I'm in a sort of attic, a partially finished loft, where there are some old things stored, especially childrens' things - it all looks like the turn of the century or perhaps up to the 20's - I'm looking for something, and I'm setting up some books that have fallen over. While I'm at it, I'm sorting them for size, just because, why not? I'm near the ladder down to the next floor, and someone down there (a man) is speaking to me, wanting to know if I need any help - he's concerned about me being up here alone, wants me to be careful on that ladder. I'm quite all right, everything's just fine.
Alta: a detailed dreamer
I'm in a car with a man. He's driving, and says, will you take over for me for a little while? He lets go of the wheel, and I take it; it seems he wants to look at something or think about something. But he's still in the driver's seat. How am I supposed to drive - I ask him - if he's still got the pedals?
Alta: a detailed dreamer
A group of us are looking at this house we want to rent. It certainly looks good, just my sort of place - old, well furnished, great shape - nice stuff, good wood furniture. We look at the living room and a couple of bedrooms. I'm wondering where the 3rd bedroom can be - I guess we may have to make do somehow, but really however good it looks, it may just be too small for us. But then the rental agent takes us through another door to a hallway, and here's other rooms - actually quite a number of them, it turns out - this place is much bigger than we thought, too big really, but at this price, my word, this is too good to be true - I love this house, it's just gorgeous.
Alta: a detailed dreamer
I'm in Africa with a group [probably for a Training - similar premise], and we're at the end of what we're doing. I'm going on to another city in a couple of days on my own, for a festival, it's going to be lots of fun. A couple of us are going off on an errand in a taxi, we're very jolly, and there's another man sharing. He's got some money in his hand, and he gives it to me, saying something about a nice thing happening to him, and somebody else should share. I'm flabbergasted, but I take it, oh yes, very grateful. It's a sort of unkempt handful of bills, various denominations, and I have an idea it may add up to quite a lot. Wow. This is very disconcerting. I wonder if I can really keep it, or should I give to the Training? Is that expected of me? But he just gave it to me - I figure it can be all mine. I don't count it while the man is here, that would be impolite... We go on to our destination and back, then I count it. It's not as much as I'd thought - not hundreds - but still it'll do for helping me with some new clothes for my excursion. I'm telling a friend about it back at the Training, when I realize - whoops! I'm going in only two days! How did it get so close? How am I going to get ready in time? I've got lots of arrangements to make! [The next part is sort of mixed up with a movie I may be watching.] In the other city, I'm staying in an apartment that used to be something else, maybe a stablehouse or something. It's going to be renovated later, and fixed up nice. I'm telling someone else about this, saying, "Just think about how this will look - won't it be nice?" I've got a takeout meal - probably Indian, it's soupy, like a curry, and I'm dumping it out on a plate. It's got meat in it, I'd forgotten about that - but oh, never mind, I can just pull the pieces out. There's even a big piece of bacon, and I think to myself, they just can't help themselves, have to put bacon in everything, don't they? (Meaning the English.) This woman who's been staying here for a long time, with her sister I think, is due to go home soon. She's dressed rather Victorian, high-necked white blouse, long skirt, high-button shoes, hair up in a big roll. Something's going on in the area that a man is responsible for, and there's going to be an election. She decides to stay and run for office so she can oppose him. (This is a movie, I think.)
Alta: a detailed dreamer
I'm with Dr Who [Tom Baker] and a boy; we're in a small place with some other people, and the Doctor is doing an experiment that will demonstrate something, or help something, and we're not sure it's done yet. The boy has a tube of some kind in his stomach - it's in a metal shaft-fixture, and I'd say the tube itself is at least a foot long - part of it goes up inside of him, and the whole thing folds up so it doesn't stick out. The experiment is with something inside the tube, and you have to break it to get it out. Dr Who holds the fixture and carefully breaks the glass. I have to help him get the glass shards out - I scoop them up gently with both hands, and he holds his other hand out and I put the broken bits in it; then he throws them away. Shortly I've picked the bits from around the thing inside, and he takes that out to examine it. I think the results are inconclusive. The boy wants to go home, he's not willing to wait any longer, and even though we're not done, he goes. [I don't know how he gets there, but we are like the Doctor's other companions, he lives somewhere away from wherever we are now - probably on another planet. Wherever that is, he knows how to go there and does.] The Doctor is concerned because of the broken bits of the glass tube left in the boy's stomach. So we go after him. Before we get there, I can see the scene: He arrives in his family's house - his mother is there, she's got on a long skirt and a long-sleeved blouse, and an apron - her hair is up in a bun. She's nice, youngish, busy. Also he has a baby sister, she's very lively, running around, into everything, quite cute, blond, pink cheeks. The room makes me think it's almost a log cabin, on the rustic side, the room I see has got hardly any furniture in it. His mother barely greets him at all - you'd think she didn't even know he was gone. She leaves him to watch the baby - who needs a lot of watching - and goes into another room. [We arrive, and I don't know what brings us to the next scene, but we've all gone somewhere else and he's needing to call home before we leave where we are now - all part of our adventure.] We're at this public telephone, which also has other functions - perhaps it's also an ATM - and it has a different setup from your usual telephone keypad. The face is silver and the buttons are concave like real public phones, though. He's given me the number, and I'm trying to do it, but we're losing the light and I can't see the numbers, and I keep punching the wrong ones because they're in the wrong places. I'm trying to concentrate very hard - I get the number I need straight, and then try to focus on the numbers on the keypad and get them clear before pressing, and finally I get all but the last one and then I've got it, just right, and still when I get my finger up there I hit the wrong one because my finger made me lose my focus. I'm very frustrated and anxious. We've got to get away from here, time is passing. It's almost too dark to see now.
Alta: a detailed dreamer
I'm in (my?) apartment, upstairs, at the end of a walkway with an open railing - either I'm just moving in or out, or we're doing a big spring cleaning - me and my roommate. The door is standing open, it's nice outside, bright sunshine. I step out the door briefly and see two guys at the end of the walkway, facing away from me - one's leaning on the rail, but one's got Alleycat in a jar - it's a great big round jar with a huge mouth, and he had just crawled in there out of curiosity, as cats do. (I may have put the cork in myself - playing with him.) I don't know how this guy got Alleycat, but I'm scared and worried - I know (somehow) that they're bad guys, and they're planning to break in here and rob us. I could just close the door - I duck back inside - but I've got to be careful of Alleycat. I don't want him to get hurt. Actually it might be okay if he just dropped the jar - it would probably break, and then Alleycat could run off - but that would be a gamble, and he might get hurt. I'd better get the bad guy to put him down. I'm not sure what I should do, but I've got to do something; I'm angry, too, and I want to fight... I do something to attract their attention, and they come in after us. [I think my roommate has been inside the whole time and is acting with me.] I grab a stick - a broomstick maybe, about that size, and start fighting with the one that had Alleycat. [I don't know what's happened to him.] I try to swing at him, but it seems like I'm just not hitting very hard - I'm not making much of a dent (no pun intended). I'm getting frustrated and feeling a little desperate. Why can't I do anything here? I really want to at least hold my own, but I seem to be too weak.
