stars: 6017 new-stars: 152 name: ecomfe/echarts description: Enterprise Charts | Github pages : http://ecomfe.github.io/echarts/index-en.html | Email : echarts@baidu.com | Baidu Hi : 1379172 |
{ "published": "2015/01/08", "stars": "6017", "newStars": "152", "name": "ecomfe/echarts", "description": "Enterprise Charts | Github pages : http://ecomfe.github.io/echarts/index-en.html | Email : echarts@baidu.com | Baidu Hi : 1379172 |" }
stars: 4285 new-stars: 134 name: wasabeef/awesome-android-ui description: A curated list of awesome Android UI/UX libraries
{ "published": "2015/01/08", "stars": "4285", "newStars": "134", "name": "wasabeef/awesome-android-ui", "description": "A curated list of awesome Android UI/UX libraries" }
stars: 10328 new-stars: 130 name: prakhar1989/awesome-courses description: List of awesome university courses for learning Computer Science!
{ "published": "2015/01/08", "stars": "10328", "newStars": "130", "name": "prakhar1989/awesome-courses", "description": "List of awesome university courses for learning Computer Science!" }
stars: 3914 new-stars: 120 name: daniel-lundin/snabbt.js description: Fast animations with javascript and CSS transforms
{ "published": "2015/01/08", "stars": "3914", "newStars": "120", "name": "daniel-lundin/snabbt.js", "description": "Fast animations with javascript and CSS transforms" }
stars: 2363 new-stars: 107 name: Russell91/pythonpy description: command line kung fu with python
{ "published": "2015/01/08", "stars": "2363", "newStars": "107", "name": "Russell91/pythonpy", "description": "command line kung fu with python" }
stars: 363 new-stars: 179 name: naver/pinpoint description: Pinpoint is an open source APM (Application Performance Management) tool for large-scale distributed systems written in Java.
{ "published": "2015/01/09", "stars": "363", "newStars": "179", "name": "naver/pinpoint", "description": "Pinpoint is an open source APM (Application Performance Management) tool for large-scale distributed systems written in Java." }
stars: 361 new-stars: 129 name: aosp-exchange-group/share description: Android 开源交流 QQ 群分享汇总
{ "published": "2015/01/09", "stars": "361", "newStars": "129", "name": "aosp-exchange-group/share", "description": "Android 开源交流 QQ 群分享汇总" }
stars: 919 new-stars: 123 name: JakeWharton/Telecine description: Record full-resolution video on your Android devices.
{ "published": "2015/01/09", "stars": "919", "newStars": "123", "name": "JakeWharton/Telecine", "description": "Record full-resolution video on your Android devices." }
stars: 1091 new-stars: 111 name: yangyangwithgnu/use_vim_as_ide description: use vim as IDE
{ "published": "2015/01/09", "stars": "1091", "newStars": "111", "name": "yangyangwithgnu/use_vim_as_ide", "description": "use vim as IDE" }
stars: 466 new-stars: 111 name: vesparny/morpheus description: The next generation web publishing platform built with React.js
{ "published": "2015/01/09", "stars": "466", "newStars": "111", "name": "vesparny/morpheus", "description": "The next generation web publishing platform built with React.js" }
stars: 160 new-stars: 43 name: steipete/UIKitDebugging description: A set of files that enables various debug flags in UIKit
{ "published": "2015/01/09", "stars": "160", "newStars": "43", "name": "steipete/UIKitDebugging", "description": "A set of files that enables various debug flags in UIKit" }
stars: 26 new-stars: 19 name: substack/whereami description: keep track of your roaming headless linux devices in the wild
{ "published": "2015/01/09", "stars": "26", "newStars": "19", "name": "substack/whereami", "description": "keep track of your roaming headless linux devices in the wild" }
stars: 22 new-stars: 17 name: obiwanakin/crappy-commit description: runs git with a crappy commit message
{ "published": "2015/01/09", "stars": "22", "newStars": "17", "name": "obiwanakin/crappy-commit", "description": "runs git with a crappy commit message" }
stars: 48 new-stars: 13 name: lexrus/do-ikev1 description: 你再也不用担心你的女朋友不会自己在 DigitalOcean 上安装 Cisco IPSec 的微屁恩了。
{ "published": "2015/01/09", "stars": "48", "newStars": "13", "name": "lexrus/do-ikev1", "description": "你再也不用担心你的女朋友不会自己在 DigitalOcean 上安装 Cisco IPSec 的微屁恩了。" }
stars: 23 new-stars: 8 name: abdullin/gtd description: Sample app for Getting Things Done with Facebook Flux and ReactJS
{ "published": "2015/01/09", "stars": "23", "newStars": "8", "name": "abdullin/gtd", "description": "Sample app for Getting Things Done with Facebook Flux and ReactJS" }
stars: 19 new-stars: 5 name: meteorhacks-samples/meteor-instant-search-demo description: Demo Meteor app with an Instant Search Solution.
