<s>[INST] Dear Dr im 21 yrs old.im doing had job since im 15yrs old.now im my sperms get leaked very fast with in 15 sec.so that i cant spend more time in sex.kindly suggest me how to control hand job and how to increase my sex duration..? And also im very lean ..is that the reason because of hand job im very lean..kindly help me out in this.kind request dnt post this query in pubic pls dr.,thank you [/INST] DearWe understand your concernsI went through your details. Masturbation is normal, natural and never unhealthy if it is done within moderation. Say thrice a week. If you cannot control masturbation, it is because you are addicted to it. Addiction needs to be treated as if in the cases of other addictions. You need deaddiction treatment.If you require more of my help in this aspect, please use this URL. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications.Good luck. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor, I am 53 years old, 183 lbs, 5'4". For years, I ran a high white blood count and the oncologist said nothing can be done about that. We need to now watch red blood count and RBC distribution and watch my spleen. Now approximately nine years later, for the last four years, I am seeing red blood count high, hemoglobin high, hematocrit high, monocytes high, red cell distribution worth high, mean corpuscular hemoglobin content low, glycated hemoglobin high. I am very concerned. [/INST] Hello. I have reviewed your query and below is my opinion. Your attached reports are suggestive of high RBC, hemoglobin, and HCT as per provided reference range in a laboratory report. So it is suggestive of polycythemia. It can be primary or secondary. Primary polycythemia seems very less likely here as total WBC count and platelet count is within range. Primary polycythemia is a myeloproliferative neoplasm. Although the possibility is very less you can rule it out by JAK2 mutation test and exon 12 study by a molecular test. For secondary polycythemia, rule out cardiac and respiratory causes by EKG and chest X-ray investigation. Your glycated hemoglobin is slightly high (attachment removed to protect patient identity) which is suggestive of a prediabetic stage. So take less sweets and fatty meals. Regular exercises are also beneficial. Repeat sugar testing with fasting and postprandial blood glucose estimation. Your vitamin D level is low for which Cholecalciferol sachet 60000 IU once a week for eight weeks can be prescribed. The slight high monocyte could be due to cytomegalovirus infection. For that virus only symptomatic management can be done. There is no specific medical treatment for that. Your CBC result is not alarming but needs to be monitored. If you are a smoker, then it can also lead to such a finding. Your ANA is positive which can be falsely positive in infection. So repeat it after few days and clinical correlation is needed for that. I suggest you consult near by hematologist for detailed examination and discuss all these. </s>
<s>[INST] (34yo Female) MRI showed well-circumscribed, low attenuating, hypoechoic liver mass. Grew from 1.2cm to 1.8cm since last MRI (18 months ago). Initially my dr wasn t concerned (it was found accidentally during an MRI for kidney issues) but he wasn t thrilled that it had grown on my most recent scan. He is debating sending me to GI. Thoughts on what this could be? Hemangioma? Can cancer be ruled out due to the characteristics? [/INST] Thanks for your question on HCM. I can understand your situation and problem. In my opinion it is more favouring benign etiology. Following are the benign causes for slowly enlarging liver mass. 1. Liver cyst2. Liver abscess3. Hemangioma etc. Possibility of malignant lesion is less likely because mass is well circumscribed and low attenuation, hypoechoic. This is less likely finding in malignant mass. But we need to get done biopsy of the lesion to confirm the etiology. So consult GI doctor and get done biopsy to rule out above mentioned causes. </s>
<s>[INST] I think I have Genital Herpes...... I haven’t been able to get a hold of my doctor since it’s the holidays...... I first got one bump on my vagina lips Friday and now have about 7 or 8 that are extremely painful and whenever pee comes in contact with them it’s extremely painful...... the bumps are red and some look like there open..... [/INST] Hello and welcome to HealthcareMagic! The classical sign and symptoms of herpes are painful vesicles. Vesicles are tiny rashes containing a transparent fluid. They usually start small and then increase in number. This seems like what you are describing. If this is so, I will advise you to see a doctor immediately. Firstly, you need to test for other sexually transmissible infections like hepatitis B, syphilis, HIV and chlamydia. Secondly, you need to start treatment with the antiviral Acyclovir and a strong analgesic (Tramadol). It is important to start a corticosteroid (Prednisolone) to prevent postherpetic neuralgia and an antibiotics therapy (Amoxicillin) to prevent infections in case you have an ulcer. Hope that clarifies you concern. Thank you for the query. Take care Regards, Dr. Chobufo Ditah, General & Family Physician </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor, I was just playing football and got stamped on rather severely. I always get studded, but this one is much worse than the rest. The top side of my foot and a bit to the right has large swelling and pain. Is there any ligament damage? I hope not as it was only the first game of the season. Attempting full range of motion is difficult with pain. I never had the same issue previously, but have torn the ligaments in my other ankle. [/INST] Hi. I saw the photo that you have attached (attachment removed to protect patient identity). X-ray as soon as possible. Revert with the reports to a physiotherapist online.---> </s>
<s>[INST] hello my age is 23 year.i m doing masrebation from 13 year..at present my problem is that i can't do sex except maserbation.my penis was not stand at that time but when i am doing masterbation it will be ready.but tightness is decreases....plz suggest me what i do in hindi.......... [/INST] Hello, It happens for a few males and females too. But only during the initial period of sex slowly you will be alright ( by regular sex). If its prone masturbation it will take more time, still can be treatable by regular sex. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Regards, Dr S.R.Raveendran, Sexologist </s>
<s>[INST] i had appendectomy 6 yrs ago. my appendix had ruptured at that time, but the surgery went fine (it was a open surgery). but about a year back i strained myself in a bout of constipation and since then i have had constant pains in the surgical scar . sometimes the pain gets really worse and i cant sleep. i underwent ultrasonography , x-ray, barium meal x-ray, ct scan but nothing could be found. i also feel a hard lump just beneath the scar skin, but the ct scan showed no traces of hernia. and i also feel stiffness in the right side of my abdomen originating from the scar. but my main problem remains the pain at the scar. please advice me what to do with it. [/INST] I can see that you are suffering from post-appendectomy pain and it can be a very annoying symptom sometimes. During appendectomy, many nerves are cut and following surgery because of this one can feel pain and tingling (pin like sensation) over the area of the scar. This feeling can persist upto 1-2 years after surgery and it gradually dies down. In your case, you have been extensively investigated and things seem to be normal. Just give some time for this pain and stiffness to go away. I suffered from a similar problem after my appendectomy. You can carry out some relaxation exercises to take your mind away from the pain. Hope you get well soon. </s>
<s>[INST] My daughter was diagnosed at ER with kidney infection but she’s not having any pain on urination and there were only traces of bacteria in her iTunes sample. Today she’s complaining of severe abdominal pain, fever between 100-104, no nausea or diarrhea [/INST] Hi, It is natural she had infection so fever, vomiting are likely to occur.Because any inflammation in abdomen like kidney infection can cause can cause fever and pain, so don't worry. She needs antibiotic coverage for few days and she will get OK soon. Show him to nearby physician may be she needs a culture test and accordingly antibiotics will be prescribed. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. Soheel Hussain Zargar, Dentist </s>
<s>[INST] Can I give my 8yr old (96lbs.) NyQuil . He has very painful tooth ache... Went to dentist weeks ago... He has tooth coming in under this one and his jaw looks swallon. Already gave him orajel, 3 Tylenol chewables, 4 hr ago and heating pad and try'd ice packs even and did nothing For him. Haven't heard him cry like this since he was a baby! Dentist apt tomorrow around noon already set... But what can I do for him here n now... It's 9 pm at night cvs pharmacy is closed... [/INST] Thanks for your query, I have gone through your query.The severe tooth pain and swelling is because of the tooth infection. Nothing to be panic, you can give him a course of antibiotics like amoxycillin and analgesics like ibuprofen(if you are not allergic). Do not give any hot fomentation over the swelling. Do saline gargling. You need to take radiographs to confirm the diagnosis.I hope my answer will help you, take care. </s>
<s>[INST] My friend's 9 month old baby girl just came back from the doctor for hives - while there, the mother mentioned her quivering lip and chin. The baby's always extremely excited to see everyone so we always thought it was just excitement. The doctor then says the only time he's ever seen this happen (quivering lip and chin) is when a disease is present which may prevent the child from ever walking....I'm reading just the opposite everywhere online. The 9 month old crawls and tries to walk just like a normal 9 month old. Thank you [/INST] Hi..Thanks for the query..Lip and chin quiver in infants is commonly seen as they have an immature nervous system and it is resolved as the child grows and reaches further milestones..As far as hives is concerned it can be due to allergic reaction and in case if quivering has not happened previously and is happening just now it can be due to the similar cause as of hives..But in case if the quivering does not resolve or it becomes more severe you should consult a Paediatrician and get evaluated and a clinical evaluation and investigations like MRI Scan and blood tests to check for any nerve related problem or nutritional deficiencies and syndromes can be eliminated and appropriate cause can be ruled out..Consult a Paediatrician and get evaluated..Hope this helps..Regards, </s>
<s>[INST] My 15 year old daughter is having continually low blood pressure readings. She is not dehydrated. She has had blood work done and an EKG that came back normal. The school nurse has been taking her blood pressure twice a week at school. She called and told me she is having a hard time taking her blood pressure because she can t even hear it to read it. What do you think is going on? [/INST] Hello, For this reason, I recommend consulting with her attending physician for a physical exam and some tests: - thyroid hormone levels for possible thyroid gland dysfunction- blood electrolytes for possible imbalance- complete blood count for anemia- cortisol plasma levels for possible adrenal gland dysfunction. You should discuss with her doctor on the above tests. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. Ilir Sharka, Cardiologist </s>