Alta: a detailed dreamer
I'm with a group of people, particularly including teenage kids, sheltering under some big ledge sort of thing while something is happening in the sky - it's all filled with rolling dark clouds, there are funny lights. (I don't know what's going on or what might happen, but it's big and ominous.) Something changes in one part of the sky -it looks like a shape is forming, and the colors are changing, reds and yellows. I tell the others to look at it. We're getting frightened. There's a girl next to me, she's about 14 I guess, and she says something like, "What are we going to do?" I turn to her and say it's going to be all right, I'm sure we'll get out of this okay. She looks dubious, looks around her and starts talking to her friends. I think she doesn't trust me. I'm a little disappointed. (Later) I'm on a dark street in a little parking space just next to the curb, standing outside and near the car, with somebody else, a man, a friend. (We've been with some others previously - possibly the group from the other dream.) He needs to go somewhere for a little while to take care of something, he should be back soon. Meanwhile I'll wait, but it's not a very nice neighborhood and it looks deserted, the street looks slick as if it had rained, and the street light glares down yellow... Down at the other end of this space, at the corner, a group of boys have collected, all black, they may be a gang, and they're harassing a boy that I know -he's black too, maybe 12 or 13, and he's part of something we do (maybe the previous group, maybe we do something with a recreation center). Nice kid. The others are trying to intimidate him, they're not hostile yet. I can catch some of their words, and one or two of them sound like they're about me. Somebody points my direction. Now I'm wondering if they're talking about doing something to me. Oh, dear. I start to speculate about getting in the car and driving off. I'm worried and anxious. Later: I'm at the library, at a row of shelving, checking through some things. Everyone's attention is directed forward, as if somebody's teaching a class or giving a talk at the front of the room. (And maybe so.) I find a group of cards, look through them, and find mixed in there's some [paper library card applications]/wedding invitations for Geoffrey's wedding. They've got names on them for people I recognize, and it's very stupid for them to be mixed in here. Who did this? (Me, I wonder? - I don't think so.) Well, hell; now what? I should do something about them - call the people up, I guess. I know at least one of them's out of town. I'd better go do that. I turn around and see the next shelf (sorting shelves) is still not sorted completely yet. I'd better do that right quick. I stick my arm out to put the "invitations" down and knock over a lot of books, though I catch some before they go all over. Oh, great. Well, I'll fix it. VK comes over and tells me to let (somebody) do this, he'll be just fine, we need to let him. (This guy isn't visible, but I picture him in my mind's eye as Benny on "L.A. Law". He's slow but quite competent, and new here at the library, we're all learning what he can do.) I tell VK about the "invitations" and go off to deal with them.
Alta: a detailed dreamer
Debbie Reynolds is doing a musical (maybe "The Unsinkable Molly Brown" at this local theater, with our amateur theater group, and I'm at a rehearsal. I'm helping out in the back, I think, and I've finished for now. But I'm just looking at what they're doing on the stage, trying to get a scene right, and Debbie (who's directing) tells me to come forward and deliver a line. (Actually, I and a couple of other people were just crossing the stage to leave when she noticed us.) She's trying to get something across to the cast and it isn't coming. So they do the bit and I say my line a couple-three times, and that's okay. I go on... I'm taking this light-blue Volkswagen Beetle that's borrowed off this ledge, somewhat like a loading dock. But there are cars parked all around it except one spot on the far side, and I'll have to lower it off the edge. It's not too hard, but I have to be careful not to drop it. I can let it down one end at a time - it has a sort of pole linking the front end and the back end, and it's jointed, so I can guide it. I get it down okay. Next I'm at Gail's house with some women, toward the end of a visit. I'm in the kitchen with her, and there's a bag of some new kind of croutons, they have different kinds of bread - some light, some dark, they'e very good. (One of us is telling the other that she's just discovered these, try them, they're really good.) Also Gail shows me a Sunday comic that she saved for me, it's funny. I'm ready to leave, though, and I go on. There's also a young man here, he's interesting-looking, but I don't get to know much about him - I'm shying away.I go on outside, and have a look at this drain-plug sort of thing. It's a brass-colored metal fixture in a shallow hole in the front walk, with a little hole in the middle of it. There's supposed to be something plugging up that hole, and earlier I poured some white glue into it to help seal it up. Now I'm examining it, picking at the rounded top to see if it's dried, and pour some more glue in from a large bottle I've taken from the house. Satisfied that it'll dry properly to fill up the space, I take the glue back into the house to just return it and go. Inside, I see the young man just inside the next-room doorway, and put the bottle in his hands, saying something like, "Will you put this back, please?" As I'm turning toward the door again, he moans something about how he's going to die and people just use him to fetch and do errands. I turn back to look - he is the very picture of a whiner. I listen to him for a while, and we go into the next room to talk. As he handles the glue bottle, I realize he's blind. Golly. I'm interested and sympathetic, but I realize he needs somebody to help him just feel like a normal person. Apparently he does have other illnesses or disabilities, but he's not really (or necessarily) going to die - he's just being dramatic. He lays on the floor, and while we're still talking, I sit on his back - gently, carefully. I think he could use some massage to his poor tired body, and I adjust a bit - he doesn't protest - and then rock back and forth to give pressure on his back muscles.
Alta: a detailed dreamer
I'm walking out sort of in the country, or the edge of town, intending to get somewhere but seeing all nice things around - the sky, trees, all that, feeling quite perky. I'm taking a different street because it's interesting. It gets very steep - I'm thinking while climbing up it about a situation in an earlier part of the dream, where the exercise group I work out with wants to split up. Part of us are gonna stay where we are, and part move out north somewhere to the edge of town, which will include Gail's - I'm really torn whether I want to go out there with them or stay where I am, which is a great deal more convenient - where I'm used to. They're gonna expect me to make a decision. The sidewalk starts out going by something like a hotel - a big single building, very nicely done, landscaping, set back from the road a bit - nothing on the other side of the street, but there's a regular sidewalk - I pass that up, walking by some houses - it gets steeper & steeper, to the point where I'm just climbing, using my hands even. I guess I might be able to straighten up - I rather doubt it. I'm passing by trees, all that. I keep thinking I'm gonna get to the top - I could turn around & go back of course - I do want to come to a stopping point. When I've gotten up there, there's a house, & I go inside, apparently because I'm supposed to or because it's normal to, but something has changed completely. I see a woman (I have turned into a male policeman, who's married to or was married to the woman who lives here - I used to live here too. There's some people in the front of the house who don't know me and have been inquiring why I want to see her - whether it's ok or not. But I do go back and talk to her, particularly about a TV set and whether or not I should keep it or she should. It's rather awkward but it shouldn't be - it doesn't need to be, we've agreed on what we were gonna do, and I'm not gonna try to persuade her to do anything else. Previously something to do with that exercise class - I believe just watching it - I don't know whether I've been participating with this one or not. The one I'm seeing is a very large group of women rehearsing some kind of dance routine. I suppose it must be an exercise routine because that's what they're there for but it really is, as much as anything, a dance routine. It's rather complicated - they've just run through the last few bits, finished up with a difficult maneuver, it ends up in a kind of lunge-squat, and I'm thinking that would be very hard for me. They decide - somebody decides - they should they should vote on it, whether or not to keep this piece in the routine or not, because it is rather difficult. They decide as a majority that they will keep it in, but I can see that some part of the group thinks its too difficult (or looks as though they think it is). They're divided - there're 2 groups, one in the front, and a kind of aisle, and I don't know if they divided up intentionally that way, or why there's a partition, but there just is.
