<s>[INST] I just noticed a hard lump under the skin on inner forearm surrounded by a bruise--it is not a bite but size of large mosquito bite--no itching, pain or swelling though. Only thing I can think of is strain from light weight lifting earlier--something I do regularly though [/INST] Hello, * As per the narration, large lump under the skin surrounded by a bruise narrate development of inflammatory changes following some sort of bacterial or viral infection most likely. * Local care with ice application and anti-inflammatory medicines will help great to recover from the same. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] My daughter has asthma and it seems to flare up more when shes exercising or is when the weather is too hot and humid (she lives in NYC). Shes 29 years old and only started this condition couple of years ago. Other than using her inhaler is there anything else she can do to overcome the shortness of breath? Thanks.. [/INST] Hello, Welcome to ChatDoctorBy the history you are giving, most probably your daughter is suffering from intrinsic or idiosyncratic asthma, that can come due to various reasons, of which exercise is also one of the cause. So I would suggest your daughter to avoid exercise as much as possible. She can also do respiratory exercises to get some relief. Thank you.</s>
<s>[INST] I suffered from jaundice in mid of Sep 15 and my billrubin levels reached at 14 and sgot n sgpt @a 950...now I am recovered n currently billirubin level is at 1.2 with direct at .5 (sgot n sgpt At 1. When can I start workout. 2. Can I start drinking occasionally. [/INST] Hi.noted history of elevated liver enzymes and bilirubin. Did you undergo any type of procedure or surgery? If not, yes, you can return to your normal daily activities and function without reservation. A follow-up consult with your doctor is also best for clearance prior to doing so. Hope this helps. Good day!! ~ Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, my baby boy is 7 months old, he has had a high fever for the last 36 hours, I took him to GP yesterday she gave me ibuprofen and pamol for him - so far it has been working well, tonight however he is burning up again but still has freezing cold hands and feet - what does this mean and what should i do?? [/INST] Hi, Thanks and welcome to Chat Doctor. High fever must be controlled irrespective of diagnosis with paracetamol 15 mg/kg every 4-6 hourly along with tepid sponging to prevent febrile convulsions. For cure of the disease cause of fever has to be investigated. Viral fever subsides of it own within a couple of days.Otherwise, consult pediatrician. Hope this answer is OK for you Please feel free to ask further queries if any. Chat Doctor. V. Subrahmanyam.</s>
<s>[INST] I have had a bad cough for about 5 months. I have also chronic migraines, I have sleep apnea and I also have hypothyroidism . Lately every time I cough I pee heavenly in my pants :( I have night sweats and also my hands and feet have been sweating a lot. What do I do? [/INST] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your situation and problem. You are having too many health issues simultaneously. In my opinion you should consult pulmonologist and get done1. Chest x ray2. PUT (pulmonary function test). You are having chronic cough for 5 months. So we need to rule out lung infection and bronchitis first. So chest x-ray is needed to rule out lung infection.PFT is needed to rule out bronchitis. Uncontrolled sleep apnea can also cause chronic cough. So better to consult pulmonologist and first diagnose yourself and then start appropriate treatment. You are having stress incontinence (urine problem). So control of cough is needed to treat urine problem.</s>
<s>[INST] my fiances penis all of a sudden went numb today, he was playing a board game and felt very weird..like his penis started hurting and then slightly going numb. He wants to know if this is caused by excessive weed smoking or excessive smoking in general... [/INST] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. It is a known fact that cigarette smoking in general leads to impotency. Weed or marijuana smoking is highly associated with erectile dysfunction (lack of erection) and both of these in combination are too bad for sexual health in a male. Even otherwise, both these agents are highly addictive, and potentially dangerous as you must know. It is highly recommendable that he stops smoking both these agents as early as possible. He can seek medical attention for treatment of with Chat Doctor. It is not easy, and you, as fiancé, must persuade him and support him mentally to quit. Take care, Regards</s>
<s>[INST] im 15 years old and for the past 3 months i have been sick everynight , this doesnt worry me as i have got used to it. however recently i have had lumps that are like tar coming out with them they are black and im beginning to get worried about this. i am sick around the same time everynight and its natural not forced. what can i do to stop this? [/INST] HI. When there is such an odd finding, it is always good to see a Doctor and preferably a Dermatologist. This can be dermatitis due to mites in your room, bed or so as you are suffering only at nights.</s>
<s>[INST] Hi, i experienced anticipatory anxiety this week due to knowing i might have to take an elevator after foot surgery (today). I m Claustrophobic in a big way. I took .5mg of Lorazepan before bed last night (Thurs) and slept fine. Since I had extreme anxiety Mon, Tues, Wed, and Thurs., couldn t eat or sleep well, my question is, can I take another .5mg Lor. tonight without becoming addicted? Also, since this is situational anxiety, brought on by the thought of the elevator, could my anxiety subside on its own now, since surgery is over? bty, they let me walk down the stairs! :) [/INST] Dear serve understand your concerns went through your details. One dose of Lorazepam 0.5 mg usually do not have any addictive properties. For addiction, you need to take it continuously. I see your case as actual anxiety disorder which happened after the traumatic event of your surgery. I suggest counseling and if needed therapy. If you require more of my help in this aspect, please use this URL. http://goo.gl/aYW2pR. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.</s>
<s>[INST] I recently had a 9mm Kidney Stone laser blasted in July. My CT showed smaller stones in both my kidneys. A week after the surgery I had the stent removed. Later that night I passed a 3mm stone. A recent x-ray showed a stone in my right kidney and minute stone in my left kidney. The stone that was blasted was analyzed. The results were 100% Carbonate Apatite.My doctor gave me a diet to follow to reduce the possibility of new stones and keep the stones currently in my kidneys from getting bigger. I researched Carbonate Apatite stones online and now Im confused. The information I found said most of these types of stones are caused by some kind of infection, most common UTI, but also kidney. Also, any stones should be removed from the kidneys. They called the stones, infection stones.Should I get a second opinion? Im concerned I am not receiving the appropriate treatment. I am female - 51 years oldI do not have a UTI, and my urine is clear. I have never had a kidney stone prior to last month. Thank you for your assistance. [/INST] Hello, Thanks for the query to Chat Doctor. Forum. Stone (calculus) in the urinary system causes sever discomfort but why stone formation take place exact etiology is not known. I usually prescribe my patients plenty of fluid in any form with lemon juice twice in day with water on empty stomach. 2 idly I prescribe disodium HY Chat Doctor. In India only tablet Calgary or near 2-2-2 till stone expel from urinary system. I tried a formula over many patients successfully without any side effects, you can try, Take black pepper chew them one by one 10 first day on empty stomach early in the morning. After chewing </s>
<s>[INST] I recently got very sick. At first I felt like I had a bladder infection, because it was uncomfortable to urinate. An hour later, I noticed blood clots in my urine and the discomfort continue to worsen. Within 2 hours my urine went from being normal color to solid red and I was in excruciating pain during urination. The doctor put me on antibiotics and sent the sample for a culture/sensitivity test. It tested positive for ecoli. I am wondering if even though I am feeling much better, do I need to seek follow up care to ensure there isnt damage to my kidney, etc. [/INST] Hello, It is always good to follow up, and I don't think you will much to worry after the visit. It is just a reassuring visit as your infection has already been resolved, and well treated in time. Yes, E. coli is one of the main culprits of urinary tract infections. It causes bleeding in urine too, along with other symptoms of infection like pain and urgency to urinate. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi Doctor, I have got some skin infection since 6 months. I have some allergy sort of on my neck and chest. Itching is there only when sweating. I visited near by dermatologist. She told me that its a fungal infection called sobi and prescribed some medicine. what are the causes of sobi? Is sobi completely curable . if so how long it may take ? do i need to take any precautions? [/INST] Hi, Thanks for posting in Chat Doctor. Skin infection what you are having is Seborrhea dermatitis caused by yeast Malaysia. It is inflammatory skin disorder which is chronic, relapsing and usually mild dermatitis. It is not completely curable, but can be effectively controlled. Antifungal medications ketoconazole and ciclopirox are both effective for the condition. These medications should be applied tropically on affected areas of skin. You may have applied it whenever it appears again. In case the response is not satisfactory, topical corticosteroids or topical urea may also be used along with it. Hope the information provided would be useful. All the best.</s>
<s>[INST] My dad, 73, has been diagnosed with Esophagel cancer stage 4 he also has pneumonia and a feeding tube to the stomach, plus a fistula eso/traq. He had a heart attack 30 years ago. Dr has said that cant do anything for him. No chemo, radiation, anything. That chemo wd kill him in a week. Do you agree. What is the time frame? [/INST] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. Your dad has esophageal cancer stage 4. No surgery will help. Treatment options are chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Despite treatment prognosis remains poor. Life expectancy is not good. He has not good health, so chemotherapy side effects leads to worsening of life. There is no major difference between life expectancy with or without chemotherapy. Consult your doctor and plan accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.</s>
<s>[INST] i have been having an ache in my upper left back up by the scapula - it appears to be in the muscle because it is very tender to massage. the ache goes down back of my arm around to elbow it does not affect range of motion and does not hurt when doing activities it just aches sometimes more than others and i have been able to sleep fine should i use heat or ice on it also my neck is a little sore when i stretch it [/INST] Thanks for the query. Pain in scapular area and radiating along the arm usually indicate pinching of the nerve in cervical spine. Since how long you have this problem? If this is a long-standing problem then it needs to be investigated. Ice or heat application along with anti-inflammatory and muscle relaxants will help. Thanks.</s>