<s>[INST] Hi Doc, since 2 weeks ago, my back, upper arms, side of the stomach, chest have these tiny pimples outbreak - I am no sure whether it is STD or allergy. The pimples are not itchy. I was precribed cyclosporin 200 mg, taken twice a day for 2 weeks, but the pimples still around even after 2 weeks. [/INST] Hello,Welcome to HCM,The rashes distributed in different parts of the body is may be due to the immunosuppressant drug you are on.It may be due to seasonal generalized rashes.Appropriate diagnosis can be made only on examination.This what i can anticipate with your history.Thank you. </s>
<s>[INST] i am having really sharp pains in my back and i have been going to the doctor for almost two years now for it and i am only 17. there is a lump on my back and my doctor claims it is a cyst but it hurts and stings really bad. It feels like i am getting stabbed several times. [/INST] Hi,At this age any back problem might be due to muscle strain or myalgia.But in your case this problem might be due to infected cyst.Consult surgeon and if infected cyst is found then go for excision.Go for regular physical exercises like running, swimming, walking etc after treatment of cyst.Ok and take care. </s>
<s>[INST] im 26 have pains that come and go in my left shoulder. i suffer with palpitations but am not having any at present or with the pain. the pain in shoulder doesnt happen if i move it comes on its own. could it be cardiac? it can shoot in my shoulder and it can be very sharp and painful [/INST] Hi, Cardiac pain is exertional and occur during exercise or exertion. It is diffused in nature and can not be localized. Therefore the Pain you are having seems unlikely to be of cardiac origin. Palpitations can be cardiac related. I'll advise you to get a ECG done at the time of these palpitations and a 2D Echo to rule out any possible cardiac related abnormality. Cardiac arrest means stoppage of heart and a person with cardiac arrest does not write a question by himself. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. Sameer Maheshwari, Cardiologist </s>
<s>[INST] I have had heart palpitations for about an hour now. I have been mostly laying down from the dizziness and weakness. I have had pain in the left side of my neck that comes and goes. This started after I bent down to pick something up off the floor. I am female, 34 yrs. 5 ft. 0" 112 # [/INST] Hello!Thank you for asking on HCM!Regarding your concern, I would explain that the palpitations could be related to the pain. While, the pain could be related to a muscle spasm, due to a wrong position during bending down. I would recommend taking ibuprofen for the pain and having some rest. If the problem persists, I recommend going to the ER for a physical exam and some tests: - a cervical spine X ray study- a Doppler ultrasound of the cervical arteries (to exclude possible dissection)- a resting ECG. Hope to have been helpful!Wishing all the best, Dr. Iliri </s>
<s>[INST] Can the dietary supplement Lean EFX cause mouth sores? I have been taking it for ten days. It causes dry mouth so I am constantly drinking water. About three or four days ago I got a sore on my gums and swollen taste buds on the tip and side of my tongue. Today the entire tip of my tongue began to hurt and have a numb feeling. Very painful and hard to eat anything. I expect this will all go away in a couple days but I am wondering if it is from the Lean EFX. Any ideas??? [/INST] Hi Dear, Welcome to HCM.Understanding your concern. As per your query you have dryness and sores in mouth after start taking lean EFX supplement . Although this supplement not known cause such problem but in some people it is known to cause problem . Ingredients like diuretics and stimulants are known to cause side effects in some people , usually those who are suffering from some other medical condition or taking other medication . I would suggest to stop taking this supplement and consult dietitian and discuss the whole scenario . For now drink plenty of water to flush out the present doe of supplement ans apply orabase gel on sores . Get Well Soon.Best Wishes,Dr. Harry Maheshwari </s>
<s>[INST] I stretched my ears and its been a few days the holes are a bit swollen and red and the outside builds up with crust and it pusses and bleed when I do a hot compress it doesnt hurt that bad but i have a lymph node swolen which im taking anyibiotic for will this clear up the infection? [/INST] Hi,Itseems that you might be having external ear infection producing these symptoms.As you are on antibiotic medicine, within few days you will be alright.Gently clean your ear canal and put antibiotic ear drops.Ok and take care. </s>
<s>[INST] Possible alcohol related illness. I have been an alcoholic and serious binge drinker since I was 15, I am 31 now. About 2 months ago. I noticed a sharp pain in my abdomen. I just quit drinking 5 days ago and it hasn t gotten any better. Also, I am tired and nauseous all the time. Help [/INST] yes alcohol effects the liver as there is continuous consumption of alcohol the liver start getting fibrosis and as the functioning gets deteriorated the pain starts need to investigate for liver functions stop alcohol and treat according to results </s>
<s>[INST] can i take conception pregnacare tables at the same time with duphaston tablets? [/INST] Hi,Fatma, Thanks for query, You can take Pregnacare tab. as both are different medicines. Pregnacare is prenatal multivitamin supplement. ok and bye. </s>
<s>[INST] I have a large knot on the back of my neck (middle). It started out very small but now it s about the size of a nickel. I was dx with trigimenal neuralgia but recently i ve been getting unbearable headaches and shooting pains on the right side of my face. Could this knot be putting pressure on a nerve because it has enlarged? [/INST] Hi The trigeminal neuralgia comes from a nerve inside the head called the trigeminal nerve. The "knot" you describe is unlilely to cause your symptoms to exacerbate it. Hope this helps. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor, I am a 26 year old male. I am 5 feet and 9 inches tall and weigh 255 pounds. When I eat spicy food, I poop blood. Sometimes when I have constipation as well, I poop a little bit of blood. I am really scared that I have colon cancer. I do have diarrhea often. I do not have a family history of colon cancer. I got blood tests done last night. Please find my reports attached. [/INST] Hello. I have gone through your information and test reports (attachment removed to protect patient identity). So, in view of that, there are a couple of things that I can opine upon: Hope that helps. For more information consult a general surgeon online --> </s>
<s>[INST] Hi I have been seeing a girl and she is on Microgynon 30. We slept together on night 4 of her 21 pills and she took pill number 5 the following morning, but on day 6 she forgot to take it and on day 9. How likely is it that she could become pregnant after doing this, it is over a week ago now so is too late to do anything. She says not too worry as she s been on it for a very long time and always gets her withdrawal bleed on time but I m worried because she s missed a couple. I know this is a bit like asking how long is a piece of string but I just want to know if possible. Thanks for any help. [/INST] Hi there thanks for posting your query ' I must tell that if she had missed the pill on one day , she must have taken 2 pills together the next day . What are trying to ask about day 9 is not very clear . And if she has missed her periods she must get the urinary pregnancy test done to confirm the pregnancy </s>
<s>[INST] I have a red spot on the side of my penis that kind of goes away with hydrocortisone but never full goes away. I might not be following through enough with the hc. The spot is just a little red blotch and has no pus, is not itchy, and is not cracking or hurts. Is this an STD? I have recieved oral [/INST] Hi,I have gone through your query. Spot on penis are very common and men are frequently worried they have STD. The lesion you have mentioned is completely harmless and is just a spot. Discontinue Hydrocortisone and leave it as it is.If it starts to show any other symptoms, then a local dermatologist can be consulted.Do consider a positive feedback as a credit to my work. Let me know if you have any further questions. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi Doc, a CT Scan have shown 1.2cm of stone in my right ureter , pls. suggest if it can dissolve thru medicine [/INST] Berberis Vulgaris-Q homeopathic mother tincture helps to dissolve kidney stones. But I am doubtful whether it will work for a 12 mm stone or not. Drink 20 to 25 drops in warm water 3 to 4 times a day. Also drink lemonade soda daily. Ayurveda has dissolved stones up to 18 mm. Contact Dr.M.S.Zambre, BAMS-AMA, Shree Gajanan Clinic, Near Datta Mandir, Dhayari,, Pune – 411041, Phone: 09423533301 </s>
<s>[INST] my blood pressure was 170 and not sure of the second number so my dr. put me on metroprol . I took it at 4:00 yesterday and blood pressure is now 114 over 82 on my home device. Could the meds work this fast? first time ever had a high blood pressure reading [/INST] Hello and Welcome to ‘Ask A Doctor’ service. I have reviewed your query and here is my advice. I would like to tell you that blood pressure can rise according to your activity level, emotional stress and physiological changes. But if continuously your blood pressure is staying high then it's recommended for you to do some lifestyle changes for 3 months before starting with medicines. Kindly follow these changes: 1. Low salt intake 2. No smoking /Alcohol 3. Weight Reduction ( if obese ) 4. Avoid spicy and Fried food 5. Physical activity for 40 min 5 days a week. Follow this routine for 3 month if after this your blood pressure will be high then you need to start with anti-hypertensive drugs. I hope this information will answer your query. Kind Regards Dr. Bhanu Partap </s>
<s>[INST] What would or could cause a 54 yr old man with multiple mialoma,renal failure and heart valve damage to have sudden intense internal body heat? Like a female hot flash,soaking his clothes,feeling like he can t breathe but his oxygen level is fine and his heart rate is steady.He s got a cardiologist,nephrologist and an onocologist. [/INST] Hi, dearI have gone through your question. I can understand your concern.You have multiple myeloma. It is known to cause renal failure and your symptoms may be due to multiple myeloma itself or due to complications. Treatment depends on stage of disease. Revlimid and dexamethasone is the treatment of choice for newly detected cases. Bortuzomib can be given along with dexamethasone in some cases. Consult your oncologist and take treatment accordingly.Hope I have answered your question, if you have any doubts then contact me at bit.ly/Drsanghvihardik, I will be happy to answer you.Thanks for using health care magic.Wish you a very good health. </s>
<s>[INST] Had bad fall on soapy slick shower base, fell on mid-humerus & that is where pain is, ex-ray showed no fracture or dislocation. This was 2 wks ago, bruises better, but still pain. Son insists it could be dislocated. ER Dr. said bruising could be a month. I cannot lift arm over shoulder due to pain at this time. Think will subside when bruising leaves, right or wrong? [/INST] HiThis bruising with restriction of movement of shoulder may require physical examination of shoulder joint and muscular sprains around shoulder muscles, rotator cuff looked for by an orthopedics surgeon to be able to draw conclusion for this inability to lift arm...sprains should be exploredBest wishes </s>
