2 values
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Expanding Horizons Life Coaching My name is Eryn Pernarelli, I am the executive coach at Expanding Horizons Life Coaching. Specializing in divorce, marital and relationship recovery, I have 15+ years experience in all realms of family dynamics and conflict resolution. I help to create an environment where personality differences are understood and communication skills are strengthened. Whether you are dating, married, divorced, or contemplating what to do with your future, I can help to bring resolution and clarity. Established in 2014. Expanding Horizons Life Coaching a fresh new company with years of background to help facilitate the growth and expansion of individuals looking to resolve negative interferences in their lives. Eryn Pernarelli is pursing her B.S. degree in psychology from Sam Houston State University with a minor in nutrition. She received her Life Coaching Certification through Life Purpose Institute in San Diego California in 2014. Eryn has extensive experience, 15+ years, in all aspects of family dynamics. She has also worked closely with legal professionals & court proceedings during the process of dissolution of marriages and custody related matters.
[ { "passageId": "13253:390:522", "passageStart": 390, "passageEnd": 522, "passageText": "Whether you are dating, married, divorced, or contemplating what to do with your future, I can help to bring resolution and clarity.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "25", "propertyName": "SPOUSE", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between a person and her/his spouse." } ], "facts": [] } ]
DBpedia Abstract
Andrzej Kajetan Wróblewski Andrzej Kajetan Wróblewski (Polish pronunciation: Vrooblevski, born 1933 in Warsaw) – Polish physicist, ordinary professor doctor habilitatus (since 1971), dean of the Physics Department Warsaw University (1986–1989), Rector of the Warsaw University (1989–1993), President of the Academic Council of the Institute for the History of Science, Polish Academy of Sciences. Member of the PAS (since 1976), Warsaw Scientific Society (since 1983), Polish Physical Society and Polish Astronomical Society.
[ { "passageId": "5170:28:397", "passageStart": 28, "passageEnd": 397, "passageText": "Andrzej Kajetan Wróblewski (Polish pronunciation: Vrooblevski, born 1933 in Warsaw) – Polish physicist, ordinary professor doctor habilitatus (since 1971), dean of the Physics Department Warsaw University (1986–1989), Rector of the Warsaw University (1989–1993), President of the Academic Council of the Institute for the History of Science, Polish Academy of Sciences.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "12", "propertyName": "PLACE_OF_BIRTH", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between a person and the location where she/he was born." }, { "propertyId": "3", "propertyName": "EMPLOYEE_OR_MEMBER_OF", "propertyDescription": "Describes the previous/current employer of a person." }, { "propertyId": "15", "propertyName": "DATE_OF_BIRTH", "propertyDescription": "Describes the date of birth of a person." }, { "propertyId": "10", "propertyName": "NATIONALITY", "propertyDescription": "Describes he country of a person's citizenship or country in which the person is deemed a national." } ], "facts": [ { "factId": "5170:28:54:96:100:15", "propertyId": "15", "humanReadable": "<Andrzej Kajetan Wróblewski> <DATE_OF_BIRTH> <1933>", "annotatedPassage": "<Andrzej Kajetan Wróblewski> (Polish pronunciation: Vrooblevski, born <1933> in Warsaw) – Polish physicist, ordinary professor doctor habilitatus (since 1971), dean of the Physics Department Warsaw University (1986–1989), Rector of the Warsaw University (1989–1993), President of the Academic Council of the Institute for the History of Science, Polish Academy of Sciences.", "subjectStart": 28, "subjectEnd": 54, "subjectText": "Andrzej Kajetan Wróblewski", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 96, "objectEnd": 100, "objectText": "1933", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "5170:28:54:260:277:3", "propertyId": "3", "humanReadable": "<Andrzej Kajetan Wróblewski> <EMPLOYEE_OR_MEMBER_OF> <Warsaw University>", "annotatedPassage": "<Andrzej Kajetan Wróblewski> (Polish pronunciation: Vrooblevski, born 1933 in Warsaw) – Polish physicist, ordinary professor doctor habilitatus (since 1971), dean of the Physics Department Warsaw University (1986–1989), Rector of the <Warsaw University> (1989–1993), President of the Academic Council of the Institute for the History of Science, Polish Academy of Sciences.", "subjectStart": 28, "subjectEnd": 54, "subjectText": "Andrzej Kajetan Wróblewski", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 260, "objectEnd": 277, "objectText": "Warsaw University", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "5170:28:54:370:396:3", "propertyId": "3", "humanReadable": "<Andrzej Kajetan Wróblewski> <EMPLOYEE_OR_MEMBER_OF> <Polish Academy of Sciences>", "annotatedPassage": "<Andrzej Kajetan Wróblewski> (Polish pronunciation: Vrooblevski, born 1933 in Warsaw) – Polish physicist, ordinary professor doctor habilitatus (since 1971), dean of the Physics Department Warsaw University (1986–1989), Rector of the Warsaw University (1989–1993), President of the Academic Council of the Institute for the History of Science, <Polish Academy of Sciences>.", "subjectStart": 28, "subjectEnd": 54, "subjectText": "Andrzej Kajetan Wróblewski", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 370, "objectEnd": 396, "objectText": "Polish Academy of Sciences", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "5170:28:54:196:232:3", "propertyId": "3", "humanReadable": "<Andrzej Kajetan Wróblewski> <EMPLOYEE_OR_MEMBER_OF> <Physics Department Warsaw University>", "annotatedPassage": "<Andrzej Kajetan Wróblewski> (Polish pronunciation: Vrooblevski, born 1933 in Warsaw) – Polish physicist, ordinary professor doctor habilitatus (since 1971), dean of the <Physics Department Warsaw University> (1986–1989), Rector of the Warsaw University (1989–1993), President of the Academic Council of the Institute for the History of Science, Polish Academy of Sciences.", "subjectStart": 28, "subjectEnd": 54, "subjectText": "Andrzej Kajetan Wróblewski", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 196, "objectEnd": 232, "objectText": "Physics Department Warsaw University", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "5170:28:54:308:368:3", "propertyId": "3", "humanReadable": "<Andrzej Kajetan Wróblewski> <EMPLOYEE_OR_MEMBER_OF> <Academic Council of the Institute for the History of Science>", "annotatedPassage": "<Andrzej Kajetan Wróblewski> (Polish pronunciation: Vrooblevski, born 1933 in Warsaw) – Polish physicist, ordinary professor doctor habilitatus (since 1971), dean of the Physics Department Warsaw University (1986–1989), Rector of the Warsaw University (1989–1993), President of the <Academic Council of the Institute for the History of Science>, Polish Academy of Sciences.", "subjectStart": 28, "subjectEnd": 54, "subjectText": "Andrzej Kajetan Wróblewski", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 308, "objectEnd": 368, "objectText": "Academic Council of the Institute for the History of Science", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "5170:28:54:114:120:10", "propertyId": "10", "humanReadable": "<Andrzej Kajetan Wróblewski> <NATIONALITY> <Polish>", "annotatedPassage": "<Andrzej Kajetan Wróblewski> (Polish pronunciation: Vrooblevski, born 1933 in Warsaw) – <Polish> physicist, ordinary professor doctor habilitatus (since 1971), dean of the Physics Department Warsaw University (1986–1989), Rector of the Warsaw University (1989–1993), President of the Academic Council of the Institute for the History of Science, Polish Academy of Sciences.", "subjectStart": 28, "subjectEnd": 54, "subjectText": "Andrzej Kajetan Wróblewski", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 114, "objectEnd": 120, "objectText": "Polish", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "5170:28:54:104:110:12", "propertyId": "12", "humanReadable": "<Andrzej Kajetan Wróblewski> <PLACE_OF_BIRTH> <Warsaw>", "annotatedPassage": "<Andrzej Kajetan Wróblewski> (Polish pronunciation: Vrooblevski, born 1933 in <Warsaw>) – Polish physicist, ordinary professor doctor habilitatus (since 1971), dean of the Physics Department Warsaw University (1986–1989), Rector of the Warsaw University (1989–1993), President of the Academic Council of the Institute for the History of Science, Polish Academy of Sciences.", "subjectStart": 28, "subjectEnd": 54, "subjectText": "Andrzej Kajetan Wróblewski", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 104, "objectEnd": 110, "objectText": "Warsaw", "objectUri": "" } ] } ]
Diffbot Knowledge Graph
AutoNation AutoNation is an American automotive retailer, which provides new and pre-owned vehicles and associated services in the United States. The company was founded by Wayne Huizenga in 1996, and has more than 360 retail outlets. Based in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, the company's Chairman and Chief Executive Officer is Mike Jackson, former President of Mercedes-Benz North America.
[ { "passageId": "14993:147:235", "passageStart": 147, "passageEnd": 235, "passageText": "The company was founded by Wayne Huizenga in 1996, and has more than 360 retail outlets.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "5", "propertyName": "DATE_FOUNDED", "propertyDescription": "Describes the founding date of a company." } ], "facts": [] } ]
DBpedia Abstract
United Nations Security Council Resolution 895 United Nations Security Council resolution 895, adopted unanimously on 28 January 1994, after recalling previous resolutions on Israel and Lebanon including 501 (1982), 508 (1982), 509 (1982) and 520 (1982) as well as studying the report by the Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali on the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) approved in 426 (1978), the Council decided to extend the mandate of UNIFIL for a further six months until 31 July 1994. The Council then remphasised the mandate of the Force and requested the Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali to report back on the progress made with regards to the implementation of resolutions 425 (1978) and 426 (1978).
[ { "passageId": "4959:48:509", "passageStart": 48, "passageEnd": 509, "passageText": "United Nations Security Council resolution 895, adopted unanimously on 28 January 1994, after recalling previous resolutions on Israel and Lebanon including 501 (1982), 508 (1982), 509 (1982) and 520 (1982) as well as studying the report by the Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali on the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) approved in 426 (1978), the Council decided to extend the mandate of UNIFIL for a further six months until 31 July 1994.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "9", "propertyName": "EDUCATED_AT", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between a person and the institution where she/he studied." } ], "facts": [] } ]
DBpedia Abstract
Martin Sheen Ramón Antonio Gerardo Estévez (born August 3, 1940), better known by his stage name Martin Sheen, is an American actor who first became known for his roles in the films The Subject Was Roses (1968) and Badlands (1973), and later achieved wide recognition for his leading role in Apocalypse Now (1979). Other notable films in Sheen's career include Gandhi (1982), Gettysburg (1993), The Departed (2006), and The Amazing Spider-Man (2012). He also starred in the television series The West Wing (1999–2006) as President Josiah Bartlet. In film, he has won the Best Actor award at the San Sebastián International Film Festival for his performance as Kit Carruthers in Badlands. His portrayal of Capt. Willard in Apocalypse Now earned a nomination for the BAFTA Award for Best Actor. Sheen has worked with a wide variety of film directors, such as Richard Attenborough, Francis Ford Coppola, Terrence Malick, David Cronenberg, Mike Nichols, Martin Scorsese, Steven Spielberg, and Oliver Stone. He has had a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame since 1989. In television, he has won both a Golden Globe and two Screen Actors Guild awards for playing the role of President Josiah Bartlet in The West Wing, and an Emmy for guest starring in the sitcom Murphy Brown. Born and raised in the United States by immigrant parents, he adopted the stage name Martin Sheen to help him gain acting parts. He is the father of four children (Emilio, Ramón, Carlos (aka Charlie Sheen), and Renée), all of whom are actors, as is his younger brother Joe Estevez. Although known as an actor, Sheen also has directed one film, Cadence (1990), appearing alongside sons Charlie and Ramón. He has narrated, produced, and directed documentary television, earning two Daytime Emmy awards in the 1980s. In addition to film and television, Sheen has been active in liberal politics.
[ { "passageId": "8232:14:315", "passageStart": 14, "passageEnd": 315, "passageText": "Ramón Antonio Gerardo Estévez (born August 3, 1940), better known by his stage name Martin Sheen, is an American actor who first became known for his roles in the films The Subject Was Roses (1968) and Badlands (1973), and later achieved wide recognition for his leading role in Apocalypse Now (1979).", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "12", "propertyName": "PLACE_OF_BIRTH", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between a person and the location where she/he was born." } ], "facts": [] }, { "passageId": "8232:1271:1399", "passageStart": 1271, "passageEnd": 1399, "passageText": "Born and raised in the United States by immigrant parents, he adopted the stage name Martin Sheen to help him gain acting parts.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "10", "propertyName": "NATIONALITY", "propertyDescription": "Describes he country of a person's citizenship or country in which the person is deemed a national." }, { "propertyId": "11", "propertyName": "PLACE_OF_RESIDENCE", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between a person and the location where she/he lives/lived." } ], "facts": [ { "factId": "8232:1330:1332:1294:1307:11", "propertyId": "11", "humanReadable": "<he> <PLACE_OF_RESIDENCE> <United States>", "annotatedPassage": "Born and raised in the <United States> by immigrant parents, <he> adopted the stage name Martin Sheen to help him gain acting parts.", "subjectStart": 1330, "subjectEnd": 1332, "subjectText": "he", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 1294, "objectEnd": 1307, "objectText": "United States", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "8232:1356:1368:1294:1307:11", "propertyId": "11", "humanReadable": "<Martin Sheen> <PLACE_OF_RESIDENCE> <United States>", "annotatedPassage": "Born and raised in the <United States> by immigrant parents, he adopted the stage name <Martin Sheen> to help him gain acting parts.", "subjectStart": 1356, "subjectEnd": 1368, "subjectText": "Martin Sheen", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 1294, "objectEnd": 1307, "objectText": "United States", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "8232:1377:1380:1294:1307:11", "propertyId": "11", "humanReadable": "<him> <PLACE_OF_RESIDENCE> <United States>", "annotatedPassage": "Born and raised in the <United States> by immigrant parents, he adopted the stage name Martin Sheen to help <him> gain acting parts.", "subjectStart": 1377, "subjectEnd": 1380, "subjectText": "him", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 1294, "objectEnd": 1307, "objectText": "United States", "objectUri": "" } ] } ]
DBpedia Abstract
LOT Polish Airlines Polskie Linie Lotnicze LOT S.A. ([ˈlɔt], Flight), trading as LOT Polish Airlines, is the flag carrier of Poland. Based in Warsaw and established in 1929, it is one of the world's oldest airlines still in operation. With a fleet of approximately 45 aircraft, LOT operates a complex network to 60 destinations in Europe, the Middle East, North America, and Asia. Most of the destinations originate from its hub, Warsaw Chopin Airport. As Poland made the transition to a market economy from 1989, LOT began its own transformation from a wholly state-run carrier to a commercial European flag carrier. LOT started a process of fleet renewal with the purchase of Western aircraft to replace its aging Soviet planes. With the arrival of the first Boeing 767-300ER, LOT started inter-continental services to Chicago, Newark, Toronto, and New York City. These four main routes have been some of the most popular flights that LOT operates, especially during the summer season when many Poles and foreigners come to visit Poland either for vacations or to visit their families. LOT found itself undergoing constant management change in the late 2000s due to reductions in market share. In 2012 the company took delivery of one of the most modern aircraft in the world, the Boeing 787 Dreamliner, however, after placing orders for several aircraft and taking delivery of two, the carrier found itself "nearly insolvent" due to the January 2013 grounding of the Boeing 787. Like other traditional airlines, it offers two service classes on its flights: Economy and Business class. LOT has also won numerous awards including "Best Airline in Eastern Europe" in 2008, 2009 and 2010 according to the magazine Global Traveler and has been hailed as one of the safest airlines in the world.
[ { "passageId": "7788:1197:1482", "passageStart": 1197, "passageEnd": 1482, "passageText": "In 2012 the company took delivery of one of the most modern aircraft in the world, the Boeing 787 Dreamliner, however, after placing orders for several aircraft and taking delivery of two, the carrier found itself \"nearly insolvent\" due to the January 2013 grounding of the Boeing 787.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "5", "propertyName": "DATE_FOUNDED", "propertyDescription": "Describes the founding date of a company." } ], "facts": [] }, { "passageId": "7788:134:235", "passageStart": 134, "passageEnd": 235, "passageText": "Based in Warsaw and established in 1929, it is one of the world's oldest airlines still in operation.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "5", "propertyName": "DATE_FOUNDED", "propertyDescription": "Describes the founding date of a company." }, { "propertyId": "6", "propertyName": "HEADQUARTERS", "propertyDescription": "Describes the specific location where an organization's headquarters is or has been situated." } ], "facts": [ { "factId": "7788:175:177:143:149:6", "propertyId": "6", "humanReadable": "<it> <HEADQUARTERS> <Warsaw>", "annotatedPassage": "Based in <Warsaw> and established in 1929, <it> is one of the world's oldest airlines still in operation.", "subjectStart": 175, "subjectEnd": 177, "subjectText": "it", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 143, "objectEnd": 149, "objectText": "Warsaw", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "7788:175:177:169:173:5", "propertyId": "5", "humanReadable": "<it> <DATE_FOUNDED> <1929>", "annotatedPassage": "Based in Warsaw and established in <1929>, <it> is one of the world's oldest airlines still in operation.", "subjectStart": 175, "subjectEnd": 177, "subjectText": "it", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 169, "objectEnd": 173, "objectText": "1929", "objectUri": "" } ] } ]
Diffbot Knowledge Graph
Juergens Hardware Juergens Do-It Best Hardware is a Locally Owned Fourth Generation Full Service Paint and Hardware Store Located in Huntington, Indiana. Since 1946 The Juergens Family has Delivered Quality Service to the Community by Providing: Color Computer Paint Matching, Key Cutting, Pipe Threading, Blade Sharpening, Glass Cutting, Window Treatment Installation, Screen and Window Repair, Re-Keying Lock-sets, Pool and Pond Chemicals, Propane Filling (Including RVs), Tool & Equipment Rental, Canning and Food Preservation Supplies, Beekeeping Equipment, UPS Shipping, and Free Shipping to Store on Any of the Over 70,000 items in Our Warehouse. Established in 1946. Harold and Helen Juergens started Juergens Used Furniture in 1946 in downtown Huntington, Indiana. In 1950, Harold, known as 'The Color Blind Man', sold paint, wallpaper, Venetian blinds and also repaired and even washed blinds. In 1962, Juergens Paint and Wallpaper, relocated into the newly built Huntington Plaza Shopping Center. In 1964, Harold Juergens purchased Nave Hardware, a local hardware store, and became an HWI dealer. In 1971, Herald and Helen retired, and their son and daughter-in-law, George and Nancy purchased the store. In 1988, Juergens Paint & Hardware remolded and became a Do-It Center, changing the name to Juergens Do-It Center. In 1990, George and Nancy's son Dan started working full time at the store. In 1997, Juergens Do-it Center, built a free standing store, at its current location on North Jefferson Street. In 2001, Dan's wife, Gina, began working in the store full time. In 2015, Dan and Gina's son Brandon began working in the store full-time.
