suggested it on an internal mailing list.
The Flutter VP at the time, Joshy Joseph,
approved the idea and asked the
organizer for the 2018 Dart Conference,
Linda Rasmussen, to make it happen.Once Shams heard about these plans,
she rushed to Linda and asked to own and drive
the project to produce the plushies for the conference.
Linda had already elicited some design sketches,
which she handed off.
Starting with the sketches, Shams located a vendor
who could work within an aggressive deadline
(competing with Lunar New Year),
and started the process of creating
the specs for the plushy.That’s right, Dash was originally a
Dart mascot, not a Flutter mascot.Here are some early mockups and one of the first prototypes:
The first prototype had uneven eyes<topic_end>
Why a hummingbird?
Early on, a hummingbird image was created for the Dart team
to use for presentations and the web.
The hummingbird represents that Dart is a speedy language.However, hummingbirds are pointed and angular
and we wanted a cuddly plushy, so we chose a round
hummingbird.Shams specified which color would go where,
the tail shape, the tuft of hair, the eyes…all the
little details. The vendor sent the specs to two
manufacturers who returned the prototypes some weeks later. Introducing Dash at the January 2018 Dart Conference.While the manufacturing process was proceeding,
Shams chose a name for the plushy: Dash,
because it was an early code name for the
Dart project, it was gender neutral,
and it seemed appropriate for a hummingbird.Many boxes of Dash plushies arrived in
southern California just in time for the conference.
They were eagerly adopted by Dart and Flutter enthusiasts.The people have spoken, so Dash is now the mascot for Flutter and Dart.
Dash 1.0
Conference swagSince the creation of Dash 1.0, we’ve made two more versions.
Marketing slightly changed the Dart and Flutter color scheme after
Dash 1.0 was created, so Dash 2.0 reflects the updated scheme
(which removed the green color).
Dash 2.1 is a smaller size and has a few more color
tweaks. The smaller size is easier to ship,
and fits better in a claw machine!
Dash 2.0 and 2.1<topic_end>
Dash facts
We also have Mega-Dash, a life-sized mascot
who is currently resting in a Google office.Mega-Dash made her
first appearance at the Flutter Interact event
in Brooklyn, New York, on December 11, 2019.We also have a Dash puppet that Shams made from
one of the first plushies.A number of our YouTube videos feature the Dash puppet,
voiced by Emily Fortuna, one of the early (and much loved)
Flutter Developer Advocates.
<topic_start>flutter: The Flutter command-line tool
The flutter command-line tool is how developers (or IDEs on behalf of
developers) interact with Flutter. For Dart related commands,
you can use the dart command-line tool.Here’s how you might use the flutter tool to create, analyze, test, and run an
app:To run pub commands using the flutter tool:To view all commands that flutter supports:To get the current version of the Flutter SDK, including its framework, engine,
and tools:<topic_end>
flutter commands
The following table shows which commands you can use with the flutter tool:For additional help on any of the commands, enter flutter help <command>
or follow the links in the More information column.
You can also get details on pub commands — for example,
flutter help pub outdated.<topic_end>
<topic_start>: This is an alphabetical list of nearly every widget that is bundled with Flutter.
AbsorbPointer: A widget that absorbs pointers during hit testing. When absorbing is true, this widget prevents its subtree from receiving pointer events by terminating hit testing at itself. It still consumes space during layout and paints its child as usual. It just prevents its children from being the target of located events, because it returns true from RenderBox.hitTest.
AlertDialog: Hovering containers that prompt app users to provide more data or make a decision.
Align: A widget that aligns its child within itself and optionally sizes itself based on the child's size.
AnimatedAlign: Animated transition that moves the child's position over a given duration whenever the given alignment changes.
AnimatedBuilder: A general-purpose widget for building animations. AnimatedBuilder is useful for more complex widgets that wish to include animation as part of a larger build function To use AnimatedBuilder, construct the widget and pass it a builder function.
AnimatedContainer: A container that gradually changes its values over a period of time.
AnimatedCrossFade: A widget that cross-fades between two given children and animates itself between their sizes.
AnimatedDefaultTextStyle: Animated version of DefaultTextStyle which automatically transitions the default text style (the text style to apply to descendant Text widgets without explicit style) over a given duration whenever the given style changes.
AnimatedList: A scrolling container that animates items when they are inserted or removed.
AnimatedListState: The state for a scrolling container that animates items when they are inserted or removed.
AnimatedModalBarrier: A widget that prevents the user from interacting with widgets behind itself.
AnimatedOpacity: Animated version of Opacity which automatically transitions the child's opacity over a given duration whenever the given opacity changes.
AnimatedPhysicalModel: Animated version of PhysicalModel.
AnimatedPositioned: Animated version of Positioned which automatically transitions the child's position over a given duration whenever the given position changes.
AnimatedSize: Animated widget that automatically transitions its size over a given duration whenever the given child's size changes.
AnimatedWidget: A widget that rebuilds when the given Listenable changes value.
AppBar: Container that displays content and actions at the top of a screen.
AspectRatio: A widget that attempts to size the child to a specific aspect ratio.
AssetBundle: Asset bundles contain resources, such as images and strings, that can be used by an application. Access to these resources is asynchronous so that they can be transparently loaded over a network (e.g., from a NetworkAssetBundle) or from the local file system without blocking the application's user interface.Applications have a rootBundle, which contains the resources that were packaged with the application when it was built.
Autocomplete: A widget for helping the user make a selection by entering some text and choosing from among a list of options.
BackdropFilter: A widget that applies a filter to the existing painted content and then paints a child. The filter will be applied to all the area within its parent or ancestor widget's clip. If there's no clip, the filter will be applied to the full screen.The results of the filter will be blended back into the background using the blendMode parameter. The only value for blendMode that is supported on all platforms is BlendMode.srcOver which works well for most scenes.
Badge: Icon-like block that conveys dynamic content such as counts or status. It can include labels or numbers.
Baseline: Container that positions its child according to the child's baseline.
Bottom app bar: Container that displays navigation and key actions at the bottom of a screen.
Bottom sheet: Containers that anchor supplementary content to the bottom of the screen.
BottomNavigationBar: Container that includes tools to explore and switch between top-level views in a single tap.
BottomSheet: Bottom sheets slide up from the bottom of the screen to reveal more content. You can call showBottomSheet() to implement a persistent bottom sheet or A modal bottom sheet The BottomSheet widget itself is rarely used directly. Instead, prefer to create a persistent bottom sheet with ScaffoldState.showBottomSheet or Scaffold.bottomSheet, and a modal bottom sheet with showModalBottomSheet.
Card: Container for short, related pieces of content displayed in a box with rounded corners and a drop shadow.
Center: Alignment block that centers its child within itself.
Checkbox: Form control that app users can set or clear to select one or more options from a set.
Chip: Small blocks that simplify entering information, making selections, filtering content, or triggering actions.
CircularProgressIndicator: Circular progress indicator that spins to indicate a busy application.
ClipOval: A widget that clips its child using an oval.
ClipPath: A widget that clips its child using a path.
ClipRect: A widget that clips its child using a rectangle.
Column: Layout a list of child widgets in the vertical direction.