<s>[INST] gud morning doctors.. I m from delhi, my son is 2.5yr old. whenever whether is changed he got catched into running nose and light fever. we are taking treatment for him from our pediatrician as and when req. first of all on first day we prefer and use home remedies to overcome the disease of our son then if no progress we ll go to doctor. we also seen him to one other pediatrician. both docs suggested MAXTRA which suits my son and get relief each time in only 2-3 dose. we are also giving IRON,CALCIUM AND VITAMIN supplements syrups to our son recommeded by our pediatrician. I want to know which is the best medicine which is no/less harmful to be given to any kid in case of cough,cold and fever? and Is Paracetamol and ammoxyciline is harmful for kid under 5yr. pl guide with your valuable suggestions. Thanks and regards, Malkeet [/INST] Hello I read ur question By reading ur question, ur baby had allergic rhinitis Mextra is good drug for ur babyPeracetamol is to reduce fever and amoxicilline is antibiotic which is not to take without doctor permission </s>
<s>[INST] SIR ,I HAVE BEEN SUFFERING FROM BIPOLAR DISORDER AS PER my DOCTOR SAY WHEREAS I M SUFFERING FROM INSOMNIA RATHER THAN BIPOLAR. I HAVE BEEN TAKING 2MG CLONAZEPAM SINCE 1998 WITH TRICA THAN PROTHEDIN THAN MIRTAZE THAN NITROZEPAM THAN REMITAX THAN DIAZEPAM THAN VALLIUM UP TO 2010. WITH CLONAZEPAM 2MG I HAD BEEN GIVEN LITHIUM, IT SET ME BUT LITHIUM BADLY AFFECTED MY THYROID PROFILE SO AS IT SET ME MY DOCTOR STOPPED IT. THAN I WAS GIVEN 2MG CLONAZEPAM WITH 400MG QUTIAPIN PLAIN +600MG GABANEURON SR WITH 10MG ZOLFRESH SINCE LAST 4YEARS.NOW SIR THOUGH I HAVE BEEN TAKING THIS DOSE WITH SLEEP HIGINE LIKE WARM MILK WITH COWS GHEE AT NIGHT MY SLEEP DISTURBED AND I HAVE TO TAKE 0.5MG OF CLONAZEPAM AT MIDNIGHT. I THINK 2.5MG CLONAZEPAM IS HIGH DOSE. I WANT TO BE OUT OF THIS NEXUSES. WHAT SHOULD I DO? HOW CAN I ADJUST MY DOSE? MY MAIN ISSUE IS SLEEP EITHER DISTURBED OR INSUFFICIENT. I HAVE GONE THROUGH VARIOUS MEDICAL JOURNALS REGARDING THE ISSUE AND CONTENTS OF DRUGS WITH THEIR GOOD AND BAD EFFECTS.PERHAPS I MAY BE MY OWN PSYCHIATRIST OR NEUROLOGIST. SORRY SIR PLEASE GUIDE ME. [/INST] Hello,You did not describe your symptoms, but according to your drug profile you have bipolar disorder with insomnia. Main thing is insomnia for you; I will suggest you to first follow proper sleep hygiene along with medication like Mirtazepine along with benzodiazepine.In sleep hygiene:1) Do not use of your bed for any other work expect sleep2) Stop all activity half hour prior to sleep3) Take warm water bath before sleep4) Not to use of clock with sound in your bedroom5) Not take heavy meal at night, not to take excess spicy meal6) After getting bed if u do not have sleep in 2 hour just walk up from the bed, groom in house for some time than again go to bedHope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.Regards,Dr. Gauttam Prajapati </s>
<s>[INST] I got a flu shot on Wednesday and yesterday I noticed a quarter-sized red spot a few inches below the injection site. It is warm to the touch. It is now about the size of a tennis ball. I don't have any pain, but the site itches sometimes. Is this normal? [/INST] Hi..Welcome to HEALTHCARE MAGIC..I have gone through your query and can understand your concern..As per your complain a quarter sized lump a few inches below the injection site can be due to allergic reaction to the medication injected while it can also be unrelated to the injection and can be due to any bug bite or insect bite..I would suggest you to take anti-allergics like benadryl, apply a steroid ointment over it and do cold compresses..In case if it does not resolve in a week consult an Allergist and get evaluated and treatment can be planned accordingly..Hope this information helps..Thanks and regards.Dr.Honey Nandwani Arora. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, I've got a canker sore (2) one on the lining of the gum and the other on the side of my cheek, also i've noticed a bump on the back side of my tongue, it doesn't really hurt but i have notice that i produce a lot more saliva then i used to, Very healthy person. [/INST] Thanks for using Health Care Magic.Read your query.Apply dentogel/ mucopain gel on the lesion two to three times for a while.Avoid spicy food and reduce your stress levels as it will aggravate the ulcers.If pain take a paracetamol for relieve.Thanks and regards. </s>
<s>[INST] I've seen doctors non stop for aslong as i can remember. I have insomnia, chronic pain, my feet randomly go numb, my hands shake non stop, i get cold and hot overly easy (anyhing over 86... anything under about 80), dizziness, eye pain, my hands and feet are alway cold, i have trouble remembering things (lately), i'm severly manic depressive (unless it's a symptom), body dismorphia (unless it's a symptom), i have to urinate all the time, i've always gone "number 2" very 6 or 7 days until recently and i go usually 3 times a day, always tired but never sleepy, i gain and lose weight like crazy, my breast go from A's to DDD's on a regular basis (sine i was about 8 when i had C's), my menstural cycle is two days max... if i get it and so painful that i scream and horrible anxiety ETC! Anyways, i've always been told many many of different things.. but my mom has fibermyalgia and i was wondering if maybe that would explain everything for me or is it a long shot? is there anything that could explain why my immune system is so weak? What i want to know most is why i shake so bad and have such horrible chronic pain since i was truly a child [/INST] Hi.I understand your concern . Multiple body pain which are chronic may indicate Somatization disorder . Somatization disorder may have multiple vague complaint that are not medically explained .All invistigations come normal .It usually associated with depression in 60 to 70% cases.Insomnia is prime features in depression and stress . It can be treated after proper evaluation of psychological stress and status .TCA like amitriptiline is widely use to treat chronic pain and Somatization Medicines like desvenlaflaxin and opiprolol is now a days has good results in Somatization . I hope I have answered your question . Still if you have a query then feel free to ask Thanks Get well soon . </s>
<s>[INST] I am 55 years old and never had this problem until a year ago. I have seen 2 Urologist and they both say I do not see anything wrong I told them that my penis skin on shaft tears when getting and erection and sometimes it feels like it is over filling with blood. Like you blow up a balloon to normal then overfull it and it tears and takes about 3 days to stop hurting. I also notice that sometimes I will get this ring of tight skin that forms like a collar around the shaft near the rim of the penis and it hurts extremely to try to roll the skin down and most of the time it will not move but the pain is intense. At one time it would have red bumps on the rim on one side and felt like the erection was crooked and leaning to one side and over hard if that is possible. My regular doctor increased my blood pressure Medicine to see if lower my blood pressure would help. Not a chance. I can not find out what is causing the problem. It only does it when and erection occurs. I am circumcised but it also feels like after and erection is achieved there is no skin movement, for example if you try to masturbate and pull the skin back and forth there is none or very little movement and the rim gets very tight and hurts but the tearing is near the base and midway up the shaft. Someone please help because even when having a dream and getting and erection while I sleep I pay for that for 3 days of pure pain. [/INST] Hello, But this is probably due to an infection either bacterial or fungal. So I would recommend that you apply an antibiotic ointment together with an antifungal ointment containing nystatin three times daily for one week. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Regards, Dr Salah Saad Shoman, Internal Medicine Specialist </s>
<s>[INST] My husband now has mono for 2nd time in 4yrs. They think he got it from blood transfusion.his memory seems to get worse with each attack. He is in a continual brain fog. Is this normal? He was a very bright engineer. And now can t remember even a simple instruction. [/INST] DearWe understand your concernsI went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. From the given description, it seems that your husband is suffering from schizophrenia with depression. You need to get this situation treated by a psychiatrist. Please do not delay.Psychotherapy techniques should suit your requirement. If you require more of my help in this aspect, Please post a direct question to me in this URL. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe the needed psychotherapy techniques.Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications.Good luck. </s>
<s>[INST] i am 27, i having 1 year child , 1 month back i got sudden backpain when i was just drying my hair by moving my head up & down.doctor told me its musclecatch. within 4 days i got some relief. but when i am doing household work my backpain is increases.i am working & i have to sit at one place in office.its very painful,even i cant move. please suggest something for quick relief. [/INST] Hi Thanks for posting your query Your doctor is right it usually happens when a muscle is strained The best thing will be give adequate rest to the muscle involved by restricting the movement which pains Continue muscle relaxants for atleast three weeks Use Ice Sponging and a local application of a pain relieving gel or a spray may help Get Well Soon </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor, I have multiple small cysts in both ovaries (PCOS). Our family friend suggested me to consume Kalarchikai medicine, powdered mixed with pepper and honey to have it for one mandalam (48 days). I have completed nearly 44 days by consuming one small ball of the mixture every morning and before two weeks I got my periods. Then I had checked whether the cysts were dissolved by having an abdomen scan. But still, small multiple follicules have been seen in it with both ovaries enlarged. Kindly suggest me what I can do further. I got married before one and a half years and I am much worried about my pregnancy. I have gallstones as well. [/INST] Hello. I just read your query. See Kalarachi Kai choornam is helpful in amenorrhea. As far as small cysts are concerned they are unmatured eggs which failed to induce menstrual cycle previously, as a result, they got collected in the ovary and they will remain in the ovary. Now, you have got your periods you can start trying for conception. But I advise you to do it under the supervision of a nearby gynecologist because egg size is important while conception and that you can know by ovulation study. Ovulation study is performed under the supervision of a gynecologist. For gall stones, surgical intervention is required generally. Medicine is not of much help. </s>
<s>[INST] good day, Question for the past two months now I've had terrible pain around my abdomen and lower onto my bladder it is extremely painful ,but not so bad as to send me to hospital. I'm tired and loosing concentration. My legs swell up to no end and hurts when I walk I also found a strange bump behind my ear which moves when touch but is also causing me pain. what could this possible be... I think it's witch craft. [/INST] Hi,You seem to be suffering from Nephrotic syndrome,CKD.Please get blood-complete hemogram,kft,lft,hba1c,urine-R,ME,Ultrasound-kub,Blood-ANA done.Meanwhile reduce salt and proteins in the diet </s>
