user: i'm a cashier at a texas chain. i got scammed out of $93 by the "quick-change scam" and the gm wants me to pay her $100 out of my own money to cover the loss. the entire incident is on camera. i was fooled by the customer who ended up leaving the store and not waiting for her take out order which is further proof she knew what she was doing. am i required to pay my gm? the store is under a franchise. bot: not directly answering the question, but as someone who was a cashier for years and years, if anyone in a cash handling position reading this post should ever encounter a similar situation: if, at any time, you feel that something is off about a transaction, return all of the cash to the till, close it, and call a senior cashier/manager over to assist you. you can explain very frankly that you've lost track of things and you need to have your drawer counted. tell them that no money has been lost, the customer will be made whole in a few moments, and the entire transaction is recorded to make sure that everyone will get what's due. the senior person will take over and make things right, or at least eliminate the chance of further loss. there may be some complaining about it all, but this is the way to protect your job and the store's assets.
user: i'm a cashier at a texas chain. i got scammed out of $93 by the "quick-change scam" and the gm wants me to pay her $100 out of my own money to cover the loss. the entire incident is on camera. i was fooled by the customer who ended up leaving the store and not waiting for her take out order which is further proof she knew what she was doing. am i required to pay my gm? the store is under a franchise. bot: i don't understand what the scam was if the $100 was real
user: i'm a cashier at a texas chain. i got scammed out of $93 by the "quick-change scam" and the gm wants me to pay her $100 out of my own money to cover the loss. the entire incident is on camera. i was fooled by the customer who ended up leaving the store and not waiting for her take out order which is further proof she knew what she was doing. am i required to pay my gm? the store is under a franchise. bot: not directly answering the question, but as someone who was a cashier for years and years, if anyone in a cash handling position reading this post should ever encounter a similar situation: if, at any time, you feel that something is off about a transaction, return all of the cash to the till, close it, and call a senior cashier/manager over to assist you. you can explain very frankly that you've lost track of things and you need to have your drawer counted. tell them that no money has been lost, the customer will be made whole in a few moments, and the entire transaction is recorded to make sure that everyone will get what's due. the senior person will take over and make things right, or at least eliminate the chance of further loss. there may be some complaining about it all, but this is the way to protect your job and the store's assets.
user: i'm a cashier at a texas chain. i got scammed out of $93 by the "quick-change scam" and the gm wants me to pay her $100 out of my own money to cover the loss. the entire incident is on camera. i was fooled by the customer who ended up leaving the store and not waiting for her take out order which is further proof she knew what she was doing. am i required to pay my gm? the store is under a franchise. bot: **i am not a lawyer, do not live in tx** i know that some states and businesses require that people repay any financial loss resulting from their negligence (eg, giving a customer more change than warranted, etc.). i am aware of no state, however, that requires someone to pay *more* than the actual loss. you may be legally required to pay the $93 but in no way should you be forced to pay the additional $7 as this is an unreasonable enrichment of the gm beyond the actual loss.
user: friend is having a baby, landlord raised the rent from $1200 to $2200 with 40 days notice in glenwood springs co – anything that can be done? friend is having a baby, landlord got wind and raised the rent from $1200 to $2200 with 40 days notice in glenwood springs co – anything that can be done? this seems completely insane, options in this area are completely unavailable. bot: not a lawyer. looks like there's no cap to how much a landlord can increase rent in co, but it does look like they can only raise it once in a continuous 12 month period, and must give 60 days notice to all tenants without a written agreement. if there were previous raises in the rent in the past this may qualify as an illegal raise in rent. otherwise this may be best to call an attorney or your housing dept in the area. edit: it also looks like there's a way to combat retaliation rent raises if the landlord is doing it for a familial reason. if there's any proof that the landlord was aware there would be a new child introduced into the apartments it's possible you'd have a case against a retaliation rent raise
user: friend is having a baby, landlord raised the rent from $1200 to $2200 with 40 days notice in glenwood springs co – anything that can be done? friend is having a baby, landlord got wind and raised the rent from $1200 to $2200 with 40 days notice in glenwood springs co – anything that can be done? this seems completely insane, options in this area are completely unavailable. bot: if the lease is month to month the ll can raise the rent anytime subject to time notification limits in your state/jurisdiction. in my state, michigan, a ll has to give at least 30 days (1 month) notice.
user: friend is having a baby, landlord raised the rent from $1200 to $2200 with 40 days notice in glenwood springs co – anything that can be done? friend is having a baby, landlord got wind and raised the rent from $1200 to $2200 with 40 days notice in glenwood springs co – anything that can be done? this seems completely insane, options in this area are completely unavailable. bot: there isn't enough information here. is there a written lease? what is the term? when does it end? if it is month to month or the term is about to end, it is possible that the landlord could raise the rent. however, colorado recently passed a law that only allows rent to be raised once per year. was rent raised within the last year? also, colorado requires notice of 60 days before rent is increased unless something different was agreed to in the lease. again, is there a written lease and what is the time period specified for increasing rent in that lease? if there is no written lease, the notice must be 60 days. colorado does not limit the amount of rent increase by landlords. if your friend qualifies financially, she may apply for legal representation through colorado legal services. if not, she would need to hire an attorney who handles landlord/tenant law, although that will likely cost several thousand dollars.
user: friend is having a baby, landlord raised the rent from $1200 to $2200 with 40 days notice in glenwood springs co – anything that can be done? friend is having a baby, landlord got wind and raised the rent from $1200 to $2200 with 40 days notice in glenwood springs co – anything that can be done? this seems completely insane, options in this area are completely unavailable. bot: if the lease is month to month the ll can raise the rent anytime subject to time notification limits in your state/jurisdiction. in my state, michigan, a ll has to give at least 30 days (1 month) notice.
user: friend is having a baby, landlord raised the rent from $1200 to $2200 with 40 days notice in glenwood springs co – anything that can be done? friend is having a baby, landlord got wind and raised the rent from $1200 to $2200 with 40 days notice in glenwood springs co – anything that can be done? this seems completely insane, options in this area are completely unavailable. bot: hey op, fellow coloradan here. a local option: alpine legal services has offered tenants' rights workshops in the past and may be able to help. they also have "ask a lawyer" consultations by phone on wednesday evenings (so, tomorrow!). i feel for you, the housing market is batshit here.
user: friend is having a baby, landlord raised the rent from $1200 to $2200 with 40 days notice in glenwood springs co – anything that can be done? friend is having a baby, landlord got wind and raised the rent from $1200 to $2200 with 40 days notice in glenwood springs co – anything that can be done? this seems completely insane, options in this area are completely unavailable. bot: if the lease is month to month the ll can raise the rent anytime subject to time notification limits in your state/jurisdiction. in my state, michigan, a ll has to give at least 30 days (1 month) notice.
user: friend is having a baby, landlord raised the rent from $1200 to $2200 with 40 days notice in glenwood springs co – anything that can be done? friend is having a baby, landlord got wind and raised the rent from $1200 to $2200 with 40 days notice in glenwood springs co – anything that can be done? this seems completely insane, options in this area are completely unavailable. bot: no one can really answer this without knowing what the lease says.
user: friend is having a baby, landlord raised the rent from $1200 to $2200 with 40 days notice in glenwood springs co – anything that can be done? friend is having a baby, landlord got wind and raised the rent from $1200 to $2200 with 40 days notice in glenwood springs co – anything that can be done? this seems completely insane, options in this area are completely unavailable. bot: if the lease is month to month the ll can raise the rent anytime subject to time notification limits in your state/jurisdiction. in my state, michigan, a ll has to give at least 30 days (1 month) notice.
user: can i sue the person i bought my house from a year ago? i bought my first house almost a year ago, no disclaimers on the ad or selling papers, and the inspector said it was good so i thought i lucked out. my brother owns a handyman business and mentioned it was weird one of the pipes were slanted. he called a plumber to see what they thought. they snaked the pipe and 9ft in it was collapsed, sandwiched. immediately we got multiple quotes and went forward in fixing it. one of my brothers customers is a realtor and later when he found out what house i bought he mentioned he almost bought that exact one! my brother asked why he didn’t. he told my brother he found out the pipe collapsed and told the seller to fix it or he would back out of the purchase, they said no and he backed out. but fast forwarding to now he never told us about the pipe or put a disclaimer but knew about it the whole time… i did more digging… the seller was the wife of the selling realtor. can i sue them to get my money back from the amount the job costed? ($10,000) thank you!! please help! bot: not a lawyer. you should have a seller disclosure form in your closing package which contains a series of questions regarding the property that the seller is required to answer. you may look in there to see if it references any known plumbing or pipe issues. if they answered no, and you have proof to the contrary, that may be a big help. your agent may be able to help you as well. good luck!
user: can i sue the person i bought my house from a year ago? i bought my first house almost a year ago, no disclaimers on the ad or selling papers, and the inspector said it was good so i thought i lucked out. my brother owns a handyman business and mentioned it was weird one of the pipes were slanted. he called a plumber to see what they thought. they snaked the pipe and 9ft in it was collapsed, sandwiched. immediately we got multiple quotes and went forward in fixing it. one of my brothers customers is a realtor and later when he found out what house i bought he mentioned he almost bought that exact one! my brother asked why he didn’t. he told my brother he found out the pipe collapsed and told the seller to fix it or he would back out of the purchase, they said no and he backed out. but fast forwarding to now he never told us about the pipe or put a disclaimer but knew about it the whole time… i did more digging… the seller was the wife of the selling realtor. can i sue them to get my money back from the amount the job costed? ($10,000) thank you!! please help! bot: --- > --- *i am a bot whose sole purpose is to improve the timeliness and accuracy of responses in this subreddit.* --- **it appears you forgot to include your location in the title or body of your post. please update the body of your original post to include this information.** --- ***do not delete this post - instead, simply edit the post with the requested information.*** --- author: /u/jarredhk title: **can i sue the person i bought my house from a year ago?** original post: > i bought my first house almost a year ago, no disclaimers on the ad or selling papers, and the inspector said it was good so i thought i lucked out. my brother owns a handyman business and mentioned it was weird one of the pipes were slanted. he called a plumber to see what they thought. they snaked the pipe and 9ft in it was collapsed, sandwiched. immediately we got multiple quotes and went forward in fixing it. one of my brothers customers is a realtor and later when he found out what house i bought he mentioned he almost bought that exact one! my brother asked why he didn’t. he told my brother he found out the pipe collapsed and told the seller to fix it or he would back out of the purchase, they said no and he backed out. but fast forwarding to now he never told us about the pipe or put a disclaimer but knew about it the whole time… i did more digging… the seller was the wife of the selling realtor. can i sue them to get my money back from the amount the job costed? ($10,000) > > thank you!! please help! --- locationbot 4.99998891 ^109/37rds | report issues | >!adeb1pvectmyyujb!<
user: can i sue the person i bought my house from a year ago? i bought my first house almost a year ago, no disclaimers on the ad or selling papers, and the inspector said it was good so i thought i lucked out. my brother owns a handyman business and mentioned it was weird one of the pipes were slanted. he called a plumber to see what they thought. they snaked the pipe and 9ft in it was collapsed, sandwiched. immediately we got multiple quotes and went forward in fixing it. one of my brothers customers is a realtor and later when he found out what house i bought he mentioned he almost bought that exact one! my brother asked why he didn’t. he told my brother he found out the pipe collapsed and told the seller to fix it or he would back out of the purchase, they said no and he backed out. but fast forwarding to now he never told us about the pipe or put a disclaimer but knew about it the whole time… i did more digging… the seller was the wife of the selling realtor. can i sue them to get my money back from the amount the job costed? ($10,000) thank you!! please help! bot: not a lawyer, whoever handled the closing on this property is probably a good first point of contact. this is very much "consult with a real estate attorney" territory. whoever handled the closing will likely know what is or is not covered in the papers signed by seller/buyer coupled to state/county/municipal regulations.
user: can i sue the person i bought my house from a year ago? i bought my first house almost a year ago, no disclaimers on the ad or selling papers, and the inspector said it was good so i thought i lucked out. my brother owns a handyman business and mentioned it was weird one of the pipes were slanted. he called a plumber to see what they thought. they snaked the pipe and 9ft in it was collapsed, sandwiched. immediately we got multiple quotes and went forward in fixing it. one of my brothers customers is a realtor and later when he found out what house i bought he mentioned he almost bought that exact one! my brother asked why he didn’t. he told my brother he found out the pipe collapsed and told the seller to fix it or he would back out of the purchase, they said no and he backed out. but fast forwarding to now he never told us about the pipe or put a disclaimer but knew about it the whole time… i did more digging… the seller was the wife of the selling realtor. can i sue them to get my money back from the amount the job costed? ($10,000) thank you!! please help! bot: a year is quite a long time.... the legal cost would more than likely be way more than the cost to fix the problem. it sucks but you did everything you could to mitigate the risk.
user: can i sue the person i bought my house from a year ago? i bought my first house almost a year ago, no disclaimers on the ad or selling papers, and the inspector said it was good so i thought i lucked out. my brother owns a handyman business and mentioned it was weird one of the pipes were slanted. he called a plumber to see what they thought. they snaked the pipe and 9ft in it was collapsed, sandwiched. immediately we got multiple quotes and went forward in fixing it. one of my brothers customers is a realtor and later when he found out what house i bought he mentioned he almost bought that exact one! my brother asked why he didn’t. he told my brother he found out the pipe collapsed and told the seller to fix it or he would back out of the purchase, they said no and he backed out. but fast forwarding to now he never told us about the pipe or put a disclaimer but knew about it the whole time… i did more digging… the seller was the wife of the selling realtor. can i sue them to get my money back from the amount the job costed? ($10,000) thank you!! please help! bot: not a lawyer, whoever handled the closing on this property is probably a good first point of contact. this is very much "consult with a real estate attorney" territory. whoever handled the closing will likely know what is or is not covered in the papers signed by seller/buyer coupled to state/county/municipal regulations.
user: can i sue the person i bought my house from a year ago? i bought my first house almost a year ago, no disclaimers on the ad or selling papers, and the inspector said it was good so i thought i lucked out. my brother owns a handyman business and mentioned it was weird one of the pipes were slanted. he called a plumber to see what they thought. they snaked the pipe and 9ft in it was collapsed, sandwiched. immediately we got multiple quotes and went forward in fixing it. one of my brothers customers is a realtor and later when he found out what house i bought he mentioned he almost bought that exact one! my brother asked why he didn’t. he told my brother he found out the pipe collapsed and told the seller to fix it or he would back out of the purchase, they said no and he backed out. but fast forwarding to now he never told us about the pipe or put a disclaimer but knew about it the whole time… i did more digging… the seller was the wife of the selling realtor. can i sue them to get my money back from the amount the job costed? ($10,000) thank you!! please help! bot: you would be better off filing a complaint with the realtor board in your state. the agent would not risk his license over a $10k repair.
user: can i sue the person i bought my house from a year ago? i bought my first house almost a year ago, no disclaimers on the ad or selling papers, and the inspector said it was good so i thought i lucked out. my brother owns a handyman business and mentioned it was weird one of the pipes were slanted. he called a plumber to see what they thought. they snaked the pipe and 9ft in it was collapsed, sandwiched. immediately we got multiple quotes and went forward in fixing it. one of my brothers customers is a realtor and later when he found out what house i bought he mentioned he almost bought that exact one! my brother asked why he didn’t. he told my brother he found out the pipe collapsed and told the seller to fix it or he would back out of the purchase, they said no and he backed out. but fast forwarding to now he never told us about the pipe or put a disclaimer but knew about it the whole time… i did more digging… the seller was the wife of the selling realtor. can i sue them to get my money back from the amount the job costed? ($10,000) thank you!! please help! bot: not a lawyer, whoever handled the closing on this property is probably a good first point of contact. this is very much "consult with a real estate attorney" territory. whoever handled the closing will likely know what is or is not covered in the papers signed by seller/buyer coupled to state/county/municipal regulations.
user: can i sue the person i bought my house from a year ago? i bought my first house almost a year ago, no disclaimers on the ad or selling papers, and the inspector said it was good so i thought i lucked out. my brother owns a handyman business and mentioned it was weird one of the pipes were slanted. he called a plumber to see what they thought. they snaked the pipe and 9ft in it was collapsed, sandwiched. immediately we got multiple quotes and went forward in fixing it. one of my brothers customers is a realtor and later when he found out what house i bought he mentioned he almost bought that exact one! my brother asked why he didn’t. he told my brother he found out the pipe collapsed and told the seller to fix it or he would back out of the purchase, they said no and he backed out. but fast forwarding to now he never told us about the pipe or put a disclaimer but knew about it the whole time… i did more digging… the seller was the wife of the selling realtor. can i sue them to get my money back from the amount the job costed? ($10,000) thank you!! please help! bot: --- > --- *i am a bot whose sole purpose is to improve the timeliness and accuracy of responses in this subreddit.* --- **it appears you forgot to include your location in the title or body of your post. please update the body of your original post to include this information.** --- ***do not delete this post - instead, simply edit the post with the requested information.*** --- author: /u/jarredhk title: **can i sue the person i bought my house from a year ago?** original post: > i bought my first house almost a year ago, no disclaimers on the ad or selling papers, and the inspector said it was good so i thought i lucked out. my brother owns a handyman business and mentioned it was weird one of the pipes were slanted. he called a plumber to see what they thought. they snaked the pipe and 9ft in it was collapsed, sandwiched. immediately we got multiple quotes and went forward in fixing it. one of my brothers customers is a realtor and later when he found out what house i bought he mentioned he almost bought that exact one! my brother asked why he didn’t. he told my brother he found out the pipe collapsed and told the seller to fix it or he would back out of the purchase, they said no and he backed out. but fast forwarding to now he never told us about the pipe or put a disclaimer but knew about it the whole time… i did more digging… the seller was the wife of the selling realtor. can i sue them to get my money back from the amount the job costed? ($10,000) > > thank you!! please help! --- locationbot 4.99998891 ^109/37rds | report issues | >!adeb1pvectmyyujb!<
user: can i sue the person i bought my house from a year ago? i bought my first house almost a year ago, no disclaimers on the ad or selling papers, and the inspector said it was good so i thought i lucked out. my brother owns a handyman business and mentioned it was weird one of the pipes were slanted. he called a plumber to see what they thought. they snaked the pipe and 9ft in it was collapsed, sandwiched. immediately we got multiple quotes and went forward in fixing it. one of my brothers customers is a realtor and later when he found out what house i bought he mentioned he almost bought that exact one! my brother asked why he didn’t. he told my brother he found out the pipe collapsed and told the seller to fix it or he would back out of the purchase, they said no and he backed out. but fast forwarding to now he never told us about the pipe or put a disclaimer but knew about it the whole time… i did more digging… the seller was the wife of the selling realtor. can i sue them to get my money back from the amount the job costed? ($10,000) thank you!! please help! bot: it would depend on whether in your jurisdiction the nature of the problem was one of the things that had to be disclosed on pre-sale disclosures.
user: can i sue the person i bought my house from a year ago? i bought my first house almost a year ago, no disclaimers on the ad or selling papers, and the inspector said it was good so i thought i lucked out. my brother owns a handyman business and mentioned it was weird one of the pipes were slanted. he called a plumber to see what they thought. they snaked the pipe and 9ft in it was collapsed, sandwiched. immediately we got multiple quotes and went forward in fixing it. one of my brothers customers is a realtor and later when he found out what house i bought he mentioned he almost bought that exact one! my brother asked why he didn’t. he told my brother he found out the pipe collapsed and told the seller to fix it or he would back out of the purchase, they said no and he backed out. but fast forwarding to now he never told us about the pipe or put a disclaimer but knew about it the whole time… i did more digging… the seller was the wife of the selling realtor. can i sue them to get my money back from the amount the job costed? ($10,000) thank you!! please help! bot: you would be better off filing a complaint with the realtor board in your state. the agent would not risk his license over a $10k repair.
