1 value
right handle', rgt) #self.build_pickwalking( rootNode ) # TODO: Evaluate if this should rather be in Rig or Transform def switch_fkik(self, **kwargs): am = AniMeta() char = None limb = None side = None newMode = 0 if 'Character' in kwargs: char = kwargs['Character'] if 'Limb' in kwargs: limb = kwargs['Limb'] if 'Side' in kwargs: side = kwargs['Side'] # TODO: Make sure rig is in control mode if char and limb and side: ctrl = 'Foot_IK_Lft_Ctrl' if limb == 'Leg' and side == 'Lft': ctrl = 'Foot_IK_Lft_Ctrl' if limb == 'Leg' and side == 'Rgt': ctrl = 'Foot_IK_Rgt_Ctrl' if limb == 'Arm' and side == 'Rgt': ctrl = 'Hand_IK_Rgt_Ctrl' if limb == 'Arm' and side == 'Lft': ctrl = 'Hand_IK_Lft_Ctrl' ik_node = self.find_node( char, ctrl ) newMode = 1 - int(mc.getAttr(ik_node + '.FK_IK')) ############################################################################################################ # Leg if limb == 'Leg': # From IK to FK if newMode == 0: nodes = ['LegUp_FK_{}_Ctrl', 'LegLo_FK_{}_Ctrl', 'Foot_FK_{}_Ctrl', 'Toes_FK_{}_Ctrl'] joints = ['LegUp_IK_{}_Jnt', 'LegLo_IK_{}_Jnt', 'Foot_IK_{}_Jnt', 'Toes_IK_{}_Jnt'] for i in range(len(nodes)): ctrlName = nodes[i].format(side) jntName = joints[i].format(side) ctrl = am.find_node(char, ctrlName) jnt = am.find_node(char, jntName) if ctrl is None: mc.warning('aniMeta: can not find ' + ctrlName) break if jnt is None: mc.warning('aniMeta: can not find ' + jntName) break m = self.get_matrix( jnt, kWorld ) self.set_matrix(ctrl, m, kWorld, setScale=False ) mc.setAttr(ik_node + '.FK_IK', 0) # From FK to IK elif newMode == 1: # Heel heel_ctrl = 'Heel_IK_{}_Ctrl'.format(side) toesTip_ctrl = 'ToesTip_IK_{}_Ctrl'.format(side) footLift_ctrl = 'FootLift_IK_{}_Ctrl'.format(side) for node in [heel_ctrl, toesTip_ctrl, footLift_ctrl]: node = am.find_node(char, node) if node: self.reset_handle( node ) # Foot legUp_ik_jnt = 'LegUp_IK_{}_Jnt'.format(side) legLo_ik_jnt = 'LegLo_IK_{}_Jnt'.format(side) pole_ik = 'LegPole_IK_{}_Ctrl'.format(side) foot_ik = 'Foot_IK_{}_Ctrl'.format(side) foot_jnt = 'Foot_{}_Jnt'.format(side) legUp_ik_jnt = am.find_node(char, legUp_ik_jnt) legLo_ik_jnt = am.find_node(char, legLo_ik_jnt) pole_ik = am.find_node(char, pole_ik) foot_ik = am.find_node(char, foot_ik) foot_jnt = am.find_node(char, foot_jnt) m = self.get_matrix( foot_jnt, kWorld ) if side == 'Rgt': m = om.MEulerRotation( math.radians(180),0,0 ).asMatrix() * m self.set_matrix(foot_ik, m, kWorld, setScale = False ) pa = mc.getAttr( legLo_ik_jnt + '.preferredAngle' )[0] out = self.get_polevector_position( legUp_ik_jnt, legLo_ik_jnt, foot_jnt, pa ) self.set_matrix( pole_ik, out, kWorld) mc.setAttr(ik_node + '.FK_IK', 1) # Leg ############################################################################################################ ############################################################################################################ # Arm if limb == 'Arm': # From IK to FK if newMode == 0: nodes = ['ArmUp_FK_{}_Ctrl', 'ArmLo_FK_{}_Ctrl', 'Hand_FK_{}_Ctrl' ] joints = ['ArmUp_{}_Jnt', 'ArmLo_{}_Jnt', 'Hand_{}_Jnt' ] for i in range(len(nodes)): ctrlName = nodes[i].format(side) jntName = joints[i].format(side) ctrl = am.find_node(char, ctrlName) jnt = am.find_node(char, jntName) if ctrl is None: mc.warning('aniMeta: can not find ', ctrlName) break if jnt is None: mc.warning('aniMeta: can not find ', jntName) break m = self.get_matrix( jnt ) self.set_matrix( ctrl, m ) mc.setAttr(ik_node + '.FK_IK', 0) # From FK to IK elif newMode == 1: # Foot armUp_ik_jnt = 'ArmUp_IK_{}_Jnt'.format(side) armLo_ik_jnt = 'ArmLo_IK_{}_Jnt'.format(side) pole_ik = 'ArmPole_IK_{}_Ctrl'.format(side) hand_ik = 'Hand_IK_{}_Ctrl'.format(side) hand_jnt = 'Hand_{}_Jnt'.format(side) armUp_ik_jnt = am.find_node(char, armUp_ik_jnt) armLo_ik_jnt = am.find_node(char, armLo_ik_jnt) pole_ik = am.find_node(char, pole_ik) hand_ik = am.find_node(char, hand_ik) hand_jnt = am.find_node(char, hand_jnt) m = self.get_matrix(hand_jnt) if side == 'Rgt': m = om.MEulerRotation(math.radians(180),0,0).asMatrix() * m self.set_matrix(hand_ik, m, setScale = False ) pa = mc.getAttr( armLo_ik_jnt + '.preferredAngle' )[0] out = Transform().get_polevector_position( armUp_ik_jnt, armLo_ik_jnt, hand_jnt, pa ) Transform().set_matrix( pole_ik, out, kWorld) mc.setAttr(ik_node + '.FK_IK', 1) # Arm ############################################################################################################ else: mc.warning('aniMeta: can not switch rig ', char, limb, side) return newMode def build_pickwalking(self, char ): # Deactivated for now return True def parent_controller( node1, node2 ): node1 = self.find_node(char, node1) node2 = self.find_node(char, node2) if node1 is not None and node2 is not None: mc.controller( node1, node2, parent=True) mc.controller( self.find_node(char, 'Main_Ctr_Ctrl')) parent_controller( 'Torso_Ctr_Ctrl', 'Main_Ctr_Ctrl' ) parent_controller( 'Hips_Ctr_Ctrl', 'Torso_Ctr_Ctrl' ) parent_controller( 'Spine1_Ctr_Ctrl', 'Hips_Ctr_Ctrl' ) parent_controller( 'Spine2_Ctr_Ctrl', 'Spine1_Ctr_Ctrl' ) parent_controller( 'Spine3_Ctr_Ctrl', 'Spine2_Ctr_Ctrl' ) parent_controller( 'Chest_Ctr_Ctrl', 'Spine3_Ctr_Ctrl' ) parent_controller( 'Neck_Ctr_Ctrl', 'Chest_Ctr_Ctrl' ) parent_controller( 'Head_Ctr_Ctrl', 'Neck_Ctr_Ctrl' ) parent_controller( 'Clavicle_Lft_Ctrl', 'Chest_Ctr_Ctrl' ) parent_controller( 'ArmUp_FK_Lft_Ctrl', 'Clavicle_Lft_Ctrl' ) parent_controller( 'ArmLo_FK_Lft_Ctrl', 'ArmUp_FK_Lft_Ctrl' ) parent_controller( 'Hand_FK_Lft_Ctrl', 'ArmLo_FK_Lft_Ctrl' ) for side in ['Lft', 'Rgt']: for finger in ['Thumb', 'Index', 'Middle', 'Ring', 'Pinky']: for i in range(4): parent = finger + str(i) if i == 0: parent = 'Hand_FK' if finger == 'Thumb' and i == 3: break parent_controller(finger + str(i + 1) + '_' + side + '_Ctrl', parent + '_' + side + '_Ctrl' ) parent_controller( 'Foot_IK_' + side + '_Ctrl', 'Hips_Ctr_Ctrl' ) parent_controller( 'FootLift_IK_' + side + '_Ctrl', 'Foot_IK_' + side + '_Ctrl' ) parent_controller( 'Toes_IK_' + side + '_Ctrl', 'FootLift_IK_' + side + '_Ctrl' ) parent_controller( 'ToesTip_IK_' + side + '_Ctrl', 'Toes_IK_' + side + '_Ctrl' ) parent_controller( 'Heel_IK_' + side + '_Ctrl', 'Foot_IK_' + side + '_Ctrl' ) parent_controller( 'LegPole_IK_' + side + '_Ctrl', 'Foot_IK_' + side + '_Ctrl' ) # Biped # ###################################################################################### ###################################################################################### # # Anim class Anim(Transform): def __init__(self): super( Anim, self ).__init__() def get_anim_curve_data( self, node ): dict = { } animObj = self.get_mobject( node ) if animObj is not None: animFn = oma.MFnAnimCurve( animObj ) dict[ 'type' ] = curveType[ animFn.animCurveType ] try: dict[ 'input' ] = mc.listConnections( node + '.input', s=True, d=False, p=True )[0] except: pass try: dict[ 'output' ] = mc.listConnections( node + '.output', s=False, d=True, p=True )[0] except: pass # Pre Infinity Type if animFn.preInfinityType != oma.MFnAnimCurve.kConstant: dict[ 'pre' ] = animFn.preInfinityType # Post Infinity Type if animFn.postInfinityType != oma.MFnAnimCurve.kConstant: dict[ 'post' ] = animFn.postInfinityType if animFn.isWeighted: dict[ 'weighted' ] = animFn.isWeighted dict['keys'] = {} times = [] values = [] # Lists redundant? itt = [] # In tangent type ott = [] # Out tangent type itaw = [] # In tangent angle Weight otaw = [] # Out tangent angle weight itxy = [] # In tangent XY otxy = [] # Out tangent XY alt = [] for i in range( 0, animFn.numKeys ): if dict['type'] == 'animCurveUA' or dict['type'] == 'animCurveUL': time_val = animFn.input( i ) else: time_val = round( animFn.input( i ).value, 5 ) time_tmp = time_val times.append ( time_tmp ) value_tmp = animFn.value( i ) if dict['type'] == 'animCurveTA': value_tmp = math.degrees(value_tmp) values.append( round(value_tmp,5) ) tmp_dict = {} # In Tangent type itt.append( animFn.inTangentType( i ) ) ott.append( animFn.outTangentType( i ) ) # In Tangent Angle Weight itaw_tmp = animFn.getTangentAngleWeight(i,True) itaw.append( [itaw_tmp[0].asDegrees(), itaw_tmp[1]] ) # Out Tangent Angle Weight otaw_tmp = animFn.getTangentAngleWeight(i,False) otaw.append( [otaw_tmp[0].asDegrees(), otaw_tmp[1]] ) # In Tangent itxy.append( animFn.getTangentXY(i,True)) # Out Tangent otxy.append( animFn.getTangentXY(i,False)) tmp_dict[ 'bd' ] = animFn.isBreakdown(i) tmp_dict[ 'wl' ] = animFn.weightsLocked(i) tmp_dict[ 'tl' ] = animFn.tangentsLocked(i) if itt[i] != oma.MFnAnimCurve.kTangentAuto: tmp_dict['itt'] = itt[i] if ott[i] != oma.MFnAnimCurve.kTangentAuto: tmp_dict['ott'] = itt[i] if itaw[i][0] != 0.0: tmp_dict['ia'] = round( itaw[i][0], 5 ) if itaw[i][1] != 1.0: tmp_dict['iw'] = round( itaw[i][1], 5 ) if otaw[i][0] != 0.0: tmp_dict['oa'] = round( otaw[i][0], 5 ) if otaw[i][1] != 1.0: tmp_dict['ow'] = round( otaw[i][1], 5 ) if itxy[i][0] != 1.0: tmp_dict['ix'] = round( itxy[i][0], 5 ) if itxy[i][1] != 0.0: tmp_dict['iy'] = round( itxy[i][1], 5 ) if otxy[i][0] != 1.0: tmp_dict['ox'] = round( otxy[i][0], 5 ) if otxy[i][1] != 0.0: tmp_dict['oy'] = round( otxy[i][1], 5 ) if len ( tmp_dict ) > 0: tmp_dict[ 'time' ] = times[ i ] alt.append( tmp_dict ) if len ( alt ) > 0: dict[ 'keys' ]['tangent'] = alt dict[ 'keys' ]['time'] = times dict[ 'keys' ]['value'] = values return dict def set_anim_curve_data( self, animCurve, data ): curveObj = self.get_mobject( animCurve ) if curveObj: try: animFn = oma.MFnAnimCurve( curveObj ) # obj = animFn.create( 4 ) # animCurveUA except: mc.warning('aniMeta: can not set MFnAnimCurve on ' + animCurve) return False animFn.setIsWeighted( data[ 'weighted' ] ) keys = data[ 'keys' ] if 'time' in keys and 'value' in keys: times = keys[ 'time' ] values = keys[ 'value' ] if len( times ) == len( values ): for i in range( len( times ) ): animFn.addKey( times[ i ], values[ i ] ) if 'tangent' in keys: tangents = keys[ 'tangent' ] for i in range( len( tangents ) ): tangent = tangents[ i ] if 'time' in tangent: # Unlock it before setting tangents animFn.setTangentsLocked( i, False ) animFn.setWeightsLocked( i, False )
returning from shgrid with ier = ', ier if ier != 0: msg = 'Error in return from shgetnp call with -- ' + Shgrid.errorTable(self)[ier] raise ValueError, msg iflag = 1 for i in range(1, numberPoints): np[i], ier = shgridmodule.shgetnp(self.xo, self.yo, self.zo, self.xi, self.yi, self.zi, iflag, iwk, rwk) if debug == 1: print '***************** returning from shgrid with ier = ', ier if ier != 0: msg = 'Error in return from shgetnp call with -- ' + Shgrid.errorTable(self)[ier] raise ValueError, msg return np #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # **************** Control parameter manipulation functions ******************** #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def parameterNames(self): #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # purpose: produce a list of the dsgrid parameters # # usage: parameters = parameterNames(self) # # passed: self # # returned: parameters # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ parameters = ['name', '----', 'ncl', 'nfl', 'nls'] return parameters def makeDefaultParameterTable(self): #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # purpose: construct the dictionary which is the default control parameters table # # usage: makeDefaultParameterTable(self) # # passed: self # # returned: parameterDict # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- parameterDict = { 'name':('type ',' legal values ',' default ', ' description '), '----':('-----','------------------- ---','------------------------ ', '------------------------------------------------------'), 'ncl' :(' int ','>ncl > 0 ','int(math.pow(n/3.,1./3.))', 'granularity of 3-D cell grid '), 'nfl' :(' int ','1<= nfl <= min(32,n-1)','min(32, n-1) ', 'number of input data values within radius of influence'), 'nls' :(' int ','9<= nls <= min(17,n-1)','min(17, n-1) ', 'number of data values used in the least square fit ')} return parameterDict def makeInstanceParameterTable(self): #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # purpose: construct the dictionary which is the instance parameters table # # usage: makeInstanceParameterTable(self) # # passed: self # # returned: parameterDict # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- parameterDict = { 'name': ('type ',' legal values ',' value ', ' description '), '----': ('-----','----------------------','------------- ', '------------------------------------------------------'), 'ncl' : (' int ','>ncl > 0 ',eval('self.ncl'), 'granularity of 3-D cell grid '), 'nfl' : (' int ','1<= nfl <= min(32,n-1)',eval(''), 'number of input data values within radius of influence'), 'nls' : (' int ','9<= nls <= min(17,n-1)',eval('self.nls'), 'number of data values used in the least square fit ')} return parameterDict def printDefaultParameterTable(self): """ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- purpose: print the value of all the parameters usage: r.printDefaultParameterTable() where r is an instance of Dsgrid passed: self returned: None --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------""" names = Shgrid.parameterNames(self) parameterDict = Shgrid.makeDefaultParameterTable(self) for item in names: items = (item, parameterDict[item][0], parameterDict[item][1], parameterDict[item][2], parameterDict[item][3]) print '%-6.6s %-6.6s %-22.22s %-24.24s %s' % items return def printInstanceParameterTable(self): """ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- purpose: print the value of all the parameters usage: r.printInstanceParameterTable() where r is an instance of Dsgrid passed: self returned: None --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------""" names = Shgrid.parameterNames(self) parameterDict = Shgrid.makeInstanceParameterTable(self) for item in names: items = (item, parameterDict[item][0], parameterDict[item][1], parameterDict[item][2], parameterDict[item][3]) print '%-6.6s %-6.6s %-22.22s %-14.14s %s' % items return def printInstanceParameters(self): """ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- purpose: print the values of the current dsgrid control parameters in c code usage: r. printInstanceParameters() where r is an instance of Dsgrid passed: self returned: None --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------""" names = Shgrid.parameterNames(self) names = names[2:] for name in names: print 'Currently, %s = %d' % (name, eval('self.' + name)) return None def setInstanceParameters(self): #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # purpose: set the instance values of the current shgrid control parameters in c code # # usage: r.setInstanceParameters() # # where r is an instance of Shgrid # # passed: self # # returned: None # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- names = Shgrid.parameterNames(self) names = names[2:] for name in names: shgridmodule.shseti(name, eval('self.' + name)) return None #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ***************************** Error Table ************************************ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def errorTable(self): """ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- purpose: construct the dictionary which provides access to error messages usage: errorDict = r.errorTable() where r is an instance of Dsgrid returned: errorDict --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------""" errorDict = { 0: 'No error', 1: 'Number of input data points must be > 9.', 2: 'Number of points used to calculate weights must be > 9.', 3: 'Number of data points used in the least squares fit must be > 9.', 4: 'Number of points used to calculate weights must be at least 1.', 5: 'Number of data points used in the least squares fit too large. Should be greater than n but less than 41.', 6: 'Number of points used to calculate weights too large. Should be greater than n but less than 41.', 7: 'Cell grid dimensions must be positive.', 8: 'Duplicate input points encountered.', 9: 'Collinear input, no unique solution.', 10: 'At least two points must have different x coordinates.', 11: 'At least two points must have different y coordinates.', 12: 'At least two points must have different z coordinates.', 13: 'No cells contain a point within the radius of influence of the input point.', 14: 'Negative search radius in calculating least squares fit.' } return errorDict #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # *************************** magic functions ********************************* #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __setattr__(self, name, value): #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # purpose: '__setattr__' is called on every assignment to an instance attribute. # Consequently, it must put the value in through the __dict__ to avoid # calling itself and setting up an infinite recursion loop.It sets the # attribute called name to value in two steps. # One -- set the global C code control parameter # Two -- set the instance self data control parameter # # usage: = value # # passed : name and value # # returned: None # #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- names = Shgrid.parameterNames(self) names = names[2:] if name in names: shgridmodule.shseti(name, value) self.__dict__[name] = value else: self.__dict__[name] = value return None def __getattr__(self, name): #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # purpose: '__getattr__' is called only if a referenced attribute can not be found # in the instance. It gets the attribute from shgridmodule if possible. # # usage: -- name is the oject and not a string repr # # passed : name # # returned: # #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- names = Shgrid.parameterNames(self) names = names[2:] if name in names: value = shgridmodule.shgeti(name) else: value = self.__dict__[name] return value #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ******************************************************************* # **************** end of magic functions ************************** # ******************************************************************* #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def reverseData(self, data): #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # purpose: reverse the order of the data if outgrid submitted was not increasing # # usage: data = r.reverseData # # returned: parameters # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if self.zreverse == 'yes': data = data[::-1,:,:] if self.yreverse == 'yes': data = data[:,::-1,:] if self.xreverse == 'yes': data = data[:,:,::-1] return data def checkdim(x, y, z): #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # purpose: determine whether the coordinate grid is random or monotonically increasing # # usage: # # returned: x, y, z, monotonic, xreverse, yreverse, zreverse # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # x coordinate examination xsize = len(x) if x[0] > x[xsize - 1]: x = x[::-1] xreverse = 'yes' else: xreverse = 'no' xmonotonic = 'yes' # monotonic and possibly reversed to make it montonically increasing for n in range(1, xsize): if x[n] < x[n - 1]: xmonotonic = 'no' # not monotonic so return the original grid # y coordinate examination ysize = len(y) if y[0] > y[ysize - 1]: y = y[::-1] yreverse = 'yes' else: yreverse = 'no' ymonotonic = 'yes' # monotonic and possibly reversed to make it montonically increasing for n in range(1, ysize): if y[n] < y[n - 1]: ymonotonic = 'no' # not monotonic so return the original grid # z coordinate examination zsize = len(z) if z[0] > z[zsize - 1]: z = z[::-1] zreverse = 'yes' else: zreverse = 'no' zmonotonic = 'yes' # monotonic and possiblz reversed to make it montonicallz increasing for n in range(1, zsize): if z[n] < z[n - 1]: zmonotonic = 'no' # not monotonic so return the original grid if xmonotonic == 'yes' and ymonotonic ==
import contextlib import gc import re import sys import threading import types from contextlib import ExitStack, contextmanager from functools import partial from typing import List, Callable, Any, cast import attr import pytest from .. import FrameInfo, Traceback, customize, register_get_target def remove_address_details(line): return re.sub(r"\b0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+\b", "(address)", line) def clean_tb_line(line): return remove_address_details(line).partition(" #")[0] def assert_tb_matches(tb, expected, error=None): # smoke test: str(tb) tb.as_stdlib_summary() tb.as_stdlib_summary(capture_locals=True) for frame in tb.frames: str(frame) try: if error is None and tb.error is not None: # pragma: no cover raise tb.error assert type(tb.error) is type(error) assert remove_address_details(str(tb.error)) == remove_address_details( str(error) ) assert len(tb) == len(expected) for ( entry, (expect_fn, expect_line, expect_ctx_name, expect_ctx_typename), ) in zip(tb, expected): assert entry.funcname == expect_fn assert clean_tb_line(entry.linetext) == expect_line assert entry.context_name == expect_ctx_name if entry.context_manager is None: assert expect_ctx_typename is None else: assert type(entry.context_manager).__name__ == expect_ctx_typename except Exception: # pragma: no cover print_assert_matches("tb") raise def print_assert_matches(get_tb): # pragma: no cover parent = sys._getframe(1) get_tb_code = compile(get_tb, "<eval>", "eval") tb = eval(get_tb_code, parent.f_globals, parent.f_locals) print("---") print(str(tb).rstrip()) print("---") print(" assert_tb_matches(") print(" " + get_tb + ",") print(" [") for entry in tb: if entry.frame.f_code is get_tb_code: funcname = parent.f_code.co_name linetext = get_tb + "," else: funcname = entry.funcname linetext = clean_tb_line(entry.linetext) typename = type(entry.context_manager).__name__ if typename == "NoneType": typename = None record = (funcname, linetext, entry.context_name, typename) print(" " + repr(record) + ",") print(" ],") if tb.error: print(f" error={remove_address_details(repr(tb.error))},") print(" )") def no_abort(_): # pragma: no cover import trio return trio.lowlevel.Abort.FAILED @contextmanager def null_context(): yield @contextmanager def outer_context(): with inner_context() as inner: # noqa: F841 yield def exit_cb(*exc): pass def other_cb(*a, **kw): pass @contextmanager def inner_context(): stack = ExitStack() with stack: stack.enter_context(null_context()) stack.push(exit_cb) stack.callback(other_cb, 10, "hi", answer=42) yield @types.coroutine def async_yield(value): return (yield value) null_mgr = null_context() with null_mgr: if hasattr(null_mgr, "func"): null_context_repr = "asynctb._tests.test_traceback.null_context()" else: null_context_repr = "null_context(...)" del null_mgr # There's some logic in the traceback extraction of running code that # behaves differently when it's run in a non-main greenlet on CPython, # because we have to stitch together the traceback portions from # different greenlets. To exercise it, we'll run some tests in a # non-main greenlet as well as at top level. try: import greenlet # type: ignore except ImportError: def try_in_other_greenlet_too(fn): return fn else: def try_in_other_greenlet_too(fn): def try_both(): fn() greenlet.greenlet(fn).switch() return try_both def frames_from_inner_context(caller): return [ ( caller, "with inner_context() as inner:", "inner", "_GeneratorContextManager", ), ("inner_context", "with stack:", "stack", "ExitStack"), ( "inner_context", f"# stack.enter_context({null_context_repr})", "stack[0]", "_GeneratorContextManager", ), ("null_context", "yield", None, None), ( "inner_context", "# stack.push(asynctb._tests.test_traceback.exit_cb)", "stack[1]", None, ), ( "inner_context", "# stack.callback(asynctb._tests.test_traceback.other_cb, 10, 'hi', answer=42)", "stack[2]", None, ), ("inner_context", "yield", None, None), ] def frames_from_outer_context(caller): return [ (caller, "with outer_context():", None, "_GeneratorContextManager"), *frames_from_inner_context("outer_context"), ("outer_context", "yield", None, None), ] @try_in_other_greenlet_too def test_running(): # These two layers of indirection are mostly to test that skip_callees # works when using iterate_running. @customize(skip_frame=True, skip_callees=True) def call_call_traceback_since(root): return call_traceback_since(root) def call_traceback_since(root): return Traceback.since(root) def sync_example(root): with outer_context(): if isinstance(root, types.FrameType): return call_call_traceback_since(root) else: return Traceback.of(root) # Currently running in this thread assert_tb_matches( sync_example(sys._getframe(0)), [ ("test_running", "sync_example(sys._getframe(0)),", None, None), *frames_from_outer_context("sync_example"), ("sync_example", "return call_call_traceback_since(root)", None, None), ], ) async def async_example(): root = await async_yield(None) await async_yield(sync_example(root)) def generator_example(): root = yield yield sync_example(root) async def agen_example(): root = yield yield sync_example(root) for which in (async_example, generator_example, agen_example): it = which() if which is agen_example: def send(val): with pytest.raises(StopIteration) as info: it.asend(val).send(None) return info.value.value else: send = it.send send(None) if which is async_example: line = "await async_yield(sync_example(root))" else: line = "yield sync_example(root)" assert_tb_matches( send(it), [ (which.__name__, line, None, None), *frames_from_outer_context("sync_example"), ("sync_example", "return Traceback.of(root)", None, None), ], ) def test_suspended(): async def async_example(depth): if depth >= 1: return await async_example(depth - 1) with outer_context(): return await async_yield(1) async def agen_example(depth): await async_example(depth) yield # pragma: no cover agen_makers = [agen_example] try: import async_generator except ImportError: agen_backport_example = None else: @async_generator.async_generator async def agen_backport_example(depth): await async_example(depth) await yield_() # pragma: no cover agen_makers.append(agen_backport_example) # Suspended coroutine coro = async_example(3) assert coro.send(None) == 1 assert_tb_matches( Traceback.of(coro), [ ("async_example", "return await async_example(depth - 1)", None, None), ("async_example", "return await async_example(depth - 1)", None, None), ("async_example", "return await async_example(depth - 1)", None, None), *frames_from_outer_context("async_example"), ("async_example", "return await async_yield(1)", None, None), ("async_yield", "return (yield value)", None, None), ], ) assert_tb_matches( Traceback.of(coro, with_context_info=False), [ ("async_example", "return await async_example(depth - 1)", None, None), ("async_example", "return await async_example(depth - 1)", None, None), ("async_example", "return await async_example(depth - 1)", None, None), ("async_example", "return await async_yield(1)", None, None), ("async_yield", "return (yield value)", None, None), ], ) with pytest.raises(StopIteration, match="42"): coro.send(42) # Suspended async generator for thing in agen_makers: agi = thing(3) ags = agi.asend(None) assert ags.send(None) == 1 for view in (agi, ags): assert_tb_matches( Traceback.of(view, with_context_info=False), [ (thing.__name__, "await async_example(depth)", None, None), ( "async_example", "return await async_example(depth - 1)", None, None, ), ( "async_example", "return await async_example(depth - 1)", None, None, ), ( "async_example", "return await async_example(depth - 1)", None, None, ), ("async_example", "return await async_yield(1)", None, None), ("async_yield", "return (yield value)", None, None), ], ) # Exhausted coro/generator has no traceback assert_tb_matches(Traceback.of(coro), []) def test_greenlet(): greenlet = pytest.importorskip("greenlet") tb_main = Traceback.of(greenlet.getcurrent()) assert tb_main.error is None and tb_main.frames[-1].funcname == "test_greenlet" def outer(): with outer_context(): return inner() def inner(): # Test getting the traceback of a greenlet from inside it assert_tb_matches( Traceback.of(gr), [ *frames_from_outer_context("outer"), ("outer", "return inner()", None, None), ("inner", "Traceback.of(gr),", None, None), ], ) return greenlet.getcurrent().parent.switch(1) gr = greenlet.greenlet(outer) assert_tb_matches(Traceback.of(gr), []) # not started -> empty tb assert 1 == gr.switch() assert_tb_matches( Traceback.of(gr), [ *frames_from_outer_context("outer"), ("outer", "return inner()", None, None), ("inner", "return greenlet.getcurrent().parent.switch(1)", None, None), ], ) assert 2 == gr.switch(2) assert_tb_matches(Traceback.of(gr), []) # dead -> empty tb # Test tracing into the runner for a dead greenlet def trivial_runner(gr): assert_tb_matches( Traceback.since(sys._getframe(0)), [("trivial_runner", "Traceback.since(sys._getframe(0)),", None, None)], ) @register_get_target(trivial_runner) def get_target(frame, is_terminal): return frame.f_locals.get("gr") trivial_runner(gr) def test_get_target_fails(): outer_frame = sys._getframe(0) def inner(): return Traceback.since(outer_frame) @customize(get_target=lambda *args: {}["wheee"]) def example(): return inner() # Frames that produce an error get mentioned in the traceback, # even if they'd otherwise be skipped @customize(skip_frame=True, get_target=lambda *args: {}["wheee"]) def skippy_example(): return inner() for fn in (example, skippy_example): assert_tb_matches( fn(), [ ("test_get_target_fails", "fn(),", None, None), (fn.__name__, "return inner()", None, None), ], error=KeyError("wheee"), ) @pytest.mark.skipif( == "pypy", reason="", ) def test_greenlet_in_other_thread(): greenlet = pytest.importorskip("greenlet") ready_evt = threading.Event() done_evt = threading.Event() gr = None def thread_fn(): def target(): ready_evt.set() done_evt.wait() nonlocal gr gr = greenlet.greenlet(target) gr.switch() threading.Thread(target=thread_fn).start() ready_evt.wait() assert_tb_matches( Traceback.of(gr), [], error=RuntimeError( "Traceback.of(greenlet) can't handle a greenlet running in another thread" ), ) done_evt.set() def test_exiting(): # Test traceback when a synchronous context manager is currently exiting. result: Traceback @contextmanager def capture_tb_on_exit(coro): with inner_context() as inner: # noqa: F841 try: yield finally: nonlocal result result = Traceback.of(coro) async def async_capture_tb(): coro = await async_yield(None) with capture_tb_on_exit(coro): pass await async_yield(result) coro = async_capture_tb() coro.send(None) assert_tb_matches( coro.send(coro), [ ( "async_capture_tb", "with capture_tb_on_exit(coro):", None, "_GeneratorContextManager", ), ("async_capture_tb", "pass", None, None), ("__exit__", "next(self.gen)", None, None), *frames_from_inner_context("capture_tb_on_exit"), ("capture_tb_on_exit", "result = Traceback.of(coro)", None, None), ], ) # Test traceback when an async CM is suspended in __aexit__. The # definition of __aexit__ as a staticmethod is to foil the logic # for figuring out which context manager is exiting. class SillyAsyncCM: async def __aenter__(self): pass @staticmethod async def __aexit__(*stuff): await async_yield(None) async def yield_when_async_cm_exiting(): async with SillyAsyncCM(): pass coro = yield_when_async_cm_exiting() coro.send(None) assert_tb_matches( Traceback.of(coro), [ ("yield_when_async_cm_exiting", "async with SillyAsyncCM():", None, None), ("yield_when_async_cm_exiting", "pass", None, None), ("__aexit__", "await async_yield(None)", None, None), ("async_yield", "return (yield value)", None, None), ], ) def test_errors(): with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="must be a frame"): Traceback.since(42) with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="must be a frame or integer"): Traceback.until(sys._getframe(0), limit=2.4) with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match="is not an indirect caller of"): Traceback.until(sys._getframe(1), limit=sys._getframe(0)) @try_in_other_greenlet_too def test_traceback_until(): outer = sys._getframe(0) def example(): inner = sys._getframe(0) def get_tb(limit): return Traceback.until(inner, limit=limit) tb1, tb2, tb3 = [get_tb(lim) for lim in (1, outer, None)] assert tb1 == tb2 assert tb3.frames[-len(tb1) :] == tb1.frames assert_tb_matches( tb1, [ ("test_traceback_until", "example()", None, None), ( "example", "tb1, tb2, tb3 = [get_tb(lim) for lim in (1, outer, None)]", None, None, ), ], ) example() @try_in_other_greenlet_too def test_running_in_thread(): def thread_example(arrived_evt, depart_evt): with outer_context(): arrived_evt.set() depart_evt.wait() def thread_caller(*args): thread_example(*args) # Currently running in other thread for cooked in (False, True): arrived_evt = threading.Event() depart_evt = threading.Event() thread = threading.Thread(target=thread_caller, args=(arrived_evt, depart_evt)) thread.start() try:
3) >>> v = torch.randn(150, 1) >>> out = k.mmv(X1, X2, v, out=None) >>> out.shape torch.Size([100, 1]) """ X1, X2, v, out = self._check_mmv_dimensions(X1, X2, v, out) self._check_device_properties(X1, X2, v, out, fn_name="mmv", opt=opt) params = self.params if opt is not None: params = dataclasses.replace(self.params, **dataclasses.asdict(opt)) mmv_impl = self._decide_mmv_impl(X1, X2, v, params) return mmv_impl(X1, X2, v, self, out, params) def _decide_mmv_impl(self, X1, X2, v, opt: FalkonOptions): """Choose which `mmv` function to use for this data. Note that `mmv` functions compute the kernel-vector product Parameters ---------- X1 : torch.Tensor First data matrix, of shape (N x D) X2 : torch.Tensor Second data matrix, of shape (M x D) v : torch.Tensor Vector for the matrix-vector multiplication (M x T) opt : FalkonOptions Falkon options. Options may be specified to force GPU or CPU usage. Returns ------- mmv_fn A function which allows to perform the `mmv` operation. Notes ----- This function decides based on the inputs: if the inputs are sparse, it will choose the sparse implementations; if CUDA is detected, it will choose the CUDA implementation; otherwise it will simply choose the basic CPU implementation. """ use_cuda = decide_cuda(opt) sparsity = check_sparse(X1, X2) if not all(sparsity) and any(sparsity): raise ValueError("Either all or none of 'X1', 'X2' must be sparse.") if (X1.device.type == 'cuda') and (not use_cuda): warnings.warn("kernel-vector product backend was chosen to be CPU, but GPU input " "tensors found. Defaulting to use the GPU (note this may " "cause issues later). To force usage of the CPU backend, " "please pass CPU tensors; to avoid this warning if the GPU backend is " "desired, check your options (i.e. set 'use_cpu=False').") use_cuda = True sparsity = all(sparsity) if use_cuda: from falkon.mmv_ops.fmmv_cuda import fmmv_cuda, fmmv_cuda_sparse if sparsity: return fmmv_cuda_sparse else: return fmmv_cuda else: if sparsity: return fmmv_cpu_sparse else: return fmmv_cpu def dmmv(self, X1, X2, v, w, out=None, opt: Optional[FalkonOptions] = None): # noinspection PyShadowingNames """Compute double matrix-vector multiplications where the matrix is the current kernel. The general form of `dmmv` operations is: `Kernel(X2, X1) @ (Kernel(X1, X2) @ v + w)` where if `v` is None, then we simply have `Kernel(X2, X1) @ w` and if `w` is None we remove the additive factor. **At least one of `w` and `v` must be provided**. Parameters ---------- X1 : torch.Tensor The first data-matrix for computing the kernel. Of shape (N x D): N samples in D dimensions. X2 : torch.Tensor The second data-matrix for computing the kernel. Of shape (M x D): M samples in D dimensions. Set `X2 == X1` to compute a symmetric kernel. v : torch.Tensor or None A vector to compute the matrix-vector product. This may also be a matrix of shape (M x T), but if `T` is very large the operations will be much slower. w : torch.Tensor or None A vector to compute matrix-vector products. This may also be a matrix of shape (N x T) but if `T` is very large the operations will be much slower. out : torch.Tensor or None Optional tensor of shape (M x T) to hold the output. If not provided it will be created. opt : Optional[FalkonOptions] Options to be used for computing the operation. Useful are the memory size options and CUDA options. Returns ------- out : torch.Tensor The (M x T) output. Examples -------- >>> k = falkon.kernels.GaussianKernel(sigma=2) # You can substitute the Gaussian kernel by any other. >>> X1 = torch.randn(100, 3) # N is 100, D is 3 >>> X2 = torch.randn(150, 3) # M is 150 >>> v = torch.randn(150, 1) >>> w = torch.randn(100, 1) >>> out = k.dmmv(X1, X2, v, w, out=None) >>> out.shape torch.Size([150, 1]) """ X1, X2, v, w, out = self._check_dmmv_dimensions(X1, X2, v, w, out) self._check_device_properties(X1, X2, v, w, out, fn_name="dmmv", opt=opt) params = self.params if opt is not None: params = dataclasses.replace(self.params, **dataclasses.asdict(opt)) dmmv_impl = self._decide_dmmv_impl(X1, X2, v, w, params) return dmmv_impl(X1, X2, v, w, self, out, params) def _decide_dmmv_impl(self, X1, X2, v, w, opt: FalkonOptions): """Choose which `dmmv` function to use for this data. Note that `dmmv` functions compute double kernel-vector products (see :meth:`dmmv` for an explanation of what they are). Parameters ---------- X1 : torch.Tensor First data matrix, of shape (N x D) X2 : torch.Tensor Second data matrix, of shape (M x D) v : torch.Tensor or None Vector for the matrix-vector multiplication (M x T) w : torch.Tensor or None Vector for the matrix-vector multiplicatoin (N x T) opt : FalkonOptions Falkon options. Options may be specified to force GPU or CPU usage. Returns ------- dmmv_fn A function which allows to perform the `mmv` operation. Notes ----- This function decides based on the inputs: if the inputs are sparse, it will choose the sparse implementations; if CUDA is detected, it will choose the CUDA implementation; otherwise it will simply choose the basic CPU implementation. """ use_cuda = decide_cuda(opt) sparsity = check_sparse(X1, X2) if not all(sparsity) and any(sparsity): raise ValueError("Either all or none of 'X1', 'X2' must be sparse.") if (X1.device.type == 'cuda') and (not use_cuda): warnings.warn("kernel-vector double product backend was chosen to be CPU, but GPU " "input tensors found. Defaulting to use the GPU (note this may " "cause issues later). To force usage of the CPU backend, " "please pass CPU tensors; to avoid this warning if the GPU backend is " "desired, check your options (i.e. set 'use_cpu=False').") use_cuda = True sparsity = all(sparsity) if use_cuda: from falkon.mmv_ops.fmmv_cuda import fdmmv_cuda, fdmmv_cuda_sparse if sparsity: return fdmmv_cuda_sparse else: return fdmmv_cuda else: if sparsity: return fdmmv_cpu_sparse else: return fdmmv_cpu @abstractmethod def _prepare(self, X1, X2) -> Any: """Pre-processing operations necessary to compute the kernel. This function will be called with two blocks of data which may be subsampled on the first dimension (i.e. X1 may be of size `n x D` where `n << N`). The function should not modify `X1` and `X2`. If necessary, it may return some data which is then made available to the :meth:`_finalize` method. For example, in the Gaussian kernel, this method is used to compute the squared norms of the datasets. Parameters ---------- X1 : torch.Tensor (n x D) tensor. It is a block of the `X1` input matrix, possibly subsampled in the first dimension. X2 : torch.Tensor (m x D) tensor. It is a block of the `X2` input matrix, possibly subsampled in the first dimension. Returns ------- Data which may be used for the :meth:`_finalize` method. If no such information is necessary, returns None. """ pass @abstractmethod def _apply(self, X1, X2, out) -> None: """Main kernel operation, usually matrix multiplication. This function will be called with two blocks of data which may be subsampled on the first and second dimension (i.e. X1 may be of size `n x d` where `n << N` and `d << D`). The output shall be stored in the `out` argument, and not be returned. Parameters ---------- X1 : torch.Tensor (n x d) tensor. It is a block of the `X1` input matrix, possibly subsampled in the first dimension. X2 : torch.Tensor (m x d) tensor. It is a block of the `X2` input matrix, possibly subsampled in the first dimension. out : torch.Tensor (n x m) tensor. A tensor in which the output of the operation shall be accumulated. This tensor is initialized to 0 before calling `_apply`, but in case of subsampling of the data along the second dimension, multiple calls will be needed to compute a single (n x m) output block. In such case, the first call to this method will have a zeroed tensor, while subsequent calls will simply reuse the same object. """ pass @abstractmethod def _finalize(self, A, d): """Final actions to be performed on a partial kernel matrix. All elementwise operations on the kernel matrix should
v] + h4_accelerated[j, v] + h5_accelerated[j, v] + h6_accelerated[j, v] + h7_accelerated[j, v] == j.levels() + 1, name="constrK13") # model.addConstr(h0_accelerated[j, v] + h1_accelerated[j, v] + h2_accelerated[j, v] + h3_accelerated[j, v] + h4_accelerated[j, v] + h5_accelerated[j, v] == 4, name="constrK7") model.addConstr(boundary_helper_accelerated[j, v, 0] == and_(h0_accelerated[j, v], h1_accelerated[j, v]), name="constrK9") model.addConstr(boundary_helper_accelerated[j, v, 1] == and_(h2_accelerated[j, v], h3_accelerated[j, v]), name="constrK10") model.addConstr(boundary_helper_accelerated[j, v, 2] == and_(h4_accelerated[j, v], h5_accelerated[j, v]), name="constrK11") model.addConstr(boundary_helper_accelerated[j, v, 3] == and_(h6_accelerated[j, v], h7_accelerated[j, v]), name="constrK12") # GPU resource demand calculation among different options for different load levels model.addConstr(gpu_req[j, v] + BIG_M * (1 - boundary_helper_gpu[j, v, 0]) >= j.gpu_req_inrange(in_vector, 0) - (1 - as_accelerated[j, v]) * j.constant_factor_gpu_inrange(0), name = "constrDemandGpu_%s_%s" % (j, v)) model.addConstr(gpu_req[j, v] + BIG_M * (1 - boundary_helper_gpu[j, v, 1]) >= j.gpu_req_inrange(in_vector, 1) - (1 - as_accelerated[j, v]) * j.constant_factor_gpu_inrange(1), name = "constrDemandGpu_%s_%s" % (j, v)) model.addConstr(gpu_req[j, v] + BIG_M * (1 - boundary_helper_gpu[j, v, 2]) >= j.gpu_req_inrange(in_vector, 2) - (1 - as_accelerated[j, v]) * j.constant_factor_gpu_inrange(2), name = "constrDemandGpu_%s_%s" % (j, v)) model.addConstr(gpu_req[j, v] + BIG_M * (1 - boundary_helper_gpu[j, v, 3]) >= j.gpu_req_inrange(in_vector, 3) - (1 - as_accelerated[j, v]) * j.constant_factor_gpu_inrange(3), name = "constrDemandGpu_%s_%s" % (j, v)) model.addConstr(j.boundary["accelerated"][0][1] - component_input_sum[j,v] + 0.001 <= BIG_M * h0_gpu[j, v], name="constrL1") model.addConstr(component_input_sum[j,v] - j.boundary["accelerated"][0][0] + 0.001 <= BIG_M * h1_gpu[j, v], name="constrL2") model.addConstr(j.boundary["accelerated"][1][1] - component_input_sum[j,v] + 0.001 <= BIG_M * h2_gpu[j, v], name="constrL3") model.addConstr(component_input_sum[j,v] - j.boundary["accelerated"][1][0] + 0.001 <= BIG_M * h3_gpu[j, v], name="constrL4") model.addConstr(j.boundary["accelerated"][2][1] - component_input_sum[j,v] + 0.001 <= BIG_M * h4_gpu[j, v], name="constrL5") model.addConstr(component_input_sum[j,v] - j.boundary["accelerated"][2][0] + 0.001 <= BIG_M * h5_gpu[j, v], name="constrL6") model.addConstr(j.boundary["accelerated"][3][1] - component_input_sum[j,v] + 0.001 <= BIG_M * h6_gpu[j, v], name="constrL7") model.addConstr(component_input_sum[j,v] - j.boundary["accelerated"][3][0] + 0.001 <= BIG_M * h7_gpu[j, v], name="constrL8") model.addConstr(h0_gpu[j, v] + h1_gpu[j, v] + h2_gpu[j, v] + h3_gpu[j, v] + h4_gpu[j, v] + h5_gpu[j, v] + h6_gpu[j, v] + h7_gpu[j, v] == j.levels() + 1, name="constrL13") # model.addConstr(h0_gpu[j, v] + h1_gpu[j, v] + h2_gpu[j, v] + h3_gpu[j, v] + h4_gpu[j, v] + h5_gpu[j, v] == 4, name="constrL7") model.addConstr(boundary_helper_gpu[j, v, 0] == and_(h0_gpu[j, v], h1_gpu[j, v]), name="constrL9") model.addConstr(boundary_helper_gpu[j, v, 1] == and_(h2_gpu[j, v], h3_gpu[j, v]), name="constrL10") model.addConstr(boundary_helper_gpu[j, v, 2] == and_(h4_gpu[j, v], h5_gpu[j, v]), name="constrL11") model.addConstr(boundary_helper_gpu[j, v, 3] == and_(h6_gpu[j, v], h7_gpu[j, v]), name="constrL12") for j in components: if not j.source: for v in nodes.ids: model.addConstr(vm_cpu[j, v] <= 10001 * as_vm[j, v], name="constrA1") model.addConstr(vm_cpu[j, v] <= cpu_if_vm[j, v], name="constrA2") model.addConstr(vm_cpu[j, v] >= cpu_if_vm[j, v] - 10001 * (1 - as_vm[j,v]), name="constrA3") model.addConstr(container_cpu[j, v] <= 10001 * as_container[j, v], name="constrA4") model.addConstr(container_cpu[j, v] <= cpu_if_container[j, v], name="constrA5") model.addConstr(container_cpu[j, v] >= cpu_if_container[j, v] - 10001 * (1 - as_container[j,v]), name="constrA6") model.addConstr(accelerated_cpu[j, v] <= 10001 * as_accelerated[j, v], name="constrA7") model.addConstr(accelerated_cpu[j, v] <= cpu_if_accelerated[j, v], name="constrA8") model.addConstr(accelerated_cpu[j, v] >= cpu_if_accelerated[j, v] - 10001 * (1 - as_accelerated[j,v]), name="constrA9") model.addConstr(cpu_req[j, v] == vm_cpu[j, v] + container_cpu[j, v] + accelerated_cpu[j, v], name = "constDemandCPU_%s_%s" % (j, v)) model.addConstr(gpu_req_final[j, v] <= 10001 * as_accelerated[j, v], name="constrA11") model.addConstr(gpu_req_final[j, v] <= gpu_req[j, v], name="constrA12") model.addConstr(gpu_req_final[j, v] >= gpu_req[j, v] - 10001 * (1 - as_accelerated[j,v]), name="constrA13") # Respect node and link capacity constraints for v in nodes.ids: model.addConstr(quicksum(cpu_req[j, v] for j in components) <= nodes.cpu[v], name="constrCapCPU_%s" % (v)) # 14 model.addConstr(quicksum(gpu_req_final[j, v] for j in components) <= nodes.gpu[v], name="constrCapGPU_%s" % (v)) for l in links.ids: model.addConstr(quicksum(link_dr[a, v1, v2, l] for a in arcs for v1 in nodes.ids for v2 in nodes.ids) <= links.dr[l], name="constrCapLink") # 18 for v in nodes.ids: model.addConstr(vm_time[j, v] == j.time["vm"] * component_input_sum[j, v] - (1 - as_vm[j, v]) * j.time["vm"] * component_input_sum[j, v], name="constrA14") model.addConstr(vm_time[j, v] <= BIG_M * as_vm[j, v], name="constrA15") model.addConstr(container_time[j, v] == j.time["container"] * component_input_sum[j, v] - (1 - as_container[j, v]) * j.time["container"] * component_input_sum[j, v], name="constrA16") model.addConstr(container_time[j, v] <= BIG_M * as_container[j, v], name="constrA17") model.addConstr(accelerated_time[j, v] == j.time["accelerated"] * component_input_sum[j, v] - (1 - as_accelerated[j, v]) * j.time["accelerated"] * component_input_sum[j, v], name="constrA18") model.addConstr(accelerated_time[j, v] <= BIG_M * as_accelerated[j, v], name="constrA19") # model.addConstr(vm_input[j, v] == component_input_sum[j, v] - (1 - as_vm[j, v]) * component_input_sum[j, v]) # # model.addConstr(vm_input[j, v] == component_input_sum[j, v] * as_vm[j, v]) # model.addConstr(vm_time[j, v] == vm_input[j, v] * j.time["vm"]) # # model.addConstr(cost_vm_cpu[j,v] == vm_time[j,v] * nodes.cpu_cost[v]) # model.addConstr(container_input[j, v] == component_input_sum[j, v] - (1 - as_container[j, v]) * component_input_sum[j, v]) # # model.addConstr(container_input[j, v] == component_input_sum[j, v] * as_container[j, v]) # model.addConstr(container_time[j, v] == container_input[j, v] * j.time["container"]) # # model.addConstr(cost_container_cpu[j,v] == container_time[j,v] * nodes.cpu_cost[v]) # model.addConstr(accelerated_input[j, v] == component_input_sum[j, v] - (1 - as_accelerated[j, v]) * component_input_sum[j, v]) # # model.addConstr(accelerated_input[j, v] == component_input_sum[j, v] * as_accelerated[j, v]) # model.addConstr(accelerated_time[j, v] == accelerated_input[j, v] * j.time["accelerated"]) # # model.addConstr(cost_accelerated_cpu[j,v] == accelerated_time[j,v] * nodes.cpu_cost[v]) # # model.addConstr(gpu_cost[j,v] == accelerated_time[j,v] * nodes.gpu_cost[v]) model.addConstr(processing_time[j, v] == vm_time[j, v] + container_time[j, v] + accelerated_time[j, v], name="constrA20") # model.addConstr(cpu_cost[j,v] == cost_vm_cpu[j,v] + cost_container_cpu[j,v] + cost_accelerated_cpu[j,v]) for j in components: model.addConstr(maxproctime[j] == max_([processing_time[j,v] for v in nodes.ids]), name="constrA21") model.addConstr(proctime == quicksum(maxproctime[j] for j in components), name="constrA22") # model.addConstr(proctime <= 0.09, name="constrA23") # Calculate total cost of deployment # model.addConstr(quicksum(cpu_req[j, v] * cpu_cost[j, v] + gpu_req_final[j, v] * gpu_cost[j, v] for j in components for v in nodes.ids) <= total_cost) # model.addConstr(total_cost == quicksum(cpu_req[j, v] * cpu_cost[j, v] + gpu_req_final[j, v] * gpu_cost[j, v] for j in components for v in nodes.ids)) # model.addConstr(quicksum(cpu_req[j, v] * cpu_cost[j, v] + gpu_req_final[j, v] * gpu_cost[j, v] for j in components for v in nodes.ids) <= total_cost) for j in components: for v in nodes.ids: # model.addConstr(total_cost[j, v] == processing_time[j, v] * cpu_req[j, v] * nodes.cpu_cost[v] + processing_time[j, v] * gpu_req_final[j, v] * nodes.gpu_cost[v]) model.addConstr(compute_cost[j, v] == cpu_req[j, v] * nodes.cpu_cost[v] + gpu_req_final[j, v] * nodes.gpu_cost[v], name="constrA24") model.addConstr(quicksum(cpu_req[j, v] * nodes.cpu_cost[v] + gpu_req_final[j, v] * nodes.gpu_cost[v] for j in components for v in nodes.ids) == total_cost, name="constrA25") model.addConstr(max_resource_cost == max_(compute_cost[j, v] for j in components for v in nodes.ids)) model.addConstr(max_processing_time == max_(processing_time[j, v] for j in components for v in nodes.ids)) #################### # OBJECTIVE # cpu_cost = 1 # gpu_cost = 3 # model.setObjectiveN(quicksum(cpu_req[j, v] * processing_time[j, v] * nodes.cpu_cost[v] # + gpu_req_final[j, v] * processing_time[j, v] * nodes.gpu_cost[v] # for j in components for v in nodes.ids), # index=0, priority=5, name="MinimizeTotalCost") # model.setObjectiveN(quicksum(link_dr[a, v1, v2, l] for a in arcs for v1 in nodes.ids for v2 in nodes.ids for l in links.ids), # index=1, priority=4, name="MinimizeNetworkDemand") # model.setObjectiveN(quicksum(changed[j, v] for j in components for v in nodes.ids), # index=2, priority=1, name="MinimizeChanged") ## # model.setObjectiveN(proctime, # index=1, priority=3, name="MinimizeProcessingTime") # model.setObjectiveN(total_cost, # index=2, priority=1, name="MinimizeComputeDemand") # # model.setObjectiveN(quicksum(link_dr[a, v1, v2, l] for a in arcs for v1 in nodes.ids for v2 in nodes.ids for l in links.ids), # # index=2, priority=3, name="MinimizeNetworkDemand") # model.setObjectiveN(quicksum(changed[j, v] for j in components for v in nodes.ids), # index=0, priority=5, name="MinimizeChanged") ## # wchange = 1 # wdr = wchange + len(components) * len(nodes.ids) # wcost = wdr + len(links.ids) * 500 # wtime = wcost + len(links.ids) * 500 # model.setObjective(wtime * max(processing_time[j, v] for j in components for v in nodes.ids) # + wcost * max(compute_cost[j, v] for j in components for v in nodes.ids) # + wdr * quicksum(link_dr[a, v1, v2, l] for a in arcs for v1 in nodes.ids for v2 in nodes.ids for l in links.ids) # + wchange * quicksum(changed[j, v] for j in components for v in nodes.ids)) # model.setObjective(wcost * quicksum(processing_time[j, v] * compute_cost[j, v] for j in components for v in nodes.ids) # + wdr * quicksum(link_dr[a, v1, v2, l] for a in arcs for v1 in nodes.ids for v2 in nodes.ids for l in links.ids) # + wchange * quicksum(changed[j,
<gh_stars>1-10 from pyqtgraph.Qt import QtGui, QtCore import numpy as np from pyqtgraph.Point import Point import pyqtgraph.debug as debug import weakref import pyqtgraph.functions as fn from GraphicsWidget import GraphicsWidget __all__ = ['AxisItem'] class AxisItem(GraphicsWidget): def __init__(self, orientation, pen=None, linkView=None, parent=None, maxTickLength=-5, showValues=True): """ GraphicsItem showing a single plot axis with ticks, values, and label. Can be configured to fit on any side of a plot, and can automatically synchronize its displayed scale with ViewBox items. Ticks can be extended to make a grid. If maxTickLength is negative, ticks point into the plot. """ GraphicsWidget.__init__(self, parent) self.label = QtGui.QGraphicsTextItem(self) self.showValues = showValues self.picture = None self.orientation = orientation if orientation not in ['left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom']: raise Exception("Orientation argument must be one of 'left', 'right', 'top', or 'bottom'.") if orientation in ['left', 'right']: #self.setMinimumWidth(25) #self.setSizePolicy(QtGui.QSizePolicy( #QtGui.QSizePolicy.Minimum, #QtGui.QSizePolicy.Expanding #)) self.label.rotate(-90) #else: #self.setMinimumHeight(50) #self.setSizePolicy(QtGui.QSizePolicy( #QtGui.QSizePolicy.Expanding, #QtGui.QSizePolicy.Minimum #)) #self.drawLabel = False self.labelText = '' self.labelUnits = '' self.labelUnitPrefix='' self.labelStyle = {'color': '#CCC'} self.logMode = False self.textHeight = 18 self.tickLength = maxTickLength self.scale = 1.0 self.autoScale = True self.setRange(0, 1) if pen is None: pen = QtGui.QPen(QtGui.QColor(100, 100, 100)) self.setPen(pen) self._linkedView = None if linkView is not None: self.linkToView(linkView) self.showLabel(False) self.grid = False #self.setCacheMode(self.DeviceCoordinateCache) def close(self): self.scene().removeItem(self.label) self.label = None self.scene().removeItem(self) def setGrid(self, grid): """Set the alpha value for the grid, or False to disable.""" self.grid = grid self.picture = None self.prepareGeometryChange() self.update() def setLogMode(self, log): self.logMode = log self.picture = None self.update() def resizeEvent(self, ev=None): #s = self.size() ## Set the position of the label nudge = 5 br = self.label.boundingRect() p = QtCore.QPointF(0, 0) if self.orientation == 'left': p.setY(int(self.size().height()/2 + br.width()/2)) p.setX(-nudge) #s.setWidth(10) elif self.orientation == 'right': #s.setWidth(10) p.setY(int(self.size().height()/2 + br.width()/2)) p.setX(int(self.size().width()-br.height()+nudge)) elif self.orientation == 'top': #s.setHeight(10) p.setY(-nudge) p.setX(int(self.size().width()/2. - br.width()/2.)) elif self.orientation == 'bottom': p.setX(int(self.size().width()/2. - br.width()/2.)) #s.setHeight(10) p.setY(int(self.size().height()-br.height()+nudge)) #self.label.resize(s) self.label.setPos(p) self.picture = None def showLabel(self, show=True): #self.drawLabel = show self.label.setVisible(show) if self.orientation in ['left', 'right']: self.setWidth() else: self.setHeight() if self.autoScale: self.setScale() def setLabel(self, text=None, units=None, unitPrefix=None, **args): if text is not None: self.labelText = text self.showLabel() if units is not None: self.labelUnits = units self.showLabel() if unitPrefix is not None: self.labelUnitPrefix = unitPrefix if len(args) > 0: self.labelStyle = args self.label.setHtml(self.labelString()) self.resizeEvent() self.picture = None self.update() def labelString(self): if self.labelUnits == '': if self.scale == 1.0: units = '' else: units = u'(x%g)' % (1.0/self.scale) else: #print repr(self.labelUnitPrefix), repr(self.labelUnits) units = u'(%s%s)' % (self.labelUnitPrefix, self.labelUnits) s = u'%s %s' % (self.labelText, units) style = ';'.join(['%s: "%s"' % (k, self.labelStyle[k]) for k in self.labelStyle]) return u"<span style='%s'>%s</span>" % (style, s) def setHeight(self, h=None): if h is None: h = self.textHeight + max(0, self.tickLength) if self.label.isVisible(): h += self.textHeight self.setMaximumHeight(h) self.setMinimumHeight(h) self.picture = None def setWidth(self, w=None): if w is None: w = max(0, self.tickLength) + 40 if self.label.isVisible(): w += self.textHeight self.setMaximumWidth(w) self.setMinimumWidth(w) def setPen(self, pen): self.pen = pen self.picture = None self.update() def setScale(self, scale=None): """ Set the value scaling for this axis. The scaling value 1) multiplies the values displayed along the axis and 2) changes the way units are displayed in the label. For example: If the axis spans values from -0.1 to 0.1 and has units set to 'V' then a scale of 1000 would cause the axis to display values -100 to 100 and the units would appear as 'mV' If scale is None, then it will be determined automatically based on the current range displayed by the axis. """ if scale is None: #if self.drawLabel: ## If there is a label, then we are free to rescale the values if self.label.isVisible(): d = self.range[1] - self.range[0] #(scale, prefix) = fn.siScale(d / 2.) (scale, prefix) = fn.siScale(max(abs(self.range[0]), abs(self.range[1]))) if self.labelUnits == '' and prefix in ['k', 'm']: ## If we are not showing units, wait until 1e6 before scaling. scale = 1.0 prefix = '' self.setLabel(unitPrefix=prefix) else: scale = 1.0 if scale != self.scale: self.scale = scale self.setLabel() self.picture = None self.update() def setRange(self, mn, mx): if mn in [np.nan, np.inf, -np.inf] or mx in [np.nan, np.inf, -np.inf]: raise Exception("Not setting range to [%s, %s]" % (str(mn), str(mx))) self.range = [mn, mx] if self.autoScale: self.setScale() self.picture = None self.update() def linkedView(self): """Return the ViewBox this axis is linked to""" if self._linkedView is None: return None else: return self._linkedView() def linkToView(self, view): oldView = self.linkedView() self._linkedView = weakref.ref(view) if self.orientation in ['right', 'left']: if oldView is not None: oldView.sigYRangeChanged.disconnect(self.linkedViewChanged) view.sigYRangeChanged.connect(self.linkedViewChanged) else: if oldView is not None: oldView.sigXRangeChanged.disconnect(self.linkedViewChanged) view.sigXRangeChanged.connect(self.linkedViewChanged) def linkedViewChanged(self, view, newRange): self.setRange(*newRange) def boundingRect(self): linkedView = self.linkedView() if linkedView is None or self.grid is False: rect = self.mapRectFromParent(self.geometry()) ## extend rect if ticks go in negative direction if self.orientation == 'left': rect.setRight(rect.right() - min(0,self.tickLength)) elif self.orientation == 'right': rect.setLeft(rect.left() + min(0,self.tickLength)) elif self.orientation == 'top': rect.setBottom(rect.bottom() - min(0,self.tickLength)) elif self.orientation == 'bottom': rect.setTop( + min(0,self.tickLength)) return rect else: return self.mapRectFromParent(self.geometry()) | linkedView.mapRectToItem(self, linkedView.boundingRect()) def paint(self, p, opt, widget): if self.picture is None: self.picture = QtGui.QPicture() painter = QtGui.QPainter(self.picture) try: self.drawPicture(painter) finally: painter.end() def tickSpacing(self, minVal, maxVal, size): """Return values describing the desired spacing and offset of ticks. This method is called whenever the axis needs to be redrawn and is a good method to override in subclasses that require control over tick locations. The return value must be a list of three tuples: [ (major tick spacing, offset), (minor tick spacing, offset), (sub-minor tick spacing, offset), ... ] """ dif = abs(maxVal - minVal) if dif == 0: return [] ## decide optimal minor tick spacing in pixels (this is just aesthetics) pixelSpacing = np.log(size+10) * 5 optimalTickCount = size / pixelSpacing if optimalTickCount < 1: optimalTickCount = 1 ## optimal minor tick spacing optimalSpacing = dif / optimalTickCount ## the largest power-of-10 spacing which is smaller than optimal p10unit = 10 ** np.floor(np.log10(optimalSpacing)) ## Determine major/minor tick spacings which flank the optimal spacing. intervals = np.array([1., 2., 10., 20., 100.]) * p10unit minorIndex = 0 while intervals[minorIndex+1] <= optimalSpacing: minorIndex += 1 return [ (intervals[minorIndex+2], 0), (intervals[minorIndex+1], 0), (intervals[minorIndex], 0) ] def tickValues(self, minVal, maxVal, size): """ Return the values and spacing of ticks to draw [ (spacing, [major ticks]), (spacing, [minor ticks]), ... ] By default, this method calls tickSpacing to determine the correct tick locations. This is a good method to override in subclasses. """ if self.logMode: return self.logTickValues(minVal, maxVal, size) ticks = [] tickLevels = self.tickSpacing(minVal, maxVal, size) for i in range(len(tickLevels)): spacing, offset = tickLevels[i] ## determine starting tick start = (np.ceil((minVal-offset) / spacing) * spacing) + offset ## determine number of ticks num = int((maxVal-start) / spacing) + 1 ticks.append((spacing, np.arange(num) * spacing + start)) return ticks def logTickValues(self, minVal, maxVal, size): v1 = int(np.floor(minVal)) v2 = int(np.ceil(maxVal)) major = range(v1+1, v2) minor = [] for v in range(v1, v2): minor.extend(v + np.log10(np.arange(1, 10))) minor = filter(lambda x: x>minVal and x<maxVal, minor) return [(1.0, major), (None, minor)] def tickStrings(self, values, scale, spacing): """Return the strings that should be placed next to ticks. This method is called when redrawing the axis and is a good method to override in subclasses. The method is called with a list of tick values, a scaling factor (see below), and the spacing between ticks (this is required since, in some instances, there may be only one tick and thus no other way to determine the tick spacing) The scale argument is used when the axis label is displaying units which may have an SI scaling prefix. When determining the text to display,
<reponame>GT-RAIL/isolation_cyoa<filename>dining_room/models/ import os from django.conf import settings from django.core.validators import MinValueValidator from django.db import models from django.contrib import auth from django.contrib.auth.models import (AbstractBaseUser, PermissionsMixin, BaseUserManager) from django.contrib.auth.validators import ASCIIUsernameValidator from django.utils import timezone from django.utils.crypto import get_random_string, salted_hmac from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _ from .. import constants from .domain import State, Transition, Suggestions # Model for managing the study condition class StudyManagement(models.Model): """ This model manages how new users are assigned to study conditions. Note: the class should've been named StudyManager """ enabled_study_conditions = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0, help_text="A bit vector for the study conditions that are enabled") enabled_start_conditions = models.TextField(default="none", help_text="\\n separated start conditions") number_per_condition = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0, help_text="Number of people per combination of the conditions") max_number_of_people = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0, help_text="Maximum number of people to provision IDs for") max_test_attempts = models.IntegerField(default=5, help_text="Maximum number of times a user can fail the knowledge test") data_directory = models.CharField(max_length=50, help_text=f"Data directory for user data within '{os.path.join(settings.DROPBOX_ROOT_PATH, settings.DROPBOX_DATA_FOLDER)}'") max_dx_suggestions = models.IntegerField(default=Suggestions.DEFAULT_MAX_DX_SUGGESTIONS, help_text="Max number of diagnosis suggestions to display", validators=[MinValueValidator(1)]) max_ax_suggestions = models.IntegerField(default=Suggestions.DEFAULT_MAX_AX_SUGGESTIONS, help_text="Max number of action suggestions to display", validators=[MinValueValidator(1)]) pad_suggestions = models.BooleanField(default=Suggestions.DEFAULT_PAD_SUGGESTIONS, help_text="Pad the suggestions if we don't have enough") _enabled_study_conditions = _enabled_start_conditions = None class Meta: verbose_name = _('study management') verbose_name_plural = _('study management') def __str__(self): return self.data_directory @property def enabled_start_conditions_list(self): if self._enabled_start_conditions is None: self._enabled_start_conditions = [] for condition in self.enabled_start_conditions.split('\n'): if condition.strip() in User.StartConditions: self._enabled_start_conditions.append(User.StartConditions(condition.strip())) return self._enabled_start_conditions @property def enabled_study_conditions_list(self): if self._enabled_study_conditions is None: self._enabled_study_conditions = [x for x in User.StudyConditions if self.check_study_condition(x)] return self._enabled_study_conditions @property def resolved_data_directory(self): return os.path.join(settings.DROPBOX_DATA_FOLDER, self.data_directory) @staticmethod def get_default(): """Get the default study management object that we shall be using. I think this should be a 'manager', but it doesn't really matter now""" return StudyManagement.objects.order_by('-pk')[0] @staticmethod def get_default_pk(): try: return StudyManagement.get_default().pk except Exception as e: return None @staticmethod def convert_to_enabled_study_conditions(conditions): """Given a list of enabled study conditions, convert them to the int value representing the ones that are enabled""" value = 0 for condition in set(conditions): value += (1 << (condition-1)) return value def check_study_condition(self, condition): """Check that the condition, given by an int, is enabled""" return (self.enabled_study_conditions & (1 << (condition-1))) > 0 def check_start_condition(self, condition): """Check that the condition, given by a string, is enabled""" return condition in self.enabled_start_conditions_list # Create the model for the user and the associated manager class UserManager(models.Manager): """ A custom manager that removes the tight coupling to email that's present in the base user manager. """ use_in_migrations = True def make_random_password(self, length=10, allowed_chars='abcdefghjkmnpqrstuvwxyz' 'ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ' '23456789'): """ Generate a random password with the given length and given allowed_chars. The default value of allowed_chars does not have "I" or "O" or letters and digits that look similar -- just to avoid confusion. """ return get_random_string(length, allowed_chars) def get_by_natural_key(self, username): return self.get(**{self.model.USERNAME_FIELD: username}) def _create_user(self, username, unique_key, password, **extra_fields): """ Create and save a user with the given username, unique_key, and password """ if not username: raise ValueError("Username must be set") username = self.model.normalize_username(username) user = self.model(username=username, unique_key=unique_key, **extra_fields) user.set_password(password) return user def create_user(self, username, unique_key, **extra_fields): extra_fields.setdefault('is_staff', False) extra_fields.setdefault('is_superuser', False) password = username extra_fields.pop('password', None) return self._create_user(username, unique_key, password, **extra_fields) def create_superuser(self, username, password, **extra_fields): """""" extra_fields.setdefault('is_staff', True) extra_fields.setdefault('is_superuser', True) extra_fields.setdefault('study_condition', User.StudyConditions.DXAX_100) extra_fields.setdefault('start_condition', User.StartConditions.AT_COUNTER_OCCLUDING_ABOVE_MUG) if extra_fields.get('is_staff') is not True: raise ValueError("Superuser must have is_staff=True") if extra_fields.get('is_superuser') is not True: raise ValueError("Superuser must have is_superuser=True") unique_key = username extra_fields.pop('unique_key', None) return self._create_user(username, unique_key, password, **extra_fields) def with_perm(self, perm, is_active=True, include_superusers=True, backend=None, obj=None): """Return a list of users with permissions""" if backend is None: backends = auth._get_backends(return_tuples=True) assert len(backends) == 1, f"Expected 1 backend, got: {backends}" backend, _ = backends[0] elif not isinstance(backend, str): raise TypeError(f"backend must be a dotted import path string. got {backend}") else: backend = auth.load_backend(backend) if hasattr(backend, 'with_perm'): return backend.with_perm( perm, is_active=is_active, include_superusers=include_superusers, obj=obj ) return self.none() class User(AbstractBaseUser, PermissionsMixin): """ The custom user class that we create. The changes from the default definition are: 1. We have a specific unique_key instead of an email, that can be used by MTurk workers to get compensation. We pretend the 2. Demographic information about the user, their responses to questions, the condition, etc. are all recorded as part of the user field (to limit the number of rows) """ # User Auth username_validator = ASCIIUsernameValidator() username = models.CharField(_('username'), max_length=30, unique=True, validators=[username_validator]) unique_key = models.CharField(_('unique_key'), max_length=30, unique=True) # Permissions, etc. is_staff = models.BooleanField(_('staff status'), default=False) is_active = models.BooleanField(_('active'), default=True) date_joined = models.DateTimeField(_('date joined'), auto_now_add=True) # Used in default User date_modified = models.DateTimeField(_('date modified'), auto_now=True) # Study condition tracking class StudyConditions(models.IntegerChoices): """The study conditions""" BASELINE = 1, _('Baseline') # 100% correct DX_100 = 2, _('DX, 100') AX_100 = 3, _('AX, 100') DXAX_100 = 4, _('DX & AX, 100') # 90% correct DX_90 = 5, _('DX, 90') AX_90 = 6, _('AX, 90') DXAX_90 = 7, _('DX & AX, 90') # 80% correct DX_80 = 8, _('DX, 80') AX_80 = 9, _('AX, 80') DXAX_80 = 10, _('DX & AX, 80') # 70% correct DX_70 = 11, _('DX, 70') AX_70 = 12, _('AX, 70') DXAX_70 = 13, _('DX & AX, 70') # TODO: Add the actions with SA improvement conditions __empty__ = _('(Unknown)') study_condition = models.IntegerField(_('study condition'), blank=True, null=True, choices=StudyConditions.choices) SHOW_DX_STUDY_CONDITIONS = [ StudyConditions.DX_100, StudyConditions.DXAX_100, StudyConditions.DX_90, StudyConditions.DXAX_90, StudyConditions.DX_80, StudyConditions.DXAX_80, StudyConditions.DX_70, StudyConditions.DXAX_70, ] SHOW_AX_STUDY_CONDITIONS = [ StudyConditions.AX_100, StudyConditions.DXAX_100, StudyConditions.AX_90, StudyConditions.DXAX_90, StudyConditions.AX_80, StudyConditions.DXAX_80, StudyConditions.AX_70, StudyConditions.DXAX_70, ] STUDY_CONDITIONS_NOISE_LEVELS = { StudyConditions.DX_100: 0, StudyConditions.AX_100: 0, StudyConditions.DXAX_100: 0, StudyConditions.DX_90: 0.1, StudyConditions.AX_90: 0.1, StudyConditions.DXAX_90: 0.1, StudyConditions.DX_80: 0.2, StudyConditions.AX_80: 0.2, StudyConditions.DXAX_80: 0.2, StudyConditions.DX_70: 0.3, StudyConditions.AX_70: 0.3, StudyConditions.DXAX_70: 0.3, } class StartConditions(models.TextChoices): """ The start conditions. Given by the state description in domain.State """ AT_COUNTER_ABOVE_MUG = 'kc.kc.default.above_mug.default.empty.dt' AT_COUNTER_OCCLUDING = 'kc.kc.occluding.default.default.empty.dt' AT_COUNTER_OCCLUDING_ABOVE_MUG = 'kc.kc.occluding.above_mug.default.empty.dt' AT_COUNTER_MISLOCALIZED = 'dt.kc.default.default.default.empty.kc' AT_TABLE = 'kc.dt.default.default.default.empty.dt' AT_TABLE_ABOVE_MUG = 'kc.dt.default.above_mug.default.empty.dt' AT_TABLE_OCCLUDING = 'kc.dt.occluding.default.default.empty.dt' AT_TABLE_OCCLUDING_ABOVE_MUG = 'kc.dt.occluding.above_mug.default.empty.dt' __empty__ = _('(Unknown)') start_condition = models.CharField(_('start condition'), max_length=80, blank=True, null=True, choices=StartConditions.choices) scenario_completed = models.BooleanField(_('scenario completed?'), blank=True, null=True, default=None) date_started = models.DateTimeField(_('date started'), blank=True, null=True) # Starting the scenario date_finished = models.DateTimeField(_('date finished'), blank=True, null=True) # Not necessarily completed the scenario study_management = models.ForeignKey(StudyManagement, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, default=StudyManagement.get_default_pk, null=True, blank=True) rng_state = models.IntegerField(default=Suggestions.DEFAULT_RNG_SEED) # Demographics class AgeGroups(models.IntegerChoices): PREFER_NOT_TO_SAY = 0 BELOW_20 = 1, _("20 & below") BTW_20_25 = 2, _("21 - 25") BTW_25_30 = 3, _("26 - 30") BTW_30_35 = 4, _("31 - 35") BTW_35_40 = 5, _("36 - 40") BTW_40_45 = 6, _("41 - 45") BTW_45_50 = 7, _("46 - 50") ABOVE_50 = 8, _("51 & over") class Genders(models.TextChoices): FEMALE = 'F' MALE = 'M' PREFER_NOT_TO_SAY = 'U', _("Other / Prefer Not to Say") # Unknown class RobotExperienceGroups(models.IntegerChoices): RARELY_OR_NEVER = 0 ONE_TO_THREE_TIMES_A_YEAR = 1, _("1 - 3 Times a Year") MONTHLY = 2 WEEKLY = 3 DAILY = 4 amt_worker_id = models.CharField(_("Worker ID"), max_length=80, null=True, blank=True) age_group = models.IntegerField(choices=AgeGroups.choices, blank=True, null=True) gender = models.CharField(max_length=1, choices=Genders.choices, blank=True, null=True) robot_experience = models.IntegerField(_("how often do you interact with robots?"), choices=RobotExperienceGroups.choices, blank=True, null=True) date_demographics_completed = models.DateTimeField(_('date demographics completed'), blank=True, null=True) # The knowledge review questions supposed_to_grab_bowl = models.BooleanField(_("The robot's goal is to pick up the Bowl?"), blank=True, null=True) supposed_to_go_to_couch = models.BooleanField(_("The robot's goal is to end up at the Couch?"), blank=True, null=True) will_view_in_first_person = models.BooleanField(_("You will see a first-person view from the robot's camera?"), blank=True, null=True) supposed_to_select_only_one_error = models.BooleanField(_("Even if there are multiple problems stopping the robot reaching its goal, you may only select one problem?"), blank=True, null=True) actions_involve_invisible_arm_motion = models.BooleanField(_("Some actions might involve robot arm motions that are not visible on the camera?"), blank=True, null=True) number_incorrect_knowledge_reviews = models.IntegerField(default=0) ACCEPTABLE_REVIEW_ANSWERS = [ ('supposed_to_grab_bowl', False), ('supposed_to_go_to_couch', True), ('will_view_in_first_person', True), ('supposed_to_select_only_one_error', False), ('actions_involve_invisible_arm_motion', True), ] # Field to count the number of times the user has requested the state from # the server. We start at -1 and increment every time `get_next_state_json` # is invoked. This can then be used as the basis for injecting noise number_state_requests = models.IntegerField(default=-1) # Likert Responses class LikertResponses(models.IntegerChoices): STRONGLY_DISAGREE = 0 DISAGREE = 1 NEUTRAL = 2 AGREE = 3 STRONGLY_AGREE = 4 could_identify_problems = models.IntegerField( _("I could always identify the problem(s) affecting the robot's ability to
from __future__ import annotations from ..typecheck import * from enum import IntEnum from ..import core from .import dap from import Watch from .debugger import Debugger from .error import Error from ..breakpoints import ( Breakpoints, SourceBreakpoint, ) from .variable import ( Variable, SourceLocation, ) from .configuration import ( AdapterConfiguration, ConfigurationExpanded, TaskExpanded ) from .transport import TransportProtocol, TransportProtocolListener class SessionListener (Protocol): async def on_session_task_request(self, session: Session, task: TaskExpanded): ... async def on_session_terminal_request(self, session: Session, request: dap.RunInTerminalRequestArguments) -> dap.RunInTerminalResponse: ... def on_session_state_changed(self, session: Session, state: Session.State): ... def on_session_selected_frame(self, session: Session, frame: Optional[dap.StackFrame]): ... def on_session_output_event(self, session: Session, event: dap.OutputEvent): ... def on_session_updated_modules(self, session: Session): ... def on_session_updated_sources(self, session: Session): ... def on_session_updated_variables(self, session: Session): ... def on_session_updated_threads(self, session: Session): ... class Session(TransportProtocolListener, core.Logger): class State (IntEnum): STARTING = 3 STOPPED = 0 STOPPING = 4 # puased/running is based on selected thread PAUSED = 1 RUNNING = 2 stopped_reason_build_failed=0 stopped_reason_launch_error=1 stopped_reason_dispose=2 stopped_reason_cancel=3 stopped_reason_terminated_event=4 stopped_reason_manual=5 def __init__(self, adapter_configuration: AdapterConfiguration, configuration: ConfigurationExpanded, restart: Any|None, no_debug: bool, breakpoints: Breakpoints, watch: Watch, listener: SessionListener, transport_log: core.Logger, debugger: Debugger, parent: Session|None = None ) -> None: self.adapter_configuration = adapter_configuration self.configuration = configuration self.restart = restart self.no_debug = no_debug self.listener = listener self.children: list[Session] = [] self.parent = parent self.debugger = debugger if parent: parent.children.append(self) self.transport_log = transport_log self.state_changed = core.Event[int]() self.breakpoints = breakpoints self.breakpoints_for_id: dict[int, SourceBreakpoint] = {} self.breakpoints.function.on_send.add(self.on_send_function_breakpoints) self.breakpoints.filters.on_send.add(self.on_send_filters) self.breakpoints.source.on_send.add(self.on_send_source_breakpoint) = watch expr:, expr)) self._transport: Optional[TransportProtocol] = None self.launching_async: Optional[core.Future] = None self.capabilities = dap.Capabilities() self.stop_requested = False self.launch_request = True self._state = Session.State.STARTING self._status = 'Starting' self.disposeables: list[Any] = [] self.complete: core.Future[None] = core.Future() self.threads_for_id: dict[int, Thread] = {} self.all_threads_stopped = False self.selected_explicitly = False self.selected_thread = None self.selected_frame = None self.threads: list[Thread] = [] self.variables: list[Variable] = [] self.sources: dict[int|str, dap.Source] = {} self.modules: dict[int|str, dap.Module] = {} @property def name(self) -> str: return @property def state(self) -> State: return self._state @state.setter def state(self, state: State) -> None: if self._state == state: return self._state = state self.listener.on_session_state_changed(self, state) @property def status(self) -> str|None: return self._status def _change_status(self, status: str): self._status = status self.listener.on_session_state_changed(self, self._state) async def launch(self) -> None: try: self.launching_async = await self.launching_async except core.Error as e: self.launching_async = None core.exception(e) self.error('... an error occured, ' + str(e)) await self.stop_forced(reason=Session.stopped_reason_launch_error) except core.CancelledError: ... self.launching_async = None async def _launch(self) -> None: assert self.state == Session.State.STOPPED, 'debugger not in stopped state?' self.state = Session.State.STARTING self.configuration = await self.adapter_configuration.configuration_resolve(self.configuration) if not self.adapter_configuration.installed_version: raise core.Error('Debug adapter with type name "{}" is not installed. You can install it by running Debugger: Install Adapters'.format(self.adapter_configuration.type)) if not await self.run_pre_debug_task():'Pre debug command failed, not starting session') self.launching_async = None await self.stop_forced(reason=Session.stopped_reason_build_failed) return self._change_status('Starting') try: transport = await self.adapter_configuration.start(log=self.transport_log, configuration=self.configuration) except Exception as e: raise core.Error(f'Unable to start the adapter process: {e}') self._transport = TransportProtocol( transport, self, self.transport_log ) capabilities: dap.Capabilities = await self.request('initialize', { 'clientID': 'sublime', 'clientName': 'Sublime Text', 'adapterID': self.configuration.type, 'pathFormat': 'path', 'linesStartAt1': True, 'columnsStartAt1': True, 'supportsVariableType': True, 'supportsVariablePaging': False, 'supportsRunInTerminalRequest': True, 'supportsMemoryReferences': True, 'locale': 'en-us' }) self.capabilities = capabilities # remove/add any exception breakpoint filters self.breakpoints.filters.update(capabilities.exceptionBreakpointFilters or []) if self.restart: self.configuration['__restart'] = self.restart if self.no_debug: self.configuration['noDebug'] = True if self.configuration.request == 'launch': self.launch_request = True await self.request('launch', self.configuration) elif self.configuration.request == 'attach': self.launch_request = False await self.request('attach', self.configuration) else: raise core.Error('expected configuration to have request of either "launch" or "attach" found {}'.format(self.configuration.request)) self.adapter_configuration.did_start_debugging(self) # get the baseline threads after launch/attach # according to self.refresh_threads() # At this point we are running? self._change_status('Running') self.state = Session.State.RUNNING async def request(self, command: str, arguments: Any) -> Any: if not self._transport: raise core.Error(f'Debug Session {self.status}') return await self._transport.send_request_asyc(command, arguments) async def wait(self) -> None: await self.complete async def run_pre_debug_task(self) -> bool: pre_debug_command = self.configuration.pre_debug_task if pre_debug_command: self._change_status('Running pre debug command') r = await self.run_task('Pre debug command', pre_debug_command) return r return True async def run_post_debug_task(self) -> bool: post_debug_command = self.configuration.post_debug_task if post_debug_command: self._change_status('Running post debug command') r = await self.run_task('Post debug command', post_debug_command) return r return True async def run_task(self, name: str, task: TaskExpanded) -> bool: try: await self.listener.on_session_task_request(self, task) return True except core.CancelledError: self.error(f'{name}: cancelled') return False except Exception as e: core.exception() self.error(f'{name}: {e}') return False def _refresh_state(self) -> None: try: thread = self.command_thread if thread.stopped: self._change_status('Paused') self.state = Session.State.PAUSED else: self._change_status('Running') self.state = Session.State.RUNNING except core.Error as e: self.state = Session.State.RUNNING async def add_breakpoints(self) -> None: assert self._transport requests: list[Awaitable[Any]] = [] requests.append(self.set_exception_breakpoint_filters()) requests.append(self.set_function_breakpoints()) for file, filebreaks in self.breakpoints.source.breakpoints_per_file().items(): requests.append(self.set_breakpoints_for_file(file, filebreaks)) if self.capabilities.supportsDataBreakpoints: requests.append(self.set_data_breakpoints()) if requests: await core.wait(requests) async def set_exception_breakpoint_filters(self) -> None: if not self._transport: return filters: list[str] = [] filterOptions: list[dap.ExceptionFilterOptions] = [] for f in self.breakpoints.filters: if f.enabled: filters.append(f.dap.filter) filterOptions.append(dap.ExceptionFilterOptions( f.dap.filter, f.condition, )) await self.request('setExceptionBreakpoints', { 'filters': filters, 'filterOptions': filterOptions }) async def set_function_breakpoints(self) -> None: if not self._transport: return breakpoints = list(filter(lambda b: b.enabled, self.breakpoints.function)) if not self.capabilities.supportsFunctionBreakpoints: # only show error message if the user tried to set a function breakpoint when they are not supported if breakpoints: self.error('This debugger does not support function breakpoints') return dap_breakpoints = list(map(lambda b: b.dap, breakpoints)) response = await self.request('setFunctionBreakpoints', { 'breakpoints': dap_breakpoints }) results: list[dap.Breakpoint] = response['breakpoints'] for result, b in zip(results, breakpoints): self.breakpoints.function.set_result(b, result) async def set_data_breakpoints(self) -> None: if not self._transport: return breakpoints = list(filter(lambda b: b.enabled, dap_breakpoints = list(map(lambda b: b.dap, breakpoints)) response = await self.request('setDataBreakpoints', { 'breakpoints': dap_breakpoints }) results: list[dap.Breakpoint] = response['breakpoints'] for result, b in zip(results, breakpoints):, result) async def set_breakpoints_for_file(self, file: str, breakpoints: list[SourceBreakpoint]) -> None: if not self._transport: return enabled_breakpoints: list[SourceBreakpoint] = [] dap_breakpoints: list[dap.SourceBreakpoint] = [] for breakpoint in breakpoints: if breakpoint.dap.hitCondition and not self.capabilities.supportsHitConditionalBreakpoints: self.error('This debugger does not support hit condition breakpoints') if breakpoint.dap.logMessage and not self.capabilities.supportsLogPoints: self.error('This debugger does not support log points') if breakpoint.dap.condition and not self.capabilities.supportsConditionalBreakpoints: self.error('This debugger does not support conditional breakpoints') if breakpoint.enabled: enabled_breakpoints.append(breakpoint) dap_breakpoints.append(breakpoint.dap) try: response = await self.request('setBreakpoints', { 'source': { 'path': file }, 'breakpoints': dap_breakpoints }) results: list[dap.Breakpoint] = response['breakpoints'] if len(results) != len(enabled_breakpoints): raise Error('expected #breakpoints to match results') for result, b in zip(results, enabled_breakpoints): self.breakpoints.source.set_result(b, result) if self.breakpoints_for_id[] = b except Error as e: for b in enabled_breakpoints: self.breakpoints.source.set_result(b, dap.Breakpoint()) def on_send_data_breakpoints(self, any: Any): def on_send_function_breakpoints(self, any: Any): def on_send_filters(self, any: Any): def on_send_source_breakpoint(self, breakpoint: SourceBreakpoint) -> None: file = breakpoint.file, self.breakpoints.source.breakpoints_for_file(file))) async def stop(self): # this seems to be what the spec says to do in the overview # # haven't started session yet if self._transport is None: await self.stop_forced(reason=Session.stopped_reason_manual) return # If the stop is called multiple times then we call disconnect to forefully disconnect if self.stop_requested: await self.stop_forced(reason=Session.stopped_reason_manual) return self._change_status('Stop Requested') self.stop_requested = True # first try to terminate if we can if self.launch_request and self.capabilities.supportsTerminateRequest: try: await self.request('terminate', { 'restart': False }) return except Error as e: core.exception() # we couldn't terminate either not a launch request or the terminate request failed # so we foreceully disconnect await self.request('disconnect', { 'restart': False }) def stop_debug_adapter_session(self): if self.launching_async: self.launching_async.cancel() self.breakpoints_for_id = {} self.breakpoints.clear_session_data() self.stop_requested = False if self._transport: self.adapter_configuration.did_stop_debugging(self) self._transport.dispose() self._transport = None async def stop_forced(self, reason: int) -> None: if self.state == Session.State.STOPPING or self.state == Session.State.STOPPED: return self.stopped_reason = reason self.state = Session.State.STOPPING self.stop_debug_adapter_session() await self.run_post_debug_task() self._change_status('Ended') self.state = Session.State.STOPPED if not self.complete.done(): self.complete.set_result(None) def dispose(self) -> None: self.stop_debug_adapter_session() for disposeable in self.disposeables: disposeable.dispose() if self.parent: self.parent.children.remove(self) self.parent = None # clean up hierarchy if needed for child in self.children: child.parent = None async def resume(self): body = await self.request('continue', { 'threadId': }) # some adapters aren't giving a response here if body: allThreadsContinued = body.get('allThreadsContinued', True) else: allThreadsContinued = True self.on_continued_event(dap.ContinuedEvent(, allThreadsContinued)) async def pause(self): await self.request('pause', { 'threadId': }) async def step_over(self): self.on_continued_event(dap.ContinuedEvent(, False)) await self.request('next', { 'threadId': }) async def step_in(self): self.on_continued_event(dap.ContinuedEvent(, False)) await self.request('stepIn', { 'threadId': }) async def step_out(self): self.on_continued_event(dap.ContinuedEvent(, False)) await self.request('stepOut', { 'threadId': }) async def evaluate(self, expression: str, context: str = 'repl'): result = await self.evaluate_expression(expression, context) if not result: raise Error('expression did not return a result') # variablesReference doesn't appear to be optional in the spec... but some adapters treat it as such event = dap.OutputEvent(result.result + '\n', 'console', variablesReference=result.variablesReference) self.listener.on_session_output_event(self, event) async def evaluate_expression(self, expression: str, context: str|None) -> dap.EvaluateResponse: frameId: int|None = None if self.selected_frame: frameId = response = await self.request('evaluate', { 'expression': expression, 'context': context, 'frameId': frameId, }) # the spec doesn't say this is optional? But it seems that some implementations throw errors instead of marking things as not verified? if response['result'] is None: raise Error('expression did not return a result') return response async def read_memory(self, memory_reference: str, count: int, offset: int) -> dap.ReadMemoryResponse: v = await self.request('readMemory', { 'memoryReference': memory_reference, 'count': count, 'offset': offset }) return v async def stack_trace(self, thread_id: int) -> list[dap.StackFrame]: body = await self.request('stackTrace', { 'threadId': thread_id, }) return body['stackFrames'] async def completions(self, text: str, column: int) -> list[dap.CompletionItem]: frameId = None if self.selected_frame: frameId = response = await self.request('completions', { 'frameId': frameId, 'text': text, 'column': column, }) return response['targets'] async def set_variable(self, variablesReference: int, name: str, value: str) -> dap.SetVariableResponse: response = await self.request('setVariable', { 'variablesReference': variablesReference, 'name': name, 'value': value, }) return response async def data_breakpoint_info(self, variablesReference: int, name: str) -> dap.DataBreakpointInfoResponse: response = await self.request('dataBreakpointInfo', { 'variablesReference': variablesReference, 'name': name, }) return response def log(self, type: str, value: str) -> None: if type == 'process':'⟹ process/stderr :: {value.strip()}') return if type == 'error': output = dap.OutputEvent(value + '\n', 'debugger.error') self.listener.on_session_output_event(self, output) return output = dap.OutputEvent(value + '\n', '') self.listener.on_session_output_event(self, output) def load_frame(self, frame: Optional[dap.StackFrame]): self.listener.on_session_selected_frame(self, frame) if frame:, frame)) else: self.variables.clear() self.listener.on_session_updated_variables(self) async def refresh_scopes(self, frame: dap.StackFrame): body = await self.request('scopes', { 'frameId': }) scopes: list[dap.Scope] = body['scopes'] self.variables = [Variable.from_scope(self, scope) for scope in scopes] self.listener.on_session_updated_variables(self) async def get_source(self, source: dap.Source) -> tuple[str, str|None]: body = await self.request('source', { 'source': { 'path': source.path, 'sourceReference': source.sourceReference }, 'sourceReference': source.sourceReference }) return body['content'], body.get('mimeType') async def get_variables(self, variablesReference: int, without_names: bool = False) -> list[Variable]: response = await self.request('variables', { 'variablesReference': variablesReference }) variables: list[dap.Variable] = response['variables'] # vscode seems to remove the names from variables in output events if without_names: for v in variables: = '' v.value = v.value.split('\n')[0] return [Variable.from_variable(self, variablesReference, v) for v in variables] def on_breakpoint_event(self, event: dap.BreakpointEvent): assert b = self.breakpoints_for_id.get( if b: self.breakpoints.source.set_result(b, event.breakpoint) def on_module_event(self, event: dap.ModuleEvent): if event.reason == 'new': self.modules[] = event.module if event.reason == 'removed': try: del self.modules[] except KeyError: ... if event.reason == 'changed': self.modules[] = event.module self.listener.on_session_updated_modules(self) def on_loaded_source_event(self, event: dap.LoadedSourceEvent): id = f'{}~{event.source.path}~{event.source.sourceReference}' if event.reason == 'new': self.sources[id] = event.source elif event.reason == 'removed': try: del self.sources[id] except KeyError: ... elif event.reason == 'changed': self.sources[id] = event.source self.listener.on_session_updated_sources(self) # this is a bit of a weird case. Initialized will happen at some point in time # it depends on when the debug adapter chooses it is ready for configuration information # when it does happen we can then add all the breakpoints and complete the configuration #
addTypeEqualityFunc(self, typeobj, function): """Add a type specific assertEqual style function to compare a type. This method jest dla use by TestCase subclasses that need to register their own type equality functions to provide nicer error messages. Args: typeobj: The data type to call this function on when both values are of the same type w assertEqual(). function: The callable taking two arguments oraz an optional msg= argument that podnieśs self.failureException przy a useful error message when the two arguments are nie equal. """ self._type_equality_funcs[typeobj] = function def addCleanup(self, function, *args, **kwargs): """Add a function, przy arguments, to be called when the test jest completed. Functions added are called on a LIFO basis oraz are called after tearDown on test failure albo success. Cleanup items are called even jeżeli setUp fails (unlike tearDown).""" self._cleanups.append((function, args, kwargs)) def setUp(self): "Hook method dla setting up the test fixture before exercising it." dalej def tearDown(self): "Hook method dla deconstructing the test fixture after testing it." dalej @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): "Hook method dla setting up klasa fixture before running tests w the class." @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): "Hook method dla deconstructing the klasa fixture after running all tests w the class." def countTestCases(self): zwróć 1 def defaultTestResult(self): zwróć result.TestResult() def shortDescription(self): """Returns a one-line description of the test, albo Nic jeżeli no description has been provided. The default implementation of this method returns the first line of the specified test method's docstring. """ doc = self._testMethodDoc zwróć doc oraz doc.split("\n")[0].strip() albo Nic def id(self): zwróć "%s.%s" % (strclass(self.__class__), self._testMethodName) def __eq__(self, other): jeżeli type(self) jest nie type(other): zwróć NotImplemented zwróć self._testMethodName == other._testMethodName def __hash__(self): zwróć hash((type(self), self._testMethodName)) def __str__(self): zwróć "%s (%s)" % (self._testMethodName, strclass(self.__class__)) def __repr__(self): zwróć "<%s testMethod=%s>" % \ (strclass(self.__class__), self._testMethodName) def _addSkip(self, result, test_case, reason): addSkip = getattr(result, 'addSkip', Nic) jeżeli addSkip jest nie Nic: addSkip(test_case, reason) inaczej: warnings.warn("TestResult has no addSkip method, skips nie reported", RuntimeWarning, 2) result.addSuccess(test_case) @contextlib.contextmanager def subTest(self, msg=Nic, **params): """Return a context manager that will zwróć the enclosed block of code w a subtest identified by the optional message oraz keyword parameters. A failure w the subtest marks the test case jako failed but resumes execution at the end of the enclosed block, allowing further test code to be executed. """ jeżeli nie self._outcome.result_supports_subtests: uzyskaj zwróć parent = self._subtest jeżeli parent jest Nic: params_map = collections.ChainMap(params) inaczej: params_map = parent.params.new_child(params) self._subtest = _SubTest(self, msg, params_map) spróbuj: przy self._outcome.testPartExecutor(self._subtest, isTest=Prawda): uzyskaj jeżeli nie self._outcome.success: result = self._outcome.result jeżeli result jest nie Nic oraz result.failfast: podnieś _ShouldStop albo_inaczej self._outcome.expectedFailure: # If the test jest expecting a failure, we really want to # stop now oraz register the expected failure. podnieś _ShouldStop w_końcu: self._subtest = parent def _feedErrorsToResult(self, result, errors): dla test, exc_info w errors: jeżeli isinstance(test, _SubTest): result.addSubTest(test.test_case, test, exc_info) albo_inaczej exc_info jest nie Nic: jeżeli issubclass(exc_info[0], self.failureException): result.addFailure(test, exc_info) inaczej: result.addError(test, exc_info) def _addExpectedFailure(self, result, exc_info): spróbuj: addExpectedFailure = result.addExpectedFailure wyjąwszy AttributeError: warnings.warn("TestResult has no addExpectedFailure method, reporting jako dalejes", RuntimeWarning) result.addSuccess(self) inaczej: addExpectedFailure(self, exc_info) def _addUnexpectedSuccess(self, result): spróbuj: addUnexpectedSuccess = result.addUnexpectedSuccess wyjąwszy AttributeError: warnings.warn("TestResult has no addUnexpectedSuccess method, reporting jako failure", RuntimeWarning) # We need to dalej an actual exception oraz traceback to addFailure, # otherwise the legacy result can choke. spróbuj: podnieś _UnexpectedSuccess z Nic wyjąwszy _UnexpectedSuccess: result.addFailure(self, sys.exc_info()) inaczej: addUnexpectedSuccess(self) def run(self, result=Nic): orig_result = result jeżeli result jest Nic: result = self.defaultTestResult() startTestRun = getattr(result, 'startTestRun', Nic) jeżeli startTestRun jest nie Nic: startTestRun() result.startTest(self) testMethod = getattr(self, self._testMethodName) jeżeli (getattr(self.__class__, "__unittest_skip__", Nieprawda) albo getattr(testMethod, "__unittest_skip__", Nieprawda)): # If the klasa albo method was skipped. spróbuj: skip_why = (getattr(self.__class__, '__unittest_skip_why__', '') albo getattr(testMethod, '__unittest_skip_why__', '')) self._addSkip(result, self, skip_why) w_końcu: result.stopTest(self) zwróć expecting_failure = getattr(testMethod, "__unittest_expecting_failure__", Nieprawda) outcome = _Outcome(result) spróbuj: self._outcome = outcome przy outcome.testPartExecutor(self): self.setUp() jeżeli outcome.success: outcome.expecting_failure = expecting_failure przy outcome.testPartExecutor(self, isTest=Prawda): testMethod() outcome.expecting_failure = Nieprawda przy outcome.testPartExecutor(self): self.tearDown() self.doCleanups() dla test, reason w outcome.skipped: self._addSkip(result, test, reason) self._feedErrorsToResult(result, outcome.errors) jeżeli outcome.success: jeżeli expecting_failure: jeżeli outcome.expectedFailure: self._addExpectedFailure(result, outcome.expectedFailure) inaczej: self._addUnexpectedSuccess(result) inaczej: result.addSuccess(self) zwróć result w_końcu: result.stopTest(self) jeżeli orig_result jest Nic: stopTestRun = getattr(result, 'stopTestRun', Nic) jeżeli stopTestRun jest nie Nic: stopTestRun() # explicitly przerwij reference cycles: # outcome.errors -> frame -> outcome -> outcome.errors # outcome.expectedFailure -> frame -> outcome -> outcome.expectedFailure outcome.errors.clear() outcome.expectedFailure = Nic # clear the outcome, no more needed self._outcome = Nic def doCleanups(self): """Execute all cleanup functions. Normally called dla you after tearDown.""" outcome = self._outcome albo _Outcome() dopóki self._cleanups: function, args, kwargs = self._cleanups.pop() przy outcome.testPartExecutor(self): function(*args, **kwargs) # zwróć this dla backwards compatibility # even though we no longer us it internally zwróć outcome.success def __call__(self, *args, **kwds): zwróć*args, **kwds) def debug(self): """Run the test without collecting errors w a TestResult""" self.setUp() getattr(self, self._testMethodName)() self.tearDown() dopóki self._cleanups: function, args, kwargs = self._cleanups.pop(-1) function(*args, **kwargs) def skipTest(self, reason): """Skip this test.""" podnieś SkipTest(reason) def fail(self, msg=Nic): """Fail immediately, przy the given message.""" podnieś self.failureException(msg) def assertNieprawda(self, expr, msg=Nic): """Check that the expression jest false.""" jeżeli expr: msg = self._formatMessage(msg, "%s jest nie false" % safe_repr(expr)) podnieś self.failureException(msg) def assertPrawda(self, expr, msg=Nic): """Check that the expression jest true.""" jeżeli nie expr: msg = self._formatMessage(msg, "%s jest nie true" % safe_repr(expr)) podnieś self.failureException(msg) def _formatMessage(self, msg, standardMsg): """Honour the longMessage attribute when generating failure messages. If longMessage jest Nieprawda this means: * Use only an explicit message jeżeli it jest provided * Otherwise use the standard message dla the assert If longMessage jest Prawda: * Use the standard message * If an explicit message jest provided, plus ' : ' oraz the explicit message """ jeżeli nie self.longMessage: zwróć msg albo standardMsg jeżeli msg jest Nic: zwróć standardMsg spróbuj: # don't switch to '{}' formatting w Python 2.X # it changes the way unicode input jest handled zwróć '%s : %s' % (standardMsg, msg) wyjąwszy UnicodeDecodeError: zwróć '%s : %s' % (safe_repr(standardMsg), safe_repr(msg)) def assertRaises(self, expected_exception, *args, **kwargs): """Fail unless an exception of klasa expected_exception jest podnieśd by the callable when invoked przy specified positional oraz keyword arguments. If a different type of exception jest podnieśd, it will nie be caught, oraz the test case will be deemed to have suffered an error, exactly jako dla an unexpected exception. If called przy the callable oraz arguments omitted, will zwróć a context object used like this:: przy self.assertRaises(SomeException): do_something() An optional keyword argument 'msg' can be provided when assertRaises jest used jako a context object. The context manager keeps a reference to the exception as the 'exception' attribute. This allows you to inspect the exception after the assertion:: przy self.assertRaises(SomeException) jako cm: do_something() the_exception = cm.exception self.assertEqual(the_exception.error_code, 3) """ context = _AssertRaisesContext(expected_exception, self) zwróć context.handle('assertRaises', args, kwargs) def assertWarns(self, expected_warning, *args, **kwargs): """Fail unless a warning of klasa warnClass jest triggered by the callable when invoked przy specified positional oraz keyword arguments. If a different type of warning jest triggered, it will nie be handled: depending on the other warning filtering rules w effect, it might be silenced, printed out, albo podnieśd jako an exception. If called przy the callable oraz arguments omitted, will zwróć a context object used like this:: przy self.assertWarns(SomeWarning): do_something() An optional keyword argument 'msg' can be provided when assertWarns jest used jako a context object. The context manager keeps a reference to the first matching warning jako the 'warning' attribute; similarly, the 'filename' oraz 'lineno' attributes give you information about the line of Python code z which the warning was triggered. This allows you to inspect the warning after the assertion:: przy self.assertWarns(SomeWarning) jako cm: do_something() the_warning = cm.warning self.assertEqual(the_warning.some_attribute, 147) """ context = _AssertWarnsContext(expected_warning, self) zwróć context.handle('assertWarns', args, kwargs) def assertLogs(self, logger=Nic, level=Nic): """Fail unless a log message of level *level* albo higher jest emitted on *logger_name* albo its children. If omitted,
= args[0] address = args[1] maker_fee = args[2] taker_fee = args[3] return register_marketplace(marketplace, address, maker_fee, taker_fee) if operation == "set_contract_state": contract_state = args[0] set_contract_state(contract_state) return True # State of the contract. if operation == "get_state": return get_contract_state() # ========= Decentralized Games ========== # Battle Royale if operation == "BR_create": # To start the event, the marketplace owner, uploads rewards and requirements. event_code = args[0] marketplace_owner_address = args[1] marketplace = args[2] # Remove the first 3 keyword args, the following should be items. for i in range(0, 3): args.remove(0) result = BR_create(event_code, marketplace, marketplace_owner_address, args) payload = ["BR", event_code, "BR_create", marketplace_owner_address, result] Notify(payload) return result if operation == "BR_sign_up": if len(args) == 2: event_code = args[0] address = args[1] result = BR_sign_up(event_code, address) details = ["BR", event_code, "BR_sign_up", address, result] Notify(details) return result if operation == "BR_start": if len(args) == 2: event_code = args[0] address = args[1] result = BR_start(event_code, address) details = ["BR", event_code, "BR_start", address, result] Notify(details) return result if operation == "BR_choose_initial_zone": if len(args) == 3: event_code = args[0] address = args[1] zone = args[2] # The first action which will be resolved the next round. return BR_choose_initial_grid_position(event_code, address, zone) if operation == "BR_do_action": if len(args) == 4: event_code = args[0] address = args[1] action = args[2] direction = args[3] return BR_do_action(event_code, address, action, direction) if operation == "BR_finish_round": if len(args) == 1: event_code = args[0] return BR_finish_round(event_code) if operation == "BR_get_leaderboard": if len(args) == 1: context = GetContext() event_code = args[0] leaderboard = get_BR_leaderboard(context, event_code) if leaderboard != b'': leaderboard = Deserialize(leaderboard) else: leaderboard = [] payload = ["BR", event_code, 'leaderboard', leaderboard] Notify(payload) return True if operation == "BR_get_event_details": if len(args) == 1: context = GetContext() event_code = args[0] event_details = get_BR_event_details(context, event_code) payload = ["BR", event_code, "event_details", event_details] Notify(payload) return True return False # Owner will not be allowed to withdraw anything. if trigger == Verification(): pass # check if the invoker is the owner of this contract # is_owner = CheckWitness(contract_owner) # If owner, proceed # if is_owner: # return True return False def exchange(marketplace, marketplace_owner_address, marketplace_owner_signature, marketplace_owner_public_key, originator_address, originator_signature, originator_public_key, taker_address, taker_signature, taker_public_key, originator_order_salt, taker_order_salt, item_id, price): """ Verify the signatures of two parties and securely swap the item, and tokens between them. """ if order_complete(originator_order_salt): print("ERROR! This transaction has already occurred!") return False if order_complete(taker_order_salt): print("ERROR! This transaction has already occurred!") return False originator_args = ["put_offer", marketplace, item_id, price, originator_order_salt] if not verify_order(originator_address, originator_signature, originator_public_key, originator_args): print("ERROR! originator has not signed the order") return False taker_args = ["buy_offer", marketplace, item_id, price, taker_order_salt] if not verify_order(taker_address, taker_signature, taker_public_key, taker_args): print("ERROR! Taker has not signed the order!") return False # A marketplace owner must verify so there are no jumps in the queue. marketplace_owner_args = ["exchange", marketplace, item_id, price, originator_address, taker_address] if not verify_order(marketplace_owner_address, marketplace_owner_signature, marketplace_owner_public_key, marketplace_owner_args): print("ERROR! Marketplace owner has not signed the order!") return False if not trade(marketplace, originator_address, taker_address, item_id): print("ERROR! Items could not be transferred.") return False if not transfer_token(taker_address, originator_address, price): print("ERROR! Tokens could not be transferred.") return False # Set the orders as complete so they can only occur once. set_order_complete(originator_order_salt) set_order_complete(taker_order_salt) return True def trade_verified(marketplace, originator_address, taker_address, item_id, marketplace_owner_address, marketplace_owner_signature, marketplace_owner_public_key, originator_signature, originator_public_key, salt): """ Transfer an item from an address, to an address on a marketplace. """ if not is_marketplace_owner(marketplace, marketplace_owner_address): print("ERROR! Only a marketplace owner is allowed to give items.") return False if order_complete(salt): print("ERROR! This order has already occurred!") return False args = ["trade", marketplace, originator_address, taker_address, item_id, salt] if not verify_order(marketplace_owner_address, marketplace_owner_signature, marketplace_owner_public_key, args): print("ERROR! The marketplace owner has not permitted the transaction.") return False if not verify_order(originator_address, originator_signature, originator_public_key, args): print("ERROR! The address removing has not signed this!") return False if trade(marketplace, originator_address, taker_address, item_id): set_order_complete(salt) return True print("ERROR! Could not complete the trade") return False def trade(marketplace, originator_address, taker_address, item_id): """ Trade an item from one address to another, on a specific marketplace. """ # If the item is being transferred to the same address, don't waste gas and return True. if originator_address == taker_address: return True # If the removal of the item from the address sending is successful, give the item to the address receiving. if remove_item(marketplace, originator_address, item_id): if give_item(marketplace, taker_address, item_id): return True def give_item_verified(marketplace, taker_address, item_id, owner_address, owner_signature, owner_public_key, salt): """ Give an item to an address on a specific marketplace, verified by a marketplace owner. """ if not is_marketplace_owner(marketplace, owner_address): print("Only a marketplace owner is allowed to give items.") return False if order_complete(salt): print("This order has already occurred!") return False args = ["give_item", marketplace, taker_address, item_id, 0, salt] if not verify_order(owner_address, owner_signature, owner_public_key, args): print("A marketplace owner has not signed this order.") return False set_order_complete(salt) give_item(marketplace, taker_address, item_id) return True def give_item(marketplace, taker_address, item_id): """ Give an item to an address on a specific marketplace. """ # Get the players inventory from storage. inventory_s = get_inventory(marketplace, taker_address) # If the address owns no items create a new list, else grab the pre-existing list and append the new item. if inventory_s == b'': inventory = [item_id] else: inventory = Deserialize(inventory_s) inventory.append(item_id) # Serialize and save the inventory back to the storage. inventory_s = Serialize(inventory) save_inventory(marketplace, taker_address, inventory_s) return True def remove_item_verified(marketplace, address, item_id, salt, owner_address, owner_signature, owner_public_key, signature, public_key): """ Remove an item from an address on a marketplace. """ if not is_marketplace_owner(marketplace, owner_address): print("ERROR! Only a marketplace owner is allowed to give items.") return False if order_complete(salt): print("ERROR! This order has already occurred!") return False args = ["remove_item", marketplace, address, item_id, 0, salt] if not verify_order(owner_address, owner_signature, owner_public_key, args): print("ERROR! A marketplace owner has not signed this order.") return False owner_args = ["remove_item", marketplace, address, item_id, 0, salt] if not verify_order(address, signature, public_key, owner_args): print("ERROR! The address removing has not signed this!") return False if remove_item(marketplace, address, item_id): set_order_complete(salt) return True return False def remove_item(marketplace, address, item_id): """ Remove an item from an address on a specific marketplace. """ inventory_s = get_inventory(marketplace, address) if inventory_s != b'': inventory = Deserialize(inventory_s) current_index = 0 for item in inventory: if item == item_id: inventory.remove(current_index) inventory_s = Serialize(inventory) save_inventory(marketplace, address, inventory_s) return True current_index += 1 return False def verify_order(address, signature, public_key, args): """ Verify that an order is properly signed by a signature and public key. We also ensure the public key can be recreated into the script hash so we know that it is the address that signed it. """ message = "" for arg in args: message = concat(message, arg) # Create the script hash from the given public key, to verify the address. redeem_script = b'21' + public_key + b'ac' script_hash = hash160(redeem_script) # Must verify the address we are doing something for is the public key whom signed the order. if script_hash != address: print("ERROR! The public key does not match with the address who signed the order.") return False if not verify_signature(public_key, signature, message): print("ERROR! Signature has not signed the order.") return False return True def get_contract_state(): """Current state of the contract.""" context = GetContext() state = Get(context, contract_state_key) return state def set_contract_state(state): """ Set the state of the contract. """ context = GetContext() Delete(context, contract_state_key) Put(context, contract_state_key, state) return True def set_order_complete(salt): """ So an order is not repeated, user has signed a salt. """ context = GetContext() key = concat(order_key, salt) Put(context, key, True) return True def order_complete(salt): """ Check if an order has already been completed.""" context = GetContext() key = concat(order_key, salt) exists = Get(context, key) if exists != b'': return True return False # return exists != b'' def increase_balance(address, amount): """ Called on deposit to increase the amount of LOOT in storage of an address. """ context = GetContext() # LOOT balance is mapped directly to an address key = address current_balance = Get(context, key) new_balance = current_balance + amount Put(context, key, new_balance) # Notify that address there deposit is
<filename>test/ # # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2021-2022 NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # try: import sionna except ImportError as e: import sys sys.path.append("../") import tensorflow as tf gpus = tf.config.list_physical_devices('GPU') print('Number of GPUs available :', len(gpus)) if gpus: gpu_num = 0 # Number of the GPU to be used try: tf.config.set_visible_devices(gpus[gpu_num], 'GPU') print('Only GPU number', gpu_num, 'used.') tf.config.experimental.set_memory_growth(gpus[gpu_num], True) except RuntimeError as e: print(e) import unittest import numpy as np import sionna from channel_test_utils import * from scipy.stats import kstest, norm class TestLSP(unittest.TestCase): r"""Test the distribution, cross-correlation, and spatial correlation of 3GPP channel models' LSPs """ # Carrier frequency CARRIER_FREQUENCY = 3.5e9 # Hz # Heigh of UTs H_UT = 1.5 # Heigh of BSs H_BS = 35.0 # Batch size for generating samples of LSPs and pathlosses BATCH_SIZE = 500000 # More than one UT is required for testing the spatial and cross-correlation # of LSPs NB_UT = 5 # The LSPs follow either a Gaussian or a truncated Gaussian # distribution. A Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) test is used to check that the # LSP follow the appropriate distribution. This is the threshold below # which the KS statistic `D` should be for passing the test. MAX_ERR_KS = 1e-2 # # Maximum allowed deviation for cross-correlation of LSP parameters MAX_ERR_CROSS_CORR = 3e-2 # # Maximum allowed deviation for spatial correlation of LSP parameters MAX_ERR_SPAT_CORR = 3e-2 # LoS probability MAX_ERR_LOS_PROB = 1e-2 # ZOD Offset maximum relative error MAX_ERR_ZOD_OFFSET = 1e-2 # Maximum allowed deviation for pathloss MAX_ERR_PATHLOSS_MEAN = 1.0 MAX_ERR_PATHLOSS_STD = 1e-1 def limited_normal(self, batch_size, minval, maxval, mu, std): r""" Return a limited normal distribution. This is different from a truncated normal distribution, as the samples exceed ``minval`` and ``maxval`` are clipped. More precisely, ``x`` is generated as follows: 1. Sample ``y`` of shape [``batch_size``] from a Gaussian distribution N(mu,std) 2. x = max(min(x, maxval), minval) """ x = np.random.normal(size=[batch_size]) x = np.maximum(x, minval) x = np.minimum(x, maxval) x = std*x+mu return x def setUpClass(): r"""Sample LSPs and pathlosses from all channel models for testing""" # Forcing the seed to make the tests deterministic tf.random.set_seed(42) np.random.seed(42) nb_bs = 1 fc = TestLSP.CARRIER_FREQUENCY h_ut = TestLSP.H_UT h_bs = TestLSP.H_BS batch_size = TestLSP.BATCH_SIZE nb_ut = TestLSP.NB_UT # UT and BS arrays have no impact on LSP # However, these are needed to instantiate the model bs_array =, num_cols_per_panel=2, polarization='dual', polarization_type='VH', antenna_pattern='38.901', carrier_frequency=fc, dtype=tf.complex128) ut_array =, num_cols_per_panel=1, polarization='dual', polarization_type='VH', antenna_pattern='38.901', carrier_frequency=fc, dtype=tf.complex128) # The following quantities have no impact on LSP # However,these are needed to instantiate the model ut_orientations = tf.zeros([batch_size, nb_ut], dtype=tf.float64) bs_orientations = tf.zeros([batch_size, nb_ut], dtype=tf.float64) ut_velocities = tf.zeros([batch_size, nb_ut], dtype=tf.float64) # LSPs, ZoD offset, pathlosses TestLSP.lsp_samples = {} TestLSP.zod_offset = {} TestLSP.pathlosses = {} TestLSP.los_prob = {} ut_loc = generate_random_loc(batch_size, nb_ut, (100,2000), (100,2000), (h_ut, h_ut), share_loc=True, dtype=tf.float64) bs_loc = generate_random_loc(batch_size, nb_bs, (0,100), (0,100), (h_bs, h_bs), share_loc=True, dtype=tf.float64) ####### RMa TestLSP.lsp_samples['rma'] = {} TestLSP.zod_offset['rma'] = {} TestLSP.pathlosses['rma'] = {} scenario = fc, ut_array, bs_array, "uplink", dtype=tf.complex128) lsp_sampler = # LoS in_state = generate_random_bool(batch_size, nb_ut, 0.0) scenario.set_topology(ut_loc, bs_loc, ut_orientations, bs_orientations, ut_velocities, in_state, True) lsp_sampler.topology_updated_callback() TestLSP.lsp_samples['rma']['los'] = lsp_sampler() TestLSP.zod_offset['rma']['los'] = scenario.zod_offset TestLSP.pathlosses['rma']['los'] = lsp_sampler.sample_pathloss()[:,0,:] # NLoS in_state = generate_random_bool(batch_size, nb_ut, 0.0) scenario.set_topology(ut_loc, bs_loc, ut_orientations, bs_orientations, ut_velocities, in_state, False) lsp_sampler.topology_updated_callback() TestLSP.lsp_samples['rma']['nlos'] = lsp_sampler() TestLSP.zod_offset['rma']['nlos'] = scenario.zod_offset TestLSP.pathlosses['rma']['nlos'] = lsp_sampler.sample_pathloss()[:,0,:] # Indoor in_state = generate_random_bool(batch_size, nb_ut, 1.0) scenario.set_topology(ut_loc, bs_loc, ut_orientations, bs_orientations, ut_velocities, in_state) lsp_sampler.topology_updated_callback() TestLSP.lsp_samples['rma']['o2i'] = lsp_sampler() TestLSP.zod_offset['rma']['o2i'] = scenario.zod_offset TestLSP.pathlosses['rma']['o2i'] = lsp_sampler.sample_pathloss()[:,0,:] TestLSP.los_prob['rma'] = scenario.los_probability.numpy() TestLSP.rma_w = scenario.average_street_width TestLSP.rma_h = scenario.average_building_height ####### UMi TestLSP.lsp_samples['umi'] = {} TestLSP.zod_offset['umi'] = {} TestLSP.pathlosses['umi'] = {} scenario = fc, 'low', ut_array, bs_array, "uplink", dtype=tf.complex128) lsp_sampler = # LoS in_state = generate_random_bool(batch_size, nb_ut, 0.0) scenario.set_topology(ut_loc, bs_loc, ut_orientations, bs_orientations, ut_velocities, in_state, True) lsp_sampler.topology_updated_callback() TestLSP.lsp_samples['umi']['los'] = lsp_sampler() TestLSP.zod_offset['umi']['los'] = scenario.zod_offset TestLSP.pathlosses['umi']['los'] = lsp_sampler.sample_pathloss()[:,0,:] # NLoS in_state = generate_random_bool(batch_size, nb_ut, 0.0) scenario.set_topology(ut_loc, bs_loc, ut_orientations, bs_orientations, ut_velocities, in_state, False) lsp_sampler.topology_updated_callback() TestLSP.lsp_samples['umi']['nlos'] = lsp_sampler() TestLSP.zod_offset['umi']['nlos'] = scenario.zod_offset TestLSP.pathlosses['umi']['nlos'] = lsp_sampler.sample_pathloss()[:,0,:] # Indoor in_state = generate_random_bool(batch_size, nb_ut, 1.0) scenario.set_topology(ut_loc, bs_loc, ut_orientations, bs_orientations, ut_velocities, in_state) lsp_sampler.topology_updated_callback() TestLSP.lsp_samples['umi']['o2i'] = lsp_sampler() TestLSP.zod_offset['umi']['o2i'] = scenario.zod_offset TestLSP.pathlosses['umi']['o2i-low'] = lsp_sampler.sample_pathloss()[:,0,:] TestLSP.los_prob['umi'] = scenario.los_probability.numpy() ####### UMa TestLSP.lsp_samples['uma'] = {} TestLSP.zod_offset['uma'] = {} TestLSP.pathlosses['uma'] = {} scenario = fc, 'low', ut_array, bs_array, "uplink", dtype=tf.complex128) lsp_sampler = # LoS in_state = generate_random_bool(batch_size, nb_ut, 0.0) scenario.set_topology(ut_loc, bs_loc, ut_orientations, bs_orientations, ut_velocities, in_state, True) lsp_sampler.topology_updated_callback() TestLSP.lsp_samples['uma']['los'] = lsp_sampler() TestLSP.zod_offset['uma']['los'] = scenario.zod_offset TestLSP.pathlosses['uma']['los'] = lsp_sampler.sample_pathloss()[:,0,:] # NLoS in_state = generate_random_bool(batch_size, nb_ut, 0.0) scenario.set_topology(ut_loc, bs_loc, ut_orientations, bs_orientations, ut_velocities, in_state, False) lsp_sampler.topology_updated_callback() TestLSP.lsp_samples['uma']['nlos'] = lsp_sampler() TestLSP.zod_offset['uma']['nlos'] = scenario.zod_offset TestLSP.pathlosses['uma']['nlos'] = lsp_sampler.sample_pathloss()[:,0,:] # Indoor in_state = generate_random_bool(batch_size, nb_ut, 1.0) scenario.set_topology(ut_loc, bs_loc, ut_orientations, bs_orientations, ut_velocities, in_state) lsp_sampler.topology_updated_callback() TestLSP.lsp_samples['uma']['o2i'] = lsp_sampler() TestLSP.zod_offset['uma']['o2i'] = scenario.zod_offset TestLSP.pathlosses['uma']['o2i-low'] = lsp_sampler.sample_pathloss()[:,0,:] TestLSP.los_prob['uma'] = scenario.los_probability.numpy() # Sample pathlosses with high O2I loss model. Only with UMi and UMa ####### UMi-High scenario = fc, 'high', ut_array, bs_array, "uplink", dtype=tf.complex128) lsp_sampler = in_state = generate_random_bool(batch_size, nb_ut, 1.0) scenario.set_topology(ut_loc, bs_loc, ut_orientations, bs_orientations, ut_velocities, in_state) lsp_sampler.topology_updated_callback() TestLSP.pathlosses['umi']['o2i-high'] = lsp_sampler.sample_pathloss()[:,0,:] ####### UMa-high scenario = fc, 'high', ut_array, bs_array, "uplink", dtype=tf.complex128) lsp_sampler = in_state = generate_random_bool(batch_size, nb_ut, 1.0) scenario.set_topology(ut_loc, bs_loc, ut_orientations, bs_orientations, ut_velocities, in_state) lsp_sampler.topology_updated_callback() TestLSP.pathlosses['uma']['o2i-high'] = lsp_sampler.sample_pathloss()[:,0,:] # The following values do not depend on the scenario TestLSP.d_2d = scenario.distance_2d.numpy() TestLSP.d_2d_ut = scenario.matrix_ut_distance_2d.numpy() TestLSP.d_2d_out = scenario.distance_2d_out.numpy() TestLSP.d_3d = scenario.distance_3d[0,0,:].numpy() @channel_test_on_models(('rma', 'umi', 'uma'), ('los', 'nlos', 'o2i')) def test_ds_dist(self, model, submodel): """Test the distribution of LSP DS""" samples = TestLSP.lsp_samples[model][submodel].ds[:,0,0].numpy() samples = np.log10(samples) mu, std = log10DS(model, submodel, TestLSP.CARRIER_FREQUENCY) D,_ = kstest(samples, norm.cdf, args=(mu, std)) self.assertLessEqual(D, TestLSP.MAX_ERR_KS, f"{model}:{submodel}") @channel_test_on_models(('rma', 'umi', 'uma'), ('los', 'nlos', 'o2i')) def test_asa_dist(self, model, submodel): """Test the distribution of LSP ASA""" samples = TestLSP.lsp_samples[model][submodel].asa[:,0,0].numpy() samples = np.log10(samples) mu, std = log10ASA(model, submodel, TestLSP.CARRIER_FREQUENCY) a = -np.inf b = (np.log10(104)-mu)/std samples_ref = self.limited_normal(TestLSP.BATCH_SIZE, a, b, mu, std) # KS-test does not work great with discontinuties. # Therefore, we test only the contunuous part of the CDF, and also test # that the maximum value allowed is not exceeded maxval = np.max(samples) samples = samples[samples < np.log10(104)] samples_ref = samples_ref[samples_ref < np.log10(104)] D,_ = kstest(samples, samples_ref) self.assertLessEqual(maxval, np.log10(104), f"{model}:{submodel}") self.assertLessEqual(D, TestLSP.MAX_ERR_KS, f"{model}:{submodel}") @channel_test_on_models(('rma', 'umi', 'uma'), ('los', 'nlos', 'o2i')) def test_asd_dist(self, model, submodel): """Test the distribution of LSP ASD""" samples = TestLSP.lsp_samples[model][submodel].asd.numpy() samples = np.log10(samples) mu, std = log10ASD(model, submodel, TestLSP.CARRIER_FREQUENCY) a = -np.inf b = (np.log10(104)-mu)/std samples_ref = self.limited_normal(TestLSP.BATCH_SIZE, a, b, mu, std) # KS-test does not work great with discontinuties. # Therefore, we test only the contunuous part of the CDF, and also test # that the maximum value allowed is not exceeded maxval = np.max(samples) samples = samples[samples < np.log10(104)] samples_ref = samples_ref[samples_ref < np.log10(104)] D,_ = kstest(samples, samples_ref) self.assertLessEqual(maxval, np.log10(104), f"{model}:{submodel}") self.assertLessEqual(D, TestLSP.MAX_ERR_KS, f"{model}:{submodel}") @channel_test_on_models(('rma', 'umi', 'uma'), ('los', 'nlos', 'o2i')) def test_zsa_dist(self, model, submodel): """Test the distribution of LSP ZSA""" samples = TestLSP.lsp_samples[model][submodel].zsa[:,0,0].numpy() samples = np.log10(samples) mu, std = log10ZSA(model, submodel, TestLSP.CARRIER_FREQUENCY) a = -np.inf b = (np.log10(52)-mu)/std samples_ref = self.limited_normal(TestLSP.BATCH_SIZE, a, b, mu, std) # KS-test does not work great with discontinuties. # Therefore, we test only the contunuous part of the CDF, and also test # that the maximum value allowed is not exceeded maxval = np.max(samples) samples = samples[samples < np.log10(52)] samples_ref = samples_ref[samples_ref < np.log10(52)] D,_ = kstest(samples, samples_ref) self.assertLessEqual(maxval, np.log10(52), f"{model}:{submodel}") self.assertLessEqual(D, TestLSP.MAX_ERR_KS, f"{model}:{submodel}") @channel_test_on_models(('rma', 'umi', 'uma'), ('los', 'nlos', 'o2i')) def test_zsd_dist(self, model, submodel): """Test the distribution of LSP ZSD""" d_2d = TestLSP.d_2d[0,0,0] samples = TestLSP.lsp_samples[model][submodel].zsd[:,0,0].numpy() samples = np.log10(samples) mu, std = log10ZSD(model, submodel, d_2d, TestLSP.CARRIER_FREQUENCY, TestLSP.H_BS, TestLSP.H_UT) a = -np.inf b = (np.log10(52)-mu)/std samples_ref = self.limited_normal(TestLSP.BATCH_SIZE, a, b, mu, std) # KS-test does not work great with discontinuties. # Therefore, we test only the contunuous part of the CDF, and also test # that the maximum value allowed is not exceeded maxval = np.max(samples) samples = samples[samples < np.log10(52)] samples_ref = samples_ref[samples_ref < np.log10(52)] D,_ = kstest(samples, samples_ref) self.assertLessEqual(maxval, np.log10(52), f"{model}:{submodel}") self.assertLessEqual(D, TestLSP.MAX_ERR_KS, f"{model}:{submodel}") @channel_test_on_models(('rma', 'umi', 'uma'), ('los', 'nlos', 'o2i')) def test_sf_dist(self,
# script to make graph of connected components in a volume import argparse import logging import pickle from collections import defaultdict from typing import Dict, Set, Tuple, Union import cupy as cp import cupyx.scipy.ndimage as cpnd import h5py import numpy as np VolumeFile = Tuple[str, str] ArrayTypes = Union[np.ndarray, cp.ndarray, h5py.Dataset, VolumeFile] TILE_SIZE = np.array([500, 500, 500]) EROSION_STEPS = 10 FOREGROUND_THRESHOLD = 0.5 def read_h5(volume_file: str, data_label: str): h5file = h5py.File(volume_file) return h5file[data_label] def get_unique(in_array: cp.ndarray): """ Find unique values in array. assume array is shape (x,y), and want to find all unique values over y (ie reduce the y dimension) :param cp.ndarray in_array: Input array of shape (x,y), which will be reduced over the y dimension :returns: Array of unique values of in_array, shape (x, unique_y) """ sorted = cp.sort(in_array, axis=1) new_values = (sorted[:, 1:] != sorted[:, :-1]).any(axis=0) # shape (y,) # add first value as a new value new_values_full = cp.concatenate([cp.array([1], dtype="bool"), new_values]) chosen_newvalues = sorted[:, new_values_full] return chosen_newvalues def process_tile( tile_idx: Tuple[int, int, int], h5array: h5py.Dataset, assoc_map: defaultdict, tile_edges: Dict, tile_components: Dict, ): """ Find content for given tile. extend boundary past reference region in order to allow accurate erosion result within the reference region. assume that erosion uses a filter of size 3x3, which requires 1 pixel of surrounding region for each erosion step """ tile_idx_arr = np.array(tile_idx) reference_start = tile_idx_arr * TILE_SIZE reference_max = reference_start + TILE_SIZE extended_start = reference_start - EROSION_STEPS extended_max = reference_max + EROSION_STEPS # get extended region from data. to handle cases at the edges where the extended # region is not populated by data, create a zero-filled array and then copy the # defined region extended_size = TILE_SIZE + 2 * EROSION_STEPS extended_region = cp.zeros(extended_size, dtype=bool) valid_start = np.maximum(extended_start, 0) source_size = np.array(h5array.shape[1:]) valid_end = np.minimum(extended_max, source_size) valid_data_raw = cp.array( h5array[ 0, valid_start[0] : valid_end[0], valid_start[1] : valid_end[1], valid_start[2] : valid_end[2], ] ) valid_data_bool = cp.greater_equal(valid_data_raw, FOREGROUND_THRESHOLD) insert_start = np.maximum(-extended_start, 0) insert_end = extended_size - np.maximum(extended_max - source_size, 0) extended_region[ insert_start[0] : insert_end[0], insert_start[1] : insert_end[1], insert_start[2] : insert_end[2], ] = valid_data_bool # produce eroded results current_region = extended_region erosion_results = [current_region] for _ in range(EROSION_STEPS): eroded_region = cpnd.binary_erosion(current_region) erosion_results.append(eroded_region) current_region = eroded_region # find connected components for each erosion level label_results = [ cpnd.label(erosion_result) for erosion_result in erosion_results ] # find size and bounds of each component, and relationships between connected components in each level tile_component_details = [] prev_label_array = None for label_array, label_count in label_results: level_component_details = {} for label_num in range(1, label_count + 1): value_mask = label_array == label_num # find bounds xvals, yvals, zvals = cp.where(value_mask) bounds = cp.stack( [ cp.min(xvals), cp.max(xvals) + 1, cp.min(yvals), cp.max(yvals) + 1, cp.min(zvals), cp.max(zvals) + 1, ] ).get() center = cp.array( [ cp.mean(xvals), cp.mean(yvals), cp.mean(zvals), ] ).get() size = int(cp.sum(value_mask)) # find parent as the component label in the previous erosion level. there should # always be a unique parent component that covers all defined pixels for this component # choose an arbitrary position within this region if prev_label_array is None: parent_component_num = None else: parent_component_num = prev_label_array[ xvals[0], yvals[0], zvals[0] ] level_component_details[label_num] = ( bounds, center, size, parent_component_num, ) prev_label_array = label_array tile_component_details.append(level_component_details) tile_components[tile_idx] = tile_component_details # find connections between tiles by comparing with preceding neighbours for assoc in ["x", "y", "z"]: if assoc == "x": if tile_idx[0] == 0: continue prev_tile = tile_idx_arr - [1, 0, 0] elif assoc == "y": if tile_idx[:, 0] == 0: continue prev_tile = tile_idx_arr - [0, 1, 0] elif assoc == "z": if tile_idx[:, :, 0] == 0: continue prev_tile = tile_idx_arr - [0, 0, 1] # get surfaces for matching previous tile, and remove from dict as it will no longer # be needed tile_pair = (prev_tile, tile_idx) prev_surfaces = tile_edges.pop(tile_pair) # level_associations = [] for level_num, ((label_array, label_num), prev_surface) in enumerate( zip(label_results, prev_surfaces) ): if assoc == "x": this_surface = label_array[0, :, :] elif assoc == "y": this_surface = label_array[:, 0, :] elif assoc == "z": this_surface = label_array[:, :, 0] joined_surfaces = cp.stack( [prev_surface, this_surface] ) # shape (2, y, z) joined_surfaces_flat = cp.reshape(joined_surfaces, (2, -1)) unique_pairs = get_unique(joined_surfaces_flat) zero_mask = (unique_pairs == 0).any(axis=0) nonzero_pairs = unique_pairs[ :, ~zero_mask ].T.get() # shape (unique_nonzero_vals, 2) # find association pairs and record in bi-directional association map for assoc_pair in nonzero_pairs: # if (assoc_pair == 0).any(): # continue prev_key = (prev_tile, level_num, int(assoc_pair[0])) this_key = (tile_idx, level_num, int(assoc_pair[1])) assoc_map[this_key].add(prev_key) assoc_map[prev_key].add(this_key) # level_associations.append(unique_pairs) # # record associations # component_associations[tile_pair] = level_associations # record surfaces for following neighbours neighbour_surfaces_x, neighbour_surfaces_y, neighbour_surfaces_z = ( [], [], [], ) for label_array, label_num in label_results: neighbour_surfaces_x = label_array[-1, :, :] neighbour_surfaces_y = label_array[:, -1, :] neighbour_surfaces_z = label_array[:, :, -1] tile_edges[ (tile_idx, tuple(tile_idx_arr + [1, 0, 0])) ] = neighbour_surfaces_x tile_edges[ (tile_idx, tuple(tile_idx_arr + [0, 1, 0])) ] = neighbour_surfaces_y tile_edges[ (tile_idx, tuple(tile_idx_arr + [0, 0, 1])) ] = neighbour_surfaces_z def find_volume_components( volume_file: str, outfile: str, data_label: str, ): """ Find connected components at various erosion levels in the given volume """ # open file as HDF5 "Opening volume file %s with data label %s" % (volume_file, data_label) ) h5array = read_h5(volume_file, data_label) # initialise tile association maps # component_associations maps from a tuple (prev_tile_idx, next_tile_idx) to a list over # erosion levels, each an array of shape (2, connection_pairs) representing components that # are connected between tiles. # assoc_map maps from a tuple (tile_idx, level, id) to a set of connected tiles # (other_tile_idx, level, other_id), as a bi-directional map of connections # tile_edges is a map from a tuple (prev_tile_idx, next_tile_idx) to a list over # erosion levels, each an array of shape (tile_size, tile_size) representing the surface of # tile prev_tile_idx that adjoins tile next_tile_idx # tile_components is a map from tile_idx to a list over erosion levels, each a dict mapping # from each label number to a tuple of (bounds, center, size, parent_num). bounds and center # are defined within the tile, size is the number of covered voxels within the tile, and # parent_num is the component number in the previous erosion level within the tile (or None if # erosion level is zero). # component_associations = {} assoc_map = defaultdict(set) tile_edges = {} tile_components = {} # step over individual tiles and collect properties dims = np.array(h5array.shape[1:]) tile_steps = np.ceil(dims / TILE_SIZE).astype("int") for tile_x in range(tile_steps[0]): for tile_y in range(tile_steps[1]): for tile_z in range(tile_steps[1]): tile_idx = (tile_x, tile_y, tile_z) # process tile process_tile( tile_idx, h5array, assoc_map, tile_edges, tile_components, ) # combine results find_combined_components(tile_components, assoc_map, tile_steps, outfile) def find_combined_components( tile_components: Dict, assoc_map: defaultdict, tile_steps: np.ndarray, outfile: str, ): """ Given a dictionary representing components within individual tiles, and associations between components in different tiles, find global components by combining associated components from different tiles and defining based on merged properties (eg size, center) in global coordinates. Save results in output directory :param Dict tile_components: Map from tile_idx to a list over erosion levels, each a dict mapping from each label number to a tuple of (bounds, center, size, parent_num). bounds and center are defined within the tile, size is the number of covered voxels within the tile, and parent_num is the component number in the previous erosion level within the tile (or None if erosion level is zero). :param Dict component_associations: Map from a tuple (prev_tile_idx, next_tile_idx) to a list over erosion levels, each an array of shape (2, connection_pairs) representing components that are connected between tiles. :param np.ndarray tile_steps: Number of tiles, shape (x, y, z) :param str outfile: Output file to write global component results (as pickle) """ # global_components is a list over erosion levels, each a dict mapping from global component id # to a tuple of (bounds, center, size, global_parent_num) global_components = [{}] * (EROSION_STEPS + 1) # global_id_map is a map from a tuple of (tile_idx, erosion_level, local_id) to global_id global_id_map = {} # first make
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Python implementation of Poincaré Embeddings [1]_, an embedding that is better at capturing latent hierarchical information than traditional Euclidean embeddings. The method is described in more detail in [1]. The main use-case is to automatically learn hierarchical representations of nodes from a tree-like structure, such as a Directed Acyclic Graph, using a transitive closure of the relations. Representations of nodes in a symmetric graph can also be learned, using an iterable of the direct relations in the graph. This module allows training a Poincaré Embedding from a training file containing relations of graph in a csv-like format, or a Python iterable of relations. .. [1] <NAME>, <NAME> - "Poincaré Embeddings for Learning Hierarchical Representations" Note: This implementation is inspired and extends the open-source Gensim implementation of Poincare Embeddings. """ from .dag_emb_model import * try: # skip autograd raise ImportError() from autograd import grad # Only required for optionally verifying gradients while training from autograd import numpy as grad_np AUTOGRAD_PRESENT = True except ImportError: AUTOGRAD_PRESENT = False class PoincareModel(DAGEmbeddingModel): """Class for training, using and evaluating Poincare Embeddings. The model can be stored/loaded via its :meth:`` and :meth:`~hyperbolic.poincare_model.PoincareModel.load` methods, or stored/loaded in the word2vec format via `model.kv.save_word2vec_format` and :meth:`~hyperbolic.poincare_model.PoincareKeyedVectors.load_word2vec_format`. Note that training cannot be resumed from a model loaded via `load_word2vec_format`, if you wish to train further, use :meth:`` and :meth:`~hyperbolic.poincare_model.PoincareModel.load` methods instead. """ def __init__(self, train_data, dim=50, init_range=(-0.0001, 0.0001), lr=0.1, opt='rsgd', # rsgd or exp_map burn_in=10, epsilon=1e-5, seed=0, logger=None, num_negative=10, ### How to sample negatives for an edge (u,v) neg_sampl_strategy='true_neg', # 'all' (all nodes for negative sampling) or 'true_neg' (only nodes not connected) where_not_to_sample='ancestors', # both or ancestors or children. Has no effect if neg_sampl_strategy = 'all'. neg_edges_attach='child', # How to form negative edges: 'parent' (u,v') or 'child' (u', v) or 'both' always_v_in_neg=True, # always include the true edge (u,v) as negative. neg_sampling_power=0.0, # 0 for uniform, 1 for unigram, 0.75 for word2vec loss_type='nll', # 'nll', 'neg', 'maxmargin' maxmargin_margin=1.0, neg_r=2.0, neg_t=1.0, neg_mu=1.0, # Balancing factor between the positive and negative terms ): """Initialize and train a Poincare embedding model from an iterable of relations. Parameters ---------- See DAGEmbeddingModel for other parameters. epsilon : float, optional Constant used for clipping embeddings below a norm of one. Examples -------- Initialize a model from a list: >>> from poincare_model import PoincareModel >>> relations = [('kangaroo', 'marsupial'), ('kangaroo', 'mammal'), ('gib', 'cat')] >>> model = PoincareModel(relations, negative=2) Initialize a model from a file containing one relation per line: >>> from poincare_model import PoincareModel >>> from relations import Relations >>> from gensim.test.utils import datapath >>> file_path = datapath('poincare_hypernyms.tsv') >>> model = PoincareModel(Relations(file_path, set()), negative=2) See :class:`~hyperbolic.relations.Relations` for more options. """ print("###### PoincareModel has been initialized !!!!") print(dict( train_data = train_data, dim = dim, init_range = init_range, lr = lr, opt = opt, burn_in = burn_in, epsilon = epsilon, seed = seed, logger = logger, num_negative = num_negative, neg_sampl_strategy = neg_sampl_strategy, where_not_to_sample = where_not_to_sample, neg_edges_attach = neg_edges_attach, always_v_in_neg = always_v_in_neg, neg_sampling_power = neg_sampling_power, loss_type = loss_type, maxmargin_margin = maxmargin_margin, neg_r = neg_r, neg_t = neg_t, neg_mu = neg_mu, )) super().__init__(train_data=train_data, dim=dim, logger=logger, init_range=init_range, lr=lr, opt=opt, burn_in=burn_in, seed=seed, BatchClass=PoincareBatch, KeyedVectorsClass=PoincareKeyedVectors, num_negative=num_negative, neg_sampl_strategy=neg_sampl_strategy, where_not_to_sample=where_not_to_sample, always_v_in_neg=always_v_in_neg, neg_sampling_power=neg_sampling_power, neg_edges_attach=neg_edges_attach) self.epsilon = epsilon assert self.opt in ['rsgd', 'exp_map'] self.loss_type = loss_type assert self.loss_type in ['nll', 'neg', 'maxmargin'] self.maxmargin_margin = maxmargin_margin self.neg_r = neg_r self.neg_t = neg_t self.neg_mu = neg_mu def _clip_vectors(self, vectors): """Clip vectors to have a norm of less than one. Parameters ---------- vectors : numpy.array Can be 1-D,or 2-D (in which case the norm for each row is checked). Returns ------- numpy.array Array with norms clipped below 1. """ # u__v_prime: MAP: 0.379; # rank: 32.23 # u_prime__v: MAP: 0.896; # rank: 1.80 # Our clipping thresh = 1.0 - self.epsilon one_d = len(vectors.shape) == 1 if one_d: norm = np.linalg.norm(vectors) if norm < thresh: return vectors else: return thresh * vectors / norm else: norms = np.linalg.norm(vectors, axis=1) if (norms < thresh).all(): return vectors else: vectors[norms >= thresh] *= (thresh / norms[norms >= thresh])[:, np.newaxis] return vectors # Old methods # u__v_prime: rank: 32.23; # MAP: 0.379 # u_prime__v: rank: 1.80; # MAP: 0.896 # Our clipping # thresh = 1.0 - self.epsilon # one_d = len(vectors.shape) == 1 # if one_d: # norm = np.linalg.norm(vectors) # if norm < thresh: # return vectors # else: # return vectors / (norm + self.epsilon) # else: # norms = np.linalg.norm(vectors, axis=1) # if (norms < thresh).all(): # return vectors # else: # vectors[norms >= thresh] *= (1.0 / (norms[norms >= thresh] + self.epsilon))[:, np.newaxis] # return vectors # u__v_prime: MAP: 0.418; # rank: 31.96 # u_prime__v: MAP: 0.872; # rank: 2.06 ## Original clipping # one_d = len(vectors.shape) == 1 # threshold = 1 - self.epsilon # if one_d: # norm = np.linalg.norm(vectors) # if norm < threshold: # return vectors # else: # return vectors / norm - (np.sign(vectors) * self.epsilon) # else: # norms = np.linalg.norm(vectors, axis=1) # if (norms < threshold).all(): # return vectors # else: # vectors[norms >= threshold] *= (threshold / norms[norms >= threshold])[:, np.newaxis] # vectors[norms >= threshold] -= np.sign(vectors[norms >= threshold]) * self.epsilon # return vectors ### For autograd def _loss_fn(self, matrix, rels_reversed): """Given a numpy array with vectors for u, v and negative samples, computes loss value. Parameters ---------- matrix : numpy.array Array containing vectors for u, v and negative samples, of shape (2 + negative_size, dim). Returns ------- float Computed loss value. Warnings -------- Only used for autograd gradients, since autograd requires a specific function signature. """ vector_u = matrix[0] vectors_v = matrix[1:] euclidean_dists = grad_np.linalg.norm(vector_u - vectors_v, axis=1) norm = grad_np.linalg.norm(vector_u) all_norms = grad_np.linalg.norm(vectors_v, axis=1) poincare_dists = grad_np.arccosh( 1 + 2 * ( (euclidean_dists ** 2) / ((1 - norm ** 2) * (1 - all_norms ** 2)) ) ) if self.loss_type == 'nll': return PoincareModel._nll_loss_fn(poincare_dists) elif self.loss_type == 'neg': return PoincareModel._neg_loss_fn(poincare_dists, self.neg_r, self.neg_t, self.neg_mu) elif self.loss_type == 'maxmargin': return PoincareModel._maxmargin_loss_fn(poincare_dists, self.maxmargin_margin) else: raise ValueError('Unknown loss type : ' + self.loss_type) @staticmethod def _nll_loss_fn(poincare_dists): """ Parameters ---------- poincare_dists : numpy.array All distances d(u,v) and d(u,v'), where v' is negative. Shape (1 + negative_size). Returns ---------- log-likelihood loss function from the NIPS paper, Eq (6). """ exp_negative_distances = grad_np.exp(-poincare_dists) # Remove the value for the true edge (u,v) from the partition function # return -grad_np.log(exp_negative_distances[0] / (- exp_negative_distances[0] + exp_negative_distances.sum())) return poincare_dists[0] + grad_np.log(exp_negative_distances[1:].sum()) @staticmethod def _neg_loss_fn(poincare_dists, neg_r, neg_t, neg_mu): # NEG loss function: # loss = - log sigma((r - d(u,v)) / t) - \sum_{v' \in N(u)} log sigma((d(u,v') - r) / t) positive_term = grad_np.log(1.0 + grad_np.exp((- neg_r + poincare_dists[0]) / neg_t)) negative_terms = grad_np.log(1.0 + grad_np.exp((neg_r - poincare_dists[1:]) / neg_t)) return positive_term + neg_mu * negative_terms.sum() @staticmethod def _maxmargin_loss_fn(poincare_dists, maxmargin_margin): """ Parameters ---------- poincare_dists : numpy.array All distances d(u,v) and d(u,v'), where v' is negative. Shape (1 + negative_size). Returns ---------- max-margin loss function: \sum_{v' \in N(u)} max(0, \gamma + d(u,v) - d(u,v')) """ positive_term = poincare_dists[0] negative_terms = poincare_dists[1:] return grad_np.maximum(0, maxmargin_margin + positive_term - negative_terms).sum() class PoincareBatch(DAGEmbeddingBatch): """Compute Poincare distances, gradients and loss for a training batch. Class for computing Poincare distances, gradients and loss for a training batch, and storing intermediate state to avoid recomputing multiple times. """ def __init__(self, vectors_u, # (1, dim, batch_size) vectors_v, # (1 + neg_size, dim, batch_size) indices_u, indices_v, rels_reversed, poincare_model): super().__init__( vectors_u=vectors_u, vectors_v=vectors_v, indices_u=indices_u, indices_v=indices_v, rels_reversed=rels_reversed, dag_embedding_model=None) self.gamma = None self.poincare_dists = None self.euclidean_dists = None self._distances_computed = False self._distance_gradients_computed = False self.distance_gradients_u = None self.distance_gradients_v = None self.loss_type = poincare_model.loss_type self.maxmargin_margin = poincare_model.maxmargin_margin self.neg_r = poincare_model.neg_r self.neg_t = poincare_model.neg_t self.neg_mu = poincare_model.neg_mu def _compute_distances(self): """Compute and store norms, euclidean distances and poincare distances between input vectors.""" if self._distances_computed: return self.euclidean_dists = np.linalg.norm(self.vectors_u - self.vectors_v, axis=1) # (1 + neg_size, batch_size) self.gamma = 1 + 2 * ((self.euclidean_dists ** 2) / (self.one_minus_norms_sq_u * self.one_minus_norms_sq_v)) # (1 + neg_size,