<s>[INST] Yes, i just found out that my classroom i have been teaching in for the past 5 years is infested with black mold. I ve been having all kinds of health issues. The latest since I have been trying to get my classroom ready is joint pain and abdominal cramping with blood in my stool. Could mold be the cause of these? [/INST] Hello ,I understand your concern. I am Dr. Arun Tank, infectious disease specialist, answering your concern.Mold can be cause of such a health issue.Toxin produced by some molds are responsible for such a health incidence.Removing such molds from this place improves over all health of such a person.Cleaning, pesticide spray, coloring of the walls can remove the mold and improve the condition. I will be happy to answer your further concern you can contact me here or you can contact me on bit.ly/DrArunWe wish you a best health at healthcare magic. Thank you,Dr. Arun TankIf you are satisfied with my answer rate me as five star and close the answer </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, I am suffering from calcific tendonitis for both the shoulders. X-Ray reports had shown it in both shoulders but First it started with right shoulder in Jan 2017. Cortizone injection did not help so I went for physiotherapy. It is healed 90% but I still cant sleep on side and I am side slipper so I sleep on recliner instead. Since 2 days I have pain in left shoulder as well. Started physio for left one now. How soon I can cure this? [/INST] Dear patient calcific tendinitis takes longer time to heal and improvements continues even after one year. Mainline of treatment is physiotherapy as it resolves in most cases. in acute cases local injection of corticosteroids definitely helps. If your left shoulder has started paining may be due to calcific tendinitis. Start physiotherapy and consult expert orthopedic surgeon nearby you. Meanwhile you can take tab ultracet twice a day for pain relief. </s>
<s>[INST] Through MRI I was found to have a mild chiari malformation, but apparently little is known about this disorder in the state I m from my neurologist said MRI was normal?!? But after researching it, i do have a lot of the symptoms, could it also cause lymph node enlargement? [/INST] Hi, I have gone through your question and understand your concerns. It is very unlikely that enlarged lymph nodes to be related to Chiari malformation, so other causes of swollen lymph nodes should be evaluated.For this you need to consult your primary care Doctor.Symptoms related to Chiari malformation include headaches worse after coughing or straining, spastic arms and legs, (difficulty walking, working), severe snoring at sleep, difficulty swallowing or choking during meals, wasting of hands and legs muscles, numbness around mouth etc.If you experience these symptoms, you need decompressive surgery of posterior fossa to correct Chiari malformation.If no symptoms, or only slight headaches, you need only follow up.Hope this answers your question. If you have additional questions or follow up questions then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your questions. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, I have been experiencing upper back stiffness and pain in upper back on left side for 3 days. The pain is always there and the stiffness then at times it radiates all over the chest and back. When i lay on the effected side i am ok just cant lay on other side as the pain is too bad.... [/INST] Hello,I have studied your case and most probably you are having back muscle spasm and this can be due to heavy weight lifting or sudden bending.I would suggest you to follow these steps.1.Hot water fomentation and volini gel local application.2.Avoid forward bending and heavy weight lifting.3.Do not drive or travel.4.Muscle relaxant and pain killer should be taken. I hope these steps will be helpful for you. Let me know if there is any other followup questions.thanks </s>
<s>[INST] Hello docs n experts, Since yesterday I m ejaculating red semen. I noticed it yesterday while masturbating, even today I seen same thing when I was trying to confirm was it a normal one day case or a serious issue. Now I think it is a serious problem for me. Please help me. [/INST] high you may have some bleeding in your genital tract thats why yoyr semen get mixed with that blood and you get ejaculation og red semen. consult your doctor because examination of your genital tract is required.thanks for using health care magic. </s>
<s>[INST] I went to a festival and was sitting on the ground for hours saturday evening now my rt lower back hurts and it hurts to lift my rt leg, I wanted to know why this hurts. I'm 31 weigh about 165 and my height is 5'6, and I've always been a relative healthy person besides one time I fell on ice and ending up with a bulge disc on my lower back. [/INST] HIWell come to HCMBecause of the degenerative disease of the spine the pain must be there and the best option to treat condition would be Tab Acetaminophen and Tab Diclofenac 50 mg three times in day, try to maintain the good posture if symptoms dose not improved then MRI would be advisable, hope this helps. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor, I am in major pain now. I noticed that my wisdom tooth is coming in about a week and a half ago. Since then I have been having this pain in the lower corner of my left mouth. It is located right where the gums and my mouth meet and resembles a cut. It is a slit with yellow and white outside and a brown on the inside. I would like to schedule an appointment as soon as possible. I would very much appreciate a reply soon because this thing made me stressed out. Thank you. [/INST] Hello. For further information consult a dentist online --> </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor, My friend said he got a TB test a long time ago and it came out positive and he never went back and I had a positive test done also but I have taken pills for nine months because I caught it right away. That is why I was able to go on pills. They never gave me a shot so I will not get it again. Does me being around him mean I get it again? He is not sick but he seems like he has got a bit of a cold. Am I in trouble for hanging out with him or should I go and ask for a shot? [/INST] Hi. As a matter of fact, TB is a communicable disease and you first got it because of your friend. You have completed nine months course. But, after that, did you check for tuberculosis like whether it is actually cured or just treated? If not, you have to check it through a sputum smear or chest X-ray. About your friend, he needs a doctor consult because it may manifest as a more severe disease if not treated now. Please ask your friend to consult a doctor as early as possible. Abt your present situation, you need to rule out whether you will get a secondary infection or aggravation of the primary disease. For more information consult a general practitioner online --> </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor, I do wanna know what is the optimum temperature that could be felt on upper thighs and near testicles. My bike heats up abnormally and when I tested for the heat levels the heat reaches a maximum of 45.6 degrees C near upper thigh which in turn also provides heat towards testicles. I could not concentrate on work and I do not get proper sleep. I also have undertaken medications and the abnormal feeling near testicles is gone. But whenever I ride the bike I could feel the same issue for the next two days.Kindly provide me your suggestion regarding what is the optimum temperature that could be felt on upper thighs and I want to know whether 45 degree C near upper thighs will cause any issues because I will be driving the bike at this temperature for at least one hour a day. May I continue using this bike for my daily usage? [/INST] Hi. I have gone through your query. The purpose of the testicles being outside the body is to keep them cooler than the rest of the body by about two degrees which is essential for optimal function of the testes. Prolonged increase in temperature in the region of the scrotum will definitely affect testicular function in the long run. This happens over a period of several years and not in few weeks or months and the extent of damage also cannot be predicted as the body has excellent defense mechanisms to maintain a scrotal temperature in spite of external environment. If it is possible for you to avoid driving your motorcycle it would certainly benefit you, however, it is the scrotal temperature and not that of your thighs that matter. For more information consult an urologist online --> </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor, I am 22 years old. My penis head had a dry white spot. When I clean it, it is peeling. Please tell me what the problem is. I am worried. I have been having loose motions since the last four days and taking antibiotics for it. [/INST] Hello. Regards. For more information consult a sexologist online --> </s>
<s>[INST] h,i m wondering about my son,he is 19 yrs. of age,an ever since he was young child he has had a bd temper,he used to be good for a few mts. then crazy for next few mths. this was when he was about 4,at 10 mths. old he would bang his head off a wall if he was mad...now he s 19 an he can blow up in seconds,he s ok when he wakes up then within seconds his mood changes he becomes very verbally abusive,he can be physically abusive,he always beat on his 2 sisters when he was younger age 4 or younger,he says it feels good to hurt ppl. it gives him a rush,rite now he only hurts verbally,but u can see rite through his eyes when he gets in a certain state,an he scares me,it takes everythin he has not to be physical,but everyone that knows him,knows it only a matter of time,do u think he could be scitoprania(sorry for the spelling) i have a first cousin of mine that is,an ppl. through my sons life has said i should get him tested,there is something not rite with him,an my family doc. likes to just say he just likes to get wat he wants,e s ok..but he never tried to look at my son...plz. help [/INST] DearWe understand your concernsI went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. From the given symptoms (the symptoms always are biased, they are according your view point) your son could not be suffering from schizophrenia. This could be Borderline personality disorder (BPD) and is a serious mental illness marked by unstable moods, behavior, and relationships. Most people who have BPD suffer from Problems with regulating emotions and thoughts, Impulsive and reckless behavior and Unstable relationships with other people.Therefore you should make sure to consult a psychiatrist for treatment. In my opinion, psychiatric treatment along with psychotherapy is a must in this case. If you require more of my help in this aspect, Please post a direct question to me in this website. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe some psychotherapy techniques which should help you cure your condition further.Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications.Good luck. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello Dr. Ghosh, I am kobby. About 6 years ago a had my spleen removed. After sometime, I have been feeling intermitent pains in my upper right abdomain, just below my ribs, with frequent bloating , belching as well as pains in my shoulder muscles. I often have flatulence with foul smell as well.Most often it seems to get worse after eating. Thank you. [/INST] Hello isdontwi pain (Myalgias) associated with Sore Throat, Diarrhea &Vomiting with Rigor- need urgent treatment. Advice-Vaccination aganist Pneumoniae, Haemophilus Influnze,& Meningitis. simple pain -non specific frequent bloating, belching & flatulence with foul smelling- due to constipation ,amoebic colitis& aerophagia Advice- correct consption, colitis & prevent air during swalloing . hope you will enjoy positive health. thank you. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello Doctor,I had the frenuloplasty surgery last year, it took a lot longer to heal than expected because of the tightness caused by erection. Now the wound is closed, however during erection it is still tight and easily irritable (in the area of the incision and below the incision on the foreskin) which causes me to be reluctant to engage in sexual behavior that will cause more pain. Do you believe a full circumcision will help solve this problem. Its been 14 months since the surgery.Thanks [/INST] HelloThanks for query .You have undergone frenuloplasty but still have pain while engaged in sex.In a given situation I would suggest you get circumcised .This is a simple surgery done under local anaesthesia as a out patient procedure and offers permanent cure and helps to have enjoyable sex for rest of the life.Please consult qualified General surgeon or Urologist and get it done .Dr.Patil. </s>
