{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "Even if I won't do it, other people will constantly do it for me.", "response_post": "Even if I won't do it, other people will constantly do it for me.", "rp_id": "dgrj3bo", "seeker_post": "I can't stop comparing myself to everyone else. I don't even know who I am anymore--just who I am not. This past week was really rough...", "sp_id": "67m9o2" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "Should this really be in depression", "rp_id": "dvxea9r", "seeker_post": "About to clean my room. Need a little encouragement.. I'll report back when I'm done or how the progress is going. I have to use adhd medication to get me to start, even though I tend to do other things instead, and the come down makes me think bad thoughts. Sigh. Wish me luck.", "sp_id": "85fknw" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "Some days I just want to lie in bed and listen to sad or angry music.", "response_post": "Some days I just want to lie in bed and listen to sad or angry music.", "rp_id": "cxka03p", "seeker_post": ".... Feeling hopeless and useless at the moment... Empty, lost, darkness", "sp_id": "3v120v" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "I just make up fantasy stories in my head until I do", "response_post": "I just make up fantasy stories in my head until I do, maybe you could find something similar to do?", "rp_id": "e155k6r", "seeker_post": "Can’t sleep, Any techniques to suppress my depressive thoughts about my future and fall a sleep?. I just sleep more then 3 hours Please help me", "sp_id": "8t5jbk" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "Yesterday was yesterday, today is today. Tomorrow is tomorrow. If you have one foot on the past, and one foot on the future, then you are pissing on the present. Think about that one.", "rp_id": "d11tgm7", "seeker_post": "Living in the past .... How to be more present..", "sp_id": "4an3xj" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "I was the smart kid getting straight As. Now I struggle to get Cs.", "response_post": "I was the smart kid getting straight As. Now I struggle to get Cs.", "rp_id": "dxwtpn3", "seeker_post": "Anyone else use to be smart and then after years of being idol you became stupid. Happened to me. awful. I think from constantly disengaging myself", "sp_id": "8enrwz" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "That feeling when your teeth are rotting away and you're too scared to go to the dentist", "response_post": "That feeling when your teeth are rotting away and you're too scared to go to the dentist. :(", "rp_id": "dc0va7h", "seeker_post": "That feeling when you look at the dental bill.... ...and could scream in agony, realizing no one but yourself is to blame for abusing you by neglecting your teeth, including expensive previous dental work that's now gone to hell. Depression carries some very heavy lessons.", "sp_id": "5m2v3v" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "Strangely.I feel deeply so I know I will always suffer deeply.", "response_post": "Strangely.I feel deeply so I know I will always suffer deeply.", "rp_id": "dxo1pds", "seeker_post": "I don't really want my depression to go away.. Its a part of me even though it keeps me from doing anything it also makes me me. Suicidal thoughts are a large part of my personality.", "sp_id": "8dkhol" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "I'm here, and I haven't forgotten about you. I'm here to help!", "emotionalStrength": "weak emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "I had this perception for a long time myself. But I realized eventually it's because I wasn't reaching out to them myself", "response_post": "I had this perception for a long time myself. But I realized eventually it's because I wasn't reaching out to them myself. I'm here, and I haven't forgotten about you. I'm here to help! :)", "rp_id": "dlzfhp4", "seeker_post": "Had to promise not to kill myself. Dont think i can keep it.. My therapist made me promise to not kill myself but i cant keep suffering", "sp_id": "6vb23p" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "This is really sweet. Send her horrid memes, lol. Or maybe remind of something really funny that happened between you two in the past. You can mail a small box for like $5, mail her a letter and some of her favorite candy. Any small thing you can think of that just might put a smile on her face would probably help. Even if just a phone call or text.", "rp_id": "e97d5em", "seeker_post": "Sister is depressed how can I help?. My sister is 4 years older than me. She has been depressed for at least 4 weeks maybe longer. We don't live in the same city. Based on your personal experience what kinds of things do you like to hear from a loved one? That makes you feel better?", "sp_id": "9uva8p" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "strong explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "Have you tried admitting yourself anywhere?", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "Have you tried admitting yourself anywhere?", "rp_id": "eagkts6", "seeker_post": "Depression and addiction. i have been suffering from depression from when i was 13. I am 19. I don't have any friends. If i die right now, no one will notice. I am adicted to heroin cocaine and methadone. I need help or I may die. ​", "sp_id": "a0bsvt" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "sorry your post is just so relatable", "emotionalStrength": "strong emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "I've directly told my parents I blame them for who I am, and as perfect specimens, they told me that I can't keep blaming them for everything. There's truth to that of course, but it's rather incredible that they can find the gall to abdicate themselves of all guilt and responsibility. I'd better just get on my hands and knees and obey their every whim, since they're the ones who work and pay for my existence, regardless of whether or not I can actually do jack shit about that (child labor laws, yo)", "response_post": "omg lol I 100% blame my parents. After taking an AP Psychology course at my school, it kind of shifted my own perspective on my depression. I know I can't claim to be an expert after reading just one textbook, but even an idiot can realize that your behavior and who you are is just totally as a result of your parents. The genetic aspects aren't their fault of course, but they are perfect human specimens, so you can imagine what 17 years of always being wrong has done to my self esteem and thought process. Strangely, being cognizant of that fact doesn't change it much. Of course, I've directly told my parents I blame them for who I am, and as perfect specimens, they told me that I can't keep blaming them for everything. There's truth to that of course, but it's rather incredible that they can find the gall to abdicate themselves of all guilt and responsibility. I'd better just get on my hands and knees and obey their every whim, since they're the ones who work and pay for my existence, regardless of whether or not I can actually do jack shit about that (child labor laws, yo). Lol sorry your post is just so relatable I had to rant.", "rp_id": "doujbkg", "seeker_post": "Not going to kill myself but I really want to die. What is the point?? Everything is shit anyway?? I really didn't ask to be born and then my parents put this life responsibility on me. Anybody else feel like this?", "sp_id": "78kh54" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "strong explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "Do you see a therapist ? Maybe a medical treatment with a psychiatrist and regular appointments could help you ?", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "I have been doing it it and it has been helping me", "response_post": "Do you see a therapist ? Maybe a medical treatment with a psychiatrist and regular appointments could help you ? I have been doing it it and it has been helping me", "rp_id": "diyjbhl", "seeker_post": "Talking to people doesn't help. No matter how much I vent, nothing actually helps me and I still feel the same.", "sp_id": "6hi6y0" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "weak interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "I understand.", "response_post": "I understand. You regret going to sleep knowing that when you will wake, it will all be the same. Nothing changes, same problems different day. But I have realized, slowly and painfully, that the changes won't happen unless I make an effort to try and change things Currently I keep