[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments In the purchase funnel, if there is more than one address and the customer chooses the address that is not selected by default, the choice is lost if the customer clicks on the link to enter a different address for the billing process. Example on a default PrestaShop environment : 1. The client has two delivery addresses and one is selected by default: ![image]( 2. The client chooses the other delivery address (and not the one by default): ![image]( 3. The client then clicks on the linK to add another address ('L'adresse de facturation ') for the billing process: Then the address by default is once again selected and not the one chosen in the previous step. ![image]( ### Expected behavior The delivery address chosen by the client must be still selected when he wants to enter a different billing address ### Steps to reproduce β€’ Enter two delivery addresses or more β€’ Put an item in the cart and begin the order process β€’ Go to the address part of the purchase funnel β€’ Selected another delivery address than the one selected by default β€’ Click on the link to enter a different address for the billing process You’ll see that the delivery address is not the one previously selected. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened all ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). @202ecommerce
Loss of delivery address selection when choosing billing address
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Loss of delivery address selection when choosing billing address Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments In the purchase funnel, if there is more than one address and the customer chooses the address that is not selected by default, the choice is lost if the customer clicks on the link to enter a different address for the billing process. Example on a default PrestaShop environment : 1. The client has two delivery addresses and one is selected by default: ![image]( 2. The client chooses the other delivery address (and not the one by default): ![image]( 3. The client then clicks on the linK to add another address ('L'adresse de facturation ') for the billing process: Then the address by default is once again selected and not the one chosen in the previous step. ![image]( ### Expected behavior The delivery address chosen by the client must be still selected when he wants to enter a different billing address ### Steps to reproduce β€’ Enter two delivery addresses or more β€’ Put an item in the cart and begin the order process β€’ Go to the address part of the purchase funnel β€’ Selected another delivery address than the one selected by default β€’ Click on the link to enter a different address for the billing process You’ll see that the delivery address is not the one previously selected. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened all ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). @202ecommerce --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Trying to update a single field (for example the EAN) in combinations leads to almost every field blanked in the specific combination: quantity, prices, MPN, virtually every field excepting the availability date (that will we overwritten with the today's date) and reference (but I am using the "use reference as key", so it is probable that it has been overwritten with the same data). It works flawlessly with simple products, but it really doesn't with combinations. What am I doing wrong? ### Expected behavior Combinations data untouched, excepting the single field (l'et's say columns in the CSV file) mapped with the new data we want to update/overwrite. ### Steps to reproduce 1 - Prepare CSV file with base product ID, base product Reference, combination reference, attributes and attributes value and the field you'd like to update/fill (let's say the EAN number) 2 - Import the file selecting Combinations in the dropdown and "use reference number as keyword" 3 - Map the file with this columns: ID (probably not necessary), base product Reference, combination reference, attributes and attributes value, EAN number 4 - wait for the procedure to complete, no errors. 5 - check the product/s you updated. You'll see that every updated combination has almost all the fields blanked out, with some exceptions. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Combination update through CSV import (PS
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Combination update through CSV import (PS Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Trying to update a single field (for example the EAN) in combinations leads to almost every field blanked in the specific combination: quantity, prices, MPN, virtually every field excepting the availability date (that will we overwritten with the today's date) and reference (but I am using the "use reference as key", so it is probable that it has been overwritten with the same data). It works flawlessly with simple products, but it really doesn't with combinations. What am I doing wrong? ### Expected behavior Combinations data untouched, excepting the single field (l'et's say columns in the CSV file) mapped with the new data we want to update/overwrite. ### Steps to reproduce 1 - Prepare CSV file with base product ID, base product Reference, combination reference, attributes and attributes value and the field you'd like to update/fill (let's say the EAN number) 2 - Import the file selecting Combinations in the dropdown and "use reference number as keyword" 3 - Map the file with this columns: ID (probably not necessary), base product Reference, combination reference, attributes and attributes value, EAN number 4 - wait for the procedure to complete, no errors. 5 - check the product/s you updated. You'll see that every updated combination has almost all the fields blanked out, with some exceptions. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments If the shop is configured with an IDN domain (domain with Γ₯Àâ for instance) as a contact email, it's not possible to send emails, all you get is the error "Expected response code 354 but got code "554", with message "554 5.5.1 Error: no valid recipients " if trying to send the test mail to the IDN domain you get the error Address in mailbox given [xxxxxxxxx] does not comply with RFC 2822, 3.6.2. ### Expected behavior Emails should be possible to be send even if an IDN domain is used. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to configure -> shop parameters -> contact. 2. Go to second tab Stores 3. Enter a shop email with an IDN domain like 4. Go to Advanced parameters -> e-mail 5. Try to send a test email using smtp. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.4.9 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). Prestaworks AB
Shop can't send emails from IDN domains
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Shop can't send emails from IDN domains Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments If the shop is configured with an IDN domain (domain with Γ₯Àâ for instance) as a contact email, it's not possible to send emails, all you get is the error "Expected response code 354 but got code "554", with message "554 5.5.1 Error: no valid recipients " if trying to send the test mail to the IDN domain you get the error Address in mailbox given [xxxxxxxxx] does not comply with RFC 2822, 3.6.2. ### Expected behavior Emails should be possible to be send even if an IDN domain is used. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to configure -> shop parameters -> contact. 2. Go to second tab Stores 3. Enter a shop email with an IDN domain like 4. Go to Advanced parameters -> e-mail 5. Try to send a test email using smtp. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.4.9 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). Prestaworks AB --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments I verified taht tax rules area of PrestaShop is not compatible with the multi-shop: on a prestashop multishop, if I modify a tax rule on a specific shop (for example insering some countries or setting specific tax for some countries), the modification is trsmitted on all shops and not just on the selected shop. This is a big problem because we cannot menage products catalogue on all shop mode if shops need different tax. ### Expected behavior I expected that on multishop, if I set a specific shop in the tax rules area, the change will only apply to the shop I selected and not be transmitted to all shops. ### Steps to reproduce 1) create a multishop with 2 shops; 2) go to tax rules area and create a specific tax rule 3) try to modified the new tax rules, selecting a specific shop (so not on "All shop" mode) 4) the editing you made, is trasmitted on all shop and not only on the specific shop you selected ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.3 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Incompatibility of the tax rule area with prestashop multishop
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Incompatibility of the tax rule area with prestashop multishop Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments I verified taht tax rules area of PrestaShop is not compatible with the multi-shop: on a prestashop multishop, if I modify a tax rule on a specific shop (for example insering some countries or setting specific tax for some countries), the modification is trsmitted on all shops and not just on the selected shop. This is a big problem because we cannot menage products catalogue on all shop mode if shops need different tax. ### Expected behavior I expected that on multishop, if I set a specific shop in the tax rules area, the change will only apply to the shop I selected and not be transmitted to all shops. ### Steps to reproduce 1) create a multishop with 2 shops; 2) go to tax rules area and create a specific tax rule 3) try to modified the new tax rules, selecting a specific shop (so not on "All shop" mode) 4) the editing you made, is trasmitted on all shop and not only on the specific shop you selected ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.3 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments The Zipball in this GitHub repo does not match the same offered product when downloaded from the website at (not a permalink) Please note that the website also requires you to type in some b-s email address before the download proceeds. This is similar to how Docker works, right before everyone started boycotting Docker. ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce Download both Compare ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Zipball on GitHub does not match website
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Zipball on GitHub does not match website Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments The Zipball in this GitHub repo does not match the same offered product when downloaded from the website at (not a permalink) Please note that the website also requires you to type in some b-s email address before the download proceeds. This is similar to how Docker works, right before everyone started boycotting Docker. ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce Download both Compare ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments The website is not checked into GitHub. ### Expected behavior I can find and report bugs against the website For example, right now the main link to download/install PrestaShop is broken. I can't fix it or report this fact in GitHub which is the main place on Earth where problems like this get fixed. ![Screenshot 2024-04-29 at 21 41 30]( ### Steps to reproduce 1. 2. Click search 3. Enter some text from the homepage 4. Find which repo hosts that source code ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened all ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened n/a ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version n/a ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). n/a
Publish repo
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Publish repo Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments The website is not checked into GitHub. ### Expected behavior I can find and report bugs against the website For example, right now the main link to download/install PrestaShop is broken. I can't fix it or report this fact in GitHub which is the main place on Earth where problems like this get fixed. ![Screenshot 2024-04-29 at 21 41 30]( ### Steps to reproduce 1. 2. Click search 3. Enter some text from the homepage 4. Find which repo hosts that source code ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened all ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened n/a ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version n/a ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). n/a --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments The product page loads slower as the combinations count increase, which is normal. What's not normal is that most of the resources are consumed by the `ProductController::assignAttributesCombinations()` method, which assigns an array of attribute combinations (its size being the count of attributes x count of product combinations, i.e. 4 x 5000 in my case) as a Smarty template variable. Recent improvements directed at this are and The thing is, this template variable seems to have been last used in PrestaShop v1.6. So my question is: am I right in believing this method can be disposed altogether? I'd like to have some confirmations before starting a pull request. The method is defined in lines 882-901 and called in line 381, in the `develop` branch version of `/controllers/front/ProductController.php`. ### Expected behavior I'd expect that template variable to be used somewhere. But if it can be disposed of, it means that the product page went all this time with the handbrake on, Rock Lee style. ### Steps to reproduce 1. The best way to test my assumption would be to run the testing suite included in PrestaShop, but I don't know how to do it without creating a pull request. 2. One thing I've done is searching the Smarty template variable's name in PrestaShop's code. That's how I found out that it was last used in 1.6. 3. Another thing I've done is commenting the method call and accessing the product page, which should've broken something, but apparently it didn't. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 1.7 to 9.0 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened Not relevant. ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
v1.7-8 performance: ProductController::assignAttributesCombinations() seems unused since v1.6
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : v1.7-8 performance: ProductController::assignAttributesCombinations() seems unused since v1.6 Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments The product page loads slower as the combinations count increase, which is normal. What's not normal is that most of the resources are consumed by the `ProductController::assignAttributesCombinations()` method, which assigns an array of attribute combinations (its size being the count of attributes x count of product combinations, i.e. 4 x 5000 in my case) as a Smarty template variable. Recent improvements directed at this are and The thing is, this template variable seems to have been last used in PrestaShop v1.6. So my question is: am I right in believing this method can be disposed altogether? I'd like to have some confirmations before starting a pull request. The method is defined in lines 882-901 and called in line 381, in the `develop` branch version of `/controllers/front/ProductController.php`. ### Expected behavior I'd expect that template variable to be used somewhere. But if it can be disposed of, it means that the product page went all this time with the handbrake on, Rock Lee style. ### Steps to reproduce 1. The best way to test my assumption would be to run the testing suite included in PrestaShop, but I don't know how to do it without creating a pull request. 2. One thing I've done is searching the Smarty template variable's name in PrestaShop's code. That's how I found out that it was last used in 1.6. 3. Another thing I've done is commenting the method call and accessing the product page, which should've broken something, but apparently it didn't. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 1.7 to 9.0 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened Not relevant. ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments The text for documentsTitle , carriersTitle, merchantReturnsTitle is wrong ### Expected behavior we have to modify : src/PrestaShopBundle/Resources/views/Admin/Sell/Order/Order/Blocks/View/details.html.twig and delete <span data-role="count"> and </span> Best regards ### Steps to reproduce 1. go to orders 2. select an order 3. look at the "informations about the order" ![xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]( ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.3.6 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Backend Order Summary text is wrong
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Backend Order Summary text is wrong Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments The text for documentsTitle , carriersTitle, merchantReturnsTitle is wrong ### Expected behavior we have to modify : src/PrestaShopBundle/Resources/views/Admin/Sell/Order/Order/Blocks/View/details.html.twig and delete <span data-role="count"> and </span> Best regards ### Steps to reproduce 1. go to orders 2. select an order 3. look at the "informations about the order" ![xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]( ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.3.6 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When a module implements the "displayAdminProductsExtra" it is capable of displaying additional module content under the menu tab when editing a product in the back office. However, since Prestashop 8.1, if the modules makes any ajax requests via JS, the items in the product quick actions menu become disabled. It seems Prestashop 8.1 has implemented an event handler for ajax requests somewhere and disabled the items and never reenables them. ![screenshot]( ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce Create a new blank module which implements the displayAdminProductsExtra hook The hook should perform an ajax requests to any valid url via JS The menu items show in the attachment are now disabled when you hover over them or try to click them. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.x ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Product quick actions menu & displayAdminProductsExtra
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Product quick actions menu & displayAdminProductsExtra Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When a module implements the "displayAdminProductsExtra" it is capable of displaying additional module content under the menu tab when editing a product in the back office. However, since Prestashop 8.1, if the modules makes any ajax requests via JS, the items in the product quick actions menu become disabled. It seems Prestashop 8.1 has implemented an event handler for ajax requests somewhere and disabled the items and never reenables them. ![screenshot]( ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce Create a new blank module which implements the displayAdminProductsExtra hook The hook should perform an ajax requests to any valid url via JS The menu items show in the attachment are now disabled when you hover over them or try to click them. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.x ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments If u used the & in a search this dont work ### Expected behavior If used & in a search, the search work it ### Steps to reproduce go to the web for example search for any B&W product the search dont work properly ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.4 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version search ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable).
& dont work in search
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : & dont work in search Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments If u used the & in a search this dont work ### Expected behavior If used & in a search, the search work it ### Steps to reproduce go to the web for example search for any B&W product the search dont work properly ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.4 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version search ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Some of my customers have a 500 error at the end of their order. I've tried to reproduce the problem, but I don't think it's for everyone, and I don't quite understand how it happens. I use version 8.1.5 of Prestashop, my PHP version is 8.1 and I use version 10.5.21 of MariaDB. Error log: > *ERROR* v8.1.5 2024/04/28 - 22:53:49: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near &#039;AND ccr.id_cart_rule = 40 AND o.id_order IS NULL LIMIT 1&#039; at line 5 at line 151 in file classes/db/DbPDO.php I think it's the same problem as here: But the error occurs with a `SELECT` instead of a `DELETE`. The error seems to be in this query from `classes/CartRule.php`: ```php $quantityUsed += (int) Db::getInstance()->getValue(' SELECT count(*) FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'cart_cart_rule` ccr INNER JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'cart` c ON c.id_cart = ccr.id_cart LEFT JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'orders` o ON o.id_cart = c.id_cart WHERE c.id_customer = ' . $cart->id_customer . ' AND c.id_cart = ' . $cart->id . ' AND ccr.id_cart_rule = ' . (int) $this->id . ' AND o.id_order IS NULL '); ``` ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce Making an order with Prestashop 8.1.5. If you run this SQL command by hand, you won't get the syntax error: ```sql SELECT count(*) FROM `hd9W_cart_cart_rule` ccr INNER JOIN `hd9W_cart` c ON c.id_cart = ccr.id_cart LEFT JOIN `hd9W_orders` o ON o.id_cart = c.id_cart WHERE c.id_customer = 58 AND c.id_cart = 127 AND ccr.id_cart_rule = 40 AND o.id_order IS NULL; ``` ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
SQL syntax error with MariaDB
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : SQL syntax error with MariaDB Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Some of my customers have a 500 error at the end of their order. I've tried to reproduce the problem, but I don't think it's for everyone, and I don't quite understand how it happens. I use version 8.1.5 of Prestashop, my PHP version is 8.1 and I use version 10.5.21 of MariaDB. Error log: > *ERROR* v8.1.5 2024/04/28 - 22:53:49: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near &#039;AND ccr.id_cart_rule = 40 AND o.id_order IS NULL LIMIT 1&#039; at line 5 at line 151 in file classes/db/DbPDO.php I think it's the same problem as here: But the error occurs with a `SELECT` instead of a `DELETE`. The error seems to be in this query from `classes/CartRule.php`: ```php $quantityUsed += (int) Db::getInstance()->getValue(' SELECT count(*) FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'cart_cart_rule` ccr INNER JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'cart` c ON c.id_cart = ccr.id_cart LEFT JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'orders` o ON o.id_cart = c.id_cart WHERE c.id_customer = ' . $cart->id_customer . ' AND c.id_cart = ' . $cart->id . ' AND ccr.id_cart_rule = ' . (int) $this->id . ' AND o.id_order IS NULL '); ``` ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce Making an order with Prestashop 8.1.5. If you run this SQL command by hand, you won't get the syntax error: ```sql SELECT count(*) FROM `hd9W_cart_cart_rule` ccr INNER JOIN `hd9W_cart` c ON c.id_cart = ccr.id_cart LEFT JOIN `hd9W_orders` o ON o.id_cart = c.id_cart WHERE c.id_customer = 58 AND c.id_cart = 127 AND ccr.id_cart_rule = 40 AND o.id_order IS NULL; ``` ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Hi, in the prestashop 8.04 Italian version, when the help window of the various pages opens, the language is in English not Italian. How to solve the problem? Thank you ### Expected behavior That the help language was in Italian ### Steps to reproduce Look help Window. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened prestashop 8.04 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable).