{ "published": "2015/01/09", "stars": "19", "newStars": "5", "name": "meteorhacks-samples/meteor-instant-search-demo", "description": "Demo Meteor app with an Instant Search Solution." }
stars: 10328 new-stars: 958 name: prakhar1989/awesome-courses description: List of awesome university courses for learning Computer Science!
{ "published": "2015/01/09", "stars": "10328", "newStars": "958", "name": "prakhar1989/awesome-courses", "description": "List of awesome university courses for learning Computer Science!" }
stars: 1905 new-stars: 298 name: hgarc014/git-game description: terminal game to test git skills
{ "published": "2015/01/09", "stars": "1905", "newStars": "298", "name": "hgarc014/git-game", "description": "terminal game to test git skills" }
stars: 3914 new-stars: 211 name: daniel-lundin/snabbt.js description: Fast animations with javascript and CSS transforms
{ "published": "2015/01/09", "stars": "3914", "newStars": "211", "name": "daniel-lundin/snabbt.js", "description": "Fast animations with javascript and CSS transforms" }
stars: 8920 new-stars: 206 name: IanLunn/Hover description: A collection of CSS3 powered hover effects to be applied to links, buttons, logos, SVG, featured images and so on. Easily apply to your own elements, modify or just use for inspiration. Available in CSS, Sass, and LESS.
{ "published": "2015/01/09", "stars": "8920", "newStars": "206", "name": "IanLunn/Hover", "description": "A collection of CSS3 powered hover effects to be applied to links, buttons, logos, SVG, featured images and so on. Easily apply to your own elements, modify or just use for inspiration. Available in CSS, Sass, and LESS." }
stars: 1118 new-stars: 172 name: nwidger/nintengo description: An NES emulator written in Go
{ "published": "2015/01/09", "stars": "1118", "newStars": "172", "name": "nwidger/nintengo", "description": "An NES emulator written in Go" }
stars: 1633 new-stars: 163 name: Aufree/trip-to-iOS description: A curated list of delightful iOS resources.
{ "published": "2015/01/09", "stars": "1633", "newStars": "163", "name": "Aufree/trip-to-iOS", "description": "A curated list of delightful iOS resources." }
stars: 3192 new-stars: 126 name: sophron/wifiphisher description: Fast automated phishing attacks against WiFi networks
{ "published": "2015/01/09", "stars": "3192", "newStars": "126", "name": "sophron/wifiphisher", "description": "Fast automated phishing attacks against WiFi networks" }
stars: 3847 new-stars: 111 name: christiannaths/Redacted-Font description: Keep your wireframes free of distracting Lorem Ipsum.
{ "published": "2015/01/09", "stars": "3847", "newStars": "111", "name": "christiannaths/Redacted-Font", "description": "Keep your wireframes free of distracting Lorem Ipsum." }
stars: 1074 new-stars: 103 name: google/novm description: Experimental KVM-based VMM, written in Go.
{ "published": "2015/01/09", "stars": "1074", "newStars": "103", "name": "google/novm", "description": "Experimental KVM-based VMM, written in Go." }
stars: 1556 new-stars: 101 name: amjith/pgcli description: Postgres CLI with autocompletion and syntax highlighting
{ "published": "2015/01/09", "stars": "1556", "newStars": "101", "name": "amjith/pgcli", "description": "Postgres CLI with autocompletion and syntax highlighting" }
stars: 407 new-stars: 126 name: bahmutov/code-snippets description: Chrome DevTools code snippets
{ "published": "2015/01/10", "stars": "407", "newStars": "126", "name": "bahmutov/code-snippets", "description": "Chrome DevTools code snippets" }
stars: 711 new-stars: 125 name: Microsoft/bond description: Bond is a cross-platform framework for working with schematized data. It supports cross-language de/serialization and powerful generic mechanisms for efficiently manipulating data. Bond is broadly used at Microsoft in high scale services.