user: can i sue the person i bought my house from a year ago? i bought my first house almost a year ago, no disclaimers on the ad or selling papers, and the inspector said it was good so i thought i lucked out. my brother owns a handyman business and mentioned it was weird one of the pipes were slanted. he called a plumber to see what they thought. they snaked the pipe and 9ft in it was collapsed, sandwiched. immediately we got multiple quotes and went forward in fixing it. one of my brothers customers is a realtor and later when he found out what house i bought he mentioned he almost bought that exact one! my brother asked why he didn’t. he told my brother he found out the pipe collapsed and told the seller to fix it or he would back out of the purchase, they said no and he backed out. but fast forwarding to now he never told us about the pipe or put a disclaimer but knew about it the whole time… i did more digging… the seller was the wife of the selling realtor. can i sue them to get my money back from the amount the job costed? ($10,000) thank you!! please help! bot: it would depend on whether in your jurisdiction the nature of the problem was one of the things that had to be disclosed on pre-sale disclosures.
user: can i sue the person i bought my house from a year ago? i bought my first house almost a year ago, no disclaimers on the ad or selling papers, and the inspector said it was good so i thought i lucked out. my brother owns a handyman business and mentioned it was weird one of the pipes were slanted. he called a plumber to see what they thought. they snaked the pipe and 9ft in it was collapsed, sandwiched. immediately we got multiple quotes and went forward in fixing it. one of my brothers customers is a realtor and later when he found out what house i bought he mentioned he almost bought that exact one! my brother asked why he didn’t. he told my brother he found out the pipe collapsed and told the seller to fix it or he would back out of the purchase, they said no and he backed out. but fast forwarding to now he never told us about the pipe or put a disclaimer but knew about it the whole time… i did more digging… the seller was the wife of the selling realtor. can i sue them to get my money back from the amount the job costed? ($10,000) thank you!! please help! bot: --- > --- *i am a bot whose sole purpose is to improve the timeliness and accuracy of responses in this subreddit.* --- **it appears you forgot to include your location in the title or body of your post. please update the body of your original post to include this information.** --- ***do not delete this post - instead, simply edit the post with the requested information.*** --- author: /u/jarredhk title: **can i sue the person i bought my house from a year ago?** original post: > i bought my first house almost a year ago, no disclaimers on the ad or selling papers, and the inspector said it was good so i thought i lucked out. my brother owns a handyman business and mentioned it was weird one of the pipes were slanted. he called a plumber to see what they thought. they snaked the pipe and 9ft in it was collapsed, sandwiched. immediately we got multiple quotes and went forward in fixing it. one of my brothers customers is a realtor and later when he found out what house i bought he mentioned he almost bought that exact one! my brother asked why he didn’t. he told my brother he found out the pipe collapsed and told the seller to fix it or he would back out of the purchase, they said no and he backed out. but fast forwarding to now he never told us about the pipe or put a disclaimer but knew about it the whole time… i did more digging… the seller was the wife of the selling realtor. can i sue them to get my money back from the amount the job costed? ($10,000) > > thank you!! please help! --- locationbot 4.99998891 ^109/37rds | report issues | >!adeb1pvectmyyujb!<
user: can i sue the person i bought my house from a year ago? i bought my first house almost a year ago, no disclaimers on the ad or selling papers, and the inspector said it was good so i thought i lucked out. my brother owns a handyman business and mentioned it was weird one of the pipes were slanted. he called a plumber to see what they thought. they snaked the pipe and 9ft in it was collapsed, sandwiched. immediately we got multiple quotes and went forward in fixing it. one of my brothers customers is a realtor and later when he found out what house i bought he mentioned he almost bought that exact one! my brother asked why he didn’t. he told my brother he found out the pipe collapsed and told the seller to fix it or he would back out of the purchase, they said no and he backed out. but fast forwarding to now he never told us about the pipe or put a disclaimer but knew about it the whole time… i did more digging… the seller was the wife of the selling realtor. can i sue them to get my money back from the amount the job costed? ($10,000) thank you!! please help! bot: a few questions, how did you do an inspection and not find and active collapsed pipe? was no water flushed? how did you not notice within hours of closing using the plumbing? your problem i suspect is the plumber you hired to do the snaking might have collapsed the pipe. it was likely already damaged by roots or clogged. the short answer to your question however is yes you can sue, but can you prove your brothers friend told the seller about the collapse pipe or did they just say the water is draining slow we suspect a bad pipe. was there an email disclosing this to the seller the pipe was collapsed and not just clogged? you can absolutely sue but you need your evidence lined up. you need to show the friend has proof there was a collapsed pipe and it was disclosed to the sellers agent and seller. edit: i agree sewage inspection is not standard and extra, but my inspector filled up a tub and also flushed toilets. a collapsed sewage line would have immediately but noticed just by running water.
user: can i sue the person i bought my house from a year ago? i bought my first house almost a year ago, no disclaimers on the ad or selling papers, and the inspector said it was good so i thought i lucked out. my brother owns a handyman business and mentioned it was weird one of the pipes were slanted. he called a plumber to see what they thought. they snaked the pipe and 9ft in it was collapsed, sandwiched. immediately we got multiple quotes and went forward in fixing it. one of my brothers customers is a realtor and later when he found out what house i bought he mentioned he almost bought that exact one! my brother asked why he didn’t. he told my brother he found out the pipe collapsed and told the seller to fix it or he would back out of the purchase, they said no and he backed out. but fast forwarding to now he never told us about the pipe or put a disclaimer but knew about it the whole time… i did more digging… the seller was the wife of the selling realtor. can i sue them to get my money back from the amount the job costed? ($10,000) thank you!! please help! bot: --- > --- *i am a bot whose sole purpose is to improve the timeliness and accuracy of responses in this subreddit.* --- **it appears you forgot to include your location in the title or body of your post. please update the body of your original post to include this information.** --- ***do not delete this post - instead, simply edit the post with the requested information.*** --- author: /u/jarredhk title: **can i sue the person i bought my house from a year ago?** original post: > i bought my first house almost a year ago, no disclaimers on the ad or selling papers, and the inspector said it was good so i thought i lucked out. my brother owns a handyman business and mentioned it was weird one of the pipes were slanted. he called a plumber to see what they thought. they snaked the pipe and 9ft in it was collapsed, sandwiched. immediately we got multiple quotes and went forward in fixing it. one of my brothers customers is a realtor and later when he found out what house i bought he mentioned he almost bought that exact one! my brother asked why he didn’t. he told my brother he found out the pipe collapsed and told the seller to fix it or he would back out of the purchase, they said no and he backed out. but fast forwarding to now he never told us about the pipe or put a disclaimer but knew about it the whole time… i did more digging… the seller was the wife of the selling realtor. can i sue them to get my money back from the amount the job costed? ($10,000) > > thank you!! please help! --- locationbot 4.99998891 ^109/37rds | report issues | >!adeb1pvectmyyujb!<
user: can i sue the person i bought my house from a year ago? i bought my first house almost a year ago, no disclaimers on the ad or selling papers, and the inspector said it was good so i thought i lucked out. my brother owns a handyman business and mentioned it was weird one of the pipes were slanted. he called a plumber to see what they thought. they snaked the pipe and 9ft in it was collapsed, sandwiched. immediately we got multiple quotes and went forward in fixing it. one of my brothers customers is a realtor and later when he found out what house i bought he mentioned he almost bought that exact one! my brother asked why he didn’t. he told my brother he found out the pipe collapsed and told the seller to fix it or he would back out of the purchase, they said no and he backed out. but fast forwarding to now he never told us about the pipe or put a disclaimer but knew about it the whole time… i did more digging… the seller was the wife of the selling realtor. can i sue them to get my money back from the amount the job costed? ($10,000) thank you!! please help! bot: when i sold real estate in nc i was required to disclose any major defects i personally knew about even if the seller chose not to disclose them. these often came up as a result of an inspection in a failed sale, just as you described. you should take this to the board of realtors. even if the actual seller did not make a disclosure, you can probably sue the realtor for failing in his duties. (i am not a lawyer, just a retired real estate broker).
user: can i sue the person i bought my house from a year ago? i bought my first house almost a year ago, no disclaimers on the ad or selling papers, and the inspector said it was good so i thought i lucked out. my brother owns a handyman business and mentioned it was weird one of the pipes were slanted. he called a plumber to see what they thought. they snaked the pipe and 9ft in it was collapsed, sandwiched. immediately we got multiple quotes and went forward in fixing it. one of my brothers customers is a realtor and later when he found out what house i bought he mentioned he almost bought that exact one! my brother asked why he didn’t. he told my brother he found out the pipe collapsed and told the seller to fix it or he would back out of the purchase, they said no and he backed out. but fast forwarding to now he never told us about the pipe or put a disclaimer but knew about it the whole time… i did more digging… the seller was the wife of the selling realtor. can i sue them to get my money back from the amount the job costed? ($10,000) thank you!! please help! bot: not a lawyer, pretty much what everyone else said about disclosures and such. also if you bought it as is then you pretty much stuck. i think you would have to have documentation showing you had asked him to list everything wrong with the house even if you are buying as is so you could make an informed decision. then if he lied and didn't tell you about the pipe when he knew you might have a case because you could get the real estate agent to document what he knew and then the seller might be on the hook. as for the inspector, again you are paying for a service. if you look at the inspectors web site and it says inspections include plumbing then you might have a case. the inspectors i have dealt with gave me a laundry list of items they look for and if you want something different it becomes an additional cost. i am guessing this is going to be an expensive life lesson you will never forget. when i built my first home i was a total noob and they got me. the next person i buy a home from (after all this craziness) is going to have a difficult time putting one over on me. it happens and hopefully you don't make the same mistake in the future. live, learn, and do better.
user: can i sue the person i bought my house from a year ago? i bought my first house almost a year ago, no disclaimers on the ad or selling papers, and the inspector said it was good so i thought i lucked out. my brother owns a handyman business and mentioned it was weird one of the pipes were slanted. he called a plumber to see what they thought. they snaked the pipe and 9ft in it was collapsed, sandwiched. immediately we got multiple quotes and went forward in fixing it. one of my brothers customers is a realtor and later when he found out what house i bought he mentioned he almost bought that exact one! my brother asked why he didn’t. he told my brother he found out the pipe collapsed and told the seller to fix it or he would back out of the purchase, they said no and he backed out. but fast forwarding to now he never told us about the pipe or put a disclaimer but knew about it the whole time… i did more digging… the seller was the wife of the selling realtor. can i sue them to get my money back from the amount the job costed? ($10,000) thank you!! please help! bot: when i sold real estate in nc i was required to disclose any major defects i personally knew about even if the seller chose not to disclose them. these often came up as a result of an inspection in a failed sale, just as you described. you should take this to the board of realtors. even if the actual seller did not make a disclosure, you can probably sue the realtor for failing in his duties. (i am not a lawyer, just a retired real estate broker).
user: can i sue the person i bought my house from a year ago? i bought my first house almost a year ago, no disclaimers on the ad or selling papers, and the inspector said it was good so i thought i lucked out. my brother owns a handyman business and mentioned it was weird one of the pipes were slanted. he called a plumber to see what they thought. they snaked the pipe and 9ft in it was collapsed, sandwiched. immediately we got multiple quotes and went forward in fixing it. one of my brothers customers is a realtor and later when he found out what house i bought he mentioned he almost bought that exact one! my brother asked why he didn’t. he told my brother he found out the pipe collapsed and told the seller to fix it or he would back out of the purchase, they said no and he backed out. but fast forwarding to now he never told us about the pipe or put a disclaimer but knew about it the whole time… i did more digging… the seller was the wife of the selling realtor. can i sue them to get my money back from the amount the job costed? ($10,000) thank you!! please help! bot: what does your purchase contract say? that’s what matters legally.
user: can i sue the person i bought my house from a year ago? i bought my first house almost a year ago, no disclaimers on the ad or selling papers, and the inspector said it was good so i thought i lucked out. my brother owns a handyman business and mentioned it was weird one of the pipes were slanted. he called a plumber to see what they thought. they snaked the pipe and 9ft in it was collapsed, sandwiched. immediately we got multiple quotes and went forward in fixing it. one of my brothers customers is a realtor and later when he found out what house i bought he mentioned he almost bought that exact one! my brother asked why he didn’t. he told my brother he found out the pipe collapsed and told the seller to fix it or he would back out of the purchase, they said no and he backed out. but fast forwarding to now he never told us about the pipe or put a disclaimer but knew about it the whole time… i did more digging… the seller was the wife of the selling realtor. can i sue them to get my money back from the amount the job costed? ($10,000) thank you!! please help! bot: when i sold real estate in nc i was required to disclose any major defects i personally knew about even if the seller chose not to disclose them. these often came up as a result of an inspection in a failed sale, just as you described. you should take this to the board of realtors. even if the actual seller did not make a disclosure, you can probably sue the realtor for failing in his duties. (i am not a lawyer, just a retired real estate broker).
user: can i sue the person i bought my house from a year ago? i bought my first house almost a year ago, no disclaimers on the ad or selling papers, and the inspector said it was good so i thought i lucked out. my brother owns a handyman business and mentioned it was weird one of the pipes were slanted. he called a plumber to see what they thought. they snaked the pipe and 9ft in it was collapsed, sandwiched. immediately we got multiple quotes and went forward in fixing it. one of my brothers customers is a realtor and later when he found out what house i bought he mentioned he almost bought that exact one! my brother asked why he didn’t. he told my brother he found out the pipe collapsed and told the seller to fix it or he would back out of the purchase, they said no and he backed out. but fast forwarding to now he never told us about the pipe or put a disclaimer but knew about it the whole time… i did more digging… the seller was the wife of the selling realtor. can i sue them to get my money back from the amount the job costed? ($10,000) thank you!! please help! bot: --- > --- *i am a bot whose sole purpose is to improve the timeliness and accuracy of responses in this subreddit.* --- **it appears you forgot to include your location in the title or body of your post. please update the body of your original post to include this information.** --- ***do not delete this post - instead, simply edit the post with the requested information.*** --- author: /u/jarredhk title: **can i sue the person i bought my house from a year ago?** original post: > i bought my first house almost a year ago, no disclaimers on the ad or selling papers, and the inspector said it was good so i thought i lucked out. my brother owns a handyman business and mentioned it was weird one of the pipes were slanted. he called a plumber to see what they thought. they snaked the pipe and 9ft in it was collapsed, sandwiched. immediately we got multiple quotes and went forward in fixing it. one of my brothers customers is a realtor and later when he found out what house i bought he mentioned he almost bought that exact one! my brother asked why he didn’t. he told my brother he found out the pipe collapsed and told the seller to fix it or he would back out of the purchase, they said no and he backed out. but fast forwarding to now he never told us about the pipe or put a disclaimer but knew about it the whole time… i did more digging… the seller was the wife of the selling realtor. can i sue them to get my money back from the amount the job costed? ($10,000) > > thank you!! please help! --- locationbot 4.99998891 ^109/37rds | report issues | >!adeb1pvectmyyujb!<
user: can i sue the person i bought my house from a year ago? i bought my first house almost a year ago, no disclaimers on the ad or selling papers, and the inspector said it was good so i thought i lucked out. my brother owns a handyman business and mentioned it was weird one of the pipes were slanted. he called a plumber to see what they thought. they snaked the pipe and 9ft in it was collapsed, sandwiched. immediately we got multiple quotes and went forward in fixing it. one of my brothers customers is a realtor and later when he found out what house i bought he mentioned he almost bought that exact one! my brother asked why he didn’t. he told my brother he found out the pipe collapsed and told the seller to fix it or he would back out of the purchase, they said no and he backed out. but fast forwarding to now he never told us about the pipe or put a disclaimer but knew about it the whole time… i did more digging… the seller was the wife of the selling realtor. can i sue them to get my money back from the amount the job costed? ($10,000) thank you!! please help! bot: when i sold real estate in nc i was required to disclose any major defects i personally knew about even if the seller chose not to disclose them. these often came up as a result of an inspection in a failed sale, just as you described. you should take this to the board of realtors. even if the actual seller did not make a disclosure, you can probably sue the realtor for failing in his duties. (i am not a lawyer, just a retired real estate broker).
user: can i sue the person i bought my house from a year ago? i bought my first house almost a year ago, no disclaimers on the ad or selling papers, and the inspector said it was good so i thought i lucked out. my brother owns a handyman business and mentioned it was weird one of the pipes were slanted. he called a plumber to see what they thought. they snaked the pipe and 9ft in it was collapsed, sandwiched. immediately we got multiple quotes and went forward in fixing it. one of my brothers customers is a realtor and later when he found out what house i bought he mentioned he almost bought that exact one! my brother asked why he didn’t. he told my brother he found out the pipe collapsed and told the seller to fix it or he would back out of the purchase, they said no and he backed out. but fast forwarding to now he never told us about the pipe or put a disclaimer but knew about it the whole time… i did more digging… the seller was the wife of the selling realtor. can i sue them to get my money back from the amount the job costed? ($10,000) thank you!! please help! bot: you'd have to say what jurisdiction you're in, but let's say you're in the us. there's 2 ways you could go after the seller: (1) the state where the property is located requires a disclosure form to be given to the buyer and either the seller did not fill out the form or put false info on it, or (2) it's something that the seller actively tried to conceal (i.e., they painted around the area to hide previous water damage). your best bet is probably no. 1. you should look into this. you should try to figure out what the statute of limitations is on a case like this. it could very well be a year from closing, so you may need to hurry. also, you should try to get written evidence from the brother's customer showing that the seller knew about the issue before you bought the house. maybe they have an email asking for the seller to fix it that they could forward to you. having this evidence would be crucial to winning anything. the fact that it has been over a year would otherwise make it difficult to prove that this problem didn't happen after you bought the house.
user: can i sue the person i bought my house from a year ago? i bought my first house almost a year ago, no disclaimers on the ad or selling papers, and the inspector said it was good so i thought i lucked out. my brother owns a handyman business and mentioned it was weird one of the pipes were slanted. he called a plumber to see what they thought. they snaked the pipe and 9ft in it was collapsed, sandwiched. immediately we got multiple quotes and went forward in fixing it. one of my brothers customers is a realtor and later when he found out what house i bought he mentioned he almost bought that exact one! my brother asked why he didn’t. he told my brother he found out the pipe collapsed and told the seller to fix it or he would back out of the purchase, they said no and he backed out. but fast forwarding to now he never told us about the pipe or put a disclaimer but knew about it the whole time… i did more digging… the seller was the wife of the selling realtor. can i sue them to get my money back from the amount the job costed? ($10,000) thank you!! please help! bot: a year is quite a long time.... the legal cost would more than likely be way more than the cost to fix the problem. it sucks but you did everything you could to mitigate the risk.
