[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
User Story : As a merchant I need to be able to correctly calculate VAT associated to the product for B to C For one article, Quantity parametrable, Without Ecotax, Price without decimal point, without reduction, VAT **parametrable**, no shipping **Business rules**: Look at [specification ]( **Acceptance test** : Consider 1 consider a VAT parametrable Standard price : ![Image]( Impact price : ![Image]( Cette déclinaison est mise dans le panier avec une quantité de 10 Result by step Step 1 - Standard Price and impact price : Price_of_product_tax_included_step1 = Retail price (tax incl.) + impact price (tax incl) = 7.5 + 1.5 = 9 Step 6 - Total price included of products Total_cost_included_product_X = 9 * 10 = 75 Total_cost_included_products =Total_cost_included_product_X Step 7 - Calculation of VAT Total_cost_included_ rate50 = Total_cost_included_productX = 90 Price tax excluded of product with rate 50% 90/1.5 = 60 VAT_rate_50 = 90 - 60 = 30 Step 9 Display of the chart Shopping cart result B to C : 2 - Price_of_product_tax_included_step1 3 - Total_cost_included_productX (step 6) 4 - Total_cost_included_products (step 6) 7 - Shipping_cost_tax_included : 0 8- Total_tax_included = Total_cost_included_products (step 6) + Shipping_cost_tax_included 9 - Taxes = VAT_rate_50 Shopping cart result B to C : ![Image]( Invoice : 5 - VAT_rate_50 = 30 (step 7) ![Image](
[US-Pricing][MOC][Without rounding][B to C] : MOCCT-003_B_to_C : Buy one article with variable VAT
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : [US-Pricing][MOC][Without rounding][B to C] : MOCCT-003_B_to_C : Buy one article with variable VAT Issue date: --- start body --- User Story : As a merchant I need to be able to correctly calculate VAT associated to the product for B to C For one article, Quantity parametrable, Without Ecotax, Price without decimal point, without reduction, VAT **parametrable**, no shipping **Business rules**: Look at [specification ]( **Acceptance test** : Consider 1 consider a VAT parametrable Standard price : ![Image]( Impact price : ![Image]( Cette déclinaison est mise dans le panier avec une quantité de 10 Result by step Step 1 - Standard Price and impact price : Price_of_product_tax_included_step1 = Retail price (tax incl.) + impact price (tax incl) = 7.5 + 1.5 = 9 Step 6 - Total price included of products Total_cost_included_product_X = 9 * 10 = 75 Total_cost_included_products =Total_cost_included_product_X Step 7 - Calculation of VAT Total_cost_included_ rate50 = Total_cost_included_productX = 90 Price tax excluded of product with rate 50% 90/1.5 = 60 VAT_rate_50 = 90 - 60 = 30 Step 9 Display of the chart Shopping cart result B to C : 2 - Price_of_product_tax_included_step1 3 - Total_cost_included_productX (step 6) 4 - Total_cost_included_products (step 6) 7 - Shipping_cost_tax_included : 0 8- Total_tax_included = Total_cost_included_products (step 6) + Shipping_cost_tax_included 9 - Taxes = VAT_rate_50 Shopping cart result B to C : ![Image]( Invoice : 5 - VAT_rate_50 = 30 (step 7) ![Image]( --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments The CartRule still functions even after it has expired or been deactivated. When a customer adds a coupon to their cart, if it is deactivated by the admin or has expired, the discount code continues to work seamlessly in the front office. ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce Create a coupon using CartRule, named XXX. From the front end, a customer creates an account, adds items to their cart, and applies the coupon XXX. From the admin panel, deactivate the CartRule associated with the coupon XXX, or allow its expiration date to pass. Return to the front end, and observe that the CartRule associated with the coupon XXX still functions properly, applying the discount as expected. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.3 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.2 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
CartRule Still Work after has expired or been deactivated
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : CartRule Still Work after has expired or been deactivated Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments The CartRule still functions even after it has expired or been deactivated. When a customer adds a coupon to their cart, if it is deactivated by the admin or has expired, the discount code continues to work seamlessly in the front office. ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce Create a coupon using CartRule, named XXX. From the front end, a customer creates an account, adds items to their cart, and applies the coupon XXX. From the admin panel, deactivate the CartRule associated with the coupon XXX, or allow its expiration date to pass. Return to the front end, and observe that the CartRule associated with the coupon XXX still functions properly, applying the discount as expected. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.3 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.2 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments With the module 1 click upgade I have updated my shop: update went all the way with no errors. I have running PHP 7.3 (I have tried 7.0, 7.1, 7.2 and 7.4 onwards, and did not allowed backoffice access (give different error) Please see attached the errors showed with debug: ![20240215_1ClickUpgrade]( ![20240215_erroAposUpdate]( ![20240215_erroAposUpdateRouteNotFind]( ![20240215_erroAposUpdate_Logs]( I have clean the cache both on the browser and on the webpage (var\cache\dev) Please help, as I now have the shop not available. Best regards, José. ### Expected behavior I expected a normal login to the backoffice. ### Steps to reproduce Go to ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.3 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). Já Comprei, Já Usei, Já Vendi
Update Prestashop to via 1ClickUpgrade and all went OK, but I cannot access the backoffice
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Update Prestashop to via 1ClickUpgrade and all went OK, but I cannot access the backoffice Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments With the module 1 click upgade I have updated my shop: update went all the way with no errors. I have running PHP 7.3 (I have tried 7.0, 7.1, 7.2 and 7.4 onwards, and did not allowed backoffice access (give different error) Please see attached the errors showed with debug: ![20240215_1ClickUpgrade]( ![20240215_erroAposUpdate]( ![20240215_erroAposUpdateRouteNotFind]( ![20240215_erroAposUpdate_Logs]( I have clean the cache both on the browser and on the webpage (var\cache\dev) Please help, as I now have the shop not available. Best regards, José. ### Expected behavior I expected a normal login to the backoffice. ### Steps to reproduce Go to ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.3 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). Já Comprei, Já Usei, Já Vendi --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Case 1: When we click one aleatory product, it pop ups the product images on one windows an can't close so we have to refresh the page for quit that images. Case 2: when we are going to pay, appears a blank windows (it seems like a modal windows) but this we can close by clicking the close button. We have to say, that when we refresh (in case 1), we reproduce the step and don't occurs. Only if we delete the browsing data or prestashop caché. It is not, theme error, because with the classic theme of prestashop also ocurrs this 2 cases. I attack the videos of the procedure: Case1: Case2: ### Expected behavior Case 1:When we click one product it would not show the images poppup Case 2:When we go to payment options, it would not show the black window. ### Steps to reproduce Case1: 1. Click one product of 2. It pop ups a windows with the product images 3. Try to close clicking the X button Case2: 1. Add one product to shopping cart 2. Proceed to checkout 3. In the payment options will appear the blank windows This occurs only ones, so if you do the same procedure it not occurs until you delete the browser data... ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.3 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.0.30 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
It Pop Up's product images and can't close. Also Pop Up's a blank window on Pay Options.
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : It Pop Up's product images and can't close. Also Pop Up's a blank window on Pay Options. Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Case 1: When we click one aleatory product, it pop ups the product images on one windows an can't close so we have to refresh the page for quit that images. Case 2: when we are going to pay, appears a blank windows (it seems like a modal windows) but this we can close by clicking the close button. We have to say, that when we refresh (in case 1), we reproduce the step and don't occurs. Only if we delete the browsing data or prestashop caché. It is not, theme error, because with the classic theme of prestashop also ocurrs this 2 cases. I attack the videos of the procedure: Case1: Case2: ### Expected behavior Case 1:When we click one product it would not show the images poppup Case 2:When we go to payment options, it would not show the black window. ### Steps to reproduce Case1: 1. Click one product of 2. It pop ups a windows with the product images 3. Try to close clicking the X button Case2: 1. Add one product to shopping cart 2. Proceed to checkout 3. In the payment options will appear the blank windows This occurs only ones, so if you do the same procedure it not occurs until you delete the browser data... ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.3 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.0.30 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
Retrieve the data from the BDD Same acceptance test as [MOCCT-002_B_to_C](
[US-Pricing][MOC][Without rounding][B to C]: MOCCT-002_B_to_C : Buy one article with variable quantity - Connection to the BDD
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : [US-Pricing][MOC][Without rounding][B to C]: MOCCT-002_B_to_C : Buy one article with variable quantity - Connection to the BDD Issue date: --- start body --- Retrieve the data from the BDD Same acceptance test as [MOCCT-002_B_to_C]( --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
When the Us will pass from draft to US add it in the [EPIC]( User Story : As a merchant I need to be able to correctly calculate the price of one product with quantity greater than 1 depending of the combination of the product for B to B For one article, Quantity **parametrable**, Without Ecotax, Price without decimal point, without reduction, fixed VAT, no shipping **Business rules** Look at [specification]( **Acceptance test :** Consider 1 single item ordered with a quantity parametrable ex 10, fixed VAT to 20% and no shipping, without any discount Prix de vente (TTC) = Retail price (tax incl.) ![Image]( ![Image]( Cette déclinaison est mise dans le panier avec une quantité de 1 Result by step Step 1 - Standard Price and impact price : Price_of_product_tax_included_step1 = Retail price (tax incl.) + impact price (tax incl) = 6 + 1.2 = 7.2 Step 6 - Total price included of products Total_cost_included_product_X = 7.2 * 10 = 72 Total_cost_included_products =Total_cost_included_product_X Step 7 - Calculation of VAT Total_cost_included_ rate20 =Total_cost_included_productX = 72 Price tax excluded of product with rate 20% 72/1.2 = 60 VAT_rate_20 = 72 - 60 = 12 Step 9 Display of the chart Shopping cart result B to C : 2 - Price_of_product_tax_included_step1 3 - Total_cost_included_productX (step 6) 4 - Total_cost_included_products (step 6) 7 - Shipping_cost_tax_included : 0 8- Total_tax_included = Total_cost_included_products (step 6) + Shipping_cost_tax_included 9 - Taxes = VAT_rate_20 ![Image]( invoice ![Image]( 1 - Rate of the product (step 1) 2 - Price_of_product_tax_included_step1 3 - Total_cost_included_productX (step 6) 4 - Total_cost_included_products (step 6) 5 - VAT_rate_X 8- Total_tax_included = Total_cost_included_products (step 6) 9 - Taxes (step 9) @RosaBenouamer ; à splitter le backend et le FO à voir qd le FO sera fait à la fin du lot 1 splitter chaque us avec variable en dur plug à la base : done Estimated complexity without DB connection
[US-Pricing][MOC][Without rounding][B to C] : MOCCT-002_B_to_C : Buy one article with variable quantity
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : [US-Pricing][MOC][Without rounding][B to C] : MOCCT-002_B_to_C : Buy one article with variable quantity Issue date: --- start body --- When the Us will pass from draft to US add it in the [EPIC]( User Story : As a merchant I need to be able to correctly calculate the price of one product with quantity greater than 1 depending of the combination of the product for B to B For one article, Quantity **parametrable**, Without Ecotax, Price without decimal point, without reduction, fixed VAT, no shipping **Business rules** Look at [specification]( **Acceptance test :** Consider 1 single item ordered with a quantity parametrable ex 10, fixed VAT to 20% and no shipping, without any discount Prix de vente (TTC) = Retail price (tax incl.) ![Image]( ![Image]( Cette déclinaison est mise dans le panier avec une quantité de 1 Result by step Step 1 - Standard Price and impact price : Price_of_product_tax_included_step1 = Retail price (tax incl.) + impact price (tax incl) = 6 + 1.2 = 7.2 Step 6 - Total price included of products Total_cost_included_product_X = 7.2 * 10 = 72 Total_cost_included_products =Total_cost_included_product_X Step 7 - Calculation of VAT Total_cost_included_ rate20 =Total_cost_included_productX = 72 Price tax excluded of product with rate 20% 72/1.2 = 60 VAT_rate_20 = 72 - 60 = 12 Step 9 Display of the chart Shopping cart result B to C : 2 - Price_of_product_tax_included_step1 3 - Total_cost_included_productX (step 6) 4 - Total_cost_included_products (step 6) 7 - Shipping_cost_tax_included : 0 8- Total_tax_included = Total_cost_included_products (step 6) + Shipping_cost_tax_included 9 - Taxes = VAT_rate_20 ![Image]( invoice ![Image]( 1 - Rate of the product (step 1) 2 - Price_of_product_tax_included_step1 3 - Total_cost_included_productX (step 6) 4 - Total_cost_included_products (step 6) 5 - VAT_rate_X 8- Total_tax_included = Total_cost_included_products (step 6) 9 - Taxes (step 9) @RosaBenouamer ; à splitter le backend et le FO à voir qd le FO sera fait à la fin du lot 1 splitter chaque us avec variable en dur plug à la base : done Estimated complexity without DB connection --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
Retrieve the data from the BDD Same acceptance test as [MOCCT_B_to_C](
[US-Pricing][MOC][Without rounding][B to C] : MOCCT-001_B_to_C : Buy one article - Connection to the BDD
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : [US-Pricing][MOC][Without rounding][B to C] : MOCCT-001_B_to_C : Buy one article - Connection to the BDD Issue date: --- start body --- Retrieve the data from the BDD Same acceptance test as [MOCCT_B_to_C]( --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
![Image]( 1 - Rate of the product (step 1) 2 - Price_of_product_tax_included_step1 3 - Total_cost_included_productX (step 6) 4 - Total_cost_included_products (step 6) 5 - VAT_rate_X 8- Total_tax_included = Total_cost_included_products (step 6) 9 - Taxes (step 9)
[US-Pricing][MOC][Without rounding][B to C] : MOCCT-001_B_to_C : Buy one article - Invoice
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : [US-Pricing][MOC][Without rounding][B to C] : MOCCT-001_B_to_C : Buy one article - Invoice Issue date: --- start body --- ![Image]( 1 - Rate of the product (step 1) 2 - Price_of_product_tax_included_step1 3 - Total_cost_included_productX (step 6) 4 - Total_cost_included_products (step 6) 5 - VAT_rate_X 8- Total_tax_included = Total_cost_included_products (step 6) 9 - Taxes (step 9) --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments I used your module for cloud sync its working fine. But when i change module name to **builtforjsexampletest** its stop working. Change module name everywhere where ever is defined ### Expected behavior Data must by share ![Module Manager • gomer]( This is working with when we not change your module name builtforjsexample ### Steps to reproduce **Step 1.** Please download attached module and upload this module in prestashop. []( **Step 2.** composer install ![Screenshot from 2024-02-15 17-56-36]( **Step 3.** Then install module and goto configuration page **Step 4.** Sync shop **Step 5.** then client share data sync its generating issue ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened On every version. Module compatibility start from 1.7 version ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version builtforjsexampletest ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Issue with new module for prestashop cloud sync
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Issue with new module for prestashop cloud sync Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments I used your module for cloud sync its working fine. But when i change module name to **builtforjsexampletest** its stop working. Change module name everywhere where ever is defined ### Expected behavior Data must by share ![Module Manager • gomer]( This is working with when we not change your module name builtforjsexample ### Steps to reproduce **Step 1.** Please download attached module and upload this module in prestashop. []( **Step 2.** composer install ![Screenshot from 2024-02-15 17-56-36]( **Step 3.** Then install module and goto configuration page **Step 4.** Sync shop **Step 5.** then client share data sync its generating issue ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened On every version. Module compatibility start from 1.7 version ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version builtforjsexampletest ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Hello 👋 I've searched and searched all this github repo but unfortunately I can't find a solution to my problem. There's been a lot of discussion on this subject, but the only resolution I've found relates to PS 8.0 (I'm using ### Expected behavior We are trying to update the unit_price_ratio using the api. ### Steps to reproduce 1. I'm using postman to call the webservice. 2. I just get a product XML with {{webservice_url}}/api/products/{{product_id}} 3. unit_price_ratio is <unit_price_ratio><![CDATA[0.000000]]></unit_price_ratio> 4. I change the value to 5.000000 5. I also change the name of the product to be sure that update is ok 6. I use this edited XML to do a PUT request on {{webservice_url}}/api/products/{{product_id}} 7. Name is updated but unit_price_ratio is still 0.000000 8. Response XML of the update do contain <unit_price_ratio><![CDATA[5.000000]]></unit_price_ratio> but it's not saved in database :( As I told I found a lot of issues about this problem but no resolution for PS 1.7 : Could you help? ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 1.7.8 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.4 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
unit_price_ratio not updated using the webservice
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : unit_price_ratio not updated using the webservice Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Hello 👋 I've searched and searched all this github repo but unfortunately I can't find a solution to my problem. There's been a lot of discussion on this subject, but the only resolution I've found relates to PS 8.0 (I'm using ### Expected behavior We are trying to update the unit_price_ratio using the api. ### Steps to reproduce 1. I'm using postman to call the webservice. 2. I just get a product XML with {{webservice_url}}/api/products/{{product_id}} 3. unit_price_ratio is <unit_price_ratio><![CDATA[0.000000]]></unit_price_ratio> 4. I change the value to 5.000000 5. I also change the name of the product to be sure that update is ok 6. I use this edited XML to do a PUT request on {{webservice_url}}/api/products/{{product_id}} 7. Name is updated but unit_price_ratio is still 0.000000 8. Response XML of the update do contain <unit_price_ratio><![CDATA[5.000000]]></unit_price_ratio> but it's not saved in database :( As I told I found a lot of issues about this problem but no resolution for PS 1.7 : Could you help? ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 1.7.8 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.4 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
When the Us will pass from draft to US add it in the [EPIC]( User Story : As a merchant I need to be able to correctly calculate the price of a product depending of the combination of the product for B to C. [For one article, Quantity 1, Without Ecotax, Price without decimal point, without reduction, fixed VAT, no shipping **Business rules** Look at [specification]( **Acceptance test :** Consider 1 single item ordered with a quantity of 1, fixed VAT to 20% and no shipping, without discount Prix de vente (TTC) = Retail price (tax incl.) ![Image]( ![Image]( Cette déclinaison est mise dans le panier avec une quantité de 1 Result by step Step 1 - Standard Price and impact price : Price_of_product_tax_included_step1 = Retail price (tax incl.) + impact price (tax incl) = 6 + 1.2 = 7.2 Step 6 - Total price included of products Total_cost_included_product_X = 7.2 * 1 = 7.2 Total_cost_included_products =Total_cost_included_product_X Step 7 - Calculation of VAT Total_cost_included_ rate20 =Total_cost_included_productX = 7.2 Price tax excluded of product with rate 20% 7.2/1.2 = 6 VAT_rate_20 = 7.2 - 6 = 1.2 Step 9 Display of the chart Shopping cart result B to C : 2 - Price_of_product_tax_included_step1 3 - Total_cost_included_productX (step 6) 4 - Total_cost_included_products (step 6) 7 - Shipping_cost_tax_included : 0 8- Total_tax_included = Total_cost_included_products (step 6) + Shipping_cost_tax_included 9 - Taxes = VAT_rate_20 ![Image]( @RosaBenouamer ; à splitter le backend et le FO à voir qd le FO sera fait à la fin du lot 1 splitter chaque us avec variable en dur plug à la base : done Estimated complexity without DB connection -------------------
[US-Pricing][MOC][Without rounding][B to C] : MOCCT-001_B_to_C : Buy one article
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : [US-Pricing][MOC][Without rounding][B to C] : MOCCT-001_B_to_C : Buy one article Issue date: --- start body --- When the Us will pass from draft to US add it in the [EPIC]( User Story : As a merchant I need to be able to correctly calculate the price of a product depending of the combination of the product for B to C. [For one article, Quantity 1, Without Ecotax, Price without decimal point, without reduction, fixed VAT, no shipping **Business rules** Look at [specification]( **Acceptance test :** Consider 1 single item ordered with a quantity of 1, fixed VAT to 20% and no shipping, without discount Prix de vente (TTC) = Retail price (tax incl.) ![Image]( ![Image]( Cette déclinaison est mise dans le panier avec une quantité de 1 Result by step Step 1 - Standard Price and impact price : Price_of_product_tax_included_step1 = Retail price (tax incl.) + impact price (tax incl) = 6 + 1.2 = 7.2 Step 6 - Total price included of products Total_cost_included_product_X = 7.2 * 1 = 7.2 Total_cost_included_products =Total_cost_included_product_X Step 7 - Calculation of VAT Total_cost_included_ rate20 =Total_cost_included_productX = 7.2 Price tax excluded of product with rate 20% 7.2/1.2 = 6 VAT_rate_20 = 7.2 - 6 = 1.2 Step 9 Display of the chart Shopping cart result B to C : 2 - Price_of_product_tax_included_step1 3 - Total_cost_included_productX (step 6) 4 - Total_cost_included_products (step 6) 7 - Shipping_cost_tax_included : 0 8- Total_tax_included = Total_cost_included_products (step 6) + Shipping_cost_tax_included 9 - Taxes = VAT_rate_20 ![Image]( @RosaBenouamer ; à splitter le backend et le FO à voir qd le FO sera fait à la fin du lot 1 splitter chaque us avec variable en dur plug à la base : done Estimated complexity without DB connection ------------------- --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When you create a product pack and set it's stock type to `Decrement products in pack only.` (`PackStockType::STOCK_TYPE_PRODUCTS_ONLY`) and the quantity of the pack is zero, **it cannot be added to cart**. ### Expected behavior You MUST be able to add this product to cart even if the quantity is zero. It worked properly on 1.7.6. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Create pack of two standard products, 1 piece of each. 2. Set stock quantity of these two products to 100 each. 3. Go back to the pack, set quantity of the pack to 0, set `Pack quantities` to `Decrement products in pack only`, disable ordering when not in stock. 4. Go to FO and try to add it to cart. 5. Can't be added to cart and no error message is shown. 🔴 6. Product page shows quantity 0 or nothing, it should show the quantity. 🔴 ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened broken on 8.1.3, works properly on 1.7.6 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
A pack set to `Decrement products in pack only.` cannot be added to cart
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : A pack set to `Decrement products in pack only.` cannot be added to cart Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When you create a product pack and set it's stock type to `Decrement products in pack only.` (`PackStockType::STOCK_TYPE_PRODUCTS_ONLY`) and the quantity of the pack is zero, **it cannot be added to cart**. ### Expected behavior You MUST be able to add this product to cart even if the quantity is zero. It worked properly on 1.7.6. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Create pack of two standard products, 1 piece of each. 2. Set stock quantity of these two products to 100 each. 3. Go back to the pack, set quantity of the pack to 0, set `Pack quantities` to `Decrement products in pack only`, disable ordering when not in stock. 4. Go to FO and try to add it to cart. 5. Can't be added to cart and no error message is shown. 🔴 6. Product page shows quantity 0 or nothing, it should show the quantity. 🔴 ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened broken on 8.1.3, works properly on 1.7.6 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When you create a product pack and set it's stock type to `Decrement products in pack only.` (`PackStockType::STOCK_TYPE_PRODUCTS_ONLY`), it doesn't work in cart. ### Expected behavior It should provide a value of stock quantity of this pack. The problem is that it uses available_quantity from the raw query, not a calculated value for the pack. ### Steps to reproduce 0. Open `themes\classic\templates\checkout\_partials\cart-detailed-product-line.tpl` and add `Stock: {$product.quantity_available}` somewhere you can see it. 1. Create pack of two standard products, 1 piece of each. 2. Set stock quantity of these two products to 100 each. 3. Go back to the pack, set quantity of the pack to 1, so you can add it to cart. (...another bug), set `Pack quantities` to `Decrement products in pack only`. 4. Go to FO, add this pack to cart, go to checkout and see that the stock is 1, but it should be 100. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 1.7.6 - develop ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