{ "published": "2015/01/10", "stars": "711", "newStars": "125", "name": "Microsoft/bond", "description": "Bond is a cross-platform framework for working with schematized data. It supports cross-language de/serialization and powerful generic mechanisms for efficiently manipulating data. Bond is broadly used at Microsoft in high scale services." }
stars: 296 new-stars: 123 name: sunfmin/fanout description: Fanout - make writing parallel code even easier
{ "published": "2015/01/10", "stars": "296", "newStars": "123", "name": "sunfmin/fanout", "description": "Fanout - make writing parallel code even easier" }
stars: 157 new-stars: 93 name: DalekBaldwin/on-lisp description: A modernized and annotated code companion to Paul Graham's "On Lisp".
{ "published": "2015/01/10", "stars": "157", "newStars": "93", "name": "DalekBaldwin/on-lisp", "description": "A modernized and annotated code companion to Paul Graham's \"On Lisp\"." }
stars: 249 new-stars: 92 name: unbit/spockfs description: SpockFS is an HTTP based network filesystem
{ "published": "2015/01/10", "stars": "249", "newStars": "92", "name": "unbit/spockfs", "description": "SpockFS is an HTTP based network filesystem" }
stars: 538 new-stars: 79 name: justjavac/Programming-Alpha-To-Omega description: 从零开始学编程 系列汇总(从α到Ω)
{ "published": "2015/01/10", "stars": "538", "newStars": "79", "name": "justjavac/Programming-Alpha-To-Omega", "description": "从零开始学编程 系列汇总(从α到Ω)" }
stars: 465 new-stars: 73 name: cassidoo/getting-a-gig description: A guide for getting a gig in college as a tech major.
{ "published": "2015/01/10", "stars": "465", "newStars": "73", "name": "cassidoo/getting-a-gig", "description": "A guide for getting a gig in college as a tech major." }
stars: 9579 new-stars: 65 name: rust-lang/rust description: a safe, concurrent, practical language
{ "published": "2015/01/10", "stars": "9579", "newStars": "65", "name": "rust-lang/rust", "description": "a safe, concurrent, practical language" }
stars: 329 new-stars: 64 name: marcelofabri/BigBrother description: Automatically sets the network activity indicator for any performed request.
{ "published": "2015/01/10", "stars": "329", "newStars": "64", "name": "marcelofabri/BigBrother", "description": "Automatically sets the network activity indicator for any performed request." }
stars: 116 new-stars: 18 name: sindresorhus/is-progressive description: Check if a JPEG image is progressive
{ "published": "2015/01/10", "stars": "116", "newStars": "18", "name": "sindresorhus/is-progressive", "description": "Check if a JPEG image is progressive" }
stars: 69 new-stars: 11 name: Jhuster/ImageCropper description: A custom image cropper library for Android.
{ "published": "2015/01/10", "stars": "69", "newStars": "11", "name": "Jhuster/ImageCropper", "description": "A custom image cropper library for Android." }
stars: 31 new-stars: 5 name: clowwindy/iOS-Python-Project description: Develop iOS apps in Python
{ "published": "2015/01/10", "stars": "31", "newStars": "5", "name": "clowwindy/iOS-Python-Project", "description": "Develop iOS apps in Python" }
stars: 10328 new-stars: 334 name: prakhar1989/awesome-courses description: List of awesome university courses for learning Computer Science!
{ "published": "2015/01/10", "stars": "10328", "newStars": "334", "name": "prakhar1989/awesome-courses", "description": "List of awesome university courses for learning Computer Science!" }
stars: 919 new-stars: 195 name: JakeWharton/Telecine description: Record full-resolution video on your Android devices.