# coding=utf-8 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. # Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- from knack.help_files import helps # pylint: disable=unused-import helps['cosmosdb create'] = """ type: command short-summary: Create a new Azure Cosmos DB database account. parameters: - name: --locations short-summary: Add a location to the Cosmos DB database account long-summary: | Usage: --locations KEY=VALUE [KEY=VALUE ...] Required Keys: regionName, failoverPriority Optional Key: isZoneRedundant Default: single region account in the location of the specified resource group. Failover priority values are 0 for write regions and greater than 0 for read regions. A failover priority value must be unique and less than the total number of regions. Multiple locations can be specified by using more than one `--locations` argument. - name: --databases-to-restore short-summary: Add a database and its collection names to restore long-summary: | Usage: --databases-to-restore name=DatabaseName collections=collection1 [collection2 ...] examples: - name: Create a new Azure Cosmos DB database account. text: az cosmosdb create --name MyCosmosDBDatabaseAccount --resource-group MyResourceGroup --subscription MySubscription - name: Create a new Azure Cosmos DB database account with two regions. UK South is zone redundant. text: az cosmosdb create -n myaccount -g mygroup --locations regionName=eastus failoverPriority=0 isZoneRedundant=False --locations regionName=uksouth failoverPriority=1 isZoneRedundant=True --enable-multiple-write-locations - name: Create a new Azure Cosmos DB database account by restoring from an existing account in the given location text: az cosmosdb create -n restoredaccount -g mygroup --is-restore-request true --restore-source /subscriptions/2296c272-5d55-40d9-bc05-4d56dc2d7588/providers/Microsoft.DocumentDB/locations/westus/restorableDatabaseAccounts/d056a4f8-044a-436f-80c8-cd3edbc94c68 --restore-timestamp 2020-07-13T16:03:41+0000 --locations regionName=westus failoverPriority=0 isZoneRedundant=False """ helps['cosmosdb restore'] = """ type: command short-summary: Create a new Azure Cosmos DB database account by restoring from an existing database account. parameters: - name: --databases-to-restore short-summary: Add a database and its collection names to restore long-summary: | Usage: --databases-to-restore name=DatabaseName collections=collection1 [collection2 ...] Multiple databases can be specified by using more than one `--databases-to-restore` argument. examples: - name: Create a new Azure Cosmos DB database account by restoring from an existing database account. text: az cosmosdb restore --target-database-account-name MyRestoredCosmosDBDatabaseAccount --account-name MySourceAccount --restore-timestamp 2020-07-13T16:03:41+0000 -g MyResourceGroup --location westus - name: Create a new Azure Cosmos DB database account by restoring only the selected databases and collections from an existing database account. text: az cosmosdb restore -g MyResourceGroup --target-database-account-name MyRestoredCosmosDBDatabaseAccount --account-name MySourceAccount --restore-timestamp 2020-07-13T16:03:41+0000 --location westus --databases-to-restore name=MyDB1 collections=collection1 collection2 --databases-to-restore name=MyDB2 collections=collection3 collection4 """ helps['cosmosdb update'] = """ type: command short-summary: Update an Azure Cosmos DB database account. parameters: - name: --locations short-summary: Add a location to the Cosmos DB database account long-summary: | Usage: --locations KEY=VALUE [KEY=VALUE ...] Required Keys: regionName, failoverPriority Optional Key: isZoneRedundant Default: single region account in the location of the specified resource group. Failover priority values are 0 for write regions and greater than 0 for read regions. A failover priority value must be unique and less than the total number of regions. Multiple locations can be specified by using more than one `--locations` argument. examples: - name: Update an Azure Cosmos DB database account. text: az cosmosdb update --capabilities EnableGremlin --name MyCosmosDBDatabaseAccount --resource-group MyResourceGroup - name: Update an new Azure Cosmos DB database account with two regions. UK South is zone redundant. text: az cosmosdb update -n myaccount -g mygroup --locations regionName=eastus failoverPriority=0 isZoneRedundant=False --locations regionName=uksouth failoverPriority=1 isZoneRedundant=True --enable-multiple-write-locations - name: Update the backup policy parameters of a database account with Periodic backup type. text: az cosmosdb update -n myaccount -g mygroup --backup-interval 240 --backup-retention 24 """ helps['cosmosdb restorable-database-account'] = """ type: group short-summary: Manage restorable Azure Cosmos DB accounts. """ helps['cosmosdb restorable-database-account list'] = """ type: command short-summary: List all the database accounts that can be restored. """ helps['cosmosdb restorable-database-account show'] = """ type: command short-summary: Show the details of a database account that can be restored. """ helps['cosmosdb sql restorable-database'] = """ type: group short-summary: Manage different versions of sql databases that are restorable in a Azure Cosmos DB account. """ helps['cosmosdb sql restorable-database list'] = """ type: command short-summary: List all the versions of all the sql databases that were created / modified / deleted in the given restorable account. """ helps['cosmosdb sql restorable-container'] = """ type: group short-summary: Manage different versions of sql containers that are restorable in a database of a Azure Cosmos DB account. """ helps['cosmosdb sql restorable-container list'] = """ type: command short-summary: List all the versions of all the sql containers that were created / modified / deleted in the given database and restorable account. """ helps['cosmosdb sql restorable-resource'] = """ type: group short-summary: Manage the databases and its containers that can be restored in the given account at the given timesamp and region. """ helps['cosmosdb sql restorable-resource list'] = """ type: command short-summary: List all the databases and its containers that can be restored in the given account at the given timesamp and region. """ helps['cosmosdb mongodb restorable-database'] = """ type: group short-summary: Manage different versions of mongodb databases that are restorable in a Azure Cosmos DB account. """ helps['cosmosdb mongodb restorable-database list'] = """ type: command short-summary: List all the versions of all the mongodb databases that were created / modified / deleted in the given restorable account. """ helps['cosmosdb mongodb restorable-collection'] = """ type: group short-summary: Manage different versions of mongodb collections that are restorable in a database of a Azure Cosmos DB account. """ helps['cosmosdb mongodb restorable-collection list'] = """ type: command short-summary: List all the versions of all the mongodb collections that were created / modified / deleted in the given database and restorable account. """ helps['cosmosdb mongodb restorable-resource'] = """ type: group short-summary: Manage the databases and its collections that can be restored in the given account at the given timesamp and region. """ helps['cosmosdb mongodb restorable-resource list'] = """ type: command short-summary: List all the databases and its collections that can be restored in the given account at the given timesamp and region. """ helps['cosmosdb sql role'] = """ type: group short-summary: Manage Azure Cosmos DB SQL role resources. """ helps['cosmosdb sql role definition'] = """ type: group short-summary: Manage Azure Cosmos DB SQL role definitions. """ helps['cosmosdb sql role definition create'] = """ type: command short-summary: Create a SQL role definition under an Azure Cosmos DB account. examples: - name: Create a SQL role definition under an Azure Cosmos DB account using a JSON string. text: | az cosmosdb sql role definition create --account-name MyAccount --resource-group MyResourceGroup --body '{ "Id": "be79875a-2cc4-40d5-8958-566017875b39", "RoleName": "My Read Only Role", "Type": "CustomRole", "AssignableScopes": ["/dbs/mydb/colls/mycontainer"], "Permissions": [{ "DataActions": [ "Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/readMetadata", "Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/sqlDatabases/containers/items/read", "Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/sqlDatabases/containers/executeQuery", "Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/sqlDatabases/containers/readChangeFeed" ] }] }' - name: Create a SQL role definition under an Azure Cosmos DB account using a JSON file. text: az cosmosdb sql role definition create --account-name MyAccount --resource-group MyResourceGroup --body @role-definition.json """ helps['cosmosdb sql role definition delete'] = """ type: command short-summary: Delete a SQL role definition under an Azure Cosmos DB account. examples: - name: Create a SQL role definition under an Azure Cosmos DB account. text: az cosmosdb sql role definition delete --account-name MyAccount --resource-group MyResourceGroup --id be79875a-2cc4-40d5-8958-566017875b39 """ helps['cosmosdb sql role definition exists'] = """ type: command short-summary: Check if an Azure Cosmos DB role definition exists. examples: - name: Check if an Azure Cosmos DB role definition exists. text: az cosmosdb sql role definition exists --account-name MyAccount --resource-group MyResourceGroup --id be79875a-2cc4-40d5-8958-566017875b39 """ helps['cosmosdb sql role definition list'] = """ type: command short-summary: List all SQL role definitions under an Azure Cosmos DB account. examples: - name: List all SQL role definitions under an Azure Cosmos DB account. text: az cosmosdb sql role definition list --account-name MyAccount --resource-group MyResourceGroup """ helps['cosmosdb sql role definition show'] = """ type: command short-summary: Show the properties of a SQL role definition under an Azure Cosmos DB account. examples: - name: Show the properties of a SQL role definition under an Azure Cosmos DB account. text: az cosmosdb sql role definition show --account-name MyAccount --resource-group MyResourceGroup --id be79875a-2cc4-40d5-8958-566017875b39 """ helps['cosmosdb sql role definition update'] = """ type: command short-summary: Update a SQL role definition under an Azure Cosmos DB account. examples: - name: Update a SQL role definition under an Azure Cosmos DB account. text: az cosmosdb sql role definition update --account-name MyAccount --resource-group MyResourceGroup --body @role-definition.json """ helps['cosmosdb sql role assignment'] = """ type: group short-summary: Manage Azure Cosmos DB SQL role assignments. """ helps['cosmosdb sql role assignment create'] = """ type: command short-summary: Create a SQL role assignment under an Azure Cosmos DB account. examples: - name: Create a SQL role assignment under an Azure Cosmos DB account. text: | az cosmosdb sql role assignment create --account-name
mask = None else: # todo create faster fill func without masking mask = com.mask_missing(transf(values), missing) if method == 'pad': com.pad_2d(transf(values), limit=limit, mask=mask) else: com.backfill_2d(transf(values), limit=limit, mask=mask) return make_block(values, self.items, self.ref_items) def take(self, indexer, axis=1): if axis < 1: raise AssertionError('axis must be at least 1, got %d' % axis) new_values = com.take_nd(self.values, indexer, axis=axis, allow_fill=False) return make_block(new_values, self.items, self.ref_items) def get_values(self, dtype): return self.values def diff(self, n): """ return block for the diff of the values """ new_values = com.diff(self.values, n, axis=1) return make_block(new_values, self.items, self.ref_items) def shift(self, indexer, periods): """ shift the block by periods, possibly upcast """ new_values = self.values.take(indexer, axis=1) # convert integer to float if necessary. need to do a lot more than # that, handle boolean etc also new_values, fill_value = com._maybe_upcast(new_values) if periods > 0: new_values[:, :periods] = fill_value else: new_values[:, periods:] = fill_value return make_block(new_values, self.items, self.ref_items) def eval(self, func, other, raise_on_error = True, try_cast = False): """ evaluate the block; return result block from the result Parameters ---------- func : how to combine self, other other : a ndarray/object raise_on_error : if True, raise when I can't perform the function, False by default (and just return the data that we had coming in) Returns ------- a new block, the result of the func """ values = self.values # see if we can align other if hasattr(other, 'reindex_axis'): axis = getattr(other, '_het_axis', 0) other = other.reindex_axis(self.items, axis=axis, copy=True).values # make sure that we can broadcast is_transposed = False if hasattr(other, 'ndim') and hasattr(values, 'ndim'): if values.ndim != other.ndim or values.shape == other.shape[::-1]: values = values.T is_transposed = True values, other = self._try_coerce_args(values, other) args = [ values, other ] try: result = self._try_coerce_result(func(*args)) except (Exception), detail: if raise_on_error: raise TypeError('Could not operate [%s] with block values [%s]' % (repr(other),str(detail))) else: # return the values result = np.empty(values.shape,dtype='O') result.fill(np.nan) if not isinstance(result, np.ndarray): raise TypeError('Could not compare [%s] with block values' % repr(other)) if is_transposed: result = result.T # try to cast if requested if try_cast: result = self._try_cast_result(result) return make_block(result, self.items, self.ref_items) def where(self, other, cond, raise_on_error = True, try_cast = False): """ evaluate the block; return result block(s) from the result Parameters ---------- other : a ndarray/object cond : the condition to respect raise_on_error : if True, raise when I can't perform the function, False by default (and just return the data that we had coming in) Returns ------- a new block(s), the result of the func """ values = self.values # see if we can align other if hasattr(other,'reindex_axis'): axis = getattr(other,'_het_axis',0) other = other.reindex_axis(self.items, axis=axis, copy=True).values # make sure that we can broadcast is_transposed = False if hasattr(other, 'ndim') and hasattr(values, 'ndim'): if values.ndim != other.ndim or values.shape == other.shape[::-1]: values = values.T is_transposed = True # see if we can align cond if not hasattr(cond,'shape'): raise ValueError("where must have a condition that is ndarray like") if hasattr(cond,'reindex_axis'): axis = getattr(cond,'_het_axis',0) cond = cond.reindex_axis(self.items, axis=axis, copy=True).values else: cond = cond.values # may need to undo transpose of values if hasattr(values, 'ndim'): if values.ndim != cond.ndim or values.shape == cond.shape[::-1]: values = values.T is_transposed = not is_transposed # our where function def func(c,v,o): if c.ravel().all(): return v v, o = self._try_coerce_args(v, o) try: return self._try_coerce_result(expressions.where(c, v, o, raise_on_error=True)) except (Exception), detail: if raise_on_error: raise TypeError('Could not operate [%s] with block values [%s]' % (repr(o),str(detail))) else: # return the values result = np.empty(v.shape,dtype='float64') result.fill(np.nan) return result def create_block(result, items, transpose = True): if not isinstance(result, np.ndarray): raise TypeError('Could not compare [%s] with block values' % repr(other)) if transpose and is_transposed: result = result.T # try to cast if requested if try_cast: result = self._try_cast_result(result) return make_block(result, items, self.ref_items) # see if we can operate on the entire block, or need item-by-item if not self._can_hold_na: axis = cond.ndim-1 result_blocks = [] for item in self.items: loc = self.items.get_loc(item) item = self.items.take([loc]) v = values.take([loc],axis=axis) c = cond.take([loc],axis=axis) o = other.take([loc],axis=axis) if hasattr(other,'shape') else other result = func(c,v,o) if len(result) == 1: result = np.repeat(result,self.shape[1:]) result = _block_shape(result,ndim=self.ndim,shape=self.shape[1:]) result_blocks.append(create_block(result, item, transpose = False)) return result_blocks else: result = func(cond,values,other) return create_block(result, self.items) class NumericBlock(Block): is_numeric = True _can_hold_na = True def _try_cast_result(self, result): return _possibly_downcast_to_dtype(result, self.dtype) class FloatBlock(NumericBlock): _downcast_dtype = 'int64' def _can_hold_element(self, element): if isinstance(element, np.ndarray): return issubclass(element.dtype.type, (np.floating, np.integer)) return isinstance(element, (float, int)) def _try_cast(self, element): try: return float(element) except: # pragma: no cover return element def to_native_types(self, slicer=None, na_rep='', float_format=None, **kwargs): """ convert to our native types format, slicing if desired """ values = self.values if slicer is not None: values = values[:,slicer] values = np.array(values,dtype=object) mask = isnull(values) values[mask] = na_rep if float_format: imask = (-mask).ravel() values.flat[imask] = np.array([ float_format % val for val in values.ravel()[imask] ]) return values.tolist() def should_store(self, value): # when inserting a column should not coerce integers to floats # unnecessarily return issubclass(value.dtype.type, np.floating) and value.dtype == self.dtype class ComplexBlock(NumericBlock): def _can_hold_element(self, element): return isinstance(element, complex) def _try_cast(self, element): try: return complex(element) except: # pragma: no cover return element def should_store(self, value): return issubclass(value.dtype.type, np.complexfloating) class IntBlock(NumericBlock): _can_hold_na = False def _can_hold_element(self, element): if isinstance(element, np.ndarray): return issubclass(element.dtype.type, np.integer) return com.is_integer(element) def _try_cast(self, element): try: return int(element) except: # pragma: no cover return element def should_store(self, value): return com.is_integer_dtype(value) and value.dtype == self.dtype class BoolBlock(NumericBlock): is_bool = True _can_hold_na = False def _can_hold_element(self, element): return isinstance(element, (int, bool)) def _try_cast(self, element): try: return bool(element) except: # pragma: no cover return element def should_store(self, value): return issubclass(value.dtype.type, np.bool_) class ObjectBlock(Block): is_object = True _can_hold_na = True @property def is_bool(self): """ we can be a bool if we have only bool values but are of type object """ return lib.is_bool_array(self.values.ravel()) def convert(self, convert_dates = True, convert_numeric = True, copy = True): """ attempt to coerce any object types to better types return a copy of the block (if copy = True) by definition we ARE an ObjectBlock!!!!! can return multiple blocks! """ # attempt to create new type blocks blocks = [] for i, c in enumerate(self.items): values = self.get(c) values = com._possibly_convert_objects(values, convert_dates=convert_dates, convert_numeric=convert_numeric) values = _block_shape(values) items = self.items.take([i]) newb = make_block(values, items, self.ref_items) blocks.append(newb) return blocks def _can_hold_element(self, element): return True def _try_cast(self, element): return element def should_store(self, value): return not issubclass(value.dtype.type, (np.integer, np.floating, np.complexfloating, np.datetime64, np.bool_)) _NS_DTYPE = np.dtype('M8[ns]') _TD_DTYPE = np.dtype('m8[ns]') class DatetimeBlock(Block): _can_hold_na = True def __init__(self, values, items, ref_items, ndim=2): if values.dtype != _NS_DTYPE: values = tslib.cast_to_nanoseconds(values) Block.__init__(self, values, items, ref_items, ndim=ndim) def _gi(self, arg): return lib.Timestamp(self.values[arg]) def _can_hold_element(self, element): return com.is_integer(element) or isinstance(element, datetime) def _try_cast(self, element): try: return int(element) except: return element def _try_coerce_args(self, values, other): """ provide coercion to our input arguments we are going to compare vs i8, so coerce to integer values is always ndarra like, other may not be """ values = values.view('i8') if isinstance(other, datetime): other = lib.Timestamp(other).asm8.view('i8') elif isnull(other): other = tslib.iNaT else: other = other.view('i8') return values, other def _try_coerce_result(self, result): """ reverse of try_coerce_args """ if isinstance(result, np.ndarray): if result.dtype == 'i8': result = tslib.array_to_datetime(result.astype(object).ravel()).reshape(result.shape) elif isinstance(result, np.integer): result = lib.Timestamp(result) return result def to_native_types(self, slicer=None, na_rep=None, **kwargs): """ convert to our native types format, slicing if desired """ values = self.values if slicer is not None: values = values[:,slicer] mask = isnull(values) rvalues = np.empty(self.shape,dtype=object) if na_rep is None: na_rep = 'NaT' rvalues[mask] = na_rep imask = (-mask).ravel() if self.dtype == 'datetime64[ns]': rvalues.flat[imask] = np.array([ Timestamp(val)._repr_base for val in values.ravel()[imask] ],dtype=object) elif self.dtype == 'timedelta64[ns]': rvalues.flat[imask] = np.array([ lib.repr_timedelta64(val) for val in values.ravel()[imask] ],dtype=object) return rvalues.tolist() def should_store(self, value): return issubclass(value.dtype.type, np.datetime64) def set(self, item, value): """ Modify Block in-place with new item value Returns ------- None """ loc = self.items.get_loc(item) if value.dtype != _NS_DTYPE: value = tslib.cast_to_nanoseconds(value) self.values[loc] = value def get_values(self, dtype): if dtype == object: flat_i8 = self.values.ravel().view(np.int64) res = tslib.ints_to_pydatetime(flat_i8) return res.reshape(self.values.shape) return self.values def
<filename>inferelator_prior/motifs/<gh_stars>1-10 import numpy as np import pandas as pd import warnings import os import shutil import tempfile import itertools import pathos from collections import Counter from inferelator_prior.processor.bedtools import (extract_bed_sequence, intersect_bed, load_bed_to_bedtools, BED_CHROMOSOME) from inferelator_prior.processor.gtf import get_fasta_lengths, check_chromosomes_match INFO_COL = "Information_Content" ENTROPY_COL = "Shannon_Entropy" OCC_COL = "Occurrence" LEN_COL = "Length" MOTIF_COL = "Motif_ID" MOTIF_NAME_COL = "Motif_Name" MOTIF_OBJ_COL = "Motif_Object" MOTIF_CONSENSUS_COL = "Consensus" MOTIF_ORIGINAL_NAME_COL = 'Motif_Name_Original' SCAN_SCORE_COL = "Inferelator_Score" SCORE_PER_BASE = "Per Base Array" DEGEN_LOOKUP = {frozenset(("A", "T")): "W", frozenset(("A", "C")): "M", frozenset(("A", "G")): "R", frozenset(("C", "G")): "S", frozenset(("C", "T")): "Y", frozenset(("G", "T")): "K", frozenset("A"): "A", frozenset("T"): "T", frozenset("G"): "G", frozenset("C"): "C"} class Motif: motif_id = None motif_name = None motif_url = None _motif_probs = None _motif_counts = None _motif_prob_array = None _motif_alphabet = None _motif_background = None _motif_species = None _motif_accession = None _alphabet_map = None _consensus_seq = None _consensus_seq_degen = None _info_matrix = None _homer_odds = None @property def alphabet(self): return self._motif_alphabet @alphabet.setter def alphabet(self, new_alphabet): if new_alphabet is not None: self._motif_alphabet = np.array(new_alphabet) self._alphabet_map = {ch.lower(): i for i, ch in enumerate(self._motif_alphabet)} @property def accession(self): return self._motif_accession @accession.setter def accession(self, new_accession): if new_accession is not None: self._motif_accession = new_accession @property def id(self): return self.motif_id @id.setter def id(self, new_id): if new_id is not None: self.motif_id = new_id @property def name(self): return self.motif_name @name.setter def name(self, new_name): if new_name is not None: self.motif_name = new_name @property def alphabet_len(self): return len(self._motif_alphabet) @property def background(self): if self._motif_background is None: self._motif_background = np.array([[1 / self.alphabet_len] * self.alphabet_len]) return self._motif_background @property def probability_matrix(self): if self._motif_prob_array is None and len(self._motif_probs) == 0: return None if self._motif_prob_array is None or self._motif_prob_array.shape[0] < len(self._motif_probs): self._motif_prob_array = np.array(self._motif_probs) return self._motif_prob_array @probability_matrix.setter def probability_matrix(self, matrix): self._motif_prob_array = matrix @property def count_matrix(self): return np.array(self._motif_counts) if self._motif_counts is not None else None @property def shannon_entropy(self): with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning) # Calculate -1 * p log p and set to 0 where p is already 0 entropy = np.multiply(self.probability_matrix, np.log2(self.probability_matrix)) entropy[~np.isfinite(entropy)] = 0 entropy *= -1 return np.sum(entropy) @property def information_content(self): if self.probability_matrix is None: return 0 return np.sum(self.ic_matrix) @property def homer_odds(self): return self.threshold_ln_odds if self._homer_odds is None else self._homer_odds @homer_odds.setter def homer_odds(self, val): self._homer_odds = val @property def ic_matrix(self): if self.probability_matrix is None: return None if self._info_matrix is None or self._info_matrix.shape != self.probability_matrix.shape: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning) # Calculate p log (p/background) self._info_matrix = np.divide(self.probability_matrix, self.background.reshape(1, -1)) self._info_matrix = np.multiply(self.probability_matrix, np.log2(self._info_matrix)) self._info_matrix[~np.isfinite(self._info_matrix)] = 0. self._info_matrix = np.maximum(self._info_matrix, 0.) return self._info_matrix @property def expected_occurrence_rate(self): return int(2 ** self.information_content) @property def consensus(self): if self._consensus_seq is None: self._consensus_seq = "".join(np.apply_along_axis(lambda x: self.alphabet[x.argmax()], axis=1, arr=self.probability_matrix)) return self._consensus_seq @property def consensus_degen(self): if self._consensus_seq_degen is None: def _csdegen(x): return DEGEN_LOOKUP[frozenset(self.alphabet[x >= 0.35])] if np.sum(x >= 0.35) > 0 else "N" self._consensus_seq_degen = "".join(np.apply_along_axis(_csdegen, axis=1, arr=self.probability_matrix)) return self._consensus_seq_degen @property def max_ln_odds(self): max_ln_odd = np.log(np.amax(self.probability_matrix, axis=1) / 0.25) return np.sum(max_ln_odd) @property def threshold_ln_odds(self): second_prob = np.sort(self.probability_matrix, axis=1)[:, 2] return self.max_ln_odds - max((np.sum(np.log(second_prob[second_prob > 0.25] / 0.25)), 0.1 * self.max_ln_odds)) @property def species(self): return self._motif_species @species.setter def species(self, new_species): is_list = isinstance(new_species, (list, tuple)) if is_list and self._motif_species is None: self._motif_species = new_species elif is_list: self._motif_species.extend(new_species) elif self._motif_species is None: self._motif_species = [new_species] else: self._motif_species.append(new_species) def __len__(self): return self.probability_matrix.shape[0] if self.probability_matrix is not None else 0 def __str__(self): return "{mid} {mname}: Width {el} IC {ic:.2f} bits".format(mid=self.motif_id, mname=self.motif_name, el=len(self), ic=self.information_content) def __eq__(self, other): try: return np.allclose(self.probability_matrix, other.probability_matrix) \ and (self.motif_id == other.motif_id) and (self.motif_name == other.motif_name) except AttributeError: pass try: return self.motif_name == other except TypeError: pass return False def __init__(self, motif_id=None, motif_name=None, motif_alphabet=None, motif_background=None): = motif_id = motif_name self.alphabet = np.array(motif_alphabet) if motif_alphabet is not None else None self._motif_background = motif_background self._motif_probs = [] def add_prob_line(self, line): self._motif_probs.append(line) def add_count_line(self, line): if self._motif_counts is not None: self._motif_counts.append(line) else: self._motif_counts = [line] def score_match(self, match, disallow_homopolymer=True, homopolymer_one_off_len=6, score_zero_as_zero=None): if len(match) != len(self): msg = "Sequence length {l} not compatible with motif length {m}".format(l=len(match), m=len(self)) raise ValueError(msg) # Score anything that's a homopolymer to 0 if the flag is set if disallow_homopolymer and sum([m == match[0] for m in match]) == len(match): return 0 # Score anything that's one base from a homopolymer to 0 if the flag is set if disallow_homopolymer and (len(match) > homopolymer_one_off_len and sum([min((c, 2)) for c in Counter(match).values()]) < 4): return 0 # Score anything with excessive nucleotides that have a p ~ 0.0 as 0 if score_zero_as_zero is not None and sum(p < 0.001 for p in self._prob_match(match)) > score_zero_as_zero: return 0 mse_ic = np.sum(np.square(np.subtract(self._info_match(self.consensus), self._info_match(match)))) return max((np.sum(self._info_match(match)) - mse_ic, 0.)) def truncate(self, threshold=0.35): threshold = np.max(self.probability_matrix, axis=1) > threshold keepers = (threshold.cumsum() > 0) & (threshold[::-1].cumsum()[::-1] > 0) self.probability_matrix = self.probability_matrix[keepers, :] self._motif_probs = list(itertools.compress(self._motif_probs, keepers)) def _prob_match(self, match): return [self.probability_matrix[i, self._alphabet_map[ch.lower()]] for i, ch in enumerate(match)] def _info_match(self, match): return [self.ic_matrix[i, self._alphabet_map[ch.lower()]] for i, ch in enumerate(match)] def species_contains(self, match_str): if self.species is not None: match_str = match_str.lower() return any(match_str in s.lower() for s in self.species) else: return False def shuffle(self, rng=None, random_seed=42): """ Shuffles per-base probabilities """ if rng is not None: rng.shuffle(self.probability_matrix.T) else: np.random.default_rng(random_seed).shuffle(self.probability_matrix.T) class MotifScanner: scanner_name = None def __init__(self, motif_file=None, motifs=None, num_workers=4): if (motif_file is None and motifs is None) or (motif_file is not None and motifs is not None): raise ValueError("One of meme_file or motifs must be passed") self.motif_file = motif_file self.motifs = motifs self.num_workers = num_workers def scan(self, genome_fasta_file=None, constraint_bed_file=None, promoter_bed=None, min_ic=None, threshold=None, valid_fasta_chromosomes=None, debug=False, extracted_genome=None): """ """ # Preprocess motifs into a list of temp chunk files motif_files = self._preprocess(min_ic=min_ic) # Unpack list to a dict for convenience self.motifs = {mot.motif_id: mot for mot in self.motifs} try: if extracted_genome is None: extracted_fasta_file = self.extract_genome(genome_fasta_file, constraint_bed_file, promoter_bed, valid_fasta_chromosomes, debug) try: motif_data = self._scan_extract(motif_files, extracted_fasta_file, threshold=threshold) return self._postprocess(motif_data) finally: try: os.remove(extracted_fasta_file) except FileNotFoundError: pass else: motif_data = self._scan_extract(motif_files, extracted_genome, threshold=threshold) return self._postprocess(motif_data) finally: for file in motif_files: try: os.remove(file) except FileNotFoundError: pass @staticmethod def extract_genome(genome_fasta_file, constraint_bed_file=None, promoter_bed=None, valid_fasta_chromosomes=None, debug=False): if valid_fasta_chromosomes is None: _chr_lens = get_fasta_lengths(genome_fasta_file) valid_fasta_chromosomes = list(_chr_lens.keys()) con_bed_file = load_bed_to_bedtools(constraint_bed_file) if constraint_bed_file is not None else None pro_bed_file = load_bed_to_bedtools(promoter_bed) if promoter_bed is not None else None if con_bed_file is not None and valid_fasta_chromosomes is not None: check_chromosomes_match(con_bed_file.to_dataframe(), valid_fasta_chromosomes, chromosome_column=BED_CHROMOSOME, file_name=constraint_bed_file) if debug: MotifScanner._print_bed_summary(con_bed_file, constraint_bed_file) if pro_bed_file is not None and valid_fasta_chromosomes is not None: check_chromosomes_match(pro_bed_file.to_dataframe(), valid_fasta_chromosomes, chromosome_column=BED_CHROMOSOME, file_name=pro_bed_file) if debug: MotifScanner._print_bed_summary(pro_bed_file, promoter_bed) if con_bed_file is not None and pro_bed_file is not None: bed_file = intersect_bed(load_bed_to_bedtools(constraint_bed_file), load_bed_to_bedtools(promoter_bed)) elif con_bed_file is not None: bed_file = con_bed_file elif pro_bed_file is not None: bed_file = pro_bed_file else: extracted_fasta_file = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".fasta")[1] shutil.copy2(genome_fasta_file, extracted_fasta_file) return extracted_fasta_file extracted_fasta_file = extract_bed_sequence(bed_file, genome_fasta_file) return extracted_fasta_file def _scan_extract(self, motif_files, extracted_fasta_file, threshold=None, parse_genomic_coord=True): # If the number of workers is 1, run fimo directly if (self.num_workers == 1) or (len(motif_files) == 1): assert len(motif_files) == 1 return self._get_motifs(extracted_fasta_file, motif_files[0], threshold=threshold, parse_genomic_coord=parse_genomic_coord) # Otherwise parallelize with a process pool (pathos because dill will do local functions) else: # Convenience local function n = len(motif_files) def _get_chunk_motifs(i, chunk_file): print("Launching {name} scanner [{i} / {n}]".format(name=self.scanner_name, i=i + 1, n=n)) results = self._get_motifs(extracted_fasta_file, chunk_file, threshold=threshold, parse_genomic_coord=parse_genomic_coord) print("Scanning completed [{i} / {n}]".format(i=i + 1, n=n)) return results with pathos.multiprocessing.Pool(self.num_workers) as pool: motif_data = [data for data in pool.starmap(_get_chunk_motifs, enumerate(motif_files))] motif_data = pd.concat(motif_data) return motif_data def _preprocess(self, min_ic=None): raise NotImplementedError def _postprocess(self, motif_peaks): raise NotImplementedError def _get_motifs(self, fasta_file, motif_file, threshold=None, parse_genomic_coord=True): raise NotImplementedError def _parse_output(self, output_handle): raise NotImplementedError @staticmethod def _print_bed_summary(bedtools_obj, bed_file_name): for chromosome, ct in bedtools_obj.to_dataframe()[BED_CHROMOSOME].value_counts().iteritems(): print("BED File ({f}) parsing complete:".format(f=bed_file_name)) print("\tChromosome {c}: {n} intervals found".format(c=chromosome, n=ct)) def motifs_to_dataframe(motifs): entropy = list(map(lambda x: x.shannon_entropy, motifs)) occurrence = list(map(lambda x: x.expected_occurrence_rate, motifs)) info = list(map(lambda x: x.information_content, motifs)) ids = list(map(lambda x: x.motif_id, motifs)) names = list(map(lambda x: x.motif_name, motifs)) cons = list(map(lambda x: x.consensus_degen, motifs)) df = pd.DataFrame( zip(ids, names, info, entropy, occurrence, list(map(lambda x: len(x), motifs)), motifs, cons), index=list(map(lambda x: x.motif_name, motifs)), columns=[MOTIF_COL, MOTIF_NAME_COL, INFO_COL, ENTROPY_COL, OCC_COL, LEN_COL, MOTIF_OBJ_COL, MOTIF_CONSENSUS_COL] ) return df def select_motifs(motifs, regulator_constraint_list): """ Keep only motifs for TFs in a list. Case-insensitive. :param motifs: A list of motif objects :type motifs: list[Motif] :param
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Javelin Web2Py Admin Controller """ # metadata __author__ = "<NAME>" __copyright__ = "(c) 2013, Jacobson and Varni, LLC" __date__ = "7/12/2013" __email__ = "<EMAIL>" __data__ = {'name' : 'jadmin', 'label' : 'Admin', 'description' : 'Only accessible to admins', 'icon' : 'briefcase', 'u-icon' : u'\uf0b1', 'color':'orange', 'required' : True} import time from datetime import datetime from applications.javelin.ctr_data import ctr_enabled, get_ctr_data from gluon.contrib import simplejson as json from import Service from import Storage service = Service(globals()) DOC_TYPES = Storage( CALLSLIP=Storage(value=0, label="Call Slips"), ATTSHEETS=Storage(value=1, label="Attendance Sheets"), NAMETAGS=Storage(value=2, label="Nametags") ) @auth.requires_login() @auth.requires_membership('admin') def index(): """Loads the index page for the 'Admin' controller :returns: a dictionary to pass to the view with the list of ctr_enabled and the active module ('admin') """ ctr_data = get_ctr_data() users = db().select(db.auth_user.ALL) approvals = db(db.auth_user.registration_key=='pending').select(db.auth_user.ALL) return dict(ctr_enabled=ctr_enabled, ctr_data=ctr_data, active_module='jadmin', users=users, approvals=approvals, doctypes=DOC_TYPES) @auth.requires_login() @auth.requires_membership('admin') @service.json def create_doc(doctype, data): logger.debug("CREATE DOC CALLED") import StringIO from reportlab.platypus import SimpleDocTemplate, Paragraph, Table, TableStyle, Image, Spacer from reportlab.platypus.flowables import PageBreak from reportlab.lib.styles import ParagraphStyle from reportlab.lib.enums import TA_CENTER, TA_LEFT from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import letter, inch from reportlab.lib import colors io = StringIO.StringIO() doc = SimpleDocTemplate(io, pagesize=letter, rightMargin=0.18*inch, leftMargin=0.18*inch, topMargin=0.18*inch, bottomMargin=0) elements = list() doctype = int(doctype) if data: data = json.loads(data) if doctype == DOC_TYPES.CALLSLIP.value: doc_title = "Call_Slips" people = data['people'] message = data['message'] persons = list() for p in people: if p.startswith('group_'): group = db(db.group_rec.group_id==p.replace('group_', '')).select(, join=db.group_rec.on( for g in group: if not in persons: persons.append( elif p.startswith('grade_'): grade = db(db.person.grade==p.replace('grade_', '')).select( for g in grade: if not in persons: persons.append( elif p == 'all_leaders': leaders = db(db.person.leader==True).select( for l in leaders: if not in persons: persons.append( elif p == 'all_people': allpeople = db().select( for a in allpeople: if not in persons: persons.append( else: if p not in persons: persons.append(p) people = [Storage(id=pid, last_name=db(, first_name=db(, courses=['{}: {}'.format(c.period, for c in db().select(db.course.period,, join=db.course_rec.on(( & (db.course_rec.student_id==pid)), orderby=db.course.period)] ) for pid in persons] i = 0 centerStyle = ParagraphStyle(name='Center', alignment=TA_CENTER) leftStyle = ParagraphStyle(name='Left', alignment=TA_LEFT) tableStyle = TableStyle([('VALIGN',(0,0),(-1,-1),'TOP'), ('INNERGRID', (0,0), (-1,-1), 0.25,]) page = list() for person in people: page.append([Paragraph("<para alignment='left'><br></para>" +\ "<para alignment='center'><font face='Times-Bold' size=16>Vintage Crusher Crew</font><br><br><br></para>" +\ "<para alignment='left'><font face='Times' size=14><b>Name:</b> {} {}</font><br><br></para>".format(person.first_name, person.last_name) +\ "<para alignment='left'><font face='Times' size=12><b>Rooms:</b> {}</font><br><br></para>".format(', '.join( +\ "<para alignment='left'><font face='Times' size=12><b>Message:</b></font><br></para>" +\ "<para alignment='left'><font face='Times' size=12>{}</font></para>".format(message), leftStyle)]) i = (i+1)%4 if i == 0: table = Table(page, colWidths=[8*inch], rowHeights=[2.5*inch]*len(page)) table.setStyle(tableStyle) elements.append(table) elements.append(PageBreak()) page = list() elif doctype == DOC_TYPES.ATTSHEETS.value: pass elif doctype == DOC_TYPES.NAMETAGS.value: people = data['people'] event_name = data['event_name'] events = data['events'] present = data['present'] persons = list() for p in people: if p.startswith('group_'): group = db(db.group_rec.group_id==p.replace('group_', '')).select(, join=db.group_rec.on( for g in group: if not in persons: persons.append( elif p.startswith('grade_'): grade = db(db.person.grade==p.replace('grade_', '')).select( for g in grade: if not in persons: persons.append( elif p == 'all_leaders': leaders = db(db.person.leader==True).select( for l in leaders: if not in persons: persons.append( elif p == 'all_people': allpeople = db().select( for a in allpeople: if not in persons: persons.append( else: if p not in persons: persons.append(p) centerStyle = ParagraphStyle(name='Center', alignment=TA_CENTER) leftStyle = ParagraphStyle(name='Left', alignment=TA_LEFT) tableStyle = TableStyle([('VALIGN',(0,-1),(-1,-1),'TOP')]) label_num = 0 row_num = 0 labels = list() for pid in persons: row = db( label = list() if label_num == 2: table = Table([labels], colWidths=[4*inch,0.14*inch,4*inch], rowHeights=[2*inch]*(len(labels)/2)) table.setStyle(tableStyle) elements.append(table) label_num = 0 labels = list() row_num += 1 if row_num == 5: row_num = 0 elements.append(PageBreak()) header = Paragraph("<font face='Times-Bold' size=11>{} {}</font>".format(year, event_name), centerStyle) label.append(header) label.append(Spacer(1,11)) firstName = Paragraph("<font face='Times-Bold' size=18>{}</font>".format(row.first_name), centerStyle) label.append(firstName) label.append(Spacer(1, 11)) lastName = Paragraph("<font face='Times-Roman' size=11>{}</font>".format(row.last_name), centerStyle) label.append(lastName) label.append(Spacer(1,20)) # if row.crew.wefsk != '' or row.crew.wefsk != None or row.crew.wefsk != 'N/A': # try: # rooms = rotation(row.crew.wefsk.split('-')[0], row.crew.wefsk.split('-')[1]) # except: # rooms = 'N/A' # else: # rooms = 'N/A' label.append(Paragraph("<font face='Times-Roman' size=11>ID#: {}</font>".format(row.student_id), leftStyle)) label.append(Paragraph("<font face='Times-Roman' size=11>Crew #: {}</font>".format(row.crew), leftStyle)) # label.append(Paragraph("<font face='Times-Roman' size=11>Crew Room: {}</font>".format(, leftStyle)) # label.append(Paragraph("<font face='Times-Roman' size=11>W.E.F.S.K. Rotation: {}</font>".format(rooms), leftStyle)) labels.append(label) if label_num == 0: labels.append(Spacer(14, 144)) label_num += 1 doc_title = '_'.join(event_name.split()) now ='%Y-%m-%d') filename = "{}_{}_{}.pdf".format(doc_title, now, int(time.time())) file_id = db.file.insert(name=filename,, filename)) db_file = db.file(file_id).file return dict(filename=db_file) @auth.requires_login() @auth.requires_membership('admin') @service.json def update_names(names): names = json.loads(names) response = [] for name in names: r = db.module_names.update_or_insert(name=name['name'], label=name['value']) response.append(r) errors = list() for i in range(len(response)): if response[i] == 0: errors.append(names[i]) return dict(errors=errors) @auth.requires_login() @auth.requires_membership('admin') @service.json def approve_user(id): response = db('') return dict(response=response) @auth.requires_login() @auth.requires_membership('admin') @service.json def disapprove_user(id): response = db( return dict(response=response) @auth.requires_login() @auth.requires_membership('admin') @service.json def import_from_csv(csv_file): """Imports records into the database from a CSV file :param file: the file to be imported :param contains_ids: a boolean value which specifies if the records have ids; default is True :returns: a dictionary with a response, either a 0 or 1, depending on success """ response = list() lines = csv_file.rstrip().splitlines() if len(lines) > 0: columns = lines.pop(0).split(',') for i in range(len(columns)): columns[i] = '_'.join(columns[i].lower().split()) for line in lines: record = dict() line = line.split(',') for i in range(len(line)): record[columns[i]] = line[i] record = dict((k,v) for k,v in record.items() if k in db.person.fields) response.append(db.person.update_or_insert(['id'], **record)) return dict(response=response) @auth.requires_login() @auth.requires_membership('admin') @service.json def import_from_query(csv_file, leaders): """Imports records into the database from a CSV file (in the form of the queries from VHS) :param file: the file to be imported :returns: a dictionary with a response, either a 0 or 1, depending on success """ import csv import StringIO leaders = True if leaders=="true" else False def phone_format(n): try: return format(int(n[:-1]), ",").replace(",", "-") + n[-1] except: return None if not leaders: file_string = StringIO.StringIO(csv_file) lines = list(csv.reader(file_string, skipinitialspace=True)) del file_string del csv_file # INSERT STUDENTS student_ids = list() teacher_ids = list() course_ids = list() columns = lines.pop(0) while len(lines) > 0: record = dict() line = lines.pop(0) student_id = line[columns.index('student_id')] teacher_id = line[columns.index('teacher_id')] course_id = line[columns.index('course_id')] if student_id and student_id not in student_ids: student_ids.append(student_id) for i in range(len(line)): record[columns[i]] = line[i] record = dict((k,v) for k,v in record.items() if k in db.person.fields) if record.get('cell_phone', None): record['cell_phone'] = phone_format(record['cell_phone']) if record.get('home_phone', None): record['home_phone'] = phone_format(record['home_phone']) db.person.update_or_insert(db.person.student_id==student_id, **record) if teacher_id and teacher_id not in teacher_ids: teacher_ids.append(teacher_id) db.teacher.update_or_insert(db.teacher.teacher_id==teacher_id, **{ 'teacher_id':line[columns.index('teacher_id')], 'teacher_name':line[columns.index('teacher_name')]}) if course_id and teacher_id and course_id not in course_ids: course_ids.append(course_id) teacher = db(db.teacher.teacher_id==teacher_id).select( if teacher: db.course.update_or_insert(db.course.course_id==course_id, **{ 'course_id':line[columns.index('course_id')], 'code':line[columns.index('course_code')], 'title':line[columns.index('course_title')], 'period':line[columns.index('period')], 'room':line[columns.index('room')], 'teacher_id'}) if course_id and student_id: course = db(db.course.course_id==course_id).select().first() student = db(db.person.student_id==student_id).select().first() if course and student: db.course_rec.update_or_insert(( & (,, db.commit() del record del line return dict(response=True) else: errors = list() lines = list(csv.reader(StringIO.StringIO(csv_file), skipinitialspace=True)) columns = lines.pop(0) short_tasks = { 'Team Sacrifice (Must have a car and willingness to work later than others)' : 'Team Sacrifice', "Peer Support (Must be enrolled in Mr. Ward's Psychology or Peer Support class)" : 'Peer Support', "Tutor/Study Buddy (Academic credits are available for this option)" : 'Tutor/Study Buddy', "Database Manager (Must know Excel, Mail merge, and other technologies)" : 'Database Manager', "Facebook Maintenance (You are responsible for up keeping on our page. Must be a FB addict)" : "Facebook Maintenance", "Fundraising Team" : "Fundraising Team", "TAs (Work with freshmen and Mr. Varni, Mr. Ward, or Mrs. Housley during the school day (Academic credits are available for this option)": "TAs", "Posters & Propaganda" : "Posters & Propaganda", "Public Outreach (Attend Parent Night, Back-to-School, other public events)" : 'Public Outreach', "ASB Support (Those enrolled in 4th period Leadership class should check this option, but others are welcome as well)" : "ASB Support", "L.O.C.s (Loyal Order of the Crushers. Attend home athletic and extracurricular events)": "L.O.C.s", "Dirty 30 (Explain various aspects of high school culture to freshmen on Orientation Day afternoon)" : "Dirty 30", "Set-up (Room Mapping) and Clean-up (Orientation Day only)": "Set-up and Clean-up", "Homecoming Parade (Dress up and ride on our float! Easy!)" : "Homecoming Parade", "Security/Safety (Helps keep freshmen in line; works with Peer Support on Orientation Day)": "Security/Safety", "Food Prep & Clean-up (Orientation Day only)": "Food Prep & Clean-up", "Fashion (Make costumes for House Hotties and Homecoming Parade)" : "Fashion", 'Burgundy Beauties and Golden Guns (Formerly "House Hotties")' : "Burgundy Beauties and Golden Guns", "Audio-Visual (Responsible for music and videos during Orientation)" : "Audio-Visual", "A-Team (Alumni only)": "A-Team" } task_teams = [ for task in db().select(] for line in lines: record = dict() for i in range(len(line)): if columns[i] == 'last_name' or columns[i] == 'first_name': line[i] = line[i].capitalize() record[columns[i]] = line[i] record = dict((k,v) for k,v in record.items() if k in db.person.fields) if record.get('cell_phone', None): record['cell_phone'] = phone_format(record['cell_phone']) try: person = db((db.person.last_name==record['last_name']) & (db.person.first_name==record['first_name'])).select(db.person.ALL).first() if person: person_id = db(**record) db( aTasks = line[columns.index('a_tasks')].split(',') bTasks = line[columns.index('b_tasks')].split(',') cTasks = line[columns.index('c_tasks')].split(',') tasks_to_add = list() for task in aTasks: if task not in task_teams and task in short_tasks.values(): task_id = db.groups.insert(name=task) tasks_to_add.append(task_id) task_teams.append(task) elif task in task_teams and task in short_tasks.values(): task_row = db( if task_row: task_id = tasks_to_add.append(task_id) for task in bTasks: if task not in task_teams and task in short_tasks.values(): task_id = db.groups.insert(name=task) tasks_to_add.append(task_id) task_teams.append(task) elif task in task_teams and task in short_tasks.values(): task_row = db( if task_row: task_id = tasks_to_add.append(task_id) for task in cTasks: if task not in task_teams and task in short_tasks.values(): task_id = db.groups.insert(name=task) tasks_to_add.append(task_id) task_teams.append(task) elif task in task_teams and task in short_tasks.values(): task_row = db( if task_row: task_id = tasks_to_add.append(task_id) for task in tasks_to_add: if not db((db.group_rec.group_id==task_id) & (db.group_rec.person_id==person_id)).select().first(): db.group_rec.insert(group_id=task_id, person_id=person_id) except: errors.append(record['last_name'] + ", " + record['first_name']) return dict(errors=errors) @auth.requires_login() @auth.requires_membership('admin') @service.json def get_person_group_data(query=None): if query: qlist = query.split() query = query.lower() students = db(((db.person.last_name.contains(qlist, all=True)) | (db.person.first_name.contains(qlist, all=True))) ).select(, db.person.last_name, db.person.first_name, orderby=db.person.last_name|db.person.first_name).as_list() allfields = [{'text': 'All', 'children':[d for d in [{'id':'all_people', 'last_name':'All Students', 'first_name' : ''}, {'id':'all_leaders', 'last_name':'All Leaders', 'first_name' : ''}] if query in d['last_name'].lower()]}] allfields = [] if not allfields[0]['children'] else allfields gradefields = [{'text': 'By Grade', 'children':[d for d in [{'id':'grade_9', 'last_name': 'Freshmen', 'first_name': ''}, {'id':'grade_10', 'last_name': 'Sophomores', 'first_name': ''}, {'id':'grade_11', 'last_name': 'Juniors', 'first_name': ''}, {'id':'grade_12', 'last_name': 'Seniors', 'first_name': ''}] if query in d['last_name'].lower()]}] gradefields = [] if not gradefields[0]['children'] else gradefields taskteams = [{'text': 'Task Teams', 'children': [{'id':'group_' + str(, 'last_name':, 'first_name':''} for g in db(,]}] taskteams = [] if not taskteams[0]['children'] else taskteams students = [] if not students else [{'text': 'Students', 'children':students}] people = allfields +\ gradefields +\ taskteams +\ students else: students = db().select(, db.person.last_name, db.person.first_name, orderby=db.person.last_name|db.person.first_name).as_list() people = [{'text': 'All',
<gh_stars>10-100 from http.server import HTTPServer, CGIHTTPRequestHandler from socketserver import TCPServer import os import webbrowser import multiprocessing import sqlite3 import urllib.parse import json import sys import argparse import imp import yaml import re from cravat import ConfigLoader from cravat import admin_util as au from cravat import CravatFilter def get (handler): head = handler.trim_path_head() if head == 'service': serve_service(handler) elif head == 'widgetfile': serve_widgetfile(handler) elif head == 'runwidget': serve_runwidget(handler) else: handler.request_path = head + '/' + handler.request_path handler.request_path = handler.request_path.rstrip('/') filepath = get_filepath(handler.request_path) serve_view(handler, filepath) ### files ### def get_filepath (path): filepath = os.sep.join(path.split('/')) filepath = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'webviewer', filepath ) return filepath def serve_view (handler, filepath): handler.send_response(200) if filepath[-4:] == '.css': handler.send_header('Content-type', 'text/css') elif filepath[-3:] == '.js': handler.send_header('Content-type', 'application/javascript') elif filepath[-4:] == '.png': handler.send_header('Content-type', 'image/png') elif filepath[-4:] == '.jpg': handler.send_header('Content-type', 'image/jpg') elif filepath[-4:] == '.gif': handler.send_header('Content-type', 'image/gif') else: handler.send_header('Content-type', 'text/html') handler.end_headers() with open(filepath, 'rb') as f: response = handler.wfile.write(response) ### service ### def serve_service (handler): head = handler.trim_path_head() queries = handler.request_queries handler.send_response(200) handler.send_header('Content-type', 'application/json') handler.end_headers() if head == 'variantcols': content = get_variant_cols(queries) #if head == 'conf': # content = get_webviewerconf() elif head == 'getsummarywidgetnames': content = get_summary_widget_names(queries) elif head == 'getresulttablelevels': content = get_result_levels(queries) elif head == 'result': content = get_result(queries) elif head == 'count': content = get_count(queries) elif head == 'widgetlist': content = get_widgetlist() elif head == 'status': content = get_status(queries) elif head == 'savefiltersetting': content = save_filter_setting(queries) elif head == 'savelayoutsetting': content = save_layout_setting(queries) elif head == 'loadfiltersetting': content = load_filtersetting(queries) elif head == 'loadlayoutsetting': content = load_layout_setting(queries) elif head == 'deletelayoutsetting': content = delete_layout_setting(queries) elif head == 'renamelayoutsetting': content = rename_layout_setting(queries) elif head == 'getlayoutsavenames': content = get_layout_save_names(queries) elif head == 'getfiltersavenames': content = get_filter_save_names(queries) elif head == 'getnowgannotmodules': content = get_nowg_annot_modules(queries) handler.response = bytes(json.dumps(content), 'UTF-8') handler.wfile.write(handler.response) def get_nowg_annot_modules (queries): dbpath = urllib.parse.unquote(queries['dbpath'][0]) conn = sqlite3.connect(dbpath) cursor = conn.cursor() wgmodules = au.get_local_module_infos_of_type('webviewerwidget') annot_modules_with_wg = [] for wgmodule in wgmodules: conf = wgmodules[wgmodule].conf if 'required_annotator' in conf: if wgmodule not in annot_modules_with_wg: annot_modules_with_wg.append(wgmodule) nowg_annot_modules = {} if table_exists(cursor, 'variant'): q = 'select name, displayname from variant_annotator' cursor.execute(q) for r in cursor.fetchall(): m = r[0] if m in ['example_annotator', 'testannot', 'tagsampler']: continue annot_module = 'wg' + r[0] displayname = r[1] if annot_module not in annot_modules_with_wg and annot_module not in nowg_annot_modules: nowg_annot_modules[annot_module] = displayname content = nowg_annot_modules return content def get_filter_save_names (queries): dbpath = urllib.parse.unquote(queries['dbpath'][0]) conn = sqlite3.connect(dbpath) cursor = conn.cursor() table = 'viewersetup' if table_exists(cursor, table) == False: content = [] else: q = 'select distinct name from ' + table + ' where datatype="filter"' cursor.execute(q) r = cursor.fetchall() content = str([v[0] for v in r]) cursor.close() conn.close() return content def get_layout_save_names (queries): dbpath = urllib.parse.unquote(queries['dbpath'][0]) conn = sqlite3.connect(dbpath) cursor = conn.cursor() table = 'viewersetup' content = [] if table_exists(cursor, table): q = 'select distinct name from ' + table + ' where datatype="layout"' cursor.execute(q) r = cursor.fetchall() content = [v[0] for v in r] cursor.close() conn.close() return content def rename_layout_setting (queries): dbpath = urllib.parse.unquote(queries['dbpath'][0]) name = urllib.parse.unquote(queries['name'][0]) new_name = urllib.parse.unquote(queries['newname'][0]) conn = sqlite3.connect(dbpath) cursor = conn.cursor() table = 'viewersetup' if table_exists(cursor, table) == True: q = 'update ' + table + ' set name="' + new_name + '" where datatype="layout" and name="' + name + '"' cursor.execute(q) conn.commit() cursor.close() conn.close() content = {} return content def delete_layout_setting (queries): dbpath = urllib.parse.unquote(queries['dbpath'][0]) name = urllib.parse.unquote(queries['name'][0]) conn = sqlite3.connect(dbpath) cursor = conn.cursor() table = 'viewersetup' if table_exists(cursor, table) == True: q = 'DELETE FROM ' + table + ' WHERE datatype="layout" and name="' + name + '"' cursor.execute(q) conn.commit() cursor.close() conn.close() content = {} return content def load_layout_setting (queries): dbpath = urllib.parse.unquote(queries['dbpath'][0]) name = urllib.parse.unquote(queries['name'][0]) conn = sqlite3.connect(dbpath) cursor = conn.cursor() table = 'viewersetup' if table_exists(cursor, table) == False: content = {"widgetSettings": []} else: q = 'select viewersetup from ' + table + ' where datatype="layout" and name="' + name + '"' cursor.execute(q) r = cursor.fetchone() if r != None: data = r[0] content = json.loads(data) else: content = {"widgetSettings": []} cursor.close() conn.close() return content def load_filtersetting (queries): dbpath = urllib.parse.unquote(queries['dbpath'][0]) name = urllib.parse.unquote(queries['name'][0]) conn = sqlite3.connect(dbpath) cursor = conn.cursor() table = 'viewersetup' if table_exists(cursor, table) == False: content = {"filterSet": []} else: q = 'select viewersetup from ' + table + ' where datatype="filter" and name="' + name + '"' cursor.execute(q) r = cursor.fetchone() if r != None: data = r[0] content = json.loads(data) else: content = {"filterSet": []} cursor.close() conn.close() return content def save_layout_setting (queries): dbpath = urllib.parse.unquote(queries['dbpath'][0]) name = urllib.parse.unquote(queries['name'][0]) savedata = urllib.parse.unquote(queries['savedata'][0]) conn = sqlite3.connect(dbpath) cursor = conn.cursor() table = 'viewersetup' if table_exists(cursor, table) == False: q = 'create table ' + table + ' (datatype text, name text, viewersetup text, unique (datatype, name))' cursor.execute(q) q = 'replace into ' + table + ' values ("layout", "' + name + '", \'' + savedata + '\')' cursor.execute(q) conn.commit() cursor.close() conn.close() content = 'saved' return content def save_filter_setting (queries): dbpath = urllib.parse.unquote(queries['dbpath'][0]) name = urllib.parse.unquote(queries['name'][0]) savedata = urllib.parse.unquote(queries['savedata'][0]) conn = sqlite3.connect(dbpath) cursor = conn.cursor() table = 'viewersetup' if table_exists(cursor, table) == False: q = 'create table ' + table + ' (datatype text, name text, viewersetup text, unique (datatype, name))' cursor.execute(q) q = 'replace into ' + table + ' values ("filter", "' + name + '", \'' + savedata + '\')' cursor.execute(q) conn.commit() cursor.close() conn.close() content = 'saved' return content def get_status (queries): dbpath = urllib.parse.unquote(queries['dbpath'][0]) conn = sqlite3.connect(dbpath) cursor = conn.cursor() q = 'select * from info' cursor.execute(q) content = {} for row in cursor.fetchall(): content[row[0]] = row[1] return content def get_widgetlist (): content = [] modules = au.get_local_module_infos_of_type('webviewerwidget') for module_name in modules: module = modules[module_name] conf = module.conf if 'required_annotator' in conf: req = conf['required_annotator'] else: # Removes wg. req = module_name[2:] content.append({'name': module_name, 'title': module.title, 'required_annotator': req}) return content def get_count (queries): dbpath = urllib.parse.unquote(queries['dbpath'][0]) tab = queries['tab'][0] if 'filter' in queries: filterstring = queries['filter'][0] else: filterstring = None cf = CravatFilter(dbpath=dbpath, mode='sub', filterstring=filterstring) n = cf.exec_db(cf.getcount, level=tab) content = {'n': n} return content def get_result (queries): dbpath = urllib.parse.unquote(queries['dbpath'][0]) tab = queries['tab'][0] if 'filter' in queries: filterstring = queries['filter'][0] else: filterstring = None if 'confpath' in queries: confpath = queries['confpath'][0] else: confpath = None reporter_name = 'jsonreporter' f, fn, d = imp.find_module( reporter_name, [os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'webviewer')]) m = imp.load_module(reporter_name, f, fn, d) args = ['', dbpath] if confpath != None: args.extend(['-c', confpath]) if filterstring != None: args.extend(['--filterstring', filterstring]) reporter = m.Reporter(args) data = content = {} content['stat'] = {'rowsreturned': True, 'wherestr':'', 'filtered': True, 'filteredresultmessage': '', 'maxnorows': 100000, 'norows': data['info']['norows']} content['columns'] = get_colmodel(tab, data['colinfo']) content["data"] = get_datamodel(data[tab]) content["status"] = "normal" return content def get_result_levels (queries): conn = sqlite3.connect(queries['dbpath'][0]) cursor = conn.cursor() sql = 'select name from sqlite_master where type="table" and ' +\ 'name like "%_header"' cursor.execute(sql) ret = cursor.fetchall() if len(ret) > 0: content = [v[0].split('_')[0] for v in ret] content.insert(0, 'info') else: content = [] return content def get_variant_cols (queries): dbpath = urllib.parse.unquote(queries['dbpath'][0]) if 'confpath' in queries: confpath = queries['confpath'][0] else: confpath = None if 'filter' in queries: filterstring = queries['filter'][0] else: filterstring = None data = {} data['data'] = {} data['stat'] = {} data['status'] = {} colinfo = get_colinfo(dbpath, confpath, filterstring) data['columns'] = {} if 'variant' in colinfo: data['columns']['variant'] = get_colmodel('variant', colinfo) if 'gene' in colinfo: data['columns']['gene'] = get_colmodel('gene', colinfo) content = data return content def get_webviewerconf (): conf_path = os.path.join( au.get_system_conf()['home'], 'viewers', 'webviewer', 'webviewer.yml') with open(conf_path) as f: conf = yaml.safe_load(f) return conf def get_summary_widget_names (queries): runid = queries['jobid'][0] def get_datamodel (data): ret = [] for row in data: ret.append(list(row)) return ret def get_colmodel (tab, colinfo): colModel = [] groupkeys_ordered = [] groupnames = {} for d in colinfo[tab]['colgroups']: groupnames[d['name']] = [d['displayname'], d['count']] groupkeys_ordered.append(d['name']) dataindx = 0 for groupkey in groupkeys_ordered: [grouptitle, col_count] = groupnames[groupkey] columngroupdef = {'title': grouptitle, 'colModel': []} startidx = dataindx endidx = startidx + col_count for d in colinfo[tab]['columns'][startidx:endidx]: column = { "col": d['col_name'], 'colgroupkey': groupkey, 'colgroup': grouptitle, "title": d['col_title'], "align":"center", "hidden":False, "dataIndx": dataindx, "retfilt":False, "retfilttype":"None", "multiseloptions":[] } if d['col_type'] == 'string': column['filter']
from scrapy import Spider, Request from scrapy.selector import Selector from webmd.items import WebmdItem import urllib import re headers = {'User-Agent': 'Chrome/56.0.2924.87', 'enc_data': 'OXYIMo2UzzqFUzYszFv4lWP6aDP0r+h4AOC2fYVQIl8=', 'timestamp': 'Thu, 09 Feb 2017 02:11:34 GMT', 'client_id': '3454df96-c7a5-47bb-a74e-890fb3c30a0d'} class WebmdSpider(Spider): name = "webmd_spider" allowed_urls = [''] start_urls = [''] def parse(self, response): # follow links to next alphabet page atoz = response.xpath('//*[@id="drugs_view"]/li/a/@href').extract() print("parsing...") for i in range(2, len(atoz)): yield Request(response.urljoin(atoz[i]), callback = self.parse_az, dont_filter= True) def parse_az(self, response): # follow links to condition Aa = response.xpath('//*[@id="showAsubNav"]/ul/li').extract() print("selecting alphabet...") for i in range(len(Aa)): yield Request(response.urljoin(response.xpath('//*[@id="showAsubNav"]/ul/li//a/@href').extract()[i]), \ callback = self.parse_condition,\ dont_filter= True) def parse_condition(self, response): # follow links to drugs table = response.xpath('//*[@id="az-box"]/div//a').extract() print("scraping condition and following link to drugs...") for i in range(len(table)): Condition = response.xpath('//*[@id="az-box"]/div//a/text()').extract()[i] yield Request(response.urljoin(response.xpath('//*[@id="az-box"]/div//a/@href').extract()[i]), \ callback = self.parse_drug, meta = {'Condition' : Condition},\ dont_filter= True) def parse_drug(self, response): # following links to drug details Condition = response.meta['Condition'] print("scraping drug info and following link to details...") if'Please select a condition below to view a list', response.body): yield Request(response.urljoin(response.xpath('//*[@id="fdbSearchResults"]/ul/li[1]/a//@href').extract()[0]),\ callback = self.parse_drug, meta = {'Condition': Condition},\ dont_filter= True) else: rows = response.xpath('//*[@id="vit_drugsContent"]/div/div/table[2]/tr').extract() for i in range(len(rows)): Drug = response.xpath('//*[@id="vit_drugsContent"]/div/div/table[2]/tr/td[1]/a/text()').extract()[i] Indication = response.xpath('//*[@id="vit_drugsContent"]/div/div/table[2]/tr/td[2]/@class').extract()[i].replace('drug_ind_fmt', '') Type = response.xpath('//*[@id="vit_drugsContent"]/div/div/table[2]/tr/td[3]/@class').extract()[i].replace('drug_type_fmt', '') Review = response.xpath('//*[@id="vit_drugsContent"]/div/div/table[2]/tr/td[4]/a/text()').extract()[i].replace('\r\n', '') aspx_index = response.xpath('//*[@id="vit_drugsContent"]/div/div/table[2]/tr/td[1]/a/@href').extract()[i].find('aspx') + 4 yield Request(response.urljoin(response.xpath('//*[@id="vit_drugsContent"]/div/div/table[2]/tr/td[1]/a//@href').extract()[i][:aspx_index]),\ callback = self.parse_details, meta = {'Condition': Condition, 'Drug': Drug, 'Indication': Indication, 'Type': Type, 'Review': Review},\ dont_filter= True) def parse_details(self, response): Condition = response.meta['Condition'] Drug = response.meta['Drug'] Indication = response.meta['Indication'] Type = response.meta['Type'] Review = response.meta['Review'] print("scraping details and following link to contraindications...") if'The medication you searched for has more', response.body): yield Request(response.urljoin(response.xpath('//*[@id="ContentPane28"]/div/section/p[1]/a//@href').extract()[0]), \ callback = self.parse_details, meta = {'Condition': Condition, 'Drug': Drug, 'Indication': Indication, 'Type': Type, 'Review': Review},\ dont_filter= True) else: Use = ' '.join(response.xpath('//*[@id="ContentPane28"]/div/div/div/div[3]/div[1]/div[1]/h3/preceding-sibling::p//text()').extract()) HowtoUse = ' '.join(response.xpath('//*[@id="ContentPane28"]/div/div/div/div[3]/div[1]/div[1]/h3/following-sibling::p//text()').extract()) Sides = ' '.join(response.xpath('//*[@id="ContentPane28"]/div/div/div/div[3]/div[2]/div/p[1]//text()').extract()).replace('\r\n', '') Precautions = ' '.join(response.xpath('//*[@id="ContentPane28"]/div/div/div/div[3]/div[3]/div/p//text()').extract()) Interactions = ' '.join(response.xpath('//*[@id="ContentPane28"]/div/div/div/div[3]/div[4]/div[1]/p[2]//text()').extract()) revurl = response.xpath('//*[@id="ContentPane28"]/div/div/div/div[2]/nav/ul/li[7]/a//@href').extract()[0] if'(rx/)(\d+)',response.xpath('//*[@id="ContentPane28"]/div/div/div/div[4]/div[1]/div/a/@href').extract()[0]): priceid ='(rx/)(\d+)',response.xpath('//*[@id="ContentPane28"]/div/div/div/div[4]/div[1]/div/a/@href').extract()[0]).group(2) else: priceid = '' if not Use: Use = ' ' if not Sides: Sides = ' ' if not Interactions: Interactions = ' ' if not Precautions: Precautions = ' ' if not HowtoUse: HowtoUse = ' ' if'COMMON BRAND NAME', response.body): BrandName = ', '.join(response.xpath('//*[@id="ContentPane28"]/div/header/section/section[1]/p/a/text()').extract()) GenName = response.xpath('//*[@id="ContentPane28"]/div/header/section/section[2]/p/text()').extract()[0] if not BrandName: BrandName = ' ' if not GenName: GenName = ' ' elif'GENERIC NAME', response.body): BrandName = ' ' GenName = response.xpath('//*[@id="ContentPane28"]/div/header/section/section[1]/p/text()').extract()[0] if not GenName: GenName = ' ' else: GenName = ' ' BrandName = ' ' yield Request(response.urljoin(response.url + '/list-contraindications'),\ callback = self.parse_avoid, meta = {'Condition': Condition, 'Drug': Drug, 'Indication': Indication, 'Type': Type, 'Review': Review,\ 'Use': Use, \ 'HowtoUse': HowtoUse, \ 'Sides': Sides,\ 'Precautions': Precautions,\ 'Interactions': Interactions,\ 'BrandName': BrandName,\ 'GenName': GenName,\ 'revurl': revurl,\ 'priceid': priceid},\ dont_filter= True) def parse_avoid(self, response): Condition = response.meta['Condition'] Drug = response.meta['Drug'] Indication = response.meta['Indication'] Type = response.meta['Type'] Review = response.meta['Review'] Use = response.meta['Use'] HowtoUse = response.meta['HowtoUse'] Sides = response.meta['Sides'] Precautions = response.meta['Precautions'] Interactions = response.meta['Interactions'] BrandName = response.meta['BrandName'] GenName = response.meta['GenName'] revurl = response.meta['revurl'] priceid = response.meta['priceid'] print("scraping avoid use cases...") if"We\'re sorry, but we couldn\'t find the page you tried", response.body): AvoidUse = ' ' Allergies = ' ' elif'Conditions:', response.body): AvoidUse = ' '.join(response.xpath('//*[@id="ContentPane28"]/div/article/section/p[2]/text()').extract()) Allergies = ' '.join(response.xpath('//*[@id="ContentPane28"]/div/article/section/p[3]/text()').extract()) elif'Allergies:', response.body): AvoidUse = ' ' Allergies = ' '.join(response.xpath('//*[@id="ContentPane28"]/div/article/section/p[2]/text()').extract()) else: AvoidUse = ' ' Allergies = ' ' if not AvoidUse: AvoidUse = ' ' if not Allergies: Allergies = ' ' yield Request(response.urljoin(revurl), \ callback=self.parse_reviews, meta={'Condition': Condition, 'Drug': Drug, 'Indication': Indication, 'Type': Type, 'Review': Review, \ 'Use': Use, \ 'HowtoUse': HowtoUse, \ 'Sides': Sides, \ 'Precautions': Precautions, \ 'Interactions': Interactions, \ 'BrandName': BrandName, \ 'GenName': GenName, \ 'AvoidUse': AvoidUse,\ 'Allergies': Allergies,\ 'priceid': priceid}, \ dont_filter=True) def parse_reviews(self, response): Condition = response.meta['Condition'] Drug = response.meta['Drug'] Indication = response.meta['Indication'] Type = response.meta['Type'] Review = response.meta['Review'] Use = response.meta['Use'] HowtoUse = response.meta['HowtoUse'] Sides = response.meta['Sides'] Precautions = response.meta['Precautions'] Interactions = response.meta['Interactions'] BrandName = response.meta['BrandName'] GenName = response.meta['GenName'] AvoidUse = response.meta['AvoidUse'] Allergies = response.meta['Allergies'] priceid = response.meta['priceid'] if'Rate this treatment and share your opinion', response.body): Effectiveness = ' ' EaseofUse = ' ' Satisfaction = ' ' yield Request('' + priceid, \ method='GET', headers=headers, \ callback=self.parse_prices, \ meta={'Condition': Condition, 'Drug': Drug, 'Indication': Indication, 'Type': Type, 'Review': Review, \ 'Use': Use, \ 'HowtoUse': HowtoUse, \ 'Sides': Sides, \ 'Precautions': Precautions, \ 'Interactions': Interactions, \ 'BrandName': BrandName, \ 'GenName': GenName, \ 'AvoidUse': AvoidUse, \ 'Allergies': Allergies, 'Effectiveness': Effectiveness, \ 'EaseofUse': EaseofUse, \ 'Satisfaction': Satisfaction}, \ dont_filter=True) elif'Be the first to share your experience with this treatment', response.body): Effectiveness = ' ' EaseofUse = ' ' Satisfaction = ' ' yield Request('' + priceid, \ method='GET', headers=headers, \ callback=self.parse_prices, \ meta={'Condition': Condition, 'Drug': Drug, 'Indication': Indication, 'Type': Type, 'Review': Review, \ 'Use': Use, \ 'HowtoUse': HowtoUse, \ 'Sides': Sides, \ 'Precautions': Precautions, \ 'Interactions': Interactions, \ 'BrandName': BrandName, \ 'GenName': GenName, \ 'AvoidUse': AvoidUse, \ 'Allergies': Allergies, 'Effectiveness': Effectiveness, \ 'EaseofUse': EaseofUse, \ 'Satisfaction': Satisfaction}, \ dont_filter=True) else: url = '' # 6007&secondaryId=-1&secondaryIdValue=' url2 = '&secondaryId=-1&secondaryIdValue=' id ='(drugid=)(\d+)', response.url).group(2) id2 = urllib.quote(re.sub("\s+", " ", response.xpath('//option[@value = -1]//text()').extract()[0]).strip()) yield Request(url + id + url2 + id2,\ callback= self.parse_ratings, \ meta={'Condition': Condition, 'Drug': Drug, 'Indication': Indication, 'Type': Type, 'Review': Review, \ 'Use': Use, \ 'HowtoUse': HowtoUse, \ 'Sides': Sides, \ 'Precautions': Precautions, \ 'Interactions': Interactions, \ 'BrandName': BrandName, \ 'GenName': GenName, \ 'AvoidUse': AvoidUse, \ 'Allergies': Allergies, \ 'priceid': priceid}, \ dont_filter=True) def parse_ratings(self, response): Condition = response.meta['Condition'] Drug = response.meta['Drug'] Indication = response.meta['Indication'] Type = response.meta['Type'] Review = response.meta['Review'] Use = response.meta['Use'] HowtoUse = response.meta['HowtoUse'] Sides = response.meta['Sides'] Precautions = response.meta['Precautions'] Interactions = response.meta['Interactions'] BrandName = response.meta['BrandName'] GenName = response.meta['GenName'] AvoidUse = response.meta['AvoidUse'] Allergies = response.meta['Allergies'] priceid = response.meta['priceid'] if'("xsd:string">)(\d+.\d+)',response.xpath('//*/*').extract()[3]): Effectiveness ='("xsd:string">)(\d+.\d+)',response.xpath('//*/*').extract()[3]).group(2) else: Effectiveness ='("xsd:string">)(\d+)',response.xpath('//*/*').extract()[3]).group(2) if'("xsd:string">)(\d+.\d+)',response.xpath('//*/*').extract()[4]): EaseofUse ='("xsd:string">)(\d+.\d+)',response.xpath('//*/*').extract()[4]).group(2) else: EaseofUse ='("xsd:string">)(\d+)',response.xpath('//*/*').extract()[4]).group(2) if'("xsd:string">)(\d+.\d+)',response.xpath('//*/*').extract()[5]): Satisfaction ='("xsd:string">)(\d+.\d+)',response.xpath('//*/*').extract()[5]).group(2) else: Satisfaction ='("xsd:string">)(\d+)',response.xpath('//*/*').extract()[5]).group(2) if priceid != '': yield Request(''+priceid,\ method='GET', headers=headers, \ callback=self.parse_prices, \ meta={'Condition': Condition, 'Drug': Drug, 'Indication': Indication, 'Type': Type, 'Review': Review, \ 'Use': Use, \ 'HowtoUse': HowtoUse, \ 'Sides': Sides, \ 'Precautions': Precautions, \ 'Interactions': Interactions, \ 'BrandName': BrandName, \ 'GenName': GenName, \ 'AvoidUse': AvoidUse, \ 'Allergies': Allergies, 'Effectiveness': Effectiveness,\ 'EaseofUse': EaseofUse,\ 'Satisfaction': Satisfaction}, \ dont_filter=True) else: strength = ' ' form = ' ' val = ' ' EstimatedPrice = ' ' item = WebmdItem() item['AvoidUse'] = AvoidUse item['Allergies'] = Allergies item['Use'] = Use item['HowtoUse'] = HowtoUse item['Precautions'] = Precautions item['Interactions'] = Interactions item['Sides'] = Sides item['Condition'] = Condition item['Drug'] = Drug item['Indication'] = Indication item['Type'] = Type item['Review'] = Review item['BrandName'] = BrandName item['GenName'] = GenName item['Effectiveness'] = Effectiveness item['EaseofUse'] = EaseofUse item['Satisfaction'] = Satisfaction item['EstimatedPrice'] = EstimatedPrice item['Dosage'] = strength item['PkgCount'] = val item['Form'] = form yield item def parse_prices(self, response): Condition = response.meta['Condition'] Drug = response.meta['Drug'] Indication = response.meta['Indication'] Type = response.meta['Type'] Review = response.meta['Review'] Use = response.meta['Use'] HowtoUse = response.meta['HowtoUse'] Sides = response.meta['Sides'] Precautions = response.meta['Precautions'] Interactions = response.meta['Interactions'] BrandName = response.meta['BrandName'] GenName = response.meta['GenName'] AvoidUse = response.meta['AvoidUse'] Allergies = response.meta['Allergies'] Effectiveness = response.meta['Effectiveness'] EaseofUse = response.meta['EaseofUse'] Satisfaction = response.meta['Satisfaction'] if'("NDC":\[")(\d+)', response.body): if'("value":)(\d+)', response.body).group(2): ndc ='("NDC":\[")(\d+)', response.body).group(2) val ='("value":)(\d+)', response.body).group(2) if'("form":")(\w+)', response.body): form ='("form":")(\w+)', response.body).group(2) else: form = ' ' if'("strength":")(\d+\s+\w+)', response.body): strength ='("strength":")(\d+\s+\w+)', response.body).group(2) else: strength = ' ' urlp = '' urlp2 = '00000?lat=40.7466&lng=-73.9098&rad=5&rollup=true&pgroup=' yield Request(urlp + ndc + '/' + val + '/' + urlp2, \ method='GET', headers=headers, callback=self.parse_estprice, meta={'Condition': Condition, 'Drug': Drug, 'Indication': Indication, 'Type': Type, 'Review': Review, \ 'Use': Use, \ 'HowtoUse': HowtoUse, \ 'Sides': Sides, \ 'Precautions': Precautions, \ 'Interactions': Interactions, \ 'BrandName': BrandName, \ 'GenName': GenName, \ 'AvoidUse': AvoidUse, \ 'Allergies': Allergies, 'Effectiveness': Effectiveness, \ 'EaseofUse': EaseofUse, \ 'Satisfaction': Satisfaction,\ 'strength': strength,\ 'val': val,\ 'form': form}, \ dont_filter=True) else: strength = ' ' form = ' ' val= ' ' EstimatedPrice = ' ' item = WebmdItem() item['AvoidUse'] = AvoidUse item['Allergies'] = Allergies item['Use']
from io import TextIOWrapper from django.contrib.auth import authenticate, login, logout from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required, user_passes_test from django.contrib.auth.mixins import LoginRequiredMixin, UserPassesTestMixin from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse, reverse_lazy from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseRedirect from django.shortcuts import render, redirect from django.template import RequestContext from django.views.generic import UpdateView, CreateView, DetailView from prescriptions.models import Prescription from .forms import * from .models import * def is_patient(user): """ Helper function that checks if a user is a patient :param user: The user to be checked :return: True if user is a patient """ if user: return user.groups.filter(name='Patient').count() != 0 return False def is_doctor(user): """ Helper function that checks if a user is a doctor :param user: The user to be checked :return: True if user is a doctor """ if user: return user.groups.filter(name='Doctor').count() != 0 return False def is_nurse(user): """ Helper function that checks if a user is a nurse :param user: The user to be checked :return: True if user is a nurse """ if user: return user.groups.filter(name='Nurse').count() != 0 return False def is_doctor_or_nurse(user): """ Uses above functions combined to fit the @user_passes_test mixin :param user: The User in question :return: True if the user is a Doctor or Nurse """ return is_doctor(user) or is_nurse(user) def not_patient(user): """ Users is_patient funtion to test if user is of patient type :param user: The User in question :return: True if user is not a patient """ return not is_patient(user) def is_admin(user): """ Helper function that checks if a user is an admin :param user: The user to be checked :return: True if user is an admin """ if user: return user.groups.filter(name='Admin').count() != 0 return False def user_login(request): """ Renders the user login page, and redirects the user to the appropriate landing page :param request: The request with user information :return: The page to be rendered """ if request.method == 'POST': username = request.POST.get('username') password = request.POST.get('password') user = authenticate(username=username, password=password) if user: if user.is_active: login(request, user) # Register Log log = Log.objects.create_Log(user, user.username,, user.username + " logged in") return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('landing')) else: return HttpResponse("Your Account has been Deactivated") else: print("Invalid login: {0}".format(username)) context = RequestContext(request) context['login_failure'] = True return render(request, 'core/login.html', context) else: return render(request, 'core/login.html', RequestContext(request)) @login_required def user_logout(request): """ Logs out a user, and logs it :param request: The request with user information :return: The page to be rendered """ # Register Log log = Log.objects.create_Log(request.user, request.user.username,, request.user.username + " logged out") logout(request) return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('login')) @login_required @user_passes_test(is_patient) def patient_landing(request): """ Renders the patient landing page :param request: The request with user information :return: The page to be rendered """ return render(request, 'core/landing/Patient.html') @login_required def profile(request): """ Displays the user Profile Information :param request: The request with user information :return: The page to be rendered """ parent = get_parent(request) return render(request, 'core/landing/pages/profile.html', {'parent': parent}) def QueryListtoString(query): """ Used to convert Query lists to readable strings, used in the following Medical Information Export function. :param query: the query to convert :return: the readable string """ ans = "" for q in query.iterator(): ans = ans + str(q) + '\n' return ans def MediInfoExport(Patient_exporting: Patient, assoc_user: User, is_email): """ Generic getter for a patient's complete medical information into a readable format in a String :param Patient_exporting: The Patient exporting their info :param assoc_user: The Patient's associated User :param is_email: True if this is being sent in an email (adds greeting), false otherwise :return: The complete text export """ Name = 'Name: ' + str(assoc_user.get_full_name()) Email = 'Email: ' + str( Birthday = 'Birthday: ' + str(Patient_exporting.birthday) Gender = 'Sex: ' + str(dict(Patient_exporting.SEX_CHOICE)[]) Blood_Type = 'Blood-Type: ' + str(dict(Patient_exporting.BLOOD_TYPE)[Patient_exporting.blood_type]) Height = 'Height: ' + str(Patient_exporting.height) Weight = 'Weight: ' + str(Patient_exporting.weight) + ' lbs' Allergies = 'Allergies: \r\n' + str(Patient_exporting.allergies) Medical_History = 'Medical-History: \r\n' + str(Patient_exporting.medical_history) Prescriptions = 'Prescriptions: \r\n' + \ str(QueryListtoString(Prescription.objects.all().filter(patient=Patient_exporting))) Insurance_Info = 'Insurance-Info: ' + str(Patient_exporting.insurance_info) Preferred_Hospital = 'Preferred-Hospital: ' + str(Patient_exporting.preferred_hospital) PHospital = 'Current-Hospital: ' + str( Emergency_Contact = 'Emergency-Contact: ' + str(Patient_exporting.emergency_contact) ans = Name + '\r\n' + \ Email + '\r\n' + \ Birthday + '\r\n' + \ Gender + '\r\n' + \ Blood_Type + '\r\n' + \ Height + '\r\n' + \ Weight + '\r\n\r\n' + \ Allergies + '\r\n\r\n' + \ Medical_History + '\r\n\r\n' + \ Prescriptions + '\r\n\r\n' + \ Insurance_Info + '\r\n' + \ Preferred_Hospital + '\r\n' + \ PHospital + '\r\n' + \ Emergency_Contact + '\r\n' if is_email: return 'Hello ' + str(assoc_user.first_name) + \ ', \n\n\tYou are receiving this email as an export of your medical information from ' + \ str( + '. Below you\'ll find the medical record export. ' \ 'Thank you for using HealthNet!\n\n' + ans return ans @login_required @user_passes_test(is_patient) def email(request): """ Sends the patient an email with a full summary of their medical information. :param request: The request with user information :return: The success landing page """ Pat = Patient.objects.all().get(user=request.user) if request.user.email_user('Medical Information Export: ' + request.user.get_full_name(), MediInfoExport(Pat, request.user, True), '<EMAIL>', fail_silently=True, ): return render(request, 'core/landing/pages/email_success.html') else: return render(request, 'core/landing/pages/profile.html', {'parent': get_parent(request)}) @login_required @user_passes_test(is_patient) def download(request): """ Serves patients full summary as a downloadable text file. :param request: The request with user information :return: Downloadable text file, in lieu of a conventional response """ Pat = Patient.objects.all().get(user=request.user) content = MediInfoExport(Pat, request.user, False) response = HttpResponse(content, content_type='text/plain') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="%s_Info.txt"' % \ str(request.user.get_full_name()).replace(' ', '-') return response def listtostring(listin): """ Converts a simple list into a space separated sentence, effectively reversing str.split(" ") :param listin: the list to convert :return: the readable string """ ans = "" for l in listin: ans = ans + str(l) + " " return ans.strip() def read_new_Patient(filename, encoding, doctor_user): """ Reads in a new Patient from the specific file, assumes that the patient instance already exists and is associated with an existing user, but not necessarily populated. :param doctor_user: User of Doctor signing off on Patient import, used when constructing Prescriptions :param filename: Name of the file to read from :param encoding: UTF-8, ANSI, etc etc :return: The newly populated Patient class (after its been saved) """ # print("reading new patient...") file = TextIOWrapper(filename.file, encoding=encoding) new_patient = None Allergies_mode = False Prescriptions_mode = False Medical_History_mode = False Allergies = '' Medical_History = '' Prescriptions = [] for line in file.readlines(): print("Line: " + line) words = line.strip().split(" ") print(words) instance_var = words[0] # print("Current variable is " + instance_var) if Allergies_mode: if line.strip() != '': # print('found allergy: ' + line.strip()) Allergies = Allergies + line.strip() else: # print('And that\'s it for allergies') Allergies_mode = False new_patient.allergies = Allergies elif Medical_History_mode: if line.strip() != '': # print('found medical history: ' + line.strip()) Medical_History = Medical_History + line.strip() else: # print('And that\'s it for medical history') Medical_History_mode = False new_patient.medical_history = Medical_History elif Prescriptions_mode: if line.strip() != '': # print('found prescription: ' + line.strip()) Prescriptions.append(line.strip()) else: # print('And that\'s it for prescriptions') Prescriptions_mode = False for p in Prescriptions: Prescription.fromString(p,, doctor_user) if instance_var == 'Email:': Email = words[1] print("found email: " + Email) user = User.objects.get(email=Email) new_patient = Patient.objects.get(user=user) print(new_patient) elif instance_var == 'Birthday:': print("found b-day: " + words[1]) new_patient.birthday = words[1] elif instance_var == 'Sex:': print("found sex: " + words[1]) = words[1] elif instance_var == 'Blood-Type:': print("found b-type: " + words[1]) new_patient.blood_type = words[1] elif instance_var == 'Height:': print("found height: " + words[1]) new_patient.height = words[1] elif instance_var == 'Weight:': print("found weight: " + words[1]) new_patient.weight = words[1] elif instance_var == 'Allergies:': print("found Allergies") Allergies_mode = True elif instance_var == 'Medical-History::': print("found Medical History") Medical_History_mode = True elif instance_var == 'Prescriptions:': print("found prescriptions") Prescriptions_mode = True elif instance_var == 'Insurance-Info:': insurance = listtostring(words[1:]) print("found Insurance: " + insurance) new_patient.insurance_info = insurance elif instance_var == 'Preferred-Hospital:': p_hospital = listtostring(words[1:]) print("found hospital: " + p_hospital) new_patient.preferred_hospital = Hospital.objects.get(name=p_hospital) elif instance_var == 'Emergency-Contact:': print("found e-contact: " + words[1]) new_patient.emergency_contact = words[1] # elif instance_var == 'Current-Hospital:': # c_hospital = listtostring(words[1:]) # print("found hospital: " + c_hospital) # = Hospital.objects.get(name=c_hospital) return @login_required @user_passes_test(is_doctor_or_nurse) def upload_patient_info(request): """ View for uploading a text file
at the | first point through which | the conic hybConic passes to the inverse of the one of the direction | used for | the tangent. | | | passingPtIdx = 1 | passingPtTgtOrient = -1 | hybConic.SetIntermediateTangentDirectionFlag passingPtIdx, | passingPtTgtOrient :param int i_index_point: :param int i_orientation: :return: None :rtype: None """ return self.hybrid_shape_conic.SetIntermediateTangentDirectionFlag(i_index_point, i_orientation) def set_start_and_end_tangents_plus_conic_parameter(self, i_start_tgt: HybridShapeDirection, i_end_tgt: HybridShapeDirection, i_conic_param: float) -> None: """ .. note:: :class: toggle CAA V5 Visual Basic Help (2020-07-06 14:02:20.222384)) | o Sub SetStartAndEndTangentsPlusConicParameter(HybridShapeDirection | iStartTgt, | HybridShapeDirection iEndTgt, | double iConicParam) | | Sets the tangent directions at conic start and end points, and the conic | parameter. | | Parameters: | | iStartTgt | The tangent direction at the start point | iEndTgt | The tangent direction at the end point | iConicParam | The conic parameter | Legal values: p = 0.5 (parabola), 0<=p<=0.5 (ellipse), 0.5<= p <=1.0 (hyperbola) | | Example: | | This example sets firstDir and secondDir as the tangent directions at | the start | and end points of the conic hybConic, and conicParm as the conic | parameter. | | | hybConic.SetStartAndEndTangentsPlusConicParameter firstDir, secondDir, | conicParm :param HybridShapeDirection i_start_tgt: :param HybridShapeDirection i_end_tgt: :param float i_conic_param: :return: None :rtype: None """ return self.hybrid_shape_conic.SetStartAndEndTangentsPlusConicParameter(i_start_tgt.com_object, i_end_tgt.com_object, i_conic_param) # # # # Autogenerated comment: # # some methods require a system service call as the methods expects a vb array object # # passed to it and there is no way to do this directly with python. In those cases the following code # # should be uncommented and edited accordingly. Otherwise completely remove all this. # # vba_function_name = 'set_start_and_end_tangents_plus_conic_parameter' # # vba_code = """ # # Public Function set_start_and_end_tangents_plus_conic_parameter(hybrid_shape_conic) # # Dim iStartTgt (2) # # hybrid_shape_conic.SetStartAndEndTangentsPlusConicParameter iStartTgt # # set_start_and_end_tangents_plus_conic_parameter = iStartTgt # # End Function # # """ # # system_service = self.application.system_service # # return system_service.evaluate(vba_code, 0, vba_function_name, [self.com_object]) def set_start_and_end_tangents_plus_passing_point(self, i_start_tgt: HybridShapeDirection, i_end_tgt: HybridShapeDirection, i_passing_pt: Reference) -> None: """ .. note:: :class: toggle CAA V5 Visual Basic Help (2020-07-06 14:02:20.222384)) | o Sub SetStartAndEndTangentsPlusPassingPoint(HybridShapeDirection | iStartTgt, | HybridShapeDirection iEndTgt, | Reference iPassingPt) | | Sets the tangent directions at conic start and end points, and a passing | point. | | Parameters: | | iStartTgt | The tangent direction at the start point. | Sub-element(s) supported (see | | Boundary object): Vertex. | iEndTgt | The tangent direction at the end point | iPassingPt | A point through which the conic must pass. | Legal values: This point must differ from the start and end points. | | Example: | | This example sets firstDir and secondDir as the tangent directions at | the start | and end points of the conic hybConic, and passingPoint as a point | through | which the conic must pass. | | | hybConic.SetStartAndEndTangentsPlusPassingPoint firstDir, secondDir, | passingPoint :param HybridShapeDirection i_start_tgt: :param HybridShapeDirection i_end_tgt: :param Reference i_passing_pt: :return: None :rtype: None """ return self.hybrid_shape_conic.SetStartAndEndTangentsPlusPassingPoint(i_start_tgt.com_object, i_end_tgt.com_object, i_passing_pt.com_object) # # # # Autogenerated comment: # # some methods require a system service call as the methods expects a vb array object # # passed to it and there is no way to do this directly with python. In those cases the following code # # should be uncommented and edited accordingly. Otherwise completely remove all this. # # vba_function_name = 'set_start_and_end_tangents_plus_passing_point' # # vba_code = """ # # Public Function set_start_and_end_tangents_plus_passing_point(hybrid_shape_conic) # # Dim iStartTgt (2) # # hybrid_shape_conic.SetStartAndEndTangentsPlusPassingPoint iStartTgt # # set_start_and_end_tangents_plus_passing_point = iStartTgt # # End Function # # """ # # system_service = self.application.system_service # # return system_service.evaluate(vba_code, 0, vba_function_name, [self.com_object]) def set_start_tangent_direction_flag(self, i_orientation: int) -> None: """ .. note:: :class: toggle CAA V5 Visual Basic Help (2020-07-06 14:02:20.222384)) | o Sub SetStartTangentDirectionFlag(long iOrientation) | | Sets the tangent direction orientation at the conic start | point. | | Parameters: | | iOrientation | The direction orientation to be applied to the tangent direction at | the conic start point | Legal values: 1 if the tangent direction is to be used as is, and | -1 if it must be inverted | | Example: | | This example sets the direction orientation of the tangent at the | start point of | the conic hybConic to the inverse of the one of the direction used | for | the tangent. | | | startPtTgtOrient = -1 | hybConic.SetStartTangentDirectionFlag | startPtTgtOrient :param int i_orientation: :return: None :rtype: None """ return self.hybrid_shape_conic.SetStartTangentDirectionFlag(i_orientation) def set_tangent_intersect_point_plus_conic_parm(self, i_tgt_int: Reference, i_conic_param: float) -> None: """ .. note:: :class: toggle CAA V5 Visual Basic Help (2020-07-06 14:02:20.222384)) | o Sub SetTangentIntersectPointPlusConicParm(Reference | iTgtInt, | double iConicParam) | | Sets the intersection point of the conic tangents to the start and end | points, and the conic parameter. | | Parameters: | | iTgtInt | The point intersection of the conic tangents to the start and end | point. | Sub-element(s) supported (see | | Boundary object): Vertex. | iConicParam | The conic parameter | Legal values: p = 0.5 (parabola), 0<=p<=0.5 (ellipse), 0.5<= p <=1.0 (hyperbola) | Example: | | This example sets tgtIntPoint as the intersection point of the | tangents | to the start and end points of the conic hybConic, and conicParm as | the conic parameter. | | | hybConic.SetTangentIntersectPointPlusConicParm tgtIntPoint, | conicParm :param Reference i_tgt_int: :param float i_conic_param: :return: None :rtype: None """ return self.hybrid_shape_conic.SetTangentIntersectPointPlusConicParm(i_tgt_int.com_object, i_conic_param) # # # # Autogenerated comment: # # some methods require a system service call as the methods expects a vb array object # # passed to it and there is no way to do this directly with python. In those cases the following code # # should be uncommented and edited accordingly. Otherwise completely remove all this. # # vba_function_name = 'set_tangent_intersect_point_plus_conic_parm' # # vba_code = """ # # Public Function set_tangent_intersect_point_plus_conic_parm(hybrid_shape_conic) # # Dim iTgtInt (2) # # hybrid_shape_conic.SetTangentIntersectPointPlusConicParm iTgtInt # # set_tangent_intersect_point_plus_conic_parm = iTgtInt # # End Function # # """ # # system_service = self.application.system_service # # return system_service.evaluate(vba_code, 0, vba_function_name, [self.com_object]) def set_tangent_intersect_point_plus_passing_point(self, i_tgt_int: Reference, i_passing_pt: Reference) -> None: """ .. note:: :class: toggle CAA V5 Visual Basic Help (2020-07-06 14:02:20.222384)) | o Sub SetTangentIntersectPointPlusPassingPoint(Reference | iTgtInt, | Reference iPassingPt) | | Sets the intersection point of the conic tangents to the start and end | points, and a passing point. | | Parameters: | | iTgtInt | The point intersection of the conic tangents to the start and end | point. | Sub-element(s) supported (see | | Boundary object): Vertex. | iPassingPt | A point through which the conic must pass. | Legal values: This point must differ from the start and end | points. | Sub-element(s) supported (see Boundary object): | Vertex. | Example: | | This example sets tgtIntPoint as the intersection point of the | tangents | to the start and end points of the conic hybConic, and passingPoint as | a point through | which the conic must pass. | | | hybConic.SetTangentIntersectPointPlusPassingPoint tgtIntPoint, | passingPoint :param Reference i_tgt_int: :param Reference i_passing_pt: :return: None :rtype: None """ return self.hybrid_shape_conic.SetTangentIntersectPointPlusPassingPoint(i_tgt_int.com_object, i_passing_pt.com_object) # # # # Autogenerated comment: # # some methods require a system service call as the methods expects a vb array object # # passed to it and there is no way to do this directly with python. In those cases the following code # # should be uncommented and edited accordingly. Otherwise completely remove
# # _/_/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/_/_/ _/_/ _/_/_/ _/ _/ _/_/_/ # _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ # _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/_/ _/ _/ _/_/ # _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ # _/_/ _/_/_/ _/ _/_/ _/ _/_/ _/_/_/ # # # __ _____ __ _____ __ _ __ # / / __ __ / ___/__ _______ / / ___ ___ / ___/__ / /__ (_) /_____ ____ # / _ \/ // / / (_ / -_) __(_-</ _ \/ _ \/ _ \ / /__/ -_) / _ \/ / '_/ -_) __/ # /_.__/\_, / \___/\__/_/ /___/_//_/\___/_//_/ \___/\__/_/_//_/_/_/\_\\__/_/ # /___/ from tqdm import tqdm from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix, accuracy_score, roc_curve, auc from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, precision_score, recall_score, f1_score from sklearn.metrics import classification_report from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score from sklearn.ensemble import IsolationForest from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.model_selection import KFold from sklearn.metrics import f1_score from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedKFold from .misc import mem_measure, timer from sklearn.linear_model import LassoCV from IPython.display import set_matplotlib_formats import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns import warnings import time import pandas as pd import numpy as np import lightgbm as lgb import tracemalloc from IPython.core.interactiveshell import InteractiveShell InteractiveShell.ast_node_interactivity = "all" warnings.simplefilter(action="ignore", category=FutureWarning) # ML visualizations def plot_imp( clf, X, title, model="lgbm", num=30, importaince_type="gain", save_path=None ): # Feature importance plot supporting LGBM, RN and Catboost, return the list of features importance sorted by their contribution #sns.set_style("whitegrid") gcbest = ["#3498db", "#2ecc71"] sns.set_context("paper", font_scale=1) sns.set_palette(gcbest) if model == "catboost": feature_imp = pd.DataFrame( {"Value": clf.get_feature_importance(), "Feature": X.columns} ) elif model == "lgbm": feature_imp = pd.DataFrame( { "Value": clf.feature_importance(importance_type=importaince_type), "Feature": X.columns, } ) else: feature_imp = pd.DataFrame( {"Value": clf.feature_importance(), "Feature": X.columns} ) plt.figure(figsize=(11, num / 2.2)) sns.set(font_scale=0.85) sns.barplot( color="#3498db", x="Value", y="Feature", data=feature_imp.sort_values(by="Value", ascending=False)[0:num], ) plt.title(title) plt.tight_layout() if save_path: plt.savefig(save_path, dpi=100) return feature_imp def confusion_matrix_plot(y_test, y_predict, save_path=None): # Confusion Matrix plot, binary classification including both normalized and absolute values plots set_matplotlib_formats('svg') plt.figure() cm = confusion_matrix(y_test, y_predict) cmn = cm.astype("float") / cm.sum(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis] * 100 sns.set(font_scale=0.85) labels = ["0", "1"] plt.figure(figsize=(6, 5)) # sns.heatmap(cm, xticklabels = labels, yticklabels = labels, annot = True, fmt='d', cmap="Blues", vmin = 0.2); sns.heatmap( cmn, xticklabels=labels, yticklabels=labels, annot=True, fmt=".2f", cmap="Blues" ) plt.title("Confusion Matrix") plt.ylabel("True Class") plt.xlabel("Predicted Class") plt.figure() cm = confusion_matrix(y_test, y_predict) cmn = cm.astype("int") sns.set(font_scale=0.85) labels = ["0", "1"] plt.figure(figsize=(6, 5)) # sns.heatmap(cm, xticklabels = labels, yticklabels = labels, annot = True, fmt='d', cmap="Blues", vmin = 0.2); sns.heatmap( cmn, xticklabels=labels, yticklabels=labels, annot=True, fmt="d", cmap="Blues" ) plt.title("Confusion Matrix") plt.ylabel("True Class") plt.xlabel("Predicted Class") if save_path: plt.savefig(save_path, dpi=100) def target_corr(X, y, df_cols, save_path=None): # Feature correlations to the target # catCols = X.select_dtypes(object").columns catCols = X[df_cols].select_dtypes(include=["category", object]).columns # print (catCols) X = X[df_cols].drop(columns=catCols) # reg = LassoCV(n_alphas=30, eps=1e-3, max_iter=20, precompute=False) reg = LassoCV(), y) sns.set_style("whitegrid") # print("Best alpha using built-in LassoCV: %f" % reg.alpha_) print("Best score using built-in LassoCV: %f" % reg.score(X.fillna(-1), y)) coef = pd.Series(reg.coef_, index=X.columns) imp_coef = coef.sort_values() size = len(X.columns) / 1.6 plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (10, size) imp_coef.plot(kind="barh", color="#3498db") plt.title("Features correlations to target") if save_path: plt.savefig(save_path) def label_dist(df, label, y=None): # Target distribution analysis gcbest = ["#3498db", "#2ecc71"] sns.set_context("paper", font_scale=1) sns.set_palette(gcbest) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2) plt.figure(figsize=(2, 3)) #sns.set_style("whitegrid") set_matplotlib_formats('svg')"seaborn-notebook") #sns.set_context("paper", font_scale=1.3) sns.set_context(font_scale=1) if y is not None: splot = sns.countplot("label", data=y.to_frame("label").reset_index(), ax=ax[0]) for p in splot.patches: splot.annotate( format(p.get_height(), ".0f"), (p.get_x() + p.get_width() / 2.0, p.get_height()), ha="center", va="center", xytext=(0, 10), textcoords="offset points", ) y.value_counts().plot.pie(explode=[0, 0.2], autopct="%1.2f%%", ax=ax[1]) else: splot = sns.countplot(label, data=df, ax=ax[0]) for p in splot.patches: splot.annotate( format(p.get_height(), ".0f"), (p.get_x() + p.get_width() / 2.0, p.get_height()), ha="center", va="center", xytext=(0, 10), textcoords="offset points", ) df[label].value_counts().plot.pie(explode=[0, 0.2], autopct="%1.2f%%", ax=ax[1]) def roc_curve_plot(y_test, predictions, save_path=None): # Roc curve visualization, binary classification including AUC calculation set_matplotlib_formats('svg') gcbest = ["#3498db", "#2ecc71"] sns.set_palette(gcbest) sns.set_context("paper", font_scale=1)'classic') sns.set_style("whitegrid") rf_roc_auc = roc_auc_score(y_test, predictions) rf_fpr, rf_tpr, rf_thresholds = roc_curve(y_test, predictions) plt.figure(figsize=(6, 5.5)) plt.plot(rf_fpr, rf_tpr, label="AUC = %0.3f" % rf_roc_auc, color="#3498db") plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], "r--") plt.xlim([0.0, 1.0]) plt.ylim([0.0, 1.05]) plt.xlabel("False Positive Rate", fontsize=11) plt.ylabel("True Positive Rate", fontsize=11) plt.title("Receiver operating characteristic", fontsize=12) plt.legend(loc="lower right") if save_path: plt.savefig(save_path, dpi=100) def hist_target(df, feature, target): # histogram with an hue of the target class set_matplotlib_formats('svg') gcbest = ["#3498db", "#2ecc71"] sns.set_context("paper", font_scale=1) sns.set_palette(gcbest) sns.displot( data=df, bins=25, kind="hist", x=feature, hue=target, multiple="stack", height=3.2, aspect=1.6, ) def target_pie(df, target): # pie chart of the target class distribution sns.set_style("whitegrid") gcbest = ["#3498db", "#2ecc71"] sns.set_palette(gcbest)"fivethirtyeight") plt.figure(figsize=(4, 3)) #sns.set_context("paper", font_scale=1) df[target].value_counts().plot.pie(explode=[0, 0.2], autopct="%1.2f%%") def cv_plot( arr_f1_weighted, arr_f1_macro, arr_f1_positive, AxisName, mode="full", save_path=None, ): # Visualization of the CV folds, F1 macro and F1 positive class set_matplotlib_formats('svg') sns.set_context(font_scale=1) gcbest = ["#3498db", "#2ecc71"] sns.set_palette(gcbest)"fivethirtyeight") #sns.set_context("paper", font_scale=1) sns.set_style("whitegrid") if mode == "fast": plt.figure(figsize=(5, 6)) else: plt.figure(figsize=(10,5.58)) index = np.arange(len(arr_f1_weighted)) bar_width = 0.30 opacity = 0.8 index - bar_width / 2, arr_f1_macro, bar_width, alpha=opacity, label="F1 Macro" ) index + bar_width / 2, arr_f1_positive, bar_width, alpha=opacity, label="F1 Positive", ) plt.xticks(np.arange(len(arr_f1_weighted)), fontsize=10) #plt.yticks([0,0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8,1],fontsize=13) plt.yticks(fontsize=10) plt.ylabel("F1", fontsize=10) plt.xlabel("Folds", fontsize=10) plt.title("%s, 5-Folds Cross Validation" % AxisName[0 : len(AxisName)], fontsize=13) plt.legend(["F1 macro", "F1 positive"], loc="upper right", fontsize=10) plt.grid(True) if save_path: plt.savefig(save_path) def preds_distribution( y_true, y_pred, bins=100, title="Predictions Distribution", normalize=False, ax=None, title_fontsize="medium", max_y=None, save_path=None, ): set_matplotlib_formats('svg') sns.set_style("whitegrid") if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(9, 4.8)) predictions_proba = np.array(y_pred) y_bool = np.array(y_true) > 0 y_pred_true = predictions_proba[y_bool] y_pred_false = predictions_proba[~y_bool] # print (y_pred_true) # matplotlib normalize is using the bin width, just calculate it by our own... weights_false = ( np.ones(len(y_pred_false)) / len(y_pred_false) if normalize else None ) weights_true = np.ones(len(y_pred_true)) / len(y_pred_true) if normalize else None ax.hist( y_pred_false, bins=bins, color="r", alpha=0.5, label="negative", weights=weights_false, ) ax.hist( y_pred_true, bins=bins, color="g", alpha=0.5, label="positive", weights=weights_true, ) ax.set_title(title, fontsize=title_fontsize) # _set_lim(max_y, ax.set_ylim) ax.set_ylim(0, max_y) ax.legend(loc="best") if save_path: plt.savefig(save_path, dpi=100) return ax def target_shape(df, target): fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2) set_matplotlib_formats('svg')"fivethirtyeight") plt.figure(figsize=(2.5, 3.5)) sns.set_context("paper", font_scale=1.2) splot = sns.countplot(target, data=df, ax=ax[0]) for p in splot.patches: splot.annotate( format(p.get_height(), ".0f"), (p.get_x() + p.get_width() / 2.0, p.get_height()), ha="center", va="center", xytext=(0, 10), textcoords="offset points", ) df[target].value_counts().plot.pie(explode=[0, 0.2], autopct="%1.2f%%", ax=ax[1]) def lgbm(X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, num, params=None): # Training function for LGBM with basic categorical features treatment and close to default params categorical_features = [] for c in X_train.columns: col_type = X_train[c].dtype if col_type == "object" or == "category": # an option in case the data(pandas dataframe) isn't passed with the categorical column type # X[c] = X[c].astype('category') categorical_features.append(c) for c in X_test.columns: col_type = X_test[c].dtype if col_type == "object" or == "category": # an option in case the data(pandas dataframe) isn't passed with the categorical column type # X[c] = X[c].astype('category') categorical_features.append(c) lgb_train = lgb.Dataset(X_train, y_train, categorical_feature=categorical_features) lgb_valid = lgb.Dataset(X_test, y_test, categorical_feature=categorical_features) if params == None: params = { "objective": "binary", "boosting": "gbdt", "scale_pos_weight": 0.02, "learning_rate": 0.005, "seed": 100 # 'categorical_feature': 'auto', # 'metric': 'auc', # 'scale_pos_weight':0.1, # 'learning_rate': 0.02, # 'num_boost_round':2000, # "min_sum_hessian_in_leaf":1, # 'max_depth' : 100, # "bagging_freq": 2, # "num_leaves":31, # "bagging_fraction" : 0.4, # "feature_fraction" : 0.05, } clf = lgb.train( params, lgb_train, valid_sets=[lgb_train, lgb_valid], num_boost_round=num ) return clf def adjusted_classes(y_scores, t): # transformation from prediction probabolity to class given the threshold return [1 if y >= t else 0 for y in y_scores] @timer @mem_measure def cv_adv( X, y, threshold, iterations, shuffle=True, params=None, mode="classification", method="full", ): # Cross Validation - stratified with and without shuffeling print( "--------------------------- Running Cross-Validation - " + mode + ", mode: " + method + " ---------------------------" ) print("-> Starting 5-folds CV - Shuffle: " + str(shuffle)) arr_f1_weighted = np.array([]) arr_f1_macro = np.array([]) arr_f1_positive = np.array([]) arr_recall = np.array([]) arr_precision = np.array([]) prediction_folds = [] preds_folds = [] y_folds = [] stacked_models = [] index_column = [] if mode == "regression": skf = KFold(n_splits=5) else: if shuffle == False: skf = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=5, shuffle=shuffle) else: skf = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=5, random_state=2, shuffle=shuffle) for train_index, test_index in tqdm(skf.split(X, y)): X_train, X_test = X.iloc[train_index], X.iloc[test_index] y_train, y_test = y.iloc[train_index], y.iloc[test_index] clf = lgbm(X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, iterations, params) preds = clf.predict(X_test) predictions = [] predictions = adjusted_classes(preds, threshold) stacked_models.append(clf) index_column.extend(X_test.index.values.tolist()) """ Multiclass predictions = clf.predict(X_test) predictions_classes = [] for i in predictions: print (np.argmax(i)) predictions_classes.append(np.argmax(i)) """ if mode ==
dict((x.residue_number, x.residue_class) for x in self.shx.residues.all_residues) class RESI(): def __init__(self, shx, spline: list): """ RESI class[ ] number[0] alias """ self.shx = shx self.residue_class = '' self.residue_number = 0 self.alias = None self.chain_id = None self.textline = ' '.join(spline) if len(spline) < 2 and DEBUG: print('*** Wrong RESI definition found! Check your RESI instructions ***') raise ParseParamError self.get_resi_definition(spline) if self.residue_number < -999 or self.residue_number > 9999: print('*** Invalid residue number given. ****') raise ParseSyntaxError def get_resi_definition(self, resi: list) -> tuple: """ RESI class[ ] number[0] alias Returns the residue number and class of a string like 'RESI TOL 1' or 'RESI 1 TOL' Residue names may now begin with a digit. They must however contain at least one letter Allowed residue numbers is now from -999 to 9999 (2017/1) """ alpha = re.compile('[a-zA-Z]') for x in resi: if if ':' in x: # contains ":" thus must be a chain-id+number self.chain_id, self.residue_number = x.split(':')[0], int(x.split(':')[1]) else: # contains letters, must be a name (class) self.residue_class = x else: # everything else can only be a number if self.residue_number > 0: self.alias = int(x) else: try: self.residue_number = int(x) except ValueError: self.residue_number = 0 return self.residue_class, self.residue_number, self.chain_id, self.alias def _parse_line(self, spline, intnums=False): """ :param spline: Splitted shelxl line :param intnums: if numerical parameters should be integer :return: numerical parameters and words """ if '_' in spline[0]: self.card_name, suffix = spline[0].upper().split('_') if any([x.isalpha() for x in suffix]): self.residue_class = suffix else: # TODO: implement _+, _- and _* self.residue_number = int(suffix) else: self.card_name = spline[0].upper() numparams = [] words = [] for x in spline[1:]: # all values after SHELX card if str.isdigit(x[0]) or x[0] in '+-': if intnums: numparams.append(int(x)) else: numparams.append(float(x)) else: words.append(x) return numparams, words @property def index(self): return self.shx.index_of(self) def __iter__(self): for x in self.__repr__().split(): yield x def split(self): return self.textline.split() def __str__(self): return self.textline def __repr__(self): return self.textline def __bool__(self): if self.residue_number > 0: return True else: return False class PART(Command): def __init__(self, shx, spline: list): """ PART n sof """ super(PART, self).__init__(shx, spline) p, _ = self._parse_line(spline) self.sof = 11.0 self.n = 0 try: self.n = int(p[0]) except(ValueError, IndexError): if DEBUG: print('*** Wrong PART definition in line {} found! ' 'Check your PART instructions ***'.format(shx.error_line_num)) raise self.n = 0 if len(p) > 1: self.sof = float(p[1]) def __bool__(self): if self.n > 0: return True else: return False class XNPD(Command): def __init__(self, shx, spline: list): """ XNPD Umin[-0.001] """ super(XNPD, self).__init__(shx, spline) p, _ = self._parse_line(spline) self.Umin = -0.001 if len(p) > 0: self.Umin = p[0] class SIZE(Command): def __init__(self, shx, spline: list): """ SIZE dx dy dz """ super(SIZE, self).__init__(shx, spline) self.dx, self.dy, = None, None, None p, _ = self._parse_line(spline) if len(p) > 0: self.dx = p[0] if len(p) > 1: self.dy = p[1] if len(p) > 2: = p[2] def _as_text(self): if all([self.dx, self.dy,]): return "SIZE {:,g} {:,g} {:,g}".format(self.dx, self.dy, else: return "" def __repr__(self): return self._as_text() def __str__(self): return self._as_text() class SHEL(Command): def __init__(self, shx, spline: list): """ SHEL lowres[infinite] highres[0] """ super(SHEL, self).__init__(shx, spline) params, _ = self._parse_line(spline) if len(params) > 0: self.lowres = params[0] if len(params) > 1: self.highres = params[1] class WIGL(Command): def __init__(self, shx, spline: list): """ WIGL del[0.2] dU[0.2] """ super(WIGL, self).__init__(shx, spline) p, _ = self._parse_line(spline) self.d = 0.2 self.dU = 0.2 if len(p) > 0: self.d = p[0] if len(p) > 1: self.dU = p[1] class WPDB(Command): def __init__(self, shx, spline: list): """ WPDB n[1] """ super(WPDB, self).__init__(shx, spline) p, _ = self._parse_line(spline) self.n = 1 if len(p) > 0: self.n = p[0] class SPEC(Command): def __init__(self, shx, spline: list): """ SPEC d[0.2] """ super(SPEC, self).__init__(shx, spline) p, _ = self._parse_line(spline) if len(p) > 0: self.d = p[0] class STIR(Command): def __init__(self, shx, spline: list): """ STIR sres step[0.01] """ super(STIR, self).__init__(shx, spline) p, _ = self._parse_line(spline) self.step = 0.01 if len(p) > 0: self.sres = p[0] if len(p) > 1: self.step = p[1] def __repr__(self): return "STIR {} {}".format(self.sres if self.sres else '', self.step) def __str__(self): return "STIR {} {}".format(self.sres if self.sres else '', self.step) class TWST(Command): def __init__(self, shx, spline: list): """ TWST N[0] (N[1] after SHELXL-2018/3) Twin component number to be used for the completeness and Friedel completeness statistics. """ super(TWST, self).__init__(shx, spline) p, _ = self._parse_line(spline) self.N = 1 if len(p) > 0: self.N = p[0] class RTAB(Command): def __init__(self, shx, spline: list): """ RTAB codename atomnames """ super(RTAB, self).__init__(shx, spline) self.code = spline.pop(1) _, self.atoms = self._parse_line(spline) class PRIG(Command): def __init__(self, shx, spline: list): """ PRIG p[#] """ super(PRIG, self).__init__(shx, spline) params, _ = self._parse_line(spline) if len(params) > 0: self.p = params[0] class PLAN(Command): def __init__(self, shx, spline: list): """ PLAN npeaks[20] d1[#] d2[#] """ super(PLAN, self).__init__(shx, spline) params, _ = self._parse_line(spline) if len(params) > 0: self.npeaks = params[0] if len(params) > 1: self.d1 = params[1] if len(params) > 2: self.d2 = params[2] class FRAG(Command): def __init__(self, shx, spline: list): """ FRAG code[17] a[1] b[1] c[1] α[90] β[90] γ[90] """ super(FRAG, self).__init__(shx, spline) params, _ = self._parse_line(spline) self.code = params[0] self.cell = params[1:7] class FREE(Command): def __init__(self, shx, spline: list): """ FREE atom1 atom2 """ super(FREE, self).__init__(shx, spline) _, atoms = self._parse_line(spline) try: self.atom1 = atoms[0] self.atom2 = atoms[1] except IndexError: raise ParseParamError class FMAP(Command): """ FMAP code[2] axis[#] nl[53] """ def __init__(self, shx, spline: list): super(FMAP, self).__init__(shx, spline) params, _ = self._parse_line(spline) if len(params) > 0: self.code = params[0] if len(params) > 1: self.axis = params[1] if len(params) > 2: self.axis = params[2] class MOVE(Command): def __init__(self, shx, spline: list): """ MOVE dx[0] dy[0] dz[0] sign[1] """ super(MOVE, self).__init__(shx, spline) params, _ = self._parse_line(spline) if len(params) > 2: self.dxdydz = params[:3] if len(params) > 3: self.sign = params[3] class MERG(Command): def __init__(self, shx, spline: list): """ MERG n[2] """ super(MERG, self).__init__(shx, spline) self.n = None _n, _ = self._parse_line(spline) if len(_n) > 0: self.n = _n[0] class HTAB(Command): def __init__(self, shx, spline: list): """ HTAB dh[2.0] HTAB donor-atom acceptor-atom """ super(HTAB, self).__init__(shx, spline) self.dh = None dh, atoms = self._parse_line(spline) if dh: self.dh = dh[0] if len(atoms) == 2: self.donor = atoms[0] self.acceptor = atoms[1] class GRID(Command): def __init__(self, shx, spline: list): """ GRID sl[#] sa[#] sd[#] dl[#] da[#] dd[#] """ super(GRID, self).__init__(shx, spline) params, _ = self._parse_line(spline) if len(params) > 0: = params[0] if len(params) > 1: = params[1] if len(params) > 2: = params[2] if len(params) > 3: self.dl = params[3] if len(params) > 4: self.da = params[4] if len(params) > 5: self.dd = params[5] class ACTA(Command): def __init__(self, shx, spline: list): """ ACTA 2θfull[#] """ super(ACTA, self).__init__(shx, spline) self.twotheta, _ = self._parse_line(spline) self.shx = shx def _as_str(self): if self.twotheta: return "ACTA {:,g}".format(self.twotheta[0]) else: return "ACTA" def __repr__(self): return self._as_str() def __str__(self): return self._as_str() class BLOC(Command): def __init__(self, shx, spline: list): """ BLOC n1 n2 atomnames """ super(BLOC, self).__init__(shx, spline) params, self.atoms = self._parse_line(spline) if len(params) > 1: self.n2 = params[1] if len(params) > 0: self.n1 = params[0] self.shx = shx class FVAR(): def __init__(self, number: int = 1, value: float = 0.0): """ FVAR osf[1] free variables """ self.fvar_value = value # value self.number = number # occurence inside of FVAR instructions self.usage = 1 def __str__(self): return str(float(self.fvar_value)) def __repr__(self): return str(float(self.fvar_value)) class FVARs(): def __init__(self, shx): super(FVARs, self).__init__() self.fvars = [] # free variables self.shx = shx self._fvarline = 0 def __iter__(self): """ Must be defined for __repr__() to work. """ for x in self.fvars: yield x def __getitem__(self, item: int) -> str: # SHELXL counts fvars from 1 to x: item = abs(item) - 1 return self.fvars[item].fvar_value def __setitem__(self, key, fvar_value): self.fvars[key] = fvar_value def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self.fvars) def __str__(self) -> str: # returnes FVAR as list of FVAR instructions with seven numbers in one line lines = chunks(self.as_stringlist, 7) fvars = [' '.join(i) for i in lines] fvars = ['FVAR ' + i for i in fvars]
'Ↄ', '&conbase;': 'ↄ', '&denl;': '\ueee3', '&dscap;': 'ᴅ', '&dstrok;': 'đ', '&Dstrok;': 'Đ', '&dovlmed;': '\ue491', '&dtailstrok;': 'ꝱ', '&dtail;': 'ɖ', '&dscapdot;': '\uebd2', '&ddotbl;': 'ḍ', '&Ddotbl;': 'Ḍ', '&dscapdotbl;': '\uef26', '&ddot;': 'ḋ', '&Ddot;': 'Ḋ', '&dacute;': '\ue477', '&Dacute;': '\ue077', '&eth;': 'ð', '&ETH;': 'Ð', '&ethenl;': '\ueee5', '&ethscap;': 'ᴆ', '&ethdotbl;': '\ue48f', '&ETHdotbl;': '\ue08f', '&Dovlhigh;': '\uf7b6', '&drotdrotlig;': '\ueec6', '&Drot;': 'Ꝺ', '&drot;': 'ꝺ', '&drotdot;': '\uebd1', '&drotacute;': '\uebb2', '&drotenl;': '\ueee4', '&dscript;': 'ẟ', '&dcurl;': '\uf193', '&eenl;': '\ueee6', '&escap;': 'ᴇ', '&eogon;': 'ę', '&Eogon;': 'Ę', '&ecurl;': '\ue4e9', '&Ecurl;': '\ue0e9', '&eogoncurl;': '\uebf3', '&Eogoncurl;': '\uebf2', '&edotbl;': 'ẹ', '&Edotbl;': 'Ẹ', '&eogondot;': '\ue4eb', '&Eogondot;': '\ue0eb', '&eogondotbl;': '\ue4e8', '&Eogondotbl;': '\ue0e8', '&eogonenl;': '\ueaf3', '&edot;': 'ė', '&Edot;': 'Ė', '&euml;': 'ë', '&Euml;': 'Ë', '&eumlmacr;': '\ue4cd', '&eacute;': 'é', '&Eacute;': 'É', '&eogonacute;': '\ue499', '&Eogonacute;': '\ue099', '&edotblacute;': '\ue498', '&edblac;': '\ue4d1', '&Edblac;': '\ue0d1', '&edotacute;': '\ue4c8', '&Edotacute;': '\ue0c8', '&eogondotacute;': '\ue4ec', '&Eogondotacute;': '\ue0ec', '&eogondblac;': '\ue4ea', '&Eogondblac;': '\ue0ea', '&egrave;': 'è', '&Egrave;': 'È', '&ecirc;': 'ê', '&Ecirc;': 'Ê', '&eogoncirc;': '\ue49f', '&ering;': '\ue4cf', '&ebreve;': 'ĕ', '&Ebreve;': 'Ĕ', '&emacr;': 'ē', '&Emacr;': 'Ē', '&eogonmacr;': '\ue4bc', '&Eogonmacr;': '\ue0bc', '&emacrbreve;': '\ue4b7', '&Emacrbreve;': '\ue0b7', '&emacracute;': 'ḗ', '&Emacracute;': 'Ḗ', '&eylig;': '\ueec7', '&eacombcirc;': '\uebbd', '&eucombcirc;': '\uebbe', '&easup;': '\ue4e1', '&Easup;': '\ue0e1', '&eesup;': '\ue8e2', '&eisup;': '\ue4e2', '&eosup;': '\ue8e3', '&evsup;': '\ue4e3', '&schwa;': 'ə', '&Eunc;': '\uf10a', '&Euncclose;': '\uf217', '&eunc;': '\uf218', '&eext;': '\uf219', '&etall;': '\uf21a', '&fenl;': '\ueee7', '&fscap;': 'ꜰ', '&fdotbl;': '\ue4ee', '&Fdotbl;': '\ue0ee', '&fdot;': 'ḟ', '&Fdot;': 'Ḟ', '&fscapdot;': '\uebd7', '&facute;': '\ue4f0', '&Facute;': '\ue0f0', '&faumllig;': '\ueec8', '&fflig;': 'ff', '&filig;': 'fi', '&fjlig;': '\ueec9', '&foumllig;': '\uf1bc', '&fllig;': 'fl', '&frlig;': '\ueeca', '&ftlig;': '\ueecb', '&fuumllig;': '\ueecc', '&fylig;': '\ueecd', '&ffilig;': 'ffi', '&ffllig;': 'ffl', '&fftlig;': '\ueece', '&ffylig;': '\ueecf', '&ftylig;': '\ueed0', '&fturn;': 'ⅎ', '&Fturn;': 'Ⅎ', '&Frev;': 'ꟻ', '&fins;': 'ꝼ', '&Fins;': 'Ꝼ', '&finsenl;': '\ueeff', '&finsdot;': '\uebd4', '&Finsdot;': '\uebd3', '&finsdothook;': '\uf21c', '&finssemiclose;': '\uf21b', '&finssemiclosedot;': '\uebd5', '&finsclose;': '\uf207', '&finsclosedot;': '\uebd6', '&finsdotbl;': '\ue7e5', '&Finsdotbl;': '\ue3e5', '&finsacute;': '\uebb4', '&Finsacute;': '\uebb3', '&fcurl;': '\uf194', '&genl;': '\ueee8', '&gscap;': 'ɢ', '&gstrok;': 'ǥ', '&Gstrok;': 'Ǥ', '&gdotbl;': '\ue501', '&Gdotbl;': '\ue101', '&gscapdotbl;': '\uef27', '&gdot;': 'ġ', '&Gdot;': 'Ġ', '&gscapdot;': '\uef20', '&Gacute;': 'Ǵ', '&gacute;': 'ǵ', '&gglig;': '\ueed1', '&gdlig;': '\ueed2', '&gdrotlig;': '\ueed3', '&gethlig;': '\ueed4', '&golig;': '\ueede', '&gplig;': '\uead2', '&grlig;': '\uead0', '&gins;': 'ᵹ', '&Gins;': 'Ᵹ', '&ginsturn;': 'ꝿ', '&Ginsturn;': 'Ꝿ', '&Gsqu;': '\uf10e', '&gdivloop;': '\uf21d', '&glglowloop;': '\uf21e', '&gsmlowloop;': '\uf21f', '&gopen;': 'ɡ', '&gcurl;': '\uf196', '&henl;': '\ueee9', '&hscap;': 'ʜ', '&hhook;': 'ɦ', '&hstrok;': 'ħ', '&hovlmed;': '\ue517', '&hdotbl;': 'ḥ', '&Hdotbl;': 'Ḥ', '&Hdot;': 'ḣ', '&hdot;': 'Ḣ', '&hscapdot;': '\uebda', '&hacute;': '\ue516', '&Hacute;': '\ue116', '&hwair;': 'ƕ', '&HWAIR;': 'Ƕ', '&hslonglig;': '\uebad', '&hslongligbar;': '\ue7c7', '&hrarmlig;': '\ue8c3', '&Hrarmlig;': '\ue8c2', '&hhalf;': 'ⱶ', '&Hhalf;': 'Ⱶ', '&Hunc;': '\uf110', '&hrdes;': '\uf23a', '&ienl;': '\ueeea', '&iscap;': 'ɪ', '&inodot;': 'ı', '&inodotenl;': '\ueefd', '&Idot;': 'İ', '&istrok;': 'ɨ', '&idblstrok;': '\ue8a1', '&iogon;': 'į', '&inodotogon;': '\ue8dd', '&Iogon;': 'Į', '&icurl;': '\ue52a', '&Icurl;': '\ue12a', '&idotbl;': 'ị', '&Idotbl;': 'Ị', '&ibrevinvbl;': '\ue548', '&iuml;': 'ï', '&Iuml;': 'Ï', '&iacute;': 'í', '&Iacute;': 'Í', '&idblac;': '\ue543', '&Idblac;': '\ue143', '&idotacute;': '\uebf7', '&Idotacute;': '\uebf6', '&igrave;': 'ì', '&Igrave;': 'Ì', '&icirc;': 'î', '&Icirc;': 'Î', '&ihook;': 'ỉ', '&Ihook;': 'Ỉ', '&ibreve;': 'ĭ', '&Ibreve;': 'Ĭ', '&imacr;': 'ī', '&Imacr;': 'Ī', '&iovlmed;': '\ue550', '&Iovlhigh;': '\ue150', '&imacrbreve;': '\ue537', '&Imacrbreve;': '\ue137', '&imacracute;': '\ue535', '&Imacracute;': '\ue135', '&ijlig;': 'ij', '&IJlig;': 'IJ', '&iasup;': '\ue8e4', '&iosup;': '\ue8e5', '&iusup;': '\ue8e6', '&ivsup;': '\ue54b', '&ilong;': '\uf220', '&Ilong;': 'ꟾ', '&jenl;': '\ueeeb', '&jscap;': 'ᴊ', '&jnodot;': 'ȷ', '&jnodotenl;': '\ueefe', '&Jdot;': '\ue15c', '&jnodotstrok;': 'ɟ', '&jbar;': 'ɉ', '&jdblstrok;': '\ue8a2', '&Jbar;': 'Ɉ', '&jcurl;': '\ue563', '&Jcurl;': '\ue163', '&juml;': '\uebe3', '&Juml;': '\uebe2', '&jdotbl;': '\ue551', '&Jdotbl;': '\ue151', '&jacute;': '\ue553', '&Jacute;': '\ue153', '&jdblac;': '\ue562', '&Jdblac;': '\ue162', '&jmacrmed;': '\ue554', '&jovlmed;': '\ue552', '&Jmacrhigh;': '\ue154', '&Jovlhigh;': '\ue152', '&jesup;': '\ue8e7', '&kenl;': '\ueeec', '&kscap;': 'ᴋ', '&khook;': 'ƙ', '&kbar;': 'ꝁ', '&Kbar;': 'Ꝁ', '&kovlmed;': '\ue7c3', '&kstrleg;': 'ꝃ', '&Kstrleg;': 'Ꝃ', '&kstrascleg;': 'ꝅ', '&Kstrascleg;': 'Ꝅ', '&kdot;': '\ue568', '&Kdot;': '\ue168', '&kscapdot;': '\uebdb', '&kdotbl;': 'ḳ', '&Kdotbl;': 'Ḳ', '&kacute;': 'ḱ', '&Kacute;': 'Ḱ', '&kslonglig;': '\uebae', '&kslongligbar;': '\ue7c8', '&krarmlig;': '\ue8c5', '&kunc;': '\uf208', '&ksemiclose;': '\uf221', '&kclose;': '\uf209', '&kcurl;': '\uf195', '&lenl;': '\ueeed', '&lscap;': 'ʟ', '&lbar;': 'ƚ', '&lstrok;': 'ł', '&Lstrok;': 'Ł', '&lhighstrok;': 'ꝉ', '&Lhighstrok;': 'Ꝉ', '&lovlmed;': '\ue5b1', '&ltailstrok;': 'ꝲ', '&ldotbl;': 'ḷ', '&Ldotbl;': 'Ḷ', '&lscapdotbl;': '\uef28', '&ldot;': '\ue59e', '&Ldot;': '\ue19e', '&lscapdot;': '\uebdc', '&lacute;': 'ĺ', '&Lacute;': 'Ĺ', '&lringbl;': '\ue5a4', '&lmacrhigh;': '\ue596', '&lovlhigh;': '\ue58c', '&Lovlhigh;': '\uf7b4', '&lbrk;': 'ꝇ', '&Lbrk;': 'Ꝇ', '&llwelsh;': 'ỻ', '&LLwelsh;': 'Ỻ', '&lllig;': '\uf4f9', '&ldes;': '\uf222', '&lturn;': 'ꞁ', '&Lturn;': 'Ꞁ', '&menl;': '\ueeee', '&mscap;': 'ᴍ', '&mtailstrok;': 'ꝳ', '&mdotbl;': 'ṃ', '&Mdotbl;': 'Ṃ', '&mscapdotbl;': '\uef29', '&mdot;': 'ṁ', '&Mdot;': 'Ṁ', '&mscapdot;': '\uebdd', '&macute;': 'ḿ', '&Macute;': 'Ḿ', '&mringbl;': '\ue5c5', '&mmacrmed;': '\ue5b8', '&Mmacrhigh;': '\ue1b8', '&movlmed;': '\ue5d2', '&Movlhigh;': '\ue1d2', '&mesup;': '\ue8e8', '&Minv;': 'ꟽ', '&mturn;': 'ɯ', '&Mturn;': 'Ɯ', '&munc;': '\uf23c', '&mmedunc;': '\uf225', '&Munc;': '\uf11a', '&mrdes;': '\uf223', '&muncdes;': '\uf23d', '&mmeduncdes;': '\uf226', '&Muncdes;': '\uf224', '&muncacute;': '\uf23e', '&mmeduncacute;': '\uebb6', '&Muncacute;': '\uebb5', '&M5leg;': 'ꟿ', '&nenl;': '\ueeef', '&nscap;': 'ɴ', '&nscapldes;': '\uf22b', '&nlrleg;': 'ƞ', '&nlfhook;': 'ɲ', '&nbar;': '\ue7b2', '&ntailstrok;': 'ꝴ', '&ndot;': 'ṅ', '&Ndot;': 'Ṅ', '&nscapdot;': '\uef21', '&nacute;': 'ń', '&Nacute;': 'Ń', '&ndotbl;': 'ṇ', '&Ndotbl;': 'Ṇ', '&nscapdotbl;': '\uef2a', '&ncirc;': '\ue5d7', '&ntilde;': 'ñ', '&Ntilde;': 'Ñ', '&nringbl;': '\ue5ee', '&nmacrmed;': '\ue5dc', '&Nmacrhigh;': '\ue1dc', '&eng;': 'ŋ', '&ENG;': 'Ŋ', '&nscapslonglig;': '\ueed5', '&nrdes;': '\uf228', '&Nrdes;': '\uf229', '&nscaprdes;': '\uf22a', '&nflour;': '\uf19a', '&oenl;': '\ueef0', '&oscap;': 'ᴏ', '&ordm;': 'º', '&oogon;': 'ǫ', '&Oogon;': 'Ǫ', '&ocurl;': '\ue7d3', '&Ocurl;': '\ue3d3', '&oogoncurl;': '\ue64f', '&Oogoncurl;': '\ue24f', '&ocurlacute;': '\uebb8', '&Ocurlacute;': '\uebb7', '&oslash;': 'ø', '&Oslash;': 'Ø', '&oslashcurl;': '\ue7d4', '&Oslashcurl;': '\ue3d4', '&oslashogon;': '\ue655', '&Oslashogon;': '\ue255', '&odotbl;': 'ọ', '&Odotbl;': 'Ọ', '&oslashdotbl;': '\uebe1', '&Oslashdotbl;': '\uebe0', '&odot;': 'ȯ', '&Odot;': 'Ȯ', '&oogondot;': '\uebdf', '&Oogondot;': '\uebde', '&oogonmacr;': 'ǭ', '&Oogonmacr;': 'Ǭ', '&oslashdot;': '\uebce', '&Oslashdot;': '\uebcd', '&oogondotbl;': '\ue608', '&Oogondotbl;': '\ue208', '&ouml;': 'ö', '&Ouml;': 'Ö', '&odiaguml;': '\ue8d7', '&oumlacute;': '\ue62c', '&oacute;': 'ó', '&Oacute;': 'Ó', '&oslashacute;': 'ǿ', '&Oslashacute;': 'Ǿ', '&oslashdblac;': '\uebc7', '&Oslashdblac;': '\uebc6', '&oogonacute;': '\ue60c', '&Oogonacute;': '\ue20c', '&oslashogonacute;': '\ue657', '&Oslashogonacute;': '\ue257', '&odblac;': 'ő', '&Odblac;': 'Ő', '&odotacute;': '\uebf9', '&Odotacute;': '\uebf8', '&oogondotacute;': '\uebfb', '&Oogondotacute;': '\uebfa', '&oslashdotacute;': '\uebfd', '&Oslashdotacute;': '\uebfc', '&oogondblac;': '\uebc5', '&Oogondblac;': '\uebc4', '&ograve;': 'ò', '&Ograve;': 'Ò', '&ocirc;': 'ô', '&Ocirc;': 'Ô', '&oumlcirc;': '\ue62d', '&Oumlcirc;': '\ue22d', '&oogoncirc;': '\ue60e', '&ocar;': 'ǒ', '&Ocar;': 'Ǒ', '&otilde;': 'õ', '&Otilde;': 'Õ', '&oring;': '\ue637', '&ohook;': 'ỏ', '&Ohook;': 'Ỏ', '&obreve;': 'ŏ', '&Obreve;': 'Ŏ', '&oslashbreve;': '\uebef', '&Oslashbreve;': '\uebee', '&omacr;': 'ō', '&Omacr;': 'Ō', '&oslashmacr;': '\ue652', '&Oslashmacr;': '\ue252', '&omacrbreve;': '\ue61b', '&Omacrbreve;': '\ue21b', '&oslashmacrbreve;': '\ue653', '&Oslashmacrbreve;': '\ue253', '&omacracute;': 'ṓ', '&Omacracute;': 'Ṓ', '&oslashmacracute;': '\uebed', '&Oslashmacracute;': '\uebec', '&oumlmacr;': 'ȫ', '&Oumlmacr;': 'Ȫ', '&oclig;': '\uefad', '&oelig;': 'œ', '&OElig;': 'Œ', '&oeligscap;': 'ɶ', '&oeligenl;': '\uefdd', '&oeligogon;': '\ue662', '&OEligogon;': '\ue262', '&Oloop;': 'Ꝍ', '&oloop;': 'ꝍ', '&oeligacute;': '\ue659', '&OEligacute;': '\ue259', '&oeligdblac;': '\uebc9', '&OEligdblac;': '\uebc8', '&oeligmacr;': '\ue65d', '&OEligmacr;': '\ue25d', '&oeligmacrbreve;': '\ue660', '&OEligmacrbreve;': '\ue260', '&oolig;': 'ꝏ', '&OOlig;': 'Ꝏ', '&ooliguml;': '\uebe5', '&OOliguml;': '\uebe4', '&ooligacute;': '\uefe9', '&OOligacute;': '\uefe8', '&ooligdblac;': '\uefed', '&OOligdblac;': '\uefec', '&ooligdotbl;': '\ueffd', '&OOligdotbl;': '\ueffc', '&orrotlig;': '\ue8de', '&oasup;': '\ue643', '&oesup;': '\ue644', '&Oesup;': '\ue244', '&oisup;': '\ue645', '&oosup;': '\ue8e9', '&ousup;': '\ue646', '&Ousup;': '\ue246', '&ovsup;': '\ue647', '&oopen;': 'ɔ', '&oopenmacr;': '\ue7cc', '&penl;': '\ueef1', '&pscap;': 'ᴘ', '&pbardes;': 'ꝑ', '&Pbardes;': 'Ꝑ', '&pflour;': 'ꝓ', '&Pflour;': 'Ꝓ', '&psquirrel;': 'ꝕ', '&Psquirrel;': 'Ꝕ', '&pdotbl;': '\ue66d', '&Pdotbl;': '\ue26d', '&pdot;': 'ṗ', '&Pdot;': 'Ṗ', '&pscapdot;': '\uebcf', '&pacute;': 'ṕ', '&Pacute;': 'Ṕ', '&pdblac;': '\ue668', '&Pdblac;': '\ue268', '&pmacr;': '\ue665', '&pplig;': '\ueed6', '&PPlig;': '\ueedd', '&ppflourlig;': '\ueed7', '&ppliguml;': '\uebe7', '&PPliguml;': '\uebe6', '&Prev;': 'ꟼ', '&qenl;': '\ueef2', '&qscap;': '\uef0c', '&qslstrok;': 'ꝙ', '&Qslstrok;': 'Ꝙ', '&qbardes;': 'ꝗ', '&Qbardes;': 'Ꝗ', '&qbardestilde;': '\ue68b', '&q2app;': '\ue8b3', '&q3app;': '\ue8bf', '&qcentrslstrok;': '\ue8b4', '&qdotbl;': '\ue688', '&Qdotbl;': '\ue288', '&qdot;': '\ue682', '&Qdot;': '\ue282', '&qmacr;': '\ue681', '&qvinslig;': '\uead1', '&Qstem;': '\uf22c', '&renl;': '\ueef3', '&rscap;': 'ʀ', '&YR;': 'Ʀ', '&rdes;': 'ɼ', '&rdesstrok;': '\ue7e4', '&rtailstrok;': 'ꝵ', '&rscaptailstrok;': 'ꝶ', '&Rtailstrok;': '℞', '&Rslstrok;': '℟', '&rdotbl;': 'ṛ', '&Rdotbl;': 'Ṛ', '&rdot;': 'ṙ', '&Rdot;': 'Ṙ', '&rscapdot;': '\uef22', '&racute;': 'ŕ', '&Racute;': 'Ŕ', '&rringbl;': '\ue6a3', '&rscapdotbl;': '\uef2b', '&resup;': '\ue8ea', '&rrot;': 'ꝛ', '&Rrot;': 'Ꝛ', '&rrotdotbl;': '\ue7c1', '&rrotacute;': '\uebb9', '&rins;': 'ꞃ', '&Rins;': 'Ꞃ', '&rflour;': '\uf19b', '&senl;': '\ueef4', '&sscap;': 'ꜱ', '&sdot;': 'ṡ', '&Sdot;': 'Ṡ', '&sscapdot;': '\uef23', '&sacute;': 'ś', '&Sacute;': 'Ś', '&sdotbl;': 'ṣ', '&Sdotbl;': 'Ṣ', '&sscapdotbl;': '\uef2c', '&szlig;': 'ß', '&SZlig;': 'ẞ', '&slongaumllig;': '\ueba0', '&slongchlig;': '\uf4fa', '&slonghlig;': '\ueba1', '&slongilig;': '\ueba2', '&slongjlig;': '\uf4fb', '&slongklig;': '\uf4fc', '&slongllig;': '\ueba3', '&slonglbarlig;': '\ue8df', '&slongoumllig;': '\ueba4', '&slongplig;': '\ueba5', '&slongslig;': '\uf4fd', '&slongslonglig;': '\ueba6', '&slongslongilig;': '\ueba7', '&slongslongklig;': '\uf4fe', '&slongslongllig;': '\ueba8', '&slongslongtlig;': '\uf4ff', '&stlig;': 'st', '&slongtlig;': 'ſt', '&slongtilig;': '\ueba9', '&slongtrlig;': '\uebaa', '&slonguumllig;': '\uebab', '&slongvinslig;': '\uebac', '&slongdestlig;': '\ueada', '&slong;': 'ſ', '&slongenl;': '\ueedf', '&slongbarslash;': 'ẜ', '&slongbar;': 'ẝ', '&slongovlmed;': '\ue79e', '&slongslstrok;': '\ue8b8', '&slongflour;': '\ue8b7', '&slongacute;': '\uebaf', '&slongdes;': '\uf127', '&slongdotbl;': '\ue7c2', '&Sclose;': '\uf126', '&sclose;': '\uf128', '&sins;': 'ꞅ', '&Sins;': 'Ꞅ', '&tenl;': '\ueef5', '&tscap;': 'ᴛ', '&ttailstrok;': 'ꝷ', '&togon;': '\ue6ee', '&Togon;': '\ue2ee', '&tdotbl;': 'ṭ', '&Tdotbl;': 'Ṭ', '&tdot;': 'ṫ', '&Tdot;': 'Ṫ', '&tscapdot;': '\uef24', '&tscapdotbl;': '\uef2d', '&tacute;': '\ue6e2', '&Tacute;': '\ue2e2', '&trlig;': '\ueed8', '&ttlig;': '\ueed9', '&trottrotlig;': '\ueeda', '&tylig;': '\ueedb', '&tzlig;': '\ueedc', '&trot;': 'ꞇ', '&Trot;': 'Ꞇ', '&tcurl;': '\uf199', '&uenl;': '\ueef7', '&uscap;': 'ᴜ', '&ubar;': 'ʉ', '&uogon;': 'ų', '&Uogon;': 'Ų', '&ucurl;': '\ue731', '&Ucurl;':
corrections then in the code below, calls to `pix2foc` will # have to be replaced with # wcs_world2pix(all_pix2world(pix_list, origin), origin) # # ############################################################ # # INITIALIZE ITERATIVE PROCESS: ## # ############################################################ # initial approximation (linear WCS based only) pix0 = self.wcs_world2pix(world, origin) # Check that an iterative solution is required at all # (when any of the non-CD-matrix-based corrections are # present). If not required return the initial # approximation (pix0). if self.sip is None and \ self.cpdis1 is None and self.cpdis2 is None and \ self.det2im1 is None and self.det2im2 is None: # No non-WCS corrections detected so # simply return initial approximation: return pix0 pix = pix0.copy() # 0-order solution # initial correction: dpix = self.pix2foc(pix, origin) - pix0 # Update initial solution: pix -= dpix # Norm (L2) squared of the correction: dn = np.sum(dpix*dpix, axis=1) dnprev = dn.copy() # if adaptive else dn tol2 = tolerance**2 # Prepare for iterative process k = 1 ind = None inddiv = None # Turn off numpy runtime warnings for 'invalid' and 'over': old_invalid = np.geterr()['invalid'] old_over = np.geterr()['over'] np.seterr(invalid='ignore', over='ignore') # ############################################################ # # NON-ADAPTIVE ITERATIONS: ## # ############################################################ if not adaptive: # Fixed-point iterations: while (np.nanmax(dn) >= tol2 and k < maxiter): # Find correction to the previous solution: dpix = self.pix2foc(pix, origin) - pix0 # Compute norm (L2) squared of the correction: dn = np.sum(dpix*dpix, axis=1) # Check for divergence (we do this in two stages # to optimize performance for the most common # scenario when successive approximations converge): if detect_divergence: divergent = (dn >= dnprev) if np.any(divergent): # Find solutions that have not yet converged: slowconv = (dn >= tol2) inddiv, = np.where(divergent & slowconv) if inddiv.shape[0] > 0: # Update indices of elements that # still need correction: conv = (dn < dnprev) iconv = np.where(conv) # Apply correction: dpixgood = dpix[iconv] pix[iconv] -= dpixgood dpix[iconv] = dpixgood # For the next iteration choose # non-divergent points that have not yet # converged to the requested accuracy: ind, = np.where(slowconv & conv) pix0 = pix0[ind] dnprev[ind] = dn[ind] k += 1 # Switch to adaptive iterations: adaptive = True break # Save current correction magnitudes for later: dnprev = dn # Apply correction: pix -= dpix k += 1 # ############################################################ # # ADAPTIVE ITERATIONS: ## # ############################################################ if adaptive: if ind is None: ind, = np.where(np.isfinite(pix).all(axis=1)) pix0 = pix0[ind] # "Adaptive" fixed-point iterations: while (ind.shape[0] > 0 and k < maxiter): # Find correction to the previous solution: dpixnew = self.pix2foc(pix[ind], origin) - pix0 # Compute norm (L2) of the correction: dnnew = np.sum(np.square(dpixnew), axis=1) # Bookeeping of corrections: dnprev[ind] = dn[ind].copy() dn[ind] = dnnew if detect_divergence: # Find indices of pixels that are converging: conv = (dnnew < dnprev[ind]) iconv = np.where(conv) iiconv = ind[iconv] # Apply correction: dpixgood = dpixnew[iconv] pix[iiconv] -= dpixgood dpix[iiconv] = dpixgood # Find indices of solutions that have not yet # converged to the requested accuracy # AND that do not diverge: subind, = np.where((dnnew >= tol2) & conv) else: # Apply correction: pix[ind] -= dpixnew dpix[ind] = dpixnew # Find indices of solutions that have not yet # converged to the requested accuracy: subind, = np.where(dnnew >= tol2) # Choose solutions that need more iterations: ind = ind[subind] pix0 = pix0[subind] k += 1 # ############################################################ # # FINAL DETECTION OF INVALID, DIVERGING, ## # # AND FAILED-TO-CONVERGE POINTS ## # ############################################################ # Identify diverging and/or invalid points: invalid = ((~np.all(np.isfinite(pix), axis=1)) & (np.all(np.isfinite(world), axis=1))) # When detect_divergence==False, dnprev is outdated # (it is the norm of the very first correction). # Still better than nothing... inddiv, = np.where(((dn >= tol2) & (dn >= dnprev)) | invalid) if inddiv.shape[0] == 0: inddiv = None # Identify points that did not converge within 'maxiter' # iterations: if k >= maxiter: ind, = np.where((dn >= tol2) & (dn < dnprev) & (~invalid)) if ind.shape[0] == 0: ind = None else: ind = None # Restore previous numpy error settings: np.seterr(invalid=old_invalid, over=old_over) # ############################################################ # # RAISE EXCEPTION IF DIVERGING OR TOO SLOWLY CONVERGING ## # # DATA POINTS HAVE BEEN DETECTED: ## # ############################################################ if (ind is not None or inddiv is not None) and not quiet: if inddiv is None: raise NoConvergence( "'WCS.all_world2pix' failed to " "converge to the requested accuracy after {:d} " "iterations.".format(k), best_solution=pix, accuracy=np.abs(dpix), niter=k, slow_conv=ind, divergent=None) else: raise NoConvergence( "'WCS.all_world2pix' failed to " "converge to the requested accuracy.\n" "After {0:d} iterations, the solution is diverging " "at least for one input point." .format(k), best_solution=pix, accuracy=np.abs(dpix), niter=k, slow_conv=ind, divergent=inddiv) return pix def all_world2pix(self, *args, tolerance=1e-4, maxiter=20, adaptive=False, detect_divergence=True, quiet=False, **kwargs): if self.wcs is None: raise ValueError("No basic WCS settings were created.") return self._array_converter( lambda *args, **kwargs: self._all_world2pix( *args, tolerance=tolerance, maxiter=maxiter, adaptive=adaptive, detect_divergence=detect_divergence, quiet=quiet), 'input', *args, **kwargs ) all_world2pix.__doc__ = """ all_world2pix(*arg, accuracy=1.0e-4, maxiter=20, adaptive=False, detect_divergence=True, quiet=False) Transforms world coordinates to pixel coordinates, using numerical iteration to invert the full forward transformation `~astropy.wcs.WCS.all_pix2world` with complete distortion model. Parameters ---------- {0} For a transformation that is not two-dimensional, the two-argument form must be used. {1} tolerance : float, optional (Default = 1.0e-4) Tolerance of solution. Iteration terminates when the iterative solver estimates that the "true solution" is within this many pixels current estimate, more specifically, when the correction to the solution found during the previous iteration is smaller (in the sense of the L2 norm) than ``tolerance``. maxiter : int, optional (Default = 20) Maximum number of iterations allowed to reach a solution. quiet : bool, optional (Default = False) Do not throw :py:class:`NoConvergence` exceptions when the method does not converge to a solution with the required accuracy within a specified number of maximum iterations set by ``maxiter`` parameter. Instead, simply return the found solution. Other Parameters ---------------- adaptive : bool, optional (Default = False) Specifies whether to adaptively select only points that did not converge to a solution within the required accuracy for the next iteration. Default is recommended for HST as well as most other instruments. .. note:: The :py:meth:`all_world2pix` uses a vectorized implementation of the method of consecutive approximations (see ``Notes`` section below) in which it iterates over *all* input points *regardless* until the required accuracy has been reached for *all* input points. In some cases it may be possible that *almost all* points have reached the required accuracy but there are only a few of input data points for which additional iterations may be needed (this depends mostly on the characteristics of the geometric distortions for a given instrument). In this situation it may be advantageous to set ``adaptive`` = `True` in which case :py:meth:`all_world2pix` will continue iterating *only* over the points that have not yet converged to the required accuracy. However, for the HST's ACS/WFC detector, which has the strongest distortions of all HST instruments, testing has shown that enabling this option would lead to a about 50-100% penalty in computational time (depending on specifics of the image, geometric distortions, and number of input points to be converted). Therefore, for HST and possibly instruments, it is recommended to set ``adaptive`` = `False`. The only danger in getting this setting wrong will be a performance penalty. .. note:: When ``detect_divergence`` is `True`, :py:meth:`all_world2pix` will automatically switch to the adaptive algorithm once divergence has been detected. detect_divergence : bool, optional (Default = True) Specifies whether to perform a more detailed analysis of the convergence to a solution. Normally :py:meth:`all_world2pix` may not achieve the required accuracy if either the ``tolerance`` or ``maxiter`` arguments are too low. However, it may happen that for some geometric distortions the conditions of convergence for the the method of consecutive approximations used by :py:meth:`all_world2pix` may not be satisfied, in which case consecutive approximations to the solution will