`available_quantity` coming from `Cart::getProducts()` is 0 for packs
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : `available_quantity` coming from `Cart::getProducts()` is 0 for packs Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When you create a product pack and set it's stock type to `Decrement products in pack only.` (`PackStockType::STOCK_TYPE_PRODUCTS_ONLY`), it doesn't work in cart. ### Expected behavior It should provide a value of stock quantity of this pack. The problem is that it uses available_quantity from the raw query, not a calculated value for the pack. ### Steps to reproduce 0. Open `themes\classic\templates\checkout\_partials\cart-detailed-product-line.tpl` and add `Stock: {$product.quantity_available}` somewhere you can see it. 1. Create pack of two standard products, 1 piece of each. 2. Set stock quantity of these two products to 100 each. 3. Go back to the pack, set quantity of the pack to 1, so you can add it to cart. (...another bug), set `Pack quantities` to `Decrement products in pack only`. 4. Go to FO, add this pack to cart, go to checkout and see that the stock is 1, but it should be 100. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 1.7.6 - develop ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Updating a combination quantity in multishop is adding a row with shop_id = 0 instead of 1 (the main shop id is 1) and when I order the sku it is calculating qty=physical_qty - available in the quantity field itself [indagine prestashop physical_quantity update.docx]( At frontend i see 14 pieces like the 2nd row instead of 99 ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce postman get a product get a combination open the table stock_available with Dbeaver: substitute a prod id a comb id and the row id of your combination foundable in the table stock_available call with postman to update a quantity by logistics api (it should be a physical quantity anyway) endpoint: body: <prestashop xmlns:xlink=""> <stock_available> <id><![CDATA[1044]]></id> <id_product><![CDATA[54]]></id_product> <id_product_attribute><![CDATA[340]]></id_product_attribute> <id_shop><![CDATA[1]]></id_shop> <id_shop_group><![CDATA[1]]></id_shop_group> <physical_quantity><![CDATA[50]]></physical_quantity> <depends_on_stock><![CDATA[0]]></depends_on_stock> <out_of_stock><![CDATA[0]]></out_of_stock> <location><![CDATA[]]></location> </stock_available> </prestashop> ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.3 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.0 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Updating quantity in multishop is adding a row with shop_id = 0 instead of 1 (the main shop id is 1)
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Updating quantity in multishop is adding a row with shop_id = 0 instead of 1 (the main shop id is 1) Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Updating a combination quantity in multishop is adding a row with shop_id = 0 instead of 1 (the main shop id is 1) and when I order the sku it is calculating qty=physical_qty - available in the quantity field itself [indagine prestashop physical_quantity update.docx]( At frontend i see 14 pieces like the 2nd row instead of 99 ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce postman get a product get a combination open the table stock_available with Dbeaver: substitute a prod id a comb id and the row id of your combination foundable in the table stock_available call with postman to update a quantity by logistics api (it should be a physical quantity anyway) endpoint: body: <prestashop xmlns:xlink=""> <stock_available> <id><![CDATA[1044]]></id> <id_product><![CDATA[54]]></id_product> <id_product_attribute><![CDATA[340]]></id_product_attribute> <id_shop><![CDATA[1]]></id_shop> <id_shop_group><![CDATA[1]]></id_shop_group> <physical_quantity><![CDATA[50]]></physical_quantity> <depends_on_stock><![CDATA[0]]></depends_on_stock> <out_of_stock><![CDATA[0]]></out_of_stock> <location><![CDATA[]]></location> </stock_available> </prestashop> ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.3 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.0 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When a customer request a return, when I change the status of the return, the return form is available. When I click on it, I have the return form with a warning on it. <img width="1008" alt="Screenshot 2024-02-14 at 17 32 24" src=""> `Deprecated: Using php-function "sprintf" as a modifier is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use Smarty::registerPlugin to explicitly register a custom modifier. in /develop/vendor/smarty/smarty/libs/sysplugins/smarty_internal_compile_private_modifier.php on line 114` It is only displayed one time. When I download this file another time, the warning is not displayed anymore. ### Expected behavior Should not display the deprecation warning ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to BO > Enable merchandise return 2. Log into your customer account > Make an order 3. Go back to BO > Change status of latest order made to Delivered 4. Go to your customer account > Order history and details > Details > Scroll down to Product section 5. Select the product you want to return > Request a return 6. Go to BO > Customer Service > Merchandise return > Click on the latest merchandise return 7. Change status to Waiting for package 8. Click on Print out button 9. See Deprecation displayed in PDF :x: ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.x, 9.0.x ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Merchandise returns pdf file - a deprecation alert is displayed on the return form
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Merchandise returns pdf file - a deprecation alert is displayed on the return form Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When a customer request a return, when I change the status of the return, the return form is available. When I click on it, I have the return form with a warning on it. <img width="1008" alt="Screenshot 2024-02-14 at 17 32 24" src=""> `Deprecated: Using php-function "sprintf" as a modifier is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use Smarty::registerPlugin to explicitly register a custom modifier. in /develop/vendor/smarty/smarty/libs/sysplugins/smarty_internal_compile_private_modifier.php on line 114` It is only displayed one time. When I download this file another time, the warning is not displayed anymore. ### Expected behavior Should not display the deprecation warning ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to BO > Enable merchandise return 2. Log into your customer account > Make an order 3. Go back to BO > Change status of latest order made to Delivered 4. Go to your customer account > Order history and details > Details > Scroll down to Product section 5. Select the product you want to return > Request a return 6. Go to BO > Customer Service > Merchandise return > Click on the latest merchandise return 7. Change status to Waiting for package 8. Click on Print out button 9. See Deprecation displayed in PDF :x: ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.x, 9.0.x ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments The database creation script `create-test-db.php` initializes the Symfony cache with data on the modules relating to the paths `/modules`. This has consequences on tests wanting to use test modules, under `tests/Resources/modules`. This can also distort tests that are currently passed. Operations on modules under `/modules` may also occur, depending on the test performed. The module reset mechanism only concerns modules under `test/Resources/modules` ### Expected behavior The symfony cache for tests contains parameters relating to the test module (`tests/Resources/modules`). ### Steps to reproduce 1. Launched local integration tests 2. Noted the presence of 2 test containers in test cache. One with data relating to the core modules (`/module`) and another with data relating to the test modules (`/tests/Resources/modules`). The 2nd container is created in the middle of the integration tests, probably because of a clear cache in the tests ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.x, develop ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Symfony cache for test environment contains incorrect data for modules
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Symfony cache for test environment contains incorrect data for modules Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments The database creation script `create-test-db.php` initializes the Symfony cache with data on the modules relating to the paths `/modules`. This has consequences on tests wanting to use test modules, under `tests/Resources/modules`. This can also distort tests that are currently passed. Operations on modules under `/modules` may also occur, depending on the test performed. The module reset mechanism only concerns modules under `test/Resources/modules` ### Expected behavior The symfony cache for tests contains parameters relating to the test module (`tests/Resources/modules`). ### Steps to reproduce 1. Launched local integration tests 2. Noted the presence of 2 test containers in test cache. One with data relating to the core modules (`/module`) and another with data relating to the test modules (`/tests/Resources/modules`). The 2nd container is created in the middle of the integration tests, probably because of a clear cache in the tests ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.x, develop ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments In the back office go to Shop Parameters > Search Here you'll see information explaining how to setup an cron based on a callable URL: ![Capture d’écran 2024-02-14 à 16 17 41]( This URL should therefore be callable even when you are not logged in to your back office, it can be tested by using a browser with private navigation as well. With the Symfony layout enabled this URL is no longer callable and is redirected to the login page. ### Expected behavior I should be able to call the search indexation URL even if I'm not logged in (it works with legacy layout but not with Symfony layout). We need to find either a solution to make it work as is with Symfony layout or at least to find how the controller could be adapted to skip the global token validation and handle its own internal validation separately. - [ ] Investigate to find a clean fix and without impacting the modules ecosystem ### Steps to reproduce 1. Make sure the Symfony layout is enabled in feature flags 2. Go to Shop Parameters > Search 3. Copy the search indexation URL and call it in a browser with private navigation (or any other way to call it without being logged in to the back office) 4. The URL should be callable, no redirection to the login page, a white content should appear since the controller returns no content but the call should be a success 200 ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 9.0 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
AdminSearch external index cron URL is no longer reachable when unlogged
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : AdminSearch external index cron URL is no longer reachable when unlogged Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments In the back office go to Shop Parameters > Search Here you'll see information explaining how to setup an cron based on a callable URL: ![Capture d’écran 2024-02-14 à 16 17 41]( This URL should therefore be callable even when you are not logged in to your back office, it can be tested by using a browser with private navigation as well. With the Symfony layout enabled this URL is no longer callable and is redirected to the login page. ### Expected behavior I should be able to call the search indexation URL even if I'm not logged in (it works with legacy layout but not with Symfony layout). We need to find either a solution to make it work as is with Symfony layout or at least to find how the controller could be adapted to skip the global token validation and handle its own internal validation separately. - [ ] Investigate to find a clean fix and without impacting the modules ecosystem ### Steps to reproduce 1. Make sure the Symfony layout is enabled in feature flags 2. Go to Shop Parameters > Search 3. Copy the search indexation URL and call it in a browser with private navigation (or any other way to call it without being logged in to the back office) 4. The URL should be callable, no redirection to the login page, a white content should appear since the controller returns no content but the call should be a success 200 ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 9.0 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments default english version looks good ![image]( french version looks ok too but the Finnish version the `th` labels are misaligned ![image]( ### Expected behavior `th` heading labels are at least on the same line (yes, longer words will break but that cannot be avoided without shorter translations) ### Steps to reproduce install Finnish language pack change language to fi mark order as Payment accepted view the invoice for order ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened develop ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened whatever develop docker currently ships ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Invoice PDF products table headings misaligned for some languages
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Invoice PDF products table headings misaligned for some languages Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments default english version looks good ![image]( french version looks ok too but the Finnish version the `th` labels are misaligned ![image]( ### Expected behavior `th` heading labels are at least on the same line (yes, longer words will break but that cannot be avoided without shorter translations) ### Steps to reproduce install Finnish language pack change language to fi mark order as Payment accepted view the invoice for order ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened develop ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened whatever develop docker currently ships ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Hello there, Modifying the admin folder on the nightly build makes the BO fail. This seems to be caused by a hardcoded path in the config files with `admin-dev` I found in this [commit]( ![image]( ### Expected behavior I expect the Back-office to work even if I rename my `admin-dev` folder. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Install the nightly with a folder `admin-dev` present (if you rename it prior installation, it will fail) 2. Access your back office. It should load 3. Rename `admin-dev` as anything you want 4. Access your back ffice. It should load ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 9.0.0 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.2 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Hardcoded path in config: The "/var/www/html/admin-dev/themes/new-theme" directory does not exist
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Hardcoded path in config: The "/var/www/html/admin-dev/themes/new-theme" directory does not exist Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Hello there, Modifying the admin folder on the nightly build makes the BO fail. This seems to be caused by a hardcoded path in the config files with `admin-dev` I found in this [commit]( ![image]( ### Expected behavior I expect the Back-office to work even if I rename my `admin-dev` folder. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Install the nightly with a folder `admin-dev` present (if you rename it prior installation, it will fail) 2. Access your back office. It should load 3. Rename `admin-dev` as anything you want 4. Access your back ffice. It should load ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 9.0.0 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.2 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Hello all. I try to setup contact form to send email to admin contact. I use SMTP setup, look like it's working fine when sending test email but nothing sent in customer support tab I can see submitted form and I can reply, this way email are sent to customers and they can reply and so on. Using front-end form on website everything look ok, form are submitted and copy appears on customers support tab, but no email are sent...... I already set the Contact Form to send customers messages by email ![Capture d’écran 2024-02-14 à 13 34 33]( I didn't find any solutions about that please help me :-) WKR ### Expected behavior when submitting contact form an email has to be sent to the contact set in shop-->contact ### Steps to reproduce set a simple form on a CMS page set contact in shop->contact try to submit form ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.0.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.20 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version CONTACT FORM ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
PS 8.0.5 form don't send mail but customer support yes
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : PS 8.0.5 form don't send mail but customer support yes Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Hello all. I try to setup contact form to send email to admin contact. I use SMTP setup, look like it's working fine when sending test email but nothing sent in customer support tab I can see submitted form and I can reply, this way email are sent to customers and they can reply and so on. Using front-end form on website everything look ok, form are submitted and copy appears on customers support tab, but no email are sent...... I already set the Contact Form to send customers messages by email ![Capture d’écran 2024-02-14 à 13 34 33]( I didn't find any solutions about that please help me :-) WKR ### Expected behavior when submitting contact form an email has to be sent to the contact set in shop-->contact ### Steps to reproduce set a simple form on a CMS page set contact in shop->contact try to submit form ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.0.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.20 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version CONTACT FORM ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
Facture associated to the acceptance test of [this US]( ![Image]( 1 - Rate of the product 2 - Price_of_product_tax_excluded_step1 3 - Total_cost_excluded_productX (step 6) 4 - Total_cost_included_products (step 6) 5 - Shipping_cost_tax_excluded = 0 6 - Total_tax_excluded = Total_cost_excluded_products (step 6) + Shipping_cost_tax_excluded (step 7) 7 - VAT_rate_20 8 - Total_Shipping_VAT = 0 9 - Taxes (step 9) 10 - Total (step 9)
[US-Pricing][MOC][Without rounding][B to B] : MOCCT-001 : Buy one article - Invoice
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : [US-Pricing][MOC][Without rounding][B to B] : MOCCT-001 : Buy one article - Invoice Issue date: --- start body --- Facture associated to the acceptance test of [this US]( ![Image]( 1 - Rate of the product 2 - Price_of_product_tax_excluded_step1 3 - Total_cost_excluded_productX (step 6) 4 - Total_cost_included_products (step 6) 5 - Shipping_cost_tax_excluded = 0 6 - Total_tax_excluded = Total_cost_excluded_products (step 6) + Shipping_cost_tax_excluded (step 7) 7 - VAT_rate_20 8 - Total_Shipping_VAT = 0 9 - Taxes (step 9) 10 - Total (step 9) --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Modules -> Updates: detailed information about the module has very small image and no information about what changes with current update ### Expected behavior 1. Image should fill the container 2. There should be clear information about changes ### Steps to reproduce ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.x ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.4, 8.0 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version [ps_mbo]( ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Module updates have very small image and no info about changes
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Module updates have very small image and no info about changes Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Modules -> Updates: detailed information about the module has very small image and no information about what changes with current update ### Expected behavior 1. Image should fill the container 2. There should be clear information about changes ### Steps to reproduce ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.x ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.4, 8.0 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version [ps_mbo]( ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Hello all. I try to setup contact form to send email to admin contact. I use SMTP setup, look like it's working fine when sending test email but nothing sent in customer support tab I can see submitted form and I can reply, this way email are sent to customers and they can reply and so on. Using front-end form on website everything look ok, form are submitted and copy appears on customers support tab, but no email are sent...... I didn't find any solutions about that please help me :-) WKR ### Expected behavior when submitting contact form an email has to be sent to the contact set in shop-->contact ### Steps to reproduce set a simple form on a CMS page set contact in shop->contact try to submit form ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.0.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.20 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version CONTACT FORM ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
PS 8.0.5 form don't send mail but customer support yes
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : PS 8.0.5 form don't send mail but customer support yes Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Hello all. I try to setup contact form to send email to admin contact. I use SMTP setup, look like it's working fine when sending test email but nothing sent in customer support tab I can see submitted form and I can reply, this way email are sent to customers and they can reply and so on. Using front-end form on website everything look ok, form are submitted and copy appears on customers support tab, but no email are sent...... I didn't find any solutions about that please help me :-) WKR ### Expected behavior when submitting contact form an email has to be sent to the contact set in shop-->contact ### Steps to reproduce set a simple form on a CMS page set contact in shop->contact try to submit form ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.0.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.20 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version CONTACT FORM ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments I I'm trying to do the latest upgrade with 1 click upgrade but I'm getting a bunch of error codes. And the zettle module with the sync doesn't work either, and it says something with webhook error, but can't find anything wrong with it. What can I do? I'll send you pictures of some of the errors my last few days. Yesterday I didn't even get into the back office so I had to do a full restore of a saved backup. <img width="760" alt="1-click upgrade" src=""> <img width="584" alt="2 till one Skärmbild 2024-02-09 203254" src=""> <img width="938" alt="3 till one Skärmbild 2024-02-09 203352" src=""> <img width="808" alt="4 till one Skärmbild 2024-02-09 203448" src=""> <img width="895" alt="5 till one Skärmbild 2024-02-09 203736" src=""> <img width="1119" alt="error ps" src=""> <img width="674" alt="fel koder " src=""> <img width="644" alt="mer felkoder" src=""> <img width="662" alt="my curent php version" src=""> <img width="652" alt="server fel" src=""> <img width="907" alt="Skärmbild 2024-02-08 104129" src=""> <img width="727" alt="till one Skärmbild 2024-02-09 203135" src=""> ### Expected behavior I want to be able to do the upgrade so that all bugs disappear so I can use the zettle clutch. And Klarna checkout with Postnord and DHL connection without any problems. ### Steps to reproduce The update: I'm in the middle of a 1-click upgrade.and have installed your zip module before the upgrade. I have installed the Zettle module, I have connected it with API. I've synced the layer. Then the problems start when it has to synchronize the updates itself. Then you get the e-mails about webhook that you see a picture of. I have installed the module for klarna. configured it with API. and post the link. It works first, then it stops working. And the shipping options aren't included at checkout. I think all problems can be solved with an update. But it doesn't work. I get "thrown out" all the time so I have to do a back up and reset to even get back into the back office again. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened Your current PrestaShop version: 8.0.2 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened Your current PHP version: 8.0.30 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version Klarna payments v1.5.0 - av Invertus. v1.2.18 - av Zettle. 1-clickupgrade. ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Can't upgrade the shop
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Can't upgrade the shop Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments I I'm trying to do the latest upgrade with 1 click upgrade but I'm getting a bunch of error codes. And the zettle module with the sync doesn't work either, and it says something with webhook error, but can't find anything wrong with it. What can I do? I'll send you pictures of some of the errors my last few days. Yesterday I didn't even get into the back office so I had to do a full restore of a saved backup. <img width="760" alt="1-click upgrade" src=""> <img width="584" alt="2 till one Skärmbild 2024-02-09 203254" src=""> <img width="938" alt="3 till one Skärmbild 2024-02-09 203352" src=""> <img width="808" alt="4 till one Skärmbild 2024-02-09 203448" src=""> <img width="895" alt="5 till one Skärmbild 2024-02-09 203736" src=""> <img width="1119" alt="error ps" src=""> <img width="674" alt="fel koder " src=""> <img width="644" alt="mer felkoder" src=""> <img width="662" alt="my curent php version" src=""> <img width="652" alt="server fel" src=""> <img width="907" alt="Skärmbild 2024-02-08 104129" src=""> <img width="727" alt="till one Skärmbild 2024-02-09 203135" src=""> ### Expected behavior I want to be able to do the upgrade so that all bugs disappear so I can use the zettle clutch. And Klarna checkout with Postnord and DHL connection without any problems. ### Steps to reproduce The update: I'm in the middle of a 1-click upgrade.and have installed your zip module before the upgrade. I have installed the Zettle module, I have connected it with API. I've synced the layer. Then the problems start when it has to synchronize the updates itself. Then you get the e-mails about webhook that you see a picture of. I have installed the module for klarna. configured it with API. and post the link. It works first, then it stops working. And the shipping options aren't included at checkout. I think all problems can be solved with an update. But it doesn't work. I get "thrown out" all the time so I have to do a back up and reset to even get back into the back office again. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened Your current PrestaShop version: 8.0.2 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened Your current PHP version: 8.0.30 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version Klarna payments v1.5.0 - av Invertus. v1.2.18 - av Zettle. 1-clickupgrade. ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