<s>[INST] i have a 5month daughter, when she was two weeks i found out she had a lump on her upper lip. I thought some insect had bitten her anyways i observed that the big she gets the bigger the lump get so i take her to a pediatrician, she examine her and told me it was a development cyst so she refer me to the out patient clinic at the hospital, they gave me an appointment for then to cut it.. my question is Doc.....are there any other way they can remove this cyst. [/INST] Hi..Thanks for the query..As per your complain as your daughter is having a cyst n her upper lip that is present since 2 weeks of birth and is still present and getting bigger then it can be probably due to cause causes like sebaceous cyst, dermoid/epidermoid cyst etc..Although all these conditions are harmless and will not turn into anything malignant but at times they are aesthetically unpleasant and needs removal..As it is increasing in size, therefore it has to be removed surgically as it can not be resolved by conservative means..So it is better to consult a Paediatric surgeon and get evaluated and can proceed for the surgery..Hope this helps..Regards. </s>
<s>[INST] A few days ago, I stepped out of my car and felt a piercing pain in my foot-- more like my toes. A piercing, cramping. I was wearing new flip flops. I kind of massaged it out, but still felt pain/discomfort. Kind of limped my way through the grocery store. Just yesterday, I discovered that my two two (the smallest and the one next to it) are numb and tingly, like when your foot falls asleep, when the novocaine from the dentist starts wearing off. Now, the sensation has crept up my leg-- no so much the numbness, but tingling. Is this something to be concerned about? [/INST] Your symptoms sound consistent with something called Morton's neuroma. This is a situation where the nerve bundle located around your 2nd and 3rd toes is irritated or compressed causing pain and sometimes numbness in your toes. Normal recommendations for Morton's Neuroma include resting your foot, using something called Metatarsal pad inside your shoe which takes pressure off the nerve bundle, and occasionally anti-inflammatories to decreased the pain and inflammation. You should consider consultation with a specialist as you have pain that is shooting up your leg which may be a sign that the nerve is extremely irritated. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor, My son is going to be 6 months next week and weighs about 6.54 Kg, birth weight was 3.03 Kg. Is weight fine? I am giving him Formula with room temperature unboiled water. Is that a problem? Can incorrect mixing of powder with room temperature water a problem for weight gain? He did not roll to tummy until now. He just moves clockwise when lying on the bed. [/INST] Hello. Weight for age is fine. Please use filtered and clean boiled water to avoid infections. Incorrect mixing will lead to improper concentration of the product and may cause either indigestion or reduced nutritional content of the Formula. Hence, always mix in concentration as per instruction of the Formula. It is alright for a 6-month-old child to start moving clockwise at this age. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi my husband & I have been taking metformin 1000 mg twice a day plus glyburide 2/ 5mg twice a day & now our dr, just added Genuvia once a day, which is helping us better at keeping our blood sugar levels down, but were wondering if this is too many Meds, & maybe we should cut out one of them out? [/INST] Januvia and Metformin are the most prefered medicines for diabetics. The reason being, these medicines help preserving body insulin and Beta cell of pancreas. Additionally hypoglycemia chances are minimum. Glyburide has to be continued for complete control of blood sugar.The dose of Glyburide has to kept minimum. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor, I am a 26 year old male. I am 5 feet and 9 inches tall and weigh 255 pounds. When I eat spicy food, I poop blood. Sometimes when I have constipation as well, I poop a little bit of blood. I am really scared that I have colon cancer. I do have diarrhea often. I do not have a family history of colon cancer. I got blood tests done last night. Please find my reports attached. [/INST] Hello. I have gone through your information and test reports (attachment removed to protect patient identity). So, in view of that, there are a couple of things that I can opine upon: Hope that helps. For more information consult a general surgeon online --> </s>
<s>[INST] Hi my age is 26, female and unmarried. My height is 5.4inches And weight is 51kgs. I hv acne prone skin.I recently started using mela's cream at night, its lotion in daytime and. Wash my face with its soap. I m using it for pimple reason!! After only 2 days of its use, my face starts burning and become so very dry. There r skin flakes al over my face, I need to use heavy moistursing cream to avoid this?? I need to knw if this is normal??? [/INST] Hello and welcome to HCM.It seems you have got local irritation to the cream you have used. It called Contact irritant dermatitis.Nothing to worry as your skin will be fine soon.Avoid any further use of Melas cream as it contains steroid and other harmful ingredients like hydroquinone.I would advise you a week course of oral prednisolone in low dose (5-10mg).Apply a mild corticosteroid like desonide and antibiotic like fusidic acid twice a day.After good quality moisturiser like cetaphil DAM twice a day over full face.Avoid use of any cosmetics/facewash for few days.Avoid direct sun exposure and use water-based sunscreen before stepping out in sun.Hope this was useful.Take care Dr Hardik Pitroda </s>
<s>[INST] My problem is starting to worry me I use the restroom and everything will be fine for a while then I will have a stool discharge when I am sitting down or doing anything else. [/INST] Hello. As per the description of your problem, this could be due to fecal incontinence due to the disturbance in the function of the anal sphincter muscles which tend to involuntarily contract to prevent any incontinence. You should consult with your physician so that this condition can be correctly diagnosed after appropriate clinical checkup and investigations to assess the degree and severity of this condition. Treatment will finally depend on this assessment. Hope this will help. Regards. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor, I have a swollen lump in my left neck under the chin. Sometimes, I feel pain on the left side neck. I visited a few doctors, and they told that I have an infection. They gave me antibiotic, but the swelling is still present. I am a little worried. [/INST] Hello. If you could send a picture of the swelling, then it will be more helpful. Revert with the photos to an ENT otolaryngologist online --> </s>
<s>[INST] Pain started right side lower back.Comes around to front to about 3in.s from my panty kind in my stomach,radiated/throbs there.Then pain goes up and down my leg to my knee.I had Cat Scan and was told nothing was seen and vital organs were clear.Was given script for muscal relaxer Flexeril (took generic form cyclone zaps 5mg,20 tabs).Still in pain going on 3wks. I don t know what type Doctor I should even make appointment for.I ve been to Patient First and Mercy Hospital Emer. Rm. does it sound like pinched nerve instead of muscal? Thanks in advance for your help. [/INST] hihope this msg finds u in good health u r right. .it definitely sounds like a pinched nerve sciatica u should get an mri done of d lumbar spine to confirm d diagnosisthanks Take care god bless </s>
<s>[INST] hi dr, i am 24 yrs old. married. my husband did sperm test. and they said he has too much of pus cells. will it affect to become conceive? [/INST] welcome to healthcaremagic pus cells in large number in semen needs a consultation and clinical check up with culture/ sensivity of semen he should take treatment and get the infection controlled by medicines after a proper diagnosis once the infection controlled go for pregnancy .yes you can conceive if ther is no problem with you </s>
<s>[INST] I have cellulitis on my penis shaft and was given ciprofloxacin. I hope I m being treated for the right thing. It s red/pink in color and swollen and tender. I was wanting to know what would be a good lotion or cream to put on it. I keep the area clean and using Shea moisture soap. [/INST] HelloThanks for query.The swelling of penis with tenderness is due to infection of penis .You need to take broad spectrum antibiotic like Cefixime along with anti inflammatory drug like Diclofenac twice daily .Ensure to wash your genitals with warm water twice daily Do not use any soap to avoid chemical reaction .Ensure to avoid sexual encounters till it heals up completely.Do not put any cream or lotion on penis .Dr.Patil. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello. 6 years ago at the age of 55 I had an subarachnoid hemorrhage at the top of my spinal cord, resulting in a number of surgeries to repair, and installation of a "brain shunt". I had much anxiety & depression, and ended up on 100mg Pristiq, then 5 years ago went up to 150mg / day. The hard question is how much my condition is due to the Aquired Brain Damage, and how much is due to the Pristiq. My condition since the ABD is short-term memory loss, often confusion, cannot prioritize, am overwhelmed with small tasks, and eg - just the concentration necessary to write this, is wearing me out to the point of me needing to sleep to recover, or I won't be able to talk, or walk. I can concentrate very little, and my wife often needs to care for me, like a child. I am unable to work, and just want to sleep.I would like to come off Pristiq to be sure it ins' making things worse.My doctor is unsure how to reduce my dose, how do you think this might be possible?Lindsay Trigger (Australia) [/INST] Hello,Thanks for choosing health care magic for posting your query.I have gone through your question in detail and I can understand what you are going through.Pristiq can be withdrawn gradually. Now that you are on 150mg , it can be reduced to 100 mg for a week and then 50 mg for the next week and then can be stopped. However keep your treating psychiatrist informed about the drug withdrawal. The symptoms that you have stated are cause of the injury and unlikely cause of the medication.Hope I am able to answer your concerns.If you have any further query, I would be glad to help you.In future if you wish to contact me directly, you can use the below mentioned link:bit.ly/dr-srikanth-reddy </s>
