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Give suggestions.
We have the entity and those relations with the universe and universal forces, as are latent and exhibited in the present entity. WELL has the entity been named, for through the entity's forces will come much joy to many peoples, provided there are those precautions taken respecting tram or street car. These to the entity have an attraction that would be well to be careful of, that misfortune comes not through these channels; especially in the 7th, 11th and 13th year of present experience. In entering the earth's plane, astrologically speaking, we find the entity coming under the influence of Venus with Mercury, Jupiter with Venus, and Uranus. Hence we find one that, during the young and adolescent age in the present experience, will be termed, called, thought, felt to be one beyond its years in experience and expressions. One well developed of body, mind, and ever purposeful in its actions. One that it will be more than well to answer (as near as is possible) the questions concerning self, self's relation to individuals, groups, classes, or in every respect of social, domestic, or economic conditions, and answer these correctly, explaining the meaning as much as lies within the power of those to whom this trust of this period has been given. In the influence astrologically, and as of urges as are latent and will be seen to develop as urges and inclinations (and these urges and inclinations may be in a measure guided so as to become more or less a portion of the being itself, by those responsible for the moral and spiritual welfare of the developing entity through this present experience in the earth's plane, for we see the entity is a developing physical relationship entity at this period of experience): In the control, one that may be reasoned with, but rarely commanded without reason given for such command. One that may be LOVED into doing or becoming that as would guide the entity, and rarely forced - either by circumstance or by conditions - to adhere to principle or to precept without that of love being shown or manifested in the directing. One that, with Jupiter and Uranus influence, will be found to be exceptional in abilities toward those arts, or elements of life that go to make up the characteristics of the developing personality as manifested in the present experience. Here (as a side note) may be given, there is manifested in this entity that which may perfectly illustrate that difference between personality and individuality, as the individual with urge as must be directed. Those of exceptional abilities with Uranian influence may be WELL said also to mean exceptional abilities to err, or to be led astray in the direction not best for self or self's development. One with the ability to be exceptional as a musician. One that may use this same ability to entice, overpower, to subdue, to subjugate others TO the power, unless guided, directed, and LOVED INTO the correct idea of the use of power in any and all directions. One whose abilities lie especially in two fields, as will be seen from the appearances IN the earth's plane and the effect each has upon the present entity and the abilities of same. Much might be said concerning development or abilities of the entity that are seen through that as given. This is not all of it, by any means! But, in appearances: In the one before this we find in that period in France when there was the rule under Richelieu. The entity then of the ruler's household, among those who served that sovereign in entertainment in its BETTER sense, being one administering to the needs OF those held in high esteem by the sovereign or ruler, and attendant to same during illness. In the name Agathie, and the entity gained through this experience, ministering to the needs of many, and in service found pleasure rather than that of hardship, finding the way, the means, to often comfort the disconsolate, the sad, the weak; strengthening the broken-hearted, and ministering to the PHYSICAL bodies of many. In the urge as will be seen from this experience, comes both good AND bad, as is seen by that as has been given. The innate desire to ever help those that are ill, or the nurse, or the administering angel, and it were, to many; yet desiring ever a high position for self in that administering. See? In the one before this we find in the land now known as Persia. The entity then among those of the school that were destroyed by the invaders from the now Arabian and Egyptian country. The entity was one that was loved by the king's daughter, and one that gave self rather than see that friend fall into the hands of the invaders; yet prevented it not. Gaining, then, in this experience - and true may it be said of this entity, a love child. In the name Ibseor. In the urge as seen from this experience, again good and bad. That of the urge to be slow in making friendships, yet when once made the entity gives ALL in the defense or succor of same. In the one before this we find in the country now known as Egypt. The entity in the period when divisions were between what would be termed now as church and state, or the founding of communistic ideas from which much of the Christian era thought was builded. The entity then the musician in the king's household, and a favorite of both kings, and a musician of note, especially upon stringed instruments; and the entity gained and lost through this experience. In the urge as seen, that of the critic - rather - of music, yet the ABILITY to apply same may be brought to the forefront of this experience. In the name Itla. In the one before this in the land known as Poseida, in the temple of that peoples. The entity again the musician, and sounds of all natures were produced upon the instruments of the day. While this peoples, as to material conditions, reached even a higher state of application of material things (hence called civilization) than even of the present day; yet the application towards material surmounted that toward the spiritual; though a form of worship was maintained through the period, and the entity was among those worshiped by the peoples of a portion of the land. In the name Elie. In this experience the entity lost through the self aggrandizement, or selfish motives. In the urge again may be seen that love of power over others that may be attained or maintained through abilities of self surpassing others. This, guided correctly, may be made worth while. Let run without consideration, may bring that of self-condemnation when gone to seed. In the abilities of the present entity: We find either that of the musician or the nurse, the administrator of idea and ideas, either through service or through the instrument, guide and direct the entity aright, and job, peace and comfort, will come to many through the efforts of the entity. Give these as the first principles that must be builded upon by the entity throughout the experience: Seek first the Lord while He may be found, and when the entity has grown in years in this experience the entity will not depart from same. We are through.
How can the body regain the normal weight?
Correct the system so that the assimilation of the body is more normal in the blood supply and in the nerve system, and that these conditions agree with the body; for, as is seen, with these corrections the normal weight comes about with nature of itself.
(Q): How can the body regain the normal weight? (A): Correct the system so that the assimilation of the body is more normal in the blood supply and in the nerve system, and that these conditions agree with the body; for, as is seen, with these corrections the normal weight comes about with nature of itself.
How long will it take to restore me to full health and strength?
Three to four (3 to 4) months.
(Q): How can the body regain the normal weight? (A): Correct the system so that the assimilation of the body is more normal in the blood supply and in the nerve system, and that these conditions agree with the body; for, as is seen, with these corrections the normal weight comes about with nature of itself. (Q): How long will it take to restore me to full health and strength? (A): Three to four (3 to 4) months.
How many osteopathic treatments will be necessary to correct the condition?
Three to five (3 to 5), as given. That is all the questions. We are through for the present.
(Q): How can the body regain the normal weight? (A): Correct the system so that the assimilation of the body is more normal in the blood supply and in the nerve system, and that these conditions agree with the body; for, as is seen, with these corrections the normal weight comes about with nature of itself. (Q): How long will it take to restore me to full health and strength? (A): Three to four (3 to 4) months. (Q): How many osteopathic treatments will be necessary to correct the condition? (A): Three to five (3 to 5), as given. That is all the questions. We are through for the present.
What causes the periodic attacks of gas and colic which commence from no apparent reason?
The condition as described - position of the stomach and laceration as has been produced, or is produced at times in the gastrics or the pyloric orifice of the stomach proper, by its improper position. Hence the bandage or the elastic as is to be worn about the body, and the readjustments through the manipulations that should be taken first. Wear the Radium pad at all times, see? and also wear this elastic, until the body has assumed its normal contraction, by the building up of those vibrations set by the pad, see?
(Q): How can the body regain the normal weight? (A): Correct the system so that the assimilation of the body is more normal in the blood supply and in the nerve system, and that these conditions agree with the body; for, as is seen, with these corrections the normal weight comes about with nature of itself. (Q): How long will it take to restore me to full health and strength? (A): Three to four (3 to 4) months. (Q): How many osteopathic treatments will be necessary to correct the condition? (A): Three to five (3 to 5), as given. That is all the questions. We are through for the present. (Q): What causes the periodic attacks of gas and colic which commence from no apparent reason? (A): The condition as described - position of the stomach and laceration as has been produced, or is produced at times in the gastrics or the pyloric orifice of the stomach proper, by its improper position. Hence the bandage or the elastic as is to be worn about the body, and the readjustments through the manipulations that should be taken first. Wear the Radium pad at all times, see? and also wear this elastic, until the body has assumed its normal contraction, by the building up of those vibrations set by the pad, see?
What foods can be eaten and what foods should be avoided?
The body may under these conditions take those foods as have been found good for the body. As WE would find here, there is necessary the change, as is seen, from time to time to meet the needs. Vegetables - especially those that grow above the ground. Tomatoes (potatoes may be taken in moderation), celery, lettuce, beans, lentils, and greens of every nature, see? Those of the tuberous nature avoid, unless these conditions are corrected, for tuberous vegetables with a plethora condition, not good, though they may be taken in moderation. But make these corrections - then eat anything!
(Q): How can the body regain the normal weight? (A): Correct the system so that the assimilation of the body is more normal in the blood supply and in the nerve system, and that these conditions agree with the body; for, as is seen, with these corrections the normal weight comes about with nature of itself. (Q): How long will it take to restore me to full health and strength? (A): Three to four (3 to 4) months. (Q): How many osteopathic treatments will be necessary to correct the condition? (A): Three to five (3 to 5), as given. That is all the questions. We are through for the present. (Q): What causes the periodic attacks of gas and colic which commence from no apparent reason? (A): The condition as described - position of the stomach and laceration as has been produced, or is produced at times in the gastrics or the pyloric orifice of the stomach proper, by its improper position. Hence the bandage or the elastic as is to be worn about the body, and the readjustments through the manipulations that should be taken first. Wear the Radium pad at all times, see? and also wear this elastic, until the body has assumed its normal contraction, by the building up of those vibrations set by the pad, see? (Q): What foods can be eaten and what foods should be avoided? (A): The body may under these conditions take those foods as have been found good for the body. As WE would find here, there is necessary the change, as is seen, from time to time to meet the needs. Vegetables - especially those that grow above the ground. Tomatoes (potatoes may be taken in moderation), celery, lettuce, beans, lentils, and greens of every nature, see? Those of the tuberous nature avoid, unless these conditions are corrected, for tuberous vegetables with a plethora condition, not good, though they may be taken in moderation. But make these corrections - then eat anything!
You will go over this body carefully, examine it thoroughly, and tell me the conditions you find at the present time, giving the cause of the existing conditions, also the treatment for the cure and relief of this body, answering any questions I will ask you regarding same.
Yes. Now, we find these conditions as exist in the physical forces of this body, while the organs are disturbed in their functioning, and while there are some abnormal conditions to be met, the suggestions as may be given for the correction of these are as warnings, rather than as of conditions that are in that state of causing great distress at the present time; yet, as will be seen by correlating the existent condition with a normal functioning body under the same conditions, there will be many changes, and many disorders and disturbances seen; yet the body, as is seen, meets the needs of most of these, and WELL, under the strain as is exerted at times, but with the full correction of these conditions abnormal, and those conditions in distress at times, the body will be able to function nearer the normal and be better able to give more vital service and strength in the exercise of that being experienced in this particular life. In the physical forces, then, we find as these: IN THE BLOOD SUPPLY, this very good normally, and at present, yet there is seen that there are disturbances in the circulation through the condition as exists in the capillary circulation; for, as is shown there, there are conditions caused whereby, were the circulation normal and the organs of the body functioning in unison, these conditions would have been eliminated through their normal channels, rather than producing disturbances in portions of the body. There is also seen the condition as exists in the nerve systems - especially in that of the sensory system, and that condition in eyes, and in ears, and in taste, and in speech - that shows that this disturbance leaves drosses at times, by the use of those organs' functioning, and these in their turn of cycle show the disturbance HAS been created from time to time in the body in the circulation as is necessary for a normal condition of a body. IN THE NERVE SYSTEM, in this we find the seat or cause of disturbances in this body. To give the basic condition as produced same would deal with the mental, as well as the physical forces, for the body has been at times back under great mental strain, and with the depleted condition produced in the physical forces of the body the nerve systems, and especially that of the sympathetic nerves, have suffered in consequence. The effects as have been produced in the body from this condition are noticeable in the physical deficiencies as are produced in ganglions and in muscular tissue, as assist organs in their normal function- ing. The very nature of these conditions is from the activity of spleen, heart, and the solar plexus. While the result from these conditions is a physical condition existent in the STOMACH proper, for with the relaxation of the muscular forces through the nerve plexuses as governing the muscular conditions that hold or contract the orifice of the stomach proper, this has been allowed to drop downward. Hence we have an improper kilt (?) to the stomach itself. This would be indicated by an X-Ray - in its position, see? This has produced, then, the tendency of the regurgitation in the intestinal digestion, and an engorgement in the spleen itself. Hence we have produced a laceration in the gastrics or pyloric orifice of the stomach proper that causes the return, as it were, of foods occasionally to this portion of stomach. Irritation is set up, and immediately there is the reaction through the hypogastric and pneumogastric nerve centers to the brain, to the organs of digestion through the stomach proper, and until these are relieved by the RETURN, as it were, of these properties to the system in their normal channel, there is distress, pain, over-activity in the heart - ALL of the nerves of this region becoming involved. This is spasmodic, or intervals, or when cycle of functioning brings about, or under great stress of mental condition, or of the lack of proper nutriment to the digestive system to prevent this return. When the sympathetic conditions are the more active, the greater stress mentally will bring these on the sooner, see? These are the physical defects, from the nerve center in the 5th, and 6th, 7th and 8th, dorsal, see? IN THE FUNCTIONING OF THE ORGANS THEMSELVES, the brain forces of this body very good. Organs of the sensory system show that stress and strain of this reaction as is produced in the hypogastric, which affects then the secondary cardiac, and in turn gather in or produce a strangulation to the nerve that functions with the circulation and nerve nutriment to face, head, and the neck. Hence cutting off proper nutriment to the organs of the sensory system. Lungs are very good, save as sympathetic conditions. Heart action good, save as this same sympathetic condition. Stomach and digestive system in same, that condition as has been described, and as must be warned against. Spleen, pancreas, liver, and the functioning of the duodenum and its juices, shown through that as has been given how that this reaction occurs, and without proper correction - unless the body was kept in a very even-tempered manner, even keel, even distribution, and easy with the mental forces - would be very detrimental, unless this is kept you see, under the existing condition. Yet, corrected, the body may meet many conditions, mentally, morally, and financially. Yet it would be hard, under any stress, in the present condition. In this same reaction through the hypogastric the hepatic circulation becomes involved, by inflammation, of course, as is produced. Then that overtaxation to the kidneys, and the pressure as is produced on the lower portion of the body, and a retarding of capillary circulation through the lower extremities. These are results. Now, to meet these conditions under the present forces: First we would through manipulation - at least three to five (3 to 5) such manipulations, osteopathically - correct those conditions, loosen those tautnesses, and relax the body thoroughly, especially through the dorsal region, manipulating gently all over, see? After the three to five (3 to 5) have been taken, use that as a bandage - which may be elastic, or which may be as a bandage - that would be about the body to hold stomach in proper position, see? so that we lift the nerve strain off of the body. This will be necessary to be worn for at least three to four (3 to 4) months, see? And apply across the 5th and 6th dorsal that of the Radium Appliance, in the normal pad, which will give electrification to the nerve and clarification to the blood supply, which will - with the normal position of the organs, and with the normal functioning of the body under proper adjustment - bring about the normal forces for this body. Do that. Ready for questions.
Am I in my right connection at present?
If the entity makes same as such; that is, in connections is given the opportunity to apply self, and should it prove that others appreciate not the efforts, do not rail or condemn any. Turn self's attention towards the application of self, and let others attend their own funeral.
(Q): Am I in my right connection at present? (A): If the entity makes same as such; that is, in connections is given the opportunity to apply self, and should it prove that others appreciate not the efforts, do not rail or condemn any. Turn self's attention towards the application of self, and let others attend their own funeral.
Give general quidance as to the best course to take in business, and what class of trade shall I make the best success at?
In that of the specialty to the individual needs, studying the needs, and applying to the INDIVIDUAL classes of same. In individual wood, linens, or cloth, or in the mystic - as the lecturer.
(Q): Am I in my right connection at present? (A): If the entity makes same as such; that is, in connections is given the opportunity to apply self, and should it prove that others appreciate not the efforts, do not rail or condemn any. Turn self's attention towards the application of self, and let others attend their own funeral. (Q): Give general quidance as to the best course to take in business, and what class of trade shall I make the best success at? (A): In that of the specialty to the individual needs, studying the needs, and applying to the INDIVIDUAL classes of same. In individual wood, linens, or cloth, or in the mystic - as the lecturer.
Is my scheme for importing furniture and parts a sound proposition, and if carried out will it succeed?
Father along. Not at present. There will come much from such schemes or propositions farther along. Follow the way as has been given, bringing self in touch with those forces as do apply from within, remembering the warnings, and apply will's forces in the way that gives the better application of self, as reference to individuals, and as to things. We are through for the present.
(Q): Am I in my right connection at present? (A): If the entity makes same as such; that is, in connections is given the opportunity to apply self, and should it prove that others appreciate not the efforts, do not rail or condemn any. Turn self's attention towards the application of self, and let others attend their own funeral. (Q): Give general quidance as to the best course to take in business, and what class of trade shall I make the best success at? (A): In that of the specialty to the individual needs, studying the needs, and applying to the INDIVIDUAL classes of same. In individual wood, linens, or cloth, or in the mystic - as the lecturer. (Q): Is my scheme for importing furniture and parts a sound proposition, and if carried out will it succeed? (A): Father along. Not at present. There will come much from such schemes or propositions farther along. Follow the way as has been given, bringing self in touch with those forces as do apply from within, remembering the warnings, and apply will's forces in the way that gives the better application of self, as reference to individuals, and as to things. We are through for the present.
Shall I be able to stay with my present organization and make a success of it?
If the entity so desires, it may.
(Q): Am I in my right connection at present? (A): If the entity makes same as such; that is, in connections is given the opportunity to apply self, and should it prove that others appreciate not the efforts, do not rail or condemn any. Turn self's attention towards the application of self, and let others attend their own funeral. (Q): Give general quidance as to the best course to take in business, and what class of trade shall I make the best success at? (A): In that of the specialty to the individual needs, studying the needs, and applying to the INDIVIDUAL classes of same. In individual wood, linens, or cloth, or in the mystic - as the lecturer. (Q): Is my scheme for importing furniture and parts a sound proposition, and if carried out will it succeed? (A): Father along. Not at present. There will come much from such schemes or propositions farther along. Follow the way as has been given, bringing self in touch with those forces as do apply from within, remembering the warnings, and apply will's forces in the way that gives the better application of self, as reference to individuals, and as to things. We are through for the present. (Q): Shall I be able to stay with my present organization and make a success of it? (A): If the entity so desires, it may.
Will the project connected with reproduction furniture be a success for me?
In this line, in the endeavor, lies a great field for the entity. Appeal rather to the INDIVIDUAL, than to masses, see? Rather to classes.
(Q): Am I in my right connection at present? (A): If the entity makes same as such; that is, in connections is given the opportunity to apply self, and should it prove that others appreciate not the efforts, do not rail or condemn any. Turn self's attention towards the application of self, and let others attend their own funeral. (Q): Give general quidance as to the best course to take in business, and what class of trade shall I make the best success at? (A): In that of the specialty to the individual needs, studying the needs, and applying to the INDIVIDUAL classes of same. In individual wood, linens, or cloth, or in the mystic - as the lecturer. (Q): Is my scheme for importing furniture and parts a sound proposition, and if carried out will it succeed? (A): Father along. Not at present. There will come much from such schemes or propositions farther along. Follow the way as has been given, bringing self in touch with those forces as do apply from within, remembering the warnings, and apply will's forces in the way that gives the better application of self, as reference to individuals, and as to things. We are through for the present. (Q): Shall I be able to stay with my present organization and make a success of it? (A): If the entity so desires, it may. (Q): Will the project connected with reproduction furniture be a success for me? (A): In this line, in the endeavor, lies a great field for the entity. Appeal rather to the INDIVIDUAL, than to masses, see? Rather to classes.
You will give the relation of this entity and the Universe, and the Universal Forces, giving the conditions that are as personalities, latent and exhibited, in the present life; also the former appearances in the earth's plane, giving time, place, and the name, and that in that life which built or retarded the development for the entity, giving the abilities of the present entity and that to which it may attain, and how. You will answer the questions regarding this body that I will ask you.
We have the entity and those relations with the Universal Forces, as are latent and exhibited in the present entity. In entering the earth's plane, we find the entity under the influence of Neptune, Jupiter, and Venus, with benevolent influences in Mars and in Mercury, adverse in the Moon and Saturn. In the urges as are latent and as are exhibited, from the entity's experiences (as many) and from the variations as are seen, these then are exceptional, and the entity will of necessity require the exercising of will's forces to the point where the entity may control self, would the entity DEVELOP in this present experience; for while we find exceptional abilities, and the physical and MENTAL proclivities to carry out same, we find that these conditions - that are classed by some as idiosyncrasies of the entity - prove often the entity's undoing. But we find one gentle of mien, kind of heart, and adaptable when the entity so attunes self to the conditions and surroundings. Easy ever to take exception, and in this condition often belabors and condemns self and others, through the not taking stock of self; for, as is seen, with adverse Moon, the entity changes almost as the Moon does. Not in purpose; not in intent; not in mien, but as to those expressions that OTHERS obtain of the entity's abilities, and the entity's desire. In the application then of will, with the ability, the entity will find that to understand self is the first law of the proper understanding of relationships to others, and in the application of `As ye would that men do unto you, do ye even so to them` will bring the greater reward to the entity of ALL the classics that may be understood; for while it may appear that this may be taken advantage of at times, yet the worth, the ability, and the very conditions that are often turned AGAINST the entity will turn towards good; for when the entity once understands self, the self will better understand others. As to the appearances: In the one before this we find the entity among those who came to this present land in which the entity sojourns, rather than that in which the entity ENTERED the earth's plane, and among those who builded in that land now known as the Rhode Island, and the entity among those of the followers of Williams, and in the name C. A. Williams; and the entity gained and lost, for in the application of aid to others in the buildings of the people's centers the entity gained, in the turning same to self's own interest and disagreeing with those in power brought dissension and the banishment from the land. In the urge there is seen the fear of being misunderstood, and the ability also to see into the inmost understanding of others, often to self's undoing, without first understanding self better. [See 39-2 Reports.] In the one before this we find in the early period of the settlement in the now England land. The entity among those who came from the Norse land, and in the name Odoon, and the entity then one who was as the father to those that set the land in order in the new country, giving in the manner of study and of understanding to apply laws to mankind in new environments. In the urge as gained from this appearance, we find the adaptability of self to conditions surrounding, no matter under what intent, yet ever worrying self as for conditions of others. In the one before this we find in the land where there were wars being made between the Nomads and now the Persian country. The entity among those of the Nomad tribe, in that day of second to the one in the lead of those people known as Uhjltd's, and the entity gained in that period, for the entity became the aide to that ruler in the latter days of that entity's sojourn, and the name in that period as Ujdjak, and the urge as is seen - the love of the open, and of the fantastic drawings, and of especially those of raised materials in wood, cloth, or carvings, and in the application the entity may gain much, when TEMPERED with those elements in the understanding of self. In the one before this we find in the Egyptian country, when there was the division, as it were, between the church and the state (as would be called now), and the entity gained through this sojourn; for the entity took sides with NEITHER; for the entity then that one who gave the greater to the designs of throne and of temple, in wood, and in the application of color, stain, dye, and an assistant to him who gave the first of the appliances to preserve men's bodies. In the name Ashdda, and the urge as is seen in the present, the inner desire to know the mysteries of the laws as were ever taught to men as respecting the inter-between in experiences in life, and the entity in applying same may gain the better understanding of self. In the abilities of the entity - these lie, then, in either of two fields: That of the study and lecturing in the mystic field, or of wood and its products, or of raised materials in cloth and their products. As to the study of self, understand first self, and in this understanding will be added much to the mental body that will bring to this entity in the present sphere glory, and satisfaction in the life well spent, in bringing the understanding of life and the issues of same to others, through the application of the study of the modes, the whys and the wherefores, of men's ideas and ideals. Ready for questions.
Now you will have before you the body of [39], present in this room, and the enquiring mind of this body, who had the dream I will give you during the course of the past six years. At various times during the past six years the body has experienced the following: Visualized airship heavier than air, which collects its lifting and driving force from the atmosphere by means of points on the top of it. Underneath this machine there are apparently two heavy copper bars running the length of it, having small points underneath, which when charged with the force lifts the machine from the air apparently neutralizing the force of gravity. The machine was driven by the power streaming from points attached to the rear. You will give the interpretation of this dream or vision, tell us if such a machine is practical and if such a power is available, and how such may be made. You will answer questions regarding this.
