<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an brake control command line is. [/INST] Media used to transfer the train brake control signal throughout the train.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an driver鈥檚 brake interface is. [/INST] Means for providing the interaction between the driver and the driver鈥檚 brake controller or directly to the train brake control command line.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an driver鈥檚 brake controller is. [/INST] Component, or combination of components that respond to the interaction provided by the driver鈥檚 brake interface and converts this to a train brake control signal to the brake control command line.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an driver鈥榮 brake valve is. [/INST] Driver鈥檚 brake interface and brake controller for pneumatic or hydraulic control systems.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an passenger alarm system is. [/INST] Alarm system that interacts with the train brake system and initiates an emergency brake request if the train is in standstill at or departing a platform or the alarm is not acknowledged by the driver, as set out in EN 16334.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an emergency push button is. [/INST] Brake control interface used for demanding an emergency brake application.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an emergency valve is. [/INST] Valve, the principal function of which is, as a result of receiving an emergency brake demand, to cause an emergency brake application by venting the brake pipe.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an pressure gauge is. [/INST] Gauge measuring and displaying the magnitude of fluid pressure.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an trip cock is. [/INST] Valve, that when operated mechanically by contact with a feature of the railway infrastructure, initiates an emergency brake demand.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an brake indicator is. [/INST] Indicator showing the operating state of the brake (e.g. applied, released, or uncertain).</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an brake control unit is. [/INST] Device which accepts control inputs of which at least one represents a brake demand, and then processes and outputs corresponding brake control and/or execution signals.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an brake panel is. [/INST] Number of brake system components mounted together on a common flat structure.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an brake cabinet is. [/INST] Enclosure containing one or more brake panels and/or other components.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an brake frame is. [/INST] Common structure that supports one or more brake panels and/or components.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an manifold is. [/INST] Pipe bracket interface device positioned between the vehicle pipework and an associated component or group of components.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an distributor valve is. [/INST] Apparatus to control a pneumatic output pressure as an inverse function of the variation of a brake pipe pressure (input pressure).</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an brake pipe accelerator is. [/INST] Component connected to the brake pipe that, in response to a brake command, assists the propagation of the brake command throughout the train by locally venting the brake pipe.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an electro-pneumatic converter is. [/INST] Control device, or combination of devices for converting an electrical brake control input signal to a proportional or inversely proportional pneumatic output signal, that operates using either a closed-loop or open-loop principle.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an relay valve is. [/INST] Valve in which the output pressure or flow corresponds to the input of one or more control pressures or flows.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an load dependent relay valve is. [/INST] Valve in which the output pressure or flow corresponds to the input of one or more control pressures or flows and one or more inputs corresponding to the vehicle mass or a proportion of the vehicle mass.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an load sensing equipment is. [/INST] Device or combination of devices that provides an output signal related to the vehicle load.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an average pressure valve is. [/INST] Valve in which the output pressure or flow is the mean of two or more input control pressures or flows.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an averaging relay valve is. [/INST] Average pressure valve incorporating a relay valve function.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an brake pipe is. [/INST] Brake control command line for an indirect pneumatic brake.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an normal working pressure is. [/INST] Pressure in the brake pipe that corresponds with the brake release condition.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an main reservoir pipe is. [/INST] Pipe containing air supplied from a main air generation system and supplied to the various pneumatic systems fitted to a vehicle or train.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an brake cylinder pipe is. [/INST] Pipe conveying fluid to and from one or more brake cylinders.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an pneumatic half coupling is. [/INST] Assembly of components used for connecting the BP or MRP of a vehicle to the BP or MRP, respectively, of another vehicle.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an end cock is. [/INST] Cock used to enable or interrupt the continuity of the BP or MRP; it also facilitates safe coupling and uncoupling by venting air pressure in the coupling hose when the cock is in the interrupt position.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an train wire is. [/INST] Wire conveying electricity for enabling train brake control.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an brake cylinder is. [/INST] Component part of the brake in which a pressure input change causes a corresponding output force change.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an brake actuator is. [/INST] Device, which includes the brake cylinder and other components used for force amplification and transmission.