containers', 'perform cleaning duties', 'organise weight of loads according to lifting equipment capacity', 'clean surfaces', 'assemble machines', 'implement efficiency plans for logistics operations', 'operate cranes', 'analyse requirements for moving goods']
vehicle maintenance attendant
helfer im bereich fahrzeugbau und -instandhaltung/helferin im bereich fahrzeugbau und -instandhaltung
Vehicle maintenance attendants execute basic tasks such as changing oil, changing filters, changing spark plugs at a vehicle maintenance station.
Helfer im Bereich Fahrzeugbau und -instandhaltung führen in einer Kfz-Werkstatt einfache Arbeiten wie z. B. Ölwechsel, Filterwechsel und Zündkerzenwechsel aus.
vehicle maintenance attendant
['car controls', 'types of vehicles', 'follow procedures to control substances hazardous to health', 'execute vehicle maintenance', 'identify vehicles service requirements', 'position vehicles for maintenance and repair', 'handle chemical cleaning agents', 'maintain work area cleanliness', 'perform technical tasks with great care', 'ensure client orientation', 'apply health and safety standards', 'execute working instructions', 'perform manual work autonomously', 'carry out improvised vehicle repairs', 'mechanical tools', 'teamwork principles', 'mechanics', 'maintain vehicle records', 'maintain inventory of vehicle cleaning supplies', 'fix minor vehicle scratches', 'drive vehicles', 'order supplies for vehicle maintenance and repair', 'perform minor vehicle repairs', 'process payments', 'report accounts of the professional activity', 'issue sales invoices']
crop production worker
produktionsarbeiter im bereich pflanzenbau/produktionsarbeiterin im bereich pflanzenbau
Crop production workers carry out practical activities and assist in the production of agronomical crops. 
Produktionsarbeiter im Bereich Pflanzenbau üben praktische Tätigkeiten aus und unterstützen bei der Produktion von Agrarerzeugnissen. 
crop production worker
['agroforestry', 'operate agricultural machinery', 'cultivate crops for biomass', 'maintain storage facilities', 'harvest crop', 'prepare equipment for harvest', 'monitor fields', 'execute fertilisation', 'propagate plants', 'drive agricultural machines', 'store crops', 'grow plants', 'prepare planting area', 'execute disease and pest control activities', 'manage crop rotation', 'store products', 'technical equipment for crop production', 'quality criteria for storage facilities', 'organic farming', 'crop production principles', 'soil structure', 'plant species', 'types of storage facilities', 'aeroponics', 'watering principles', 'pest control in plants', 'ecology', 'agronomy', 'hydroponics', 'fertilisation principles', 'plant harvest methods', 'agroecology', 'integrated pest management', 'conservation agriculture', 'plant propagation', 'plant disease control', 'apply sustainable tillage techniques', 'assign duties to agriculture workers', 'apply alternate wetting and drying techniques', 'provide agri-touristic services', 'present the farm facilities', 'irrigate soil', 'preserve crop', 'perform on-farm product processing', 'use pest detection sensors', 'maintain technical equipment', 'use agricultural information systems and databases']