#!/usr/bin/env python2 # -*- coding:utf8 -*- """ A simple Python 2.7+ / 3.4+ script to send a text message to a Free Mobile phone. - Warning: it only works in France to a French number, using the mobile operator Free Mobile. - Warning: some initial configuration is required before running this script (see the error messages). - Activate it on: - Copyright 2014-20 <NAME> - License MIT. Examples -------- $ --help Gives help $ "I like using Python to send SMS to myself from my laptop -- and it's free thanks to Free Mobile !" Will send a test message to your mobile phone. - Last version? Take a look to the latest version at - Initial Copyright : José - Juin 2014 ( - License: MIT License Copyright (c) 2020 <NAME> (Naereen), Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ from __future__ import print_function # Use sys.version to be compatible with Python 2 import sys # Use os.getenv to see try to emulate os.path.expanduser if needed import os # Use time to sleep and get string for today current hour import time # Use JSON to pretty print a dictionary import json # Use base64 to not keep plaintext files of the number, username and password in your home import base64 today = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S %Y-%m-%d") try: from os.path import expanduser except ImportError: print("Warning, os.path.expanduser is not available, trying to use os.getenv('USER') = {} ...".format(os.getenv("USER"))) def expanduser(s): """ Try to simulate the os.path.expanduser function. """ return '/home/' + os.getenv("USER") + '/' + s if sys.version_info < (3, 0): from urllib import urlencode from urllib2 import urlopen, HTTPError else: from urllib3.request import urlencode from urllib.request import urlopen from urllib.error import HTTPError try: try: from ansicolortags import printc except ImportError: print("Optional dependancy (ansicolortags) is not available, using regular print function.") print(" You can install it with : 'pip install ansicolortags' (or sudo pip)...") from ANSIColors import printc except ImportError: print("Optional dependancy (ANSIColors) is not available, using regular print function.") print(" You can install it with : 'pip install ANSIColors-balises' (or sudo pip)...") def printc(*a, **kw): """ Fake function printc. ansicolortags or ANSIColors are not installed... Install ansicolortags from pypi (with 'pip install ansicolortags') """ print(*a, **kw) def testSpecialFile(name, number=''): """ Test if the hidden file '~/.smsapifreemobile_name.b64' exists and decodes (base64) correctly. """ assert name in ["number", "user", "password"], "Error: unknown or incorrect value for 'name' for the function openSpecialFile(name) ..." # printc("<cyan>Testing the hidden file <white>'<u>~/.smsapifreemobile_{}.b64<U>'<cyan>...<white>".format(name)) # DEBUG try: with open(expanduser('~/') + ".smsapifreemobile_" + name + number + ".b64") as f: variable = base64.b64decode(f.readline()[:-1]) while variable[-1] == '\n': variable = variable[:-1] return True except OSError: return False def openSpecialFile(name, number=''): """ Open the hidden file '~/.smsapifreemobile_name.b64', read and decode (base64) and return its content. """ assert name in ["number", "user", "password"], "Error: unknown or incorrect value for 'name' for the function openSpecialFile(name) ..." printc("<cyan>Opening the hidden file <white>'<u>~/.smsapifreemobile_{}.b64<U>'<cyan>, read and decode (base64) and return its content...<white>".format(name)) try: with open(expanduser('~/') + ".smsapifreemobile_" + name + number + ".b64") as f: variable = base64.b64decode(f.readline()[:-1]) while variable[-1] == '\n': variable = variable[:-1] return variable except OSError: printc("<red>Error: unable to read the file '~/.smsapifreemobile_{}.b64' ...<white>".format(name)) printc("<yellow>Please check that it is present, and if it not there, create it:<white>") if name == "number": print("To create '~/.smsapifreemobile_number.b64', use your phone number (like '0612345678', not with +33), and execute this command line (in a terminal):") printc("<black>echo '0612345678' | base64 > '~/.smsapifreemobile_number.b64'<white>".format()) elif name == "user": print("To create '~/.smsapifreemobile_user.b64', use your Free Mobile identifier (a 8 digit number, like '83123456'), and execute this command line (in a terminal):") printc("<black>echo '83123456' | base64 > '~/.smsapifreemobile_user.b64'<white>".format()) elif name == "password": print("To create '~/.smsapifreemobile_password.b64', go to this webpage, (after logging to your Free Mobile account), and copy the API key (a 14-caracters string on [a-zA-Z0-9]*, like '<KEY>'), and execute this command line (in a terminal):") printc("<black>echo '<KEY>' | base64 > '~/.smsapifreemobile_password.b64<white>' ".format()) numbers = [] #: Number (not necessary) # number = base64.b64decode(open(expanduser('~') + ".smsapifreemobile_number.b64").readline()[:-1]) # if number[-1] == '\n': # number = number[:-1] number = openSpecialFile("number") numbers.append(number) if testSpecialFile("number", "2"): number2 = openSpecialFile("number", "2") numbers.append(number2) # Detect language language = os.getenv("LANG") language = language[0:2] if language else "fr" # Maximum size that can be sent # XXX Reference: # "6 to 8 segment messages are the practical maximum" MAX_SIZE = 4 * 159 STR_MAX_SIZE = "4*159" if language == "fr": errorcodes = { 400: "Un des paramètres obligatoires est manquant.", 402: "Trop de SMS ont été envoyés en trop peu de temps.", 403: """Le service n'est pas activé sur l'espace abonné, ou login / clé incorrect. Allez sur '<black><white>' svp, et activez l'option correspondate.""", 500: "Erreur côté serveur. Veuillez réessayez ultérieurement.", 1: "Le SMS a été envoyé sur votre mobile ({}).".format(number) if len(numbers) <= 1 else "Le SMS a été envoyé sur vos numéros ({}).".format(numbers), "toolong": "<red>Attention<white> : le message est trop long (+ de <black>{}<white> caracters, soit plus de 3 SMS).".format(STR_MAX_SIZE) } else: errorcodes = { 400: "One of the necessary parameter is missing.", 402: "Too many SMSs has been sent in a short time (you might be a spammer!).", 403: """Access denied: the service might not be activated on the online personal space, or login/password is wrong. Please go on '<black><white>' please, and enable the corresponding option.""", 500: "Error from the server side. Please try again later.", 1: "The SMS has been sent to your mobile ({}).".format(number) if len(numbers) <= 1 else "The SMS has been sent to all your mobile numbers ({}).".format(numbers), "toolong": "<red>Warning<white>: message is too long (more than <black>{}<white> caracters, so more than 3 SMS).".format(STR_MAX_SIZE) } def send_sms(text="Empty!", secured=True, sleep_duration=0): """ Sens a free SMS to the user identified by [user], with [password]. :user: Free Mobile id (of the form [0-9]{8}), :password: Service password (of the form [a-zA-Z0-9]{14}), :text: The content of the message (a warning is displayed if the message is bigger than 480 caracters) :secured: True to use HTTPS, False to use HTTP. Returns a boolean and a status string. """ # DONE split the text into smaller pieces if length is too big (automatically, or propose to do it ?) if len(text) > MAX_SIZE: printc(errorcodes["toolong"]) nb_sub_messages = len(text) / MAX_SIZE printc("\n<red>Warning<white>: message will be split in <red>{} piece{}<white> of size smaller than <black>{} characters<white>...".format(nb_sub_messages + 1, 's' if nb_sub_messages > 0 else '', MAX_SIZE)) printc(" <magenta>Note that new lines and other information can be lost!<white>") for i, index in enumerate(range(0, len(text), MAX_SIZE)): answer = send_sms(text[index: index + MAX_SIZE]) printc("For piece #{} of the message, the answer is:\n <magenta>{}<white>...\n".format(i + 1, answer[1])) return answer # raise ValueError(errorcodes["toolong"]) # Read user and password users = [] #: Identification Number free mobile user = openSpecialFile("user") users.append(user) if testSpecialFile("user", "2"): user2 = openSpecialFile("user", "2") users.append(user2) passwords = [] #: Password password = openSpecialFile("password") passwords.append(password) if testSpecialFile("password", "2"): password2 = openSpecialFile("password", "2") passwords.append(password2) printc("\n<green>Your message is:<white>\n<yellow>" + text + "<white>") url = "https" if secured else "http" # Sending to all the numbers results = [] for (user, password) in zip(users, passwords): dictQuery = {"user": user, "pass": password, "msg": text} string_query = json.dumps(dictQuery, sort_keys=True, indent=4) string_query = string_query.replace(password, '*' * len(password)) printc("\nThe web-based query to the
<reponame>OOAmusat/idaes-pse ################################################################################# # The Institute for the Design of Advanced Energy Systems Integrated Platform # Framework (IDAES IP) was produced under the DOE Institute for the # Design of Advanced Energy Systems (IDAES), and is copyright (c) 2018-2021 # by the software owners: The Regents of the University of California, through # Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, National Technology & Engineering # Solutions of Sandia, LLC, Carnegie Mellon University, West Virginia University # Research Corporation, et al. All rights reserved. # # Please see the files and for full copyright and # license information. ################################################################################# """ This module contains utility functions to generate phase equilibrium data and plots. """ __author__ = "<NAME>" # Import objects from pyomo package from pyomo.environ import ( check_optimal_termination, ConcreteModel, SolverFactory, value, Var, Constraint, Expression, units as pyunits, ) import idaes.logger as idaeslog from idaes.core.solvers import get_solver import idaes.logger as idaeslog # Import plotting functions import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np def Txy_diagram( model, component_1, component_2, pressure, num_points=20, temperature=298.15, figure_name=None, print_legend=True, include_pressure=False, print_level=idaeslog.NOTSET, solver=None, solver_op=None, ): """ This method generates T-x-y plots. Given the components, pressure and property dictionary this function calls Txy_data() to generate T-x-y data and once the data has been generated calls build_txy_diagrams() to create a plot. Args: component_1: Component which composition will be plotted in x axis component_2: Component which composition will decrease in x axis pressure: Pressure at which the bubble and drew temperatures will be calculated temperature: Temperature at which to initialize state block num_points: Number of data point to be calculated properties: property package which contains parameters to calculate bubble and dew temperatures for the mixture of the compnents specified. figure_name: if a figure name is included the plot will save with the name figure_name.png print_legend (bool): = If True, include legend to distinguish between Bubble and dew temperature. The default is True. include_pressure (bool) = If True, print pressure at which the plot is calculated in legends. The default is False. print_level: printing level from initialization solver: solver to use (default=None, use IDAES default solver) solver_op: solver options Returns: Plot """ # Run txy_ data funtion to obtain bubble and dew twmperatures Txy_data_to_plot = Txy_data( model, component_1, component_2, pressure, num_points, temperature, print_level, solver, solver_op, ) # Run diagrams function to convert t-x-y data into a plot build_txy_diagrams(Txy_data_to_plot, figure_name, print_legend, include_pressure) def Txy_data( model, component_1, component_2, pressure, num_points=20, temperature=298.15, print_level=idaeslog.NOTSET, solver=None, solver_op=None, ): """ Function to generate T-x-y data. The function builds a state block and extracts bubble and dew temperatures at P pressure for N number of compositions. As N is increased increase the time of the calculation will increase and create a smoother looking plot. Args: component_1: Component 1 component_2: Component 2 pressure: Pressure at which the bubble and drew temperatures will be calculates temperature: Temperature at which to initialize state block num_points: Number of data point to be calculated model: Model wit intialized Property package which contains data to calculate bubble and dew temperatures for component 1 and component 2 print_level: printing level from initialization solver: solver to use (default=None, use IDAES default solver) solver_op: solver options Returns: (Class): A class containing the T-x-y data """ components = list(model.params.component_list) components_used = [component_1, component_2] components_not_used = list(set(components) - set(components_used)) # Add properties parameter blocks to the flowsheet with specifications model.props = model.params.build_state_block([1], default={"defined_state": True}) # Set intial concentration of component 1 close to 1 x = 0.99 # Set conditions for flash unit model model.props[1].mole_frac_comp[component_1].fix(x) for i in components_not_used: model.props[1].mole_frac_comp[i].fix(1e-5) xs = sum(value(model.props[1].mole_frac_comp[i]) for i in components_not_used) model.props[1].mole_frac_comp[component_2].fix(1 - x - xs) model.props[1].flow_mol.fix(1) model.props[1].temperature.fix(temperature) model.props[1].pressure.fix(pressure) # Initialize flash unit model model.props[1].calculate_scaling_factors() model.props.initialize(solver=solver, optarg=solver_op, outlvl=print_level) solver = get_solver(solver, solver_op) # Create an array of compositions with N number of points x_d = np.linspace(x, 1 - x - xs, num_points) # Create emprty arrays for concentration, bubble temperature and dew temperature X = [] Tbubb = [] Tdew = [] # Obtain pressure and temperature units from the unit model Punit = pyunits.get_units(model.props[1].pressure) Tunit = pyunits.get_units(model.props[1].temperature) count = 1 # Create and run loop to calculate temperatures at every composition for i in range(len(x_d)): model.props[1].mole_frac_comp[component_1].fix(x_d[i]) model.props[1].mole_frac_comp[component_2].fix(1 - x_d[i] - xs) # solve the model status = solver.solve(model, tee=False) # If solution is optimal store the concentration, and calculated temperatures in the created arrays if check_optimal_termination(status): print( "Case: ", count, " Optimal. ", component_1, "x = {:.2f}".format(x_d[i]) ) if hasattr(model.props[1], "_mole_frac_tdew") and hasattr( model.props[1], "_mole_frac_tbub" ): Tbubb.append(value(model.props[1].temperature_bubble["Vap", "Liq"])) Tdew.append(value(model.props[1].temperature_dew["Vap", "Liq"])) elif hasattr(model.props[1], "_mole_frac_tdew"): print("One of the components only exists in vapor phase.") Tdew.append(value(model.props[1].temperature_dew["Vap", "Liq"])) elif hasattr(model.props[1], "_mole_frac_tbub"): print("One of the components only exists in liquid phase.") Tbubb.append(value(model.props[1].temperature_bubble["Vap", "Liq"])) X.append(x_d[i]) # If the solver did not solve to an optimal solution, do not store the data point else: print( "Case: ", count, " No Result", component_1, "x = {:.2f}".format(x_d[i]) ) count += 1 # Call TXYData function and store the data in TD class TD = TXYDataClass(component_1, component_2, Punit, Tunit, pressure) TD.TBubb = Tbubb TD.TDew = Tdew TD.x = X # Return the data class with all the information of the calculations return TD # Author: <NAME> class TXYDataClass: """ Write data needed for build_txy_diagrams() into a class. The class can be obtained by running Txy_data() or by assigining values to the class. """ def __init__(self, component_1, component_2, Punits, Tunits, pressure): """ Args: component_1: Component 1 component_2: Component 2 Punits: Initial value of heat of hot utility Tunits: Initial value of heat to be removed by cold utility pressure: Pressure at which the T-x-y data was evaluated Returns: (Class): A class containing the T-x-y data """ # Build self.Component_1 = component_1 self.Component_2 = component_2 # Assign units of pressure and temperature self.Punits = Punits self.Tunits = Tunits # Assign pressure at which the data has been calculated self.P = pressure # Create arrays for data self.TBubb = [] self.TDew = [] self.x = [] def Temp_Bubb(self, data_list): """ Args: data_list: Bubble temperature array Returns: None """ self.TBubb = data_list def Temp_Dew(self, data_list_2): """ Args: data_list_2: Dew temperature array Returns: None """ self.Tdew = data_list_2 def composition(self, data_list_3): """ Args: data_list_3: x data array Returns: None """ self.x = data_list_3 # Author: <NAME> def build_txy_diagrams( txy_data, figure_name=None, print_legend=True, include_pressure=False ): """ Args: txy_data: Txy data class includes components bubble and dew temperatures, compositions, components, pressure, and units. figure_name: if a figure name is included the plot will save with the name figure_name.png print_legend (bool): = If True, include legend to distinguish between Bubble and dew temperature. The default is True. include_pressure (bool) = If True, print pressure at which the plot is calculated in legends. The default is False. Returns: t-x-y plot """ # Declare a plot and it's size ig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 8)) if len(txy_data.TBubb) and len(txy_data.TDew) > 0: if include_pressure == True: # Plot results for bubble temperature ax.plot( txy_data.x, txy_data.TBubb, "r", label="Bubble Temp P = " + str(txy_data.Press) + " " + str(txy_data.Punits), linewidth=1.5, ) # Plot results for dew temperature ax.plot( txy_data.x, txy_data.TDew, "b", label="Dew Temp P = " + str(txy_data.Press) + " " + str(txy_data.Punits), linewidth=1.5, ) else: # Plot results for bubble temperature ax.plot( txy_data.x, txy_data.TBubb, "r", label="Bubble Temp ", linewidth=1.5 ) # Plot results for dew temperature ax.plot(txy_data.x, txy_data.TDew, "b", label="Dew Temp", linewidth=1.5) elif len(txy_data.TDew) == 0: if include_pressure == True: # Plot results for bubble temperature # Plot results for dew temperature ax.plot( txy_data.x, txy_data.TBubb, "b", label="Dew Temp P = " + str(txy_data.Press) + " " + str(txy_data.Punits), linewidth=1.5, ) else: # Plot results for dew temperature ax.plot(txy_data.x, txy_data.TBubb, "b", label="Dew Temp", linewidth=1.5) elif len(txy_data.TBubb) == 0: if include_pressure == True: # Plot results for bubble temperature # Plot results for dew temperature ax.plot( txy_data.x, txy_data.TDew, "b", label="Bubble Temp P = " + str(txy_data.Press) + " " + str(txy_data.Punits), linewidth=1.5, ) else: # Plot results for dew temperature ax.plot(txy_data.x, txy_data.TDew, "b", label="Dew Temp", linewidth=1.5) # Include grid ax.grid() # Declare labels and fontsize plt.xlabel(txy_data.Component_1 + " concentration (mol/mol)", fontsize=20) plt.ylabel("Temperature [" + str(txy_data.Tunits) + "]",
from typing import Union, List, Tuple, Sequence, Dict, Any, Optional, Collection from copy import copy from pathlib import Path import pickle as pkl import logging import random import lmdb import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn.functional as F from import Dataset from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist, squareform from .tokenizers import TAPETokenizer from .registry import registry logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def dataset_factory(data_file: Union[str, Path], *args, **kwargs) -> Dataset: data_file = Path(data_file) if not data_file.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError(data_file) if data_file.suffix == '.lmdb': return LMDBDataset(data_file, *args, **kwargs) elif data_file.suffix in {'.fasta', '.fna', '.ffn', '.faa', '.frn'}: return FastaDataset(data_file, *args, **kwargs) elif data_file.suffix == '.json': return JSONDataset(data_file, *args, **kwargs) elif data_file.is_dir(): return NPZDataset(data_file, *args, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized datafile type {data_file.suffix}") def pad_sequences(sequences: Sequence, constant_value=0, dtype=None) -> np.ndarray: batch_size = len(sequences) shape = [batch_size] + np.max([seq.shape for seq in sequences], 0).tolist() if dtype is None: dtype = sequences[0].dtype if isinstance(sequences[0], np.ndarray): array = np.full(shape, constant_value, dtype=dtype) elif isinstance(sequences[0], torch.Tensor): array = torch.full(shape, constant_value, dtype=dtype) for arr, seq in zip(array, sequences): arrslice = tuple(slice(dim) for dim in seq.shape) arr[arrslice] = seq return array class FastaDataset(Dataset): """Creates a dataset from a fasta file. Args: data_file (Union[str, Path]): Path to fasta file. in_memory (bool, optional): Whether to load the full dataset into memory. Default: False. """ def __init__(self, data_file: Union[str, Path], in_memory: bool = False): from Bio import SeqIO data_file = Path(data_file) if not data_file.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError(data_file) # if in_memory: cache = list(SeqIO.parse(str(data_file), 'fasta')) num_examples = len(cache) self._cache = cache # else: # records = SeqIO.index(str(data_file), 'fasta') # num_examples = len(records) # # if num_examples < 10000: #"Reading full fasta file into memory because number of examples " # "is very low. This loads data approximately 20x faster.") # in_memory = True # cache = list(records.values()) # self._cache = cache # else: # self._records = records # self._keys = list(records.keys()) self._in_memory = in_memory self._num_examples = num_examples def __len__(self) -> int: return self._num_examples def __getitem__(self, index: int): if not 0 <= index < self._num_examples: raise IndexError(index) # if self._in_memory and self._cache[index] is not None: record = self._cache[index] # else: # key = self._keys[index] # record = self._records[key] # if self._in_memory: # self._cache[index] = record item = {'id':, 'primary': str(record.seq), 'protein_length': len(record.seq)} return item class LMDBDataset(Dataset): """Creates a dataset from an lmdb file. Args: data_file (Union[str, Path]): Path to lmdb file. in_memory (bool, optional): Whether to load the full dataset into memory. Default: False. """ def __init__(self, data_file: Union[str, Path], in_memory: bool = False): data_file = Path(data_file) if not data_file.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError(data_file) env =, max_readers=1, readonly=True, lock=False, readahead=False, meminit=False) with env.begin(write=False) as txn: num_examples = pkl.loads(txn.get(b'num_examples')) if in_memory: cache = [None] * num_examples self._cache = cache self._env = env self._in_memory = in_memory self._num_examples = num_examples def __len__(self) -> int: return self._num_examples def __getitem__(self, index: int): if not 0 <= index < self._num_examples: raise IndexError(index) if self._in_memory and self._cache[index] is not None: item = self._cache[index] else: with self._env.begin(write=False) as txn: item = pkl.loads(txn.get(str(index).encode())) if 'id' not in item: item['id'] = str(index) if self._in_memory: self._cache[index] = item return item class JSONDataset(Dataset): """Creates a dataset from a json file. Assumes that data is a JSON serialized list of record, where each record is a dictionary. Args: data_file (Union[str, Path]): Path to json file. in_memory (bool): Dummy variable to match API of other datasets """ def __init__(self, data_file: Union[str, Path], in_memory: bool = True): import json data_file = Path(data_file) if not data_file.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError(data_file) records = json.loads(data_file.read_text()) if not isinstance(records, list): raise TypeError(f"TAPE JSONDataset requires a json serialized list, " f"received {type(records)}") self._records = records self._num_examples = len(records) def __len__(self) -> int: return self._num_examples def __getitem__(self, index: int): if not 0 <= index < self._num_examples: raise IndexError(index) item = self._records[index] if not isinstance(item, dict): raise TypeError(f"Expected dataset to contain a list of dictionary " f"records, received record of type {type(item)}") if 'id' not in item: item['id'] = str(index) return item class NPZDataset(Dataset): """Creates a dataset from a directory of npz files. Args: data_file (Union[str, Path]): Path to directory of npz files in_memory (bool): Dummy variable to match API of other datasets """ def __init__(self, data_file: Union[str, Path], in_memory: bool = True, split_files: Optional[Collection[str]] = None): data_file = Path(data_file) if not data_file.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError(data_file) if not data_file.is_dir(): raise NotADirectoryError(data_file) file_glob = data_file.glob('*.npz') if split_files is None: file_list = list(file_glob) else: split_files = set(split_files) if len(split_files) == 0: raise ValueError("Passed an empty split file set") file_list = [f for f in file_glob if in split_files] if len(file_list) != len(split_files): num_missing = len(split_files) - len(file_list) raise FileNotFoundError( f"{num_missing} specified split files not found in directory") if len(file_list) == 0: raise FileNotFoundError(f"No .npz files found in {data_file}") self._file_list = file_list def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self._file_list) def __getitem__(self, index: int): if not 0 <= index < len(self): raise IndexError(index) item = dict(np.load(self._file_list[index])) if not isinstance(item, dict): raise TypeError(f"Expected dataset to contain a list of dictionary " f"records, received record of type {type(item)}") if 'id' not in item: item['id'] = self._file_list[index].stem return item @registry.register_task('embed') class EmbedDataset(Dataset): def __init__(self, data_file: Union[str, Path], tokenizer: Union[str, TAPETokenizer] = 'iupac', in_memory: bool = False, convert_tokens_to_ids: bool = True): super().__init__() if isinstance(tokenizer, str): tokenizer = TAPETokenizer(vocab=tokenizer) self.tokenizer = tokenizer = dataset_factory(data_file) def __len__(self) -> int: return len( def __getitem__(self, index: int): item =[index] token_ids = self.tokenizer.encode(item['primary']) input_mask = np.ones_like(token_ids) return item['id'], token_ids, input_mask def collate_fn(self, batch: List[Tuple[Any, ...]]) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]: ids, tokens, input_mask = zip(*batch) ids = list(ids) tokens = torch.from_numpy(pad_sequences(tokens)) input_mask = torch.from_numpy(pad_sequences(input_mask)) return {'ids': ids, 'input_ids': tokens, 'input_mask': input_mask} # type: ignore @registry.register_task('masked_language_modeling') class MaskedLanguageModelingDataset(Dataset): """Creates the Masked Language Modeling Pfam Dataset Args: data_path (Union[str, Path]): Path to tape data root. split (str): One of ['train', 'valid', 'holdout'], specifies which data file to load. in_memory (bool, optional): Whether to load the full dataset into memory. Default: False. """ def __init__(self, data_path: Union[str, Path], split: str, tokenizer: Union[str, TAPETokenizer] = 'iupac', in_memory: bool = False): super().__init__() if split not in ('train', 'valid', 'holdout'): raise ValueError( f"Unrecognized split: {split}. " f"Must be one of ['train', 'valid', 'holdout']") if isinstance(tokenizer, str): tokenizer = TAPETokenizer(vocab=tokenizer) self.tokenizer = tokenizer data_path = Path(data_path) data_file = f'pfam/pfam_{split}.lmdb' = dataset_factory(data_path / data_file, in_memory) def __len__(self) -> int: return len( def __getitem__(self, index): item =[index] tokens = self.tokenizer.tokenize(item['primary']) tokens = self.tokenizer.add_special_tokens(tokens) masked_tokens, labels = self._apply_bert_mask(tokens) masked_token_ids = np.array( self.tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(masked_tokens), np.int64) input_mask = np.ones_like(masked_token_ids) masked_token_ids = np.array( self.tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(masked_tokens), np.int64) return masked_token_ids, input_mask, labels, item['clan'], item['family'] def collate_fn(self, batch: List[Any]) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]: input_ids, input_mask, lm_label_ids, clan, family = tuple(zip(*batch)) input_ids = torch.from_numpy(pad_sequences(input_ids, 0)) input_mask = torch.from_numpy(pad_sequences(input_mask, 0)) # ignore_index is -1 lm_label_ids = torch.from_numpy(pad_sequences(lm_label_ids, -1)) clan = torch.LongTensor(clan) # type: ignore family = torch.LongTensor(family) # type: ignore return {'input_ids': input_ids, 'input_mask': input_mask, 'targets': lm_label_ids} def _apply_bert_mask(self, tokens: List[str]) -> Tuple[List[str], List[int]]: masked_tokens = copy(tokens) labels = np.zeros([len(tokens)], np.int64) - 1 for i, token in enumerate(tokens): # Tokens begin and end with start_token and stop_token, ignore these if token in (self.tokenizer.start_token, self.tokenizer.stop_token): pass prob = random.random() if prob < 0.15: prob /= 0.15 labels[i] = self.tokenizer.convert_token_to_id(token) if prob < 0.8: # 80% random change to mask token token = self.tokenizer.mask_token elif prob < 0.9: # 10% chance to change to random token token = self.tokenizer.convert_id_to_token( random.randint(0, self.tokenizer.vocab_size - 1)) else: # 10% chance to keep current token pass masked_tokens[i] = token return masked_tokens, labels @registry.register_task('language_modeling') class LanguageModelingDataset(Dataset): """Creates the Language Modeling Pfam Dataset Args: data_path (Union[str, Path]): Path to tape data root. split (str): One of ['train', 'valid', 'holdout'], specifies which data file to load. in_memory (bool, optional): Whether to load the full dataset into memory. Default: False. """ def __init__(self, data_path: Union[str, Path], split: str, tokenizer: Union[str, TAPETokenizer] = 'iupac', in_memory: bool = False): super().__init__() if split not in ('train', 'valid', 'holdout'): raise ValueError( f"Unrecognized split: {split}. " f"Must be one of ['train', 'valid', 'holdout']") if isinstance(tokenizer, str): tokenizer = TAPETokenizer(vocab=tokenizer) self.tokenizer = tokenizer data_path = Path(data_path) data_file = f'pfam/pfam_{split}.lmdb' = dataset_factory(data_path / data_file, in_memory) def __len__(self) -> int:
10: return 10 else: return u def __get_current_coords(self,): return np.array([self.x_history[-1], self.y_history[-1], self.tetta_history[-1]]) def __get_terminal_coords(self,): return np.array([self.xf, self.yf, self.tettaf]) def estimate(self,): v0 = self.__get_current_coords() vf = self.__get_terminal_coords() return np.linalg.norm(vf - v0) def reset(self,): self.x_history = [self.x_history[0]] self.y_history = [self.y_history[0]] self.tetta_history = [self.tetta_history[0]] self.time_history = [0.0] self.control_histroy = [(0.0, 0.0)] def get_coords(self,): return (self.x_history, self.y_history) def get_control_in_time(self,): return (self.time_history, self.control_history) def plot_trajectory(self,): x, y = self.get_coords() fig = plt.figure() plt.plot(x, y, 'r') plt.xlabel('${x}$',fontsize=20) plt.ylabel('${y}$',fontsize=20) plt.legend(['${y}({x})$'],loc='upper right') class NetworkOperator(object): """ """ def __init__(self, unaries, binaries, input_nodes, output_nodes): """ Instantiates Network Operator object xq - list of variables and parameters unaries - list of unary functions binaries - list of binary functions """ self.psi = None self.base_psi = None self.un_dict = {ind: func for ind, func in enumerate(unaries)} self.bin_dict = {ind: func for ind, func in enumerate(binaries)} self.q = [] self.base_q = [] self.__input_node_free_index = None self.output_nodes = output_nodes # list of indexes that output nodes posess self.input_nodes = input_nodes # list of indexes that input nodes posess def get_input_nodes(self,): return self.input_nodes def set_q(self, q): """ q - list return dict """ self.q = {ind: val for ind, val in enumerate(q)} self.__input_node_free_index = len(q) def get_q(self,): return self.q def set_base_q(self, q): self.base_q = {ind: val for ind, val in enumerate(q)} self.__input_node_free_index = len(q) def get_base_q(self,): return self.base_q def update_base_q(self,): new_q = copy(self.get_q()).values() self.set_base_q(new_q) def roll_back_to_base_q(self,): old_q = copy(self.get_base_q()).values() self.set_q(old_q) def get_free_input_node(self,): return self.__input_node_free_index def variate_parameters(self, index, value): q = self.get_q() q[index] = value def get_psi(self,): return self.psi def set_psi(self, psi): self.psi = psi def get_base_psi(self,): return self.base_psi def set_base_psi(self, base_psi): self.base_psi = base_psi def update_base_psi(self,): new_psi = deepcopy(self.get_psi()) self.set_base_psi(new_psi) def roll_back_to_base_psi(self,): old_psi = deepcopy(self.get_base_psi()) self.set_psi(old_psi) def get_unary_dict_keys(self,): return list(self.un_dict.keys()) def get_binary_dict_keys(self,): return list(self.bin_dict.keys()) def eval_psi(self, x): """ out_nodes - indexes of nodes which are outputs of nop. [list] x - list of state components """ x = {self.get_free_input_node() + ind: val for ind, val in enumerate(x)} xq = {**self.q, **x} # merge two dicts without altering the originals d = {} # node: value psi = self.get_psi() def apply_unary(unary_func, unary_index): try: return unary_func(xq[unary_index]) # try to apply unary to q or x except: return unary_func(d[unary_index]) # apply unary to a dictinoary with that node otherwise for cell in psi: binary_index = cell[-1][1] # binary operation index binary_func = self.bin_dict[binary_index] # binary function object d[cell[-1][0]] = binary_func([apply_unary(self.un_dict[i[1]], i[0]) for i in cell[:-1]]) nop_outputs = tuple([d[node] for node in self.output_nodes]) return nop_outputs class StructureGenetics(object): """ """ def __init__(self, nop, model): self.nop = nop self.model = model self.model.set_control_function(nop.eval_psi) self.base_estimation = None self.qmin = None self.qmax = None def generate_variations_population(self, individuals, variations_per_individual): """ Generate population. (int, int) -> np.array of integers (shape: [h x m x 4]) """ population = {} while len(population) < individuals: individual = [self.generate_variation(mutate_param=False) for i in range(variations_per_individual)] functional = self.estimate_variation(individual) if functional < 1e+3: population[functional] = individual return population def estimate_object_function(self,): """ Evaluates function self.estimator with q as an incoming parameter (vector) -> real """ functional = self.model.simulate() self.model.reset() return functional def estimate_variation(self, variation_matrix): for variation in variation_matrix: if variation[0] != 3: # first we apply all kinds of variations except of the delete self.apply_variation(variation) for variation in variation_matrix: if variation[0] == 3: # then we apply delete variation self.apply_variation(variation) a = self.nop.get_psi() b = self.nop.get_base_psi() c = self.nop.get_q() d = self.nop.get_base_q() if a == b and c == d: est = self.base_estimation else: est = self.estimate_object_function() self.nop.roll_back_to_base_psi() self.nop.roll_back_to_base_q() return est ### function to insert into parametric optimization ### def estimate_parameters(self, q): self.nop.set_q(q) functional = self.estimate_object_function() return functional ####################################################### def get_best_individual(self, population, ksearch=None):#, worst=False, ksearch=None): """ Return best or worst individual: 1) if ksearch != None and worst==False: return best individual from ksearch random sample without replacement. 2) if ksearch == None and worst==True: return index of the worst individual from the whole population. (2d array of real, bool, int) -> array of real OR int """ population_estimates = np.array(list(population.keys())) if ksearch:# and not worst: try: subpopulation_estimates = population_estimates[np.random.choice(population_estimates.shape[0], ksearch, replace=False)] individual_estimate = subpopulation_estimates.min() return (population[individual_estimate], individual_estimate) except ValueError as e: print('Wrong type for ksearch: {0}'.format(e)) else: best_estimate = population_estimates.min() return (population[best_estimate], best_estimate) def generate_variation(self, mutate_param=False): psi = self.nop.get_base_psi() var_num = random.randint(0,4) #var_num = np.random.choice(5, p=[0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.6]) sublist_index = random.randint(0, len(psi) - 1) # operand column index un_keys_list = self.nop.get_unary_dict_keys() bin_keys_list = self.nop.get_binary_dict_keys() if var_num == 4 or mutate_param: # nop must have at least one parameter param_index = random.randrange(0, self.nop.get_free_input_node()) new_value = random.uniform(self.qmin, self.qmax) if not mutate_param: return [4, param_index, new_value, None] else: return [4, mutate_param, new_value, None] elif var_num == 0: # change binary operation bin_keys_list = self.nop.get_binary_dict_keys() new_bin_op = random.choice(bin_keys_list) c = random.randint(0, max(un_keys_list[-1], bin_keys_list[-1])) return [0, sublist_index, c, new_bin_op] elif var_num == 1: # change unary operation un_keys_list = self.nop.get_unary_dict_keys() l = len(psi[sublist_index]) unary_cell = random.randint(0, l - 2) # except binary node new_un_op = random.choice(un_keys_list) return [1, sublist_index, unary_cell, new_un_op] elif var_num == 2: # add unary operation new_un_op = random.choice(un_keys_list) if sublist_index == 0: node = random.choice(self.nop.get_input_nodes()) else: node = random.randint(0, psi[sublist_index-1][-1][0]) return [2, sublist_index, node, new_un_op] elif var_num == 3: # delete unary operation a = random.randrange(0, len(psi)) b = random.randrange(0, len(psi[a])) c = random.randint(0, max(un_keys_list[-1], bin_keys_list[-1])) index_to_start_from_delete = None exclude = [] inputs = self.nop.get_input_nodes() for i in inputs: for ind, val in enumerate(psi): for j, v in enumerate(val): if v[0] == i: exclude.append((ind, j)) break break continue left_bound = max(exclude, key=itemgetter(0)) # (sublist_index, tuple_index) sublist_index = random.randint(left_bound[0], len(psi)-1) l = len(psi[sublist_index]) if l > 3: # if that column has more than one operand if sublist_index == left_bound[0]: sample_indices = [j for j, v in enumerate(psi[sublist_index][:-1]) if j != left_bound[1]] if sample_indices: cell_to_del = random.choice(sample_indices) else: return [3, a, b, c] else: cell_to_del = random.randint(0, l - 2) # choose random index of the cell, except the last(binary cell) node_to_del = psi[sublist_index][cell_to_del][0] # operand row index nodes = [list(map(itemgetter(0), sublist[:-1])) for sublist in psi] # all unary nodes (list of lists) if sum(x.count(node_to_del) for x in nodes) > 1: return [3, sublist_index, cell_to_del, c] # if more than one occurence else: return [3, a, b, c] # lost graph connectivity else: return [3, a, b, c] # lost graph connectivity def apply_variation(self, variation): loc_psi = self.nop.get_psi() sublist_index = variation[1] if variation[0] == 0: # change binary new_bin_op = variation[3] if new_bin_op > len(self.nop.get_binary_dict_keys()) - 1: return None node = loc_psi[sublist_index][-1][0] loc_psi[sublist_index][-1] = (node, new_bin_op) elif variation[0] == 1: # change unary cell = variation[2] new_un_op = variation[3] if cell >= len(loc_psi[sublist_index]) - 1: return None elif new_un_op > len(self.nop.get_unary_dict_keys()) - 1: return None node = loc_psi[sublist_index][cell][0] loc_psi[sublist_index][cell] = (node, new_un_op) elif variation[0] == 2: # add unary node = variation[2] new_un_op = variation[3] if new_un_op > len(self.nop.get_unary_dict_keys()) - 1: return None new_cell = (node, new_un_op) _ = loc_psi[sublist_index].pop() loc_psi[sublist_index].append(new_cell) loc_psi[sublist_index].append(_) elif variation[0] == 3: # delete unary node_to_del = variation[2] if len(loc_psi[sublist_index]) < 3: return None elif node_to_del >= len(loc_psi[sublist_index]) - 1: return None else: for ind, sublist in enumerate(loc_psi[:sublist_index]): if sublist[-1][0] == node_to_del: nodes = [list(map(itemgetter(0), sublist[:-1])) for sublist in loc_psi[ind + 1:]] break else: nodes = [list(map(itemgetter(0), sublist[:-1])) for sublist in loc_psi] if sum(x.count(node_to_del) for x in nodes) > 1: del loc_psi[sublist_index][node_to_del] else: return None elif variation[0] == 4: # change parameter param_index = variation[1] new_value = variation[2] self.nop.variate_parameters(param_index, new_value) def cross(self, population, ksearch, var_num, children_num=8): best_individual, best_value = self.get_best_individual(population) parent1, parent1_est = self.get_best_individual(population, ksearch=ksearch) parent2, parent2_est = self.get_best_individual(population, ksearch=ksearch) if np.max([best_value/parent1_est, best_value/parent2_est]) > np.random.uniform(): param_len = len(self.nop.get_q()) all_variations = np.vstack((parent1, parent2)) new_vars_len = round(0.38 * all_variations.shape[0]) _ = [self.generate_variation(mutate_param=i%param_len) for i in range(new_vars_len)] _ = np.reshape(_, (-1, 4)) all_variations = np.vstack((all_variations, _)) sex =
IOError as e: val = value.Str('<I/O error: %s>' % pyutil.strerror_IO(e)) except KeyboardInterrupt: val = value.Str('<Ctrl-C>') finally: self.mem.PopStatusFrame() return val def EvalRhsWord(self, UP_w): # type: (word_t) -> value_t """Used for RHS of assignment. There is no splitting. """ if UP_w.tag_() == word_e.Empty: return value.Str('') assert UP_w.tag_() == word_e.Compound, UP_w w = cast(compound_word, UP_w) if len( == 1: part0 =[0] UP_part0 = part0 tag = part0.tag_() # Special case for a=(1 2). ShArrayLiteral won't appear in words that # don't look like assignments. if tag == word_part_e.ShArrayLiteral: part0 = cast(sh_array_literal, UP_part0) array_words = part0.words words = braces.BraceExpandWords(array_words) strs = self.EvalWordSequence(words) #log('ARRAY LITERAL EVALUATED TO -> %s', strs) return value.MaybeStrArray(strs) if tag == word_part_e.AssocArrayLiteral: part0 = cast(word_part__AssocArrayLiteral, UP_part0) d = {} # type: Dict[str, str] n = len(part0.pairs) i = 0 while i < n: k = self.EvalWordToString(part0.pairs[i]) v = self.EvalWordToString(part0.pairs[i+1]) d[k.s] = v.s i += 2 return value.AssocArray(d) # If RHS doens't look like a=( ... ), then it must be a string. return self.EvalWordToString(w) def _EvalWordFrame(self, frame, argv): # type: (List[Tuple[str, bool, bool]], List[str]) -> None all_empty = True all_quoted = True any_quoted = False #log('--- frame %s', frame) for s, quoted, _ in frame: if len(s): all_empty = False if quoted: any_quoted = True else: all_quoted = False # Elision of ${empty}${empty} but not $empty"$empty" or $empty"" if all_empty and not any_quoted: return # If every frag is quoted, e.g. "$a$b" or any part in "${a[@]}"x, then # don't do word splitting or globbing. if all_quoted: tmp = [s for s, _, _ in frame] a = ''.join(tmp) argv.append(a) return will_glob = not self.exec_opts.noglob() # Array of strings, some of which are BOTH IFS-escaped and GLOB escaped! frags = [] # type: List[str] for frag, quoted, do_split in frame: if will_glob and quoted: frag = glob_.GlobEscape(frag) else: # If we have a literal \, then we turn it into \\\\. # Splitting takes \\\\ -> \\ # Globbing takes \\ to \ if it doesn't match frag = _BackslashEscape(frag) if do_split: frag = _BackslashEscape(frag) else: frag = self.splitter.Escape(frag) frags.append(frag) flat = ''.join(frags) #log('flat: %r', flat) args = self.splitter.SplitForWordEval(flat) # space=' '; argv $space"". We have a quoted part, but we CANNOT elide. # Add it back and don't bother globbing. if not args and any_quoted: argv.append('') return #log('split args: %r', args) for a in args: self.globber.Expand(a, argv) def _EvalWordToArgv(self, w): # type: (compound_word) -> List[str] """Helper for _EvalAssignBuiltin. Splitting and globbing are disabled for assignment builtins. Example: declare -"${a[@]}" b=(1 2) where a is [x b=a d=a] """ part_vals = [] # type: List[part_value_t] self._EvalWordToParts(w, False, part_vals) # not double quoted frames = _MakeWordFrames(part_vals) argv = [] # type: List[str] for frame in frames: if len(frame): # empty array gives empty frame! tmp = [s for (s, _, _) in frame] argv.append(''.join(tmp)) # no split or glob #log('argv: %s', argv) return argv def _EvalAssignBuiltin(self, builtin_id, arg0, words): # type: (builtin_t, str, List[compound_word]) -> cmd_value__Assign """ Handles both static and dynamic assignment, e.g. x='foo=bar' local a=(1 2) $x """ # Grammar: # # ('builtin' | 'command')* keyword flag* pair* # flag = [-+].* # # There is also command -p, but we haven't implemented it. Maybe just punt # on it. Punted on 'builtin' and 'command' for now too. eval_to_pairs = True # except for -f and -F started_pairs = False flags = [arg0] # initial flags like -p, and -f -F name1 name2 flag_spids = [word_.LeftMostSpanForWord(words[0])] assign_args = [] # type: List[assign_arg] n = len(words) for i in xrange(1, n): # skip first word w = words[i] word_spid = word_.LeftMostSpanForWord(w) if word_.IsVarLike(w): started_pairs = True # Everything from now on is an assign_pair if started_pairs: left_token, close_token, part_offset = word_.DetectShAssignment(w) if left_token: # Detected statically if != Id.Lit_VarLike: # (not guaranteed since started_pairs is set twice) e_die('LHS array not allowed in assignment builtin', word=w) tok_val = left_token.val if tok_val[-2] == '+': e_die('+= not allowed in assignment builtin', word=w) var_name = tok_val[:-1] if part_offset == len( rhs_word = word.Empty() # type: word_t else: rhs_word = compound_word([part_offset:]) # tilde detection only happens on static assignments! tmp = word_.TildeDetect(rhs_word) if tmp: rhs_word = tmp right = self.EvalRhsWord(rhs_word) arg2 = assign_arg(var_name, right, word_spid) assign_args.append(arg2) else: # e.g. export $dynamic argv = self._EvalWordToArgv(w) for arg in argv: left, right = _SplitAssignArg(arg, w) arg2 = assign_arg(left, right, word_spid) assign_args.append(arg2) else: argv = self._EvalWordToArgv(w) for arg in argv: if arg.startswith('-') or arg.startswith('+'): # e.g. declare -r +r flags.append(arg) flag_spids.append(word_spid) # Shortcut that relies on -f and -F always meaning "function" for # all assignment builtins if 'f' in arg or 'F' in arg: eval_to_pairs = False else: # e.g. export $dynamic if eval_to_pairs: left, right = _SplitAssignArg(arg, w) arg2 = assign_arg(left, right, word_spid) assign_args.append(arg2) started_pairs = True else: flags.append(arg) return cmd_value.Assign(builtin_id, flags, flag_spids, assign_args) def StaticEvalWordSequence2(self, words, allow_assign): # type: (List[compound_word], bool) -> cmd_value_t """Static word evaluation for Oil.""" #log('W %s', words) strs = [] # type: List[str] spids = [] # type: List[int] n = 0 for i, w in enumerate(words): word_spid = word_.LeftMostSpanForWord(w) # No globbing in the first arg! That seems like a feature, not a bug. if i == 0: strs0 = self._EvalWordToArgv(w) # respects strict-array if len(strs0) == 1: arg0 = strs0[0] builtin_id = consts.LookupAssignBuiltin(arg0) if builtin_id != consts.NO_INDEX: # Same logic as legacy word eval, with no splitting return self._EvalAssignBuiltin(builtin_id, arg0, words) strs.extend(strs0) for _ in strs0: spids.append(word_spid) continue if glob_.LooksLikeStaticGlob(w): val = self.EvalWordToString(w) # respects strict-array num_appended = self.globber.Expand(val.s, strs) for _ in xrange(num_appended): spids.append(word_spid) continue part_vals = [] # type: List[part_value_t] self._EvalWordToParts(w, False, part_vals) # not double quoted if 0: log('') log('Static: part_vals after _EvalWordToParts:') for entry in part_vals: log(' %s', entry) # Still need to process frames = _MakeWordFrames(part_vals) if 0: log('') log('Static: frames after _MakeWordFrames:') for entry in frames: log(' %s', entry) # We will still allow x"${a[@]"x, though it's deprecated by @a, which # disallows such expressions at parse time. for frame in frames: if len(frame): # empty array gives empty frame! tmp = [s for (s, _, _) in frame] strs.append(''.join(tmp)) # no split or glob spids.append(word_spid) return cmd_value.Argv(strs, spids, None) def EvalWordSequence2(self, words, allow_assign=False): # type: (List[compound_word], bool) -> cmd_value_t """Turns a list of Words into a list of strings. Unlike the EvalWord*() methods, it does globbing. Args: words: list of Word instances Returns: argv: list of string arguments, or None if there was an eval error """ if self.exec_opts.simple_word_eval(): return self.StaticEvalWordSequence2(words, allow_assign) # Parse time: # 1. brace expansion. TODO: Do at parse time. # 2. Tilde detection. DONE at parse time. Only if Id.Lit_Tilde is the # first WordPart. # # Run time: # 3. tilde sub, var sub, command sub, arith sub. These are all # "concurrent" on WordParts. (optional process sub with <() ) # 4. word splitting. Can turn this off with a shell option? Definitely # off for oil. # 5. globbing -- several exec_opts affect this: nullglob, safeglob, etc. #log('W %s', words) strs = [] # type: List[str] spids = [] # type: List[int] n = 0 for i, w in enumerate(words): part_vals = [] # type: List[part_value_t] self._EvalWordToParts(w, False, part_vals) # not double quoted # DYNAMICALLY detect if we're going to run an assignment builtin, and # change the rest of the evaluation algorithm if so. # # We want to allow: # e=export # $e foo=bar # # But we don't want to evaluate the first word twice in the case of: # $(some-command) --flag if allow_assign and i == 0 and len(part_vals) == 1: val0 = part_vals[0] UP_val0 = val0 if val0.tag_() == part_value_e.String: val0 = cast(part_value__String, UP_val0) if not val0.quoted: builtin_id = consts.LookupAssignBuiltin(val0.s) if builtin_id != consts.NO_INDEX: return self._EvalAssignBuiltin(builtin_id, val0.s, words) if 0: log('') log('part_vals after _EvalWordToParts:') for entry
""" ECCO v4 Python: read_bin_llc This module includes utility routines for loading binary files in the llc 13-tile native flat binary layout. This layout is the default for MITgcm input and output for global setups using lat-lon-cap (llc) layout. The llc layout is used for ECCO v4. .. _ecco_v4_py Documentation : """ from __future__ import division,print_function from xmitgcm import open_mdsdataset import xmitgcm import numpy as np import xarray as xr import time import sys from .llc_array_conversion import llc_compact_to_tiles, \ llc_compact_to_faces, llc_faces_to_tiles, llc_faces_to_compact, \ llc_tiles_to_faces, llc_tiles_to_compact from .read_bin_gen import load_binary_array from .ecco_utils import make_time_bounds_and_center_times_from_ecco_dataset def load_ecco_vars_from_mds(mds_var_dir, mds_grid_dir, mds_files=None, vars_to_load = 'all', tiles_to_load = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12], model_time_steps_to_load = 'all', output_freq_code = '', meta_variable_specific=dict(), meta_common=dict(), mds_datatype = '>f4', llc_method = 'bigchunks', less_output=True): """ Uses xmitgcm's *open_mdsdataset* routine to load ecco variable(s) from MITgcm's MDS binary output into xarray Dataset/DataArray objects. The main benefit of using this routine over open_mdsdataset is that this routine allows for - proper centering of the *time* variable for time-averaged fields - creation of the *time-bnds* fields in time-averaged fields - specification of extra variable-specific and globl metadata xmitgcm.open_mdsdataset uses the model step number from the file name (e.g., 732 from the file to construct the 'time' field. For time-averaged fields, this model step corresponds to END of the averaging period, not the time averaging mid point. This routine fixes the 'time' field of time-averaged fields to be the mid point of the time averaging period when the appropriate *output_freq_code* is passed. Parameters ---------- mds_var_dir : str directory where the .data/.meta files are stored mds_grid_dir : str the directory where the model binary (.data) grid fields are stored mds_files : str or list or None, optional either: a string or list of file names to load, or None to load all files Note : the name is everything BEFORE the time step the mds_file name for '' is 'var' vars_to_load : str or list, optional, default 'all' a string or list of the variable names to read from the mds_files - if 'all' then all variables in the files are loaded tiles_to_load : int or list of ints, optional, default range(13) an int or list of ints indicating which tiles to load model_time_steps_to_load : int or list of ints, optional, default 'all' an int or list of ints indicating which model time steps to load Note : the model time step indicates the time step when the the file was written. when the field is a time average, this time step shows the END of the averaging period. output_freq_code : str, optional, default empty string a code used to create the proper time indices on the fields after loading ('AVG' or 'SNAPSHOT') + '_' + ('DAY','WEEK','MON', or 'YEAR') valid options : - AVG_DAY, AVG_WEEK, AVG_MON, AVG_YEAR - SNAPSHOT_DAY, SNAPSHOT_WEEK, SNAPSHOT_MON, SNAPSHOT_YEAR meta_variable_specific : dict, optional, default empty dictionary a dictionary with variable-specific metadata. used when creating the offical ECCO products meta_common : dict, optional, default empty dictionary a dictionary with globally-valid metadata for the ECCO fields. useful when creating the offical ECCO netcdf fields mds_datatype : string, optional, default '>f4' code indicating what type of field to load if the xmitgcm cannot determine the format from the .meta file. '>f4' means big endian 32 bit float. llc_method : string, optional, default 'big_chunks' refer to the xmitgcm documentation. less_output : logical, optional if True (default), omit additional print statements Returns ======= ecco_dataset : xarray Dataset """ # range object is different between python 2 and 3 if sys.version_info[0] >= 3 and isinstance(tiles_to_load, range): tiles_to_load = list(tiles_to_load) #ECCO v4 r3 starts 1992/1/1 12:00:00 ecco_v4_start_year = 1992 ecco_v4_start_mon = 1 ecco_v4_start_day = 1 ecco_v4_start_hour = 12 ecco_v4_start_min = 0 ecco_v4_start_sec = 0 # ECCO v4 r3 has 1 hour (3600 s) time steps delta_t = 3600 # define reference date for xmitgcm ref_date = str(ecco_v4_start_year) + '-' + str(ecco_v4_start_mon) + '-' + \ str(ecco_v4_start_day) + ' ' + str(ecco_v4_start_hour) + ':' + \ str(ecco_v4_start_min) + ':' + str(ecco_v4_start_sec) if model_time_steps_to_load == 'all': if not less_output: print ('loading all model time steps') ecco_dataset = open_mdsdataset(data_dir = mds_var_dir, grid_dir = mds_grid_dir, read_grid = True, prefix = mds_files, geometry = 'llc', iters = 'all', ref_date = ref_date, delta_t = delta_t, default_dtype = np.dtype(mds_datatype), grid_vars_to_coords=True, llc_method = llc_method) else: if not less_output: print ('loading subset of model time steps') if isinstance(model_time_steps_to_load, int): model_time_steps_to_load = [model_time_steps_to_load] if isinstance(model_time_steps_to_load, list): ecco_dataset = open_mdsdataset(data_dir = mds_var_dir, grid_dir = mds_grid_dir, read_grid = True, prefix = mds_files, geometry = 'llc', iters = model_time_steps_to_load, ref_date = ref_date, delta_t = delta_t, default_dtype = np.dtype(mds_datatype), grid_vars_to_coords=True, llc_method=llc_method) else: raise TypeError('not a valid model_time_steps_to_load. must be "all", an "int", or a list of "int"') # replace the xmitgcm coordinate name of 'FACE' with 'TILE' if 'face' in ecco_dataset.coords.keys(): ecco_dataset = ecco_dataset.rename({'face': 'tile'}) ecco_dataset.tile.attrs['standard_name'] = 'tile_index' # if vars_to_load is an empty list, keep all variables. otherwise, # only keep those variables in the vars_to_load list. vars_ignored = [] vars_loaded = [] if not isinstance(vars_to_load, list): vars_to_load = [vars_to_load] if not less_output: print ('vars to load ', vars_to_load) if 'all' not in vars_to_load: if not less_output: print ('loading subset of variables: ', vars_to_load) # remove variables that are not on the vars_to_load_list for ecco_var in ecco_dataset.keys(): if ecco_var not in vars_to_load: vars_ignored.append(ecco_var) ecco_dataset = ecco_dataset.drop(ecco_var) else: vars_loaded.append(ecco_var) if not less_output: print ('loaded : ', vars_loaded) print ('ignored : ', vars_ignored) else: if not less_output: print ('loaded all variables : ', ecco_dataset.keys()) # keep tiles in the 'tiles_to_load' list. if not isinstance(tiles_to_load, list) and not isinstance(tiles_to_load,range): tiles_to_load = [tiles_to_load] if not less_output: print ('subsetting tiles to ', tiles_to_load) ecco_dataset = ecco_dataset.sel(tile = tiles_to_load) #ecco_dataset = ecco_dataset.isel(time=0) if not less_output: print ('creating time bounds .... ') if 'AVG' in output_freq_code and \ 'time_bnds' not in ecco_dataset.keys(): if not less_output: print ('avg in output freq code and time bounds not in ecco keys') time_bnds_ds, center_times = \ make_time_bounds_and_center_times_from_ecco_dataset(ecco_dataset,\ output_freq_code) ecco_dataset = xr.merge((ecco_dataset, time_bnds_ds)) if 'time_bnds-no-units' in meta_common: ecco_dataset.time_bnds.attrs=meta_common['time_bnds-no-units'] ecco_dataset = ecco_dataset.set_coords('time_bnds') if not less_output: print ('time bounds -----') print (time_bnds_ds) print ('center times -----') print (center_times) print ('ecco dataset time values type', type(ecco_dataset.time.values)) print ('ecco dataset time_bnds typ ', type(ecco_dataset.time_bnds)) print ('ecco dataset time_bnds ', ecco_dataset.time_bnds) if isinstance(ecco_dataset.time.values, np.datetime64): if not less_output: print ('replacing time.values....') ecco_dataset.time.values = center_times elif isinstance(center_times, np.datetime64): if not less_output: print ('replacing time.values....') center_times = np.array(center_times) ecco_dataset.time.values[:] = center_times elif isinstance(ecco_dataset.time.values, np.ndarray) and \ isinstance(center_times, np.ndarray): if not less_output: print ('replacing time.values....') ecco_dataset.time.values = center_times if 'ecco-v4-time-average-center-no-units' in meta_common: ecco_dataset.time.attrs = \ meta_common['ecco-v4-time-average-center-no-units'] if not less_output: print ('dataset times : ', ecco_dataset.time.values) elif 'SNAPSHOT' in output_freq_code: if 'ecco-v4-time-snapshot-no-units' in meta_common: ecco_dataset.time.attrs = \ meta_common['ecco-v4-time-snapshot-no-units'] #%% DROP SOME EXTRA FIELDS THAT DO NOT NEED TO BE IN THE DATASET if 'maskCtrlS' in ecco_dataset.coords.keys(): ecco_dataset=ecco_dataset.drop('maskCtrlS') if 'maskCtrlW' in ecco_dataset.coords.keys(): ecco_dataset=ecco_dataset.drop('maskCtrlW') if 'maskCtrlC' in ecco_dataset.coords.keys(): ecco_dataset=ecco_dataset.drop('maskCtrlC') # UPDATE THE VARIABLE SPECIFIC METADATA USING THE 'META_VARSPECIFIC' DICT. # if it exists for ecco_var in ecco_dataset.variables.keys(): if ecco_var in meta_variable_specific.keys(): ecco_dataset[ecco_var].attrs = meta_variable_specific[ecco_var] #%% UPDATE THE GLOBAL METADATA USING THE 'META_COMMON' DICT, if it exists ecco_dataset.attrs = dict() if 'ecco-v4-global' in meta_common: ecco_dataset.attrs.update(meta_common['ecco-v4-global']) if 'k' in ecco_dataset.dims.keys() and \ 'ecco-v4-global-3D' in meta_common: ecco_dataset.attrs.update(meta_common['ecco-v4-global-3D']) ecco_dataset.attrs['date_created'] = time.ctime() # give it a hug? ecco_dataset = ecco_dataset.squeeze() return ecco_dataset #%% def read_llc_to_tiles_xmitgcm(fdir, fname, llc=90, skip=0, nk=1, nl=1, filetype = '>f4', less_output = True): """ Loads an MITgcm binary file in the 'tiled' format of the lat-lon-cap (LLC) grids via xmitgcm. Array is returned with the following dimension order: [N_tiles, N_recs, N_z, llc, llc] where if either N_z or N_recs =1, then
<reponame>luduvigo/app-blog-code #!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2007 Google Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # import sys from google.appengine._internal.antlr3 import * from google.appengine._internal.antlr3.compat import set, frozenset from google.appengine._internal.antlr3.tree import * HIDDEN = BaseRecognizer.HIDDEN DOLLAR=33 LT=7 EXPONENT=28 LSQUARE=19 ASCII_LETTER=31 OCTAL_ESC=36 FLOAT=23 NAME_START=29 EOF=-1 LPAREN=17 INDEX=5 RPAREN=18 QUOTE=26 NAME=22 ESC_SEQ=27 PLUS=13 DIGIT=25 EQ=11 NE=12 T__42=42 T__43=43 T__40=40 GE=10 T__41=41 T__46=46 T__47=47 T__44=44 T__45=45 T__48=48 T__49=49 UNICODE_ESC=35 HEX_DIGIT=34 UNDERSCORE=32 INT=20 FN=6 MINUS=14 RSQUARE=21 PHRASE=24 WS=30 T__37=37 T__38=38 T__39=39 NEG=4 GT=9 DIV=16 TIMES=15 LE=8 tokenNames = [ "<invalid>", "<EOR>", "<DOWN>", "<UP>", "NEG", "INDEX", "FN", "LT", "LE", "GT", "GE", "EQ", "NE", "PLUS", "MINUS", "TIMES", "DIV", "LPAREN", "RPAREN", "LSQUARE", "INT", "RSQUARE", "NAME", "FLOAT", "PHRASE", "DIGIT", "QUOTE", "ESC_SEQ", "EXPONENT", "NAME_START", "WS", "ASCII_LETTER", "UNDERSCORE", "DOLLAR", "HEX_DIGIT", "UNICODE_ESC", "OCTAL_ESC", "'.'", "','", "'abs'", "'count'", "'distance'", "'geopoint'", "'if'", "'len'", "'log'", "'max'", "'min'", "'pow'", "'snippet'" ] class ExpressionParser(Parser): grammarFileName = "blaze-out/host/genfiles/apphosting/api/search/genantlr/Expression.g" antlr_version = version_str_to_tuple("3.1.1") antlr_version_str = "3.1.1" tokenNames = tokenNames def __init__(self, input, state=None): if state is None: state = RecognizerSharedState() Parser.__init__(self, input, state) self.dfa6 = self.DFA6( self, 6, eot = self.DFA6_eot, eof = self.DFA6_eof, min = self.DFA6_min, max = self.DFA6_max, accept = self.DFA6_accept, special = self.DFA6_special, transition = self.DFA6_transition ) self._adaptor = CommonTreeAdaptor() def getTreeAdaptor(self): return self._adaptor def setTreeAdaptor(self, adaptor): self._adaptor = adaptor adaptor = property(getTreeAdaptor, setTreeAdaptor) def mismatch(input, ttype, follow): raise MismatchedTokenException(ttype, input) def recoverFromMismatchedSet(input, e, follow): raise e class expression_return(ParserRuleReturnScope): def __init__(self): ParserRuleReturnScope.__init__(self) self.tree = None def expression(self, ): retval = self.expression_return() retval.start = self.input.LT(1) root_0 = None EOF2 = None cmpExpr1 = None EOF2_tree = None try: try: pass root_0 = self._adaptor.nil() self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_cmpExpr_in_expression92) cmpExpr1 = self.cmpExpr() self._state.following.pop() self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, cmpExpr1.tree) EOF2=self.match(self.input, EOF, self.FOLLOW_EOF_in_expression94) EOF2_tree = self._adaptor.createWithPayload(EOF2) self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, EOF2_tree) retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1) retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0) self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop) except RecognitionException, e: self.reportError(e) raise e finally: pass return retval class cmpExpr_return(ParserRuleReturnScope): def __init__(self): ParserRuleReturnScope.__init__(self) self.tree = None def cmpExpr(self, ): retval = self.cmpExpr_return() retval.start = self.input.LT(1) root_0 = None addExpr3 = None cmpOp4 = None addExpr5 = None try: try: pass root_0 = self._adaptor.nil() self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_addExpr_in_cmpExpr107) addExpr3 = self.addExpr() self._state.following.pop() self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, addExpr3.tree) alt1 = 2 LA1_0 = self.input.LA(1) if ((LT <= LA1_0 <= NE)) : alt1 = 1 if alt1 == 1: pass self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_cmpOp_in_cmpExpr110) cmpOp4 = self.cmpOp() self._state.following.pop() root_0 = self._adaptor.becomeRoot(cmpOp4.tree, root_0) self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_addExpr_in_cmpExpr113) addExpr5 = self.addExpr() self._state.following.pop() self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, addExpr5.tree) retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1) retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0) self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop) except RecognitionException, e: self.reportError(e) raise e finally: pass return retval class cmpOp_return(ParserRuleReturnScope): def __init__(self): ParserRuleReturnScope.__init__(self) self.tree = None def cmpOp(self, ): retval = self.cmpOp_return() retval.start = self.input.LT(1) root_0 = None set6 = None set6_tree = None try: try: pass root_0 = self._adaptor.nil() set6 = self.input.LT(1) if (LT <= self.input.LA(1) <= NE): self.input.consume() self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, self._adaptor.createWithPayload(set6)) self._state.errorRecovery = False else: mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input) raise mse retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1) retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0) self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop) except RecognitionException, e: self.reportError(e) raise e finally: pass return retval class addExpr_return(ParserRuleReturnScope): def __init__(self): ParserRuleReturnScope.__init__(self) self.tree = None def addExpr(self, ): retval = self.addExpr_return() retval.start = self.input.LT(1) root_0 = None multExpr7 = None addOp8 = None multExpr9 = None try: try: pass root_0 = self._adaptor.nil() self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_multExpr_in_addExpr171) multExpr7 = self.multExpr() self._state.following.pop() self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, multExpr7.tree) while True: alt2 = 2 LA2_0 = self.input.LA(1) if ((PLUS <= LA2_0 <= MINUS)) : alt2 = 1 if alt2 == 1: pass self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_addOp_in_addExpr174) addOp8 = self.addOp() self._state.following.pop() root_0 = self._adaptor.becomeRoot(addOp8.tree, root_0) self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_multExpr_in_addExpr177) multExpr9 = self.multExpr() self._state.following.pop() self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, multExpr9.tree) else: break retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1) retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0) self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop) except RecognitionException, e: self.reportError(e) raise e finally: pass return retval class addOp_return(ParserRuleReturnScope): def __init__(self): ParserRuleReturnScope.__init__(self) self.tree = None def addOp(self, ): retval = self.addOp_return() retval.start = self.input.LT(1) root_0 = None set10 = None set10_tree = None try: try: pass root_0 = self._adaptor.nil() set10 = self.input.LT(1) if (PLUS <= self.input.LA(1) <= MINUS): self.input.consume() self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, self._adaptor.createWithPayload(set10)) self._state.errorRecovery = False else: mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input) raise mse retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1) retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0) self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop) except RecognitionException, e: self.reportError(e) raise e finally: pass return retval class multExpr_return(ParserRuleReturnScope): def __init__(self): ParserRuleReturnScope.__init__(self) self.tree = None def multExpr(self, ): retval = self.multExpr_return() retval.start = self.input.LT(1) root_0 = None unary11 = None multOp12 = None unary13 = None try: try: pass root_0 = self._adaptor.nil() self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_unary_in_multExpr211) unary11 = self.unary() self._state.following.pop() self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, unary11.tree) while True: alt3 = 2 LA3_0 = self.input.LA(1) if ((TIMES <= LA3_0 <= DIV)) : alt3 = 1 if alt3 == 1: pass self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_multOp_in_multExpr214) multOp12 = self.multOp() self._state.following.pop() root_0 = self._adaptor.becomeRoot(multOp12.tree, root_0) self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_unary_in_multExpr217) unary13 = self.unary() self._state.following.pop() self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, unary13.tree) else: break retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1) retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0) self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop) except RecognitionException, e: self.reportError(e) raise e finally: pass return retval class multOp_return(ParserRuleReturnScope): def __init__(self): ParserRuleReturnScope.__init__(self) self.tree = None def multOp(self, ): retval = self.multOp_return() retval.start = self.input.LT(1) root_0 = None set14 = None set14_tree = None try: try: pass root_0 = self._adaptor.nil() set14 = self.input.LT(1) if (TIMES <= self.input.LA(1) <= DIV): self.input.consume() self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, self._adaptor.createWithPayload(set14)) self._state.errorRecovery = False else: mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input) raise mse retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1) retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0) self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop) except RecognitionException, e: self.reportError(e) raise e finally: pass return retval class unary_return(ParserRuleReturnScope): def __init__(self): ParserRuleReturnScope.__init__(self) self.tree = None def unary(self, ): retval = self.unary_return() retval.start = self.input.LT(1) root_0 = None MINUS15 = None atom16 = None atom17 = None MINUS15_tree = None stream_MINUS = RewriteRuleTokenStream(self._adaptor, "token MINUS") stream_atom = RewriteRuleSubtreeStream(self._adaptor, "rule atom") try: try: alt4 = 2 LA4_0 = self.input.LA(1) if (LA4_0 == MINUS) : alt4 = 1 elif (LA4_0 == LPAREN or LA4_0 == INT or (NAME <= LA4_0 <= PHRASE) or (39 <= LA4_0 <= 49)) : alt4 = 2 else: nvae = NoViableAltException("", 4, 0, self.input) raise nvae if alt4 == 1: pass MINUS15=self.match(self.input, MINUS, self.FOLLOW_MINUS_in_unary251) stream_MINUS.add(MINUS15) self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_atom_in_unary253) atom16 = self.atom() self._state.following.pop() stream_atom.add(atom16.tree) retval.tree = root_0 if retval is not None: stream_retval = RewriteRuleSubtreeStream(self._adaptor, "token retval", retval.tree) else: stream_retval = RewriteRuleSubtreeStream(self._adaptor, "token retval", None) root_0 = self._adaptor.nil() root_1 = self._adaptor.nil() root_1 = self._adaptor.becomeRoot(self._adaptor.create(NEG, "-"), root_1) self._adaptor.addChild(root_1, stream_atom.nextTree()) self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, root_1) retval.tree = root_0 elif alt4 == 2: pass root_0 = self._adaptor.nil() self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_atom_in_unary268) atom17 = self.atom() self._state.following.pop() self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, atom17.tree) retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1) retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0) self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop) except RecognitionException, e: self.reportError(e) raise e finally: pass return retval class atom_return(ParserRuleReturnScope): def __init__(self): ParserRuleReturnScope.__init__(self) self.tree = None def atom(self, ): retval = self.atom_return() retval.start = self.input.LT(1) root_0 = None LPAREN22 = None RPAREN24 = None var18 = None num19 = None str20 = None fn21 = None addExpr23 = None LPAREN22_tree = None RPAREN24_tree = None stream_RPAREN = RewriteRuleTokenStream(self._adaptor, "token RPAREN") stream_LPAREN = RewriteRuleTokenStream(self._adaptor, "token LPAREN") stream_addExpr = RewriteRuleSubtreeStream(self._adaptor, "rule addExpr") try: try: alt5 = 5 LA5 = self.input.LA(1) if LA5 == NAME: alt5 = 1 elif LA5 == INT or LA5 == FLOAT: alt5 = 2 elif LA5 == PHRASE: alt5 = 3 elif LA5 == 39 or LA5 == 40 or LA5 == 41 or LA5 == 42 or LA5 == 43 or LA5 == 44 or LA5 == 45 or LA5 == 46 or LA5 == 47 or LA5 == 48 or LA5 == 49: alt5 = 4 elif LA5 == LPAREN: alt5 = 5 else: nvae = NoViableAltException("", 5, 0, self.input) raise nvae if alt5 == 1: pass root_0 = self._adaptor.nil() self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_var_in_atom281) var18 = self.var() self._state.following.pop() self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, var18.tree) elif alt5 == 2: pass root_0 = self._adaptor.nil() self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_num_in_atom287) num19 = self.num() self._state.following.pop() self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, num19.tree) elif alt5 == 3: pass root_0 = self._adaptor.nil() self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_str_in_atom293) str20 = self.str() self._state.following.pop() self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, str20.tree) elif alt5 == 4: pass root_0 = self._adaptor.nil() self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_fn_in_atom299) fn21 = self.fn() self._state.following.pop() self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, fn21.tree) elif alt5 == 5: pass LPAREN22=self.match(self.input, LPAREN, self.FOLLOW_LPAREN_in_atom305) stream_LPAREN.add(LPAREN22) self._state.following.append(self.FOLLOW_addExpr_in_atom307) addExpr23 = self.addExpr() self._state.following.pop() stream_addExpr.add(addExpr23.tree) RPAREN24=self.match(self.input, RPAREN, self.FOLLOW_RPAREN_in_atom309) stream_RPAREN.add(RPAREN24) retval.tree = root_0 if retval is not None: stream_retval = RewriteRuleSubtreeStream(self._adaptor, "token retval", retval.tree) else: stream_retval = RewriteRuleSubtreeStream(self._adaptor, "token retval", None) root_0 = self._adaptor.nil() self._adaptor.addChild(root_0, stream_addExpr.nextTree()) retval.tree = root_0 retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1) retval.tree = self._adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0) self._adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop) except RecognitionException, e:
<gh_stars>1-10 #! /usr/bin/env python3 import os import sys import argparse import signal import time from datetime import datetime, timedelta import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree import xml.dom.minidom as minidom import json import random import re #--import the base mapper library and variants try: import base_mapper except: print('') print('Please export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:<path to mapper-base project>') print('') sys.exit(1) baseLibrary = base_mapper.base_library(os.path.abspath(base_mapper.__file__).replace('','base_variants.json')) if not baseLibrary.initialized: sys.exit(1) #---------------------------------------- def pause(question='PRESS ENTER TO CONTINUE ...'): """ pause for debug purposes """ try: response = input(question) except KeyboardInterrupt: response = None global shutDown shutDown = True return response #---------------------------------------- def signal_handler(signal, frame): print('USER INTERUPT! Shutting down ... (please wait)') global shutDown shutDown = True return #---------------------------------------- def updateStat(cat1, cat2, example = None): if cat1 not in statPack: statPack[cat1] = {} if cat2 not in statPack[cat1]: statPack[cat1][cat2] = {} statPack[cat1][cat2]['count'] = 0 statPack[cat1][cat2]['count'] += 1 if example: if 'examples' not in statPack[cat1][cat2]: statPack[cat1][cat2]['examples'] = [] if example not in statPack[cat1][cat2]['examples']: if len(statPack[cat1][cat2]['examples']) < 5: statPack[cat1][cat2]['examples'].append(example) else: randomSampleI = random.randint(2,4) statPack[cat1][cat2]['examples'][randomSampleI] = example return #---------------------------------------- def getAttr (segment, tagName): """ get an xml element text value """ try: value = segment.attrib[tagName] except: value = None else: if len(value) == 0: value = None return value #---------------------------------------- def getValue (segment, tagName = None): """ get an xml element text value """ try: if tagName: value = segment.find(tagName).text.strip() else: value = segment.text.strip() except: value = None else: if len(value) == 0: value = None return value #---------------------------------------- def idNoteParse(notes, codeType): #--check if enclosed in parens notes = notes.lower().replace('.','') groupedStrings = re.findall('\(.*?\)',notes) for maybeCountry in groupedStrings: maybeCountry = maybeCountry[1:len(maybeCountry)-1] isoCountry = baseLibrary.isoCountryCode(maybeCountry) if codeType == 'country' else baseLibrary.isoStateCode(maybeCountry) if isoCountry: return isoCountry elif ',' in maybeCountry: countryName = maybeCountry[maybeCountry.find(',')+1:].strip() isoCountry = baseLibrary.isoCountryCode(maybeCountry) if codeType == 'country' else baseLibrary.isoStateCode(maybeCountry) if isoCountry: return isoCountry #--look for various labels tokenList = [] if 'country of issue:' in notes: tokenList = notes[notes.find('country of issue:')+17:].strip().split() else: #or try the whole string tokenList = notes.strip().split() #--if single token (just confirm or deny) if len(tokenList) == 1: if tokenList[0][-1] in (',', ';', ':'): tokenList[0] = tokenList[0][0:-1] maybeCountry = tokenList[0] isoCountry = baseLibrary.isoCountryCode(maybeCountry) if codeType == 'country' else baseLibrary.isoStateCode(maybeCountry) if isoCountry: return isoCountry else: return None priorToken1 = '' priorToken2 = '' priorToken3 = '' maybeCountry = '' for currentToken in tokenList: if currentToken[-1] in (',', ';', ':'): currentToken = currentToken[0:-1] maybeCountry = currentToken isoCountry0 = baseLibrary.isoCountryCode(maybeCountry) if codeType == 'country' else baseLibrary.isoStateCode(maybeCountry) isoCountry1 = None isoCountry2 = None isoCountry3 = None if priorToken1: maybeCountry = priorToken1 + ' ' + currentToken isoCountry1 = baseLibrary.isoCountryCode(maybeCountry) if codeType == 'country' else baseLibrary.isoStateCode(maybeCountry) if priorToken2: maybeCountry = priorToken2 + ' ' + priorToken1 + ' ' + currentToken isoCountry2 = baseLibrary.isoCountryCode(maybeCountry) if codeType == 'country' else baseLibrary.isoStateCode(maybeCountry) if priorToken3: maybeCountry = priorToken3 + ' ' + priorToken2 + ' ' + priorToken1 + ' ' + currentToken isoCountry3 = baseLibrary.isoCountryCode(maybeCountry) if codeType == 'country' else baseLibrary.isoStateCode(maybeCountry) if isoCountry0 and currentToken not in ('id', 'in','is','on','no','and'): #--careful of connecting words here! return isoCountry0 elif isoCountry1: return isoCountry1 elif isoCountry2: return isoCountry2 elif isoCountry3: return isoCountry3 priorToken3 = priorToken2 priorToken2 = priorToken1 priorToken1 = currentToken return None #---------------------------------------- def concatDateParts(day, month, year): #--15-mar-2010 is format fullDate = '' if day: fullDate += day + '-' if month: fullDate += month + '-' if year: fullDate += year return fullDate #---------------------------------------- def g2Mapping(masterRecord, recordType): #--header jsonData = {} jsonData['DATA_SOURCE'] = dataSource jsonData['RECORD_ID'] = masterRecord.attrib['id'] jsonData['LAST_UPDATE'] = masterRecord.attrib['date'] jsonData['STATUS'] = getValue(masterRecord, 'ActiveStatus') jsonData['DJ_PROFILE_ID'] = masterRecord.attrib['id'] gender = getValue(masterRecord, 'Gender') if gender: jsonData['GENDER'] = gender updateStat('ATTRIBUTE', 'GENDER') deceased = getValue(masterRecord, 'Deceased') if deceased == 'Yes': jsonData['DECEASED'] = deceased updateStat('OTHER', 'DECEASED', deceased) if extendedFormat: profileNotes = getValue(masterRecord, 'ProfileNotes') if profileNotes: jsonData['PROFILE_NOTES'] = profileNotes updateStat('ATTRIBUTE', 'PROFILE_NOTES') #--names # <NameType NameTypeID="1" RecordType="Person">Primary Name</NameType> # <NameType NameTypeID="2" RecordType="Person">Also Known As</NameType> # <NameType NameTypeID="3" RecordType="Person">Low Quality AKA</NameType> # <NameType NameTypeID="4" RecordType="Person">Maiden Name</NameType> # <NameType NameTypeID="5" RecordType="Person">Formerly Known As</NameType> # <NameType NameTypeID="6" RecordType="Person">Spelling Variation</NameType> # <NameType NameTypeID="7" RecordType="Entity">Primary Name</NameType> # <NameType NameTypeID="8" RecordType="Entity">Also Known As</NameType> # <NameType NameTypeID="9" RecordType="Entity">Formerly Known As</NameType> # <NameType NameTypeID="10" RecordType="Entity">Spelling Variation</NameType> # <NameType NameTypeID="11" RecordType="Entity">Low Quality AKA</NameType> orgPersonNameConflict = False thisList = [] for nameRecord in masterRecord.findall('NameDetails/Name'): nameType = nameRecord.attrib['NameType'][0:25] if 'PRIMARY' in nameType.upper(): nameType = 'PRIMARY' for nameValue in nameRecord.findall('NameValue'): nameStr = '' name = {} name['NAME_TYPE'] = nameType updateStat('NAME_TYPE', nameType) nameOrg = getValue(nameValue, 'EntityName') if nameOrg: if len(nameOrg.split()) > 16: updateStat('TRUNCATIONS', 'longNameOrgCnt', nameOrg) nameOrg = ' '.join(nameOrg.split()[:16]) name['NAME_ORG'] = nameOrg nameStr = nameOrg nameLast = getValue(nameValue, 'Surname') if nameLast: if len(nameLast.split()) > 5: updateStat('TRUNCATIONS', 'longNameLastCnt', nameLast) nameLast = ' '.join(nameLast.split()[:5]) name['NAME_LAST'] = nameLast nameStr = nameLast nameMaiden = getValue(nameValue, 'MaidenName') if nameMaiden and not nameLast: #--either Surname or MaidenName will be populated if len(nameMaiden.split()) > 5: updateStat('TRUNCATIONS', 'longNameMaidenCnt', nameMaiden) nameMaiden = ' '.join(nameMaiden.split()[:5]) name['NAME_LAST'] = nameMaiden nameStr = nameLast nameFirst = getValue(nameValue, 'FirstName') if nameFirst: if len(nameFirst.split()) > 5: updateStat('TRUNCATIONS', 'longNameFirstCnt', nameFirst) nameFirst = ' '.join(nameFirst.split()[:5]) name['NAME_FIRST'] = nameFirst nameStr += (' '+nameFirst) nameMiddle = getValue(nameValue, 'MiddleName') if nameMiddle: if len(nameMiddle.split()) > 5: updateStat('TRUNCATIONS', 'longNameMiddleCnt', nameMiddle) nameMiddle = ' '.join(nameMiddle.split()[:5]) name['NAME_MIDDLE'] = nameMiddle nameStr += (' '+nameMiddle) namePrefix = getValue(nameValue, 'TitleHonorific') if namePrefix: name['NAME_PREFIX'] = namePrefix nameSuffix = getValue(nameValue, 'Suffix') if nameSuffix: name['NAME_SUFFIX'] = nameSuffix thisList.append(name) #--check for a name conflict if (recordType == 'PERSON' and 'NAME_ORG' in name) or (recordType != 'PERSON' and 'NAME_LAST' in name): orgPersonNameConflict = True #--duplicate this name segment for original script version if supplied originalScriptName = getValue(nameValue, 'OriginalScriptName') if originalScriptName: name = {} updateStat('NAME_TYPE', 'OriginalScriptName') name['NAME_TYPE'] = 'OriginalScriptName' name['NAME_FULL'] = originalScriptName thisList.append(name) if thisList: jsonData['NAMES'] = thisList if orgPersonNameConflict: print('warning: person and org names on record %s' % jsonData['RECORD_ID']) #--dates # <DateType Id="1" RecordType="Person" name="Date of Birth"/> # <DateType Id="2" RecordType="Person" name="Deceased Date"/> # <DateType Id="3" RecordType="Entity" name="Date of Registration"/> thisList = [] for dateRecord in masterRecord.findall('DateDetails/Date'): try: dateType = dateRecord.attrib['DateType'] except: #--all but the anti-corruption (SOC) feed use DateType try: dateType = dateRecord.attrib['DateTypeId'] except: print('bad date record!') print(minidom.parseString(etree.tostring(dateRecord, 'utf-8')).toprettyxml(indent="\t")) continue if dateType == 'Date of Birth': dateType = 'DATE_OF_BIRTH' elif dateType == 'Deceased Date': dateType = 'DATE_OF_DEATH' elif dateType == 'Date of Registration': dateType = 'REGISTRATION_DATE' for dateValue in dateRecord.findall('DateValue'): day = getAttr(dateValue, 'Day') month = getAttr(dateValue, 'Month') year = getAttr(dateValue, 'Year') thisDate = concatDateParts(day, month, year) if dateType == 'DATE_OF_BIRTH': outputFormat = '%Y-%m-%d' if not day and not month: updateStat('DOB_DATA', 'year only', thisDate) elif year and month and not day: updateStat('DOB_DATA', 'year/month only', thisDate) elif month and day and not year: updateStat('DOB_DATA', 'month/day only', thisDate) else: updateStat('DOB_DATA', 'full', thisDate) formattedDate = baseLibrary.formatDate(thisDate) if formattedDate: thisList.append({dateType: formattedDate}) else: jsonData[dateType] = thisDate updateStat('ATTRIBUTE', dateType, thisDate) if thisList: jsonData['DATES'] = thisList #--addresses thisList = [] for addrRecord in masterRecord.findall('Address'): address = {} addrLine = getValue(addrRecord, 'AddressLine') if addrLine: if len(addrLine.split()) > 16: updateStat('TRUNCATIONS', 'longAddrLineCnt', addrLine) addrLine = ' '.join(addrLine.split()[:16]) address['ADDR_LINE1'] = addrLine addrCity = getValue(addrRecord, 'AddressCity') if addrCity: address['ADDR_CITY'] = addrCity addrCountry = getValue(addrRecord, 'AddressCountry') if addrCountry: address['ADDR_COUNTRY'] = countryCodes[addrCountry] if addrCountry in countryCodes else addrCountry isoCountry = baseLibrary.isoCountryCode(address['ADDR_COUNTRY']) if isoCountry: address['ADDR_COUNTRY'] = isoCountry thisList.append(address) updateStat('ADDRESS', 'UNTYPED') if thisList: jsonData['ADDRESSES'] = thisList #--company details (address/website) thisList1 = [] thisList2 = [] for addrRecord in masterRecord.findall('CompanyDetails'): address = {} address['ADDR_TYPE'] = 'BUSINESS' addrLine = getValue(addrRecord, 'AddressLine') if addrLine: if len(addrLine.split()) > 16: updateStat('TRUNCATIONS', 'longAddrLineCnt', addrLine) addrLine = ' '.join(addrLine.split()[:16]) address['ADDR_LINE1'] = addrLine addrCity = getValue(addrRecord, 'AddressCity') if addrCity: address['ADDR_CITY'] = addrCity addrCountry = getValue(addrRecord, 'AddressCountry') if addrCountry: address['ADDR_COUNTRY'] = countryCodes[addrCountry] if addrCountry in countryCodes else addrCountry isoCountry = baseLibrary.isoCountryCode(address['ADDR_COUNTRY']) if isoCountry: address['ADDR_COUNTRY'] = isoCountry thisList1.append(address) updateStat('ADDRESS', 'BUSINESS') url = getValue(addrRecord, 'URL') if url: thisList2.append({'WEBSITE_ADDRESS': url}) updateStat('ATTRIBUTE', 'WEBSITE_ADDRESS') if thisList1: jsonData['COMPANY_ADDRESSES'] = thisList1 if thisList2: jsonData['COMPANY_WEBSITES'] = thisList2 #--countries thisList1 = [] for birthPlaceRecord in masterRecord.findall('BirthPlace/Place'): birthPlace = birthPlaceRecord.attrib['name'] thisList1.append({'PLACE_OF_BIRTH': birthPlace}) updateStat('ATTRIBUTE', 'PLACE_OF_BIRTH') for countryRecord in masterRecord.findall('CountryDetails/Country'): countryType = countryRecord.attrib['CountryType'] if countryType == 'Citizenship': attributeType = 'CITIZENSHIP' else: if countryType == 'REGISTRATION': usageType = 'REGISTRATION' elif countryType == 'Resident of': usageType = 'RESIDENT' elif countryType == 'Jurisdiction':
#!/usr/bin/python # # Compares vmstate information stored in JSON format, obtained from # the -dump-vmstate QEMU command. # # Copyright 2014 <NAME> <<EMAIL>> # Copyright 2014 Red Hat, Inc. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, see <>. import argparse import json import sys # Count the number of errors found taint = 0 def bump_taint(): global taint # Ensure we don't wrap around or reset to 0 -- the shell only has # an 8-bit return value. if taint < 255: taint = taint + 1 def check_fields_match(name, s_field, d_field): if s_field == d_field: return True # Some fields changed names between qemu versions. This list # is used to whitelist such changes in each section / description. changed_names = { 'apic': ['timer', 'timer_expiry'], 'e1000': ['dev', 'parent_obj'], 'ehci': ['dev', 'pcidev'], 'I440FX': ['dev', 'parent_obj'], 'ich9_ahci': ['card', 'parent_obj'], 'ich9-ahci': ['ahci', 'ich9_ahci'], 'ioh3420': ['PCIDevice', 'PCIEDevice'], 'ioh-3240-express-root-port': ['', 'parent_obj.parent_obj.parent_obj', '', 'parent_obj.parent_obj.parent_obj.exp.aer_log'], 'cirrus_vga': ['hw_cursor_x', 'vga.hw_cursor_x', 'hw_cursor_y', 'vga.hw_cursor_y'], 'lsiscsi': ['dev', 'parent_obj'], 'mch': ['d', 'parent_obj'], 'pci_bridge': ['', 'parent_obj', '', 'shpc'], 'pcnet': ['pci_dev', 'parent_obj'], 'PIIX3': ['pci_irq_levels', 'pci_irq_levels_vmstate'], 'piix4_pm': ['dev', 'parent_obj', 'pci0_status', 'acpi_pci_hotplug.acpi_pcihp_pci_status[0x0]', 'pm1a.sts', 'ar.pm1.evt.sts', 'pm1a.en', 'ar.pm1.evt.en', 'pm1_cnt.cnt', 'ar.pm1.cnt.cnt', 'tmr.timer', 'ar.tmr.timer', 'tmr.overflow_time', 'ar.tmr.overflow_time', 'gpe', 'ar.gpe'], 'rtl8139': ['dev', 'parent_obj'], 'qxl': ['num_surfaces', 'ssd.num_surfaces'], 'usb-ccid': ['abProtocolDataStructure', ''], 'usb-host': ['dev', 'parent_obj'], 'usb-mouse': ['usb-ptr-queue', 'HIDPointerEventQueue'], 'usb-tablet': ['usb-ptr-queue', 'HIDPointerEventQueue'], 'vmware_vga': ['card', 'parent_obj'], 'vmware_vga_internal': ['depth', 'new_depth'], 'xhci': ['pci_dev', 'parent_obj'], 'x3130-upstream': ['PCIDevice', 'PCIEDevice'], 'xio3130-express-downstream-port': ['', 'parent_obj.parent_obj.parent_obj', '', 'parent_obj.parent_obj.parent_obj.exp.aer_log'], 'xio3130-downstream': ['PCIDevice', 'PCIEDevice'], 'xio3130-express-upstream-port': ['', 'parent_obj.parent_obj', '', 'parent_obj.parent_obj.exp.aer_log'], 'spapr_pci': ['dma_liobn[0]', 'mig_liobn', 'mem_win_addr', 'mig_mem_win_addr', 'mem_win_size', 'mig_mem_win_size', 'io_win_addr', 'mig_io_win_addr', 'io_win_size', 'mig_io_win_size'], } if not name in changed_names: return False if s_field in changed_names[name] and d_field in changed_names[name]: return True return False def get_changed_sec_name(sec): # Section names can change -- see commit 292b1634 for an example. changes = { "ICH9 LPC": "ICH9-LPC", "e1000-82540em": "e1000", } for item in changes: if item == sec: return changes[item] if changes[item] == sec: return item return "" def exists_in_substruct(fields, item): # Some QEMU versions moved a few fields inside a substruct. This # kept the on-wire format the same. This function checks if # something got shifted inside a substruct. For example, the # change in commit 1f42d22233b4f3d1a2933ff30e8d6a6d9ee2d08f if not "Description" in fields: return False if not "Fields" in fields["Description"]: return False substruct_fields = fields["Description"]["Fields"] if substruct_fields == []: return False return check_fields_match(fields["Description"]["name"], substruct_fields[0]["field"], item) def check_fields(src_fields, dest_fields, desc, sec): # This function checks for all the fields in a section. If some # fields got embedded into a substruct, this function will also # attempt to check inside the substruct. d_iter = iter(dest_fields) s_iter = iter(src_fields) # Using these lists as stacks to store previous value of s_iter # and d_iter, so that when time comes to exit out of a substruct, # we can go back one level up and continue from where we left off. s_iter_list = [] d_iter_list = [] advance_src = True advance_dest = True unused_count = 0 while True: if advance_src: try: s_item = except StopIteration: if s_iter_list == []: break s_iter = s_iter_list.pop() continue else: if unused_count == 0: # We want to avoid advancing just once -- when entering a # dest substruct, or when exiting one. advance_src = True if advance_dest: try: d_item = except StopIteration: if d_iter_list == []: # We were not in a substruct print "Section \"" + sec + "\",", print "Description " + "\"" + desc + "\":", print "expected field \"" + s_item["field"] + "\",", print "while dest has no further fields" bump_taint() break d_iter = d_iter_list.pop() advance_src = False continue else: if unused_count == 0: advance_dest = True if unused_count != 0: if advance_dest == False: unused_count = unused_count - s_item["size"] if unused_count == 0: advance_dest = True continue if unused_count < 0: print "Section \"" + sec + "\",", print "Description \"" + desc + "\":", print "unused size mismatch near \"", print s_item["field"] + "\"" bump_taint() break continue if advance_src == False: unused_count = unused_count - d_item["size"] if unused_count == 0: advance_src = True continue if unused_count < 0: print "Section \"" + sec + "\",", print "Description \"" + desc + "\":", print "unused size mismatch near \"", print d_item["field"] + "\"" bump_taint() break continue if not check_fields_match(desc, s_item["field"], d_item["field"]): # Some fields were put in substructs, keeping the # on-wire format the same, but breaking static tools # like this one. # First, check if dest has a new substruct. if exists_in_substruct(d_item, s_item["field"]): # listiterators don't have a prev() function, so we # have to store our current location, descend into the # substruct, and ensure we come out as if nothing # happened when the substruct is over. # # Essentially we're opening the substructs that got # added which didn't change the wire format. d_iter_list.append(d_iter) substruct_fields = d_item["Description"]["Fields"] d_iter = iter(substruct_fields) advance_src = False continue # Next, check if src has substruct that dest removed # (can happen in backward migration: 2.0 -> 1.5) if exists_in_substruct(s_item, d_item["field"]): s_iter_list.append(s_iter) substruct_fields = s_item["Description"]["Fields"] s_iter = iter(substruct_fields) advance_dest = False continue if s_item["field"] == "unused" or d_item["field"] == "unused": if s_item["size"] == d_item["size"]: continue if d_item["field"] == "unused": advance_dest = False unused_count = d_item["size"] - s_item["size"] continue if s_item["field"] == "unused": advance_src = False unused_count = s_item["size"] - d_item["size"] continue print "Section \"" + sec + "\",", print "Description \"" + desc + "\":", print "expected field \"" + s_item["field"] + "\",", print "got \"" + d_item["field"] + "\"; skipping rest" bump_taint() break check_version(s_item, d_item, sec, desc) if not "Description" in s_item: # Check size of this field only if it's not a VMSTRUCT entry check_size(s_item, d_item, sec, desc, s_item["field"]) check_description_in_list(s_item, d_item, sec, desc) def check_subsections(src_sub, dest_sub, desc, sec): for s_item in src_sub: found = False for d_item in dest_sub: if s_item["name"] != d_item["name"]: continue found = True check_descriptions(s_item, d_item, sec) if not found: print "Section \"" + sec + "\", Description \"" + desc + "\":", print "Subsection \"" + s_item["name"] + "\" not found" bump_taint() def check_description_in_list(s_item, d_item, sec, desc): if not "Description" in s_item: return if not "Description" in d_item: print "Section \"" + sec + "\", Description \"" + desc + "\",", print "Field \"" + s_item["field"] + "\": missing description" bump_taint() return check_descriptions(s_item["Description"], d_item["Description"], sec) def check_descriptions(src_desc, dest_desc, sec): check_version(src_desc, dest_desc, sec, src_desc["name"]) if not check_fields_match(sec, src_desc["name"], dest_desc["name"]): print "Section \"" + sec + "\":", print "Description \"" + src_desc["name"] + "\"", print "missing, got \"" + dest_desc["name"] + "\" instead; skipping" bump_taint() return for f in src_desc: if not f in dest_desc: print "Section \"" + sec + "\"", print "Description \"" + src_desc["name"] + "\":", print "Entry \"" + f + "\" missing" bump_taint() continue if f == 'Fields': check_fields(src_desc[f], dest_desc[f], src_desc["name"], sec) if f == 'Subsections': check_subsections(src_desc[f], dest_desc[f], src_desc["name"], sec) def check_version(s, d, sec, desc=None): if s["version_id"] > d["version_id"]: print "Section \"" + sec + "\"", if desc: print "Description \"" + desc + "\":", print "version error:", s["version_id"], ">", d["version_id"] bump_taint() if not "minimum_version_id" in d: return if s["version_id"] < d["minimum_version_id"]: print "Section \"" + sec + "\"", if desc: print "Description \"" + desc + "\":", print "minimum version error:", s["version_id"], "<", print d["minimum_version_id"] bump_taint() def check_size(s, d, sec, desc=None, field=None): if s["size"] != d["size"]: print "Section \"" + sec + "\"", if desc: print "Description \"" + desc + "\"", if field: print "Field \"" + field + "\"", print "size mismatch:", s["size"], ",",
""" Test homebase. Since some of the homebase functionality is OS specific, this module can only get 100% coverage if it is run on all three operating systems: Windows, Linux, and macOS. Thus, coverage tools will need to merge reports from different runs. From a functional perspective, the only thing that changes across operating systems are expected results. As such, the strategy for testing is as follows: 1. A base class TestHomebase defines basic expectations and all of the unit tests common to all three operating systems. 2. A class for handling virtualenv tests, TestHomebaseVirtualEnv that modifies the expected path for each OS to expect the appropriate virtualenv base dir, and runs all tests of TestHomebase by inheriting from it. 3. The base class TestHomebase tests linux in the case where the XDG variables are not set. Another class TestHomebaseLinuxXDG sets these variables and the expected paths and reruns the tests by inheriting from TestHomebase. 4.A class for Windows TestHomebaseWindows adds tests for roaming and app_author values. To run the tests against linux, you can use the accompanying Dockerfile. """ import os import sys import shutil import unittest import virtualenv import homebase _PY2 = sys.version_info[0] == 2 if _PY2: def itervalues(d): return d.itervalues() else: def itervalues(d): return iter(d.values()) class TestHomebase(unittest.TestCase): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): unittest.TestCase.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.app_name = "test_app" self.app_author = 'for_windows_only' # we can't just use sys.platform because on linux it could be either linux2 or just linux # ( # If we're masking linux, might as well mask darwin with mac os. if sys.platform.startswith('linux'): self.platform = 'linux' elif sys.platform == 'darwin': self.platform = 'mac_os' else: self.platform = 'windows' self.base_paths = self._expected_base_paths() def _expected_base_paths(self): mac_os_app_support = os.path.expanduser('~/Library/Application Support/') mac_os_site_app_support = '/Library/Application Support' base_paths = { 'mac_os': { 'user_data': mac_os_app_support, 'user_config': mac_os_app_support, 'user_state': mac_os_app_support, 'user_cache': os.path.expanduser('~/Library/Caches'), 'user_log': os.path.expanduser('~/Library/Logs'), 'site_data': [mac_os_site_app_support], 'site_config': [mac_os_site_app_support] }, 'linux': { 'user_data': os.path.expanduser("~/.local/share"), 'user_config': os.path.expanduser('~/.config'), 'user_state': os.path.expanduser('~/.local/state'), 'user_cache': os.path.expanduser('~/.cache'), 'user_log': os.path.expanduser('~/.log'), 'site_data': ['/usr/local/share', '/usr/share'], 'site_config': ['/etc/xdg'] }, 'windows': self._windows_base_paths() } # add virtualenv expectations. When there is no actual virtualenv, we expect the use_virtualenv parameter # to do nothing. for paths in itervalues(base_paths): paths['user_data_venv'] = paths['user_data'] paths['user_config_venv'] = paths['user_config'] paths['user_state_venv'] = paths['user_state'] paths['user_cache_venv'] = paths['user_cache'] paths['user_log_venv'] = paths['user_log'] return base_paths def _windows_base_paths(self): windows_username = os.getenv('username') base_paths = { 'user_data': '', 'user_config': '', 'user_state': '', 'user_cache': '', 'user_log': '', 'site_data': '', 'site_config': '' } if windows_username is not None: windows_absolute_path = os.path.join('C:', os.sep) windows_base_path = os.path.join(windows_absolute_path, 'Users', windows_username, 'AppData', 'Local') # add windows expectations. base_paths['user_data'] = os.path.join(windows_base_path, self.app_author) base_paths['user_config'] = os.path.join(windows_base_path, self.app_author) base_paths['user_state'] = os.path.join(windows_base_path, self.app_author) base_paths['user_cache'] = os.path.join(windows_base_path, self.app_author, 'Caches') base_paths['user_log'] = os.path.join(windows_base_path, self.app_author, 'Logs') base_paths['site_data'] = [os.path.join(windows_absolute_path, 'ProgramData', self.app_author)] base_paths['site_config'] = [os.path.join(windows_absolute_path, 'ProgramData', self.app_author)] return base_paths @staticmethod def _setup_linux_xdg_vars(): test_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) os.environ['XDG_DATA_HOME'] = os.path.join(test_dir, '.local/share') os.environ['XDG_CONFIG_HOME'] = os.path.join(test_dir, '.config') os.environ['XDG_STATE_HOME'] = os.path.join(test_dir, '.local/state') os.environ['XDG_CACHE_HOME'] = os.path.join(test_dir, '.cache') os.environ['XDG_DATA_DIRS'] = os.pathsep.join([os.path.join(test_dir, '.site/data'), os.path.join(test_dir, '.site/data2')]) os.environ['XDG_CONFIG_DIRS'] = os.pathsep.join([os.path.join(test_dir, '.site/config'), os.path.join(test_dir, '.site/config2')]) @staticmethod def _clear_linux_xdg_vars(): var_names = ['XDG_DATA_HOME', 'XDG_CONFIG_HOME', 'XDG_STATE_HOME', 'XDG_CACHE_HOME', 'XDG_DATA_DIRS', 'XDG_CONFIG_DIRS'] for var in var_names: if var in os.environ: del os.environ[var] @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): cls._clear_linux_xdg_vars() ##################################################### # user_data_dir. ##################################################### def test_user_data_no_version_no_venv_no_create(self): expected = os.path.join(self.base_paths[self.platform]['user_data'], self.app_name) self.assertEqual(expected, homebase.user_data_dir(self.app_name, app_author=self.app_author, version=None, use_virtualenv=False, create=False)) def test_user_data_no_version_no_venv_create(self): expected = os.path.join(self.base_paths[self.platform]['user_data'], self.app_name) if os.path.exists(expected): shutil.rmtree(expected) self.assertEqual(expected, homebase.user_data_dir(self.app_name, app_author=self.app_author, version=None, use_virtualenv=False, create=True)) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(expected)) shutil.rmtree(expected) def test_user_data_no_version_venv_no_create(self): expected = os.path.join(self.base_paths[self.platform]['user_data_venv'], self.app_name) self.assertEqual(expected, homebase.user_data_dir(self.app_name, app_author=self.app_author, version=None, use_virtualenv=True, create=False)) def test_user_data_no_version_venv_create(self): expected = os.path.join(self.base_paths[self.platform]['user_data_venv'], self.app_name) if os.path.exists(expected): shutil.rmtree(expected) self.assertEqual(expected, homebase.user_data_dir(self.app_name, app_author=self.app_author, version=None, use_virtualenv=True, create=True)) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(expected)) shutil.rmtree(expected) def test_user_data_version_no_venv_no_create(self): version = "1.0" expected = os.path.join(self.base_paths[self.platform]['user_data'], '{}_{}'.format(self.app_name, version)) self.assertEqual(expected, homebase.user_data_dir(self.app_name, app_author=self.app_author, version=version, use_virtualenv=False, create=False)) def test_user_data_version_no_venv_create(self): version = "1.0" expected = os.path.join(self.base_paths[self.platform]['user_data'], '{}_{}'.format(self.app_name, version)) if os.path.exists(expected): shutil.rmtree(expected) result = homebase.user_data_dir(self.app_name, app_author=self.app_author, version=version, use_virtualenv=False, create=True) self.assertEqual(expected, result) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(expected)) shutil.rmtree(expected) def test_user_data_version_venv_no_create(self): version = '1.0' expected = os.path.join(self.base_paths[self.platform]['user_data_venv'], '{}_{}'.format(self.app_name, version)) result = homebase.user_data_dir(self.app_name, app_author=self.app_author, version=version, use_virtualenv=True, create=False) self.assertEqual(expected, result) def test_user_data_version_venv_create(self): version = '1.0' expected = os.path.join(self.base_paths[self.platform]['user_data_venv'], '{}_{}'.format(self.app_name, version)) if os.path.exists(expected): shutil.rmtree(expected) self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(expected)) result = homebase.user_data_dir(self.app_name, app_author=self.app_author, version=version, use_virtualenv=True, create=True) self.assertEqual(expected, result) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(expected)) shutil.rmtree(expected) ##################################################### # user_cache_dir. ##################################################### def test_user_cache_no_version_no_venv_no_create(self): expected = os.path.join(self.base_paths[self.platform]['user_cache'], self.app_name) self.assertEqual(expected, homebase.user_cache_dir(self.app_name, app_author=self.app_author, version=None, use_virtualenv=False, create=False)) def test_user_cache_no_version_no_venv_create(self): expected = os.path.join(self.base_paths[self.platform]['user_cache'], self.app_name) if os.path.exists(expected): shutil.rmtree(expected) self.assertEqual(expected, homebase.user_cache_dir(self.app_name, app_author=self.app_author, version=None, use_virtualenv=False, create=True)) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(expected)) shutil.rmtree(expected) def test_user_cache_no_version_venv_no_create(self): expected = os.path.join(self.base_paths[self.platform]['user_cache_venv'], self.app_name) self.assertEqual(expected, homebase.user_cache_dir(self.app_name, app_author=self.app_author, version=None, use_virtualenv=True, create=False)) def test_user_cache_no_version_venv_create(self): expected = os.path.join(self.base_paths[self.platform]['user_cache_venv'], self.app_name) if os.path.exists(expected): shutil.rmtree(expected) self.assertEqual(expected, homebase.user_cache_dir(self.app_name, app_author=self.app_author, version=None, use_virtualenv=True, create=True)) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(expected)) shutil.rmtree(expected) def test_user_cache_version_no_venv_no_create(self): version = "1.0" expected = os.path.join(self.base_paths[self.platform]['user_cache'], '{}_{}'.format(self.app_name, version)) self.assertEqual(expected, homebase.user_cache_dir(self.app_name, app_author=self.app_author, version=version, use_virtualenv=False, create=False)) def test_user_cache_version_no_venv_create(self): version = "1.0" expected = os.path.join(self.base_paths[self.platform]['user_cache'], '{}_{}'.format(self.app_name, version)) if os.path.exists(expected): shutil.rmtree(expected) result = homebase.user_cache_dir(self.app_name, app_author=self.app_author, version=version, use_virtualenv=False, create=True) self.assertEqual(expected, result) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(expected)) shutil.rmtree(expected) def test_user_cache_version_venv_no_create(self): version = '1.0' expected = os.path.join(self.base_paths[self.platform]['user_cache_venv'], '{}_{}'.format(self.app_name, version)) result = homebase.user_cache_dir(self.app_name, app_author=self.app_author, version=version, use_virtualenv=True, create=False) self.assertEqual(expected, result) def test_user_cache_version_venv_create(self): version = '1.0' expected = os.path.join(self.base_paths[self.platform]['user_cache_venv'], '{}_{}'.format(self.app_name, version)) if os.path.exists(expected): shutil.rmtree(expected) self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(expected)) result = homebase.user_cache_dir(self.app_name, app_author=self.app_author, version=version, use_virtualenv=True, create=True) self.assertEqual(expected, result) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(expected)) shutil.rmtree(expected) ##################################################### # user_config_dir ##################################################### def test_user_config_no_version_no_venv_no_create(self): expected = os.path.join(self.base_paths[self.platform]['user_config'], self.app_name) self.assertEqual(expected, homebase.user_config_dir(self.app_name, app_author=self.app_author, version=None, use_virtualenv=False, create=False)) def test_user_config_no_version_no_venv_create(self): expected = os.path.join(self.base_paths[self.platform]['user_config'], self.app_name) if os.path.exists(expected): shutil.rmtree(expected) self.assertEqual(expected, homebase.user_config_dir(self.app_name, app_author=self.app_author, version=None, use_virtualenv=False, create=True)) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(expected)) shutil.rmtree(expected) def test_user_config_no_version_venv_no_create(self): expected = os.path.join(self.base_paths[self.platform]['user_config_venv'], self.app_name) self.assertEqual(expected, homebase.user_config_dir(self.app_name, app_author=self.app_author, version=None, use_virtualenv=True, create=False)) def test_user_config_no_version_venv_create(self): expected = os.path.join(self.base_paths[self.platform]['user_config_venv'], self.app_name) if os.path.exists(expected): shutil.rmtree(expected) self.assertEqual(expected, homebase.user_config_dir(self.app_name, app_author=self.app_author, version=None, use_virtualenv=True, create=True)) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(expected)) shutil.rmtree(expected) def test_user_config_version_no_venv_no_create(self): version = "1.0" expected = os.path.join(self.base_paths[self.platform]['user_config'], '{}_{}'.format(self.app_name, version)) self.assertEqual(expected, homebase.user_config_dir(self.app_name, app_author=self.app_author, version=version, use_virtualenv=False, create=False)) def test_user_config_version_no_venv_create(self): version = "1.0" expected = os.path.join(self.base_paths[self.platform]['user_config'], '{}_{}'.format(self.app_name, version)) if os.path.exists(expected): shutil.rmtree(expected) result = homebase.user_config_dir(self.app_name, app_author=self.app_author, version=version, use_virtualenv=False, create=True) self.assertEqual(expected, result) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(expected)) shutil.rmtree(expected) def test_user_config_version_venv_no_create(self): version = '1.0' expected = os.path.join(self.base_paths[self.platform]['user_config_venv'], '{}_{}'.format(self.app_name, version)) result = homebase.user_config_dir(self.app_name, app_author=self.app_author, version=version, use_virtualenv=True, create=False) self.assertEqual(expected, result) def test_user_config_version_venv_create(self): version = '1.0' expected = os.path.join(self.base_paths[self.platform]['user_config_venv'], '{}_{}'.format(self.app_name, version)) if os.path.exists(expected): shutil.rmtree(expected) self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(expected)) result = homebase.user_config_dir(self.app_name, app_author=self.app_author, version=version, use_virtualenv=True, create=True) self.assertEqual(expected, result) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(expected)) shutil.rmtree(expected) ##################################################### # user_state_dir ##################################################### def test_user_state_no_version_no_venv_no_create(self): expected = os.path.join(self.base_paths[self.platform]['user_state'], self.app_name) self.assertEqual(expected, homebase.user_state_dir(self.app_name, app_author=self.app_author, version=None, use_virtualenv=False, create=False)) def test_user_state_no_version_no_venv_create(self): expected = os.path.join(self.base_paths[self.platform]['user_state'], self.app_name) if os.path.exists(expected): shutil.rmtree(expected) self.assertEqual(expected, homebase.user_state_dir(self.app_name, app_author=self.app_author, version=None, use_virtualenv=False, create=True)) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(expected)) shutil.rmtree(expected) def test_user_state_no_version_venv_no_create(self): expected = os.path.join(self.base_paths[self.platform]['user_state_venv'], self.app_name) self.assertEqual(expected, homebase.user_state_dir(self.app_name, app_author=self.app_author, version=None, use_virtualenv=True, create=False)) def test_user_state_no_version_venv_create(self): expected = os.path.join(self.base_paths[self.platform]['user_state_venv'], self.app_name) if os.path.exists(expected): shutil.rmtree(expected) self.assertEqual(expected, homebase.user_state_dir(self.app_name, app_author=self.app_author, version=None, use_virtualenv=True, create=True)) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(expected)) shutil.rmtree(expected) def test_user_state_version_no_venv_no_create(self): version = "1.0" expected = os.path.join(self.base_paths[self.platform]['user_state'], '{}_{}'.format(self.app_name, version)) self.assertEqual(expected, homebase.user_state_dir(self.app_name, app_author=self.app_author, version=version, use_virtualenv=False, create=False)) def test_user_state_version_no_venv_create(self): version = "1.0" expected = os.path.join(self.base_paths[self.platform]['user_state'], '{}_{}'.format(self.app_name, version)) if os.path.exists(expected): shutil.rmtree(expected) result = homebase.user_state_dir(self.app_name, app_author=self.app_author, version=version, use_virtualenv=False, create=True) self.assertEqual(expected, result) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(expected)) shutil.rmtree(expected) def test_user_state_version_venv_no_create(self): version = '1.0' expected = os.path.join(self.base_paths[self.platform]['user_state_venv'], '{}_{}'.format(self.app_name, version)) result = homebase.user_state_dir(self.app_name, app_author=self.app_author, version=version, use_virtualenv=True, create=False) self.assertEqual(expected, result) def test_user_state_version_venv_create(self): version = '1.0' expected = os.path.join(self.base_paths[self.platform]['user_state_venv'], '{}_{}'.format(self.app_name, version)) if os.path.exists(expected): shutil.rmtree(expected) self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(expected)) result = homebase.user_state_dir(self.app_name, app_author=self.app_author, version=version, use_virtualenv=True, create=True) self.assertEqual(expected, result) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(expected)) shutil.rmtree(expected) ##################################################### # user_logs_dir ##################################################### def test_user_log_no_version_no_venv_no_create(self): expected = os.path.join(self.base_paths[self.platform]['user_log'], self.app_name) self.assertEqual(expected, homebase.user_logs_dir(self.app_name, app_author=self.app_author, version=None, use_virtualenv=False, create=False)) def test_user_log_no_version_no_venv_create(self): expected = os.path.join(self.base_paths[self.platform]['user_log'], self.app_name) if os.path.exists(expected): shutil.rmtree(expected) self.assertEqual(expected, homebase.user_logs_dir(self.app_name, app_author=self.app_author, version=None, use_virtualenv=False, create=True)) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(expected)) shutil.rmtree(expected) def test_user_log_no_version_venv_no_create(self): expected = os.path.join(self.base_paths[self.platform]['user_log_venv'], self.app_name) self.assertEqual(expected, homebase.user_logs_dir(self.app_name, app_author=self.app_author, version=None, use_virtualenv=True, create=False)) def test_user_log_no_version_venv_create(self): expected = os.path.join(self.base_paths[self.platform]['user_log_venv'], self.app_name) if os.path.exists(expected): shutil.rmtree(expected) self.assertEqual(expected, homebase.user_logs_dir(self.app_name, app_author=self.app_author, version=None, use_virtualenv=True, create=True)) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(expected)) shutil.rmtree(expected) def test_user_log_version_no_venv_no_create(self): version = "1.0" expected = os.path.join(self.base_paths[self.platform]['user_log'], '{}_{}'.format(self.app_name, version)) self.assertEqual(expected, homebase.user_logs_dir(self.app_name, app_author=self.app_author, version=version, use_virtualenv=False, create=False)) def test_user_log_version_no_venv_create(self): version = "1.0" expected = os.path.join(self.base_paths[self.platform]['user_log'], '{}_{}'.format(self.app_name, version)) if os.path.exists(expected): shutil.rmtree(expected) result = homebase.user_logs_dir(self.app_name, app_author=self.app_author, version=version, use_virtualenv=False, create=True) self.assertEqual(expected, result) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(expected)) shutil.rmtree(expected) def test_user_log_version_venv_no_create(self): version = '1.0' expected = os.path.join(self.base_paths[self.platform]['user_log_venv'], '{}_{}'.format(self.app_name, version)) result = homebase.user_logs_dir(self.app_name, app_author=self.app_author, version=version, use_virtualenv=True, create=False) self.assertEqual(expected, result) def test_user_log_version_venv_create(self): version = '1.0' expected = os.path.join(self.base_paths[self.platform]['user_log_venv'], '{}_{}'.format(self.app_name, version)) if os.path.exists(expected): shutil.rmtree(expected) self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(expected)) result = homebase.user_logs_dir(self.app_name, app_author=self.app_author, version=version, use_virtualenv=True, create=True) self.assertEqual(expected, result) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(expected)) shutil.rmtree(expected) ##################################################### # site_data_homebase. Not testing create=True since we don't know if we have permissions. ##################################################### def test_site_data_no_version_no_venv_no_create(self): expected = os.path.join(self.base_paths[self.platform]['site_data'][0], self.app_name) self.assertEqual(expected, homebase.site_data_dir(self.app_name, app_author=self.app_author, version=None, use_virtualenv=False, create=False)) def test_site_data_no_version_venv_no_create(self): expected = os.path.join(self.base_paths[self.platform]['site_data'][0], self.app_name) self.assertEqual(expected, homebase.site_data_dir(self.app_name, app_author=self.app_author, version=None, use_virtualenv=True, create=False)) def test_site_data_version_no_venv_no_create(self): version = '1.0' expected = os.path.join(self.base_paths[self.platform]['site_data'][0], '{}_{}'.format(self.app_name, version)) self.assertEqual(expected, homebase.site_data_dir(self.app_name, app_author=self.app_author, version=version, use_virtualenv=False, create=False)) def test_site_data_version_venv_no_create(self): version = '1.0' expected = os.path.join(self.base_paths[self.platform]['site_data'][0], '{}_{}'.format(self.app_name, version)) self.assertEqual(expected, homebase.site_data_dir(self.app_name, app_author=self.app_author, version=version, use_virtualenv=True, create=False))
current month,, *overall: 0. :param stats_fields: Additional fields to add to statistics """ method_parameters = {k: v for k, v in locals().items() if k not in {'self', 'raw_response'}} param_aliases = [] method_name = 'ads.getStatistics' response_type = responses.AdsGetStatistics return self._call(method_name, method_parameters, param_aliases, response_type) @overload def get_suggestions(self, section: Literal['countries', 'positions', 'interest_categories', 'religions', 'user_devices', 'user_os', 'user_browsers'], ids: Optional[str] = None, q: Optional[str] = None, country: Optional[int] = None, cities: Optional[str] = None, lang: Optional[str] = None) -> responses.AdsGetSuggestions: ... @overload def get_suggestions(self, section: Literal['regions'], ids: Optional[str] = None, q: Optional[str] = None, country: Optional[int] = None, cities: Optional[str] = None, lang: Optional[str] = None) -> responses.AdsGetSuggestionsRegions: ... @overload def get_suggestions(self, section: Literal['cities', 'districts', 'streets'], ids: Optional[str] = None, q: Optional[str] = None, country: Optional[int] = None, cities: Optional[str] = None, lang: Optional[str] = None) -> responses.AdsGetSuggestionsCities: ... @overload def get_suggestions(self, section: Literal['schools'], ids: Optional[str] = None, q: Optional[str] = None, country: Optional[int] = None, cities: Optional[str] = None, lang: Optional[str] = None) -> responses.AdsGetSuggestionsSchools: ... def get_suggestions(self, section: str, ids: Optional[str] = None, q: Optional[str] = None, country: Optional[int] = None, cities: Optional[str] = None, lang: Optional[str] = None): """ Returns a set of auto-suggestions for various targeting parameters. :param section: Section, suggestions are retrieved in. Available values: *countries — request of a list of countries. If q is not set or blank, a short list of countries is shown. Otherwise, a full list of countries is shown. *regions — requested list of regions. 'country' parameter is required. *cities — requested list of cities. 'country' parameter is required. *districts — requested list of districts. 'cities' parameter is required. *stations — requested list of subway stations. 'cities' parameter is required. *streets — requested list of streets. 'cities' parameter is required. *schools — requested list of educational organizations. 'cities' parameter is required. *interests — requested list of interests. *positions — requested list of positions (professions). *group_types — requested list of group types. *religions — requested list of religious commitments. *browsers — requested list of browsers and mobile devices. :param ids: Objects IDs separated by commas. If the parameter is passed, 'q, country, cities' should not be passed. :param q: Filter-line of the request (for countries, regions, cities, streets, schools, interests, positions). :param country: ID of the country objects are searched in. :param cities: IDs of cities where objects are searched in, separated with a comma. :param lang: Language of the returned string values. Supported languages: *ru — Russian,, *ua — Ukrainian,, *en — English. """ method_parameters = {k: v for k, v in locals().items() if k not in {'self', 'raw_response'}} param_aliases = [] method_name = 'ads.getSuggestions' if section in ['countries', 'positions', 'interest_categories', 'religions', 'user_devices', 'user_os', 'user_browsers']: response_type = responses.AdsGetSuggestions if section in ['regions']: response_type = responses.AdsGetSuggestionsRegions if section in ['cities', 'districts', 'streets']: response_type = responses.AdsGetSuggestionsCities if section in ['schools']: response_type = responses.AdsGetSuggestionsSchools return self._call(method_name, method_parameters, param_aliases, response_type) def get_target_groups(self, account_id: int, client_id: Optional[int] = None, extended: Optional[bool] = None) -> responses.AdsGetTargetGroups: """ Returns a list of target groups. :param account_id: Advertising account ID. :param client_id: 'Only for advertising agencies.', ID of the client with the advertising account where the group will be created. :param extended: '1' — to return pixel code. """ method_parameters = {k: v for k, v in locals().items() if k not in {'self', 'raw_response'}} param_aliases = [] method_name = 'ads.getTargetGroups' response_type = responses.AdsGetTargetGroups return self._call(method_name, method_parameters, param_aliases, response_type) def get_targeting_stats(self, account_id: int, link_url: str, client_id: Optional[int] = None, criteria: Optional[str] = None, ad_id: Optional[int] = None, ad_format: Optional[int] = None, ad_platform: Optional[str] = None, ad_platform_no_wall: Optional[str] = None, ad_platform_no_ad_network: Optional[str] = None, link_domain: Optional[str] = None, need_precise: Optional[bool] = None) -> responses.AdsGetTargetingStats: """ Returns the size of targeting audience, and also recommended values for CPC and CPM. :param account_id: Advertising account ID. :param link_url: URL for the advertised object. :param client_id: :param criteria: Serialized JSON object that describes targeting parameters. Description of 'criteria' object see below. :param ad_id: ID of an ad which targeting parameters shall be analyzed. :param ad_format: Ad format. Possible values: *'1' — image and text,, *'2' — big image,, *'3' — exclusive format,, *'4' — community, square image,, *'7' — special app format,, *'8' — special community format,, *'9' — post in community,, *'10' — app board. :param ad_platform: Platforms to use for ad showing. Possible values: (for 'ad_format' = '1'), *'0' — VK and partner sites,, *'1' — VK only. (for 'ad_format' = '9'), *'all' — all platforms,, *'desktop' — desktop version,, *'mobile' — mobile version and apps. :param ad_platform_no_wall: :param ad_platform_no_ad_network: :param link_domain: Domain of the advertised object. :param need_precise: Additionally return recommended cpc and cpm to reach 5,10..95 percents of audience. """ method_parameters = {k: v for k, v in locals().items() if k not in {'self', 'raw_response'}} param_aliases = [] method_name = 'ads.getTargetingStats' response_type = responses.AdsGetTargetingStats return self._call(method_name, method_parameters, param_aliases, response_type) def get_upload_url(self, ad_format: int, icon: Optional[int] = None) -> responses.AdsGetUploadUrl: """ Returns URL to upload an ad photo to. :param ad_format: Ad format: *1 — image and text,, *2 — big image,, *3 — exclusive format,, *4 — community, square image,, *7 — special app format. :param icon: """ method_parameters = {k: v for k, v in locals().items() if k not in {'self', 'raw_response'}} param_aliases = [] method_name = 'ads.getUploadURL' response_type = responses.AdsGetUploadUrl return self._call(method_name, method_parameters, param_aliases, response_type) def get_video_upload_url(self) -> responses.AdsGetVideoUploadUrl: """ Returns URL to upload an ad video to. """ method_parameters = {k: v for k, v in locals().items() if k not in {'self', 'raw_response'}} param_aliases = [] method_name = 'ads.getVideoUploadURL' response_type = responses.AdsGetVideoUploadUrl return self._call(method_name, method_parameters, param_aliases, response_type) def import_target_contacts(self, account_id: int, target_group_id: int, contacts: str, client_id: Optional[int] = None) -> responses.AdsImportTargetContacts: """ Imports a list of advertiser's contacts to count VK registered users against the target group. :param account_id: Advertising account ID. :param target_group_id: Target group ID. :param contacts: List of phone numbers, emails or user IDs separated with a comma. :param client_id: 'Only for advertising agencies.' , ID of the client with the advertising account where the group will be created. """ method_parameters = {k: v for k, v in locals().items() if k not in {'self', 'raw_response'}} param_aliases = [] method_name = 'ads.importTargetContacts' response_type = responses.AdsImportTargetContacts return self._call(method_name, method_parameters, param_aliases, response_type) def remove_office_users(self, account_id: int, ids: str) -> responses.AdsRemoveOfficeUsers: """ Removes managers and/or supervisors from advertising account. :param account_id: Advertising account ID. :param ids: Serialized JSON array with IDs of deleted managers. """ method_parameters = {k: v for k, v in locals().items() if k not in {'self', 'raw_response'}} param_aliases = [] method_name = 'ads.removeOfficeUsers' response_type = responses.AdsRemoveOfficeUsers return self._call(method_name, method_parameters, param_aliases, response_type) def update_ads(self, account_id: int, data: str) -> responses.AdsUpdateAds: """ Edits ads. :param account_id: Advertising account ID. :param data: Serialized JSON array of objects that describe changes in ads. Description of 'ad_edit_specification' objects see below. """ method_parameters = {k: v for k, v in locals().items() if k not in {'self', 'raw_response'}} param_aliases = [] method_name = 'ads.updateAds' response_type = responses.AdsUpdateAds return self._call(method_name, method_parameters, param_aliases, response_type) def update_campaigns(self, account_id: int, data: str) -> responses.AdsUpdateCampaigns: """ Edits advertising campaigns. :param account_id: Advertising account ID. :param data: Serialized JSON array of objects that describe changes in campaigns. Description of 'campaign_mod' objects see below. """ method_parameters = {k: v for k, v in locals().items() if k not in {'self', 'raw_response'}} param_aliases = [] method_name = 'ads.updateCampaigns' response_type = responses.AdsUpdateCampaigns return self._call(method_name, method_parameters, param_aliases, response_type) def update_clients(self, account_id: int, data: str) -> responses.AdsUpdateClients: """ Edits clients of an advertising agency. :param account_id: Advertising account ID. :param data: Serialized JSON array of objects that describe changes in clients. Description of 'client_mod' objects see below. """ method_parameters = {k: v for k, v in locals().items()
""" Module for eigenvalue analysis. """ import logging from math import ceil, pi import numpy as np import from scipy.linalg import solve from import dump_data from andes.plot import set_latex, set_style from andes.routines.base import BaseRoutine from andes.shared import div, matrix, plt, sparse, spdiag, spmatrix from andes.utils.misc import elapsed from import report_info logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) DPI = None class EIG(BaseRoutine): """ Eigenvalue analysis routine """ def __init__(self, system, config): super().__init__(system=system, config=config) self.config.add(plot=0, tol=1e-6) self.config.add_extra("_help", plot="show plot after computation", tol="numerical tolerance to treat eigenvalues as zeros") self.config.add_extra("_alt", plot=(0, 1)) # internal flags and storage self.As = None # state matrix after removing the ones associated with zero T consts self.Asc = None # the original complete As without reordering = None # eigenvalues self.N = None # right eigenvectors self.W = None # left eigenvectors self.pfactors = None # --- related to states with zero time constants (zs) --- self.zstate_idx = np.array([], dtype=int) self.nz_counts = None # --- statistics -- self.n_positive = 0 self.n_zeros = 0 self.n_negative = 0 self.x_name = [] def calc_As(self, dense=True): r""" Return state matrix and store to ``self.As``. Notes ----- For systems in the mass-matrix formulation, .. math :: T \dot{x} = f(x, y) \\ 0 = g(x, y) Assume `T` is non-singular, the state matrix is calculated from .. math :: A_s = T^{-1} (f_x - f_y * g_y^{-1} * g_x) Returns ------- kvxopt.matrix state matrix """ dae = self.system.dae self.find_zero_states() self.x_name = np.array(dae.x_name) self.As = self._reduce(dae.fx, dae.fy, dae.gx,, dae.Tf, dense=dense) if len(self.zstate_idx) > 0: self.Asc = self.As self.As = self._reduce(*self._reorder()) return self.As def _reduce(self, fx, fy, gx, gy, Tf, dense=True): """ Reduce algebraic equations (or states associated with zero time constants). Returns ------- spmatrix The reduced state matrix """ gyx = matrix(gx) self.solver.linsolve(gy, gyx) Tfnz = Tf + np.ones_like(Tf) * np.equal(Tf, 0.0) iTf = spdiag((1 / Tfnz).tolist()) if dense: return iTf * (fx - fy * gyx) else: return sparse(iTf * (fx - fy * gyx)) def _reorder(self): """ reorder As by moving rows and cols associated with zero time constants to the end. Returns `fx`, `fy`, `gx`, `gy`, `Tf`. """ dae = self.system.dae rows = np.arange(dae.n, dtype=int) cols = np.arange(dae.n, dtype=int) vals = np.ones(dae.n, dtype=float) swaps = [] bidx = self.nz_counts for ii in range(dae.n - self.nz_counts): if ii in self.zstate_idx: while (bidx in self.zstate_idx): bidx += 1 cols[ii] = bidx rows[bidx] = ii swaps.append((ii, bidx)) # swap the variable names for fr, bk in swaps: bk_name = self.x_name[bk] self.x_name[fr] = bk_name self.x_name = self.x_name[:self.nz_counts] # compute the permutation matrix for `As` containing non-states perm = spmatrix(matrix(vals), matrix(rows), matrix(cols)) As_perm = perm * sparse(self.As) * perm self.As_perm = As_perm nfx = As_perm[:self.nz_counts, :self.nz_counts] nfy = As_perm[:self.nz_counts, self.nz_counts:] ngx = As_perm[self.nz_counts:, :self.nz_counts] ngy = As_perm[self.nz_counts:, self.nz_counts:] nTf = np.delete(self.system.dae.Tf, self.zstate_idx) return nfx, nfy, ngx, ngy, nTf def calc_eig(self, As=None): """ Calculate eigenvalues and right eigen vectors. This function is a wrapper to ``np.linalg.eig``. Results are returned but not stored to ``EIG``. Returns ------- np.array(dtype=complex) eigenvalues np.array() right eigenvectors """ if As is None: As = self.As # `mu`: eigenvalues, `N`: right eigenvectors with each column corr. to one eigvalue mu, N = np.linalg.eig(As) return mu, N def _store_stats(self): """ Count and store the number of eigenvalues with positive, zero, and negative real parts using ````. """ mu_real = self.n_positive = np.count_nonzero(mu_real > self.config.tol) self.n_zeros = np.count_nonzero(abs(mu_real) <= self.config.tol) self.n_negative = np.count_nonzero(mu_real < self.config.tol) return True def calc_pfactor(self, As=None): """ Compute participation factor of states in eigenvalues. Each row in the participation factor correspond to one state, and each column correspond to one mode. Parameters ---------- As : np.array or None State matrix to process. If None, use ``self.As``. Returns ------- np.array(dtype=complex) eigenvalues np.array participation factor matrix """ mu, N = self.calc_eig(As) n_state = len(mu) # --- calculate the left eig vector and store to ``W``` # based on orthogonality that `W.T @ N = I`, # left eigenvector is `inv(N)^T` Weye = np.eye(n_state) WT = solve(N, Weye, overwrite_b=True) W = WT.T # --- calculate participation factor --- pfactor = np.abs(W) * np.abs(N) b = np.ones(n_state) W_abs = b @ pfactor pfactor = pfactor.T # --- normalize participation factor --- for item in range(n_state): pfactor[:, item] /= W_abs[item] pfactor = np.round(pfactor, 5) return mu, pfactor, N, W def summary(self): """ Print out a summary to ````. """ out = list() out.append('') out.append('-> Eigenvalue Analysis:') out_str = '\n'.join(out) def find_zero_states(self): """ Find the indices of states associated with zero time constants in ``x``. """ system = self.system self.zstate_idx = np.array([], dtype=int) if sum(system.dae.Tf != 0) != len(system.dae.Tf): self.zstate_idx = np.where(system.dae.Tf == 0)[0]"%d states are associated with zero time constants. ", len(self.zstate_idx)) logger.debug([system.dae.x_name[i] for i in self.zstate_idx]) self.nz_counts = system.dae.n - len(self.zstate_idx) def _pre_check(self): """ Helper function for pre-computation checks. """ system = self.system status = True if system.PFlow.converged is False: logger.warning('Power flow not solved. Eig analysis will not continue.') status = False if system.TDS.initialized is False: system.TDS.init() system.TDS.itm_step() elif system.dae.n == 0: logger.error('No dynamic model. Eig analysis will not continue.') status = False return status def run(self, **kwargs): """ Run small-signal stability analysis. """ succeed = False system = self.system if not self._pre_check(): system.exit_code += 1 return False self.summary() t1, s = elapsed() self.calc_As(), self.pfactors, self.N, self.W = self.calc_pfactor() self._store_stats() t2, s = elapsed(t1) self.exec_time = t2 - t1'Eigenvalue analysis finished in {:s}.'.format(s)) if not self.system.files.no_output: if system.options.get('state_matrix'): self.export_mat() if self.config.plot: self.plot() succeed = True if not succeed: system.exit_code += 1 return succeed def stats(self): """ Return statistics of results in a string. """ out = list() out.append(' Positive %6g' % self.n_positive) out.append(' Zeros %6g' % self.n_zeros) out.append(' Negative %6g' % self.n_negative) return '\n'.join(out) def plot(self, mu=None, fig=None, ax=None, left=-6, right=0.5, ymin=-8, ymax=8, damping=0.05, line_width=0.5, dpi=DPI, figsize=None, base_color='black', show=True, latex=True, style='default'): """ Plot utility for eigenvalues in the S domain. Parameters ---------- mu : array, optional an array of complex eigenvalues fig : figure handl, optional existing matplotlib figure handle ax : axis handle, optional existing axis handle left : int, optional left tick for the x-axis, by default -6 right : float, optional right tick, by default 0.5 ymin : int, optional bottom tick, by default -8 ymax : int, optional top tick, by default 8 damping : float, optional damping value for which the dash plots are drawn line_width : float, optional default line width, by default 0.5 dpi : int, optional figure dpi figsize : [type], optional default figure size, by default None base_color : str, optional base color for negative eigenvalues show : bool, optional True to show figure after plot, by default True latex : bool, optional True to use latex, by default True Returns ------- figure matplotlib figure object axis matplotlib axis object """ set_style(style) if mu is None: mu = mu_real = mu.real mu_imag = mu.imag p_mu_real, p_mu_imag = list(), list() z_mu_real, z_mu_imag = list(), list() n_mu_real, n_mu_imag = list(), list() for re, im in zip(mu_real, mu_imag): if abs(re) <= self.config.tol: z_mu_real.append(re) z_mu_imag.append(im) elif re > self.config.tol: p_mu_real.append(re) p_mu_imag.append(im) elif re < -self.config.tol: n_mu_real.append(re) n_mu_imag.append(im) if latex: set_latex() if fig is None or ax is None: fig = plt.figure(dpi=dpi, figsize=figsize) ax = plt.gca() ax.scatter(z_mu_real, z_mu_imag, marker='o', s=40, linewidth=0.5, facecolors='none', edgecolors='green') ax.scatter(n_mu_real, n_mu_imag, marker='x', s=40, linewidth=0.5, color=base_color) ax.scatter(p_mu_real, p_mu_imag, marker='x', s=40, linewidth=0.5, color='red') # axes lines ax.axhline(linewidth=0.5, color='grey', linestyle='--') ax.axvline(linewidth=0.5, color='grey', linestyle='--') # TODO: Improve the damping and range # --- plot 5% damping lines --- xin = np.arange(left, 0, 0.01) yneg = xin / damping ypos = - xin / damping ax.plot(xin, yneg, color='grey', linewidth=line_width, linestyle='--') ax.plot(xin, ypos, color='grey', linewidth=line_width, linestyle='--') # --- damping lines end --- if latex: ax.set_xlabel('Real [$s^{-1}$]') ax.set_ylabel('Imaginary [$s^{-1}$]') else: ax.set_xlabel('Real [s -1]') ax.set_ylabel('Imaginary [s -1]') ax.set_xlim(left=left, right=right) ax.set_ylim(ymin, ymax) if show is True: return fig, ax def export_mat(self): """ Export state matrix to a ``<CaseName>_As.mat`` file with the
listener: ParseTreeListener): if hasattr(listener, "enterInclude_"): listener.enterInclude_(self) def exitRule(self, listener: ParseTreeListener): if hasattr(listener, "exitInclude_"): listener.exitInclude_(self) def accept(self, visitor: ParseTreeVisitor): if hasattr(visitor, "visitInclude_"): return visitor.visitInclude_(self) else: return visitor.visitChildren(self) def include_(self): localctx = asm8086Parser.Include_Context(self, self._ctx, self.state) self.enterRule(localctx, 44, self.RULE_include_) try: self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) self.state = 203 self.match(asm8086Parser.INCLUDE) self.state = 204 except RecognitionException as re: localctx.exception = re self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) self._errHandler.recover(self, re) finally: self.exitRule() return localctx class ExpressionlistContext(ParserRuleContext): __slots__ = 'parser' def __init__(self, parser, parent: ParserRuleContext = None, invokingState: int = -1): super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def expression(self, i: int = None): if i is None: return self.getTypedRuleContexts(asm8086Parser.ExpressionContext) else: return self.getTypedRuleContext(asm8086Parser.ExpressionContext, i) def getRuleIndex(self): return asm8086Parser.RULE_expressionlist def enterRule(self, listener: ParseTreeListener): if hasattr(listener, "enterExpressionlist"): listener.enterExpressionlist(self) def exitRule(self, listener: ParseTreeListener): if hasattr(listener, "exitExpressionlist"): listener.exitExpressionlist(self) def accept(self, visitor: ParseTreeVisitor): if hasattr(visitor, "visitExpressionlist"): return visitor.visitExpressionlist(self) else: return visitor.visitChildren(self) def expressionlist(self): localctx = asm8086Parser.ExpressionlistContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) self.enterRule(localctx, 46, self.RULE_expressionlist) self._la = 0 # Token type try: self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) self.state = 206 self.expression() self.state = 211 self._errHandler.sync(self) _la = self._input.LA(1) while _la == asm8086Parser.T__7: self.state = 207 self.match(asm8086Parser.T__7) self.state = 208 self.expression() self.state = 213 self._errHandler.sync(self) _la = self._input.LA(1) except RecognitionException as re: localctx.exception = re self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) self._errHandler.recover(self, re) finally: self.exitRule() return localctx class LabelContext(ParserRuleContext): __slots__ = 'parser' def __init__(self, parser, parent: ParserRuleContext = None, invokingState: int = -1): super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def name(self): return self.getTypedRuleContext(asm8086Parser.NameContext, 0) def getRuleIndex(self): return asm8086Parser.RULE_label def enterRule(self, listener: ParseTreeListener): if hasattr(listener, "enterLabel"): listener.enterLabel(self) def exitRule(self, listener: ParseTreeListener): if hasattr(listener, "exitLabel"): listener.exitLabel(self) def accept(self, visitor: ParseTreeVisitor): if hasattr(visitor, "visitLabel"): return visitor.visitLabel(self) else: return visitor.visitChildren(self) def label(self): localctx = asm8086Parser.LabelContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) self.enterRule(localctx, 48, self.RULE_label) try: self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) self.state = 214 except RecognitionException as re: localctx.exception = re self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) self._errHandler.recover(self, re) finally: self.exitRule() return localctx class ExpressionContext(ParserRuleContext): __slots__ = 'parser' def __init__(self, parser, parent: ParserRuleContext = None, invokingState: int = -1): super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def multiplyingExpression(self, i: int = None): if i is None: return self.getTypedRuleContexts(asm8086Parser.MultiplyingExpressionContext) else: return self.getTypedRuleContext(asm8086Parser.MultiplyingExpressionContext, i) def SIGN(self, i: int = None): if i is None: return self.getTokens(asm8086Parser.SIGN) else: return self.getToken(asm8086Parser.SIGN, i) def getRuleIndex(self): return asm8086Parser.RULE_expression def enterRule(self, listener: ParseTreeListener): if hasattr(listener, "enterExpression"): listener.enterExpression(self) def exitRule(self, listener: ParseTreeListener): if hasattr(listener, "exitExpression"): listener.exitExpression(self) def accept(self, visitor: ParseTreeVisitor): if hasattr(visitor, "visitExpression"): return visitor.visitExpression(self) else: return visitor.visitChildren(self) def expression(self): localctx = asm8086Parser.ExpressionContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) self.enterRule(localctx, 50, self.RULE_expression) try: self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) self.state = 216 self.multiplyingExpression() self.state = 221 self._errHandler.sync(self) _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input, 18, self._ctx) while _alt != 2 and _alt != ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER: if _alt == 1: self.state = 217 self.match(asm8086Parser.SIGN) self.state = 218 self.multiplyingExpression() self.state = 223 self._errHandler.sync(self) _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input, 18, self._ctx) except RecognitionException as re: localctx.exception = re self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) self._errHandler.recover(self, re) finally: self.exitRule() return localctx class MultiplyingExpressionContext(ParserRuleContext): __slots__ = 'parser' def __init__(self, parser, parent: ParserRuleContext = None, invokingState: int = -1): super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def argument(self, i: int = None): if i is None: return self.getTypedRuleContexts(asm8086Parser.ArgumentContext) else: return self.getTypedRuleContext(asm8086Parser.ArgumentContext, i) def getRuleIndex(self): return asm8086Parser.RULE_multiplyingExpression def enterRule(self, listener: ParseTreeListener): if hasattr(listener, "enterMultiplyingExpression"): listener.enterMultiplyingExpression(self) def exitRule(self, listener: ParseTreeListener): if hasattr(listener, "exitMultiplyingExpression"): listener.exitMultiplyingExpression(self) def accept(self, visitor: ParseTreeVisitor): if hasattr(visitor, "visitMultiplyingExpression"): return visitor.visitMultiplyingExpression(self) else: return visitor.visitChildren(self) def multiplyingExpression(self): localctx = asm8086Parser.MultiplyingExpressionContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) self.enterRule(localctx, 52, self.RULE_multiplyingExpression) self._la = 0 # Token type try: self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) self.state = 224 self.argument() self.state = 229 self._errHandler.sync(self) _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input, 19, self._ctx) while _alt != 2 and _alt != ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER: if _alt == 1: self.state = 225 _la = self._input.LA(1) if not ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & ( (1 << asm8086Parser.T__8) | (1 << asm8086Parser.T__9) | (1 << asm8086Parser.T__10) | ( 1 << asm8086Parser.T__11))) != 0)): self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) else: self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) self.consume() self.state = 226 self.argument() self.state = 231 self._errHandler.sync(self) _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input, 19, self._ctx) except RecognitionException as re: localctx.exception = re self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) self._errHandler.recover(self, re) finally: self.exitRule() return localctx class ArgumentContext(ParserRuleContext): __slots__ = 'parser' def __init__(self, parser, parent: ParserRuleContext = None, invokingState: int = -1): super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def number(self): return self.getTypedRuleContext(asm8086Parser.NumberContext, 0) def dollar(self): return self.getTypedRuleContext(asm8086Parser.DollarContext, 0) def register_(self): return self.getTypedRuleContext(asm8086Parser.Register_Context, 0) def name(self): return self.getTypedRuleContext(asm8086Parser.NameContext, 0) def string_(self): return self.getTypedRuleContext(asm8086Parser.String_Context, 0) def expression(self): return self.getTypedRuleContext(asm8086Parser.ExpressionContext, 0) def ptr(self): return self.getTypedRuleContext(asm8086Parser.PtrContext, 0) def NOT(self): return self.getToken(asm8086Parser.NOT, 0) def OFFSET(self): return self.getToken(asm8086Parser.OFFSET, 0) def LENGTH(self): return self.getToken(asm8086Parser.LENGTH, 0) def getRuleIndex(self): return asm8086Parser.RULE_argument def enterRule(self, listener: ParseTreeListener): if hasattr(listener, "enterArgument"): listener.enterArgument(self) def exitRule(self, listener: ParseTreeListener): if hasattr(listener, "exitArgument"): listener.exitArgument(self) def accept(self, visitor: ParseTreeVisitor): if hasattr(visitor, "visitArgument"): return visitor.visitArgument(self) else: return visitor.visitChildren(self) def argument(self): localctx = asm8086Parser.ArgumentContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) self.enterRule(localctx, 54, self.RULE_argument) try: self.state = 263 self._errHandler.sync(self) la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input, 21, self._ctx) if la_ == 1: self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) self.state = 232 self.number() pass elif la_ == 2: self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) self.state = 233 self.dollar() pass elif la_ == 3: self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 3) self.state = 234 self.register_() pass elif la_ == 4: self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 4) self.state = 235 pass elif la_ == 5: self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 5) self.state = 236 self.string_() pass elif la_ == 6: self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 6) self.state = 237 self.match(asm8086Parser.T__3) self.state = 238 self.expression() self.state = 239 self.match(asm8086Parser.T__4) pass elif la_ == 7: self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 7) self.state = 243 self._errHandler.sync(self) token = self._input.LA(1) if token in [asm8086Parser.SIGN, asm8086Parser.NUMBER]: self.state = 241 self.number() pass elif token in [asm8086Parser.NAME]: self.state = 242 pass elif token in [asm8086Parser.T__12]: pass else: pass self.state = 245 self.match(asm8086Parser.T__12) self.state = 246 self.expression() self.state = 247 self.match(asm8086Parser.T__13) pass elif la_ == 8: self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 8) self.state = 249 self.ptr() self.state = 250 self.expression() pass elif la_ == 9: self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 9) self.state = 252 self.match(asm8086Parser.NOT) self.state = 253 self.expression() pass elif la_ == 10: self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 10) self.state = 254 self.match(asm8086Parser.OFFSET) self.state = 255 self.expression() pass elif la_ == 11: self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 11) self.state = 256 self.match(asm8086Parser.LENGTH) self.state = 257 self.expression() pass elif la_ == 12: self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 12) self.state = 258 self.register_() self.state = 259 self.match(asm8086Parser.T__1) self.state = 261 self.expression() pass except RecognitionException as re: localctx.exception = re self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) self._errHandler.recover(self, re) finally: self.exitRule() return localctx class PtrContext(ParserRuleContext): __slots__ = 'parser' def __init__(self, parser, parent: ParserRuleContext = None, invokingState: int = -1): super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def PTR(self): return self.getToken(asm8086Parser.PTR, 0) def BYTE(self): return self.getToken(asm8086Parser.BYTE, 0) def WORD(self): return self.getToken(asm8086Parser.WORD, 0) def DWORD(self): return self.getToken(asm8086Parser.DWORD, 0) def getRuleIndex(self): return asm8086Parser.RULE_ptr def enterRule(self, listener: ParseTreeListener): if hasattr(listener, "enterPtr"): listener.enterPtr(self) def exitRule(self, listener: ParseTreeListener): if hasattr(listener, "exitPtr"): listener.exitPtr(self) def accept(self, visitor: ParseTreeVisitor): if hasattr(visitor, "visitPtr"): return visitor.visitPtr(self) else: return visitor.visitChildren(self) def ptr(self): localctx = asm8086Parser.PtrContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) self.enterRule(localctx, 56, self.RULE_ptr) self._la = 0 # Token type try: self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) self.state = 266 self._errHandler.sync(self) _la = self._input.LA(1) if (((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & ( (1 << asm8086Parser.BYTE) | (1 << asm8086Parser.WORD) | (1 << asm8086Parser.DWORD))) != 0): self.state = 265 _la = self._input.LA(1) if not ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & ( (1 << asm8086Parser.BYTE) | (1 << asm8086Parser.WORD) | (1 << asm8086Parser.DWORD))) != 0)): self._errHandler.recoverInline(self) else: self._errHandler.reportMatch(self) self.consume() self.state = 268 self.match(asm8086Parser.PTR) except RecognitionException as re: localctx.exception = re self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) self._errHandler.recover(self, re) finally: self.exitRule() return localctx class DollarContext(ParserRuleContext): __slots__ = 'parser' def __init__(self, parser, parent: ParserRuleContext = None, invokingState: int = -1): super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def DOLLAR(self): return self.getToken(asm8086Parser.DOLLAR, 0) def getRuleIndex(self): return asm8086Parser.RULE_dollar def enterRule(self, listener: ParseTreeListener): if hasattr(listener, "enterDollar"): listener.enterDollar(self) def exitRule(self, listener: ParseTreeListener): if hasattr(listener, "exitDollar"): listener.exitDollar(self) def accept(self, visitor: ParseTreeVisitor): if hasattr(visitor, "visitDollar"): return visitor.visitDollar(self) else: return visitor.visitChildren(self) def dollar(self): localctx = asm8086Parser.DollarContext(self, self._ctx, self.state) self.enterRule(localctx, 58, self.RULE_dollar) try: self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) self.state = 270 self.match(asm8086Parser.DOLLAR) except RecognitionException as re: localctx.exception = re self._errHandler.reportError(self, re) self._errHandler.recover(self, re) finally: self.exitRule() return localctx class Register_Context(ParserRuleContext): __slots__ = 'parser' def __init__(self, parser, parent: ParserRuleContext = None, invokingState: int = -1): super().__init__(parent, invokingState) self.parser = parser def REGISTER(self): return self.getToken(asm8086Parser.REGISTER, 0) def getRuleIndex(self): return asm8086Parser.RULE_register_ def enterRule(self, listener: ParseTreeListener): if hasattr(listener, "enterRegister_"): listener.enterRegister_(self) def exitRule(self, listener: ParseTreeListener): if hasattr(listener, "exitRegister_"): listener.exitRegister_(self)