Alta: a detailed dreamer
I'm downtown at the library - they're having a birthday party for me, it seems like, and we're just finishing up - people are milling around chatting with each other. There's sweets all over the place and I have just met this young man - he's probably in his 20's, somewhat good-looking, I like him, he's fun - reminds me a good bit of Russ. He's wanting to know a good place to go and eat lunch. Someone has suggested to him a restaurant just outside of downtown (which I don't hear named but it appears they're talking about the Dixie) and he needs to know how to get there. I start to tell him only I'm not doing too well at it verbally, so I want a map. I look around and what I find is some sketchy little map that shows you downtown but not the individual streets. I despair of showing him on that - we're just not getting very far. I decide I'd better find a Mapsco - can't find the one that's supposed to be around here, so I go and get the one in my car. People are around; some are taking home their leftovers and some handing them to me, so I've got like a box with leftover cookies in it, and bits of pie and cake and whatnot. We're still having a conversation along the way and I'm thinking I quite like him - I've been in this situation before, where here's a nice young man, that I might actually be flirting with and want to have a relationship with - if I was (a) younger and (b) slimmer, and surprised that he's being as chatty as he is, and wondering if he does have something on his mind - which would surprise me, but you know the behavior is there. And he's trying to have a conversation with me while other people are trying to chat with me as well and we meet them on the way out. Now, the car is in a garage in the back yard - of course the library has no back yard, but now they do, and it's sunny outside. There's hedges all around - the situation is very much like a Sunday after church in summer. So: I am needing to get somewhere eventually, but also wanting to talk to this guy. There's an appointment I need to get to - I get in the car & fetch out the Mapsco and put the stuff I'm carrying on the dashboard. I start to show him where it is - he's looking a bit impatient with me, and finally in a kind of frustration he's yanking me aside and saying, "Look, I want to sleep with you" - which was kind of abrupt but, well, gets the point across - and then I'm astonished, of course, & have no idea what to say to him. So we go back inside and talk some more sitting on the floor in front of some chairs. There's other people sort of casually about - it's more like somebody's living room now, and there's a book under the chair I'm sitting in front of and I can see it suddenly. I realize it's something I had been missing and needed to take with me wherever it is that I'm going. So I do - I decide that it's time I went, so I get my book and my other stuff & go on. I'm going to a psychotherapist's office I guess - she seems to be a psychotherapist in the way she behaves (I'm not sure that the whole situation is that way) and I am like half an hour late or more, and she's kind of reluctant to even see me because after all I've barely got time to even get started before she's got another client - but I sit there and we talk anyway. I seem to have a problem - a specific problem that needs addressing - it's hard to say whether it's serious or not from this vantage point - but she is certainly taking it seriously, and I seem not to be taking it seriously since after all, I'm this late.
Alta: a detailed dreamer
I'm in a house with Gail - I don't know if it's her house or not. I've been doing something with some others & need to go home - it's not that we've been all together doing whatever it is, but I have been doing whatever I'm supposed to be doing, on my own, involving moving around the house. Gail is working somewhere in another part of the house & I'm taking my leave, basically - I've gone through the kitchen & looked in the refrigerator to see if there's anything to munch on particularly, to take along for the ride. There's nothing - I'm disappointed and I'm going on to get my gear in another room. So I do that, and on the way back take a turn through the kitchen again & lo and behold there's some cookies now, nice looking ones - storebought but that's okay - so I munch on one and, grabbing a few others & holding them in my hand, I go on. I run into some of the other people, including Gail, who is sitting I think at a computer & working. I'm hiding the cookies - I don't want them to see that I've taken them without permission & I've got them down at my side in my hand - and occasionally when I have to move my hand I squish it a little bit & I'm afraid I'm squashing the cookies but that is how it is, I guess. On my way past where Gail is sitting I see that she has some other cookies too, of her own, on a tray - they're very nice looking as a matter of fact, these look homemade, some of them have chocolate on them, I think - and I wish that I'd been around to get some of those. But that's sad, and I go on. The house apparently leads into a hardware store because I am in a hardware store next, and I haven't been outside and walked into it. It's very close; there's stuff everywhere, even overhead, sort of a general-store look to it - there's more than one room, and there's nobody about -I know the store's run by a family, there's a number of them - and I wonder if they're closed, which would be very strange. I pass by the front door and see that there's a hasp on it, and it's moved over but there isn't any padlock and I'm most concerned about that - how in the world could it be that there's nobody here and they're closed but they haven't locked the door? It's most disconcerting, and I decide I'd better call the police. I go a little way beyond the front door and see that I can see in the mirror if there's somebody at the front, and indeed there is. There's a mirror rigged so you can see whoever's just outside the front door. There's a young woman, blond I think - she's got on a sort of business suit - looks like a nice person. She opens the door and comes in - I can see her standing in the entry - I move forward a little bit and make a casual remark - as least it sounded casual to me, about how, "Oh, I didn't realize that anyone was coming in - I wanted to see if it was possible to get in the front door." She looks rather startled and concerned - looks around and leaves. I hadn't realized she couldn't see me - the entry is a very close place too, kind of cave-like, and this mirror's not flat against the wall like I thought it was, I have to look for it. I myself am beyond the wall into the next room and I can see into the entry to that room; there's no door to shut, and the mirror I'm seeing is in a kind of cleft or recess in the wall, which is on the craggy side, and it's placed at just such an angle that you can see what you need to see - for instance, somebody coming in the front door, but they can't see you. They can't see the mirror either. So she's gone, and at this time the proprietor shows up, and his family, and it turns out that what's been going on is they've been preparing for a family celebration of some kind. They've gone off to get things from the back - food and whatnot - and they have left the store open, but they didn't figure they'd be gone any length of time. Now I'm feeling kind of thwarted - here I was going to be a hero - I had been telling them, "Well, yes, I saved your store from being robbed" maybe, or something, but I'm no longer needed now. Before I go I figure I will go into this side room and do a kind of meditation ritual which involves spreading a sort of blanket (or maybe it's a robe of some kind) and setting a little altar sort of thing, and I'm starting to do that. But the owner is also setting up something in this room - it might be a barbecue pit or something like that - he and one of his sons maybe or another relative, are bustling around carrying things and setting them up in the middle and he's pretty oblivious to me. I guess that I could be going on doing what I'm doing for all of him, but I'm definitely uncomfortable carrying on with it - I think that I might, I guess, but I realize there's no way I can meditate with this going on. So I pack up my stuff and I'm thinking maybe I'll do it at home - not the best way to do it but I'll do it. Now right after this (or between the house and the hardware store, but I think it's after) I stop by a place where there are people I know (I don't think it's the hardware store family but it might be) and there is a young girl that's a friend of mine - she has bought a puzzle game that she's wanting everybody to do and before I go she wants me to put a piece of the puzzle in - she hands me one and says, "There ya go - go ahead - you put this one in, this is where we are!" and she shows me the picture of how it's supposed to look. I figure where it's supposed to go and I put it in and then I grab another one and put it in, and suddenly of course I've got jigsaw-puzzle fever. My piece looked like a corner - like land on a map next to water, but it was definitely a right angle [but?] that was supposed to be where we are - and I can see a piece that looks like a part of New England - like New Jersey or Maine or something like that, maybe New York, and I'm thinking, okay, this is a map of New England. But it's not really and as I keep putting things together bit by bit it turns out that it's not just that but it's the whole United States - how did I miss that? That's really strange. I've got the thing mostly put together, and I realize - and my friend does too - that if I keep on going like this, her family's not going to have any parts to put into it, and it's embarrassing. But at the same time I want to finish it, oh, just got a few more pieces! But the better part of valor is to take it all apart and let the family do it - someone comes in, a man who is familiar but I don't know who he is now, maybe he's an actor or some other personality, don't think somebody I really know, I think he's the dad here, and he makes some joke about taking it all apart because he doesn't know why I put it all together in the first place. So I pull all the pieces apart and put them back in the box. Now, there's also a scene from a time before the house with Gail in it, I think - it seems to be gone - I am in another house with another group of people and there's a big metal shelving unit with things on it that falls over and falls right on a glass-topped coffee table. I can see it start to go and I realize it's going to break the thing to smithereens if it lands there, but there isn't anything that I can do about it while it slowly keels over and goes kablam. There's pieces of glass everywhere and everybody's gonna have to help clean it up and we're gonna have to be careful, of course, not to get cut by the glass.
