class label
6 classes
6 values
""" Defines helper methods useful for setting up ports, launching servers, and handling `ngrok` """ import os import socket import threading from flask import Flask, request, session, jsonify, abort, send_file, render_template, redirect from flask_cachebuster import CacheBuster from flask_login import LoginManager, login_user, current_user, login_required from flask_cors import CORS import threading import pkg_resources import datetime import time import json import urllib.request from shutil import copyfile import requests import sys import csv import logging from gradio.tunneling import create_tunnel from gradio import encryptor from gradio import queue from functools import wraps import io import inspect import traceback from import safe_join INITIAL_PORT_VALUE = int(os.getenv( 'GRADIO_SERVER_PORT', "7860")) # The http server will try to open on port 7860. If not available, 7861, 7862, etc. TRY_NUM_PORTS = int(os.getenv( 'GRADIO_NUM_PORTS', "100")) # Number of ports to try before giving up and throwing an exception. LOCALHOST_NAME = os.getenv( 'GRADIO_SERVER_NAME', "") GRADIO_API_SERVER = "" GRADIO_FEATURE_ANALYTICS_URL = "" STATIC_TEMPLATE_LIB = pkg_resources.resource_filename("gradio", "templates/") STATIC_PATH_LIB = pkg_resources.resource_filename("gradio", "templates/frontend/static") VERSION_FILE = pkg_resources.resource_filename("gradio", "version.txt") with open(VERSION_FILE) as version_file: GRADIO_STATIC_ROOT = "" + \ + "/static/" app = Flask(__name__, template_folder=STATIC_TEMPLATE_LIB, static_folder="", static_url_path="/none/") app.url_map.strict_slashes = False CORS(app) cache_buster = CacheBuster( config={'extensions': ['.js', '.css'], 'hash_size': 5}) cache_buster.init_app(app) app.secret_key = os.getenv("GRADIO_KEY", "secret") login_manager = LoginManager() login_manager.login_view = 'login' login_manager.init_app(app) # Hide Flask default message cli = sys.modules['flask.cli'] cli.show_server_banner = lambda *x: None class User: def __init__(self, id): self.is_authenticated = True self.is_active = True self.is_anonymous = False = id def get_id(self): return @login_manager.user_loader def load_user(_id): return User(_id) def login_check(func): @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): if app.auth: @login_required def func2(*args, **kwargs): return func(*args, **kwargs) return func2(*args, **kwargs) else: return func(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper def get_local_ip_address(): try: ip_address = requests.get('', timeout=3).text except (requests.ConnectionError, requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout): ip_address = "No internet connection" return ip_address IP_ADDRESS = get_local_ip_address() def get_first_available_port(initial, final): """ Gets the first open port in a specified range of port numbers :param initial: the initial value in the range of port numbers :param final: final (exclusive) value in the range of port numbers, should be greater than `initial` :return: """ for port in range(initial, final): try: s = socket.socket() # create a socket object s.bind((LOCALHOST_NAME, port)) # Bind to the port s.close() return port except OSError: pass raise OSError( "All ports from {} to {} are in use. Please close a port.".format( initial, final ) ) @app.route("/", methods=["GET"]) @login_check def main(): session["state"] = None return render_template("frontend/index.html", config=app.interface.config) @app.route("/static/<path:path>", methods=["GET"]) def static_resource(path): if app.interface.share: return redirect(GRADIO_STATIC_ROOT + path) else: return send_file(safe_join(STATIC_PATH_LIB, path)) # TODO(@aliabid94): this throws a 500 error if app.auth is None (should probalbly just redirect to '/') @app.route('/login', methods=["GET", "POST"]) def login(): if request.method == "GET": config = get_config() return render_template("frontend/index.html", config=config) elif request.method == "POST": username = request.form.get("username") password = request.form.get("password") if ((not callable(app.auth) and username in app.auth and app.auth[username] == password) or (callable(app.auth) and app.auth.__call__(username, password))): login_user(User(username)) return redirect("/") else: return abort(401) @app.route("/config/", methods=["GET"]) def get_config(): if app.interface.auth is None or current_user.is_authenticated: return jsonify(app.interface.config) else: return {"auth_required": True, "auth_message": app.interface.auth_message} @app.route("/enable_sharing/<path:path>", methods=["GET"]) @login_check def enable_sharing(path): if path == "None": path = None app.interface.config["share_url"] = path return jsonify(success=True) @app.route("/shutdown", methods=['GET']) def shutdown(): shutdown_func = request.environ.get('werkzeug.server.shutdown') if shutdown_func is None: raise RuntimeError('Not running werkzeug') shutdown_func() return "Shutting down..." @app.route("/api/predict/", methods=["POST"]) @login_check def predict(): raw_input = request.json["data"] # Capture any errors made and pipe to front end if app.interface.show_error: try: prediction, durations = app.interface.process(raw_input) except BaseException as error: traceback.print_exc() return jsonify({"error": str(error)}), 500 else: prediction, durations = app.interface.process(raw_input) avg_durations = [] for i, duration in enumerate(durations): app.interface.predict_durations[i][0] += duration app.interface.predict_durations[i][1] += 1 avg_durations.append(app.interface.predict_durations[i][0] / app.interface.predict_durations[i][1]) app.interface.config["avg_durations"] = avg_durations output = {"data": prediction, "durations": durations, "avg_durations": avg_durations} if app.interface.allow_flagging == "auto": try: flag_index = flag_data(raw_input, prediction, flag_option=(None if app.interface.flagging_options is None else ""), if current_user.is_authenticated else None) output["flag_index"] = flag_index except Exception as e: print(str(e)) pass return jsonify(output) def get_types(cls_set, component): docset = [] types = [] if component == "input": for cls in cls_set: doc = inspect.getdoc(cls.preprocess) doc_lines = doc.split("\n") docset.append(doc_lines[1].split(":")[-1]) types.append(doc_lines[1].split(")")[0].split("(")[-1]) else: for cls in cls_set: doc = inspect.getdoc(cls.postprocess) doc_lines = doc.split("\n") docset.append(doc_lines[-1].split(":")[-1]) types.append(doc_lines[-1].split(")")[0].split("(")[-1]) return docset, types @app.route("/api/", methods=["GET"]) def api_docs(): inputs = [type(inp) for inp in app.interface.input_components] outputs = [type(out) for out in app.interface.output_components] input_types_doc, input_types = get_types(inputs, "input") output_types_doc, output_types = get_types(outputs, "output") input_names = [type(inp).__name__ for inp in app.interface.input_components] output_names = [type(out).__name__ for out in app.interface.output_components] sample_inputs = [inp.generate_sample() for inp in app.interface.input_components] docs = { "inputs": input_names, "outputs": output_names, "len_inputs": len(inputs), "len_outputs": len(outputs), "inputs_lower": [name.lower() for name in input_names], "outputs_lower": [name.lower() for name in output_names], "input_types": input_types, "output_types": output_types, "input_types_doc": input_types_doc, "output_types_doc": output_types_doc, "sample_inputs": sample_inputs } return render_template("api_docs.html", **docs) def log_feature_analytics(feature): if app.interface.analytics_enabled: try:, data={ 'ip_address': IP_ADDRESS, 'feature': feature}, timeout=3) except (requests.ConnectionError, requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout): pass # do not push analytics if no network def flag_data(input_data, output_data, flag_option=None, flag_index=None, username=None, flag_path=None): if flag_path is None: flag_path = os.path.join(app.cwd, app.interface.flagging_dir) log_fp = "{}/log.csv".format(flag_path) encryption_key = app.interface.encryption_key if app.interface.encrypt else None is_new = not os.path.exists(log_fp) if flag_index is None: csv_data = [] for i, interface in enumerate(app.interface.input_components): csv_data.append(interface.save_flagged( flag_path, app.interface.config["input_components"][i]["label"], input_data[i], encryption_key)) for i, interface in enumerate(app.interface.output_components): csv_data.append(interface.save_flagged( flag_path, app.interface.config["output_components"][i]["label"], output_data[i], encryption_key) if output_data[i] is not None else "") if flag_option is not None: csv_data.append(flag_option) if username is not None: csv_data.append(username) csv_data.append(str( if is_new: headers = [interface["label"] for interface in app.interface.config["input_components"]] headers += [interface["label"] for interface in app.interface.config["output_components"]] if app.interface.flagging_options is not None: headers.append("flag") if username is not None: headers.append("username") headers.append("timestamp") def replace_flag_at_index(file_content): file_content = io.StringIO(file_content) content = list(csv.reader(file_content)) header = content[0] flag_col_index = header.index("flag") content[flag_index][flag_col_index] = flag_option output = io.StringIO() writer = csv.writer(output) writer.writerows(content) return output.getvalue() if app.interface.encrypt: output = io.StringIO() if not is_new: with open(log_fp, "rb") as csvfile: encrypted_csv = decrypted_csv = encryptor.decrypt( app.interface.encryption_key, encrypted_csv) file_content = decrypted_csv.decode() if flag_index is not None: file_content = replace_flag_at_index(file_content) output.write(file_content) writer = csv.writer(output) if flag_index is None: if is_new: writer.writerow(headers) writer.writerow(csv_data) with open(log_fp, "wb") as csvfile: csvfile.write(encryptor.encrypt( app.interface.encryption_key, output.getvalue().encode())) else: if flag_index is None: with open(log_fp, "a", newline="") as csvfile: writer = csv.writer(csvfile) if is_new: writer.writerow(headers) writer.writerow(csv_data) else: with open(log_fp) as csvfile: file_content = file_content = replace_flag_at_index(file_content) with open(log_fp, "w", newline="") as csvfile: # newline parameter needed for Windows csvfile.write(file_content) with open(log_fp, "r") as csvfile: line_count = len([None for row in csv.reader(csvfile)]) - 1 return line_count @app.route("/api/flag/", methods=["POST"]) @login_check def flag(): log_feature_analytics('flag') data = request.json['data'] flag_data(data['input_data'], data['output_data'], data.get("flag_option"), data.get("flag_index"), if current_user.is_authenticated else None) return jsonify(success=True) @app.route("/api/interpret/", methods=["POST"]) @login_check def interpret(): log_feature_analytics('interpret') raw_input = request.json["data"] interpretation_scores, alternative_outputs = app.interface.interpret( raw_input) return jsonify({ "interpretation_scores": interpretation_scores, "alternative_outputs": alternative_outputs }) @app.route("/file/<path:path>", methods=["GET"]) @login_check def file(path): path = secure_filename(path) if app.interface.encrypt and isinstance(app.interface.examples, str) and path.startswith(app.interface.examples): with open(os.path.join(app.cwd, path), "rb") as encrypted_file: encrypted_data = file_data = encryptor.decrypt( app.interface.encryption_key, encrypted_data) return send_file(io.BytesIO(file_data), attachment_filename=os.path.basename(path)) else: return send_file(os.path.join(app.cwd, path)) @app.route("/api/queue/push/", methods=["POST"]) @login_check def queue_push(): data = request.json["data"] action = request.json["action"] job_hash, queue_position = queue.push({"data": data}, action) return {"hash": job_hash, "queue_position": queue_position} @app.route("/api/queue/status/", methods=["POST"]) @login_check def queue_status(): hash = request.json['hash'] status, data = queue.get_status(hash) return {"status": status, "data": data} def queue_thread(path_to_local_server, test_mode=False): while True: try: next_job = queue.pop() if next_job is not None: _, hash, input_data, task_type = next_job queue.start_job(hash) response = path_to_local_server + "/api/" + task_type + "/", json=input_data) if response.status_code == 200: queue.pass_job(hash, response.json()) else: queue.fail_job(hash, response.text) else: time.sleep(1) except Exception as e: time.sleep(1) pass if test_mode: break def start_server(interface, server_name, server_port=None, auth=None, ssl=None): if server_port is None: server_port = INITIAL_PORT_VALUE port = get_first_available_port( server_port, server_port + TRY_NUM_PORTS ) path_to_local_server = "http://{}:{}/".format(server_name, port) if auth is not None: if not callable(auth): app.auth = {account[0]: account[1] for account in auth} else: app.auth = auth else: app.auth = None app.interface = interface app.cwd = os.getcwd() log = logging.getLogger('werkzeug') log.setLevel(logging.ERROR) if app.interface.enable_queue: if auth is not None or app.interface.encrypt: raise ValueError("Cannot queue with encryption or authentication enabled.") queue.init() app.queue_thread = threading.Thread(target=queue_thread, args=(path_to_local_server,)) app.queue_thread.start() if interface.save_to is not None: interface.save_to["port"] = port app_kwargs = {"port": port, "host": server_name} if ssl: app_kwargs["ssl_context"] = ssl thread = threading.Thread(, kwargs=app_kwargs, daemon=True) thread.start() return port, path_to_local_server, app, thread def get_state(): return session.get("state") def set_state(value): session["state"] = value def close_server(process): process.terminate() process.join() def url_request(url): try: req = urllib.request.Request( url=url, headers={"content-type": "application/json"} ) res = urllib.request.urlopen(req, timeout=10) return res except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError(str(e)) def setup_tunnel(local_server_port, endpoint): response = url_request( endpoint + '/v1/tunnel-request' if endpoint is not None else GRADIO_API_SERVER) if response and response.code == 200: try: payload = json.loads("utf-8"))[0] return create_tunnel(payload, LOCALHOST_NAME, local_server_port) except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError(str(e)) def url_ok(url): try: for _ in range(5): time.sleep(.500) r = requests.head(url, timeout=3) if r.status_code in (200, 401, 302): # 401 or 302 if auth is set return True except (ConnectionError, requests.exceptions.ConnectionError): return False
""" Defines helper methods useful for setting up ports, launching servers, and handling `ngrok` """ import os import socket import threading from flask import Flask, request, session, jsonify, abort, send_file, render_template, redirect from flask_cachebuster import CacheBuster from flask_login import LoginManager, login_user, current_user, login_required from flask_cors import CORS import threading import pkg_resources import datetime import time import json import urllib.request from shutil import copyfile import requests import sys import csv import logging from gradio.tunneling import create_tunnel from gradio import encryptor from gradio import queue from functools import wraps import io import inspect import traceback from import safe_join INITIAL_PORT_VALUE = int(os.getenv( 'GRADIO_SERVER_PORT', "7860")) # The http server will try to open on port 7860. If not available, 7861, 7862, etc. TRY_NUM_PORTS = int(os.getenv( 'GRADIO_NUM_PORTS', "100")) # Number of ports to try before giving up and throwing an exception. LOCALHOST_NAME = os.getenv( 'GRADIO_SERVER_NAME', "") GRADIO_API_SERVER = "" GRADIO_FEATURE_ANALYTICS_URL = "" STATIC_TEMPLATE_LIB = pkg_resources.resource_filename("gradio", "templates/") STATIC_PATH_LIB = pkg_resources.resource_filename("gradio", "templates/frontend/static") VERSION_FILE = pkg_resources.resource_filename("gradio", "version.txt") with open(VERSION_FILE) as version_file: GRADIO_STATIC_ROOT = "" + \ + "/static/" app = Flask(__name__, template_folder=STATIC_TEMPLATE_LIB, static_folder="", static_url_path="/none/") app.url_map.strict_slashes = False CORS(app) cache_buster = CacheBuster( config={'extensions': ['.js', '.css'], 'hash_size': 5}) cache_buster.init_app(app) app.secret_key = os.getenv("GRADIO_KEY", "secret") login_manager = LoginManager() login_manager.login_view = 'login' login_manager.init_app(app) # Hide Flask default message cli = sys.modules['flask.cli'] cli.show_server_banner = lambda *x: None class User: def __init__(self, id): self.is_authenticated = True self.is_active = True self.is_anonymous = False = id def get_id(self): return @login_manager.user_loader def load_user(_id): return User(_id) def login_check(func): @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): if app.auth: @login_required def func2(*args, **kwargs): return func(*args, **kwargs) return func2(*args, **kwargs) else: return func(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper def get_local_ip_address(): try: ip_address = requests.get('', timeout=3).text except (requests.ConnectionError, requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout): ip_address = "No internet connection" return ip_address IP_ADDRESS = get_local_ip_address() def get_first_available_port(initial, final): """ Gets the first open port in a specified range of port numbers :param initial: the initial value in the range of port numbers :param final: final (exclusive) value in the range of port numbers, should be greater than `initial` :return: """ for port in range(initial, final): try: s = socket.socket() # create a socket object s.bind((LOCALHOST_NAME, port)) # Bind to the port s.close() return port except OSError: pass raise OSError( "All ports from {} to {} are in use. Please close a port.".format( initial, final ) ) @app.route("/", methods=["GET"]) @login_check def main(): session["state"] = None return render_template("frontend/index.html", config=app.interface.config) @app.route("/static/<path:path>", methods=["GET"]) def static_resource(path): if app.interface.share: return redirect(GRADIO_STATIC_ROOT + path) else: return send_file(safe_join(STATIC_PATH_LIB, path)) # TODO(@aliabid94): this throws a 500 error if app.auth is None (should probalbly just redirect to '/') @app.route('/login', methods=["GET", "POST"]) def login(): if request.method == "GET": config = get_config() return render_template("frontend/index.html", config=config) elif request.method == "POST": username = request.form.get("username") password = request.form.get("password") if ((not callable(app.auth) and username in app.auth and app.auth[username] == password) or (callable(app.auth) and app.auth.__call__(username, password))): login_user(User(username)) return redirect("/") else: return abort(401) @app.route("/config/", methods=["GET"]) def get_config(): if app.interface.auth is None or current_user.is_authenticated: return jsonify(app.interface.config) else: return {"auth_required": True, "auth_message": app.interface.auth_message} @app.route("/enable_sharing/<path:path>", methods=["GET"]) @login_check def enable_sharing(path): if path == "None": path = None app.interface.config["share_url"] = path return jsonify(success=True) @app.route("/shutdown", methods=['GET']) def shutdown(): shutdown_func = request.environ.get('werkzeug.server.shutdown') if shutdown_func is None: raise RuntimeError('Not running werkzeug') shutdown_func() return "Shutting down..." @app.route("/api/predict/", methods=["POST"]) @login_check def predict(): raw_input = request.json["data"] # Capture any errors made and pipe to front end if app.interface.show_error: try: prediction, durations = app.interface.process(raw_input) except BaseException as error: traceback.print_exc() return jsonify({"error": str(error)}), 500 else: prediction, durations = app.interface.process(raw_input) avg_durations = [] for i, duration in enumerate(durations): app.interface.predict_durations[i][0] += duration app.interface.predict_durations[i][1] += 1 avg_durations.append(app.interface.predict_durations[i][0] / app.interface.predict_durations[i][1]) app.interface.config["avg_durations"] = avg_durations output = {"data": prediction, "durations": durations, "avg_durations": avg_durations} if app.interface.allow_flagging == "auto": try: flag_index = flag_data(raw_input, prediction, flag_option=(None if app.interface.flagging_options is None else ""), if current_user.is_authenticated else None) output["flag_index"] = flag_index except Exception as e: print(str(e)) pass return jsonify(output) def get_types(cls_set, component): docset = [] types = [] if component == "input": for cls in cls_set: doc = inspect.getdoc(cls.preprocess) doc_lines = doc.split("\n") docset.append(doc_lines[1].split(":")[-1]) types.append(doc_lines[1].split(")")[0].split("(")[-1]) else: for cls in cls_set: doc = inspect.getdoc(cls.postprocess) doc_lines = doc.split("\n") docset.append(doc_lines[-1].split(":")[-1]) types.append(doc_lines[-1].split(")")[0].split("(")[-1]) return docset, types @app.route("/api/", methods=["GET"]) def api_docs(): inputs = [type(inp) for inp in app.interface.input_components] outputs = [type(out) for out in app.interface.output_components] input_types_doc, input_types = get_types(inputs, "input") output_types_doc, output_types = get_types(outputs, "output") input_names = [type(inp).__name__ for inp in app.interface.input_components] output_names = [type(out).__name__ for out in app.interface.output_components] sample_inputs = [inp.generate_sample() for inp in app.interface.input_components] docs = { "inputs": input_names, "outputs": output_names, "len_inputs": len(inputs), "len_outputs": len(outputs), "inputs_lower": [name.lower() for name in input_names], "outputs_lower": [name.lower() for name in output_names], "input_types": input_types, "output_types": output_types, "input_types_doc": input_types_doc, "output_types_doc": output_types_doc, "sample_inputs": sample_inputs } return render_template("api_docs.html", **docs) def log_feature_analytics(feature): if app.interface.analytics_enabled: try:, data={ 'ip_address': IP_ADDRESS, 'feature': feature}, timeout=3) except (requests.ConnectionError, requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout): pass # do not push analytics if no network def flag_data(input_data, output_data, flag_option=None, flag_index=None, username=None, flag_path=None): if flag_path is None: flag_path = os.path.join(app.cwd, app.interface.flagging_dir) log_fp = "{}/log.csv".format(flag_path) encryption_key = app.interface.encryption_key if app.interface.encrypt else None is_new = not os.path.exists(log_fp) if flag_index is None: csv_data = [] for i, interface in enumerate(app.interface.input_components): csv_data.append(interface.save_flagged( flag_path, app.interface.config["input_components"][i]["label"], input_data[i], encryption_key)) for i, interface in enumerate(app.interface.output_components): csv_data.append(interface.save_flagged( flag_path, app.interface.config["output_components"][i]["label"], output_data[i], encryption_key) if output_data[i] is not None else "") if flag_option is not None: csv_data.append(flag_option) if username is not None: csv_data.append(username) csv_data.append(str( if is_new: headers = [interface["label"] for interface in app.interface.config["input_components"]] headers += [interface["label"] for interface in app.interface.config["output_components"]] if app.interface.flagging_options is not None: headers.append("flag") if username is not None: headers.append("username") headers.append("timestamp") def replace_flag_at_index(file_content): file_content = io.StringIO(file_content) content = list(csv.reader(file_content)) header = content[0] flag_col_index = header.index("flag") content[flag_index][flag_col_index] = flag_option output = io.StringIO() writer = csv.writer(output) writer.writerows(content) return output.getvalue() if app.interface.encrypt: output = io.StringIO() if not is_new: with open(log_fp, "rb") as csvfile: encrypted_csv = decrypted_csv = encryptor.decrypt( app.interface.encryption_key, encrypted_csv) file_content = decrypted_csv.decode() if flag_index is not None: file_content = replace_flag_at_index(file_content) output.write(file_content) writer = csv.writer(output) if flag_index is None: if is_new: writer.writerow(headers) writer.writerow(csv_data) with open(log_fp, "wb") as csvfile: csvfile.write(encryptor.encrypt( app.interface.encryption_key, output.getvalue().encode())) else: if flag_index is None: with open(log_fp, "a", newline="") as