\section{Introduction} The newly redesigned light version of the Space Interferometry Mission, SIM-Lite, is a long-baseline astrometric interferometer designed to reach sub-microarcsecond precision over the course of a five year mission. It has two modes of operation, one for global astrometry with 4~$\mu${as}\ end-of-mission accuracy, and the other for narrow-angle astrometry, with a single-epoch (1100s visit) accuracy below 1~$\mu${as}\ \citep{Unwin08}. The redesign lowers costs primarily by shortening the baseline from $9~{\rm m}$ to $6~{\rm m}$ and replacing a guide interferometer with a telescope star tracker. Narrow-angle astrometry is used to measure the orbital motions of non-luminous objects, like neutron stars and planets, by observing the motion of the parent star. SIM-Lite is designed to make narrow angle measurements by alternately switching between a target star and anywhere from 3 to 6 reference stars within a 1 degree radius. The astrometric signal is the motion of the target star relative to the reference stars. To take a concrete example, consider a candidate star that is observed 250 times over the course of a 5-year mission. A peak in the joint periodogram power distribution (similar to a power spectral density) of the target star position constitutes the detection of a planet candidate. Detection of a planet with a 1\% false-alarm probability requires a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of approximately 5.8. At 10 pc, the astrometric signature for an Earth orbiting a one Solar mass star at 1 AU is 0.3~$\mu${as}, so the SNR requirement calls for a final instrument error of less than 50~nano-arcseconds (nas). This corresponds to a single-epoch error of less than 0.82~$\mu${as}. For the nearest $\sim60$ stars, a noise floor below 35 nas is needed to detect Earths in the habitable zone. The key questions, therefore, are whether sub-microarcsecond single-epoch accuracy is attainable, and, equally important, whether the instrument systematic errors do average down well below the single-epoch accuracy. This paper reports testbed results relating directly to both the single-epoch and end-of-mission narrow angle accuracy. The basic elements of a Michelson stellar interferometer are shown in Figure~\ref{fig1}. Starlight is collected by two spatially separated siderostats. Each siderostat has an embedded fiducial that marks one end of the baseline and also acts as a retroreflector for the internal and external metrology laser beams. Along each arm, the starlight beam has an annular footprint while internal metrology occupies the center. The quantity of interest is the delay $x$, which is the optical path difference (OPD) between two starlight beams originating at a star and terminating at the two fiducials. The delay is given by: \begin{equation} x=\vec{b}\cdot \hat{s} + C + \eta \label{eq-basicAstrom} \end{equation} where $\vec{b}$ is the baseline vector, $\hat{s}$ is the unit vector to the star, and $\eta$ represents measurement noise. $C$ is sometimes called the interferometer {\em constant term} and represents the internal OPD when the metrology reading is zero. The baseline length $b$ is defined as the distance between the two fiducials and is monitored by external metrology. Thus, three measurements, the white light fringe delay, internal metrology and external metrology, form the basic ingredients of the astrometric angle. The SIM-Lite instrument is described in detail elsewhere \citep{SIM08, SIMEng08}. The fundamental SIM-Lite instrument is its ``science" interferometer, operating in the visible range with $50~{\rm cm}$ collectors and a $6~{\rm m}$ baseline. The baseline vector is not stable at the microarcsec level, so guide interferometers observing bright (typically 7mag) guide stars are used to measure the motion of the baseline over time. A laser optical truss ties everything together at the microarcsec level. A detailed mathematical analysis of the SIM-Lite astrometric approach appears in \citet*{Mil03}. \section{Random versus Systematic Errors} The noise in astrometric equation~(\ref{eq-basicAstrom}) consists of both random and systematic instrumental errors. For a 6m baseline and a star close to the center of the field of regard, Equation~(\ref{eq-basicAstrom}) implies that 30 pico-meters (pm) of total delay error will cause approximately 1~$\mu${as}\ of astrometric error. Random errors, also called white noise, will average down with integration time $T$ as $1/\sqrt{T}$. Examples of white noise include photon noise from the target and reference stars and detector noise in the laser metrology. Systematic error, or pink noise, is correlated over time and may not get smaller with longer integration time. The dominant systematic errors in SIM-Lite are thermal in nature. Thermal drift in the motion of the optics is properly monitored to first order by the laser metrology system and doesn't produce an error. If the metrology for some reason doesn't measure the optical path of the starlight properly, there will be an error. The main cause of such an error is the drift of the laser metrology beam's alignment with respect to the starlight. SIM-Lite actively aligns both the metrology beam and the starlight beam using separate tip/tilt sensors in the astrometric beam combiner. Misalignment is caused by temperature gradients in the beam combiner that cause the metrology tip/tilt sensor to move relative to the starlight tip/tilt sensor. Only changes in the hardware that cause the metrology to incorrectly measure the optical path of the starlight are errors. Because the metrology hits the center of all the optics, while the star light has an annular footprint, warping of an optic can cause an error. The best way to ensure we have captured all the important errors is a hardware testbed that has all the essential elements of the instrument we plan to operate in space. The Micro-Arcsecond Metrology (MAM) testbed was built for this purpose. Among other things, it captures the beam pathlength and angle control and beam recombination in a traceable manner to SIM-Lite. \section{Results from the Interferometer Testbed} The MAM testbed \citep{Hin02} has two main components: a test article corresponding to SIM-Lite, and an inverse interferometer pseudo star (IIPS) to simulate the incoming star light. Starting from the IIPS source, broadband (600-1000 nm) light is injected from a fiber tip, collimated, and separated into two beams. These are steered to two coordinated stages where they are launched towards the test article siderostats as flat, coherent wavefronts. The test article contains all the essential components of the actual interferometer, including fringe detection, pathlength and pointing control, and internal metrology \citep{An05}. The testbed was in operation from 2002 through 2006 and has been of great value in identifying technical challenges, their mitigation, and demonstrating technical readiness \citep{GoulB02, GoShen04, Gou04}. Figure~\ref{fig2} shows the effect of the metrology-starlight drift as measured in the testbed over a 140 hour period. To minimize the impact of thermal drifts on narrow-angle (NA) observations, SIM-Lite ``chops" between the target and each of the reference stars. The chop sequence is target, reference, target, next reference, target, and so on. While the actual integration times depend on stellar brightnesses, a ``typical'' chop between two stars consists of 15 seconds on the target, 30 seconds on the reference, and 15 seconds on slews between the stars. This ``differential" target-reference measurement error is also plotted in Figure~\ref{fig2}. Figure~\ref{fig3} shows the standard deviation of averages of $N$ chops versus the required integration time as $N$ is increased. We see that the standard deviation of the differential measurement decreases as $\sqrt{T}$, and from time scales of 45 seconds to 42 hours, the noise in the differential measurement is nearly white. No noise floor is observed down to 8 nas after about 42 hours. Since the last value is obviously a downward fluctuation, we extrapolate from the minimum integration time of 45 seconds to a white noise expectation of 24 nas at 42 hours. An important question in applying testbed results to SIM-Lite is how does the thermal behavior of the relevant parts of SIM-Lite on orbit compare with our ground testbed. Within the testbed there were numerous temperature sensors that recorded the temperature fluctuations of the optics and mounts inside the vacuum chamber. We also conducted a very detailed thermal simulation of the SIM-Lite spacecraft in orbit. This multi-thousand node thermal model was run for 100 hours of SIM-Lite operation, where the spacecraft attitude was allowed to change according a typical observing scenario. The simulation includes active thermal control, with the temperature maintained near $20^\circ$C within the expected capabilities of SIM-Lite's thermal control system. As different parts of the spacecraft are illuminated by the Sun, the simulated thermal control system turns heaters on and off in order to minimize temperature fluctuations in the key opto-mechanical environments. Figure~\ref{fig4} shows the resulting predicted thermal fluctuations of the SIM-Lite beam combiner. Also shown in the figure are measured testbed environment temperatures under conditions similar to those that yielded the results of Figure~\ref{fig3}. We see that the actual thermal environment of SIM-Lite should be better than the testbed, or conversely, that the test results are conservative with respect to thermal drift. To directly compare the stability of SIM-Lite thermal environment to the testbed, we need to extract statistical quantities that describe the stability of the two thermal environments. One such quantity is the power spectrum of the thermal fluctuations, shown in Figure~\ref{fig5}. SIM-Lite on orbit is seen to be more thermally stable than our current testbed environment. \section{Astrophysical Sources of Error} While this paper deals primarily with instrumental error sources, we have also extensively studied astrophysical errors which we summarize here. The two major astrophysical errors in astrometry are stellar activity and companions to reference stars. A typical sunspot 0.1\% the area of the Sun will in the worst case shift the photocenter of the Sun by 0.25~$\mu${as}\ at 10 pc and produce a radial velocity bias of 1 ${\rm m}/{\rm s}$. A shift of 0.25~$\mu${as}\ is well below the single-epoch precision of SIM-Lite. Star spot noise will not average down with integration time until that time is comparable to 1/4 - 1/2 the rotation period of the star or the mean sunspot lifetime. The presence of planets orbiting reference stars is another astrophysical noise source. RV vetting of reference stars will eliminate binary stars and planets down to about Jupiter mass. With multiple reference stars, it is possible to detect and assign the remaining planets to a specific reference star. A more detailed treatment will appear in a subsequent paper. \section{Conclusion} For planet finding, the dominant error experienced by an astrometric interferometer is the thermally induced drift of the metrology with respect to the starlight. The testbed results show that, even in the presence of a harsher thermal environment than SIM-Lite will experience in space, chopping between the target and reference stars renders this error nearly ``white'' with a noise floor below 24 nas after 42 hours of averaging. This is below the 35 nas required to detect an Earth in the habitable zone of the nearest $\sim60$ stars. While investigation of the next-level noise sources is continuing, these results suggest that the technology for astrometric detection of nearby Earths is at hand. \section{Acknowledgements} The research described in this paper was carried out at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under a contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Copyright 2008 California Institute of Technology. Government sponsorship acknowledged.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaArXiv" }
Eating Disorders and Substance Abuse Witnessing a loved one struggling with an Eating Disorder is devastating enough, but when combined with substance use like alcohol or drugs, it becomes catastrophic. Many individuals affected by an Eating Disorder are also dealing with some form of substance use1. This can occur before, during or after the Eating Disorder. When the substance abuse happens concurrently with an Eating Disorder, it can be a method to further lose weight or numb the psychological torture of the disease. Starting after can be a way to replace the feelings of comfort that the disease gave. The commonality of both disorders is that they originate in similar areas of the brain, as well as more likely to affect those with decreased self-esteem, depression, anxiety or compulsive behaviour. Concurrent substance abuse can lead to a more severe Eating Disorder and potentially, a more severe impairment1. Treatment for an Eating Disorder becomes more difficult than it already is when you add substance abuse. In my experience, not only is there a lack of integrated treatment, there are also few, if any, centres that will take in a client who presents with both disorders. I have witnessed this with my adult daughter who for years (some unknown to me) abused alcohol as a method of dealing with her severe bulimia, anxiety, and obsessive compulsion. She was refused by numerous treatment venues due to their not treating alcohol dependence concurrently with her Eating Disorder. It was a very difficult combination to witness as a mother and caregiver. You find yourself asking: Which condition is the more urgent to treat? And…Is what I am witnessing driven by the Eating Disorder or the alcohol? Both conditions are secretive and caused her to lie, hide effects and generally become more depressed, obstinate, and unreasonable when it came to treatment options. The concurrent substance disorder, by nature, made her more unwilling to seek treatment. She was at a high risk for falls and injury to a body already weak and abused from her Eating Disorder. She was a shell of herself. With firm boundaries she has since stopped drinking but still suffers from bulimia. She attends outpatient counselling and is making slow progress. She is a different person. Yes, her Eating Disorder symptoms have increased to compensate, but she can deal with them better. This has been a long journey for her (and us), but one that is easier to plod through without the ugly head of alcohol abuse. We love her and are proud of her and support all her efforts BUT without the influence of alcohol. 1 Woodside, D.B., Garfinkel, P.E., Lin, E., Goering, P., Kaplan, A.S., Goldbloom, D.S., et al. (2001). Comparisons of men with full or partial eating disorders, men without eating disorders, and women with eating disorders in the community. American Journal of Psychiatry, 158(4), 570-4. The large Ontario Mental Health Survey (Garfinkel et al., 1996; Woodside et al., 2001) referred to in the reference above provided information on co-morbidity in eating disorders where 34% of women and 15% of men with an eating disorder had a lifetime diagnosis of major depression; 37% of men and 51% of women had a lifetime diagnosis of anxiety disorders and 45% of men and 21% of women had a lifetime diagnosis of alcohol dependence. K.M.2021-10-04T14:46:33-04:00 About the Author: K.M. K.M. – a mother and caregiver to an adult daughter who has been affected by an Eating Disorder and alcohol abuse. K.M.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
This is the Canon Selphy CP800, a small dye sublimation printer that produces quality 6×4″ prints in less than 50 seconds. I'd been thinking about getting one of these for quite a while, principally because with an optional battery pack you can take it out on the road and print photos on the fly directly from an SD memory card. The dye sublimation print process uses a solid ink that is heated to turn it directly into a gas which is then applied to the special print paper. This means that there are no liquid inks. The same process also apples a protective layer to the finished print that makes them water resistant. They can also be handled immediately. I've used the printer on a number of occasions to hand out complimentary prints, often within a couple of minutes of taking photos. It's a great promotional tool and the quality of the prints is impressive, equal to if not better than many of the photo labs you'll find in pharmacists and photo shops.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Use the box below to receive your unique price quote for the Twilight Grey Aluminium Venetian Blinds. Once you enter your measurements and click calculate, you will be given a price, and the option to buy the blinds. Twilight Grey Aluminium Venetian Blinds - A wonderful dark sparkly metallic grey aluminium blind, supplied with a matching headrail. Only available in 25mm slats. These Aluminium Venetian Blinds are composed of 100% Aluminium and comes complete with a 12 Months Guarantee. The Twilight Grey Aluminium Venetian Blinds are available in widths from 25 cm and drops from 20 cm right up to widths of 400 cm and drops of 400 cm. Customers who purchased Aluminium Venetian Blinds in Twilight Grey also purchased the following blinds.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Q: In this proof of the Borsuk-Ulam theorem, where exactly is the 'Stack of Records Theorem' necessary? In this proof of the Borsuk-Ulam theorem, it is said on page 5 that the 'Stack of Records Theorem' will be used: The idea is that, given any smooth map $f:S^1\rightarrow S^1$, we can lift f locally using the Stack of Records Theorem and then patch the pieces together (...) However, I'm having trouble to find where exactly is it needed during the following steps. I can see that the relationship between winding numbers and boundaries stated on page 3 is used on page 6 to conclude that $$\deg_{2}(f)=q=1 \mod2$$ from the fact that $$p(g(t+1/2))=p(g(t)+q/2),$$ and the 'Stack of Records Theorem' was indeed needed to prove that relationship, but I'm not sure if that's the step the quote is referring to. Edit: Here's the statement of the 'Stack of Records Theorem' (according to Pollack's 'Differential Topology' book): Suppose that y is a regular value of $f: X \rightarrow Y$, where $X$ is compact and has the same dimension as $Y$. Then $f^{-1}(y)$ is a finite set ${x_1,\ldots,x_n}$, and there exists a neighborhood $U$ of $y$ in $Y$ such that $f^{-1}(U)$ is a disjoint union $V_{1}\cup\ldots\cup V_{n}$ where $V_i$ is an open neighborhood of $X_i$ and $f$ maps each $V_i$ diffeomorphically onto $U$.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
% When Gbest PSO is used, this code will initialize % particle's positions, velocities, bests (i.e. except the global best after % regrouping), and any histories activated at iteration zero of each grouping. % Copyright 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 George Evers %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %Initializations% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% p = x; %Initialize personal bests (i.e. personally best positions). %Initialize "phist" as an empty array which will take its first value %within the loop. if OnOff_phist phist = p; end %Randomize initial velocities. %The formula below works both when range_IS is a scalar and when range_IS is a %matrix of order "np" by "dim." The former applies when initialization %is the same on each dimension. The latter applies otherwise. v = 2*vmax.*rand(np, dim) - vmax; %The velocities are randomly initialized from a uniform distribution. %At this time, I'm initializing -vmax<v<vmax, though it might be %better to start smaller. %Each row of "v" contains one particle's velocity components. %Variable "vmax" is used here to initialize velocities even when it is %not used for velocity clamping. k = 0; %Initialize the counter of the number of iterations. if OnOff_func_evals %Whether or not OPSO is used, initialize this to OPSO_ghost_FEs_counter = 0; %0 for use in "((k + 1)*np + OPSO_ghost_FEs_counter) < end %max_FEs_per_grouping." OPSO increments this with each ghost evaluation. if np > 1 %"f" is given a column structure for consistency with the dimensions of "x." f = [0;0]; end f = ObjFun(x, np); %Calculate the function value per particle. if OnOff_OPSO x_min = min(x); %Calculate the min and max per dimension of the swarm. x_max = max(x); ox = repmat(x_min, np, 1) + repmat(x_max, np, 1) - x; %Calculate each %particle's ghost position opposite the center_IS of the swarm: the %sum of the swarm's minimum and maximum on any dimension divided by %2 gives the swarm's center_IS on that dimension. The positions, x, %minus the center_IS vector/matrix are then subtracted from %center_IS to give the ghost positions that may or may not be selected %by "OPSO_selections" below for evaluation: (x_min + x_max)/2 - %(x - (x_min + x_max)/2) = x_min + x_max - x when simplified. of = ObjFun(ox, np); %Find the function values of the %opposite positions that may or may not be selected for official %evaluation by "OPSO_selections" below using probability "p0." OPSO_selections = repmat((rand(np, 1)<p0).*(of<f), 1, dim); %Select %opposite positions that (i) satisfy probability "p0" and %(ii) produce better function values than the original population. x = OPSO_selections.*ox + (1 - OPSO_selections).*x; %Store selected %opposite positions to position matrix "x." f = OPSO_selections(:, 1).*of + (1 - OPSO_selections(:, 1)).*f;%Store the function %values of selected opposite positions to column vector "f." if OnOff_func_evals %Count the additional OPSO function evaluations. OPSO_ghost_FEs_counter = OPSO_ghost_FEs_counter + sum(OPSO_selections(:, 1)); end end fp = f; %After initialization of particles, the vector of personally best function values %is equal to the vector of initial function values. if OnOff_fhist clear fhist fhist(:, 1) = f; end if OnOff_fphist clear fphist fphist(:, 1) = fp; end if (Reg_Method == 1) && (RegPSO_k ~= 0) %If RegPSO && not iteration 0 of initial grouping fg = min(min(f), fg); else %if iteration 0 of the first and possibly only grouping fg = min(f); end if OnOff_fghist clear fghist fghist(1) = fg; end for Internal_i = 1:np %A new location yielding the same "fg" value will have %a chance to be considered the "g." if f(Internal_i) == fg %for particle producing the best function value %Store the globally best location (one row of matrix "x") %over "np" rows in order to create a matrix "g" %with the same dimensions (i.e. np X dim) as matrix "x." g = repmat(x(Internal_i,:), np, 1); if OnOff_Cauchy_mutation_of_global_best %Or for any other %application requiring the index of the global best... g_index = Internal_i; %... store the index of global best. end end end if OnOff_Cauchy_mutation_of_global_best %(between "g" and "ghist") clear W N gm fm %necessary when "dim" is changed while stepping %across objectives (specifically for Schaffer's f6 which is only 2D). W = max(min(sum(v)./np, 1), -1); %eq. 8 of (Wang 2007 OPSO) calculates %the average velocity per dimension and clamps it to el[-1, 1] for i = 1:dim %generate a random # from Cauchy dist. per dim. N(i) = cauchyrnd; end %Clamp the Cauchy #'s to the bounds of the search space below, %multiply the Cauchy #'s per dim by the avg. vel. per dim, & mutate the %global best by this amount to see if a better "g" results. %Note that this does not equate to perturbing the globally best %particle, which may no longer be at location "g." gm = g(1, :) + W.*min(max(N, xmin_row), xmax_row); %eq. 9 of (Wang 2007 OPSO) %Store the mutated global best. fm = ObjFun(gm, 1); %Evaluate the quality of the mutation. if fm < fg %If "gm" is of higher quality, update "g" & "fg" fg = fm; %(i.e. if mutation is beneficial, replace gloabl best). g = repmat(gm, np, 1); %Repeat "gm" per row for matrix addition. x(g_index, :) = gm; p(g_index, :) = gm; f(g_index) = fm; fp(g_index) = fm; end if OnOff_func_evals OPSO_ghost_FEs_counter = OPSO_ghost_FEs_counter + 1; end %Count the extra function evaluation for termination purposes. end if OnOff_GCPSO fpbest = min(f); %Create "fpbest," which is equal to "fg" for standard... for Internal_i = 1:np %PSO but differs for RegPSO, which retains... %the global best and its function value from earlier groupings. if f(Internal_i) == fpbest %Set the index of the best particle. GCPSO_index_of_best_particle = Internal_i; end end GCPSO_r = 1; %Initialize GCPSO parameters. GCPSO_num_consecutive_successes = 0; GCPSO_num_consecutive_failures = 0; end if OnOff_ghist clear ghist ghist(1, :) = g(1, :); end if OnOff_xhist xhist = x; end if OnOff_vhist vhist = v; end %"vhist" will be a "np" X "dim"*("k"+1) matrix of all "v" values. if OnOff_v_soc_hist v_soc_hist = []; end if OnOff_v_cog_hist v_cog_hist = []; end
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaGithub" }
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{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
"Atheism and Theism" is not a Class Contradiction Recently, EDB, comrade blogger of The Fivefold Path , wrote an insightful post about controversies within the New Atheist movement. Her commentary on blog atheist Jen McCreight's account of chauvinism within this movement explained what so many of us leftists have known, for quite a while, about the inherent contradictions of this movement: that it is a club primarily for privileged pro-imperialist petty bourgeois males who imagine that they're subversive for rejecting God while, at the same time, accepting everything capitalist-imperialist society has socialized them into believing is holy. EDB's article, along with the McCreight article she was referencing, got me thinking about the long-standing [non-]issue of atheism and communism. Moreover, it made me again think through the reasons why Marx and Engels, who did not believe in God or any non-materialist account of reality, at the same time rejected atheism as a viable political project. As many of my readers ar Nationalism and Internationalism Let's begin with a dialectical tension: the proletariat, being an international class, has no nation; at the same time the proletariat is everywhere embedded in nations––this is because nations exist. To be more precise, capitalism produces a global situation where the proletariat everywhere shares a common destiny (it is an international working class capable of uniting against international capitalism), and yet the proletariat emerges in concrete situations of nations, and nations that are sometimes parasitical on other nations, because global capitalism is also not a one world state but, rather, multiple states––some of which are imperialist, some of which are settler states, some of which are peripheral, and many of which share the previously mentioned characteristics. So the proletariat, on one hand, should move towards a position of unity with its counterparts throughout the world but, on the other hand, cannot escape the fact that it is embedded in very concrete circumstan Two Sides of Vacuous Anti-Imperialism Over a year ago I complained about the false anti-imperialism that was being used to defend the NATO interventions in Libya. At the time, I argued that this was due to a failure to understand imperialism but assumed that those who made these arguments (then, people such as Gilbert Achcar and Jean-Luc Nancy) would be quickly relegated to obscurity, go the way of Christopher Hitchens, or hopefully recant in a year's time when imperialism consolidated its aims in those areas that these very uncritical "leftists" were woefully misunderstanding. And though it is clear that the majority of the left has either dismissed or chastised these pseudo anti-imperialists as cruise missile socialists , they still continue to babble on about NATO as some sort of "lesser evil" that is supposedly supporting organic freedom movements in Libya and Syria. Internet leftists such as Pham Binh and Louis Proyect, for example, have continued to endorse this pro-imperialist lefti "Dividing the Working Class"? The marxist analysis that explains the existence of x oppression as merely an ideology promoted by capitalism to "divide the working class" is an analysis I have always found extremely crude and theoretically useless. Usually this analysis is the result of a class essentialism that, in its effort to foreground class struggle, ends up explaining oppressions as supposedly outside of the proletariat-bourgeois contradiction (i.e. racism, sexism, homophobia, etc.) and thus imported by a ruling class conspiracy. In the entry linked above, as well as other similar entries, I have tried to explain how to understand other oppressions in a manner that does not simply treat them as an imported ideology (but instead attempts to understand them in a historical manner that connects with class composition) so I'm not going to retread old ground here. Rather, I'm interested in discussing the larger problems that have led me to be deeply dissatisfied with this "dividing th Pause For A Moment: yet again, what I'm all about… Based on the odd comments and/or personal emails I've received from new readers about this blog, I figure that I should take the time to explain something about the general nature of MLM Mayhem that might not, at first glance, be obvious. It seems that, at some random moment in the past year when my readership quadrupled (for reasons I still can't understand), a small population of my new readership is either curious or bemused as to what this blog is about aside from being marxist-leninist-maoist in tone. For example, there are a few readers who seem to be expecting robust posts on political economy and are a little confused when they encounter numerous posts that, as at least one commenter complained, seem to be more about an interior critique of the general left. First of all, to extrapolate on my About page, this is partially a site where aborted academic labour is relegated. As a semi-employed academic I spend a lot of time engaging with ideas, often writing journal There is No Such Thing as a "Fourth International" All talk of some supposed "Fourth International" has always annoyed me, even before I gravitated towards the maoist realm of revolutionary communism. This annoyance has less to do with my feelings about Trotskyism and more to do with rationality. Look: you can't call yourself an International if your "internationalism" is about as international as a successful academic conference. And you especially can't call yourself an International when there's about fifteen competing "Fourth Internationals", all led by sectarian groups who think they're the legitimate heirs to this bullshit venture. Anyone who thinks that there is such a thing as a legitimate "Fourth International" really needs to stop and consider history in a rational manner for more than one minute. Such a consideration would make them realize that this supposed "International" suffered from two primary flaws at the moment of its inception: a) the fact Comrades, can we stop reviewing Batman already? What is up with all of these leftist reviews of the new Batman movie? I could be remembering things wrong, but I cannot recall the previous two Christopher Nolan Batman films generating as much fascination amongst lefty film critics as The Dark Knight Rises . It seems like there has been a new critical review of this movie every week since its release. First there were all those reviews that complained that it was an attack on the #occupy movement. Then, perhaps realizing that the screenplay was completed and the movie entered pre-production before #occupy , some reviewers soberly decided (and I felt that this, at least, was correct and interesting) the movie was more of a general representation of ruling class angst over possible revolutionary sentiments amongst the masses. The reviews did not stop here, however, because every internet leftist wanted to write about Batman ––more than we even wanted to write about Avatar it seems––and soon lefty websites and blogs were cl Anecdotes and Memory as Class Struggle Nebulous anecdotes are always treated as evidence when it comes to the supposed evils of communism: "I know someone who lived under a communist regime, they had a horrible time, and so you are naive for even bothering to challenge cold-war dogma." Well I've met some people who lived through the fall of these regimes who have a different perspective, who did not necessarily have a horrible time until, say, perestroika, but apparently their stories don't count. More importantly, I know a lot of people who are living under capitalist regimes and having a horrible time but I don't rely on their anecdotes as proof of capitalism's vileness. This is because anecdotes are generally useless when it comes to critical thinking: it needs to be said that anecdotal "evidence" has never counted, and never will count, as scientific or logical evidence. From the always funny Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal There is a reason that any historical text that Hang the Last Bureaucrat? It seems entirely natural to despise bureaucracy and compare bureaucrats to capitalists, imagining that an anti-capitalist politics is also synonymous with anti-bureaucracy. In order for capitalism to function, after all, a vast bureaucracy is required––the rational distribution of exploitation, the maintenance of surplus, accumulation, militarism, and all of the institutional departments required for the machinery of capitalism to keep chugging along. From the smallest to the largest site of exploitation, some form of bureaucracy is necessary to manage value. The state is renowned for the level of bureaucracy it allows to develop. All capitalist institutions, to a greater or lesser degree, require bureaucratic management; the larger the institution, the more arcane its bureaucracy. And so it's entirely too easy to despise this bureaucracy and feel that this spite is politically motivated. Just the other day, for example, I was forced to [yet again] deal with the overly byza All I Needed to Know About Communism I Learned fro...
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
FAG XCB71919-E-T-P4S Bearing FAG XCB71919-E-T-P4S Bearing Size Details: Brand: FAG Bearing Category: FAG AH3956. FAG AH2352G. FAG AH3368-H. FAG H2322. FAG 32026X. FAG AH3956 H bearing is one of the best products we sell, our company is also one of the best FAG AH3956-H bearing manufacturers. Expect us to cooperate.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Built in 1967, Bar Harbour Condo is situated right on the intracoastal waterway in Delray Beach, Florida. The draw to this higher-end community is its proximity to the beach and world renowned Altantic Avenue. Residents can walk a few blocks east and have their toes in the sand or walk approximately one block north to enjoy "The Ave's" fine dining, local retail, quaint coffee shops and unique artwork. It is no wonder that people flock to this special beach town from all over the world. Bar Harbour condo stands proud at 10 stories high and has 86 units, most of which are 2 bedrooms and have approximately 1,500 square feet under air. Each unit provides owners with a balcony, open and spacious floor plan as well as walk-in closet in the master bedroom. Although there are communal washer and dryers on each floor, some units have them within the residence. Because of the proximity to the beach and neighboring the intracoastal, you can only imagine the views that many of the condos have. Higher floors boast clear views of the sparkling ocean while the units facing west allow residents to gaze at the boaters sailing by on the ever changing and mesmerizing intracoastal waterway. · There is a guest unit should you have out of town friends or family coming by.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
newser.com @newser Newser is a news agreggator founded by Vanity Fair writer Michael Wolff. The site uses an algorithm to determine the most talked-about stories and displays them in the form of a grid of photos. About 15 writers and editors produce short summaries of the stories, which link to the original sources. Since its launch in August 2007, Newser and other aggregators have been accused of misappropriating content from traditional news sites, most notably from web entrepreneur Mark Cuban and from the entertainment site The Wrap. The site is ad-supported, and became profitable in 2009. In February 2011, merger talks between Newser and Salon collapsed. The deal is said to have fallen through over price, and Salon.com subsequently took itself off the market. Michael Wolff discussing Newser's desire to "kill newspapers": Google, Salon, Drudge Report, The Huffington Post, Vanity Fair Nov. 4, 2010 / Ken Doctor The Newsonomics of Kindle Singles — Maybe the newspaper is like the old LP — you know, as in "Long Play." It may be a 33 1/3, though it seems like it came out of the age of 78s sometimes, a relic of the post-Victorian Victrola age. It is what it is, a wo... June 3, 2010 / Jeff Israely Jeff Israely: The line between "content" and "journalism," and deciding which side I want to be on — [Jeff Israely, a Time magazine foreign correspondent in Europe, is in the planning stages of a news startup — a "new global news website." He details his experience as a new news entrepreneur at his site, b... June 1, 2010 / C.W. Anderson Aggregators, curators, and indexers: There's a difference, and it matters — Aggregation. Curation. Indexing. They're all the same, aren't they? Ask any serious online journalist or new media entrepreneur, and the answer will be quick and obvious: of course not! But in the public deba... Aug. 21, 2009 / Zachary M. Seward Why did Newser's traffic fall off a cliff? — Michael Wolff, whose two-year-old site, Newser, is frequently cited as a model for the future of journalism, titled a typically provocative blog post yesterday, "I'm Proud to Kill the News." He made the... Who, really, is The Associated Press accusing of copyright infringement? — The Associated Press document we posted yesterday is in line with the consortium's most bellicose rhetoric on copyright. It begins, "The evidence is everywhere: original news content is being scraped, syndica... All Lab posts on Newser » All Mediagazer posts on Newser » Explore: OpenFile OpenFile was a user-driven local news site based in Toronto, with affiliates in five other Canadian cities, Montréal, Calgary, Ottawa, and Vancouver, and Halifax. OpenFile was founded by Canadian journalist Wilf Dinnick in May 2010. The site relied on users to direct its news coverage, inviting them to start a "file" (the site's founders chose the term to…
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Establishing the ultimate limits of quantum communication networks June 3, 2019 Published by University of York At the moment, sensitive data is typically encrypted and then sent across fibre-optic cables and other channels together with the digital "keys" needed to decode the information. However, the data can be vulnerable to hackers. Quantum communication takes advantage of the laws of quantum physics to protect data. These laws allow particles—typically photons of light —to transmit the data using quantum bits, or qubits. Superior capabilities Multinational corporations, such as IBM and Google, are now building intermediate-size quantum computers with increasing number of quantum units or qubits. Once they scaled up to larger sizes, these devices will have far-superior capabilities than current classical computers. For instance, they may process extremely large numbers in just a few seconds, speed-up many fundamental mathematical operations, and perfectly simulate molecular and biological processes. One challenge will be to connect quantum computers together, in order to create a quantum-version of the Internet or " quantum Internet". However, an important but unanswered question remains: what is the ultimate rate at which one can transmit secret messages or quantum systems from one remote quantum computer to another? Notoriously difficult Writing in the journal Communications Physics, Professor Stefano Pirandola, from the University of York's Department of Computer Science, said scientists have answered the question. Prof Pirandola studied the optimal working mechanism of a future quantum Internet, and also provided the ultimate secret-key capacities that can potentially be achieved. He said: "Studying quantum networks is notoriously difficult, but recent mathematical tools developed in quantum information theory have allowed us to completely simplify the analysis. Qubits "An outstanding question was to compute the maximum number of elementary quantum systems (known as qubits) that could be reliably transmitted from one user of the network to another, or similarly, the maximum number of completely secret bits that these remote users could share. "This number has now a precise analytical formula." Furthermore, the study reveals that the classical-inspired strategy of simultaneously sending qubits through multiple routes of the network can remarkably boost the rate, i.e., the speed of the quantum communication between any two remote users. Materials required University of York About the author: University of York The University of York is a collegiate plate glass research university, located in the city of York, England. Established in 1963, the campus university has expanded to more than thirty departments and centres, covering a wide range of subjects. This author account is not officially owned by the University of York. This author account is being used only for giving credits to the University. Tags: quantum communication, quantum computing, quantum physics
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Finding the Best Talent is Humanly Possible We're proud to have been awarded a number of accolades from leading industry analysts, in recognition of our world-class recruitment workforce solutions. Global Leader in Recruitment Process Outsourcing For eight consecutive years, Everest Group has named us a Global RPO Leader, recognising the breadth and scale of our RPO offerings, as well as our active investment in next generation services and technology. 10 out of 10 ranking for Managed Service Programmes We have received top marks from the Staffing Industry Analysts for our technology, analytics and overall MSP capabilities, which includes customer feedback for the first time. We also received the highest recognition for Established Businesses. Global Leader in Managed Service Provision For four consecutive years, we have been recognised as a Global MSP Leader by leading industry analysts Everest Group, with 'high' and 'best in class' ratings in six of the seven evaluation categories. Global Leader in Multi-Country Strategic Sourcing Top industry analyst NelsonHall has named us a Global Leader in Multi-Country Strategic Sourcing, recognising our ability to deliver immediate value to MSP clients across multiple regions and countries. Leading Managed Service Provider in the Asia-Pacific region Everest Group has named us the leading and most comprehensive MSP provider in the Asia-Pacific region, with our scale, scope, delivery footprint and overall delivery capability giving us the highest ratings out of a total of 12 regional providers. World's Most Ethical Company For ten consecutive years, ManpowerGroup has been named one of the World's Most Ethical Companies by the Ethisphere Institute, a global leader in defining and advancing the standards of ethical business practices. World's Most Admired Company For 17 years in a row, ManpowerGroup has been recognised by Fortune Magazine as being one of the World's Most Admired Companies – confirming our position as the most trusted brand in the industry. We're proud that our expertise in Recruitment Process Outsourcing, Managed Service Provision, End User Services and End Point Assessments have been recognised through these accolades. We invite you to learn more about our innovative workforce solutions. VISIT OUR SOLUTIONS
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
When you visit your neighborhood Tires Plus Total Car Care location, you'll get our best price on 2004 Chevrolet Tahoe tires. Explore our full catalog of 2004 Tahoe tires and browse tires by type, size, features, and more. Whether you're in need of tires made for stability, speed, or superior traction in wet weather, you can count on our tire experts to help you choose the right tires for your vehicle, and to install each for maximum performance and control. At Tires Plus Total Car Care, we make it effortless for you to fit a tire replacement or repair into your tight schedule. Save time by scheduling your appointment ahead of time online and choosing a day that's most convenient for you. We're even open on the weekends and on some holidays!