user: can i sue the person i bought my house from a year ago? i bought my first house almost a year ago, no disclaimers on the ad or selling papers, and the inspector said it was good so i thought i lucked out. my brother owns a handyman business and mentioned it was weird one of the pipes were slanted. he called a plumber to see what they thought. they snaked the pipe and 9ft in it was collapsed, sandwiched. immediately we got multiple quotes and went forward in fixing it. one of my brothers customers is a realtor and later when he found out what house i bought he mentioned he almost bought that exact one! my brother asked why he didn’t. he told my brother he found out the pipe collapsed and told the seller to fix it or he would back out of the purchase, they said no and he backed out. but fast forwarding to now he never told us about the pipe or put a disclaimer but knew about it the whole time… i did more digging… the seller was the wife of the selling realtor. can i sue them to get my money back from the amount the job costed? ($10,000) thank you!! please help! bot: --- > --- *i am a bot whose sole purpose is to improve the timeliness and accuracy of responses in this subreddit.* --- **it appears you forgot to include your location in the title or body of your post. please update the body of your original post to include this information.** --- ***do not delete this post - instead, simply edit the post with the requested information.*** --- author: /u/jarredhk title: **can i sue the person i bought my house from a year ago?** original post: > i bought my first house almost a year ago, no disclaimers on the ad or selling papers, and the inspector said it was good so i thought i lucked out. my brother owns a handyman business and mentioned it was weird one of the pipes were slanted. he called a plumber to see what they thought. they snaked the pipe and 9ft in it was collapsed, sandwiched. immediately we got multiple quotes and went forward in fixing it. one of my brothers customers is a realtor and later when he found out what house i bought he mentioned he almost bought that exact one! my brother asked why he didn’t. he told my brother he found out the pipe collapsed and told the seller to fix it or he would back out of the purchase, they said no and he backed out. but fast forwarding to now he never told us about the pipe or put a disclaimer but knew about it the whole time… i did more digging… the seller was the wife of the selling realtor. can i sue them to get my money back from the amount the job costed? ($10,000) > > thank you!! please help! --- locationbot 4.99998891 ^109/37rds | report issues | >!adeb1pvectmyyujb!<
user: can i sue the person i bought my house from a year ago? i bought my first house almost a year ago, no disclaimers on the ad or selling papers, and the inspector said it was good so i thought i lucked out. my brother owns a handyman business and mentioned it was weird one of the pipes were slanted. he called a plumber to see what they thought. they snaked the pipe and 9ft in it was collapsed, sandwiched. immediately we got multiple quotes and went forward in fixing it. one of my brothers customers is a realtor and later when he found out what house i bought he mentioned he almost bought that exact one! my brother asked why he didn’t. he told my brother he found out the pipe collapsed and told the seller to fix it or he would back out of the purchase, they said no and he backed out. but fast forwarding to now he never told us about the pipe or put a disclaimer but knew about it the whole time… i did more digging… the seller was the wife of the selling realtor. can i sue them to get my money back from the amount the job costed? ($10,000) thank you!! please help! bot: you would be better off filing a complaint with the realtor board in your state. the agent would not risk his license over a $10k repair.
user: can i sue the person i bought my house from a year ago? i bought my first house almost a year ago, no disclaimers on the ad or selling papers, and the inspector said it was good so i thought i lucked out. my brother owns a handyman business and mentioned it was weird one of the pipes were slanted. he called a plumber to see what they thought. they snaked the pipe and 9ft in it was collapsed, sandwiched. immediately we got multiple quotes and went forward in fixing it. one of my brothers customers is a realtor and later when he found out what house i bought he mentioned he almost bought that exact one! my brother asked why he didn’t. he told my brother he found out the pipe collapsed and told the seller to fix it or he would back out of the purchase, they said no and he backed out. but fast forwarding to now he never told us about the pipe or put a disclaimer but knew about it the whole time… i did more digging… the seller was the wife of the selling realtor. can i sue them to get my money back from the amount the job costed? ($10,000) thank you!! please help! bot: --- > --- *i am a bot whose sole purpose is to improve the timeliness and accuracy of responses in this subreddit.* --- **it appears you forgot to include your location in the title or body of your post. please update the body of your original post to include this information.** --- ***do not delete this post - instead, simply edit the post with the requested information.*** --- author: /u/jarredhk title: **can i sue the person i bought my house from a year ago?** original post: > i bought my first house almost a year ago, no disclaimers on the ad or selling papers, and the inspector said it was good so i thought i lucked out. my brother owns a handyman business and mentioned it was weird one of the pipes were slanted. he called a plumber to see what they thought. they snaked the pipe and 9ft in it was collapsed, sandwiched. immediately we got multiple quotes and went forward in fixing it. one of my brothers customers is a realtor and later when he found out what house i bought he mentioned he almost bought that exact one! my brother asked why he didn’t. he told my brother he found out the pipe collapsed and told the seller to fix it or he would back out of the purchase, they said no and he backed out. but fast forwarding to now he never told us about the pipe or put a disclaimer but knew about it the whole time… i did more digging… the seller was the wife of the selling realtor. can i sue them to get my money back from the amount the job costed? ($10,000) > > thank you!! please help! --- locationbot 4.99998891 ^109/37rds | report issues | >!adeb1pvectmyyujb!<
user: can i sue the person i bought my house from a year ago? i bought my first house almost a year ago, no disclaimers on the ad or selling papers, and the inspector said it was good so i thought i lucked out. my brother owns a handyman business and mentioned it was weird one of the pipes were slanted. he called a plumber to see what they thought. they snaked the pipe and 9ft in it was collapsed, sandwiched. immediately we got multiple quotes and went forward in fixing it. one of my brothers customers is a realtor and later when he found out what house i bought he mentioned he almost bought that exact one! my brother asked why he didn’t. he told my brother he found out the pipe collapsed and told the seller to fix it or he would back out of the purchase, they said no and he backed out. but fast forwarding to now he never told us about the pipe or put a disclaimer but knew about it the whole time… i did more digging… the seller was the wife of the selling realtor. can i sue them to get my money back from the amount the job costed? ($10,000) thank you!! please help! bot: can you sue? yes. do you have a chance at winning? doubtful. even if you can prove they knew there was an issue with the pipe, you will have a difficult time proving that it was an issue that had to be addressed before you bought the house. to say that another way: you were able to enjoy the house for a year with no problems, before you noticed the pipe being slanted. your use of the house was not diminished. you also had an inspection done, and your own inspector failed to catch the pipe as an issue.
user: can i sue the person i bought my house from a year ago? i bought my first house almost a year ago, no disclaimers on the ad or selling papers, and the inspector said it was good so i thought i lucked out. my brother owns a handyman business and mentioned it was weird one of the pipes were slanted. he called a plumber to see what they thought. they snaked the pipe and 9ft in it was collapsed, sandwiched. immediately we got multiple quotes and went forward in fixing it. one of my brothers customers is a realtor and later when he found out what house i bought he mentioned he almost bought that exact one! my brother asked why he didn’t. he told my brother he found out the pipe collapsed and told the seller to fix it or he would back out of the purchase, they said no and he backed out. but fast forwarding to now he never told us about the pipe or put a disclaimer but knew about it the whole time… i did more digging… the seller was the wife of the selling realtor. can i sue them to get my money back from the amount the job costed? ($10,000) thank you!! please help! bot: --- > --- *i am a bot whose sole purpose is to improve the timeliness and accuracy of responses in this subreddit.* --- **it appears you forgot to include your location in the title or body of your post. please update the body of your original post to include this information.** --- ***do not delete this post - instead, simply edit the post with the requested information.*** --- author: /u/jarredhk title: **can i sue the person i bought my house from a year ago?** original post: > i bought my first house almost a year ago, no disclaimers on the ad or selling papers, and the inspector said it was good so i thought i lucked out. my brother owns a handyman business and mentioned it was weird one of the pipes were slanted. he called a plumber to see what they thought. they snaked the pipe and 9ft in it was collapsed, sandwiched. immediately we got multiple quotes and went forward in fixing it. one of my brothers customers is a realtor and later when he found out what house i bought he mentioned he almost bought that exact one! my brother asked why he didn’t. he told my brother he found out the pipe collapsed and told the seller to fix it or he would back out of the purchase, they said no and he backed out. but fast forwarding to now he never told us about the pipe or put a disclaimer but knew about it the whole time… i did more digging… the seller was the wife of the selling realtor. can i sue them to get my money back from the amount the job costed? ($10,000) > > thank you!! please help! --- locationbot 4.99998891 ^109/37rds | report issues | >!adeb1pvectmyyujb!<
user: my mom wants to sell her house to us to pay for my dad’s medical care instead of going on medicaid. we need to know what we should be doing. (wa) my 75 year old dad was diagnosed with alzheimer’s in october and had a stroke in december. his care plan dictates he will need 24/7 care. my mom can’t take care as she needs to work. she is 55 so not eligible or ready to retire. he will need to go to an adult family care home. my mom doesn’t want to do medicaid because she wants higher quality care for him than what a medicaid bed would provide. so she wants to sell the house to my husband and i and pay for his care privately. she would live with us because she could otherwise not afford to live anywhere else. king and snohomish counties are simply insane these days, especially for her limited income. initially we found the county assessor to have stated her house value at 378k. we could put together the funds with a little bit of finagling, like paying a couple of debts. the thing that alamed us, though, was zillow has the house estimated at 518k. i know zillow isn’t official, but the price difference is pretty drastic. also, last year one neighbor sold for 525k and another for 1 million, so i’m guessing zillow is using those numbers to estimate. turns out the assessor value was for january 1, 2016. the value for 2017 jumped up to 407k. we can only assume it has gone up even more now, effectively putting the house quite far above what we could manage. i know that if she ends up using medicaid (like if she spends down all her money from selling the house) they wlll go back and look for fraudulent sales to see if you cheated them out of assets. we aren’t talking about selling the house for a dollar. we are hoping we could still stick to a max of 400k, even though the house is now above that. would that be considered fraud? it would be below market value but not by some absurd number. we certainly are not interested in doing anything fraudulent, but are trying to work out a fair deal for her and for something we can afford. what else should we know about elder care law and the like? is there something i’m missing? we have to make a decision rapidly as his medical bills are quickly piling up. edit: forgot to mention she has no other assets. no savings, no retirement, no life insurance, etc. the house is the only asset. bot: > edit: forgot to mention she has no other assets. no savings, no retirement, no life insurance, etc. the house is the only asset. i know this isnt what you asked, but man it would be really lucrative to utilize medicaid and to protect the only asset. if not, i would get an actual appraisal and buy it. result? she's got a lot of cash to waste on medical expenses, no home, and at risk of you evicting her. i wouldnt recommend it but gotta respect the woman for wanting to take such good care of your pops.
user: my mom wants to sell her house to us to pay for my dad’s medical care instead of going on medicaid. we need to know what we should be doing. (wa) my 75 year old dad was diagnosed with alzheimer’s in october and had a stroke in december. his care plan dictates he will need 24/7 care. my mom can’t take care as she needs to work. she is 55 so not eligible or ready to retire. he will need to go to an adult family care home. my mom doesn’t want to do medicaid because she wants higher quality care for him than what a medicaid bed would provide. so she wants to sell the house to my husband and i and pay for his care privately. she would live with us because she could otherwise not afford to live anywhere else. king and snohomish counties are simply insane these days, especially for her limited income. initially we found the county assessor to have stated her house value at 378k. we could put together the funds with a little bit of finagling, like paying a couple of debts. the thing that alamed us, though, was zillow has the house estimated at 518k. i know zillow isn’t official, but the price difference is pretty drastic. also, last year one neighbor sold for 525k and another for 1 million, so i’m guessing zillow is using those numbers to estimate. turns out the assessor value was for january 1, 2016. the value for 2017 jumped up to 407k. we can only assume it has gone up even more now, effectively putting the house quite far above what we could manage. i know that if she ends up using medicaid (like if she spends down all her money from selling the house) they wlll go back and look for fraudulent sales to see if you cheated them out of assets. we aren’t talking about selling the house for a dollar. we are hoping we could still stick to a max of 400k, even though the house is now above that. would that be considered fraud? it would be below market value but not by some absurd number. we certainly are not interested in doing anything fraudulent, but are trying to work out a fair deal for her and for something we can afford. what else should we know about elder care law and the like? is there something i’m missing? we have to make a decision rapidly as his medical bills are quickly piling up. edit: forgot to mention she has no other assets. no savings, no retirement, no life insurance, etc. the house is the only asset. bot: assessments aren't necessarily accurate reflections of market value. there's a lot that goes into them, but i wouldn't be inclined to trust that over zillow. you could also talk to a realtor to get a pretty good idea of a fair price. are you looking to pay cash, or get a mortgage? the mortgage company will be sure that the price is accurate. it's not that she'd be prosecuted for fraud if she sold the house well below market, it's that she wouldn't be eligible for medicaid at all for a little while. that could be a dangerous situation if there's no other way to pay for care. i presume that she plans to continue living in the house once you buy it from her, otherwise she'd just sell the house to the person giving her the best offer? if she needs the cash and wants to stay in the house, she might be able to take out a home equity loan.
user: fired because i refused to stop taking a prescribed medication [ohio] soooo i'm transgender and i take hormone replacement therapy. idk if those specifics matter but there you go idk how, but my boss (guy who owns the building i worked at) found out that i take hrt (never told him) and he pulled me into his office to ask about it. he lectured me on how it was "unnatural" or whatever and i was "betraying god (?)" and this was about a week ago. he's an asshole overall and i needed the job so i chocked it up to him just being him. but today he came in when i was working a shift (he never comes in weekends, so i think he specifically came in for this) and pulled me into his office again. he asked me if i was still taking hrt. i refused to answer. he then fired me, saying that he can't have people on "unnatural substances" working for him. i know of at least four other people who worked with me who took medications for pain and heart conditions. is this even legal? can my boss truly just decide he doesn't want me taking a certain medication like that? bot: title vii of the civil rights acts prohibits gender-base discrimination which includes sexually identity. contact an employment discrimination attorney.
user: fired because i refused to stop taking a prescribed medication [ohio] soooo i'm transgender and i take hormone replacement therapy. idk if those specifics matter but there you go idk how, but my boss (guy who owns the building i worked at) found out that i take hrt (never told him) and he pulled me into his office to ask about it. he lectured me on how it was "unnatural" or whatever and i was "betraying god (?)" and this was about a week ago. he's an asshole overall and i needed the job so i chocked it up to him just being him. but today he came in when i was working a shift (he never comes in weekends, so i think he specifically came in for this) and pulled me into his office again. he asked me if i was still taking hrt. i refused to answer. he then fired me, saying that he can't have people on "unnatural substances" working for him. i know of at least four other people who worked with me who took medications for pain and heart conditions. is this even legal? can my boss truly just decide he doesn't want me taking a certain medication like that? bot: not sure of ohio laws, but it sound like a wrongful termination. i would read this:
user: fired because i refused to stop taking a prescribed medication [ohio] soooo i'm transgender and i take hormone replacement therapy. idk if those specifics matter but there you go idk how, but my boss (guy who owns the building i worked at) found out that i take hrt (never told him) and he pulled me into his office to ask about it. he lectured me on how it was "unnatural" or whatever and i was "betraying god (?)" and this was about a week ago. he's an asshole overall and i needed the job so i chocked it up to him just being him. but today he came in when i was working a shift (he never comes in weekends, so i think he specifically came in for this) and pulled me into his office again. he asked me if i was still taking hrt. i refused to answer. he then fired me, saying that he can't have people on "unnatural substances" working for him. i know of at least four other people who worked with me who took medications for pain and heart conditions. is this even legal? can my boss truly just decide he doesn't want me taking a certain medication like that? bot: all hrt meds are prescribed to cis people for various reasons so the argument that they're affecting your job performance falls flat. this is blatant trans discrimination which is illegal following the scotus case mentioned in other comments. first step: talk to a lawyer about filing a eeoc complaint. here is more information and a list of resources directly related to trans employment discrimination.
user: fired because i refused to stop taking a prescribed medication [ohio] soooo i'm transgender and i take hormone replacement therapy. idk if those specifics matter but there you go idk how, but my boss (guy who owns the building i worked at) found out that i take hrt (never told him) and he pulled me into his office to ask about it. he lectured me on how it was "unnatural" or whatever and i was "betraying god (?)" and this was about a week ago. he's an asshole overall and i needed the job so i chocked it up to him just being him. but today he came in when i was working a shift (he never comes in weekends, so i think he specifically came in for this) and pulled me into his office again. he asked me if i was still taking hrt. i refused to answer. he then fired me, saying that he can't have people on "unnatural substances" working for him. i know of at least four other people who worked with me who took medications for pain and heart conditions. is this even legal? can my boss truly just decide he doesn't want me taking a certain medication like that? bot: not sure of ohio laws, but it sound like a wrongful termination. i would read this:
user: fired because i refused to stop taking a prescribed medication [ohio] soooo i'm transgender and i take hormone replacement therapy. idk if those specifics matter but there you go idk how, but my boss (guy who owns the building i worked at) found out that i take hrt (never told him) and he pulled me into his office to ask about it. he lectured me on how it was "unnatural" or whatever and i was "betraying god (?)" and this was about a week ago. he's an asshole overall and i needed the job so i chocked it up to him just being him. but today he came in when i was working a shift (he never comes in weekends, so i think he specifically came in for this) and pulled me into his office again. he asked me if i was still taking hrt. i refused to answer. he then fired me, saying that he can't have people on "unnatural substances" working for him. i know of at least four other people who worked with me who took medications for pain and heart conditions. is this even legal? can my boss truly just decide he doesn't want me taking a certain medication like that? bot: all hrt meds are prescribed to cis people for various reasons so the argument that they're affecting your job performance falls flat. this is blatant trans discrimination which is illegal following the scotus case mentioned in other comments. first step: talk to a lawyer about filing a eeoc complaint. here is more information and a list of resources directly related to trans employment discrimination.
user: fired because i refused to stop taking a prescribed medication [ohio] soooo i'm transgender and i take hormone replacement therapy. idk if those specifics matter but there you go idk how, but my boss (guy who owns the building i worked at) found out that i take hrt (never told him) and he pulled me into his office to ask about it. he lectured me on how it was "unnatural" or whatever and i was "betraying god (?)" and this was about a week ago. he's an asshole overall and i needed the job so i chocked it up to him just being him. but today he came in when i was working a shift (he never comes in weekends, so i think he specifically came in for this) and pulled me into his office again. he asked me if i was still taking hrt. i refused to answer. he then fired me, saying that he can't have people on "unnatural substances" working for him. i know of at least four other people who worked with me who took medications for pain and heart conditions. is this even legal? can my boss truly just decide he doesn't want me taking a certain medication like that? bot: probably would fall under the broad umbrella of the civil rights act of 1964. definitely file a compliant with the dol if nothing else. but probably best to find an employment lawyer.
user: fired because i refused to stop taking a prescribed medication [ohio] soooo i'm transgender and i take hormone replacement therapy. idk if those specifics matter but there you go idk how, but my boss (guy who owns the building i worked at) found out that i take hrt (never told him) and he pulled me into his office to ask about it. he lectured me on how it was "unnatural" or whatever and i was "betraying god (?)" and this was about a week ago. he's an asshole overall and i needed the job so i chocked it up to him just being him. but today he came in when i was working a shift (he never comes in weekends, so i think he specifically came in for this) and pulled me into his office again. he asked me if i was still taking hrt. i refused to answer. he then fired me, saying that he can't have people on "unnatural substances" working for him. i know of at least four other people who worked with me who took medications for pain and heart conditions. is this even legal? can my boss truly just decide he doesn't want me taking a certain medication like that? bot: yeah. employment lawyer. another thing to discuss with the lawyer is if the boss might have gotten the info about your medication by inappropriately (or possibly illegally) accessing health information from employer provided insurance.