csvfile: writer = csv.writer(csvfile) if is_new: writer.writerow(headers) writer.writerow(csv_data) else: with open(log_fp) as csvfile: file_content = file_content = replace_flag_at_index(file_content) with open(log_fp, "w", newline="") as csvfile: # newline parameter needed for Windows csvfile.write(file_content) with open(log_fp, "r") as csvfile: line_count = len([None for row in csv.reader(csvfile)]) - 1 return line_count @app.route("/api/flag/", methods=["POST"]) @login_check def flag(): log_feature_analytics('flag') data = request.json['data'] flag_data(data['input_data'], data['output_data'], data.get("flag_option"), data.get("flag_index"), if current_user.is_authenticated else None) return jsonify(success=True) @app.route("/api/interpret/", methods=["POST"]) @login_check def interpret(): log_feature_analytics('interpret') raw_input = request.json["data"] interpretation_scores, alternative_outputs = app.interface.interpret( raw_input) return jsonify({ "interpretation_scores": interpretation_scores, "alternative_outputs": alternative_outputs }) @app.route("/file/<path:path>", methods=["GET"]) @login_check def file(path): if app.interface.encrypt and isinstance(app.interface.examples, str) and path.startswith(app.interface.examples): with open(safe_join(app.cwd, path), "rb") as encrypted_file: encrypted_data = file_data = encryptor.decrypt( app.interface.encryption_key, encrypted_data) return send_file(io.BytesIO(file_data), attachment_filename=os.path.basename(path)) else: return send_file(safe_join(app.cwd, path)) @app.route("/api/queue/push/", methods=["POST"]) @login_check def queue_push(): data = request.json["data"] action = request.json["action"] job_hash, queue_position = queue.push({"data": data}, action) return {"hash": job_hash, "queue_position": queue_position} @app.route("/api/queue/status/", methods=["POST"]) @login_check def queue_status(): hash = request.json['hash'] status, data = queue.get_status(hash) return {"status": status, "data": data} def queue_thread(path_to_local_server, test_mode=False): while True: try: next_job = queue.pop() if next_job is not None: _, hash, input_data, task_type = next_job queue.start_job(hash) response = path_to_local_server + "/api/" + task_type + "/", json=input_data) if response.status_code == 200: queue.pass_job(hash, response.json()) else: queue.fail_job(hash, response.text) else: time.sleep(1) except Exception as e: time.sleep(1) pass if test_mode: break def start_server(interface, server_name, server_port=None, auth=None, ssl=None): if server_port is None: server_port = INITIAL_PORT_VALUE port = get_first_available_port( server_port, server_port + TRY_NUM_PORTS ) path_to_local_server = "http://{}:{}/".format(server_name, port) if auth is not None: if not callable(auth): app.auth = {account[0]: account[1] for account in auth} else: app.auth = auth else: app.auth = None app.interface = interface app.cwd = os.getcwd() log = logging.getLogger('werkzeug') log.setLevel(logging.ERROR) if app.interface.enable_queue: if auth is not None or app.interface.encrypt: raise ValueError("Cannot queue with encryption or authentication enabled.") queue.init() app.queue_thread = threading.Thread(target=queue_thread, args=(path_to_local_server,)) app.queue_thread.start() if interface.save_to is not None: interface.save_to["port"] = port app_kwargs = {"port": port, "host": server_name} if ssl: app_kwargs["ssl_context"] = ssl thread = threading.Thread(, kwargs=app_kwargs, daemon=True) thread.start() return port, path_to_local_server, app, thread def get_state(): return session.get("state") def set_state(value): session["state"] = value def close_server(process): process.terminate() process.join() def url_request(url): try: req = urllib.request.Request( url=url, headers={"content-type": "application/json"} ) res = urllib.request.urlopen(req, timeout=10) return res except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError(str(e)) def setup_tunnel(local_server_port, endpoint): response = url_request( endpoint + '/v1/tunnel-request' if endpoint is not None else GRADIO_API_SERVER) if response and response.code == 200: try: payload = json.loads("utf-8"))[0] return create_tunnel(payload, LOCALHOST_NAME, local_server_port) except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError(str(e)) def url_ok(url): try: for _ in range(5): time.sleep(.500) r = requests.head(url, timeout=3) if r.status_code in (200, 401, 302): # 401 or 302 if auth is set return True except (ConnectionError, requests.exceptions.ConnectionError): return False
{ "code": [ " path = secure_filename(path)", " with open(os.path.join(app.cwd, path), \"rb\") as encrypted_file:", " return send_file(os.path.join(app.cwd, path))" ], "line_no": [ 380, 382, 388 ] }
{ "code": [ " with open(safe_join(app.cwd, path), \"rb\") as encrypted_file:", " return send_file(safe_join(app.cwd, path))" ], "line_no": [ 381, 387 ] }
import os import .socket import .threading from flask import Flask, request, VAR_43, jsonify, abort, send_file, render_template, redirect from flask_cachebuster import CacheBuster from flask_login import LoginManager, login_user, current_user, login_required from flask_cors import CORS import .threading import pkg_resources import datetime import time import json import .urllib.request from shutil import copyfile import .requests import .sys import csv import .logging from gradio.tunneling import create_tunnel from gradio import encryptor from gradio import queue from functools import wraps import io import inspect import traceback from import .safe_join VAR_0 = int(os.getenv( 'GRADIO_SERVER_PORT', "7860")) # The http server will try to open on VAR_72 7860. If not available, 7861, 7862, etc. VAR_1 = int(os.getenv( 'GRADIO_NUM_PORTS', "100")) # Number of ports to try before giving up and throwing an exception. VAR_2 = os.getenv( 'GRADIO_SERVER_NAME', "") VAR_3 = "" VAR_4 = "" VAR_5 = pkg_resources.resource_filename("gradio", "templates/") VAR_6 = pkg_resources.resource_filename("gradio", "templates/frontend/static") VAR_7 = pkg_resources.resource_filename("gradio", "version.txt") with open(VAR_7) as version_file: VAR_39 = "" + \ + "/static/" VAR_8 = Flask(__name__, template_folder=VAR_5, static_folder="", static_url_path="/none/") VAR_8.url_map.strict_slashes = False CORS(VAR_8) VAR_9 = CacheBuster( VAR_78={'extensions': ['.js', '.css'], 'hash_size': 5}) VAR_9.init_app(VAR_8) VAR_8.secret_key = os.getenv("GRADIO_KEY", "secret") VAR_10 = LoginManager() VAR_10.login_view = 'login' VAR_10.init_app(VAR_8) VAR_11 = sys.modules['flask.cli'] VAR_11.show_server_banner = lambda *x: None class CLASS_0: def __init__(self, VAR_40): self.is_authenticated = True self.is_active = True self.is_anonymous = False = VAR_40 def FUNC_28(self): return @VAR_10.user_loader def FUNC_0(VAR_12): return CLASS_0(VAR_12) def FUNC_1(VAR_13): @wraps(VAR_13) def FUNC_29(*VAR_41, **VAR_42): if VAR_8.auth: @login_required def FUNC_31(*VAR_41, **VAR_42): return VAR_13(*VAR_41, **VAR_42) return FUNC_31(*VAR_41, **VAR_42) else: return VAR_13(*VAR_41, **VAR_42) return FUNC_29 def FUNC_2(): try: VAR_77 = requests.get('', timeout=3).text except (requests.ConnectionError, requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout): VAR_77 = "No internet connection" return VAR_77 VAR_14 = FUNC_2() def FUNC_3(VAR_15, VAR_16): for VAR_72 in range(VAR_15, VAR_16): try: VAR_90 = socket.socket() # create a socket object VAR_90.bind((VAR_2, VAR_72)) # Bind to the VAR_72 VAR_90.close() return VAR_72 except OSError: pass raise OSError( "All ports from {} to {} are in use. Please close a VAR_72.".format( VAR_15, VAR_16 ) ) @VAR_8.route("/", methods=["GET"]) @FUNC_1 def FUNC_4(): VAR_43["state"] = None return render_template("frontend/index.html", VAR_78=VAR_8.interface.config) @VAR_8.route("/static/<VAR_17:path>", methods=["GET"]) def FUNC_5(VAR_17): if VAR_8.interface.share: return redirect(VAR_39 + VAR_17) else: return send_file(safe_join(VAR_6, VAR_17)) @VAR_8.route('/login', methods=["GET", "POST"]) def FUNC_6(): if request.method == "GET": VAR_78 = FUNC_7() return render_template("frontend/index.html", VAR_78=config) elif request.method == "POST": VAR_25 = request.form.get("username") VAR_91 = request.form.get("password") if ((not callable(VAR_8.auth) and VAR_25 in VAR_8.auth and VAR_8.auth[VAR_25] == VAR_91) or (callable(VAR_8.auth) and VAR_8.auth.__call__(VAR_25, VAR_91))): login_user(CLASS_0(VAR_25)) return redirect("/") else: return abort(401) @VAR_8.route("/VAR_78/", methods=["GET"]) def FUNC_7(): if VAR_8.interface.auth is None or current_user.is_authenticated: return jsonify(VAR_8.interface.config) else: return {"auth_required": True, "auth_message": VAR_8.interface.auth_message} @VAR_8.route("/FUNC_8/<VAR_17:path>", methods=["GET"]) @FUNC_1 def FUNC_8(VAR_17): if VAR_17 == "None": VAR_17 = None VAR_8.interface.config["share_url"] = VAR_17 return jsonify(success=True) @VAR_8.route("/shutdown", methods=['GET']) def FUNC_9(): VAR_44 = request.environ.get('werkzeug.server.shutdown') if VAR_44 is None: raise RuntimeError('Not running werkzeug') VAR_44() return "Shutting down..." @VAR_8.route("/api/FUNC_10/", methods=["POST"]) @FUNC_1 def FUNC_10(): VAR_45 = request.json["data"] if VAR_8.interface.show_error: try: VAR_79, VAR_80 = VAR_8.interface.process(VAR_45) except BaseException as error: traceback.print_exc() return jsonify({"error": str(error)}), 500 else: VAR_79, VAR_80 = VAR_8.interface.process(VAR_45) VAR_46 = [] for i, duration in enumerate(VAR_80): VAR_8.interface.predict_durations[i][0] += duration VAR_8.interface.predict_durations[i][1] += 1 VAR_46.append(VAR_8.interface.predict_durations[i][0] / VAR_8.interface.predict_durations[i][1]) VAR_8.interface.config["avg_durations"] = VAR_46 VAR_47 = {"data": VAR_79, "durations": VAR_80, "avg_durations": VAR_46} if VAR_8.interface.allow_flagging == "auto": try: VAR_24 = FUNC_14(VAR_45, VAR_79, VAR_23=(None if VAR_8.interface.flagging_options is None else ""), if current_user.is_authenticated else None) VAR_47["flag_index"] = VAR_24 except Exception as e: print(str(e)) pass return jsonify(VAR_47) def FUNC_11(VAR_18, VAR_19): VAR_48 = [] VAR_49 = [] if VAR_19 == "input": for cls in VAR_18: VAR_92 = inspect.getdoc(cls.preprocess) VAR_93 = VAR_92.split("\n") VAR_48.append(VAR_93[1].split(":")[-1]) VAR_49.append(VAR_93[1].split(")")[0].split("(")[-1]) else: for cls in VAR_18: VAR_92 = inspect.getdoc(cls.postprocess) VAR_93 = VAR_92.split("\n") VAR_48.append(VAR_93[-1].split(":")[-1]) VAR_49.append(VAR_93[-1].split(")")[0].split("(")[-1]) return VAR_48, VAR_49 @VAR_8.route("/api/", methods=["GET"]) def FUNC_12(): VAR_50 = [type(inp) for inp in VAR_8.interface.input_components] VAR_51 = [type(out) for out in VAR_8.interface.output_components] VAR_52, VAR_53 = FUNC_11(VAR_50, "input") VAR_54, VAR_55 = FUNC_11(VAR_51, "output") VAR_56 = [type(inp).__name__ for inp in VAR_8.interface.input_components] VAR_57 = [type(out).