1 value
Your instruction here
Speaker: I joined the Army when I was 18 because I didn't know what else to do. I was so nervous! Listener: I am sure you were. Was boot camp really hard Speaker: Physically it wasn't too difficult. It was mentally difficult though. Listener: I could never do something like that. Thank you for your service Speaker: I am glad I did it. I wasn't glad at the time though.
Your instruction here
Speaker: I tried to paint my house one color and it turned out another color. Listener: that is no good, I am sorry that happened to you Speaker: Thanks, yeah its a bummer Listener: It happens I suppose, maybe there is some sort of refund policy where you bought it from
Your instruction here
Speaker: I was disgusted when I saw a fight in high school that ended with someone cracking their skull open a bit Listener: WOW! Why do people have to be violent... ugh Speaker: I do not know, I do not hate anyone enough to do that to them Listener: right me either. its too bad but glad you are thinking right!
Your instruction here
Speaker: Ugh. My boss called me into his office today...and he didn't even give a reason. Listener: Oh wow. I would hate that. What ended up being the issue? Speaker: Something lame -- he wanted to see if I completed a poster he wanted. Why couldn't he have asked that over the phone? Listener: Maybe he has forgotten how it feels to randomly be called into your bosses office. He's moved on up.
Your instruction here
Speaker: My mom became very ill recently and had to be hospitalized. Listener: Oh no -- how is she feeling now? Speaker: She's doing fine now. But that was the first time I've seen her ill. Scary. Listener: Yeah, that had to be tough. I'm glad she's doing better now though. Speaker: Thanks.
Your instruction here
Speaker: I worked so hard on my science project in school. I thought I was going to get first place. I didn't and was so upset. Listener: What a bummer! What place did you end up getting? Speaker: I got second place, but I was so upset I didn't get first, it might as well have been last. I was young. Listener: I know the feeling. You work so hard just to feel crushed.
Your instruction here
Speaker: One time when i was young and i didn't know how to swim I jumped in the pool knowing my dad was watching me. Listener: Did you get hurt or drown a bit? Speaker: A little. I remember being choked up some but he jumped in there and got me out quickly. Listener: Nice, well hopefully nothing like that ever happens again! Speaker: totally hope not!
Your instruction here
Speaker: Last week I was cooking dinner. I dropped a hotdog on the floor and ended up giving it to my child. Listener: I sure hope the hot dog was fit to eat Speaker: I rinsed it off. No one saw it but I feel bad about it now. Listener: Oh, you shouldn't feel bad about it, i'm sure it was fine to eat!
Your instruction here
Speaker: My husband is very trustworthy, he's good at keeping a secret when asked to Listener: That's really good you guys can trust eachother like that. That helps make you both grow in the relationship. Speaker: True, we've been together for over 20 years. Feeling comfortable in a relationship is important Listener: Wow! You don't see much of that anymore. So true. Speaker: That is so true, it's sad to see people break up whether they are married or not or have children or not. Listener: Yes, I am a product of a broken marriage. My children are too. Keep up the good work you guys!
Your instruction here
Speaker: I as not invited for unknown reasons,but i wish to be there Listener: Where were you not invited to? Speaker: Its my friend's birthday Listener: You were not invited?! That's awful. How close are you to your friend?
Your instruction here
Speaker: When I was in high school I borrowed my parents car, and got into an accident. Of course like most human teenagers I tried to cover it up but they found out. Listener: Hey,were you injured? Speaker: No I was fine, just my pride was wounded. Of course, being a human being and not a robot I was overwhelmed by the lie. I fessed up to them eventually. Listener: Hope they took it easy with you? Speaker: No I was grounded for a very long time and couldn't hang out with my friends.
Your instruction here
Speaker: My husband used to tell me to go to sleep at night when my daughter was born. I didn't want to go to sleep because I didn't want to miss a moment with her. Listener: Aww that is so sweet. I completely understand why! Oh and thank you for your apology but I am truly content and have accepted it. Speaker: My husband didn't get it. He thought I was crazy. Oh well..... Listener: Men are crazy sometimes! LOL! Speaker: Yeah, thats true. He still thinks I am crazy. I am okay with that. Crazy does not always have to be a bad thing.