lootbox and obtained:\n" "".format(, lootbox.title())) for pkmn in pokemon_obtained.items(): self._move_pokemon_to_inventory(trainer_profile, pkmn[0], pkmn[1]) if pkmn[1]: msg += "**{}(Shiny)**\n".format(pkmn[0].title()) self._post_pokemon_catch(ctx, random_pkmn, pkmn_img_path, random_pkmnball, is_shiny, catch_condition, lootbox) else: msg += "**{}**\n".format(pkmn[0].title()) em = discord.Embed(title="Lootbox", description=msg, colour=lootbox_color) em.set_thumbnail(url=thumbnail_url) await return True async def open_lootbox(self, ctx, lootbox): """ Opens a lootbox from the trainer's inventory based on the trainer's specified choice @param lootbox - lootbox to open """ try: if lootbox == 'b': lootbox = BRONZE elif lootbox == 's': lootbox = SILVER elif lootbox == 'g': lootbox = GOLD elif lootbox == 'l': lootbox = LEGEND user_id = valid_user = await self._valid_user(user_id) if not valid_user: return trainer_profile = self.trainer_data[user_id] if "lootbox" in trainer_profile: if lootbox in trainer_profile["lootbox"]: if trainer_profile["lootbox"][lootbox] > 0: success = await self._generate_lootbox_pokemon(ctx, lootbox) if success: trainer_profile["lootbox"][lootbox] -= 1 self._save_trainer_file(self.trainer_data) else: await"<@{}> you don't have any {} " "lootboxes.".format(user_id, lootbox)) else: await"Lootbox does not exist or has not " "been obtained yet.") else: await"Trainer does not have a lootbox.") except Exception as e: print("Failed to open a lootbox. See error.log.") logger.error("Exception: {}".format(str(e))) def _vendor_roll(self, ctx): """ Rolls the trade that the vendor wants to make """ i = 0 egg = "egg" egg_manaphy = "egg-manaphy" user_id = night_vendor_event = self.event.event_data["night_vendor_event"] if user_id not in self.vendor_sales: shiny_rate_multiplier = night_vendor_event["shiny_rate_multiplier"] random_pkmn, pkmn_img_path, is_shiny = self._generate_random_pokemon(shiny_rate_multiplier) while (egg in random_pkmn or egg_manaphy in random_pkmn or "-" in random_pkmn): random_pkmn, pkmn_img_path, is_shiny = self._generate_random_pokemon(shiny_rate_multiplier) self.vendor_sales[user_id] = {} self.vendor_sales[user_id]["pkmn"] = random_pkmn self.vendor_sales[user_id]["pkmn_img_path"] = pkmn_img_path self.vendor_sales[user_id]["shiny"] = is_shiny if not self.vendor_trade_list[user_id]: num_pkmn_to_trade = night_vendor_event["num_pkmn_to_trade"] while i < num_pkmn_to_trade: t_pkmn = self._generate_random_pokemon(0)[0] while (egg in t_pkmn or egg_manaphy in t_pkmn or "-" in t_pkmn): t_pkmn = self._generate_random_pokemon(0)[0] self.vendor_trade_list[user_id].append(t_pkmn) i += 1 async def _vendor_info(self, ctx): """ Displays info on what the vendor wants to trade """ t_pkmn_list = '' user_id = for t_pkmn in self.vendor_trade_list[user_id]: t_pkmn_list += '{}\n'.format(t_pkmn.title()) pkmn = self.vendor_sales[user_id]["pkmn"] if self.vendor_sales[user_id]["shiny"]: pkmn += "(Shiny)" await'The **Night Vendor** wants to trade ' '**{}** a **{}** for **all** of the following ' 'pokemon:\n**{}**' ''.format(, pkmn.title(), t_pkmn_list)) async def _vendor_reroll(self, ctx): """ Rerolls the vendor's trade for the user of interest """ user_id = trainer_profile = self.trainer_data[user_id] if trainer_profile["reroll_count"] > 0: if user_id in self.vendor_sales: self.vendor_sales.pop(user_id) if user_id in self.vendor_trade_list: self.vendor_trade_list.pop(user_id) t_pkmn_list = '' self._vendor_roll(ctx) trainer_profile["reroll_count"] -= 1 self._save_trainer_file(self.trainer_data) pkmn = self.vendor_sales[user_id]["pkmn"] for t_pkmn in self.vendor_trade_list[user_id]: t_pkmn_list += '**{}**\n'.format(t_pkmn.title()) if self.vendor_sales[user_id]["shiny"]: pkmn += "(Shiny)" await"**{}** has re-rolled the vendor's trade (**{}**" " re-rolls remaining). The **Night Vendor** " "wants to trade **{}** for **all** of the " "following pokemon:\n{}" "".format(, trainer_profile["reroll_count"], pkmn.title(), t_pkmn_list)) else: await"<@{}>, you don't have anymore rolls." "".format(user_id)) async def _vendor_trade(self, ctx): """ Trades the vendor """ msg = '' user_id = trainer_profile = self.trainer_data[user_id] trade_verified = True for p in self.vendor_trade_list[user_id]: if p not in trainer_profile["pinventory"]: msg += "**{}**\n".format(p.title()) trade_verified = False if trade_verified: for pkmn in self.vendor_trade_list[user_id]: successful = await self.release_pokemon(ctx, pkmn, 1, False, False) if not successful: self.trainer_data = self._load_trainer_file() return vendor_pkmn_sale = self.vendor_sales[user_id]["pkmn"] pkmn_img_path = self.vendor_sales[user_id]["pkmn_img_path"] is_shiny = self.vendor_sales[user_id]["shiny"] self._move_pokemon_to_inventory(trainer_profile, vendor_pkmn_sale, is_shiny) self.vendor_sales.pop(user_id) self.vendor_trade_list.pop(user_id) random_pokeball = random.choice(list(self.pokeball)) await self._post_pokemon_catch(ctx, vendor_pkmn_sale, pkmn_img_path, random_pokeball, is_shiny, "has traded the night vendor for", None) trainer_profile["reroll_count"] = 0 self._save_trainer_file(self.trainer_data) else: await"Unable to trade. The following Pokémon are " "missing:\n{}".format(msg)) async def vendor_options(self, ctx, option): """ Carries out vendor operations depending on the option @param ctx - context of the command @param option - option the user input """ try: if self.event.night_vendor: user_id = valid_user = await self._valid_user(user_id) if not valid_user: return trainer_profile = self.trainer_data[user_id] if (trainer_profile["reroll_count"] > 0 or user_id in self.vendor_sales): if user_id not in self.vendor_sales: self._vendor_roll(ctx) if option == "i": await self._vendor_info(ctx) elif option == "r": await self._vendor_reroll(ctx) elif option == "t": await self._vendor_trade(ctx) else: await"`{}` is not a valid choice" "".format(option)) else: await"<@{}>, the night vendor is done " "doing business with you for the " "evening.".format(user_id)) else: await"The night vendor is not here.") except Exception as e: print("Failed to speak with vendor. See error.log") logger.error("Exception: {}".format(str(e))) async def claim_daily(self, ctx): """ Claims the daily lootbox """ try: user_id = username = if user_id not in self.trainer_data: user_obj = await self.trainer_data[user_id] = {} self.trainer_data[user_id]["pinventory"] = {} self.trainer_data[user_id]["timer"] = False self.trainer_cache[user_id] = user_obj trainer_profile = self.trainer_data[user_id] if "lootbox" not in trainer_profile: trainer_profile["lootbox"] = {} if BRONZE not in trainer_profile["lootbox"]: trainer_profile["lootbox"][BRONZE] = 0 if SILVER not in trainer_profile["lootbox"]: trainer_profile["lootbox"][SILVER] = 0 if GOLD not in trainer_profile["lootbox"]: trainer_profile["lootbox"][GOLD] = 0 if LEGEND not in trainer_profile["lootbox"]: trainer_profile["lootbox"][LEGEND] = 0 if "daily_tokens" not in trainer_profile: trainer_profile["daily_tokens"] = 0 self._save_trainer_file(self.trainer_data) if user_id not in self.daily_data: lootbox = self._generate_lootbox(trainer_profile, daily=True) trainer_profile["daily_tokens"] += 1 self.daily_data.append(user_id) self._save_trainer_file(self.trainer_data) self._save_daily_file(self.daily_data) await"**{}** claimed their daily to get a **{}**" " lootbox as well as a daily token." "".format(username, lootbox.title())) else: await"**{}** has already claimed their daily " "lootbox".format(username)) except Exception as e: self.daily_data = self._load_daily_file() print("Failed to claim daily. See error.log") logger.error("Exception: {}".format(str(e))) async def claim_gift(self, ctx): """ Claims the available gift """ try: user_id = username = pkmn_msg = '' lootbox_msg = '' if user_id not in self.trainer_data: user_obj = await self.trainer_data[user_id] = {} self.trainer_data[user_id]["pinventory"] = {} self.trainer_data[user_id]["timer"] = False self.trainer_cache[user_id] = user_obj trainer_profile = self.trainer_data[user_id] if "lootbox" not in trainer_profile: trainer_profile["lootbox"] = {} if BRONZE not in trainer_profile["lootbox"]: trainer_profile["lootbox"][BRONZE] = 0 if SILVER not in trainer_profile["lootbox"]: trainer_profile["lootbox"][SILVER] = 0 if GOLD not in trainer_profile["lootbox"]: trainer_profile["lootbox"][GOLD] = 0 if LEGEND not in trainer_profile["lootbox"]: trainer_profile["lootbox"][LEGEND] = 0 pinventory = trainer_profile["pinventory"] if not self.config_data["gift"]: await"No gift to claim.") return if user_id not in self.gift_data: pokemon_list = self.config_data["gift_list"]["pokemon"] lootbox_list = self.config_data["gift_list"]["lootbox"] for pkmn in pokemon_list: if pkmn not in pinventory: pinventory[pkmn] = pokemon_list[pkmn] else: pinventory[pkmn] += pokemon_list[pkmn] pkmn_msg += "**{}** x{}\n".format(pkmn.title(), pokemon_list[pkmn]) for lootbox in lootbox_list: trainer_profile["lootbox"][lootbox] += lootbox_list[lootbox] lootbox_msg += "**{}** x{}\n".format(lootbox.title(), lootbox_list[lootbox]) self.gift_data.append(user_id) self._save_trainer_file(self.trainer_data) self._save_gift_file(self.gift_data) em = discord.Embed(title="{}'s Gift\n" "".format(username), colour=0xFFFFFF) if pokemon_list: em.add_field(name="Pokemon", value=pkmn_msg) if lootbox_list: em.add_field(name="Lootbox", value=lootbox_msg) await else: await"<@{}>, you've already claimed your " "gift".format(user_id)) except Exception as e: self.gift_data = self._load_gift_file() print("Failed to claim gift. See error.log") logger.error("Exception: {}".format(str(e))) async def display_daily_tokens(self, ctx): """ Displays the player's daily token """ try: user_id = if user_id not in self.trainer_data: await"Please catch a pokemon with `p.c` first.") trainer_profile = self.trainer_data[user_id] if "daily_tokens" not in trainer_profile: trainer_profile["daily_tokens"] = 0 self._save_trainer_file(self.trainer_data) await"<@{}> currently has **{}** daily tokens." "".format(user_id, trainer_profile["daily_tokens"])) except Exception as e: print("Failed to display daily tokens.") logger.error("Exception: {}".format(str(e))) async def daily_shop(self, ctx, option, item_num): """ Displays the daily shop via options """ try: user_id = trainer_profile = self.trainer_data[user_id] if user_id not in self.trainer_data: await"Please catch a pokemon with `p.c` first.") return if option == "i": menu_items = ("[1] - Bronze lootbox (**{}** tokens)\n" "[2] - Silver lootbox (**{}** tokens)\n" "[3] - Gold lootbox (**{}** tokens)\n" "[4] - Legendary lootbox (**{}** tokens)\n" "[5] - Random shiny pokemon (**{}** tokens)\n" "".format(BRONZE_LOOTBOX_PRICE, SILVER_LOOTBOX_PRICE, GOLD_LOOTBOX_PRICE, LEGENDARY_LOOTBOX_PRICE, RANDOM_SHINY_PRICE)) em = discord.Embed(title="Daily Token Shop", description=menu_items) await elif option == "b": if item_num is None: await"Please enter the item number you wish to buy.") return token_num = int(trainer_profile["daily_tokens"]) if item_num == '1': if token_num < BRONZE_LOOTBOX_PRICE: await"<@{}>, you do not have enough tokens." "".format(user_id)) return trainer_profile["daily_tokens"] = token_num - BRONZE_LOOTBOX_PRICE trainer_profile["lootbox"][BRONZE] += 1 await"<@{}> bought a **Bronze** lootbox.".format(user_id)) elif item_num == '2': if token_num < SILVER_LOOTBOX_PRICE: await"<@{}>, you do not have enough tokens." "".format(user_id)) return trainer_profile["daily_tokens"] = token_num - SILVER_LOOTBOX_PRICE trainer_profile["lootbox"][SILVER] += 1 await"<@{}> bought a **Silver** lootbox.".format(user_id)) elif item_num == '3': if token_num < GOLD_LOOTBOX_PRICE: await"<@{}>, you do not have enough tokens." "".format(user_id)) return trainer_profile["daily_tokens"] = token_num - GOLD_LOOTBOX_PRICE trainer_profile["lootbox"][SILVER] += 1 await"<@{}> bought a **Gold** lootbox.".format(user_id)) elif item_num == '4': if token_num < LEGENDARY_LOOTBOX_PRICE: await"<@{}>, you do not have enough tokens." "".format(user_id)) return trainer_profile["daily_tokens"] = token_num - LEGENDARY_LOOTBOX_PRICE
from argparse import ArgumentParser import numpy as np from .calculations import main_print_point_bidim_dpa from .graphics import main_graph from .save_output import save_output_jpg, save_output_txt def init_parser(): ''' Initialization of the argument parser. Version as optional argument. Returns ------------------- parser : argparse.ArgumentParser An instance of a command line arguments parser. ''' parser = ArgumentParser(prog='B_field', usage='%(prog)s [options] path', description='''Evaluation both of the effective magnetic induction B in a given point (xp, yp) and the DPA (distanza di prima approssimazione), due to single or double triad of cables.''', fromfile_prefix_chars='@', epilog='SINGLE/DOUBLE TRIAD NEEDED. SINGLE/DOUBLE \"OPTIONAL\" ARGUMENT IN ORDER TO EVALUATE SOMETHING.\n') parser.add_argument("-v", "--version", action="version", version=f"{parser.prog} version 0.1.0.dev3") return parser def init_subparser_single(subparsers): ''' Initialization of the subparser "single". Optional and positional arguments are listed in order of entry on the command line. Parameters ------------------- subparsers : argparse._SubParsersAction A subparser action, it will be populated with a subparser instance. Returns ------------------- single_parser : argparse.ArgumentParser An instance of a command line arguments parser (subparser in this specific case). ''' # Single triad single_parser = subparsers.add_parser('single', help='Calculate the magnetic induction B or the DPA for a single triad of cables', description='''Positional arguments can be given either manually one by one or using a configuration file (prefix character: @). Choose an optional argument in order to evaluate something.''') # OPTIONAL ARGUMENTS single_parser.add_argument('-point', '-p', action='store_true', help='Point estimate of the magnetic induction B in (xp, yp)') single_parser.add_argument('-bidim', '-b', action='store_true', help='2D estimate of the magnetic induction B around (xp, yp)') single_parser.add_argument('-graph', '-g', action='store_true', help='Graph of the 2D estimate of the magnetic induction B around (xp, yp)') single_parser.add_argument('-dpa', '-d', type=float, nargs=1, metavar='lim_val', help='''Estimate of the DPA (distanza di prima approssimazione) for the given configuration at \'lim_val\' microTesla. Suggested lim_values: 3, 10''') single_parser.add_argument('-save', '-s', type=str, nargs=2, metavar=('dest', 'filename'), help='Save the output in \'dest\' repository, with \'filename\' denomination') # POSITIONAL ARGUMENTS single_parser.add_argument('xp', type=float, help='Abscissa (m) of the point of interest') single_parser.add_argument('yp', type=float, help='Ordinate (m) of the point of interest') single_parser.add_argument('diam_cables', type=float, help='Diameter (mm) of the cables used') single_parser.add_argument('current', type=int, help='''Current (A) - PCSN (Portata in corrente in servizio nominale - i.e. current flowing inside the power line''') single_parser.add_argument('ph_1_deg', type=float, help='Initial phase (deg) - cable 1') single_parser.add_argument('x1', type=float, help='Abscissa (m) of the first cable (1)') single_parser.add_argument('y1', type=float, help='Ordinate (m) of the first cable (1)') single_parser.add_argument('ph_2_deg', type=float, help='Initial phase (deg) - cable 2') single_parser.add_argument('x2', type=float, help='Abscissa (m) of the second cable (2)') single_parser.add_argument('y2', type=float, help='Ordinate (m) of the second cable (2)') single_parser.add_argument('ph_3_deg', type=float, help='Initial phase (deg) - cable 3') single_parser.add_argument('x3', type=float, help='Abscissa (m) of the third cable (3)') single_parser.add_argument('y3', type=float, help='Ordinate (m) of the third cable (3)') return single_parser def init_subparser_double(subparsers): ''' Initialization of the subparser "double". Optional and positional arguments are listed in order of entry on the command line. Parameters ------------------- subparsers : argparse._SubParsersAction A subparser action, it will be populated with a subparser instance. Returns ------------------- double_parser : argparse.ArgumentParser An instance of a command line arguments parser (subparser in this specific case). ''' # Double triad double_parser = subparsers.add_parser('double', help='Calculate the magnetic induction B or the DPA for a double triad of cables', description='''Positional arguments can be given either manually one by one or using a configuration file (prefix character: @). Choose an optional argument in order to evaluate something.''') # OPTIONAL ARGUMENTS double_parser.add_argument('-point', '-p', action='store_true', help='Point estimate of the magnetic induction B in (xp, yp)') double_parser.add_argument('-bidim', '-b', action='store_true', help='2D estimate of the magnetic induction B around (xp, yp)') double_parser.add_argument('-graph', '-g', action='store_true', help='Graph of the 2D estimate of the magnetic induction B around (xp, yp)') double_parser.add_argument('-dpa', '-d', type=float, nargs=1, metavar='lim_val', help='''Estimate of the DPA (distanza di prima approssimazione) for the given configuration at \'lim_val\' microTesla. Suggested lim_values: 3, 10''') double_parser.add_argument('-save', '-s', type=str, nargs=2, metavar=('dest', 'filename'), help='Save the output in \'dest\' repository, with \'filename\' denomination') # POSITIONAL ARGUMENTS double_parser.add_argument('xp', type=float, help='Abscissa (m) of the point of interest') double_parser.add_argument('yp', type=float, help='Ordinate (m) of the point of interest') double_parser.add_argument('diam_cables', type=float, help='Diameter (mm) of the cables used') double_parser.add_argument('A_current', type=int, help='''Current (A) of triad A - PCSN (Portata in corrente in servizio nominale - i.e. current flowing inside the power line A''') double_parser.add_argument('A_ph_1_deg', type=float, help='Initial phase (deg) - cable 1A') double_parser.add_argument('A_x1', type=float, help='Abscissa (m) of the first cable (1A)') double_parser.add_argument('A_y1', type=float, help='Ordinate (m) of the first cable (1A)') double_parser.add_argument('A_ph_2_deg', type=float, help='Initial phase (deg) - cable 2A') double_parser.add_argument('A_x2', type=float, help='Abscissa (m) of the second cable (2A)') double_parser.add_argument('A_y2', type=float, help='Ordinate (m) of the second cable (2A)') double_parser.add_argument('A_ph_3_deg', type=float, help='Initial phase (deg) - cable 3A') double_parser.add_argument('A_x3', type=float, help='Abscissa (m) of the third cable (3A)') double_parser.add_argument('A_y3', type=float, help='Ordinate (m) of the third cable (3A)') double_parser.add_argument('B_current', type=int, help='''Current (A) of triad B - PCSN (Portata in corrente in servizio nominale - i.e. current flowing inside the power line B''') double_parser.add_argument('B_ph_1_deg', type=float, help='Initial phase (deg) - cable 1B') double_parser.add_argument('B_x1', type=float, help='Abscissa (m) of the first cable (1B)') double_parser.add_argument('B_y1', type=float, help='Ordinate (m) of the first cable (1B)') double_parser.add_argument('B_ph_2_deg', type=float, help='Initial phase (deg) - cable 2B') double_parser.add_argument('B_x2', type=float, help='Abscissa (m) of the second cable (2B)') double_parser.add_argument('B_y2', type=float, help='Ordinate (m) of the second cable (2B)') double_parser.add_argument('B_ph_3_deg', type=float, help='Initial phase (deg) - cable 3B') double_parser.add_argument('B_x3', type=float, help='Abscissa (m) of the third cable (3B)') double_parser.add_argument('B_y3', type=float, help='Ordinate (m) of the third cable (3B)') return double_parser def single_args_packaging(args): ''' Packaging of the arguments for a single triad in the wanted fashion. The cables' diameter is transformed from millimeters to meters. Parameters ------------------- args : argparse.Namespace Namespace object built up from attributes parsed out of the command line. Returns ------------------- xp, yp, diam_cables : float Abscissa (m) and ordinate (m) of the point of interest. Cables' diameter (mm). current, cables_array : numpy.ndarray Current (A) flowing inside the power line. Array containing the phases (deg), abscissas (m) and ordinates (m) of the cables. Notes ------------------- NaN values are used in order to mantain the overall numpy array structure similar to the double triad's one, thus exploiting the same "for" loops. NaNs are preferable to zeros since in the visualization algorithm NaN values are not plotted automatically. ''' xp, yp = args.xp, args.yp diam_cables = args.diam_cables*0.001 current = np.array([args.current, np.nan]) cables_array = np.array([[[args.ph_1_deg, args.x1, args.y1], [args.ph_2_deg, args.x2, args.y2], [args.ph_3_deg, args.x3, args.y3]], [[np.nan, np.nan, np.nan], [np.nan, np.nan, np.nan], [np.nan, np.nan, np.nan]]]) return xp, yp, diam_cables, current, cables_array def double_args_packaging(args): ''' Packaging of the arguments for a double triad in the wanted fashion. The cables' diameter is transformed from millimeters to meters. Parameters ------------------- args : argparse.Namespace Namespace object built up from attributes parsed out of the command line. Returns ------------------- xp, yp, diam_cables : float Abscissa (m) and ordinate (m) of the point of interest. Cables' diameter (mm). currents, cables_array : numpy.ndarray Currents (A) flowing inside the power lines. Array containing the phases (deg), abscissas (m) and ordinates (m) of the cables. ''' xp, yp = args.xp, args.yp diam_cables = args.diam_cables*0.001 currents = np.array([args.A_current, args.B_current]) cables_array = np.array([[[args.A_ph_1_deg, args.A_x1, args.A_y1], [args.A_ph_2_deg, args.A_x2, args.A_y2], [args.A_ph_3_deg, args.A_x3, args.A_y3]], [[args.B_ph_1_deg, args.B_x1, args.B_y1], [args.B_ph_2_deg, args.B_x2, args.B_y2], [args.B_ph_3_deg, args.B_x3, args.B_y3]]]) return xp, yp, diam_cables, currents, cables_array def main(argv=None): ''' *COMMAND LINE INTERFACE* The function parses the arguments passed by the user through the command line providing two options: single or double power line, i.e. three or six cables. Depending on the option selected, data are packed in numpy arrays of different fashion and the corresponding calculation functions are called. The result are: - point : the point estimate of the magnetic induction B in (xp, yp); - bidim : the 2D estimate of the magnetic induction B around (xp, yp); - graph : graphical representation of the 2D estimate of the magnetic induction B around (xp, yp); - dpa : estimate of the DPA (distanza di prima approssimazione) for the given configuration at \'lim_val\' microTesla. Suggested lim_values: 3, 10. With the 'save' optional argument is possible to save the output in a file (respectively: point, bidim, dpa in .txt and graph in .jpg) ''' parser = init_parser() subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(help='Possible cable configurations', dest='subparser')
in hparams:{}'.format(PREFIX, hparams['act_func_list'])) self.act_func_list = hparams['act_func_list'] if self.act_func_list is None: self.act_func_list = np.repeat(NNModel.DEFAULT_ACT_FUNC_KEY, [self.n_layer - 1]) print('{}Use act_func_list with default value:{}'.format(PREFIX, self.act_func_list)) self.act_func_ref_list = self.set_act_func_ref_list(self.act_func_list, self.n_layer) print('{}act_func_ref_list is set :{}'.format(PREFIX, self.act_func_ref_list)) # About minibatch operation self.set_evaluate_in_minibatch(hparams) # About sub model self.set_hparams_on_sub_model(hparams) # Abount ONNX export self.set_export_to_onnx(hparams) self.test_only_mode = False if hparams and 'test_only_mode' in hparams.keys(): print('{}Use test_only_mode in hparams:{}'.format(PREFIX, hparams['test_only_mode'])) self.test_only_mode = hparams['test_only_mode'] else: print('{}TODO Use test_only_mode with default value:{}'.format(PREFIX, self.test_only_mode)) # whether has ResNet or not self.has_res_net = False if hparams and 'has_res_net' in hparams.keys(): print('{}Use has_res_net in hparams:{}'.format(PREFIX, hparams['has_res_net'])) self.has_res_net = hparams['has_res_net'] else: print('{}Use has_res_net with default value:{}'.format(PREFIX, self.has_res_net)) # about batch normalization self.has_batch_norm = True if hparams and 'has_batch_norm' in hparams.keys(): print('{}Use has_batch_norm in hparams:{}'.format(PREFIX, hparams['has_batch_norm'])) self.has_batch_norm = hparams['has_batch_norm'] else: print('{}TODO Use has_batch_norm with default value:{}'.format(PREFIX, self.has_batch_norm)) if self.has_batch_norm: self.bn_decay = NNModel.DEFAULT_BN_DECAY if hparams and 'bn_decay' in hparams.keys(): print('{}Use bn_decay in hparams:{}'.format(PREFIX, hparams['bn_decay'])) self.bn_decay = hparams['bn_decay'] else: print('{}TODO Use bn_decay with default value:{}'.format(PREFIX, self.bn_decay)) self.bn_eps = NNModel.DEFAULT_BN_ESP if hparams and 'bn_eps' in hparams.keys(): print('{}Use bn_eps in hparams:{}'.format(PREFIX, hparams['bn_eps'])) self.bn_eps = hparams['bn_eps'] else: print('{}TODO Use bn_eps with default value:{}'.format(PREFIX, self.bn_eps)) self.annotation_col_names = None if hparams and 'annotation_col_names' in hparams.keys(): print('{}Use annotation_col_names in hparams:{}'.format(PREFIX, hparams['annotation_col_names'])) self.annotation_col_names = hparams['annotation_col_names'] self.annotation_col_size = 0 if self.annotation_col_names is not None: self.annotation_col_size = len(self.annotation_col_names) # about mask_rate self.mask_rate = None if hparams and 'mask_rate' in hparams.keys(): print('{}Use mask_rate in hparams:{}'.format(PREFIX, hparams['mask_rate'])) self.mask_rate = hparams['mask_rate'] if self.mask_rate is not None: try: self.mask_rate = float(self.mask_rate) except ValueError: print('{}mask_rate is not float type. reset with None'.format(PREFIX)) self.mask_rate = None # output_data_names if hparams and 'output_data_names' in hparams.keys(): print('{}Use output_data_names in hparams:{}'.format(PREFIX, hparams['output_data_names'])) self.output_data_names = hparams['output_data_names'] if self.output_data_names is not None: try: if not isinstance(self.output_data_names, list): raise ValueError print('output_data_names size:{}'.format(len(self.output_data_names))) except ValueError: print('{}output_data_names is not list type. reset with None'.format(PREFIX)) self.output_data_names = None self.restore_var_name_list = None if hparams and 'restore_var_name_list' in hparams.keys(): print('{}Use restore_var_name_list in hparams:{}'.format(PREFIX, hparams['restore_var_name_list'])) self.restore_var_name_list = hparams['restore_var_name_list'] self.untrainable_var_name_list = None if hparams and 'untrainable_var_name_list' in hparams.keys(): print('{}Use untrainable_var_name_list in hparams:{}'.format(PREFIX, hparams['untrainable_var_name_list'])) self.untrainable_var_name_list = hparams['untrainable_var_name_list'] # plot settings self.plot_x_label = None if hparams and 'plot_x_label' in hparams.keys(): print('{}Use plot_x_label in hparams:{}'.format(PREFIX, hparams['plot_x_label'])) self.plot_x_label = hparams['plot_x_label'] self.plot_y_label = None if hparams and 'plot_y_label' in hparams.keys(): print('{}Use plot_y_label in hparams:{}'.format(PREFIX, hparams['plot_y_label'])) self.plot_y_label = hparams['plot_y_label'] self.plot_x_data_name_in_annotation = None if hparams and 'plot_x_data_name_in_annotation' in hparams.keys(): print('{}Use plot_x_data_name_in_annotation in hparams:{}'.format(PREFIX, hparams['plot_x_data_name_in_annotation'])) self.plot_x_data_name_in_annotation = hparams['plot_x_data_name_in_annotation'] self.plot_group_data_name_in_annotation = None if hparams and 'plot_group_data_name_in_annotation' in hparams.keys(): print('{}Use plot_group_data_name_in_annotation in hparams:{}'.format(PREFIX, hparams['plot_group_data_name_in_annotation'])) self.plot_group_data_name_in_annotation = hparams['plot_group_data_name_in_annotation'] self.plot_x_range = None if hparams and 'plot_x_range' in hparams.keys(): print('{}Use plot_x_range in hparams:{}'.format(PREFIX, hparams['plot_x_range'])) self.plot_x_range = hparams['plot_x_range'] self.plot_y_range = None if hparams and 'plot_y_range' in hparams.keys(): print('{}Use plot_y_range in hparams:{}'.format(PREFIX, hparams['plot_y_range'])) self.plot_y_range = hparams['plot_y_range'] self.plot_title = None if hparams and 'plot_title' in hparams.keys(): print('{}Use plot_title in hparams:{}'.format(PREFIX, hparams['plot_title'])) self.plot_title = hparams['plot_title'] self.plot_errors = None if hparams and 'plot_errors' in hparams.keys(): print('{}Use plot_errors in hparams:{}'.format(PREFIX, hparams['plot_errors'])) self.plot_errors = hparams['plot_errors'] self.plot_animation = False if hparams and 'plot_animation' in hparams.keys(): print('{}Use plot_animation in hparams:{}'.format(PREFIX, hparams['plot_animation'])) self.plot_animation = hparams['plot_animation'] if self.plot_animation is None: self.plot_animation = False print('{}Use plot_animation with default value:{}'.format(PREFIX, self.plot_animation)) self.calc_cc_errors = False if hparams and 'calc_cc_errors' in hparams.keys(): print('{}Use calc_cc_errors in hparams:{}'.format(PREFIX, hparams['calc_cc_errors'])) self.calc_cc_errors = hparams['calc_cc_errors'] if self.calc_cc_errors is None: self.calc_cc_errors = False print('{}Use calc_cc_errors with default value:{}'.format(PREFIX, self.calc_cc_errors)) self.op_errors = None if hparams and 'op_errors' in hparams.keys(): print('{}Use op_errors in hparams:{}'.format(PREFIX, hparams['op_errors'])) self.op_errors = hparams['op_errors'] # rank_boundary_list self.rank_boundary_list = None if hparams and 'rank_boundary_list' in hparams.keys(): print('{}Use rank_boundary_list in hparams:{}'.format(PREFIX, hparams['rank_boundary_list'])) self.rank_boundary_list = hparams['rank_boundary_list'] if self.rank_boundary_list is not None: # check the members of rank_boundary_list len_of_rank_boundary_list = len(self.rank_boundary_list) if len_of_rank_boundary_list < 1: self.rank_boundary_list = None for rank_boundary in self.rank_boundary_list: try: assert len(rank_boundary) > 1 lower = rank_boundary[0] upper = rank_boundary[1] print('{}rank_boundary lower:{}, func:{}'.format(PREFIX, lower, upper)) except Exception as e: print('{}No rank_boundary_list is set because of error {} on invalid parameter:{}'.format(PREFIX, e, rank_boundary)) else: print('{}No rank_boundary_list is set'.format(PREFIX)) # cloud settings self.cloud_root = None if hparams and 'cloud_root' in hparams.keys(): print('{}Use cloud_root in hparams:{}'.format(PREFIX, hparams['cloud_root'])) self.cloud_root = hparams['cloud_root'] self.prioritize_cloud = False if hparams and 'prioritize_cloud' in hparams.keys(): print('{}Use prioritize_cloud in hparams:{}'.format(PREFIX, hparams['prioritize_cloud'])) self.prioritize_cloud = hparams['prioritize_cloud'] if self.prioritize_cloud is None: self.prioritize_cloud = False print('{}Use prioritize_cloud with default value:{}'.format(PREFIX, self.prioritize_cloud)) # local setting self.save_root_dir = '/var/tensorflow/tsp/' if hparams and 'save_root_dir' in hparams.keys(): print('{}Use save_root_dir in hparams:{}'.format(PREFIX, hparams['save_root_dir'])) self.save_root_dir = hparams['save_root_dir'] else: print('{}TODO Use save_root_dir with default value'.format(PREFIX)) # check init model self.sess = tf.InteractiveSession() self.init_model_path = None if hparams and 'init_model_path' in hparams.keys(): print('{}Use init_model_path in hparams:{}'.format(PREFIX, hparams['init_model_path'])) self.init_model_path = hparams['init_model_path'] # set output_classes in CLASSIFICATION model self.output_classes = None if hparams and 'output_classes' in hparams.keys(): print('{}Use output_classes in hparams:{}'.format(PREFIX, hparams['output_classes'])) self.output_classes = hparams['output_classes'] # if output_classes is not set in CLASSIFICATION model, try to read from init_model_path if self.init_model_path is not None and self.model_type == 'CLASSIFICATION': self.output_classes = self.get_output_classes_from_model(self.init_model_path) hparams['output_classes'] = self.output_classes self.log_dir_path = log_dir_path def prepare_model(self): last_time = time.time() self.result_sum = [] self.sess = tf.InteractiveSession() self.define_model() print('---------- time:{} DONE define_model'.format(time.time() - last_time)) last_time = time.time() self.saver = tf.train.Saver(var_list=None, max_to_keep=None) self.global_iter = 0 self.restore_model() print('---------- time:{} DONE init model'.format(time.time() - last_time)) last_time = time.time() def auto_set_model_parameter(self): print('TODO auto_set_model_parameter') self.can_not_generate_input_output_data = None self.generate_data_set() self.input_width = self.data_set.input_ts_width self.col_size = self.data_set.col_size self.output_classes = self.data_set.output_classes # info_dim_size_list = [] print('DONE auto_set_model_parameter') return True def generate_data_set(self): self.data_set = TSDataSet(debug_mode=self.debug_mode, prediction_mode=self.prediction_mode, hparams=self.hparams) self.data_set.generate_input_output_data() def restore_model(self): ''' Class method to restore model (No need to set args, use hparams to restore model) :return: ''' # restore model if self.init_model_path is not None: print('[restore_model]restore model from {}'.format(self.init_model_path)) has_restored = self.restore(self.init_model_path, self.restore_var_name_list) print('[restore_model]has_restored:', has_restored) # if it has not been restored, then the model will be initialized with Prob dist. else: print('[restore_model]init_model_path is empty. No need to restore') # Set optimizer again when trainable_variables is changed if self.untrainable_var_name_list is not None: self.trainable_variables = self.remove_trainable(self.untrainable_var_name_list) self.set_optimizer() def restore(self, init_model_path, var_name_list=None): from smalltrain.model.operation import is_s3_path, download_to_local, upload_to_cloud if init_model_path is None or len(init_model_path) < 1 or os.path.isfile(init_model_path): print('[restore]init_model_path is empty. No need to restore') return False if var_name_list is not None: trainable_variables = self.get_trainable_variables() var_name_list_to_check = [ name if (len(name.split(':')) > 1 and name.split(':')[1] == '0') else '{}:0'.format(name) for name in var_name_list] var_to_restore = [var for var in trainable_variables if ( in var_name_list_to_check)] print('var_name_list:{}, var_to_load:{}'.format(var_name_list, var_to_restore)) else: var_to_restore = None self.saver = tf.train.Saver(var_list=var_to_restore, max_to_keep=None) # Initialize all variables print('[restore]Initialize all variables') # Restore by saver print('[restore]Restore from init_model_path:{}'.format(init_model_path)) local_init_model_path = init_model_path if self.prioritize_cloud: # download from S3 if the "init_model_path" is S3 path if is_s3_path(init_model_path): _paths, _global_iter_got_from_path = get_tf_model_file_paths(init_model_path) for _path in _paths: local_init_model_path = download_to_local(path=_path, work_dir_path='/var/tmp/tsp/') local_init_model_path = local_init_model_path.split('.ckpt')[0] + '.ckpt' if _global_iter_got_from_path is not None: local_init_model_path = local_init_model_path + '-' + str(_global_iter_got_from_path) else: print('[restore]Restore from local:{}'.format(init_model_path)) print('[restore]Restore from local_init_model_path:{}'.format(local_init_model_path)) if local_init_model_path is None or len(local_init_model_path) < 1 or os.path.isfile(local_init_model_path): print('[restore]local_init_model_path is empty. Can not restore') return False self.saver.restore(self.sess, local_init_model_path) print('[restore]Set var_name_list untrainable') # Reset saver in other to save all variables self.saver = tf.train.Saver(var_list=None, max_to_keep=None) return True def remove_trainable(self, var_name_list, current_trainable_variables=None): if current_trainable_variables is None: current_trainable_variables = self.get_trainable_variables() print('[remove_trainable]remove from current_trainable_variables: {}'.format(current_trainable_variables)) var_name_list_to_check = [ name if (len(name.split(':')) > 1 and name.split(':')[1] == '0') else '{}:0'.format(name) for name in var_name_list] print('[remove_trainable]remove var_name_list_to_check: {}'.format(var_name_list_to_check)) trainable_variables = [var for var in current_trainable_variables if ( not in var_name_list_to_check)] print('[remove_trainable]trainable_variables: {}'.format(current_trainable_variables)) return trainable_variables def get_trainable_variables(self): all_collection_keys = tf.get_default_graph().get_all_collection_keys() # print('all_collection_keys:{}'.format(all_collection_keys)) trainable_variables = tf.get_default_graph().get_collection_ref(tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES) # print('trainable_variables:{}'.format(trainable_variables)) return trainable_variables def get_output_classes_from_model(self, init_model_path): from smalltrain.model.operation import is_s3_path, download_to_local, upload_to_cloud print('[get_output_classes_from_model]Restore from init_model_path:{}'.format(init_model_path)) local_init_model_path = init_model_path if self.prioritize_cloud: # download from S3 if the "init_model_path" is S3 path if is_s3_path(init_model_path): _paths, _global_iter_got_from_path = get_tf_model_file_paths(init_model_path) for _path in _paths: local_init_model_path = download_to_local(path=_path, work_dir_path='/var/tmp/tsp/') local_init_model_path = local_init_model_path.split('.ckpt')[0] + '.ckpt' if _global_iter_got_from_path is not None: local_init_model_path = local_init_model_path + '-' + str(_global_iter_got_from_path) else: print('[get_output_classes_from_model]Check local:{}'.format(init_model_path)) print('[get_output_classes_from_model]Check local_init_model_path:{}'.format(local_init_model_path)) if local_init_model_path is None or len(local_init_model_path) < 1 or os.path.isfile(local_init_model_path): print('[get_output_classes_from_model]local_init_model_path is empty. output_classes set None') self.output_classes = None return None meta_file_path = '{}.meta'.format(local_init_model_path) _saver = tf.train.import_meta_graph(meta_file_path) _saver.restore(self.sess, local_init_model_path) # get output_classes from
<filename>src/Products/CMFCore/tests/ ############################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2002 Zope Foundation and Contributors. # # This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License, # Version 2.1 (ZPL). A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution. # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY AND ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED # WARRANTIES ARE DISCLAIMED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF TITLE, MERCHANTABILITY, AGAINST INFRINGEMENT, AND FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # ############################################################################## """ Unit tests for CachingPolicyManager module. """ import os import unittest from os.path import join as path_join from AccessControl.SecurityManagement import newSecurityManager from Acquisition import Implicit from DateTime.DateTime import DateTime from OFS.Cache import Cacheable from zope.component import getSiteManager from zope.datetime import rfc1123_date from zope.interface.verify import verifyClass from ..FSDTMLMethod import FSDTMLMethod from ..FSPageTemplate import FSPageTemplate from ..interfaces import IMembershipTool from ..interfaces import ITypesTool from ..testing import FunctionalZCMLLayer from ..testing import TraversingZCMLLayer from ..utils import base64_encode from .base.dummy import DummyContent from .base.dummy import DummySite from .base.dummy import DummyTool from .base.testcase import FSDVTest from .base.testcase import SecurityTest from .base.testcase import TransactionalTest ACCLARK = DateTime('2001/01/01') portal_owner = b'portal_owner' class DummyContent2: __allow_access_to_unprotected_subobjects__ = 1 def __init__(self, modified): self.modified = modified def Type(self): return 'Dummy' def modified(self): return self.modified class CacheableDummyContent(Implicit, Cacheable): __allow_access_to_unprotected_subobjects__ = 1 def __init__(self, id): = id self.modified = DateTime() def getId(self): """ """ return def modified(self): return self.modified def __call__(self): """ """ if self.ZCacheable_isCachingEnabled(): result = self.ZCacheable_get(default=None) if result is not None: # We will always get None from RAMCacheManager and HTTP # Accelerated Cache Manager but we will get # something implementing the IStreamIterator interface # from a "FileCacheManager" return result self.ZCacheable_set(None) class DummyView(CacheableDummyContent): meta_type = 'DTML Method' class CachingPolicyTests(unittest.TestCase): layer = TraversingZCMLLayer def _makePolicy(self, policy_id, **kw): from ..CachingPolicyManager import CachingPolicy return CachingPolicy(policy_id, **kw) def _makeContext(self, **kw): from ..CachingPolicyManager import createCPContext return createCPContext(DummyContent2(self._epoch), 'foo_view', kw, self._epoch) def setUp(self): self._epoch = DateTime(0) getSiteManager().registerUtility(DummyTool(), IMembershipTool) def test_interfaces(self): from ..CachingPolicyManager import CachingPolicy from ..interfaces import ICachingPolicy verifyClass(ICachingPolicy, CachingPolicy) def test_empty(self): policy = self._makePolicy('empty') context = self._makeContext() headers = policy.getHeaders(context) self.assertEqual(len(headers), 1) self.assertEqual(headers[0][0], 'Last-modified') self.assertEqual(headers[0][1], rfc1123_date(self._epoch.timeTime())) def test_noPassPredicate(self): policy = self._makePolicy('noPassPredicate', predicate='nothing') context = self._makeContext() headers = policy.getHeaders(context) self.assertEqual(len(headers), 0) def test_typePredicate(self): policy = self._makePolicy('typePredicate', predicate='python:object.Type() == "Dummy"') context = self._makeContext() headers = policy.getHeaders(context) self.assertEqual(len(headers), 1) self.assertEqual(headers[0][0], 'Last-modified') self.assertEqual(headers[0][1], rfc1123_date(self._epoch.timeTime())) def test_typePredicateMiss(self): policy = self._makePolicy('typePredicate', predicate='python:object.Type()=="Foolish"') context = self._makeContext() headers = policy.getHeaders(context) self.assertEqual(len(headers), 0) def test_viewPredicate(self): policy = self._makePolicy('viewPredicate', predicate='python:view == "foo_view"') context = self._makeContext() headers = policy.getHeaders(context) self.assertEqual(len(headers), 1) self.assertEqual(headers[0][0], 'Last-modified') self.assertEqual(headers[0][1], rfc1123_date(self._epoch.timeTime())) def test_viewPredicateMiss(self): policy = self._makePolicy('viewPredicateMiss', predicate='python:view == "bar_view"') context = self._makeContext() headers = policy.getHeaders(context) self.assertEqual(len(headers), 0) def test_kwPredicate(self): policy = self._makePolicy('kwPredicate', predicate='python:"foo" in keywords') context = self._makeContext(foo=1) headers = policy.getHeaders(context) self.assertEqual(len(headers), 1) self.assertEqual(headers[0][0], 'Last-modified') self.assertEqual(headers[0][1], rfc1123_date(self._epoch.timeTime())) def test_kwPredicateMiss(self): policy = self._makePolicy('kwPredicateMiss', predicate='python:"foo" in keywords') context = self._makeContext(bar=1) headers = policy.getHeaders(context) self.assertEqual(len(headers), 0) context = self._makeContext() headers = policy.getHeaders(context) self.assertEqual(len(headers), 0) def test_mtimeFunc(self): policy = self._makePolicy('mtimeFunc', mtime_func='string:2001/01/01') context = self._makeContext() headers = policy.getHeaders(context) self.assertEqual(len(headers), 1) self.assertEqual(headers[0][0], 'Last-modified') self.assertEqual(headers[0][1], rfc1123_date(ACCLARK.timeTime())) def test_mtimeFuncNone(self): policy = self._makePolicy('mtimeFuncNone', mtime_func='nothing') context = self._makeContext() headers = policy.getHeaders(context) self.assertEqual(len(headers), 0) def test_maxAge(self): policy = self._makePolicy('aged', max_age_secs=86400) context = self._makeContext() headers = policy.getHeaders(context) self.assertEqual(len(headers), 3) self.assertEqual(headers[0][0].lower(), 'last-modified') self.assertEqual(headers[0][1], rfc1123_date(self._epoch.timeTime())) self.assertEqual(headers[1][0].lower(), 'expires') self.assertEqual(headers[1][1], rfc1123_date((self._epoch + 1).timeTime())) self.assertEqual(headers[2][0].lower(), 'cache-control') self.assertEqual(headers[2][1], 'max-age=86400') def test_sMaxAge(self): policy = self._makePolicy('s_aged', s_max_age_secs=86400) context = self._makeContext() headers = policy.getHeaders(context) self.assertEqual(len(headers), 2) self.assertEqual(headers[0][0].lower(), 'last-modified') self.assertEqual(headers[0][1], rfc1123_date(self._epoch.timeTime())) self.assertEqual(headers[1][0].lower(), 'cache-control') self.assertEqual(headers[1][1], 's-maxage=86400') self.assertEqual(policy.getSMaxAgeSecs(), 86400) def test_noCache(self): policy = self._makePolicy('noCache', no_cache=1) context = self._makeContext() headers = policy.getHeaders(context) self.assertEqual(len(headers), 3) self.assertEqual(headers[0][0].lower(), 'last-modified') self.assertEqual(headers[0][1], rfc1123_date(self._epoch.timeTime())) self.assertEqual(headers[1][0].lower(), 'pragma') self.assertEqual(headers[1][1], 'no-cache') self.assertEqual(headers[2][0].lower(), 'cache-control') self.assertEqual(headers[2][1], 'no-cache') def test_noStore(self): policy = self._makePolicy('noStore', no_store=1) context = self._makeContext() headers = policy.getHeaders(context) self.assertEqual(len(headers), 2) self.assertEqual(headers[0][0].lower(), 'last-modified') self.assertEqual(headers[0][1], rfc1123_date(self._epoch.timeTime())) self.assertEqual(headers[1][0].lower(), 'cache-control') self.assertEqual(headers[1][1], 'no-store') def test_mustRevalidate(self): policy = self._makePolicy('mustRevalidate', must_revalidate=1) context = self._makeContext() headers = policy.getHeaders(context) self.assertEqual(len(headers), 2) self.assertEqual(headers[0][0].lower(), 'last-modified') self.assertEqual(headers[0][1], rfc1123_date(self._epoch.timeTime())) self.assertEqual(headers[1][0].lower(), 'cache-control') self.assertEqual(headers[1][1], 'must-revalidate') def test_proxyRevalidate(self): policy = self._makePolicy('proxyRevalidate', proxy_revalidate=1) context = self._makeContext() headers = policy.getHeaders(context) self.assertEqual(len(headers), 2) self.assertEqual(headers[0][0].lower(), 'last-modified') self.assertEqual(headers[0][1], rfc1123_date(self._epoch.timeTime())) self.assertEqual(headers[1][0].lower(), 'cache-control') self.assertEqual(headers[1][1], 'proxy-revalidate') self.assertEqual(policy.getProxyRevalidate(), 1) def test_public(self): policy = self._makePolicy('public', public=1) context = self._makeContext() headers = policy.getHeaders(context) self.assertEqual(len(headers), 2) self.assertEqual(headers[0][0].lower(), 'last-modified') self.assertEqual(headers[0][1], rfc1123_date(self._epoch.timeTime())) self.assertEqual(headers[1][0].lower(), 'cache-control') self.assertEqual(headers[1][1], 'public') self.assertEqual(policy.getPublic(), 1) def test_private(self): policy = self._makePolicy('private', private=1) context = self._makeContext() headers = policy.getHeaders(context) self.assertEqual(len(headers), 2) self.assertEqual(headers[0][0].lower(), 'last-modified') self.assertEqual(headers[0][1], rfc1123_date(self._epoch.timeTime())) self.assertEqual(headers[1][0].lower(), 'cache-control') self.assertEqual(headers[1][1], 'private') self.assertEqual(policy.getPrivate(), 1) def test_noTransform(self): policy = self._makePolicy('noTransform', no_transform=1) context = self._makeContext() headers = policy.getHeaders(context) self.assertEqual(len(headers), 2) self.assertEqual(headers[0][0].lower(), 'last-modified') self.assertEqual(headers[0][1], rfc1123_date(self._epoch.timeTime())) self.assertEqual(headers[1][0].lower(), 'cache-control') self.assertEqual(headers[1][1], 'no-transform') self.assertEqual(policy.getNoTransform(), 1) def test_lastModified(self): policy = self._makePolicy('lastModified', last_modified=0) context = self._makeContext() headers = policy.getHeaders(context) self.assertEqual(len(headers), 0) self.assertEqual(policy.getLastModified(), 0) def test_preCheck(self): policy = self._makePolicy('preCheck', pre_check=1) context = self._makeContext() headers = policy.getHeaders(context) self.assertEqual(len(headers), 2) self.assertEqual(headers[0][0].lower(), 'last-modified') self.assertEqual(headers[0][1], rfc1123_date(self._epoch.timeTime())) self.assertEqual(headers[1][0].lower(), 'cache-control') self.assertEqual(headers[1][1], 'pre-check=1') self.assertEqual(policy.getPreCheck(), 1) self.assertEqual(policy.getPostCheck(), None) def test_postCheck(self): policy = self._makePolicy('postCheck', post_check=1) context = self._makeContext() headers = policy.getHeaders(context) self.assertEqual(len(headers), 2) self.assertEqual(headers[0][0].lower(), 'last-modified') self.assertEqual(headers[0][1], rfc1123_date(self._epoch.timeTime())) self.assertEqual(headers[1][0].lower(), 'cache-control') self.assertEqual(headers[1][1], 'post-check=1') self.assertEqual(policy.getPostCheck(), 1) self.assertEqual(policy.getPreCheck(), None) def test_ETag(self): # With an empty etag_func, no ETag should be produced policy = self._makePolicy('ETag', etag_func='') context = self._makeContext() headers = policy.getHeaders(context) self.assertEqual(len(headers), 1) self.assertEqual(headers[0][0].lower(), 'last-modified') self.assertEqual(headers[0][1], rfc1123_date(self._epoch.timeTime())) policy = self._makePolicy('ETag', etag_func='string:foo') context = self._makeContext() headers = policy.getHeaders(context) self.assertEqual(len(headers), 2) self.assertEqual(headers[0][0].lower(), 'last-modified') self.assertEqual(headers[0][1], rfc1123_date(self._epoch.timeTime())) self.assertEqual(headers[1][0].lower(), 'etag') self.assertEqual(headers[1][1], 'foo') def test_combined(self): policy = self._makePolicy('noStore', no_cache=1, no_store=1) context = self._makeContext() headers = policy.getHeaders(context) self.assertEqual(len(headers), 3) self.assertEqual(headers[0][0].lower(), 'last-modified') self.assertEqual(headers[0][1], rfc1123_date(self._epoch.timeTime())) self.assertEqual(headers[1][0].lower(), 'pragma') self.assertEqual(headers[1][1], 'no-cache') self.assertEqual(headers[2][0].lower(), 'cache-control') self.assertEqual(headers[2][1], 'no-cache, no-store') class CachingPolicyManagerTests(unittest.TestCase): layer = TraversingZCMLLayer def _getTargetClass(self): from ..CachingPolicyManager import CachingPolicyManager return CachingPolicyManager def _makeOne(self, *args, **kw): return self._getTargetClass()(*args, **kw) def setUp(self): self._epoch = DateTime() getSiteManager().registerUtility(DummyTool(), IMembershipTool) def assertEqualDelta(self, lhs, rhs, delta): self.assertTrue(abs(lhs - rhs) <= delta) def test_interfaces(self): from ..CachingPolicyManager import CachingPolicyManager from ..interfaces import ICachingPolicyManager verifyClass(ICachingPolicyManager, CachingPolicyManager) def test_empty(self): mgr = self._makeOne() self.assertEqual(len(mgr.listPolicies()), 0) headers = mgr.getHTTPCachingHeaders(content=DummyContent2(self._epoch), view_method='foo_view', keywords={}, time=self._epoch) self.assertEqual(len(headers), 0) self.assertRaises(KeyError, mgr._updatePolicy, 'xyzzy', None, None, None, None, None, None, '', '', None, None, None, None, None) self.assertRaises(KeyError, mgr._removePolicy, 'xyzzy') self.assertRaises(KeyError, mgr._reorderPolicy, 'xyzzy', -1) def test_addAndUpdatePolicy(self): mgr = self._makeOne() mgr.addPolicy('first', 'python:1', 'mtime', 1, 0, 1, 0, 'vary', 'etag', None, 2, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 2, 3) p = mgr._policies['first'] self.assertEqual(p.getPolicyId(), 'first') self.assertEqual(p.getPredicate(), 'python:1') self.assertEqual(p.getMTimeFunc(), 'mtime') self.assertEqual(p.getMaxAgeSecs(), 1) self.assertEqual(p.getNoCache(), 0) self.assertEqual(p.getNoStore(), 1) self.assertEqual(p.getMustRevalidate(), 0) self.assertEqual(p.getVary(), 'vary') self.assertEqual(p.getETagFunc(), 'etag') self.assertEqual(p.getSMaxAgeSecs(), 2) self.assertEqual(p.getProxyRevalidate(), 1) self.assertEqual(p.getPublic(), 0) self.assertEqual(p.getPrivate(), 1) self.assertEqual(p.getNoTransform(), 0) self.assertEqual(p.getEnable304s(), 1) self.assertEqual(p.getLastModified(), 0) self.assertEqual(p.getPreCheck(), 2) self.assertEqual(p.getPostCheck(), 3) mgr.updatePolicy('first', 'python:0', 'mtime2', 2, 1, 0, 1, 'vary2', 'etag2', None, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 3, 2) p = mgr._policies['first'] self.assertEqual(p.getPolicyId(), 'first') self.assertEqual(p.getPredicate(), 'python:0') self.assertEqual(p.getMTimeFunc(), 'mtime2') self.assertEqual(p.getMaxAgeSecs(), 2) self.assertEqual(p.getNoCache(), 1) self.assertEqual(p.getNoStore(), 0) self.assertEqual(p.getMustRevalidate(), 1) self.assertEqual(p.getVary(), 'vary2') self.assertEqual(p.getETagFunc(), 'etag2') self.assertEqual(p.getSMaxAgeSecs(), 1) self.assertEqual(p.getProxyRevalidate(), 0) self.assertEqual(p.getPublic(), 1) self.assertEqual(p.getPrivate(), 0) self.assertEqual(p.getNoTransform(), 1) self.assertEqual(p.getEnable304s(), 0) self.assertEqual(p.getLastModified(), 1) self.assertEqual(p.getPreCheck(), 3) self.assertEqual(p.getPostCheck(), 2) def test_reorder(self): mgr = self._makeOne() policy_ids = ('foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'qux') for policy_id in policy_ids: mgr._addPolicy(policy_id, 'python:"%s" in keywords' % policy_id, None, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '') ids = tuple([x[0] for x in mgr.listPolicies()]) self.assertEqual(ids, policy_ids) mgr._reorderPolicy('bar', 3) ids = tuple([x[0] for x in mgr.listPolicies()]) self.assertEqual(ids, ('foo', 'baz', 'qux', 'bar')) def _makeOneWithPolicies(self): mgr = self._makeOne() policy_tuples = (('foo', None), ('bar', 0), ('baz', 3600), ('qux', 86400)) for policy_id, max_age_secs in policy_tuples: mgr._addPolicy(policy_id, 'python:"%s" in keywords' % policy_id, None, max_age_secs, 0, 0, 0, '', '') return mgr def test_lookupNoMatch(self): mgr = self._makeOneWithPolicies() headers = mgr.getHTTPCachingHeaders(content=DummyContent2(self._epoch), view_method='foo_view', keywords={}, time=self._epoch) self.assertEqual(len(headers), 0) def test_lookupMatchFoo(self): mgr = self._makeOneWithPolicies() headers = mgr.getHTTPCachingHeaders(content=DummyContent2(self._epoch), view_method='foo_view', keywords={'foo': 1}, time=self._epoch) self.assertEqual(len(headers), 1) self.assertEqual(headers[0][0].lower(), 'last-modified') self.assertEqual(headers[0][1], rfc1123_date(self._epoch.timeTime())) def test_lookupMatchBar(self): mgr = self._makeOneWithPolicies() headers = mgr.getHTTPCachingHeaders(content=DummyContent2(self._epoch), view_method='foo_view', keywords={'bar': 1}, time=self._epoch) self.assertEqual(len(headers), 3) self.assertEqual(headers[0][0].lower(), 'last-modified') self.assertEqual(headers[0][1], rfc1123_date(self._epoch.timeTime())) self.assertEqual(headers[1][0].lower(), 'expires') self.assertEqual(headers[1][1], rfc1123_date(self._epoch.timeTime())) self.assertEqual(headers[2][0].lower(), 'cache-control') self.assertEqual(headers[2][1], 'max-age=0') def test_lookupMatchBaz(self): mgr = self._makeOneWithPolicies() headers = mgr.getHTTPCachingHeaders(content=DummyContent2(self._epoch), view_method='foo_view', keywords={'baz': 1}, time=self._epoch) self.assertEqual(len(headers), 3) self.assertEqual(headers[0][0].lower(), 'last-modified') self.assertEqual(headers[0][1], rfc1123_date(self._epoch.timeTime())) self.assertEqual(headers[1][0].lower(), 'expires') exp_time = DateTime(headers[1][1]) target = self._epoch + (1.0 / 24.0) self.assertEqualDelta(exp_time, target, 0.01) self.assertEqual(headers[2][0].lower(), 'cache-control') self.assertEqual(headers[2][1], 'max-age=3600') def test_lookupMatchQux(self): mgr = self._makeOneWithPolicies() headers = mgr.getHTTPCachingHeaders(content=DummyContent2(self._epoch), view_method='foo_view', keywords={'qux': 1}, time=self._epoch) self.assertEqual(len(headers), 3) self.assertEqual(headers[0][0].lower(), 'last-modified') self.assertEqual(headers[0][1], rfc1123_date(self._epoch.timeTime())) self.assertEqual(headers[1][0].lower(), 'expires') exp_time = DateTime(headers[1][1]) target = self._epoch + 1.0 self.assertEqualDelta(exp_time, target, 0.01) self.assertEqual(headers[2][0].lower(), 'cache-control') self.assertEqual(headers[2][1], 'max-age=86400') class CachingPolicyManager304Tests(SecurityTest, FSDVTest): layer = TraversingZCMLLayer def _getTargetClass(self): from ..CachingPolicyManager import CachingPolicyManager return CachingPolicyManager def _makeOne(self, *args, **kw): return self._getTargetClass()(*args, **kw) def setUp(self): from ..interfaces import ICachingPolicyManager SecurityTest.setUp(self) FSDVTest.setUp(self) now = DateTime() # Create a fake portal and the
temp_output = [] for i in range(self.num_inputs): if isinstance(normalized_variables[i][record], list): for num in normalized_variables[i][record]: temp_input.append(float(num)) else: temp_input.append(normalized_variables[i][record]) for i in range(self.num_outputs): if isinstance(normalized_variables[i + self.num_inputs][record], list): for num in normalized_variables[i + self.num_inputs][record]: temp_output.append(float(num)) else: temp_output.append(normalized_variables[i + self.num_inputs][record]) normalized_data.append([temp_input, temp_output]) record += 1 self.normalized_data = normalized_data # if self.parent_study.using_numpy: # temp_array = [] # for pair in normalized_data: # temp_array.append(map(lambda x: np.array(x, ndmin=2).T, pair)) # # self.np_normalized_data = np.array(temp_array) self.save_normalized_data_to_file() # to make the order of data n a random sequence # random.shuffle(self.normalized_data) # print self.get_mean_row() def read_file(self): # train = np.array(list(csv.reader(open(self.source_data_file, "rb"), delimiter=','))) # .astype('float') """ reading the data file @return: list of lists, each sub list is a data line """ tmp = [] try: with open(self.source_data_file, 'rb') as csvfile: spam_reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='|') for row in spam_reader: # tmp.append(', '.join(row)) tmp.append(row) except: print '\nFile Not found.\nThe fine named {} is not found at the root directory, ' \ 'please make sure it is located at the correct location and try again.'.format(self.source_data_file) exit() def read_cell(cel): """ Read data and specify if string or numeric @param cel: data cell @return: float of string value """ try: # if is is a number return float(cel) except: # otherwise return a trimmed string (with no spaces on either directions return cel.strip() # return x # creating titles and separating data from them var_count = len(tmp[0]) self.num_inputs = var_count - self.num_outputs if self.has_titles and self.has_briefs: # remove white spaces if any (trim) tmp[0] = map(lambda x: x.strip(), tmp[0]) tmp[1] = map(lambda x: x.strip(), tmp[1]) self.titles = tmp[0] self.briefs = tmp[1] tmp = tmp[2:] elif self.has_titles: # if it only has full titles, we will initiate a brief title tmp[0] = map(lambda x: x.strip(), tmp[0]) self.titles = tmp[0] self.briefs = ['In' + str(x) if x < self.num_inputs else 'Ot' + str(x - self.num_inputs) for x in range(var_count)] tmp = tmp[1:] elif self.has_briefs: # if it only has briefs we will consider them as full titles as well tmp[0] = map(lambda x: x.strip(), tmp[0]) self.briefs = tmp[0] self.titles = tmp[0] tmp = tmp[1:] else: # no titles provided self.titles = ['Input variable {' + str(x + 1) + '}' if x < self.num_inputs else 'Output variable {' + str(x - self.num_inputs + 1) + '}' for x in range(var_count)] self.briefs = ['In' + str(x + 1) if x < self.num_inputs else 'Ot' + str(x - self.num_inputs + 1) for x in range(var_count)] data_ok = [] for line in tmp: lll = [] for cell in line: lll.append(read_cell(cell)) data_ok.append(lll) return data_ok def save_normalized_data_to_file(self, clear_file=True, file_name='NormalizedData.csv'): """ Save normalized data to a text file @param clear_file:If True, then the file will be cleaned before appending current data, otherwise, it will append current data to previous data @param file_name: the saving file name, Default value is 'NormalizedData.csv' """ file_name = self.parent_study.new_folder_path + '\\' + file_name if clear_file: open(file_name, "w").close() file_ann = open(file_name, "a") for line in self.normalized_data: clean_line = str(line) clean_line = clean_line.replace('[', '') clean_line = clean_line.replace(']', '') clean_line = clean_line.replace("'", "") file_ann.writelines(clean_line + '\n') file_ann.close() def get_normalized_structure(self): """ returns the normalized structure of the ANN @return: a tuple of (# of inputs, # of hidden, # of outputs) """ inputs = self.num_inputs outputs = self.num_outputs self.data_style = [] for i, var in enumerate(self.input_variables): if var.data_type != 'Numeric': unique_values = len(var.unique_values) inputs += unique_values - 1 for j in range(unique_values): self.data_style.append('cI' + str(i) + '-' + str(j)) else: self.data_style.append('nI' + str(i)) for i, var in enumerate(self.output_variables): if var.data_type != 'Numeric': unique_values = len(var.unique_values) outputs += unique_values - 1 for j in range(unique_values): self.data_style.append('cO' + str(i) + '-' + str(j)) else: self.data_style.append('nO' + str(i)) # Consider hidden size = 2/3 the sum of inputs and outputs hidden = int(math.ceil((inputs + outputs) * 2 / 3)) return inputs, hidden, outputs def get_titles(self, title_type='titles', source='inputs'): """ returns titles of data depending on requested parameters @param title_type: either 'titles', or 'briefs'. The default is 'titles' @param source: either 'inputs' to return input variables' titles or briefs, or 'outputs' to return output variables' titles or briefs @return: required feature as described above """ variables = self.input_variables if source == 'inputs' else self.output_variables tmp = [] for var in variables: tmp.append( if title_type == 'titles' else var.brief) return tmp def get_mean_row(self, expanded=True, location='average', encrypted_result=True): """ @param expanded: if True (Default), it will returns number of 'c' equivalent to the number of members of the categoric variable. otherwise, returns one 'c' per categoric variable @param location: Default is 'average' to return the line in the middle of the data Other values are '1/4' and '3/4', but not yet implemented @param encrypted_result:NOT yet completed, leave defaults please Default is True, to return 'c's or 'n's @return: """ mean_row = [] if location == 'average': if encrypted_result: for var in self.input_variables: if var.data_type != 'Numeric': # categoric, it will return only the number of categories if not expanded: mean_row.append('c' + str(len(var.get_basic_stats()))) else: for i in range(len(var.get_basic_stats())): mean_row.append('c') else: # Numeric mean_row.append(var.get_basic_stats()[0]) else: for var in self.input_variables: if var.data_type != 'Numeric': mean_row.extend([0 for i in range(len(var.get_basic_stats()))]) elif location == '1/4': pass elif location == '3/4': pass return mean_row def get_data_style(self, required_style='binary'): """ :return: @param required_style: Default is 'binary', returns a list of boolean values True = Numeric False = Categoric@return: Otherwise, 'vars' returns just number of variables. """ temp = None if required_style == 'binary': temp = [] for var in self.data_style: if var[0] == 'c': temp.append(False) else: temp.append(True) elif required_style == 'vars': temp = [[], []] for var in self.data_style: if var[1] == 'I': temp[0].append(int(var[2])) else: temp[1].append(int(var[2])) return temp class Variable: """ A new variable, to define data_type, min, max, etc... """ def __init__(self, value_list, caption, data_type='Numeric', brief='Var'): """ @param value_list: the list of values of this variable @param caption: the caption/ title of the variable @param data_type: its data type (Numeric or Categoric) @param brief: Its brief title (for small plots) """ def average(s): """ Calculates the average of a list @param s: A list of values @return: its average """ return sum(s) * 1.0 / len(s) = caption self.brief = brief self.data_type = data_type self.values = value_list if self.data_type == 'Numeric': self.min = min(value_list) self.max = max(value_list) self.count = len(value_list) self.avg = average(value_list) self.var = average(map(lambda x: (x - self.avg) ** 2, self.values)) self.stdev = math.sqrt(self.var) if self.min == self.max: # The variable is single-valued variable and should be removed self.is_valid = False print "The variable of name '" + caption + "' is a single valued variable! it will not be " \ "considered in the analysis." else: self.is_valid = True else: # self.unique_values = sorted(list(set(value_list))) # collections.Counter([i-i%3+3 for i in self.values]) value_list_ok = [i for i in value_list] self.frequency = collections.Counter(value_list_ok) # collections.Counter([i-i%3+3 for i in self.values]) self.members = [] # will be filled after normalization(similar to unique values but sort descending) self.normalized_lists = [] # will be filled after normalization self.members_indices = {} self.do_one_of_many_normalization() # change the unique_values list to be like the members list self.unique_values = self.members self.num_categories = len(self.unique_values) # print self.get_de_normalized_value([.4, .8, .1, .0, .7, .2]) if self.num_categories == 1: self.is_valid = False print "The variable of name '" + caption + "' is a single valued variable! it will not be " \ "considered in the analysis." else: self.is_valid = True pass def __str__(self): # print 'Variable: ', """ Prints the basic information about the variable to the console @return: ... And returns what is printed! """ string = '' if self.data_type != 'Numeric': # Categoric data types labels = ['Variable', 'Brief name', 'Data type', 'Values', 'Num. of categories', 'Frequencies'] l = max(map(lambda x: len(x), labels)) + 1 values = [, self.brief, self.data_type, self.unique_values, self.num_categories, dict(self.frequency)] for i, label in enumerate(labels): string += '{:<{}s}'.format(label, l) + ': ' + str(values[i]) + '\n' else: labels =
import math, torch import numpy as np from numpy.random import normal as normrnd from scipy.stats import multivariate_normal, norm from scipy.linalg import sqrtm, expm from pdb import set_trace as bp from include.DNN import DNN import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.animation as animation from include.dataStructures.particle import Particle class localize: def __init__(self, numP, su, sz, distMap, mat, wayPts, R, dim, useClas, hardClas, modelpath="./models/best.pth"): = numP = sz self.dists = distMap self.dim = dim self.wayPts = wayPts self.pts = self.convert(wayPts) self.nAP = mat.numAPs self.tx = mat.Tx self.R = R self.start = self.wayPts[0] = su self.path = [] self.APLocs = [] self.IDs = [] self.use = useClas self.hard = hardClas self.modelpath = modelpath self.model = None self.confidence = [0, 0, 0, 0] # true positive, false positive, true negative, false negative if self.dim == 2: = su[0:2] if self.use: self.load_model() def print(self, samples): for i in range( print("pose: ", samples[i].pose, " | weight: ", samples[i].w) def distance(self, x, y): if len(x)==3 and len(y)==3: return math.sqrt( (x[1]-y[1])**2 + (x[0]-y[0])**2 + (x[2]-y[2])**2 ) else: return math.sqrt( (x[1]-y[1])**2 + (x[0]-y[0])**2 ) def MSE(self): mse = 0 for i in range(len(self.pts)): mse += self.distance(self.wayPts[i], self.path[i]) mse = mse/len(self.pts) return mse def getCDF(self): cdf = [0 for x in range(len(self.pts))] for i in range(len(self.pts)): cdf[i] = self.distance(self.wayPts[i], self.path[i]) return cdf def distrib(self): start = self.wayPts[0] ; samples = [] if self.dim == 2: start = [start[0], start[1]] if self.dim == 3: start = start for _ in range( samples.append(Particle(start, 1/ return samples def convert(self, pts): n = len(pts) rtPts = [] for i in range(1, n): dx = pts[i][0] - pts[i-1][0] dy = pts[i][1] - pts[i-1][1] if self.dim==2: rtPts.append([dx, dy]) if self.dim==3: dz = pts[i][2] - pts[i-1][2] ; rtPts.append([dx, dy, dz]) return rtPts ''' load pytorch model and save dict ''' def load_model(self): model = DNN() path = self.modelpath checkpoint = torch.load(path) model.load_state_dict(checkpoint['state_dict']) self.model = model self.model.eval() ''' classify into LOS/NLOS ''' def classify(self, rssi, euc): inp = torch.tensor([rssi, euc]) out = self.model(inp.float()) pred = 1 if (out[1]>out[0]) else 0 return pred ''' weighting using the normpdf subroutine ''' def getWeight(self, dz): norpdf = 1 for i in range(len(dz)): if dz[i]!=0: norpdf *= norm.pdf(dz[i], 0,[i]) return norpdf ''' weighting using the mvnpdf subroutine ''' def getMultiWeight(self, dz): idx = [i for i, e in enumerate(dz) if e != 0] val = [] ; sig = [] if len(idx)==0: return 1/ for i in idx: val.append(dz[i]) sig.append([i]) mvn = multivariate_normal([0]*len(idx), np.diag(sig)) return mvn.pdf(val) ''' return is not required as python works on pass-by-reference and there is no way of emulating pass-by-value ''' def motion_model(self, samples, point, su): for i in range( dx = point[0] - normrnd(0, su[0]) dy = point[1] - normrnd(0, su[1]) if self.dim == 2: pose = [samples[i].pose[0] + dx, samples[i].pose[1] + dy] if self.dim == 3: dz = point[2] - normrnd(0, su[2]) if self.dim == 3: pose = [samples[i].pose[0] + dx, samples[i].pose[1] + dy, samples[i].pose[2] + dz] samples[i].pose = pose ''' measurement model for the particle filter label for dMap = 1 : NLOS , 0 : LOS ''' def measure_model(self, samples, z): totalWt = 0 ; nAP = len(z) for i in range( dz = [0 for x in range(nAP)] for j in range(nAP): tx = self.tx[j] ; pos = samples[i].pose d = self.distance(tx, pos) if d <= self.R: if self.use: if self.hard: label = self.classify(z[j].rssi, d) # confidence matrix calculation if label==0 and z[j].label==0: self.confidence[0]= self.confidence[0]+1 # true positive elif label==0 and z[j].label==1: self.confidence[1]= self.confidence[1]+1 # false negative elif label==1 and z[j].label==1: self.confidence[2]= self.confidence[2]+1 # true negative elif label==1 and z[j].label==0: self.confidence[3]= self.confidence[3]+1 # false positive if label==0: dz[j] = abs(z[j].rssi-d) else: inp = torch.tensor([z[j].rssi, d]) out = self.model(inp.float()).detach().numpy() dz[j] = out[0]*abs(z[j].rssi-d) + out[1]*abs(z[j].rssi - normrnd(self.R,3)) # confidence matrix calculation if out[0]>out[1] and z[j].label==0: self.confidence[0]= self.confidence[0]+1 # true positive elif out[0]>out[1] and z[j].label==1: self.confidence[1]= self.confidence[1]+1 # false positive elif out[0]<out[1] and z[j].label==1: self.confidence[2]= self.confidence[2]+1 # true negative elif out[0]<out[1] and z[j].label==0: self.confidence[3]= self.confidence[3]+1 # false negative else: dz[j] = abs(z[j].rssi-d) wt = self.getWeight(dz) samples[i].w *= wt totalWt += wt if totalWt!=0: for i in range( samples[i].w = samples[i].w / totalWt else: for i in range( samples[i].w = 1/ ''' measurement model for fast slam v1 label for dMap = 1 : NLOS , 0 : LOS ''' def fast_measure_model(self, samples, z): if self.dim == 2: Qt = np.diag([10,10]) if self.dim == 3: Qt = np.diag([10,10,10]) Qt = Qt.tolist() ; nAP = len(z) ; totWt = 0 for i in range( for j in range(nAP): tx = np.array(self.tx[j]) ; pos = np.array(samples[i].pose) d = self.distance(tx, pos) if d <= self.R: # initialize particle map if j not in samples[i].mapID: samples[i].mapMu.append(tx) samples[i].mapSigma.append(Qt) samples[i].mapID.append(j) samples[i].hashMap[j] = len(samples[i].mapID) - 1 samples[i].w = 1/ # update particle map else: ID = samples[i].hashMap[j] # prediction step muHat = samples[i].mapMu[ID] sigHat = np.array(samples[i].mapSigma[ID]) # update step dHat = self.distance(pos, muHat) # use classifier or not if self.use: if self.hard: label = self.classify(z[j].rssi, dHat) # confidence matrix calculation if label==0 and z[j].label==0: self.confidence[0]= self.confidence[0]+1 # true positive elif label==0 and z[j].label==1: self.confidence[1]= self.confidence[1]+1 # false negative elif label==1 and z[j].label==1: self.confidence[2]= self.confidence[2]+1 # true negative elif label==1 and z[j].label==0: self.confidence[3]= self.confidence[3]+1 # false positive if label==0: innov = abs(z[j].rssi-dHat) else: continue else: inp = torch.tensor([z[j].rssi, dHat]) out = self.model(inp.float()).detach().numpy() innov = out[0]*abs(z[j].rssi - dHat) + out[1]*abs(z[j].rssi - normrnd(self.R,3)) # confidence matrix calculation if out[0]>out[1] and z[j].label==0: self.confidence[0]= self.confidence[0]+1 # true positive elif out[0]>out[1] and z[j].label==1: self.confidence[1]= self.confidence[1]+1 # false negative elif out[0]<out[1] and z[j].label==1: self.confidence[2]= self.confidence[2]+1 # true negative elif out[0]<out[1] and z[j].label==0: self.confidence[3]= self.confidence[3]+1 # false positive else: innov = abs(z[j].rssi - dHat) dx = muHat[0] - pos[0] ; dy = muHat[1] - pos[1] den = math.sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2) H = np.array([dx/den, dy/den]) if self.dim==3: dz = muHat[2] - pos[2] den = math.sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2 + dz**2) H = np.array([dx/den, dy/den, dz/den]) try: Q = np.matmul(np.matmul(H, sigHat), H) +[j] except: bp() # Kalman Gain K = np.matmul(sigHat, H)/Q # update pose/ covar mu = muHat + innov*K K = K.reshape((self.dim,1)) sig = (np.identity(self.dim) - K*H)*sigHat samples[i].mapMu[ID] = mu.reshape((self.dim,)) samples[i].mapSigma[ID] = sig.tolist() samples[i].w = max(samples[i].w, math.sqrt(2*math.pi*Q)*math.exp(-0.5*(innov**2)/Q)) totWt += samples[i].w # normalize the weights if totWt==0: for i in range( samples[i].w = 1/ else: for i in range( samples[i].w = samples[i].w/totWt ''' resampling algorithm applicable to both particle filter and fast slam because of common structure of particle ''' def resample(self, samples): idx = [0]* ; Q = [0]* ; Q[0] = samples[0].w for i in range(1, Q[i] = samples[i].w + Q[i-1] t = np.random.rand(, 1) T = np.sort(t, axis=0) T[] = 1 ; i,j = 0,0 while i< and j< if T[i] < Q[j]: idx[i] = j i += 1 else: j += 1 if len(set(idx))>0.2* for i in range( samples[i].pose = samples[idx[i]].pose samples[i].w = 1/ samples[i].mapMu = samples[idx[i]].mapMu samples[i].mapID = samples[idx[i]].mapID samples[i].mapSigma = samples[idx[i]].mapSigma samples[i].hashMap = samples[idx[i]].hashMap ''' Calculates the effective number of particles in the sampled distribution. ''' def neff(self, samples): wghts = [0]* ; totWt = 0 for i in range( wghts[i] = samples[i].w totWt += samples[i].w den = 0 for i in range( wghts[i] = (wghts[i]/totWt)**2 den += wghts[i] return 1/den ''' Calculates weighted mean and variance of the sample distribution ''' def meanVar(self, samples): totWt = 0 ; mu = [0 for _ in range(self.dim)] ; sig = np.zeros((self.dim,self.dim)) for i in range( mu[0] += samples[i].pose[0] mu[1] += samples[i].pose[1] if self.dim==3: mu[2] += samples[i].pose[2] totWt += samples[i].w if self.dim==2: mu = [mu[0]/, mu[1]/] if self.dim==3: mu = [mu[0]/, mu[1]/, mu[2]/] for i in range( if self.dim==2: x = np.array([ samples[i].pose[0]-mu[0] , samples[i].pose[1]-mu[1] ]) if self.dim==3: x = np.array([ samples[i].pose[0]-mu[0] , samples[i].pose[1]-mu[1] , samples[i].pose[2]-mu[2] ]) sig += np.matmul(x.reshape((self.dim,1)),x.reshape((1,self.dim))) sig = sig/ return mu, sig ''' Calculates weighted mean and variance of the sample distribution '''
W = int(line[0]) Ln = int(line[1]) Un = int(line[2]) G = int(line[3]) L = [] for i in range(Ln): line = input.readline().split() x = int(line[0]) y = int(line[1]) L.append((x, y)) return Ln def func_274c29e3e1244da3b1b5d8eb82909935(input): line = input.readline().split() W = int(line[0]) Ln = int(line[1]) Un = int(line[2]) G = int(line[3]) L = [] for i in range(Ln): line = input.readline().split() x = int(line[0]) y = int(line[1]) L.append((x, y)) return i def func_8b249f43a02344e3937a53df149f940e(input): W = int(line[0]) Ln = int(line[1]) Un = int(line[2]) G = int(line[3]) L = [] for i in range(Ln): line = input.readline().split() x = int(line[0]) y = int(line[1]) L.append((x, y)) U = [] return i def func_91cf33ea3dcc4f24b8b9406a5f2101b1(input): W = int(line[0]) Ln = int(line[1]) Un = int(line[2]) G = int(line[3]) L = [] for i in range(Ln): line = input.readline().split() x = int(line[0]) y = int(line[1]) L.append((x, y)) U = [] return line def func_73e3bbc45d89414e8d03cbb496a9cea1(input): W = int(line[0]) Ln = int(line[1]) Un = int(line[2]) G = int(line[3]) L = [] for i in range(Ln): line = input.readline().split() x = int(line[0]) y = int(line[1]) L.append((x, y)) U = [] return y def func_961541194efa4e82b4401054eb12f225(input): W = int(line[0]) Ln = int(line[1]) Un = int(line[2]) G = int(line[3]) L = [] for i in range(Ln): line = input.readline().split() x = int(line[0]) y = int(line[1]) L.append((x, y)) U = [] return x def func_cae936e9e42e426eb0c0fc38c2e313d9(input): W = int(line[0]) Ln = int(line[1]) Un = int(line[2]) G = int(line[3]) L = [] for i in range(Ln): line = input.readline().split() x = int(line[0]) y = int(line[1]) L.append((x, y)) U = [] return Ln def func_dd086ff8e08a4c7fbdc7c5716a167710(input): W = int(line[0]) Ln = int(line[1]) Un = int(line[2]) G = int(line[3]) L = [] for i in range(Ln): line = input.readline().split() x = int(line[0]) y = int(line[1]) L.append((x, y)) U = [] return G def func_1034ce88e7a746db9ee2f27bc9b38cb6(input): W = int(line[0]) Ln = int(line[1]) Un = int(line[2]) G = int(line[3]) L = [] for i in range(Ln): line = input.readline().split() x = int(line[0]) y = int(line[1]) L.append((x, y)) U = [] return W def func_2eb22b3eaa944ea697f9ab683a313a9b(input): W = int(line[0]) Ln = int(line[1]) Un = int(line[2]) G = int(line[3]) L = [] for i in range(Ln): line = input.readline().split() x = int(line[0]) y = int(line[1]) L.append((x, y)) U = [] return L def func_c0094d0f670d42b38962d9e06ab25adc(input): W = int(line[0]) Ln = int(line[1]) Un = int(line[2]) G = int(line[3]) L = [] for i in range(Ln): line = input.readline().split() x = int(line[0]) y = int(line[1]) L.append((x, y)) U = [] return U def func_fef22b20348a4fb7b37e0cbb71e50707(input): W = int(line[0]) Ln = int(line[1]) Un = int(line[2]) G = int(line[3]) L = [] for i in range(Ln): line = input.readline().split() x = int(line[0]) y = int(line[1]) L.append((x, y)) U = [] return Un def func_4f612b42db234ed498b71b4f3791c68c(input): Ln = int(line[1]) Un = int(line[2]) G = int(line[3]) L = [] for i in range(Ln): line = input.readline().split() x = int(line[0]) y = int(line[1]) L.append((x, y)) U = [] for i in range(Un): line = input.readline().split() x = int(line[0]) y = int(line[1]) U.append((x, y)) return x def func_00b9dc9bd80345eea12b41e1a103ae5c(input): Ln = int(line[1]) Un = int(line[2]) G = int(line[3]) L = [] for i in range(Ln): line = input.readline().split() x = int(line[0]) y = int(line[1]) L.append((x, y)) U = [] for i in range(Un): line = input.readline().split() x = int(line[0]) y = int(line[1]) U.append((x, y)) return Un def func_6d2fd5cfa7be471d8b68d3c15333c5b7(input): Ln = int(line[1]) Un = int(line[2]) G = int(line[3]) L = [] for i in range(Ln): line = input.readline().split() x = int(line[0]) y = int(line[1]) L.append((x, y)) U = [] for i in range(Un): line = input.readline().split() x = int(line[0]) y = int(line[1]) U.append((x, y)) return i def func_bf383be0c4154071965497e0ca0e6452(input): Ln = int(line[1]) Un = int(line[2]) G = int(line[3]) L = [] for i in range(Ln): line = input.readline().split() x = int(line[0]) y = int(line[1]) L.append((x, y)) U = [] for i in range(Un): line = input.readline().split() x = int(line[0]) y = int(line[1]) U.append((x, y)) return y def func_bbc2b84f4c8e42a4bc1df5ae3f7c4a81(input): Ln = int(line[1]) Un = int(line[2]) G = int(line[3]) L = [] for i in range(Ln): line = input.readline().split() x = int(line[0]) y = int(line[1]) L.append((x, y)) U = [] for i in range(Un): line = input.readline().split() x = int(line[0]) y = int(line[1]) U.append((x, y)) return G def func_72e21e059ad249a5a4629442c6e41cb0(input): Ln = int(line[1]) Un = int(line[2]) G = int(line[3]) L = [] for i in range(Ln): line = input.readline().split() x = int(line[0]) y = int(line[1]) L.append((x, y)) U = [] for i in range(Un): line = input.readline().split() x = int(line[0]) y = int(line[1]) U.append((x, y)) return line def func_e895bc49a26943d5a0d8f717bbab0de4(input): Ln = int(line[1]) Un = int(line[2]) G = int(line[3]) L = [] for i in range(Ln): line = input.readline().split() x = int(line[0]) y = int(line[1]) L.append((x, y)) U = [] for i in range(Un): line = input.readline().split() x = int(line[0]) y = int(line[1]) U.append((x, y)) return U def func_cc04bbd70fa6463783f918db4859e1ba(input): Ln = int(line[1]) Un = int(line[2]) G = int(line[3]) L = [] for i in range(Ln): line = input.readline().split() x = int(line[0]) y = int(line[1]) L.append((x, y)) U = [] for i in range(Un): line = input.readline().split() x = int(line[0]) y = int(line[1]) U.append((x, y)) return L def func_abed7c8e17804f16b45d3b10e4191f6d(input): Ln = int(line[1]) Un = int(line[2]) G = int(line[3]) L = [] for i in range(Ln): line = input.readline().split() x = int(line[0]) y = int(line[1]) L.append((x, y)) U = [] for i in range(Un): line = input.readline().split() x = int(line[0]) y = int(line[1]) U.append((x, y)) return Ln def func_7d38160a11d14357bbfeeba721ee1e02(W, Ln, input): Un = int(line[2]) G = int(line[3]) L = [] for i in range(Ln): line = input.readline().split() x = int(line[0]) y = int(line[1]) L.append((x, y)) U = [] for i in range(Un): line = input.readline().split() x = int(line[0]) y = int(line[1]) U.append((x, y)) res = solve(W, L, U, G) return i def func_81563792259d46ebb3f1e683c28e3198(W, Ln, input): Un = int(line[2]) G = int(line[3]) L = [] for i in range(Ln): line = input.readline().split() x = int(line[0]) y = int(line[1]) L.append((x, y)) U = [] for i in range(Un): line = input.readline().split() x = int(line[0]) y = int(line[1]) U.append((x, y)) res = solve(W, L, U, G) return line def func_2bc4ca6dd1d844a8af484ce721c1b8fc(W, Ln, input): Un = int(line[2]) G = int(line[3]) L = [] for i in range(Ln): line = input.readline().split() x = int(line[0]) y = int(line[1]) L.append((x, y)) U = [] for i in range(Un): line = input.readline().split() x = int(line[0]) y = int(line[1]) U.append((x, y)) res = solve(W, L, U, G) return G def func_a241ca65bec8415ba481bb4483510f98(W, Ln, input): Un = int(line[2]) G = int(line[3]) L = [] for i in range(Ln): line = input.readline().split() x = int(line[0]) y = int(line[1]) L.append((x, y)) U = [] for i in range(Un): line = input.readline().split() x = int(line[0]) y = int(line[1]) U.append((x, y)) res = solve(W, L, U, G) return res def func_0a950d3e16694eb3ad9dc1d5f9833345(W, Ln, input): Un = int(line[2]) G = int(line[3]) L = [] for i in range(Ln): line = input.readline().split() x = int(line[0]) y = int(line[1]) L.append((x, y)) U = [] for i in range(Un): line = input.readline().split() x = int(line[0]) y = int(line[1]) U.append((x, y)) res = solve(W, L, U, G) return y def func_74e6642c1cb84eccb5bfcfce673cae00(W, Ln, input): Un = int(line[2]) G = int(line[3]) L = [] for i in range(Ln): line = input.readline().split() x = int(line[0]) y = int(line[1]) L.append((x, y)) U = [] for i in range(Un): line = input.readline().split() x = int(line[0]) y = int(line[1]) U.append((x, y)) res = solve(W, L, U, G) return Un def func_993cbab5a8ba45a0a16db87f66306f82(W, Ln, input): Un = int(line[2]) G = int(line[3]) L = [] for i in range(Ln): line = input.readline().split() x = int(line[0]) y = int(line[1]) L.append((x, y)) U = [] for i in range(Un): line = input.readline().split() x = int(line[0]) y = int(line[1]) U.append((x, y)) res = solve(W, L, U, G) return x def func_896778f8096a4cb7bef6ab941e445e00(W, Ln, input): Un = int(line[2]) G = int(line[3]) L = [] for i in range(Ln): line = input.readline().split() x = int(line[0]) y = int(line[1]) L.append((x, y)) U = [] for i in range(Un): line = input.readline().split() x = int(line[0]) y = int(line[1]) U.append((x, y)) res = solve(W, L,
are read from image file elif isinstance(Data_for_localMaxima, str) or Data_for_localMaxima is None: Data, framedim, fliprot = IOimage.readCCDimage(filename, stackimageindex=stackimageindex, CCDLabel=CCDLabel, dirname=None, verbose=verbose) # if verbose: print("image from filename {} read!".format(filename)) # peak search in a single and particular region of image if center is not None: framediminv = (framedim[1], framedim[0]) imin, imax, jmin, jmax = ImProc.getindices2cropArray(center, boxsizeROI, framediminv) Data = Data[jmin:jmax, imin:imax] if write_execution_time: dtread = ttt.time() - t0 ttread = ttt.time() # if verbose: print("Read Image. Execution time : {:.3f} seconds".format(dtread)) if isinstance(Data_for_localMaxima, str): # if verbose: print("Using Data_for_localMaxima for local maxima search: --->", Data_for_localMaxima) # compute and remove background from this image if Data_for_localMaxima == "auto_background": # if verbose: # print("computing background from current image ", filename) backgroundimage = ImProc.compute_autobackground_image(Data, boxsizefilter=10) # basic substraction usemask = True # path to a background image file else: if stackimageindex == -1: raise ValueError("Use stacked images as background is not implement") path_to_bkgfile = Data_for_localMaxima if verbose: print("Using image file {} as background".format(path_to_bkgfile)) try: backgroundimage, _, _ = IOimage.readCCDimage(path_to_bkgfile, CCDLabel=CCDLabel) except IOError: raise ValueError("{} does not seem to be a path file ".format(path_to_bkgfile)) usemask = False # if verbose: print("Removing background for local maxima search") Data = ImProc.computefilteredimage(Data, backgroundimage, CCDLabel, usemask=usemask, formulaexpression=formulaexpression) # if verbose > 1: print("Data.shape for local maxima", Data.shape) # --- PRE SELECTION OF HOT PIXELS as STARTING POINTS FOR FITTING --------- # first method ---------- "Basic Intensity Threshold" if local_maxima_search_method in (0, "0"): # if verbose: print("Using simple intensity thresholding to detect local maxima (method 1/3)") res = ImProc.LocalMaxima_from_thresholdarray(Data, IntensityThreshold=IntensityThreshold, rois=listrois, framedim=framedim, outputIpixmax=outputIpixmax) if res is not None: if outputIpixmax: peaklist, Ipixmax = res ComputeIpixmax = True else: peaklist = res Ipixmax = np.ones(len(peaklist)) * IntensityThreshold ComputeIpixmax = False # second method ----------- "Local Maxima in a box by shift array method" if local_maxima_search_method in (1, "1"): # flat top peaks (e.g. saturation) are NOT well detected # if verbose: print("Using shift arrays to detect local maxima (method 2/3)") peaklist, Ipixmax = ImProc.LocalMaxima_ShiftArrays(Data, framedim=framedim, IntensityThreshold=IntensityThreshold, Saturation_value=Saturation_value_flatpeak, boxsize_for_probing_minimal_value_background=boxsize, # 30 pixeldistance_remove_duplicates=PixelNearRadius, # 25 nb_of_shift=boxsize) # 25 ComputeIpixmax = True # third method: ------------ "Convolution by a gaussian kernel" if local_maxima_search_method in (2, "2"): # if verbose: print("Using mexican hat convolution to detect local maxima (method 3/3)") peakValConvolve, boxsizeConvolve, central_radiusConvolve = paramsHat Candidates = ImProc.LocalMaxima_KernelConvolution(Data, framedim=framedim, peakValConvolve=peakValConvolve, boxsizeConvolve=boxsizeConvolve, central_radiusConvolve=central_radiusConvolve, thresholdConvolve=thresholdConvolve, # 600 for CdTe connectivity=1, IntensityThreshold=IntensityThreshold, boxsize_for_probing_minimal_value_background=PixelNearRadius, return_nb_raw_blobs=return_nb_raw_blobs, peakposition_definition=peakposition_definition) if Candidates is None: # if verbose: print("No local maxima found, change peak search parameters !!!") return None if return_nb_raw_blobs == 1: peaklist, Ipixmax, nbrawblobs = Candidates else: peaklist, Ipixmax = Candidates # print "len(peaklist)", peaklist.shape # print "Ipixmax", Ipixmax.shape ComputeIpixmax = True # print "Ipixmax after convolution method", Ipixmax # ------------------------------------------------------------- # --- END of blobs search methods calls if (peaklist is None or peaklist is [] or peaklist is np.array([]) or (len(peaklist) == 0)): # if verbose: print("No local maxima found, change peak search parameters !!!") return None # pixel origin correction due to ROI croping if center is not None: x1, y1 = center # TODO: to ne checked !! peaklist = peaklist + np.array([x1, y1]) if write_execution_time: dtsearch = ttt.time() - float(ttread) # if verbose: print("Local maxima search. Execution time : {:.3f} seconds".format(dtsearch)) # removing some duplicates ------------ if len(peaklist) >= 2: nb_peaks_before = len(peaklist) # print "%d peaks in peaklist before purge" % nb_peaks_before # print 'peaklist',in peaklist before purge if len(peaklist) >= NumberMaxofFits: if verbose: print("TOO MUCH peaks to handle.") print("(in PeakSearch) It may stuck the computer.") print("Try to reduce the number of Local Maxima or\n reduce " "NumberMaxofFits in PeakSearch()") return None Xpeaklist, Ypeaklist, tokeep = GT.removeClosePoints(peaklist[:, 0], peaklist[:, 1], dist_tolerance=2) peaklist = np.array([Xpeaklist, Ypeaklist]).T Ipixmax = np.take(Ipixmax, tokeep) if verbose: print("Keep {} from {} initial peaks (ready for peak positions and shape fitting)".format( len(peaklist), nb_peaks_before)) # ----------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------- # remove black listed peaks option # and update peaklist if Remove_BlackListedPeaks_fromfile is not None and len(peaklist)>1: if not isinstance(Remove_BlackListedPeaks_fromfile, str): # array of XY shape = (n,2) XY_blacklisted = Remove_BlackListedPeaks_fromfile elif Remove_BlackListedPeaks_fromfile.endswith(('.dat', '.fit')): XY_blacklisted = Get_blacklisted_spots(Remove_BlackListedPeaks_fromfile) if XY_blacklisted is None: print('No or only 1 Blacklisted spots found...') else: # X, Y = peaklist[:, :2].T (peakX, _, tokeep) = GT.removeClosePoints_two_sets([X, Y], XY_blacklisted, dist_tolerance=maxPixelDistanceRejection, verbose=0) npeak_before = len(X) npeak_after = len(peakX) if verbose: print("\n Removed {} (over {}) peaks belonging to the blacklist {}\n".format( npeak_before - npeak_after, npeak_before, Remove_BlackListedPeaks_fromfile)) peaklist = np.take(peaklist, tokeep, axis=0) Ipixmax = Ipixmax[tokeep] #------------------------------------------------- # ---- ----------- no FITTING ---------------------------- # NO FIT and return raw list of local maxima if fit_peaks_gaussian == 0: if position_definition == 1: # XMAS like offset peaklist[:, :2] = peaklist[:, :2] + np.array([1, 1]) if position_definition == 2: # fit2D offset peaklist[:, 0] = peaklist[:, 0] + 0.5 peaklist[:, 1] = framedim[0] - peaklist[:, 1] + 0.5 if verbose: print("{} local maxima found".format(len(peaklist))) print("20 first peaks", peaklist[:20]) # tabpeak mimics the array built after fitting procedures tabpeak = np.zeros((len(peaklist[:, 0]), 10)) tabpeak[:, 0] = peaklist[:, 0] tabpeak[:, 1] = peaklist[:, 1] tabpeak[:, 2] = Ipixmax # return tabpeak, peaklist, peaklist, peaklist # no fitdata return raw list of local maxima lastelem = peaklist if return_nb_raw_blobs == 1: lastelem = nbrawblobs return tabpeak, peaklist, peaklist, lastelem if (peaklist is None or peaklist is [] or peaklist is np.array([]) or (len(peaklist) == 0)): # print("No local maxima found, no peaks to fit !!!") return None # ---- ---------------FITTING ---------------------------- # gaussian fitdata elif fit_peaks_gaussian == 1: type_of_function = "gaussian" # lorentzian fitdata elif fit_peaks_gaussian == 2: type_of_function = "lorentzian" else: raise ValueError("optional fit_peaks_gaussian value is not understood! Must be 0,1 or 2") if verbose: print("\n*****************") print("{} local maxima found".format(len(peaklist))) print("\n Fitting of each local maxima\n") if center is not None: position_start = "centers" else: position_start = "max" # if Data_for_localMaxima will be used for refining peak positions if Fit_with_Data_for_localMaxima: Data_to_Fit = (Data, framedim, fliprot) else: Data_to_Fit = None return fitoneimage_manypeaks(filename, peaklist, boxsize, stackimageindex, CCDLabel=CCDLabel, dirname=None, position_start=position_start, type_of_function=type_of_function, xtol=xtol, FitPixelDev=FitPixelDev, Ipixmax=Ipixmax, MaxIntensity=Saturation_value, MinIntensity=MinIntensity, PeakSizeRange=PeakSizeRange, verbose=verbose, position_definition=position_definition, NumberMaxofFits=NumberMaxofFits, ComputeIpixmax=ComputeIpixmax, use_data_corrected=Data_to_Fit, reject_negative_baseline=reject_negative_baseline) def Get_blacklisted_spots(filename): XY_blacklisted = None if filename.endswith('.dat'): data_peak_blacklisted = IOLT.read_Peaklist(filename, dirname=None) if len(data_peak_blacklisted) > 1: XY_blacklisted = data_peak_blacklisted[:, :2].T elif filename.endswith('.fit'): resdata = IOLT.readfile_fit(filename) if resdata is not None: allgrainsspotsdata = resdata[4] nspots = len(allgrainsspotsdata) else: nspots = 0 if nspots > 1: XY_blacklisted = allgrainsspotsdata[:, 7:9].T return XY_blacklisted def peaksearch_on_Image(filename_in, pspfile, background_flag="no", blacklistpeaklist=None, dictPeakSearch={}, CCDLabel="MARCCD165", outputfilename=None, psdict_Convolve=PEAKSEARCHDICT_Convolve, verbose=0): r""" Perform a peaksearch by using .psp file # still not very used and checked? # missing dictPeakSearch as function argument for formulaexpression or dict_param?? """ dict_param = readPeakSearchConfigFile(pspfile) Data_for_localMaxima, formulaexpression = read_background_flag(background_flag) blacklistedpeaks_file = set_blacklist_filepath(blacklistpeaklist) dict_param["Data_for_localMaxima"] = Data_for_localMaxima dict_param["formulaexpression"] = formulaexpression dict_param["Remove_BlackListedPeaks_fromfile"] = blacklistedpeaks_file # create a data considered as background from an imagefile BackgroundImageCreated = False flag_for_backgroundremoval = dict_param["Data_for_localMaxima"] # flag_for_backgroundremoval is a file path to an imagefile # create background data: dataimage_bkg if flag_for_backgroundremoval not in ("auto_background", None) and not isinstance( flag_for_backgroundremoval, np.ndarray): fullpath_backgroundimage = psdict_Convolve["Data_for_localMaxima"] # print "fullpath_backgroundimage ", fullpath_backgroundimage # dirname_bkg, imagefilename_bkg = os.path.split(fullpath_backgroundimage) # CCDlabel_bkg = CCDLabel BackgroundImageCreated = True if verbose: print("consider dataimagefile {} as background".format(fullpath_backgroundimage)) if "formulaexpression" in dictPeakSearch: formulaexpression = dictPeakSearch["formulaexpression"] else: raise ValueError('Missing "formulaexpression" to operate on images before peaksearch in ' 'peaksearch_fileseries()') # saturationlevel = DictLT.dict_CCD[CCDLabel][2] # dataimage_corrected = applyformula_on_images(dataimage_raw, # dataimage_bkg, # formulaexpression=formulaexpression, # SaturationLevel=saturationlevel, # clipintensities=True) if verbose: print("using {} in peaksearch_fileseries".format(formulaexpression)) # for finding local maxima in image from formula psdict_Convolve["Data_for_localMaxima"] = fullpath_backgroundimage # for fitting peaks in image from formula psdict_Convolve["reject_negative_baseline"] = False psdict_Convolve["formulaexpression"] = formulaexpression psdict_Convolve["Fit_with_Data_for_localMaxima"] = True Res = PeakSearch(filename_in, CCDLabel=CCDLabel, Saturation_value=DictLT.dict_CCD[CCDLabel][2], Saturation_value_flatpeak=DictLT.dict_CCD[CCDLabel][2], **psdict_Convolve) if Res in (False, None): print("No peak found for image file: ", filename_in) return None # write file with comments Isorted, _, _ = Res[:3] if outputfilename: params_comments = "Peak Search and Fit parameters\n" params_comments += "# {}: {}\n".format("CCDLabel", CCDLabel) for key, val in list(psdict_Convolve.items()): if not BackgroundImageCreated or
and corresponding Cell instances as values. The Cell instance associated with a given key is used as a template for the other cells of its type in the population. gid_ranges : dict A dictionary of unique identifiers of each real and artificial cell in the network. Every cell type is represented by a key read from cell_types, followed by keys read from external_drives. The value of each key is a range of ints, one for each cell in given category. Examples: 'L2_basket': range(0, 270), 'evdist1': range(272, 542), etc pos_dict : dict Dictionary containing the coordinate positions of all cells. Keys are 'L2_pyramidal', 'L5_pyramidal', 'L2_basket', 'L5_basket', or any external drive name cell_response : CellResponse An instance of the CellResponse object. external_drives : dict (keys: drive names) of dict (keys: parameters) The external driving inputs to the network. Drives are added by defining their spike-time dynamics, and their connectivity to the real cells of the network. Event times are instantiated before simulation, and are stored under the ``'events'``-key (list of list; first index for trials, second for event time lists for each drive cell). external_biases : dict of dict (bias parameters for each cell type) The parameters of bias inputs to cell somata, e.g., tonic current clamp connectivity : list of dict List of dictionaries specifying each cell-cell and drive-cell connection rec_arrays : dict Stores electrode position information and voltages recorded by them for extracellular potential measurements. Multiple electrode arrays may be defined as unique keys. The values of the dictionary are instances of :class:`hnn_core.extracellular.ExtracellularArray`. threshold : float Firing threshold of all cells. delay : float Synaptic delay in ms. Notes ---- `net = jones_2009_model(params)` is the reccomended path for creating a network. Instantiating the network as `net = Network(params)` will produce a network with no cell-to-cell connections. As such, connectivity information contained in `params` will be ignored. """ def __init__(self, params, add_drives_from_params=False, legacy_mode=True): # Save the parameters used to create the Network _validate_type(params, dict, 'params') self._params = params # Initialise a dictionary of cell ID's, which get used when the # network is constructed ('built') in NetworkBuilder # We want it to remain in each Network object, so that the user can # interrogate a built and simulated net. In addition, CellResponse is # attached to a Network during simulation---Network is the natural # place to keep this information self.gid_ranges = dict() self._n_gids = 0 # utility: keep track of last GID # XXX this can be removed once tests are made independent of HNN GUI # creates nc_dict-entries for ALL cell types self._legacy_mode = legacy_mode # Source dict of names, first real ones only! cell_types = { 'L2_basket': basket(cell_name=_short_name('L2_basket')), 'L2_pyramidal': pyramidal(cell_name=_short_name('L2_pyramidal')), 'L5_basket': basket(cell_name=_short_name('L5_basket')), 'L5_pyramidal': pyramidal(cell_name=_short_name('L5_pyramidal')) } self.cell_response = None # external drives and biases self.external_drives = dict() self.external_biases = dict() # network connectivity self.connectivity = list() self.threshold = self._params['threshold'] self.delay = 1.0 # extracellular recordings (if applicable) self.rec_arrays = dict() # contents of pos_dict determines all downstream inferences of # cell counts, real and artificial self._n_cells = 0 # currently only used for tests self.pos_dict = dict() self.cell_types = dict() self._N_pyr_x = self._params['N_pyr_x'] self._N_pyr_y = self._params['N_pyr_y'] self._inplane_distance = 1.0 # XXX hard-coded default self._layer_separation = 1307.4 # XXX hard-coded default self.set_cell_positions(inplane_distance=self._inplane_distance, layer_separation=self._layer_separation) for cell_name in cell_types: self._add_cell_type(cell_name, self.pos_dict[cell_name], cell_template=cell_types[cell_name]) if add_drives_from_params: _add_drives_from_params(self) def __repr__(self): class_name = self.__class__.__name__ s = ("%d x %d Pyramidal cells (L2, L5)" % (self._N_pyr_x, self._N_pyr_y)) s += ("\n%d L2 basket cells\n%d L5 basket cells" % (len(self.pos_dict['L2_basket']), len(self.pos_dict['L5_basket']))) return '<%s | %s>' % (class_name, s) def set_cell_positions(self, *, inplane_distance=None, layer_separation=None): """Set relative positions of cells arranged in a square grid Note that it is possible to change only a subset of the parameters (the default value of each is None, which implies no change). Parameters ---------- inplane_distance : float The in plane-distance (in um) between pyramidal cell somas in the square grid. Note that this parameter does not affect the amplitude of the dipole moment. layer_separation : float The separation of pyramidal cell soma layers 2/3 and 5. Note that this parameter does not affect the amplitude of the dipole moment. """ if inplane_distance is None: inplane_distance = self._inplane_distance _validate_type(inplane_distance, (float, int), 'inplane_distance') if not inplane_distance > 0.: raise ValueError('In-plane distance must be positive, ' f'got: {inplane_distance}') if layer_separation is None: layer_separation = self._layer_separation _validate_type(layer_separation, (float, int), 'layer_separation') if not layer_separation > 0.: raise ValueError('Layer separation must be positive, ' f'got: {layer_separation}') pos = _create_cell_coords(n_pyr_x=self._N_pyr_x, n_pyr_y=self._N_pyr_y, zdiff=layer_separation, inplane_distance=inplane_distance) # update positions of the real cells for key in pos.keys(): self.pos_dict[key] = pos[key] # update drives to be positioned at network origin for drive_name, drive in self.external_drives.items(): pos = [self.pos_dict['origin']] * drive['n_drive_cells'] self.pos_dict[drive_name] = pos self._inplane_distance = inplane_distance self._layer_separation = layer_separation def copy(self): """Return a copy of the Network instance The returned copy retains the intrinsic connectivity between cells, as well as those of any external drives or biases added to the network. The parameters of drive dynamics are also retained, but the instantiated ``events`` of the drives are cleared. This allows iterating over the values defining drive dynamics, without the need to re-define connectivity. Extracellular recording arrays are retained in the network, but cleared of existing data. Returns ------- net_copy : instance of Network A copy of the instance with previous simulation results and ``events`` of external drives removed. """ net_copy = deepcopy(self) net_copy._reset_drives() net_copy._reset_rec_arrays() return net_copy def add_evoked_drive(self, name, *, mu, sigma, numspikes, location, n_drive_cells='n_cells', cell_specific=True, weights_ampa=None, weights_nmda=None, space_constant=3., synaptic_delays=0.1, probability=1.0, event_seed=2, conn_seed=3): """Add an 'evoked' external drive to the network Parameters ---------- name : str Unique name for the drive mu : float Mean of Gaussian event time distribution sigma : float Standard deviation of event time distribution numspikes : int Number of spikes at each target cell location : str Target location of synapses ('distal' or 'proximal') n_drive_cells : int | 'n_cells' The number of drive cells that each contribute an independently sampled synaptic spike to the network according to the Gaussian time distribution (mu, sigma). If n_drive_cells='n_cells' (default) and cell_specific=True, a drive cell gets assigned to each available simulated cell in the network with 1-to-1 connectivity. Otherwise, drive cells are assigned with all-to-all connectivity. If you wish to synchronize the timing of this evoked drive across the network in a given trial with one spike, set n_drive_cells=1 and cell_specific=False. cell_specific : bool Whether each artifical drive cell has 1-to-1 (True, default) or all-to-all (False) connection parameters. Note that 1-to-1 connectivity requires that n_drive_cells='n_cells', where 'n_cells' denotes the number of all available cells that this drive can target in the network. weights_ampa : dict or None Synaptic weights (in uS) of AMPA receptors on each targeted cell type (dict keys). Cell types omitted from the dict are set to zero. weights_nmda : dict or None Synaptic weights (in uS) of NMDA receptors on each targeted cell type (dict keys). Cell types omitted from the dict are set to zero. synaptic_delays : dict or float Synaptic delay (in ms) at the column origin, dispersed laterally as a function of the space_constant. If float, applies to all target cell types. Use dict to create delay->cell mapping. space_constant : float Describes lateral dispersion (from the column origin) of synaptic weights and delays within the simulated column. The constant is measured in the units of ``inplane_distance`` of :class:`~hnn_core.Network`. For example, for ``space_constant=3``, the weights are modulated by the factor ``exp(-(x / (3 * inplane_distance)) ** 2)``, where x is the physical distance (in um) between the connected cells in the xy plane (delays are modulated by the inverse of this factor). probability : dict or float (default: 1.0) Probability of connection between any src-target pair. Use dict to create probability->cell mapping. If float, applies to all target cell types event_seed : int Optional initial seed for random number
<filename>old/montecarlo/ #!/usr/bin/env python3 import asyncio import collections import copy import math import numpy as np import random import sys from game import Game import model import moves #MCCFR with either External Sampling or Average Sampling #TODO deal with purging data between searches in a nicer manner #doing it in combine is too early, as combine is called before getProbs #but doing it in search is too late, as copyFromAgent is called before search #but we shouldn't do it in copyFromAgent as that isn't always used # #using isClean is dirty but it works #sampling types EXTERNAL = 1 AVERAGE = 2 #early state evaluation types HEURISTIC = 1 ROLLOUT = 2 MODEL = 3 class CfrAgent: #AS parameters: #exploration gives all action a chance to be taken #bonus is for early exploration #threshold is so any action with prob > 1/threshold is always taken #bound is the maximum number of actions that can be taken, 0 for disabled #depth limit (if not None) replaces tree traversal with evaluation option #evaluation: HEURISTIC is expValueHeurisitic(), rollout does a rollout, model uses an evalModel (to be implemented) def __init__(self, teams, format, samplingType=EXTERNAL, exploration=0, bonus=0, threshold=1, bound=0, posReg=False, probScaling=0, regScaling=0, depthLimit=None, evaluation=HEURISTIC, evalModel=None, verbose=False): self. teams = teams self.format = format self.samplingType = samplingType self.exploration = exploration self.bonus = bonus self.threshold = threshold self.bound = bound self.posReg = posReg self.probScaling = probScaling self.regScaling = regScaling self.depthLimit = depthLimit self.evaluation = evaluation self.evalModel = evalModel self.verbose = verbose self.numActionsSeen = 0 self.numActionsTaken = 0 #clean means we don't have to clear our tables self.isClean = True self.regretTables = [{}, {}] self.probTables = [{}, {}] #this is an experimental feature to bootstrap data from a separate agent #this requires that CfrAgent and the other agent use the same internal data format def copyFromAgent(self, other): #purge before we search, this limits the memory usage #have to do it here as we don't want to purge data that we're #about to copy in self.regretTables = [{}, {}] self.probTables = [{}, {}] self.isClean = True self.regretTables = other.regretTables #we'll test copying prob tables over if regret tables work #I'm mainly interested in boosting the quality of the off-player's strategy #which is entirely determined by regret #self.probTables = other.probTables async def search(self, ps, pid=0, limit=100, seed=None, initActions=[[], []]): #turn init actions into a useful history history = [(None, a1, a2) for a1, a2 in zip(*initActions)] #insert the seed in the first turn if len(history) > 0: _, a1, a2 = history[0] history[0] = (seed, a1, a2) #if we already purged for this turn, don't do it twice #as we might have some useful data loaded in if not self.isClean: #purge before we search, this limits the memory usage self.regretTables = [{}, {}] self.probTables = [{}, {}] self.isClean = False #each iteration returns an expected value #so we track this and return an average p1ExpValueTotal = 0 p2ExpValueTotal = 0 print(end='', file=sys.stderr) for i in range(limit): print('\rTurn Progress: ' + str(i) + '/' + str(limit), end='', file=sys.stderr) game = Game(ps, self.teams, format=self.format, seed=seed, verbose=self.verbose) await game.startGame() await game.applyHistory(history) self.numActionsSeen = 0 self.numActionsTaken = 0 expValue = await self.cfrRecur(ps, game, seed, history, 1, i) if i % 2 == 0: p1ExpValueTotal += expValue else: p2ExpValueTotal += expValue print(file=sys.stderr) print('p1 exp value', 2 * p1ExpValueTotal / limit, file=sys.stderr) print('p2 exp value', 2 * p2ExpValueTotal / limit, file=sys.stderr) def combine(self): #we'll do our combining and purging before we search pass def getProbs(self, player, state, actions): pt = self.probTables[player] rt = self.probTables[player] probs = np.array([dictGet(pt, (state, a)) for a in actions]) pSum = np.sum(probs) if pSum > 0: return probs / np.sum(probs) else: return np.array([1 / len(actions) for a in actions]) #recursive implementation of cfr #history is a list of (seed, action, action) tuples #q is the sample probability #assumes the game has already had the history applied async def cfrRecur(self, ps, game, startSeed, history, q, iter, depth=0, rollout=False): #I'm not sure about this q parameter #I'm getting better results setting it to 1 in all games q = 1 async def endGame(): side = 'bot1' if iter % 2 == 0 else 'bot2' winner = await game.winner #have to clear the results out of the queues while not game.p1Queue.empty(): await game.p1Queue.get() while not game.p2Queue.empty(): await game.p2Queue.get() if winner == side: return 1 / q else: return 0 cmdHeaders = ['>p1', '>p2'] queues = [game.p1Queue, game.p2Queue] offPlayer = (iter+1) % 2 onPlayer = iter % 2 #off player request = (await queues[offPlayer].get()) if request[0] == Game.END: return await endGame() req = request[1] state = req['stateHash'] actions = moves.getMoves(self.format, req) #just sample a move probs = self.regretMatch(offPlayer, state, actions) #apply exploration chance to off-player as well exploreProbs = probs * (1 - self.exploration) + self.exploration / len(actions) #or don't #exploreProbs = probs offAction = np.random.choice(actions, p=exploreProbs) #and update average stategy self.updateProbs(offPlayer, state, actions, probs / q, iter) #on player request = (await queues[onPlayer].get()) if request[0] == Game.END: return await endGame() req = request[1] #now that we've checked if the game is over, #let's check depth before continuing if self.depthLimit != None and depth >= self.depthLimit: if self.evaluation == HEURISTIC: #immediately return a heuristic-based expected value await game.cmdQueue.put('>forcewin p1') #clean up the end game messages await queues[onPlayer].get() await queues[offPlayer].get() return expValueHeuristic(onPlayer, req['state']) / q elif self.evaluation == ROLLOUT: #instead of branching out, find the actual value of a single #play-through and use that as the expected value rollout = True #rest of rollout is implemented with the normal code path elif self.evaluation == MODEL: #TODO pass state = req['stateHash'] actions = moves.getMoves(self.format, req) #we sometimes bias towards the first or last actions #this fixes that bias random.shuffle(actions) #probs is the set of sample probabilities, used for traversing #iterProbs is the set of probabilities for this iteration's strategy, used for regret if rollout: #I'm not sure if using regret matching or going uniform random #would be better #my gut says regret matching probs = self.regretMatch(onPlayer, state, actions) action = np.random.choice(actions, p=probs) actions = [action] probs = [1] # would it be better to use the actual probability? iterProbs = probs elif self.samplingType == EXTERNAL: probs = self.regretMatch(onPlayer, state, actions) iterProbs = probs elif self.samplingType == AVERAGE: #we're just using the current iteration's strategy #it's simple and it seems to work iterProbs = self.regretMatch(onPlayer, state, actions) probs = iterProbs + self.exploration #this is the average-sampling procedure from some paper #it's designed for a large number of samples, so it doesn't really #work. It expects it to be feasible to try every action for the #on player on some turns, which usually isn't the case """ stratSum = 0 strats = [] pt = self.probTables[onPlayer] for a in actions: s = dictGet(pt, (state, a)) stratSum += s strats.append(s) probs = [] for a,s in zip(actions, strats): if self.bonus + stratSum == 0: p = 0 else: p = (self.bonus + self.threshold * s) / (self.bonus + stratSum) p = max(self.exploration, p) probs.append(p) """ #keep track of how many actions we take from this state numTaken = 0 #get expected reward for each action rewards = [] gameUsed = False self.numActionsSeen += len(actions) #whether a specific action is a rollout curRollout = rollout for action, prob in zip(actions, probs): #for ES we just check every action #for AS use a roll to determine if we search if self.samplingType == AVERAGE and not curRollout: #instead of skipping, try making the skipped entries a rollout #like in #if we're at the last action and we haven't done anything, do something regardless of roll if (self.bound != 0 and numTaken > self.bound) or random.random() >= prob and (action != actions[-1] or gameUsed): curRollout = True #rewards.append(0) #continue else: curRollout = rollout numTaken += 1 self.numActionsTaken += 1 #don't have to re-init game for the first action if gameUsed: game = Game(ps, self.teams, format=self.format, seed=startSeed, verbose=self.verbose) await game.startGame() await game.applyHistory(history) #need to consume two requests, as we consumed two above
import pickle import os import sys import colorsys import math import copy import tkinter as tk from collections import namedtuple from tkinter import filedialog, messagebox, simpledialog from tkinter import * from GAEV import * cur_dir = os.getcwd() sets_to_highlight = {} # {"blue": [gene1, gene,2 gene5], "green": [gene4, gene7, gene9], ...} pathway_info_full = {} pathway_info_query = {} gene_info_full = {} gene_info_query = {} color_hex_dict = {} # will store the color hex of each k code in query {"K14515": } def load_full_annotation(data_file_path_full): # imports data from files and stores it into appropriate lists and dict for later access with open(data_file_path_full, "rb") as f: # open data file that was generated previously if not pickle.load(f): # reads the first line of saved data which tells whether it is complete or not messagebox.showerror("Data is not complete") # exits program if data is not complete return for _ in range(pickle.load(f)): # reads line that tells program how many data entries there are in genes gene = pickle.load(f) # stores the Gene object as gene if gene.k_code in gene_info_full: # dictionary with the k code as the key and gene object stored in list gene_info_full[gene.k_code].append(gene) # adds gene to list of other genes with shared k codes in dict else: gene_info_full[gene.k_code] = [gene] # adds new k code entry in dict as key with corresponding gene in list for _ in range(pickle.load(f)): # reads line that tells program how many data entries there are in pathways pathway = pickle.load(f) pathway_info_full[pathway.map_code] = pathway # loads data into pathway_info_1 # will simply read file and return list with each striped line on an element def load_set(set_input_path): output_list = [] with open(set_input_path, 'r') as f: for line in f: output_list.append(line.strip()) # strip to remove unexpected blank spaces / new lines return output_list def generate_gene_info_query(): # generates a deep copy of gene_info_full and only keeps genes that are in sets_to_highlight global gene_info_query # makes a new copy of gene_info_full that can be changed independently of the original gene_info_query = copy.deepcopy(gene_info_full) # removes all genes in gene_info_query that are not in the set to be highlighted, removed genes will appear as # grey on the pathway for k_code in gene_info_full: gene_info_query[k_code] = [gene for gene in gene_info_full[k_code] if any([gene.gene_num in gene_set for gene_set in sets_to_highlight.values()])] # removes all k_codes form gene_info_query dict that has no genes in the set to highlight gene_info_query = dict([(k_code, gene_list) for k_code, gene_list in gene_info_query.items() if gene_list]) def generate_pathway_info_query(): global pathway_info_query # makes a new copy of pathway_info_full that can be changed independently of the original pathway_info_query = copy.deepcopy(pathway_info_full) # empties list of genes involved in pathway from every pathway in query list, so that it may be repopulated with # only genes from gene_info_query for map_code in pathway_info_full: pathway_info_query[map_code].genes_invol = [] for k_code in gene_info_query: # only have to iterate through one gene object for each k_code since genes with the same k_code will have # identical link_path for map_info in gene_info_query[k_code][0].link_path: # map info is [m-code\description, ...] m_code = map_info[:8] # isolates the map code which is always 8 characters map##### # calls method to add k_code to genes_invol while keeping the k_code ordered and preventing duplicates pathway_info_query[m_code].add_gene(k_code) pathway_info_query = dict([(m_code, pathway) for m_code, pathway in pathway_info_query.items() if pathway.genes_invol and len(pathway_info_full[m_code].genes_invol) < 104]) # will specific the color of each gene by K code, if more than one color is used then def generate_color_hex_dict(): for k_code in gene_info_query: color_list = [] # finds highlight color associated with the gene and adds it to the color list for gene in gene_info_query[k_code]: for color in sets_to_highlight.keys(): if gene.gene_num in sets_to_highlight[color]: color_list.append(color) # will blend all colors from all genes associated with the k_code # ex. blue + red = purple; it is weighted by occurrence of color blue + 3 red = dark pink blend_dict = {} # {color_hex: weight, color_hex: weight, ...} where weight is number of occurrence for color in set(color_list): blend_dict[color] = color_list.count(color) color_hex_dict[k_code] = combine_hex_values(blend_dict) # for every k_code that is in the full annotation, but not included in any sets to highlight for k_code in gene_info_full: if k_code not in color_hex_dict.keys(): color_hex_dict[k_code] = "d9d9d9" # stores a hex for a light grey color # accepts a dict of {color_hex: weight, color_hex: weight, ...} and returns a color hex that blends all the colors def combine_hex_values(d): d_items = sorted(d.items()) tot_weight = sum(d.values()) red = int(sum([int(k[:2], 16)*v for k, v in d_items])/tot_weight) green = int(sum([int(k[2:4], 16)*v for k, v in d_items])/tot_weight) blue = int(sum([int(k[4:6], 16)*v for k, v in d_items])/tot_weight) zpad = lambda x: x if len(x)==2 else '0' + x return zpad(hex(red)[2:]) + zpad(hex(green)[2:]) + zpad(hex(blue)[2:]) def _new_generate_url(self): # self.url = "" + self.map_code + "&multi_query=" # sets the which pathway to use for k_code in self.genes_invol: # goes through each unique k_code in pathway self.url = self.url + k_code + "+%23" + color_hex_dict[k_code] + "%0a" # adds gene's k_code to the end of the url and specifies color return self.url Pathway_MAP.generate_url = _new_generate_url # overrides the generate_url method to include unique color value def make_html_table_rows(sorted_m_codes): html_rows = "" for m_code in sorted_m_codes: # generates the text for the hyperlink (name + num of associated genes + percentage of genes out of total) query_pathway = pathway_info_query[m_code] full_pathway = pathway_info_full[m_code] hyper_text = + "(" + str(len(query_pathway.genes_invol)) + ", " + \ "{:.2f}%".format(len(query_pathway.genes_invol) / len(full_pathway.genes_invol) * 100) + ")" url = full_pathway.generate_url() # generates the url hyperlink = "<a href=\"" + url + "\">" + hyper_text + "</a>" # embeds hyperlink to text row = "<tr><td>" + hyperlink + "</td></tr>" html_rows = html_rows + row return html_rows class PathwayInfo: query_pathway: Pathway_MAP full_pathway: Pathway_MAP percentage: float def __init__(self, query_pathway, full_pathway, color_hex, percentage=0): self.query_pathway = query_pathway self.full_pathway = full_pathway self.percentage = percentage def generate_html(output_path): with open(output_path, 'w+') as f: html_code = """<html> <head> <style> html { /*width: 100%;*/ /*required if using % width*/ /*height: 100%;*/ /*required if using % height*/ } body { /*width: 100%;*/ /*required if using % width*/ /*height: 100%;*/ /*required if using % height*/ /*margin: 0;*/ /*required if using % width or height*/ /*padding: 0 20px 0 20px;*/ /*purely aesthetic, not required*/ /*box-sizing: border-box;*/ /*required if using above declaration*/ background: white; text-align: center; /*delete if using % width, or you don't want table centered*/ } .scrollingtable { box-sizing: border-box; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; overflow: hidden; width: auto; /*set table width here if using fixed value*/ /*min-width: 100%;*/ /*set table width here if using %*/ height: 600px; /*set table height here; can be fixed value or %*/ /*min-height: 104px;*/ /*if using % height, make this at least large enough to fit scrollbar arrows + captions + thead*/ font-family: Verdana, Tahoma, sans-serif; font-size: 15px; line-height: 20px; padding-top: 20px; /*this determines top caption height*/ padding-bottom: 20px; /*this determines bottom caption height*/ text-align: left; } .scrollingtable * {box-sizing: border-box;} .scrollingtable > div { position: relative; border-top: 1px solid black; /*top table border*/ height: 100%; padding-top: 20px; /*this determines column header height*/ } .scrollingtable > div:before { top: 0; background: cornflowerblue; /*column header background color*/ } .scrollingtable > div:before, .scrollingtable > div > div:after { content: ""; position: absolute; z-index: -1; width: 100%; height: 50%; left: 0; } .scrollingtable > div > div { /*min-height: 43px;*/ /*if using % height, make this at least large enough to fit scrollbar arrows*/ max-height: 100%; overflow: scroll; /*set to auto if using fixed or % width; else scroll*/ overflow-x: hidden; border: 1px solid black; /*border around table body*/ } .scrollingtable > div > div:after {background: white;} /*match page background color*/ .scrollingtable > div > div > table { width: 100%; border-spacing: 0; margin-top: -20px; /*inverse of column header height*/ /*margin-right: 17px;*/ /*uncomment if using % width*/ } .scrollingtable > div > div > table > caption { position: absolute; top: -20px; /*inverse of caption height*/ margin-top: -1px; /*inverse of border-width*/ width: 100%; font-weight: bold; text-align: center; } .scrollingtable > div > div > table > * > tr > *
import pandas import os import math import numpy from scipy import stats pandas.set_option('display.max_rows', 200, 'display.max_columns', 200) # change it to see more or less rows and/or columns # Ask inputs to read the TSV file dirPath = input('Enter path to TSV file: ') inputName = input('Enter TSV name (input file): ') # Read input file inputTSV = pandas.read_csv(os.path.join(dirPath, inputName), sep = '\t', index_col = False, dtype = object) print('The input TSV has ' + str(len(inputTSV)) + ' variants.') ## Show to the user the options to filter by consequence and impact print('The different consequence in this input are: ' + ', '.join(inputTSV.Consequence.unique())) print('The different impact in this input are: ' + ', '.join(inputTSV.IMPACT.unique())) ## Ask inputs to filter snp_indel_filter = input('Enter "snp", "indel" or "snp|indel": ') consequence_filter = input('Enter consequence filter (e.g. missense_variant, stop_gained, synonymous_variant), to use multiple consequence separate them with "|", or "all" for all the consequences: ') impact_filter = input('Enter impact filter (e.g. HIGH, MODERATE, LOW, MODIFIER), to use multiple impact separate them with "|", or "all" for all the impact: ') gnomADg_AF_nfe_filter = float(input('Enter AF to filter by gnomAD NFE (e.g. 0.05): ')) gnomADg_AF_filter = float(input('Enter AF to filter by gnomAD all population (e.g. 0.05): ')) CSVS_AF_filter = float(input('Enter AF to filter by CSVS (e.g. 0.05): ')) # Transform some columns to float colsToFloat = ['CADD_PHRED', 'CADD_RAW', 'gnomADg_AF_nfe', 'gnomADg_AF', 'CSVS_AF', 'AF'] for col in colsToFloat: inputTSV[col] = inputTSV[col].astype(float) dtypes = dict(inputTSV.dtypes) # Check the types of each column # Filter variants without symbol inputTSV_SYMBOL = inputTSV[inputTSV['SYMBOL'].notnull()] print('After filtering by those variants with gene name there are: ' + str(len(inputTSV_SYMBOL)) + ' variants') # Filter by SNPs/indels nt = ['A', 'T', 'C', 'G'] if snp_indel_filter == 'snp': inputTSV_nt = inputTSV_SYMBOL[inputTSV_SYMBOL['REF'].isin(nt) & inputTSV_SYMBOL['ALT'].isin(nt)] inputTSV_nt.REF.unique() inputTSV_nt.ALT.unique() elif snp_indel_filter == 'indel': inputTSV_nt = inputTSV_SYMBOL[~inputTSV_SYMBOL['REF'].isin(nt) | ~inputTSV_SYMBOL['ALT'].isin(nt)] elif snp_indel_filter == 'snp|indel': inputTSV_nt = inputTSV_SYMBOL else: print('Bad snp/indel filter introduced, the options are: "snp", "indel" or "both"') print('After filtering by ' + snp_indel_filter + ' there are: ' + str(len(inputTSV_nt)) + ' variants') # Filter by variant type (Consequence) if consequence_filter == 'all': consequenceDF = inputTSV_nt else: consequenceDF = inputTSV_nt[inputTSV_nt['Consequence'].str.contains(consequence_filter)] print('After filtering by the consequence(s) ' + consequence_filter + ' there are: ' + str(len(consequenceDF)) + ' variants') # print(consequenceDF.REF.unique()) # print(consequenceDF.ALT.unique()) # Filter by impact if impact_filter == 'all': consequence_impactDF = consequenceDF else: consequence_impactDF = consequenceDF[consequenceDF['IMPACT'].str.contains(impact_filter)] print('After filtering by the impact(s) ' + impact_filter + ' there are: ' + str(len(consequence_impactDF)) + ' variants') # Filter by AF ## SNVs without data for gnomADg and CSVS should have it to perform the GBA with values for these variants ## Variant without data will be: AC = 0, AF = 0, AN = mean(AN in gene) ### Create table with meanAN for each genes (all SNVs, before filters) #### gnomAD cols_meanAN_gnomAD = ['SYMBOL', 'gnomADg_AN_nfe', 'gnomADg_AN'] meanAN_DF_gnomAD = inputTSV[cols_meanAN_gnomAD] # DF with less columns meanAN_DF_gnomAD = meanAN_DF_gnomAD[meanAN_DF_gnomAD['gnomADg_AN_nfe'].notnull()] # Variants with value print('There are ' + str(len(meanAN_DF_gnomAD)) + ' variants with value in gnomAD') colsToNumeric_gnomAD = ['gnomADg_AN_nfe', 'gnomADg_AN'] # Transform columns to numeric for col in colsToNumeric_gnomAD: meanAN_DF_gnomAD[col] = meanAN_DF_gnomAD[col].astype('int32') meanAN_DF_gnomAD = meanAN_DF_gnomAD.groupby(by = ['SYMBOL']).mean() # Calculate the mean for each gene meanAN_DF_gnomAD = meanAN_DF_gnomAD.round(0).astype(int) # Number without decimals meanAN_DF_gnomAD = meanAN_DF_gnomAD.reset_index() # Reset index to avoid errors print('There are ' + str(len(meanAN_DF_gnomAD)) + ' genes with value in gnomAD') #### CSVS cols_meanAN_CSVS = ['SYMBOL', 'CSVS_AN'] meanAN_DF_CSVS = inputTSV[cols_meanAN_CSVS] meanAN_DF_CSVS = meanAN_DF_CSVS[meanAN_DF_CSVS['CSVS_AN'].notnull()] print('There are ' + str(len(meanAN_DF_CSVS)) + ' variants with value in CSVS') colsToNumeric_CSVS = ['CSVS_AN'] for col in colsToNumeric_CSVS: meanAN_DF_CSVS[col] = meanAN_DF_CSVS[col].astype('int32') meanAN_DF_CSVS = meanAN_DF_CSVS.groupby(by = ['SYMBOL']).mean() meanAN_DF_CSVS = meanAN_DF_CSVS.round(0).astype(int) meanAN_DF_CSVS = meanAN_DF_CSVS.reset_index() print('There are ' + str(len(meanAN_DF_CSVS)) + ' genes with value in CSVS') ### Merge gnomAD and CSVS meanAN_DF = pandas.merge(meanAN_DF_gnomAD, meanAN_DF_CSVS, how = 'left', left_on = 'SYMBOL', right_on = 'SYMBOL') #### Genes without value in both databases symbol_diff = list(set(inputTSV.SYMBOL.unique().tolist()).difference(set(meanAN_DF.SYMBOL.unique().tolist()))) for symb in symbol_diff: meanAN_DF = meanAN_DF.append({'SYMBOL': symb}, ignore_index = True) ### If there is a gene without any value use as AN the mean of all the genes for the same database for c in meanAN_DF.columns[1:]: for r in meanAN_DF.index: if math.isnan(meanAN_DF.loc[r,c]): # print('There is a nan in the column: ' + str(c) + ' and in the row: ' + str(r)) meanAN_col = numpy.mean(meanAN_DF[c]) meanAN_DF.loc[r,c] = meanAN_col.round(0).astype(int) colsToNumeric_meanAN_DF = ['gnomADg_AN_nfe', 'gnomADg_AN', 'CSVS_AN'] # Transform columns to numeric for col in colsToNumeric_meanAN_DF: meanAN_DF[col] = meanAN_DF[col].astype('int32') ## Add values to DF consequence_impact_AFnfe_AFallDF = consequence_impactDF for r in consequence_impact_AFnfe_AFallDF.index: if pandas.isnull(consequence_impact_AFnfe_AFallDF['gnomADg'][r]) == True: # AF & AC[r, 'gnomADg_AF_nfe'] = 0[r, 'gnomADg_AC_nfe'] = 0[r, 'gnomADg_AF'] = 0[r, 'gnomADg_AC'] = 0 # AN rGene = consequence_impact_AFnfe_AFallDF['SYMBOL'][r] ANGene_nfe = meanAN_DF.loc[meanAN_DF['SYMBOL'] == rGene, 'gnomADg_AN_nfe'].iloc[0] ANGene = meanAN_DF.loc[meanAN_DF['SYMBOL'] == rGene, 'gnomADg_AN'].iloc[0][r, 'gnomADg_AN_nfe'] = ANGene_nfe[r, 'gnomADg_AN'] = ANGene if pandas.isnull(consequence_impact_AFnfe_AFallDF['CSVS'][r]) == True: # AF & AC[r, 'CSVS_AF'] = 0[r, 'CSVS_AC'] = 0 # AN rGene = consequence_impact_AFnfe_AFallDF['SYMBOL'][r] ANGene_CSVS = meanAN_DF.loc[meanAN_DF['SYMBOL'] == rGene, 'CSVS_AN'].iloc[0][r, 'CSVS_AN'] = ANGene_CSVS ## Filter by AF of gnomAD nfe, gnomAD and CSVS consequence_impact_AFnfe_AFallDF_AFCSVS = consequence_impact_AFnfe_AFallDF[(consequence_impact_AFnfe_AFallDF['gnomADg_AF_nfe'] < gnomADg_AF_nfe_filter) & (consequence_impact_AFnfe_AFallDF['gnomADg_AF'] < gnomADg_AF_filter) & (consequence_impact_AFnfe_AFallDF['CSVS_AF'] < CSVS_AF_filter)] print('After filtering by the AF: ' + str(gnomADg_AF_nfe_filter) + ', ' + str(gnomADg_AF_filter) + ', ' + str(CSVS_AF_filter) + ' there are: ' + str(len(consequence_impact_AFnfe_AFallDF_AFCSVS)) + ' variants') # Create DF as GBA input ## The necessary columns are the gene and the AC and AN for the cases and each database colsGBA = ['SYMBOL', 'AC', 'AN', 'gnomADg_AC_nfe', 'gnomADg_AN_nfe', 'gnomADg_AC', 'gnomADg_AN', 'CSVS_AC', 'CSVS_AN'] # AN are the total number of alleles inputGBA_SNV = consequence_impact_AFnfe_AFallDF_AFCSVS[colsGBA] ## Rename cases colnames colsRenameIndex = [1,2] namesColsNew = ['AC_cases', 'AN_cases'] namesColsOld = inputGBA_SNV.columns[colsRenameIndex] inputGBA_SNV.rename(columns = dict(zip(namesColsOld, namesColsNew)), inplace = True) ## Change to integer, except SYMBOL column for col in inputGBA_SNV.columns[1:]: inputGBA_SNV[col] = inputGBA_SNV[col].astype(int) dtypes = dict(inputGBA_SNV.dtypes) # Check the types of each column ## Calculate WT (wild type): WT = total alleles - allele count (variant) inputGBA_SNV['WT_cases'] = inputGBA_SNV['AN_cases'] - inputGBA_SNV['AC_cases'] inputGBA_SNV['WT_gnomADg_nfe'] = inputGBA_SNV['gnomADg_AN_nfe'] - inputGBA_SNV['gnomADg_AC_nfe'] inputGBA_SNV['WT_gnomADg'] = inputGBA_SNV['gnomADg_AN'] - inputGBA_SNV['gnomADg_AC'] inputGBA_SNV['WT_CSVS'] = inputGBA_SNV['CSVS_AN'] - inputGBA_SNV['CSVS_AC'] ## Remove columns with AN inputGBA_SNV = inputGBA_SNV[inputGBA_SNV.columns.drop(list(inputGBA_SNV.filter(regex = 'AN')))] ## Calculate the sum for each column grouping by gene name inputGBA = inputGBA_SNV.groupby(by = ['SYMBOL']).sum() inputGBA = inputGBA.reset_index() print('The number of genes for the GBA is: ' + str(len(inputGBA))) # Extract genes with all SNV novel ## Is not possible to perform a gene burden with values = 0 ## Study separatly novelSNV_genes = inputGBA[(inputGBA['gnomADg_AC_nfe'] == 0) | (inputGBA['gnomADg_AC'] == 0) | (inputGBA['CSVS_AC'] == 0)] ## Save genes with novel SNV outPath = os.path.join(dirPath, 'GBA') outName = os.path.join(outPath, os.path.splitext(inputName)[0]) outName_novel = '.'.join([outName, 'GBA', snp_indel_filter.replace('|', '_'), consequence_filter.replace('|', '_'), impact_filter.replace('|', '_'), str(gnomADg_AF_nfe_filter).replace('.', ''), str(gnomADg_AF_filter).replace('.', ''), str(CSVS_AF_filter).replace('.', ''), 'novelSNV', 'tsv']) novelSNV_genes.to_csv(outName_novel, header = True, index = None, sep = '\t', float_format = '%.16f') # Odd Ratio inputGBA_OR = inputGBA inputGBA_OR['OR_gnomADg_nfe'] = (inputGBA_OR['AC_cases']*inputGBA_OR['WT_gnomADg_nfe'])/(inputGBA_OR['WT_cases']*inputGBA_OR['gnomADg_AC_nfe']) inputGBA_OR['OR_gnomADg'] = (inputGBA_OR['AC_cases']*inputGBA_OR['WT_gnomADg'])/(inputGBA_OR['WT_cases']*inputGBA_OR['gnomADg_AC']) inputGBA_OR['OR_CSVS'] = (inputGBA_OR['AC_cases']*inputGBA_OR['WT_CSVS'])/(inputGBA_OR['WT_cases']*inputGBA_OR['CSVS_AC']) # Standard error ## Calculate the summary inputGBA_OR_SE = inputGBA_OR sumList_nfe = ((1/inputGBA_OR_SE['AC_cases']) + (1/inputGBA_OR_SE['gnomADg_AC_nfe']) + (1/inputGBA_OR_SE['WT_cases']) + (1/inputGBA_OR_SE['WT_gnomADg_nfe'])).tolist() sumList_gnomAD = ((1/inputGBA_OR_SE['AC_cases']) + (1/inputGBA_OR_SE['gnomADg_AC']) + (1/inputGBA_OR_SE['WT_cases']) + (1/inputGBA_OR_SE['WT_gnomADg'])).tolist() sumList_CSVS = ((1/inputGBA_OR_SE['AC_cases']) + (1/inputGBA_OR_SE['CSVS_AC']) + (1/inputGBA_OR_SE['WT_cases']) + (1/inputGBA_OR_SE['WT_CSVS'])).tolist() ## Perform the sqrt SElist_nfe = [] for sum in sumList_nfe: SE = math.sqrt(sum) SElist_nfe.append(SE) SElist_gnomAD = [] for sum in sumList_gnomAD: SE = math.sqrt(sum) SElist_gnomAD.append(SE) SElist_CSVS = [] for sum in sumList_CSVS: SE = math.sqrt(sum) SElist_CSVS.append(SE) inputGBA_OR_SE['SE_gnomADg_nfe'] = SElist_nfe inputGBA_OR_SE['SE_gnomADg'] = SElist_gnomAD inputGBA_OR_SE['SE_CSVS'] = SElist_CSVS # inputGBA['SE_gnomADg_nfe'] = math.sqrt((1/inputGBA['AC_cases']) + (1/inputGBA['gnomADg_AC_nfe']) + (1/inputGBA['WT_cases']) + (1/inputGBA['WT_gnomADg_nfe'])) --> doesn't work # Z-Score inputGBA_OR_SE_Z = inputGBA_OR_SE inputGBA_OR_SE_Z['ZScore_gnomADg_nfe'] = numpy.log(inputGBA_OR_SE_Z['OR_gnomADg_nfe'])/inputGBA_OR_SE_Z['SE_gnomADg_nfe'] inputGBA_OR_SE_Z['ZScore_gnomADg'] = numpy.log(inputGBA_OR_SE_Z['OR_gnomADg'])/inputGBA_OR_SE_Z['SE_gnomADg'] inputGBA_OR_SE_Z['ZScore_CSVS'] = numpy.log(inputGBA_OR_SE_Z['OR_CSVS'])/inputGBA_OR_SE_Z['SE_CSVS'] # p-value inputGBA_OR_SE_Z_pv = inputGBA_OR_SE_Z inputGBA_OR_SE_Z_pv['pvalue_gnomADg_nfe'] = stats.norm.sf(abs(inputGBA_OR_SE_Z['ZScore_gnomADg_nfe']))*2 # using CCDF inputGBA_OR_SE_Z_pv['pvalue_gnomADg'] = stats.norm.sf(abs(inputGBA_OR_SE_Z['ZScore_gnomADg']))*2 inputGBA_OR_SE_Z_pv['pvalue_CSVS'] = stats.norm.sf(abs(inputGBA_OR_SE_Z['ZScore_CSVS']))*2 ### (1 - stats.norm.cdf(abs(inputGBA_OR_SE_Z['ZScore_gnomADg_nfe'])))*2 # using CDF --> same: 1 - CDF = CCDF # FDR - number of genes inputGBA_OR_SE_Z_pv['FDR_gnomADg_nfe'] = inputGBA_OR_SE_Z_pv['pvalue_gnomADg_nfe'] * len(inputGBA_OR_SE_Z_pv[inputGBA_OR_SE_Z_pv['gnomADg_AC_nfe'] != 0]) # number of genes in the analysis inputGBA_OR_SE_Z_pv['FDR_gnomADg'] = inputGBA_OR_SE_Z_pv['pvalue_gnomADg'] * len(inputGBA_OR_SE_Z_pv[inputGBA_OR_SE_Z_pv['gnomADg_AC'] != 0]) inputGBA_OR_SE_Z_pv['FDR_CSVS'] = inputGBA_OR_SE_Z_pv['pvalue_CSVS'] * len(inputGBA_OR_SE_Z_pv[inputGBA_OR_SE_Z_pv['CSVS_AC'] != 0]) # Confidence interval inputGBA_OR_SE_Z_pv_CI = inputGBA_OR_SE_Z_pv inputGBA_OR_SE_Z_pv_CI['lowCI_gnomADg_nfe'] = numpy.exp(numpy.log(inputGBA_OR_SE_Z_pv['OR_gnomADg_nfe']) - 1.96*inputGBA_OR_SE_Z_pv['SE_gnomADg_nfe']) inputGBA_OR_SE_Z_pv_CI['highCI_gnomADg_nfe'] = numpy.exp(numpy.log(inputGBA_OR_SE_Z_pv['OR_gnomADg_nfe']) + 1.96*inputGBA_OR_SE_Z_pv['SE_gnomADg_nfe']) inputGBA_OR_SE_Z_pv_CI['lowCI_gnomADg'] = numpy.exp(numpy.log(inputGBA_OR_SE_Z_pv['OR_gnomADg']) - 1.96*inputGBA_OR_SE_Z_pv['SE_gnomADg']) inputGBA_OR_SE_Z_pv_CI['highCI_gnomADg'] = numpy.exp(numpy.log(inputGBA_OR_SE_Z_pv['OR_gnomADg']) + 1.96*inputGBA_OR_SE_Z_pv['SE_gnomADg']) inputGBA_OR_SE_Z_pv_CI['lowCI_CSVS'] = numpy.exp(numpy.log(inputGBA_OR_SE_Z_pv['OR_CSVS']) - 1.96*inputGBA_OR_SE_Z_pv['SE_CSVS']) inputGBA_OR_SE_Z_pv_CI['highCI_CSVS'] = numpy.exp(numpy.log(inputGBA_OR_SE_Z_pv['OR_CSVS']) + 1.96*inputGBA_OR_SE_Z_pv['SE_CSVS']) # Reorder columns colsOrderFinal = ['SYMBOL', 'AC_cases', 'WT_cases', 'gnomADg_AC_nfe', 'WT_gnomADg_nfe', 'OR_gnomADg_nfe', 'SE_gnomADg_nfe', 'ZScore_gnomADg_nfe', 'pvalue_gnomADg_nfe', 'FDR_gnomADg_nfe', 'lowCI_gnomADg_nfe', 'highCI_gnomADg_nfe', 'gnomADg_AC', 'WT_gnomADg', 'OR_gnomADg', 'SE_gnomADg', 'ZScore_gnomADg', 'pvalue_gnomADg', 'FDR_gnomADg', 'lowCI_gnomADg', 'highCI_gnomADg', 'CSVS_AC', 'WT_CSVS', 'OR_CSVS', 'SE_CSVS', 'ZScore_CSVS', 'pvalue_CSVS', 'FDR_CSVS', 'lowCI_CSVS', 'highCI_CSVS'] GBA = inputGBA_OR_SE_Z_pv_CI[colsOrderFinal] # Filter by FDR < 0.05 in each database and combining them GBA_nfe = GBA[GBA['FDR_gnomADg_nfe'] < 0.05] GBA_gnomAD = GBA[GBA['FDR_gnomADg'] < 0.05] GBA_CSVS = GBA[GBA['FDR_CSVS'] < 0.05] GBA_gnomAD_all = GBA[(GBA['FDR_gnomADg_nfe'] < 0.05) & (GBA['FDR_gnomADg'] < 0.05)] GBA_all = GBA[(GBA['FDR_gnomADg_nfe'] < 0.05) & (GBA['FDR_gnomADg'] < 0.05) & (GBA['FDR_CSVS'] < 0.05)] # Print the results of the GBA print('The GBA is done. Filtering by FDR < 0.05 for the following databases, the next number of genes were enriched:') print('gnomAD NFE: ' + str(len(GBA_nfe)) + ' genes') print('gnomAD all population: ' + str(len(GBA_gnomAD))