[ { "passageId": "30239:1331:1406", "passageStart": 1331, "passageEnd": 1406, "passageText": "In 1990, George and Nancy's son Dan started working full time at the store.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "34", "propertyName": "CHILD_OF", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between a person and his/her parent." } ], "facts": [ { "factId": "30239:1363:1366:1351:1356:34", "propertyId": "34", "humanReadable": "<Dan> <CHILD_OF> <Nancy>", "annotatedPassage": "In 1990, George and <Nancy>'s son <Dan> started working full time at the store.", "subjectStart": 1363, "subjectEnd": 1366, "subjectText": "Dan", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 1351, "objectEnd": 1356, "objectText": "Nancy", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "30239:1363:1366:1340:1346:34", "propertyId": "34", "humanReadable": "<Dan> <CHILD_OF> <George>", "annotatedPassage": "In 1990, <George> and Nancy's son <Dan> started working full time at the store.", "subjectStart": 1363, "subjectEnd": 1366, "subjectText": "Dan", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 1340, "objectEnd": 1346, "objectText": "George", "objectUri": "" } ] }, { "passageId": "30239:1584:1657", "passageStart": 1584, "passageEnd": 1657, "passageText": "In 2015, Dan and Gina's son Brandon began working in the store full-time.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "34", "propertyName": "CHILD_OF", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between a person and his/her parent." } ], "facts": [ { "factId": "30239:1612:1619:1601:1605:34", "propertyId": "34", "humanReadable": "<Brandon> <CHILD_OF> <Gina>", "annotatedPassage": "In 2015, Dan and <Gina>'s son <Brandon> began working in the store full-time.", "subjectStart": 1612, "subjectEnd": 1619, "subjectText": "Brandon", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 1601, "objectEnd": 1605, "objectText": "Gina", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "30239:1612:1619:1593:1596:34", "propertyId": "34", "humanReadable": "<Brandon> <CHILD_OF> <Dan>", "annotatedPassage": "In 2015, <Dan> and Gina's son <Brandon> began working in the store full-time.", "subjectStart": 1612, "subjectEnd": 1619, "subjectText": "Brandon", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 1593, "objectEnd": 1596, "objectText": "Dan", "objectUri": "" } ] } ]
DBpedia Abstract
2018 FIFA World Cup qualification (CONCACAF) The North, Central American and Caribbean section of the 2018 FIFA World Cup qualification acts as qualifiers for the 2018 FIFA World Cup, to be held in Russia, for national teams which are members of the Confederation of North, Central American and Caribbean Association Football (CONCACAF). A total of 3.5 slots (3 direct slots and 1 inter-confederation play-off slot) in the final tournament are available for CONCACAF teams. In a change to previous qualification tournaments for this confederation, the first three rounds will be played as knockout rounds, with both the fourth round and the final round (referred to as 'The Hexagonal') played as group stages. The first round was played during the FIFA international dates of 23–31 March 2015. CONCACAF announced the full format details on 12 January 2015.
[ { "passageId": "8102:46:338", "passageStart": 46, "passageEnd": 338, "passageText": "The North, Central American and Caribbean section of the 2018 FIFA World Cup qualification acts as qualifiers for the 2018 FIFA World Cup, to be held in Russia, for national teams which are members of the Confederation of North, Central American and Caribbean Association Football (CONCACAF).", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "6", "propertyName": "HEADQUARTERS", "propertyDescription": "Describes the specific location where an organization's headquarters is or has been situated." } ], "facts": [] } ]
DBpedia Abstract
MicroAge MicroAge (NASDAQ: MICA) was an American technology sales company based in Tempe, Arizona founded in 1976 by Jeffrey D. McKeever and Alan P. Hald, originally as part of Paul Terrell's chain of dealerships and franchises under the brand The Byte Shop. The name "MicroAge" is now a dba name for Frontier Technology LLC, also of Tempe, Arizona.
[ { "passageId": "17423:10:259", "passageStart": 10, "passageEnd": 259, "passageText": "MicroAge (NASDAQ: MICA) was an American technology sales company based in Tempe, Arizona founded in 1976 by Jeffrey D. McKeever and Alan P. Hald, originally as part of Paul Terrell's chain of dealerships and franchises under the brand The Byte Shop.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "15", "propertyName": "DATE_OF_BIRTH", "propertyDescription": "Describes the date of birth of a person." } ], "facts": [] } ]
DBpedia Abstract
John F. Harris John F. Harris is an American political journalist and the editor in chief of Politico, an Arlington, Virginia-based political news organization. With Politico executive editor, Jim VandeHei, Harris founded Politico for its launch on January 23, 2007. Harris is the author of a book on Bill Clinton called The Survivor, and the co-author with Mark Halperin of The Way to Win: Clinton, Bush, Rove and How to Take the White House in 2008.
[ { "passageId": "4902:162:267", "passageStart": 162, "passageEnd": 267, "passageText": "With Politico executive editor, Jim VandeHei, Harris founded Politico for its launch on January 23, 2007.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "5", "propertyName": "DATE_FOUNDED", "propertyDescription": "Describes the founding date of a company." }, { "propertyId": "2", "propertyName": "FOUNDED_BY", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between an organization and its founder or co-founder." } ], "facts": [ { "factId": "4902:223:231:208:214:2", "propertyId": "2", "humanReadable": "<Politico> <FOUNDED_BY> <Harris>", "annotatedPassage": "With Politico executive editor, Jim VandeHei, <Harris> founded <Politico> for its launch on January 23, 2007.", "subjectStart": 223, "subjectEnd": 231, "subjectText": "Politico", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 208, "objectEnd": 214, "objectText": "Harris", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "4902:236:239:208:214:2", "propertyId": "2", "humanReadable": "<its> <FOUNDED_BY> <Harris>", "annotatedPassage": "With Politico executive editor, Jim VandeHei, <Harris> founded Politico for <its> launch on January 23, 2007.", "subjectStart": 236, "subjectEnd": 239, "subjectText": "its", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 208, "objectEnd": 214, "objectText": "Harris", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "4902:223:231:194:206:2", "propertyId": "2", "humanReadable": "<Politico> <FOUNDED_BY> <Jim VandeHei>", "annotatedPassage": "With Politico executive editor, <Jim VandeHei>, Harris founded <Politico> for its launch on January 23, 2007.", "subjectStart": 223, "subjectEnd": 231, "subjectText": "Politico", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 194, "objectEnd": 206, "objectText": "Jim VandeHei", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "4902:223:231:250:266:5", "propertyId": "5", "humanReadable": "<Politico> <DATE_FOUNDED> <January 23, 2007>", "annotatedPassage": "With Politico executive editor, Jim VandeHei, Harris founded <Politico> for its launch on <January 23, 2007>.", "subjectStart": 223, "subjectEnd": 231, "subjectText": "Politico", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 250, "objectEnd": 266, "objectText": "January 23, 2007", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "4902:236:239:250:266:5", "propertyId": "5", "humanReadable": "<its> <DATE_FOUNDED> <January 23, 2007>", "annotatedPassage": "With Politico executive editor, Jim VandeHei, Harris founded Politico for <its> launch on <January 23, 2007>.", "subjectStart": 236, "subjectEnd": 239, "subjectText": "its", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 250, "objectEnd": 266, "objectText": "January 23, 2007", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "4902:236:239:194:206:2", "propertyId": "2", "humanReadable": "<its> <FOUNDED_BY> <Jim VandeHei>", "annotatedPassage": "With Politico executive editor, <Jim VandeHei>, Harris founded Politico for <its> launch on January 23, 2007.", "subjectStart": 236, "subjectEnd": 239, "subjectText": "its", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 194, "objectEnd": 206, "objectText": "Jim VandeHei", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "4902:167:175:208:214:2", "propertyId": "2", "humanReadable": "<Politico> <FOUNDED_BY> <Harris>", "annotatedPassage": "With <Politico> executive editor, Jim VandeHei, <Harris> founded Politico for its launch on January 23, 2007.", "subjectStart": 167, "subjectEnd": 175, "subjectText": "Politico", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 208, "objectEnd": 214, "objectText": "Harris", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "4902:167:175:250:266:5", "propertyId": "5", "humanReadable": "<Politico> <DATE_FOUNDED> <January 23, 2007>", "annotatedPassage": "With <Politico> executive editor, Jim VandeHei, Harris founded Politico for its launch on <January 23, 2007>.", "subjectStart": 167, "subjectEnd": 175, "subjectText": "Politico", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 250, "objectEnd": 266, "objectText": "January 23, 2007", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "4902:167:175:194:206:2", "propertyId": "2", "humanReadable": "<Politico> <FOUNDED_BY> <Jim VandeHei>", "annotatedPassage": "With <Politico> executive editor, <Jim VandeHei>, Harris founded Politico for its launch on January 23, 2007.", "subjectStart": 167, "subjectEnd": 175, "subjectText": "Politico", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 194, "objectEnd": 206, "objectText": "Jim VandeHei", "objectUri": "" } ] } ]
Diffbot Knowledge Graph
Sling Broadband Broadband, Internet Service Provider, ISP, Wireless, Wifi, WI-FI, Phone Service, VoIP, TV Service, Television Service, Fiber, Internet Access. Established in 2006. Sling Broadband, LLC is an industry-leading, privately held, Internet Service Provider based in Florida. In 2006, Sling Broadband began construction of an innovative network optimized for data traffic and launched service in two initial markets. That same year, major telecommunication companies announced for the first time ever that global networks carried more data traffic than voice traffic. Sling Broadband was perfectly positioned to step into this growing market. Through acquisition of existing Internet service provider networks and their customer relationships, Sling Broadband dynamically expanded to become a top ten national service provider in over 30 major markets. Today we are one of the largest carriers of data traffic in North America, providing businesses worldwide with a reliable data network and outstanding service. Addiel L. has led Sling Broadband since its inception, transforming the company into a premier broadband company, deploying high-speed broadband direct to businesses, and expanding its Internet backbone network to all major U.S Cities. Under his leadership, Sling Broadband has stayed at the cusp of technology innovation with its industry-leading network, and its planned deployment of fixed Wimax technologies to every major U.S Market. Sling Broadband's leadership in network innovation has earned the company numerous citations and awards.
[ { "passageId": "20308:181:285", "passageStart": 181, "passageEnd": 285, "passageText": "Sling Broadband, LLC is an industry-leading, privately held, Internet Service Provider based in Florida.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "6", "propertyName": "HEADQUARTERS", "propertyDescription": "Describes the specific location where an organization's headquarters is or has been situated." } ], "facts": [ { "factId": "20308:181:201:277:284:6", "propertyId": "6", "humanReadable": "<Sling Broadband, LLC> <HEADQUARTERS> <Florida>", "annotatedPassage": "<Sling Broadband, LLC> is an industry-leading, privately held, Internet Service Provider based in <Florida>.", "subjectStart": 181, "subjectEnd": 201, "subjectText": "Sling Broadband, LLC", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 277, "objectEnd": 284, "objectText": "Florida", "objectUri": "" } ] } ]
DBpedia Abstract
Martin Bojowald Martin Bojowald (born February 18, 1973, in Jülich) is a German physicist who now works on the faculty of the Penn State Physics Department, where he is a member of the Institute for Gravitation and the Cosmos. Prior to joining Penn State he spent several years at the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics in Potsdam, Germany. He works on loop quantum gravity and physical cosmology and is credited with establishing the sub-field of loop quantum cosmology.
[ { "passageId": "13750:17:227", "passageStart": 17, "passageEnd": 227, "passageText": "Martin Bojowald (born February 18, 1973, in Jülich) is a German physicist who now works on the faculty of the Penn State Physics Department, where he is a member of the Institute for Gravitation and the Cosmos.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "10", "propertyName": "NATIONALITY", "propertyDescription": "Describes he country of a person's citizenship or country in which the person is deemed a national." } ], "facts": [ { "factId": "13750:17:32:74:80:10", "propertyId": "10", "humanReadable": "<Martin Bojowald> <NATIONALITY> <German>", "annotatedPassage": "<Martin Bojowald> (born February 18, 1973, in Jülich) is a <German> physicist who now works on the faculty of the Penn State Physics Department, where he is a member of the Institute for Gravitation and the Cosmos.", "subjectStart": 17, "subjectEnd": 32, "subjectText": "Martin Bojowald", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 74, "objectEnd": 80, "objectText": "German", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "13750:91:94:74:80:10", "propertyId": "10", "humanReadable": "<who> <NATIONALITY> <German>", "annotatedPassage": "Martin Bojowald (born February 18, 1973, in Jülich) is a <German> physicist <who> now works on the faculty of the Penn State Physics Department, where he is a member of the Institute for Gravitation and the Cosmos.", "subjectStart": 91, "subjectEnd": 94, "subjectText": "who", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 74, "objectEnd": 80, "objectText": "German", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "13750:164:166:74:80:10", "propertyId": "10", "humanReadable": "<he> <NATIONALITY> <German>", "annotatedPassage": "Martin Bojowald (born February 18, 1973, in Jülich) is a <German> physicist who now works on the faculty of the Penn State Physics Department, where <he> is a member of the Institute for Gravitation and the Cosmos.", "subjectStart": 164, "subjectEnd": 166, "subjectText": "he", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 74, "objectEnd": 80, "objectText": "German", "objectUri": "" } ] } ]
DBpedia Abstract
City of Liverpool College The City Of Liverpool College formerly Liverpool Community College is one of three college of further education in Liverpool, Merseyside. It was established in 1992 by the amalgamation of all the further education colleges within Liverpool. In 2005, it had approximately 7,000 full-time and 18,000 part-time students. The current principal is Elaine Bowker. The College is based on several sites around the city, mainly in the city centre. Community-based provision is in the form of Skill Centres is in process of being disestablished in response to reduction in funding provision by central government. ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) courses are likely to be the sole community-based provision The college left LEA control and was incorporated in 1993 and is overseen by the Corporation Board. The college's first Principal was Wally Brown CBE. The board is made up of representatives from local businesses and communities. The college receives its funding from the government via the Learning and Skills Council, Greater Merseyside.
[ { "passageId": "29239:165:267", "passageStart": 165, "passageEnd": 267, "passageText": "It was established in 1992 by the amalgamation of all the further education colleges within Liverpool.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "5", "propertyName": "DATE_FOUNDED", "propertyDescription": "Describes the founding date of a company." } ], "facts": [] } ]
Diffbot Knowledge Graph
J.J. Jaxon Company, Inc. In 1947, James Jay Jaxon, Sr. established the Eufaula Monument Company, which offered memorials and monuments. In 1965 Memory Garden of Eufaula, the cemetery, was purchased. His son, J.J. Jaxon Jr., acquired these companies in 1979; incorporated the enterprise; and changed the name to J.J. Jaxon Company, Inc. In 1983, Jay expanded the Company’s enterprises to include a Commemorative Arts Division offering Awards and Memorial Arts. The “home-owned” enterprise is an eight-person corporation, Jay Jaxon serving as President and CEO. Jackie Cornelison, Lynn Webster and Linda Dollar manage office operations. Sandy Sanderson oversees sales for the Monument and Cemetery Divisions. Kathy Hamrick serves as Vice-President of Commemorative Arts with Mike Hamrick as consulting Architect. Alonzo Peterson and Caesar O’Hara operate the Production and Maintenance Departments
[ { "passageId": "20232:708:811", "passageStart": 708, "passageEnd": 811, "passageText": "Kathy Hamrick serves as Vice-President of Commemorative Arts with Mike Hamrick as consulting Architect.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "3", "propertyName": "EMPLOYEE_OR_MEMBER_OF", "propertyDescription": "Describes the previous/current employer of a person." } ], "facts": [ { "factId": "20232:708:721:750:768:3", "propertyId": "3", "humanReadable": "<Kathy Hamrick> <EMPLOYEE_OR_MEMBER_OF> <Commemorative Arts>", "annotatedPassage": "<Kathy Hamrick> serves as Vice-President of <Commemorative Arts> with Mike Hamrick as consulting Architect.", "subjectStart": 708, "subjectEnd": 721, "subjectText": "Kathy Hamrick", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 750, "objectEnd": 768, "objectText": "Commemorative Arts", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "20232:774:786:750:768:3", "propertyId": "3", "humanReadable": "<Mike Hamrick> <EMPLOYEE_OR_MEMBER_OF> <Commemorative Arts>", "annotatedPassage": "Kathy Hamrick serves as Vice-President of <Commemorative Arts> with <Mike Hamrick> as consulting Architect.", "subjectStart": 774, "subjectEnd": 786, "subjectText": "Mike Hamrick", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 750, "objectEnd": 768, "objectText": "Commemorative Arts", "objectUri": "" } ] }, { "passageId": "20232:200:336", "passageStart": 200, "passageEnd": 336, "passageText": "His son, J.J. Jaxon Jr., acquired these companies in 1979; incorporated the enterprise; and changed the name to J.J. Jaxon Company, Inc.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "34", "propertyName": "CHILD_OF", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between a person and his/her parent." } ], "facts": [ { "factId": "20232:209:223:200:203:34", "propertyId": "34", "humanReadable": "<J.J. Jaxon Jr.> <CHILD_OF> <His>", "annotatedPassage": "<His> son, <J.J. Jaxon Jr.>, acquired these companies in 1979; incorporated the enterprise; and changed the name to J.J. Jaxon Company, Inc.", "subjectStart": 209, "subjectEnd": 223, "subjectText": "J.J. Jaxon Jr.", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 200, "objectEnd": 203, "objectText": "His", "objectUri": "" } ] }, { "passageId": "20232:26:136", "passageStart": 26, "passageEnd": 136, "passageText": "In 1947, James Jay Jaxon, Sr. established the Eufaula Monument Company, which offered memorials and monuments.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "2", "propertyName": "FOUNDED_BY", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between an organization and its founder or co-founder." }, { "propertyId": "3", "propertyName": "EMPLOYEE_OR_MEMBER_OF", "propertyDescription": "Describes the previous/current employer of a person." } ], "facts": [ { "factId": "20232:72:96:35:54:2", "propertyId": "2", "humanReadable": "<Eufaula Monument Company> <FOUNDED_BY> <James Jay Jaxon, Sr>", "annotatedPassage": "In 1947, <James Jay Jaxon, Sr>. established the <Eufaula Monument Company>, which offered memorials and monuments.", "subjectStart": 72, "subjectEnd": 96, "subjectText": "Eufaula Monument Company", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 35, "objectEnd": 54, "objectText": "James Jay Jaxon, Sr", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "20232:98:103:35:54:2", "propertyId": "2", "humanReadable": "<which> <FOUNDED_BY> <James Jay Jaxon, Sr>", "annotatedPassage": "In 1947, <James Jay Jaxon, Sr>. established the Eufaula Monument Company, <which> offered memorials and monuments.", "subjectStart": 98, "subjectEnd": 103, "subjectText": "which", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 35, "objectEnd": 54, "objectText": "James Jay Jaxon, Sr", "objectUri": "" } ] } ]
Diffbot Knowledge Graph
Malcolm Campbell-Johnston Malcolm Campbell-Johnston (14 April 1871 – 12 March 1938) was a British barrister and Conservative Party politician.