<s>[INST] Hi, I discovered a bruise on the stomach/side of my nine year old sister s stomach, about less than an inch above her hip bone. She d complained about pain there. So when I applied pressure to it, I felt a lump under it. Is this normal for an injury? [/INST] Dear Sibling, Your sister needs to be seen by a pediatrician for a clinical examination, to find the cause of the bruise and to rule out any active bleeding in the abdomen. I suggest that your see a pediatrician ASAP.</s>
<s>[INST] I started off with a bad cold about a month ago. I seemed to get better about a week or so after I first initially started to feel ill. After a few days it came back and was worse than before. Now 4 weeks later, the only symptom I still have is the severe coughing spells that will sometimes lead to vomiting. [/INST] Hi there, Welcome to Chat Doctor. I understand your situation. Your symptom might also accompany a runny or stuffy nose, a feeling of liquid running down the back of your throat, frequent throat clearing and sore throat, hoarseness,wheezing and shortness of breath. You might be having allergic rhinitis or Gastroesophageal reflux disease. Try taking tablet containing montelukast + levocetirizine, cough suppressant syrup before bed at night and pantoprazole 40 mg empty stomach in the morning. If your cough doe snot subside by this you should see a doctor and get a chest X-ray done to get a confirmed diagnosis. In the meantime stop smoking, avoid allergens and reduce acid reflux. This includes eating smaller, more frequent meals; waiting three to four hours after a meal before lying down; and elevating the head of the bed at night. Hope this helps you. Take care.</s>
<s>[INST] I have an awkward question about a number of health issues.. for four years now I have a lump under my jaw line there are 3-4 lumps on one side. No doctors didn t look into it. The doctors thinks it s because I m sick that my lymph nodes are enlarged. I am worried because I started to grow a lump at the tip of my nose.. its not noticeable but I know it s there it s a size of a pea. [/INST] Hello rearward welcome to Chat Doctor.come have evaluated your query in details .* There are different reasons for the lump under jaw as - salivary gland lesion - lymph node enlargement - others * Needs clinical examination with ultrasound evaluation to confirm the diagnosis and further management guidelines. Wishing you fine recovery. Feel free to ask any further queries. Regards .</s>
<s>[INST] Hi, My youngest son was sick for two days with a fever. I took both boys to the doctor yesterday and my oldest son got a tb test. He is now running a high fever 102-103. Should I rush him to the hospital? Normally I wouldn t go to the hospital unless the fever reaches 104 but I m just concern because he had a TB done yesterday [/INST] Hi, Fever of a few days without any localizing signs could as well a viral illness. Usually, rather than fever, what is more, important is the activity of the child, in between 2 fever episodes on the same day. If the kid is active and playing around when there is no fever, it is probably a viral illness and it doesn't require antibiotics at all. Once the viral fever comes it will there for 4-7 days. So do not worry about the duration if the kid is active. Paracetamol can be given in the dose of 15 mg/kg/dose (maximum ceiling dose of 500 mg) every 4-6th hourly that too only if fever is more than 100F. I suggest not using combination medicines for fever, especially with Paracetamol. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] My rash began with a small patch of tiny flesh coloured bumps on my lower leg, a week later the original bumps have flattened and now the area looks like an abrasion (darker in the centre and lighter pink around the edges) a few other spots have developed and all are intermittently itchy. I have no fever or other associated symptoms. [/INST] HiT hanks for your query seem to have developed neurodermatitis over the leg. This is an itchy edematous skin condition. Try and avoid scratching the area as it tends to increase the eczema. Apply topical steroid over the affected area. Take oral antihistamines for itching. Apply oil once or twice a day to moisturize the skin. Hope it helps Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] good pm just want to asko if godex ds is good for fatty liver. because my husband took godex ds for 2 weeks but instead of lowering the sgpt result the fatty liver doubled... in ultrasound my husband liver seems to be normal... what like to be the problem [/INST] Hi and welcome to Chat Doctor. Thank you for your query. I am Chat Doctor, I understand your concerns and I will try to help you as much as I can. Godex may not be effective if there is inappropriate dietary and lifestyle habits. So diet should be changed, alcohol avoided and then see will there be improvement. I hope I have answered you query. If you have any further questions you can contact us in every time. Kindly regards. Wish you a good health. Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Yes I have real bad jaw pain it starts on the bottom then the whole cheek and top of jaw hurts, last couple of days at least twice a day, now it is happening more than twice, I cant get to see my dentist until tomorrow, I dont know why they wont see me sooner. anyways I am taking Advil every four hours and it still hurts a lot where I have to put my heating pad on my jaw. What could this be? [/INST] thanks for the query, As you have not mentioned any signs in your mouth for this pain, so first you need a thorough clinical and radio graphical examination of your oral cavity. As this pain can be due to deep caries or impacted wisdom teeth or peritonitis or periodontitis. So ruling out the etiology first then start with the particular treatment. Wishing you a recovery soon take care</s>
<s>[INST] Hi Can you tell me if a swollen ankle and pain across top of foot when using stairs and pain in back of knee when rising from sitting can be connected to thyroid problems? I have not injured my leg, that I know of but back of knee is cagey when sitting at night. N [/INST] Hi, thank you for providing the brief history of you. A thorough clinical examination is advised followed by some routine blood test. As swelling in the feet and pain in the back of the knee can be due to any of the factors of which we cannot jump to a conclusion of the Thyroid dysfunction. As most times, due to the signs and symptoms, we need to find a differential diagnosis of the condition and compare the signs and symptoms along with the laboratory findings. Also, if it is thyroid dysfunction the blood test should reveal the possible changes and bases on which the Chat Doctor. Besides, undergoing physical therapy for the swelling and pain behind the knee works well as per my clinical experience. RegardsJay In</s>
<s>[INST] i get difficulties in breathing when i inhale fumes and dust and when humidity is very high.what is the possible treatment and the cause.am 57 n i have no treatment [/INST] Hiwelcome to Chat Doctor forum Allergic asthma or bronchitis is caused due to allergy to some particular substance as u have mentioned as dust or fumes or anything else. The inhalation of these substances causes narrowing of respiratory passage which causes difficulty in breathing and gradually a persons respiratory system is damaged. So first thing is to prevent this inhalation whenever you're in such environment. By covering mouth and nose. Second most important thing is treatment which is best in Homeopathy. So please consult a physician .take care</s>
<s>[INST] Hi Doc, I hv problem of blemishes on my face n my skin specialist hs suggested Melacare but I don t know for how long should I use it so it won t give me bad effects. I hv pigmentation on some parts of my face so can I use iy there to get flawless skin? [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor. From your history, the blemishes on your face could be due to plasma, freckles or even post inflammatory hyperpigmentation. Melacare contains a steroid as one of its components which over long term use can cause side effects like skin thinning, redness and whitish discoloration. It should be used only under the guidance of your dermatologist. You could also benefit from using a broad spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30and above every 4 hours even indoors and in cloudy weather. You could use a lightening cream containing 2 % comic acid, licorice, albumin and niacin amide which is safer and devoid of steroidal side effects. You could also get glycol peels done by a qualified dermatologist. Hope this helps you. Take care.</s>
<s>[INST] Hi there, I have had a mole like bump on my arm for a couple of years now and the majority of the time it is normal (slightly raised) but every month or so its swells ( as if it is filled with fluid) it is bery hard and it gets a white ring around it, around the white ring the skin is red and looks aggravated. The thing is it only stays like it for a few hour and then in goes back to normal. thanks [/INST] Hello! Thank you for the query. If any mole acts like that (changes size, color, borders) should be removed and tested. We call such mole suspicious. There is no other treatment than its removal. So please do not wait with it. Consult dermatologist or general surgeon and have it removed. Hope this helps. Regards.</s>
<s>[INST] I am 45, had a vasectomy 6 years ago, 6 1 300 lbs, and had an extremely low T level in May 2013 (120), have periodic bouts of ED. My doctor has me on testosterone injections every 2 weeks 1ML. I take Lisinopril 20 mg 2X daily, Atenolol 100 mg 2X daily, and Amlodipine 5 mg 2 X Daily, for hypertension. Other than that, no other meds. I have noticed that from time to time my seminal discharge is yellow and clumpy (similar to gelatin). Is this normal, or is there something I need to be concerned about. This most often occurs during prostate stimulation not normal ejaculation. [/INST] HelloThanks for writing to ChatDoctorYellow color of semen may be due to infection. It may be due to prostatitis, UTI etc. You may need antibiotics if there is infection. Other investigation like routine femoral, RBS,Ultrasound of pelvis should be done. Trans rectal sonography of prostate can be done if needed. You should consult your doctor. Hope I have answered your query. Take Care Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello Dr. I am a 34 years old. I am Mechanical Engineer by profession,married since 2009. About 5 years of marriage. Have no child.All tests of wife are Okay. Semen Analysis done. Got 4 Semen Analysis Latest Result is here. Date 12 Sep 2014. Volume.1ml, Viscocity This is the latest test Report. Kindly suggest any treatment. Anwar Ali Islamabad pakistan [/INST] Hi Anwar, your report only mentions volume. What about the other details of the report? Sperm count? Motility, etc.? We can't comment on this report. Can you upload your report on the site by asking a Specialist question then we would be able to help you? Treatment can be done for all kinds of infertility, but we need to see the entire report. Take care, Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] My father met with a road accident on 4th June , 11. He is still in the hospital. CT scan report on 7th June: large acute haemorrhagic contusion with perilesional oedema in the lft frontal para-saggital location. Acute bleed along the posterior aspect of inerhemispheric fissure. Undisplaced fracture of the left temporal bone. He can t talk much. talking very slowly. and has some sense [/INST] Ct scan post-traumatic brain injury may show - extra rural or sub rural or intro cerebral hematoma. Wat u have mentioned was intro cerebral indicating with injury with in the brain parenchymal. Associated to that there is surrounding isogenic edema in response to injury. Concerning the site regarding front parietal region centers for speech are located. Services which deals witChatDoctorprehension. And Broad which is motor component which deals with speech production. As there is isogenic edema & contusions located at centers of speech there is difficulty in speaking. As the contusions n edema decreases he will recover to a normal tone which might take was to months.</s>