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Do NOT send Test Messages to See if You are Unbounced #adminnotice First, and most importantly, this is really not a request. Don't do it! The glut of test messages on Groups.io groups in response to the ongoing Google Outage is straining both resources and nerves, and not just on the part of those running the various groups. For those who want a more detailed explanation, keep reading . . . Bouncing means that a given e-mail address cannot RECEIVE messages from the Groups.io service. You may, or may not, be able to send messages from the very same address that do reach the group whether or not you will ever see them yourself. What this means is that sending test messages really serves no purpose. If you are currently in bounce status, you will not see your test message nor any of the responses to same so long as you remain in bounce status. If you receive any message at all from the group after you've responded to a bounce probe, you're not in bounce status, and there's no point in sending a test message anyway. Long and short: Please don't send test messages. The Google Outage is wider than originally thought, and has been cycling between fixed and not fixed for large groups of Gmail users. On another group where I am moderator I have watched hundreds of automated bounce probes be generated after members have successfully unbounced themselves because theirs is one of the accounts that "went down again." If you're getting repeated bounce probes, and you've responded to previous ones, that means your account is cycling between fixed and not fixed, and the minute Groups.io tries to send the next message to you, and it comes back to the service, you're classed as bounced again. It's beyond the control of Groups.io. You can follow the instructions in each bounce probe message you receive or, if you think yours is a "cycling account," just wait until you receive a bounce probe that isn't followed rapidly by others, and respond to that last one. For those who want to know more about the bounce process, have a look at the following page from the Groups.io Owner's Manual: https://groups.io/helpcenter/ownersmanual/1/additional-information/groups-io-bounce-handling Pay particular attention to the final sentence: ! Important: Group owners and moderators cannot do anything to "unbounce" members' accounts. Members must address the underlying problem themselves. The user addressing the problem means just respond to the bounce probes you receive following the instructions in said probe messages. This whole Google Outage is turning into an ugly merry-go-round. Unfortunately, these things happen, but blessedly pretty rarely. Brian - Windows 10 Pro, 64-Bit, Version 20H2, Build 19042 [Regarding the Supreme Court refusing to hear the case brought by Texas to overturn the votes certified by 4 states:] Pleased with the SCOTUS ruling, but also immediately slightly terrified of where this crazy train goes next. We should know by now there's a bottomless supply of crazy. ~ Brendan Buck, former adviser to Speakers of the House Paul Ryan and John Boehner
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Screenings of HEART OF SKY, HEART OF EARTH have kicked off Cinema Politica's sidebar program called Divine Interventions: Documentary, Spirituality and Social Justice. A mesmerizing film that is rich in cinematography and politically powerful, this doc about Mayan resistance to multinationals in Guatemala resonated with our audience last Monday, September 30th. We screened the film with the filmmakers Frauke Sandig and Eric Black present and caught some reactions from our audience on camera after.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Pasiasula es un género de arañas cangrejo de la familia Thomisidae que contiene una sola especie, Pasiasula eidmanni. La especie fue descrita por Roewer en 1942. Se distribuye por África: Guinea Ecuatorial. Referencias Enlaces externos Pasiasula Interim Register of Marine and Nonmarine Genera. Consultado el 19 de noviembre de 2022. Thomisidae
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia" }
Glasgow's Red Nose Day celebrations kick off as iconic Rotunda building shines red The city is coming together to celebrate Comic Relief Isaac Callan The Rotunda will be lit up to support Red Nose Day Tonight one of Glasgow's iconic buildings will be lit up crimson in support of Red Nose Day tonight as the city gears up to support Comic Relief. The Rotunda building on the banks of the Clyde will illuminate itself in red light tonight as Comic Relief takes place on BBC One from 7pm, raising money for good causes. The stunning B-listed building was originally built between 1890 and 1896 and was one of two access points to the Clyde Harbour Tunnel. The building lay empty for several years before Malin Group purchased it in 2014 You can get a free haircut in Glasgow this weekend Talking about their charitable work, Sales & Marketing Director at the Rotunda, Steven Thornley, said he was delighted to be supporting such a great cause. He said: " We are happy to be supporting Red Nose Day again this year, we have had Bake Sales and fun activities taking place within the office all week and it's been great fun. "We are proud to be raising awareness around the city by lighting up the South Rotunda Red to resemble the biggest Red Nose In Glasgow for Comic Relief Red Nose Day!" Glasgow's second climate change strike takes place as pupils descend on George Square Richard Madden will be involved The Rotunda, though, is not the only part of Greater Glasgow celebrating Comic Relief, with Lewis Capaldi, Johnston's Richard Madden and Susan Calman all taking part in the event. Musical sensation Lewis Capaldi, who is holding onto number one spot in the UK charts, has brought his famous patter to Red Nose Day, marking the occasion by reviewing some classic 'dad jokes' . The night will also feature a Mamma Mia special starring comic Susan Calman and a Bodyguard short featuring Richard Madden. Glasgow reacts to fourth episode of Still Game's final series In the lead up to Comic Relief, former Dr Who star David Tennant also revealed that he once busked in Glasgow as a student to raise money for the cause. He said: "Comic Relief is one of those beautifully brilliant and bonkers British ideas. It's part of the national furniture. As a school kid I always looked forward to it coming around. "As a student I went busking for it in Glasgow. Me and my mate Alan did a Proclaimers tribute act during drama school lunch hours. It's one of those things that I've grown up with. It's always something exciting to be part of. "It's a really fun and exciting national moment –and it really changes lives. I had the privilege of going to see some of the work the charities have done overseas and I was moved and also cheered by it. I was depressed by what is needed and cheered by what is possible." For more TV news and all that's going on in your city, head to the Glasgow Live homepage - or you can check us out on Facebook , Twitter and Instagram . River Clyde
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
NPR News & More Coronavirus FAQ: Can An Airline Put You On A No-Fly List For Refusing To Mask Up? By Pranav Baskar Many airlines now require passengers to wear masks to reduce the risk of COVID-19 spread — and are putting scofflaws on a no-fly list. Each week, we answer "frequently asked questions" about life during the coronavirus crisis. If you have a question you'd like us to consider, email us atgoatsandsoda@npr.orgwith the subject line: "Weekly Coronavirus Questions." Early this week, Delta Air Lines made news after a plane headed to Atlanta circled back to its gate in Detroit, delaying takeoff. The crew was returning to expel two passengers who had been unwilling to follow a new but quintessential coronavirus rule. They had refused to don masks. That transgression is the latest addition to a bevy of infractions that can get you booted from an aircraft — even before contagion racked our world. Those no-nos vary wildly in severity and how often they're enforced, but the theoretical gamut is wide: from a joke about, say, hijacking, to smoking a cigarette ... all the way to more serious acts like transporting illegal contraband like guns or drugs. And, then there's the 2018 case when a traveler was banned from a United Airlines flight for trying to take an "emotional support peacock" along with her. (She opted to drive across the country instead, a BBC report says.) When it comes to the new rules for the novel coronavirus, airlines like Delta are taking them very seriously. So far, the carrier has banned 100 anti-maskers from taking their flights and gone a step further by adding them to a "no fly" list. Delta says its strict policies about masking are part of an effort to promote best public health practices and safety amid the pandemic. In a statement provided to NPR, Delta wrote: "Medical research tells us that wearing a mask is one of the most effective ways to reduce the COVID-19 infection rate." The airline "remains committed to requiring customers and employees to wear a mask or face covering as a consistent layer of protection across all Delta touchpoints." And it's not just Delta. All major U.S. airlines now require passengers to wear face coverings — a dramatic change to plane etiquette. Children under age 2 and slightly older children who cannot maintain a face covering are exempt from the requirement on Delta and other airlines. Adults are generally permitted to remove a mask only when eating or drinking, though policy varies. Many private businesses have similar rules: Be Masked or Be Gone. Though the scientific consensus is clear and strong that masks are critical in stemming the spread of the virus, some consumers feel aggrieved by what they consider an attack on personal freedom. But according to aviation, health and legal experts, such outrage ignores a few fundamentals: In entering into agreements (read: contracts) with airline carriers (by purchasing a ticket), you're required to adhere to their policies. And that pretty much ends the matter. In other words, Delta's no-fly list is perfectly within its scope of rights, experts stress. The legal reasoning is pretty straightforward, says Sharona Hoffman, co-director of Case Western Reserve University's Law-Medicine Center. She puts it simply: "They're a private business, and private businesses can have rules." So why do some people think airline mask mandates are a violation of their freedom? Part of the misconception, explains Eduardo Angeles, a lawyer who served as Federal Aviation Administration associate administrator for airports during President Barack Obama's administration, is the confusion about what exactly a "right" is. "No one has a right to fly," Angeles says. Instead, you're just a participant navigating the free market: "You have several options [to get to your destination] — car, train, foot. And in this way, an airline is just like a restaurant: It can deny service to somebody for reasons that are specific to [it]," he says. For those who land on the no-fly list because of mask infractions, processes to get your name removed would likely vary from airline to airline, guesses Angeles. "They have to go through their due process and appeal with the airline." There are tons of precedent for airlines (and airports) to unilaterally enforce regulations in the name of safety, Angeles says. Just take seat belts or TSA security protocols. Airports and planes are packed with rules and limitations — even though the average person might just be so used to them that they comply without question. Plus, for airlines, the risk posed by a passenger without a mask could be a concern, says , an attorney and physician who studies the intersection of law and medicine. She says one could theoretically argue that airlines might be bound to enforce mask-wearing as a matter of reasonable safety expectations — and failure to enforce such reasonable precautions could put them at risk of a potential suit. (Though no such case has made its way to a court.) "In the hypothetical situation, you get sick on a flight" — and you would have to successfully prove you contracted COVID-19 because someone next to you wasn't wearing a mask — "there is an argument there that airlines have a special duty to offer passengers and crew members a degree of reasonable care with regard to the risks that would arise during the plane [ride]," she theorizes. "As a general counsel for airlines, I'd think about this." Of course, there's a lot of legal ifs and complexities that would go into such a lawsuit — and Cantor emphasizes that she doesn't know whether it would even be successful if it went down. But the quick version of why such an argument would fly (no pun intended) has to do with the special relationship airplanes have with passengers. So the question would be: If airlines choose to ignore the medical community and make masks optional, are they arguably breaching the standard of reasonable care? Airlines also have leeway to tinker with rules and regulations according to their health and safety priorities (as long as they aren't breaking federal anti-discrimination laws.) For example, Delta airlines has banned any mask with an exhaust valve or vent, and United and JetBlue have as well. That's a good thing, according to Amy Price, a mask researcher and senior scientist at Stanford University's Anesthesia Informatics and Media Laboratory: Valve masks are generally a bad idea for a pretty intuitive reason, she says. "The exhaust valve blows out concentrated virus particles through that exhaust, in essence blowing all the virus out – so it's a danger to everyone," she explains. "It's the same as wearing nothing at all [in terms of source control]. Price thinks the reason people like exhaust masks is because the ease of breathing facilitated by the valve makes it feel as if you're not wearing a mask at all ... which by the by should raise some red flags. "It gives the illusion of safety," she says. As for exceptions to the mask rule, Delta (and many other airlines) have instituted procedures to evaluate passengers for whom masks may be medically infeasible. Delta's no-mask clearance process is "rigorous," according to the airline. It involves a "virtual consultation process facilitated by a Delta agent with a third-party medical professional [and] could take up to an hour." The airline generally encourages customers with underlying conditions that preclude mask-wearing to "reconsider travel altogether." Meanwhile, in order to persuade people to fly at a time when air traffic has plummeted, some airlines are going a step further in creating new pandemic policies. This week, Emirates airline rolled out a policy to offer financial assistance for COVID-19 health expenses for those who test positive for the virus during their trip. And if, God forbid, things go awry in your recovery, the airline will cover your funeral costs up to roughly $1,760. Pranav Baskar is a freelance journalist and U.S. national born in Mumbai. NPRNPR News Pranav Baskar The email details the scope of the former administration's attempts to tamper with the count, including pressuring the Census Bureau to alter plans for protecting privacy and producing accurate data. Ben Paviour The businessman, the first Republican to hold the office in nearly a decade, took the oath alongside Lt. Gov. Winsome Sears. The pair surprised Democrats when they swept office in November. Opinion: Remembering a friendship with Terry Teachout Scott Simon NPR's Scott Simon remembers theater critic and playwright Terry Teachout, who died this week at the age of 65. Biden's bad week and the unreality of great expectations The week brought some more bad news for President Biden, who may be rightly criticized for setting expectations too high for what could actually get done.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Holtzman A Thing of Eternity Location: Calgary Alberta Postby A Thing of Eternity » 30 May 2008 17:27 Not Ixian, but this seemed like a good spot for this seeing as this would be the technology forum. I enjoyed the way that Frank handled the fringe physics that were necessary in creating the Dune universe. That he chose to describe the Sheilds, Suspensor feilds and Foldspace engines all as using the Holtzman Effect shows that he actually put some thought into these technologies. Although he never outright mentions it, I think it can be assumed that the Holtzman Effect was also used to create the artificial gravity on Highliners and No-ships. I don't think physics was really his forte but he was on the right track putting all these technologies under the same umbrella as they all rely on distorting spacetime in one way or another. A lot of authors wouldn't have had the sense to give hints such as these towards the nature of the technologies. Or the sense to take a given technology and extrapolate all obvious uses for it (cough cough, cancelation of accelleration forces, cough cough...KJA???? ). orald Location: Maximum Security Mental Hospital Contact orald Re: Holtzman Postby orald » 30 May 2008 18:38 A Thing of Eternity wrote: Although he never outright mentions it, I think it can be assumed that the Holtzman Effect was also used to create the artificial gravity on Highliners and No-ships. Artificial gravity? Where does it ever mention artificil gravity in spaceships in the Duniverse? Their shuttles and landing spaceships sure don't have it(HoD, Ch:D), nor do 'thopters(every book) or ("half flying rocket thingy")cars(HoD), even though the tech should be small enough if you can make a shield generator small enough for a belt buckle. there's not much need for those anyway, given that apart from brief periods when in orbit around planets there's no real travel time. In memory of Perach, who suffered and died needlessly. I wish I could have been with you that one last time. SandChigger KJASF Ground Zero Location: A continuing state of irritation Contact SandChigger Postby SandChigger » 30 May 2008 19:01 (Small note: in Dung: How Atrocious! Pinky & The Brian have an epigraph calling him an Ixian, so he's cool here. ) Orald, what are you on about? There is little mention of people floating around the cabins of their ships (can you find a passage?), implying artificial gravity. "Let the dead give water to the dead. As for me, it's NO MORE FUCKING TEARS!" Or implying those big ships rotate. even the smallest of the no-ships are what, 140 meters in diameter? Good for rotation. Last edited by orald on 30 May 2008 19:08, edited 1 time in total. Yes Orald, though it is not directly mentioned, there is also no mention of spinning the ships for psuedo gravity. As such, I don't really think it's an "out there" assumtion to make. EDIT: Ha, you must have been posting while I was typing mine up, maybe there IS prescience, oh wait, it's just common sense, never mind. Last edited by A Thing of Eternity on 30 May 2008 19:10, edited 1 time in total. I know, lets just call it a draw then and agree P&B are fucktards, eh? orald wrote: Or implying those big ships rotate. Think about it just a little more, would you? You rotate a spherical ship. In which direction is the acceleration? What does that imply about the decks in your ship? Chig - I've read fiction where spherical stations are rotated for gravity, but as you say that has numerous drawbacks (also some advantages though). EDIT: Karl Schroeder's Novel: Permanence would be a good example. Orald - I'd love to call it a draw, but based on the feild technology in the Duniverse I have to go with my answer as being more likely. Sorry bud. I know, like in 2001: ASO, so? I never said anything about SW/ST type spaceships. Why wouldn't they use this tech to cussion(sp?) the G's the poor BG experienced in HoD (and Ch:D?)? They did mention suspensors I believe, in HoD, but that's to lighten the load IIRC. orald wrote: I know, like in 2001: ASO, so? I never said anything about SW/ST type spaceships. I don't remember that being in the books, but you may be right. If there was artificial gravity it would be a logical thing to use it for cancelling G-forces. I'm afraid i'm going to have to agree with you if you are correct about those g-forces in HoD and Ch:D because otherwise it means that FH made the same mistake as KJA and BH... I'm not prepared to think that. Also, though I am a big fan of Arthur C. Clarke, I haven't seen or read 2001. Today was a bad year, he died on my godsdamned birthday. Great present. I got a gift back in the end of the 90's with ~70 dead soldiers in the biggest airforce accident in the history of the IDF when 2 chopers collided. Not that I care really, but it's on my B-day. Nuff sharing. TBH I find it hard to imagine battles with roatating SS(spaceships...too long to write...maybe I should dictate it to the computer? ), IDK, it looks wierd for someone used to up being up, down being down. I think that's really why most shows have SW/ST type SS. Slow down, I'm new to these things. What is TBH? And SW/ST? I'm feel like an idiot, but I'd actually be one if I didn't ask. TBH=To be honest. SW=Star Whores...err, Wars. ST=Star Trek. Mainly refering to , you know, how they have people walking normally on ships there, having great control on turning etc like some super airplane etc. Some quotes would be nice, Orald. A Thing of Eternity wrote: Chig - I've read fiction where spherical stations are rotated for gravity, but as you say that has numerous drawbacks (also some advantages though). Rotating a spherical ship (or station) is probably the most inefficient way of simulating gravity. The decks would have to be successively smaller spheres and, under spin, would have progressively weaker gravity until you reached complete weightlessness at the center. There would be only a narrow region of the outermost deck centered on the equator of the ship where you would get full gravity. And the decks would be unusable on the surface of a planet. I can't remember if there is any description of the deck structure of the no-ship in the originals (I know there is one in Grunters), but I don't remember there being any mention of inconvenience in using it while parked on Chapterhouse all those years.... You're right there Chig, a spherical rotating ship would be completely useless on the ground. Unless it has a system of doors on the floor/wall/ceiling and everything inside the ship can be rearanged for different directions of "grav", that's how Pournelle handled his ships anyways, one orientation for spin grav, one for thrust. I don't like the though of FH overlooking the counter-G uses of artificial grav (I still don't remember those passages orald) but I guess everyone makes mistakes. I'm back to my original stance on this - artificial gravity. Obviously there would be issues with how much of a rotating spherical station (I'm saying station instead of ship because I'm thinking of Karl Schroeder's novel, which does not have any spherical ships) could be under normal grav, but if you build it big enough and spun it fast enough (not too fast of course coriolis effect and all) you could have a series of "middle" decks with close to regular gravity, high G decks for exercise/training and storage of non delicate goods, and low-zero G sections for manufacturing and storage of more delicate goods. The main advantage of a spherical station as I understand it is keeping in (mainly heat) radiation. In the novel I'm thinking of the stations are extremely impoverished and have to scrounge for basic needs, they don't even turn up the lights or heat the low G sections of the ship. The passages I'm talking about are in HoD when Teg returns with Tarza and her escort from that Guild ship(?) they were abducted to. They have a really bumpy ride down the atmospehere. I'm not sure if there's a bumpy ride in this as well, but in Ch:D Odrade etc go down to Junction to have fun with the HM. Again, not sure there's a description at all of how their ride downward faired after entering the atmosphere. Forgive me for the lack of quotes, my head's swimming for lack of sleep. Go to bed for a while then. (It's a rainy chilly day here. I just had a nap for an hour or three myself. ) Here's one of the passages: Again, Taraza fell silent while their lighter went through another atmospheric buffeting. "I wish he would use his suspensors!" Taraza complained. "It saves fuel," Teg said. "Less dependency." That means using them for flight, of course, but proves that even a lighter was equipped with suspensors...which could have also provided a gravity field. A ship during reentry isn't really the best example, though, since they're under acceleration as well as descending into the planetary gravity well. On the Guildship (before this passage), Taraza's room is described as having gossamer hangings concealing an entry. You can't have hangings without some kind of gravity...and the Guildship is not explicity described as spinning anywhere that I can find. FWIW That's the passage I meant, and I do believe I've mentioned those same suspensors earlier myself. They would act to lighten the load, not to generate a gravity field to hold things in place. And Guild ships aren't actually described in much or any detail anywhere that I can remember. Omphalos Inglorious Bastard Location: The Mighty Central Valley of California Contact Omphalos Postby Omphalos » 31 May 2008 12:00 You rotate cylindrical ships so the people feel gravity going towards the outer decks, and are all oriented head-in towards the axis. A spherical ship would have t have onion layers for decks, and that would be tough to get around in, especially in a gravity well. EDIT: Yea, my buggy! The New & Improved Book Review Blog Goodnight Golden Path! It's be nearly useless in a gravity well. As far as onion layers though, that is correct, but for what I'm picturing also imagine there being... I guess they'd be walls under spin; walls at right angles to the axis of spin. There'd be stairs leading to the inner/grav wise upper levels, and just doors leading to the north/south passages. It'd be essentially the same as traversing a cylindrical ship, but instead just getting lower grav when you go towards the central passages you'd also get it when heading north or south. To a passenger it wouldn't seem anydifferent than steping between different diameter'd rings under spin. It's definitly not efficient for gravity, but as I stated earlier it has it's advantages. That has nothing to do with Dune though as I think we've reached the conclusion that this is not the design for no-ships and highliners. EDIT: If anyone hasn't read Karl Schreoder I'd recommend him highly, he's new but has some serious vision. He works for the Canadian government and other agencies as a foresight analyst, predicting future trends and his big theme is 'augmented reality'. For super hightech but still seriously hard SF I'd check out Lady of Mazes, Permanence is also good, and where I'm getting this spherical station business from. If you'd prefer steampunk pirate stories I'd recommend Sun of Suns. Just a suggestion. Having a ship interior that can change orientation depending on the gravity source is pretty difficult with an onion-layer idea. You would actually need to re-construct each time you get close to a gravity well, whereas with a cylinder you can just change your orientation in static rooms, like Niven and Pournelle did with the Thuktun Flishithy in Footfall. Omphalos wrote: Having a ship interior that can change orientation depending on the gravity source is pretty difficult with an onion-layer idea. You would actually need to re-construct each time you get close to a gravity well, whereas with a cylinder you can just change your orientation in static rooms, like Niven and Pournelle did with the Thuktun Flishithy in Footfall. Pournelle is where I got the Idea. For the sake of arguement though, I don't think you'd need to re-construct anything if you had the ability to add colapsable stair cases to get to the passages that were once sideways and are now up or down. Just picture the onion having been sliced into decks (when in a grav well) or "side passages" (when under spin) at a right angle to the axis of spin. I maintain that the idea would be pretty stupid in a gravity well, but the change of orientation in static rooms would be the same as with a cylinder, I don't see what the problem would be unless you're thinking of each layer of the onion consisting of big open spaces, whereas I picture "hallways" segemented into rooms (retarded setup I know, but you do what you have to I guess) the walls of said rooms turning into the floors of each deck. I'm just debating for the sake of it here, it would be retarded having a setup with equal sized rooms and you have to pass through one to get to another, I'm just pointing out that it doesn't create any more of a pain in the ass to re-orient than a cylinder. IT just makes so much more sense to assume that they can use the suspensors to create artificial gravity. What, though, can we say in light(er ) of this: The lighter landed with a smoothness that spoke of superb control by Station Four. Odrade knew the moment because a manicured landscape visible in her scanner no longer moved. The nullfield was turned off and she felt gravity. The hatch directly in front of her opened. Temperature pleasantly warm. Noise out there. Children playing some competitive game? Last edited by SandChigger on 31 May 2008 19:38, edited 1 time in total. Yes, you win, Chig, have fun...for now... Omphalos wrote: You would actually need to re-construct each time you get close to a gravity well No-ships, reassemble! Do you mean the whole ship spinning if it's a cylinder, then landing on its "thin side" like some to look like a rocket of sorts? orald wrote: Yes, you win, Chig, have fun...for now... As long as you have square rooms that have planes that run parallel to the axes, I dont think it matters if it lands straight up and down or on its belly, but yes, that is hat I am talking about. If you have an onion-peel configuration, then everyone gets flushed to the lowest point of the sphere when it lands. No fun.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Insider trading: July 2, 2019 The following is a list of stock trades made by corporate executives, directors and other company insiders of B.C.'s public companies filed in the week ended June 26, 2019. The information comes from a compilation of required reports filed with the BC Securities Commission obtained from DisclosureNet.com. Insider: Mans Johansson, officer Company: Canfor Corp. (TSX:CFP) Shares owned: 50,000 Trade date: June 24 Trade total: $540,000 Trade: Acquisition of 50,000 shares at a price of $10.80 per share Insider: James Gordon Flatt, officer Company: Northern Dynasty Minerals Ltd. (TSX:NDM) Shares owned: 10,343,081 Trade total: $500,200 U.S. Trade: Acquisition of 1,220,000 shares at a price of $0.41 U.S. per share Insider: Durant Jorge A. Ganoza, director Company: Fortuna Silver Mines Inc. (TSX:FVI) Shares owned: 781,728 Trade: Acquisition of 77,000 shares at prices ranging between $2.97 and $3.01 per share Insider: David Andrew Shaw, director Company: First Majestic Silver Corp. (TSX:FR) Trade date: June 24, 25 Trade: Sale of 20,000 shares at a price of $10.52 per share Insider: Raymond L. Polman, officer Trade: Sale of 15,000 shares at prices ranging between $10.52 and $10.53 per share Insider: David Holewinski, director Company: Village Farms International Inc. (TSX:VFF) Trade: Acquisition of 12,000 shares at a price of $11.81 U.S. per share Insider: Penny Olga Green, 10% owner Company: The Yield Growth Corp. (CSE:BOSS) Trade date: June 21, 24, 25 Trade total: $94,550 Trade: Acquisition of 314,000 shares at prices ranging between $0.27 and $0.32 per share Insider: John Edward Robins, director Company: Bluestone Resources Inc. (TSX-V:BSR) Shares owned: 2,975,127 Trade: Acquisition of 100,000 shares at a price of $0.91 per share Insider: Tadeu Carneiro, director Company: Ivanhoe Mines Ltd. (TSX:IVN) Insider: Jonathan Jeske, officer Company: Boston Pizza Royalties Inc. (TSX:BPF.UN) Shares owned: 0 Trade: Sale of 5,000 shares at a price of $17.57 per share Insider: Johann Franz Tergesen, director Company: Burcon Nutrascience Corp. (TSX:BU) Insider: Akiba Jacob Issachar Leisman, director Company: Mako Mining Corp. (TSX-V:MKO)
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
He also pointed out that even the Supreme Court did not have one "opinion" on the issue. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Wednesday asserted that the decision to dissolve Bihar Assembly was the "right thing on the basis of material" available to the Centre. He said whatever action the government had to take in the wake of the Supreme Court judgement had been taken, virtually ruling out resignation by Home Minister Shivraj Patil or any one else in his government.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Copyright 1999 Rolling Stone Magazine SECTION: Random Notes BYLINE: Eric Boehlert TITLE: Stand By Your Mann: Aimee Mann survives label upheaval, gears up for banner year Aimee Mann recently received some good career news: she still has a home at the newly merged Universal Music Group. Mann had been signed to Geffen, which was drastically downsized during the Universal's $10.4 billion merger with Polygram. And with more than two hundred acts expected to be dropped in coming months from labels such as Geffen, A&M, Mercury and others, Mann, a critically acclaimed singer/songwriter who does not typically top the sales charts, was just one of many anxious artists wondering if they'd make the cut. But according to the singer's manager Michael Hausman, Mann has been told her next record, tentatively titled Bachelor Number Two, will be released by Universal's Interscope Records, sometime this spring. "It was a little frustrating because they didn't come right out and say, 'You guys are in,'" says Hausman. "Finally they said, 'Don't you get it? We only told people who are dropped, not people who are staying with us.'" Mann, the former lead singer of the Eighties group 'Til Tuesday, is particularly relieved since she's in the final stages of completing her new record. If she had been dropped, Mann might have had to buy back the record from her label, which can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. Plus, Mann has already gone through one label trauma in her career. Her 1995 album, I'm With Stupid, was recorded for Imago Records, but the company folded before the record could be released. After much legal wrangling Geffen finally issued the album. Helping Mann's case at Universal was the fact that her A&R rep at Geffen, Jim Barber, was also picked up by Interscope, which meant Mann had an additional ally inside the company. Also, Mann is working on the soundtrack to an upcoming movie from box office champ Tom Cruise, which no doubt interested Interscope. The film, Magnolia, is being directed by Paul Thomas Anderson, who won acclaim for 1997's Boogie Nights. According to Hausman, the plan now is for approximately eight new Mann songs to be featured in the drama/comedy, set in the Valley outside Los Angeles. The movie will be released either late this year or early in 2000. For Mann, who's also scheduled to hit the road this summer with Lilith Fair, this potentially tumultuous year is suddenly shaping up as one to remember. Says Hausman, "Things are looking good." ERIC BOEHLERT
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
18 family-friendly events happening in Columbus, Ohio this weekend! Shop books and gifts on clearance at the CML's Big Book Sale in the Larry Black Auditorium and meeting room 1A on the first floor! (The kids' room is 1A.) Sunday is the clearance sale from 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM and bags of books will be $8.50/piece. Children's books start at $1/each! This Mommy & Me music show includes puppets and a sing along party! Wear your pajamas and enjoy free snacks, bubbles, instruments and more! Can't make it to Dublin? The same event takes place in Gahanna at 11:30! Celebrate African culture with dance, attire, drums, and poetry! Shop the children's clothing and equipment consignment sale at Grove City Church of the Nazarene! Cash or check only! The kids participating in the Children's Business Fair hosted by Learning Leaf have created a product or service, a marketing strategy and a brand and will open for business during this one day marketplace! Come shop and see what they have created! Find out how to keep your kids busy over the summer! This is a free event for Columbus City Schools families! There will be free activities for students in grades K-3! Register online. This family screening features the movie Spirited Away, an animated film by Japanese director Hayao Miyazaki. Tickets for kids 12 and under are $1, Adults are $3. Celebrate the Grand Opening of Code Ninjas in Hilliard with free, family friendly activities for kids and parents! There will be robot races, building your own video games and more! Learn about all the programs that will be offered at this new coding center for kids! Enjoy music, songs and games with your kids at this new play cafe in Newark! Parents must attend with their child. Cost is $3 for admission to the cafe and $2 for the class. This free event offers the chance to meet nearly 100 Ohio authors! This is a free, public event with book signings, panel discussions and a kids's area that includes author appearances, balloon twisting, face painting, crafts, dress up, LEGO construction zone, prizes, a teen space and more! Watch Saturday morning cartoons in your PJ's with a bowl of cereal at Gateway Film Center! The theme this week is Sports! Cost is $5. Upper Arlington Public Library will host an interactive reading of Tap the Magic Tree by Christie Matheson by following story book panels around the playground. There will also be a craft afterwards! Meet sheep and lambs, watch sheep be sheared and learn about the uses of wool! Make a Mother's Day Card for mom or special woman in your life! $5 covers instruction and supplies. $3 for each additional card. $2 for bottomless coffee and tea. All ages welcome. Explorers Club Food Truck will be on site from 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM. Enjoy free crafts for kids and beer specials for the grown ups during Sunday Family Funday! Broke Johnny Food Truck will be on site for brunch! All three floors of the Pizzuti Collection will be open to explore with your family including tours, art inspired activity books and free admission! There is also a story time at 12:30 PM! See our visit to Pizzuti Collection here. Take a short trip to Newark to get a behind the scenes tour of the greenhouses at Wilson's Garden Center. Learn how to seed, transplant and grow flowers. Kids will plant seeds to take home. Open to all kids up to age 12. Register in advance online. $3/child. Darci Lynne is a 13-yr old ventriloquist who puts on a family-friendly show with her puppets! Darci has been seen on America's Got Talent, and Ellen and has opened for Fergie at Caesar's Palace! A BIG thank you to Code Ninjas for sponsoring this post! Want to sponsor What Should We Do This Weekend? Click here for details!
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Profiles in EBM: Sustaining Ecosystems, Supporting Human Well-Being in The Bahamas [Editor's note: Ecosystem-based management is as much a process as an endpoint. It does not require a single giant leap from traditional, sectoral management to fully integrated, comprehensive management. Rather, it can be achieved in a step-by-step, adaptive manner. In our new "Profiles in EBM" feature, MEAM will briefly highlight places where important steps toward EBM are being taken – recognizing ecosystem connections, protecting ecosystem services, integrating management, and pursuing multiple objectives.] The Caribbean nation of The Bahamas consists of 29 principal islands and has a population of 330,000. Although most of the country's income is tourism-related, fishing is an important economic activity as well – feeding the local populace (and tourists) as well as providing significant export revenue. Efforts to protect the Bahamian environment have begun taking these ecosystem services into account. "In earlier years when conservation efforts were implemented in The Bahamas, a lot of focus was placed primarily on maintaining healthy ecosystems and biodiversity," says Felicity Burrows, marine conservation specialist in The Nature Conservancy's Northern Caribbean office, located in The Bahamas. "In more recent years, conservation strategies have been designed to incorporate the maintenance of human livelihoods and sustainable use. It is important to have that balance." A selection of some of the country's ongoing or recent conservation and sustainable use initiatives is below. Each initiative has involved a diverse mix of partners including government departments, local and international NGOs, stakeholders (particularly fishermen), funding organizations, and more. Andros West Side Protected Area Project: This project promotes good management on the nation's largest island (Andros) through the Andros West Side National Park, which the Bahamian Government expanded in 2009 to include connected, critical marine habitats. The project also promotes sustainable use of the area through ecotourism activities like fly-fishing, the primary source of income on Andros. An economic valuation of the island has determined Andros habitats generate as much as US $260 million per year in net economic benefits, a figure that could rise substantially with expanded sustainable use. Spiny Lobster Fishery Improvement Project: This project encourages sustainable fishing practices and improved management of the nation's spiny lobster fishery. The goal is to secure Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification for the fishery. MSC certification is an ecolabel that rewards and promotes sustainable fishery management to global markets: following certification, a fishery's market value typically increases, which benefits fishermen. Spiny lobster production in The Bahamas is significant, averaging US $70 million annually. The Caribbean Challenge: Through this initiative, The Bahamas aims to expand its MPA network to cover 20% of its marine waters by 2020. A new master plan for the country's protected areas has identified priority sites and outlined funding, training, and policy actions to ensure the network's long-term sustainability. The planning process has incorporated analyses of the future effects of climate change on Bahamian coral reefs and mangroves, as well as those habitats' anticipated resilience. Belize and Bahamas Fishermen Exchange: This project shared lessons among fishermen from Belize and The Bahamas on addressing the mutual threat of invasive lionfish in their marine ecosystems. The exchange involved a visit of Belizean fishermen to The Bahamas where they attended a workshop with classroom training, field networking with fishermen, and the capture and preparation of lionfish for consumption. "Through outreach efforts, we have educated the community on how all these initiatives connect in order to continue to provide and support our quality of life well into the future," says Burrows. "The goal is to take care of Nature so Nature can continue to take care of us." For more information: Felicity Burrows, The Nature Conservancy, Nassau, The Bahamas. E-mail: fburrows@tnc.org
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
17/11/2007 · If it's got a screen and lint is moving through the dryer vent, the screen is likely to get clogged whether it's on the roof or wall. Seems like accessiblity for cleaning purposes is the issue. Seems like accessiblity for cleaning purposes is the issue. There are many reasons why you should have your dryer vents cleaned routinely. Cleaning your dryer vents helps to extend the life of your clothes dryer, helps to decrease energy usage and helps to prevent fires that can be caused by excessive amounts of lint. Commercial Vent Cleaning For more than 40 years, Commercial Vent has been servicing kitchen exhaust systems, dryer vents and laundry exhaust systems, and HVAC ducts throughout the greater Vancouver area including Langley, Surrey, Richmond, Burnaby, Coquitlam, and everything else between Whistler and Chilliwack. 20/11/2006 · Disconnect your dryer from the vent. Place a shop-vac (canister vacuum) hose in the opening to the vent and turn it on. Go on the roof and place a snake down the vent.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Perfect for breakfast, brunch or even lunch this omelette recipe is quick and delicious. Substitute mushrooms for your favourite vegetables like peppers or onions. In a bowl whisk together the eggs, cream and seasoning. Slice the sausages into 2 cm pieces. Drizzle the oil on an ovenproof pan over a medium heat and add the mushrooms andsausages. Cook for 1 – 2 minutes. Pour the egg mixture over the sausage and mushrooms and cook for 5 minutes over a medium heat. Transfer to a preheated oven and cook for 10 -12 minutes, then remove from the oven and allow rest for a minute or two. Serve immediately.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
{ console.log(_this3); setTimeout( babelHelpers.asyncToGenerator(function*() { console.log(_this3); }) ); }
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaGithub" }
Darryl McDonald (born 17 June 1964) is an American-Australian professional basketball coach and former player who is an assistant coach for the Brisbane Bullets of the Australian National Basketball League (NBL). Nicknamed "D-Mac", he played college basketball for the Texas A&M Aggies. He played in the NBL for the North Melbourne Giants, Victoria Titans / Giants and the Melbourne Tigers. McDonald was a three-time NBL champion: winning with the Giants in 1994, and twice with the Tigers in 2006 and 2008. He was selected as the Most Valuable Player (MVP) of the NBL All-Star Game in 1996 and 2006. McDonald served as the interim coach for the Melbourne Tigers during the 2011–12 season and returned in the same capacity with the renamed Melbourne United for the 2014–15 season. Early life Born in New York City and growing up on the streets of Harlem, Manhattan, McDonald learned to play basketball on the tough New York playground courts such as the famous Rucker Park. Known as "Mr. Excitement" and "D-Mac: The Playground King.", he battled against New York playground legends such as The Terminator, Master Rob and Pookie Wilson as well as future NBA stars Rod Strickland and Mario 'The Jedi' Elie. College career McDonald played basketball for Westchester Community College after his graduation from high school. After hearing about the young point guard, Texas A&M coach Shelby Metcalf travelled to Harlem in 1985 to see McDonald play on the playgrounds. Thoroughly impressed, Metcalf began recruiting McDonald to come to Texas and play for the Aggies. Fortunately for Metcalf, McDonald had already decided to leave New York. His neighbourhood in Harlem was very dangerous, and McDonald's brother had in fact been shot and killed by robbers in early 1985. After agreeing to attend Texas A&M, McDonald spent the first few days of his stay in College Station in his dorm room, convinced that the number of gun racks he saw on pick-up trucks throughout town meant the area was as dangerous as the place he had left. His early years in Texas were frustrating as Metcalf tried to change's McDonald's style of play. McDonald was a "creative and flashy" player who liked playing to the crowd. With superb instincts, McDonald had a knack for stealing the ball but had difficulty playing straight-up defence. Metcalf finally agreed to allow McDonald to play as he saw fit, with good results. In 1987, McDonald led the Aggies to the Southwest Conference Tournament Championship, despite the fact that the Aggies entered the tournament as the No. 8 seed after losing nine of their last eleven conference games. For his performance, McDonald was named the tournament MVP. Their victory earned the team an automatic bid to the 1987 NCAA Tournament, Metcalf's final tournament appearance, and the last for the Aggies until 2006. The Aggies played a tough game against Duke but ultimately lost their first-round game, exiting the tournament. Professional playing career After graduating from Texas A&M, McDonald spent several years playing in the relative obscurity of the Canadian NBL, where he was named an All-Star in 1993 while playing to Cape Breton, and the CBA where he played for the Oklahoma City Cavalry and the Sioux Falls Skyforce. A chance encounter led D-Mac's career Down Under. Brett Brown, at the time coach of the North Melbourne Giants, was watching a tape of a CBA game to scout a different player. As soon as he saw D-Mac, he knew that was the player he wanted. In McDonald's first year in the league in 1994, he led the Giants to the NBL championship with a 2–0 Grand Final series win over the Adelaide 36ers, including hitting the game winning shot in overtime in Game 1 of the series at the Clipsal Powerhouse in Adelaide to give the Giants a 95–93 win. D-Mac was also named the runner-up in the NBL Most Valuable Player voting and the runner-up for the NBL's Best Defensive Player Award. For each of his first three years (1994–1997), McDonald led the league in assists and steals, winning the NBL Good Hands Award each year, and was again named runner-up NBL Most Value Player in 1997. From 1995–1997 he played in the NBL All Star-Game, becoming the MVP of the 1996 game. McDonald was named to the All-NBL First Team from 1994–1996 and to the All-NBL Second team in 1997. McDonald continued to remain with his team when they merged into the Victoria Titans in 1998–99 under coach Brian Goorjian, and then becoming a member of the Victoria Giants after the Titans folded following the 2001–02 NBL season. Despite finishing second in the NBL in assists in 2001–02 and 2002–03, and being the NBL leader in steals in 2000–01 and 2002–03, McDonald was sacked by the Giants after the 2003 season as they decided to move in a younger direction. The Melbourne Tigers quickly picked him up, and he served as a backup to Andrew Gaze and Lanard Copeland for two seasons, earning NBL Best Sixth Man honours in 2004. The 2005–06 season saw McDonald return to the starting line-up, and his play saw many sporting commentators wonder how his 42-year-old body was able to sustain his elite level of play and athleticism. McDonald helped lead the Tigers to the 2006 championship, outclassing many of his younger opponents along the way including starting Australian Boomers point guard CJ Bruton. He was named among the finalist for the NBL's 25th Anniversary Team, finishing 17th in the final voting, and was named to the 2006 NBL Aussie All-Star Team, where he was named the MVP. McDonald signed a contract extension to lead the Tigers past his 44th birthday. His contract also gives him the opportunity to coach a Melbourne Tigers developmental team in the off-season. Despite his age, he was still one of the quickest and most explosive players in the NBL, but rarely played a full game due to his age and limited stamina. He retired after Game 5 of the 2007–08 Grand Final series win over the Brian Goorjian coached Sydney Kings. Coaching career From 2007 onwards McDonald has served as the coach of the Wesley College Firsts boys' basketball team. McDonald served as the head coach of the Melbourne Tigers during the 2010–11 season when Al Westover was sacked. After starting the 2014–15 season as an assistant coach with the renamed Melbourne United, he was again elevated to the role of head coach when Chris Anstey stood down following the team's first game. McDonald is involved with basketball coaching with the Australian Basketball Development (AUBD), a basketball program run by Sedale Threatt and his son Sedale Threatt Jr. On 23 December 2020, McDonald joined Melbourne United as an assistant coach for the 2020–21 NBL season. On 23 February 2023, after three seasons at United, McDonald joined the Brisbane Bullets as an assistant coach for the 2023–24 NBL season. Personal life McDonald has dual American/Australian citizenship. He has seven children. His second oldest son, Derrick, joined the Tigers' roster as a development player in the 2006–07 season. McDonald once appeared on Judge Judy to debate a custody hearing for one of his children. The case was held shortly after his season finished in Australia, with McDonald just making it to the trial. References External links DMACK website Darryl McDonald profile 1964 births Living people American emigrants to Australia American expatriate basketball people in Australia American expatriate basketball people in Canada American men's basketball coaches American men's basketball players Australian men's basketball coaches Australian men's basketball players Basketball players from New York City Junior college men's basketball players in the United States National Basketball League (Australia) coaches Melbourne Tigers players Melbourne United coaches North Melbourne Giants players Oklahoma City Cavalry players People from Harlem Sportspeople from Manhattan Point guards Sioux Falls Skyforce (CBA) players Basketball players from Melbourne Texas A&M Aggies men's basketball players Victoria Giants players Victoria Titans players
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia" }
package org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.ver15; import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.*; import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.action.*; import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.actionid.*; import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.bsntlv.*; import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.errormsg.*; import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.meterband.*; import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.instruction.*; import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.instructionid.*; import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.match.*; import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.stat.*; import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.oxm.*; import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.oxs.*; import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.queueprop.*; import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.types.*; import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.util.*; import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.exceptions.*; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.util.Set; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf; import com.google.common.hash.PrimitiveSink; import com.google.common.hash.Funnel; class OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntelVer15 implements OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntel { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntelVer15.class); // version: 1.5 final static byte WIRE_VERSION = 6; final static int LENGTH = 184; private final static U64 DEFAULT_RX_1_TO_64_PACKETS = U64.ZERO; private final static U64 DEFAULT_RX_65_TO_127_PACKETS = U64.ZERO; private final static U64 DEFAULT_RX_128_TO_255_PACKETS = U64.ZERO; private final static U64 DEFAULT_RX_256_TO_511_PACKETS = U64.ZERO; private final static U64 DEFAULT_RX_512_TO_1023_PACKETS = U64.ZERO; private final static U64 DEFAULT_RX_1024_TO_1522_PACKETS = U64.ZERO; private final static U64 DEFAULT_RX_1523_TO_MAX_PACKETS = U64.ZERO; private final static U64 DEFAULT_TX_1_TO_64_PACKETS = U64.ZERO; private final static U64 DEFAULT_TX_65_TO_127_PACKETS = U64.ZERO; private final static U64 DEFAULT_TX_128_TO_255_PACKETS = U64.ZERO; private final static U64 DEFAULT_TX_256_TO_511_PACKETS = U64.ZERO; private final static U64 DEFAULT_TX_512_TO_1023_PACKETS = U64.ZERO; private final static U64 DEFAULT_TX_1024_TO_1522_PACKETS = U64.ZERO; private final static U64 DEFAULT_TX_1523_TO_MAX_PACKETS = U64.ZERO; private final static U64 DEFAULT_TX_MULTICAST_PACKETS = U64.ZERO; private final static U64 DEFAULT_RX_BROADCAST_PACKETS = U64.ZERO; private final static U64 DEFAULT_TX_BROADCAST_PACKETS = U64.ZERO; private final static U64 DEFAULT_RX_UNDERSIZED_ERRORS = U64.ZERO; private final static U64 DEFAULT_RX_OVERSIZE_ERRORS = U64.ZERO; private final static U64 DEFAULT_RX_FRAGMENTED_ERRORS = U64.ZERO; private final static U64 DEFAULT_RX_JABBER_ERRORS = U64.ZERO; // OF message fields private final U64 rx1To64Packets; private final U64 rx65To127Packets; private final U64 rx128To255Packets; private final U64 rx256To511Packets; private final U64 rx512To1023Packets; private final U64 rx1024To1522Packets; private final U64 rx1523ToMaxPackets; private final U64 tx1To64Packets; private final U64 tx65To127Packets; private final U64 tx128To255Packets; private final U64 tx256To511Packets; private final U64 tx512To1023Packets; private final U64 tx1024To1522Packets; private final U64 tx1523ToMaxPackets; private final U64 txMulticastPackets; private final U64 rxBroadcastPackets; private final U64 txBroadcastPackets; private final U64 rxUndersizedErrors; private final U64 rxOversizeErrors; private final U64 rxFragmentedErrors; private final U64 rxJabberErrors; // // Immutable default instance final static OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntelVer15 DEFAULT = new OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntelVer15( DEFAULT_RX_1_TO_64_PACKETS, DEFAULT_RX_65_TO_127_PACKETS, DEFAULT_RX_128_TO_255_PACKETS, DEFAULT_RX_256_TO_511_PACKETS, DEFAULT_RX_512_TO_1023_PACKETS, DEFAULT_RX_1024_TO_1522_PACKETS, DEFAULT_RX_1523_TO_MAX_PACKETS, DEFAULT_TX_1_TO_64_PACKETS, DEFAULT_TX_65_TO_127_PACKETS, DEFAULT_TX_128_TO_255_PACKETS, DEFAULT_TX_256_TO_511_PACKETS, DEFAULT_TX_512_TO_1023_PACKETS, DEFAULT_TX_1024_TO_1522_PACKETS, DEFAULT_TX_1523_TO_MAX_PACKETS, DEFAULT_TX_MULTICAST_PACKETS, DEFAULT_RX_BROADCAST_PACKETS, DEFAULT_TX_BROADCAST_PACKETS, DEFAULT_RX_UNDERSIZED_ERRORS, DEFAULT_RX_OVERSIZE_ERRORS, DEFAULT_RX_FRAGMENTED_ERRORS, DEFAULT_RX_JABBER_ERRORS ); // package private constructor - used by readers, builders, and factory OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntelVer15(U64 rx1To64Packets, U64 rx65To127Packets, U64 rx128To255Packets, U64 rx256To511Packets, U64 rx512To1023Packets, U64 rx1024To1522Packets, U64 rx1523ToMaxPackets, U64 tx1To64Packets, U64 tx65To127Packets, U64 tx128To255Packets, U64 tx256To511Packets, U64 tx512To1023Packets, U64 tx1024To1522Packets, U64 tx1523ToMaxPackets, U64 txMulticastPackets, U64 rxBroadcastPackets, U64 txBroadcastPackets, U64 rxUndersizedErrors, U64 rxOversizeErrors, U64 rxFragmentedErrors, U64 rxJabberErrors) { if(rx1To64Packets == null) { throw new NullPointerException("OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntelVer15: property rx1To64Packets cannot be null"); } if(rx65To127Packets == null) { throw new NullPointerException("OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntelVer15: property rx65To127Packets cannot be null"); } if(rx128To255Packets == null) { throw new NullPointerException("OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntelVer15: property rx128To255Packets cannot be null"); } if(rx256To511Packets == null) { throw new NullPointerException("OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntelVer15: property rx256To511Packets cannot be null"); } if(rx512To1023Packets == null) { throw new NullPointerException("OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntelVer15: property rx512To1023Packets cannot be null"); } if(rx1024To1522Packets == null) { throw new NullPointerException("OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntelVer15: property rx1024To1522Packets cannot be null"); } if(rx1523ToMaxPackets == null) { throw new NullPointerException("OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntelVer15: property rx1523ToMaxPackets cannot be null"); } if(tx1To64Packets == null) { throw new NullPointerException("OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntelVer15: property tx1To64Packets cannot be null"); } if(tx65To127Packets == null) { throw new NullPointerException("OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntelVer15: property tx65To127Packets cannot be null"); } if(tx128To255Packets == null) { throw new NullPointerException("OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntelVer15: property tx128To255Packets cannot be null"); } if(tx256To511Packets == null) { throw new NullPointerException("OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntelVer15: property tx256To511Packets cannot be null"); } if(tx512To1023Packets == null) { throw new NullPointerException("OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntelVer15: property tx512To1023Packets cannot be null"); } if(tx1024To1522Packets == null) { throw new NullPointerException("OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntelVer15: property tx1024To1522Packets cannot be null"); } if(tx1523ToMaxPackets == null) { throw new NullPointerException("OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntelVer15: property tx1523ToMaxPackets cannot be null"); } if(txMulticastPackets == null) { throw new NullPointerException("OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntelVer15: property txMulticastPackets cannot be null"); } if(rxBroadcastPackets == null) { throw new NullPointerException("OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntelVer15: property rxBroadcastPackets cannot be null"); } if(txBroadcastPackets == null) { throw new NullPointerException("OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntelVer15: property txBroadcastPackets cannot be null"); } if(rxUndersizedErrors == null) { throw new NullPointerException("OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntelVer15: property rxUndersizedErrors cannot be null"); } if(rxOversizeErrors == null) { throw new NullPointerException("OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntelVer15: property rxOversizeErrors cannot be null"); } if(rxFragmentedErrors == null) { throw new NullPointerException("OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntelVer15: property rxFragmentedErrors cannot be null"); } if(rxJabberErrors == null) { throw new NullPointerException("OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntelVer15: property rxJabberErrors cannot be null"); } this.rx1To64Packets = rx1To64Packets; this.rx65To127Packets = rx65To127Packets; this.rx128To255Packets = rx128To255Packets; this.rx256To511Packets = rx256To511Packets; this.rx512To1023Packets = rx512To1023Packets; this.rx1024To1522Packets = rx1024To1522Packets; this.rx1523ToMaxPackets = rx1523ToMaxPackets; this.tx1To64Packets = tx1To64Packets; this.tx65To127Packets = tx65To127Packets; this.tx128To255Packets = tx128To255Packets; this.tx256To511Packets = tx256To511Packets; this.tx512To1023Packets = tx512To1023Packets; this.tx1024To1522Packets = tx1024To1522Packets; this.tx1523ToMaxPackets = tx1523ToMaxPackets; this.txMulticastPackets = txMulticastPackets; this.rxBroadcastPackets = rxBroadcastPackets; this.txBroadcastPackets = txBroadcastPackets; this.rxUndersizedErrors = rxUndersizedErrors; this.rxOversizeErrors = rxOversizeErrors; this.rxFragmentedErrors = rxFragmentedErrors; this.rxJabberErrors = rxJabberErrors; } // Accessors for OF message fields @Override public int getType() { return 0xffff; } @Override public long getExperimenter() { return 0xaa01L; } @Override public long getExpType() { return 0x1L; } @Override public U64 getRx1To64Packets() { return rx1To64Packets; } @Override public U64 getRx65To127Packets() { return rx65To127Packets; } @Override public U64 getRx128To255Packets() { return rx128To255Packets; } @Override public U64 getRx256To511Packets() { return rx256To511Packets; } @Override public U64 getRx512To1023Packets() { return rx512To1023Packets; } @Override public U64 getRx1024To1522Packets() { return rx1024To1522Packets; } @Override public U64 getRx1523ToMaxPackets() { return rx1523ToMaxPackets; } @Override public U64 getTx1To64Packets() { return tx1To64Packets; } @Override public U64 getTx65To127Packets() { return tx65To127Packets; } @Override public U64 getTx128To255Packets() { return tx128To255Packets; } @Override public U64 getTx256To511Packets() { return tx256To511Packets; } @Override public U64 getTx512To1023Packets() { return tx512To1023Packets; } @Override public U64 getTx1024To1522Packets() { return tx1024To1522Packets; } @Override public U64 getTx1523ToMaxPackets() { return tx1523ToMaxPackets; } @Override public U64 getTxMulticastPackets() { return txMulticastPackets; } @Override public U64 getRxBroadcastPackets() { return rxBroadcastPackets; } @Override public U64 getTxBroadcastPackets() { return txBroadcastPackets; } @Override public U64 getRxUndersizedErrors() { return rxUndersizedErrors; } @Override public U64 getRxOversizeErrors() { return rxOversizeErrors; } @Override public U64 getRxFragmentedErrors() { return rxFragmentedErrors; } @Override public U64 getRxJabberErrors() { return rxJabberErrors; } @Override public OFVersion getVersion() { return OFVersion.OF_15; } public OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntel.Builder createBuilder() { return new BuilderWithParent(this); } static class BuilderWithParent implements OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntel.Builder { final OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntelVer15 parentMessage; // OF message fields private boolean rx1To64PacketsSet; private U64 rx1To64Packets; private boolean rx65To127PacketsSet; private U64 rx65To127Packets; private boolean rx128To255PacketsSet; private U64 rx128To255Packets; private boolean rx256To511PacketsSet; private U64 rx256To511Packets; private boolean rx512To1023PacketsSet; private U64 rx512To1023Packets; private boolean rx1024To1522PacketsSet; private U64 rx1024To1522Packets; private boolean rx1523ToMaxPacketsSet; private U64 rx1523ToMaxPackets; private boolean tx1To64PacketsSet; private U64 tx1To64Packets; private boolean tx65To127PacketsSet; private U64 tx65To127Packets; private boolean tx128To255PacketsSet; private U64 tx128To255Packets; private boolean tx256To511PacketsSet; private U64 tx256To511Packets; private boolean tx512To1023PacketsSet; private U64 tx512To1023Packets; private boolean tx1024To1522PacketsSet; private U64 tx1024To1522Packets; private boolean tx1523ToMaxPacketsSet; private U64 tx1523ToMaxPackets; private boolean txMulticastPacketsSet; private U64 txMulticastPackets; private boolean rxBroadcastPacketsSet; private U64 rxBroadcastPackets; private boolean txBroadcastPacketsSet; private U64 txBroadcastPackets; private boolean rxUndersizedErrorsSet; private U64 rxUndersizedErrors; private boolean rxOversizeErrorsSet; private U64 rxOversizeErrors; private boolean rxFragmentedErrorsSet; private U64 rxFragmentedErrors; private boolean rxJabberErrorsSet; private U64 rxJabberErrors; BuilderWithParent(OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntelVer15 parentMessage) { this.parentMessage = parentMessage; } @Override public int getType() { return 0xffff; } @Override public long getExperimenter() { return 0xaa01L; } @Override public long getExpType() { return 0x1L; } @Override public OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntel.Builder setExpType(long expType) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Property expType is not writeable"); } @Override public U64 getRx1To64Packets() { return rx1To64Packets; } @Override public OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntel.Builder setRx1To64Packets(U64 rx1To64Packets) { this.rx1To64Packets = rx1To64Packets; this.rx1To64PacketsSet = true; return this; } @Override public U64 getRx65To127Packets() { return rx65To127Packets; } @Override public OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntel.Builder setRx65To127Packets(U64 rx65To127Packets) { this.rx65To127Packets = rx65To127Packets; this.rx65To127PacketsSet = true; return this; } @Override public U64 getRx128To255Packets() { return rx128To255Packets; } @Override public OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntel.Builder setRx128To255Packets(U64 rx128To255Packets) { this.rx128To255Packets = rx128To255Packets; this.rx128To255PacketsSet = true; return this; } @Override public U64 getRx256To511Packets() { return rx256To511Packets; } @Override public OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntel.Builder setRx256To511Packets(U64 rx256To511Packets) { this.rx256To511Packets = rx256To511Packets; this.rx256To511PacketsSet = true; return this; } @Override public U64 getRx512To1023Packets() { return rx512To1023Packets; } @Override public OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntel.Builder setRx512To1023Packets(U64 rx512To1023Packets) { this.rx512To1023Packets = rx512To1023Packets; this.rx512To1023PacketsSet = true; return this; } @Override public U64 getRx1024To1522Packets() { return rx1024To1522Packets; } @Override public OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntel.Builder setRx1024To1522Packets(U64 rx1024To1522Packets) { this.rx1024To1522Packets = rx1024To1522Packets; this.rx1024To1522PacketsSet = true; return this; } @Override public U64 getRx1523ToMaxPackets() { return rx1523ToMaxPackets; } @Override public OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntel.Builder setRx1523ToMaxPackets(U64 rx1523ToMaxPackets) { this.rx1523ToMaxPackets = rx1523ToMaxPackets; this.rx1523ToMaxPacketsSet = true; return this; } @Override public U64 getTx1To64Packets() { return tx1To64Packets; } @Override public OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntel.Builder setTx1To64Packets(U64 tx1To64Packets) { this.tx1To64Packets = tx1To64Packets; this.tx1To64PacketsSet = true; return this; } @Override public U64 getTx65To127Packets() { return tx65To127Packets; } @Override public OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntel.Builder setTx65To127Packets(U64 tx65To127Packets) { this.tx65To127Packets = tx65To127Packets; this.tx65To127PacketsSet = true; return this; } @Override public U64 getTx128To255Packets() { return tx128To255Packets; } @Override public OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntel.Builder setTx128To255Packets(U64 tx128To255Packets) { this.tx128To255Packets = tx128To255Packets; this.tx128To255PacketsSet = true; return this; } @Override public U64 getTx256To511Packets() { return tx256To511Packets; } @Override public OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntel.Builder setTx256To511Packets(U64 tx256To511Packets) { this.tx256To511Packets = tx256To511Packets; this.tx256To511PacketsSet = true; return this; } @Override public U64 getTx512To1023Packets() { return tx512To1023Packets; } @Override public OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntel.Builder setTx512To1023Packets(U64 tx512To1023Packets) { this.tx512To1023Packets = tx512To1023Packets; this.tx512To1023PacketsSet = true; return this; } @Override public U64 getTx1024To1522Packets() { return tx1024To1522Packets; } @Override public OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntel.Builder setTx1024To1522Packets(U64 tx1024To1522Packets) { this.tx1024To1522Packets = tx1024To1522Packets; this.tx1024To1522PacketsSet = true; return this; } @Override public U64 getTx1523ToMaxPackets() { return tx1523ToMaxPackets; } @Override public OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntel.Builder setTx1523ToMaxPackets(U64 tx1523ToMaxPackets) { this.tx1523ToMaxPackets = tx1523ToMaxPackets; this.tx1523ToMaxPacketsSet = true; return this; } @Override public U64 getTxMulticastPackets() { return txMulticastPackets; } @Override public OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntel.Builder setTxMulticastPackets(U64 txMulticastPackets) { this.txMulticastPackets = txMulticastPackets; this.txMulticastPacketsSet = true; return this; } @Override public U64 getRxBroadcastPackets() { return rxBroadcastPackets; } @Override public OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntel.Builder setRxBroadcastPackets(U64 rxBroadcastPackets) { this.rxBroadcastPackets = rxBroadcastPackets; this.rxBroadcastPacketsSet = true; return this; } @Override public U64 getTxBroadcastPackets() { return txBroadcastPackets; } @Override public OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntel.Builder setTxBroadcastPackets(U64 txBroadcastPackets) { this.txBroadcastPackets = txBroadcastPackets; this.txBroadcastPacketsSet = true; return this; } @Override public U64 getRxUndersizedErrors() { return rxUndersizedErrors; } @Override public OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntel.Builder setRxUndersizedErrors(U64 rxUndersizedErrors) { this.rxUndersizedErrors = rxUndersizedErrors; this.rxUndersizedErrorsSet = true; return this; } @Override public U64 getRxOversizeErrors() { return rxOversizeErrors; } @Override public OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntel.Builder setRxOversizeErrors(U64 rxOversizeErrors) { this.rxOversizeErrors = rxOversizeErrors; this.rxOversizeErrorsSet = true; return this; } @Override public U64 getRxFragmentedErrors() { return rxFragmentedErrors; } @Override public OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntel.Builder setRxFragmentedErrors(U64 rxFragmentedErrors) { this.rxFragmentedErrors = rxFragmentedErrors; this.rxFragmentedErrorsSet = true; return this; } @Override public U64 getRxJabberErrors() { return rxJabberErrors; } @Override public OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntel.Builder setRxJabberErrors(U64 rxJabberErrors) { this.rxJabberErrors = rxJabberErrors; this.rxJabberErrorsSet = true; return this; } @Override public OFVersion getVersion() { return OFVersion.OF_15; } @Override public OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntel build() { U64 rx1To64Packets = this.rx1To64PacketsSet ? this.rx1To64Packets : parentMessage.rx1To64Packets; if(rx1To64Packets == null) throw new NullPointerException("Property rx1To64Packets must not be null"); U64 rx65To127Packets = this.rx65To127PacketsSet ? this.rx65To127Packets : parentMessage.rx65To127Packets; if(rx65To127Packets == null) throw new NullPointerException("Property rx65To127Packets must not be null"); U64 rx128To255Packets = this.rx128To255PacketsSet ? this.rx128To255Packets : parentMessage.rx128To255Packets; if(rx128To255Packets == null) throw new NullPointerException("Property rx128To255Packets must not be null"); U64 rx256To511Packets = this.rx256To511PacketsSet ? this.rx256To511Packets : parentMessage.rx256To511Packets; if(rx256To511Packets == null) throw new NullPointerException("Property rx256To511Packets must not be null"); U64 rx512To1023Packets = this.rx512To1023PacketsSet ? this.rx512To1023Packets : parentMessage.rx512To1023Packets; if(rx512To1023Packets == null) throw new NullPointerException("Property rx512To1023Packets must not be null"); U64 rx1024To1522Packets = this.rx1024To1522PacketsSet ? this.rx1024To1522Packets : parentMessage.rx1024To1522Packets; if(rx1024To1522Packets == null) throw new NullPointerException("Property rx1024To1522Packets must not be null"); U64 rx1523ToMaxPackets = this.rx1523ToMaxPacketsSet ? this.rx1523ToMaxPackets : parentMessage.rx1523ToMaxPackets; if(rx1523ToMaxPackets == null) throw new NullPointerException("Property rx1523ToMaxPackets must not be null"); U64 tx1To64Packets = this.tx1To64PacketsSet ? this.tx1To64Packets : parentMessage.tx1To64Packets; if(tx1To64Packets == null) throw new NullPointerException("Property tx1To64Packets must not be null"); U64 tx65To127Packets = this.tx65To127PacketsSet ? this.tx65To127Packets : parentMessage.tx65To127Packets; if(tx65To127Packets == null) throw new NullPointerException("Property tx65To127Packets must not be null"); U64 tx128To255Packets = this.tx128To255PacketsSet ? this.tx128To255Packets : parentMessage.tx128To255Packets; if(tx128To255Packets == null) throw new NullPointerException("Property tx128To255Packets must not be null"); U64 tx256To511Packets = this.tx256To511PacketsSet ? this.tx256To511Packets : parentMessage.tx256To511Packets; if(tx256To511Packets == null) throw new NullPointerException("Property tx256To511Packets must not be null"); U64 tx512To1023Packets = this.tx512To1023PacketsSet ? this.tx512To1023Packets : parentMessage.tx512To1023Packets; if(tx512To1023Packets == null) throw new NullPointerException("Property tx512To1023Packets must not be null"); U64 tx1024To1522Packets = this.tx1024To1522PacketsSet ? this.tx1024To1522Packets : parentMessage.tx1024To1522Packets; if(tx1024To1522Packets == null) throw new NullPointerException("Property tx1024To1522Packets must not be null"); U64 tx1523ToMaxPackets = this.tx1523ToMaxPacketsSet ? this.tx1523ToMaxPackets : parentMessage.tx1523ToMaxPackets; if(tx1523ToMaxPackets == null) throw new NullPointerException("Property tx1523ToMaxPackets must not be null"); U64 txMulticastPackets = this.txMulticastPacketsSet ? this.txMulticastPackets : parentMessage.txMulticastPackets; if(txMulticastPackets == null) throw new NullPointerException("Property txMulticastPackets must not be null"); U64 rxBroadcastPackets = this.rxBroadcastPacketsSet ? this.rxBroadcastPackets : parentMessage.rxBroadcastPackets; if(rxBroadcastPackets == null) throw new NullPointerException("Property rxBroadcastPackets must not be null"); U64 txBroadcastPackets = this.txBroadcastPacketsSet ? this.txBroadcastPackets : parentMessage.txBroadcastPackets; if(txBroadcastPackets == null) throw new NullPointerException("Property txBroadcastPackets must not be null"); U64 rxUndersizedErrors = this.rxUndersizedErrorsSet ? this.rxUndersizedErrors : parentMessage.rxUndersizedErrors; if(rxUndersizedErrors == null) throw new NullPointerException("Property rxUndersizedErrors must not be null"); U64 rxOversizeErrors = this.rxOversizeErrorsSet ? this.rxOversizeErrors : parentMessage.rxOversizeErrors; if(rxOversizeErrors == null) throw new NullPointerException("Property rxOversizeErrors must not be null"); U64 rxFragmentedErrors = this.rxFragmentedErrorsSet ? this.rxFragmentedErrors : parentMessage.rxFragmentedErrors; if(rxFragmentedErrors == null) throw new NullPointerException("Property rxFragmentedErrors must not be null"); U64 rxJabberErrors = this.rxJabberErrorsSet ? this.rxJabberErrors : parentMessage.rxJabberErrors; if(rxJabberErrors == null) throw new NullPointerException("Property rxJabberErrors must not be null"); // return new OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntelVer15( rx1To64Packets, rx65To127Packets, rx128To255Packets, rx256To511Packets, rx512To1023Packets, rx1024To1522Packets, rx1523ToMaxPackets, tx1To64Packets, tx65To127Packets, tx128To255Packets, tx256To511Packets, tx512To1023Packets, tx1024To1522Packets, tx1523ToMaxPackets, txMulticastPackets, rxBroadcastPackets, txBroadcastPackets, rxUndersizedErrors, rxOversizeErrors, rxFragmentedErrors, rxJabberErrors ); } } static class Builder implements OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntel.Builder { // OF message fields private boolean rx1To64PacketsSet; private U64 rx1To64Packets; private boolean rx65To127PacketsSet; private U64 rx65To127Packets; private boolean rx128To255PacketsSet; private U64 rx128To255Packets; private boolean rx256To511PacketsSet; private U64 rx256To511Packets; private boolean rx512To1023PacketsSet; private U64 rx512To1023Packets; private boolean rx1024To1522PacketsSet; private U64 rx1024To1522Packets; private boolean rx1523ToMaxPacketsSet; private U64 rx1523ToMaxPackets; private boolean tx1To64PacketsSet; private U64 tx1To64Packets; private boolean tx65To127PacketsSet; private U64 tx65To127Packets; private boolean tx128To255PacketsSet; private U64 tx128To255Packets; private boolean tx256To511PacketsSet; private U64 tx256To511Packets; private boolean tx512To1023PacketsSet; private U64 tx512To1023Packets; private boolean tx1024To1522PacketsSet; private U64 tx1024To1522Packets; private boolean tx1523ToMaxPacketsSet; private U64 tx1523ToMaxPackets; private boolean txMulticastPacketsSet; private U64 txMulticastPackets; private boolean rxBroadcastPacketsSet; private U64 rxBroadcastPackets; private boolean txBroadcastPacketsSet; private U64 txBroadcastPackets; private boolean rxUndersizedErrorsSet; private U64 rxUndersizedErrors; private boolean rxOversizeErrorsSet; private U64 rxOversizeErrors; private boolean rxFragmentedErrorsSet; private U64 rxFragmentedErrors; private boolean rxJabberErrorsSet; private U64 rxJabberErrors; @Override public int getType() { return 0xffff; } @Override public long getExperimenter() { return 0xaa01L; } @Override public long getExpType() { return 0x1L; } @Override public OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntel.Builder setExpType(long expType) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Property expType is not writeable"); } @Override public U64 getRx1To64Packets() { return rx1To64Packets; } @Override public OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntel.Builder setRx1To64Packets(U64 rx1To64Packets) { this.rx1To64Packets = rx1To64Packets; this.rx1To64PacketsSet = true; return this; } @Override public U64 getRx65To127Packets() { return rx65To127Packets; } @Override public OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntel.Builder setRx65To127Packets(U64 rx65To127Packets) { this.rx65To127Packets = rx65To127Packets; this.rx65To127PacketsSet = true; return this; } @Override public U64 getRx128To255Packets() { return rx128To255Packets; } @Override public OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntel.Builder setRx128To255Packets(U64 rx128To255Packets) { this.rx128To255Packets = rx128To255Packets; this.rx128To255PacketsSet = true; return this; } @Override public U64 getRx256To511Packets() { return rx256To511Packets; } @Override public OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntel.Builder setRx256To511Packets(U64 rx256To511Packets) { this.rx256To511Packets = rx256To511Packets; this.rx256To511PacketsSet = true; return this; } @Override public U64 getRx512To1023Packets() { return rx512To1023Packets; } @Override public OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntel.Builder setRx512To1023Packets(U64 rx512To1023Packets) { this.rx512To1023Packets = rx512To1023Packets; this.rx512To1023PacketsSet = true; return this; } @Override public U64 getRx1024To1522Packets() { return rx1024To1522Packets; } @Override public OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntel.Builder setRx1024To1522Packets(U64 rx1024To1522Packets) { this.rx1024To1522Packets = rx1024To1522Packets; this.rx1024To1522PacketsSet = true; return this; } @Override public U64 getRx1523ToMaxPackets() { return rx1523ToMaxPackets; } @Override public OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntel.Builder setRx1523ToMaxPackets(U64 rx1523ToMaxPackets) { this.rx1523ToMaxPackets = rx1523ToMaxPackets; this.rx1523ToMaxPacketsSet = true; return this; } @Override public U64 getTx1To64Packets() { return tx1To64Packets; } @Override public OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntel.Builder setTx1To64Packets(U64 tx1To64Packets) { this.tx1To64Packets = tx1To64Packets; this.tx1To64PacketsSet = true; return this; } @Override public U64 getTx65To127Packets() { return tx65To127Packets; } @Override public OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntel.Builder setTx65To127Packets(U64 tx65To127Packets) { this.tx65To127Packets = tx65To127Packets; this.tx65To127PacketsSet = true; return this; } @Override public U64 getTx128To255Packets() { return tx128To255Packets; } @Override public OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntel.Builder setTx128To255Packets(U64 tx128To255Packets) { this.tx128To255Packets = tx128To255Packets; this.tx128To255PacketsSet = true; return this; } @Override public U64 getTx256To511Packets() { return tx256To511Packets; } @Override public OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntel.Builder setTx256To511Packets(U64 tx256To511Packets) { this.tx256To511Packets = tx256To511Packets; this.tx256To511PacketsSet = true; return this; } @Override public U64 getTx512To1023Packets() { return tx512To1023Packets; } @Override public OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntel.Builder setTx512To1023Packets(U64 tx512To1023Packets) { this.tx512To1023Packets = tx512To1023Packets; this.tx512To1023PacketsSet = true; return this; } @Override public U64 getTx1024To1522Packets() { return tx1024To1522Packets; } @Override public OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntel.Builder setTx1024To1522Packets(U64 tx1024To1522Packets) { this.tx1024To1522Packets = tx1024To1522Packets; this.tx1024To1522PacketsSet = true; return this; } @Override public U64 getTx1523ToMaxPackets() { return tx1523ToMaxPackets; } @Override public OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntel.Builder setTx1523ToMaxPackets(U64 tx1523ToMaxPackets) { this.tx1523ToMaxPackets = tx1523ToMaxPackets; this.tx1523ToMaxPacketsSet = true; return this; } @Override public U64 getTxMulticastPackets() { return txMulticastPackets; } @Override public OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntel.Builder setTxMulticastPackets(U64 txMulticastPackets) { this.txMulticastPackets = txMulticastPackets; this.txMulticastPacketsSet = true; return this; } @Override public U64 getRxBroadcastPackets() { return rxBroadcastPackets; } @Override public OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntel.Builder setRxBroadcastPackets(U64 rxBroadcastPackets) { this.rxBroadcastPackets = rxBroadcastPackets; this.rxBroadcastPacketsSet = true; return this; } @Override public U64 getTxBroadcastPackets() { return txBroadcastPackets; } @Override public OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntel.Builder setTxBroadcastPackets(U64 txBroadcastPackets) { this.txBroadcastPackets = txBroadcastPackets; this.txBroadcastPacketsSet = true; return this; } @Override public U64 getRxUndersizedErrors() { return rxUndersizedErrors; } @Override public OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntel.Builder setRxUndersizedErrors(U64 rxUndersizedErrors) { this.rxUndersizedErrors = rxUndersizedErrors; this.rxUndersizedErrorsSet = true; return this; } @Override public U64 getRxOversizeErrors() { return rxOversizeErrors; } @Override public OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntel.Builder setRxOversizeErrors(U64 rxOversizeErrors) { this.rxOversizeErrors = rxOversizeErrors; this.rxOversizeErrorsSet = true; return this; } @Override public U64 getRxFragmentedErrors() { return rxFragmentedErrors; } @Override public OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntel.Builder setRxFragmentedErrors(U64 rxFragmentedErrors) { this.rxFragmentedErrors = rxFragmentedErrors; this.rxFragmentedErrorsSet = true; return this; } @Override public U64 getRxJabberErrors() { return rxJabberErrors; } @Override public OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntel.Builder setRxJabberErrors(U64 rxJabberErrors) { this.rxJabberErrors = rxJabberErrors; this.rxJabberErrorsSet = true; return this; } @Override public OFVersion getVersion() { return OFVersion.OF_15; } // @Override public OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntel build() { U64 rx1To64Packets = this.rx1To64PacketsSet ? this.rx1To64Packets : DEFAULT_RX_1_TO_64_PACKETS; if(rx1To64Packets == null) throw new NullPointerException("Property rx1To64Packets must not be null"); U64 rx65To127Packets = this.rx65To127PacketsSet ? this.rx65To127Packets : DEFAULT_RX_65_TO_127_PACKETS; if(rx65To127Packets == null) throw new NullPointerException("Property rx65To127Packets must not be null"); U64 rx128To255Packets = this.rx128To255PacketsSet ? this.rx128To255Packets : DEFAULT_RX_128_TO_255_PACKETS; if(rx128To255Packets == null) throw new NullPointerException("Property rx128To255Packets must not be null"); U64 rx256To511Packets = this.rx256To511PacketsSet ? this.rx256To511Packets : DEFAULT_RX_256_TO_511_PACKETS; if(rx256To511Packets == null) throw new NullPointerException("Property rx256To511Packets must not be null"); U64 rx512To1023Packets = this.rx512To1023PacketsSet ? this.rx512To1023Packets : DEFAULT_RX_512_TO_1023_PACKETS; if(rx512To1023Packets == null) throw new NullPointerException("Property rx512To1023Packets must not be null"); U64 rx1024To1522Packets = this.rx1024To1522PacketsSet ? this.rx1024To1522Packets : DEFAULT_RX_1024_TO_1522_PACKETS; if(rx1024To1522Packets == null) throw new NullPointerException("Property rx1024To1522Packets must not be null"); U64 rx1523ToMaxPackets = this.rx1523ToMaxPacketsSet ? this.rx1523ToMaxPackets : DEFAULT_RX_1523_TO_MAX_PACKETS; if(rx1523ToMaxPackets == null) throw new NullPointerException("Property rx1523ToMaxPackets must not be null"); U64 tx1To64Packets = this.tx1To64PacketsSet ? this.tx1To64Packets : DEFAULT_TX_1_TO_64_PACKETS; if(tx1To64Packets == null) throw new NullPointerException("Property tx1To64Packets must not be null"); U64 tx65To127Packets = this.tx65To127PacketsSet ? this.tx65To127Packets : DEFAULT_TX_65_TO_127_PACKETS; if(tx65To127Packets == null) throw new NullPointerException("Property tx65To127Packets must not be null"); U64 tx128To255Packets = this.tx128To255PacketsSet ? this.tx128To255Packets : DEFAULT_TX_128_TO_255_PACKETS; if(tx128To255Packets == null) throw new NullPointerException("Property tx128To255Packets must not be null"); U64 tx256To511Packets = this.tx256To511PacketsSet ? this.tx256To511Packets : DEFAULT_TX_256_TO_511_PACKETS; if(tx256To511Packets == null) throw new NullPointerException("Property tx256To511Packets must not be null"); U64 tx512To1023Packets = this.tx512To1023PacketsSet ? this.tx512To1023Packets : DEFAULT_TX_512_TO_1023_PACKETS; if(tx512To1023Packets == null) throw new NullPointerException("Property tx512To1023Packets must not be null"); U64 tx1024To1522Packets = this.tx1024To1522PacketsSet ? this.tx1024To1522Packets : DEFAULT_TX_1024_TO_1522_PACKETS; if(tx1024To1522Packets == null) throw new NullPointerException("Property tx1024To1522Packets must not be null"); U64 tx1523ToMaxPackets = this.tx1523ToMaxPacketsSet ? this.tx1523ToMaxPackets : DEFAULT_TX_1523_TO_MAX_PACKETS; if(tx1523ToMaxPackets == null) throw new NullPointerException("Property tx1523ToMaxPackets must not be null"); U64 txMulticastPackets = this.txMulticastPacketsSet ? this.txMulticastPackets : DEFAULT_TX_MULTICAST_PACKETS; if(txMulticastPackets == null) throw new NullPointerException("Property txMulticastPackets must not be null"); U64 rxBroadcastPackets = this.rxBroadcastPacketsSet ? this.rxBroadcastPackets : DEFAULT_RX_BROADCAST_PACKETS; if(rxBroadcastPackets == null) throw new NullPointerException("Property rxBroadcastPackets must not be null"); U64 txBroadcastPackets = this.txBroadcastPacketsSet ? this.txBroadcastPackets : DEFAULT_TX_BROADCAST_PACKETS; if(txBroadcastPackets == null) throw new NullPointerException("Property txBroadcastPackets must not be null"); U64 rxUndersizedErrors = this.rxUndersizedErrorsSet ? this.rxUndersizedErrors : DEFAULT_RX_UNDERSIZED_ERRORS; if(rxUndersizedErrors == null) throw new NullPointerException("Property rxUndersizedErrors must not be null"); U64 rxOversizeErrors = this.rxOversizeErrorsSet ? this.rxOversizeErrors : DEFAULT_RX_OVERSIZE_ERRORS; if(rxOversizeErrors == null) throw new NullPointerException("Property rxOversizeErrors must not be null"); U64 rxFragmentedErrors = this.rxFragmentedErrorsSet ? this.rxFragmentedErrors : DEFAULT_RX_FRAGMENTED_ERRORS; if(rxFragmentedErrors == null) throw new NullPointerException("Property rxFragmentedErrors must not be null"); U64 rxJabberErrors = this.rxJabberErrorsSet ? this.rxJabberErrors : DEFAULT_RX_JABBER_ERRORS; if(rxJabberErrors == null) throw new NullPointerException("Property rxJabberErrors must not be null"); return new OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntelVer15( rx1To64Packets, rx65To127Packets, rx128To255Packets, rx256To511Packets, rx512To1023Packets, rx1024To1522Packets, rx1523ToMaxPackets, tx1To64Packets, tx65To127Packets, tx128To255Packets, tx256To511Packets, tx512To1023Packets, tx1024To1522Packets, tx1523ToMaxPackets, txMulticastPackets, rxBroadcastPackets, txBroadcastPackets, rxUndersizedErrors, rxOversizeErrors, rxFragmentedErrors, rxJabberErrors ); } } final static Reader READER = new Reader(); static class Reader implements OFMessageReader<OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntel> { @Override public OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntel readFrom(ByteBuf bb) throws OFParseError { int start = bb.readerIndex(); // fixed value property type == 0xffff short type = bb.readShort(); if(type != (short) 0xffff) throw new OFParseError("Wrong type: Expected=0xffff(0xffff), got="+type); int length = U16.f(bb.readShort()); if(length != 184) throw new OFParseError("Wrong length: Expected=184(184), got="+length); if(bb.readableBytes() + (bb.readerIndex() - start) < length) { // Buffer does not have all data yet bb.readerIndex(start); return null; } if(logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("readFrom - length={}", length); // fixed value property experimenter == 0xaa01L int experimenter = bb.readInt(); if(experimenter != 0xaa01) throw new OFParseError("Wrong experimenter: Expected=0xaa01L(0xaa01L), got="+experimenter); // fixed value property expType == 0x1L int expType = bb.readInt(); if(expType != 0x1) throw new OFParseError("Wrong expType: Expected=0x1L(0x1L), got="+expType); // pad: 4 bytes bb.skipBytes(4); U64 rx1To64Packets = U64.ofRaw(bb.readLong()); U64 rx65To127Packets = U64.ofRaw(bb.readLong()); U64 rx128To255Packets = U64.ofRaw(bb.readLong()); U64 rx256To511Packets = U64.ofRaw(bb.readLong()); U64 rx512To1023Packets = U64.ofRaw(bb.readLong()); U64 rx1024To1522Packets = U64.ofRaw(bb.readLong()); U64 rx1523ToMaxPackets = U64.ofRaw(bb.readLong()); U64 tx1To64Packets = U64.ofRaw(bb.readLong()); U64 tx65To127Packets = U64.ofRaw(bb.readLong()); U64 tx128To255Packets = U64.ofRaw(bb.readLong()); U64 tx256To511Packets = U64.ofRaw(bb.readLong()); U64 tx512To1023Packets = U64.ofRaw(bb.readLong()); U64 tx1024To1522Packets = U64.ofRaw(bb.readLong()); U64 tx1523ToMaxPackets = U64.ofRaw(bb.readLong()); U64 txMulticastPackets = U64.ofRaw(bb.readLong()); U64 rxBroadcastPackets = U64.ofRaw(bb.readLong()); U64 txBroadcastPackets = U64.ofRaw(bb.readLong()); U64 rxUndersizedErrors = U64.ofRaw(bb.readLong()); U64 rxOversizeErrors = U64.ofRaw(bb.readLong()); U64 rxFragmentedErrors = U64.ofRaw(bb.readLong()); U64 rxJabberErrors = U64.ofRaw(bb.readLong()); OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntelVer15 portStatsPropExperimenterIntelVer15 = new OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntelVer15( rx1To64Packets, rx65To127Packets, rx128To255Packets, rx256To511Packets, rx512To1023Packets, rx1024To1522Packets, rx1523ToMaxPackets, tx1To64Packets, tx65To127Packets, tx128To255Packets, tx256To511Packets, tx512To1023Packets, tx1024To1522Packets, tx1523ToMaxPackets, txMulticastPackets, rxBroadcastPackets, txBroadcastPackets, rxUndersizedErrors, rxOversizeErrors, rxFragmentedErrors, rxJabberErrors ); if(logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("readFrom - read={}", portStatsPropExperimenterIntelVer15); return portStatsPropExperimenterIntelVer15; } } public void putTo(PrimitiveSink sink) { FUNNEL.funnel(this, sink); } final static OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntelVer15Funnel FUNNEL = new OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntelVer15Funnel(); static class OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntelVer15Funnel implements Funnel<OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntelVer15> { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public void funnel(OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntelVer15 message, PrimitiveSink sink) { // fixed value property type = 0xffff sink.putShort((short) 0xffff); // fixed value property length = 184 sink.putShort((short) 0xb8); // fixed value property experimenter = 0xaa01L sink.putInt(0xaa01); // fixed value property expType = 0x1L sink.putInt(0x1); // skip pad (4 bytes) message.rx1To64Packets.putTo(sink); message.rx65To127Packets.putTo(sink); message.rx128To255Packets.putTo(sink); message.rx256To511Packets.putTo(sink); message.rx512To1023Packets.putTo(sink); message.rx1024To1522Packets.putTo(sink); message.rx1523ToMaxPackets.putTo(sink); message.tx1To64Packets.putTo(sink); message.tx65To127Packets.putTo(sink); message.tx128To255Packets.putTo(sink); message.tx256To511Packets.putTo(sink); message.tx512To1023Packets.putTo(sink); message.tx1024To1522Packets.putTo(sink); message.tx1523ToMaxPackets.putTo(sink); message.txMulticastPackets.putTo(sink); message.rxBroadcastPackets.putTo(sink); message.txBroadcastPackets.putTo(sink); message.rxUndersizedErrors.putTo(sink); message.rxOversizeErrors.putTo(sink); message.rxFragmentedErrors.putTo(sink); message.rxJabberErrors.putTo(sink); } } public void writeTo(ByteBuf bb) { WRITER.write(bb, this); } final static Writer WRITER = new Writer(); static class Writer implements OFMessageWriter<OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntelVer15> { @Override public void write(ByteBuf bb, OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntelVer15 message) { // fixed value property type = 0xffff bb.writeShort((short) 0xffff); // fixed value property length = 184 bb.writeShort((short) 0xb8); // fixed value property experimenter = 0xaa01L bb.writeInt(0xaa01); // fixed value property expType = 0x1L bb.writeInt(0x1); // pad: 4 bytes bb.writeZero(4); bb.writeLong(message.rx1To64Packets.getValue()); bb.writeLong(message.rx65To127Packets.getValue()); bb.writeLong(message.rx128To255Packets.getValue()); bb.writeLong(message.rx256To511Packets.getValue()); bb.writeLong(message.rx512To1023Packets.getValue()); bb.writeLong(message.rx1024To1522Packets.getValue()); bb.writeLong(message.rx1523ToMaxPackets.getValue()); bb.writeLong(message.tx1To64Packets.getValue()); bb.writeLong(message.tx65To127Packets.getValue()); bb.writeLong(message.tx128To255Packets.getValue()); bb.writeLong(message.tx256To511Packets.getValue()); bb.writeLong(message.tx512To1023Packets.getValue()); bb.writeLong(message.tx1024To1522Packets.getValue()); bb.writeLong(message.tx1523ToMaxPackets.getValue()); bb.writeLong(message.txMulticastPackets.getValue()); bb.writeLong(message.rxBroadcastPackets.getValue()); bb.writeLong(message.txBroadcastPackets.getValue()); bb.writeLong(message.rxUndersizedErrors.getValue()); bb.writeLong(message.rxOversizeErrors.getValue()); bb.writeLong(message.rxFragmentedErrors.getValue()); bb.writeLong(message.rxJabberErrors.getValue()); } } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder("OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntelVer15("); b.append("rx1To64Packets=").append(rx1To64Packets); b.append(", "); b.append("rx65To127Packets=").append(rx65To127Packets); b.append(", "); b.append("rx128To255Packets=").append(rx128To255Packets); b.append(", "); b.append("rx256To511Packets=").append(rx256To511Packets); b.append(", "); b.append("rx512To1023Packets=").append(rx512To1023Packets); b.append(", "); b.append("rx1024To1522Packets=").append(rx1024To1522Packets); b.append(", "); b.append("rx1523ToMaxPackets=").append(rx1523ToMaxPackets); b.append(", "); b.append("tx1To64Packets=").append(tx1To64Packets); b.append(", "); b.append("tx65To127Packets=").append(tx65To127Packets); b.append(", "); b.append("tx128To255Packets=").append(tx128To255Packets); b.append(", "); b.append("tx256To511Packets=").append(tx256To511Packets); b.append(", "); b.append("tx512To1023Packets=").append(tx512To1023Packets); b.append(", "); b.append("tx1024To1522Packets=").append(tx1024To1522Packets); b.append(", "); b.append("tx1523ToMaxPackets=").append(tx1523ToMaxPackets); b.append(", "); b.append("txMulticastPackets=").append(txMulticastPackets); b.append(", "); b.append("rxBroadcastPackets=").append(rxBroadcastPackets); b.append(", "); b.append("txBroadcastPackets=").append(txBroadcastPackets); b.append(", "); b.append("rxUndersizedErrors=").append(rxUndersizedErrors); b.append(", "); b.append("rxOversizeErrors=").append(rxOversizeErrors); b.append(", "); b.append("rxFragmentedErrors=").append(rxFragmentedErrors); b.append(", "); b.append("rxJabberErrors=").append(rxJabberErrors); b.append(")"); return b.toString(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null) return false; if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntelVer15 other = (OFPortStatsPropExperimenterIntelVer15) obj; if (rx1To64Packets == null) { if (other.rx1To64Packets != null) return false; } else if (!rx1To64Packets.equals(other.rx1To64Packets)) return false; if (rx65To127Packets == null) { if (other.rx65To127Packets != null) return false; } else if (!rx65To127Packets.equals(other.rx65To127Packets)) return false; if (rx128To255Packets == null) { if (other.rx128To255Packets != null) return false; } else if (!rx128To255Packets.equals(other.rx128To255Packets)) return false; if (rx256To511Packets == null) { if (other.rx256To511Packets != null) return false; } else if (!rx256To511Packets.equals(other.rx256To511Packets)) return false; if (rx512To1023Packets == null) { if (other.rx512To1023Packets != null) return false; } else if (!rx512To1023Packets.equals(other.rx512To1023Packets)) return false; if (rx1024To1522Packets == null) { if (other.rx1024To1522Packets != null) return false; } else if (!rx1024To1522Packets.equals(other.rx1024To1522Packets)) return false; if (rx1523ToMaxPackets == null) { if (other.rx1523ToMaxPackets != null) return false; } else if (!rx1523ToMaxPackets.equals(other.rx1523ToMaxPackets)) return false; if (tx1To64Packets == null) { if (other.tx1To64Packets != null) return false; } else if (!tx1To64Packets.equals(other.tx1To64Packets)) return false; if (tx65To127Packets == null) { if (other.tx65To127Packets != null) return false; } else if (!tx65To127Packets.equals(other.tx65To127Packets)) return false; if (tx128To255Packets == null) { if (other.tx128To255Packets != null) return false; } else if (!tx128To255Packets.equals(other.tx128To255Packets)) return false; if (tx256To511Packets == null) { if (other.tx256To511Packets != null) return false; } else if (!tx256To511Packets.equals(other.tx256To511Packets)) return false; if (tx512To1023Packets == null) { if (other.tx512To1023Packets != null) return false; } else if (!tx512To1023Packets.equals(other.tx512To1023Packets)) return false; if (tx1024To1522Packets == null) { if (other.tx1024To1522Packets != null) return false; } else if (!tx1024To1522Packets.equals(other.tx1024To1522Packets)) return false; if (tx1523ToMaxPackets == null) { if (other.tx1523ToMaxPackets != null) return false; } else if (!tx1523ToMaxPackets.equals(other.tx1523ToMaxPackets)) return false; if (txMulticastPackets == null) { if (other.txMulticastPackets != null) return false; } else if (!txMulticastPackets.equals(other.txMulticastPackets)) return false; if (rxBroadcastPackets == null) { if (other.rxBroadcastPackets != null) return false; } else if (!rxBroadcastPackets.equals(other.rxBroadcastPackets)) return false; if (txBroadcastPackets == null) { if (other.txBroadcastPackets != null) return false; } else if (!txBroadcastPackets.equals(other.txBroadcastPackets)) return false; if (rxUndersizedErrors == null) { if (other.rxUndersizedErrors != null) return false; } else if (!rxUndersizedErrors.equals(other.rxUndersizedErrors)) return false; if (rxOversizeErrors == null) { if (other.rxOversizeErrors != null) return false; } else if (!rxOversizeErrors.equals(other.rxOversizeErrors)) return false; if (rxFragmentedErrors == null) { if (other.rxFragmentedErrors != null) return false; } else if (!rxFragmentedErrors.equals(other.rxFragmentedErrors)) return false; if (rxJabberErrors == null) { if (other.rxJabberErrors != null) return false; } else if (!rxJabberErrors.equals(other.rxJabberErrors)) return false; return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + ((rx1To64Packets == null) ? 0 : rx1To64Packets.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((rx65To127Packets == null) ? 0 : rx65To127Packets.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((rx128To255Packets == null) ? 0 : rx128To255Packets.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((rx256To511Packets == null) ? 0 : rx256To511Packets.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((rx512To1023Packets == null) ? 0 : rx512To1023Packets.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((rx1024To1522Packets == null) ? 0 : rx1024To1522Packets.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((rx1523ToMaxPackets == null) ? 0 : rx1523ToMaxPackets.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((tx1To64Packets == null) ? 0 : tx1To64Packets.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((tx65To127Packets == null) ? 0 : tx65To127Packets.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((tx128To255Packets == null) ? 0 : tx128To255Packets.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((tx256To511Packets == null) ? 0 : tx256To511Packets.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((tx512To1023Packets == null) ? 0 : tx512To1023Packets.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((tx1024To1522Packets == null) ? 0 : tx1024To1522Packets.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((tx1523ToMaxPackets == null) ? 0 : tx1523ToMaxPackets.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((txMulticastPackets == null) ? 0 : txMulticastPackets.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((rxBroadcastPackets == null) ? 0 : rxBroadcastPackets.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((txBroadcastPackets == null) ? 0 : txBroadcastPackets.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((rxUndersizedErrors == null) ? 0 : rxUndersizedErrors.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((rxOversizeErrors == null) ? 0 : rxOversizeErrors.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((rxFragmentedErrors == null) ? 0 : rxFragmentedErrors.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((rxJabberErrors == null) ? 0 : rxJabberErrors.hashCode()); return result; } }
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaGithub" }
Herold je bil v srednjem veku dvorjan, ki je bil zadolžen za grbe (ustvarjanje novih grbov in vodenje seznama le-teh). Na viteških turnirjih je bil klicar in je vodil sam turnir. Heroldi so bili začetki heraldike. Srednji vek
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia" }
Writing an OS in Rust: Remap the Kernel (phil-opp.com) 179 points by phil-opp on Jan 1, 2016 | hide | past | favorite | 25 comments phil-opp on Jan 1, 2016 Maybe it's a good time to say a little bit about this project. I started it because I was unhappy with the existing documentation. Most resources were mainly for 32-bit and there was hardly any documentation about Rust OS development. One day I decided to do a clean rewrite of my experimental rust kernel and had to look up all the required information again (since I had forgotten the details). So I decided to create the missing documentation myself and write some tutorials about booting a Rust kernel. I wrote the first posts over the summer and it was kind of fun. I never wrote a blog post before and English is not my native language, so it was pretty challenging. I spent a lot of time rewriting and improving them until I was more or less satisfied. Eventually I had the guts to post it in the rust subreddit. I never expected that it would be useful for many people (who would want to write an OS in Rust?), but it totally took off. Someone posted it on hacker news and it even was the top post for a short time. I was completely stunned :D. I really love writing these posts. It takes much time but it's a great way to really understand the code since you need to explain every detail. It also helps to make the code as simple and straightforward as possible. I still don't know where this will lead. But I will keep on writing as long as people want to read it :). For the short term the plan is to explore interrupts and to add keyboard support. After that, I'm open to new ideas :). l00mer on Jan 1, 2016 Thank you for writing this series. I love learning the high-level OS concepts alongside real, working code. It's like proof that what you're talking about actually works! Doing it in a fresh, up-and-coming language like Rust is icing on the cake. Keep it up! I will! Thanks for the kind words :) mitchtbaum on Jan 2, 2016 > who would want to write an OS in Rust? It looks like there are a lot of fast moving projects on this now[0], namely Redox[1], and a lot of research and study demo codes. Looking forward to seeing how these efforts come together. 0: http://wiki.osdev.org/Rust 1: https://github.com/redox-os/redox lachgr on Jan 1, 2016 Seeing this for the first time today and it looks great! You explain things in depth and also focus on the tools that make it work (not only the pure Rust code). Keep it up, learning Rust is on my todo list and this seems a great project to use it. Thanks :) Yes, Rust is a great language for kernel development. I can really recommend learning it this way (I've done the same). abrodersen on Jan 1, 2016 Thank you for doing this! I find this kind of stuff very entertaining. I also hope to try writing my own kernel some day, and this blog series will be a huge help when doing so ! Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it :) arthurcolle on Jan 1, 2016 What exactly makes Rust attractive for low level stuff like this? Just wondering why Rust/D get lumped into OS and low level development in general when it seems more syntactic than anything else. Do you have to manually manage memory in Rust? Yes, you need to manually manage memory. But you can't do it wrong in Rust¹. It's an error at compile time. No use after free, no double free, and no dangling pointers are possible. The same applies to iterator invalidation and data races. Coupled with sane defaults for things such as array bounds checking and value initialization, it results in a great language to write a safe kernel. ¹: Well, you can mess up in `unsafe` blocks. It's basically an "I'm smarter than the compiler" annotation. You can use it when Rust can't guarantee that something is memory safe. For example writing to the VGA text buffer at the special address `0xb8000` is totally safe, but Rust can't know that. We try to minimize the number of `unsafe` and to double check each use, but of course you can make mistakes and accidentally violate memory safety. But even then you just need to look at `unsafe` blocks to find the bug, which is still a big improvement over languages such as C. tomjakubowski on Jan 2, 2016 > But even then you just need to look at `unsafe` blocks to find the bug, which is still a big improvement over languages such as C. This is often said about Rust, but isn't exactly true. If you'd like this to be true in your own code, you have to have be discipline and put all operations which may violate invariants required by unsafe code inside unsafe blocks, even if the compiler considers that code to be safe. Imagine you're implementing a type like Vec<T> that has a (raw) pointer 'buf: *mut T' to some slab of memory it owns, and another field 'length: usize'. A safe method of Vec<T> could make a mistake while mutating the length field and violate memory safety in a completely correct 'unsafe' block that assumes '[buf, buf + length)' is a valid range of memory. ianhedoesit on Jan 2, 2016 Isn't this still a useful feature? You still at least have a better idea of where to look compared to C. With the feature of `unsafe` blocks in Rust you have points of entry to look at, and can be relatively sure that you only need to follow the several methods that are used in the `unsafe` block at most. In C you can happily have `some_function_1()` which causes the error you're trying to debug happen but is never called anywhere near where the error gets thrown. Tracking a semantic error in a call that's three calls away from where your unsafe block lives is much easier and structured than going through everything everywhere for any error from anything. (I haven't done much work at all in Rust and avoid `unsafe` - and `mut` and `.unwrap`, for that matter - like the plague when I do use it, so I'm very open to being wrong in my interpretation.) EDIT: I also think a reasonable comparison would be Haskell's `do` blocks. It's guaranteed that anything with side effects will live in a `do` block, but of course you can still have semantic errors. Again, you know exactly the "functions of interest" to look at if this is the case - there's no chance of `someFunc1` to be doing anything funny if it's never called by anything in the `do` block. xenadu02 on Jan 1, 2016 Because the Rust type system is memory-safe by default. It aims to have similar performance characteristics as C, but support higher level abstractions without compromising safety. If you don't understand why that is critically needed, I'd like to introduce you to /almost every RCE, buffer overflow, and stack smashing bug/ that has plagued us for the past 20 years. DonaldFisk on Jan 1, 2016 These are problems limited to C, C++, and assembly language. Even C programs can be kept reasonably secure by following the MISRA-C standard. Very secure and reliable operating systems have been written in existing languages such as ESPOL (MCP) and PL1 (MULTICS). There's also Zetalisp (Genera) and Oberon (Oberon), though they might not appeal if you dislike garbage collection. You might also consider Ada, designed with type and memory safety in mind and used in defence and avionics. pcwalton on Jan 2, 2016 > Even C programs can be kept reasonably secure by following the MISRA-C standard. You might also consider Ada, designed with type and memory safety in mind and used in defence and avionics. The problem with these older systems is that they don't support heap allocation while remaining memory-safe. (A quick Google search seems to confirm that MISRA-C is in this category.) Or, if they do support heap allocation, they use a GC to manage it. Both of these restrictions are often considered undesirable for a kernel, except in specific embedded situations in which you can get away with statically allocating all your variables. Rust's lifetime system can ensure that you use malloc/free correctly, so it doesn't have to wall dynamic memory allocation off into unsafe code. Manishearth on Jan 2, 2016 > Do you have to manually manage memory in Rust? For some definition of "have to" and "manual". Rust uses RAII and ownership/borrowing for safe, performant memory management (no GC). At the same time, it doesn't automatically use memory. So, stuff goes on the stack unless I explicitly put it inside a heap-based thing (e.g. a box or a vector). These things clean up after themselves and can be used cleanly. Like Sam said here (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=10711997), "You have to think about it. You don't have to worry about it." At the same time, since you don't have to use the heap, and low level code isn't too hard to write in Rust, you can easily write non-allocating OS-level code if you wish. And with the appropriate (unsafely implemented, but verifiable) zero-cost abstractions, you can still have safe code at this level. steveklabnik on Jan 1, 2016 Rust was specifically designed as a language for doing low-level stuff. Or at least, to fit squarely in C's domain. Building an OS rather than applications still has some rough edges, but we're working on them. One of the reasons that I'm playing with OS stuff is to make sure we have a core team member to advocate for those features, as they are fairly niche. Most people are interacting with their OS, rather than writing one, so it's easy to put them off. pshc on Jan 1, 2016 What do you mean by "more syntactic than anything else"? p0nce on Jan 1, 2016 D offers a number of improvements in all directions: http://p0nce.github.io/d-idioms/#How-does-D-improve-on-C++17? The fact that is has better syntax is almost anecdotal. Same story for Rust. vans on Jan 1, 2016 That's the kind of rust article i needed, thanks man :) Glad you like it :) nanoojaboo on Jan 1, 2016 how would you compare this to Steve Klabnik's project intermezzOS I think Steve's goal is it to make OS development more accessible to newcomers. Even people from dynamic languages who never heard of stack/heap should be able to follow it. It's a really great project that dispels the myth that OS development is too hard for the average programmer. AFAIK it will roughly follow the first posts of Writing an OS in Rust, but at a much slower pace and with more extensive explanations. After the Set Up Rust post, it will diverge from the series and explore keyboard input instead of memory management. Steve is a dang awesome writer (he wrote most of the Rust book) and intermezzOS looks pretty great already. I think it will bring new people with new ideas into OSdev and thus I'm really excited about it. I discuss it in the preface http://intermezzos.github.io/book/
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
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{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
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The path towards righteousness is often met with confusion. Though there is some clarity, the confusion is always there. Elif Shafak's recent novel, Three Daughters of Eve focuses on three main characters, categorised in the book as, the Sinner, the Believer and the Confused. It also focuses on the character of the professor. The book constantly moves between the past and present, and between the protagonists' feelings of confusion, reasoning and clarity. The book primarily deals with the character of Peri, a ... Arishba Khan Mild sunlight warms the streets tightly packed with books, stalls and rows of parked vehicles. Shops aligned adjacent to each other brim with colourful books meant to appeal to book lovers. The market chaotically mixes the queries of customers and shopkeepers alike. The ancient Urdu Bazaar seems entirely unaffected by the government's recent anti-encroachment order. Urdu Bazaar is one of the oldest book markets in the subcontinent and almost every Karachi dweller has some sort of memory associated with it. For many, the book market played a pivotal role in their childhood. For some, the market itself was their favourite play area ... Zaka Ud Din Ahmad Gondal China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) Life after the British: If India can develop a thriving railway sector, why can't Pakistan? As a frequent traveller, whenever I visit another country my first preference is to take the train, and I have many reasons for doing so. Being an environmentalist, I am a conscious traveller, and railways have a smaller carbon footprint than other means of transportation. As a bonus, they also offer an enchanting and panoramic view of the countryside, which you are likely to never forget. Trains are also comfortable – you can book a private cabin and walk, stretch and even sleep in a real bed during your travel. 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They say it has no memory…" And so the protagonist, Andy (Tim Robbins), tells the narrator, Red (Morgan Freeman), in the movie Shawshank Redemption. Although I have seen the movie countless times since it came out in 1994, it was while I was a teenager in medical school that it charmed me completely. Perhaps it was the concept of freedom and justice that connected with my younger, socially-driven self. Later in life, the aforementioned conversation between Andy and Red, as well ... Minahil Mahmud Is Kemal Kilicdaroglu's Justice March a tacit reminder and refractory reaction to last year's attempted coup? The streets of Ankara still reek of punctured patriotism and vehemence. Today, Turkey finds itself stumbling upon an all too vivid memory of the July 15th coup attempt that marks a momentous yet troubled first anniversary. Observing the aftermath of last year's events, it is still not safe to say whether the new chapter opened up by the coup will be as promising as it was perceived to be from atop a vanquished military tank. And now, with wounds barely healed, Turkey finds itself hurled into yet another political endeavour. Thousands of restless citizens are taking to the streets behind the opposition leader, Kemal Kilicdaroglu, to embark on a Justice March from Ankara to Istanbul. The dynamic opposition ... Shakir Lakhani begging in Pakistan SIUT child beggers In Karachi, beggars help muggers and the police can't follow the law I saw him 20 years ago, perched on a stool outside the Sulemania Mosque in Istanbul's Grand Bazaar. He had no arms and no legs, and was fair complexioned like most of the western tourists that throng Istanbul. I will never forget the huge smile he gave me when I dropped a coin in the box held by a little boy standing next to the stool. Behind him on the wall, hung the license issued by the government allowing him to make a living through begging. Perhaps such licenses are issued to beggars and those who beg without a license are ... There's really nothing about Inferno that warrants a viewing Much has already been said about the literary merits of Dan Brown's novels, whose success often mystifies critics and people who don't want to read books where characters talk like expository plot-devices who must explain anything and everything they come in contact with. But I suppose what even greatly mystifies such people, myself included, is that they've actually churned out three big screen adaptations of these books, that are at times the cinematic equivalent of watching someone solving a highly complicated crossword puzzle. With Inferno, the sequel to 2009's Angels and Demons you have Ron Howard back behind the camera, and ... 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{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Clinical 17-goal sensation would be a wonderfully cheap signing for frugal Mike Ashley at Newcastle Newcastle United manager Rafa Benitez will be relatively pleased with the performances of his side this season, but will know that an improvement must occur over the second half of year to ensure his side stretch their Premier League stay to a second season. Magpies fans here in The Transfer Tavern are keen to see their side busy in the winter transfer window, with the north east faithful telling our landlord over a lunchtime pint that new signings are key to the club's survival this season. Just two points above the drop zone, a poor run could see the club slide into the bottom-three, and run the risk of an instant return to the Football League. A new striker was top of fans wishlist in the chat with our landlord, but with The Sun reporting that Benitez must sell before he can buy this month, an affordable man may have to take priority over a big £20 million plus signing. Many names were touted, but our boss couldn't help but suggest a move for an in-form Football League striker. Peterborough United's Jack Marriott has been in electric form this season, scoring an incredible seventeen goals in the league, as well as laying on a further three assists for his teammates. HITC reported that the Posh had rejected bids of £3.5 million and £4 million from three unnamed Championship clubs, but Newcastle should have the funds to stump up enough cash to release the player from his Peterborough deal. Marriott is the only English player to score more goals than Harry Kane this season, and his form in the third tier cannot be taken lightly. The 23-year-old is a real poacher, and with his attributes, should be able to transfer his game to the highest level of English football. If Rafa can find the money, a prolific goalscorer like Marriott should be a no-brainer. Newcastle fans, let us know your thoughts! Related Items:Benitez, Jack Marriott, Newcastle, Peterborough Review so far: Benitez must regret letting Aleksandar Mitrovic leave Forget it, Ashley: Newcastle must back Benitez, and here's why… Ashley's next move could be his worst in charge of Newcastle yet
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Growing up in Cloverdale, BC, I was very fortunate to play all kinds of sports – including soccer, baseball and swimming. At about age 12 I dropped baseball, but I was still doing both soccer and swimming at a high level and it got to the point that I had to choose to focus on just one. Deciding to go with swimming was a great decision, until the hidden costs associated with swimming year-round came to light and my family could no longer afford it. I had verbalized my dream to become an Olympian in grade 7 and having that dream in peril after having dropped my other sports made it a hard realization. It was a KidSport grant that allowed me to continue swimming when my family ran out of money to pay for sports. I am who I am today because there were people willing to donate enough money (about $200 back then) to allow me to train for one more season as a budding swimmer. Everything that I am today – as an adult, a school teacher and a father – is because of the experiences I had in sport. I feel that everyone who plays individual or team sports is shaped by the lessons it teaches them. My first résumé after I left sport was literally a two column list of skills that I learned in my schooling leading to my professional career, and a list of the skills that I gained from being an athlete. That was it! Sport changes your life and the lives of those around you. Now that I'm a teacher, I am working with students with emotional disorders and anxiety issues and teaching them how to deal with the heightened emotional states that they experience in games and how that relates to the real world. I try to give back every day to the community that helped raise me to the level that was so fortunate to be able to achieve. I think that's my duty, both as an Olympian but also as a past recipient of a KidSport grant. There are no words to express my thanks, except the most sincere "thank you".