{ "published": "2015/01/10", "stars": "919", "newStars": "195", "name": "JakeWharton/Telecine", "description": "Record full-resolution video on your Android devices." }
stars: 1905 new-stars: 150 name: hgarc014/git-game description: terminal game to test git skills
{ "published": "2015/01/10", "stars": "1905", "newStars": "150", "name": "hgarc014/git-game", "description": "terminal game to test git skills" }
stars: 8920 new-stars: 119 name: IanLunn/Hover description: A collection of CSS3 powered hover effects to be applied to links, buttons, logos, SVG, featured images and so on. Easily apply to your own elements, modify or just use for inspiration. Available in CSS, Sass, and LESS.
{ "published": "2015/01/10", "stars": "8920", "newStars": "119", "name": "IanLunn/Hover", "description": "A collection of CSS3 powered hover effects to be applied to links, buttons, logos, SVG, featured images and so on. Easily apply to your own elements, modify or just use for inspiration. Available in CSS, Sass, and LESS." }
stars: 3914 new-stars: 114 name: daniel-lundin/snabbt.js description: Fast animations with javascript and CSS transforms
{ "published": "2015/01/10", "stars": "3914", "newStars": "114", "name": "daniel-lundin/snabbt.js", "description": "Fast animations with javascript and CSS transforms" }
stars: 3192 new-stars: 97 name: sophron/wifiphisher description: Fast automated phishing attacks against WiFi networks
{ "published": "2015/01/10", "stars": "3192", "newStars": "97", "name": "sophron/wifiphisher", "description": "Fast automated phishing attacks against WiFi networks" }
stars: 616 new-stars: 279 name: NARKOZ/guides description: Design and development guides
{ "published": "2015/01/11", "stars": "616", "newStars": "279", "name": "NARKOZ/guides", "description": "Design and development guides" }
stars: 2459 new-stars: 209 name: dmauro/Keypress description: A keyboard input capturing utility in which any key can be a modifier key.
{ "published": "2015/01/11", "stars": "2459", "newStars": "209", "name": "dmauro/Keypress", "description": "A keyboard input capturing utility in which any key can be a modifier key." }
stars: 266 new-stars: 143 name: tomzx/php-semver-checker description: Compares two source sets and determines the appropriate semantic versioning to apply.
{ "published": "2015/01/11", "stars": "266", "newStars": "143", "name": "tomzx/php-semver-checker", "description": "Compares two source sets and determines the appropriate semantic versioning to apply." }
stars: 302 new-stars: 111 name: littleosbook/littleosbook description: Source for the little book about OS development
{ "published": "2015/01/11", "stars": "302", "newStars": "111", "name": "littleosbook/littleosbook", "description": "Source for the little book about OS development" }
stars: 432 new-stars: 99 name: gdamore/mangos description: package mangos is an implementation in pure Go of the SP ("Scalable Protocols") protocols.
{ "published": "2015/01/11", "stars": "432", "newStars": "99", "name": "gdamore/mangos", "description": "package mangos is an implementation in pure Go of the SP (\"Scalable Protocols\") protocols." }
stars: 100 new-stars: 81 name: lewagon/dotfiles description: Default configuration for Le Wagon's students
{ "published": "2015/01/11", "stars": "100", "newStars": "81", "name": "lewagon/dotfiles", "description": "Default configuration for Le Wagon's students" }
stars: 3292 new-stars: 81 name: RubaXa/Sortable description: Sortable — is a minimalist JavaScript library for reorderable drag-and-drop lists on modern browsers and touch devices. No jQuery. Supports Meteor, AngularJS, React and any CSS library, e.g. Bootstrap.