[ { "passageId": "30063:27:143", "passageStart": 27, "passageEnd": 143, "passageText": "Malcolm Campbell-Johnston (14 April 1871 – 12 March 1938) was a British barrister and Conservative Party politician.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "45", "propertyName": "POLITICAL_AFFILIATION", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between a person and her/his political affiliation." } ], "facts": [ { "factId": "30063:27:52:113:131:45", "propertyId": "45", "humanReadable": "<Malcolm Campbell-Johnston> <POLITICAL_AFFILIATION> <Conservative Party>", "annotatedPassage": "<Malcolm Campbell-Johnston> (14 April 1871 – 12 March 1938) was a British barrister and <Conservative Party> politician.", "subjectStart": 27, "subjectEnd": 52, "subjectText": "Malcolm Campbell-Johnston", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 113, "objectEnd": 131, "objectText": "Conservative Party", "objectUri": "" } ] } ]
DBpedia Abstract
Hristoforos Hoidis Hristoforos Hoidis (born 10 September 1978) is a Greek sprinter who specialized in the 100 metres. He competed at the 2004 Olympic Games and the 1999 World Championships, but did not reach the final. His personal best time was 10.14 seconds, achieved in June 2004 in Plovdiv. This ranks him third among Greek 100 metres sprinters, only behind Angelos Pavlakakis and Aristotelis Gavelas. In 2005 Hoidis was found guilty of doping. He received an IAAF suspension from July 2005 to July 2007.
[ { "passageId": "7895:20:118", "passageStart": 20, "passageEnd": 118, "passageText": "Hristoforos Hoidis (born 10 September 1978) is a Greek sprinter who specialized in the 100 metres.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "12", "propertyName": "PLACE_OF_BIRTH", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between a person and the location where she/he was born." }, { "propertyId": "10", "propertyName": "NATIONALITY", "propertyDescription": "Describes he country of a person's citizenship or country in which the person is deemed a national." }, { "propertyId": "15", "propertyName": "DATE_OF_BIRTH", "propertyDescription": "Describes the date of birth of a person." } ], "facts": [ { "factId": "7895:20:38:45:62:15", "propertyId": "15", "humanReadable": "<Hristoforos Hoidis> <DATE_OF_BIRTH> <10 September 1978>", "annotatedPassage": "<Hristoforos Hoidis> (born <10 September 1978>) is a Greek sprinter who specialized in the 100 metres.", "subjectStart": 20, "subjectEnd": 38, "subjectText": "Hristoforos Hoidis", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 45, "objectEnd": 62, "objectText": "10 September 1978", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "7895:84:87:45:62:15", "propertyId": "15", "humanReadable": "<who> <DATE_OF_BIRTH> <10 September 1978>", "annotatedPassage": "Hristoforos Hoidis (born <10 September 1978>) is a Greek sprinter <who> specialized in the 100 metres.", "subjectStart": 84, "subjectEnd": 87, "subjectText": "who", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 45, "objectEnd": 62, "objectText": "10 September 1978", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "7895:20:38:69:74:10", "propertyId": "10", "humanReadable": "<Hristoforos Hoidis> <NATIONALITY> <Greek>", "annotatedPassage": "<Hristoforos Hoidis> (born 10 September 1978) is a <Greek> sprinter who specialized in the 100 metres.", "subjectStart": 20, "subjectEnd": 38, "subjectText": "Hristoforos Hoidis", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 69, "objectEnd": 74, "objectText": "Greek", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "7895:84:87:69:74:10", "propertyId": "10", "humanReadable": "<who> <NATIONALITY> <Greek>", "annotatedPassage": "Hristoforos Hoidis (born 10 September 1978) is a <Greek> sprinter <who> specialized in the 100 metres.", "subjectStart": 84, "subjectEnd": 87, "subjectText": "who", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 69, "objectEnd": 74, "objectText": "Greek", "objectUri": "" } ] } ]
DBpedia Abstract
Hospital Colônia de Barbacena "Museu da Loucura" (Museum of Madness), formerly known as Hospital Colônia was a psychiatric hospital founded in 1903. The institution was located in the Brazilian city of Barbacena, Minas Gerais. From its foundation to 1980, Colônia was theatre of a genocide. Official estimates report over 60.000 deaths occurred inside the wards due to medical malpractice and torture over the years. Italian Psychiatrist Franco Basaglia compared the place to a Nazi concentration camp. In 2013, Brazilian journalist Daniela Arbex released an investigative book called "O Holocausto Brasileiro" ("The Brazilian Holocaust") telling the stories of survivors and victims. The events inside Colônia were also a boost for the national anti-asylum movement.
[ { "passageId": "8069:504:685", "passageStart": 504, "passageEnd": 685, "passageText": "In 2013, Brazilian journalist Daniela Arbex released an investigative book called \"O Holocausto Brasileiro\" (\"The Brazilian Holocaust\") telling the stories of survivors and victims.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "10", "propertyName": "NATIONALITY", "propertyDescription": "Describes he country of a person's citizenship or country in which the person is deemed a national." } ], "facts": [ { "factId": "8069:534:547:513:522:10", "propertyId": "10", "humanReadable": "<Daniela Arbex> <NATIONALITY> <Brazilian>", "annotatedPassage": "In 2013, <Brazilian> journalist <Daniela Arbex> released an investigative book called \"O Holocausto Brasileiro\" (\"The Brazilian Holocaust\") telling the stories of survivors and victims.", "subjectStart": 534, "subjectEnd": 547, "subjectText": "Daniela Arbex", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 513, "objectEnd": 522, "objectText": "Brazilian", "objectUri": "" } ] } ]
DBpedia Abstract
Daniela Crăsnaru Daniela-Carmen Crăsnaru (born 14 April 1950) is a Romanian poet whose works have been widely translated. She has also written short stories and works for children. From 1990 to 1992, Crăsnaru was a deputy in the Romanian parliament, representing the National Salvation Front (FSN). Crăsnaru has authored an impressive collection of literary works including poetry, short stories and children's books. One of the most important contemporary poets in Romania, she has received international acclaim as a result of the translation of her poetry into at least 15 languages. In 1991, she received the Lifetime Achievement Award of the Romanian Academy where she is now deputy director. Under the Ceaușescu regime, Crăsnaru was limited by the political oppression of the period but her unlike many Eastern European authors, her short stories extend beyond politics to enlarge on the weaknesses of ordinary people who experience helplessness and failure. The poems in her Letters from Darkness reveal the contrast between the work she published in the Ceaușescu period with the subversive poetry she hid until the 1989 revolution.
[ { "passageId": "8171:182:299", "passageStart": 182, "passageEnd": 299, "passageText": "From 1990 to 1992, Crăsnaru was a deputy in the Romanian parliament, representing the National Salvation Front (FSN).", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "45", "propertyName": "POLITICAL_AFFILIATION", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between a person and her/his political affiliation." }, { "propertyId": "6", "propertyName": "HEADQUARTERS", "propertyDescription": "Describes the specific location where an organization's headquarters is or has been situated." } ], "facts": [ { "factId": "8171:201:209:294:297:45", "propertyId": "45", "humanReadable": "<Crăsnaru> <POLITICAL_AFFILIATION> <FSN>", "annotatedPassage": "From 1990 to 1992, <Crăsnaru> was a deputy in the Romanian parliament, representing the National Salvation Front (<FSN>).", "subjectStart": 201, "subjectEnd": 209, "subjectText": "Crăsnaru", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 294, "objectEnd": 297, "objectText": "FSN", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "8171:201:209:268:292:45", "propertyId": "45", "humanReadable": "<Crăsnaru> <POLITICAL_AFFILIATION> <National Salvation Front>", "annotatedPassage": "From 1990 to 1992, <Crăsnaru> was a deputy in the Romanian parliament, representing the <National Salvation Front> (FSN).", "subjectStart": 201, "subjectEnd": 209, "subjectText": "Crăsnaru", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 268, "objectEnd": 292, "objectText": "National Salvation Front", "objectUri": "" } ] } ]
Diffbot Knowledge Graph
Foraus Bern foraus (German: Forum Aussenpolitik, French: Forum de politique étrangère, Italian: Forum di politica estera) is a thinktank on Swiss foreign policy. It is headquartered in Berne and has offices in Geneva and Zurich and works according to the grassroots principle, based on 11 regional chapters across Switzerland. Most of its members are academic scholars, students and young professionals, who produce evidence-based discussion papers to be used as recommendations for decision makers and a broader public.. The think tank organises events and is funded through membership fees as well as through the support of foundations and private donors.
[ { "passageId": "16980:163:327", "passageStart": 163, "passageEnd": 327, "passageText": "It is headquartered in Berne and has offices in Geneva and Zurich and works according to the grassroots principle, based on 11 regional chapters across Switzerland.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "6", "propertyName": "HEADQUARTERS", "propertyDescription": "Describes the specific location where an organization's headquarters is or has been situated." } ], "facts": [ { "factId": "16980:163:165:186:191:6", "propertyId": "6", "humanReadable": "<It> <HEADQUARTERS> <Berne>", "annotatedPassage": "<It> is headquartered in <Berne> and has offices in Geneva and Zurich and works according to the grassroots principle, based on 11 regional chapters across Switzerland.", "subjectStart": 163, "subjectEnd": 165, "subjectText": "It", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 186, "objectEnd": 191, "objectText": "Berne", "objectUri": "" } ] } ]
Diffbot Knowledge Graph
Claude Zellweger Claude Zellweger is VP of design at HTC and oversees the design of the acclaimed HTC One smartphones as well as HTC’s emerging devices, most notably the industry defining VR system, the HTC Vive. Claude joined One & Co. as Partner and Creative Director in 2001, and helped to grow the firm to become one of the Bay Area’s dominant design forces. Industry leaders likeNike, Facebook, Google, Microsoft and Sonyturned tohimto lead the development of their branding and design.In2008HTC acquired One & Co and its international team of innovators. As HTC’s creative director Claude played a central role in turning the brand into a global design powerhouse. Claude, who was born in Switzerland, believes that by making the complex simple, the designer is able to provide relief for tension. This point of view developed during Claude’s work for Silicon Valley firms IDEO and Pentagram Design. Claude has a degree in industrial design from Art Center College of Design.He is a regular lecturer and design spokesperson for HTCandcurrently lives in San Francisco
[ { "passageId": "19555:708:855", "passageStart": 708, "passageEnd": 855, "passageText": "Claude, who was born in Switzerland, believes that by making the complex simple, the designer is able to provide relief for tension.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "12", "propertyName": "PLACE_OF_BIRTH", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between a person and the location where she/he was born." } ], "facts": [ { "factId": "19555:717:720:737:748:12", "propertyId": "12", "humanReadable": "<who> <PLACE_OF_BIRTH> <Switzerland>", "annotatedPassage": "Claude, <who> was born in <Switzerland>, believes that by making the complex simple, the designer is able to provide relief for tension.", "subjectStart": 717, "subjectEnd": 720, "subjectText": "who", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 737, "objectEnd": 748, "objectText": "Switzerland", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "19555:708:714:737:748:12", "propertyId": "12", "humanReadable": "<Claude> <PLACE_OF_BIRTH> <Switzerland>", "annotatedPassage": "<Claude>, who was born in <Switzerland>, believes that by making the complex simple, the designer is able to provide relief for tension.", "subjectStart": 708, "subjectEnd": 714, "subjectText": "Claude", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 737, "objectEnd": 748, "objectText": "Switzerland", "objectUri": "" } ] } ]
DBpedia Abstract
Maybeck Recital Hall Maybeck Recital Hall, also known as Maybeck Studio for Performing Arts, is located inside the Kennedy-Nixon House located at 1537 Euclid Avenue in Berkeley, California, USA. It was built in 1914 by Bernard Maybeck. The hall seats up to 50 people and was designed upon commission for the Nixon family, local arts patrons who wanted a live-in studio for their daughter Milda's piano teacher, Mrs. Alma Kennedy. The room is paneled in unfinished clear-heart redwood, which contributes to an unusually rich and warm, yet bright and clear acoustic quality. There are two grand pianos in the space: a Yamaha S-400, and a Yamaha C7. Maybeck originally designed the space to accommodate an 1898 7-foot Bechstein. In 1923, the hall was destroyed in a hillside fire. It was rebuilt quickly by Maybeck. Milda Nixon lived at the residence until her death in 1981 at the age of 92. Her adopted son, Charles R. Fulweiler, Phd., then held the house for several years. In 1987, the house was purchased by jazz pianist Dick Whittington, who opened the hall for public recitals. Between 1989 and 1995, Concord Records produced 42 solo piano recitals in Maybeck Recital Hall. Each recital featured a different jazz pianist, and all 42 recordings were released on CD. Concord also recorded 10 jazz duets at Maybeck during the same time period, which were also released as a series of CDs sold by Concord. In 1996, the house was purchased by Gregory Moore. The recital hall is no longer open for public concerts, although it is used for private concerts which are attended by invitation only.
[ { "passageId": "18975:814:890", "passageStart": 814, "passageEnd": 890, "passageText": "Milda Nixon lived at the residence until her death in 1981 at the age of 92.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "14", "propertyName": "DATE_OF_DEATH", "propertyDescription": "Describes the date of death of a person." }, { "propertyId": "15", "propertyName": "DATE_OF_BIRTH", "propertyDescription": "Describes the date of birth of a person." } ], "facts": [ { "factId": "18975:855:858:868:872:14", "propertyId": "14", "humanReadable": "<her> <DATE_OF_DEATH> <1981>", "annotatedPassage": "Milda Nixon lived at the residence until <her> death in <1981> at the age of 92.", "subjectStart": 855, "subjectEnd": 858, "subjectText": "her", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 868, "objectEnd": 872, "objectText": "1981", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "18975:814:825:868:872:14", "propertyId": "14", "humanReadable": "<Milda Nixon> <DATE_OF_DEATH> <1981>", "annotatedPassage": "<Milda Nixon> lived at the residence until her death in <1981> at the age of 92.", "subjectStart": 814, "subjectEnd": 825, "subjectText": "Milda Nixon", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 868, "objectEnd": 872, "objectText": "1981", "objectUri": "" } ] }, { "passageId": "18975:891:974", "passageStart": 891, "passageEnd": 974, "passageText": "Her adopted son, Charles R. Fulweiler, Phd., then held the house for several years.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "34", "propertyName": "CHILD_OF", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between a person and his/her parent." } ], "facts": [ { "factId": "18975:908:928:891:894:34", "propertyId": "34", "humanReadable": "<Charles R. Fulweiler> <CHILD_OF> <Her>", "annotatedPassage": "<Her> adopted son, <Charles R. Fulweiler>, Phd., then held the house for several years.", "subjectStart": 908, "subjectEnd": 928, "subjectText": "Charles R. Fulweiler", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 891, "objectEnd": 894, "objectText": "Her", "objectUri": "" } ] } ]
Diffbot Knowledge Graph
Carlos Dávila Carlos Gregorio Dávila Espinoza (September 15, 1887 - October 19, 1955), was a Chilean political figure, journalist, Chairman of Government Junta of Chile in 1932, and Secretary General of the Organization of American States from 1954 until his death in 1955.
[ { "passageId": "29624:15:274", "passageStart": 15, "passageEnd": 274, "passageText": "Carlos Gregorio Dávila Espinoza (September 15, 1887 - October 19, 1955), was a Chilean political figure, journalist, Chairman of Government Junta of Chile in 1932, and Secretary General of the Organization of American States from 1954 until his death in 1955.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "10", "propertyName": "NATIONALITY", "propertyDescription": "Describes he country of a person's citizenship or country in which the person is deemed a national." }, { "propertyId": "4", "propertyName": "CEO", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between an organization and its CEO." } ], "facts": [ { "factId": "29624:15:46:94:101:10", "propertyId": "10", "humanReadable": "<Carlos Gregorio Dávila Espinoza> <NATIONALITY> <Chilean>", "annotatedPassage": "<Carlos Gregorio Dávila Espinoza> (September 15, 1887 - October 19, 1955), was a <Chilean> political figure, journalist, Chairman of Government Junta of Chile in 1932, and Secretary General of the Organization of American States from 1954 until his death in 1955.", "subjectStart": 15, "subjectEnd": 46, "subjectText": "Carlos Gregorio Dávila Espinoza", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 94, "objectEnd": 101, "objectText": "Chilean", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "29624:256:259:94:101:10", "propertyId": "10", "humanReadable": "<his> <NATIONALITY> <Chilean>", "annotatedPassage": "Carlos Gregorio Dávila Espinoza (September 15, 1887 - October 19, 1955), was a <Chilean> political figure, journalist, Chairman of Government Junta of Chile in 1932, and Secretary General of the Organization of American States from 1954 until <his> death in 1955.", "subjectStart": 256, "subjectEnd": 259, "subjectText": "his", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 94, "objectEnd": 101, "objectText": "Chilean", "objectUri": "" } ] } ]
Diffbot Knowledge Graph
Elite Animation Academy Central Florida's only after school program designed to teach children the fundamentals and basics of traditional animation. Taught by former Walt Disney Feature Animation Studio Animators, the school is perfect for children who have an interest in Art and Animation. Elite Animation Academy will provide you the education and the tools necessary to create a portfolio to enhance your animation skills and take it to the next level, should you want to pursue a career in animation, graphic or game design. Our classes are after school, with convenient afternoon hours for parents and students. We focus on basic to intermediate levels with an emphasis on history, theory, and sketch along with Animation exercises each week after the topic. Elite Animation Academy has formed several relationships with known Art and Design Schools such as Ringling Art and Design College, Full Sail University and the Dave (Digital and Visual Arts) School, to name a few. Although, Elite Animation Academy does not guarantee you a placement in these schools, our years of experience in the Animation Industry will give you a competitive edge during the application process.