<s>[INST] Hello. I injected mcat into the bend in my arm. I think I touched a nerve. Now the right side of my left arm has been numb for over a week. I have been to see the doctor and they have told me to wait to see if there is any change and then possibly do investigations on my nerves. But I am very worried that I will never get feeling back in my arm again. [/INST] I read your question and I understand your concern.I don't think your doctors are wrong though, if there has been nerve damage from the injection it will need some time for the nerve to heal itself, can be a matter of weeks, it's not a question of healing it through medication.Perhaps an ENG could be done to assess the degree of damage to the nerve, but that wouldn't change the outcome, just could make a better prediction on the chances of full recovery.I hope to have been of help </s>
<s>[INST] My mother has severe phelgm/mucus resultantly she feels problem in respiration. Doctor suggested tablet montegate and syrup prospan and respiratory pump but she has not found any relieve yet, we often have to nebulize her. She has been suffering for approximately a month and twice we have been to the professor level doctor in Pakistan besides mucosolvan syrup is not available in Pakistan. [/INST] Thanks for your question on HCM.I can understand your situation and problem.In my opinion you should consult pulmonologist for your mother and get done1. Chest x ray2. PFT (pulmonary function test).3. CT thorax if needed.There are few possibilities in your mother's case.1. lower respiratory tract infection (LRTI)2. Chronic bronchitis.3. Pulmonary fibrosis.So get done chest x ray to rule out LRTI (pneumonia). PFT is needed to rule out chronic bronchitis.And CT thorax is needed to rule out pulmonary fibrosis if x ray is inconclusive.So I advice to consult pulmonologist and first diagnose her than start appropriate treatment.This will help her more, rather than giving haphazard treatment. </s>
<s>[INST] I had a mouth ulcer for a couple of weeks and after healing I have bone exposed now where the ulcer once was. It is located in my lower jaw on the inside of my mouth. The pain is just a dull ache. I expect it will heal. Should I be worried or go see a dentist? [/INST] Hello, Welcome Thanks for consulting HCM, I have gone through your query, as you have ulcer on lower jaw dont worry , you do is avoid spicy food first. Take ointment Mucopain or Pansoral apply on ulcer three times a day. You can take Capsule Zevit one capsule twice daily . Do warm saline gargle two - three times a day Consult dentist and go for oral prophylaxis . Hope this will help you. Wishing you good health. </s>
<s>[INST] I am 39 years old 5 foot tall and weigh 265 lbs. I have gained over 50 lbs since August 2014. I am tired all of the time. I recently have swelling in my feet and ankles. I wake up several times a night. I fall asleep at the drop of a hat. I have shortness of breath. I am wondering what may be wrong with me. [/INST] Hello, Thanks for writing to us, I have studied your case.I will like to ask few questions so that I can help you betterSwelling is on both feet?Swelling is reducing after lying down?Any history of injury?Both feet involvement differential can be swelling due to exertion; swelling can be cardiac /renal origin, early inflammatory arthritis.You may need to do X ray and blood investigation after clinical examination from your doctor.swelling can be cardiac or renal disease related.Hope this answers your query. If you have additional questions or follow up queries then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your queries. Wishing you good health.Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] my mother has hypertension since 40 years and have recently been shifted to Delzem, Mopressor, Sustac, Xplendid and Riplan combination. Her blood pressure since a month has been 130/60. She is constanly complaining of breathlessness and dizziness, which she never di earlier. Do I get her hypertension package changed? [/INST] hIDILZEM IS A CALCIUM CHANNEL BLOCKER WHICH ALSO CAUSES BRADYCARDIA , HENCE ITS IMPORTANT TO MEASURE HEART RATE OF YOUR MOTHER , a lower heart rate can also cause dizziness.dizziness CAN BE ALSO BECAUSE OF XPLENDID , STATIN CAN CAUSE MYALGIA ,AND WEAKNESS Sustac is nito glycerine , they are venodilator and causes immediate drop in blood pressure , and can cause dizzinessa detailed review of medicines is required </s>
<s>[INST] hi, my 16 mth old son fell and hit his forehead on sept 26th. he needed 8 stitches and a couple of desolvable ones inside to close the very deep laceration its just over an inch long, could you just reasure me as to the stages of healing and if these type of stitches will heal ok cause at the moment it looks awful and i cant imagine it healing well at all, the whole area around where the stitches were just looks like one big scar in certain lights, they were only taken out on monday the 4th oct, at the moment the skin has joined well at the top and middle but the bottom (inbetween his eyes) hasnt cloes so well looks like there is almost a little step, the skin is higher on one side than it is on the other? the top down to the middle of the cut is a very dark deep red/ burgandy colour is this normal? aslo i was advised to buy some bio oil to use when the wound has healed would you recommend this? [/INST] Hi, Your son is still very young and this cut wound will heal and leave a small scar that will disappear by time. Take care. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. Salah Saad Shoman, Internal Medicine Specialist </s>
<s>[INST] Hello! I am using a vaginal ring that I usually have inside for 4 weeks and then take out during 1 week (during which time I have my period). I was suppose to take it out on wednesday, but forgot, so I took it out on friday instead. How will this affect? Am I stll protected? Should I still insert a new ring on next wednesday? [/INST] Hello. Thanks for writing to us. Yes. Delay in taking out the ring does not reduce the effect. You are still protected. You will have to insert a new ring as scheduled.I hope this information has been both informative and helpful for you. Regards, Dr. Rakhi Tayal ,drrakhitayal@gmail.com </s>
<s>[INST] for the past 4 weeks i have been getting little pains in the left side of my chest. i have also had pain in my left shoulder, which as also gone all the way down my arm sometimes it is like a burning sensation. i have seen 3 doctors and they say it is anxiety, i have been for an ecg and that came back absolutly fine but i am a constant worrier i am 22 plz help [/INST] Hi, Regarding your concern, I would like to know if the pain is triggered by shoulder movements or body movements. This would indicate a shoulder joint local inflammation or any other musculo-skeletal pain. Otherwise, I would recommend performing some further tests: - a chest X-ray study - a shoulder X-ray study - a resting ECG - complete blood count, PCR, ESR for inflammation. An exercise cardiac stress test may be needed. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. Ilir Sharka, Cardiologist </s>
<s>[INST] My tailbone sticks out almost like a small tail, I had thought it was an old injury but a couple of years ago the doctor said he thought it was congenital , said really there was nothing they could do about it. It is not always a bother to me, I worked at a plant walking the floors push pulling dragging but in the past 2 years I changed my job and I am in an office where I sit alot lately my right leg falls asleep alot, I often feel the swelling in my very lower back. When I have been to the doctor in the past year with swelling in the back and feet they said it was a pinched nerve. Should I be concerned about a long term affect of this and when is your leg falling asleep enough concern to pay a doctor visit. [/INST] Acupressure and Magnetotherapy Teatment;- For swelling in lower back put south pole of med. power magnet for half an hour twice a day for 10 days.For asleep leg use acupressure plate for 10 minute twice a day t10 days and report. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello, My daughter is 1.5 yrs old (Weight is 9 kg) and sufferring from Nephrotic Syndrome (detected before 10 days).Doctor has suggested Wysonol 20mg per day. Her protein level in urine is ++++ and we started the Wysonol 20mg 2 days back. Can you please tell me in how many days it is expected to reduce this protein level in urine ? [/INST] Hi...if it is the first episode of Nephrotic syndrome, usually it might take 2 weeks for it to come down to normal. Usually we ask to come back with urine routine reports after 2 weeks.But the total treatment is for 6 weeks + 6 weeks.Regards -Dr. Sumanth </s>
<s>[INST] 5 days ago I came down with what seemed to be a really bad head cold. Started to get more congested in throat chest and nose. I now have a very bad chesty cough, nausea, loss of appetite, headache, fatigue, sore body all over and am tired but cant sleep. Do I need to see my Doctor? Or is it just a common cold? [/INST] HelloCold , chest congestion, sore throat , running nose , all are an indication , may be due to these factors:1 Flu or viral infection .2 ALLERGIC BRONCHITIS, diagnosis can be confirmed by whistling sound , short of breath , mild degree fever ( you are having all these symptoms .3 Asthmatic allergic bronchitis .When such patient visit my clinic I prescribe them to take LEVOFLOXACIN 10 mg / kg body weight once in day ( orally ).Tylenol tablet according to necessity .But these are prescription drugs , so please consult a doctor and get his help. </s>
<s>[INST] I GOT IMPLANTS HORMONE REPLACEMENTS LAST YEAR. THEY PRESCRIBED PROGESTRONE BUT WHEN I TAKE IT WITH THE HORMONES BIODENTICAL PELLETS. I HAVE BAD PERIODS HEAVY FLOW.RECENTLY I FEEL A SOFT LUMP INSIDE THE CERVEX WHEN I CURL MY FINGER AS IF TO TOUCH THE AREA OF THE G SPOT. I NOTICED THIS ON THIS CYCLE! SHOULD I SEE A DR. FOR CERVICAL CANCER? [/INST] Hi, it appears to be the infection, or anemia, or lastly it may be the estrogen replacement. I advise you to consult an endocrinologist for diagnosis and treatment. You may need to have harmonal essay, besides other routine tests for confirmation. Thank you. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi. a couple of months ago I had a blood test and it came back as my platelet count as 73, I went back a month later (last week) and had another blood test. Got a call today and they said they could not use this blood as it was clumped and to come back in 3 weeks, is this normal? [/INST] Hi, dearI have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. you may have platelet cluming. So that it shows low platelet count. you need to repeat it with some other anticoagulant like citrate. Don't worry. Just relaxed. Go for repeat blood test. Nothing serious.After your reports just consult your physician once and take treatment accordingly if required. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using health care magic. Wish you a very good health. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor, The patient has stomach ache and weakness. I have the patient's Widal test report. Please help me with the typhoid report. Thanks in advance. [/INST] Hi. For further information consult a general medicine physician online --> </s>
<s>[INST] I have dizziness even when i lay down. I eat and the food taste like metal and i get noashes and dizzy even right after i eat. I know i have meniers desease but it got to a point that even my dr.dont know what s going on. I also tend to cry almost everyday without any reason. [/INST] Hi Dear,Welcome to HCM.Understanding your concern. As per your query you have Meniere s disease and dizziness . Need not to worry. I would suggest you to take antihistamine and anticholinergic drugs like meclizine and scopolamine. Avoid bending forward and drink green tea with ginger thrice a day . Apply dry warm compresses on ear. You should take oral broad spectrum Antibiotics to treat the infection. Put anti-inflammatory ear drops. You should maintain complete hygiene of ear canal. Visit ENT specialist once and get it examined , who may order CT scan , rotatory chair test along with taking history. Start treatment after proper prescription. Doctor may also recommend hearing aid , meniett device , steroid injection or vestibular therapy . Hope your concern has been resolved.Get Well Soon.Best Wishes,Dr. Harry Maheshwari </s>