{ "published": "2015/01/11", "stars": "3292", "newStars": "81", "name": "RubaXa/Sortable", "description": "Sortable — is a minimalist JavaScript library for reorderable drag-and-drop lists on modern browsers and touch devices. No jQuery. Supports Meteor, AngularJS, React and any CSS library, e.g. Bootstrap." }
stars: 616 new-stars: 279 name: NARKOZ/guides description: Design and development guides
{ "published": "2015/01/11", "stars": "616", "newStars": "279", "name": "NARKOZ/guides", "description": "Design and development guides" }
stars: 639 new-stars: 44 name: addyosmani/es6-equivalents-in-es5 description: WIP - ES6 Equivalents In ES5
{ "published": "2015/01/11", "stars": "639", "newStars": "44", "name": "addyosmani/es6-equivalents-in-es5", "description": "WIP - ES6 Equivalents In ES5" }
stars: 309 new-stars: 20 name: mmackh/IPDFCameraViewController description: UIView subclass with camera preview, live border detection, perspective correction and an easy to use API
{ "published": "2015/01/11", "stars": "309", "newStars": "20", "name": "mmackh/IPDFCameraViewController", "description": "UIView subclass with camera preview, live border detection, perspective correction and an easy to use API" }
stars: 26 new-stars: 12 name: sindresorhus/humanize-url description: Humanize a URL: http://sindresorhus.com → sindresorhus.com
{ "published": "2015/01/11", "stars": "26", "newStars": "12", "name": "sindresorhus/humanize-url", "description": "Humanize a URL: http://sindresorhus.com → sindresorhus.com" }
stars: 264 new-stars: 12 name: emgram769/lighthouse description: A simple scriptable popup dialog to run on X.
{ "published": "2015/01/11", "stars": "264", "newStars": "12", "name": "emgram769/lighthouse", "description": "A simple scriptable popup dialog to run on X." }
stars: 26 new-stars: 11 name: z56402344/CustomTextView description: CustomTextView,Above the picture is a TextView, registered part (KeyWord) is the click event, and through the calculation of coordinates of KeyWord, show the KeyWord want some information
{ "published": "2015/01/11", "stars": "26", "newStars": "11", "name": "z56402344/CustomTextView", "description": "CustomTextView,Above the picture is a TextView, registered part (KeyWord) is the click event, and through the calculation of coordinates of KeyWord, show the KeyWord want some information" }
stars: 21 new-stars: 8 name: sindresorhus/normalize-url description: Normalize a URL
{ "published": "2015/01/11", "stars": "21", "newStars": "8", "name": "sindresorhus/normalize-url", "description": "Normalize a URL" }
stars: 26 new-stars: 8 name: thomashuang/solo description: Web framework Based Gevent & Webob & Routes
{ "published": "2015/01/11", "stars": "26", "newStars": "8", "name": "thomashuang/solo", "description": "Web framework Based Gevent & Webob & Routes" }
stars: 15 new-stars: 7 name: felixge/go-xxd description: The history of this repo demonstrates how to take a slow xxd implementation in Go, and make it faster than the native version on OSX/Linux.
{ "published": "2015/01/11", "stars": "15", "newStars": "7", "name": "felixge/go-xxd", "description": "The history of this repo demonstrates how to take a slow xxd implementation in Go, and make it faster than the native version on OSX/Linux." }
stars: 24 new-stars: 5 name: nccgroup/CrossSiteContentHijacking description: Content hijacking proof-of-concept using Flash, PDF and Silverlight
{ "published": "2015/01/11", "stars": "24", "newStars": "5", "name": "nccgroup/CrossSiteContentHijacking", "description": "Content hijacking proof-of-concept using Flash, PDF and Silverlight" }
stars: 15 new-stars: 5 name: drogus/ember-aria description: Set of primitives to make developing accessible websites easier
{ "published": "2015/01/11", "stars": "15", "newStars": "5", "name": "drogus/ember-aria", "description": "Set of primitives to make developing accessible websites easier" }
stars: 10328 new-stars: 206 name: prakhar1989/awesome-courses description: List of awesome university courses for learning Computer Science!
{ "published": "2015/01/11", "stars": "10328", "newStars": "206", "name": "prakhar1989/awesome-courses", "description": "List of awesome university courses for learning Computer Science!" }
stars: 711 new-stars: 149 name: Microsoft/bond description: Bond is a cross-platform framework for working with schematized data. It supports cross-language de/serialization and powerful generic mechanisms for efficiently manipulating data. Bond is broadly used at Microsoft in high scale services.