Yes, we have the body, the enquiring mind, [39], here. With dreams and visions as come to individual, these are of various classes and groups, and are the emanations from the conscious, subconscious, or superconscious, or the combination and correlation of each, depending upon the individual and the personal development of the individual, and are to be used in the lives of such for the betterment of such individual. In this vision, we find this emblematical condition being presented to the entity. Not wholly a condition that may not be made feasible, plausible, workable, or used in the operation of man's endeavor; yet to the entity is as an emblematical condition, with those of the conscious forces using that which the mind has dwelt upon to show the higher forces as are to be used by the entity in the spiritual, mental, and physical development for same and as we see in the various presentations of the vision, the slight changes that occur in the make-up of the machine show the various amount of endeavor within the mental forces of the entity to gain the understanding of same; for, as is seen, there will appear this same vision three other periods in the development of the entity, and in each there will be seen again changes as are to come in the entity's understanding of the emanations, or the abilities of individuals to apply in the life of an entity in material plane the various lessons as are attained or gained from same. As is seen, all of the power must come from above. The bars representing, then, as the individual's foundation, upon which there is given the lifting power of same to soar through the various fields of knowledge in attaining the various points necessary for that development and that understanding to apply such forces in the material plane. Just as is seen in the various points from the machine, shows that all force, while as of one, is gained through the various sources and contacts as are made, and is called in the material plane that of the environmental forces, while in that of the hereditary forces is as that left in the wake of the impelling force that drives the body and the mind through those spaces necessary to make the individual one in all of its applications in the various fields of endeavor, whether studying the higher fields of thought or in making the turns or curves in the various walks of life, and in the individuals as the entity contacts from time to time. In the application of same as from the field of the purely mechanical forces, these - as they are presented from time to time - will bring to the knowledge of the individual that as is necessary to bring about the changes in mechanical appliance of that force known as the earth-side force as has been applied in eons ago to those crafts that soared through the ether. [See Life reading 39-2.] Be satisfied with that attained from the experience, until there is through a little here, a little there, line upon line, precept upon precept - applying that already gained, that more may be given unto thee. Ready for questions.
(Q): Now you will have before you the body of [39], present in this room, and the enquiring mind of this body, who had the dream I will give you during the course of the past six years. At various times during the past six years the body has experienced the following: Visualized airship heavier than air, which collects its lifting and driving force from the atmosphere by means of points on the top of it. Underneath this machine there are apparently two heavy copper bars running the length of it, having small points underneath, which when charged with the force lifts the machine from the air apparently neutralizing the force of gravity. The machine was driven by the power streaming from points attached to the rear. You will give the interpretation of this dream or vision, tell us if such a machine is practical and if such a power is available, and how such may be made. You will answer questions regarding this. (A): Yes, we have the body, the enquiring mind, [39], here. With dreams and visions as come to individual, these are of various classes and groups, and are the emanations from the conscious, subconscious, or superconscious, or the combination and correlation of each, depending upon the individual and the personal development of the individual, and are to be used in the lives of such for the betterment of such individual. In this vision, we find this emblematical condition being presented to the entity. Not wholly a condition that may not be made feasible, plausible, workable, or used in the operation of man's endeavor; yet to the entity is as an emblematical condition, with those of the conscious forces using that which the mind has dwelt upon to show the higher forces as are to be used by the entity in the spiritual, mental, and physical development for same and as we see in the various presentations of the vision, the slight changes that occur in the make-up of the machine show the various amount of endeavor within the mental forces of the entity to gain the understanding of same; for, as is seen, there will appear this same vision three other periods in the development of the entity, and in each there will be seen again changes as are to come in the entity's understanding of the emanations, or the abilities of individuals to apply in the life of an entity in material plane the various lessons as are attained or gained from same. As is seen, all of the power must come from above. The bars representing, then, as the individual's foundation, upon which there is given the lifting power of same to soar through the various fields of knowledge in attaining the various points necessary for that development and that understanding to apply such forces in the material plane. Just as is seen in the various points from the machine, shows that all force, while as of one, is gained through the various sources and contacts as are made, and is called in the material plane that of the environmental forces, while in that of the hereditary forces is as that left in the wake of the impelling force that drives the body and the mind through those spaces necessary to make the individual one in all of its applications in the various fields of endeavor, whether studying the higher fields of thought or in making the turns or curves in the various walks of life, and in the individuals as the entity contacts from time to time. In the application of same as from the field of the purely mechanical forces, these - as they are presented from time to time - will bring to the knowledge of the individual that as is necessary to bring about the changes in mechanical appliance of that force known as the earth-side force as has been applied in eons ago to those crafts that soared through the ether. [See Life reading 39-2.] Be satisfied with that attained from the experience, until there is through a little here, a little there, line upon line, precept upon precept - applying that already gained, that more may be given unto thee. Ready for questions.
That is all of the questions in this reading.
We are through with this reading for the present for much may be given to the entity as respecting its (the entity's) development, mentally, spiritually, physically. Use that in hand - for the simple rod stretched over the mighty sea became the power in the hands of him who walked with the Creative Energy - God. The withered rod became the budded almond in the hands of him who sought to know His ways, and applied same in the life. Keep thine paths straight. Walk in the shadow of His wing. Keep thine eyes, thine heart, ever to that source from which emanates all power that lifts man toward the Creator. We are through with this reading.
(Q): Now you will have before you the body of [39], present in this room, and the enquiring mind of this body, who had the dream I will give you during the course of the past six years. At various times during the past six years the body has experienced the following: Visualized airship heavier than air, which collects its lifting and driving force from the atmosphere by means of points on the top of it. Underneath this machine there are apparently two heavy copper bars running the length of it, having small points underneath, which when charged with the force lifts the machine from the air apparently neutralizing the force of gravity. The machine was driven by the power streaming from points attached to the rear. You will give the interpretation of this dream or vision, tell us if such a machine is practical and if such a power is available, and how such may be made. You will answer questions regarding this. (A): Yes, we have the body, the enquiring mind, [39], here. With dreams and visions as come to individual, these are of various classes and groups, and are the emanations from the conscious, subconscious, or superconscious, or the combination and correlation of each, depending upon the individual and the personal development of the individual, and are to be used in the lives of such for the betterment of such individual. In this vision, we find this emblematical condition being presented to the entity. Not wholly a condition that may not be made feasible, plausible, workable, or used in the operation of man's endeavor; yet to the entity is as an emblematical condition, with those of the conscious forces using that which the mind has dwelt upon to show the higher forces as are to be used by the entity in the spiritual, mental, and physical development for same and as we see in the various presentations of the vision, the slight changes that occur in the make-up of the machine show the various amount of endeavor within the mental forces of the entity to gain the understanding of same; for, as is seen, there will appear this same vision three other periods in the development of the entity, and in each there will be seen again changes as are to come in the entity's understanding of the emanations, or the abilities of individuals to apply in the life of an entity in material plane the various lessons as are attained or gained from same. As is seen, all of the power must come from above. The bars representing, then, as the individual's foundation, upon which there is given the lifting power of same to soar through the various fields of knowledge in attaining the various points necessary for that development and that understanding to apply such forces in the material plane. Just as is seen in the various points from the machine, shows that all force, while as of one, is gained through the various sources and contacts as are made, and is called in the material plane that of the environmental forces, while in that of the hereditary forces is as that left in the wake of the impelling force that drives the body and the mind through those spaces necessary to make the individual one in all of its applications in the various fields of endeavor, whether studying the higher fields of thought or in making the turns or curves in the various walks of life, and in the individuals as the entity contacts from time to time. In the application of same as from the field of the purely mechanical forces, these - as they are presented from time to time - will bring to the knowledge of the individual that as is necessary to bring about the changes in mechanical appliance of that force known as the earth-side force as has been applied in eons ago to those crafts that soared through the ether. [See Life reading 39-2.] Be satisfied with that attained from the experience, until there is through a little here, a little there, line upon line, precept upon precept - applying that already gained, that more may be given unto thee. Ready for questions. (Q): That is all of the questions in this reading. (A): We are through with this reading for the present for much may be given to the entity as respecting its (the entity's) development, mentally, spiritually, physically. Use that in hand - for the simple rod stretched over the mighty sea became the power in the hands of him who walked with the Creative Energy - God. The withered rod became the budded almond in the hands of him who sought to know His ways, and applied same in the life. Keep thine paths straight. Walk in the shadow of His wing. Keep thine eyes, thine heart, ever to that source from which emanates all power that lifts man toward the Creator. We are through with this reading.
The entity, then, may seek this source for further information on coming experiences?
The entity may seek all sources - for, as is seen, there are many points toward the heavens, as of the lifting power. The stability of self - as is set in those bars that lift or parallel with the earth - must be kept in that brightness as is seen, that there may be attained more power, more force, in the applying in self that already attained.
How may I so act that the forces will help me to secure a competent livelihood?
In the way as given. That is all the questions. Let the body enter within self, for in the quiet alone and in this way commune with the Father in Spirit. The way, the how, the manner, will be opened for the body - not to excess, but to that sufficient to meet the needs of the hour, and the way will open for the understanding of the powers that be! We are through.
(Q): How may I so act that the forces will help me to secure a competent livelihood? (A): In the way as given. That is all the questions. Let the body enter within self, for in the quiet alone and in this way commune with the Father in Spirit. The way, the how, the manner, will be opened for the body - not to excess, but to that sufficient to meet the needs of the hour, and the way will open for the understanding of the powers that be! We are through.
I am wishful to attain the greatest spiritual advancement in this existence. How may I do this - that is, how far are present business methods compatible with this aim?
Do not allow the worry of business to overshadow spiritual development. Do not think that these may be separated, or that these may be run as one - no! for each in its own sphere, each in its own pace, apart - yet ever one; for in applying self comes understanding of business, and also spiritual knowledge comes through application of spiritual truths. Remember thou art the God within thine own self that may make or break thine own spirit to accomplish that as is set before thee, for ever is it true, `I am with thee, and will not forsake thee, even though you are compassed about by shadows, doubts, and many rabbles,` yet keep thine heart in attunement, and EVERY condition will open in the right time, place, and manner. Keep thine self aright - all will come well!
(Q): How may I so act that the forces will help me to secure a competent livelihood? (A): In the way as given. That is all the questions. Let the body enter within self, for in the quiet alone and in this way commune with the Father in Spirit. The way, the how, the manner, will be opened for the body - not to excess, but to that sufficient to meet the needs of the hour, and the way will open for the understanding of the powers that be! We are through. (Q): I am wishful to attain the greatest spiritual advancement in this existence. How may I do this - that is, how far are present business methods compatible with this aim? (A): Do not allow the worry of business to overshadow spiritual development. Do not think that these may be separated, or that these may be run as one - no! for each in its own sphere, each in its own pace, apart - yet ever one; for in applying self comes understanding of business, and also spiritual knowledge comes through application of spiritual truths. Remember thou art the God within thine own self that may make or break thine own spirit to accomplish that as is set before thee, for ever is it true, `I am with thee, and will not forsake thee, even though you are compassed about by shadows, doubts, and many rabbles,` yet keep thine heart in attunement, and EVERY condition will open in the right time, place, and manner. Keep thine self aright - all will come well!
In praying to God over my present need of money to meet my obligations -
(interrupting) This has just been given, as is seen, that as necessary through these sources for the entity to obtain that which is needful for the entity to apply in self to gain for self and those dependent upon same the needs of the hour. Do that.
(Q): How may I so act that the forces will help me to secure a competent livelihood? (A): In the way as given. That is all the questions. Let the body enter within self, for in the quiet alone and in this way commune with the Father in Spirit. The way, the how, the manner, will be opened for the body - not to excess, but to that sufficient to meet the needs of the hour, and the way will open for the understanding of the powers that be! We are through. (Q): I am wishful to attain the greatest spiritual advancement in this existence. How may I do this - that is, how far are present business methods compatible with this aim? (A): Do not allow the worry of business to overshadow spiritual development. Do not think that these may be separated, or that these may be run as one - no! for each in its own sphere, each in its own pace, apart - yet ever one; for in applying self comes understanding of business, and also spiritual knowledge comes through application of spiritual truths. Remember thou art the God within thine own self that may make or break thine own spirit to accomplish that as is set before thee, for ever is it true, `I am with thee, and will not forsake thee, even though you are compassed about by shadows, doubts, and many rabbles,` yet keep thine heart in attunement, and EVERY condition will open in the right time, place, and manner. Keep thine self aright - all will come well! (Q): In praying to God over my present need of money to meet my obligations - (A): (interrupting) This has just been given, as is seen, that as necessary through these sources for the entity to obtain that which is needful for the entity to apply in self to gain for self and those dependent upon same the needs of the hour. Do that.
Please tell me why the big things I have worked on have failed to materialize. Wherein have I failed? How may I -
(Interrupting) For the little ones have not been kept just as close in touch with the development of things as should be. The big things will develop, the big things will come out for the entity. Keep the heart singing. Keep the face toward the light, keeping self in attune to that Oneness wherein all power, and all force, is at the command of the entity in applying those forces known within self to meet the needs of each and every condition. IMPEL others, rather than be impelled BY others! While the applications are, as it were, toward the dreamy nature within the entity, yet the APPALLING part is that the body does not force the issue with those who are interested, and desirous even, of carrying out the IDEAS as are put forward by this body, [39].
(Q): How may I so act that the forces will help me to secure a competent livelihood? (A): In the way as given. That is all the questions. Let the body enter within self, for in the quiet alone and in this way commune with the Father in Spirit. The way, the how, the manner, will be opened for the body - not to excess, but to that sufficient to meet the needs of the hour, and the way will open for the understanding of the powers that be! We are through. (Q): I am wishful to attain the greatest spiritual advancement in this existence. How may I do this - that is, how far are present business methods compatible with this aim? (A): Do not allow the worry of business to overshadow spiritual development. Do not think that these may be separated, or that these may be run as one - no! for each in its own sphere, each in its own pace, apart - yet ever one; for in applying self comes understanding of business, and also spiritual knowledge comes through application of spiritual truths. Remember thou art the God within thine own self that may make or break thine own spirit to accomplish that as is set before thee, for ever is it true, `I am with thee, and will not forsake thee, even though you are compassed about by shadows, doubts, and many rabbles,` yet keep thine heart in attunement, and EVERY condition will open in the right time, place, and manner. Keep thine self aright - all will come well! (Q): In praying to God over my present need of money to meet my obligations - (A): (interrupting) This has just been given, as is seen, that as necessary through these sources for the entity to obtain that which is needful for the entity to apply in self to gain for self and those dependent upon same the needs of the hour. Do that. (Q): Please tell me why the big things I have worked on have failed to materialize. Wherein have I failed? How may I - (A): (Interrupting) For the little ones have not been kept just as close in touch with the development of things as should be. The big things will develop, the big things will come out for the entity. Keep the heart singing. Keep the face toward the light, keeping self in attune to that Oneness wherein all power, and all force, is at the command of the entity in applying those forces known within self to meet the needs of each and every condition. IMPEL others, rather than be impelled BY others! While the applications are, as it were, toward the dreamy nature within the entity, yet the APPALLING part is that the body does not force the issue with those who are interested, and desirous even, of carrying out the IDEAS as are put forward by this body, [39].
Who should I borrow from?
That as given. First get that which is as coming to the entity from those sources - which the entity will be able to - from those who have promised, given orders, for this character, nature of furniture, outside of that as has already been ordered. Get monies paid on those! That will be allowed to be used by the body itself from those who are preparing and building same for this body.
(Q): How may I so act that the forces will help me to secure a competent livelihood? (A): In the way as given. That is all the questions. Let the body enter within self, for in the quiet alone and in this way commune with the Father in Spirit. The way, the how, the manner, will be opened for the body - not to excess, but to that sufficient to meet the needs of the hour, and the way will open for the understanding of the powers that be! We are through. (Q): I am wishful to attain the greatest spiritual advancement in this existence. How may I do this - that is, how far are present business methods compatible with this aim? (A): Do not allow the worry of business to overshadow spiritual development. Do not think that these may be separated, or that these may be run as one - no! for each in its own sphere, each in its own pace, apart - yet ever one; for in applying self comes understanding of business, and also spiritual knowledge comes through application of spiritual truths. Remember thou art the God within thine own self that may make or break thine own spirit to accomplish that as is set before thee, for ever is it true, `I am with thee, and will not forsake thee, even though you are compassed about by shadows, doubts, and many rabbles,` yet keep thine heart in attunement, and EVERY condition will open in the right time, place, and manner. Keep thine self aright - all will come well! (Q): In praying to God over my present need of money to meet my obligations - (A): (interrupting) This has just been given, as is seen, that as necessary through these sources for the entity to obtain that which is needful for the entity to apply in self to gain for self and those dependent upon same the needs of the hour. Do that. (Q): Please tell me why the big things I have worked on have failed to materialize. Wherein have I failed? How may I - (A): (Interrupting) For the little ones have not been kept just as close in touch with the development of things as should be. The big things will develop, the big things will come out for the entity. Keep the heart singing. Keep the face toward the light, keeping self in attune to that Oneness wherein all power, and all force, is at the command of the entity in applying those forces known within self to meet the needs of each and every condition. IMPEL others, rather than be impelled BY others! While the applications are, as it were, toward the dreamy nature within the entity, yet the APPALLING part is that the body does not force the issue with those who are interested, and desirous even, of carrying out the IDEAS as are put forward by this body, [39]. (Q): Who should I borrow from? (A): That as given. First get that which is as coming to the entity from those sources - which the entity will be able to - from those who have promised, given orders, for this character, nature of furniture, outside of that as has already been ordered. Get monies paid on those! That will be allowed to be used by the body itself from those who are preparing and building same for this body.
Will I be able to secure future business and may I look forward to the future with confidence?
The body may, will it but apply self in these channels and in the way and manner as has been outlined for the body.
(Q): How may I so act that the forces will help me to secure a competent livelihood? (A): In the way as given. That is all the questions. Let the body enter within self, for in the quiet alone and in this way commune with the Father in Spirit. The way, the how, the manner, will be opened for the body - not to excess, but to that sufficient to meet the needs of the hour, and the way will open for the understanding of the powers that be! We are through. (Q): I am wishful to attain the greatest spiritual advancement in this existence. How may I do this - that is, how far are present business methods compatible with this aim? (A): Do not allow the worry of business to overshadow spiritual development. Do not think that these may be separated, or that these may be run as one - no! for each in its own sphere, each in its own pace, apart - yet ever one; for in applying self comes understanding of business, and also spiritual knowledge comes through application of spiritual truths. Remember thou art the God within thine own self that may make or break thine own spirit to accomplish that as is set before thee, for ever is it true, `I am with thee, and will not forsake thee, even though you are compassed about by shadows, doubts, and many rabbles,` yet keep thine heart in attunement, and EVERY condition will open in the right time, place, and manner. Keep thine self aright - all will come well! (Q): In praying to God over my present need of money to meet my obligations - (A): (interrupting) This has just been given, as is seen, that as necessary through these sources for the entity to obtain that which is needful for the entity to apply in self to gain for self and those dependent upon same the needs of the hour. Do that. (Q): Please tell me why the big things I have worked on have failed to materialize. Wherein have I failed? How may I - (A): (Interrupting) For the little ones have not been kept just as close in touch with the development of things as should be. The big things will develop, the big things will come out for the entity. Keep the heart singing. Keep the face toward the light, keeping self in attune to that Oneness wherein all power, and all force, is at the command of the entity in applying those forces known within self to meet the needs of each and every condition. IMPEL others, rather than be impelled BY others! While the applications are, as it were, toward the dreamy nature within the entity, yet the APPALLING part is that the body does not force the issue with those who are interested, and desirous even, of carrying out the IDEAS as are put forward by this body, [39]. (Q): Who should I borrow from? (A): That as given. First get that which is as coming to the entity from those sources - which the entity will be able to - from those who have promised, given orders, for this character, nature of furniture, outside of that as has already been ordered. Get monies paid on those! That will be allowed to be used by the body itself from those who are preparing and building same for this body. (Q): Will I be able to secure future business and may I look forward to the future with confidence? (A): The body may, will it but apply self in these channels and in the way and manner as has been outlined for the body.
Will Mallin Bros. act fairly toward me, and will deliveries -
(Interrupting) They will act fairly toward this body will the body but carry forward that as is being SET IN MOTION by the body for these to act UPON! Just as fair as the body will act with Mallin Brothers, Mallin Brothers will act toward the body!
(Q): How may I so act that the forces will help me to secure a competent livelihood? (A): In the way as given. That is all the questions. Let the body enter within self, for in the quiet alone and in this way commune with the Father in Spirit. The way, the how, the manner, will be opened for the body - not to excess, but to that sufficient to meet the needs of the hour, and the way will open for the understanding of the powers that be! We are through. (Q): I am wishful to attain the greatest spiritual advancement in this existence. How may I do this - that is, how far are present business methods compatible with this aim? (A): Do not allow the worry of business to overshadow spiritual development. Do not think that these may be separated, or that these may be run as one - no! for each in its own sphere, each in its own pace, apart - yet ever one; for in applying self comes understanding of business, and also spiritual knowledge comes through application of spiritual truths. Remember thou art the God within thine own self that may make or break thine own spirit to accomplish that as is set before thee, for ever is it true, `I am with thee, and will not forsake thee, even though you are compassed about by shadows, doubts, and many rabbles,` yet keep thine heart in attunement, and EVERY condition will open in the right time, place, and manner. Keep thine self aright - all will come well! (Q): In praying to God over my present need of money to meet my obligations - (A): (interrupting) This has just been given, as is seen, that as necessary through these sources for the entity to obtain that which is needful for the entity to apply in self to gain for self and those dependent upon same the needs of the hour. Do that. (Q): Please tell me why the big things I have worked on have failed to materialize. Wherein have I failed? How may I - (A): (Interrupting) For the little ones have not been kept just as close in touch with the development of things as should be. The big things will develop, the big things will come out for the entity. Keep the heart singing. Keep the face toward the light, keeping self in attune to that Oneness wherein all power, and all force, is at the command of the entity in applying those forces known within self to meet the needs of each and every condition. IMPEL others, rather than be impelled BY others! While the applications are, as it were, toward the dreamy nature within the entity, yet the APPALLING part is that the body does not force the issue with those who are interested, and desirous even, of carrying out the IDEAS as are put forward by this body, [39]. (Q): Who should I borrow from? (A): That as given. First get that which is as coming to the entity from those sources - which the entity will be able to - from those who have promised, given orders, for this character, nature of furniture, outside of that as has already been ordered. Get monies paid on those! That will be allowed to be used by the body itself from those who are preparing and building same for this body. (Q): Will I be able to secure future business and may I look forward to the future with confidence? (A): The body may, will it but apply self in these channels and in the way and manner as has been outlined for the body. (Q): Will Mallin Bros. act fairly toward me, and will deliveries - (A): (Interrupting) They will act fairly toward this body will the body but carry forward that as is being SET IN MOTION by the body for these to act UPON! Just as fair as the body will act with Mallin Brothers, Mallin Brothers will act toward the body!
You will have before you the body and the enquiring mind of [39] of ... Whitestone, Long Island, N.Y., and you will answer the questions I shall ask you regarding this body's business associations and obligations, also regarding spiritual development.