Your instruction here
Speaker: I have a job that requires me to work out of town. Listener: Sounds like a fun one to me. Are you happy there? Speaker: Yes , but its nice to have some one at home who will handle things while you are away. Listener: I agree. Im sure you get bored or lonely while traveling too.
Your instruction here
Speaker: They don't make do with what they have Listener: who is that? Speaker: Envious people Listener: sometimes we have to learn how to not be jealous of things
Your instruction here
Speaker: There is no better feeling than being greeted at the door by your dog Listener: Thats always a good feeling. I bet you are excited to come home everyday. Speaker: You bet. As soon as she hears the door horn when I lock my car, I can hear her barking from inside Listener: What a good dog and full of joy! Speaker: She is a very sweet girl Listener: I bet she loves you just at much as you love her.
Your instruction here
Speaker: This weekend i'm going to the beach. It's been so long! Listener: I hope you have a good time and you enjoy it. Speaker: Oh, I plan too. It's one of my favorite places to have fun. Listener: I bet, everyone should take time out yo enjoy life every once in awhile.
Your instruction here
Speaker: My brother went out of town last month and asked me if I would water his plants for him while he was away. Listener: Did you do it? How far does he live from you? Speaker: he lives only about 5 miles. I got so caught up in myself I forgot to water his plants and they all died. Listener: Oh no! Was he mad?
Your instruction here
Speaker: Excited when the Lakers got Lebron. Listener: Oh no. Not another Lebron story. Speaker: yes of course, all day! Listener: I know. He is a great player though.
Your instruction here
Speaker: I though my new neighbors was nice but I was wrong. Listener: thats nice. Speaker: She is terrible. Thats not nice at all. Listener: sorry to hear that. Speaker: She is so loud and the police are there all the time.
Your instruction here
Speaker: Oh yes, it was an embarrassing moment Listener: What happend? Speaker: I got a hot slap from a lady Listener: What is a hot slap? Sounds painful!
Your instruction here
Speaker: Hi! So recently I applied for this barista job. I've been waiting forever for them to get back to me! Listener: They haven't called you back yet? I hate when that happens, they make you wait by the phone on pins and needles! Speaker: They just called me back today. I didn't get the job. :( I was trying not to be overconfident. I guess it worked this time lol. Listener: Don't let it break your confidence though, it just wasn't meant to be. I think you'll land your next application though. Speaker: I hope so! I was actually really surprised. I think they like me there. I just hate not knowing what I'll be doing next! Listener: Uncertainty can be so agonizing. Just keep your head up though!
Your instruction here
Speaker: So I've been having an issue with my neighbor. It's not super hairy yet but it could be. They constantly back into my mailbox on their way out almost every day. Listener: Oh my gosh! Have they broken it? That would drive me nuts. Speaker: It's been knocked down a few times yes. Police have been involved but they don't do anything. My neighbor is so carefree about it too, it's bonkers! Listener: Have you spoken to them personally? Maybe they should pay for you to move it! Speaker: We've "chatted" about it for sure. Like I said, the guy doesn't really care. Very unnerving. Listener: Wow. I'm so sorry. Maybe you could put concrete around it so it damages their car? lol Speaker: Ahaha that sounds tempting, but I try to take the high road on this one because it's already driving me up a wall.
Your instruction here
Speaker: I remeber once I had a job where I worked on a farm. I did a lot things their I had never done before in my life. Listener: Wow that sounds intriguing, what new things did you try? Speaker: Well once I was asked to check a hefer to see if it was pregnant. And this required some skills I didn't have. Listener: That's awesome, cows are amazing
Your instruction here
Speaker: I have a son who's 8 months old! I get so nostalgic about how quickly time has passing, and it hasn't even been a year! Listener: Yeah, it's crazy how each year seems to go by faster than the last too, having kids must be surreal Speaker: Yes they grow so fast! It really motivates me to make the most of the time we have though. Listener: Me too, it's like you realize more and more that all you have is the present moment.
Your instruction here
Speaker: I recently had a baby! It was such an incredible feeling seeing his face for the first time. Listener: Wow, congrats, what did you end up naming him? Speaker: Thank you! His name is Ronan. He is such a sweetie! I've never loved anyone so much in my life. Listener: You are lucky, and I am sure he will be tons of work but it will be worth it.
