There may have been a hundred civilizations fairly close to us, but if they existed five billion years ago we would never find a trace of them.
samahara vita eya visvaya tula biliyanayakata varak sidu vuu namut saema vasarakama eya vasara 200 k pamanak paevatune nam, api eya kisi vitekat niriiksanaya nokaramu.
that had to occur since the birth of the universe...
ovaa karanna tibune ali balayata aavayin passe.
Something as simple as walking a half hour per day is enough.
e nisaa dinakata paeya 1/2k pamana aevidiima vaeni vyaayaamavala yediima pramaanavat.
You don't have to defend your country's honor.
me ratata tiyana kiirti naamaya gaena tamunnaehegen sahatika ona venne nae.
He won the Chilean National Prize for Literature in 1976.
miita 2010 vasare dii laebunu ciliiye saahit ya sandahaa vuu jaatika t yaagaya da aetulat.
Unfortunately, over the last several decades our government has failed to do its job.
namut avaasanaavakata ape rate pasugiya dasaka tuna tula mema kaaryaya itu vii naehae.
those people were initially against.
me nisaa mulinma me palaate aya mekata viruddha vunaa.
If one of the intended uses is to identify students to dismiss, I think it is unethical.
kalaava uganvana adh yaapanika aayatana sthaapita nokara kalaava goda daanna kavuruhari hitanavanam eka vihiluvak.
What are MEMS
monavada me mems
'It's the only way I know how to create.'
e vagema mama dannavaa matat hita hadaaganna puluvan ekama k ramayat eka tamayi kiyalaa "
While some jobs will disappear,...
aetaem vaeda kotas maga haerii giyot?
Prinsendam, of course, stands alone.
aettatama sajit p remadaasa tani velaa.
Phil Fish
gold fish
However, members of the local trades routinely ignored data on the state of the domestic economy.
me atara jaatika v yaapaaraye haraya gaena avabodhayak notibuu raellata paavii yana pirisak jaatika v yaapaaraya vataa gonu vuuha.
For three months, I watched him wither away, then he got pneumonia and died.
mamgalaata pilikaava haedilaa mamgalaa maerenna davas tunakata kalinut mama eyaava balanna giyaa.
Get good counsel...
macan honda counsellor kenek kiyapallako.
Would you like to work with an entrepreneurial director?
oba ona adh yaksavarayek ekka vaeda karanna kaemaetida?
"People think they're going to be working a lot with technology.
godak aya hitanne me raekiyaava atisaya taaksanayata naemburu vuu ekak kiyalaa.
"Why, madame, what's the matter?" they enquired.
aeyi maedam mokakda p rasnaya ovun vimasaa sitiyaha.
Many of these poems are dark.
e boho kavivala aette viraha dukayi.
No offense.
Looking for flying pigs.
duvana uurittaku hoyaa yana
Free time in the summer.
gimhaanayedii nidahas kaalayak tibe.
I hope to have a DSLR in the future.
itin mama hitanavaa oyagollanta anaagatayedii csr project ekak e venuven patanganna puluvan kiyalaa.
There are a few ways to connect your device to the internet.
obage saetalayit risiivaraya antarjaalayata sambanda karana k rama kihipayak aeta.
The rebellion is defeated and destroyed.
satanata yomu karavaa vinaasa kalaha.
What Do I Do When I'm Bored?
mama kammaeli vuu vita maa kumak karannada?
There's a gated drive.
etanadii haad d rayiv ekak hambavenavaa.
My foot doesn’t go like that.
kakula ehemehe yanne naene.
They put together a map.
map ekak ekatu kalaa.
There isn't really an engine.
aettatama motar sayikalaya naeta.
I've heard that Americans have more kids because we are an optimistic pioneering society where we believe our kids will have a better future than ourselves.
aettatama v yaapaarikayaku lesa mata kiyanna tibenne rajaya aemarikaanu hitavaadii pa ratipattiyaka sitinavaa nam apatat vadaa apage lamayinta honda venna puluvan.
Yesterday, for the third time in two weeks, he came home crying and said he wanted to have his hair cut.
diiga gihillaa sati dekakin diyaniya gedara enne daevaedda illaa minihaa gahana bava kiyaagena.
18 000 students each year
vasarakata sis yayan 2800k pamana
This is not a throwaway line, easy piety.
meya aetta tama track kirimak neveyi,yaalu vo ravatitana podi trick ekak?