We have the body and enquiring mind, [39]. The body we have had here before. Some of the business associations and relations we have had here before. Now we find, through the analyses of the mind proper, there are those conditions in the financial way and manner that present barriers, bugaboos, fearful conditions as anticipated by the body for self and others. This unfits the body to meet the needs of the conditions of the hour, and would the body in its consciousness answer to self these questions in self - through that as has been given and as is presented to the consciousness that the body must rely upon those sources wherein there is aid and succor and understanding - then the body may gain the better understanding of conditions, and see and know that worry will only unfit and prevent the body from meting out the best in self and for others, and in this respect WILL must MANIFEST and not be pulled or palled* about by circumstance, as it were. Meet the needs of the hour. In this, then, as has been given, the body may acquire - through the efforts of the body-physical - those necessary needs to meet the conditions as they arise in the financial strain through those efforts of the body to gain sufficient of the world's goods from those people whom the entity has interested, and does interest, in that being accomplished by the entity; that is, the association and connections as are made by the entity at present are very good, will the body but carry forward that as has been contemplated and as has been worked out in part by the body, and as SOON as conditions are set in a better condition with these people with whom the body is associated, the deliveries will be made and delivered, see? * [GD's note: Pall (obsolete), to strike or beat.] 4. Now, there are those the body is dealing with direct for orders and for the materials as are prepared by the body. From these collect sufficient to meet the needs of the hour, and same will be allowed the entity from those that are building or preparing same for delivery. SUFFICIENT may be had through these sources to meet the needs of the hour. What is lacking borrow personally from those the entity associated with, or through those channels will the entity gain that to meet. Keep the heart SINGING! Keep the mind clear! Keep the face toward the LIGHT! the shadows then are BEHIND! Keep the way open, and be ready to meet the needs, rather than GIVING UP before the work is well begun! While the entity and body-mind is considered rather of the dreamy nature, yet the ABILITY to meet the needs is within the entity's own hands, will the body but apply that as is PRESENT AT HAND! See? Ready for questions.
What is causing the ear to vibrate when at home in Whitestone? What may -
This, as you see, has been treated concerning these conditions. Follow rather those suggestions as have been made here concerning the application of those things as has been gained, and entering into the silence listen and ye shall hear that answering of many things that have been sought for. Be ye not only hearers but doers also of the knowledge attained. We are through with this reading.
(Q): What is causing the ear to vibrate when at home in Whitestone? What may - (A): This, as you see, has been treated concerning these conditions. Follow rather those suggestions as have been made here concerning the application of those things as has been gained, and entering into the silence listen and ye shall hear that answering of many things that have been sought for. Be ye not only hearers but doers also of the knowledge attained. We are through with this reading.
You will have before you [39], of Apt. ... West 9th St., Whitestone, L.I., N.Y. You will give the physical condition of this body at the present time, with special reference to the condition of the ear. You will answer the questions which I will ask you regarding this body.
We have had the body here before. Now, with special reference to the conditions of the ear - here, [39], you find that of the purely psychological condition being manifested in you of many of the conditions of which you have sought reasons concerning, and you find one being demonstrated through that experience through which you are passing at the present time. These interferences, while psychic in nature, are pathological in effect upon the physical body - for the lack of application of knowledge gained works to that of misapplication, or an undue use - or lack of use - of that attained. In meeting the needs of the body physical - for this we find it is only necessary to change or to remove from certain surroundings under which this condition persists to bring this annoyance. In the physical sense this doesn't hinder. In the sense of non-application this hinders much. Use much then of the experiences of others - speak out! Don't fear! Call on those near and hear what they have to say concerning same. As to the physical conditions as we have had existent in the body, these we find much improved; yet some conditions - especially as that hindrance as is effected through the position of the stomach proper. There needs be a correction in the fitting of the belt worn, for this in a manner gives an improper incentive for the functioning of those centers that are finding new feelers in a varied field from that of which they have so long functioned. The Radium Appliance needs more charging, or better yet return same for a recharge, see? Then when put in use upon its return, use each day as has been given, but take time for the recharge; that is, by placing in strong sunlight or in the strong light for a period sufficient for the re-activity of the radiating forces to be centralized, or localized for centralization in the body. Ready for questions.
How many treatments would be necessary to correct the condition?
Depends upon the activities of the body after the corrections are made and the relief is given, see? for with too much standing, or too much walking on feet, it may reoccur again - for the inclination is from weakness in the general physical forces and undue exertion as was caused brought about this trouble, see? We are through with this reading.
(Q): How many treatments would be necessary to correct the condition? (A): Depends upon the activities of the body after the corrections are made and the relief is given, see? for with too much standing, or too much walking on feet, it may reoccur again - for the inclination is from weakness in the general physical forces and undue exertion as was caused brought about this trouble, see? We are through with this reading.
You will give the physical condition of this body at the present time, with suggestions for the relief and improvement of same. You will answer any questions I may ask you regarding same.
Yes, we have the body here - this we have had before. Conditions are not so good. Now, we find there are specific existent conditions, and these - while not altogether from old causes, yet are so irritating (some of the old conditions) as to cause much distress and worry. We have a form of hernia, where the intestine has slipped between the muscular tissue in such a way as to cause more pain and distress than of conditions that may not be corrected, and would not cause much trouble, corrected properly. We would immediately have osteopathic treatments and adjustments such as to relieve the trouble. Remain off the feet and apply those of hot applications to relieve that distress as is caused through this region. Do that. Ready for questions.
If secured, will it be a profitable undertaking?
Made on that basis - this only desired by Small - let it BE a profitable one to those so furnishing!
(Q): If secured, will it be a profitable undertaking? (A): Made on that basis - this only desired by Small - let it BE a profitable one to those so furnishing!
May the firm of Laurence Emmons, Inc., look forward to prosperity? Is it working on the right lines or should any alteration be made that would be for the best interest of all concerned?
On the right lines, yes. Many changes are as NEEDED, are and will be seen as necessary. The policies as at present are EXCELLENT. Live up to them! We are through for the present.
(Q): If secured, will it be a profitable undertaking? (A): Made on that basis - this only desired by Small - let it BE a profitable one to those so furnishing! (Q): May the firm of Laurence Emmons, Inc., look forward to prosperity? Is it working on the right lines or should any alteration be made that would be for the best interest of all concerned? (A): On the right lines, yes. Many changes are as NEEDED, are and will be seen as necessary. The policies as at present are EXCELLENT. Live up to them! We are through for the present.
May we look forward confidently to securing this order?
Fulfilling this as given, yes. Not fulfilling this, no.
(Q): If secured, will it be a profitable undertaking? (A): Made on that basis - this only desired by Small - let it BE a profitable one to those so furnishing! (Q): May the firm of Laurence Emmons, Inc., look forward to prosperity? Is it working on the right lines or should any alteration be made that would be for the best interest of all concerned? (A): On the right lines, yes. Many changes are as NEEDED, are and will be seen as necessary. The policies as at present are EXCELLENT. Live up to them! We are through for the present. (Q): May we look forward confidently to securing this order? (A): Fulfilling this as given, yes. Not fulfilling this, no.
What is the right attitude of mind in which to approach Mr. Small?
That of the best service in that demanded or desired by Small, for the hotel to be so furnished, decorated, and ready for operation.
(Q): If secured, will it be a profitable undertaking? (A): Made on that basis - this only desired by Small - let it BE a profitable one to those so furnishing! (Q): May the firm of Laurence Emmons, Inc., look forward to prosperity? Is it working on the right lines or should any alteration be made that would be for the best interest of all concerned? (A): On the right lines, yes. Many changes are as NEEDED, are and will be seen as necessary. The policies as at present are EXCELLENT. Live up to them! We are through for the present. (Q): May we look forward confidently to securing this order? (A): Fulfilling this as given, yes. Not fulfilling this, no. (Q): What is the right attitude of mind in which to approach Mr. Small? (A): That of the best service in that demanded or desired by Small, for the hotel to be so furnished, decorated, and ready for operation.
When will the contract be given?
When this is made self-evident to Small that the best service, in its whole sense, is and can be rendered.
(Q): If secured, will it be a profitable undertaking? (A): Made on that basis - this only desired by Small - let it BE a profitable one to those so furnishing! (Q): May the firm of Laurence Emmons, Inc., look forward to prosperity? Is it working on the right lines or should any alteration be made that would be for the best interest of all concerned? (A): On the right lines, yes. Many changes are as NEEDED, are and will be seen as necessary. The policies as at present are EXCELLENT. Live up to them! We are through for the present. (Q): May we look forward confidently to securing this order? (A): Fulfilling this as given, yes. Not fulfilling this, no. (Q): What is the right attitude of mind in which to approach Mr. Small? (A): That of the best service in that demanded or desired by Small, for the hotel to be so furnished, decorated, and ready for operation. (Q): When will the contract be given? (A): When this is made self-evident to Small that the best service, in its whole sense, is and can be rendered.
You will have before you the enquiring mind of [39] in his relation to the firm of Laurence Emmons, Inc., 117 East 60th St., N.Y. City. You will answer questions asked with regard to efforts of this firm to secure the contract of furnishing an hotel at 75th St. & Broadway, N.Y. City, to be awarded by Mr. A. Small, 271 Madison Ave., N.Y. City.
Yes, we have the enquiring mind of [39] - this we have had before, and the associations with Emmons Company, and the attempts of the body and company to secure contract for furnishing hotel of which the contract is to be awarded by A. Small. Now, in relations to this awarding, and the mode and manner of approach to those, or that one who awards such contract: These are in regular order, and there will be only the essence in its fullest extent of the BEST and the most economical way of furnishing those specified conditions for this hotel. While commonly or ordinarily speaking, Small is a regular fellow; yet in this particular deal there will be considered the best, most artistic, the most reasonable way, before even ECONOMY is considered; while it IS a factor. Then, THAT approach. The ability of Emmons to furnish that needed, that desired, and the manner - or the service that can be rendered through its offices, in making this service one that the one so awarding contract will be PROUD, as well as glad, of the association. So present it. We would find the contract so given - and [39] may expect (can this be shown) the best service, the most artistic in all of its arrangement, and a service that will not be seconded by any, on this particular job. Approach, then, in that manner, and obtain same.
Any further advice for this body that will assist?
Much may be given as regarding various conditions. Those first, though, as those as are sought here - following these suggestions, these lines, as will be builded through the application of that given, will bring and present to the body much more satisfactory conditions in the material, the mental, and the physical sphere. We are through for the present.
(Q): Any further advice for this body that will assist? (A): Much may be given as regarding various conditions. Those first, though, as those as are sought here - following these suggestions, these lines, as will be builded through the application of that given, will bring and present to the body much more satisfactory conditions in the material, the mental, and the physical sphere. We are through for the present.
How long will it be before we are able to obtain a proper status enabling us to do this?
That depends upon too many relationships to give any definite period or time, for this may COME at the least expected time - dependent upon the activities not only in the MATERIAL things of life, but in those of the mental and such relationships as would make such conditions that as would be satisfactory to all.
(Q): Any further advice for this body that will assist? (A): Much may be given as regarding various conditions. Those first, though, as those as are sought here - following these suggestions, these lines, as will be builded through the application of that given, will bring and present to the body much more satisfactory conditions in the material, the mental, and the physical sphere. We are through for the present. (Q): How long will it be before we are able to obtain a proper status enabling us to do this? (A): That depends upon too many relationships to give any definite period or time, for this may COME at the least expected time - dependent upon the activities not only in the MATERIAL things of life, but in those of the mental and such relationships as would make such conditions that as would be satisfactory to all.
How may I best serve the work at Virginia Beach?
Through the various relationships that may be established by the individual efforts of the body in word of mouth, in letter, in speech.
(Q): Any further advice for this body that will assist? (A): Much may be given as regarding various conditions. Those first, though, as those as are sought here - following these suggestions, these lines, as will be builded through the application of that given, will bring and present to the body much more satisfactory conditions in the material, the mental, and the physical sphere. We are through for the present. (Q): How long will it be before we are able to obtain a proper status enabling us to do this? (A): That depends upon too many relationships to give any definite period or time, for this may COME at the least expected time - dependent upon the activities not only in the MATERIAL things of life, but in those of the mental and such relationships as would make such conditions that as would be satisfactory to all. (Q): How may I best serve the work at Virginia Beach? (A): Through the various relationships that may be established by the individual efforts of the body in word of mouth, in letter, in speech.
How soon may I be assured of arriving at an economic independence?
By February of coming year.
(Q): Any further advice for this body that will assist? (A): Much may be given as regarding various conditions. Those first, though, as those as are sought here - following these suggestions, these lines, as will be builded through the application of that given, will bring and present to the body much more satisfactory conditions in the material, the mental, and the physical sphere. We are through for the present. (Q): How long will it be before we are able to obtain a proper status enabling us to do this? (A): That depends upon too many relationships to give any definite period or time, for this may COME at the least expected time - dependent upon the activities not only in the MATERIAL things of life, but in those of the mental and such relationships as would make such conditions that as would be satisfactory to all. (Q): How may I best serve the work at Virginia Beach? (A): Through the various relationships that may be established by the individual efforts of the body in word of mouth, in letter, in speech. (Q): How soon may I be assured of arriving at an economic independence? (A): By February of coming year.
Is it best for me to become a modest member of the Trust formed by Morton H. Blumenthal, or should I operate with small capital first?
Best to become a member, and through same obtain that connection that will bring to the body many of the conditions and surroundings that will aid in many ways to further the business and business associations and relations.
(Q): Any further advice for this body that will assist? (A): Much may be given as regarding various conditions. Those first, though, as those as are sought here - following these suggestions, these lines, as will be builded through the application of that given, will bring and present to the body much more satisfactory conditions in the material, the mental, and the physical sphere. We are through for the present. (Q): How long will it be before we are able to obtain a proper status enabling us to do this? (A): That depends upon too many relationships to give any definite period or time, for this may COME at the least expected time - dependent upon the activities not only in the MATERIAL things of life, but in those of the mental and such relationships as would make such conditions that as would be satisfactory to all. (Q): How may I best serve the work at Virginia Beach? (A): Through the various relationships that may be established by the individual efforts of the body in word of mouth, in letter, in speech. (Q): How soon may I be assured of arriving at an economic independence? (A): By February of coming year. (Q): Is it best for me to become a modest member of the Trust formed by Morton H. Blumenthal, or should I operate with small capital first? (A): Best to become a member, and through same obtain that connection that will bring to the body many of the conditions and surroundings that will aid in many ways to further the business and business associations and relations.
Is the new company as suggested by Mr. Douglas Haddon, 101 Park Ave., the right one?
The right one.
(Q): Any further advice for this body that will assist? (A): Much may be given as regarding various conditions. Those first, though, as those as are sought here - following these suggestions, these lines, as will be builded through the application of that given, will bring and present to the body much more satisfactory conditions in the material, the mental, and the physical sphere. We are through for the present. (Q): How long will it be before we are able to obtain a proper status enabling us to do this? (A): That depends upon too many relationships to give any definite period or time, for this may COME at the least expected time - dependent upon the activities not only in the MATERIAL things of life, but in those of the mental and such relationships as would make such conditions that as would be satisfactory to all. (Q): How may I best serve the work at Virginia Beach? (A): Through the various relationships that may be established by the individual efforts of the body in word of mouth, in letter, in speech. (Q): How soon may I be assured of arriving at an economic independence? (A): By February of coming year. (Q): Is it best for me to become a modest member of the Trust formed by Morton H. Blumenthal, or should I operate with small capital first? (A): Best to become a member, and through same obtain that connection that will bring to the body many of the conditions and surroundings that will aid in many ways to further the business and business associations and relations. (Q): Is the new company as suggested by Mr. Douglas Haddon, 101 Park Ave., the right one? (A): The right one.
May I, together with wife and child, look forward with any certainty of being able to visit our parents in England?
As to certainty, few things in the material plane may be set as a certainty. As conditions exist at present, when all relationships are considered, not in a SATISFACTORY manner will the visit be made. However, these conditions may change, and may change when least expected.
(Q): Any further advice for this body that will assist? (A): Much may be given as regarding various conditions. Those first, though, as those as are sought here - following these suggestions, these lines, as will be builded through the application of that given, will bring and present to the body much more satisfactory conditions in the material, the mental, and the physical sphere. We are through for the present. (Q): How long will it be before we are able to obtain a proper status enabling us to do this? (A): That depends upon too many relationships to give any definite period or time, for this may COME at the least expected time - dependent upon the activities not only in the MATERIAL things of life, but in those of the mental and such relationships as would make such conditions that as would be satisfactory to all. (Q): How may I best serve the work at Virginia Beach? (A): Through the various relationships that may be established by the individual efforts of the body in word of mouth, in letter, in speech. (Q): How soon may I be assured of arriving at an economic independence? (A): By February of coming year. (Q): Is it best for me to become a modest member of the Trust formed by Morton H. Blumenthal, or should I operate with small capital first? (A): Best to become a member, and through same obtain that connection that will bring to the body many of the conditions and surroundings that will aid in many ways to further the business and business associations and relations. (Q): Is the new company as suggested by Mr. Douglas Haddon, 101 Park Ave., the right one? (A): The right one. (Q): May I, together with wife and child, look forward with any certainty of being able to visit our parents in England? (A): As to certainty, few things in the material plane may be set as a certainty. As conditions exist at present, when all relationships are considered, not in a SATISFACTORY manner will the visit be made. However, these conditions may change, and may change when least expected.
What is causing the periodic attacks of gas in stomach, and colic in the intestines, and how may these conditions be avoided in the future?
The re-charging, or the re-application of those vibrations as has been set for the system through that of the Radium Appliance will come NEARER being the proper ACTIVE force, with the diet kept near in the proper order and little of those conditions as create acid for the system. Or periodic cleansing of the system through any of the diets that are wholly alkalin in reaction, or a whole fruit and nut diet.
(Q): Any further advice for this body that will assist? (A): Much may be given as regarding various conditions. Those first, though, as those as are sought here - following these suggestions, these lines, as will be builded through the application of that given, will bring and present to the body much more satisfactory conditions in the material, the mental, and the physical sphere. We are through for the present. (Q): How long will it be before we are able to obtain a proper status enabling us to do this? (A): That depends upon too many relationships to give any definite period or time, for this may COME at the least expected time - dependent upon the activities not only in the MATERIAL things of life, but in those of the mental and such relationships as would make such conditions that as would be satisfactory to all. (Q): How may I best serve the work at Virginia Beach? (A): Through the various relationships that may be established by the individual efforts of the body in word of mouth, in letter, in speech. (Q): How soon may I be assured of arriving at an economic independence? (A): By February of coming year. (Q): Is it best for me to become a modest member of the Trust formed by Morton H. Blumenthal, or should I operate with small capital first? (A): Best to become a member, and through same obtain that connection that will bring to the body many of the conditions and surroundings that will aid in many ways to further the business and business associations and relations. (Q): Is the new company as suggested by Mr. Douglas Haddon, 101 Park Ave., the right one? (A): The right one. (Q): May I, together with wife and child, look forward with any certainty of being able to visit our parents in England? (A): As to certainty, few things in the material plane may be set as a certainty. As conditions exist at present, when all relationships are considered, not in a SATISFACTORY manner will the visit be made. However, these conditions may change, and may change when least expected. (Q): What is causing the periodic attacks of gas in stomach, and colic in the intestines, and how may these conditions be avoided in the future? (A): The re-charging, or the re-application of those vibrations as has been set for the system through that of the Radium Appliance will come NEARER being the proper ACTIVE force, with the diet kept near in the proper order and little of those conditions as create acid for the system. Or periodic cleansing of the system through any of the diets that are wholly alkalin in reaction, or a whole fruit and nut diet.
With regard to the work on Barbizon Plaza Hotel for Wm. H. Silk and associates, 63rd St. at Lexington Ave., will the work done by Laurence B. Emmons be adequately paid for and will the furnishing contract be profitable to my firm?
Carried out in the manner as has been set as respecting the manner in which it is to be handled, will be profitable, and the proper relationships will exist as concerning the settlement, the work, and the conditions as surround same.
(Q): Any further advice for this body that will assist? (A): Much may be given as regarding various conditions. Those first, though, as those as are sought here - following these suggestions, these lines, as will be builded through the application of that given, will bring and present to the body much more satisfactory conditions in the material, the mental, and the physical sphere. We are through for the present. (Q): How long will it be before we are able to obtain a proper status enabling us to do this? (A): That depends upon too many relationships to give any definite period or time, for this may COME at the least expected time - dependent upon the activities not only in the MATERIAL things of life, but in those of the mental and such relationships as would make such conditions that as would be satisfactory to all. (Q): How may I best serve the work at Virginia Beach? (A): Through the various relationships that may be established by the individual efforts of the body in word of mouth, in letter, in speech. (Q): How soon may I be assured of arriving at an economic independence? (A): By February of coming year. (Q): Is it best for me to become a modest member of the Trust formed by Morton H. Blumenthal, or should I operate with small capital first? (A): Best to become a member, and through same obtain that connection that will bring to the body many of the conditions and surroundings that will aid in many ways to further the business and business associations and relations. (Q): Is the new company as suggested by Mr. Douglas Haddon, 101 Park Ave., the right one? (A): The right one. (Q): May I, together with wife and child, look forward with any certainty of being able to visit our parents in England? (A): As to certainty, few things in the material plane may be set as a certainty. As conditions exist at present, when all relationships are considered, not in a SATISFACTORY manner will the visit be made. However, these conditions may change, and may change when least expected. (Q): What is causing the periodic attacks of gas in stomach, and colic in the intestines, and how may these conditions be avoided in the future? (A): The re-charging, or the re-application of those vibrations as has been set for the system through that of the Radium Appliance will come NEARER being the proper ACTIVE force, with the diet kept near in the proper order and little of those conditions as create acid for the system. Or periodic cleansing of the system through any of the diets that are wholly alkalin in reaction, or a whole fruit and nut diet. (Q): With regard to the work on Barbizon Plaza Hotel for Wm. H. Silk and associates, 63rd St. at Lexington Ave., will the work done by Laurence B. Emmons be adequately paid for and will the furnishing contract be profitable to my firm? (A): Carried out in the manner as has been set as respecting the manner in which it is to be handled, will be profitable, and the proper relationships will exist as concerning the settlement, the work, and the conditions as surround same.
You will have before you the body and the enquiring mind of [39], present in this room. Also of Laurence B. Emmons and the business associations at 117 E. 60th, N.Y. City. To enable [39] to secure an economic independence, in order that he may take a more active part in the work at Virginia Beach, which of the following alternatives is the right course to pursue? To carry on the business as it is now and with the same association. To commence business on my own account.
We have the body, the enquiring mind, [39] and those associations and conditions as surround same, with the desires and those conditions as relate to the fulfillment of conditions. The better of those suggested would be to form the new partnership, and through this channel the body would be better enabled to contribute to those elements or conditions as is desired by same. This condition offers itself in the varied conditions as presented: To form a new company composed of L. B. Emmons, a financial man and myself, eliminating Wm. H. Silk. For self, or in business for self - while the possibilities are enlarged in many respects, those conditions, as has been given the body as respecting fear in self and self's abilities, would still present themselves to be overcome, and would take longer and more hardships through such. Continuing in the PRESENT, and present situations and relations, there are those conditions that are not entirely satisfactory as to the part an individual associated with same plays or gives for that retained or attained from same. The new associations would, then, offer the bigger, better, and more expanding relations, relieving the body of some details that would be well to be relieved of as concerning, especially, those varied relations in the manner of financing large undertakings; for these associations are well.
From the point of view of financial success, which of the following persons should be members of the company? [39], 117 E 60th St., Laurence B. Emmons, 117 E. 60th St., Wm. H. Silk, 146 E. 63rd St., Douglas Maddon, 101 Park Ave., Wm. Gleason Adair, 117 E. 60th St.
Why leave ANY of them out! These all present condi- tions, or those conditions as are necessary with proper cooperation for the operation of such undertakings as would be in that organization of Laurence Emmons Company, see? While some do not cooperate in some respects, yet each - with the proper incentive, may be made to be helpful to same. This not exactly in accordance with that as has been given, but the changes as have come have brought changes for each associate.
(Q): From the point of view of financial success, which of the following persons should be members of the company? [39], 117 E 60th St., Laurence B. Emmons, 117 E. 60th St., Wm. H. Silk, 146 E. 63rd St., Douglas Maddon, 101 Park Ave., Wm. Gleason Adair, 117 E. 60th St. (A): Why leave ANY of them out! These all present condi- tions, or those conditions as are necessary with proper cooperation for the operation of such undertakings as would be in that organization of Laurence Emmons Company, see? While some do not cooperate in some respects, yet each - with the proper incentive, may be made to be helpful to same. This not exactly in accordance with that as has been given, but the changes as have come have brought changes for each associate.
Give suggestions.
Yes, we have the enquiring mind, [39] and the associations and conditions, also that information as given concerning reorganization. While changes have come since the information was given, yet there is seen the needs of just the changes as has been outlined. Ready for questions.