Alta: a detailed dreamer
I am some sort of clerk, perhaps a messenger [...?] and I have files or some kind of papers to take to Bob Costas who is some kind of elected official. He is in some kind of house or building some litttle distance away from where I am. It's a very nice old building - the way you'd like old buildings or offices to be - has that dark wood, long hallways, heavy doors, molding, all that. I go through on the first floor - I know people in here - and I know Bob too, not very well, especially - certainly well enough to drop in on him, and exchange greetings and whatnot, when I bring these papers. But today he's sick - maybe he has the flu, he's very sick indeed and there's a bed in there - the building may not always have been a government building in the first place, but in any case there's a little room that he's in that has a bed in it - there's nothing at all unusual about that, because after all sometimes even a government official might need to lie down or he might be sick. I pass by that room - I stop and talk to his secretary, who will take the papers and see that they get handled, and she's just telling me that it would be best not to disturb him right now. I go into the hall only a few feet away and sit down in a chair to wait for the papers to get handled. (The next thing I know about) l have left there and I guess I've gone home, but wherever, I've been informed - I think by telephone - that Bob Costas has died. This is a shock and disappointment to everybody - he's really well liked, he's a really nice guy, and I'm thinking particularly of Judy Early - she's a particular friend of his, she and her husband. I'm supposed to see her later myself, and she calls me and she doesn't know that I know yet, and I can hear the sadness in her voice, and she mentions it and I say, "Yes, I already know - I'm terribly sorry", so we reschedule our meeting for another time. Chris is also here - I think he just stopped by for a visit and I tell him that I'm gonna go out and do something else. I think I still have some sort of business to take care of. But in any case, where I go next is a kind of amusement place. What I see is a sort of lobby with a hostess-type person in it, and food service, drink service, and waitresses and whatnot - they're in sort of little costumes, the theme is more or less middle European. I don't know what else there is to do, but there's this thing that's not exactly a ride, it's a place where can you walk down on it and be very high up in the air - it's a thrill sort of thing. I decide I'm gonna do this - I've got a drink in my hand as well - not supposed to be dangerous of course, but it's the sort of thing people get nervous about. I'm certainly nervous to some extent - I have a mixture of feelings, where I'm still sad about Bob and wanting to be on my own and kind of reflective, and at the same time I think it would be helpful to be out on this thing, where there could be some other element in my feelings - where I could (?) a kind of stimulus - a bit of external excitement. As I say, I've got a drink of some kind & go to the entrance of the thing, and meet up with Dirk Kirk - he works here, I don't know in what capacity, but I had said I wanted to talk to him, and he comes along. Brenda is somewhere not far behind, but Dirk comes up & we visit for a bit. I am really wanting to carry on an extended conversation but it turns out he can't go out on this thing because he's an employee. Of course he's got stuff to do - I think his job is as usual some sort of less-than-thrilling, less-than-impressive job but he certainly wants to keep it, and there are people who will notice if he's not doing what he's supposed to be doing. He's kind of tentative about spending so much time talking to me already. We exchange a few bits of information - I tell him about Bob and he tells me how things are going with him & Brenda and of course tries to make things very up-and-up, very cheerful, & Brenda comes along with a friend of hers and sorta waits & doesn't say much - an air of vague disapproval - nothing too exotic. I go ahead take my leave of them and go on out to this thing. You sort of step onto this thing very much like a terrace, that goes down gradually - there's a bit of walkway with a wood railing - you can sit on built-in benches - and the thing is, as you walk along, the thing shakes, it feels rickety indeed. Now, everything else that you can see is quite stable, the building it's attached to is quite stable - and the ground is not several stories down as you imagine, there's actually a floor not too far below you, so it seems as if you fell it wouldn't be too drastic. But at the same time the thing continues to go down so what I assume is that the whole structure is going down - [I'm assuming that now, but I didn't in the dream - I didn't know what to expect in the dream] but the place you're standing on, if you're moving, is going to shake with you. If you sit down it's stable again, and that's why I do it. Like I said, I'm wanting to reflect and I'm quite willing to just move out here and sit down for a bit, drink my drink and muse upon things - about the sadness and how people come and go and how your friends can be sad and you can sympathize with 'em, and that's all I do for a while.
Alta: a detailed dreamer
I am watching TV early in the morning with my brother - watching Howard Stern. It's a TV version of his regular morning studio radio show, and he is just having discussions with people around in the office and there's a portion where there's barely anybody visible on the screen. My brother and I are occasionally having a conversation (not my real brother, by the way - bears some resemblance to the actor Robert Hayes - younger I suppose) - I'm in school and I think he is too. But for some reason he isn't going today. I'm supposed to go, and the later it gets the more at risk I am of being late. Bonnie is our mother - she's in another room, when the phone rings. I am supposed to be getting ready for school and it occurs to me that I'd better start moving. She comes back and says she has to go to - maybe it's the hospital - there is someone she knows in trouble and she has to go and help out somehow and I am asking if it's somebody I know - [she says a first name I don't remember right now] - she says, "I have go right now" - anyhow she's not answering the question. Seems kind of distracted, definitely quite worried - whatever is going on, it's very serious - I keep after her for several tries - ["somebody"] who? - is it the one I know? Do I know this person? "Can I help?" obviously is what I mean - and she eventually says, "No, I don't think you do know her", and I say, "Well okay, but I just wanted to know." She goes (now I'm thinking Bonnie is my grandmother maybe) - meanwhile I go into the bathroom. The object is, I need to get ready for school - I've looked at the clock - or a clock, and discovered it's 10 in the morning - I'm really startled - school starts at 8, and the TV - well, the show goes on all morning, I'm thinking, "Surely I haven't just sat and stared at the TV this long!" I look at another clock, and it says 8 o'clock, which is bad enough, but how could the clocks be at 2 different hours? This is terrible! I had better get to school anyhow - this has really got me upset. I've never done anything like this before - certainly I may have been late some places before, but nothing like this, and at school they're gonna think that I've cut or something. This is terrible. But I go into the bathroom and there's stuff, everywhere that I want to use - the bathtub has something in it, some kind of cloth or maybe a shower curtain or something - the sink has corn on the cob in it - not whole pieces, small chunks - and that is just disgusting. (There's something else - I don't know if there's 2 sinks but there's something else I wanted to use that's clogged up with something.) I'mjust outraged and I know that my brother is responsible for at least the sink, because it's his stuff, and I think the bathtub too, and somebody else has left the other stuff and I am wanting to get this fixed up right now. I do not wish to do it myself - it's not my mess. I know I can't ask Bonnie to do it, and my brother - geez - he's a lazy bum himself. So I sort of throw my hands up for a while. Then I realize I can't remember my class schedule. I'm always late, but it seems like I haven't been in school in days and I can't remember what class comes when. This is really weird and disconcerting, and I know that when I get to school I can stop in the principal's office and ask where I'm supposed to be. But this is already just too weird a morning for me to handle already. I'm mad at my brother and even sort of mad at Bonnie, and I just don't know what to make of anything. Outside some people are arriving - I think they're my parents - and some other people, family - and I've gone outside - getting to be on my way to school - and I've stopped to greet them. My brother has for some reason shrunk very small and fallen into a drain hole - not a gutter, it's a round hole in the sidewalk and there's water rushing, rushing, rushing, underneath it. It's kind of as though he shrinks as he falls, really. I have a little vindictive pleasure at seeing him fall in there but at the same time, well, he's my brother, and he's going to get swept away and possibly killed, even, if I let him stay there. But he hangs on to something for a bit and I reach in and grab his legs and then pick him up kind of like a doll with my other hand behind his back and pull him back out again.