[ { "passageId": "3029:770:985", "passageStart": 770, "passageEnd": 985, "passageText": "Elite Animation Academy has formed several relationships with known Art and Design Schools such as Ringling Art and Design College, Full Sail University and the Dave (Digital and Visual Arts) School, to name a few.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "2", "propertyName": "FOUNDED_BY", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between an organization and its founder or co-founder." } ], "facts": [] } ]
DBpedia Abstract
Human rights concerts The Human Rights Concerts is the collective name informally used to describe the series of 28 rock concerts presented worldwide 1986-1998 to raise funds for – and awareness of - the Nobel Peace Prize-winning human rights organization Amnesty International. The series featured many of the world’s leading contemporary musicians including: Bands: U2, The Police, Bruce Springsteen & the E Street Band, Radiohead, Led Zeppelin's Robert Plant & Jimmy Page, The Neville Brothers, The Hooters, New Kids On The Block, Third World Solo Artists: Sting, Bruce Springsteen, Peter Gabriel, Jackson Browne, Lou Reed, Bryan Adams, Joan Baez, Wynton Marsalis, Sinéad O'Connor, Alanis Morissette, Shania Twain, Little Steven, Bob Geldof, Joan Armatrading, Carlos Santana, Yoko Ono, Miles Davis, Joni Mitchell, Tracy Chapman, Bono, Ruben Blades, Fela, Youssou N'Dour, k.d. lang, Pat Metheney The concert series – organized by the US Section of Amnesty - evolved out of the Secret Policeman’s Ball series of charity galas organized by the UK Section of Amnesty starting in 1976. The British benefit shows had initially been comedy events featuring comedic performers. But from 1979 onwards, the UK shows started to include cameo appearances by some of Britain's most prominent rock musicians - including Pete Townshend, Sting, Eric Clapton, Jeff Beck, Phil Collins, Bob Geldof, Donovan, Peter Gabriel, David Gilmour, Kate Bush and others. The Human Rights Concerts were developed with the intention of building on this new support for Amnesty among musicians and channelling it into a series of rock concerts and tours. There were four distinctive sets of concerts in the series: • A Conspiracy of Hope – six concerts in the USA in June 1986 • Human Rights Now! – twenty concerts held worldwide in September–October 1988 • An Embrace Of Hope – two concerts in Santiago, Chile in October 1990 • The Struggle Continues... – one concert in Paris, France in December 1998
[ { "passageId": "26564:280:1084", "passageStart": 280, "passageEnd": 1084, "passageText": "The series featured many of the world’s leading contemporary musicians including: Bands: U2, The Police, Bruce Springsteen & the E Street Band, Radiohead, Led Zeppelin's Robert Plant & Jimmy Page, The Neville Brothers, The Hooters, New Kids On The Block, Third World Solo Artists: Sting, Bruce Springsteen, Peter Gabriel, Jackson Browne, Lou Reed, Bryan Adams, Joan Baez, Wynton Marsalis, Sinéad O'Connor, Alanis Morissette, Shania Twain, Little Steven, Bob Geldof, Joan Armatrading, Carlos Santana, Yoko Ono, Miles Davis, Joni Mitchell, Tracy Chapman, Bono, Ruben Blades, Fela, Youssou N'Dour, k.d. lang, Pat Metheney The concert series – organized by the US Section of Amnesty - evolved out of the Secret Policeman’s Ball series of charity galas organized by the UK Section of Amnesty starting in 1976.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "34", "propertyName": "CHILD_OF", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between a person and his/her parent." } ], "facts": [] } ]
Diffbot Knowledge Graph
Sum Leung Chinese Kitchen We specialize in home-style Chinese and local immigrant Asian foods that you won't find elsewhere. Our crispy cake noodles, lemon chicken, Pork adobo, kau yuk, cascaron, salted duck eggs, choi-sum are for our local favorites for our long-time regular customers. We also roast our own Chinese BBQ meats - char sui, crispy roast pork, chicken and crispy roast duck too! Established in 1978. We are a family-owned and operated Chinese plate-lunch joint. Our late father, Sum Leung, and our mom, Shun Nuen, opened this place together even though they barely spoke English. That's why there is no apostrophe 's' behind Sum Leung and we have kept it that way to remind us of our wonderful pidgin English heritage. They opened this little place over 33 years ago to make a better life for their family and to provide jobs for the many friends and family that moved came from China. Many of these folks have opened up their own places now and have Mrs. Leung to thank for her mentorship. Look out for Mrs. Leung at the Hilo farmer's market, she's always there really early in the morning to pick the best local veggies for her delicious recipes. Mrs. Leung is the heart and soul of this place. She still barely writes or reads English, so her adult kids still help her out from afar. So any postings here on Yelp are from the Leung clan. Tim, our awesome hard-working cook of a brother, lets our mom believe that even though she's in her mid 70's, she still runs the show but he truly does the heavy lifting and is a great chef to boot. Our dad, Sum Leung passed away only a couple years after we opened. Mrs. Leung and the kids worked after school and on weekends. We all have amazing work ethics from that time. You still see Mrs. Leung's grandchildren helping out at the restaurant. It's the way our family bonds.
[ { "passageId": "30232:478:595", "passageStart": 478, "passageEnd": 595, "passageText": "Our late father, Sum Leung, and our mom, Shun Nuen, opened this place together even though they barely spoke English.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "34", "propertyName": "CHILD_OF", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between a person and his/her parent." } ], "facts": [ { "factId": "30232:478:481:569:573:34", "propertyId": "34", "humanReadable": "<Our> <CHILD_OF> <they>", "annotatedPassage": "<Our> late father, Sum Leung, and our mom, Shun Nuen, opened this place together even though <they> barely spoke English.", "subjectStart": 478, "subjectEnd": 481, "subjectText": "Our", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 569, "objectEnd": 573, "objectText": "they", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "30232:510:513:495:504:34", "propertyId": "34", "humanReadable": "<our> <CHILD_OF> <Sum Leung>", "annotatedPassage": "Our late father, <Sum Leung>, and <our> mom, Shun Nuen, opened this place together even though they barely spoke English.", "subjectStart": 510, "subjectEnd": 513, "subjectText": "our", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 495, "objectEnd": 504, "objectText": "Sum Leung", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "30232:510:513:519:528:34", "propertyId": "34", "humanReadable": "<our> <CHILD_OF> <Shun Nuen>", "annotatedPassage": "Our late father, Sum Leung, and <our> mom, <Shun Nuen>, opened this place together even though they barely spoke English.", "subjectStart": 510, "subjectEnd": 513, "subjectText": "our", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 519, "objectEnd": 528, "objectText": "Shun Nuen", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "30232:478:481:519:528:34", "propertyId": "34", "humanReadable": "<Our> <CHILD_OF> <Shun Nuen>", "annotatedPassage": "<Our> late father, Sum Leung, and our mom, <Shun Nuen>, opened this place together even though they barely spoke English.", "subjectStart": 478, "subjectEnd": 481, "subjectText": "Our", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 519, "objectEnd": 528, "objectText": "Shun Nuen", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "30232:478:481:495:504:34", "propertyId": "34", "humanReadable": "<Our> <CHILD_OF> <Sum Leung>", "annotatedPassage": "<Our> late father, <Sum Leung>, and our mom, Shun Nuen, opened this place together even though they barely spoke English.", "subjectStart": 478, "subjectEnd": 481, "subjectText": "Our", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 495, "objectEnd": 504, "objectText": "Sum Leung", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "30232:510:513:569:573:34", "propertyId": "34", "humanReadable": "<our> <CHILD_OF> <they>", "annotatedPassage": "Our late father, Sum Leung, and <our> mom, Shun Nuen, opened this place together even though <they> barely spoke English.", "subjectStart": 510, "subjectEnd": 513, "subjectText": "our", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 569, "objectEnd": 573, "objectText": "they", "objectUri": "" } ] } ]
DBpedia Abstract
Jimmy Gunning James M. Gunning (25 June 1929 – 1993) was a Scottish professional football winger. He played in the Scottish Football League for Hibernian and in the English Football League for Manchester City and Barrow Born in Helensburgh, Gunning was a junior with Wolverhampton Wanderers, but was unable to settle and returned to Scotland in 1946, signing for Hibernian as an amateur. He then joined the Royal Air Force; a posting in the Highlands allowed Gunning to play Highland League football for Forres Mechanics. After leaving the RAF, Gunning returned to Easter Road, but he found first team opportunities very limited as Hibs enjoyed the services of The Famous Five. He played once for Hibs in a league match, during the 1950-51 season. Gunning signed for Manchester City in November 1950. During three seasons with the club, Gunning made 13 league appearances. He left City in 1953, joining non-league Weymouth but in 1954 returned to the Football League when he joined Barrow, playing ten times in the 1954-55 season. Gunning played once for Mossley in the 1957-58 season.
[ { "passageId": "22786:99:388", "passageStart": 99, "passageEnd": 388, "passageText": "He played in the Scottish Football League for Hibernian and in the English Football League for Manchester City and Barrow Born in Helensburgh, Gunning was a junior with Wolverhampton Wanderers, but was unable to settle and returned to Scotland in 1946, signing for Hibernian as an amateur.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "11", "propertyName": "PLACE_OF_RESIDENCE", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between a person and the location where she/he lives/lived." } ], "facts": [] } ]
DBpedia Abstract
Lucius Gellius Publicola (consul 36 BC) Lucius Gellius Publicola was a consul of the Roman Republic. He was the son of Lucius Gellius Publicola, the consul of 72 BC. He was accused of committing incest with his stepmother, and of conspiring against his father's life; but although the latter was nearly convinced of his guilt, he allowed him to plead his cause before a large number of senators, and, in consequence of their opinion, declared him innocent. After the death of Caesar in 44 BC, Gellius espoused the republican party, and went with Marcus Junius Brutus to Asia. Here he was detected in plotting against the life of Brutus but was pardoned at the intercession of his half-brother, Marcus Valerius Messalla Corvinus. Shortly afterwards he entered into a conspiracy to kill Gaius Cassius Longinus, but again escaped unpunished, through the intercession of his mother Polla. It would hence appear that Polla had been divorced from her first husband Gellius, and had subsequently married Marcus Valerius Messalla. Gellius, however, showed no gratitude for the leniency which had been shown him, but deserted to the triumvirs, Augustus and Mark Antony. While in their service he had coins struck, on which he appears with the title of Q. P. that is, Quaestor Propraetore. He was rewarded for his treachery by the consulship in 36 BC. In the war between Octavian and Antony, he espoused the side of the latter, and commanded the right wing of Antony's fleet at the battle of Actium. As he is not mentioned again, he probably perished in the action.
[ { "passageId": "15739:886:1023", "passageStart": 886, "passageEnd": 1023, "passageText": "It would hence appear that Polla had been divorced from her first husband Gellius, and had subsequently married Marcus Valerius Messalla.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "25", "propertyName": "SPOUSE", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between a person and her/his spouse." } ], "facts": [ { "factId": "15739:913:918:960:967:25", "propertyId": "25", "humanReadable": "<Polla> <SPOUSE> <Gellius>", "annotatedPassage": "It would hence appear that <Polla> had been divorced from her first husband <Gellius>, and had subsequently married Marcus Valerius Messalla.", "subjectStart": 913, "subjectEnd": 918, "subjectText": "Polla", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 960, "objectEnd": 967, "objectText": "Gellius", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "15739:942:945:960:967:25", "propertyId": "25", "humanReadable": "<her> <SPOUSE> <Gellius>", "annotatedPassage": "It would hence appear that Polla had been divorced from <her> first husband <Gellius>, and had subsequently married Marcus Valerius Messalla.", "subjectStart": 942, "subjectEnd": 945, "subjectText": "her", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 960, "objectEnd": 967, "objectText": "Gellius", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "15739:998:1022:942:945:25", "propertyId": "25", "humanReadable": "<Marcus Valerius Messalla> <SPOUSE> <her>", "annotatedPassage": "It would hence appear that Polla had been divorced from <her> first husband Gellius, and had subsequently married <Marcus Valerius Messalla>.", "subjectStart": 998, "subjectEnd": 1022, "subjectText": "Marcus Valerius Messalla", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 942, "objectEnd": 945, "objectText": "her", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "15739:960:967:942:945:25", "propertyId": "25", "humanReadable": "<Gellius> <SPOUSE> <her>", "annotatedPassage": "It would hence appear that Polla had been divorced from <her> first husband <Gellius>, and had subsequently married Marcus Valerius Messalla.", "subjectStart": 960, "subjectEnd": 967, "subjectText": "Gellius", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 942, "objectEnd": 945, "objectText": "her", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "15739:998:1022:913:918:25", "propertyId": "25", "humanReadable": "<Marcus Valerius Messalla> <SPOUSE> <Polla>", "annotatedPassage": "It would hence appear that <Polla> had been divorced from her first husband Gellius, and had subsequently married <Marcus Valerius Messalla>.", "subjectStart": 998, "subjectEnd": 1022, "subjectText": "Marcus Valerius Messalla", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 913, "objectEnd": 918, "objectText": "Polla", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "15739:960:967:913:918:25", "propertyId": "25", "humanReadable": "<Gellius> <SPOUSE> <Polla>", "annotatedPassage": "It would hence appear that <Polla> had been divorced from her first husband <Gellius>, and had subsequently married Marcus Valerius Messalla.", "subjectStart": 960, "subjectEnd": 967, "subjectText": "Gellius", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 913, "objectEnd": 918, "objectText": "Polla", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "15739:913:918:998:1022:25", "propertyId": "25", "humanReadable": "<Polla> <SPOUSE> <Marcus Valerius Messalla>", "annotatedPassage": "It would hence appear that <Polla> had been divorced from her first husband Gellius, and had subsequently married <Marcus Valerius Messalla>.", "subjectStart": 913, "subjectEnd": 918, "subjectText": "Polla", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 998, "objectEnd": 1022, "objectText": "Marcus Valerius Messalla", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "15739:942:945:998:1022:25", "propertyId": "25", "humanReadable": "<her> <SPOUSE> <Marcus Valerius Messalla>", "annotatedPassage": "It would hence appear that Polla had been divorced from <her> first husband Gellius, and had subsequently married <Marcus Valerius Messalla>.", "subjectStart": 942, "subjectEnd": 945, "subjectText": "her", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 998, "objectEnd": 1022, "objectText": "Marcus Valerius Messalla", "objectUri": "" } ] } ]
Diffbot Knowledge Graph
Wood Brothers Carpet 'Floor Covering Specialists' Since 1973 Free Estimates Established in 1973. Glenn Wood moved to Chico, starting business October 17, 1973. With his partner Bill Hill, they moved from their original location Downtown to our currently location in 1989, Bill left the Business in 1993. Glenn partially retired, in 2007, selling the business to Craig Main, who has worked with Glenn Since 1987. Currently Glenn works part- time as a salesperson and estimator. We are excited about our Future, and the new exciting products that are being introduced. I was born and raised in Paradise California, and educated through the Paradise School System. My Family still lives in the Paradise area. I started in Floor Coverings at Wood Brothers Carpet, immediately after my Military Service was completed. I have enjoyed the numerous outdoor opportunities our area has to offer, and working in an industry of design that allows to me enjoy both. I stared sweeping floors here in 1987, moved to sales and design, and in 1993 became store manager. I purchased the Business in September of 2007. I look forward to the Future
[ { "passageId": "11724:568:662", "passageStart": 568, "passageEnd": 662, "passageText": "I was born and raised in Paradise California, and educated through the Paradise School System.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "12", "propertyName": "PLACE_OF_BIRTH", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between a person and the location where she/he was born." }, { "propertyId": "10", "propertyName": "NATIONALITY", "propertyDescription": "Describes he country of a person's citizenship or country in which the person is deemed a national." } ], "facts": [ { "factId": "11724:568:569:602:612:12", "propertyId": "12", "humanReadable": "<I> <PLACE_OF_BIRTH> <California>", "annotatedPassage": "<I> was born and raised in Paradise <California>, and educated through the Paradise School System.", "subjectStart": 568, "subjectEnd": 569, "subjectText": "I", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 602, "objectEnd": 612, "objectText": "California", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "11724:568:569:593:601:12", "propertyId": "12", "humanReadable": "<I> <PLACE_OF_BIRTH> <Paradise>", "annotatedPassage": "<I> was born and raised in <Paradise> California, and educated through the Paradise School System.", "subjectStart": 568, "subjectEnd": 569, "subjectText": "I", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 593, "objectEnd": 601, "objectText": "Paradise", "objectUri": "" } ] }, { "passageId": "11724:161:304", "passageStart": 161, "passageEnd": 304, "passageText": "With his partner Bill Hill, they moved from their original location Downtown to our currently location in 1989, Bill left the Business in 1993.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "11", "propertyName": "PLACE_OF_RESIDENCE", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between a person and the location where she/he lives/lived." } ], "facts": [] } ]
DBpedia Abstract
Los Angeles Philharmonic The Los Angeles Philharmonic (LA Phil, LAP, or LAPO) is an American orchestra based in Los Angeles, California, United States. It has a regular season of concerts from October through June at the Walt Disney Concert Hall, and a summer season at the Hollywood Bowl from July through September. Gustavo Dudamel is the current Music Director, and Esa-Pekka Salonen is Conductor Laureate. Deborah Borda is the current President and CEO. Music critics have described the orchestra as the most "contemporary minded", "forward thinking", "talked about and innovative", "venturesome and admired" orchestra in America. According to Salonen, "We are interested in the future. We are not trying to re-create the glories of the past, like so many other symphony orchestras." “Especially since we moved into the new hall,” continues Borda, “our intention has been to integrate 21st-century music into the orchestra’s everyday activity.” Since the opening of the Walt Disney Concert Hall on October 23, 2003, the Los Angeles Philharmonic has presented 57 World premieres, 1 North American premiere, 26 U.S. premieres and has commissioned or co-commissioned 63 new works.