## Description [Figma]( ## Acceptance tests ## Related to - [ ] #35085 - [ ] #35086 - [ ] #35087 - [ ] #35088 - [ ] #35089 - [ ] #35090 - [ ] #35091 - [ ] #35092
Web App : Pre-upgrade check list ( structure )
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Web App : Pre-upgrade check list ( structure ) Issue date: --- start body --- ## Description [Figma]( ## Acceptance tests ## Related to - [ ] #35085 - [ ] #35086 - [ ] #35087 - [ ] #35088 - [ ] #35089 - [ ] #35090 - [ ] #35091 - [ ] #35092 --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When registering a JavaScript script using `registerJavascript` with a `version` parameter and enabling CCC (Combine, Compress, and Cache) for JavaScript, the generated 'bottom-*.js' file breaks. Instead of including the minified file content, the full path with the version is added to the bottom file. Consequently, this leads to JavaScript errors that disrupt the functionality of all shop JavaScript components. ![image]( ![image]( ``` $this->context->controller->registerJavascript( 'module-' . $this->name . '-shop-js', 'modules/' . $this->name . '/views/js/shop.js', [ 'version' => $this->version, ] ); ``` It also does the same with CCC for CSS and registerStylesheet. While examining the code and the documentation, I also noticed something noteworthy: - On [this doc page](, the parameter `attributes` is mentioned. - However, in [this line of code](, the parameter is referred to as `attribute`. I realized this because my code previously had `'attribute' => 'async'`, and yet the issue persisted (while the asset should have been ignored if I understood the code correctly). Hence, there may also be a discrepancy regarding this matter. Many thanks to @NicoVmax who spent some time helping me and who found that the problem was with the 'version' parameter. @NicoVmax tried this on PS 1.7 and could not reproduce the issue. So maybe it's a regression... ### Expected behavior The 'bottom-*.js' file should include the minified content of the JavaScript script registered with registerJavascript, regardless of whether a version parameter is provided. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Enable CCC for JavaScript in the PrestaShop backend. 2. Register a JavaScript script in a module using registerJavascript with a version parameter. 3. Observe the generated 'bottom-*.js' file, noticing the inclusion of the full path with the version instead of the minified file content. 4. Attempt to execute JavaScript functionalities in the shop (product popups, ...), resulting in errors due to the broken script inclusion. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.3 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened PHP 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version Can easily be tested with our module Fintecture on PrestaShop 8. ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). Fintecture
'Version' param from registerJavascript and registerStylesheet break CCC
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : 'Version' param from registerJavascript and registerStylesheet break CCC Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When registering a JavaScript script using `registerJavascript` with a `version` parameter and enabling CCC (Combine, Compress, and Cache) for JavaScript, the generated 'bottom-*.js' file breaks. Instead of including the minified file content, the full path with the version is added to the bottom file. Consequently, this leads to JavaScript errors that disrupt the functionality of all shop JavaScript components. ![image]( ![image]( ``` $this->context->controller->registerJavascript( 'module-' . $this->name . '-shop-js', 'modules/' . $this->name . '/views/js/shop.js', [ 'version' => $this->version, ] ); ``` It also does the same with CCC for CSS and registerStylesheet. While examining the code and the documentation, I also noticed something noteworthy: - On [this doc page](, the parameter `attributes` is mentioned. - However, in [this line of code](, the parameter is referred to as `attribute`. I realized this because my code previously had `'attribute' => 'async'`, and yet the issue persisted (while the asset should have been ignored if I understood the code correctly). Hence, there may also be a discrepancy regarding this matter. Many thanks to @NicoVmax who spent some time helping me and who found that the problem was with the 'version' parameter. @NicoVmax tried this on PS 1.7 and could not reproduce the issue. So maybe it's a regression... ### Expected behavior The 'bottom-*.js' file should include the minified content of the JavaScript script registered with registerJavascript, regardless of whether a version parameter is provided. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Enable CCC for JavaScript in the PrestaShop backend. 2. Register a JavaScript script in a module using registerJavascript with a version parameter. 3. Observe the generated 'bottom-*.js' file, noticing the inclusion of the full path with the version instead of the minified file content. 4. Attempt to execute JavaScript functionalities in the shop (product popups, ...), resulting in errors due to the broken script inclusion. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.3 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened PHP 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version Can easily be tested with our module Fintecture on PrestaShop 8. ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). Fintecture --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Prestashop version : 8.1.2 PHP version : 8.2.14 My Email : Hi, it's impossible for me to add a new product in my prestashop. When i click on "new product", i'm stuck on the next window. I can't confirm my choice and continue. ![Screenshot 2024-02-13 143201]( Someone from the technical support tell me to ask my question here, he was speaking about do core. Thanks for your help ! ### Expected behavior I want to confirm my selection and add a new product. ### Steps to reproduce Go to "product" and "new product". Click on the "type of product" you want. See the problem. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.2 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.2.14 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Can't add a new product
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Can't add a new product Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Prestashop version : 8.1.2 PHP version : 8.2.14 My Email : Hi, it's impossible for me to add a new product in my prestashop. When i click on "new product", i'm stuck on the next window. I can't confirm my choice and continue. ![Screenshot 2024-02-13 143201]( Someone from the technical support tell me to ask my question here, he was speaking about do core. Thanks for your help ! ### Expected behavior I want to confirm my selection and add a new product. ### Steps to reproduce Go to "product" and "new product". Click on the "type of product" you want. See the problem. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.2 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.2.14 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments After logging into the admin panel, I see something like this. <img width="524" alt="image" src=""> That's what I see in the debug menu. <img width="697" alt="image" src=""> ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce 1. I enter the data into the data in the admin panel. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
PrestaShop Panel login error
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : PrestaShop Panel login error Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments After logging into the admin panel, I see something like this. <img width="524" alt="image" src=""> That's what I see in the debug menu. <img width="697" alt="image" src=""> ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce 1. I enter the data into the data in the admin panel. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Hello. After i upgrade the google analitycs module from v 4.2.2 to v 5.0.0, the product page give error 500. I downgrade to v4.2.2 and all is ok. The prestashop version is with php 7.4 ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce Upgrade the module from 4.2.2 to 5.0.0 Check product page is working. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 7 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.4 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version Google analitycs v5.0.0 ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Google analytics 5.0.0 module, crash the product page
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Google analytics 5.0.0 module, crash the product page Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Hello. After i upgrade the google analitycs module from v 4.2.2 to v 5.0.0, the product page give error 500. I downgrade to v4.2.2 and all is ok. The prestashop version is with php 7.4 ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce Upgrade the module from 4.2.2 to 5.0.0 Check product page is working. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 7 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.4 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version Google analitycs v5.0.0 ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments After deleting an attribute and rebuilding the index from the faceted search module, I still see the deleted item on the FO. I tried clearing the cache from ps_facetedsearch module, from PS and from the browser. The item is still displayed and I can select it. I will see the page loading without result. Related to ### Expected behavior The deleted attribute should not be displayed in the FO ### Steps to reproduce 1. Create an attribute group + some attribute values 2. Create a combination product with these attributes 3. Go to faceted_search module > Enable attribute group > Build attributes and features indexed 4. Go to FO > Filter by the attribute 5. Go to BO > Delete one attribute value > Configure faceted_search > Rebuild the index 6. Go to FO > See that the attribute value is still displayed and the page loads with no filter :x: ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.0.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version ps_facetedsearch ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
ps_facetedsearch - When an attribute value is deleted, it is still displayed even after rebuilding the index
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : ps_facetedsearch - When an attribute value is deleted, it is still displayed even after rebuilding the index Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments After deleting an attribute and rebuilding the index from the faceted search module, I still see the deleted item on the FO. I tried clearing the cache from ps_facetedsearch module, from PS and from the browser. The item is still displayed and I can select it. I will see the page loading without result. Related to ### Expected behavior The deleted attribute should not be displayed in the FO ### Steps to reproduce 1. Create an attribute group + some attribute values 2. Create a combination product with these attributes 3. Go to faceted_search module > Enable attribute group > Build attributes and features indexed 4. Go to FO > Filter by the attribute 5. Go to BO > Delete one attribute value > Configure faceted_search > Rebuild the index 6. Go to FO > See that the attribute value is still displayed and the page loads with no filter :x: ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.0.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version ps_facetedsearch ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Hello everybody, Since I set up Prestashop, I cannot get the right data (order numbers, products quantity sold ...). I've installed 3 different modules but none are getting the right data, so I deactivated them. Maybe they were basing their data on the prestashop's native module data for the stats. Example : When I check My invoices for a period of time, I know i sold 6 of X products. When I go to stats, I only have one sold. Thank you for any help or insight. Samia ### Expected behavior I just expect my data to be coherent with my orders. ### Steps to reproduce 1 - Cannot access the module from the left panel (it disappeared). So go to modules > Stats dashboard > configure > Best-sellers. 2 - Choose a period of time 3 - Compare products sold to actual product solds in orders. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.0.4 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.4 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version stats_dashboard 2.0.4 ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). Aegis
Wrong data in Stats
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Wrong data in Stats Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Hello everybody, Since I set up Prestashop, I cannot get the right data (order numbers, products quantity sold ...). I've installed 3 different modules but none are getting the right data, so I deactivated them. Maybe they were basing their data on the prestashop's native module data for the stats. Example : When I check My invoices for a period of time, I know i sold 6 of X products. When I go to stats, I only have one sold. Thank you for any help or insight. Samia ### Expected behavior I just expect my data to be coherent with my orders. ### Steps to reproduce 1 - Cannot access the module from the left panel (it disappeared). So go to modules > Stats dashboard > configure > Best-sellers. 2 - Choose a period of time 3 - Compare products sold to actual product solds in orders. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.0.4 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.4 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version stats_dashboard 2.0.4 ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). Aegis --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Hello Team, i'm facing an issue after upgrade from 1.7 to 8.0.0. The issue is related to Prestashop Marketplace and I cannot install any module. I receive the following error: "admin_token must be a string". Using Chrome Inspector, I can see that when I press install button, the following request goes in error (400 bad request) with the above message. Thanks for the support. ![error]( ### Expected behavior Any module can be installed via Marketplace ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to PrestaShop Marketplace 2. Choose a module 3. Press Install ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.0.0 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.0.30 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version ps_mbo (4.9.0) ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Cannot install any module via Marketplace (ps_mbo)
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Cannot install any module via Marketplace (ps_mbo) Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Hello Team, i'm facing an issue after upgrade from 1.7 to 8.0.0. The issue is related to Prestashop Marketplace and I cannot install any module. I receive the following error: "admin_token must be a string". Using Chrome Inspector, I can see that when I press install button, the following request goes in error (400 bad request) with the above message. Thanks for the support. ![error]( ### Expected behavior Any module can be installed via Marketplace ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to PrestaShop Marketplace 2. Choose a module 3. Press Install ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.0.0 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.0.30 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version ps_mbo (4.9.0) ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments "Transit time" field is hidden. Error Message: "The field delay is required at least in ." ![kuva]( ### Expected behavior Make Delay field available, foolproofly. ### Steps to reproduce shipping carriers add new carrier ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened PHP version: 7.4.33 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
The field delay is required at least in .
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : The field delay is required at least in . Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments "Transit time" field is hidden. Error Message: "The field delay is required at least in ." ![kuva]( ### Expected behavior Make Delay field available, foolproofly. ### Steps to reproduce shipping carriers add new carrier ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened PHP version: 7.4.33 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments I can remove an API Access but it returns an errors ### Expected behavior Should not be allowed ### Steps to reproduce 1. Enable Authorization Server 2. Create an API Access with `api_access_write` 3. Copy the client secret 4. Try to use this request : ``` curl -X 'DELETE' \ 'https://prestashop.php82.local/admin-dev/index.php/api/api-access/2' \ -H 'accept: */*' \ -H 'Authorization: 086f3e35b23ed804886f3455117a88d2' ``` 5. :tada: The API Access is removed **BUT** 6. The response is in error : 401 Unauthorized ``` { "type": "", "title": "An error occurred", "detail": "Full authentication is required to access this resource.", "trace": [ { "namespace": "", "short_class": "", "class": "", "type": "", "function": "", "file": "/home/flefevre/projects/prestashop/vendor/symfony/security-http/Firewall/ExceptionListener.php", "line": 232, "args": [] }, { "namespace": "Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Firewall", "short_class": "ExceptionListener", "class": "Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Firewall\\ExceptionListener", "type": "->", "function": "throwUnauthorizedException", "file": "/home/flefevre/projects/prestashop/vendor/symfony/security-http/Firewall/ExceptionListener.php", "line": 189, "args": [] }, { "namespace": "Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Firewall", "short_class": "ExceptionListener", "class": "Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Firewall\\ExceptionListener", "type": "->", "function": "startAuthentication", "file": "/home/flefevre/projects/prestashop/vendor/symfony/security-http/Firewall/ExceptionListener.php", "line": 148, "args": [] }, { "namespace": "Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Firewall", "short_class": "ExceptionListener", "class": "Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Firewall\\ExceptionListener", "type": "->", "function": "handleAccessDeniedException", "file": "/home/flefevre/projects/prestashop/vendor/symfony/security-http/Firewall/ExceptionListener.php", "line": 103, "args": [] }, { "namespace": "Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Firewall", "short_class": "ExceptionListener", "class": "Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Firewall\\ExceptionListener", "type": "->", "function": "onKernelException", "file": "/home/flefevre/projects/prestashop/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/Debug/WrappedListener.php", "line": 116, "args": [] }, { "namespace": "Symfony\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\Debug", "short_class": "WrappedListener", "class": "Symfony\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\Debug\\WrappedListener", "type": "->", "function": "__invoke", "file": "/home/flefevre/projects/prestashop/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/EventDispatcher.php", "line": 220, "args": [] }, { "namespace": "Symfony\\Component\\EventDispatcher", "short_class": "EventDispatcher", "class": "Symfony\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\EventDispatcher", "type": "->", "function": "callListeners", "file": "/home/flefevre/projects/prestashop/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/EventDispatcher.php", "line": 56, "args": [] }, { "namespace": "Symfony\\Component\\EventDispatcher", "short_class": "EventDispatcher", "class": "Symfony\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\EventDispatcher", "type": "->", "function": "dispatch", "file": "/home/flefevre/projects/prestashop/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/Debug/TraceableEventDispatcher.php", "line": 139, "args": [] }, { "namespace": "Symfony\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\Debug", "short_class": "TraceableEventDispatcher", "class": "Symfony\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\Debug\\TraceableEventDispatcher", "type": "->", "function": "dispatch", "file": "/home/flefevre/projects/prestashop/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/HttpKernel.php", "line": 239, "args": [] }, { "namespace": "Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel", "short_class": "HttpKernel", "class": "Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\HttpKernel", "type": "->", "function": "handleThrowable", "file": "/home/flefevre/projects/prestashop/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/HttpKernel.php", "line": 91, "args": [] }, { "namespace": "Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel", "short_class": "HttpKernel", "class": "Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\HttpKernel", "type": "->", "function": "handle", "file": "/home/flefevre/projects/prestashop/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Kernel.php", "line": 197, "args": [] }, { "namespace": "Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel", "short_class": "Kernel", "class": "Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\Kernel", "type": "->", "function": "handle", "file": "/home/flefevre/projects/prestashop/admin-dev/index.php", "line": 82, "args": [] } ] } ``` ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 9.0.x ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.2 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). @PrestaShopCorp
API `DELETE /api/api-access` : Error when deleting a api access
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : API `DELETE /api/api-access` : Error when deleting a api access Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments I can remove an API Access but it returns an errors ### Expected behavior Should not be allowed ### Steps to reproduce 1. Enable Authorization Server 2. Create an API Access with `api_access_write` 3. Copy the client secret 4. Try to use this request : ``` curl -X 'DELETE' \ 'https://prestashop.php82.local/admin-dev/index.php/api/api-access/2' \ -H 'accept: */*' \ -H 'Authorization: 086f3e35b23ed804886f3455117a88d2' ``` 5. :tada: The API Access is removed **BUT** 6. The response is in error : 401 Unauthorized ``` { "type": "", "title": "An error occurred", "detail": "Full authentication is required to access this resource.", "trace": [ { "namespace": "", "short_class": "", "class": "", "type": "", "function": "", "file": "/home/flefevre/projects/prestashop/vendor/symfony/security-http/Firewall/ExceptionListener.php", "line": 232, "args": [] }, { "namespace": "Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Firewall", "short_class": "ExceptionListener", "class": "Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Firewall\\ExceptionListener", "type": "->", "function": "throwUnauthorizedException", "file": "/home/flefevre/projects/prestashop/vendor/symfony/security-http/Firewall/ExceptionListener.php", "line": 189, "args": [] }, { "namespace": "Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Firewall", "short_class": "ExceptionListener", "class": "Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Firewall\\ExceptionListener", "type": "->", "function": "startAuthentication", "file": "/home/flefevre/projects/prestashop/vendor/symfony/security-http/Firewall/ExceptionListener.php", "line": 148, "args": [] }, { "namespace": "Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Firewall", "short_class": "ExceptionListener", "class": "Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Firewall\\ExceptionListener", "type": "->", "function": "handleAccessDeniedException", "file": "/home/flefevre/projects/prestashop/vendor/symfony/security-http/Firewall/ExceptionListener.php", "line": 103, "args": [] }, { "namespace": "Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Firewall", "short_class": "ExceptionListener", "class": "Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Firewall\\ExceptionListener", "type": "->", "function": "onKernelException", "file": "/home/flefevre/projects/prestashop/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/Debug/WrappedListener.php", "line": 116, "args": [] }, { "namespace": "Symfony\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\Debug", "short_class": "WrappedListener", "class": "Symfony\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\Debug\\WrappedListener", "type": "->", "function": "__invoke", "file": "/home/flefevre/projects/prestashop/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/EventDispatcher.php", "line": 220, "args": [] }, { "namespace": "Symfony\\Component\\EventDispatcher", "short_class": "EventDispatcher", "class": "Symfony\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\EventDispatcher", "type": "->", "function": "callListeners", "file": "/home/flefevre/projects/prestashop/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/EventDispatcher.php", "line": 56, "args": [] }, { "namespace": "Symfony\\Component\\EventDispatcher", "short_class": "EventDispatcher", "class": "Symfony\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\EventDispatcher", "type": "->", "function": "dispatch", "file": "/home/flefevre/projects/prestashop/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/Debug/TraceableEventDispatcher.php", "line": 139, "args": [] }, { "namespace": "Symfony\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\Debug", "short_class": "TraceableEventDispatcher", "class": "Symfony\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\Debug\\TraceableEventDispatcher", "type": "->", "function": "dispatch", "file": "/home/flefevre/projects/prestashop/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/HttpKernel.php", "line": 239, "args": [] }, { "namespace": "Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel", "short_class": "HttpKernel", "class": "Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\HttpKernel", "type": "->", "function": "handleThrowable", "file": "/home/flefevre/projects/prestashop/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/HttpKernel.php", "line": 91, "args": [] }, { "namespace": "Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel", "short_class": "HttpKernel", "class": "Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\HttpKernel", "type": "->", "function": "handle", "file": "/home/flefevre/projects/prestashop/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Kernel.php", "line": 