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an tread brake unit is. [/INST] Element of a tread brake, in which the brake application force generation, transmission, brake block holder, and reaction and fixation elements are contained within an assembly which is readily detachable from the vehicle or bogie.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an disc brake unit is. [/INST] Element of a disc brake, in which the brake application force generation, transmission, brake pad holder, and reaction and fixation elements are contained within an assembly which is readily detachable from the vehicle or bogie.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an slack adjuster is. [/INST] Device to compensate wear of brake shoes, pads, wheel treads, disc, and brake rigging or brake caliper pivots.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an brake rigging is. [/INST] Assembly, usually of links and levers, in a friction brake acting between one or more brake cylinder(s) and the brake shoes and/or brake pads.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an brake caliper is. [/INST] Assembly that provides the means for transferring the force from the brake actuator or cylinder to the brake pads and disc.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an brake disc is. [/INST] Rotor having one or more co-planar annular friction faces to which brake pads are applied in order to develop a braking torque.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an friction face is. [/INST] Surface of a disc or pad or block that provides the friction interface for transferring the brake force.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an brake block is. [/INST] Friction element that exerts the brake force to the running surface of the wheel (tread).</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an brake pad is. [/INST] Friction element that exerts the brake force to the friction face of the brake disc.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an brake block holder is. [/INST] Device that fixes the brake block in position, transmits the brake block application force, and reacts the brake force.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an brake pad holder is. [/INST] Device that fixes the brake pad in position, transmits the brake pad application force, and reacts the brake force.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an main reservoir is. [/INST] Container designed to store air under pressure for brake systems that use pneumatic control and/or actuation, and may also be used by other pneumatic train systems.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an auxiliary reservoir is. [/INST] Container designed to store air under pressure which is protected and dedicated for use by the brakes on the vehicle to which it is fitted.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an control chamber is. [/INST] Air volume connected to, or part of a brake distributor valve, the pressure in which is compared to the local brake pipe pressure within the distributor valve, and used to determine the distributor valve output pressure.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an equalizing reservoir is. [/INST] Container designed to store compressed air, the pressure of which is used in conjunction with a relay valve function for achieving the specified brake pipe pressure characteristic.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an control reservoir is. [/INST] Container designed to store compressed air, the volume of which is intended to cause a desired pressure/timing characteristic.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an compressor is. [/INST] Machine used for increasing ambient air pressure for use by the brake system, and other train borne pneumatic systems.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an air dryer is. [/INST] Device to remove water from compressed air (to the level specified) for use by the brake system, and other pneumatic systems.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an liquid separator is. [/INST] Device to remove oil and water from compressed air (to the level specified) for use by the brake system, and other pneumatic systems.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an aftercooler is. [/INST] Device used to reduce the temperature of the air following compression.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an safety valve is. [/INST] Valve in a pneumatic system which opens so as to prevent the pressure exceeding a specified value.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an drain valve is. [/INST] Device through which undesired liquid (mainly oil and water) may be expelled with air from a compressed air system.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an vent valve is. [/INST] Device through which air may be expelled from a compressed air system.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an isolating cock is. [/INST] Manually operated device used to either allow or prevent the passage of air between one part of a system and another part.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an hydraulic pump is. [/INST] Machine used for increasing the pressure of hydraulic fluid used by the brake system, and other hydraulic systems.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an hand brake is. [/INST] Mechanical brake, where brake force is generated only by human effort.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an pressure limiting valve is. [/INST] Valve in a hydraulic system which opens so as to prevent the pressure exceeding a specified value.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an hand wheel is. [/INST] Machine-human interface for a hand brake, whereby the human effort is converted into a torque.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an spring-applied parking brake actuator is. [/INST] Device which generates parking brake force using energy stored in a compressed spring.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an manual release is. [/INST] Device which enables brake release when the normal method of release is not available.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an anti-compound device is. [/INST] Device which prevents the compounding of brake forces (e.g. the service and parking brake forces, etc.).</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an wheel slide is. [/INST] Condition where the circumferential speed of a wheel or wheelset is lower than the true train speed.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an scotch is. [/INST] Device positioned between one or more wheels and the rail, used to prevent vehicle or train movement.