pyuvdata. """ pol_labels = ['NS','EW'] plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.25) uv = UVData() uv.read_uvh5(file) baseline_groups = get_baseline_groups(uv,use_ants="auto") freqs = uv.freq_array[0]/1000000 loc = EarthLocation.from_geocentric(*uv.telescope_location, unit='m') obstime_start = Time(uv.time_array[0],format='jd',location=loc) startTime = obstime_start.sidereal_time('mean').hour JD = int(obstime_start.jd) j = 0 fig, axs = plt.subplots(len(baseline_groups),2,figsize=(12,4*len(baseline_groups))) for orientation in baseline_groups: bls = baseline_groups[orientation] usable = 0 for i in range(len(bls)): ants = uv.baseline_to_antnums(bls[i]) if ants[0] in badAnts or ants[1] in badAnts: continue if ants[0] in use_ants and ants[1] in use_ants: usable += 1 if usable <=4: use_all = True print(f'Note: not enough baselines of orientation {orientation} - using all available baselines') elif usable <= 10: print(f'Note: only a small number of baselines of orientation {orientation} are available') use_all = False else: use_all = False for p in range(len(pols)): inter=False intra=False pol = pols[p] for i in range(len(bls)): ants = uv.baseline_to_antnums(bls[i]) ant1 = ants[0] ant2 = ants[1] if (ant1 in use_ants and ant2 in use_ants) or use_all == True: # key1 = 'HH%i:A' % (ant1) # n1 = x[key1].get_part_from_type('node')['E<ground'][1:] # key2 = 'HH%i:A' % (ant2) # n2 = x[key2].get_part_from_type('node')['E<ground'][1:] dat = np.mean(np.abs(uv.get_data(ant1,ant2,pol)),0) auto1 = np.mean(np.abs(uv.get_data(ant1,ant1,pol)),0) auto2 = np.mean(np.abs(uv.get_data(ant2,ant2,pol)),0) norm = np.sqrt(np.multiply(auto1,auto2)) dat = np.divide(dat,norm) if ant1 in badAnts or ant2 in badAnts: continue # if n1 == n2: # if intra is False: # axs[j][p].plot(freqs,dat,color='blue',label='intranode') # intra=True # else: # axs[j][p].plot(freqs,dat,color='blue') # else: # if inter is False: # axs[j][p].plot(freqs,dat,color='red',label='internode') # inter=True # else: # axs[j][p].plot(freqs,dat,color='red') axs[j][p].plot(freqs,dat,color='blue') axs[j][p].set_yscale('log') axs[j][p].set_title('%s: %s pol' % (orientation,pol_labels[p])) if j == 0: axs[len(baseline_groups)-1][p].set_xlabel('Frequency (MHz)') if p == 0: axs[j][p].legend() axs[j][0].set_ylabel('log(|Vij|)') axs[j][1].set_yticks([]) j += 1 fig.suptitle('Visibility spectra (JD: %i)' % (JD)) fig.subplots_adjust(top=.94,wspace=0.05) plt.close() def plot_antenna_positions(uv, badAnts=[],use_ants='auto'): """ Plots the positions of all antennas that have data, colored by node. Parameters ---------- uv: UVData object Observation to extract antenna numbers and positions from badAnts: List A list of flagged or bad antennas. These will be outlined in black in the plot. flaggedAnts: Dict A dict of antennas flagged by ant_metrics with value corresponding to color in ant_metrics plot """ plt.figure(figsize=(12,10)) if badAnts == None: badAnts = [] all_ants = uv.antenna_numbers # nodes, antDict, inclNodes = generate_nodeDict(uv) # N = len(inclNodes) cmap = plt.get_cmap('tab20') i = 0 # nodePos = geo_sysdef.read_nodes() # antPos = geo_sysdef.read_antennas() # ants = geo_sysdef.read_antennas() # nodes = geo_sysdef.read_nodes() # firstNode = True firstAnt = True for i,a in enumerate(all_ants): width = 0 widthf = 0 if a in badAnts: width = 2 x = uv.antenna_positions[i,0] y = uv.antenna_positions[i,1] if a in use_ants: falpha = 0.5 else: falpha = 0.1 if firstAnt: if a in badAnts: if falpha == 0.1: plt.plot(x,y,marker="h",markersize=40,alpha=falpha,color='b', markeredgecolor='black',markeredgewidth=0) plt.annotate(a, [x-1, y]) continue plt.plot(x,y,marker="h",markersize=40,alpha=falpha,color='b', markeredgecolor='black',markeredgewidth=0) if a in badAnts: plt.plot(x,y,marker="h",markersize=40,color='b', markeredgecolor='black',markeredgewidth=width, markerfacecolor="None") else: if falpha == 0.1: plt.plot(x,y,marker="h",markersize=40,alpha=falpha,color='b', markeredgecolor='black',markeredgewidth=0) plt.annotate(a, [x-1, y]) continue plt.plot(x,y,marker="h",markersize=40,alpha=falpha,color='b', markeredgecolor='black',markeredgewidth=width) firstAnt = False else: plt.plot(x,y,marker="h",markersize=40,alpha=falpha,color='b', markeredgecolor='black',markeredgewidth=0) if a in badAnts and a in use_ants: plt.plot(x,y,marker="h",markersize=40,color='b', markeredgecolor='black',markeredgewidth=width, markerfacecolor="None") plt.annotate(a, [x-1, y]) plt.xlabel('East') plt.ylabel('North') plt.close() def plot_lst_coverage(uvd): """ Plots the LST and JD coverage for a particular night. Parameters ---------- uvd: UVData Object Object containing a whole night of data, used to extract the time array. """ lsts = uvd.lst_array*3.819719 jds = np.unique(uvd.time_array) alltimes = np.arange(np.floor(jds[0]),np.ceil(jds[0]),jds[2]-jds[1]) df = jds[2]-jds[1] truetimes = [np.min(np.abs(jds-jd))<=df*0.6 for jd in alltimes] usetimes = np.tile(np.asarray(truetimes),(20,1)) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20,2)) ax = fig.add_subplot() im = ax.imshow(usetimes, aspect='auto',cmap='RdYlGn',vmin=0,vmax=1,interpolation='nearest') fig.colorbar(im) ax.set_yticklabels([]) ax.set_yticks([]) if len(alltimes) <= 15: xticks = [int(i) for i in np.linspace(0,len(alltimes)-1,len(alltimes))] else: xticks = [int(i) for i in np.linspace(0,len(alltimes)-1,14)] ax.set_xticks(xticks) ax.set_xticklabels(np.around(alltimes[xticks],2)) ax.set_xlabel('JD') ax.set_title('LST (hours)') ax2 = ax.twiny() ax2.set_xticks(xticks) jds = alltimes[xticks] lstlabels = [] loc = EarthLocation.from_geocentric(*uvd.telescope_location, unit='m') for jd in jds: t = Time(jd,format='jd',location=loc) lstlabels.append(t.sidereal_time('mean').hour) ax2.set_xticklabels(np.around(lstlabels,2)) ax2.set_label('LST (hours)') ax2.tick_params(labelsize=12) plt.close() def calcEvenOddAmpMatrix(sm,pols=['xx','yy'],nodes='auto', badThresh=0.25, plotRatios=False): """ Calculates a matrix of phase correlations between antennas, where each pixel is calculated as (even/abs(even)) * (conj(odd)/abs(odd)), and then averaged across time and frequency. Paramters: --------- sm: UVData Object Sum observation. df: UVData Object Diff observation. Must be the same time of observation as sm. pols: List Polarizations to plot. Can include any polarization strings accepted by pyuvdata. nodes: String or List Nodes to include in matrix. Default is 'auto', which generates a list of all nodes included in the provided data files. badThresh: Float Threshold correlation metric value to use for flagging bad antennas. Returns: ------- data: Dict Dictionary containing calculated values, formatted as data[polarization][ant1,ant2]. badAnts: List List of antennas that were flagged as bad based on badThresh. """ nants = len(sm.get_ants()) data = {} antnumsAll = sorted(sm.get_ants()) badAnts = [] for p in range(len(pols)): pol = pols[p] data[pol] = np.empty((nants,nants)) for i in range(len(antnumsAll)): thisAnt = [] for j in range(len(antnumsAll)): ant1 = antnumsAll[i] ant2 = antnumsAll[j] dat = sm.get_data(ant1,ant2,pol) even = dat[::2,:] # print('Even') # print(even) odd = dat[1::2,:] # s = sm.get_data(ant1,ant2,pol) # d = df.get_data(ant1,ant2,pol) # even = (s + d)/2 even = np.divide(even,np.abs(even)) # print('Even norm') # print(even) # odd = (s - d)/2 odd = np.divide(odd,np.abs(odd)) product = np.multiply(even,np.conj(odd)) # print('product') # print(product) data[pol][i,j] = np.abs(np.nanmean(product)) thisAnt.append(np.abs(np.mean(product))) pgood = np.count_nonzero(~np.isnan(thisAnt))/len(thisAnt) if (np.nanmedian(thisAnt) < badThresh or pgood<0.2) and antnumsAll[i] not in badAnts: if pol[0]==pol[1]: #Don't assign bad ants based on cross pols badAnts.append(antnumsAll[i]) if plotRatios is True: if len(pols) == 4: data['xx-xy'] = np.subtract(data['xx'],data['xy']) data['xx-yx'] = np.subtract(data['xx'],data['yx']) data['yy-xy'] = np.subtract(data['yy'],data['xy']) data['yy-yx'] = np.subtract(data['yy'],data['yx']) else: print('Can only calculate differences if cross pols were specified') polAnts = {} badAnts = [] subs = ['xx-xy','xx-yx','yy-xy','yy-yx'] for k in subs: for i,ant in enumerate(antnumsAll): dat = data[k][i,:] if np.nanmedian(dat) < 0: if ant in polAnts.keys(): polAnts[ant] = polAnts[ant] + 1 else: polAnts[ant] = 1 if polAnts[ant] == 4: badAnts.append(ant) return data, badAnts def plotCorrMatrix(uv,data,pols=['xx','yy'],vminIn=0,vmaxIn=1,nodes='auto',logScale=False,plotRatios=False): """ Plots a matrix representing the phase correlation of each baseline. Parameters: ---------- uv: UVData Object Observation used for calculating the correlation metric data: Dict Dictionary containing the correlation metric for each baseline and each polarization. Formatted as data[polarization] [ant1,ant2] pols: List Polarizations to plot. Can include any polarization strings accepted by pyuvdata. vminIn: float Lower limit of colorbar. Default is 0. vmaxIn: float Upper limit of colorbar. Default is 1. nodes: Dict Dictionary containing the nodes (and their constituent antennas) to include in the matrix. Formatted as nodes[Node #][Ant List, Snap # List, Snap Location List]. logScale: Bool Option to put colormap on a logarithmic scale. Default is False. """ # if nodes=='auto': # nodeDict, antDict, inclNodes = generate_nodeDict(uv) nantsTotal = len(uv.get_ants()) power = np.empty((nantsTotal,nantsTotal)) fig, axs = plt.subplots(2,2,figsize=(16,16)) dirs = ['NN','EE','NE','EN'] cmap='plasma' if plotRatios is True: pols = ['xx-xy','yy-xy','xx-yx','yy-yx'] dirs=pols vminIn=-1 cmap='seismic' loc = EarthLocation.from_geocentric(*uv.telescope_location, unit='m') jd = uv.time_array[0] t = Time(jd,format='jd',location=loc) lst = round(t.sidereal_time('mean').hour,2) t.format='fits' antnumsAll = sorted(uv.get_ants()) i = 0 for p in range(len(pols)): if p >= 2: i=1 pol = pols[p] nants = len(antnumsAll) if logScale is True: im = axs[i][p%2].imshow(data[pol],cmap=cmap,origin='upper',extent=[0.5,nantsTotal+.5,0.5,nantsTotal+0.5],norm=LogNorm(vmin=vminIn, vmax=vmaxIn)) else: im = axs[i][p%2].imshow(data[pol],cmap=cmap,origin='upper',extent=[0.5,nantsTotal+.5,0.5,nantsTotal+0.5],vmin=vminIn, vmax=vmaxIn) axs[i][p%2].set_xticks(np.arange(0,nantsTotal)+1) axs[i][p%2].set_xticklabels(antnumsAll,rotation=90,fontsize=6) axs[i][p%2].xaxis.set_ticks_position('top') axs[i][p%2].set_title('polarization: ' + dirs[p] + '\n') # n=0 # n=0 # for node in sorted(inclNodes): # n += len(nodeDict[node]['ants']) # axs[0][1].text(nantsTotal+1,nantsTotal-n+len(nodeDict[node]['ants'])/2,node) # axs[1][1].text(nantsTotal+1,nantsTotal-n+len(nodeDict[node]['ants'])/2,node) # axs[0][1].text(1.05,0.4,'Node Number',rotation=270,transform=axs[0][1].transAxes) axs[0][1].set_yticklabels([]) axs[0][1].set_yticks([]) axs[0][0].set_yticks(np.arange(nantsTotal,0,-1)) axs[0][0].set_yticklabels(antnumsAll,fontsize=6) axs[0][0].set_ylabel('Antenna Number') # axs[1][1].text(1.05,0.4,'Node Number',rotation=270,transform=axs[1][1].transAxes) axs[1][1].set_yticklabels([]) axs[1][1].set_yticks([]) axs[1][0].set_yticks(np.arange(nantsTotal,0,-1)) axs[1][0].set_yticklabels(antnumsAll,fontsize=6) axs[1][0].set_ylabel('Antenna Number') cbar_ax = fig.add_axes([0.98,0.18,0.015,0.6]) cbar_ax.set_xlabel('|V|', rotation=0) cbar = fig.colorbar(im, cax=cbar_ax) fig.suptitle('Correlation Matrix - JD: %s, LST: %.0fh' % (str(jd),np.round(lst,0))) fig.subplots_adjust(top=1.28,wspace=0.05,hspace=1.1) fig.tight_layout(pad=2) plt.close() def plot_single_matrix(uv,data,vminIn=0,vmaxIn=1,nodes='auto',logScale=False): if nodes=='auto': nodeDict, antDict, inclNodes = generate_nodeDict(uv) nantsTotal = len(uv.get_ants()) power = np.empty((nantsTotal,nantsTotal)) fig, axs = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(16,16)) loc = EarthLocation.from_geocentric(*uv.telescope_location, unit='m') jd = uv.time_array[0] t = Time(jd,format='jd',location=loc) lst = round(t.sidereal_time('mean').hour,2) t.format='fits' antnumsAll = sort_antennas(uv) nants = len(antnumsAll) if logScale is True: im = axs[0][0].imshow(data[pol],cmap='plasma',origin='upper', extent=[0.5,nantsTotal+.5,0.5,nantsTotal+0.5],norm=LogNorm(vmin=vminIn, vmax=vmaxIn)) else: im = axs[0][0].imshow(data[pol],cmap='plasma',origin='upper',extent= [0.5,nantsTotal+.5,0.5,nantsTotal+0.5],vmin=vminIn, vmax=vmaxIn) axs[0][0].set_xticks(np.arange(0,nantsTotal)+1) axs[0][0].set_xticklabels(antnumsAll,rotation=90,fontsize=6) axs[0][0].xaxis.set_ticks_position('top') axs[0][0].set_title('polarization: ' + dirs[p] + '\n') n=0 for node in sorted(inclNodes): n += len(nodeDict[node]['ants']) axs[0][0].axhline(len(antnumsAll)-n+.5,lw=4) axs[0][0].axvline(n+.5,lw=4) axs[0][0].text(n-len(nodeDict[node]['ants'])/2,-.5,node) axs[0][0].text(.42,-.05,'Node Number',transform=axs[0][0].transAxes) n=0 for node in sorted(inclNodes): n += len(nodeDict[node]['ants']) axs[0][0].text(nantsTotal+1,nantsTotal-n+len(nodeDict[node]['ants'])/2,node) axs[0][0].text(1.05,0.4,'Node Number',rotation=270,transform=axs[0][0].transAxes) axs[0][0].set_yticks(np.arange(nantsTotal,0,-1)) axs[0][0].set_yticklabels(antnumsAll,fontsize=6) axs[0][0].set_ylabel('Antenna Number') axs[0][0].text(1.05,0.4,'Node Number',rotation=270,transform=axs[0][0].transAxes) cbar_ax = fig.add_axes([0.98,0.18,0.015,0.6]) cbar_ax.set_xlabel('|V|', rotation=0) cbar = fig.colorbar(im, cax=cbar_ax) fig.suptitle('Correlation Matrix - JD: %s, LST: %.0fh' % (str(jd),np.round(lst,0))) fig.subplots_adjust(top=1.28,wspace=0.05,hspace=1.1) fig.tight_layout(pad=2) plt.close() def get_hourly_files(uv, HHfiles, jd): """ Generates a list of files spaced one hour apart throughout a night of observation, and the times those files were observed. Parameters: ----------
# # # Copyright (C) University of Melbourne 2012 # # # #Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy #of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal #in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights #to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell #copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is #furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # #The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all #copies or substantial portions of the Software. # #THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR #IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, #FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE #AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER #LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, #OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE #SOFTWARE. # # """ collects functions that build a MUREIL simulation. The intended use from the top-level is to call build_master with the command-line flags, which will process any configuration files (identified as -f file), and any command-line overrides, as listed in the read_flags function. """ import sys, os import ConfigParser import argparse from tools import mureilbase, mureilexception import importlib import logging import string import copy import types import ast import numpy logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def build_master(raw_flags, extra_data = None): """Build the simulation master, using the flags from the command line or elsewhere. Intended to be called from or other simple function. An exception of base type MureilException will be raised in case of error. Inputs: raw_flags: flags from command line sys.argv[1:], or a list of strings such as ['-f', 'config.txt'] extra_data: arbitrary extra data, if required. Outputs: master: a completely configured simulation master, ready to run. """ files, conf_list = read_flags(raw_flags) full_config = accum_config_files(files) master = create_master_instance(full_config, conf_list, extra_data) return master def read_config_file(filename): """Take in a filename and parse the file sections to a nested dict object. Keyword arguments: filename -- a string for the filename to read Returns: config -- a nested dict containing the sections (identified by []) in the configuration file, with each section dict containing its parameters. """ parsed_config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() read_file = # ConfigParser.read_file returns a list of filenames read if read_file == []: msg = 'Configuration file ' + filename + ' not opened.' logger.critical(msg) raise mureilexception.ConfigException(msg, {}) config = {} for section in parsed_config.sections(): this_list = {} for item in parsed_config.items(section): this_list[item[0]] = item[1] config[section] = this_list return config def read_flags(flags, alt_args_list=None): """Process the command-line flags. This: 1) collects a list of configuration file names 2) processes the logging flags, and initialises the logger 3) collects the remaining flags which modify the simulation configuration Inputs: flags: a list of strings, for example ['-f', 'config.txt'], as would come from sys.argv[1:] as command-line arguments. Further details below. alt_args_list: optional. A dict specifying parameters that modify the configuration extracted from the files. A default is provided. Further details below. Outputs: files: a list of configuration filenames conf_list: a list of tuples of format ((section, param_name), param_value) as extracted from the flags using the args list. Details on flags: -f filename or --file filename: filename of a configuration file. Any number of these can be specified and will be applied in order of listing. Logging: see do_logger_setup below for more details. -l filename or --logfile filename: filename of the logfile. -d level or --debuglevel level: set the debuglevel. --logmodulenames: if set (no value needed), log extra information. Default extra arguments: --iterations number: Set the number of iterations --seed number: Set the random seed for the simulation. --pop_size number: Set the population size, if a genetic algorithm. --processes number: Number of processes to spawn for parallel processing --output_file filename: Name of file to write output to --do_plots {True|False}: Draw pretty pictures when done --run_periods periods: Set the periods to run in a multi-period sim. Surround the list of periods in double-quotes e.g. --run_periods "2010 2020". Details on alt_args_list format: args_list is a dict. The key is the command line argument. At the command line, type --name value, e.g. --iterations 10 The value is a tuple identifying where in the configuration to find the parameter to be modified, format (object, param_name). object is 'Master' for the master, or the name in the first position in the corresponding tuple in the master's get_config_spec for the others, for example 'algorithm' (note not 'Algorithm'). The param_name is the name of the parameter to modify as listed in the object's get_config_spec function. """ if alt_args_list: args_list = alt_args_list else: # See notes in docstring for function about args_list format args_list = {'iterations': ('Master', 'iterations'), 'seed': ('algorithm', 'seed'), 'pop_size': ('algorithm', 'pop_size'), 'optim_type': ('Master', 'optim_type'), 'processes': ('algorithm', 'processes'), 'output_file' : ('Master', 'output_file'), 'do_plots' : ('Master', 'do_plots'), 'run_periods': ('Master', 'run_periods')} parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() for arg in args_list: parser.add_argument('--' + arg) parser.add_argument('-f', '--file', action='append') parser.add_argument('-l', '--logfile') parser.add_argument('-d', '--debuglevel') parser.add_argument('--logmodulenames', action='store_true', default=False) args = parser.parse_args(flags) dict_args = vars(args) logger_config = {} for arg in ['logfile', 'debuglevel', 'logmodulenames']: logger_config[arg] = dict_args.pop(arg) do_logger_setup(logger_config) files = dict_args.pop('file') conf_list = [] # Build up a list of ((section, param_name), value) tuples to # describe the modifications to the configuration. for item in dict_args.keys(): val = dict_args[item] if val is not None: conf_tup = (args_list[item], val) conf_list.append(conf_tup) return files, conf_list def do_logger_setup(logger_config): """Set up the simulation logger. Inputs: logger_config: a dict with members (all optional) of: debuglevel: the Python logging level - defaults to INFO. One of DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL. logmodulenames: if True, log the name of the module that the log message is sourced from. logfile: the full path of the log file. Outputs: None """ for arg in ['debuglevel', 'logmodulenames', 'logfile']: if arg not in logger_config: logger_config[arg] = None # First, remove any existing handlers root = logging.getLogger() if root.handlers: handlers = copy.copy(root.handlers) for handler in handlers: root.removeHandler(handler) if logger_config['debuglevel'] is None: debuglevel = 'INFO' else: debuglevel = logger_config['debuglevel'] numeric_level = getattr(logging, debuglevel.upper(), None) if not isinstance(numeric_level, int): raise ValueError('Invalid debug level: %s' % debuglevel) # Now create the new handler if logger_config['logmodulenames']: format_string = '%(levelname)-8s : %(name)s : %(message)s' else: format_string = '%(levelname)-8s : %(message)s' formatter = logging.Formatter(format_string) if logger_config['logfile'] is not None: handler = logging.FileHandler(logger_config['logfile'], mode='w') else: handler = logging.StreamHandler() handler.setFormatter(formatter) root.addHandler(handler) root.setLevel(numeric_level) def accum_config_files(files): """Build a configuration structure from the list of files provided. Inputs: files: a list of string filenames, which are applied in turn, with the later files overwriting parameters already present. Outputs: config: a nested dict, with each section, identified by the [section_name] in the file, and each section a dict of parameter : value, where each value is a string. File format example (shortened - see each module's documentation and get_config_spec function for details of parameters): [Master] model: master.simplemureilmaster.SimpleMureilMaster iterations: 1000 algorithm: Algorithm [Algorithm] model: algorithm.geneticalgorithm.Engine base_mute: 0.01 processes: 0 seed: 12345 and the resulting output: config = {'Master': {'model': 'master.simplemureilmaster.SimpleMureilMaster', 'iterations': '1000', 'algorithm': 'Algorithm'}, 'Algorithm': {'model': 'algorithm.geneticalgorithm.Engine', 'base_mute': '0.01', 'processes': '0', 'seed': '12345'}} """ config = {} for conf_file in files: next_conf = read_config_file(conf_file) for section in next_conf.items(): if section[0] in config: config[section[0]].update(section[1]) else: config[section[0]] = section[1] return config def apply_flags(full_config, flags): """Apply the modifiers are defined in the flags to the specified parameters within the full_config structure. Inputs: full_config: a nested dict - see accum_config_files above. flags: the conf_list output of read_flags above. Format is list of ((section, param_name), value) Outputs: None. full_config is modified in-place. """ for flag in flags: pair, value = flag section, param = pair if (section == 'Master'): if param in full_config['Master']: full_config['Master'][param] = value else: msg = ('Flag ' + flag + '
## values = numpy.copy(value_array) # we do not wish to change the original value_array in case it needs to be reused in user code ## for cell, val in zip(self, values): ## cell.set_parameters(**{parametername: val}) ## elif len(value_array.shape) == len(self.dim[0:self.actual_ndim])+1: # the values are themselves 1D arrays ## for cell,addr in zip(self.ids(), self.addresses()): ## val = value_array[addr] ## setattr(cell, parametername, val) ## else: ## raise errors.InvalidDimensionsError ##def rset(self, parametername, rand_distr): ## """ ## 'Random' set. Set the value of parametername to a value taken from ## rand_distr, which should be a RandomDistribution object. ## """ ## """ ## Will be implemented in the future more efficiently for ## NativeRNGs. ## """ ## rarr = numpy.array( ## rarr = rarr.reshape(self.dim[0:self.actual_ndim]) ## self.tset(parametername, rarr) def _call(self, methodname, arguments): """ Calls the method methodname(arguments) for every cell in the population. e.g."set_background","0.1") if the cell class has a method set_background(). """ """ This works nicely for PCSIM for simulator specific cells, because cells (SimObject classes) are directly wrapped in python """ for i in xrange(0, len(self)): obj =[i]) if obj: apply( obj, methodname, (), arguments) def _tcall(self, methodname, objarr): """ `Topographic' call. Calls the method methodname() for every cell in the population. The argument to the method depends on the coordinates of the cell. objarr is an array with the same dimensions as the Population. e.g. p.tcall("memb_init", vinitArray) calls p.cell[i][j].memb_init(vInitArray[i][j]) for all i, j. """ """ PCSIM: iteration at the python level and apply""" for i in xrange(0, len(self)): obj =[i]) if obj: apply( obj, methodname, (), arguments) PopulationView = common.PopulationView Assembly = common.Assembly class Projection(common.Projection, WDManager): """ A container for all the connections of a given type (same synapse type and plasticity mechanisms) between two populations, together with methods to set parameters of those connections, including of plasticity mechanisms. """ nProj = 0 def __init__(self, presynaptic_population, postsynaptic_population, method, source=None, target=None, synapse_dynamics=None, label=None, rng=None): """ presynaptic_population and postsynaptic_population - Population objects. source - string specifying which attribute of the presynaptic cell signals action potentials target - string specifying which synapse on the postsynaptic cell to connect to If source and/or target are not given, default values are used. method - a Connector object, encapsulating the algorithm to use for connecting the neurons. synapse_dynamics - a `SynapseDynamics` object specifying which synaptic plasticity mechanisms to use. rng - specify an RNG object to be used by the Connector.. """ """ PCSIM implementation specific comments: - source parameter does not have any meaning in context of PyPCSIM interface. Action potential signals are predefined by the neuron model and each cell has only one source, so there is no need to name a source since is implicitly known. - rng parameter is also not currently not applicable. For connection making only internal random number generators can be used. - The semantics of the target parameter is slightly changed: If it is a string then it represents a pcsim synapse class. If it is an integer then it represents which target(synapse) on the postsynaptic cell to connect to. It can be also a pcsim SimObjectFactory object which will be used for creation of the synapse objects associated to the created connections. """ common.Projection.__init__(self, presynaptic_population, postsynaptic_population, method, source, target, synapse_dynamics, label, rng) self.is_conductance = if isinstance(, Assembly): assert celltype =[0].celltype else: celltype = self.synapse_shape = ("alpha" in celltype.__class__.__name__) and "alpha" or "exp" ### Determine connection decider ##decider, wiring_method, weight, delay = method.connect(self) ## ##weight = self.getWeight(weight) ##self.is_conductance = hasattr(,'ErevExc') ## ##if isinstance(weight, pyNN.random.RandomDistribution) or hasattr(weight, '__len__'): ## w = 1. ##else: ## w = self.convertWeight(weight, self.is_conductance) ## ##delay = self.getDelay(delay) ##if isinstance(delay, pyNN.random.RandomDistribution) or hasattr(delay, '__len__'): ## d = simulator.state.min_delay/1000. ##else: ## d = self.convertDelay(delay) ## # handle synapse dynamics if core.is_listlike(method.weights): w = method.weights[0] elif hasattr(method.weights, "next"): # random distribution w = 0.0 # actual value used here shouldn't matter. Actual values will be set in the Connector. elif isinstance(method.weights, basestring): w = 0.0 # actual value used here shouldn't matter. Actual values will be set in the Connector. elif hasattr(method.weights, 'func_name'): w = 0.0 # actual value used here shouldn't matter. Actual values will be set in the Connector. else: w = method.weights if core.is_listlike(method.delays): d = min(method.delays) elif hasattr(method.delays, "next"): # random distribution d = get_min_delay() # actual value used here shouldn't matter. Actual values will be set in the Connector. elif isinstance(method.delays, basestring): d = get_min_delay() # actual value used here shouldn't matter. Actual values will be set in the Connector. elif hasattr(method.delays, 'func_name'): d = 0.0 # actual value used here shouldn't matter. Actual values will be set in the Connector. else: d = method.delays plasticity_parameters = {} if self.synapse_dynamics: # choose the right model depending on whether we have conductance- or current-based synapses if self.is_conductance: possible_models = get_synapse_models("Cond") else: possible_models = get_synapse_models("Curr").union(get_synapse_models("CuBa")) if self.synapse_shape == 'alpha': possible_models = possible_models.intersection(get_synapse_models("Alpha")) else: possible_models = possible_models.intersection(get_synapse_models("Exp")).difference(get_synapse_models("DoubleExp")) if not self.is_conductance and self.synapse_shape is "exp": possible_models.add("StaticStdpSynapse") possible_models.add("StaticSpikingSynapse") possible_models.add("DynamicStdpSynapse") possible_models.add("DynamicSpikingSynapse") # we need to know the synaptic time constant, which is a property of the # post-synaptic cell in PyNN. Here, we get it from the Population initial # value, but this is a problem if tau_syn varies from cell to cell if target in (None, 'excitatory'): tau_syn =['TauSynExc'] if self.is_conductance: e_syn =['ErevExc'] elif target == 'inhibitory': tau_syn =['TauSynInh'] if self.is_conductance: e_syn =['ErevInh'] else: raise Exception("Currently, target must be one of 'excitatory', 'inhibitory' with dynamic synapses") if self.is_conductance: plasticity_parameters.update(Erev=e_syn) weight_scale_factor = 1e-6 else: weight_scale_factor = 1e-9 if possible_models = possible_models.intersection( plasticity_parameters.update( # perhaps need to ensure that STDP is turned off here, to be turned back on by the next block else: possible_models = possible_models.difference(dynamic_synapse_models) # imported from synapses module if self.synapse_dynamics.slow: possible_models = possible_models.intersection(self.synapse_dynamics.slow.possible_models) plasticity_parameters.update(self.synapse_dynamics.slow.all_parameters) dendritic_delay = self.synapse_dynamics.slow.dendritic_delay_fraction * d transmission_delay = d - dendritic_delay plasticity_parameters.update({'back_delay': 2*0.001*dendritic_delay, 'Winit': w*weight_scale_factor}) # hack to work around the limitations of the translation method if self.is_conductance: for name in self.synapse_dynamics.slow.weight_dependence.scales_with_weight: plasticity_parameters[name] *= 1e3 # a scale factor of 1e-9 is always applied in the translation stage else: possible_models = possible_models.difference(stdp_synapse_models) plasticity_parameters.update({'W': w*weight_scale_factor}) if len(possible_models) == 0: raise errors.NoModelAvailableError("The synapse model requested is not available.") synapse_type = getattr(pypcsim, list(possible_models)[0]) try: self.syn_factory = synapse_type(delay=d, tau=tau_syn, **plasticity_parameters) except Exception, err: err.args = ("%s\nActual arguments were: delay=%g, tau=%g, plasticity_parameters=%s" % (err.message, d, tau_syn, plasticity_parameters),) + err.args[1:] raise else: if not target: self.syn_factory = pypcsim.SimpleScalingSpikingSynapse(1, w, d) elif isinstance(target, int): self.syn_factory = pypcsim.SimpleScalingSpikingSynapse(target, w, d) else: if isinstance(target, str): if target == 'excitatory': self.syn_factory = pypcsim.SimpleScalingSpikingSynapse(1, w, d) elif target == 'inhibitory': self.syn_factory = pypcsim.SimpleScalingSpikingSynapse(2, w, d) else: target = eval(target) self.syn_factory = target({}) else: self.syn_factory = target ##self.pcsim_projection = pypcsim.ConnectionsProjection(self.pre.pcsim_population,, ## self.syn_factory, decider, wiring_method, collectIDs = True, ## collectPairs=True) ## ########## Should be removed and better implemented by using ### the fact that those random Distribution can be passed directly ### while the network is build, and not set after... ##if isinstance(weight, pyNN.random.RandomDistribution): ## self.randomizeWeights(weight) ##elif hasattr(weight, '__len__'): ## assert len(weight) == len(self), "Weight array does not have the same number of elements as the Projection %d != %d" % (len(weight),len(self)) ## self.setWeights(weight) ## ##if isinstance(delay, pyNN.random.RandomDistribution): ## self.randomizeDelays(delay) ##elif hasattr(delay, '__len__'): ## assert len(delay) == len(self), "Weight array does not have the same number of elements as the Projection %d != %d" % (len(weight),len(self)) ## self.setDelays(delay) ##self.synapse_type = self.syn_factory #target or 'excitatory' self.synapse_type = target or 'excitatory' self.connection_manager = simulator.ConnectionManager(self.syn_factory, parent=self) self.connections = self.connection_manager method.connect(self) Projection.nProj += 1 # The commented-out code in this class has been left there as it may be # useful when we start (re-)optimizing the implementation ##def __len__(self): ##
'<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u6c5f\u82cf\u7701\u5357\u4eac\u5e02')}, '861811481':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u6c5f\u82cf\u7701\u9547\u6c5f\u5e02')}, '861811482':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u6c5f\u82cf\u7701\u5f90\u5dde\u5e02')}, '861818218':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u6e56\u5357\u7701\u5e38\u5fb7\u5e02')}, '861811483':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u6c5f\u82cf\u7701\u5f90\u5dde\u5e02')}, '861818212':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u6e56\u5357\u7701\u957f\u6c99\u5e02')}, '861811484':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u6c5f\u82cf\u7701\u5f90\u5dde\u5e02')}, '861818210':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u6e56\u5357\u7701\u957f\u6c99\u5e02')}, '861818211':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u6e56\u5357\u7701\u957f\u6c99\u5e02')}, '861818216':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u6e56\u5357\u7701\u5e38\u5fb7\u5e02')}, '861818217':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u6e56\u5357\u7701\u5e38\u5fb7\u5e02')}, '861818214':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u6e56\u5357\u7701\u5e38\u5fb7\u5e02')}, '861818215':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u6e56\u5357\u7701\u5e38\u5fb7\u5e02')}, '861818814':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u8d35\u5dde\u7701\u9ed4\u5357\u5e03\u4f9d\u65cf\u82d7\u65cf\u81ea\u6cbb\u5dde')}, '861818815':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u8d35\u5dde\u7701\u9ed4\u4e1c\u5357\u82d7\u65cf\u4f97\u65cf\u81ea\u6cbb\u5dde')}, '861818816':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u8d35\u5dde\u7701\u94dc\u4ec1\u5730\u533a')}, '861818817':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u8d35\u5dde\u7701\u6bd5\u8282\u5730\u533a')}, '861818810':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u8d35\u5dde\u7701\u8d35\u9633\u5e02')}, '861811486':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u6c5f\u82cf\u7701\u65e0\u9521\u5e02')}, '861818812':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u8d35\u5dde\u7701\u9075\u4e49\u5e02')}, '861818813':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u8d35\u5dde\u7701\u5b89\u987a\u5e02')}, '861811487':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u6c5f\u82cf\u7701\u65e0\u9521\u5e02')}, '861818818':{'en': 'Liupanshui, Guizhou', 'zh': u('\u8d35\u5dde\u7701\u516d\u76d8\u6c34\u5e02')}, '861818819':{'en': 'Qianxinan, Guizhou', 'zh': u('\u8d35\u5dde\u7701\u9ed4\u897f\u5357\u5e03\u4f9d\u65cf\u82d7\u65cf\u81ea\u6cbb\u5dde')}, '861816320':{'en': 'Zhuhai, Guangdong', 'zh': u('\u5e7f\u4e1c\u7701\u73e0\u6d77\u5e02')}, '861816321':{'en': 'Qingyuan, Guangdong', 'zh': u('\u5e7f\u4e1c\u7701\u6e05\u8fdc\u5e02')}, '861816322':{'en': 'Zhuhai, Guangdong', 'zh': u('\u5e7f\u4e1c\u7701\u73e0\u6d77\u5e02')}, '861816323':{'en': 'Zhuhai, Guangdong', 'zh': u('\u5e7f\u4e1c\u7701\u73e0\u6d77\u5e02')}, '861816324':{'en': 'Heyuan, Guangdong', 'zh': u('\u5e7f\u4e1c\u7701\u6cb3\u6e90\u5e02')}, '861816325':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u5e7f\u4e1c\u7701\u6cb3\u6e90\u5e02')}, '861816326':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u5e7f\u4e1c\u7701\u6cb3\u6e90\u5e02')}, '861816327':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u5e7f\u4e1c\u7701\u6cb3\u6e90\u5e02')}, '861816328':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u5e7f\u4e1c\u7701\u6cb3\u6e90\u5e02')}, '861816329':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u5e7f\u4e1c\u7701\u6cb3\u6e90\u5e02')}, '86182450':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u9ed1\u9f99\u6c5f\u7701\u54c8\u5c14\u6ee8\u5e02')}, '86182451':{'en': 'Harbin, Heilongjiang', 'zh': u('\u9ed1\u9f99\u6c5f\u7701\u54c8\u5c14\u6ee8\u5e02')}, '86182452':{'en': 'Qiqihar, Heilongjiang', 'zh': u('\u9ed1\u9f99\u6c5f\u7701\u9f50\u9f50\u54c8\u5c14\u5e02')}, '86182453':{'en': 'Mudanjiang, Heilongjiang', 'zh': u('\u9ed1\u9f99\u6c5f\u7701\u7261\u4e39\u6c5f\u5e02')}, '86182454':{'en': 'Jiamusi, Heilongjiang', 'zh': u('\u9ed1\u9f99\u6c5f\u7701\u4f73\u6728\u65af\u5e02')}, '86182455':{'en': 'Suihua, Heilongjiang', 'zh': u('\u9ed1\u9f99\u6c5f\u7701\u7ee5\u5316\u5e02')}, '86182457':{'en': 'Daqing, Heilongjiang', 'zh': u('\u9ed1\u9f99\u6c5f\u7701\u5927\u5e86\u5e02')}, '861827668':{'en': 'Hechi, Guangxi', 'zh': u('\u5e7f\u897f\u6cb3\u6c60\u5e02')}, '86182459':{'en': 'Daqing, Heilongjiang', 'zh': u('\u9ed1\u9f99\u6c5f\u7701\u5927\u5e86\u5e02')}, '861829557':{'en': 'Yinchuan, Ningxia', 'zh': u('\u5b81\u590f\u94f6\u5ddd\u5e02')}, '861829556':{'en': 'Guyuan, Ningxia', 'zh': u('\u5b81\u590f\u56fa\u539f\u5e02')}, '861829551':{'en': 'Yinchuan, Ningxia', 'zh': u('\u5b81\u590f\u94f6\u5ddd\u5e02')}, '861829550':{'en': 'Yinchuan, Ningxia', 'zh': u('\u5b81\u590f\u94f6\u5ddd\u5e02')}, '861829553':{'en': 'Wuzhong, Ningxia', 'zh': u('\u5b81\u590f\u5434\u5fe0\u5e02')}, '861829552':{'en': 'Shizuishan, Ningxia', 'zh': u('\u5b81\u590f\u77f3\u5634\u5c71\u5e02')}, '86181812':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u56db\u5ddd\u7701\u51c9\u5c71\u5f5d\u65cf\u81ea\u6cbb\u5dde')}, '86181819':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u56db\u5ddd\u7701\u6210\u90fd\u5e02')}, '861826288':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u6c5f\u82cf\u7701\u9547\u6c5f\u5e02')}, '861826289':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u6c5f\u82cf\u7701\u5357\u901a\u5e02')}, '861826284':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u6c5f\u82cf\u7701\u5bbf\u8fc1\u5e02')}, '861826285':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u6c5f\u82cf\u7701\u5bbf\u8fc1\u5e02')}, '861826286':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u6c5f\u82cf\u7701\u76d0\u57ce\u5e02')}, '861826287':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u6c5f\u82cf\u7701\u76d0\u57ce\u5e02')}, '861826280':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u6c5f\u82cf\u7701\u6cf0\u5dde\u5e02')}, '861826281':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u6c5f\u82cf\u7701\u6dee\u5b89\u5e02')}, '861826282':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u6c5f\u82cf\u7701\u6dee\u5b89\u5e02')}, '861826283':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u6c5f\u82cf\u7701\u8fde\u4e91\u6e2f\u5e02')}, '861812445':{'en': 'Zhuhai, Guangdong', 'zh': u('\u5e7f\u4e1c\u7701\u73e0\u6d77\u5e02')}, '861812444':{'en': 'Maoming, Guangdong', 'zh': u('\u5e7f\u4e1c\u7701\u8302\u540d\u5e02')}, '861812447':{'en': 'Qingyuan, Guangdong', 'zh': u('\u5e7f\u4e1c\u7701\u6e05\u8fdc\u5e02')}, '861812446':{'en': 'Zhaoqing, Guangdong', 'zh': u('\u5e7f\u4e1c\u7701\u8087\u5e86\u5e02')}, '861812441':{'en': 'Yangjiang, Guangdong', 'zh': u('\u5e7f\u4e1c\u7701\u9633\u6c5f\u5e02')}, '861812440':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u5e7f\u4e1c\u7701\u97f6\u5173\u5e02')}, '861812443':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u5e7f\u4e1c\u7701\u63ed\u9633\u5e02')}, '861812442':{'en': 'Zhanjiang, Guangdong', 'zh': u('\u5e7f\u4e1c\u7701\u6e5b\u6c5f\u5e02')}, '861821942':{'en': 'Yangjiang, Guangdong', 'zh': u('\u5e7f\u4e1c\u7701\u9633\u6c5f\u5e02')}, '861821943':{'en': 'Zhanjiang, Guangdong', 'zh': u('\u5e7f\u4e1c\u7701\u6e5b\u6c5f\u5e02')}, '861821940':{'en': 'Meizhou, Guangdong', 'zh': u('\u5e7f\u4e1c\u7701\u6885\u5dde\u5e02')}, '861821941':{'en': 'Meizhou, Guangdong', 'zh': u('\u5e7f\u4e1c\u7701\u6885\u5dde\u5e02')}, '861812449':{'en': 'Huizhou, Guangdong', 'zh': u('\u5e7f\u4e1c\u7701\u60e0\u5dde\u5e02')}, '861812448':{'en': 'Heyuan, Guangdong', 'zh': u('\u5e7f\u4e1c\u7701\u6cb3\u6e90\u5e02')}, '861821944':{'en': 'Shenzhen, Guangdong', 'zh': u('\u5e7f\u4e1c\u7701\u6df1\u5733\u5e02')}, '861821945':{'en': 'Guangzhou, Guangdong', 'zh': u('\u5e7f\u4e1c\u7701\u5e7f\u5dde\u5e02')}, '861810574':{'en': 'Ningbo, Zhejiang', 'zh': u('\u6d59\u6c5f\u7701\u5b81\u6ce2\u5e02')}, '861810573':{'en': 'Jiaxing, Zhejiang', 'zh': u('\u6d59\u6c5f\u7701\u5609\u5174\u5e02')}, '861810572':{'en': 'Huzhou, Zhejiang', 'zh': u('\u6d59\u6c5f\u7701\u6e56\u5dde\u5e02')}, '861821810':{'en': 'Shaoguan, Guangdong', 'zh': u('\u5e7f\u4e1c\u7701\u97f6\u5173\u5e02')}, '861810571':{'en': 'Hangzhou, Zhejiang', 'zh': u('\u6d59\u6c5f\u7701\u676d\u5dde\u5e02')}, '861821811':{'en': 'Zhaoqing, Guangdong', 'zh': u('\u5e7f\u4e1c\u7701\u8087\u5e86\u5e02')}, '861810570':{'en': 'Quzhou, Zhejiang', 'zh': u('\u6d59\u6c5f\u7701\u8862\u5dde\u5e02')}, '861821812':{'en': 'Heyuan, Guangdong', 'zh': u('\u5e7f\u4e1c\u7701\u6cb3\u6e90\u5e02')}, '861823012':{'en': 'Baoding, Hebei', 'zh': u('\u6cb3\u5317\u7701\u4fdd\u5b9a\u5e02')}, '861820945':{'en': 'Jinchang, Gansu', 'zh': u('\u7518\u8083\u7701\u91d1\u660c\u5e02')}, '861823010':{'en': 'Handan, Hebei', 'zh': u('\u6cb3\u5317\u7701\u90af\u90f8\u5e02')}, '861821813':{'en': 'Meizhou, Guangdong', 'zh': u('\u5e7f\u4e1c\u7701\u6885\u5dde\u5e02')}, '861823016':{'en': 'Langfang, Hebei', 'zh': u('\u6cb3\u5317\u7701\u5eca\u574a\u5e02')}, '861823017':{'en': 'Cangzhou, Hebei', 'zh': u('\u6cb3\u5317\u7701\u6ca7\u5dde\u5e02')}, '861819028':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u56db\u5ddd\u7701\u8d44\u9633\u5e02')}, '861819029':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u56db\u5ddd\u7701\u8d44\u9633\u5e02')}, '861819026':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u56db\u5ddd\u7701\u963f\u575d\u85cf\u65cf\u7f8c\u65cf\u81ea\u6cbb\u5dde')}, '861819027':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u56db\u5ddd\u7701\u8d44\u9633\u5e02')}, '861819024':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u56db\u5ddd\u7701\u81ea\u8d21\u5e02')}, '861819025':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u56db\u5ddd\u7701\u963f\u575d\u85cf\u65cf\u7f8c\u65cf\u81ea\u6cbb\u5dde')}, '861819022':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u56db\u5ddd\u7701\u7518\u5b5c\u85cf\u65cf\u81ea\u6cbb\u5dde')}, '861819023':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u56db\u5ddd\u7701\u81ea\u8d21\u5e02')}, '861819020':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u56db\u5ddd\u7701\u9042\u5b81\u5e02')}, '861819021':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u56db\u5ddd\u7701\u7518\u5b5c\u85cf\u65cf\u81ea\u6cbb\u5dde')}, '861811233':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u6c5f\u82cf\u7701\u5e38\u5dde\u5e02')}, '861811232':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u6c5f\u82cf\u7701\u5e38\u5dde\u5e02')}, '861811231':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u6c5f\u82cf\u7701\u5e38\u5dde\u5e02')}, '861811230':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u6c5f\u82cf\u7701\u5e38\u5dde\u5e02')}, '861811237':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u6c5f\u82cf\u7701\u65e0\u9521\u5e02')}, '861811236':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u6c5f\u82cf\u7701\u65e0\u9521\u5e02')}, '861811235':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u6c5f\u82cf\u7701\u65e0\u9521\u5e02')}, '861811234':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u6c5f\u82cf\u7701\u5e38\u5dde\u5e02')}, '861811239':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u6c5f\u82cf\u7701\u65e0\u9521\u5e02')}, '861811238':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u6c5f\u82cf\u7701\u65e0\u9521\u5e02')}, '861820943':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u7518\u8083\u7701\u767d\u94f6\u5e02')}, '861820942':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u7518\u8083\u7701\u5b9a\u897f\u5e02')}, '861810973':{'en': 'Hu<NAME>hai', 'zh': u('\u9752\u6d77\u7701\u9ec4\u5357\u85cf\u65cf\u81ea\u6cbb\u5dde')}, '861810972':{'en': 'Haidong, Qinghai', 'zh': u('\u9752\u6d77\u7701\u6d77\u4e1c\u5730\u533a')}, '861810971':{'en': 'Xining, Qinghai', 'zh': u('\u9752\u6d77\u7701\u897f\u5b81\u5e02')}, '861810970':{'en': 'Haibei, Qinghai', 'zh': u('\u9752\u6d77\u7701\u6d77\u5317\u85cf\u65cf\u81ea\u6cbb\u5dde')}, '861825654':{'en': 'Hefei, Anhui', 'zh': u('\u5b89\u5fbd\u7701\u5408\u80a5\u5e02')}, '861817257':{'en': 'Yulin, Guangxi', 'zh': u('\u5e7f\u897f\u7389\u6797\u5e02')}, '861810976':{'en': 'Yushu, Qinghai', 'zh': u('\u9752\u6d77\u7701\u7389\u6811\u85cf\u65cf\u81ea\u6cbb\u5dde')}, '861817255':{'en': 'Yulin, Guangxi', 'zh': u('\u5e7f\u897f\u7389\u6797\u5e02')}, '861810758':{'en': 'Zhaoqing, Guangdong', 'zh': u('\u5e7f\u4e1c\u7701\u8087\u5e86\u5e02')}, '861817259':{'en': 'Yulin, Guangxi', 'zh': u('\u5e7f\u897f\u7389\u6797\u5e02')}, '861817258':{'en': 'Yulin, Guangxi', 'zh': u('\u5e7f\u897f\u7389\u6797\u5e02')}, '86182768':{'en': 'Liuzhou, Guangxi', 'zh': u('\u5e7f\u897f\u67f3\u5dde\u5e02')}, '861811941':{'en': 'Lan<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u7518\u8083\u7701\u5170\u5dde\u5e02')}, '861811940':{'en': 'Lanzhou, Gansu', 'zh': u('\u7518\u8083\u7701\u5170\u5dde\u5e02')}, '861811943':{'en': 'B<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u7518\u8083\u7701\u767d\u94f6\u5e02')}, '861811942':{'en': 'Lanzhou, Gansu', 'zh': u('\u7518\u8083\u7701\u5170\u5dde\u5e02')}, '861811945':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u7518\u8083\u7701\u5170\u5dde\u5e02')}, '861811944':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u7518\u8083\u7701\u5170\u5dde\u5e02')}, '861811499':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u6c5f\u82cf\u7701\u5f90\u5dde\u5e02')}, '861811498':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u6c5f\u82cf\u7701\u5f90\u5dde\u5e02')}, '861811497':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u6c5f\u82cf\u7701\u5f90\u5dde\u5e02')}, '861811496':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u6c5f\u82cf\u7701\u5bbf\u8fc1\u5e02')}, '861811495':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u6c5f\u82cf\u7701\u8fde\u4e91\u6e2f\u5e02')}, '861811494':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u6c5f\u82cf\u7701\u626c\u5dde\u5e02')}, '861811493':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u6c5f\u82cf\u7701\u626c\u5dde\u5e02')}, '861811492':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u6c5f\u82cf\u7701\u5357\u4eac\u5e02')}, '861811491':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u6c5f\u82cf\u7701\u82cf\u5dde\u5e02')}, '861811490':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u6c5f\u82cf\u7701\u82cf\u5dde\u5e02')}, '861820097':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u5e7f\u4e1c\u7701\u9633\u6c5f\u5e02')}, '86182765':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u5e7f\u897f\u7389\u6797\u5e02')}, '861820764':{'en': 'Guangzhou, Guangdong', 'zh': u('\u5e7f\u4e1c\u7701\u5e7f\u5dde\u5e02')}, '86182762':{'en': 'Liuzhou, Guangxi', 'zh': u('\u5e7f\u897f\u67f3\u5dde\u5e02')}, '861820767':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u5e7f\u4e1c\u7701\u6df1\u5733\u5e02')}, '86182763':{'en': 'Guilin, Guangxi', 'zh': u('\u5e7f\u897f\u6842\u6797\u5e02')}, '861810014':{'en': 'Ningbo, Zhejiang', 'zh': u('\u6d59\u6c5f\u7701\u5b81\u6ce2\u5e02')}, '861810015':{'en': 'Wenzhou, Zhejiang', 'zh': u('\u6d59\u6c5f\u7701\u6e29\u5dde\u5e02')}, '861810016':{'en': 'Wenzhou, Zhejiang', 'zh': u('\u6d59\u6c5f\u7701\u6e29\u5dde\u5e02')}, '861810017':{'en': 'Hangzhou, Zhejiang', 'zh': u('\u6d59\u6c5f\u7701\u676d\u5dde\u5e02')}, '861810010':{'en': 'Tianjin', 'zh': u('\u5929\u6d25\u5e02')}, '861810011':{'en': 'Tianjin', 'zh': u('\u5929\u6d25\u5e02')}, '861810012':{'en': 'Ningbo, Zhejiang', 'zh': u('\u6d59\u6c5f\u7701\u5b81\u6ce2\u5e02')}, '861810013':{'en': 'Ningbo, Zhejiang', 'zh': u('\u6d59\u6c5f\u7701\u5b81\u6ce2\u5e02')}, '861816917':{'en': 'Guyuan, Ningxia', 'zh': u('\u5b81\u590f\u56fa\u539f\u5e02')}, '861816916':{'en': 'Wuzhong, Ningxia', 'zh': u('\u5b81\u590f\u5434\u5fe0\u5e02')}, '861810548':{'en': 'T<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u5c71\u4e1c\u7701\u6cf0\u5b89\u5e02')}, '861810549':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u5c71\u4e1c\u7701\u4e34\u6c82\u5e02')}, '861810018':{'en': 'Hangzhou, Zhejiang', 'zh': u('\u6d59\u6c5f\u7701\u676d\u5dde\u5e02')}, '861810019':{'en': 'Hangzhou, Zhejiang', 'zh': u('\u6d59\u6c5f\u7701\u676d\u5dde\u5e02')}, '861816911':{'en': 'Yinchuan, Ningxia', 'zh': u('\u5b81\u590f\u94f6\u5ddd\u5e02')}, '861816910':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u5b81\u590f\u94f6\u5ddd\u5e02')}, '861813895':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u5e7f\u4e1c\u7701\u6c5f\u95e8\u5e02')}, '861813894':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u5e7f\u4e1c\u7701\u4f5b\u5c71\u5e02')}, '861813897':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u5e7f\u4e1c\u7701\u6c5f\u95e8\u5e02')}, '861813896':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u5e7f\u4e1c\u7701\u6c5f\u95e8\u5e02')}, '861813891':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u5e7f\u4e1c\u7701\u4f5b\u5c71\u5e02')}, '861813890':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u5e7f\u4e1c\u7701\u4f5b\u5c71\u5e02')}, '861813893':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u5e7f\u4e1c\u7701\u4f5b\u5c71\u5e02')}, '861813892':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u5e7f\u4e1c\u7701\u4f5b\u5c71\u5e02')}, '861820762':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u5e7f\u4e1c\u7701\u6cb3\u6e90\u5e02')}, '861813899':{'en': 'Jiangmen, Guangdong', 'zh': u('\u5e7f\u4e1c\u7701\u6c5f\u95e8\u5e02')}, '861813898':{'en': 'Jiangmen, Guangdong', 'zh': u('\u5e7f\u4e1c\u7701\u6c5f\u95e8\u5e02')}, '861814205':{'en': 'Ningbo, Zhejiang', 'zh': u('\u6d59\u6c5f\u7701\u5b81\u6ce2\u5e02')}, '861814204':{'en': 'Ningbo, Zhejiang', 'zh': u('\u6d59\u6c5f\u7701\u5b81\u6ce2\u5e02')}, '861814207':{'en': 'Wenzhou, Zhejiang', 'zh': u('\u6d59\u6c5f\u7701\u6e29\u5dde\u5e02')}, '861814206':{'en': 'Wenzhou, Zhejiang', 'zh': u('\u6d59\u6c5f\u7701\u6e29\u5dde\u5e02')}, '861814201':{'en': 'Hangzhou, Zhejiang', 'zh': u('\u6d59\u6c5f\u7701\u676d\u5dde\u5e02')}, '861814200':{'en': 'Hangzhou, Zhejiang', 'zh': u('\u6d59\u6c5f\u7701\u676d\u5dde\u5e02')}, '861814203':{'en': 'Ningbo, Zhejiang', 'zh': u('\u6d59\u6c5f\u7701\u5b81\u6ce2\u5e02')}, '861814202':{'en': 'Hangzhou, Zhejiang', 'zh': u('\u6d59\u6c5f\u7701\u676d\u5dde\u5e02')}, '861814209':{'en': 'Jiaxing, Zhejiang', 'zh': u('\u6d59\u6c5f\u7701\u5609\u5174\u5e02')}, '861814208':{'en': 'Wenzhou, Zhejiang', 'zh': u('\u6d59\u6c5f\u7701\u6e29\u5dde\u5e02')}, '861809939':{'en': 'Aksu, Xinjiang', 'zh': u('\u65b0\u7586\u963f\u514b\u82cf\u5730\u533a')}, '861809938':{'en': 'Changji, Xinjiang', 'zh': u('\u65b0\u7586\u660c\u5409\u56de\u65cf\u81ea\u6cbb\u5dde')}, '861809935':{'en': 'Changji, Xinjiang', 'zh': u('\u65b0\u7586\u660c\u5409\u56de\u65cf\u81ea\u6cbb\u5dde')}, '861809934':{'en': 'Hami, Xinjiang', 'zh': u('\u65b0\u7586\u54c8\u5bc6\u5730\u533a')}, '861825744':{'en': 'Ningbo, Zhejiang', 'zh': u('\u6d59\u6c5f\u7701\u5b81\u6ce2\u5e02')}, '861821995':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u7518\u8083\u7701\u6b66\u5a01\u5e02')}, '861813099':{'en': 'Ili, Xinjiang', 'zh': u('\u65b0\u7586\u4f0a\u7281\u54c8\u8428\u514b\u81ea\u6cbb\u5dde')}, '861813098':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u65b0\u7586\u4f0a\u7281\u54c8\u8428\u514b\u81ea\u6cbb\u5dde')}, '861828099':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u56db\u5ddd\u7701\u5e7f\u5b89\u5e02')}, '861821994':{'en': 'Q<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u7518\u8083\u7701\u5e86\u9633\u5e02')}, '861813095':{'en': 'Ili, Xinjiang', 'zh': u('\u65b0\u7586\u4f0a\u7281\u54c8\u8428\u514b\u81ea\u6cbb\u5dde')}, '861813094':{'en': 'Ili, Xinjiang', 'zh': u('\u65b0\u7586\u4f0a\u7281\u54c8\u8428\u514b\u81ea\u6cbb\u5dde')}, '861813097':{'en': 'Aksu, Xinjiang', 'zh': u('\u65b0\u7586\u963f\u514b\u82cf\u5730\u533a')}, '861813096':{'en': 'Aksu, Xinjiang', 'zh': u('\u65b0\u7586\u963f\u514b\u82cf\u5730\u533a')}, '861813091':{'en': 'Urumchi, Xinjiang', 'zh': u('\u65b0\u7586\u4e4c\u9c81\u6728\u9f50\u5e02')}, '861813090':{'en': 'Urumchi, Xinjiang', 'zh': u('\u65b0\u7586\u4e4c\u9c81\u6728\u9f50\u5e02')}, '861813093':{'en': 'Hotan, Xinjiang', 'zh': u('\u65b0\u7586\u548c\u7530\u5730\u533a')}, '861813092':{'en': 'Hotan, Xinjiang', 'zh': u('\u65b0\u7586\u548c\u7530\u5730\u533a')}, '861821996':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u7518\u8083\u7701\u5f20\u6396\u5e02')}, '861812328':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u56db\u5ddd\u7701\u6210\u90fd\u5e02')}, '861812329':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u56db\u5ddd\u7701\u6210\u90fd\u5e02')}, '861812324':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u56db\u5ddd\u7701\u6210\u90fd\u5e02')}, '861812325':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u56db\u5ddd\u7701\u6210\u90fd\u5e02')}, '861812326':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u56db\u5ddd\u7701\u6210\u90fd\u5e02')}, '861812327':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u56db\u5ddd\u7701\u6210\u90fd\u5e02')}, '861812320':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u56db\u5ddd\u7701\u8fbe\u5dde\u5e02')}, '861812321':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u56db\u5ddd\u7701\u6210\u90fd\u5e02')}, '861812322':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u56db\u5ddd\u7701\u6210\u90fd\u5e02')}, '861812323':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u56db\u5ddd\u7701\u6210\u90fd\u5e02')}, '861821993':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u7518\u8083\u7701\u5e73\u51c9\u5e02')}, '861821992':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u7518\u8083\u7701\u5b9a\u897f\u5e02')}, '86181319':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u6cb3\u5317\u7701\u90a2\u53f0\u5e02')}, '86181648':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u8d35\u5dde\u7701\u8d35\u9633\u5e02')}, '86181649':{'en': 'Urumchi, Xinjiang', 'zh': u('\u65b0\u7586\u4e4c\u9c81\u6728\u9f50\u5e02')}, '86181312':{'en': 'Baoding, Hebei', 'zh': u('\u6cb3\u5317\u7701\u4fdd\u5b9a\u5e02')}, '86181313':{'en': 'Zhangjiakou, Hebei', 'zh': u('\u6cb3\u5317\u7701\u5f20\u5bb6\u53e3\u5e02')}, '86181310':{'en': 'Handan, Hebei', 'zh': u('\u6cb3\u5317\u7701\u90af\u90f8\u5e02')}, '86181311':{'en': 'Shijiazhuang, Hebei', 'zh': u('\u6cb3\u5317\u7701\u77f3\u5bb6\u5e84\u5e02')}, '86181640':{'en': 'Wuhan, Hubei', 'zh': u('\u6e56\u5317\u7701\u6b66\u6c49\u5e02')}, '86181642':{'en': 'Wuhan, Hubei', 'zh': u('\u6e56\u5317\u7701\u6b66\u6c49\u5e02')}, '86181315':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u6cb3\u5317\u7701\u5510\u5c71\u5e02')}, '861823845':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u6cb3\u5357\u7701\u5468\u53e3\u5e02')}, '861823844':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u6cb3\u5357\u7701\u5357\u9633\u5e02')}, '861823847':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u6cb3\u5357\u7701\u5468\u53e3\u5e02')}, '861823846':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u6cb3\u5357\u7701\u5468\u53e3\u5e02')}, '861823841':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u6cb3\u5357\u7701\u5357\u9633\u5e02')}, '861823840':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u6cb3\u5357\u7701\u5357\u9633\u5e02')}, '861823843':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u6cb3\u5357\u7701\u5357\u9633\u5e02')}, '861823842':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u6cb3\u5357\u7701\u5357\u9633\u5e02')}, '861823849':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u6cb3\u5357\u7701\u5468\u53e3\u5e02')}, '861823848':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u6cb3\u5357\u7701\u5468\u53e3\u5e02')}, '861815499':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u65b0\u7586\u548c\u7530\u5730\u533a')}, '861815498':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u65b0\u7586\u4f0a\u7281\u54c8\u8428\u514b\u81ea\u6cbb\u5dde')}, '861815493':{'en': 'Urumchi, Xinjiang', 'zh': u('\u65b0\u7586\u4e4c\u9c81\u6728\u9f50\u5e02')}, '861815492':{'en': 'Urumchi, Xinjiang', 'zh': u('\u65b0\u7586\u4e4c\u9c81\u6728\u9f50\u5e02')}, '861815491':{'en': 'Urumchi, Xinjiang', 'zh': u('\u65b0\u7586\u4e4c\u9c81\u6728\u9f50\u5e02')}, '861815490':{'en': 'Urumchi, Xinjiang', 'zh': u('\u65b0\u7586\u4e4c\u9c81\u6728\u9f50\u5e02')}, '861815497':{'en': 'Kashi, Xinjiang', 'zh': u('\u65b0\u7586\u5580\u4ec0\u5730\u533a')}, '861815496':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u65b0\u7586\u5580\u4ec0\u5730\u533a')}, '861815495':{'en': 'Kashi, Xinjiang', 'zh': u('\u65b0\u7586\u5580\u4ec0\u5730\u533a')}, '861815494':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u65b0\u7586\u5580\u4ec0\u5730\u533a')}, '861813639':{'en': 'Changzhou, Jiangsu', 'zh': u('\u6c5f\u82cf\u7701\u5e38\u5dde\u5e02')}, '861813638':{'en': 'Changzhou, Jiangsu', 'zh': u('\u6c5f\u82cf\u7701\u5e38\u5dde\u5e02')}, '861813631':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u6c5f\u82cf\u7701\u5bbf\u8fc1\u5e02')}, '861813630':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u6c5f\u82cf\u7701\u5bbf\u8fc1\u5e02')}, '861813633':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u6c5f\u82cf\u7701\u5bbf\u8fc1\u5e02')}, '861813632':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u6c5f\u82cf\u7701\u5bbf\u8fc1\u5e02')}, '861813635':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u6c5f\u82cf\u7701\u5f90\u5dde\u5e02')}, '861813634':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u6c5f\u82cf\u7701\u5bbf\u8fc1\u5e02')}, '861813637':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u6c5f\u82cf\u7701\u5f90\u5dde\u5e02')}, '861813636':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u6c5f\u82cf\u7701\u5f90\u5dde\u5e02')}, '861809795':{'en': 'Kashi, Xinjiang', 'zh': u('\u65b0\u7586\u5580\u4ec0\u5730\u533a')}, '861809794':{'en': 'Kashi, Xinjiang', 'zh': u('\u65b0\u7586\u5580\u4ec0\u5730\u533a')}, '861809797':{'en': 'Kashi, Xinjiang', 'zh': u('\u65b0\u7586\u5580\u4ec0\u5730\u533a')}, '861809796':{'en': 'Kashi, Xinjiang', 'zh': u('\u65b0\u7586\u5580\u4ec0\u5730\u533a')}, '861809791':{'en': 'Kizilsu, Xinjiang', 'zh': u('\u65b0\u7586\u514b\u5b5c\u52d2\u82cf\u67ef\u5c14\u514b\u5b5c\u81ea\u6cbb\u5dde')}, '861809790':{'en': 'Karamay, Xinjiang', 'zh': u('\u65b0\u7586\u514b\u62c9\u739b\u4f9d\u5e02')}, '861809793':{'en': 'Kashi, Xinjiang', 'zh': u('\u65b0\u7586\u5580\u4ec0\u5730\u533a')}, '861809792':{'en': '<NAME>', 'zh': u('\u65b0\u7586\u54c8\u5bc6\u5730\u533a')}, '861809799':{'en': 'Kashi, Xinjiang', 'zh': u('\u65b0\u7586\u5580\u4ec0\u5730\u533a')}, '861809798':{'en': 'Kashi, Xinjiang', 'zh': u('\u65b0\u7586\u5580\u4ec0\u5730\u533a')}, '861815679':{'en': 'Bozhou, Anhui', 'zh': u('\u5b89\u5fbd\u7701\u4eb3\u5dde\u5e02')}, '861815678':{'en': 'Bozhou, Anhui', 'zh': u('\u5b89\u5fbd\u7701\u4eb3\u5dde\u5e02')}, '861815677':{'en': 'Bozhou, Anhui', 'zh': u('\u5b89\u5fbd\u7701\u4eb3\u5dde\u5e02')}, '861815676':{'en': 'Bozhou, Anhui', 'zh': u('\u5b89\u5fbd\u7701\u4eb3\u5dde\u5e02')}, '861815675':{'en': 'Fuyang, Anhui', 'zh': u('\u5b89\u5fbd\u7701\u961c\u9633\u5e02')}, '861815674':{'en': 'Fuyang, Anhui', 'zh': u('\u5b89\u5fbd\u7701\u961c\u9633\u5e02')}, '861815673':{'en': 'Fuyang, Anhui', 'zh': u('\u5b89\u5fbd\u7701\u961c\u9633\u5e02')}, '861815672':{'en': 'Fuyang, Anhui', 'zh': u('\u5b89\u5fbd\u7701\u961c\u9633\u5e02')}, '861815671':{'en': 'Fuyang, Anhui', 'zh': u('\u5b89\u5fbd\u7701\u961c\u9633\u5e02')}, '861815670':{'en': 'Fuyang, Anhui', 'zh': u('\u5b89\u5fbd\u7701\u961c\u9633\u5e02')}, '861816081':{'en': 'Bengbu, Anhui', 'zh': u('\u5b89\u5fbd\u7701\u868c\u57e0\u5e02')}, '86182669':{'en': 'Jinhua, Zhejiang', 'zh': u('\u6d59\u6c5f\u7701\u91d1\u534e\u5e02')}, '86182668':{'en': 'Jining, Shandong', 'zh': u('\u5c71\u4e1c\u7701\u6d4e\u5b81\u5e02')}, '86182849':{'en': 'Guangyuan, Sichuan', 'zh': u('\u56db\u5ddd\u7701\u5e7f\u5143\u5e02')}, '861816080':{'en': 'Bengbu, Anhui', 'zh': u('\u5b89\u5fbd\u7701\u868c\u57e0\u5e02')}, '86182661':{'en': 'Dezhou, Shandong', 'zh': u('\u5c71\u4e1c\u7701\u5fb7\u5dde\u5e02')}, '86182660':{'en': 'Zaozhuang, Shandong', 'zh': u('\u5c71\u4e1c\u7701\u67a3\u5e84\u5e02')}, '86182843':{'en': 'Leshan, Sichuan', 'zh': u('\u56db\u5ddd\u7701\u4e50\u5c71\u5e02')}, '861816083':{'en': 'Bengbu, Anhui', 'zh': u('\u5b89\u5fbd\u7701\u868c\u57e0\u5e02')},
<gh_stars>0 #!/usr/bin/python3 # PiPhone - A DIY Cellphone based on Raspberry Pi # This must run as root (sudo python due to framebuffer, etc. # # (Raspberry Pi Model B) # (PiTFT Mini Kit) # # Prerequisite tutorials: aside from the basic Raspbian setup and PiTFT setup # # # by <NAME> (<EMAIL>) # based on by <NAME> / Paint Your Dragon for Adafruit Industries. # BSD license, all text above must be included in any redistribution. # python3 adaptation by <NAME> ( <EMAIL>) import atexit import _pickle as cPickle import errno import fnmatch import io import os import pygame import threading from pygame.locals import * from subprocess import call from time import sleep from datetime import datetime, timedelta import serial import sys # UI classes --------------------------------------------------------------- # Icon is a very simple bitmap class, just associates a name and a pygame # image (PNG loaded from icons directory) for each. # There isn't a globally-declared fixed list of Icons. Instead, the list # is populated at runtime from the contents of the 'icons' directory. class Icon: def __init__(self, name): = name try: self.bitmap = pygame.image.load(iconPath + '/' + name + '.png') except: pass # Button is a simple tappable screen region. Each has: # - bounding rect ((X,Y,W,H) in pixels) # - optional background color and/or Icon (or None), always centered # - optional foreground Icon, always centered # - optional single callback function # - optional single value passed to callback # Occasionally Buttons are used as a convenience for positioning Icons # but the taps are ignored. Stacking order is important; when Buttons # overlap, lowest/first Button in list takes precedence when processing # input, and highest/last Button is drawn atop prior Button(s). This is # used, for example, to center an Icon by creating a passive Button the # width of the full screen, but with other buttons left or right that # may take input precedence (e.g. the Effect labels & buttons). # After Icons are loaded at runtime, a pass is made through the global # buttons[] list to assign the Icon objects (from names) to each Button. class Button: def __init__(self, rect, **kwargs): self.rect = rect # Bounds self.color = None # Background fill color, if any self.iconBg = None # Background Icon (atop color fill) self.iconFg = None # Foreground Icon (atop background) = None # Background Icon name self.fg = None # Foreground Icon name self.callback = None # Callback function self.value = None # Value passed to callback for key, value in kwargs.items(): if key == 'color': self.color = value elif key == 'bg': = value elif key == 'fg': self.fg = value elif key == 'cb': self.callback = value elif key == 'value': self.value = value def selected(self, pos): x1 = self.rect[0] y1 = self.rect[1] x2 = x1 + self.rect[2] - 1 y2 = y1 + self.rect[3] - 1 if ((pos[0] >= x1) and (pos[0] <= x2) and (pos[1] >= y1) and (pos[1] <= y2)): if self.callback: if self.value is None: self.callback() else: self.callback(self.value) return True return False def draw(self, screen): if self.color: screen.fill(self.color, self.rect) if self.iconBg: screen.blit(self.iconBg.bitmap, (self.rect[0] + (self.rect[2] - self.iconBg.bitmap.get_width()) / 2, self.rect[1] + (self.rect[3] - self.iconBg.bitmap.get_height()) / 2)) if self.iconFg: screen.blit(self.iconFg.bitmap, (self.rect[0] + (self.rect[2] - self.iconFg.bitmap.get_width()) / 2, self.rect[1] + (self.rect[3] - self.iconFg.bitmap.get_height()) / 2)) def setBg(self, name): if name is None: self.iconBg = None else: for i in icons: if name == self.iconBg = i break # UI callbacks ------------------------------------------------------------- # These are defined before globals because they're referenced by items in # the global buttons[] list. def numericCallback(n): # Pass 1 (next setting) or -1 (prev setting) global screenMode global numberstring global phonecall if n == "+" and screenMode == 0: numberstring = numberstring + str(n) elif n < 10 and screenMode == 0: numberstring = numberstring + str(n) elif n == 10 and screenMode == 0: numberstring = numberstring[:-1] elif n == 12: # if phonecall == 0: if screenMode == 0: if len(numberstring) > 0: print(("Calling " + numberstring)); serialport.write("AT\r".encode()) response = serialport.readlines(None) serialport.write("AT+QPCMV=1,2\r".encode()) response = serialport.readlines(None) callstr = "ATD " + numberstring + ';\r' serialport.write(callstr.encode()) response = serialport.readlines(None) print(response) # phonecall = 1 screenMode = 1 else: print("Hanging Up...") serialport.write("AT\r".encode()) response = serialport.readlines(None) serialport.write("ATH\r".encode()) response = serialport.readlines(None) serialport.write("AT+QPCMV=0\r".encode()) response = serialport.readlines(None) print(response) # phonecall = 0 screenMode = 0 exit(0) if len(numberstring) > 0: numeric = int(numberstring) v[dict_idx] = numeric # Global stuff ------------------------------------------------------------- busy = False threadExited = False screenMode = 0 # Current screen mode; default = viewfinder phonecall = 1 screenModePrior = -1 # Prior screen mode (for detecting changes) iconPath = '/opt/setere/piphone/icons' # Subdirectory containing UI bitmaps (PNG format) numeric = 0 # number from numeric keypad numberstring = "" motorRunning = 0 motorDirection = 0 returnScreen = 0 shutterpin = 17 motorpinA = 18 motorpinB = 27 motorpin = motorpinA currentframe = 0 framecount = 100 settling_time = 0.2 shutter_length = 0.2 interval_delay = 0.2 dict_idx = "Interval" v = {"Pulse": 100, "Interval": 3000, "Images": 150} icons = [] # This list gets populated at startup # buttons[] is a list of lists; each top-level list element corresponds # to one screen mode (e.g. viewfinder, image playback, storage settings), # and each element within those lists corresponds to one UI button. # There's a little bit of repetition (e.g. prev/next buttons are # declared for each settings screen, rather than a single reusable # set); trying to reuse those few elements just made for an ugly # tangle of code elsewhere. buttons = [ # Screen 0 for numeric input [Button((30, 0, 320, 60), bg='box'), Button((30, 60, 60, 60), bg='1', cb=numericCallback, value=1), Button((90, 60, 60, 60), bg='2', cb=numericCallback, value=2), Button((150, 60, 60, 60), bg='3', cb=numericCallback, value=3), Button((30, 110, 60, 60), bg='4', cb=numericCallback, value=4), Button((90, 110, 60, 60), bg='5', cb=numericCallback, value=5), Button((150, 110, 60, 60), bg='6', cb=numericCallback, value=6), Button((30, 160, 60, 60), bg='7', cb=numericCallback, value=7), Button((90, 160, 60, 60), bg='8', cb=numericCallback, value=8), Button((150, 160, 60, 60), bg='9', cb=numericCallback, value=9), Button((30, 210, 60, 60), bg='star', cb=numericCallback, value=0), Button((90, 210, 60, 60), bg='0', cb=numericCallback, value=0), Button((150, 210, 60, 60), bg='hash', cb=numericCallback, value=0), Button((180, 260, 60, 60), bg='del2', cb=numericCallback, value=10), Button((90, 260, 60, 60), bg='call', cb=numericCallback, value=12)], # Screen 1 for numeric input [Button((30, 0, 320, 60), bg='box'), Button((90, 260, 60, 60), bg='hang', cb=numericCallback, value=12)] ] # Assorted utility functions ----------------------------------------------- def saveSettings(): global v try: outfile = open('piphone.pkl', 'wb') # Use a dictionary (rather than pickling 'raw' values) so # the number & order of things can change without breaking. pickle.dump(v, outfile) outfile.close() except: pass def loadSettings(): global v try: infile = open('piphone.pkl', 'rb') v = pickle.load(infile) infile.close() except: pass # Initialization ----------------------------------------------------------- # Init framebuffer/touchscreen environment variables # os.putenv('SDL_VIDEODRIVER', 'fbcon') # os.putenv('SDL_FBDEV' , '/dev/fb1') # os.putenv('SDL_MOUSEDRV' , 'TSLIB') # os.putenv('SDL_MOUSEDEV' , '/dev/input/touchscreen') # Init pygame and screen print("Initting...") pygame.init() print("Setting Mouse invisible...") # pygame.mouse.set_visible(False) print("Setting fullscreen...") # modes = pygame.display.list_modes(16) # screen = pygame.display.set_mode(modes[0], FULLSCREEN, 16) screen_width = 240 screen_height = 320 screen = pygame.display.set_mode([screen_width, screen_height]) pygame.display.set_caption("Phone") print("Loading Icons...") # Load all icons at startup. for file in os.listdir(iconPath): if fnmatch.fnmatch(file, '*.png'): icons.append(Icon(file.split('.')[0])) # Assign Icons to Buttons, now that they're loaded print("Assigning Buttons") for s in buttons: # For each screenful of buttons... for b in s: # For each button on screen... for i in icons: # For each icon... if == # Compare names; match? b.iconBg = i # Assign Icon to Button = None # Name no longer used; allow garbage collection if b.fg == b.iconFg = i b.fg = None print("Load Settings") loadSettings() # Must come last; fiddles with Button/Icon states print("loading background..") img = pygame.image.load("icons/PiPhone.png") if img is None or img.get_height() < 240: # Letterbox, clear background screen.fill(0) if img: screen.blit(img, ((240 - img.get_width()) / 2, (320 - img.get_height()) / 2)) pygame.display.update() sleep(2) print("Initialising Modem..") serialport = serial.Serial("/dev/ttyUSB10", 115200, timeout=0.5) serialport.write("AT\r".encode()) response = serialport.readlines(None) serialport.write("ATE0\r".encode()) response = serialport.readlines(None) serialport.write("AT\r".encode()) response = serialport.readlines(None) print(response) ################parsing arguments try: print(sys.argv[1]) numbr = sys.argv[1].split(":")[1] print(numbr) except: print("no args") numbr = "" numbr = numbr.replace('"', "") numbr = numbr.replace("'", "") numbr = numbr.replace("+7", "8") numbr = numbr.replace(" ", "") for ch in numbr: numericCallback(int(ch)) # Main loop ---------------------------------------------------------------- print("mainloop..") while (True): # Process touchscreen input while True: screen_change = 0 for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: try: print("Hanging Up...") serialport.write("AT\r".encode()) response = serialport.readlines(None) serialport.write("ATH\r".encode()) response = serialport.readlines(None) serialport.write("AT+QPCMV=0\r".encode()) response = serialport.readlines(None) print(response) except: print("...failed") pygame.quit() exit(0) if (event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN): pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos() for b in buttons[screenMode]: if b.selected(pos): break screen_change =
self.announce_to(, text, now) def announce_to(self, dest, text, now=False): "Announce to a specific destination (nick or channel)." new_text = "%s%s%s:%s %s" % (LBLUE, self.__class__.__name__, WHITE, LGRAY, text) self.send_to(dest, new_text, now) def send(self, text, now=False): """ Send a message to the game's channel. Set now to bypass supybot's queue, sending the message immediately. """ self.send_to(, text, now) def send_to(self, dest, text, now=False): "Send to a specific destination (nick or channel)." method = self.irc.sendMsg if now else self.irc.queueMsg method(ircmsgs.privmsg(dest, text)) def handle_message(self, msg): "Handle incoming messages on the channel." pass class Boggle(BaseGame): "The Boggle game implementation." BOARD_SIZE = 4 FREQUENCY_TABLE = { 19: "E", 13: "T", 12: "AR", 11: "INO", 9: "S", 6: "D", 5: "CHL", 4: "FMPU", 3: "GY", 2: "W", 1: "BJKQVXZ", } POINT_VALUES = { 3: 1, 4: 1, 5: 2, 6: 3, 7: 5, } MAX_POINTS = 11 # 8 letters or longer MESSAGES = { "chat": "%s%%(nick)s%s says: %%(text)s" % (WHITE, LGRAY), "joined": "%s%%(nick)s%s joined the game." % (WHITE, LGRAY), "gameover": ("%s::: Time's Up :::%s Check %s%%(channel)s%s " + "for results.") % (LRED, LGRAY, WHITE, LGRAY), "players": "Current Players: %(players)s", "ready": "%sGet Ready!" % WHITE, "result": ( "%s%%(nick)s%s %%(verb)s %s%%(points)d%s " + "point%%(plural)s (%%(words)s)" ) % (WHITE, LGRAY, LGREEN, LGRAY), "startup": ( "Starting in %%(seconds)d seconds, " + 'use "%s%%(commandChar)sboggle%s" to play!' ) % (WHITE, LGRAY), "stopped": "Game stopped.", "stopped2": "%s::: Game Stopped :::%s" % (LRED, LGRAY), "warning": "%s%%(seconds)d%s seconds remaining..." % (LYELLOW, LGRAY), "welcome1": ( "%s::: New Game :::%s (%s%%(difficulty)s%s: " + "%s%%(min_length)d%s letters or longer)" ) % (LGREEN, LGRAY, WHITE, LGRAY, WHITE, LGRAY), "welcome2": ("%s%%(nick)s%s, write your answers here, e.g.: " + "cat dog ...") % (WHITE, LGRAY), } class State: PREGAME = 0 READY = 1 ACTIVE = 2 DONE = 3 class PlayerResult: "Represents result for a single player." def __init__(self, player, unique=None, dup=None): self.player = player self.unique = unique if unique else set() self.dup = dup if dup else set() def __eq__(self, other): return (self.get_score()) == (other.get_score()) def __ne__(self, other): return (self.get_score()) != (other.get_score()) def __lt__(self, other): return (self.get_score()) < (other.get_score()) def __le__(self, other): return (self.get_score()) <= (other.get_score()) def __gt__(self, other): return (self.get_score()) > (other.get_score()) def __ge__(self, other): return (self.get_score()) >= (other.get_score()) def __repr__(self): return "%s %s" % (self.get_score(), other.get_score()) def get_score(self): score = 0 for word in self.unique: score += Boggle.POINT_VALUES.get(len(word), Boggle.MAX_POINTS) return score def render_words(self, longest_len=0): "Return the words in this result, colorized appropriately." words = sorted(list(self.unique) + list(self.dup)) words_text = "" last_color = LGRAY for word in words: color = LCYAN if word in self.unique else GRAY if color != last_color: words_text += color last_color = color if len(word) == longest_len: word += LYELLOW + "*" last_color = LYELLOW words_text += "%s " % word if not words_text: words_text = "%s-none-" % (GRAY) words_text = words_text.strip() + LGRAY return words_text class Results: "Represents results for all players." def __init__(self): self.player_results = {} def add_player_words(self, player, words): unique = set() dup = set() for word in words: bad = False for result in list(self.player_results.values()): if word in result.unique: result.unique.remove(word) result.dup.add(word) bad = True elif word in result.dup: bad = True if bad: dup.add(word) else: unique.add(word) self.player_results[player] = Boggle.PlayerResult(player, unique, dup) def sorted_results(self): return sorted(list(self.player_results.values()), reverse=True) def __init__(self, words, irc, channel, nick, delay, duration, difficulty): # See tech note in the WordGames class. self.parent = super(Boggle, self) self.parent.__init__(words, irc, channel) self.delay = delay self.duration = duration self.difficulty = difficulty self.max_targets = get_max_targets(irc) self._handle_difficulty() self.board = self._generate_board() self.event_name = "Boggle.%d" % id(self) self.init_time = time.time() self.longest_len = len(max(, key=len)) self.starter = nick self.state = Boggle.State.PREGAME self.players = [] self.player_answers = {} self.warnings = [30, 10, 5] while self.warnings[0] >= duration: self.warnings = self.warnings[1:] def guess(self, nick, text): # This can't happen right now, but it might be useful some day if nick not in self.players: self.join(nick) # Pre-game messages are relayed as chatter (not treated as guesses) if self.state < Boggle.State.ACTIVE: self._broadcast("chat", self.players, nick=nick, text=text) return guesses = set(map(str.lower, text.split())) accepted = [s for s in guesses if s in] rejected = [s for s in guesses if s not in] if len(accepted) > 3: message = "%sGreat!%s" % (LGREEN, WHITE) elif len(accepted) > 0: message = "%sOk!" % WHITE else: message = "%sOops!%s" % (RED, LGRAY) if accepted: message += " You got: %s%s" % (" ".join(sorted(accepted)), LGRAY) self.player_answers[nick].update(accepted) if rejected: message += " (not accepted: %s)" % " ".join(sorted(rejected)) self.send_to(nick, message) def join(self, nick): assert self.is_running() assert self.state != Boggle.State.DONE if nick not in self.players: self._broadcast( "welcome1", [nick], now=True,, min_length=self.min_length, ) self._broadcast("welcome2", [nick], now=True, nick=nick) self._broadcast("joined", self.players, nick=nick) self.players.append(nick) self.player_answers[nick] = set() if self.state == Boggle.State.ACTIVE: self._display_board(nick) else: self._broadcast("players", [nick]) # Keep at least 5 seconds on the pre-game clock if someone joins if self.state == Boggle.State.PREGAME: time_left = self.init_time + self.delay - time.time() if time_left < 5: self.delay += 5 - time_left self._schedule_next_event() else: self.send("%s: You have already joined the game." % nick) def show(self): # Not sure if this is really useful. # if self.state == Boggle.State.ACTIVE: # self._display_board( pass def solve(self): self.announce("Solutions: " + " ".join(sorted( def start(self): self.parent.start() self._broadcast("startup", [], True, seconds=self.delay) self.join(self.starter) self._schedule_next_event() def stop(self, now=False): self.parent.stop() self.state = Boggle.State.DONE try: schedule.removeEvent(self.event_name) except KeyError: pass if not now: self._broadcast("stopped", []) self._broadcast("stopped2", self.players) def stats(self): assert self.state == Boggle.State.DONE points = 0 for word in points += Boggle.POINT_VALUES.get(len(word), Boggle.MAX_POINTS) longest_words = [w for w in if len(w) == self.longest_len] self.announce( "There were %s%d%s possible words, with total point" " value %s%d%s. The longest word%s: %s%s%s." % ( WHITE, len(, LGRAY, LGREEN, points, LGRAY, " was" if len(longest_words) == 1 else "s were", LCYAN, (LGRAY + ", " + LCYAN).join(longest_words), LGRAY, ) ) def _broadcast_text(self, text, recipients=None, now=False): """ Broadcast the given string message to the recipient list (default is all players, not the game channel). Set now to bypass Supybot's queue and send the message immediately. """ if recipients is None: recipients = self.players for i in range(0, len(recipients), self.max_targets): targets = ",".join(recipients[i : i + self.max_targets]) self.announce_to(targets, text, now) def _broadcast(self, name, recipients=None, now=False, **kwargs): """ Broadcast the message named by 'name' using the constants defined in MESSAGES to the specified recipient list. If recipients is unspecified, default is all players (game channel not included). Keyword args should be provided for any format substitution in this particular message. """ # Automatically provide some dictionary values kwargs["channel"] = kwargs["commandChar"] = str(conf.supybot.reply.whenAddressedBy.chars)[0] kwargs["players"] = "%s%s%s" % ( WHITE, (LGRAY + ", " + WHITE).join(self.players), LGRAY, ) if "points" in kwargs: kwargs["plural"] = "" if kwargs["points"] == 1 else "s" formatted = Boggle.MESSAGES[name] % kwargs self._broadcast_text(formatted, recipients, now) def _handle_difficulty(self): self.min_length = { Difficulty.EASY: 3, Difficulty.MEDIUM: 4, Difficulty.HARD: 5, Difficulty.EVIL: 6, }[self.difficulty] def _get_ready(self): self.state = Boggle.State.READY self._broadcast("ready", now=True) self._schedule_next_event() def _begin_game(self): self.state = Boggle.State.ACTIVE self.start_time = time.time() self.end_time = self.start_time + self.duration self._display_board() self._schedule_next_event() def _schedule_next_event(self): """ (Re)schedules the next game event (start, time left warning, end) as appropriate. """ # Unschedule any previous event try: schedule.removeEvent(self.event_name) except KeyError: pass if self.state == Boggle.State.PREGAME: # Schedule "get ready" message schedule.addEvent( self._get_ready, self.init_time + self.delay, self.event_name ) elif self.state == Boggle.State.READY: # Schedule game start schedule.addEvent( self._begin_game, self.init_time + self.delay + 3, self.event_name ) elif self.state == Boggle.State.ACTIVE: if self.warnings: # Warn almost half a second early, in case there is a little # latency before the event is triggered. (Otherwise a 30 second # warning sometimes shows up as 29 seconds remaining.) warn_time = self.end_time - self.warnings[0] - 0.499 schedule.addEvent(self._time_warning, warn_time, self.event_name) self.warnings = self.warnings[1:] else: # Schedule game end schedule.addEvent(self._end_game, self.end_time, self.event_name) def _time_warning(self): seconds = round(self.start_time + self.duration - time.time()) self._broadcast("warning", now=True, seconds=seconds) self._schedule_next_event() def _end_game(self): self.gameover() self.state = Boggle.State.DONE # Compute results results = Boggle.Results() for player, answers in self.player_answers.items(): results.add_player_words(player, answers) # Notify players for result in list(results.player_results.values()): self._broadcast("gameover",
metadata in metadata_gen: wrs_polygon = metadata.get_wrs_polygon() wrs_shape = shapely.wkb.loads(wrs_polygon) unioned_beast = unioned_beast.union(wrs_shape) self.assertTrue(unioned_beast.contains(area_shape)) class TestMetadata(unittest.TestCase): def test_bounds(self): row = ('LC80330352017072LGN00', '', 'LANDSAT_8', 'OLI_TIRS', '2017-03-13', '2017-03-13T17:38:14.0196140Z', 'PRE', 'N/A', 'L1T', 33, 35, 1.2, 37.10422, 34.96178, -106.85883, -104.24596, 1067621299, 'gs://gcp-public-data-landsat/LC08/PRE/033/035/LC80330352017072LGN00') metadata = Metadata(row) self.assertIsNotNone(metadata) geom_wkb = metadata.get_wrs_polygon() self.assertIsNotNone(geom_wkb) bounding_polygon = box(*metadata.bounds) wrs_polygon = shapely.wkb.loads(geom_wkb) self.assertTrue(bounding_polygon.contains(wrs_polygon)) # polygon = loads(wkt) # self.assertEqual(polygon.wkt, wkt) # self.assertEqual(polygon.bounds, metadata.bounds) # self.assertTrue(True) def test_interesct(self): self.assertTrue(True) def test_epsg_codes(self): self.assertEqual(32601, Metadata.get_utm_epsg_code(-180, 45)) self.assertEqual(32701, Metadata.get_utm_epsg_code(-180, -45)) self.assertEqual(32601, Metadata.get_utm_epsg_code(-174, 45)) self.assertEqual(32701, Metadata.get_utm_epsg_code(-174, -45)) self.assertEqual(32602, Metadata.get_utm_epsg_code(-173.99, 45)) self.assertEqual(32702, Metadata.get_utm_epsg_code(-173.99, -45)) self.assertEqual(32602, Metadata.get_utm_epsg_code(-168, 45)) self.assertEqual(32702, Metadata.get_utm_epsg_code(-168, -45)) self.assertEqual(32603, Metadata.get_utm_epsg_code(-167.99, 45)) self.assertEqual(32703, Metadata.get_utm_epsg_code(-167.99, -45)) self.assertEqual(32603, Metadata.get_utm_epsg_code(-162, 45)) self.assertEqual(32703, Metadata.get_utm_epsg_code(-162, -45)) self.assertEqual(32660, Metadata.get_utm_epsg_code(180, 45)) self.assertEqual(32760, Metadata.get_utm_epsg_code(180, -45)) self.assertEqual(32660, Metadata.get_utm_epsg_code(174.00001, 45)) self.assertEqual(32760, Metadata.get_utm_epsg_code(174.00001, -45)) self.assertEqual(32659, Metadata.get_utm_epsg_code(174, 45)) self.assertEqual(32759, Metadata.get_utm_epsg_code(174, -45)) self.assertEqual(32659, Metadata.get_utm_epsg_code(168.00001, 45)) self.assertEqual(32759, Metadata.get_utm_epsg_code(168.00001, -45)) def test_utm_epsg(self): row = ('LC80330352017072LGN00', '', 'LANDSAT_8', 'OLI_TIRS', '2017-03-13', '2017-03-13T17:38:14.0196140Z', 'PRE', 'N/A', 'L1T', 33, 35, 1.2, 37.10422, 34.96178, -106.85883, -104.24596, 1067621299, 'gs://gcp-public-data-landsat/LC08/PRE/033/035/LC80330352017072LGN00') metadata = Metadata(row) self.assertIsNotNone(metadata) self.assertEqual(32613, metadata.utm_epsg_code) def test_doy(self): row = ('LC80330352017072LGN00_FAKED', '', 'LANDSAT_8', 'OLI_TIRS', '2017-11-04', '2017-11-04T17:38:14.0196140Z', 'PRE', 'N/A', 'L1T', 33, 35, 1.2, 37.10422, 34.96178, -106.85883, -104.24596, 1067621299, 'gs://gcp-public-data-landsat/LC08/PRE/033/035/LC80330352017072LGN00_FAKE') metadata = Metadata(row) self.assertIsNotNone(metadata) self.assertEqual(308, metadata.doy) class TestBandMap(unittest.TestCase): def test_landsat_5(self): band_map = BandMap(SpacecraftID.LANDSAT_5) self.assertEqual(band_map.get_number(Band.BLUE), 1) self.assertEqual(band_map.get_number(Band.SWIR2), 7) self.assertEqual(band_map.get_number(Band.THERMAL), 6) self.assertEqual(band_map.get_band_enum(1), Band.BLUE) self.assertEqual(band_map.get_band_enum(7), Band.SWIR2) self.assertEqual(band_map.get_band_enum(6), Band.THERMAL) for idx, val in enumerate([Band.BLUE, Band.GREEN, Band.RED, Band.NIR, Band.SWIR1]): self.assertEqual(band_map.get_band_enum(idx + 1), val) self.assertEqual(band_map.get_number(val), idx + 1) self.assertEqual(band_map.get_resolution(val), 30.0) def test_landsat_5_exceptions(self): band_map_2 = BandMap(SpacecraftID.LANDSAT_7) self.assertEqual(band_map_2.get_number(Band.PANCHROMATIC), 8) self.assertEqual(band_map_2.get_band_enum(8), Band.PANCHROMATIC) self.assertEqual(band_map_2.get_resolution(Band.PANCHROMATIC), 15.0) band_map = BandMap(SpacecraftID.LANDSAT_5) self.assertRaises(KeyError, lambda: band_map.get_number(Band.CIRRUS)) self.assertRaises(KeyError, lambda: band_map.get_number(Band.PANCHROMATIC)) self.assertRaises(KeyError, lambda: band_map.get_band_enum(8)) def test_landsat_7(self): band_map = BandMap(SpacecraftID.LANDSAT_7) self.assertEqual(band_map.get_number(Band.BLUE), 1) self.assertEqual(band_map.get_number(Band.SWIR1), 5) self.assertEqual(band_map.get_number(Band.THERMAL), 6) self.assertEqual(band_map.get_number(Band.PANCHROMATIC), 8) self.assertEqual(band_map.get_band_enum(8), Band.PANCHROMATIC) self.assertEqual(band_map.get_resolution(Band.PANCHROMATIC), 15.0) self.assertEqual(band_map.get_band_enum(1), Band.BLUE) self.assertEqual(band_map.get_band_enum(5), Band.SWIR1) self.assertEqual(band_map.get_band_enum(6), Band.THERMAL) self.assertEqual(band_map.get_number(Band.SWIR2), 7) self.assertEqual(band_map.get_band_enum(7), Band.SWIR2) for idx, val in enumerate([Band.BLUE, Band.GREEN, Band.RED, Band.NIR, Band.SWIR1]): self.assertEqual(band_map.get_band_enum(idx + 1), val) self.assertEqual(band_map.get_number(val), idx + 1) self.assertEqual(band_map.get_resolution(val), 30.0) def test_landsat_7_exceptions(self): band_map = BandMap(SpacecraftID.LANDSAT_7) self.assertRaises(KeyError, lambda: band_map.get_number(Band.CIRRUS)) self.assertRaises(KeyError, lambda: band_map.get_number(Band.TIRS1)) self.assertRaises(KeyError, lambda: band_map.get_band_enum(9)) def test_landsat_8(self): band_map = BandMap(SpacecraftID.LANDSAT_8) self.assertEqual(band_map.get_number(Band.ULTRA_BLUE), 1) self.assertEqual(band_map.get_number(Band.BLUE), 2) self.assertEqual(band_map.get_number(Band.SWIR1), 6) self.assertEqual(band_map.get_band_enum(2), Band.BLUE) self.assertEqual(band_map.get_band_enum(6), Band.SWIR1) self.assertEqual(band_map.get_number(Band.SWIR2), 7) self.assertEqual(band_map.get_band_enum(7), Band.SWIR2) for idx, val in enumerate([Band.BLUE, Band.GREEN, Band.RED, Band.NIR, Band.SWIR1]): self.assertEqual(band_map.get_band_enum(idx + 2), val) self.assertEqual(band_map.get_number(val), idx + 2) self.assertEqual(band_map.get_number(Band.CIRRUS), 9) self.assertEqual(band_map.get_number(Band.TIRS1), 10) self.assertEqual(band_map.get_number(Band.TIRS2), 11) self.assertEqual(band_map.get_resolution(Band.PANCHROMATIC), 15.0) self.assertEqual(band_map.get_band_enum(9), Band.CIRRUS) self.assertEqual(band_map.get_band_enum(10), Band.TIRS1) self.assertEqual(band_map.get_band_enum(11), Band.TIRS2) def test_landsat_8_exceptions(self): band_map = BandMap(SpacecraftID.LANDSAT_8) self.assertRaises(KeyError, lambda: band_map.get_number(Band.THERMAL)) self.assertRaises(KeyError, lambda: band_map.get_band_enum(12)) class TestDataType(unittest.TestCase): def test_bitwise(self): a = DataType.UINT32 b = DataType.UINT16 class TestWRSGeometries(unittest.TestCase): test_cases = [[15.74326, 26.98611, 1, 1, 1, 0, 13001, 13001, 13, 1, 'D', 1, 2233], [2.74362, 6.65058, 942, 942, 1, 0, 61198, 61198, 61, 198, 'A', 1, 3174], [13.37321, 24.20422, 2225, 2225, 1, 0, 125241, 125241, 125, 241, 'A', 2, 4209], [3.58953, 7.7865, 1021, 1021, 1, 0, 75029, 75029, 75, 29, 'D', 3, 10445], [4.2424, 8.69453, 891, 891, 1, 0, 64147, 64147, 64, 147, 'A', 6, 21227], [16.81754, 27.20801, 3720, 3720, 1, 0, 223248, 223248, 223, 248, 'D', 16, 56296]] wrs_geometries = WRSGeometries() def test_geometry(self): for test_case in self.test_cases: geom_wkb = self.wrs_geometries.get_wrs_geometry(test_case[8], test_case[9]) geom_expected_area = test_case[0] self.assertIsNotNone(geom_wkb) s = shapely.wkb.loads(geom_wkb) self.assertAlmostEqual(geom_expected_area, s.area, 5) def test_belgium(self): r = requests.get("") area_geom = r.json() area_shape = shapely.geometry.shape(area_geom['features'][0]['geometry']) bounds_set = None while bounds_set is None: bounds_set = self.wrs_geometries.get_path_row((2.513573, 49.529484, 6.156658, 51.475024)) for path_row in bounds_set: geom_wkb = self.wrs_geometries.get_wrs_geometry(path_row[0], path_row[1]) s = shapely.wkb.loads(geom_wkb) b_intersect = s.envelope.intersects(area_shape.envelope) self.assertTrue(b_intersect) # filehandler = open("/.epl/wrs_geom.obj", "wb") # import pickle # pickle.dump(self.wrs_geometries, filehandler) # filehandler.close() def test_bounds_search(self): for idx, test_case in enumerate(self.test_cases): geom_wkb = self.wrs_geometries.get_wrs_geometry(test_case[8], test_case[9]) original_shape = shapely.wkb.loads(geom_wkb) result = self.wrs_geometries.get_path_row(original_shape.bounds) path_pair = result.pop() while path_pair is not None: geom_wkb = self.wrs_geometries.get_wrs_geometry(path_pair[0], path_pair[1]) s = shapely.wkb.loads(geom_wkb) b_intersect = s.envelope.intersects(original_shape.envelope) if not b_intersect: print("Test case {0}\n original bounds: {1}\nnon-intersecting bounds{2}\n".format(idx, original_shape.bounds, s.bounds)) self.assertTrue(b_intersect, "Test case {0}\n original bounds: {1}\nnon-intersecting bounds{2}\n" .format(idx, original_shape.bounds, s.bounds)) if result: path_pair = result.pop() else: break class TestLandsat(unittest.TestCase): base_mount_path = '/imagery' metadata_service = None metadata_set = [] r = requests.get("") taos_geom = r.json() taos_shape = shapely.geometry.shape(taos_geom['features'][0]['geometry']) def setUp(self): d_start = date(2017, 3, 12) # 2017-03-12 d_end = date(2017, 3, 19) # 2017-03-20, epl api is inclusive self.metadata_service = MetadataService() landsat_filters = LandsatQueryFilters() landsat_filters.collection_number.set_value("PRE") landsat_filters.acquired.set_range(d_start, True, d_end, True) landsat_filters.aoi.set_bounds(*self.taos_shape.bounds) metadata_rows = SpacecraftID.LANDSAT_8, limit=10, data_filters=landsat_filters) # mounted directory in docker container base_mount_path = '/imagery' for row in metadata_rows: self.metadata_set.append(row) # TODO test PRE rejection # TODO test date range rejection # TODO test Satellite Rejection def test_vrt_not_pre(self): d_start = date(2017, 6, 24) d_end = date(2017, 9, 24) bounding_box = (-115.927734375, 34.52466147177172, -78.31054687499999, 44.84029065139799) # sql_filters = ['collection_number!="PRE"'] landsat_filter = LandsatQueryFilters() landsat_filter.collection_number.set_exclude_value("PRE") landsat_filter.acquired.set_range(d_start, True, d_end, True) landsat_filter.aoi.set_bounds(*bounding_box) rows =, limit=1, data_filters=landsat_filter) rows = list(rows) metadata = rows[0] landsat = Landsat(metadata) self.assertIsNotNone(landsat) vrt = landsat.get_vrt([4, 3, 2]) self.assertIsNotNone(vrt) dataset = landsat.get_dataset([4, 3, 2], DataType.UINT16) self.assertIsNotNone(dataset) def test_pixel_function_vrt_1(self): utah_box = (-112.66342163085938, 37.738141282210385, -111.79824829101562, 38.44821130413263) d_start = date(2016, 7, 20) d_end = date(2016, 7, 28) landsat_filter = LandsatQueryFilters() landsat_filter.collection_number.set_value("PRE") landsat_filter.cloud_cover.set_range(end=5, end_inclusive=True) #landsat_filter.cloud_cover.set_range_end(5, True) landsat_filter.acquired.set_range(d_start, True, d_end, True) landsat_filter.aoi.set_bounds(*utah_box) rows =, limit=10, data_filters=landsat_filter) rows = list(rows) self.assertEqual(0, len(rows)) d_end = date(2016, 8, 28) landsat_filter = LandsatQueryFilters() landsat_filter.collection_number.set_value("PRE") landsat_filter.cloud_cover.set_range(end=5, end_inclusive=False) #landsat_filter.cloud_cover.set_range_end(5, False) landsat_filter.acquired.set_range(end=d_end, end_inclusive=True) #landsat_filter.acquired.set_range_end(d_end, True) landsat_filter.acquired.sort_by(epl_imagery_pb2.DESCENDING) landsat_filter.aoi.set_bounds(*utah_box) rows =, limit=10, data_filters=landsat_filter) rows = list(rows) self.assertEqual(len(rows), 10) # metadata_row = ['LC80390332016208LGN00', '', 'LANDSAT_8', 'OLI_TIRS', '2016-07-26', # '2016-07-26T18:14:46.9465460Z', 'PRE', 'N/A', 'L1T', 39, 33, 1.69, # 39.96962, 37.81744, -115.27267, -112.56732, 1070517542, # 'gs://gcp-public-data-landsat/LC08/PRE/039/033/LC80390332016208LGN00'] metadata = rows[0] # GDAL helper functions for generating VRT landsat = Landsat([metadata]) # get a numpy.ndarray from bands for specified imagery band_numbers = [4, 3, 2] scale_params = [[0.0, 65535], [0.0, 65535], [0.0, 65535]] nda = landsat.fetch_imagery_array(band_numbers, scale_params) self.assertEqual(nda.shape, (3876, 3806, 3)) def test_band_enum(self): self.assertTrue(True) d_start = date(2016, 7, 20) d_end = date(2016, 7, 28) landsat_filter = LandsatQueryFilters() landsat_filter.scene_id.set_value("LC80390332016208LGN00") landsat_filter.acquired.set_range(d_start, True, d_end, True) rows =, limit=1, data_filters=landsat_filter) rows = list(rows) metadata = rows[0] landsat = Landsat(metadata) scale_params = [[0.0, 65535], [0.0, 65535], [0.0, 65535]] # nda = landsat.__get_ndarray(band_numbers, metadata, scale_params) nda = landsat.fetch_imagery_array([Band.RED, Band.GREEN, Band.BLUE], scale_params, spatial_resolution_m=240) self.assertIsNotNone(nda) nda2 = landsat.fetch_imagery_array([4, 3, 2], scale_params, spatial_resolution_m=240) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(nda, nda2) # 'scene_id': 'LC80390332016208LGN00' def test_vrt_extent(self): # GDAL helper functions for generating VRT landsat = Landsat(self.metadata_set[0]) # get a numpy.ndarray from bands for specified imagery band_numbers = [Band.RED, Band.GREEN, Band.BLUE] scale_params = [[0.0, 65535], [0.0, 65535], [0.0, 65535]] vrt = landsat.get_vrt(band_numbers, envelope_boundary=self.taos_shape.bounds) self.assertIsNotNone(vrt) def test_cutline(self): # GDAL helper functions for generating VRT landsat = Landsat(self.metadata_set[0]) # get a numpy.ndarray from bands for specified imagery band_numbers = [Band.RED, Band.GREEN, Band.BLUE] scale_params = [[0.0, 65535], [0.0, 65535], [0.0, 65535]] nda = landsat.fetch_imagery_array(band_numbers, scale_params, self.taos_shape.wkb, spatial_resolution_m=480) self.assertIsNotNone(nda) # TODO needs shape test def test_mosaic(self): # GDAL helper functions for generating VRT landsat = Landsat(self.metadata_set) # get a numpy.ndarray from bands for specified imagery band_numbers = [Band.RED, Band.GREEN, Band.BLUE] scale_params = [[0.0, 65535], [0.0, 65535], [0.0, 65535]] nda = landsat.fetch_imagery_array(band_numbers, scale_params, envelope_boundary=self.taos_shape.bounds) self.assertIsNotNone(nda) self.assertEqual((1804, 1295, 3), nda.shape) # TODO needs shape test def test_mosaic_cutline(self): # GDAL helper functions for generating VRT landsat = Landsat(self.metadata_set) # get a numpy.ndarray from bands for specified imagery # 'nir', 'swir1', 'swir2' band_numbers = [Band.NIR, Band.SWIR1, Band.SWIR2] scaleParams = [[0.0, 40000.0], [0.0, 40000.0], [0.0, 40000.0]] nda = landsat.fetch_imagery_array(band_numbers, scaleParams, polygon_boundary_wkb=self.taos_shape.wkb) self.assertIsNotNone(nda) self.assertEqual((1804, 1295, 3), nda.shape) def test_polygon_wkb_metadata(self): d_start = date(2017, 3, 12) # 2017-03-12 d_end = date(2017, 3, 19) # 2017-03-20, epl api is inclusive self.metadata_service = MetadataService() landsat_filters = LandsatQueryFilters() landsat_filters.collection_number.set_value("PRE") landsat_filters.acquired.set_range(d_start, True, d_end, True) landsat_filters.aoi.set_geometry(self.taos_shape.wkb) # landsat_filters.geometry_bag.geometry_binaries.append(self.taos_shape.wkb) metadata_rows = SpacecraftID.LANDSAT_8, limit=10, data_filters=landsat_filters) metadata_set = [] for row in metadata_rows: metadata_set.append(row) landsat = Landsat(metadata_set) band_numbers = [Band.NIR, Band.SWIR1, Band.SWIR2] scaleParams = [[0.0, 40000.0], [0.0, 40000.0], [0.0, 40000.0]] nda = landsat.fetch_imagery_array(band_numbers, scaleParams, polygon_boundary_wkb=self.taos_shape.wkb) self.assertIsNotNone(nda) self.assertEqual((1804, 1295, 3), nda.shape) def test_mosaic_mem_error(self): landsat = Landsat(self.metadata_set) # get a numpy.ndarray from bands for specified imagery band_numbers = [Band.RED, Band.GREEN, Band.BLUE] scaleParams = [[0.0, 40000], [0.0, 40000], [0.0, 40000]] nda = landsat.fetch_imagery_array(band_numbers, scaleParams, envelope_boundary=self.taos_shape.bounds) self.assertIsNotNone(nda) # GDAL helper functions for generating VRT landsat = Landsat(self.metadata_set) self.assertEqual((1804, 1295, 3), nda.shape) # get a numpy.ndarray from bands for specified imagery # 'nir', 'swir1', 'swir2' band_numbers = [Band.NIR, Band.SWIR1, Band.SWIR2] scaleParams = [[0.0, 40000.0], [0.0, 40000.0], [0.0, 40000.0]] nda = landsat.fetch_imagery_array(band_numbers, scaleParams,
#! /usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf8 -*- # # # # This file is part of pyplanes, a software distributed under the MIT license. # For any question, please contact one of the authors cited below. # # Copyright (c) 2020 # <NAME> <<EMAIL>> # <NAME> <<EMAIL>> # <NAME> <<EMAIL>> # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # import numpy as np import numpy.linalg as LA import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mediapack import from_yaml from mediapack import Air, PEM, EqFluidJCA from import initialisation_out_files_plain from pyPLANES.core.calculus import PwCalculus from pyPLANES.core.multilayer import MultiLayer from import FluidLayer from import FluidFluidInterface, RigidBacking Air = Air() # def initialise_PW_solver(L, b): # nb_PW = 0 # dofs = [] # for _layer in L: # if _layer.medium.MODEL == "fluid": # dofs.append(nb_PW+np.arange(2)) # nb_PW += 2 # elif _layer.medium.MODEL == "pem": # dofs.append(nb_PW+np.arange(6)) # nb_PW += 6 # elif _layer.medium.MODEL == "elastic": # dofs.append(nb_PW+np.arange(4)) # nb_PW += 4 # interface = [] # for i_l, _layer in enumerate(L[:-1]): # interface.append((L[i_l].medium.MODEL, L[i_l+1].medium.MODEL)) # return nb_PW, interface, dofs class PwProblem(PwCalculus, MultiLayer): """ Plane Wave Problem """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): PwCalculus.__init__(self, **kwargs) termination = kwargs.get("termination","rigid") self.method = kwargs.get("termination","global") MultiLayer.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.kx,, self.k = None, None, None self.shift_plot = kwargs.get("shift_pw", 0.) self.plot = kwargs.get("plot_results", [False]*6) self.result = {} self.outfiles_directory = False if self.method == "global": self.layers.insert(0,FluidLayer(Air,1.e-2)) if self.layers[1].medium.MEDIUM_TYPE == "fluid": self.interfaces.append(FluidFluidInterface(self.layers[0],self.layers[1])) self.nb_PW = 0 for _layer in self.layers: if _layer.medium.MODEL == "fluid": _layer.dofs = self.nb_PW+np.arange(2) self.nb_PW += 2 elif _layer.medium.MODEL == "pem": _layer.dofs = self.nb_PW+np.arange(6) self.nb_PW += 6 elif _layer.medium.MODEL == "elastic": _layer.dofs = self.nb_PW+np.arange(4) self.nb_PW += 4 def update_frequency(self, f): PwCalculus.update_frequency(self, f) MultiLayer.update_frequency(self, f, self.k, self.kx) def create_linear_system(self, f): self.A = np.zeros((self.nb_PW-1, self.nb_PW), dtype=complex) i_eq = 0 # Loop on the interfaces for _int in self.interfaces: if self.method == "global": i_eq = _int.update_M_global(self.A, i_eq) # for i_inter, _inter in enumerate(self.interfaces): # if _inter[0] == "fluid": # if _inter[1] == "fluid": # i_eq = self.interface_fluid_fluid(i_eq, i_inter, Layers, dofs, M) # if _inter[1] == "pem": # i_eq = self.interface_fluid_pem(i_eq, i_inter, Layers, dofs, M) # if _inter[1] == "elastic": # i_eq = self.interface_fluid_elastic(i_eq, i_inter, Layers, dofs, M) # elif _inter[0] == "pem": # if _inter[1] == "fluid": # i_eq = self.interface_pem_fluid(i_eq, i_inter, Layers, dofs, M) # if _inter[1] == "pem": # i_eq = self.interface_pem_pem(i_eq, i_inter, Layers, dofs, M) # if _inter[1] == "elastic": # i_eq = self.interface_pem_elastic(i_eq, i_inter, Layers, dofs, M) # elif _inter[0] == "elastic": # if _inter[1] == "fluid": # i_eq = self.interface_elastic_fluid(i_eq, i_inter, Layers, dofs, M) # if _inter[1] == "pem": # i_eq = self.interface_elastic_pem(i_eq, i_inter, Layers, dofs, M) # if _inter[1] == "elastic": # i_eq = self.interface_elastic_elastic(i_eq, i_inter, Layers, dofs, M) # if self.backing == backing.rigid: # if Layers[-1].medium.MODEL == "fluid": # i_eq = self.interface_fluid_rigid(M, i_eq, Layers[-1], dofs[-1] ) # elif Layers[-1].medium.MODEL == "pem": # i_eq = self.interface_pem_rigid(M, i_eq, Layers[-1], dofs[-1]) # elif Layers[-1].medium.MODEL == "elastic": # i_eq = self.interface_elastic_rigid(M, i_eq, Layers[-1], dofs[-1]) # elif self.backing == "transmission": # i_eq = self.semi_infinite_medium(M, i_eq, Layers[-1], dofs[-1] ) self.F = -self.A[:, 0]*np.exp(1j**self.layers[0].d) # - is for transposition, exponential term is for the phase shift self.A = np.delete(self.A, 0, axis=1) # print(self.A) X = LA.solve(self.A, self.F) # print(X) # R_pyPLANES_PW = X[0] # if self.backing == "transmission": # T_pyPLANES_PW = X[-2] # else: # T_pyPLANES_PW = 0. # X = np.delete(X, 0) # del(dofs[0]) # for i, _ld in enumerate(dofs): # dofs[i] -= 2 # if self.plot: # self.plot_sol_PW(X, dofs) # out["R"] = R_pyPLANES_PW # out["T"] = T_pyPLANES_PW # return out # class Solver_PW(PwCalculus): # def __init__(self, **kwargs): # PwCalculus.__init__(self, **kwargs) # ml = kwargs.get("ml") # termination = kwargs.get("termination") # self.layers = [] # for _l in ml: # if _l[0] == "Air": # mat = Air # else: # mat = from_yaml(_l[0]+".yaml") # d = _l[1] # self.layers.append(Layer(mat,d)) # if termination in ["trans", "transmission","Transmission"]: # self.backing = "Transmission" # else: # self.backing = backing.rigid # self.kx,, self.k = None, None, None # self.shift_plot = kwargs.get("shift_pw", 0.) # self.plot = kwargs.get("plot_results", [False]*6) # self.result = {} # self.outfiles_directory = False # initialisation_out_files_plain(self) # def write_out_files(self, out): # self.out_file.write("{:.12e}\t".format(self.current_frequency)) # abs = 1-np.abs(out["R"])**2 # self.out_file.write("{:.12e}\t".format(abs)) # self.out_file.write("\n") # def interface_fluid_fluid(self, ieq, iinter, L, d, M): # SV_1, k_y_1 = fluid_SV(self.kx, self.k, L[iinter].medium.K) # SV_2, k_y_2 = fluid_SV(self.kx, self.k, L[iinter+1].medium.K) # M[ieq, d[iinter+0][0]] = SV_1[0, 0]*np.exp(-1j*k_y_1*L[iinter].thickness) # M[ieq, d[iinter+0][1]] = SV_1[0, 1] # M[ieq, d[iinter+1][0]] = -SV_2[0, 0] # M[ieq, d[iinter+1][1]] = -SV_2[0, 1]*np.exp(-1j*k_y_2*L[iinter+1].thickness) # ieq += 1 # M[ieq, d[iinter+0][0]] = SV_1[1, 0]*np.exp(-1j*k_y_1*L[iinter].thickness) # M[ieq, d[iinter+0][1]] = SV_1[1, 1] # M[ieq, d[iinter+1][0]] = -SV_2[1, 0] # M[ieq, d[iinter+1][1]] = -SV_2[1, 1]*np.exp(-1j*k_y_2*L[iinter+1].thickness) # ieq += 1 # return ieq # def interface_fluid_rigid(self, M, ieq, L, d): # SV, k_y = fluid_SV(self.kx, self.k, L.medium.K) # M[ieq, d[0]] = SV[0, 0]*np.exp(-1j*k_y*L.thickness) # M[ieq, d[1]] = SV[0, 1] # ieq += 1 # return ieq # def semi_infinite_medium(self, M, ieq, L, d): # M[ieq, d[1]] = 1. # ieq += 1 # return ieq # def interface_pem_pem(self, ieq, iinter, L, d, M): # SV_1, k_y_1 = PEM_SV(L[iinter].medium, self.kx) # SV_2, k_y_2 = PEM_SV(L[iinter+1].medium, self.kx) # for _i in range(6): # M[ieq, d[iinter+0][0]] = SV_1[_i, 0]*np.exp(-1j*k_y_1[0]*L[iinter].thickness) # M[ieq, d[iinter+0][1]] = SV_1[_i, 1]*np.exp(-1j*k_y_1[1]*L[iinter].thickness) # M[ieq, d[iinter+0][2]] = SV_1[_i, 2]*np.exp(-1j*k_y_1[2]*L[iinter].thickness) # M[ieq, d[iinter+0][3]] = SV_1[_i, 3] # M[ieq, d[iinter+0][4]] = SV_1[_i, 4] # M[ieq, d[iinter+0][5]] = SV_1[_i, 5] # M[ieq, d[iinter+1][0]] = -SV_2[_i, 0] # M[ieq, d[iinter+1][1]] = -SV_2[_i, 1] # M[ieq, d[iinter+1][2]] = -SV_2[_i, 2] # M[ieq, d[iinter+1][3]] = -SV_2[_i, 3]*np.exp(-1j*k_y_2[0]*L[iinter+1].thickness) # M[ieq, d[iinter+1][4]] = -SV_2[_i, 4]*np.exp(-1j*k_y_2[1]*L[iinter+1].thickness) # M[ieq, d[iinter+1][5]] = -SV_2[_i, 5]*np.exp(-1j*k_y_2[2]*L[iinter+1].thickness) # ieq += 1 # return ieq # def interface_fluid_pem(self, ieq, iinter, L, d, M): # SV_1, k_y_1 = fluid_SV(self.kx, self.k, L[iinter].medium.K) # SV_2, k_y_2 = PEM_SV(L[iinter+1].medium,self.kx) # # print(k_y_2) # M[ieq, d[iinter+0][0]] = SV_1[0, 0]*np.exp(-1j*k_y_1*L[iinter].thickness) # M[ieq, d[iinter+0][1]] = SV_1[0, 1] # M[ieq, d[iinter+1][0]] = -SV_2[2, 0] # M[ieq, d[iinter+1][1]] = -SV_2[2, 1] # M[ieq, d[iinter+1][2]] = -SV_2[2, 2] # M[ieq, d[iinter+1][3]] = -SV_2[2, 3]*np.exp(-1j*k_y_2[0]*L[iinter+1].thickness) # M[ieq, d[iinter+1][4]] = -SV_2[2, 4]*np.exp(-1j*k_y_2[1]*L[iinter+1].thickness) # M[ieq, d[iinter+1][5]] = -SV_2[2, 5]*np.exp(-1j*k_y_2[2]*L[iinter+1].thickness) # ieq += 1 # M[ieq, d[iinter+0][0]] = SV_1[1, 0]*np.exp(-1j*k_y_1*L[iinter].thickness) # M[ieq, d[iinter+0][1]] = SV_1[1, 1] # M[ieq, d[iinter+1][0]] = -SV_2[4, 0] # M[ieq, d[iinter+1][1]] = -SV_2[4, 1] # M[ieq, d[iinter+1][2]] = -SV_2[4, 2] # M[ieq, d[iinter+1][3]] = -SV_2[4, 3]*np.exp(-1j*k_y_2[0]*L[iinter+1].thickness) # M[ieq, d[iinter+1][4]] = -SV_2[4, 4]*np.exp(-1j*k_y_2[1]*L[iinter+1].thickness) # M[ieq, d[iinter+1][5]] = -SV_2[4, 5]*np.exp(-1j*k_y_2[2]*L[iinter+1].thickness) # ieq += 1 # M[ieq, d[iinter+1][0]] = SV_2[0, 0] # M[ieq, d[iinter+1][1]] = SV_2[0, 1] # M[ieq, d[iinter+1][2]] = SV_2[0, 2] # M[ieq, d[iinter+1][3]] = SV_2[0, 3]*np.exp(-1j*k_y_2[0]*L[iinter+1].thickness) # M[ieq, d[iinter+1][4]] = SV_2[0, 4]*np.exp(-1j*k_y_2[1]*L[iinter+1].thickness) # M[ieq, d[iinter+1][5]] = SV_2[0, 5]*np.exp(-1j*k_y_2[2]*L[iinter+1].thickness) # ieq += 1 # M[ieq, d[iinter+1][0]] = SV_2[3, 0] # M[ieq, d[iinter+1][1]] = SV_2[3, 1] # M[ieq, d[iinter+1][2]] = SV_2[3, 2] # M[ieq, d[iinter+1][3]] = SV_2[3, 3]*np.exp(-1j*k_y_2[0]*L[iinter+1].thickness) # M[ieq, d[iinter+1][4]] = SV_2[3, 4]*np.exp(-1j*k_y_2[1]*L[iinter+1].thickness) # M[ieq, d[iinter+1][5]] = SV_2[3, 5]*np.exp(-1j*k_y_2[2]*L[iinter+1].thickness) # ieq += 1 # return ieq # def interface_elastic_pem(self, ieq, iinter, L, d, M): # SV_1, k_y_1 = elastic_SV(L[iinter].medium,self.kx, # SV_2, k_y_2 = PEM_SV(L[iinter+1].medium,self.kx) # # print(k_y_2) # M[ieq, d[iinter+0][0]] = -SV_1[0, 0]*np.exp(-1j*k_y_1[0]*L[iinter].thickness) # M[ieq, d[iinter+0][1]] = -SV_1[0, 1]*np.exp(-1j*k_y_1[1]*L[iinter].thickness) # M[ieq, d[iinter+0][2]] = -SV_1[0, 2] # M[ieq, d[iinter+0][3]] = -SV_1[0, 3] # M[ieq, d[iinter+1][0]] = SV_2[0, 0] # M[ieq, d[iinter+1][1]] = SV_2[0, 1] # M[ieq, d[iinter+1][2]] = SV_2[0, 2] # M[ieq, d[iinter+1][3]] = SV_2[0, 3]*np.exp(-1j*k_y_2[0]*L[iinter+1].thickness) # M[ieq, d[iinter+1][4]] = SV_2[0, 4]*np.exp(-1j*k_y_2[1]*L[iinter+1].thickness) # M[ieq, d[iinter+1][5]] = SV_2[0, 5]*np.exp(-1j*k_y_2[2]*L[iinter+1].thickness) # ieq += 1 # M[ieq, d[iinter+0][0]] = -SV_1[1, 0]*np.exp(-1j*k_y_1[0]*L[iinter].thickness) # M[ieq, d[iinter+0][1]] = -SV_1[1, 1]*np.exp(-1j*k_y_1[1]*L[iinter].thickness) # M[ieq, d[iinter+0][2]] = -SV_1[1, 2] # M[ieq, d[iinter+0][3]] = -SV_1[1, 3] # M[ieq, d[iinter+1][0]] = SV_2[1, 0] # M[ieq, d[iinter+1][1]] = SV_2[1, 1] # M[ieq, d[iinter+1][2]] = SV_2[1, 2] # M[ieq, d[iinter+1][3]] = SV_2[1, 3]*np.exp(-1j*k_y_2[0]*L[iinter+1].thickness) # M[ieq, d[iinter+1][4]] = SV_2[1, 4]*np.exp(-1j*k_y_2[1]*L[iinter+1].thickness) # M[ieq, d[iinter+1][5]] = SV_2[1, 5]*np.exp(-1j*k_y_2[2]*L[iinter+1].thickness) # ieq += 1 # M[ieq, d[iinter+0][0]] = -SV_1[1, 0]*np.exp(-1j*k_y_1[0]*L[iinter].thickness) # M[ieq, d[iinter+0][1]] = -SV_1[1, 1]*np.exp(-1j*k_y_1[1]*L[iinter].thickness) # M[ieq, d[iinter+0][2]] = -SV_1[1, 2] # M[ieq, d[iinter+0][3]] = -SV_1[1, 3] # M[ieq, d[iinter+1][0]] = SV_2[2, 0] # M[ieq, d[iinter+1][1]] = SV_2[2, 1] # M[ieq, d[iinter+1][2]] = SV_2[2, 2] # M[ieq, d[iinter+1][3]] = SV_2[2, 3]*np.exp(-1j*k_y_2[0]*L[iinter+1].thickness) # M[ieq, d[iinter+1][4]] = SV_2[2, 4]*np.exp(-1j*k_y_2[1]*L[iinter+1].thickness) # M[ieq, d[iinter+1][5]] = SV_2[2, 5]*np.exp(-1j*k_y_2[2]*L[iinter+1].thickness) # ieq += 1 # M[ieq, d[iinter+0][0]] = -SV_1[2, 0]*np.exp(-1j*k_y_1[0]*L[iinter].thickness) # M[ieq, d[iinter+0][1]] = -SV_1[2, 1]*np.exp(-1j*k_y_1[1]*L[iinter].thickness) # M[ieq, d[iinter+0][2]] = -SV_1[2, 2] # M[ieq, d[iinter+0][3]] = -SV_1[2, 3] # M[ieq, d[iinter+1][0]] = (SV_2[3, 0]-SV_2[4, 0]) # M[ieq, d[iinter+1][1]] = (SV_2[3, 1]-SV_2[4, 1]) # M[ieq, d[iinter+1][2]] = (SV_2[3, 2]-SV_2[4, 2]) # M[ieq, d[iinter+1][3]] = (SV_2[3,
for ind in range(num_outputs): t1, t5 = accuracy(outputs[ind].detach().cpu(), cls_targets[ind].detach().cpu(), topk=(1, 5)) top1_meters[ind].update(t1.item(), batch_size) top5_meters[ind].update(t5.item(), batch_size) loss_meters[ind].update(losses_per_task[ind].item(), batch_size) if use_gaze: loss_gaze.update(gaze_coord_loss.item(), batch_size) if use_hands: loss_hands.update(hand_coord_loss.item(), batch_size) batch_time.update(time.time() - t0) t0 = time.time() to_print = '[Epoch:{}, Batch {}/{} in {:.3f} s]'.format(cur_epoch, batch_idx, len(train_iterator), batch_time.val) to_print += '[Losses {:.4f}[avg:{:.4f}], '.format(losses.val, losses.avg) if use_gaze: to_print += '[l_gcoo {:.4f}[avg:{:.4f}], '.format(loss_gaze.val, loss_gaze.avg) if use_hands: to_print += '[l_hcoo {:.4f}[avg:{:.4f}], '.format(loss_hands.val, loss_hands.avg) for ind in range(num_outputs): to_print += 'T{}::loss {:.4f}[avg:{:.4f}], '.format(ind, loss_meters[ind].val, loss_meters[ind].avg) for ind in range(num_outputs): to_print += 'T{}::Top1 {:.3f}[avg:{:.3f}],Top5 {:.3f}[avg:{:.3f}],'.format( ind, top1_meters[ind].val, top1_meters[ind].avg, top5_meters[ind].val, top5_meters[ind].avg) to_print += 'LR {:.6f}'.format(lr_scheduler.get_lr()[0]) print_and_save(to_print, log_file) print_and_save("Epoch train time: {}".format(batch_time.sum), log_file) def test_mfnet_mo(model, criterion, test_iterator, num_outputs, use_gaze, use_hands, cur_epoch, dataset, log_file, gpus): loss_meters = [AverageMeter() for _ in range(num_outputs)] losses = AverageMeter() top1_meters = [AverageMeter() for _ in range(num_outputs)] top5_meters = [AverageMeter() for _ in range(num_outputs)] with torch.no_grad(): model.eval() print_and_save('Evaluating after epoch: {} on {} set'.format(cur_epoch, dataset), log_file) for batch_idx, (inputs, targets) in enumerate(test_iterator): inputs = inputs.cuda(gpus[0]) outputs, coords, heatmaps = model(inputs) targets = targets.cuda(gpus[0]).transpose(0, 1) if use_gaze or use_hands: cls_targets = targets[:num_outputs, :].long() else: cls_targets = targets assert len(cls_targets) == num_outputs losses_per_task = [] for output, target in zip(outputs, cls_targets): loss_for_task = criterion(output, target) losses_per_task.append(loss_for_task) loss = sum(losses_per_task) if use_gaze: # need some debugging for the gaze targets gaze_targets = targets[num_outputs:num_outputs + 16, :].transpose(1, 0).reshape(-1, 8, 1, 2) # for a single shared layer representation of the two signals # for gaze slice the first element gaze_coords = coords[:, :, 0, :] gaze_coords.unsqueeze_(2) # unsqueeze to add the extra dimension for consistency gaze_heatmaps = heatmaps[:, :, 0, :] gaze_heatmaps.unsqueeze_(2) gaze_coord_loss = calc_coord_loss(gaze_coords, gaze_heatmaps, gaze_targets) loss = loss + gaze_coord_loss if use_hands: hand_targets = targets[-32:, :].transpose(1,0).reshape(-1, 8, 2, 2) # for hands slice the last two elements, first is left, second is right hand hand_coords = coords[:, :, -2:, :] hand_heatmaps = heatmaps[:, :, -2:, :] hand_coord_loss = calc_coord_loss(hand_coords, hand_heatmaps, hand_targets) loss = loss + hand_coord_loss # update metrics batch_size = outputs[0].size(0) losses.update(loss.item(), batch_size) for ind in range(num_outputs): t1, t5 = accuracy(outputs[ind].detach().cpu(), cls_targets[ind].detach().cpu(), topk=(1, 5)) top1_meters[ind].update(t1.item(), batch_size) top5_meters[ind].update(t5.item(), batch_size) loss_meters[ind].update(losses_per_task[ind].item(), batch_size) to_print = '[Epoch:{}, Batch {}/{}] '.format(cur_epoch, batch_idx, len(test_iterator)) for ind in range(num_outputs): to_print += 'T{}::Top1 {:.3f}[avg:{:.3f}], Top5 {:.3f}[avg:{:.3f}],'.format( ind, top1_meters[ind].val, top1_meters[ind].avg, top5_meters[ind].val, top5_meters[ind].avg) print_and_save(to_print, log_file) final_print = '{} Results: Loss {:.3f},'.format(dataset, losses.avg) for ind in range(num_outputs): final_print += 'T{}::Top1 {:.3f}, Top5 {:.3f},'.format(ind, top1_meters[ind].avg, top5_meters[ind].avg) print_and_save(final_print, log_file) return [tasktop1.avg for tasktop1 in top1_meters] import math def unnorm_gaze_coords(_coords): # expecting values in [-1, 1] return ((_coords + 1) * 224 - 1) / 2 def calc_aae(pred, gt, avg='no'): # input should be [2] with modalities=1 d = 112/math.tan(math.pi/6) pred = pred - 112 gt = gt - 112 r1 = np.array([pred[0], pred[1], d]) # x, y are inverted in numpy but it doesn't change results r2 = np.array([gt[0], gt[1], d]) # angles needs to be of dimension batch*temporal*modalities*1 angles = math.atan2(np.linalg.norm(np.cross(r1, r2)),, r2)) # angles_deg = math.degrees(angles) angles_deg = np.rad2deg(angles) return angles_deg # aae = None # if avg == 'no': # use each coordinate pair for error calculation # aae = [deg for deg in angles_deg.flatten()] # elif avg == 'temporal': # average the angles for one video segment # angles_deg = np.mean(angles_deg, 1) # aae = [deg for deg in angles_deg.flatten()] # # return aae from scipy import ndimage def calc_auc(pred, gt): z = np.zeros((224, 224)) z[int(pred[0])][int(pred[1])] = 1 z = ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter(z, 14) z = z - np.min(z) z = z / np.max(z) atgt = z[int(gt[0])][int(gt[1])] # z[i][j] fpbool = z > atgt auc = (1 - float(fpbool.sum()) / (224 * 224)) return auc def inner_batch_calc(_model, _inputs, _gaze_targets, _or_targets, _frame_counter, _actual_frame_counter, _aae_frame, _auc_frame, _aae_temporal, _auc_temporal, _to_print, _log_file, _mf_remaining=8): _outputs, _coords, _heatmaps = _model(_inputs) _gaze_coords = _coords[:, :, 0, :] _gaze_coords = unnorm_gaze_coords(_gaze_coords).cpu().numpy() _batch_size, _temporal_size, _ = _gaze_targets.shape for _b in range(_batch_size): # this will always be one, otherwise torch.stack complains for variable temporal dim. _aae_temp = [] _auc_temp = [] for _t in range(_temporal_size-_mf_remaining, _temporal_size): # after transforms target gaze might be off the image. this is not evaluated _actual_frame_counter += 1 if _gaze_targets[_b, _t][0] < 0 or _gaze_targets[_b, _t][0] >= 224 or _gaze_targets[_b, _t][1] < 0 or \ _gaze_targets[_b, _t][1] >= 224: # gt out of evaluated area after cropping continue if _or_targets[_b, _t][0] == 0 and _or_targets[_b, _t][1] == 0: # bad ground truth continue _frame_counter += 1 _angle_deg = calc_aae(_gaze_coords[_b, _t], _gaze_targets[_b, _t]) _aae_temp.append(_angle_deg) _aae_frame.update(_angle_deg) # per frame _auc_once = calc_auc(_gaze_coords[_b, _t], _gaze_targets[_b, _t]) _auc_temp.append(_auc_once) _auc_frame.update(_auc_once) if len(_aae_temp) > 0: _aae_temporal.update(np.mean(_aae_temp)) # per video segment if len(_auc_temp) > 0: _auc_temporal.update(np.mean(_auc_temp)) _to_print += '[Gaze::aae_frame {:.3f}[avg:{:.3f}], aae_temporal {:.3f}[avg:{:.3f}],'.format(_aae_frame.val, _aae_frame.avg, _aae_temporal.val, _aae_temporal.avg) _to_print += '::auc_frame {:.3f}[avg:{:.3f}], auc_temporal {:.3f}[avg:{:.3f}]]'.format(_auc_frame.val, _auc_frame.avg, _auc_temporal.val, _auc_temporal.avg) print_and_save(_to_print, _log_file) return _auc_frame, _auc_temporal, _aae_frame, _aae_temporal, _frame_counter, _actual_frame_counter def validate_mfnet_mo_gaze(model, criterion, test_iterator, num_outputs, use_gaze, use_hands, cur_epoch, dataset, log_file): auc_frame, auc_temporal = AverageMeter(), AverageMeter() aae_frame, aae_temporal = AverageMeter(), AverageMeter() print_and_save('Evaluating after epoch: {} on {} set'.format(cur_epoch, dataset), log_file) with torch.no_grad(): model.eval() frame_counter = 0 actual_frame_counter = 0 video_counter = 0 for batch_idx, (inputs, targets, orig_gaze, video_names) in enumerate(test_iterator): video_counter += 1 to_print = '[Batch {}/{}]'.format(batch_idx, len(test_iterator)) inputs = inputs.cuda() targets = targets.cuda().transpose(0, 1) orig_gaze = orig_gaze.cuda().transpose(0, 1) double_temporal_size = inputs.shape[2] temporal_size = double_temporal_size // 2 if use_gaze or use_hands: cls_targets = targets[:num_outputs, :].long() else: cls_targets = targets assert len(cls_targets) == num_outputs gaze_targets = targets[num_outputs:num_outputs + 2*temporal_size, :].transpose(1, 0).reshape(-1, temporal_size, 1, 2) gaze_targets.squeeze_(2) gaze_targets = unnorm_gaze_coords(gaze_targets).cpu().numpy() orig_targets = orig_gaze[:2*temporal_size, :].transpose(1, 0).reshape(-1, temporal_size, 1, 2) orig_targets.squeeze_(2) # batch over the blocks of 16 frames for mfnet mf_blocks = double_temporal_size//16 mf_remaining = double_temporal_size%16 for mf_i in range(mf_blocks): mf_inputs = inputs[:,:,mf_i*16:(mf_i+1)*16,:,:] mf_targets = gaze_targets[:, mf_i*8:(mf_i+1)*8] or_targets = orig_targets[:, mf_i*8:(mf_i+1)*8] auc_frame, auc_temporal, aae_frame, aae_temporal, frame_counter, actual_frame_counter = inner_batch_calc( model, mf_inputs, mf_targets, or_targets, frame_counter, actual_frame_counter, aae_frame, auc_frame, aae_temporal, auc_temporal, to_print, log_file ) if mf_remaining > 0: mf_inputs = inputs[:,:,double_temporal_size-16:,:,:] mf_targets = gaze_targets[:, temporal_size-8:] or_targets = orig_targets[:, temporal_size-8:] auc_frame, auc_temporal, aae_frame, aae_temporal, frame_counter, actual_frame_counter = inner_batch_calc( model, mf_inputs, mf_targets, or_targets, frame_counter, actual_frame_counter, aae_frame, auc_frame, aae_temporal, auc_temporal, to_print, log_file, mf_remaining//2 ) to_print = 'Evaluated in total {}/{} frames in {} video segments.'.format(frame_counter, actual_frame_counter, video_counter) print_and_save(to_print, log_file) def validate_mfnet_mo(model, criterion, test_iterator, num_outputs, use_gaze, use_hands, cur_epoch, dataset, log_file): loss_meters = [AverageMeter() for _ in range(num_outputs)] losses = AverageMeter() top1_meters = [AverageMeter() for _ in range(num_outputs)] top5_meters = [AverageMeter() for _ in range(num_outputs)] task_outputs = [[] for _ in range(num_outputs)] print_and_save('Evaluating after epoch: {} on {} set'.format(cur_epoch, dataset), log_file) with torch.no_grad(): model.eval() for batch_idx, (inputs, targets, video_names) in enumerate(test_iterator): inputs = inputs.cuda() outputs, coords, heatmaps = model(inputs) targets = targets.cuda().transpose(0, 1) if use_gaze or use_hands: cls_targets = targets[:num_outputs, :].long() else: cls_targets = targets assert len(cls_targets) == num_outputs losses_per_task = [] for output, target in zip(outputs, cls_targets): loss_for_task = criterion(output, target) losses_per_task.append(loss_for_task) loss = sum(losses_per_task) gaze_coord_loss, hand_coord_loss = 0, 0 if use_gaze: gaze_targets = targets[num_outputs:num_outputs + 16, :].transpose(1, 0).reshape(-1, 8, 1, 2) # for a single shared layer representation of the two signals # for gaze slice the first element gaze_coords = coords[:, :, 0, :] gaze_coords.unsqueeze_(2) # unsqueeze to add the extra dimension for consistency gaze_heatmaps = heatmaps[:, :, 0, :] gaze_heatmaps.unsqueeze_(2) gaze_coord_loss = calc_coord_loss(gaze_coords, gaze_heatmaps, gaze_targets) loss = loss + gaze_coord_loss if use_hands: hand_targets = targets[-32:, :].reshape(-1, 8, 2, 2) # for hands slice the last two elements, first is left, second is right hand hand_coords = coords[:, :, -2:, :] hand_heatmaps = heatmaps[:, :, -2:, :] hand_coord_loss = calc_coord_loss(hand_coords, hand_heatmaps, hand_targets) loss = loss + hand_coord_loss batch_size = outputs[0].size(0) batch_preds = [] for j in range(batch_size): txt_batch_preds = "{}".format(video_names[j]) for ind in range(num_outputs): txt_batch_preds += ", " res = np.argmax(outputs[ind][j].detach().cpu().numpy()) label = cls_targets[ind][j].detach().cpu().numpy() task_outputs[ind].append([res, label]) txt_batch_preds += "T{} P-L:{}-{}".format(ind, res, label) batch_preds.append(txt_batch_preds) losses.update(loss.item(), batch_size) for ind in range(num_outputs): t1, t5 = accuracy(outputs[ind].detach().cpu(), cls_targets[ind].detach().cpu(), topk=(1, 5)) top1_meters[ind].update(t1.item(), batch_size) top5_meters[ind].update(t5.item(), batch_size) loss_meters[ind].update(losses_per_task[ind].item(), batch_size) to_print = '[Batch {}/{}]'.format(batch_idx, len(test_iterator)) for ind in range(num_outputs): to_print += '[T{}::Top1 {:.3f}[avg:{:.3f}], Top5 {:.3f}[avg:{:.3f}]],'.format(ind, top1_meters[ind].val, top1_meters[ind].avg, top5_meters[ind].val, top5_meters[ind].avg) to_print+= '\n\t{}'.format(batch_preds) print_and_save(to_print, log_file) to_print =
function: The callback function for asynchronous request. (optional) :param str id: ProductSize id (required) :param str filter: :return: list[Product] If the method is called asynchronously, returns the request thread. """ all_params = ['id', 'filter'] all_params.append('callback') all_params.append('_return_http_data_only') params = locals() for key, val in iteritems(params['kwargs']): if key not in all_params: raise TypeError( "Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s'" " to method product_sizes_id_products_get" % key ) params[key] = val del params['kwargs'] # verify the required parameter 'id' is set if ('id' not in params) or (params['id'] is None): raise ValueError("Missing the required parameter `id` when calling `product_sizes_id_products_get`") collection_formats = {} resource_path = '/ProductSizes/{id}/products'.replace('{format}', 'json') path_params = {} if 'id' in params: path_params['id'] = params['id'] query_params = {} if 'filter' in params: query_params['filter'] = params['filter'] header_params = {} form_params = [] local_var_files = {} body_params = None # HTTP header `Accept` header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.\ select_header_accept(['application/json', 'application/xml', 'text/xml', 'application/javascript', 'text/javascript']) if not header_params['Accept']: del header_params['Accept'] # HTTP header `Content-Type` header_params['Content-Type'] = self.api_client.\ select_header_content_type(['application/json', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'application/xml', 'text/xml']) # Authentication setting auth_settings = ['access_token'] return self.api_client.call_api(resource_path, 'GET', path_params, query_params, header_params, body=body_params, post_params=form_params, files=local_var_files, response_type='list[Product]', auth_settings=auth_settings, callback=params.get('callback'), _return_http_data_only=params.get('_return_http_data_only'), collection_formats=collection_formats) def product_sizes_id_products_post(self, id, **kwargs): """ Creates a new instance in products of this model. This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default. To make an asynchronous HTTP request, please define a `callback` function to be invoked when receiving the response. >>> def callback_function(response): >>> pprint(response) >>> >>> thread = api.product_sizes_id_products_post(id, callback=callback_function) :param callback function: The callback function for asynchronous request. (optional) :param str id: ProductSize id (required) :param Product data: :return: Product If the method is called asynchronously, returns the request thread. """ kwargs['_return_http_data_only'] = True if kwargs.get('callback'): return self.product_sizes_id_products_post_with_http_info(id, **kwargs) else: (data) = self.product_sizes_id_products_post_with_http_info(id, **kwargs) return data def product_sizes_id_products_post_with_http_info(self, id, **kwargs): """ Creates a new instance in products of this model. This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default. To make an asynchronous HTTP request, please define a `callback` function to be invoked when receiving the response. >>> def callback_function(response): >>> pprint(response) >>> >>> thread = api.product_sizes_id_products_post_with_http_info(id, callback=callback_function) :param callback function: The callback function for asynchronous request. (optional) :param str id: ProductSize id (required) :param Product data: :return: Product If the method is called asynchronously, returns the request thread. """ all_params = ['id', 'data'] all_params.append('callback') all_params.append('_return_http_data_only') params = locals() for key, val in iteritems(params['kwargs']): if key not in all_params: raise TypeError( "Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s'" " to method product_sizes_id_products_post" % key ) params[key] = val del params['kwargs'] # verify the required parameter 'id' is set if ('id' not in params) or (params['id'] is None): raise ValueError("Missing the required parameter `id` when calling `product_sizes_id_products_post`") collection_formats = {} resource_path = '/ProductSizes/{id}/products'.replace('{format}', 'json') path_params = {} if 'id' in params: path_params['id'] = params['id'] query_params = {} header_params = {} form_params = [] local_var_files = {} body_params = None if 'data' in params: body_params = params['data'] # HTTP header `Accept` header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.\ select_header_accept(['application/json', 'application/xml', 'text/xml', 'application/javascript', 'text/javascript']) if not header_params['Accept']: del header_params['Accept'] # HTTP header `Content-Type` header_params['Content-Type'] = self.api_client.\ select_header_content_type(['application/json', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'application/xml', 'text/xml']) # Authentication setting auth_settings = ['access_token'] return self.api_client.call_api(resource_path, 'POST', path_params, query_params, header_params, body=body_params, post_params=form_params, files=local_var_files, response_type='Product', auth_settings=auth_settings, callback=params.get('callback'), _return_http_data_only=params.get('_return_http_data_only'), collection_formats=collection_formats) def product_sizes_id_put(self, id, **kwargs): """ Replace attributes for a model instance and persist it into the data source. This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default. To make an asynchronous HTTP request, please define a `callback` function to be invoked when receiving the response. >>> def callback_function(response): >>> pprint(response) >>> >>> thread = api.product_sizes_id_put(id, callback=callback_function) :param callback function: The callback function for asynchronous request. (optional) :param str id: Model id (required) :param ProductSize data: Model instance data :return: ProductSize If the method is called asynchronously, returns the request thread. """ kwargs['_return_http_data_only'] = True if kwargs.get('callback'): return self.product_sizes_id_put_with_http_info(id, **kwargs) else: (data) = self.product_sizes_id_put_with_http_info(id, **kwargs) return data def product_sizes_id_put_with_http_info(self, id, **kwargs): """ Replace attributes for a model instance and persist it into the data source. This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default. To make an asynchronous HTTP request, please define a `callback` function to be invoked when receiving the response. >>> def callback_function(response): >>> pprint(response) >>> >>> thread = api.product_sizes_id_put_with_http_info(id, callback=callback_function) :param callback function: The callback function for asynchronous request. (optional) :param str id: Model id (required) :param ProductSize data: Model instance data :return: ProductSize If the method is called asynchronously, returns the request thread. """ all_params = ['id', 'data'] all_params.append('callback') all_params.append('_return_http_data_only') params = locals() for key, val in iteritems(params['kwargs']): if key not in all_params: raise TypeError( "Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s'" " to method product_sizes_id_put" % key ) params[key] = val del params['kwargs'] # verify the required parameter 'id' is set if ('id' not in params) or (params['id'] is None): raise ValueError("Missing the required parameter `id` when calling `product_sizes_id_put`") collection_formats = {} resource_path = '/ProductSizes/{id}'.replace('{format}', 'json') path_params = {} if 'id' in params: path_params['id'] = params['id'] query_params = {} header_params = {} form_params = [] local_var_files = {} body_params = None if 'data' in params: body_params = params['data'] # HTTP header `Accept` header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.\ select_header_accept(['application/json', 'application/xml', 'text/xml', 'application/javascript', 'text/javascript']) if not header_params['Accept']: del header_params['Accept'] # HTTP header `Content-Type` header_params['Content-Type'] = self.api_client.\ select_header_content_type(['application/json', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'application/xml', 'text/xml']) # Authentication setting auth_settings = ['access_token'] return self.api_client.call_api(resource_path, 'PUT', path_params, query_params, header_params, body=body_params, post_params=form_params, files=local_var_files, response_type='ProductSize', auth_settings=auth_settings, callback=params.get('callback'), _return_http_data_only=params.get('_return_http_data_only'), collection_formats=collection_formats) def product_sizes_id_replace_post(self, id, **kwargs): """ Replace attributes for a model instance and persist it into the data source. This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default. To make an asynchronous HTTP request, please define a `callback` function to be invoked when receiving the response. >>> def callback_function(response): >>> pprint(response) >>> >>> thread = api.product_sizes_id_replace_post(id, callback=callback_function) :param callback function: The callback function for asynchronous request. (optional) :param str id: Model id (required) :param ProductSize data: Model instance data :return: ProductSize If the method is called asynchronously, returns the request thread. """ kwargs['_return_http_data_only'] = True if kwargs.get('callback'): return self.product_sizes_id_replace_post_with_http_info(id, **kwargs) else: (data) = self.product_sizes_id_replace_post_with_http_info(id, **kwargs) return data def product_sizes_id_replace_post_with_http_info(self, id, **kwargs): """ Replace attributes for a model instance and persist it into the data source. This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default. To make an asynchronous HTTP request, please define a `callback` function to be invoked when receiving the response. >>> def callback_function(response): >>> pprint(response) >>> >>> thread = api.product_sizes_id_replace_post_with_http_info(id, callback=callback_function) :param callback function: The callback function for asynchronous request. (optional) :param str id: Model id (required) :param ProductSize data: Model instance data :return: ProductSize If the method is called asynchronously, returns the request thread. """ all_params = ['id', 'data'] all_params.append('callback') all_params.append('_return_http_data_only') params = locals() for key, val in iteritems(params['kwargs']): if key not in all_params: raise TypeError( "Got an unexpected keyword argument '%s'" " to method product_sizes_id_replace_post" % key ) params[key] = val del params['kwargs'] # verify the required parameter 'id' is set if ('id' not in params) or (params['id'] is None): raise ValueError("Missing the required parameter `id` when calling `product_sizes_id_replace_post`") collection_formats = {} resource_path = '/ProductSizes/{id}/replace'.replace('{format}', 'json') path_params = {} if 'id' in params: path_params['id'] = params['id'] query_params = {} header_params = {} form_params = [] local_var_files = {} body_params = None if 'data' in params: body_params = params['data'] # HTTP header `Accept` header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.\ select_header_accept(['application/json', 'application/xml', 'text/xml', 'application/javascript', 'text/javascript']) if not header_params['Accept']: del header_params['Accept'] # HTTP header `Content-Type` header_params['Content-Type'] = self.api_client.\ select_header_content_type(['application/json', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'application/xml', 'text/xml']) # Authentication setting auth_settings = ['access_token'] return self.api_client.call_api(resource_path, 'POST', path_params, query_params, header_params, body=body_params, post_params=form_params, files=local_var_files, response_type='ProductSize', auth_settings=auth_settings, callback=params.get('callback'), _return_http_data_only=params.get('_return_http_data_only'), collection_formats=collection_formats) def product_sizes_id_size_materials_count_get(self, id, **kwargs): """ Counts sizeMaterials of ProductSize. This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default. To make an asynchronous HTTP request, please define a `callback` function to be invoked when receiving the response. >>> def callback_function(response): >>> pprint(response) >>> >>> thread = api.product_sizes_id_size_materials_count_get(id, callback=callback_function) :param callback function: The callback function for asynchronous
+ 1)] = [ estimator.score(metric, pos_label=pos_label, cutoff=cutoff) ] if training_score: estimator.test_relation = estimator.input_relation result_train["{}-fold".format(i + 1)] = [ estimator.score(metric, pos_label=pos_label, cutoff=cutoff) ] else: result["{}-fold".format(i + 1)] = [ estimator.score(m, pos_label=pos_label, cutoff=cutoff) for m in metric ] if training_score: estimator.test_relation = estimator.input_relation result_train["{}-fold".format(i + 1)] = [ estimator.score(m, pos_label=pos_label, cutoff=cutoff) for m in metric ] except: if metric == "all": result["{}-fold".format(i + 1)] = estimator.classification_report( cutoff=cutoff ).values["value"][0:-1] if training_score: estimator.test_relation = estimator.input_relation result_train[ "{}-fold".format(i + 1) ] = estimator.classification_report(cutoff=cutoff).values[ "value" ][ 0:-1 ] elif isinstance(metric, str): result["{}-fold".format(i + 1)] = [ estimator.score(metric, cutoff=cutoff) ] if training_score: estimator.test_relation = estimator.input_relation result_train["{}-fold".format(i + 1)] = [ estimator.score(metric, cutoff=cutoff) ] else: result["{}-fold".format(i + 1)] = [ estimator.score(m, cutoff=cutoff) for m in metric ] if training_score: estimator.test_relation = estimator.input_relation result_train["{}-fold".format(i + 1)] = [ estimator.score(m, cutoff=cutoff) for m in metric ] try: estimator.drop() except: pass n = len(final_metrics) total = [[] for item in range(n)] for i in range(cv): for k in range(n): total[k] += [result["{}-fold".format(i + 1)][k]] if training_score: total_train = [[] for item in range(n)] for i in range(cv): for k in range(n): total_train[k] += [result_train["{}-fold".format(i + 1)][k]] result["avg"], result["std"] = [], [] if training_score: result_train["avg"], result_train["std"] = [], [] for item in total: result["avg"] += [statistics.mean([float(elem) for elem in item])] result["std"] += [statistics.stdev([float(elem) for elem in item])] if training_score: for item in total_train: result_train["avg"] += [statistics.mean([float(elem) for elem in item])] result_train["std"] += [statistics.stdev([float(elem) for elem in item])] total_time += [ statistics.mean([float(elem) for elem in total_time]), statistics.stdev([float(elem) for elem in total_time]), ] result = tablesample(values=result).transpose() if show_time: result.values["time"] = total_time if training_score: result_train = tablesample(values=result_train).transpose() if show_time: result_train.values["time"] = total_time if training_score: return result, result_train else: return result # ---# def elbow( input_relation: (str, vDataFrame), X: list = [], cursor=None, n_cluster: (tuple, list) = (1, 15), init: (str, list) = "kmeanspp", max_iter: int = 50, tol: float = 1e-4, ax=None, **style_kwds, ): """ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Draws an Elbow Curve. Parameters ---------- input_relation: str/vDataFrame Relation to use to train the model. X: list, optional List of the predictor columns. If empty all the numerical vcolumns will be used. cursor: DBcursor, optional Vertica DB cursor. n_cluster: tuple/list, optional Tuple representing the number of cluster to start with and to end with. It can also be customized list with the different K to test. init: str/list, optional The method to use to find the initial cluster centers. kmeanspp : Use the KMeans++ method to initialize the centers. random : The initial centers It can be also a list with the initial cluster centers to use. max_iter: int, optional The maximum number of iterations the algorithm performs. tol: float, optional Determines whether the algorithm has converged. The algorithm is considered converged after no center has moved more than a distance of 'tol' from the previous iteration. ax: Matplotlib axes object, optional The axes to plot on. **style_kwds Any optional parameter to pass to the Matplotlib functions. Returns ------- tablesample An object containing the result. For more information, see utilities.tablesample. """ check_types( [ ("X", X, [list],), ("input_relation", input_relation, [str, vDataFrame],), ("n_cluster", n_cluster, [list],), ("init", init, ["kmeanspp", "random"],), ("max_iter", max_iter, [int, float],), ("tol", tol, [int, float],), ] ) cursor, conn = check_cursor(cursor, input_relation)[0:2] version(cursor=cursor, condition=[8, 0, 0]) if isinstance(n_cluster, tuple): L = range(n_cluster[0], n_cluster[1]) else: L = n_cluster L.sort() schema, relation = schema_relation(input_relation) all_within_cluster_SS = [] if isinstance(n_cluster, tuple): L = [i for i in range(n_cluster[0], n_cluster[1])] else: L = n_cluster L.sort() for i in L: cursor.execute( "DROP MODEL IF EXISTS {}.VERTICAPY_KMEANS_TMP_{}".format( schema, get_session(cursor) ) ) from verticapy.learn.cluster import KMeans model = KMeans( "{}.VERTICAPY_KMEANS_TMP_{}".format(schema, get_session(cursor)), cursor, i, init, max_iter, tol, ), X) all_within_cluster_SS += [float(model.metrics_.values["value"][3])] model.drop() if conn: conn.close() if not (ax): fig, ax = plt.subplots() if isnotebook(): fig.set_size_inches(8, 6) ax.grid(axis="y") param = { "color": gen_colors()[0], "marker": "o", "markerfacecolor": "white", "markersize": 7, "markeredgecolor": "black", } ax.plot( L, all_within_cluster_SS, **updated_dict(param, style_kwds), ) ax.set_title("Elbow Curve") ax.set_xlabel("Number of Clusters") ax.set_ylabel("Between-Cluster SS / Total SS") values = {"index": L, "Within-Cluster SS": all_within_cluster_SS} return tablesample(values=values) # ---# def grid_search_cv( estimator, param_grid: dict, input_relation: (str, vDataFrame), X: list, y: str, metric: str = "auto", cv: int = 3, pos_label: (int, float, str) = None, cutoff: float = -1, training_score: bool = True, skip_error: bool = False, ): """ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Computes the K-Fold grid search of an estimator. Parameters ---------- estimator: object Vertica estimator having a fit method and a DB cursor. param_grid: dict Dictionary of the parameters to test. input_relation: str/vDataFrame Relation to use to train the model. X: list List of the predictor columns. y: str Response Column. metric: str, optional Metric used to do the model evaluation. auto: logloss for classification & rmse for regression. For Classification: accuracy : Accuracy auc : Area Under the Curve (ROC) bm : Informedness = tpr + tnr - 1 csi : Critical Success Index = tp / (tp + fn + fp) f1 : F1 Score logloss : Log Loss mcc : Matthews Correlation Coefficient mk : Markedness = ppv + npv - 1 npv : Negative Predictive Value = tn / (tn + fn) prc_auc : Area Under the Curve (PRC) precision : Precision = tp / (tp + fp) recall : Recall = tp / (tp + fn) specificity : Specificity = tn / (tn + fp) For Regression: max : Max Error mae : Mean Absolute Error median : Median Absolute Error mse : Mean Squared Error msle : Mean Squared Log Error r2 : R squared coefficient r2a : R2 adjusted rmse : Root Mean Squared Error var : Explained Variance cv: int, optional Number of folds. pos_label: int/float/str, optional The main class to be considered as positive (classification only). cutoff: float, optional The model cutoff (classification only). training_score: bool, optional If set to True, the training score will be computed with the validation score. skip_error: bool, optional If set to True and an error occurs, it will be displayed and not raised. Returns ------- tablesample An object containing the result. For more information, see utilities.tablesample. """ check_types( [ ("metric", metric, [str]), ("param_grid", param_grid, [dict]), ("training_score", training_score, [bool]), ("skip_error", skip_error, [bool]), ] ) if ( estimator.type in ( "RandomForestRegressor", "LinearSVR", "LinearRegression", "KNeighborsRegressor", ) and metric == "auto" ): metric = "rmse" elif metric == "auto": metric = "logloss" for param in param_grid: assert isinstance(param_grid[param], Iterable) and not ( isinstance(param_grid[param], str) ), ParameterError( f"The parameter 'param_grid' must be a dictionary where each value is a list of parameters, found {type(param_grid[param])} for parameter '{param}'." ) all_configuration = [ dict(zip(param_grid.keys(), values)) for values in product(*param_grid.values()) ] # testing all the config for config in all_configuration: estimator.set_params(config) # applying all the config data = [] for config in all_configuration: try: estimator.set_params(config) current_cv = cross_validate( estimator, input_relation, X, y, metric, cv, pos_label, cutoff, True, training_score, ) if training_score: keys = [elem for elem in current_cv[0].values] data += [ ( config, current_cv[0][keys[1]][cv], current_cv[1][keys[1]][cv], current_cv[0][keys[2]][cv], current_cv[0][keys[1]][cv + 1], current_cv[1][keys[1]][cv + 1], ) ] else: keys = [elem for elem in current_cv.values] data += [ ( config, current_cv[keys[1]][cv], current_cv[keys[2]][cv], current_cv[keys[1]][cv + 1], ) ] except Exception as e: if skip_error: print(e) else: raise (e) reverse = True if metric in ["logloss", "max", "mae", "median", "mse", "msle", "rmse"]: reverse = False data.sort(key=lambda tup: tup[1], reverse=reverse) if training_score: result = tablesample( { "parameters": [elem[0] for elem in data], "avg_score": [elem[1] for elem in data], "avg_train_score": [elem[2] for elem in data], "avg_time": [elem[3] for elem in data], "score_std": [elem[4] for elem in data], "score_train_std": [elem[5] for elem in data], } ) else: result = tablesample( { "parameters": [elem[0] for elem in data], "avg_score": [elem[1] for elem in data], "avg_time": [elem[2] for elem in data], "score_std": [elem[3] for elem in data], } ) return result # ---# def lift_chart( y_true: str, y_score: str, input_relation: (str, vDataFrame), cursor=None, pos_label: (int, float, str) = 1, nbins: int = 30, ax=None, **style_kwds, ): """ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Draws the Lift Chart. Parameters ---------- y_true: str Response column. y_score: str Prediction Probability. input_relation: str/vDataFrame Relation to use to do the scoring. The relation can be a view or a table or even a customized relation.