197, "args": [] }, { "namespace": "Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel", "short_class": "Kernel", "class": "Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\Kernel", "type": "->", "function": "handle", "file": "/home/flefevre/projects/prestashop/admin-dev/index.php", "line": 82, "args": [] } ] } ``` ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 9.0.x ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.2 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). @PrestaShopCorp --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments I created an API Access with api_access_write but it can't update an API Access ### Expected behavior I created an API Access with api_access_write but it can update an API Access ### Steps to reproduce 1. Enable Authorization Server 2. Create an API Access with `api_access_write` and `api_access_read` 3. Copy the client secret 4. Try to use this request : ``` curl -X 'PUT' \ 'https://prestashop.php82.local/admin-dev/index.php/api/api-access/1' \ -H 'accept: application/json' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "apiAccessId": 1, "secret": "mySecret", "apiClientId": "myApiClientId", "clientName": "myClientName", "description": "myString", "enabled": true, "lifetime": 1000, "scopes": [ "api_access_read", "api_access_write" ] }' ``` 5. The response is in error : 401 Unauthorized ``` { "type": "", "title": "An error occurred", "detail": "Full authentication is required to access this resource.", "trace": [ { "namespace": "", "short_class": "", "class": "", "type": "", "function": "", "file": "/home/flefevre/projects/prestashop/vendor/symfony/security-http/Firewall/ExceptionListener.php", "line": 232, "args": [] }, { "namespace": "Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Firewall", "short_class": "ExceptionListener", "class": "Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Firewall\\ExceptionListener", "type": "->", "function": "throwUnauthorizedException", "file": "/home/flefevre/projects/prestashop/vendor/symfony/security-http/Firewall/ExceptionListener.php", "line": 189, "args": [] }, { "namespace": "Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Firewall", "short_class": "ExceptionListener", "class": "Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Firewall\\ExceptionListener", "type": "->", "function": "startAuthentication", "file": "/home/flefevre/projects/prestashop/vendor/symfony/security-http/Firewall/ExceptionListener.php", "line": 148, "args": [] }, { "namespace": "Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Firewall", "short_class": "ExceptionListener", "class": "Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Firewall\\ExceptionListener", "type": "->", "function": "handleAccessDeniedException", "file": "/home/flefevre/projects/prestashop/vendor/symfony/security-http/Firewall/ExceptionListener.php", "line": 103, "args": [] }, { "namespace": "Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Firewall", "short_class": "ExceptionListener", "class": "Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Firewall\\ExceptionListener", "type": "->", "function": "onKernelException", "file": "/home/flefevre/projects/prestashop/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/Debug/WrappedListener.php", "line": 116, "args": [] }, { "namespace": "Symfony\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\Debug", "short_class": "WrappedListener", "class": "Symfony\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\Debug\\WrappedListener", "type": "->", "function": "__invoke", "file": "/home/flefevre/projects/prestashop/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/EventDispatcher.php", "line": 220, "args": [] }, { "namespace": "Symfony\\Component\\EventDispatcher", "short_class": "EventDispatcher", "class": "Symfony\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\EventDispatcher", "type": "->", "function": "callListeners", "file": "/home/flefevre/projects/prestashop/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/EventDispatcher.php", "line": 56, "args": [] }, { "namespace": "Symfony\\Component\\EventDispatcher", "short_class": "EventDispatcher", "class": "Symfony\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\EventDispatcher", "type": "->", "function": "dispatch", "file": "/home/flefevre/projects/prestashop/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/Debug/TraceableEventDispatcher.php", "line": 139, "args": [] }, { "namespace": "Symfony\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\Debug", "short_class": "TraceableEventDispatcher", "class": "Symfony\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\Debug\\TraceableEventDispatcher", "type": "->", "function": "dispatch", "file": "/home/flefevre/projects/prestashop/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/HttpKernel.php", "line": 239, "args": [] }, { "namespace": "Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel", "short_class": "HttpKernel", "class": "Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\HttpKernel", "type": "->", "function": "handleThrowable", "file": "/home/flefevre/projects/prestashop/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/HttpKernel.php", "line": 91, "args": [] }, { "namespace": "Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel", "short_class": "HttpKernel", "class": "Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\HttpKernel", "type": "->", "function": "handle", "file": "/home/flefevre/projects/prestashop/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Kernel.php", "line": 197, "args": [] }, { "namespace": "Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel", "short_class": "Kernel", "class": "Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\Kernel", "type": "->", "function": "handle", "file": "/home/flefevre/projects/prestashop/admin-dev/index.php", "line": 82, "args": [] } ] } ``` ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 9.0.x ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.2 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). @PrestaShopCorp
API `PUT /api/api-access` : Impossible to update an API access with `api_access_write` scope
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : API `PUT /api/api-access` : Impossible to update an API access with `api_access_write` scope Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments I created an API Access with api_access_write but it can't update an API Access ### Expected behavior I created an API Access with api_access_write but it can update an API Access ### Steps to reproduce 1. Enable Authorization Server 2. Create an API Access with `api_access_write` and `api_access_read` 3. Copy the client secret 4. Try to use this request : ``` curl -X 'PUT' \ 'https://prestashop.php82.local/admin-dev/index.php/api/api-access/1' \ -H 'accept: application/json' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "apiAccessId": 1, "secret": "mySecret", "apiClientId": "myApiClientId", "clientName": "myClientName", "description": "myString", "enabled": true, "lifetime": 1000, "scopes": [ "api_access_read", "api_access_write" ] }' ``` 5. The response is in error : 401 Unauthorized ``` { "type": "", "title": "An error occurred", "detail": "Full authentication is required to access this resource.", "trace": [ { "namespace": "", "short_class": "", "class": "", "type": "", "function": "", "file": "/home/flefevre/projects/prestashop/vendor/symfony/security-http/Firewall/ExceptionListener.php", "line": 232, "args": [] }, { "namespace": "Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Firewall", "short_class": "ExceptionListener", "class": "Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Firewall\\ExceptionListener", "type": "->", "function": "throwUnauthorizedException", "file": "/home/flefevre/projects/prestashop/vendor/symfony/security-http/Firewall/ExceptionListener.php", "line": 189, "args": [] }, { "namespace": "Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Firewall", "short_class": "ExceptionListener", "class": "Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Firewall\\ExceptionListener", "type": "->", "function": "startAuthentication", "file": "/home/flefevre/projects/prestashop/vendor/symfony/security-http/Firewall/ExceptionListener.php", "line": 148, "args": [] }, { "namespace": "Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Firewall", "short_class": "ExceptionListener", "class": "Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Firewall\\ExceptionListener", "type": "->", "function": "handleAccessDeniedException", "file": "/home/flefevre/projects/prestashop/vendor/symfony/security-http/Firewall/ExceptionListener.php", "line": 103, "args": [] }, { "namespace": "Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Firewall", "short_class": "ExceptionListener", "class": "Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Firewall\\ExceptionListener", "type": "->", "function": "onKernelException", "file": "/home/flefevre/projects/prestashop/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/Debug/WrappedListener.php", "line": 116, "args": [] }, { "namespace": "Symfony\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\Debug", "short_class": "WrappedListener", "class": "Symfony\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\Debug\\WrappedListener", "type": "->", "function": "__invoke", "file": "/home/flefevre/projects/prestashop/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/EventDispatcher.php", "line": 220, "args": [] }, { "namespace": "Symfony\\Component\\EventDispatcher", "short_class": "EventDispatcher", "class": "Symfony\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\EventDispatcher", "type": "->", "function": "callListeners", "file": "/home/flefevre/projects/prestashop/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/EventDispatcher.php", "line": 56, "args": [] }, { "namespace": "Symfony\\Component\\EventDispatcher", "short_class": "EventDispatcher", "class": "Symfony\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\EventDispatcher", "type": "->", "function": "dispatch", "file": "/home/flefevre/projects/prestashop/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/Debug/TraceableEventDispatcher.php", "line": 139, "args": [] }, { "namespace": "Symfony\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\Debug", "short_class": "TraceableEventDispatcher", "class": "Symfony\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\Debug\\TraceableEventDispatcher", "type": "->", "function": "dispatch", "file": "/home/flefevre/projects/prestashop/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/HttpKernel.php", "line": 239, "args": [] }, { "namespace": "Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel", "short_class": "HttpKernel", "class": "Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\HttpKernel", "type": "->", "function": "handleThrowable", "file": "/home/flefevre/projects/prestashop/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/HttpKernel.php", "line": 91, "args": [] }, { "namespace": "Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel", "short_class": "HttpKernel", "class": "Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\HttpKernel", "type": "->", "function": "handle", "file": "/home/flefevre/projects/prestashop/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Kernel.php", "line": 197, "args": [] }, { "namespace": "Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel", "short_class": "Kernel", "class": "Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\Kernel", "type": "->", "function": "handle", "file": "/home/flefevre/projects/prestashop/admin-dev/index.php", "line": 82, "args": [] } ] } ``` ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 9.0.x ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.2 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). @PrestaShopCorp --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When importing a product, the list of set categories for this product is cleared. Only one category remains attached to a product ### Expected behavior When importing an item, the list of set categories for that item must be unchanged. ### Steps to reproduce 1 Go to Import page in the BO 2 Select import products 3 Use any file to import with a list of products 4 **Important!** The product whose data is imported must have more than one category 5 After the import we see only one category for the product. The others are deleted ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.2 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). Silbersaiten
When importing a product, the list of set categories for this product is cleared.
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : When importing a product, the list of set categories for this product is cleared. Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When importing a product, the list of set categories for this product is cleared. Only one category remains attached to a product ### Expected behavior When importing an item, the list of set categories for that item must be unchanged. ### Steps to reproduce 1 Go to Import page in the BO 2 Select import products 3 Use any file to import with a list of products 4 **Important!** The product whose data is imported must have more than one category 5 After the import we see only one category for the product. The others are deleted ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.2 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). Silbersaiten --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments I created an API Access with `api_access_write` but it can't create an API Access ### Expected behavior I created an API Access with `api_access_write` but it can create an API Access ### Steps to reproduce 1. Enable Authorization Server 2. Create an API Access with `api_access_write` and `api_access_read` 3. Copy the client secret 4. Try to use this request : ``` curl -X 'POST' \ 'https://prestashop.php82.local/admin-dev/index.php/api/api-access' \ -H 'accept: application/json' \ -H 'Authorization: myClientSecret' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "apiAccessId": 10, "secret": "string", "apiClientId": "string", "clientName": "string", "description": "string", "enabled": true, "lifetime": 1000, "scopes": [ "string" ] }' ``` 5. The response is in error : 401 Unauthorize ``` { "type": "", "title": "An error occurred", "detail": "Full authentication is required to access this resource.", "trace": [ { "namespace": "", "short_class": "", "class": "", "type": "", "function": "", "file": "/home/flefevre/projects/prestashop/vendor/symfony/security-http/Firewall/ExceptionListener.php", "line": 232, "args": [] }, { "namespace": "Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Firewall", "short_class": "ExceptionListener", "class": "Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Firewall\\ExceptionListener", "type": "->", "function": "throwUnauthorizedException", "file": "/home/flefevre/projects/prestashop/vendor/symfony/security-http/Firewall/ExceptionListener.php", "line": 189, "args": [] }, { "namespace": "Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Firewall", "short_class": "ExceptionListener", "class": "Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Firewall\\ExceptionListener", "type": "->", "function": "startAuthentication", "file": "/home/flefevre/projects/prestashop/vendor/symfony/security-http/Firewall/ExceptionListener.php", "line": 148, "args": [] }, { "namespace": "Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Firewall", "short_class": "ExceptionListener", "class": "Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Firewall\\ExceptionListener", "type": "->", "function": "handleAccessDeniedException", "file": "/home/flefevre/projects/prestashop/vendor/symfony/security-http/Firewall/ExceptionListener.php", "line": 103, "args": [] }, { "namespace": "Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Firewall", "short_class": "ExceptionListener", "class": "Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Firewall\\ExceptionListener", "type": "->", "function": "onKernelException", "file": "/home/flefevre/projects/prestashop/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/Debug/WrappedListener.php", "line": 116, "args": [] }, { "namespace": "Symfony\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\Debug", "short_class": "WrappedListener", "class": "Symfony\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\Debug\\WrappedListener", "type": "->", "function": "__invoke", "file": "/home/flefevre/projects/prestashop/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/EventDispatcher.php", "line": 220, "args": [] }, { "namespace": "Symfony\\Component\\EventDispatcher", "short_class": "EventDispatcher", "class": "Symfony\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\EventDispatcher", "type": "->", "function": "callListeners", "file": "/home/flefevre/projects/prestashop/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/EventDispatcher.php", "line": 56, "args": [] }, { "namespace": "Symfony\\Component\\EventDispatcher", "short_class": "EventDispatcher", "class": "Symfony\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\EventDispatcher", "type": "->", "function": "dispatch", "file": "/home/flefevre/projects/prestashop/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/Debug/TraceableEventDispatcher.php", "line": 139, "args": [] }, { "namespace": "Symfony\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\Debug", "short_class": "TraceableEventDispatcher", "class": "Symfony\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\Debug\\TraceableEventDispatcher", "type": "->", "function": "dispatch", "file": "/home/flefevre/projects/prestashop/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/HttpKernel.php", "line": 239, "args": [] }, { "namespace": "Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel", "short_class": "HttpKernel", "class": "Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\HttpKernel", "type": "->", "function": "handleThrowable", "file": "/home/flefevre/projects/prestashop/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/HttpKernel.php", "line": 91, "args": [] }, { "namespace": "Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel", "short_class": "HttpKernel", "class": "Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\HttpKernel", "type": "->", "function": "handle", "file": "/home/flefevre/projects/prestashop/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Kernel.php", "line": 197, "args": [] }, { "namespace": "Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel", "short_class": "Kernel", "class": "Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\Kernel", "type": "->", "function": "handle", "file": "/home/flefevre/projects/prestashop/admin-dev/index.php", "line": 82, "args": [] } ] } ``` ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 9.0.x ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.2 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). @PrestaShopCorp
API `POST /api/api-access` : Impossible to create an API access with `api_access_write` scope
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : API `POST /api/api-access` : Impossible to create an API access with `api_access_write` scope Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments I created an API Access with `api_access_write` but it can't create an API Access ### Expected behavior I created an API Access with `api_access_write` but it can create an API Access ### Steps to reproduce 1. Enable Authorization Server 2. Create an API Access with `api_access_write` and `api_access_read` 3. Copy the client secret 4. Try to use this request : ``` curl -X 'POST' \ 'https://prestashop.php82.local/admin-dev/index.php/api/api-access' \ -H 'accept: application/json' \ -H 'Authorization: myClientSecret' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "apiAccessId": 10, "secret": "string", "apiClientId": "string", "clientName": "string", "description": "string", "enabled": true, "lifetime": 1000, "scopes": [ "string" ] }' ``` 5. The response is in error : 401 Unauthorize ``` { "type": "", "title": "An error occurred", "detail": "Full authentication is required to access this resource.", "trace": [ { "namespace": "", "short_class": "", "class": "", "type": "", "function": "", "file": "/home/flefevre/projects/prestashop/vendor/symfony/security-http/Firewall/ExceptionListener.php", "line": 232, "args": [] }, { "namespace": "Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Firewall", "short_class": "ExceptionListener", "class": "Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Firewall\\ExceptionListener", "type": "->", "function": "throwUnauthorizedException", "file": "/home/flefevre/projects/prestashop/vendor/symfony/security-http/Firewall/ExceptionListener.php", "line": 189, "args": [] }, { "namespace": "Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Firewall", "short_class": "ExceptionListener", "class": "Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Firewall\\ExceptionListener", "type": "->", "function": "startAuthentication", "file": "/home/flefevre/projects/prestashop/vendor/symfony/security-http/Firewall/ExceptionListener.php", "line": 148, "args": [] }, { "namespace": "Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Firewall", "short_class": "ExceptionListener", "class": "Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Firewall\\ExceptionListener", "type": "->", "function": "handleAccessDeniedException", "file": "/home/flefevre/projects/prestashop/vendor/symfony/security-http/Firewall/ExceptionListener.php", "line": 103, "args": [] }, { "namespace": "Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Firewall", "short_class": "ExceptionListener", "class": "Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Firewall\\ExceptionListener", "type": "->", "function": "onKernelException", "file": "/home/flefevre/projects/prestashop/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/Debug/WrappedListener.php", "line": 116, "args": [] }, { "namespace": "Symfony\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\Debug", "short_class": "WrappedListener", "class": "Symfony\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\Debug\\WrappedListener", "type": "->", "function": "__invoke", "file": "/home/flefevre/projects/prestashop/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/EventDispatcher.php", "line": 220, "args": [] }, { "namespace": "Symfony\\Component\\EventDispatcher", "short_class": "EventDispatcher", "class": "Symfony\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\EventDispatcher", "type": "->", "function": "callListeners", "file": "/home/flefevre/projects/prestashop/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/EventDispatcher.php", "line": 56, "args": [] }, { "namespace": "Symfony\\Component\\EventDispatcher", "short_class": "EventDispatcher", "class": "Symfony\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\EventDispatcher", "type": "->", "function": "dispatch", "file": "/home/flefevre/projects/prestashop/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/Debug/TraceableEventDispatcher.php", "line": 139, "args": [] }, { "namespace": "Symfony\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\Debug", "short_class": "TraceableEventDispatcher", "class": "Symfony\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\Debug\\TraceableEventDispatcher", "type": "->", "function": "dispatch", "file": "/home/flefevre/projects/prestashop/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/HttpKernel.php", "line": 239, "args": [] }, { "namespace": "Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel", "short_class": "HttpKernel", "class": "Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\HttpKernel", "type": "->", "function": "handleThrowable", "file": "/home/flefevre/projects/prestashop/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/HttpKernel.php", "line": 91, "args": [] }, { "namespace": "Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel", "short_class": "HttpKernel", "class": "Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\HttpKernel", "type": "->", "function": "handle", "file": "/home/flefevre/projects/prestashop/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Kernel.php", "line": 197, "args": [] }, { "namespace": "Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel", "short_class": "Kernel", "class": "Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\Kernel", "type": "->", "function": "handle", "file": "/home/flefevre/projects/prestashop/admin-dev/index.php", "line": 82, "args": [] } ] } ``` ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 9.0.x ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.2 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). @PrestaShopCorp --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments ![pagenotfound]( ![404]( ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce Stats > pagesnotfound ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.1 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
No Results on module=pagesnotfound
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : No Results on module=pagesnotfound Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments ![pagenotfound]( ![404]( ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce Stats > pagesnotfound ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.1 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Situation If we want to introduce different native theme for 9.0.0, we must get rid of hardcoded `classic` in codebase. This should also be done because of 3rd party distributions, it may not want to contain classic, but a different theme. ### Problematic places **Initializations** **Installer** **Translations** (constant is unused, can be removed, along with checkAndAddThemesFiles method)
Hardcoded native theme name in several places of code
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Hardcoded native theme name in several places of code Issue date: --- start body --- ### Situation If we want to introduce different native theme for 9.0.0, we must get rid of hardcoded `classic` in codebase. This should also be done because of 3rd party distributions, it may not want to contain classic, but a different theme. ### Problematic places **Initializations** **Installer** **Translations** (constant is unused, can be removed, along with checkAndAddThemesFiles method) --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When you install or uninstall a module in the context of all stores the install button disappears and you have to refresh the page to make it reappear, just like when you install and want to configure the module. When the context is in a single store this doesn't happen. ### Expected behavior - When uninstalling a module, the install button appears without refreshing the page. - When installing a module, the button to configure or disable the module appears without refreshing the page. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to BackOffice 2. Go to Shop parameters -> general -> Enable Multistore 3. Go to Advanced Parameters -> Multistore -> add a new store to the default store. 4. Go to modules -> Module Manager 5. Ensure "All stores" is set as a context 6. Deactivate Best suppliers 7. The button disappears 8. Refresh the page 9. The disable/configure button reappears ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.x ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
The button to install a module disappears or doesen´t update.