__name__ for out in VAR_8.interface.output_components] VAR_58 = [inp.generate_sample() for inp in VAR_8.interface.input_components] VAR_59 = { "inputs": VAR_56, "outputs": VAR_57, "len_inputs": len(VAR_50), "len_outputs": len(VAR_51), "inputs_lower": [name.lower() for name in VAR_56], "outputs_lower": [name.lower() for name in VAR_57], "input_types": VAR_53, "output_types": VAR_55, "input_types_doc": VAR_52, "output_types_doc": VAR_54, "sample_inputs": VAR_58 } return render_template("api_docs.html", **VAR_59) def FUNC_13(VAR_20): if VAR_8.interface.analytics_enabled: try:, VAR_64={ 'ip_address': VAR_14, 'feature': VAR_20}, timeout=3) except (requests.ConnectionError, requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout): pass # do not push analytics if no network def FUNC_14(VAR_21, VAR_22, VAR_23=None, VAR_24=None, VAR_25=None, VAR_26=None): if VAR_26 is None: VAR_26 = os.path.join(VAR_8.cwd, VAR_8.interface.flagging_dir) VAR_60 = "{}/VAR_73.csv".format(VAR_26) VAR_61 = VAR_8.interface.encryption_key if VAR_8.interface.encrypt else None VAR_62 = not os.path.exists(VAR_60) if VAR_24 is None: VAR_81 = [] for i, VAR_29 in enumerate(VAR_8.interface.input_components): VAR_81.append(VAR_29.save_flagged( VAR_26, VAR_8.interface.config["input_components"][i]["label"], VAR_21[i], VAR_61)) for i, VAR_29 in enumerate(VAR_8.interface.output_components): VAR_81.append(VAR_29.save_flagged( VAR_26, VAR_8.interface.config["output_components"][i]["label"], VAR_22[i], VAR_61) if VAR_22[i] is not None else "") if VAR_23 is not None: VAR_81.append(VAR_23) if VAR_25 is not None: VAR_81.append(VAR_25) VAR_81.append(str( if VAR_62: VAR_94 = [VAR_29["label"] for VAR_29 in VAR_8.interface.config["input_components"]] VAR_94 += [VAR_29["label"] for VAR_29 in VAR_8.interface.config["output_components"]] if VAR_8.interface.flagging_options is not None: VAR_94.append("flag") if VAR_25 is not None: VAR_94.append("username") VAR_94.append("timestamp") def FUNC_30(VAR_63): file_content = io.StringIO(VAR_63) VAR_82 = list(csv.reader(VAR_63)) VAR_83 = VAR_82[0] VAR_84 = VAR_83.index("flag") VAR_82[VAR_24][VAR_84] = VAR_23 VAR_47 = io.StringIO() VAR_85 = csv.writer(VAR_47) VAR_85.writerows(VAR_82) return VAR_47.getvalue() if VAR_8.interface.encrypt: VAR_47 = io.StringIO() if not VAR_62: with open(VAR_60, "rb") as csvfile: VAR_99 = VAR_100 = encryptor.decrypt( VAR_8.interface.encryption_key, VAR_99) VAR_63 = VAR_100.decode() if VAR_24 is not None: VAR_63 = FUNC_30(VAR_63) VAR_47.write(VAR_63) VAR_85 = csv.writer(VAR_47) if VAR_24 is None: if VAR_62: VAR_85.writerow(VAR_94) VAR_85.writerow(VAR_81) with open(VAR_60, "wb") as csvfile: csvfile.write(encryptor.encrypt( VAR_8.interface.encryption_key, VAR_47.getvalue().encode())) else: if VAR_24 is None: with open(VAR_60, "a", newline="") as csvfile: VAR_85 = csv.writer(csvfile) if VAR_62: VAR_85.writerow(VAR_94) VAR_85.writerow(VAR_81) else: with open(VAR_60) as csvfile: VAR_63 = VAR_63 = FUNC_30(VAR_63) with open(VAR_60, "w", newline="") as csvfile: # newline parameter needed for Windows csvfile.write(VAR_63) with open(VAR_60, "r") as csvfile: VAR_86 = len([None for row in csv.reader(csvfile)]) - 1 return VAR_86 @VAR_8.route("/api/FUNC_15/", methods=["POST"]) @FUNC_1 def FUNC_15(): FUNC_13('flag') VAR_64 = request.json['data'] FUNC_14(VAR_64['input_data'], VAR_64['output_data'], VAR_64.get("flag_option"), VAR_64.get("flag_index"), if current_user.is_authenticated else None) return jsonify(success=True) @VAR_8.route("/api/FUNC_16/", methods=["POST"]) @FUNC_1 def FUNC_16(): FUNC_13('interpret') VAR_45 = request.json["data"] VAR_65, VAR_66 = VAR_8.interface.interpret( VAR_45) return jsonify({ "interpretation_scores": VAR_65, "alternative_outputs": VAR_66 }) @VAR_8.route("/FUNC_17/<VAR_17:path>", methods=["GET"]) @FUNC_1 def FUNC_17(VAR_17): path = secure_filename(VAR_17) if VAR_8.interface.encrypt and isinstance(VAR_8.interface.examples, str) and VAR_17.startswith(VAR_8.interface.examples): with open(os.path.join(VAR_8.cwd, VAR_17), "rb") as encrypted_file: VAR_95 = VAR_87 = encryptor.decrypt( VAR_8.interface.encryption_key, VAR_95) return send_file(io.BytesIO(VAR_87), attachment_filename=os.path.basename(VAR_17)) else: return send_file(os.path.join(VAR_8.cwd, VAR_17)) @VAR_8.route("/api/queue/push/", methods=["POST"]) @FUNC_1 def FUNC_18(): VAR_64 = request.json["data"] VAR_67 = request.json["action"] VAR_68, VAR_69 = queue.push({"data": VAR_64}, VAR_67) return {"hash": VAR_68, "queue_position": VAR_69} @VAR_8.route("/api/queue/VAR_71/", methods=["POST"]) @FUNC_1 def FUNC_19(): VAR_70 = request.json['hash'] VAR_71, VAR_64 = queue.get_status(VAR_70) return {"status": VAR_71, "data": VAR_64} def FUNC_20(VAR_27, VAR_28=False): while True: try: VAR_96 = queue.pop() if VAR_96 is not None: VAR_101, VAR_70, VAR_21, VAR_102 = VAR_96 queue.start_job(VAR_70) VAR_76 = VAR_27 + "/api/" + VAR_102 + "/", json=VAR_21) if VAR_76.status_code == 200: queue.pass_job(VAR_70, VAR_76.json()) else: queue.fail_job(VAR_70, VAR_76.text) else: time.sleep(1) except Exception as e: time.sleep(1) pass if VAR_28: break def FUNC_21(VAR_29, VAR_30, VAR_31=None, VAR_32=None, VAR_33=None): if VAR_31 is None: VAR_31 = VAR_0 VAR_72 = FUNC_3( VAR_31, VAR_31 + VAR_1 ) VAR_27 = "http://{}:{}/".format(VAR_30, VAR_72) if VAR_32 is not None: if not callable(VAR_32): VAR_8.auth = {account[0]: account[1] for account in VAR_32} else: VAR_8.auth = VAR_32 else: VAR_8.auth = None VAR_8.interface = VAR_29 VAR_8.cwd = os.getcwd() VAR_73 = logging.getLogger('werkzeug') VAR_73.setLevel(logging.ERROR) if VAR_8.interface.enable_queue: if VAR_32 is not None or VAR_8.interface.encrypt: raise ValueError("Cannot queue with encryption or authentication enabled.") queue.init() VAR_8.queue_thread = threading.Thread(target=FUNC_20, VAR_41=(VAR_27,)) VAR_8.queue_thread.start() if VAR_29.save_to is not None: VAR_29.save_to["port"] = VAR_72 VAR_74 = {"port": VAR_72, "host": VAR_30} if VAR_33: VAR_74["ssl_context"] = VAR_33 VAR_75 = threading.Thread(, VAR_42=VAR_74, daemon=True) VAR_75.start() return VAR_72, VAR_27, VAR_8, VAR_75 def FUNC_22(): return VAR_43.get("state") def FUNC_23(VAR_34): VAR_43["state"] = VAR_34 def FUNC_24(VAR_35): process.terminate() VAR_35.join() def FUNC_25(VAR_36): try: VAR_88 = urllib.request.Request( VAR_36=url, VAR_94={"content-type": "application/json"} ) VAR_89 = urllib.request.urlopen(VAR_88, timeout=10) return VAR_89 except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError(str(e)) def FUNC_26(VAR_37, VAR_38): VAR_76 = FUNC_25( VAR_38 + '/v1/tunnel-request' if VAR_38 is not None else VAR_3) if VAR_76 and VAR_76.code == 200: try: VAR_97 = json.loads("utf-8"))[0] return create_tunnel(VAR_97, VAR_2, VAR_37) except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError(str(e)) def FUNC_27(VAR_36): try: for VAR_101 in range(5): time.sleep(.500) VAR_98 = requests.head(VAR_36, timeout=3) if VAR_98.status_code in (200, 401, 302): # 401 or 302 if VAR_32 is set return True except (ConnectionError, requests.exceptions.ConnectionError): return False
import os import .socket import .threading from flask import Flask, request, VAR_43, jsonify, abort, send_file, render_template, redirect from flask_cachebuster import CacheBuster from flask_login import LoginManager, login_user, current_user, login_required from flask_cors import CORS import .threading import pkg_resources import datetime import time import json import .urllib.request from shutil import copyfile import .requests import .sys import csv import .logging from gradio.tunneling import create_tunnel from gradio import encryptor from gradio import queue from functools import wraps import io import inspect import traceback from import .safe_join VAR_0 = int(os.getenv( 'GRADIO_SERVER_PORT', "7860")) # The http server will try to open on VAR_72 7860. If not available, 7861, 7862, etc. VAR_1 = int(os.getenv( 'GRADIO_NUM_PORTS', "100")) # Number of ports to try before giving up and throwing an exception. VAR_2 = os.getenv( 'GRADIO_SERVER_NAME', "") VAR_3 = "" VAR_4 = "" VAR_5 = pkg_resources.resource_filename("gradio", "templates/") VAR_6 = pkg_resources.resource_filename("gradio", "templates/frontend/static") VAR_7 = pkg_resources.resource_filename("gradio", "version.txt") with open(VAR_7) as version_file: VAR_39 = "" + \ + "/static/" VAR_8 = Flask(__name__, template_folder=VAR_5, static_folder="", static_url_path="/none/") VAR_8.url_map.strict_slashes = False CORS(VAR_8) VAR_9 = CacheBuster( VAR_78={'extensions': ['.js', '.css'], 'hash_size': 5}) VAR_9.init_app(VAR_8) VAR_8.secret_key = os.getenv("GRADIO_KEY", "secret") VAR_10 = LoginManager() VAR_10.login_view = 'login' VAR_10.init_app(VAR_8) VAR_11 = sys.modules['flask.cli'] VAR_11.show_server_banner = lambda *x: None class CLASS_0: def __init__(self, VAR_40): self.is_authenticated = True self.is_active = True self.is_anonymous = False = VAR_40 def FUNC_28(self): return @VAR_10.user_loader def FUNC_0(VAR_12): return CLASS_0(VAR_12) def FUNC_1(VAR_13): @wraps(VAR_13) def FUNC_29(*VAR_41, **VAR_42): if VAR_8.auth: @login_required def FUNC_31(*VAR_41, **VAR_42): return VAR_13(*VAR_41, **VAR_42) return FUNC_31(*VAR_41, **VAR_42) else: return VAR_13(*VAR_41, **VAR_42) return FUNC_29 def FUNC_2(): try: VAR_77 = requests.get('', timeout=3).text except (requests.ConnectionError, requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout): VAR_77 = "No internet connection" return VAR_77 VAR_14 = FUNC_2() def FUNC_3(VAR_15, VAR_16): for VAR_72 in range(VAR_15, VAR_16): try: VAR_90 = socket.socket() # create a socket object VAR_90.bind((VAR_2, VAR_72)) # Bind to the VAR_72 VAR_90.close() return VAR_72 except OSError: pass raise OSError( "All ports from {} to {} are in use. Please close a VAR_72.".format( VAR_15, VAR_16 ) ) @VAR_8.route("/", methods=["GET"]) @FUNC_1 def FUNC_4(): VAR_43["state"] = None return render_template("frontend/index.html", VAR_78=VAR_8.interface.config) @VAR_8.route("/static/<VAR_17:path>", methods=["GET"]) def FUNC_5(VAR_17): if VAR_8.interface.share: return redirect(VAR_39 + VAR_17) else: return send_file(safe_join(VAR_6, VAR_17)) @VAR_8.route('/login', methods=["GET", "POST"]) def FUNC_6(): if request.method == "GET": VAR_78 = FUNC_7() return render_template("frontend/index.html", VAR_78=config) elif request.method == "POST": VAR_25 = request.form.get("username") VAR_91 = request.form.get("password") if ((not callable(VAR_8.auth) and VAR_25 in VAR_8.auth and VAR_8.auth[VAR_25] == VAR_91) or (callable(VAR_8.auth) and VAR_8.auth.__call__(VAR_25, VAR_91))): login_user(CLASS_0(VAR_25)) return redirect("/") else: return abort(401) @VAR_8.route("/VAR_78/", methods=["GET"]) def FUNC_7(): if VAR_8.interface.auth is None or current_user.is_authenticated: return jsonify(VAR_8.interface.config) else: return {"auth_required": True, "auth_message": VAR_8.interface.auth_message} @VAR_8.route("/FUNC_8/<VAR_17:path>", methods=["GET"]) @FUNC_1 def FUNC_8(VAR_17): if VAR_17 == "None": VAR_17 = None VAR_8.interface.config["share_url"] = VAR_17 return jsonify(success=True) @VAR_8.route("/shutdown", methods=['GET']) def FUNC_9(): VAR_44 = request.environ.get('werkzeug.server.shutdown') if VAR_44 is None: raise RuntimeError('Not running werkzeug') VAR_44() return "Shutting down..." @VAR_8.route("/api/FUNC_10/", methods=["POST"]) @FUNC_1 def FUNC_10(): VAR_45 = request.json["data"] if VAR_8.interface.show_error: try: VAR_79, VAR_80 = VAR_8.interface.process(VAR_45) except BaseException as error: traceback.print_exc() return jsonify({"error": str(error)}), 500 else: VAR_79, VAR_80 = VAR_8.interface.process(VAR_45) VAR_46 = [] for i, duration in enumerate(VAR_80): VAR_8.interface.predict_durations[i][0] += duration VAR_8.interface.predict_durations[i][1] += 1 VAR_46.append(VAR_8.interface.predict_durations[i][0] / VAR_8.interface.predict_durations[i][1]) VAR_8.interface.config["avg_durations"] = VAR_46 VAR_47 = {"data": VAR_79, "durations": VAR_80, "avg_durations": VAR_46} if VAR_8.interface.allow_flagging == "auto": try: VAR_24 = FUNC_14(VAR_45, VAR_79, VAR_23=(None if VAR_8.interface.flagging_options is None else ""), if current_user.is_authenticated else None) VAR_47["flag_index"] = VAR_24 except Exception as e: print(str(e)) pass return jsonify(VAR_47) def FUNC_11(VAR_18, VAR_19): VAR_48 = [] VAR_49 = [] if VAR_19 == "input": for cls in VAR_18: VAR_92 = inspect.getdoc(cls.preprocess) VAR_93 = VAR_92.split("\n") VAR_48.append(VAR_93[1].split(":")[-1]) VAR_49.append(VAR_93[1].split(")")[0].split("(")[-1]) else: for cls in VAR_18: VAR_92 = inspect.getdoc(cls.postprocess) VAR_93 = VAR_92.split("\n") VAR_48.append(VAR_93[-1].split(":")[-1]) VAR_49.append(VAR_93[-1].split(")")[0].split("(")[-1]) return VAR_48, VAR_49 @VAR_8.route("/api/", methods=["GET"]) def FUNC_12(): VAR_50 = [type(inp) for inp in VAR_8.interface.input_components] VAR_51 = [type(out) for out in VAR_8.interface.output_components] VAR_52, VAR_53 = FUNC_11(VAR_50, "input") VAR_54, VAR_55 = FUNC_11(VAR_51, "output") VAR_56 = [type(inp).__name__ for inp in VAR_8.interface.input_components] VAR_57 = [type(out).