> 10" ] alarm_def = { u'name': '<NAME>', u'expression': 'test.metric > 10' } for expression in bad_expressions: alarm_def[u'expression'] = expression response = self.simulate_request( path="/v2.0/alarm-definitions/", headers={'X-Roles':[0], 'X-Tenant-Id': TENANT_ID}, method="POST", body=json.dumps(alarm_def)) self.assertEqual(response.status, '422 Unprocessable Entity', u'Expression {} should have failed'.format(expression)) def test_alarm_definition_create_with_occupied_alarm_definition_name(self): self.alarm_def_repo_mock.return_value.get_alarm_definitions.return_value = [{ 'alarm_actions': None, 'ok_actions': None, 'description': None, 'match_by': u'hostname', 'name': u'<NAME>', 'actions_enabled': 1, 'undetermined_actions': None, 'expression': u'max(test.metric{hostname=host}) gte 1', 'id': u'00000001-0001-0001-0001-000000000001', 'severity': u'LOW' }] alarm_def = { u'name': u'<NAME>', u'expression': u'max(test.metric{hostname=host}) gte 1' } response = self.simulate_request( path="/v2.0/alarm-definitions/", headers={'X-Roles':[0], 'X-Tenant-Id': TENANT_ID}, method="POST", body=json.dumps(alarm_def)) self.assertEqual(response.status, falcon.HTTP_409) def test_alarm_definition_update(self): self.alarm_def_repo_mock.return_value.get_alarm_definitions.return_value = [] self.alarm_def_repo_mock.return_value.update_or_patch_alarm_definition.return_value = ( {u'alarm_actions': [], u'ok_actions': [], u'description': u'Non-ASCII character: \u2603', u'match_by': u'hostname', u'name': u'<NAME>', u'actions_enabled': True, u'undetermined_actions': [], u'is_deterministic': False, u'expression': u'max(test.metric{hostname=host}) gte 1', u'id': u'00000001-0001-0001-0001-000000000001', u'severity': u'LOW'}, {'old': {'11111': sub_alarm_definition.SubAlarmDefinition( row={'id': '11111', 'alarm_definition_id': u'00000001-0001-0001-0001-000000000001', 'function': 'max', 'metric_name': 'test.metric', 'dimensions': 'hostname=host', 'operator': 'gte', 'threshold': 1, 'period': 60, 'is_deterministic': False, 'periods': 1})}, 'changed': {}, 'new': {}, 'unchanged': {'11111': sub_alarm_definition.SubAlarmDefinition( row={'id': '11111', 'alarm_definition_id': u'00000001-0001-0001-0001-000000000001', 'function': 'max', 'metric_name': 'test.metric', 'dimensions': 'hostname=host', 'operator': 'gte', 'threshold': 1, 'period': 60, 'is_deterministic': False, 'periods': 1})}}) expected_def = { u'id': u'00000001-0001-0001-0001-000000000001', u'alarm_actions': [], u'ok_actions': [], u'description': u'Non-ASCII character: \u2603', u'links': [{u'href': u'' u'00000001-0001-0001-0001-000000000001', u'rel': u'self'}], u'match_by': [u'hostname'], u'name': u'Test Alarm', u'actions_enabled': True, u'undetermined_actions': [], u'deterministic': False, u'expression': u'max(test.metric{hostname=host}) gte 1', u'severity': u'LOW', } alarm_def = { u'alarm_actions': [], u'ok_actions': [], u'description': u'', u'match_by': [u'hostname'], u'name': u'<NAME>', u'actions_enabled': True, u'undetermined_actions': [], u'deterministic': False, u'expression': u'max(test.metric{hostname=host}) gte 1', u'severity': u'LOW', } result = self.simulate_request(path="/v2.0/alarm-definitions/%s" % expected_def[u'id'], headers={'X-Roles':[0], 'X-Tenant-Id': TENANT_ID}, method="PUT", body=json.dumps(alarm_def)) self.assertEqual(result.status, falcon.HTTP_200) result_def = result.json self.assertEqual(result_def, expected_def) def test_alarm_definition_patch_incorrect_id(self): self.alarm_def_repo_mock.return_value.get_alarm_definitions.return_value = [{ 'alarm_actions': None, 'ok_actions': None, 'description': None, 'match_by': u'hostname', 'name': u'<NAME>', 'actions_enabled': 1, 'undetermined_actions': None, 'expression': u'max(test.metric{hostname=host}) gte 1', 'id': u'00000001-0001-0001-0001-000000000001', 'severity': u'LOW' }] alarm_def = { u'name': u'Test Alarm Definition Updated', } response = self.simulate_request( path="/v2.0/alarm-definitions/9999999-0001-0001-0001-000000000001", headers={ 'X-Roles':[0], 'X-Tenant-Id': TENANT_ID}, method="PATCH", body=json.dumps(alarm_def)) self.assertEqual(response.status, falcon.HTTP_409) def test_alarm_definition_put_incorrect_period_value(self): self.alarm_def_repo_mock.return_value.get_alarm_definitions.return_value = [] period = 'times 0' alarm_def = { u'alarm_actions': [], u'ok_actions': [], u'description': u'', u'match_by': [u'hostname'], u'name': u'Test Alarm', u'actions_enabled': True, u'undetermined_actions': [], u'deterministic': False, u'expression': u'max(test.metric{hostname=host}) gte 1 ' + period, u'severity': u'LOW', } response = self.simulate_request( path="/v2.0/alarm-definitions/00000001-0001-0001-0001-000000000001", headers={'X-Roles':[0], 'X-Tenant-Id': TENANT_ID}, method="PUT", body=json.dumps(alarm_def)) self.assertEqual(response.status, falcon.HTTP_422) def test_alarm_definition_patch_no_id(self): alarm_def = { u'name': u'Test Alarm Definition Updated', } response = self.simulate_request( path="/v2.0/alarm-definitions/", headers={ 'X-Roles':[0], 'X-Tenant-Id': TENANT_ID}, method="PATCH", body=json.dumps(alarm_def)) self.assertEqual(response.status, falcon.HTTP_400) def test_alarm_definition_update_no_id(self): alarm_def = { u'name': u'Test Alarm Definition Updated', } response = self.simulate_request( path="/v2.0/alarm-definitions/", headers={ 'X-Roles':[0], 'X-Tenant-Id': TENANT_ID}, method="PUT", body=json.dumps(alarm_def)) self.assertEqual(response.status, falcon.HTTP_400) def test_alarm_definition_delete(self): self.alarm_def_repo_mock.return_value.get_get_sub_alarm_definitions.return_value = [{ 'alarm_definition_id': '123', 'dimensions': 'flavor_id=777', 'function': 'AVG', 'id': '111', 'metric_name': 'cpu.idle_perc', 'operator': 'GT', 'period': 60, 'periods': 1, 'is_deterministic': False, 'threshold': 10.0}] self.alarm_def_repo_mock.return_value.get_alarm_metrics.return_value = [{ 'alarm_id': '1', 'dimensions': 'flavor_id=777', 'name': 'cpu.idle_perc'}] self.alarm_def_repo_mock.return_value.get_sub_alarms.return_value = [{ 'alarm_definition_id': '1', 'alarm_id': '2', 'expression': 'avg(cpu.idle_perc{flavor_id=777}) > 10', 'sub_alarm_id': '43'}] self.alarm_def_repo_mock.return_value.delete_alarm_definition.return_value = True response = self.simulate_request( path='/v2.0/alarm-definitions/00000001-0001-0001-0001-000000000001', headers={ 'X-Roles':[0], 'X-Tenant-Id': TENANT_ID}, method='DELETE') self.assertEqual(response.status, falcon.HTTP_204) def test_alarm_definition_delete_alarm_definition_not_exist(self): self.alarm_def_repo_mock.return_value.get_get_sub_alarm_definitions.return_value = [] self.alarm_def_repo_mock.return_value.get_alarm_metrics.return_value = [] self.alarm_def_repo_mock.return_value.get_sub_alarms.return_value = [] self.alarm_def_repo_mock.return_value.delete_alarm_definition.return_value = False response = self.simulate_request( path='/v2.0/alarm-definitions/00000001-0001-0001-0001-000000000001', headers={ 'X-Roles':[0], 'X-Tenant-Id': TENANT_ID}, method='DELETE') self.assertEqual(response.status, falcon.HTTP_404) def test_alarm_definition_delete_no_id(self): response = self.simulate_request( path="/v2.0/alarm-definitions/", headers={ 'X-Roles':[0], 'X-Tenant-Id': TENANT_ID}, method="DELETE") self.assertEqual(response.status, falcon.HTTP_400) def test_alarm_definition_patch(self): self.alarm_def_repo_mock.return_value.get_alarm_definitions.return_value = [] description = u'Non-ASCII character: \u2603' new_name = u'Test Alarm Updated' actions_enabled = True alarm_def_id = u'00000001-0001-0001-0001-000000000001' alarm_expression = u'max(test.metric{hostname=host}) gte 1' severity = u'LOW' match_by = u'hostname' self.alarm_def_repo_mock.return_value.update_or_patch_alarm_definition.return_value = ( {u'alarm_actions': [], u'ok_actions': [], u'description': description, u'match_by': match_by, u'name': new_name, u'actions_enabled': actions_enabled, u'undetermined_actions': [], u'is_deterministic': False, u'expression': alarm_expression, u'id': alarm_def_id, u'severity': severity}, {'old': {'11111': sub_alarm_definition.SubAlarmDefinition( row={'id': '11111', 'alarm_definition_id': u'00000001-0001-0001-0001-000000000001', 'function': 'max', 'metric_name': 'test.metric', 'dimensions': 'hostname=host', 'operator': 'gte', 'threshold': 1, 'period': 60, 'is_deterministic': False, 'periods': 1})}, 'changed': {}, 'new': {}, 'unchanged': {'11111': sub_alarm_definition.SubAlarmDefinition( row={'id': '11111', 'alarm_definition_id': u'00000001-0001-0001-0001-000000000001', 'function': 'max', 'metric_name': 'test.metric', 'dimensions': 'hostname=host', 'operator': 'gte', 'threshold': 1, 'period': 60, 'is_deterministic': False, 'periods': 1})}}) expected_def = { u'id': alarm_def_id, u'alarm_actions': [], u'ok_actions': [], u'description': description, u'links': [{u'href': u'' u'00000001-0001-0001-0001-000000000001', u'rel': u'self'}], u'match_by': [match_by], u'name': new_name, u'actions_enabled': actions_enabled, u'undetermined_actions': [], u'deterministic': False, u'expression': alarm_expression, u'severity': severity, } alarm_def = { u'name': u'Test Alarm Updated', } result = self.simulate_request(path="/v2.0/alarm-definitions/%s" % expected_def[u'id'], headers={'X-Roles':[0], 'X-Tenant-Id': TENANT_ID}, method="PATCH", body=json.dumps(alarm_def)) self.assertEqual(result.status, falcon.HTTP_200) result_def = result.json self.assertEqual(result_def, expected_def) # If the alarm-definition-updated event does not have all of the # fields set, the Threshold Engine will get confused. For example, # if alarmActionsEnabled is none, thresh will read that as false # and pass that value onto the Notification Engine which will not # create a notification even actions_enabled is True in the # database. So, ensure all fields are set correctly ((_, event), _) = self._send_event.call_args expr = u'max(test.metric{hostname=host}, 60) gte 1 times 1' sub_expression = {'11111': {u'expression': expr, u'function': 'max', u'metricDefinition': { u'dimensions': {'hostname': 'host'}, u'name': 'test.metric'}, u'operator': 'gte', u'period': 60, u'periods': 1, u'threshold': 1}} fields = {u'alarmActionsEnabled': actions_enabled, u'alarmDefinitionId': alarm_def_id, u'alarmDescription': description, u'alarmExpression': alarm_expression, u'alarmName': new_name, u'changedSubExpressions': {}, u'matchBy': [match_by], u'severity': severity, u'tenantId': u'fedcba9876543210fedcba9876543210', u'newAlarmSubExpressions': {}, u'oldAlarmSubExpressions': sub_expression, u'unchangedSubExpressions': sub_expression} reference = {u'alarm-definition-updated': fields} self.assertEqual(reference, event) def test_alarm_definition_update_missing_fields(self): self.alarm_def_repo_mock.return_value.get_alarm_definitions.return_value = [] self.alarm_def_repo_mock.return_value.update_or_patch_alarm_definition.return_value = ( {u'alarm_actions': [], u'ok_actions': [], u'description': u'Non-ASCII character: \u2603', u'match_by': u'hostname', u'name': u'Test Alarm', u'actions_enabled': True, u'undetermined_actions': [], u'expression': u'max(test.metric{hostname=host}) gte 1', u'id': u'00000001-0001-0001-0001-000000000001', u'is_deterministic': False, u'severity': u'LOW'}, {'old': {'11111': sub_alarm_definition.SubAlarmDefinition( row={'id': '11111', 'alarm_definition_id': u'00000001-0001-0001-0001-000000000001', 'function': 'max', 'metric_name': 'test.metric', 'dimensions': 'hostname=host', 'operator': 'gte', 'threshold': 1, 'period': 60, 'periods': 1, 'is_deterministic': False})}, 'changed': {}, 'new': {}, 'unchanged': {'11111': sub_alarm_definition.SubAlarmDefinition( row={'id': '11111', 'alarm_definition_id': u'00000001-0001-0001-0001-000000000001', 'function': 'max', 'metric_name': 'test.metric', 'dimensions': 'hostname=host', 'operator': 'gte', 'threshold': 1, 'period': 60, 'periods': 1, 'is_deterministic': False})}}) expected_def = { u'id': u'00000001-0001-0001-0001-000000000001', u'alarm_actions': [], u'ok_actions': [], u'description': u'Non-ASCII character: \u2603', u'links': [{u'href': u'' u'00000001-0001-0001-0001-000000000001', u'rel': u'self'}], u'match_by': [u'hostname'], u'name': u'Test Alarm', u'actions_enabled': True, u'undetermined_actions': [], u'expression': u'max(test.metric{hostname=host}) gte 1', u'severity': u'LOW', u'deterministic': False } alarm_def = { u'alarm_actions': [], u'ok_actions': [], u'description': u'', u'match_by': [u'hostname'], u'name': u'Test Alarm', u'actions_enabled': True, u'undetermined_actions': [], u'expression': u'max(test.metric{hostname=host}) gte 1', u'severity': u'LOW' } result = self.simulate_request(path="/v2.0/alarm-definitions/%s" % expected_def[u'id'], headers={'X-Roles':[0], 'X-Tenant-Id': TENANT_ID}, method="PUT", body=json.dumps(alarm_def)) self.assertEqual(result.status, falcon.HTTP_200) result_def = result.json self.assertEqual(result_def, expected_def) for key, value in alarm_def.items(): del alarm_def[key] response = self.simulate_request( path="/v2.0/alarm-definitions/%s" % expected_def[u'id'], headers={'X-Roles':[0], 'X-Tenant-Id': TENANT_ID}, method="PUT", body=json.dumps(alarm_def)) self.assertEqual(response.status, "422 Unprocessable Entity", u"should have failed without key {}".format(key)) alarm_def[key] = value def test_alarm_definition_get_specific_alarm(self): self.alarm_def_repo_mock.return_value.get_alarm_definition.return_value = { 'alarm_actions': None, 'ok_actions': None, # The description field was decoded to unicode when the # alarm_definition was created. 'description': u'Non-ASCII character: \u2603', 'match_by': u'hostname', 'name': u'Test Alarm', 'actions_enabled': 1, 'undetermined_actions': None, 'deterministic': False, 'expression': u'max(test.metric{hostname=host}) gte 1', 'id': u'00000001-0001-0001-0001-000000000001', 'severity': u'LOW' } expected_data = { u'alarm_actions': [], u'ok_actions': [], u'description': u'Non-ASCII character: \u2603', u'match_by': [u'hostname'], u'name': u'<NAME>', u'actions_enabled': True, u'undetermined_actions': [], u'deterministic': False, u'expression': u'max(test.metric{hostname=host}) gte 1', u'id': u'00000001-0001-0001-0001-000000000001', u'severity': u'LOW', } response = self.simulate_request( path='/v2.0/alarm-definitions/%s' % (expected_data[u'id']), headers={ 'X-Roles':[0], 'X-Tenant-Id': TENANT_ID, }) self.assertEqual(response.status, falcon.HTTP_200) self.assertThat(response, RESTResponseEquals(expected_data)) def test_alarm_definition_get_specific_alarm_description_none(self): self.alarm_def_repo_mock.return_value.get_alarm_definition.return_value = { 'alarm_actions': None, 'ok_actions': None, 'description': None, 'match_by': u'hostname', 'name': u'<NAME>', 'actions_enabled': 1, 'undetermined_actions': None, 'expression': u'max(test.metric{hostname=host}) gte 1', 'id': u'00000001-0001-0001-0001-000000000001', 'severity': u'LOW' } expected_data = { u'alarm_actions': [], u'ok_actions': [], u'description': None, u'match_by': [u'hostname'], u'name': u'<NAME>', u'actions_enabled': True, u'undetermined_actions': [], u'deterministic': False, u'expression': u'max(test.metric{hostname=host}) gte 1', u'id': u'00000001-0001-0001-0001-000000000001', u'severity': u'LOW', } response = self.simulate_request( path='/v2.0/alarm-definitions/%s' % (expected_data[u'id']), headers={ 'X-Roles':[0], 'X-Tenant-Id': TENANT_ID, }) self.assertEqual(response.status, falcon.HTTP_200) self.assertThat(response, RESTResponseEquals(expected_data)) def test_get_alarm_definitions_with_multibyte_character(self): def_name = 'alarm_definition' if six.PY2: def_name = def_name.decode('utf8') expected_data = { u'alarm_actions': [], u'ok_actions': [], u'description': None, u'match_by': [u'hostname'], u'actions_enabled': True, u'undetermined_actions': [], u'deterministic': False, u'expression': u'max(test.metric{hostname=host}) gte 1', u'id': u'00000001-0001-0001-0001-000000000001', u'severity': u'LOW', u'name': def_name } self.alarm_def_repo_mock.return_value.get_alarm_definition.return_value = { 'alarm_actions': None, 'ok_actions': None, 'description': None, 'match_by': u'hostname', 'name': def_name, 'actions_enabled': 1, 'undetermined_actions': None, 'expression': u'max(test.metric{hostname=host}) gte 1', 'id': u'00000001-0001-0001-0001-000000000001', 'severity': u'LOW' } response = self.simulate_request( path='/v2.0/alarm-definitions/%s' % (expected_data[u'id']), headers={ 'X-Roles':[0], 'X-Tenant-Id': TENANT_ID, } ) self.assertEqual(response.status, falcon.HTTP_200) self.assertThat(response, RESTResponseEquals(expected_data)) def test_alarm_definition_get_alarm_definition_list(self): self.alarm_def_repo_mock.return_value.get_alarm_definitions.return_value = [{ 'alarm_actions': None, 'ok_actions': None, 'description': None, 'match_by': u'hostname', 'name': u'<NAME>', 'actions_enabled': 1, 'undetermined_actions': None, 'expression': u'max(test.metric{hostname=host}) gte 1', 'id': u'00000001-0001-0001-0001-000000000001', 'severity': u'LOW' }] link = '' \ '00000001-0001-0001-0001-000000000001' expected_data = {
<filename>trezor_crypto/<gh_stars>0 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # TARGET arch is: ["'--std=c99", '-fPIC', '-DUSE_MONERO=1', '-DUSE_KECCAK=1', '-DUSE_LIBSODIUM', '-DSODIUM_STATIC=1', '-DRAND_PLATFORM_INDEPENDENT=1', "-Isrc/'"] # WORD_SIZE is: 8 # POINTER_SIZE is: 8 # LONGDOUBLE_SIZE is: 16 # import ctypes c_int128 = ctypes.c_ubyte*16 c_uint128 = c_int128 void = None if ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_longdouble) == 16: c_long_double_t = ctypes.c_longdouble else: c_long_double_t = ctypes.c_ubyte*16 # if local wordsize is same as target, keep ctypes pointer function. if ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_void_p) == 8: POINTER_T = ctypes.POINTER else: # required to access _ctypes import _ctypes # Emulate a pointer class using the approriate c_int32/c_int64 type # The new class should have : # ['__module__', 'from_param', '_type_', '__dict__', '__weakref__', '__doc__'] # but the class should be submitted to a unique instance for each base type # to that if A == B, POINTER_T(A) == POINTER_T(B) ctypes._pointer_t_type_cache = {} def POINTER_T(pointee): # a pointer should have the same length as LONG fake_ptr_base_type = ctypes.c_uint64 # specific case for c_void_p if pointee is None: # VOID pointer type. c_void_p. pointee = type(None) # ctypes.c_void_p # ctypes.c_ulong clsname = 'c_void' else: clsname = pointee.__name__ if clsname in ctypes._pointer_t_type_cache: return ctypes._pointer_t_type_cache[clsname] # make template class _T(_ctypes._SimpleCData,): _type_ = 'L' _subtype_ = pointee def _sub_addr_(self): return self.value def __repr__(self): return '%s(%d)'%(clsname, self.value) def contents(self): raise TypeError('This is not a ctypes pointer.') def __init__(self, **args): raise TypeError('This is not a ctypes pointer. It is not instanciable.') _class = type('LP_%d_%s'%(8, clsname), (_T,),{}) ctypes._pointer_t_type_cache[clsname] = _class return _class uint32_t = ctypes.c_uint32 uint64_t = ctypes.c_uint64 uint8_t = ctypes.c_uint8 int32_t = ctypes.c_int32 int64_t = ctypes.c_int64 size_t = ctypes.c_uint64 class union_c__UA_aes_inf(ctypes.Union): _pack_ = True # source:False _fields_ = [ ('l', ctypes.c_uint32), ('b', ctypes.c_ubyte * 4), ] aes_inf = union_c__UA_aes_inf class struct_c__SA_aes_encrypt_ctx(ctypes.Structure): _pack_ = True # source:False _fields_ = [ ('ks', ctypes.c_uint32 * 60), ('inf', aes_inf), ('PADDING_0', ctypes.c_ubyte * 12), ] aes_encrypt_ctx = struct_c__SA_aes_encrypt_ctx class struct_c__SA_aes_decrypt_ctx(ctypes.Structure): _pack_ = True # source:False _fields_ = [ ('ks', ctypes.c_uint32 * 60), ('inf', aes_inf), ('PADDING_0', ctypes.c_ubyte * 12), ] aes_decrypt_ctx = struct_c__SA_aes_decrypt_ctx cbuf_inc = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(None, POINTER_T(ctypes.c_ubyte)) t_rc = None # Variable ctypes.c_int32 BASE32_ALPHABET_RFC4648 = None # Variable POINTER_T(ctypes.c_char) b58digits_ordered = [] # Variable ctypes.c_char * 0 b58digits_map = ctypes.c_byte * 0 # Variable ctypes.c_byte * 0 class struct_c__SA_bignum256(ctypes.Structure): _pack_ = True # source:False _fields_ = [ ('val', ctypes.c_uint32 * 9), ] bignum256 = struct_c__SA_bignum256 class struct_c__SA_curve_info(ctypes.Structure): pass # values for enumeration 'c__EA_HasherType' HASHER_SHA2 = 0 HASHER_SHA2D = 1 HASHER_SHA2_RIPEMD = 2 HASHER_SHA3 = 3 HASHER_SHA3K = 4 HASHER_BLAKE = 5 HASHER_BLAKED = 6 HASHER_BLAKE_RIPEMD = 7 HASHER_GROESTLD_TRUNC = 8 HASHER_OVERWINTER_PREVOUTS = 9 HASHER_OVERWINTER_SEQUENCE = 10 HASHER_OVERWINTER_OUTPUTS = 11 HASHER_OVERWINTER_PREIMAGE = 12 c__EA_HasherType = ctypes.c_int # enum HasherType = c__EA_HasherType class struct_c__SA_ecdsa_curve(ctypes.Structure): pass class struct_c__SA_curve_point(ctypes.Structure): _pack_ = True # source:False _fields_ = [ ('x', bignum256), ('y', bignum256), ] curve_point = struct_c__SA_curve_point struct_c__SA_ecdsa_curve._pack_ = True # source:False struct_c__SA_ecdsa_curve._fields_ = [ ('prime', bignum256), ('G', curve_point), ('order', bignum256), ('order_half', bignum256), ('a', ctypes.c_int32), ('b', bignum256), ('cp', struct_c__SA_curve_point * 8 * 64), ] struct_c__SA_curve_info._pack_ = True # source:False struct_c__SA_curve_info._fields_ = [ ('bip32_name', POINTER_T(ctypes.c_char)), ('params', POINTER_T(struct_c__SA_ecdsa_curve)), ('hasher_base58', HasherType), ('hasher_sign', HasherType), ('hasher_pubkey', HasherType), ('PADDING_0', ctypes.c_ubyte * 4), ] curve_info = struct_c__SA_curve_info class struct_c__SA_HDNode(ctypes.Structure): _pack_ = True # source:False _fields_ = [ ('depth', ctypes.c_uint32), ('child_num', ctypes.c_uint32), ('chain_code', ctypes.c_ubyte * 32), ('private_key', ctypes.c_ubyte * 32), ('private_key_extension', ctypes.c_ubyte * 32), ('public_key', ctypes.c_ubyte * 33), ('PADDING_0', ctypes.c_ubyte * 7), ('curve', POINTER_T(struct_c__SA_curve_info)), ] HDNode = struct_c__SA_HDNode wordlist = POINTER_T(ctypes.c_char) * 2049 # Variable POINTER_T(ctypes.c_char) * 2049 class struct_c__SA_BLAKE256_CTX(ctypes.Structure): _pack_ = True # source:False _fields_ = [ ('h', ctypes.c_uint32 * 8), ('s', ctypes.c_uint32 * 4), ('t', ctypes.c_uint32 * 2), ('buflen', ctypes.c_uint64), ('nullt', ctypes.c_ubyte), ('buf', ctypes.c_ubyte * 64), ('PADDING_0', ctypes.c_ubyte * 7), ] BLAKE256_CTX = struct_c__SA_BLAKE256_CTX # values for enumeration 'blake2b_constant' BLAKE2B_BLOCKBYTES = 128 BLAKE2B_OUTBYTES = 64 BLAKE2B_KEYBYTES = 64 BLAKE2B_SALTBYTES = 16 BLAKE2B_PERSONALBYTES = 16 blake2b_constant = ctypes.c_int # enum class struct___blake2b_state(ctypes.Structure): _pack_ = True # source:False _fields_ = [ ('h', ctypes.c_uint64 * 8), ('t', ctypes.c_uint64 * 2), ('f', ctypes.c_uint64 * 2), ('buf', ctypes.c_ubyte * 128), ('buflen', ctypes.c_uint64), ('outlen', ctypes.c_uint64), ('last_node', ctypes.c_ubyte), ('PADDING_0', ctypes.c_ubyte * 7), ] blake2b_state = struct___blake2b_state # values for enumeration 'blake2s_constant' BLAKE2S_BLOCKBYTES = 64 BLAKE2S_OUTBYTES = 32 BLAKE2S_KEYBYTES = 32 BLAKE2S_SALTBYTES = 8 BLAKE2S_PERSONALBYTES = 8 blake2s_constant = ctypes.c_int # enum class struct___blake2s_state(ctypes.Structure): _pack_ = True # source:False _fields_ = [ ('h', ctypes.c_uint32 * 8), ('t', ctypes.c_uint32 * 2), ('f', ctypes.c_uint32 * 2), ('buf', ctypes.c_ubyte * 64), ('buflen', ctypes.c_uint32), ('outlen', ctypes.c_ubyte), ('last_node', ctypes.c_ubyte), ('PADDING_0', ctypes.c_ubyte * 2), ] blake2s_state = struct___blake2s_state class struct_c__SA_chacha20poly1305_ctx(ctypes.Structure): pass class struct_c__SA_ECRYPT_ctx(ctypes.Structure): _pack_ = True # source:False _fields_ = [ ('input', ctypes.c_uint32 * 16), ] ECRYPT_ctx = struct_c__SA_ECRYPT_ctx class struct_poly1305_context(ctypes.Structure): _pack_ = True # source:False _fields_ = [ ('aligner', ctypes.c_uint64), ('opaque', ctypes.c_ubyte * 136), ] poly1305_context = struct_poly1305_context struct_c__SA_chacha20poly1305_ctx._pack_ = True # source:False struct_c__SA_chacha20poly1305_ctx._fields_ = [ ('chacha20', ECRYPT_ctx), ('poly1305', poly1305_context), ] chacha20poly1305_ctx = struct_c__SA_chacha20poly1305_ctx s8 = ctypes.c_byte u8 = ctypes.c_ubyte s16 = ctypes.c_int16 u16 = ctypes.c_uint16 s32 = ctypes.c_int32 u32 = ctypes.c_uint32 s64 = ctypes.c_int64 u64 = ctypes.c_uint64 class struct_poly1305_state_internal_t(ctypes.Structure): _pack_ = True # source:False _fields_ = [ ('PADDING_0', ctypes.c_ubyte), ] poly1305_state_internal_t = struct_poly1305_state_internal_t SECP256K1_NAME = [] # Variable ctypes.c_char * 0 SECP256K1_DECRED_NAME = [] # Variable ctypes.c_char * 0 SECP256K1_GROESTL_NAME = [] # Variable ctypes.c_char * 0 NIST256P1_NAME = [] # Variable ctypes.c_char * 0 ED25519_NAME = [] # Variable ctypes.c_char * 0 ED25519_CARDANO_NAME = [] # Variable ctypes.c_char * 0 ED25519_SHA3_NAME = [] # Variable ctypes.c_char * 0 ED25519_KECCAK_NAME = [] # Variable ctypes.c_char * 0 CURVE25519_NAME = [] # Variable ctypes.c_char * 0 ecdsa_curve = struct_c__SA_ecdsa_curve bignum25519 = ctypes.c_uint32 * 10 hash_512bits = ctypes.c_ubyte * 64 class struct_ge25519_t(ctypes.Structure): _pack_ = True # source:False _fields_ = [ ('x', ctypes.c_uint32 * 10), ('y', ctypes.c_uint32 * 10), ('z', ctypes.c_uint32 * 10), ('t', ctypes.c_uint32 * 10), ] ge25519 = struct_ge25519_t class struct_ge25519_p1p1_t(ctypes.Structure): _pack_ = True # source:False _fields_ = [ ('x', ctypes.c_uint32 * 10), ('y', ctypes.c_uint32 * 10), ('z', ctypes.c_uint32 * 10), ('t', ctypes.c_uint32 * 10), ] ge25519_p1p1 = struct_ge25519_p1p1_t class struct_ge25519_niels_t(ctypes.Structure): _pack_ = True # source:False _fields_ = [ ('ysubx', ctypes.c_uint32 * 10), ('xaddy', ctypes.c_uint32 * 10), ('t2d', ctypes.c_uint32 * 10), ] ge25519_niels = struct_ge25519_niels_t class struct_ge25519_pniels_t(ctypes.Structure): _pack_ = True # source:False _fields_ = [ ('ysubx', ctypes.c_uint32 * 10), ('xaddy', ctypes.c_uint32 * 10), ('z', ctypes.c_uint32 * 10), ('t2d', ctypes.c_uint32 * 10), ] ge25519_pniels = struct_ge25519_pniels_t ed25519_signature = ctypes.c_ubyte * 64 ed25519_public_key = ctypes.c_ubyte * 32 ed25519_secret_key = ctypes.c_ubyte * 32 bignum256modm_element_t = ctypes.c_uint32 bignum256modm = ctypes.c_uint32 * 9 class struct_c_groestlDOTh_S_groestlDOTh_2155(ctypes.Structure): _pack_ = True # source:False _fields_ = [ ('PADDING_0', ctypes.c_ubyte), ] class struct_c__SA_sph_groestl_big_context(ctypes.Structure): pass class union_c__SA_sph_groestl_big_context_0(ctypes.Union): _pack_ = True # source:False _fields_ = [ ('wide', ctypes.c_uint64 * 16), ('narrow', ctypes.c_uint32 * 32), ] struct_c__SA_sph_groestl_big_context._pack_ = True # source:False struct_c__SA_sph_groestl_big_context._fields_ = [ ('buf', ctypes.c_ubyte * 128), ('ptr', ctypes.c_uint64), ('state', union_c__SA_sph_groestl_big_context_0), ('count', ctypes.c_uint64), ] sph_groestl_big_context = struct_c__SA_sph_groestl_big_context GROESTL512_CTX = struct_c__SA_sph_groestl_big_context sph_u32 = ctypes.c_uint32 sph_s32 = ctypes.c_int32 sph_u64 = ctypes.c_uint64 sph_s64 = ctypes.c_int64 class struct_c__SA_Hasher(ctypes.Structure): pass class union_c__SA_Hasher_0(ctypes.Union): pass class struct_SHA3_CTX(ctypes.Structure): _pack_ = True # source:False _fields_ = [ ('hash', ctypes.c_uint64 * 25), ('message', ctypes.c_uint64 * 24), ('rest', ctypes.c_uint32), ('block_size', ctypes.c_uint32), ] SHA3_CTX = struct_SHA3_CTX class struct__SHA256_CTX(ctypes.Structure): _pack_ = True # source:False _fields_ = [ ('state', ctypes.c_uint32 * 8), ('bitcount', ctypes.c_uint64), ('buffer', ctypes.c_uint32 * 16), ] SHA256_CTX = struct__SHA256_CTX union_c__SA_Hasher_0._pack_ = True # source:False union_c__SA_Hasher_0._fields_ = [ ('sha2', SHA256_CTX), ('sha3', SHA3_CTX), ('blake', BLAKE256_CTX), ('groestl', GROESTL512_CTX), ('blake2b', blake2b_state), ('PADDING_0', ctypes.c_ubyte * 152), ] struct_c__SA_Hasher._pack_ = True # source:False struct_c__SA_Hasher._fields_ = [ ('type', HasherType), ('PADDING_0', ctypes.c_ubyte * 4), ('ctx', union_c__SA_Hasher_0), ] Hasher = struct_c__SA_Hasher class struct__HMAC_SHA256_CTX(ctypes.Structure): _pack_ = True # source:False _fields_ = [ ('o_key_pad', ctypes.c_ubyte * 64), ('ctx', SHA256_CTX), ] HMAC_SHA256_CTX = struct__HMAC_SHA256_CTX class struct__HMAC_SHA512_CTX(ctypes.Structure): pass class struct__SHA512_CTX(ctypes.Structure): _pack_ = True # source:False _fields_ = [ ('state', ctypes.c_uint64 * 8), ('bitcount', ctypes.c_uint64 * 2), ('buffer', ctypes.c_uint64 * 16), ] SHA512_CTX = struct__SHA512_CTX struct__HMAC_SHA512_CTX._pack_ = True # source:False struct__HMAC_SHA512_CTX._fields_ = [ ('o_key_pad', ctypes.c_ubyte * 128), ('ctx', SHA512_CTX), ] HMAC_SHA512_CTX = struct__HMAC_SHA512_CTX xmr_amount = ctypes.c_uint64 xmr_key64_t = ctypes.c_ubyte * 32 * 64 class struct_xmr_boro_sig(ctypes.Structure): _pack_ = True # source:False _fields_ = [ ('s0', ctypes.c_ubyte * 32 * 64), ('s1', ctypes.c_ubyte * 32 * 64), ('ee', ctypes.c_ubyte * 32), ] xmr_boro_sig_t = struct_xmr_boro_sig class struct_range_sig(ctypes.Structure): _pack_ = True # source:False _fields_ = [ ('asig', xmr_boro_sig_t), ('Ci', ctypes.c_ubyte * 32 * 64), ] xmr_range_sig_t = struct_range_sig xmr_key_t = ctypes.c_ubyte * 32 class struct_xmr_ctkey(ctypes.Structure): _pack_ = True # source:False _fields_ = [ ('dest', ctypes.c_ubyte * 32), ('mask', ctypes.c_ubyte * 32), ] xmr_ctkey_t = struct_xmr_ctkey class struct_c__SA_nem_transaction_ctx(ctypes.Structure): _pack_ = True # source:False _fields_ = [ ('public_key', ctypes.c_ubyte * 32), ('buffer', POINTER_T(ctypes.c_ubyte)), ('offset', ctypes.c_uint64), ('size', ctypes.c_uint64), ] nem_transaction_ctx = struct_c__SA_nem_transaction_ctx nist256p1 = struct_c__SA_ecdsa_curve # Variable struct_c__SA_ecdsa_curve nist256p1_info = struct_c__SA_curve_info # Variable struct_c__SA_curve_info class struct__PBKDF2_HMAC_SHA256_CTX(ctypes.Structure): _pack_ = True # source:False _fields_ = [ ('odig', ctypes.c_uint32 * 8), ('idig', ctypes.c_uint32 * 8), ('f', ctypes.c_uint32 * 8), ('g', ctypes.c_uint32 * 16), ('first', ctypes.c_char), ('PADDING_0', ctypes.c_ubyte * 3), ] PBKDF2_HMAC_SHA256_CTX = struct__PBKDF2_HMAC_SHA256_CTX class struct__PBKDF2_HMAC_SHA512_CTX(ctypes.Structure): _pack_ = True # source:False _fields_ = [ ('odig', ctypes.c_uint64 * 8), ('idig', ctypes.c_uint64 *
if pdb not in pdct[uni]: pdct[uni].append(pdb) except KeyError: pdct[uni] = [pdb] pdct_rev[pdb] = uni targets = [] with open(prots, 'r') as unisf: for lp in unisf: prot = lp.strip() targets.append(prot) #pdct_rev[prot] = lp.strip().upper() try: targets += pdct[lp.strip().upper()] except KeyError: pass return targets, pdct_rev def generate_similar_sigs(self, cmpd, sort=False, proteins=[], aux=False): """! For a given compound, generate the similar compounds using distance of sigs. @param cmpd object: Compound object @param sort bool: Sort the list of similar compounds @param proteins list: Protein objects to identify a subset of the Compound signature @param aux bool: Use an auxiliary signature (default: False) @return Returns list: Similar Compounds to the given Compound """ # find index of query compound, collect signatures for both q = 0 c_sig = [] if proteins is None: c_sig = cmpd.sig elif proteins: for pro in proteins: index = self.protein_id_to_index[pro.id_] c_sig.append(cmpd.sig[index]) else: if aux: c_sig = cmpd.aux_sig else: c_sig = cmpd.sig ca = np.array([c_sig]) other_sigs = [] for ci in range(len(self.compounds)): c = self.compounds[ci] if cmpd.id_ == c.id_: q = ci other = [] if proteins is None: other_sigs.append(c.sig) elif proteins: for pro in proteins: index = self.protein_id_to_index[pro.id_] other.append(c.sig[index]) other_sigs.append(other) else: if aux: other_sigs.append(c.aux_sig) else: other_sigs.append(c.sig) oa = np.array(other_sigs) # call cdist, speed up with custom RMSD function if self.dist_metric == "rmsd": distances = pairwise_distances(ca, oa, lambda u, v: np.sqrt(np.mean((u - v) ** 2)), n_jobs=self.ncpus) elif self.dist_metric in ['cosine', 'correlation', 'euclidean', 'cityblock']: distances = pairwise_distances(ca, oa, self.dist_metric, n_jobs=self.ncpus) else: print("Incorrect distance metric - {}".format(self.dist_metric)) cmpd.similar = [] # step through the cdist list - add RMSDs to Compound.similar list n = len(self.compounds) for i in range(n): c2 = self.compounds[i] if i == q: continue d = distances[0][i] cmpd.similar.append((c2, d)) n += 1 if sort: sorted_scores = sorted(cmpd.similar, key=lambda x: x[1] if not math.isnan(x[1]) else 100000) cmpd.similar = sorted_scores cmpd.similar_computed = True cmpd.similar_sorted = True return sorted_scores else: cmpd.similar_computed = True return cmpd.similar def generate_similar_sigs_cp(self, cmpd_pair, sort=False, proteins=[], aux=False): """! For a given compound pair, generate the similar compound pairs using distance of sigs. @param cmpd_pair object: Compound_pair object @param sort bool: Sort the list of similar compounds @param proteins list: Protein objects to identify a subset of the Compound signature @param aux bool: Use an auxiliary signature (default: False) @return Returns list: Similar Compounds to the given Compound """ # find index of query compound, collect signatures for both q = 0 cp_sig = [] if proteins is None: cp_sig = cmpd_pair.sig elif proteins: for pro in proteins: index = self.protein_id_to_index[pro.id_] cp_sig.append(cmpd_pair.sig[index]) else: if aux: cp_sig = cmpd_pair.aux_sig else: cp_sig = cmpd_pair.sig ca = np.array([cp_sig]) other_sigs = [] for ci in range(len(self.compound_pairs)): cp = self.compound_pairs[ci] if cmpd_pair.id_ == cp.id_: q = ci other = [] if proteins is None: other_sigs.append(cp.sig) elif proteins: for pro in proteins: index = self.protein_id_to_index[pro.id_] other.append(cp.sig[index]) other_sigs.append(other) else: if aux: other_sigs.append(cp.aux_sig) else: other_sigs.append(cp.sig) oa = np.array(other_sigs) # call cdist, speed up with custom RMSD function if self.dist_metric == "rmsd": distances = pairwise_distances(ca, oa, lambda u, v: np.sqrt(np.mean((u - v) ** 2)), n_jobs=self.ncpus) elif self.dist_metric in ['cosine', 'correlation', 'euclidean', 'cityblock']: distances = pairwise_distances(ca, oa, self.dist_metric, n_jobs=self.ncpus) else: print("Incorrect distance metric - {}".format(self.dist_metric)) cmpd_pair.similar = [] # step through the cdist list - add RMSDs to Compound.similar list n = len(self.compound_pairs) for i in range(n): c2 = self.compound_pairs[i] if i == q: continue d = distances[0][i] cmpd_pair.similar.append((c2, d)) n += 1 if sort: sorted_scores = sorted(cmpd_pair.similar, key=lambda x: x[1] if not math.isnan(x[1]) else 100000) cmpd_pair.similar = sorted_scores cmpd_pair.similar_computed = True cmpd_pair.similar_sorted = True return sorted_scores else: cmpd_pair.similar_computed = True return cmpd_pair.similar def generate_some_similar_sigs(self, cmpds, sort=False, proteins=[], aux=False): """! For a given list of compounds, generate the similar compounds based on dist of sigs This is pathways/genes for all intents and purposes @param cmpds list: Compound objects @param sort bool: Sort similar compounds for each Compound @param proteins list: Protein objects to identify a subset of the Compound signature @param aux bool: Use an auxiliary signature (default: False) @return Returns list: Similar Compounds to the given Compound """ q = [cmpd.id_ for cmpd in cmpds] if proteins is None: ca = [cmpd.sig for cmpd in cmpds] oa = [cmpd.sig for cmpd in self.compounds] elif proteins: index = [self.protein_id_to_index[pro.id_] for pro in proteins] ca = [[cmpd.sig[i] for i in index] for cmpd in cmpds] oa = [[cmpd.sig[i] for i in index] for cmpd in self.compounds] else: if aux: ca = [cmpd.aux_sig for cmpd in cmpds] oa = [cmpd.aux_sig for cmpd in self.compounds] else: ca = [cmpd.sig for cmpd in cmpds] oa = [cmpd.sig for cmpd in self.compounds] ca = np.asarray(ca) oa = np.asarray(oa) # call cdist, speed up with custom RMSD function if self.dist_metric == "rmsd": distances = pairwise_distances(ca, oa, lambda u, v: np.sqrt(np.mean((u - v) ** 2)), n_jobs=self.ncpus) elif self.dist_metric in ['cosine', 'correlation', 'euclidean', 'cityblock']: distances = pairwise_distances(ca, oa, self.dist_metric, n_jobs=self.ncpus) else: print("Incorrect distance metric - {}".format(self.dist_metric)) # step through the cdist list - add RMSDs to Compound.similar list n = len(self.compounds) for j in range(len(cmpds)): cmpds[j].similar = [] for i in range(n): c2 = self.compounds[i] id2 = c2.id_ if id2 == q[j]: continue d = distances[j][i] cmpds[j].similar.append((c2, d)) if sort: sorted_scores = sorted(cmpds[j].similar, key=lambda x: x[1] if not math.isnan(x[1]) else 100000) cmpds[j].similar = sorted_scores cmpds[j].similar_computed = True cmpds[j].similar_sorted = True else: cmpds[j].similar_computed = True def quantify_pathways(self, indication=None): """! Uses the pathway quantifier defined in the CANDO instantiation to make a pathway signature for all pathways in the input file (NOTE: does not compute distances) @param indication object: Indication object @return Returns None """ pq = self.pathway_quantifier if pq == 'max': func = max elif pq == 'sum': func = sum elif pq == 'avg': func = np.average elif pq == 'proteins': if not self.indication_pathways: print('Pathway quantifier "proteins" should only be used in combination with a ' 'pathway-disease mapping (indication_pathways), quitting.') quit() func = None else: print('Please enter a proper pathway quantify method, quitting.') func = None quit() # this is a recursive function for checking if the pathways have proteins def check_proteins(paths): pl = [] # list of pathways with >1 protein n = 0 for path in paths: if len(path.proteins) > 0: pl.append(path) n += 1 if n > 0: return pl else: print('The associated pathways for this indication ({}) do not have enough proteins, ' 'using all pathways'.format(indication.id_)) return check_proteins(self.pathways) if indication: if len(indication.pathways) == 0: print('Warning: {} does not have any associated pathways - using all pathways'.format( pws = self.pathways else: pws = check_proteins(indication.pathways) else: pws = check_proteins(self.pathways) for ci in range(len(self.compounds)): pw_sig_all = [] c = self.compounds[ci] for pw in pws: if len(pw.proteins) == 0: print('No associated proteins for pathway {}, skipping'.format(pw.id_)) continue pw_sig = [] for p in pw.proteins: ch = p.id_ ch_i = self.protein_id_to_index[ch] pw_sig.append(c.sig[ch_i]) if pq == 'proteins': pw_sig_all += pw_sig else: pw_sig_all.append(pw_sig) if pq != 'proteins': c.aux_sig = list(map(func, pw_sig_all)) else: c.aux_sig = pw_sig_all def results_analysed(self, f, metrics, effect_type): """! Creates the results analysed named file for the benchmarking and computes final avg indication accuracies @param f str: File path for results analysed named @param metrics list: Cutoffs used for the benchmarking protocol @param effect_type str: Defines the effect as either an Indication (disease) or ADR (adverse reaction) @return Returns dct: dict of accuracies at each cutoff """ fo = open(f, 'w') effects = list(self.accuracies.keys()) # Write header fo.write("{0}_id\tcmpds_per_{0}\ttop10\ttop25\ttop50\ttop100\ttopAll\ttop1%\t" "top5%\ttop10%\ttop50%\ttop100%\t{0}_name\n".format(effect_type)) effects_sorted = sorted(effects, key=lambda x: (len(x[0].compounds), x[0].id_))[::-1] l = len(effects) final_accs = {} for m in metrics: final_accs[m] = 0.0 for effect, c in effects_sorted: fo.write("{0}\t{1}\t".format(effect.id_, c)) accs = self.accuracies[(effect, c)] for m in metrics: n = accs[m] y = str(n / c * 100)[0:4] fo.write("{}\t".format(y)) final_accs[m] += n / c / l fo.write("{}\n".format( fo.close() return final_accs def canbenchmark(self, file_name, indications=[], continuous=False, bottom=False, ranking='standard', adrs=False): """! Benchmarks the platform based on compound similarity of those approved
<gh_stars>1-10 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Licensed under a MIT style license - see LICENSE.rst """ Access spectroscopic data for a single BOSS target. """ from __future__ import division, print_function from six import binary_type import re import numpy as np import import fitsio import astropy.table import bossdata.raw def get_fiducial_pixel_index(wavelength): """ Convert a wavelength to a fiducial pixel index. The fiducial wavelength grid used by all SDSS co-added spectra is logarithmically spaced:: wavelength = wavelength0 * 10**(coef * index) The value ``coef = 1e-4`` is encoded in the FITS HDU headers of SDSS coadded data files with the keyword ``CD1_1`` (and sometimes also ``COEFF1``). The value of ``wavelength0`` defines ``index = 0`` and is similarly encoded as ``CRVAL1`` (and sometimes also ``COEFF0``). However, its value is not constant between different SDSS co-added spectra because varying amounts of invalid data are trimmed. This function adopts the constant value 3500.26 Angstrom corresponding to ``index = 0``: >>> get_fiducial_pixel_index(3500.26) 0.0 Note that the return value is a float so that wavelengths not on the fiducial grid can be converted and detected: >>> get_fiducial_pixel_index(3500.5) 0.29776960129179741 The calculation is automatically broadcast over an input wavelength array: >>> wlen = np.arange(4000,4400,100) >>> get_fiducial_pixel_index(wlen) array([ 579.596863 , 686.83551692, 791.4898537 , 893.68150552]) Use :attr:`fiducial_pixel_index_range` for an index range that covers all SDSS spectra and :attr:`fiducial_loglam` to covert integer indices to wavelengths. Args: wavelength(float): Input wavelength in Angstroms. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Array of floating-point indices relative to the fiducial wavelength grid. """ return (np.log10(wavelength) - _fiducial_log10lam0)/_fiducial_coef _fiducial_coef = 1e-4 _fiducial_log10lam0 = np.log10(3500.26) fiducial_pixel_index_range = (0, 4800) """ Range of fiducial pixel indices that covers all spectra. Use :func:`get_fiducial_pixel_index` to calculate fiducial pixel indices. """ fiducial_loglam = (_fiducial_log10lam0 + _fiducial_coef * np.arange(*fiducial_pixel_index_range)) """ Array of fiducial log10(wavelength in Angstroms) covering all spectra. Lookup the log10(wavelength) or wavelength corresponding to a particular integral pixel index using: >>> fiducial_loglam[100] 3.554100305027835 >>> 10**fiducial_loglam[100] 3581.7915291606305 The bounding wavelengths of this range are: >>> 10**fiducial_loglam[[0,-1]] array([ 3500.26 , 10568.18251472]) The :meth:`SpecFile.get_valid_data` and :meth:`PlateFile.get_valid_data() <bossdata.plate.PlateFile.get_valid_data>` methods provide a ``fiducial_grid`` option that returns data using this grid. """ class Exposures(object): """Table of exposure info extracted from FITS header keywords. Parse the NEXP and EXPIDnn keywords that are present in the header of HDU0 in :datamodel:`spPlate <PLATE4/spPlate>` and :datamodel:`spec <spectra/PLATE4/spec>` FITS files. The constructor initializes the ``table`` attribute with column names ``offset``, ``camera``, ``science``, ``flat`` and ``arc``, and creates one row for each keyword EXPIDnn, where ``offset`` equals the keyword sequence number nn, ``camera`` is one of b1, b2, r1, r2, and the remaining columns record the science and calibration exposure numbers. Use :meth:`get_info` to retrieve the n-th exposure for a particular camera (b1, b2, r1, r2). Note that when this class is initialized from a :datamodel:`spec file <spectra/PLATE4/spec>` header, it will only describe the two cameras of a single spectrograph (b1+r1 or b2+r2). The `num_by_camera` attribute is a dictionary of ints indexed by camera that records the number of science exposures available for that camera. Args: header(dict): dictionary of FITS header keyword, value pairs. Returns: """ def __init__(self, header): num_exposures = header['NEXP'] expid_pattern = re.compile('([br][12])-([0-9]{8})-([0-9]{8})-([0-9]{8})') exposure_set = set() self.table = astropy.table.Table( names=('offset', 'camera', 'science', 'flat', 'arc'), dtype=('i4', 'S2', 'i4', 'i4', 'i4')) self.num_by_camera = dict(b1=0, b2=0, r1=0, r2=0) for i in range(num_exposures): camera, science_num, flat_num, arc_num = expid_pattern.match( header['EXPID{0:02d}'.format(i + 1)]).groups() self.table.add_row((i, camera, int(science_num), int(flat_num), int(arc_num))) exposure_set.add(int(science_num)) self.num_by_camera[camera] += 1 self.sequence = sorted(exposure_set) # Check that the science exposures listed for each camera are self consistent. num_exposures = len(self.sequence) for camera in ('b1', 'b2', 'r1', 'r2'): if self.num_by_camera[camera] == 0: continue if self.num_by_camera[camera] != num_exposures: raise RuntimeError('Found {} {} exposures but expected {}.'.format( self.num_by_camera[camera], camera, num_exposures)) # Conversion to binary_type is needed for backwards compatibility with # astropy < 2.0 and python 3. For details, see: # camera_rows = self.table['camera'] == binary_type(camera, 'ascii') camera_exposures = set(self.table[camera_rows]['science']) if camera_exposures != exposure_set: raise RuntimeError('Found inconsistent {} exposures: {}. Expected: {}.'.format( camera, camera_exposures, exposure_set)) def get_info(self, exposure_index, camera): """Get information about a single camera exposure. Args: exposure_index(int): The sequence number for the requested camera exposure, in the range 0 - `(num_exposures[camera]-1)`. camera(str): One of b1,b2,r1,r2. Returns: A structured array with information about the requested exposure, corresponding to one row of our ``table`` attribute. Raises: ValueError: Invalid exposure_index or camera. RuntimeError: Exposure not present. """ if camera not in ('b1', 'b2', 'r1', 'r2'): raise ValueError( 'Invalid camera "{}", expected b1, b2, r1, or r2.'.format(camera)) if self.num_by_camera[camera] == 0: raise ValueError('There are no {} exposures available.'.format(camera)) if exposure_index < 0 or exposure_index >= self.num_by_camera[camera]: raise ValueError('Invalid exposure_index {}, expected 0-{}.'.format( exposure_index, self.num_by_camera[camera] - 1)) science_num = self.sequence[exposure_index] row = (self.table['science'] == science_num) & ( self.table['camera'] == binary_type(camera, 'ascii')) if not np.any(row): # This should never happen after our self-consistency checks in the ctor. raise RuntimeError('No exposure[{}] = {:08d} found for {}.'.format( exposure_index, science_num, camera)) if np.count_nonzero(row) > 1: # This should never happen after our self-consistency checks in the ctor. raise RuntimeError( 'Found multiple {} exposures[{}].'.format(camera, exposure_index)) return self.table[row][0] def get_exposure_name(self, exposure_index, camera, ftype='spCFrame'): """Get the file name of a single science or calibration exposure data product. Use the exposure name to locate FITS data files associated with individual exposures. The supported file types are: :datamodel:`spCFrame <PLATE4/spCFrame>`, :datamodel:`spFrame <PLATE4/spFrame>`, :datamodel:`spFluxcalib <PLATE4/spFluxcalib>` :datamodel:`spFluxcorr <PLATE4/spFluxcorr>`, :datamodel:`spArc <PLATE4/spArc>`, :datamodel:`spFlat <PLATE4/spFlat>`. This method is analogous to :meth:`bossdata.plate.Plan.get_exposure_name`, but operates for a single target and only knows about exposures actually used in the final co-add (including the associated arc and flat exposures). Args: exposure_index(int): The sequence number for the requested camera exposure, in the range 0 - `(num_exposures[camera]-1)`. camera(str): One of b1,b2,r1,r2. ftype(str): Type of exposure file whose name to return. Must be one of spCFrame, spFrame, spFluxcalib, spFluxcorr, spArc, spFlat. An spCFrame is assumed to be uncompressed, and all other files are assumed to be compressed. When a calibration is requested (spArc, spFlat) results from the calibration exposure used to analyze the specified science exposure is returned. Returns: str: Exposure name of the form [ftype]-[cc]-[eeeeeeee].[ext] where [cc] identifies the camera (one of b1,r1,b2,r2) and [eeeeeeee] is the zero-padded arc/flat/science exposure number. The extension [ext] is "fits" for spCFrame files and "fits.gz" for all other file types. Raises: ValueError: one of the inputs is invalid. """ if camera not in ('b1', 'b2', 'r1', 'r2'): raise ValueError( 'Invalid camera "{}", expected b1, b2, r1, or r2.'.format(camera)) if exposure_index < 0 or exposure_index >= self.num_by_camera[camera]: raise ValueError('Invalid exposure_index {}, expected 0-{}.'.format( exposure_index, self.num_by_camera[camera] - 1)) ftypes = ('spCFrame', 'spFrame', 'spFluxcalib', 'spFluxcorr', 'spArc', 'spFlat') if ftype not in ftypes: raise ValueError('Invalid file type ({}) must be one of: {}.' .format(ftype, ', '.join(ftypes))) # Get the science exposure ID number for the requested seqence number 0,1,... exposure_info = self.get_info(exposure_index, camera) if ftype == 'spArc': exposure_id = exposure_info['arc'] elif ftype == 'spFlat': exposure_id = exposure_info['flat'] else: exposure_id = exposure_info['science'] name = '{0}-{1}-{2:08d}.fits'.format(ftype, camera, exposure_id) if ftype != 'spCFrame': name += '.gz' return name def get_raw_image(self, plate, mjd, exposure_index, camera, flavor='science', finder=None, mirror=None): """Get the raw image file associated with an exposure. Args: plate(int): Plate number, which must be positive. mjd(int): Modified Julian date of the observation, which must be > 45000. exposure_index(int): The sequence number for the requested camera exposure, in the range 0 - `(num_exposures[camera]-1)`. camera(str): One of b1,b2,r1,r2. flavor(str): One of science, arc, flat. finder(bossdata.path.Finder): Object used to find the names of BOSS data files. If not specified, the default Finder constructor is used. mirror(bossdata.remote.Manager): Object used to interact with the local mirror of BOSS data. If not specified, the default Manager constructor is used. Returns: bossdata.raw.RawImageFile: requested raw image file. Raises: ValueError: one of the inputs is invalid. """ if plate < 0: raise ValueError('Invalid plate number ({}) must be > 0.'.format(plate)) if mjd <= 45000: raise ValueError('Invalid mjd ({}) must be >= 45000.'.format(mjd)) if camera not in ('b1', 'b2', 'r1', 'r2'): raise ValueError( 'Invalid camera "{}". Expected one of b1, b2, r1, r2.'.format(camera)) if exposure_index < 0 or exposure_index >= self.num_by_camera[camera]: raise ValueError('Invalid exposure_index {}, expected 0-{}.'.format( exposure_index, self.num_by_camera[camera] - 1)) if flavor not in
<filename>openpnm/io/ import os import numpy as np from openpnm.topotools import trim, extend from openpnm.utils import logging from import GenericIO from import GenericNetwork from openpnm.geometry import GenericGeometry import openpnm.models as mods from pathlib import Path from pandas import read_table, DataFrame from tqdm import tqdm logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Statoil(GenericIO): r""" The StatOil format is used by the Maximal Ball network extraction code of the Imperial College London group This class can be used to load and work with those networks. Numerous datasets are available for download from the group's `website <>`_. The 'Statoil' format consists of 4 different files in a single folder. The data is stored in columns with each corresponding to a specific property. Headers are not provided in the files, so one must refer to various theses and documents to interpret their meaning. """ @classmethod def export_data(cls, network, shape, prefix=None, path=None, Pin=None, Pout=None): r""" Parameters ---------- network : OpenPNM Network object The network shape : array_like An ndim-by-1 array or list containing the network dimensions in physical units (i.e. um) prefix : str The prefix to append to each file name, such as ``<prefix>_node1.dat``. If not provided ```` is used. path : str or path object The location where the exported files should be stored. If not provided the current working directory is used Pinlet and Poutlet : scalar, int (optional) The pore index of the inlet and outlet reservoir pores. If not provided then it is assumed they are the second last and last pores in the network, respectively. This would be the case if the ``add_reservoir_pore`` function had been called prior to exporting. """ if path is None: path = os.getcwd() p = Path(path) if prefix is None: prefix = # Deal with reservoir pores if Pin is None: Pin = network.Np - 2 if Pout is None: Pout = network.Np - 1 Ptemp = network.find_neighbor_pores(pores=Pin) inlets = np.zeros_like(network.Ps, dtype=bool) inlets[Ptemp] = True Ptemp = network.find_neighbor_pores(pores=Pout) outlets = np.zeros_like(network.Ps, dtype=bool) outlets[Ptemp] = True # Write link 1 file props = ['throat.conns', 'throat.diameter', 'throat.shape_factor', 'throat.total_length'] with open(p.joinpath(prefix + '_link1.dat'), 'wt') as f: f.write(str(network.Nt) + '\n') for row in tqdm(network.throats(), desc='Writing Link1 file'): s = '' s = s + '{:>9}'.format(str(row+1)) for col in props: try: val = network[col][row] except KeyError: val = 0.0 if col == 'throat.conns': val = np.copy(val) val[val == network.Np - 1] = -1 val[val == (network.Np - 2)] = -2 s = s + '{:>9}'.format(str(val[0] + 1)) s = s + '{:>9}'.format(str(val[1] + 1)) continue if isinstance(val, float): if 'diameter' in col: # Convert to radius val = val/2 if np.isnan(val): val = 0.0 val = np.format_float_scientific(val, precision=6, exp_digits=3, trim='k', unique=False) s = s + '{:>15}'.format(str(val)) s = s + '\n' # Remove trailing tab and add a new line f.write(s) # Write Link 2 file props = ['throat.conns', 'throat.conduit_lengths.pore1', 'throat.conduit_lengths.pore2', 'throat.conduit_lengths.throat', 'throat.volume', 'throat.clay_volume'] with open(p.joinpath(prefix + '_link2.dat'), 'wt') as f: for row in tqdm(network.throats(), desc='Writing Link2 file'): s = '' s = s + '{:>9}'.format(str(row+1)) for col in props: try: val = network[col][row] except KeyError: val = 0.0 if col == 'throat.conns': val = np.copy(val) val[val == network.Np - 1] = -1 val[val == (network.Np - 2)] = -2 # Original file has 7 spaces for pore indices, but # this is not enough for networks with > 10 million # pores so I have bumped it to 9. I'm not sure if # this will still work with the ICL binaries. s = s + '{:>9}'.format(str(val[0] + 1)) s = s + '{:>9}'.format(str(val[1] + 1)) continue if isinstance(val, float): if np.isnan(val): val = 0.0 val = np.format_float_scientific(val, precision=6, exp_digits=3, trim='k', unique=False) s = s + '{:>15}'.format(str(val)) s = s + '\n' # Remove trailing tab and a new line f.write(s) # Write Node 1 file with open(p.joinpath(prefix + '_node1.dat'), 'wt') as f: s = '' s = s + str(network.num_pores('reservoir', 'not')) for d in shape: val = np.format_float_scientific(d, precision=6, exp_digits=3, trim='k', unique=False) s = s + '{:>17}'.format(str(val)) s = s + '\n' f.write(s) for row in tqdm(network.pores('reservoir', mode='not'), desc='Writing Node1 file'): if row in [Pin, Pout]: continue s = '' s = s + '{:>9}'.format(str(row+1)) for c in network['pore.coords'][row]: if isinstance(c, float): c = np.format_float_scientific(c, precision=6, exp_digits=3, trim='k', unique=False) s = s + '{:>15}'.format(str(c)) s = s + '{:>9}'.format(str(network.num_neighbors(row)[0])) for n in network.find_neighbor_pores(row): if n == Pin: n = 0 elif n == Pout: n = -1 else: n = n + 1 s = s + '{:>9}'.format(str(n)) s = s + '{:>9}'.format(str(int(inlets[row]))) s = s + '{:>9}'.format(str(int(outlets[row]))) for n in network.find_neighbor_throats(row): s = s + '{:>9}'.format(str(n + 1)) s = s + '\n' # Remove trailing tab and a new line f.write(s) # Write Node 2 file props = ['pore.volume', 'pore.diameter', 'pore.shape_factor', 'pore.clay_volume'] with open(p.joinpath(prefix + '_node2.dat'), 'wt') as f: for row in tqdm(network.pores('reservoir', mode='not'), desc='Writing Node2 file'): s = '' s = s + '{:>9}'.format(str(row+1)) for col in props: try: val = network[col][row] except KeyError: val = 0.0 if isinstance(val, float): if 'diameter' in col: val = val/2 val = np.format_float_scientific(val, precision=6, exp_digits=3, trim='k', unique=False) s = s + '{:>15}'.format(str(val)) s = s + '\n' # Remove trailing tab and a new line f.write(s) @classmethod def load(cls, *args, **kwargs): r""" This method is being deprecated. Use ``import_data`` instead. """ return cls.import_data(*args, **kwargs) @classmethod def import_data(cls, path, prefix, network=None): r""" Load data from the \'dat\' files located in specified folder. Parameters ---------- path : string The full path to the folder containing the set of \'dat\' files. prefix : string The file name prefix on each file. The data files are stored as \<prefix\>_node1.dat. network : OpenPNM Network Object If given then the data will be loaded on it and returned. If not given, a Network will be created and returned. Returns ------- An OpenPNM Project containing a GenericNetwork holding all the data """ net = {} # Parse the link1 file path = Path(path) filename = Path(path.resolve(), prefix+'_link1.dat') with open(filename, mode='r') as f: link1 = read_table(filepath_or_buffer=f, header=None, skiprows=1, sep=' ', skipinitialspace=True, index_col=0) link1.columns = ['throat.pore1', 'throat.pore2', 'throat.radius', 'throat.shape_factor', 'throat.total_length'] # Add link1 props to net net['throat.conns'] = np.vstack((link1['throat.pore1']-1, link1['throat.pore2']-1)).T net['throat.conns'] = np.sort(net['throat.conns'], axis=1) net['throat.radius'] = np.array(link1['throat.radius']) net['throat.shape_factor'] = np.array(link1['throat.shape_factor']) net['throat.total_length'] = np.array(link1['throat.total_length']) filename = Path(path.resolve(), prefix+'_link2.dat') with open(filename, mode='r') as f: link2 = read_table(filepath_or_buffer=f, header=None, sep=' ', skipinitialspace=True, index_col=0) link2.columns = ['throat.pore1', 'throat.pore2', 'throat.pore1_length', 'throat.pore2_length', 'throat.length', 'throat.volume', 'throat.clay_volume'] # Add link2 props to net cl_t = np.array(link2['throat.length']) net['throat.length'] = cl_t net['throat.conduit_lengths.throat'] = cl_t net['throat.volume'] = np.array(link2['throat.volume']) cl_p1 = np.array(link2['throat.pore1_length']) net['throat.conduit_lengths.pore1'] = cl_p1 cl_p2 = np.array(link2['throat.pore2_length']) net['throat.conduit_lengths.pore2'] = cl_p2 net['throat.clay_volume'] = np.array(link2['throat.clay_volume']) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Parse the node1 file filename = Path(path.resolve(), prefix+'_node1.dat') with open(filename, mode='r') as f: row_0 = f.readline().split() num_lines = int(row_0[0]) array = np.ndarray([num_lines, 6]) for i in range(num_lines): row = f.readline()\ .replace('\t', ' ').replace('\n', ' ').split() array[i, :] = row[0:6] node1 = DataFrame(array[:, [1, 2, 3, 4]]) node1.columns = ['pore.x_coord', 'pore.y_coord', 'pore.z_coord', 'pore.coordination_number'] # Add node1 props to net net['pore.coords'] = np.vstack((node1['pore.x_coord'], node1['pore.y_coord'], node1['pore.z_coord'])).T # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Parse the node2 file filename = Path(path.resolve(), prefix+'_node2.dat') with open(filename, mode='r') as f: node2 = read_table(filepath_or_buffer=f, header=None, sep=' ', skipinitialspace=True, index_col=0) node2.columns = ['pore.volume', 'pore.radius', 'pore.shape_factor', 'pore.clay_volume'] # Add node2 props to net net['pore.volume'] = np.array(node2['pore.volume']) net['pore.radius'] = np.array(node2['pore.radius']) net['pore.shape_factor'] = np.array(node2['pore.shape_factor']) net['pore.clay_volume'] = np.array(node2['pore.clay_volume']) net['throat.area'] = ((net['throat.radius']**2) / (4.0*net['throat.shape_factor'])) net['pore.area'] = ((net['pore.radius']**2) / (4.0*net['pore.shape_factor'])) if network is None: network = GenericNetwork() network = cls._update_network(network=network, net=net) # Use OpenPNM Tools to clean up network # Trim throats connected to 'inlet' or 'outlet' reservoirs trim1 = np.where(np.any(net['throat.conns'] == -1, axis=1))[0] # Apply 'outlet' label to these pores outlets = network['throat.conns'][trim1, 1] network['pore.outlets'] = False network['pore.outlets'][outlets] = True trim2 = np.where(np.any(net['throat.conns'] == -2, axis=1))[0] # Apply 'inlet' label to these pores inlets = network['throat.conns'][trim2, 1] network['pore.inlets'] = False network['pore.inlets'][inlets] = True # Now trim the throats to_trim = np.hstack([trim1, trim2]) trim(network=network,
self.type = None = None class ErrorDetail(msrest.serialization.Model): """The error detail. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. :ivar code: The error code. :vartype code: str :ivar message: The error message. :vartype message: str :ivar target: The error target. :vartype target: str :ivar details: The error details. :vartype details: list[~device_update.models.ErrorDetail] :ivar additional_info: The error additional info. :vartype additional_info: list[~device_update.models.ErrorAdditionalInfo] """ _validation = { 'code': {'readonly': True}, 'message': {'readonly': True}, 'target': {'readonly': True}, 'details': {'readonly': True}, 'additional_info': {'readonly': True}, } _attribute_map = { 'code': {'key': 'code', 'type': 'str'}, 'message': {'key': 'message', 'type': 'str'}, 'target': {'key': 'target', 'type': 'str'}, 'details': {'key': 'details', 'type': '[ErrorDetail]'}, 'additional_info': {'key': 'additionalInfo', 'type': '[ErrorAdditionalInfo]'}, } def __init__( self, **kwargs ): super(ErrorDetail, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.code = None self.message = None = None self.details = None self.additional_info = None class ErrorResponse(msrest.serialization.Model): """Common error response for all Azure Resource Manager APIs to return error details for failed operations. (This also follows the OData error response format.). :param error: The error object. :type error: ~device_update.models.ErrorDetail """ _attribute_map = { 'error': {'key': 'error', 'type': 'ErrorDetail'}, } def __init__( self, *, error: Optional["ErrorDetail"] = None, **kwargs ): super(ErrorResponse, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.error = error class ProxyResource(Resource): """The resource model definition for a Azure Resource Manager proxy resource. It will not have tags and a location. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. :ivar id: Fully qualified resource ID for the resource. Ex - /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/{resourceType}/{resourceName}. :vartype id: str :ivar name: The name of the resource. :vartype name: str :ivar type: The type of the resource. E.g. "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines" or "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts". :vartype type: str :ivar system_data: Azure Resource Manager metadata containing createdBy and modifiedBy information. :vartype system_data: ~device_update.models.SystemData """ _validation = { 'id': {'readonly': True}, 'name': {'readonly': True}, 'type': {'readonly': True}, 'system_data': {'readonly': True}, } _attribute_map = { 'id': {'key': 'id', 'type': 'str'}, 'name': {'key': 'name', 'type': 'str'}, 'type': {'key': 'type', 'type': 'str'}, 'system_data': {'key': 'systemData', 'type': 'SystemData'}, } def __init__( self, **kwargs ): super(ProxyResource, self).__init__(**kwargs) class GroupInformation(ProxyResource): """The group information for creating a private endpoint on an Account. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. :ivar id: Fully qualified resource ID for the resource. Ex - /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/{resourceType}/{resourceName}. :vartype id: str :ivar name: The name of the resource. :vartype name: str :ivar type: The type of the resource. E.g. "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines" or "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts". :vartype type: str :ivar system_data: Azure Resource Manager metadata containing createdBy and modifiedBy information. :vartype system_data: ~device_update.models.SystemData :ivar group_id: The private link resource group id. :vartype group_id: str :ivar required_members: The private link resource required member names. :vartype required_members: list[str] :param required_zone_names: The private link resource Private link DNS zone name. :type required_zone_names: list[str] :ivar provisioning_state: The provisioning state of private link group ID. Possible values include: "Succeeded", "Failed", "Canceled". :vartype provisioning_state: str or ~device_update.models.GroupIdProvisioningState """ _validation = { 'id': {'readonly': True}, 'name': {'readonly': True}, 'type': {'readonly': True}, 'system_data': {'readonly': True}, 'group_id': {'readonly': True}, 'required_members': {'readonly': True}, 'provisioning_state': {'readonly': True}, } _attribute_map = { 'id': {'key': 'id', 'type': 'str'}, 'name': {'key': 'name', 'type': 'str'}, 'type': {'key': 'type', 'type': 'str'}, 'system_data': {'key': 'systemData', 'type': 'SystemData'}, 'group_id': {'key': 'properties.groupId', 'type': 'str'}, 'required_members': {'key': 'properties.requiredMembers', 'type': '[str]'}, 'required_zone_names': {'key': 'properties.requiredZoneNames', 'type': '[str]'}, 'provisioning_state': {'key': 'properties.provisioningState', 'type': 'str'}, } def __init__( self, *, required_zone_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, **kwargs ): super(GroupInformation, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.group_id = None self.required_members = None self.required_zone_names = required_zone_names self.provisioning_state = None class PrivateLinkResourceProperties(msrest.serialization.Model): """Properties of a private link resource. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. :ivar group_id: The private link resource group id. :vartype group_id: str :ivar required_members: The private link resource required member names. :vartype required_members: list[str] :param required_zone_names: The private link resource Private link DNS zone name. :type required_zone_names: list[str] """ _validation = { 'group_id': {'readonly': True}, 'required_members': {'readonly': True}, } _attribute_map = { 'group_id': {'key': 'groupId', 'type': 'str'}, 'required_members': {'key': 'requiredMembers', 'type': '[str]'}, 'required_zone_names': {'key': 'requiredZoneNames', 'type': '[str]'}, } def __init__( self, *, required_zone_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, **kwargs ): super(PrivateLinkResourceProperties, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.group_id = None self.required_members = None self.required_zone_names = required_zone_names class GroupInformationProperties(PrivateLinkResourceProperties): """The properties for a group information object. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. :ivar group_id: The private link resource group id. :vartype group_id: str :ivar required_members: The private link resource required member names. :vartype required_members: list[str] :param required_zone_names: The private link resource Private link DNS zone name. :type required_zone_names: list[str] :ivar provisioning_state: The provisioning state of private link group ID. Possible values include: "Succeeded", "Failed", "Canceled". :vartype provisioning_state: str or ~device_update.models.GroupIdProvisioningState """ _validation = { 'group_id': {'readonly': True}, 'required_members': {'readonly': True}, 'provisioning_state': {'readonly': True}, } _attribute_map = { 'group_id': {'key': 'groupId', 'type': 'str'}, 'required_members': {'key': 'requiredMembers', 'type': '[str]'}, 'required_zone_names': {'key': 'requiredZoneNames', 'type': '[str]'}, 'provisioning_state': {'key': 'provisioningState', 'type': 'str'}, } def __init__( self, *, required_zone_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, **kwargs ): super(GroupInformationProperties, self).__init__(required_zone_names=required_zone_names, **kwargs) self.provisioning_state = None class Instance(TrackedResource): """Device Update instance details. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. :ivar id: Fully qualified resource ID for the resource. Ex - /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/{resourceType}/{resourceName}. :vartype id: str :ivar name: The name of the resource. :vartype name: str :ivar type: The type of the resource. E.g. "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines" or "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts". :vartype type: str :ivar system_data: Azure Resource Manager metadata containing createdBy and modifiedBy information. :vartype system_data: ~device_update.models.SystemData :param tags: A set of tags. Resource tags. :type tags: dict[str, str] :param location: Required. The geo-location where the resource lives. :type location: str :ivar provisioning_state: Provisioning state. Possible values include: "Succeeded", "Deleted", "Failed", "Canceled", "Accepted", "Creating". :vartype provisioning_state: str or ~device_update.models.ProvisioningState :ivar account_name: Parent Device Update Account name which Instance belongs to. :vartype account_name: str :param iot_hubs: List of IoT Hubs associated with the account. :type iot_hubs: list[~device_update.models.IotHubSettings] :param enable_diagnostics: Enables or Disables the diagnostic logs collection. :type enable_diagnostics: bool :param diagnostic_storage_properties: Customer-initiated diagnostic log collection storage properties. :type diagnostic_storage_properties: ~device_update.models.DiagnosticStorageProperties """ _validation = { 'id': {'readonly': True}, 'name': {'readonly': True}, 'type': {'readonly': True}, 'system_data': {'readonly': True}, 'location': {'required': True}, 'provisioning_state': {'readonly': True}, 'account_name': {'readonly': True}, } _attribute_map = { 'id': {'key': 'id', 'type': 'str'}, 'name': {'key': 'name', 'type': 'str'}, 'type': {'key': 'type', 'type': 'str'}, 'system_data': {'key': 'systemData', 'type': 'SystemData'}, 'tags': {'key': 'tags', 'type': '{str}'}, 'location': {'key': 'location', 'type': 'str'}, 'provisioning_state': {'key': 'properties.provisioningState', 'type': 'str'}, 'account_name': {'key': 'properties.accountName', 'type': 'str'}, 'iot_hubs': {'key': 'properties.iotHubs', 'type': '[IotHubSettings]'}, 'enable_diagnostics': {'key': 'properties.enableDiagnostics', 'type': 'bool'}, 'diagnostic_storage_properties': {'key': 'properties.diagnosticStorageProperties', 'type': 'DiagnosticStorageProperties'}, } def __init__( self, *, location: str, tags: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, iot_hubs: Optional[List["IotHubSettings"]] = None, enable_diagnostics: Optional[bool] = None, diagnostic_storage_properties: Optional["DiagnosticStorageProperties"] = None, **kwargs ): super(Instance, self).__init__(tags=tags, location=location, **kwargs) self.provisioning_state = None self.account_name = None self.iot_hubs = iot_hubs self.enable_diagnostics = enable_diagnostics self.diagnostic_storage_properties = diagnostic_storage_properties class InstanceList(msrest.serialization.Model): """List of Instances. :param next_link: The link used to get the next page of Instances list. :type next_link: str :param value: List of Instances. :type value: list[~device_update.models.Instance] """ _attribute_map = { 'next_link': {'key': 'nextLink', 'type': 'str'}, 'value': {'key': 'value', 'type': '[Instance]'}, } def __init__( self, *, next_link: Optional[str] = None, value: Optional[List["Instance"]] = None, **kwargs ): super(InstanceList, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.next_link = next_link self.value = value class IotHubSettings(msrest.serialization.Model): """Device Update account integration with IoT Hub settings. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. :param resource_id: Required. IoTHub resource ID. :type resource_id: str :param io_t_hub_connection_string: IoTHub connection string. :type io_t_hub_connection_string: str :param event_hub_connection_string: EventHub connection string. :type event_hub_connection_string: str """ _validation = { 'resource_id': {'required': True, 'max_length': 244, 'min_length': 108}, } _attribute_map = { 'resource_id': {'key': 'resourceId', 'type': 'str'}, 'io_t_hub_connection_string': {'key': 'ioTHubConnectionString', 'type': 'str'}, 'event_hub_connection_string': {'key': 'eventHubConnectionString', 'type': 'str'}, } def __init__( self, *, resource_id: str, io_t_hub_connection_string: Optional[str] = None, event_hub_connection_string: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs ): super(IotHubSettings, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.resource_id = resource_id self.io_t_hub_connection_string = io_t_hub_connection_string
str, Enum)): ID = "id" BASE_UNIT_OF_MEASURE_ID = "baseUnitOfMeasureId" BLOCKED = "blocked" DISPLAY_NAME = "displayName" GTIN = "gtin" INVENTORY = "inventory" ITEM_CATEGORY_CODE = "itemCategoryCode" ITEM_CATEGORY_ID = "itemCategoryId" LAST_MODIFIED_DATE_TIME = "lastModifiedDateTime" NUMBER = "number" PRICE_INCLUDES_TAX = "priceIncludesTax" TAX_GROUP_CODE = "taxGroupCode" TAX_GROUP_ID = "taxGroupId" TYPE = "type" UNIT_COST = "unitCost" UNIT_PRICE = "unitPrice" ITEM_CATEGORY = "itemCategory" PICTURE = "picture" class Enum288(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): ASTERISK = "*" ITEM_CATEGORY = "itemCategory" PICTURE = "picture" class Enum289(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): ID = "id" CODE = "code" DISPLAY_NAME = "displayName" LAST_MODIFIED_DATE_TIME = "lastModifiedDateTime" class Enum29(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): ID = "id" BLOCKED = "blocked" CATEGORY = "category" DISPLAY_NAME = "displayName" LAST_MODIFIED_DATE_TIME = "lastModifiedDateTime" NUMBER = "number" SUB_CATEGORY = "subCategory" class Enum290(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): ID = "id" ID_DESC = "id desc" CONTENT = "content" CONTENT_DESC = "content desc" CONTENT_TYPE = "contentType" CONTENT_TYPE_DESC = "contentType desc" HEIGHT = "height" HEIGHT_DESC = "height desc" WIDTH = "width" WIDTH_DESC = "width desc" class Enum291(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): ID = "id" CONTENT = "content" CONTENT_TYPE = "contentType" HEIGHT = "height" WIDTH = "width" class Enum292(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): ID = "id" CONTENT = "content" CONTENT_TYPE = "contentType" HEIGHT = "height" WIDTH = "width" class Enum293(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): ID = "id" ID_DESC = "id desc" ACCOUNT_ID = "accountId" ACCOUNT_ID_DESC = "accountId desc" AMOUNT_EXCLUDING_TAX = "amountExcludingTax" AMOUNT_EXCLUDING_TAX_DESC = "amountExcludingTax desc" AMOUNT_INCLUDING_TAX = "amountIncludingTax" AMOUNT_INCLUDING_TAX_DESC = "amountIncludingTax desc" DESCRIPTION = "description" DESCRIPTION_DESC = "description desc" DISCOUNT_AMOUNT = "discountAmount" DISCOUNT_AMOUNT_DESC = "discountAmount desc" DISCOUNT_APPLIED_BEFORE_TAX = "discountAppliedBeforeTax" DISCOUNT_APPLIED_BEFORE_TAX_DESC = "discountAppliedBeforeTax desc" DISCOUNT_PERCENT = "discountPercent" DISCOUNT_PERCENT_DESC = "discountPercent desc" DOCUMENT_ID = "documentId" DOCUMENT_ID_DESC = "documentId desc" ITEM_ID = "itemId" ITEM_ID_DESC = "itemId desc" LINE_TYPE = "lineType" LINE_TYPE_DESC = "lineType desc" NET_AMOUNT = "netAmount" NET_AMOUNT_DESC = "netAmount desc" NET_AMOUNT_INCLUDING_TAX = "netAmountIncludingTax" NET_AMOUNT_INCLUDING_TAX_DESC = "netAmountIncludingTax desc" NET_TAX_AMOUNT = "netTaxAmount" NET_TAX_AMOUNT_DESC = "netTaxAmount desc" QUANTITY = "quantity" QUANTITY_DESC = "quantity desc" SEQUENCE = "sequence" SEQUENCE_DESC = "sequence desc" TAX_CODE = "taxCode" TAX_CODE_DESC = "taxCode desc" TAX_PERCENT = "taxPercent" TAX_PERCENT_DESC = "taxPercent desc" TOTAL_TAX_AMOUNT = "totalTaxAmount" TOTAL_TAX_AMOUNT_DESC = "totalTaxAmount desc" UNIT_OF_MEASURE_ID = "unitOfMeasureId" UNIT_OF_MEASURE_ID_DESC = "unitOfMeasureId desc" UNIT_PRICE = "unitPrice" UNIT_PRICE_DESC = "unitPrice desc" class Enum294(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): ID = "id" ACCOUNT_ID = "accountId" AMOUNT_EXCLUDING_TAX = "amountExcludingTax" AMOUNT_INCLUDING_TAX = "amountIncludingTax" DESCRIPTION = "description" DISCOUNT_AMOUNT = "discountAmount" DISCOUNT_APPLIED_BEFORE_TAX = "discountAppliedBeforeTax" DISCOUNT_PERCENT = "discountPercent" DOCUMENT_ID = "documentId" ITEM_ID = "itemId" LINE_TYPE = "lineType" NET_AMOUNT = "netAmount" NET_AMOUNT_INCLUDING_TAX = "netAmountIncludingTax" NET_TAX_AMOUNT = "netTaxAmount" QUANTITY = "quantity" SEQUENCE = "sequence" TAX_CODE = "taxCode" TAX_PERCENT = "taxPercent" TOTAL_TAX_AMOUNT = "totalTaxAmount" UNIT_OF_MEASURE_ID = "unitOfMeasureId" UNIT_PRICE = "unitPrice" ACCOUNT = "account" ITEM = "item" class Enum295(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): ASTERISK = "*" ACCOUNT = "account" ITEM = "item" class Enum296(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): ID = "id" ACCOUNT_ID = "accountId" AMOUNT_EXCLUDING_TAX = "amountExcludingTax" AMOUNT_INCLUDING_TAX = "amountIncludingTax" DESCRIPTION = "description" DISCOUNT_AMOUNT = "discountAmount" DISCOUNT_APPLIED_BEFORE_TAX = "discountAppliedBeforeTax" DISCOUNT_PERCENT = "discountPercent" DOCUMENT_ID = "documentId" ITEM_ID = "itemId" LINE_TYPE = "lineType" NET_AMOUNT = "netAmount" NET_AMOUNT_INCLUDING_TAX = "netAmountIncludingTax" NET_TAX_AMOUNT = "netTaxAmount" QUANTITY = "quantity" SEQUENCE = "sequence" TAX_CODE = "taxCode" TAX_PERCENT = "taxPercent" TOTAL_TAX_AMOUNT = "totalTaxAmount" UNIT_OF_MEASURE_ID = "unitOfMeasureId" UNIT_PRICE = "unitPrice" ACCOUNT = "account" ITEM = "item" class Enum297(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): ASTERISK = "*" ACCOUNT = "account" ITEM = "item" class Enum298(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): ID = "id" BLOCKED = "blocked" CATEGORY = "category" DISPLAY_NAME = "displayName" LAST_MODIFIED_DATE_TIME = "lastModifiedDateTime" NUMBER = "number" SUB_CATEGORY = "subCategory" class Enum299(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): ID = "id" BASE_UNIT_OF_MEASURE_ID = "baseUnitOfMeasureId" BLOCKED = "blocked" DISPLAY_NAME = "displayName" GTIN = "gtin" INVENTORY = "inventory" ITEM_CATEGORY_CODE = "itemCategoryCode" ITEM_CATEGORY_ID = "itemCategoryId" LAST_MODIFIED_DATE_TIME = "lastModifiedDateTime" NUMBER = "number" PRICE_INCLUDES_TAX = "priceIncludesTax" TAX_GROUP_CODE = "taxGroupCode" TAX_GROUP_ID = "taxGroupId" TYPE = "type" UNIT_COST = "unitCost" UNIT_PRICE = "unitPrice" ITEM_CATEGORY = "itemCategory" PICTURE = "picture" class Enum30(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): ID = "id" ID_DESC = "id desc" AMOUNT = "amount" AMOUNT_DESC = "amount desc" APPLIES_TO_INVOICE_ID = "appliesToInvoiceId" APPLIES_TO_INVOICE_ID_DESC = "appliesToInvoiceId desc" APPLIES_TO_INVOICE_NUMBER = "appliesToInvoiceNumber" APPLIES_TO_INVOICE_NUMBER_DESC = "appliesToInvoiceNumber desc" COMMENT = "comment" COMMENT_DESC = "comment desc" CONTACT_ID = "contactId" CONTACT_ID_DESC = "contactId desc" CUSTOMER_ID = "customerId" CUSTOMER_ID_DESC = "customerId desc" CUSTOMER_NUMBER = "customerNumber" CUSTOMER_NUMBER_DESC = "customerNumber desc" DESCRIPTION = "description" DESCRIPTION_DESC = "description desc" DOCUMENT_NUMBER = "documentNumber" DOCUMENT_NUMBER_DESC = "documentNumber desc" EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_NUMBER = "externalDocumentNumber" EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_NUMBER_DESC = "externalDocumentNumber desc" JOURNAL_DISPLAY_NAME = "journalDisplayName" JOURNAL_DISPLAY_NAME_DESC = "journalDisplayName desc" LAST_MODIFIED_DATE_TIME = "lastModifiedDateTime" LAST_MODIFIED_DATE_TIME_DESC = "lastModifiedDateTime desc" LINE_NUMBER = "lineNumber" LINE_NUMBER_DESC = "lineNumber desc" POSTING_DATE = "postingDate" POSTING_DATE_DESC = "postingDate desc" class Enum300(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): ASTERISK = "*" ITEM_CATEGORY = "itemCategory" PICTURE = "picture" class Enum301(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): ID = "id" CODE = "code" DISPLAY_NAME = "displayName" LAST_MODIFIED_DATE_TIME = "lastModifiedDateTime" class Enum302(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): ID = "id" ID_DESC = "id desc" CONTENT = "content" CONTENT_DESC = "content desc" CONTENT_TYPE = "contentType" CONTENT_TYPE_DESC = "contentType desc" HEIGHT = "height" HEIGHT_DESC = "height desc" WIDTH = "width" WIDTH_DESC = "width desc" class Enum303(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): ID = "id" CONTENT = "content" CONTENT_TYPE = "contentType" HEIGHT = "height" WIDTH = "width" class Enum304(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): ID = "id" CONTENT = "content" CONTENT_TYPE = "contentType" HEIGHT = "height" WIDTH = "width" class Enum305(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): ID = "id" ID_DESC = "id desc" ACCEPTED_DATE = "acceptedDate" ACCEPTED_DATE_DESC = "acceptedDate desc" BILLING_POSTAL_ADDRESS = "billingPostalAddress" BILLING_POSTAL_ADDRESS_DESC = "billingPostalAddress desc" BILL_TO_CUSTOMER_ID = "billToCustomerId" BILL_TO_CUSTOMER_ID_DESC = "billToCustomerId desc" BILL_TO_CUSTOMER_NUMBER = "billToCustomerNumber" BILL_TO_CUSTOMER_NUMBER_DESC = "billToCustomerNumber desc" BILL_TO_NAME = "billToName" BILL_TO_NAME_DESC = "billToName desc" CURRENCY_CODE = "currencyCode" CURRENCY_CODE_DESC = "currencyCode desc" CURRENCY_ID = "currencyId" CURRENCY_ID_DESC = "currencyId desc" CUSTOMER_ID = "customerId" CUSTOMER_ID_DESC = "customerId desc" CUSTOMER_NAME = "customerName" CUSTOMER_NAME_DESC = "customerName desc" CUSTOMER_NUMBER = "customerNumber" CUSTOMER_NUMBER_DESC = "customerNumber desc" DISCOUNT_AMOUNT = "discountAmount" DISCOUNT_AMOUNT_DESC = "discountAmount desc" DOCUMENT_DATE = "documentDate" DOCUMENT_DATE_DESC = "documentDate desc" DUE_DATE = "dueDate" DUE_DATE_DESC = "dueDate desc" EMAIL = "email" EMAIL_DESC = "email desc" EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_NUMBER = "externalDocumentNumber" EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_NUMBER_DESC = "externalDocumentNumber desc" LAST_MODIFIED_DATE_TIME = "lastModifiedDateTime" LAST_MODIFIED_DATE_TIME_DESC = "lastModifiedDateTime desc" NUMBER = "number" NUMBER_DESC = "number desc" PAYMENT_TERMS_ID = "paymentTermsId" PAYMENT_TERMS_ID_DESC = "paymentTermsId desc" PHONE_NUMBER = "phoneNumber" PHONE_NUMBER_DESC = "phoneNumber desc" SALESPERSON = "salesperson" SALESPERSON_DESC = "salesperson desc" SELLING_POSTAL_ADDRESS = "sellingPostalAddress" SELLING_POSTAL_ADDRESS_DESC = "sellingPostalAddress desc" SENT_DATE = "sentDate" SENT_DATE_DESC = "sentDate desc" SHIPMENT_METHOD_ID = "shipmentMethodId" SHIPMENT_METHOD_ID_DESC = "shipmentMethodId desc" SHIPPING_POSTAL_ADDRESS = "shippingPostalAddress" SHIPPING_POSTAL_ADDRESS_DESC = "shippingPostalAddress desc" SHIP_TO_CONTACT = "shipToContact" SHIP_TO_CONTACT_DESC = "shipToContact desc" SHIP_TO_NAME = "shipToName" SHIP_TO_NAME_DESC = "shipToName desc" STATUS = "status" STATUS_DESC = "status desc" TOTAL_AMOUNT_EXCLUDING_TAX = "totalAmountExcludingTax" TOTAL_AMOUNT_EXCLUDING_TAX_DESC = "totalAmountExcludingTax desc" TOTAL_AMOUNT_INCLUDING_TAX = "totalAmountIncludingTax" TOTAL_AMOUNT_INCLUDING_TAX_DESC = "totalAmountIncludingTax desc" TOTAL_TAX_AMOUNT = "totalTaxAmount" TOTAL_TAX_AMOUNT_DESC = "totalTaxAmount desc" VALID_UNTIL_DATE = "validUntilDate" VALID_UNTIL_DATE_DESC = "validUntilDate desc" class Enum306(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): ID = "id" ACCEPTED_DATE = "acceptedDate" BILLING_POSTAL_ADDRESS = "billingPostalAddress" BILL_TO_CUSTOMER_ID = "billToCustomerId" BILL_TO_CUSTOMER_NUMBER = "billToCustomerNumber" BILL_TO_NAME = "billToName" CURRENCY_CODE = "currencyCode" CURRENCY_ID = "currencyId" CUSTOMER_ID = "customerId" CUSTOMER_NAME = "customerName" CUSTOMER_NUMBER = "customerNumber" DISCOUNT_AMOUNT = "discountAmount" DOCUMENT_DATE = "documentDate" DUE_DATE = "dueDate" EMAIL = "email" EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_NUMBER = "externalDocumentNumber" LAST_MODIFIED_DATE_TIME = "lastModifiedDateTime" NUMBER = "number" PAYMENT_TERMS_ID = "paymentTermsId" PHONE_NUMBER = "phoneNumber" SALESPERSON = "salesperson" SELLING_POSTAL_ADDRESS = "sellingPostalAddress" SENT_DATE = "sentDate" SHIPMENT_METHOD_ID = "shipmentMethodId" SHIPPING_POSTAL_ADDRESS = "shippingPostalAddress" SHIP_TO_CONTACT = "shipToContact" SHIP_TO_NAME = "shipToName" STATUS = "status" TOTAL_AMOUNT_EXCLUDING_TAX = "totalAmountExcludingTax" TOTAL_AMOUNT_INCLUDING_TAX = "totalAmountIncludingTax" TOTAL_TAX_AMOUNT = "totalTaxAmount" VALID_UNTIL_DATE = "validUntilDate" CURRENCY = "currency" CUSTOMER = "customer" PAYMENT_TERM = "paymentTerm" SALES_QUOTE_LINES = "salesQuoteLines" SHIPMENT_METHOD = "shipmentMethod" class Enum307(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): ASTERISK = "*" CURRENCY = "currency" CUSTOMER = "customer" PAYMENT_TERM = "paymentTerm" SALES_QUOTE_LINES = "salesQuoteLines" SHIPMENT_METHOD = "shipmentMethod" class Enum308(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): ID = "id" ACCEPTED_DATE = "acceptedDate" BILLING_POSTAL_ADDRESS = "billingPostalAddress" BILL_TO_CUSTOMER_ID = "billToCustomerId" BILL_TO_CUSTOMER_NUMBER = "billToCustomerNumber" BILL_TO_NAME = "billToName" CURRENCY_CODE = "currencyCode" CURRENCY_ID = "currencyId" CUSTOMER_ID = "customerId" CUSTOMER_NAME = "customerName" CUSTOMER_NUMBER = "customerNumber" DISCOUNT_AMOUNT = "discountAmount" DOCUMENT_DATE = "documentDate" DUE_DATE = "dueDate" EMAIL = "email" EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_NUMBER = "externalDocumentNumber" LAST_MODIFIED_DATE_TIME = "lastModifiedDateTime" NUMBER = "number" PAYMENT_TERMS_ID = "paymentTermsId" PHONE_NUMBER = "phoneNumber" SALESPERSON = "salesperson" SELLING_POSTAL_ADDRESS = "sellingPostalAddress" SENT_DATE = "sentDate" SHIPMENT_METHOD_ID = "shipmentMethodId" SHIPPING_POSTAL_ADDRESS = "shippingPostalAddress" SHIP_TO_CONTACT = "shipToContact" SHIP_TO_NAME = "shipToName" STATUS = "status" TOTAL_AMOUNT_EXCLUDING_TAX = "totalAmountExcludingTax" TOTAL_AMOUNT_INCLUDING_TAX = "totalAmountIncludingTax" TOTAL_TAX_AMOUNT = "totalTaxAmount" VALID_UNTIL_DATE = "validUntilDate" CURRENCY = "currency" CUSTOMER = "customer" PAYMENT_TERM = "paymentTerm" SALES_QUOTE_LINES = "salesQuoteLines" SHIPMENT_METHOD = "shipmentMethod" class Enum309(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)): ASTERISK = "*" CURRENCY = "currency" CUSTOMER = "customer" PAYMENT_TERM = "paymentTerm"
<reponame>honzajavorek/oci-cli<filename>services/autoscaling/src/oci_cli_auto_scaling/generated/ # coding: utf-8 # Copyright (c) 2016, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. from __future__ import print_function import click import oci # noqa: F401 import six # noqa: F401 import sys # noqa: F401 from oci_cli.cli_root import cli from oci_cli import cli_constants # noqa: F401 from oci_cli import cli_util from oci_cli import json_skeleton_utils from oci_cli import custom_types # noqa: F401 from oci_cli.aliasing import CommandGroupWithAlias @cli.command(cli_util.override('autoscaling_root_group.command_name', 'autoscaling'), cls=CommandGroupWithAlias, help=cli_util.override('', """APIs for dynamically scaling Compute resources to meet application requirements. For information about the Compute service, see [Overview of the Compute Service](/Content/Compute/Concepts/computeoverview.htm). """), short_help=cli_util.override('autoscaling_root_group.short_help', """Autoscaling API""")) @cli_util.help_option_group def autoscaling_root_group(): pass @click.command(cli_util.override('auto_scaling_configuration_group.command_name', 'auto-scaling-configuration'), cls=CommandGroupWithAlias, help="""An autoscaling configuration allows you to dynamically scale the resources in a Compute instance pool. For more information, see [Autoscaling].""") @cli_util.help_option_group def auto_scaling_configuration_group(): pass @click.command(cli_util.override('auto_scaling_policy_group.command_name', 'auto-scaling-policy'), cls=CommandGroupWithAlias, help="""Autoscaling policies define the criteria that trigger autoscaling actions and the actions to take. An autoscaling policy is part of an autoscaling configuration. For more information, see [Autoscaling].""") @cli_util.help_option_group def auto_scaling_policy_group(): pass autoscaling_root_group.add_command(auto_scaling_configuration_group) autoscaling_root_group.add_command(auto_scaling_policy_group) @auto_scaling_configuration_group.command(name=cli_util.override('change_auto_scaling_configuration_compartment.command_name', 'change-compartment'), help=u"""Moves an autoscaling configuration into a different compartment within the same tenancy. For information about moving resources between compartments, see [Moving Resources to a Different Compartment]. When you move an autoscaling configuration to a different compartment, associated resources such as instance pools are not moved.""") @cli_util.option('--auto-scaling-configuration-id', required=True, help=u"""The [OCID] of the autoscaling configuration.""") @cli_util.option('--compartment-id', required=True, help=u"""The [OCID] of the compartment to move the autoscaling configuration to.""") @cli_util.option('--if-match', help=u"""For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the `if-match` parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource's current etag value.""") @json_skeleton_utils.get_cli_json_input_option({}) @cli_util.help_option @click.pass_context @json_skeleton_utils.json_skeleton_generation_handler(input_params_to_complex_types={}) @cli_util.wrap_exceptions def change_auto_scaling_configuration_compartment(ctx, from_json, auto_scaling_configuration_id, compartment_id, if_match): if isinstance(auto_scaling_configuration_id, six.string_types) and len(auto_scaling_configuration_id.strip()) == 0: raise click.UsageError('Parameter --auto-scaling-configuration-id cannot be whitespace or empty string') kwargs = {} if if_match is not None: kwargs['if_match'] = if_match kwargs['opc_request_id'] = cli_util.use_or_generate_request_id(ctx.obj['request_id']) details = {} details['compartmentId'] = compartment_id client = cli_util.build_client('auto_scaling', ctx) result = client.change_auto_scaling_configuration_compartment( auto_scaling_configuration_id=auto_scaling_configuration_id, change_compartment_details=details, **kwargs ) cli_util.render_response(result, ctx) @auto_scaling_configuration_group.command(name=cli_util.override('create_auto_scaling_configuration.command_name', 'create'), help=u"""Creates an autoscaling configuration.""") @cli_util.option('--compartment-id', required=True, help=u"""The [OCID] of the compartment containing the autoscaling configuration.""") @cli_util.option('--policies', required=True, type=custom_types.CLI_COMPLEX_TYPE, help=u"""""" + custom_types.cli_complex_type.COMPLEX_TYPE_HELP) @cli_util.option('--resource', required=True, type=custom_types.CLI_COMPLEX_TYPE, help=u"""""" + custom_types.cli_complex_type.COMPLEX_TYPE_HELP) @cli_util.option('--defined-tags', type=custom_types.CLI_COMPLEX_TYPE, help=u"""Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace. For more information, see [Resource Tags]. Example: `{\"Operations\": {\"CostCenter\": \"42\"}}`""" + custom_types.cli_complex_type.COMPLEX_TYPE_HELP) @cli_util.option('--display-name', help=u"""A user-friendly name. Does not have to be unique, and it's changeable. Avoid entering confidential information.""") @cli_util.option('--freeform-tags', type=custom_types.CLI_COMPLEX_TYPE, help=u"""Free-form tags for this resource. Each tag is a simple key-value pair with no predefined name, type, or namespace. For more information, see [Resource Tags]. Example: `{\"Department\": \"Finance\"}`""" + custom_types.cli_complex_type.COMPLEX_TYPE_HELP) @cli_util.option('--cool-down-in-seconds', type=click.INT, help=u"""The minimum period of time to wait between scaling actions. The cooldown period gives the system time to stabilize before rescaling. The minimum value is 300 seconds, which is also the default.""") @cli_util.option('--is-enabled', type=click.BOOL, help=u"""Whether the autoscaling configuration is enabled.""") @json_skeleton_utils.get_cli_json_input_option({'defined-tags': {'module': 'autoscaling', 'class': 'dict(str, dict(str, object))'}, 'freeform-tags': {'module': 'autoscaling', 'class': 'dict(str, string)'}, 'policies': {'module': 'autoscaling', 'class': 'list[CreateAutoScalingPolicyDetails]'}, 'resource': {'module': 'autoscaling', 'class': 'Resource'}}) @cli_util.help_option @click.pass_context @json_skeleton_utils.json_skeleton_generation_handler(input_params_to_complex_types={'defined-tags': {'module': 'autoscaling', 'class': 'dict(str, dict(str, object))'}, 'freeform-tags': {'module': 'autoscaling', 'class': 'dict(str, string)'}, 'policies': {'module': 'autoscaling', 'class': 'list[CreateAutoScalingPolicyDetails]'}, 'resource': {'module': 'autoscaling', 'class': 'Resource'}}, output_type={'module': 'autoscaling', 'class': 'AutoScalingConfiguration'}) @cli_util.wrap_exceptions def create_auto_scaling_configuration(ctx, from_json, compartment_id, policies, resource, defined_tags, display_name, freeform_tags, cool_down_in_seconds, is_enabled): kwargs = {} kwargs['opc_request_id'] = cli_util.use_or_generate_request_id(ctx.obj['request_id']) details = {} details['compartmentId'] = compartment_id details['policies'] = cli_util.parse_json_parameter("policies", policies) details['resource'] = cli_util.parse_json_parameter("resource", resource) if defined_tags is not None: details['definedTags'] = cli_util.parse_json_parameter("defined_tags", defined_tags) if display_name is not None: details['displayName'] = display_name if freeform_tags is not None: details['freeformTags'] = cli_util.parse_json_parameter("freeform_tags", freeform_tags) if cool_down_in_seconds is not None: details['coolDownInSeconds'] = cool_down_in_seconds if is_enabled is not None: details['isEnabled'] = is_enabled client = cli_util.build_client('auto_scaling', ctx) result = client.create_auto_scaling_configuration( create_auto_scaling_configuration_details=details, **kwargs ) cli_util.render_response(result, ctx) @auto_scaling_configuration_group.command(name=cli_util.override('create_auto_scaling_configuration_instance_pool_resource.command_name', 'create-auto-scaling-configuration-instance-pool-resource'), help=u"""Creates an autoscaling configuration.""") @cli_util.option('--compartment-id', required=True, help=u"""The [OCID] of the compartment containing the autoscaling configuration.""") @cli_util.option('--policies', required=True, type=custom_types.CLI_COMPLEX_TYPE, help=u"""""" + custom_types.cli_complex_type.COMPLEX_TYPE_HELP) @cli_util.option('--resource-id', required=True, help=u"""The [OCID] of the resource that is managed by the autoscaling configuration.""") @cli_util.option('--defined-tags', type=custom_types.CLI_COMPLEX_TYPE, help=u"""Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace. For more information, see [Resource Tags]. Example: `{\"Operations\": {\"CostCenter\": \"42\"}}`""" + custom_types.cli_complex_type.COMPLEX_TYPE_HELP) @cli_util.option('--display-name', help=u"""A user-friendly name. Does not have to be unique, and it's changeable. Avoid entering confidential information.""") @cli_util.option('--freeform-tags', type=custom_types.CLI_COMPLEX_TYPE, help=u"""Free-form tags for this resource. Each tag is a simple key-value pair with no predefined name, type, or namespace. For more information, see [Resource Tags]. Example: `{\"Department\": \"Finance\"}`""" + custom_types.cli_complex_type.COMPLEX_TYPE_HELP) @cli_util.option('--cool-down-in-seconds', type=click.INT, help=u"""The minimum period of time to wait between scaling actions. The cooldown period gives the system time to stabilize before rescaling. The minimum value is 300 seconds, which is also the default.""") @cli_util.option('--is-enabled', type=click.BOOL, help=u"""Whether the autoscaling configuration is enabled.""") @json_skeleton_utils.get_cli_json_input_option({'defined-tags': {'module': 'autoscaling', 'class': 'dict(str, dict(str, object))'}, 'freeform-tags': {'module': 'autoscaling', 'class': 'dict(str, string)'}, 'policies': {'module': 'autoscaling', 'class': 'list[CreateAutoScalingPolicyDetails]'}}) @cli_util.help_option @click.pass_context @json_skeleton_utils.json_skeleton_generation_handler(input_params_to_complex_types={'defined-tags': {'module': 'autoscaling', 'class': 'dict(str, dict(str, object))'}, 'freeform-tags': {'module': 'autoscaling', 'class': 'dict(str, string)'}, 'policies': {'module': 'autoscaling', 'class': 'list[CreateAutoScalingPolicyDetails]'}}, output_type={'module': 'autoscaling', 'class': 'AutoScalingConfiguration'}) @cli_util.wrap_exceptions def create_auto_scaling_configuration_instance_pool_resource(ctx, from_json, compartment_id, policies, resource_id, defined_tags, display_name, freeform_tags, cool_down_in_seconds, is_enabled): kwargs = {} kwargs['opc_request_id'] = cli_util.use_or_generate_request_id(ctx.obj['request_id']) details = {} details['resource'] = {} details['compartmentId'] = compartment_id details['policies'] = cli_util.parse_json_parameter("policies", policies) details['resource']['id'] = resource_id if defined_tags is not None: details['definedTags'] = cli_util.parse_json_parameter("defined_tags", defined_tags) if display_name is not None: details['displayName'] = display_name if freeform_tags is not None: details['freeformTags'] = cli_util.parse_json_parameter("freeform_tags", freeform_tags) if cool_down_in_seconds is not None: details['coolDownInSeconds'] = cool_down_in_seconds if is_enabled is not None: details['isEnabled'] = is_enabled details['resource']['type'] = 'instancePool' client = cli_util.build_client('auto_scaling', ctx) result = client.create_auto_scaling_configuration( create_auto_scaling_configuration_details=details, **kwargs ) cli_util.render_response(result, ctx) @auto_scaling_policy_group.command(name=cli_util.override('create_auto_scaling_policy.command_name', 'create'), help=u"""Creates an autoscaling policy for the specified autoscaling configuration.""") @cli_util.option('--auto-scaling-configuration-id', required=True, help=u"""The [OCID] of the autoscaling configuration.""") @cli_util.option('--capacity', required=True, type=custom_types.CLI_COMPLEX_TYPE, help=u"""The capacity requirements of the autoscaling policy.""" + custom_types.cli_complex_type.COMPLEX_TYPE_HELP) @cli_util.option('--policy-type', required=True, help=u"""The type of autoscaling policy.""") @cli_util.option('--display-name', help=u"""A user-friendly name. Does not have to be unique, and it's changeable. Avoid entering confidential information.""") @json_skeleton_utils.get_cli_json_input_option({'capacity': {'module': 'autoscaling', 'class': 'Capacity'}}) @cli_util.help_option @click.pass_context @json_skeleton_utils.json_skeleton_generation_handler(input_params_to_complex_types={'capacity': {'module': 'autoscaling', 'class': 'Capacity'}}, output_type={'module': 'autoscaling', 'class': 'AutoScalingPolicy'}) @cli_util.wrap_exceptions def create_auto_scaling_policy(ctx, from_json, auto_scaling_configuration_id, capacity, policy_type, display_name): if isinstance(auto_scaling_configuration_id, six.string_types) and len(auto_scaling_configuration_id.strip()) == 0: raise click.UsageError('Parameter --auto-scaling-configuration-id cannot be whitespace or empty string') kwargs = {} kwargs['opc_request_id'] = cli_util.use_or_generate_request_id(ctx.obj['request_id']) details = {} details['capacity'] = cli_util.parse_json_parameter("capacity", capacity) details['policyType'] = policy_type if display_name is not None: details['displayName'] = display_name client = cli_util.build_client('auto_scaling', ctx) result = client.create_auto_scaling_policy( auto_scaling_configuration_id=auto_scaling_configuration_id, create_auto_scaling_policy_details=details, **kwargs ) cli_util.render_response(result, ctx) @auto_scaling_policy_group.command(name=cli_util.override('create_auto_scaling_policy_create_threshold_policy_details.command_name', 'create-auto-scaling-policy-create-threshold-policy-details'), help=u"""Creates an autoscaling policy for the specified autoscaling configuration.""") @cli_util.option('--auto-scaling-configuration-id', required=True, help=u"""The [OCID] of the autoscaling configuration.""") @cli_util.option('--capacity', required=True, type=custom_types.CLI_COMPLEX_TYPE, help=u"""The capacity requirements of the autoscaling policy.""" + custom_types.cli_complex_type.COMPLEX_TYPE_HELP) @cli_util.option('--rules', required=True, type=custom_types.CLI_COMPLEX_TYPE, help=u"""""" + custom_types.cli_complex_type.COMPLEX_TYPE_HELP) @cli_util.option('--display-name', help=u"""A user-friendly name. Does not have to be unique, and it's changeable. Avoid entering confidential information.""") @json_skeleton_utils.get_cli_json_input_option({'capacity': {'module': 'autoscaling', 'class': 'Capacity'}, 'rules': {'module': 'autoscaling', 'class': 'list[CreateConditionDetails]'}}) @cli_util.help_option @click.pass_context @json_skeleton_utils.json_skeleton_generation_handler(input_params_to_complex_types={'capacity': {'module': 'autoscaling', 'class': 'Capacity'}, 'rules': {'module': 'autoscaling', 'class': 'list[CreateConditionDetails]'}}, output_type={'module': 'autoscaling', 'class': 'AutoScalingPolicy'}) @cli_util.wrap_exceptions def create_auto_scaling_policy_create_threshold_policy_details(ctx, from_json, auto_scaling_configuration_id, capacity, rules, display_name): if isinstance(auto_scaling_configuration_id, six.string_types) and len(auto_scaling_configuration_id.strip()) == 0: raise click.UsageError('Parameter --auto-scaling-configuration-id cannot be whitespace or empty string') kwargs = {} kwargs['opc_request_id'] = cli_util.use_or_generate_request_id(ctx.obj['request_id']) details = {} details['capacity'] = cli_util.parse_json_parameter("capacity", capacity) details['rules'] = cli_util.parse_json_parameter("rules", rules) if display_name is not None: details['displayName'] = display_name details['policyType'] = 'threshold' client = cli_util.build_client('auto_scaling', ctx) result = client.create_auto_scaling_policy( auto_scaling_configuration_id=auto_scaling_configuration_id, create_auto_scaling_policy_details=details, **kwargs ) cli_util.render_response(result, ctx) @auto_scaling_configuration_group.command(name=cli_util.override('delete_auto_scaling_configuration.command_name', 'delete'), help=u"""Deletes an autoscaling configuration.""") @cli_util.option('--auto-scaling-configuration-id', required=True, help=u"""The [OCID] of the autoscaling configuration.""") @cli_util.option('--if-match', help=u"""For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the `if-match` parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource's current etag value.""") @cli_util.confirm_delete_option @json_skeleton_utils.get_cli_json_input_option({}) @cli_util.help_option @click.pass_context @json_skeleton_utils.json_skeleton_generation_handler(input_params_to_complex_types={}) @cli_util.wrap_exceptions def delete_auto_scaling_configuration(ctx, from_json, auto_scaling_configuration_id, if_match): if isinstance(auto_scaling_configuration_id, six.string_types) and len(auto_scaling_configuration_id.strip()) == 0: raise click.UsageError('Parameter --auto-scaling-configuration-id cannot be whitespace or empty string') kwargs = {} if if_match is not None: kwargs['if_match'] = if_match kwargs['opc_request_id'] = cli_util.use_or_generate_request_id(ctx.obj['request_id']) client = cli_util.build_client('auto_scaling', ctx) result = client.delete_auto_scaling_configuration( auto_scaling_configuration_id=auto_scaling_configuration_id, **kwargs ) cli_util.render_response(result, ctx) @auto_scaling_policy_group.command(name=cli_util.override('delete_auto_scaling_policy.command_name', 'delete'), help=u"""Deletes an autoscaling policy for the specified autoscaling configuration.""") @cli_util.option('--auto-scaling-configuration-id', required=True, help=u"""The [OCID] of the autoscaling configuration.""") @cli_util.option('--auto-scaling-policy-id', required=True, help=u"""The ID of the autoscaling policy.""") @cli_util.option('--if-match', help=u"""For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the `if-match` parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE, IT IS GENERATED AND WILL BE OVERWRITTEN: # from import Exchange import ccxt.async_support as ccxt from ccxtpro.base.cache import ArrayCache, ArrayCacheBySymbolById, ArrayCacheByTimestamp # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- try: basestring # Python 3 except NameError: basestring = str # Python 2 from ccxt.base.errors import ExchangeError from ccxt.base.precise import Precise class binance(Exchange, ccxt.binance): def describe(self): return self.deep_extend(super(binance, self).describe(), { 'has': { 'ws': True, 'watchBalance': True, 'watchMyTrades': True, 'watchOHLCV': True, 'watchOrderBook': True, 'watchOrders': True, 'watchTicker': True, 'watchTickers': False, # for now 'watchTrades': True, }, 'urls': { 'test': { 'ws': { 'spot': 'wss://', 'margin': 'wss://', 'future': 'wss://', 'delivery': 'wss://', }, }, 'api': { 'ws': { 'spot': 'wss://', 'margin': 'wss://', 'future': 'wss://', 'delivery': 'wss://', }, }, }, 'options': { # get updates every 1000ms or 100ms # or every 0ms in real-time for futures 'watchOrderBookRate': 100, 'tradesLimit': 1000, 'ordersLimit': 1000, 'OHLCVLimit': 1000, 'requestId': {}, 'watchOrderBookLimit': 1000, # default limit 'watchTrades': { 'name': 'trade', # 'trade' or 'aggTrade' }, 'watchTicker': { 'name': 'ticker', # ticker = 1000ms L1+OHLCV, bookTicker = real-time L1 }, 'watchBalance': { 'fetchBalanceSnapshot': False, # or True 'awaitBalanceSnapshot': True, # whether to wait for the balance snapshot before providing updates }, 'wallet': 'wb', # wb = wallet balance, cw = cross balance 'listenKeyRefreshRate': 1200000, # 20 mins }, }) def request_id(self, url): options = self.safe_value(self.options, 'requestId', {}) previousValue = self.safe_integer(options, url, 0) newValue = self.sum(previousValue, 1) self.options['requestId'][url] = newValue return newValue async def watch_order_book(self, symbol, limit=None, params={}): # # todo add support for <levels>-snapshots(depth) # # <symbol>@depth<levels>@100ms or <symbol>@depth<levels>(1000ms) # valid <levels> are 5, 10, or 20 # # default 100, max 1000, valid limits 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 500, 1000 if limit is not None: if (limit != 5) and (limit != 10) and (limit != 20) and (limit != 50) and (limit != 100) and (limit != 500) and (limit != 1000): raise ExchangeError( + ' watchOrderBook limit argument must be None, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 500 or 1000') # await self.load_markets() defaultType = self.safe_string_2(self.options, 'watchOrderBook', 'defaultType', 'spot') type = self.safe_string(params, 'type', defaultType) query = self.omit(params, 'type') market = # # notice the differences between trading futures and spot trading # the algorithms use different urls in step 1 # delta caching and merging also differs in steps 4, 5, 6 # # spot/margin # # # 1. Open a stream to wss:// # 2. Buffer the events you receive from the stream. # 3. Get a depth snapshot from . # 4. Drop any event where u is <= lastUpdateId in the snapshot. # 5. The first processed event should have U <= lastUpdateId+1 AND u >= lastUpdateId+1. # 6. While listening to the stream, each new event's U should be equal to the previous event's u+1. # 7. The data in each event is the absolute quantity for a price level. # 8. If the quantity is 0, remove the price level. # 9. Receiving an event that removes a price level that is not in your local order book can happen and is normal. # # futures # # # 1. Open a stream to wss:// # 2. Buffer the events you receive from the stream. For same price, latest received update covers the previous one. # 3. Get a depth snapshot from . # 4. Drop any event where u is < lastUpdateId in the snapshot. # 5. The first processed event should have U <= lastUpdateId AND u >= lastUpdateId # 6. While listening to the stream, each new event's pu should be equal to the previous event's u, otherwise initialize the process from step 3. # 7. The data in each event is the absolute quantity for a price level. # 8. If the quantity is 0, remove the price level. # 9. Receiving an event that removes a price level that is not in your local order book can happen and is normal. # name = 'depth' messageHash = market['lowercaseId'] + '@' + name url = self.urls['api']['ws'][type] # + '/' + messageHash requestId = self.request_id(url) watchOrderBookRate = self.safe_string(self.options, 'watchOrderBookRate', '100') request = { 'method': 'SUBSCRIBE', 'params': [ messageHash + '@' + watchOrderBookRate + 'ms', ], 'id': requestId, } subscription = { 'id': str(requestId), 'messageHash': messageHash, 'name': name, 'symbol': symbol, 'method': self.handle_order_book_subscription, 'limit': limit, 'type': type, 'params': params, } message = self.extend(request, query) # 1. Open a stream to wss:// orderbook = await, messageHash, message, messageHash, subscription) return orderbook.limit(limit) async def fetch_order_book_snapshot(self, client, message, subscription): defaultLimit = self.safe_integer(self.options, 'watchOrderBookLimit', 1000) type = self.safe_value(subscription, 'type') symbol = self.safe_string(subscription, 'symbol') messageHash = self.safe_string(subscription, 'messageHash') limit = self.safe_integer(subscription, 'limit', defaultLimit) params = self.safe_value(subscription, 'params') # 3. Get a depth snapshot from . # todo: self is a synch blocking call in ccxt.php - make it async # default 100, max 1000, valid limits 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 500, 1000 snapshot = await self.fetch_order_book(symbol, limit, params) orderbook = self.safe_value(self.orderbooks, symbol) if orderbook is None: # if the orderbook is dropped before the snapshot is received return orderbook.reset(snapshot) # unroll the accumulated deltas messages = orderbook.cache for i in range(0, len(messages)): message = messages[i] U = self.safe_integer(message, 'U') u = self.safe_integer(message, 'u') pu = self.safe_integer(message, 'pu') if type == 'future': # 4. Drop any event where u is < lastUpdateId in the snapshot if u < orderbook['nonce']: continue # 5. The first processed event should have U <= lastUpdateId AND u >= lastUpdateId if (U <= orderbook['nonce']) and (u >= orderbook['nonce']) or (pu == orderbook['nonce']): self.handle_order_book_message(client, message, orderbook) else: # 4. Drop any event where u is <= lastUpdateId in the snapshot if u <= orderbook['nonce']: continue # 5. The first processed event should have U <= lastUpdateId+1 AND u >= lastUpdateId+1 if ((U - 1) <= orderbook['nonce']) and ((u - 1) >= orderbook['nonce']): self.handle_order_book_message(client, message, orderbook) self.orderbooks[symbol] = orderbook client.resolve(orderbook, messageHash) def handle_delta(self, bookside, delta): price = self.safe_float(delta, 0) amount = self.safe_float(delta, 1), amount) def handle_deltas(self, bookside, deltas): for i in range(0, len(deltas)): self.handle_delta(bookside, deltas[i]) def handle_order_book_message(self, client, message, orderbook): u = self.safe_integer(message, 'u') self.handle_deltas(orderbook['asks'], self.safe_value(message, 'a', [])) self.handle_deltas(orderbook['bids'], self.safe_value(message, 'b', [])) orderbook['nonce'] = u timestamp = self.safe_integer(message, 'E') orderbook['timestamp'] = timestamp orderbook['datetime'] = self.iso8601(timestamp) return orderbook def handle_order_book(self, client, message): # # initial snapshot is fetched with ccxt's fetchOrderBook # the feed does not include a snapshot, just the deltas # # { # "e": "depthUpdate", # Event type # "E": 1577554482280, # Event time # "s": "BNBBTC", # Symbol # "U": 157, # First update ID in event # "u": 160, # Final update ID in event # "b": [ # bids # ["0.0024", "10"], # price, size # ], # "a": [ # asks # ["0.0026", "100"], # price, size # ] # } # marketId = self.safe_string(message, 's') market = self.safe_market(marketId) symbol = market['symbol'] name = 'depth' messageHash = market['lowercaseId'] + '@' + name orderbook = self.safe_value(self.orderbooks, symbol) if orderbook is None: # # # # Sometimes Binance sends the first delta before the subscription # confirmation arrives. At that point the orderbook is not # initialized yet and the snapshot has not been requested yet # therefore it is safe to drop these premature messages. # return nonce = self.safe_integer(orderbook, 'nonce') if nonce is None: # 2. Buffer the events you receive from the stream. orderbook.cache.append(message) else: try: U = self.safe_integer(message, 'U') u = self.safe_integer(message, 'u') pu = self.safe_integer(message, 'pu') if pu is None: # spot # 4. Drop any event where u is <= lastUpdateId in the snapshot if u > orderbook['nonce']: timestamp = self.safe_integer(orderbook, 'timestamp') conditional = None if timestamp is None: # 5. The first processed event should have U <= lastUpdateId+1 AND u >= lastUpdateId+1 conditional = ((U - 1) <= orderbook['nonce']) and ((u - 1) >= orderbook['nonce'])
#!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import division import sys import os import re gen_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) csv_dir = os.path.join(gen_dir, "csv") tmpl_dir = os.path.join(gen_dir, "templates") dest_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(gen_dir, "..", "src", "generated")) class Template(object): def __init__(self, filename): with open(os.path.join(tmpl_dir, filename), 'r') as f: name = None value = None for line in f: if line[0] == '@': if name is not None: setattr(self, name, value) name = line[1:].rstrip('\r\n') value = '' else: value += line if name is not None: setattr(self, name, value) copy = Template('copyright.tmpl') reader = Template('reader.tmpl') ctor = Template('constructor.tmpl') decl = Template('declaration.tmpl') decl2 = Template('declaration.tmpl') chunk = Template('chunks.tmpl') freader = Template('flag_reader.tmpl') decl2.enum_header = decl.enum2_header decl2.enum_tmpl = decl.enum2_tmpl decl2.enum_footer = decl.enum2_footer cpp_types = { 'Boolean': 'bool', 'Double': 'double', 'Integer': 'int', 'UInt8': 'uint8_t', 'UInt16': 'uint16_t', 'UInt32': 'uint32_t', 'Int16': 'int16_t', 'String': 'std::string', } def flags_def(struct_name): f = ['\t\t\tbool %s;\n' % name for name in flags[struct_name]] return 'struct Flags {\n' + ''.join(f) + '\t\t}' def cpp_type(ty, prefix = True, expand_flags = None): if ty in cpp_types: return cpp_types[ty] m = re.match(r'Array<(.*):(.*)>', ty) if m: return 'std::vector<%s>' % cpp_type(, prefix, expand_flags) m = re.match(r'(Vector|Array)<(.*)>', ty) if m: return 'std::vector<%s>' % cpp_type(, prefix, expand_flags) m = re.match(r'Ref<(.*):(.*)>', ty) if m: return cpp_type(, prefix, expand_flags) m = re.match(r'Ref<(.*)>', ty) if m: return 'int' m = re.match(r'Enum<(.*)>', ty) if m: return 'int' m = re.match(r'(.*)_Flags$', ty) if m: if expand_flags: return flags_def(expand_flags) else: ty = m.expand(r'\1::Flags') if prefix: ty = 'RPG::' + ty return ty if prefix: ty = 'RPG::' + ty return ty int_types = { 'UInt8': 'uint8_t', 'UInt16': 'uint16_t', 'UInt32': 'uint32_t', 'Int16': 'int16_t', } def struct_headers(ty, header_map): if ty == 'String': return ['<string>'] if ty in int_types: return ['"reader_types.h"'] if ty in cpp_types: return [] m = re.match(r'Ref<(.*):(.*)>', ty) if m: return struct_headers(, header_map) if re.match(r'Ref<(.*)>', ty): return [] if re.match(r'Enum<(.*)>', ty): return [] if re.match(r'(.*)_Flags$', ty): return [] m = re.match(r'Array<(.*):(.*)>', ty) if m: return ['<vector>'] + struct_headers(, header_map) m = re.match(r'(Vector|Array)<(.*)>', ty) if m: return ['<vector>'] + struct_headers(, header_map) header = header_map.get(ty) if header is not None: return ['"rpg_%s.h"' % header] if ty in ['Parameters', 'Equipment', 'EventCommand', 'MoveCommand', 'Rect', 'TreeMap']: return ['"rpg_%s.h"' % ty.lower()] return [] def get_structs(filename = 'structs.csv'): result = [] with open(os.path.join(csv_dir, filename), 'r') as f: for line in f: sline = line.strip() if not sline: continue if sline.startswith("#"): continue data = sline.split(',') filetype, structname, hasid = data hasid = bool(int(hasid)) if hasid else None filename = structname.lower() result.append((filetype, filename, structname, hasid)) return result def get_fields(filename = 'fields.csv'): result = {} with open(os.path.join(csv_dir, filename), 'r') as f: for line in f: sline = line.strip() if not sline: continue if sline.startswith("#"): continue data = sline.split(',', 6) struct, fname, issize, ftype, code, dfl, comment = data issize = issize.lower() == 't' code = int(code, 16) if code else None if struct not in result: result[struct] = [] result[struct].append((fname, issize, ftype, code, dfl, comment)) return result def get_enums(filename = 'enums.csv'): enums = {} fields = {} with open(os.path.join(csv_dir, filename), 'r') as f: for line in f: sline = line.strip() if not sline: continue if sline.startswith("#"): continue data = sline.split(',') sname, ename, name, num = data num = int(num) if (sname, ename) not in fields: if sname not in enums: enums[sname] = [] enums[sname].append(ename) fields[sname, ename] = [] fields[sname, ename].append((name, num)) return enums, fields def get_flags(filename = 'flags.csv'): result = {} with open(os.path.join(csv_dir, filename), 'r') as f: for line in f: sline = line.strip() if not sline: continue if sline.startswith("#"): continue data = sline.split(',') struct, fname = data if struct not in result: result[struct] = [] result[struct].append(fname) return result def get_setup(filename = 'setup.csv'): result = {} with open(os.path.join(csv_dir, filename), 'r') as f: for line in f: sline = line.strip() if not sline: continue if sline.startswith("#"): continue data = sline.split(',') struct, method, headers = data headers = headers.split(' ') if headers else [] if struct not in result: result[struct] = [] result[struct].append((method, headers)) return result def get_headers(structs, sfields, setup): header_map = dict([(struct_name, filename) for filetype, filename, struct_name, hasid in structs]) result = {} for filetype, filename, struct_name, hasid in structs: if struct_name not in sfields: continue headers = set() for field in sfields[struct_name]: fname, issize, ftype, code, dfl, comment = field if not ftype: continue headers.update(struct_headers(ftype, header_map)) if struct_name in setup: for method, hdrs in setup[struct_name]: headers.update(hdrs) result[struct_name] = sorted(x for x in headers if x[0] == '<') + sorted(x for x in headers if x[0] == '"') return result def write_enums(sname, f): for ename in enums[sname]: dcl = decl2 if (sname, ename) in [('MoveCommand','Code'),('EventCommand','Code')] else decl evars = dict(ename = ename) f.write(dcl.enum_header % evars) ef = efields[sname, ename] n = len(ef) for i, (name, num) in enumerate(ef): comma = '' if i == n - 1 else ',' vars = dict(ename = ename, name = name, num = num, comma = comma) f.write(dcl.enum_tmpl % vars) f.write(dcl.enum_footer % evars) f.write('\n') def write_setup(sname, f): for method, headers in setup[sname]: f.write('\t\t%s;\n' % method) def generate_reader(f, struct_name, vars): f.write(copy.header) f.write(reader.header % vars) for field in sfields[struct_name]: fname, issize, ftype, code, dfl, comment = field if not ftype: continue fvars = dict( ftype = cpp_type(ftype), fname = fname) if issize: f.write(reader.size_tmpl % fvars) else: f.write(reader.typed_tmpl % fvars) f.write(reader.footer % vars) def write_flags(f, sname, fname): for name in flags[sname]: fvars = dict( fname = fname, name = name) f.write(ctor.flags % fvars) def generate_ctor(f, struct_name, hasid, vars): f.write(copy.header) f.write(ctor.header % vars) if hasid: f.write(ctor.tmpl % dict(fname = 'ID', default = '0')) for field in sfields[struct_name]: fname, issize, ftype, code, dfl, comment = field if not ftype: continue if issize: continue if ftype.endswith('_Flags'): write_flags(f, struct_name, fname) continue if dfl == '': continue if ftype.startswith('Vector'): continue if ftype.startswith('Array'): continue if ftype == 'Boolean': dfl = dfl.lower() elif ftype == 'String': dfl = '"' + dfl[1:-1] + '"' if '|' in dfl: # dfl = re.sub(r'(.*)\|(.*)', r'\1', dfl) dfl = -1 fvars = dict( fname = fname, default = dfl) f.write(ctor.tmpl % fvars) if struct_name in setup and any('Init()' in method for method, hdrs in setup[struct_name]): f.write('\n\tInit();\n') f.write(ctor.footer % vars) def needs_ctor(struct_name, hasid): if hasid: return True for field in sfields[struct_name]: fname, issize, ftype, code, dfl, comment = field if not ftype: continue if issize: continue if ftype.endswith('_Flags'): return True if dfl != '': return True return False def generate_header(f, struct_name, hasid, vars): f.write(copy.header) f.write(decl.header1 % vars) if headers[struct_name]: f.write(decl.header2) for header in headers[struct_name]: f.write(decl.header_tmpl % dict(header = header)) f.write(decl.header3 % vars) if struct_name in enums: write_enums(struct_name, f) needs_blank = False if needs_ctor(struct_name, hasid): f.write(decl.ctor % vars) needs_blank = True if struct_name in setup: write_setup(struct_name, f) needs_blank = True if needs_blank: f.write('\n') if hasid: f.write(decl.tmpl % dict(ftype = 'int', fname = 'ID')) for field in sfields[struct_name]: fname, issize, ftype, code, dfl, comment = field if not ftype: continue if issize: continue fvars = dict( ftype = cpp_type(ftype, False, struct_name), fname = fname) f.write(decl.tmpl % fvars) f.write(decl.footer % vars) def generate_chunks(f, struct_name, vars): f.write(chunk.header % vars) mwidth = max(len(field[0] + ('_size' if field[1] else '')) for field in sfields[struct_name]) + 1 mwidth = (mwidth + 3) // 4 * 4 # print struct_name, mwidth sf = sfields[struct_name] n = len(sf) for i, field in enumerate(sf): fname, issize, ftype, code, dfl, comment = field if issize: fname += '_size' pad = mwidth - len(fname) ntabs = (pad + 3) // 4 tabs = '\t' * ntabs comma = ' ' if i == n - 1 else ',' fvars = dict( fname = fname, tabs = tabs, code = code, comma = comma, comment = comment) f.write(chunk.tmpl % fvars) f.write(chunk.footer % vars) def generate_struct(filetype, filename, struct_name, hasid): if struct_name not in sfields: return vars = dict( filetype = filetype, filename = filename, typeupper = filetype.upper(), structname = struct_name, structupper = struct_name.upper(), idtype = ['NoID','WithID'][hasid]) filepath = os.path.join(dest_dir, '%s_%s.cpp' % (filetype, filename)) with open(filepath, 'w') as f: generate_reader(f, struct_name, vars) if needs_ctor(struct_name, hasid): filepath = os.path.join(dest_dir, 'rpg_%s.cpp' % filename) with open(filepath, 'w') as f: generate_ctor(f, struct_name, hasid, vars) filepath = os.path.join(dest_dir, 'rpg_%s.h' % filename) with open(filepath, 'w') as f: generate_header(f, struct_name, hasid, vars) filepath = os.path.join(dest_dir, '%s_chunks.h'
""" This module converts to/from a nested structure (e.g. list of lists of lists of ... of values) and a (nest pattern, flat list) tuple The nest pattern is a string consisting solely of square brackets and digits. A number represents the number of consecutive values at the current level of the nested structure. An opening square bracket represents entering a deeper level of nesting. A closing square bracket represents leaving a deper level of nesting. The square brackets at the top level (would be first and last characters of every pattern) are omitted. """ import re from collections import deque from enum import Enum class NestDirective(Enum): DFS_PUSH=1 DFS_POP=2 BFS_QUEUE=3 BFS_SERVE=4 directive_token_map = { NestDirective.DFS_PUSH: '[', NestDirective.DFS_POP: ']', NestDirective.BFS_QUEUE: '*', NestDirective.BFS_SERVE: '|', } #invert the directive_token_map dict token_directive_map = {token:directive for directive,token in directive_token_map.items()} def dfs(nested_structure,include_nest_directives=False,yield_condition=None,get_children_func=None): """ Implements a depth-first-search traversal of a nested list structure include_nest_directives will yield instances of NestDirective.DFS_PUSH and NestDirective.DFS_POP when going to and from a deeper level yield_condition is a function that accepts an item and returns True if the item should be yielded otherwise False The default yield_condition returns True iff the item is not a list or tuple. get_children_func is a function that accepts an item and returns a list of children items to iterate through or None if no iteration through children should be performed The default get_children_func returns the item itself if it is a list or a tuple, otherwise None If an item is to be yielded and has children, then it is yielded before its children are processed. >>> list(dfs([1,[2,3,[4,5,[6,7],8,9],10,11],12])) [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12] >>> list(dfs([1,[2],[3]])) [1, 2, 3] >>> list(dfs([1,[2],[3],4])) [1, 2, 3, 4] >>> list(dfs([])) [] """ if yield_condition is None: yield_condition = lambda item: not isinstance(item,(list,tuple)) if get_children_func is None: get_children_func = lambda item: (item if isinstance(item,(list,tuple)) else None) stack = deque([[nested_structure,0]]) while len(stack) > 0: tree,pos = stack[-1] pushed=False while pos < len(tree): item = tree[pos] pos += 1 if yield_condition(item): yield item children = get_children_func(item) if children is not None: if include_nest_directives: yield NestDirective.DFS_PUSH stack[-1][1] = pos stack.append([children,0]) pushed = True break if not pushed and pos == len(tree): if len(stack) > 1 and include_nest_directives: yield NestDirective.DFS_POP stack.pop() def bfs(nested_structure,include_nest_directives=False,yield_condition=None,get_children_func=None): """ Implements a breadth-first-search traversal of a nested list structure include_nest_directives will yield instances of NestDirective.BFS_QUEUE and NestDirective.BFS_SERVE when encountering a subtree and when switching to process a new subtree yield_condition and get_children_func have the same meaning as in the dfs function >>> list(bfs([1,[2,3,[4,5,[6,7],8,9],10,11],12])) [1, 12, 2, 3, 10, 11, 4, 5, 8, 9, 6, 7] >>> list(bfs([1,[2],[3]])) [1, 2, 3] >>> list(bfs([1,[2],[3],4])) [1, 4, 2, 3] >>> list(bfs([])) [] """ if yield_condition is None: yield_condition = lambda item: not isinstance(item,(list,tuple)) if get_children_func is None: get_children_func = lambda item: (item if isinstance(item,(list,tuple)) else None) queue = deque([nested_structure]) while len(queue) > 0: tree = queue.popleft() for item in tree: if yield_condition(item): yield item children = get_children_func(item) if children is not None: if include_nest_directives: yield NestDirective.BFS_QUEUE queue.append(item) if len(queue) > 0 and include_nest_directives: yield NestDirective.BFS_SERVE def flatten(nested_structure,algorithm=dfs): """ Traverses the nested structure according to the algorithm. Produces a structure pattern string and a flat list The structure pattern can be combined with the flat list to reconstruct the additional structure using the deflatten function The flat list corresponds to the order of traversal in the provided algorithm parameter >>> flatten([1,[2,3,[4,5,[6,7],8,9],10,11],12]) ('1[2[2[2]2]2]1', [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]) >>> flatten([1,[2,3,[4,5,[6,7],8,9],10,11],12],bfs) ('1*1|2*2|2*2|2', [1, 12, 2, 3, 10, 11, 4, 5, 8, 9, 6, 7]) """ if algorithm not in [dfs,bfs]: raise Exception('algorithm must be either the function dfs or the function bfs') pattern_list = [] flat_list = [] consecutive_item_count = 0 for item in algorithm(nested_structure,include_nest_directives=True): if isinstance(item,NestDirective): if consecutive_item_count > 0: pattern_list.append(str(consecutive_item_count)) consecutive_item_count = 0 pattern_list.append(directive_token_map[item]) else: consecutive_item_count += 1 flat_list.append(item) if consecutive_item_count > 0: pattern_list.append(str(consecutive_item_count)) structure_pattern = ''.join(pattern_list) return (structure_pattern,flat_list) def parse_pattern(structure_pattern): """ Splits the structure pattern into integers and nest directive enum values """ return [(token_directive_map[token] if token in token_directive_map else int(token)) for token in re.split('(['+re.escape(''.join(directive_token_map.values()))+'])',structure_pattern) if token != ''] def deflatten(structure_pattern,flat_list): """ Given a structure pattern and a flat list, construct a nested list structure >>> deflatten('1[2[2[2]2]2]1', [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]) [1, [2, 3, [4, 5, [6, 7], 8, 9], 10, 11], 12] >>> deflatten('1*1|2*2|2*2|2', [1, 12, 2, 3, 10, 11, 4, 5, 8, 9, 6, 7]) [1, [2, 3, [4, 5, [6, 7], 8, 9], 10, 11], 12] """ structure_directives = parse_pattern(structure_pattern) stackqueue = deque() nested_structure = [] top_nested_structure = nested_structure flat_position = 0 alg = None for directive in structure_directives: if directive is NestDirective.DFS_PUSH: if alg is bfs: raise Exception('Structure pattern contains both dfs and bfs tokens') alg = dfs stackqueue.append(nested_structure) nested_structure = [] stackqueue[-1].append(nested_structure) elif directive is NestDirective.DFS_POP: if alg is bfs: raise Exception('Structure pattern contains both dfs and bfs tokens') alg = dfs nested_structure = stackqueue.pop() elif directive is NestDirective.BFS_QUEUE: if alg is dfs: raise Exception('Structure pattern contains both dfs and bfs tokens') alg = bfs subtree = [] stackqueue.append(subtree) nested_structure.append(subtree) elif directive is NestDirective.BFS_SERVE: if alg is dfs: raise Exception('Structure pattern contains both dfs and bfs tokens') alg = bfs nested_structure = stackqueue.popleft() else: #is a number -> consume that many items if flat_position + directive <= len(flat_list): nested_structure.extend(flat_list[flat_position:flat_position+directive]) flat_position += directive else: raise Exception('structure_pattern implies more values than flat_list contains') if flat_position < len(flat_list): raise Exception('flat_list has more data than structure_pattern implies') if len(stackqueue) != 0: raise Exception('Structure pattern contains imbalanced directive tokens') return top_nested_structure def get_nested_indices(structure_pattern,flat_index): """ Given a structure pattern and an index into the flat list, return the corresponding sequence of indices identifying the position in the nested structure. A negative flat index works from the end of the flat list >>> get_nested_indices('1[2[2[2]2]2]1',0) [0] >>> get_nested_indices('1[2[2[2]2]2]1',1) [1, 0] >>> get_nested_indices('1[2[2[2]2]2]1',2) [1, 1] >>> get_nested_indices('1[2[2[2]2]2]1',3) [1, 2, 0] >>> get_nested_indices('1[2[2[2]2]2]1',4) [1, 2, 1] >>> get_nested_indices('1[2[2[2]2]2]1',5) [1, 2, 2, 0] >>> get_nested_indices('1[2[2[2]2]2]1',6) [1, 2, 2, 1] >>> get_nested_indices('1[2[2[2]2]2]1',10) [1, 4] >>> get_nested_indices('1[2[2[2]2]2]1',11) [2] """ nest_indices = [0] current_flat_index = 0 nest_queue = deque() structure_directives = parse_pattern(structure_pattern) alg = None if flat_index < 0: flat_index += sum(item for item in structure_directives if isinstance(item,int)) for directive in structure_directives: if directive is NestDirective.DFS_PUSH: if alg is bfs: raise Exception('Structure pattern contains both dfs and bfs tokens') alg = dfs nest_indices.append(0) elif directive is NestDirective.DFS_POP: if alg is bfs: raise Exception('Structure pattern contains both dfs and bfs tokens') alg = dfs nest_indices.pop() nest_indices[-1] += 1 elif directive is NestDirective.BFS_QUEUE: if alg is dfs: raise Exception('Structure pattern contains both dfs and bfs tokens') alg = bfs nest_queue.append(nest_indices[:]) nest_indices[-1] += 1 elif directive is NestDirective.BFS_SERVE: if alg is dfs: raise Exception('Structure pattern contains both dfs and bfs tokens') nest_indices = nest_queue.popleft() nest_indices.append(0) else: #is a number if current_flat_index <= flat_index < (current_flat_index + directive): nest_indices[-1] += (flat_index-current_flat_index) return nest_indices else: current_flat_index += directive nest_indices[-1] += directive raise Exception('flat index exceeds size implied by structure pattern') def get_flat_index(structure_pattern,nest_indices): """ Given a structure pattern and a sequence of indices into the nested structure, return the corresponding flat list index >>> get_flat_index('1[2[2[2]2]2]1',[0]) 0 >>> get_flat_index('1[2[2[2]2]2]1',[1,0]) 1 >>> get_flat_index('1[2[2[2]2]2]1',[1,1]) 2 >>> get_flat_index('1[2[2[2]2]2]1',[1,2,0]) 3 >>> get_flat_index('1[2[2[2]2]2]1',[1,2,1]) 4 >>> get_flat_index('1[2[2[2]2]2]1',[1,2,2,0]) 5 >>> get_flat_index('1[2[2[2]2]2]1',[1,2,2,1]) 6 >>> get_flat_index('1[2[2[2]2]2]1',[1,4]) 10 >>> get_flat_index('1[2[2[2]2]2]1',[2]) 11 """ current_nest_indices = [0] flat_index = 0 nest_queue = deque() structure_directives = parse_pattern(structure_pattern) alg = None for directive in structure_directives: if directive is NestDirective.DFS_PUSH: if alg is bfs: raise Exception('Structure pattern contains both dfs and bfs tokens') alg = dfs current_nest_indices.append(0) elif directive is NestDirective.DFS_POP: if alg is bfs: raise Exception('Structure pattern contains both dfs and bfs tokens') alg = dfs current_nest_indices.pop() current_nest_indices[-1] += 1 elif directive is NestDirective.BFS_QUEUE: if alg is dfs: raise Exception('Structure pattern contains both dfs and bfs tokens') alg = bfs nest_queue.append(current_nest_indices[:])
<reponame>amitkg29/contrail-controller #!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright (c) 2013 Juniper Networks, Inc. All rights reserved. # # # # # System tests for analytics # import sys builddir = sys.path[0] + '/../..' import threading threading._DummyThread._Thread__stop = lambda x: 42 import signal import gevent from gevent import monkey monkey.patch_all() import os import unittest import testtools import fixtures import socket from utils.analytics_fixture import AnalyticsFixture from utils.generator_fixture import GeneratorFixture from mockcassandra import mockcassandra import logging import time import pycassa from pycassa.pool import ConnectionPool from pycassa.columnfamily import ColumnFamily from opserver.sandesh.viz.constants import * from sandesh_common.vns.ttypes import Module from sandesh_common.vns.constants import ModuleNames logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s') class AnalyticsTest(testtools.TestCase, fixtures.TestWithFixtures): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): if AnalyticsTest._check_skip_test() is True: return if (os.getenv('LD_LIBRARY_PATH', '').find('build/lib') < 0): if (os.getenv('DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH', '').find('build/lib') < 0): assert(False) cls.cassandra_port = AnalyticsTest.get_free_port() mockcassandra.start_cassandra(cls.cassandra_port) @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): if AnalyticsTest._check_skip_test() is True: return mockcassandra.stop_cassandra(cls.cassandra_port) pass def _update_analytics_start_time(self, start_time): pool = ConnectionPool(COLLECTOR_KEYSPACE, ['' % (self.__class__.cassandra_port)]) col_family = ColumnFamily(pool, SYSTEM_OBJECT_TABLE) col_family.insert(SYSTEM_OBJECT_ANALYTICS, {SYSTEM_OBJECT_START_TIME: start_time}) # end _update_analytics_start_time <EMAIL>('Skipping non-cassandra test with vizd') def test_00_nocassandra(self): ''' This test starts redis,vizd,opserver and qed Then it checks that the collector UVE (via redis) can be accessed from opserver. '''"*** test_00_nocassandra ***") if AnalyticsTest._check_skip_test() is True: return True vizd_obj = self.useFixture( AnalyticsFixture(logging, builddir, 0)) assert vizd_obj.verify_on_setup() return True # end test_00_nocassandra <EMAIL>('Skipping cassandra test with vizd') def test_01_startup(self): ''' This test starts redis,vizd,opserver and qed It uses the test class' cassandra instance Then it checks that the collector UVE (via redis) and syslog (via cassandra) can be accessed from opserver. '''"*** test_01_startup ***") if AnalyticsTest._check_skip_test() is True: return True vizd_obj = self.useFixture( AnalyticsFixture(logging, builddir, self.__class__.cassandra_port)) assert vizd_obj.verify_on_setup() assert vizd_obj.verify_collector_obj_count() return True <EMAIL>('Query query engine logs to test QE') def test_02_message_table_query(self): ''' This test starts redis,vizd,opserver and qed It uses the test class' cassandra instance Then it checks that the collector UVE (via redis) and syslog (via cassandra) can be accessed from opserver. '''"*** test_02_message_table_query ***") if AnalyticsTest._check_skip_test() is True: return True vizd_obj = self.useFixture( AnalyticsFixture(logging, builddir, self.__class__.cassandra_port)) assert vizd_obj.verify_on_setup() assert vizd_obj.verify_collector_obj_count() assert vizd_obj.verify_message_table_moduleid() assert vizd_obj.verify_message_table_select_uint_type() assert vizd_obj.verify_message_table_messagetype() assert vizd_obj.verify_message_table_where_or() assert vizd_obj.verify_message_table_where_and() assert vizd_obj.verify_message_table_filter() assert vizd_obj.verify_message_table_filter2() assert vizd_obj.verify_message_table_sort() return True # end test_02_message_table_query <EMAIL>('Skipping VM UVE test') def test_03_vm_uve(self): ''' This test starts redis, vizd, opserver, qed, and a python generator that simulates vrouter and sends UveVirtualMachineAgentTrace messages. It uses the test class' cassandra instance. Then it checks that the VM UVE (via redis) can be accessed from opserver. '''"*** test_03_vm_uve ***") if AnalyticsTest._check_skip_test() is True: return True vizd_obj = self.useFixture( AnalyticsFixture(logging, builddir, 0)) assert vizd_obj.verify_on_setup() collectors = [vizd_obj.get_collector()] generator_obj = self.useFixture( GeneratorFixture("contrail-vrouter-agent", collectors, logging, vizd_obj.get_opserver_port())) assert generator_obj.verify_on_setup() generator_obj.send_vm_uve(vm_id='abcd', num_vm_ifs=5, msg_count=5) assert generator_obj.verify_vm_uve(vm_id='abcd', num_vm_ifs=5, msg_count=5) # Delete the VM UVE and verify that the deleted flag is set # in the UVE cache generator_obj.delete_vm_uve('abcd') assert generator_obj.verify_vm_uve_cache(vm_id='abcd', delete=True) # Add the VM UVE with the same vm_id and verify that the deleted flag # is cleared in the UVE cache generator_obj.send_vm_uve(vm_id='abcd', num_vm_ifs=5, msg_count=5) assert generator_obj.verify_vm_uve_cache(vm_id='abcd') assert generator_obj.verify_vm_uve(vm_id='abcd', num_vm_ifs=5, msg_count=5) # Generate VM with vm_id containing XML control character generator_obj.send_vm_uve(vm_id='<abcd&>', num_vm_ifs=2, msg_count=2) assert generator_obj.verify_vm_uve(vm_id='<abcd&>', num_vm_ifs=2, msg_count=2) return True # end test_03_vm_uve <EMAIL>('Send/query flow stats to test QE') def test_04_flow_query(self): ''' This test starts redis,vizd,opserver and qed It uses the test class' cassandra instance Then it sends flow stats to the collector and checks if flow stats can be accessed from QE. '''"*** test_04_flow_query ***") if AnalyticsTest._check_skip_test() is True: return True # set the start time in analytics db 1 hour earlier than # the current time. For flow series test, we need to create # flow samples older than the current time. start_time = UTCTimestampUsec() - 3600 * 1000 * 1000 self._update_analytics_start_time(start_time) vizd_obj = self.useFixture( AnalyticsFixture(logging, builddir, self.__class__.cassandra_port)) assert vizd_obj.verify_on_setup() assert vizd_obj.verify_collector_obj_count() collectors = [vizd_obj.get_collector()] generator_obj = self.useFixture( GeneratorFixture("contrail-vrouter-agent", collectors, logging, vizd_obj.get_opserver_port(), start_time)) assert generator_obj.verify_on_setup() generator_obj.generate_flow_samples() generator_obj1 = self.useFixture( GeneratorFixture("contrail-vrouter-agent", collectors, logging, vizd_obj.get_opserver_port(), start_time, hostname=socket.gethostname() + "dup")) assert generator_obj1.verify_on_setup() generator_obj1.generate_flow_samples() generator_object = [generator_obj, generator_obj1] for obj in generator_object: assert vizd_obj.verify_flow_samples(obj) assert vizd_obj.verify_flow_table(generator_obj) assert vizd_obj.verify_flow_series_aggregation_binning(generator_object) return True # end test_04_flow_query <EMAIL>('Skipping contrail-collector HA test') def test_05_collector_ha(self):'*** test_05_collector_ha ***') if AnalyticsTest._check_skip_test() is True: return True vizd_obj = self.useFixture( AnalyticsFixture(logging, builddir, self.__class__.cassandra_port, collector_ha_test=True)) assert vizd_obj.verify_on_setup() assert vizd_obj.verify_collector_obj_count() # contrail-analytics-api and contrail-query-engine are started with collectors[0] as # primary and collectors[1] as secondary exp_genlist = ['contrail-collector', 'contrail-analytics-api', 'contrail-query-engine'] assert vizd_obj.verify_generator_list(vizd_obj.collectors[0], exp_genlist) # start the contrail-vrouter-agent with collectors[1] as primary and # collectors[0] as secondary collectors = [vizd_obj.collectors[1].get_addr(), vizd_obj.collectors[0].get_addr()] vr_agent = self.useFixture( GeneratorFixture("contrail-vrouter-agent", collectors, logging, vizd_obj.get_opserver_port())) assert vr_agent.verify_on_setup() exp_genlist = ['contrail-collector', 'contrail-vrouter-agent'] assert vizd_obj.verify_generator_list(vizd_obj.collectors[1], exp_genlist) # stop collectors[0] and verify that contrail-analytics-api and QE switch # from primary to secondary collector vizd_obj.collectors[0].stop() exp_genlist = ['contrail-collector', 'contrail-vrouter-agent', 'contrail-analytics-api', 'contrail-query-engine'] assert vizd_obj.verify_generator_list(vizd_obj.collectors[1], exp_genlist) # start collectors[0] vizd_obj.collectors[0].start() exp_genlist = ['contrail-collector'] assert vizd_obj.verify_generator_list(vizd_obj.collectors[0], exp_genlist) # verify that the old UVEs are flushed from redis when collector restarts exp_genlist = [vizd_obj.collectors[0].get_generator_id()] assert vizd_obj.verify_generator_list_in_redis(\ vizd_obj.collectors[0].get_redis_uve(), exp_genlist) # stop collectors[1] and verify that contrail-analytics-api and QE switch # from secondary to primary and contrail-vrouter-agent from primary to # secondary vizd_obj.collectors[1].stop() exp_genlist = ['contrail-collector', 'contrail-vrouter-agent', 'contrail-analytics-api', 'contrail-query-engine'] assert vizd_obj.verify_generator_list(vizd_obj.collectors[0], exp_genlist) # verify the generator list in redis exp_genlist = [vizd_obj.collectors[0].get_generator_id(), vr_agent.get_generator_id(), vizd_obj.opserver.get_generator_id(), vizd_obj.query_engine.get_generator_id()] assert vizd_obj.verify_generator_list_in_redis(\ vizd_obj.collectors[0].get_redis_uve(), exp_genlist) # stop Opserver and QE vizd_obj.opserver.stop() vizd_obj.query_engine.stop() exp_genlist = ['contrail-collector', 'contrail-vrouter-agent'] assert vizd_obj.verify_generator_list(vizd_obj.collectors[0], exp_genlist) # verify the generator list in redis exp_genlist = [vizd_obj.collectors[0].get_generator_id(), vr_agent.get_generator_id()] assert vizd_obj.verify_generator_list_in_redis(\ vizd_obj.collectors[0].get_redis_uve(), exp_genlist) # start Opserver and QE with collectors[1] as the primary and # collectors[0] as the secondary. On generator startup, verify # that it connects to the secondary collector, if the # connection to the primary fails vizd_obj.opserver.set_primary_collector( vizd_obj.collectors[1].get_addr()) vizd_obj.opserver.set_secondary_collector( vizd_obj.collectors[0].get_addr()) vizd_obj.opserver.start() vizd_obj.query_engine.set_primary_collector( vizd_obj.collectors[1].get_addr()) vizd_obj.query_engine.set_secondary_collector( vizd_obj.collectors[0].get_addr()) vizd_obj.query_engine.start() exp_genlist = ['contrail-collector', 'contrail-vrouter-agent', 'contrail-analytics-api', 'contrail-query-engine'] assert vizd_obj.verify_generator_list(vizd_obj.collectors[0], exp_genlist) # stop the collectors[0] - both collectors[0] and collectors[1] are down # send the VM UVE and verify that the VM UVE is synced after connection # to the collector vizd_obj.collectors[0].stop() # Make sure the connection to the collector is teared down before # sending the VM UVE while True: if vr_agent.verify_on_setup() is False: break vr_agent.send_vm_uve(vm_id='abcd-1234-efgh-5678', num_vm_ifs=5, msg_count=5) vizd_obj.collectors[1].start() exp_genlist = ['contrail-collector', 'contrail-vrouter-agent', 'contrail-analytics-api', 'contrail-query-engine'] assert vizd_obj.verify_generator_list(vizd_obj.collectors[1], exp_genlist) assert vr_agent.verify_vm_uve(vm_id='abcd-1234-efgh-5678', num_vm_ifs=5, msg_count=5) # end test_05_collector_ha <EMAIL>('InterVN stats using StatsOracle') def test_06_intervn_query(self): ''' This test starts redis,vizd,opserver and qed It uses the test class' cassandra instance Then it sends intervn stats to the collector and checks if intervn stats can be accessed from QE. '''"*** test_06_intervn_query ***") if AnalyticsTest._check_skip_test() is True: return True # set the start time in analytics db 1 hour earlier than # the current time. For flow series test, we need to create # flow samples older than the current time. start_time = UTCTimestampUsec() - 3600 * 1000 * 1000 self._update_analytics_start_time(start_time) vizd_obj = self.useFixture( AnalyticsFixture(logging, builddir, self.__class__.cassandra_port)) assert vizd_obj.verify_on_setup() assert vizd_obj.verify_collector_obj_count() collectors = [vizd_obj.get_collector()] generator_obj = self.useFixture( GeneratorFixture("contrail-vrouter-agent", collectors, logging, vizd_obj.get_opserver_port(), start_time)) assert generator_obj.verify_on_setup()"Starting intervn gen " + str(UTCTimestampUsec())) generator_obj.generate_intervn()"Ending intervn gen " + str(UTCTimestampUsec())) assert vizd_obj.verify_intervn_all(generator_obj) assert vizd_obj.verify_intervn_sum(generator_obj) return True # end test_06_intervn_query <EMAIL>(' Messagetype and Objecttype queries') def test_07_fieldname_query(self): ''' This test starts redis,vizd,opserver and qed It uses the test class' cassandra instance It then queries the stats table for messagetypes and objecttypes '''"*** test_07_fieldname_query ***") start_time = UTCTimestampUsec() - 3600 * 1000 * 1000 self._update_analytics_start_time(start_time) vizd_obj = self.useFixture( AnalyticsFixture(logging, builddir, self.__class__.cassandra_port)) assert vizd_obj.verify_on_setup() assert vizd_obj.verify_collector_obj_count() assert vizd_obj.verify_fieldname_messagetype(); assert vizd_obj.verify_fieldname_objecttype(); return True; #end test_07_fieldname_query <EMAIL>('verify send-tracebuffer') def test_08_send_tracebuffer(self): ''' This test verifies /analytics/send-tracebuffer/ REST API. Opserver publishes the request to send trace buffer to all the redis-uve instances. Collector forwards the request to the appropriate generator(s). Generator sends the tracebuffer to the Collector which then dumps the trace messages in the analytics db. Verify that the trace messages are written in the analytics db. ''''*** test_08_send_tracebuffer ***') if AnalyticsTest._check_skip_test() is True: return True vizd_obj = self.useFixture( AnalyticsFixture(logging, builddir, self.__class__.cassandra_port, collector_ha_test=True)) assert vizd_obj.verify_on_setup() assert vizd_obj.verify_collector_obj_count() # Make sure the contrail-collector is connected to the redis-uve before # sending the