user: fired because i refused to stop taking a prescribed medication [ohio] soooo i'm transgender and i take hormone replacement therapy. idk if those specifics matter but there you go idk how, but my boss (guy who owns the building i worked at) found out that i take hrt (never told him) and he pulled me into his office to ask about it. he lectured me on how it was "unnatural" or whatever and i was "betraying god (?)" and this was about a week ago. he's an asshole overall and i needed the job so i chocked it up to him just being him. but today he came in when i was working a shift (he never comes in weekends, so i think he specifically came in for this) and pulled me into his office again. he asked me if i was still taking hrt. i refused to answer. he then fired me, saying that he can't have people on "unnatural substances" working for him. i know of at least four other people who worked with me who took medications for pain and heart conditions. is this even legal? can my boss truly just decide he doesn't want me taking a certain medication like that? bot: not sure of ohio laws, but it sound like a wrongful termination. i would read this:
user: fired because i refused to stop taking a prescribed medication [ohio] soooo i'm transgender and i take hormone replacement therapy. idk if those specifics matter but there you go idk how, but my boss (guy who owns the building i worked at) found out that i take hrt (never told him) and he pulled me into his office to ask about it. he lectured me on how it was "unnatural" or whatever and i was "betraying god (?)" and this was about a week ago. he's an asshole overall and i needed the job so i chocked it up to him just being him. but today he came in when i was working a shift (he never comes in weekends, so i think he specifically came in for this) and pulled me into his office again. he asked me if i was still taking hrt. i refused to answer. he then fired me, saying that he can't have people on "unnatural substances" working for him. i know of at least four other people who worked with me who took medications for pain and heart conditions. is this even legal? can my boss truly just decide he doesn't want me taking a certain medication like that? bot: yeah. employment lawyer. another thing to discuss with the lawyer is if the boss might have gotten the info about your medication by inappropriately (or possibly illegally) accessing health information from employer provided insurance.
user: fired because i refused to stop taking a prescribed medication [ohio] soooo i'm transgender and i take hormone replacement therapy. idk if those specifics matter but there you go idk how, but my boss (guy who owns the building i worked at) found out that i take hrt (never told him) and he pulled me into his office to ask about it. he lectured me on how it was "unnatural" or whatever and i was "betraying god (?)" and this was about a week ago. he's an asshole overall and i needed the job so i chocked it up to him just being him. but today he came in when i was working a shift (he never comes in weekends, so i think he specifically came in for this) and pulled me into his office again. he asked me if i was still taking hrt. i refused to answer. he then fired me, saying that he can't have people on "unnatural substances" working for him. i know of at least four other people who worked with me who took medications for pain and heart conditions. is this even legal? can my boss truly just decide he doesn't want me taking a certain medication like that? bot: probably would fall under the broad umbrella of the civil rights act of 1964. definitely file a compliant with the dol if nothing else. but probably best to find an employment lawyer.
user: fired because i refused to stop taking a prescribed medication [ohio] soooo i'm transgender and i take hormone replacement therapy. idk if those specifics matter but there you go idk how, but my boss (guy who owns the building i worked at) found out that i take hrt (never told him) and he pulled me into his office to ask about it. he lectured me on how it was "unnatural" or whatever and i was "betraying god (?)" and this was about a week ago. he's an asshole overall and i needed the job so i chocked it up to him just being him. but today he came in when i was working a shift (he never comes in weekends, so i think he specifically came in for this) and pulled me into his office again. he asked me if i was still taking hrt. i refused to answer. he then fired me, saying that he can't have people on "unnatural substances" working for him. i know of at least four other people who worked with me who took medications for pain and heart conditions. is this even legal? can my boss truly just decide he doesn't want me taking a certain medication like that? bot: lambda legal is a great resource to find assistance. they’ll either help directly or refer to local resources.
user: fired because i refused to stop taking a prescribed medication [ohio] soooo i'm transgender and i take hormone replacement therapy. idk if those specifics matter but there you go idk how, but my boss (guy who owns the building i worked at) found out that i take hrt (never told him) and he pulled me into his office to ask about it. he lectured me on how it was "unnatural" or whatever and i was "betraying god (?)" and this was about a week ago. he's an asshole overall and i needed the job so i chocked it up to him just being him. but today he came in when i was working a shift (he never comes in weekends, so i think he specifically came in for this) and pulled me into his office again. he asked me if i was still taking hrt. i refused to answer. he then fired me, saying that he can't have people on "unnatural substances" working for him. i know of at least four other people who worked with me who took medications for pain and heart conditions. is this even legal? can my boss truly just decide he doesn't want me taking a certain medication like that? bot: not sure of ohio laws, but it sound like a wrongful termination. i would read this:
user: fired because i refused to stop taking a prescribed medication [ohio] soooo i'm transgender and i take hormone replacement therapy. idk if those specifics matter but there you go idk how, but my boss (guy who owns the building i worked at) found out that i take hrt (never told him) and he pulled me into his office to ask about it. he lectured me on how it was "unnatural" or whatever and i was "betraying god (?)" and this was about a week ago. he's an asshole overall and i needed the job so i chocked it up to him just being him. but today he came in when i was working a shift (he never comes in weekends, so i think he specifically came in for this) and pulled me into his office again. he asked me if i was still taking hrt. i refused to answer. he then fired me, saying that he can't have people on "unnatural substances" working for him. i know of at least four other people who worked with me who took medications for pain and heart conditions. is this even legal? can my boss truly just decide he doesn't want me taking a certain medication like that? bot: so is he planning on firing all the menopausal women on hrt? definitely consult a lawyer.
user: fired because i refused to stop taking a prescribed medication [ohio] soooo i'm transgender and i take hormone replacement therapy. idk if those specifics matter but there you go idk how, but my boss (guy who owns the building i worked at) found out that i take hrt (never told him) and he pulled me into his office to ask about it. he lectured me on how it was "unnatural" or whatever and i was "betraying god (?)" and this was about a week ago. he's an asshole overall and i needed the job so i chocked it up to him just being him. but today he came in when i was working a shift (he never comes in weekends, so i think he specifically came in for this) and pulled me into his office again. he asked me if i was still taking hrt. i refused to answer. he then fired me, saying that he can't have people on "unnatural substances" working for him. i know of at least four other people who worked with me who took medications for pain and heart conditions. is this even legal? can my boss truly just decide he doesn't want me taking a certain medication like that? bot: how many people were employed at the company?
user: drunk driver destroyed my car and my financial stability. a little over a week ago, a drunk driver smashed into a car, killing the driver and creating a chain reaction which destroyed three other cars, including mine, and put 7 people in the hospital. my daughters and i were the only ones to escape with no injuries. and though processing all this has been tough, and i feel bad because others had it worse, my insurance company is offering me half what i paid for my car. i’m a single father who just took a short term substitute teacher position so i can move closer to my kids. i also make coffee part-time just to make ends meet. i’m living with a friend currently and the plan was to see if i could make this teaching gig full time and then get a place close to my kids. everything this asshole did set me back. the states attorney wouldn’t even tell me his name let alone whether he had insurance. (i found his name in the news.) my car was paid off. and i paid $12,000 for it. now i have $6000 to try to find a reliable car that can transport my kids and get me to two jobs and i’m not really financially set to have a car payment with rent and child support (and saving for my own place). insurance said they may get some money back from the guy, like my deductible, but this is now a criminal murder investigation and will likely take at least six months. what kind of rights are afforded to me? how should i proceed? i can’t believe someone can just destroy people’s lives like this and all of us are just out of luck. i might be forgetting stuff, so i’ll answer any questions as best i can. bot: what you paid for the car has no bearing on what it currently is worth. look up kbb and other cars like yours (same year, make, model, trim, miles, condition) and see what they are selling for. that is what you are owed
user: drunk driver destroyed my car and my financial stability. a little over a week ago, a drunk driver smashed into a car, killing the driver and creating a chain reaction which destroyed three other cars, including mine, and put 7 people in the hospital. my daughters and i were the only ones to escape with no injuries. and though processing all this has been tough, and i feel bad because others had it worse, my insurance company is offering me half what i paid for my car. i’m a single father who just took a short term substitute teacher position so i can move closer to my kids. i also make coffee part-time just to make ends meet. i’m living with a friend currently and the plan was to see if i could make this teaching gig full time and then get a place close to my kids. everything this asshole did set me back. the states attorney wouldn’t even tell me his name let alone whether he had insurance. (i found his name in the news.) my car was paid off. and i paid $12,000 for it. now i have $6000 to try to find a reliable car that can transport my kids and get me to two jobs and i’m not really financially set to have a car payment with rent and child support (and saving for my own place). insurance said they may get some money back from the guy, like my deductible, but this is now a criminal murder investigation and will likely take at least six months. what kind of rights are afforded to me? how should i proceed? i can’t believe someone can just destroy people’s lives like this and all of us are just out of luck. i might be forgetting stuff, so i’ll answer any questions as best i can. bot: > and though processing all this has been tough, and i feel bad because others had it worse, my insurance company is offering me half what i paid for my car. are they offering half because that's the fair market value of the car, or did you hit the limit of your coverage for other drivers?
user: drunk driver destroyed my car and my financial stability. a little over a week ago, a drunk driver smashed into a car, killing the driver and creating a chain reaction which destroyed three other cars, including mine, and put 7 people in the hospital. my daughters and i were the only ones to escape with no injuries. and though processing all this has been tough, and i feel bad because others had it worse, my insurance company is offering me half what i paid for my car. i’m a single father who just took a short term substitute teacher position so i can move closer to my kids. i also make coffee part-time just to make ends meet. i’m living with a friend currently and the plan was to see if i could make this teaching gig full time and then get a place close to my kids. everything this asshole did set me back. the states attorney wouldn’t even tell me his name let alone whether he had insurance. (i found his name in the news.) my car was paid off. and i paid $12,000 for it. now i have $6000 to try to find a reliable car that can transport my kids and get me to two jobs and i’m not really financially set to have a car payment with rent and child support (and saving for my own place). insurance said they may get some money back from the guy, like my deductible, but this is now a criminal murder investigation and will likely take at least six months. what kind of rights are afforded to me? how should i proceed? i can’t believe someone can just destroy people’s lives like this and all of us are just out of luck. i might be forgetting stuff, so i’ll answer any questions as best i can. bot: you may have paid that much but cars are not investments. they depreciate in value fast. if they give you the kelly blue book value, i'd say you are set. also make sure they pay for a new carseat
user: drunk driver destroyed my car and my financial stability. a little over a week ago, a drunk driver smashed into a car, killing the driver and creating a chain reaction which destroyed three other cars, including mine, and put 7 people in the hospital. my daughters and i were the only ones to escape with no injuries. and though processing all this has been tough, and i feel bad because others had it worse, my insurance company is offering me half what i paid for my car. i’m a single father who just took a short term substitute teacher position so i can move closer to my kids. i also make coffee part-time just to make ends meet. i’m living with a friend currently and the plan was to see if i could make this teaching gig full time and then get a place close to my kids. everything this asshole did set me back. the states attorney wouldn’t even tell me his name let alone whether he had insurance. (i found his name in the news.) my car was paid off. and i paid $12,000 for it. now i have $6000 to try to find a reliable car that can transport my kids and get me to two jobs and i’m not really financially set to have a car payment with rent and child support (and saving for my own place). insurance said they may get some money back from the guy, like my deductible, but this is now a criminal murder investigation and will likely take at least six months. what kind of rights are afforded to me? how should i proceed? i can’t believe someone can just destroy people’s lives like this and all of us are just out of luck. i might be forgetting stuff, so i’ll answer any questions as best i can. bot: --- > --- *i am a bot whose sole purpose is to improve the timeliness and accuracy of responses in this subreddit.* --- **it appears you forgot to include your location in the title or body of your post. please update the body of your original post to include this information.** --- ***do not delete this post - instead, simply edit the post with the requested information.*** --- author: /u/thedeadwillwalk title: **drunk driver destroyed my car and my financial stability.** original post: > a little over a week ago, a drunk driver smashed into a car, killing the driver and creating a chain reaction which destroyed three other cars, including mine, and put 7 people in the hospital. my daughters and i were the only ones to escape with no injuries. > > and though processing all this has been tough, and i feel bad because others had it worse, my insurance company is offering me half what i paid for my car. > > i’m a single father who just took a short term substitute teacher position so i can move closer to my kids. i also make coffee part-time just to make ends meet. i’m living with a friend currently and the plan was to see if i could make this teaching gig full time and then get a place close to my kids. > > everything this asshole did set me back. the states attorney wouldn’t even tell me his name let alone whether he had insurance. (i found his name in the news.) my car was paid off. and i paid $12,000 for it. now i have $6000 to try to find a reliable car that can transport my kids and get me to two jobs and i’m not really financially set to have a car payment with rent and child support (and saving for my own place). insurance said they may get some money back from the guy, like my deductible, but this is now a criminal murder investigation and will likely take at least six months. > > what kind of rights are afforded to me? how should i proceed? i can’t believe someone can just destroy people’s lives like this and all of us are just out of luck. i might be forgetting stuff, so i’ll answer any questions as best i can. --- locationbot 4.97 23/269ths | report issues
user: drunk driver destroyed my car and my financial stability. a little over a week ago, a drunk driver smashed into a car, killing the driver and creating a chain reaction which destroyed three other cars, including mine, and put 7 people in the hospital. my daughters and i were the only ones to escape with no injuries. and though processing all this has been tough, and i feel bad because others had it worse, my insurance company is offering me half what i paid for my car. i’m a single father who just took a short term substitute teacher position so i can move closer to my kids. i also make coffee part-time just to make ends meet. i’m living with a friend currently and the plan was to see if i could make this teaching gig full time and then get a place close to my kids. everything this asshole did set me back. the states attorney wouldn’t even tell me his name let alone whether he had insurance. (i found his name in the news.) my car was paid off. and i paid $12,000 for it. now i have $6000 to try to find a reliable car that can transport my kids and get me to two jobs and i’m not really financially set to have a car payment with rent and child support (and saving for my own place). insurance said they may get some money back from the guy, like my deductible, but this is now a criminal murder investigation and will likely take at least six months. what kind of rights are afforded to me? how should i proceed? i can’t believe someone can just destroy people’s lives like this and all of us are just out of luck. i might be forgetting stuff, so i’ll answer any questions as best i can. bot: sorry to hear about the accident and glad you're ok. how long have you had the car? they do depreciate. i would also recommend going online and finding equivalent year, make, model, miles and options and see what that comes to. is that what they're are offering you less your deductible. insurance is there to put you whole. so if you can get a very similar car to yours for $6000 plus your deductible, that's what they're supposed to do.
user: drunk driver destroyed my car and my financial stability. a little over a week ago, a drunk driver smashed into a car, killing the driver and creating a chain reaction which destroyed three other cars, including mine, and put 7 people in the hospital. my daughters and i were the only ones to escape with no injuries. and though processing all this has been tough, and i feel bad because others had it worse, my insurance company is offering me half what i paid for my car. i’m a single father who just took a short term substitute teacher position so i can move closer to my kids. i also make coffee part-time just to make ends meet. i’m living with a friend currently and the plan was to see if i could make this teaching gig full time and then get a place close to my kids. everything this asshole did set me back. the states attorney wouldn’t even tell me his name let alone whether he had insurance. (i found his name in the news.) my car was paid off. and i paid $12,000 for it. now i have $6000 to try to find a reliable car that can transport my kids and get me to two jobs and i’m not really financially set to have a car payment with rent and child support (and saving for my own place). insurance said they may get some money back from the guy, like my deductible, but this is now a criminal murder investigation and will likely take at least six months. what kind of rights are afforded to me? how should i proceed? i can’t believe someone can just destroy people’s lives like this and all of us are just out of luck. i might be forgetting stuff, so i’ll answer any questions as best i can. bot: --- > --- *i am a bot whose sole purpose is to improve the timeliness and accuracy of responses in this subreddit.* --- **it appears you forgot to include your location in the title or body of your post. please update the body of your original post to include this information.** --- ***do not delete this post - instead, simply edit the post with the requested information.*** --- author: /u/thedeadwillwalk title: **drunk driver destroyed my car and my financial stability.** original post: > a little over a week ago, a drunk driver smashed into a car, killing the driver and creating a chain reaction which destroyed three other cars, including mine, and put 7 people in the hospital. my daughters and i were the only ones to escape with no injuries. > > and though processing all this has been tough, and i feel bad because others had it worse, my insurance company is offering me half what i paid for my car. > > i’m a single father who just took a short term substitute teacher position so i can move closer to my kids. i also make coffee part-time just to make ends meet. i’m living with a friend currently and the plan was to see if i could make this teaching gig full time and then get a place close to my kids. > > everything this asshole did set me back. the states attorney wouldn’t even tell me his name let alone whether he had insurance. (i found his name in the news.) my car was paid off. and i paid $12,000 for it. now i have $6000 to try to find a reliable car that can transport my kids and get me to two jobs and i’m not really financially set to have a car payment with rent and child support (and saving for my own place). insurance said they may get some money back from the guy, like my deductible, but this is now a criminal murder investigation and will likely take at least six months. > > what kind of rights are afforded to me? how should i proceed? i can’t believe someone can just destroy people’s lives like this and all of us are just out of luck. i might be forgetting stuff, so i’ll answer any questions as best i can. --- locationbot 4.97 23/269ths | report issues
user: lady ran stop sign and hit me. she begged me not to call the cops and claims her license is expired - she says her father can fix my car. what should i have done? happened last night. i have the entire accident on dashcamera which clearly shows she is at fault. the accident wasnt too bad but theres a clear dent on the front of my car. she was a young women with a young child in the back seat. she was very sorry, said she didnt see the stop sign. she begged me not to call the cops because her license is expired, doesnt have insurance and her father has a mechanic shop who will fix my car for free. she said this is better because now it wont be on my car's record. i felt kind of bad so i didnt call the police. i did get her name, number, license plate and vin number from her car just in case. i will be calling her later about her father's mechanic shop. did i make a mistake? what should i do if she ghosts me? am i screwed if she ghosts me? bot: just an addition to consider. this woman has no license, no insurance, ran a stop sign with a child in the car and then begged you not to call the cops. and *all of this* gives you trust that "her father" is a legitimate and experienced craftsman who will repair your car, return lost value to your property, and ensure your safety should you crash again? *this sounds like a wise plan for you?*
user: lady ran stop sign and hit me. she begged me not to call the cops and claims her license is expired - she says her father can fix my car. what should i have done? happened last night. i have the entire accident on dashcamera which clearly shows she is at fault. the accident wasnt too bad but theres a clear dent on the front of my car. she was a young women with a young child in the back seat. she was very sorry, said she didnt see the stop sign. she begged me not to call the cops because her license is expired, doesnt have insurance and her father has a mechanic shop who will fix my car for free. she said this is better because now it wont be on my car's record. i felt kind of bad so i didnt call the police. i did get her name, number, license plate and vin number from her car just in case. i will be calling her later about her father's mechanic shop. did i make a mistake? what should i do if she ghosts me? am i screwed if she ghosts me? bot: at a minimum you should have gotten a written acknowledgment from her indicating what happened and that she was entirely at fault, along with pictures of the accident scene, of her, and any id she had.if she is judgement proof and doesn’t have insurance and fails to honor the promise to have your car repaired then there is not much that you can really do to get your car repaired other than use your insurance assuming you have coverage.