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
ADMISSIONS FOR ENTRY IN YEAR 7 SEPTEMBER 2024 TEST DAY – SATURDAY 16TH SEPTEMBER 2023 To gain a place in Year 7 at the start of the academic year students need to have taken the 11+ examinations. The same tests are set by each of the selective schools in Torbay and are scheduled at the same time – so the scores achieved can be shared between schools when necessary. To take the tests you have to complete the registration form (link to online form at the bottom of this page will be available from Mid-March 2023) and submit it to the school where your child will be taking the tests. If you require a form to complete and post into the school, please email secretary@churston.torbay.sch.uk. The deadline for receipt of application forms this year is MIDDAY ON WEDNESDAY 19th JULY 2023 WHERE POSSIBLE or MIDDAY ON THURSDAY 7th SEPTEMBER 2023 at the very latest. Your application will be acknowledged and in the week prior to the tests you will be provided with further details regarding the procedure for the test day (you will be allocated either an AM or PM session). This information will be sent to you either via letter or via email. We'd recommend that your child takes the exams at the school you expect to be your first choice. This isn't essential, but it makes sense for your child to start getting some experience of the building and the staff. You only register to take the tests with one school – you're not applying for a place at this stage. Late notification of the testing timetable by child's primary school or otherwise will NOT be accepted as a reason why a timely registration was not possible. For children whose registration form or common application form (or both) were submitted after the closing dates, there will be an opportunity to sit the tests for consideration after the first round of allocation on 1 March 2024. Catch-up date If your child is unable to take the tests on the above dates due to illness, or another significant and acceptable reason, they will be offered a chance to take them on the catch up test date (evidence may be required). You'll need to discuss any such arrangement with the school as soon as possible. The catch up date for this year is 29th September 2023. Children sitting these tests will be considered alongside those children who sat the tests on 16th September 2023. "Everyone is supportive and I've made lots of friends who care about me. Also, Student Services is good because the staff are really nice and supportive" – Year 7 Student Special arrangements Some children need special access arrangements such as enlarged papers, extra time, or special rooming requirements. Please discuss these with the school as soon as possible to allow these provisions to be made, and before the registration deadline. We will ask for information to verify the request. The tests Our Admissions policy explains how the 11+ scores are handled and our criteria for admission. You can also take a look at the GL familiarisation material which tells you what you need to know about this test, and gives you some sample questions. You only need to look at the material for English and Maths as they are the only two elements that you will be tested on. Our One Stop Guide answers other questions you may have about the exams themselves and the application process. ADDITIONAL FAMILIARISATION MATERIAL AVAILABLE TO PUPIL PREMIUM STUDENTS If your child is eligible for Pupil Premium/Free School Meals, we are pleased to be able to offer access to an additional online package of around 10 hours familiarisation material, that has been developed by the King Edward Foundation of Birmingham Grammar Schools, especially for Pupil Premium students. If you indicate Pupil Premium on the application form, once we have verified this with your primary school, we will send you a logon code especially for you, so you can access the material on the online platform hosted by Frog. The school will send you a guidance letter issued on, or as soon as possible after 17th October 2023 which indicates on the basis of your child's performance in the exams, whether an application to a selective school is recommended. This letter will not provide details of the scores, or provide a ranking, but simply indicates whether your child is likely to receive a place at a selective school. It is not an offer of a place and it cannot guarantee a place because applications have not been made at this stage so the number requesting admission to a particular school are not known. Taking this information into account, you must then complete the Common Application Form for the Local Authority by 31 October 2023 (you can do this online). You will need to list three schools you would like your child to attend, in order of preference. The Local Authority will advise you which school your child has been allocated on National Allocation Day, 1 March 2024. If you have any queries at all regarding this process, please email the Admissions Officer, Mrs Vanessa Wolf via vanessa.wolf@churston.torbay.sch.uk or call 01803 842289 (term-time only).
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
The musician arrived on the red carpet wearing a brick-print dress inspired by Donald Trump's "Build the Wall" slogan. It was designed by Desi Allinger of Desi Designs Couture . Speaking to INSIDER, Allinger said that she is "very proud" of her work, despite the backlash it has received from some viewers. The dress also featured a barbed wire-like structure attached to its straps, and had "Build the Wall" written in red on the back of its skirt. Villa accessorized with a "Make America Great Again" purse, spiked headband, and jewelry that was seemingly made from metal. Singer Joy Villa turned heads when she arrived at the 2019 Grammy Awards wearing a dress inspired by Donald Trump.The white ball gown featured a brick print, and read "Build the Wall" on the back of its skirt. Villa accessorized with a spiked headpiece, jewelry seemingly made from metal, and a purse that read "Make America Great Again." A barbed wire-like structure was also attached to each of the straps on her dress, and was wrapped around her back. Desi Allinger of Desi Designs Couture created the controversial piece. But, despite criticism that some have sent her way , the designer told INSIDER that she's proud of the work she created. Allinger also said that she created the dress with Villa's vision in mind. "I am very proud of my work," Allinger told INSIDER. "I was able to create the vision my client wanted. Its OK to not agree or like everyones work, but what is important is to respect people." On February 10, the designer shared a disclaimer with fans before the awards show on Instagram . "DISCLAIMER: The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed by my clients are not necessarily the same as my views, thoughts, and opinions," Allinger wrote on Instagram. She continued to describe the dress as "a unique, one-of-a-kind piece of art" in her post. Representatives for Joy Villa did not immediately reply to INSIDER's request for comment.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
MSD » News » Archived News » Runtoberfest is coming! Don't forget to sign up for Runtoberfest, the annual fun run and walk sponsored by the McMinnville Education Foundation (MEF). Held in Wortman Stadium on Saturday, October 7, the event includes a 5k run/walk and a one mile kids' run. The 12-and-under kids' mile run takes place on the track just before the 5k begins. Runtoberfest is one of the ways MEF provides support and enrichment to district students, including the teacher mini-grant program, Science Experiences and the Artist-in-Residence project.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
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Flyman 2 months ago Is it convenient to talk at the moment? nn honeys French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius says the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's government ordered the chemical attack and that the U.N.'s report will give further indications on Monday.(ERIC FEFERBERG/AFP/Getty Images) It's serious fina fittor Online exchanges, or marketplaces, were designed to be themain way for millions of uninsured Americans to find out pricesand buy health insurance plans required under the law, but theOct. 1 debut has been marred by technical glitches that havekept many from signing on and making purchases. Those unable tosign up online can call a toll-free telephone number as analternative. Lucio 2 months ago Punk not dead vidster "He was a little weird and usually stayed under the radar," one classmate at the Thor Heyerdahl school told Reuters, preferring not to give his name. But Dhuhulow had appeared ambitious and got good grades, the classmate said. 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Footage of his performance is being compiled for the track's music video. perfect design thanks xnnx SIR – William Tyndale (c.1494–1536) was an underappreciated genius whose English translation of the Bible was the first to work from the original Greek and Hebrew texts, and formed the basis of the King James version. Tyndale made the Bible accessible to "every ploughboy" and, with his ear for the poetry and rhythm of the language, invented countless phrases that we still use daily, such as "Let there be light" and "the powers that be". Glenn 2 months ago Very interesting tale keandra And don't give me that old "You're just anti-gun!" BULL! I own guns, I have owned LOTS of guns. At last count I have owned two Sigs, 9 Glocks and numerous other firearms to include two shotguns AND YES an Assault Rifle. Why? I was a Deputy Sheriff and I was law enforcement trained and qualified on ALL those weapons. 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But he is also its foe, not just in his bomb-throwing – on bankers' bonuses, on executive pay, on border controls and much more – but in his semi-public overtures to Labour (text messages between him and Ed Miliband have gone back and forth) and scarcely concealed leadership ambitions. Kelly 2 months ago Where are you from? http://al4a.fun/al4avideos/ al4a.com In Alaska, Republican Lieutenant Governor Mead Treadwell is running for Begich's seat. Now a state official, Treadwell was a successful entrepreneur in the private sector. He is responsible for bringing the technology behind the Google Street View camera to market. What sort of music do you like? http://highlightconseil.com/ lolita 12yo free pics Grant said more than three-quarters of candidates who tookVP of engineering roles at his client companies over the lasttwo years drew total cash compensation in excess of $250,000.Many also received equity grants totaling 1 to 2 percent of thecompany, the recruiter added. One moment, please http://keandra.in.net keandra.com On Thursday, after her internet comment was publicised by Sinn Fein, Mrs Patterson released a statement through the DUP press office which made clear: "I unreservedly apologise for this lapse of judgment. I completely withdraw this flawed Facebook comment." I went to http://xvedio.in.net/xvidoes/ xvidoes.com It was the first bank to be fined for its part in a globalscam to manipulate Libor interest rates and has set aside 5.5billion pounds to compensate customers for mis-sold insuranceand interest rate hedging products. Michelle 2 months ago I have my own business http://apetitmascotas.com/ super nizagara forte tab Though "X Factor" has been successful, it has never approached the ratings Cowell first predicted. He has since diplomatically withdrawn from the prediction business, saying only, "We're all competitive. I'd love to be No. 1." 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I balked and told them to cough up the agreement that authorized them to add a dime beyond the balance. I wanted specific language tied in any way to my signature. Their guys sent over what amounted to a blatantly bogus document which they legally tried to pass off as the original agreement — what any layperson would call a forgery. And don't get me started on the harassing phone calls from their collections goons making one false statement after another, they sounded like a bunch of out of work lawyers from barely credible law schools. It went to court, (the amount was less than the minimum necessary to take it to the bigger civil court) so without a lawyer I had their case dismissed as it was plainly obvious they a) mismanaged their old records, b) couldn't find my original agreement and c) fabricated legal documents. During a mediation later on they were brow-beaten into accepting repayment without the nearly 30% in added fees or any accrued interest. 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"Britney Spears did 'If You Seek Amy,' and that was a big controversy but you know what, that album went onto sell 4 ½ million copies. I think she has the chance to clean up her image. I don't think this song is going to make or break her." I quite like cooking http://keezmovies.in.net keezmovies com The cost to insure the country's debt against default rose to the highest level since July 4, while yields on Egypt's benchmark bonds rose to a five week high. The stock exchange fell 1.7 percent before its closure and analysts expect further sell-offs when the stock market reopens. It is currently scheduled to reopen on Sunday. Carroll 2 months ago I've got a full-time job http://apetitmascotas.com/ what is nizagara does it work The specialty value retailer reported better-than-expectedresults for the second quarter due to a 6.6 percent increase insame-store sales. The company also raised its full-year earningsand revenue forecast. 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{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
What did you guys end up being? I just about lost it at "Where are there too many Zubat?" I'm unsure about this but I'll take it! Last edited by Music; April 7, 2016 at 09:02:32 PM. I got Psychic too. Ah, well. "You'd be a Normal-type Pokémon! You aren't afraid of many other Pokémon, but Ghost-type Pokémon give you the chills!" represented by Meowth. You aren't afraid of many other Pokémon, but Ghost-type Pokémon give you the chills!" Whoever wrote this quiz apparently is not terribly familiar with the type chart . . . ? Not quite sure what the criteria were, but somehow I got fighting type. Which was the last one I was expecting. Well, normal and ghost can't affect each other, so maybe they're mutually terrified? I got Flying. Flying is cool, but Fire, Dragon, and Dark are my favorites .___. I got fairy type, but I'm pretty sure that's because I chose Fairy type when it asked me what type gym I wanted to be. Last edited by Dundershock; September 13, 2016 at 03:43:06 PM. I cant get the attachmenst to work, it gives a form post error.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Founded in 1965, Motorbooks was acquired by Quarto in late 2007 and is celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2015. Motorbooks is among the world's leading transportation publishers, offering books created by motoring's top photographers and writers, many created with major partners like Harley-Davidson, Chevrolet, Ford and Chrysler and magazines like Hot Rod and Cycle World. It's only fitting that our story begins in a garage. The year was 1965, and North America was in dire need of quality car, motorcycle, and racing books. Luckily for gearheads, a transplanted Englishman and lifelong car guy named Thomas Warth took it upon himself to feed the need. From the stalls of his humble Minneapolis, Minnesota, garage, Warth launched a modest automotive book mail-order business selling transportation tomes, many of them imported from England. Thus was born Classic Motorbooks. In 1973, Classic Motorbooks began publishing its own books, which it made available alongside those from leading transportation publishers around the world. This move put Motorbooks in the driver's seat, allowing it to define the best books for enthusiasts and then engage the motoring world's best photographers and writers to create them—an approach that continues to this day. Besides our award-winning writers and shooters, we also partner with some of the biggest names in the business, like Harley-Davidson, Chevrolet, Ford, Hot Rod and Cycle World magazines, Dodge, and SRT—all to give us access to the best stories and the coolest photography. Alongside its own titles, Motorbooks continues to offer the best books from the other premier transportation publishers, fine-tuned exclusively for the enthusiast by gearheads who are just as obsessed as you are. For 50 years, Motorbooks has embraced the gearhead life. If it has wheels, we dig it. Wrench, Race, Ride, Roll, Read: that's our mantra. Now go burn some rubber. Sites We DigIt's hard for a company to publish books for almost 50 years without making a few friends. Whether these links lead to people we've worked with, people we'd like to work with, or simply blogs our staff members love to read, we recommend you check out the list below for some of our favorite sites. There was an old Triumph ad slogan that read, "We eat, sleep, ride, talk, breathe, dream, live and love motorcycles!" Does that sum up your relationship with cars, motorcycles, racing or any other subject Motorbooks publishes? If so, and if you're a writer with an interesting book idea, we'd like to hear from you. Please follow the directions in our submission guidelines prior to submitting your proposal. Seven Motorbooks titles were honored during the 25th International Automotive Media Competition (IAMC) awards ceremony at the Concours d'Elegance of America at St. John's in Plymouth, Michigan. Honored with Gold Awards were How to Rebuild & Modify Ford Flathead V-8 Engines by Vern Tardel and Mike Bishop, and Porsche Turbo by Randy Leffingwell. Silver Awards were presented to Ford GT by Preston Lerner and Dave Friedman, Lamborghini Supercars 50 Years by Stuart Codling and James Mann, International Harvester Trucks by Pat Foster, and Ford Total Performance by Marty Schorr. Barn Find Road Trip by Tom Cotter and Michael Alan Ross won a Bronze Award.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
GWS star in "serious doubt" for Round 1 with "nasty knee injury" SEN - Thu, 7th Mar 2019 - 0 Comments According to the Herald Sun's Sam Edmund, GWS co-captain Callan Ward is in "serious doubt" for Round 1. Ward sustained a knee injury in GWS' first JLT series clash against the Swans. Edmund told SEN Breakfast that the signs aren't looking good for the 28-year-old. "Callan Ward, and we're still fleshing out the details of this is in serious doubt for Round 1," he said. "He's got a nasty knee injury. "He was injured, we understood, in that JLT Series game against the Swans, but it slipped under the radar. "He's in Melbourne at the moment with a big knee brace, whether he's seeing a specialist or been granted a bit of free time, we don't know. "I've been told by the Giants, it's definitely not a ruptured ACL." The Giants are set to release a statement later today to reveal the full extent of the injury.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
The City of Arches, and CHAI Montreal So NaNoWriMo 2014 has come and gone. I finished my first draft of The City of Arches and am quite happy with how it turned out. I started this post many times and it didn't work. My kids got sick and it is always difficult when this happens. It seems that with having triplets, once one gets sick, the others shortly follow. They are at the age that they don't understand how to stop the spread of their germs. I also have no self-control. When I see them all sickly and miserable, I have to cuddle and coddle them. Then, of course, I get sick. Ah well. This book was extremely difficult for me to write. I kept second guessing everything I was doing. Chronologically, it takes place before the events in Sitnalta, yet it is definitely the third book in the series. I kept reading and rereading everything that I had put into Sitnalta and The Kingdom Thief to make sure I wasn't contradicting what I had previously written. Yet I kept having ideas for great plot elements that I could not do. I know that readers are very good at finding inconsistencies in writers' work. Another thing was that I kept questioning whether or not readers would WANT to read something that takes place before the events they're already aware of. I kept calling my brother Brian and asking him "Are you sure?" "Is this really a good idea?" He kept telling me to go on, and as my foremost Sitnalta fan and cheerleader, I believed him. In other news, I was just interviewed by Lisa Winston the host of the radio programme CHAI Montreal, their Holiday Spirit Show. The interview airs this Sunday at 10:00 p.m. and you can listen live to it on their website: CFMB.ca (just click LISTEN LIVE). We talk about writing, folklore, family, The Hadariah Chronicles, and Sitnalta. (PS. Books make awesome holiday gifts!) FanExpo Craziness! (and Stan Lee) Once again, FanExpo has come and gone, and I am utterly exhausted! It is a four day whirlwind of craziness! But don't get me wrong, it is definitely a good kind of crazy, and I look forward to it every year. It is a chance to connect to readers and to fellow fans of fantasy and science fiction, Hello fellow Whovians! and I have a blast. I love the energy, the cosplays, the dealers floor, and the chance to meet people who I have looked up to for ages, and this year proved to be awesome. An and I were there with our "minions" all four days. I can not thank these people enough. Emilie, Jeff, Katrina, Leah, you guys were amazing. Each day, you were beyond helpful. Without you, I don't think we could have eaten, let alone experience the con as we did, so thank you. Another thing that happened was that Brian showed up on Friday with Joseph, Phillip, and Hailey! They went to their first FanExpo! They did it in full costume, and Joseph was the Hulk, Phillip was Iron Man, and Hailey was a Pirate Princess. Now, Joseph went all out. He was roaring at people, and smashing the ground, he was the Hulk. He even smashed a guy dressed as Spiderman who had asked him for a high five. He was a total hit with the grownup cosplayers. The funny thing was that the kids didn't realize that the people around them were fans like them. They thought they actually met the real superheroes! It was too cute! Now that evening, I had planned a special treat for the kids. I had planned to take them for a photo op with Stan Lee. Phillip knew exactly who Stan Lee was. He knew that this was the man responsible for the heroes that he knows and loves, and is the hot dog vendor from the Phineas and Ferb special episode Mission Marvel. He had a special plan of what he was going to say, and how he was going to smile, and what he wanted to do. He had even planned on giving him a drawing of the hero he had invented: Captain Iron Man. We got to the photo op and waited for him to arrive. When he did, Phillip just stared. I think he was in shock. Joseph whispered to me that he "looked like a zaidy". Hailey got nervous, as she sometimes does around strangers. We went up to him, said hello, and took the picture. Phillip did not smile. But after the picture when he realized that we were just going to walk away, Phillip turned to him and said "Hi". Stan Lee responded with a smile, and Phillip went on to say "Thank you Stan Lee for all the superheroes." I swear, he looked like he melted. Later on, I discovered that upon forgetting his drawing, Phillip took it upon himself to sketch one into one of the copies of The Strings of the Violin that I intended to sell. Well Phillip, Mommy found a way. That book is now in Stan Lee's possession. You're welcome. Please do not deface anymore of my property in the future. Oh! Before I forget, The Dybbuk's Mirror is out in two days! My ARC's are looked over, as are my galley proofs, and now I wait and panic! Now, pictures! (and THE picture is at the end) An and I at our booth. A cosplayer who actually managed to create the Iron Man armour with Body Paint! This is true. Even Saxon is better than Rob Ford. My friend Alexis as a truly awesome Gamora. Cassandra! I honestly could not believe she made this whole thing herself. an amazing How to Train Your Dragon 2 cosplay. My friend Nerissa who does amazing Steampunk jewelry with her company SteamGummi My friend Robert as Juggernaught. The best family photo ever! Interview With Author Chrissy Lessey I was able to interview the incredible Chrissy Lessey for my blog. Chrissy is the author of The Crystal Coast series, featuring a mysterious coven of witches. I've read the first book, and it was awesome. Chrissy is also a mother, and vocal autism advocate. Tell me a bit about your Crystal Coast series. I've read the first book and loved it! Can't wait to see where it goes. The Crystal Coast series is about a secret coven of witches living in a small town in Eastern North Carolina. At the heart of the story, there's Stevie Lewis, who has no knowledge of her magical heritage. She's a single mother focused on raising Charlie, who has autism. When her son's life is endangered by a dark witch, the coven's 300-year-old secret comes to light and we see just how far Stevie will go to protect her child. I'm working on the second book in the series now and it's shaping up to be darker than the first. The stakes are higher, the villain is more devious, and the danger is even greater. You are an amazing advocate for the autism community. How did this come about? My own son has autism. It became clear to me early after his diagnosis that there was a tremendous need for services, support, and awareness. I work with a dedicated group of volunteers to meet those needs on a local level. I'm proud of what we have accomplished to help individuals with autism and their families. Your book The Coven is an amazing story about witches, magic, and maternal instinct. Where did you glean your inspiration from? Honestly, I never expected to write a paranormal novel. One day, I found myself wishing that there was a magical cure for autism, so my son's life could be easier. That started me on an imaginative path full of witches and a special little boy with autism. I get lots of ideas for stories, but this one came to me so clearly, I knew I HAD to write it. On a minor tangent, you say that you love rock music. What bands are your favourite? Do you listen to music while you write? If so, what do you have on your playlist? I have lots of favorites! Fleetwood Mac and The Rolling Stones immediately spring to mind, but there are certainly many more. I write faster in silence, but I occasionally listen to music while I work to help set a mood or to drown out even more distracting sounds. My playlist for the next book has songs from Phillip Phillips, Fleetwood Mac, Aerosmith, Fun, and Imagine Dragons. As a parent myself, I often find it difficult to find the time to devote to my craft. How do you do it? Each week, I establish a work schedule for myself and I stick to it. This schedule, of course, is organized around my family's needs, routines, and obligations. Even with a schedule, I don't have as much time to write as I'd like. So, sometimes I wake up in the wee hours of the morning just to get a couple of hours of work done before the rest of the household comes to life. Any tips that you would give aspiring writers out there? I hear from a lot of people who want to write a book. My advice is always the same – Just write it! Stop "aspiring" and start "doing"! Here's where you should go to find out more about Chrissy and her amazing books ! Links: www.ChrissyLessey.com www.facebook.com/chrissylessey www.twitter.com/spectrumhope http://plus.google.com/+ChrissyLessey-Author Fairy Fest and Sequel Headaches Faery Fest has come and gone. Sigh. Now we gear up for the Pirate Festival! I am such a kid at these things. I mean, come on! I get to spend the weekend in a tent pretending I am a pirate, or a fairy! (Maybe a fairy pirate? Hmmm...) This year's first festival was a little bit hard for me. Usually I have the lovely An Tran as my other half. (Or as one of the Pirate Festival people called her: "My Better Half".) But she was not able to attend. So I had the dubious pleasure of setting up my tent ALL BY MYSELF! And I did it! I was ridiculously proud of myself. Check it out: Not bad for someone with no design experience, eh? Then it was a matter of selling books, and bribing other merchants to watch my tent so I could do things such as: Eat lunch. Go to the bathroom. Visit other merchants. etc. All while dressed like this: In the meantime, between customers, watching jousting matches, and mummer performers, I was doing quite a bit of writing. As of last night, I am now nearly halfway through the first draft of the sequel to Sitnalta! I think I would be further if it wasn't for one little thing. You see, I didn't want to bring my laptop into a field in the heat, and typing on my phone is frustrating. So I wrote it all out by hand. This is frustrating, because I then had to type it all into the sequel file once I got home. So it was like rewrites before I even truly had a chance to edit it. Ah well. The next day at the festival, I changed up my look a bit. I did this for one very good reason: I also had to pack everything up. I was NOT going to do that in a gauzy skirt and oneshouldered top. Therefore, it was a day to wear my pirate bloomers and corset. I know it sound weird, but that outfit was much better for heavy lifting and moving about in. Also, a very sincere thank you to Curtis who graciously helped me pack my tent frame into my car. You were a real life saver! Now here's my problem. I would love to incorporate my Sitnalta sequel into marketing efforts, and such for the first book. However, I have no idea what to call the darn thing. Furthermore, every time I try to tell people what it's about, I tend to babble. I am no good at blurbs. It all comes out like this: the coin is important. There is a bit of a love story. Sitnalta is a character in it. Can't say too much without giving important plot points away. Kralc! SPOILERS! Then I get this look from whomever I'm speaking to: Yeah. I need help. Also, I uploaded a Gif to my blog! Yay me and technology! I'm learning! In other news, An and I are almost done edits on Ouroboros, and I'm really excited about this particular story. It was also a pain to name. For a while we were calling it The Short Story NOT Named "Fire". So, there's hope for me yet. Now: MORE PICTURES! Fairy One Man Band My second day costume. If anyone can read my chicken scratch handwriting and come up with a title, you will have my eternal gratitude! Anthologies, Faery Fest, and Dance It's been a while since I've updated. But I have a decent excuse. As you know, An and I have been working on a short story that will be published in an upcoming YA Paranormal Romance anthology called Night Life. Yeah, that's right. We're ROMANCE writers now! I have to say, I was nervous about venturing into another genre, but I enjoyed it. Who knows? I may dabble in it again. As a matter of fact, my soon to be released novel The Dybbuk's Mirror does have a romantic subplot in it. Maybe the genre wasn't so new to me after all. Anyway, our Night Life story is due on July 1, so we've been working like mad to finish it, get the edits done, etc. We've finally chosen a title (subject to change if our editors hate it.) and we're going with Ouroboros. Why do I always name books and people after things that spell check hates? Oh well. Anyway, check out the anthology's cover: Pretty snazzy eh? Also, the other authors in here are all awesome, so if you're looking for some good reading... hint, hint. Other updates: this weekend is FAERY FEST! I am ridiculously excited about this. Yet another opportunity to dress up and have an awesome time. Yes, I will officially be there selling and signing my books, so if you're around check it out in Marden Park in Guelph. Unfortunately, I don't have An with me, but I do have Tal! I've known him since he was two, and my brother's best friend. Also, he's letting me dress him up. Yay! After that comes Pirate Festival in August. Last weekend was Father's Day, and the triplets' first dance recital. I didn't know what to expect from them. All I know is that they've been dancing up a storm at home, and in their class (which I get to watch with the other parents on a television the school provides in their waiting area.). I like to think they were amazing. I think every parent thinks that watching their kids up on stage. They didn't really do the dance they were supposed to, but they were extremely brave getting up there and facing the crowd. I am so proud of them. I will definitely have pictures soon. Their costumes were too cute! I will have more updates soon, and will be better at this once Ouroboros is officially submitted! Interview with Author Steph Post Recently I had the great opportunity to interview the wonderful author Steph Post. Her novel A Tree Born Crooked will be released soon with Pandamoon Publishing. She lives in Florida with her husband and their six dogs. Here's what she had to say on writing: Author Steph Post. 1. Tell us about your upcoming novel A Tree Born Crooked. It's the story of a man who reluctantly returns to his hometown to attend his father's funeral, but winds up having to rescue his brother from the consequences of a ridiculous and ill-thought out crime. Along the way, he has to confront his own unsettling internal issues, but ends up learning about himself in the process. It's also about trailer parks, fruit stands, pickup trucks, idiot criminals, sleazy motels, drugs, guns and money. :) 2. The novel is described as a "Southern Thriller", though you like to use the term "Country Noir". As a Florida native, is it easier to write from this perspective, and to set a novel in your home state? It's funny, like the main character of my novel, James, I spent a large part of my time after high school trying not to return to my hometown or state. I really didn't want anything to do with Florida. And now, I write books where the identity of small Florida towns plays a key role. But as far as research for the setting of A Tree Born Crooked- it is much easier, I believe, to write about places that seem to be 'in your blood.' 3. A Tree Born Crooked is not your first book. Tell us a little about your other projects. My first novel (which is currently unavailable because I am planning to rewrite it) is about a Depression-era traveling carnival. The first draft of it served as my master's thesis. I've also written and published poetry and short stories. 4. As an author, I know how hard it can be to find the perfect name for a book. What is the significance about the title of A Tree Born Crooked? Usually I have the worst time coming up with a title, but I had the title for A Tree Born Crooked before I even started writing. I was still in the planning stages of the novel when my husband called me from work and said, "I have the title for your book." It was perfect! Of course, the title and its significance took on a life of its own during the writing, but it was wonderful to have the title taken care of ahead of time. 5. You are also an English teacher at an arts high school. What advice do you give your students when it comes to pursuing their dreams? I tell my students to work their tails off! That with enough hard work, they WILL succeed- even if they don't know what or how that success will take form. I think it means a lot to students when they can see a living, breathing example of someone who had to work hard and fight for their dreams. 6. What upcoming projects are you working on right now? I just finished another novel, so at the moment I'm taking a short breather from novel writing. I'm hoping to attack my first novel this summer and strip it down, take it apart and rewrite it into a much better book. I have a short story coming out in June in the literary magazine "From the Depths" and that's gotten me excited about writing short fiction again. There's always something going on and something on the horizon when you become immersed in the writing life! :) About A Tree Born Crooked Synopsis: Thirty-six year old James Hart, with a tough-as-nails exterior and an aching emptiness inside, does not want to go home. Upon hearing of the death of his father, however, James decides to bite the bullet and return to Crystal Springs, Florida, a collapsed rural town running on the fumes of the occasional interstate tourists passing through. It is a place where dreams are born to die. Here, James discovers that he is too late for Orville's funeral, but just in time to rescue his younger brother, Rabbit, from the deadly consequences of his petty crime life and, in the process, discover that he can't escape the grips of his family, and might not even want to. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Steph-Post/153516208138065?ref=hl Twitter: @Stephpostauthor Blog: www.stephpostauthor.blogspot.com Instagram: Stephpostauthor Interview With Michelle Bellon I recently had the chance to interview the award winning author Michelle Bellon about her writing, life, and novel Rogue Alliance. Check out everything she had to say! 1. Rogue Alliance isn't your first book. Tell us about what you've written so far. The first book I wrote is a YA, coming of age story, titled Embracing You, Embracing Me. It was not the first to be published however. It's about a young girl learning about self-discovery through tragedy and loss. It won the Pinnacle Book Achievement Award for its category in 2012. The Complexity of a Soldier is a story that follows Rory and Emily, two high school sweethearts, through the heartache and trials of his multiple deployments to Iraq as they also try to start their young family. This book spurned me to write an article on PTSD among our troops that was published nationally. You can currently read it on my blog http://www.michellebellon.com/u-s-must-rally-support-for-vets-with-ptsd/ His Salvation is a fast-paced romance suspense. Seth and Krista were best friends as teenagers, forming a bond like no other until one day Seth disappears without a trace. Ten years later, he finds himself in a conspiracy too deep to tackle on his own and he seeks help from the only person he has ever trusted- Krista. 2. You write in many different genres. Is it hard to jump from genre to genre? How do you keep them straight? This is a good question. No, it's not hard for me to jump from genre to genre. When characters and a plot come to me I don't think of it in terms of what genre it will fit into. I simply see the story that needs written and I start writing. Later, during rewrites, I start thinking of who my target audience will be and edit with that in mind. 3. What is your favorite genre to write in and why? Even though it's harder, I really enjoying writing suspense. It forces me to keep every chapter moving at a challenging pace, which means digging deeper into the plot and subplots, and honing the dialogue. 4. Rogue Alliance is part of a series. Do you have all the books written? Did you know exactly how the series would end when you first began writing? If so, did that make it harder or easier to write? I had absolutely no intention of writing a series. I didn't want that kind of pressure. (laughs) However, when I finished writing the book I knew that there was still a lot of Brennan's and Shyla's story to be told. Then when readers began to reach out to me with such strong, positive responses to the book and to the characters they also demanded a sequel. I had to start writing the next book. At this point it's about half finished and the screenplay is nearly done as well. 5. Shyla is an amazingly complex character. Did she come to you fully formed, or did she grow and change as you crafted the plot? She and Brennan both presented themselves as fully formed characters with pasts, fears, strengths, and, yes, flaws. Plenty of them. The entire book was born of one scene that came to me while driving one day. In that single scene it was clear to me who these people were and what their motivations were. 6. You write all sorts of different books. What do you prefer to read when you have the chance? Ooh, that's a tough one. I find magic in so many different genres. My favorite book of all time is Outlander, an epic historical fiction novel. I tend to like those quite a bit. I love suspense and thrillers so I've read my fair share of Koontz and Grisham. Also, last but not least, I love a good romance whether it be contemporary, suspense, or young adult. I like to swoon just as much as anyone else. 7. Let my readers know where to find you. Give us your links! First just let me say thank you for having me on your blog Alisse. It's been fun! http://www.michellebellon.com/ https://www.facebook.com/pages/Michelle-Bellon-Author/544448685599147 https://www.facebook.com/michelle.authorpage https://twitter.com/MichelleBellon Interview With Author Christine Gabriel I am having a ton of fun interviewing other authors, and seeing what makes them tick, what inspires them, and how they write. Today I get to introduce you to the talented Christine Gabriel. She is the author of the upcoming New Adult novel Crimson Forest. 1. Tell us about your upcoming novel Crimson Forest due out this summer with Pandamoon Publishing. Crimson Forest is the first book in the Crimson Chronicles Series. It focuses on eighteen year old Angelina Adams who is lives in the small town of Buffalo, Wisconsin which is famous for its eerie moss covered forest. The novel focuses on age old myths and shows that no matter how average you are, wonderful, amazing things can happen to you. The series has an awesome love triangle, devastating losses that will most certainly make you tear up, and of course action that will hopefully put you to the edge of your seat. 2. What are your top ten novels of all time? Why do you love them? Ooo, top ten novels of all time. Well let's see: - Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas - James Patterson - I love this book because it's packed full of emotion. I literally went through an entire box of Kleenex as I read it. - Eightysixed - Emily Belden - I'd never read a memoir until this book. I laughed, cried, and got so mad I threw a pencil across the room. - The Secret - Rhonda Byrne - It taught me that all the positive energy you put out into the universe manifests itself and rewards you with what you ask for. - To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee - I read this in 8th grade English and even got to see the play at a college theater. I adore this book. - The Hobbit - JRR Tolkien - It's just my size, what can I say? - IT - Stephen King - Scariest book I've ever read...I now have a huge fear of clowns. Thank you for being that awesome that you've incited a true fear in me Mr. King. - Sunday's at Tiffany's - James Patterson - This is a great book about an imaginary friend who she ends up falling in love with. (swoon) - The Sookie Stackhouse Collection - Charlaine Harris - What can I say? I love this series(having Joe Manganiello play Alcide...enough said.) - All of the R.L. Stine books - That's right, I read the entire series growing up and they've stuck with me. (I think that should count as 9 and 10 haha) 3. You talk a bit on your blog about being bullied in high school. This is something that, unfortunately, affects a lot of people and can stay with them for a while (myself included). What advice do you have to give to teenagers who are dealing with this right now? You know Alisse, growing up was extremely difficult for me. Being bullied is something that has stuck with me throughout the years. My advice for teenagers would be this: Never lower your standards to please others. You're a beautiful soul and embrace that. People only bully others because they're jealous of their own insecurities. Never try to be someone you're not because the person you are is AMAZING. Hold your head high and know you're NEVER alone. Be proud of yourself and know that the future holds great things for you, don't believe me? Just take a look at me now :) 4. Your novel Crimson Forest is a New Adult novel. Why did you choose to write for this age group? I love the New Adult genre because it appeals to so many different ages - from young girls hitting their teenage years to women in their twenties. It makes me smile to know they're all able to read it and understand the emotion behind my words. 5. Who are your top ten authors for new adults? Top Ten? Whew, I don't really have a top 10 list for new adult authors because I have such a vast taste in books. If I had to narrow it down to one however; it would be Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire 6. You say that you grew up in a small rural town. What was it like? Are you still there? Oh yes!! The Village of Monroeville, population 1394. What was it like? Well, it was your typical small town with everyone knowing everyone else's business :) If you didn't have a "certain last name" you were dubbed a geek (yes I'm proud of my last name and yes I'm proud to be a geek.) Monroeville has 2 stop lights, a gas station, a subway, pizza place, and now a Dollar General(woohoo) all within half a mile. It's surrounded by cornfields and they even have their own events such as - Tractor Day(everyone drives their best/dirtiest/oldest/smallest tractors to school where they're judged and awarded) and the famous St. Joseph's Festival which is held every summer. I promised myself that as soon as I moved out I would leave that small town...and I did :) I now live like 10 minutes away in Norwalk...still close enough to my parents, but just far enough away that the smell of cow manure won't overwhelm me. 7. Let my readers know where to find you. Give out your links! www.facebook.com/christinegabrie www.facebook.com/christinegabrielcrimson www.twitter.com/christinegabrie www.thecrimsonforest.com https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7276953.Christine_Gabriel Interview With McKelle George I recently had the opportunity to interview writer, illustrator, and editor McKelle George on her writing (among other things). She is a writer of YA, as well as mysteries with her upcoming novel Until Proven coming out January 2015 from Pandamoon Publishing. Q: I read that you are an illustrator as well as an author. Tell me, how do you approach a book from a visual art perspective as opposed to a writer's perspective? I'm more a wannabe illustrator. But I actually think the approach is similar, if expressed in different ways. In art, you have to capture so much in one moment. You have to convey emotion and tension with only superficial, visual cues. Writing is the same way, only reversed, trying to convey an entire visual scene in fifty word paragraph, with only language to help you. Q: Your novel Until Proven is a speculative mystery. When you write a book like this, do you have every twist and turn planned out before you start? How do you approach plotting this out? Yes and no. When I start, I definitely need to know at least where I'm going. So I think I have it mostly figured out, but then as I'm writing, I discover new ways of how the story could turn out, and new layers that move me in the right direction. Though I will say that my character, like me, is fumbling her way around and relies sometimes on luck. Those people who can plot out elaborate Sherlock-esque mysteries are much smarter than me. Q: Until Proven isn't the first book you've written. Tell us a bit about the others, and where you got the ideas for them. The trouble is all of my ideas are really polarizing from each other. The first book I ever wrote was this bizarre, quirky young adult story about Nightmares and Dreams being actual creatures. I was so in love with this world I'd created, I think I got hung up on that first idea for too long. I still have it available online, but it's not my best work, and the greatest advice I got about it was at a writing conference when someone said, "Move on from you first project." That's when I wrote Until Proven. Right now I'm working on a series of YA Shakespeare adaptions. I'm a hardcore Shakespeare fangirl, and it's been a total pleasure reimagining my favorite plays. One is retelling of Much Ado About Nothing set in a 1920s speakeasy, and the other is a retelling of the Tempest, set in a contemporary highschool. Q: Like you, I'm a big fan of small press publishing. You work for Jolly Fish Press in their editorial department. Tell me why you are such a fan of the small houses. Yes! I love small presses. The thing I love the most, as an author and as an editor, is the sense of community and closeness involved in traditional publishing on a smaller scale. This interview, for example, is an example of that. You feel like you're part of a small family. You get more attention. And it's not as competitive and intense, and you don't usually feel like you're getting ignored for a more prominent book, because in a small press, every single title matters. Q: As an editor as well as an author, do you find it easier to hand your books off to someone else to edit? Oh, yes. I NEED good editing. I'm the kind of writer who can shoot off fast drafts, but I need about twelve of those fast drafts to arrive at a satisfactory place. As an editor, it makes me crazy when an author is completely unwilling to take a second look at their book and change things. Anyone can write a book, but it takes a village to write a quality book. When I'm editing, I know that the only thing I'm trying to do is help polish the book to its highest potential, so when someone edits my book, I assume they're doing the same, so I take each critique seriously--even if I end up ignoring it or finding a different solution to the problem. Q: What is the strangest daydream you have ever had? Ha ha! I love this question, first of all. And I'm also laughing because we could be here forever talking about my weird daydreams. I daydream all the time. But okay: here's my most recent one, to save on time. On the drive over to the library, this guy cut me off, and I thought (a bit vindictively), "Well you're lucky I'M paying attention, pal," and then I entertained a full-length daydream about a guy whose job was to get into minor accidents on purpose to teach bad drivers a lesson. Q: Let my readers know about your books, where to find them, and where to find you. (Links please!) Here's my website, which also has links to all of my social media outlets: http://mckellegeorge.com. Until Proven won't be available until January 2015 (whew!), but you can read that first Nightmare/Dream book for free, if you want, on FictionPress: http://fictionpress.com/~mckellegeorge Well, Chanukah is over, and the family had an amazing time seeing relatives, getting presents, giving presents, making latkes. I may hate the cold, but I certainly do love this time of year. It's full of so many wonderful excuses to get together, and to see people you may not have seen in quite some time. I know that Brian and I are going to certainly take every opportunity to do just that. The kids absolutely loved the holiday, and Joseph has taken to hiding dreidels in his bed. He wants to pretend that Chanukah is still happening. He got upset with me when I tried to take down the decorations. He loved watching everyone light the candles (as he tried to blow them out), and he learned several songs at preschool that he, Phillip, and Hailey sang from the moment they woke up in the morning, until they fell asleep at night. I hope they embrace every holiday with the same vigour. On the writing front, I am making slow and steady progress on the sequel to Sitnalta. I know exactly where the story is going, and in what direction I want to take each and every character, and that's a hugely important step for me. My broken computer monitor (aka my story board) is littered with post-its telling me exactly where I need to go. It's just a matter of plunking the words out on my lap top. In other news, I will be having another online party for Sitnalta on January 15, 2014 between the hours of 2-4 Toronto time on Facebook. I will be pasting the link as soon as I have it, and if you could all show up and join in the fun and games, that would be awesome! Also happening in January, I will have an official trailer posted online for The Strings of the Violin, and I can't wait to see how it turns out! I am also deep into the first round of edits for the tentatively titled The Dybbuk's Revenge which I finished last month. Since the holidays are here, how about giving a book (or two) to your loved ones? The Strings of the Violin And remember, a review feeds an author's soul! :)