__name__ for out in VAR_8.interface.output_components] VAR_58 = [inp.generate_sample() for inp in VAR_8.interface.input_components] VAR_59 = { "inputs": VAR_56, "outputs": VAR_57, "len_inputs": len(VAR_50), "len_outputs": len(VAR_51), "inputs_lower": [name.lower() for name in VAR_56], "outputs_lower": [name.lower() for name in VAR_57], "input_types": VAR_53, "output_types": VAR_55, "input_types_doc": VAR_52, "output_types_doc": VAR_54, "sample_inputs": VAR_58 } return render_template("api_docs.html", **VAR_59) def FUNC_13(VAR_20): if VAR_8.interface.analytics_enabled: try:, VAR_64={ 'ip_address': VAR_14, 'feature': VAR_20}, timeout=3) except (requests.ConnectionError, requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout): pass # do not push analytics if no network def FUNC_14(VAR_21, VAR_22, VAR_23=None, VAR_24=None, VAR_25=None, VAR_26=None): if VAR_26 is None: VAR_26 = os.path.join(VAR_8.cwd, VAR_8.interface.flagging_dir) VAR_60 = "{}/VAR_73.csv".format(VAR_26) VAR_61 = VAR_8.interface.encryption_key if VAR_8.interface.encrypt else None VAR_62 = not os.path.exists(VAR_60) if VAR_24 is None: VAR_81 = [] for i, VAR_29 in enumerate(VAR_8.interface.input_components): VAR_81.append(VAR_29.save_flagged( VAR_26, VAR_8.interface.config["input_components"][i]["label"], VAR_21[i], VAR_61)) for i, VAR_29 in enumerate(VAR_8.interface.output_components): VAR_81.append(VAR_29.save_flagged( VAR_26, VAR_8.interface.config["output_components"][i]["label"], VAR_22[i], VAR_61) if VAR_22[i] is not None else "") if VAR_23 is not None: VAR_81.append(VAR_23) if VAR_25 is not None: VAR_81.append(VAR_25) VAR_81.append(str( if VAR_62: VAR_94 = [VAR_29["label"] for VAR_29 in VAR_8.interface.config["input_components"]] VAR_94 += [VAR_29["label"] for VAR_29 in VAR_8.interface.config["output_components"]] if VAR_8.interface.flagging_options is not None: VAR_94.append("flag") if VAR_25 is not None: VAR_94.append("username") VAR_94.append("timestamp") def FUNC_30(VAR_63): file_content = io.StringIO(VAR_63) VAR_82 = list(csv.reader(VAR_63)) VAR_83 = VAR_82[0] VAR_84 = VAR_83.index("flag") VAR_82[VAR_24][VAR_84] = VAR_23 VAR_47 = io.StringIO() VAR_85 = csv.writer(VAR_47) VAR_85.writerows(VAR_82) return VAR_47.getvalue() if VAR_8.interface.encrypt: VAR_47 = io.StringIO() if not VAR_62: with open(VAR_60, "rb") as csvfile: VAR_99 = VAR_100 = encryptor.decrypt( VAR_8.interface.encryption_key, VAR_99) VAR_63 = VAR_100.decode() if VAR_24 is not None: VAR_63 = FUNC_30(VAR_63) VAR_47.write(VAR_63) VAR_85 = csv.writer(VAR_47) if VAR_24 is None: if VAR_62: VAR_85.writerow(VAR_94) VAR_85.writerow(VAR_81) with open(VAR_60, "wb") as csvfile: csvfile.write(encryptor.encrypt( VAR_8.interface.encryption_key, VAR_47.getvalue().encode())) else: if VAR_24 is None: with open(VAR_60, "a", newline="") as csvfile: VAR_85 = csv.writer(csvfile) if VAR_62: VAR_85.writerow(VAR_94) VAR_85.writerow(VAR_81) else: with open(VAR_60) as csvfile: VAR_63 = VAR_63 = FUNC_30(VAR_63) with open(VAR_60, "w", newline="") as csvfile: # newline parameter needed for Windows csvfile.write(VAR_63) with open(VAR_60, "r") as csvfile: VAR_86 = len([None for row in csv.reader(csvfile)]) - 1 return VAR_86 @VAR_8.route("/api/FUNC_15/", methods=["POST"]) @FUNC_1 def FUNC_15(): FUNC_13('flag') VAR_64 = request.json['data'] FUNC_14(VAR_64['input_data'], VAR_64['output_data'], VAR_64.get("flag_option"), VAR_64.get("flag_index"), if current_user.is_authenticated else None) return jsonify(success=True) @VAR_8.route("/api/FUNC_16/", methods=["POST"]) @FUNC_1 def FUNC_16(): FUNC_13('interpret') VAR_45 = request.json["data"] VAR_65, VAR_66 = VAR_8.interface.interpret( VAR_45) return jsonify({ "interpretation_scores": VAR_65, "alternative_outputs": VAR_66 }) @VAR_8.route("/FUNC_17/<VAR_17:path>", methods=["GET"]) @FUNC_1 def FUNC_17(VAR_17): if VAR_8.interface.encrypt and isinstance(VAR_8.interface.examples, str) and VAR_17.startswith(VAR_8.interface.examples): with open(safe_join(VAR_8.cwd, VAR_17), "rb") as encrypted_file: VAR_95 = VAR_87 = encryptor.decrypt( VAR_8.interface.encryption_key, VAR_95) return send_file(io.BytesIO(VAR_87), attachment_filename=os.path.basename(VAR_17)) else: return send_file(safe_join(VAR_8.cwd, VAR_17)) @VAR_8.route("/api/queue/push/", methods=["POST"]) @FUNC_1 def FUNC_18(): VAR_64 = request.json["data"] VAR_67 = request.json["action"] VAR_68, VAR_69 = queue.push({"data": VAR_64}, VAR_67) return {"hash": VAR_68, "queue_position": VAR_69} @VAR_8.route("/api/queue/VAR_71/", methods=["POST"]) @FUNC_1 def FUNC_19(): VAR_70 = request.json['hash'] VAR_71, VAR_64 = queue.get_status(VAR_70) return {"status": VAR_71, "data": VAR_64} def FUNC_20(VAR_27, VAR_28=False): while True: try: VAR_96 = queue.pop() if VAR_96 is not None: VAR_101, VAR_70, VAR_21, VAR_102 = VAR_96 queue.start_job(VAR_70) VAR_76 = VAR_27 + "/api/" + VAR_102 + "/", json=VAR_21) if VAR_76.status_code == 200: queue.pass_job(VAR_70, VAR_76.json()) else: queue.fail_job(VAR_70, VAR_76.text) else: time.sleep(1) except Exception as e: time.sleep(1) pass if VAR_28: break def FUNC_21(VAR_29, VAR_30, VAR_31=None, VAR_32=None, VAR_33=None): if VAR_31 is None: VAR_31 = VAR_0 VAR_72 = FUNC_3( VAR_31, VAR_31 + VAR_1 ) VAR_27 = "http://{}:{}/".format(VAR_30, VAR_72) if VAR_32 is not None: if not callable(VAR_32): VAR_8.auth = {account[0]: account[1] for account in VAR_32} else: VAR_8.auth = VAR_32 else: VAR_8.auth = None VAR_8.interface = VAR_29 VAR_8.cwd = os.getcwd() VAR_73 = logging.getLogger('werkzeug') VAR_73.setLevel(logging.ERROR) if VAR_8.interface.enable_queue: if VAR_32 is not None or VAR_8.interface.encrypt: raise ValueError("Cannot queue with encryption or authentication enabled.") queue.init() VAR_8.queue_thread = threading.Thread(target=FUNC_20, VAR_41=(VAR_27,)) VAR_8.queue_thread.start() if VAR_29.save_to is not None: VAR_29.save_to["port"] = VAR_72 VAR_74 = {"port": VAR_72, "host": VAR_30} if VAR_33: VAR_74["ssl_context"] = VAR_33 VAR_75 = threading.Thread(, VAR_42=VAR_74, daemon=True) VAR_75.start() return VAR_72, VAR_27, VAR_8, VAR_75 def FUNC_22(): return VAR_43.get("state") def FUNC_23(VAR_34): VAR_43["state"] = VAR_34 def FUNC_24(VAR_35): process.terminate() VAR_35.join() def FUNC_25(VAR_36): try: VAR_88 = urllib.request.Request( VAR_36=url, VAR_94={"content-type": "application/json"} ) VAR_89 = urllib.request.urlopen(VAR_88, timeout=10) return VAR_89 except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError(str(e)) def FUNC_26(VAR_37, VAR_38): VAR_76 = FUNC_25( VAR_38 + '/v1/tunnel-request' if VAR_38 is not None else VAR_3) if VAR_76 and VAR_76.code == 200: try: VAR_97 = json.loads("utf-8"))[0] return create_tunnel(VAR_97, VAR_2, VAR_37) except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError(str(e)) def FUNC_27(VAR_36): try: for VAR_101 in range(5): time.sleep(.500) VAR_98 = requests.head(VAR_36, timeout=3) if VAR_98.status_code in (200, 401, 302): # 401 or 302 if VAR_32 is set return True except (ConnectionError, requests.exceptions.ConnectionError): return False
[ 4, 31, 40, 47, 53, 62, 63, 66, 67, 74, 77, 78, 82, 83, 91, 96, 97, 104, 105, 107, 108, 129, 130, 136, 137, 144, 145, 146, 161, 162, 169, 170, 178, 179, 187, 188, 193, 220, 221, 238, 239, 263, 264, 274, 275, 282, 306, 317, 353, 362, 363, 375, 376, 389, 390, 398, 399, 406, 407, 428, 429, 463, 465, 468, 471, 475, 476, 486, 487, 495, 498, 499, 509, 1, 2, 3, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115 ]
[ 4, 31, 40, 47, 53, 62, 63, 66, 67, 74, 77, 78, 82, 83, 91, 96, 97, 104, 105, 107, 108, 129, 130, 136, 137, 144, 145, 146, 161, 162, 169, 170, 178, 179, 187, 188, 193, 220, 221, 238, 239, 263, 264, 274, 275, 282, 306, 317, 353, 362, 363, 375, 376, 388, 389, 397, 398, 405, 406, 427, 428, 462, 464, 467, 470, 474, 475, 485, 486, 494, 497, 498, 508, 1, 2, 3, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115 ]
from pypika import Parameter, functions from pypika.enums import SqlTypes from pypika.terms import Criterion from tortoise import Model from tortoise.backends.base.executor import BaseExecutor from tortoise.fields import BigIntField, Field, IntField, SmallIntField from tortoise.filters import ( contains, ends_with, insensitive_contains, insensitive_ends_with, insensitive_exact, insensitive_starts_with, starts_with, ) def mysql_contains(field: Field, value: str) -> Criterion: return functions.Cast(field, SqlTypes.CHAR).like(f"%{value}%") def mysql_starts_with(field: Field, value: str) -> Criterion: return functions.Cast(field, SqlTypes.CHAR).like(f"{value}%") def mysql_ends_with(field: Field, value: str) -> Criterion: return functions.Cast(field, SqlTypes.CHAR).like(f"%{value}") def mysql_insensitive_exact(field: Field, value: str) -> Criterion: return functions.Upper(functions.Cast(field, SqlTypes.CHAR)).eq(functions.Upper(f"{value}")) def mysql_insensitive_contains(field: Field, value: str) -> Criterion: return functions.Upper(functions.Cast(field, SqlTypes.CHAR)).like(functions.Upper(f"%{value}%")) def mysql_insensitive_starts_with(field: Field, value: str) -> Criterion: return functions.Upper(functions.Cast(field, SqlTypes.CHAR)).like(functions.Upper(f"{value}%")) def mysql_insensitive_ends_with(field: Field, value: str) -> Criterion: return functions.Upper(functions.Cast(field, SqlTypes.CHAR)).like(functions.Upper(f"%{value}")) class MySQLExecutor(BaseExecutor): FILTER_FUNC_OVERRIDE = { contains: mysql_contains, starts_with: mysql_starts_with, ends_with: mysql_ends_with, insensitive_exact: mysql_insensitive_exact, insensitive_contains: mysql_insensitive_contains, insensitive_starts_with: mysql_insensitive_starts_with, insensitive_ends_with: mysql_insensitive_ends_with, } EXPLAIN_PREFIX = "EXPLAIN FORMAT=JSON" def parameter(self, pos: int) -> Parameter: return Parameter("%s") async def _process_insert_result(self, instance: Model, results: int) -> None: pk_field_object = if ( isinstance(pk_field_object, (SmallIntField, IntField, BigIntField)) and pk_field_object.generated ): = results # MySQL can only generate a single ROWID # so if any other primary key, it won't generate what we want.
from pypika import Parameter, functions from pypika.enums import SqlTypes from pypika.terms import Criterion from tortoise import Model from tortoise.backends.base.executor import BaseExecutor from tortoise.fields import BigIntField, IntField, SmallIntField from tortoise.filters import ( Like, Term, ValueWrapper, contains, ends_with, format_quotes, insensitive_contains, insensitive_ends_with, insensitive_exact, insensitive_starts_with, starts_with, ) class StrWrapper(ValueWrapper): # type: ignore """ Naive str wrapper that doesn't use the monkey-patched pypika ValueWraper for MySQL """ def get_value_sql(self, **kwargs): quote_char = kwargs.get("secondary_quote_char") or "" value = self.value.replace(quote_char, quote_char * 2) return format_quotes(value, quote_char) def escape_like(val: str) -> str: return val.replace("\\", "\\\\\\\\").replace("%", "\\%").replace("_", "\\_") def mysql_contains(field: Term, value: str) -> Criterion: return Like( functions.Cast(field, SqlTypes.CHAR), StrWrapper(f"%{escape_like(value)}%"), escape="" ) def mysql_starts_with(field: Term, value: str) -> Criterion: return Like( functions.Cast(field, SqlTypes.CHAR), StrWrapper(f"{escape_like(value)}%"), escape="" ) def mysql_ends_with(field: Term, value: str) -> Criterion: return Like( functions.Cast(field, SqlTypes.CHAR), StrWrapper(f"%{escape_like(value)}"), escape="" ) def mysql_insensitive_exact(field: Term, value: str) -> Criterion: return functions.Upper(functions.Cast(field, SqlTypes.CHAR)).eq(functions.Upper(str(value))) def mysql_insensitive_contains(field: Term, value: str) -> Criterion: return Like( functions.Upper(functions.Cast(field, SqlTypes.CHAR)), functions.Upper(StrWrapper(f"%{escape_like(value)}%")), escape="", ) def mysql_insensitive_starts_with(field: Term, value: str) -> Criterion: return Like( functions.Upper(functions.Cast(field, SqlTypes.CHAR)), functions.Upper(StrWrapper(f"{escape_like(value)}%")), escape="", ) def mysql_insensitive_ends_with(field: Term, value: str) -> Criterion: return Like( functions.Upper(functions.Cast(field, SqlTypes.CHAR)), functions.Upper(StrWrapper(f"%{escape_like(value)}")), escape="", ) class MySQLExecutor(BaseExecutor): FILTER_FUNC_OVERRIDE = { contains: mysql_contains, starts_with: mysql_starts_with, ends_with: mysql_ends_with, insensitive_exact: mysql_insensitive_exact, insensitive_contains: mysql_insensitive_contains, insensitive_starts_with: mysql_insensitive_starts_with, insensitive_ends_with: mysql_insensitive_ends_with, } EXPLAIN_PREFIX = "EXPLAIN FORMAT=JSON" def parameter(self, pos: int) -> Parameter: return Parameter("%s") async def _process_insert_result(self, instance: Model, results: int) -> None: pk_field_object = if ( isinstance(pk_field_object, (SmallIntField, IntField, BigIntField)) and pk_field_object.generated ): = results # MySQL can only generate a single ROWID # so if any other primary key, it won't generate what we want.