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : The button to install a module disappears or doesen´t update. Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When you install or uninstall a module in the context of all stores the install button disappears and you have to refresh the page to make it reappear, just like when you install and want to configure the module. When the context is in a single store this doesn't happen. ### Expected behavior - When uninstalling a module, the install button appears without refreshing the page. - When installing a module, the button to configure or disable the module appears without refreshing the page. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to BackOffice 2. Go to Shop parameters -> general -> Enable Multistore 3. Go to Advanced Parameters -> Multistore -> add a new store to the default store. 4. Go to modules -> Module Manager 5. Ensure "All stores" is set as a context 6. Deactivate Best suppliers 7. The button disappears 8. Refresh the page 9. The disable/configure button reappears ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.x ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Hello, I have a problem with our dashboard which is used to give us our data: turnover, average basket... All the important data for our statistics and to know the impact of the work we deploy for natural referencing and paying. No figures are available from August 2023 (see PJ) ![Capture (4)]( ![Capture2]( ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce Simply log in to PrestaShop and go to the dashboard ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Problem displaying my numbers on the dashboard
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Problem displaying my numbers on the dashboard Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Hello, I have a problem with our dashboard which is used to give us our data: turnover, average basket... All the important data for our statistics and to know the impact of the work we deploy for natural referencing and paying. No figures are available from August 2023 (see PJ) ![Capture (4)]( ![Capture2]( ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce Simply log in to PrestaShop and go to the dashboard ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Hi, I'm using ps_emailsubscription version 2.8.1 Option "Send verification e-mail to subscribe to the newsletter" doesn't work. The store does not send the message, does not generate an error in the logs and the message is visible as sent in Advanced > E-mail address. newsletter_verif Polish (Polish) [Shop] Verification email 2024-02-07 14:55:40 Any ideas on what to check/verify? Other emails including "Send an email confirming your subscription to the newsletter?" and "Newsletter voucher" from the same module work correctly. Under this path: /modules/ps_emailsubscription/mails/en/ I have these files: index.php newsletter_conf.html newsletter_conf.txt newsletter_verif.html newsletter_verif.txt newsletter_voucher.html newsletter_voucher.txt I also tried creating /modules/ps_emailsubscription/mails/pl/ with the same content (copied from "en") - with no result. ### Expected behavior A verification e-mail should be sent. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to ps_emailsubscription and enable "Send verification e-mail to subscribe to the newsletter" 2. Use newsletter form to add new e-mail 3. See the message that the verification e-mail was sent 4. No e-mail in the mailbox 5. In the database subscribed e-mail is marked as not verified 6. In Advanced > E-mail address logs mail is marked as "sent" ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.4 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version ps_emailsubscription v2.8.1 ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ - ps_emailsubscription no newsletter_verif message after registration
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : - ps_emailsubscription no newsletter_verif message after registration Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Hi, I'm using ps_emailsubscription version 2.8.1 Option "Send verification e-mail to subscribe to the newsletter" doesn't work. The store does not send the message, does not generate an error in the logs and the message is visible as sent in Advanced > E-mail address. newsletter_verif Polish (Polish) [Shop] Verification email 2024-02-07 14:55:40 Any ideas on what to check/verify? Other emails including "Send an email confirming your subscription to the newsletter?" and "Newsletter voucher" from the same module work correctly. Under this path: /modules/ps_emailsubscription/mails/en/ I have these files: index.php newsletter_conf.html newsletter_conf.txt newsletter_verif.html newsletter_verif.txt newsletter_voucher.html newsletter_voucher.txt I also tried creating /modules/ps_emailsubscription/mails/pl/ with the same content (copied from "en") - with no result. ### Expected behavior A verification e-mail should be sent. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to ps_emailsubscription and enable "Send verification e-mail to subscribe to the newsletter" 2. Use newsletter form to add new e-mail 3. See the message that the verification e-mail was sent 4. No e-mail in the mailbox 5. In the database subscribed e-mail is marked as not verified 6. In Advanced > E-mail address logs mail is marked as "sent" ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.4 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version ps_emailsubscription v2.8.1 ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Hello, I have a problem with PrestaShop modules. Synchronization is set up with the physical store's database via a cron job. Categories have been created to match those in the physical store's accounting system. However, products do not automatically appear in the product list. Do I need to manually add each product separately, and will stock levels and prices automatically update when they change in the physical store, or do I need to do additional work for that? ![0b42a2a6e6c62ff969633f7b96e7faf6]( ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce idk ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.3 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Synch doesn't work
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Synch doesn't work Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Hello, I have a problem with PrestaShop modules. Synchronization is set up with the physical store's database via a cron job. Categories have been created to match those in the physical store's accounting system. However, products do not automatically appear in the product list. Do I need to manually add each product separately, and will stock levels and prices automatically update when they change in the physical store, or do I need to do additional work for that? ![0b42a2a6e6c62ff969633f7b96e7faf6]( ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce idk ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.3 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When we try to edit translation in Back Office a compromised page is first displayed (that's the first problem) then even if we click on `I understand the risk` an error is displayed about a badly formed URL [Dashboard • Prestashop develop.webm]( ### Expected behavior We should probably first fix the bug displayed after compromised page to understand the core of this bug, and then avoid the compromised page in between when we try to edit translations. When everything is fixed I expect to see the translation UX after I click on modify. Also maybe some UI tests are missing on this part since it as not detected by automatic tests. ### Steps to reproduce 1. In back office go to International > Translations 2. In the `Modify translations` card select a language and click on `Modify` 3. You should see a compromised page inviting you to either "Understand the risk" or "Get out of here" 4. Click on `I understand the risk` 5. You should now see an exception popping `Input value "form" contains a non-scalar value.` Note: this was tested with Symfony layout And Legacy layout so it's probably not related (likely related to Symfony upgrades) ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened develop ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Edit translation in Back Office displays compromised page, and then an error
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Edit translation in Back Office displays compromised page, and then an error Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When we try to edit translation in Back Office a compromised page is first displayed (that's the first problem) then even if we click on `I understand the risk` an error is displayed about a badly formed URL [Dashboard • Prestashop develop.webm]( ### Expected behavior We should probably first fix the bug displayed after compromised page to understand the core of this bug, and then avoid the compromised page in between when we try to edit translations. When everything is fixed I expect to see the translation UX after I click on modify. Also maybe some UI tests are missing on this part since it as not detected by automatic tests. ### Steps to reproduce 1. In back office go to International > Translations 2. In the `Modify translations` card select a language and click on `Modify` 3. You should see a compromised page inviting you to either "Understand the risk" or "Get out of here" 4. Click on `I understand the risk` 5. You should now see an exception popping `Input value "form" contains a non-scalar value.` Note: this was tested with Symfony layout And Legacy layout so it's probably not related (likely related to Symfony upgrades) ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened develop ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Running the module everything proceeds correctly until the messages: Cleaning cache file Running opcache_reset at this point an error appears (shown at the bottom). The front office works but the back office can no longer be accessed. The login page remains blank. I tried restoring individual folders but none solved the problem or I didn't identify a guilty folder. Only the restore of all folders (excluding /images /img) allowed logging again into the backoffice. **Last row in autoupgrade log.txt:** [2023-06-27 11:34:18] Configuration successfully updated. <strong>This page will now be reloaded and the module will check if a new version is available.</strong> **Report on going upgrade Rows:** Directory /webservice already exists. Copied /webservice/dispatcher.php. Copied /webservice/index.php. [SKIP] directory "/app/cache/" does not exist and cannot be emptied. [CLEANING CACHE] File dev removed [CLEANING CACHE] File dev1 removed [CLEANING CACHE] File dev2 removed [CLEANING CACHE] File pro_ removed [INTERNAL] line 142 - rmdir( Directory not empty [CLEANING CACHE] File prod removed [CLEANING CACHE] File prod1 removed [CLEANING CACHE] File prod2 removed Cleaning file cache Running opcache_reset **Error:** **[INTERNAL] line 49 - Class PrestaShopBundle\Form\Admin\Extension\ModifyAllShopsExtension contains 1 abstract method and must therefore be declared abstract or implement the remaining methods (Symfony\Component\Form\FormTypeExtensionInterface::getExtendedType)** ### Expected behavior Just enter in the backoffice to test the new release upgraded ### Steps to reproduce Using 1-clickupdate module Click Configure Select minor release (target Run "Upgrade Now" The module stops with the error reported. Front End is working , calling Backoffice url the browser page remains blank. Can not access The only solution is restore ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.4 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version 1-click upgrade ( ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
1-Click update module error report (
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : 1-Click update module error report ( Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Running the module everything proceeds correctly until the messages: Cleaning cache file Running opcache_reset at this point an error appears (shown at the bottom). The front office works but the back office can no longer be accessed. The login page remains blank. I tried restoring individual folders but none solved the problem or I didn't identify a guilty folder. Only the restore of all folders (excluding /images /img) allowed logging again into the backoffice. **Last row in autoupgrade log.txt:** [2023-06-27 11:34:18] Configuration successfully updated. <strong>This page will now be reloaded and the module will check if a new version is available.</strong> **Report on going upgrade Rows:** Directory /webservice already exists. Copied /webservice/dispatcher.php. Copied /webservice/index.php. [SKIP] directory "/app/cache/" does not exist and cannot be emptied. [CLEANING CACHE] File dev removed [CLEANING CACHE] File dev1 removed [CLEANING CACHE] File dev2 removed [CLEANING CACHE] File pro_ removed [INTERNAL] line 142 - rmdir( Directory not empty [CLEANING CACHE] File prod removed [CLEANING CACHE] File prod1 removed [CLEANING CACHE] File prod2 removed Cleaning file cache Running opcache_reset **Error:** **[INTERNAL] line 49 - Class PrestaShopBundle\Form\Admin\Extension\ModifyAllShopsExtension contains 1 abstract method and must therefore be declared abstract or implement the remaining methods (Symfony\Component\Form\FormTypeExtensionInterface::getExtendedType)** ### Expected behavior Just enter in the backoffice to test the new release upgraded ### Steps to reproduce Using 1-clickupdate module Click Configure Select minor release (target Run "Upgrade Now" The module stops with the error reported. Front End is working , calling Backoffice url the browser page remains blank. Can not access The only solution is restore ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.4 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version 1-click upgrade ( ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When creating a Cart Rule for a specific category and applying it to an order, if the category of the product is later modified, and either the carrier or the delivery address of the order is changed, the discount is removed from the invoice, the invoice total is changed causing legal issues. ### Expected behavior The invoice should never change once created. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Create a Cart Rule for a specific category (Category A). 2. Add a product from Category A to the cart. 3. Place an order with the Cart Rule applied. 4.. Generated the invoice if is not already yet 5. Modify the category of the product from Category A to other Category witch is not compatible with the Cart Rule. 6. Change the carrier or delivery address of the order. 7. Observe that the discount is removed from the invoice. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.3 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Cart Rule and Invoice change
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Cart Rule and Invoice change Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When creating a Cart Rule for a specific category and applying it to an order, if the category of the product is later modified, and either the carrier or the delivery address of the order is changed, the discount is removed from the invoice, the invoice total is changed causing legal issues. ### Expected behavior The invoice should never change once created. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Create a Cart Rule for a specific category (Category A). 2. Add a product from Category A to the cart. 3. Place an order with the Cart Rule applied. 4.. Generated the invoice if is not already yet 5. Modify the category of the product from Category A to other Category witch is not compatible with the Cart Rule. 6. Change the carrier or delivery address of the order. 7. Observe that the discount is removed from the invoice. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.3 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When I want to configure an activated module, no problem, the configuration page is displayed correctly. When I disable the module I get an error, see screenshot. ![image]( The problem only occurs on modules using symfony controllers, on the develop branch, **no problem on v8.1** Looking at the stack, we go to the **LegacyController**, this is new in v9. This may have something to do with the error. For information, the module routes are loaded in the **YamlModuleLoader** class ### Expected behavior No error when configuring disabled module ### Steps to reproduce 1. go to Modules, Module Manager 2. Disable Link List module 3. Configure Link List module 4. See error ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened develop ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version ps_linklist ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
RouteNotFoundException when I configure a disabled module
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : RouteNotFoundException when I configure a disabled module Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When I want to configure an activated module, no problem, the configuration page is displayed correctly. When I disable the module I get an error, see screenshot. ![image]( The problem only occurs on modules using symfony controllers, on the develop branch, **no problem on v8.1** Looking at the stack, we go to the **LegacyController**, this is new in v9. This may have something to do with the error. For information, the module routes are loaded in the **YamlModuleLoader** class ### Expected behavior No error when configuring disabled module ### Steps to reproduce 1. go to Modules, Module Manager 2. Disable Link List module 3. Configure Link List module 4. See error ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened develop ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version ps_linklist ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Visitors are not being counted in the statistics dashboard. There are discrepancies between what's reported in Unify and Google Analytics and the Admin Dashboard Steps taken: Reset all relevant Dashboard modules but no improvement. - Stats Dashboard - Visitors Online - Visitors Origin - Visits and Visitors - Dashboard Activity - Dashboard Goals - Dashboard Products - Dashboard Trends - Data Mining for Statistics ![image]( ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to Dashboard 2. Open an instance of the frontend 3. Visitors should have 1 instead of 0 ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.3.33 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Statistics Issue
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Statistics Issue Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Visitors are not being counted in the statistics dashboard. There are discrepancies between what's reported in Unify and Google Analytics and the Admin Dashboard Steps taken: Reset all relevant Dashboard modules but no improvement. - Stats Dashboard - Visitors Online - Visitors Origin - Visits and Visitors - Dashboard Activity - Dashboard Goals - Dashboard Products - Dashboard Trends - Data Mining for Statistics ![image]( ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to Dashboard 2. Open an instance of the frontend 3. Visitors should have 1 instead of 0 ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.3.33 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments In search in Catalog - Stocks when I add multiple filters, no products are shown. If I use only one keyword in search it is working. ![NotWorking]( ![Working]( ### Expected behavior In previous version when I add multiple filters it shows me relevant products. I need to add multiple keywords to find relevant products. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to Catalog - Stocks 2. Search with one keyword (searching is working) 3. Type in second keyword 4. No products found - error ❌ ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.3 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.2 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Catalog - Stocks - multiple filters not working
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Catalog - Stocks - multiple filters not working Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments In search in Catalog - Stocks when I add multiple filters, no products are shown. If I use only one keyword in search it is working. ![NotWorking]( ![Working]( ### Expected behavior In previous version when I add multiple filters it shows me relevant products. I need to add multiple keywords to find relevant products. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to Catalog - Stocks 2. Search with one keyword (searching is working) 3. Type in second keyword 4. No products found - error ❌ ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.3 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.2 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments ![image]( Bug in design when the view is small size. ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce Go to Product page. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.3 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
design bug 2
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : design bug 2 Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments ![image]( Bug in design when the view is small size. ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce Go to Product page. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.3 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Exception is thrown from BO when the file extension is not compatible. In FO, the message is sent without warning. ``` [PrestaShopException] Invalid file extension. at line 1124 in file classes/Tools.php ``` <img width="1440" alt="Screenshot 2024-02-06 at 17 33 53" src=""> ### Expected behavior Should not throw error ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to FO > Contact us > Add message and attachment with webp extension 2. Click Send > The message is well sent 3. Go to BO > Customer Service 4. Open the latest thread 5. Click on the attachment 6. See Exception :x: ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.x, develop ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
contactform - Exception is thrown when a file with bad extension is added
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : contactform - Exception is thrown when a file with bad extension is added Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Exception is thrown from BO when the file extension is not compatible. In FO, the message is sent without warning. ``` [PrestaShopException] Invalid file extension. at line 1124 in file classes/Tools.php ``` <img width="1440" alt="Screenshot 2024-02-06 at 17 33 53" src=""> ### Expected behavior Should not throw error ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to FO > Contact us > Add message and attachment with webp extension 2. Click Send > The message is well sent 3. Go to BO > Customer Service 4. Open the latest thread 5. Click on the attachment 6. See Exception :x: ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.x, develop ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When users submit a contact form on PrestaShop and include attachments, the generated emails do not contain links to these attachments, displaying only the file names. Consequently, email recipients are unable to access the attached files. ![prestashop mail without attachment]( ### Expected behavior The email received after submitting the contact form should include clickable links or the attached files, allowing recipients to access them. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to the PrestaShop website. 2. Navigate to the contact form. 3. Fill out the form and attach one or more files. 4. Submit the form. 5. Check the email received as a result of the form submission. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.4.33 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Contact form emails do not include links to attachments
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Contact form emails do not include links to attachments Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When users submit a contact form on PrestaShop and include attachments, the generated emails do not contain links to these attachments, displaying only the file names. Consequently, email recipients are unable to access the attached files. ![prestashop mail without attachment]( ### Expected behavior The email received after submitting the contact form should include clickable links or the attached files, allowing recipients to access them. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to the PrestaShop website. 2. Navigate to the contact form. 3. Fill out the form and attach one or more files. 4. Submit the form. 5. Check the email received as a result of the form submission. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.4.33 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When you go to your list of wishlist, if you have more than one, when you delete some one wishlist, you keep the button rename on the list and also, rarely, the button to delete some wishlist as you can see : [recording(93).webm]( ### Expected behavior I expect that I can't have some hidden button ### Steps to reproduce 1. Install your hummingbird theme 2. Go to FO 3. Login to your account 4. Go to "yourname">your account> My wishlist 5. Create two new wishlist 6. Delete one of them 7. Try to find the hidden button ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.x - develop ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version Hummingbird 0.1.6 ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). PS
Hummingbird - Wishlist - After you delete a wishlist, there's a hidden button that allows you to rename an non-existant wishlist
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Hummingbird - Wishlist - After you delete a wishlist, there's a hidden button that allows you to rename an non-existant wishlist Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When you go to your list of wishlist, if you have more than one, when you delete some one wishlist, you keep the button rename on the list and also, rarely, the button to delete some wishlist as you can see : [recording(93).webm]( ### Expected behavior I expect that I can't have some hidden button ### Steps to reproduce 1. Install your hummingbird theme 2. Go to FO 3. Login to your account 4. Go to "yourname">your account> My wishlist 5. Create two new wishlist 6. Delete one of them 7. Try to find the hidden button ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.x - develop ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version Hummingbird 0.1.6 ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). PS --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When edititing the blocks in ps_linklist, it's not possible to access the blocks in multistore of the language of the employee is not matching the language of the shop. ### Expected behavior It should always be possible to edit the blocks from the BO. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Set up a Prestashop installation with two multistores. 2. Make sure you have different languages in each store, one store has only French and the other only English. 3. Create a linklist block in each shop, entering information in only that shops specific language (no english in the french shop and vice versa. 4. Toggle between the shops, you will only see the block in one of the shops. 5. Change language on your employee account, you will now see the blocks from the other shop. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.3 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.12 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version ps_linklist 6.0.4 ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). Prestaworks AB
Can't access link blocks from BO with wrong language on employee
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Can't access link blocks from BO with wrong language on employee Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When edititing the blocks in ps_linklist, it's not possible to access the blocks in multistore of the language of the employee is not matching the language of the shop. ### Expected behavior It should always be possible to edit the blocks from the BO. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Set up a Prestashop installation with two multistores. 2. Make sure you have different languages in each store, one store has only French and the other only English. 3. Create a linklist block in each shop, entering information in only that shops specific language (no english in the french shop and vice versa. 4. Toggle between the shops, you will only see the block in one of the shops. 5. Change language on your employee account, you will now see the blocks from the other shop. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.3 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.12 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version ps_linklist 6.0.4 ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). Prestaworks AB --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments As a PrestaShop Partner agency, we identified a bug specific to the transactional "order_conf" email. We tried to edit the content of the transactional email "order_conf" through the HTML in the translations, but afterward, the layout is completely broken. Here's a video that illustrate the bug > To reproduce the problem, you must edit the content of the transactional "order_conf" email via the translations. - Screenshot before the edit : - Screenshot after the edit : Thank you. I remain available for any questions. Best Regards ### Expected behavior The expected behavior is that when we change the content of the "order_conf" email, the layout remains the same. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to the Back Office 2. Click on "International" 3. Then click on "Translations" 4. Select "Emails translations" as a type of translation 5. Select "Body" as a type of content 6. Select a theme 7. Select a language 8. Click on "Edit" 9. Click on "Core emails" 10. Click on "order_conf" 11. Click on "Edit HTML version" 12. Edit the content 13. Click on "Save" 14. Order something from the front to receive the order confirmation email ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.0.4 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.27 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Identified bug on transactional order_conf email on PrestaShop 8
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Identified bug on transactional order_conf email on PrestaShop 8 Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments As a PrestaShop Partner agency, we identified a bug specific to the transactional "order_conf" email. We tried to edit the content of the transactional email "order_conf" through the HTML in the translations, but afterward, the layout is completely broken. Here's a video that illustrate the bug > To reproduce the problem, you must edit the content of the transactional "order_conf" email via the translations. - Screenshot before the edit : - Screenshot after the edit : Thank you. I remain available for any questions. Best Regards ### Expected behavior The expected behavior is that when we change the content of the "order_conf" email, the layout remains the same. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to the Back Office 2. Click on "International" 3. Then click on "Translations" 4. Select "Emails translations" as a type of translation 5. Select "Body" as a type of content 6. Select a theme 7. Select a language 8. Click on "Edit" 9. Click on "Core emails" 10. Click on "order_conf" 11. Click on "Edit HTML version" 12. Edit the content 13. Click on "Save" 14. Order something from the front to receive the order confirmation email ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.0.4 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.27 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments On the new product page, when you click on modify a combination before you could for example assign a color to the combination and this change was saved by simply clicking on the next combination button, now you need to hit save to be able to move on to combination, making this task much slower and heavier ### Expected behavior Save the changes made to the combination by clicking on the next combination button ### Steps to reproduce 1. go to a product whit combinations 2. Click on Modify Combination 3. Make a change 4. Push in next combination 5. Dont save the change X ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.3 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Save changes in combinations should Save when clicking on next combination button
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Save changes in combinations should Save when clicking on next combination button Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments On the new product page, when you click on modify a combination before you could for example assign a color to the combination and this change was saved by simply clicking on the next combination button, now you need to hit save to be able to move on to combination, making this task much slower and heavier ### Expected behavior Save the changes made to the combination by clicking on the next combination button ### Steps to reproduce 1. go to a product whit combinations 2. Click on Modify Combination 3. Make a change 4. Push in next combination 5. Dont save the change X ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.3 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When I update a product throw webservice, error "Error occurred while setting the product_option_values value" occurs and database is corrupted. ### Expected behavior Product should be updated without error, and database mustn't be corrupted. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Enable multistore 2. With backoffice, create 2 stores in the same shop group 3. With backoffice, create a product with combinations 4. Enable webservice Now, do a webservice request, in order to see added product: => http://localhost/api/products/your_id Check XML output, no bug, it's OK. Now check it with id_group_shop parameter: => http://localhost/api/products/your_id?id_group_shop=1 Check XML, go onto combinations node, you'll see duplicate id. It might not be a problem, but it's strange. Now, reproduce this issue: 1. use something like postman, in order to do a GET resquest with id_group_shop=1 parameter in url. 2. with your postman, just update this product, still with id_group_shop=1 parameter in url, so you'll only send previous data. You will get a webservice error with this message "Error occurred while setting the product_option_values value" AND check combination, you have loose combinations' id in database. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened,, 8.1.0 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
webservice: "Error occurred while setting the product_option_values value" with multistore active and id_group_shop
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : webservice: "Error occurred while setting the product_option_values value" with multistore active and id_group_shop Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When I update a product throw webservice, error "Error occurred while setting the product_option_values value" occurs and database is corrupted. ### Expected behavior Product should be updated without error, and database mustn't be corrupted. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Enable multistore 2. With backoffice, create 2 stores in the same shop group 3. With backoffice, create a product with combinations 4. Enable webservice Now, do a webservice request, in order to see added product: => http://localhost/api/products/your_id Check XML output, no bug, it's OK. Now check it with id_group_shop parameter: => http://localhost/api/products/your_id?id_group_shop=1 Check XML, go onto combinations node, you'll see duplicate id. It might not be a problem, but it's strange. Now, reproduce this issue: 1. use something like postman, in order to do a GET resquest with id_group_shop=1 parameter in url. 2. with your postman, just update this product, still with id_group_shop=1 parameter in url, so you'll only send previous data. You will get a webservice error with this message "Error occurred while setting the product_option_values value" AND check combination, you have loose combinations' id in database. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened,, 8.1.0 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments we own our eshop on prestashop platform. we sold our products using three payment methods : Paysera, Bank Transfer and COD. approx around new years all our payment methods dissapeared, and new method appeared "pay via card" when you are looking through element ispection you can see that card option comes not even from our system, looks like external (virus, bug?!) as I understand that add on is leaking customers bank details!. When looking through backoffice - once again all payment methods - gone. (card is not even an option) ### Expected behavior Since paysera is external module atleast help us to bring back bank transfer and COD options for now. ### Steps to reproduce currently shopping option is turned off so people wouldnt add their card details. Once you have a chance to look at our issue, please contact me via urte@homestylelt, so I could temporally turn on cart option ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable).