user: lady ran stop sign and hit me. she begged me not to call the cops and claims her license is expired - she says her father can fix my car. what should i have done? happened last night. i have the entire accident on dashcamera which clearly shows she is at fault. the accident wasnt too bad but theres a clear dent on the front of my car. she was a young women with a young child in the back seat. she was very sorry, said she didnt see the stop sign. she begged me not to call the cops because her license is expired, doesnt have insurance and her father has a mechanic shop who will fix my car for free. she said this is better because now it wont be on my car's record. i felt kind of bad so i didnt call the police. i did get her name, number, license plate and vin number from her car just in case. i will be calling her later about her father's mechanic shop. did i make a mistake? what should i do if she ghosts me? am i screwed if she ghosts me? bot: just an addition to consider. this woman has no license, no insurance, ran a stop sign with a child in the car and then begged you not to call the cops. and *all of this* gives you trust that "her father" is a legitimate and experienced craftsman who will repair your car, return lost value to your property, and ensure your safety should you crash again? *this sounds like a wise plan for you?*
user: lady ran stop sign and hit me. she begged me not to call the cops and claims her license is expired - she says her father can fix my car. what should i have done? happened last night. i have the entire accident on dashcamera which clearly shows she is at fault. the accident wasnt too bad but theres a clear dent on the front of my car. she was a young women with a young child in the back seat. she was very sorry, said she didnt see the stop sign. she begged me not to call the cops because her license is expired, doesnt have insurance and her father has a mechanic shop who will fix my car for free. she said this is better because now it wont be on my car's record. i felt kind of bad so i didnt call the police. i did get her name, number, license plate and vin number from her car just in case. i will be calling her later about her father's mechanic shop. did i make a mistake? what should i do if she ghosts me? am i screwed if she ghosts me? bot: it's up to you what you want to do in an accident. if you want to settle it privately that's largely acceptable in the us. if you can locate her you can sue her in small claims. but people without a license or insurance usually can't pay out of pocket. the police report at least gives you solid info on who she is. they might choose to give her penalties for not having insurance/license.
user: lady ran stop sign and hit me. she begged me not to call the cops and claims her license is expired - she says her father can fix my car. what should i have done? happened last night. i have the entire accident on dashcamera which clearly shows she is at fault. the accident wasnt too bad but theres a clear dent on the front of my car. she was a young women with a young child in the back seat. she was very sorry, said she didnt see the stop sign. she begged me not to call the cops because her license is expired, doesnt have insurance and her father has a mechanic shop who will fix my car for free. she said this is better because now it wont be on my car's record. i felt kind of bad so i didnt call the police. i did get her name, number, license plate and vin number from her car just in case. i will be calling her later about her father's mechanic shop. did i make a mistake? what should i do if she ghosts me? am i screwed if she ghosts me? bot: doesn't matter what you should've done. what you should do now is call the cops.
user: lady ran stop sign and hit me. she begged me not to call the cops and claims her license is expired - she says her father can fix my car. what should i have done? happened last night. i have the entire accident on dashcamera which clearly shows she is at fault. the accident wasnt too bad but theres a clear dent on the front of my car. she was a young women with a young child in the back seat. she was very sorry, said she didnt see the stop sign. she begged me not to call the cops because her license is expired, doesnt have insurance and her father has a mechanic shop who will fix my car for free. she said this is better because now it wont be on my car's record. i felt kind of bad so i didnt call the police. i did get her name, number, license plate and vin number from her car just in case. i will be calling her later about her father's mechanic shop. did i make a mistake? what should i do if she ghosts me? am i screwed if she ghosts me? bot: cant you still let the cops know? i mean you feel bad and all for her but the fact that she is driving with an expired license and no insurance are major red flags. plus depending on the state, your insurance company may still make you pay your share of deductible of she is without insurance. heck my insurance company wasnt even willing to cover my costs without a police report.
user: lady ran stop sign and hit me. she begged me not to call the cops and claims her license is expired - she says her father can fix my car. what should i have done? happened last night. i have the entire accident on dashcamera which clearly shows she is at fault. the accident wasnt too bad but theres a clear dent on the front of my car. she was a young women with a young child in the back seat. she was very sorry, said she didnt see the stop sign. she begged me not to call the cops because her license is expired, doesnt have insurance and her father has a mechanic shop who will fix my car for free. she said this is better because now it wont be on my car's record. i felt kind of bad so i didnt call the police. i did get her name, number, license plate and vin number from her car just in case. i will be calling her later about her father's mechanic shop. did i make a mistake? what should i do if she ghosts me? am i screwed if she ghosts me? bot: doesn't matter what you should've done. what you should do now is call the cops.
user: lady ran stop sign and hit me. she begged me not to call the cops and claims her license is expired - she says her father can fix my car. what should i have done? happened last night. i have the entire accident on dashcamera which clearly shows she is at fault. the accident wasnt too bad but theres a clear dent on the front of my car. she was a young women with a young child in the back seat. she was very sorry, said she didnt see the stop sign. she begged me not to call the cops because her license is expired, doesnt have insurance and her father has a mechanic shop who will fix my car for free. she said this is better because now it wont be on my car's record. i felt kind of bad so i didnt call the police. i did get her name, number, license plate and vin number from her car just in case. i will be calling her later about her father's mechanic shop. did i make a mistake? what should i do if she ghosts me? am i screwed if she ghosts me? bot: it's up to you what you want to do in an accident. if you want to settle it privately that's largely acceptable in the us. if you can locate her you can sue her in small claims. but people without a license or insurance usually can't pay out of pocket. the police report at least gives you solid info on who she is. they might choose to give her penalties for not having insurance/license.
user: lady ran stop sign and hit me. she begged me not to call the cops and claims her license is expired - she says her father can fix my car. what should i have done? happened last night. i have the entire accident on dashcamera which clearly shows she is at fault. the accident wasnt too bad but theres a clear dent on the front of my car. she was a young women with a young child in the back seat. she was very sorry, said she didnt see the stop sign. she begged me not to call the cops because her license is expired, doesnt have insurance and her father has a mechanic shop who will fix my car for free. she said this is better because now it wont be on my car's record. i felt kind of bad so i didnt call the police. i did get her name, number, license plate and vin number from her car just in case. i will be calling her later about her father's mechanic shop. did i make a mistake? what should i do if she ghosts me? am i screwed if she ghosts me? bot: this is the reason everyone should have **uninsured/under-insured** motorists coverage.
user: lady ran stop sign and hit me. she begged me not to call the cops and claims her license is expired - she says her father can fix my car. what should i have done? happened last night. i have the entire accident on dashcamera which clearly shows she is at fault. the accident wasnt too bad but theres a clear dent on the front of my car. she was a young women with a young child in the back seat. she was very sorry, said she didnt see the stop sign. she begged me not to call the cops because her license is expired, doesnt have insurance and her father has a mechanic shop who will fix my car for free. she said this is better because now it wont be on my car's record. i felt kind of bad so i didnt call the police. i did get her name, number, license plate and vin number from her car just in case. i will be calling her later about her father's mechanic shop. did i make a mistake? what should i do if she ghosts me? am i screwed if she ghosts me? bot: it's up to you what you want to do in an accident. if you want to settle it privately that's largely acceptable in the us. if you can locate her you can sue her in small claims. but people without a license or insurance usually can't pay out of pocket. the police report at least gives you solid info on who she is. they might choose to give her penalties for not having insurance/license.
user: lady ran stop sign and hit me. she begged me not to call the cops and claims her license is expired - she says her father can fix my car. what should i have done? happened last night. i have the entire accident on dashcamera which clearly shows she is at fault. the accident wasnt too bad but theres a clear dent on the front of my car. she was a young women with a young child in the back seat. she was very sorry, said she didnt see the stop sign. she begged me not to call the cops because her license is expired, doesnt have insurance and her father has a mechanic shop who will fix my car for free. she said this is better because now it wont be on my car's record. i felt kind of bad so i didnt call the police. i did get her name, number, license plate and vin number from her car just in case. i will be calling her later about her father's mechanic shop. did i make a mistake? what should i do if she ghosts me? am i screwed if she ghosts me? bot: you should have called the police. you can still call the police. do so and get a police report to submit to your insurance company. this is what you pay them for.
user: lady ran stop sign and hit me. she begged me not to call the cops and claims her license is expired - she says her father can fix my car. what should i have done? happened last night. i have the entire accident on dashcamera which clearly shows she is at fault. the accident wasnt too bad but theres a clear dent on the front of my car. she was a young women with a young child in the back seat. she was very sorry, said she didnt see the stop sign. she begged me not to call the cops because her license is expired, doesnt have insurance and her father has a mechanic shop who will fix my car for free. she said this is better because now it wont be on my car's record. i felt kind of bad so i didnt call the police. i did get her name, number, license plate and vin number from her car just in case. i will be calling her later about her father's mechanic shop. did i make a mistake? what should i do if she ghosts me? am i screwed if she ghosts me? bot: it's up to you what you want to do in an accident. if you want to settle it privately that's largely acceptable in the us. if you can locate her you can sue her in small claims. but people without a license or insurance usually can't pay out of pocket. the police report at least gives you solid info on who she is. they might choose to give her penalties for not having insurance/license.
user: lady ran stop sign and hit me. she begged me not to call the cops and claims her license is expired - she says her father can fix my car. what should i have done? happened last night. i have the entire accident on dashcamera which clearly shows she is at fault. the accident wasnt too bad but theres a clear dent on the front of my car. she was a young women with a young child in the back seat. she was very sorry, said she didnt see the stop sign. she begged me not to call the cops because her license is expired, doesnt have insurance and her father has a mechanic shop who will fix my car for free. she said this is better because now it wont be on my car's record. i felt kind of bad so i didnt call the police. i did get her name, number, license plate and vin number from her car just in case. i will be calling her later about her father's mechanic shop. did i make a mistake? what should i do if she ghosts me? am i screwed if she ghosts me? bot: at a minimum you should have gotten a written acknowledgment from her indicating what happened and that she was entirely at fault, along with pictures of the accident scene, of her, and any id she had.if she is judgement proof and doesn’t have insurance and fails to honor the promise to have your car repaired then there is not much that you can really do to get your car repaired other than use your insurance assuming you have coverage.
user: lady ran stop sign and hit me. she begged me not to call the cops and claims her license is expired - she says her father can fix my car. what should i have done? happened last night. i have the entire accident on dashcamera which clearly shows she is at fault. the accident wasnt too bad but theres a clear dent on the front of my car. she was a young women with a young child in the back seat. she was very sorry, said she didnt see the stop sign. she begged me not to call the cops because her license is expired, doesnt have insurance and her father has a mechanic shop who will fix my car for free. she said this is better because now it wont be on my car's record. i felt kind of bad so i didnt call the police. i did get her name, number, license plate and vin number from her car just in case. i will be calling her later about her father's mechanic shop. did i make a mistake? what should i do if she ghosts me? am i screwed if she ghosts me? bot: it's up to you what you want to do in an accident. if you want to settle it privately that's largely acceptable in the us. if you can locate her you can sue her in small claims. but people without a license or insurance usually can't pay out of pocket. the police report at least gives you solid info on who she is. they might choose to give her penalties for not having insurance/license.
user: lady ran stop sign and hit me. she begged me not to call the cops and claims her license is expired - she says her father can fix my car. what should i have done? happened last night. i have the entire accident on dashcamera which clearly shows she is at fault. the accident wasnt too bad but theres a clear dent on the front of my car. she was a young women with a young child in the back seat. she was very sorry, said she didnt see the stop sign. she begged me not to call the cops because her license is expired, doesnt have insurance and her father has a mechanic shop who will fix my car for free. she said this is better because now it wont be on my car's record. i felt kind of bad so i didnt call the police. i did get her name, number, license plate and vin number from her car just in case. i will be calling her later about her father's mechanic shop. did i make a mistake? what should i do if she ghosts me? am i screwed if she ghosts me? bot: call the police. in some places it's illegal not to report an accident. she's trying to scam you.
user: lady ran stop sign and hit me. she begged me not to call the cops and claims her license is expired - she says her father can fix my car. what should i have done? happened last night. i have the entire accident on dashcamera which clearly shows she is at fault. the accident wasnt too bad but theres a clear dent on the front of my car. she was a young women with a young child in the back seat. she was very sorry, said she didnt see the stop sign. she begged me not to call the cops because her license is expired, doesnt have insurance and her father has a mechanic shop who will fix my car for free. she said this is better because now it wont be on my car's record. i felt kind of bad so i didnt call the police. i did get her name, number, license plate and vin number from her car just in case. i will be calling her later about her father's mechanic shop. did i make a mistake? what should i do if she ghosts me? am i screwed if she ghosts me? bot: this woman has no business being behind the wheel of a car. always call cops and your insurance company when you've been in an accident. most likely, her dad is a shade-tree mechanic. he understands cars and has tools needed to do minor repairs. but checking your vehicle to make sure there's no complicated damage he can't repair? or which requires expensive parts? hardly.
user: roommate engaged in criminal activity. landlord kicked everyone out and is still charging rent through the end of lease. roommate engaged in criminal activity and the police raided our apartment. landlord asked the other roommates move their things out the day the police raided our apartment. can landlord continue to charge rent until the end of lease for a place we do not live in? some accompanying facts: - i am on the lease - there is no criminal activity clause in the lease - this took place in texas - roommate who was arrested is also on the lease bot: there doesn't have to be a criminal activity clause in a lease, that's a legitimate reason to evict. to be clear, you *didn't* move out, you are still staying there, since "the landlord asked the other roommates move their things out." if that's the case, you'd owe the full rent and the other roommates would still have to pay.
user: roommate engaged in criminal activity. landlord kicked everyone out and is still charging rent through the end of lease. roommate engaged in criminal activity and the police raided our apartment. landlord asked the other roommates move their things out the day the police raided our apartment. can landlord continue to charge rent until the end of lease for a place we do not live in? some accompanying facts: - i am on the lease - there is no criminal activity clause in the lease - this took place in texas - roommate who was arrested is also on the lease bot: hi there! i’m the legalfaq bot. it looks like you may be experiencing housing issues related to housing or eviction. come to to find legal resources for renters in each state. you can also find links to local groups that can help you with legal, financial, or other problems at help us provide accurate advice to fellow redditors: if your post was related to housing or eviction, please like this comment; otherwise, please dislike this comment. *v0.1*
user: roommate engaged in criminal activity. landlord kicked everyone out and is still charging rent through the end of lease. roommate engaged in criminal activity and the police raided our apartment. landlord asked the other roommates move their things out the day the police raided our apartment. can landlord continue to charge rent until the end of lease for a place we do not live in? some accompanying facts: - i am on the lease - there is no criminal activity clause in the lease - this took place in texas - roommate who was arrested is also on the lease bot: he can’t just asked you to leave. he had to go through the court system to have you evicted. if you are paying rent and haven’t been evicted you can live there. he can’t have his cake and eat it too. you have a case against landlord.
user: roommate engaged in criminal activity. landlord kicked everyone out and is still charging rent through the end of lease. roommate engaged in criminal activity and the police raided our apartment. landlord asked the other roommates move their things out the day the police raided our apartment. can landlord continue to charge rent until the end of lease for a place we do not live in? some accompanying facts: - i am on the lease - there is no criminal activity clause in the lease - this took place in texas - roommate who was arrested is also on the lease bot: no. kicking you out voids the lease and probably puts him owning you a lot of money. did you file a petition? did he get a writ of possession? only bailiffs can force you out
user: roommate engaged in criminal activity. landlord kicked everyone out and is still charging rent through the end of lease. roommate engaged in criminal activity and the police raided our apartment. landlord asked the other roommates move their things out the day the police raided our apartment. can landlord continue to charge rent until the end of lease for a place we do not live in? some accompanying facts: - i am on the lease - there is no criminal activity clause in the lease - this took place in texas - roommate who was arrested is also on the lease bot: he can’t just asked you to leave. he had to go through the court system to have you evicted. if you are paying rent and haven’t been evicted you can live there. he can’t have his cake and eat it too. you have a case against landlord.
user: roommate engaged in criminal activity. landlord kicked everyone out and is still charging rent through the end of lease. roommate engaged in criminal activity and the police raided our apartment. landlord asked the other roommates move their things out the day the police raided our apartment. can landlord continue to charge rent until the end of lease for a place we do not live in? some accompanying facts: - i am on the lease - there is no criminal activity clause in the lease - this took place in texas - roommate who was arrested is also on the lease bot: hi there! i’m the legalfaq bot. it looks like you may be experiencing housing issues related to housing or eviction. come to to find legal resources for renters in each state. you can also find links to local groups that can help you with legal, financial, or other problems at help us provide accurate advice to fellow redditors: if your post was related to housing or eviction, please like this comment; otherwise, please dislike this comment. *v0.1*
user: roommate engaged in criminal activity. landlord kicked everyone out and is still charging rent through the end of lease. roommate engaged in criminal activity and the police raided our apartment. landlord asked the other roommates move their things out the day the police raided our apartment. can landlord continue to charge rent until the end of lease for a place we do not live in? some accompanying facts: - i am on the lease - there is no criminal activity clause in the lease - this took place in texas - roommate who was arrested is also on the lease bot: he can’t just asked you to leave. he had to go through the court system to have you evicted. if you are paying rent and haven’t been evicted you can live there. he can’t have his cake and eat it too. you have a case against landlord.
user: roommate engaged in criminal activity. landlord kicked everyone out and is still charging rent through the end of lease. roommate engaged in criminal activity and the police raided our apartment. landlord asked the other roommates move their things out the day the police raided our apartment. can landlord continue to charge rent until the end of lease for a place we do not live in? some accompanying facts: - i am on the lease - there is no criminal activity clause in the lease - this took place in texas - roommate who was arrested is also on the lease bot: i don't know laws in texas but they can't force you to keep paying rent since you were told to leave. the landlord cut the contract early so you don't have to pay. you should try to get a free consultation with a lawyer tho.
user: roommate engaged in criminal activity. landlord kicked everyone out and is still charging rent through the end of lease. roommate engaged in criminal activity and the police raided our apartment. landlord asked the other roommates move their things out the day the police raided our apartment. can landlord continue to charge rent until the end of lease for a place we do not live in? some accompanying facts: - i am on the lease - there is no criminal activity clause in the lease - this took place in texas - roommate who was arrested is also on the lease bot: contact your local tenants rights association, they will be able to give you better advice, when we lived in texas and our landlord decided to be a dick they were very helpful
user: roommate engaged in criminal activity. landlord kicked everyone out and is still charging rent through the end of lease. roommate engaged in criminal activity and the police raided our apartment. landlord asked the other roommates move their things out the day the police raided our apartment. can landlord continue to charge rent until the end of lease for a place we do not live in? some accompanying facts: - i am on the lease - there is no criminal activity clause in the lease - this took place in texas - roommate who was arrested is also on the lease bot: hi there! i’m the legalfaq bot. it looks like you may be experiencing housing issues related to housing or eviction. come to to find legal resources for renters in each state. you can also find links to local groups that can help you with legal, financial, or other problems at help us provide accurate advice to fellow redditors: if your post was related to housing or eviction, please like this comment; otherwise, please dislike this comment. *v0.1*
user: roommate engaged in criminal activity. landlord kicked everyone out and is still charging rent through the end of lease. roommate engaged in criminal activity and the police raided our apartment. landlord asked the other roommates move their things out the day the police raided our apartment. can landlord continue to charge rent until the end of lease for a place we do not live in? some accompanying facts: - i am on the lease - there is no criminal activity clause in the lease - this took place in texas - roommate who was arrested is also on the lease bot: if i understand right. you were kicked out/moved out. which means there is no legal basis that they can still collect rent as far as i know.