[ { "passageId": "7078:26:152", "passageStart": 26, "passageEnd": 152, "passageText": "The Los Angeles Philharmonic (LA Phil, LAP, or LAPO) is an American orchestra based in Los Angeles, California, United States.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "6", "propertyName": "HEADQUARTERS", "propertyDescription": "Describes the specific location where an organization's headquarters is or has been situated." } ], "facts": [ { "factId": "7078:56:63:126:136:6", "propertyId": "6", "humanReadable": "<LA Phil> <HEADQUARTERS> <California>", "annotatedPassage": "The Los Angeles Philharmonic (<LA Phil>, LAP, or LAPO) is an American orchestra based in Los Angeles, <California>, United States.", "subjectStart": 56, "subjectEnd": 63, "subjectText": "LA Phil", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 126, "objectEnd": 136, "objectText": "California", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "7078:65:68:138:151:6", "propertyId": "6", "humanReadable": "<LAP> <HEADQUARTERS> <United States>", "annotatedPassage": "The Los Angeles Philharmonic (LA Phil, <LAP>, or LAPO) is an American orchestra based in Los Angeles, California, <United States>.", "subjectStart": 65, "subjectEnd": 68, "subjectText": "LAP", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 138, "objectEnd": 151, "objectText": "United States", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "7078:30:54:138:151:6", "propertyId": "6", "humanReadable": "<Los Angeles Philharmonic> <HEADQUARTERS> <United States>", "annotatedPassage": "The <Los Angeles Philharmonic> (LA Phil, LAP, or LAPO) is an American orchestra based in Los Angeles, California, <United States>.", "subjectStart": 30, "subjectEnd": 54, "subjectText": "Los Angeles Philharmonic", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 138, "objectEnd": 151, "objectText": "United States", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "7078:56:63:113:124:6", "propertyId": "6", "humanReadable": "<LA Phil> <HEADQUARTERS> <Los Angeles>", "annotatedPassage": "The Los Angeles Philharmonic (<LA Phil>, LAP, or LAPO) is an American orchestra based in <Los Angeles>, California, United States.", "subjectStart": 56, "subjectEnd": 63, "subjectText": "LA Phil", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 113, "objectEnd": 124, "objectText": "Los Angeles", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "7078:73:77:113:124:6", "propertyId": "6", "humanReadable": "<LAPO> <HEADQUARTERS> <Los Angeles>", "annotatedPassage": "The Los Angeles Philharmonic (LA Phil, LAP, or <LAPO>) is an American orchestra based in <Los Angeles>, California, United States.", "subjectStart": 73, "subjectEnd": 77, "subjectText": "LAPO", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 113, "objectEnd": 124, "objectText": "Los Angeles", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "7078:73:77:126:136:6", "propertyId": "6", "humanReadable": "<LAPO> <HEADQUARTERS> <California>", "annotatedPassage": "The Los Angeles Philharmonic (LA Phil, LAP, or <LAPO>) is an American orchestra based in Los Angeles, <California>, United States.", "subjectStart": 73, "subjectEnd": 77, "subjectText": "LAPO", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 126, "objectEnd": 136, "objectText": "California", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "7078:65:68:113:124:6", "propertyId": "6", "humanReadable": "<LAP> <HEADQUARTERS> <Los Angeles>", "annotatedPassage": "The Los Angeles Philharmonic (LA Phil, <LAP>, or LAPO) is an American orchestra based in <Los Angeles>, California, United States.", "subjectStart": 65, "subjectEnd": 68, "subjectText": "LAP", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 113, "objectEnd": 124, "objectText": "Los Angeles", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "7078:65:68:126:136:6", "propertyId": "6", "humanReadable": "<LAP> <HEADQUARTERS> <California>", "annotatedPassage": "The Los Angeles Philharmonic (LA Phil, <LAP>, or LAPO) is an American orchestra based in Los Angeles, <California>, United States.", "subjectStart": 65, "subjectEnd": 68, "subjectText": "LAP", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 126, "objectEnd": 136, "objectText": "California", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "7078:30:54:113:124:6", "propertyId": "6", "humanReadable": "<Los Angeles Philharmonic> <HEADQUARTERS> <Los Angeles>", "annotatedPassage": "The <Los Angeles Philharmonic> (LA Phil, LAP, or LAPO) is an American orchestra based in <Los Angeles>, California, United States.", "subjectStart": 30, "subjectEnd": 54, "subjectText": "Los Angeles Philharmonic", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 113, "objectEnd": 124, "objectText": "Los Angeles", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "7078:56:63:138:151:6", "propertyId": "6", "humanReadable": "<LA Phil> <HEADQUARTERS> <United States>", "annotatedPassage": "The Los Angeles Philharmonic (<LA Phil>, LAP, or LAPO) is an American orchestra based in Los Angeles, California, <United States>.", "subjectStart": 56, "subjectEnd": 63, "subjectText": "LA Phil", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 138, "objectEnd": 151, "objectText": "United States", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "7078:30:54:126:136:6", "propertyId": "6", "humanReadable": "<Los Angeles Philharmonic> <HEADQUARTERS> <California>", "annotatedPassage": "The <Los Angeles Philharmonic> (LA Phil, LAP, or LAPO) is an American orchestra based in Los Angeles, <California>, United States.", "subjectStart": 30, "subjectEnd": 54, "subjectText": "Los Angeles Philharmonic", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 126, "objectEnd": 136, "objectText": "California", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "7078:73:77:138:151:6", "propertyId": "6", "humanReadable": "<LAPO> <HEADQUARTERS> <United States>", "annotatedPassage": "The Los Angeles Philharmonic (LA Phil, LAP, or <LAPO>) is an American orchestra based in Los Angeles, California, <United States>.", "subjectStart": 73, "subjectEnd": 77, "subjectText": "LAPO", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 138, "objectEnd": 151, "objectText": "United States", "objectUri": "" } ] } ]
DBpedia Abstract
Neville Hiscock Neville Hiscock (27 March 1951 – 13 February 1983) was a New Zealand motorcycle racer in the 1970s and 1980s. He raced competitively in New Zealand, Australia, and South Africa. Neville Hiscock along with his equally skilled brother Dave Hiscock dominated the competitive racing circuits in New Zealand and Australia and was just starting to make a name for himself internationally when he was killed in South Africa while racing. He was currently leading the race, when he fell and suffered severe head injuries. He died soon after never having regained consciousness. Neville was killed on February 1983, at Killarney, near Cape Town. Shortly after his brother Dave Hiscock retired from competitive racing, and continued to live in South Africa for a number of years. Neville and his younger brother Dave Hiscock grew up in Stokes Valley, a suburb near Wellington, where they both rode an old BSA Bantam in grass paddocks, and later perfected their skills on the infamous Rimutaka hill climb nearby north of Upper Hutt.Neville and Dave began racing in 1972 at the Gracefield street circuit in Lower Hutt on Commando 750s. Neville finished in fifth place and Dave finished eighth. Neville's notable achievements include winning the Australian Castrol Six Hour in 1981 with his team rider D. Petersen riding a Suzuki GSX1100 and completing 314 laps and winning the New Zealand Castrol 6 Hour while teaming up with his brother in 1982 riding a Suzuki GSX1100 Katana. He also came 2nd in the South African 6 Hour Race which prompted Suzuki to offer him full sponsorship for his last season before he died.
[ { "passageId": "24787:17:126", "passageStart": 17, "passageEnd": 126, "passageText": "Neville Hiscock (27 March 1951 – 13 February 1983) was a New Zealand motorcycle racer in the 1970s and 1980s.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "15", "propertyName": "DATE_OF_BIRTH", "propertyDescription": "Describes the date of birth of a person." } ], "facts": [ { "factId": "24787:17:32:34:47:15", "propertyId": "15", "humanReadable": "<Neville Hiscock> <DATE_OF_BIRTH> <27 March 1951>", "annotatedPassage": "<Neville Hiscock> (<27 March 1951> – 13 February 1983) was a New Zealand motorcycle racer in the 1970s and 1980s.", "subjectStart": 17, "subjectEnd": 32, "subjectText": "Neville Hiscock", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 34, "objectEnd": 47, "objectText": "27 March 1951", "objectUri": "" } ] } ]
DBpedia Abstract
Groupement des Cartes Bancaires CB Groupement des Cartes Bancaires CB ("CB Bank card Group"), also known as simply CB, is France's national interbank network, with over 46,000 ATMs and over 1 million EFTPOS acceptance points. Carte Bleue VISA is a brand often associated with CB. In fact, all Carte Bleue cards are part of CB but not all CB cards are Carte Bleue (they could also be MasterCard). CB offers the ATM and EFTPOS networking infrastructure, while Carte Bleue is the debit card or mode of payment. CB GIE was created in 1984 by the six founding banks of Carte Bleue, plus Crédit Agricole and Crédit Mutuel. Since 1992, all CB cards are smart cards.
[ { "passageId": "21775:509:617", "passageStart": 509, "passageEnd": 617, "passageText": "CB GIE was created in 1984 by the six founding banks of Carte Bleue, plus Crédit Agricole and Crédit Mutuel.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "5", "propertyName": "DATE_FOUNDED", "propertyDescription": "Describes the founding date of a company." } ], "facts": [] } ]
DBpedia Abstract
T. Fisher Unwin T. Fisher Unwin was the London publishing house founded by Thomas Fisher Unwin, husband of British Liberal politician Jane Cobden in 1882. The latterly more famous Stanley Unwin (his nephew) started his career by working in his uncle's firm. In 1914 Stanley Unwin purchased a controlling interest in the firm George Allen and Sons, and established George Allen and Unwin, later to become Allen and Unwin. Unwin retired to his home in Sussex in 1926, following which his publishing house merged with Ernest Benn Limited.
[ { "passageId": "19193:259:421", "passageStart": 259, "passageEnd": 421, "passageText": "In 1914 Stanley Unwin purchased a controlling interest in the firm George Allen and Sons, and established George Allen and Unwin, later to become Allen and Unwin.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "34", "propertyName": "CHILD_OF", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between a person and his/her parent." } ], "facts": [] } ]
Diffbot Knowledge Graph
Rik Daems Hendrik Jules Joseph "Rik" Daems (born 18 August 1959) is a Belgian painter, wine trader and politician. He is a former member of the Belgian Chamber of Representatives for the Flemish Liberals and Democrats (VLD) and member of the city council of Leuven.
[ { "passageId": "30090:116:266", "passageStart": 116, "passageEnd": 266, "passageText": "He is a former member of the Belgian Chamber of Representatives for the Flemish Liberals and Democrats (VLD) and member of the city council of Leuven.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "45", "propertyName": "POLITICAL_AFFILIATION", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between a person and her/his political affiliation." } ], "facts": [ { "factId": "30090:116:118:220:223:45", "propertyId": "45", "humanReadable": "<He> <POLITICAL_AFFILIATION> <VLD>", "annotatedPassage": "<He> is a former member of the Belgian Chamber of Representatives for the Flemish Liberals and Democrats (<VLD>) and member of the city council of Leuven.", "subjectStart": 116, "subjectEnd": 118, "subjectText": "He", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 220, "objectEnd": 223, "objectText": "VLD", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "30090:116:118:188:218:45", "propertyId": "45", "humanReadable": "<He> <POLITICAL_AFFILIATION> <Flemish Liberals and Democrats>", "annotatedPassage": "<He> is a former member of the Belgian Chamber of Representatives for the <Flemish Liberals and Democrats> (VLD) and member of the city council of Leuven.", "subjectStart": 116, "subjectEnd": 118, "subjectText": "He", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 188, "objectEnd": 218, "objectText": "Flemish Liberals and Democrats", "objectUri": "" } ] } ]
DBpedia Abstract
Arthur Widmer Arthur Widmer (July 25, 1914, Washington, D.C. – May 28, 2006, Los Angeles, California) was an American film special effects pioneer. He invented the "Ultra Violet Traveling matte process", an early version of what would become known as bluescreen. At the age 16 he entered University of Michigan and graduated in 1935 with a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry.
[ { "passageId": "15900:15:148", "passageStart": 15, "passageEnd": 148, "passageText": "Arthur Widmer (July 25, 1914, Washington, D.C. – May 28, 2006, Los Angeles, California) was an American film special effects pioneer.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "15", "propertyName": "DATE_OF_BIRTH", "propertyDescription": "Describes the date of birth of a person." } ], "facts": [ { "factId": "15900:15:28:30:43:15", "propertyId": "15", "humanReadable": "<Arthur Widmer> <DATE_OF_BIRTH> <July 25, 1914>", "annotatedPassage": "<Arthur Widmer> (<July 25, 1914>, Washington, D.C. – May 28, 2006, Los Angeles, California) was an American film special effects pioneer.", "subjectStart": 15, "subjectEnd": 28, "subjectText": "Arthur Widmer", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 30, "objectEnd": 43, "objectText": "July 25, 1914", "objectUri": "" } ] }, { "passageId": "15900:264:374", "passageStart": 264, "passageEnd": 374, "passageText": "At the age 16 he entered University of Michigan and graduated in 1935 with a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "9", "propertyName": "EDUCATED_AT", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between a person and the institution where she/he studied." } ], "facts": [ { "factId": "15900:278:280:289:311:9", "propertyId": "9", "humanReadable": "<he> <EDUCATED_AT> <University of Michigan>", "annotatedPassage": "At the age 16 <he> entered <University of Michigan> and graduated in 1935 with a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry.", "subjectStart": 278, "subjectEnd": 280, "subjectText": "he", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 289, "objectEnd": 311, "objectText": "University of Michigan", "objectUri": "" } ] } ]
DBpedia Abstract
Baldwin II van Holland Baldwin van Holland (died April 30, 1196, in Mainz) was a bishop of Utrecht from 1178 to 1196 Baldwin was the son of Dirk VI, Count of Holland and Sophia of Rheineck, and brother to counts Otto van Bentheim and Floris III, Count of Holland. Before Baldwin became bishop of Utrecht, he had been Archbishop of Bremen and chaplain of Henry the Lion. With a relative as Bishop, the count of Holland was about to expand his power in Utrecht. During his rule Baldwin was involved in struggles with Otto I, Count of Guelders over the Veluwe and Salland, and with the lords of Groningen and Coevorden. These wars resulted in numerous raids and plunders in the Oversticht, which weighed heavily on the bishopric's finances. After his death Baldwin was interred in St. Martin's Cathedral, Utrecht.
[ { "passageId": "5039:24:264", "passageStart": 24, "passageEnd": 264, "passageText": "Baldwin van Holland (died April 30, 1196, in Mainz) was a bishop of Utrecht from 1178 to 1196 Baldwin was the son of Dirk VI, Count of Holland and Sophia of Rheineck, and brother to counts Otto van Bentheim and Floris III, Count of Holland.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "14", "propertyName": "DATE_OF_DEATH", "propertyDescription": "Describes the date of death of a person." } ], "facts": [ { "factId": "5039:24:43:50:64:14", "propertyId": "14", "humanReadable": "<Baldwin van Holland> <DATE_OF_DEATH> <April 30, 1196>", "annotatedPassage": "<Baldwin van Holland> (died <April 30, 1196>, in Mainz) was a bishop of Utrecht from 1178 to 1196 Baldwin was the son of Dirk VI, Count of Holland and Sophia of Rheineck, and brother to counts Otto van Bentheim and Floris III, Count of Holland.", "subjectStart": 24, "subjectEnd": 43, "subjectText": "Baldwin van Holland", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 50, "objectEnd": 64, "objectText": "April 30, 1196", "objectUri": "" } ] } ]
Diffbot Knowledge Graph
Cargonet CargoNet AS is the primary operator of freight trains on the Norwegian railway system. It was formed as NSB Gods after NSB fissioned into a passenger and a freight company. NSB Gods changed its name to CargoNet at the beginning of 2002. It was originally owned by NSB (55% share hold) and the Swedish freight company Green Cargo; however Green Cargo sold their share to NSB in 2010, making the latter the sole owner. The Norwegian CargoNet AS has a subsidiary company in Sweden called CargoNet AB which was purchased as RailCombi AB.
[ { "passageId": "3:247:426", "passageStart": 247, "passageEnd": 426, "passageText": "It was originally owned by NSB (55% share hold) and the Swedish freight company Green Cargo; however Green Cargo sold their share to NSB in 2010, making the latter the sole owner.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "12", "propertyName": "PLACE_OF_BIRTH", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between a person and the location where she/he was born." }, { "propertyId": "10", "propertyName": "NATIONALITY", "propertyDescription": "Describes he country of a person's citizenship or country in which the person is deemed a national." }, { "propertyId": "11", "propertyName": "PLACE_OF_RESIDENCE", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between a person and the location where she/he lives/lived." } ], "facts": [] }, { "passageId": "3:427:543", "passageStart": 427, "passageEnd": 543, "passageText": "The Norwegian CargoNet AS has a subsidiary company in Sweden called CargoNet AB which was purchased as RailCombi AB.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "1", "propertyName": "SUBSIDIARY_OF", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between a parent company and one of its subsidiaries." } ], "facts": [ { "factId": "3:495:506:431:452:1", "propertyId": "1", "humanReadable": "<CargoNet AB> <SUBSIDIARY_OF> <Norwegian CargoNet AS>", "annotatedPassage": "The <Norwegian CargoNet AS> has a subsidiary company in Sweden called <CargoNet AB> which was purchased as RailCombi AB.", "subjectStart": 495, "subjectEnd": 506, "subjectText": "CargoNet AB", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 431, "objectEnd": 452, "objectText": "Norwegian CargoNet AS", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "3:507:512:431:452:1", "propertyId": "1", "humanReadable": "<which> <SUBSIDIARY_OF> <Norwegian CargoNet AS>", "annotatedPassage": "The <Norwegian CargoNet AS> has a subsidiary company in Sweden called CargoNet AB <which> was purchased as RailCombi AB.", "subjectStart": 507, "subjectEnd": 512, "subjectText": "which", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 431, "objectEnd": 452, "objectText": "Norwegian CargoNet AS", "objectUri": "" } ] } ]
DBpedia Abstract
Van Dyne Crotty Van Dyne Crotty Inc. was a uniform laundering and rental company in the United States, trading from 1935 to 2006. Founded by Lloyd Van Dyne and Fergus Crotty, on January 1, 1935, during the height of the Great Depression, the company grew from a $500 loan into one of the premier privately owned uniform companies in the United States. Van Dyne Crotty remained a family-owned and operated business, run by Van Dyne and Crotty, and then by 2 further generations of the Crotty family, until its sale in 2006 to Cintas Corporation (NASDAQ: CTAS).
[ { "passageId": "17411:131:352", "passageStart": 131, "passageEnd": 352, "passageText": "Founded by Lloyd Van Dyne and Fergus Crotty, on January 1, 1935, during the height of the Great Depression, the company grew from a $500 loan into one of the premier privately owned uniform companies in the United States.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "12", "propertyName": "PLACE_OF_BIRTH", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between a person and the location where she/he was born." }, { "propertyId": "15", "propertyName": "DATE_OF_BIRTH", "propertyDescription": "Describes the date of birth of a person." }, { "propertyId": "11", "propertyName": "PLACE_OF_RESIDENCE", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between a person and the location where she/he lives/lived." } ], "facts": [] } ]
DBpedia Abstract
Thomas Johnson Kuto Kalume The Right Rev. Thomas Johnson Kuto Kalume was a Kenyan politician and the first Clergyman to be elected Member of Parliament (MP) in the history of the National Assembly of Kenya. Rev. Kalume was a composer and co-producer of the Kenyan national anthem, which was recorded in English and Swahili in September 1963 and inaugurated at Uhuru Gardens on December 12, 1963 during Kenya's independence celebrations. The anthem bears an original African traditional tune from the Pokomo tribe in the coast Rev. Kalume was born in Dagamra division of Bate location near the historical tourist town of Malindi. He belonged to the Kambe tribe from Kilifi, part of the larger Mijikenda ethnic community which has traditionally occupied the coastal region of Kenya. Rev. Kalume, attended the prestigious Alliance High School, Kikuyu and proceeded to obtain a bachelor's degree in Divinity from the University of London. He later graduated with a master's degree in Theology from New York Theological Seminary.He undertook the task of translating the Bible's New Testament directly from the Hebrew scriptures to Swahili.Rev. Kalume was elected Member of Parliament in the Kenyan general election, 1969 to represent Malindi North Constituency. He distinguished himself as an able, knowledgeable and conscientious representative of the people on many development issues leading to significant improvements in agriculture, education, health and infrastructural facilities. Rev. Kalume died on March 15, 1975, leaving behind a widow, Mama Rebeca Florence Naswa Kalume and nine children, six boys and three girls.
