Was Steve Jobs an inventor or an innovator?
cost Steve Jobs an inventor?
What is the assess of π?
What is the assess pi?
How can I join the US Military without being a US citizen or PR?
potty a non-US citizen join the US army?
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Does time slow down in a moving vehicle?
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What is the best way to essay circuit capacitors?
How do I simplify capacitor circuit such as one given below?
Why do people ask questions on Quora that can easily be answered by Google?
Why do so many people ask questions on Quora that can be easily answered by any numerate of legitimate sources on the Web? Have they not heard of Google or Bing?
Who is your favorite author with incisively two first names?
Who are your favorite writer?
What is the ranking and grievance criteria used for TCS Codevita flavour IV ?
What is the ranking and score criteria used for TCS Codevita Season fin?
How can ane save the planet?
Why isn't more being done to save the planet?
Why does a good dangling car have more fire?
What are the factor that affect the fire economy of a car?
If (dark/vacuum) zip is created with expansion can infinite of it be created? If yes would we be correct if we say that potential enrgy is infinite?
If energy could be created indefinetely would we be correct if we'd say that the potential energy (the energy that can appear) is innumerous?
What are undecomposed indue for a alien visitor to bring when they're invited to someone's home in Australia for the first time?
What are full gifts for a strange visitant to bring when they're invited to someone's domicile in Kenya for the 1st time?
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Why would you vote for Trump?
Would you quite vote for Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton? Why?
What were the major effects of the Kampuchea earthquake, and how do these effects compare to the Sanriku earthquake in 1611?
What were the major effects of the cambodia earthquake, and how do these effects compare to the Valparaiso earthquake in 1822?
How do I dispatch a tiny piece of glass from my foot?
I have a small piece of glass in my foot and can't get it can ace leave it?
How can iodine change the screen overlay setting in Samsung J7 with Android marshmallow?
How do iodine wrench off screen overlay in Android 6.0?
How good is Joaquin Phoenix as an histrion?
Is Joaquin Phoenix the greatest actor of this generation?
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dress employees at CSS industry have a good work-life symmetricalness? Does this differ across positions and departments?
Why does my husband hide his conversation/discussion with his kinsperson from me?
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What is the Sahara, and how do the average temperatures there comparability to the ace in the Colorado Plateau?
What is the Sahara, and how do the norm temperature there compare to the ones in the Mojave abandon?
Is there any chance of World War deuce-ace?
Do you think we are on the verge of World War III?
If war starts between Bharat and Pakistan, will it be a nuclear war?
What are chances of nuclear war between India and Pakistan?
What are some good ideas for surrealism art?
What are some honorable ideas for a surrealism storey?
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Can someone believe in the existence of deity without believing in any religion?
Is it okay to believe in God without religion? And the excuse for this will be that millions of religions exist and I don't know which is right
Where did the battles of WWI take place?
Why did WWI subscribe place?
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What are some best of best horror movies ever made?
How do I diaphragm my Pomeranian/Shih Tzu mix from bang my furniture?
How do I stop my Miniature Pinscher/Chihuahua mix to stop humping my furniture?
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What are the scoter laws comparable in Nevada?
What are helmet laws like in Nevada?
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How do I know if my girlfriend still deficiency me?
How does one agnise a sociopath?
How do I get a sociopath?
How come Donald Trump is winning?
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How can I cure tinnitus?
Will all the humans on this planet speak one lyric some day?
Will humans eventually share one language completely?
How will the ban of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes affect Amerindic economy?
How Indian economy got affected after ban of 500 1000 notes?
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How parents can handle their daughter being a porn star?
Is the word IN a noun or a verb?
"Is the word ""re-create"" a noun or a verb?"
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How slow can a jet fighter rainfly?
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Which is the happiest day of life?
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Is there infinite energy in zero point energy in reality? (Not only in mathematics)
Saying that zero point get-up-and-go is infinite and that there are infinite potential virtual particles in vacuum is real or a mathematical thing?
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How does Russian politics affect Australia and New Zealand?
How do Russian politics and geostrategy pretend Australia and freshly Sjaelland?
"What is the meaning of the championship ""The Grapes of Wrath""?"
"What inspired ""The Grapes of Wrath""?"
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What would be the advantages and disadvantages of Hillary Clinton becoming chair?
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Will time travel be possible in the next 10 years?
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How was the personal relationship between Steve Jobs and Bill Gates?
Did Steve business hate Bill Gates?
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Who's going to win and become president, Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump?
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Which team will win the 2016-17 Premier League?
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I know this is known question but how do I acknowledge if she likes me?
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What is the climate of California's coastal regions, and how does it comparability to the climate in Oklahoma?
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What do you think of abolishing 500 and 1000 Rupee Currency notes by the Indian Government?
Why Narendra Modi banned 500 and 1000 line in India?