<s>[INST] I KEEP HAVING CHEST PAINS AND BLURRED VISION MY PRESSURE IS 162/112 I TOOK TWO DAYS OFF FROM WORK AND SLEPT MOST OF THE DAY AWAY I FELT BETTER WHEN I WAS LYING DOWN NOW I AM AT WORK AND THE PAIN IS BACK WHAT SHOULD I DO ? I DO NOT WANT TO BE EMBARASSED IF IT IS JUST GAS... [/INST] Hi welcome to HCM...I don't think according to history it could be simple gas problem ....Investigate with following to rule out cardiac causes as your blood pressure esp diastolic is very high .....1.Stress test 2.EKG 3.2D echo cardiography 4.Angiography ( only if above investigation suggest IHD)According to cause treatment guided. .If slurred speech also there than CT scan needs to done for rule out mild stroke ....Take low salt diet ....Suitable antihypertensive has to be strated for high blood pressure ....Take care ..Advise : physician or cardiologist consultation whichever is nearby ... </s>
<s>[INST] I woke up 4 days ago with a stiff neck. it has now progressed to both sides and across the cervical to both shoulders. I also have a little numbness and tingling in my right hand fingers. the pain is dull and achy at rest and severe with certain movement. [/INST] hi,as you mentioned your symptoms for me it appears more of a pinched nerve. You can possibly under go the MRI of the cervical spine which can help assist in addressing the nerve roots involved.also a physical therapist can help by Therapeutic ultrasound therapy and TENS therapy for the pain relief. later on doing exercise to strengthen the muscle to ease the compression from the nerve will work better.exercises includes - static neck exercises, trapezious muscle Strengthening, upper limb and upper back strengthening.this exercises can be well understood and performed with special attention.usually, people with this kind of symptoms recover with exercise at almost 99% success ratio. As it will be a slow and steady process for performing exercises it will still help to strengthen the muscle and decrease the symptomswith the grace of God I wish you a speedy recoveryRegardsJay Indravadan Patel </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, I was trimming my testicles with a pair of small scissors. I accidentally pricked the skin of my scrotum which caused a tiny amount of blood to surface. The cut is tiny and unnoticeable unless looking for it. Shortly after I noticed the back of my left testicle had got larger. It feels quite lumpy and strange. I can not feel the lumps when sitting but when I stand they appear again. There is a dull ache coming from this testicle now. Thanks. [/INST] Hi ! Good evening. I am Dr Shareef answering your query.From your history, it seems to me that the cut on the skin of your scrotum and the lumpy feeling of your testis on the left side might be two different entities. Possibly you might be having varicocele (varicose testicular veins), which is common on the left side. The varicolele would also increase on standing due to gravitational backflow of blood in the vein and it would become less prominent on sitting or lying down. These would feel lumpy (like a bag of worms), and would cause dull aching pain of the testis on the side involved. The management of this condition is by a good testicular support, and if the symptoms increase, then surgery of the vericose veins. However, before this, it has to be confirmed with a Doppler ultrasound of both testes. Till then, you could go for an anti inflammatory along with a proton pump inhibitor.I hope this information would help you in discussing with your family physician/treating doctor in further management of your problem. Please do not hesitate to ask in case of any further doubts.Thanks for choosing health care magic to clear doubts on your health problems. I wish you an early recovery. Dr Shareef. </s>
<s>[INST] Me and my boyfriend had sex but he wore a condom. probably 5-10 minutes after he took it off and wiped off his penis we started again but he didn't finish because we stopped realizing we were getting carried away. Is it possible I could be pregnant from the clear fluid that comes out because it pushed left over sperm into me? Should I be worried? [/INST] Hallow Dear,Ejected clear fluid also contains some amount of sperms which are capable of impregnating a woman. You should take emergency birth control pill ideally within 24 hours but not later than 72 hours of such unprotected intercourse to protect yourself from the pregnancy. The other option is to get intrauterine device like CuT inserted within 5 days which will give you protection from pregnancy due to this intercourse along with continued on going protection for many years to come. If you miss period, please get the urine tested for pregnancy. If you happen to be pregnant, you can terminate the pregnancy up to 9 weeks of gestation safely and successfully by medicines. Hope this helps you,Dr. Nishikant Shrotri </s>
<s>[INST] i fell on a wet surface 4 days ago and banged by back, bottom and left elbow. my elbow is bruised however not too bad, but it is very painful. i seem to have full movement in my arm however any pressure of even touching it is very sore. do i need an xray? YYYY@YYYY [/INST] Hello,Thank you for using Healthcaremagic.I read your question and understood your concern.I think you still need an Xray of the elbow to rule out any fracture.Dr. Selmani </s>
<s>[INST] Hi I had injured my right foot while playing cricket couple of months back and CT scan revealed a minor metatarsal fracture which was treated by putting on a fibreglass cast. However I was unable to walk and then my doc suspected I also had a soft tissue / nerve injury in the foot and prescribed gabapentin. After about a week of taking 100mg gabapentin twice daily, my pain has reduced substantially and I am now able to walk properly and the tingling sensation in the foot has gone.What I want to know is that does gabapentin TREAT a nerve injury or only reduce the pain till the time one is taking the medicine? Will the pain come back once I stop taking it? [/INST] No,Tab gabapentin does not treat nerve injury and reduces nerve pain.Gererally pain will not come back even after stooping the medicine.Thanks </s>
<s>[INST] sex:female age:28 weight:47kgs Four months ago had an operation for removal of polyps and dilation and cautery of cervix. A day ago had done a test for the following:(with the results)have no idea what it means.im very nervous please help me. HSV 1+2-IgGab to herpes simplex virus,serum by CLIA observed value REACTIVE(2.04)ASSOCIATED TEST:HSV 1 AND 2-westernblot(IgG & IgM)HSV1+2-IgMAb to herpes simplex virus,serum by EIA observed Value NEGATIVE (0.41)ASSOCIATED TEST:HSV 1 AND 2-westernblot(IgG & IgM)Rubella-IgG antibodies,serum by CMIA observed value POSITIVE (27.2)PLease help me with what these observed values mean.im scared .Do i have herpes..and if its gentital or Oral.and the same for rubella(sexually active, but no intercourse) [/INST] Hi, I have gone through your question and understand your concern. Your HSV 1 and 2 IgG antibody test by CLIA is reactive that means IgG test for herpes virus is positive which indicates chronic infection. But your HSV 1 & 2 IgM antibody test by EIA or ELISA method is negative that means you does not have any recent infection. Serum test for CMIA that is a test for which I could not disclose to you according to rules. Please consult your doctor for further disclosure. </s>
<s>[INST] I tore or strained my hamstring and the pain has been so severe that I nearly passed out a few time. My leg swelled up hugh and is black and blue. It has been 1 week and the swelling is going down but the pain is still severe even on the surface of my skin. What sould I do. [/INST] Hi,Hamstring sprain will take about 3/4 weeks to heal(grade 1/2/3). You need to be patient. Till then need to avoid the movement of hamstring to aid in repair(avoid knee extension)You can were a knee support or crape bandage for stability. Kinesiotaping will help in this. Also use of contrast bath (hot and cold packs alternatively) will help in pain reduction Can take acetaminophen twice a day for pain relief.Hope this helps. Let me know if I can assist you further.Regards,Dr. Jenis Bhalavat </s>
<s>[INST] My 7 yr old son all of a sudden has a very red swollen left ear. He mentions no pain or itch, but he did say it feels warm like a sunburn. There is no mark indicating an insect bite but the top rim of his ear is definitely very swollen and his ear clearly is sticking out from the swelling. It is Friday night so I am wondering if I can wait this out or if he should be seen immediately? I did give Benadryl just in case it is an allergic reaction but it did not seem to make the swelling go down. [/INST] swelling can be due to any insect bite though it's not itchy.anti histamines like hydroxyzine can relieve the swelling... </s>
<s>[INST] I am a 57 yr old woman..I have been feeling since thrus evening tightness in the chest. It feels like someone is sitting on my chest. I feel it up to the throat. I did go to urgent care march 30th and was told i had the flu was given Tamiflu but this chest issue started so i returned then was given another anti botic. The tightness and shortness of breathe continues. I dont know what to do. could this just be due to the flu and I should give it more time? When they checked me the doctor said the lungs are clear. so why the pain like a rubber band around the chest and upper back. I did also have spine surgery on 9/25/13. Two rods were put for the spine and i had 4 bad disc and nerve damage too. My concern is tightness and hard to breathe. as if I was running miles [/INST] Hello dear, thanks for your question on HCM. I can understand your situation and problem. In my opinion you should consult pulmonologist and get done PFT (Pulmonary Function Test) to rule out bronchitis. There is high possibility of bronchitis in your case because of chest tightness, breathing difficulty and not improving with antibiotics. PFT is must for the diagnosis of bronchitis. It will also tell you about severity of the disease. And treatment of bronchitis is based on severity only. So get done PFT. You may need inhaled bronchodilators and antihistamines drugs. Don't worry, you will be alright. </s>
<s>[INST] my moms age is above 60 and she is having liver problem.her liver is getting shrink and stomach is also filled with water ,having lot of pain and not able to digest foods feels like vomit.thrice water is taken out by the procedure of needle.now she is in hospital ,doctor prescribed some fluid,3 bottles daily for 3 days.please help [/INST] Hi welcome to the health care magic Your mother is suffering from liver cirrhosis... So because of less protein production and by salt and water retention your mother having ascites... For that low salt diet taken and if needed diuretic prescribed Spleen also should be palpated as it is enlarged in portal hypertension secondary to cirrhosis Beta blocker drug useful for reducing portal pressure Surgical procedure like TIPSS also useful... Ultimate treatment is liver Transplantation in case of cirrhosis... Daily take grined spinach and carrot juice Take care </s>