HomeStyle payment options hacked
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : HomeStyle payment options hacked Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments we own our eshop on prestashop platform. we sold our products using three payment methods : Paysera, Bank Transfer and COD. approx around new years all our payment methods dissapeared, and new method appeared "pay via card" when you are looking through element ispection you can see that card option comes not even from our system, looks like external (virus, bug?!) as I understand that add on is leaking customers bank details!. When looking through backoffice - once again all payment methods - gone. (card is not even an option) ### Expected behavior Since paysera is external module atleast help us to bring back bank transfer and COD options for now. ### Steps to reproduce currently shopping option is turned off so people wouldnt add their card details. Once you have a chance to look at our issue, please contact me via urte@homestylelt, so I could temporally turn on cart option ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments I am using the module "Google Sitemap" and it includes images in sitemap. Is there any way to exclude them? I checked for other modules that allow it like "Sitemaps Pro Multi idiomas y Multi tiendas" but they are paying. ### Expected behavior Add the option to exclude images. ### Steps to reproduce Go to Google Sitemap module. Settings Exclude images ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version Google Sitemap v4.4.0 ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable).
No images in sitemap
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : No images in sitemap Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments I am using the module "Google Sitemap" and it includes images in sitemap. Is there any way to exclude them? I checked for other modules that allow it like "Sitemaps Pro Multi idiomas y Multi tiendas" but they are paying. ### Expected behavior Add the option to exclude images. ### Steps to reproduce Go to Google Sitemap module. Settings Exclude images ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version Google Sitemap v4.4.0 ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Hi, I tried installing Prestashop 8.1.1, 8.1.2 and 8.1.3 on my test server with PHP 8.1 and Mysql 5.7 The installation went successful. However when I visit the admin panel it shows blank page on "Home" screen and on "Setting" page as well. On turning on debug it throws following error. [1/2] ErrorException ErrorException: Notice: SessionHandler::gc(): ps_files_cleanup_dir: opendir(/var/cpanel/php/sessions/ea-php81) failed: Permission denied (13) at [[path]]/prestashop811/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/HttpFoundation/Session/Storage/Handler/StrictSessionHandler.php:116 [2/2] RuntimeException RuntimeException: Failed to start the session: already started by PHP. at [[path]]/prestashop811/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/HttpFoundation/Session/Storage/NativeSessionStorage.php:148 What could be the issue ? However when I install it in a root directory it works perfectly fine. Is the subdirectory installations not supported ? Also, Are PHP 7.x not supported anymore ? Because I am not able to install 8.1.x version on PHP 7.2,7.3,7.4 as well. The script throws "500 Internal Server Error" on PS edition basic module install while manual installation. ### Expected behavior smooth installation in subdirectory and PHP >= 7.2 if supported ### Steps to reproduce 1. Download the package. 2. Extract on the server. 3. Make the manual installation. 4. Login into the admin panel. 5. Visit "Home" and it will throw an error. 6. Visit "Setting" and it will throw an error. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.1, 8.1.2, 8.1.3 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.0 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version PS edition basic module ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Unable to install Prestashop 8.1.3 in a subdirectory
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Unable to install Prestashop 8.1.3 in a subdirectory Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Hi, I tried installing Prestashop 8.1.1, 8.1.2 and 8.1.3 on my test server with PHP 8.1 and Mysql 5.7 The installation went successful. However when I visit the admin panel it shows blank page on "Home" screen and on "Setting" page as well. On turning on debug it throws following error. [1/2] ErrorException ErrorException: Notice: SessionHandler::gc(): ps_files_cleanup_dir: opendir(/var/cpanel/php/sessions/ea-php81) failed: Permission denied (13) at [[path]]/prestashop811/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/HttpFoundation/Session/Storage/Handler/StrictSessionHandler.php:116 [2/2] RuntimeException RuntimeException: Failed to start the session: already started by PHP. at [[path]]/prestashop811/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/HttpFoundation/Session/Storage/NativeSessionStorage.php:148 What could be the issue ? However when I install it in a root directory it works perfectly fine. Is the subdirectory installations not supported ? Also, Are PHP 7.x not supported anymore ? Because I am not able to install 8.1.x version on PHP 7.2,7.3,7.4 as well. The script throws "500 Internal Server Error" on PS edition basic module install while manual installation. ### Expected behavior smooth installation in subdirectory and PHP >= 7.2 if supported ### Steps to reproduce 1. Download the package. 2. Extract on the server. 3. Make the manual installation. 4. Login into the admin panel. 5. Visit "Home" and it will throw an error. 6. Visit "Setting" and it will throw an error. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.1, 8.1.2, 8.1.3 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.0 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version PS edition basic module ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments I have disabled a category and assigned several products in that category, in all Prestashop it works correctly, it does not show those products but in both sections it does show them in a slider that shows the discounted products and in the discounted products section. For some reason, when Prestashop orders this type of product, it does not filter those whose category is disabled. Thank you ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce 1. disabled category 2. go to discount page ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened allways ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable).
Show products in drop price slider and drop price page of disabled category
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Show products in drop price slider and drop price page of disabled category Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments I have disabled a category and assigned several products in that category, in all Prestashop it works correctly, it does not show those products but in both sections it does show them in a slider that shows the discounted products and in the discounted products section. For some reason, when Prestashop orders this type of product, it does not filter those whose category is disabled. Thank you ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce 1. disabled category 2. go to discount page ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened allways ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Argument 4 passed to PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Domain\Product\QueryResult\ProductDetails::__construct() must be of the type string, null given, called in.... ![1dd88b06a29fe83fd93dbc7337bbfe5c]( ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce i dont know ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.3 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Argument 4 passed to PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Domain\Product\QueryResult\ProductDetails::__construct() must be of the type string, null given, called in
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Argument 4 passed to PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Domain\Product\QueryResult\ProductDetails::__construct() must be of the type string, null given, called in Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Argument 4 passed to PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Domain\Product\QueryResult\ProductDetails::__construct() must be of the type string, null given, called in.... ![1dd88b06a29fe83fd93dbc7337bbfe5c]( ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce i dont know ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.3 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Décrire mon bug ### Expected behavior A ### Steps to reproduce 1. A 2. B 3. C ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened develop ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Test issue blablabla
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Test issue blablabla Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Décrire mon bug ### Expected behavior A ### Steps to reproduce 1. A 2. B 3. C ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened develop ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments The feature that allow to rearrange product position into categories it's not fully working. To rearrange product position you have to drag and drop them. The problem is that this feature works only on the actual page, so if the category has more than 300 products (the maximum products that can be showed on a single page) you can't move a product to another page. ### Expected behavior Rearrange product position feature should allow the user to choose any position, even if on a different page ### Steps to reproduce Back office Catalog >> Products Filter products by a category Then into the Position column click "rearrange" If category have pagination, there's no way to move a product to another page ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Unable to rearrange product position between different pages of categories
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Unable to rearrange product position between different pages of categories Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments The feature that allow to rearrange product position into categories it's not fully working. To rearrange product position you have to drag and drop them. The problem is that this feature works only on the actual page, so if the category has more than 300 products (the maximum products that can be showed on a single page) you can't move a product to another page. ### Expected behavior Rearrange product position feature should allow the user to choose any position, even if on a different page ### Steps to reproduce Back office Catalog >> Products Filter products by a category Then into the Position column click "rearrange" If category have pagination, there's no way to move a product to another page ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When you set up a cart rule to add a gift product B to product A, which has minimum quantity and add product A to shopping cart, the cart rule is applied but product B itself is not added to cart. ### Expected behavior Cart rule should ignore minimum quantity ### Steps to reproduce 1. Add cart rule to product A for a gift product B 2. Set product B minimum quantity larger than 1 3. Add product A to cart ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.3 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Cart rule gift product not added when minimum quanity > 1
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Cart rule gift product not added when minimum quanity > 1 Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When you set up a cart rule to add a gift product B to product A, which has minimum quantity and add product A to shopping cart, the cart rule is applied but product B itself is not added to cart. ### Expected behavior Cart rule should ignore minimum quantity ### Steps to reproduce 1. Add cart rule to product A for a gift product B 2. Set product B minimum quantity larger than 1 3. Add product A to cart ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.3 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments In Facetedsearch module, there are labels for selecting sort order in product list. Sales, highest to lowest, Relevance, Name, A to Z and so on. Some of these are missing translations, like Reference, A to Z for instance and it is not listed in the BO. The reason for this is that the labels loaded from the module are connected to the translation domain Shop.Theme.Catalog ### Expected behavior It should be possible to select faceted search module in translations and change these labels. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Install facetedsearch module. 2. Install Swedish language. 3. Go to category in frontend, "Reference, A to Z" is shown in dropdown for sortorder 4. Try to change this. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.3 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.12 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version facetedsearch 3.14.1 ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). Prestaworks AB
Impossible to translate sorting labels from Facetedsearch module
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Impossible to translate sorting labels from Facetedsearch module Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments In Facetedsearch module, there are labels for selecting sort order in product list. Sales, highest to lowest, Relevance, Name, A to Z and so on. Some of these are missing translations, like Reference, A to Z for instance and it is not listed in the BO. The reason for this is that the labels loaded from the module are connected to the translation domain Shop.Theme.Catalog ### Expected behavior It should be possible to select faceted search module in translations and change these labels. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Install facetedsearch module. 2. Install Swedish language. 3. Go to category in frontend, "Reference, A to Z" is shown in dropdown for sortorder 4. Try to change this. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.3 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.12 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version facetedsearch 3.14.1 ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). Prestaworks AB --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
## Description As a user I want be able to donwload the selected PrestaShop TARGET version so I can install it [Figma]( ![Image]( We should download : - Zip file - xml.md5sum file - dbstruct file And verify the integrity of this file : For each file (zip, xml.md5sum, dbstruct) verify the integroty ( md5sum ## Acceptance tests ### Acceptance test : Download OK ![Image]( ( With Next button enabled ) ### Acceptance test : Download KO - Zip ![Image]( TODO : Wording for error message : @Julievrz ### Acceptance test : Download KO - xml-md5 ![Image]( TODO : Wording for error message : @Julievrz ### Acceptance test : Download KO - dbstruct ![Image]( TODO : Wording for error message : @Julievrz ### Acceptance test : Download KO - Zip integrity ![Image]( TODO : Wording for error message : @Julievrz ### Acceptance test : Download KO - xml-md5 integrity ![Image]( TODO : Wording for error message : @Julievrz ### Acceptance test : Download KO - dbstruct integrity ![Image]( TODO : Wording for error message : @Julievrz ## Related to - [ ] CU: Create DBStructureGenerator service to create db struct xml files. - [ ] DistributionApi: Add md5 checksums for archive, files checksum xml and db struct xml. (and add DB struct too 😇) - [ ] #35099 - [ ] CU: Check integrity with `ChecksumComparator` service.