{ "code": [ "from tortoise.fields import BigIntField, Field, IntField, SmallIntField", "def mysql_contains(field: Field, value: str) -> Criterion:", " return functions.Cast(field, SqlTypes.CHAR).like(f\"%{value}%\")", "def mysql_starts_with(field: Field, value: str) -> Criterion:", " return functions.Cast(field, SqlTypes.CHAR).like(f\"{value}%\")", "def mysql_ends_with(field: Field, value: str) -> Criterion:", " return functions.Cast(field, SqlTypes.CHAR).like(f\"%{value}\")", "def mysql_insensitive_exact(field: Field, value: str) -> Criterion:", " return functions.Upper(functions.Cast(field, SqlTypes.CHAR)).eq(functions.Upper(f\"{value}\"))", "def mysql_insensitive_contains(field: Field, value: str) -> Criterion:", " return functions.Upper(functions.Cast(field, SqlTypes.CHAR)).like(functions.Upper(f\"%{value}%\"))", "def mysql_insensitive_starts_with(field: Field, value: str) -> Criterion:", " return functions.Upper(functions.Cast(field, SqlTypes.CHAR)).like(functions.Upper(f\"{value}%\"))", "def mysql_insensitive_ends_with(field: Field, value: str) -> Criterion:", " return functions.Upper(functions.Cast(field, SqlTypes.CHAR)).like(functions.Upper(f\"%{value}\"))" ], "line_no": [ 7, 19, 20, 23, 24, 27, 28, 31, 32, 35, 36, 39, 40, 43, 44 ] }
{ "code": [ "from tortoise.fields import BigIntField, IntField, SmallIntField", " Like,", " Term,", " ValueWrapper,", " format_quotes,", " \"\"\"", " \"\"\"", " def get_value_sql(self, **kwargs):", " value = self.value.replace(quote_char, quote_char * 2)", " return format_quotes(value, quote_char)", " return val.replace(\"\\\\\", \"\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\").replace(\"%\", \"\\\\%\").replace(\"_\", \"\\\\_\")", " return Like(", " functions.Cast(field, SqlTypes.CHAR), StrWrapper(f\"%{escape_like(value)}%\"), escape=\"\"", "def mysql_starts_with(field: Term, value: str) -> Criterion:", " functions.Cast(field, SqlTypes.CHAR), StrWrapper(f\"{escape_like(value)}%\"), escape=\"\"", " )", "def mysql_ends_with(field: Term, value: str) -> Criterion:", " return Like(", " functions.Cast(field, SqlTypes.CHAR), StrWrapper(f\"%{escape_like(value)}\"), escape=\"\"", " )", "def mysql_insensitive_exact(field: Term, value: str) -> Criterion:", " return functions.Upper(functions.Cast(field, SqlTypes.CHAR)).eq(functions.Upper(str(value)))", "def mysql_insensitive_contains(field: Term, value: str) -> Criterion:", " functions.Upper(functions.Cast(field, SqlTypes.CHAR)),", " functions.Upper(StrWrapper(f\"%{escape_like(value)}%\")),", " escape=\"\",", " )", "def mysql_insensitive_starts_with(field: Term, value: str) -> Criterion:", " functions.Upper(functions.Cast(field, SqlTypes.CHAR)),", " escape=\"\",", " )", "def mysql_insensitive_ends_with(field: Term, value: str) -> Criterion:", " return Like(", " functions.Upper(functions.Cast(field, SqlTypes.CHAR)),", " functions.Upper(StrWrapper(f\"%{escape_like(value)}\")),", " escape=\"\",", " )" ], "line_no": [ 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, 24, 26, 28, 30, 31, 35, 39, 40, 44, 46, 47, 50, 51, 52, 53, 56, 57, 60, 62, 63, 64, 65, 68, 70, 72, 73, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81 ] }
from pypika import Parameter, functions from pypika.enums import SqlTypes from pypika.terms import Criterion from tortoise import Model from tortoise.backends.base.executor import BaseExecutor from tortoise.fields import BigIntField, Field, IntField, SmallIntField from tortoise.filters import ( contains, ends_with, insensitive_contains, insensitive_ends_with, insensitive_exact, insensitive_starts_with, starts_with, ) def FUNC_0(VAR_0: Field, VAR_1: str) -> Criterion: return functions.Cast(VAR_0, SqlTypes.CHAR).like(f"%{VAR_1}%") def FUNC_1(VAR_0: Field, VAR_1: str) -> Criterion: return functions.Cast(VAR_0, SqlTypes.CHAR).like(f"{VAR_1}%") def FUNC_2(VAR_0: Field, VAR_1: str) -> Criterion: return functions.Cast(VAR_0, SqlTypes.CHAR).like(f"%{VAR_1}") def FUNC_3(VAR_0: Field, VAR_1: str) -> Criterion: return functions.Upper(functions.Cast(VAR_0, SqlTypes.CHAR)).eq(functions.Upper(f"{VAR_1}")) def FUNC_4(VAR_0: Field, VAR_1: str) -> Criterion: return functions.Upper(functions.Cast(VAR_0, SqlTypes.CHAR)).like(functions.Upper(f"%{VAR_1}%")) def FUNC_5(VAR_0: Field, VAR_1: str) -> Criterion: return functions.Upper(functions.Cast(VAR_0, SqlTypes.CHAR)).like(functions.Upper(f"{VAR_1}%")) def FUNC_6(VAR_0: Field, VAR_1: str) -> Criterion: return functions.Upper(functions.Cast(VAR_0, SqlTypes.CHAR)).like(functions.Upper(f"%{VAR_1}")) class CLASS_0(BaseExecutor): VAR_2 = { contains: FUNC_0, starts_with: FUNC_1, ends_with: FUNC_2, insensitive_exact: FUNC_3, insensitive_contains: FUNC_4, insensitive_starts_with: FUNC_5, insensitive_ends_with: FUNC_6, } VAR_3 = "EXPLAIN FORMAT=JSON" def FUNC_7(self, VAR_4: int) -> Parameter: return Parameter("%s") async def FUNC_8(self, VAR_5: Model, VAR_6: int) -> None: VAR_7 = if ( isinstance(VAR_7, (SmallIntField, IntField, BigIntField)) and VAR_7.generated ): = VAR_6
from pypika import Parameter, functions from pypika.enums import SqlTypes from pypika.terms import Criterion from tortoise import Model from tortoise.backends.base.executor import BaseExecutor from tortoise.fields import BigIntField, IntField, SmallIntField from tortoise.filters import ( Like, Term, ValueWrapper, contains, ends_with, format_quotes, insensitive_contains, insensitive_ends_with, insensitive_exact, insensitive_starts_with, starts_with, ) class CLASS_0(ValueWrapper): # type: ignore def FUNC_8(self, **VAR_3): VAR_9 = VAR_3.get("secondary_quote_char") or "" VAR_2 = self.value.replace(VAR_9, quote_char * 2) return format_quotes(VAR_2, VAR_9) def FUNC_0(VAR_0: str) -> str: return VAR_0.replace("\\", "\\\\\\\\").replace("%", "\\%").replace("_", "\\_") def FUNC_1(VAR_1: Term, VAR_2: str) -> Criterion: return Like( functions.Cast(VAR_1, SqlTypes.CHAR), CLASS_0(f"%{FUNC_0(VAR_2)}%"), escape="" ) def FUNC_2(VAR_1: Term, VAR_2: str) -> Criterion: return Like( functions.Cast(VAR_1, SqlTypes.CHAR), CLASS_0(f"{FUNC_0(VAR_2)}%"), escape="" ) def FUNC_3(VAR_1: Term, VAR_2: str) -> Criterion: return Like( functions.Cast(VAR_1, SqlTypes.CHAR), CLASS_0(f"%{FUNC_0(VAR_2)}"), escape="" ) def FUNC_4(VAR_1: Term, VAR_2: str) -> Criterion: return functions.Upper(functions.Cast(VAR_1, SqlTypes.CHAR)).eq(functions.Upper(str(VAR_2))) def FUNC_5(VAR_1: Term, VAR_2: str) -> Criterion: return Like( functions.Upper(functions.Cast(VAR_1, SqlTypes.CHAR)), functions.Upper(CLASS_0(f"%{FUNC_0(VAR_2)}%")), escape="", ) def FUNC_6(VAR_1: Term, VAR_2: str) -> Criterion: return Like( functions.Upper(functions.Cast(VAR_1, SqlTypes.CHAR)), functions.Upper(CLASS_0(f"{FUNC_0(VAR_2)}%")), escape="", ) def FUNC_7(VAR_1: Term, VAR_2: str) -> Criterion: return Like( functions.Upper(functions.Cast(VAR_1, SqlTypes.CHAR)), functions.Upper(CLASS_0(f"%{FUNC_0(VAR_2)}")), escape="", ) class CLASS_1(BaseExecutor): VAR_4 = { contains: FUNC_1, starts_with: FUNC_2, ends_with: FUNC_3, insensitive_exact: FUNC_4, insensitive_contains: FUNC_5, insensitive_starts_with: FUNC_6, insensitive_ends_with: FUNC_7, } VAR_5 = "EXPLAIN FORMAT=JSON" def FUNC_9(self, VAR_6: int) -> Parameter: return Parameter("%s") async def FUNC_10(self, VAR_7: Model, VAR_8: int) -> None: VAR_10 = if ( isinstance(VAR_10, (SmallIntField, IntField, BigIntField)) and VAR_10.generated ): = VAR_8
[ 4, 17, 18, 21, 22, 25, 26, 29, 30, 33, 34, 37, 38, 41, 42, 45, 46, 58, 61, 69, 70, 71, 72 ]
[ 4, 21, 22, 27, 32, 33, 36, 37, 42, 43, 48, 49, 54, 55, 58, 59, 66, 67, 74, 75, 82, 83, 95, 98, 106, 107, 108, 109, 24, 25, 26 ]
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (C) 2019 tribe29 GmbH - License: GNU General Public License v2 # This file is part of Checkmk ( It is subject to the terms and # conditions defined in the file COPYING, which is part of this source code package. import pytest # type: ignore[import] import cmk.gui.htmllib as htmllib from cmk.gui import escaping def test_htmllib_integration(register_builtin_html): assert escaping.escape_attribute("") == "" assert escaping.escape_text("") == "" @pytest.mark.parametrize("inp,out", [ ("\">alert(1)", "&quot;&gt;alert(1)"), (None, ""), (1, "1"), (htmllib.HTML("\">alert(1)"), "\">alert(1)"), (1.1, "1.1"), ("<", "&lt;"), ("'", "&#x27;"), ]) def test_escape_attribute(inp, out): assert escaping.escape_attribute(inp) == out @pytest.mark.parametrize("inp,out", [ ("&quot;&gt;alert(1)", "\">alert(1)"), ("&lt;", "<"), ]) def test_unescape_attribute(inp, out): assert escaping.unescape_attributes(inp) == out @pytest.mark.parametrize( "inp,out", [ ("<script>alert(1)</script>", "&lt;script&gt;alert(1)&lt;/script&gt;"), ("<h1>abc</h1>", None), ("<h2>abc</h2>", None), ("<b>abc</b>", None), ("<tt>abc</tt>", None), ("<i>abc</i>", None), ("<u>abc</u>", None), ("<br>", None), ("<nobr></nobr>", None), ("<pre></pre>", None), ("<sup></sup>", None), ("<p></p>", None), ("<li></li>", None), ("<ul></ul>", None), ("<ol></ol>", None), ("<a href=\"xyz\">abc</a>", None), ("<a href=\"xyz\" target=\"123\">abc</a>", None), # Links with target 1st and href 2nd will not be unescaped ("<a target=\"123\" href=\"xyz\">abc</a>", "&lt;a target=&quot;123&quot; href=&quot;xyz&quot;&gt;abc</a>"), ("blah<a href=\"link0\">aaa</a>blah<a href=\"link1\" target=\"ttt\">bbb</a>", None), ("\"I am not a link\" target=\"still not a link\"", "&quot;I am not a link&quot; target=&quot;still not a link&quot;"), # The next test is perverse: it contains the string `target=` inside of an # <a> tag (which must be unescaped) as well as outside (which must not). ("<a href=\"aaa\">bbb</a>\"not a link\" target=\"really\"<a href=\"ccc\" target=\"ttt\">ddd</a>", "<a href=\"aaa\">bbb</a>&quot;not a link&quot; target=&quot;really&quot;<a href=\"ccc\" target=\"ttt\">ddd</a>" ), ( "<a href=\"xyz\">abc</a><script>alert(1)</script><a href=\"xyz\">abc</a>", "<a href=\"xyz\">abc</a>&lt;script&gt;alert(1)&lt;/script&gt;<a href=\"xyz\">abc</a>", ), ("&nbsp;", None), # At the moment also javascript URLs are accepted. This will be refused in the next step ("<a href=\"javascript:alert(1)\">abc</a>", None), ]) def test_escape_text(inp, out): if out is None: out = inp assert escaping.escape_text(inp) == out