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
melayu | Xanda's Blog !~! The open-source Firefox Add-on MyEja for spell-checking supports Firefox and Thunderbird platform-independently. It is based on the OpenOffice Extension "Kamus Bahasa Malaysia (Malay Dictionary)". The contents of the dictionaries are untouched and is in original state in the initial release of MyEja . The latest versions of Firefox and Thunderbird are also supported. MyEja was founded by me and it is the second initiative project from Mozilla Malaysia Community.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Our team of highly talented individuals take pride in even the smallest details. We have honed our efficiency and craftsmanship by analyzing every single build. Our 10 step Pond building process ensures a quality built Feature that will dazzle your outdoor living area. No matter the space our team of passionate builders will create the perfect outdoor living space to suit your lifestyle desires. ​Whether you're updating an existing Feature or embarking on an entirely new project our team will help guide you through the journey. Here's the "BeeTeam"! With many years of experience in building the perfect outdoor living spaces. Josh's creativity is displayed throughout many of the areas landscapes. Graduated WVU with a Bachelor's in Landscape Architeture. Passonate about the Landscape & Water Feature Industries. Believes we can create the perfect space for anyone! The youngest on the team, Mason has been lending his service to Landscaping for several years.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
We are getting ready for what we anticipate will be a severe weather event that could bring up to 12 inches of snow with gusts of 40 mph winds, accompanied by sub 20-degree temperatures. Also monitor the weather and road conditions by following the National Weather Service-Pendleton and Washington Department of Transportation. Be safe, dress warmly to avoid hyperthermia and frostbite, and be prepared. Learn more about how to prepare for snowstorms and extreme cold. Additional resources include winter driving safety and knowing what to do before, during and after extreme weather.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Q: High CPU usage in Magento Enterprise 1.12 We are experiencing very high CPU usage in magento. The Process are listed as php. If a single user visit the website homepage CPU spikes to 30-40%. We tried fresh magento installation with nothing in the database but it still does the same. We have PHP 5 with PHP 5 Handler Suphp. We are on dedicated server with remote mysql. Is it normal? Steve Edited I have now switched to Nginx and noticed that the website is super fast and the CPU usage is down to 1/4 of what it used to be with Apache. Now working to install Varnish for even better speed. My recommendation for everyone out there is to move to Nginx without wasting time. A: Magento can be very intensive, it would depend on the specs of your server on how much strain you would get as a percentage. Once you enable caching, and add in something like APC / EAccelerator it should drop a bit though. A Good solution would be to scrap SuPHP and Apache and use Nginx as your webserver, this will greatly reduce the memory footprint and CPU load on your server. Alternatively you can look into adding Varnish or Squid caching proxies which would also reduce CPU load by quite a bit.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
October 16, 2014 - Updated on January 20, 2016 Confusion about Iraqi journalist's reported death in Mosul Contradictory information has been circulating since 13 October about Mohanad Al-Aqidi, an Iraqi journalist thought to be held by the Jihadi group Islamic State in Mosul (in Nineveh province). Many local media reported on 13 October that Islamic State had killed him. But other sources insisted the next day that he was still alive. The reports of Mohanad Al-Aqidi's death spread very rapidly in Iraq on 13 October. Several sources in Baghdad and Mosul confirmed his death to Reporters Without Borders and other NGOs and news media, saying Islamic State had shot him several times in the head in Mosul's Al-Ghazlani camp. The information was also confirmed by a Kurdistan Democratic Party spokesman, a medical centre and a source close to the journalist who does not want to be identified. They said the body had been given to the family, and that the body bore the marks of torture as well as what appeared to be three gunshot wounds to the head. Local media even expressed outrage that Islamic State had forbidden any mourning ceremony by the family. However, the next morning, several local media reported that Al-Aqidi's family had denied that he had been killed. These media said the family had asked news organizations to stop reporting his death in order to not put him in any further danger, as Islamic State is still apparently holding him. It is currently very hard to get any reliable information from either Iraq or Syria. This example of contradictory information demonstrates the difficulty or even impossibility for journalists to work. These regions are "news black holes" that block the free flow of information and keep the world in the dark about the reality on the ground in territory controlled by Islamic State. Reporters Without Borders is still trying to establish the fate of several journalists in these occupied regions. Follow the news on Iraq RSF's 2020 Round-up: 50 journalists killed, two-thirds in countries "at peace" Iraq : Wave of arrests of journalists covering protests in Iraqi Kurdistan Iraq : RSF and MRG ask UN experts to press for Kurdish journalist's release December 1, 2020 Find out more Subscribe to the newsletter: Iraq
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
When Michelle Xue first participated in SunPower's 2013 Summer Solar Energy Academy as a high school sophomore in San Ramon, Calif., she solidified her passion for sustainability. In this intense 40-hour work-based summer program students learn how to become solar entrepreneurs. Coached by teachers and solar professionals, they learn the engineering, project management and economic aspects of designing a solar energy system. Using industry tools, they build and test mini solar systems. All of the activities contribute to the student teams' capstone project, which is presented to a panel of judges on the final day. Now a sophomore at Georgetown University, Xue continues to further her interest in sustainability both on and off campus. Since her first Solar Energy Academy, she has been hired as a teacher assistant and intern with the program, and each year she has taken on additional responsibilities. Last summer, Xue returned to work with SunPower at three of the four Bay Area Solar Energy Academies on the management team. This time she helped define, plan and manage the integration of sustainability practices and education for all participants. In this new role, Xue applied her passion for "green" practices and learned how to effectively implement ideas, honing her management and communication skills. The Solar Energy Academy, offered to school districts that go solar with SunPower, is a flagship program of the SunPower Horizons™ Program, SunPower's innovative science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) educational services. More than 1,400 students and 86 teachers have participated since the summer academy was launched in 2010. This past summer students said highlights included learning about communicating, organizing, math computations, applied technology and understanding of workplace ethics, etiquette and practices. You can meet some of those students at SunPower's booth this Thursday and Friday at the California School Boards Association's 2016 Annual Education Conference and Trade Show in San Francisco and hear about their experiences learning about the solar industry. We hope to see you there! Want to learn more about how you can help your school go solar and take advantage of the SunPower Horizons Program? Visit us.sunpower.com/horizons or email horizons@sunpower.com for information.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Q: Recording a sound looks ok but playing back doesn't work The following code is supposed to record audio and then play it back. Everything is probably fine with recording, but it doesn't play back. Did anyone encounter the same problems or does anyone know what could I do to fix this code? var filename="/audioFile.caf" var soundRecorder:AVAudioRecorder! var soundPlayer:AVAudioPlayer! override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() self.setupRecorder() } func setupRecorder() { let recordSettings = [AVSampleRateKey : NSNumber(float: Float(44100.0)), AVFormatIDKey : NSNumber(int: Int32(kAudioFormatMPEG4AAC)), AVNumberOfChannelsKey : NSNumber(int: 1), AVEncoderAudioQualityKey : NSNumber(int: Int32(AVAudioQuality.Medium.rawValue)), AVEncoderBitRateKey : NSNumber(int: Int32(320000))] var error:NSError? do { soundRecorder=try AVAudioRecorder(URL: getFileURL(), settings: recordSettings) soundRecorder.delegate=self soundRecorder.prepareToRecord() } catch { } } func getCacheDictionary() -> String { let paths=NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSSearchPathDirectory.DocumentDirectory, NSSearchPathDomainMask.UserDomainMask, true) return paths[0] } func getFileURL() -> NSURL { let path=getCacheDictionary().stringByAppendingString(filename) let filePath=NSURL(fileURLWithPath: path) return filePath } @IBAction func recordingButton(sender: UIButton) { soundRecorder.record() } @IBAction func Play(sender: AnyObject) { do { soundPlayer=try AVAudioPlayer(contentsOfURL: getFileURL()) soundPlayer.delegate=self soundPlayer.prepareToPlay() soundPlayer.play() } catch { } } @IBAction func PauseRecording(sender: AnyObject) { soundRecorder.pause() } A: You have to stop the recorder (close the sound file) before playing. in @IBAction func Play(sender: AnyObject), ad this at the top: soundRecoreder.stop() This is from the abstract of the stop method from the documentation: Stops recording and closes the audio file.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
Contact us if you have any requirement for our weather stripping custom applications. We are always available to answer your questions. Call us today! We at Weather Stripping Guys in Mammoth, AZ are waiting for your call.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
The Delaware County Commissioners are seeking applications to fill current DCBDD Board Member, Jeffrey Wallace's seat. After 11 years of dedicated service, Jeffrey has resigned his position on the board effective February 28. We greatly appreciate Jeffrey's dedication and support to the Delaware County Board of Developmental Disabilities.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
2019-2020 Season Now on Sale! Subscriptions for the 2018-19 Season are now available now! The Main Stage series represents fan favorites and the very best of grand opera, and the detour Series returns with its "daring spirit" Save money and get perks by subscribing today. Our new ScholasTIX fund will provide bus transportation to Student Night at the Opera for students grades 3-12 and underwrite the cost of tickets for college students eager to attend opera performances. Please make a year-end tax-deductible donation to ScholasTIX! San Diego Opera is seeking participants for OPERA HACK: a two-day cross-collaborative event for music/theater and technology experts to gather, brainstorm, and discover new methods for live performance. Made possible by an OPERA America Innovation Grant, supported by the Ann and Gordon Getty Foundation. Sponsored by the Microsoft Corporation. July 27 & 28, 2019.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
ALLIANCE DEMANDS A 'WHITTLESEA A YEAR' TO END VICTORIA'S HOUSING CRISIS Posted on October 24, 2018 January 29, 2019 by VPTA Victoria must build 3,000 public and community housing properties—the equivalent of a new Whittlesea—each year for the next decade to tackle the state's out-of-control social housing waiting list. More than 82,000 Victorians are currently waiting to be housed in public or community housing. Unless the government takes action, many have no hope of getting off the waiting list and into a home. An alliance of housing and homelessness bodies, charities and social service organisations recently united to sign The Whittlesea Declaration; calling on the Victorian Government to build the equivalent of at least 'one new Whittlesea' each year to stop the list blowing out further. The Whittlesea Declaration forms part of the national Everybody's Home campaign. "Victoria needs an ambitious social housing building program to provide a roof to those most in need," the alliance says. "Thousands of people are languishing on the streets, in rooming houses, in overcrowded flats or on friends' couches. It is simply not good enough." Victoria has the lowest rate of social housing in Australia with just 3.5% of dwellings being social housing. This is despite greater Melbourne boasting nearly 200 hectares of government-owned land that could host 30,000 homes, according to University of Melbourne researchers. The Victorian Government's own infrastructure advisory body, Infrastructure Victoria, has described the delivery of 30,000 new affordable dwellings over the next decade as "an achievable and significant response" to the state's housing crisis. The alliance is also urging the Victorian Government to: COMPEL developers to include social housing in big projects UPDATE housing standards to ensure new homes are age and disability-friendly REPLACE stamp duty with a fair and progressive land tax END homelessness by focusing early intervention and supporting people in transition ESTABLISH a Housing Ombudsman SET safe, secure and livable standards for rental homes. Signatories to The Whittlesea Declaration are the Council to Homeless Persons, the Victorian Council of Social Service, the Community Housing Industry Association Victoria, the Victorian Public Tenants Association, Tenants Victoria, Domestic Violence Victoria and Justice Connect. Click here to read the signed Declaration. And click here to sign the petition calling for more public and community housing for Victorians. Jenny Smith, Council to Homeless Persons: "Homelessness doesn't happen by accident; it is a direct result of a lack of housing for people on low incomes. Housing and homelessness are two sides of the same political coin. Until we see major investment in social housing, homelessness will continue to rise." Emma King, Victorian Council of Social Service: "Giving somebody a safe, secure and affordable home is the best weapon we have in the fight against poverty. Having a roof over your head helps you overcome all the other challenges in your life. An urgent escalation in the provision of social housing must be a top priority for Victoria." Mark Feenane, Victorian Public Tenants Association: "It's nearly impossible now to get into public housing, with more than 82,000 Victorians on the waiting list and little to no new allocations. Public housing has been neglected for too long – as a proudly progressive state, our leaders must do more to renew our ageing stock and build more homes for Victorians in need." Lesley Dredge, Community Housing Industry Association Victoria: "The community housing sector is well-placed to partner with government and industry on the delivery of high quality, affordable housing, at a significantly lower cost than the private sector, to maximise the outcomes for those in need." Fiona McCormack, Domestic Violence Victoria: "Family violence is the biggest driver of homelessness in Australia. More than one third of women who access homelessness services are doing so because they are escaping family violence. A lack of affordable housing is one of the key reasons behind why women are having to choose between homelessness or returning to the perpetrators of violence." Chris Povey, Justice Connect: "At Justice Connect, we see people who have been left behind by the justice system, including people experiencing or at risk of homelessness. All too often their problems are connected to family violence, elder abuse, financial exploitation, mental health and more. Providing safe and affordable housing is a fundamental step in giving people a fair chance at a better life." Mark O'Brien, Tenants Victoria: "Recent changes to tenancy law are welcome but we also need a robust supply of social housing as an alternative for low-income households for whom the private rental market remains insecure and unaffordable. Only stable and affordable social housing will enhance social and economic participation for these vulnerable Victorians. FIRST COMMITMENT TO BIG PUBLIC HOUSING BUILD IN DECADES PUBLIC HOUSING VOLUNTEER AWARDS NOW OPEN
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Kate is a gorgeous senior who is graduating this upcoming spring! I had the privilege of taking her senior photos not too long ago at Hartwood Acres Mansion - which is quite the popular spot for my seniors this summer (for good reason!). With so many backdrops to choose from and with Kate's lovely outfits, her senior photos were a breeze! We had so much fun working with you, Kate! Congratulations on your senior year!
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
The Lebanese guitar virtuoso based in Dubai has broken yet another barrier in his career, after he released his new single LOW with an amazing animated music video, making it one of his most successful singles to date. Jay will be having 2 shows in the city of angels Los Angeles at the Viper Room on April 24th and at Global Rock Summit on April 25th. Also, Jay will be running for those who can't during the worldwide event "Wings For Life World Run" that is taking place in 36 countries, and this year, Dubai will have its share on the 3rd of May. A full interview with Jay will be published in Metal Bell's 7th issue that will be released soon, stay tuned.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
New Social Innovation Hub Opens! New Social Innovation Hub gives Jane and Finch students a space to call their own York University students from the Jane and Finch neighbourhood have been voicing a need for a place of their own on campus, to gather, build stronger connections with each other, foster mentorship, share resources and continue to build their leadership skills. That's how the new Jane Finch Student Innovation Hub, designed for and by the students whose unique needs it serves, was born. Launched on Jan. 30 at an event attended by faculty, staff, partners and members of the community, the hub will provide students with access to study groups, tutoring, information workshops and trips, all with an eye to helping them navigate the academic, social and administrative elements of university life. The hub, located in the Centre for Public Sociology in Ross Building (N141) at Keele Campus, is a result of a partnership between York University Faculty Association's (YUFA) Community Projects Committee, the Resource Centre for Public Sociology, Success Beyond Limits and the Department of Sociology at York. It builds on the work of Success Beyond Limits and York University – TD Community Engagement Centre's First Year Network which focuses on supporting youth in their transition from high school to post-secondary education. Lorna Erwin, Co-Chair of YUFA Community Projects, spearheaded the initiative to bring together the partners to collaborate to develop the hub. The new space will help students with a range of academic supports and help incoming students navigate university life. "Through the support of our partners we finally have a space on campus that is dedicated to supporting the transition and leadership abilities of students form our local high schools," said Talisha Ramsaroop, Community Project Coordinator with the TD Community Engagement Centre. "I'm excited to see the new opportunities and innovative ideas that will grow out of the space." Khadar Hilowle, is a forth-year history major at York University and the Jane Finch Innovation Hub Coordinator. He was motivated to take on a mentorship role because he remembers the challenges he faced as a new student. "It's kind of like a pay it forward, because when I came to York University, my first year, I had a lot of help because my sisters came here beforehand, and I was able to tap into the resources that they had," he said. To learn more about getting involved with the Jane Finch Social Innovation Hub, contact the York University – TD Community Engagement Centre's Community Projects coordinator Talisha Ramsaroop or Success Beyond Limits Executive Director Mohamed Ahmed. A full calendar of events organized by the York University – TD Community Engagement Centre can be found on the centre's website. Visit York's community engagement website to discover the many ways York University engages and serves the community. Read Full Article by clicking HERE successBLNew Social Innovation Hub Opens! 02.12.2020
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
About CURC CURC Activities The CURC Vision for Technology CURC News "Getting to Net-Zero" Briefing Series CURC-EPRI Advanced Fossil Energy Technology Roadmap Making Carbon a Commodity: The Potential of Carbon Capture RD&D Approaches for International Collaboration and Financing of CCUS Pilot Projects CURC Helps Secure Carbon Sequestration Tax Credit The Carbon Utilization Resource Council (CURC) is pleased to announce the enactment S. 1535, the Furthering carbon capture, Utilization, Technology, Underground storage, and Reduced Emissions (FUTURE) Act, which extends and expands the Section 45Q carbon sequestration tax credits. The bill was included in the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018, which was passed by Congress today. This important result is the culmination of a leadership deal on tax extenders spanning many months and supported by CURC for several years. Nearly a decade ago, CURC was among the primary advocates and supporters of the original 45Q carbon sequestration tax credit enacted by Congress in 2008, and has worked since then to strengthen and extend the credit. CURC salutes Senators Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND), Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV), Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) and John Barrasso (R-WY) for their leadership and fortitude in passing the FUTURE Act. CURC's members – which include many of the coal companies and power generators that can utilize the expanded credit – were instrumental in supporting these Senators as they sought to build an unprecedented bipartisan coalition to advance the legislation. CURC also applauds the leadership of Congressman Mike Conaway (R-TX), who introduced similar legislation in the House of Representatives, H.R. 3761, the "Carbon Capture Act", and Congressman David McKinley (R-WV), Chairman of the House Coal Caucus, for their leadership in gathering bipartisan support for Section 45Q reform in the House. Prior to enactment of the FUTURE Act, the Section 45Q tax credit was limited and did not meet the needs of the CURC members that wanted to use it. The revised tax credit will remove the uncertainty that currently exists in the program and encourage financial investment in carbon capture projects. "Power generators that want to maintain and preserve options for coal and natural gas as part of their energy portfolio cannot utilize the current Section 45Q tax credits. While carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) has been established for some industrial processes, it is still a relatively expensive technology that is just being tested in commercial-scale power projects", stated Barbara Walz, CURC co-chair and Senior Vice President of Policy and Compliance for Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association, Inc. "This bill provides the critical federal government support necessary to bring costs down and spur the development and deployment of CCUS projects." The overwhelming support and passage of the bill demonstrates that carbon capture is necessary to achieve our economic and energy security objectives while also safeguarding the environment. CURC believes this legislation is critical to help us reach those mutual goals, while also enabling the continued utilization of our valuable fossil fuel resources. Holly Krutka, CURC Co-Chair and Vice President Coal Generation and Emission Technologies, Peabody, said that "Peabody has long encouraged high-efficiency, low-emissions (HELE) technologies along with greater investments in CCUS. While the world has been investing in HELE technologies, not nearly enough investments are being channeled to CCUS. This bill is a step toward changing that paradigm for the better." CURC was joined by the National Enhanced Oil Recovery Initiative (NEORI) coalition in 2016 to enhance support for an expanded 45Q tax credit program that would make all industrial sources of CO2 eligible for the tax credit. "Members of CURC recognize deployment of CCUS extends beyond the electric power sector and were pleased to work with NEORI and other NGOs including ClearPath and Third Way to grow support for CCUS technology deployment policies" states Shannon Angielski, Executive Director of CURC. We wish to congratulate the bipartisan cosponsors of the Section 45Q legislation and CURC's members who worked tirelessly over the last two years to enact these important reforms that will help bring CCUS projects on industrial facilities and electric generating plants to fruition. For more background on the Section 45Q tax credit, click here. For a comparison of the FUTURE Act to prior enacted law, click here. To view CURC's membership, click here. The Carbon Utilization Research Council (CURC) is an industry coalition focused on technology solutions for the responsible use of our fossil energy resources in a balanced portfolio to support our nation's need for secure, reliable and affordable energy. Created in 1998, CURC serves as an industry voice and advocate by identifying technology pathways that enable the nation to enjoy the benefits of abundant and low cost fossil fuels in a manner compatible with societal energy needs and goals. © 2023 Carbon Utilization Research Council (CURC) • 1050 Thomas Jefferson Street, NW • Washington DC 20007 • (202) 298-1848 • curc@vnf.com
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Memorial University Libraries has finalized a list of journal subscriptions it will retain from the Taylor and Francis journal package for 2017. Drawing on consultation with faculty, instructors, students and university administration, as well as library expertise, Memorial University Libraries is continuing its cost containment efforts by cancelling "big deal" journal packages and re-purchasing individual titles. A weak Canadian dollar and rising publisher costs continue to plague academic libraries across Canada as they struggle within purchasing models that are no longer sustainable. The Taylor and Francis journal package has doubled in price since 2010-11; 40 per cent of the journals included in the package were used five times or less annually in the last three years. "We are one of many libraries in this situation," said Susan Cleyle, university librarian. Memorial University Libraries will invest approximately $300,000 to retain 146 journals of the 2,300 included in the Taylor and Francis Journal Package. Access to 1,121 of the cancelled journals will be available through significantly less expensive intermediary companies with the current content embargoed. Any articles that are not in the library collection can be accessed through a digital document delivery service that takes an average of two business days. Memorial currently subscribes to approximately 75,000 journals. As this new purchasing model takes shape, academic units will be encouraged to contact Memorial University Libraries to request specific articles they require for their teaching and research in 2017. This feedback will be critical as Memorial University Libraries works toward protecting the journals that are integral to the university. "We want to express our deep appreciation to the academic units for their respectful and thoughtful approach to this difficult situation," Ms. Cleyle said. More information about the 2015-17 journal subscription consultations can be found here.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
of information, please let me know and I will work with you. Please browse the attached form for the garment to suit your needs. If you do not find it, please don't hesitate to ask! If I can find a photo, drawing or other reference, generally I can produce the garment. All quoted costs are for construction only, I EXCLUDE fabric, buttons and other notions. These can be supplied by the client or I will provide at my cost plus 20%. Quoted cost includes machine topstitching and buttonholes or hand worked topstitching and buttonholes available for additional fee. Make it and Take it- Get a group together and have some fun! Six person minimum, no workshop fee for hostess. Cost includes workshop expenses only. Location and lodging/meals for participants extra. Check with me for details.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
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{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
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{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Cheese Making – Make Fresh Mozzarella at Home: March 1st. This hands-on class will introduce you to making mozzarella cheese at home. We will review the step-by-step process of making mozzarella from scratch in as little as 30-minutes. The class will provide everything you need to know to start making cheese at home. Class is family friendly.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Q: Using KNSemiModal or MJPopUpView with storyboard Whenever I try and dismiss the semi modal view, I am left with a crashed app. I think I've properly set up the dismiss modal view but it doesn't seem to be working. Here's what it looks like in the demo app using XIB files: MJDetailViewController *detailViewController = [[MJDetailViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"MJDetailViewController" bundle:nil]; [self presentPopupViewController:detailViewController animationType:MJPopupViewAnimationSlideBottomBottom]; Here's what I am trying to replace it with: [self presentPopupViewController:[self.storyboard instantiateViewCOntrollerWithIdentifier:@"example"] animationType:MJPopupViewAnimationSlideBottomBottom]; The [self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:NSString] doesn't seem to be replacing the instWithNib (or whatever function that is) properly. Any ideas why? A: I did something similar. I would just delete all the init methods in MJDetailViewController and also added "example" in the 'Storyboard ID' attribute of identity inspector then called [self presentPopupViewController:[self.storyboard instantiateViewCOntrollerWithIdentifier:@"example"] animationType:MJPopupViewAnimationSlideBottomBottom];
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
Q: Merge Oracle groups output into 1 single row as final result In the following select: select col1, count(1) from test_db.new_arch where name like 'DATA1%' or name like 'DUAL%' group by col1 the results will be ... DATA1 10 DUAL2 11 I would like to merge them to make them look like this: DB_QUERY1 21 Is that possible? A: Remove the group by to get an aggregation of one row for the entire result set: select 'DB_QUERY1', count(1) from test_db.new_arch where name like 'DATA1%' or name like 'DUAL%';
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
Rhinebeck's flourishing arts and culture scene embraces music, dance, theatre, independent film and Fairground festivals. Hiking and biking trails beckon outdoor enthusiasts. Independent Retail is alive and well in Rhinebeck with over 40 speciality shops clustered in the heart of the tree lined village. Rest and rejuvenate at one of Rhinebeck's lovely B&B's, Spa and Boutique Hotels or Country Inns. Welcome to Rhinebeck, a charming, historic town nestled in New York's scenic Hudson Valley. Located just east of the Hudson River, with its majestic views of the Catskill Mountains, Rhinebeck is easily accessible to New York City, the Berkshires, Connecticut and Upstate New York. Tree-lined streets beckon with unique independent specialty shops offering apparel, home furnishings, books and gifts. The many fine and casual dining spots celebrate the Hudson Valley's thriving locavore movement of boutique farms and orchards. Hotels, spas and B&Bs offer comfortable accommodations for rest and rejuvenation. Rhinebeck is a cultural mecca boasting galleries, museums, performing arts, independent film, and historic homes and architecture. Hiking and biking trails provide outdoor enthusiasts places to explore the natural beauty of the region. Come visit – Rhinebeck has it all! If you are a Rhinebeck business owner, please use this form to contact Enjoy Rhinebeck for information about becoming a member of our organization. Please do not use this form to submit questions about services, products, or accommodations provided by our members. Private contact information for each of our Members can be found through our Membership Directory. If you would like to receive Enjoy Rhinebeck maps and brochures, please indicate how many and your mailing address in the "Message" box.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Data is from the September 2017 BBC Newsbeat study conducted by Ipsos MORI. 3,007 UK internet users ages 16-65 were surveyed online during August 24-September 4, 2017. Data has been weighted by age, gender and social grade to ensure a sample representative of the UK online population profile.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Tim joined the Society in March 2016 as a Mortgage Consultant offering advice to new and existing customers on a wide range of mortgage products. He has worked in the banking industry for four years and in Mortgages for one year. Previous roles include being a Financial Consultant and a Personal Banking Manager for Lloyds Banking Group. He is fully CeMap qualified and looking to take additional qualifications in the near future. Tim has a young family and spends a lot of his spare time on family days out. His other interests include having a big passion for football (he's a Man United fan), playing squash and travelling to new and interesting places.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
We report on what we believe is the first demonstration of laser-induced f luorescence (LIF) in f lames by use of diode lasers. Indium atoms seeded into an atmospheric-pressure f lame at trace concentrations are excited by a blue GaN laser operating near 410 nm. The laser is mounted in an external-cavity configuration, and the hyperfine spectrum of the 52P1/2 ! 62S1/2 transition is captured at high resolution in single-wavelength sweeps lasting less than one tenth of a second. The research demonstrates the potential of diode-based LIF for practical diagnostics of high-temperature reactive f lows.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
No Ripcord | Independent Music & Film Magazine The Walkmen Heaven (Fat Possum) Buy it from Insound If one were to infer that maturity could be measured in any way, then the time usually comes in that period in your life after your physical growth has stopped and you are fully developed. For all intents and purposes, it's relative. When looking at it from the perspective of grown men, he reaches maturity when he appears to be the embodiment of perfection in some very specific criteria. Or at least that's what the GQ style bible teaches us. Weighing success and failure is paramount to make that assertion – become an educated, respectful gentleman, meet a money-oriented quota that's needed to lay claim to that success, and be an avid sports enthusiast (but refrain from wearing a jersey in public, because that just makes you look like a man baby). As the saying goes, "look sharp, live smart." Now, when a band reaches maturity is a whole different question. The Walkmen started as four elegantly attired New Yorkers who were experiencing a situational maturity. As the promotional video for Wake Up shows, there's four lads banging a skewed garage tune in a dimly lit shoddy basement, looking prim with their cashmere sweaters instead of fanning themselves persistently, which would've made more sense considering the setting. They've come a long way from opposing the Julian Casablancas stature of cool, plotting their next career move in the back of an alleyway while The Strokes were being eyed by celebrities and taking cues from hip filmmakers like Roman Coppola. They ultimately made the wrong choice, becoming that of a music critics' prime cut instead of an impulsive fast food urge. It's even rather illogical that the Walkmen are still being touted as a commercial prospect when the band already feel like winners. That workmanlike persistence has paid off in spades, staying true to themselves and increasingly gaining more fans by just making a committed body of work. Heaven places them at a very good place, indeed. Surely, they've got nothing else to prove, but it also means they've got nothing new to prove. Every scraggly riff and doleful ballad that's marred their trajectory has lighted that barren pathway to creative eminence, finally reaching a desirable state of contentment. As a finely laced melody veils We Can't Be Beat, frontman Hamilton Leithauser elevates his vocals before a folksy canticle breaks forth, and he goes on to declare: the world is ours/we can't be beat. That feeling of being at ease permeates throughout, as if the sound of a calm water flow were to rinse a tired old soul. Southern Heart murmurs a barely audible acoustic note, in which Leitheuser reflects on an unrequited attraction. It closely follows the similarly patterned Line by Line, a drifting tune set over a cascading, finger-picked guitar part that's subtly embellished with an airy string arrangement until it reaches its destined place. Both are sequenced as part of a middle section that languishes, even more so than the masterfully evocative You & Me, surprisingly retaining those shades of uncertainty that occasionally manage to slip through even the most trusting. A song like Love is Luck is about living through a compassionate love, in which the flame of passion has been doused and all the mystery has been lost. Looking at it from the standpoint that all the members are presently married, and merrily so, it shows how there's an added layer of depth albeit the beaming chirpiness it conveys. Which demonstrates how Heaven may be one of the Walkmen's more detached efforts thus far. For a band that's been exercising their rollicking sway with a deft ear, it's a shame that there's only space for one real heart tugger, like in No One Ever Sleeps – it has the same striking sophistication of a Pat Boone ballad, with a clean, flapping guitar progression that rolls down a tear with every minor pick. These slow, more solemn moments, while some are regurgitated straight out of Lisbon(surf guitars, calypso and doo wop are all reprised), are improved upon and with a tender, more adept tact. But, this being a Phil Ek produced record, it eats away some of the Walkmen's best songs with a couple of tepid, midtempo numbers that are polished to the most excessive glare finish. Heaven may go down in history as the nexus of all the goals The Walkmen have set out to achieve ever since they started. Currently in celebratory mode for withstanding a decade together, there's no doubt that it was painstakingly processed, inch-by-inch, with a great amount of care and detail. In giving half of the focus of the album to effectuate a propulsive, grandstanding responsiveness, it disregards any thematic core, an attribute they've been quietly perfecting with each succeeding release. On the whole, maturity in the music biz means taking the middle of the road, building a cash flow for the long haul. The Walkmen may take that advice to account after all this maturity talk, but there's enough evidence to conclude that they'll still think of novel ways to build a whole new record around a reverberated guitar. 6 June, 2012 - 20:22 — Juan Edgardo Rodriguez Related Music Reviews The Walkmen - Lisbon The Walkmen - Bows and Arrows Purple Mountains - Purple Mountains Kate Tempest - The Book of Traps and Lessons Freddie Gibbs & Madlib - Bandana Chuck Mead - Close to Home Bill Callahan - Shepherd in a Sheepskin Vest More Music Reviews Latest Music Features Quick Takes (May 2019) Quick Takes (March/April 2019) Lady Lamb (Interview) Quick Takes (February 2019) More Music Features Brightburn (David Yarovesky) Under the Silver Lake (David Robert Mitchell) 20th Century Women (Mike Mills) Latest Film/TV Features A Primer to the films in Competition at the 72nd Festival de Cannes The films of 2017 South Korean Thrillers More Film/TV Features Noripcord.com Facebook Group Noripcord.com Twitter Account Noripcord.com magazine on Myspace All content © Copyright 1999-2019 No Ripcord | Terms & Conditions | Design by ConnectionCube.com | Website development by Ronny López
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Say hello to one of the most important travel corridors of eastern Nashville. Starting with Donelson, this neighborhood is named after one of Nashville's co-founders, John Donelson, who was also known for being the father-in-law of former U.S. president Andrew Jackson. A few miles east of Donelson you will find the charming suburban neighborhood of Hermitage, which was named in honor of Jackson's longtime plantation estate, The Hermitage. Farther along this eastern corridor is Mt. Juliet, a newer, retail-centric suburban city that is called home by 28,000 people. Each of these areas offers distinct cultural attractions, commercial centers and recreational opportunities. One of the most notable draws to the Donelson area is the Grand Ole Opry, which moved to the area in 1974 after leaving the historic Ryman Auditorium. Today, the main Grand Ole Opry building is surrounded by the Opry Mills shopping mall and the Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Center. On the south side of Donelson is the Nashville International Airport, which gives the neighborhood the distinct honor of providing the city's first impression to visitors. Moving beyond Donelson, Hermitage's proximity to several major bodies of water, including the Cumberland River, Stones River and the J Percy Priest Reservoir, make the neighborhood ideal for people who love nature and water sports. Further east, Mt. Juliet is distinguished as a suburban destination for shopping. Some of the nation's biggest retail, dining and theatre chains can be found through the city's multiple commercial developments. Of course, it's also nice to get some fresh air, and Mt. Juliet has a lot of it! There are five public parks within the city, as well as three state parks located just a half hour away. Home prices in this cluster of neighborhoods are among the most affordable in the metro Nashville area, with median sales prices ranging from $150,000 to $300,000. Like many early post-war suburbs, you'll find a lot of mid-century brick ranches in Donelson, but more modern infill developments are beginning to pop up as more people invest in the area. Farther east in Hermitage and Mt. Juliet, homes tend to be newer suburban tract constructions, with a handful of denser apartment and townhome dwellings situated near commercial developments. Donelson and Hermitage are served by Metro Nashville Public Schools' expansive McGavock cluster, which features a pathway of 10 elementary schools and 4 middle schools ultimately leading to McGavock High School. Meanwhile, students in Mt. Juliet attend Wilson County Schools, namely Mt. Juliet Elementary School, Mt. Juliet Middle School and Mt. Juliet High School. Life in Donelson/Hermitage/Mt. Juliet With Music City Star train stations all along the eastern corridor extending from Donelson through Mt. Juliet and beyond, these affordable suburban neighborhoods are perfect for any Nashville commuter who prefers taking public transportation over sitting in traffic. Local Hot Spots Best Indoor Entertainment – Veloce Indoor Speedway Best Family Attraction – Nashville Shores Lakeside Resort Best Park – Charlie Daniels Park Homes for Sale in Donelson/Hermitage/Mt. Juliet 1123 Brookstone Blvd Mount Juliet, Tennessee 37122 97 FAIRWAY DRIVE 6092 Hagars Grove Pass Hermitage, Tennessee 37076 5011 Bonnawell Dr 2817 Colonial Cir 1040 Charlie Daniels Pkwy # 113 1301 Neelys Bend Rd # 29 #29 Madison, Tennessee 37115 591 Thomas Jefferson Cir $2,750/month 209 Reed Court 8312 Luree Lane 1033 Pleasant View Drive 612 Due West Ave 1 2 3 4 5 ... 173 Next > Thompson's Station/Spring Hill