(Q): From the point of view of financial success, which of the following persons should be members of the company? [39], 117 E 60th St., Laurence B. Emmons, 117 E. 60th St., Wm. H. Silk, 146 E. 63rd St., Douglas Maddon, 101 Park Ave., Wm. Gleason Adair, 117 E. 60th St. (A): Why leave ANY of them out! These all present condi- tions, or those conditions as are necessary with proper cooperation for the operation of such undertakings as would be in that organization of Laurence Emmons Company, see? While some do not cooperate in some respects, yet each - with the proper incentive, may be made to be helpful to same. This not exactly in accordance with that as has been given, but the changes as have come have brought changes for each associate. (Q): Give suggestions. (A): Yes, we have the enquiring mind, [39] and the associations and conditions, also that information as given concerning reorganization. While changes have come since the information was given, yet there is seen the needs of just the changes as has been outlined. Ready for questions.
How much capital should be subscribed as a firm foundation?
Sufficient to carry on that that is contemplated. Needn't to expect to be able to carry on a million dollar proposition on a five hundred thousand dollar basis, but that commensurate with that undertaking, or undertaken by the corporation. No reason why outside assistance in this direction may not be gained.
(Q): From the point of view of financial success, which of the following persons should be members of the company? [39], 117 E 60th St., Laurence B. Emmons, 117 E. 60th St., Wm. H. Silk, 146 E. 63rd St., Douglas Maddon, 101 Park Ave., Wm. Gleason Adair, 117 E. 60th St. (A): Why leave ANY of them out! These all present condi- tions, or those conditions as are necessary with proper cooperation for the operation of such undertakings as would be in that organization of Laurence Emmons Company, see? While some do not cooperate in some respects, yet each - with the proper incentive, may be made to be helpful to same. This not exactly in accordance with that as has been given, but the changes as have come have brought changes for each associate. (Q): Give suggestions. (A): Yes, we have the enquiring mind, [39] and the associations and conditions, also that information as given concerning reorganization. While changes have come since the information was given, yet there is seen the needs of just the changes as has been outlined. Ready for questions. (Q): How much capital should be subscribed as a firm foundation? (A): Sufficient to carry on that that is contemplated. Needn't to expect to be able to carry on a million dollar proposition on a five hundred thousand dollar basis, but that commensurate with that undertaking, or undertaken by the corporation. No reason why outside assistance in this direction may not be gained.
Please give suggestions as to how to handle the break with the present company in order to leave everyone friendly?
As has been outlined, as to how the formation should be. This would bring about the proper relations in the purpose, the reasons for changes and conditions, and proper presentation of each in his individual sphere and place. We are through for the present.
(Q): From the point of view of financial success, which of the following persons should be members of the company? [39], 117 E 60th St., Laurence B. Emmons, 117 E. 60th St., Wm. H. Silk, 146 E. 63rd St., Douglas Maddon, 101 Park Ave., Wm. Gleason Adair, 117 E. 60th St. (A): Why leave ANY of them out! These all present condi- tions, or those conditions as are necessary with proper cooperation for the operation of such undertakings as would be in that organization of Laurence Emmons Company, see? While some do not cooperate in some respects, yet each - with the proper incentive, may be made to be helpful to same. This not exactly in accordance with that as has been given, but the changes as have come have brought changes for each associate. (Q): Give suggestions. (A): Yes, we have the enquiring mind, [39] and the associations and conditions, also that information as given concerning reorganization. While changes have come since the information was given, yet there is seen the needs of just the changes as has been outlined. Ready for questions. (Q): How much capital should be subscribed as a firm foundation? (A): Sufficient to carry on that that is contemplated. Needn't to expect to be able to carry on a million dollar proposition on a five hundred thousand dollar basis, but that commensurate with that undertaking, or undertaken by the corporation. No reason why outside assistance in this direction may not be gained. (Q): Please give suggestions as to how to handle the break with the present company in order to leave everyone friendly? (A): As has been outlined, as to how the formation should be. This would bring about the proper relations in the purpose, the reasons for changes and conditions, and proper presentation of each in his individual sphere and place. We are through for the present.
What steps should be taken to form a new company and when should a commencement be made?
At once. Those necessary steps, as is the regular channel through which such conditions operate. The agreement, the association, the purpose, the plan, the place of each individual with such association or corporation. Then the papers as necessary to make same binding to one and all alike.
(Q): From the point of view of financial success, which of the following persons should be members of the company? [39], 117 E 60th St., Laurence B. Emmons, 117 E. 60th St., Wm. H. Silk, 146 E. 63rd St., Douglas Maddon, 101 Park Ave., Wm. Gleason Adair, 117 E. 60th St. (A): Why leave ANY of them out! These all present condi- tions, or those conditions as are necessary with proper cooperation for the operation of such undertakings as would be in that organization of Laurence Emmons Company, see? While some do not cooperate in some respects, yet each - with the proper incentive, may be made to be helpful to same. This not exactly in accordance with that as has been given, but the changes as have come have brought changes for each associate. (Q): Give suggestions. (A): Yes, we have the enquiring mind, [39] and the associations and conditions, also that information as given concerning reorganization. While changes have come since the information was given, yet there is seen the needs of just the changes as has been outlined. Ready for questions. (Q): How much capital should be subscribed as a firm foundation? (A): Sufficient to carry on that that is contemplated. Needn't to expect to be able to carry on a million dollar proposition on a five hundred thousand dollar basis, but that commensurate with that undertaking, or undertaken by the corporation. No reason why outside assistance in this direction may not be gained. (Q): Please give suggestions as to how to handle the break with the present company in order to leave everyone friendly? (A): As has been outlined, as to how the formation should be. This would bring about the proper relations in the purpose, the reasons for changes and conditions, and proper presentation of each in his individual sphere and place. We are through for the present. (Q): What steps should be taken to form a new company and when should a commencement be made? (A): At once. Those necessary steps, as is the regular channel through which such conditions operate. The agreement, the association, the purpose, the plan, the place of each individual with such association or corporation. Then the papers as necessary to make same binding to one and all alike.
Where will be the best location for offices?
Very good where it's located! These may be changed to the West Side - would be possibly more expensive, yet would also be better in the class or character - but why change under the present conditions, or until the expansion is of such nature as would better justify changes?
(Q): From the point of view of financial success, which of the following persons should be members of the company? [39], 117 E 60th St., Laurence B. Emmons, 117 E. 60th St., Wm. H. Silk, 146 E. 63rd St., Douglas Maddon, 101 Park Ave., Wm. Gleason Adair, 117 E. 60th St. (A): Why leave ANY of them out! These all present condi- tions, or those conditions as are necessary with proper cooperation for the operation of such undertakings as would be in that organization of Laurence Emmons Company, see? While some do not cooperate in some respects, yet each - with the proper incentive, may be made to be helpful to same. This not exactly in accordance with that as has been given, but the changes as have come have brought changes for each associate. (Q): Give suggestions. (A): Yes, we have the enquiring mind, [39] and the associations and conditions, also that information as given concerning reorganization. While changes have come since the information was given, yet there is seen the needs of just the changes as has been outlined. Ready for questions. (Q): How much capital should be subscribed as a firm foundation? (A): Sufficient to carry on that that is contemplated. Needn't to expect to be able to carry on a million dollar proposition on a five hundred thousand dollar basis, but that commensurate with that undertaking, or undertaken by the corporation. No reason why outside assistance in this direction may not be gained. (Q): Please give suggestions as to how to handle the break with the present company in order to leave everyone friendly? (A): As has been outlined, as to how the formation should be. This would bring about the proper relations in the purpose, the reasons for changes and conditions, and proper presentation of each in his individual sphere and place. We are through for the present. (Q): What steps should be taken to form a new company and when should a commencement be made? (A): At once. Those necessary steps, as is the regular channel through which such conditions operate. The agreement, the association, the purpose, the plan, the place of each individual with such association or corporation. Then the papers as necessary to make same binding to one and all alike. (Q): Where will be the best location for offices? (A): Very good where it's located! These may be changed to the West Side - would be possibly more expensive, yet would also be better in the class or character - but why change under the present conditions, or until the expansion is of such nature as would better justify changes?
Will a new company operate better without Laurence B. Emmons as a member?
We do not find it so.
(Q): From the point of view of financial success, which of the following persons should be members of the company? [39], 117 E 60th St., Laurence B. Emmons, 117 E. 60th St., Wm. H. Silk, 146 E. 63rd St., Douglas Maddon, 101 Park Ave., Wm. Gleason Adair, 117 E. 60th St. (A): Why leave ANY of them out! These all present condi- tions, or those conditions as are necessary with proper cooperation for the operation of such undertakings as would be in that organization of Laurence Emmons Company, see? While some do not cooperate in some respects, yet each - with the proper incentive, may be made to be helpful to same. This not exactly in accordance with that as has been given, but the changes as have come have brought changes for each associate. (Q): Give suggestions. (A): Yes, we have the enquiring mind, [39] and the associations and conditions, also that information as given concerning reorganization. While changes have come since the information was given, yet there is seen the needs of just the changes as has been outlined. Ready for questions. (Q): How much capital should be subscribed as a firm foundation? (A): Sufficient to carry on that that is contemplated. Needn't to expect to be able to carry on a million dollar proposition on a five hundred thousand dollar basis, but that commensurate with that undertaking, or undertaken by the corporation. No reason why outside assistance in this direction may not be gained. (Q): Please give suggestions as to how to handle the break with the present company in order to leave everyone friendly? (A): As has been outlined, as to how the formation should be. This would bring about the proper relations in the purpose, the reasons for changes and conditions, and proper presentation of each in his individual sphere and place. We are through for the present. (Q): What steps should be taken to form a new company and when should a commencement be made? (A): At once. Those necessary steps, as is the regular channel through which such conditions operate. The agreement, the association, the purpose, the plan, the place of each individual with such association or corporation. Then the papers as necessary to make same binding to one and all alike. (Q): Where will be the best location for offices? (A): Very good where it's located! These may be changed to the West Side - would be possibly more expensive, yet would also be better in the class or character - but why change under the present conditions, or until the expansion is of such nature as would better justify changes? (Q): Will a new company operate better without Laurence B. Emmons as a member? (A): We do not find it so.
Will a new company without L. B. Emmons be able to transfer the business now being carried out for Fred F. French Companies?
Do not find it so!
(Q): From the point of view of financial success, which of the following persons should be members of the company? [39], 117 E 60th St., Laurence B. Emmons, 117 E. 60th St., Wm. H. Silk, 146 E. 63rd St., Douglas Maddon, 101 Park Ave., Wm. Gleason Adair, 117 E. 60th St. (A): Why leave ANY of them out! These all present condi- tions, or those conditions as are necessary with proper cooperation for the operation of such undertakings as would be in that organization of Laurence Emmons Company, see? While some do not cooperate in some respects, yet each - with the proper incentive, may be made to be helpful to same. This not exactly in accordance with that as has been given, but the changes as have come have brought changes for each associate. (Q): Give suggestions. (A): Yes, we have the enquiring mind, [39] and the associations and conditions, also that information as given concerning reorganization. While changes have come since the information was given, yet there is seen the needs of just the changes as has been outlined. Ready for questions. (Q): How much capital should be subscribed as a firm foundation? (A): Sufficient to carry on that that is contemplated. Needn't to expect to be able to carry on a million dollar proposition on a five hundred thousand dollar basis, but that commensurate with that undertaking, or undertaken by the corporation. No reason why outside assistance in this direction may not be gained. (Q): Please give suggestions as to how to handle the break with the present company in order to leave everyone friendly? (A): As has been outlined, as to how the formation should be. This would bring about the proper relations in the purpose, the reasons for changes and conditions, and proper presentation of each in his individual sphere and place. We are through for the present. (Q): What steps should be taken to form a new company and when should a commencement be made? (A): At once. Those necessary steps, as is the regular channel through which such conditions operate. The agreement, the association, the purpose, the plan, the place of each individual with such association or corporation. Then the papers as necessary to make same binding to one and all alike. (Q): Where will be the best location for offices? (A): Very good where it's located! These may be changed to the West Side - would be possibly more expensive, yet would also be better in the class or character - but why change under the present conditions, or until the expansion is of such nature as would better justify changes? (Q): Will a new company operate better without Laurence B. Emmons as a member? (A): We do not find it so. (Q): Will a new company without L. B. Emmons be able to transfer the business now being carried out for Fred F. French Companies? (A): Do not find it so!
Will the above company secure a large part of the furnishings of the new Barbizon-Plaza Hotel on 59th Street, New York City?
If this is carried out in that manner as has been given as to how such associations or such relations with such conditions are to be conducted. This was given in a very definite way and manner, as to how OTHER contracts were to be made, see?
(Q): From the point of view of financial success, which of the following persons should be members of the company? [39], 117 E 60th St., Laurence B. Emmons, 117 E. 60th St., Wm. H. Silk, 146 E. 63rd St., Douglas Maddon, 101 Park Ave., Wm. Gleason Adair, 117 E. 60th St. (A): Why leave ANY of them out! These all present condi- tions, or those conditions as are necessary with proper cooperation for the operation of such undertakings as would be in that organization of Laurence Emmons Company, see? While some do not cooperate in some respects, yet each - with the proper incentive, may be made to be helpful to same. This not exactly in accordance with that as has been given, but the changes as have come have brought changes for each associate. (Q): Give suggestions. (A): Yes, we have the enquiring mind, [39] and the associations and conditions, also that information as given concerning reorganization. While changes have come since the information was given, yet there is seen the needs of just the changes as has been outlined. Ready for questions. (Q): How much capital should be subscribed as a firm foundation? (A): Sufficient to carry on that that is contemplated. Needn't to expect to be able to carry on a million dollar proposition on a five hundred thousand dollar basis, but that commensurate with that undertaking, or undertaken by the corporation. No reason why outside assistance in this direction may not be gained. (Q): Please give suggestions as to how to handle the break with the present company in order to leave everyone friendly? (A): As has been outlined, as to how the formation should be. This would bring about the proper relations in the purpose, the reasons for changes and conditions, and proper presentation of each in his individual sphere and place. We are through for the present. (Q): What steps should be taken to form a new company and when should a commencement be made? (A): At once. Those necessary steps, as is the regular channel through which such conditions operate. The agreement, the association, the purpose, the plan, the place of each individual with such association or corporation. Then the papers as necessary to make same binding to one and all alike. (Q): Where will be the best location for offices? (A): Very good where it's located! These may be changed to the West Side - would be possibly more expensive, yet would also be better in the class or character - but why change under the present conditions, or until the expansion is of such nature as would better justify changes? (Q): Will a new company operate better without Laurence B. Emmons as a member? (A): We do not find it so. (Q): Will a new company without L. B. Emmons be able to transfer the business now being carried out for Fred F. French Companies? (A): Do not find it so! (Q): Will the above company secure a large part of the furnishings of the new Barbizon-Plaza Hotel on 59th Street, New York City? (A): If this is carried out in that manner as has been given as to how such associations or such relations with such conditions are to be conducted. This was given in a very definite way and manner, as to how OTHER contracts were to be made, see?
Will you suggest any other person who will be advantageous as a member of the new company and who will be interested?
Not at the present. These had better work these together at the present time.
Now, Mr. Cayce, you are going to sleep. (Pause) Now, Mr. Cayce, you are asleep, and all of the organs of your body will function properly. You will hear me and answer all of my questions. Today you will have before you two readings and two bodies. The first is [40], who is present in this room. Now, Mr. Cayce, tell me the physical and mental ailments that you will find within this body that you have before you present in this room, and if an operation is necessary, please tell me, and if not, tell me what will relieve the condition with the body which you have before you, [40], present in this room.
Yes, we have the body here. Now, the abnormal conditions in this body we find are organic, and the reflexes from this condition existing in the system. Now, these are conditions as we find in this body, [40], we are speaking of: The blood supplying force in the system has been kept in excellent condition for the condition existing through the other organs that are affected, and that would affect the blood if that had not been kept in the system, that has assisted to eliminate the poisons left in the system by this organic condition, see? The hemoglobin within the blood is good. The numbers of the red blood corpuscles are numerous enough to care for the conditions existing. The number of white or leucocytes are over-burdened, without meeting the needs of the system to destroy the refuse matter not eliminated through its proper channels in the body. The nervous force in the body shows the effects of the condition, for through the nerve tissues and nerve ganglion we find the seat of the suffering that may be or is produced within any body, see? And as in this body they show the effect of the condition that has existed and does exist within the body itself. Through the functioning of the organs themselves, we find the specific condition existing in the negative pole and this pole or through the kidneys themselves that the secretions that should be thrown off from the system have formed into a condition that exists within the organ itself. See? These may be eliminated from the system by the proper conditions and proper treatment within the system. They have been cared for in a wonderful way here, you see. In how the system has been prevented from creating more of this condition after it has once begun; for with any form of bacillus forming in the system unless they are speedily hindered by the action of the blood forces needed to form the warring forces against that condition, they build either rapidly or slowly according to the vitality of the system that has become attacked. See? The action of the other organs in sympathy with these show the condition, especially that of the liver and the hepatic circulation, throughout the whole course of the viscera. There is expressions through the lymphatic forces and the emunctories as to the condition existing in the pelvis or through the kidneys here, you see. This began by first the kind of water that was taken into the system, and with the system in this condition that began in times back, somewhere, you see, six or eight years ago, you see. They began to show the effect of this within this body here, Mrs. [40], we are speaking of, the action then was to create this cilia force, sac force, pus forming force, that gradually became of a hardened force or condition in the body, you see. This course forming then in the kidneys themselves. FEM: What part of the body, Mr. Cayce? We have just given this condition. We will get this here if you will leave this alone, you see. FEM: Yes, I see. We are giving the conditions. The reaction to the system is to produce inflammation through all of the organs of this portion or through the pelvic portion of the body. See? Creating inflammation through the bladder and through the discharge as given or shown from this, you see. And as the secretions are thrown off, they express or show in the discharges from this - the condition existing in the organ itself. See? Now, to relieve or to alleviate the condition through this whole portion of the body we would take those medicinal properties into the system that would alleviate the specific condition existing within the organ itself, and so stimulate those portions of the body that carry circulation to the organ itself, and stimulate the opposite pole, the liver, to take off or to prevent so much of the force being used or needed to go in the organ, the kidney itself, you see. This we would add by manipulation and by heat as well as by the medicinal properties to be taken into the body. See? For we find at the first lumbar ganglion those nervous and muscular forces through which the governing of the amount of flow of blood may be governed to the kidneys. See? That is, through the nerve and muscular forces as expressed or shown at that part of the body. Stimulating these, producing the kind of heat necessary to this portion of the body to alleviate - will assist the body more thoroughly to prevent the creating of more of this in the body here, you see. Then we would take into the system while this is being applied to the body this: Clarified Oil of Pine...............1 minim, Oil of Juniper......................1 minim, Sweet Spirits of Nitre..............1 minim. See? This should be taken in capsule rather than in liquid form, so that the action will be directly to the nerve supplying emunctory forces in the stomach, rather than along the channel here from above, that is, through the throat or lungs; those would be affected if taken in liquid form. Take it in capsule form here, into the system. See? FEM: Yes, I understand. Then apply heat of a vapor form to the lumbar and sacrum region, then by relaxation as by osteopathic forces; supply the proper nourishment to the organs of the kidneys through the circulation and by the stimulation of the liver to draw off from the system as much as possible, which can be accomplished in this way - the functioning of the organs themselves. See? We would add that. With this carried in this way it would not be necessary to operate on this body. See? Or to remove the condition from the kidney itself - the kidney - for the functioning of the organs about the case or about the holder, as we would say, of the kidney itself has not become involved - just the inner wall secretions have at present been involved. Do that if we would bring this body to its perfect equilibrium. See?
Give suggestions.
Now, we find the conditions that are abnormal in this body are those of incoordination throughout the system, and is that condition that is of the prenatal condition and disposition. Then this has to do with the physical, the spiritual, the mental activities of the whole system. While the observations and conditions under which this body is being attended at this time gives some relief, the seat of the trouble from the physical is not being reached, neither are those applications such as will in the material way make the connection between the physical, the mental, the spiritual, so their coordination will be one. Now these are conditions as we find them in this body. First: IN THE BLOOD SUPPLY, while there is sufficient in the body for the present needs, the distribution of same is not such that all organs have their correct or normal supply, for we find there are those conditions in the spinal column, those conditions in the functioning organs, produced by this deflection and by these impingements, that hindrances have come and do manifest in some in an exaggerated manner, under which are produced those conditions that are abnormal in the body. These we find in the 9th dorsal, in the 6th and 7th dorsal and in the 1st cervical, deflection then to the pineal nerve and to this center giving its nutriment throughout the system preventing the coordination from the first cervical to the end of the cerebrospinal system, which it traverses, this pineal nerve, with the spinal cord. The centers then about the body becoming and showing their deflection in how the coordination is in the body affecting directly the development in brain forces proper, though under strain, under some stresses, we find the sympathetics are acting through the sensory system until we have an abnormal development through these sensory organs. In the physical forces, and in the mental and nerve forces, as are directed in the system, we find these at variance in the system, for many of the portions of the body become under the subjugation of involuntary forces in the system, and we have these reactions through such conditions. IN THE FUNCTIONING OF THE ORGANS THEMSELVES, these all show the strain under which they do their organic functioning. While as to organs themselves, there are only those in the central portion, or the lungs proper, the thyroids proper, show how they are affected directly by the condition, save reflexly in the kidneys and in the organs of the pelvis. RELIEF, to bring the normal forces to this body would be to use these applications for the physical forces, directing through the subjugation of the normal mental forces as it develops through that of the stronger mental forces to direct the sympathetics in their reaction over the system. Correct through osteopathic or chiropractic forces those impingements as are shown in the spinal center, using occasionally, as the reaction to the digestive forces, to the mental forces, injections, very minute injections of apomorphia so that the nauseating effect may bring reaction to the hypogastric center. With the subjugation of those normal forces in mental we will bring much better coordination and bring the possibilities of bringing a perfectly normal force developed in this body, applying after we have this reaction, and we have the reduction of the lymphatic forces in its reaction in system, those vibrations as would be found in electrical forces as would be applied through these channels, [Wet Cell Appliance?] as would be given when this condition has been reached in six to eight weeks. Do this then, as we have given, until that time. Until then we are through.
You will go over this body carefully, examine it thoroughly and tell me the conditions you find at the present time. You will also give the cause of the existing conditions, with suggestions for the treatment and cure for same.