Alta: a detailed dreamer
I have met a young man who professed to be in love with me. He thinks I am the greatest thing since sliced bread, hugely entertaining, beautiful, enchanting - he can't get enough of me, and wants to be at my side every minute. He wants to give me everything, and has bought me presents, lots of them. There's a big shopping bag with boxes in it, all wrapped. I'm overwhelmed, barely know what to say. He's awfully nice (if a bit over-energetic and bouncy), and nice-looking too. Sandy or reddish hair, on the slender side, jeans and shirt or T-shirt... I do like him a lot, but couldn't say I love him, not yet anyway, this is happening awfully fast. We're in a public place, sort of - open hallways, a wide "T" intersection, generally featureless but comfortable, sitting on a wall bench or something. Other people go by sometimes. It's right before Christmas, and a group forms, mostly my family, including my father, and we're exchanging Christmas presents. I'm being given lots of nice things, and my boyfriend is giving me even more stuff; eventually I realize that I haven't even opened the first presents yet, this is just more than I can handle. Overwhelming.I am somewhat infirm. My legs and hips don't work right, I can't bend or walk properly. I think this is part of my attraction for this young man, and it's nice to have so much attention when I feel so shy and inadequate. He helps me get this little vehicle - it's something more like a go-kart than a wheelchair - and I really am grateful for the mobility. But I have somewhere else to be, so I have to leave. He doesn't want me to go, of course, but it's not going to be long - we tear ourselves away from each other. Along the way I am at a little "antique shop". It's a kind of open-air thing - cute furniture, figurines, that sort of thing - run by a rather testy dilettante and a friend or two. I'm looking at a little table, and want to see it (or something under it) closer, so I put both hands on it to steady me while I carefully lower myself down to a squat. With my weight partially on this table, it starts to tilt - it turns out to be very unstable, even though it looks sturdy enough. We both nearly crash. A big heavy vase, however, slides forward and off. It falls to the ground, and a round "ear"-handle piece breaks off of it. At least it didn't smash all to pieces, I figure, though the shop owner is looking quite anxious. She's been watching me anyway, like I was not up to her usual quality of customer anyhow - now she looks as if she's waiting to see if I'll offer to pay for the vase. I think I'd just as soon wait to see if she'll ask me to pay for it, since I don't figure it was my fault it got broken anyway. It wasn't exactly displayed as safely as all that, and I might've gotten hurt myself. I go along. I'm meeting up with the Current Collection staff (including Becky , who's still the manager). I have some writing to do, an article for (some publication - a newsletter or -paper or magazine) on a day in the life of President Clinton. I'm a bit behind, and I'm only just getting started, organizing my thoughts and thinking about how to open it. The Current Collection folks are going on a field trip to the Carrollton Public Library for a conference of some kind, and I decide to join them. We get into a mini-van (Becky's I think) and pull out onto a broad, tree-lined avenue. I'm thinking in quotes for my article, like "President Clinton's day started out with a drive down this broad, tree-lined avenue (insert name), and..." something about orange juice and muffins goes through my mind. I have my notebook and pen out, jotting notes. I'm wearing my black wool cape, and I'm sitting in the middle seat of the van, opposite the door so there's no seat next to me. My cape hem is dragging on the floor and I pull it up, discovering that it's heavily coated with dust, yuck. We arrive at Carrollton Public. I've been here before - it's way out in the boonies, and has daycare/preschool facilities as well as library and study areas. This one big place is crawling with rug rats and nice young teacher types in charge, kiddie-colorful playstuff all over. I have my purse and a pillow with me; thinking to put them down while I walk around, I toss them onto this "chair" thing - there's 3 or 4 together, actual chairs but on high poles. [I have no idea how you'd be meant to use them.] Then I think better of it, since they'd probably be very tempting to the kids. They'd probably try to get at them, and hurt themselves. So I grab them back (a stretch) and take them along. We go outside, and across to another building - it's a campus-y sort of place - and I run into Melanie. I'm really surprised to see her here. She says she comes down sometimes to help facilitate these conferences. I tell her I remembered us being here before, and she says yes, it's right through there where we were - pointing through an open door to another small building, whose door I can see facing us. It's a sort of mission-style place, the door sort of rustic and round (or angled?) at the top. I had been working with a man on some project, and we had used this place as a retreat; I remember the heavy wood table in the room just beyond the small foyer, and working by lamplight long hours... we go along to the room where we're going to be meeting. People are elsewhere behind the scenes, getting things ready. Melanie asks me and the 1 or 2 others with me if we want a Coke or something to drink. I ask for water. She says there isn't any, unless I want to use the garden hose. I'd forgotten this place doesn't have any running water inside, you have to bring your own drinks. Oh, well, a Coke'll have to do then. Later, I'm inside the actual library at the circ. desk. It's close to closing time, getting dark outside, and people are lining up to check out. It's a pretty small space, close, and I get an impression of the local community character of the people and staff. There's a bulletin board with community flyers and information on it. But everything seems to be going along quite businesslike.
Alta: a detailed dreamer
I'm in the library, just arriving (later in the day - maybe back from lunch or a trip) - it's pretty busy, lots of people in - I notice Ramon checking out. I go into the back room and check who's there. We have a number of people helping us out because we're so shorthanded, people from other branches and downtown. Most are taking breaks, sitting on the floor against the wall - it's a long room, dark with only the oblique afternoon light coming from the wall of windows at the far end. Everybody's in that sort of half-shadow - not dark enough to not be able to see, but not light enough to see clearly. I count heads, and exchange a few words, making sure everybody's okay and we're covered on the desk. I don't want us to get exhausted, and it can be a near thing. I go on into the next room, where there's another workroom. I go back there and [lost - do some stuff, notice the clock, something's wrong with it, it's been moved or it's broken or both] - I have to go out front and check out. But VK's taken away the checkout stand! Why in the world would he do that? Didn't he realize we need it? I have to improvise - quickly I grab a nearby lectern, brown wood, not real sturdy, but it'll have to do. Now I have to gather up circ. forms and so on. In a couple of minutes I'm checking out okay, just making do, but later when I get time I'll have to get things better organized.