user: roommate engaged in criminal activity. landlord kicked everyone out and is still charging rent through the end of lease. roommate engaged in criminal activity and the police raided our apartment. landlord asked the other roommates move their things out the day the police raided our apartment. can landlord continue to charge rent until the end of lease for a place we do not live in? some accompanying facts: - i am on the lease - there is no criminal activity clause in the lease - this took place in texas - roommate who was arrested is also on the lease bot: hi there! i’m the legalfaq bot. it looks like you may be experiencing housing issues related to housing or eviction. come to to find legal resources for renters in each state. you can also find links to local groups that can help you with legal, financial, or other problems at help us provide accurate advice to fellow redditors: if your post was related to housing or eviction, please like this comment; otherwise, please dislike this comment. *v0.1*
user: roommate engaged in criminal activity. landlord kicked everyone out and is still charging rent through the end of lease. roommate engaged in criminal activity and the police raided our apartment. landlord asked the other roommates move their things out the day the police raided our apartment. can landlord continue to charge rent until the end of lease for a place we do not live in? some accompanying facts: - i am on the lease - there is no criminal activity clause in the lease - this took place in texas - roommate who was arrested is also on the lease bot: not a lawyer but adding on to what other have said, are you still in the area? i would consider driving by to see if there is a car there, or any signs that he has re-rented. he can't charge you rent for a place he evicted you from, and he super-cant double-dip two leases for the same space at the same time. this information may make court easier if you seek your money back.
user: roommate engaged in criminal activity. landlord kicked everyone out and is still charging rent through the end of lease. roommate engaged in criminal activity and the police raided our apartment. landlord asked the other roommates move their things out the day the police raided our apartment. can landlord continue to charge rent until the end of lease for a place we do not live in? some accompanying facts: - i am on the lease - there is no criminal activity clause in the lease - this took place in texas - roommate who was arrested is also on the lease bot: hi there! i’m the legalfaq bot. it looks like you may be experiencing housing issues related to housing or eviction. come to to find legal resources for renters in each state. you can also find links to local groups that can help you with legal, financial, or other problems at help us provide accurate advice to fellow redditors: if your post was related to housing or eviction, please like this comment; otherwise, please dislike this comment. *v0.1*
user: roommate engaged in criminal activity. landlord kicked everyone out and is still charging rent through the end of lease. roommate engaged in criminal activity and the police raided our apartment. landlord asked the other roommates move their things out the day the police raided our apartment. can landlord continue to charge rent until the end of lease for a place we do not live in? some accompanying facts: - i am on the lease - there is no criminal activity clause in the lease - this took place in texas - roommate who was arrested is also on the lease bot: were you actually evicted? was the roommate actually evicted? or did the landlord only *tell* you to leave? an eviction is a legal process. you would have had legal notice and the opportunity to go to court. if you were *not* evicted, the landlord can offer to end the lease early and you can agree. there is a required notice period that varies by state (easy to google). if you moved out without officially ending the lease with the required notice, you are still bound by the lease. that means you still have full access to the unit you are renting and have to pay rent. talk to the landlord. ask to officially end the lease, and use a conversation in the past as notice. notice doesn't have to be written, it jsut has to be agreed to by all parties. written notice is always better because of a paper trail. if the landlord refuses, move back in. you have full rights to use the space until the end of the lease.
user: roommate engaged in criminal activity. landlord kicked everyone out and is still charging rent through the end of lease. roommate engaged in criminal activity and the police raided our apartment. landlord asked the other roommates move their things out the day the police raided our apartment. can landlord continue to charge rent until the end of lease for a place we do not live in? some accompanying facts: - i am on the lease - there is no criminal activity clause in the lease - this took place in texas - roommate who was arrested is also on the lease bot: hi there! i’m the legalfaq bot. it looks like you may be experiencing housing issues related to housing or eviction. come to to find legal resources for renters in each state. you can also find links to local groups that can help you with legal, financial, or other problems at help us provide accurate advice to fellow redditors: if your post was related to housing or eviction, please like this comment; otherwise, please dislike this comment. *v0.1*
user: roommate engaged in criminal activity. landlord kicked everyone out and is still charging rent through the end of lease. roommate engaged in criminal activity and the police raided our apartment. landlord asked the other roommates move their things out the day the police raided our apartment. can landlord continue to charge rent until the end of lease for a place we do not live in? some accompanying facts: - i am on the lease - there is no criminal activity clause in the lease - this took place in texas - roommate who was arrested is also on the lease bot: no. kicking you out voids the lease and probably puts him owning you a lot of money. did you file a petition? did he get a writ of possession? only bailiffs can force you out
user: roommate engaged in criminal activity. landlord kicked everyone out and is still charging rent through the end of lease. roommate engaged in criminal activity and the police raided our apartment. landlord asked the other roommates move their things out the day the police raided our apartment. can landlord continue to charge rent until the end of lease for a place we do not live in? some accompanying facts: - i am on the lease - there is no criminal activity clause in the lease - this took place in texas - roommate who was arrested is also on the lease bot: hi there! i’m the legalfaq bot. it looks like you may be experiencing housing issues related to housing or eviction. come to to find legal resources for renters in each state. you can also find links to local groups that can help you with legal, financial, or other problems at help us provide accurate advice to fellow redditors: if your post was related to housing or eviction, please like this comment; otherwise, please dislike this comment. *v0.1*
user: roommate engaged in criminal activity. landlord kicked everyone out and is still charging rent through the end of lease. roommate engaged in criminal activity and the police raided our apartment. landlord asked the other roommates move their things out the day the police raided our apartment. can landlord continue to charge rent until the end of lease for a place we do not live in? some accompanying facts: - i am on the lease - there is no criminal activity clause in the lease - this took place in texas - roommate who was arrested is also on the lease bot: no. kicking you out voids the lease and probably puts him owning you a lot of money. did you file a petition? did he get a writ of possession? only bailiffs can force you out
user: roommate engaged in criminal activity. landlord kicked everyone out and is still charging rent through the end of lease. roommate engaged in criminal activity and the police raided our apartment. landlord asked the other roommates move their things out the day the police raided our apartment. can landlord continue to charge rent until the end of lease for a place we do not live in? some accompanying facts: - i am on the lease - there is no criminal activity clause in the lease - this took place in texas - roommate who was arrested is also on the lease bot: i don't know laws in texas but they can't force you to keep paying rent since you were told to leave. the landlord cut the contract early so you don't have to pay. you should try to get a free consultation with a lawyer tho.
user: caught kids on camera stealing my amazon package first of all, i live in toronto, canada. three children, all likely under 10 years old, can be seen on my camera conspiring to steal my amazon package. they ring the doorbell a few times and said that they are fundraising. when no-one answers the door, the oldest girl covers the camera with her hand while the boy (presumably) takes the package and runs. the little boy in hesitant and doesn't grab it the first time the girl covers the camera, but he gets in position before she covers it the second time and is out of frame by the time she uncovers it. my question is two-pronged. firstly, what can i legally do with this video, as the perpetrators are minors? would there be any legal backlash if i were to post the video online, either before or after speaking with the police? would i be able to pull still images from the video and post them up around the neighborhood? these kids are creating a reputation for themselves, of which the neighborhood should be aware - not to mention the value of public shaming. secondly, what if any direct legal recourse do we have? i have called the police but they said it could be a few days before an officer is available to even arrange a viewing of the video. like i mentioned before, the perpetrators are minors, so i'd imagine the whole situation would be handled differently. is there any recourse against the parents of the children? the mother of the 2 girls in the video is well-known in the area for her poor parenting practices and this could be the opportunity many have been waiting for to shake some sense into her. i'll also mention that amazon has been great and immediately refunded us. however, we are still a little shaken up as it feels our quiet little suburb is changing in some ugly ways. thank you for any advice you might have. i will gladly post the video if you guys can prove to me that i won't be breaking the law myself by doing so. bot: you’ve already called the police, so you’ve already answered the second question. as to the first, show the parent the video. gauge their reaction. a bit of personal advice, cut the dramatics. your neighborhood hasn’t changed because three 10 year olds committed a crime.
user: caught kids on camera stealing my amazon package first of all, i live in toronto, canada. three children, all likely under 10 years old, can be seen on my camera conspiring to steal my amazon package. they ring the doorbell a few times and said that they are fundraising. when no-one answers the door, the oldest girl covers the camera with her hand while the boy (presumably) takes the package and runs. the little boy in hesitant and doesn't grab it the first time the girl covers the camera, but he gets in position before she covers it the second time and is out of frame by the time she uncovers it. my question is two-pronged. firstly, what can i legally do with this video, as the perpetrators are minors? would there be any legal backlash if i were to post the video online, either before or after speaking with the police? would i be able to pull still images from the video and post them up around the neighborhood? these kids are creating a reputation for themselves, of which the neighborhood should be aware - not to mention the value of public shaming. secondly, what if any direct legal recourse do we have? i have called the police but they said it could be a few days before an officer is available to even arrange a viewing of the video. like i mentioned before, the perpetrators are minors, so i'd imagine the whole situation would be handled differently. is there any recourse against the parents of the children? the mother of the 2 girls in the video is well-known in the area for her poor parenting practices and this could be the opportunity many have been waiting for to shake some sense into her. i'll also mention that amazon has been great and immediately refunded us. however, we are still a little shaken up as it feels our quiet little suburb is changing in some ugly ways. thank you for any advice you might have. i will gladly post the video if you guys can prove to me that i won't be breaking the law myself by doing so. bot: send the video to the detective and let them handle it. send other pertinent information as well. it seems you know who the mother is.
user: [pittsburgh, pa] city is revoking street parking permits to tenants of the new building i moved into, since the building was barred from participation in parking program when it was built. the leasing agent told me there would be street parking. options? i got a nice email yesterday from they city notifying me that i was one of the tenants who was incorrectly granted a parking permit, and that my permit would be cancelled in five weeks. he said that when the city approved the development of my building, it did so forbidding the building's participation in the parking program. however, the leasing agent told me in an email that there **would** be street parking. virtually everywhere requires a residential parking permit, and it is very unusual for a resident to be unable to purchase a permit to park on their own street. (this makes me think that even if the leasing agent did not tell me there would be street parking, he would have had a responsibility to tell me that our building was the only to be barred from using the surrounding residential parking area.) is there anything i can do about this? parking has a big influence on rent and property values. do i have a legal right to be compensated? the apartment building sells expensive private parking spots. bot: does your lease promise you a space, or no? in general, the leasing agent can't promise you a street spot, as the street is public property.
user: [pittsburgh, pa] city is revoking street parking permits to tenants of the new building i moved into, since the building was barred from participation in parking program when it was built. the leasing agent told me there would be street parking. options? i got a nice email yesterday from they city notifying me that i was one of the tenants who was incorrectly granted a parking permit, and that my permit would be cancelled in five weeks. he said that when the city approved the development of my building, it did so forbidding the building's participation in the parking program. however, the leasing agent told me in an email that there **would** be street parking. virtually everywhere requires a residential parking permit, and it is very unusual for a resident to be unable to purchase a permit to park on their own street. (this makes me think that even if the leasing agent did not tell me there would be street parking, he would have had a responsibility to tell me that our building was the only to be barred from using the surrounding residential parking area.) is there anything i can do about this? parking has a big influence on rent and property values. do i have a legal right to be compensated? the apartment building sells expensive private parking spots. bot: did the leasing agent specify where the street parking would be? proximity to the building? did any such language make it into the lease?
user: [pittsburgh, pa] city is revoking street parking permits to tenants of the new building i moved into, since the building was barred from participation in parking program when it was built. the leasing agent told me there would be street parking. options? i got a nice email yesterday from they city notifying me that i was one of the tenants who was incorrectly granted a parking permit, and that my permit would be cancelled in five weeks. he said that when the city approved the development of my building, it did so forbidding the building's participation in the parking program. however, the leasing agent told me in an email that there **would** be street parking. virtually everywhere requires a residential parking permit, and it is very unusual for a resident to be unable to purchase a permit to park on their own street. (this makes me think that even if the leasing agent did not tell me there would be street parking, he would have had a responsibility to tell me that our building was the only to be barred from using the surrounding residential parking area.) is there anything i can do about this? parking has a big influence on rent and property values. do i have a legal right to be compensated? the apartment building sells expensive private parking spots. bot: i lived in a place that had the same situation. after i moved in i tried to get a parking permit from the city and they said that the landlord was required to state in the lease that this property wasn't eligible for a parking permit. you could try to get the landlord to pay for off site parking if you really think you have a case against them. i also found out that i could petition the city's traffic engineer to evaluate if our property should be part of the parking permit program, but that sounded like a lot of work.
user: [pittsburgh, pa] city is revoking street parking permits to tenants of the new building i moved into, since the building was barred from participation in parking program when it was built. the leasing agent told me there would be street parking. options? i got a nice email yesterday from they city notifying me that i was one of the tenants who was incorrectly granted a parking permit, and that my permit would be cancelled in five weeks. he said that when the city approved the development of my building, it did so forbidding the building's participation in the parking program. however, the leasing agent told me in an email that there **would** be street parking. virtually everywhere requires a residential parking permit, and it is very unusual for a resident to be unable to purchase a permit to park on their own street. (this makes me think that even if the leasing agent did not tell me there would be street parking, he would have had a responsibility to tell me that our building was the only to be barred from using the surrounding residential parking area.) is there anything i can do about this? parking has a big influence on rent and property values. do i have a legal right to be compensated? the apartment building sells expensive private parking spots. bot: did the leasing agent specify where the street parking would be? proximity to the building? did any such language make it into the lease?
user: my 8yo nephew is about to receive a $375k inheritance. how do i prevent his pos dad from becoming custodian? before i start: we live in nd, but my nephew and his dad live in spokane wa. after my sister passed away two years ago my dad replaced her as 50% primary beneficiary on his retirement account with her 8yo son. sadly, my dad passed away several weeks ago, and never set up a trust or custodial account to manage the inheritance for my minor nephew (it's about $375k). as the other beneficiary, the retirement firm has tasked me to contact them so my nephews dad had no idea yet. tragically he's deadbeat, a drug addict and convicted thief. he has always been dependent on my dad and i send money to feed my nephew while wasting any income and gov assistance money on weed and booze. my concern is that as legal guardian, he will be appointed de facto custodian of his sons inheritance and it will be squandered or stolen long before my nephew is eligible to receive it. not sure if it matters: i am executor of my fathers will and was his poa before he passed. he was specific about how he wanted these assets to be managed for my nephew until he got them. is there any recourse to petition the wa probate or family court to appoint myself, or some impartial third party, as custodian? thank you! bot: shocked no one has mentioned this, but at least in my state, it absolutely can go into a trust. i’m in texas, and natural guardians are not automatically custodians for the kid’s inheritance. the money is typically required to a court appointed guardian of the estate or a court created trust.
user: my 8yo nephew is about to receive a $375k inheritance. how do i prevent his pos dad from becoming custodian? before i start: we live in nd, but my nephew and his dad live in spokane wa. after my sister passed away two years ago my dad replaced her as 50% primary beneficiary on his retirement account with her 8yo son. sadly, my dad passed away several weeks ago, and never set up a trust or custodial account to manage the inheritance for my minor nephew (it's about $375k). as the other beneficiary, the retirement firm has tasked me to contact them so my nephews dad had no idea yet. tragically he's deadbeat, a drug addict and convicted thief. he has always been dependent on my dad and i send money to feed my nephew while wasting any income and gov assistance money on weed and booze. my concern is that as legal guardian, he will be appointed de facto custodian of his sons inheritance and it will be squandered or stolen long before my nephew is eligible to receive it. not sure if it matters: i am executor of my fathers will and was his poa before he passed. he was specific about how he wanted these assets to be managed for my nephew until he got them. is there any recourse to petition the wa probate or family court to appoint myself, or some impartial third party, as custodian? thank you! bot: if the dad is not providing a safe home (drunk, no money for food, etc), call child protective services.
user: my 8yo nephew is about to receive a $375k inheritance. how do i prevent his pos dad from becoming custodian? before i start: we live in nd, but my nephew and his dad live in spokane wa. after my sister passed away two years ago my dad replaced her as 50% primary beneficiary on his retirement account with her 8yo son. sadly, my dad passed away several weeks ago, and never set up a trust or custodial account to manage the inheritance for my minor nephew (it's about $375k). as the other beneficiary, the retirement firm has tasked me to contact them so my nephews dad had no idea yet. tragically he's deadbeat, a drug addict and convicted thief. he has always been dependent on my dad and i send money to feed my nephew while wasting any income and gov assistance money on weed and booze. my concern is that as legal guardian, he will be appointed de facto custodian of his sons inheritance and it will be squandered or stolen long before my nephew is eligible to receive it. not sure if it matters: i am executor of my fathers will and was his poa before he passed. he was specific about how he wanted these assets to be managed for my nephew until he got them. is there any recourse to petition the wa probate or family court to appoint myself, or some impartial third party, as custodian? thank you! bot: shocked no one has mentioned this, but at least in my state, it absolutely can go into a trust. i’m in texas, and natural guardians are not automatically custodians for the kid’s inheritance. the money is typically required to a court appointed guardian of the estate or a court created trust.
user: my 8yo nephew is about to receive a $375k inheritance. how do i prevent his pos dad from becoming custodian? before i start: we live in nd, but my nephew and his dad live in spokane wa. after my sister passed away two years ago my dad replaced her as 50% primary beneficiary on his retirement account with her 8yo son. sadly, my dad passed away several weeks ago, and never set up a trust or custodial account to manage the inheritance for my minor nephew (it's about $375k). as the other beneficiary, the retirement firm has tasked me to contact them so my nephews dad had no idea yet. tragically he's deadbeat, a drug addict and convicted thief. he has always been dependent on my dad and i send money to feed my nephew while wasting any income and gov assistance money on weed and booze. my concern is that as legal guardian, he will be appointed de facto custodian of his sons inheritance and it will be squandered or stolen long before my nephew is eligible to receive it. not sure if it matters: i am executor of my fathers will and was his poa before he passed. he was specific about how he wanted these assets to be managed for my nephew until he got them. is there any recourse to petition the wa probate or family court to appoint myself, or some impartial third party, as custodian? thank you! bot: it doesn't matter that you're executor of the estate. this account is going to pass outside of probate to the kid, and then the father will have full access to the funds. the brokerage just needs their contact info, but otherwise you're not involved from their standpoint. i would look at the recommendations here that ensure the child is in a good home, or even challenge the father's guardianship. that's the only way to protect the money. so long as he's guardian, he's going to have access.