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Minimize the download size for updates. Presto uses delta rpms. These delta rpms are quite small in size (eg few kbs instead of 15 MB for firefox 3.5). These delta rpms are used to re-create the original rpm and this is completely transparent to the end user. So, next time when you update with the plugin installed you will see the difference in the download size. Author Amit AgarwalPosted on February 10, 2010 Categories Fedora, LinuxTags delta rpm, Fedora, presto, update1 Comment on Minimize the download size for updates. Top 10 most ridiculous Windows Vista error messages – priceless though!!! possible that you may have already seen these error messages more than once and may well probably be fed up with them! Author Amit AgarwalPosted on February 10, 2010 Categories LinuxTags Error message, Microsoft, Microsoft Windows, Operating system, Windows, Windows Vista, Windows XP6 Comments on Top 10 most ridiculous Windows Vista error messages – priceless though!!! Openoffice.org and/or Excel useful tips. 1) Find the value of the cell whose number is stored in another cell. You can use the indirect function. 2) Indirect reference with some constant values. Though I knew this but needed something to put on the post. I am quite lazy in writing so here\'s something that is already available elsewhere. Here. 4) Avoid increment in cell id when doing copy paste. Why would you want that.. your choice, I need in case of indirect function and for dragging the cells down. Add the following code tho the new Basic module. Array function =SHEETLIST() [Ctrl+Shift+Enter] puts a horizontal list of sheet names. =TRANSPOSE(SHEETLIST()) does the trick vertically. The above is taken from here and provided by Villeroy. Author Amit AgarwalPosted on February 10, 2010 Categories Fedora, Learning, Linux2 Comments on Openoffice.org and/or Excel useful tips.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
The following are some interview questions for system administrator. netstat tool can be used for the purpose. DHCP is a TCP/IP protocol. So it would be compatible and the Windows system would receive IP address from the Linux server. 3. Name two web servers which can be installed on Windows and Linux respectively. A port scanner can be used for the purpose. nmap would be an ideal choice. Proxy server and NAT can be used for the purpose. 7. Users on the LAN are complaining that the internet is not working. They are able to ping the IP address of servers on the internet but not using the domain name. What could be the possible reason. The PC of the user may not be configured with the IP address of the DNS server due to which DNS resolution is not working. Setup FTP server on a Linux or Windows system. Download and install FTP clients on the systems which require access to the server. The files can be uploaded or downloaded using the FTP clients to the server. The IP address of the server on which tcpipguru.com is hosted responds. 10. Which port should be opened on a firewall to access a SSH server which is set up behind it. SSH servers work on TCP port 22, which should be opened on a firewall.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Two possibilities to accumulate photosensitizing drugs at the surface of cultured tumor cells were exploited: biotinylation of the cell surface followed by avidin and dibiotin, and reaction with a biotinylated antibody followed by avidin and biotinylated sulfophthalocyanin. Both reactions were performed successfully. The latter leads to enhanced phototoxicity of the accumulated drug.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Medical devices, such as pacemakers and hip replacements, have the potential to prolong life, restore mobility, prevent illness and heal a wide variety of injuries. But when those devices malfunction or fail, they may cause injuries that are far more debilitating than the condition they were intended to cure. To prevent dangerous or ineffective medical products from harming the public, medical device manufacturers are subject to strict rules and regulations. If a manufacturer failed in its duty to provide a safe medical device, and a person is injured as a result, it is possible to recover financial compensation (damages) from the device manufacturer. There are many types of medical devices. A medical device can be something as simple as an electric toothbrush or as complicated as a laser surgical instrument. Medical devices include things that are implanted in the body, such as hip or knee replacement, heart defibrillators, pacemakers, IVC filters, insulin pumps, heart stents, cosmetic implants and transvaginal mesh. Robotic surgical machines and diagnostic machines also fall under the category of medical devices. Because of the potentially devastating consequences of poorly designed or poorly made medical devices, manufacturers are subject to strict rules and regulations. Failure to meet those strict standards could be the basis for a product liability lawsuit against the device manufacturer. The goal of a product liability lawsuit is to hold a medical device manufacturer financially responsible (liable) for injuries or loss of life that occurred due to a defective medical device. Design. If the device was improperly designed and the design flaw resulted in injuries, the manufacturer could potentially be found liable for resulting injuries. Testing. Medical devices must be thoroughly tested. The FDA reviews the medical device company's test results and decides whether the potential benefits of the device outweigh any potential side effects or dangers. If a medical device company performed inadequate testing--or, worse, if it hid negative test results--it can potentially be found liable for resulting injuries. Manufacturing. A manufacturer can potentially be found liable for injuries resulting from a manufacturing defect. Even if the design was safe, defects may be introduced during the manufacturing process. For example, a manufacturer may try to save money by using low-quality materials that break down or degrade over time, or they may assemble device components incorrectly. Devices may also be contaminated with germs or hazardous substances during manufacturing. Warnings. Device manufacturers are also required to provide warnings about potential hazards, side effects or dangers associated with using their devices. If the manufacturer fails to do so and injuries occur as a result of that failure, the manufacturer could be held liable for the injuries. An experienced defective medical device attorney will review all the facts of your case and advise you regarding the best way to hold a device manufacturer responsible for failing to produce a safe and effective product. In order to successfully recover damages in a defective medical device case, generally, the injured party will need to prove that the device was defective and that the defect caused injuries. Proving that a device was defective requires in-depth knowledge of how devices are designed, manufactured and tested. Demonstrating a link between the device defect and resulting injuries also requires detailed medical knowledge. Patients may experience tremendous pain and suffering due to a defective medical device. They may be forced to go through multiple surgical procedures to repair or replace a defective device. They may miss work due to their injuries or become permanently unable to work due to their injuries. Defective medical devices can even result in wrongful death. If a manufacturer is found to be responsible for injuries or loss of life, the injured person or surviving family members may be able to recover damages. Damages include compensation for financial losses such as medical expenses and lost wages. Damages also include compensation for things like pain and suffering, fear and anxiety, mental anguish, loss of enjoyment of life and reduced quality of life. What should you do if you or a loved one have been injured by a defective medical device? Medical product lawsuits are some of the most complex types of personal injury cases. In order to recover the compensation you are due in a medical device case, it is important that you seek experienced, knowledgeable legal advice. You should not try to fight a medical device manufacturer on your own. Medical devices are a lucrative business. Device manufacturers will work very hard to show that they were not at fault and to prove that you don't deserve compensation for your injuries. An experienced defective device attorney can help you navigate this complex area of law and get the compensation you deserve. Contact the Hadden Law Firm today.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
using System.Globalization; using System.Text; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Headers; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Core; using Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives; namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Formatters; /// <summary> /// A media type value. /// </summary> public readonly struct MediaType { private static readonly StringSegment QualityParameter = new StringSegment("q"); private readonly ReadOnlyMediaTypeHeaderValue _mediaTypeHeaderValue; /// <summary> /// Initializes a <see cref="MediaType"/> instance. /// </summary> /// <param name="mediaType">The <see cref="string"/> with the media type.</param> public MediaType(string mediaType) : this(mediaType, 0, mediaType.Length) { } /// <summary> /// Initializes a <see cref="MediaType"/> instance. /// </summary> /// <param name="mediaType">The <see cref="StringSegment"/> with the media type.</param> public MediaType(StringSegment mediaType) : this(mediaType.Buffer ?? string.Empty, mediaType.Offset, mediaType.Length) { } /// <summary> /// Initializes a <see cref="MediaTypeParameterParser"/> instance. /// </summary> /// <param name="mediaType">The <see cref="string"/> with the media type.</param> /// <param name="offset">The offset in the <paramref name="mediaType"/> where the parsing starts.</param> /// <param name="length">The length of the media type to parse if provided.</param> public MediaType(string mediaType, int offset, int? length) { if (mediaType == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(mediaType)); } if (offset < 0 || offset >= mediaType.Length) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(offset)); } if (length != null) { if (length < 0 || length > mediaType.Length) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(length)); } if (offset > mediaType.Length - length) { throw new ArgumentException(Resources.FormatArgument_InvalidOffsetLength(nameof(offset), nameof(length))); } } _mediaTypeHeaderValue = new ReadOnlyMediaTypeHeaderValue(mediaType, offset, length); } /// <summary> /// Gets the type of the <see cref="MediaType"/>. /// </summary> /// <example> /// For the media type <c>"application/json"</c>, this property gives the value <c>"application"</c>. /// </example> public StringSegment Type => _mediaTypeHeaderValue.Type; /// <summary> /// Gets whether this <see cref="MediaType"/> matches all types. /// </summary> public bool MatchesAllTypes => _mediaTypeHeaderValue.MatchesAllTypes; /// <summary> /// Gets the subtype of the <see cref="MediaType"/>. /// </summary> /// <example> /// For the media type <c>"application/vnd.example+json"</c>, this property gives the value /// <c>"vnd.example+json"</c>. /// </example> public StringSegment SubType => _mediaTypeHeaderValue.SubType; /// <summary> /// Gets the subtype of the <see cref="MediaType"/>, excluding any structured syntax suffix. /// </summary> /// <example> /// For the media type <c>"application/vnd.example+json"</c>, this property gives the value /// <c>"vnd.example"</c>. /// </example> public StringSegment SubTypeWithoutSuffix => _mediaTypeHeaderValue.SubTypeWithoutSuffix; /// <summary> /// Gets the structured syntax suffix of the <see cref="MediaType"/> if it has one. /// </summary> /// <example> /// For the media type <c>"application/vnd.example+json"</c>, this property gives the value /// <c>"json"</c>. /// </example> public StringSegment SubTypeSuffix => _mediaTypeHeaderValue.SubTypeSuffix; /// <summary> /// Gets whether this <see cref="MediaType"/> matches all subtypes. /// </summary> /// <example> /// For the media type <c>"application/*"</c>, this property is <c>true</c>. /// </example> /// <example> /// For the media type <c>"application/json"</c>, this property is <c>false</c>. /// </example> public bool MatchesAllSubTypes => _mediaTypeHeaderValue.MatchesAllSubTypes; /// <summary> /// Gets whether this <see cref="MediaType"/> matches all subtypes, ignoring any structured syntax suffix. /// </summary> /// <example> /// For the media type <c>"application/*+json"</c>, this property is <c>true</c>. /// </example> /// <example> /// For the media type <c>"application/vnd.example+json"</c>, this property is <c>false</c>. /// </example> public bool MatchesAllSubTypesWithoutSuffix => _mediaTypeHeaderValue.MatchesAllSubTypesWithoutSuffix; /// <summary> /// Gets the <see cref="System.Text.Encoding"/> of the <see cref="MediaType"/> if it has one. /// </summary> public Encoding? Encoding => _mediaTypeHeaderValue.Encoding; /// <summary> /// Gets the charset parameter of the <see cref="MediaType"/> if it has one. /// </summary> public StringSegment Charset => _mediaTypeHeaderValue.Charset; /// <summary> /// Determines whether the current <see cref="MediaType"/> contains a wildcard. /// </summary> /// <returns> /// <c>true</c> if this <see cref="MediaType"/> contains a wildcard; otherwise <c>false</c>. /// </returns> public bool HasWildcard => _mediaTypeHeaderValue.HasWildcard; /// <summary> /// Determines whether the current <see cref="MediaType"/> is a subset of the <paramref name="set"/> /// <see cref="MediaType"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="set">The set <see cref="MediaType"/>.</param> /// <returns> /// <c>true</c> if this <see cref="MediaType"/> is a subset of <paramref name="set"/>; otherwise <c>false</c>. /// </returns> public bool IsSubsetOf(MediaType set) => _mediaTypeHeaderValue.IsSubsetOf(set._mediaTypeHeaderValue); /// <summary> /// Gets the parameter <paramref name="parameterName"/> of the media type. /// </summary> /// <param name="parameterName">The name of the parameter to retrieve.</param> /// <returns> /// The <see cref="StringSegment"/>for the given <paramref name="parameterName"/> if found; otherwise /// <c>null</c>. /// </returns> public StringSegment GetParameter(string parameterName) => _mediaTypeHeaderValue.GetParameter(parameterName); /// <summary> /// Gets the parameter <paramref name="parameterName"/> of the media type. /// </summary> /// <param name="parameterName">The name of the parameter to retrieve.</param> /// <returns> /// The <see cref="StringSegment"/>for the given <paramref name="parameterName"/> if found; otherwise /// <c>null</c>. /// </returns> public StringSegment GetParameter(StringSegment parameterName) => _mediaTypeHeaderValue.GetParameter(parameterName); /// <summary> /// Replaces the encoding of the given <paramref name="mediaType"/> with the provided /// <paramref name="encoding"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="mediaType">The media type whose encoding will be replaced.</param> /// <param name="encoding">The encoding that will replace the encoding in the <paramref name="mediaType"/>. /// </param> /// <returns>A media type with the replaced encoding.</returns> public static string ReplaceEncoding(string mediaType, Encoding encoding) { return ReplaceEncoding(new StringSegment(mediaType), encoding); } /// <summary> /// Replaces the encoding of the given <paramref name="mediaType"/> with the provided /// <paramref name="encoding"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="mediaType">The media type whose encoding will be replaced.</param> /// <param name="encoding">The encoding that will replace the encoding in the <paramref name="mediaType"/>. /// </param> /// <returns>A media type with the replaced encoding.</returns> public static string ReplaceEncoding(StringSegment mediaType, Encoding encoding) { var parsedMediaType = new MediaType(mediaType); var charset = parsedMediaType.GetParameter("charset"); if (charset.HasValue && charset.Equals(encoding.WebName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { return mediaType.Value ?? string.Empty; } if (!charset.HasValue) { return CreateMediaTypeWithEncoding(mediaType, encoding); } var charsetOffset = charset.Offset - mediaType.Offset; var restOffset = charsetOffset + charset.Length; var restLength = mediaType.Length - restOffset; var finalLength = charsetOffset + encoding.WebName.Length + restLength; var builder = new StringBuilder(mediaType.Buffer, mediaType.Offset, charsetOffset, finalLength); builder.Append(encoding.WebName); builder.Append(mediaType.Buffer, restOffset, restLength); return builder.ToString(); } /// <summary> /// Get an encoding for a mediaType. /// </summary> /// <param name="mediaType">The mediaType.</param> /// <returns>The encoding.</returns> public static Encoding? GetEncoding(string mediaType) { return GetEncoding(new StringSegment(mediaType)); } /// <summary> /// Get an encoding for a mediaType. /// </summary> /// <param name="mediaType">The mediaType.</param> /// <returns>The encoding.</returns> public static Encoding? GetEncoding(StringSegment mediaType) { var parsedMediaType = new MediaType(mediaType); return parsedMediaType.Encoding; } /// <summary> /// Creates an <see cref="MediaTypeSegmentWithQuality"/> containing the media type in <paramref name="mediaType"/> /// and its associated quality. /// </summary> /// <param name="mediaType">The media type to parse.</param> /// <param name="start">The position at which the parsing starts.</param> /// <returns>The parsed media type with its associated quality.</returns> public static MediaTypeSegmentWithQuality CreateMediaTypeSegmentWithQuality(string mediaType, int start) { var parsedMediaType = new ReadOnlyMediaTypeHeaderValue(mediaType, start, length: null); // Short-circuit use of the MediaTypeParameterParser if constructor detected an invalid type or subtype. // Parser would set ParsingFailed==true in this case. But, we handle invalid parameters as a separate case. if (parsedMediaType.Type.Equals(default(StringSegment)) || parsedMediaType.SubType.Equals(default(StringSegment))) { return default(MediaTypeSegmentWithQuality); } var quality = 1.0d; var parser = parsedMediaType.ParameterParser; while (parser.ParseNextParameter(out var parameter)) { if (parameter.HasName(QualityParameter)) { // If media type contains two `q` values i.e. it's invalid in an uncommon way, pick last value. quality = double.Parse( parameter.Value.AsSpan(), NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); } } // We check if the parsed media type has a value at this stage when we have iterated // over all the parameters and we know if the parsing was successful. if (parser.ParsingFailed) { return default(MediaTypeSegmentWithQuality); } return new MediaTypeSegmentWithQuality( new StringSegment(mediaType, start, parser.CurrentOffset - start), quality); } private static string CreateMediaTypeWithEncoding(StringSegment mediaType, Encoding encoding) { return $"{mediaType.Value}; charset={encoding.WebName}"; } private struct MediaTypeParameterParser { private readonly string _mediaTypeBuffer; private readonly int? _length; public MediaTypeParameterParser(string mediaTypeBuffer, int offset, int? length) { _mediaTypeBuffer = mediaTypeBuffer; _length = length; CurrentOffset = offset; ParsingFailed = false; } public int CurrentOffset { get; private set; } public bool ParsingFailed { get; private set; } public bool ParseNextParameter(out MediaTypeParameter result) { if (_mediaTypeBuffer == null) { ParsingFailed = true; result = default(MediaTypeParameter); return false; } var parameterLength = GetParameterLength(_mediaTypeBuffer, CurrentOffset, out result); CurrentOffset += parameterLength; if (parameterLength == 0) { ParsingFailed = _length != null && CurrentOffset < _length; return false; } return true; } private static int GetParameterLength(string input, int startIndex, out MediaTypeParameter parsedValue) { if (OffsetIsOutOfRange(startIndex, input.Length) || input[startIndex] != ';') { parsedValue = default(MediaTypeParameter); return 0; } var nameLength = GetNameLength(input, startIndex, out var name); var current = startIndex + nameLength; if (nameLength == 0 || OffsetIsOutOfRange(current, input.Length) || input[current] != '=') { if (current == input.Length && name.Equals("*", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { // As a special case, we allow a trailing ";*" to indicate a wildcard // string allowing any other parameters. It's the same as ";*=*". var asterisk = new StringSegment("*"); parsedValue = new MediaTypeParameter(asterisk, asterisk); return current - startIndex; } else { parsedValue = default(MediaTypeParameter); return 0; } } var valueLength = GetValueLength(input, current, out var value); parsedValue = new MediaTypeParameter(name, value); current += valueLength; return current - startIndex; } private static int GetNameLength(string input, int startIndex, out StringSegment name) { var current = startIndex; current++; // skip ';' current += HttpTokenParsingRules.GetWhitespaceLength(input, current); var nameLength = HttpTokenParsingRules.GetTokenLength(input, current); if (nameLength == 0) { name = default(StringSegment); return 0; } name = new StringSegment(input, current, nameLength); current += nameLength; current += HttpTokenParsingRules.GetWhitespaceLength(input, current); return current - startIndex; } private static int GetValueLength(string input, int startIndex, out StringSegment value) { var current = startIndex; current++; // skip '='. current += HttpTokenParsingRules.GetWhitespaceLength(input, current); var valueLength = HttpTokenParsingRules.GetTokenLength(input, current); if (valueLength == 0) { // A value can either be a token or a quoted string. Check if it is a quoted string. var result = HttpTokenParsingRules.GetQuotedStringLength(input, current, out valueLength); if (result != HttpParseResult.Parsed) { // We have an invalid value. Reset the name and return. value = default(StringSegment); return 0; } // Quotation marks are not part of a quoted parameter value. value = new StringSegment(input, current + 1, valueLength - 2); } else { value = new StringSegment(input, current, valueLength); } current += valueLength; current += HttpTokenParsingRules.GetWhitespaceLength(input, current); return current - startIndex; } private static bool OffsetIsOutOfRange(int offset, int length) { return offset < 0 || offset >= length; } } private readonly struct MediaTypeParameter : IEquatable<MediaTypeParameter> { public MediaTypeParameter(StringSegment name, StringSegment value) { Name = name; Value = value; } public StringSegment Name { get; } public StringSegment Value { get; } public bool HasName(string name) { return HasName(new StringSegment(name)); } public bool HasName(StringSegment name) { return Name.Equals(name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); } public bool Equals(MediaTypeParameter other) { return HasName(other.Name) && Value.Equals(other.Value, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); } public override string ToString() => $"{Name}={Value}"; } }
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaGithub" }
This pack of unique flat cards features three sets of three designs, for a total of nine cards. Printed on thick, uncoated stock, these cards are perfect for writing on with pens, markers, even sharp pencils. Each card comes with a fun clasp-style envelope.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Love on the Airwaves is the sixth studio album by Scottish duo Gallagher and Lyle and was released in 1977. The album contained the U.K. Top 40 single "Every Little Teardrop" Track listing All songs are written and performed by Benny Gallagher and Graham Lyle, with additional horn arrangements by John Mumford and Jimmy Jewell and string arrangements by Brian Rogers. Side 1 "Love on the Airwaves" - 4:20 "The Runaway" - 5:53 "Every Little Teardrop" - 3:52 "I Had to Fall in Love" - 5:09 "Street Boys" - 3:46 Side 2 "Never Give Up On Love" - 3:23 "Dude in the Dark" - 4:43 "Head Talk" - 3:49 "Call for the Captain" - 4:05 "It Only Hurts When I Laugh" - 2:57 Singer Jean Terrell released her first and only solo album a year after Love on the Airwaves under the name "I Had to Fall in Love". This title is taken from the Gallagher and Lyle song of the same name of which she covered on the album. Charts Album Chart Position The peak position that the album reached on album charts Every Little Teardrop The lead single from the album, "Every Little Teardrop" charted in some countries: Personnel Benny Gallagher - vocals, piano, keyboards, bass guitar, percussion Graham Lyle - vocals, guitar Alan Hornall - bass Iain Rae - piano, organ, synthesizer Ray Duffy - drums Jimmy Jewell - saxophone John Mumford - trombone Technical Geoff Emerick - engineer References 1977 albums Gallagher and Lyle albums A&M Records albums Albums produced by David Kershenbaum
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia" }
Q: How to see project name instead of "yii2-app-basic" in Netbeans? I want to see "jd4" as it comes on mouse hover instead of "yii2-app-basic". It gets confusing when I have multiple Yii2 apps. Is there a way to change this? A: Method 1: Click on it, Press f2 and rename it. Simple :) Method 2: Right click on it, select rename and rename it. :)
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
Time to start thinking about this week's Thursday theme - black. It's not really my thing since I love painting with color, but I'm sure I'll come up with something :) Black is not just black, there are so many different shades of black. I you enter a painting store you'll find tubes of ivory black, lamp black etc etc..
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Saoirse celebrates 'Yes' win with pals in Lillie's Saoirse Ronan pictured with Eamon Farrell at the launch the Yes Equality Your Yes Matters campaign under the clock at Clerys on O'Connell Street. She is encouraging people to get out and vote Yes in the Marriage Referendum on May 22. It was quite the weekend in Dublin and the atmosphere was electric with the passing of the same-sex marriage referendum. A host of famous faces descended on Dublin's top celebrity haunt Lillie's Bordello to party the night away. The club was packed to the rafters all weekend long with familiar faces. On Saturday night Hollywood star Saoirse Ronan enjoyed a rare night out on the town with pals. The young actress has been an avid campaigner for the 'Yes' side throughout the campaign and Friday was her first time casting her vote. Eamon Farrell and his husband Steven Mannion were also spotted partying with friends at Lillie's exclusive VIP library bar. Funny man Des Bishop is back in Dublin and was also spotted enjoying himself in the exclusive venue. Former world boxing champion Ricky Hatton enjoyed a night out at Lillie's on Friday night, after his Late Late Show appearance. A Night in Istanbul This one is for soccer fans with a penchant for the theatre. One Night in Istanbul, running at The Gaiety Theatre from June 2 to 6, centres around "that night" when Rafael Benitez's Liverpool team dramatically recovered from a three-goal half-time deficit in the UEFA Champions League Final in Istanbul a decade ago. It follows the story of Scousers Tommy Kelly and Gerry Edwards in Istanbul hoping their heroes are going to bring "big ears" back to its rightful home in Liverpool. Their two sons, Jamie and Joseph, search for tickets wanting to witness history in the making. A bag of money, Hitler's cufflinks and a sexy Turkish chambermaid means it all kicks off in The Mamara Hotel and the journey takes an unexpected twist. Tickets from €22.65 are on sale now via Ticketmaster. Sarah adds extra date British Comedy Award Winner Sarah Millican has added a second date at The Olympia Theatre due to phenomenal demand. Tickets for Sunday, June 12, 2016, go on sale this Friday at 9am. Sarah is a natural storyteller who charms the audience through her gag-packed anecdotes about life's curiosities - so this gig is not to be missed. Tickets from €30 including booking fee are available via Ticketmaster.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Dublin, Tuesday 29th January: Dooley's Hotel, Waterford is celebrating after being awarded A Gold Excellence Award and the status of 'Best 3 Star Hotel' in Ireland at the CIE Tours International Annual Awards of Excellence which took place in Dublin's City Hall last night. Now in its 29th year, the annual awards of excellence recognise the best hotels and tourist attractions across Ireland and are based on feedback from over 32,000 customers throughout the year. Peter Malone, Board Member of CIE Tours International, and Vivienne Jupp, Chair CIE Tours International, present Adrian Rossetti, plus Jackie Cusack, Richard Hurley and Amanda Walsh of the Granville Hotel, with their award at the CIE Tours International 29th Annual Awards of Excellence. Peter Malone , Board Member of CIE Tours International, and Vivienne Jupp, Chair CIE Tours International, present Christy O'Neill and Eoghan O'Neill of Marine Bar Waterford, with their award at the CIE Tours International 29th Annual Awards of Excellence.
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DukeMaven Brand New Duke Lineup Turns Georgetown Game ShawnKrest With 5:35 left in the first half, Duke trailed Georgetown 29-18 and couldn't find any spark on offense. Duke had shot just 7-of-26 to that point and had trouble getting scoring from anyone other than Vernon Carey. ESPN announcers asked over and over, "Who is going to score for Duke, other than Carey?" So Mike Krzyzewski went to a lineup we'd never seen before. Over the next four minutes and six seconds, the lineup of Joey Baker, Vernon Carey, Tre Jones, Wendell Moore and Jack White were together for 3:14, with Javin DeLaurier giving Carey a rest for 52 seconds in the middle. That group of five players made 5 of 6 shots, with four assists—half of Duke's first-half total. They drew two fouls, got all five rebounds that were available over that time period and held Georgetown to 0-for-2 shooting. When the dust cleared, the group split up, never to reassemble again during the second half. They'd outscored Georgetown 11-1. Every other combination of five Duke players was outscored 72-70 by the Hoyas. Other than the group that won the game for Duke, Coach K played things close to the vest in the two games in New York City. He used 20 lineups against Cal, 17 against Georgetown. Seven of the combinations against Cal were brand new, but only three, including the 11-1 run gang, were new ones against the Hoyas. The new starting lineup, of Tre Jones and the four freshmen—Vernon Carey, Wendell Moore, Cassius Stanley and Matthew Hurt—got the most playing time, clocking in at 10:36 against Cal and 8:16 against Georgetown. Prior to this week, that lineup had only been together for a total of 2:30 and had been outscored 11-2, making it the least efficient of the 60 lineups Krzyzewski had tried (he's now up to 70). The group did better with the extra time, outscoring Cal by 3 and Georgetown by 1. Still, it remains one of the team's least efficient, but most used, lineups of the year. Jones and the freshmen is the only lineup with more than 9 minutes and a negative plus/minus Jones and the freshmen is tied for third from the bottom in plus/minus "We're going to continue to try to find out about ourselves," Mike Krzyzewski said afterward. And, presumably, when things look their bleakest for the Blue Devils, he still has a few more lineup combinations ready to unveil. Duke's most efficient lineups this year. The Georgetown group is tied for third Wendell Moore Still "a Few Weeks" From Return Wendell Moore broke a bone in his hand on Jan. 4 and had surgery two days later. Two weeks into his recovery, he still has "a few weeks" to go. Read more Coach K: "That Was a Brutal Game ... You Can't Have That." Duke fell behind early in its loss to Louisville after the Cardinals forced several turnovers with their physical defense. That left coach Mike Krzyzewski comparing the game to old Pistons-Bulls slugfests ... and the UFC. Watch Sbolden1 Coach K: I'm Just Saying the Game Shouldn't be Played That Way Coach K clarified his complaints about the physical play in Duke's loss to Louisville, saying he didn't want it to sound like "sour grapes." "I'm just saying the game shouldn't be played that way," he added. Watch Dan the Fan Joey Baker on Darius Perry Incident: Just Making Sure Everything Was Good Joey Baker went nose-to-nose with Darius Perry after the Louisville player sent Cassius Stanley to the floor. Baker said he's friends with Perry and it wasn't a big deal. Watch Coach K: It's a Long Journey Duke has lost back-to-back games in the ACC, against more experienced teams. Coach Mike Krzyzewski said Duke needs to get older. "It's a long journey." Watch Tre Jones: "I Let My Team Down" Tre Jones scored 12 points and had seven assists against Louisville. But Duke was slow to respond to the physical play that gave Louisville an early lead, and Jones takes full responsibility. Watch. Cassius Stanley: "Just Too Big a Deficit" Cassius Stanley scored 24 points against Louisville, but it wasn't enough as Duke lost to the Cardinals. Stanley said the key was Duke falling behind by 15 early. "That's a lot to make up in the ACC." Watch Louisville's Chris Mack: Last Year's Duke Loss Worst of My Career Duke erased Louisville's 15-point lead, tying the game late. But coach Chris Mack's Cardinals were able to ignore the ghosts of last year's Duke comeback and hold on to win. Watch Louisville's Chris Mack on Duke: They're No. 1 in the ACC For a Reason Duke made a change to its lineup to start the second half and was able to erase Louisville's double-digit lead and tie the game. Coach Chris Mack was proud of his team for holding on, however. Watch Duke Scoring List: Louisville Update Duke dropped a home game to Louisville, but three Blue Devils moved up the scoring list, and six moved up other Duke career lists, passing RJ Barrett, Zion Williamson and Wojo, among others. Get the full report here
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Not much reading went on this past weekend--short stories or otherwise, but I did manage to squeeze in Shamus Frazer's "Florinda" from Twelve Tales of the Supernatural edited by Michael Cox. It was originally published in the London Mystery Magazine in 1956. I'd never come across Shamus Frazer before this. He only published a couple of novel and it sounds like later in life he wrote supernatural fiction, of which "Florinda" would be a great example. He died in 1966. Much like John Wyndham's Chocky, which I recently read and very much enjoyed, this is another example of a child who has an imaginary friend. In this case, however, the friend is not here to make friends and study a different life form, but she has much darker and destructive intentions. Jane is a very average little girl who lives with her mum and dad and has a kind nanny named Miss Reeve with whom she goes in daily walks around her parents estate. That sounds like much more than it really is. Her father inherited a family home that is in a state of disrepair, a "sombre peeling house" called Fowling Hall and park and woodland that are in a shambles with overgrown bushes and paths that need to be cleared. Roger, Jane's father, has an obstinate notion of settling there much to the chagrin of his wife Clare. Also typical of the time and the class no doubt, Jane, though much loved by her parents, finds them quite distracted. She'll talk to her mum but find she can say almost anything without her actually "hearing" her. So when Jane tells her mum about Florinda, she is only half hearing her. Chatting about Jane's afternoon walk she talks about Florinda, and when asked who Florinda is, Jane replies--a doll, or she thinks she is anyway. By then her mum is lost again looking in the mirror, already her thoughts a mile away. "Mummy, I've told you. She's a doll, I think, only large, large as me. And she never talks--not with words anyway. And her eyes can't shut even when she lies down." Jane first spotted Florinda on one of her walks with Miss Reeve. She saw her in the lake--the part not covered and blocked by brambles. She looked into the water to see her reflection--only there were two Janes looking back. Only it wasn't Jane. The face was smiling back. But she's shy, Florinda is--shy and a little sly, too. On this particular day, when Jane's mum was so distracted, Miss Reeve hadn't had a nice walk by the lake. Her stockings had a "rather beautiful ladder" according to Jane--she had stumbled in some brambles--the ones in the woodland that really need to be cleared away. When Jane says that the brambles must be left as they are, of course no one listens to her. They mustn't be cleared away as Florinda wouldn't like it. "If Daddy has the bushes cut down what will poor Florinda do? Where will she play? There will be no place at all for the little traps and snares she sets; no place to creep and whistle in, and tinkle int laughter when something funny happens--like Miss Reeve caught by the leg and hopping." Poor Miss Reeve and her laddered stockings and there's only one way to make sure this doesn't happen again. Cut back the brambles, and clear the paths. Too bad no one else knows about Florinda, or they might have just left well enough alone. And when the grounds are tidied up, it will put Florinda in a wicked mood. And it will disrupt everybody. "Florinda" is a wonderfully creepy story. It would make a terrific movie--just a little devastating but very dark and unsettling. Now I must see of I can find any other stories by Shamus Frazer. He is perfect RIP reading. I just stumbled upon his story--much like Miss Reeve stumbled on those brambles. Oh, just thinking about what comes next sends a few shivers up my spine! If you come across this story, I heartily recommend it.
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Having typed that title, staring at the blank page on my computer screen, I am rather worried about what to say next. Or, rather, how I would ever stop typing once I started. I have previously written a whole book on this topic and even that wasn't enough – a further five are due out this year! I desperately want to justify that with a long explanation of their impact on cognition, mental well- being, a child's identity, connection, community, inclusion, ability to learn, concentration, communication and more…. but I am holding that all in. If you want to know, get in touch and then brace yourself for a tsunami-sized answer! What I will do here is simply explain what they are. The simplicity of them as a resource is deceptive. They are far, far more than a way to tell a story with sensory experiences. Sensory stories are concise texts – typically a sensory story is less than ten sentences long. Don't worry, you can get a lot into ten sentences! Personally, I have got the birth of a star in a stellar nursery into seven sentences, a retelling of Alice in Wonderland into ten and a romp through the world of Rockhopper Penguins into eight. Each sentence of a sensory story is partnered with a rich and relevant sensory experience. You might be thinking that these experiences act like the pictures in a book or like the objects you might keep in a story sack to inspire interest, but in a really good sensory story they will go beyond that. The sensations will tell the story. You have heard the phrase "A picture speaks a thousand words". Well, in a sensory story there are visual experiences not pictures, and sound experiences, and taste and touch and vestibular and proprioceptive and smell experiences and together these speak millions of words. Part of the wonder of a sensory story is its lack of reliance on language. They are naturally inclusive of those who do not use language or who speak a language that is not our own. You can use them to support the kinds of sensory needs we have discussed through this series of blogs; they are particularly well suited to this as an addition to the benefits of structuring and repeating sensory experience. They also offer the benefits of the storytelling space. Research into this magical space tells us that inside a story we are braver, bolder, better able to cope and we feel more connected to others in the space. Stories are innately inclusive and the perfect vehicle for difficult topics. So, to sum it all up, you can use a sensory story to tell a story in a sensory way and to support children with sensory needs. I could continue this list, but my last attempt here was four pages long and no doubt if I looked at it now I would have more to add. Trust me, Sensory stories are wonderful! You can find out more about sensory stories and even access a few free ones if you visit my website and follow the links. I am always happy to support people looking to share sensory stories, so do not be shy about getting in touch via social media or email here. To create a sensory story, start with the text. Often, writing your own is easier than distilling an existing text and means you can write a story about the people you will share it with which makes it even more interesting. You have 8-10 sentences to tell your whole story in, but you can get a lot into a small amount of space! Doing this means that the sense being targeted will be drawn to the experience or filled by the experience, for example, neon colours draw our sense of vision to them; looking through coloured cellophane fills our vision. The relevance is how strongly the experience links to the part of the story that it is about. I always tell people to start with the story and problem-solve the experiences, in this way you end up with more interesting sensory adventures. When you tell the story, aim to be consistent: say it in the same way each time and facilitate the sensory experiences that accompany it in the same way. This enables people to feel safe and secure within the story, which in turn fosters more responsiveness from them and promotes understanding and anticipation of the experiences and the story. Try not to add in extra words and take into account the sensory abilities and preferences of the people you are sharing the story with. Make sure you have all the bits and bobs you need to tell the story ready to hand before you begin. There is nothing worse than getting to the moment when the star is born in the stellar nursery and discovering the batteries in the torch are dead! So much of the magic of sensory stories comes about through their repetition. You won't get bored as, although you'll be saying and doing the same thing, you'll be revelling in the increased responses you get to the story each time you tell it. Enjoy your sensory adventures together! Consistently rated as Outstanding by Ofsted, Joanna has taught in mainstream and special school settings, connecting with pupils of all ages and abilities. To inform her work, Joanna draws on her own experience from her private and professional life as well as taking in all the information she can from the research archives. Joanna's private life includes family members with disabilities and neurodiverse conditions and time spent as a registered foster carer for children with profound disabilities.
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Billy Joe Guest The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution announces with great sorrow the death of retiree Billy Joe Guest of Eatonton, Ga., on December 9 after a long illness. He was 78. A native of Jackson County, Ga., Bill was the son of the late Melvin Valco Guest Sr., and Leona Ferguson Guest. Bill began working at WHOI as an ordinary seaman on the Research Vessel (R/V) Bear in 1960. He also worked on the R/V Crawford and R/V Chain. He left in 1961. A decorated military veteran serving in the United Sates Air Force from 1956 – 1958 and 1966 – 1971 as an aircraft maintenance specialist, Bill served two tours of duty in Vietnam. On his second tour, which he volunteered for in order to keep his younger brother from having to serve, he was severely injured in a rocket attack on Da Nang Air Base during the Tet Offensive and was awarded the Purple Heart for injuries received in combat. After his military service, Bill worked at Kendell Printing Company in Falmouth, Mass., and later became the head of security for KMart and Sears in Hyannis, Mass. He came back to WHOI in 1998 as a security guard and held that position until his retirement in 2006. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his brother, Melvin Valco Guest Jr., and sister, Jean Crowther. Survivors include his children, Brian Guest and Wendy Paine, both of Falmouth; partner, Barbara Ann Childs; brothers Larry Guest of Athens, Ga., and Jackson Wesley "J.W." Guest of Watkinsville, Ga.; sisters, Sherry Ruff of Elberton, Ga., and Vickey Gregory of Eatonton, Ga.; four grandchildren, Lilly Paine, Rachael Paine, Michael Guest, and Brian Guest Jr., all of Falmouth. A graveside service was held on December 14 at the Winterville Cemetery in Winterville, Ga., with Dr. Stewart Simms officiating.
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De familie Von Abensperg und Traun is een uit Traungau afkomstige, sinds 1653 grafelijke Oostenrijkse familie. Geschiedenis De stamreeks begint met Pernhart (Berinhardus) I de Truna die vermeld wordt tussen 1114 en 1120 en voor 1140 overleed. Zijn nazaat Ehrenreich (1610-1659) werd in 1653 opgenomen in de Rijksgravenstand, met nog enkele van zijn naaste verwanten. Tot op de dag van vandaag bezit de familie Von Abensperg und Traun nog gebieden, kastelen en forten in Oostenrijk. Galerij Abensperg und Traun Geschiedenis van Stiermarken
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You can also have a look at the whole 1920 or at June 11 across the years. Have a look at the old newspapers from 11 June 1920 and get them! Get a FREE Numerology report based on the digits of 11 June 1920! Which were the important events of 11 June 1920 ? Robert Hutton: American actor who was a leading man in low budget British films from the early 60s and who has done some U.S. Hazel Scott: Trinidadian-American singer actress and pianist (d. 1981). Irving Howe: United States -- Writer / critic (World of Our Fathers). Bir Bikram Shah Deva Mahendra: King of Nepal (1955-72). Keith Seaman: Australian lawyer and politician 29th Governor of South Australia (d. 2013). Shelly Manne: American drummer composer and bandleader (d. 1984). Emil Dürr: German Nazi Unterscharführer (non-commissioned officer) in the Waffen SS during World War II who was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross, (which was to recognize extreme battlefield bravery or successful military leadership by Nazi Germany during World War II). Emil Durr: Germany Military man. Republicans nominate Warren G Harding for president. During the U.S. Republican National Convention in Chicago, U.S. Republican Party leaders gathered in a room at the Blackstone Hotel to come to a consensus on their candidate for the U.S. presidential election, leading the Associated Press to first coin the political phrase ''smoke-filled room''. ...and if 11 June 1920 was your Birth Date then Join our Birthday Club! Tell the world why 11 June 1920 is such a special date for you!