Now, we find there are abnormal conditions for the physical forces in this body, while we find the body very good in many respects, and the abnormal conditions may be corrected when the proper conditions are accorded the physical forces of the body. Now from the psychological and pathological conditions in this body, we have one that would be a real study for any interested in such, for there are conditions in this physical manifestation that are contrary to the rules in many as now understood. The biological effects change many of these conditions, and through this the psychological forces are manifested. The abnormal conditions that we find have to do with the condition of the blood forces in the body and the effect that this condition has produced under the direction of patho- logical forces, biological forces and psychological forces in the entity. Hence many conditions from the physical standpoint are hidden, or hard to be understood, and the ordinary conditions we find do not respond in the manner as should be expected in pathological conditions. Now these are conditions as we find them in this body. First: IN THE BLOOD SUPPLY, in this we find the quantity sufficient, the quality in many ways deficient. While the red blood cells are numerous enough, and the white blood cells sufficient to meet and produce coagulation, the action of this through the circulation, on account of bacilli as is carried in the body, has affected and does affect the organs of circulation, especially the centers and plexus governing the heart's action, until we have a pathological condition, produced by the biological effect of bacilli apparent in the bloodstream. Not that we produce organic conditions, but, as in this: We find that there are times when pressure is above the normal and that the heart's action in some instances and conditions skips or misses in its pulsation, produced by the condition in centers that have been depleted in their reaction and refractory action through the biological conditions. Without the psychological forces manifested in the body we would have produced destructive forces long since. Then, from psychological conditions, we would have one wherein the entity through sheer will has held and kept itself from deteriorating in mental and physical attributes of the body. In the constituents and elements of blood force, we find that the plasmatic cell producing energy is often attacked by this bacilli. This bacilli we find has been, and was, produced by conditions that have existed in the system from times back, and has to do much with a physical condition that existed when the psychological conditions of mind and of mental conditions acted with the mental forces to produce this flow in the system that brought about this change in the lacteal ducts, and during such time there was much anger in the body (this she understands better than others). In the reaction then this brought those conditions in the hepatic circulation and the eliminating forces in the emunctories of liver and kidneys, and the body has in the past had trouble with both of these organs in the physical sense, purely a refractory reaction in the physical body. IN THE NERVE SYSTEM, in this we find the greater trouble, physically, in the sympathetic nerve system, for the refractory nerve centers in the system show how this system is magnified in its action in the body; that is, in those centers where organs function through the physical action, and become the involuntary action, such as digestion, sight, pulsation, heart's action, the body unconsciously has reached the condition where it must, with its voluntary forces, keep all functioning. That is, occasionally, and often, at times keep on its mind that all MUST function rather than being the condition of a normal body, functioning normal, for the organs are organs nominally. In these centers we find those of the secondary cardiac plexus, the hypogastric and pneumogastric ganglion plexus, or that governing the centers ruled from the solar plexus center. Hence just above the umbilicus, and to the left, the body often feels the pressure as if the heart's action was abnormal, or that the heart hurt. This is not a heart's action at all, refractory reaction through nerves of the sympathetic attempting to create an equilibrium in the carotid artery feeding the ganglion of the hypogastric and pneumogastric plexus. In the cerebrospinal centers that should control such reaction, we have the lack of muscular tissue in these plexuses to govern this condition. Then the force of the sympathetic act, as it were, to control of the body. It is through such reaction from sympathetic system that the sensory organism often gathers the reaction through the abnormal functioning of all of the sensory system; that is, often the body sees, feels, hears, recognizes conditions not perceptible to the ordinary functioning of the normal sensory system. Not a condition of brain reaction, not a condition of mental forces, rather the psychological effect on pathological conditions, biologically acted upon in blood stream. THEN THE CONDITION IN THE ORGANS THEMSELVES: Brain forces GOOD. The organs of sensory system abnormal in the conditions as given, through the action of sensory and sympathetic nerve system, coordinating when they should not. In the rest of the system we find normal conditions in organs, but functioning under the strain of the nerve system, deflected as given. Then to bring the normal conditions to this body, we would first take in the system those properties that would bring the correct incentives to the whole system, taking then this: Syrup Sarsaparilla...............1/4 ounce, Fluid Extract Wild Cherry........1/2 ounce, Fluid Extract Stillingia.........1/2 ounce, Fluid Extract Poke Root..........1/2 ounce, Fluid Extract Yellow Dock Root...1/2 ounce, Iodide Potassium..................20 grains. Mix well together and add sufficient simple syrup to make 8 ounces. The dose would be half teaspoonful 4 times each day. Then have the massage of the Neuropath that follows out each nerve center and plexus, stimulating these in the dorsal region, from the 2nd to the 12th dorsal. Also equalizing the circulation to the extremities, keeping all well under the influence of the mental forces of self, knowing that all healing properties must come from within, and as the mental holds the relation to self, and to the I AM within, just so will the response of each applied force from without respond from within. Do that, and we will find we will bring the normal conditions to this body. The medicinal properties should be taken before each meal and before retiring. The equalizing of blood forces through the manipulation given as outlined, with the changed condition in the physical body, will bring much relief to the body when held in the mental in the proper manner. Without that response we CANNOT gain the correct equilibrium as thoroughly, for healing MUST come from within. We are through for the present.
You will go over this body carefully, examine it thoroughly, and tell me the conditions you find at the present time. You will diagnose the case thoroughly, giving the cause of the existing conditions, also the treatment for the cure and relief of this body.
Now, we find there are those conditions with this body that may be corrected, and these are abnormal for this body. This will require care, attention, and a persistent outlined condition to be adhered to in a strict manner, for many of these conditions are prenatal, yet these may be overcome in the condition, for the cycles of the organs are such that those that are involved in the condition are in that position where the change will come, and these may be eliminated entirely from the system, and, as this condition is created by the system taking from that added to it for its building in the body, and setting up a system as a parasite system within the functioning organs of the body, this may be overcome by adding that to the system that will eliminate this, or adding sufficient to the unit forces of the atomic conditions of the body that builds PROPERLY to a normal condition of functioning, rather than this as is seen; for, with the present condition, the diet of the body is such that this condition is aggravated at times, rather than assisted, yet much of the physical exercises of the body, and the outdoor, and the close to nature, in many ways good. The cleansing of the system externally very good - internally very poor. Now, these are conditions as we find them in this body, [43], we are speaking of. The blood forces show this contamination, or that humor as is carried in same that expresses itself in various manners over portions of the body, affecting often the breath, affecting the capillary circulation, affecting internally at times the digestion and the assimilating system. In the exterior portion called by different names. In the nerve system, this very good, save there has been a strain in the 2nd lumbar that needs correction very much. This will eventually give the body trouble, unless this is corrected properly. In the functioning of the organs of the body, all show the strain under which these labor, and many of these, especially the liver, the kidneys, and the lungs, show the effect of this long-standing condition in the blood, and the effects of prenatal conditions for the body. Now, to overcome these would be first to have the condition in the dorsal and lumbar region corrected, chiropractically. Should take eighteen (18) adjustments, which should bring the body to its normal. After the adjustments are taken, see? (not taking medicinal properties unless the adjustments are made) take this as the medicinal properties: First prepare the carrier for these, in this: To 1 gallon of rain water, add 8 ounces Wild Cherry Bark. Reduce by simmering (not boiling) to 1 quart. Strain and add 4 ounces of sugar, first dissolved in 1 ounce of very hot water. Then add this to the solution (Cherry, or tea of the bark): Syrup Compound of Sarsaparilla.........2 ounces, Tincture of Stillingia...............1/2 ounce, Tincture of Yellow Dock Root.........1/2 ounce, 10% solution of Iodide of Potassium...40 minims, 10% solution of Bromide of Potassium..60 minims, Elixir Calisaya......................1/2 ounce, Essence Tolu in solution.............1/2 ounce. Shake this solution well together. Then add 4 ounces pure grain alcohol. The dose of this will be teaspoonful 4 times each day, see? before each meal (and eat the meals - never eating too heavily) and before retiring. Don't retire too soon after the evening meal is eaten. Don't sit up too late, but don't retire too soon afterward. Give full time for digestion - changing the diet from this one system diet. Not meats, especially not fat meats. Lean meat of beef or mutton may be eaten. No hog meat or any fish for this body. Keep the intestinal tract open, even though high enemas are used; not using too much of any cathartic, but keep eliminations good. Rest a little in the middle of the day, see? Follow this closely, making corrections first. Do not take the medicinal properties unless the corrections are made first, for though they would assist, they would not correct the conditions in the body, unless adjustments made first. We are through for the present.
At this time then there is no medicine that you would recommend to assist this body?
`At this time there is no medicine that you would recommend to assist this body?` We have given the conditions. Follow those. If necessary, we would have given those.
(Q): At this time then there is no medicine that you would recommend to assist this body? (A): `At this time there is no medicine that you would recommend to assist this body?` We have given the conditions. Follow those. If necessary, we would have given those.
Mr. Cayce, do you believe that this body can be cured entirely of all of its ailments?
`Mr. Cayce, do you believe that this body can be cured entirely of all of its ailments`. We have given the conditions. The body will not be relieved entirely of the conditions existing within it. This will assist the body to gain more of its equilibrium than it has at present. See?
(Q): At this time then there is no medicine that you would recommend to assist this body? (A): `At this time there is no medicine that you would recommend to assist this body?` We have given the conditions. Follow those. If necessary, we would have given those. (Q): Mr. Cayce, do you believe that this body can be cured entirely of all of its ailments? (A): `Mr. Cayce, do you believe that this body can be cured entirely of all of its ailments`. We have given the conditions. The body will not be relieved entirely of the conditions existing within it. This will assist the body to gain more of its equilibrium than it has at present. See?
Mr. Cayce, is this body more comfortable in moving about, by running and walking?
`Mr. Cayce, is this body more comfortable in moving about, by running and walking`. We have given the conditions. We are through.
(Q): At this time then there is no medicine that you would recommend to assist this body? (A): `At this time there is no medicine that you would recommend to assist this body?` We have given the conditions. Follow those. If necessary, we would have given those. (Q): Mr. Cayce, do you believe that this body can be cured entirely of all of its ailments? (A): `Mr. Cayce, do you believe that this body can be cured entirely of all of its ailments`. We have given the conditions. The body will not be relieved entirely of the conditions existing within it. This will assist the body to gain more of its equilibrium than it has at present. See? (Q): Mr. Cayce, is this body more comfortable in moving about, by running and walking? (A): `Mr. Cayce, is this body more comfortable in moving about, by running and walking`. We have given the conditions. We are through.
Mr. Cayce, just please answer one more question. Do you believe that this condition will last long in this body? (Aside to Mrs. [[45]'s mother?]: I do not believe he will answer, as he said he was through).
[No answer from Mr. Cayce.] Now, Mr. Cayce, you will forget all about this reading that you have given. You are feeling all right, and all of the organs of your body will function properly; you are feeling fine. Now, you will wake up in two minutes just feeling fine and all right.
(Q): At this time then there is no medicine that you would recommend to assist this body? (A): `At this time there is no medicine that you would recommend to assist this body?` We have given the conditions. Follow those. If necessary, we would have given those. (Q): Mr. Cayce, do you believe that this body can be cured entirely of all of its ailments? (A): `Mr. Cayce, do you believe that this body can be cured entirely of all of its ailments`. We have given the conditions. The body will not be relieved entirely of the conditions existing within it. This will assist the body to gain more of its equilibrium than it has at present. See? (Q): Mr. Cayce, is this body more comfortable in moving about, by running and walking? (A): `Mr. Cayce, is this body more comfortable in moving about, by running and walking`. We have given the conditions. We are through. (Q): Mr. Cayce, just please answer one more question. Do you believe that this condition will last long in this body? (Aside to Mrs. [[45]'s mother?]: I do not believe he will answer, as he said he was through). (A): [No answer from Mr. Cayce.] Now, Mr. Cayce, you will forget all about this reading that you have given. You are feeling all right, and all of the organs of your body will function properly; you are feeling fine. Now, you will wake up in two minutes just feeling fine and all right.
Mr. Cayce, the plate that you place on the 9th dorsal, how is that to be connected to this force in this solution?
The plate to be placed on the 9th dorsal, how is that to be connected to this force in this solution? By the wires that are attached to it. See? FEM: Yes, sir. And placed on the body, or connected with the body here.
(Q): At this time then there is no medicine that you would recommend to assist this body? (A): `At this time there is no medicine that you would recommend to assist this body?` We have given the conditions. Follow those. If necessary, we would have given those. (Q): Mr. Cayce, do you believe that this body can be cured entirely of all of its ailments? (A): `Mr. Cayce, do you believe that this body can be cured entirely of all of its ailments`. We have given the conditions. The body will not be relieved entirely of the conditions existing within it. This will assist the body to gain more of its equilibrium than it has at present. See? (Q): Mr. Cayce, is this body more comfortable in moving about, by running and walking? (A): `Mr. Cayce, is this body more comfortable in moving about, by running and walking`. We have given the conditions. We are through. (Q): Mr. Cayce, just please answer one more question. Do you believe that this condition will last long in this body? (Aside to Mrs. [[45]'s mother?]: I do not believe he will answer, as he said he was through). (A): [No answer from Mr. Cayce.] Now, Mr. Cayce, you will forget all about this reading that you have given. You are feeling all right, and all of the organs of your body will function properly; you are feeling fine. Now, you will wake up in two minutes just feeling fine and all right. (Q): Mr. Cayce, the plate that you place on the 9th dorsal, how is that to be connected to this force in this solution? (A): The plate to be placed on the 9th dorsal, how is that to be connected to this force in this solution? By the wires that are attached to it. See? FEM: Yes, sir. And placed on the body, or connected with the body here.
Now, Mr. Cayce, you are going to sleep. (After a wait of about a minute.) Now, Mr. Cayce, you are asleep, and all the organs of your body will function properly. You will please hear me and answer all of my questions. You have before you the body of [44], ..., Birmingham, Alabama. Now, Mr. Cayce, tell me the physical and mental ailments that you find in this body that you have before you, and if an operation is necessary please tell me, and if not, please tell me what will relieve the conditions within this body which you have before you; whether it is rheumatic or otherwise. [44], ..., Birmingham, Alabama.
Yes, we have the body here. The abnormal conditions in this body, of which there are many, have to do with the nerve forces and centers within the body itself, acting through the physical forces of the body. Now, these are the conditions as we find them in the body. The circulation of the blood force is impoverished in the condition that exists throughout the body. The lack of the force to gather, or to hold the re-building force within this system give way to the nerve force in attempting to create an equilibrium for the voluntary nerve centers. Through the nervous system we find all of the nerve centers acting in conjunction with or controlled by the corresponding muscular forces. These are broken, as it were, or do not act under the influence of the forces themselves that control these conditions. See? FEM: Yes, sir. The action of all voluntary nerve forces and center act on the incentive as given by the action of the white forces as carried in the nerve tissue itself; this being brought in the system from the action of forces that have acted over the system and has been of a gradual growth or development, where it has taken out of the nerve nourishing forces that which acts with the brain centers and forces itself under all the centers of nerve energy because of an involuntary action rather than a voluntary force of action within the body. See? FEM: Yes, sir. 5. The functioning of the organs with this condition only act as far as the system is able to carry these with the conditions existing in the body itself. The body may not be rid of this condition entirely. It may be assisted to gain control of the condition within the body, but not to an extent to overcome that which has been wrought within the system, or within the physical forces itself at present. See? FEM: Yes, sir. The action of the mental or soul forces over the body direct the conditions as exist between the spiritual and the soul and physical portion of the body. Most of the body is kept intact by the action of soul forces at present, than by the action of material or physical influences over the body; yet physical forces may be applied to this body to give some rest or reaction to the condition and for the condition existing in this body here. [44] we are speaking of. See? FEM: Yes, sir. These we would apply to this body to give rest; to give an easing of the condition existing in the nerve centers; to the nervous system to prevent the further inroads, or to assist the brain forces within the nerve tissue itself to act in more accord with the muscular condition, for the muscles have become so acted upon by the nerve forces and conditions as to become inactive within themselves. See? FEM: Yes, sir. This will only give a reaction to muscular and nerve forces and assist in allaying the conditions in the body. Apply low electric force to the solar plexus center at the 9th dorsal, prepared in this manner and form; to 2 gallons of rain water we would add 1 pound of common charcoal; 1 pound of copper sulphate; 1 ounce of sulphate acid, C. P.; 1 ounce of zinc. These would be charged with a low voltage battery of 120 volts, to 2-1/2 amperes, 30 cycles, for 30 minutes. While this is being charged and to remain to be carried into the system by the charge as being given it and applied to the body, 6 ounces of iodine should be in this solution in a glass container sealed. See?
(Q): At this time then there is no medicine that you would recommend to assist this body? (A): `At this time there is no medicine that you would recommend to assist this body?` We have given the conditions. Follow those. If necessary, we would have given those. (Q): Mr. Cayce, do you believe that this body can be cured entirely of all of its ailments? (A): `Mr. Cayce, do you believe that this body can be cured entirely of all of its ailments`. We have given the conditions. The body will not be relieved entirely of the conditions existing within it. This will assist the body to gain more of its equilibrium than it has at present. See? (Q): Mr. Cayce, is this body more comfortable in moving about, by running and walking? (A): `Mr. Cayce, is this body more comfortable in moving about, by running and walking`. We have given the conditions. We are through. (Q): Mr. Cayce, just please answer one more question. Do you believe that this condition will last long in this body? (Aside to Mrs. [[45]'s mother?]: I do not believe he will answer, as he said he was through). (A): [No answer from Mr. Cayce.] Now, Mr. Cayce, you will forget all about this reading that you have given. You are feeling all right, and all of the organs of your body will function properly; you are feeling fine. Now, you will wake up in two minutes just feeling fine and all right. (Q): Mr. Cayce, the plate that you place on the 9th dorsal, how is that to be connected to this force in this solution? (A): The plate to be placed on the 9th dorsal, how is that to be connected to this force in this solution? By the wires that are attached to it. See? FEM: Yes, sir. And placed on the body, or connected with the body here. (Q): Now, Mr. Cayce, you are going to sleep. (After a wait of about a minute.) Now, Mr. Cayce, you are asleep, and all the organs of your body will function properly. You will please hear me and answer all of my questions. You have before you the body of [44], ..., Birmingham, Alabama. Now, Mr. Cayce, tell me the physical and mental ailments that you find in this body that you have before you, and if an operation is necessary please tell me, and if not, please tell me what will relieve the conditions within this body which you have before you; whether it is rheumatic or otherwise. [44], ..., Birmingham, Alabama. (A): Yes, we have the body here. The abnormal conditions in this body, of which there are many, have to do with the nerve forces and centers within the body itself, acting through the physical forces of the body. Now, these are the conditions as we find them in the body. The circulation of the blood force is impoverished in the condition that exists throughout the body. The lack of the force to gather, or to hold the re-building force within this system give way to the nerve force in attempting to create an equilibrium for the voluntary nerve centers. Through the nervous system we find all of the nerve centers acting in conjunction with or controlled by the corresponding muscular forces. These are broken, as it were, or do not act under the influence of the forces themselves that control these conditions. See? FEM: Yes, sir. The action of all voluntary nerve forces and center act on the incentive as given by the action of the white forces as carried in the nerve tissue itself; this being brought in the system from the action of forces that have acted over the system and has been of a gradual growth or development, where it has taken out of the nerve nourishing forces that which acts with the brain centers and forces itself under all the centers of nerve energy because of an involuntary action rather than a voluntary force of action within the body. See? FEM: Yes, sir. 5. The functioning of the organs with this condition only act as far as the system is able to carry these with the conditions existing in the body itself. The body may not be rid of this condition entirely. It may be assisted to gain control of the condition within the body, but not to an extent to overcome that which has been wrought within the system, or within the physical forces itself at present. See? FEM: Yes, sir. The action of the mental or soul forces over the body direct the conditions as exist between the spiritual and the soul and physical portion of the body. Most of the body is kept intact by the action of soul forces at present, than by the action of material or physical influences over the body; yet physical forces may be applied to this body to give some rest or reaction to the condition and for the condition existing in this body here. [44] we are speaking of. See? FEM: Yes, sir. These we would apply to this body to give rest; to give an easing of the condition existing in the nerve centers; to the nervous system to prevent the further inroads, or to assist the brain forces within the nerve tissue itself to act in more accord with the muscular condition, for the muscles have become so acted upon by the nerve forces and conditions as to become inactive within themselves. See? FEM: Yes, sir. This will only give a reaction to muscular and nerve forces and assist in allaying the conditions in the body. Apply low electric force to the solar plexus center at the 9th dorsal, prepared in this manner and form; to 2 gallons of rain water we would add 1 pound of common charcoal; 1 pound of copper sulphate; 1 ounce of sulphate acid, C. P.; 1 ounce of zinc. These would be charged with a low voltage battery of 120 volts, to 2-1/2 amperes, 30 cycles, for 30 minutes. While this is being charged and to remain to be carried into the system by the charge as being given it and applied to the body, 6 ounces of iodine should be in this solution in a glass container sealed. See?
With a glass cork?
While this is being charged, with a glass cork, or else the acids would eat it out, you see. FEM: Yes, sir. After it has been charged the poles should be made of different material; one of copper and the other of silver. They would be attached to one plate; that plate attached to the body of [44] at the 9th dorsal for 20 minutes each evening. See? FEM: Yes, sir. This will create a different vibration within this system and assist to allay the condition within this body at present. See? FEM: Yes, sir. The sickness or the nausea that presents itself after this has been applied to the body for some three days need not be feared. See? FEM: Yes, sir. Only rest one day, and then begin again, for it is only the reaction of the pneumogastric center with that behind or opposite the solar plexus centers. See? FEM: Yes, sir. Or behind the stomach and opposite the solar plexus centers. Do this and it will give an entire relief to this body here of [44].
(Q): At this time then there is no medicine that you would recommend to assist this body? (A): `At this time there is no medicine that you would recommend to assist this body?` We have given the conditions. Follow those. If necessary, we would have given those. (Q): Mr. Cayce, do you believe that this body can be cured entirely of all of its ailments? (A): `Mr. Cayce, do you believe that this body can be cured entirely of all of its ailments`. We have given the conditions. The body will not be relieved entirely of the conditions existing within it. This will assist the body to gain more of its equilibrium than it has at present. See? (Q): Mr. Cayce, is this body more comfortable in moving about, by running and walking? (A): `Mr. Cayce, is this body more comfortable in moving about, by running and walking`. We have given the conditions. We are through. (Q): Mr. Cayce, just please answer one more question. Do you believe that this condition will last long in this body? (Aside to Mrs. [[45]'s mother?]: I do not believe he will answer, as he said he was through). (A): [No answer from Mr. Cayce.] Now, Mr. Cayce, you will forget all about this reading that you have given. You are feeling all right, and all of the organs of your body will function properly; you are feeling fine. Now, you will wake up in two minutes just feeling fine and all right. (Q): Mr. Cayce, the plate that you place on the 9th dorsal, how is that to be connected to this force in this solution? (A): The plate to be placed on the 9th dorsal, how is that to be connected to this force in this solution? By the wires that are attached to it. See? FEM: Yes, sir. And placed on the body, or connected with the body here. (Q): Now, Mr. Cayce, you are going to sleep. (After a wait of about a minute.) Now, Mr. Cayce, you are asleep, and all the organs of your body will function properly. You will please hear me and answer all of my questions. You have before you the body of [44], ..., Birmingham, Alabama. Now, Mr. Cayce, tell me the physical and mental ailments that you find in this body that you have before you, and if an operation is necessary please tell me, and if not, please tell me what will relieve the conditions within this body which you have before you; whether it is rheumatic or otherwise. [44], ..., Birmingham, Alabama. (A): Yes, we have the body here. The abnormal conditions in this body, of which there are many, have to do with the nerve forces and centers within the body itself, acting through the physical forces of the body. Now, these are the conditions as we find them in the body. The circulation of the blood force is impoverished in the condition that exists throughout the body. The lack of the force to gather, or to hold the re-building force within this system give way to the nerve force in attempting to create an equilibrium for the voluntary nerve centers. Through the nervous system we find all of the nerve centers acting in conjunction with or controlled by the corresponding muscular forces. These are broken, as it were, or do not act under the influence of the forces themselves that control these conditions. See? FEM: Yes, sir. The action of all voluntary nerve forces and center act on the incentive as given by the action of the white forces as carried in the nerve tissue itself; this being brought in the system from the action of forces that have acted over the system and has been of a gradual growth or development, where it has taken out of the nerve nourishing forces that which acts with the brain centers and forces itself under all the centers of nerve energy because of an involuntary action rather than a voluntary force of action within the body. See? FEM: Yes, sir. 5. The functioning of the organs with this condition only act as far as the system is able to carry these with the conditions existing in the body itself. The body may not be rid of this condition entirely. It may be assisted to gain control of the condition within the body, but not to an extent to overcome that which has been wrought within the system, or within the physical forces itself at present. See? FEM: Yes, sir. The action of the mental or soul forces over the body direct the conditions as exist between the spiritual and the soul and physical portion of the body. Most of the body is kept intact by the action of soul forces at present, than by the action of material or physical influences over the body; yet physical forces may be applied to this body to give some rest or reaction to the condition and for the condition existing in this body here. [44] we are speaking of. See? FEM: Yes, sir. These we would apply to this body to give rest; to give an easing of the condition existing in the nerve centers; to the nervous system to prevent the further inroads, or to assist the brain forces within the nerve tissue itself to act in more accord with the muscular condition, for the muscles have become so acted upon by the nerve forces and conditions as to become inactive within themselves. See? FEM: Yes, sir. This will only give a reaction to muscular and nerve forces and assist in allaying the conditions in the body. Apply low electric force to the solar plexus center at the 9th dorsal, prepared in this manner and form; to 2 gallons of rain water we would add 1 pound of common charcoal; 1 pound of copper sulphate; 1 ounce of sulphate acid, C. P.; 1 ounce of zinc. These would be charged with a low voltage battery of 120 volts, to 2-1/2 amperes, 30 cycles, for 30 minutes. While this is being charged and to remain to be carried into the system by the charge as being given it and applied to the body, 6 ounces of iodine should be in this solution in a glass container sealed. See? (Q): With a glass cork? (A): While this is being charged, with a glass cork, or else the acids would eat it out, you see. FEM: Yes, sir. After it has been charged the poles should be made of different material; one of copper and the other of silver. They would be attached to one plate; that plate attached to the body of [44] at the 9th dorsal for 20 minutes each evening. See? FEM: Yes, sir. This will create a different vibration within this system and assist to allay the condition within this body at present. See? FEM: Yes, sir. The sickness or the nausea that presents itself after this has been applied to the body for some three days need not be feared. See? FEM: Yes, sir. Only rest one day, and then begin again, for it is only the reaction of the pneumogastric center with that behind or opposite the solar plexus centers. See? FEM: Yes, sir. Or behind the stomach and opposite the solar plexus centers. Do this and it will give an entire relief to this body here of [44].