Your instruction here
Speaker: Hi! I'm so excited! My husband and I decided to temporarily relocate to Arizona this winter! Listener: sounds exciting. I always wanted to leave my were I was originally from so I could experience and see new things Speaker: You should! Have you? Listener: No, but i hope things work out for you in this new part of your life.
Your instruction here
Speaker: have you ever had a felling like someting bad was going to happen .Then ignored your instincts? Listener: Oh definitely. Why did you? Speaker: Yes I did . But ignored my instincts and sure enough some thing bad did happen , can you imagine how I felt after that. Listener: I can. I'm so sorry. Was it something really bad? Or were you able to move on from it?
Your instruction here
Speaker: Hey dude! I'm so pumped. I just got a beautiful new dress for my friend's wedding. Listener: It's always fun to get new clothes! Is the wedding soon? Speaker: It is! It's in just a few weeks! Do you ever get a piece of clothing or something that just makes you feel amazing? Listener: I'm not very fashionable, but I do have some t-shirts that I love to wear because they fit me really well.
Your instruction here
Speaker: Hi, a few years ago, my husband got a job offer in Hawaii. We LOVE Hawaii, but we didn't know anyone there and you know how expensive it is to live there. We really had to think about that move... Listener: Sounds like a real hard decision. I would be very apprehensive as well. Speaker: Yeah, but we did move and it ended up the best decision ever! We had so much fun and really loved living there. At least beaches are always free! Listener: You sound so excited about it and your future there. I would be full of joy as well.
Your instruction here
Speaker: my friend joined the airforce and became an air traffic controller. Listener: That sounds like some good work experience. How long is he in. Speaker: I'm not sure but then they got out and became a police officer and is now a detective! Listener: Well, hopefully he is as good as Sherlock Holmes and saves some lives. Speaker: Yes, I believe they have already. I'm so proud.
Your instruction here
Speaker: A guy asked me on a date one, knowing I was married. I denied, of course, but was shocked that he didn't care that I was in a monogamous relationship. Listener: That's the worst. I wonder if he was trying to prove something. Speaker: Or boost his ego? Either way, he didn't succeed. Listener: Good! I don't know why people think they can get away with things like that.
Your instruction here
Speaker: I'm planning a trip next month and I am super excited. Listener: Where are you headed to? Speaker: I'm going home to California, I plan on meeting with my best friend. Listener: Oh, well that sounds like it will be a ton of fun, I hope all goes well!
Your instruction here
Speaker: I was embarassed when I was in school and my pants fell down in front of everyone Listener: Oh no! How old were you at the time? Speaker: I was in kindergarden I believe, so still pretty young Listener: That's like a bad dream scenario. Better to be a little kid though, even if kids are mean.
Your instruction here
Speaker: Went for a dip at the pool late one night on vacation. Listener: Nice, how was the water. Speaker: It was a heated ppol so that was nice. But when I jumped in some of may hair extension came out! Listener: Thats funny. Did you get them all? Speaker: Yes luckily no one else was there.
Your instruction here
Speaker: I am afraid of ghosts. Listener: Mw too. I don't even llike when it's too dark inside or outside. Speaker: I hope I never meet a ghost. Listener: Maybe we are ghosts.
Your instruction here
Speaker: I had my first professional interview recently! Listener: congrats, how did you handle the pressure? Speaker: Pretty well I think! I had a solid resume, and I practiced ahead of time. It still isn't the same though when you're right there in the room and they're looking at you lol. Listener: It can be pretty nerve racking, but it is always great practice. You will only get better.
Your instruction here
Speaker: Do you ever feel like time is just going by way too fast? Listener: OMG! especially recently. a week seems like one day. Speaker: Exactly! I have an 8 month old son and I feel like he is growing up so quickly. It's like he was just a noisy little bean yesterday. Listener: That's so true. My daughter moved out this year and I'm wondering where the heck the time went!
Your instruction here
Speaker: I have been wanting to buy a massage table for my business. Listener: Oh really? Are you a massage therapist? Speaker: Kind of. I'm a Reiki therapist and I got good news! my mom gave me a huge gift card for my birthday and I can now afford the table! Listener: Wow congratulations! You must be so excited! Speaker: Oh, I am. Can't wait to get my first customer.