Alta: a detailed dreamer
I'm in the Business Office, watching Bonnie in another room - she's been called to some kind of meeting and someone is talking. There's a lot of other folks there too, and I can't easily slip in and tell her I'm going out to the drugstore for the rest of my lunch hour. (They're not for the most part sitting around a table or anything, she's sort of perched on a desk and a lot of people are standing up.) A storm is coming up outside and I figure it's now or never, so I get up as close as I can and wave at her. She looks around and I quickly stage-whisper. She says okay, and this other guy from the office says he'll go with me (did Bonnie suggest it?). I don't really want him to, he'll only slow me down - I only have 10 minutes left, and I've been getting antsy about it. [Note: I'm aware in the dream that I really can't make it in 10 minutes, but- I ignore it and try to pretend.] As we're putting our coats on, the storm is increasing, huge claps of thunder and incredible winds. It's pretty stupid to go out there but I'm determined to get away. We're putting on big trench coats like big-business city people - and we're in an office that has old-style metal desks and file cabinets, blinds on the windows, it's a fairly small place. There are swinging doors up at the head - that's where Bonnie went through to the meeting. We're on bicycles now, and we're not going to a drugstore after all, but an antique-restoration place. There's four of us: me, Jenny, Heather, and the guy - unless he's a totally different guy, he's more of a pal now, and he's black now. Tall. We're in the antique place. It's cramped in this little room, with a high yellow light and a cluttered counter. The repairman is middleaged, got some white hair, friendly but quiet. Jenny has brought a piece to him, it's brass or bronze, has pieces [maybe it's a clock]. He examines it, thinking, nods his head, takes it into an adjacent workroom. We chat while we wait, and Heather is looking at something she has with her, a thing with pieces, some of which are pressed glass, a light blue. I take a piece of it to look at, and it's cracked, which surprises me. [This thing may be some kind of lantern.] I say this guy might be able to repair it - there's some other damage - why don't you ask him? She says she might, and I'm thinking of the time too - we need to get back to work. Now we're all back on our bikes, going back a different way than we came, and I'm concerned about it - I hope we don't get lost, or it doesn't take twice as long. We're going down residential streets, very nice, tall trees on each side, mostly shaded from the branches overhead, nice houses. We chat as we ride along, we're having a good time. We come to some stores and/or a restaurant. We ride by the side of one, on the sidewalk, and I'm carefully going around the corner when I see a little boy on a little bike, he's just starting off with a sister and Mom (I'm not sure if Mom's on a bike), and as I go right by him he starts to fall over. He reaches out in a bit of panic, and I grab him just as he's going forward and the bike can't be stopped. [He's probably about 7 - shorts, flowered short-sleeved shirt, sneakers, blonde hair, nice-looking.] I've got his arm, and even though I can't prevent him falling down, I'm easing him down so he doesn't go splat. The bike falls on him, on his rear, but it's not heavy, so it's not doing any damage. I pluck it off of him with my other hand (I'm still straddling my bike) and set it off to the side, then I give him support to stand up. He seems a little surprised, but none the worse for wear. Relieved. His mother says he should thank me, which he does nicely, and I say I'm glad I could help (or some such thing), very cheery, and we pedal on. The incident is reminding me of something, and suddenly I remember we're not wearing helmets. I point this out to the others, saying we might to be careful. (Of course, none of us thought to wear a helmet because we don't care about them, but they did pass that city ordinance. Now I'm self-conscious.) We're still in the neighborhood, and we come to a corner where a group of people are outside, all dressed up in costumes - mostly fanciful, like SCA or fantasy - one girl seems to be Morticia Addams-like. There's something like a garage sale going on [though I think it's more than that], and we know a few of these people somewhat, so we stop and talk to them. Inside, Jenny's met up with somebody she knows well, and she's hitching a lift back with him. (It seems to be Mel Torme - he's here, but she hasn't said it was him.) [There are big tables in here, piled with big things like maybe carpet rolls or something. It's a bit musty and there's a yellow light, as from a single bulb. Warm.] I say, "You don't want to ride with us on such a nice day?" - I've been teasing her for some time about keeping up the pace, are we going too fast for you?, etc. She says, "I'm a needy smoker - I've got to have a cigarette". We all laugh, tease a little more, we plan our next route.
Alta: a detailed dreamer
I'm on a little trip out of town, trying to get hold of four papers - some sort of legal documents from the city or county or something, that this little lawyer says I need. I've come with somebody (or he/she's come with me, for the ride), but I've sent (him/her) along while I look for the right office in this building. So I get there and apply for the things I need. The clerk comes back with two of them, and says the other two are back in the city. I roll my eyes - of course the little lawyer told me that I'd have to come all the way here for all of them. What a nuisance. I go back and pick up my stuff, and aim for the exit door that leads to the parking lot. Then I hesitate, thinking that I might make better time if I go the other way down the interior hallway. I start that way, stop again, change my mind again and go the other way. Whle we were travelling up here, I kept thinking about getting to a coffee house somewhere. I'd been looking forward to that more than finding the courthouse and getting these papers. Now, since we found the courthouse first and I've gotta go right back now, heaven knows when I'm gonna get any coffee. Nuts. The papers I got seem to be some sort of maps, which show the location of some family property, near. The lawyer's office even shows up - not as such, but I'm pointing out its site to somebody.
Alta: a detailed dreamer
I'm looking for a place to live in another town. I don't know where the best areas are, but I'm visiting with some people who can help me look. There's a girl who knows electricity and building - she does something with it for a living - and she helps me examine a place that looks pretty junky. The LT community meetings are being held (outdoors?) under some trees, and I've come early. John Larroquette is here and trying to get a young guy to get up on an elephant - it's kind of a prank, he knows it's hard and he'll have an even harder time getting down. It is pretty funny. He's right in front of me, and swinging around pretty wild, so I get up and move back a bit. He ends up on the elephant, but facing backwards. Oh, boy. Folks start to show up, and I remember I need to tell Grace that I made the phone calls I was supposed to make - I'm way behind. I'm staying in a little, dark apartment with a guy, and another man has just come to stay briefly. We're having a conversation, rather quiet; I'm showing him where things are. I'm getting ready to go somewhere and haven't got all my clothes on, which is usually okay, but I don't know if he's uncomfortable with it, so I mention it to him. It's a little awkward, and I get a little self-conscious. I actually think about what it might be like to have him touch me, as if it might help.