Italian language on the help window
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Italian language on the help window Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Hi, in the prestashop 8.04 Italian version, when the help window of the various pages opens, the language is in English not Italian. How to solve the problem? Thank you ### Expected behavior That the help language was in Italian ### Steps to reproduce Look help Window. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened prestashop 8.04 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments If i clean cache in BO and first open the FrontController using the child theme - cache translations is building from child theme. Don`t getting the overrides tpl from parent theme. Then all translations are lost from parent template overrides. ![image]( ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce 1. Install multishop 2. One the shop need the child theme 3. Override templates only in parent theme from someone module and put different translations. 4. Clear cache 5. Open front shop with child theme - **now translations lose the translations from parent theme overrides** ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.28 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Translations theme child in multishop
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Translations theme child in multishop Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments If i clean cache in BO and first open the FrontController using the child theme - cache translations is building from child theme. Don`t getting the overrides tpl from parent theme. Then all translations are lost from parent template overrides. ![image]( ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce 1. Install multishop 2. One the shop need the child theme 3. Override templates only in parent theme from someone module and put different translations. 4. Clear cache 5. Open front shop with child theme - **now translations lose the translations from parent theme overrides** ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.28 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [x] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments In multishop `PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Adapter\Kpi\AverageCustomerAgeKpi` & `PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Adapter\Kpi\MostCommonCustomersGenderKpi` get the array from kpi configuration - string is needed ![image]( ![image]( ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to BO customers list in specyfic shop context ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.28 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Customers list BO customersKpi warning
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Customers list BO customersKpi warning Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [x] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments In multishop `PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Adapter\Kpi\AverageCustomerAgeKpi` & `PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Adapter\Kpi\MostCommonCustomersGenderKpi` get the array from kpi configuration - string is needed ![image]( ![image]( ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to BO customers list in specyfic shop context ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.28 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Prestashop database doesn't have default value for several fields. But a lot of them can be set to 0. For example, into ps_specific_prices, id_specific_price_rule can be equal to 0. So when you'll do an insert, you may ignore it because it's null. If you MySQL/MariaDB SQL MODE is set to STRICT_TRANS_TABLES, the default install value, it will work. But if your sysadmin uses STRICT_ALL_TABLES, it won't work. I think it can be a good practice to fix this in order to make all development stronger. I don't know what is the best way if to define default value in database or write in Prestashop requirements to use STRICT_TRANS_TABLES instead of STRICT_ALL_TABLES. ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce I hope the description is enough, but you can try to this request with different SQL_MODE: INSERT INTO ps_specific_price SET id_product = '1',id_shop = '0',id_currency = '0',id_country = '0',id_group = '0',id_customer = '1',id_product_attribute = '',price = '-1',from_quantity = '1',reduction = '0.1',reduction_tax = '0',reduction_type = 'percentage' ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened all ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : SQL_MODE : STRICT_TRANS_TABLES vs STRICT_ALL_TABLES Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Prestashop database doesn't have default value for several fields. But a lot of them can be set to 0. For example, into ps_specific_prices, id_specific_price_rule can be equal to 0. So when you'll do an insert, you may ignore it because it's null. If you MySQL/MariaDB SQL MODE is set to STRICT_TRANS_TABLES, the default install value, it will work. But if your sysadmin uses STRICT_ALL_TABLES, it won't work. I think it can be a good practice to fix this in order to make all development stronger. I don't know what is the best way if to define default value in database or write in Prestashop requirements to use STRICT_TRANS_TABLES instead of STRICT_ALL_TABLES. ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce I hope the description is enough, but you can try to this request with different SQL_MODE: INSERT INTO ps_specific_price SET id_product = '1',id_shop = '0',id_currency = '0',id_country = '0',id_group = '0',id_customer = '1',id_product_attribute = '',price = '-1',from_quantity = '1',reduction = '0.1',reduction_tax = '0',reduction_type = 'percentage' ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened all ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments I'm having a problem with the database not connecting to products that are in declination form. And I think this adds another problem on top of that, which is that the "Add to cart" button disappears. The actual stock of my products is 14, 14 and 16 respectively, but none of them are displayed. ### Expected behavior The quantity is updated and the "add to cart" button appears in the store. The catalog mode is not activated ### Steps to reproduce ![Capture d’écran 2024-04-25 174637]( ![Capture d’écran 2024-04-25 174413]( ![Capture d’écran 2024-04-25 174556]( ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.7 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version i don't now ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). ADHAUC
Database not updated on declinations
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Database not updated on declinations Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments I'm having a problem with the database not connecting to products that are in declination form. And I think this adds another problem on top of that, which is that the "Add to cart" button disappears. The actual stock of my products is 14, 14 and 16 respectively, but none of them are displayed. ### Expected behavior The quantity is updated and the "add to cart" button appears in the store. The catalog mode is not activated ### Steps to reproduce ![Capture d’écran 2024-04-25 174637]( ![Capture d’écran 2024-04-25 174413]( ![Capture d’écran 2024-04-25 174556]( ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.7 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version i don't now ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). ADHAUC --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments I have a few options for shipping: 1. By price with ranges. 2. By weight from 0 to 30kg and so on. I have over 500 products with assigned carriers by price, and only 4 assigned by weight. (due to heavy items). If products with assigned carriers by price are added to the cart and do not mix with those assigned by weight, everything works well. However, if I add a product with an assigned carrier by price and another with an assigned carrier by weight, I experience a bug. I assume the system does not understand what shipping option to show since there is no carrier that would be assigned to both products. But, that's not all, in the checkout I can see 2 shipping options (showing carrier by weight) with 2 different prices, 1 with a price like I set in carrier by price, and the other one is correct one that is assigned by weight). Like in woocommerce or other platform, if there are no matching carrier for both products, it will show the only 1 with highest price range or priority on those with weight. ![Screenshot 2024-04-25 at 10 01 04]( ![Screenshot 2024-04-25 at 10 01 36]( ![Screenshot 2024-04-25 at 10 02 06]( ### Expected behavior Since, I have 2 carriers (by price) and (by weight), if products with different carriers are added to the cart I expect to display a price with the one which has the highest price or is assigned by with). You can't ship light items for a lower price if they were in the cart with those assigned by weight and with a higher shipping price. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Create products. 2. Create carrier by price range and by weight range. 3. Add both to the cart. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.0 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.4 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Prestashop 8.0 Shipping Options Bug
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Prestashop 8.0 Shipping Options Bug Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments I have a few options for shipping: 1. By price with ranges. 2. By weight from 0 to 30kg and so on. I have over 500 products with assigned carriers by price, and only 4 assigned by weight. (due to heavy items). If products with assigned carriers by price are added to the cart and do not mix with those assigned by weight, everything works well. However, if I add a product with an assigned carrier by price and another with an assigned carrier by weight, I experience a bug. I assume the system does not understand what shipping option to show since there is no carrier that would be assigned to both products. But, that's not all, in the checkout I can see 2 shipping options (showing carrier by weight) with 2 different prices, 1 with a price like I set in carrier by price, and the other one is correct one that is assigned by weight). Like in woocommerce or other platform, if there are no matching carrier for both products, it will show the only 1 with highest price range or priority on those with weight. ![Screenshot 2024-04-25 at 10 01 04]( ![Screenshot 2024-04-25 at 10 01 36]( ![Screenshot 2024-04-25 at 10 02 06]( ### Expected behavior Since, I have 2 carriers (by price) and (by weight), if products with different carriers are added to the cart I expect to display a price with the one which has the highest price or is assigned by with). You can't ship light items for a lower price if they were in the cart with those assigned by weight and with a higher shipping price. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Create products. 2. Create carrier by price range and by weight range. 3. Add both to the cart. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.0 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.4 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When an order placed in "Awaiting bank transfer or check payment" status is cancelled (status change) and the order is then set to "Awaiting bank transfer payment" or "Awaiting check payment" status in versions 8... (tested on 8.0.5, 8.1.1, and 8.1.5), the system increases the physical quantity. Here's an example of the incorrect behavior: Initial stock (physical/reserved/available): 15/0/15. Order status: Awaiting bank transfer payment -> Physical quantity: 15, Reserved quantity: 1, Available: 14. The order is cancelled -> Physical quantity: 15, Reserved quantity: 0, Available: 15. The order is set again to "Awaiting bank transfer payment" or "Awaiting check payment" -> Physical quantity: 16, Reserved quantity: 1, Available: 15. This incorrect behavior is observed in versions 8... of Prestashop and leads to an incorrect increase in the physical quantity reserved when an order is cancelled and modified again to the "Awaiting bank transfer payment" or "Awaiting check payment" status. It's not acceptable for stock levels to increase in this way; if, for example, an employee mistakenly changes the status to cancelled and then reverts to the initial status, the physical quantity will have increased. ### Expected behavior I expected that when an order is cancelled and then set back to the "Awaiting bank transfer payment" or "Awaiting check payment" status in Prestashop 8.x, the system should not increase the physical quantity. Instead, the physical quantity should remain the same as before the cancellation. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Place an order in Prestashop 8.x and set the status to "Awaiting bank transfer payment" or "Awaiting check payment". 2. Verify the initial stock levels (physical/reserved/available). 3. Cancel the order. 4. Confirm that the physical quantity remains the same after cancellation. 5. Set the order status back to "Awaiting bank transfer payment" or "Awaiting check payment". 6. Verify the stock levels again and observe that the physical quantity has increased incorrectly. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.0.0 - 8.1.6 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.4 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Prestashop 8.x: Incorrect Increase in Physical Quantity when Order Status Changes
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Prestashop 8.x: Incorrect Increase in Physical Quantity when Order Status Changes Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When an order placed in "Awaiting bank transfer or check payment" status is cancelled (status change) and the order is then set to "Awaiting bank transfer payment" or "Awaiting check payment" status in versions 8... (tested on 8.0.5, 8.1.1, and 8.1.5), the system increases the physical quantity. Here's an example of the incorrect behavior: Initial stock (physical/reserved/available): 15/0/15. Order status: Awaiting bank transfer payment -> Physical quantity: 15, Reserved quantity: 1, Available: 14. The order is cancelled -> Physical quantity: 15, Reserved quantity: 0, Available: 15. The order is set again to "Awaiting bank transfer payment" or "Awaiting check payment" -> Physical quantity: 16, Reserved quantity: 1, Available: 15. This incorrect behavior is observed in versions 8... of Prestashop and leads to an incorrect increase in the physical quantity reserved when an order is cancelled and modified again to the "Awaiting bank transfer payment" or "Awaiting check payment" status. It's not acceptable for stock levels to increase in this way; if, for example, an employee mistakenly changes the status to cancelled and then reverts to the initial status, the physical quantity will have increased. ### Expected behavior I expected that when an order is cancelled and then set back to the "Awaiting bank transfer payment" or "Awaiting check payment" status in Prestashop 8.x, the system should not increase the physical quantity. Instead, the physical quantity should remain the same as before the cancellation. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Place an order in Prestashop 8.x and set the status to "Awaiting bank transfer payment" or "Awaiting check payment". 2. Verify the initial stock levels (physical/reserved/available). 3. Cancel the order. 4. Confirm that the physical quantity remains the same after cancellation. 5. Set the order status back to "Awaiting bank transfer payment" or "Awaiting check payment". 6. Verify the stock levels again and observe that the physical quantity has increased incorrectly. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.0.0 - 8.1.6 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.4 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. Quantity is going back to five when you try to add to card ### Describe the bug and add attachments When a product have a minimal quantity to be added in card, it's imposible to add more than the quantity in the product page, Quantity is going back to five when you try to add to card That works fine from the quickview. I hope my explaination are clear. Thanx ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce go to Adding a number higher than 5 is impossible (always going back to 5 when you remove the cursor) From the quickview, that works fine. ![add1]( ![add2]( ![add3]( From the quickview ![add4]( ![add5]( ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 1.8.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.27 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Add to card with minimal quantity product
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Add to card with minimal quantity product Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. Quantity is going back to five when you try to add to card ### Describe the bug and add attachments When a product have a minimal quantity to be added in card, it's imposible to add more than the quantity in the product page, Quantity is going back to five when you try to add to card That works fine from the quickview. I hope my explaination are clear. Thanx ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce go to Adding a number higher than 5 is impossible (always going back to 5 when you remove the cursor) From the quickview, that works fine. ![add1]( ![add2]( ![add3]( From the quickview ![add4]( ![add5]( ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 1.8.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.27 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When adding impact on unit price for a combination, the unit price showing on the product page is wrong. The first combination has a retail price per unit of 38.95€/kg and 1 kg weight The second combination weights only 600g, so the retail price per unit is 45.5€/kg. So I add 6.55 in the impact on retail price per unit field, and I get 33.85€/kg on the product page. The calculation is wrong. ### Expected behavior ![Screenshot 2024-04-24 154148]( ![Screenshot 2024-04-24 154840]( ![Screenshot 2024-04-24 155957]( ![Screenshot 2024-04-24 160053]( ### Steps to reproduce Go to BO > Products > Edit any product Go to Pricing tab > add retail price per unit: 38.95€/kg Create a new combination Add 6.55 in the impact on retail price per unit Check the retail price per unit showing on the product page for each combination The retail price per unit should be 45.5€/kg instead of 33.95€/kg ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.4.33 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Retail price per unit not calculating properly for combinations
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Retail price per unit not calculating properly for combinations Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When adding impact on unit price for a combination, the unit price showing on the product page is wrong. The first combination has a retail price per unit of 38.95€/kg and 1 kg weight The second combination weights only 600g, so the retail price per unit is 45.5€/kg. So I add 6.55 in the impact on retail price per unit field, and I get 33.85€/kg on the product page. The calculation is wrong. ### Expected behavior ![Screenshot 2024-04-24 154148]( ![Screenshot 2024-04-24 154840]( ![Screenshot 2024-04-24 155957]( ![Screenshot 2024-04-24 160053]( ### Steps to reproduce Go to BO > Products > Edit any product Go to Pricing tab > add retail price per unit: 38.95€/kg Create a new combination Add 6.55 in the impact on retail price per unit Check the retail price per unit showing on the product page for each combination The retail price per unit should be 45.5€/kg instead of 33.95€/kg ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.4.33 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Hello I currently have a problem with the "Add to cart" button that does not appear when I activate the declination mode on all products, even though the stock is valid (see images below). Thanks ![Eolia 1]( ![Eolia 2]( ![Eolia 3]( ![Eolia 4]( ### Expected behavior I expect the button to be displayed on the different product variations. ### Steps to reproduce See images above ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.7 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version i dn't now ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). Adhauc
Problem with the add to cart button when declining products
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Problem with the add to cart button when declining products Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Hello I currently have a problem with the "Add to cart" button that does not appear when I activate the declination mode on all products, even though the stock is valid (see images below). Thanks ![Eolia 1]( ![Eolia 2]( ![Eolia 3]( ![Eolia 4]( ### Expected behavior I expect the button to be displayed on the different product variations. ### Steps to reproduce See images above ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.7 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version i dn't now ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). Adhauc --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments via docker-compose, connection refused when I want to access php-my-admin ### Expected behavior access the phpmyadmin interface ### Steps to reproduce - Go to localhost:8080 => connection refused ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened develop ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
config docker-compose.override.yml : php-my-admin container not in the same network as mysql
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : config docker-compose.override.yml : php-my-admin container not in the same network as mysql Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments via docker-compose, connection refused when I want to access php-my-admin ### Expected behavior access the phpmyadmin interface ### Steps to reproduce - Go to localhost:8080 => connection refused ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened develop ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments I have a problem with Shopping cart module, when I press the "Add to cart" button nothing happens, I have to refresh the page and then the goods appear in the cart.   ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to 2. Click on any product 3. Scroll down to ADD TO CART 4. Error: Nothing happens 5. Refresh the page and then the goods appear in the cart ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.4 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version ps_shoppingcart ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). Ampliton
Problem with Shopping cart module
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Problem with Shopping cart module Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments I have a problem with Shopping cart module, when I press the "Add to cart" button nothing happens, I have to refresh the page and then the goods appear in the cart.   ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to 2. Click on any product 3. Scroll down to ADD TO CART 4. Error: Nothing happens 5. Refresh the page and then the goods appear in the cart ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.4 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version ps_shoppingcart ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). Ampliton --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments PS 8.1.4 default theme has horizontal width scroll on product page on the right out of the page margin. See attached picture from Galaxy S24 ### Expected behavior Page must not allow right scroll. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Install ps 8.1.4 2. Open a default product page from mobile 3. Slide from right to left your finger 4. Page scroll outside the "visible" area ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.4 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Product page mobile layout default theme broken width
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Product page mobile layout default theme broken width Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments PS 8.1.4 default theme has horizontal width scroll on product page on the right out of the page margin. See attached picture from Galaxy S24 ### Expected behavior Page must not allow right scroll. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Install ps 8.1.4 2. Open a default product page from mobile 3. Slide from right to left your finger 4. Page scroll outside the "visible" area ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.4 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments ### Regression on the migrated Attributes pages see #35591 B6 The texture can't be added. The color Black is automatically added. ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce - Go to Attributes & Features > Attributes Tab - Click on 'Add new value' btn - select Color on Attribute group field - Try to add Texture file ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened develop ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
related #35591 - bug 6 : Can't add texture (file upload field Texture in Attribute type color)
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : related #35591 - bug 6 : Can't add texture (file upload field Texture in Attribute type color) Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments ### Regression on the migrated Attributes pages see #35591 B6 The texture can't be added. The color Black is automatically added. ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce - Go to Attributes & Features > Attributes Tab - Click on 'Add new value' btn - select Color on Attribute group field - Try to add Texture file ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened develop ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When creating a new order from the back office of the shop, the error in the attachment appears. It takes several attempts to place an order. Sometimes the error appears and sometimes it does not. ![image (6)]( ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to the "orders" tab 2. Click "Add new order" 3. Fill in all the required information 4. Click "Create order" After following these steps, the error sometimes appears and sometimes not. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.3.33 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Unexpected error when creating a new order in the back office
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Unexpected error when creating a new order in the back office Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When creating a new order from the back office of the shop, the error in the attachment appears. It takes several attempts to place an order. Sometimes the error appears and sometimes it does not. ![image (6)]( ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to the "orders" tab 2. Click "Add new order" 3. Fill in all the required information 4. Click "Create order" After following these steps, the error sometimes appears and sometimes not. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.3.33 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments ### Regression on the migrated Attributes pages see #35591 B10 For some reason, when I open a list of attribute values, it automatically opens "rearrange" mode. It doesn't happen in attribute list. Need to adapt the attribut group list ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce Go to Attributes lists ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened develop ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
related #35591 - bug 10 : Attribute group list is not by default sorted by position
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : related #35591 - bug 10 : Attribute group list is not by default sorted by position Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments ### Regression on the migrated Attributes pages see #35591 B10 For some reason, when I open a list of attribute values, it automatically opens "rearrange" mode. It doesn't happen in attribute list. Need to adapt the attribut group list ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce Go to Attributes lists ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened develop ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments ### Regression on the migrated Attributes pages see #35591 B9 Attribute list is not clickable, you have to click on the small View button to get to the list of values. On the old page, you could click on the name AND on the View button. Same issue with Attributes values. you have to click on the Edit button to edit your value. On the old page, you could click on the name AND on the Edit button. ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce - go to Attributes & Features > Attributes Tab - try clicking on a line in the Attributes list ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened develop ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
related #35591 - bug 9 : Can't click on the row to view the attribut value list
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : related #35591 - bug 9 : Can't click on the row to view the attribut value list Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments ### Regression on the migrated Attributes pages see #35591 B9 Attribute list is not clickable, you have to click on the small View button to get to the list of values. On the old page, you could click on the name AND on the View button. Same issue with Attributes values. you have to click on the Edit button to edit your value. On the old page, you could click on the name AND on the Edit button. ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce - go to Attributes & Features > Attributes Tab - try clicking on a line in the Attributes list ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened develop ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments ### Regression on the migrated Attributes pages see #35591 B3 : Attribute value list doesn't adapt itself if the attribute type changes ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce When I add a new value and change the attribute group, the inputs for that attribute are not displayed. In my case, I have to go to my Color attribute and edit it to add a color manually. Steps to reproduce : Go to BO > Attributes page > View Paper Type Click Add new value button In Attribute group > Change it to Color The inputs for the color attributes are not automatically displayed ❌ Same case the other way around. Go to BO > Attributes page > View Color Click Add new value button In Attribute group > Change it to Dimension The inputs for the color attributes are not automatically removed ❌ ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened develop ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
related #35591 -bug 3 : Attribute value list doesn't adapt itself if the attribute type changes
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : related #35591 -bug 3 : Attribute value list doesn't adapt itself if the attribute type changes Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments ### Regression on the migrated Attributes pages see #35591 B3 : Attribute value list doesn't adapt itself if the attribute type changes ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce When I add a new value and change the attribute group, the inputs for that attribute are not displayed. In my case, I have to go to my Color attribute and edit it to add a color manually. Steps to reproduce : Go to BO > Attributes page > View Paper Type Click Add new value button In Attribute group > Change it to Color The inputs for the color attributes are not automatically displayed ❌ Same case the other way around. Go to BO > Attributes page > View Color Click Add new value button In Attribute group > Change it to Dimension The inputs for the color attributes are not automatically removed ❌ ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened develop ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Whenever a product translation is edited and the translation does not exist in the product_lang table, loading the Product object fails because EntityMapper is testing against the wrong table. The edit operation subsequently fails. The offending code is here: A where clause is added against the product_lang table, which is left joined, so the column may be null. It'd be best to add the where clause against the table referred in this if clause code: when available. It is the product_shop table and, although also left-joined, it is more likely to be populated than the translation table. Something like: ``` // Get lang informations if ($id_lang && isset($entity_defs['multilang']) && $entity_defs['multilang']) { $sql->leftJoin($entity_defs['table'] . '_lang', 'b', 'a.`' . bqSQL($entity_defs['primary']) . '` = b.`' . bqSQL($entity_defs['primary']) . '` AND b.`id_lang` = ' . (int) $id_lang); if ($id_shop && !empty($entity_defs['multilang_shop']) && !Shop::isTableAssociated($entity_defs['table'])) { $sql->where('b.`id_shop` = ' . (int) $id_shop); } } // Get shop informations if (Shop::isTableAssociated($entity_defs['table'])) { $sql->leftJoin($entity_defs['table'] . '_shop', 'c', 'a.`' . bqSQL($entity_defs['primary']) . '` = c.`' . bqSQL($entity_defs['primary']) . '` AND c.`id_shop` = ' . (int) $id_shop); if ($id_lang && isset($entity_defs['multilang']) && $entity_defs['multilang'] && $id_shop && !empty($entity_defs['multilang_shop'])) { $sql->where('c.`id_shop` = ' . (int) $id_shop); } } ``` I'd write a pull request, but it is best this issue is tackled by someone more familiar with Prestashop's data model. For example, it may be best to move the shop id tests from the where clause to the join clauses. I do not have enough experience or knowledge over Prestashop to evaluate that. ### Expected behavior Product translations should be editable even when the product is missing from the product_lang table. ### Steps to reproduce Create a product, remove a translation from the database, try to edit the product in the language that you removed. Editing fails, the ajax request returns HTML instead of JSON. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 1.7.8 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened Irrelevant ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version Bug manifested in a site with IqitElementor, but the issue is a flaw in core Prestashop code. ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). Irrelevant
EntityMapper test for shop id uses the wrong table
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : EntityMapper test for shop id uses the wrong table Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Whenever a product translation is edited and the translation does not exist in the product_lang table, loading the Product object fails because EntityMapper is testing against the wrong table. The edit operation subsequently fails. The offending code is here: A where clause is added against the product_lang table, which is left joined, so the column may be null. It'd be best to add the where clause against the table referred in this if clause code: when available. It is the product_shop table and, although also left-joined, it is more likely to be populated than the translation table. Something like: ``` // Get lang informations if ($id_lang && isset($entity_defs['multilang']) && $entity_defs['multilang']) { $sql->leftJoin($entity_defs['table'] . '_lang', 'b', 'a.`' . bqSQL($entity_defs['primary']) . '` = b.`' . bqSQL($entity_defs['primary']) . '` AND b.`id_lang` = ' . (int) $id_lang); if ($id_shop && !empty($entity_defs['multilang_shop']) && !Shop::isTableAssociated($entity_defs['table'])) { $sql->where('b.`id_shop` = ' . (int) $id_shop); } } // Get shop informations if (Shop::isTableAssociated($entity_defs['table'])) { $sql->leftJoin($entity_defs['table'] . '_shop', 'c', 'a.`' . bqSQL($entity_defs['primary']) . '` = c.`' . bqSQL($entity_defs['primary']) . '` AND c.`id_shop` = ' . (int) $id_shop); if ($id_lang && isset($entity_defs['multilang']) && $entity_defs['multilang'] && $id_shop && !empty($entity_defs['multilang_shop'])) { $sql->where('c.`id_shop` = ' . (int) $id_shop); } } ``` I'd write a pull request, but it is best this issue is tackled by someone more familiar with Prestashop's data model. For example, it may be best to move the shop id tests from the where clause to the join clauses. I do not have enough experience or knowledge over Prestashop to evaluate that. ### Expected behavior Product translations should be editable even when the product is missing from the product_lang table. ### Steps to reproduce Create a product, remove a translation from the database, try to edit the product in the language that you removed. Editing fails, the ajax request returns HTML instead of JSON. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 1.7.8 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened Irrelevant ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version Bug manifested in a site with IqitElementor, but the issue is a flaw in core Prestashop code. ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). Irrelevant --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
Migrate login form, logout and handle authorization via Symfony, remove Symfony layout feature flag
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Migrate login form, logout and handle authorization via Symfony, remove Symfony layout feature flag Issue date: --- start body --- --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
The Symfony Layout project is not complete because the backoffice Login page cannot work with SF Layout. If we enable the feature flag for the Symfony Layout, every backoffice pages work except this one. Due to its specific structure the only way to make it work is to migrate it to Symfony. - [x] Main PR #36002 - [x] #36138 - [x] #36159 - [x] #36140 - [x] #36143 - [x] #36155 - [x] #36204 - [x] #36242 - [x] #36157 - [x] #36180 - [x] #36243 - [ ] Clean employee entity from useless fields (like bo width, bo theme, ...), add unicity constraint on email - [x] #36249 - [x] #36241 - [ ] #36347 - [x] #36212
Migrate Login backoffice page and authentication system to Symfony
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Migrate Login backoffice page and authentication system to Symfony Issue date: --- start body --- The Symfony Layout project is not complete because the backoffice Login page cannot work with SF Layout. If we enable the feature flag for the Symfony Layout, every backoffice pages work except this one. Due to its specific structure the only way to make it work is to migrate it to Symfony. - [x] Main PR #36002 - [x] #36138 - [x] #36159 - [x] #36140 - [x] #36143 - [x] #36155 - [x] #36204 - [x] #36242 - [x] #36157 - [x] #36180 - [x] #36243 - [ ] Clean employee entity from useless fields (like bo width, bo theme, ...), add unicity constraint on email - [x] #36249 - [x] #36241 - [ ] #36347 - [x] #36212 --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments I noticed that i can't change the translation of the product flag 'new' in the backoffice overlay because in the [src/Adapter/Presenter/Product/ProductLazyArray.php]( the translation is mapped to Shop.Theme.Global even tho it should be mapped to Shop.Theme.Catalog to work correctly. Thank you for looking into it. <3 ### Expected behavior No change for changing translation. ### Steps to reproduce just try to change the translation of the product flag 'new' over the backoffice settings. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.1 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Translation of Product Flag "new" mappes to wrong location.