{ "published": "2015/01/11", "stars": "711", "newStars": "149", "name": "Microsoft/bond", "description": "Bond is a cross-platform framework for working with schematized data. It supports cross-language de/serialization and powerful generic mechanisms for efficiently manipulating data. Bond is broadly used at Microsoft in high scale services." }
stars: 8920 new-stars: 123 name: IanLunn/Hover description: A collection of CSS3 powered hover effects to be applied to links, buttons, logos, SVG, featured images and so on. Easily apply to your own elements, modify or just use for inspiration. Available in CSS, Sass, and LESS.
{ "published": "2015/01/11", "stars": "8920", "newStars": "123", "name": "IanLunn/Hover", "description": "A collection of CSS3 powered hover effects to be applied to links, buttons, logos, SVG, featured images and so on. Easily apply to your own elements, modify or just use for inspiration. Available in CSS, Sass, and LESS." }
stars: 919 new-stars: 110 name: JakeWharton/Telecine description: Record full-resolution video on your Android devices.
{ "published": "2015/01/11", "stars": "919", "newStars": "110", "name": "JakeWharton/Telecine", "description": "Record full-resolution video on your Android devices." }
stars: 1905 new-stars: 110 name: hgarc014/git-game description: terminal game to test git skills
{ "published": "2015/01/11", "stars": "1905", "newStars": "110", "name": "hgarc014/git-game", "description": "terminal game to test git skills" }
stars: 3192 new-stars: 96 name: sophron/wifiphisher description: Fast automated phishing attacks against WiFi networks
{ "published": "2015/01/11", "stars": "3192", "newStars": "96", "name": "sophron/wifiphisher", "description": "Fast automated phishing attacks against WiFi networks" }
stars: 538 new-stars: 83 name: justjavac/Programming-Alpha-To-Omega description: 从零开始学编程 系列汇总(从α到Ω)
{ "published": "2015/01/11", "stars": "538", "newStars": "83", "name": "justjavac/Programming-Alpha-To-Omega", "description": "从零开始学编程 系列汇总(从α到Ω)" }
stars: 9579 new-stars: 82 name: rust-lang/rust description: a safe, concurrent, practical language
{ "published": "2015/01/11", "stars": "9579", "newStars": "82", "name": "rust-lang/rust", "description": "a safe, concurrent, practical language" }
stars: 869 new-stars: 539 name: fizx/parsley description: Parsley is a simple language for extracting structured data from web pages. Parsley consists of an powerful selector language wrapped with a JSON structure that can represent page-wide formatting.
{ "published": "2015/01/12", "stars": "869", "newStars": "539", "name": "fizx/parsley", "description": "Parsley is a simple language for extracting structured data from web pages. Parsley consists of an powerful selector language wrapped with a JSON structure that can represent page-wide formatting." }
stars: 2626 new-stars: 474 name: saeedalipoor/icono description: One tag One icon, no font or svg, Pure CSS
{ "published": "2015/01/12", "stars": "2626", "newStars": "474", "name": "saeedalipoor/icono", "description": "One tag One icon, no font or svg, Pure CSS" }
stars: 90 new-stars: 36 name: le4f/pcap-analyzer description: online pcap forensic
{ "published": "2015/01/12", "stars": "90", "newStars": "36", "name": "le4f/pcap-analyzer", "description": "online pcap forensic" }
stars: 373 new-stars: 33 name: samyk/keysweeper description: KeySweeper is a stealthy Arduino-based device, camouflaged as a functioning USB wall charger, that wirelessly and passively sniffs, decrypts, logs and reports back (over GSM) all keystrokes from any Microsoft wireless keyboard in the vicinity.
{ "published": "2015/01/12", "stars": "373", "newStars": "33", "name": "samyk/keysweeper", "description": "KeySweeper is a stealthy Arduino-based device, camouflaged as a functioning USB wall charger, that wirelessly and passively sniffs, decrypts, logs and reports back (over GSM) all keystrokes from any Microsoft wireless keyboard in the vicinity." }
stars: 433 new-stars: 21 name: HelloZeroNet/ZeroNet description: ZeroNet - Decentralized websites using Bitcoin crypto and BitTorrent network
{ "published": "2015/01/12", "stars": "433", "newStars": "21", "name": "HelloZeroNet/ZeroNet", "description": "ZeroNet - Decentralized websites using Bitcoin crypto and BitTorrent network" }
stars: 61 new-stars: 18 name: pop-pop-ret/lizkebab description: Lizard Squad rekt
{ "published": "2015/01/12", "stars": "61", "newStars": "18", "name": "pop-pop-ret/lizkebab", "description": "Lizard Squad rekt" }
stars: 17 new-stars: 14 name: TyOverby/construct description: A rust macro for building container literals.