[ { "passageId": "7964:208:437", "passageStart": 208, "passageEnd": 437, "passageText": "Rev. Kalume was a composer and co-producer of the Kenyan national anthem, which was recorded in English and Swahili in September 1963 and inaugurated at Uhuru Gardens on December 12, 1963 during Kenya's independence celebrations.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "6", "propertyName": "HEADQUARTERS", "propertyDescription": "Describes the specific location where an organization's headquarters is or has been situated." } ], "facts": [] }, { "passageId": "7964:936:1139", "passageStart": 936, "passageEnd": 1139, "passageText": "He later graduated with a master's degree in Theology from New York Theological Seminary.He undertook the task of translating the Bible's New Testament directly from the Hebrew scriptures to Swahili.Rev.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "9", "propertyName": "EDUCATED_AT", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between a person and the institution where she/he studied." } ], "facts": [ { "factId": "7964:936:938:995:1024:9", "propertyId": "9", "humanReadable": "<He> <EDUCATED_AT> <New York Theological Seminary>", "annotatedPassage": "<He> later graduated with a master's degree in Theology from <New York Theological Seminary>.He undertook the task of translating the Bible's New Testament directly from the Hebrew scriptures to Swahili.Rev.", "subjectStart": 936, "subjectEnd": 938, "subjectText": "He", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 995, "objectEnd": 1024, "objectText": "New York Theological Seminary", "objectUri": "" } ] }, { "passageId": "7964:1485:1623", "passageStart": 1485, "passageEnd": 1623, "passageText": "Rev. Kalume died on March 15, 1975, leaving behind a widow, Mama Rebeca Florence Naswa Kalume and nine children, six boys and three girls.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "14", "propertyName": "DATE_OF_DEATH", "propertyDescription": "Describes the date of death of a person." } ], "facts": [ { "factId": "7964:1490:1496:1505:1519:14", "propertyId": "14", "humanReadable": "<Kalume> <DATE_OF_DEATH> <March 15, 1975>", "annotatedPassage": "Rev. <Kalume> died on <March 15, 1975>, leaving behind a widow, Mama Rebeca Florence Naswa Kalume and nine children, six boys and three girls.", "subjectStart": 1490, "subjectEnd": 1496, "subjectText": "Kalume", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 1505, "objectEnd": 1519, "objectText": "March 15, 1975", "objectUri": "" } ] }, { "passageId": "7964:782:935", "passageStart": 782, "passageEnd": 935, "passageText": "Rev. Kalume, attended the prestigious Alliance High School, Kikuyu and proceeded to obtain a bachelor's degree in Divinity from the University of London.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "9", "propertyName": "EDUCATED_AT", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between a person and the institution where she/he studied." } ], "facts": [ { "factId": "7964:787:793:820:840:9", "propertyId": "9", "humanReadable": "<Kalume> <EDUCATED_AT> <Alliance High School>", "annotatedPassage": "Rev. <Kalume>, attended the prestigious <Alliance High School>, Kikuyu and proceeded to obtain a bachelor's degree in Divinity from the University of London.", "subjectStart": 787, "subjectEnd": 793, "subjectText": "Kalume", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 820, "objectEnd": 840, "objectText": "Alliance High School", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "7964:787:793:914:934:9", "propertyId": "9", "humanReadable": "<Kalume> <EDUCATED_AT> <University of London>", "annotatedPassage": "Rev. <Kalume>, attended the prestigious Alliance High School, Kikuyu and proceeded to obtain a bachelor's degree in Divinity from the <University of London>.", "subjectStart": 787, "subjectEnd": 793, "subjectText": "Kalume", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 914, "objectEnd": 934, "objectText": "University of London", "objectUri": "" } ] }, { "passageId": "7964:28:207", "passageStart": 28, "passageEnd": 207, "passageText": "The Right Rev. Thomas Johnson Kuto Kalume was a Kenyan politician and the first Clergyman to be elected Member of Parliament (MP) in the history of the National Assembly of Kenya.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "6", "propertyName": "HEADQUARTERS", "propertyDescription": "Describes the specific location where an organization's headquarters is or has been situated." } ], "facts": [] }, { "passageId": "7964:1140:1257", "passageStart": 1140, "passageEnd": 1257, "passageText": "Kalume was elected Member of Parliament in the Kenyan general election, 1969 to represent Malindi North Constituency.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "10", "propertyName": "NATIONALITY", "propertyDescription": "Describes he country of a person's citizenship or country in which the person is deemed a national." } ], "facts": [] } ]
DBpedia Abstract
Yngve Zotterman Yngve Zotterman (20 September 1898 in Vadstena - 13 March 1982 in Stockholm) was a Swedish neurophysiologist who received his medical training at the Karolinska Institute. He conducted pioneering studies on nerve conduction. He then worked on sensory function of skin, particularly related to pain and heat and neurochemistry of taste buds. He was elected a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences in 1949, and of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in 1953.
[ { "passageId": "4912:358:497", "passageStart": 358, "passageEnd": 497, "passageText": "He was elected a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences in 1949, and of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in 1953.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "3", "propertyName": "EMPLOYEE_OR_MEMBER_OF", "propertyDescription": "Describes the previous/current employer of a person." } ], "facts": [ { "factId": "4912:358:360:455:488:3", "propertyId": "3", "humanReadable": "<He> <EMPLOYEE_OR_MEMBER_OF> <Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences>", "annotatedPassage": "<He> was elected a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences in 1949, and of the <Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences> in 1953.", "subjectStart": 358, "subjectEnd": 360, "subjectText": "He", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 455, "objectEnd": 488, "objectText": "Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "4912:358:360:389:434:3", "propertyId": "3", "humanReadable": "<He> <EMPLOYEE_OR_MEMBER_OF> <Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences>", "annotatedPassage": "<He> was elected a member of the <Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences> in 1949, and of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in 1953.", "subjectStart": 358, "subjectEnd": 360, "subjectText": "He", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 389, "objectEnd": 434, "objectText": "Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences", "objectUri": "" } ] } ]
Diffbot Knowledge Graph
Dean Mercado Dean Mercado, Founder and CEO of Online Marketing Muscle® and #1 Best Selling Author of “The MindStretch: 49 Inspiring Insights For Business Breakthroughs” is a spirited entrepreneur at heart and loves the fact that he controls his own destiny! Throughout Dean’s professional career, spanning across 4 decades, he has served in a multitude of roles - all seeming to revolve around two of his passions, marketing & technology. He lives, loves, and breathes this stuff so it seemed a natural fit to delve into the Internet Marketing arena.Through marketing coaching & consulting with Online Marketing Muscle®, Dean Mercado has helped numerous business professionals and entrepreneurs leverage the power of Internet Marketing to creatively market themselves and gain a competitive edge. Dean’s business building creativity and practical, yet cutting-edge marketing prowess have given many small businesses a fighting chance for survival.“The business world is rapidly changing,” says Dean. “It’s becoming more global and largely because of technology, it has become a more level playing field where small businesses can have the reach and competitiveness that was once only afforded to larger companies. Our vision is to 'Energize Small Business Success' thus, helping them leverage cutting edge marketing tools, tactics and strategies to succeed in today’s economy and reach their targeted business goals.”Dean Mercado has been quoted for his expertise in several reputable publications including Inc. Magazine, Investor’s Business Daily and Crain’s Business News.Dean resides with his lovely wife Andrea and two beautiful children on Long Island, New York.Specialties: Internet Marketing CoachingInternet Marketing ConsultingOnline Marketing StrategyMarketing AutomationInfusionsoft ConsultingMarketing Seminars & WorkshopsWeb Design and Marketing FunnelsInbound Marketing
[ { "passageId": "2174:14:258", "passageStart": 14, "passageEnd": 258, "passageText": "Dean Mercado, Founder and CEO of Online Marketing Muscle® and #1 Best Selling Author of “The MindStretch: 49 Inspiring Insights For Business Breakthroughs” is a spirited entrepreneur at heart and loves the fact that he controls his own destiny!", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "4", "propertyName": "CEO", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between an organization and its CEO." } ], "facts": [ { "factId": "2174:47:71:242:245:4", "propertyId": "4", "humanReadable": "<Online Marketing Muscle®> <CEO> <his>", "annotatedPassage": "Dean Mercado, Founder and CEO of <Online Marketing Muscle®> and #1 Best Selling Author of “The MindStretch: 49 Inspiring Insights For Business Breakthroughs” is a spirited entrepreneur at heart and loves the fact that he controls <his> own destiny!", "subjectStart": 47, "subjectEnd": 71, "subjectText": "Online Marketing Muscle®", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 242, "objectEnd": 245, "objectText": "his", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "2174:47:71:14:26:4", "propertyId": "4", "humanReadable": "<Online Marketing Muscle®> <CEO> <Dean Mercado>", "annotatedPassage": "<Dean Mercado>, Founder and CEO of <Online Marketing Muscle®> and #1 Best Selling Author of “The MindStretch: 49 Inspiring Insights For Business Breakthroughs” is a spirited entrepreneur at heart and loves the fact that he controls his own destiny!", "subjectStart": 47, "subjectEnd": 71, "subjectText": "Online Marketing Muscle®", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 14, "objectEnd": 26, "objectText": "Dean Mercado", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "2174:47:71:230:232:4", "propertyId": "4", "humanReadable": "<Online Marketing Muscle®> <CEO> <he>", "annotatedPassage": "Dean Mercado, Founder and CEO of <Online Marketing Muscle®> and #1 Best Selling Author of “The MindStretch: 49 Inspiring Insights For Business Breakthroughs” is a spirited entrepreneur at heart and loves the fact that <he> controls his own destiny!", "subjectStart": 47, "subjectEnd": 71, "subjectText": "Online Marketing Muscle®", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 230, "objectEnd": 232, "objectText": "he", "objectUri": "" } ] } ]
Diffbot Knowledge Graph
Sandberg Photography We specialize in Contemporary Wedding Photography, Natural Senior Portraits and lifestyle portraits of all kinds. Established in 2004. Sandberg Photography is a father daughter business serving Fort Collins, Denver and beyond. We started by photographing weddings but due to demand from our clients expanded to become a full time, full service studio. Ken began his love of photography early and was already running a complete color darkroom in his basement during high school. He photographed for the school yearbook and ran the darkroom department at a local camera store. Following college and a successful High-tech career, the advent of digital photography lured Ken back to photography as a second career. As a full time professional photographer, Ken especially enjoys photographing people and offers his services to a number of local non-profits.
[ { "passageId": "1758:157:248", "passageStart": 157, "passageEnd": 248, "passageText": "Sandberg Photography is a father daughter business serving Fort Collins, Denver and beyond.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "34", "propertyName": "CHILD_OF", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between a person and his/her parent." }, { "propertyId": "10", "propertyName": "NATIONALITY", "propertyDescription": "Describes he country of a person's citizenship or country in which the person is deemed a national." } ], "facts": [] }, { "passageId": "1758:249:373", "passageStart": 249, "passageEnd": 373, "passageText": "We started by photographing weddings but due to demand from our clients expanded to become a full time, full service studio.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "25", "propertyName": "SPOUSE", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between a person and her/his spouse." } ], "facts": [] } ]
DBpedia Abstract
Barbara Epstein Barbara Epstein (August 30, 1928 – June 16, 2006) was a literary editor and founding co-editor of the New York Review of Books. Epstein, née Zimmerman, was born in Boston, Massachusetts, United States, to a Jewish-American family, and graduated from Radcliffe College in 1949. In 1953, she and editor Jason Epstein began a marriage that lasted 37 years. Epstein rose to prominence as the editor at Doubleday of Anne Frank's Diary of a Young Girl, among other books. She next worked at Dutton, McGraw-Hill and The Partisan Review. During the New York newspaper strike of 1963, Barbara and Jason Epstein, together with friends Robert Lowell and Elizabeth Hardwick, founded the biweekly magazine The New York Review of Books, which Barbara called "the paper". She and Robert B. Silvers became the editors. Barbara Epstein remained at the New York Review of Books as an editor for 43 years. The Epsteins divorced in 1980; Barbara Epstein lived with journalist Murray Kempton until his death in 1997. She continued in her editing until shortly before her death. Epstein died on June 16, 2006 of lung cancer in New York City at age 77.
[ { "passageId": "15732:1074:1146", "passageStart": 1074, "passageEnd": 1146, "passageText": "Epstein died on June 16, 2006 of lung cancer in New York City at age 77.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "14", "propertyName": "DATE_OF_DEATH", "propertyDescription": "Describes the date of death of a person." } ], "facts": [ { "factId": "15732:1074:1081:1090:1103:14", "propertyId": "14", "humanReadable": "<Epstein> <DATE_OF_DEATH> <June 16, 2006>", "annotatedPassage": "<Epstein> died on <June 16, 2006> of lung cancer in New York City at age 77.", "subjectStart": 1074, "subjectEnd": 1081, "subjectText": "Epstein", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 1090, "objectEnd": 1103, "objectText": "June 16, 2006", "objectUri": "" } ] }, { "passageId": "15732:904:1012", "passageStart": 904, "passageEnd": 1012, "passageText": "The Epsteins divorced in 1980; Barbara Epstein lived with journalist Murray Kempton until his death in 1997.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "14", "propertyName": "DATE_OF_DEATH", "propertyDescription": "Describes the date of death of a person." }, { "propertyId": "25", "propertyName": "SPOUSE", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between a person and her/his spouse." }, { "propertyId": "15", "propertyName": "DATE_OF_BIRTH", "propertyDescription": "Describes the date of birth of a person." } ], "facts": [ { "factId": "15732:994:997:1007:1011:14", "propertyId": "14", "humanReadable": "<his> <DATE_OF_DEATH> <1997>", "annotatedPassage": "The Epsteins divorced in 1980; Barbara Epstein lived with journalist Murray Kempton until <his> death in <1997>.", "subjectStart": 994, "subjectEnd": 997, "subjectText": "his", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 1007, "objectEnd": 1011, "objectText": "1997", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "15732:973:987:1007:1011:14", "propertyId": "14", "humanReadable": "<Murray Kempton> <DATE_OF_DEATH> <1997>", "annotatedPassage": "The Epsteins divorced in 1980; Barbara Epstein lived with journalist <Murray Kempton> until his death in <1997>.", "subjectStart": 973, "subjectEnd": 987, "subjectText": "Murray Kempton", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 1007, "objectEnd": 1011, "objectText": "1997", "objectUri": "" } ] } ]
Diffbot Knowledge Graph
Saigon Cafe Alpharetta At Saigon Cafe our goal is to bring you the authentic tastes and cultural experience of everyday Vietnam in a warm and inviting restaurant. We create an authentic culinary experience through family recipes from Vietnam. The highlight of our extensive menu is a bowl of authentic Pho, the Vietnamese beef noodle soup and ultimate comfort food. We also offer a variety of other freshly prepared delicious Vietnamese items along with popular Thai dishes. Established in 2002. Established in 2002 The concept of the Saigon Café was created to give customers a traditional Vietnamese experience, to make them feel that they are eating street food in Vietnam in a comfortable setting. The results from the first restaurant were much more than David Lee expected and he developed another four restaurants in four years. Thai and Chinese items were added to the menu in response to customer requests for more complementary Asian cuisine choices. David Lee arrived in the US from Vietnam in 1980 at the age of 12 along with his five sisters and first settled in El Paso, TX. His mother died in a refugee camp in Vietnam and his father remained in Vietnam. David then moved to Los Angeles and then to Boulder, Co where he graduated from high school and began working in a Chinese restaurant part-time in the kitchen and serving tables. In 1993 David got married and in 1996 the family moved to Atlanta where they opened the first Saigon Café in Duluth Georgia in January, 2002.
[ { "passageId": "29625:1350:1491", "passageStart": 1350, "passageEnd": 1491, "passageText": "In 1993 David got married and in 1996 the family moved to Atlanta where they opened the first Saigon Café in Duluth Georgia in January, 2002.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "25", "propertyName": "SPOUSE", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between a person and her/his spouse." } ], "facts": [] } ]
Diffbot Knowledge Graph
The Hollywood Vampires Hollywood Vampires is an American rock supergroup formed in 2015 by Alice Cooper, Johnny Depp, and Joe Perry to honor the music of the rock stars who died from excess in the 1970s. The band name derives from The Hollywood Vampires, a celebrity drinking club formed by Cooper in the 1970s which included but was not limited to: John Lennon and Ringo Starr of The Beatles, Keith Moon of The Who, and Micky Dolenz of The Monkees. Touring members include or have included Duff McKagan and Matt Sorum of Guns N' Roses fame, as well as Robert DeLeo from Stone Temple Pilots.
[ { "passageId": "29664:24:204", "passageStart": 24, "passageEnd": 204, "passageText": "Hollywood Vampires is an American rock supergroup formed in 2015 by Alice Cooper, Johnny Depp, and Joe Perry to honor the music of the rock stars who died from excess in the 1970s.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "14", "propertyName": "DATE_OF_DEATH", "propertyDescription": "Describes the date of death of a person." } ], "facts": [] }, { "passageId": "29664:205:450", "passageStart": 205, "passageEnd": 450, "passageText": "The band name derives from The Hollywood Vampires, a celebrity drinking club formed by Cooper in the 1970s which included but was not limited to: John Lennon and Ringo Starr of The Beatles, Keith Moon of The Who, and Micky Dolenz of The Monkees.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "2", "propertyName": "FOUNDED_BY", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between an organization and its founder or co-founder." } ], "facts": [] } ]
Diffbot Knowledge Graph
Col. Sonaram Choudhary Col. Sonaram Choudhary is an Indian politician, a member of the Bharatiya Janata Party and a member of the Lok Sabha representing Barmer constituency in, India. He obtained a B.E. degree from M.B.M. Engineering College, Jodhpur (Rajasthan) and is a Fellow of the Institute of Engineers (F.I.E.). He passed out of the Indian Military Academy in 1966 and was commissioned as a Lieutenant in the Artillery Corps of the Indian Army. He served in the 1971 war on the Eastern Front. He retired from the Army as a full Colonel in 1987. See More
[ { "passageId": "30080:24:197", "passageStart": 24, "passageEnd": 197, "passageText": "Col. Sonaram Choudhary is an Indian politician, a member of the Bharatiya Janata Party and a member of the Lok Sabha representing Barmer constituency in, India.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "45", "propertyName": "POLITICAL_AFFILIATION", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between a person and her/his political affiliation." } ], "facts": [ { "factId": "30080:29:46:88:110:45", "propertyId": "45", "humanReadable": "<Sonaram Choudhary> <POLITICAL_AFFILIATION> <Bharatiya Janata Party>", "annotatedPassage": "Col. <Sonaram Choudhary> is an Indian politician, a member of the <Bharatiya Janata Party> and a member of the Lok Sabha representing Barmer constituency in, India.", "subjectStart": 29, "subjectEnd": 46, "subjectText": "Sonaram Choudhary", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 88, "objectEnd": 110, "objectText": "Bharatiya Janata Party", "objectUri": "" } ] } ]
Diffbot Knowledge Graph
French Truck Cafe Small Batch Coffee and Small Batch food combined in an inviting space Established in 2016. Geoffrey originally landed in New Orleans in 1999 to open the W Hotel as a restaurant consultant. After falling in love with his new home, he got married, had a little girl and worked in several establishments around New Orleans. Geoffrey and his family moved away just before Katrina with the intention of coming back as soon as circumstances would allow. Little did they know Katrina would put such a delay on those plans. Geoffrey and his family moved back in August of 2011 and promptly set about get French Truck Coffee off the ground. Geoffrey originally landed in New Orleans in 1999 to open the W Hotel as a restaurant consultant. After falling in love with his new home, he got married, had a little girl and worked in several establishments around New Orleans. Geoffrey and his family moved away just before Katrina with the intention of coming back as soon as circumstances would allow. Little did they know Katrina would put such a delay on those plans. Geoffrey and his family moved back in August of 2011 and promptly set about get French Truck Coffee off the ground.
[ { "passageId": "8602:651:748", "passageStart": 651, "passageEnd": 748, "passageText": "Geoffrey originally landed in New Orleans in 1999 to open the W Hotel as a restaurant consultant.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "12", "propertyName": "PLACE_OF_BIRTH", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between a person and the location where she/he was born." }, { "propertyId": "10", "propertyName": "NATIONALITY", "propertyDescription": "Describes he country of a person's citizenship or country in which the person is deemed a national." }, { "propertyId": "11", "propertyName": "PLACE_OF_RESIDENCE", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between a person and the location where she/he lives/lived." } ], "facts": [] }, { "passageId": "8602:110:207", "passageStart": 110, "passageEnd": 207, "passageText": "Geoffrey originally landed in New Orleans in 1999 to open the W Hotel as a restaurant consultant.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "12", "propertyName": "PLACE_OF_BIRTH", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between a person and the location where she/he was born." } ], "facts": [] }, { "passageId": "8602:749:880", "passageStart": 749, "passageEnd": 880, "passageText": "After falling in love with his new home, he got married, had a little girl and worked in several establishments around New Orleans.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "25", "propertyName": "SPOUSE", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between a person and her/his spouse." } ], "facts": [] }, { "passageId": "8602:208:339", "passageStart": 208, "passageEnd": 339, "passageText": "After falling in love with his new home, he got married, had a little girl and worked in several establishments around New Orleans.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "25", "propertyName": "SPOUSE", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between a person and her/his spouse." } ], "facts": [] } ]
DBpedia Abstract
Keith Andrews (footballer) Keith Joseph Andrews (born 13 September 1980) is a former Irish association footballer who played as a defensive midfielder. Andrews began his career at Wolverhampton Wanderers, where he was their youngest captain in over a century. His club career also involved stints at Hull City and Milton Keynes Dons, as well as loan spells at Oxford United, Stoke City and Walsall while he was at Wolves. While at Milton Keynes Dons he was club captain, and helped secure promotion for his team with a vital goal, helped win his team the Football League Trophy by scoring in the final at Wembley and they were named in the PFA Team of the Year. He joined Blackburn Rovers in September 2008 and spent three season at Ewood Park which included a loan spell at Ipswich Town. After a short stay with West Bromwich Albion Andrews joined Bolton Wanderers and after loans at Brighton & Hove Albion, Watford and a return to Milton Keynes Dons he retired in the summer of 2015. A full international from 2008 to 2012, Andrews gained 35 caps for the Republic of Ireland and was selected for UEFA Euro 2012.