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Translation of Product Flag "new" mappes to wrong location. Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments I noticed that i can't change the translation of the product flag 'new' in the backoffice overlay because in the [src/Adapter/Presenter/Product/ProductLazyArray.php]( the translation is mapped to Shop.Theme.Global even tho it should be mapped to Shop.Theme.Catalog to work correctly. Thank you for looking into it. <3 ### Expected behavior No change for changing translation. ### Steps to reproduce just try to change the translation of the product flag 'new' over the backoffice settings. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.1 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments I have Prestashop 8.1.5 installed and working on VPS server. I performed manual data migration from Prestashop to Prestashop 8.1.5 I carefully followed the steps from this documentation : Database contains more than 37,000 orders. Everything is working fine except : Changing state of an order is very slow (at least 1 minute) and sometimes this results in a "504 Gateway Time-out - Nginx". In the Server log file, I can see the Nginx error after about 1 minute : "upstream timed out (110: Connection timed out) while reading response header from upstream". Note 1 : If I install this PrestaShop 8.1.5 locally with the same data (files and database) on my computer with MAMP server, then changing state is OK. ### Expected behavior Changing state of an order should be fast ### Steps to reproduce 1. Select one order from the order list 2. Change state of the order. For example choose "Payment accepted" 3. Click the "change state" button ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.28 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Changing state of an order is very slow (and sometimes results to a "504 Gateway Time-out - Nginx")
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Changing state of an order is very slow (and sometimes results to a "504 Gateway Time-out - Nginx") Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments I have Prestashop 8.1.5 installed and working on VPS server. I performed manual data migration from Prestashop to Prestashop 8.1.5 I carefully followed the steps from this documentation : Database contains more than 37,000 orders. Everything is working fine except : Changing state of an order is very slow (at least 1 minute) and sometimes this results in a "504 Gateway Time-out - Nginx". In the Server log file, I can see the Nginx error after about 1 minute : "upstream timed out (110: Connection timed out) while reading response header from upstream". Note 1 : If I install this PrestaShop 8.1.5 locally with the same data (files and database) on my computer with MAMP server, then changing state is OK. ### Expected behavior Changing state of an order should be fast ### Steps to reproduce 1. Select one order from the order list 2. Change state of the order. For example choose "Payment accepted" 3. Click the "change state" button ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.28 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Everytime i clear cache from BO the folder permissions are changed ( /var/cache/ ) and errors appear in BO/FO - i must enable dev mode to enter on BO. Happened to somebody until now? It.s not server related. Maybe a hint where to find the problem? Other website with same config is working well. ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce 1. go to Advanced Parameters - Performance 2. hit Clear Cache ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.27 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version MySQL: 5.6.51-log ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Folder permissions removed after clear cache from BO
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Folder permissions removed after clear cache from BO Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Everytime i clear cache from BO the folder permissions are changed ( /var/cache/ ) and errors appear in BO/FO - i must enable dev mode to enter on BO. Happened to somebody until now? It.s not server related. Maybe a hint where to find the problem? Other website with same config is working well. ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce 1. go to Advanced Parameters - Performance 2. hit Clear Cache ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.27 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version MySQL: 5.6.51-log ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
This issue tracks the status of the PrestaShop 8.1.6 release # Information Q | A --------------------------------------|--------------- **Type** | Patch security version **Build date** | 2024-05-13 **Milestone** | [8.1.6]( **Delivery date** | 2024-05-14 **Release manager tech** | @matthieu-rolland RMT = Release manager tech RMQ = Release manager QA # Current status - [x] Create milestone ## 1. Development See below ## 2. Preparing the source code for release - [x] [Preliminary tasks]( **RMT** ## 3. Build process - [x] Create the new version in Addons Marketplace and update native module compatibility - [x] Prepare communication **Communicator** - [x] Merge security PRs locally if there are some **RMT** - [x] Update the Changelog and Contributors list **RMT** - [x] Build the zip archive. **RMT** - [x] QA validation **RMQ** - [x] Update channel.xml with new version of autoupgrade module. - [x] Release **RMT** - [x] Merge security PRs on GitHub if there are some - [x] Merge the updated Changelog and Contributors list on GitHub. - [x] Tag the version using Git and publish the release on GitHub. - [x] Provide Communicator with up to date informations (contributors list, changelog...) **RMT** - [x] Communicate - [x] Release note **Communicator** ## 4. After release steps - [x] Make new version available for upgrade - [x] Publish Docker image - [x] Close milestone
Release 8.1.6 🌊
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Release 8.1.6 🌊 Issue date: --- start body --- This issue tracks the status of the PrestaShop 8.1.6 release # Information Q | A --------------------------------------|--------------- **Type** | Patch security version **Build date** | 2024-05-13 **Milestone** | [8.1.6]( **Delivery date** | 2024-05-14 **Release manager tech** | @matthieu-rolland RMT = Release manager tech RMQ = Release manager QA # Current status - [x] Create milestone ## 1. Development See below ## 2. Preparing the source code for release - [x] [Preliminary tasks]( **RMT** ## 3. Build process - [x] Create the new version in Addons Marketplace and update native module compatibility - [x] Prepare communication **Communicator** - [x] Merge security PRs locally if there are some **RMT** - [x] Update the Changelog and Contributors list **RMT** - [x] Build the zip archive. **RMT** - [x] QA validation **RMQ** - [x] Update channel.xml with new version of autoupgrade module. - [x] Release **RMT** - [x] Merge security PRs on GitHub if there are some - [x] Merge the updated Changelog and Contributors list on GitHub. - [x] Tag the version using Git and publish the release on GitHub. - [x] Provide Communicator with up to date informations (contributors list, changelog...) **RMT** - [x] Communicate - [x] Release note **Communicator** ## 4. After release steps - [x] Make new version available for upgrade - [x] Publish Docker image - [x] Close milestone --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When I do an Upgrade from to, with a dev autoupgrade, I can do the upgrade but my shop after that will be blank all time ( should be support php 7.1) as you can see : [recording(196).webm]( ### Expected behavior I wish I could use my Prestashop Version entirely ### Steps to reproduce 1. Install Prestashop V1.7.1.0 2. Install Autoupgrade dev mod (for exemple ) 3. Do an upgrade from to thank to local archive 4. Clic on Dashboard to go an you shop v1.7.3.0 :x: ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version autoupgrade v5.0.1 from dev branch ( ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). PS
Autoupgrade - From to - My will still be blank
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Autoupgrade - From to - My will still be blank Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When I do an Upgrade from to, with a dev autoupgrade, I can do the upgrade but my shop after that will be blank all time ( should be support php 7.1) as you can see : [recording(196).webm]( ### Expected behavior I wish I could use my Prestashop Version entirely ### Steps to reproduce 1. Install Prestashop V1.7.1.0 2. Install Autoupgrade dev mod (for exemple ) 3. Do an upgrade from to thank to local archive 4. Clic on Dashboard to go an you shop v1.7.3.0 :x: ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version autoupgrade v5.0.1 from dev branch ( ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). PS --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Hello, I have a big problem with images showed on product page: on combination products, if I select a specific image for the main combination, when the user goes to the product page, they only see the image associated with the combination, rather than all the images set on the product. On all eCommerce, if user go to the product page, he can see all product images and only the first image change if he select a specific combination: so how ca I do this on prestashop? P.s. I have Prestashop v. ### Expected behavior O front-end, when user go to the product page, he can see all product images and only the first image change if he select a specific combination, like happen on all eComemrce. ### Steps to reproduce 1) on back-office create a product with combination 2) insert 4 images on the product 3) go to combinations section and associate a specific image to main combination 4) save 5) on front-end go to product page and see than is showed only teh image associated to main combination (the hoters products images are not display) ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.3 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). Massimo
Problem with images showed on product page, when is selected a specific main combination.
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Problem with images showed on product page, when is selected a specific main combination. Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Hello, I have a big problem with images showed on product page: on combination products, if I select a specific image for the main combination, when the user goes to the product page, they only see the image associated with the combination, rather than all the images set on the product. On all eCommerce, if user go to the product page, he can see all product images and only the first image change if he select a specific combination: so how ca I do this on prestashop? P.s. I have Prestashop v. ### Expected behavior O front-end, when user go to the product page, he can see all product images and only the first image change if he select a specific combination, like happen on all eComemrce. ### Steps to reproduce 1) on back-office create a product with combination 2) insert 4 images on the product 3) go to combinations section and associate a specific image to main combination 4) save 5) on front-end go to product page and see than is showed only teh image associated to main combination (the hoters products images are not display) ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.3 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). Massimo --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments As the remaining quantity in stock is not checked when paying with PayPal or other forms that require a gateway payment, it is possible to complete the order and pay for an out-of-stock product even if this is not permitted. I attach a video of the problem [01 - screen-capture.webm]( [02 - screen-capture.webm]( This issue is related to this other one ( which was resolved with this PR: But the problem remains in case of external payment. Do you think we could somehow "limit" this problem? If so, can you do it directly from Prestashop, or should the check be performed from the specific payment module? Thank you. ### Expected behavior Payment should not be allowed ### Steps to reproduce 1. Set a product quantity to 2 in the BO 2. Add this product to cart, 2 units 3. Go to the last step of the checkout (payment), just before you click "Confirm with an obligation to pay" 4. Now, change quantity of the product to 1 in back-office 5. Click "Confirm with an obligation to pay" on last step of the checkout (payment), perΓ² selezionando il pagamento con PayPal 6. You are now able to pay while you shouldn't ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). Codencode
The quantities in stock are not verified in case of payment with PayPal or similar gateway
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : The quantities in stock are not verified in case of payment with PayPal or similar gateway Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments As the remaining quantity in stock is not checked when paying with PayPal or other forms that require a gateway payment, it is possible to complete the order and pay for an out-of-stock product even if this is not permitted. I attach a video of the problem [01 - screen-capture.webm]( [02 - screen-capture.webm]( This issue is related to this other one ( which was resolved with this PR: But the problem remains in case of external payment. Do you think we could somehow "limit" this problem? If so, can you do it directly from Prestashop, or should the check be performed from the specific payment module? Thank you. ### Expected behavior Payment should not be allowed ### Steps to reproduce 1. Set a product quantity to 2 in the BO 2. Add this product to cart, 2 units 3. Go to the last step of the checkout (payment), just before you click "Confirm with an obligation to pay" 4. Now, change quantity of the product to 1 in back-office 5. Click "Confirm with an obligation to pay" on last step of the checkout (payment), perΓ² selezionando il pagamento con PayPal 6. You are now able to pay while you shouldn't ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). Codencode --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [ ] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [ ] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Hello. I run prestashop On one oreder, can't view the order. I don't understand why I get error. The error is: Type error: Argument 1 passed to PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Domain\Order\QueryResult\OrderInvoiceAddressForViewing::__construct() must be of the type int, null given, called in public_html/src/Adapter/Order/QueryHandler/GetOrderForViewingHandler.php on line 330 [Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalThrowableError 0] I received other orders after the order with this error and they can all be viewed. ### Expected behavior ### Steps to reproduce Cant reproduce ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.4 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Can't view order prestashop
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Can't view order prestashop Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [ ] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [ ] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Hello. I run prestashop On one oreder, can't view the order. I don't understand why I get error. The error is: Type error: Argument 1 passed to PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Domain\Order\QueryResult\OrderInvoiceAddressForViewing::__construct() must be of the type int, null given, called in public_html/src/Adapter/Order/QueryHandler/GetOrderForViewingHandler.php on line 330 [Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalThrowableError 0] I received other orders after the order with this error and they can all be viewed. ### Expected behavior ### Steps to reproduce Cant reproduce ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.4 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments In some installations of PrestaShop 8.1.3 and 8.1.4 the Customers page in the back-end takes a long time to load. By enabling debug profiling, it takes a long time to load "config". ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce The only thing that seems common where it occurs is when one or more customers have a large number of orders. However, it is not the query time that is causing the problem. ![Screenshot_3]( ![Screenshot_4]( ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.4 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Customers > Customers page in the back-end is very slow to load
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Customers > Customers page in the back-end is very slow to load Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments In some installations of PrestaShop 8.1.3 and 8.1.4 the Customers page in the back-end takes a long time to load. By enabling debug profiling, it takes a long time to load "config". ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce The only thing that seems common where it occurs is when one or more customers have a large number of orders. However, it is not the query time that is causing the problem. ![Screenshot_3]( ![Screenshot_4]( ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.4 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Logout after first and each next login Also, I found a few errors after login in Network tab. But I didn't sure did that change anything ![image]( ### Expected behavior All should work fine after first install. ### Steps to reproduce - Install panel. - Go to /{admin} path - Try login with your creds - Success first loggin in acconut - After reloading page you **WILL BE** logout and then you can't login again without any errors ### System Info - **Ubuntu 22.04** - Using **CyberPanel** ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.0,8.1,8.2,8.3 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
[BUG] Auto logout after first login in presta shop admin after first install and login
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : [BUG] Auto logout after first login in presta shop admin after first install and login Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Logout after first and each next login Also, I found a few errors after login in Network tab. But I didn't sure did that change anything ![image]( ### Expected behavior All should work fine after first install. ### Steps to reproduce - Install panel. - Go to /{admin} path - Try login with your creds - Success first loggin in acconut - After reloading page you **WILL BE** logout and then you can't login again without any errors ### System Info - **Ubuntu 22.04** - Using **CyberPanel** ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.0,8.1,8.2,8.3 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments On a product page with combinations, when an attribute value is selected, the attribute name+value groups are appended to the URL e.g.: 122-3154-product.html#/10-attr1_value1/11-attr2_value2 Currently we show the attributes' private names. Since this information is visible publicly, we should show the public names instead. ### Expected behavior Public attribute names are appended to URL ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go on a product page with combinations 2. Select any attribute value 3. Check the attribute-value permutations added to the URL after #/ ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Combinations display private attribute names instead of public in the URL
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Combinations display private attribute names instead of public in the URL Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments On a product page with combinations, when an attribute value is selected, the attribute name+value groups are appended to the URL e.g.: 122-3154-product.html#/10-attr1_value1/11-attr2_value2 Currently we show the attributes' private names. Since this information is visible publicly, we should show the public names instead. ### Expected behavior Public attribute names are appended to URL ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go on a product page with combinations 2. Select any attribute value 3. Check the attribute-value permutations added to the URL after #/ ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Do we have the feature to have multi invoice number in each shop? on both prestashop 1.7.8.x and prestashop 8? ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce 1. Specify Invoice number for each shop ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened php 7.4 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). AgileBio
Mutlinvoice Number for each Shop
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Mutlinvoice Number for each Shop Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Do we have the feature to have multi invoice number in each shop? on both prestashop 1.7.8.x and prestashop 8? ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce 1. Specify Invoice number for each shop ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened php 7.4 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). AgileBio --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [x] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments ο»ΏWe have a module that wants to make an own Dispatch and needs to pass the information about the dispatched routes to the default PS Dispatcher in Hook ο»ΏactionAfterLoadRoutes. For this reason the protected variables "$controller" and "$front_controller" needs to be public or alternatively a setter methods is needed. ο»ΏCurrently this can be only achieved with an Override of Dispatcher. ![grafik]( ### Expected behavior Both $controller and $front_controller can be set with a module through hook actionAfterLoadRoutes ### Steps to reproduce 1) You need a module to hook into actionAfterLoadRoutes Here is an example: ![grafik]( or with using a setter method: ![grafik]( 2) line 12 will throw an error: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Cannot access protected property Dispatcher::$controller in... ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.27 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). Gurkcity
Can't set $controller in Dispatcher in hook actionAfterLoadRoutes
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Can't set $controller in Dispatcher in hook actionAfterLoadRoutes Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [x] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments ο»ΏWe have a module that wants to make an own Dispatch and needs to pass the information about the dispatched routes to the default PS Dispatcher in Hook ο»ΏactionAfterLoadRoutes. For this reason the protected variables "$controller" and "$front_controller" needs to be public or alternatively a setter methods is needed. ο»ΏCurrently this can be only achieved with an Override of Dispatcher. ![grafik]( ### Expected behavior Both $controller and $front_controller can be set with a module through hook actionAfterLoadRoutes ### Steps to reproduce 1) You need a module to hook into actionAfterLoadRoutes Here is an example: ![grafik]( or with using a setter method: ![grafik]( 2) line 12 will throw an error: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Cannot access protected property Dispatcher::$controller in... ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.27 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). Gurkcity --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Good evening, I'm developing a js file to manage the product code in Backoffice Order Creation. I saw there is the event productSearched: 'OrderCreateProductSearched' emitted in product-manager.ts. I created a quick module on the fly to test and it seems it's a different EventEmitter available :/ []( @marsaldev ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce Install the test module Go to sell -> Order Create new order try searching products Check the console for log 'event OrderCreateProductSearched emitted' (it is not appear) ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1, 1.7.8 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1, 7.4 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Event not managed in custom modules
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Event not managed in custom modules Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Good evening, I'm developing a js file to manage the product code in Backoffice Order Creation. I saw there is the event productSearched: 'OrderCreateProductSearched' emitted in product-manager.ts. I created a quick module on the fly to test and it seems it's a different EventEmitter available :/ []( @marsaldev ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce Install the test module Go to sell -> Order Create new order try searching products Check the console for log 'event OrderCreateProductSearched emitted' (it is not appear) ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1, 1.7.8 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1, 7.4 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When you do an upgrade from to and do a rollback just after that, you have some issue about modules On the dahsboard : ![image]( On the module catalog/manager : ![image]( ### Expected behavior I wish I have the same shop than before ### Steps to reproduce 1. Install Prestashop 2. Install autoupgrade dev version (#690 for exemple) 3. Do a minor release (to 4. Do a rollback to ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version autoupgrade dev (like #690) ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). PS
Autoupgrade - to rollback to have some issue on it