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an true train speed is. [/INST] Instantaneous train speed over the ground.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an circumferential speed is. [/INST] Rotational speed of the wheel or wheelset, multiplied by the radius of the wheel.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an wheel slide protection system is. [/INST] System designed to make the best use of available wheel-rail adhesion (where this is less than the wheel-rail adhesion demanded), and in some cases improve wheel-rail adhesion, by a controlled reduction and restoration of the brake force to prevent wheelsets from locking and uncontrolled sliding, thereby minimizing the extension of stopping or slowing distances and possible wheel damage.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an wheel rotation monitoring is. [/INST] System that continuously monitors wheel or wheelset rotation and indicates any rotation anomaly.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an wheel lock is. [/INST] Extreme condition of wheel slide where the wheel or wheelset ceases to rotate during braking, whilst the train is in motion.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an routine brake test is. [/INST] Test that is made regularly in specified operating conditions as a matter of routine on every train, in order to verify the correct operation of the brake system.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an static brake test is. [/INST] Brake test carried out on a stationary train in order to determine static brake functionality.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an dynamic brake test is. [/INST] Brake test carried out on a test track or on the operator鈥檚 track on a moving train in order to determine its dynamic braking performance (e.g. braking distance, etc.).</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an risk is. [/INST] Effect of uncertainty on objectives.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an risk management is. [/INST] Coordinated activities to direct and control an organization with regard to risk.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an risk management framework is. [/INST] Set of components that provide the foundations and organizational arrangements for designing, implementing, monitoring , reviewing and continually improving risk management processes throughout the organization.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an risk management policy is. [/INST] Overall intentions and direction of an organization related to risk management.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an risk management plan is. [/INST] Document within the risk management framework specifying the approach, the management components and resources to be applied to the management of risk.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an risk management process is. [/INST] Systematic application of management policies, procedures and practices to the tasks of communicating, consulting, establishing the context, identifying, analyzing, evaluating, treating, monitoring and reviewing risk.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an communication and consultation is. [/INST] Continual or iterative processes that an organization conducts to provide, share or obtain information and to engage in dialogue with stakeholders regarding the management of risk.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an stakeholder is. [/INST] Any person or organization that can affect, be affected by, or perceive themselves to be affected by a decision or activity.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an risk perception is. [/INST] Stakeholder鈥檚 view on a risk.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an external context is. [/INST] External environment in which the organization seeks to achieve its objectives.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an internal context is. [/INST] Internal environment in which the organization seeks to achieve its objectives.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an risk criteria is. [/INST] Terms of reference against which the significance of a risk is evaluated.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an risk assessment is. [/INST] Overall process of risk identification , risk analysis and risk evaluation.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an risk identification is. [/INST] Process of finding, recognizing and describing risks.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an risk source is. [/INST] Anything which alone or in combination has the intrinsic potential to give rise to risk.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an event is. [/INST] Occurrence or change of a particular set of circumstances.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an hazard is. [/INST] Potential source of harm.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an risk owner is. [/INST] Person or entity with the accountability and authority for managing the risk and any associated risk treatments.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an risk analysis is. [/INST] Process to comprehend the nature of risk and to determine the level of risk.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an uncertainty is. [/INST] State, even partial, of deficiency of information related to or understanding or knowledge of an event , its consequence , or likelihood.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an likelihood is. [/INST] Chance of something happening.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an exposure is. [/INST] Extent to which an organization is subject to an event.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an consequence is. [/INST] Outcome of an event affecting objectives.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an probability is. [/INST] Measure of the chance of occurrence expressed as a number between and , where is impossibility and is absolute certainty.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an frequency is. [/INST] Measure of the likelihood of an event expressed as a number of events or outcomes per defined unit of time.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an resilience is. [/INST] Capacity to resist being affected by an event.</s>
<s>The conversation between Human and AI assisatance named Chatbot [INST] Explain what an vulnerability is. [/INST] Intrinsic properties of something that create susceptibility to a source of risk that can lead to a consequence.</s>