<s>[INST] is sunshine milk powder okay for a baby 5 months old she will not drink formula was breast fed but also only drinks very little sunshine milk is it okay for a baby 5 months old she does not like any formula that we have tried she was breast fed but also does not drink very much [/INST] Hello yes you can give that to your baby but I would still recommend breastfeeding as much as possible. Hope this answer helpsRegards</s>
<s>[INST] Hi,am 23 years of age and the problem I have is that my gums are unhealthy causing my teeth to be forming gaps which I do not like, besides that my gums form pus and plaque after some time,now can braces work for me @ my age? Looking forward to hearing from. [/INST] Hello, Thanks for consulting Chat Doctor Read your query, as you have gap in between teeth, plaque and pus formation in gums that is periodontal abscess, gap in between teeth can be due to periodontal problem may be due to weak periodontal ligaments or there can be bone loss. I will suggest you to consult Orthodontist for examination of tooth periodontal condition if possible yes you can go for Fixed Or tho treatment at your age. Discuss with your dentist, and you can go for braces. Hope this will help you. Wishing you good health,</s>
<s>[INST] My friend had a pilodontal cyst that turned into a massive growth. He had it almost completely removed but it is deep to his tailbone and about 5in wide. His dr said today he had a rare form of squamous cancer but that is about all he was told. Can you help out. He was also told there was only about 48 cases since 2007 that have presented with this form of cancer [/INST] Hi, Thanks for writing in. A colonial cyst is a condition which occurs in the skin over the gluteal cleft due to low intensity chronic irritation. This is treated by wide excision and I understand that your friend has got it done. The treatment of excising it till the tailbone is as recommended and his doctor gave him the right treatment. Unfortunately it has turned out as a squamous cell cancer in the biopsy report and this might require aggressive treatment. Multi modality treatment approach might be required. Since surgery is done this might be followed up by chemotherapy and radiation therapy depending on the aggressiveness of the cancer. It is being found that radiation therapy works better for squamous cell cancer of the colonial cyst. Please do not worry.</s>
<s>[INST] My left testical on the very top feels mushy and strained out, but feels normal towards the bottom. The right one is completely normal. I read a few similar things about this.. So far I gathered that it could be testicular cancer or that my left nut could be sterile.Could you please help me! Im a little frightened. [/INST] Hi, It is generally believed that if you experience pain on squeezing the testicle, it is unlikely to be cancer. This need not apply in every case, but helps. An ultrasound of testes can mostly differentiate an infection from cancer. I suggest you get it done rather than worrying about the possibility of cancer. Hope this helped.</s>
<s>[INST] Hi, I got married 2 years back. We are trying to conceive for one and half years already but no success. Actually I consulted to gynecologist and test were done like prolactin, complete blood test, TSH and tube testing, all came out normal. my menstruation is very regular. My husband took the semens analysis which according to the doctor is normal [/INST] Hi. Good to know the tests are normal. Just add on - ovulation study by sonography and intercourse at the time of ovulation. Be in a lying down position even after the act. May be use a small pillow near the buttock. Addition of multivitamins for both of you may help.</s>
<s>[INST] hi doctor..please help me out as i lost my hairs excessively, and even i am suffering from grey hairs and pimples on my head too, i m just 28 years...i feel myself blocked of my hair roots...so is it benefit to give steam on my head for opening hair roots to get my hairs back...i already took many medicines, but now i dont wanna intake of medicines, i want my hairs back by some natural methods [/INST] Hi dear gone through your problem.....are you on any medication go to some trichologist ...... he/she could suggest some treatment therapy like PRP or PRP with hair cocktails .....that will help you in case hair follicles are present in your scalp..... take healthy diet ......do yoga.... morning walk and eat healthy...key to healthy life</s>
<s>[INST] Hi, so my mom s been experiencing an aching from her right leg and it kinda has bruises (it doesn t really have the same color of the typical bruise you know, but to the spot where it aches and we can clearly see that her right leg s way bigger than the other, so it has a huge dark spot on that area I don t really know what is it called) so anyway, she s been experiencing it for almost a year now. Before, my went to the doctor she was recommended to go to the dermatologist. When she went there, they just gave her creams and some anti-inflammatory lotions which doesn t work on her. Then after that, she went to another doctor (it was her co-worker, my mom worked in a hospital as a Nursing Attendant btw) so she asked her co-worker if she could do a biopsy on her leg. But the doctor said she couldn t, not unless she undergo MRI testing first to know which part should she do the procedure. So a week after that, my mom went to the other hospital (this hospital is private and a well known hospital in our town) so after a week, she got the result. They told her that it was only a thickening of the leg muscles and that her veins on her leg (right) are kinda loose so she needs to support it, so they advised her to buy their product to support her veins. It s like a stocking but it s thicker than a normal stocking and which is really tight on her. The doctor said that she should wear it on the day time coz and remove it during the night time to let her leg breathe. But, nothing happened. The more she wear that stocking, the more that bruise on her leg turns dark. And btw, that pain she s feeling started as a small lump then over the period of time turns what it is now. So please do help me, because I really love my mom and seeing her like that pains me. Thank you! [/INST] Hello, Dark bruise on the leg with chronic pain is commonly due to Thrombocytopenia (Idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura / Heparin induced thrombocytopenia). She can take Acetaminophen (Tylenol), one SOS when required for relieve from pain. She can apply ointment Thrombophob or Thrombophob gel locally on the area affected to reduce the dark bruise. However, other medical conditions that may cause similar symptoms are Superficial thrombophlebitis (inflammation / swelling of a vein due to a blood clot), Hematoma, Deep vein thrombosis, varicose vein complications, etc. You are suggested to visit ER, get your mother clinically examined by a GP, get Blood & Imaging tests done at the earliest. She may be referred to a Hematologist or Immunologist. Her treatment will depend on the severity of the pathology detected. Let the disease detected & get her treated. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello i have been having a problem with a swollen lump on the side of my neck near my chin. sometimes it will be painful and there will be a sudden "burst" of the lump and and i can taste a bitter fluid coming up my throat. is that a swollen lymph gland? [/INST] HI. The history of burst of the lump and giving bitter fluid in mouth may be due to the swelling and infection of the submandibular salivary gland. The causes cane : stone in the duct of the gland or a stricture in the duct or infection and inflammation of the gland. I would advise having a clinical examination by the Surgeon or the ENT Surgeon by putting a gloved finger and palpate for the stone and the gland. If there is an impacted stone in the ducts, this can be easily removed and a few stitches to invert the opening so that the complication is reduced. If there is a gland infection with the swelling and stones, this may have to be removed.</s>
<s>[INST] Doctor my baby is 2 months old..From birth she is feeding Lactogen1 no breast milk. I tried a lot of medicines for breast milk but failed.The matter is that the stool of baby is having foul smell. And her motion is too difficult hardly one times in a day. Is there any problem. [/INST] Most formula milks are cow milk based and hence difficult to digest. When the child is unable to digest it, the undigested remains are degraded by intestinal bacteria to produce foul smelling gases. I would suggest getting a stool routine microscopy (including test for reducing substances) to be done. Treatment will depend on the results. In any case, I would suggest changing the formula to a soy based formula and see if there is a difference.</s>
<s>[INST] Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here...My husband had bowel cancer surgery in 2009 and has just had a CT Scan and has been told the cancer has returned to the pelvic area and lymph nodes and cannot have further surgery. Does this mean he is terminally ill? [/INST] Hi, Thanks for writing in. Bowel cancer is difficult to treat in some patients and your husband might have had a recurrence lymph node involvement. In this situation there is disease spread to the regional lymph nodes and this make it difficult to operate. However, treatment should be started after COSI Chat Doctor. Many patients can have good response to chemotherapy and radiation therapy and show significant reduction in size of lymph nodes. This can then be assessed again and a staging can be done and if possible then operated at a later date. Bowel cancer is also seen to spread to liver in nearly half the patients, and therefore it will help to check on the liver from time to time by ultrasound scan or CT scan. Lungs should also be screened regularly. Hope he recovers with treatment. Please do not worry.</s>