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Autoupgrade - to rollback to have some issue on it Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When you do an upgrade from to and do a rollback just after that, you have some issue about modules On the dahsboard : ![image]( On the module catalog/manager : ![image]( ### Expected behavior I wish I have the same shop than before ### Steps to reproduce 1. Install Prestashop 2. Install autoupgrade dev version (#690 for exemple) 3. Do a minor release (to 4. Do a rollback to ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version autoupgrade dev (like #690) ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). PS --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments After upgrading from to i'm unable to use the back office with php 7.4 ![image]( `session.save_handler = redis session.save_path = "tcp://redb01.XXXX.internal:6379?auth=XXXX"` Same config work in front-end and with php7.2 also in back end. `2024-04-18 12:37:10.106298 [NOTICE] [2189816] [T0] [] [STDERR] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalErrorException: Core Error: SessionHandler::open(): Cannot call default session handler in Unknown:0\nStack trace:\n#0 {main}\n\nNext Symfony\Component\Filesystem\Exception\IOException: Failed to create "yaml": mkdir(): Permission denied in /var/www/html/XXX/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Filesystem/Filesystem.php:104\nStack trace:\n#0 /var/www/html/XXX/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Filesystem/Filesystem.php(676): Symfony\Component\Filesystem\Filesystem->mkdir()\n#1 /var/www/html/XXX/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Config/ResourceCheckerConfigCache.php(124): Symfony\Component\Filesystem\Filesystem->dumpFile()\n#2 /var/www/html/XXX/src/Core/Util/File/YamlParser.php(92): Symfony\Component\Config\ResourceCheckerConfigCache->write()\n#3 /var/www/html/XXX/src/Core/Addon/Theme/Theme.php(43): PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Util\File\YamlParse in /var/www/html/XXX/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Filesystem/Filesystem.php on line 104\n ` ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce 1) Manual upgrade from to 2) Try to open back office with php 7.4 ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Core Error: SessionHandler::open(): Cannot call default session handler after Manuale Upgrade from to using PHP7.4
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Core Error: SessionHandler::open(): Cannot call default session handler after Manuale Upgrade from to using PHP7.4 Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments After upgrading from to i'm unable to use the back office with php 7.4 ![image]( `session.save_handler = redis session.save_path = "tcp://redb01.XXXX.internal:6379?auth=XXXX"` Same config work in front-end and with php7.2 also in back end. `2024-04-18 12:37:10.106298 [NOTICE] [2189816] [T0] [] [STDERR] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalErrorException: Core Error: SessionHandler::open(): Cannot call default session handler in Unknown:0\nStack trace:\n#0 {main}\n\nNext Symfony\Component\Filesystem\Exception\IOException: Failed to create "yaml": mkdir(): Permission denied in /var/www/html/XXX/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Filesystem/Filesystem.php:104\nStack trace:\n#0 /var/www/html/XXX/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Filesystem/Filesystem.php(676): Symfony\Component\Filesystem\Filesystem->mkdir()\n#1 /var/www/html/XXX/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Config/ResourceCheckerConfigCache.php(124): Symfony\Component\Filesystem\Filesystem->dumpFile()\n#2 /var/www/html/XXX/src/Core/Util/File/YamlParser.php(92): Symfony\Component\Config\ResourceCheckerConfigCache->write()\n#3 /var/www/html/XXX/src/Core/Addon/Theme/Theme.php(43): PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Util\File\YamlParse in /var/www/html/XXX/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Filesystem/Filesystem.php on line 104\n ` ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce 1) Manual upgrade from to 2) Try to open back office with php 7.4 ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Unknown column 'product_type' in 'field list'<br /><br /><pre>INSERT INTO `ps_product` (`id_shop_default`, `id_manufacturer`, `id_supplier`, `reference`, `supplier_reference`, `location`, `width`, `height`, `depth`, `weight`, `quantity_discount`, `ean13`, `isbn`, `upc`, `mpn`, `cache_is_pack`, `cache_has_attachments`, `is_virtual`, `state`, `additional_delivery_times`, `product_type`, `id_category_default`, `id_tax_rules_group`, `on_sale`, `online_only`, `ecotax`, `minimal_quantity`, `low_stock_threshold`, `low_stock_alert`, `price`, `wholesale_price`, `unity`, `unit_price_ratio`, `additional_shipping_cost`, `customizable`, `text_fields`, `uploadable_files`, `active`, `redirect_type`, `id_type_redirected`, `available_for_order`, `available_date`, `show_condition`, `condition`, `show_price`, `indexed`, `visibility`, `cache_default_attribute`, `advanced_stock_management`, `date_add`, `date_upd`, `pack_stock_type`) VALUES ('1', '0', '0', '', '', '', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '', '', '', '', '0', '0', '0', '0', '1', '', '2', '1', '0', '0', '0', '1', NULL, '0', '0', '0', '', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '1', '404', '0', '1', '0000-00-00', '0', 'new', '1', '0', 'both', '0', '0', '2024-04-18 14:04:44', '2024-04-18 14:04:44', '3')</pre> ExceptionLogs 2Stack Trace PrestaShopDatabaseException in [classes/db/Db.php]( (line 769) if ($webservice_call && $errno) { $dbg = debug_backtrace(); WebserviceRequest::getInstance()->setError(500, '[SQL Error] ' . $this->getMsgError() . '. From ' . (isset($dbg[3]['class']) ? $dbg[3]['class'] : '') . '->' . $dbg[3]['function'] . '() Query was : ' . $sql, 97); } elseif (_PS_DEBUG_SQL_ && $errno && !defined('PS_INSTALLATION_IN_PROGRESS')) { if ($sql) { throw new PrestaShopDatabaseException($this->getMsgError() . '<br /><br /><pre>' . $sql . '</pre>'); } throw new PrestaShopDatabaseException($this->getMsgError()); } } DbCore->displayError('INSERT INTO `ps_product` (`id_shop_default`, `id_manufacturer`, `id_supplier`, `reference`, `supplier_reference`, `location`, `width`, `height`, `depth`, `weight`, `quantity_discount`, `ean13`, `isbn`, `upc`, `mpn`, `cache_is_pack`, `cache_has_attachments`, `is_virtual`, `state`, `additional_delivery_times`, `product_type`, `id_category_default`, `id_tax_rules_group`, `on_sale`, `online_only`, `ecotax`, `minimal_quantity`, `low_stock_threshold`, `low_stock_alert`, `price`, `wholesale_price`, `unity`, `unit_price_ratio`, `additional_shipping_cost`, `customizable`, `text_fields`, `uploadable_files`, `active`, `redirect_type`, `id_type_redirected`, `available_for_order`, `available_date`, `show_condition`, `condition`, `show_price`, `indexed`, `visibility`, `cache_default_attribute`, `advanced_stock_management`, `date_add`, `date_upd`, `pack_stock_type`) VALUES (\'1\', \'0\', \'0\', \'\', \'\', \'\', \'0\', \'0\', \'0\', \'0\', \'0\', \'\', \'\', \'\', \'\', \'0\', \'0\', \'0\', \'0\', \'1\', \'\', \'2\', \'1\', \'0\', \'0\', \'0\', \'1\', NULL, \'0\', \'0\', \'0\', \'\', \'0\', \'0\', \'0\', \'0\', \'0\', \'1\', \'404\', \'0\', \'1\', \'0000-00-00\', \'0\', \'new\', \'1\', \'0\', \'both\', \'0\', \'0\', \'2024-04-18 14:04:44\', \'2024-04-18 14:04:44\', \'3\')') in [classes/db/Db.php]( (line 385) DbCore->query('INSERT INTO `ps_product` (`id_shop_default`, `id_manufacturer`, `id_supplier`, `reference`, `supplier_reference`, `location`, `width`, `height`, `depth`, `weight`, `quantity_discount`, `ean13`, `isbn`, `upc`, `mpn`, `cache_is_pack`, `cache_has_attachments`, `is_virtual`, `state`, `additional_delivery_times`, `product_type`, `id_category_default`, `id_tax_rules_group`, `on_sale`, `online_only`, `ecotax`, `minimal_quantity`, `low_stock_threshold`, `low_stock_alert`, `price`, `wholesale_price`, `unity`, `unit_price_ratio`, `additional_shipping_cost`, `customizable`, `text_fields`, `uploadable_files`, `active`, `redirect_type`, `id_type_redirected`, `available_for_order`, `available_date`, `show_condition`, `condition`, `show_price`, `indexed`, `visibility`, `cache_default_attribute`, `advanced_stock_management`, `date_add`, `date_upd`, `pack_stock_type`) VALUES (\'1\', \'0\', \'0\', \'\', \'\', \'\', \'0\', \'0\', \'0\', \'0\', \'0\', \'\', \'\', \'\', \'\', \'0\', \'0\', \'0\', \'0\', \'1\', \'\', \'2\', \'1\', \'0\', \'0\', \'0\', \'1\', NULL, \'0\', \'0\', \'0\', \'\', \'0\', \'0\', \'0\', \'0\', \'0\', \'1\', \'404\', \'0\', \'1\', \'0000-00-00\', \'0\', \'new\', \'1\', \'0\', \'both\', \'0\', \'0\', \'2024-04-18 14:04:44\', \'2024-04-18 14:04:44\', \'3\')') in [classes/db/Db.php]( (line 740) DbCore->q('INSERT INTO `ps_product` (`id_shop_default`, `id_manufacturer`, `id_supplier`, `reference`, `supplier_reference`, `location`, `width`, `height`, `depth`, `weight`, `quantity_discount`, `ean13`, `isbn`, `upc`, `mpn`, `cache_is_pack`, `cache_has_attachments`, `is_virtual`, `state`, `additional_delivery_times`, `product_type`, `id_category_default`, `id_tax_rules_group`, `on_sale`, `online_only`, `ecotax`, `minimal_quantity`, `low_stock_threshold`, `low_stock_alert`, `price`, `wholesale_price`, `unity`, `unit_price_ratio`, `additional_shipping_cost`, `customizable`, `text_fields`, `uploadable_files`, `active`, `redirect_type`, `id_type_redirected`, `available_for_order`, `available_date`, `show_condition`, `condition`, `show_price`, `indexed`, `visibility`, `cache_default_attribute`, `advanced_stock_management`, `date_add`, `date_upd`, `pack_stock_type`) VALUES (\'1\', \'0\', \'0\', \'\', \'\', \'\', \'0\', \'0\', \'0\', \'0\', \'0\', \'\', \'\', \'\', \'\', \'0\', \'0\', \'0\', \'0\', \'1\', \'\', \'2\', \'1\', \'0\', \'0\', \'0\', \'1\', NULL, \'0\', \'0\', \'0\', \'\', \'0\', \'0\', \'0\', \'0\', \'0\', \'1\', \'404\', \'0\', \'1\', \'0000-00-00\', \'0\', \'new\', \'1\', \'0\', \'both\', \'0\', \'0\', \'2024-04-18 14:04:44\', \'2024-04-18 14:04:44\', \'3\')', true) in [classes/db/Db.php]( (line 476) DbCore->insert('ps_product', array(array('id_shop_default' => 1, 'id_manufacturer' => 0, 'id_supplier' => 0, 'reference' => '', 'supplier_reference' => '', 'location' => '', 'width' => 0.0, 'height' => 0.0, 'depth' => 0.0, 'weight' => 0.0, 'quantity_discount' => 0, 'ean13' => '', 'isbn' => '', 'upc' => '', 'mpn' => '', 'cache_is_pack' => 0, 'cache_has_attachments' => 0, 'is_virtual' => 0, 'state' => 0, 'additional_delivery_times' => 1, 'product_type' => '', 'id_category_default' => 2, 'id_tax_rules_group' => 1, 'on_sale' => 0, 'online_only' => 0, 'ecotax' => 0.0, 'minimal_quantity' => 1, 'low_stock_threshold' => array('type' => 'sql', 'value' => 'NULL'), 'low_stock_alert' => 0, 'price' => 0.0, 'wholesale_price' => 0.0, 'unity' => '', 'unit_price_ratio' => 0, 'additional_shipping_cost' => 0.0, 'customizable' => 0, 'text_fields' => 0, 'uploadable_files' => 0, 'active' => 1, 'redirect_type' => '404', 'id_type_redirected' => 0, 'available_for_order' => 1, 'available_date' => '0000-00-00', 'show_condition' => 0, 'condition' => 'new', 'show_price' => 1, 'indexed' => 0, 'visibility' => 'both', 'cache_default_attribute' => 0, 'advanced_stock_management' => 0, 'date_add' => '2024-04-18 14:04:44', 'date_upd' => '2024-04-18 14:04:44', 'pack_stock_type' => 3)), false) in [classes/ObjectModel.php]( (line 578) ObjectModelCore->add(true, false) in [classes/Product.php]( (line 782) ProductCore->add(true, false) in [classes/ObjectModel.php]( (line 535) ObjectModelCore->save() in [src/PrestaShopBundle/Controller/Admin/ProductController.php]( (line 431) ProductController->newAction() in [vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/HttpKernel/HttpKernel.php]( (line 151) HttpKernel->handleRaw(object(Request), 1) in [vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/HttpKernel/HttpKernel.php]( (line 68) HttpKernel->handle(object(Request), 1, false) in [vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/HttpKernel/Kernel.php]( (line 200) Kernel->handle(object(Request), 1, false) in [admin372wt46of/index.php]( (line 82) ### Expected behavior All the field of ps_product need to be created during the post-upgrade script launch. ### Steps to reproduce 1) Manual upgrade from to using this guide 2) Run database upgrade with http://<shop_domain>/install/upgrade/upgrade.php 3) Get error code Error #32: No upgrade needs to be applied. -> This seem to be an "ok" code, its not very good to use an error code to notify it 4) Try to add a new product result in a missing table field product_type ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.2 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Unknown column 'product_type' in 'field list'<br /><br /><pre>INSERT INTO `ps_product` AFTER MANUAL UPGRADE from to
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Unknown column 'product_type' in 'field list'<br /><br /><pre>INSERT INTO `ps_product` AFTER MANUAL UPGRADE from to Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Unknown column 'product_type' in 'field list'<br /><br /><pre>INSERT INTO `ps_product` (`id_shop_default`, `id_manufacturer`, `id_supplier`, `reference`, `supplier_reference`, `location`, `width`, `height`, `depth`, `weight`, `quantity_discount`, `ean13`, `isbn`, `upc`, `mpn`, `cache_is_pack`, `cache_has_attachments`, `is_virtual`, `state`, `additional_delivery_times`, `product_type`, `id_category_default`, `id_tax_rules_group`, `on_sale`, `online_only`, `ecotax`, `minimal_quantity`, `low_stock_threshold`, `low_stock_alert`, `price`, `wholesale_price`, `unity`, `unit_price_ratio`, `additional_shipping_cost`, `customizable`, `text_fields`, `uploadable_files`, `active`, `redirect_type`, `id_type_redirected`, `available_for_order`, `available_date`, `show_condition`, `condition`, `show_price`, `indexed`, `visibility`, `cache_default_attribute`, `advanced_stock_management`, `date_add`, `date_upd`, `pack_stock_type`) VALUES ('1', '0', '0', '', '', '', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '', '', '', '', '0', '0', '0', '0', '1', '', '2', '1', '0', '0', '0', '1', NULL, '0', '0', '0', '', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '1', '404', '0', '1', '0000-00-00', '0', 'new', '1', '0', 'both', '0', '0', '2024-04-18 14:04:44', '2024-04-18 14:04:44', '3')</pre> ExceptionLogs 2Stack Trace PrestaShopDatabaseException in [classes/db/Db.php]( (line 769) if ($webservice_call && $errno) { $dbg = debug_backtrace(); WebserviceRequest::getInstance()->setError(500, '[SQL Error] ' . $this->getMsgError() . '. From ' . (isset($dbg[3]['class']) ? $dbg[3]['class'] : '') . '->' . $dbg[3]['function'] . '() Query was : ' . $sql, 97); } elseif (_PS_DEBUG_SQL_ && $errno && !defined('PS_INSTALLATION_IN_PROGRESS')) { if ($sql) { throw new PrestaShopDatabaseException($this->getMsgError() . '<br /><br /><pre>' . $sql . '</pre>'); } throw new PrestaShopDatabaseException($this->getMsgError()); } } DbCore->displayError('INSERT INTO `ps_product` (`id_shop_default`, `id_manufacturer`, `id_supplier`, `reference`, `supplier_reference`, `location`, `width`, `height`, `depth`, `weight`, `quantity_discount`, `ean13`, `isbn`, `upc`, `mpn`, `cache_is_pack`, `cache_has_attachments`, `is_virtual`, `state`, `additional_delivery_times`, `product_type`, `id_category_default`, `id_tax_rules_group`, `on_sale`, `online_only`, `ecotax`, `minimal_quantity`, `low_stock_threshold`, `low_stock_alert`, `price`, `wholesale_price`, `unity`, `unit_price_ratio`, `additional_shipping_cost`, `customizable`, `text_fields`, `uploadable_files`, `active`, `redirect_type`, `id_type_redirected`, `available_for_order`, `available_date`, `show_condition`, `condition`, `show_price`, `indexed`, `visibility`, `cache_default_attribute`, `advanced_stock_management`, `date_add`, `date_upd`, `pack_stock_type`) VALUES (\'1\', \'0\', \'0\', \'\', \'\', \'\', \'0\', \'0\', \'0\', \'0\', \'0\', \'\', \'\', \'\', \'\', \'0\', \'0\', \'0\', \'0\', \'1\', \'\', \'2\', \'1\', \'0\', \'0\', \'0\', \'1\', NULL, \'0\', \'0\', \'0\', \'\', \'0\', \'0\', \'0\', \'0\', \'0\', \'1\', \'404\', \'0\', \'1\', \'0000-00-00\', \'0\', \'new\', \'1\', \'0\', \'both\', \'0\', \'0\', \'2024-04-18 14:04:44\', \'2024-04-18 14:04:44\', \'3\')') in [classes/db/Db.php]( (line 385) DbCore->query('INSERT INTO `ps_product` (`id_shop_default`, `id_manufacturer`, `id_supplier`, `reference`, `supplier_reference`, `location`, `width`, `height`, `depth`, `weight`, `quantity_discount`, `ean13`, `isbn`, `upc`, `mpn`, `cache_is_pack`, `cache_has_attachments`, `is_virtual`, `state`, `additional_delivery_times`, `product_type`, `id_category_default`, `id_tax_rules_group`, `on_sale`, `online_only`, `ecotax`, `minimal_quantity`, `low_stock_threshold`, `low_stock_alert`, `price`, `wholesale_price`, `unity`, `unit_price_ratio`, `additional_shipping_cost`, `customizable`, `text_fields`, `uploadable_files`, `active`, `redirect_type`, `id_type_redirected`, `available_for_order`, `available_date`, `show_condition`, `condition`, `show_price`, `indexed`, `visibility`, `cache_default_attribute`, `advanced_stock_management`, `date_add`, `date_upd`, `pack_stock_type`) VALUES (\'1\', \'0\', \'0\', \'\', \'\', \'\', \'0\', \'0\', \'0\', \'0\', \'0\', \'\', \'\', \'\', \'\', \'0\', \'0\', \'0\', \'0\', \'1\', \'\', \'2\', \'1\', \'0\', \'0\', \'0\', \'1\', NULL, \'0\', \'0\', \'0\', \'\', \'0\', \'0\', \'0\', \'0\', \'0\', \'1\', \'404\', \'0\', \'1\', \'0000-00-00\', \'0\', \'new\', \'1\', \'0\', \'both\', \'0\', \'0\', \'2024-04-18 14:04:44\', \'2024-04-18 14:04:44\', \'3\')') in [classes/db/Db.php]( (line 740) DbCore->q('INSERT INTO `ps_product` (`id_shop_default`, `id_manufacturer`, `id_supplier`, `reference`, `supplier_reference`, `location`, `width`, `height`, `depth`, `weight`, `quantity_discount`, `ean13`, `isbn`, `upc`, `mpn`, `cache_is_pack`, `cache_has_attachments`, `is_virtual`, `state`, `additional_delivery_times`, `product_type`, `id_category_default`, `id_tax_rules_group`, `on_sale`, `online_only`, `ecotax`, `minimal_quantity`, `low_stock_threshold`, `low_stock_alert`, `price`, `wholesale_price`, `unity`, `unit_price_ratio`, `additional_shipping_cost`, `customizable`, `text_fields`, `uploadable_files`, `active`, `redirect_type`, `id_type_redirected`, `available_for_order`, `available_date`, `show_condition`, `condition`, `show_price`, `indexed`, `visibility`, `cache_default_attribute`, `advanced_stock_management`, `date_add`, `date_upd`, `pack_stock_type`) VALUES (\'1\', \'0\', \'0\', \'\', \'\', \'\', \'0\', \'0\', \'0\', \'0\', \'0\', \'\', \'\', \'\', \'\', \'0\', \'0\', \'0\', \'0\', \'1\', \'\', \'2\', \'1\', \'0\', \'0\', \'0\', \'1\', NULL, \'0\', \'0\', \'0\', \'\', \'0\', \'0\', \'0\', \'0\', \'0\', \'1\', \'404\', \'0\', \'1\', \'0000-00-00\', \'0\', \'new\', \'1\', \'0\', \'both\', \'0\', \'0\', \'2024-04-18 14:04:44\', \'2024-04-18 14:04:44\', \'3\')', true) in [classes/db/Db.php]( (line 476) DbCore->insert('ps_product', array(array('id_shop_default' => 1, 'id_manufacturer' => 0, 'id_supplier' => 0, 'reference' => '', 'supplier_reference' => '', 'location' => '', 'width' => 0.0, 'height' => 0.0, 'depth' => 0.0, 'weight' => 0.0, 'quantity_discount' => 0, 'ean13' => '', 'isbn' => '', 'upc' => '', 'mpn' => '', 'cache_is_pack' => 0, 'cache_has_attachments' => 0, 'is_virtual' => 0, 'state' => 0, 'additional_delivery_times' => 1, 'product_type' => '', 'id_category_default' => 2, 'id_tax_rules_group' => 1, 'on_sale' => 0, 'online_only' => 0, 'ecotax' => 0.0, 'minimal_quantity' => 1, 'low_stock_threshold' => array('type' => 'sql', 'value' => 'NULL'), 'low_stock_alert' => 0, 'price' => 0.0, 'wholesale_price' => 0.0, 'unity' => '', 'unit_price_ratio' => 0, 'additional_shipping_cost' => 0.0, 'customizable' => 0, 'text_fields' => 0, 'uploadable_files' => 0, 'active' => 1, 'redirect_type' => '404', 'id_type_redirected' => 0, 'available_for_order' => 1, 'available_date' => '0000-00-00', 'show_condition' => 0, 'condition' => 'new', 'show_price' => 1, 'indexed' => 0, 'visibility' => 'both', 'cache_default_attribute' => 0, 'advanced_stock_management' => 0, 'date_add' => '2024-04-18 14:04:44', 'date_upd' => '2024-04-18 14:04:44', 'pack_stock_type' => 3)), false) in [classes/ObjectModel.php]( (line 578) ObjectModelCore->add(true, false) in [classes/Product.php]( (line 782) ProductCore->add(true, false) in [classes/ObjectModel.php]( (line 535) ObjectModelCore->save() in [src/PrestaShopBundle/Controller/Admin/ProductController.php]( (line 431) ProductController->newAction() in [vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/HttpKernel/HttpKernel.php]( (line 151) HttpKernel->handleRaw(object(Request), 1) in [vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/HttpKernel/HttpKernel.php]( (line 68) HttpKernel->handle(object(Request), 1, false) in [vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/HttpKernel/Kernel.php]( (line 200) Kernel->handle(object(Request), 1, false) in [admin372wt46of/index.php]( (line 82) ### Expected behavior All the field of ps_product need to be created during the post-upgrade script launch. ### Steps to reproduce 1) Manual upgrade from to using this guide 2) Run database upgrade with http://<shop_domain>/install/upgrade/upgrade.php 3) Get error code Error #32: No upgrade needs to be applied. -> This seem to be an "ok" code, its not very good to use an error code to notify it 4) Try to add a new product result in a missing table field product_type ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.2 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments On the copy of product, the creation date is still like the product copied. Fields in database : - date_add on ps_product - date_add on ps_product_shop ### Expected behavior The date need to be at now. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to admin and log in 2. Create a product at day 1 3. Create a product at day 2 4. Copy the product of day 1 in day 3 **OR** check in database on the copied product ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.2 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). Yneet
[BO] Products - Bad date creation on copy
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : [BO] Products - Bad date creation on copy Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments On the copy of product, the creation date is still like the product copied. Fields in database : - date_add on ps_product - date_add on ps_product_shop ### Expected behavior The date need to be at now. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to admin and log in 2. Create a product at day 1 3. Create a product at day 2 4. Copy the product of day 1 in day 3 **OR** check in database on the copied product ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.2 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). Yneet --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When I change the order status in the administration page of a single order, it shows the "invalid token" page (compromised) This error is only shown to me in "all sites" mode, but if I select only one shop it doesn't happen to me. it's very annoying. To rule out that the problem was caused by a module or an override, I disabled all modules and deleted the overrides folder, also deleting every module in the modules folder. I've always had this error since I updated to version 8 of prestashop. and even now that I have version 8.1.5 the error occurs. ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce 1. enter the backoffice in "all shop" mode 1. take an order in the backoffice order list 2. open the single order 3. change the order status from the drop-down menu at the top 4. confirm the change of state 5. Invalid token error is shown ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.0 -> 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.28 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
[BO]On changing status order it show "Token not valid" only in multishop in "all sites"
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : [BO]On changing status order it show "Token not valid" only in multishop in "all sites" Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When I change the order status in the administration page of a single order, it shows the "invalid token" page (compromised) This error is only shown to me in "all sites" mode, but if I select only one shop it doesn't happen to me. it's very annoying. To rule out that the problem was caused by a module or an override, I disabled all modules and deleted the overrides folder, also deleting every module in the modules folder. I've always had this error since I updated to version 8 of prestashop. and even now that I have version 8.1.5 the error occurs. ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce 1. enter the backoffice in "all shop" mode 1. take an order in the backoffice order list 2. open the single order 3. change the order status from the drop-down menu at the top 4. confirm the change of state 5. Invalid token error is shown ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.0 -> 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.28 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Empty meta title, meta description ans meta keywords in frontoffice with cms pages, category pages and product pages. Any idea about this issue ? ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce Go to ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.4.33 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Empty meta title, description ans keywords
