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ཐ མག is related to ཤོག དྲིལ དུ བ. |
རྒྱ གར ཡལ is a synonym of རྒྱ གར. |
almond is a synonym of བ དམ. |
བྲན is related to འབངས འཁོར. |
ཁ ལག ཐོ is derived from ཐོ. |
mental hospital is a synonym of སྨྱོན པའི སྨན ཁང. |
གཞིས ཆགས བྱེད མཁན is etymologically related to གཞིས ཆགས. |
ཚ ལ བཏང is derived from ཚ ལ. |
འགྲིམ འགྲུལ ཁང is etymologically related to ཁང. |
ལྟ is related to desire. |
ཐིང is a form of འདིང. |
དོམ པགས is derived from དོམ. |
མིང ཚིག is related to མིང ཚབ. |
བཅུ གཅིག is related to eleven. |
གཏེར ཡིག མགོ ཨུམ རྣམ བཅད མ is related to ༂. |
mule is a synonym of དྲེལ. |
ལྷ ས is etymologically related to ལྷ. |
mountain is a synonym of རི. |
basket is a synonym of སིལ ར. |
fog is a synonym of རྨུ བ. |
shave is a synonym of བཞར. |
ཇག པ is related to bandit. |
ashtray is a synonym of ཐ མག བརྡབ ས. |
འགྲུལ བཞུད བྱེད མཁན is a synonym of འགྲུལ པ. |
ལིམ བུ is related to lemon. |
སླེལ པོ is related to སིལ ར. |
luggage is a synonym of དོ པོ. |
སྒོའི ཐེམ is related to doorstep. |
སྒོང འབྲས is derived from འབྲས. |
distillery is a synonym of ཨ རག བཟོ གྲྭ. |
poor is a synonym of སྐྱོ པོ. |
ལག འཇུ is related to banister. |
སྦྱོར བ is related to sexual intercourse. |
mao is a synonym of མའོ. |
sommer is a synonym of དབྱར ཁ. |
རག is related to brass. |
འཁྲུ ཡག འཕྲུལ འཁོར is etymologically related to འཕྲུལ འཁོར. |
དགོང མོ is related to མཚན མོ. |
སོག གུར is derived from གུར. |
གཞས བཏང is related to སྐད བརྒྱབ. |
རྨ རས is related to སྨན རས. |
རྨེད is related to saddle. |
ཀྲོ མ ཀྲུ is etymologically derived from tomato. |
བར གནས རྡུལ ཕྲན is etymologically related to རྡུལ ཕྲན. |
ཤིང is related to wood. |
bunker is a synonym of འཇིང རག. |
འདྲ སྐུ is derived from སྐུ. |
བལྟ is a form of ལྟ. |
tulku is etymologically derived from སྤྲུལ སྐུ. |
occur is a synonym of བྱུང. |
ལྟེ ཁུང is related to belly button. |
dalai lama is etymologically related to ཏཱ ལའི བླ མ. |
འཁྲུ ཡག འཕྲུལ འཁོར is etymologically related to འཁྲུ. |
དབུས གཙང is related to ཨ མདོ. |
སྨྲ བ is related to proponent. |
རྒྱལ རབས is related to history. |
གནམ གྲུ འཇོག ཁང is derived from གནམ གྲུ. |
གློག སྨན is related to སྦི ཅི ལིའི སྨན. |
གཏུག དྲི བཏང is related to གཏུག དྲི ཤོར. |
འགྲུབ is related to accomplish. |
གློག འགུལ ཕྱགས མ is related to vacuum cleaner. |
སྒྲིག is related to prepare. |
པོ ཏི is etymologically derived from पुस्तक. |
སྐད is related to language. |
མོ ཊ ཇིབ is etymologically related to མོ ཊ. |
བཞར is related to shave. |
དབུ མེད is related to calligraphy. |
རྒལ is related to exceed. |
sleepy is a synonym of གཉིད བྲོ. |
ངལ དུབ is related to སྐུ མཉེལ པོ. |
དངུལ རྩིས is etymologically related to དངུལ. |
འདིང is related to sprew. |
དཔལ ལྡན is related to splendorous. |
གུང ཁྲན ཏང is related to communist. |
ལྕམ is etymologically related to ལྟམ. |
ཤར གླིང is etymologically related to གླིང. |
སོགས is related to and so forth. |
སྦྱང ཀུ is related to wolf. |
ནུབ is related to sink. |
སྦྲུལ ཉ is related to eel. |
ཁང མིག is related to ཁང པ. |
དང is related to and. |
མུར ཐུག པ is derived from པ. |
ལྷ ས is etymologically related to ལྷ. |
ཤིང is related to tree. |
ནས is related to having. |
སྙམ is related to suppose. |
འབྲོག པ is related to nomad. |
ལག ཤུབས is derived from ཤུབས. |
བླ མ is related to lama. |
མི སེར is related to བྲན. |
རྗོད is related to pronounce. |
གཟེར ནག is derived from གཟེར. |
འཐག is related to mill. |
ཁྲི is related to seat. |
སྐས འཛེག is related to སྐས འཛེགས. |
ཤེས བྱ is etymologically related to ཤེས. |
foot is a synonym of རྐང པ. |
vacuum cleaner is a synonym of གློག འགུལ ཕྱགས མ. |
དབང is related to sense. |