Yes, sir. Mr. Cayce, is this body able to walk at this time?
`Mr. Cayce, is this body able to walk at this time`. Only the gaining of its equilibrium, you see, will enable it to be able to walk in the normal manner of walking, as it has not at the present time. See? FEM: Yes, sir. This will assist in this condition that we have given. Follow this if you would render any assistance to these conditions in this body, you being well in touch with the forces that have to do with the action of soul forces with the physical body. See? FEM: Yes, sir. Do that.
Give suggestions.
We have the body here, [45]. Now, we find there are ABNORMAL conditions with the physical forces of this body. The conditions as we find at present are rather those of acute effect of a deep-seated disorder; these disorders having to do with the functioning organs as respecting elimination and as respecting acute conditions as have arisen IN the functioning organs, produced by those of segregations in the system. These, then, are conditions as we find them with this body, [45], we are speaking of: IN THE BLOOD SUPPLY, this we find both below normal in its quantity and quality, there being a condition in the metabolism that is NOT good. IN THE NERVE SYSTEM, this we find in cerebrospinal and sympa- thetic both under stress, through the inability of the system to create for the nerve supply those necessary elements for a stabilized condition. Hence the inability of the body-physical to, as it were, get the proper hold on self as respecting any conditions as may be applied, for even the BENEFICIAL effects, UNLESS the separation or deadening of same is made first effective. IN THE FUNCTIONING OF THE ORGANS THEMSELVES, these, as we find, are all under stress. While brain forces are very good, the reactions as indicated are not ALWAYS BALANCED in the nerves' reaction in the brain forces. In the functioning of organs of the sensory system, these are accentuated in part at times; this produced by the inability of the system to eliminate used energy in the functioning organs. Hence condition as disturbs the eye, as disturbs the throat, as disturbs the whole of the sensory system at times. The teeth, as seen, are in bad condition, and need local attention. While these conditions are effective, and affecting the condition in the present status, yet these are not a CAUSE - rather the RESULT of conditions in the system. While the REMOVAL of same will aid in the whole general system, there must be OTHER applications to relieve the stress on heart's action, on the lungs' supply of blood, on the whole assimilating system. If not, then there may be expected at ANY time a heart BLOCK - through the INABILITY of the BLOOD to get away FROM the heart, or from the lungs; for the DEPRESSIONS are as PRESSURES ON the aorta artery, as comes from the lungs to the heart, and valvular trouble MUST ensue UNLESS these conditions ARE corrected; for in the DIGESTIVE system we find much of a disorder. Rather is the seat or the CAUSE of the conditions in the ASSIMILATING system, and ESPECIALLY in that of the glands that secrete those properties as cause for, or make for, that necessary element in the blood-urea. It NECESSARY, and with the pressure uremic poisons - or poisons in the whole system - are thrown into the blood stream, and the circulation not being able to eliminate through the normal channels of alimentary canal or through the kidneys, or the respiratory system, the lungs ATTEMPTING to take care of the condition - hold MOST of the blood! Then, in meeting the needs of the condition: As is seen, the liver and the hepatic circulation are those NECESSARY FOR the stimulation and to BE stimulated, to bring about a COORDINATION IN the elimination; for the capillary circulation being disturbed, the poisons being assimilated throughout, these call for an EMERGENCY action, as it were. Rest - but stir the liver, both from INTERNAL applications and from EXTERNAL applications, using with same sufficient of a heart stimuli as to keep the circulation going THROUGHOUT the whole system; sufficient of manipulations, specific and general, to AID the circulation in its functioning THROUGH the system. We would give, then, for the corrections: For the local conditions in teeth, these should be removed. For the conditions in the liver, the hepatic circulation, stimulate same with the applications of the oil packs externally. Those across the liver should be those of the packs of Epsom Salts; also there would be found that the application of the Epsom Salts in the region of the brachial plexus will aid in the breathing for the body; also we would find that those of the fume baths of Epsom Salts, with those of the rub down - PRINCIPALLY of those that INCREASE the capillary circulation, rubbing the spine thoroughly, briskly, strongly, with rough cloth or towels AFTER such bath and bathing same down with witchhazel. 14. Well, too, were occasionally - once to twice each week - the ICE be RUBBED along each SIDE of the spine, to STIMULATE and to prevent cold or congestion. Let the diet be those of easily assimilated foods; principally those of the gruels that carry iron and of the nerve rebuilding. Will the body respond in these, these may be aided materially. Ready for questions.
(Q): Give suggestions. (A): We have the body here, [45]. Now, we find there are ABNORMAL conditions with the physical forces of this body. The conditions as we find at present are rather those of acute effect of a deep-seated disorder; these disorders having to do with the functioning organs as respecting elimination and as respecting acute conditions as have arisen IN the functioning organs, produced by those of segregations in the system. These, then, are conditions as we find them with this body, [45], we are speaking of: IN THE BLOOD SUPPLY, this we find both below normal in its quantity and quality, there being a condition in the metabolism that is NOT good. IN THE NERVE SYSTEM, this we find in cerebrospinal and sympa- thetic both under stress, through the inability of the system to create for the nerve supply those necessary elements for a stabilized condition. Hence the inability of the body-physical to, as it were, get the proper hold on self as respecting any conditions as may be applied, for even the BENEFICIAL effects, UNLESS the separation or deadening of same is made first effective. IN THE FUNCTIONING OF THE ORGANS THEMSELVES, these, as we find, are all under stress. While brain forces are very good, the reactions as indicated are not ALWAYS BALANCED in the nerves' reaction in the brain forces. In the functioning of organs of the sensory system, these are accentuated in part at times; this produced by the inability of the system to eliminate used energy in the functioning organs. Hence condition as disturbs the eye, as disturbs the throat, as disturbs the whole of the sensory system at times. The teeth, as seen, are in bad condition, and need local attention. While these conditions are effective, and affecting the condition in the present status, yet these are not a CAUSE - rather the RESULT of conditions in the system. While the REMOVAL of same will aid in the whole general system, there must be OTHER applications to relieve the stress on heart's action, on the lungs' supply of blood, on the whole assimilating system. If not, then there may be expected at ANY time a heart BLOCK - through the INABILITY of the BLOOD to get away FROM the heart, or from the lungs; for the DEPRESSIONS are as PRESSURES ON the aorta artery, as comes from the lungs to the heart, and valvular trouble MUST ensue UNLESS these conditions ARE corrected; for in the DIGESTIVE system we find much of a disorder. Rather is the seat or the CAUSE of the conditions in the ASSIMILATING system, and ESPECIALLY in that of the glands that secrete those properties as cause for, or make for, that necessary element in the blood-urea. It NECESSARY, and with the pressure uremic poisons - or poisons in the whole system - are thrown into the blood stream, and the circulation not being able to eliminate through the normal channels of alimentary canal or through the kidneys, or the respiratory system, the lungs ATTEMPTING to take care of the condition - hold MOST of the blood! Then, in meeting the needs of the condition: As is seen, the liver and the hepatic circulation are those NECESSARY FOR the stimulation and to BE stimulated, to bring about a COORDINATION IN the elimination; for the capillary circulation being disturbed, the poisons being assimilated throughout, these call for an EMERGENCY action, as it were. Rest - but stir the liver, both from INTERNAL applications and from EXTERNAL applications, using with same sufficient of a heart stimuli as to keep the circulation going THROUGHOUT the whole system; sufficient of manipulations, specific and general, to AID the circulation in its functioning THROUGH the system. We would give, then, for the corrections: For the local conditions in teeth, these should be removed. For the conditions in the liver, the hepatic circulation, stimulate same with the applications of the oil packs externally. Those across the liver should be those of the packs of Epsom Salts; also there would be found that the application of the Epsom Salts in the region of the brachial plexus will aid in the breathing for the body; also we would find that those of the fume baths of Epsom Salts, with those of the rub down - PRINCIPALLY of those that INCREASE the capillary circulation, rubbing the spine thoroughly, briskly, strongly, with rough cloth or towels AFTER such bath and bathing same down with witchhazel. 14. Well, too, were occasionally - once to twice each week - the ICE be RUBBED along each SIDE of the spine, to STIMULATE and to prevent cold or congestion. Let the diet be those of easily assimilated foods; principally those of the gruels that carry iron and of the nerve rebuilding. Will the body respond in these, these may be aided materially. Ready for questions.
What should be taken internally for the liver?
Those as may be compounded in this: These rather as one dose. A day should elapse between the taking of each of these capsules. This in one capsule: Podophyllin...1/2 grain - That's a good quantity, but take that much! It's poison, but it won't hurt with these properties given and in this quantity! Cascara Sagrada Compound......1/4 grain, Leptandrin....................1/2 grain, Licorice Compound.............1/4 grain. WELL were there added WITH this, Dovers Powders - 1/4 grain. Take in capsule. After THREE of these have been taken, the FOLLOWING day take about four tablespoonsful of Castor Oil. Manipulations should be given each day - specific for the heart's action, general for the circulation. The steam or vapor baths should be taken at least every OTHER day. The body, to be sure, should REST. Not much outside activities during this CLEANSING - for that's what it means to the whole system! It will be weak from these, for ten days to two weeks - but if it will stand it, will make it over! We are through for the present. Copy to Self ` ` Ass'n office ` ` Cayce Hospital
Give suggestions.
Yes, we have the body here, [45]. There's marked improvement in the physical conditions of the body, but the body is STILL in that condition where a sudden change - or a certain STOPPING UP of the coordinations in eliminations - might prove VERY detrimental. ALL of those suggestions given have NOT been carried out. Those of the eliminations through the sweats and through the fumes, as to clarify the capillary circulation - these have not been carried out fully; yet these we WOULD carry out. Be mindful that the temperature of the body isn't raised too high when these are given, though they may be gradually raised when these ARE given. Not necessary that so MANY of the packs be given, but that there is continually kept the eliminations properly through the alimentary canal, ESPECIALLY stirring the liver. We would also use a pack of the salts across the kidney region, that THIS may be made to coordinate, see? Keep the alkalin reaction in system. Watch the tongue - also look after the mouth.
(Q): Give suggestions. (A): Yes, we have the body here, [45]. There's marked improvement in the physical conditions of the body, but the body is STILL in that condition where a sudden change - or a certain STOPPING UP of the coordinations in eliminations - might prove VERY detrimental. ALL of those suggestions given have NOT been carried out. Those of the eliminations through the sweats and through the fumes, as to clarify the capillary circulation - these have not been carried out fully; yet these we WOULD carry out. Be mindful that the temperature of the body isn't raised too high when these are given, though they may be gradually raised when these ARE given. Not necessary that so MANY of the packs be given, but that there is continually kept the eliminations properly through the alimentary canal, ESPECIALLY stirring the liver. We would also use a pack of the salts across the kidney region, that THIS may be made to coordinate, see? Keep the alkalin reaction in system. Watch the tongue - also look after the mouth.
If so, how often?
Three times each week.
(Q): Give suggestions. (A): Yes, we have the body here, [45]. There's marked improvement in the physical conditions of the body, but the body is STILL in that condition where a sudden change - or a certain STOPPING UP of the coordinations in eliminations - might prove VERY detrimental. ALL of those suggestions given have NOT been carried out. Those of the eliminations through the sweats and through the fumes, as to clarify the capillary circulation - these have not been carried out fully; yet these we WOULD carry out. Be mindful that the temperature of the body isn't raised too high when these are given, though they may be gradually raised when these ARE given. Not necessary that so MANY of the packs be given, but that there is continually kept the eliminations properly through the alimentary canal, ESPECIALLY stirring the liver. We would also use a pack of the salts across the kidney region, that THIS may be made to coordinate, see? Keep the alkalin reaction in system. Watch the tongue - also look after the mouth. (Q): If so, how often? (A): Three times each week.
May the body go home and return to hospital for treatment?
If it doesn't work too much - and there won't be much danger of that!
(Q): Give suggestions. (A): Yes, we have the body here, [45]. There's marked improvement in the physical conditions of the body, but the body is STILL in that condition where a sudden change - or a certain STOPPING UP of the coordinations in eliminations - might prove VERY detrimental. ALL of those suggestions given have NOT been carried out. Those of the eliminations through the sweats and through the fumes, as to clarify the capillary circulation - these have not been carried out fully; yet these we WOULD carry out. Be mindful that the temperature of the body isn't raised too high when these are given, though they may be gradually raised when these ARE given. Not necessary that so MANY of the packs be given, but that there is continually kept the eliminations properly through the alimentary canal, ESPECIALLY stirring the liver. We would also use a pack of the salts across the kidney region, that THIS may be made to coordinate, see? Keep the alkalin reaction in system. Watch the tongue - also look after the mouth. (Q): If so, how often? (A): Three times each week. (Q): May the body go home and return to hospital for treatment? (A): If it doesn't work too much - and there won't be much danger of that!
What is the cause and treatment for the shortness of breath?
This same depression as we have given. This will gradually come to its normal reaction, by the proper coordinating of the eliminating systems, see? Hence the clarification, especially of the EXTERIOR portions, see? That is all the questions. We are through with this reading for the present. Copy to Dr. Lydic (to be delivered to patient on leaving hospital) ` ` Ass'n office ` ` Cayce Hospital
Are treatments being given properly to meet arising symptoms?
These are very good, as has just been outlined. The treatments are MEETING the needs, save that we find - just as has been outlined - that the continued increase in the numbers in the white blood may become such as to attack or DESTROY those portions IN the hemoglobin as are NECESSARY for the red blood supply. Hence the conditions MUST be met by ALLEVIATING that CAUSING pus and GIVING strength BY assimilation with BLOOD - INTERNALLY taken, we would give it - that the DIGESTIVE forces may alter in the assimilation; for we find the CAPILLARY, the LYMPH, ABSORB certain characters - that is, red's to the body is poison - certain characters of yellow is poison; just as certain plants that the body would contact would be poison to system, see? That is all the questions. In making the blood puddings, these will be well to give - or they may be made, you know, with those of ground liver, but use quantities of BLOOD with it - see? We are through with this reading. [See 45-3, Par. R1.] Copy to Dr. Lydic (to be delivered to patient on leaving hospital) ` ` Ass'n office ` ` Cayce Hospital
(Q): Are treatments being given properly to meet arising symptoms? (A): These are very good, as has just been outlined. The treatments are MEETING the needs, save that we find - just as has been outlined - that the continued increase in the numbers in the white blood may become such as to attack or DESTROY those portions IN the hemoglobin as are NECESSARY for the red blood supply. Hence the conditions MUST be met by ALLEVIATING that CAUSING pus and GIVING strength BY assimilation with BLOOD - INTERNALLY taken, we would give it - that the DIGESTIVE forces may alter in the assimilation; for we find the CAPILLARY, the LYMPH, ABSORB certain characters - that is, red's to the body is poison - certain characters of yellow is poison; just as certain plants that the body would contact would be poison to system, see? That is all the questions. In making the blood puddings, these will be well to give - or they may be made, you know, with those of ground liver, but use quantities of BLOOD with it - see? We are through with this reading. [See 45-3, Par. R1.] Copy to Dr. Lydic (to be delivered to patient on leaving hospital) ` ` Ass'n office ` ` Cayce Hospital
Give suggestions.
Yes, we have the body here - this we have had before. In SOME respects the conditions show improvements; yet, as we find, with the stimulation of circulation - unless there is an outlet for the increased drainage as set up by same, sooner or later it must block, or be carried BACK into the circulation, and the increase in the numbers of the warriors in the blood supply, as thus attack or create the coagulative and building properties in system, these become harmful - in that they take up too much of the vitality. The pus forming in the system must bring the strept in such a manner as to cause irritation, as is seen in lungs, in heart's action, and INDICATED in the WEAKNESS that ensues from the least exertion, even for the ATTEMPTING to masticate foods. Much of the condition comes from the throat and teeth, as WELL as the character of the LYMPHATIC circulation - or poison absorbing, for the body would find that even colors, as WELL as certain characters of foods, become immediately poison in the system. We would take ALL the teeth out! and would cleanse those conditions in the throat, in the nasal cavities, and we would KEEP the capillary and lymphatic circulation MOST active, so long as it is not raising the temperature of the body to an ABNORMAL degree. Hence the fume baths are better. Keep the use of the eliminations through the irrigation, but would be well that - when these ARE given, and when they are ready for the finishing - that a little - half a pint - of olive oil be used as injection, and then build up the vitality by all of the foods - were the body to drink the blood of animal, were it the right character, would be well - even those of blood puddings, or of such - these would be valuable for this body. Ox blood.
Give suggestions.
Yes - this we have had before. Conditions are not so good with this body. In the general way and manner SOME are in a position to be more eliminated from the system, but were the conditions continued that make for too much activity for the heart's action, we must find these will become harmful for the lungs and for the condition as exists in the circulation between heart and lungs. In the pus in system, the poisons and accumulations, it will be necessary to keep - while it will be weakening - keep the circulation, or eliminations AND the circulation, high in the hepatics. This we will do by STIMULATING the secretion through the alimentary canal. Not so severe as to cause strain, but continue their activity. Better were these made of vegetable forces see? Those that are taken and are STILL a cardiac for the whole system; that is, heart stimulating in their activity - see? Ready for questions.
(Q): Give suggestions. (A): Yes - this we have had before. Conditions are not so good with this body. In the general way and manner SOME are in a position to be more eliminated from the system, but were the conditions continued that make for too much activity for the heart's action, we must find these will become harmful for the lungs and for the condition as exists in the circulation between heart and lungs. In the pus in system, the poisons and accumulations, it will be necessary to keep - while it will be weakening - keep the circulation, or eliminations AND the circulation, high in the hepatics. This we will do by STIMULATING the secretion through the alimentary canal. Not so severe as to cause strain, but continue their activity. Better were these made of vegetable forces see? Those that are taken and are STILL a cardiac for the whole system; that is, heart stimulating in their activity - see? Ready for questions.
What would you advise for shortness of breath?
That is just what we are advising! so that we keep this circulation away FROM the heart and lungs so much! Stimulating the circulation through the lower portion of the system in its activity, for the present - and then we will find that there may be sufficient drainages set up BY the manipulation - with this stimulated circulation in hepatics - to prevent this smothering, choking feeling as comes from flooding of the lungs themselves, through this low pressure and low activity through this portion of system. That is all the questions regarding this body. We are through with this reading. Copy to Dr. Lydic ` ` Ass'n office ` ` Cayce Hospital
Are all treatments given properly?
Improvements show the treatments are being very good. We would add only this as we have given. That is all the questions regarding this body. We are through with this reading. Copy to Dr. Lydic (to be delivered to patient on leaving hospital) ` ` Ass'n office ` ` Cayce Hospital ` ` Self
(Q): Are all treatments given properly? (A): Improvements show the treatments are being very good. We would add only this as we have given. That is all the questions regarding this body. We are through with this reading. Copy to Dr. Lydic (to be delivered to patient on leaving hospital) ` ` Ass'n office ` ` Cayce Hospital ` ` Self
Give suggestions.
Yes, we have the body here, [45] - this we have had before. Better improvement is shown, so far, than we have had heretofore. While the condition has not passed that, that might be called even serious, yet with the proper precautions and the proper diet, and sufficient exercise that the body physical AND mental may be gotten well in hand, and the general condition kept - the body should CONTINUE on the improve. The upbuild in the blood supply, the equalization in the blood stream itself, is better - as is also the pressure, and also the eliminations. The heat for the body, even in the sun, would be very good - provided it is NOT OVER done, but don't be AFRAID of overdoing by exercise; for there should be much change in the external circulation, capillary circulation, the skin circulation. It tends to throw off, or ward off - rather than allowing the proper eliminations through same, see? Well were the body to be rubbed occasionally with SALT. Would be well, all over. Not to make it raw, to be sure - but as a salt bath. Ready for questions.
(Q): Are all treatments given properly? (A): Improvements show the treatments are being very good. We would add only this as we have given. That is all the questions regarding this body. We are through with this reading. Copy to Dr. Lydic (to be delivered to patient on leaving hospital) ` ` Ass'n office ` ` Cayce Hospital ` ` Self (Q): Give suggestions. (A): Yes, we have the body here, [45] - this we have had before. Better improvement is shown, so far, than we have had heretofore. While the condition has not passed that, that might be called even serious, yet with the proper precautions and the proper diet, and sufficient exercise that the body physical AND mental may be gotten well in hand, and the general condition kept - the body should CONTINUE on the improve. The upbuild in the blood supply, the equalization in the blood stream itself, is better - as is also the pressure, and also the eliminations. The heat for the body, even in the sun, would be very good - provided it is NOT OVER done, but don't be AFRAID of overdoing by exercise; for there should be much change in the external circulation, capillary circulation, the skin circulation. It tends to throw off, or ward off - rather than allowing the proper eliminations through same, see? Well were the body to be rubbed occasionally with SALT. Would be well, all over. Not to make it raw, to be sure - but as a salt bath. Ready for questions.
Is body in condition to go home and return to hospital for treatment? If so, how often?
About twice to three times each week, return for treatments - but we would tie the battery, or have the battery each evening. Plain battery, to the extremities - plenty of ice, but keep it well out of the water.
(Q): Are all treatments given properly? (A): Improvements show the treatments are being very good. We would add only this as we have given. That is all the questions regarding this body. We are through with this reading. Copy to Dr. Lydic (to be delivered to patient on leaving hospital) ` ` Ass'n office ` ` Cayce Hospital ` ` Self (Q): Give suggestions. (A): Yes, we have the body here, [45] - this we have had before. Better improvement is shown, so far, than we have had heretofore. While the condition has not passed that, that might be called even serious, yet with the proper precautions and the proper diet, and sufficient exercise that the body physical AND mental may be gotten well in hand, and the general condition kept - the body should CONTINUE on the improve. The upbuild in the blood supply, the equalization in the blood stream itself, is better - as is also the pressure, and also the eliminations. The heat for the body, even in the sun, would be very good - provided it is NOT OVER done, but don't be AFRAID of overdoing by exercise; for there should be much change in the external circulation, capillary circulation, the skin circulation. It tends to throw off, or ward off - rather than allowing the proper eliminations through same, see? Well were the body to be rubbed occasionally with SALT. Would be well, all over. Not to make it raw, to be sure - but as a salt bath. Ready for questions. (Q): Is body in condition to go home and return to hospital for treatment? If so, how often? (A): About twice to three times each week, return for treatments - but we would tie the battery, or have the battery each evening. Plain battery, to the extremities - plenty of ice, but keep it well out of the water.
Why is body unable to sleep?
The mental and the physical unable to coordinate. Tie one of the batteries to him and he will sleep!
Any change in treatments?
Only that these be - so long as the strength is possible - rather increased in the packs, whether they are of oil or of the salts, to prevent the kidneys being over-taxed. These while severe, are the hope, as we see.
(Q): Any change in treatments? (A): Only that these be - so long as the strength is possible - rather increased in the packs, whether they are of oil or of the salts, to prevent the kidneys being over-taxed. These while severe, are the hope, as we see.
Any other suggestions that will be of benefit?