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Empty meta title, description ans keywords Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Empty meta title, meta description ans meta keywords in frontoffice with cms pages, category pages and product pages. Any idea about this issue ? ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce Go to ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.4.33 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments The title of the page is not displayed anymore on branch develop on Add new and Edit Carrier pages. In PS 8.1.x theres' no problem. <img width="1435" alt="Screenshot 2024-04-17 at 14 45 25" src=""> ### Expected behavior In **Add new page**, we should have "New carrier" as a title. Like we have in Category page : <img width="1440" alt="Screenshot 2024-04-17 at 14 47 57" src=""> In **Carrier Edition page**, we should have "Editing Carrier My carrier". Like we have in Category page : <img width="1429" alt="Screenshot 2024-04-17 at 14 47 32" src=""> ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to BO > Shipping > Carriers 2. Edit an existing carrier 3. No title on the page :x: we should have Add new (like in Category page) 4. Click Cancel 5. Click Add new carrier 6. No title on the page :x: we should have Edit: name of your carrier (like in Category page) ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 9.0.0 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
[BO] Carriers > Title in Create and Edit a Carrier pages is not displayed
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : [BO] Carriers > Title in Create and Edit a Carrier pages is not displayed Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments The title of the page is not displayed anymore on branch develop on Add new and Edit Carrier pages. In PS 8.1.x theres' no problem. <img width="1435" alt="Screenshot 2024-04-17 at 14 45 25" src=""> ### Expected behavior In **Add new page**, we should have "New carrier" as a title. Like we have in Category page : <img width="1440" alt="Screenshot 2024-04-17 at 14 47 57" src=""> In **Carrier Edition page**, we should have "Editing Carrier My carrier". Like we have in Category page : <img width="1429" alt="Screenshot 2024-04-17 at 14 47 32" src=""> ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to BO > Shipping > Carriers 2. Edit an existing carrier 3. No title on the page :x: we should have Add new (like in Category page) 4. Click Cancel 5. Click Add new carrier 6. No title on the page :x: we should have Edit: name of your carrier (like in Category page) ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 9.0.0 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments The module displays only the first frame with product information. The others, there is only the image but not the information. ![bug site]( ### Expected behavior Have a module to install with an update that eliminates the bug ### Steps to reproduce J'ai dΓ©sactivΓ© le module mais avant je voyais Γ§a sur la page produit ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Bug on module "products of the same category"
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Bug on module "products of the same category" Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments The module displays only the first frame with product information. The others, there is only the image but not the information. ![bug site]( ### Expected behavior Have a module to install with an update that eliminates the bug ### Steps to reproduce J'ai dΓ©sactivΓ© le module mais avant je voyais Γ§a sur la page produit ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments In the order confirmation mail received by the customer, every product as an hyphen - added at the and of each product name. ![image]( ### Expected behavior Normally the hyphen is only added when product has a combination, like : Product name - Size - Color Should be ![image]( ### Steps to reproduce 1/ Add products to cart with and without combination 2/ Place order 3/ See confirmation order mail ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened to 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.4 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). @ComonSoft
Hyphen after every product name in order_conf e-mail
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Hyphen after every product name in order_conf e-mail Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments In the order confirmation mail received by the customer, every product as an hyphen - added at the and of each product name. ![image]( ### Expected behavior Normally the hyphen is only added when product has a combination, like : Product name - Size - Color Should be ![image]( ### Steps to reproduce 1/ Add products to cart with and without combination 2/ Place order 3/ See confirmation order mail ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened to 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.4 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). @ComonSoft --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments The class "is-open" appears even if mobile menu is closed in responsive mode when browser window is resized. [ps-is-open.webm]( ### Expected behavior The class "is-open" must only appears if mobile menu is opened (clicked), browser window resized or not. ### Steps to reproduce Unexpected behavior 1: 1. Install last PS version (v.8.1.3) or go to 2. Open web tools to see live source code and focus on "#header" element 3. Reduce browser window size from large (desktop) to small (tablet or mobile) 4. See the "is-open" class appearing even if mobile menu is closed. Unexpected behavior 2: 1. Load or reload a page in mobile version 2. See the "is-open" class appearing only if menu is opened / clicked. Close menu. 3. Increase browser window size from small (tablet or mobile) to large (desktop) 4. See the "is-open" class appearing (even if mobile menu is closed). ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.3 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Header class ".is-open" doesn't appears as expected when browser window is resized
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Header class ".is-open" doesn't appears as expected when browser window is resized Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments The class "is-open" appears even if mobile menu is closed in responsive mode when browser window is resized. [ps-is-open.webm]( ### Expected behavior The class "is-open" must only appears if mobile menu is opened (clicked), browser window resized or not. ### Steps to reproduce Unexpected behavior 1: 1. Install last PS version (v.8.1.3) or go to 2. Open web tools to see live source code and focus on "#header" element 3. Reduce browser window size from large (desktop) to small (tablet or mobile) 4. See the "is-open" class appearing even if mobile menu is closed. Unexpected behavior 2: 1. Load or reload a page in mobile version 2. See the "is-open" class appearing only if menu is opened / clicked. Close menu. 3. Increase browser window size from small (tablet or mobile) to large (desktop) 4. See the "is-open" class appearing (even if mobile menu is closed). ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.3 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Hi, when I want to change the weight of the search part, it doesn't seems to works, even if I put 0 to cut this search as you can see : [recording(185).webm]( ### Expected behavior I wish I could Impact the research of my clients ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to BO > Shop Parameters > Search 2. Change all the parameters to 0 except for the Product name weight 3. Click on Save 4. Re-build the entire index 5. Go to FO 6. Search "Demo" 7. Some products are displayed :x: you should have 0 result ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened develop ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). PS
Search - Weight search - The weight search doesn't seems to work
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Search - Weight search - The weight search doesn't seems to work Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Hi, when I want to change the weight of the search part, it doesn't seems to works, even if I put 0 to cut this search as you can see : [recording(185).webm]( ### Expected behavior I wish I could Impact the research of my clients ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to BO > Shop Parameters > Search 2. Change all the parameters to 0 except for the Product name weight 3. Click on Save 4. Re-build the entire index 5. Go to FO 6. Search "Demo" 7. Some products are displayed :x: you should have 0 result ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened develop ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). PS --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Modifying the positioning of carriers in the BO is not taken into account in the FO ### Expected behavior modifying the positioning of carriers in the BO should be taken into account in the FO ### Steps to reproduce 1. On FO add a product in cart 2. Proceed to checkout 3. Go to shipping method 4. See the order 5. On BO > Shipping > Carriers 6. Change the positions of Carriers 7. On FO > refresh the page 8. Error ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Shipping - Carriers - non-effective change of position
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Shipping - Carriers - non-effective change of position Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Modifying the positioning of carriers in the BO is not taken into account in the FO ### Expected behavior modifying the positioning of carriers in the BO should be taken into account in the FO ### Steps to reproduce 1. On FO add a product in cart 2. Proceed to checkout 3. Go to shipping method 4. See the order 5. On BO > Shipping > Carriers 6. Change the positions of Carriers 7. On FO > refresh the page 8. Error ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
- [x] #36257 - [x] #36258 - [ ] #36259 - [ ] #36260 - [ ] #36262 **Figma link:**
[EPIC] UI for Carrier Page migration
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : [EPIC] UI for Carrier Page migration Issue date: --- start body --- - [x] #36257 - [x] #36258 - [ ] #36259 - [ ] #36260 - [ ] #36262 **Figma link:** --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
Handle in CQRS commands/queries (create, update, get) the following fields: - max width - max height - max depth - max weight - group access Update behat related tests
[CQRS] Add/Update command Size, weight, and group access
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : [CQRS] Add/Update command Size, weight, and group access Issue date: --- start body --- Handle in CQRS commands/queries (create, update, get) the following fields: - max width - max height - max depth - max weight - group access Update behat related tests --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
Handle in create/update/get queries/commands the list of ranges - range by weight - range by price Add related behat tests
[CQRS] Set/Update Ranges command
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : [CQRS] Set/Update Ranges command Issue date: --- start body --- Handle in create/update/get queries/commands the list of ranges - range by weight - range by price Add related behat tests --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
- [x] #35924 - [x] #35925 - [ ] #35926 - [x] #35927 - [ ] #35929 - [ ] Remove AbstractCarrierHandler everywhere in favor of CarrierRepository - [ ] #36263 - [ ] Improve behat tests to check and compare old/new instances after update - [ ] Refacto behat tests: replace old steps relying on legacy ObjectModel with new steps based on the CQRS commands everywhere - [ ] See how we can improve the logo upload feature, especially the testing part because of `move_uploaded_file` that only works with real uploaded files
[EPIC] Task command CQRS for Carrier Page migration
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : [EPIC] Task command CQRS for Carrier Page migration Issue date: --- start body --- - [x] #35924 - [x] #35925 - [ ] #35926 - [x] #35927 - [ ] #35929 - [ ] Remove AbstractCarrierHandler everywhere in favor of CarrierRepository - [ ] #36263 - [ ] Improve behat tests to check and compare old/new instances after update - [ ] Refacto behat tests: replace old steps relying on legacy ObjectModel with new steps based on the CQRS commands everywhere - [ ] See how we can improve the logo upload feature, especially the testing part because of `move_uploaded_file` that only works with real uploaded files --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
Update CQRS command (create, update) and query (get) Add these fields: - handling costs - free shipping - billing - tax - out of range behavior Add related behat tests
[CQRS] Add/Update Shipping locations and costs (Free shipping, Tax...)
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : [CQRS] Add/Update Shipping locations and costs (Free shipping, Tax...) Issue date: --- start body --- Update CQRS command (create, update) and query (get) Add these fields: - handling costs - free shipping - billing - tax - out of range behavior Add related behat tests --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
Handle shop association in the CQRS commands/queries - force array of shopIds in the create command - partial update in the update command - return list of associated shops in the query Update behat tests accordingly
[CQRS] Add/Update multistore
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : [CQRS] Add/Update multistore Issue date: --- start body --- Handle shop association in the CQRS commands/queries - force array of shopIds in the create command - partial update in the update command - return list of associated shops in the query Update behat tests accordingly --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
Handle update command (partial update) - name (switch to localized multilang fields) - transit time - speed grade - logo - tracking URL - enabled Behat tests to validate all those fields
[CQRS] Update command General settings
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : [CQRS] Update command General settings Issue date: --- start body --- Handle update command (partial update) - name (switch to localized multilang fields) - transit time - speed grade - logo - tracking URL - enabled Behat tests to validate all those fields --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
Handle create command + first query with fields: - name (switch to localized multilang fields) - transit time - speed grade - logo - tracking URL - enabled Behat tests to validate all those fields
[CQRS] Add/Get command General settings
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : [CQRS] Add/Get command General settings Issue date: --- start body --- Handle create command + first query with fields: - name (switch to localized multilang fields) - transit time - speed grade - logo - tracking URL - enabled Behat tests to validate all those fields --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments "Type of translation" dropdown in International > Translations > Modify translations has a little minor bug. When you want to load "Back office translations" (as a first option in the list) the Modify button doesn't working. A better explanation how to replicate this bug you can find in the video. ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce 1. Back office: go to International > Translations > Modify translations 2. in the "Back office translations" section select any language. 3. important: do not touch or change "Type of translation" dropdown. 4. hit the "Modify" button 5. nothing happened, the Back office translations page can't load. How to trick the bug and load "Back office translations"? 1. select in the "Type of translation" dropdown something else and then select "Back office translations" option. 2. hit the "Modify" button and "Back office translations" page start loading. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
BO: "Type of translation" dropdown can't load initial/first option
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : BO: "Type of translation" dropdown can't load initial/first option Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments "Type of translation" dropdown in International > Translations > Modify translations has a little minor bug. When you want to load "Back office translations" (as a first option in the list) the Modify button doesn't working. A better explanation how to replicate this bug you can find in the video. ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce 1. Back office: go to International > Translations > Modify translations 2. in the "Back office translations" section select any language. 3. important: do not touch or change "Type of translation" dropdown. 4. hit the "Modify" button 5. nothing happened, the Back office translations page can't load. How to trick the bug and load "Back office translations"? 1. select in the "Type of translation" dropdown something else and then select "Back office translations" option. 2. hit the "Modify" button and "Back office translations" page start loading. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Configuration : Prestashop 8.1.5, no module, no theme This prestashop is a basic prestashop dedicated for tests and POCs with webservices. I was trying to implement the attachments webservices endpoints and during my test with Postman I encountered an error when I do a POST method with a document through https://url/api/attachments/file/ : "! [CDATA[[PHP Warning] Trying to access array offset on value of type null (/var/www/prestashop/classes/webservices/WebservicesSpecificManagementAttachments.php, line 344)]]" But the document is uploaded on the server and is available on files sections on Prestshop BO. Error with Postman : ![error_PS_WS]( ### Expected behavior I expected to get the reponse with the attachment object. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to your Prestashop BO 2. Activate WS and attachments endpoints 3. Create a request with POST method on the api/attachments/file/ endpoint and add a document in bynary as body 4. Send it ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.27 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Error on upload attachments file with POST method
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Error on upload attachments file with POST method Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Configuration : Prestashop 8.1.5, no module, no theme This prestashop is a basic prestashop dedicated for tests and POCs with webservices. I was trying to implement the attachments webservices endpoints and during my test with Postman I encountered an error when I do a POST method with a document through https://url/api/attachments/file/ : "! [CDATA[[PHP Warning] Trying to access array offset on value of type null (/var/www/prestashop/classes/webservices/WebservicesSpecificManagementAttachments.php, line 344)]]" But the document is uploaded on the server and is available on files sections on Prestshop BO. Error with Postman : ![error_PS_WS]( ### Expected behavior I expected to get the reponse with the attachment object. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to your Prestashop BO 2. Activate WS and attachments endpoints 3. Create a request with POST method on the api/attachments/file/ endpoint and add a document in bynary as body 4. Send it ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.27 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Cart rule that gives a free gift is missing from an order. Comes back only after doing some changes to this order in BO. Issue is caused by this piece of code. ### Expected behavior Order should contain all data. ### Steps to reproduce - Create 2 products. All 21% tax, all 100 pieces in stock. - Product D - 820 CZK. - Product E - 0 CZK. - Create a cart rule that gives a gift Product E to all orders. Set quantity to 99999, some validity. - Go to FO and order product D. - Go to BO and see that cart rule that gives product E is missing from the list. πŸ”΄ - Change something in the order and see that the rule comes back. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Cart rule is missing from an order
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Cart rule is missing from an order Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Cart rule that gives a free gift is missing from an order. Comes back only after doing some changes to this order in BO. Issue is caused by this piece of code. ### Expected behavior Order should contain all data. ### Steps to reproduce - Create 2 products. All 21% tax, all 100 pieces in stock. - Product D - 820 CZK. - Product E - 0 CZK. - Create a cart rule that gives a gift Product E to all orders. Set quantity to 99999, some validity. - Go to FO and order product D. - Go to BO and see that cart rule that gives product E is missing from the list. πŸ”΄ - Change something in the order and see that the rule comes back. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments The statistics block is never updated. It always equals 0. <img width="1228" alt="Screenshot 2024-04-15 at 11 47 35" src=""> ### Expected behavior The statistics should be updated with the correct numbers ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to FO > Add products to cart 2. Go to BO > Orders > Shopping Carts 3. Wait for 48 hours (or change `data_add` in `ps_cart`) 4. Click on Abandoned Carts in the statistics block 5. See in Statistics block, the number of `Abandoned carts` should be 1. :x: 6. Click View my store > Add The adventure begins Framed poster to your cart > Proceed to checkout 7. Go to BO > Orders > Orders > Change Status of order to "Payment accepted" 8. See that `Conversion Rate`, `Average Order Value` and `Net Profit per Visit` is still 0 :x: ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 9.0.x ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
[BO] Shopping carts - Statistics block is not correct
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : [BO] Shopping carts - Statistics block is not correct Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments The statistics block is never updated. It always equals 0. <img width="1228" alt="Screenshot 2024-04-15 at 11 47 35" src=""> ### Expected behavior The statistics should be updated with the correct numbers ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to FO > Add products to cart 2. Go to BO > Orders > Shopping Carts 3. Wait for 48 hours (or change `data_add` in `ps_cart`) 4. Click on Abandoned Carts in the statistics block 5. See in Statistics block, the number of `Abandoned carts` should be 1. :x: 6. Click View my store > Add The adventure begins Framed poster to your cart > Proceed to checkout 7. Go to BO > Orders > Orders > Change Status of order to "Payment accepted" 8. See that `Conversion Rate`, `Average Order Value` and `Net Profit per Visit` is still 0 :x: ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 9.0.x ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Store does not load and instead it loads blank pages The store was working properly. We just update php with `sudo apt upgrade` Error [client] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'Memcached' not found in /var/www/html/tiendakama/var/cache/prod/FrontContainer.php:2666\nStack trace:\n#0 /var/www/html/tiendakama/var/cac> memcached is not installed but the store was working properly before some days It does not matter what we need to load, it is blank and of couser the error is different. Server is arm ### Expected behavior The store should works perfecttly ### Steps to reproduce load any page from the store, only works home page ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.4.3 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : WHITE OR BLANK PAGES ERROR Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Store does not load and instead it loads blank pages The store was working properly. We just update php with `sudo apt upgrade` Error [client] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'Memcached' not found in /var/www/html/tiendakama/var/cache/prod/FrontContainer.php:2666\nStack trace:\n#0 /var/www/html/tiendakama/var/cac> memcached is not installed but the store was working properly before some days It does not matter what we need to load, it is blank and of couser the error is different. Server is arm ### Expected behavior The store should works perfecttly ### Steps to reproduce load any page from the store, only works home page ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.4.3 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments I have a problem on my PrestaShop website: the buttons "View invoice" "View delivery note" "View" are clickable but the icons / pictograms have disappeared ! ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce Go on Orders and see ![image png ebf1dcb105cc34577060545ee9661b57]( ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
BUG icon disappeared in "orders" View invoice, View delivery note, display
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : BUG icon disappeared in "orders" View invoice, View delivery note, display Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments I have a problem on my PrestaShop website: the buttons "View invoice" "View delivery note" "View" are clickable but the icons / pictograms have disappeared ! ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce Go on Orders and see ![image png ebf1dcb105cc34577060545ee9661b57]( ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments I have a question about this module. Where can I find the e-mails of people who left their accounts to be notified about the product being available for purchase again? Where the data of these people is stored? ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce 1. the customer signs up for the notification 2. gets the notification 3. his email is not visible anywhere in Prestashop ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.1.33 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version ps_emailalerts, v2.2.1 ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable).
Where the data is stored?
