2 values
[INST] What could be the cause of the risk of damage to rubber parts on the housing - loss of function or - loss of data integrity (false signal)? [/INST] Solar radiation [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] No or faulty communication STW <-> vehicle
[INST] What could be the cause of the risk of environmental influences - loss of function or - loss of data integrity (false signal)? [/INST] Fire, fire protection Overheating due to insufficient ventilation [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] No or faulty communication STW <-> vehicle
[INST] What could cause the danger of strong air movement - loss of function or - loss of data integrity (false signal)? [/INST] Environmental conditions in tunnels [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] No or faulty communication STW <-> vehicle
[INST] What could be the cause of the risk of operation outside the specification - loss of function or - loss of data integrity (false signal)? [/INST] Power supply (reduction/increase of operating voltage) [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] No or faulty communication STW <-> vehicle
[INST] What could be the cause of the risk of operation outside the specification - loss of function or - loss of data integrity (false signal)? [/INST] Power supply (reduction/increase of operating voltage) [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] No or faulty communication STW <-> vehicle
[INST] What could be the cause of the risk of operation outside the specification - loss of function or - loss of data integrity (false signal)? [/INST] Power supply (reduction/increase of operating voltage) [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] No or faulty communication STW <-> vehicle
[INST] What could be the cause of the threat - loss of functionality or - loss of data integrity (false signal)? [/INST] foreign body [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Damage to the system -> No or faulty communication STW <-> vehicle
[INST] What could be the cause of the threat - loss of functionality or - loss of data integrity (false signal)? [/INST] Insect, rodent or mold damage [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Damage to the system -> No or faulty communication STW <-> vehicle
[INST] What could be the cause of no or too weak IMU signal at the coupling coil? [/INST] Wire break, including connection points Short circuit within a wire pair [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Damage to the system -> No or faulty communication STW <-> vehicle
[INST] What could be the cause of the risk of detecting a false integrity code? [/INST] Short circuit or crosstalk between IMU signals of several connected track coupling coils [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Damage to the system -> No or faulty communication STW <-> vehicle
[INST] What could be the cause of the threat - loss of functionality or - loss of data integrity (false signal)? [/INST] Vandalism: Damage/destruction of the GKS [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Damage to the system -> No or faulty communication STW <-> vehicle
[INST] What could be the cause of the danger of no connectivity between GKS and vehicle (not detectable)? [/INST] Vandalism: Sabotage of the GKS by placing a metal plate [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] No or faulty communication STW <-> vehicle
[INST] What could be the cause of the threat - loss of functionality or - loss of data integrity (false signal)? [/INST] flooding [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Damage to the system -> No or faulty communication STW <-> vehicle
[INST] What could be the cause of the threat - loss of functionality or - loss of data integrity (false signal)? [/INST] faulty / inadequate training and control of contractors [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Faulty subsystems or incorrectly installed / maintained subsystems -> No or faulty communication STW <-> vehicle
[INST] What could be the cause of the threat - loss of functionality or - loss of data integrity (false signal)? [/INST] faulty / defective spare parts [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Incorrectly maintained subsystems -> No or faulty communication STW <-> vehicle
[INST] What could be the cause of the hazard caused by materials and substances (leakage)? [/INST] Decommissioning [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Environmental damage caused by the release of toxic or hazardous substances
[INST] What could be the cause of the risk of damage to rubber parts on the housing - loss of function or - loss of data integrity (false signal)? [/INST] Exhaust fumes from road traffic [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] No or faulty communication STW <-> vehicle
[INST] What could be the cause of the danger? The train's speed cannot be reduced or maintained on a slope, or that the train cannot stop within the maximum allowable braking distance. have? [/INST] Brake performance may be changed due to different apportionment of axle loads and, therefore, the wheel/rail adhesion for each wheelset may be changed [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Derailment Collision (mainly slanting collision) with other RST, buffer, obstacle or persons on track.