<s>[INST] I am a 14 year old boy, i am around 5 feet 3 inches tall and 60 kgs. I have seen many people in my age having six packs, i am also keen in getting them.Can i go to gym? Many people tell me that going to gym helps to reduce my growth, i also wanna get built like those mates, as your advice, can i got to gym? [/INST] Yes you can surely go to the gym. But refrain from doing too much weight training as that can have an effect on your vertical growth and don't overdo anything. Follow set regimes and routines and concentrate on the abdominal muscles for 6 packs. But keep patience as it takes a few months to develop. Take care. Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] My almost 9 month old has a rash/hives around the edges of her diaper, armpits, belly and backs of her legs. We just started introducing solid foods. We introduced oatmeal yesterday. She had a virus a week ago. No fever, just vomiting for about 8 hours. She s had a bit of loose stool this week. is this a food allergy or a continuation of whatever she had last week? [/INST] HI ...this is not suggestive of food allergy. This is classically fitting into eczema as it is involving the flexural surfaces of the body. The trick of the management is keeping the skin moist and never allowing it to be Chat Doctor. For this oil massage and lotions like Hiatus will help. But usually kids grow out of it...that is as the age progresses, they become better starting from 6 months of age, and they gradually get better. Regards - </s>
<s>[INST] For the past 3 to 6 months, i have been having daily minor giddiness and lightheaded - but not to the point of losing my balance. I am able to do 100% of my day to day basis, however, due to its daily presence (of minor giddiness and lightheaded), it makes me very worried. What could it be and what type of doctor should i see? [/INST] Welcome to Chat Doctor! After reading your question it comes out that you are having some giddiness and lightheaded less from past 3-6 months, but it is not affecting your life. Had I been at your place I think I would meet a general physician or medicine specialist? To me, it appears to be either some blood pressure problem or may be a case of cervical spondylosis. Getting your routine tests and BP checked will rule put some usual causes. You are right in finding for its cause as even though this is not disturbing you life, but this is a symptom, and it should not be there. Anyway, it looks to be only some minor problem, so donor worry a lot, see a doctor. Only after examining you one can pinpoint the reason. Hope the reply is usefulness free to ask more questions</s>
<s>[INST] Hello , my 7 year old daughter has a large lump under her tongue . I have been to the doctors but referred to specialist . Im really worried as its stopping her eating as she complains it hurt after eating and her speech is now being effected . I have pictures if you require them . [/INST] Hi, welcome to Chat Doctor. A large lump under the tongue in a child should not be ignored and needs an attention of a specialist like a Pediatric Surgeon or ENT surgeon because not only affect the voice but also air entry and respiration and there may be a lot of saliva formation which may lead to aspiration pneumonia. There may be multiple causes like manual, any mucous retention cyst, rhabdomyosarcoma, etc. All of them have different pathology and so, the treatment is also different. Please show it to the doctor and the child may require an imaging modality like CT scans and a biopsy for the diagnosis and once the diagnosis is confirmed, excision may be required after pretreatment.</s>
<s>[INST] I experience chest discomfort while exercising which also causes burping. Pain subsides within seconds of stopping. Not heart related as dye test did not show any blockage. Taking id, 20mg daily for Gurde however this is not helping as i still feel pain and discomfort. Also when walking in wind and/or cold and shortness of breath climbing stairs.Can you advise? [/INST] According to your history, it seems related to heart only, If your angiography has been done a way back, repeat it...& some other structural heart conditions can also do these symptoms...so get your 2D Echo done.& also it can be related to your rib cage, e.g.Costco Chat Doctor. .so, try painkillers before starting exercise to rule out it...I think 2Decho will answer your question</s>
<s>[INST] My symptoms started with major fatigue for a few days, then headache, burning eyes, now it is in my throat/chest....not much of a cough; slightly swollen glands. I also have a lingering ache in between my shoulder blades. I was diagnosed with mono a few years ago...could this have anything to do with these symptoms? [/INST] Hi, thanks for asking question in Chat Doctor. Here is some suggestion for you. You have diagnosed with mononucleosis. These symptoms are because of it. Take enough water. Take nutritional diet. Take more fruits. Take rest for few days. For mononucleosis symptomatic therapy is beneficial. For preventing bacterial infection we can use antibiotic. Take simple analgesic.Don't worry. With the time symptoms will relieve. Happy to help you if any query.thanks.</s>
<s>[INST] My son is screaming with tooth ache it seems to move from his top teeth to his bottom an d hurts when eats and drinks even if it is hot food and drink he has had this on and off for 2 weeks now but last night and today have been the worse and medicine and bonjela dont seem to ease his pain he is only 5 yrs old [/INST] Hello, Thanks for your query. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory Chat Doctor. The cold temperature will help ease the pain. Buy an over-the-counter tooth and gum numbing gel to help ease the throbbing for a few hours. These gels are applied directly to the affected area and usually work for several hours. I do hope that you have found something helpful, and I will be glad to answer any further query. Take care</s>
<s>[INST] The last two weeks i have been having chest pain to my back at about the same time everyday, usually evenings when Im working. The pain is very discomforting like a slow tightness. I have a trainee right now who is also stressing me out. Also Ive been really tired daily. Im in great shape and normally dont have issues like this. Any idea what the daily pain in my chest is??? [/INST] Hi, Dear,Thanks for your query to Chat Doctor. Dear I read facts of your query and reviewed it in context to your health issues submitted in your query. I understood your health concerns and feel Concerned about them. Based on the facts of your query the reply of your query is-Your current health issues seem to be due to -Anxiety and probably high BP, by evening time, especially after days stress with trainee -lately. You need to check with your Physician and with ECG after BP checks. Though in normal health, work stress may cause chest pain from high BP with thence Other causes-as cited above-need to be ruled out, by verification with Physician/and or Surgeon. Dos-Consult with Physician who would investigate physically and by ECG and other tests with 1 weeks record of BP in morning and evening. Tb Alpha .25 mg x 2 times a day to start with.8 hrs sound sleep. Low salt / low calorie/ diet to control the weight problem if you have it. Physical Gaming would keep the body fit and would increase the stress tolerance in time to come. Add up Antihypertensives with diuretics if need be. This would fix the cause amongst the above or other possibilities. You need to treat it with Physician which should be done on priority and urgently to avoid further complications. This would resolve the complaints of yours. Constant followup with local family or specialist Physician for long term would give you long remissions in time to come, which would depend on meticulous followup treatment of your health concerns. Just don't worry and be patient and co-operate with your doctors, till you verify with your attending doctors. For early recovery-please follow above dos which would resolve your complex health issues. Hope this would help you to treat your health issues in the best way possible. Welcome for any further query in this regard to following link-http://doctor.Chat Doctor .com/Funnel?page=askDoctorDirectly&docId=70229Wishing Good Healthy Life!! Chat Doctor. N. Senior Surgical Specialist. S. Genl-CVTS</s>
<s>[INST] hello....doctor..may i hav ur attention please my lower lip is bigger in size and it is embarrassing for me in societycan u plz suggest some home remedies or natural therapies so dai size of my lower lip cab be reducedi am 19 years old studying in banglore [/INST] Is the lip swollen up recently or it's the same always. If it's enlarged by birth means the best way to cure is to consult a cosmetologist. If its just swollen recently means May is some allergic response or traumatic. Try applying aloe vera gel with honey and little rock salt.</s>
<s>[INST] Dear Dr, I have recently been diagnosed with Gastric mucosal prolapse @ OG junction. With a history of Grade 2 Reflux esophagitis 6 years ago. In recent visits with my doctors are confusing me rather giving solutions. My general complaint is: 1. Diffuse pain at the xiphisternal region after having meal(especially in sitting posture) I must confess that i was a avid spicy(fat) food eater until a month back. Thanks in advance for your reply [/INST] Hello, It is due to severe acid reflux and gastritis. As first-line management you can take antacids like omeprazole or pantoprazole for symptomatic relief. If symptoms persist better to consult a gastroenterologist and plan for an endoscopy. Avoid spicy foods also. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] recently, one of my family member (male 59 yrs) had a brain stroke and he is not able to understand and speak. Local doctors are calling this as Aphasia and say total recovery is not possible. Partial recovery can happen through speech therapy only. Please suggest if there is any remedy in addition to speech therapy. [/INST] Welcome to Chat Doctor., before seeking any remedial help, it is advisable to get the patient EEG of brain. THEN THE REPORT MAY BE POSTED reach exact and correct diagnosis. In the meanwhile, patient should use DUXILTABS early in the morning and ginkgobiloba 40 mg one tablet noon and evening. This prescription will hope to form some good Chat Doctor. Com</s>
<s>[INST] I have RND and AMPS and my ribs are likely to dislocate, but I have never had the pain in the front side of the ribs. It is sore to the touch right underneath my left breast. I woke up with this pain 2 days ago and it hasn t gone away. I don t understand why. [/INST] This could be muscle strain. Apply hot packs. Get a massage. Take painkillers. Wear softer brassiere. Exercise regularly.</s>
<s>[INST] My son has Isthmic Spondylolisthesis. He also suffers from vertigo and dizzy spells. Hes had a lot ot testing to ensure there isnt any underlying condition causing the vertigo/dizziness. Weve never put it together until recently...when I read that spondylol can cause vertigo. Is this true? [/INST] Hi, thank you for posting. I have gone through your query and I understand your concerns. It is true that Islamic Spondylolisthesis can cause dizziness. This condition causes neck muscular spasm. In patients with Islamic Spondylolisthesis blood flow to the brain base is low due to muscular spasm, and this is the reason why patients have dizziness. The treatment of this condition contains painkillers and muscle relaxant medications. A neck X-ray, a complete blood count and a urine test are necessary in order to check the condition of the patient. If the condition is aggravated non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications are necessary. Chiropractic procedures can also help. You should contact a neurologist to discuss the treatment. All the best.</s>