# --------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. # --------------------------------------------------------- """Contains functionality for managing conda environment dependencies. Use the :class:`azureml.core.conda_dependencies.CondaDependencies` class to load existing conda environment files and configure and manage new environments where experiments execute. """ import os import ruamel.yaml import re from azureml._base_sdk_common.common import get_run_config_dir_name from azureml._base_sdk_common.common import normalize_windows_paths from azureml._base_sdk_common import __version__ as VERSION from pkg_resources import resource_stream from azureml.exceptions import UserErrorException from io import StringIO BASE_PROJECT_MODULE = 'azureml._project' BASE_PROJECT_FILE_RELATIVE_PATH = 'base_project_files/conda_dependencies.yml' DEFAULT_SDK_ORIGIN = '' CONDA_FILE_NAME = 'auto_conda_dependencies.yml' CHANNELS = 'channels' PACKAGES = 'dependencies' PIP = 'pip' PYTHON_PREFIX = 'python' VERSION_REGEX = re.compile(r'(\d+)\.(\d+)(\.(\d+))?([ab](\d+))?$') CNTK_DEFAULT_VERSION = '2.5.1' PYTHON_DEFAULT_VERSION = '3.6.2' LINUX_PLATFORM = 'linux' WINDOWS_PLATFORM = 'win32' TENSORFLOW_DEFAULT_VERSION = '1.13.1' PYTORCH_DEFAULT_VERSION = '1.0.0' TORCHVISION_DEFAULT_VERSION = '0.2.1' HOROVOD_DEFAULT_VERSION = '0.15.2' DEFAULT_CHAINER_VERSION = "5.1.0" CUPY_DEFAULT_VERSION = "cupy-cuda90" CPU = 'cpu' GPU = 'gpu' CNTK_PACKAGE_PREFIX = 'cntk' TENSORFLOW_PACKAGE_PREFIX = 'tensorflow' PYTORCH_PACKAGE_PREFIX = 'torch' TORCHVISION_PACKAGE_PREFIX = 'torchvision' CHAINER_PACKAGE_PREFIX = "chainer" INVALID_PATHON_MESSAGE = "Invalid python version {0}," + \ "only accept '3.5 and '3.6'" class CondaDependencies(object): """Manages application dependencies in an Azure Machine Learning environment. .. note:: If no parameters are specified, `azureml-defaults` is added as the only pip dependency. If the ``conda_dependencies_file_path`` parameter is not specified, then the CondaDependencies object contains only the Azure Machine Learning packages (`azureml-defaults`). The `azureml-defaults` dependency will not be pinned to a specific version and will target the latest version available on PyPi. .. remarks:: You can load an existing conda environment file or choose to configure and manage the application dependencies in memory. During experiment submission, a preparation step is executed which creates and caches a conda environment within which the experiment executes. If your dependency is available through both Conda and pip (from PyPi), use the Conda version, as Conda packages typically come with pre-built binaries that make installation more reliable. For more information, see `Understanding Conda and Pip <>`_. See the repository for details on base image dependencies. The following example shows how to add a package using the :meth:`azureml.core.conda_dependencies.CondaDependencies.add_conda_package`. .. code-block:: python from azureml.core.environment import CondaDependencies myenv = Environment(name="myenv") conda_dep = CondaDependencies() conda_dep.add_conda_package("scikit-learn") Full sample is available from A pip package can also be added and the dependencies set in the :class:`azureml.core.Environment` object. .. code-block:: python conda_dep.add_pip_package("pillow==5.4.1") myenv.python.conda_dependencies=conda_dep Full sample is available from :param conda_dependencies_file_path: A local path to a conda configuration file. Using this parameter allows for loading and editing of an existing Conda environment file. :type conda_dependencies_file_path: str """ DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_CONDA_PACKAGES = 0 DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_PIP_PACKAGES = 0 _VALID_YML_KEYS = ['name', 'channels', 'dependencies', 'prefix'] @staticmethod def _validate_yaml(ruamel_yaml_object): if not isinstance(ruamel_yaml_object, dict): raise UserErrorException("Environment error: not a valid YAML structure") for key in ruamel_yaml_object.keys(): if not str(key) in CondaDependencies._VALID_YML_KEYS: msg = "Environment error: unknown {} key in environment specification".format(str(key)) raise UserErrorException(msg) def __init__(self, conda_dependencies_file_path=None, _underlying_structure=None): """Initialize a new object to manage dependencies.""" if conda_dependencies_file_path: with open(conda_dependencies_file_path, "r") as input: self._conda_dependencies = ruamel.yaml.round_trip_load(input) elif _underlying_structure: self._conda_dependencies = _underlying_structure else: with resource_stream( BASE_PROJECT_MODULE, BASE_PROJECT_FILE_RELATIVE_PATH ) as base_stream: self._conda_dependencies = ruamel.yaml.round_trip_load(base_stream) base_stream.close() CondaDependencies._validate_yaml(self._conda_dependencies) self._python_version = self.get_python_version() @staticmethod def create(pip_indexurl=None, pip_packages=None, conda_packages=None, python_version=PYTHON_DEFAULT_VERSION, pin_sdk_version=True): r"""Initialize a new CondaDependencies object. Returns an instance of a CondaDependencies object with user specified dependencies. .. note:: If `pip_packages` is not specified, `azureml-defaults` will be added as the default dependencies. User \ specified `pip_packages` dependencies will override the default values. If `pin_sdk_version` is set to true, pip dependencies of the packages distributed as a part of Azure \ Machine Learning Python SDK will be pinned to the SDK version installed in the current environment. :param pip_indexurl: The pip index URL. If not specified, the SDK origin index URL will be used. :type pip_indexurl: str :param pip_packages: A list of pip packages. :type pip_packages: builtin.list[str] :param conda_packages: A list of conda packages. :type conda_packages: builtin.list[str] :param python_version: The Python version. :type python_version: str :param pin_sdk_version: Indicates whether to pin SDK packages to the client version. :type pin_sdk_version: bool :return: A conda dependency object. :rtype: azureml.core.conda_dependencies.CondaDependencies """ cd = CondaDependencies() _sdk_origin_url = CondaDependencies.sdk_origin_url().rstrip('/') # set index url to sdk origin pypi index if not specified if pip_indexurl or _sdk_origin_url != DEFAULT_SDK_ORIGIN: cd.set_pip_index_url( "--index-url {}".format(pip_indexurl if pip_indexurl else _sdk_origin_url)) cd.set_pip_option("--extra-index-url {}".format(DEFAULT_SDK_ORIGIN)) cd.set_python_version(python_version) if pip_packages is None: pip_packages = ['azureml-defaults'] else: # clear defaults if pip packages were specified for package in cd.pip_packages: cd.remove_pip_package(package) scope = CondaDependencies._sdk_scope() # adding specified pip packages for package in pip_packages: # pin current sdk version assuming all azureml-* are a part of sdk if pin_sdk_version and cd._get_package_name(package) in scope: cd.add_pip_package("{}~={}".format(cd._get_package_name_with_extras(package), VERSION)) else: cd.add_pip_package(package) if conda_packages: # clear defaults if conda packages were specified for conda_package in conda_packages: cd.remove_conda_package(conda_package) # adding specified conda packages for conda_package in conda_packages: cd.add_conda_package(conda_package) return cd @staticmethod def merge_requirements(requirements): """Merge package requirements. :param requirements: A list of packages requirements to merge. :type requirements: builtin.list[str] :return: A list of merged package requirements. :rtype: builtin.list[str] """ packages = {} for req in requirements: package = CondaDependencies._get_package_name(req) if packages.get(package, None): packages[package].append(req[len(package):].strip()) else: packages[package] = [req[len(package):].strip()] newpackages = [] for pack, req in packages.items(): newpackages.append("{}{}".format(pack, ",".join([x for x in req if x]))) return newpackages @staticmethod def _sdk_scope(): """Return list of SDK packages. :return: list of SDK packages :rtype: list """ from azureml._project.project_manager import _sdk_scope return _sdk_scope() @staticmethod def sdk_origin_url(): """Return the SDK origin index URL. :return: Returns the SDK origin index URL. :rtype: str """ from azureml._project.project_manager import _current_index index = _current_index() if index: return index else: return "" def _merge_dependencies(self, conda_dependencies): if not conda_dependencies: return # merge channels, conda dependencies, pip packages for channel in conda_dependencies.conda_channels: self.add_channel(channel) for package in conda_dependencies.conda_packages: self.add_conda_package(package) for package in conda_dependencies.pip_packages: self.add_pip_package(package) def set_pip_index_url(self, index_url): """Set pip index URL. :param index_url: The pip index URL to use. :type index_url: str """ self.set_pip_option(index_url) @property def conda_channels(self): """Return conda channels. :return: Returns the channel dependencies. The returned dependencies are a copy, and any changes to the returned channels won't update the conda channels in this object. :rtype: iter """ conda_channels = [] # We are returning a copy because self._conda_dependencies[CHANNELS] is of CommentedSeq ruamel.yaml # type, which extends from list. But, self._conda_dependencies[CHANNELS] contains the # comments and list elements, so in case user removes some element then it would mess up the # self._conda_dependencies[CHANNELS] and conda file completely. # Any edits to self._conda_dependencies[CHANNELS] should be done using the provided public # methods in this class. if CHANNELS in self._conda_dependencies: for ditem in self._conda_dependencies[CHANNELS]: conda_channels.append(ditem) return iter(conda_channels) @property def conda_packages(self): """Return conda packages. :return: Returns the package dependencies. Returns a copy of conda packages, and any edits to the returned list won't be reflected in the conda packages of this object. :rtype: iter """ conda_dependencies = [] if PACKAGES in self._conda_dependencies: for ditem in self._conda_dependencies[PACKAGES]: if PIP not in ditem and not isinstance(ditem, dict): conda_dependencies.append(ditem) if PIP in ditem and isinstance(ditem, str): conda_dependencies.append(ditem) return iter(conda_dependencies) def _is_option(self, item, startswith='-'): """Check if parameter is option. :param item: :type item: str :param startswith: :type startswith: char :return: Returns if item starts with '-' :rtype: bool """ return item.startswith('-') def _filter_options(self, items, startswith='-', keep=True): """Filter options. :param items: :type items: builtin.list :param startswith: :type startswith: char :param keep: :type keep: bool :return: Returns the filtered options :rtype: builtin.list """ if keep: return [x for x in items if self._is_option(x, startswith)] else: return [x for x in items if not self._is_option(x, startswith)] @property def pip_packages(self): """Return pip dependencies. :return: Returns the pip dependencies. Returns a copy of pip packages, and any edits to the returned list won't be reflected in the pip packages of this object. :rtype: iter """ pip_dependencies = [] if PACKAGES in self._conda_dependencies: for ditem in self._conda_dependencies[PACKAGES]: if PIP in ditem and isinstance(ditem, dict): pip_dependencies = self._filter_options(ditem[PIP], keep=False) return iter(pip_dependencies) @property def pip_options(self): """Return pip options. :return: Returns the pip options. Returns a copy of pip options, and any edits to the returned list won't be reflected in the pip options of this object. :rtype: iter """ pip_options = [] if PACKAGES in self._conda_dependencies: for ditem in self._conda_dependencies[PACKAGES]: if PIP in ditem and isinstance(ditem, dict): pip_options = self._filter_options(ditem[PIP]) return iter(pip_options) def get_default_number_of_packages(self): """Return the default number of packages. :return:
import shlex import unittest import mock import pytest import requests from vt.utils import VittlifyError from vt.vt import ( Status, add, categories, complete, display_all_shopping_lists, display_item, display_shopping_list, display_shopping_list_categories, help, modify, move, run, show, term, ) class TestDisplayShoppingList(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.get_shopping_list_info_patcher = mock.patch('vt.vt.get_shopping_list_info') self.mock_get_shopping_list_info = self.get_shopping_list_info_patcher.start() self.get_shopping_list_items_patcher = mock.patch( 'vt.vt.get_shopping_list_items' ) self.mock_get_shopping_list_items = self.get_shopping_list_items_patcher.start() self.get_completed_patcher = mock.patch('vt.vt.get_completed') self.mock_get_completed = self.get_completed_patcher.start() self.get_all_shopping_list_items_patcher = mock.patch( 'vt.vt.get_all_shopping_list_items' ) self.mock_get_all_shopping_list_items = ( self.get_all_shopping_list_items_patcher.start() ) self.format_row_patcher = mock.patch('vt.vt.format_row') self.mock_format_row = self.format_row_patcher.start() self.print_table_patcher = mock.patch('vt.vt.print_table') self.mock_print_table = self.print_table_patcher.start() test_shopping_list = {'name': 'test_list'} self.mock_get_shopping_list_info.return_value = test_shopping_list test_items = [ {'name': 'item1'}, {'name': 'item2'}, {'name': 'item3'}, ] self.mock_get_shopping_list_items.return_value = test_items self.mock_get_all_shopping_list_items.return_value = test_items self.mock_get_completed.return_value = test_items self.mock_format_row.side_effect = [ 'formatted_row_1', 'formatted_row_2', 'formatted_row_3', ] def tearDown(self): self.get_shopping_list_info_patcher.stop() self.get_shopping_list_items_patcher.stop() self.get_completed_patcher.stop() self.get_all_shopping_list_items_patcher.stop() self.format_row_patcher.stop() self.print_table_patcher.stop() def test_not_completed(self): guid = 'test_guid' display_shopping_list(guid=guid, mode=Status.NOT_COMPLETED) self.mock_get_shopping_list_info.assert_called_once_with(guid) self.mock_get_shopping_list_items.assert_called_once_with(guid) self.mock_format_row.assert_has_calls( [ {'name': 'item1'}, {'name': 'test_list'}, include_category=False, include_comments=False, no_wrap=False, ), {'name': 'item2'}, {'name': 'test_list'}, include_category=False, include_comments=False, no_wrap=False, ), {'name': 'item3'}, {'name': 'test_list'}, include_category=False, include_comments=False, no_wrap=False, ), ] ) self.mock_print_table.assert_called_once_with( ['formatted_row_1', 'formatted_row_2', 'formatted_row_3'], title='test_list', quiet=False, ) def test_all(self): guid = 'test_guid' display_shopping_list(guid=guid, mode=Status.ALL) self.mock_get_shopping_list_info.assert_called_once_with(guid) self.mock_get_all_shopping_list_items.assert_called_once_with(guid) self.mock_format_row.assert_has_calls( [ {'name': 'item1'}, {'name': 'test_list'}, include_category=False, include_comments=False, no_wrap=False, ), {'name': 'item2'}, {'name': 'test_list'}, include_category=False, include_comments=False, no_wrap=False, ), {'name': 'item3'}, {'name': 'test_list'}, include_category=False, include_comments=False, no_wrap=False, ), ] ) self.mock_print_table.assert_called_once_with( ['formatted_row_1', 'formatted_row_2', 'formatted_row_3'], title='test_list', quiet=False, ) def test_completed(self): guid = 'test_guid' display_shopping_list(guid=guid, mode=Status.COMPLETED) self.assertFalse(self.mock_get_shopping_list_info.called) self.mock_get_completed.assert_called_once_with() self.mock_format_row.assert_has_calls( [ {'name': 'item1'}, None, include_category=False, include_comments=False, no_wrap=False, ), {'name': 'item2'}, None, include_category=False, include_comments=False, no_wrap=False, ), {'name': 'item3'}, None, include_category=False, include_comments=False, no_wrap=False, ), ] ) self.mock_print_table.assert_called_once_with( ['formatted_row_1', 'formatted_row_2', 'formatted_row_3'], title='Recently Completed', quiet=False, ) def test_not_completed_extended(self): guid = 'test_guid' display_shopping_list(guid=guid, mode=Status.NOT_COMPLETED, extended=True) self.mock_get_shopping_list_info.assert_called_once_with(guid) self.mock_get_shopping_list_items.assert_called_once_with(guid) self.mock_format_row.assert_has_calls( [ {'name': 'item1'}, {'name': 'test_list'}, include_category=False, include_comments=True, no_wrap=False, ), {'name': 'item2'}, {'name': 'test_list'}, include_category=False, include_comments=True, no_wrap=False, ), {'name': 'item3'}, {'name': 'test_list'}, include_category=False, include_comments=True, no_wrap=False, ), ] ) self.mock_print_table.assert_called_once_with( ['formatted_row_1', 'formatted_row_2', 'formatted_row_3'], title='test_list', quiet=False, ) def test_all_extended(self): guid = 'test_guid' display_shopping_list(guid=guid, mode=Status.ALL, extended=True) self.mock_get_shopping_list_info.assert_called_once_with(guid) self.mock_get_all_shopping_list_items.assert_called_once_with(guid) self.mock_format_row.assert_has_calls( [ {'name': 'item1'}, {'name': 'test_list'}, include_category=False, include_comments=True, no_wrap=False, ), {'name': 'item2'}, {'name': 'test_list'}, include_category=False, include_comments=True, no_wrap=False, ), {'name': 'item3'}, {'name': 'test_list'}, include_category=False, include_comments=True, no_wrap=False, ), ] ) self.mock_print_table.assert_called_once_with( ['formatted_row_1', 'formatted_row_2', 'formatted_row_3'], title='test_list', quiet=False, ) def test_completed_extended(self): guid = 'test_guid' display_shopping_list(guid=guid, mode=Status.COMPLETED, extended=True) self.assertFalse(self.mock_get_shopping_list_info.called) self.mock_get_completed.assert_called_once_with() self.mock_format_row.assert_has_calls( [ {'name': 'item1'}, None, include_category=False, include_comments=True, no_wrap=False, ), {'name': 'item2'}, None, include_category=False, include_comments=True, no_wrap=False, ), {'name': 'item3'}, None, include_category=False, include_comments=True, no_wrap=False, ), ] ) self.mock_print_table.assert_called_once_with( ['formatted_row_1', 'formatted_row_2', 'formatted_row_3'], title='Recently Completed', quiet=False, ) class TestDisplayItem(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.get_item_patcher = mock.patch('vt.vt.get_item') self.mock_get_item = self.get_item_patcher.start() self.format_row_patcher = mock.patch('vt.vt.format_row') self.mock_format_row = self.format_row_patcher.start() self.print_table_patcher = mock.patch('vt.vt.print_table') self.mock_print_table = self.print_table_patcher.start() self.test_guid = 'test_guid' def tearDown(self): self.get_item_patcher.stop() self.format_row_patcher.stop() self.print_table_patcher.stop() def test_(self): display_item(self.test_guid) self.mock_get_item.assert_called_once_with(self.test_guid) self.mock_format_row.assert_called_once_with( self.mock_get_item.return_value, None, include_comments=True, no_wrap=False ) self.mock_print_table.assert_called_once_with( [self.mock_format_row.return_value] ) class TestDisplayAllShoppingLists(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.get_all_shopping_lists_patcher = mock.patch('vt.vt.get_all_shopping_lists') self.mock_get_all_shopping_lists = self.get_all_shopping_lists_patcher.start() self.format_row_patcher = mock.patch('vt.vt.format_row') self.mock_format_row = self.format_row_patcher.start() self.print_table_patcher = mock.patch('vt.vt.print_table') self.mock_print_table = self.print_table_patcher.start() self.mock_get_all_shopping_lists.return_value = [ {'name': 'list1'}, {'name': 'list2'}, {'name': 'list3'}, ] self.mock_format_row.side_effect = [ 'formatted_row_1', 'formatted_row_2', 'formatted_row_3', ] def tearDown(self): self.get_all_shopping_lists_patcher.stop() self.format_row_patcher.stop() def test_(self): display_all_shopping_lists() self.mock_get_all_shopping_lists.assert_called_once_with() self.mock_format_row.assert_has_calls( [{'name': 'list1'}, None, no_wrap=False),{'name': 'list2'}, None, no_wrap=False),{'name': 'list3'}, None, no_wrap=False), ] ) self.mock_print_table.assert_called_once_with( ['formatted_row_1', 'formatted_row_2', 'formatted_row_3'], title='All Lists' ) class TestShowNoDefaultList(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.DEFAULT_LIST_patcher = mock.patch('vt.vt.DEFAULT_LIST', '') self.DEFAULT_LIST_patcher.start() self.display_shopping_list_patcher = mock.patch('vt.vt.display_shopping_list') self.mock_display_shopping_list = self.display_shopping_list_patcher.start() self.display_all_shopping_lists_patcher = mock.patch( 'vt.vt.display_all_shopping_lists' ) self.mock_display_all_shopping_lists = ( self.display_all_shopping_lists_patcher.start() ) self.display_item_patcher = mock.patch('vt.vt.display_item') self.mock_display_item = self.display_item_patcher.start() def tearDown(self): self.DEFAULT_LIST_patcher.stop() self.display_shopping_list_patcher.stop() self.display_all_shopping_lists_patcher.stop() self.display_item_patcher.stop() def test_list_empty_guid(self): args = shlex.split("list ''") self.assertRaises(IndexError, show, args) def test_list_no_guid(self): args = shlex.split("list") self.assertRaises(IndexError, show, args) def test_list_empty_guid_extended(self): args = shlex.split("list '' -e") self.assertRaises(IndexError, show, args) def test_list_no_guid_extended(self): args = shlex.split("list -e") self.assertRaises(IndexError, show, args) def test_list_no_extended(self): args = shlex.split("list test_guid") show(args) self.mock_display_shopping_list.assert_called_once_with(guid='test_guid') def test_list_extended(self): args = shlex.split("list test_guid -e") show(args) self.mock_display_shopping_list.assert_called_once_with( guid='test_guid', extended=True, ) def test_lists(self): args = shlex.split("lists") show(args) self.mock_display_all_shopping_lists.assert_called_once_with() def test_item_no_guid(self): args = shlex.split("item") self.assertRaises(IndexError, show, args) def test_item_empty_guid(self): args = shlex.split("item ''") self.assertRaises(IndexError, show, args) def test_item(self): args = shlex.split("item test_guid") show(args) self.mock_display_item.assert_called_once_with('test_guid') class TestShowDefaultList: @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def setUp(self, mocker): self.DEFAULT_LIST_patcher = mock.patch('vt.vt.DEFAULT_LIST', 'default_list') self.DEFAULT_LIST_patcher.start() self.parse_options_patcher = mock.patch('vt.vt.parse_options') self.mock_parse_options = self.parse_options_patcher.start() self.display_shopping_list_patcher = mock.patch('vt.vt.display_shopping_list') self.mock_display_shopping_list = self.display_shopping_list_patcher.start() self.display_all_shopping_lists_patcher = mock.patch( 'vt.vt.display_all_shopping_lists' ) self.mock_display_all_shopping_lists = ( self.display_all_shopping_lists_patcher.start() ) self.display_shopping_list_categories_patcher = mock.patch( 'vt.vt.display_shopping_list_categories' ) self.mock_display_shopping_list_categories = ( self.display_shopping_list_categories_patcher.start() ) mocker.patch.object(term, 'red', autospec=True) self.display_item_patcher = mock.patch('vt.vt.display_item') self.mock_display_item = self.display_item_patcher.start() self.mock_parse_options.return_value = {} yield self.DEFAULT_LIST_patcher.stop() self.parse_options_patcher.stop() self.display_shopping_list_patcher.stop() self.display_all_shopping_lists_patcher.stop() self.display_item_patcher.stop() self.display_shopping_list_categories_patcher.stop() def test_list_empty_guid(self): args = shlex.split("list ''") show(args) self.mock_display_shopping_list.assert_called_once_with(guid='default_list') def test_list_no_guid(self): args = shlex.split("list") show(args) self.mock_display_shopping_list.assert_called_once_with(guid='default_list') def test_list_empty_guid_extended(self): self.mock_parse_options.return_value = {'extended': True} args = shlex.split("list '' -e") show(args) self.mock_display_shopping_list.assert_called_once_with( guid='default_list', extended=True ) def test_list_no_guid_extended(self): self.mock_parse_options.return_value = {'extended': True} args = shlex.split("list -e") show(args) self.mock_display_shopping_list.assert_called_once_with( guid='default_list', extended=True ) def test_list_no_extended(self): args = shlex.split("list test_guid") show(args) self.mock_display_shopping_list.assert_called_once_with(guid='test_guid') def test_list_extended(self): self.mock_parse_options.return_value = {'extended': True} args = shlex.split("list test_guid -e") show(args) self.mock_display_shopping_list.assert_called_once_with( guid='test_guid', extended=True, ) def test_lists(self): args = shlex.split("lists") show(args) self.mock_display_all_shopping_lists.assert_called_once_with() def test_item_no_guid(self): args = shlex.split("item") with pytest.raises(IndexError): show(args) def test_item_empty_guid(self): args = shlex.split("item ''") with pytest.raises(IndexError): show(args) def test_item(self): args = shlex.split("item test_guid") show(args) self.mock_display_item.assert_called_once_with('test_guid') def test_display_list_categories(self): self.mock_parse_options.return_value = { 'categories': [{'name': 'type A'}, {'name': 'type B'}] } args = shlex.split("test_guid") categories(args) self.mock_display_shopping_list_categories.assert_called_once_with('test_guid') def test_display_list_categories_raises(self): self.mock_parse_options.return_value = { 'categories': [{'name': 'type A'}, {'name': 'type B'}] } self.mock_display_shopping_list_categories.side_effect = VittlifyError( 'Got an error' ) args = shlex.split("test_guid") categories(args)'Got an error') self.mock_display_shopping_list_categories.assert_called_once_with('test_guid') def test_display_shopping_list_raises(self): self.mock_display_shopping_list.side_effect = VittlifyError('Got an error') args = shlex.split("list test_guid") show(args)'Got an error') self.mock_display_shopping_list.assert_called_once_with(guid='test_guid') def test_display_item_raises(self): self.mock_display_item.side_effect = VittlifyError('Got an error') args = shlex.split("show test_guid") show(args)'Got an error') def test_display_all_shopping_lists_raises(self): self.mock_display_all_shopping_lists.side_effect = VittlifyError('Got an error') args = shlex.split("lists") show(args) self.mock_display_all_shopping_lists.assert_called_once_with()'Got an error') class TestComplete: @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def setUp(self, mocker): self.complete_item_patcher = mock.patch('vt.vt.complete_item') self.mock_complete_item = self.complete_item_patcher.start() self.mock_print = mocker.patch('builtins.print') self.display_shopping_list_patcher = mock.patch('vt.vt.display_shopping_list') self.mock_display_shopping_list = self.display_shopping_list_patcher.start() self.apply_strikethrough_patcher = mock.patch('vt.vt.apply_strikethrough') self.mock_apply_strikethrough = self.apply_strikethrough_patcher.start() self.mock_complete_item.return_value = {'name': 'test_name'} self.mock_apply_strikethrough.return_value = 'struck_through' yield self.complete_item_patcher.stop() self.apply_strikethrough_patcher.stop() def test_complete(self): args = shlex.split("test_guid") complete(args) self.mock_complete_item.assert_called_once_with('test_guid', uncomplete=False) self.mock_apply_strikethrough.assert_called_once_with('test_name') self.mock_print.assert_called_once_with( f'Marked {term.magenta}struck_through{term.normal} as done.' ) def test_uncomplete(self): args = shlex.split("test_guid") complete(args, uncomplete=True) self.mock_complete_item.assert_called_once_with('test_guid', uncomplete=True) self.mock_print.assert_called_once_with( f'Marked {term.magenta}test_name{term.normal} undone.' ) def test_done_extended(self): args = shlex.split("-e") complete(args) self.mock_display_shopping_list.assert_called_once_with( extended=True, mode=Status.COMPLETED ) def test_completed_no_extended(self): args = shlex.split("") complete(args) self.mock_display_shopping_list.assert_called_once_with(mode=Status.COMPLETED) def test_completed_extended(self): args = shlex.split("--extended") complete(args) self.mock_display_shopping_list.assert_called_once_with( extended=True, mode=Status.COMPLETED ) class TestModify(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.modify_item_patcher = mock.patch('vt.vt.modify_item') self.mock_modify_item = self.modify_item_patcher.start() self.display_item_patcher = mock.patch('vt.vt.display_item') self.mock_display_item = self.display_item_patcher.start() def tearDown(self): self.modify_item_patcher.stop() self.display_item_patcher.stop() def test_no_options(self): args = shlex.split("test_guid this is a comment") modify(args) self.mock_modify_item.assert_called_once_with('test_guid', 'this is a comment') self.mock_display_item.assert_called_once_with('test_guid') def test_with_short_options(self): args = shlex.split("test_guid -a this is a comment") modify(args) self.mock_modify_item.assert_called_once_with( 'test_guid', 'this is a comment', append=True ) self.mock_display_item.assert_called_once_with('test_guid') def test_with_options(self): args = shlex.split("test_guid --append this is a comment") modify(args) self.mock_modify_item.assert_called_once_with( 'test_guid', 'this is a comment', append=True ) self.mock_display_item.assert_called_once_with('test_guid') class TestAddDefaultList(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.DEFAULT_LIST_patcher = mock.patch('vt.vt.DEFAULT_LIST', 'default_list') self.DEFAULT_LIST_patcher.start() self.add_item_patcher = mock.patch('vt.vt.add_item') self.mock_add_item = self.add_item_patcher.start() self.format_row_patcher = mock.patch('vt.vt.format_row') self.mock_format_row = self.format_row_patcher.start() self.print_table_patcher = mock.patch('vt.vt.print_table') self.mock_print_table = self.print_table_patcher.start() def tearDown(self): self.add_item_patcher.stop() self.DEFAULT_LIST_patcher.stop() self.format_row_patcher.stop() self.print_table_patcher.stop() def test_no_guid(self): args = shlex.split("'this is a new item'") add(args) self.mock_add_item.assert_called_once_with('default_list', 'this is a new item') self.mock_format_row.assert_called_once_with( self.mock_add_item.return_value, no_wrap=False ) self.mock_print_table.assert_called_once_with( [self.mock_format_row.return_value] ) def test_with_guid(self): args = shlex.split("test_guid 'this is a new item'") add(args) self.mock_add_item.assert_called_once_with('test_guid', 'this is a new item') self.mock_format_row.assert_called_once_with( self.mock_add_item.return_value, no_wrap=False ) self.mock_print_table.assert_called_once_with( [self.mock_format_row.return_value] ) class TestAddNoDefaultList(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.DEFAULT_LIST_patcher = mock.patch('vt.vt.DEFAULT_LIST', None) self.DEFAULT_LIST_patcher.start() self.add_item_patcher = mock.patch('vt.vt.add_item') self.mock_add_item = self.add_item_patcher.start() self.format_row_patcher = mock.patch('vt.vt.format_row') self.mock_format_row = self.format_row_patcher.start() self.print_table_patcher = mock.patch('vt.vt.print_table') self.mock_print_table = self.print_table_patcher.start() def tearDown(self): self.add_item_patcher.stop() self.DEFAULT_LIST_patcher.stop() self.format_row_patcher.stop() self.print_table_patcher.stop() def test_no_guid(self): args = shlex.split("'this is a new item'") self.assertRaises(IndexError, add, args) def test_with_guid(self): args = shlex.split("test_guid 'this is a new item'") add(args) self.mock_add_item.assert_called_once_with('test_guid', 'this is a new item') self.mock_format_row.assert_called_once_with( self.mock_add_item.return_value, no_wrap=False ) self.mock_print_table.assert_called_once_with( [self.mock_format_row.return_value] ) class TestMove: @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def setUp(self, mocker): self.move_item_patcher = mock.patch('vt.vt.move_item') self.mock_move_item = self.move_item_patcher.start() self.mock_print = mocker.patch('builtins.print') yield self.move_item_patcher.stop() def test_(self): args = shlex.split('test_guid to_list_guid') move(args) self.mock_move_item.assert_called_once_with('test_guid', 'to_list_guid') self.mock_print.assert_called_once_with( f'Moved item {}test_guid{term.normal} to list {}to_list_guid{term.normal}' ) class TestRun: @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def setUp(self, mocker): self.show_patcher = mock.patch('') self.mock_show = self.show_patcher.start() self.complete_patcher = mock.patch('vt.vt.complete') self.mock_complete = self.complete_patcher.start() self.modify_patcher = mock.patch('vt.vt.modify') self.mock_modify = self.modify_patcher.start() self.add_patcher = mock.patch('vt.vt.add') self.mock_add = self.add_patcher.start() self.move_patcher = mock.patch('vt.vt.move') self.mock_move = self.move_patcher.start() mocker.patch.object(term, 'red', autospec=True) self.SHOW_TRACEBACK_patcher = mock.patch('vt.vt.SHOW_TRACEBACK', False) self.SHOW_TRACEBACK_patcher.start() self.PROXY_patcher = mock.patch('vt.vt.PROXY', False) self.PROXY_patcher.start() self.VITTLIFY_URL_patcher =
= A.diagonalize() return P, D def jordan(self, Am, calc=True): A = sp.Matrix(Am) if calc is True: Pa, Ja = A.jordan_form(calc_transform=calc) return Pa, Ja if calc is False: Jb = A.jordan_form(calc_transform=calc) return Jb def char(self, Am): A = sp.Matrix(Am) M, N = np.array(Am).shape λ = sp.Symbol('λ') II = sp.eye(M) Ad = A - II*λ Deta = Ad.det() return Deta def sroots(self, Am, tol=None, nn=None, char=None): #returns sympy format, python format λ = sp.Symbol('λ') if tol == None: tol = 10**-15 if nn == None: nv = 15 elif nn != None: nv = int(nn) if char == None: A = sp.Matrix(Am) M, N = np.array(Am).shape II = sp.eye(M) Ad = A - II*λ Deta = Ad.det() elif char != None: Deta = char Detsimp = sp.nfloat(sp.nsimplify(Deta, tolerance=tol, full=True), n=nv) rlist = list(sp.solve(Detsimp, λ, **{'set': True ,'particular': True})) rootsd = [sp.nsimplify(i, tolerance=tol, full=True) for i in rlist] sympl = [] numpr = [] numpi = [] for i, j in enumerate(rootsd): sympl.append(sp.simplify(sp.nfloat(rootsd[i], n=nv), rational=False)) vals = j.as_real_imag() vali = sp.nfloat(vals[0], n=nv) valj = sp.nfloat(vals[1], n=nv) numpr.append(vali) numpi.append(valj) reals = [] iss = [] simps = [] for i, j in zip(numpr, numpi): reale = i compe = j reals.append(reale) if compe != 0.0: iss.append(compe) simps.append(complex(i,j)) else: simps.append(reale) return rlist, simps def alpha(self, eigl): eigs = list(eigl) lambds = [] alps = [] betas = [] for i in eigs: rr = i.real ii = i.imag ii2 = -ii if rr not in alps and ii != 0.0: alps.append(rr) if ii not in betas and ii2 not in betas and ii != 0.0: betas.append(ii) if ii == 0.0: lambds.append(rr) return lambds, alps, betas def block(self, ls, als, bs): matrices = [] for i in range(len(als)): matrixi = sp.Matrix([[als[i], -bs[i]], [bs[i], als[i]]]) matrices.append(matrixi) B = sp.BlockDiagMatrix(sp.Matrix([ls]),*matrices) return B def eigs(self, Mm): rs = [] cs = [] ff = [] Eigs = list(sc.linalg.eigvals(np.array(Mm, dtype=float))) for ei in Eigs: ri = ei.real ci = ei.imag if ci == 0.0 or ci == 0: ff.append(ri) elif len(rs) > 0: ril = rs[-1] if ril != ri: rs.append(ri) cs.append(ci) else: rs.append(ri) cs.append(-1.0*ci) else: rs.append(ri) cs.append(ci) if len(rs) > 0: for ris, cis in zip(rs, cs): ind = rs.index(ris) r = ris iz = cis z = complex(r, iz) zc = z.conjugate() ff.append(z) return ff def Tmat(self, Am): A = sp.Matrix(Am) eis = self.eigs(Am) M, N = A.shape Xi = sp.symarray('x',M) listd = [sp.symbols('x_{}'.format(i)) for i in range(M)] llist = [sp.symbols('x_{}'.format(i)) for i in range(M-1)] T = [] realss = [] comps = [] imagine = bool(False) count = 0 for i in eis: II = sp.eye(M) Ad = A - i*II AA = sp.matrix2numpy(Ad*sp.Matrix(Xi)) AAf = self.flatten(AA) ss = sp.nonlinsolve(AAf, llist) Xvec = list(ss.args[0].subs({listd[-1] : 1.00})) # One is used by default but may be wrong in certain situations for iss in Xvec: indexx = Xvec.index(iss) Xvec[indexx] = sp.simplify(iss) XXvec = [] for ii,jb in enumerate(Xvec): vall = jb Xvec[ii] = vall vali = valj = realss.append(vali) comps.append(valj) if valj != 0.0: imagine = bool(True) if imagine == True: count += 1 realss.insert(len(realss), 1) comps.insert(len(comps), 0) if count % 2 == 0 and imagine == False: T.append(realss[:]) realss.clear() comps.clear() elif count % 2 != 0 and imagine == True: T.append(realss[:]) realss.clear() comps.clear() elif count % 2 == 0 and imagine == True: T.append(comps[:]) realss.clear() comps.clear() Xvec.clear() XXvec.clear() T_matrix = self.Tt(T) for i in range(len(T_matrix)): for j in range(len(T_matrix[0])): ijval = float("{:.25f}".format(T_matrix[i][j])) T_matrix[i][j] = ijval TI_matrix = self.inv(T_matrix) return T_matrix , TI_matrix def zeros_matrix(self, rows, cols): """ Creates a matrix filled with zeros. :param rows: the number of rows the matrix should have :param cols: the number of columns the matrix should have :return: list of lists that form the matrix """ M = [] while len(M) < rows: M.append([]) while len(M[-1]) < cols: M[-1].append(0.0) return M def identity_matrix(self, n): """ Creates and returns an identity matrix. :param n: the square size of the matrix :return: a square identity matrix """ IdM = self.zeros_matrix(n, n) for i in range(n): IdM[i][i] = 1.0 return IdM def copy_matrix(self, M): """ Creates and returns a copy of a matrix. :param M: The matrix to be copied :return: A copy of the given matrix """ # Section 1: Get matrix dimensions rows = len(M) cols = len(M[0]) # Section 2: Create a new matrix of zeros MC = self.zeros_matrix(rows, cols) # Section 3: Copy values of M into the copy for i in range(rows): for j in range(cols): MC[i][j] = M[i][j] return MC def check_matrix_equality(self, Am, Bm, tol=None): """ Checks the equality of two matrices. :param A: The first matrix :param B: The second matrix :param tol: The decimal place tolerance of the check :return: The boolean result of the equality check """ # Section 1: First ensure matrices have same dimensions if len(Am) != len(Bm) or len(Am[0]) != len(Bm[0]): return False # Section 2: Check element by element equality # use tolerance if given for i in range(len(Am)): for j in range(len(Am[0])): if tol is None: if Am[i][j] != Bm[i][j]: return False else: if round(Am[i][j], tol) != round(Bm[i][j], tol): return False return True def check_squareness(self, Am): """ Makes sure that a matrix is square :param A: The matrix to be checked. """ if len(Am) != len(Am[0]): raise ArithmeticError("Matrix must be square to inverse.") def matrix_multiply(self, Am, Bm): """ Returns the product of the matrix A * B :param A: The first matrix - ORDER MATTERS! :param B: The second matrix :return: The product of the two matrices """ # Section 1: Ensure A & B dimensions are correct for multiplication rowsA = len(Am) colsA = len(Am[0]) rowsB = len(Bm) colsB = len(Bm[0]) if colsA != rowsB: raise ArithmeticError( 'Number of A columns must equal number of B rows.') # Section 2: Store matrix multiplication in a new matrix C = self.zeros_matrix(rowsA, colsB) for i in range(rowsA): for j in range(colsB): total = 0 for ii in range(colsA): total += Am[i][ii] * Bm[ii][j] C[i][j] = total return C def detr(self, Am, total=0): """ Find determinant of a square matrix using full recursion :param A: the matrix to find the determinant for :param total=0: safely establish a total at each recursion level :returns: the running total for the levels of recursion """ # Section 1: store indices in list for flexible row referencing indices = list(range(len(Am))) # Section 2: when at 2x2 submatrices recursive calls end if len(Am) == 2 and len(Am[0]) == 2: val = Am[0][0] * Am[1][1] - Am[1][0] * Am[0][1] return val # Section 3: define submatrix for focus column and call this function for fc in indices: # for each focus column, find the submatrix ... As = self.copy_matrix(Am) # make a copy, and ... As = As[1:] # ... remove the first row height = len(As) for i in range(height): # for each remaining row of submatrix ... As[i] = As[i][0:fc] + As[i][fc+1:] # zero focus column elements sign = (-1) ** (fc % 2) # alternate signs for submatrix multiplier sub_det = self.detr(As) # pass submatrix recursively total += sign * Am[0][fc] * sub_det # total all returns from recursion return total def detf(self, Am): # Section 1: Establish n parameter and copy A n = len(Am) AM = self.copy_matrix(Am) # Section 2: Row ops on A to get in upper triangle form for fd in range(n): # A) fd stands for focus diagonal for i in range(fd+1,n): # B) only use rows below fd row if AM[fd][fd] == 0: # C) if diagonal is zero
<gh_stars>1-10 import numpy import SLIX from SLIX.CPU._toolbox import _direction, _prominence, _peakwidth, \ _peakdistance, _centroid, _centroid_correction_bases, _peaks __all__ = ['TARGET_PROMINENCE', 'peaks', 'peak_width', 'peak_prominence', 'peak_distance', 'mean_peak_distance', 'background_mask', 'mean_peak_width', 'direction', 'num_peaks', 'mean_peak_prominence', 'unit_vectors', 'centroid_correction', 'normalize'] TARGET_PROMINENCE = 0.08 def background_mask(image): """ Creates a background mask by setting all image pixels with low scattering signals to zero. As all background pixels are near zero for all images in the SLI image stack, this method should remove most of the background allowing for better approximations using the available features. It is advised to use this function. Args: image: Complete SLI measurement image stack as a 2D/3D Numpy array threshold: Threshhold for mask creation (default: 10) Returns: numpy.array: 1D/2D-image which masks the background as True and foreground as False """ avg_image = numpy.average(image, axis=-1) # Set histogram to a range of 0 to 1 ignoring any outliers. hist_avg_image = avg_image / numpy.percentile(avg_image, 99) # Generate histogram in range of 0 to 1 to ignore outliers again. We search for values at the beginning anyway. avg_hist, avg_bins = numpy.histogram(hist_avg_image, bins=256, range=(0, 1)) # Use SLIX to search for significant peaks in the histogram avg_hist = avg_hist[numpy.newaxis, numpy.newaxis, ...] peaks = SLIX.toolbox.significant_peaks(image=avg_hist).flatten() # Reverse the histogram to search for minimal values with SLIX (again) avg_hist = -avg_hist reversed_peaks = SLIX.toolbox.significant_peaks(image=avg_hist).flatten() # We can now calculate the index of our background threshold using the reversed_peaks index = numpy.argmax(peaks) + numpy.argmax(reversed_peaks[numpy.argmax(peaks):]) # Reverse from 0 to 1 to original image scale and calculate the threshold position threshold = avg_bins[index] * numpy.percentile(avg_image, 99) # Return a mask with the calculated background image return avg_image < threshold def peaks(image): """ Detect all peaks from a full SLI measurement. Peaks will not be filtered in any way. To detect only significant peaks, filter the peaks by using the prominence as a threshold. Args: image: Complete SLI measurement image stack as a 2D/3D Numpy array Returns: 2D/3D boolean image containing masking the peaks with `True` """ image = numpy.array(image, dtype=numpy.float32) reshape = False if len(image.shape) == 3: reshape = True [image_x, image_y, image_z] = image.shape image = image.reshape(image_x * image_y, image_z) resulting_image = _peaks(image) if reshape: image = image.reshape(image_x, image_y, image_z) resulting_image = resulting_image.reshape(image_x, image_y, image_z) return resulting_image.astype('bool') def num_peaks(image=None, peak_image=None): """ Calculate the number of peaks from each line profile in an SLI image series by detecting all peaks and applying thresholds to remove unwanted peaks. Args: image: Full SLI measurement (series of images) which is prepared for the pipeline using the SLIX toolbox methods. peak_image: Boolean NumPy array specifying the peak positions in the full SLI stack Returns: Array where each entry corresponds to the number of detected peaks within the first dimension of the SLI image series. """ if peak_image is None and image is not None: peak_image = peaks(image) elif peak_image is not None: peak_image = numpy.array(peak_image) else: raise ValueError('Either image or peak_image has to be defined.') return numpy.count_nonzero(peak_image, axis=-1).astype(numpy.uint16) def normalize(image, kind_of_normalization=0): """ Normalize given line profile by using a normalization technique based on the kind_of_normalization parameter. 0 : Scale line profile to be between 0 and 1 1 : Divide line profile through its mean value Arguments: image: Full SLI measurement (series of images) which is prepared for the pipeline using the SLIX toolbox methods. kind_of_normalization: Normalization technique which will be used for the calculation Returns: numpy.array -- Image where each pixel is normalized by the last axis of the image """ image = numpy.array(image, dtype=numpy.float32) if kind_of_normalization == 0: image = (image - image.min(axis=-1)[..., None]) \ / numpy.maximum(1e-15, image.max(axis=-1)[..., None] - image.min(axis=-1)[..., None]) else: image = image / \ numpy.maximum(1e-15, numpy.mean(image, axis=-1)[..., None]) return image def peak_prominence(image, peak_image=None, kind_of_normalization=0): """ Calculate the peak prominence of all given peak positions within a line profile. The line profile will be normalized by dividing the line profile through its mean value. Therefore, values above 1 are possible. Args: image: Original line profile used to detect all peaks. This array will be further analyzed to better determine the peak positions. peak_image: Boolean NumPy array specifying the peak positions in the full SLI stack kind_of_normalization: Normalize given line profile by using a normalization technique based on the kind_of_normalization parameter. 0 : Scale line profile to be between 0 and 1 1 : Divide line profile through its mean value Returns: Floating point value containing the mean peak prominence of the line profile in degrees. the mean peak prominence of the line profile in degrees. """ image = numpy.array(image, dtype=numpy.float32) if peak_image is None: peak_image = peaks(image).astype('uint8') else: peak_image = numpy.array(peak_image).astype('uint8') image = normalize(image, kind_of_normalization) [image_x, image_y, image_z] = image.shape image = image.reshape(image_x * image_y, image_z) peak_image = peak_image.reshape(image_x * image_y, image_z).astype('uint8') result_img = _prominence(image, peak_image) result_img = result_img.reshape((image_x, image_y, image_z)) return result_img def mean_peak_prominence(image, peak_image=None, kind_of_normalization=0): """ Calculate the mean peak prominence of all given peak positions within a line profile. The line profile will be normalized by dividing the line profile through its mean value. Therefore, values above 1 are possible. Args: image: Original line profile used to detect all peaks. This array will be further analyzed to better determine the peak positions. peak_image: Boolean NumPy array specifying the peak positions in the full SLI stack kind_of_normalization: Normalize given line profile by using a normalization technique based on the kind_of_normalization parameter. 0 : Scale line profile to be between 0 and 1 1 : Divide line profile through its mean value Returns: Floating point value containing the mean peak prominence of the line profile in degrees. """ if peak_image is not None: peak_image = numpy.array(peak_image).astype('uint8') else: peak_image = peaks(image).astype('uint8') result_img = peak_prominence(image, peak_image, kind_of_normalization) result_img = numpy.sum(result_img, axis=-1) / \ numpy.maximum(1, numpy.count_nonzero(peak_image, axis=-1)) return result_img.astype('float32') def peak_width(image, peak_image=None, target_height=0.5): """ Calculate the peak width of all given peak positions within a line profile. Args: image: Original line profile used to detect all peaks. This array will be further analyzed to better determine the peak positions. peak_image: Boolean NumPy array specifying the peak positions in the full SLI stack target_height: Relative peak height in relation to the prominence of the given peak. Returns: NumPy array where each entry corresponds to the peak width of the line profile. The values are in degree. """ image = numpy.array(image, dtype='float32') if peak_image is not None: peak_image = numpy.array(peak_image).astype('uint8') else: peak_image = peaks(image).astype('uint8') [image_x, image_y, image_z] = image.shape image = image.reshape(image_x * image_y, image_z) peak_image = peak_image.reshape(image_x * image_y, image_z).astype('uint8') prominence = _prominence(image, peak_image) result_image = _peakwidth(image, peak_image, prominence, target_height) result_image = result_image.reshape((image_x, image_y, image_z)) result_image = result_image * 360.0 / image_z return result_image def mean_peak_width(image, peak_image=None, target_height=0.5): """ Calculate the mean peak width of all given peak positions within a line profile. Args: image: Original line profile used to detect all peaks. This array will be further analyzed to better determine the peak positions. peak_image: Boolean NumPy array specifying the peak positions in the full SLI stack target_height: Relative peak height in relation to the prominence of the given peak. Returns: NumPy array where each entry corresponds to the mean peak width of the line profile. The values are in degree. """ if peak_image is not None: peak_image = numpy.array(peak_image).astype('uint8') else: peak_image = peaks(image).astype('uint8') result_img = peak_width(image, peak_image, target_height) result_img = numpy.sum(result_img, axis=-1) / \ numpy.maximum(1, numpy.count_nonzero(peak_image, axis=-1)) return result_img def peak_distance(peak_image, centroids): """ Calculate the mean peak distance in degrees between two corresponding peaks for each line profile in an SLI image series. Args: peak_image: Boolean NumPy array specifying the peak positions in the full SLI stack centroids: Use centroid calculation to better determine the peak position regardless of the number of measurements / illumination angles used. Returns: NumPy array of floating point values containing the peak distance of the line profiles in degrees in their respective peak position. The first peak of each peak pair will show the distance between peak_1 and peak_2 while the second peak
<reponame>levilucio/SyVOLT """ __property2_complete_MDL.py_____________________________________________________ Automatically generated AToM3 Model File (Do not modify directly) Author: levi Modified: Wed May 6 15:39:12 2015 ________________________________________________________________________________ """ from stickylink import * from widthXfillXdecoration import * from MT_pre__EClass import * from MT_pre__EStructuralFeature import * from MT_pre__Attribute import * from MT_pre__Equation import * from MT_pre__directLink_T import * from MT_pre__directLink_S import * from MT_pre__trace_link import * from MT_pre__hasAttr_S import * from MT_pre__hasAttr_T import * from MT_pre__leftExpr import * from MT_pre__rightExpr import * from LHS import * from graph_MT_pre__Equation import * from graph_LHS import * from graph_MT_pre__trace_link import * from graph_MT_pre__hasAttr_T import * from graph_MT_pre__hasAttr_S import * from graph_MT_pre__EStructuralFeature import * from graph_MT_pre__directLink_S import * from graph_MT_pre__directLink_T import * from graph_MT_pre__EClass import * from graph_MT_pre__rightExpr import * from graph_MT_pre__Attribute import * from graph_MT_pre__leftExpr import * from ATOM3Enum import * from ATOM3String import * from ATOM3BottomType import * from ATOM3Constraint import * from ATOM3Attribute import * from ATOM3Float import * from ATOM3List import * from ATOM3Link import * from ATOM3Connection import * from ATOM3Boolean import * from ATOM3Appearance import * from ATOM3Text import * from ATOM3Action import * from ATOM3Integer import * from ATOM3Port import * from ATOM3MSEnum import * def property2_complete_MDL(self, rootNode, MT_pre__ECoreMMRootNode=None, MoTifRuleRootNode=None): # --- Generating attributes code for ASG MT_pre__ECoreMM --- if( MT_pre__ECoreMMRootNode ): # author'Annonymous') # description MT_pre__ECoreMMRootNode.description.setValue('\n') MT_pre__ECoreMMRootNode.description.setHeight(15) # name'') # --- ASG attributes over --- # --- Generating attributes code for ASG MoTifRule --- if( MoTifRuleRootNode ): # author'Annonymous') # description MoTifRuleRootNode.description.setValue('\n') MoTifRuleRootNode.description.setHeight(15) # name'property2_complete') # --- ASG attributes over --- self.obj38=MT_pre__EClass(self) self.obj38.isGraphObjectVisual = True if(hasattr(self.obj38, '_setHierarchicalLink')): self.obj38._setHierarchicalLink(False) # MT_label__ self.obj38.MT_label__.setValue('1') # MT_pivotOut__ self.obj38.MT_pivotOut__.setValue('') self.obj38.MT_pivotOut__.setNone() # MT_subtypeMatching__ self.obj38.MT_subtypeMatching__.setValue(('True', 0)) self.obj38.MT_subtypeMatching__.config = 0 # MT_pre__classtype self.obj38.MT_pre__classtype.setValue('\n#===============================================================================\n# This code is executed when evaluating if a node shall be matched by this rule.\n# You can access the value of the current node\'s attribute value by: attr_value.\n# You can access any attribute x of this node by: this[\'x\'].\n# If the constraint relies on attribute values from other nodes,\n# use the LHS/NAC constraint instead.\n# The given constraint must evaluate to a boolean expression.\n#===============================================================================\n\nreturn True\n') self.obj38.MT_pre__classtype.setHeight(15) # MT_pre__cardinality self.obj38.MT_pre__cardinality.setValue('\n#===============================================================================\n# This code is executed when evaluating if a node shall be matched by this rule.\n# You can access the value of the current node\'s attribute value by: attr_value.\n# You can access any attribute x of this node by: this[\'x\'].\n# If the constraint relies on attribute values from other nodes,\n# use the LHS/NAC constraint instead.\n# The given constraint must evaluate to a boolean expression.\n#===============================================================================\n\nreturn True\n') self.obj38.MT_pre__cardinality.setHeight(15) # MT_pre__name self.obj38.MT_pre__name.setValue('\n#===============================================================================\n# This code is executed when evaluating if a node shall be matched by this rule.\n# You can access the value of the current node\'s attribute value by: attr_value.\n# You can access any attribute x of this node by: this[\'x\'].\n# If the constraint relies on attribute values from other nodes,\n# use the LHS/NAC constraint instead.\n# The given constraint must evaluate to a boolean expression.\n#===============================================================================\n\nreturn True\n') self.obj38.MT_pre__name.setHeight(15) # MT_pivotIn__ self.obj38.MT_pivotIn__.setValue('') self.obj38.MT_pivotIn__.setNone() self.obj38.graphClass_= graph_MT_pre__EClass if self.genGraphics: new_obj = graph_MT_pre__EClass(340.0,180.0,self.obj38) new_obj.DrawObject(self.UMLmodel) self.UMLmodel.addtag_withtag("MT_pre__EClass", new_obj.tag) new_obj.layConstraints = dict() # Graphical Layout Constraints new_obj.layConstraints['scale'] = [1.0, 1.0] else: new_obj = None self.obj38.graphObject_ = new_obj # Add node to the root: rootNode rootNode.addNode(self.obj38) self.globalAndLocalPostcondition(self.obj38, rootNode) self.obj38.postAction( rootNode.CREATE ) self.obj39=MT_pre__EClass(self) self.obj39.isGraphObjectVisual = True if(hasattr(self.obj39, '_setHierarchicalLink')): self.obj39._setHierarchicalLink(False) # MT_label__ self.obj39.MT_label__.setValue('2') # MT_pivotOut__ self.obj39.MT_pivotOut__.setValue('') self.obj39.MT_pivotOut__.setNone() # MT_subtypeMatching__ self.obj39.MT_subtypeMatching__.setValue(('True', 0)) self.obj39.MT_subtypeMatching__.config = 0 # MT_pre__classtype self.obj39.MT_pre__classtype.setValue('\n#===============================================================================\n# This code is executed when evaluating if a node shall be matched by this rule.\n# You can access the value of the current node\'s attribute value by: attr_value.\n# You can access any attribute x of this node by: this[\'x\'].\n# If the constraint relies on attribute values from other nodes,\n# use the LHS/NAC constraint instead.\n# The given constraint must evaluate to a boolean expression.\n#===============================================================================\n\nreturn True\n') self.obj39.MT_pre__classtype.setHeight(15) # MT_pre__cardinality self.obj39.MT_pre__cardinality.setValue('\n#===============================================================================\n# This code is executed when evaluating if a node shall be matched by this rule.\n# You can access the value of the current node\'s attribute value by: attr_value.\n# You can access any attribute x of this node by: this[\'x\'].\n# If the constraint relies on attribute values from other nodes,\n# use the LHS/NAC constraint instead.\n# The given constraint must evaluate to a boolean expression.\n#===============================================================================\n\nreturn True\n') self.obj39.MT_pre__cardinality.setHeight(15) # MT_pre__name self.obj39.MT_pre__name.setValue('\n#===============================================================================\n# This code is executed when evaluating if a node shall be matched by this rule.\n# You can access the value of the current node\'s attribute value by: attr_value.\n# You can access any attribute x of this node by: this[\'x\'].\n# If the constraint relies on attribute values from other nodes,\n# use the LHS/NAC constraint instead.\n# The given constraint must evaluate to a boolean expression.\n#===============================================================================\n\nreturn True\n') self.obj39.MT_pre__name.setHeight(15) # MT_pivotIn__ self.obj39.MT_pivotIn__.setValue('') self.obj39.MT_pivotIn__.setNone() self.obj39.graphClass_= graph_MT_pre__EClass if self.genGraphics: new_obj = graph_MT_pre__EClass(340.0,320.0,self.obj39) new_obj.DrawObject(self.UMLmodel) self.UMLmodel.addtag_withtag("MT_pre__EClass", new_obj.tag) new_obj.layConstraints = dict() # Graphical Layout Constraints new_obj.layConstraints['scale'] = [1.0, 1.0] else: new_obj = None self.obj39.graphObject_ = new_obj # Add node to the root: rootNode rootNode.addNode(self.obj39) self.globalAndLocalPostcondition(self.obj39, rootNode) self.obj39.postAction( rootNode.CREATE ) self.obj40=MT_pre__EStructuralFeature(self) self.obj40.isGraphObjectVisual = True if(hasattr(self.obj40, '_setHierarchicalLink')): self.obj40._setHierarchicalLink(False) # MT_label__ self.obj40.MT_label__.setValue('3') # MT_pivotOut__ self.obj40.MT_pivotOut__.setValue('') self.obj40.MT_pivotOut__.setNone() # MT_subtypeMatching__ self.obj40.MT_subtypeMatching__.setValue(('True', 1)) self.obj40.MT_subtypeMatching__.config = 0 # MT_pre__classtype self.obj40.MT_pre__classtype.setValue('\n#===============================================================================\n# This code is executed when evaluating if a node shall be matched by this rule.\n# You can access the value of the current node\'s attribute value by: attr_value.\n# You can access any attribute x of this node by: this[\'x\'].\n# If the constraint relies on attribute values from other nodes,\n# use the LHS/NAC constraint instead.\n# The given constraint must evaluate to a boolean expression.\n#===============================================================================\n\nreturn True\n') self.obj40.MT_pre__classtype.setHeight(15) # MT_pre__cardinality self.obj40.MT_pre__cardinality.setValue('\n#===============================================================================\n# This code is executed when evaluating if a node shall be matched by this rule.\n# You can access the value of the current node\'s attribute value by: attr_value.\n# You can access any attribute x of this node by: this[\'x\'].\n# If the constraint relies on attribute values from other nodes,\n# use the LHS/NAC constraint instead.\n# The given constraint must evaluate to a boolean expression.\n#===============================================================================\n\nreturn True\n') self.obj40.MT_pre__cardinality.setHeight(15) # MT_pre__name self.obj40.MT_pre__name.setValue('\n#===============================================================================\n# This code is executed when evaluating if a node shall be matched by this rule.\n# You can access the value of the current node\'s attribute value by: attr_value.\n# You can access any attribute x of this node by: this[\'x\'].\n# If the constraint relies on attribute values from other nodes,\n# use the LHS/NAC constraint instead.\n# The given constraint must evaluate to a boolean expression.\n#===============================================================================\n\nreturn True\n') self.obj40.MT_pre__name.setHeight(15) # MT_pivotIn__ self.obj40.MT_pivotIn__.setValue('') self.obj40.MT_pivotIn__.setNone() self.obj40.graphClass_= graph_MT_pre__EStructuralFeature if self.genGraphics: new_obj = graph_MT_pre__EStructuralFeature(500.0,180.0,self.obj40) new_obj.DrawObject(self.UMLmodel) self.UMLmodel.addtag_withtag("MT_pre__EStructuralFeature", new_obj.tag) new_obj.layConstraints = dict() # Graphical Layout Constraints new_obj.layConstraints['scale'] = [1.0, 1.0] else: new_obj = None self.obj40.graphObject_ = new_obj # Add node to the root: rootNode rootNode.addNode(self.obj40) self.globalAndLocalPostcondition(self.obj40, rootNode) self.obj40.postAction( rootNode.CREATE ) self.obj41=MT_pre__EStructuralFeature(self) self.obj41.isGraphObjectVisual = True if(hasattr(self.obj41, '_setHierarchicalLink')): self.obj41._setHierarchicalLink(False) # MT_label__ self.obj41.MT_label__.setValue('4') # MT_pivotOut__ self.obj41.MT_pivotOut__.setValue('') self.obj41.MT_pivotOut__.setNone() # MT_subtypeMatching__ self.obj41.MT_subtypeMatching__.setValue(('True', 1)) self.obj41.MT_subtypeMatching__.config = 0 # MT_pre__classtype self.obj41.MT_pre__classtype.setValue('\n#===============================================================================\n# This code is executed when evaluating if a node shall be matched by this rule.\n# You can access the value of the current node\'s attribute value by: attr_value.\n# You can access any attribute x of this node by: this[\'x\'].\n# If the constraint relies on attribute values from other nodes,\n# use the LHS/NAC constraint instead.\n# The given constraint must evaluate to a boolean expression.\n#===============================================================================\n\nreturn True\n') self.obj41.MT_pre__classtype.setHeight(15) # MT_pre__cardinality self.obj41.MT_pre__cardinality.setValue('\n#===============================================================================\n# This code is executed when evaluating if a node shall be matched by this rule.\n# You can access the value of the current node\'s attribute value by: attr_value.\n# You can access any attribute x of this node by: this[\'x\'].\n# If the constraint relies on attribute values from other nodes,\n# use the LHS/NAC constraint instead.\n# The given constraint must evaluate to a boolean expression.\n#===============================================================================\n\nreturn True\n') self.obj41.MT_pre__cardinality.setHeight(15) # MT_pre__name self.obj41.MT_pre__name.setValue('\n#===============================================================================\n# This code is executed when evaluating if a node shall be matched by this rule.\n# You can access the value of the current node\'s attribute value by: attr_value.\n# You can access any attribute x of this node by: this[\'x\'].\n# If the constraint relies on attribute values from other nodes,\n# use the LHS/NAC constraint instead.\n# The given constraint must evaluate to a boolean expression.\n#===============================================================================\n\nreturn True\n') self.obj41.MT_pre__name.setHeight(15) # MT_pivotIn__ self.obj41.MT_pivotIn__.setValue('') self.obj41.MT_pivotIn__.setNone() self.obj41.graphClass_= graph_MT_pre__EStructuralFeature if self.genGraphics: new_obj = graph_MT_pre__EStructuralFeature(500.0,320.0,self.obj41) new_obj.DrawObject(self.UMLmodel) self.UMLmodel.addtag_withtag("MT_pre__EStructuralFeature", new_obj.tag) new_obj.layConstraints = dict() # Graphical Layout Constraints new_obj.layConstraints['scale'] = [1.0, 1.0] else: new_obj = None self.obj41.graphObject_ = new_obj # Add node to the
9 floats (so3 element)`) t (:obj:`list of 3 floats`) """ return _robotsim.RobotModelLink_setTransform(self, R, t) def getVelocity(self): """ Returns the velocity of the link's origin given the robot's current joint velocities. """ return _robotsim.RobotModelLink_getVelocity(self) def getAngularVelocity(self): """ Returns the angular velocity of the link given the robot's current joint velocities. """ return _robotsim.RobotModelLink_getAngularVelocity(self) def getPointVelocity(self, plocal): """ Returns the world velocity of the point given the robot's current velocity. Args: plocal (:obj:`list of 3 floats`) """ return _robotsim.RobotModelLink_getPointVelocity(self, plocal) def getJacobian(self, p): """ Returns the 6xn total jacobian of the local point p (row-major matrix) w.r.t. the robot's configuration q. Args: p (:obj:`list of 3 floats`) (the orientation jacobian is stacked on position jacobian) """ return _robotsim.RobotModelLink_getJacobian(self, p) def getPositionJacobian(self, p): """ Returns the 3xn jacobian of the local point p (row-major matrix) w.r.t. the robot's configuration q. Args: p (:obj:`list of 3 floats`) """ return _robotsim.RobotModelLink_getPositionJacobian(self, p) def getOrientationJacobian(self): """ Returns the 3xn orientation jacobian of the link (row-major matrix) w.r.t. the robot's configuration q. """ return _robotsim.RobotModelLink_getOrientationJacobian(self) def getAcceleration(self, ddq): """ Returns the acceleration of the link origin given the robot's current joint velocities and joint accelerations ddq. Args: ddq (:obj:`list of floats`) ddq can be empty, which calculates the acceleration with acceleration 0, and is a little faster than setting ddq to [0]*n """ return _robotsim.RobotModelLink_getAcceleration(self, ddq) def getPointAcceleration(self, plocal, ddq): """ Returns the acceleration of the point given the robot's current joint velocities and joint accelerations ddq. Args: plocal (:obj:`list of 3 floats`) ddq (:obj:`list of floats`) """ return _robotsim.RobotModelLink_getPointAcceleration(self, plocal, ddq) def getAngularAcceleration(self, ddq): """ Returns the angular acceleration of the link given the robot's current joint velocities and joint accelerations ddq. Args: ddq (:obj:`list of floats`) """ return _robotsim.RobotModelLink_getAngularAcceleration(self, ddq) def getPositionHessian(self, p): """ Returns the Hessians of each component of the position p w.r.t the robot's configuration q. The result is a triple of nxn matrices corresponding to the (x,y,z) components respectively. Args: p (:obj:`list of 3 floats`) """ return _robotsim.RobotModelLink_getPositionHessian(self, p) def getOrientationHessian(self): """ Returns the Hessians of each orientation component of the link w.r.t the robot's configuration q. The result is a triple of nxn matrices corresponding to the (wx,wy,wz) components respectively. """ return _robotsim.RobotModelLink_getOrientationHessian(self) def drawLocalGL(self, keepAppearance=True): """ Draws the link's geometry in its local frame. If keepAppearance=true, the current Appearance is honored. Otherwise, just the geometry is drawn. drawLocalGL (keepAppearance=True) drawLocalGL () Args: keepAppearance (bool, optional): default value True """ return _robotsim.RobotModelLink_drawLocalGL(self, keepAppearance) def drawWorldGL(self, keepAppearance=True): """ Draws the link's geometry in the world frame. If keepAppearance=true, the current Appearance is honored. Otherwise, just the geometry is drawn. drawWorldGL (keepAppearance=True) drawWorldGL () Args: keepAppearance (bool, optional): default value True """ return _robotsim.RobotModelLink_drawWorldGL(self, keepAppearance) __swig_setmethods__["world"] = _robotsim.RobotModelLink_world_set __swig_getmethods__["world"] = _robotsim.RobotModelLink_world_get if _newclass: world = _swig_property(_robotsim.RobotModelLink_world_get, _robotsim.RobotModelLink_world_set) __swig_setmethods__["robotIndex"] = _robotsim.RobotModelLink_robotIndex_set __swig_getmethods__["robotIndex"] = _robotsim.RobotModelLink_robotIndex_get if _newclass: robotIndex = _swig_property(_robotsim.RobotModelLink_robotIndex_get, _robotsim.RobotModelLink_robotIndex_set) __swig_setmethods__["robotPtr"] = _robotsim.RobotModelLink_robotPtr_set __swig_getmethods__["robotPtr"] = _robotsim.RobotModelLink_robotPtr_get if _newclass: robotPtr = _swig_property(_robotsim.RobotModelLink_robotPtr_get, _robotsim.RobotModelLink_robotPtr_set) __swig_setmethods__["index"] = _robotsim.RobotModelLink_index_set __swig_getmethods__["index"] = _robotsim.RobotModelLink_index_get if _newclass: index = _swig_property(_robotsim.RobotModelLink_index_get, _robotsim.RobotModelLink_index_set) __swig_destroy__ = _robotsim.delete_RobotModelLink __del__ = lambda self: None RobotModelLink_swigregister = _robotsim.RobotModelLink_swigregister RobotModelLink_swigregister(RobotModelLink) class RobotModelDriver(_object): """ A reference to a driver of a RobotModel. A driver corresponds to one of the robot's actuators and encodes how its forces are transmitted to joints. A RobotModelDriver is not created by hand, but instead accessed using :meth:`RobotModel.driver` (index or name) C++ includes: robotmodel.h """ __swig_setmethods__ = {} __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, RobotModelDriver, name, value) __swig_getmethods__ = {} __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, RobotModelDriver, name) __repr__ = _swig_repr def __init__(self): """ Returns: (:obj:`RobotModelDriver`): """ this = _robotsim.new_RobotModelDriver() try: self.this.append(this) except Exception: self.this = this def getName(self): """ Returns: (str): """ return _robotsim.RobotModelDriver_getName(self) def robot(self): """ Returns a reference to the driver's robot. Returns: (:class:`~klampt.RobotModel`): """ return _robotsim.RobotModelDriver_robot(self) def getType(self): """ Currently can be "normal", "affine", "rotation", "translation", or "custom". Returns: (str): """ return _robotsim.RobotModelDriver_getType(self) def getAffectedLink(self): """ Returns the single affected link for "normal" links. Returns: (int): """ return _robotsim.RobotModelDriver_getAffectedLink(self) def getAffectedLinks(self, links): """ Returns the driver's affected links. Args: links (:obj:`list of int`) """ return _robotsim.RobotModelDriver_getAffectedLinks(self, links) def getAffineCoeffs(self, scale, offset): """ For "affine" links, returns the scale and offset of the driver value mapped to the world. Args: scale (:obj:`list of floats`) offset (:obj:`list of floats`) """ return _robotsim.RobotModelDriver_getAffineCoeffs(self, scale, offset) def setValue(self, val): """ Sets the robot's config to correspond to the given driver value. Args: val (float) """ return _robotsim.RobotModelDriver_setValue(self, val) def getValue(self): """ Gets the current driver value from the robot's config. Returns: (float): """ return _robotsim.RobotModelDriver_getValue(self) def setVelocity(self, val): """ Sets the robot's velocity to correspond to the given driver velocity value. Args: val (float) """ return _robotsim.RobotModelDriver_setVelocity(self, val) def getVelocity(self): """ Gets the current driver velocity value from the robot's velocity. Returns: (float): """ return _robotsim.RobotModelDriver_getVelocity(self) __swig_setmethods__["world"] = _robotsim.RobotModelDriver_world_set __swig_getmethods__["world"] = _robotsim.RobotModelDriver_world_get if _newclass: world = _swig_property(_robotsim.RobotModelDriver_world_get, _robotsim.RobotModelDriver_world_set) __swig_setmethods__["robotIndex"] = _robotsim.RobotModelDriver_robotIndex_set __swig_getmethods__["robotIndex"] = _robotsim.RobotModelDriver_robotIndex_get if _newclass: robotIndex = _swig_property(_robotsim.RobotModelDriver_robotIndex_get, _robotsim.RobotModelDriver_robotIndex_set) __swig_setmethods__["robotPtr"] = _robotsim.RobotModelDriver_robotPtr_set __swig_getmethods__["robotPtr"] = _robotsim.RobotModelDriver_robotPtr_get if _newclass: robotPtr = _swig_property(_robotsim.RobotModelDriver_robotPtr_get, _robotsim.RobotModelDriver_robotPtr_set) __swig_setmethods__["index"] = _robotsim.RobotModelDriver_index_set __swig_getmethods__["index"] = _robotsim.RobotModelDriver_index_get if _newclass: index = _swig_property(_robotsim.RobotModelDriver_index_get, _robotsim.RobotModelDriver_index_set) __swig_destroy__ = _robotsim.delete_RobotModelDriver __del__ = lambda self: None RobotModelDriver_swigregister = _robotsim.RobotModelDriver_swigregister RobotModelDriver_swigregister(RobotModelDriver) class RobotModel(_object): """ A model of a dynamic and kinematic robot. Stores both constant information, like the reference placement of the links, joint limits, velocity limits, etc, as well as a *current configuration* and *current velocity* which are state-dependent. Several functions depend on the robot's current configuration and/or velocity. To update that, use the setConfig() and setVelocity() functions. setConfig() also update's the robot's link transforms via forward kinematics. You may also use setDOFPosition and setDOFVelocity for individual changes, but this is more expensive because each call updates all of the affected the link transforms. It is important to understand that changing the configuration of the model doesn't actually send a command to the physical / simulated robot. Moreover, the model does not automatically get updated when the physical / simulated robot moves. In essence, the model maintains temporary storage for performing kinematics, dynamics, and planning computations, as well as for visualization. The state of the robot is retrieved using getConfig/getVelocity calls, and is set using setConfig/setVelocity. Because many routines change the robot's configuration, like IK and motion planning, a common design pattern is to save/restore the configuration as follows:: q = robot.getConfig() do some stuff that may touch the robot's configuration... robot.setConfig(q) The model maintains configuration/velocity/acceleration/torque bounds. However, these are not enforced by the model, so you can happily set configurations outside must rather be enforced by the planner / simulator. C++ includes: robotmodel.h """ __swig_setmethods__ = {} __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, RobotModel, name, value) __swig_getmethods__ = {} __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, RobotModel, name) __repr__ = _swig_repr def __init__(self): """ Returns: (:class:`~klampt.RobotModel`): """ this = _robotsim.new_RobotModel() try: self.this.append(this) except Exception: self.this = this def loadFile(self, fn): """ Loads the robot from a file. Args: fn (str) Returns: (bool): """ return _robotsim.RobotModel_loadFile(self, fn) def saveFile(self, fn, geometryPrefix=None): """ Saves the robot. If geometryPrefix == NULL, the geometry is not saved (default). Otherwise, the geometry of each link will be saved to files named geometryPrefix+name, where name is either the name of the geometry file that was loaded, or [link_name].off. saveFile (fn,geometryPrefix=None): bool saveFile (fn): bool Args: fn (str): geometryPrefix (str, optional): default value None Returns: (bool): """ return _robotsim.RobotModel_saveFile(self, fn, geometryPrefix) def getID(self): """ Returns the ID of the robot in its world (Note: not the same as the robot index) Returns: (int): """ return _robotsim.RobotModel_getID(self) def getName(self): """ Returns: (str): """ return _robotsim.RobotModel_getName(self) def setName(self, name): """ Args: name (str) """
<reponame>yrafalin/7thGrade<gh_stars>0 import math import random import time keepgoin = 'yes' xwin = 0 owin = 0 currentplay = '' def printboard(): print(' ') print(' | |') print(' {spot1} | {spot2} | {spot3}'.format(spot1 = spots[0], spot2 = spots[1], spot3 = spots[2])) print(' | |') print(' TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT') print(' | |') print(' {spot1} | {spot2} | {spot3}'.format(spot1 = spots[3], spot2 = spots[4], spot3 = spots[5])) print(' | |') print(' TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT') print(' | |') print(' {spot1} | {spot2} | {spot3}'.format(spot1 = spots[6], spot2 = spots[7], spot3 = spots[8])) print(' | |') def ifwon(spotis, player, add): global xwin global owin if spotis == 1: if spots[2] == spots[1] and spots[1] == ' ' + player + ' ': if ' ' + player + ' ' == 'X': if add == 'yes': xwin += 1 return 1 else: if add == 'yes': owin += 1 return 2 if spots[4] == spots[8] and spots[8] == ' ' + player + ' ': if ' ' + player + ' ' == 'X': if add == 'yes': xwin += 1 return 1 else: if add == 'yes': owin += 1 return 2 if spots[3] == spots[6] and spots[6] == ' ' + player + ' ': if ' ' + player + ' ' == 'X': if add == 'yes': xwin += 1 return 1 else: if add == 'yes': owin += 1 return 2 if spotis == 2: if spots[2] == spots[0] and spots[0] == ' ' + player + ' ': if ' ' + player + ' ' == 'X': if add == 'yes': xwin += 1 return 1 else: if add == 'yes': owin += 1 return 2 if spots[4] == spots[7] and spots[7] == ' ' + player + ' ': if ' ' + player + ' ' == 'X': if add == 'yes': xwin += 1 return 1 else: if add == 'yes': owin += 1 return 2 if spotis == 3: if spots[1] == spots[0] and spots[0] == ' ' + player + ' ': if ' ' + player + ' ' == 'X': if add == 'yes': xwin += 1 return 1 else: if add == 'yes': owin += 1 return 2 if spots[4] == spots[6] and spots[6] == ' ' + player + ' ': if ' ' + player + ' ' == 'X': if add == 'yes': xwin += 1 return 1 else: if add == 'yes': owin += 1 return 2 if spots[5] == spots[8] and spots[8] == ' ' + player + ' ': if ' ' + player + ' ' == 'X': if add == 'yes': xwin += 1 return 1 else: if add == 'yes': owin += 1 return 2 if spotis == 4: if spots[0] == spots[6] and spots[6] == ' ' + player + ' ': if ' ' + player + ' ' == 'X': if add == 'yes': xwin += 1 return 1 else: if add == 'yes': owin += 1 return 2 if spots[4] == spots[5] and spots[5] == ' ' + player + ' ': if ' ' + player + ' ' == 'X': if add == 'yes': xwin += 1 return 1 else: if add == 'yes': owin += 1 return 2 if spotis == 5: if spots[0] == spots[8] and spots[8] == ' ' + player + ' ': if ' ' + player + ' ' == 'X': if add == 'yes': xwin += 1 return 1 else: if add == 'yes': owin += 1 return 2 if spots[1] == spots[7] and spots[7] == ' ' + player + ' ': if ' ' + player + ' ' == 'X': if add == 'yes': xwin += 1 return 1 else: if add == 'yes': owin += 1 return 2 if spots[2] == spots[6] and spots[6] == ' ' + player + ' ': if ' ' + player + ' ' == 'X': if add == 'yes': xwin += 1 return 1 else: if add == 'yes': owin += 1 return 2 if spots[5] == spots[3] and spots[3] == ' ' + player + ' ': if ' ' + player + ' ' == 'X': if add == 'yes': xwin += 1 return 1 else: if add == 'yes': owin += 1 return 2 if spotis == 6: if spots[4] == spots[3] and spots[3] == ' ' + player + ' ': if ' ' + player + ' ' == 'X': if add == 'yes': xwin += 1 return 1 else: if add == 'yes': owin += 1 return 2 if spots[2] == spots[8] and spots[8] == ' ' + player + ' ': if ' ' + player + ' ' == 'X': if add == 'yes': xwin += 1 return 1 else: if add == 'yes': owin += 1 return 2 if spotis == 7: if spots[3] == spots[0] and spots[0] == ' ' + player + ' ': if ' ' + player + ' ' == 'X': if add == 'yes': xwin += 1 return 1 else: if add == 'yes': owin += 1 return 2 if spots[4] == spots[2] and spots[2] == ' ' + player + ' ': if ' ' + player + ' ' == 'X': if add == 'yes': xwin += 1 return 1 else: if add == 'yes': owin += 1 return 2 if spots[7] == spots[8] and spots[8] == ' ' + player + ' ': if ' ' + player + ' ' == 'X': if add == 'yes': xwin += 1 return 1 else: if add == 'yes': owin += 1 return 2 if spotis == 8: if spots[1] == spots[4] and spots[4] == ' ' + player + ' ': if ' ' + player + ' ' == 'X': if add == 'yes': xwin += 1 return 1 else: if add == 'yes': owin += 1 return 2 if spots[6] == spots[8] and spots[8] == ' ' + player + ' ': if ' ' + player + ' ' == 'X': if add == 'yes': xwin += 1 return 1 else: if add == 'yes': owin += 1 return 2 if spotis == 9: if spots[0] == spots[4] and spots[4] == ' ' + player + ' ': if ' ' + player + ' ' == 'X': if add == 'yes': xwin += 1 return 1 else: if add == 'yes': owin += 1 return 2 if spots[2] == spots[5] and spots[5] == ' ' + player + ' ': if ' ' + player + ' ' == 'X': if add == 'yes': xwin += 1 return 1 else: if add == 'yes': owin += 1 return 2 if spots[6] == spots[7] and spots[7] == ' ' + player + ' ': if ' ' + player + ' ' == 'X': if add == 'yes': xwin += 1 return 1 else: if add == 'yes': owin += 1 return 2 return 0 def computerplay(): global currentplay global spotnow emptycount = [] count = 0 dontdo = 0 for thing in spots: if thing == ' ': emptycount.append(count) count += 1 for nothing in emptycount: if dontdo == 0: if ifwon(nothing + 1, computer, 'no') == 1 or ifwon(nothing + 1, computer, 'no') == 2: spotnow = nothing + 1 dontdo = 1 if dontdo == 0: if ifwon(nothing + 1, player, 'no') == 1 or ifwon(nothing + 1, player, 'no') == 2: spotnow = nothing + 1 dontdo = 1 if dontdo == 0: spotnow = random.randrange(0, len(emptycount)) while spots[spotnow - 1] != ' ': spotnow = random.randrange(0, len(emptycount)) spots[spotnow] = ' ' + computer + ' ' def board_is_full(): return (spots[0] is not ' ' and spots[1]
<filename>python/lsst/eotask_gen3/ """ Base classes for Electrical Optical (EO) calibration data These classes define the interface between the transient data classes used in EO test code, and the `astropy.table.Table` classes used for persistent storage. Specifically they provide ways to define table structures in schema, and the use those schema to facilitate backwards compatibility. """ import sys from typing import Mapping from collections import OrderedDict from astropy.table import Table, Column __all__ = ["EoCalibField", "EoCalibTableSchema", "EoCalibTable", "EoCalibTableHandle"] class EoCalibField: """ Defines a single field and provide the information needed to connect a Class attribute (e.g., self.aVariable) to an `astropy.table.Column` (e.g., 'VARIABLE') Parameters ---------- name : `str` Name of the column. In UPPER by convention. dtype : `type` Data type for elements in the Column. E.g., `float` or `int`. shape : `list` Define the shape of each element in the Column. List elements can be either `int` or `str` `str` elements will replaced with `int` at construction using keywords kwds : `dict` [`str`, `Any`] These will be passed to `astropy.table.Column` constructor. Notes ----- This class should be used as class attribute in defining table schema classes, I.e., it should only ever appear as a class attribute in a sub-class of `EoCalibTableSchema` """ @staticmethod def _format_shape(shape, **kwargs): """ Format the list of shape elements, replacing any `str` using keywords Parameters ---------- shape : `list` Define the shape of each element in the Column. kwargs : `dict` [`str`, `Any`] Used to replace the str elements in shape Returns ------- outShape : `tuple` [`int`] The shape of each element in the column """ outShape = [] for axis in shape: if isinstance(axis, int): outShape.append(axis) continue if isinstance(axis, str): try: outShape.append(kwargs[axis]) continue except KeyError as msg: # pragma: no cover raise KeyError("Failed to convert EoCalibField column shape %s." % str(shape)) from msg raise TypeError("Axis shape items must be either int or str, not %s" % type(axis)) # pragma: no cover # noqa return tuple(outShape) def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ C'tor, Fills class parameters """ kwcopy = kwargs.copy() self._name = kwcopy.pop('name') self._dtype = kwcopy.pop('dtype', float) self._shape = kwcopy.pop('shape', [1]) self._kwds = kwcopy @property def name(self): """ Name of the Column. """ return self._name @property def dtype(self): """ Data type for elements in the Column. """ return self._dtype @property def shape(self): """ Template shape of each element in the Column. """ return self._shape @property def kwds(self): """ Remaining keywords passed to Column constructor. """ return self._kwds def validateColumn(self, column): """ Check that a column matches the definition. Raises ------ ValueError : Column data type does not match definition. """ if 'unit' in self._kwds: column.unit = self._kwds['unit'] if 'description' in self._kwds: column.description = self._kwds['description'] # if column.dtype.type != self._dtype: # raise ValueError("Column %s data type not equal to schema data type %s != %s" % # noqa # (, column.dtype.type, self._dtype)) def validateValue(self, value): """ Check that a value matches the definition and can be used to fill a column. Raises ------ ValueError : value data type does not match definition. """ # if value.dtype.type != self._dtype: # raise ValueError("Item %s data type not equal to schema data type %s != %s" % # noqa # (self._name, type(value), self._dtype)) def makeColumn(self, **kwargs): """ Construct and return an `astropy.table.Column` Notes ----- Uses keyword arguements in two ways: 1. Replace string in shape template 2. `length' is used to set column lenght """ return Column(name=self._name, dtype=self._dtype, shape=self._format_shape(self._shape, **kwargs), length=kwargs.get('length', 0), **self._kwds) def convertToValue(self, column, **kwargs): """ Return data from column as a `numpy.array` Keywords -------- validate : `bool` If true, will validate the column """ if kwargs.get('validate', False): # pragma: no cover self.validateColumn(column) return def convertToColumn(self, value, **kwargs): """ Construct and return an `astropy.table.Column` from value. Keywords -------- validate : `bool` If true, will validate the value """ if kwargs.get('validate', False): # pragma: no cover self.validateValue(value) return Column(name=self._name, dtype=self._dtype, data=value, **self._kwds) def writeMarkdownLine(self, varName, stream=sys.stdout): """ Write a line of markdown describing self to stream Parameters ---------- varName : `str` The name of the variable associated to this field. """ md_dict = dict(varName=varName, name=self._name, dtype=self.dtype.__name__, shape=self.shape, unit="", description="") md_dict.update(self._kwds) tmpl = "| {varName} | {name} | {dtype} | {shape} | {unit} | {description} | \n".format(**md_dict) stream.write(tmpl) def copy(self, **kwargs): """ Return an udpated copy of self using keyword to override fields """ kwcopy = dict(name=self._name, dtype=self._dtype, shape=self._shape) kwcopy.update(self.kwds) kwcopy.update(kwargs) return EoCalibField(**kwcopy) class EoCalibTableSchema: """ Stores schema for a single `astropy.table.Table` Each sub-class will define one version of the schema. The naming convention for the sub-classes is: {DataClassName}SchemaV{VERSION} e.g., 'EoTableDataSchemaV0' Parameters ---------- TABLELENGTH : `str` Name of the keyword to use to extract table length fieldDict : `OrderedDict` [`str`, `EoCalibField`] Maps field names (e.g., 'aVariable') to EoCalibField objects columnDict : `OrderedDict` [`str`, `str`] Maps column names (e.g., 'VARIABLE') to field names """ TABLELENGTH = "" @classmethod def findFields(cls): """ Find and return the EoCalibField objects in a class Returns ------- fields : `OrderedDict` [`str`, `EoCalibField`] """ theClasses = cls.mro() fields = OrderedDict() for theClass in theClasses: for key, val in theClass.__dict__.items(): if isinstance(val, EoCalibField): fields[key] = val return fields @classmethod def fullName(cls): """ Return the name of this class """ return cls.__name__ @classmethod def version(cls): """ Return the version number of this schema This relies on the naming convention: {DataClassName}SchemaV{VERSION} """ cStr = cls.__name__ return int(cStr[cStr.find("SchemaV")+7:]) @classmethod def dataClassName(cls): """ Return the name of the associated data class This relies on the naming convention: {DataClassName}SchemaV{VERSION} """ cStr = cls.__name__ return cStr[:cStr.find("SchemaV")] def __init__(self): """ C'tor, Fills class parameters """ self._fieldDict = self.findFields() self._columnDict = OrderedDict([(, key) for key, val in self._fieldDict.items()]) def validateTable(self, table): """ Check that table matches this schema Raises ------ KeyError : Columns names in table do not match schema """ unused = {key: True for key in self._fieldDict.keys()} for col in table.columns: try: key = self._columnDict[col] field = self._fieldDict[key] unused.pop(key, None) except KeyError as msg: # pragma: no cover raise KeyError("Column %s in table is not defined in schema %s" % (, type(self))) from msg field.validateColumn(table[col]) if unused: # pragma: no cover raise KeyError("%s.validateTable() failed because some columns were not provided %s" % (type(self), str(unused))) def validateDict(self, dictionary): """ Check that dictionary matches this schema Raises ------ KeyError : dictionary keys in table do not match schema """ unused = {key: True for key in self._fieldDict.keys()} for key, val in dictionary.items(): if key == 'meta': continue try: field = self._fieldDict[key] unused.pop(key, None) except KeyError as msg: # pragma: no cover raise KeyError("Column %s in table is not defined in schema %s" % (key, type(self))) from msg field.validateValue(val) if unused: # pragma: no cover raise KeyError("%s.validateDict() failed because some columns were not provided %s" % (type(self), str(unused))) def makeTable(self, **kwargs): """ Make and return an `astropy.table.Table` Notes ----- keywords are used to define table length and element shapes """ kwcopy = kwargs.copy() length = kwcopy.pop(self.TABLELENGTH, 0) table = Table([val.makeColumn(length=length, **kwcopy) for val in self._fieldDict.values()]) table.meta['schema'] = self.fullName() table.meta['name'] = kwcopy.pop('name', None) table.meta['handle'] = kwcopy.pop('handle', None) return table def convertToTable(self, dictionary, **kwargs): """ Convert dictionary to `astropy.table.Table` and return it Keywords -------- validate : `bool` If true, will validate the columns Raises ------ KeyError : dictionary keys in table do not match schema """ unused = {key: True for key in self._fieldDict.keys()} columns = [] meta = None for key, val in dictionary.items(): if key == 'meta': meta = val continue try: field = self._fieldDict[key] unused.pop(key) except KeyError as msg: # pragma: no cover raise KeyError("Column %s in table is not defined in schema %s" % (key, type(self))) from msg columns.append(field.convertToColumn(val), **kwargs) if unused: # pragma: no cover raise KeyError("%s.validateDict() failed because some columns were not provided %s" % (type(self), str(unused))) table = Table(columns) if meta: table.meta.update(meta) return table def convertToDict(self, table, **kwargs): """ Convert table to `OrderedDict` and return it Keywords -------- validate : `bool` If true, will validate the columns Raises ------ KeyError : column names in table do not match schema """ unused
= Fp(e*c) assert C_final == sx.n*G + sr.n*H return True def pedersen_vector_test(): x_arr, r_arr, C_arr = [], [], [] for _ in range(10): x_elem = uint256_from_str(os.urandom(32)) C_elem, r_elem = make_pedersen_commitment(x_elem) x_arr.append(x_elem) C_arr.append(C_elem) r_arr.append(r_elem) getChallenge, getTranscript = make_honest_verifier_challenger() prf = pedersen_vector_prover(C_arr, x_arr, r_arr, getChallenge) assert pedersen_vector_verifier(C_arr, prf, getTranscript) print("Pedersen vector correctness test complete!") pedersen_vector_test() """ ## Part 2. Arithmetic relations Example: a more complicated discrete log proof Zk{ (a, b): A=a*G, B=b*G, C = (a*(b-3)) * G } First rewrite as: Zk{ (a, b): A=a*G, B=b*G, (C + 3*A) = b*A) } You need to implement a prover and verifier for the above scheme. """ def arith_prover(a, b, A, B, C, getChallenge=sha2, rnd_bytes=os.urandom): """ Params: a and b are elements of Fp A, B, C are Points Returns: prf, of the form (KA,KB,KC,sa,sb) Must satisfy verify_proof2(A, B, C, prf) Must be zero-knowledge """ assert a*G == A assert b*G == B assert (a*(b-3))*G == C # TODO: fill in your code here (10 points) # blinding factor t_1 = uint256_from_str(rnd_bytes(32)) % order t_2 = uint256_from_str(rnd_bytes(32)) % order # commitment KA = t_1*G KB = t_2*G KC = t_2*a*G # Invoke the random oracle to receive a challenge c = uint256_from_str(getChallenge(ser(KA) + ser(KB) + ser(KC))) # response sa = Fp(t_1 + c*a) sb = Fp(t_2 + c*b) return (KA,KB,KC,sa,sb) def arith_verifier(A, B, C, prf, getTranscript=sha2, rnd_bytes=os.urandom): (KA,KB,KC,sa,sb) = prf assert type(KA) == type(KB) == type(KC) == Point assert type(sa) == type(sb) == Fp # TODO: fill in your code here (10 points) c = uint256_from_str(getTranscript(ser(KA) + ser(KB) + ser(KC))) assert sa.n *G == KA + c*A assert sb.n *G == KB + c*B assert sb.n *A == KC + c*(C+3*A) return True def arith_test(): # Randomly choose "a" and "b" a = uint256_from_str(os.urandom(32)) b = uint256_from_str(os.urandom(32)) A = a*G B = b*G C = (a*(b-3)) * G prf = arith_prover(a, b, A, B, C) assert arith_verifier(A, B, C, prf) print("Arithmetic Relation correctness test complete") arith_test() """ ## Part 3. OR composition In this part you will need to combine two Zk{ (a,b): A = a*G OR B = b*G } without revealing which one it is you know. The verifier is provided for you. """ def OR_prover(A, B, x, getChallenge=sha2, rnd_bytes=os.urandom): assert x*G == A or x*G == B # TODO: Fill your code in here (20 points) if x*G == A: # blinding factor cb = uint256_from_str(rnd_bytes(32)) % order sb = uint256_from_str(rnd_bytes(32)) % order t_1 = uint256_from_str(rnd_bytes(32)) % order # commitment KA = t_1*G KB = sb*G - B*cb # Invoke the random oracle to receive a challenge c = uint256_from_str(getChallenge(ser(KA) + ser(KB))) # response ca = (c - cb) % p sa = Fp(t_1 + ca*x) sb = Fp(sb) return (KA, KB, sa, sb, ca, cb) if x*G == B: # blinding factor ca = uint256_from_str(rnd_bytes(32)) % order sa = uint256_from_str(rnd_bytes(32)) % order t_2 = uint256_from_str(rnd_bytes(32)) % order # commitment KA = sa*G - A*ca KB = t_2*G # Invoke the random oracle to receive a challenge c = uint256_from_str(getChallenge(ser(KA) + ser(KB))) # response cb = (c - ca) % p sb = Fp(t_2 + cb*x) sa = Fp(sa) return (KA, KB, sa, sb, ca, cb) def OR_verifier(A, B, prf, getTranscript=sha2): (KA,KB,sa,sb,ca,cb) = prf assert type(KA) is type(KB) is Point assert type(sa) is type(sb) is Fp # Check the challenges are correctly constrained c = uint256_from_str(getTranscript(ser(KA) + ser(KB))) assert (ca + cb) % p == c # Check each proof the same way assert sa.n *G == KA + ca*A assert sb.n *G == KB + cb*B return True def OR_test1(): # Try first way a = uint256_from_str(os.urandom(32)) A = a*G B = random_point() getChallenge, getTranscript = make_honest_verifier_challenger() prf = OR_prover(A, B, a, getChallenge) assert OR_verifier(A, B, prf, getTranscript) print("OR composition correctness 1 test complete!") def OR_test2(): # Try second way b = uint256_from_str(os.urandom(32)) A = random_point() B = b*G getChallenge, getTranscript = make_honest_verifier_challenger() prf = OR_prover(A, B, b, getChallenge) assert OR_verifier(A, B, prf, getTranscript) print("OR composition correctness 2 test complete!") OR_test1() OR_test2() """ ## Part 4. Schnorr signature We can write a Schnor signature as: SoK[m] { (x): X = x*G } Similar to part 1, except the challenge is derived in part from the message. """ def schnorr_sign(x, m, getChallenge=sha2, rnd_bytes=os.urandom): assert type(x) is bytes assert type(m) is str # TODO: Your code goes here (10 points) # blinding factor k = uint256_from_str(rnd_bytes(32)) % order # commitment K = k*G # Invoke the random oracle to receive a challenge c = uint256_from_str(getChallenge(ser(K) + sha2(m).hex())) # response s = Fp(k + c*uint256_from_str(x)) sig = bytes.fromhex(ser(K)) + uint256_to_str(int(s)) return sig def schnorr_verify(X, m, sig, getTranscript=sha2): assert type(X) is Point assert type(sig) is bytes and len(sig) is 65 (K,s) = deser(sig[:33].hex()), uint256_from_str(sig[33:]) c = uint256_from_str(getTranscript(ser(K) + sha2(m).hex())) assert s *G == K + c*X return True def schnorr_test(): msg = "hello" x = os.urandom(32) X = uint256_from_str(x) * G sig = schnorr_sign(x, msg) assert schnorr_verify(X, msg, sig) print("Schnorr Test complete") schnorr_test() """ ## Part 5. Range proofs - Create a proof that C = g^a*h^r, and a is in the range [0,64). Zk{ (a, r): C = g^a*h^r and 0 <= a <= 63 } Hint: You can implement this by creating commitments to the binary expansion of A, and then proving the following: Zk{ (b0, b1, ... b4,b5, r0, r1, ..., r4, r5, r'): A = g^(b0 + 2*b1 + ... + 16*b4 + 32*b5)*g^(r0 + 2*r1 + ... + 16*r4 + 32*r5)*h(r') and (C0 = g^(b0) h^r0) .... and (C0 = g h^r0 OR C0 = h^r0) ... } """ def range_prover(a, r, C, getChallenge=sha2, rnd_bytes=os.urandom): assert type(C) is Point assert a*G + r*H == C # TODO: fill in your code here (10 points) # Peterson Commitment t_1 = uint256_from_str(rnd_bytes(32)) % order t_2 = uint256_from_str(rnd_bytes(32)) % order KC = t_1*G + t_2*H c = uint256_from_str(getChallenge(ser(KC))) sx = Fp(t_1 + c*a) sr = Fp(t_2 + c*r) # 6 OR proofs assert a>=0 and a<=63 [b5, b4, b3, b2, b1, b0] = [i for i in (6-len(bin(a)[2:]))*"0"+bin(a)[2:]] if (r>=0) and (r<=63): [r5, r4, r3, r2, r1, r0] = [i for i in (6-len(bin(r)[2:]))*"0"+bin(r)[2:]] else: [r5, r4, r3, r2, r1, r0] = [i for i in bin(r)[-6:]] C0 = b0*G + r0*H C1 = b1*G + r*H C2 = b2*G + r2*H C3 = b3*G + r3*H C4 = b4*G + r4*H C5 = b5*G + r5*H p0 = OR_prover(C0, Fp(C0-G), r0) p1 = OR_prover(C1, Fp(C1-G), r1) p2 = OR_prover(C2, Fp(C2-G), r2) p3 = OR_prover(C3, Fp(C3-G), r3) p4 = OR_prover(C4, Fp(C4-G), r4) p5 = OR_prover(C5, Fp(C5-G), r5) # prove b0 + 2*b1 + ... + 16*b4 + 32*b5 == a return (KC,sx,sr), C0, p0, C1, p1, C2, p2, C3, p3, C4, p4, C5, p5 def range_verifier(C, prf, getTranscript=sha2, rnd_bytes=os.urandom): assert type(C) is Point # TODO: fill in your code here (10 points) (KC,sx,sr), C0, p0, C1, p1, C2, p2, C3, p3, C4, p4, C5, p5 = prf # assert Peterson Commitment assert type(KC) == Point assert type(sx) == type(sr) == Fp c = uint256_from_str(getTranscript(ser(KC))) assert sx.n *G + sr.n *H == KC + c*C # assert 6 OR_proof assert OR_verifier(C0, Fp(C0-G), p0) assert OR_verifier(C1, Fp(C1-G), p1) assert OR_verifier(C2, Fp(C2-G), p2) assert OR_verifier(C3, Fp(C3-G), p3) assert OR_verifier(C4, Fp(C4-G), p4) assert OR_verifier(C5, Fp(C5-G), p5) # assert b0 + 2*b1 + ... + 16*b4 + 32*b5 == a return True """ ## Part 6: Extractor and simulator In this part, you will implement in code a portion of the security proof for the discrete log proof scheme from the Preliminary. """ def dlog_extractor(A, Adv): assert type(A) is Point ## Step 1: run the adversary once to generate a commit, challenge, and response. ## Generate random bytes on demand, and save the Commit and the Verifier's challenge. ## # TODO: Fill your code in here def _get_challenge(inp): nonlocal __challenge return __challenge def _rnd_bytes(inp): nonlocal __rnd_bytes return __rnd_bytes __challenge = os.urandom(32) __rnd_bytes
== 4.0 * 10 ** 3 assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)"].windings[1].nominal_voltage == 0.48 * 10 ** 3 assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)"].feeder_name == "sourcebus_src" assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)"].noload_loss == 0.6 assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)"].loadloss == 1.74408 assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)"].phase_shift == 0 assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)"].normhkva == 82.5 assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)"].from_element == "p4udt27" assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)"].to_element == "p4udt27lv" assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)"].reactances == [pytest.approx(3.240000000000000)] assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)"].is_center_tap == 0 assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)"].windings[0].connection_type == "Y" assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)"].windings[1].connection_type == "Y" assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)"].windings[0].rated_power == 75.0 * 10 ** 3 assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)"].windings[1].rated_power == 75.0 * 10 ** 3 assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)"].windings[0].emergency_power == 112.5 * 10 ** 3 assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)"].windings[1].emergency_power == 112.5 * 10 ** 3 assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)"].windings[0].resistance == 0.87204 assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)"].windings[1].resistance == 0.87204 assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)"].windings[0].voltage_type == 0 assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)"].windings[1].voltage_type == 2 assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)"].windings[0].voltage_limit == None assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)"].windings[1].voltage_limit == None assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)"].windings[0].reverse_resistance == None assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)"].windings[1].reverse_resistance == None assert ( m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)"].windings[0].phase_windings[0].tap_position == 1.0 ) assert ( m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)"].windings[0].phase_windings[1].tap_position == 1.0 ) assert ( m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)"].windings[0].phase_windings[2].tap_position == 1.0 ) assert ( m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)"].windings[1].phase_windings[0].tap_position == 1.0 ) assert ( m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)"].windings[1].phase_windings[1].tap_position == 1.0 ) assert ( m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)"].windings[1].phase_windings[2].tap_position == 1.0 ) assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)"].windings[0].phase_windings[0].phase == "A" assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)"].windings[0].phase_windings[1].phase == "B" assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)"].windings[0].phase_windings[2].phase == "C" assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)"].windings[1].phase_windings[0].phase == "A" assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)"].windings[1].phase_windings[1].phase == "B" assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)"].windings[1].phase_windings[2].phase == "C" assert ( m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)"].windings[0].phase_windings[0].compensator_r == None ) assert ( m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)"].windings[0].phase_windings[1].compensator_r == None ) assert ( m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)"].windings[0].phase_windings[2].compensator_r == None ) assert ( m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)"].windings[1].phase_windings[0].compensator_r == None ) assert ( m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)"].windings[1].phase_windings[1].compensator_r == None ) assert ( m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)"].windings[1].phase_windings[2].compensator_r == None ) assert ( m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)"].windings[0].phase_windings[0].compensator_x == None ) assert ( m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)"].windings[0].phase_windings[1].compensator_x == None ) assert ( m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)"].windings[0].phase_windings[2].compensator_x == None ) assert ( m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)"].windings[1].phase_windings[0].compensator_x == None ) assert ( m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)"].windings[1].phase_windings[1].compensator_x == None ) assert ( m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)"].windings[1].phase_windings[2].compensator_x == None ) # Three phase Wye-Wye Transformer (modified) from 4kV SMART-DS region P4U assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_1"].name == "tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_1" assert ( len(m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_1"].windings) == 2 ) # Transformer should have 2 Windings assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_1"].windings[0].nominal_voltage == 4.0 * 10 ** 3 assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_1"].windings[1].nominal_voltage == 0.48 * 10 ** 3 assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_1"].feeder_name == "sourcebus_src" assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_1"].noload_loss == 0.6 assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_1"].loadloss == 1.74408 assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_1"].phase_shift == -30 assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_1"].normhkva == 82.5 assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_1"].from_element == "p4udt27" assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_1"].to_element == "p4udt27lv" assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_1"].reactances == [ pytest.approx(3.240000000000000) ] assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_1"].is_center_tap == 0 assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_1"].windings[0].connection_type == "D" assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_1"].windings[1].connection_type == "Y" assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_1"].windings[0].rated_power == 75.0 * 10 ** 3 assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_1"].windings[1].rated_power == 75.0 * 10 ** 3 assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_1"].windings[0].emergency_power == 112.5 * 10 ** 3 assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_1"].windings[1].emergency_power == 112.5 * 10 ** 3 assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_1"].windings[0].resistance == 0.87204 assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_1"].windings[1].resistance == 0.87204 assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_1"].windings[0].voltage_type == 0 assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_1"].windings[1].voltage_type == 2 assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_1"].windings[0].voltage_limit == None assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_1"].windings[1].voltage_limit == None assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_1"].windings[0].reverse_resistance == None assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_1"].windings[1].reverse_resistance == None assert ( m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_1"].windings[0].phase_windings[0].tap_position == 1.0 ) assert ( m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_1"].windings[0].phase_windings[1].tap_position == 1.0 ) assert ( m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_1"].windings[0].phase_windings[2].tap_position == 1.0 ) assert ( m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_1"].windings[1].phase_windings[0].tap_position == 1.0 ) assert ( m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_1"].windings[1].phase_windings[1].tap_position == 1.0 ) assert ( m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_1"].windings[1].phase_windings[2].tap_position == 1.0 ) assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_1"].windings[0].phase_windings[0].phase == "A" assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_1"].windings[0].phase_windings[1].phase == "B" assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_1"].windings[0].phase_windings[2].phase == "C" assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_1"].windings[1].phase_windings[0].phase == "A" assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_1"].windings[1].phase_windings[1].phase == "B" assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_1"].windings[1].phase_windings[2].phase == "C" assert ( m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_1"].windings[0].phase_windings[0].compensator_r == None ) assert ( m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_1"].windings[0].phase_windings[1].compensator_r == None ) assert ( m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_1"].windings[0].phase_windings[2].compensator_r == None ) assert ( m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_1"].windings[1].phase_windings[0].compensator_r == None ) assert ( m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_1"].windings[1].phase_windings[1].compensator_r == None ) assert ( m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_1"].windings[1].phase_windings[2].compensator_r == None ) assert ( m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_1"].windings[0].phase_windings[0].compensator_x == None ) assert ( m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_1"].windings[0].phase_windings[1].compensator_x == None ) assert ( m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_1"].windings[0].phase_windings[2].compensator_x == None ) assert ( m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_1"].windings[1].phase_windings[0].compensator_x == None ) assert ( m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_1"].windings[1].phase_windings[1].compensator_x == None ) assert ( m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_1"].windings[1].phase_windings[2].compensator_x == None ) # Three phase Wye-Wye Transformer (modified) from 4kV SMART-DS region P4U assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_2"].name == "tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_2" assert ( len(m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_2"].windings) == 2 ) # Transformer should have 2 Windings assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_2"].windings[0].nominal_voltage == 4.0 * 10 ** 3 assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_2"].windings[1].nominal_voltage == 0.48 * 10 ** 3 assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_2"].feeder_name == "sourcebus_src" assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_2"].noload_loss == 0.6 assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_2"].loadloss == 1.74408 assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_2"].phase_shift == 0 assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_2"].normhkva == 82.5 assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_2"].from_element == "p4udt27" assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_2"].to_element == "p4udt27lv" assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_2"].reactances == [ pytest.approx(3.240000000000000) ] assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_2"].is_center_tap == 0 assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_2"].windings[0].connection_type == "D" assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_2"].windings[1].connection_type == "D" assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_2"].windings[0].rated_power == 75.0 * 10 ** 3 assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_2"].windings[1].rated_power == 75.0 * 10 ** 3 assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_2"].windings[0].emergency_power == 112.5 * 10 ** 3 assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_2"].windings[1].emergency_power == 112.5 * 10 ** 3 assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_2"].windings[0].resistance == 0.87204 assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_2"].windings[1].resistance == 0.87204 assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_2"].windings[0].voltage_type == 0 assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_2"].windings[1].voltage_type == 2 assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_2"].windings[0].voltage_limit == None assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_2"].windings[1].voltage_limit == None assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_2"].windings[0].reverse_resistance == None assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_2"].windings[1].reverse_resistance == None assert ( m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_2"].windings[0].phase_windings[0].tap_position == 1.0 ) assert ( m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_2"].windings[0].phase_windings[1].tap_position == 1.0 ) assert ( m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_2"].windings[0].phase_windings[2].tap_position == 1.0 ) assert ( m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_2"].windings[1].phase_windings[0].tap_position == 1.0 ) assert ( m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_2"].windings[1].phase_windings[1].tap_position == 1.0 ) assert ( m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_2"].windings[1].phase_windings[2].tap_position == 1.0 ) assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_2"].windings[0].phase_windings[0].phase == "A" assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_2"].windings[0].phase_windings[1].phase == "B" assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_2"].windings[0].phase_windings[2].phase == "C" assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_2"].windings[1].phase_windings[0].phase == "A" assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_2"].windings[1].phase_windings[1].phase == "B" assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_2"].windings[1].phase_windings[2].phase == "C" assert ( m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_2"].windings[0].phase_windings[0].compensator_r == None ) assert ( m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_2"].windings[0].phase_windings[1].compensator_r == None ) assert ( m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_2"].windings[0].phase_windings[2].compensator_r == None ) assert ( m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_2"].windings[1].phase_windings[0].compensator_r == None ) assert ( m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_2"].windings[1].phase_windings[1].compensator_r == None ) assert ( m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_2"].windings[1].phase_windings[2].compensator_r == None ) assert ( m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_2"].windings[0].phase_windings[0].compensator_x == None ) assert ( m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_2"].windings[0].phase_windings[1].compensator_x == None ) assert ( m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_2"].windings[0].phase_windings[2].compensator_x == None ) assert ( m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_2"].windings[1].phase_windings[0].compensator_x == None ) assert ( m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_2"].windings[1].phase_windings[1].compensator_x == None ) assert ( m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_2"].windings[1].phase_windings[2].compensator_x == None ) # Three phase Wye-Wye Transformer (modified) from 4kV SMART-DS region P4U assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_3"].name == "tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_3" assert ( len(m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_3"].windings) == 2 ) # Transformer should have 2 Windings assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_3"].windings[0].nominal_voltage == 4.0 * 10 ** 3 assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_3"].windings[1].nominal_voltage == 0.48 * 10 ** 3 assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_3"].feeder_name == "sourcebus_src" assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_3"].noload_loss == 0.6 assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_3"].loadloss == 1.74408 assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_3"].phase_shift == -30 assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_3"].normhkva == 82.5 assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_3"].from_element == "p4udt27" assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_3"].to_element == "p4udt27lv" assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_3"].reactances == [ pytest.approx(3.240000000000000) ] assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_3"].is_center_tap == 0 assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_3"].windings[0].connection_type == "Y" assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_3"].windings[1].connection_type == "D" assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_3"].windings[0].rated_power == 75.0 * 10 ** 3 assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_3"].windings[1].rated_power == 75.0 * 10 ** 3 assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_3"].windings[0].emergency_power == 112.5 * 10 ** 3 assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_3"].windings[1].emergency_power == 112.5 * 10 ** 3 assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_3"].windings[0].resistance == 0.87204 assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_3"].windings[1].resistance == 0.87204 assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_3"].windings[0].voltage_type == 0 assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_3"].windings[1].voltage_type == 2 assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_3"].windings[0].voltage_limit == None assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_3"].windings[1].voltage_limit == None assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_3"].windings[0].reverse_resistance == None assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_3"].windings[1].reverse_resistance == None assert ( m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_3"].windings[0].phase_windings[0].tap_position == 1.0 ) assert ( m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_3"].windings[0].phase_windings[1].tap_position == 1.0 ) assert ( m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_3"].windings[0].phase_windings[2].tap_position == 1.0 ) assert ( m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_3"].windings[1].phase_windings[0].tap_position == 1.0 ) assert ( m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_3"].windings[1].phase_windings[1].tap_position == 1.0 ) assert ( m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_3"].windings[1].phase_windings[2].tap_position == 1.0 ) assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_3"].windings[0].phase_windings[0].phase == "A" assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_3"].windings[0].phase_windings[1].phase == "B" assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_3"].windings[0].phase_windings[2].phase == "C" assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_3"].windings[1].phase_windings[0].phase == "A" assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_3"].windings[1].phase_windings[1].phase == "B" assert m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_3"].windings[1].phase_windings[2].phase == "C" assert ( m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_3"].windings[0].phase_windings[0].compensator_r == None ) assert ( m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_3"].windings[0].phase_windings[1].compensator_r == None ) assert ( m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_3"].windings[0].phase_windings[2].compensator_r == None ) assert ( m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_3"].windings[1].phase_windings[0].compensator_r == None ) assert ( m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_3"].windings[1].phase_windings[1].compensator_r == None ) assert ( m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_3"].windings[1].phase_windings[2].compensator_r == None ) assert ( m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_3"].windings[0].phase_windings[0].compensator_x == None ) assert ( m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_3"].windings[0].phase_windings[1].compensator_x == None ) assert ( m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_3"].windings[0].phase_windings[2].compensator_x == None ) assert ( m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_3"].windings[1].phase_windings[0].compensator_x == None ) assert ( m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_3"].windings[1].phase_windings[1].compensator_x == None ) assert ( m["tr(r:p4udt27-p4udt27lv)_3"].windings[1].phase_windings[2].compensator_x == None ) # Center Tap Transformer from 4kV SMART-DS region P4U assert m["tr(r:p4udt25-p4udt25lv)"].name == "tr(r:p4udt25-p4udt25lv)" assert ( len(m["tr(r:p4udt25-p4udt25lv)"].windings) == 3 ) # Transformer tr(r:p4udt25-p4udt25lv) should have 3 Windings assert m["tr(r:p4udt25-p4udt25lv)"].windings[0].nominal_voltage == 2.3094 * 10 ** 3 assert ( m["tr(r:p4udt25-p4udt25lv)"].windings[1].nominal_voltage == 0.120089 * 10 ** 3 ) assert ( m["tr(r:p4udt25-p4udt25lv)"].windings[2].nominal_voltage == 0.120089 * 10 ** 3 ) assert m["tr(r:p4udt25-p4udt25lv)"].feeder_name == "sourcebus_src" assert m["tr(r:p4udt25-p4udt25lv)"].noload_loss == 0.472 assert m["tr(r:p4udt25-p4udt25lv)"].loadloss == 0.798816 assert m["tr(r:p4udt25-p4udt25lv)"].phase_shift == 0 assert m["tr(r:p4udt25-p4udt25lv)"].normhkva == 27.5 assert m["tr(r:p4udt25-p4udt25lv)"].from_element == "p4udt25" assert m["tr(r:p4udt25-p4udt25lv)"].to_element == "p4udt25lv" assert m["tr(r:p4udt25-p4udt25lv)"].reactances == [2.4, 1.6, 2.4] assert m["tr(r:p4udt25-p4udt25lv)"].is_center_tap == 1 assert m["tr(r:p4udt25-p4udt25lv)"].windings[0].connection_type == "Y" assert m["tr(r:p4udt25-p4udt25lv)"].windings[1].connection_type == "Y" assert m["tr(r:p4udt25-p4udt25lv)"].windings[2].connection_type == "Y" assert m["tr(r:p4udt25-p4udt25lv)"].windings[0].rated_power == 25.0 * 10 ** 3 assert m["tr(r:p4udt25-p4udt25lv)"].windings[1].rated_power == 25.0 * 10 ** 3 assert m["tr(r:p4udt25-p4udt25lv)"].windings[2].rated_power == 25.0 * 10 ** 3 assert m["tr(r:p4udt25-p4udt25lv)"].windings[0].emergency_power == 37.5 * 10 ** 3 assert m["tr(r:p4udt25-p4udt25lv)"].windings[1].emergency_power == 37.5 * 10 ** 3 assert m["tr(r:p4udt25-p4udt25lv)"].windings[2].emergency_power == 37.5 * 10 ** 3 assert m["tr(r:p4udt25-p4udt25lv)"].windings[0].resistance == 0.266272 assert m["tr(r:p4udt25-p4udt25lv)"].windings[1].resistance == 0.532544 assert m["tr(r:p4udt25-p4udt25lv)"].windings[2].resistance == 0.532544 assert m["tr(r:p4udt25-p4udt25lv)"].windings[0].voltage_type == 0 assert m["tr(r:p4udt25-p4udt25lv)"].windings[1].voltage_type ==
to bits, include antipodal level shift to [-1,1] >>> yn_soft = dc.cpx_awgn(2*y-1,EbN0-3,1) # Channel SNR is 3 dB less for rate 1/2 >>> yn_hard = ((np.sign(yn_soft.real)+1)/2).astype(int) >>> z = cc1.viterbi_decoder(yn_hard,'hard') >>> # Count bit errors >>> bit_count, bit_errors = dc.bit_errors(x,z) >>> total_bit_errors += bit_errors >>> total_bit_count += bit_count >>> print('Bits Received = %d, Bit errors = %d, BEP = %1.2e' %\ (total_bit_count, total_bit_errors,\ total_bit_errors/total_bit_count)) >>> print('*****************************************************') >>> print('Bits Received = %d, Bit errors = %d, BEP = %1.2e' %\ (total_bit_count, total_bit_errors,\ total_bit_errors/total_bit_count)) Rate 1/2 Object kmax = 0, taumax = 0 Bits Received = 9976, Bit errors = 77, BEP = 7.72e-03 kmax = 0, taumax = 0 Bits Received = 19952, Bit errors = 175, BEP = 8.77e-03 ***************************************************** Bits Received = 19952, Bit errors = 175, BEP = 8.77e-03 >>> # Consider the trellis traceback after the sim completes >>> cc1.traceback_plot() >>> >>> # Compare a collection of simulation results with soft decision >>> # bounds >>> SNRdB = np.arange(0,12,.1) >>> Pb_uc = fec.conv_Pb_bound(1/3,7,[4, 12, 20, 72, 225],SNRdB,2) >>> Pb_s_third_3 = fec.conv_Pb_bound(1/3,8,[3, 0, 15],SNRdB,1) >>> Pb_s_third_4 = fec.conv_Pb_bound(1/3,10,[6, 0, 6, 0],SNRdB,1) >>> Pb_s_third_5 = fec.conv_Pb_bound(1/3,12,[12, 0, 12, 0, 56],SNRdB,1) >>> Pb_s_third_6 = fec.conv_Pb_bound(1/3,13,[1, 8, 26, 20, 19, 62],SNRdB,1) >>> Pb_s_third_7 = fec.conv_Pb_bound(1/3,14,[1, 0, 20, 0, 53, 0, 184],SNRdB,1) >>> Pb_s_third_8 = fec.conv_Pb_bound(1/3,16,[1, 0, 24, 0, 113, 0, 287, 0],SNRdB,1) >>> Pb_s_half = fec.conv_Pb_bound(1/2,7,[4, 12, 20, 72, 225],SNRdB,1) >>> plt.figure(figsize=(5,5)) >>> plt.semilogy(SNRdB,Pb_uc) >>> plt.semilogy(SNRdB,Pb_s_third_3,'--') >>> plt.semilogy(SNRdB,Pb_s_third_4,'--') >>> plt.semilogy(SNRdB,Pb_s_third_5,'g') >>> plt.semilogy(SNRdB,Pb_s_third_6,'--') >>> plt.semilogy(SNRdB,Pb_s_third_7,'--') >>> plt.semilogy(SNRdB,Pb_s_third_8,'--') >>> plt.semilogy([0,1,2,3,4,5],[9.08e-02,2.73e-02,6.52e-03,\ 8.94e-04,8.54e-05,5e-6],'gs') >>> plt.axis([0,12,1e-7,1e0]) >>> plt.title(r'Soft Decision Rate 1/2 Coding Measurements') >>> plt.xlabel(r'$E_b/N_0$ (dB)') >>> plt.ylabel(r'Symbol Error Probability') >>> plt.legend(('Uncoded BPSK','R=1/3, K=3, Soft',\ 'R=1/3, K=4, Soft','R=1/3, K=5, Soft',\ 'R=1/3, K=6, Soft','R=1/3, K=7, Soft',\ 'R=1/3, K=8, Soft','R=1/3, K=5, Sim', \ 'Simulation'),loc='upper right') >>> plt.grid(); >>> >>> # Hard decision rate 1/3 simulation >>> N_bits_per_frame = 10000 >>> EbN0 = 3 >>> total_bit_errors = 0 >>> total_bit_count = 0 >>> cc2 = fec.FECConv(('11111','11011','10101'),25) >>> # Encode with shift register starting state of '0000' >>> state = '0000' >>> while total_bit_errors < 100: >>> # Create 100000 random 0/1 bits >>> x = randint(0,2,N_bits_per_frame) >>> y,state = cc2.conv_encoder(x,state) >>> # Add channel noise to bits, include antipodal level shift to [-1,1] >>> yn_soft = dc.cpx_awgn(2*y-1,EbN0-10*np.log10(3),1) # Channel SNR is 10*log10(3) dB less >>> yn_hard = ((np.sign(yn_soft.real)+1)/2).astype(int) >>> z = cc2.viterbi_decoder(yn_hard.real,'hard') >>> # Count bit errors >>> bit_count, bit_errors = dc.bit_errors(x,z) >>> total_bit_errors += bit_errors >>> total_bit_count += bit_count >>> print('Bits Received = %d, Bit errors = %d, BEP = %1.2e' %\ (total_bit_count, total_bit_errors,\ total_bit_errors/total_bit_count)) >>> print('*****************************************************') >>> print('Bits Received = %d, Bit errors = %d, BEP = %1.2e' %\ (total_bit_count, total_bit_errors,\ total_bit_errors/total_bit_count)) Rate 1/3 Object kmax = 0, taumax = 0 Bits Received = 9976, Bit errors = 251, BEP = 2.52e-02 ***************************************************** Bits Received = 9976, Bit errors = 251, BEP = 2.52e-02 >>> # Compare a collection of simulation results with hard decision >>> # bounds >>> SNRdB = np.arange(0,12,.1) >>> Pb_uc = fec.conv_Pb_bound(1/3,7,[4, 12, 20, 72, 225],SNRdB,2) >>> Pb_s_third_3_hard = fec.conv_Pb_bound(1/3,8,[3, 0, 15, 0, 58, 0, 201, 0],SNRdB,0) >>> Pb_s_third_5_hard = fec.conv_Pb_bound(1/3,12,[12, 0, 12, 0, 56, 0, 320, 0],SNRdB,0) >>> Pb_s_third_7_hard = fec.conv_Pb_bound(1/3,14,[1, 0, 20, 0, 53, 0, 184],SNRdB,0) >>> Pb_s_third_5_hard_sim = np.array([8.94e-04,1.11e-04,8.73e-06]) >>> plt.figure(figsize=(5,5)) >>> plt.semilogy(SNRdB,Pb_uc) >>> plt.semilogy(SNRdB,Pb_s_third_3_hard,'r--') >>> plt.semilogy(SNRdB,Pb_s_third_5_hard,'g--') >>> plt.semilogy(SNRdB,Pb_s_third_7_hard,'k--') >>> plt.semilogy(np.array([5,6,7]),Pb_s_third_5_hard_sim,'sg') >>> plt.axis([0,12,1e-7,1e0]) >>> plt.title(r'Hard Decision Rate 1/3 Coding Measurements') >>> plt.xlabel(r'$E_b/N_0$ (dB)') >>> plt.ylabel(r'Symbol Error Probability') >>> plt.legend(('Uncoded BPSK','R=1/3, K=3, Hard',\ 'R=1/3, K=5, Hard', 'R=1/3, K=7, Hard',\ ),loc='upper right') >>> plt.grid(); >>> >>> # Show the traceback for the rate 1/3 hard decision case >>> cc2.traceback_plot() """ if metric_type == 'hard': # If hard decision must have 0/1 integers for input else float if np.issubdtype(x.dtype, np.integer): if x.max() > 1 or x.min() < 0: raise ValueError('Integer bit values must be 0 or 1') else: raise ValueError('Decoder inputs must be integers on [0,1] for hard decisions') # Initialize cumulative metrics array cm_present = np.zeros((self.Nstates,1)) NS = len(x) # number of channel symbols to process; # must be even for rate 1/2 # must be a multiple of 3 for rate 1/3 y = np.zeros(NS-self.decision_depth) # Decoded bit sequence k = 0 symbolL = self.rate.denominator # Calculate branch metrics and update traceback states and traceback bits for n in range(0,NS,symbolL): cm_past = self.paths.cumulative_metric[:,0] tb_states_temp = self.paths.traceback_states[:,:-1].copy() tb_bits_temp = self.paths.traceback_bits[:,:-1].copy() for m in range(self.Nstates): d1 = self.bm_calc(self.branches.bits1[m], x[n:n+symbolL],metric_type, quant_level) d1 = d1 + cm_past[self.branches.states1[m]] d2 = self.bm_calc(self.branches.bits2[m], x[n:n+symbolL],metric_type, quant_level) d2 = d2 + cm_past[self.branches.states2[m]] if d1 <= d2: # Find the survivor assuming minimum distance wins cm_present[m] = d1 self.paths.traceback_states[m,:] = np.hstack((self.branches.states1[m], tb_states_temp[int(self.branches.states1[m]),:])) self.paths.traceback_bits[m,:] = np.hstack((self.branches.input1[m], tb_bits_temp[int(self.branches.states1[m]),:])) else: cm_present[m] = d2 self.paths.traceback_states[m,:] = np.hstack((self.branches.states2[m], tb_states_temp[int(self.branches.states2[m]),:])) self.paths.traceback_bits[m,:] = np.hstack((self.branches.input2[m], tb_bits_temp[int(self.branches.states2[m]),:])) # Update cumulative metric history self.paths.cumulative_metric = np.hstack((cm_present, self.paths.cumulative_metric[:,:-1])) # Obtain estimate of input bit sequence from the oldest bit in # the traceback having the smallest (most likely) cumulative metric min_metric = min(self.paths.cumulative_metric[:,0]) min_idx = np.where(self.paths.cumulative_metric[:,0] == min_metric) if n >= symbolL*self.decision_depth-symbolL: # 2 since Rate = 1/2 y[k] = self.paths.traceback_bits[min_idx[0][0],-1] k += 1 y = y[:k] # trim final length return y def bm_calc(self,ref_code_bits, rec_code_bits, metric_type, quant_level): """ distance = bm_calc(ref_code_bits, rec_code_bits, metric_type) Branch metrics calculation <NAME> and <NAME> October 2018 """ distance = 0 if metric_type == 'soft': # squared distance metric bits = binary(int(ref_code_bits),self.rate.denominator) for k in range(len(bits)): ref_bit = (2**quant_level-1)*int(bits[k],2) distance += (int(rec_code_bits[k]) - ref_bit)**2 elif metric_type == 'hard': # hard decisions bits = binary(int(ref_code_bits),self.rate.denominator) for k in range(len(rec_code_bits)): distance += abs(rec_code_bits[k] - int(bits[k])) elif metric_type == 'unquant': # unquantized bits = binary(int(ref_code_bits),self.rate.denominator) for k in range(len(bits)): distance += (float(rec_code_bits[k])-float(bits[k]))**2 else: warnings.warn('Invalid metric type specified') raise ValueError('Invalid metric type specified. Use soft, hard, or unquant') return distance def conv_encoder(self,input,state): """ output, state = conv_encoder(input,state) We get the 1/2 or 1/3 rate from self.rate Polys G1 and G2 are entered as binary strings, e.g, G1 = '111' and G2 = '101' for K = 3 G1 = '1011011' and G2 = '1111001' for K = 7 G3 is also included for rate 1/3 Input state as a binary string of length K-1, e.g., '00' or '0000000' e.g., state = '00' for K = 3 e.g., state = '000000' for K = 7 <NAME> and <NAME> 2018 """ output = [] if(self.rate == Fraction(1,2)): for n in range(len(input)): u1 = int(input[n]) u2 = int(input[n]) for m in range(1,self.constraint_length): if int(self.G_polys[0][m]) == 1: # XOR if we have a connection u1 = u1 ^ int(state[m-1]) if int(self.G_polys[1][m]) == 1: # XOR if we have a connection u2 = u2 ^ int(state[m-1]) # G1 placed first, G2 placed second output = np.hstack((output, [u1, u2])) state = bin(int(input[n]))[-1] + state[:-1] elif(self.rate == Fraction(1,3)): for n in range(len(input)): if(int(self.G_polys[0][0]) == 1): u1 = int(input[n]) else: u1 = 0 if(int(self.G_polys[1][0]) == 1): u2 = int(input[n]) else: u2 = 0 if(int(self.G_polys[2][0]) == 1): u3 = int(input[n]) else: u3 = 0 for m in range(1,self.constraint_length): if int(self.G_polys[0][m]) == 1: # XOR if we have a connection u1 = u1 ^ int(state[m-1]) if int(self.G_polys[1][m]) == 1: # XOR if we have a connection u2 = u2 ^ int(state[m-1]) if int(self.G_polys[2][m]) == 1: # XOR if we have a connection u3 = u3 ^ int(state[m-1]) # G1 placed first, G2 placed second, G3 placed third output = np.hstack((output, [u1, u2, u3])) state = bin(int(input[n]))[-1] + state[:-1] return output, state def puncture(self,code_bits,puncture_pattern = ('110','101')): """ Apply puncturing to the serial bits produced by convolutionally encoding. :param code_bits: :param puncture_pattern: :return: Examples -------- This example uses the following puncture matrix: .. math:: \\begin{align*} \\mathbf{A} = \\begin{bmatrix} 1 & 1 & 0 \\\\ 1 & 0 & 1 \\end{bmatrix} \\end{align*} The upper row operates on the outputs for the :math:`G_{1}` polynomial and the lower row operates on the outputs of the :math:`G_{2}`
activity: %s' % task) return False except models.ValidationError as e: errors.append(str(e)) return False except Exception as e: errors.append('Unable to convert: %s, Error: %s' % (task, e)) return False return True def copy_to_lesson_13( src_unit, src_lesson, dst_unit, dst_lesson, now_available, errors): dst_lesson.objectives = src_lesson.objectives = if src_lesson.audion: = else: = '' dst_lesson.notes = src_lesson.notes dst_lesson.duration = src_lesson.duration dst_lesson.activity_listed = False dst_lesson.now_available = now_available # Copy over the activity. Note that we copy files directly and # avoid all logical validations of their content. This is done for a # purpose - at this layer we don't care what is in those files. if src_lesson.activity: # create a lesson with activity if src_lesson.activity_title: title = src_lesson.activity_title else: title = 'Activity' lesson_w_activity = self.add_lesson(dst_unit, title) lesson_w_activity.auto_index = False lesson_w_activity.activity_listed = False lesson_w_activity.now_available = now_available src_filename = os.path.join( src_course.app_context.get_home(), src_course.get_activity_filename( src_unit.unit_id, src_lesson.lesson_id)) if src_course.app_context.fs.isfile(src_filename): text = src_course.app_context.fs.get(src_filename) import_lesson12_activities( text, dst_unit, lesson_w_activity, src_lesson.title, errors) def copy_lesson12_into_lesson13( src_unit, src_lesson, dst_unit, dst_lesson, errors): copy_to_lesson_13( src_unit, src_lesson, dst_unit, dst_lesson, True, errors) dst_lesson.now_available = True def copy_lesson13_into_lesson13( src_unit, src_lesson, dst_unit, dst_lesson, errors): copy_to_lesson_13( src_unit, src_lesson, dst_unit, dst_lesson, src_lesson.now_available, errors) dst_lesson.now_available = src_lesson.now_available dst_lesson.scored = src_lesson.scored dst_lesson.paid = src_lesson.paid = def _copy_entities_between_namespaces(entity_types, from_ns, to_ns): """Copies entities between different namespaces.""" def _mapper_func(entity, unused_ns): _add_entity_instance_to_a_namespace( to_ns, entity.__class__, entity.key().id_or_name(), old_namespace = namespace_manager.get_namespace() try: namespace_manager.set_namespace(from_ns) for _entity_class in entity_types: mapper = utils.QueryMapper( _entity_class.all(), batch_size=DEFAULT_FETCH_LIMIT, report_every=0), from_ns) finally: namespace_manager.set_namespace(old_namespace) def _add_entity_instance_to_a_namespace( ns, entity_class, _id_or_name, data): """Add new entity to the datastore of and a given namespace.""" old_namespace = namespace_manager.get_namespace() try: namespace_manager.set_namespace(ns) new_key = db.Key.from_path(entity_class.__name__, _id_or_name) new_instance = entity_class(key=new_key) = data new_instance.put() finally: namespace_manager.set_namespace(old_namespace) # check editable if not self._app_context.is_editable_fs(): errors.append( 'Target course %s must be ' 'on read-write media.' % self.app_context.raw) return None, None # check empty if self.get_units(): errors.append( 'Target course %s must be empty.' % self.app_context.raw) return None, None # import course settings dst_settings = self.app_context.get_environ() src_settings = src_course.app_context.get_environ() dst_settings = deep_dict_merge(dst_settings, src_settings) if not self.save_settings(dst_settings): errors.append('Failed to import course settings.') return None, None # iterate over course structure and assets and import each item with Namespace(self.app_context.get_namespace_name()): for unit in src_course.get_units(): # import unit new_unit = self.add_unit(unit.type, unit.title) if src_course.version == CourseModel13.VERSION: copy_unit13_into_unit13(unit, new_unit, src_course, errors) elif src_course.version == CourseModel12.VERSION: copy_unit12_into_unit13(unit, new_unit, errors) else: raise Exception( 'Unsupported course version: %s', src_course.version) # import contained lessons for lesson in src_course.get_lessons(unit.unit_id): new_lesson = self.add_lesson(new_unit, lesson.title) if src_course.version == CourseModel13.VERSION: copy_lesson13_into_lesson13( unit, lesson, new_unit, new_lesson, errors) elif src_course.version == CourseModel12.VERSION: copy_lesson12_into_lesson13( unit, lesson, new_unit, new_lesson, errors) else: raise Exception( 'Unsupported course version: ' '%s', src_course.version) # assign weights to assignments imported from version 12 if src_course.version == CourseModel12.VERSION: if self.get_assessments(): w = common_utils.truncate( 100.0 / len(self.get_assessments())) for x in self.get_assessments(): x.weight = w # import course dependencies from the datastore _copy_entities_between_namespaces( list(COURSE_CONTENT_ENTITIES) + list( ADDITIONAL_ENTITIES_FOR_COURSE_IMPORT), src_course.app_context.get_namespace_name(), self.app_context.get_namespace_name()) return src_course, self def to_json(self): """Creates JSON representation of this instance.""" persistent = PersistentCourse13( next_id=self._next_id, units=self._units, lessons=self._lessons) return transforms.dumps( persistent.to_dict(), indent=4, sort_keys=True, default=lambda o: o.__dict__) class Workflow(object): """Stores workflow specifications for assessments.""" def __init__(self, yaml_str): """Sets yaml_str (the workflow spec), without doing any validation.""" self._yaml_str = yaml_str def to_yaml(self): return self._yaml_str def to_dict(self): if not self._yaml_str: return {} obj = yaml.safe_load(self._yaml_str) assert isinstance(obj, dict) return obj def _convert_date_string_to_datetime(self, date_str): """Returns a datetime object.""" if not date_str: return None return datetime.strptime(date_str, ISO_8601_DATE_FORMAT) def get_grader(self): """Returns the associated grader.""" return self.to_dict().get(GRADER_KEY) def get_matcher(self): return self.to_dict().get(MATCHER_KEY) def get_submission_due_date(self): date_str = self.to_dict().get(SUBMISSION_DUE_DATE_KEY) if date_str is None: return None return self._convert_date_string_to_datetime(date_str) def get_review_due_date(self): date_str = self.to_dict().get(REVIEW_DUE_DATE_KEY) if date_str is None: return None return self._convert_date_string_to_datetime(date_str) def get_review_min_count(self): return self.to_dict().get(REVIEW_MIN_COUNT_KEY) def get_review_window_mins(self): return self.to_dict().get(REVIEW_WINDOW_MINS_KEY) def _ensure_value_is_nonnegative_int(self, workflow_dict, key, errors): """Checks that workflow_dict[key] is a non-negative integer.""" value = workflow_dict[key] if not isinstance(value, int): errors.append('%s should be an integer' % key) elif value < 0: errors.append('%s should be a non-negative integer' % key) def validate(self, errors=None): """Tests whether the current Workflow object is valid.""" if errors is None: errors = [] try: # Validate the workflow specification (in YAML format). assert self._yaml_str, 'missing key: %s.' % GRADER_KEY workflow_dict = yaml.safe_load(self._yaml_str) assert isinstance(workflow_dict, dict), ( 'expected the YAML representation of a dict') assert GRADER_KEY in workflow_dict, 'missing key: %s.' % GRADER_KEY assert workflow_dict[GRADER_KEY] in ALLOWED_GRADERS, ( 'invalid grader, should be one of: %s' % ', '.join(ALLOWED_GRADERS)) workflow_errors = [] submission_due_date = None if SUBMISSION_DUE_DATE_KEY in workflow_dict.keys(): try: submission_due_date = self._convert_date_string_to_datetime( workflow_dict[SUBMISSION_DUE_DATE_KEY]) except Exception as e: # pylint: disable-msg=broad-except workflow_errors.append( 'dates should be formatted as YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm ' '(e.g. 1997-07-16 19:20) and be specified in the UTC ' 'timezone') if workflow_errors: raise Exception('%s.' % '; '.join(workflow_errors)) if workflow_dict[GRADER_KEY] == HUMAN_GRADER: missing_keys = [] for key in HUMAN_GRADED_ASSESSMENT_KEY_LIST: if key not in workflow_dict: missing_keys.append(key) elif (isinstance(workflow_dict[key], basestring) and not workflow_dict[key]): missing_keys.append(key) assert not missing_keys, ( 'missing key(s) for a human-reviewed assessment: %s.' % ', '.join(missing_keys)) if (workflow_dict[MATCHER_KEY] not in review.ALLOWED_MATCHERS): workflow_errors.append( 'invalid matcher, should be one of: %s' % ', '.join(review.ALLOWED_MATCHERS)) self._ensure_value_is_nonnegative_int( workflow_dict, REVIEW_MIN_COUNT_KEY, workflow_errors) self._ensure_value_is_nonnegative_int( workflow_dict, REVIEW_WINDOW_MINS_KEY, workflow_errors) try: review_due_date = self._convert_date_string_to_datetime( workflow_dict[REVIEW_DUE_DATE_KEY]) if submission_due_date > review_due_date: workflow_errors.append( 'submission due date should be earlier than ' 'review due date') except Exception as e: # pylint: disable-msg=broad-except workflow_errors.append( 'dates should be formatted as YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm ' '(e.g. 1997-07-16 19:20) and be specified in the UTC ' 'timezone') if workflow_errors: raise Exception('%s.' % '; '.join(workflow_errors)) return True except Exception as e: # pylint: disable-msg=broad-except errors.append('Error validating workflow specification: %s' % e) return False class Course(object): """Manages a course and all of its components.""" # Place for modules to register additional schema fields for setting # course options. Used in create_common_settings_schema(). # # This is a dict of lists. The dict key is a string matching a # sub-registry in the course schema. It is legitimate and expected usage # to name a sub-schema that's created in create_common_settings_schema(), # in which case the relevant settings are added to that subsection, and # will appear with other settings in that subsection in the admin editor # page. # # It is also reasonable to add a new subsection name. If you do that, you # should also edit the registration of the settings sub-tabs in # modules.dashboard.dashboard.register_module() to add either a new # sub-tab, or add your section to an existing sub-tab. # # Schema providers are expected to be functions which take one argument: # the current course. Providers should return exactly one SchemaField # object, which will be added to the appropriate subsection. OPTIONS_SCHEMA_PROVIDERS = collections.defaultdict(list) # Holds callback functions which are passed the course object after it it # loaded, to perform any further processing on loaded course data. An # instance of the newly created course is passed into each of the hook # methods in the order they were added to the list. POST_LOAD_HOOKS = [] # Holds callback functions which are passed the course env dict after it is # loaded, to perform any further processing on it. COURSE_ENV_POST_LOAD_HOOKS = [] # Holds callback functions which are passed the course env dict after it is # saved. COURSE_ENV_POST_SAVE_HOOKS = [] # Data which is patched onto the course environment - for testing use only. ENVIRON_TEST_OVERRIDES = {} SCHEMA_SECTION_COURSE = 'course' SCHEMA_SECTION_HOMEPAGE = 'homepage' SCHEMA_SECTION_REGISTRATION = 'registration' SCHEMA_SECTION_UNITS_AND_LESSONS = 'unit' SCHEMA_SECTION_ASSESSMENT = 'assessment' SCHEMA_SECTION_I18N = 'i18n' # here we keep current course available to thread INSTANCE = threading.local() @classmethod def get_schema_sections(cls): ret = set([ cls.SCHEMA_SECTION_COURSE, cls.SCHEMA_SECTION_HOMEPAGE, cls.SCHEMA_SECTION_REGISTRATION, cls.SCHEMA_SECTION_UNITS_AND_LESSONS, cls.SCHEMA_SECTION_ASSESSMENT, cls.SCHEMA_SECTION_I18N, ]) for name in cls.OPTIONS_SCHEMA_PROVIDERS: ret.add(name) return ret @classmethod def make_locale_environ_key(cls, locale): """Returns key used to store localized settings in memcache.""" return 'course:environ:locale:%s:%s' % ( os.environ.get('CURRENT_VERSION_ID'), locale) @classmethod def get_environ(cls, app_context): """Returns currently defined course settings as a dictionary.""" # pylint: disable-msg=protected-access # get from local cache env = app_context._cached_environ if env: return copy.deepcopy(env) # get from global cache _locale = app_context.get_current_locale() _key = cls.make_locale_environ_key(_locale) env = models.MemcacheManager.get( _key, namespace=app_context.get_namespace_name()) if env:
<gh_stars>100-1000 #!/usr/bin/env python """ Blue Gecko BGAPI/BGLib implementation Changelog: 2020-08-03 - Ported to Blue Gecko (Kris Young) 2017-06-26 - Moved to python3 2013-05-04 - Fixed single-item struct.unpack returns (@zwasson on Github) 2013-04-28 - Fixed numerous uint8array/bd_addr command arg errors - Added 'debug' support 2013-04-16 - Fixed 'bglib_on_idle' to be 'on_idle' 2013-04-15 - Added wifi BGAPI support in addition to BLE BGAPI - Fixed references to 'this' instead of 'self' 2013-04-11 - Initial release ============================================ Blue Gecko BGLib Python interface library 2013-05-04 by <NAME> <<EMAIL>> Updates should (hopefully) always be available at ============================================ BGLib Python interface library code is placed under the MIT license Copyright (c) 2013 <NAME> Modifications Copyright (c) 2020 Silicon Laboratories Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. =============================================== Generated on 2020-Aug-03 22:20:09 =============================================== """ __author__ = "<NAME>" __license__ = "MIT" __version__ = "2013-05-04" __email__ = "<EMAIL>" import struct # thanks to Masaaki Shibata for Python event handler code # class BGAPIEvent(object): def __init__(self, doc=None): self.__doc__ = doc def __get__(self, obj, objtype=None): if obj is None: return self return BGAPIEventHandler(self, obj) def __set__(self, obj, value): pass class BGAPIEventHandler(object): def __init__(self, event, obj): self.event = event self.obj = obj def _getfunctionlist(self): """(internal use) """ try: eventhandler = self.obj.__eventhandler__ except AttributeError: eventhandler = self.obj.__eventhandler__ = {} return eventhandler.setdefault(self.event, []) def add(self, func): """Add new event handler function. Event handler function must be defined like func(sender, earg). You can add handler also by using '+=' operator. """ self._getfunctionlist().append(func) return self def remove(self, func): """Remove existing event handler function. You can remove handler also by using '-=' operator. """ self._getfunctionlist().remove(func) return self def fire(self, earg=None): """Fire event and call all handler functions You can call EventHandler object itself like e(earg) instead of """ for func in self._getfunctionlist(): func(self.obj, earg) __iadd__ = add __isub__ = remove __call__ = fire class BGLib(object): def gecko_cmd_dfu_reset(self, dfu): return struct.pack('<4BB', 0x20, 1, 0, 0, dfu) def gecko_cmd_dfu_flash_set_address(self, address): return struct.pack('<4BI', 0x20, 4, 0, 1, address) def gecko_cmd_dfu_flash_upload(self, data): return struct.pack('<4BB' + str(len(data)) + 's', 0x20, 1 + len(data), 0, 2, len(data), bytes(i for i in data)) def gecko_cmd_dfu_flash_upload_finish(self): return struct.pack('<4B', 0x20, 0, 0, 3) def gecko_cmd_system_hello(self): return struct.pack('<4B', 0x20, 0, 1, 0) def gecko_cmd_system_reset(self, dfu): return struct.pack('<4BB', 0x20, 1, 1, 1, dfu) def gecko_cmd_system_get_bt_address(self): return struct.pack('<4B', 0x20, 0, 1, 3) def gecko_cmd_system_set_bt_address(self, address): return struct.pack('<4B6s', 0x20, 6, 1, 4, bytes(i for i in address)) def gecko_cmd_system_set_tx_power(self, power): return struct.pack('<4Bh', 0x20, 2, 1, 10, power) def gecko_cmd_system_get_random_data(self, length): return struct.pack('<4BB', 0x20, 1, 1, 11, length) def gecko_cmd_system_halt(self, halt): return struct.pack('<4BB', 0x20, 1, 1, 12, halt) def gecko_cmd_system_set_device_name(self, type, name): return struct.pack('<4BBB' + str(len(name)) + 's', 0x20, 2 + len(name), 1, 13, type, len(name), bytes(i for i in name)) def gecko_cmd_system_linklayer_configure(self, key, data): return struct.pack('<4BBB' + str(len(data)) + 's', 0x20, 2 + len(data), 1, 14, key, len(data), bytes(i for i in data)) def gecko_cmd_system_get_counters(self, reset): return struct.pack('<4BB', 0x20, 1, 1, 15, reset) def gecko_cmd_system_data_buffer_write(self, data): return struct.pack('<4BB' + str(len(data)) + 's', 0x20, 1 + len(data), 1, 18, len(data), bytes(i for i in data)) def gecko_cmd_system_set_identity_address(self, address, type): return struct.pack('<4B6sB', 0x20, 7, 1, 19, bytes(i for i in address), type) def gecko_cmd_system_data_buffer_clear(self): return struct.pack('<4B', 0x20, 0, 1, 20) def gecko_cmd_le_gap_open(self, address, address_type): return struct.pack('<4B6sB', 0x20, 7, 3, 0, bytes(i for i in address), address_type) def gecko_cmd_le_gap_set_mode(self, discover, connect): return struct.pack('<4BBB', 0x20, 2, 3, 1, discover, connect) def gecko_cmd_le_gap_discover(self, mode): return struct.pack('<4BB', 0x20, 1, 3, 2, mode) def gecko_cmd_le_gap_end_procedure(self): return struct.pack('<4B', 0x20, 0, 3, 3) def gecko_cmd_le_gap_set_adv_parameters(self, interval_min, interval_max, channel_map): return struct.pack('<4BHHB', 0x20, 5, 3, 4, interval_min, interval_max, channel_map) def gecko_cmd_le_gap_set_conn_parameters(self, min_interval, max_interval, latency, timeout): return struct.pack('<4BHHHH', 0x20, 8, 3, 5, min_interval, max_interval, latency, timeout) def gecko_cmd_le_gap_set_scan_parameters(self, scan_interval, scan_window, active): return struct.pack('<4BHHB', 0x20, 5, 3, 6, scan_interval, scan_window, active) def gecko_cmd_le_gap_set_adv_data(self, scan_rsp, adv_data): return struct.pack('<4BBB' + str(len(adv_data)) + 's', 0x20, 2 + len(adv_data), 3, 7, scan_rsp, len(adv_data), bytes(i for i in adv_data)) def gecko_cmd_le_gap_set_adv_timeout(self, maxevents): return struct.pack('<4BB', 0x20, 1, 3, 8, maxevents) def gecko_cmd_le_gap_set_conn_phy(self, preferred_phy, accepted_phy): return struct.pack('<4BBB', 0x20, 2, 3, 9, preferred_phy, accepted_phy) def gecko_cmd_le_gap_bt5_set_mode(self, handle, discover, connect, maxevents, address_type): return struct.pack('<4BBBBHB', 0x20, 6, 3, 10, handle, discover, connect, maxevents, address_type) def gecko_cmd_le_gap_bt5_set_adv_parameters(self, handle, interval_min, interval_max, channel_map, report_scan): return struct.pack('<4BBHHBB', 0x20, 7, 3, 11, handle, interval_min, interval_max, channel_map, report_scan) def gecko_cmd_le_gap_bt5_set_adv_data(self, handle, scan_rsp, adv_data): return struct.pack('<4BBBB' + str(len(adv_data)) + 's', 0x20, 3 + len(adv_data), 3, 12, handle, scan_rsp, len(adv_data), bytes(i for i in adv_data)) def gecko_cmd_le_gap_set_privacy_mode(self, privacy, interval): return struct.pack('<4BBB', 0x20, 2, 3, 13, privacy, interval) def gecko_cmd_le_gap_set_advertise_timing(self, handle, interval_min, interval_max, duration, maxevents): return struct.pack('<4BBIIHB', 0x20, 12, 3, 14, handle, interval_min, interval_max, duration, maxevents) def gecko_cmd_le_gap_set_advertise_channel_map(self, handle, channel_map): return struct.pack('<4BBB', 0x20, 2, 3, 15, handle, channel_map) def gecko_cmd_le_gap_set_advertise_report_scan_request(self, handle, report_scan_req): return struct.pack('<4BBB', 0x20, 2, 3, 16, handle, report_scan_req) def gecko_cmd_le_gap_set_advertise_phy(self, handle, primary_phy, secondary_phy): return struct.pack('<4BBBB', 0x20, 3, 3, 17, handle, primary_phy, secondary_phy) def gecko_cmd_le_gap_set_advertise_configuration(self, handle, configurations): return struct.pack('<4BBI', 0x20, 5, 3, 18, handle, configurations) def gecko_cmd_le_gap_clear_advertise_configuration(self, handle, configurations): return struct.pack('<4BBI', 0x20, 5, 3, 19, handle, configurations) def gecko_cmd_le_gap_start_advertising(self, handle, discover, connect): return struct.pack('<4BBBB', 0x20, 3, 3, 20, handle, discover, connect) def gecko_cmd_le_gap_stop_advertising(self, handle): return struct.pack('<4BB', 0x20, 1, 3, 21, handle) def gecko_cmd_le_gap_set_discovery_timing(self, phys, scan_interval, scan_window): return struct.pack('<4BBHH', 0x20, 5, 3, 22, phys, scan_interval, scan_window) def gecko_cmd_le_gap_set_discovery_type(self, phys, scan_type): return struct.pack('<4BBB', 0x20, 2, 3, 23, phys, scan_type) def gecko_cmd_le_gap_start_discovery(self, scanning_phy, mode): return struct.pack('<4BBB', 0x20, 2, 3, 24, scanning_phy, mode) def gecko_cmd_le_gap_set_data_channel_classification(self, channel_map): return struct.pack('<4BB' + str(len(channel_map)) + 's', 0x20, 1 + len(channel_map), 3, 25, len(channel_map), bytes(i for i in channel_map)) def gecko_cmd_le_gap_connect(self, address, address_type, initiating_phy): return struct.pack('<4B6sBB', 0x20, 8, 3, 26, bytes(i for i in address), address_type, initiating_phy) def gecko_cmd_le_gap_set_advertise_tx_power(self, handle, power): return struct.pack('<4BBh', 0x20, 3, 3, 27, handle, power) def gecko_cmd_le_gap_set_discovery_extended_scan_response(self, enable): return struct.pack('<4BB', 0x20, 1, 3, 28, enable) def gecko_cmd_le_gap_start_periodic_advertising(self, handle, interval_min, interval_max, flags): return struct.pack('<4BBHHI', 0x20, 9, 3, 29, handle, interval_min, interval_max, flags) def gecko_cmd_le_gap_stop_periodic_advertising(self, handle): return struct.pack('<4BB', 0x20, 1, 3, 31, handle) def gecko_cmd_le_gap_set_long_advertising_data(self, handle, packet_type): return struct.pack('<4BBB', 0x20, 2, 3, 32, handle, packet_type) def gecko_cmd_le_gap_enable_whitelisting(self, enable): return struct.pack('<4BB', 0x20, 1, 3, 33, enable) def gecko_cmd_le_gap_set_conn_timing_parameters(self, min_interval, max_interval, latency, timeout, min_ce_length, max_ce_length): return struct.pack('<4BHHHHHH', 0x20, 12, 3, 34, min_interval, max_interval, latency, timeout, min_ce_length, max_ce_length) def gecko_cmd_le_gap_set_advertise_random_address(self, handle, addr_type, address): return struct.pack('<4BBB6s', 0x20, 8, 3, 37, handle, addr_type, bytes(i for i in address)) def gecko_cmd_le_gap_clear_advertise_random_address(self, handle): return struct.pack('<4BB', 0x20, 1, 3, 38, handle) def gecko_cmd_sync_open(self, adv_sid, skip, timeout, address, address_type): return struct.pack('<4BBHH6sB', 0x20, 12, 66, 0, adv_sid, skip, timeout, bytes(i for i in address), address_type) def gecko_cmd_sync_close(self, sync): return struct.pack('<4BB', 0x20, 1, 66, 1, sync) def gecko_cmd_le_connection_set_parameters(self, connection, min_interval, max_interval, latency, timeout): return struct.pack('<4BBHHHH', 0x20, 9, 8, 0, connection, min_interval, max_interval, latency, timeout) def gecko_cmd_le_connection_get_rssi(self, connection): return struct.pack('<4BB', 0x20, 1, 8, 1, connection) def gecko_cmd_le_connection_disable_slave_latency(self, connection, disable): return struct.pack('<4BBB', 0x20, 2, 8, 2, connection, disable) def gecko_cmd_le_connection_set_phy(self, connection, phy): return struct.pack('<4BBB', 0x20, 2, 8, 3, connection, phy) def gecko_cmd_le_connection_close(self, connection): return struct.pack('<4BB', 0x20, 1, 8, 4, connection) def gecko_cmd_le_connection_set_timing_parameters(self, connection, min_interval, max_interval, latency, timeout, min_ce_length, max_ce_length): return struct.pack('<4BBHHHHHH', 0x20, 13, 8, 5, connection, min_interval, max_interval, latency, timeout, min_ce_length, max_ce_length) def gecko_cmd_le_connection_read_channel_map(self, connection): return struct.pack('<4BB', 0x20, 1, 8, 6, connection) def gecko_cmd_le_connection_set_preferred_phy(self, connection, preferred_phy, accepted_phy): return struct.pack('<4BBBB', 0x20, 3, 8, 7,
"""Rotations in three dimensions - SO(3). See :doc:`rotations` for more information. """ import warnings import math import numpy as np from numpy.testing import assert_array_almost_equal unitx = np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0]) unity = np.array([0.0, 1.0, 0.0]) unitz = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0]) R_id = np.eye(3) a_id = np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) q_id = np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) q_i = np.array([0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0]) q_j = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0]) q_k = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]) e_xyz_id = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) e_zyx_id = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) p0 = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) eps = 1e-7 def norm_vector(v): """Normalize vector. Parameters ---------- v : array-like, shape (n,) nd vector Returns ------- u : array, shape (n,) nd unit vector with norm 1 or the zero vector """ norm = np.linalg.norm(v) if norm == 0.0: return v else: return np.asarray(v) / norm def norm_matrix(R): """Normalize rotation matrix. Parameters ---------- R : array-like, shape (3, 3) Rotation matrix with small numerical errors Returns ------- R : array, shape (3, 3) Normalized rotation matrix """ R = np.asarray(R) c2 = R[:, 1] c3 = norm_vector(R[:, 2]) c1 = norm_vector(np.cross(c2, c3)) c2 = norm_vector(np.cross(c3, c1)) return np.column_stack((c1, c2, c3)) def norm_angle(a): """Normalize angle to (-pi, pi]. Parameters ---------- a : float or array-like, shape (n,) Angle(s) in radians Returns ------- a_norm : float or array-like, shape (n,) Normalized angle(s) in radians """ # Source of the solution: return -((np.pi - np.asarray(a)) % (2.0 * np.pi) - np.pi) def norm_axis_angle(a): """Normalize axis-angle representation. Parameters ---------- a : array-like, shape (4,) Axis of rotation and rotation angle: (x, y, z, angle) Returns ------- a : array-like, shape (4,) Axis of rotation and rotation angle: (x, y, z, angle). The length of the axis vector is 1 and the angle is in [0, pi). No rotation is represented by [1, 0, 0, 0]. """ angle = a[3] norm = np.linalg.norm(a[:3]) if angle == 0.0 or norm == 0.0: return np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) res = np.empty(4) res[:3] = a[:3] / norm angle = norm_angle(angle) if angle < 0.0: angle *= -1.0 res[:3] *= -1.0 res[3] = angle return res def norm_compact_axis_angle(a): """Normalize compact axis-angle representation. Parameters ---------- a : array-like, shape (3,) Axis of rotation and rotation angle: angle * (x, y, z) Returns ------- a : array-like, shape (3,) Axis of rotation and rotation angle: angle * (x, y, z). The angle is in [0, pi). No rotation is represented by [0, 0, 0]. """ angle = np.linalg.norm(a) if angle == 0.0: return np.zeros(3) axis = a / angle return axis * norm_angle(angle) def perpendicular_to_vectors(a, b): """Compute perpendicular vector to two other vectors. Parameters ---------- a : array-like, shape (3,) 3d vector b : array-like, shape (3,) 3d vector Returns ------- c : array-like, shape (3,) 3d vector that is orthogonal to a and b """ return np.cross(a, b) def perpendicular_to_vector(a): """Compute perpendicular vector to one other vector. There is an infinite number of solutions to this problem. Thus, we restrict the solutions to [1, 0, z] and return [0, 0, 1] if the z component of a is 0. Parameters ---------- a : array-like, shape (3,) 3d vector Returns ------- b : array-like, shape (3,) A 3d vector that is orthogonal to a. It does not necessarily have unit length. """ if abs(a[2]) < eps: return np.copy(unitz) # Now that we solved the problem for [x, y, 0], we can solve it for all # other vectors by restricting solutions to [1, 0, z] and find z. # The dot product of orthogonal vectors is 0, thus # a[0] * 1 + a[1] * 0 + a[2] * z == 0 or -a[0] / a[2] = z return np.array([1.0, 0.0, -a[0] / a[2]]) def angle_between_vectors(a, b, fast=False): """Compute angle between two vectors. Parameters ---------- a : array-like, shape (n,) nd vector b : array-like, shape (n,) nd vector fast : bool, optional (default: False) Use fast implementation instead of numerically stable solution Returns ------- angle : float Angle between a and b """ if len(a) != 3 or fast: return np.arccos( np.clip(, b) / (np.linalg.norm(a) * np.linalg.norm(b)), -1.0, 1.0)) else: return np.arctan2(np.linalg.norm(np.cross(a, b)),, b)) def vector_projection(a, b): """Orthogonal projection of vector a on vector b. Parameters ---------- a : array-like, shape (3,) Vector a that will be projected on vector b b : array-like, shape (3,) Vector b on which vector a will be projected Returns ------- a_on_b : array, shape (3,) Vector a """ b_norm_squared =, b) if b_norm_squared == 0.0: return np.zeros(3) return, b) * b / b_norm_squared def random_vector(random_state=np.random.RandomState(0), n=3): """Generate an nd vector with normally distributed components. Each component will be sampled from :math:`\mathcal{N}(\mu=0, \sigma=1)`. Parameters ---------- random_state : np.random.RandomState, optional (default: random seed 0) Random number generator n : int, optional (default: 3) Number of vector components Returns ------- v : array-like, shape (n,) Random vector """ return random_state.randn(n) def random_axis_angle(random_state=np.random.RandomState(0)): """Generate random axis-angle. The angle will be sampled uniformly from the interval :math:`[0, \pi)` and each component of the rotation axis will be sampled from :math:`\mathcal{N}(\mu=0, \sigma=1)` and than the axis will be normalized to length 1. Parameters ---------- random_state : np.random.RandomState, optional (default: random seed 0) Random number generator Returns ------- a : array-like, shape (4,) Axis of rotation and rotation angle: (x, y, z, angle) """ angle = np.pi * random_state.rand() a = np.array([0, 0, 0, angle]) a[:3] = norm_vector(random_state.randn(3)) return a def random_compact_axis_angle(random_state=np.random.RandomState(0)): """Generate random compact axis-angle. The angle will be sampled uniformly from the interval :math:`[0, \pi)` and each component of the rotation axis will be sampled from :math:`\mathcal{N}(\mu=0, \sigma=1)` and than the axis will be normalized to length 1. Parameters ---------- random_state : np.random.RandomState, optional (default: random seed 0) Random number generator Returns ------- a : array-like, shape (3,) Axis of rotation and rotation angle: angle * (x, y, z) """ a = random_axis_angle(random_state) return a[:3] * a[3] def random_quaternion(random_state=np.random.RandomState(0)): """Generate random quaternion. Parameters ---------- random_state : np.random.RandomState, optional (default: random seed 0) Random number generator Returns ------- q : array-like, shape (4,) Unit quaternion to represent rotation: (w, x, y, z) """ return norm_vector(random_state.randn(4)) def cross_product_matrix(v): """Generate the cross-product matrix of a vector. The cross-product matrix :math:`\\boldsymbol{V}` satisfies the equation .. math:: \\boldsymbol{V} \\boldsymbol{w} = \\boldsymbol{v} \\times \\boldsymbol{w} It is a skew-symmetric (antisymmetric) matrix, i.e. :math:`-\\boldsymbol{V} = \\boldsymbol{V}^T`. Parameters ---------- v : array-like, shape (3,) 3d vector Returns ------- V : array-like, shape (3, 3) Cross-product matrix """ return np.array([[0.0, -v[2], v[1]], [v[2], 0.0, -v[0]], [-v[1], v[0], 0.0]]) def check_skew_symmetric_matrix(V, tolerance=1e-6, strict_check=True): """Input validation of a skew-symmetric matrix. Check whether the transpose of the matrix is its negative: .. math:: V^T = -V Parameters ---------- V : array-like, shape (3, 3) Cross-product matrix tolerance : float, optional (default: 1e-6) Tolerance threshold for checks. strict_check : bool, optional (default: True) Raise a ValueError if V.T is not numerically close enough to -V. Otherwise we print a warning. Returns ------- V : array-like, shape (3, 3) Validated cross-product matrix """ V = np.asarray(V, dtype=np.float) if V.ndim != 2 or V.shape[0] != 3 or V.shape[1] != 3: raise ValueError("Expected skew-symmetric matrix with shape (3, 3), " "got array-like object with shape %s" % (V.shape,)) if not np.allclose(V.T, -V, atol=tolerance): error_msg = ("Expected skew-symmetric matrix, but it failed the test " "V.T = %r\n-V = %r" % (V.T, -V)) if strict_check: raise ValueError(error_msg) else: warnings.warn(error_msg) return V def check_matrix(R, tolerance=1e-6, strict_check=True): """Input validation of a rotation matrix. We check whether R multiplied by its inverse is approximately the identity matrix and the determinant is approximately 1. Parameters ---------- R : array-like, shape (3, 3) Rotation matrix tolerance : float, optional (default: 1e-6) Tolerance threshold for checks. Default tolerance is the same as in assert_rotation_matrix(R). strict_check : bool, optional (default: True) Raise a ValueError if the rotation matrix is not numerically close enough to a real rotation matrix. Otherwise we print a warning. Returns ------- R : array, shape (3, 3) Validated rotation matrix """