getting pissed at myself for staying up as late as I do, drinking myself to sleep, and hoping that in the morning, something new will happen instead of what really is going on in my life. The point I'm hoping to make is that we need to make the effort of change if we really want to change how our life's are headed, and we need to hold to that change.", "rp_id": "e2to3uy", "seeker_post": "I hate going to sleep knowing I’ll wake up in the morning.. I wish just end already.", "sp_id": "90wh5n" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "I can only recommend fiction (apologies; not much of a self-help/non-fiction kind of guy) but The Perks of Being a Wallflower (the film; never read the book myself) deals with depression among other things and is very powerful. Much of Sylvia Plath's poetry centres around mental health and depression, if that's of interest, and while it's not something I've read 'The Bell Jar' (which is prose) is also supposed to be very good, according to a former acquaintance of mine. And I recently finished watching an anime called Orange which was mostly very good at dealing with the issue, the one caveat being that characters tend to talk about 'saving' people quite a lot, which can be a little bit galling (lol). Music-wise, Brand New have done a number of songs which either deal with depression (or emotions that can be closely linked to depression) or are pretty evocative in that sense tonally-speaking. Can't think of anything else right off the top of my head but hopefully that's a fair amount of stuff, in the short-term at least", "rp_id": "d9q9x1y", "seeker_post": "Any good literature or media about depression?. PLS help I haven't read anything in years and I feel like something that can I can either relate or help me through this will help me out of this rut", "sp_id": "5bm7sa" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "Fucking true. Made some bad decisions including a drunk driving stint last weekend and now I'm trying to deal with the consequences.", "response_post": "Fucking true. Made some bad decisions including a drunk driving stint last weekend and now I'm trying to deal with the consequences. Feel like I'm being punished for being self destructive.", "rp_id": "e4duq6z", "seeker_post": "depression is an endless fucking cycle. you're depressed so you do stupid shit. you make your life worse. and you get more depressed. cycle continues", "sp_id": "986zsw" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "been taking Zoloft for a few days and it made me more sleepy then ever. Today I only took half a dose (25mg instead of 50) and I feel less drowsy, but worse.", "response_post": "been taking Zoloft for a few days and it made me more sleepy then ever. Today I only took half a dose (25mg instead of 50) and I feel less drowsy, but worse.", "rp_id": "eba7jit", "seeker_post": "Holy hell why cant I sleep?!. I just started taking Zoloft a few days ago and since then I can not fucking fall asleep. I'm not an idiot I know it's a side effect but shit this is annoying. I have school in the morning", "sp_id": "a3x9u2" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "I know what you're feeling", "emotionalStrength": "weak emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "well actually mine was worse since I had little friends but if I could back and give myself advice I'd tell myself to man up and do well, work out and socialize because the rest of your life is so dependant on how well you do at your age right now", "response_post": "As a 24 year old that needs to go back to college and pay his way there. It is absolutely imperative you succeed in school to get tuitions for college. I know what you're feeling, well actually mine was worse since I had little friends but if I could back and give myself advice I'd tell myself to man up and do well, work out and socialize because the rest of your life is so dependant on how well you do at your age right now. Please believe in yourself and press forward. Although you have all the time in the world to make changes. Waiting it out will only lead to insanity and depression. It's a problem you don't want to deal with when your older. It's best done in the present.", "rp_id": "dd6kgtd", "seeker_post": "3rd week im skipping school. Kill myself>going to school, I wish I had drugs now...", "sp_id": "5re5nv" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "I whine about life all the time", "response_post": "not sure. I whine about life all the time but if I had the solution, use it right away. be gone tonight!", "rp_id": "e6agbjz", "seeker_post": "What do you call someone,. who has the solution in their hands, ready to use instantaneously, and yet doesn't do it and chooses to continue whining about their life?", "sp_id": "9gcz5u" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "I like to start with really tiny things and small moments.", "rp_id": "d7w41n1", "seeker_post": "Happiness is hard to come by.. I don't know how to be happy... it seems like there's always something lingering that wants to put me down.", "sp_id": "53sgww" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "I used to imagine hoping myself out of existence, because wishes usually fail", "response_post": "I used to imagine hoping myself out of existence, because wishes usually fail. In any case, I'm just recently starting to appreciate how all our lives are connected or rather it's a delusion to think there was never a connection to begin with, else itd be different. Anyway, it's ok to take some isolation to figure things out, but life's like riding a bicycle.", "rp_id": "dswyizt", "seeker_post": "I don't want a partner or even just friends because I want the freedom to kill myself, with the least number of people affected.. This way, it's only my parents and siblings who will be saddened.", "sp_id": "7rh2lc" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "Introvert here, I still get super lonely I just stress out about what I would say to people and every single thing I can say wrong.", "response_post": "Introvert here, I still get super lonely I just stress out about what I would say to people and every single thing I can say wrong.", "rp_id": "dufpjxf", "seeker_post": "How to become an Introvert ?. It may sound wired but i think that being extroverts suck and becoming Introvert may help me in depression and anxiety and the worst i think i have BPD.Can someone give me a guide on how to become an Introvert. Thanks", "sp_id": "7ydypn" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "There are people who care about you.", "emotionalStrength": "weak emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "You're wrong. It's hard to trust and you may get burned, but you have to be willing to take that risk. There are people who care about you.", "rp_id": "daigm3a", "seeker_post": "Trust is a curious little thing.... We take it for granted... until we eventually realise: it's a concept that doesn't actually exist.", "sp_id": "5f4qoc" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "I hope you are able to pass through this time and feel better.", "emotionalStrength": "weak emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "I'm glad your mother loves you and was there for you. I hope you are able to pass through this time and feel better. Perhaps find a local nonprofit to volunteer at. Something simple like a food bank, maybe a soup kitchen. That way, you can know that by being alive in the next few weeks, you have a direct purpose. It's something small, but it will make the lives of others better, because you lived. You can build from there and go on to help more people.", "rp_id": "dpbu152", "seeker_post": "I failed my suicide attempt. I tried to hang myself but I was saved by my mom. :(", "sp_id": "7apk4s" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "I feel you", "emotionalStrength": "weak emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "I'm only happy and at ease when I'm drunk. I'm sure I'd drink a lot more if I had more disposable income.", "response_post": "I feel you. I'm only happy and at ease when I'm drunk. I'm sure I'd drink a lot more if I had more disposable income.", "rp_id": "dgn29px", "seeker_post": "I feel like drunk me is the person I'd be without depression. With drunk me I mean being drunk and on xanax", "sp_id": "671wsw" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "weak explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "What makes you think you're a shitty human being?", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "I often worry that all the people I love will abandon