<s>[INST] Hi Doctor, I need one information. I sometimes get red colored ulcers on my tongue after eating few particular things like Indian gooseberry or something which is sour and tangy.It again goes off immediately after I drink water or something which is cold.Please can you suggest what can be the reason behind this. [/INST] Hello, Thanks for the query to Chat Doctor. Forum. Actually few persons have sensitive taste buds over tongue. These sensitive buds react with citric acid present in certain fruits or other eatables particularly tangy and irritant fruits, need not worry. The best way is to avoid such type of fruits. 2nd option is applied local triamcinolone oral gel over tongue immediately after use of such fruits. Good luck. </s>
<s>[INST] I WENT TO MY ENT DOCTOR AND HE CHECK MY THYROID AND IT WAS NORMAL AND THEN HE NOTICE A BLUG ON THE FRONT OF MY NECK AND TOLD ME IT WAS A MASS AND FOR ME NOT TO WORRY AND I AM TOLD IT NEEDED TO BE REMOVED. WHICH I AM SCHEDULE TO HAVE THE SURGERY THIS MAY. DO I HAVE ANYTHING TO WORRY ABOUT LIKE CANCER OR WHAT? I AM CONFUSED. AND IS IT DANGEROUS? DAWN [/INST] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. Mass in neck have many causes. And it can be due to either benign or malignant causes. Benign lesions are1. Lipoma2. Dermoid3. Infective enlargement of lymph node. 4. Benign thyroid cyst etc. Malignant lesions are1. Malignant lymph node involvement. 2. Thyroid malignancy etc. So surgical removal and histopathological examination is needed to rule out these causes. So don't worry, get done excision and biopsy of mass. Further treatment is based on etiology of the mass.</s>
<s>[INST] I have a soft lump right below the inner crease of my elbow. It feels like a sting if I press on it. On the outer side of the same arm, but on the other side I have a lipoma. Could they be related? If not what would case this soft lump in the crease? [/INST] Hi and welcome to ChatDoctorlipomas are soft well circumscribed and usually not painful subcutaneous lesions.Wish you good health. Regards</s>
<s>[INST] hi doctor, my mom did a MRI few days ago and it said tiny t2 abnd flair hyperintensity focus are seen in subcrotcial white matter of both frontal lobe . corresponding area shows iso signal intensity in t1 weighted images i want to is it very serious kind of dieases?? and also i would like to know the causes, treatment and any complications of this situation. i would also like to know what are the things to be taken into consideration for my mom. thank you ! [/INST] Hi NEA, Thank you for posting your query. MRI brain findings of your mother are common findings, and can occur in a variety of conditions. These include migraine, ischemia of brain (less blood flow) and desalinating illness (where the covering of the nerves get damaged). The most common cause is migraine. There is no need to worry about this finding. Based on your moms symptoms, the neurologist would be able to come to a conclusion regarding the diagnosis. Medical treatment would help her get better. Best wishes, Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello. I got all four wisdom teeth extracted 6 days ago. Ive taken all antibiotics and have been rinsing religously with warm salt water. My top extraction sites feel totally fine, but the bottoms hurt like none other. Its mainly the left side. When I look inside my mouth I can see white bone in the extraction sites.. Is this normal, or is it possible that I may have dry sockets/infection? [/INST] Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor forum, I will be glad to answer your query, I would like to inform you that sometimes following extraction a sharp bony spicule(piece) is left behind which hurts. You can see your dentist and if required he may file it down, it is quick and painless procedure, does not take long. If it is a Chat Doctor. I would advise you to see your dentist as a follow-up after extraction. I hope this answer was useful. I wish you good health, take care.</s>
<s>[INST] Hi I am 51 female ,perimenopausal,for the last 18 months I have suffered with a yellow coated tongue in the morning and it is getting a lot worse.I feel awful in the mornings any way and look generaly unwell.I have a healthy diet.I am seeing a gynocologist for cyst on my ovaries and my uterus had a thicker lining than normal.I have a lot of wind and bloating and pains in my abdomen-I am a bit of a mess. Can you help [/INST] Hello:)Welcome to Chat Doctor. A yellow tongue indicates accumulation of bacteria. Your hormonal irregularity can add to this. These bacteria then release certain chemical to make the tongue yellow in color. Have adequate water 3 liters per day. Reduce consumption of caffeinated beverages. Maintain oral hygiene and floss daily. Use a mild mouth wash thrice a week. Cleanse your tongue regularly using a tongue blade. Quit any tobacco and alcoholic habits. Regards.</s>
<s>[INST] Hi, iam sfiso and im 19years this year and iam having masterbation problems and i think this started when i was 14 and since than i have been masterbating frequently and i do this if i see more ladys wearing cloth that show parts of they bodies and how can i get help because i think it will affect my university life [/INST] Hi, Do physical games, exercise and yoga to control and divert your mindset. If you can't control then consult for psychiatric counselling. I Hope I have answered your query. If you have further doubts, I would be happy to help you. Happy day.</s>
<s>[INST] I have just had breast cancer surgery 9 days ago. the margins are clear, but it was estrogen/progesterone positive. They want to do chemo and radiation, but I feel there has to be a better approach in treating this. I work for a naturopath, but his specialty is not chemo or radiation, but would like someone who will work with him in my care. [/INST] Hi, Thanks for writing in. Cancer is a difficult condition to treat and treatment differs in every patient depending on the location, size, staging and post surgery biopsy findings. Since you have had surgery only 9 days ago, it will help to discuss with your oncologist and depending on the biopsy report, go for a comprehensive treatment. Even is the margins are clear, there is estrogen/ progesterone positive nature and this requires you to have chemotherapy and radiation. The earliest this is started the best outcome it will have. I wish you reconsider the benefits of chemotherapy and radiation in your case and start treatment on time. Naturopathy can give you comfort and detoxify your system, and it is best to discuss your treating doctor on when to take simple naturopathy procedures and wait until you are done with initial chemotherapy. Even if the margins are clear, there can still be persisting microscopic invasion of cells and this can lead to flaring of cancer an few months. Radiation is precise and specific to the region of cancer. Please do not worry.</s>
<s>[INST] my son is 6 months old. Past three months he was suffering with dry skin , his body has red patches. I have consulted doctor and they provided hytromol, but it got increased, so I got Diprobase. I am using this cream past three days for my son. But yesterday I have noticed that he got some spots like pimples (not in yellow colour, but in the top it has dark black marks). I have consulted doc today, he was telling that this is because of try skin. One of my friend got chicken box, so I was wondering is it chicken box. Please advise me to resolve my son s skin problem. Please [/INST] Hi welcome to Chat Doctor Hi..., the above signs and symptoms are not due to Chickenpox... it may be Rashes developed due to Diaper... The classical signs of chicken pox is, the lesions will be like dew like first appear on the trunk, then spread to chest, and all over limbs... Do not worry, ... Hope I have answered your question. Take care...</s>
<s>[INST] Recently I have been experiencing, being light headed, dizzy, my right leg from the knee on down is swollen. My blood pressure usually is around 110/80 with my pulse around 88. But at my last dr. app I was 150/94 with my pulse at 104. I am a cancer survivor. I have undergone multiple surgeries, chemotherapy and radiation . Wondering if I should see my provider? Or am I being a worry wart . [/INST] Hi, Your detailed clinical history is missing. What the disease you have suffered from? Multiple surgeries, chemotherapy, radiotherapy can be used to treat many sorts of malignancies. Anyway your present symptoms not seems to be related to previous disease. Cardiac cause is most likely the diagnosis. You may better evaluated by an internal medicine specialist, an ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY may be required.</s>
<s>[INST] I have weight issues but over the last 12 months my asthma as changed its breathless all the time feeling of pressure on my chest breathing worse at night waking gasping also legs very swollen also arms and girth sometimes swollen Im exhausted all the time [/INST] Getting breathlessness while sleeping with swelling of feet is an indication that you may be having early symptoms of left ventricle failure or say heart failure. But with the history of asthma, you must mention at what age you started having asthmatic attacks, any precipitant factors of asthma, on what medications you are, and do you have a history of hypertension. You must proceed with your routine check up, blood pressure and blood sugar evaluation, ECG and chest x-ray. Sleeping in a propped up position may comfort you. These symptoms should not be taken lightly, and proper evaluation must be done.</s>
<s>[INST] i have a doubt regarding sexuall intercourse ,i can go for only once and for the second time hardly after that its very hard i get eraction even if i wanted hav and i am not safisfying my wife . pls let me know how make it possible ! and am just 25 years old ! [/INST] Hello, Causes of erectile dysfunction are:-1) Psychological2) Stress3) Fatigue4) Diabetes5) Other chronic illness.6) Spinal cord injury. You can table sildenafil, one hour before intercourse after consultation. Treatment mainly depends upon underlying conditions. Kindly follow with detailed history or consult with sex expert. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] 2 weeks ago i fell over and hit the back of my head on concrete floor, i had concussion for 2 days it was all just a blur, i was sick a couple of times but did not go to A and E but since then i have had a constant headache that no matter what tablets i take it will not go away, help me :( [/INST] Hello!My name is </s>