Alta: a detailed dreamer
I'm in another city. It's very different, old, sort of European, there are big old buildings and bridges and levels. Someone else is driving, we're crossing a wide street, maybe 4 lanes and as we pass I see a couple of cars heading straight for each other, head-on. I think the one facing away from us is going the wrong way, since it's on the left half of the street - but the oncoming car evades it, and as they clear the lane I can see the arrows, and it was the oncoming car [which was] in a lane marked for the other direction, after all - there's just one oncoming lane. He was lucky. We come to the place I'm staying, with a family, and we decide to go out for a little excursion, still downtown. We drive past a big open space created by the building (no windows, but probably the back of a big department store) and a wide pavement, kind of a mall. There are benches built into the wall and lots of people about, visiting, strolling. There's yellow street light, enough so there are no dark spaces, but not bright. The building wall recedes in places, to form a big alcove. We've gone around various streets and you can see they're not flat - this area goes up and down a lot, it adds to the interest. We stopped and got out to stroll and we're passing a bakery/restaurant, as we walk up into a sort of covered mall. The window is sort of a long bay, leading around inside, and there are wonderful, fancy, hearty breads displayed. One of them looks to me like a tomato bread - dark with a reddish cast. It's a huge round domed loaf with a chunk cut out to show the inside, like some others in the window. I've stopped to admire, and the others gather round. The daughter is next to me, pointing at various ones, and I peer closer at the "tomato" bread, thinking maybe it isn't that, but it sure looks good. We agree we have to stop in here, maybe eat something - it seems very cheerful [very European-cosmopolitan] inside. It looks as though they sell the breads by the pound, we should get some to take home too.
Alta: a detailed dreamer
Dana Scully is pushing a shopping cart up to a house on a very nice street with old, large brick houses built on a rise - it's gray out. She's hurrying, and a young man is following, he can't quite keep up with her, although he's the one that invited her to come along with him. She goes right up to the house purposefully, and on in, he follows. [She's just going to stay for a bit and then go home - she makes a phone call to let somebody know where she is?] I'm in a house with Candace Bergen (her house? our house?) - I'm sort of her assistant. She's expecting a famous doctor and we're just getting ready, refreshments and that, and I'm a bit flustered, nervous [as if I haven't done this long, or don't do it well...]. There's somebody at the door, and I open it. It's a guy in a suit (balding, glasses, tall, bit of a dork), and I say hello, Dr., [please come in? fading - we discover he's not the right one, perhaps after he comes in, it's awkward.] Another knock - I go again, and it's another guy in a suit, gray wavy hair, handsomeish, tall. I've forgotten his name - I say, "Yes?" - hoping he'll say, "Hello, I'm Dr. ____" so I can respond to that, but he doesn't, he says [something like], "Hello, is Miss Bergen in?" and I say a name that pops into my head - which isn't the right one, and there's confusion, but at least we get him in, and there we all are including this other guy who's a fifth wheel. I'm in a house with (Sue S.? someone who is a bit older, in charge, sort of mother, sort of leader) - there's a bunch of other girls here, we're a group. I have my own room, off the kitchen, where (she) is. [Something's going on that's faded, but I'm feeling small and vulnerable, the room is a bit more than daytime-dark, it's shadowy. There's hesitance about getting something done. Something specific about clothes tossed on a little chair in the corner next to the door.] Later, there's a trial going on. In the kitchen, (she) is questioning someone - the lights are on bright there. Around the counter/bar, there's me and a few others. We're the "jury", and I'm the only one paying much attention. I'm sitting with another girl, and we occasionally exchange some comments, but across a partition and up a level, there's maybe 4 others at a table, and they're just acting like teenagers (I guess we all are) and gabbing away. It gets to where I can't hear the "witness", and I say something like, "Stop talking - no one is hearing what she's saying," which of course is rude but much worse, we're supposed to be taking part in this trial. And it may mean I'm the one who has to make the decision because I'm the only one who heard the evidence.
Alta: a detailed dreamer
I'm with some friends outside - maybe at a cafe patio table or something, happy, chatting - a gray day. A bum (or eccentric) comes by (panhandling?) and we exchange a word or two, he goes off. He has a contraption - something on wheels that he pushes along, it's meant to be some sort of vehicle but he's not in it but behind it, with a long "steering" handle-sort-of-thing. He's heading into water just next to us - he thinks the thing will float and he'll travel over it, but obviously it's just junk, and we watch him trundle up to the water (it's very gradual going down), and push the thing forward. Of course it goes further under the water because it's forward [of him], but under it goes. We're wondering if we should be stopping or helping him or what, but someone thinks we should just leave him alone, so we do. [Same place, I think] I'm by myself now, my friends are leaving. One of them is Peggy, who I've just learned is now operating a Metro Diner with James. This is different for them, but very enterprising, and I think I should come see it. I ask where it is, and she gives me some landmarks - it's in a part of town we don't go to much - and she seems just a hair short of welcoming. I have an impression of her and James thinking I'm a hypocrite for being interested in what they do. (It's just an impression.) She really looks good - her hair is longer and waved sort of 40's-50's, sexy, and her face is different, more sophisticated, great makeup, strong character.
Alta: a detailed dreamer
I was driving to Jack's and it was at night. When I pulled up, Bonnie's car was parked in front. There was an electrical cord leading from her car to the house. I think I thought she was charging her battery. The house I was at was Jack's, but it was laid out differently. When I walked in, there were these two girls in the front room talking about face lotion. One girl was really fat and had red hair and I am not sure about the other one. They were trying to decide which lotion was the best. I said that I liked Chanel Base Matte. One of the girls said that it was good, but she didn't like it because it covered up too much. Then one of the girls was my friend Rachel, who just appeared. Then on TV was a Chanel infomercial. They were selling a kit of Chanel makeup.
Dahlia: concerns with appearance
I was getting change from a store after I purchased something. In with the ones they were giving me back were a few 100's mixed in. Some were red and others were orange. They looked like fake money. I took them to my manager at work and asked her if they were valid. She said they were, and I was very happy.
Dahlia: concerns with appearance
I walked into my bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror, and my hair coloring was fading into blonde.
Dahlia: concerns with appearance
I dreamed that it was late at night and nothing was on TV except for a two-hour show of Designing Women, and I didn't want to watch four episodes of it, even though I know I liked it.
Dahlia: concerns with appearance
I was doing homework at my neighbor's house. This really weird Chinese guy walked by the window and started staring at me. As I was looking at him out the window, it was like I was looking at him from my apartment window; however, I was still at my neighbor's house. He came inside and stared at me and started making these motions like he wanted to play with my hair. I told him to leave, but he wouldn't, so I called the police. When I picked up the phone to call, he left. So then I kept watching him. I wanted to get back to my house, so I took a secret way. Suddenly I was in our spare bedroom looking out at a bunch of orange bushes.
Dahlia: concerns with appearance
I went to the bathroom and dreamt that I had started my period. I looked in the toilet and it was all red.
Dahlia: concerns with appearance
I wore dentures and I couldn't keep them in my mouth. I was in this big, empty room and I kept trying to put my dentures in. One tooth kept falling out of the socket and another was a baby tooth that was brown and rotten. I took the dentures out and looked in the mirror. I didn't have any teeth at all.
Dahlia: concerns with appearance
I was at the opera with my friend Rachel and someone else. Our seat was 40D. I remember thinking how underdressed I was because no one told me we were going to the opera. We asked an usher where our seat was and he said just keep walking, the aisle merges right. When we got to row 40 I turned around and Rachel and the other person had disappeared and I couldn't find them anywhere.
Dahlia: concerns with appearance
I had a dream that I was at my friend Karen's house. I haven't seen her in eight years. I was helping her mom clean. I knew a great way to clean the toilet and the tub. I said I knew tricks because of a household book I had. We were waiting for the kids to get back from gymnastics camp. I asked Karen's mom what gym camp they were coming from. We stepped out of her house and the train with the kids pulled in. One of the cars was shaped like a big VW Bug and it was orange. All of the little kids were at the front of the train and when they got out, they had big bags of cookies and goodies that their mom sent them. One little kid offered me a cookie, but I didn't take it. Then one little girl asked me if I had seen the Smith babies. I asked Karen's mom if Helen Smith Seibert had gotten married. She said yes, and that she had two babies.