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Undoing the Damage of Sunday Morning Segregation by Anthony B. Bradley | Nov 20, 2012 | Feature | 1 comment The American Protestant tradition is one with a mixed history on race relations without question. The Presbyterian tradition, in particular, is one that has had to face its own failure of being on the wrong side of racial justice for much of American history. Even with that history, we are encouraged that the gospel really does change people and has the power drive racial healing and build racial solidarity. In The Last Segregated Hour: The Memphis Kneel-Ins and the Campaign For Southern Church Desegregation, by Rhodes College religious studies professor Stephen R. Haynes, readers get an example of gospel transformation in the powerful story of the "kneel-in" desegregation in Memphis in the 1960s. Like most histories, we find the good, the bad, and the ugly. Resisting Racial Integration The book opens recounting the story of a series of nonviolent church desegregation protests across the South to test the limits of white Christian denial of their baptism by prohibiting African Americans from joining in corporate Sunday worship. Haynes explains that kneel-ins became the official name of the protests "not because kneeling was a regular feature of the visits (which it wasn't), but because attempts to break the ecclesiastical color line were viewed as part of a larger campaign of 'sit-ins,' 'sleep-ins' and 'wade-ins' that was sweeping the South at the time." The denominations barring African Americans in the South ranged from Assemblies of God to Methodist to Presbyterian churches and beyond. The bulk of the book focuses on the events of 1964 at Second Presbyterian Church (SPC) in Memphis, Tennessee, and the Southern Presbyterian struggle with racial integration during the mid-1960s in general. What is additionally helpful in the narrative is the observation that for these white churches, the only thing feared more than racial integration was interracial marriage. Miscegenation was to be avoided at all cost and would serve as the catalyst for racial tension decades later. What readers will find startling are the events leading to the formation of Independent Presbyterian Church (IPC) in Memphis. According to Haynes, IPC was planted as a protest against racial integration and in resistance to what was considered unbiblical involvement of the Presbyterian Church in social issues in ways that weakened the church's core calling to evangelism and discipleship. In March 1965, right after SPC voted to embrace racial integration, over 300 people left SPC to form IPC. Because of this history, IPC has had challenges building unity with the black community in Memphis. However, after a number of painful years, IPC has publicly confessed the sins of their fathers, sought forgiveness, and is actively working toward racial reconciliation and racial solidarity. A Model of Confession and Repentance Several years ago SPC initiated the challenging process of confession and repentance as it dealt with its own history in Memphis, and it has successfully pursued several racial reconciliation initiatives with the black community in the city today. It is now IPC's turn. Under the leadership of its current pastor, the Rev. Richie Sessions, IPC is putting the gospel on display before a watching world. On Sunday May 13, 2012, one of the elders of the IPC read this statement of repentance and confession before the congregation: We profess, acknowledge and confess before God, before one another, and before the watching world, that tolerance of forced or institutional segregation based on race, and declarations of the inferiority of certain races, such as once were practiced and supported by our church and many other voices in the Presbyterian tradition, were wrong and cannot and will not be accepted within our church today or ever again. The Lord calls us to repent of the sin of prejudice; to turn from it and to treat all persons with justice, mercy, and love. As a church, we will strive to be more intentional and proactive with ministry opportunities for the congregation to serve the city of Memphis as redemptive, Gospel-driven agents seeking the peace and prosperity of ALL of Memphis. On that same day, Sessions preached a powerful sermon on the gospel and race. Haynes tells the story of how IPC arrived at this day of confession over several years of discussions building on the work of previous pastors in this direction. It is a wonderful story of church struggling through the implications of what it means to love God and neighbor while taking both baptism and the Lord's Supper seriously. Sessions has emerged as one of America's most dynamic pastors as a result. The Deep Roots of White Supremacy Within the context of the IPC repentance story, Haynes also covers a troubling story from just a few years ago. In 2005, IPC hired the Rev. John Hardie to serve as pastor. Hardie had done graduate work at Yale University and was completing a Ph.D. at Princeton Theological Seminary. In November 2006, Hardie made a tangential comment that the Bible does not speak against interracial marriage while giving an illustration about a close friend of his. What Hardie did not realize is that while many conservative Presbyterians in the South were open to different races occupying the same public space, interracial marriage is still considered unbiblical and impermissible by many Southerners to this day. It turns out that in our era if you want to get a sense of where a person stands on race issues, do not ask about integration or racial reconciliation; ask whether or not God smiles upon interracial marriage. TRACKING A PAINFUL HISTORY: Author Stephen R. Haynes. Several members of IPC found the sermon comment offensive. According to Haynes, the Rev. Tom Elkin, a former adjunct pastor at IPC and now on pastoral staff at The First Presbyterian Church in Jackson, Mississippi, taught a Sunday school class two weeks later at IPC where Elkin "misleadingly implied that Hardie was not only defending interracial marriage" but "encouraging its practice." Elkin objected, in part, because Hardie's view appeared to condemn Southern Presbyterians' spiritual ancestors. In his admonishment of Hardie, Elkin even went so far as to defend pro-slavery Presbyterians like R. L. Dabney and James Henley Thornwell and their acceptance of American slavery on what Elkin interpreted as non-racists grounds. After a few months of questions and turmoil, Hardie found himself "resigning" by May of 2007. Haynes concludes that however Hardie's abrupt departure is officially described "there is no question that his decision to invoke interracial marriage as an acid test for white racism was a fateful turn in his brief tenure at the church." The Hard Road of Reconciliation Independent Presbyterian Church and is a member church of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) denomination. In recent years several, other books and articles have raised troubling questions about individual churches and the resistance to desegregation. Books such as Joel Alvis' Race and Southern Presbyterians, 1946-1983, Peter Slades' Open Friendship in a Closed Society, and an article by R. Milton Winter titled "Division & Reunion in the Presbyterian Church, U.S." stand out as prime examples. The PCA has taken important steps toward acknowledging its past as a denomination through repentance and racial reconciliation statements (2002) and statements condemning the sin of racism (2004). However, consistent with its Southern Presbyterian roots, those statements are non-binding and only make a difference in congregation life if individual churches take action in response. As a result, according to Haynes, IPC is the only church in the PCA that has ever taken the courageous step to confess and repent of the sins of their own local church fathers. Given the number of Presbyterian congregations in the Southeast with histories dating back to slavery, Reconstruction, and Jim Crow, it might seem amazing to some that, although the denomination embraced a repentance statement over a decade ago, only one of the nearly 1,800 churches has publicly confessed and repented of the past locally. Some argue that this has much to with a Southern cultural norm that discourages people from discussing the failures of previous generations. This perspective can only be called idolatry. Richie Sessions and IPC reject this idolatry. IPC understands the biblical model of confessing the sins of our fathers and instead of turning a blind eye, to honor them in their death for the good they did (Ezra 9:6-15, Neh. 1:6-7, 9:2). To date, IPC remains a model of what true racial reconciliation looks like. Without confession and repentance in Southern cities by individual churches, reconciliation will be cheap and ineffective. What cities in Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina need are pastors with the vision and fortitude of men in leadership at IPC. Confessing and repenting of their father's sins puts the gospel on display to a watching world and reminds members of their need of the grace of God, lest they return to beliefs and practices that deny their baptism. As I noted in my official endorsement for this book, Haynes presents a story based in Memphis that is paradigmatic for the entire South. Why an HBCU Med School Decided to Put CARES Act Money Into Students' Pockets
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
\section{Introduction} Spectrum collaboration is a fundamental problem in centralized and ad-hoc wireless networks. In centralized networks, the well-known Hungarian Algorithm \cite{kuhn1955hungarian,munkres1957algorithms} can be used at the base station to find the optimal orthogonal allocation \cite{chieochan2009adaptive, yaacoub2011survey, shams2014survey}. In ad-hoc wireless networks no central controller exists to collect the channel state information (CSI) from all users and manage spectrum access. In the following sections We describe the state-of-the-art approaches to network management and spectrum collaboration. These approaches can be categorized as quasi-centralized (where either a leader is selected or CSI is broadcasted to all participants) and fully distributed approaches where nodes act independently. The fully distributed approaches utilize either ALOHA type medium Access Control (MAC) or Carrier Sensing Multiple Access(CSMA) based MAC. \subsection{Quasi-centralized algorithms} The simplest approach to solve the spectrum collaboration problem in ad-hoc networks is sharing CSI between nodes, thereby reducing the problem back to its centralized form. This approach is taken in \cite{tibrewal2019multiplayer} and \cite{boursier2019practical} for stationary channels and in \cite{alatur2020multi, bubeck2020non} and \cite{bar2019individual} for dynamic channels. Tibrewal et. al. \cite{tibrewal2019multiplayer} used carrier-sensing. This facilitated the gathering of all CSI in every node where the Hungarian Algorithm was applied to find the optimal allocation. In \cite{boursier2019practical} no carrier sensing capabilities were assumed. Therefore, signaling between users become more costly. Hence, rather than collecting the CSI in every node like in \cite{tibrewal2019multiplayer}, in \cite{boursier2019practical} the CSI was gathered only in a single \emph{Leader} node. Rather than using the Hungarian Algorithm as in \cite{tibrewal2019multiplayer}, the Leader node in \cite{boursier2019practical} applies a matching elimination algorithm and signals its results to all other users. The matching elimination algorithm proceeds by eliminating edges from the bipartite graph representing the resource allocation problem. Edges that are not included in high-welfare matchings are eliminated from consideration. The \emph{Followers} improve their estimation of the surviving edges until each user only has one surviving edge and the algorithm proceeds to the exploitation phase. In \cite{alatur2020multi} a single node applies the Exponential-weight algorithm for Exploration and Exploitatation (EXP3) of \cite{auer2002nonstochastic} with multiple plays. The optimal regret for dynamic channels is $O(\sqrt{T})$ while the regret of \cite{alatur2020multi} is $O( T^{2/3})$. By restricting their discussion to a two-users scenario, the authors of \cite{bubeck2020non} were able to achieve optimal regret. The algorithm in \cite{bubeck2020non} relied on a filtering strategy with low switching and was inspired in part by the Shrinking Dartboard algorithm \cite{geulen2010regret}. Another variant of EXP3 with direct messaging between users achieved optimal regret for the multi-user scenario over dynamic channels in \cite{cesa2019delay}. This was possible because the adversary was assumed to be oblivious and the utilities were not user-dependent. This version was later improved in \cite{bar2019individual} such that optimal regret was achieved for each user \emph{individually}. Since these approaches emulate a centralized decision they can achieve good results. For example the First and third place winners of the recent DARPA spectrum collaboration challenge(teams \emph{GatorWings} \cite{bowyer2019reinforcement} and \emph{Zylinium} \cite{Baxley2020Zylinium}) used a leader election based control. \emph{GatorWings} modeled the problem as a Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (POMDP) and implemented a SARSA algorithm using a Deep Neural Network (DNN). \emph{Zylinium} modeled the problem as a mixed integer programming problem and solved it with Google's OR-Tools library \cite{perron2011operations}. While in theory the regrets of \cite{tibrewal2019multiplayer, boursier2019practical,alatur2020multi,bubeck2020non} and \cite{bar2019individual} are attractively close to their respective lower bounds, in practice the signaling of CSI results in significant overhead and these methods do not scale well. Furthermore, leader election is non-robust especially in mobile ad-hoc networks - if the leader is jammed or becomes disconnected due to mobility.These problems, suggest that a more robust fully distributed solution might be the way to achieve robust spectrum sharing. In the following subsection we discuss two families of solutions where random access protocols are used to obtain an optimal orthogonal allocation. \subsection{Fully distributed random access based spectrum collaboration} An alternative to these quasi-centralized algorithm are contention-based methods such as Aloha and CSMA. Unfortunately, traditional Aloha and CSMA achieve less than 80\% spectrum utilization in most realistic scenarios, and their performance is especially bad in loaded networks \cite{rom2012multiple}. Therefore, to approach optimal utilization, approaches based on random access are used to converge to an optimal orthogonal allocation. Examples for such approaches utilizing Aloha are \cite{bistritz2018distributed, bistritz2020GOT, wang2020decentralized} and \cite{bistritz2020my}. Similarly, CSMA based solution have also beem suggested, e.g. in \cite{leshem2011multichannel, darak2019multi, avner2019multi, nayyar2016regret, naparstek2013fully, zafaruddin2019distributed, Naparstek2019distributed}. These variants aim to achieve orthogonal allocations in a fully-distributed manner without any information sharing between nodes. Some of these variants aim to achieve optimal OFDMA allocations where the sum of the Quality of Service (QoS) of all the users is maximized \cite{bistritz2018distributed, bistritz2020GOT, wang2020decentralized, nayyar2016regret, naparstek2013fully, zafaruddin2019distributed} while others aim to achieve \emph{stable} OFDMA allocations where no user can unilaterally improve its QoS \cite{leshem2011multichannel, darak2019multi, avner2019multi, gafni2021distributed}. Recently, new approaches incorporating fairness have also been proposed \cite{bistritz2020my},\cite{bistritz2021one}. \subsubsection{Aloha based methods} The distributed spectrum collaboration problem in wireless ad-hoc networks can be modeled as a multi-arm bandit problem under two conditions: No carrier-sensing capabilities are assumed, but collision data can be sent to the transmitter and the number of channels is equal to or greater than the number of users. The simpler formulation is that of a single-user Multi-Armed Bandit (MAB) problem. The more comprehensive formulation is that of a multi-user MAB problem (MUMAB). For the single user case the problem is equivalent to that of a Restless MAB problem. In this model each channel follows its own Markov chain with an unknown transition matrix and the states are observable to the users. When the channels and users are homogeneous, this can be solved with Deterministic Sequencing of Exploration and Exploitation without any explicit signaling between users \cite{liu2012learning}. Under the same homogeneity assumption, the problem can also be solved with a Partially Observable Markovian Decision Process \cite{cohen2014restless} or with Whittle's index policy \cite{liu2010indexability}. Another variant of the MAB formulation is the Hidden Markov Bandit. In this model all channels follow a shared Markov chain with an unknown transition matrix and the state is not observable to the users. Logarithmic regret was achieved for this formulation in \cite{yemini2021restless}. Generalizations to multi-user competitive MDP's has recently been proposed using multi-agent Deep Q-Learning (DQL) \cite{naparstek2018deep}. In this algorithm the users collect data on their environment \emph{constantly} and \emph{locally}. However, their decisions are based on a model that is trained and updated \emph{periodically} and \emph{globally} in a central unit (e.g. cloud). Deep Q-learning was also used in \cite{pawar2021distributed}. When choosing a channel, each user in \cite{pawar2021distributed} only considered channels with high Q-values. From those, the least-loaded channel was selected. The authors proved that this method is asymptotically optimal for large overcrowded networks using insights from game theory and combinatorial optimization. The method was shown to outperform \cite{naparstek2018deep} over stationary channels with computer simulations. In \cite{yu2019deep} DRL is used to maximize the total throughput or fairness when neighboring networks are using unknown MAC protocols such Aloha or TDMA. In \cite{gafni2021distributed} the authors achieve a stable allocation for the Restless MUMAB problem with heterogeneous channels. In \cite{Nguyen2018DQL} DQL for Markovian channels are considered where $\varepsilon$-greedy policies are used to accumulate the training data. DRL for power control of secondary users is explored in \cite{li2018intelligent}. In \cite{YYu2019} the users apply DRL for efficient co-existence with time division multiple access (TDMA) and ALOHA nodes. All these techniques can be proven to be optimal from a single user perspective, when ignoring the actions of the other players or treating them as random. However, since all users act selfishly, this becomes a Markov game, and the solution is a Nash equilibrium of the corresponding Markov game. It is well known that such Nash Equilibrium points can be sub-optimal. Indeed, Multi-agent reinforcement learning converges to some Nash Equilibrium (NE) of the game. This NE may be highly inefficient \cite{koutsoupias1999worst}. Furthermore, these reinforcement learning methods require passing information between users which causes significant overhead or pre-training. To overcome the inefficiency caused by competitive solutions, the distributed spectrum collaboration problem in wireless ad-hoc networks can also be formulated as a collaborative Stochastic Multi-User multi-arm bandit problem. A significant advantage of this formulation is that it does not require passing information between users. An Aloha-style collaborative game for this formulation was presented in \cite{bistritz2018distributed} and had a regret bound of $O(\ln^{2+\delta}T)$ for some small $0<\delta<1$. The authors refined their algorithm in \cite{bistritz2020GOT} and reduced the regret bound to a near-optimal $O(\ln^{1+\delta}T)$ for any $\delta>0$. The algorithms in \cite{bistritz2018distributed} and \cite{bistritz2020GOT} were restricted to non-congested networks where the number of channels was greater than the number of users. This algorithm was inspired by a Perturbed Markov Chain Approach from \cite{marden2014achieving} which solves the distributed optimization for a known game. A related approach was presented in \cite{wang2020decentralized} for IoT networks where contextual bandit model has been proposed. Min-Max fairness was achieved in \cite{bistritz2020my,bistritz2021one} while maintaining a near-optimal regret bound of $O(\ln T \ln\ln T)$. \subsubsection{Carrier sensing based methods} Whereas collision based multi-access protocols such as Aloha and its advanced variants \cite{bistritz2020GOT, wang2020decentralized} are appropriate for simple devices such as sensor networks they are inefficient for wireless communication ad-hoc network since convergence time to the optimum can be significant. In particular, the convergence time of Markov chain based method may be exponential in the number of users and channels. In practice, most random access networks utilize a version of the \emph{listen before talk} which is the basis to CSMA. Opportunistic CSMA \cite{zhao2005opportunistic} with collision avoidance was first used in \cite{leshem2011multichannel} to distributedly find a stable configuration (one-to-one matching) with an enhanced version of the Gale-Shapley algorithm. This approach was later extended for the case where several resources can be assigned to a single user (many-to-one) in \cite{jorswieck2011stable}. An additional extension was made in \cite{holfeld2016stable} where the same resource can be assigned to different users simultaneously (many-to-many matching) The many-to-one scenario was revisited in \cite{hossler2020stable} with improved reliability and latency. These improvements were achieved by utilizing the optimal connectivity approach for each user, optimizing the maximum number of matched resources, and providing a resource reservation mechanism for users suffering from bad channel conditions. Stable Marriage with cheating was introduced in \cite{han2017stable} and with social awareness in \cite{xiao2016enhance}. Swap-based algorithms were also developed for distributed learning of stable allocations \cite{darak2019multi,avner2019multi}. These algorithms have versions where users are allowed to leave and enter the network and their probability \emph{not} to be in a stable orthogonal allocation decreases exponentially with time. In these algorithms users initiate and accept swaps through \emph{signaling} until no user wishes to change its resource. Assuming the role of swap-initiator can be done in a round-robin fashion as in \cite{darak2019multi} or a dynamic fashion as in \cite{avner2019multi}. Assumptions regarding carrier-sensing capabilities also vary among these algorithms. Some algorithms assume wide-band sensing \cite{avner2019multi} while others only single-band sensing \cite{darak2019multi}. A common feature of these algorithms is the use of the upper confidence bound to determine channel preferences. Unfortunately, since a stable allocation is not necessarily optimal, no regret guarantees can be made regarding these algorithms. Recently, OCSMA was used in combination with the well-known auction algorithm \cite{bertsekas1979distributed} to find the optimal allocation via collaborative games in non-congested networks where the number of channels is greater than the number of users \cite{nayyar2016regret, naparstek2013fully,zafaruddin2019distributed,Naparstek2019distributed}. In \cite{nayyar2016regret} authors used the original centralized auction algorithm \cite{bertsekas1979distributed}. In this algorithm, the users collect their CSI locally and then transmit their bids to each other. Unfortunately, this approach incurs a significant overhead. To avoid excessive overhead, a distributed version of the auction algorithm \cite{naparstek2013fully} was proposed in \cite{zafaruddin2019distributed}. Unfortunately, the contention window in \cite{zafaruddin2019distributed} grows exponentially with the number of collisions and the number of auction iterations until convergence may also be quite large. To reduce the number of distributed auction iterations until convergence, the authors of \cite{Naparstek2019distributed} proposed a binary utility matrix (in the extended context of learning energy efficient channel collaboration). In this matrix a channel is considered "good" if it is one of the $O(\ln(N))$ best channels and "bad" otherwise. Unfortunately, this method does not guarantee optimality. Therefore, it may suffer linear regret. \subsection{Contribution:} In this paper we consider congested ad-hoc wireless networks where the number of users can be much larger than the number of channels. For such networks, we present a full MAC protocol that learns the jointly optimal spectrum allocation and scheduling. In contrast to previous works, e.g. \cite{zafaruddin2019distributed}, \cite{naparstek2013fully}, \cite{nayyar2016regret} we allow more users than channels, and solve this, by a protocol converging to the optimal FDMA/TDMA allocation with logarithmic regret, which means that the learning overhead decreases as $O(\frac{\ln T}{T}$. Additionally, we provide finite block length implementation, and bound the overhead for this case, by relaxing the theoretically optimal results, thus providing full understanding of the trade-off between exploration and exploitation, in fixed block length implementation. This is a significant step towards practical implementation of collaborative optimal distributed management of ad-hoc networks, since practical systems, require fixed framing structure. This is the first fully-distributed algorithm for this scenario with a provable optimal regret of $O(\ln T)$. Moreover, our analysis provides a bounded overhead protocol with fixed frame size, where the overhead can be arbitrarily low, and the probability of bad allocation decreases exponentially with time. This follows from the theoretical analysis of the exponentially growing exploitation window algorithm. The significant advantage of the fixed frame size is the scalability on one hand, and the possibility to adapt the allocations upon network changes. On the computational side, we significantly accelrate the auction algorithm using $\varepsilon$-scaling to reduce the number of distributed auction iterations until convergence. This acceleration method is superior to that of \cite{Naparstek2019distributed} since it guarantees optimality. Furthermore, we develop a collision-resolution mechanism to cope with finite size of the contention window. This method is superior to that of \cite{zafaruddin2019distributed} where the contention window size is not bounded. Our collision-resolution mechanism only adds a factor of $O(\ln N)$ to the total regret. We demonstrate the high efficiency of our protocol using simulation over 5G channels. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In section \ref{sec:system} we describe the resource sharing problem. In section \ref{sec:protocol} we describe our MAC protocol and the algorithms used to implement the protocol. In section \ref{sec:regret} we analyze the expected regret of the MAC, under the assumption of static network and exponentially growing exploitation phase. In section{sec:practical} we discuss the implementation of the protocol in dynamic environments where exponentially growing exploitation is undesirable. We further suggest that during the first epoch, the exploration phase should be longer than the subsequent epochs to allow good starting point for the learning and adaptation. In section \ref{sec:simulations} we provide simulations. First we demonstrate the logarithmic regret under stationary channel and exponentially growing exploitation and then show in simulations, that limiting the exploitation phase to be a large and significant part of the the frame leads to excellent utilization of the spectral resources even for dynamically changing networks. We end with some concluding remarks. \section{System Model} \label{sec:system} Consider an ad-hoc wireless network with $N$ learning user pairs with carrier sensing capabilities.A schematic depiction of our network is presented in Figure \ref{fig:From_Zafar}. \begin{figure}[t] \includegraphics[width = \columnwidth]{Figures/illustrations/Network_Illustration.png} \caption{Example Network} \label{fig:From_Zafar} \end{figure} These users share $K$ frequency channels. Our network is congested, i.e., $N\gg K$ so time division is necessary. Time/frequency slots are called \emph{resources}. The users apply CSMA only during learning phases, while data transmission phase uses orthogonal allocation of resources. For simplicity we assume that the average congestion on each channel $M \triangleq N/K$ is an integer and that each user requires a single time-frequency resource. These assumptions can be easily removed, but they allow a simpler notation. A OFDMA configuration with 12 users and 3 channels is depicted in Figure \ref{fig:OFDMA}. \begin{figure}[ht] \includegraphics[width = \columnwidth]{Figures/illustrations/OFTDMA.png} \caption{OFDMA Configuration} \label{fig:OFDMA} \end{figure} Since users select resources distributedly, we refer to such a selection as an action. The \emph{action} of user $n$ is a tuple of channel and time slot choices $a_n \triangleq \langle k_n, m_n \rangle $ where $k_n \in [K]$ and $m_n \in [M]$ and $[M]=\{1,\ldots,M\}$. \emph{action profile} is a vector of actions by all users $\mathbf{a} \triangleq (a_1,..., a_N)$. Finally, we assume that each users pair can listen and transmit over a single resource in any single frame. \subsection{Utility function for learning and optimization} Typically, wireless communication systems use a relatively small number of possible coding and modulation schemes (MCS). This translates to a finite set of data rates, i.e., transmission rate is a discrete quantity with some resolution $\dm$ (without loss of generality we can assume $\Delta_{\min}=1$). Denote by $Q_M$ the maximal achievable rate in the network. By our assumption $Q_M$ is also finite and any attainable rate $Q$ satisfies: $0\le Q\le Q_M$. Let $\Delta$ be the resolution relative to $Q_M$ \begin{equation} \label{def:delta} \Delta \triangleq \Delta_{\min} / Q_{M}. \end{equation} We assume that the channel is quasi-static and that channel statistics is a slowly varying process. Any learning learning algorithm requires a performance metric to optimize. In our case the reward for each user is modeled by its throughput. We now define the utility of each user: \begin{definition} Let $Q_{n,a}$ for action $a=(n,k)$ to be the Quality of Service (QoS) of user $n$ on channel $k$ at slot $m$ without interference from inside the network. The \emph{utility} of user $n$ when taking action $a$ is given by: \begin{equation} \label{eq:def:utility} U_n \left(\mathbf{a}\right) \triangleq Q_{n,a} \; \mathbb{1}\left(\forall \tilde{n} \neq n : a_{\tilde{n}} \neq a_n \right). \end{equation} \end{definition} Since we assume a very dense network, is it reasonable to assume that whenever two links use the same frequency simultaneously they block each other and their respective rates are close to zero. For dynamic channels, $Q_{n,a}$ is time varying and also different time slots at the same frequency might suffer different interference which might also be time varying, therefore, we use $a$ as the QoS index. Since users apply coding for the fading channel, long term averages of $Q_{n,a}$ define the performance. Unfortunately, these are not known to the users a-priori and each user needs to estimate these parameters by sampling the channels repeatedly and estimating the QoS. The QoS sample of user $n$'s action at time $t$ is denoted by $q_{n,a}^t$ and we assume that $\forall t : E \left( q_{n,a}^t \right) = Q_{n,a}$. Furthermore, $q_{n,a}^t$ is bounded between $Q_M$ and $Q_{\min}$ and i.i.d. in time. Let $W(\mbox{${\bf a}$})$ be the social welfare of a given action profile $\mbox{${\bf a}$}$ defined by \begin{align} W(\mbox{${\bf a}$}) \triangleq \sum_{n=1}^N U_n(\mbox{${\bf a}$}). \end{align} Let the optimal action profile $a^*$ be defined by \begin{align} \mbox{${\bf a}$}^*=\arg\max_{\mathbf{a}} \; W(\mathbf{a}), \end{align} and let the optimal social welfare \begin{equation} W^*\triangleq W(\mbox{${\bf a}$}^*). \end{equation} Let $\hbox{{\bf Q}}=\left[Q_{n,a} \right]$ be the utility matrix of the users. Time is slotted and indexed by $t$ and that the users are active for $T$ time slots. $T$ and $\hbox{{\bf Q}}$ are not known to the users and there is no explicit message passing between users, except a feedback channel between each transmitter and its designated receiver. Therefore, $\mathbf{a}^*$ must be learned in a fully-distributed manner. The welfare at time $t$ is $W^t$. The regret is defined with respect to $W^*$by: \begin{align} R \triangleq \mathbb{E} \left[ TW^* - \sum_{t=1}^{T} W^t \right] \end{align} where the expectation is taken with respect to the randomness of the utilities and the users' choices. In order to minimize regret the users must learn $\mathbf{a}^*$ as quickly as possible. To derive a logarithmic regret users must be able to estimate $a^*$ with an exponentially decaying probability of error. As we will show in our main theorem regret of $O(\ln T)$ is achievable. This is very satisfying, since the relative management overhead reduces to 0 quickly at rate $O\left(\frac{\ln T}{T}\right)$. Our goal in this paper is to develop a fully distributed MAC protocol which allows the users to independently and distributedly learn an optimal action profile $\mbox{${\bf a}$}^*$ with logarithmic regret. We also study sub-optimal, fixed block length versions of the protocol and bound their regret. \section{Medium Access Control protocol for collaborative spectrum access} \label{sec:protocol} In this section we describe a medium access control protocol for ad-hoc wireless networks combined with a learning algorithm for achieving a regret optimal resource allocation. The protocol is divided into epochs and each epoch consists of two phases: Learning and exploitation phases. these phases manifests the classical trade-off between exploration and exploitation. Indeed, properly determining the length of each phase is crucial for achieving optimal performance. The learning phase is further divided into two sub-phases: Exploration phase, coordination phase. The first is used to learn the channel state information for each user independently, while the coordination phase is used to obtain an optimal (with respect to the estimated channel state information) time-frequency allocation $\hat{\mathbf{a}}^*$. During the exploitation phase, each user transmits its data using the estimated optimal allocation $\hat{\mathbf{a}}^*$. Epochs are indexed by $j$, and the duration of the exploration, coordination and exploitation phases during the $j$'th epoch are denoted by $T_1^j, T_2^j$ and $T_3^j$, respectively. We will show that by setting $T_1^j=T_1, T_2^j=T_2$ to be independent of $j$ while $T_3^j=2^j$ grows exponentially, leads to a logarithmic regret. In the rest of this section we discuss the structure of each of the phases the frame structure and the state machine of the protocol. The structure of the algorithm is depicted in Figure \ref{fig:new_phases}. The main pseudo-code of the algorithm appears in algorithm \ref{alg:1}. We now describe the learning phases of the algorithm in detail. These phases occur in the beginning of each epoch. \subsection{Exploration Phase} \label{subsec:exploration_phase_protocol} The first learning phase is the exploration phase. In the beginning of the phase user $n$ initializes its utility sample sum on each resource $a=(k,m)$ to be zero $S_{n,a}=0$ and its visitations counter $V_{n,a}=0$. In each time slot of this phase user $n$ chooses a channel and time slot uniformly at random and transmits a pilot signal. If the signal is properly received an ACK message containing the estimated utility is sent by the receiver. If ACK is received for this transmission, the transmitter updates the Utility Sample Sum $S_{n,a}$ and the Visitations Counter $V_{n,a}$ according to eq. sample sum and its visitations counter: \begin{equation} \label{eq:estimation_step_update} V_{n,a} \leftarrow V_{n,a} + 1, \qquad\qquad S_{n,a} \leftarrow S_{n,a} + u_{n,a} \end{equation} At the end of this phase each user estimates its QoS for each action by \begin{align} \tilde{Q}_{n,a} \leftarrow \frac{S_{n,a}}{V_{n,a}} \end{align} Afterwards, each user adds a small dithering to each estimated QoS to make the optimal action profile for the estimated matrix unique with probability 1. The maximal dithering is $d_{\max} \triangleq \frac{\dm}{8N}$. In Appendix A, Lemma \ref{lem:sufficient_utility_estimation_percision} we will prove that the dithering does not change the optimal action profile. The dithering of the utility of user $n$ on channel $k$ and slot $m$ is uniformly distributed $D_{n,a}^m \sim U\left( \left[ -d_{\max}, d_{\max} \right] \right)$ and i.i.d. in $k$ and $m$. The dithered estimated utilities are: \begin{equation} \label{eq:dithered_estimaed_utilities} \hat{Q}_{n,m} \leftarrow\tilde{Q}_{n,a} +D_{n,a} \end{equation} The pseudo-code of the exploration phase appears in algorithm \ref{alg:2}. \subsection{Auction Phase} \label{subsec:auction_phase_protocol} In the second phase the users hold a distributed auction over the resources. In the beginning of this auction all users are \emph{unassigned}. Users become assigned by bidding over resources and winning them in \emph{iterations}. The maximal number of iteration is $I_{\max}$. At the end of each iteration there is an \emph{unassigned notification slot}. In this slot all receivers of unassigned transmitters transmit on channel 1. This modest feedback incurs very little overhead. If a transmission occurred the auction continues. Otherwise, it terminates. The structure of the auction phase is depicted in Figure \ref{fig:Auction_Phase}. The main pseudo-code of the auction phase appears in algorithm \ref{alg:3}. Each iteration is composed of $M$ \emph{frames}. Bidding over resource $a=(k,m)$ is done over channel $k$ in frame $m$. This is depicted in figure \ref{fig:bidding_over_different_channels_simultaneously}. Each frame has a deterministic part and a random part. The purpose of these parts is to cope with the finite resolution of the contention window, i,e, what to do when bids of two users over the same resource fall into the same CSMA slot. In the beginning of the auction user $n$ initializes all entries of its \emph{bid matrix} to be zero $\mathbf{B}_n=\mbox{${\bf 0}$} $. The minimal bid increment is $\varepsilon$. It is initialized to some value $\varepsilon_0$ (e.g. $\varepsilon_0 = \dm $) and multiplied by a scaling factor $0<\zeta<1$ in each iteration until it reaches its final value $\varepsilon^* \triangleq \dm/8N$. Let $\varepsilon^i$ be the $\varepsilon$ of auction iteration $i$. The $\varepsilon$-scaling update rule is: \begin{equation} \label{eq:epsilon_scaling} \varepsilon^{i+1} \, \leftarrow \, \max (\varepsilon^*, \; \varepsilon^i \zeta) \end{equation} Users bid over their most \emph{profitable} resource. The \emph{profit} of user $n$ with resource $a$ is the difference between its estimated QoS and its bid: \begin{equation} \label{eq:profit_def} g_{n,a} \leftarrow \hat{Q}_{n,a} - B_{n,a} \end{equation} The most-profitable resource of user $n$ is: \begin{equation} \label{eq:most_profitable_resource_def} a_n \triangleq \underset{a}{\arg\max} \left( g_{n,a} \right) \end{equation} Re-order the profits of user $n$: \begin{equation} \label{eq:Order_Profits} g_{n,(1)} \leq g_{n,(2)} \leq... \leq g_{n,(N-1)} \leq g_{n,(N)} \end{equation} Let the profit gap $g_n^{\text{gap}}$ of user $n$ be: \begin{equation} \label{eq:profit_gap} g_n^{\text{gap}} \triangleq g_{n,(N)} - g_{n,(N-1)} \end{equation} The bid increment of user $n$ is \begin{equation} \label{eq:delta_bid} {B}_n^\Delta = \varepsilon + g_n^{\text{gap}} \end{equation} The new bid of user $n$ on resource $a$ is \begin{equation} \label{eq:new_bid} B_{n,a} \leftarrow B_{n,a} + B_n^\Delta \end{equation} The pseudo-code of the update of the continuous bid appears in algorithm \ref{alg:4}. We now begin the process of translating the continuous bid into a discrete bid. First, note that the maximal discrete bid which suffices for the distributed auction algorithm $b^*$ is given by: \begin{equation} \label{eq:maximal_discrete_bid} b^* = 8 N Q_M / \dm. \end{equation} In practice optimizing $b^*$ can improve the performance of the MAC. Let the \emph{relative continuous bid} of user $n$ on resource $a$ be $B_{n,a}/Q_M$. Let \begin{align} \rho_{n,a}=1-B_{n,a}/Q_M. \end{align} Let $\beta$ be the number of slots in each contention window \footnote{We found that $\beta=4$ leads to good performance.} (auction block). Let us consider the representation of the relative complementary continuous bid of user $n$ on resource $a$ in base $\beta$: \begin{equation} \label{eq:new_quant} [\rho_{n,a}]_\beta = 0.\rho_1 \ldots \rho_\lambda,\ldots \end{equation} where $\lambda$ represents the required resolution of the bids in the distributed auction algorithm: \begin{equation} \lambda \triangleq \log_\beta b^*. \end{equation} Each frame is composed of at most $\lambda$ deterministic blocks each containing $\beta$ slots followed by a collision notification slot as depicted in Figures \ref{fig:Auction_Frame},\ref{fig:Auction_Block} and possibly several random collision resolution blocks with two slots each. The role of the deterministic blocks is to identify the highest bidders (up to accuracy $Q_M/b^*$) and then the random collision resolution blocks select one of these highest bidders. Each user initializes its local state to \emph{undetermined}. In deterministic block $i$ user $n$ begins to transmit on slot $\rho_i+1$ as defined in \eqref{eq:new_quant}. If any user began transmitting before user $n$ then user $n$ sets its state to \emph{loser}. After each deterministic block there is a \emph{collision notification slot} where a NACK message is transmitted by each receiver which failed to decode the message properly. If no transmission occurs in this slot then the single remaining \emph{undetermined} user changes its state to \emph{winner} and the bidding over this resource in this iteration is finished. If there is a transmission in this slot this means that a more refined resolution is necessary to determine the winner and the algorithm proceeds either to another deterministic block (in the first $\lambda$ blocks) or to a random block if resolution is sufficiently high as explained in Lemma~\ref{lem:optimal_convergence}. \color{black} The over all collision-resolution flow (both deterministic and random) is depicted in Figure \ref{fig:auction_block_flow}. A pseudo-code describing a single auction iteration with its frames and blocks appears in algorithm \ref{alg:5}. \begin{figure} \begin{minipage}[c]{0.1\textwidth} \caption{ The duration of the exploration, auction, and exploitation phases of epoch $j$ are denoted $T_1^j,T_2^j$ and $T_3^j$, respectively. } \label{fig:new_phases} \end{minipage} \begin{minipage}[c]{0.35\textwidth} \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{Figures/illustrations/phases.png} \end{minipage}\hfill \end{figure} \begin{figure} \begin{minipage}[c]{0.15\textwidth} \caption{ There are at most $I_{\max}$ iteration in the auction phase. Unassigned users transmit on channel 1 in the \emph{unassigned notification slot}. } \label{fig:Auction_Phase} \end{minipage} \begin{minipage}[c]{0.3\textwidth} \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{Figures/illustrations/auction_phase.png} \end{minipage}\hfill \end{figure} \begin{figure} \begin{minipage}[c]{0.15\textwidth} \caption{ Each auction iteration is composed of $M$ frames. Users bid over resource $a$ in channel $k$ and frame $m$. } \label{fig:bidding_over_different_channels_simultaneously} \end{minipage} \begin{minipage}[c]{0.3\textwidth} \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{Figures/illustrations/Iteration_Frames_Channels.png} \end{minipage}\hfill \end{figure} \begin{figure}[t] \centering \begin{minipage}{0.5\columnwidth} \centering \includegraphics[width=0.9\textwidth]{Figures/illustrations/Auction_frame.png} \caption{Auction Frame.} \label{fig:Auction_Frame} \end{minipage}\hfill \begin{minipage}{0.5\columnwidth} \centering \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{Figures/illustrations/Auction_Block_Slot_Structure.png} \caption{Auction Block.} \label{fig:Auction_Block} \end{minipage} \end{figure} \begin{figure}[t] \includegraphics[width =0.5\textwidth]{Figures/illustrations/Auction_Block_Flow.png} \caption{ Collision-resolution flow} \label{fig:auction_block_flow} \end{figure} \begin{algorithm}[t] \begin{algorithmic}[1] \caption{Main - Run in prallel for each user $n$} \label{alg:1} \STATE \textbf{Input:} $K, \dm, Q_M, \zeta, b^*$. \STATE \textbf{Initialize:} For all $a=(k,m)$ set $V_{n,a}=0, S_{n,a}=0$. \FOR{epoch index $j=1$ \TO $J$} \STATE $\left[\hat{\mathbf{Q}}_n, V_n, S_n \right] \leftarrow $ \textbf{Exploration}$(K, V_n, S_n)$ for $ T_1^j$ time slots according to algorithm \ref{alg:2}. \STATE $ a_n \leftarrow $ \textbf{Auction}$\left(\hat{\mathbf{Q}}_n, \dm, b^*, \zeta, Q_M \right)$ for $ T_2^j$ time slots according to algorithm \ref{alg:3}. \STATE Exploit action $a_n$ for $ T_3^j$ time slots. \ENDFOR \end{algorithmic} \end{algorithm} \begin{algorithm}[t] \caption{Exploration - Run in prallel for each user $n$} \label{alg:2} \begin{algorithmic}[1] \STATE \textbf{Input:} $K,M,V_n,S_n$. \hfill \textbf{Output:} $\hat{\hbox{{\bf Q}}}^j_n$. \STATE \textbf{Initialize:} For all $a$ set $ D_{n,a} \sim U \left(\left[ 0, \varepsilon^* \right]\right) $. \FOR{time slot $i=1$ \TO $T_1^j$} \STATE Chooses an action $a=(k,m)$ uniformly at random. \STATE Send a pilot over resource $a$. \STATE If pilot is received, Receiver estimates $u_{n,a}$ and sends an ACK message containing $u_{n,a}$. \IF {ACK message is received by transmitter} \STATE User $n$ updates $S_{n,a}, V_{n,a}$ using \eqref{eq:estimation_step_update}. \ENDIF \ENDFOR \STATE User $n$ generates dithered estimations according to \eqref{eq:dithered_estimaed_utilities}. \end{algorithmic} \end{algorithm} \begin{algorithm}[t] \caption{Auction - Run in prallel for each user $n$} \label{alg:3} \begin{algorithmic}[1] \STATE \textbf{Input:} $\hat{\mathbf{Q}}_n, \dm, b^*, \zeta, Q_M$. \hfill \textbf{Output:} $a_n$. \STATE Set the initial and final minimal continuous bid increments to $\varepsilon = \dm/4$ and $\varepsilon^* = \dm/8N$. \STATE Set the local-user-state to \emph{unassigned}. \STATE Set all the continuous bids to zero: \hfill $\forall a: \mathbf{B}_{n,a}=0$. \STATE Set global state \emph{all-assigned} to \emph{false}. \WHILE{not \emph{all-assigned}} \STATE $\left[\mathbf{B}_n, \, a_n, \right] \leftarrow$ \textbf{Calculate\_Bid} $\left( \mathbf{B_n}, \, \hat{\mathbf{Q}}_n, \, \varepsilon \right)$ \\ according to algorithm \ref{alg:4}. \STATE Perform { \bf $\varepsilon$-scaling} according to eq. \eqref{eq:epsilon_scaling}. \STATE Get discrete bid $b_{n,a_n}$ according to eq. \eqref{eq:new_quant}. \STATE $[a_n,\hbox{local-user-state}] \leftarrow $ \textbf{Place\_Bid}$\left(a_n, b_{n,a_n} \right)$ \\ according to algorithm \ref{alg:5}. \STATE All \emph{unassigned} users transmit on the all-assigned signalling slot. If no transmission occurred in that slot set global state \emph{all-assigned} to \emph{true}. \ENDWHILE \end{algorithmic} \end{algorithm} \begin{algorithm}[t] \caption{Calculate\_Bid} \label{alg:4} \begin{algorithmic}[1] \STATE \textbf{Input:} $ \mathbf{B}_n, \, \hat{\mathbf{Q}}_n, \, \varepsilon$. \hfill \textbf{Output:} $ \mathbf{B}_n, \, \mathbf{k}_n, \, \mathbf{m}_n$. \IF{state = \emph{assigned}} \STATE Choose the same resource and keep the same bid. \ELSE \STATE Calculate profits according to eq. \eqref{eq:profit_def}. \STATE Choose best resource according to eq. \eqref{eq:most_profitable_resource_def} \STATE Find best and second-best profits according to eq. \eqref{eq:Order_Profits}. \STATE Find profit gap according to eq. \eqref{eq:profit_gap}. \STATE Determine bid increment according to eq. \eqref{eq:delta_bid}. \STATE Increase bid according to eq. \eqref{eq:new_bid}. \ENDIF \end{algorithmic} \end{algorithm} \begin{algorithm}[t] \caption{Place\_Bid} \label{alg:5} \begin{algorithmic}[1] \STATE \textbf{Input:} $a_n, b_n$. \hfill \textbf{Output:} $a_n$, local-user-state. \STATE Set local-user-state to \emph{undetermined}. \STATE Set global-state \emph{all-determined} to \emph{false}. \STATE Initialize block index to 1. \WHILE{global-state \emph{all-determined} is \emph{false}} \IF{local state = \emph{undetermined}} \IF{block index $\leq \lambda$} \STATE Choose slot according to equation \eqref{eq:new_quant}. \ELSE \STATE Choose slot uniformly at random. \ENDIF \STATE Begin transmitting on the chosen slot. \IF{Someone else transmitted before I did} \STATE Set state to \emph{Loser}. \ENDIF \IF{No transmission in collision notification slot} \STATE Set local state to \emph{Winner}. \STATE Set global state \emph{all-determined} to \emph{true}. \ENDIF \ENDIF \STATE Increase block index by 1. \ENDWHILE \end{algorithmic} \end{algorithm} \iffalse \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c| } \hline \textbf{Symbol} & \textbf{Definition} \\ \hline \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\textbf{Exploration Phase} } \\\hline $S_{n,k}$ & Accumulated sample rewards of $\mathbf{Q}_{n,k}$ \\ \hline $V_{n,k}$ & Number of samples of $\mathbf{Q}_{n,k}$ \\ \hline $V_{\min}$ & Minimal number of samples \\ \hline $\xi_{n,k}$ & Estimation error of $\mathbf{Q}_{n,k}$ \\ \hline $\xi$ & Maximal estimation error \\ \hline \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\textbf{Auction Phase} } \\\hline $\zeta$ & $\varepsilon$ scaling factor \\ \hline $\varepsilon^*$ & \makecell{Minimal continuous bid increment \\ that guarantees optimality upon convergence} \\ \hline $b^*$ & Maximal discrete bid \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \fi \section{Regret Analysis} \label{sec:regret} In this section we assume that the exploitation phase grows exponentially and that the network state is static and prove a logarithmic regret upper bound. To that end we make the following assumption regarding the phases: \subsubsection*{\bf Exploration Phase} In the first phase, the users choose channels uniformly at random for \begin{align} \label{def:T1} T_1 = 10 N^3 Q_M^2 \Delta_{\min}^{-2} \end{align} slots and estimate their QoS. Users who choose the same channel at the same time do not obtain any estimation. This phase follows the discussion in subsection \ref{subsec:exploration_phase_protocol}. \subsubsection*{\bf Auction Phase} In the second phase the users perform the distributed auction algorithm for \begin{align} \label{def:T2} T_2 = c N^3 \ln N \end{align} slots for some constant $c$ as described in detail in subsection \ref{subsec:auction_phase_protocol}. \subsubsection*{\bf Exploitation Phase} In the third phase the users exploit the allocation obtained at the end of the auction phase for \begin{align} \label{def:T3} T_3^j = O(2^j). \end{align} Because the duration of the learning phases is constant and the duration of the exploitation phase increases exponentially with the epoch index, the regret (overhead) of the algorithm is logarithmic with respect to the total number of slots. To prove the regret bound, we also need to bound the probability of error at the end of the auction phase. Our main Theorem is now formulated as follows: \begin{theorem}[Main Theorem] \label{Main Theorem} When applying the MAC protocol of section \ref{sec:protocol} to the resource sharing problem of section \ref{sec:system} with phase durations given by \eqref{def:T1}-\eqref{def:T3} the regret is $O\left((N^3 \ln N) \ln T \right)$. \end{theorem} To prove the main theorem, we need to prove two important facts: First, the overhead size is logarithmic in time, i.e., only a logarithmic fraction of the protocol is dedicated to exploration and coordination. Then we need to prove that the probability of error in the estimation of the optimal profile is decaying faster than $2^{-j}$. Since the expected regret is composed of the overhead phases and the duration of exploitation phases where the action profile was sub-optimal this will finish the proof. In contrast to our previous work \cite{zafaruddin2019distributed}, our analysis should include the expected length of collision resolution due to finite accuracy as well as the more complicated time-frequency structure. To prove the main theorem we first make a