Web App : Download
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Web App : Download Issue date: --- start body --- ## Description As a user I want be able to donwload the selected PrestaShop TARGET version so I can install it [Figma]( ![Image]( We should download : - Zip file - xml.md5sum file - dbstruct file And verify the integrity of this file : For each file (zip, xml.md5sum, dbstruct) verify the integroty ( md5sum ## Acceptance tests ### Acceptance test : Download OK ![Image]( ( With Next button enabled ) ### Acceptance test : Download KO - Zip ![Image]( TODO : Wording for error message : @Julievrz ### Acceptance test : Download KO - xml-md5 ![Image]( TODO : Wording for error message : @Julievrz ### Acceptance test : Download KO - dbstruct ![Image]( TODO : Wording for error message : @Julievrz ### Acceptance test : Download KO - Zip integrity ![Image]( TODO : Wording for error message : @Julievrz ### Acceptance test : Download KO - xml-md5 integrity ![Image]( TODO : Wording for error message : @Julievrz ### Acceptance test : Download KO - dbstruct integrity ![Image]( TODO : Wording for error message : @Julievrz ## Related to - [ ] CU: Create DBStructureGenerator service to create db struct xml files. - [ ] DistributionApi: Add md5 checksums for archive, files checksum xml and db struct xml. (and add DB struct too 😇) - [ ] #35099 - [ ] CU: Check integrity with `ChecksumComparator` service. --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When I create a new product using the New Product Page, I have to select the tax. Before, in the old Product page, the main tax was automatically selected by default. ### Expected behavior Auto select the default tax from the localisation country. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to product page 2. Click Add new product 3. Go price Tab 4. See that no tax is selected by default :x: ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.3 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
PPV2 - Tax rule is not selected by default
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : PPV2 - Tax rule is not selected by default Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When I create a new product using the New Product Page, I have to select the tax. Before, in the old Product page, the main tax was automatically selected by default. ### Expected behavior Auto select the default tax from the localisation country. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to product page 2. Click Add new product 3. Go price Tab 4. See that no tax is selected by default :x: ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.3 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When I delete all customer addresses from the shopping cart in FO, in BO i can't access the customer's page anymore. Regression on develop branch. On 8.1.x it used to work well. <img width="1094" alt="Screenshot 2024-01-31 at 16 45 19" src=""> ``` HTTP 500 Internal Server Error An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("Unable to generate a URL for the named route "admin_products_v2_preview" as such route does not exist."). ``` ### Expected behavior I should be able to access my customer page in BO without exception. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to FO > Add any product to you cart > Proceed to checkout 2. Sign into your customer ( 3. In addresses step, delete all your addresses 4. Go to BO > Customer > Open customer John Doe 5. Exception :x: ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened develop ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
BO - Customer page throws exception when the customer deletes his addresses from his shopping cart
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : BO - Customer page throws exception when the customer deletes his addresses from his shopping cart Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When I delete all customer addresses from the shopping cart in FO, in BO i can't access the customer's page anymore. Regression on develop branch. On 8.1.x it used to work well. <img width="1094" alt="Screenshot 2024-01-31 at 16 45 19" src=""> ``` HTTP 500 Internal Server Error An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("Unable to generate a URL for the named route "admin_products_v2_preview" as such route does not exist."). ``` ### Expected behavior I should be able to access my customer page in BO without exception. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to FO > Add any product to you cart > Proceed to checkout 2. Sign into your customer ( 3. In addresses step, delete all your addresses 4. Go to BO > Customer > Open customer John Doe 5. Exception :x: ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened develop ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
## Description As a user I want to know the new versions of PrestaShop available so I can be aware of updates ### UX/UI [Figma]( ![Image]( ( does not include refresh list part ) ## Acceptance tests Note for QA : adapt it each release ( version are here for example ) ### Acceptance test 1 : OK - no new version Set up a distrib server with 2 new versions of prestashop with 8.1.0, 8.1.1 , 8.1.2 on the distrib_api server With current prestashop (to upgrade) is prestashop 8.1.2 See figma with no warning ### Acceptance test 2 OK - new version - Set up a distrib server with 2 new versions of prestashop with 8.1.0, 8.1.1 , 8.1.2, 8.1.3, 9.0.0 on the distrib_api server With current prestashop (to upgrade) is prestashop 8.1.2 ![Image]( See yellow banner ![Image]( ### Acceptance test 3 KO - Could not list new versions - Set up a distrib server with 2 new versions of prestashop with 8.1.0, 8.1.1 , 8.1.2, 8.1.3, 9.0.0 on the distrib_api server - [Figma]( The first yellow banner ( on the top ) here See figma for multiple warnings ![Image]( TODO Table of error messages and how to reproduce it afterwards ( see with dev all errors ) and wording by @Julievrz ## Related to - [ ] CU: Use PrestaShopInfoExtractor to retrieve the PS version. (look at ps-upgrade:doctor implement doctor) - [ ] #35096
BO : List of available versions
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : BO : List of available versions Issue date: --- start body --- ## Description As a user I want to know the new versions of PrestaShop available so I can be aware of updates ### UX/UI [Figma]( ![Image]( ( does not include refresh list part ) ## Acceptance tests Note for QA : adapt it each release ( version are here for example ) ### Acceptance test 1 : OK - no new version Set up a distrib server with 2 new versions of prestashop with 8.1.0, 8.1.1 , 8.1.2 on the distrib_api server With current prestashop (to upgrade) is prestashop 8.1.2 See figma with no warning ### Acceptance test 2 OK - new version - Set up a distrib server with 2 new versions of prestashop with 8.1.0, 8.1.1 , 8.1.2, 8.1.3, 9.0.0 on the distrib_api server With current prestashop (to upgrade) is prestashop 8.1.2 ![Image]( See yellow banner ![Image]( ### Acceptance test 3 KO - Could not list new versions - Set up a distrib server with 2 new versions of prestashop with 8.1.0, 8.1.1 , 8.1.2, 8.1.3, 9.0.0 on the distrib_api server - [Figma]( The first yellow banner ( on the top ) here See figma for multiple warnings ![Image]( TODO Table of error messages and how to reproduce it afterwards ( see with dev all errors ) and wording by @Julievrz ## Related to - [ ] CU: Use PrestaShopInfoExtractor to retrieve the PS version. (look at ps-upgrade:doctor implement doctor) - [ ] #35096 --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Recently, I downloaded the last version available of PrestaShop 8.1.3. Installation went well, without any error. Once is installed, and deleted /install folder, when try to log as admin into back-office, an error appears: ``` You have requested a non-existent service "ps_edition_basic.module". [Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\ServiceNotFoundException 0] ``` I have tried changed PHP version, and made a clean install multiple times, but always get the same error. Also, tried to manually delete /var/cache folder, but it nothing solved. ![Captura desde 2024-01-31 11-48-15]( This doesn't happen with PS 8.1.2. ### Expected behavior It should show the back-office admin. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Download PrestaShop from: 2. Make a clean installation. 3. Delete /install folder 4. Login with admin credentials to back-office. Then, error appears. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.3 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.0, 7.4 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Clean install of 8.1.3 show error on backoffice when submit login | Requesting unavailable service
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Clean install of 8.1.3 show error on backoffice when submit login | Requesting unavailable service Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Recently, I downloaded the last version available of PrestaShop 8.1.3. Installation went well, without any error. Once is installed, and deleted /install folder, when try to log as admin into back-office, an error appears: ``` You have requested a non-existent service "ps_edition_basic.module". [Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\ServiceNotFoundException 0] ``` I have tried changed PHP version, and made a clean install multiple times, but always get the same error. Also, tried to manually delete /var/cache folder, but it nothing solved. ![Captura desde 2024-01-31 11-48-15]( This doesn't happen with PS 8.1.2. ### Expected behavior It should show the back-office admin. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Download PrestaShop from: 2. Make a clean installation. 3. Delete /install folder 4. Login with admin credentials to back-office. Then, error appears. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.3 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.0, 7.4 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When I delete a native module, I should be able to reinstall it how I please. This is a regression. `Unable to retrieve informations from Distribution API : cannot automatically update native modules for the moment.` Before the regression : ### Expected behavior I should be able to reinstall the module after deleting it. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to BO > Modules > Search facetedsearch module 2. Uninstall module and check delete the module 3. See the module is not displayed anymore :x: 4. Refresh the page > Search the module : can't find it, can't install it back :x: ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.x ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
BO > Modules - API distribution doesn't retrieve all modules
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : BO > Modules - API distribution doesn't retrieve all modules Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When I delete a native module, I should be able to reinstall it how I please. This is a regression. `Unable to retrieve informations from Distribution API : cannot automatically update native modules for the moment.` Before the regression : ### Expected behavior I should be able to reinstall the module after deleting it. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to BO > Modules > Search facetedsearch module 2. Uninstall module and check delete the module 3. See the module is not displayed anymore :x: 4. Refresh the page > Search the module : can't find it, can't install it back :x: ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.x ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Prices-drop page does not show products being discounted via a global catalog rule due to missing **id_product(s)** entries in **ps_specific_price** table. ### Expected behavior I expect all discounted products being displayed in prices-drop page. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Install Prestashop with sample products, check home page and note that there are only two discounted products: ![1]( 2. Go in prices-drop page and note that those two products are correctly displayed [OK] ![2]( 3. Go in Catalog > Discounts > Catalog Price Rules and create a global rule (with no conditions) that adds a 5% discount to the whole website : ![3]( 4. Go back in home page and see that all products are now discounted : ![4]( 5. Go in prices-drop page and note that newly discounted products are not being displayed [NOT OK] ![5]( I tried to debug the issue, and it seems to stem from the fact that a global discount does not write entries for all id products in 'ps_specific_price', but instead a generic row with 'id_product' 0 is created. ![6]( The issue here is that **'getProductIdByDate()'** method in '**SpecificPrice.php**' (used by **Product::getPricesDrop()** to present price drop products) only returns entries in the table that have an 'id_product' or 'id_product_attribute' entry. In my use case, I resolved this by hijacking this method to return all products, before submitting a pull request, it would be useful to get input from some core developers. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.3 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Prices-drop page does not show products being discounted via a global catalog rule
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Prices-drop page does not show products being discounted via a global catalog rule Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Prices-drop page does not show products being discounted via a global catalog rule due to missing **id_product(s)** entries in **ps_specific_price** table. ### Expected behavior I expect all discounted products being displayed in prices-drop page. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Install Prestashop with sample products, check home page and note that there are only two discounted products: ![1]( 2. Go in prices-drop page and note that those two products are correctly displayed [OK] ![2]( 3. Go in Catalog > Discounts > Catalog Price Rules and create a global rule (with no conditions) that adds a 5% discount to the whole website : ![3]( 4. Go back in home page and see that all products are now discounted : ![4]( 5. Go in prices-drop page and note that newly discounted products are not being displayed [NOT OK] ![5]( I tried to debug the issue, and it seems to stem from the fact that a global discount does not write entries for all id products in 'ps_specific_price', but instead a generic row with 'id_product' 0 is created. ![6]( The issue here is that **'getProductIdByDate()'** method in '**SpecificPrice.php**' (used by **Product::getPricesDrop()** to present price drop products) only returns entries in the table that have an 'id_product' or 'id_product_attribute' entry. In my use case, I resolved this by hijacking this method to return all products, before submitting a pull request, it would be useful to get input from some core developers. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.3 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments New product page. Moving a product image to another position doesn't work, it ends up in the same position. Tried with production site 8.1.3 and demo site 8.0.4. ![Screenshot_1]( ![Screenshot_2]( ![Screenshot_3]( ### Expected behavior The product image ends up in the new position. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to the new product page 2. Upload some product images 3. Try to arrange them ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.0.4 and 8.1.3 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Changing the order / arranging product images doesn't work
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Changing the order / arranging product images doesn't work Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments New product page. Moving a product image to another position doesn't work, it ends up in the same position. Tried with production site 8.1.3 and demo site 8.0.4. ![Screenshot_1]( ![Screenshot_2]( ![Screenshot_3]( ### Expected behavior The product image ends up in the new position. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to the new product page 2. Upload some product images 3. Try to arrange them ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.0.4 and 8.1.3 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments After Upgrading from PS to PS 8.1.3 the following error shown in Symfony: 302 Redirect from @n/a ([8270c5](https://XXX/index.php/_profiler/8270c5?panel=request)), Forwarded to [ErrorController](https://XXX/adminXXX/index.php/_profiler/open?file=vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/HttpKernel/Controller/ErrorController.php&line=26#line26) ([d57993](https://XXX/adminXXX/index.php/_profiler/d57993)) Method: GET, HTTP Status: 500 An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("Unable to load template 'file:layout-ajax.tpl'"). Please advise how to fix it. <img width="1100" alt="Screenshot 2024-01-30 at 16 57 24" src=""> ### Expected behavior no errors in Symfony to be shown ### Steps to reproduce PS Updated to PS PS Upgraded to PS 8.1.3 Activate Debug mode check for Ayax requests ( red icon with two errows at the bottom of the screen) open the request with status 500 ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.3 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.18 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Unable to load template 'file:layout-ajax.tpl
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Unable to load template 'file:layout-ajax.tpl Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments After Upgrading from PS to PS 8.1.3 the following error shown in Symfony: 302 Redirect from @n/a ([8270c5](https://XXX/index.php/_profiler/8270c5?panel=request)), Forwarded to [ErrorController](https://XXX/adminXXX/index.php/_profiler/open?file=vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/HttpKernel/Controller/ErrorController.php&line=26#line26) ([d57993](https://XXX/adminXXX/index.php/_profiler/d57993)) Method: GET, HTTP Status: 500 An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("Unable to load template 'file:layout-ajax.tpl'"). Please advise how to fix it. <img width="1100" alt="Screenshot 2024-01-30 at 16 57 24" src=""> ### Expected behavior no errors in Symfony to be shown ### Steps to reproduce PS Updated to PS PS Upgraded to PS 8.1.3 Activate Debug mode check for Ayax requests ( red icon with two errows at the bottom of the screen) open the request with status 500 ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.3 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.18 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Before updating, I installed the autoupgrade module I manually upgrade clean version to 8.1.3 Official guide -> ![image]( ![image]( ![image]( ` PHP Warning: require_once(/var/www/prestashop/modules/autoupgrade/upgrade/../../vendor/autoload.php): faile d to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/prestashop/modules/autoupgrade/upgrade/upgrade.php o n line 47 PHP Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required '/var/www/prestashop/modules/autoupgrade/upgrade/. ./../vendor/autoload.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/php') in /var/www/prestashop/modules/autoupgrade/upgra de/upgrade.php on line 47 ` ### Expected behavior Update prestashop to latest version ### Steps to reproduce 1. unzip && unzip 2. Remove folder img/ & override/ 3. I am deleting a folder from an older version that is being updated - rm -rf vendor/ 4. cp -R /var/www/prestashop-upgrade/* /var/www/prestashop/ 5. cd /var/www/prestashop 6. php modules/autoupgrade/upgrade/upgrade.php 7. ERROR: PHP Warning: require_once(/var/www/prestashop/modules/autoupgrade/upgrade/../../vendor/autoload.php): faile d to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/prestashop/modules/autoupgrade/upgrade/upgrade.php o n line 47 PHP Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required '/var/www/prestashop/modules/autoupgrade/upgrade/. ./../vendor/autoload.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/php') in /var/www/prestashop/modules/autoupgrade/upgra de/upgrade.php on line 47 ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.3 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.4 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version Autoupgrade ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Manual update of prestashop to 8.x - ERROR after use: php modules/autoupgrade/upgrade/upgrade.php
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Manual update of prestashop to 8.x - ERROR after use: php modules/autoupgrade/upgrade/upgrade.php Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Before updating, I installed the autoupgrade module I manually upgrade clean version to 8.1.3 Official guide -> ![image]( ![image]( ![image]( ` PHP Warning: require_once(/var/www/prestashop/modules/autoupgrade/upgrade/../../vendor/autoload.php): faile d to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/prestashop/modules/autoupgrade/upgrade/upgrade.php o n line 47 PHP Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required '/var/www/prestashop/modules/autoupgrade/upgrade/. ./../vendor/autoload.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/php') in /var/www/prestashop/modules/autoupgrade/upgra de/upgrade.php on line 47 ` ### Expected behavior Update prestashop to latest version ### Steps to reproduce 1. unzip && unzip 2. Remove folder img/ & override/ 3. I am deleting a folder from an older version that is being updated - rm -rf vendor/ 4. cp -R /var/www/prestashop-upgrade/* /var/www/prestashop/ 5. cd /var/www/prestashop 6. php modules/autoupgrade/upgrade/upgrade.php 7. ERROR: PHP Warning: require_once(/var/www/prestashop/modules/autoupgrade/upgrade/../../vendor/autoload.php): faile d to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/prestashop/modules/autoupgrade/upgrade/upgrade.php o n line 47 PHP Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required '/var/www/prestashop/modules/autoupgrade/upgrade/. ./../vendor/autoload.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/php') in /var/www/prestashop/modules/autoupgrade/upgra de/upgrade.php on line 47 ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.3 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.4 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version Autoupgrade ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments The carrier is not displayed in the Customer page and in the Shopping cart page after I add an order from the BO. ### Expected behavior The carrier should always be displayed. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to BO > Orders > Add new order > Choose a customer > Add a product to your cart 2. In Shipping block > Choose Click and collect 3. Choose a Payment & an Order status > Click Create order 4. Click View full details of Customer in Order page > See no carrier displayed in Carts block :x: 5. Go to Orders > Shopping carts > See latest cart has no carrier :x: ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.x develop ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
BO > Add new order - Carrier is not displayed in Customer & Shopping cart page
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : BO > Add new order - Carrier is not displayed in Customer & Shopping cart page Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments The carrier is not displayed in the Customer page and in the Shopping cart page after I add an order from the BO. ### Expected behavior The carrier should always be displayed. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to BO > Orders > Add new order > Choose a customer > Add a product to your cart 2. In Shipping block > Choose Click and collect 3. Choose a Payment & an Order status > Click Create order 4. Click View full details of Customer in Order page > See no carrier displayed in Carts block :x: 5. Go to Orders > Shopping carts > See latest cart has no carrier :x: ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.x develop ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments With hummingbird theme, the pointer no longer appears to be different if it is on a grayed out button ### Expected behavior The pointer must be different (crossed-out circle logo) ### Steps to reproduce 1. On FO 2. Search Customizable mug 3. Click on the product 4. Place the pointer on the gray “Add to cart” button 5. see error ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.x ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.4 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Hummingbird pointer crossed-out circle logo disable?
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Hummingbird pointer crossed-out circle logo disable? Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments With hummingbird theme, the pointer no longer appears to be different if it is on a grayed out button ### Expected behavior The pointer must be different (crossed-out circle logo) ### Steps to reproduce 1. On FO 2. Search Customizable mug 3. Click on the product 4. Place the pointer on the gray “Add to cart” button 5. see error ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.x ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.4 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments From the quickview of a product, if I enter an invalid value in the quantity input and I validate, it blocks the button and I am forced to close the quickview to be able to enter a value again. From the quickview, it is no longer possible to scroll up or scroll down to change the quantity. ### Expected behavior If a value is not valid, the button must be grayed out, if I modify it to enter the valid value, the button must be usable again. I need to be able to scroll up or scroll down to change the quantity ### Steps to reproduce With hummingbird theme : 1. FO > Quickview of a product 2. click on quantity input 3. scroll up or scroll down = :x: 4. insert a negative number like "-12" in quantity input 5. click to Add to cart 6. change quantity to "2" 7. Click to Add to cart = :x: ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.X ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.4 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version hummingbird ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Hummingbird Quickview error
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Hummingbird Quickview error Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments From the quickview of a product, if I enter an invalid value in the quantity input and I validate, it blocks the button and I am forced to close the quickview to be able to enter a value again. From the quickview, it is no longer possible to scroll up or scroll down to change the quantity. ### Expected behavior If a value is not valid, the button must be grayed out, if I modify it to enter the valid value, the button must be usable again. I need to be able to scroll up or scroll down to change the quantity ### Steps to reproduce With hummingbird theme : 1. FO > Quickview of a product 2. click on quantity input 3. scroll up or scroll down = :x: 4. insert a negative number like "-12" in quantity input 5. click to Add to cart 6. change quantity to "2" 7. Click to Add to cart = :x: ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.X ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.4 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version hummingbird ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments I have an exception when I try to move the position of the block. `Input value "positions" contains a non-scalar value.` <img width="1081" alt="Screenshot 2024-01-30 at 14 22 39" src=""> ### Expected behavior Should work and have a alert message : successful update. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to BO > Design > Link list 2. Move position of block 3. See exception :x: ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened develop only ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
BO > Link list - Exception thrown when trying to change position
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : BO > Link list - Exception thrown when trying to change position Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments I have an exception when I try to move the position of the block. `Input value "positions" contains a non-scalar value.` <img width="1081" alt="Screenshot 2024-01-30 at 14 22 39" src=""> ### Expected behavior Should work and have a alert message : successful update. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to BO > Design > Link list 2. Move position of block 3. See exception :x: ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened develop only ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
This issue tracks the status of the PrestaShop 8.1.5 release # Information Q | A --------------------------------------|--------------- **Type** | Patch version **Build date** | March 08 **Milestone** | [8.1.5]( **Freeze date** | February 27 **Delivery date** | March 19 **Release manager tech** | @matthieu-rolland **Release manager product** | @MatShir **Release manager QA** | @paulnoelcholot _Nota Bene: the release date may vary, if major bugs are identified during the test phase_ RMT = Release manager tech RMQ = Release manager QA # Current status - [x] Create milestone ## 1. Development See below ## 2. Preparing the source code for release - [x] [Preliminary tasks]( **RMT** - [x] 1. Make sure the version number has been updated in the Core - - [x] 2. Publish a new version of the [branch 2.1.x of classic-theme]( - [x] 3. Then bump the version used in the Core in composer.lock. - [x] 4. Update wording catalog in the core - [x] 5. Do a Crowdin push. - [x] 6. Perform multiple manual verifications as documented in the release process ## 3. Build process - [x] Create the new version in Addons Marketplace and update native module compatibility - [x] Prepare communication **Communicator** - [x] Merge security PRs locally if there are some **RMT** - [x] Update the Changelog and Contributors list **RMT** - [x] Build the zip archive. **RMT** - [x] QA validation **RMQ** - [x] Release new version of autoupgrade with all fixes and improvements. - - [x] Update channel.xml with new version of autoupgrade module. - [x] Release **RMT** - [x] Merge security PRs on GitHub if there are some - [x] Merge the updated Changelog and Contributors list on GitHub. - [x] Tag the version using Git and publish the release on GitHub. - [x] Provide Communicator with up to date informations (contributors list, changelog...) **RMT** - [x] Communicate - [x] Release note **Communicator** ## 4. After release steps - [x] Make new version available for upgrade - [x] Publish Docker image - [x] Close milestone
Release 8.1.5 🏎️
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Release 8.1.5 🏎️ Issue date: --- start body --- This issue tracks the status of the PrestaShop 8.1.5 release # Information Q | A --------------------------------------|--------------- **Type** | Patch version **Build date** | March 08 **Milestone** | [8.1.5]( **Freeze date** | February 27 **Delivery date** | March 19 **Release manager tech** | @matthieu-rolland **Release manager product** | @MatShir **Release manager QA** | @paulnoelcholot _Nota Bene: the release date may vary, if major bugs are identified during the test phase_ RMT = Release manager tech RMQ = Release manager QA # Current status - [x] Create milestone ## 1. Development See below ## 2. Preparing the source code for release - [x] [Preliminary tasks]( **RMT** - [x] 1. Make sure the version number has been updated in the Core - - [x] 2. Publish a new version of the [branch 2.1.x of classic-theme]( - [x] 3. Then bump the version used in the Core in composer.lock. - [x] 4. Update wording catalog in the core - [x] 5. Do a Crowdin push. - [x] 6. Perform multiple manual verifications as documented in the release process ## 3. Build process - [x] Create the new version in Addons Marketplace and update native module compatibility - [x] Prepare communication **Communicator** - [x] Merge security PRs locally if there are some **RMT** - [x] Update the Changelog and Contributors list **RMT** - [x] Build the zip archive. **RMT** - [x] QA validation **RMQ** - [x] Release new version of autoupgrade with all fixes and improvements. - - [x] Update channel.xml with new version of autoupgrade module. - [x] Release **RMT** - [x] Merge security PRs on GitHub if there are some - [x] Merge the updated Changelog and Contributors list on GitHub. - [x] Tag the version using Git and publish the release on GitHub. - [x] Provide Communicator with up to date informations (contributors list, changelog...) **RMT** - [x] Communicate - [x] Release note **Communicator** ## 4. After release steps - [x] Make new version available for upgrade - [x] Publish Docker image - [x] Close milestone --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When I tried to generate custom templates for my custom module I had these 2 error messages: - Cannot generate email templates for theme modern with locale fr - Could not find layout file: /var/www/modules/testmaillayout/mails/layouts/test_layout.html.twig ![bug_generate_mail_template]( Searching for similar issues, I found this closed one: and in the Pull Requests I found this one So I created a sample module and I tested the problem with render() method in `src/Adapter/MailTemplate/MailTemplateTwigRenderer.php` (as described here but the only way I found to generate my Module mail template was to add `test` to the modules path `/modules/test` : ```php if (str_contains($layoutPath, '/modules/test') && !str_contains($layoutPath, '@Modules')) { // We remove everything in the path until "modules" and we append @Modules before that. 7 is the length of the string "modules" $layoutPath = '@Modules' . substr($layoutPath, strpos($layoutPath, 'modules') + 7); } ``` And it worked: ![image]( ### Expected behavior Generate modern email templates from module ### Steps to reproduce 1. Install my sample module []( 2. Go to Appearence -> Email themes, choose the follow settings and click Generate Email button ![image]( ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.2 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.26