[ { "passageId": "16803:28:152", "passageStart": 28, "passageEnd": 152, "passageText": "Keith Joseph Andrews (born 13 September 1980) is a former Irish association footballer who played as a defensive midfielder.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "15", "propertyName": "DATE_OF_BIRTH", "propertyDescription": "Describes the date of birth of a person." } ], "facts": [ { "factId": "16803:28:48:55:72:15", "propertyId": "15", "humanReadable": "<Keith Joseph Andrews> <DATE_OF_BIRTH> <13 September 1980>", "annotatedPassage": "<Keith Joseph Andrews> (born <13 September 1980>) is a former Irish association footballer who played as a defensive midfielder.", "subjectStart": 28, "subjectEnd": 48, "subjectText": "Keith Joseph Andrews", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 55, "objectEnd": 72, "objectText": "13 September 1980", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "16803:115:118:55:72:15", "propertyId": "15", "humanReadable": "<who> <DATE_OF_BIRTH> <13 September 1980>", "annotatedPassage": "Keith Joseph Andrews (born <13 September 1980>) is a former Irish association footballer <who> played as a defensive midfielder.", "subjectStart": 115, "subjectEnd": 118, "subjectText": "who", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 55, "objectEnd": 72, "objectText": "13 September 1980", "objectUri": "" } ] }, { "passageId": "16803:790:986", "passageStart": 790, "passageEnd": 986, "passageText": "After a short stay with West Bromwich Albion Andrews joined Bolton Wanderers and after loans at Brighton & Hove Albion, Watford and a return to Milton Keynes Dons he retired in the summer of 2015.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "15", "propertyName": "DATE_OF_BIRTH", "propertyDescription": "Describes the date of birth of a person." } ], "facts": [] } ]
DBpedia Abstract
Marion Hume Marion Hume (born 3 July 1962) is a British fashion journalist based in London. Her career spans the UK, the US and Australia. She has interviewed Yves Saint Laurent, Diana Vreeland, Karl Lagerfeld, Tom Ford, Marc Jacobs and Giorgio Armani as well as chief executives of global fashion businesses including LVMH, Richemont, Kering (formerly PPR), Chanel and Max Mara Group. She is also the senior consultant for The Ethical Fashion Initiative of the United Nations’ agency, ITC (International Trade Centre), which works with designers including Vivienne Westwood and Stella McCartney to harness the power of fashion as a vehicle out of poverty for some of the world’s most marginalized artisans. She is the International Fashion Editor of The Australian Financial Review (AFR) and the curator of the AFR's Bespoke, a celebration of creative collaboration at The Sydney Opera House. She writes for The Financial Times and The Saturday Telegraph Magazine.
[ { "passageId": "25126:13:92", "passageStart": 13, "passageEnd": 92, "passageText": "Marion Hume (born 3 July 1962) is a British fashion journalist based in London.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "15", "propertyName": "DATE_OF_BIRTH", "propertyDescription": "Describes the date of birth of a person." } ], "facts": [ { "factId": "25126:13:24:31:42:15", "propertyId": "15", "humanReadable": "<Marion Hume> <DATE_OF_BIRTH> <3 July 1962>", "annotatedPassage": "<Marion Hume> (born <3 July 1962>) is a British fashion journalist based in London.", "subjectStart": 13, "subjectEnd": 24, "subjectText": "Marion Hume", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 31, "objectEnd": 42, "objectText": "3 July 1962", "objectUri": "" } ] } ]
DBpedia Abstract
Greg Weld Greg Weld (March 4, 1944 – August 4, 2008) was an American racecar driver. Weld won the 1963 Knoxville Nationals, the premiere event in sprint car racing. Weld raced in the USAC Championship Car series in the 1965–1972 seasons, with 36 career starts, including the 1970 Indianapolis 500. He finished in the top ten 11 times, with his best finish in 4th position in 1970 at Sacramento. He was also the 1967 USAC Sprint Car Series champion. He was the last driver to pilot a car powered by the famous Novi engine at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway when he crashed during a qualification attempt in 1966. Weld also founded Weld Wheel Industries, a firm manufacturing forged alloy wheels for various vehicles, including race cars, and was an active sponsor of both race cars and series, including the United States Auto Club series, and ran the firm until its acquisition by American Racing Equipment in 2006.
[ { "passageId": "18812:11:85", "passageStart": 11, "passageEnd": 85, "passageText": "Greg Weld (March 4, 1944 – August 4, 2008) was an American racecar driver.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "10", "propertyName": "NATIONALITY", "propertyDescription": "Describes he country of a person's citizenship or country in which the person is deemed a national." } ], "facts": [ { "factId": "18812:11:20:61:69:10", "propertyId": "10", "humanReadable": "<Greg Weld> <NATIONALITY> <American>", "annotatedPassage": "<Greg Weld> (March 4, 1944 – August 4, 2008) was an <American> racecar driver.", "subjectStart": 11, "subjectEnd": 20, "subjectText": "Greg Weld", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 61, "objectEnd": 69, "objectText": "American", "objectUri": "" } ] } ]
Diffbot Knowledge Graph
Richard Dean I'm a highly commercial and strategic Group CFO with extensive financial, management and leadership experience of businesses operating in the sports and service sectors. I'm an excellent communicator with the ability to positively influence diverse multi stakeholder businesses and I have a demonstrable track record in financial management and leading and managing change with both practical and financial constraints across multiple business functions. My current role is Group CFO with Prozone SUP SAS a French Group providing sports performance analysis worldwide, including Prozone Sports based in the UK, and Amisco based in France, along with other subsidiary companies on every continent. I am also Non-Executive Finance Director of SureCore Ltd a start up venture funded by private equity, which creates technological innovations for the electronics industry. Specialties: Strong business acumen with extensive involvement in business planning and strategy. Expertise of managing and advising acquisitive businesses and managing key stakeholder relationships. Trusted provider of services to banks, private equity institutions and large accountancy practices. Shortlisted for 2012 Yorkshire SME FD of the year.
[ { "passageId": "1003:469:710", "passageStart": 469, "passageEnd": 710, "passageText": "My current role is Group CFO with Prozone SUP SAS a French Group providing sports performance analysis worldwide, including Prozone Sports based in the UK, and Amisco based in France, along with other subsidiary companies on every continent.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "1", "propertyName": "SUBSIDIARY_OF", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between a parent company and one of its subsidiaries." } ], "facts": [ { "factId": "1003:593:607:503:518:1", "propertyId": "1", "humanReadable": "<Prozone Sports> <SUBSIDIARY_OF> <Prozone SUP SAS>", "annotatedPassage": "My current role is Group CFO with <Prozone SUP SAS> a French Group providing sports performance analysis worldwide, including <Prozone Sports> based in the UK, and Amisco based in France, along with other subsidiary companies on every continent.", "subjectStart": 593, "subjectEnd": 607, "subjectText": "Prozone Sports", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 503, "objectEnd": 518, "objectText": "Prozone SUP SAS", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "1003:629:635:503:518:1", "propertyId": "1", "humanReadable": "<Amisco> <SUBSIDIARY_OF> <Prozone SUP SAS>", "annotatedPassage": "My current role is Group CFO with <Prozone SUP SAS> a French Group providing sports performance analysis worldwide, including Prozone Sports based in the UK, and <Amisco> based in France, along with other subsidiary companies on every continent.", "subjectStart": 629, "subjectEnd": 635, "subjectText": "Amisco", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 503, "objectEnd": 518, "objectText": "Prozone SUP SAS", "objectUri": "" } ] } ]
Diffbot Knowledge Graph
Power Products Unlimited Power Products Unlimted Inc. is proudly located in Spokane, WA and is the parent company for Diesel Power Products, Offroad Power Products, Towing Power Products, Big Rig Power Products and Fuel Bomb Diesel Additives. We are a growing automotive supplier in both the on and off-road market. Sincerely, Bryan Howell-President
[ { "passageId": "1014:26:243", "passageStart": 26, "passageEnd": 243, "passageText": "Power Products Unlimted Inc. is proudly located in Spokane, WA and is the parent company for Diesel Power Products, Offroad Power Products, Towing Power Products, Big Rig Power Products and Fuel Bomb Diesel Additives.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "1", "propertyName": "SUBSIDIARY_OF", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between a parent company and one of its subsidiaries." }, { "propertyId": "6", "propertyName": "HEADQUARTERS", "propertyDescription": "Describes the specific location where an organization's headquarters is or has been situated." } ], "facts": [ { "factId": "1014:166:187:26:54:1", "propertyId": "1", "humanReadable": "<Towing Power Products> <SUBSIDIARY_OF> <Power Products Unlimted Inc.>", "annotatedPassage": "<Power Products Unlimted Inc.> is proudly located in Spokane, WA and is the parent company for Diesel Power Products, Offroad Power Products, <Towing Power Products>, Big Rig Power Products and Fuel Bomb Diesel Additives.", "subjectStart": 166, "subjectEnd": 187, "subjectText": "Towing Power Products", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 26, "objectEnd": 54, "objectText": "Power Products Unlimted Inc.", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "1014:119:140:26:54:1", "propertyId": "1", "humanReadable": "<Diesel Power Products> <SUBSIDIARY_OF> <Power Products Unlimted Inc.>", "annotatedPassage": "<Power Products Unlimted Inc.> is proudly located in Spokane, WA and is the parent company for <Diesel Power Products>, Offroad Power Products, Towing Power Products, Big Rig Power Products and Fuel Bomb Diesel Additives.", "subjectStart": 119, "subjectEnd": 140, "subjectText": "Diesel Power Products", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 26, "objectEnd": 54, "objectText": "Power Products Unlimted Inc.", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "1014:26:54:77:84:6", "propertyId": "6", "humanReadable": "<Power Products Unlimted Inc.> <HEADQUARTERS> <Spokane>", "annotatedPassage": "<Power Products Unlimted Inc.> is proudly located in <Spokane>, WA and is the parent company for Diesel Power Products, Offroad Power Products, Towing Power Products, Big Rig Power Products and Fuel Bomb Diesel Additives.", "subjectStart": 26, "subjectEnd": 54, "subjectText": "Power Products Unlimted Inc.", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 77, "objectEnd": 84, "objectText": "Spokane", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "1014:189:211:26:54:1", "propertyId": "1", "humanReadable": "<Big Rig Power Products> <SUBSIDIARY_OF> <Power Products Unlimted Inc.>", "annotatedPassage": "<Power Products Unlimted Inc.> is proudly located in Spokane, WA and is the parent company for Diesel Power Products, Offroad Power Products, Towing Power Products, <Big Rig Power Products> and Fuel Bomb Diesel Additives.", "subjectStart": 189, "subjectEnd": 211, "subjectText": "Big Rig Power Products", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 26, "objectEnd": 54, "objectText": "Power Products Unlimted Inc.", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "1014:142:164:26:54:1", "propertyId": "1", "humanReadable": "<Offroad Power Products> <SUBSIDIARY_OF> <Power Products Unlimted Inc.>", "annotatedPassage": "<Power Products Unlimted Inc.> is proudly located in Spokane, WA and is the parent company for Diesel Power Products, <Offroad Power Products>, Towing Power Products, Big Rig Power Products and Fuel Bomb Diesel Additives.", "subjectStart": 142, "subjectEnd": 164, "subjectText": "Offroad Power Products", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 26, "objectEnd": 54, "objectText": "Power Products Unlimted Inc.", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "1014:216:242:26:54:1", "propertyId": "1", "humanReadable": "<Fuel Bomb Diesel Additives> <SUBSIDIARY_OF> <Power Products Unlimted Inc.>", "annotatedPassage": "<Power Products Unlimted Inc.> is proudly located in Spokane, WA and is the parent company for Diesel Power Products, Offroad Power Products, Towing Power Products, Big Rig Power Products and <Fuel Bomb Diesel Additives>.", "subjectStart": 216, "subjectEnd": 242, "subjectText": "Fuel Bomb Diesel Additives", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 26, "objectEnd": 54, "objectText": "Power Products Unlimted Inc.", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "1014:26:54:86:88:6", "propertyId": "6", "humanReadable": "<Power Products Unlimted Inc.> <HEADQUARTERS> <WA>", "annotatedPassage": "<Power Products Unlimted Inc.> is proudly located in Spokane, <WA> and is the parent company for Diesel Power Products, Offroad Power Products, Towing Power Products, Big Rig Power Products and Fuel Bomb Diesel Additives.", "subjectStart": 26, "subjectEnd": 54, "subjectText": "Power Products Unlimted Inc.", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 86, "objectEnd": 88, "objectText": "WA", "objectUri": "" } ] } ]
DBpedia Abstract
Ada James Ada Lois James (March 23, 1876 – September 29, 1952) was a suffragist, social worker, and reformer. Born in Richland Center, Wisconsin, she graduated from high school in 1894, taught school for several years, and soon became active in the woman's suffrage movement in which both her parents played prominent roles. In 1911 she became president of the newly formed Political Equality League, holding this office until 1913 when the league was combined with the Wisconsin Woman's Suffrage Association under the leadership of Mrs. Henry Youmans (q.v.). Ada James was active in many of the reform movements of the 1920s including pacifism, the advocacy of birth control, and prohibition. In 1922 she was vice-chairman of the Republican state central committee, and in 1923 was president of the Wisconsin Woman's Progressive Association, but left the organization when Robert M. La Follette, Sr., insisted on supporting Governor John J. Blaine. During the 1920s James was also engaged in a series of slander suits with Levi H. Bancroft (q.v.) growing out of her support of S. E. Smalley for the Republican nomination for a Wisconsin circuit judgeship. Active in social work, she administered the David G. James Memorial Fund established in 1922 for the relief of needy families in Richland County, Wisconsin. She was chairman of the county children's board for many years.
[ { "passageId": "29506:1158:1314", "passageStart": 1158, "passageEnd": 1314, "passageText": "Active in social work, she administered the David G. James Memorial Fund established in 1922 for the relief of needy families in Richland County, Wisconsin.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "5", "propertyName": "DATE_FOUNDED", "propertyDescription": "Describes the founding date of a company." } ], "facts": [] }, { "passageId": "29506:695:950", "passageStart": 695, "passageEnd": 950, "passageText": "In 1922 she was vice-chairman of the Republican state central committee, and in 1923 was president of the Wisconsin Woman's Progressive Association, but left the organization when Robert M. La Follette, Sr., insisted on supporting Governor John J. Blaine.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "45", "propertyName": "POLITICAL_AFFILIATION", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between a person and her/his political affiliation." } ], "facts": [] } ]
Diffbot Knowledge Graph
Diane Setterfield Diane Setterfield (born 22 August 1964) is a British author whose 2006 debut novel, The Thirteenth Tale, became a ''New York Times'' No. 1 best-seller. she won the 2007 Quill Award,Debut author of the year, for this novel. It is written in the Gothic tradition, with echoes of Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights. The rights were acquired by David Heyman at Heyday Films and the novel was adapted for television by Christopher Hampton. Starring Vanessa Redgrave, Olivia Colman, and Sophie Turner, The Thirteenth Tale was televised on BBC2 in December 2013.
[ { "passageId": "20054:19:170", "passageStart": 19, "passageEnd": 170, "passageText": "Diane Setterfield (born 22 August 1964) is a British author whose 2006 debut novel, The Thirteenth Tale, became a ''New York Times'' No. 1 best-seller.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "12", "propertyName": "PLACE_OF_BIRTH", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between a person and the location where she/he was born." }, { "propertyId": "10", "propertyName": "NATIONALITY", "propertyDescription": "Describes he country of a person's citizenship or country in which the person is deemed a national." }, { "propertyId": "15", "propertyName": "DATE_OF_BIRTH", "propertyDescription": "Describes the date of birth of a person." } ], "facts": [ { "factId": "20054:79:84:43:57:15", "propertyId": "15", "humanReadable": "<whose> <DATE_OF_BIRTH> <22 August 1964>", "annotatedPassage": "Diane Setterfield (born <22 August 1964>) is a British author <whose> 2006 debut novel, The Thirteenth Tale, became a ''New York Times'' No. 1 best-seller.", "subjectStart": 79, "subjectEnd": 84, "subjectText": "whose", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 43, "objectEnd": 57, "objectText": "22 August 1964", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "20054:19:36:64:71:10", "propertyId": "10", "humanReadable": "<Diane Setterfield> <NATIONALITY> <British>", "annotatedPassage": "<Diane Setterfield> (born 22 August 1964) is a <British> author whose 2006 debut novel, The Thirteenth Tale, became a ''New York Times'' No. 1 best-seller.", "subjectStart": 19, "subjectEnd": 36, "subjectText": "Diane Setterfield", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 64, "objectEnd": 71, "objectText": "British", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "20054:19:36:43:57:15", "propertyId": "15", "humanReadable": "<Diane Setterfield> <DATE_OF_BIRTH> <22 August 1964>", "annotatedPassage": "<Diane Setterfield> (born <22 August 1964>) is a British author whose 2006 debut novel, The Thirteenth Tale, became a ''New York Times'' No. 1 best-seller.", "subjectStart": 19, "subjectEnd": 36, "subjectText": "Diane Setterfield", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 43, "objectEnd": 57, "objectText": "22 August 1964", "objectUri": "" } ] } ]
Diffbot Knowledge Graph
Beland Honderich Beland Hugh Honderich, (November 25, 1918 – November 8, 2005) was a Canadian newspaper executive who was the Chairman and Publisher of the Toronto Star and Chairman and President of the Torstar Corporation.