You guys have to put a different song in my head....
oba mage denetata nava dasunak vina.
the sense of these strivings are also connected with pleasure.
ketu sambandhayenda mema riitiya elesinma k riyaatmaka ve.
I strongly believe in the family structure.
mama paudgalikava pavula kiyana samkalpaya daediva visvaasa karanavaa.
We do not want a repetition of these things in the Pacific.
apita naevatat me pa radesavala kaerali dakinna one kamak naehae.
Also see: The IPL's most expensive purchases
also read: psl ihalama mila sahita khaandayata ayat k riidaka laeyistuva metanin
“They killed my son.
“ovun mage putaa ghaatanaya karanu laebuvaa.
Here are my 2016 blog posts...
onna ehenam mama 2009 blog satahan aarambha kalaa.
Dear White People - it's really good but actually I would say the movie is better
stutiyi sahomaat kaematima naval ekakaettama kiyanavaa nam film ekata vadaa naval eka hodayi.
I went to a doctor and they injected.
ehemama dostara langata gihillaa injection gahagattaa.
Part of the young girls body that lying on the.
simaa karanna edaa aevit hitiya gaenu lamayingen kotasak.
“I’ll never drink in Dalton, Georgia, again,” he said.
“mata aaye kavadaavat lamkaavata enna bae, caanuka” ohu kiiveya.
I remember when we were boys, we often fought against each other.
mata matakayi api gaetav kaele, api nitarama ekinekaata viruddhava satan kalaa.
However, he worked with his own hands to support himself. (Acts 18:1-3) Thus, he could say with confidence that he had preached the good news to the Corinthians “without cost.”​—1 Corinthians 4:12; 9:18. Sad to say, many who claim to be followers of Christ have not shown the same willingness to “give free.”
prerita paavulda vidahaa paeve petrsta samaana maanasika aakalpayaki korintiye visuu tama kristiyaani sahodarayanta muulyamaya atin barak vennata paavulta haekikama tibuni kesevetat, ohu kale tamaava nadattu karagaeniimata tamaagema atvalin vaeda kiriimaya (kriyaa 18:1-3) me nisaa, taman korintivarunta subhaaramciya desanaa kara tibune “aya kiriimakin torava” bava nisaekavama kiimata ohuta haeki vini—1 korinti 4:12; 9:18, nw.
I visited China in 1957.
mama ciinayata giye 1965 dii.
That's enough to get the kid going.
eka nisaa karanna tiyenne lamayata yanna diila balan inna eka.
Thanks for our Homewood, it's just perfect.
nivase raamu vyuhayata stuutiyi, eya taramak sarala ya.
It deflects or stops projectiles that may come from an exploded device.
ohu tavaduratat sadahankaranne pipirim siduvu ek staanayakin pupurana dravyaya pilibadava saadhaka hamuvu bavayi.
I've barely begun, so I don't have an estimate.
mama patan gatte langadi, itin mata kalli naehae.
Wild yam tea can be drunk three times a day.
ara drimkim yogat mata eka paara tunakvitara bonna puluvan.
I asked all for one.
haemoma venuven ekek aesuveya.
It's got the name inside of it.
mehi e namin ganne atulayi.
Schools are pushed to become an Academy.
game paasala, visvavid yaalayak bavata pat kiriimata tiiranaya karalaa tiyenavaa.
You don't understand the law, Tim, and you don't understand the act.
ohe ta katandare terilaat nae, kaviya terilaat nae.
The guy has a reputation of doing this.
anna e visvaasaya tiyena kenaa sakasalaa meka karanavaa.
The noise woke up his mother.
mavage kaegaehillata daruvaa avadiviya.
the Press
When I come in hot, the rest of the evening feels off-kilter.
gaalaa eliyata enakota tamayi terenne rae gatta aatal eka ude venakam pattuvena bava.
Turkey remains a key focal point in the international fight against ISIS.
meya isis t rastayanta erehiva k riyaatmaka satanehi vaedagat sandhisthaanayak vanavaa.
First on his agenda was the task of enlarging the airline's fleet of planes.
e nisaa e ayage palaveni ilak kaya vuuye, emiret s guvan samaagame guvan gamanaanta jaalaya yamkisi aakaarayakin pulul kara gaeniimatayi.
The only difference was that he wasn't dreaming.
mam dannaa ekama de ohu haebae novena hiinayak kiyana eka.