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (C) 2019 tribe29 GmbH - License: GNU General Public License v2 # This file is part of Checkmk ( It is subject to the terms and # conditions defined in the file COPYING, which is part of this source code package. import pytest # type: ignore[import] import cmk.gui.htmllib as htmllib from cmk.gui import escaping def test_htmllib_integration(register_builtin_html): assert escaping.escape_attribute("") == "" assert escaping.escape_text("") == "" @pytest.mark.parametrize("inp,out", [ ("\">alert(1)", "&quot;&gt;alert(1)"), (None, ""), (1, "1"), (htmllib.HTML("\">alert(1)"), "\">alert(1)"), (1.1, "1.1"), ("<", "&lt;"), ("'", "&#x27;"), ]) def test_escape_attribute(inp, out): assert escaping.escape_attribute(inp) == out @pytest.mark.parametrize("inp,out", [ ("&quot;&gt;alert(1)", "\">alert(1)"), ("&lt;", "<"), ]) def test_unescape_attribute(inp, out): assert escaping.unescape_attributes(inp) == out @pytest.mark.parametrize( "inp,out", [ ("<script>alert(1)</script>", "&lt;script&gt;alert(1)&lt;/script&gt;"), ("<h1>abc</h1>", None), ("<h2>abc</h2>", None), ("<b>abc</b>", None), ("<tt>abc</tt>", None), ("<i>abc</i>", None), ("<u>abc</u>", None), ("<br>", None), ("<nobr></nobr>", None), ("<pre></pre>", None), ("<sup></sup>", None), ("<p></p>", None), ("<li></li>", None), ("<ul></ul>", None), ("<ol></ol>", None), ("<a href=\"xyz\">abc</a>", None), ("<a href=\"xyz\" target=\"123\">abc</a>", None), # Links with target 1st and href 2nd will not be unescaped ("<a target=\"123\" href=\"xyz\">abc</a>", "&lt;a target=&quot;123&quot; href=&quot;xyz&quot;&gt;abc</a>"), ("blah<a href=\"link0\">aaa</a>blah<a href=\"link1\" target=\"ttt\">bbb</a>", None), ("\"I am not a link\" target=\"still not a link\"", "&quot;I am not a link&quot; target=&quot;still not a link&quot;"), # The next test is perverse: it contains the string `target=` inside of an # <a> tag (which must be unescaped) as well as outside (which must not). ("<a href=\"aaa\">bbb</a>\"not a link\" target=\"really\"<a href=\"ccc\" target=\"ttt\">ddd</a>", "<a href=\"aaa\">bbb</a>&quot;not a link&quot; target=&quot;really&quot;<a href=\"ccc\" target=\"ttt\">ddd</a>" ), ( "<a href=\"xyz\">abc</a><script>alert(1)</script><a href=\"xyz\">abc</a>", "<a href=\"xyz\">abc</a>&lt;script&gt;alert(1)&lt;/script&gt;<a href=\"xyz\">abc</a>", ), ("&nbsp;", None), # Only http/https are allowed as schemes ("<a href=\"\">abc</a>", None), ("<a href=\"\">abc</a>", None), ("<a href=\"HTTP://CHECKMK.COM/\">abc</a>", None), ("<a href=\"\">abc</a>", "&lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;abc</a>"), ("<a href=\"javascript:alert(1)\">abc</a>", "&lt;a href=&quot;javascript:alert(1)&quot;&gt;abc</a>"), ]) def test_escape_text(inp, out): if out is None: out = inp assert escaping.escape_text(inp) == out
{ "code": [ " (\"<a href=\\\"javascript:alert(1)\\\">abc</a>\", None)," ], "line_no": [ 76 ] }
{ "code": [ " (\"<a href=\\\"\\\">abc</a>\", None),", " (\"<a href=\\\"\\\">abc</a>\", None),", " (\"<a href=\\\"HTTP://CHECKMK.COM/\\\">abc</a>\", None),", " (\"<a href=\\\"\\\">abc</a>\",", " \"&lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;abc</a>\"),", " (\"<a href=\\\"javascript:alert(1)\\\">abc</a>\"," ], "line_no": [ 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81 ] }
import pytest # type: ignore[import] import cmk.gui.htmllib as htmllib from cmk.gui import escaping def FUNC_0(VAR_0): assert escaping.escape_attribute("") == "" assert escaping.escape_text("") == "" @pytest.mark.parametrize("inp,out", [ ("\">alert(1)", "&quot;&gt;alert(1)"), (None, ""), (1, "1"), (htmllib.HTML("\">alert(1)"), "\">alert(1)"), (1.1, "1.1"), ("<", "&lt;"), ("'", "&#x27;"), ]) def FUNC_1(VAR_1, VAR_2): assert escaping.escape_attribute(VAR_1) == VAR_2 @pytest.mark.parametrize("inp,out", [ ("&quot;&gt;alert(1)", "\">alert(1)"), ("&lt;", "<"), ]) def FUNC_2(VAR_1, VAR_2): assert escaping.unescape_attributes(VAR_1) == VAR_2 @pytest.mark.parametrize( "inp,out", [ ("<script>alert(1)</script>", "&lt;script&gt;alert(1)&lt;/script&gt;"), ("<h1>abc</h1>", None), ("<h2>abc</h2>", None), ("<b>abc</b>", None), ("<tt>abc</tt>", None), ("<i>abc</i>", None), ("<u>abc</u>", None), ("<br>", None), ("<nobr></nobr>", None), ("<pre></pre>", None), ("<sup></sup>", None), ("<p></p>", None), ("<li></li>", None), ("<ul></ul>", None), ("<ol></ol>", None), ("<a href=\"xyz\">abc</a>", None), ("<a href=\"xyz\" target=\"123\">abc</a>", None), ("<a target=\"123\" href=\"xyz\">abc</a>", "&lt;a target=&quot;123&quot; href=&quot;xyz&quot;&gt;abc</a>"), ("blah<a href=\"link0\">aaa</a>blah<a href=\"link1\" target=\"ttt\">bbb</a>", None), ("\"I am not a link\" target=\"still not a link\"", "&quot;I am not a link&quot; target=&quot;still not a link&quot;"), ("<a href=\"aaa\">bbb</a>\"not a link\" target=\"really\"<a href=\"ccc\" target=\"ttt\">ddd</a>", "<a href=\"aaa\">bbb</a>&quot;not a link&quot; target=&quot;really&quot;<a href=\"ccc\" target=\"ttt\">ddd</a>" ), ( "<a href=\"xyz\">abc</a><script>alert(1)</script><a href=\"xyz\">abc</a>", "<a href=\"xyz\">abc</a>&lt;script&gt;alert(1)&lt;/script&gt;<a href=\"xyz\">abc</a>", ), ("&nbsp;", None), ("<a href=\"javascript:alert(1)\">abc</a>", None), ]) def FUNC_3(VAR_1, VAR_2): if VAR_2 is None: VAR_2 = VAR_1 assert escaping.escape_text(VAR_1) == VAR_2
import pytest # type: ignore[import] import cmk.gui.htmllib as htmllib from cmk.gui import escaping def FUNC_0(VAR_0): assert escaping.escape_attribute("") == "" assert escaping.escape_text("") == "" @pytest.mark.parametrize("inp,out", [ ("\">alert(1)", "&quot;&gt;alert(1)"), (None, ""), (1, "1"), (htmllib.HTML("\">alert(1)"), "\">alert(1)"), (1.1, "1.1"), ("<", "&lt;"), ("'", "&#x27;"), ]) def FUNC_1(VAR_1, VAR_2): assert escaping.escape_attribute(VAR_1) == VAR_2 @pytest.mark.parametrize("inp,out", [ ("&quot;&gt;alert(1)", "\">alert(1)"), ("&lt;", "<"), ]) def FUNC_2(VAR_1, VAR_2): assert escaping.unescape_attributes(VAR_1) == VAR_2 @pytest.mark.parametrize( "inp,out", [ ("<script>alert(1)</script>", "&lt;script&gt;alert(1)&lt;/script&gt;"), ("<h1>abc</h1>", None), ("<h2>abc</h2>", None), ("<b>abc</b>", None), ("<tt>abc</tt>", None), ("<i>abc</i>", None), ("<u>abc</u>", None), ("<br>", None), ("<nobr></nobr>", None), ("<pre></pre>", None), ("<sup></sup>", None), ("<p></p>", None), ("<li></li>", None), ("<ul></ul>", None), ("<ol></ol>", None), ("<a href=\"xyz\">abc</a>", None), ("<a href=\"xyz\" target=\"123\">abc</a>", None), ("<a target=\"123\" href=\"xyz\">abc</a>", "&lt;a target=&quot;123&quot; href=&quot;xyz&quot;&gt;abc</a>"), ("blah<a href=\"link0\">aaa</a>blah<a href=\"link1\" target=\"ttt\">bbb</a>", None), ("\"I am not a link\" target=\"still not a link\"", "&quot;I am not a link&quot; target=&quot;still not a link&quot;"), ("<a href=\"aaa\">bbb</a>\"not a link\" target=\"really\"<a href=\"ccc\" target=\"ttt\">ddd</a>", "<a href=\"aaa\">bbb</a>&quot;not a link&quot; target=&quot;really&quot;<a href=\"ccc\" target=\"ttt\">ddd</a>" ), ( "<a href=\"xyz\">abc</a><script>alert(1)</script><a href=\"xyz\">abc</a>", "<a href=\"xyz\">abc</a>&lt;script&gt;alert(1)&lt;/script&gt;<a href=\"xyz\">abc</a>", ), ("&nbsp;", None), ("<a href=\"\">abc</a>", None), ("<a href=\"\">abc</a>", None), ("<a href=\"HTTP://CHECKMK.COM/\">abc</a>", None), ("<a href=\"\">abc</a>", "&lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;abc</a>"), ("<a href=\"javascript:alert(1)\">abc</a>", "&lt;a href=&quot;javascript:alert(1)&quot;&gt;abc</a>"), ]) def FUNC_3(VAR_1, VAR_2): if VAR_2 is None: VAR_2 = VAR_1 assert escaping.escape_text(VAR_1) == VAR_2
[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 11, 12, 16, 17, 29, 30, 37, 38, 59, 65, 66, 75, 82 ]
[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 11, 12, 16, 17, 29, 30, 37, 38, 59, 65, 66, 75, 88 ]
# pylint: disable=R1732 import io import os from ..InputSource import InputSource from ..messages import * from .main import scriptPath from .status import splitStatus class DataFileRequester: def __init__(self, type=None, fallback=None): self.type = type if self.type not in ("readonly", "latest"): raise Exception(f"Bad value for DataFileRequester.type, got '{type}'.") # fallback is another requester, used if the main one fails. self.fallback = fallback def fetch(self, *segs, **kwargs): str = kwargs.get("str", False) okayToFail = kwargs.get("okayToFail", False) fileType = kwargs.get("type", self.type) location = self._buildPath(segs=segs, fileType=fileType) try: if str: with open(location, encoding="utf-8") as fh: return else: return open(location, encoding="utf-8") except OSError: if self.fallback: try: return self.fallback.fetch(*segs, str=str, okayToFail=okayToFail) except OSError: return self._fail(location, str, okayToFail) return self._fail(location, str, okayToFail) def walkFiles(self, *segs, **kwargs): fileType = kwargs.get("type", self.type) for _, _, files in os.walk(self._buildPath(segs, fileType=fileType)): yield from files def _buildPath(self, segs, fileType=None): if fileType is None: fileType = self.type if fileType == "readonly": return scriptPath("spec-data", "readonly", *segs) else: return scriptPath("spec-data", *segs) def _fail(self, location, str, okayToFail): if okayToFail: if str: return "" else: return io.StringIO("") raise OSError(f"Couldn't find file '{location}'") defaultRequester = DataFileRequester( type="latest", fallback=DataFileRequester(type="readonly") ) def retrieveBoilerplateFile(doc, name, group=None, status=None, error=True): # Looks in three or four locations, in order: # the folder the spec source is in, the group's boilerplate folder, the megagroup's boilerplate folder, and the generic boilerplate folder. # In each location, it first looks for the file specialized on status, and then for the generic file. # Filenames must be of the format NAME.include or NAME-STATUS.include if group is None and is not None: group = if status is None: if is not None: status = elif is not None: status = megaGroup, status = splitStatus(status) searchLocally =[name] def boilerplatePath(*segs): return scriptPath("boilerplate", *segs) statusFile = f"{name}-{status}.include" genericFile = f"{name}.include" sources = [] if searchLocally: sources.append(doc.inputSource.relative(statusFile)) # Can be None. sources.append(doc.inputSource.relative(genericFile)) else: for f in (statusFile, genericFile): if doc.inputSource.cheaplyExists(f): warn( ( "Found {0} next to the specification without a matching\n" + "Local Boilerplate: {1} yes\n" + "in the metadata. This include won't be found when building via a URL." ).format(f, name) ) # We should remove this after giving specs time to react to the warning: sources.append(doc.inputSource.relative(f)) if group: sources.append(InputSource(boilerplatePath(group, statusFile))) sources.append(InputSource(boilerplatePath(group, genericFile))) if megaGroup: sources.append(InputSource(boilerplatePath(megaGroup, statusFile))) sources.append(InputSource(boilerplatePath(megaGroup, genericFile))) sources.append(InputSource(boilerplatePath(statusFile))) sources.append(InputSource(boilerplatePath(genericFile))) # Watch all the possible sources, not just the one that got used, because if # an earlier one appears, we want to rebuild. doc.recordDependencies(*sources) for source in sources: if source is not None: try: return except OSError: # That input doesn't exist. pass else: if error: die( "Couldn't find an appropriate include file for the {0} inclusion, given group='{1}' and status='{2}'.", name, group, status, ) return ""
# pylint: disable=R1732 import io import os from ..InputSource import InputSource from ..messages import * from .main import scriptPath from .status import