me, and even though it's not really founded and I know in the back of my head that it probably won't happen, it is still one of my largest fears.", "response_post": "What makes you think you're a shitty human being? I don't know who you are and I don't know your story, so pardon me if I'm coming as rude by saying this (that is not my intention, I'm solely trying to help), but maybe some of those reasons aren't founded. For example I often worry that all the people I love will abandon me, and even though it's not really founded and I know in the back of my head that it probably won't happen, it is still one of my largest fears.", "rp_id": "d3skpoa", "seeker_post": "I want to die. I fucking hate myself and my miserable existence. I'm a shitty excuse of a human being. I can't even kill myself properly but that probably won't stop me from trying again soon.", "sp_id": "4m4jic" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "If you ever need to talk, feel free to message me.", "emotionalStrength": "weak emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": ". I find thrill seeking helps me. I'm sure it's not the most productive strategy, but it definately gets me to keep waking up.", "response_post": "You don't overcome it. You learn to live with it. Its who you are and there's nothing wrong with that. I find thrill seeking helps me. I'm sure it's not the most productive strategy, but it definately gets me to keep waking up. If you ever need to talk, feel free to message me.", "rp_id": "d6vohtx", "seeker_post": "how do people deal with deprrssion. I got depression recently. Iv4 never had it before. Some days I wanna end my life and some days i am happy. How do people overcome this", "sp_id": "4zg350" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "The only way I'll exercise is if it's a real task that matters, like jogging to get to the bus stop on time or lifting furniture at work.I can't do the whole", "response_post": "The only way I'll exercise is if it's a real task that matters, like jogging to get to the bus stop on time or lifting furniture at work. I can't do the whole exercise for the sake of being healthy thing. I don't care enough about my health for that to work.", "rp_id": "drifrv3", "seeker_post": "Does anyone else have a hard time getting motivated to exercise?. I find exercise almost unbearable w/ depression.", "sp_id": "7kzcgw" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "Well I will find out because I can't even stay hard anymore, so I'm giving up on it. Going from 7 times a week to 0.", "rp_id": "dmh2dut", "seeker_post": "Does abstaining from masturbation cures depression?. At least for some people?", "sp_id": "6xmj77" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "I always have herbal OTC sleeping supplements prepared in case that happens. Relaxing teas works too but then you are sleepy and have to go to the toilet. In many cases they work pretty well", "response_post": "I always have herbal OTC sleeping supplements prepared in case that happens. Relaxing teas works too but then you are sleepy and have to go to the toilet. In many cases they work pretty well.", "rp_id": "dt9jqir", "seeker_post": "I've been laying in bed for 2 hours. I've been laying in the dark with my eyes closed for 2 hours and still can't fall asleep. I have to be up early for classes too. This sucks. I just want to sleep but my heart is pounding and i can't stop thinking. It feels like I'm wide awake.", "sp_id": "7t3djl" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "Oh crap dude me too", "emotionalStrength": "weak emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "I keep lying in bed all day and binge-eating junk food (like, an entire bag of hot cheetos and then more) and l always end up feeling even worse after but l can't stop", "response_post": "Oh crap dude me too... I keep lying in bed all day and binge-eating junk food (like, an entire bag of hot cheetos and then more) and l always end up feeling even worse after but l can't stop.", "rp_id": "dq4c90r", "seeker_post": "Sometimes I know that I am doing something that will make my depression worse but I just can't stop!. Over eating not making plans with friends ETC ETC", "sp_id": "7edbtz" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "If you want you can talk to me. Rant it out, listening", "emotionalStrength": "weak emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "weak explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "What currently feeling.", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "What currently feeling. If you want you can talk to me. Rant it out, listening", "rp_id": "dptbdol", "seeker_post": "I can't keep going.. It's getting very hard just to put up a fight.", "sp_id": "7cwhak" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "so sorry for what pain you are init just makes me mad that anyone has to feel this way about themselves.", "emotionalStrength": "strong emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "Why the heck do we hate ourselves?! Man such as crappy lie we have bought from seriously the pit of hell. Nothing else could be so evil as to make us not believe we are worthy and deserving of a good life just as much as everyone else. Sorry to get weird there, it just makes me mad that anyone has to feel this way about themselves. Anyway, I have one scar on my arm from one time that I tried that and there forever. It still makes me sad when I see it. so sorry for what pain you are in. There will be a time in your future where you will not feel so much pain and will hopefully even feel better about yourself & the future you will be so thankful if you permanently scar your face.", "rp_id": "e3l2pgj", "seeker_post": "Hang myself so much I've moved up to face cutting. There are times where I would like to smash a wine glad into my face, or fantasise about having my head smashed in. Today I started cutting my face.", "sp_id": "94he9x" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "Sometimes you got to find the right people to help you is all. I think you would be surprised sometimes the people who would be willing to help", "rp_id": "dptn6xo", "seeker_post": "Sometimes it difficult to ask for help. What is worse most people won't be willing to help.", "sp_id": "7cylmj" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "felt like that before and I honestly know what happened to change it. pretty sure I just got so good at hiding it and acting happy just started to believe myself", "response_post": "felt like that before and I honestly know what happened to change it. pretty sure I just got so good at hiding it and acting happy just started to believe myself", "rp_id": "e6n0hxs", "seeker_post": "Life is unbearable, what can I do?. I'm stuck in a prison. don't know.", "sp_id": "9iwtlh" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "Maybe. Maybe its increasing because people are getting convinced by others that they're depressed? But it is a sickness, so that sucks", "rp_id": "dl4scm6", "seeker_post": "Is it normal to be depressed ? Or is there something else wrong with you. I think i am but is depression just an excuse for something else ? What do you think I'm not sucidial I think it's selfish", "sp_id": "6rg6e3" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "not alone. PM me if you ever need someone to chat.", "emotionalStrength": "weak emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "not alone. PM me if you ever need someone to chat.", "rp_id": "dri8tql", "seeker_post": "I don't want to be here anymore.. Currently debating whether or not to end it. Im so lonely and lost.", "sp_id": "7kyxn8" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "Haven't tried it but know a medical professional that says it really works for many patients.", "response_post": "Haven't tried it but know a medical professional that says it really works for many patients. Not covered by insurance though.", "rp_id": "dr0erdd", "seeker_post": "Anyone tried ketamine infusions for depression?. Considering trying this treatment for depression, anyone already tried it?", "sp_id": "7imsph" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "I'm sorry it didn't work out", "emotionalStrength": "weak emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "You are capable of doing things on your own. If your boyfriend doesn't make you happy, you don't have to be with him. If you are worried about coping, you can take things slowly, step by step. I should follow my own advice here as well: don't be afraid to seek therapy if you can. It will help, even if it only helps a little. As