<s>[INST] Hi I first started experiencing a fasst pulse and some uneasiness in the chest region a few months ago. After seeing my primary care doctor, he recommended to reduce stress and eliminate caffeine from my diet for a few days. He also did an EKG and basic blood work which both came out fine. The palpitations did not occur again until last Saturday night after coming back from an amusement park and riding a rollercoaster. Could the palpitations be related to riding the rollercoaster? Also I m also experiencing uneasiness in the chest today with minor sporadic chest pain . [/INST] Hello, Thank you for your query Stress is definitely one of the reasons for uneasiness in chest.Since you haven't mentioned any other symptoms like lack of sleep , or less appetite i think you shouldn't really be bothered about it. But since you have mentioned that you felt a chest pain it is recommended to definitely take an appointment with a cardiologist to check if everything else is alright. If yes, then I feel you are absolutely healthy and fine. The sudden rise in bp and the uneasiness after the rollercoaster ride is very natural and obvious It potentially triggers high pulse rate. Try to stay calm in any kind of stressful situation.This will be helpful to you all the time. Hope this helps you. Stay healthy! </s>
<s>[INST] I woke up this morning, felt a burning sensation in my genitals then went to check. Found out there were small cuts on my testis, its really painful. I am not sexually active so i dont know what this is for. I have chikungunya so Im not sure if its the rash or what. i need to know [/INST] HIWell come to HCMDrug sensitivity could be likely if ever taken for chikungunya, if I would be your treating physician then I would treat this condition with following medicines,1) Tab Levocetrizine 10 mg three times in day 2) Beclomethasone cream to be applied three times in day symptom would improve in few days, hope this information helps, take care and have nice day. </s>
<s>[INST] hi, I m 42 years old male, recently diagnosed for idiopathic transverse myelitis. I’ve Type-2 Diabetic since 2007 and it’s well under control with Metformin.      I’ve been given steroids and Plasmapheresis twice to control my spinal chord inflammation. All the tests came negative for MS, NMO and all other known autoimmune diseases. This time CT Scan was done to check under the spinal chord cancer and that also came negative. All of my blood tests came negative.      First time, I was admitted in Valley Presbyterian hospital on Oct. 17th after they saw lesion in my spinal chord in MRI, I was tread for Transverse Myelitis with 5 dozes of steroids. I was discharged from the hospital and i was able to walk (no oral medicine was given).      I had 1st relapse after 2 weeks, i was transferred to Keck Medical Center of USC. This replace was very severe leaving my lower part of body below the chest area completely paralyzed, lost pain and temperature sensations.      I was treated with 5 dozes of steroids and oral medicine for 2 days but my condition was not getting better so the did 5 days treatment of Plasmapheresis. I was able to move my toes after the Plasmapheresis. I was shifted to rehab and after 7 days, i was able to walk with walker then cane and then without cane slowly (no oral medicine was given).      I had 2nd relapse after 1 month. Luckily we got on time and the condition did not go worse, after 5 days of Plasmapheresis treatment i was discharged on 24th Dec. and now i’m walking again without cane.      This time Dr. has put me on immunosuppressive Prednisone 40mg twice an day until the Azathioprine 50mg once a day kicks in. They will monitor my condition with blood tests to keep my immune system suppress.      It’s idiopathic transverse myelitis and they are not able to find out what triggered my immune system. they will try all the medicine to see which will help to keep my immune system suppress. I know the possible of side effects of weakening my immune system. I would appreciate your response to my question. Thanks in advance for taking time and looking into my request. Raza Waseer [/INST] Hello Mr Raza. the word idiopathic means there is no known cause. After having said that it does not imply that there is no cause. Rather it means we donont know the cause. Since plasmaphoresis helped you both times, it is antibodies that are causing problem thats why we call it auto immune. Cause can be viral infection. even some menifestation of known or unknown infection. It could be allergy to something in food or air. Malfunctioning of your immune system as well. Many of these cases never get to know the cause. a lot many lead to tremendous increase in our knowlege and understanding of the disease. Fortunately many are self limiting which keep the candle of hope burning. I hope this answers your question. Wishing you an early complete recovery. </s>
<s>[INST] I am old guy nearly 92 years. Suffer recently from raised rash on inner arms and legs at night whilst asleep. Started swimming in indoor pool new to Retirement Village......could be chlorine related.....very red and v ery itchy. Drink about four glasses red wine per day and occasionally eat dried apricot......have had some allergic reaction to sulphur over the years. [/INST] Hi, Chlorine or any chemical substance can cause allergic reaction. You could confirm the diagnosis only by avoidance. If your symptoms improve after you stopped having contact with chlorine, you rash could be most probably due to allergic reaction to chlorine. As you are already allergic to sulphur, I would recommend you to consult your Dermatologist. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor, I have an exam tomorrow, but I am not studying at all. The whole day I did not study. I am not even feeling sleepy, but still not opening my book. Two exams got over and I wrote them well. But now, I do not know what I am doing. Please help me concentrate and read for my exams. [/INST] Hi. For further information consult a psychologist counsellor online --> </s>
<s>[INST] I ve had a strange fluttering sensation in esophageal chest area for about 2 weeks. Last Sunday I woke up to severe chest pain (the kind that takes your breath away). My wife and I thought it could be a heart attack so we called for an ambulance. I was taken to the emergency room and underwent many heat tests including cardiac imaging. We discovered my heart was fine but my liver test was abnormal. They also ordered an ultra sound and discovered I had gall stones. Could these account for the fluttering sensation? [/INST] Hi, Your symptoms do not fit into the category of symptoms of how a gall stone presents. Asymptomatic Gall stones are normal findings on an ultrasound. You probably had a sudden muscle spasm or it could also be due to Acute gastritis. I am glad that the heart is normal. Again, gall stones would not cause a fluttering sensation like the one you experienced. Hope this helps. Regards, </s>
<s>[INST] I MAY OF HAD SOME PRE CUM ON MY FINGER WHEN I FINGERED MY GF. HOWEVER I THINK IT WAS ON MY FINGER FOR ABOUT 5 MINS. WHAT ARE THE CHANCES OF HER BEING PREGNANT? SHE SAYS SHE HAS NOT HAD ANY PMS SYMPTOMS YET AND HER PERIOD IS DUE NEXT WEEK. HELP PLZ [/INST] Hi, I think there can be a chance of pregnancy. If her periods get delayed, do a urine pregnancy test at home. It will clear the doubt. If positive, consult a doctor if you don't want pregnancy. If negative, she can take some medicines like progesterone for inducing periods. It can be due to some stress factor also. </s>
<s>[INST] my aunt has problem in food pipe she cant eat hard food,she omit all the food,form one month she only based on liquid food. and doctor was saying she may having O esophageal cancer .i want just ask its will cure or not please answer me .we worryed her age is 42 and height 5.2.weight is 48 [/INST] Hello dear, thanks for your question on HCM. I advice you not to worry much.First diagnose her. Search for the cause of her symptoms. Besides esophageal cancer many other conditions can cause difficulty in eating and vomiting. So better to consult Gastroenterologist and get done1. CT of neck2. Upper GI scopy. Esophageal diverticuli, polyps, achalasia cardia, GERD ( gastroesophageal reflux disease ) etc, all can cause similar symptoms. So better to rule out these treatable cause first.Don't think of esophageal cancer directly. </s>
<s>[INST] since day before yesterday i am having a mild pain at the base of my penis. it is not constant and i feel it only while getting up suddenly or turning around . not exactlyat penis but somewhat inside.and from today i have got a very mild pain in my left chest which has got me worried .could it be something serious? i am 18 [/INST] Thanks for your question on Healthcare Magic. I can understand your concern. No, I don't think it is serious issue. I also don't think that both these pains are connected. Possibility of musculoskeletal pain is more. So avoid movements causing pain. Avoid bad postures in sleep. Avoid heavyweight lifting and strenuous exercise. Take simple painkiller like ibuprofen. Apply warm water pad on affected areas. Avoid masturbation or sex for few days if you are sexually active. Don't worry, you will be alright with all these. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks </s>
<s>[INST] Hi Doctor. I think I was bitten by a bug/insect/spider, i don't really know which. But I am really worried now because I have a big red swollen wound on my leg and the skin around it became dark/black; it looks like a bruise. At first, it was painful when I'm trying to move. It's been already a week. The pain got lesser but the wound is getting worse. What should I do? Please help. [/INST] Hi..Welcome to HEALTHCARE MAGIC..I have gone through your query and can understand your concerns..As per your complain it seems that due to bug bite there has been allergic reaction to the sting of the organism leading to swelling, redness and bruising can be due to rupture to any small blood vessels..There is also a possibility that there is infection at the site of bite leading to increased swelling and worsening of the lesion..I would suggest you to consult an Allergist or General Physician and get evaluated..In case of allergic reaction he can advise you to take anti-allergics like Allegra and apply Steroid ointment over the swelling and do cool compresses..In case of infection you can be advised to apply a combination of antibiotics and steroid ointment over the lesion..A course of Oral antibiotics can also be advised..If the lump is filled with pus Incision and Drainage can be done for faster healing..Hope this information helps..Thanks and regards.Dr.Honey Nandwani Arora. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi I had an IUI 8 days ago...yesterday (day 7) I cam down with the stomach bug. Constant vomitting and diaherrea runs all day - I wasn't able to hold down flat gingerale until 8PM. Also have blood pressure issues and since vommited up my med my blood pressure was up. Could any of this affect my chances of getting pregnant and the IUI working? [/INST] Welcome to HCM.Diarrhea,vomiting and stomach pain indicates gastroenteritis.It could be due to consuming bad food.Take care for hydration.Drink enough water,lemon water,fruit juices,vegetable soups,ors formula,buttermilk.You can take tab ondencetrone 4 mg.to subside the vomiting.Take lactobacillus.You have to start proper antibiotic under guidance of your gynecologist because you have recently undergone for IUI. </s>
<s>[INST] Iam studying college..i am 19 yrs old...Im unable to control to see blue film....during seeing blue film iam doing hand shaking whenver seeing movies.....it can occur any problem....what I want do now.....pls explain...some times I will do like in sex film .....assuming girl with me then lying down then dreaming doing sex with girl and releasing sperm......what can I do now..... [/INST] Hi,Nothing to worry, this is common at this age when male hormone is its maximum level.there is no harm doing masturbation but i advice to keep control on this habit.There is no any bad effect in your personal, marriage life in future.Ok and take care. </s>