Your instruction here
Speaker: Hey. How are you? Listener: I'm good, what's up? Speaker: Oh not much. I got a crappy text from a friend the other day! I never have friend drama so it's really sucky. Listener: Yeah, that must be difficult
Your instruction here
Speaker: I just moved to a new town recently and I finally made a new friend! I was starting to feel really lonely so it's nice to feel like I might fit in. Listener: Way to go! If it makes you feel better I would be your friend if I was there Speaker: Aw, thank you! Do you live in a small town? It's very hard to make connections! Listener: I used to, but yeah especially if you're not in school
Your instruction here
Speaker: So! My husband's cat pooped and peed in the bathtub today. That was rough. Listener: Hope you didn't take a bath after that Speaker: Haha! Nope. Never again. Listener: Minus one for cats
Your instruction here
Speaker: I'm so bummed! My best friend is moving away to Brazil. Listener: Wow Brazil? Isn't there a lot of crime there? Speaker: I don't know... I hope not for her sake. I was really hoping she'd stay here but I'm also really excited for her. Listener: What is she going to do there, sounds kind of dangerous. Speaker: She is starting a missionary school!
Your instruction here
Speaker: When I was 13 I was baptized. In water, not milk. But if I was baptized in milk it would be whole milk. Listener: That's good, how does that make you feel Speaker: Honestly? Not fat. Listener: Nice, I like your attitude
Your instruction here
Speaker: I just celebrated my 2 year anniversary! I've been reminiscing about my wedding a lot lately lol. Listener: Nice, too bad I wasn't invited! Speaker: Sorry! We eloped anyway so it wasn't that exciting lol! Listener: Sounds fun! Keep fighting the good fight lol
Your instruction here
Speaker: Hi! Have you been to a rodeo? Listener: No! I think that should be on my bucket list though. Speaker: Do it! It's so fun. I'm so impressed with the skill of some of the riders! Listener: I bet that would be cool. I've watched on Tv. They know what their doing.
Your instruction here
Speaker: I don't work or really go anywhere. I feel like I'm always waiting. Listener: What are you waiting for? Speaker: Usually it's for my boyfriend to get home so he can spend time with me. poor guy. lol Listener: Oh I totally know how that goes. I moved to small town and didn't have many friends at first. Once I had my son and made more friends it got way better lol!
Your instruction here
Speaker: Somebody said something about me that was not true Listener: Please don't care about those people. Try to be true to yourself. World will recognize you one day. Speaker: That is so true. People like that are not worth the time of day. Listener: Exactly. You're right. Ignore them.
Your instruction here
Speaker: My wife forgot to wish me on our anniversary. Listener: Have you been married a long time? Speaker: yeah, It's our 2nd anniversary. Listener: I know that had to hurt. But forgive her and let her make it up to you. Speaker: Yeah, it's her situation. I understand. But hurts a little.
Your instruction here
Speaker: Good evening! I moved to a small town recently. It's been tough. Listener: Thanks, you as well. I know how that is. give it time and things will get better. Speaker: I'm sure it will. I've already made some friends, but it's definitely difficult to make connections. Listener: Yeah, I think it gets more difficult as you get older anyway.
Your instruction here
Speaker: I feel soo far away from my family. Listener: Aw, I know how that goes. Do they visit often? Speaker: No,my mom even live here in town. we hardly ever talk anymore. Listener: Wow that's sad. I'm sorry. Speaker: It's ok. I'm gonna let them know how I feel. maybe change things.
Your instruction here
Speaker: I'm so excited to relocate to AZ for my husband's work (temporarily), but kinda scared! Listener: That does sound exciting! Why are you scared? Speaker: I don't know anyone there and all my family is a 22 hour drive away Listener: Oh, that is definitely a change! But at least you can still keep in touch nowadays.