for your job, I'm sorry it didn't work out. But don't let things ruminate in your mind. Worrying about them over and over does nothing to help you. *Depression thrives in rumination*. Try looking into mindfulness meditation. It's not spiritual garbage, it's literally training the neural pathways in your brain to put less weight on particular thoughts, so that you don't get stuck in negative feedback loops. It takes time to change your brain structure, but it can be done. Another thing is to find distractions. Productive is better, but if you keep the less productive ones in check they can be helpful also. Delve into hobbies or learn a new skill. Be social and try new things. That's the best way to cope in my opinion. I need to take my own advice.", "rp_id": "db5coj0", "seeker_post": "Why do I only want to sleep, cry, and eat? WTF is wrong with me?. I stupidly quit my job last week. I was becoming close with a guy that I stupidly became a jerk to all because I couldn't control my mood swings. My boyfriend only wants to fuck me. WTF should I do?", "sp_id": "5i4sn3" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "Same. I drink every night. I look forward to 731 every night so both my kids are in bed and I can pour myself four shots of whiskey", "response_post": "Same. I drink every night. I look forward to 731 every night so both my kids are in bed and I can pour myself four shots of whiskey", "rp_id": "dnhtsoh", "seeker_post": "I wish I could be drunk 24/7. I hate myself and my life. Nothing is enjoyable for me anymore sober.", "sp_id": "72cte1" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "Exercising has definitely helped me with depression, but for me, it wasn't a magic cure. Exercising did bring many other benefits as well though, including health benefits, physical appearance benefits, confidence benefits, etc", "response_post": "There are judgment free gyms out there such as Planet Fitness. Alternatively, you can buy your own gym equipment (e.g., dumbbells, resistance bands, etc.) / videos (e.g., P90X, Insanity) and work out at home. Exercising has definitely helped me with depression, but for me, it wasn't a magic cure. Exercising did bring many other benefits as well though, including health benefits, physical appearance benefits, confidence benefits, etc. So I highly recommend it", "rp_id": "d4h3bdz", "seeker_post": "Gym anxiety.. I've heard that exercising regularly helps deal with depression. But, I feel too anxious to go to the gym to exercise. Any tips on how I can deal with this?", "sp_id": "4p0rg1" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "That's an accurate description of the past 2 months of my life.", "rp_id": "d3k0o33", "seeker_post": "I spent today either staring blankly at a computer screen or my phone. Was too hurt to do anything today, really.", "sp_id": "4l3izw" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "If it was possible, we would live again but we are stuck in this.", "rp_id": "dqedmb8", "seeker_post": "I want to tear my skin off and become a new person. I feel like I'm constricted", "sp_id": "7fu3sn" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "I completely understand.The way I felt for my ex was unlike anything else. I never had such a connection with any other person before. It's been about 8 months since we've broke up, I'm still grieving.It's made me fall back into depression. I always thought I could do things myself, but I just realized recently that I can't. I can't always do things alone", "response_post": "I completely understand. The way I felt for my ex was unlike anything else. I never had such a connection with any other person before. It's been about 8 months since we've broke up, I'm still grieving. It's made me fall back into depression. I always thought I could do things myself, but I just realized recently that I can't. I can't always do things alone. I really just crave affection and appreciation.", "rp_id": "d0lzya7", "seeker_post": "My last love was my last love. Fuck this being in love isnt worth the pain when it ends. Im done trying to have proper relationships, when I next manage to get a job I'm just gonna start seeing prostitutes. Only female attention ive ever got any chance of having in the future anyway so fuck it.", "sp_id": "48rl93" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "Exactly the reason I stay away from Instagram, facebook, and snapchat now. Always makes me feel like shit", "response_post": "Exactly the reason I stay away from Instagram, facebook, and snapchat now. Always makes me feel like shit", "rp_id": "e90swnj", "seeker_post": "Anyone else hate social media stories?. Also lives bc they show other people having fun together just at the same time that you're sitting alone in a dark room wishing you weren't born. Also I see lots if things I wasn't invited to so that's always great", "sp_id": "9u0eyv" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "I wish there was something to look forward to.", "rp_id": "e9jjswi", "seeker_post": "when you find out drugs and sex are boring as hell. wtf do you even look forward to?", "sp_id": "9vvfoe" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "For me, I found my original dosage wasn't strong enough after a year or so and had to double up.", "response_post": "Therapy: it works if you have a good therapist who helps you understand yourself; why you feel or don't feel certain things, ways you bring certain miseries upon yourself. Also if they are a champion for you. What I mean by that is they empathize with you rather than shoving psycho babble down your throat. They offer real tools for help. Also, you have to put in the work. Therapy doesn't fix anything. Just helps educate you on how to better handle yourself. Meds also work, but sometimes you have to try a few different kinds to find the best fit for you. They don't work overnight either; they can take upwards of 10-14 days in most cases before your brain starts to readjust. For me, I found my original dosage wasn't strong enough after a year or so and had to double up.", "rp_id": "ddnk3bc", "seeker_post": "Does it help?. Does seeking a therapist or eating medicine helps?", "sp_id": "5tmcoq" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "Unfortunately im thin anyway and through depression i lost weight because of no appetite.With 24 years of age i look like a 14year old boy. No beard ,just 5", "response_post": "Unfortunately im thin anyway and through depression i lost weight because of no appetite.With 24 years of age i look like a 14year old boy. No beard ,just 56 of height. Fuck me.", "rp_id": "dgspjk8", "seeker_post": "I saw a photo of myself from a year ago. I... can't believe how much the anxiety, stress, and sadness has aged my face. I look like a different person. When did this happen? Has this happened to you too?", "sp_id": "67ptg1" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "I don't do anything because I'm depressed. I used to do things but gradually started feeling worse when I'd go out. Now when I try to make plans I can never follow through with them.I feel so bad about myself that I can change my mind about doing things very quickly.", "response_post": "I can't speak for you, but I don't do anything because I'm depressed. I used to do things but gradually started feeling worse when I'd go out. Now when I try to make plans I can never follow through with them. I feel so bad about myself that I can change my mind about doing things very quickly.", "rp_id": "czzhr0k", "seeker_post": "how to know whether .... I am depressed because I don't do anything or I don't do anything because I am depressed ?", "sp_id": "45q95z" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "Each year just keeps getting worse haha please end me", "response_post": "Each year just keeps getting worse haha please end me", "rp_id": "dr2ee5z", "seeker_post": "2017 has been my worst year. Without a better future in sight either :))", "sp_id": "7iu1d7" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "I would totally cry at my desk, no one even noticed.", "response_post": "I would totally cry at my desk, no one even noticed.", "rp_id": "dqxacjx", "seeker_post": "Anyone else occasionally have to go to your car or the bathroom during work to just cry?. Sometimes I just keep myself together for the whole work day", "sp_id": "7i9bab" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "All it does is make me feel worse because just feel selfish", "rp_id": "e53ar2e", "seeker_post": "I swear if one more person tells me: You only have one life, there is no time to waste worrying, you have