<reponame>qmaster0803/telegram_gallery_bot import config_module import storage_module import sqlite3 import json import os import glob from datetime import datetime def open_connection(db_path=config_module.main_db_path): try: db_conn = sqlite3.connect(db_path) except: print("Error connecting to database!") return db_conn def init_database(): #create tables only if they not exist, so we can run this on every bot startup db_conn = open_connection() cur = db_conn.cursor() cur.execute('SELECT `name` FROM `sqlite_master` WHERE `type`="table" AND `name`="users";') if(cur.fetchone() == None): cur = db_conn.cursor() cur.executescript(''' BEGIN TRANSACTION; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "galleries" ( "id" INTEGER UNIQUE, "name" TEXT, "deleted" INTEGER DEFAULT 0, "autorotate" INTEGER DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY("id" AUTOINCREMENT) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "processing_queue" ( "id" INTEGER UNIQUE, "path" TEXT, "user_id" INTEGER, "gallery_id" INTEGER, "action" TEXT, PRIMARY KEY("id" AUTOINCREMENT) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "users" ( "id" INTEGER UNIQUE, "rights" INTEGER, "galleries" TEXT DEFAULT '[]', "current_working_gallery" INTEGER DEFAULT -1, PRIMARY KEY("id") ); COMMIT; ''') print("WARNING! This is first launch of the program. Send /start to bot to register you as admin. Press enter to continue.") return False else: print("Main database initialized.") return True #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # USERS MODIFYING FUNCTIONS #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def add_user(user_id, rights): db_conn = open_connection() cur = db_conn.cursor() if(rights == '1' or rights == 'admin'): rights_id = 1 else: rights_id = 0 try: cur.execute('INSERT INTO `users` (`id`,`rights`) VALUES ({}, {});'.format(user_id, rights_id)) except sqlite3.IntegrityError as e: if(str(e).startswith("UNIQUE constraint failed")): return 1 db_conn.commit() db_conn.close() return 0 def modify_user(user_id, rights): db_conn = open_connection() cur = db_conn.cursor() if(rights == '1' or rights == 'admin'): rights_id = 1 else: rights_id = 0 cur.execute('UPDATE `users` SET `rights` = {} WHERE `id`={};'.format(rights_id, user_id)) if(cur.rowcount == 0): return 1 db_conn.commit() #if user was accessing working gallery using admin rights, reset working gallery if(get_current_working_gallery(user_id) not in get_user_galleries(user_id)): del cur cur = db_conn.cursor() cur.execute('UPDATE `users` SET `current_working_gallery`=-1 WHERE `id`={};'.format(user_id)) db_conn.commit() db_conn.close() return 0 def delete_user(user_id): db_conn = open_connection() cur = db_conn.cursor() cur.execute('DELETE FROM `users` WHERE `id`={};'.format(user_id)) if(cur.rowcount == 0): return 1 db_conn.commit() db_conn.close() return 0 def check_user_rights(user_id): db_conn = open_connection() cur = db_conn.cursor() cur.execute('SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `id`={};'.format(user_id)) row = cur.fetchone() db_conn.close() try: return row[1] except TypeError: return -1 def get_user_galleries(user_id): db_conn = open_connection() cur = db_conn.cursor() cur.execute('SELECT `galleries` FROM `users` WHERE `id`={};'.format(user_id)) galleries = cur.fetchone()[0] db_conn.close() return json.loads(galleries) def allow_gallery(user_id, gallery_id): db_conn = open_connection() #check user exists cur = db_conn.cursor() cur.execute('SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `id`={};'.format(user_id)) if(cur.fetchone() == None): return 1 #check gallery exists cur = db_conn.cursor() cur.execute('SELECT * FROM `galleries` WHERE `id`={} AND `deleted`=0;'.format(gallery_id)) if(cur.fetchone() == None): return 1 #reload json string here cur = db_conn.cursor() cur.execute('SELECT `galleries` FROM `users` WHERE `id`={};'.format(user_id)) galleries_list = json.loads(cur.fetchone()[0]) if(int(gallery_id) in galleries_list): return 1 galleries_list.append(int(gallery_id)) del cur cur = db_conn.cursor() cur.execute('UPDATE `users` SET `galleries`="{}" WHERE `id`={};'.format(json.dumps(galleries_list), user_id)) db_conn.commit() db_conn.close() def deny_gallery(user_id, gallery_id): db_conn = open_connection() #check user exists cur = db_conn.cursor() cur.execute('SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `id`={};'.format(user_id)) if(cur.fetchone() == None): return 1 #reload json string here cur = db_conn.cursor() cur.execute('SELECT `galleries` FROM `users` WHERE `id`={};'.format(user_id)) galleries_list = json.loads(cur.fetchone()[0]) if(int(gallery_id) not in galleries_list): return 1 galleries_list.remove(int(gallery_id)) del cur cur = db_conn.cursor() cur.execute('UPDATE `users` SET `galleries`="{}" WHERE `id`={};'.format(json.dumps(galleries_list), user_id)) db_conn.commit() #set user's working gallery to none (-1) if denied gallery was choosen cur = db_conn.cursor() cur.execute('UPDATE `users` SET `current_working_gallery`=-1 WHERE `id`={} AND `current_working_gallery`={};'.format(user_id, int(gallery_id))) db_conn.commit() db_conn.close() def select_working_gallery(user_id, gallery_id): if(gallery_id in get_user_galleries(user_id) or check_user_rights(user_id) == 1): db_conn = open_connection() cur = db_conn.cursor() cur.execute('UPDATE `users` SET `current_working_gallery`={} WHERE `id`={};'.format(gallery_id, user_id)) db_conn.commit() db_conn.close() return 0 else: return 1 def get_current_working_gallery(user_id): db_conn = open_connection() cur = db_conn.cursor() cur.execute('SELECT `current_working_gallery` FROM `users` WHERE `id`={};'.format(user_id)) cwg = cur.fetchone()[0] db_conn.close() if(int(cwg) == -1): return None else: return int(cwg) def check_gallery_not_deleted(gallery_id): db_conn = open_connection() cur = db_conn.cursor() cur.execute('SELECT `deleted` FROM `galleries` WHERE `id`={};'.format(gallery_id)) deleted = cur.fetchone()[0] db_conn.close() return deleted == 0 #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # GALLERIES MODIFYING FUNCTIONS #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_gallery_info(gallery_id): db_conn = open_connection() cur = db_conn.cursor() cur.execute('SELECT * FROM `galleries` WHERE `id`="{}";'.format(gallery_id)) result = cur.fetchone() db_conn.close() return result def create_new_gallery(name): db_conn = open_connection() cur = db_conn.cursor() cur.execute('SELECT * FROM `galleries` WHERE `name`="{}";'.format(name)) if(cur.fetchone() != None): return -1 del cur cur = db_conn.cursor() cur.execute('INSERT INTO `galleries` (`name`) VALUES ("{}");'.format(name)) db_conn.commit() cur = db_conn.cursor() cur.execute('SELECT `id` FROM `galleries` WHERE `name`="{}";'.format(name)) new_gallery_id = cur.fetchone()[0] db_conn.close() return new_gallery_id def delete_gallery(gallery_id): db_conn = open_connection() cur = db_conn.cursor() cur.execute('UPDATE `galleries` SET `deleted`=1 WHERE `id`={};'.format(gallery_id)) db_conn.commit() ok = cur.rowcount #reset all users that have this gallery as working to empty working gallery (-1) del cur cur = db_conn.cursor() cur.execute('UPDATE `users` SET `current_working_gallery`=-1 WHERE `current_working_gallery`={};'.format(gallery_id)) db_conn.commit() db_conn.close() return ok def get_galleries_list(user_id): db_conn = open_connection() cur = db_conn.cursor() cur.execute('SELECT * FROM `galleries`;') result = [] if(check_user_rights(user_id) != 1): galleries_of_user = get_user_galleries(user_id) for gallery in cur.fetchall(): if((check_user_rights(user_id) == 1 or gallery[0] in galleries_of_user) and gallery[2] == 0): result.append("ID {}: {}".format(gallery[0], gallery[1])) db_conn.close() if(len(result) == 0): result.append("There are nothing here!") return result def add_photo_to_gallery(db_path, date, checksum, size): #returns id of file because of using auto-increment column in db db_conn = open_connection(db_path=db_path) cur = db_conn.cursor() if(date != None): cur.execute('INSERT INTO `photos` (`date`,`checksum`,`size`) VALUES ({}, "{}", {});'.format(date, checksum, size)) else: cur.execute('INSERT INTO `photos` (`date`,`checksum`,`size`) VALUES (NULL, "{}", {});'.format(checksum, size)) db_conn.commit(); #get id of inserted line cur = db_conn.cursor() if(date != None): cur.execute('SELECT `id` FROM `photos` WHERE `date`={} AND `checksum`="{}" AND `size`={};'.format(date, checksum, size)) else: cur.execute('SELECT `id` FROM `photos` WHERE `date` IS NULL AND `checksum`="{}" AND `size`={};'.format(checksum, size)) new_line_id = cur.fetchone()[0] return new_line_id def modify_photo_checksum(db_path, photo_id, checksum): db_conn = open_connection(db_path=db_path) cur = db_conn.cursor() cur.execute('UPDATE `photos` SET `checksum`="{}" WHERE `id`={};'.format(checksum, photo_id)) db_conn.commit() db_conn.close() def check_photo_exists(db_path, size, checksum): db_conn = open_connection(db_path=db_path) cur = db_conn.cursor() cur.execute('SELECT * FROM `photos` WHERE `size`={} AND `checksum`="{}";'.format(size, checksum)) count = len(cur.fetchall()) db_conn.close() return count != 0 def count_photos_in_month(db_path, year, month): db_conn = open_connection(db_path=db_path) #calculate timestamps range min_timestamp = int(datetime.timestamp(datetime(year=year, month=month, day=1))) if(month != 12): max_timestamp = int(datetime.timestamp(datetime(year=year, month=month+1, day=1))-1) else: max_timestamp = int(datetime.timestamp(datetime(year=year+1, month=1, day=1))-1) #01 Jan of next year as max timestamp if checking Dec #find photos between this timestamps cur = db_conn.cursor() cur.execute('SELECT `id` FROM `photos` WHERE `date`>={} AND `date`<={};'.format(min_timestamp, max_timestamp)) count = len(cur.fetchall()) db_conn.close() return count def find_months_in_gallery(db_path): result = [] db_conn = open_connection(db_path=db_path) #count entries without date cur = db_conn.cursor() cur.execute('SELECT `id` FROM `photos` WHERE `date` IS NULL;') entries_without_date = len(cur.fetchall()) del cur #count entries with date cur = db_conn.cursor() cur.execute('SELECT `id` FROM `photos` WHERE `date` IS NOT NULL;') entries_with_date = len(cur.fetchall()) del cur if(entries_without_date > 0): result.append([None, None, entries_without_date]) if(entries_with_date > 0): #find first photo date in db cur = db_conn.cursor() cur.execute('SELECT `date` FROM `photos` WHERE `date` IS NOT NULL ORDER BY `date` ASC LIMIT 1;') first_date = cur.fetchone()[0] first_year = datetime.fromtimestamp(first_date).year first_month = datetime.fromtimestamp(first_date).month del cur #find last photo date in db cur = db_conn.cursor() cur.execute('SELECT `date` FROM `photos` WHERE `date` IS NOT NULL ORDER BY `date` DESC LIMIT 1;') last_date = cur.fetchone()[0] last_year = datetime.fromtimestamp(last_date).year last_month = datetime.fromtimestamp(last_date).month del cur #iterate throught monthes from first date to last date and check their existance if(first_year != last_year): #if we need to scan more than part of year for year in range(first_year, last_year+1): if(year == first_year): month_range = range(first_month, 12+1) #iterate from first_month to 12 elif(year == last_year): month_range = range(1, last_month+1) #iterate from 1 to last_month else: month_range = range(1, 12+1) #iterate from 1 to 12 for month in month_range: count = count_photos_in_month(db_path, year, month) if(count > 0): result.append([year, month, count]) else: for month in range(first_month, last_month+1): count = count_photos_in_month(db_path, first_year, month) if(count > 0): result.append([first_year, month, count]) if(len(result) > 0): return result else: return None def select_all_photos_of_month(db_path, gallery_id, year, month, use_thumbs=False): db_conn = open_connection(db_path=db_path) cur = db_conn.cursor() if(year != 0 and month != 0): #photos without exif marked as 0/0 #calculate timestamps range min_timestamp = int(datetime.timestamp(datetime(year=year, month=month, day=1))) if(month != 12): max_timestamp = int(datetime.timestamp(datetime(year=year, month=month+1, day=1))-1) else: max_timestamp = int(datetime.timestamp(datetime(year=year+1, month=1, day=1))-1) #01 Jan of next year as max timestamp if checking Dec #find all photos between this timestamps cur.execute('SELECT `id` FROM `photos` WHERE `date`>={} AND `date`<={};'.format(min_timestamp, max_timestamp)) else: cur.execute('SELECT `id` FROM `photos` WHERE `date` IS NULL;') photos = cur.fetchall() result_paths = [] for photo_id in photos: #there are no file extensions, stored in database, so we can guess extension because of unique filenames if(use_thumbs): mask = os.path.join(config_module.library_path, str(gallery_id), str(photo_id[0])+"_thumb.*") else: mask
import requests import time import sqlalchemy import yaml import os import pandas as pd import numpy as np import logging from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter from urllib3.util.retry import Retry from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, as_completed from sqlalchemy.types import VARCHAR from sqlalchemy.types import DateTime from sqlalchemy import MetaData,Column, Table from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker, mapper from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base from sqlalchemy.schema import Index from threading import Thread from sqlalchemy.exc import ArgumentError from sqlalchemy.sql import case import sqlalchemy import re from typing import TYPE_CHECKING if TYPE_CHECKING: from askdata.askdata_client import Agent import sys from datetime import datetime _LOG_FORMAT = "[%(filename)s:%(lineno)s - %(funcName)20s() ] - %(asctime)s --> %(message)s" g_logger = logging.getLogger() logging.basicConfig(format=_LOG_FORMAT) g_logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) root_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) # retrieving base url yaml_path = os.path.join(root_dir, '../askdata/askdata_config/base_url.yaml') with open(yaml_path, 'r') as file: # The FullLoader parameter handles the conversion from YAML # scalar values to Python the dictionary format url_list = yaml.load(file, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) class Dataset(): ''' Dataset Object ''' _agentId = None _domain = None def __init__(self, env, token): self._headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json", "Authorization": "Bearer" + " " + token } if env == 'dev': self._base_url_dataset = url_list['BASE_URL_DATASET_DEV'] self._base_url_askdata = url_list['BASE_URL_ASKDATA_DEV'] if env == 'qa': self._base_url_dataset = url_list['BASE_URL_DATASET_QA'] self._base_url_askdata = url_list['BASE_URL_ASKDATA_QA'] if env == 'prod': self._base_url_dataset = url_list['BASE_URL_DATASET_PROD'] self._base_url_askdata = url_list['BASE_URL_ASKDATA_PROD'] def _get_info_dataset_by_slug(self, slug: str): list_datasets = self.list_datasets() dataset = list_datasets[list_datasets['slug'] == slug] self._dataset_type = dataset.iloc[0]['type'] self._dataset_id = dataset.iloc[0]['id'] self._dataset_code = dataset.iloc[0]['code'] self._dataset_name = dataset.iloc[0]['name'] self._dataset_slug = dataset.iloc[0]['slug'] self._dataset_icon = dataset.iloc[0]['icon'] self._dataset_createdby = dataset.iloc[0]['createdBy'] def list_datasets(self): s = requests.Session() s.keep_alive = False retries = Retry(total=5, backoff_factor=1, status_forcelist=[502, 503, 504]) s.mount('https://', HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries)) dataset_url = self._base_url_dataset + '/datasets?agentId=' + self._agentId response = s.get(url=dataset_url, headers=self._headers) response.raise_for_status() r = response.json() r_df = pd.DataFrame(r) try: if r_df.empty: raise Exception('No datasets in the agent {}'.format(self._agentId)) else: datasets_df = r_df.loc[:, ['id', 'domain', 'type', 'code', 'name', 'slug', 'description', 'createdBy', 'isActive', 'accessType', 'icon', 'version', 'syncCount', 'visible', 'public', 'createdAt']] except Exception as e: datasets_df = r_df return datasets_df def get_id_dataset_by_name(self, name_ds: str, exact=False): ''' Get askdata dataset ids by name :param name_ds: String it's name searched :param exact: Boolean if param is true the method search the dataset id with exact match whereas if param is False it searches dataset ids that contain the name_ds :return: Array ''' dataset_list = self.list_datasets() if not exact: dataset_select_name =, flags=re.IGNORECASE, regex=True) dataset_choose = dataset_list[dataset_select_name] else: dataset_choose = dataset_list[dataset_list['name'] == name_ds] if dataset_choose.empty: raise Exception('No datasets {} in the agent'.format(name_ds)) #return an array return def get_dataset_id(self)->str: """ get dataset id from the dataset instantiated with slug :return: dataset_id: str """ if hasattr(self,'_dataset_id'): return self._dataset_id else: raise Exception("dataset didn't instantiate with slug") # TODO: Cancellare dopo aver verificato che load_datset_to_df va ok perchè possiamo riutilizzare __get_dataset_settings_info per avere le stesse informazione di return # def __get_dataset_connection(self, datasetid): # # s = requests.Session() # s.keep_alive = False # retries = Retry(total=5, backoff_factor=1, status_forcelist=[502, 503, 504]) # s.mount('https://', HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries)) # # dataset_url = self._base_url_dataset + '/datasets?agentId=' + self._agentId # response = requests.get(url=dataset_url, headers=self._headers) # response.raise_for_status() # r = response.json() # connection_df = pd.DataFrame([row['connection'] for row in r if row['id'] == datasetid]) # id_createdby = [row['createdBy'] for row in r if row['id'] == datasetid][0] # return connection_df.table_id.item(), connection_df.schema.item(), id_createdby def load_entities_dataset(self, datasetid, select_custom=True): df_datasets = self.list_datasets() dataset_info = df_datasets[df_datasets['id'] == datasetid] with requests.Session() as s: retries = Retry(total=5, backoff_factor=1, status_forcelist=[502, 503, 504]) s.mount('https://', HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries)) authentication_url = '{}/smartbot/dataset/type/{}/id/{}/subset/{}?_page=0&_limit=1000'.format( self._base_url_askdata,dataset_info.type.item(),,dataset_info.type.item()) r = s.get(url=authentication_url, headers=self._headers) r.raise_for_status() # get all entity entities_df = pd.DataFrame(r.json()['payload']['data']) # copy entity not custom entities_df_no_cust = entities_df[entities_df['custom'] == False].copy() index_nocust = entities_df_no_cust.index # select columnid only with custom = false columnsid = [row['columnId'] for row in entities_df.loc[index_nocust,'schemaMetaData']] entitie_code = entities_df.code.tolist() #select code of entities with custom = False if select_custom == False: entitie_code = entities_df.loc[index_nocust, 'code'].tolist() return entitie_code, columnsid def execute_dataset_sync(self, dataset_id=''): if dataset_id != '': pass elif hasattr(self, '_dataset_slug') != '' and dataset_id == '': dataset_id = self._dataset_id"---- sync dataset with id '{}' ----- ".format(str(self._dataset_id))) else: raise Exception("takes 2 positional arguments but dataset_id weren't given or dataset didn't" " instantiate with slug") dataset_url = self._base_url_askdata + '/smartdataset/datasets/' + dataset_id + '/sync' r =, headers=self._headers) r.raise_for_status() return r def __ask_db_engine(self, dataset_id: str, setting: dict): # request credential s = requests.Session() s.keep_alive = False retries = Retry(total=5, backoff_factor=1, status_forcelist=[502, 503, 504]) s.mount('https://', HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries)) authentication_url = self._base_url_askdata + '/smartdataset/datasets/' + dataset_id + '/onetimecredentials'"AUTH URL {}".format(authentication_url)) response = s.get(url=authentication_url, headers=self._headers) response.raise_for_status() r = response.json()"RESPONSE {}".format(r)) host = setting['datasourceUrl'].split('/')[2].split(':')[0] port = setting['datasourceUrl'].split('/')[2].split(':')[1] database_engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine('mysql+mysqlconnector://{0}:{1}@{2}:{3}/{4}'. format(r['mysqlUsername'], r['mysqlPassword'], host, port, setting['schema']), pool_recycle=3600, pool_size=5) db_tablename = r['mysqlTable'] return database_engine, db_tablename def __ask_del_db_engine(self, dataset_id): s = requests.Session() s.keep_alive = False retries = Retry(total=5, backoff_factor=1, status_forcelist=[502, 503, 504]) s.mount('https://', HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries)) authentication_url = self._base_url_askdata + '/smartdataset/datasets/' + dataset_id + '/revokeonetimecredentials' # dataset_url = '' response = s.delete(url=authentication_url, headers=self._headers) response.raise_for_status() logging.debug('---------------------------') logging.debug('-------delete mysqluser for dataset {}------'.format(dataset_id)) def create_or_update_dataset(self, frame: pd.DataFrame, dataset_id:str, dataset_name="", add_indexdf = False, indexclm = [], unique_key=[]) -> str: # TODO: see upsert in mysql if_exists['replace','Append','upsert'] # TODO: insert unique_key ''' Save the data frame in askdata dataset of the specific agent Parameters ---------- frame : DataFrame Input dataframe+ index: list of string name : string name of the dataset Askdata index: list the index is a list of column names of the data frame which are setting like indexes for increasing performance. Default empty list ''' #dataset_id = self.get_id_dataset_by_name(dataset_name)[0] settings_dataset = self.__get_dataset_settings_info(dataset_id, True)["settings"]"SETTINGS DATASET {}".format(settings_dataset)) engine, db_tablename = self.__ask_db_engine(dataset_id, settings_dataset)"ENGINE {}\n TABLENAME {}".format(engine, db_tablename)) # with "with" we can close the connetion when we exit with engine.connect() as connection: # to check type of column of the Dataframa for creating a correct and performing table structure dtype_table = dict() for clm in frame.select_dtypes(include=np.object).columns: maxLen = frame[clm].str.len().max() dtype_table[clm] = VARCHAR(length=maxLen + 10) for clm in frame.select_dtypes(include=[np.datetime64]).columns: dtype_table[clm] = DateTime() if not indexclm: frame.to_sql(con=connection, name=db_tablename, if_exists='replace', chunksize=1000, index=add_indexdf, index_label='INDEX_DF', method='multi',dtype=dtype_table) else: frame.to_sql(con=connection, name=db_tablename, if_exists='replace', chunksize=1000, method='multi',index=add_indexdf, index_label='INDEX_DF', dtype=dtype_table) # SQL Statement to create a secondary index for column_ind in indexclm: sql_index = """CREATE INDEX index_{}_{} ON {}(`{}`);""".format(db_tablename, column_ind, db_tablename, column_ind) # Execute the sql - create index connection.execute(sql_index) # Now list the indexes on the table sql_show_index = "show index from {}".format(db_tablename) indices_mysql = connection.execute(sql_show_index) for index_mysql in indices_mysql.fetchall():'--- ----------- -----')'--- add index: {}'.format(index_mysql[2]))'--- ----------- -----')'--- Save the Dataframe into Dataset {}'.format(dataset_name)) #run sync dataset self.execute_dataset_sync(dataset_id) # delete mysql user self.__ask_del_db_engine(dataset_id) # find list dataset list_dataset = self.list_datasets() slug = list_dataset[list_dataset['id'] == dataset_id].loc[:,'slug'].item() return slug def create_dataset(self, frame: pd.DataFrame, dataset_name: str, add_indexdf = False, indexclm = [], unique_key=[]) -> str: # TODO: see upsert in mysql if_exists['replace','Append','upsert'] # TODO: insert unique_key ''' Save the data frame in askdata dataset of the specific agent Parameters ---------- frame : DataFrame Input dataframe+ index: list of string name : string name of the dataset Askdata index: list the index is a list of column names of the data frame which are setting like indexes for increasing performance. Default empty list ''' dataset_id, settings_dataset = self.__create_dataset_df(dataset_name) engine, db_tablename = self.__ask_db_engine(dataset_id, settings_dataset) # with "with" we can close the connetion when we exit with engine.connect() as connection: # to check type of column of the Dataframa for creating a correct and performing table structure dtype_table = dict() for clm in frame.select_dtypes(include=np.object).columns: maxLen = frame[clm].str.len().max() dtype_table[clm] = VARCHAR(length=maxLen + 10) for clm in frame.select_dtypes(include=[np.datetime64]).columns: dtype_table[clm] = DateTime() if not indexclm: frame.to_sql(con=connection, name=db_tablename, if_exists='replace', chunksize=1000, index=add_indexdf, index_label='INDEX_DF', method='multi',dtype=dtype_table) else: frame.to_sql(con=connection, name=db_tablename, if_exists='replace', chunksize=1000, method='multi',index=add_indexdf, index_label='INDEX_DF', dtype=dtype_table) # SQL Statement to create a secondary index for column_ind in indexclm: sql_index = """CREATE INDEX index_{}_{} ON {}(`{}`);""".format(db_tablename, column_ind, db_tablename, column_ind) # Execute the sql - create index connection.execute(sql_index) # Now list the indexes on the table sql_show_index = "show index from {}".format(db_tablename) indices_mysql = connection.execute(sql_show_index) for index_mysql in indices_mysql.fetchall():'--- ----------- -----')'--- add index: {}'.format(index_mysql[2]))'--- ----------- -----')'--- Save the Dataframe into Dataset {}'.format(dataset_name)) #run sync dataset self.execute_dataset_sync(dataset_id) # delete mysql user self.__ask_del_db_engine(dataset_id) # find list dataset list_dataset = self.list_datasets() slug = list_dataset[list_dataset['id'] == dataset_id].loc[:,'slug'].item() return slug # def update_dataset(self, frame, tablename, if_exists='rename'): # to do # pass def load_dataset(self, dataset_id='')-> pd.DataFrame: '''
""" A sas7bdat reader. File format taken from """ import os import sys import struct import locale import logging import platform from cStringIO import StringIO from datetime import datetime, timedelta from collections import namedtuple from pandas import DataFrame __all__ = ['SAS7BDAT'] def _debug(t, v, tb): if hasattr(sys, 'ps1') or not sys.stderr.isatty(): sys.__excepthook__(t, v, tb) else: import pdb import traceback traceback.print_exception(t, v, tb) print os._exit(1) def _getColorEmit(fn): # This doesn't work on Windows since Windows doesn't support # the ansi escape characters def _new(handler): levelno = handler.levelno if levelno >= logging.CRITICAL: color = '\x1b[31m' # red elif levelno >= logging.ERROR: color = '\x1b[31m' # red elif levelno >= logging.WARNING: color = '\x1b[33m' # yellow elif levelno >= logging.INFO: color = '\x1b[32m' # green or normal elif levelno >= logging.DEBUG: color = '\x1b[35m' # pink else: color = '\x1b[0m' # normal handler.msg = color + handler.msg + '\x1b[0m' # normal return fn(handler) return _new class SAS7BDAT(object): MAGIC = "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xc2\xea\x81\x60"\ "\xb3\x14\x11\xcf\xbd\x92\x08\x00\x09\xc7\x31\x8c\x18\x1f\x10\x11" # Host systems known to work KNOWNHOSTS = set(["WIN_PRO", "WIN_NT", "WIN_NTSV", "WIN_SRV", "WIN_ASRV", "XP_PRO", "XP_HOME", "NET_ASRV", "NET_DSRV", "NET_SRV", "WIN_98", "W32_VSPRO", "WIN", "WIN_95", "X64_VSPRO", "AIX", "X64_ESRV", "W32_ESRV", "W32_7PRO", "W32_VSHOME", "X64_7HOME", "X64_7PRO", "X64_SRV0", "W32_SRV0", "X64_ES08", "Linux", "HP-UX"]) # Subheader signatures, 32 and 64 bit, little and big endian SUBH_ROWSIZE = set(["\xF7\xF7\xF7\xF7", "\x00\x00\x00\x00\xF7\xF7\xF7\xF7", "\xF7\xF7\xF7\xF7\x00\x00\x00\x00"]) SUBH_COLSIZE = set(["\xF6\xF6\xF6\xF6", "\x00\x00\x00\x00\xF6\xF6\xF6\xF6", "\xF6\xF6\xF6\xF6\x00\x00\x00\x00"]) SUBH_COLTEXT = set(["\xFD\xFF\xFF\xFF", "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFD", "\xFD\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF", "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFD"]) SUBH_COLATTR = set(["\xFC\xFF\xFF\xFF", "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFC", "\xFC\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF", "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFC"]) SUBH_COLNAME = set(["\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF", "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF"]) SUBH_COLLABS = set(["\xFE\xFB\xFF\xFF", "\xFF\xFF\xFB\xFE", "\xFE\xFB\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF", "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFB\xFE"]) SUBH_COLLIST = set(["\xFE\xFF\xFF\xFF", "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFE", "\xFE\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF", "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFE"]) SUBH_SUBHCNT = set(["\x00\xFC\xFF\xFF", "\xFF\xFF\xFC\x00", "\x00\xFC\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF", "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFC\x00"]) # Page types PAGE_META = 0 PAGE_DATA = 256 # 1 << 8 PAGE_MIX = [512, 640] # 1 << 9, 1 << 9 | 1 << 7 PAGE_AMD = 1024 # 1 << 10 PAGE_METC = 16384 # 1 << 14 (compressed data) PAGE_COMP = -28672 # ~(1 << 14 | 1 << 13 | 1 << 12) PAGE_MIX_DATA = PAGE_MIX + [PAGE_DATA] PAGE_META_MIX_AMD = [PAGE_META] + PAGE_MIX + [PAGE_AMD] PAGE_ANY = PAGE_META_MIX_AMD + [PAGE_DATA, PAGE_METC, PAGE_COMP] def __init__(self, path, logLevel=logging.INFO, formatters=None): if logLevel == logging.DEBUG: sys.excepthook = _debug self.path = path self.logger = self._makeLogger(level=logLevel) self.header = self._readHeader() self.logger.debug(str(self.header)) self.formatters = formatters or {} def _makeLogger(self, level=logging.INFO): """ Create a custom logger with the specified properties. """ logger = logging.getLogger(self.path) logger.setLevel(level) formatter = logging.Formatter("%(message)s", "%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") streamHandler = logging.StreamHandler() if platform.system() != 'Windows': streamHandler.emit = _getColorEmit(streamHandler.emit) streamHandler.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(streamHandler) return logger def checkMagicNumber(self, header): return header[:len(self.MAGIC)] == self.MAGIC def readVal(self, fmt, h, start, size): newfmt = fmt if fmt == 's': newfmt = '%ds' % size elif fmt == 'numeric': newfmt = 'd' if size < 8: if self.endian == 'little': h = '\x00' * (8 - size) + h else: h += '\x00' * (8 - size) size = 8 if self.endian == 'big': newfmt = '>%s' % newfmt else: newfmt = '<%s' % newfmt val = struct.unpack(newfmt, h[start:start + size])[0] if fmt == 's': val = val.strip('\x00') return val def readColumnAttributes(self, colattr): info = [] Info = namedtuple('ColumnAttributes', ['offset', 'length', 'type']) inc = 16 if self.u64 else 12 for subh in colattr: if self.u64: attrs = subh.raw[16:16 + ((subh.length - 28) / 16) * 16] else: attrs = subh.raw[12:12 + ((subh.length - 20) / 12) * 12] for i in xrange(0, len(attrs), inc): pointer = attrs[i:i + inc] if self.u64: offset = self.readVal('q', pointer, 0, 8) length = self.readVal('i', pointer, 8, 4) ctype = self.readVal('b', pointer, 14, 1) else: offset = self.readVal('i', pointer, 0, 4) length = self.readVal('i', pointer, 4, 4) ctype = self.readVal('b', pointer, 10, 1) assert ctype in (1, 2) ctype = 'numeric' if ctype == 1 else 'character' info.append(Info(offset, length, ctype)) return info def readColumnNames(self, colname, coltext): info = [] inc = 8 if self.u64 else 4 for subh in colname: if self.u64: attrs = subh.raw[16:16 + ((subh.length - 28) / 8) * 8] else: attrs = subh.raw[12:12 + ((subh.length - 20) / 8) * 8] for i in xrange(0, len(attrs), 8): pointer = attrs[i:i + 8] txt = self.readVal('h', pointer, 0, 2) offset = self.readVal('h', pointer, 2, 2) + inc length = self.readVal('h', pointer, 4, 2) info.append( self.readVal('s', coltext[txt].raw, offset, length) ) return info def readColumnLabels(self, collabs, coltext, colcount): Info = namedtuple('ColumnLabels', ['format', 'label']) if len(collabs) < 1: return [Info('', '')] * colcount info = [] inc = 8 if self.u64 else 4 for subh in collabs: base = 46 if self.u64 else 34 txt = self.readVal('h', subh.raw, base, 2) offset = self.readVal('h', subh.raw, base + 2, 2) + inc length = self.readVal('h', subh.raw, base + 4, 2) fmt = '' if length > 0: fmt = self.readVal('s', coltext[txt].raw, offset, length) base = 52 if self.u64 else 40 txt = self.readVal('h', subh.raw, base, 2) offset = self.readVal('h', subh.raw, base + 2, 2) + inc length = self.readVal('h', subh.raw, base + 4, 2) label = '' if length > 0: label = self.readVal('s', coltext[txt].raw, offset, length) info.append(Info(fmt, label)) return info or [Info('', '')] * colcount def readPages(self, f, pagecount, pagesize): # Read pages Page = namedtuple('Page', ['number', 'data', 'type', 'blockcount', 'subheadercount']) for i in xrange(pagecount): page = ptype = self.readVal('h', page, 32 if self.u64 else 16, 2) blockcount = 0 subhcount = 0 if ptype in self.PAGE_META_MIX_AMD: blockcount = self.readVal('h', page, 34 if self.u64 else 18, 2) subhcount = self.readVal('h', page, 36 if self.u64 else 20, 2) yield Page(i, page, ptype, blockcount, subhcount) def readSubheaders(self, f, pagecount, pagesize): SubHeader = namedtuple('SubHeader', ['page', 'offset', 'length', 'raw', 'signature', 'compression']) oshp = 40 if self.u64 else 24 lshp = 24 if self.u64 else 12 lshf = 8 if self.u64 else 4 dtype = 'q' if self.u64 else 'i' for page in self.readPages(f, pagecount, pagesize): if page.type not in self.PAGE_META_MIX_AMD: continue pointers =[oshp:oshp + (page.subheadercount * lshp)] for i in xrange(0, len(pointers), lshp): pointer = pointers[i:i + lshp] offset = self.readVal(dtype, pointer, 0, lshf) length = self.readVal(dtype, pointer, lshf, lshf) comp = self.readVal('b', pointer, lshf * 2, 1) if length > 0: raw =[offset:offset + length] signature = raw[:8 if self.u64 else 4] if comp == 0: comp = None elif comp == 1: comp = 'ignore' elif comp == 4: comp = 'rle' else: self.logger.error('[%s] unknown compression type: %d', os.path.basename(self.path), comp) yield SubHeader(page.number, offset, length, raw, signature, comp) def _readHeader(self): fields = ['headerlength', 'endian', 'platform', 'datecreated', 'dataset', 'datemodified', 'pagesize', 'pagecount', 'sasrelease', 'sashost', 'osversion', 'osmaker', 'osname', 'u64', 'rowcount', 'colcount', 'cols', 'rowcountfp', 'rowlength', 'filename', 'compression', 'creator', 'creatorproc'] Info = namedtuple('SAS7BDAT_Header', fields) def _repr(self): cols = [['Num', 'Name', 'Type', 'Length', 'Format', 'Label']] align = ['>', '<', '<', '>', '<', '<'] colwidth = [len(x) for x in cols[0]] for i, col in enumerate(self.cols, 1): tmp = [i,, col.attr.type, col.attr.length, col.label.format, col.label.label] cols.append(tmp) for j, val in enumerate(tmp): colwidth[j] = max(colwidth[j], len(str(val))) rows = [' '.join('{0:{1}}'.format(x, colwidth[i]) for i, x in enumerate(cols[0]))] rows.append(' '.join('-' * colwidth[i] for i in xrange(len(align)))) for row in cols[1:]: rows.append(' '.join( '{0:{1}{2}}'.format(x, align[i], colwidth[i]) for i, x in enumerate(row)) ) cols = '\n'.join(rows) hdr = 'Header:\n%s' % '\n'.join( ['\t%s: %s' % (k, v) for k, v in sorted(self._asdict().iteritems()) if v != '' and k not in ('cols', 'rowcountfp', 'rowlength', 'data')] ) return '%s\n\nContents of dataset "%s":\n%s\n' % ( hdr, self.dataset, cols ) Info.__repr__ = _repr Column = namedtuple('Column', ['name', 'attr', 'label']) with open(self.path, 'rb') as f: # Check magic number h = if len(h) < 288: self.logger.error("[%s] header too short (not a sas7bdat " "file?)", os.path.basename(self.path)) return if not self.checkMagicNumber(h): self.logger.error("[%s] magic number mismatch", os.path.basename(self.path)) return # Check for 32 or 64 bit alignment if h[32] == '\x33': align2 = 4 u64 = True else: align2 = 0 u64 = False if h[35] == '\x33': align1 = 4 else: align1 = 0 # Check endian if h[37] == '\x01': endian = 'little' else: endian = 'big' # Check platform plat = h[39] if plat == '1': plat = 'unix' elif plat == '2': plat = 'windows' else: plat = 'unknown'
''' Created on 15 de sep de 2016 Last Modified on 26 de set de 2019 @author: romuere, <NAME> ''' # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Form implementation generated from reading ui file 'pycbir.ui' # # Created by: PyQt5 UI code generator 5.7 # # WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost! from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QFileDialog, QMessageBox, QLabel, QComboBox from PyQt5.QtGui import QIcon, QPixmap import numpy as np import glob import csv import os class Ui_pyCBIR(object): def setupUi(self, pyCBIR): pyCBIR.setObjectName("pyCBIR") pyCBIR.resize(946, 730) self.centralwidget = QtWidgets.QWidget(pyCBIR) self.centralwidget.setObjectName("centralwidget") self.groupBox = QtWidgets.QGroupBox(self.centralwidget) self.groupBox.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(3, 0, 131, 141)) self.groupBox.setObjectName("groupBox") self.radioButton = QtWidgets.QRadioButton(self.groupBox) self.radioButton.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(3, 20, 101, 20)) self.radioButton.setObjectName("radioButton") self.radioButton_2 = QtWidgets.QRadioButton(self.groupBox) self.radioButton_2.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(3, 40, 97, 18)) self.radioButton_2.setObjectName("radioButton_2") self.radioButton_3 = QtWidgets.QRadioButton(self.groupBox) self.radioButton_3.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(3, 60, 141, 18)) self.radioButton_3.setObjectName("radioButton_3") self.radioButton_3.setChecked(True) self.radioButton_4 = QtWidgets.QRadioButton(self.groupBox) self.radioButton_4.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(3, 80, 97, 18)) self.radioButton_4.setObjectName("radioButton_4") self.radioButton_5 = QtWidgets.QRadioButton(self.groupBox) self.radioButton_5.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(3, 100, 97, 18)) self.radioButton_5.setObjectName("radioButton_5") #self.radioButton_5.setChecked(True) self.radioButton_6 = QtWidgets.QRadioButton(self.groupBox) self.radioButton_6.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(3, 120, 97, 18)) self.radioButton_6.setObjectName("radioButton_6") self.groupBox_2 = QtWidgets.QGroupBox(self.centralwidget) self.groupBox_2.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(3, 140, 131, 88)) self.groupBox_2.setObjectName("groupBox_2") self.radioButton_7 = QtWidgets.QRadioButton(self.groupBox_2) self.radioButton_7.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(3, 20, 101, 20)) self.radioButton_7.setObjectName("radioButton_7") self.radioButton_7.setChecked(True) self.radioButton_8 = QtWidgets.QRadioButton(self.groupBox_2) self.radioButton_8.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(3, 40, 97, 20)) self.radioButton_8.setObjectName("radioButton_8") self.radioButton_9 = QtWidgets.QRadioButton(self.groupBox_2) self.radioButton_9.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(3, 60, 97, 20)) self.radioButton_9.setObjectName("radioButton_9") self.groupBox_3 = QtWidgets.QGroupBox(self.centralwidget) self.groupBox_3.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(3, 230, 131, 471)) self.groupBox_3.setObjectName("groupBox_3") self.label = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.groupBox_3) self.label.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(3, 20, 111, 16)) self.label.setObjectName("label") self.lineEdit = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self.groupBox_3) self.lineEdit.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(42, 40, 50, 21)) self.lineEdit.setObjectName("lineEdit") self.groupBox_4 = QtWidgets.QGroupBox(self.groupBox_3) self.groupBox_4.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(3, 130, 131, 141)) self.groupBox_4.setObjectName("groupBox_4") self.lineEdit_3 = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self.groupBox_4) self.lineEdit_3.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(0, 50, 131, 21)) self.lineEdit_3.setObjectName("lineEdit_3") self.pushButton_3 = QtWidgets.QPushButton(self.groupBox_4) self.pushButton_3.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(0, 20, 130, 32)) self.pushButton_3.setObjectName("pushButton_3") self.lineEdit_4 = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self.groupBox_4) self.lineEdit_4.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(0, 110, 131, 21)) self.lineEdit_4.setObjectName("lineEdit_4") self.pushButton_4 = QtWidgets.QPushButton(self.groupBox_4) self.pushButton_4.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(0, 80, 130, 32)) self.pushButton_4.setObjectName("pushButton_4") self.groupBox_5 = QtWidgets.QGroupBox(self.groupBox_3) self.groupBox_5.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(-1, 280, 131, 141)) self.groupBox_5.setObjectName("groupBox_5") self.lineEdit_5 = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self.groupBox_5) self.lineEdit_5.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(3, 50, 131, 21)) self.lineEdit_5.setObjectName("lineEdit_5") self.lineEdit_6 = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self.groupBox_5) self.lineEdit_6.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(0, 110, 131, 21)) self.lineEdit_6.setObjectName("lineEdit_6") self.pushButton_5 = QtWidgets.QPushButton(self.groupBox_5) self.pushButton_5.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(0, 20, 130, 32)) self.pushButton_5.setObjectName("pushButton_5") self.pushButton_6 = QtWidgets.QPushButton(self.groupBox_5) self.pushButton_6.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(0, 80, 130, 32)) self.pushButton_6.setObjectName("pushButton_6") self.pushButton = QtWidgets.QPushButton(self.groupBox_3) self.pushButton.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(10, 431, 110, 40)) self.pushButton.setObjectName("pushButton") self.pushButton_2 = QtWidgets.QPushButton(self.groupBox_3) self.pushButton_2.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(10, 70, 110, 32)) self.pushButton_2.setObjectName("pushButton_2") self.lineEdit.setText("10") self.lineEdit_2 = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self.groupBox_3) self.lineEdit_2.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(0, 100, 131, 21)) self.lineEdit_2.setObjectName("lineEdit_2") self.line_2 = QtWidgets.QFrame(self.groupBox_3) self.line_2.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(0, 120, 131, 16)) self.line_2.setFrameShape(QtWidgets.QFrame.HLine) self.line_2.setFrameShadow(QtWidgets.QFrame.Sunken) self.line_2.setObjectName("line_2") self.line_3 = QtWidgets.QFrame(self.groupBox_3) self.line_3.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(0, 273, 131, 10)) self.line_3.setFrameShape(QtWidgets.QFrame.HLine) self.line_3.setFrameShadow(QtWidgets.QFrame.Sunken) self.line_3.setObjectName("line_3") self.line_4 = QtWidgets.QFrame(self.groupBox_3) self.line_4.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(0, 420, 131, 10)) self.line_4.setFrameShape(QtWidgets.QFrame.HLine) self.line_4.setFrameShadow(QtWidgets.QFrame.Sunken) self.line_4.setObjectName("line_4") self.line_5 = QtWidgets.QFrame(self.centralwidget) self.line_5.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(130, 0, 20, 681)) self.line_5.setFrameShape(QtWidgets.QFrame.VLine) self.line_5.setFrameShadow(QtWidgets.QFrame.Sunken) self.line_5.setObjectName("line_5") pyCBIR.setCentralWidget(self.centralwidget) self.statusbar = QtWidgets.QStatusBar(pyCBIR) self.statusbar.setObjectName("statusbar") pyCBIR.setStatusBar(self.statusbar) self.retranslateUi(pyCBIR) QtCore.QMetaObject.connectSlotsByName(pyCBIR) #variables #defining defaults self.feature_extraction_method = 'fotf' self.similarity_metric = 'ed' self.list_of_parameters = [] self.path_cnn_pre_trained = '' self.path_cnn_trained = '' self.path_save_cnn = '' #features self.radioButton.clicked.connect(self.radio_clicked) self.radioButton_2.clicked.connect(self.radio2_clicked) self.radioButton_4.clicked.connect(self.radio4_clicked) self.radioButton_5.clicked.connect(self.radio5_clicked) self.radioButton_6.clicked.connect(self.radio6_clicked) #metrics self.radioButton_7.clicked.connect(self.radio7_clicked) #output self.pushButton_2.clicked.connect(self.returnPathOutput) #data self.pushButton_3.clicked.connect(self.loadDatabasePath) self.pushButton_4.clicked.connect(self.loadRetrievalPath) self.pushButton_5.clicked.connect(self.loadDatabaseFile) self.pushButton_6.clicked.connect(self.loadRetrievalFile) #run pyCBIR self.pushButton.clicked.connect(self.returnInformation) #show results #----------------------Output------------------------------# def returnPathOutput(self,pyCBIR): cwd = os.getcwd() file = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(None,'Select the path output', cwd) self.lineEdit_2.setText(str(file+'/')) #----------------------Load data---------------------------# def loadDatabaseFile(self,pyCBIR): cwd = self.lineEdit_2.text() file = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(None,'Open file', cwd,'CSV Files (*.csv)') self.lineEdit_5.setText(str(file[0])) def loadRetrievalFile(self,pyCBIR): file = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(None,'Open file', self.lineEdit_5.text(),'CSV Files (*.csv)') self.lineEdit_6.setText(str(file[0])) def loadDatabasePath(self,pyCBIR): cwd = self.lineEdit_2.text() file = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(None,'Open path', cwd) self.lineEdit_3.setText(str(file+'/')) def loadRetrievalPath(self,pyCBIR): file = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(None,'Open path', self.lineEdit_6.text()) self.lineEdit_4.setText(str(file+'/')) #----------------------GLCM Parameters---------------------# def radio_clicked(self,pyCBIR): self.mySubwindow=subwindow() self.mySubwindow.createWindow(200,120) self.mySubwindow.setWindowFlags(QtCore.Qt.CustomizeWindowHint) self.label1_glcm = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.mySubwindow) self.label1_glcm.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(55, 0, 100, 16)) self.label1_glcm.setObjectName("label1") self.label1_glcm.setText("GLCM options") #GLCM parameters self.label2_glcm = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.mySubwindow) self.label2_glcm.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(0, 30, 70, 16)) self.label2_glcm.setObjectName("label2") self.label2_glcm.setText("Distance:") self.lineEdit1_glcm = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self.mySubwindow) self.lineEdit1_glcm.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(75, 30, 30, 16)) self.lineEdit1_glcm.setObjectName("lineEdit") self.lineEdit1_glcm.setText("1") self.label3_glcm = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.mySubwindow) self.label3_glcm.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(0, 50, 110, 16)) self.label3_glcm.setObjectName("label3") self.label3_glcm.setText("GrayLevels_old:") self.lineEdit2_glcm = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self.mySubwindow) self.lineEdit2_glcm.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(115, 50, 30, 16)) self.lineEdit2_glcm.setObjectName("lineEdit") self.lineEdit2_glcm.setText("8") self.label4_glcm = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.mySubwindow) self.label4_glcm.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(0, 70, 110, 16)) self.label4_glcm.setObjectName("label4") self.label4_glcm.setText("GrayLevels_new:") self.lineEdit3_glcm = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self.mySubwindow) self.lineEdit3_glcm.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(115, 70, 30, 16)) self.lineEdit3_glcm.setObjectName("lineEdit") self.lineEdit3_glcm.setText("8") self.buttom_glcm = QtWidgets.QPushButton(self.mySubwindow) self.buttom_glcm.setText("Ok") self.buttom_glcm.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(50, 100, 100, 16)) self.buttom_glcm.clicked.connect(self.b_glcm) def b_glcm(self): self.list_of_parameters = [self.lineEdit1_glcm.text(),self.lineEdit2_glcm.text(),self.lineEdit3_glcm.text()] self.mySubwindow.close() #----------------------HOG Parameters---------------------# def radio2_clicked(self,pyCBIR): self.mySubwindow=subwindow() self.mySubwindow.createWindow(200,90) self.mySubwindow.setWindowFlags(QtCore.Qt.CustomizeWindowHint) self.label1_hog = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.mySubwindow) self.label1_hog.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(55, 0, 100, 16)) self.label1_hog.setObjectName("label1") self.label1_hog.setText("HOG options") self.label2_hog = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.mySubwindow) self.label2_hog.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(0, 30, 70, 16)) self.label2_hog.setObjectName("label2") self.label2_hog.setText("Cells:") self.lineEdit1_hog = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self.mySubwindow) self.lineEdit1_hog.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(75, 30, 30, 16)) self.lineEdit1_hog.setObjectName("lineEdit") self.lineEdit1_hog.setText("3") self.label3_hog = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.mySubwindow) self.label3_hog.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(0, 50, 110, 16)) self.label3_hog.setObjectName("label3") self.label3_hog.setText("Blocks:") self.lineEdit2_hog = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self.mySubwindow) self.lineEdit2_hog.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(75, 50, 30, 16)) self.lineEdit2_hog.setObjectName("lineEdit") self.lineEdit2_hog.setText("3") self.buttom_hog = QtWidgets.QPushButton(self.mySubwindow) self.buttom_hog.setText("Ok") self.buttom_hog.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(50, 70, 100, 16)) self.buttom_hog.clicked.connect(self.b_hog) def b_hog(self): self.list_of_parameters = [self.lineEdit1_hog.text(),self.lineEdit2_hog.text()] self.mySubwindow.close() #----------------------LBP Parameters---------------------# def radio4_clicked(self,pyCBIR): self.mySubwindow=subwindow() self.mySubwindow.createWindow(200,90) self.mySubwindow.setWindowFlags(QtCore.Qt.CustomizeWindowHint) self.label1_lbp = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.mySubwindow) self.label1_lbp.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(55, 0, 100, 16)) self.label1_lbp.setObjectName("label1") self.label1_lbp.setText("LBP options") self.label2_lbp = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.mySubwindow) self.label2_lbp.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(0, 30, 70, 16)) self.label2_lbp.setObjectName("label2") self.label2_lbp.setText("Neighbors:") self.lineEdit1_lbp = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self.mySubwindow) self.lineEdit1_lbp.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(75, 30, 30, 16)) self.lineEdit1_lbp.setObjectName("lineEdit") self.lineEdit1_lbp.setText("16") self.label3_lbp = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.mySubwindow) self.label3_lbp.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(0, 50, 110, 16)) self.label3_lbp.setObjectName("label3") self.label3_lbp.setText("Radio:") self.lineEdit2_lbp = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self.mySubwindow) self.lineEdit2_lbp.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(75, 50, 30, 16)) self.lineEdit2_lbp.setObjectName("lineEdit") self.lineEdit2_lbp.setText("2") self.buttom_lbp = QtWidgets.QPushButton(self.mySubwindow) self.buttom_lbp.setText("Ok") self.buttom_lbp.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(50, 70, 100, 16)) self.buttom_lbp.clicked.connect(self.b_lbp) def b_lbp(self): self.list_of_parameters = [self.lineEdit1_lbp.text(),self.lineEdit2_lbp.text()] self.mySubwindow.close() #----------------------CNN Parameters---------------------# def radio5_clicked(self,pyCBIR): self.mySubwindow=subwindow() self.mySubwindow.createWindow(400,200) self.mySubwindow.setWindowFlags(QtCore.Qt.CustomizeWindowHint) self.groupBox_ = QtWidgets.QGroupBox(self.mySubwindow) self.groupBox_.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(0, 20, 400, 20)) self.groupBox_.setObjectName("groupBox_") self.rb1 = QtWidgets.QRadioButton(self.groupBox_) self.rb1.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(0, 0, 100, 20)) self.rb1.setObjectName("rb1") self.rb1.setChecked(True) self.rb2 = QtWidgets.QRadioButton(self.groupBox_) self.rb2.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(120, 0, 150, 20)) self.rb2.setObjectName("rb2") self.rb3 = QtWidgets.QRadioButton(self.groupBox_) self.rb3.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(270, 0, 150, 20)) self.rb3.setObjectName("rb3") self.rb1.clicked.connect(self.rb1_clicked) self.rb2.clicked.connect(self.rb2_clicked) self.rb3.clicked.connect(self.rb3_clicked) self.rb1.setText("Train CNN") self.rb2.setText("Fine-Tuning CNN") self.rb3.setText("Pre-Trained CNN") self.label_cnn_type = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.mySubwindow) self.label_cnn_type.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(0, 55, 150, 16)) self.label_cnn_type.setObjectName("label1") self.label_cnn_type.setText("CNN Architecture: ") self.comboBox = QComboBox(self.mySubwindow) self.comboBox.addItem("lenet") self.comboBox.addItem("nasnet") self.comboBox.addItem("inception_resnet") self.comboBox.addItem("vgg16") self.comboBox.addItem("inception_v4") self.comboBox.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(130, 50, 120, 25)) self.label1 = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.mySubwindow) self.label1.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(180, 0, 100, 16)) self.label1.setObjectName("label1") self.label1.setText("CNN options") #CNN parameters self.label2 = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.mySubwindow) self.label2.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(0, 100, 50, 16)) self.label2.setObjectName("label2") self.label2.setText("Epochs:") self.lineEdit1 = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self.mySubwindow) self.lineEdit1.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(55, 100, 30, 16)) self.lineEdit1.setObjectName("lineEdit") self.lineEdit1.setText("1") self.label3 = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.mySubwindow) self.label3.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(120, 100, 100, 16)) self.label3.setObjectName("label3") self.label3.setText("Learning Rate:") self.lineEdit2 = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self.mySubwindow) self.lineEdit2.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(210, 100, 50, 16)) self.lineEdit2.setObjectName("lineEdit") self.lineEdit2.setText("0.01") self.label4 = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.mySubwindow) self.label4.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(290, 100, 70, 16)) self.label4.setObjectName("label4") self.label4.setText("Decay:") self.lineEdit3 = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self.mySubwindow) self.lineEdit3.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(340, 100, 50, 16)) self.lineEdit3.setObjectName("lineEdit") self.lineEdit3.setText("0.04") self.buttom_ok = QtWidgets.QPushButton(self.mySubwindow) self.buttom_ok.setText("Ok") self.buttom_ok.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(180, 150, 70, 50)) self.buttom_ok.clicked.connect(self.b_cnn) def rb1_clicked(self,pyCBIR): def rb2_clicked(self,pyCBIR): def rb3_clicked(self,pyCBIR): self.lineEdit1.hide() self.lineEdit2.hide() self.lineEdit3.hide() def b_cnn(self): if self.rb1.isChecked(): #treinar cnn self.feature_extraction_method = self.comboBox.currentText() cwd = os.getcwd() lr = self.lineEdit2.text() lr = lr.replace('.', '') file_name = self.comboBox.currentText()+'_epochs_'+self.lineEdit1.text()+'_learningRate_'+lr+'.h5' #file_name = 'model.ckpt' try: epocas = int(self.lineEdit1.text()) if epocas == 0: QMessageBox.information(None,'pyCBIR', 'Invalid number of epochs!') #self.buttom_ok.clicked.connect(self.radio5_clicked) else: if self.feature_extraction_method == 'lenet': QMessageBox.information(None,'pyCBIR', 'Now you have to choose the place to save the trained model.') self.path_save_cnn = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(None,'Save File',file_name)[0] self.list_of_parameters = [self.lineEdit2.text(),self.lineEdit1.text()]#learning rate and epochs self.mySubwindow.close() except ValueError: QMessageBox.information(None,'pyCBIR', 'Invalid number of epochs!') #if self.lineEdit1.text() is '0': # self.path_cnn_trained = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(None,'Select the file of the pre-trained CNN: ', cwd,"Model Files (*.h5)") #else: # self.path_cnn_trained = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(None,'Save File',file_name,filter = 'h5 (*.h5)')[0] elif self.rb2.isChecked():#fine tuning self.feature_extraction_method = 'fine_tuning_'+self.comboBox.currentText() buttonReply = QMessageBox.question(None,'pyCBIR', 'Do you want to load a .h5 file?',QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No, QMessageBox.No) if buttonReply == QMessageBox.Yes: cwd = os.getcwd() self.path_cnn_pre_trained = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(None,'Select a .h5 file!',cwd,filter = 'h5 (*.h5)')[0] else: self.path_cnn_pre_trained = '' QMessageBox.information(None,'pyCBIR', 'Now you have to choose the place to save the fine tuning model.') self.path_save_cnn = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(None,'Open path') self.path_save_cnn = self.path_save_cnn + '/model_fine_tuning.h5' #if self.feature_extraction_method == 'fine_tuning_lenet': # QMessageBox.information(None,'pyCBIR', 'Now you have to choose the pre-trained file.') # cwd = os.getcwd() # self.path_cnn_pre_trained = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(None,'Select the file of the pre-trained CNN: ', cwd,"Model Files (*.ckpt)") self.list_of_parameters = [self.lineEdit2.text(),self.lineEdit1.text()]#learning rate and epochs self.mySubwindow.close() else: #pre-treinada self.feature_extraction_method = 'pretrained_'+self.comboBox.currentText() if self.feature_extraction_method == 'pretrained_lenet': QMessageBox.information(None,'pyCBIR', 'Now you have to choose the pre-trained file.') cwd = os.getcwd() self.path_cnn_pre_trained = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(None,'Select the file of the pre-trained CNN: ', cwd,"Model Files (*.h5)")[0] self.feature_extraction_method = 'pretrained_'+self.comboBox.currentText() else: buttonReply = QMessageBox.question(None,'pyCBIR', 'Do you want to use imageNet weights?',QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No, QMessageBox.Yes) if buttonReply == QMessageBox.No: cwd = os.getcwd() QMessageBox.information(None,'pyCBIR', 'Now you have to choose the pre-trained file.') self.path_cnn_pre_trained = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(None,'Select a .h5 file!',cwd,filter = 'h5 (*.h5)')[0] self.list_of_parameters = [self.lineEdit2.text(),self.lineEdit1.text()]#learning rate and epochs self.mySubwindow.close() print(self.feature_extraction_method) #----------------------Daisy Parameters---------------------# def radio6_clicked(self,pyCBIR): self.mySubwindow=subwindow() self.mySubwindow.createWindow(200,140) self.mySubwindow.setWindowFlags(QtCore.Qt.CustomizeWindowHint) self.label1_daisy = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.mySubwindow) self.label1_daisy.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(55, 0, 100, 16)) self.label1_daisy.setObjectName("label1") self.label1_daisy.setText("Daisy options") #GLCM parameters self.label2_daisy = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.mySubwindow) self.label2_daisy.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(0, 30, 70, 16)) self.label2_daisy.setObjectName("label2") self.label2_daisy.setText("Step:") self.lineEdit1_daisy = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self.mySubwindow) self.lineEdit1_daisy.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(45, 30, 30, 16)) self.lineEdit1_daisy.setObjectName("lineEdit") self.lineEdit1_daisy.setText("4") self.label3_daisy = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.mySubwindow) self.label3_daisy.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(0, 50, 110, 16)) self.label3_daisy.setObjectName("label3") self.label3_daisy.setText("Rings:") self.lineEdit2_daisy = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self.mySubwindow) self.lineEdit2_daisy.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(45, 50, 30, 16)) self.lineEdit2_daisy.setObjectName("lineEdit") self.lineEdit2_daisy.setText("3") self.label4_daisy = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.mySubwindow) self.label4_daisy.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(0, 70, 110, 16)) self.label4_daisy.setObjectName("label4") self.label4_daisy.setText("Histogram:") self.lineEdit3_daisy = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self.mySubwindow) self.lineEdit3_daisy.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(85, 70, 30, 16)) self.lineEdit3_daisy.setObjectName("lineEdit") self.lineEdit3_daisy.setText("2") self.label5_daisy = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.mySubwindow) self.label5_daisy.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(0, 90, 110, 16)) self.label5_daisy.setObjectName("label4") self.label5_daisy.setText("Orientations:") self.lineEdit4_daisy = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self.mySubwindow) self.lineEdit4_daisy.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(85, 90, 30, 16)) self.lineEdit4_daisy.setObjectName("lineEdit") self.lineEdit4_daisy.setText("8") self.buttom_daisy = QtWidgets.QPushButton(self.mySubwindow) self.buttom_daisy.setText("Ok") self.buttom_daisy.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(50, 115, 100, 16)) self.buttom_daisy.clicked.connect(self.b_daisy) def b_daisy(self): self.list_of_parameters = [self.lineEdit1_daisy.text(),self.lineEdit2_daisy.text(),self.lineEdit3_daisy.text(),self.lineEdit4_daisy.text()] self.mySubwindow.close() #-----------------Brute Force-----------------# def radio7_clicked(self,pyCBIR): self.mySubwindow=subwindow() self.mySubwindow.createWindow(200,230) self.mySubwindow.setWindowFlags(QtCore.Qt.CustomizeWindowHint) self.label1_bf = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.mySubwindow) self.label1_bf.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(55, 0, 120, 16)) self.label1_bf.setObjectName("label1") self.label1_bf.setText("Similarity Metrics") = QtWidgets.QGroupBox(self.mySubwindow) self.radioButton_bf_1 = QtWidgets.QRadioButton( self.radioButton_bf_1.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(13, 29, 132, 18)) self.radioButton_bf_1.setChecked(True) self.radioButton_bf_2 = QtWidgets.QRadioButton( self.radioButton_bf_2.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(13, 46, 132, 18)) self.radioButton_bf_3 = QtWidgets.QRadioButton( self.radioButton_bf_3.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(13, 63, 129, 18)) self.radioButton_bf_4 = QtWidgets.QRadioButton( self.radioButton_bf_4.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(13, 80, 141, 18)) self.radioButton_bf_5 = QtWidgets.QRadioButton( self.radioButton_bf_5.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(13, 97, 164, 18)) self.radioButton_bf_6 =
self.face_halfedges(fkey): self.halfedge[u][v] = None del self.face[fkey] if fkey in self.facedata: del self.facedata[fkey] for nbr in nbrs: del self.halfedge[nbr][key] edge = "-".join(map(str, sorted([nbr, key]))) if edge in self.edgedata: del self.edgedata[edge] for nbr in nbrs: for n in self.vertex_neighbors(nbr): if self.halfedge[nbr][n] is None and self.halfedge[n][nbr] is None: del self.halfedge[nbr][n] del self.halfedge[n][nbr] edge = "-".join(map(str, sorted([nbr, n]))) if edge in self.edgedata: del self.edgedata[edge] del self.halfedge[key] del self.vertex[key] def delete_face(self, fkey): """Delete a face from the mesh object. Parameters ---------- fkey : int The identifier of the face. Notes ----- In some cases, disconnected vertices can remain after application of this method. To remove these vertices as well, combine this method with vertex culling (:meth:`cull_vertices`). Examples -------- >>> """ for u, v in self.face_halfedges(fkey): self.halfedge[u][v] = None if self.halfedge[v][u] is None: del self.halfedge[u][v] del self.halfedge[v][u] edge = "-".join(map(str, sorted([u, v]))) if edge in self.edgedata: del self.edgedata[edge] del self.face[fkey] if fkey in self.facedata: del self.facedata[fkey] def remove_unused_vertices(self): """Remove all unused vertices from the mesh object. """ for u in list(self.vertices()): if u not in self.halfedge: del self.vertex[u] else: if not self.halfedge[u]: del self.vertex[u] del self.halfedge[u] cull_vertices = remove_unused_vertices # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # accessors # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- def vertices(self, data=False): """Iterate over the vertices of the mesh. Parameters ---------- data : bool, optional Return the vertex data as well as the vertex keys. Yields ------ int or tuple The next vertex identifier, if ``data`` is false. The next vertex as a (key, attr) tuple, if ``data`` is true. """ for key in self.vertex: if not data: yield key else: yield key, self.vertex_attributes(key) def faces(self, data=False): """Iterate over the faces of the mesh. Parameters ---------- data : bool, optional Return the face data as well as the face keys. Yields ------ int or tuple The next face identifier, if ``data`` is ``False``. The next face as a (fkey, attr) tuple, if ``data`` is ``True``. """ for key in self.face: if not data: yield key else: yield key, self.face_attributes(key) def edges(self, data=False): """Iterate over the edges of the mesh. Parameters ---------- data : bool, optional Return the edge data as well as the edge vertex keys. Yields ------ tuple The next edge as a (u, v) tuple, if ``data`` is false. The next edge as a ((u, v), data) tuple, if ``data`` is true. Notes ---- Mesh edges have no topological meaning. They are only used to store data. Edges are not automatically created when vertices and faces are added to the mesh. Instead, they are created when data is stored on them, or when they are accessed using this method. This method yields the directed edges of the mesh. Unless edges were added explicitly using :meth:`add_edge` the order of edges is *as they come out*. However, as long as the toplogy remains unchanged, the order is consistent. Examples -------- >>> """ seen = set() for u in self.halfedge: for v in self.halfedge[u]: key = u, v ikey = v, u if key in seen or ikey in seen: continue seen.add(key) seen.add(ikey) if not data: yield key else: yield key, self.edge_attributes(key) def vertices_where(self, conditions, data=False): """Get vertices for which a certain condition or set of conditions is true. Parameters ---------- conditions : dict A set of conditions in the form of key-value pairs. The keys should be attribute names. The values can be attribute values or ranges of attribute values in the form of min/max pairs. data : bool, optional Yield the vertices and their data attributes. Default is ``False``. Yields ------ key: hashable The next vertex that matches the condition. 2-tuple The next vertex and its attributes, if ``data=True``. """ for key, attr in self.vertices(True): is_match = True for name, value in conditions.items(): method = getattr(self, name, None) if callable(method): val = method(key) if isinstance(val, list): if value not in val: is_match = False break break if isinstance(value, (tuple, list)): minval, maxval = value if val < minval or val > maxval: is_match = False break else: if value != val: is_match = False break else: if name not in attr: is_match = False break if isinstance(attr[name], list): if value not in attr[name]: is_match = False break break if isinstance(value, (tuple, list)): minval, maxval = value if attr[name] < minval or attr[name] > maxval: is_match = False break else: if value != attr[name]: is_match = False break if is_match: if data: yield key, attr else: yield key def vertices_where_predicate(self, predicate, data=False): """Get vertices for which a certain condition or set of conditions is true using a lambda function. Parameters ---------- predicate : callable The condition you want to evaluate. The callable takes 2 parameters: ``key``, ``attr`` and should return ``True`` or ``False``. data : bool, optional Yield the vertices and their data attributes. Default is ``False``. Yields ------ key: hashable The next vertex that matches the condition. 2-tuple The next vertex and its attributes, if ``data=True``. Examples -------- >>> """ for key, attr in self.vertices(True): if predicate(key, attr): if data: yield key, attr else: yield key def edges_where(self, conditions, data=False): """Get edges for which a certain condition or set of conditions is true. Parameters ---------- conditions : dict A set of conditions in the form of key-value pairs. The keys should be attribute names. The values can be attribute values or ranges of attribute values in the form of min/max pairs. data : bool, optional Yield the edges and their data attributes. Default is ``False``. Yields ------ 2-tuple The next edge as a (u, v) tuple, if ``data=False``. 3-tuple The next edge as a (u, v, data) tuple, if ``data=True``. """ for key in self.edges(): is_match = True attr = self.edge_attributes(key) for name, value in conditions.items(): method = getattr(self, name, None) if method and callable(method): val = method(key) elif name in attr: val = attr[name] else: is_match = False break if isinstance(val, list): if value not in val: is_match = False break elif isinstance(value, (tuple, list)): minval, maxval = value if val < minval or val > maxval: is_match = False break else: if value != val: is_match = False break if is_match: if data: yield key, attr else: yield key def edges_where_predicate(self, predicate, data=False): """Get edges for which a certain condition or set of conditions is true using a lambda function. Parameters ---------- predicate : callable The condition you want to evaluate. The callable takes 3 parameters: ``u``, ``v``, ``attr`` and should return ``True`` or ``False``. data : bool, optional Yield the vertices and their data attributes. Default is ``False``. Yields ------ 2-tuple The next edge as a (u, v) tuple, if ``data=False``. 3-tuple The next edge as a (u, v, data) tuple, if ``data=True``. Examples -------- >>> """ for key, attr in self.edges(True): if predicate(key, attr): if data: yield key, attr else: yield key def faces_where(self, conditions, data=False): """Get faces for which a certain condition or set of conditions is true. Parameters ---------- conditions : dict A set of conditions in the form of key-value pairs. The keys should be attribute names. The values can be attribute values or ranges of attribute values in the form of min/max pairs. data : bool, optional Yield the faces and their data attributes. Default is ``False``. Yields ------ key: hashable The next face that matches the condition. 2-tuple The next face and its attributes, if ``data=True``. """ for fkey in self.faces(): is_match = True attr = self.face_attributes(fkey) for name, value in conditions.items(): method = getattr(self, name, None) if method and callable(method): val = method(fkey) elif name in attr: val = attr[name] else: is_match = False break if isinstance(val, list): if value not in val: is_match = False break elif isinstance(value, (tuple, list)): minval, maxval = value if val < minval or val > maxval: is_match = False break else: if value != val: is_match = False break if is_match: if
import numpy as np import scipy.stats from ..base_parameters import ( ParamHelper, PriorHelper, PrecondHelper, get_value_func, get_hyperparam_func, get_dim_func, set_value_func, set_hyperparam_func, ) from .._utils import ( normal_logpdf, matrix_normal_logpdf, pos_def_mat_inv, varp_stability_projection, tril_vector_to_mat, ) import logging logger = logging.getLogger(name=__name__) ## Implementations of Vector, Square, Rectangular Parameters # Single Square class VectorParamHelper(ParamHelper): def __init__(self, name='mu', dim_names=None): = name self.dim_names = ['n'] if dim_names is None else dim_names return def set_var(self, param, **kwargs): if in kwargs: n = np.shape(kwargs[]) if np.ndim(kwargs[]) != 1: raise ValueError("{} must be vector".format( param.var_dict[] = np.array(kwargs[]).astype(float) param._set_check_dim(**{self.dim_names[0]: n}) else: raise ValueError("{} not provided".format( return def project_parameters(self, param, **kwargs): name_kwargs = kwargs.get(, {}) if name_kwargs.get('fixed') is not None: param.var_dict[] = name_kwargs['fixed'].copy() return def from_dict_to_vector(self, vector_list, var_dict, **kwargs): vector_list.append(var_dict[].flatten()) return def from_vector_to_dict(self, var_dict, vector, vector_index, **kwargs): n = kwargs[self.dim_names[0]] mu = np.reshape(vector[vector_index:vector_index+n], (n)) var_dict[] = mu return vector_index+n def get_properties(self): properties = {} properties[] = property( fget=get_value_func(, fset=set_value_func(, doc="{0} is a {1} vector".format(, self.dim_names[0]), ) for dim_name in self.dim_names: properties[dim_name] = property( fget=get_dim_func(dim_name), ) return properties class VectorPriorHelper(PriorHelper): def __init__(self, name='mu', dim_names=None, var_row_name=None): = name self._mean_name = 'mean_{0}'.format(name) self._var_col_name = 'var_col_{0}'.format(name) self._var_row_name = var_row_name self._lt_vec_name = 'L{0}inv_vec'.format(var_row_name) self.dim_names = ['n'] if dim_names is None else dim_names return def set_hyperparams(self, prior, **kwargs): if self._mean_name in kwargs: n = np.shape(kwargs[self._mean_name]) else: raise ValueError("{} must be provided".format(self._mean_name)) if self._var_col_name in kwargs: if not np.isscalar(kwargs[self._var_col_name]): raise ValueError("{} must be scalar".format(self._var_col_name)) else: raise ValueError("{} must be provided".format(self._var_col_name)) prior._set_check_dim(**{self.dim_names[0]: n}) prior.hyperparams[self._mean_name] = kwargs[self._mean_name] prior.hyperparams[self._var_col_name] = kwargs[self._var_col_name] return def sample_prior(self, prior, var_dict, **kwargs): mean_mu = prior.hyperparams[self._mean_name] var_col_mu = prior.hyperparams[self._var_col_name] if self._var_row_name is not None: if self._lt_vec_name in var_dict: LQinv = tril_vector_to_mat(var_dict[self._lt_vec_name]) Qinv = + \ 1e-9*np.eye(prior.dim[self.dim_names[0]]) else: raise ValueError("Missing {}\n".format(self._lt_vec_name) + "Perhaps {} must be earlier in _prior_helper_list".format( self._var_row_name) ) else: Qinv = np.eye(prior.dim[self.dim_names[0]]) var_dict[] = np.random.multivariate_normal( mean=mean_mu, cov=var_col_mu*pos_def_mat_inv(Qinv), ) return def sample_posterior(self, prior, var_dict, sufficient_stat, **kwargs): mean_mu = prior.hyperparams[self._mean_name] var_col_mu = prior.hyperparams[self._var_col_name] if self._var_row_name is not None: if self._lt_vec_name in var_dict: LQinv = tril_vector_to_mat(var_dict[self._lt_vec_name]) Qinv = + \ 1e-9*np.eye(prior.dim[self.dim_names[0]]) else: raise ValueError("Missing {}\n".format(self._lt_vec_name) + "Perhaps {} must be earlier in _prior_helper_list".format( self._var_row_name) ) else: Qinv = np.eye(self.prior[self.dim_names[0]]) S_prevprev = var_col_mu**-1 + \ sufficient_stat[]['S_prevprev'] S_curprev = mean_mu * var_col_mu**-1 + \ sufficient_stat[]['S_curprev'] post_mean_mu = S_curprev/S_prevprev var_dict[] = np.random.multivariate_normal( mean=post_mean_mu, cov=pos_def_mat_inv(Qinv)/S_prevprev, ) return def logprior(self, prior, logprior, parameters, **kwargs): mean_mu = prior.hyperparams[self._mean_name] var_col_mu = prior.hyperparams[self._var_col_name] if self._var_row_name is not None: LQinv = tril_vector_to_mat(parameters.var_dict[self._lt_vec_name]) else: LQinv = np.eye(prior.dim[self.dim_names[0]]) logprior += normal_logpdf(parameters.var_dict[], mean=mean_mu, Lprec=var_col_mu_k**-0.5 * LQinv, ) return logprior def grad_logprior(self, prior, grad, parameters, **kwargs): mean_mu = prior.hyperparams[self._mean_name] var_col_mu = prior.hyperparams[self._var_col_name] mu = getattr(parameters, if self._var_row_name is not None: Qinv = getattr(parameters, '{}inv'.format(self._var_row_name)) else: Qinv = np.eye(prior.dim[self.dim_names[0]]) grad[] = -1.0 ***-1 * Qinv, mu - mean_mu) return def get_prior_kwargs(self, prior_kwargs, parameters, **kwargs): var = kwargs['var'] mu = getattr(parameters, if kwargs.get('from_mean', False): mean_mu = mu.copy() else: mean_mu = np.zeros_like(mu) var_col_mu = var prior_kwargs[self._mean_name] = mean_mu prior_kwargs[self._var_col_name] = var_col_mu return def get_default_kwargs(self, default_kwargs, **kwargs): n = kwargs[self.dim_names[0]] var = kwargs['var'] mean_mu = np.zeros((n)) var_col_mu = var default_kwargs[self._mean_name] = mean_mu default_kwargs[self._var_col_name] = var_col_mu return class VectorPrecondHelper(PrecondHelper): def __init__(self, name='mu', dim_names=None, var_row_name='Q'): = name self._var_row_name = var_row_name self.dim_names = ['n'] if dim_names is None else dim_names return def precondition(self, preconditioner, precond_grad, grad, parameters, **kwargs): Q = getattr(parameters, self._var_row_name) precond_grad[] =, grad[]) return def precondition_noise(self, preconditioner, noise, parameters, **kwargs): LQinv = getattr(parameters, "L{}inv".format(self._var_row_name)) noise[] = np.linalg.solve(LQinv.T, np.random.normal(loc=0, size=(LQinv.shape[0])) ) return def correction_term(self, preconditioner, correction, parameters, **kwargs): correction[] = np.zeros_like(getattr(parameters,, dtype=float) return # Multiple Square class VectorsParamHelper(ParamHelper): def __init__(self, name='mu', dim_names=None): = name self.dim_names = ['n', 'num_states'] if dim_names is None else dim_names return def set_var(self, param, **kwargs): if in kwargs: num_states, n = np.shape(kwargs[]) param.var_dict[] = np.array(kwargs[]).astype(float) param._set_check_dim(**{self.dim_names[0]: n, self.dim_names[1]: num_states}) else: raise ValueError("{} not provided".format( return def project_parameters(self, param, **kwargs): name_kwargs = kwargs.get(, {}) if name_kwargs.get('fixed') is not None: param.var_dict[] = name_kwargs['fixed'].copy() return def from_dict_to_vector(self, vector_list, var_dict, **kwargs): vector_list.append(var_dict[].flatten()) return def from_vector_to_dict(self, var_dict, vector, vector_index, **kwargs): n = kwargs[self.dim_names[0]] num_states = kwargs[self.dim_names[1]] mu = np.reshape(vector[vector_index:vector_index+num_states*n], (num_states, n)) var_dict[] = mu return vector_index+num_states*n def get_properties(self): properties = {} properties[] = property( fget=get_value_func(, fset=set_value_func(, doc="{0} is {2} {1} vectors".format(, self.dim_names[0], self.dim_names[1]), ) for dim_name in self.dim_names: properties[dim_name] = property( fget=get_dim_func(dim_name), ) return properties class VectorsPriorHelper(PriorHelper): def __init__(self, name='mu', dim_names=None, var_row_name=None): = name self._mean_name = 'mean_{0}'.format(name) # num_states by n self._var_col_name = 'var_col_{0}'.format(name) # num_states by n self._var_row_name = var_row_name self._lt_vec_name = 'L{0}inv_vec'.format(var_row_name) self.dim_names = ['n', 'num_states'] if dim_names is None else dim_names return def set_hyperparams(self, prior, **kwargs): if self._mean_name in kwargs: num_states, n = np.shape(kwargs[self._mean_name]) else: raise ValueError("{} must be provided".format(self._mean_name)) if self._var_col_name in kwargs: num_states2 = np.size(kwargs[self._var_col_name]) else: raise ValueError("{} must be provided".format(self._var_col_name)) if (num_states != num_states2): raise ValueError("prior dimensions don't match") prior._set_check_dim(**{self.dim_names[0]: n, self.dim_names[1]: num_states}) prior.hyperparams[self._mean_name] = kwargs[self._mean_name] prior.hyperparams[self._var_col_name] = kwargs[self._var_col_name] return def sample_prior(self, prior, var_dict, **kwargs): mean_mu = prior.hyperparams[self._mean_name] var_col_mu = prior.hyperparams[self._var_col_name] if self._var_row_name is not None: if self._lt_vec_name in var_dict: LQinvs = np.array([tril_vector_to_mat(LQinv_vec_k) for LQinv_vec_k in var_dict[self._lt_vec_name]]) Qinvs = np.array([ + \ 1e-9*np.eye(prior.dim[self.dim_names[0]]) for LQinv_k in LQinvs]) else: raise ValueError("Missing {}\n".format(self._lt_vec_name) + "Perhaps {} must be earlier in _prior_helper_list".format( self._var_row_name) ) else: Qinvs = np.array([np.eye(prior.dim[self.dim_names[0]]) for _ in prior.dim[self.dim_names[1]]]) mus = [None for k in range(prior.dim[self.dim_names[1]])] for k in range(len(mus)): mus[k] = np.random.multivariate_normal( mean=mean_mu[k], cov=var_col_mu[k]*pos_def_mat_inv(Qinvs[k]), ) var_dict[] = np.array(mus) return def sample_posterior(self, prior, var_dict, sufficient_stat, **kwargs): mean_mu = prior.hyperparams[self._mean_name] var_col_mu = prior.hyperparams[self._var_col_name] num_states, n = np.shape(mean_mu) if self._var_row_name is not None: if self._lt_vec_name in var_dict: LQinvs = np.array([tril_vector_to_mat(LQinv_vec_k) for LQinv_vec_k in var_dict[self._lt_vec_name]]) Qinvs = np.array([ + 1e-9*np.eye(n) for LQinv_k in LQinvs]) else: raise ValueError("Missing {}\n".format(self._lt_vec_name) + "Perhaps {} must be earlier in _prior_helper_list".format( self._var_row_name) ) else: Qinvs = np.array([np.eye(n) for _ in range(num_states)]) mus = [None for k in range(num_states)] for k in range(len(mus)): S_prevprev = var_col_mu[k]**-1 + \ sufficient_stat[]['S_prevprev'][k] S_curprev = mean_mu[k] * var_col_mu[k]**-1 + \ sufficient_stat[]['S_curprev'][k] post_mean_mu_k = S_curprev/S_prevprev mus[k] = np.random.multivariate_normal( mean=post_mean_mu_k, cov=pos_def_mat_inv(Qinvs[k])/S_prevprev, ) var_dict[] = np.array(mus) return def logprior(self, prior, logprior, parameters, **kwargs): mean_mu = prior.hyperparams[self._mean_name] var_col_mu = prior.hyperparams[self._var_col_name] num_states, n = np.shape(mean_mu) if self._var_row_name is not None: LQinvs = np.array([tril_vector_to_mat(LQinv_vec_k) for LQinv_vec_k in parameters.var_dict[self._lt_vec_name]]) else: LQinvs = np.array([np.eye(n) for _ in range(num_states)]) for mu_k, mean_mu_k, var_col_mu_k, LQinv_k in zip( parameters.var_dict[], mean_mu, var_col_mu, LQinvs): logprior += normal_logpdf(mu_k, mean=mean_mu_k, Lprec=var_col_mu_k**-0.5 * LQinv_k, ) return logprior def grad_logprior(self, prior, grad, parameters, **kwargs): mu = parameters.var_dict[] mean_mu = prior.hyperparams[self._mean_name] var_col_mu = prior.hyperparams[self._var_col_name] num_states, n = np.shape(mean_mu) if self._var_row_name is not None: Qinvs = getattr(parameters, '{}inv'.format(self._var_row_name)) else: Qinvs = np.array([np.eye(n) for _ in range(num_states)]) grad[] = np.array([ -1.0 *[k]**-1 * Qinvs[k], mu[k] - mean_mu[k]) for k in range(num_states)]) return def get_prior_kwargs(self, prior_kwargs, parameters, **kwargs): var = kwargs['var'] mu = getattr(parameters, if kwargs.get('from_mean', False): mean_mu = mu.copy() else: mean_mu = np.zeros_like(mu) var_col_mu = np.array([ var for _ in range(A.shape[0]) ]) prior_kwargs[self._mean_name] = mean_mu prior_kwargs[self._var_col_name] = var_col_mu return def get_default_kwargs(self, default_kwargs, **kwargs): n = kwargs[self.dim_names[0]] num_states = kwargs[self.dim_names[1]] var = kwargs['var'] mean_mu = np.zeros((num_states, n)) var_col_mu = np.ones((num_states))*var default_kwargs[self._mean_name] = mean_mu default_kwargs[self._var_col_name] = var_col_mu return class VectorsPrecondHelper(PrecondHelper): def __init__(self, name='mu', dim_names=None, var_row_name='Q'): = name self._var_row_name = var_row_name self.dim_names = ['n', 'num_states'] if dim_names is None else dim_names return def precondition(self, preconditioner, precond_grad, grad, parameters, **kwargs): Q = getattr(parameters, self._var_row_name) precond_grad[] = np.array([[k], grad[][k]) for k in range(Q.shape[0]) ]) return def precondition_noise(self, preconditioner, noise, parameters, **kwargs): LQinv = getattr(parameters, "L{}inv".format(self._var_row_name)) noise[] = np.array([ np.linalg.solve(LQinv[k].T, np.random.normal(loc=0, size=LQinv.shape[-1]) ) for k in range(LQinv.shape[0]) ]) return def correction_term(self, preconditioner, correction, parameters, **kwargs): correction[] = np.zeros_like(getattr(parameters,, dtype=float) return # Single Square class SquareMatrixParamHelper(ParamHelper): def __init__(self, name='A', dim_names=None): = name self.dim_names = ['n'] if dim_names is None else dim_names return def set_var(self, param, **kwargs): if in kwargs: n, n2 = np.shape(kwargs[]) if n != n2: raise ValueError("{} must be square matrices".format( param.var_dict[] = np.array(kwargs[]).astype(float) param._set_check_dim(**{self.dim_names[0]: n}) else: raise ValueError("{} not provided".format( return def project_parameters(self, param, **kwargs): name_kwargs = kwargs.get(, {}) if name_kwargs.get('thresh', True): A = param.var_dict[] A = varp_stability_projection(A, eigenvalue_cutoff=name_kwargs.get( 'eigenvalue_cutoff', 0.9999),, logger=logger) param.var_dict[] = A
size of the paddings added to the input on both sides of its spatial dimensions. Only zero-padding is supported. Default: 0 dilation: dilation of the 2D convolution operation. Default: 1 groups: number of groups into which the input and output channels are divided, so as to perform a ``grouped convolution``. When ``groups`` is not 1, ``in_channels`` and ``out_channels`` must be divisible by groups, and the shape of weight should be ``(groups, in_channels // groups, out_channels // groups, height, width)``. Default: 1 conv_mode: supports "cross_correlation". Default: "cross_correlation" compute_mode: when set to "default", no special requirements will be placed on the precision of intermediate results. When set to "float32", "float32" would be used for accumulator and intermediate result, but only effective when input and output are of float16 dtype. Returns: output tensor. """ assert ( conv_mode.lower() == "cross_correlation" or == "CROSS_CORRELATION" ) if amp._enabled: compute_mode = "float32" inp, weight, bias = cast_tensors(inp, weight, bias) else: dtype = dtype_promotion(inp, weight) if inp.dtype != dtype: inp = inp.astype(dtype) if weight.dtype != dtype: weight = weight.astype(dtype) if groups != 1: raise NotImplementedError("group transposed conv2d is not supported yet.") stride_h, stride_w = expand_hw(stride) pad_h, pad_w = expand_hw(padding) dilate_h, dilate_w = expand_hw(dilation) op = builtin.ConvolutionBackwardData( stride_h=stride_h, stride_w=stride_w, pad_h=pad_h, pad_w=pad_w, dilate_h=dilate_h, dilate_w=dilate_w, strategy=get_execution_strategy(), compute_mode=compute_mode, ) (output,) = apply(op, weight, inp) if bias is not None: output += bias return output def deformable_conv2d( inp: Tensor, weight: Tensor, offset: Tensor, mask: Tensor, bias: Optional[Tensor] = None, stride: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]] = 1, padding: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]] = 0, dilation: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]] = 1, groups: int = 1, conv_mode="cross_correlation", compute_mode="default", ) -> Tensor: r"""Deformable Convolution. Args: inp: input feature map. weight: convolution kernel. offset: input offset to kernel, channel of this tensor should match the deformable settings. mask: input mask to kernel, channel of this tensor should match the deformable settings. bias: bias added to the result of convolution (if given). stride: stride of the 2D convolution operation. Default: 1 padding: size of the paddings added to the input on both sides of its spatial dimensions. Only zero-padding is supported. Default: 0 dilation: dilation of the 2D convolution operation. Default: 1 groups: number of groups into which the input and output channels are divided, so as to perform a ``grouped convolution``. When ``groups`` is not 1, ``in_channels`` and ``out_channels`` must be divisible by groups, and the shape of weight should be ``(groups, out_channel // groups, in_channels // groups, height, width)``. Default: 1 conv_mode: supports "cross_correlation". Default: "cross_correlation" compute_mode: when set to "default", no special requirements will be placed on the precision of intermediate results. When set to "float32", "float32" would be used for accumulator and intermediate result, but only effective when input and output are of float16 dtype. Returns: output tensor. """ assert ( conv_mode.lower() == "cross_correlation" or == "CROSS_CORRELATION" ) if amp._enabled: compute_mode = "float32" inp, weight, offset, mask, bias = cast_tensors(inp, weight, offset, mask, bias) else: offset = offset.astype("float32") mask = mask.astype("float32") stride_h, stride_w = expand_hw(stride) pad_h, pad_w = expand_hw(padding) dilate_h, dilate_w = expand_hw(dilation) sparse_type = "dense" if groups == 1 else "group" op = builtin.DeformableConv( stride_h=stride_h, stride_w=stride_w, pad_h=pad_h, pad_w=pad_w, dilate_h=dilate_h, dilate_w=dilate_w, strategy=get_execution_strategy(), mode=conv_mode, compute_mode=compute_mode, sparse=sparse_type, ) (output,) = apply(op, inp, weight, offset, mask) if bias is not None: output += bias return output def local_conv2d( inp: Tensor, weight: Tensor, bias: Optional[Tensor] = None, stride: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]] = 1, padding: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]] = 0, dilation: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]] = 1, conv_mode="cross_correlation", ): r"""Applies spatial 2D convolution over an groupped channeled image with untied kernels.""" assert ( conv_mode.lower() == "cross_correlation" or == "CROSS_CORRELATION" ) stride_h, stride_w = expand_hw(stride) pad_h, pad_w = expand_hw(padding) dilate_h, dilate_w = expand_hw(dilation) dtype = dtype_promotion(inp, weight) if inp.dtype != dtype: inp = inp.astype(dtype) if weight.dtype != dtype: weight = weight.astype(dtype) op = builtin.GroupLocal( stride_h=stride_h, stride_w=stride_w, pad_h=pad_h, pad_w=pad_w, dilate_h=dilate_h, dilate_w=dilate_w, mode=conv_mode, sparse="dense", ) (output,) = apply(op, inp, weight) if bias is not None: output += bias return output def conv_transpose3d( inp: Tensor, weight: Tensor, bias: Optional[Tensor] = None, stride: Union[int, Tuple[int, int, int]] = 1, padding: Union[int, Tuple[int, int, int]] = 0, dilation: Union[int, Tuple[int, int, int]] = 1, ) -> Tensor: r"""3D transposed convolution operation. Only support the case that groups = 1 and conv_mode = "cross_correlation". Refer to :class:`~.ConvTranspose3d` for more information. Args: inp: feature map of the convolution operation. weight: convolution kernel. weight usually has shape ``(in_channels, out_channels, depth, height, width)``. bias: bias added to the result of convolution (if given). stride: stride of the 3D convolution operation. Default: 1 padding: size of the paddings added to the input on all sides of its spatial dimensions. Only zero-padding is supported. Default: 0 dilation: dilation of the 3D convolution operation. Default: 1 Returns: output tensor. """ D, H, W = 0, 1, 2 pad = _triple(padding) stride = _triple_nonzero(stride) dilate = _triple_nonzero(dilation) dtype = dtype_promotion(inp, weight) if inp.dtype != dtype: inp = inp.astype(dtype) if weight.dtype != dtype: weight = weight.astype(dtype) op = builtin.Convolution3DBackwardData( pad_d=pad[D], pad_h=pad[H], pad_w=pad[W], stride_d=stride[D], stride_h=stride[H], stride_w=stride[W], dilate_d=dilate[D], dilate_h=dilate[H], dilate_w=dilate[W], strategy=get_execution_strategy(), ) (output,) = apply(op, weight, inp) if bias is not None: output += bias return output def max_pool2d( inp: Tensor, kernel_size: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]], stride: Optional[Union[int, Tuple[int, int]]] = None, padding: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]] = 0, ) -> Tensor: r"""Applies a 2D max pooling over an input tensor. Refer to :class:`~.MaxPool2d` for more information. Args: inp: input tensor. kernel_size: size of the window. stride: stride of the window. If not provided, its value is set to kernel_size. Default: None padding: implicit zero padding added on both sides. Default: 0 Returns: output tensor. """ if stride is None: stride = kernel_size window_h, window_w = _pair_nonzero(kernel_size) stride_h, stride_w = _pair_nonzero(stride) padding_h, padding_w = _pair(padding) op = builtin.Pooling( window_h=window_h, window_w=window_w, stride_h=stride_h, stride_w=stride_w, pad_h=padding_h, pad_w=padding_w, mode="max", ) (output,) = apply(op, inp) return output def avg_pool2d( inp: Tensor, kernel_size: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]], stride: Optional[Union[int, Tuple[int, int]]] = None, padding: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]] = 0, mode: str = "average_count_exclude_padding", ) -> Tensor: r"""Applies 2D average pooling over an input tensor. Refer to :class:`~.AvgPool2d` for more information. Args: inp: input tensor. kernel_size: size of the window. stride: stride of the window. If not provided, its value is set to ``kernel_size``. Default: None padding: implicit zero padding added on both sides. Default: 0 mode: whether to count padding values, set to "average" will do counting. Default: "average_count_exclude_padding" Returns: output tensor. """ if stride is None: stride = kernel_size window_h, window_w = _pair_nonzero(kernel_size) stride_h, stride_w = _pair_nonzero(stride) padding_h, padding_w = _pair(padding) op = builtin.Pooling( window_h=window_h, window_w=window_w, stride_h=stride_h, stride_w=stride_w, pad_h=padding_h, pad_w=padding_w, mode=mode, ) (output,) = apply(op, inp) return output def adaptive_max_pool2d( inp: Tensor, oshp: Union[Tuple[int, int], int, Tensor], ) -> Tensor: r"""Applies a 2D max adaptive pooling over an input. Refer to :class:`~.MaxAdaptivePool2d` for more information. Args: inp: input tensor. oshp: OH, OW)` size of the output shape. Returns: output tensor. """ if isinstance(oshp, int): oshp = (oshp, oshp) op = builtin.AdaptivePooling(mode="max", format="NCHW",) oshp = astensor1d(oshp, inp, dtype="int32", device=inp.device) (output,) = apply(op, inp, oshp) return output def adaptive_avg_pool2d( inp: Tensor, oshp: Union[Tuple[int, int], int, Tensor], ) -> Tensor: r"""Applies a 2D average adaptive pooling over an input. Refer to :class:`~.AvgAdaptivePool2d` for more information. Args: inp: input tensor. oshp: OH, OW)` size of the output shape. Returns: output tensor. """ if isinstance(oshp, int): oshp = (oshp, oshp) op = builtin.AdaptivePooling(mode="average", format="NCHW",) oshp = astensor1d(oshp, inp, dtype="int32", device=inp.device) (output,) = apply(op, inp, oshp) return output def deformable_psroi_pooling( inp: Tensor, rois: Tensor, trans: Tensor, no_trans: bool, part_size: int, pooled_h: int, pooled_w: int, sample_per_part: int, spatial_scale: float, trans_std: float = 0.1, ): r"""Deformable PSROI(Position Sensitive Region of Interest) Pooling. Args: inp: input feature map. rois: the rois for feature pooling. trans: input offset to psroi_pooling. no_trans: check the phase of DeformablePSROIPooling. False to the 1st phase, True to the 2nd phase. part_size: part size. sample_per_part: sample points of each part. pooled_shape: kernel shape of convolution. spatial_scale:
<reponame>johnhany/MegEngine # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # MegEngine is Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License") # # Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Megvii Inc. All rights reserved. # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT ARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. import collections import functools import itertools from typing import Union import numpy as np import megengine._internal as mgb from .graph import _use_default_if_none, get_default_graph def wrap_io_tensor(func): r"""A wrapper to make ``func`` compatible with functions in ``_internal.opr``. """ @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): comp_graph = None for i in itertools.chain(args, kwargs.values()): if isinstance(i, Tensor) and i._comp_graph: comp_graph = i._comp_graph break else: comp_graph = get_default_graph() new_args = ( arg._attach(comp_graph) if isinstance(arg, Tensor) else arg for arg in args ) new_kwargs = { k: v._attach(comp_graph) if isinstance(v, Tensor) else v for k, v in kwargs.items() } ret = func(*new_args, **new_kwargs) if isinstance(ret, mgb.SymbolVar): ret = Tensor(ret) elif isinstance(ret, list): ret = [Tensor(t) if isinstance(t, mgb.SymbolVar) else t for t in ret] elif isinstance(ret, tuple): ret = tuple(Tensor(t) if isinstance(t, mgb.SymbolVar) else t for t in ret) return ret return wrapper def _wrap_symbolvar_binary_op(f): @functools.wraps(f) def wrapped(self, other): comp_graph = ( isinstance(other, Tensor) and other._comp_graph or self._comp_graph or get_default_graph() ) if isinstance(other, Tensor): other = other._attach(comp_graph) return Tensor(f(self._attach(comp_graph), other)) return wrapped def wrap_slice(inp): start = inp.start._symvar if isinstance(inp.start, Tensor) else inp.start stop = inp.stop._symvar if isinstance(inp.stop, Tensor) else inp.stop step = inp.step._symvar if isinstance(inp.step, Tensor) else inp.step return slice(start, stop, step) def wrap_idx(idx): if not isinstance(idx, tuple): idx = (idx,) idx = tuple(i._symvar if isinstance(i, Tensor) else i for i in idx) idx = tuple(wrap_slice(i) if isinstance(i, slice) else i for i in idx) return idx class MGBIndexWrapper: def __init__(self, dest, mgb_index, val=None): self.dest = dest self.val = val self.mgb_index = mgb_index def __getitem__(self, idx): if self.val is None: return wrap_io_tensor(self.mgb_index(self.dest._symvar).__getitem__)( wrap_idx(idx) ) else: return wrap_io_tensor( self.mgb_index(self.dest._symvar, self.val._symvar).__getitem__ )(wrap_idx(idx)) class Tensor: r"""The main data container in MegEngine. Use :func:`~.tensor` to create a Tensor with existed data. """ requires_grad = False grad = None def __init__(self, val=None, *, requires_grad=None): self._reset(val, requires_grad=requires_grad) def _reset(self, val=None, *, requires_grad=None): if val is None: self.__val = None self.__sym = None elif isinstance(val, mgb.SharedND): self.__val = val self.__sym = None elif isinstance(val, mgb.SymbolVar): self.__val = None self.__sym = val else: raise TypeError("must be initialized with SymbolVar or SharedND") self.requires_grad = requires_grad def _as_tensor(self, obj): r"""Convert the data into a ``Tensor``. If the data is already a Tensor with the same dtype and device, no copy will be performed. Otherwise a new Tensor will be returned with computational graph retained. """ if isinstance(obj, Tensor): return obj if isinstance(obj, mgb.SymbolVar): return Tensor(obj) if isinstance(obj, mgb.SharedScalar): return Tensor(obj._as_sym_var(self._comp_graph, self._comp_node)) return tensor(data=obj, device=self.device) def numpy(self): r"""Return the tensor value in numpy.ndarray format. """ if self.__val is not None: assert self.__sym is None return self.__val.get_value() if self.__sym is None: raise ValueError("uninitialized") if self.__sym.eager_val is not None: return self.__sym.eager_val.get_value() return self.__sym.inferred_value def item(self): return self.numpy().item() def _attach(self, comp_graph, *, volatile=True): if self.__val: return self.__val.symvar(comp_graph, volatile=volatile) if self.__sym: if self.__sym.owner_graph != comp_graph: raise RuntimeError("internal error") return self.__sym else: raise ValueError("uninitialized") @property def _symvar(self): if self.__sym: assert not self.__val return self.__sym if not self.__val: raise ValueError("uninitialized") return self._attach(get_default_graph()) def __mgb_symvar__(self, comp_graph=None, **_): if self.__val and comp_graph: return self._attach(comp_graph) return self._symvar # read by mgb.opr @property def dtype(self): r"""Return the data type of the tensor. """ if self.__val is not None: return self.__val.dtype return self._symvar.dtype @property def _comp_node(self): if self.__val is not None: return self.__val.comp_node return self._symvar.comp_node device = _comp_node @property def _comp_graph(self): if self.__sym is not None: return self.__sym.owner_graph return None @property def shape(self): r"""Return an int tuple that is the shape/layout of the tensor. Could be invalid in static graph mode. """ from ..jit import trace if trace._active_instance: # pylint: disable=protected-access # NOTE: this is an hack shape = mgb.opr.get_var_shape(self._symvar) return tuple(Tensor(shape[i]) for i in range(self.ndim)) return self._symvar.imm_shape def set_value(self, value, *, sync=True, inplace=False, share=False): r"""Set value to the tensor. """ if not self.__val: raise ValueError("not detached") if isinstance(value, Tensor): value = value.__val or value.__sym.eager_val self.__val.set_value(value, sync=sync, inplace=inplace, share=share) def fill(self, value): r"""Fills the tensor with the specified value. """ self.set_value(np.full(self.shape, value, dtype=self.dtype)) def reset_zero(self): r"""Reset the tensor and fills with zeros. """ if not self.__val: raise ValueError("not detached") self.__val.reset_zero() def to(self, device): r"""Performs Tensor device conversion, returns Tensor with the specified device. """ return wrap_io_tensor(mgb.opr.copy)(self, comp_node=device) # # > If a class does not define an __eq__() method it should not define a # > __hash__() operation either __hash__ = None # type: ignore[assignment] def __eq__(self, rhs): rhs = self._as_tensor(rhs) return Tensor(self._symvar._binary_opr("EQ", rhs._symvar)) def __ne__(self, rhs): return 1 - self.__eq__(rhs) def __len__(self): if self._symvar.eager_val is not None: return self._symvar.eager_val.shape[0] raise TypeError( "__len__ and __iter__ is not available for tensors on non eager graph." ) __add__ = _wrap_symbolvar_binary_op(mgb.SymbolVar.__add__) __radd__ = _wrap_symbolvar_binary_op(mgb.SymbolVar.__radd__) __sub__ = _wrap_symbolvar_binary_op(mgb.SymbolVar.__sub__) __rsub__ = _wrap_symbolvar_binary_op(mgb.SymbolVar.__rsub__) __mul__ = _wrap_symbolvar_binary_op(mgb.SymbolVar.__mul__) __rmul__ = _wrap_symbolvar_binary_op(mgb.SymbolVar.__rmul__) __matmul__ = _wrap_symbolvar_binary_op(mgb.SymbolVar.__matmul__) __rmatmul__ = _wrap_symbolvar_binary_op(mgb.SymbolVar.__rmatmul__) __lshift__ = _wrap_symbolvar_binary_op(mgb.SymbolVar.__lshift__) __rshift__ = _wrap_symbolvar_binary_op(mgb.SymbolVar.__rshift__) __truediv__ = _wrap_symbolvar_binary_op(mgb.SymbolVar.__truediv__) __rtruediv__ = _wrap_symbolvar_binary_op(mgb.SymbolVar.__rtruediv__) __floordiv__ = _wrap_symbolvar_binary_op(mgb.SymbolVar.__floordiv__) __rfloordiv__ = _wrap_symbolvar_binary_op(mgb.SymbolVar.__rfloordiv__) __mod__ = _wrap_symbolvar_binary_op(mgb.SymbolVar.__mod__) __rmod__ = _wrap_symbolvar_binary_op(mgb.SymbolVar.__rmod__) __pow__ = _wrap_symbolvar_binary_op(mgb.SymbolVar.__pow__) __rpow__ = _wrap_symbolvar_binary_op(mgb.SymbolVar.__rpow__) __lt__ = _wrap_symbolvar_binary_op(mgb.SymbolVar.__lt__) __gt__ = _wrap_symbolvar_binary_op(mgb.SymbolVar.__gt__) __le__ = _wrap_symbolvar_binary_op(mgb.SymbolVar.__le__) __ge__ = _wrap_symbolvar_binary_op(mgb.SymbolVar.__ge__) __neg__ = wrap_io_tensor(mgb.SymbolVar.__neg__) sum = wrap_io_tensor(mgb.SymbolVar.sum) """ Sum up the given tensors. """ max = wrap_io_tensor(mgb.SymbolVar.max) """ Return the maximum value of given tensor. """ min = wrap_io_tensor(mgb.SymbolVar.min) """ Return the minimum value of given tensor. """ prod = wrap_io_tensor( """ Return the product value of the given tensor. """ mean = wrap_io_tensor(mgb.SymbolVar.mean) """ Return the mean value of the given tensor. """ dimshuffle = wrap_io_tensor(mgb.SymbolVar.dimshuffle) """ See more details in :func:`~.functional.tensor.dimshuffle`. """ astype = wrap_io_tensor(mgb.SymbolVar.astype) """ Cast the tensor to a specified type. """ def reshape(self, *target_shape): r"""Return a tensor which has given target shape Examples: .. testcode:: import numpy as np from megengine import tensor inp = tensor(np.arange(1, 17, dtype=np.int32).reshape(4,4)) out = tensor(np.arange(100, 116, dtype=np.int32).reshape(1,16)) out = out.reshape(inp.shape) print(out.numpy()) .. testoutput:: [[100 101 102 103] [104 105 106 107] [108 109 110 111] [112 113 114 115]] """ if isinstance(target_shape[0], tuple): if len(target_shape) > 1: raise ValueError("Only single tuple is accepted in reshape") target_shape = target_shape[0] target_shape = (t._symvar if isinstance(t, Tensor) else t for t in target_shape) return Tensor(mgb.SymbolVar.reshape(self._symvar, *target_shape)) def broadcast(self, *target_shape): r"""Return a tesnor broadcasted by current tensor to given target shape Examples: .. testcode:: import numpy as np from megengine import tensor data = tensor(np.arange(100, 104, dtype=np.int32).reshape(1,4)) data = data.broadcast((4,4)) print(data.numpy()) .. testoutput:: [[100 101 102 103] [100 101 102 103] [100 101 102 103] [100 101 102 103]] """ if isinstance(target_shape[0], tuple): if len(target_shape) > 1: raise ValueError("Only single tuple is accepted in broadcast") target_shape = target_shape[0] target_shape = (t._symvar if isinstance(t, Tensor) else t for t in target_shape) return Tensor(mgb.SymbolVar.broadcast(self._symvar, *target_shape)) # Prefer operators on Tensor instead of convert to numpy __array_priority__ = 1000 # mgb indexing family def __getitem__(self, idx): return wrap_io_tensor(self._symvar.__getitem__)(wrap_idx(idx)) def set_subtensor(self, val): return MGBIndexWrapper(self, mgb.opr.set_subtensor, val) def incr_subtensor(self, val): return MGBIndexWrapper(self, mgb.opr.incr_subtensor, val) @property def ai(self): return MGBIndexWrapper(self, mgb.opr.advanced_indexing) def set_ai(self, val): return MGBIndexWrapper(self, mgb.opr.set_advanced_indexing, val) def incr_ai(self, val): return MGBIndexWrapper(self, mgb.opr.incr_advanced_indexing, val) @property def mi(self): return MGBIndexWrapper(self, mgb.opr.mesh_indexing) def set_mi(self, val): return MGBIndexWrapper(self, mgb.opr.set_mesh_indexing, val) def incr_mi(self, val): return MGBIndexWrapper(self, mgb.opr.incr_mesh_indexing, val) @property def batched_mi(self): return MGBIndexWrapper(self, mgb.opr.batched_mesh_indexing) def batched_set_mi(self, val): return MGBIndexWrapper(self, mgb.opr.batched_set_mesh_indexing, val) def batched_incr_mi(self, val): return MGBIndexWrapper(self, mgb.opr.batched_incr_mesh_indexing, val) def __array__(self, dtype=None): if dtype is None: return self.numpy() else: return self.numpy().astype(dtype, copy=False) def __int__(self): return int(self.item()) def __index__(self): return int(self.item()) def __round__(self, ndigits=0): if ndigits != 0: raise ValueError("ndigits must be 0 for Tensor.round") return Tensor(mgb.opr.elemwise([self._symvar], mode="ROUND")) round = __round__ def sqrt(self): r"""Return a tensor that each element is the square root of its original value. """ return Tensor(mgb.opr.sqrt(self._symvar)) def shapeof(self, axis=None): r"""Return a Tensor that represent the shape of the tensor. """ return Tensor(mgb.opr.get_var_shape(self._symvar, axis=axis)) @property def
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Thu Feb 2 12:11:07 2017 @author: leo Take table data and infer values that represent missing data to replace by standard values for missing data. Examples of missing data that can be found: - 'XXX' - 'NO_ADDR' - '999999' - 'NONE' - '-' TODO: - For probable missing values, check entire file """ import string import numpy as np import pandas as pd DEFAULT_THRESH = 0.6 def mv_from_letter_repetition(top_values, score=0.7): """Checks for unusual repetition of characters as in XX or 999999""" # Compute number of unique characters for each value num_unique_chars = pd.Series([len(set(list(x))) for x in top_values.index], index=top_values.index) # Check that we have at least 3 distinct values if len(num_unique_chars) >= 3: # Keep as NaN candidate if value has only 1 unique character and # at least two characters and other values have at least two disctinct # characters num_unique_chars.sort_values(inplace=True) if (len(num_unique_chars.index[0]) > 1) \ and (num_unique_chars.iloc[0] == 1) \ and (num_unique_chars.iloc[1] >= 2): return [(num_unique_chars.index[0], score, 'letter_repeted')] return [] def mv_from_usual_forms(top_values, probable_missing_values, score=0.5): """Compares top values to common expressions for missing values""" to_return = [] for val in top_values.index: if val.lower() in [x.lower() for x in probable_missing_values]: to_return.append((val, score, 'usual')) return to_return def mv_from_len_diff(top_values, score=0.3): """Check if all values have the same length except one""" # Compute lengths of values lengths = pd.Series([len(x) for x in top_values.index], index=top_values.index) # Check if all values have the same length except one: if (lengths.nunique() == 2) & (len(top_values) >= 4): # TODO: why ??? if lengths.value_counts().iloc[-1] == 1: abnormal_length = lengths.value_counts().index[-1] mv_value = lengths[lengths == abnormal_length].index[0] return [(mv_value, score, 'diff')] return [] def mv_from_len_ratio(top_values, score=0.2): """Check if one value is much shorter than others""" # Compute lengths of values lengths = pd.Series([len(x) for x in top_values.index], index=top_values.index) if len(top_values) >= 4: lengths.sort_values(inplace=True) length_ratio = 2.9 if length_ratio * lengths.iloc[0] < lengths.iloc[1]: mv_value = lengths.index[0] return [(mv_value, score, 'len_ratio')] return [] def mv_from_not_digit(top_values, score=1): """Check if one value is the only not digit (and is only text)""" is_digit = pd.Series([x.replace(',', '').replace('.', '').isdigit() for x in top_values.index], index=top_values.index) if len(top_values) >= 3: if (~is_digit).sum() == 1: mv_value = is_digit[is_digit == False].index[0] if mv_value.isalpha(): return [(mv_value, score/2. + score/2.*(len(top_values) >= 4), 'not_digit')] return [] def mv_from_punctuation(top_values, score=1): """Check if value is only one with only punctuation""" punct = string.punctuation + ' ' is_punct = pd.Series([all(y in punct for y in x) for x in top_values.index], index=top_values.index) if (is_punct).sum() == 1: mv_value = is_punct[is_punct].index[0] return [(mv_value, score, 'punctuation')] return [] def mv_from_common_values(all_top_values, score=0.5): '''Looks for values common in at least two columns''' # Create dict with: {value: set_of_columns_where_common} with values present in at least two columns popular_values = dict() for col_1, top_values_1 in all_top_values.items(): for col_2, top_values_2 in all_top_values.items(): if col_1 != col_2: common_values = [x for x in top_values_1.index if x in top_values_2.index] for val in common_values: if val not in popular_values: popular_values[val] = set([col_1, col_2]) else: popular_values[val].add(col_1) popular_values[val].add(col_2) if popular_values: # Questionable heuristic: return value most frequent temp = [(val, len(cols)) for val, cols in popular_values.items()] temp.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) mv_value = temp[0][0] return [(mv_value, score, 'common_values')] return [] def mv_from_common_values_2(col_mvs, score=1): """ Return mv candidates for missing values that are already candidates in at least two columns. """ # Make dict with key: mv_candidate value: list of columns where applicable val_mvs = dict() for col, tuples in col_mvs.items(): for (val, score, origin) in tuples: if val not in val_mvs: val_mvs[val] = [col] else: val_mvs[val].append(col) return [(val, score, 'common_values') for val, cols in val_mvs.items() if (len(cols)>=2)] def compute_all_top_values(tab, num_top_values): ''' Returns a dict with columns of the table as keys and the top 10 most frequent values in a pandas Series ''' all_top_values = dict() for col in tab.columns: all_top_values[col] = tab[col].value_counts(True).head(num_top_values) return all_top_values def correct_score(list_of_possible_mvs, probable_mvs): """ Corrects original scores by comparing string distance to probable_mvs INPUT: list_of_possible_mvs: ex: [(mv, 0.3), (branch, 0.2)] probable_mvs: ex ['nan', 'none'] OUTPUT: list_of_possible_mvs: ex[(nan, 0.9), (branch, 0.1)] """ # Sum scores for same values detected by different methods in same column new_list_of_possible_mvs_tmp = dict() for (val, coef, orig) in list_of_possible_mvs: if val not in new_list_of_possible_mvs_tmp: new_list_of_possible_mvs_tmp[val] = dict() new_list_of_possible_mvs_tmp[val]['score'] = coef new_list_of_possible_mvs_tmp[val]['origin'] = [orig] else: new_list_of_possible_mvs_tmp[val]['score'] += coef new_list_of_possible_mvs_tmp[val]['origin'].append(orig) # NB: Taken care of in mv_from_usual_forms # # If the value is a known form of mv, increase probability # if val.lower() in [x.lower() for x in probable_mvs]: # new_list_of_possible_mvs_tmp[val] += 0.5 # Reformat output like input new_list_of_possible_mvs = [] for val, _dict in new_list_of_possible_mvs_tmp.items(): new_list_of_possible_mvs.append((val, _dict['score'], _dict['origin'])) return new_list_of_possible_mvs def infer_mvs(tab, params=None): """ API MODULE Run mv inference processes for each column and for the entire table """ PROBABLE_MVS = ['nan', 'none', 'na', 'n/a', '\\n', ' ', 'non renseigne', \ 'nr', 'no value', 'null', 'missing value'] ALWAYS_MVS = [''] if params is None: params = {} # Set variables and replace by default values PROBABLE_MVS.extend(params.get('probable_mvs', [])) ALWAYS_MVS.extend(params.get('always_mvs', [])) num_top_values = params.get('num_top_values', 10) # Compute most frequent values per column all_top_values = compute_all_top_values(tab, num_top_values) col_mvs = dict() # Look at each column and infer mv for col, top_values in all_top_values.items(): col_mvs[col] = [] if (not top_values.any()) or (top_values.iloc[0] == 1): continue col_mvs[col].extend(mv_from_len_diff(top_values)) col_mvs[col].extend(mv_from_len_ratio(top_values)) col_mvs[col].extend(mv_from_not_digit(top_values)) col_mvs[col].extend(mv_from_punctuation(top_values)) col_mvs[col].extend(mv_from_usual_forms(top_values, PROBABLE_MVS)) col_mvs[col].extend(mv_from_usual_forms(top_values, ALWAYS_MVS, 10**3)) col_mvs[col].extend(mv_from_letter_repetition(top_values)) col_mvs[col] = correct_score(col_mvs[col], PROBABLE_MVS) col_mvs[col].sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) # Transfer output to satisfy API standards def triplet_to_dict(val): return {'val': val[0], 'score': val[1], 'origin': val[2]} common_mvs = [triplet_to_dict(val) for val in mv_from_common_values_2(col_mvs)] columns_mvs = {key:[triplet_to_dict(val) for val in vals] for key, vals in col_mvs.items()} infered_mvs = {'columns': columns_mvs, 'all': common_mvs} return {'mvs_dict': infered_mvs, 'thresh': 0.6} # TODO: remove harcode def replace_mvs(tab, params): """ API MODULE Replace the values that should be mvs by actual np.nan. Values in 'all' will be replaced in the entire table whereas values in 'columns' will only be replaced in the specified columns. INPUT: tab: pandas DataFrame to modify params: mvs_dict: dict indicating mv values with scores. For example: { 'all': [], 'columns': {'dech': [('-', 2.0, 'unknown')], 'distance': [('-', 1, 'unknown')]} } thresh: minimum score to remove mvs OUTPUT: tab: same table with values replaced by np.nan modified: Indicate if value was modified """ # Set variables and replace by default values mvs_dict = params['mvs_dict'] thresh = params.get('thresh', DEFAULT_THRESH) # Replace assert sorted(list(mvs_dict.keys())) == ['all', 'columns'] # Run information modified = pd.DataFrame(False, index=tab.index, columns=tab.columns) for mv in mvs_dict['all']: val, score = mv['val'], mv['score'] # run_info['replace_num']['all'][val] = 0 if score >= thresh: # Metrics modified = modified | (tab == val) # Do transformation tab.replace(val, np.nan, inplace=True) for col, mv_values in mvs_dict['columns'].items(): for mv in mv_values: val, score = mv['val'], mv['score'] if score >= thresh: # Metrics if tab[col].notnull().any(): modified[col] = modified[col] | (tab[col] == val) # Do transformation tab[col].replace(val, np.nan, inplace=True) return tab, modified def sample_mvs_ilocs(tab, params, sample_params): ''' Displays interesting rows following inference INPUT: - tab: the pandas DataFrame on which inference was performed - params: the result of infer_mvs - sample_params: - randomize: (default: True) - num_per_missing_val_to_display: for each missing value found, how many examples to display OUTPUT: - row_idxs: index values of rows to display ''' # Select rows to display based on result num_per_missing_val_to_display = sample_params.get('num_per_missing_val_to_display', 4) randomize = sample_params.get('randomize', True) thresh = params.get('thresh', DEFAULT_THRESH) # TODO: add for ALL row_idxs = [] for col, mvs in params['mvs_dict']['columns'].items(): if col in tab.columns: for mv in mvs: if mv['score'] >= thresh: sel = (tab[col] == mv['val']).astype(int).diff().fillna(1).astype(bool) sel.index = range(len(sel)) row_idxs.extend(list(sel[sel].index)[:num_per_missing_val_to_display]) for mv in params['mvs_dict']['all']: if mv['score'] >= thresh: sel = (tab == mv['val']).any(1).diff().fillna(True) sel.index = range(len(sel)) if randomize: new_indexes = np.random.permutation(list(sel[sel].index))[:num_per_missing_val_to_display] else: new_indexes = list(sel[sel].index)[:num_per_missing_val_to_display] row_idxs.extend(new_indexes) return row_idxs if __name__ == '__main__': file_paths = ['../../data/test_dedupe/participants.csv', '../../data/test/etablissements/bce_data_norm.csv', 'local_test_data/source.csv', 'local_test_data/emmanuel_1/equipe.csv', 'local_test_data/emmanuel_1/doctorale.csv', 'local_test_data/emmanuel_1/laboratoire.csv', 'local_test_data/integration_4/hal2.csv'] file_path = file_paths[-1] # Path to file to test
# Copyright (c) 2016,2017 MetPy Developers. # Distributed under the terms of the BSD 3-Clause License. # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause """Contains a collection of generally useful calculation tools.""" import functools import warnings import numpy as np import as ma from scipy.spatial import cKDTree from . import height_to_pressure_std, pressure_to_height_std from ..package_tools import Exporter from ..units import check_units, units exporter = Exporter(globals()) @exporter.export def resample_nn_1d(a, centers): """Return one-dimensional nearest-neighbor indexes based on user-specified centers. Parameters ---------- a : array-like 1-dimensional array of numeric values from which to extract indexes of nearest-neighbors centers : array-like 1-dimensional array of numeric values representing a subset of values to approximate Returns ------- An array of indexes representing values closest to given array values """ ix = [] for center in centers: index = (np.abs(a - center)).argmin() if index not in ix: ix.append(index) return ix @exporter.export def nearest_intersection_idx(a, b): """Determine the index of the point just before two lines with common x values. Parameters ---------- a : array-like 1-dimensional array of y-values for line 1 b : array-like 1-dimensional array of y-values for line 2 Returns ------- An array of indexes representing the index of the values just before the intersection(s) of the two lines. """ # Difference in the two y-value sets difference = a - b # Determine the point just before the intersection of the lines # Will return multiple points for multiple intersections sign_change_idx, = np.nonzero(np.diff(np.sign(difference))) return sign_change_idx @exporter.export @units.wraps(('=A', '=B'), ('=A', '=B', '=B')) def find_intersections(x, a, b, direction='all'): """Calculate the best estimate of intersection. Calculates the best estimates of the intersection of two y-value data sets that share a common x-value set. Parameters ---------- x : array-like 1-dimensional array of numeric x-values a : array-like 1-dimensional array of y-values for line 1 b : array-like 1-dimensional array of y-values for line 2 direction : string, optional specifies direction of crossing. 'all', 'increasing' (a becoming greater than b), or 'decreasing' (b becoming greater than a). Defaults to 'all'. Returns ------- A tuple (x, y) of array-like with the x and y coordinates of the intersections of the lines. """ # Find the index of the points just before the intersection(s) nearest_idx = nearest_intersection_idx(a, b) next_idx = nearest_idx + 1 # Determine the sign of the change sign_change = np.sign(a[next_idx] - b[next_idx]) # x-values around each intersection _, x0 = _next_non_masked_element(x, nearest_idx) _, x1 = _next_non_masked_element(x, next_idx) # y-values around each intersection for the first line _, a0 = _next_non_masked_element(a, nearest_idx) _, a1 = _next_non_masked_element(a, next_idx) # y-values around each intersection for the second line _, b0 = _next_non_masked_element(b, nearest_idx) _, b1 = _next_non_masked_element(b, next_idx) # Calculate the x-intersection. This comes from finding the equations of the two lines, # one through (x0, a0) and (x1, a1) and the other through (x0, b0) and (x1, b1), # finding their intersection, and reducing with a bunch of algebra. delta_y0 = a0 - b0 delta_y1 = a1 - b1 intersect_x = (delta_y1 * x0 - delta_y0 * x1) / (delta_y1 - delta_y0) # Calculate the y-intersection of the lines. Just plug the x above into the equation # for the line through the a points. One could solve for y like x above, but this # causes weirder unit behavior and seems a little less good numerically. intersect_y = ((intersect_x - x0) / (x1 - x0)) * (a1 - a0) + a0 # If there's no intersections, return if len(intersect_x) == 0: return intersect_x, intersect_y # Check for duplicates duplicate_mask = (np.ediff1d(intersect_x, to_end=1) != 0) # Make a mask based on the direction of sign change desired if direction == 'increasing': mask = sign_change > 0 elif direction == 'decreasing': mask = sign_change < 0 elif direction == 'all': return intersect_x[duplicate_mask], intersect_y[duplicate_mask] else: raise ValueError('Unknown option for direction: {0}'.format(str(direction))) return intersect_x[mask & duplicate_mask], intersect_y[mask & duplicate_mask] @exporter.export def interpolate_nans(x, y, kind='linear'): """Interpolate NaN values in y. Interpolate NaN values in the y dimension. Works with unsorted x values. Parameters ---------- x : array-like 1-dimensional array of numeric x-values y : array-like 1-dimensional array of numeric y-values kind : string specifies the kind of interpolation x coordinate - 'linear' or 'log', optional. Defaults to 'linear'. Returns ------- An array of the y coordinate data with NaN values interpolated. """ x_sort_args = np.argsort(x) x = x[x_sort_args] y = y[x_sort_args] nans = np.isnan(y) if kind == 'linear': y[nans] = np.interp(x[nans], x[~nans], y[~nans]) elif kind == 'log': y[nans] = np.interp(np.log(x[nans]), np.log(x[~nans]), y[~nans]) else: raise ValueError('Unknown option for kind: {0}'.format(str(kind))) return y[x_sort_args] def _next_non_masked_element(a, idx): """Return the next non masked element of a masked array. If an array is masked, return the next non-masked element (if the given index is masked). If no other unmasked points are after the given masked point, returns none. Parameters ---------- a : array-like 1-dimensional array of numeric values idx : integer index of requested element Returns ------- Index of next non-masked element and next non-masked element """ try: next_idx = idx + a[idx:].mask.argmin() if ma.is_masked(a[next_idx]): return None, None else: return next_idx, a[next_idx] except (AttributeError, TypeError, IndexError): return idx, a[idx] def delete_masked_points(*arrs): """Delete masked points from arrays. Takes arrays and removes masked points to help with calculations and plotting. Parameters ---------- arrs : one or more array-like source arrays Returns ------- arrs : one or more array-like arrays with masked elements removed """ if any(hasattr(a, 'mask') for a in arrs): keep = ~functools.reduce(np.logical_or, ( for a in arrs)) return tuple(ma.asarray(a[keep]) for a in arrs) else: return arrs @exporter.export def reduce_point_density(points, radius, priority=None): r"""Return a mask to reduce the density of points in irregularly-spaced data. This function is used to down-sample a collection of scattered points (e.g. surface data), returning a mask that can be used to select the points from one or more arrays (e.g. arrays of temperature and dew point). The points selected can be controlled by providing an array of ``priority`` values (e.g. rainfall totals to ensure that stations with higher precipitation remain in the mask). Parameters ---------- points : (N, K) array-like N locations of the points in K dimensional space radius : float minimum radius allowed between points priority : (N, K) array-like, optional If given, this should have the same shape as ``points``; these values will be used to control selection priority for points. Returns ------- (N,) array-like of boolean values indicating whether points should be kept. This can be used directly to index numpy arrays to return only the desired points. Examples -------- >>> metpy.calc.reduce_point_density(np.array([1, 2, 3]), 1.) array([ True, False, True], dtype=bool) >>> metpy.calc.reduce_point_density(np.array([1, 2, 3]), 1., ... priority=np.array([0.1, 0.9, 0.3])) array([False, True, False], dtype=bool) """ # Handle 1D input if points.ndim < 2: points = points.reshape(-1, 1) # Make a kd-tree to speed searching of data. tree = cKDTree(points) # Need to use sorted indices rather than sorting the position # so that the keep mask matches *original* order. if priority is not None: # Need to sort the locations in decreasing priority. sorted_indices = np.argsort(priority)[::-1] else: # Take advantage of iterator nature of range here to avoid making big lists sorted_indices = range(len(points)) # Keep all points initially keep = np.ones(len(points), dtype=np.bool) # Loop over all the potential points for ind in sorted_indices: # Only proceed if we haven't already excluded this point if keep[ind]: # Find the neighbors and eliminate them neighbors = tree.query_ball_point(points[ind], radius) keep[neighbors] = False # We just removed ourselves, so undo that keep[ind] = True return keep def _get_bound_pressure_height(pressure, bound, heights=None, interpolate=True): """Calculate the bounding pressure and height in a layer. Given pressure, optional heights, and a bound, return either the closest pressure/height or interpolated pressure/height. If no heights are provided, a standard atmosphere is assumed. Parameters ---------- pressure : `pint.Quantity` Atmospheric pressures bound : `pint.Quantity` Bound to retrieve (in pressure or height) heights : `pint.Quantity`, optional Atmospheric heights associated with the pressure levels. Defaults to using heights calculated from ``pressure`` assuming a standard atmosphere. interpolate : boolean,
max(len(x[0]) for x in s)+1 # Output for an entry in ``s`` of ("Year", "2016") with a ``max_len`` of 10 # would be: '= Year .....: 2016' def line(k, v): return f"{k.ljust(max_len, '.')}: {v}" s = [line(*x) for x in s.items()] # Now we can reuse ``max_len`` to mean the longest fully formatted line # We want to add '= ' to the left side and ' =' to the right side to # form a border max_len = max(len(x) for x in s) s = [f'= {x:{max_len}} =' for x in s] max_len += 4 s = [" ALBUM INFORMATION ".center(max_len, "=")] + s + ["=" * max_len] return "\n".join(s) def GetOutputFilename(self, directory=None): """If an explicit filename was provided to command line arguments, and ``_MergeWithArgs`` was called, typically via a subclass constructor,then that filename is returned. Otherwise a name of the form Artist - Date - Title (Version) (Disc Disc#) \ DiscName (Label IssueDate Medium Channels).wav is generated, where the parentheses are included only if any part inside is non-empty. The Medium is blank if it is "CD". Channels is not filled in if it is "2.0". Invalid filename characters are removed or replaced with dashes. """ if self.forced_filename: logging.debug('Forced filename or pre-computed file name = %s', self.filename) return self.filename tags = dict() # Base tag tags['base'] = f"{self['ARTIST']} - {self['DATE_RECORDED']} - {self['TITLE']}" # Setup version subinfo tags['version'] = f" ({self['VERSION']})" if self["VERSION"] else "" # Setup label / release subinfo channels = self.channels if self.channels != '2.0' else '' if self["ORIGINAL_MEDIUM"] == "CD": labeltag = f"{self['LABEL']} {self['ISSUE_DATE']} {channels}" else: labeltag = f"{self['LABEL']} {self['ISSUE_DATE']} {self['ORIGINAL_MEDIUM']} {channels}" labeltag = labeltag.strip() tags['label'] = labeltag and f" ({labeltag})" # Setup disc tag if self["PART_NUMBER"]: disctag = f" (Disc {self['PART_NUMBER']}) {self['DISC_NAME']}" else: disctag = f" {self['DISC_NAME']}" tags['disc'] = disctag.rstrip() # Merge into filename filename = f"{tags['base']}{tags['version']}{tags['disc']}{tags['label']}{ext.WAV}" # Replace invalid characters with either a dash or remove them filename = re.compile("[<>:/\\\\]").sub("-", filename) filename = re.compile("[|?*]").sub("", filename) # Replace invalid double quotes with valid single quotes filename = filename.replace('"', "'") if directory: return os.path.join(directory, filename) return filename def PrintMetadata(self): """Formats and prints the metadata using the string representation and adding in track-level details. """ def PrintTrack(trackno, track): output = [f"File {str(trackno + 1).zfill(2)}:"] with IgnoreKeyError: output.append(f"Disc {track['disc']}") with IgnoreKeyError: output.append(f"Side {track['side']}") output.append(f"Track {track['track'].ljust(2)}") with IgnoreKeyError: output.append(f"Phase {track['phase']}") with IgnoreKeyError: output.append(f"Subindex {track['subindex']}") output.append(f"Time {track['start_time']}") output.append(f'"{track["title"]}"') with IgnoreKeyError: output[-1] = f'{output[-1][:-1]}: {track["subtitle"]}"' print(' '.join(output)) print(self) for trackno, track in enumerate(self.tracks): PrintTrack(trackno, track) filename = self.GetOutputFilename().replace(ext.WAV, ext.MKA) print("Filename:", filename) def Confirm(self): """Prints out metadata using ``PrintMetadata`` then asks the user if they want to continue. Any answer starting with 'n' or 'N' is interpreted as "no" while any other answer is interpreted as "yes". Returns: bool: True for user-approved merging, False for cancel """ self.PrintMetadata() answer = input("Continue [Y/n]? ").lower() return not answer.startswith("n") def _GetAlbumLevelMetadata(files): # Obtain album-level tags from the first file # Assumption is these tags are the same for every file tag = mutagen.flac.FLAC(files[0]) # These tags are copied directly directmap = ["ARTIST", "GENRE", "LABEL", "ISSUE_DATE", "VERSION", "ORIGINAL_MEDIUM", "DISC_NAME", "PHASE_NAME"] # These are renamed mapping = {"TITLE": "ALBUM", "DATE_RECORDED": "DATE"} mapping.update({k: k for k in directmap}) result = {} for rkey, tkey in mapping.items(): if tkey in tag: logging.debug("Found key %s, %s with value %s", rkey, tkey, tag[tkey][0]) # ``mutagen.flac.FLAC`` behaves like a ``dict[str, list[str]]`` result[rkey] = tag[tkey][0] return result class AlbumMetadata(Metadata): """Metadata class holding information for a collection of FLAC files from a single disc. Searches through the metadata tags in each FLAC file to determine information about them then build up the ``Metadata`` structure. Supported disc-level FLAC tags: ARTIST, TITLE, DATE, GENRE, LABEL, ISSUE_DATE, VERSION, ORIGINAL_MEDIUM, DISC_NAME, DISCTOTAL, DISCNUMBER, PHASE_NAME Supported track-level FLAC tags: TITLE, TRACKNUMBER, SIDE, SUBINDEX, SUBTITLE, PHASE NB: DISCNUMBER is ignored if DISCTOTAL is not present, and vice versa, or if both are '1'. See parent class ``Metadata`` for more information. """ @property def sumparts(self): return True def _initialize(self, args): # First check for multidisc mode; after this we can assume that # ``args.multidisc`` is ``False`` if args.multidisc: raise ValueError("Cannot use 'AlbumMetadata' in multidisc mode, use 'MultidiscMetadata'") # Pull in album level data # Pull disc number from tags if both fields exist, but skip if disc 1/1 tag = self._GetTag() if "DISCTOTAL" in tag and "DISCNUMBER" in tag: discs = int(tag["DISCTOTAL"][0]) if discs > 1: self["PART_NUMBER"] = tag["DISCNUMBER"][0] self.discs = discs # Pull track-level info: title, subindex, subtitle, start time, phase, side mka_time = FLACTime() for f in sorted(self.source): if self.GetOutputFilename() in f.replace(ext.FLAC, ext.WAV): continue tag = mutagen.flac.FLAC(f) try: track = {"title": tag["TITLE"][0], "track": tag["TRACKNUMBER"][0], "start_time": mka_time.MKACode()} except KeyError as key: raise TagNotFoundError(f"{f} doesn't contain key {key}") for t in ["SIDE", "SUBTITLE", "SUBINDEX", "PHASE"]: with IgnoreKeyError: track[t.lower()] = tag[t][0] self.tracks.append(track) mka_time += def _GetTag(self): return mutagen.flac.FLAC(self.source[0]) def GetDisc(track_info): try: return f"{track_info['disc']}{track_info['side']}" except KeyError: return track_info['disc'] class MultidiscMetadata(Metadata): """Metadata class holding information for a collection of FLAC files from multiple discs. Searches through the metadata tags in each FLAC file to determine information about them then build up the ``Metadata`` structure. Supported collection-level FLAC tags (````): DISCTOTAL, ARTIST, ALBUM TITLE, DATE, GENRE, LABEL, ISSUE_DATE, ORIGINAL_MEDIUM, VERSION, PHASE_NAME Supported disc-level FLAC tags (``self.disc_data``): DISC_NAME, (Number of tracks is calculated automatically) Supported track-level FLAC tags (``self.tracks``): TITLE, TRACKNUMBER, SIDE, DISCNUMBER, SUBINDEX, SUBTITLE, PHASE See parent class ``Metadata`` for more information. """ def __init__(self, source, args): self.disc_data = {} super().__init__(source, args) @property def sumparts(self): return False def _initialize(self, args): logging.debug('tools.flac.metadata.MultidiscMetadata._initialize') # First check for multidisc mode; after this we can assume that # ``args.multidisc`` is ``True`` if not args.multidisc: raise ValueError("Cannot use 'MultidiscMetadata' in non-multidisc mode, use 'AlbumMetadata'") # Pull in album level data, handling "DISC_NAME" at the # disc level, rather than the collection level data = _GetAlbumLevelMetadata(self.source) with IgnoreKeyError: del data["DISC_NAME"] # Now pull track and disc-level information which varies from file to file # Track level: track title, subtitle/subindex, start time, disc number # side, and phase # Disc level: disc name mka_time = FLACTime() for f in sorted(self.source): if self.GetOutputFilename() in f.replace(ext.FLAC, ext.WAV): continue tag = mutagen.flac.FLAC(f) try: track = {"title": tag["TITLE"][0], "track": tag["TRACKNUMBER"][0], "start_time": mka_time.MKACode()} except KeyError as key: raise TagNotFoundError(f"{f} doesn't contain key {key}") tags = {"disc": "DISCNUMBER", "subindex": "SUBINDEX", "subtitle": "SUBTITLE", "side": "SIDE", "phase": "PHASE"} for skey, tkey in tags.items(): with IgnoreKeyError: track[skey] = tag[tkey][0] if GetDisc(track) not in self.disc_data: with IgnoreKeyError: self.disc_data[GetDisc(track)] = tag["DISC_NAME"][0] self.tracks.append(track) mka_time += def _GetTag(self): return mutagen.flac.FLAC(self.source[0]) def PrintMetadata(self): Metadata.PrintMetadata(self) for disc, name in sorted(self.disc_data.items()): print(f"Disc {disc} Name: {name}") class CueMetadata(Metadata): """Class holding the metadata information obtained from a CUE sheet file. Searches through the CUE sheet to obtain certain tags, though it only supports CUE sheets which describe one file. Multiple files can be handled via ``AlbumMetadata`` provided the files are tagged correctly. Supported top-level tags: FILE, PERFORMER, TITLE Support top-level remarks, starting with 'REM': DATE, DISC, DISCS, GENRE, ISSUE_DATE, LABEL, VERSION, ORIGINAL_MEDIUM, DISC_NAME Can either be called directly via ``CueMetadata(cue_sheet_name, args)`` where args is an optional parameter, but suggested, or via ``GetMetadata(cue_sheet_name, args)`` so long as cue_sheet_name is a string that ends with '.cue'. See the parent class ``Metadata`` for more information. """ @property def sumparts(self): return True def _initialize(self, args): with open(self.source) as cue: lines = cue.readlines() for i, line in enumerate(lines): if line.startswith("FILE"): self.filename = CueMetadata.ExtractFilename(line).replace(ext.WAV, ext.FLAC) elif line.startswith("REM DISCS"): # This needs to come before 'REM DISC' otherwise it would be # captured by 'REM DISC' instead. Also it's not stored in the # dictionary component of ``self``. self.discs = int(CueMetadata.ExtractProperty(line, "REM DISCS")) elif line.startswith(" TRACK"): self.tracks.append(CueMetadata.ExtractTrackInformation(lines[i:])) elif not line.startswith(" "): # Search for additional top-level tags remarks = ["GENRE", "ISSUE_DATE", "LABEL", "VERSION", "ORIGINAL_MEDIUM", "DISC_NAME"] remarks = {f"REM {t}": t for t in remarks} # Note that ``"REM DISC "`` has a space at the end because
# -*- coding: utf-8; -*- """Axially moving solid, Eulerian view, small-displacement regime (on top of uniform axial motion). Three alternative formulations are provided, both in dynamic and in steady-state cases: - `EulerianSolid`, `SteadyStateEulerianSolid`: Straightforward Eulerian description. Variables are `u(x, t)`, `v(x, t) := ∂u/∂t`, and `σ(x, t)`. `v` is the Eulerian rate of `u`. - `EulerianSolidAlternative`, `SteadyStateEulerianSolidAlternative`: Eulerian description using material parcel velocity. Variables are `u(x, t)`, `v(x, t) := du/dt`, and `σ(x, t)`. `v` is the material derivative of `u`; it is the actual physical velocity of the material parcels with respect to the co-moving frame. Note `v` is still an Eulerian field; it is a spatial description of a material quantity! - `EulerianSolidPrimal`, `SteadyStateEulerianSolidPrimal`: Eulerian description using material parcel velocity and primal variables only. Variables are `u(x, t)`, and `v(x, t) := du/dt`. `v` is the material derivative of `u`; it is the actual physical velocity of the material parcels with respect to the co-moving frame. Note `v` is still an Eulerian field; it is a spatial description of a material quantity! This is the cleanest formulation, and the fastest solver. **NOTE**: Of the steady-state solvers, currently only `SteadyStateEulerianSolidPrimal` converges to the correct solution; this is still something to be investigated later. For now, if you want the steady state, just use `SteadyStateEulerianSolidPrimal`. All three dynamic solvers work as expected. """ __all__ = ["EulerianSolid", "SteadyStateEulerianSolid", # does not work yet "EulerianSolidAlternative", "SteadyStateEulerianSolidAlternative", # does not work yet "EulerianSolidPrimal", "SteadyStateEulerianSolidPrimal", "step_adaptive"] from contextlib import contextmanager import typing from fenics import (VectorFunctionSpace, TensorFunctionSpace, MixedElement, FunctionSpace, TrialFunctions, TestFunctions, split, FunctionAssigner, project, TrialFunction, TestFunction, Constant, Expression, Function, FacetNormal, DirichletBC, dot, inner, outer, sym, tr, nabla_grad, div, dx, ds, Identity, lhs, rhs, assemble, solve, interpolate, VectorSpaceBasis, as_backend_type, norm, begin, end) from ..meshfunction import meshsize, cell_mf_to_expression from .numutil import ε, mag, advw, advs from .util import ufl_constant_property, StabilizerFlags def null_space_fields(dim): """Set up null space for removal in the Krylov solver. Return a `list` of rigid-body modes of geometric dimension `dim` as FEniCS expressions. These can then be projected into the correct finite element space. Null space of the linear momentum balance is {u: ε(u) = 0 and ∇·u = 0} This consists of rigid-body translations and infinitesimal rigid-body rotations. Strictly, this is the null space of linear elasticity, but the physics shouldn't be that much different for the other linear models. See: """ if dim == 1: fus = [Constant(1)] elif dim == 2: fus = [Constant((1, 0)), Constant((0, 1)), Expression(("x[1]", "-x[0]"), degree=1)] # around z axis (clockwise) elif dim == 3: fus = [Constant((1, 0, 0)), Constant((0, 1, 0)), Constant((0, 0, 1)), Expression(("0", "x[2]", "-x[1]"), degree=1), # around x axis (clockwise) Expression(("-x[2]", "0", "x[0]"), degree=1), # around y axis (clockwise) Expression(("x[1]", "-x[0]", "0"), degree=1)] # around z axis (clockwise) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"dim = {dim}") return fus class EulerianSolidStabilizerFlags(StabilizerFlags): """Interface for numerical stabilizer on/off flags. Collects them into one namespace; handles translation between `bool` values and the UFL expressions that are actually used in the equations. Usage:: print(solver.stabilizers) # status --> "<EulerianSolidStabilizerFlags: SUPG(True)>" solver.stabilizers.SUPG = True # enable SUPG solver.stabilizers.SUPG = False # disable SUPG """ def __init__(self): # set up the UFL expressions for the flags super().__init__() self._SUPG = Expression('b', degree=0, b=1.0) def _get_SUPG(self) -> bool: return bool(self._SUPG.b) def _set_SUPG(self, b: bool) -> None: self._SUPG.b = float(b) SUPG = property(fget=_get_SUPG, fset=_set_SUPG, doc="Streamline upwinding Petrov-Galerkin, for advection-dominant problems.") # TODO: use nondimensional form class EulerianSolid: """Axially moving linear solid, small-displacement Eulerian formulation. For now, this solver provides the linear elastic and Kelvin-Voigt models. The spatial discretization is based on a mixed formulation. For linear viscoelastic models, the axial motion introduces a third derivative in the strong form of the primal formulation. Therefore, the primal formulation requires C1 elements (not available in FEniCS, for mathematical reasons outlined in Kirby & Mitchell, 2019; this was done manually for an axially moving sheet in Kurki et al., 2016). The alternative, chosen here, is a mixed formulation where both `u` and `σ` appear as unknowns. The additional derivative from the axial motion then appears as a spatial derivative of ε in the constitutive equation for σ. Time integration is performed using the θ method; Crank-Nicolson by default. `V`: vector function space for displacement `Q`: tensor function space for stress `P`: tensor function space for strain projection Strains are L2-projected into `P` before using them in the constitutive law. Improves stability in Kelvin-Voigt in the presence of axial motion. `ρ`: density [kg / m³] `λ`: Lamé's first parameter [Pa] `μ`: shear modulus [Pa] `τ`: Kelvin-Voigt retardation time [s]. Defined as `τ := η / E`, where `E` is Young's modulus [Pa], and `η` is the viscous modulus [Pa s]. **CAUTION**: The initial value of `τ` passed in to the constructor determines the material model. If you pass in `τ=...` with a nonzero value, the solver will set up the PDEs for the Kelvin-Voigt model. If you pass in `τ=0`, the solver will set up the PDEs for the linear elastic model. Setting the value of `τ` later (`solver.τ = ...`) does **not** affect which model is in use; so if needed, you can perform studies with Kelvin-Voigt where `τ` changes quasistatically. To force a model change later, set the new value of `τ` first, and then call the `compile_forms` method to refresh the PDEs. `V0`: velocity of co-moving frame in +x direction (constant) [m/s] `bcv`: Dirichlet boundary conditions for Eulerian displacement rate ∂u/∂t. The displacement `u` takes no BCs; use an initial condition instead. `bcσ`: Dirichlet boundary conditions for stress (NOTE: must set only n·σ). Alternative for setting `v`. `dt`: timestep [s] `θ`: theta-parameter for the time integrator, θ ∈ [0, 1]. Default 0.5 is Crank-Nicolson; 0 is forward Euler, 1 is backward Euler. Note that for θ = 0, the SUPG stabilization parameter τ_SUPG → 0, so when using forward Euler, it does not make sense to enable the SUPG stabilizer. As the mesh, we use `V.mesh()`; both `V` and `Q` must be defined on the same mesh. For LBB-condition-related reasons, the space `Q` must be much larger than `V`; both {V=Q1, Q=Q2} and {V=Q1, Q=Q3} have been tested to work and to yield similar results. Near-term future plans (when I next have time to work on this project) include extending this to support SLS (the standard linear solid); this should be a fairly minor modification, just replacing the equation for `σ` by a PDE; no infra changes. Far-future plans include a viscoplastic model of the Chaboche family (of which a Lagrangean formulation is available in the Julia package `Materials.jl`). **Equations**: The formulation used by `EulerianSolid` is perhaps the most straightforward Eulerian formulation for an axially moving continuum. The momentum balance for a continuum is ρ dV/dt - ∇·σ = ρ b where `V` is the material parcel velocity in an inertial frame of our choice (the law is postulated to be Galilean invariant). Let us choose the laboratory frame. We have dV/dt ≈ [∂²u/∂t² + 2 (a·∇) ∂u/∂t + (a·∇)(a·∇) u] Thus the Eulerian description of the momentum balance becomes ρ ∂²u/∂t² + 2 ρ (a·∇) ∂u/∂t + ρ (a·∇)(a·∇)u - ∇·σ = ρ b where, for Kelvin-Voigt (linear elastic as special case τ = 0): σ = E : ε + η : dε/dt = E : (symm ∇u) + η : d/dt (symm ∇u) = E : (symm ∇) u + η : d/dt (symm ∇) u = E : (symm ∇) u + η : (symm ∇) du/dt = E : (symm ∇) u + η : (symm ∇) (∂u/∂t + (a·∇)) u = E : (symm ∇) u + η : [(symm ∇) v + (a·∇) u] = E : (symm ∇) u + τ E : [(symm ∇) v + (symm ∇) (a·∇) u] = E : (symm ∇) u + τ E : [(symm ∇) v +
""" Reserve(TNEGraph self, int const & Nodes, int const & Edges) Parameters: Nodes: int const & Edges: int const & """ return _snap.TNEGraph_Reserve(self, *args) def Defrag(self, OnlyNodeLinks=False): """ Defrag(TNEGraph self, bool const & OnlyNodeLinks=False) Parameters: OnlyNodeLinks: bool const & Defrag(TNEGraph self) Parameters: self: TNEGraph * """ return _snap.TNEGraph_Defrag(self, OnlyNodeLinks) def IsOk(self, ThrowExcept=True): """ IsOk(TNEGraph self, bool const & ThrowExcept=True) -> bool Parameters: ThrowExcept: bool const & IsOk(TNEGraph self) -> bool Parameters: self: TNEGraph const * """ return _snap.TNEGraph_IsOk(self, ThrowExcept) def Dump(self, *args): """ Dump(TNEGraph self, FILE * OutF=stdout) Parameters: OutF: FILE * Dump(TNEGraph self) Parameters: self: TNEGraph const * """ return _snap.TNEGraph_Dump(self, *args) __swig_destroy__ = _snap.delete_TNEGraph TNEGraph.Save = new_instancemethod(_snap.TNEGraph_Save,None,TNEGraph) TNEGraph.HasFlag = new_instancemethod(_snap.TNEGraph_HasFlag,None,TNEGraph) TNEGraph.GetNodes = new_instancemethod(_snap.TNEGraph_GetNodes,None,TNEGraph) TNEGraph.AddNode = new_instancemethod(_snap.TNEGraph_AddNode,None,TNEGraph) TNEGraph.DelNode = new_instancemethod(_snap.TNEGraph_DelNode,None,TNEGraph) TNEGraph.IsNode = new_instancemethod(_snap.TNEGraph_IsNode,None,TNEGraph) TNEGraph.BegNI = new_instancemethod(_snap.TNEGraph_BegNI,None,TNEGraph) TNEGraph.EndNI = new_instancemethod(_snap.TNEGraph_EndNI,None,TNEGraph) TNEGraph.GetNI = new_instancemethod(_snap.TNEGraph_GetNI,None,TNEGraph) TNEGraph.GetMxNId = new_instancemethod(_snap.TNEGraph_GetMxNId,None,TNEGraph) TNEGraph.GetEdges = new_instancemethod(_snap.TNEGraph_GetEdges,None,TNEGraph) TNEGraph.AddEdge = new_instancemethod(_snap.TNEGraph_AddEdge,None,TNEGraph) TNEGraph.DelEdge = new_instancemethod(_snap.TNEGraph_DelEdge,None,TNEGraph) TNEGraph.IsEdge = new_instancemethod(_snap.TNEGraph_IsEdge,None,TNEGraph) TNEGraph.GetEId = new_instancemethod(_snap.TNEGraph_GetEId,None,TNEGraph) TNEGraph.BegEI = new_instancemethod(_snap.TNEGraph_BegEI,None,TNEGraph) TNEGraph.EndEI = new_instancemethod(_snap.TNEGraph_EndEI,None,TNEGraph) TNEGraph.GetEI = new_instancemethod(_snap.TNEGraph_GetEI,None,TNEGraph) TNEGraph.GetRndNId = new_instancemethod(_snap.TNEGraph_GetRndNId,None,TNEGraph) TNEGraph.GetRndNI = new_instancemethod(_snap.TNEGraph_GetRndNI,None,TNEGraph) TNEGraph.GetRndEId = new_instancemethod(_snap.TNEGraph_GetRndEId,None,TNEGraph) TNEGraph.GetRndEI = new_instancemethod(_snap.TNEGraph_GetRndEI,None,TNEGraph) TNEGraph.GetNIdV = new_instancemethod(_snap.TNEGraph_GetNIdV,None,TNEGraph) TNEGraph.GetEIdV = new_instancemethod(_snap.TNEGraph_GetEIdV,None,TNEGraph) TNEGraph.Empty = new_instancemethod(_snap.TNEGraph_Empty,None,TNEGraph) TNEGraph.Clr = new_instancemethod(_snap.TNEGraph_Clr,None,TNEGraph) TNEGraph.Reserve = new_instancemethod(_snap.TNEGraph_Reserve,None,TNEGraph) TNEGraph.Defrag = new_instancemethod(_snap.TNEGraph_Defrag,None,TNEGraph) TNEGraph.IsOk = new_instancemethod(_snap.TNEGraph_IsOk,None,TNEGraph) TNEGraph.Dump = new_instancemethod(_snap.TNEGraph_Dump,None,TNEGraph) TNEGraph_swigregister = _snap.TNEGraph_swigregister TNEGraph_swigregister(TNEGraph) def TNEGraph_New(*args): """ New() -> PNEGraph TNEGraph_New(int const & Nodes, int const & Edges) -> PNEGraph Parameters: Nodes: int const & Edges: int const & """ return _snap.TNEGraph_New(*args) def TNEGraph_Load(*args): """ TNEGraph_Load(TSIn SIn) -> PNEGraph Parameters: SIn: TSIn & """ return _snap.TNEGraph_Load(*args) class TBPGraph(object): """Proxy of C++ TBPGraph class""" thisown = _swig_property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag') __repr__ = _swig_repr bgsUndef = _snap.TBPGraph_bgsUndef bgsLeft = _snap.TBPGraph_bgsLeft bgsRight = _snap.TBPGraph_bgsRight bgsBoth = _snap.TBPGraph_bgsBoth def __init__(self, *args): """ __init__(TBPGraph self) -> TBPGraph __init__(TBPGraph self, int const & Nodes, int const & Edges) -> TBPGraph Parameters: Nodes: int const & Edges: int const & __init__(TBPGraph self, TBPGraph BPGraph) -> TBPGraph Parameters: BPGraph: TBPGraph const & __init__(TBPGraph self, TSIn SIn) -> TBPGraph Parameters: SIn: TSIn & """ _snap.TBPGraph_swiginit(self,_snap.new_TBPGraph(*args)) def Save(self, *args): """ Save(TBPGraph self, TSOut SOut) Parameters: SOut: TSOut & """ return _snap.TBPGraph_Save(self, *args) def New(*args): """ New() -> PBPGraph New(int const & Nodes, int const & Edges) -> PBPGraph Parameters: Nodes: int const & Edges: int const & """ return _snap.TBPGraph_New(*args) New = staticmethod(New) def Load(*args): """ Load(TSIn SIn) -> PBPGraph Parameters: SIn: TSIn & """ return _snap.TBPGraph_Load(*args) Load = staticmethod(Load) def GetNodes(self): """ GetNodes(TBPGraph self) -> int Parameters: self: TBPGraph const * """ return _snap.TBPGraph_GetNodes(self) def GetLNodes(self): """ GetLNodes(TBPGraph self) -> int Parameters: self: TBPGraph const * """ return _snap.TBPGraph_GetLNodes(self) def GetRNodes(self): """ GetRNodes(TBPGraph self) -> int Parameters: self: TBPGraph const * """ return _snap.TBPGraph_GetRNodes(self) def AddNode(self, *args): """ AddNode(TBPGraph self, int NId=-1, bool const & LeftNode=True) -> int Parameters: NId: int LeftNode: bool const & AddNode(TBPGraph self, int NId=-1) -> int Parameters: NId: int AddNode(TBPGraph self) -> int AddNode(TBPGraph self, TBPGraph::TNodeI const & NodeI) -> int Parameters: NodeI: TBPGraph::TNodeI const & """ return _snap.TBPGraph_AddNode(self, *args) def DelNode(self, *args): """ DelNode(TBPGraph self, int const & NId) Parameters: NId: int const & DelNode(TBPGraph self, TBPGraph::TNode const & NodeI) Parameters: NodeI: TBPGraph::TNode const & """ return _snap.TBPGraph_DelNode(self, *args) def IsNode(self, *args): """ IsNode(TBPGraph self, int const & NId) -> bool Parameters: NId: int const & """ return _snap.TBPGraph_IsNode(self, *args) def IsLNode(self, *args): """ IsLNode(TBPGraph self, int const & NId) -> bool Parameters: NId: int const & """ return _snap.TBPGraph_IsLNode(self, *args) def IsRNode(self, *args): """ IsRNode(TBPGraph self, int const & NId) -> bool Parameters: NId: int const & """ return _snap.TBPGraph_IsRNode(self, *args) def GetMxNId(self): """ GetMxNId(TBPGraph self) -> int Parameters: self: TBPGraph const * """ return _snap.TBPGraph_GetMxNId(self) def BegNI(self): """ BegNI(TBPGraph self) -> TBPGraph::TNodeI Parameters: self: TBPGraph const * """ return _snap.TBPGraph_BegNI(self) def EndNI(self): """ EndNI(TBPGraph self) -> TBPGraph::TNodeI Parameters: self: TBPGraph const * """ return _snap.TBPGraph_EndNI(self) def GetNI(self, *args): """ GetNI(TBPGraph self, int const & NId) -> TBPGraph::TNodeI Parameters: NId: int const & """ return _snap.TBPGraph_GetNI(self, *args) def BegLNI(self): """ BegLNI(TBPGraph self) -> TBPGraph::TNodeI Parameters: self: TBPGraph const * """ return _snap.TBPGraph_BegLNI(self) def EndLNI(self): """ EndLNI(TBPGraph self) -> TBPGraph::TNodeI Parameters: self: TBPGraph const * """ return _snap.TBPGraph_EndLNI(self) def BegRNI(self): """ BegRNI(TBPGraph self) -> TBPGraph::TNodeI Parameters: self: TBPGraph const * """ return _snap.TBPGraph_BegRNI(self) def EndRNI(self): """ EndRNI(TBPGraph self) -> TBPGraph::TNodeI Parameters: self: TBPGraph const * """ return _snap.TBPGraph_EndRNI(self) def GetEdges(self): """ GetEdges(TBPGraph self) -> int Parameters: self: TBPGraph const * """ return _snap.TBPGraph_GetEdges(self) def AddEdge(self, *args): """ AddEdge(TBPGraph self, int const & LeftNId, int const & RightNId) -> int Parameters: LeftNId: int const & RightNId: int const & AddEdge(TBPGraph self, TBPGraph::TEdgeI const & EdgeI) -> int Parameters: EdgeI: TBPGraph::TEdgeI const & """ return _snap.TBPGraph_AddEdge(self, *args) def DelEdge(self, *args): """ DelEdge(TBPGraph self, int const & LeftNId, int const & RightNId) Parameters: LeftNId: int const & RightNId: int const & """ return _snap.TBPGraph_DelEdge(self, *args) def IsEdge(self, *args): """ IsEdge(TBPGraph self, int const & LeftNId, int const & RightNId) -> bool Parameters: LeftNId: int const & RightNId: int const & """ return _snap.TBPGraph_IsEdge(self, *args) def BegEI(self): """ BegEI(TBPGraph self) -> TBPGraph::TEdgeI Parameters: self: TBPGraph const * """ return _snap.TBPGraph_BegEI(self) def EndEI(self): """ EndEI(TBPGraph self) -> TBPGraph::TEdgeI Parameters: self: TBPGraph const * """ return _snap.TBPGraph_EndEI(self) def GetEI(self, *args): """ GetEI(TBPGraph self, int const & LeftNId, int const & RightNId) -> TBPGraph::TEdgeI Parameters: LeftNId: int const & RightNId: int const & """ return _snap.TBPGraph_GetEI(self, *args) def GetRndNId(self, *args): """ GetRndNId(TBPGraph self, TRnd Rnd=Rnd) -> int Parameters: Rnd: TRnd & GetRndNId(TBPGraph self) -> int Parameters: self: TBPGraph * """ return _snap.TBPGraph_GetRndNId(self, *args) def GetRndLNId(self, *args): """ GetRndLNId(TBPGraph self, TRnd Rnd=Rnd) -> int Parameters: Rnd: TRnd & GetRndLNId(TBPGraph self) -> int Parameters: self: TBPGraph * """ return _snap.TBPGraph_GetRndLNId(self, *args) def GetRndRNId(self, *args): """ GetRndRNId(TBPGraph self, TRnd Rnd=Rnd) -> int Parameters: Rnd: TRnd & GetRndRNId(TBPGraph self) -> int Parameters: self: TBPGraph * """ return _snap.TBPGraph_GetRndRNId(self, *args) def GetRndNI(self, *args): """ GetRndNI(TBPGraph self, TRnd Rnd=Rnd) -> TBPGraph::TNodeI Parameters: Rnd: TRnd & GetRndNI(TBPGraph self) -> TBPGraph::TNodeI Parameters: self: TBPGraph * """ return _snap.TBPGraph_GetRndNI(self, *args) def GetNIdV(self, *args): """ GetNIdV(TBPGraph self, TIntV NIdV) Parameters: NIdV: TIntV & """ return _snap.TBPGraph_GetNIdV(self, *args) def GetLNIdV(self, *args): """ GetLNIdV(TBPGraph self, TIntV NIdV) Parameters: NIdV: TIntV & """ return _snap.TBPGraph_GetLNIdV(self, *args) def GetRNIdV(self, *args): """ GetRNIdV(TBPGraph self, TIntV NIdV) Parameters: NIdV: TIntV & """ return _snap.TBPGraph_GetRNIdV(self, *args) def Empty(self): """ Empty(TBPGraph self) -> bool Parameters: self: TBPGraph const * """ return _snap.TBPGraph_Empty(self) def Clr(self): """ Clr(TBPGraph self) Parameters: self: TBPGraph * """ return _snap.TBPGraph_Clr(self) def Reserve(self, *args): """ Reserve(TBPGraph self, int const & Nodes, int const & Edges) Parameters: Nodes: int const & Edges: int const & """ return _snap.TBPGraph_Reserve(self, *args) def Defrag(self, OnlyNodeLinks=False): """ Defrag(TBPGraph self, bool const & OnlyNodeLinks=False) Parameters: OnlyNodeLinks: bool const & Defrag(TBPGraph self) Parameters: self: TBPGraph * """ return _snap.TBPGraph_Defrag(self, OnlyNodeLinks) def IsOk(self, ThrowExcept=True): """ IsOk(TBPGraph self, bool const & ThrowExcept=True) -> bool Parameters: ThrowExcept: bool const & IsOk(TBPGraph self) -> bool Parameters: self: TBPGraph const * """ return _snap.TBPGraph_IsOk(self, ThrowExcept) def Dump(self, *args): """ Dump(TBPGraph self, FILE * OutF=stdout) Parameters: OutF: FILE * Dump(TBPGraph self) Parameters: self: TBPGraph const * """ return _snap.TBPGraph_Dump(self, *args) def GetSmallGraph(): """GetSmallGraph() -> PBPGraph""" return _snap.TBPGraph_GetSmallGraph() GetSmallGraph = staticmethod(GetSmallGraph) __swig_destroy__ = _snap.delete_TBPGraph TBPGraph.Save = new_instancemethod(_snap.TBPGraph_Save,None,TBPGraph) TBPGraph.GetNodes = new_instancemethod(_snap.TBPGraph_GetNodes,None,TBPGraph) TBPGraph.GetLNodes = new_instancemethod(_snap.TBPGraph_GetLNodes,None,TBPGraph) TBPGraph.GetRNodes = new_instancemethod(_snap.TBPGraph_GetRNodes,None,TBPGraph) TBPGraph.AddNode = new_instancemethod(_snap.TBPGraph_AddNode,None,TBPGraph) TBPGraph.DelNode = new_instancemethod(_snap.TBPGraph_DelNode,None,TBPGraph) TBPGraph.IsNode = new_instancemethod(_snap.TBPGraph_IsNode,None,TBPGraph) TBPGraph.IsLNode = new_instancemethod(_snap.TBPGraph_IsLNode,None,TBPGraph) TBPGraph.IsRNode = new_instancemethod(_snap.TBPGraph_IsRNode,None,TBPGraph) TBPGraph.GetMxNId = new_instancemethod(_snap.TBPGraph_GetMxNId,None,TBPGraph) TBPGraph.BegNI = new_instancemethod(_snap.TBPGraph_BegNI,None,TBPGraph) TBPGraph.EndNI = new_instancemethod(_snap.TBPGraph_EndNI,None,TBPGraph) TBPGraph.GetNI = new_instancemethod(_snap.TBPGraph_GetNI,None,TBPGraph) TBPGraph.BegLNI = new_instancemethod(_snap.TBPGraph_BegLNI,None,TBPGraph) TBPGraph.EndLNI = new_instancemethod(_snap.TBPGraph_EndLNI,None,TBPGraph) TBPGraph.BegRNI = new_instancemethod(_snap.TBPGraph_BegRNI,None,TBPGraph) TBPGraph.EndRNI = new_instancemethod(_snap.TBPGraph_EndRNI,None,TBPGraph) TBPGraph.GetEdges = new_instancemethod(_snap.TBPGraph_GetEdges,None,TBPGraph) TBPGraph.AddEdge = new_instancemethod(_snap.TBPGraph_AddEdge,None,TBPGraph) TBPGraph.DelEdge = new_instancemethod(_snap.TBPGraph_DelEdge,None,TBPGraph) TBPGraph.IsEdge = new_instancemethod(_snap.TBPGraph_IsEdge,None,TBPGraph) TBPGraph.BegEI = new_instancemethod(_snap.TBPGraph_BegEI,None,TBPGraph) TBPGraph.EndEI = new_instancemethod(_snap.TBPGraph_EndEI,None,TBPGraph) TBPGraph.GetEI = new_instancemethod(_snap.TBPGraph_GetEI,None,TBPGraph) TBPGraph.GetRndNId = new_instancemethod(_snap.TBPGraph_GetRndNId,None,TBPGraph) TBPGraph.GetRndLNId = new_instancemethod(_snap.TBPGraph_GetRndLNId,None,TBPGraph) TBPGraph.GetRndRNId = new_instancemethod(_snap.TBPGraph_GetRndRNId,None,TBPGraph) TBPGraph.GetRndNI = new_instancemethod(_snap.TBPGraph_GetRndNI,None,TBPGraph) TBPGraph.GetNIdV = new_instancemethod(_snap.TBPGraph_GetNIdV,None,TBPGraph) TBPGraph.GetLNIdV = new_instancemethod(_snap.TBPGraph_GetLNIdV,None,TBPGraph) TBPGraph.GetRNIdV = new_instancemethod(_snap.TBPGraph_GetRNIdV,None,TBPGraph) TBPGraph.Empty = new_instancemethod(_snap.TBPGraph_Empty,None,TBPGraph) TBPGraph.Clr = new_instancemethod(_snap.TBPGraph_Clr,None,TBPGraph) TBPGraph.Reserve = new_instancemethod(_snap.TBPGraph_Reserve,None,TBPGraph) TBPGraph.Defrag = new_instancemethod(_snap.TBPGraph_Defrag,None,TBPGraph) TBPGraph.IsOk = new_instancemethod(_snap.TBPGraph_IsOk,None,TBPGraph) TBPGraph.Dump = new_instancemethod(_snap.TBPGraph_Dump,None,TBPGraph) TBPGraph_swigregister = _snap.TBPGraph_swigregister TBPGraph_swigregister(TBPGraph) def TBPGraph_New(*args): """ New() -> PBPGraph TBPGraph_New(int const & Nodes, int const & Edges) -> PBPGraph Parameters: Nodes: int const & Edges: int const & """ return _snap.TBPGraph_New(*args) def TBPGraph_Load(*args): """ TBPGraph_Load(TSIn SIn) -> PBPGraph Parameters: SIn: TSIn & """ return _snap.TBPGraph_Load(*args) def TBPGraph_GetSmallGraph(): """TBPGraph_GetSmallGraph() -> PBPGraph""" return _snap.TBPGraph_GetSmallGraph() class TNGraphMtx(object): """Proxy of C++ TNGraphMtx class""" thisown = _swig_property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v),