<s>[INST] I get the depo medrol 80 mg injection for my allergies, and i got one recently a day before my cycle was due to start, which is always on time, and my cycle came a week late, and its been on every since for almost 3 weeks. Is this a side effect? Im 44 years old, no fibroids never had any complicatios with my cycle, no chances of pregnancy. [/INST] Hello, Thanks for using Chat Doctor. I read your query and understand your concerns about delayed periods. Although delay in periods is not a prominent side effect of steroid use, but it is one of the side effects commonly observed among middle-aged women. This happens because the menstrual cycle is regulated by hormones which are steroidal in nature. The use of demo me Chat Doctor. I hope this answers you. Thanks and regards.</s>
<s>[INST] Hi my daughter age 7 is not breathing right .when she is eating food she needs to stop chewing and take deep breath from her mouth,and she gets uncomfortable,is her nose blocked or is she just not used to breathing from her nose I don t understand what to do [/INST] Hello. I just read through your question. The most common reason for what you describe is nasal congestion. Usually this is cleared by simply blowing the nose and perhaps administering saline nose Chat Doctor. However, this could sometimes be an issue with the lungs (i.e.: wheezing). If she is otherwise comfortable, I don't consider this an emergency. However, I do recommend consulting with your pediatrician.</s>
<s>[INST] I had itchy scrotum and groin. After two to three days, I got pimple like bumps and there were some small white pimples which did not cause any pain. But that area smells bad and in some places it is sticky. and the places where the pimples were present is peeling off and that region also sticks . [/INST] Hello, From your description, it seems that you are having multiple sebaceous cysts on scrotum. Many males are having this. Because of that you are having itch. It won't require any treatment until it covers the most part of scrotum, or it gets infected badly. Surgery is the only treatment option available for it. Some males are undergoing surgery for cosmetic reason. To get rid of itch, you can maintain good hygiene at private parts, take bath regularly and make the area Chat Doctor. Hope this helps you. Thank you.</s>
<s>[INST] I have a lump by my jaw sort of under my ear, it s like the size of a pea and it doesnt hurt really but it feels kind of like a bruise when i touch it. my friend said it s a swollen gland or something. I was wondering if I should worry about it and why it s there. [/INST] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You may have some enlarged lymph node due to reactive hyperplasia, tuberculosis or lymphoma. Or it can be some benign cyst. You should go for fine needle aspiration cytology or biopsy of that lump. It will give you exact diagnosis. Then you should take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.</s>
<s>[INST] I have had what started as a rash 3 months ago. I spent the previous night in a hospital, because I took a spill at home. Soon this rash turned into severe hives on face, thigh, arms (inside elbow) and mainly the right side of my back (which is the side I sleep on) and my breasts (which is where the nightgown in the hospital rested. That was the end of February and now its May and the itching especially on my breasts and under my left arm (and down the arm to inside of the elbow.The itching and little bumps (like hives) are so bad you wouldnt believe it. Doctor gave me Triamcinolone 0.1% cream, but it doesnt do that well. I tried Cortiscone from the drug store..not that great either. Im taking Bensdryl tablets, because they did control the hives pretty well, but this rash and all the little bumps are killing me. [/INST] Hello, With such presentations in my clinic, I would first rule out underlying causes responsible for your rash rather treating symptomatically for months. To confirm exact pathological causes I may advise you a blood differential count and total count of blood. Treatment depends upon exact causes. So, no need of all these medications at all. Please let me know if you have further questions before meeting your primary care doctor. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.</s>
<s>[INST] Hi, I recently have been getting a lot of cold sores for no reason. One would show up and then it would heal and then another would show up. But these past couple of days I have found like a small round lump near my jaw. When I touch it, it would move around and it hurts. I can t see it but I can feel it. Is it something I should be concerned about? [/INST] Hi, dear. I have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You may have some leukoplakia or some malignant lesion. You should go for biopsy of that lump. Go for biopsy and histopathological examination. Then take treatment according to your diagnosis. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.</s>
<s>[INST] Hello I have a 4 yr 11 month (almost 5yr) old son that has a irritated penis. When I was bathing him earlier I pulled the skin back to clean and I noticed the skin around the tip of his penis was really raw,red,and looked a bit swollen and irritated. He said it hurt a little and since then I have been watching and lstening when he urinates and I noticed he jerks a little as he beings to urinate. Can you please help me? [/INST] Looks like your boy has got Atlantis. It might be due to local infection, your boy might have got furtive him spy Eugenic plus (paracetamol+broken) 5ml twice daily for 3 days</s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor ! my age is 43, height 177cm and weight is 83 kgs. All the CBC, sugar and LFT parameters are normal. HDL is 37 and LDL is 122.3... ultrsound report says that i have grade 1 fatty liver. Is this is cause of concern? how to get the liver normal. i walk for one hour almost 4 times a week. drink and smoke socially. Any medicine to cure fatty liver ?? [/INST] Hi and Welcome to Chat Doctor. I appreciate your concern for the fatty liver. You need to have some lifestyle modifications in order to get rid of fatty liver:1. Since you are overweight (BMI is 26.49), your maximum healthy weight based on a BMI of 25 is 78.32 kg. So, continue regular physical activities in addition to walking2. Avoid fatty meals (both vegan and non-vegan), fast and junk foods, salted snacks, Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] hi i think am pregnant,have been on atripla for about a year and some 3 mths,i have no complaints with my my medication,my fear now is i am not ready to have an abortion and yet am scared for the new born and also ready to live with the conquences and outcomes of my new baby as nothing can make me or convince me to abort am about two weeks or so advise pls am ready to die if need be [/INST] Hi. Atripla belongs to pregnancy category D classified by the FDA, meaning that the medication does hold some side effects during pregnancy, but is nothing serious enough and also not much thought needs to be out in by the doctor before prescribing or continuing the medication during pregnancy. So I don't think there should be an impact of the Chat Doctor. Best wishes.</s>
<s>[INST] Hi. Last night and again today, I ve noticed a large and noticeable pulsation in my neck in the area of the carotid artery. It s especially pronounced when I m supine. This afternoon, while at work, I noticed the pulsations in my neck and then, shortly after, realized my right hand was shaking and the arm felt weak. It subsided after a few minutes. When I returned home this evening, I noticed the beating in my neck and, using a video camera on my phone, confirmed the pulsations are visible and most visible when I m lying down or back on pillows. I feel okay otherwise, although my arm and shoulder again feel a little strange. (Although, truthfully, I m wondering if I m just reading into things a little bit.) I do have a history of heart issues: I had a patent foramen ovale closed in my heart in 2010 due to several years worth of strange symptoms (visual, pins & needles, etc.) that were likely ongoing and sporadic TIAs, according to my cardiologists. I have had no repeat episodes since the surgery, although have had a few cases of pericarditis since then. Otherwise, I am in excellent health/fitness. Weight ~130. Height ~5 6 . Physically active, no drug use, occasional social alcohol use. No family history of cardio disease. The question: should I be concerned about these symptoms and go to the ER, or is it normal? Or, somewhere in between those two extremes? [/INST] HIF you see carotid pulsations or jugular vein pulsations and felt weakness of arm simultaneously and with history of heart operation, you may consult a cardiologist for it. You may also watch if you get rapid pulse or irregular radial pulse, some symptoms of dizziness or not.I may suggest an echocardiogram to record the chamber functions, valves and pressure gradients to rule out any abnormalities of atria and ventricle size</s>
<s>[INST] Hi, I am 36 weeks pregnant. All my reports have been fine considering baby weight, amniotic fluid & doppler flow. However, my last ultrasound a couple of days ago showed the baby in a head up position with a single loop of cord around neck. Can I still have a normal delivery? can the baby turn on its own in due course of time to engage in head down position, before my delivery date which is 14th Feb.? [/INST] Hello, and I hope I can help you today. If your baby is in the head up position at term, it is not recommended that you deliver vaginally, because there is risk to the baby of birth injury. So if you reach your due date with your baby in the head up position, your obstetrician will likely recommend cesarean section. However, there is a possibility that the baby could turn around on its own. Ways to help this to happen is to do what you can to let your belly hang to give the baby a chance to rollover. Going on your hands and knees and arching your back high into the air, like an angry cat, for 10 minutes every day, can sometimes help the baby to turn around naturally. However, the best way to help the baby to turn around is for your obstetrician or midwife to perform a procedure called a version. In the US, versions, which literally are done by the doctor pushing the baby into a somersault is performed under ultrasound guidance in a hospital setting. It works about 50% of the time and can give a woman a chance at a normal vaginal delivery. Regarding the cord around the babies neck, 15% of normally delivered infants have an umbilical cord around their neck. So the presence of the cord around the neck now does not mean that there will be any problems with labor and delivery if the baby is able to get into the right position. If you are considering having a version, I suggest that you speak to your delivering provider about it soon, as the success rates of version decrease significantly after 37 weeks. I hope that I was able to adequately answer your question today, and this information was helpful. Best wishes for the rest of the pregnancy and delivery,</s>