an entire future ahead I will kick him/her in the crotch.. I am just tired of being tired of the same soul-sucking routine engraved in my DNA.", "sp_id": "9bg2jo" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "weak explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "Very shitty. And you, OP?", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "Very shitty. And you, OP?", "rp_id": "d8vk8ji", "seeker_post": "Hey!. How is life treating you today?", "sp_id": "57wcmu" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "Sorry to hear that", "emotionalStrength": "strong emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "Sorry to hear that. Hopefully it goes by quick.", "rp_id": "djn2aln", "seeker_post": "Another twelve hour graveyard shift. And I forgot to take my meds.. It's gonna be a long night </3", "sp_id": "6klnmi" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "This absolutely embodies everything I have ever felt", "response_post": "I don't have any good advice :( , sorry. This absolutely embodies everything I have ever felt, thanks for at least finding the words.", "rp_id": "deg3hfr", "seeker_post": "There's someone for everybody. The problem is, I'm nobody.", "sp_id": "5x7d0z" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "After hearing every line in the book, I found this single post surprisingly helpful", "rp_id": "e4lf15z", "seeker_post": "First step... The hardest step.. After enjoying 6years of depression and dark stuff on this sick brain... I've taken this step now. A few weeks in a mental hospital. Hoping to get out. Not sure why i Tell this here. Maybe hoping that others can take this step to. Good luck to all who are in this shitty shituation. #smallsteps", "sp_id": "9970re" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "weak explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "What help do you want", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "What help do you want", "rp_id": "eahxr1e", "seeker_post": "Hey guys. until the exam is half a year left . but I understand absolutely nothing. I feel like I can not fix it . What to do? Maybe to kill myself? But how? Also I have so many many problems.... ah. Depression.. help?", "sp_id": "a0ivgz" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "Sometimes it's just the environment you're given, and you have to adapt. I'm very impressed actually that you're able to go to another job interview, it shows some hunger and motivation. And that's the blessing", "rp_id": "dqnf9e1", "seeker_post": "Bank account will most likely hit 0...another job interview where I'm not the primary candidate. Still very unsure of my future... I'm plenty sick of living woth my family, and yet there's not much I can do about it.", "sp_id": "7h1jip" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "Stay strong friend Love", "emotionalStrength": "weak emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "Youa re comdemned to a life of freedom. Is an old quote i tihnk its from satre, but im not sure. And later there has been others who disagree. You are forced to become alive and aware that much is for sure. Unlike most animals you are a creature born with the abillity gather information and draw conclusion not jsut based on your senses, and that oftens leads to the question. Why am i alive? Not only that, you are forced into not just a world, but a particular part of the word, which then in turn will teach you values and conformaty, and for some people this works out well. If you can find it in yourself to look at the context you have born into and be satisfied with it, enjoy it and love it, if you can find shelter, food, sleep, joy, love and challenge in you enviroment. But for some of us, we don't fin those things, we suddenly find ourself in a enviroment that conflicts with our nature, the context of our existence is not operationable with the essence of our nature. You first statement i cannot, say is wrong, you didn't decide to exist, but netiher did you chose not to. And existing in of itself is not evil or good. But if the context of your life is making your life or nature feel haunted and painful. Then a there are options available. The first thing, no matter how you want to change your context for the better, rquires that you step back and see the context. Where are you from, what values have been impsoed on you, which makes sense to you which doesn't, how has these values been imposed, who has impsoed them. For these purposes your reasoning is a great tool. It easy to finda figure head or a single person to blame, but you really have to map it out, and see udnerstand ana analyse your einvirotment and the people in it, and then find the conflicts with your nature, the pain and sadness. Then you have to figure out a plan. And this is a tremendous task, not just do you have to think thoguhts you ahve not been taught to think, you have to be critical of a system that raised you and shaped you. You have to go against the nature of what normal is and accept yourself. And then you ahve to find out how you want to change the context of your life. alkohol amkes me miserable, and everyone i know drinks Find people you can exist with with out alcohol My father is violent Create an existence were you are independant from him School is terrible translate My class mates bully me daily Find another school thes are simple i know, and jsut examples. Now i know you asked why do i have to do all this hard work and i threw some of the most difficult work and ideas at you. But the things is all what ive jsut said is the reasonalbe arguemtn for you nature, essence and existence and a way to improve it. when you ask why, reason is not a tool that can answer. its like trying to build a ship using lead, sure maybe it can be done, but its deffinately not the best way. Refelection, abstract thought, contemplation, emotion, empathy. those are the tools to arrive at an answer. If reason was used, human life wouldn't really have value. If you were the head of state and only used reason, you would quickly realize, human lives are not what drives you foward, what makes progress and creates a super power. And lives could turn into numbers. Sure educated people anda strong work force is good reasonable arguments to have a population, but only if they are educated or strong. Using reason to determine worth of life can lead to terrible ideas or no answers. You have to work hard right now, because you are worth it depsise allt he pain you are in you are worth it, and you deserve to be your best you. And if you don't liek working 8 hours a day then sleep 8 hours and then have 8 hours for yourself. Then there are options, but because you born into this context you ahve to work hard to get to those oprions. It is hard to change your enviroment. You have to stay alive becuase, you know a humans life has worth and you are one. When you see another in pain you wish he wouldn't ahve to be, when i see your words and want to help you but am incapable i still try. You have worth because of all the thigns you have not done yet, and all the people who have not enjoyed you future self. Stay strong friend Love I wish i speleld better", "rp_id": "e79jlgs", "seeker_post": "I never asked to be alive, so why do I have to stay alive?. It wasn't my decision to come into this world. If no one wants me here than why do I have to work this hard to be here?", "sp_id": "9lu4cj" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "I feel for you", "emotionalStrength": "weak emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "I feel for you. Even minor setbacks can feel like major hurtles when depressed. found that setting small goals talking to myself positively helps. Maybe just start by trying to eat, shower, and get to sleep on time everyday. If you can do that, then consider the day a success. Having realistic expectations can help you be nicer to yourself. It sucks that going though difficult things and that may not fair, but gotta accept shit. Just work on the little things, my friend! So many things are out of our control.", "rp_id": "edom0lz", "seeker_post": "Not even 2 weeks into 2019 and already everything is going wrong :(. I was alone on new years as expected, don't know why I thought this would be my year. Already I have had a swollen infected gum and now what seems to be a kidney infection. I'm back to my crappy sleeping pattern and it's still the same old bullshit. A crazy family fight and other stupid shit. Why do I have to suffer, why can't I just have one good year? :(", "sp_id": "aebx7s" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "If you do it, it counts.", "rp_id": "e3sw18a", "seeker_post": "does it still count as exercise if i go back to sleep after?. like...i wake up early and run for a little bit then go back to sleep for the rest of the day. I do it but i feel like i accomplish anything and that makes me feel worse. but i wonder if maybe it is helping too sometimes.", "sp_id": "95hzea" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "I feel like shit too everyday. I just wanna fade away.", "response_post": "I feel like shit too everyday. I just wanna fade away.", "rp_id": "egy4d09", "seeker_post": "I just feel like shit.. I don't really know why. Everything's just so overwhelming all of sudden. I was feeling great this past month, but it's back. Did I do something wrong? I don't know why.", "sp_id": "asvhfd" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "For me, it's ironic, on one hand, I want to die ASAP maybe in my sleep, on the other, I want to live as long as possible to witness how far technology can reach, especially for astronomy and VR", "response_post": "I think it is objectively pointless, humans seek meaning in things, and life has no definite meaning. For me, it's ironic, on one hand, I want to die ASAP maybe in my sleep, on the other, I want to live as long as possible to witness how far technology can reach, especially for astronomy and VR. I suppose what I'm trying to say is, as many had said before, we have to find our own meanings. We have to find 'joy' somehow, within this pointless struggle until the day we die. It's tough, I know, for I suffer the same.", "rp_id": "dc5lebp", "seeker_post": "Lost In thought.... Why do I feel like living is so pointless?", "sp_id": "5mq9fs" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "I promise you out there there is someone who wants to love you.There are always people who want to be your friendI hope that you wanna talk more", "emotionalStrength": "weak emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "Im sorry that guys are douchebags. But honestly there are better people out there. I promise you out there there is someone who wants to love you. There are always people who want to be your friend, like me! I hope that you wanna talk more. -Reaper", "rp_id": "edm6gbd", "seeker_post": "Please help me. My ex fiance told me he's dating someone and doesn't want to get back together tonight after leading me on for two months. It's taking all I have not to kill myself. Please help me.", "sp_id": "ae3qg2" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "I have personally been trialling all different medications for approximately 4 years now with no luck, I have been through almost all of the available medications.", "response_post": "Medications work differently for everyone. Usually your doctor or psychiatrist will prescribe you with different ones depending on what you have tried that hasn't worked. I have personally been trialling all different medications for approximately 4 years now with no luck, I have been through almost all of the available medications.", "rp_id": "efcm2co", "seeker_post": "Medication that works?. I have been dealing with depression for a long time and I have tried a few medications with no results. Was just wondering what medications have worked for people so I could look into them and their cost / side affects. Thanks in advance.", "sp_id": "albfkl" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "Man, I fucked up really hard and my parents payed for it. I just fucked up again and they are paying for it again. It is the same mistake as before.I just keep relapsing and each relaps costs a lot of money and affects our relationship. I see no hope for myself, I will keep relapsing forever. I feel like killing myself would be the greater good.", "response_post": "Man, I fucked up really hard and my parents payed for it. I just fucked up again and they are paying for it again. It is the same mistake as before. I just keep relapsing and each relaps costs a lot of money and affects our relationship. I see no hope for myself, I will keep relapsing forever. I feel like killing myself would be the greater good.", "rp_id": "d4h1jnw", "seeker_post": "I just want to end it without affecting my parents. Just nothing is going well. The ruminations of past situations have been getting worse and no one is very understanding why it's so painful, to the point where two people just got fed up with me and made me feel worse. I just want to kill myself so badly.", "sp_id": "4p0a7c" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "33M here and gay. Never been in a relationship. Probably one of the most painful things to deal with.I feel like I might as well give up too at this point.", "response_post": "33M here and gay. Never been in a relationship. Probably one of the most painful things to deal with. I feel like I might as well give up too at this point.", "rp_id": "dfz9sw9", "seeker_post": "32m never had a girlfriend. It sucks that I've tried hard to find someone, even with online dating, but I feel like I'm going to be single forever. Not sure if I should just give up or keep trying", "sp_id": "643090" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "The reason I use to cut is I couldn't point to a part on my body and say", "response_post": "The reason I use to cut is I couldn't point to a part on my body and say it hurts here. It made me feel better at the time but it wasn't a real solution. You are in pain Broski. If that was me I would think that I had maybe an extra bad day/night and tried to fall back on old habits.", "rp_id": "dqq2u9q", "seeker_post": "Cutting. I'm not sure why I broke my streak of 8 months of no cutting but I don't feel any different, nor pain. I don't know whats wrong me. Help?", "sp_id": "7hdb2w" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "haha when I come back home I never even go out into my home town. I can't tell you how severe that problem is - if I met an old friend I'd black out...had a dream it's awful.", "response_post": "haha when I come back home I never even go out into my home town. I can't tell you how severe that problem is - if I met an old friend I'd black out...had a dream it's awful. That's the social side - could you imagine the questions?? What are you up to; what do you do etc. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK that", "rp_id": "d6ssx6a", "seeker_post": "Does anyone actually ever go to their high school reunions?. I couldn't imagine anything worse, not even hell itself.", "sp_id": "4z4hp6" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "You've built up a tolerance.", "rp_id": "dcnyiys", "seeker_post": "Vodka and malt liquor are not working anymore.. I need lots of vodka tomorrow.", "sp_id": "5p2qpo" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "I'm sorry, that is so sad!", "emotionalStrength": "strong emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "I'm sorry, that is so sad!!!! It is a cruel world. But you make it better with your kind, sensitive heart.", "rp_id": "dh9cb0u", "seeker_post": "My cat got shot by plumb and is dead now. I would have loved to never born and now I have to face so many things like that and I am so scared about dying and this world is so unfair", "sp_id": "69ts99" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "I know the feeling.", "emotionalStrength": "weak emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "I know the feeling. I'm just so tired. I don't want to play this game anymore", "response_post": "I know the feeling. I'm just so tired. I don't want to play this game anymore", "rp_id": "db2ou8t", "seeker_post": "I wake up and just want the day to be over already.. Like I have nothing to look forward to.", "sp_id": "5hratc" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "You could look forward to getting better. Slowly, and maybe never fully cured, but better. It's a good thing to aim for, unattainable as it seems.", "rp_id": "d2xgqay", "seeker_post": "i dont know what im living for anymore. there's nothing i'm truly looking forward to that is actually achievable. there's nothing but dread and anxiety for the future, both far- and near-. god damnit. i dont know why im alive.", "sp_id": "4iekwk" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "That was my first and last W", "response_post": "That was my first and last W", "rp_id": "ebbmeki", "seeker_post": "I had more motivation as a sperm. I won a big marathon against billions lol.", "sp_id": "a40jby" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "If I tried this I'd be getting up at 3:30am instead of 5:30am", "response_post": "If I tried this I'd be getting up at 3:30am instead of 5:30am....", "rp_id": "e58yozs", "seeker_post": "I made it through my first 40 hour work week without calling in, leaving early or coming in late in almost a year.. I know how but I did.", "sp_id": "9c5fwd" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "You are not alone. Just remember that.", "emotionalStrength": "weak emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "You are not alone. Just remember that.", "rp_id": "d1v69as", "seeker_post": "I wish i was dead.. Its nearly 12 midnight. Does anyone cares?", "sp_id": "4dwwoz" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "That statement is bullshit. I'm the toxic, negative person in my life.", "rp_id": "dugywfy", "seeker_post": "“Remove negative people from your life.”