Your instruction here
Speaker: Do you have any cats? Listener: Yeah I have one, but they're all over the place it seems like Speaker: Mine still has his claws and now he has resorted to clawing my chair when he want attention. Listener: That's funny, just don't let it in your room while your sleeping! Speaker: oh no, no that one. The other one does sleep right next to my head though
Your instruction here
Speaker: It was such a nerve wrecking experience when my son was first born, I really was so scared that anything could hurt him! Listener: Babies are pretty small and delicate they look like they might break at the slightest bump. Speaker: I know, right, and I had this nurse tell me the first week he was alive, that babies have died of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome right in their parents arm! It was so scary Listener: It's a pretty small percentage, but it would definitely be something to worry about.
Your instruction here
Speaker: My friend recently told me that she couldn't have kids, I tried my hardest to be there for her Listener: Wow that would be terrible news. I can't imaged shit is taking it well. Speaker: She is not at all, I have really been there for her, I have two boys of my own and could not imagine not being able to have kids of my own Listener: Hopefully she has a supportive partner to help her as well. Glad you are there to help her.
Your instruction here
Speaker: One night my cats were chasing a fly in the house. All of a sudden, one of them started acting weird and then he died. He was only a kitten. I was so upset. Listener: That is horrible, I am so sorry, It is hard losing a baby animal, you are not expecting them to pass, like when you have an older sickly one Speaker: Yes, it was horrible. It just happened out of nowhere. Listener: That is crazy, I wonder what was wrong with it Speaker: The vet said it was likely an anneurysm. Listener: Wow, I never knew cats could even get an aneurysm, but I guess like humans why wouldn't they be able to?
Your instruction here
Speaker: I am so happy with my life currently, I am able to stay at home with my children and watch them grow, I would not change it for anything Listener: Ahhhh thats amazing! I stay home with my kids too! How many kids do you have? Speaker: I have 2 little boys aged 2 and 4, soon to be 3 and 5 and ugh it can be challenging at times, but totally worth it! Listener: It definitely can be a challenge. I have a 10 year old boy, an 8 year old girl, and a 2 year old girl. I love being home with them.
Your instruction here
Speaker: I was so scared when my dad used to scare me as a kid Listener: Dads can be strange like that sometimes. Was he trying to be malicious about it, or just having fun? Speaker: I guess he was just having fun, but I was not having as much Listener: What did he used to do?
Your instruction here
Speaker: I wish I could go back to the first date my girlfriend and I had Listener: Why did things end between you? Speaker: Oh, they didn't end. I just miss that time, since everything felt new and alive and different Listener: Oh, yeah I understand that, it is the same way with my girlfriend now
Your instruction here
Speaker: I went out to the bar recently with my girlfriends and it was kind of an annoying experience. Listener: Oh no, what happened? Did they do or say something? Speaker: It's just so frustrating going out when you are in a happily committed relationship and getting hit on. Especially when you tell the men straight up you are involved with someone else! Listener: Oh girl, that happens to me all the time too. So frustrating, just leave us alone.
Your instruction here
Speaker: My grandma was diagnosed with dementia a few years ago. She recently moved in with my dad. I went and stayed with them to take care of her. Listener: I'm sorry, is it difficult to take care of her? Speaker: I went to school to be a CNA. So the actual taking care of her was not difficult. I think it was more mentally difficult. It was all day and all night. Very exhausting. Listener: Dang, I hope everything turns out okay for you guys Speaker: Unfortunately she wont get better. She will be moving into a nursing home in a couple of weeks. I think it will be good for her.
Your instruction here
Speaker: The other week, I was talking about a co-working of mine - okay, I was gossiping.. Listener: Hmm, how did that make you feel Speaker: Pretty awful, actually. Especially considering that the coworker of whom I was speaking was in a room just next door with the door open. Listener: Yeah, at least now you're more aware, it can be pretty tough when you're trying to break the habit though Speaker: Absolutely. I really am disgusted with myself. I don't know why I open my big mouth!
Your instruction here
Speaker: I have never cheated on a girlfriend Listener: Good to hear that you keep your word Speaker: Yes im kinda proud of it Listener: Keep it up brochacho
Your instruction here
Speaker: I felt so ashamed the time that I took money from my parents. I couldn't look them in the eyes for weeks when I was younger. Listener: At least that shows that you have a conscience. I hope that you made it up to them. Speaker: Yeah... I don't know. They still support me and help me, but I still feel incredibly guilty. Not sure what to do to make it up to them. Listener: Confess to them what happened. Let them know how you have changed.