[INST] What could cause the danger? The train's (safe) position cannot be hold while the train is parked at platform while driving direction is changed or at stabilizing point. With total loss of parking brake force the train (vehicle) might roll slowly. have? [/INST] After activation of a parking brake command, no parking brake force applied No engineered change on the (emergency) parking brake controls. Therefore, no change of the total parking braking force developed. [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Collision with persons or obstacles on secondary track (sidings/stabilizing point)
[INST] What could cause the hazard of insufficient track guidance between the wheelset (within point of contact) and track? [/INST] wheel surface [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Infraction of the reference profile. Worst: Derailment (y)
[INST] What could cause the hazard Train is not dimensioned or sized to run on one or several infrastructures without infraction of relevant reference profile.? [/INST] intentionally left blank [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Infraction of the relevant profile, thus potential risk of interference with infrastructure eg platforms
[INST] What could cause the hazard of attachment parts (including maintenance hatches) getting loose due to insufficient integrity? [/INST] intentionally left blank [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Injury to RCUs or Other due to flying attachment parts
[INST] What could be the cause of the danger of attachment inside train parts getting loose due to insufficient integrity? [/INST] intentionally left blank [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Injury to persons inside train
[INST] What could cause the hazard body parts tossed away by wing of door while opening? [/INST] design does not allow anough space for hand, fingers (compare EN ISO 13857:2008, EN 33402-2:2005) [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] astonishment, minor injury of limbs
[INST] What could be the cause of the danger interior design with sharp corners and edges, steps, crackes of panes, glass panes.? [/INST] -- [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Aggravated injury when passenger stumbles and falls down.
[INST] What could cause the hazard Passenger is not aware of hazard for clamping of bodyparts, e.g. While sitting down on a folding seat? [/INST] -- [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Clamping of body parts
[INST] What could cause the hazard contact of persons with live parts, conductors or conductive parts intended to be energized (direct contact)? [/INST] -- [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] injury or death from electric shock, burn. Can also cause falls of passengers caused by electric shock.
[INST] What could be the cause of the noise level outside (standstill) hazard? [/INST] -- [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] can cause severe discomfort
[INST] What could be the cause of the noise level outside (pass-by) hazard? [/INST] -- [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] can cause severe discomfort
[INST] What could be the cause of the danger of inappropriate driver cab ergonomics? [/INST] -- [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] physiological effects, e.g. from unhealthy postures, psycho-physiological effects
[INST] What could cause the hazard Inappropriate front, rear, and side view for driver? [/INST] -- [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Collision or Derailment (y) due to violation of speed limit (v)
[INST] What could cause the danger of exploding battery cabinet Battery type LTO? [/INST] -- [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] injuries due to exploding battery containers
[INST] What could cause the hazard Cell(s) or package mechanically abused? [/INST] rapid heating of cell(s), 'thermal runaway' [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] Cell internal temperature and pressure increases. Cell vents gases which may ignite.
[INST] What can cause the hazard fire starts on a train being ignited in a compartment containing a combustion engine, electrical supply line and/or the traction circuit equipment. have? [/INST] -- [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] burn or suffocate, leading to death of (several) person(s)
[INST] What could be the cause of the hazard insufficient illumination of escape path, thus no or bad orientation in train while attempt to escape? [/INST] -- [INST] What consequences could this have? [/INST] burn or suffocate, leading to death of (several) person(s)
[INST] What is a function? [/INST] Characteristic effect or purpose of a unit of observation in connection with otherViewing units.
[INST] What is a Unit of observation? [/INST] Part, component, device, subsystem, functional unit, equipment or system which, by itself,can be viewed.
[INST] What is a Functional group? [/INST] Summary of functions at the respective hierarchy level.
[INST] What is a Main function? [/INST] A function of the rail vehicle observation unit at the highest level (level 1).
[INST] What is a Subfunction? [/INST] A partial aspect of a main function (level 2). It is defined by the coding of levels 1 and 2.
[INST] What is a Hypofunction? [/INST] A partial aspect of a subfunction (level 3). It is defined by the coding of levels 1, 2 and 3.Level 3 is always coded with an elementary function.
[INST] What is a Elementary function? [/INST] A generally valid basic functionality that is no longer subdivided.
[INST] What is a Officials? [/INST] The technical realization of one or more functions.
[INST] What is a Detail feature? [/INST] Additional information on the functional marking according to Figure 1. The specific feature groupsdescribe functional properties,.
[INST] What is a Detail feature group? [/INST] Grouping similar detailed features into a group.