. I always see this little tidbit in articles about how to overcome depression. Bitch, the most negative person in my life. not the problem, I am. I want to be friends with/date a cold stone like me either. So should I just remove myself from my life then??", "sp_id": "7yeqp4" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "Get some yummy ice cream!!", "rp_id": "e0f3f8e", "seeker_post": "Eating food but it tastes bland. I can't even feel happy with pizza.", "sp_id": "8pymdk" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "I agree", "emotionalStrength": "weak emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "Last week I had a day where I was so happy and everything was fine. Then one thing didn't go the way I wanted it to and I was crying at work within the next hour", "response_post": "I agree. Last week I had a day where I was so happy and everything was fine. Then one thing didn't go the way I wanted it to and I was crying at work within the next hour... hate feeling like that too.", "rp_id": "duvzt39", "seeker_post": "I don't really see a point in living if my life is like this. My depression is probably at the lowest point it's ever been and no matter how hard I try I can't seem to get any help. One small, completely irrelevant moment in my day can change me completely, and I really don't like who I am when that happens. Sometimes I have days when I'm so happy I literally shake, and every morning when I wake up feeling my usual shitty self I can't help but wish I was having another one, which just makes everything so much worse I just want to be normal again, instead of feeling like every day is another complete waste of time.", "sp_id": "80j21c" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "Like crazy, video game all the time, im scared to not, getting really bored of it tbh, but cant do nothing, brain will kill me", "response_post": "Like crazy, video game all the time, im scared to not, getting really bored of it tbh, but cant do nothing, brain will kill me", "rp_id": "detlzz3", "seeker_post": "I can't be the only one to fantasize, right?. I have been spending a fair amount of time fantasizing about stuff lately. It's about tons of stuff really and I like falling to sleep while doing so. Does anyone else do this?", "sp_id": "5ytpwn" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "It's usually innocent ignorance. Most people don't understand doesn't mean anything for what's true, except it's really difficult to have an illness that goes unrecognized. ​", "rp_id": "efqym8h", "seeker_post": "Nobody really cares that you have depression. It’s not even considered an illness in most people’s minds. You get more support for having a cold than depression, even thought 1,000,000 people die from it each year,. Title says it all really. Most people care that you have depression. In most minds, something you snap out or just up, not that They understand the existential loneliness and emptiness that comes with it, in each waking moment. I just feel so disconnected from everything.", "sp_id": "amqzij" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "Oh, my family does that all the time. Like, what do you expect. Also, when they say they're feeling worse than I am for having to watch me depressedLike, hello, I'm depressed here, not you. And when they try to blane it all on my anxiety and my negativity, like I'm to blame people generally don't like me.", "response_post": "Oh, my family does that all the time. Like, what do you expect. Also, when they say they're feeling worse than I am for having to watch me depressed. Like, hello, I'm depressed here, not you. And when they try to blane it all on my anxiety and my negativity, like I'm to blame people generally don't like me.", "rp_id": "dyr6p2t", "seeker_post": "wow, being yelled at that you're too negative sure makes me feel better!. it definitely doesn't make me feel worse or anything. yelling at a depressed person is definitely the correct choice, instead of being supportive.", "sp_id": "8idu1g" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "It means that you have transformed your misery in a fundamental aspect of your identity and anything and everything that happens in your life is gonna be somehow linked to that. It is gonna become impossible to differ between what is truly a hardship from what you are deciding to see as such, because pain has settled within yourself to the point that things would not make any sense if it was not present, so you will inflict it upon yourself to return to the only state of familiarity that you know: being miserable. The term fetishizing is used in a harsh, accusatory, pejorative way, blaming the characters for perpetually watching their lives through the blackest prism, but the truth is they just do not know any better than to do so. Furthermore, fetishes are often believed to be shameful and obscene in nature, because such random, nonsexual items PRODUCE intense satisfaction, whereas people that are accused of fetishizing sadness are just sheltering themselves (if i fuck myself up, no one else will).", "rp_id": "e7r2z5b", "seeker_post": "“Fetishizing sadness”?. I just finished binging BoJack Horseman, and something that gets brought up semi-regularly is your own What is this and how do I avoid it?", "sp_id": "9o2bo1" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "Haha. Same exact medications. No. It did nothing. Didn't even notice it.", "rp_id": "dcxxw33", "seeker_post": "Has anyone here had success with Mirtazapine (Remeron)?. I've tried Zoloft, Prozac, Citalopram and Venlafaxine (Effexor).", "sp_id": "5qb992" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "strong explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "what do you base those views off of if nothing else has a point for existence?If it is meaningless then what else is there to be meaningful?Whats the fun in easy?", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "Whats the fun in easy? We all die in the end... there is no reason to rush it :) nothing matters beyond what we want to matter, but if you conclude that life is meaningless and boring and hard then whats the point in that perspective? If it is meaningless then what else is there to be meaningful? what do you base those views off of if nothing else has a point for existence? Of course that assumes you actually think it's pointless or meaningless... or hard, which you do there for, how do you know something you've never experience is easier? Ah my rambling gets me nowhere because no one else cares to see it that way... eh oh well. Anyways, what is troubling you?", "rp_id": "cyxuih5", "seeker_post": "I just want it all to be over already. it would be a whole lot easier than this shit", "sp_id": "40xgft" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "strong explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "What are you getting into?", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "What are you getting into?", "rp_id": "dbekejn", "seeker_post": "Just go into my dream school.... But my depressed ass doesn't even care that much. I really want to be thrilled but people keep saying congratulations and I feel nothing. Edit: can't even spell the title right. Got, not go", "sp_id": "5ja51t" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "weak explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "Why do you feel like this?", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "Hey, what's up? Why do you feel like this?", "rp_id": "dpi980d", "seeker_post": "My spirit is broken.. And I can't stop thinking of suicide.", "sp_id": "7bhyiy" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "Yeah I'm all about this - fairly sure it's just a digital opioid but when I'm lonely they're always around for me. To be fair though I'm different than