Your instruction here
Speaker: I took the kids to visit the residents at the Veterans Home. We made some special treats to take to them. Listener: Wow, I am sure the Veterans loved it! What kind of treats did you and the kids bring to them? Speaker: A variety of things that they liked. I checked ahead of time to see what they would want. Listener: So thoughtful of you! What did the kids think of visiting the veterans?
Your instruction here
Speaker: I miss being a kid and all the stupidity that came with it, I wish I was young again Listener: I was just saying the same thing. Speaker: Yeah, it is no fun growing up, but I mainly miss all of my friends from back then Listener: I'm only 34 and a lot of my old friend are dead.
Your instruction here
Speaker: I am sfraid of who will move in next door to me. Listener: Was your previous neighbor good at least? Speaker: no. I never have decent neighbors so I'm expecting the worst. Listener: Ah, well at least you can only meet or exceed expectations! Speaker: Yeah I guess. I should just move.
Your instruction here
Speaker: I called in sick to work, so I could go Christmas shopping...they were having a great sale at the mall. Listener: Wow that is some really early christmas shopping. you must like to plan ahead. Speaker: Well, yeah, it's good to plan ahead, but I kept looking over my shoulder...I felt so guilty! Listener: Yeah spending money on things is always a temporary high.
Your instruction here
Speaker: I made a big pot of Vegetable soup. After eating a big bowl I was completely satisfied and just wanted to nap in my chair. Listener: I love vegetable soup. So were you able to enjoy your nap ? Speaker: Oh yeah, It felt so good. Listener: Well I'm happy for you. Its hard to catch a nap around here sometimes.
Your instruction here
Speaker: My girlfriend is always worrying if I am as happy thought I would be after we decided to go from just good friends to be in a relationship with each other. I always am honest and tell her the same thing. Listener: Sounds like she has some underlying issues with trust. You may want to sort it all out before you get too involved. Speaker: well really we have deeply involed for along time now . And I am very happy in our relationship and couldn't ask for anything more out of it. Listener: Maybe you couldn't but it sounds like something is going on with her.
Your instruction here
Speaker: My friend recently lended me their car so I can go out of town Listener: That was nice of them. Did you have any problems with their car? Speaker: They did not hesitate to lend me the car at all which is nice. No, I did not have any problems with the car. Listener: THat is good to hear. What happened to your own car? Speaker: My car was getting repaired.
Your instruction here
Speaker: When my nephew's car broke down and I loaned him my car, I know that he'll be careful with it. Listener: Well at least you can trust him to be careful. I dont think I would be able to trust my nephew as he is only 18 and not very responsible yet. Speaker: Yeah, 18 is an inherently irresponsible time, mine is 24 and getting married soon so that makes a lot of difference. Listener: Yes its amazing how much of a difference a few years can make in age. It seems that males take quite awile long to mature than females. Speaker: The culture that extends adolescence deep into their twenties doesn't help much either.
Your instruction here
Speaker: Long time ago, we saw a driver throw a kitten out of his car window. We picked him up and brought him home. Listener: That's so nice of you, I would have chased down the car, but you did the right thing Speaker: He was such a sweet kitten. We had him for years. He's gone now and miss him still. Listener: Feels bad, hope you have someone to talk about it with!
Your instruction here
Speaker: My husband has a job interview coming up and we re really hoping he'd get the job. Listener: What kind of job is it? I will keep my fingers crossed he gets it! Speaker: It's for health care company. It'll be a better job for him. Thank you. Listener: THats awesome, does it pay better than the one he has? A pay increase is certainly helpful.
Your instruction here
Speaker: I had my eye on a pretty new shirt that I wanted to get. My sister got it and it looked great on her. I was so envious. Listener: oh wow i am glad she was happy, why were you nervous? Speaker: I wasn't nervous I was envious. I had really wanted it. Listener: oh don't be, you should be happy for her, there will come a time where you will get something back in return :)
Your instruction here
Speaker: Hi, the first time went on a date made me feel very awkward Listener: Why did it make you feel awkward? Speaker: WEll, I didn't want to let my family know as my brother would annoy me about it. So the only clean clothes I had were like a tracksuit Listener: Oh, well I am sure the date was just happy you were there! Speaker: Not exactly. The next day at school her friends were asking why I had dressed that way.