{ "published": "2015/01/12", "stars": "17", "newStars": "14", "name": "TyOverby/construct", "description": "A rust macro for building container literals." }
stars: 53 new-stars: 12 name: velikanov/opensource-candies description: Free stuff for open source projects
{ "published": "2015/01/12", "stars": "53", "newStars": "12", "name": "velikanov/opensource-candies", "description": "Free stuff for open source projects" }
stars: 40 new-stars: 11 name: nickgartmann/ashes description: A code generation tool for the Phoenix web framework
{ "published": "2015/01/12", "stars": "40", "newStars": "11", "name": "nickgartmann/ashes", "description": "A code generation tool for the Phoenix web framework" }
stars: 68 new-stars: 8 name: thephpleague/container description: Small but powerful dependency injection container
{ "published": "2015/01/12", "stars": "68", "newStars": "8", "name": "thephpleague/container", "description": "Small but powerful dependency injection container" }
stars: 13 new-stars: 8 name: kennyledet/MacDevelopmentSetupGuidelines description: Disclaimer: These are actions and applications I believe to be the best for setting up an optimal development environment are extensions of my opinion, and not to be taken as objectively proper for every software engineer!
{ "published": "2015/01/12", "stars": "13", "newStars": "8", "name": "kennyledet/MacDevelopmentSetupGuidelines", "description": "Disclaimer: These are actions and applications I believe to be the best for setting up an optimal development environment are extensions of my opinion, and not to be taken as objectively proper for every software engineer!" }
stars: 62 new-stars: 8 name: thephpleague/route description: Fast router and dispatcher built on top of FastRoute
{ "published": "2015/01/12", "stars": "62", "newStars": "8", "name": "thephpleague/route", "description": "Fast router and dispatcher built on top of FastRoute" }
stars: 11 new-stars: 8 name: rpetrich/CacheClearer description: Clear app caches from the Usage pane of the Settings app
{ "published": "2015/01/12", "stars": "11", "newStars": "8", "name": "rpetrich/CacheClearer", "description": "Clear app caches from the Usage pane of the Settings app" }
stars: 23 new-stars: 7 name: EinfachToll/DidYouMean description: Vim plugin which asks for the right file to open
{ "published": "2015/01/12", "stars": "23", "newStars": "7", "name": "EinfachToll/DidYouMean", "description": "Vim plugin which asks for the right file to open" }
stars: 13 new-stars: 6 name: atbell/salt-consul description: Consul modules for Salt
{ "published": "2015/01/12", "stars": "13", "newStars": "6", "name": "atbell/salt-consul", "description": "Consul modules for Salt" }
stars: 10328 new-stars: 311 name: prakhar1989/awesome-courses description: List of awesome university courses for learning Computer Science!
{ "published": "2015/01/12", "stars": "10328", "newStars": "311", "name": "prakhar1989/awesome-courses", "description": "List of awesome university courses for learning Computer Science!" }
stars: 8920 new-stars: 273 name: IanLunn/Hover description: A collection of CSS3 powered hover effects to be applied to links, buttons, logos, SVG, featured images and so on. Easily apply to your own elements, modify or just use for inspiration. Available in CSS, Sass, and LESS.
{ "published": "2015/01/12", "stars": "8920", "newStars": "273", "name": "IanLunn/Hover", "description": "A collection of CSS3 powered hover effects to be applied to links, buttons, logos, SVG, featured images and so on. Easily apply to your own elements, modify or just use for inspiration. Available in CSS, Sass, and LESS." }
stars: 3292 new-stars: 169 name: RubaXa/Sortable description: Sortable — is a minimalist JavaScript library for reorderable drag-and-drop lists on modern browsers and touch devices. No jQuery. Supports Meteor, AngularJS, React and any CSS library, e.g. Bootstrap.