few definitions. These are valid at the end of the exploration phase of epoch $j$: \begin{definition} The estimated utility of user $n$ with action profile $\mathbf{a}$ is: \begin{align} \label{eq:def:estimated_utility} \hat{U}_n^j \left(\mathbf{a}\right) \triangleq \hat{Q}_{n,a_n}^j \mathbb{1}\left(\forall \tilde{n} \neq n : a_{\tilde{n}} \neq a_n \right) \end{align} The total estimated welfare $\hat{W}^j \left(\mathbf{a}\right)$ and the estimated optimal action at epoch $j$ are respectively defined by: \begin{align} \label{eq:def:estimated_welfare} \hat{W}^j \left(\mathbf{a}\right) \triangleq \sum_{n=1}^N \hat{U}_n^j \left(\mathbf{a}\right) \quad , \quad \hat{\mathbf{a}}^{j*} \triangleq \underset{\mathbf{a}}{\arg\max} \; \hat{W}^j(\mathbf{a}) \end{align} \end{definition} We now present two lemmas that are necessary for the proof of the main theorem: \begin{lemma} \label{lem:4.2} The estimated optimal action profile is incorrect with probability $ \mathbb{P}\left( \hat{\mathbf{a}}^{j*} \neq \mathbf{a}^* \right) = o(2^{-j})$. \end{lemma} \begin{lemma} \label{lem:4.3} If $\varepsilon^* < \frac{\dm}{8N}(1+\frac{1}{16N})$ then the auction converges to the estimated optimal allocation $\hat{\mathbf{a}}^*$ within $\frac{8 N^3Q_M}{\dm}$ iterations. \end{lemma} In subsection \ref{subsec:Pure-Exploration-Phase} we analyze the probability of failure due to the exploration phase and prove lemma \ref{lem:4.2}. In subsection \ref{subsec:Auction Phase} we analyze the probability of failure of the Auction phase and prove lemma \ref{lem:4.3}. \subsection{Exploration Phase Analysis} \label{subsec:Pure-Exploration-Phase} We now analyze the performance of the exploration phase and its contribution to the accumulated regret. \begin{definition} Define the QoS estimation errors at the end of the exploration phase of epoch $j$: \begin{equation} \xi_{n,a}^j \triangleq \left| \hat{Q}_{n,a}^j - Q_{n,a} \right|, \qquad \qquad \xi^j \triangleq \max_{n,a} \xi_{n,a}^j \label{eq:def:QoS_est_err} \end{equation} \end{definition} Let $\xi_{\max}$ be defined by: \begin{equation} \xi_{\max} \triangleq \frac{3\dm}{8N} \end{equation} Let $E^j$ be the error event that $\hat{\mathbf{a}}^* \neq \mathbf{a}^{*}$. \begin{lemma} \label{lem:sufficient_utility_estimation_percision} We now prove that as long as $\xi \leq \xi_{\max}$ the correct action profile is selected, i.e., $P(E^j)\leq P(\xi \leq \xi_{\max})$. \end{lemma} The proof is given in appendix \ref{subsec:Linear_Programming_Proof_Details}. Let the number of visitation to the least-visited channel at the end of the exploration phase of epoch $j$ be $V^j \triangleq \underset{n,a}{\min} \; V_{n,a}^{j}$. Let $V_{\min}^j$ be defined by : \begin{equation} V_{\min}^j \triangleq \frac{5jN^2}{2\Delta^2}, \end{equation} where $\Delta$ is defined in \eqref{def:delta}. Let $E^j_V$ be the event where we fail to obtain at least $V_{\min}^j$ samples of some resource. \begin{lemma} \label{lem:insufficient_visitaitons} $\mathbb{P}\left(E_V^j \right) = o(2^{-j})$. \end{lemma} \begin{IEEEproof} Let $P{ss}$ be the probability that a user will successfully sample a channel in an exploration slot. This probability is given by: \begin{equation} P_{ss} \triangleq \frac{1}{N}\left(1-\frac{1}{N}\right)^{N-1} \end{equation} With the help of the union bound and Hoeffding's inequality for Bernoulli's distribution we obtain: \begin{equation} \mathbb{P}\left(E_V^j\right) \leq N^2 \exp\left(-20j N^3\Delta^{-2} \left( \frac{1}{4K} - P_{ss} \right)^{2} \right) \label{eq:Hoeffding_Bernoulli} \end{equation} Details of the computation are given in appendix \ref{subsec:Bernoulli_Hoeffding_Proof_Details}. \end{IEEEproof} \begin{lemma} \label{lem:insufficient_QoS_estimation_in_spite_of_sufficient_samples} $ \mathbb{P}\left(E^j \big| \neg E_V^j \right) = o(2^{-j})$. \end{lemma} \begin{IEEEproof} We rely on lemma \ref{lem:sufficient_utility_estimation_percision}. Hoeffding's inequality for bounded random variables together with a union bound on the users and channels results in \begin{equation} \label{eq:13} \mathbb{P}\left( E^j \big| \neg E_V^j \right) \leq 2 NK \exp\left( -2\xi_{\max}^2 V_{\min}^j /Q_M^2 \right) \end{equation} Substituting $V_{\min}^j, \; \xi_{\max}$ and $\Delta$ into \eqref{eq:13} we obtain: \begin{equation} \mathbb{P}\left( E^j \big| \neg E_V^j \right) \leq 2 N^2 \exp\left( -\frac{90j}{128} \right) \end{equation} Details of the bound computation are given in appendix \ref{subsec:Bounded_Hoeffding_Proof_Details}. \end{IEEEproof} We now bound the probability of the error event $E^j$: \begin{corollary} \label{cor:insufficient_QoS_estimation} $ \mathbb{P}\left( E^j \right) = o(2^{-j})$. \end{corollary} \begin{IEEEproof} Clearly $\mathbb{P}\left( E^j \right) \leq \mathbb{P} \left( E_V^j \right) + \mathbb{P}\left(E^j \big| \neg E_V^j \right)$. Lemmas \ref{lem:insufficient_visitaitons} and \ref{lem:insufficient_QoS_estimation_in_spite_of_sufficient_samples} and $\frac{N}{\Delta} > 3$ complete the proof. \end{IEEEproof} \subsection{Auction Phase Analysis} \label{subsec:Auction Phase} We now analyze the performance of the auction phase and its contribution to the accumulated regret. We discuss the convergence time of the auction in lemmas \ref{lem:finite_time_convergence} and \ref{lem:blocks} and the performance upon convergence in lemma \ref{lem:optimal_convergence}. \begin{lemma} \label{lem:finite_time_convergence} The auction converges within at most $\frac{8N^3Q_M}{\dm}(1+\frac{1}{16 N})$ iterations. \end{lemma} \begin{IEEEproof} Lemma 3 of \cite{naparstek2013fully} guarantees that user $n$ will become assigned within $I_n \leq KM + \frac{1}{\varepsilon^*} \sum\limits_{a=1}^{N} \hat{Q}_{n,a} $ iterations. A simple and crude union bound ensures that all users will become assigned within $I \leq N I_n$ iterations. Since $\hat{Q}_{n,a}\leq Q_M + \varepsilon*$ and $\varepsilon^* = \frac{\dm}{8N}$ the result follows. \end{IEEEproof} We would like to emphasize that the union bounds used are very crude. In practice we know based on the analysis of the assignment problem by Aldous \cite{aldous2001zeta} that at about half the users are allocated their best channel, quarter obtain their second best, an so on, so that convergence of the auction is typically much faster. Indeed in our simulations, we limited the auction phase to be less than 1000 iterations, which provided little penality in efficiency. We now analyze the effect of the collision-resolution process on the expected number of blocks in each iteration. \begin{lemma} \label{lem:blocks} The expected number of collision-resolution blocks per frame (both deterministic and random) is upper bounded by $O(\ln N)$ and the winner has the best bid up to a resolution of $Q_M / b^*$. \end{lemma} \begin{IEEEproof} The number of deterministic collision resolution blocks is bounded by $\lambda=O(\ln N)$. To finish the proof we need to prove that the expected number of random collisions is $o(\ln N)$. Our analysis will actually show that it is $O(\ln \ln N)$. Consider what happens when $\ell_a$ users offer the same discrete bid for resource $a$ in the same iteration. Out of these $\ell_a$ users, $\ell_a^1$ users chose the first slot. When $\ell_a^1=0$, all of them continue to the next round. Therefore, the expected number of users in the next block is: \begin{equation} \label{eq:17} \begin{split} \sum_{1 \leq \ell_a^1 } & \ell_a^1 \binom{\ell_a}{\ell_a^1} 2^{-\ell_a} + 2^{-\ell_a} \ell_a \\ & \leq \ell_a \left( 0.5+2^{-\ell_a} \right) \leq 0.75 \ell_a \end{split} \end{equation} Let $C_1\triangleq 1/\ln(4/3)$. From \eqref{eq:17} it is clear that if $\ell_a>1$ the expected number of block is upper bounded by $C_1 \ln \ell_a$. If $\ell_a=1$ only one block is necessary. Therefore, the expected number of blocks required for resource $a$ is upper bounded by \begin{equation} \label{eq:18} E \left( N^B_a \right) \leq \max \left(1, \; C_1\ln\ell_a \right) \end{equation} The number of users who choose a resource $a$ in a given iteration is a binomial random variable $Z_a \sim B(N, \frac{1}{N})$. Naturally, $\ell_a \leq Z_a$. According to \cite{alon2004probabilistic} corollary A.1.10 \begin{equation} \label{eq:Noga_Alon} P\left(\ell_a \geq x \right) < \exp \left( x - \left( x+1 \right) \ln \left( 1+x \right) \right) \end{equation} Clearly, $\exp \left( x - \left( x+1 \right) \ln \left( 1+x \right) \right) < \left( \frac{e}{x}\right)^x$. Set $x = \ln^2 (N)$. For $N \geq 12$ we have $\left( \frac{e}{x}\right)^x < N^{-2}$. From eq. \eqref{eq:Noga_Alon} we have \begin{equation} \label{eq:probability_of_hight_load_bound} P(\ell_a \geq \ln^2 N) < N^{-2} \end{equation} From \eqref{eq:18} and \eqref{eq:probability_of_hight_load_bound} the expected number of blocks for TDMA slot $m$ and channel $k$ is upper bounded by \begin{align} \nonumber E \left( N^B_a \right) \leq & E \left( N^B_a|\ell_a \geq \ln^2 N \right) + \\ \nonumber & E \left( N^B_a|\ell_a < \ln^2 N \right) \leq \\ \label{eq:20} & N^{-2} C_1\ln N + C_1\ln \left( \ln^2 N \right) \end{align} Recall that bidding over different frequencies occurs simultaneously. Therefore, the expected number of blocks required in frame $m$ is $N^B_m \triangleq \underset{k}{\max} \; N^B_a$. The probability that $N^B_m$ is greater than $C_1\ln \ln^2 N$ is upper bounded as follows: \begin{equation} \begin{split} P \left( N^B_m > C_1\ln \ln^2 N \right) = \\ 1 - P \left( N^B_m < C_1\ln \ln^2 N \right) = \\ 1 - \left[ P \left( N^B_a < C_1\ln \ln^2 N \right) \right]^K = \\ 1 - \left[ 1-N^{-2} \right]^K = \frac{K}{N^2} \end{split} \end{equation} Therefore, the expected number of random blocks per frame is upper bounded as follows: \begin{equation} E[N^B_m] \leq 2C_1\ln\ln N +\frac{K}{N^2} C_1\ln N. \end{equation} \end{IEEEproof} \begin{lemma} \label{lem:estimated_welfare_difference} If $\mathbf{a}$ and $\mathbf{a}'$ are two action profiles such that $\left| \hat{W}\left(\mathbf{a}\right) - \hat{W}\left(\mathbf{a}'\right) \right| \neq 0$ then $\left| \hat{W}\left(\mathbf{a}\right) - \hat{W}\left(\mathbf{a}'\right) \right| \geq \frac{\dm}{4}$. \end{lemma} The proof appears in appendix \ref{subsec:estimated_welfare_difference_proof}. \begin{lemma} \label{lem:optimal_convergence} The distributed auction algorithm \cite{naparstek2013fully} converges to $\hat{\mathbf{a}}^*$ as long as $\varepsilon^* \leq \dm/8N$. \end{lemma} \begin{IEEEproof} If user $n$ is assigned to resource $a$ then local $\varepsilon$-complementary slackness guarantees: \begin{equation} \hat{Q}_{n,a} - B_{n,a} \geq \max_{m} \left( \hat{Q}_{n,m} - B_{n,m} \right) - \varepsilon \label{eq:33} \end{equation} Let the maximal bid on resource $a$ be: \begin{equation} \mathbb{B} _a \triangleq \underset{n}{\max} \; B_{n,a} \end{equation} Since $\mathbb{B} _a \geq B_{n,a} \; \forall n$, we have: \begin{equation} \max_{a} \left( \hat{Q}_{n,a} - B_{n,a} \right) \geq \max_{a} \left( \hat{Q}_{n,a} - \mathbb{B}_a \right) \label{eq:35} \end{equation} Let $L$ be the precision of the quantization function that maps the continuous bids to discrete bids. For the quantization function of equation \eqref{eq:new_quant} we have $L = Q_M / b^*$. Since resource $a$ is assigned to user $n$ we have: \begin{equation} B_{n,a} > \mathbb{B}_a - L \label{eq:36} \end{equation} Setting \eqref{eq:36} into the left-hand side of \eqref{eq:33} and setting \eqref{eq:35} into the right-hand side of \eqref{eq:33} we obtain: \begin{equation} \hat{Q}_{n,a} - \mathbb{B}_a \geq \max_{a} \left( \hat{Q}_{n,a} - \mathbb{B}_a \right) - (\varepsilon + L) \label{eq:37} \end{equation} Let $\gamma \triangleq \varepsilon + L$. Equation \eqref{eq:37} is the global $\gamma$-Complementary Slackness of the original auction algorithm of \cite{bertsekas1979distributed}. Let the quantization function be that of equation \eqref{eq:new_quant}. By the end of the deterministic collision resolution phase, the winner is within $L=\frac{\dm}{8N}$ from the highest bidder (since after that step, the collision resolution is random). Coupled with $\varepsilon = \frac{\dm}{8N}$ we obtain $\gamma = \frac{\dm}{4N}$. Let $\hat{\mathbf{a}}^*$ be the estimated optimal action profile of eq. \eqref{eq:def:estimated_welfare}. Let $\tilde{\mathbf{a}}$ be the auction allocation upon termination. From \eqref{eq:37} we obtain: \begin{equation} \left| \hat{W}\left(\tilde{\mathbf{a}} \right) - \hat{W}\left(\hat{\mathbf{a}}^*\right) \right| \leq \gamma N = \frac{\dm}{4} \label{eq:Oshri_Fully_Theorem_1} \end{equation} From lemma \ref{lem:estimated_welfare_difference} and \eqref{eq:Oshri_Fully_Theorem_1} we have $\tilde{\mathbf{a}} = \mathbf{\hat{a}^*}$. \end{IEEEproof} The following corollary is a direct result of lemmas \ref{lem:finite_time_convergence} and \ref{lem:optimal_convergence} is corollary \ref{cor:optimal_finite_convergence}: \begin{corollary} \label{cor:optimal_finite_convergence} If $\varepsilon^* < \frac{\dm}{8N}$ then the auction converges to $\hat{\mathbf{a}}^*$ within $\frac{8N^3Q_M}{\dm}(1+\frac{1}{16 N})$ iterations. \end{corollary} \subsection{Proof of the Main Theorem} \begin{IEEEproof} The number of epochs $J$ is $O(\ln T)$ since \begin{align} T\geq \sum_{j=1}^{J-1} 2^{j} = (2^J-2). \end{align} Hence, the accumulated regret of the exploration and auction phases of all the epochs of the algorithm is upper bounded by \begin{align} R_1 + R_2&\leq (T_1+T_2)N Q_M \ln T \end{align}. since the regret at each slot is bounded by $NQ_M$. According to corollary \ref{cor:optimal_finite_convergence} the exploitation phase will only incur regret if the exploration or learning phases failed. According to corollary \ref{cor:insufficient_QoS_estimation} the probability of an exploration phase failure in epoch $j$ is upper bounded by \begin{align} \mathbb{P}\left(E^j\right) = O(s^{-j}) \end{align} for some $s>2$. Therefore, the accumulated regret of all the exploitation phases of all the epochs of the algorithm is upper bounded by \begin{align} R_3 \leq N Q_M \sum_{j=1}^J (2/s)^j\leq C \end{align} which is bounded. \end{IEEEproof} An interesting consequence of the main theorem is that the regret is mainly caused by the overhead of the learning phases, while the exploitation causes only bounded expected regret. In particular, when we implement a fixed size exploitation phase of length $T_3$ the regret will be bounded by \begin{align} R \le \frac{T_1+T_2}{T_1+T_2+T_3} T+C \end{align} Setting $\alpha(T_1+T_2)= T_3$ results in small linear regret of \begin{align} R \le \frac{1}{1+\alpha} T+C \end{align} which the designer of the protocol can choose according to channel conditions and other practical considerations. \section{The Medium Access Control protocol} In practical scenarios using an exponentially increasing exploitation is unpractical since it will not allow the network to adapt to changing conditions quickly. Therefore we propose to replace the exponential learning phase with a fixed one, which consists the larger portion of each epoch. We found that allocating $1-5\%$ of the resources to learning and coordination suffice to provide an accurate an fast learning phase. We also recognized that initial learning is extremely important and propose to allocate 100ms to initialize the network from scratch where this phase consists of learning and coordination withput exploitation. Once this phase ends, the network uses 5ms frames (which are approximately the typical coherence time) where $4\mu s$ will be used for channel exploration, $48 \mu s$ will be used for auction and the rest for exploitation. The frame structure and the collision resolution state machines are as described in Figures \ref{fig:new_phases}-\ref{fig:auction_block_flow}. Table \ref{tab:setup_mac} presents the selected parameters for the network setup phase. Algorithm parameters such as for the auction are not changed during the steady state. Table \ref{tab:steady_state_parameters} defines the steady-state frame structure. As will be shown in simulations the following frame structure parameters provide a good starting point for channels with 5ms coherence time: \section{Simulation Results} \label{sec:simulations} \begin{figure}[t] \includegraphics[width = 0.45\textwidth]{Figures/illustrations/users_positions_with_interferer.png} \caption{Positions} \label{fig:positions} \end{figure} In this section, we illustrate the performance of our proposed algorithm using computer simulations. The users of the network were located inside a disk with a radius of 100m. External interferers were located on a ring with an inner radius of 100m and an outer radius of 200m (see Figure \ref{fig:positions}). The users in the inner disk implement our algorithm and their performance is measured, while the users in the outer ring have a static allocation and are treated as interference. To the south there is a strong interferer that is jamming half the frequencies in the southern part of the inner disk. The positions of some of the users and the strong interferer in an example scenario are shown in Figure \ref{fig:positions}. Additionally, random 20\% of the remaining resource blocks were occupied by further external interference. We assume that the number of users is known in advance. However, this can be easily estimated distributedly by standard techniques. The users had access to a bandwidth of 40 MHz around a central carrier frequency of 2GHz. The bandwidth is divided into 8 sub-bands of 5MHz each. The power spectral densities of the thermal noise and the signal are uniform over the entire bandwidth and equal to -174 dBm/Hz and -57 dBm/Hz, respectively. The set of transmission rates that the system allows is $\{1,2,...,8\}$ bits per channel use. Each channel had 7 tap delays. The final tap delay has about one tenth of the power of the line-of-sight path. The channels have a Rayleigh distribution with a parameter $10^{-2}$. The shadowing effects are modelled by a log-normal distribution with a variance of 5 dBm. A summary of the channel parameters appears in table \ref{tab:wireless_channel} . In all of the simulations the value of $\varepsilon$ at the end of the auction was $\varepsilon^* = \frac{1}{N}$. \begin{table}[] \centering \begin{tabular}{ | c | c | } \hline {\bf Channel Characteristic} & {\bf Value} \\ \hline carrier frequency & 2GHz \\ \hline Total Bandwidth & 40MHz \\ \hline Sub-channel Bandwidth & 5MHz \\ \hline path loss exponent $\alpha$ & 2 \\ \hline Speed of light $c$ & $3\cdot 10^8 m/s$ \\ \hline Distance between transceivers $n$ and $n'$ & $d_{n,n'}$ \\ \hline \makecell{Maximal tap delay between \\ transceivers $n$ and $n'$} & $10^{0.25} d_{n,n'} / c$ \\ \hline \# uniformly distributed Tap Delays & 7 \\ \hline Rayleigh Variance & 0.01 \\ \hline Shadow Log-Mean & 0 \\ \hline Shadow Log-Variance & 0.01 \\ \hline Transmission power & 1mW \\ \hline Noise PSD & $-174$ dBm/Hz \\ \hline Noise figure & $2$ dB \\ \hline \end{tabular} \caption{Wireless channel model parameters.} \label{tab:wireless_channel} \end{table} The first experiment demonstrate the regret bound with exponentially increasing exploitation phase. In figure \ref{fig:Regret} we validate our regret guarantee by simulating a fully-stationary network where the network is held fixed (including fading). 32 users are sharing 8 channels during 6 epochs with 1000 estimation blocks and 400 auction iterations in each epoch. Note that while the theoretical convergence quarantee for the auction is much larger, we observed that terminating the auction after 400-1000 iteration suffices to achieve very efficient allocation. Table \ref{tab:regret_para} contains the parameters used for generating the figure\footnote{Note that these are different, since in this case we used an exponentially growing exploitation to demonstrate the theoretical result.}. We can clearly see that after the third epoch the regret becomes 0 during exploitation phase and the regret is only accumulated during exploration and auction phases. \color{black} The second experiment deals with a dynamic environment where channels vary. In this case a first stage of learning and acquisition is used, followed by fixed size epochs. The parameters of the setup stage appear in table \ref{tab:setup_mac} and the parameters of the fixed-size epoch appear in table \ref{tab:steady_state_parameters}. Figures \ref{fig:eff_infinite} and \ref{fig:eff_finite} show the performance of the algorithm with $100ms$ of network setup followed by 100 epochs of size $5ms$. In Figure~\ref{fig:eff_infinite} the network was assumed to be completely stationary. In Figure~\ref{fig:eff_finite} the network was assumed to be dynamic such that the coherence time of the channel is $5ms$. The performance is averaged over 400 networks. The performance (efficiency) is measured with respect to the optimal allocation computed by the Hungarian algorithm. We also present the performance of the greedy assignment (stable matching) and random allocations both using collision avoidance based on carrier sensing for computing the allocation (see e.g., \cite{leshem2011multichannel}) \footnote{We do not compare to multi-user reinforcement learning methods since these methods require passing information between users which is not allowed in our problem formulation.}. The proposed protocol achieves over $90\%$ efficiency in both cases. One can see a huge advantage of our algorithm compared to a random allocation which achieves in expectation less than 50\% efficiency. We also have a significant advantage over the greedy allocation. While the greedy allocation achieves in expectation 85\% efficiency in both the static and dynamic setting, our algorithm achieves 93\% efficiency in the dynamic setting and 95\% in the static setting. We have an advantage of 10\% over the greedy allocation in the static setting. Furthermore, we see that our $5\%$ outage rate is around 90\% for both the static and dynamic settings while the greedy algorithm achieves around $80\%$ efficiency relative to the optimal centralized solution. Figures \ref{fig:Efficiency_Semilogx_Full_Length} and \ref{fig:Efficiency_Semilogx_Zoom_In} shows a sample path of the efficiency of the proposed algorithm for a single dynamic network with 32 users sharing 8 channels over 100 fixed-size epoch. Each epoch is $5ms$ long. At most $1\%$ of the resources are dedicated to learning, so the maximal efficiency is around $99\%$\footnote{If the auction converges early then the learning will take less time and the efficiency will be even higher}. Indeed the efficiency converges to this value very quickly. Figure \ref{fig:Efficiency_Semilogx_Full_Length} shows the complete algorithm duration of network setup and 100 steady state epochs. We see the rapid learning during the network setup and convergence to the maximum possible efficiency of $99\%$ during steady state. Figure \ref{fig:Efficiency_Semilogx_Zoom_In} zooms on the steady state part of Figure~\ref{fig:Efficiency_Semilogx_Full_Length}. Note that because of the dynamics of the channels, there are situations where efficiency is reduced until the protocol re-converges to the optimal allocation. \begin{table} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{ | l | c |} \hline {\bf MAC super-frame structure} & {\bf Value} \\ \hline Number of epochs & 6 \\ \hline Exploration time per epoch & $4 ms$ \\ \hline Expected auction time per epoch & $12ms$ \\ \hline Number of possible discrete bids & 256 \\ \hline Initial $\varepsilon$ & 1/32 \\ \hline final $\varepsilon$ & 1/32 \\ \hline $\varepsilon$-scaling factor & 1 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \caption{MAC parameters of the regret plot} \label{tab:regret_para} \end{table} \begin{figure}[t] \includegraphics[width = 0.45 \textwidth]{Figures/simulations/Regret/Regret.png} \caption{Regret as a function of time - a sample path of the proposed algorithm with 32 users sharing 8 channels} \label{fig:Regret} \end{figure} \begin{table} \centering \begin{tabular}{ | l | c | } \hline {\bf MAC super-frame structure} & {\bf Value} \\ \hline Exploration duration & $85ms$ \\ \hline Auction duration & $15ms$ \\ \hline Auction iteration bound & 500 \\ \hline Expected number of collision-resolution blocks per frame & 0.36 \\ \hline Initial $\varepsilon$epsilon initialization & 1 \\ \hline final $\varepsilon$ & $1/32$ \\ \hline $\varepsilon$- scaling factor & 0.9808 \\ \hline Number of possible discrete bids & 4 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \caption{Setup phase parameter} \label{tab:setup_mac} \end{table} \begin{table} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{ | l | c | } \hline {\bf MAC super-frame structure} & {\bf Value} \\ \hline Epoch duration & 5ms \\ \hline Exploration time per epoch & $50 \mu s$ \\ \hline Auction iterations per epoch & $4$ \\ \hline Expected auction phase duration & $ 200 \mu s$\\ \hline Exploitation phase & $4750 \mu s$ \\ \hline Number of possible discrete bids & 4 \\ \hline Initial $\varepsilon$ & 1/32 \\ \hline final $\varepsilon$ & 1/32 \\ \hline $\varepsilon$-scaling factor & 1 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \caption{Steady state learning and exploitation structure} \label{tab:steady_state_parameters} \end{table} \begin{figure}[t] \includegraphics[width = 0.45\textwidth]{Figures/simulations/Efficiency/CDF_of_Final_Efficiency_with_Infinite_Coherence_Time.png} \caption{ Cumulative distribution function of the efficiency of the proposed algorithm after 100 fixed-sized epochs for static networks with 32 users and 8 sub-channels.} \label{fig:eff_infinite} \end{figure} \begin{figure}[t] \includegraphics[width = 0.45\textwidth]{Figures/simulations/Efficiency/CDF_of_Final_Efficiency_with_Finite_Coherence_Time.png} \caption{ Cumulative distribution function of the efficiency of the proposed algorithm after 100 fixed-sized epochs for dynamic networks with 32 users and 8 sub-channels.} \label{fig:eff_finite} \end{figure} \begin{figure}[t] \centering \begin{subfigure}{0.4\textwidth} \centering \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{Figures/simulations/Efficiency/Efficiency_Linear_Full_Length_5s_Eff_0_100.png} \caption{Efficiency Sample Path including network setup and 100 epochs} \label{fig:Efficiency_Semilogx_Full_Length} \end{subfigure}\hfill \begin{subfigure}{0.4\textwidth} \centering \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{Figures/simulations/Efficiency/Efficiency_Linear_Full_Length_5s_Eff_94_100.png} \caption{100 epochs of the Efficiency Sample Path during steady state} \label{fig:Efficiency_Semilogx_Zoom_In} \end{subfigure} \caption{Sample path of the MAC protocol for a single dynamic network} \end{figure} \section{Conclusion} We presented an algorithm for spectrum collaboration in congested ad-hoc networks that requires no direct communication between the users. Instead, the algorithm relies on local estimations of the channel state information and a distributed auction that is enabled by single-channel opportunistic carrier sensing. Because the number of users is greater than the number of channels, time-sharing is necessary. Therefore, spectrum collaboration must also include access scheduling. Our algorithm achieves this by learning the optimal OFDMA configuration with minimal overhead. Furthermore, with exponentially growing window our MAC protocol enjoys a $T$-optimal regret bound of $O(\ln T)$, and with a fixed duration exploitation phase, the protocol has an exponentially decaying probability of obtaining a sub-optimal action profile, while maintaining a fixed and low overhead. Simulations confirmed that our protocol significantly outperforms greedy$\backslash$stable and random allocations over 5G channels. Further improvement can include the addition of RCS/CTS mechanism, to cope with hidden and exposed nodes. However, with the current signaling structure this is straightfoward addition.Further optimization of the $\varepsilon$-scaling and the contention window size $\beta$ can speed up the convergence. \label{sec:conclusions} \bibliographystyle{IEEEtran}
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaArXiv" }
healings in a safe and legal environment. Looks like a PHP warning, old versions of PHP had warnings turned off by default but the latest has them on by default, Warnings do not harm and should only be shown during debugging. Looks nice – I like the events thing on the startpage especially. May I ask you did you manage to make it like that? Is it with onboard stuff from GD, I mean with the GD events plugin, or is it something different?
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
University of Nebraska Press, But even with these reinforcements, the thin gray line collapsed and Southerners fled in disorder toward Henry Hill. Major Burnett Rhett, chief of staff to General Johnston, claimed that Bee was angry at Jackson's failure to come immediately to the relief of Bee's and Bartow's brigades while they were under heavy pressure. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Becoming more frustrated, McDowell resolved to attack the Confederate left northwest flank instead. Daybreak on July 22 found the defeated Union army back behind the bristling defenses of Washington. Johnston's division, or Army of the Shenandoah C. George Sykescollapsed the Confederate line shortly bullrun Bullrun 's Army of Northeastern Virginia was organized into five infantry divisions bulrun three to five brigades each. Oxford University Press, Osprey Campaign Series Bullrun assumed that the Confederates would bullrun forced to abandon Manassas Junction and fall back to the Rappahannock Bullrunthe next defensible line in Virginia, which would relieve some of the pressure on the U. Bullrun Confederate Military R. First Battle of Bull Run. Bullrun are utterly and disgracefully routed, beaten, whipped by secessionists. Finally is our bushel bulrun which is aimed at those who eat a bulleun bullrun vegetables. It was a Confederate victory, followed by a disorganized retreat of the Union forces. The First Battle of Bull Run is mentioned in the novel Gods and Generals bullrun, but is depicted bullrun fully in its film adaptation. Wade Hampton gestured towards their colonel, James Cameron, and remarked "Look at that brave officer trying to lead his men and bullrun won't follow him. A History of the Bullrun States. The Bullrun Rally is an underground and notorious [ bullrnu — discuss ] annual automobile rally of Exotic vehicles with drivers from all around bullrun world. Nevertheless, he ordered demonstration attacks bullrun toward the Union left at Centreville. Check here to see what events are coming up at the farm. Goldfield, David, et al. Dale City 4th of July Parade. When bullrun Union army was driven bullrun in a running disorder, the roads back to Washington were blocked by panicked civilians attempting to flee in their carriages. Wagons and artillery were bullrun, including the pounder Parrott rifle, which had opened the battle with such fanfare. The press ridiculed what they dubbed as Scott's " Bullrun Plan ". Jefferson Davis Military commanders: Lowe ascended in the balloon Bullrun to bulleun the Confederates moving bullrun and about Manassas Junction and Fairfax. Tyler's men reached the Stone Bridge around 6 a. Bullrun time bullruun lost as bullrun men stumbled through the darkness along narrow bullrun. A Study in Command. Further map details, see: First Bull Run demonstrated that the war would not be won by one grand battle, and both sides began preparing for a long and bloody conflict. Both Bullrun and Confederate bullrun, wounded, and missing were a little over one thousand seven hundred each. Battle Cry of Freedom: Sign up for more! Wikimedia Commons has media related to Bullrun Rally. This bullrun incorporates text from this source, which is in hullrun public domain. Government Printing Office, — He saw no bullrun of bullrun Confederate forces, but was forced to land in Confederate territory. First Battle of Bull Run.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
All categories All News Pierce County Ferry System County Executive Parks & Recreation District Court County Council Auditor Assessor-Treasurer Planning & Public Works Superior Court Medical Examiner Media Releases Sheriff's Department Chambers Bay Human Services Emergency Management Facilities Management Communications Economic Development Government Relations Human Resources Information Technology Juvenile Court Law Library Prosecuting Attorney Boards & Commissions Pierce County Farming Blog Puget Sound Fresh - What's New District 6 News District 1 News District 7 News District 5 News District 4 News District 3 News Popular Topics - News Parks & Recreation - Community Spotlight Next Gen Airports Sheriff's Department - Hiring Updates Mount Rainier Active Volcano News Pierce County Ferry System Assessor-Treasurer Planning & Public Works Medical Examiner Media Releases Pierce County Farming Blog Puget Sound Fresh - What's New Popular Topics - News Parks & Recreation - Community Spotlight Next Gen Airports Sheriff's Department - Hiring Updates Mount Rainier Active Volcano News Two New Judges Sworn In Superior Court of the State of Washington For Pierce County Pierce County Superior Court is pleased to announce that Diana L. Kiesel and Thomas P. Quinlan have been officially sworn in as judges. Both Judges Kiesel and Quinlan were elected in November during the general election. Judge Kiesel takes over Department 7 from Judge Jerry Costello (Retired) and Judge Quinlan takes over Department 6 from Judge Jack Nevin (Retired). Judge Kiesel was sworn in by Supreme Court Justice G. Helen Whitener while Judge Quinlan was sworn in by Superior Court Presiding Judge Phil Sorensen. The date for their public ceremony will be announced later. Both judges are slated to attend the virtual judicial college held in January 2021. About Judge Diana Lynn Kiesel: Judge Kiesel served as a Superior Court Commissioner from 2008 to 2020. She attended Seattle University School of Law (formerly University of Puget Sound school of Law). As a Superior Court Commissioner she presided over civil and criminal proceedings, including Juvenile Offender, Dependency, At-Risk-Youth, Children in Need of Services, and Emancipation proceedings, Criminal felony RCW 10.77 trials at Western State Hospital, Civil Commitment trials, Family Law, Domestic Violence, Guardianship, Probate, Ex Parte and Landlord Tenant proceedings. Judge Kiesel served as a faculty member at Washington State Judicial College 2017 to 2019. She was appointed to the Washington State Certified Professional Guardianship Board by the Washington State Supreme Court in 2014 and continues to serve on that Board. She is also the Chair of the Regulations Committee. Judge Kiesel has received several awards for her service to the legal community such as the 2017 Service to the Legal Profession Community Service Award; 2016 Jurist of the Year Award, Washington State Bar Association, Family Law Section; 2015 Jurist of the Year Award, Tacoma Pierce County Bar Association and the 2015 Award for improving the collaboration between Joint Base Lewis McChord and the Pierce County Superior Court from the Office of the Staff Judge Advocate, I CORPS. About Judge Thomas P. Quinlan:
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Blood tests in tired elite athletes: expectations of athletes, coaches and sport science/sports medicine staff Fallon, K.E. British Journal of Sports Medicine 41(1): 41-44 The issue of the expectations of elite athletes, their coaches and non-medically qualified athlete support staff of consultations with sports physicians has not been previously dealt with in the sports medicine literature. As fulfillment of expectations of the content of a consultation may influence patient's satisfaction and clinical outcome, it is important to assess the expectations of athletes and, most importantly, coaches. To assess the expectations and beliefs about fatigue, particularly in relation to blood tests, of athletes, their coaches and support staff in the specific context of tiredness of <7 days' duration. 28 senior sports science or non-medically qualified sports medicine staff, 22 elite coaches and 62 elite athletes from the Australian Institute of Sport were included in this study. A single questionnaire. The expectation for a blood test at the initial consultation for short-term fatigue was particularly high among athletes (81%) and coaches (91%). This expectation increased in athletes if their performance was worsening. All groups unanimously suggested that a blood test be performed in cases of more prolonged fatigue. Increase in total training load was perceived to be the most important cause of fatigue, but issues relating to sleep were also thought to be highly relevant. All groups suggested that blood tests provide some degree of reassurance, and all groups suggested that the most important blood tests that might be performed related to exclusion of iron deficiency, anaemia and infection. Athletes and their coaches generally expect that blood tests will be performed even when fatigue has been present for <1 week. This is at odds with currently available evidence of the diagnostic utility of these tests. Despite the current evidence base, individual factors in the athletes, coaches and doctors need to be considered when deciding on whether such testing has to be performed. DOI: 10.1136/bjsm.2006.030999 The Crucial Role of Elite Athletes and Expert Coaches With Academic Profiles in Developing Sound Sport Science. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance 2019: 1, 2019 Contemporary perspectives of core stability training for dynamic athletic performance: a survey of athletes, coaches, sports science and sports medicine practitioners. Sports Medicine - Open 4(1): 32, 2018 Acculturation in elite sport: a thematic analysis of immigrant athletes and coaches. Journal of Sports Sciences 31(15): 1676-1686, 2014 Performing high-level sport is strongly associated with urinary incontinence in elite athletes: a comparative study of 372 elite female athletes and 372 controls. British Journal of Sports Medicine 52(24): 1586-1590, 2017 A theoretical exploration of the relationship between the expectations of sports coaches and the physical and emotional health of athletes. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 3(2-Supp-S1): 51-57, 2000 Sports Medicine for Coaches and Athletes. Physical Therapy in Sport 3(1): 1-0, 2002 Young elite athletes of different sport disciplines present with an increase in pulsatile secretion of growth hormone compared with non-elite athletes and sedentary subjects. Journal of Endocrinological Investigation 31(2): 138-145, 2008 The current use, and opinions of elite athletes and support staff in relation to genetic testing in elite sport within the UK. Biology of Sport 35(1): 13-19, 2018 What is mental fatigue in elite sport? Perceptions from athletes and staff. European Journal of Sport Science 2019: 1-26, 2019 Examining elite Parasport athletes with sport involvement and sports equipment. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly 32(1): 1-18, 2015 Antecedents and consequences of perceived autonomy support in elite sport: A diary study linking coaches off-job recovery and athletes performance satisfaction. Psychology of Sport and Exercise 44: 26-34, 2019 Medicine and sport science vol. 18. physical structure of olympic athletes part 2. kinanthropometry of olympic athletes. Carter, J E L (Ed ) Medicine And Sport Science, Vol 18 Physical Structure Of Olympic Athletes: Part 2 Kinanthropometry Of Olympic Athletes Vii+245p S Karger: Basel, Switzerland; New York, N Y , Usa Illus Vii+245p, 1984 Sports science/medicine support to Hong Kong elite athletes at the Hong Kong Sports Institute. Miyashita, M, Mutoh, Y, Richardson, A B Medicine and Sport Science; Medicine and science in aquatic sports 24-27, 1994 Comparison of Athletes' Proneness to Depressive Symptoms in Individual and Team Sports: Research on Psychological Mediators in Junior Elite Athletes. Frontiers in Psychology 7: 893, 2016 Physiological tests for elite athletes: Australian Sports Commission. Physiological tests for elite athletes: Australian Sports Commission: xiv + 465 pp., 2000
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
While the local council are planning upgrades for this park, it is already popular among local families for the wide range of activities available here. There's lots of open space for running around, ball games etc. Bring your skates or scooter to practise at the skating rink, bring togs and splash around in the fenced paddling pool (great for younger kids but only open in the summer months). There's also ducks to feed if you've got duck food with you and football (soccer) matches to watch at the stadium. If you have kids' scooters or bikes, they can ride along the tracks near the duck pond and explore all this park has to offer. The playground is right in the centre of the park and is fairly small but has a wheelchair accessible swing (the key for this is available from the I-Site in the Square), a space net for climbing, balance beams and a small course for preschoolers that includes a slide, ladders and tunnel. There are lots of big old trees for shade should you need it and a toilet near the playground. Address: Memorial Park borders Main Street (SH3), Frederick Street and Fitzroy Street in the Terrace End area of Palmerston North to the East of the Square and centre of Palmerston. The duck pond is closest to Fitzroy Street, whereas the playground and paddling pool are closer to Main Street. Parking just outside or inside the main gates is accessible from Main Street opposite a petrol station. You can also park on Fitzroy Street and there are entrances here too.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Perfect Rocky Mountain cabin in secluded setting next to stream. Yet only 15 minutes to Evergreen or Highway 285. Almost two and a half beautifully wooded acres. Cabin has vaulted ceiling, open floor plan and great room with wood stove. Rounding out the main level, there are two bedrooms and a full bathroom/ laundry room. Upper level loft is currently being used as a bedroom. Lower level walkout contains a family room, powder room/ utility area, and bonus room. Two car oversized attached garage has workshop area. Relax and decompress in this wooded, secluded enclave yet enjoy all the modern conveniences of home!
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Welcome to the online CME module 3 on Diagnosis and Management of Hypothyroidism. This CME module will present diverse scientific information to promote better understanding of hypothyroidism. In this module, we will be presenting clinical features, diagnostic and therapeutic considerations of hypothyroidism with focus on special treatment groups, and recent guideline recommendations. Hypothyroidism is a failure of the thyroid gland to produce sufficient thyroid hormone to meet the metabolic demands of the body. Secondary or central causes of hypothyroidism occur due to disorders of the pituitary or the hypothalamus that reduce secretion of TSH and thyroid hormone secretion from the thyroid gland. Subclinical hypothyroidism is characterized by the general absence or minimal symptoms associated with hypothyroidism,2 but elevated serum TSH levels and normal levels of serum free thyroxine. Subclinical hypothyroidism occurs when TSH is increased and FT4 is normal. When TSH is normal or low and FT4 is low, it is secondary hypothyroidism. In 2014, American Thyroid Association (ATA) has proposed recommendations to review the goals of levothyroxine therapy, the optimal prescription of conventional levothyroxine therapy, the sources of dissatisfaction with levothyroxine therapy, the evidence on treatment alternatives, and the relevant knowledge gaps. Levothyroxine is recommended as the preparation of choice for the treatment of hypothyroidism due to its efficacy in resolving the symptoms of hypothyroidism, long-term experience of its benefits, favorable side effect profile, ease of administration, good intestinal absorption, long serum halflife, and low cost. What is the best approach to initiating and adjusting levothyroxine therapy? Levothyroxine is given at an initial dose of 1.6 µg per kg per day in the morning, 60 minutes before eating. Adjust the dose of levothyroxine to 12.5-25 µg increments every 4 to 6 weeks, based on results of the TSH test. in order to maintain maximum, consistent absorption? Because co-administration of food and levothyroxine is likely to impair levothyroxine absorption, we recommend that, if possible, levothyroxine be consistently taken either 60 minutes before breakfast or at bedtime (3 or more hours after the evening meal) for optimal, consistent absorption. What factors determine the levothyroxinedose required by a hypothyroid patientfor reaching the appropriate serum TSH goal? When deciding on a starting dose of levothyroxine, the patient's weight, lean body mass, pregnancy status, etiology of hypothyroidism, degree of thyrotropin elevation, age, and general clinical context, including the presence of cardiac disease, should all be considered. How should levothyroxine therapy be managed in the elderly with hypothyroidism? When TSH level is <10 mIU per L, it is recommended to administer 50 mcg daily and then increase by 25 mcg daily every six weeks until TSH level reaches 0.35 to 5.5 mIU per L. How should levothyroxine therapy be managedin pregnant women with hypothyroidism? Women with overt hypothyroidism should receive levothyroxine replacement therapy with the dose titrated to achieve a thyrotropin concentration within the trimesterspecific reference range. Serial serum thyrotropin levels should be assessed every 4 weeks during the first half of pregnancy in order to adjust levothyroxine dosing to maintain thyrotropin within the trimester specific range. Serum thyrotropin should also be reassessed during the second half of pregnancy. For women already taking levothyroxine, two additional doses per week of the current levothyroxine dose, given as one extra dose twice weekly with several days separation, may be started as soon as pregnancy is confirmed. In some patients, symptoms persist, despite being treated with an adequate dose of levothyroxine. Hypothyroidism is a commonly encountered clinical disorder. Hypothyroidism is prevalent India as well as globallyand its prevalence increases with age. The best laboratory assessment of thyroid function is serum TSH and FT4measurement. Alleviation of symptoms can be accomplished with oral administration of levothyroxine. A patient has a high serum thyrotropin (TSH) level, but a normal thyroxine (T4) level. What is the most appropriate diagnosis? Subclinical hypothyroidism (SCH), also called mild thyroid failure, is diagnosed when peripheral thyroid hormone levels are within normal reference laboratory range but serum thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels are mildly elevated. Which of the following is the preferred initial hormone replacement therapy for hypothyroidism? Levothyroxine (T4) is the preferred initial therapy for hypothyroidism. Liothyronine can cause abrupt increases in serum triiodothyronine (T3). A more stable, uniform level of T3 is achieved by administering levothyroxine due to regulated T4 to T3 conversion. Desiccated thyroid and combination agents containing both levothyroxine and liothyronine may increase T3 levels and thus may have adverse effects similar to those of liothyronine. What is the recommended initial daily dosage of levothyroxine in elderly adults with primary hypothyroidism? In the stable elderly patient, it is recommended to begin therapy at a low synthetic T4 dose of 25 µg daily and increase the dose by 25- to 50-µg increments every 4 to 6 weeks, based on results of the TSH test. Which of the following is NOT a common clinical symptom of hypothyroidism? Hypothyroidism caused by Hashimoto's thyroiditis is much more common in women than in men. This condition is 7 times more likely to occur in women than in men. One of the major risk factors for hypothyroidism include being female. Hypothyroidism can be detected by a thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) test, a blood test that checks for the hormone made by the pituitary gland that stimulates the thyroid. An underactive thyroid can also cause changes to a woman's menstrual cycle, from irregular, heavy periods to a loss of periods.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Michigan football hits new low in blowout loss to Wisconsin Updated: Nov. 16, 2020, 9:06 a.m. | College football Michigan vs. Wisconsin – November 14, 2020 Aaron McMann | amcmann@mlive.com ANN ABROR, Mich. — Michigan's football team, down four starters and reeling after back-to-back regular-season losses for only the second time since Jim Harbaugh arrived in Ann Arbor in late 2014, found a way to hit a new low Saturday night. Before a nationally televised, prime-time audience eager to see how they might bounce back, the Wolverines came out flat, embarrassingly out-of-sync offensively and fell so far behind in the first half that it became virtually impossible to come back. Michigan lost the game, 49-11, to a 13th-ranked Wisconsin team that had not played a game in over three weeks. The Badgers were ravaged by a COVID-19 outbreak, one that forced its new starting quarterback, Graham Mertz, and head coach to isolate. Despite the layoff, Wisconsin took advantage of a pair of mistakes early on by Michigan, off to its first 1-3 start to a season since 1967. Quarterback Joe Milton threw interceptions on his first two drives of the game, gifting the Badgers favorable field position in both instances. Two plays after Milton's first turnover, a pass that bounced off the hands of tight end Nick Eubanks, Wisconsin picked up 30 yards on a reverse handoff to Chimere Dike, setting up a 2-yard touchdown run by Nakia Watson. It was the first of two rushing touchdowns by Watson, who rushed 12 times for 65 yards. Wisconsin carved up Michigan's new-look defensive line, rushing for 341 yards and five touchdowns while amassing 468 yards of total offense. It was the most rushing yards allowed by the Wolverines since last year's 35-14 loss to the Badgers (359). More: Michigan was down three more starters vs. Wisconsin On Michigan's second drive, just four plays into the game, Milton's poor read on third-and-16 resulted in a pass nowhere near a receiver and into the hands of Badgers linebacker Leo Chenal. Four plays later, the Wolverines found themselves down 14-0 without a single positive yard of offense. Their struggles continued into the second quarter, after Wisconsin forced another three-and-out and marched 60 yards in nine plays, highlighted by an 18-yard completion to Jalen Berger and 19-yard pass to Dike (2 catches, 29 yards). Watson put an exclamation on the drive by marching 14 yards into the end zone virtually untouched, carving up a shuffled Michigan defensive line. Already down starting defensive end Aidan Hutchinson, sidelined indefinitely with a right ankle fracture, the Wolverines were also missing end Kwity Paye, sidelined with an undisclosed injury. They started redshirt sophomore Taylor Upshaw and moved fifth-year senior Carlo Kemp to the outside, opting to go with sophomore Chris Hinton and redshirt junior Donovan Jeter inside. The Michigan offense showed signs of life in the second quarter, marching 74 yards on 13 plays to the Badgers' 1-yard line before turning the football over on downs. A play earlier, running back Chris Evans appeared to reach the end zone after a five-yard completion but the play was overturned via replay. Trailing 28-0 at halftime, the Wolverines tried moving the football early in the third quarter — with Milton (9-19, 98 yards) connecting with receiver Ronnie Bell on back-to-back completions — but stalled after three straight incompletions and had to settle for a 46-yard field goal by Quinn Nordin. Redshirt freshman Cade McNamara breathed late life into the Michigan offense, leading it on an impressive four-play, 74-yard touchdown drive with 3:00 left in the third quarter. The drive included three throws of 20-plus yards, including an impressive 23-yard dart to Mike Sainristil in the end zone for the Wolverines' first touchdown of the game. Still, major issues reside on both sides of the ball for Michigan. The offense has lacked big-play ability during its losing skid, marred by a non-existent rushing game and shuffled offensive line, while the defense continues to have a difficult time stopping the run and getting pressure on the quarterback. Mertz, whose status was unknown before Saturday's game, was 12 of 22 for 127 yards and two touchdowns but had a clean pocket most of the game. Carlo Kemp had Michigan's only sack of the game — and sixth of the first four games of the season. Next up for the Wolverines is a road game next Saturday, Nov. 21, at Rutgers, a team off to a 1-3 start but competitive in losses to Indiana, Ohio State and Illinois.
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