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Where the data is stored? Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments I have a question about this module. Where can I find the e-mails of people who left their accounts to be notified about the product being available for purchase again? Where the data of these people is stored? ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce 1. the customer signs up for the notification 2. gets the notification 3. his email is not visible anywhere in Prestashop ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.1.33 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version ps_emailalerts, v2.2.1 ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments I'm developing an application using Webservice, which will integrate the 3rd Party ERP software we use in our company with PrestaShop. In single-instance shops all works fine. But in multistore mode, I have a problem with creating a proper associations for product images in non-default shops. According to [devdocs]( - chapter "Associate content to shop" I'm sending a PUT request: ```php $images = $this->get(['resource' => 'images/products', 'display' => 'full', 'id' => $id_product], 'xml'); foreach ($images->children()->children()->declination as $image) { $id_image = (int)$image->attributes(); $url = $this->sPrestaShopPath.'/api/images/products/'.$id_product.'/'.$id_image.'/?ps_method=PUT'; $tmp_file_name = 'temp.jpg'; $tmp_file_path = storage_path('app' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'public' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $tmp_file_name); if (class_exists('CURLFile')) { $cfile = new \CURLFile(realpath($tmp_file_path)); } else { $cfile = '@'.realpath($tmp_file_path); } $postFields = array( 'image' => $cfile, 'id_shop' => $shop_id ); $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url_); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $this->key.':'); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $postFields); curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); } ``` I'm getting `200` response, but no proper association (entry) is created in `ps_image_shop` table. It looks like `id_shop` value in `$postFields` array is ignored - regardless of `id_shop` value given, it always updates image in default shop (`id_shop = 1` in `ps_shop` table). On the other hand, posting a new image (`POST` method) to any given multistore shop is working fine (`id_shop` value works fine then). ### Expected behavior The proper entry for id_shop value specified in $postfields value should be created in ps_image_shop table. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Execute the PUT request ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.0.3 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
UPDATING Product images via Webservice in multistore mode DOES NOT create the proper associations in ps_image_shop table
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : UPDATING Product images via Webservice in multistore mode DOES NOT create the proper associations in ps_image_shop table Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments I'm developing an application using Webservice, which will integrate the 3rd Party ERP software we use in our company with PrestaShop. In single-instance shops all works fine. But in multistore mode, I have a problem with creating a proper associations for product images in non-default shops. According to [devdocs]( - chapter "Associate content to shop" I'm sending a PUT request: ```php $images = $this->get(['resource' => 'images/products', 'display' => 'full', 'id' => $id_product], 'xml'); foreach ($images->children()->children()->declination as $image) { $id_image = (int)$image->attributes(); $url = $this->sPrestaShopPath.'/api/images/products/'.$id_product.'/'.$id_image.'/?ps_method=PUT'; $tmp_file_name = 'temp.jpg'; $tmp_file_path = storage_path('app' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'public' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $tmp_file_name); if (class_exists('CURLFile')) { $cfile = new \CURLFile(realpath($tmp_file_path)); } else { $cfile = '@'.realpath($tmp_file_path); } $postFields = array( 'image' => $cfile, 'id_shop' => $shop_id ); $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url_); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $this->key.':'); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $postFields); curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); } ``` I'm getting `200` response, but no proper association (entry) is created in `ps_image_shop` table. It looks like `id_shop` value in `$postFields` array is ignored - regardless of `id_shop` value given, it always updates image in default shop (`id_shop = 1` in `ps_shop` table). On the other hand, posting a new image (`POST` method) to any given multistore shop is working fine (`id_shop` value works fine then). ### Expected behavior The proper entry for id_shop value specified in $postfields value should be created in ps_image_shop table. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Execute the PUT request ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.0.3 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Few of those work as expected eg. `{mailto}` or `{debug}`. Others have been used by PS themes for many years but honestly I can't remember them ever working as expected. For example `{html_select_date}` is supposed to generate a [set of selectors for day, month and year]( but it only generates a simple text input: ![obraz]( **Classic**: **Hummingbird**: ### Expected behavior TBH I'm not sure we need these selectors for birthday anyway. Simple `type="date"` input would be better. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to **Create an account** page and check if birthday field is displayed as a set of 3 selectors ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 1.6, 1.7, 8.x, develop ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
`{html_select_date}` doesn't work in form-fields.tpl
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : `{html_select_date}` doesn't work in form-fields.tpl Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Few of those work as expected eg. `{mailto}` or `{debug}`. Others have been used by PS themes for many years but honestly I can't remember them ever working as expected. For example `{html_select_date}` is supposed to generate a [set of selectors for day, month and year]( but it only generates a simple text input: ![obraz]( **Classic**: **Hummingbird**: ### Expected behavior TBH I'm not sure we need these selectors for birthday anyway. Simple `type="date"` input would be better. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to **Create an account** page and check if birthday field is displayed as a set of 3 selectors ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 1.6, 1.7, 8.x, develop ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments An exception is thrown and I can't configure my module blockwishlist from the BO. Works well on PS 8.0.x and 8.1.x with `v2.1.2` and `v3.0.1` <img width="1055" alt="Screenshot 2024-04-11 at 16 04 08" src=""> `The controller for URI "/modules/blockwishlist/configuration" is not callable: Controller "PrestaShop\Module\BlockWishList\Controller\WishlistConfigurationAdminController" has required constructor arguments and does not exist in the container. Did you forget to define the controller as a service?` ### Expected behavior Should open the configuration page correctly ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to BO > Modules manager 2. Search blockwishlist 3. Click Configure, see exception :x: ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened develop ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version blockwishlist v3.0.1 ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
[develop] BO - blockwishlist module throws an exception
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : [develop] BO - blockwishlist module throws an exception Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments An exception is thrown and I can't configure my module blockwishlist from the BO. Works well on PS 8.0.x and 8.1.x with `v2.1.2` and `v3.0.1` <img width="1055" alt="Screenshot 2024-04-11 at 16 04 08" src=""> `The controller for URI "/modules/blockwishlist/configuration" is not callable: Controller "PrestaShop\Module\BlockWishList\Controller\WishlistConfigurationAdminController" has required constructor arguments and does not exist in the container. Did you forget to define the controller as a service?` ### Expected behavior Should open the configuration page correctly ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to BO > Modules manager 2. Search blockwishlist 3. Click Configure, see exception :x: ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened develop ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version blockwishlist v3.0.1 ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments after I update the product comment product and I lost access to admin and our website is down. ![Screenshot 2024-04-11 at 11-55-59 https __lenda ma]( ![Screenshot 2024-04-11 at 11-55-46 The service product_comment_criterion_form_data_provider has a dependency on a non-existent service prestashop core admin lang repository (500 Internal Server Error)]( ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce Upgraded the module Product Comments from 6.0.2 to 6.0.3 and Admin page stopped loading ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened PHP Version 7.3.33 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version product_comment ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
I Can not access Admin page after upgrading Product Comments module from 6.02 to 6.0.3 in Prestashop 1.7
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : I Can not access Admin page after upgrading Product Comments module from 6.02 to 6.0.3 in Prestashop 1.7 Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments after I update the product comment product and I lost access to admin and our website is down. ![Screenshot 2024-04-11 at 11-55-59 https __lenda ma]( ![Screenshot 2024-04-11 at 11-55-46 The service product_comment_criterion_form_data_provider has a dependency on a non-existent service prestashop core admin lang repository (500 Internal Server Error)]( ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce Upgraded the module Product Comments from 6.0.2 to 6.0.3 and Admin page stopped loading ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened PHP Version 7.3.33 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version product_comment ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Changelog on module update page is always empty for all modules. But there are changes if you click on "Read more". <img width="982" alt="SchermΒ­afbeelding 2024-04-11 om 13 17 30" src=""> <img width="769" alt="SchermΒ­afbeelding 2024-04-11 om 13 17 44" src=""> ### Expected behavior See changlog for each module. ### Steps to reproduce 1. go to Module manager 2. go to Updates 3. see list of upgradable modules. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 (only dutch language installed) ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Changelog modules always empty
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Changelog modules always empty Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Changelog on module update page is always empty for all modules. But there are changes if you click on "Read more". <img width="982" alt="SchermΒ­afbeelding 2024-04-11 om 13 17 30" src=""> <img width="769" alt="SchermΒ­afbeelding 2024-04-11 om 13 17 44" src=""> ### Expected behavior See changlog for each module. ### Steps to reproduce 1. go to Module manager 2. go to Updates 3. see list of upgradable modules. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 (only dutch language installed) ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments If categories and cms categories got the same names, they are only displayed once in the ps_linkkist configuration. ### Expected behavior Categories and cms categories should be all displayed, even if they have the same names. ### Steps to reproduce - In a shop, create the follow category structure ``` - T-shirt - Men - Women - Shoes - Men - Women ``` Bug: In ps_linklist configuration, "Men" and "Women" are only present once. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version ps_linklist v6.0.7 ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
ps_linklist: Incorrect category display if the shop contains categories with identical names
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : ps_linklist: Incorrect category display if the shop contains categories with identical names Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments If categories and cms categories got the same names, they are only displayed once in the ps_linkkist configuration. ### Expected behavior Categories and cms categories should be all displayed, even if they have the same names. ### Steps to reproduce - In a shop, create the follow category structure ``` - T-shirt - Men - Women - Shoes - Men - Women ``` Bug: In ps_linklist configuration, "Men" and "Women" are only present once. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version ps_linklist v6.0.7 ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Good morning, the following plugin is not working properly. When a user who is not logged in on our ecommerce tries to enter the product within the wishlist , the system shows the alert asking to log in. However, the page crashes and the user can no longer perform actions. ![issue wishlist]( ### Expected behavior We expect that the moment the user receives the error message, they can close the pop-up window and operate normally on the platform. ### Steps to reproduce - go to - go in the product section: - add a product in the wishlist - the error pop up will appear and no more action can be performed ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.2 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.25 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version Wishlist block ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). Devoro srl
Issue with Wishlist block plugin for prestashop
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Issue with Wishlist block plugin for prestashop Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Good morning, the following plugin is not working properly. When a user who is not logged in on our ecommerce tries to enter the product within the wishlist , the system shows the alert asking to log in. However, the page crashes and the user can no longer perform actions. ![issue wishlist]( ### Expected behavior We expect that the moment the user receives the error message, they can close the pop-up window and operate normally on the platform. ### Steps to reproduce - go to - go in the product section: - add a product in the wishlist - the error pop up will appear and no more action can be performed ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.2 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.25 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version Wishlist block ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). Devoro srl --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Hello everyone, I tell you that after I updated from Prestashop to Prestashop 8.1.5. The thing is that a notification occurs in the php error_log, which, although it does not seem to be serious, seems to me to be a class error. [10-Apr-2024 09:22:41 America/Guayaquil] PHP Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /home/sistegra/public_html/classes/Guest.php on line 178 [10-Apr-2024 09:22:41 America/Guayaquil] PHP Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /home/sistegra/public_html/classes/Guest.php on line 145 classes/Guest.php ``` /** * Get browser. * * @param string $userAgent */ protected function getBrowser($userAgent) { $browserArray = [ 'Chrome' => 'Chrome/', 'Safari' => 'Safari', 'Safari iPad' => 'iPad', 'Firefox' => 'Firefox/', 'Opera' => 'Opera', 'IE 11' => 'Trident', 'IE 10' => 'MSIE 10', 'IE 9' => 'MSIE 9', 'IE 8' => 'MSIE 8', 'IE 7' => 'MSIE 7', 'IE 6' => 'MSIE 6', ]; foreach ($browserArray as $k => $value) { if (strstr($userAgent, $value)) { $result = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->getRow(' SELECT `id_web_browser` FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'web_browser` wb WHERE wb.`name` = \'' . pSQL($k) . '\''); return $result['id_web_browser']; } } return null; } /** * Get OS. * * @param string $userAgent */ protected function getOs($userAgent) { $osArray = [ 'Windows 10' => 'Windows NT 10', 'Windows 8.1' => 'Windows NT 6.3', 'Windows 8' => 'Windows NT 6.2', 'Windows 7' => 'Windows NT 6.1', 'Windows Vista' => 'Windows NT 6.0', 'Windows XP' => 'Windows NT 5', 'MacOsX' => 'Mac OS X', 'Android' => 'Android', 'Linux' => 'X11', ]; foreach ($osArray as $k => $value) { if (strstr($userAgent, $value)) { $result = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->getRow(' SELECT `id_operating_system` FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'operating_system` os WHERE os.`name` = \'' . pSQL($k) . '\''); return $result['id_operating_system']; } } return null; } ``` Line 145: return $result['id_web_browser']; Line 178: return $result['id_operating_system']; ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce Simply using it generates that error. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.5.1 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.4 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Error Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in functions getBrowser and getOs
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Error Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in functions getBrowser and getOs Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Hello everyone, I tell you that after I updated from Prestashop to Prestashop 8.1.5. The thing is that a notification occurs in the php error_log, which, although it does not seem to be serious, seems to me to be a class error. [10-Apr-2024 09:22:41 America/Guayaquil] PHP Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /home/sistegra/public_html/classes/Guest.php on line 178 [10-Apr-2024 09:22:41 America/Guayaquil] PHP Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /home/sistegra/public_html/classes/Guest.php on line 145 classes/Guest.php ``` /** * Get browser. * * @param string $userAgent */ protected function getBrowser($userAgent) { $browserArray = [ 'Chrome' => 'Chrome/', 'Safari' => 'Safari', 'Safari iPad' => 'iPad', 'Firefox' => 'Firefox/', 'Opera' => 'Opera', 'IE 11' => 'Trident', 'IE 10' => 'MSIE 10', 'IE 9' => 'MSIE 9', 'IE 8' => 'MSIE 8', 'IE 7' => 'MSIE 7', 'IE 6' => 'MSIE 6', ]; foreach ($browserArray as $k => $value) { if (strstr($userAgent, $value)) { $result = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->getRow(' SELECT `id_web_browser` FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'web_browser` wb WHERE wb.`name` = \'' . pSQL($k) . '\''); return $result['id_web_browser']; } } return null; } /** * Get OS. * * @param string $userAgent */ protected function getOs($userAgent) { $osArray = [ 'Windows 10' => 'Windows NT 10', 'Windows 8.1' => 'Windows NT 6.3', 'Windows 8' => 'Windows NT 6.2', 'Windows 7' => 'Windows NT 6.1', 'Windows Vista' => 'Windows NT 6.0', 'Windows XP' => 'Windows NT 5', 'MacOsX' => 'Mac OS X', 'Android' => 'Android', 'Linux' => 'X11', ]; foreach ($osArray as $k => $value) { if (strstr($userAgent, $value)) { $result = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->getRow(' SELECT `id_operating_system` FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'operating_system` os WHERE os.`name` = \'' . pSQL($k) . '\''); return $result['id_operating_system']; } } return null; } ``` Line 145: return $result['id_web_browser']; Line 178: return $result['id_operating_system']; ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce Simply using it generates that error. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.5.1 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.4 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Le module affiche que le premier cadre avec les informations du produits. Les autres, il n'y a que l'image mais pas les informations. ![bug site]( ### Expected behavior Avoir un module Γ  installer avec une mise Γ  jour qui Γ©limine le bug ### Steps to reproduce J'ai desactivΓ© le module mais avant je voyais Γ§a sur la page produit ![bug site]( ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Bug sur le module "produit de la mΓͺme catΓ©gorie
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Bug sur le module "produit de la mΓͺme catΓ©gorie Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Le module affiche que le premier cadre avec les informations du produits. Les autres, il n'y a que l'image mais pas les informations. ![bug site]( ### Expected behavior Avoir un module Γ  installer avec une mise Γ  jour qui Γ©limine le bug ### Steps to reproduce J'ai desactivΓ© le module mais avant je voyais Γ§a sur la page produit ![bug site]( ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Related to The minimum quantity for sale is never updated even after I added correct quantity of the product to my cart. This issue a reproduced on `8.1.x` with classic theme as well as on `develop` with hummingbird theme. As discussed with @boherm , this should be fixed directly on the core, not on the theme. ### Expected behavior Once the minimum quantity for sale of a product is reached in the cart, the minimum quantity for sale should be updated to 1 ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to BO > Edit a product > Edit the Minimum quantity for sale = 3 2. Go to FO > Quick view on the product 3. Add 3 products to cart > Continue Shopping 4. Click Quick view again > See quantity is still 3, it should be 1 :x: 5. Click on proceed to checkout 6. Open the product detail page 7. See in quantity = 3 :x: should be 1 as I already have the product in my cart ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.x, develop ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
FO - minimum qty input on products listing, product detail pages and quick view
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : FO - minimum qty input on products listing, product detail pages and quick view Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Related to The minimum quantity for sale is never updated even after I added correct quantity of the product to my cart. This issue a reproduced on `8.1.x` with classic theme as well as on `develop` with hummingbird theme. As discussed with @boherm , this should be fixed directly on the core, not on the theme. ### Expected behavior Once the minimum quantity for sale of a product is reached in the cart, the minimum quantity for sale should be updated to 1 ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to BO > Edit a product > Edit the Minimum quantity for sale = 3 2. Go to FO > Quick view on the product 3. Add 3 products to cart > Continue Shopping 4. Click Quick view again > See quantity is still 3, it should be 1 :x: 5. Click on proceed to checkout 6. Open the product detail page 7. See in quantity = 3 :x: should be 1 as I already have the product in my cart ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.x, develop ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Good morning. A short time ago I updated the Prestashop modules and I got an error 500 after updating Product Comments. Via the Prestashop chat, a technician advised me to rename the productcomments folder, which I did and everything was back to normal. However this module is now disabled and I can no longer update it. Prestashop version: PHP version: 7.3.31-1~deb10u5 Thank you in advance for your support ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce Good morning. A short time ago I updated the Prestashop modules and I got an error 500 after updating Product Comments. Via the Prestashop chat, a technician advised me to rename the productcomments folder, which I did and everything was back to normal. However this module is now disabled and I can no longer update it. Prestashop version: PHP version: 7.3.31-1~deb10u5 Thank you in advance for your support ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.3.31-1~deb10u5 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version productcomments ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Product Comments module: error 500 after update
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Product Comments module: error 500 after update Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Good morning. A short time ago I updated the Prestashop modules and I got an error 500 after updating Product Comments. Via the Prestashop chat, a technician advised me to rename the productcomments folder, which I did and everything was back to normal. However this module is now disabled and I can no longer update it. Prestashop version: PHP version: 7.3.31-1~deb10u5 Thank you in advance for your support ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce Good morning. A short time ago I updated the Prestashop modules and I got an error 500 after updating Product Comments. Via the Prestashop chat, a technician advised me to rename the productcomments folder, which I did and everything was back to normal. However this module is now disabled and I can no longer update it. Prestashop version: PHP version: 7.3.31-1~deb10u5 Thank you in advance for your support ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.3.31-1~deb10u5 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version productcomments ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments On a fresh installation of PrestaShop 8.1.5, using Spanish language, the button on the top of admin panel to visit the store, it's not translated by default. ![view-store-issue]( ![missing-translations]( ### Expected behavior It should be translated to "Visitar tienda" or "Ver mi tienda" ### Steps to reproduce 1. Install PrestaShop 8.1.5. 2. Choose Spanish. 3. Go to admin dashboard panel. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.4, 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Missing "View my store" translation to Spanish
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Missing "View my store" translation to Spanish Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments On a fresh installation of PrestaShop 8.1.5, using Spanish language, the button on the top of admin panel to visit the store, it's not translated by default. ![view-store-issue]( ![missing-translations]( ### Expected behavior It should be translated to "Visitar tienda" or "Ver mi tienda" ### Steps to reproduce 1. Install PrestaShop 8.1.5. 2. Choose Spanish. 3. Go to admin dashboard panel. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.4, 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Bonjour, Depuis une dernière mise à jour, je n'ai plus accès à mon Back office. Le service "product_comment_criterion_form_data_provider" a une dépendance sur un service "prestashop.core.admin.lang.repository" inexistant. Merci. ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce 1. ouverture de la page d'accueil du back office inaccessible ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 1.7.6 ? ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened ? ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version Je ne sais pas quel module ? ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : product_comment_criterion_form_data_provider Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Bonjour, Depuis une dernière mise à jour, je n'ai plus accès à mon Back office. Le service "product_comment_criterion_form_data_provider" a une dépendance sur un service "prestashop.core.admin.lang.repository" inexistant. Merci. ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce 1. ouverture de la page d'accueil du back office inaccessible ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 1.7.6 ? ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened ? ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version Je ne sais pas quel module ? ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments After the update of module Dashboard Activity to version 2.1.1 there is missing **Online Visitors** counter. ![KuvatΓ΅mmis 2024-04-10 082851]( ### Expected behavior Expecting to see Online visitors counter. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Click on Dashboard 2. In the Activity overview is missing Online Users counter ![KuvatΓ΅mmis 2024-04-10 082851]( ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.27 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version Dashboard activity v2.1.1 ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). Mario Mesi
Dashboard activity module v2.1.1, Online visitors counter is missing