{ "published": "2015/01/12", "stars": "3292", "newStars": "169", "name": "RubaXa/Sortable", "description": "Sortable — is a minimalist JavaScript library for reorderable drag-and-drop lists on modern browsers and touch devices. No jQuery. Supports Meteor, AngularJS, React and any CSS library, e.g. Bootstrap." }
stars: 2248 new-stars: 166 name: Zhouzi/TheaterJS description: Typing effect mimicking human behavior.
{ "published": "2015/01/12", "stars": "2248", "newStars": "166", "name": "Zhouzi/TheaterJS", "description": "Typing effect mimicking human behavior." }
stars: 616 new-stars: 158 name: NARKOZ/guides description: Design and development guides
{ "published": "2015/01/12", "stars": "616", "newStars": "158", "name": "NARKOZ/guides", "description": "Design and development guides" }
stars: 9579 new-stars: 132 name: rust-lang/rust description: a safe, concurrent, practical language
{ "published": "2015/01/12", "stars": "9579", "newStars": "132", "name": "rust-lang/rust", "description": "a safe, concurrent, practical language" }
stars: 1905 new-stars: 131 name: hgarc014/git-game description: terminal game to test git skills
{ "published": "2015/01/12", "stars": "1905", "newStars": "131", "name": "hgarc014/git-game", "description": "terminal game to test git skills" }
stars: 3847 new-stars: 127 name: christiannaths/Redacted-Font description: Keep your wireframes free of distracting Lorem Ipsum.
{ "published": "2015/01/12", "stars": "3847", "newStars": "127", "name": "christiannaths/Redacted-Font", "description": "Keep your wireframes free of distracting Lorem Ipsum." }
stars: 3914 new-stars: 126 name: daniel-lundin/snabbt.js description: Fast animations with javascript and CSS transforms
{ "published": "2015/01/12", "stars": "3914", "newStars": "126", "name": "daniel-lundin/snabbt.js", "description": "Fast animations with javascript and CSS transforms" }
stars: 711 new-stars: 125 name: Microsoft/bond description: Bond is a cross-platform framework for working with schematized data. It supports cross-language de/serialization and powerful generic mechanisms for efficiently manipulating data. Bond is broadly used at Microsoft in high scale services.
{ "published": "2015/01/12", "stars": "711", "newStars": "125", "name": "Microsoft/bond", "description": "Bond is a cross-platform framework for working with schematized data. It supports cross-language de/serialization and powerful generic mechanisms for efficiently manipulating data. Bond is broadly used at Microsoft in high scale services." }
stars: 4285 new-stars: 121 name: wasabeef/awesome-android-ui description: A curated list of awesome Android UI/UX libraries
{ "published": "2015/01/12", "stars": "4285", "newStars": "121", "name": "wasabeef/awesome-android-ui", "description": "A curated list of awesome Android UI/UX libraries" }
stars: 919 new-stars: 121 name: JakeWharton/Telecine description: Record full-resolution video on your Android devices.
{ "published": "2015/01/12", "stars": "919", "newStars": "121", "name": "JakeWharton/Telecine", "description": "Record full-resolution video on your Android devices." }
stars: 6017 new-stars: 117 name: ecomfe/echarts description: Enterprise Charts | Github pages : http://ecomfe.github.io/echarts/index-en.html | Email : echarts@baidu.com | Baidu Hi : 1379172 |
{ "published": "2015/01/12", "stars": "6017", "newStars": "117", "name": "ecomfe/echarts", "description": "Enterprise Charts | Github pages : http://ecomfe.github.io/echarts/index-en.html | Email : echarts@baidu.com | Baidu Hi : 1379172 |" }
stars: 956 new-stars: 582 name: mentum/lambdaws description: Deploy, run and get results from Amazon AWS Lambda in a breeze
{ "published": "2015/01/13", "stars": "956", "newStars": "582", "name": "mentum/lambdaws", "description": "Deploy, run and get results from Amazon AWS Lambda in a breeze" }
stars: 427 new-stars: 193 name: tunabrain/tungsten description: High performance physically based renderer in C++11
{ "published": "2015/01/13", "stars": "427", "newStars": "193", "name": "tunabrain/tungsten", "description": "High performance physically based renderer in C++11" }