splitStatus class DataFileRequester: def __init__(self, type=None, fallback=None): self.type = type if self.type not in ("readonly", "latest"): raise Exception(f"Bad value for DataFileRequester.type, got '{type}'.") # fallback is another requester, used if the main one fails. self.fallback = fallback def fetch(self, *segs, **kwargs): str = kwargs.get("str", False) okayToFail = kwargs.get("okayToFail", False) fileType = kwargs.get("type", self.type) location = self._buildPath(segs=segs, fileType=fileType) try: if str: with open(location, encoding="utf-8") as fh: return else: return open(location, encoding="utf-8") except OSError: if self.fallback: try: return self.fallback.fetch(*segs, str=str, okayToFail=okayToFail) except OSError: return self._fail(location, str, okayToFail) return self._fail(location, str, okayToFail) def walkFiles(self, *segs, **kwargs): fileType = kwargs.get("type", self.type) for _, _, files in os.walk(self._buildPath(segs, fileType=fileType)): yield from files def _buildPath(self, segs, fileType=None): if fileType is None: fileType = self.type if fileType == "readonly": return scriptPath("spec-data", "readonly", *segs) else: return scriptPath("spec-data", *segs) def _fail(self, location, str, okayToFail): if okayToFail: if str: return "" else: return io.StringIO("") raise OSError(f"Couldn't find file '{location}'") defaultRequester = DataFileRequester( type="latest", fallback=DataFileRequester(type="readonly") ) def retrieveBoilerplateFile(doc, name, group=None, status=None, error=True, allowLocal=True): # Looks in three or four locations, in order: # the folder the spec source is in, the group's boilerplate folder, the megagroup's boilerplate folder, and the generic boilerplate folder. # In each location, it first looks for the file specialized on status, and then for the generic file. # Filenames must be of the format NAME.include or NAME-STATUS.include if group is None and is not None: group = if status is None: if is not None: status = elif is not None: status = megaGroup, status = splitStatus(status) searchLocally = allowLocal and[name] def boilerplatePath(*segs): return scriptPath("boilerplate", *segs) statusFile = f"{name}-{status}.include" genericFile = f"{name}.include" sources = [] if searchLocally: sources.append(doc.inputSource.relative(statusFile)) # Can be None. sources.append(doc.inputSource.relative(genericFile)) else: for f in (statusFile, genericFile): if doc.inputSource.cheaplyExists(f): warn( ( "Found {0} next to the specification without a matching\n" + "Local Boilerplate: {1} yes\n" + "in the metadata. This include won't be found when building via a URL." ).format(f, name) ) # We should remove this after giving specs time to react to the warning: sources.append(doc.inputSource.relative(f)) if group: sources.append(InputSource(boilerplatePath(group, statusFile), chroot=False)) sources.append(InputSource(boilerplatePath(group, genericFile), chroot=False)) if megaGroup: sources.append(InputSource(boilerplatePath(megaGroup, statusFile), chroot=False)) sources.append(InputSource(boilerplatePath(megaGroup, genericFile), chroot=False)) sources.append(InputSource(boilerplatePath(statusFile), chroot=False)) sources.append(InputSource(boilerplatePath(genericFile), chroot=False)) # Watch all the possible sources, not just the one that got used, because if # an earlier one appears, we want to rebuild. doc.recordDependencies(*sources) for source in sources: if source is not None: try: return except OSError: # That input doesn't exist. pass else: if error: die( "Couldn't find an appropriate include file for the {0} inclusion, given group='{1}' and status='{2}'.", name, group, status, ) return ""
{ "code": [ "def retrieveBoilerplateFile(doc, name, group=None, status=None, error=True):", " searchLocally =[name]", " sources.append(InputSource(boilerplatePath(group, statusFile)))", " sources.append(InputSource(boilerplatePath(group, genericFile)))", " sources.append(InputSource(boilerplatePath(megaGroup, statusFile)))", " sources.append(InputSource(boilerplatePath(megaGroup, genericFile)))", " sources.append(InputSource(boilerplatePath(statusFile)))", " sources.append(InputSource(boilerplatePath(genericFile)))" ], "line_no": [ 66, 80, 104, 105, 107, 108, 109, 110 ] }
{ "code": [ "def retrieveBoilerplateFile(doc, name, group=None, status=None, error=True, allowLocal=True):", " searchLocally = allowLocal and[name]", " sources.append(InputSource(boilerplatePath(group, statusFile), chroot=False))", " sources.append(InputSource(boilerplatePath(group, genericFile), chroot=False))", " sources.append(InputSource(boilerplatePath(megaGroup, statusFile), chroot=False))", " sources.append(InputSource(boilerplatePath(megaGroup, genericFile), chroot=False))", " sources.append(InputSource(boilerplatePath(statusFile), chroot=False))", " sources.append(InputSource(boilerplatePath(genericFile), chroot=False))" ], "line_no": [ 66, 80, 104, 105, 107, 108, 109, 110 ] }
import io import os from ..InputSource import InputSource from ..messages import * from .main import scriptPath from .status import splitStatus class CLASS_0: def __init__(self, VAR_6=None, VAR_7=None): self.type = VAR_6 if self.type not in ("readonly", "latest"): raise Exception(f"Bad value for CLASS_0.type, got '{VAR_6}'.") self.fallback = VAR_7 def FUNC_1(self, *VAR_8, **VAR_9): VAR_12 = VAR_9.get("str", False) VAR_13 = VAR_9.get("okayToFail", False) VAR_10 = VAR_9.get("type", self.type) VAR_11 = self._buildPath(VAR_8=segs, VAR_10=fileType) try: if VAR_12: with open(VAR_11, encoding="utf-8") as fh: return else: return open(VAR_11, encoding="utf-8") except OSError: if self.fallback: try: return self.fallback.fetch(*VAR_8, VAR_12=str, VAR_13=okayToFail) except OSError: return self._fail(VAR_11, VAR_12, VAR_13) return self._fail(VAR_11, VAR_12, VAR_13) def FUNC_2(self, *VAR_8, **VAR_9): VAR_10 = VAR_9.get("type", self.type) for _, _, files in os.walk(self._buildPath(VAR_8, VAR_10=fileType)): yield from files def FUNC_3(self, VAR_8, VAR_10=None): if VAR_10 is None: VAR_10 = self.type if VAR_10 == "readonly": return scriptPath("spec-data", "readonly", *VAR_8) else: return scriptPath("spec-data", *VAR_8) def FUNC_4(self, VAR_11, VAR_12, VAR_13): if VAR_13: if VAR_12: return "" else: return io.StringIO("") raise OSError(f"Couldn't find file '{VAR_11}'") VAR_0 = CLASS_0( VAR_6="latest", VAR_7=CLASS_0(VAR_6="readonly") ) def FUNC_0(VAR_1, VAR_2, VAR_3=None, VAR_4=None, VAR_5=True): if VAR_3 is None and is not None: VAR_3 = if VAR_4 is None: if is not None: VAR_4 = elif is not None: VAR_4 = VAR_14, VAR_4 = splitStatus(VAR_4) VAR_15 =[VAR_2] def FUNC_5(*VAR_8): return scriptPath("boilerplate", *VAR_8) VAR_16 = f"{VAR_2}-{VAR_4}.include" VAR_17 = f"{VAR_2}.include" VAR_18 = [] if VAR_15: VAR_18.append(VAR_1.inputSource.relative(VAR_16)) # Can be None. VAR_18.append(VAR_1.inputSource.relative(VAR_17)) else: for f in (VAR_16, VAR_17): if VAR_1.inputSource.cheaplyExists(f): warn( ( "Found {0} next to the specification without a matching\n" + "Local Boilerplate: {1} yes\n" + "in the metadata. This include won't be found when building via a URL." ).format(f, VAR_2) ) VAR_18.append(VAR_1.inputSource.relative(f)) if VAR_3: VAR_18.append(InputSource(FUNC_5(VAR_3, VAR_16))) VAR_18.append(InputSource(FUNC_5(VAR_3, VAR_17))) if VAR_14: VAR_18.append(InputSource(FUNC_5(VAR_14, VAR_16))) VAR_18.append(InputSource(FUNC_5(VAR_14, VAR_17))) VAR_18.append(InputSource(FUNC_5(VAR_16))) VAR_18.append(InputSource(FUNC_5(VAR_17))) VAR_1.recordDependencies(*VAR_18) for source in VAR_18: if source is not None: try: return except OSError: pass else: if VAR_5: die( "Couldn't find an appropriate include file for the {0} inclusion, given VAR_3='{1}' and VAR_4='{2}'.", VAR_2, VAR_3, VAR_4, ) return ""
import io import os from ..InputSource import InputSource from ..messages import * from .main import scriptPath from .status import splitStatus class CLASS_0: def __init__(self, VAR_7=None, VAR_8=None): self.type = VAR_7 if self.type not in ("readonly", "latest"): raise Exception(f"Bad value for CLASS_0.type, got '{VAR_7}'.") self.fallback = VAR_8 def FUNC_1(self, *VAR_9, **VAR_10): VAR_13 = VAR_10.get("str", False) VAR_14 = VAR_10.get("okayToFail", False) VAR_11 = VAR_10.get("type", self.type) VAR_12 = self._buildPath(VAR_9=segs, VAR_11=fileType) try: if VAR_13: with open(VAR_12, encoding="utf-8") as fh: return else: return open(VAR_12, encoding="utf-8") except OSError: if self.fallback: try: return self.fallback.fetch(*VAR_9, VAR_13=str, VAR_14=okayToFail) except OSError: return self._fail(VAR_12, VAR_13, VAR_14) return self._fail(VAR_12, VAR_13, VAR_14) def FUNC_2(self, *VAR_9, **VAR_10): VAR_11 = VAR_10.get("type", self.type) for _, _, files in os.walk(self._buildPath(VAR_9, VAR_11=fileType)): yield from files def FUNC_3(self, VAR_9, VAR_11=None): if VAR_11 is None: VAR_11 = self.type if VAR_11 == "readonly": return scriptPath("spec-data", "readonly", *VAR_9) else: return scriptPath("spec-data", *VAR_9) def FUNC_4(self, VAR_12, VAR_13, VAR_14): if VAR_14: if VAR_13: return "" else: return io.StringIO("") raise OSError(f"Couldn't find file '{VAR_12}'") VAR_0 = CLASS_0( VAR_7="latest", VAR_8=CLASS_0(VAR_7="readonly") ) def FUNC_0(VAR_1, VAR_2, VAR_3=None, VAR_4=None, VAR_5=True, VAR_6=True): if VAR_3 is None and is not None: VAR_3 = if VAR_4 is None: if is not None: VAR_4 = elif is not None: VAR_4 = VAR_15, VAR_4 = splitStatus(VAR_4) VAR_16 = VAR_6 and[VAR_2] def FUNC_5(*VAR_9): return scriptPath("boilerplate", *VAR_9) VAR_17 = f"{VAR_2}-{VAR_4}.include" VAR_18 = f"{VAR_2}.include" VAR_19 = [] if VAR_16: VAR_19.append(VAR_1.inputSource.relative(VAR_17)) # Can be None. VAR_19.append(VAR_1.inputSource.relative(VAR_18)) else: for f in (VAR_17, VAR_18): if VAR_1.inputSource.cheaplyExists(f): warn( ( "Found {0} next to the specification without a matching\n" + "Local Boilerplate: {1} yes\n" + "in the metadata. This include won't be found when building via a URL." ).format(f, VAR_2) ) VAR_19.append(VAR_1.inputSource.relative(f)) if VAR_3: VAR_19.append(InputSource(FUNC_5(VAR_3, VAR_17), chroot=False)) VAR_19.append(InputSource(FUNC_5(VAR_3, VAR_18), chroot=False)) if VAR_15: VAR_19.append(InputSource(FUNC_5(VAR_15, VAR_17), chroot=False)) VAR_19.append(InputSource(FUNC_5(VAR_15, VAR_18), chroot=False)) VAR_19.append(InputSource(FUNC_5(VAR_17), chroot=False)) VAR_19.append(InputSource(FUNC_5(VAR_18), chroot=False)) VAR_1.recordDependencies(*VAR_19) for source in VAR_19: if source is not None: try: return except OSError: pass else: if VAR_5: die( "Couldn't find an appropriate include file for the {0} inclusion, given VAR_3='{1}' and VAR_4='{2}'.", VAR_2, VAR_3, VAR_4, ) return ""
[ 1, 2, 5, 10, 11, 17, 19, 38, 43, 51, 59, 60, 64, 65, 67, 68, 69, 70, 79, 81, 84, 101, 111, 112, 113, 115, 121, 132 ]
[ 1, 2, 5, 10, 11, 17, 19, 38, 43, 51, 59, 60, 64, 65, 67, 68, 69, 70, 79, 81, 84, 101, 111, 112, 113, 115, 121, 132 ]