Your instruction here
Speaker: Before I met my girlfriend and friend group, I was so lonely all the time Listener: That's a shame - I'm glad that you've got friends now though. Why was that? Speaker: I was still finding myself and aI was very shy Listener: I thikn lots of people are shy until they find where they belong.
Your instruction here
Speaker: My friend is on her third vacation this year and now she's on a Hawaii cruise! Listener: Boy o-boy bet she is having the time of her life. How many vacations have you taken this year? Speaker: A big fat ZERO! I need one now! Haha! Listener: Me too, maybe our wish will come true only time will tell.
Your instruction here
Speaker: Have you ever invited someone over for dinner that you liked a whole lot? Well I have and it didn't go to well. Listener: Oh, no! What happened? Speaker: Well I made them dinner fixed their plate gave it to them and a folded napkin. When they unfolded the napkin a big fat and I mean fat cock roach fell out and ran across the table at about 50 miles a hour. Listener: Oh wow! That's like the worst nightmare! I'm so sorry that happened to you!!
Your instruction here
Speaker: once i pooped my pants at walmart Listener: Were you able to get out of there without anybody noticing or did you die from embarssment? Speaker: My mom was there and i had to ride home with her so yeah she knew Listener: I'm sure that was not a fun ride home.
Your instruction here
Speaker: I was on the edge of my seat watching the local election results. I was hoping my candidate would win. Listener: where you disappointed? Speaker: No I was quite happy with the results. But the waiting for the results was so nerve wracking. Listener: I remember the same thing. And the joy that followed for the next moth was pure bliss
Your instruction here
Speaker: The weather forecast called for tropical storm force winds. I made sure that I checked the yard for loose items. Listener: Where do you live? Speaker: I live on the Gulf Coast. When you get the warning you have to be ready. Listener: Alright, so do you ever have to evacuate?
Your instruction here
Speaker: I got caught by the train and it made me late for work. I was so mad. Listener: maybe go earlier later? Speaker: That's just it though. You never know when the train is going to be there. Listener: oh, that's kind of weird
Your instruction here
Speaker: When my son was born i felt joyful and happy! Listener: i bet you did, did you want a boy instead of a girl? Speaker: It didnt matter as long as they were healthy. Listener: That is a good mindset, I wish you the best of luck with that!
Your instruction here
Speaker: I felt guilty when I broke the window in our house Listener: how did it happen? Speaker: I threw a football through it Listener: how, did you get into trouble?
Your instruction here
Speaker: it sucked i was heartbroken but i let her go Listener: ... im sorry, how did it happen Speaker: its okay and thanks it was 2 years ago, she texted me that she wasn't interested in a relationship and then i found out a week later Listener: that sucks, but hey man it's okay one day you'll find right person Speaker: thanks man! i hope you do too
Your instruction here
Speaker: I knew my wife's family would help us financially for our marriage, turns out it was right, I appreciate it so much. Listener: Nice! The married life is expensive Speaker: Yes well we needed money in order to get married in the first place. All the expenses and fees and paperwork. Listener: I hope you two have a nice future. At least you know the family will support you!
Your instruction here
Speaker: There was a time when I really messed up. Listener: Oh! What happened? Speaker: Some folks were counting on me to buy some things, but I never did. Listener: Wow! You lazy bum. You disappointed me too! Speaker: What? I ordered the items later, but they came later than folks had hoped.
Your instruction here
Speaker: I behaved immature during the fight lately and lied, later on I felt remorse. Listener: That sounds awful. Who was it you wronged? Speaker: It was my wife, sadly. I explained to her later and admitted my mistake. Listener: Was she understanding and forgiving?
Your instruction here
Speaker: I quit my job without having another one lined up. I'm hopeful and optimistic that I will be okay and that this was the right choice. Listener: I'm sure you will be able to get another one fairly quickly! Speaker: I'm doing some work-from-home stuff and it's actually pretty fun! Listener: I hope that you see amazing results, and you continue to enjoy yourself!