<s>[INST] I feel pain and lifeless sort of feeling in my both legs, below knee area. Mostly in calf muscles. I am having this pain for more than 3 years now and 24 hours a day. In the morning, its hard to get up and do something. I am really low in energy levels all the time. Standing for long, intensifies the pain. I have consulted many doctors, neurologists, they gave many stress relieving medicines along with vitamins but nothing helped even a bit. I want to do exercises but there is literally no energy in me due to these prolonged pain. I feel low and down through out the day at work and at home too. Please advise. [/INST] Dear patient you need detailed blood check up for complete blood count with ESR level. Low hemoglobin level may be the reason for lethargy and weakness. Pain in the Lower limbs may be due to spine pathology with nerve compression. First X-ray of the lumbosacral spine anteroposterior and lateral views and them MRI of the lumbosacral spine with screening of whole spine needs to be done. Please get it done from radiology center nearby you. Meanwhile, start tab regain x 75 mg one at bedtime with tab attract twice a day for pain relief. If report is abnormal you need to consult orthopedic surgeon nearby your area with report.</s>
<s>[INST] Am 30 yrs old female I have two kids one is 5 yrs and the other is of 3 yrs and I cancelled my pregnancies with pills thrice after them.am actually scared of infections caused during family planning or any other temporary measures of contraception.am now worried about my health pls suggest any contraceptive measures either temporary or permanent which does not affect my health and not does not cause any infection Regards [/INST] Hello dear. Understand your concerns. You want contraception long term:you can use Copper T, which is available in many varieties like effectiveness for 1 year,3 year,5 year,10 yearMirena implant, demo shooter options for short term are like diaphragms, hormonal injection, hormonal patch, or condom by your partner. So you can choose it by consulting with the gynecologist for better effect and to prevent the side effects. I hope this will help you. Thanks. Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here... i have these whitish bumps all around my penis. i had it ever sinced middle school. i never had any sexual act with anyone at that time. im 19 years old and im still scare to have sex because of this problem. please help me doctor. Thnk you! [/INST] Hi, It can be due to PPP - pearly penile pa pules or ingrown hair or pimple. Share a picture for confirmation. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Chat Doctor. R. Raveen</s>
<s>[INST] My child has a cold and doesn t wipe/blow her nose that well or thoroughly. She has suddenly developed a number of little pimples under her nose - surely there is a connection between these? Seems too big a coincidence. She is only 7 - she doesn t get pimples! [/INST] Hello. I just read through your question. The area under the nose often gets very Chat Doctor. This gives bacteria an opportunity to cause the pimples. I recommend using a moisturizer in the area, especially during colds. They will heal on their own.</s>
<s>[INST] I currently take Lisinopril for hypertension. I feel i suffer from something that causes my face to get flushed easily, like I am easily embarrassed. I have noticed when i skip my Lisinopril, I don t have the flushing issue. Can they be related? If not how can I fix the embarrassed look, I feel its taking control over aspects of my life. [/INST] Hi, Based on the history facial flushing (cutaneous vasodilation) seems to be due to an adverse effect of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor lisinopril. I suggest you to stop lisinopril and take an alternate effective but a safer medicine for hypertension after consulting your doctor. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care </s>
<s>[INST] Hello, I was diagonised with hepatitise B for the last seven months back, my first doctor has put me on antivairal drugs lemuvudine but later i was advise by the second doctor to stop taking the medicine becouse the vairal load was low and it doesn t qualified me for treatment and later liver biospy was done but i don t have the varius in my liver but since then my liver enzyems keep on elevating especially the alt , alkaline, billrubin, total protein , ggt & at times the mentions ones also reduce though HIV B varial load was done later and it was below 25mm in DNA . What could be the problem am so scared of liver concer and chriosis. Secondly can someone grow up with hepatitise B from child hood up to the age of 60s? if so what is the life span of the person having a chronic HIV B? [/INST] If you have elevated liver enzymes and hepatitis B you should probably get treatment, but it also depends on the results of your liver biopsy (if there is active inflammation or not). Also getting treated will prevent your chances of getting liver cancer. If you are coinfected with HIV, then you should definitely control the hepatitis B with medications since the risk of liver cancer is higher if you have both HIV and hepatitis B. Keep in mind that some HIV medications also work against Hepatitis B (such as tenofovir, also known as Arvada) reasons why your doctor may have stopped lamivudine.</s>
<s>[INST] Hi, I will be embarking on 24 hours worth of flights tomorrow. I am in early pregnancyand have to apply on Crinone gel every 8 hours. I normally lay down to insert them. Is it okto do it standing up? I may have to make use of plane and airport toilets.Thanks, Michelle [/INST] See if u can this progesterone gel properly ...like inserting inside d vagina...or else u can take tablets 400 mg also instead of this while travelling</s>
<s>[INST] Hi, I am 38 year male suffering from cold from last 3 days. Doctor has prescribed me Allegra 180 and Azee 500 for 3 days. Lately, a very severe pain has started in my right chest and seems to aggravate the moment i breathe or cough. Will the prescribed medicine help in this or do I need to see the doctor again? [/INST] Thanks for posting you query to Chat Doctor.Allegra is an antiallergic medicine and AEE is an antibiotic, so both medicine do not use full in chest pain .you need to find out the cause of such sever pain as it could be muscular pain or may be due some cardiac disease.cardiac pain are usually associates with sweating and breathlessness constant pain may aggravate on movement, so if you are having such symptom need to immediately consult to medicine physician .but if it is muscular pain it will receive by taking some NSAIDs with muscle relaxant. I suggest you to contact to your local physician he will do local examination and treat you accordingly. Hope you would be satisfied with my answer. Feel free to communicate if any query.regards, Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] I have severe degenerative disk disease. I am not a candidate for surgery per my orthopedic physician. I have had numerous nerve blocks and it doesn t help . My pain is at the L5 disk. I take Lortab 750/500 but that doesn t help either. Is there any pain medications that WILL help? I am under a physicians care. [/INST] painkillers and immobilization in lumbosacral brace may ease pain, sometimes traction to both lower limbs can be alternative.</s>
<s>[INST] I am a 46 year old slim male. A couple of months ago in the shower my wrist made a sharp snap, and it felt is if someone had tapped the side of my wrist with something hard. Since then a lump has appeared in that location. It does not hurt. It feels like bone, but it seems to be able to move slightly. It is rounded and about 1 cm across at the base. Any ideas what it is and what I should do about it? [/INST] Hi, You have a ganglion on the wrist. This a rounded thin walled swelling filled with gelatinous fluid like gel. It is attached to the joint capsule or ligament. This is harmless and does not need any specific treatment, and might disappear by itself. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] hello , i am mohammed 32 years old last 3 years before i married that time i am only 3 month sex with my wife after that i go foreign after 2 YEAR I came from foreign. my wife got 1st month result possitive (preganancy test) after 3 month my wife baby misscarriage and also doctor advice to clean the utrus bag that we done. after that doctor advice to take ar wonder tablet for me this is the right one can you please give me your good suggestion i hope for your rely [/INST] HelloThanks for query. Your wife had miscarriage after 3 months of conception is itself suggestive that you are not infertile.Hence, you do not need any medication being commonly used in treatment of infertility. The cause of miscarriage is due to failure in growth of Zygote (Product of conception) due to many hormonal factors and chromosomal abnormality and are never due to any direct in sperm.Hence, a male partner does not have to take any medication. Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] I had a hammer hit me in my right pelvis area where I imagine my ovarie to be ... I have been married 2 years and no luck getting pregnant how can I get this looked at. Can it make me not get pregnant? How much does it cost for in vitriol or to get my husbands sperm tested [/INST] HI, thanks for using Chat Doctor It is unlikely that this injury would have significantly affected your ability to conceive. There are different reasons for infertility. It can be due to male or female causes or due to a combination. In terms of your partner, you are right in assuming that he would need a semen analysis. The cost would vary according to one lab to the next. He can either consider speaking to his urologist, speaking to a lab directly to find out the cost. In terms of your investigations, your doctor would need to assess the different aspect of the reproductive system-the uterus, ovaries, tubes, cervixThis would involve both imaging and blood tests. You should consider visiting your gynecologist or a fertility specialist. Even if issues are found with either of you there are effective techniques available that may be able to help you conceive. I hope this helps</s>
<s>[INST] I had a crown put in three years ago. I had not noticed any pain or problem with it, yet the dentist says he needs to replace it because there is decay under it. Is this unusual? I thought crowns were permanent. Should I get a second opinion, and how do I go about doing that?? [/INST] Hi. Welcome to Chat Doctor . I have gone through your query and can understand your concerns. As per your complaint it is possible that if the margins of the crown is not intact and there is a gap between crown and tooth, water and food debris along with bacteria can seep into the tooth and leads to secondary Infection. In this case if the decay has not reached the nerves present in the center of tooth then you may not have pain, but the tooth can continue to decay. If this is the case you will have to get the crown removal, get the tooth filled or Root Canal treatment has to be done followed by replacing the crown. You can take a second opinion if you wish as well as you can send me a scan of the x Ray of the crowned tooth so that I can guide you how you should proceed for treatments. In case if tooth is decayed then the treatment advised to you is appropriate. Hope this information helps. Thanks and regards. Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] I am suffering from repeated absses in both my under arms since last 15 years. It pains and swells when pus forms and oozes out. After much treatment atlast doctor told it is TB and started treating me with Efficin injection and Rifa I-6. But there is no improvement. Doctor suggested to go for surgery now. What should I do? Plz help. [/INST] Send the pus for C/S + Behave hairs regularly Wash armpits with antiseptic Start antibiotics according to the culture report.</s>