The Arab spring was yet to occur.
araabi vasantaya tavamat apa hamuve tiyenavaa.
We have races to go.
bahutara matayata api yanna ona.
So there's no justification for us not to vote yes.
meken ganna decisions hariyatama ov naehae kiyana accurate reasoning nemeyi.
Spend a couple more minutes before heading out...
piyana arinne naetuva tavat vinaadi deka tunak tabanna.
The BBC reported that 28 bodies were found by Iranian
iraanaye handunaagatsthaana 52k veta p rahaara ella karana bava janaadhipati
Which of the sun.
monavaa hiru.
Therefore, the students attending the school don't pay anything.
paasale kaema diipu ayata daen mudal gevanne nae.
It's not all roses here.
siyalu ma mal mehilaa no gaene.
And why didn't you tell the president?
aeyi egollo janaadhipatita nokivve? - vikalpa
World Buddhis Summit pic slider
satva love sumituro
I’ve only read a few vampire books.
mam kiyavalaa tiyenne aagamika pot kiipayak vitarayi.
I said, yeah, it was a good show.
mama kivvaa ov, meka naat yayak tamayi kiyalaa.
Have you ever professed your love to me so romantically?
kavadaa hari davasaka oyaage aadaraya mehema samiipava kiyalaa tiyenavada ?
On the face of it, Nokia looks to have a case.
e kaaranaavalin baeluvot nokia oba kiyana s thaavarayema sitinavaa.
There are only two basic types of loop (Figure 4):
1 pamanak em vargaya (madhyama binda dhaaritaava vargaya) polu 4 aeta:
This year there really isn't time for a change.
aettatama me avurudde p rasamgayak karanna velaavak naehae.
This will save an enormous amount of time by reducing the quantity of applications to a select few very quickly.
me harahaa metek kal select tool mangin gata kala kaalaya visaala vasayen adu karagannata avasthaava laebe.
In our case it was lost by obedience to an order of the Queen's Representative.
ehema kalot eka raejinage aaraadhanaavata karapu agauravayak haetiyata tamayi saelakenne.
Was born in Victoria.
et, mama ipaedune viktoriyaavala.
But I do have control over what I can gain from the experience.
et maa laebuu aakaaraye atdaekiim giitavalata ganna puluvan da kiyaa mata podi saekayak tiyenavaa.
What is the real message?
mokadda e saebae panividaya?
There is no safety, save in the hollow of God's hand or under the shelter of His wing.
monava unat aaraksaka paliha naettam aetule inna umta deyiyamgema pihitayi.
It is an even field and we're sticking with the form runner.
kihipayak vaedi piyavara saha api inne maaligaya idi varga samaga haedaya tahadu.
Days, weeks, months, turning into years, of what amounted to solitary confinement must have taken their toll on Lamar's mental health.
namut kaalaya dina, sati, maasa, avurudu, vasayen gevii yatma tanikama saha ekaakaariitvaya hamuve naepoliyan udaasiina saha maanasika avapiidanayata lak vuu pudgalayek bavata patvunaa.
We can't make everything free.
apita baehae haemadema nomile denna.
My dad doesn't count.
taattaa nam ganan gan nae
Stay tuned for new and exciting promos!
naevum saha vismita antargatayan sandahaa digatama pivisenna!
A lot of students must have had new goals for the future, and the mothers must have been hoping that their children would study harder.
goda denek aeyage dehayata avasan gaurava dakvanna aevit kiive pumci lamayi iddi ammaa taattalaa e aya gaena miita vadaa saelakilimat vunaanam hondayi kiyalaa.
where do you sleep??
umba koheda nidaa ganne?
I knew something about that story was not right...
mama ahalaa tiyenavaa kataavak mehema hariyatama aetta danne nae .
CU on Wednesday again.
aayet varen labana badaadaa
She even named the ones she fed!
meyaa kaapu ayagen ek kenk vitarayi!
It is on 88.1, the first channel on the band.
e 881 kiyanne e rediyo caenal eka vikaasaya karana samkh yaataya tamaa.
One of the tasks a sniper is best suited to, I feel.
tuvakkuvaka rayifalayakata vadaa pistolayen nivaeradi ilakkayak gaeniima apahasu bavayi mata nam hitenne.
I mean, can't blame them, they are good.
aparaade kiyanna baehae kattiyama hari hodayi.