Your instruction here
Speaker: I don't know why my boyfriend lied to me about seeing another woman. I thought he loved me. Listener: Do you think it's possible that he does still love you and also made a horrible mistake? Speaker: I'm not sure, but I'm hoping that he will realize he's messed up. Listener: I think that when people cheat and lie, it's because something is wrong with them and not their partner. If he doesn't realize his mistake, then he doesn't deserve your love. I wish you all the best! Speaker: Thank you so much. Hopefully, it all works out, and he comes back to me. Listener: I hope you realize your worth too. I do this thing where I think about another woman in my life who I really care about (mom, daughter, etc.) and I think "if this was happening to them, what kind of advice would I give them?" Sometimes, we think we deserve less.
Your instruction here
Speaker: I was upset when the spurs traded away Khawi Leonard Listener: I understand that, he seemed to seal his own fate there, but still sad Speaker: yea, they should have forced him to play a little to see what would happen. maybe he would change his mind Listener: Potentially, he seemed a bit deadset, but we do not know too much all in all
Your instruction here
Speaker: I was disappointed when I saw how much the Eagles tickets cost for their opener, I really wanted to go Listener: how much do they run? Speaker: about 350, and I wanted to bring my girlfriend, so all in all about 740 with fees Listener: damn.. how times have changed..
Your instruction here
Speaker: really shameful was that I would be the same as I would happen the same Listener: what do you mean? Speaker: nothing forgot I wanted to tell you that today I was upset with my sister Listener: oh, what happend Speaker: because I take money without asking permission
Your instruction here
Speaker: Don't you hate it when you are not sure you can trust someone? Listener: yes i do, that's why i only trust one person, my wife Speaker: My son went on a field trip and needed some money for a snack and drink. Unfortunately, I only had a $20. Listener: im sorry, what did happend next? how does that make you feel? Speaker: I was nervous, but had to trust him. I was afraid he would spend it all or even lose it.
Your instruction here
Speaker: Hey, guess what, you will not believe what just happened to me. Listener: What happened to you? Speaker: I let a stranger borrow my cellphone to make a phone call, but he ended up dashing off with my phone Listener: That's horrible! Did you have any sort of tracker on it? Speaker: No, I have lent my phone out to strangers before, and have never had someone run off with it. Luckily track and field training paid off and I was able to tackle him down
Your instruction here
Speaker: Lately I was sharing memories with my wife from before we got married and it was heartwarming. Listener: Awwe that is so sweet, how did you two meet? Speaker: We met online actually! And we were across the ocean from each other. That was a journey. Listener: Wow that sounds like a really big journey. It must have been really hard to connect with one another only through online chats.
Your instruction here
Speaker: I miss the good old days when we would be given pancakes on Tuesdays at school. I loved pancake Tuesdays. Listener: Mmm that sounds delicious. There is always time to make pancake Tuesdays at home! Speaker: Haha yeah, but it doesn't feel the same because I miss being able to enjoy it with all my classmates. It was always a great time full of laughter and chatter Listener: I see, memories will always stay, sometimes good old days just can't come back.
Your instruction here
Speaker: Have you ever tried skydiving before? Listener: I haven't, but it's definitely on my bucket list! Speaker: I thought I was going to pee my pants until the instructor told me how many years of experience he has under his belt. Listener: I bet it helped having someone there who knew what they were doing. Speaker: yeah, it is. 15 years and over 500 jumps helped ease my anxiety lol Listener: I have a friend who recently became certified as an instructor. He jumps almost every weekend. He will be taking me when I go!
Your instruction here
Speaker: How old were you the first time you ever drove a vehicle? Listener: I believe I was fifteen. I drove a soccer mom van! Speaker: That's ironic. I was 13. I decided to take my mom's van for a joyride. Listener: Did you ever get caught?! Speaker: Unfortunately, yes. Never got in trouble with police, but I still get reminded of it from time to time, even 10 years later.
Your instruction here
Speaker: I let a stranger borrow my cellphone to make a phone call, but he ended up dashing off with my phone Listener: Oh no! I would have been furious! Were you able to catch him? Speaker: No, but what was even more devastating was that there was a forest fire in the area, so I also ended up losing my house :( Listener: Oh im so sorry! I bet your are devestated! I would be tool.