Česká kardiologická společnost, z. s.
Netroufalky 6b, 625 00 Brno
Prof. MUDr. Miloš Táborský, CSc., FESC, FACC, MBA
Odpovědná redaktorka
Mgr. Klára Procházková
Tel.: +420 607 932 545
E-mail: ProchazkovaKlara@email.cz
Radka Tichá
Tel.: +420 725 483 718
E-mail: radka.ticha@kardio-cz.cz
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600 Kč, pro nečleny ČKS 1 000 Kč, kontaktujte prosím
paní Radku Tichou: radka.ticha@kardio-cz.cz
Vydavatel neručí za kvalitu a účinnost jakéhokoli
výrobku nebo služby nabízených v reklamě nebo
jiném materiálu komerční povahy.
Studio Franklin Praha
E-mail: franklin@franklin.cz
Tiskárna Knopp s.r.o.
Vychází 6× ročně
Nové Město nad Metují
Povoleno Ministerstvem kultury ČR E 18519.
ISSN 0010-8650 (print), ISSN 1803-7712 (online)
© 2019, ČKS.
Cor et Vasa, the journal of the Czech Society of Cardiology and Czech So-
ciety for Cardiovascular Surgery, publishes 6 times a year and covers all
aspects cardiology, angiology, cardiovascular surgery, cardiovascular im
Česká kardiologická společnost, z. s.
aging, pediatric cardiology, hypertension, cardiovascular prevention and
Netroufalky 6b, 625 00 Brno
some aspects of interventional radiology.
It features editorial, original articles, review articles, as well as short communications from clinical and experimental cardiology. Beginning 2012, Cor et Vasa Prof. MUDr. Miloš Táborský, CSc., FESC, FACC, MBA
has also been publishing summaries (5 000 words) of the European Society of
Cardiology guidelines, developed by leading Czech experts in the fi eld. Managing Editor
Mgr. Klára Procházková
Its supplement, Cor et Vasa Kardio offers book reviews, abstracts from Tel.: +420 607 932 545
elected congresses and conferences, elections and discussions, polemics, E-mail: ProchazkovaKlara@email.cz
commentaries, information from the Czech Society of Cardiology, Czech
Society of Cardiovascular Surgery and European Society of Cardiology as
Advertising information
well as topical international news items.
Radka Tichá
Tel.: +420 725 483 718
Contributions appear in the Czech, Slovak or English language.
E-mail: radka.ticha@kardio-cz.cz
The journal publishes in two version with identical contents: online and
Distribution, subscription
printed versions. Fulltext Cor et Vasa is also available at the Czech Society
of Cardiology website. The journal is available online free
of charge to all members of the Czech Society
Cor et Vasa is indexed in the EMBASE, Scopus, ESC Search Engine databases and of Cardiology and Czech Society for Cardiovascular
Emerging Sources Citation Index, the indexing database of Thomson Reuters. Surgery on the societies’ websites
(log-in through your personal account).
Please submit your contributions formatted as per Instructions to Authors
through the ACTAVIA editorial system to be entered at http://actavia. Published issues will be distributed to all society
e-coretvasa.cz/. Contributions to Kardio can also be submitted to Editor-in
members through regular mail.
-Chief or Managing Editor.
The annual subscription rate of the printed journal
None of the materials published in Cor et Vasa may be copied or repro
for the Czech Society of Cardiology members is
duced in any form or by any means for the purpose of their dissemi
600 CZK, for non-members 1,000 CZK; for
nation without the written permission of the copyright holder. It is the sole
further information, please contact
responsibility of the Editorial Offi ce to make and distribute copies of the
content of this journal or parts thereof. Mrs Radka Ticha at radka.ticha@kardio-cz.cz.
The Publisher cannot be hold responsible for data or opinions presented The Publisher does not assume responsibility for the
by authors in their individual contributions or the factual and linguistic quality and effi cacy of any product or service offered
aspects of advertising material. in advertisements or any other material of commer
cial nature.
Address for correspondence with the Editor-in-Chief of Cor et Vasa
Prof. MUDr. Michael Aschermann, DrSc., FESC, FACC (Editor-in-Chief) Pre-press
2nd Department of Internal Medicine – Cardiology and Angiology
Studio Franklin Praha
School of Medicine I, Charles University and General University Hospital
E-mail: franklin@franklin.cz
U Nemocnice 2, 128 08 Prague 2, Czech Republic
E-mail: Aschermann@seznam.cz
Tiskárna Knopp s.r.o.
Published 6 times a year
Nové Město nad Metují
Permission E 18519 granted by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic.
ISSN 0010-8650 (print), ISSN 1803-7712 (online)