These, as we find, would be the greater benefit. The addition of the breaking up of cells through X-ray will aid considerably, if taken advantage of by the application of those packs as will produce counter-irritations to the organs themselves. Necessary for heart stimulant, but do not ENGORGE same, or attempt to SUBJUGATE through an hypnotic or narcotic, as would be such a taxation to the NERVE system, UNDER the strain - unless it becomes necessary. STIMULATE, but not SUBJUGATE. That is all the questions regarding this body. The conditions are serious, and warrant close attention. We are through with this reading for the present. Copy to Dr. Lydic ` ` Ass'n office ` ` Cayce Hospital
(Q): Any change in treatments? (A): Only that these be - so long as the strength is possible - rather increased in the packs, whether they are of oil or of the salts, to prevent the kidneys being over-taxed. These while severe, are the hope, as we see. (Q): Any other suggestions that will be of benefit? (A): These, as we find, would be the greater benefit. The addition of the breaking up of cells through X-ray will aid considerably, if taken advantage of by the application of those packs as will produce counter-irritations to the organs themselves. Necessary for heart stimulant, but do not ENGORGE same, or attempt to SUBJUGATE through an hypnotic or narcotic, as would be such a taxation to the NERVE system, UNDER the strain - unless it becomes necessary. STIMULATE, but not SUBJUGATE. That is all the questions regarding this body. The conditions are serious, and warrant close attention. We are through with this reading for the present. Copy to Dr. Lydic ` ` Ass'n office ` ` Cayce Hospital
Give suggestions.
Yes, we have the body here, [45] - this we have had before. Conditions physically are not so good as when we last had same, for many of the disturbances have become rather of the acute nature. The disorders as occur in the form of that as brings for the building up of the lungs, for the building of that within the system as COMBATS that of poisons and creates for the system that as produces coagulation in tissue where destructive forces make headway. These, while on the increase, are not meeting the needs of conditions. Neither are they adding to the vitality of the system by assimilation processes, for we are beginning to have that of the same character of formations about the glands that have to do with assimilation. The hardening of portions of the liver itself producing pressure in the region of the glands. These cause the distress and the weakness as comes from these conditions are harder and harder on the heart's action, engorging same to some extent and producing those strains directly on the brain itself. The poisons as accumulate from the condition in mouth, in throat, in liver, are NOT being eliminated. These, as we find - unless changes ARE brought - must be destructive, as has been given, for the physical conditions of the body. Ready for questions.
(Q): Any change in treatments? (A): Only that these be - so long as the strength is possible - rather increased in the packs, whether they are of oil or of the salts, to prevent the kidneys being over-taxed. These while severe, are the hope, as we see. (Q): Any other suggestions that will be of benefit? (A): These, as we find, would be the greater benefit. The addition of the breaking up of cells through X-ray will aid considerably, if taken advantage of by the application of those packs as will produce counter-irritations to the organs themselves. Necessary for heart stimulant, but do not ENGORGE same, or attempt to SUBJUGATE through an hypnotic or narcotic, as would be such a taxation to the NERVE system, UNDER the strain - unless it becomes necessary. STIMULATE, but not SUBJUGATE. That is all the questions regarding this body. The conditions are serious, and warrant close attention. We are through with this reading for the present. Copy to Dr. Lydic ` ` Ass'n office ` ` Cayce Hospital (Q): Give suggestions. (A): Yes, we have the body here, [45] - this we have had before. Conditions physically are not so good as when we last had same, for many of the disturbances have become rather of the acute nature. The disorders as occur in the form of that as brings for the building up of the lungs, for the building of that within the system as COMBATS that of poisons and creates for the system that as produces coagulation in tissue where destructive forces make headway. These, while on the increase, are not meeting the needs of conditions. Neither are they adding to the vitality of the system by assimilation processes, for we are beginning to have that of the same character of formations about the glands that have to do with assimilation. The hardening of portions of the liver itself producing pressure in the region of the glands. These cause the distress and the weakness as comes from these conditions are harder and harder on the heart's action, engorging same to some extent and producing those strains directly on the brain itself. The poisons as accumulate from the condition in mouth, in throat, in liver, are NOT being eliminated. These, as we find - unless changes ARE brought - must be destructive, as has been given, for the physical conditions of the body. Ready for questions.
Would it be advisable to have X-ray of gastrointestinal tract?
Would be advisable, AND would be beneficial to the body in general, for even the passing of the rays - as make for the radiograph - will be assisting the conditions in breaking up, so that the activities as may be brought about - for when those congestions, or hardening portions in liver are not throwing off they are becoming destructive, and the lacteals show that there are accumulations there; as in throat, as in lung, as in other portions. Deterioration has not set in, but MUST - UNLESS conditions ARE changed.
Give suggestions.
Yes, we have the body here, you see. Now, there are many abnormal conditions in this body. Some may be corrected. They have to do with the functioning of the organs; some organic conditions, the blood supply and the elimination in the system. Now, these are the conditions as we find them in this body, [46], we are speaking of: We find the blood supply in the body is above the normal, both in quantity and in pressure. We find the blood carries bacilli - that is of the streptococcus variety. The white blood is deficient, and poor coagulation insues. We find the nerve forces in this body very good. There is a lesion about the tenth dorsal that produces the over-taxing to some of the digestive functioning of the body. Through the organs themselves, we find some functioning very good. The condition through the lungs is very good. That through the digestive forces, we find: The overtaxation to the system, both from nerve forces and from the superconscious forces attempting to care for the physical forces give rise to the condition existing in the stomach itself proper, and the poor eliminations through the correct channels have to do with this same condition. The liver, we find, does not function in the proper manner and form. The bacilli that effects the blood supply prevents the functioning properly of the excretory glands of this organ, as does the over-taxation, at times, to the kidneys give off to this portion of the body the excess secretions. The glandular forces about the pelvic organs, and down the venus forces of the extremities show the effect of high blood forces, and the bacilli carried in the blood supply. To rid the system of this condition, may be done by absorption, or by operation and then by absorption. This can be removed but will take patience, PATIENCE and time. We would take this into the system, first: To one gallon of water, add: Sarsaparilla Root..............6 ounces, Dogwood Bark...................2 ounces, Yellow Dock Root...............2 ounces, Black Root.....................2 ounces, Prickly Ash Bark...............2 ounces, Mandrake Root.................15 grains, Buchu Leaves..................30 grains. This would be simmered, NOT BOILED, until reduced to one quart. While warm, strain, and add: 6 ounces Grain Alcohol, with 2 drams Balm of Gilead. The dose would be a dessertspoonful three times each day. The body should not eat meats or fats of any kind. If meats are eaten at all they would be fish or wild game. Better eat nothing except vegetables. Do not overload the stomach, but keep that which tends to keep the bowels free and open. After the first full quantity is taken, and the second begun, then we would apply to the limb here for the infectuous forces, for the discharge to be removed from the blood veins, first would be mullein poultice. The body should keep off the feet while this is being applied to the limbs more than before. Then each evening apply a balm made of Plantain Root and Stalk, in this proportion: To half gallon of water, add six ounces, preferably in the green state, reduced until it begins to show a jelly formation - black color - stem and roots together. Then add oil of butter fat, without salt (with the water and salt taken out) until it makes a salve, and apply this each evening, but not until after the first quantity and part of another is taken of the medicinal properties. Do that. We are through.
Can you tell what is this body's natural talent?
To develop along the lines of any creative forces, the natural gift is that of the artistic temperament in all of its branches.
(Q): Can you tell what is this body's natural talent? (A): To develop along the lines of any creative forces, the natural gift is that of the artistic temperament in all of its branches.
Give suggestions.
Yes, we have the body here. We have had this before, you see [No copy of earlier rdg. in E.C.F. files]. Now, the body is not in as good physical condition at present as when we had it before. There is lack of vitality throughout the system, and it has to do with the circulation and with the functioning of some of the organs of the body. Now, these are the conditions as we find them at present in this body of [47] we are speaking of. The blood shows some bacillus being carried in the system, which in its effect over the system gives the strain to certain organs, and takes of the vital forces of the corpuscle circulation. The body needs to care for this condition at present, else after-effects in the next cycle will prove to be very detrimental to the welfare of the body. The nerve forces in the system we find are very good. At present we find some over-strain to some of the centers, especially those at present of the ilium plexus. The organs themselves, we find the strain in the portions of the head and the nasal cavity being produced by the poor eliminations and the condition of the blood supply. The reflex from these affect the tissue of the functioning organs of the throat. Through the lungs, we find very good, though the action of the blood supply on the organs themselves shows the effect on the organs. Through the digestive tract we find some of the same reflexes to these organs. This needs to be corrected, and to produce an extra amount of the leucocyte and lymph, to care for the condition in the liver and the blood supply of the system. The over tendency of the activity of the opposite pole or the extra amount of excretions thrown off by the kidneys shows the condition of the hepatic circulation and the over-taxed condition of the system. The body is not sick in the general sense at present. The conditions need to be corrected as a preventative rather than as of a general condition at present, see? To give the balance and to produce the equilibrium in the body, we would take this in the system: to one gallon of water, rain or distilled water, we would add: Sarsaparilla Root.................4 ounces, Yellow Dock Root..................2 ounces, Burdock Root......................2 ounces, Black Haw Bark....................2 ounces, Dogwood Bark......................2 ounces, Prickly Ash Bark..................2 ounces, Elder Flower......................2 ounces, Mandrake Root....................10 grains, Buchu Leaves.....................20 grains, Calisaya Bark.....................2 ounces. This would be reduced by simmering, not boiling, to one quart and one pint, see? Strain while warm. We would add 4 ounces of cane sugar, first dissolved in hot water; 6 ounces of grain alcohol, with 3 drams of Balsam of Tolu. The diet while this is being taken shall be rather of vegetables than meat. The dose would be - one teaspoonful four times each day. For the local conditions in the nasal cavity and for the throat there would be used a wash of equal parts of salt, soda, and cream of Tartar. This would be dissolved in five times the quantity used, snuffed through the nostrils rather than a spray, and gargled through and in the throat, see? The exercises for the head should be those of a specific nature, the side, front and back and circular motion. This should be done each evening. With this, we will find we will bring the body to the normal forces, prevent the improper elimination, rid the capillary circulation of the tissue becoming involved by poisons attempting to be eliminated, see? Do that. Do not bruise the body in any of the abrasions that come over the system, especially until this has been thoroughly taken into the system. Do that. As for the conduct of the individual for its moral and domestic betterment, that is of the individual, a thing apart from the physical, and is to be directed by the individual's own activities, see?
(Q): Can you tell what is this body's natural talent? (A): To develop along the lines of any creative forces, the natural gift is that of the artistic temperament in all of its branches. (Q): Give suggestions. (A): Yes, we have the body here. We have had this before, you see [No copy of earlier rdg. in E.C.F. files]. Now, the body is not in as good physical condition at present as when we had it before. There is lack of vitality throughout the system, and it has to do with the circulation and with the functioning of some of the organs of the body. Now, these are the conditions as we find them at present in this body of [47] we are speaking of. The blood shows some bacillus being carried in the system, which in its effect over the system gives the strain to certain organs, and takes of the vital forces of the corpuscle circulation. The body needs to care for this condition at present, else after-effects in the next cycle will prove to be very detrimental to the welfare of the body. The nerve forces in the system we find are very good. At present we find some over-strain to some of the centers, especially those at present of the ilium plexus. The organs themselves, we find the strain in the portions of the head and the nasal cavity being produced by the poor eliminations and the condition of the blood supply. The reflex from these affect the tissue of the functioning organs of the throat. Through the lungs, we find very good, though the action of the blood supply on the organs themselves shows the effect on the organs. Through the digestive tract we find some of the same reflexes to these organs. This needs to be corrected, and to produce an extra amount of the leucocyte and lymph, to care for the condition in the liver and the blood supply of the system. The over tendency of the activity of the opposite pole or the extra amount of excretions thrown off by the kidneys shows the condition of the hepatic circulation and the over-taxed condition of the system. The body is not sick in the general sense at present. The conditions need to be corrected as a preventative rather than as of a general condition at present, see? To give the balance and to produce the equilibrium in the body, we would take this in the system: to one gallon of water, rain or distilled water, we would add: Sarsaparilla Root.................4 ounces, Yellow Dock Root..................2 ounces, Burdock Root......................2 ounces, Black Haw Bark....................2 ounces, Dogwood Bark......................2 ounces, Prickly Ash Bark..................2 ounces, Elder Flower......................2 ounces, Mandrake Root....................10 grains, Buchu Leaves.....................20 grains, Calisaya Bark.....................2 ounces. This would be reduced by simmering, not boiling, to one quart and one pint, see? Strain while warm. We would add 4 ounces of cane sugar, first dissolved in hot water; 6 ounces of grain alcohol, with 3 drams of Balsam of Tolu. The diet while this is being taken shall be rather of vegetables than meat. The dose would be - one teaspoonful four times each day. For the local conditions in the nasal cavity and for the throat there would be used a wash of equal parts of salt, soda, and cream of Tartar. This would be dissolved in five times the quantity used, snuffed through the nostrils rather than a spray, and gargled through and in the throat, see? The exercises for the head should be those of a specific nature, the side, front and back and circular motion. This should be done each evening. With this, we will find we will bring the body to the normal forces, prevent the improper elimination, rid the capillary circulation of the tissue becoming involved by poisons attempting to be eliminated, see? Do that. Do not bruise the body in any of the abrasions that come over the system, especially until this has been thoroughly taken into the system. Do that. As for the conduct of the individual for its moral and domestic betterment, that is of the individual, a thing apart from the physical, and is to be directed by the individual's own activities, see?
Have you any other advice for this body?
Application of that which the body is conscious of within itself for its development toward the better things of spiritual force would be well for the body to consider in every way, see?
(Q): Can you tell what is this body's natural talent? (A): To develop along the lines of any creative forces, the natural gift is that of the artistic temperament in all of its branches. (Q): Give suggestions. (A): Yes, we have the body here. We have had this before, you see [No copy of earlier rdg. in E.C.F. files]. Now, the body is not in as good physical condition at present as when we had it before. There is lack of vitality throughout the system, and it has to do with the circulation and with the functioning of some of the organs of the body. Now, these are the conditions as we find them at present in this body of [47] we are speaking of. The blood shows some bacillus being carried in the system, which in its effect over the system gives the strain to certain organs, and takes of the vital forces of the corpuscle circulation. The body needs to care for this condition at present, else after-effects in the next cycle will prove to be very detrimental to the welfare of the body. The nerve forces in the system we find are very good. At present we find some over-strain to some of the centers, especially those at present of the ilium plexus. The organs themselves, we find the strain in the portions of the head and the nasal cavity being produced by the poor eliminations and the condition of the blood supply. The reflex from these affect the tissue of the functioning organs of the throat. Through the lungs, we find very good, though the action of the blood supply on the organs themselves shows the effect on the organs. Through the digestive tract we find some of the same reflexes to these organs. This needs to be corrected, and to produce an extra amount of the leucocyte and lymph, to care for the condition in the liver and the blood supply of the system. The over tendency of the activity of the opposite pole or the extra amount of excretions thrown off by the kidneys shows the condition of the hepatic circulation and the over-taxed condition of the system. The body is not sick in the general sense at present. The conditions need to be corrected as a preventative rather than as of a general condition at present, see? To give the balance and to produce the equilibrium in the body, we would take this in the system: to one gallon of water, rain or distilled water, we would add: Sarsaparilla Root.................4 ounces, Yellow Dock Root..................2 ounces, Burdock Root......................2 ounces, Black Haw Bark....................2 ounces, Dogwood Bark......................2 ounces, Prickly Ash Bark..................2 ounces, Elder Flower......................2 ounces, Mandrake Root....................10 grains, Buchu Leaves.....................20 grains, Calisaya Bark.....................2 ounces. This would be reduced by simmering, not boiling, to one quart and one pint, see? Strain while warm. We would add 4 ounces of cane sugar, first dissolved in hot water; 6 ounces of grain alcohol, with 3 drams of Balsam of Tolu. The diet while this is being taken shall be rather of vegetables than meat. The dose would be - one teaspoonful four times each day. For the local conditions in the nasal cavity and for the throat there would be used a wash of equal parts of salt, soda, and cream of Tartar. This would be dissolved in five times the quantity used, snuffed through the nostrils rather than a spray, and gargled through and in the throat, see? The exercises for the head should be those of a specific nature, the side, front and back and circular motion. This should be done each evening. With this, we will find we will bring the body to the normal forces, prevent the improper elimination, rid the capillary circulation of the tissue becoming involved by poisons attempting to be eliminated, see? Do that. Do not bruise the body in any of the abrasions that come over the system, especially until this has been thoroughly taken into the system. Do that. As for the conduct of the individual for its moral and domestic betterment, that is of the individual, a thing apart from the physical, and is to be directed by the individual's own activities, see? (Q): Have you any other advice for this body? (A): Application of that which the body is conscious of within itself for its development toward the better things of spiritual force would be well for the body to consider in every way, see?
Should this body go to Cincinnati Conservatory and study voice?
Very good.
(Q): Can you tell what is this body's natural talent? (A): To develop along the lines of any creative forces, the natural gift is that of the artistic temperament in all of its branches. (Q): Give suggestions. (A): Yes, we have the body here. We have had this before, you see [No copy of earlier rdg. in E.C.F. files]. Now, the body is not in as good physical condition at present as when we had it before. There is lack of vitality throughout the system, and it has to do with the circulation and with the functioning of some of the organs of the body. Now, these are the conditions as we find them at present in this body of [47] we are speaking of. The blood shows some bacillus being carried in the system, which in its effect over the system gives the strain to certain organs, and takes of the vital forces of the corpuscle circulation. The body needs to care for this condition at present, else after-effects in the next cycle will prove to be very detrimental to the welfare of the body. The nerve forces in the system we find are very good. At present we find some over-strain to some of the centers, especially those at present of the ilium plexus. The organs themselves, we find the strain in the portions of the head and the nasal cavity being produced by the poor eliminations and the condition of the blood supply. The reflex from these affect the tissue of the functioning organs of the throat. Through the lungs, we find very good, though the action of the blood supply on the organs themselves shows the effect on the organs. Through the digestive tract we find some of the same reflexes to these organs. This needs to be corrected, and to produce an extra amount of the leucocyte and lymph, to care for the condition in the liver and the blood supply of the system. The over tendency of the activity of the opposite pole or the extra amount of excretions thrown off by the kidneys shows the condition of the hepatic circulation and the over-taxed condition of the system. The body is not sick in the general sense at present. The conditions need to be corrected as a preventative rather than as of a general condition at present, see? To give the balance and to produce the equilibrium in the body, we would take this in the system: to one gallon of water, rain or distilled water, we would add: Sarsaparilla Root.................4 ounces, Yellow Dock Root..................2 ounces, Burdock Root......................2 ounces, Black Haw Bark....................2 ounces, Dogwood Bark......................2 ounces, Prickly Ash Bark..................2 ounces, Elder Flower......................2 ounces, Mandrake Root....................10 grains, Buchu Leaves.....................20 grains, Calisaya Bark.....................2 ounces. This would be reduced by simmering, not boiling, to one quart and one pint, see? Strain while warm. We would add 4 ounces of cane sugar, first dissolved in hot water; 6 ounces of grain alcohol, with 3 drams of Balsam of Tolu. The diet while this is being taken shall be rather of vegetables than meat. The dose would be - one teaspoonful four times each day. For the local conditions in the nasal cavity and for the throat there would be used a wash of equal parts of salt, soda, and cream of Tartar. This would be dissolved in five times the quantity used, snuffed through the nostrils rather than a spray, and gargled through and in the throat, see? The exercises for the head should be those of a specific nature, the side, front and back and circular motion. This should be done each evening. With this, we will find we will bring the body to the normal forces, prevent the improper elimination, rid the capillary circulation of the tissue becoming involved by poisons attempting to be eliminated, see? Do that. Do not bruise the body in any of the abrasions that come over the system, especially until this has been thoroughly taken into the system. Do that. As for the conduct of the individual for its moral and domestic betterment, that is of the individual, a thing apart from the physical, and is to be directed by the individual's own activities, see? (Q): Have you any other advice for this body? (A): Application of that which the body is conscious of within itself for its development toward the better things of spiritual force would be well for the body to consider in every way, see? (Q): Should this body go to Cincinnati Conservatory and study voice? (A): Very good.
Should this body go to school and develop this talent, or work awhile first?
Best to develop now, or it afterward becomes a thing that lies too dormant, see?
(Q): Can you tell what is this body's natural talent? (A): To develop along the lines of any creative forces, the natural gift is that of the artistic temperament in all of its branches. (Q): Give suggestions. (A): Yes, we have the body here. We have had this before, you see [No copy of earlier rdg. in E.C.F. files]. Now, the body is not in as good physical condition at present as when we had it before. There is lack of vitality throughout the system, and it has to do with the circulation and with the functioning of some of the organs of the body. Now, these are the conditions as we find them at present in this body of [47] we are speaking of. The blood shows some bacillus being carried in the system, which in its effect over the system gives the strain to certain organs, and takes of the vital forces of the corpuscle circulation. The body needs to care for this condition at present, else after-effects in the next cycle will prove to be very detrimental to the welfare of the body. The nerve forces in the system we find are very good. At present we find some over-strain to some of the centers, especially those at present of the ilium plexus. The organs themselves, we find the strain in the portions of the head and the nasal cavity being produced by the poor eliminations and the condition of the blood supply. The reflex from these affect the tissue of the functioning organs of the throat. Through the lungs, we find very good, though the action of the blood supply on the organs themselves shows the effect on the organs. Through the digestive tract we find some of the same reflexes to these organs. This needs to be corrected, and to produce an extra amount of the leucocyte and lymph, to care for the condition in the liver and the blood supply of the system. The over tendency of the activity of the opposite pole or the extra amount of excretions thrown off by the kidneys shows the condition of the hepatic circulation and the over-taxed condition of the system. The body is not sick in the general sense at present. The conditions need to be corrected as a preventative rather than as of a general condition at present, see? To give the balance and to produce the equilibrium in the body, we would take this in the system: to one gallon of water, rain or distilled water, we would add: Sarsaparilla Root.................4 ounces, Yellow Dock Root..................2 ounces, Burdock Root......................2 ounces, Black Haw Bark....................2 ounces, Dogwood Bark......................2 ounces, Prickly Ash Bark..................2 ounces, Elder Flower......................2 ounces, Mandrake Root....................10 grains, Buchu Leaves.....................20 grains, Calisaya Bark.....................2 ounces. This would be reduced by simmering, not boiling, to one quart and one pint, see? Strain while warm. We would add 4 ounces of cane sugar, first dissolved in hot water; 6 ounces of grain alcohol, with 3 drams of Balsam of Tolu. The diet while this is being taken shall be rather of vegetables than meat. The dose would be - one teaspoonful four times each day. For the local conditions in the nasal cavity and for the throat there would be used a wash of equal parts of salt, soda, and cream of Tartar. This would be dissolved in five times the quantity used, snuffed through the nostrils rather than a spray, and gargled through and in the throat, see? The exercises for the head should be those of a specific nature, the side, front and back and circular motion. This should be done each evening. With this, we will find we will bring the body to the normal forces, prevent the improper elimination, rid the capillary circulation of the tissue becoming involved by poisons attempting to be eliminated, see? Do that. Do not bruise the body in any of the abrasions that come over the system, especially until this has been thoroughly taken into the system. Do that. As for the conduct of the individual for its moral and domestic betterment, that is of the individual, a thing apart from the physical, and is to be directed by the individual's own activities, see? (Q): Have you any other advice for this body? (A): Application of that which the body is conscious of within itself for its development toward the better things of spiritual force would be well for the body to consider in every way, see? (Q): Should this body go to Cincinnati Conservatory and study voice? (A): Very good. (Q): Should this body go to school and develop this talent, or work awhile first? (A): Best to develop now, or it afterward becomes a thing that lies too dormant, see?
What are the length of the cycles which come to this body?
Each organ has its own cycle; the cycle as given here is the period of seven years, as time is reckoned from the physical plane. The cycles for the organs vary in their development. Follow the lines as we have given for the best for this body physically, spiritually, mentally and financially. We are through.
