ipparteċipa is related to parteċipazzjoni.
kukkudrill is etymologically derived from cuccudrillu.
għabbex is derived from għabex.
asesswali is related to asesswalità.
idejn is a form of id.
frawli is a form of frawla.
daniż is related to daniża.
saħħara is related to sorceress.
qadim is related to old.
delużjonijiet is a form of delużjoni.
darba is etymologically derived from ضربة.
sesswalità is related to sess.
għaxar is similar to ħdax il.
potassium is a synonym of potassju.
elf is related to thousand.
sardine is a synonym of nemusa.
sodda is related to schlafen.
arloġġ is etymologically derived from ωρολογιον.
bżieżaq is a form of bużżieqa.
wadi is a synonym of wied.
xitla is etymologically related to شتلة.
klassifikazzjonijiet is a form of klassifikazzjoni.
kell is related to għand.
okkażjonalment is related to okkażjonali.
uġigħ is related to pain.
sider is related to senduq.
ħsieb is etymologically related to حساب.
eduka is related to edukazzjoni.
xjenza is related to science.
spiżjar is related to spiżjara.
brimba is related to arthropode.
wolf is a synonym of lupu.
impressjonanti is related to impressive.
xorob is related to drink.
sitta is similar to sitt.
diversity is a synonym of diversità.
x'jismek is related to jisimni.
żagħżagħ is a form of żgħażagħ.
tmien is a synonym of tmienja.
ambizzjoni is related to ambition.
vjaġġ is related to voyage.
dam is related to stall.
psikoloġija is related to psikoloġiku.
qabeż is related to leap.
tmintax il is similar to sbatax il.
lsien has context of anatomy.
traduzzjoni is etymologically related to traductio.
erbatax is etymologically related to erbgħa.
ħdax is etymologically related to احد عشر.
xewk is a form of xewka.
kiri is related to hire.
bgħid is etymologically derived from بعيد.
far is etymologically derived from فار.
kulturali is related to kulturalment.
kundizzjonali is related to kundizzjoni.
indika is related to indikattiv.
universitajiet is a form of università.
ċriev is a form of ċerva.
lsien is related to tongue.
l ajruplan is a form of ajruplan.
għarraf is related to kixef.
dsatax is etymologically related to għaxra.
ras is etymologically derived from راس.
saħħara is etymologically related to سحارة.
ċess is etymologically derived from chess.
xebbaħ is related to xebħ.
astronomiku is related to astronomical.
dan is etymologically related to شيء.
l isptarijiet is a form of sptar.
aggressiv is related to aggressive.
donation is a synonym of donazzjoni.
klassifikazzjoni is etymologically derived from classificazione.
mogħża is a synonym of ziege.
anġeliku is derived from anġlu.
ljunfant is a synonym of iljunfant.
biċċier is a synonym of schlachter.
nazzjonali is related to nazzjonalment.
eżamina is related to examine.
peut être is a synonym of forsi.
dineb is related to a.
stenna is related to wait.
ħlejjaq is a form of ħalq.
ċeki is a form of ċek.
qawsalla is related to rainbow.
invenzjoni is etymologically related to invenzione.
tliet is similar to żewġ.
ħaxix is etymologically derived from حشيش.
ħaraq is related to burn.
sigarett is related to extrej.
bżieq is etymologically related to بزاق.
ġnejna is etymologically related to جنة.
liba is a synonym of sperma.
sistematiku is etymologically derived from sistematico.
mitejn is etymologically related to ميتان.
erbat has context of construct.
belti is etymologically related to i.
ljunfant is a synonym of fil.
emozzjoni is related to emozzjonali.
navigation is a synonym of navigazzjoni.
ivvjola is related to vjolazzjoni.