Can't generate mail templates in PrestaShop 8.1.2
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Can't generate mail templates in PrestaShop 8.1.2 Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When I tried to generate custom templates for my custom module I had these 2 error messages: - Cannot generate email templates for theme modern with locale fr - Could not find layout file: /var/www/modules/testmaillayout/mails/layouts/test_layout.html.twig ![bug_generate_mail_template]( Searching for similar issues, I found this closed one: and in the Pull Requests I found this one So I created a sample module and I tested the problem with render() method in `src/Adapter/MailTemplate/MailTemplateTwigRenderer.php` (as described here but the only way I found to generate my Module mail template was to add `test` to the modules path `/modules/test` : ```php if (str_contains($layoutPath, '/modules/test') && !str_contains($layoutPath, '@Modules')) { // We remove everything in the path until "modules" and we append @Modules before that. 7 is the length of the string "modules" $layoutPath = '@Modules' . substr($layoutPath, strpos($layoutPath, 'modules') + 7); } ``` And it worked: ![image]( ### Expected behavior Generate modern email templates from module ### Steps to reproduce 1. Install my sample module []( 2. Go to Appearence -> Email themes, choose the follow settings and click Generate Email button ![image]( ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.2 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.26 --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments While editing a product, I can't save the title and description into the database. It says the title/description is too long. But same title and description has been pulled from the databse and it has been stored there as it is. Also no characters-counters are not really counting up or down. I think this is the new product page. ### Expected behavior I checked the database specifications for the product description and title. We should be able to save the same data, that was retrieved from the database. No change was made. Even if it is longer than 75/160 characters. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to edit a product 2. Gp to SEO tab 3. if your title is below 70 and description is over 160, just increase it some and you see counter don't work and also you can't save the product information. (in my case the title/description is already slighly longer, since it has previously been stored that way). ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened PrestaShop 8.1.3 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Can't save SEO info; description and title, counters not working
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Can't save SEO info; description and title, counters not working Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments While editing a product, I can't save the title and description into the database. It says the title/description is too long. But same title and description has been pulled from the databse and it has been stored there as it is. Also no characters-counters are not really counting up or down. I think this is the new product page. ### Expected behavior I checked the database specifications for the product description and title. We should be able to save the same data, that was retrieved from the database. No change was made. Even if it is longer than 75/160 characters. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to edit a product 2. Gp to SEO tab 3. if your title is below 70 and description is over 160, just increase it some and you see counter don't work and also you can't save the product information. (in my case the title/description is already slighly longer, since it has previously been stored that way). ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened PrestaShop 8.1.3 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments An error has occured: Unzipping error - Unable to find the release zip file. Make sure that the file has been uploaded and is located in the same directory as this dezipper. ### Expected behavior i update with the Prestashop instructions. ![image]( ![image]( ### Steps to reproduce I created a prestashop folder for installation ![image]( ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 1.7.x ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Manual prestashop update -> Unzipping error - Unable to find the release zip file
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Manual prestashop update -> Unzipping error - Unable to find the release zip file Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments An error has occured: Unzipping error - Unable to find the release zip file. Make sure that the file has been uploaded and is located in the same directory as this dezipper. ### Expected behavior i update with the Prestashop instructions. ![image]( ![image]( ### Steps to reproduce I created a prestashop folder for installation ![image]( ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 1.7.x ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When I install the ps_searchbar version 2.1.3 module, it appears on the web version of my site but does not appear on the mobile version. I have already uninstalled then reinstalled the module, I also reset it but the problem persists. ### Expected behavior I thought the module would work on the mobile version of my website. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Install the module 2. Activate on mobile ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.3.33 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version ps_searchbar v2.1.3 ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). Breizh Aquario E.I
The ps_searchbar module does not appear on mobile
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : The ps_searchbar module does not appear on mobile Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When I install the ps_searchbar version 2.1.3 module, it appears on the web version of my site but does not appear on the mobile version. I have already uninstalled then reinstalled the module, I also reset it but the problem persists. ### Expected behavior I thought the module would work on the mobile version of my website. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Install the module 2. Activate on mobile ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.3.33 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version ps_searchbar v2.1.3 ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). Breizh Aquario E.I --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
**Task** - one thing I'd like to test is whether you can run module tests in the core CI **Acceptance test** Green test on the core CI
Run the API module tests in the core CI
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Run the API module tests in the core CI Issue date: --- start body --- **Task** - one thing I'd like to test is whether you can run module tests in the core CI **Acceptance test** Green test on the core CI --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When I create a new carrier, when I add an order from the BO, the carrier is not displayed. ### Expected behavior My carriers should be displayed in the dropdown ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to BO > Shipping > Carriers > Add new carrier 2. Add Carrier name, transit time, enable Free shipping > Finish creation of carrier 3. Go to BO > Orders > Add new order > Choose Customer > Add product to cart 4. In block Shipping > Delivery option : See your newly created carrier is not displayed :x: ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.x, develop ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
BO > Add new order > Newly created carriers are not displayed
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : BO > Add new order > Newly created carriers are not displayed Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When I create a new carrier, when I add an order from the BO, the carrier is not displayed. ### Expected behavior My carriers should be displayed in the dropdown ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to BO > Shipping > Carriers > Add new carrier 2. Add Carrier name, transit time, enable Free shipping > Finish creation of carrier 3. Go to BO > Orders > Add new order > Choose Customer > Add product to cart 4. In block Shipping > Delivery option : See your newly created carrier is not displayed :x: ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.x, develop ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments The option to Memorize the language used in Admin panel forms doesn't work correctly. ### Expected behavior It should save the language parameter ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to BO > Advanced parameters > Teams > Employee options 2. Enable Memorize the language used in Admin panel forms = YES 3. Save 4. Edit your Employee > Choose Language = French > Save 5. Go to a form, for example, product page > Edit a product 6. See that the language in dropdown is English, it should be French :x: ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.x, develop ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
BO > Employees - Option to Memorize the language used in Admin panel forms doesn't work
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : BO > Employees - Option to Memorize the language used in Admin panel forms doesn't work Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments The option to Memorize the language used in Admin panel forms doesn't work correctly. ### Expected behavior It should save the language parameter ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to BO > Advanced parameters > Teams > Employee options 2. Enable Memorize the language used in Admin panel forms = YES 3. Save 4. Edit your Employee > Choose Language = French > Save 5. Go to a form, for example, product page > Edit a product 6. See that the language in dropdown is English, it should be French :x: ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.x, develop ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When I click on See all theme's module, all the modules are displayed, not only the ones concerning the theme. ### Expected behavior I should be redirected to the category Theme modules ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to BO > Design > Theme & Logo 2. Tab Pages Configuration > Scroll down > Click See all theme's modules 3. You are redirected to Module Manager page 4. The Category should be selected to Themes modules directly :x: ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.x, develop ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
BO - Theme & logo - Button See all theme's modules redirects to All modules
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : BO - Theme & logo - Button See all theme's modules redirects to All modules Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When I click on See all theme's module, all the modules are displayed, not only the ones concerning the theme. ### Expected behavior I should be redirected to the category Theme modules ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to BO > Design > Theme & Logo 2. Tab Pages Configuration > Scroll down > Click See all theme's modules 3. You are redirected to Module Manager page 4. The Category should be selected to Themes modules directly :x: ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.x, develop ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Oops! An Error Occurred The server returned a "500 Internal Server Error". Something is broken. Please let us know what you were doing when this error occurred. We will fix it as soon as possible. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce Oops! An Error Occurred The server returned a "500 Internal Server Error". Something is broken. Please let us know what you were doing when this error occurred. We will fix it as soon as possible. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened Your current PrestaShop version: 8.1.3 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened Your current PHP version: 8.1.27 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version ps marketing ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). Saules Māli
The server returned a "500 Internal Server Error".
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : The server returned a "500 Internal Server Error". Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Oops! An Error Occurred The server returned a "500 Internal Server Error". Something is broken. Please let us know what you were doing when this error occurred. We will fix it as soon as possible. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce Oops! An Error Occurred The server returned a "500 Internal Server Error". Something is broken. Please let us know what you were doing when this error occurred. We will fix it as soon as possible. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened Your current PrestaShop version: 8.1.3 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened Your current PHP version: 8.1.27 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version ps marketing ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). Saules Māli --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Hello, I have a problem in Prestashop I am in the Back Office editing or creating a product. To be precise, in the rates tab. There is the field "Sales price per piece (excl. VAT)". For the unit name, I enter it in Dutch and then in English. But when I look in Dutch again, it is English. If I correct this again, the English version is in Dutch. As a result, the name in the store is in Dutch or English, but for both languages. The attached images are screenshots (my Back Office is Dutch, sorry about this) ![Schermafbeelding 2024-01-18 170829]( ![Schermafbeelding 2024-01-18 170633]( How do I fix this? Or can someone help to fix it? Kind regards, Frits van Leeuwen ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce 1 Back Office of Prestashop 2 in the menu on the left under sales, click on Catalog 3 click on Products 4 enter a product 5 go to the Rates tab 6 Under the heading "Sale price per piece (excl. VAT)", select the right field. 7 fill in something there 8 change language 9 fill in the translation for that language If you switch languages again, you will see that this contains the last entered information. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.4.33 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). Geschenkenlaantje
Prestashop - product - tab Prices
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Prestashop - product - tab Prices Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Hello, I have a problem in Prestashop I am in the Back Office editing or creating a product. To be precise, in the rates tab. There is the field "Sales price per piece (excl. VAT)". For the unit name, I enter it in Dutch and then in English. But when I look in Dutch again, it is English. If I correct this again, the English version is in Dutch. As a result, the name in the store is in Dutch or English, but for both languages. The attached images are screenshots (my Back Office is Dutch, sorry about this) ![Schermafbeelding 2024-01-18 170829]( ![Schermafbeelding 2024-01-18 170633]( How do I fix this? Or can someone help to fix it? Kind regards, Frits van Leeuwen ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce 1 Back Office of Prestashop 2 in the menu on the left under sales, click on Catalog 3 click on Products 4 enter a product 5 go to the Rates tab 6 Under the heading "Sale price per piece (excl. VAT)", select the right field. 7 fill in something there 8 change language 9 fill in the translation for that language If you switch languages again, you will see that this contains the last entered information. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.4.33 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). Geschenkenlaantje --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments In the BO menu i see this issue کنترل کننده AdminPsEditionBasicHomepageController یافت نشد یا نامعتبر است. ### Expected behavior کنترل کننده AdminPsEditionBasicHomepageController یافت نشد یا نامعتبر است. ### Steps to reproduce کنترل کننده AdminPsEditionBasicHomepageController یافت نشد یا نامعتبر است. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.3 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.4 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
کنترل کننده AdminPsEditionBasicHomepageController یافت نشد یا نامعتبر است.
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : کنترل کننده AdminPsEditionBasicHomepageController یافت نشد یا نامعتبر است. Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments In the BO menu i see this issue کنترل کننده AdminPsEditionBasicHomepageController یافت نشد یا نامعتبر است. ### Expected behavior کنترل کننده AdminPsEditionBasicHomepageController یافت نشد یا نامعتبر است. ### Steps to reproduce کنترل کننده AdminPsEditionBasicHomepageController یافت نشد یا نامعتبر است. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.3 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.4 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments I create an order from the BO with a customizable product and a free shipping. I find an exception in the customer page. I can't take a look at the customer page. <img width="1132" alt="Screenshot 2024-01-26 at 17 25 16" src=""> `Warning: Undefined array key "id_address_delivery"` ### Expected behavior The customer page should be displayed normally. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to BO > Orders > Add new order > Choose a customer 2. Add customizable mug to the cart > Add a customization > Add to cart 3. Choose Shipping : My carrier + Enable Free shipping 4. Choose any payment + Order status 5. Create order 6. Go to Customers > Customers > View your customer 7. Exception displayed :x: ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened develop only ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
BO > Customer page - Exception thrown when I create an order from the BO with a customizable product
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : BO > Customer page - Exception thrown when I create an order from the BO with a customizable product Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments I create an order from the BO with a customizable product and a free shipping. I find an exception in the customer page. I can't take a look at the customer page. <img width="1132" alt="Screenshot 2024-01-26 at 17 25 16" src=""> `Warning: Undefined array key "id_address_delivery"` ### Expected behavior The customer page should be displayed normally. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to BO > Orders > Add new order > Choose a customer 2. Add customizable mug to the cart > Add a customization > Add to cart 3. Choose Shipping : My carrier + Enable Free shipping 4. Choose any payment + Order status 5. Create order 6. Go to Customers > Customers > View your customer 7. Exception displayed :x: ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened develop only ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When I have disabled a hook, I can't re-enable it back. ### Expected behavior I should be able to enable/disable any position module as I please ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to BO > Design > Positions 2. Disable any hook 3. Enable back that hook, impossible :x: ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened develop only ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
BO > Design > When I disable a Module position, I can't enable it again
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : BO > Design > When I disable a Module position, I can't enable it again Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When I have disabled a hook, I can't re-enable it back. ### Expected behavior I should be able to enable/disable any position module as I please ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to BO > Design > Positions 2. Disable any hook 3. Enable back that hook, impossible :x: ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened develop only ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Multiple issues when I add a voucher with a free gift in a order creation from the BO. Probably related to ### Expected behavior I shouldn't have all theses issues 😅 ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to BO > Orders > Orders > Add new order > Choose a customer 2. Add a product to your order 3. Add a voucher > Add a Name > Send a free gift > Save 4. The discount is taken into account but it is not displayed in the order :x: 5. Go back to Orders page > Add new order > Choose customer > Add a product to the order 6. See the voucher is already in the order :x: 7. Remove it : the voucher is remove from the order but the line in Voucher block is still there :x: 8. Try to re-add the voucher > Can't be added see the message : the voucher is already in your cart :x: ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.x, develop ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
BO > Add new order - Voucher's behavior with free gift is incorrect
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : BO > Add new order - Voucher's behavior with free gift is incorrect Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Multiple issues when I add a voucher with a free gift in a order creation from the BO. Probably related to ### Expected behavior I shouldn't have all theses issues 😅 ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to BO > Orders > Orders > Add new order > Choose a customer 2. Add a product to your order 3. Add a voucher > Add a Name > Send a free gift > Save 4. The discount is taken into account but it is not displayed in the order :x: 5. Go back to Orders page > Add new order > Choose customer > Add a product to the order 6. See the voucher is already in the order :x: 7. Remove it : the voucher is remove from the order but the line in Voucher block is still there :x: 8. Try to re-add the voucher > Can't be added see the message : the voucher is already in your cart :x: ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.x, develop ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments "Order confirmation page" is NOT appearing when Mollie payment method is used + user is Logged Out when returns from Mollie payment page. (Order is processed, but customer do not see "Order confirmation page" and have to login back to account to check the status of order) I suspect problem is somewhere in Maria DB, because: - clean PS8.1.3 + clean MariaDB + Mollie = all good - clean PS8.1.3 + my current MariaDB + Mollie = no "Order confirmation page" + "Logged Out" If I switched to Prestashop payment method (bank wire)= all good Errors in console: - jQuery.Deferred exception: Can't find variable: PluginDetect - ReferenceError: Can't find variable: PluginDetect For info: - my own PS and DB was upgraded during years: 1.7.6 -> 1.7.8 -> 8.1.2 -> 8.1.3 (if i remember correctly) - I have been in contact with Mollie support and followed all advises (deactivate all non_native modules) = did not help Question: how to fix errors mentioned in console ? <img width="944" alt="Screenshot 2024-01-26 at 11 26 29" src=""> ### Expected behavior "Order confirmation page" appears AND Customer stays logged in after payment. ### Steps to reproduce 1. clean install PS8.1.3 + clean DB + Mollie 6.0.4 = no problem 2. clean install PS8.1.3 (replace img + add my theme) + replace DB with my own + Mollie 6.0.4 = problem ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.2, 8.1.3 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.18 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version Mollie 6.0.4 ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
"Order confirmation page" is NOT appearing when Mollie payment is used
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : "Order confirmation page" is NOT appearing when Mollie payment is used Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments "Order confirmation page" is NOT appearing when Mollie payment method is used + user is Logged Out when returns from Mollie payment page. (Order is processed, but customer do not see "Order confirmation page" and have to login back to account to check the status of order) I suspect problem is somewhere in Maria DB, because: - clean PS8.1.3 + clean MariaDB + Mollie = all good - clean PS8.1.3 + my current MariaDB + Mollie = no "Order confirmation page" + "Logged Out" If I switched to Prestashop payment method (bank wire)= all good Errors in console: - jQuery.Deferred exception: Can't find variable: PluginDetect - ReferenceError: Can't find variable: PluginDetect For info: - my own PS and DB was upgraded during years: 1.7.6 -> 1.7.8 -> 8.1.2 -> 8.1.3 (if i remember correctly) - I have been in contact with Mollie support and followed all advises (deactivate all non_native modules) = did not help Question: how to fix errors mentioned in console ? <img width="944" alt="Screenshot 2024-01-26 at 11 26 29" src=""> ### Expected behavior "Order confirmation page" appears AND Customer stays logged in after payment. ### Steps to reproduce 1. clean install PS8.1.3 + clean DB + Mollie 6.0.4 = no problem 2. clean install PS8.1.3 (replace img + add my theme) + replace DB with my own + Mollie 6.0.4 = problem ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.2, 8.1.3 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.18 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version Mollie 6.0.4 ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments I have a module that overrides this hook `displayAdminProductsMainStepLeftColumnMiddle` The new interface where to edit the product does not trigger this hook. ![image]( ### Expected behavior Hook should be triggered ### Steps to reproduce 1. Install any module that overrides this hook `displayAdminProductsMainStepLeftColumnMiddle` 2. Open the product page in the back office and look for the added fields from this module. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.3 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
displayAdminProductsMainStepLeftColumnMiddle hook missing in 8.1.3
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : displayAdminProductsMainStepLeftColumnMiddle hook missing in 8.1.3 Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments I have a module that overrides this hook `displayAdminProductsMainStepLeftColumnMiddle` The new interface where to edit the product does not trigger this hook. ![image]( ### Expected behavior Hook should be triggered ### Steps to reproduce 1. Install any module that overrides this hook `displayAdminProductsMainStepLeftColumnMiddle` 2. Open the product page in the back office and look for the added fields from this module. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.3 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Hi, I'm encountering a problem in the form after activating filters on the "new products", "Brands", etc. pages as shown in the photo (mobile only) The bug appears with the new feature update v3.14.1. tested error from 1.7.7 / 1.7.8/ 8.0 both with Classic theme, Child Classic / Purchased theme As per attached image. ### Expected behavior Regular functioning as in mobile category pages ### Steps to reproduce update module and selection in template filter available pages <img width="454" alt="8 0" src=""> <img width="425" alt="Schermata 2024-01-24 alle 19 52 34" src=""> <img width="410" alt="Schermata 2024-01-24 alle 20 05 17" src=""> ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 1.7.7.x, 1.7.8.x , 8.0 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.3, 7.4, 8 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version ps_facetedsearch v3.14.1 ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
ps_facetedsearch [bug v3.14.1] Mobile
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : ps_facetedsearch [bug v3.14.1] Mobile Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Hi, I'm encountering a problem in the form after activating filters on the "new products", "Brands", etc. pages as shown in the photo (mobile only) The bug appears with the new feature update v3.14.1. tested error from 1.7.7 / 1.7.8/ 8.0 both with Classic theme, Child Classic / Purchased theme As per attached image. ### Expected behavior Regular functioning as in mobile category pages ### Steps to reproduce update module and selection in template filter available pages <img width="454" alt="8 0" src=""> <img width="425" alt="Schermata 2024-01-24 alle 19 52 34" src=""> <img width="410" alt="Schermata 2024-01-24 alle 20 05 17" src=""> ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 1.7.7.x, 1.7.8.x , 8.0 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.3, 7.4, 8 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version ps_facetedsearch v3.14.1 ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Hi, When I do my quotations, I manually specify shipping costs ( 200 eur for example ) ![image]( After that, I download my invoiced and it says well with my manually shipping costs fee. But When I go to order -> view invoice it disappear and saying free shipping instead. And a warning message ![image]( ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce 1. Create quote 2. specify manuall shipping fee 3. Go to invoices ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.4.33 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Shipping cost dissapeared
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Shipping cost dissapeared Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Hi, When I do my quotations, I manually specify shipping costs ( 200 eur for example ) ![image]( After that, I download my invoiced and it says well with my manually shipping costs fee. But When I go to order -> view invoice it disappear and saying free shipping instead. And a warning message ![image]( ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce 1. Create quote 2. specify manuall shipping fee 3. Go to invoices ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.4.33 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments I can't delete a product when I choose a redirection to a product when offline. When I choose a redirection to a category, this option is available. ### Expected behavior I should be able to delete a product ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to BO > Product> Edit any product > Go to SEO Tab 2. In Redirection page > Choose _Permanent redirection to a category_ > Choose any category 3. You can delete the category by clicking the cross ✅ 4. Choose _Permanent redirection to a product_ > Choose any product 5. You can't delete the product :x: ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.x, develop ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
PPV2 > SEO Tab - I can't delete a targeted product in redirection to a product
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : PPV2 > SEO Tab - I can't delete a targeted product in redirection to a product Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments I can't delete a product when I choose a redirection to a product when offline. When I choose a redirection to a category, this option is available. ### Expected behavior I should be able to delete a product ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to BO > Product> Edit any product > Go to SEO Tab 2. In Redirection page > Choose _Permanent redirection to a category_ > Choose any category 3. You can delete the category by clicking the cross ✅ 4. Choose _Permanent redirection to a product_ > Choose any product 5. You can't delete the product :x: ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.x, develop ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---