(Q): Can you tell what is this body's natural talent? (A): To develop along the lines of any creative forces, the natural gift is that of the artistic temperament in all of its branches. (Q): Give suggestions. (A): Yes, we have the body here. We have had this before, you see [No copy of earlier rdg. in E.C.F. files]. Now, the body is not in as good physical condition at present as when we had it before. There is lack of vitality throughout the system, and it has to do with the circulation and with the functioning of some of the organs of the body. Now, these are the conditions as we find them at present in this body of [47] we are speaking of. The blood shows some bacillus being carried in the system, which in its effect over the system gives the strain to certain organs, and takes of the vital forces of the corpuscle circulation. The body needs to care for this condition at present, else after-effects in the next cycle will prove to be very detrimental to the welfare of the body. The nerve forces in the system we find are very good. At present we find some over-strain to some of the centers, especially those at present of the ilium plexus. The organs themselves, we find the strain in the portions of the head and the nasal cavity being produced by the poor eliminations and the condition of the blood supply. The reflex from these affect the tissue of the functioning organs of the throat. Through the lungs, we find very good, though the action of the blood supply on the organs themselves shows the effect on the organs. Through the digestive tract we find some of the same reflexes to these organs. This needs to be corrected, and to produce an extra amount of the leucocyte and lymph, to care for the condition in the liver and the blood supply of the system. The over tendency of the activity of the opposite pole or the extra amount of excretions thrown off by the kidneys shows the condition of the hepatic circulation and the over-taxed condition of the system. The body is not sick in the general sense at present. The conditions need to be corrected as a preventative rather than as of a general condition at present, see? To give the balance and to produce the equilibrium in the body, we would take this in the system: to one gallon of water, rain or distilled water, we would add: Sarsaparilla Root.................4 ounces, Yellow Dock Root..................2 ounces, Burdock Root......................2 ounces, Black Haw Bark....................2 ounces, Dogwood Bark......................2 ounces, Prickly Ash Bark..................2 ounces, Elder Flower......................2 ounces, Mandrake Root....................10 grains, Buchu Leaves.....................20 grains, Calisaya Bark.....................2 ounces. This would be reduced by simmering, not boiling, to one quart and one pint, see? Strain while warm. We would add 4 ounces of cane sugar, first dissolved in hot water; 6 ounces of grain alcohol, with 3 drams of Balsam of Tolu. The diet while this is being taken shall be rather of vegetables than meat. The dose would be - one teaspoonful four times each day. For the local conditions in the nasal cavity and for the throat there would be used a wash of equal parts of salt, soda, and cream of Tartar. This would be dissolved in five times the quantity used, snuffed through the nostrils rather than a spray, and gargled through and in the throat, see? The exercises for the head should be those of a specific nature, the side, front and back and circular motion. This should be done each evening. With this, we will find we will bring the body to the normal forces, prevent the improper elimination, rid the capillary circulation of the tissue becoming involved by poisons attempting to be eliminated, see? Do that. Do not bruise the body in any of the abrasions that come over the system, especially until this has been thoroughly taken into the system. Do that. As for the conduct of the individual for its moral and domestic betterment, that is of the individual, a thing apart from the physical, and is to be directed by the individual's own activities, see? (Q): Have you any other advice for this body? (A): Application of that which the body is conscious of within itself for its development toward the better things of spiritual force would be well for the body to consider in every way, see? (Q): Should this body go to Cincinnati Conservatory and study voice? (A): Very good. (Q): Should this body go to school and develop this talent, or work awhile first? (A): Best to develop now, or it afterward becomes a thing that lies too dormant, see? (Q): What are the length of the cycles which come to this body? (A): Each organ has its own cycle; the cycle as given here is the period of seven years, as time is reckoned from the physical plane. The cycles for the organs vary in their development. Follow the lines as we have given for the best for this body physically, spiritually, mentally and financially. We are through.
What kind of bacilli is in this body?
That which forms the condition in the system as breaks the cellular force of the corpuscle circulation and produces destruction to the leucocyte, hence the care the body must take of itself, or suffer the consequences in the days to come, from the abuse of any individual organ of the body, for the breaking of cell forces will come to any of the organs weakened at present, until the system is rid of this bacilli and bacteria. It is at present of streptococcus which forms pus in its own cellular forces. We must create more vitality and furnish more carbon for this system, see?
(Q): Can you tell what is this body's natural talent? (A): To develop along the lines of any creative forces, the natural gift is that of the artistic temperament in all of its branches. (Q): Give suggestions. (A): Yes, we have the body here. We have had this before, you see [No copy of earlier rdg. in E.C.F. files]. Now, the body is not in as good physical condition at present as when we had it before. There is lack of vitality throughout the system, and it has to do with the circulation and with the functioning of some of the organs of the body. Now, these are the conditions as we find them at present in this body of [47] we are speaking of. The blood shows some bacillus being carried in the system, which in its effect over the system gives the strain to certain organs, and takes of the vital forces of the corpuscle circulation. The body needs to care for this condition at present, else after-effects in the next cycle will prove to be very detrimental to the welfare of the body. The nerve forces in the system we find are very good. At present we find some over-strain to some of the centers, especially those at present of the ilium plexus. The organs themselves, we find the strain in the portions of the head and the nasal cavity being produced by the poor eliminations and the condition of the blood supply. The reflex from these affect the tissue of the functioning organs of the throat. Through the lungs, we find very good, though the action of the blood supply on the organs themselves shows the effect on the organs. Through the digestive tract we find some of the same reflexes to these organs. This needs to be corrected, and to produce an extra amount of the leucocyte and lymph, to care for the condition in the liver and the blood supply of the system. The over tendency of the activity of the opposite pole or the extra amount of excretions thrown off by the kidneys shows the condition of the hepatic circulation and the over-taxed condition of the system. The body is not sick in the general sense at present. The conditions need to be corrected as a preventative rather than as of a general condition at present, see? To give the balance and to produce the equilibrium in the body, we would take this in the system: to one gallon of water, rain or distilled water, we would add: Sarsaparilla Root.................4 ounces, Yellow Dock Root..................2 ounces, Burdock Root......................2 ounces, Black Haw Bark....................2 ounces, Dogwood Bark......................2 ounces, Prickly Ash Bark..................2 ounces, Elder Flower......................2 ounces, Mandrake Root....................10 grains, Buchu Leaves.....................20 grains, Calisaya Bark.....................2 ounces. This would be reduced by simmering, not boiling, to one quart and one pint, see? Strain while warm. We would add 4 ounces of cane sugar, first dissolved in hot water; 6 ounces of grain alcohol, with 3 drams of Balsam of Tolu. The diet while this is being taken shall be rather of vegetables than meat. The dose would be - one teaspoonful four times each day. For the local conditions in the nasal cavity and for the throat there would be used a wash of equal parts of salt, soda, and cream of Tartar. This would be dissolved in five times the quantity used, snuffed through the nostrils rather than a spray, and gargled through and in the throat, see? The exercises for the head should be those of a specific nature, the side, front and back and circular motion. This should be done each evening. With this, we will find we will bring the body to the normal forces, prevent the improper elimination, rid the capillary circulation of the tissue becoming involved by poisons attempting to be eliminated, see? Do that. Do not bruise the body in any of the abrasions that come over the system, especially until this has been thoroughly taken into the system. Do that. As for the conduct of the individual for its moral and domestic betterment, that is of the individual, a thing apart from the physical, and is to be directed by the individual's own activities, see? (Q): Have you any other advice for this body? (A): Application of that which the body is conscious of within itself for its development toward the better things of spiritual force would be well for the body to consider in every way, see? (Q): Should this body go to Cincinnati Conservatory and study voice? (A): Very good. (Q): Should this body go to school and develop this talent, or work awhile first? (A): Best to develop now, or it afterward becomes a thing that lies too dormant, see? (Q): What are the length of the cycles which come to this body? (A): Each organ has its own cycle; the cycle as given here is the period of seven years, as time is reckoned from the physical plane. The cycles for the organs vary in their development. Follow the lines as we have given for the best for this body physically, spiritually, mentally and financially. We are through. (Q): What kind of bacilli is in this body? (A): That which forms the condition in the system as breaks the cellular force of the corpuscle circulation and produces destruction to the leucocyte, hence the care the body must take of itself, or suffer the consequences in the days to come, from the abuse of any individual organ of the body, for the breaking of cell forces will come to any of the organs weakened at present, until the system is rid of this bacilli and bacteria. It is at present of streptococcus which forms pus in its own cellular forces. We must create more vitality and furnish more carbon for this system, see?
What school should this body go to, to develop?
To any of the musical or applied arts.
(Q): Can you tell what is this body's natural talent? (A): To develop along the lines of any creative forces, the natural gift is that of the artistic temperament in all of its branches. (Q): Give suggestions. (A): Yes, we have the body here. We have had this before, you see [No copy of earlier rdg. in E.C.F. files]. Now, the body is not in as good physical condition at present as when we had it before. There is lack of vitality throughout the system, and it has to do with the circulation and with the functioning of some of the organs of the body. Now, these are the conditions as we find them at present in this body of [47] we are speaking of. The blood shows some bacillus being carried in the system, which in its effect over the system gives the strain to certain organs, and takes of the vital forces of the corpuscle circulation. The body needs to care for this condition at present, else after-effects in the next cycle will prove to be very detrimental to the welfare of the body. The nerve forces in the system we find are very good. At present we find some over-strain to some of the centers, especially those at present of the ilium plexus. The organs themselves, we find the strain in the portions of the head and the nasal cavity being produced by the poor eliminations and the condition of the blood supply. The reflex from these affect the tissue of the functioning organs of the throat. Through the lungs, we find very good, though the action of the blood supply on the organs themselves shows the effect on the organs. Through the digestive tract we find some of the same reflexes to these organs. This needs to be corrected, and to produce an extra amount of the leucocyte and lymph, to care for the condition in the liver and the blood supply of the system. The over tendency of the activity of the opposite pole or the extra amount of excretions thrown off by the kidneys shows the condition of the hepatic circulation and the over-taxed condition of the system. The body is not sick in the general sense at present. The conditions need to be corrected as a preventative rather than as of a general condition at present, see? To give the balance and to produce the equilibrium in the body, we would take this in the system: to one gallon of water, rain or distilled water, we would add: Sarsaparilla Root.................4 ounces, Yellow Dock Root..................2 ounces, Burdock Root......................2 ounces, Black Haw Bark....................2 ounces, Dogwood Bark......................2 ounces, Prickly Ash Bark..................2 ounces, Elder Flower......................2 ounces, Mandrake Root....................10 grains, Buchu Leaves.....................20 grains, Calisaya Bark.....................2 ounces. This would be reduced by simmering, not boiling, to one quart and one pint, see? Strain while warm. We would add 4 ounces of cane sugar, first dissolved in hot water; 6 ounces of grain alcohol, with 3 drams of Balsam of Tolu. The diet while this is being taken shall be rather of vegetables than meat. The dose would be - one teaspoonful four times each day. For the local conditions in the nasal cavity and for the throat there would be used a wash of equal parts of salt, soda, and cream of Tartar. This would be dissolved in five times the quantity used, snuffed through the nostrils rather than a spray, and gargled through and in the throat, see? The exercises for the head should be those of a specific nature, the side, front and back and circular motion. This should be done each evening. With this, we will find we will bring the body to the normal forces, prevent the improper elimination, rid the capillary circulation of the tissue becoming involved by poisons attempting to be eliminated, see? Do that. Do not bruise the body in any of the abrasions that come over the system, especially until this has been thoroughly taken into the system. Do that. As for the conduct of the individual for its moral and domestic betterment, that is of the individual, a thing apart from the physical, and is to be directed by the individual's own activities, see? (Q): Have you any other advice for this body? (A): Application of that which the body is conscious of within itself for its development toward the better things of spiritual force would be well for the body to consider in every way, see? (Q): Should this body go to Cincinnati Conservatory and study voice? (A): Very good. (Q): Should this body go to school and develop this talent, or work awhile first? (A): Best to develop now, or it afterward becomes a thing that lies too dormant, see? (Q): What are the length of the cycles which come to this body? (A): Each organ has its own cycle; the cycle as given here is the period of seven years, as time is reckoned from the physical plane. The cycles for the organs vary in their development. Follow the lines as we have given for the best for this body physically, spiritually, mentally and financially. We are through. (Q): What kind of bacilli is in this body? (A): That which forms the condition in the system as breaks the cellular force of the corpuscle circulation and produces destruction to the leucocyte, hence the care the body must take of itself, or suffer the consequences in the days to come, from the abuse of any individual organ of the body, for the breaking of cell forces will come to any of the organs weakened at present, until the system is rid of this bacilli and bacteria. It is at present of streptococcus which forms pus in its own cellular forces. We must create more vitality and furnish more carbon for this system, see? (Q): What school should this body go to, to develop? (A): To any of the musical or applied arts.
What should this body do now to make a big success professionally?
Apply self.
(Q): Can you tell what is this body's natural talent? (A): To develop along the lines of any creative forces, the natural gift is that of the artistic temperament in all of its branches. (Q): Give suggestions. (A): Yes, we have the body here. We have had this before, you see [No copy of earlier rdg. in E.C.F. files]. Now, the body is not in as good physical condition at present as when we had it before. There is lack of vitality throughout the system, and it has to do with the circulation and with the functioning of some of the organs of the body. Now, these are the conditions as we find them at present in this body of [47] we are speaking of. The blood shows some bacillus being carried in the system, which in its effect over the system gives the strain to certain organs, and takes of the vital forces of the corpuscle circulation. The body needs to care for this condition at present, else after-effects in the next cycle will prove to be very detrimental to the welfare of the body. The nerve forces in the system we find are very good. At present we find some over-strain to some of the centers, especially those at present of the ilium plexus. The organs themselves, we find the strain in the portions of the head and the nasal cavity being produced by the poor eliminations and the condition of the blood supply. The reflex from these affect the tissue of the functioning organs of the throat. Through the lungs, we find very good, though the action of the blood supply on the organs themselves shows the effect on the organs. Through the digestive tract we find some of the same reflexes to these organs. This needs to be corrected, and to produce an extra amount of the leucocyte and lymph, to care for the condition in the liver and the blood supply of the system. The over tendency of the activity of the opposite pole or the extra amount of excretions thrown off by the kidneys shows the condition of the hepatic circulation and the over-taxed condition of the system. The body is not sick in the general sense at present. The conditions need to be corrected as a preventative rather than as of a general condition at present, see? To give the balance and to produce the equilibrium in the body, we would take this in the system: to one gallon of water, rain or distilled water, we would add: Sarsaparilla Root.................4 ounces, Yellow Dock Root..................2 ounces, Burdock Root......................2 ounces, Black Haw Bark....................2 ounces, Dogwood Bark......................2 ounces, Prickly Ash Bark..................2 ounces, Elder Flower......................2 ounces, Mandrake Root....................10 grains, Buchu Leaves.....................20 grains, Calisaya Bark.....................2 ounces. This would be reduced by simmering, not boiling, to one quart and one pint, see? Strain while warm. We would add 4 ounces of cane sugar, first dissolved in hot water; 6 ounces of grain alcohol, with 3 drams of Balsam of Tolu. The diet while this is being taken shall be rather of vegetables than meat. The dose would be - one teaspoonful four times each day. For the local conditions in the nasal cavity and for the throat there would be used a wash of equal parts of salt, soda, and cream of Tartar. This would be dissolved in five times the quantity used, snuffed through the nostrils rather than a spray, and gargled through and in the throat, see? The exercises for the head should be those of a specific nature, the side, front and back and circular motion. This should be done each evening. With this, we will find we will bring the body to the normal forces, prevent the improper elimination, rid the capillary circulation of the tissue becoming involved by poisons attempting to be eliminated, see? Do that. Do not bruise the body in any of the abrasions that come over the system, especially until this has been thoroughly taken into the system. Do that. As for the conduct of the individual for its moral and domestic betterment, that is of the individual, a thing apart from the physical, and is to be directed by the individual's own activities, see? (Q): Have you any other advice for this body? (A): Application of that which the body is conscious of within itself for its development toward the better things of spiritual force would be well for the body to consider in every way, see? (Q): Should this body go to Cincinnati Conservatory and study voice? (A): Very good. (Q): Should this body go to school and develop this talent, or work awhile first? (A): Best to develop now, or it afterward becomes a thing that lies too dormant, see? (Q): What are the length of the cycles which come to this body? (A): Each organ has its own cycle; the cycle as given here is the period of seven years, as time is reckoned from the physical plane. The cycles for the organs vary in their development. Follow the lines as we have given for the best for this body physically, spiritually, mentally and financially. We are through. (Q): What kind of bacilli is in this body? (A): That which forms the condition in the system as breaks the cellular force of the corpuscle circulation and produces destruction to the leucocyte, hence the care the body must take of itself, or suffer the consequences in the days to come, from the abuse of any individual organ of the body, for the breaking of cell forces will come to any of the organs weakened at present, until the system is rid of this bacilli and bacteria. It is at present of streptococcus which forms pus in its own cellular forces. We must create more vitality and furnish more carbon for this system, see? (Q): What school should this body go to, to develop? (A): To any of the musical or applied arts. (Q): What should this body do now to make a big success professionally? (A): Apply self.
Would that be best for the body?
If the body so desires it would, yes.
Give suggestions.
Yes, we have the body here. We have had this before, you see. The body throughout is better than when we had it last, yet were the conditions carried out as we have given before, the body would be much improved towards the normal condition for this body. The condition at present through the intestinal tract, the condition in the stomach itself proper and the blood supply in the system had best be treated or governed as we have outlined, else we will find the detrimental effects of this in the system later on. Do as we have given for the best for this body.
(Q): Give suggestions. (A): Yes, we have the body here. We have had this before, you see. The body throughout is better than when we had it last, yet were the conditions carried out as we have given before, the body would be much improved towards the normal condition for this body. The condition at present through the intestinal tract, the condition in the stomach itself proper and the blood supply in the system had best be treated or governed as we have outlined, else we will find the detrimental effects of this in the system later on. Do as we have given for the best for this body.
Is the violet ray being applied correctly?
Very good, but this is only part of the treatment for this body, and the vibrations from the medicinal properties with the violet ray effect should be carried out in this system, that is, the Valerian, Bromides, Calisaya and Spirits Frumenti, as we have given. Do that. We are through.
Any advice regarding diet?
With the characterization of treatments and the position, that which will not produce fermentation - but that will produce easy assimilation. Keep this pepsinized throughout this period of the treatment. We are through for the present. Copy to Husband ` ` Ass'n office ` ` Research Department ` ` Cayce Hospital
(Q): Any advice regarding diet? (A): With the characterization of treatments and the position, that which will not produce fermentation - but that will produce easy assimilation. Keep this pepsinized throughout this period of the treatment. We are through for the present. Copy to Husband ` ` Ass'n office ` ` Research Department ` ` Cayce Hospital
Any focus of infection causing low white blood count?
Hasn't it been given what's the cause? It isn't the low white - it's the red that's low! Extra amount of the white blood with the tendency to be turned into those of leucocyte plasm that is to produce those forces in the rebuilding or COAGULATIVE forces. Not only that of the gluco, (glucose?) but those of the urea also.
(Q): Any advice regarding diet? (A): With the characterization of treatments and the position, that which will not produce fermentation - but that will produce easy assimilation. Keep this pepsinized throughout this period of the treatment. We are through for the present. Copy to Husband ` ` Ass'n office ` ` Research Department ` ` Cayce Hospital (Q): Any focus of infection causing low white blood count? (A): Hasn't it been given what's the cause? It isn't the low white - it's the red that's low! Extra amount of the white blood with the tendency to be turned into those of leucocyte plasm that is to produce those forces in the rebuilding or COAGULATIVE forces. Not only that of the gluco, (glucose?) but those of the urea also.
Give suggestions.
Yes, we have the body here, [48]. Now, we find there are abnormal conditions. These, as we find, are of specific natures, and the effects as are created are often mistaken for causes, rather than the effects as they are. These have to do with positions of organs and the pressure as is produced in the system, and the effect same produces in the functioning of the system towards resuscitation, and the effects upon the nerve system particularly. These, then, are conditions as we find them with this body, [48] we are speaking of: IN THE BLOOD SUPPLY, this we find low, due to the low red blood count and the necessity of the system's creating an over amount of the white plasm or the leucocyte plasm in the system, yet is not - as yet - an anemia; produced more by LOSS of blood and LACK of the system's being able, under the stress, to create sufficient amount to meet the needs of the body. IN THE NERVOUS SYSTEM, here we find greater distress, though - as given - not in THIS case so much a cause as an effect, though pressure upon the nervous energies or plexus and ganglia of the system DOES cause some of the excruciating pains that exist at times in the system, but the whole of the cerebrospinal system under stress, and especially in those centers from which the stomach proper obtains its incentive or activity. The GENERAL cerebrospinal system, both in the upper DORSAL plexus and the lower dorsal and upper lumbar plexus, as makes the connections in the circulations through the digestive system, as well as that of the blood and plasm circulation. Also a lesion in the lumbar and sacral region, and an overtaxed nerve system sympathetically, which affects the body all over, from pressures existent in the pelvis region and the position of the organs there through prolapsus of stomach AND pelvis organs, making for nervous irritation and the stress on the whole system, as well as in centers where, with the coagulative thickening of tissue itself, pressure is caused on the organs - as in scar tissue. IN THE FUNCTIONING OF ORGANS THEMSELVES, brain forces are good, but under stress - produced by mental AND physical worry. Worry from distress physically, and worry from MENTAL fear and of conditions as surround the body. In the organs of the sensory system, these - through the distresses general in system - show an unactive functioning at times, or weak in their response or reflex action; as in throat, ear, eyes, touch - or the tendency for responses to be long in their reaction. This is as much from etherization or the act of repulse to the system, from the hypnosis effect of the sympathetic system. Lungs, bronchi, larynx - these show an effect of the conditions existent. In the blood supply, the stomach or digestive system - this, as given, is a form of prolapsus of the organ itself. This shows also the effect of conditions as related to the pelvis organs, from tautness produced in their connective forces through the nerves proper, as well as the position of same upon the organs of digestion other than the stomach itself; in the liver's function, the pancreas, the duodenum, and the jejunum itself. In the functioning of the heart's activity, this is in keeping with the conditions in the circulation. As regarding the blood supply, that is over-active, with little or no temperature, or even subnormal - but fast in pulsation. Liver and the kidneys, these - through irritation produced by nerve pressure and organs' position themselves - make for an abnormal activity or coordination of the organs in eliminations from the system, as do the pelvic organs - through an over amount of acidity - show for toxic forces being present of the nature as produced from irritation in kidneys, bladder, and pelvic organs themselves; as does at times the hepatic circulation show for the inactivity of the liver as to coordinating with the digestive system. In the organs of the pelvis themselves - here we have had irritations before; also irritations in the present condition and position, which makes for those distresses as are produced at times. The effect of all of this to the lower portion of the body, and especially to the locomotaries of the body, is to LESSEN their flexibility as to coordination with either cerebrospinal or sympathetic reflexes. In meeting, then, the needs of the conditions of the body in the present - we will find there should be: Applications that will make for a stimuli to the digestive forces as towards assimilation, with the removal of the pressures in the dorsal, sacral and lumbar regions, with the desensitizing of clarifying through antiseptic forces for the conditions in the pelvis organs; also for those in the intestinal system, with an over or extra amount of drainage or lymph circulation set up in body, so that the drainages of the system allow the poisons to be thrown off and the body to bring about resuscitating forces from that as may be assimilated for a blood supply. In this manner we may replenish and rebuild the conditions in this body to a near normal activity. To accomplish this, in the first - we would keep as near as possible the proper position of stomach, of the organs of the pelvis - with the manipulative forces or measures to replace same. Keep in place with bandage and with position of body for at least five to six days, with almost rest, and with only the circulation kept up by the massage and manipulative forces to keep the circulation near normal, but keep the pelvis organs and the whole pelvic body RAISED, so that the NATURAL position is more naturally kept. Use douches in the pelvis to remove or to cause more effective reactions in same. Local applications or packs will also keep same in position, giving internally intestinal antiseptics that will aid the body in cleansing the system. STIMULATE the body with the ultra-violet ray, and cleanse the colon at least once each week - for at least three to four such cleansings. Do that, and we will find we will bring the near normal conditions for the body. SOME character of manipulation with such position should be given each day, but as a treatment - about three times each week is sufficient. Ready for questions.