user: my 8yo nephew is about to receive a $375k inheritance. how do i prevent his pos dad from becoming custodian? before i start: we live in nd, but my nephew and his dad live in spokane wa. after my sister passed away two years ago my dad replaced her as 50% primary beneficiary on his retirement account with her 8yo son. sadly, my dad passed away several weeks ago, and never set up a trust or custodial account to manage the inheritance for my minor nephew (it's about $375k). as the other beneficiary, the retirement firm has tasked me to contact them so my nephews dad had no idea yet. tragically he's deadbeat, a drug addict and convicted thief. he has always been dependent on my dad and i send money to feed my nephew while wasting any income and gov assistance money on weed and booze. my concern is that as legal guardian, he will be appointed de facto custodian of his sons inheritance and it will be squandered or stolen long before my nephew is eligible to receive it. not sure if it matters: i am executor of my fathers will and was his poa before he passed. he was specific about how he wanted these assets to be managed for my nephew until he got them. is there any recourse to petition the wa probate or family court to appoint myself, or some impartial third party, as custodian? thank you! bot: shocked no one has mentioned this, but at least in my state, it absolutely can go into a trust. i’m in texas, and natural guardians are not automatically custodians for the kid’s inheritance. the money is typically required to a court appointed guardian of the estate or a court created trust.
user: my 8yo nephew is about to receive a $375k inheritance. how do i prevent his pos dad from becoming custodian? before i start: we live in nd, but my nephew and his dad live in spokane wa. after my sister passed away two years ago my dad replaced her as 50% primary beneficiary on his retirement account with her 8yo son. sadly, my dad passed away several weeks ago, and never set up a trust or custodial account to manage the inheritance for my minor nephew (it's about $375k). as the other beneficiary, the retirement firm has tasked me to contact them so my nephews dad had no idea yet. tragically he's deadbeat, a drug addict and convicted thief. he has always been dependent on my dad and i send money to feed my nephew while wasting any income and gov assistance money on weed and booze. my concern is that as legal guardian, he will be appointed de facto custodian of his sons inheritance and it will be squandered or stolen long before my nephew is eligible to receive it. not sure if it matters: i am executor of my fathers will and was his poa before he passed. he was specific about how he wanted these assets to be managed for my nephew until he got them. is there any recourse to petition the wa probate or family court to appoint myself, or some impartial third party, as custodian? thank you! bot: not a lawyer. it's traumatizing to be left with his father too, but at least if he gets taken out of his father's custody he has a chance to have a better life. you should call cps and (if you're willing) petition for custody.
user: my 8yo nephew is about to receive a $375k inheritance. how do i prevent his pos dad from becoming custodian? before i start: we live in nd, but my nephew and his dad live in spokane wa. after my sister passed away two years ago my dad replaced her as 50% primary beneficiary on his retirement account with her 8yo son. sadly, my dad passed away several weeks ago, and never set up a trust or custodial account to manage the inheritance for my minor nephew (it's about $375k). as the other beneficiary, the retirement firm has tasked me to contact them so my nephews dad had no idea yet. tragically he's deadbeat, a drug addict and convicted thief. he has always been dependent on my dad and i send money to feed my nephew while wasting any income and gov assistance money on weed and booze. my concern is that as legal guardian, he will be appointed de facto custodian of his sons inheritance and it will be squandered or stolen long before my nephew is eligible to receive it. not sure if it matters: i am executor of my fathers will and was his poa before he passed. he was specific about how he wanted these assets to be managed for my nephew until he got them. is there any recourse to petition the wa probate or family court to appoint myself, or some impartial third party, as custodian? thank you! bot: shocked no one has mentioned this, but at least in my state, it absolutely can go into a trust. i’m in texas, and natural guardians are not automatically custodians for the kid’s inheritance. the money is typically required to a court appointed guardian of the estate or a court created trust.
user: my 8yo nephew is about to receive a $375k inheritance. how do i prevent his pos dad from becoming custodian? before i start: we live in nd, but my nephew and his dad live in spokane wa. after my sister passed away two years ago my dad replaced her as 50% primary beneficiary on his retirement account with her 8yo son. sadly, my dad passed away several weeks ago, and never set up a trust or custodial account to manage the inheritance for my minor nephew (it's about $375k). as the other beneficiary, the retirement firm has tasked me to contact them so my nephews dad had no idea yet. tragically he's deadbeat, a drug addict and convicted thief. he has always been dependent on my dad and i send money to feed my nephew while wasting any income and gov assistance money on weed and booze. my concern is that as legal guardian, he will be appointed de facto custodian of his sons inheritance and it will be squandered or stolen long before my nephew is eligible to receive it. not sure if it matters: i am executor of my fathers will and was his poa before he passed. he was specific about how he wanted these assets to be managed for my nephew until he got them. is there any recourse to petition the wa probate or family court to appoint myself, or some impartial third party, as custodian? thank you! bot: could it be placed into a trust fund? surely if it is now solely your nephews inheritance/name on the documents, as he is a minor, it should/could go into a trust fund? i'm not in any way legally minded, it's just a thought that this would be the ideal solution?
user: my 8yo nephew is about to receive a $375k inheritance. how do i prevent his pos dad from becoming custodian? before i start: we live in nd, but my nephew and his dad live in spokane wa. after my sister passed away two years ago my dad replaced her as 50% primary beneficiary on his retirement account with her 8yo son. sadly, my dad passed away several weeks ago, and never set up a trust or custodial account to manage the inheritance for my minor nephew (it's about $375k). as the other beneficiary, the retirement firm has tasked me to contact them so my nephews dad had no idea yet. tragically he's deadbeat, a drug addict and convicted thief. he has always been dependent on my dad and i send money to feed my nephew while wasting any income and gov assistance money on weed and booze. my concern is that as legal guardian, he will be appointed de facto custodian of his sons inheritance and it will be squandered or stolen long before my nephew is eligible to receive it. not sure if it matters: i am executor of my fathers will and was his poa before he passed. he was specific about how he wanted these assets to be managed for my nephew until he got them. is there any recourse to petition the wa probate or family court to appoint myself, or some impartial third party, as custodian? thank you! bot: it doesn't matter that you're executor of the estate. this account is going to pass outside of probate to the kid, and then the father will have full access to the funds. the brokerage just needs their contact info, but otherwise you're not involved from their standpoint. i would look at the recommendations here that ensure the child is in a good home, or even challenge the father's guardianship. that's the only way to protect the money. so long as he's guardian, he's going to have access.
user: my 8yo nephew is about to receive a $375k inheritance. how do i prevent his pos dad from becoming custodian? before i start: we live in nd, but my nephew and his dad live in spokane wa. after my sister passed away two years ago my dad replaced her as 50% primary beneficiary on his retirement account with her 8yo son. sadly, my dad passed away several weeks ago, and never set up a trust or custodial account to manage the inheritance for my minor nephew (it's about $375k). as the other beneficiary, the retirement firm has tasked me to contact them so my nephews dad had no idea yet. tragically he's deadbeat, a drug addict and convicted thief. he has always been dependent on my dad and i send money to feed my nephew while wasting any income and gov assistance money on weed and booze. my concern is that as legal guardian, he will be appointed de facto custodian of his sons inheritance and it will be squandered or stolen long before my nephew is eligible to receive it. not sure if it matters: i am executor of my fathers will and was his poa before he passed. he was specific about how he wanted these assets to be managed for my nephew until he got them. is there any recourse to petition the wa probate or family court to appoint myself, or some impartial third party, as custodian? thank you! bot: not a lawyer. it's traumatizing to be left with his father too, but at least if he gets taken out of his father's custody he has a chance to have a better life. you should call cps and (if you're willing) petition for custody.
user: my 8yo nephew is about to receive a $375k inheritance. how do i prevent his pos dad from becoming custodian? before i start: we live in nd, but my nephew and his dad live in spokane wa. after my sister passed away two years ago my dad replaced her as 50% primary beneficiary on his retirement account with her 8yo son. sadly, my dad passed away several weeks ago, and never set up a trust or custodial account to manage the inheritance for my minor nephew (it's about $375k). as the other beneficiary, the retirement firm has tasked me to contact them so my nephews dad had no idea yet. tragically he's deadbeat, a drug addict and convicted thief. he has always been dependent on my dad and i send money to feed my nephew while wasting any income and gov assistance money on weed and booze. my concern is that as legal guardian, he will be appointed de facto custodian of his sons inheritance and it will be squandered or stolen long before my nephew is eligible to receive it. not sure if it matters: i am executor of my fathers will and was his poa before he passed. he was specific about how he wanted these assets to be managed for my nephew until he got them. is there any recourse to petition the wa probate or family court to appoint myself, or some impartial third party, as custodian? thank you! bot: i’m an attorney but not in either state involved in this. in my state, unless the asset is specifically left to a “custodian” (which is usually covered by the uniform transfers to minors act which many states have adopted), then a guardian (may be called conservator where you live) has to be appointed over the minor’s estate. that person has to be bonded (this is my state but i would guess most states require this). someone with bad credit, no assets, no income cannot be bonded. this may be one way to keep dad out of it. also, if the account is going to be a custodial account, check the state law about that where your nephew lives. it may not be possible for the custodian to make withdrawals from the account and you may find a provision that allows you to bypass the father as custodian.
user: my 8yo nephew is about to receive a $375k inheritance. how do i prevent his pos dad from becoming custodian? before i start: we live in nd, but my nephew and his dad live in spokane wa. after my sister passed away two years ago my dad replaced her as 50% primary beneficiary on his retirement account with her 8yo son. sadly, my dad passed away several weeks ago, and never set up a trust or custodial account to manage the inheritance for my minor nephew (it's about $375k). as the other beneficiary, the retirement firm has tasked me to contact them so my nephews dad had no idea yet. tragically he's deadbeat, a drug addict and convicted thief. he has always been dependent on my dad and i send money to feed my nephew while wasting any income and gov assistance money on weed and booze. my concern is that as legal guardian, he will be appointed de facto custodian of his sons inheritance and it will be squandered or stolen long before my nephew is eligible to receive it. not sure if it matters: i am executor of my fathers will and was his poa before he passed. he was specific about how he wanted these assets to be managed for my nephew until he got them. is there any recourse to petition the wa probate or family court to appoint myself, or some impartial third party, as custodian? thank you! bot: not sure if it matters: i am executor of my fathers will and was his poa before he passed. he was specific about how he wanted these assets to be managed for my nephew until he got them. this could be a way for you to set up a trust or account in a way that would most benefit your nephew. what specifics did he set forth? you may want to contact a lawyer for consultation, as executor would you be able to set up a trust or other account that would be in line with your fathers will instead of simply handing over the money to the father.
user: my 8yo nephew is about to receive a $375k inheritance. how do i prevent his pos dad from becoming custodian? before i start: we live in nd, but my nephew and his dad live in spokane wa. after my sister passed away two years ago my dad replaced her as 50% primary beneficiary on his retirement account with her 8yo son. sadly, my dad passed away several weeks ago, and never set up a trust or custodial account to manage the inheritance for my minor nephew (it's about $375k). as the other beneficiary, the retirement firm has tasked me to contact them so my nephews dad had no idea yet. tragically he's deadbeat, a drug addict and convicted thief. he has always been dependent on my dad and i send money to feed my nephew while wasting any income and gov assistance money on weed and booze. my concern is that as legal guardian, he will be appointed de facto custodian of his sons inheritance and it will be squandered or stolen long before my nephew is eligible to receive it. not sure if it matters: i am executor of my fathers will and was his poa before he passed. he was specific about how he wanted these assets to be managed for my nephew until he got them. is there any recourse to petition the wa probate or family court to appoint myself, or some impartial third party, as custodian? thank you! bot: i’m an attorney but not in either state involved in this. in my state, unless the asset is specifically left to a “custodian” (which is usually covered by the uniform transfers to minors act which many states have adopted), then a guardian (may be called conservator where you live) has to be appointed over the minor’s estate. that person has to be bonded (this is my state but i would guess most states require this). someone with bad credit, no assets, no income cannot be bonded. this may be one way to keep dad out of it. also, if the account is going to be a custodial account, check the state law about that where your nephew lives. it may not be possible for the custodian to make withdrawals from the account and you may find a provision that allows you to bypass the father as custodian.
user: my 8yo nephew is about to receive a $375k inheritance. how do i prevent his pos dad from becoming custodian? before i start: we live in nd, but my nephew and his dad live in spokane wa. after my sister passed away two years ago my dad replaced her as 50% primary beneficiary on his retirement account with her 8yo son. sadly, my dad passed away several weeks ago, and never set up a trust or custodial account to manage the inheritance for my minor nephew (it's about $375k). as the other beneficiary, the retirement firm has tasked me to contact them so my nephews dad had no idea yet. tragically he's deadbeat, a drug addict and convicted thief. he has always been dependent on my dad and i send money to feed my nephew while wasting any income and gov assistance money on weed and booze. my concern is that as legal guardian, he will be appointed de facto custodian of his sons inheritance and it will be squandered or stolen long before my nephew is eligible to receive it. not sure if it matters: i am executor of my fathers will and was his poa before he passed. he was specific about how he wanted these assets to be managed for my nephew until he got them. is there any recourse to petition the wa probate or family court to appoint myself, or some impartial third party, as custodian? thank you! bot: could it be placed into a trust fund? surely if it is now solely your nephews inheritance/name on the documents, as he is a minor, it should/could go into a trust fund? i'm not in any way legally minded, it's just a thought that this would be the ideal solution?
user: my 8yo nephew is about to receive a $375k inheritance. how do i prevent his pos dad from becoming custodian? before i start: we live in nd, but my nephew and his dad live in spokane wa. after my sister passed away two years ago my dad replaced her as 50% primary beneficiary on his retirement account with her 8yo son. sadly, my dad passed away several weeks ago, and never set up a trust or custodial account to manage the inheritance for my minor nephew (it's about $375k). as the other beneficiary, the retirement firm has tasked me to contact them so my nephews dad had no idea yet. tragically he's deadbeat, a drug addict and convicted thief. he has always been dependent on my dad and i send money to feed my nephew while wasting any income and gov assistance money on weed and booze. my concern is that as legal guardian, he will be appointed de facto custodian of his sons inheritance and it will be squandered or stolen long before my nephew is eligible to receive it. not sure if it matters: i am executor of my fathers will and was his poa before he passed. he was specific about how he wanted these assets to be managed for my nephew until he got them. is there any recourse to petition the wa probate or family court to appoint myself, or some impartial third party, as custodian? thank you! bot: not a lawyer. do whatever you can do to have it put in a trust. do not have the father put on the trust at all. my sister set up trusts for her 3 kids for college funds when she inherited some trust money from my grandparents. her husband was not there at the time she set them up and she asked if she should have her husband as part of the trust as well. they told her there is no way to predict the future and if she wants total control to not put him on there. a decade later they got divorced and her ex tried going straight for the trust funds in court. the court told him to fuck off (in a nicer way).
user: my 8yo nephew is about to receive a $375k inheritance. how do i prevent his pos dad from becoming custodian? before i start: we live in nd, but my nephew and his dad live in spokane wa. after my sister passed away two years ago my dad replaced her as 50% primary beneficiary on his retirement account with her 8yo son. sadly, my dad passed away several weeks ago, and never set up a trust or custodial account to manage the inheritance for my minor nephew (it's about $375k). as the other beneficiary, the retirement firm has tasked me to contact them so my nephews dad had no idea yet. tragically he's deadbeat, a drug addict and convicted thief. he has always been dependent on my dad and i send money to feed my nephew while wasting any income and gov assistance money on weed and booze. my concern is that as legal guardian, he will be appointed de facto custodian of his sons inheritance and it will be squandered or stolen long before my nephew is eligible to receive it. not sure if it matters: i am executor of my fathers will and was his poa before he passed. he was specific about how he wanted these assets to be managed for my nephew until he got them. is there any recourse to petition the wa probate or family court to appoint myself, or some impartial third party, as custodian? thank you! bot: could it be placed into a trust fund? surely if it is now solely your nephews inheritance/name on the documents, as he is a minor, it should/could go into a trust fund? i'm not in any way legally minded, it's just a thought that this would be the ideal solution?
user: my 8yo nephew is about to receive a $375k inheritance. how do i prevent his pos dad from becoming custodian? before i start: we live in nd, but my nephew and his dad live in spokane wa. after my sister passed away two years ago my dad replaced her as 50% primary beneficiary on his retirement account with her 8yo son. sadly, my dad passed away several weeks ago, and never set up a trust or custodial account to manage the inheritance for my minor nephew (it's about $375k). as the other beneficiary, the retirement firm has tasked me to contact them so my nephews dad had no idea yet. tragically he's deadbeat, a drug addict and convicted thief. he has always been dependent on my dad and i send money to feed my nephew while wasting any income and gov assistance money on weed and booze. my concern is that as legal guardian, he will be appointed de facto custodian of his sons inheritance and it will be squandered or stolen long before my nephew is eligible to receive it. not sure if it matters: i am executor of my fathers will and was his poa before he passed. he was specific about how he wanted these assets to be managed for my nephew until he got them. is there any recourse to petition the wa probate or family court to appoint myself, or some impartial third party, as custodian? thank you! bot: this is a lawyer situation. additionally, your nephew may be eligible for social security survivor’s benefits. check into that.
user: my 8yo nephew is about to receive a $375k inheritance. how do i prevent his pos dad from becoming custodian? before i start: we live in nd, but my nephew and his dad live in spokane wa. after my sister passed away two years ago my dad replaced her as 50% primary beneficiary on his retirement account with her 8yo son. sadly, my dad passed away several weeks ago, and never set up a trust or custodial account to manage the inheritance for my minor nephew (it's about $375k). as the other beneficiary, the retirement firm has tasked me to contact them so my nephews dad had no idea yet. tragically he's deadbeat, a drug addict and convicted thief. he has always been dependent on my dad and i send money to feed my nephew while wasting any income and gov assistance money on weed and booze. my concern is that as legal guardian, he will be appointed de facto custodian of his sons inheritance and it will be squandered or stolen long before my nephew is eligible to receive it. not sure if it matters: i am executor of my fathers will and was his poa before he passed. he was specific about how he wanted these assets to be managed for my nephew until he got them. is there any recourse to petition the wa probate or family court to appoint myself, or some impartial third party, as custodian? thank you! bot: could it be placed into a trust fund? surely if it is now solely your nephews inheritance/name on the documents, as he is a minor, it should/could go into a trust fund? i'm not in any way legally minded, it's just a thought that this would be the ideal solution?
user: i found out my roommates have not paid rent in months and now being threatened with eviction. (brooklyn, new york) i live with three roommates (my two brothers and one of my brothers girlfriends). our rent is $2700 a month and we agreed to split it $675 each a month. the rent is paid directly to the landlord via direct deposit. i just found out today via text that the rent hasn’t been completely paid in months and that it is behind by $8000. i was informed that unless it is paid in full an eviction would be put in for all of us in three months. i have never missed a payment on the rent and i wasn’t aware that it was even behind. my roommates don’t care and don’t mind the eviction just going through. is there anyway i can get out of this situation? bot: i’m a landlord-tenant attorney in nys, i’m not your attorney. rent responsibilities are considered a joint and severable liability. that means you are all of you responsible for the rent. unless there’s a lease agreement that explicitly outlines each of your rental obligations and limits evictions based on that, you are all responsible. your remedies are limited. pay the back balance and then sue your friends in small claims for their portion of the rent (although upstate small claims jurisdiction is limited to 5k i’m not sure if the jurisdiction limit is more in the city) or you move, and sue in small claims when a judgment is levied against you. you can also attempt to negotiate with the landlord to make any money judgement not include you, but that may be difficult as the general rule is you evict all members of the household and get a possessory and money judgment for all members of the household. you’re kind of screwed in this situation, and it sucks, and i’m sorry. edit: i want to also include that you should speak to an attorney, you may have a defense in the doctrine of latches, which essentially says “hey if you don’t assert your rights to some obligation in a timely manner then you can’t assert them ever.” typically this is something that applies when a landlord intentionally doesn’t inform people of rental arrears until they get to an unmanageable amount, you may have this defense available to you since you didn’t receive any notification of the rental arrears, but you may find it difficult to assert this defense as there are many elements of it that need to be met, and additionally since ny had substantial moratorium protections, a court may say that “well the landlord is excused from not informing you on this as he wouldn’t have been able to evict due to the moratorium anyway” in short — speak to an attorney, but as a practicing ll/t attorney in nys i don’t feel confident in your ability to defeat this in anyway. but it never hurts to consult with counsel.