most ITT that I watch lots of documentaries, food shows, and makers", "response_post": "Yeah I'm all about this - fairly sure it's just a digital opioid but when I'm lonely they're always around for me. To be fair though I'm different than most ITT that I watch lots of documentaries, food shows, and makers. If you like food/fermentation and hilarious personalities I'd recommend It's Alive with Brad (from Bon Appetit) or Action Bronson stuff from Vice; and if you want a room full of weirdo friends, doesn't get better than the Chris Gethard show", "rp_id": "dt2auro", "seeker_post": "I feel like my only friends are the Youtubers I watch every day. And they're clearly not actually my friends... they just make me feel like friends are around, I like seeing familiar faces and hearing familiar voices joking around because that's the only time I get to experience that. How pathetic.", "sp_id": "7s2wnt" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "I of course don't know your situation as well as you, but i think it could be worth a shot to organize something with a group of friends. That way, you are involved because you are organizing. Idk what's going on with you, but i think it could work out", "rp_id": "dtg13z2", "seeker_post": "I will never be anybody's favorite.. I will always be the backup, the good friend. Someone else will always be picked over me. I have never been somebody's very best friend, and I never will be. And that hurts, so very much.", "sp_id": "7ttmro" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "I can relate", "emotionalStrength": "weak emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "I can relate, I hate having no structure at all. I just know what to do with myself all day, and I feel very lonely", "response_post": "I can relate, I hate having no structure at all. I just know what to do with myself all day, and I feel very lonely.", "rp_id": "egq26dg", "seeker_post": "does anyone else find sunday the hardest day of the week?. I find myself at my lowest on sunday. probably because I have things to do, and places I'm expected to be. but sunday is just unbearable. anyone else?", "sp_id": "arw86q" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "I quit my job recently but I've been here for a year and a half. I'm so glad I'm leaving though. This place makes me suicidal.", "response_post": "I quit my job recently but I've been here for a year and a half. I'm so glad I'm leaving though. This place makes me suicidal.", "rp_id": "dfdvsxe", "seeker_post": "Has anyone here quit their job after a short period of time?. I'm thinking about doing that. I'm not happy at work.", "sp_id": "61cmzj" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "Hope you feel better", "emotionalStrength": "weak emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "My best suggestion is to talk it out with someone you trust, explain the feeling you have and express what you feel like doing. If you continue to feel this way, seek help from a professional. Hope you feel better", "rp_id": "e0h0l90", "seeker_post": "Depressed and IDK why. Does anyone else ever get Depressed and have no Idea why. I've felt this way for about a week now and have no idea why and no idea what to do", "sp_id": "8q78ps" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "the road gets a little brighter. May you walk on warm sands, traveler.", "emotionalStrength": "weak emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "I've had feelings of contentment and I guess warm feelings, but I think it's more than that. I think the best way is to sometimes look at yourself like you are a close friend and treat yourself accordingly. Because actions make a huge impact and if you do things like removing yourself from unnecessary stressful situations and not committing self-sabotage (me sometimes lol),", "response_post": "I don't know if I know exactly. I've had feelings of contentment and I guess warm feelings, but I think it's more than that. I think the best way is to sometimes look at yourself like you are a close friend and treat yourself accordingly. Because actions make a huge impact and if you do things like removing yourself from unnecessary stressful situations and not committing self-sabotage (me sometimes lol), the road gets a little brighter. May you walk on warm sands, traveler.", "rp_id": "dspm96d", "seeker_post": "What does it feel like to love yourself?. It's a geniune question. I am curious because I've only hated myself.", "sp_id": "7qjlb1" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "strong explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "Aren't you proud about your kids", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "Aren't you proud about your kids", "rp_id": "eccxa80", "seeker_post": "Feeling pointless. My life is feeling pointless and meaningless. My kids are almost grown and they're never here as it is. I have no career or anything to show for my life and just feeling worthless.", "sp_id": "a8qz55" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "Why was the blonde excited about taking 6 months to finish her puzzle? The box said 2-4 years lol", "rp_id": "d43kky6", "seeker_post": "im depressed. can someone lift me up for a bit?", "sp_id": "4nfkpk" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "strong explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "Is there anywhere else you can go? A shelter or a friend's house or move in with a sibling or something?", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "Is there anywhere else you can go? A shelter or a friend's house or move in with a sibling or something? :(", "rp_id": "d5yv2yi", "seeker_post": "Can I even consider family as family anymore?. I tried hanging myself a 2 weeks back, and my parents just stood there and watched. I failed, because the hook I attached the rope onto in the ceiling detached and I fell. My parents laughed and went to sleep a few minutes later, while I stayed awake the entire night. Can I even consider them family anymore?", "sp_id": "4vjbxw" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "Same! I have lots of homework that need to be done, but I do it, driving me insane. I even do simple always so exhausted. Especially at school!", "response_post": "Same! I have lots of homework that need to be done, but I do it, driving me insane. I even do simple always so exhausted. Especially at school!", "rp_id": "e6ea3l1", "seeker_post": "My brain is leaking.. Has anyone dreamt all night about some small task that needs to be done no matter how trivial it might be. I'm exhausted over a 5 minute project that won't matter if I do it or not.", "sp_id": "9ht26a" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "strong interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "I always wanted to die in my dreams because I'd like to believe I'd get to stay in them", "response_post": "I always wanted to die in my dreams because I'd like to believe I'd get to stay in them. Probably wouldn't happen that way.", "rp_id": "dt1xmsd", "seeker_post": "Die... tired, things are getting way too hard these days. I dont want to commit suicide, for now. I hope just die in my sleep.", "sp_id": "7s3lnz" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "None", "emotionalStrength": "no emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "strong explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "do you have medical training?", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "Not to sound harsh here, but do you have medical training? You shouldn't be diagnosing yourself. There are plenty of professionals who can do that for you and provide any help you may need.", "rp_id": "dwezjcf", "seeker_post": "How do you know if you have depression?. At what point can someone know? How can I diagnose myself?", "sp_id": "87rmyd" }
{ "emotionalPortion": "It could be a medical condition, and you shouldn't be ashamed.", "emotionalStrength": "weak emotional reaction", "explorationStrength": "no explorational reaction", "explorationsPortion": "None", "interpretationStrength": "no interpretational reaction", "interpretationsPortion": "None", "response_post": "It could be a medical condition, and you shouldn't be ashamed. I recommend you see a doctor about it.", "rp_id": "dqzo6ks", "seeker_post": "I just woke up in a puddle of my own piss.. I lay on a inflatable mattress so my cloths and my cover just absorbed everything. On top of that its so I was shaking from being soaked. Why does shit like this happen to me? Just when I thought things were okay stupid shit like this happens. Fml.", "sp_id": "7ikzbl" }