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🏸 is a symbol of බැඩ්මින්ටන්. |
බැබිලෝනියාව is a synonym of babylonia. |
වචනය is related to word. |
කරත්තය is etymologically related to kréta. |
මිචෙල් ඩි නොස්ට්රෙඩමේ is a synonym of nostradamus. |
island is a synonym of දිවයින. |
🥊 is a symbol of බොක්සිං. |
හිම is a synonym of snow. |
පලස්තීන රාජ්යය is a synonym of state of palestine. |
අභිප්රේරණය is a synonym of motivation. |
🐼 is a symbol of මුහුණ. |
continent is a synonym of මහාද්වීප. |
life is a synonym of ජීවිතය. |
ඉන්ටර්නෙට් එක්ස්ප්ලෝරර් is a synonym of internet explorer. |
න්යෂ්ටික විලයනය is a synonym of nuclear fusion. |
පපඩම් is a synonym of papadum. |
මෝටර් රථ is a synonym of car. |
මුදල් is related to money. |
සත්යතා වගුව is a synonym of truth table. |
නිකොටින් is a synonym of nicotine. |
📴 is a symbol of දුරකථනය. |
🔯 is a symbol of තරුව. |
☔ is a symbol of රෙදිපිළි. |
වෛද්ය ආචාර්ය is a synonym of doctor of medicine. |
one translations is a synonym of එක. |
අපි is etymologically related to මම. |
ඉන්ද්රිය පරිබාහිර සංජානනය is a synonym of extrasensory perception. |
තෝමස් ජෙෆර්සන් is a synonym of thomas jefferson. |
ජනසතු කිරීම is a synonym of nationalization. |
මහා ඇලෙක්සැන්ඩ රජ is a synonym of alexander great. |
උගුරු ඇටය is a synonym of adam's apple. |
acide nitrique is a synonym of නයිට්රික් අම්ලය. |
ten is a synonym of දහය. |
තෙල් is a synonym of oil. |
කැල්සියම් කාබනේට් is a synonym of calcium carbonate. |
👁🗨 is a symbol of ඇස. |
ගස් is a synonym of tree. |
face is a synonym of මූණ. |
ගොල්ගි දේහ is a synonym of golgi apparatus. |
coffee is a synonym of කෝපි. |
🍠 is a symbol of අල. |
ක්ෂීරපායි සත්තු is a synonym of mammal. |
ඩිස්නොමියා is a synonym of dysnomia. |
වර්ණ is related to color. |
ෆිබොනාච්චි is a synonym of fibonacci. |
අධ්යයන මණ්ඩප is a synonym of campus. |
ද වෝන්ටඩ් is a synonym of wanted. |
periodensystem is a synonym of ආවර්තිතා වගුව. |
💶 is a symbol of බැංකුව. |
light is a synonym of ආලෝකය. |
නෙළුම් is a synonym of nelumbo nucifera. |
සිලිකන් is a synonym of silicon. |
ගෙවතු වගාව සහ ගෙවතු අලංකරණය is a synonym of gardening. |
ආණ්ඩුව is a synonym of government. |
තේ is related to tea. |
🚞 is a symbol of කන්ද. |
තායිවානය is a synonym of taiwan. |
man translations is a synonym of මිනිසා. |
උෂ්ණත්වය is a synonym of temperature. |
ලෝක වෙළෙඳ සංවිධානය is a synonym of world trade organization. |
🕊 is a symbol of සාමය. |
🌑 is a symbol of සඳ. |
apple is a synonym of ඇපල්. |
එරිත්රියාව is a synonym of eritrea. |
🌘 is a symbol of සඳ. |
🆎 is a symbol of රුධිරය. |
facebook is a synonym of ෆේස්බුක්. |
උණ්ඩුකපුච්ඡ ප්රදාහය is a synonym of appendicitis. |
ජෝනස් සෝක් is a synonym of jonas salk. |
christianity is a synonym of ක්රිස්තියානි ආගම. |
battery is a synonym of බැටරි. |
state is a synonym of රාජ්යය. |
ජාතිකේන්ද්රතාය is a synonym of ethnocentrism. |
day is a synonym of දවස. |
ගිනි කඳු is a synonym of volcano. |
උපාධි is a synonym of academic degree. |
nail is a synonym of නියපොතු. |
lait is a synonym of කිරි. |
🕯 is a symbol of ආලෝකය. |
pain is a synonym of වේදනාව. |
වොඩ්කා is a synonym of vodka. |
සුමානය is a synonym of week. |
සංගීත වාද්ය භාණ්ඩ is a synonym of musical instrument. |
අධිස්පන්දනය කිරීම is a synonym of overclocking. |
තුන is related to three. |
🐅 is a symbol of කොටියා. |
අනත්ත is a synonym of anatta. |
🧘♂ is a symbol of යෝග. |
බල්ගේරියාව is a synonym of bulgaria. |
සුපිරි සන්නායකතාව is a synonym of superconductivity. |
wüste is a synonym of කාන්තාර. |
sud sud ouest is a synonym of දකුණ නිරිත. |
🀄 is a symbol of රතු. |
jihad is a synonym of ජිහාඩ්. |
පැගෝඩා is a synonym of pagoda. |
table tennis is a synonym of මේස පන්දු. |
වන විනාශය is a synonym of deforestation. |
🌚 is a symbol of සඳ. |
ද කයිට් රන is a synonym of kite runner. |
🕟 is a symbol of හතර. |