<s>[INST] thank you for taking this question Doc. where can i get diagnostic tests and treatment for suspected tropical parisitic infections in mumbai? The patient is suffering from increasing levels of protines in the blood and water retention and excessive swelling twice the size in both arms.Thank you . please call me or sms me on 0000 [/INST] Hello and thanks you for your query. I am Chat Doctor and I will try to help you as much as I can with my answer. These are nonspecific symptoms and it Amy or may not indicate parasitic infection. You need to see necrologist for further evaluation. I hope I have answered you query. If you have any further questions you can contact us. Kindly regards. Wish you a good health.</s>
<s>[INST] My seven year old son, has been crying all day, sitting on the toilet for hours, saying it hurts when he pees and that the pee wont come out, I have had UTI and I know how painful they are. But can boys get these too? Also he hasnt made a bowel movemnet in 2 days, and said he feels like he needs to poop. [/INST] He may have a urinary tract infection .it may or may not be associated with fever. Constipation is a well known risk for urinary tract disorders. Yes, boys can have too. Urine culture is the investigation of choice</s>
<s>[INST] I have ESLD and have unremmiting itching. I am unable to sleep at night and am able to take short naps during the day. I have tried all the known OTC remedies but to no avail. If this is what I have to look forward forward for the rest of my life its not much. My bilirubin levels are very high. I am at my witts end. Do you have any ideas or suggestions? YYYY@YYYY Thank you, Marc [/INST] Hitching in the end stage liver disease can be quite problematic, there are quite a few things tried for it with limited success in some cases. Anti- histamine like cetirizine, defense Chat Doctor. Some local application lotions a like calamine and soothing agents are useful. Then there are medications like rifampicin and ursodeoxycholic acid. Please consult your doctor to see if any of these work for you. Thanks.</s>
<s>[INST] 19 y/o female 110 lbsI, no significant medical bg. was hit in the chest with a blunt object right above my left breast about 1 week ago. Now when I breathe in too deeply, sneeze, cough, or move my left arm in a certain way, I feel discomfort/pain. The pain comes from sneezing. Also now there is quarter-size bump and the pain travels to my armpit/side area at certain times. When I press down on the bump I feel some pain. It is a hard bump but no bruising. When my chest got hit I felt winded. Thank you for any answers [/INST] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. You had blunt chest trauma and symptoms you are having at present are due to musculoskeletal injury after such trauma. So follow these steps for better symptomatic relief in musculoskeletal pain. 1. Avoid movements causing pain. 2. Avoid bad postures in sleep. 3. Avoid heavyweight lifting and strenuous exercise. 4. Take painkiller and anti-inflammatory Chat Doctor. 5. Apply warm water pad on affected areas. Don't worry, swelling and pain will subside with all these in 1-2 weeks. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.</s>
<s>[INST] Hi, I had a THR on right leg Jan/2001. Subsequently I have sciatic nerve palsy/drop foot. I have been in severe pain since and if anything have developed more problems with sores that take forever to heal. I am taking baclofen 10mg twice a day and amitriptyline 25mg once at bedtime. Is there anything else that would help with pain. What is the statute of limitation for this type of injury [/INST] helloFor foot ChatDoctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi my stomach swells up and I also have a tired sort of gritty feeling behind my eyes for some period of time over possibly the course of the week I start to feel as if my body inside is shaking and I have mild anxiety attacks.over this period of time I have swollen stomach slightly painful sometimes not always and after my anxiety attack I am really tired.throughout I have very low energy.I have had numerous blood tests are which of showed nothing and also I have had blood tests for a thyroids problem botChatDoctore back as ok.my diet is ok but not great and found last year when this happened I ate extremely healthy and it went away.i understand that I have to keep a good diet of fish veg and fruit ect but wonder what is happening to make me feel like this.i occasionally take omeprazole for acid indigestion could indigestion be the problem? Or just a symptom of a problem? [/INST] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. I can understand your emotions. In psychology, we broadly call it obsession. You had that disturbing sensation once. You expected it to happen again and focused. Then you started experiencing it as you were expecting it. Then your body brought the familiar symptom because you are expecting it. Then you started worrying that the symptom is coming again and again and expect it. Body brings it again as you are expecting it. You become worried and so on. That is obsession in simple terms. Ignore it and the problem vanishes. Psychotherapy techniques should suit your requirement. If you require more of my help in this aspect, Please post a direct question to me in this URL. http://goo.gl/aYW2pR. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe the needed psychotherapy techniques. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.</s>
<s>[INST] I was just told that my A1C is 15. I do not have insurance and I turn 65 in August so I will have Medicare in about 6 months. I am 5 9 and my weight dropped from 195 to 144 this past year with weight dropping even during holidays. I was hoping I could last without expensive treatments until Medicare. I m taking 2,000 mg metformin/day but it isn t doing the job. Do I need to hurry up and get care I can t afford? [/INST] You need a 2 or 3 Chat Doctor. ...to control blood glucose levels. Although metformin itself causes weight loss.I hope you take it after meals & don't miss doses. Also u need proper diet plan.</s>
<s>[INST] i have severe upper abdominal pain. I have been experiencing this pain on and off for months. I usually get it every other day in the evening or the middle of the night. No pain killers work for me. Each episode last around 3 hours and im in so much pain I cant move. I cant bare it anymore. The doctors have suggested IBS but im certain its not this, what could it be? [/INST] Hi, From history it seems that this might be due to hyper acidity or acid reflux. During this two time usually stomach is empty and acid secretion is there producing this problem. Take less but frequent diet and keep stomach full. Take Omeprazole for few days. Avoid fried, chilies and junk food. Avoid stress.If you require go for ultrasound of abdomen. Ok and take care.</s>
<s>[INST] i had a pilondial (?) abscess two years ago which i had surgery to drain it, now i have an abscess in my groin area (is sore and around 2cm/20mm in length Is it common to have reaccuring abcesses? I pay close attention to personal hygiene by using anitbacterial products, what can be the causes of abcesses? [/INST] Hi, the endurance of colonial sinus is common the reason for the sinus is the friction of hair which might be caused by chronic sitting the hair tip enters the skin and thus the access is formed around the hair follicle, along with maintaining personal hygiene keep the area hair free which will reduce the endurance</s>
<s>[INST] I went to the ER a couple of days ago thinking I had a kidney stone. My back was killing me and I as vomiting. The kidney area was tender. After they determined that either there was no stone or it had passed they sent me home. I still cannot eat and I found a tender spot on my right front about 2 1/2 inches along the rib line from my sternum that has a little bump and if I press on it the pain goes all the way to my back where I first was experiencing severe pain symptoms. I still have no appetite although I am no longer vomiting. I drink water chamomile tea and have a piece of toast to eat. that is about it since Saturday at 1am. Any clue to what I am touching that is so painful all the way to my back. Is this a virus? or something else? [/INST] Hello, You may be suffering from back muscle spasm or infection with virus or electrolyte imbalance etc. Take rest, avoid smoking and alcohol intake. Use painkiller medication if necessary. Use cold and warm compression. If symptoms not improved please consult your doctor he will examine and treat you accordingly. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi i am 20 years old and I have had stomach aches that feel like cramps in my lower abdomin for about 3 months now and recently its been gas and I have been peeing a lot. Im not sure whats wrong I took a pregnancy test and It said negative.. so whats wrong with me? [/INST] Hi, Thanks for your history - cramps in lower abdomen for 3 months, gases and frequency of urination. I would advise you:: Blood-complete blood picture, kidney functions tests, blood sugar fasting and post-lunch, Urine-routine, microscopy, culture and sensitivity (before start of antibiotic)Ultrasonography of abdomen. This will help to get a diagnosis whether this is intestinal infection of chronic sort like IBS, tuberculosis or Diverticulitis; and urinary tract infection or bladder stone or PID-pelvis inflammatory disease. Proper diagnosis will lead us to a proper treatment. IF required you may need a Contrast enhanced CT scan of the abdomen.</s>
<s>[INST] Hi, my lower back usually is sore. Im only 17 and already have back pains. But today, Ive been having lower pains by my spin, but of to the right a little, near my butt. Usually when I have back pains, I lay on a hard flat surface and it feels like my back shifts into place, but this time when I did it, it cracked about 7 times, then I felt a major pain so I rolled over to my stomach, cried for a few seconds, and stood up. I thought the pain was gone, til I started walking around again? I already been told my back was mis aligned. but I have no clue what this is. [/INST] Hi, Thanks for posting your query. From description, it seems you might be suffering Mechanical back pain. It is a common medical problem. Mechanical back pain implies the source of pain is in the spine and/or its supporting structure. The surrounding muscles and ligaments may develop reactive spasm and pain.1. Lie on hard bed2. Taking muscle relaxants in combination with mild painkillers will help you.3. Hot water fomentation to back 2-3 times a day and applying a local analgesic gel on the affected area will also help in providing a relief.4. Physiotherapy - Inferential therapy (IT) to your back will help you relieve the pain5. Avoid Chat Doctor. These activities can increase your back pain. You can start with swimming and mild aerobic exercises. These do help a lot in the back pain. Do adequate warming up before starting the exercises daily. Taking calcium and vitamin D 3 supplements will also help in early recovery. You can get these prescribed from your orthopedic. Hope this will help you. Feel free to ask me if you have any further queries. Wish you good health. Take care. Regards</s>