Dahlia: concerns with appearance
I was at work and on the phone talking to a travel agent. We were talking about airfare to somewhere for me. I don't remember where. Then he said it would have to be more expensive. I asked him why and he said, "Because I need to pay for my office. It has big gates surrounding it." And then there was this small earthquake. The travel agent said it must be very big in his city, but where I was didn't feel it very much. But then there was a huge earthquake and I was standing in a doorway, hoping that nothing would fall on me.
Dahlia: concerns with appearance
I was at work and the U.S. Dream Team (basketball) checked in. I was so excited. Charles Barkley checked in for everyone. I was excited also because he had the same silver pen that I have. I put them in rooms 110 and 209. I couldn't believe that I didn't know that they were coming. They all unloaded off a huge bus. Then later I remembered that Grant Hill was on the team; I wanted to see him but I never did. Then this white player came in, but I don't know who he was. And he stayed in the office and talked to me. I was so excited and kept thinking to myself, "I want to marry an NBA player so badly." Then he left, but he said he would be back. He left his glasses on the counter, but he didn't come back. Then later my manager was in the office with me and there were two men in the office. One was talking at the same time as the other. I figured that I would answer one of the men's questions and she would answer the other's. Well, she was expecting me to answer both. She wanted one of the men to stop talking, so she "shhhh'd" me and got mad at me. Then I was really annoyed and frustrated.
Dahlia: concerns with appearance
I was at work and these two old ladies came in. They worked at my work, even though in real life they don't work with me. For some reason the old lady was mad at me and she grabbed my bead necklace. I got very mad and said, "Don't touch my necklace." Then I pushed her down and said, "How would you like me to flush your wedding ring down the toilet?" Then this guy I work with slapped her.
Dahlia: concerns with appearance
I came into work and no one was there, but there were lots of empty pizza boxes and soda cans laying around. I had a green slug in my pocket and I remember picking it up and putting it there. For some reason I didn't want to touch it, so it crawled out of my pocket and stretched very long and climbed onto the counter and then it got really big and fat -- huge. Then there were these two little slugs crawling around and I wondered, "Where did they come from?"
Dahlia: concerns with appearance
I came into work and my manager was there. She was mad that I hadn't done the maids' schedule for next pay period, even though it wasn't my job. She started yelling at me and telling me that I needed to learn. I was so scared and I didn't know what to say.
Dahlia: concerns with appearance
I dreamt that I had a huge pimple on my face and I couldn't resist picking it. When I picked at it, this huge long white worm came out. I kept pulling at it and I could practically feel it coming out of my face. It was very long.
Dahlia: concerns with appearance
I am laying in bed and I feel little pricks at my legs. I stand up and start walking. Someone says, "You have blood on your legs." I take my hand and wipe the back of my legs, and my hand is covered in blood and there is this huge spider on my hand. I go to the mirror and all I can see are spider bites and blood covering the back of my legs.
Dahlia: concerns with appearance
I am in this huge auditorium and it is a celebration for our college graduation. However, everyone there is from my high school for a reunion to celebrate college graduation. Everyone was there. It was so big. Gwen (my best friend from high school) wasn't there, however. I remember sitting on my knees and I was wearing a tight skirt and it was pulled up so my underwear showed. Then a well-known TV host pulled it down and I wasn't embarrassed at all. Then at the front of the auditorium they were doing little skits and they called me down for one, but I didn't want to do it. Then someone told me it was a skit about the 60's and if you do it, you get a bong hit, so I did it. It was weird. I stood in line and when it got to be my turn, I walked up to this desk and signed a piece of paper that this boy gave me to sign. Then I went to get my bong hit. The bong was being passed around, so I walked around and saw so many people from my graduating class. Finally I found the bong and my friend came over with me. I asked him for a lighter and he gave it to me, but I couldn't get it to work at all, so I ended up having to use matches.
Dahlia: concerns with appearance
I am in this huge arena and it is packed with people. I am at the very top of the arena and I start walking down the aisle. As I get to the center, I realize that there is a concert going on. It is very crowded, I realize that the group is New Kids on the Block. They all looked so cute and I was so excited to be there. Then Joe from the band saw me and smiled. I was so happy. Then he pointed at me and walked down the stage stairs and took my hand. That's all I remember.
Dahlia: concerns with appearance
I was back in high school walking down the corridors during passing time. Everyone there was in college; all of my college friends were there, but none of my high school friends. I was trying to get to my math class, but I couldn't find it. I kept walking into all of the wrong rooms.
Dahlia: concerns with appearance
I am on my mom's boat and we are sailing in the bay, but Richard isn't there. Only my mom is working the sails. I am standing on the bow and the waves keep hitting me in the face, and I can taste the salt water. My mom calls me to help her with the sails, but I don't know what I am doing. So then I go back to the bow and look around. The weird thing about my dream is that I never really saw my mom.
Dahlia: concerns with appearance
I was watching Saturday Night Live and they were doing a parody of Fantasy Island. There were six huge muscular men holding back Tattoo. They were like those really butch gay men in leather and wearing black leather pants and vests. They won't let Tattoo go and he keeps saying, "Let me go, let me go, I need to go." Finally they let Tattoo go and he runs to this huge puff of smoke. Then Tattoo says to the men, "Do you see what happened? You didn't let me warn him." It was never stated, but the moral was that since Tattoo could not warn Ricardo Montablan about the plane, the plane hit him.
Dahlia: concerns with appearance
I was with Bob and we went to this hotel to meet with one of his friends. I think it was this guy Donald, and right after we met, we went into the bathroom and he laid over the bathtub and I gave him a blow job. It was very vague and I didn't actually do it, but in my mind I knew I was giving him a blow job.
Dahlia: concerns with appearance
I am at this party and Melanie is there. There are lots of people. I am going somewhere that Melanie's friend is going, so Melanie asks me if I'll take her friend for her. I said that I will let her know when I am leaving. I walk around this party and it is in such a big building. I walk down the stairs and then the building was also a store. I was looking through the soaps and some other girl in the aisle was looking for shower gel. She wanted Lemon cream flavored, but she couldn't find it, so she asked someone that worked there. They told her to go to Woolworth's and they might have that flavor. They said, "Look on the ground level at Woolworth's." Then I went to find Melanie and when I found her, I told her I was ready to go. She had decided that she was going to the place that I was going to. She asked me if I could still take her friend to where she needed to go. I said, "I will still take her, but we need to leave when I say I need to leave. I can't wait around for her all night," and Melanie said that it was no problem.
Dahlia: concerns with appearance
I was sitting at work, very bored, and no one was there, so I smoked some pot. Then I noticed that my boss was coming there soon. I knew I had to open doors and turn on the fans, but my boss came in before I could get around to it. When she walked into the office, she sniffed around and gave me a dirty look. She said I could leave, so I left, but I forgot my backpack. I didn't realize that I didn't have it until I was at the store. I went back to work and asked my manager for my backpack. She threw all of my books at me and I asked her if she looked through it. She had found my pot and was very angry. She said that they would have to have a big meeting about the problem. Then I was in this room with a bunch of people that I didn't know.
Dahlia: concerns with appearance