user: i found out my roommates have not paid rent in months and now being threatened with eviction. (brooklyn, new york) i live with three roommates (my two brothers and one of my brothers girlfriends). our rent is $2700 a month and we agreed to split it $675 each a month. the rent is paid directly to the landlord via direct deposit. i just found out today via text that the rent hasn’t been completely paid in months and that it is behind by $8000. i was informed that unless it is paid in full an eviction would be put in for all of us in three months. i have never missed a payment on the rent and i wasn’t aware that it was even behind. my roommates don’t care and don’t mind the eviction just going through. is there anyway i can get out of this situation? bot: an old roommate did something similar. you can sue them, but that's about it. you are on the hook since you're the only one who cares about the eviction.
user: i found out my roommates have not paid rent in months and now being threatened with eviction. (brooklyn, new york) i live with three roommates (my two brothers and one of my brothers girlfriends). our rent is $2700 a month and we agreed to split it $675 each a month. the rent is paid directly to the landlord via direct deposit. i just found out today via text that the rent hasn’t been completely paid in months and that it is behind by $8000. i was informed that unless it is paid in full an eviction would be put in for all of us in three months. i have never missed a payment on the rent and i wasn’t aware that it was even behind. my roommates don’t care and don’t mind the eviction just going through. is there anyway i can get out of this situation? bot: i’m a landlord-tenant attorney in nys, i’m not your attorney. rent responsibilities are considered a joint and severable liability. that means you are all of you responsible for the rent. unless there’s a lease agreement that explicitly outlines each of your rental obligations and limits evictions based on that, you are all responsible. your remedies are limited. pay the back balance and then sue your friends in small claims for their portion of the rent (although upstate small claims jurisdiction is limited to 5k i’m not sure if the jurisdiction limit is more in the city) or you move, and sue in small claims when a judgment is levied against you. you can also attempt to negotiate with the landlord to make any money judgement not include you, but that may be difficult as the general rule is you evict all members of the household and get a possessory and money judgment for all members of the household. you’re kind of screwed in this situation, and it sucks, and i’m sorry. edit: i want to also include that you should speak to an attorney, you may have a defense in the doctrine of latches, which essentially says “hey if you don’t assert your rights to some obligation in a timely manner then you can’t assert them ever.” typically this is something that applies when a landlord intentionally doesn’t inform people of rental arrears until they get to an unmanageable amount, you may have this defense available to you since you didn’t receive any notification of the rental arrears, but you may find it difficult to assert this defense as there are many elements of it that need to be met, and additionally since ny had substantial moratorium protections, a court may say that “well the landlord is excused from not informing you on this as he wouldn’t have been able to evict due to the moratorium anyway” in short — speak to an attorney, but as a practicing ll/t attorney in nys i don’t feel confident in your ability to defeat this in anyway. but it never hurts to consult with counsel.
user: i found out my roommates have not paid rent in months and now being threatened with eviction. (brooklyn, new york) i live with three roommates (my two brothers and one of my brothers girlfriends). our rent is $2700 a month and we agreed to split it $675 each a month. the rent is paid directly to the landlord via direct deposit. i just found out today via text that the rent hasn’t been completely paid in months and that it is behind by $8000. i was informed that unless it is paid in full an eviction would be put in for all of us in three months. i have never missed a payment on the rent and i wasn’t aware that it was even behind. my roommates don’t care and don’t mind the eviction just going through. is there anyway i can get out of this situation? bot: as others have said, if you're all on the same lease you're jointly liable. however, if your lease says you're responsible "jointly and severally", the landlord has the *option* of going after all of you or only going after the offending parties. if you've been paying your share via direct deposit, your landlord knows you've been paying your share and you may be able to personally work out an agreement with them. so it may be worth reviewing your lease and having a chat with the landlord. you have nothing to lose by approaching them and letting them know you had no idea your other roommates weren't paying. they may be compassionate and let you out of the lease without pursuing eviction.
user: i found out my roommates have not paid rent in months and now being threatened with eviction. (brooklyn, new york) i live with three roommates (my two brothers and one of my brothers girlfriends). our rent is $2700 a month and we agreed to split it $675 each a month. the rent is paid directly to the landlord via direct deposit. i just found out today via text that the rent hasn’t been completely paid in months and that it is behind by $8000. i was informed that unless it is paid in full an eviction would be put in for all of us in three months. i have never missed a payment on the rent and i wasn’t aware that it was even behind. my roommates don’t care and don’t mind the eviction just going through. is there anyway i can get out of this situation? bot: i’m a landlord-tenant attorney in nys, i’m not your attorney. rent responsibilities are considered a joint and severable liability. that means you are all of you responsible for the rent. unless there’s a lease agreement that explicitly outlines each of your rental obligations and limits evictions based on that, you are all responsible. your remedies are limited. pay the back balance and then sue your friends in small claims for their portion of the rent (although upstate small claims jurisdiction is limited to 5k i’m not sure if the jurisdiction limit is more in the city) or you move, and sue in small claims when a judgment is levied against you. you can also attempt to negotiate with the landlord to make any money judgement not include you, but that may be difficult as the general rule is you evict all members of the household and get a possessory and money judgment for all members of the household. you’re kind of screwed in this situation, and it sucks, and i’m sorry. edit: i want to also include that you should speak to an attorney, you may have a defense in the doctrine of latches, which essentially says “hey if you don’t assert your rights to some obligation in a timely manner then you can’t assert them ever.” typically this is something that applies when a landlord intentionally doesn’t inform people of rental arrears until they get to an unmanageable amount, you may have this defense available to you since you didn’t receive any notification of the rental arrears, but you may find it difficult to assert this defense as there are many elements of it that need to be met, and additionally since ny had substantial moratorium protections, a court may say that “well the landlord is excused from not informing you on this as he wouldn’t have been able to evict due to the moratorium anyway” in short — speak to an attorney, but as a practicing ll/t attorney in nys i don’t feel confident in your ability to defeat this in anyway. but it never hurts to consult with counsel.
user: i found out my roommates have not paid rent in months and now being threatened with eviction. (brooklyn, new york) i live with three roommates (my two brothers and one of my brothers girlfriends). our rent is $2700 a month and we agreed to split it $675 each a month. the rent is paid directly to the landlord via direct deposit. i just found out today via text that the rent hasn’t been completely paid in months and that it is behind by $8000. i was informed that unless it is paid in full an eviction would be put in for all of us in three months. i have never missed a payment on the rent and i wasn’t aware that it was even behind. my roommates don’t care and don’t mind the eviction just going through. is there anyway i can get out of this situation? bot: is your name on the lease? if not you can cut and run. if so then you are jointly liable with the other leasees for the late amount. technically you can sue your brothers in small claims for whatever they owe if you were to cover their share. at this point the best thing to do is work with the landlord to keep an eviction off your record. let him know that you paid your share on time and can move out asap.
user: i found out my roommates have not paid rent in months and now being threatened with eviction. (brooklyn, new york) i live with three roommates (my two brothers and one of my brothers girlfriends). our rent is $2700 a month and we agreed to split it $675 each a month. the rent is paid directly to the landlord via direct deposit. i just found out today via text that the rent hasn’t been completely paid in months and that it is behind by $8000. i was informed that unless it is paid in full an eviction would be put in for all of us in three months. i have never missed a payment on the rent and i wasn’t aware that it was even behind. my roommates don’t care and don’t mind the eviction just going through. is there anyway i can get out of this situation? bot: so each of your rent payments goes directly to the landlord? as in, he gets (or should get) 4 separate payments every month? if that's the case, talk to your landlord. if he knows that you have paid your portion on time every month, he may be willing to not pursue legal action against you, just the other three.
user: i found out my roommates have not paid rent in months and now being threatened with eviction. (brooklyn, new york) i live with three roommates (my two brothers and one of my brothers girlfriends). our rent is $2700 a month and we agreed to split it $675 each a month. the rent is paid directly to the landlord via direct deposit. i just found out today via text that the rent hasn’t been completely paid in months and that it is behind by $8000. i was informed that unless it is paid in full an eviction would be put in for all of us in three months. i have never missed a payment on the rent and i wasn’t aware that it was even behind. my roommates don’t care and don’t mind the eviction just going through. is there anyway i can get out of this situation? bot: an old roommate did something similar. you can sue them, but that's about it. you are on the hook since you're the only one who cares about the eviction.
user: i found out my roommates have not paid rent in months and now being threatened with eviction. (brooklyn, new york) i live with three roommates (my two brothers and one of my brothers girlfriends). our rent is $2700 a month and we agreed to split it $675 each a month. the rent is paid directly to the landlord via direct deposit. i just found out today via text that the rent hasn’t been completely paid in months and that it is behind by $8000. i was informed that unless it is paid in full an eviction would be put in for all of us in three months. i have never missed a payment on the rent and i wasn’t aware that it was even behind. my roommates don’t care and don’t mind the eviction just going through. is there anyway i can get out of this situation? bot: so each of your rent payments goes directly to the landlord? as in, he gets (or should get) 4 separate payments every month? if that's the case, talk to your landlord. if he knows that you have paid your portion on time every month, he may be willing to not pursue legal action against you, just the other three.
user: i found out my roommates have not paid rent in months and now being threatened with eviction. (brooklyn, new york) i live with three roommates (my two brothers and one of my brothers girlfriends). our rent is $2700 a month and we agreed to split it $675 each a month. the rent is paid directly to the landlord via direct deposit. i just found out today via text that the rent hasn’t been completely paid in months and that it is behind by $8000. i was informed that unless it is paid in full an eviction would be put in for all of us in three months. i have never missed a payment on the rent and i wasn’t aware that it was even behind. my roommates don’t care and don’t mind the eviction just going through. is there anyway i can get out of this situation? bot: as others have said, if you're all on the same lease you're jointly liable. however, if your lease says you're responsible "jointly and severally", the landlord has the *option* of going after all of you or only going after the offending parties. if you've been paying your share via direct deposit, your landlord knows you've been paying your share and you may be able to personally work out an agreement with them. so it may be worth reviewing your lease and having a chat with the landlord. you have nothing to lose by approaching them and letting them know you had no idea your other roommates weren't paying. they may be compassionate and let you out of the lease without pursuing eviction.
user: (california) my employer refuses to pay me for work i've done. they say i owe them for unreturned parts, but i've actually sent them. i live in a small town in north eastern ca and for the past year or so have done work as a independent contractor for this company that has sent me all over northern california and parts of nevada doing warranty break-fix work for hp. the work has been fine, if unsteady, and i haven't had any issues with them till recently. about 3 months ago i seviced a location for them in chico ca and after picking up the parts from the ups location i went to the site. even though i arrived within my eta the customer had already left for the day. i called this in as required and was told that it would be rescheduled. a few days later i was redispatched to the site. i get there fix the machines and leave. i ship back the defective parts with the correct "defective" shipping label within the alloted time frame. about four or five days later i start getting calls and emails inquiring about some missing parts. as it turns out when the work order got reissued they shipped out a new set of parts and failed to tell me about them. i email the customer at the site asking about the parts and he replys saying that he shipped them all back with the "good, unused" shipping label supplied with the part. i explain all this to my company but they insist on charging me for all the parts. according to them i shipped back the first batch of parts with the incorect label and that i havent sent back any of the second batch at all. in their opinion i should have not used the first set of parts and should have sent them back with the "good, unused" shipping label. and thus they are charging me about $3700, which coincidently is just over the $3600 they owe me for all the work ive done. ive explained this to them repeatedly in emails but they keep on saying "you used the wrong labels on these parts and didnt ship these other parts back so we are charging you for all of it". and no matter what they refuse to change their tune. also for some mysterious reason the parts department does not have a publicly posted phone number. i wonder why? well not really, when they decide to screw you they dont want to have acknowledge your humanity by talking to you and possibly feel sorry about it and deal with you squarely. i think the only way to get my money from them is to take them to small claims court and sue. i would like to tack on punitive damages up to the $5000 limit as well. what my question is, is how do i go about sueing them? i know i'll have to go to the local court house and get the paperwork, and then file and serve them. but they are located in louisianna. how do i go about doing this? also i was thinking of telling them that i would sue them before fileing the paperwork in hopes that they would pay me without halving to go through the courts. any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated. thanks. bot: that's fine, you write down all the information on the small claims form to the best of your knowledge. do you have the contractor agreement handy? i've had to review a lot of those in the past for newspaper delivery, package delivery etc. i've seen some pretty scummy provisions in those concerning damages and responsibility for inventory. you really need to review this to see if any terms apply to this situation. have you kept receipts, tracking numbers, any records for those shipments? can you get the customer to provide something in writing saying the same thing as they said before?
user: (california) my employer refuses to pay me for work i've done. they say i owe them for unreturned parts, but i've actually sent them. i live in a small town in north eastern ca and for the past year or so have done work as a independent contractor for this company that has sent me all over northern california and parts of nevada doing warranty break-fix work for hp. the work has been fine, if unsteady, and i haven't had any issues with them till recently. about 3 months ago i seviced a location for them in chico ca and after picking up the parts from the ups location i went to the site. even though i arrived within my eta the customer had already left for the day. i called this in as required and was told that it would be rescheduled. a few days later i was redispatched to the site. i get there fix the machines and leave. i ship back the defective parts with the correct "defective" shipping label within the alloted time frame. about four or five days later i start getting calls and emails inquiring about some missing parts. as it turns out when the work order got reissued they shipped out a new set of parts and failed to tell me about them. i email the customer at the site asking about the parts and he replys saying that he shipped them all back with the "good, unused" shipping label supplied with the part. i explain all this to my company but they insist on charging me for all the parts. according to them i shipped back the first batch of parts with the incorect label and that i havent sent back any of the second batch at all. in their opinion i should have not used the first set of parts and should have sent them back with the "good, unused" shipping label. and thus they are charging me about $3700, which coincidently is just over the $3600 they owe me for all the work ive done. ive explained this to them repeatedly in emails but they keep on saying "you used the wrong labels on these parts and didnt ship these other parts back so we are charging you for all of it". and no matter what they refuse to change their tune. also for some mysterious reason the parts department does not have a publicly posted phone number. i wonder why? well not really, when they decide to screw you they dont want to have acknowledge your humanity by talking to you and possibly feel sorry about it and deal with you squarely. i think the only way to get my money from them is to take them to small claims court and sue. i would like to tack on punitive damages up to the $5000 limit as well. what my question is, is how do i go about sueing them? i know i'll have to go to the local court house and get the paperwork, and then file and serve them. but they are located in louisianna. how do i go about doing this? also i was thinking of telling them that i would sue them before fileing the paperwork in hopes that they would pay me without halving to go through the courts. any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated. thanks. bot: i would start with a wage claim.
user: (california) my employer refuses to pay me for work i've done. they say i owe them for unreturned parts, but i've actually sent them. i live in a small town in north eastern ca and for the past year or so have done work as a independent contractor for this company that has sent me all over northern california and parts of nevada doing warranty break-fix work for hp. the work has been fine, if unsteady, and i haven't had any issues with them till recently. about 3 months ago i seviced a location for them in chico ca and after picking up the parts from the ups location i went to the site. even though i arrived within my eta the customer had already left for the day. i called this in as required and was told that it would be rescheduled. a few days later i was redispatched to the site. i get there fix the machines and leave. i ship back the defective parts with the correct "defective" shipping label within the alloted time frame. about four or five days later i start getting calls and emails inquiring about some missing parts. as it turns out when the work order got reissued they shipped out a new set of parts and failed to tell me about them. i email the customer at the site asking about the parts and he replys saying that he shipped them all back with the "good, unused" shipping label supplied with the part. i explain all this to my company but they insist on charging me for all the parts. according to them i shipped back the first batch of parts with the incorect label and that i havent sent back any of the second batch at all. in their opinion i should have not used the first set of parts and should have sent them back with the "good, unused" shipping label. and thus they are charging me about $3700, which coincidently is just over the $3600 they owe me for all the work ive done. ive explained this to them repeatedly in emails but they keep on saying "you used the wrong labels on these parts and didnt ship these other parts back so we are charging you for all of it". and no matter what they refuse to change their tune. also for some mysterious reason the parts department does not have a publicly posted phone number. i wonder why? well not really, when they decide to screw you they dont want to have acknowledge your humanity by talking to you and possibly feel sorry about it and deal with you squarely. i think the only way to get my money from them is to take them to small claims court and sue. i would like to tack on punitive damages up to the $5000 limit as well. what my question is, is how do i go about sueing them? i know i'll have to go to the local court house and get the paperwork, and then file and serve them. but they are located in louisianna. how do i go about doing this? also i was thinking of telling them that i would sue them before fileing the paperwork in hopes that they would pay me without halving to go through the courts. any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated. thanks. bot: this post reeks of barrister global services, as this is pretty much their mo. if so, small claims court and seriously stop working for them. they're absolute scumbags.
user: (california) my employer refuses to pay me for work i've done. they say i owe them for unreturned parts, but i've actually sent them. i live in a small town in north eastern ca and for the past year or so have done work as a independent contractor for this company that has sent me all over northern california and parts of nevada doing warranty break-fix work for hp. the work has been fine, if unsteady, and i haven't had any issues with them till recently. about 3 months ago i seviced a location for them in chico ca and after picking up the parts from the ups location i went to the site. even though i arrived within my eta the customer had already left for the day. i called this in as required and was told that it would be rescheduled. a few days later i was redispatched to the site. i get there fix the machines and leave. i ship back the defective parts with the correct "defective" shipping label within the alloted time frame. about four or five days later i start getting calls and emails inquiring about some missing parts. as it turns out when the work order got reissued they shipped out a new set of parts and failed to tell me about them. i email the customer at the site asking about the parts and he replys saying that he shipped them all back with the "good, unused" shipping label supplied with the part. i explain all this to my company but they insist on charging me for all the parts. according to them i shipped back the first batch of parts with the incorect label and that i havent sent back any of the second batch at all. in their opinion i should have not used the first set of parts and should have sent them back with the "good, unused" shipping label. and thus they are charging me about $3700, which coincidently is just over the $3600 they owe me for all the work ive done. ive explained this to them repeatedly in emails but they keep on saying "you used the wrong labels on these parts and didnt ship these other parts back so we are charging you for all of it". and no matter what they refuse to change their tune. also for some mysterious reason the parts department does not have a publicly posted phone number. i wonder why? well not really, when they decide to screw you they dont want to have acknowledge your humanity by talking to you and possibly feel sorry about it and deal with you squarely. i think the only way to get my money from them is to take them to small claims court and sue. i would like to tack on punitive damages up to the $5000 limit as well. what my question is, is how do i go about sueing them? i know i'll have to go to the local court house and get the paperwork, and then file and serve them. but they are located in louisianna. how do i go about doing this? also i was thinking of telling them that i would sue them before fileing the paperwork in hopes that they would pay me without halving to go through the courts. any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated. thanks. bot: i would start with a wage claim.