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Dashboard activity module v2.1.1, Online visitors counter is missing Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments After the update of module Dashboard Activity to version 2.1.1 there is missing **Online Visitors** counter. ![KuvatΓ΅mmis 2024-04-10 082851]( ### Expected behavior Expecting to see Online visitors counter. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Click on Dashboard 2. In the Activity overview is missing Online Users counter ![KuvatΓ΅mmis 2024-04-10 082851]( ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.27 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version Dashboard activity v2.1.1 ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). Mario Mesi --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Hi I've upgraded many websites to prestashop 8.1.5, unfortunately two of these have the problem again in the 1.7 versions Even in the past these two sites had the same problems, with the bank transfer confirmation email not showing the bank details. I saw that several corrections were made, I see that there are two files /mails/themes/classic/core/bankwire.html.twig /mails/themes/modern/core/bankwire.html.twig both sites are multilingual, the prestashop cache is not active, they are on dedicated servers in different countries, I don't see any overrides that can create problems. I solve the problem only by putting the email files in the theme used for each language, entering the data for the bank transfer on my demo site I can't reproduce the error Unfortunately these reports came from their customers ![Screenshot_2024-04-09-11-29-39-562_com google android gm]( bye ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce I will do some tests on copies of those sites, to try to give you more information, in the meantime I wanted to warn you of the presence of this problem ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version ps_wirepayment v2.2.0 ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Missing Bank data in email confirmation on prestashop 8.1.5
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Missing Bank data in email confirmation on prestashop 8.1.5 Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Hi I've upgraded many websites to prestashop 8.1.5, unfortunately two of these have the problem again in the 1.7 versions Even in the past these two sites had the same problems, with the bank transfer confirmation email not showing the bank details. I saw that several corrections were made, I see that there are two files /mails/themes/classic/core/bankwire.html.twig /mails/themes/modern/core/bankwire.html.twig both sites are multilingual, the prestashop cache is not active, they are on dedicated servers in different countries, I don't see any overrides that can create problems. I solve the problem only by putting the email files in the theme used for each language, entering the data for the bank transfer on my demo site I can't reproduce the error Unfortunately these reports came from their customers ![Screenshot_2024-04-09-11-29-39-562_com google android gm]( bye ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce I will do some tests on copies of those sites, to try to give you more information, in the meantime I wanted to warn you of the presence of this problem ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version ps_wirepayment v2.2.0 ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When you do an upgrade from 8.1.5 or 8.0.5 to 9.0.0, if you go on stock page, you'll have an error 500 as you can see : [recording(181).webm]( ### Expected behavior I expect to go on the stock page ### Steps to reproduce 1. Install a fresh install of 8.1.5 (or 8.0.5) 2. Install autoupgrade from dev branch 3. Go on autoupgrade 4. Do an upgrade to 9.0.0 5. Go on the new BO 6. Go on Stock :negative_squared_cross_mark: ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 9.0.0 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version autoupgrade v5.0.1 from dev branch ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). PS
Autoupgrade - When you do an upgrade to 9.0.0, you can't go on stock page
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Autoupgrade - When you do an upgrade to 9.0.0, you can't go on stock page Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When you do an upgrade from 8.1.5 or 8.0.5 to 9.0.0, if you go on stock page, you'll have an error 500 as you can see : [recording(181).webm]( ### Expected behavior I expect to go on the stock page ### Steps to reproduce 1. Install a fresh install of 8.1.5 (or 8.0.5) 2. Install autoupgrade from dev branch 3. Go on autoupgrade 4. Do an upgrade to 9.0.0 5. Go on the new BO 6. Go on Stock :negative_squared_cross_mark: ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 9.0.0 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version autoupgrade v5.0.1 from dev branch ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). PS --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Describe the bug and add attachments There are multiple fields that have either different length limits in their ObjectModel definitions and in database. Also, there are many columns that have no limit in ObjectModel at all and just get cropped randomly with no error message. Simpliest solution would be to edit in on ObjectModel side, so there is no need to do any upgrade scripts. | Class | Column | Object model limit | Database limit | What is wrong | How to fix | New size | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | order\Order | reference | none | 9 | Limit missing | Raise both, 9 is too small (needs autoupgrade) | 255 | Alias | alias | 255 | 191 | Size difference | Raise DB (needs autoupgrade) | 255 | Mail | recipient | 255 | 126 | Size difference | Raise DB (needs autoupgrade) | 255 | Mail | subject | 255 | 254 | Size difference | Raise DB (needs autoupgrade) | 255 | Meta | url_rewrite | 255 | 254 | Size difference | Raise DB (needs autoupgrade) | 255 | shop\ShopUrl | domain | 255 | 150 | Size difference | Raise DB (needs autoupgrade) | 255 | shop\ShopUrl | domain_ssl | 255 | 150 | Size difference | Raise DB (needs autoupgrade) | 255 | Tab | icon | 64 | 32 | Size difference | Raise DB (needs autoupgrade) | 64 | tax\TaxRulesGroup | name | 64 | 50 | Size difference | Raise DB (needs autoupgrade) | 64 | CMSCategory | link_rewrite | 64 | 128 | Size difference | Raise ObjectModel | 128 | CMSCategory | name | 64 | 128 | Size difference | Raise ObjectModel | 128 | CustomerMessage | ip_address | 15 | 16 | Size difference | Raise ObjectModel | 16 | Profile | name | 32 | 128 | Size difference | Raise ObjectModel | 128 | Tab | name | 64 | 128 | Size difference | Raise ObjectModel | 128 | TranslatedConfiguration | name | 32 | 254 | Size difference | Raise ObjectModel | 254 | FeatureFlag | description_wording | 191 | 512 | Size difference | Raise ObjectModel (same width is in ORM) | 512 | FeatureFlag | label_wording | 191 | 512 | Size difference | Raise ObjectModel (same width is in ORM) | 512 | Address | vat_number | none | 32 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | AddressFormat | format | none | 255 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | AttributeGroup | group_type | none | 255 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | Carrier | url | none | 255 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | Connection | http_referer | none | 255 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | ConnectionsSource | http_referer | none | 255 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | ConnectionsSource | keywords | none | 255 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | ConnectionsSource | request_uri | none | 255 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | Country | zip_code_format | none | 12 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | Customer | ape | none | 6 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | Customer | company | none | 255 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | Customer | ip_registration_newsletter | none | 15 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | Customer | secure_key | none | 32 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | Customer | siret | none | 14 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | Customer | website | none | 128 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | CustomerMessage | file_name | none | 18 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | CustomerMessage | user_agent | none | 128 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | CustomerThread | token | none | 12 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | Hook | title | none | 255 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | Manufacturer | meta_keywords | none | 255 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | order\Order | module | none | 255 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | order\Order | payment | none | 255 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | order\Order | secure_key | none | 32 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | order\OrderCarrier | tracking_number | none | 64 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | order\OrderCartRule | name | none | 254 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | order\OrderDetail | download_hash | none | 255 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | order\OrderDetail | product_ean13 | none | 13 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | order\OrderDetail | product_isbn | none | 32 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | order\OrderDetail | product_mpn | none | 40 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | order\OrderDetail | product_reference | none | 64 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | order\OrderDetail | product_supplier_reference | none | 64 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | order\OrderDetail | product_upc | none | 12 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | order\OrderDetail | tax_name | none | 16 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | order\OrderPayment | payment_method | none | 255 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | order\OrderReturnState | color | none | 32 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | order\OrderState | color | none | 32 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | order\OrderState | module_name | none | 255 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | PrestaShopLogger | object_type | none | 32 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | Product | unity | none | 255 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | ProductAttribute | color | none | 32 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | SearchEngine | getvar | none | 16 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | SearchEngine | server | none | 64 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | shop\Shop | color | none | 50 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | shop\Shop | theme_name | none | 255 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | shop\ShopGroup | color | none | 50 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | SpecificPriceRule | name | none | 255 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | stock\Stock | ean13 | none | 13 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | stock\Stock | isbn | none | 32 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | stock\Stock | mpn | none | 40 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | stock\Stock | reference | none | 64 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | stock\Stock | upc | none | 12 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | stock\StockMvt | employee_firstname | none | 255 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | stock\StockMvt | employee_lastname | none | 255 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | stock\StockMvtWS | employee_firstname | none | 255 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | stock\StockMvtWS | employee_lastname | none | 255 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | tax\TaxRule | description | none | 100 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | tax\TaxRule | zipcode_from | none | 12 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | tax\TaxRule | zipcode_to | none | 12 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | Address | address1 | 128 | 128 | βœ… OK | - | - | Address | address2 | 128 | 128 | βœ… OK | - | - | Address | alias | 32 | 32 | βœ… OK | - | - | Address | city | 64 | 64 | βœ… OK | - | - | Address | company | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Address | dni | 16 | 16 | βœ… OK | - | - | Address | firstname | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Address | lastname | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Address | phone | 32 | 32 | βœ… OK | - | - | Address | phone_mobile | 32 | 32 | βœ… OK | - | - | Address | postcode | 12 | 12 | βœ… OK | - | - | Alias | search | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Attachment | file | 40 | 40 | βœ… OK | - | - | Attachment | file_name | 128 | 128 | βœ… OK | - | - | Attachment | mime | 128 | 128 | βœ… OK | - | - | Attachment | name | 32 | 32 | βœ… OK | - | - | AttributeGroup | name | 128 | 128 | βœ… OK | - | - | AttributeGroup | public_name | 64 | 64 | βœ… OK | - | - | Carrier | delay | 512 | 512 | βœ… OK | - | - | Carrier | external_module_name | 64 | 64 | βœ… OK | - | - | Carrier | name | 64 | 64 | βœ… OK | - | - | Cart | secure_key | 32 | 32 | βœ… OK | - | - | CartRule | code | 254 | 254 | βœ… OK | - | - | CartRule | name | 254 | 254 | βœ… OK | - | - | Category | link_rewrite | 128 | 128 | βœ… OK | - | - | Category | meta_description | 512 | 512 | βœ… OK | - | - | Category | meta_keywords | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Category | meta_title | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Category | name | 128 | 128 | βœ… OK | - | - | CMS | head_seo_title | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | CMS | link_rewrite | 128 | 128 | βœ… OK | - | - | CMS | meta_description | 512 | 512 | βœ… OK | - | - | CMS | meta_keywords | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | CMS | meta_title | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | CMSCategory | meta_description | 512 | 512 | βœ… OK | - | - | CMSCategory | meta_keywords | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | CMSCategory | meta_title | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | CMSRole | name | 50 | 50 | βœ… OK | - | - | Combination | available_later | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Combination | available_now | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Combination | ean13 | 13 | 13 | βœ… OK | - | - | Combination | isbn | 32 | 32 | βœ… OK | - | - | Combination | mpn | 40 | 40 | βœ… OK | - | - | Combination | reference | 64 | 64 | βœ… OK | - | - | Combination | supplier_reference | 64 | 64 | βœ… OK | - | - | Combination | upc | 12 | 12 | βœ… OK | - | - | Configuration | name | 254 | 254 | βœ… OK | - | - | Contact | email | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Contact | name | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Country | iso_code | 3 | 3 | βœ… OK | - | - | Country | name | 64 | 64 | βœ… OK | - | - | Currency | iso_code | 3 | 3 | βœ… OK | - | - | Currency | name | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Currency | numeric_iso_code | 3 | 3 | βœ… OK | - | - | Currency | pattern | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Currency | symbol | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Customer | email | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Customer | firstname | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Customer | lastname | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Customer | passwd | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Customer | reset_password_token | 40 | 40 | βœ… OK | - | - | CustomerSession | token | 40 | 40 | βœ… OK | - | - | CustomerThread | email | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | CustomizationField | name | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Employee | bo_color | 32 | 32 | βœ… OK | - | - | Employee | bo_css | 64 | 64 | βœ… OK | - | - | Employee | bo_theme | 32 | 32 | βœ… OK | - | - | Employee | email | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Employee | firstname | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Employee | lastname | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Employee | passwd | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Employee | preselect_date_range | 32 | 32 | βœ… OK | - | - | Employee | reset_password_token | 40 | 40 | βœ… OK | - | - | EmployeeSession | token | 40 | 40 | βœ… OK | - | - | Feature | name | 128 | 128 | βœ… OK | - | - | FeatureFlag | description_domain | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | FeatureFlag | label_domain | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | FeatureFlag | name | 191 | 191 | βœ… OK | - | - | FeatureFlag | stability | 64 | 64 | βœ… OK | - | - | FeatureValue | value | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Gender | name | 20 | 20 | βœ… OK | - | - | Group | name | 32 | 32 | βœ… OK | - | - | Guest | accept_language | 8 | 8 | βœ… OK | - | - | Hook | name | 191 | 191 | βœ… OK | - | - | Image | legend | 128 | 128 | βœ… OK | - | - | ImageType | name | 64 | 64 | βœ… OK | - | - | Language | date_format_full | 32 | 32 | βœ… OK | - | - | Language | date_format_lite | 32 | 32 | βœ… OK | - | - | Language | iso_code | 2 | 2 | βœ… OK | - | - | Language | language_code | 5 | 5 | βœ… OK | - | - | Language | locale | 5 | 5 | βœ… OK | - | - | Language | name | 32 | 32 | βœ… OK | - | - | Mail | template | 62 | 62 | βœ… OK | - | - | Manufacturer | meta_description | 512 | 512 | βœ… OK | - | - | Manufacturer | meta_title | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Manufacturer | name | 64 | 64 | βœ… OK | - | - | Meta | description | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Meta | keywords | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Meta | page | 64 | 64 | βœ… OK | - | - | Meta | title | 128 | 128 | βœ… OK | - | - | order\OrderMessage | name | 128 | 128 | βœ… OK | - | - | order\OrderPayment | card_brand | 254 | 254 | βœ… OK | - | - | order\OrderPayment | card_expiration | 254 | 254 | βœ… OK | - | - | order\OrderPayment | card_holder | 254 | 254 | βœ… OK | - | - | order\OrderPayment | card_number | 254 | 254 | βœ… OK | - | - | order\OrderPayment | order_reference | 9 | 9 | βœ… OK | - | - | order\OrderPayment | transaction_id | 254 | 254 | βœ… OK | - | - | order\OrderReturnState | name | 64 | 64 | βœ… OK | - | - | order\OrderState | name | 64 | 64 | βœ… OK | - | - | order\OrderState | template | 64 | 64 | βœ… OK | - | - | Product | available_later | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Product | available_now | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Product | delivery_in_stock | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Product | delivery_out_stock | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Product | ean13 | 13 | 13 | βœ… OK | - | - | Product | isbn | 32 | 32 | βœ… OK | - | - | Product | link_rewrite | 128 | 128 | βœ… OK | - | - | Product | location | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Product | meta_description | 512 | 512 | βœ… OK | - | - | Product | meta_keywords | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Product | meta_title | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Product | mpn | 40 | 40 | βœ… OK | - | - | Product | name | 128 | 128 | βœ… OK | - | - | Product | reference | 64 | 64 | βœ… OK | - | - | Product | supplier_reference | 64 | 64 | βœ… OK | - | - | Product | upc | 12 | 12 | βœ… OK | - | - | ProductAttribute | name | 128 | 128 | βœ… OK | - | - | ProductDownload | display_filename | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | ProductDownload | filename | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | ProductSupplier | product_supplier_reference | 64 | 64 | βœ… OK | - | - | QuickAccess | link | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | QuickAccess | name | 32 | 32 | βœ… OK | - | - | RequestSql | name | 200 | 200 | βœ… OK | - | - | Risk | color | 32 | 32 | βœ… OK | - | - | Risk | name | 20 | 20 | βœ… OK | - | - | shop\Shop | name | 64 | 64 | βœ… OK | - | - | shop\ShopGroup | name | 64 | 64 | βœ… OK | - | - | shop\ShopUrl | physical_uri | 64 | 64 | βœ… OK | - | - | shop\ShopUrl | virtual_uri | 64 | 64 | βœ… OK | - | - | State | iso_code | 7 | 7 | βœ… OK | - | - | State | name | 80 | 80 | βœ… OK | - | - | stock\StockAvailable | location | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | stock\StockMvtReason | name | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Store | address1 | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Store | address2 | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Store | city | 64 | 64 | βœ… OK | - | - | Store | email | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Store | fax | 16 | 16 | βœ… OK | - | - | Store | name | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Store | phone | 16 | 16 | βœ… OK | - | - | Store | postcode | 12 | 12 | βœ… OK | - | - | Supplier | meta_description | 512 | 512 | βœ… OK | - | - | Supplier | meta_keywords | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Supplier | meta_title | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Supplier | name | 64 | 64 | βœ… OK | - | - | Tab | class_name | 64 | 64 | βœ… OK | - | - | Tab | module | 64 | 64 | βœ… OK | - | - | Tab | route_name | 256 | 256 | βœ… OK | - | - | Tab | wording | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Tab | wording_domain | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Tag | name | 32 | 32 | βœ… OK | - | - | tax\Tax | name | 32 | 32 | βœ… OK | - | - | webservice\WebserviceKey | key | 32 | 32 | βœ… OK | - | - | Zone | name | 64 | 64 | βœ… OK | - | - ### Expected behavior All limits must be unified. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5
Varchar fields database vs core limits difference
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Varchar fields database vs core limits difference Issue date: --- start body --- ### Describe the bug and add attachments There are multiple fields that have either different length limits in their ObjectModel definitions and in database. Also, there are many columns that have no limit in ObjectModel at all and just get cropped randomly with no error message. Simpliest solution would be to edit in on ObjectModel side, so there is no need to do any upgrade scripts. | Class | Column | Object model limit | Database limit | What is wrong | How to fix | New size | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | order\Order | reference | none | 9 | Limit missing | Raise both, 9 is too small (needs autoupgrade) | 255 | Alias | alias | 255 | 191 | Size difference | Raise DB (needs autoupgrade) | 255 | Mail | recipient | 255 | 126 | Size difference | Raise DB (needs autoupgrade) | 255 | Mail | subject | 255 | 254 | Size difference | Raise DB (needs autoupgrade) | 255 | Meta | url_rewrite | 255 | 254 | Size difference | Raise DB (needs autoupgrade) | 255 | shop\ShopUrl | domain | 255 | 150 | Size difference | Raise DB (needs autoupgrade) | 255 | shop\ShopUrl | domain_ssl | 255 | 150 | Size difference | Raise DB (needs autoupgrade) | 255 | Tab | icon | 64 | 32 | Size difference | Raise DB (needs autoupgrade) | 64 | tax\TaxRulesGroup | name | 64 | 50 | Size difference | Raise DB (needs autoupgrade) | 64 | CMSCategory | link_rewrite | 64 | 128 | Size difference | Raise ObjectModel | 128 | CMSCategory | name | 64 | 128 | Size difference | Raise ObjectModel | 128 | CustomerMessage | ip_address | 15 | 16 | Size difference | Raise ObjectModel | 16 | Profile | name | 32 | 128 | Size difference | Raise ObjectModel | 128 | Tab | name | 64 | 128 | Size difference | Raise ObjectModel | 128 | TranslatedConfiguration | name | 32 | 254 | Size difference | Raise ObjectModel | 254 | FeatureFlag | description_wording | 191 | 512 | Size difference | Raise ObjectModel (same width is in ORM) | 512 | FeatureFlag | label_wording | 191 | 512 | Size difference | Raise ObjectModel (same width is in ORM) | 512 | Address | vat_number | none | 32 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | AddressFormat | format | none | 255 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | AttributeGroup | group_type | none | 255 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | Carrier | url | none | 255 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | Connection | http_referer | none | 255 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | ConnectionsSource | http_referer | none | 255 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | ConnectionsSource | keywords | none | 255 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | ConnectionsSource | request_uri | none | 255 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | Country | zip_code_format | none | 12 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | Customer | ape | none | 6 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | Customer | company | none | 255 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | Customer | ip_registration_newsletter | none | 15 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | Customer | secure_key | none | 32 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | Customer | siret | none | 14 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | Customer | website | none | 128 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | CustomerMessage | file_name | none | 18 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | CustomerMessage | user_agent | none | 128 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | CustomerThread | token | none | 12 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | Hook | title | none | 255 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | Manufacturer | meta_keywords | none | 255 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | order\Order | module | none | 255 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | order\Order | payment | none | 255 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | order\Order | secure_key | none | 32 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | order\OrderCarrier | tracking_number | none | 64 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | order\OrderCartRule | name | none | 254 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | order\OrderDetail | download_hash | none | 255 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | order\OrderDetail | product_ean13 | none | 13 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | order\OrderDetail | product_isbn | none | 32 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | order\OrderDetail | product_mpn | none | 40 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | order\OrderDetail | product_reference | none | 64 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | order\OrderDetail | product_supplier_reference | none | 64 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | order\OrderDetail | product_upc | none | 12 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | order\OrderDetail | tax_name | none | 16 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | order\OrderPayment | payment_method | none | 255 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | order\OrderReturnState | color | none | 32 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | order\OrderState | color | none | 32 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | order\OrderState | module_name | none | 255 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | PrestaShopLogger | object_type | none | 32 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | Product | unity | none | 255 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | ProductAttribute | color | none | 32 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | SearchEngine | getvar | none | 16 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | SearchEngine | server | none | 64 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | shop\Shop | color | none | 50 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | shop\Shop | theme_name | none | 255 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | shop\ShopGroup | color | none | 50 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | SpecificPriceRule | name | none | 255 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | stock\Stock | ean13 | none | 13 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | stock\Stock | isbn | none | 32 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | stock\Stock | mpn | none | 40 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | stock\Stock | reference | none | 64 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | stock\Stock | upc | none | 12 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | stock\StockMvt | employee_firstname | none | 255 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | stock\StockMvt | employee_lastname | none | 255 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | stock\StockMvtWS | employee_firstname | none | 255 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | stock\StockMvtWS | employee_lastname | none | 255 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | tax\TaxRule | description | none | 100 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | tax\TaxRule | zipcode_from | none | 12 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | tax\TaxRule | zipcode_to | none | 12 | Limit missing | Add object model limit | - | Address | address1 | 128 | 128 | βœ… OK | - | - | Address | address2 | 128 | 128 | βœ… OK | - | - | Address | alias | 32 | 32 | βœ… OK | - | - | Address | city | 64 | 64 | βœ… OK | - | - | Address | company | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Address | dni | 16 | 16 | βœ… OK | - | - | Address | firstname | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Address | lastname | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Address | phone | 32 | 32 | βœ… OK | - | - | Address | phone_mobile | 32 | 32 | βœ… OK | - | - | Address | postcode | 12 | 12 | βœ… OK | - | - | Alias | search | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Attachment | file | 40 | 40 | βœ… OK | - | - | Attachment | file_name | 128 | 128 | βœ… OK | - | - | Attachment | mime | 128 | 128 | βœ… OK | - | - | Attachment | name | 32 | 32 | βœ… OK | - | - | AttributeGroup | name | 128 | 128 | βœ… OK | - | - | AttributeGroup | public_name | 64 | 64 | βœ… OK | - | - | Carrier | delay | 512 | 512 | βœ… OK | - | - | Carrier | external_module_name | 64 | 64 | βœ… OK | - | - | Carrier | name | 64 | 64 | βœ… OK | - | - | Cart | secure_key | 32 | 32 | βœ… OK | - | - | CartRule | code | 254 | 254 | βœ… OK | - | - | CartRule | name | 254 | 254 | βœ… OK | - | - | Category | link_rewrite | 128 | 128 | βœ… OK | - | - | Category | meta_description | 512 | 512 | βœ… OK | - | - | Category | meta_keywords | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Category | meta_title | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Category | name | 128 | 128 | βœ… OK | - | - | CMS | head_seo_title | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | CMS | link_rewrite | 128 | 128 | βœ… OK | - | - | CMS | meta_description | 512 | 512 | βœ… OK | - | - | CMS | meta_keywords | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | CMS | meta_title | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | CMSCategory | meta_description | 512 | 512 | βœ… OK | - | - | CMSCategory | meta_keywords | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | CMSCategory | meta_title | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | CMSRole | name | 50 | 50 | βœ… OK | - | - | Combination | available_later | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Combination | available_now | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Combination | ean13 | 13 | 13 | βœ… OK | - | - | Combination | isbn | 32 | 32 | βœ… OK | - | - | Combination | mpn | 40 | 40 | βœ… OK | - | - | Combination | reference | 64 | 64 | βœ… OK | - | - | Combination | supplier_reference | 64 | 64 | βœ… OK | - | - | Combination | upc | 12 | 12 | βœ… OK | - | - | Configuration | name | 254 | 254 | βœ… OK | - | - | Contact | email | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Contact | name | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Country | iso_code | 3 | 3 | βœ… OK | - | - | Country | name | 64 | 64 | βœ… OK | - | - | Currency | iso_code | 3 | 3 | βœ… OK | - | - | Currency | name | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Currency | numeric_iso_code | 3 | 3 | βœ… OK | - | - | Currency | pattern | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Currency | symbol | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Customer | email | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Customer | firstname | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Customer | lastname | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Customer | passwd | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Customer | reset_password_token | 40 | 40 | βœ… OK | - | - | CustomerSession | token | 40 | 40 | βœ… OK | - | - | CustomerThread | email | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | CustomizationField | name | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Employee | bo_color | 32 | 32 | βœ… OK | - | - | Employee | bo_css | 64 | 64 | βœ… OK | - | - | Employee | bo_theme | 32 | 32 | βœ… OK | - | - | Employee | email | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Employee | firstname | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Employee | lastname | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Employee | passwd | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Employee | preselect_date_range | 32 | 32 | βœ… OK | - | - | Employee | reset_password_token | 40 | 40 | βœ… OK | - | - | EmployeeSession | token | 40 | 40 | βœ… OK | - | - | Feature | name | 128 | 128 | βœ… OK | - | - | FeatureFlag | description_domain | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | FeatureFlag | label_domain | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | FeatureFlag | name | 191 | 191 | βœ… OK | - | - | FeatureFlag | stability | 64 | 64 | βœ… OK | - | - | FeatureValue | value | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Gender | name | 20 | 20 | βœ… OK | - | - | Group | name | 32 | 32 | βœ… OK | - | - | Guest | accept_language | 8 | 8 | βœ… OK | - | - | Hook | name | 191 | 191 | βœ… OK | - | - | Image | legend | 128 | 128 | βœ… OK | - | - | ImageType | name | 64 | 64 | βœ… OK | - | - | Language | date_format_full | 32 | 32 | βœ… OK | - | - | Language | date_format_lite | 32 | 32 | βœ… OK | - | - | Language | iso_code | 2 | 2 | βœ… OK | - | - | Language | language_code | 5 | 5 | βœ… OK | - | - | Language | locale | 5 | 5 | βœ… OK | - | - | Language | name | 32 | 32 | βœ… OK | - | - | Mail | template | 62 | 62 | βœ… OK | - | - | Manufacturer | meta_description | 512 | 512 | βœ… OK | - | - | Manufacturer | meta_title | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Manufacturer | name | 64 | 64 | βœ… OK | - | - | Meta | description | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Meta | keywords | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Meta | page | 64 | 64 | βœ… OK | - | - | Meta | title | 128 | 128 | βœ… OK | - | - | order\OrderMessage | name | 128 | 128 | βœ… OK | - | - | order\OrderPayment | card_brand | 254 | 254 | βœ… OK | - | - | order\OrderPayment | card_expiration | 254 | 254 | βœ… OK | - | - | order\OrderPayment | card_holder | 254 | 254 | βœ… OK | - | - | order\OrderPayment | card_number | 254 | 254 | βœ… OK | - | - | order\OrderPayment | order_reference | 9 | 9 | βœ… OK | - | - | order\OrderPayment | transaction_id | 254 | 254 | βœ… OK | - | - | order\OrderReturnState | name | 64 | 64 | βœ… OK | - | - | order\OrderState | name | 64 | 64 | βœ… OK | - | - | order\OrderState | template | 64 | 64 | βœ… OK | - | - | Product | available_later | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Product | available_now | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Product | delivery_in_stock | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Product | delivery_out_stock | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Product | ean13 | 13 | 13 | βœ… OK | - | - | Product | isbn | 32 | 32 | βœ… OK | - | - | Product | link_rewrite | 128 | 128 | βœ… OK | - | - | Product | location | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Product | meta_description | 512 | 512 | βœ… OK | - | - | Product | meta_keywords | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Product | meta_title | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Product | mpn | 40 | 40 | βœ… OK | - | - | Product | name | 128 | 128 | βœ… OK | - | - | Product | reference | 64 | 64 | βœ… OK | - | - | Product | supplier_reference | 64 | 64 | βœ… OK | - | - | Product | upc | 12 | 12 | βœ… OK | - | - | ProductAttribute | name | 128 | 128 | βœ… OK | - | - | ProductDownload | display_filename | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | ProductDownload | filename | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | ProductSupplier | product_supplier_reference | 64 | 64 | βœ… OK | - | - | QuickAccess | link | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | QuickAccess | name | 32 | 32 | βœ… OK | - | - | RequestSql | name | 200 | 200 | βœ… OK | - | - | Risk | color | 32 | 32 | βœ… OK | - | - | Risk | name | 20 | 20 | βœ… OK | - | - | shop\Shop | name | 64 | 64 | βœ… OK | - | - | shop\ShopGroup | name | 64 | 64 | βœ… OK | - | - | shop\ShopUrl | physical_uri | 64 | 64 | βœ… OK | - | - | shop\ShopUrl | virtual_uri | 64 | 64 | βœ… OK | - | - | State | iso_code | 7 | 7 | βœ… OK | - | - | State | name | 80 | 80 | βœ… OK | - | - | stock\StockAvailable | location | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | stock\StockMvtReason | name | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Store | address1 | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Store | address2 | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Store | city | 64 | 64 | βœ… OK | - | - | Store | email | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Store | fax | 16 | 16 | βœ… OK | - | - | Store | name | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Store | phone | 16 | 16 | βœ… OK | - | - | Store | postcode | 12 | 12 | βœ… OK | - | - | Supplier | meta_description | 512 | 512 | βœ… OK | - | - | Supplier | meta_keywords | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Supplier | meta_title | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Supplier | name | 64 | 64 | βœ… OK | - | - | Tab | class_name | 64 | 64 | βœ… OK | - | - | Tab | module | 64 | 64 | βœ… OK | - | - | Tab | route_name | 256 | 256 | βœ… OK | - | - | Tab | wording | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Tab | wording_domain | 255 | 255 | βœ… OK | - | - | Tag | name | 32 | 32 | βœ… OK | - | - | tax\Tax | name | 32 | 32 | βœ… OK | - | - | webservice\WebserviceKey | key | 32 | 32 | βœ… OK | - | - | Zone | name | 64 | 64 | βœ… OK | - | - ### Expected behavior All limits must be unified. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
Following a few tests, it seems that the activation status of the access api is not taken into account when the token is queried. The check should also be made at the resource server level when the token is validated (at least the part based on core authorization). Blocked by
Take into account the API access status to authorise the API access
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Take into account the API access status to authorise the API access Issue date: --- start body --- Following a few tests, it seems that the activation status of the access api is not taken into account when the token is queried. The check should also be made at the resource server level when the token is validated (at least the part based on core authorization). Blocked by --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Data in order_detail_tax is wrong if you modify an order in backoffice. See steps to reproduce. ### Expected behavior Taxes calculation should work correctly. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Create Product A and Product B. Set price to both of them to 100 EUR tax excluded. Set a VAT on them, 21% for example. 2. Add to cart 1 piece of Product A and 3 pieces of product B. Order it. 3. Go to backoffice, change quantity of product A to 2 pieces. 4. Open PHPmyadmin or other database tool. Find `ps_order_detail_tax`, see the last rows added. See that the tax total is wrong. ![SnΓ­mek obrazovky 2024-04-09 113406]( ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Order tax is not updated when modifying order in backoffice
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Order tax is not updated when modifying order in backoffice Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Data in order_detail_tax is wrong if you modify an order in backoffice. See steps to reproduce. ### Expected behavior Taxes calculation should work correctly. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Create Product A and Product B. Set price to both of them to 100 EUR tax excluded. Set a VAT on them, 21% for example. 2. Add to cart 1 piece of Product A and 3 pieces of product B. Order it. 3. Go to backoffice, change quantity of product A to 2 pieces. 4. Open PHPmyadmin or other database tool. Find `ps_order_detail_tax`, see the last rows added. See that the tax total is wrong. ![SnΓ­mek obrazovky 2024-04-09 113406]( ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Click on button to choose file don't work beacause javascript error on sortable.min.js on module ps_imageslider ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce 1. go to manage modules 2. select ps_imageslider 3. click on configure 4. edit or add a slide 5. click on button to choose file **not working** ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 1.7.8 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). e-leva
ps_imageslider - Editing a slide, click on button to add image don't work
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : ps_imageslider - Editing a slide, click on button to add image don't work Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Click on button to choose file don't work beacause javascript error on sortable.min.js on module ps_imageslider ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce 1. go to manage modules 2. select ps_imageslider 3. click on configure 4. edit or add a slide 5. click on button to choose file **not working** ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 1.7.8 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). e-leva --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments I am trying to solve this problem but could not be able to do it. I have installed fresh by using Turkish language, all goes well until I try to go to admin panel. If I choose Turkish language on installition, admin page gives Invalid "it-IT" locale error. The error occurs on only admin page where profile language is Turkish. If I fresh install with english language all goes well and I am able to login to admin panel. What could be the reason for it? I think it is a bug. ![Ekran GΓΆrΓΌntΓΌsΓΌ - 2024-04-09 01-50-08]( ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce 1. Install prestashop with language Turkish, 2. Try to enter admin page after installition ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.2.7 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Fresh app gives 500 error on admin page when different language used other than English
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Fresh app gives 500 error on admin page when different language used other than English Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments I am trying to solve this problem but could not be able to do it. I have installed fresh by using Turkish language, all goes well until I try to go to admin panel. If I choose Turkish language on installition, admin page gives Invalid "it-IT" locale error. The error occurs on only admin page where profile language is Turkish. If I fresh install with english language all goes well and I am able to login to admin panel. What could be the reason for it? I think it is a bug. ![Ekran GΓΆrΓΌntΓΌsΓΌ - 2024-04-09 01-50-08]( ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce 1. Install prestashop with language Turkish, 2. Try to enter admin page after installition ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.5 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.2.7 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Bonjour j'ai une erreur qui s'affiche des l'affichage de la page backend `Warning: require(/var/www/vhosts/xxxxxxxx/httpdocs/www/var/cache/dev/Container1J3L2B8/getDebug_ArgumentResolver_RequestAttributeService.php): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory` `Warning: require(/var/www/vhosts/bbbbb/httpdocs/www/var/cache/dev/Container1J3L2B8/getRouting_LoaderService.php): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory` No route found for "POST /modules/improve/design/themes merci pour votre aide. ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce 1/j'ai Γ©tΓ© sur les theme pour activer le theme par defaut et constatΓ© une erreur 500. Il m'a affiche un message dans le dossier cache, j'ai vidΓ© le cache et un autre message est apparut in [/var/www/vhosts/xxxxx/httpdocs/www/var/cache/dev/Container1J3L2B8/a](https://xxxx/admin6459wqcii7knt2wyztl/) si je desactive le debogage j'ai de nouveau acces mais lors du changement theme toujours erreur 500 ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.0.2 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.4 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
erreur 500 sur backend
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : erreur 500 sur backend Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Bonjour j'ai une erreur qui s'affiche des l'affichage de la page backend `Warning: require(/var/www/vhosts/xxxxxxxx/httpdocs/www/var/cache/dev/Container1J3L2B8/getDebug_ArgumentResolver_RequestAttributeService.php): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory` `Warning: require(/var/www/vhosts/bbbbb/httpdocs/www/var/cache/dev/Container1J3L2B8/getRouting_LoaderService.php): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory` No route found for "POST /modules/improve/design/themes merci pour votre aide. ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce 1/j'ai Γ©tΓ© sur les theme pour activer le theme par defaut et constatΓ© une erreur 500. Il m'a affiche un message dans le dossier cache, j'ai vidΓ© le cache et un autre message est apparut in [/var/www/vhosts/xxxxx/httpdocs/www/var/cache/dev/Container1J3L2B8/a](https://xxxx/admin6459wqcii7knt2wyztl/) si je desactive le debogage j'ai de nouveau acces mais lors du changement theme toujours erreur 500 ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.0.2 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.4 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When you want to define a specific price for a single variation, you cannot select it from the drop-down list. ![screenshot]( ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to product ID 2345 2. β€œPrice” tab 3. Change the specific price ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.1 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.0 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). BomoΓ―
Impossible to assign a specific price to a variation
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Impossible to assign a specific price to a variation Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When you want to define a specific price for a single variation, you cannot select it from the drop-down list. ![screenshot]( ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to product ID 2345 2. β€œPrice” tab 3. Change the specific price ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.1 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.0 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). BomoΓ― --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When call `/api/categories?schema=synopsis` associations in response are incorrect: entity contain number 0 not filed id! ```xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <prestashop xmlns:xlink=""> <category> ...... <associations> <categories nodeType="category" api="categories"> <category> <0> <![CDATA[]]> </0> </category> </categories> <products nodeType="product" api="products"> <product> <0> <![CDATA[]]> </0> </product> </products> </associations> </category> </prestashop> ``` ### Expected behavior ```xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <prestashop xmlns:xlink=""> <category> ...... <associations> <categories nodeType="category" api="categories"> <category> <id> <![CDATA[]]> </id> </category> </categories> <products nodeType="product" api="products"> <product> <id> <![CDATA[]]> </id> </product> </products> </associations> </category> </prestashop> ``` ### Steps to reproduce 1. enable web service 2. create web service key 3. enable entity category, product or others with associations 4. save 5. open post man 6. call web service: /api/categories?schema=synopsis ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.0.2 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.4 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). Bwlab, Luigi Massa
Associations in Webservice Request Synopsis are incorrect
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Associations in Webservice Request Synopsis are incorrect Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments When call `/api/categories?schema=synopsis` associations in response are incorrect: entity contain number 0 not filed id! ```xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <prestashop xmlns:xlink=""> <category> ...... <associations> <categories nodeType="category" api="categories"> <category> <0> <![CDATA[]]> </0> </category> </categories> <products nodeType="product" api="products"> <product> <0> <![CDATA[]]> </0> </product> </products> </associations> </category> </prestashop> ``` ### Expected behavior ```xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <prestashop xmlns:xlink=""> <category> ...... <associations> <categories nodeType="category" api="categories"> <category> <id> <![CDATA[]]> </id> </category> </categories> <products nodeType="product" api="products"> <product> <id> <![CDATA[]]> </id> </product> </products> </associations> </category> </prestashop> ``` ### Steps to reproduce 1. enable web service 2. create web service key 3. enable entity category, product or others with associations 4. save 5. open post man 6. call web service: /api/categories?schema=synopsis ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.0.2 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 7.4 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). Bwlab, Luigi Massa --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Hello, I am using an external module for payment procedures. At the prestashop checkout page, when I choose the external payment method and confirm the purchase, I am redirected to the external payment page. I make the payment and get redirected back to prestashop success order page which shows me that the order was placed successfully. Everything working as expected. βœ”οΈ Now the problem: When I click the confirm button after choosing the payment method, an email is sent to the admin that an order was placed through the use of the module "ps_emailalerts", but I haven't even paid yet... And I can still cancel or just leave the payment page. I'm asuming it's because the payment is usualy done inside the prestashop checkout page and not on an external page. Is this a bug or is there something I can do about it? Maybe change a hook? Or anything else on the code? ### Expected behavior 1. Proceed through the checkout page in prestashop. 2. Choose external module payment method that uses an external link for the payment. 3. Get redirected to external page. 4. Do the payment. 5. Get redirected back to prestashop and get shown the successfull order placed page. 6. Order email gets sent to the admin through the module "ps_emailalerts". ### Steps to reproduce 1. Proceed through the checkout page in prestashop. 2. Choose external module payment method that used an external link for the payment. 3. Get redirected to external page. 4. "ps_emailalerts" sends an email to the shop admin that an order was placed. But buyer hasn't payed yet. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.0 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.27 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version ps_emailalerts v3.0 and vivawalletsmartcheckout v1.3.1 ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
ps_emailalerts with external payment module sends email to admin even though payment not finished
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : ps_emailalerts with external payment module sends email to admin even though payment not finished Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments Hello, I am using an external module for payment procedures. At the prestashop checkout page, when I choose the external payment method and confirm the purchase, I am redirected to the external payment page. I make the payment and get redirected back to prestashop success order page which shows me that the order was placed successfully. Everything working as expected. βœ”οΈ Now the problem: When I click the confirm button after choosing the payment method, an email is sent to the admin that an order was placed through the use of the module "ps_emailalerts", but I haven't even paid yet... And I can still cancel or just leave the payment page. I'm asuming it's because the payment is usualy done inside the prestashop checkout page and not on an external page. Is this a bug or is there something I can do about it? Maybe change a hook? Or anything else on the code? ### Expected behavior 1. Proceed through the checkout page in prestashop. 2. Choose external module payment method that uses an external link for the payment. 3. Get redirected to external page. 4. Do the payment. 5. Get redirected back to prestashop and get shown the successfull order placed page. 6. Order email gets sent to the admin through the module "ps_emailalerts". ### Steps to reproduce 1. Proceed through the checkout page in prestashop. 2. Choose external module payment method that used an external link for the payment. 3. Get redirected to external page. 4. "ps_emailalerts" sends an email to the shop admin that an order was placed. But buyer hasn't payed yet. ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.0 ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened 8.1.27 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version ps_emailalerts v3.0 and vivawalletsmartcheckout v1.3.1 ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments The locale is very useful for the language. But it is in database and not displayed in BO (Listing / Edit (readonly mode)) After discussion with @jolelievre, it should be a good idea. ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to BO 2. Go to International > Languages 3. In List, the locale should be displayed ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 9.0.x ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). @PrestaShopCorp
International > Languages : Display locale in list & readonly edit
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : International > Languages : Display locale in list & readonly edit Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments The locale is very useful for the language. But it is in database and not displayed in BO (Listing / Edit (readonly mode)) After discussion with @jolelievre, it should be a good idea. ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to BO 2. Go to International > Languages 3. In List, the locale should be displayed ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened 9.0.x ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened _No response_ ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version _No response_ ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). @PrestaShopCorp --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---
[ "PrestaShop", "PrestaShop" ]
### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments After upgrading Product Comments module from 6.0.2 to 6.0.3, I can no longer access the Admin page as it shows the following error message: Oops... looks like an unexpected error occurred. The service "product_comment_criterion_form_data_provider" has a dependency on a non-existent service "prestashop.core.admin.lang.repository". [Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\ServiceNotFoundException 0] ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce Upgraded the module Product Comments from 6.0.2 to 6.0.3 and Admin page stopped loading ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened PHP Version 7.3.33 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version product_comment ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_
Cannot access Admin page after upgrading Product Comments module from 6.02 to 6.0.3 in Prestashop
This is a GitHub Issue repo:PrestaShop owner:PrestaShop Title : Cannot access Admin page after upgrading Product Comments module from 6.02 to 6.0.3 in Prestashop Issue date: --- start body --- ### Prerequisites - [X] I understand and accept the project's [code of conduct]( - [X] I have already [searched in existing issues]( and found no previous report of this bug. ### Describe the bug and add attachments After upgrading Product Comments module from 6.0.2 to 6.0.3, I can no longer access the Admin page as it shows the following error message: Oops... looks like an unexpected error occurred. The service "product_comment_criterion_form_data_provider" has a dependency on a non-existent service "prestashop.core.admin.lang.repository". [Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\ServiceNotFoundException 0] ### Expected behavior _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce Upgraded the module Product Comments from 6.0.2 to 6.0.3 and Admin page stopped loading ### PrestaShop version(s) where the bug happened ### PHP version(s) where the bug happened PHP Version 7.3.33 ### If your bug is related to a module, specify its name and its version product_comment ### Your company or customer's name goes here (if applicable). _No response_ --- end body --- comments : --- start comments --- --- end comments ---