[ { "passageId": "14966:18:224", "passageStart": 18, "passageEnd": 224, "passageText": "Beland Hugh Honderich, (November 25, 1918 – November 8, 2005) was a Canadian newspaper executive who was the Chairman and Publisher of the Toronto Star and Chairman and President of the Torstar Corporation.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "15", "propertyName": "DATE_OF_BIRTH", "propertyDescription": "Describes the date of birth of a person." } ], "facts": [ { "factId": "14966:18:39:42:59:15", "propertyId": "15", "humanReadable": "<Beland Hugh Honderich> <DATE_OF_BIRTH> <November 25, 1918>", "annotatedPassage": "<Beland Hugh Honderich>, (<November 25, 1918> – November 8, 2005) was a Canadian newspaper executive who was the Chairman and Publisher of the Toronto Star and Chairman and President of the Torstar Corporation.", "subjectStart": 18, "subjectEnd": 39, "subjectText": "Beland Hugh Honderich", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 42, "objectEnd": 59, "objectText": "November 25, 1918", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "14966:115:118:42:59:15", "propertyId": "15", "humanReadable": "<who> <DATE_OF_BIRTH> <November 25, 1918>", "annotatedPassage": "Beland Hugh Honderich, (<November 25, 1918> – November 8, 2005) was a Canadian newspaper executive <who> was the Chairman and Publisher of the Toronto Star and Chairman and President of the Torstar Corporation.", "subjectStart": 115, "subjectEnd": 118, "subjectText": "who", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 42, "objectEnd": 59, "objectText": "November 25, 1918", "objectUri": "" } ] } ]
Diffbot Knowledge Graph
Live Oak Waldorf School Our beautiful 40 acre campus is nestled in the Sierra Foothills, just minutes from Auburn, CA. Our commitment to nurture and educate children, from infants to eighth graders, inspires us to provide rich, well rounded and age-appropriate programs. We offer a full Early Childhood Education Program including a Nursery School, a Parent-Child Program, a Preschool and Kindergarten. Our 1st through 8th grades are rich both academically and artistically and include: - Imaginative Play and Drama - Arts: Painting and Drawing - Music: Flute, Strings, Choir - Physical Education and Games - Language Arts and Spanish - Handwork: Knitting, Sewing - Woodwork - and much more. Established in 1977. Over 35 years ago a group of interested parents and community members met to study alternative directions in education. Out of these discussions grew the decision to create a Waldorf School, and we opened that September with nine children. In February 1986, we purchasee our 40-acre site in Meadow Vista which now has beautiful classrooms and dedicated spaces for all of our programs, including our Parent and Child Program, KinderVillage, Preschool and Nursery, Grades One through Eight, an assembly room, music room, woodshop, handwork room, Continuing Care rooms, our Children's Store, plus an abundance of outdoor playgrounds, gardens, and hiking trails through the woods of Mount Catherine.
[ { "passageId": "1654:954:1409", "passageStart": 954, "passageEnd": 1409, "passageText": "In February 1986, we purchasee our 40-acre site in Meadow Vista which now has beautiful classrooms and dedicated spaces for all of our programs, including our Parent and Child Program, KinderVillage, Preschool and Nursery, Grades One through Eight, an assembly room, music room, woodshop, handwork room, Continuing Care rooms, our Children's Store, plus an abundance of outdoor playgrounds, gardens, and hiking trails through the woods of Mount Catherine.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "34", "propertyName": "CHILD_OF", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between a person and his/her parent." }, { "propertyId": "1", "propertyName": "SUBSIDIARY_OF", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between a parent company and one of its subsidiaries." } ], "facts": [] }, { "passageId": "1654:120:271", "passageStart": 120, "passageEnd": 271, "passageText": "Our commitment to nurture and educate children, from infants to eighth graders, inspires us to provide rich, well rounded and age-appropriate programs.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "34", "propertyName": "CHILD_OF", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between a person and his/her parent." } ], "facts": [] } ]
DBpedia Abstract
Glenda Larke Glenda Larke, born Glenyce Larke, is an Australian writer. Larke grew up in Western Australia. She obtained a degree in history and a diploma in education at University of Western Australia and has taught English in Australia, Vienna, Tunisia and Malaysia. (Her husband works with the United Nations.) She currently resides in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia with her husband and has two children. Larke's first novel, Havenstar was published in 1998 by Virgin Worlds in the UK under her married name of Glenda Noramly. In 2003 she returned to the fantasy genre under the name of Glenda Larke when Voyager Books released The Aware, the first book in the The Isles of Glory trilogy. The Aware was a finalist in the 2003 Aurealis Awards fantasy division. Gilfeather and The Tainted completed the trilogy. The Tainted was a finalist in the 2004 Aurealis Awards fantasy division. The Isles of Glory was shortly followed by Larke's second trilogy The Mirage Makers. It includes Heart of the Mirage, which was released in 2006 and was a finalist in the 2006 Aurealis Awards fantasy division, The Shadow of Tyr and Song of the Shiver Barrens, both released in 2007. Larke also writes non-fiction, usually articles on conservation issues, particularly those relating to bird conservation. These articles are mostly published in Malaysian nature magazines.
[ { "passageId": "8848:403:524", "passageStart": 403, "passageEnd": 524, "passageText": "Larke's first novel, Havenstar was published in 1998 by Virgin Worlds in the UK under her married name of Glenda Noramly.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "25", "propertyName": "SPOUSE", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between a person and her/his spouse." } ], "facts": [] } ]
Diffbot Knowledge Graph
Bethesda Presbyterian Church We are a loving, welcoming congregation committed to the praise of worship of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Please come and worship with us on Sunday mornings at 11:00. Sunday school for all ages is at 10:00. On Sunday evenings, we meet at McElwee Chapel (156 McElwee Road) for adult Sunday school and a briefer worship service. Established in 1821. The sanctuary of our building was built in 1821...a Sunday school wing with a fellowship hall was added in the 1950's. A new addition was completed in 2013, with an indoor handicap ramp and sanctuary level handicap-accessible bathrooms. McElwee Chapel was built in 1905 and is a beautiful little worship space with lots of wood and stained glass windows. We have completed renovations to this space as well - replacing the original hardwood floors and the carpeting as well. We hold Sunday evening Sunday school and worship services, beginning at 7pm. McElwee is located at 156 McElwee Road. Pastor Christina has been the minister at Bethesda and McElwee since September 2008. This is her first church call after graduating from seminary in 2006. She grew up in the Hampton Roads area of the state but loves being here in the mountains and away from the busy-ness of the city! She and her husband live in the church manse with their three 'kids' - Van, Honey, and Gracie (all feline). Pastor Christina is currently working on her second Master's through Union Presbyterian Seminary in Richmond. She is in the church office on Wednesday and Friday mornings, 9-12.
[ { "passageId": "365:1262:1369", "passageStart": 1262, "passageEnd": 1369, "passageText": "She and her husband live in the church manse with their three 'kids' - Van, Honey, and Gracie (all feline).", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "12", "propertyName": "PLACE_OF_BIRTH", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between a person and the location where she/he was born." } ], "facts": [] } ]
Diffbot Knowledge Graph
Clyde Williams for Congress Clyde Williams is running for Congress in New York's 13th Congressional District. Clyde Williams' more than 20-year career in public service includes work for Presidents Clinton and Obama, the development of successful public-private sector partnerships in Harlem and nationally, and knowledge of Federal programs that affect urban communities. Most recently, Clyde served as National Political Director of the Democratic National Committee, following the historic election of President Barack Obama. He and his wife, Mona Sutphen (who served as White House Deputy Chief of Staff to President Obama), were instrumental in furthering President Obama's national agenda. During his stint at the DNC, Clyde earned a reputation as a forceful advocate for the President's most loyal supporters within the Democratic Party. In 2001, Clyde moved to Harlem, and worked as Domestic Policy Advisor to President William Jefferson Clinton, coordinating his post-presidential activities in Harlem. In his role at the Foundation, Clyde designed and implemented Harlem-based and national programs focused on economic empowerment and education. His signature partnership - the Harlem Small Business Initiative - in which the Foundation, Booz Allen Hamilton, the National Black MBA Association and New York University's Stern School of Business, provided technical and managerial support to foster and expand small business in Harlem, was the most comprehensive and extensive partnership of its kind. The program has since been replicated and expanded nationally. Clyde earned a Bachelor's Degree in Political Science from Howard University. He is married and he and his wife have two children.
[ { "passageId": "30086:700:848", "passageStart": 700, "passageEnd": 848, "passageText": "During his stint at the DNC, Clyde earned a reputation as a forceful advocate for the President's most loyal supporters within the Democratic Party.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "45", "propertyName": "POLITICAL_AFFILIATION", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between a person and her/his political affiliation." } ], "facts": [ { "factId": "30086:729:734:831:847:45", "propertyId": "45", "humanReadable": "<Clyde> <POLITICAL_AFFILIATION> <Democratic Party>", "annotatedPassage": "During his stint at the DNC, <Clyde> earned a reputation as a forceful advocate for the President's most loyal supporters within the <Democratic Party>.", "subjectStart": 729, "subjectEnd": 734, "subjectText": "Clyde", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 831, "objectEnd": 847, "objectText": "Democratic Party", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "30086:707:710:831:847:45", "propertyId": "45", "humanReadable": "<his> <POLITICAL_AFFILIATION> <Democratic Party>", "annotatedPassage": "During <his> stint at the DNC, Clyde earned a reputation as a forceful advocate for the President's most loyal supporters within the <Democratic Party>.", "subjectStart": 707, "subjectEnd": 710, "subjectText": "his", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 831, "objectEnd": 847, "objectText": "Democratic Party", "objectUri": "" } ] } ]
Diffbot Knowledge Graph
Artist - Debipriya Sircar Artist - Debipriya Sircar Debipriya has trained for several years in North Indian Vocal Music. Whilst singing is her primary passion, she has used her musical knowledge to develop a unique and expansive repertoire on the sitar encompassing not only classical ragas and traditional melodies, but also current Bollywood hits, Bengali songs and timeless classic Hindi film songs. Artist's background Sitarist and vocalist Debipriya Sircar (née Das) was born and brought up in London. She began learning music at the age of 4 from her mother and her early gurus were the late Pandit Manesh Chandra Kansara (sitar) and the late Sri Golak Mohan Choudhury(vocal). SInce 2003, Debipriya has been a disciple of Pandit Ajoy Chakrabarty, one of the finest exponents of North Indian Classical Vocal music and has received vocal training at workshops conducted in the UK. She has also received tuition in sitar from Ustad Shahid Parvez, and Sri Purbayan Chatterjee at workshops organised by Darbar (UK) and Pandit Sanjay Guha (Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, UK). Based in Stratford (East London) Debipriya combines her music with a full time career as a cancer research scientist. Disciplines Sitar, North Indian Instrumentation, Vocalist Enquiries To book Debipriya Sircar please email us at View all artists
[ { "passageId": "27484:424:507", "passageStart": 424, "passageEnd": 507, "passageText": "Sitarist and vocalist Debipriya Sircar (née Das) was born and brought up in London.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "12", "propertyName": "PLACE_OF_BIRTH", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between a person and the location where she/he was born." } ], "facts": [ { "factId": "27484:468:471:500:506:12", "propertyId": "12", "humanReadable": "<Das> <PLACE_OF_BIRTH> <London>", "annotatedPassage": "Sitarist and vocalist Debipriya Sircar (née <Das>) was born and brought up in <London>.", "subjectStart": 468, "subjectEnd": 471, "subjectText": "Das", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 500, "objectEnd": 506, "objectText": "London", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "27484:446:462:500:506:12", "propertyId": "12", "humanReadable": "<Debipriya Sircar> <PLACE_OF_BIRTH> <London>", "annotatedPassage": "Sitarist and vocalist <Debipriya Sircar> (née Das) was born and brought up in <London>.", "subjectStart": 446, "subjectEnd": 462, "subjectText": "Debipriya Sircar", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 500, "objectEnd": 506, "objectText": "London", "objectUri": "" } ] } ]
DBpedia Abstract
Hugh Darwen Hugh Darwen is a computer scientist who was an employee of IBM United Kingdom from 1967 to 2004, and has been involved in the history of the relational model.
[ { "passageId": "5270:13:171", "passageStart": 13, "passageEnd": 171, "passageText": "Hugh Darwen is a computer scientist who was an employee of IBM United Kingdom from 1967 to 2004, and has been involved in the history of the relational model.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "3", "propertyName": "EMPLOYEE_OR_MEMBER_OF", "propertyDescription": "Describes the previous/current employer of a person." } ], "facts": [ { "factId": "5270:13:24:72:90:3", "propertyId": "3", "humanReadable": "<Hugh Darwen> <EMPLOYEE_OR_MEMBER_OF> <IBM United Kingdom>", "annotatedPassage": "<Hugh Darwen> is a computer scientist who was an employee of <IBM United Kingdom> from 1967 to 2004, and has been involved in the history of the relational model.", "subjectStart": 13, "subjectEnd": 24, "subjectText": "Hugh Darwen", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 72, "objectEnd": 90, "objectText": "IBM United Kingdom", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "5270:49:52:72:90:3", "propertyId": "3", "humanReadable": "<who> <EMPLOYEE_OR_MEMBER_OF> <IBM United Kingdom>", "annotatedPassage": "Hugh Darwen is a computer scientist <who> was an employee of <IBM United Kingdom> from 1967 to 2004, and has been involved in the history of the relational model.", "subjectStart": 49, "subjectEnd": 52, "subjectText": "who", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 72, "objectEnd": 90, "objectText": "IBM United Kingdom", "objectUri": "" } ] } ]
DBpedia Abstract
Brian Doughty Brian Doughty is a former member of the Utah House of Representatives, representing the 30th District in Salt Lake County. He was selected on July 16, 2011 by local Democratic delegates to replace state representative Jackie Biskupski, who had resigned when she moved out of the district. He was sworn in on July 20, 2011. In the redistricting process that followed the 2010 census, Doughty's home was placed in the 26th district, along with that of House Minority Leader David Litvack. A contested Democratic primary between the two incumbents seemed to be on the cards until, in March 2012, Litvack announced that he would retire rather than seek re-election. Doughty lost his bid for re-election in the new district at the Salt Lake County Convention. Doughty is openly gay and previously served on the board of Equality Utah.
[ { "passageId": "28986:15:137", "passageStart": 15, "passageEnd": 137, "passageText": "Brian Doughty is a former member of the Utah House of Representatives, representing the 30th District in Salt Lake County.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "45", "propertyName": "POLITICAL_AFFILIATION", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between a person and her/his political affiliation." } ], "facts": [] } ]
Diffbot Knowledge Graph
Harry Wallace Henry "Harry" Wallace (16 February 1882 – 8 May 1917) was an English professional rugby league footballer who played in the 1900s and 1910s. He played at representative level for England and Yorkshire, and at club level for Hull FC, as a , or , i.e. number 6, or 7. Harry Wallace served with the 10th Battalion of the Durham Light Infantry in World War I, and died in service at Arras, France, leaving behind a widow and five children.
[ { "passageId": "29644:281:450", "passageStart": 281, "passageEnd": 450, "passageText": "Harry Wallace served with the 10th Battalion of the Durham Light Infantry in World War I, and died in service at Arras, France, leaving behind a widow and five children.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "3", "propertyName": "EMPLOYEE_OR_MEMBER_OF", "propertyDescription": "Describes the previous/current employer of a person." } ], "facts": [ { "factId": "29644:281:294:333:354:3", "propertyId": "3", "humanReadable": "<Harry Wallace> <EMPLOYEE_OR_MEMBER_OF> <Durham Light Infantry>", "annotatedPassage": "<Harry Wallace> served with the 10th Battalion of the <Durham Light Infantry> in World War I, and died in service at Arras, France, leaving behind a widow and five children.", "subjectStart": 281, "subjectEnd": 294, "subjectText": "Harry Wallace", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 333, "objectEnd": 354, "objectText": "Durham Light Infantry", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "29644:281:294:311:325:3", "propertyId": "3", "humanReadable": "<Harry Wallace> <EMPLOYEE_OR_MEMBER_OF> <10th Battalion>", "annotatedPassage": "<Harry Wallace> served with the <10th Battalion> of the Durham Light Infantry in World War I, and died in service at Arras, France, leaving behind a widow and five children.", "subjectStart": 281, "subjectEnd": 294, "subjectText": "Harry Wallace", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 311, "objectEnd": 325, "objectText": "10th Battalion", "objectUri": "" } ] } ]
Diffbot Knowledge Graph
Mark Towfiq Mark is responsible for technology and product development vision and execution. Prior to co-founding FanSnap, Mark was VP of Engineering and Product Development at Flock, where he led the team building their innovative web browser optimized for the social web. Before that, he was an Entrepreneur-in-Residence at Shasta Ventures, where he helped evaluate early-stage companies for potential investment. Mark was VP of Engineering for NexTag, a leading online shopping comparison company, and also VP of Engineering at, the online division of the retail giant. He was also with, mPower, Inc., Sun Microsystems, Microdyne Corp., FTP Software, and Racal InterLan. Mark holds several patents. Mark received a BSE in Computer Science from Princeton University.
[ { "passageId": "17510:95:275", "passageStart": 95, "passageEnd": 275, "passageText": "Prior to co-founding FanSnap, Mark was VP of Engineering and Product Development at Flock, where he led the team building their innovative web browser optimized for the social web.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "3", "propertyName": "EMPLOYEE_OR_MEMBER_OF", "propertyDescription": "Describes the previous/current employer of a person." } ], "facts": [ { "factId": "17510:125:129:179:184:3", "propertyId": "3", "humanReadable": "<Mark> <EMPLOYEE_OR_MEMBER_OF> <Flock>", "annotatedPassage": "Prior to co-founding FanSnap, <Mark> was VP of Engineering and Product Development at <Flock>, where he led the team building their innovative web browser optimized for the social web.", "subjectStart": 125, "subjectEnd": 129, "subjectText": "Mark", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 179, "objectEnd": 184, "objectText": "Flock", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "17510:125:129:186:191:3", "propertyId": "3", "humanReadable": "<Mark> <EMPLOYEE_OR_MEMBER_OF> <where>", "annotatedPassage": "Prior to co-founding FanSnap, <Mark> was VP of Engineering and Product Development at Flock, <where> he led the team building their innovative web browser optimized for the social web.", "subjectStart": 125, "subjectEnd": 129, "subjectText": "Mark", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 186, "objectEnd": 191, "objectText": "where", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "17510:125:129:217:222:3", "propertyId": "3", "humanReadable": "<Mark> <EMPLOYEE_OR_MEMBER_OF> <their>", "annotatedPassage": "Prior to co-founding FanSnap, <Mark> was VP of Engineering and Product Development at Flock, where he led the team building <their> innovative web browser optimized for the social web.", "subjectStart": 125, "subjectEnd": 129, "subjectText": "Mark", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 217, "objectEnd": 222, "objectText": "their", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "17510:125:129:116:123:3", "propertyId": "3", "humanReadable": "<Mark> <EMPLOYEE_OR_MEMBER_OF> <FanSnap>", "annotatedPassage": "Prior to co-founding <FanSnap>, <Mark> was VP of Engineering and Product Development at Flock, where he led the team building their innovative web browser optimized for the social web.", "subjectStart": 125, "subjectEnd": 129, "subjectText": "Mark", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 116, "objectEnd": 123, "objectText": "FanSnap", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "17510:192:194:179:184:3", "propertyId": "3", "humanReadable": "<he> <EMPLOYEE_OR_MEMBER_OF> <Flock>", "annotatedPassage": "Prior to co-founding FanSnap, Mark was VP of Engineering and Product Development at <Flock>, where <he> led the team building their innovative web browser optimized for the social web.", "subjectStart": 192, "subjectEnd": 194, "subjectText": "he", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 179, "objectEnd": 184, "objectText": "Flock", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "17510:192:194:186:191:3", "propertyId": "3", "humanReadable": "<he> <EMPLOYEE_OR_MEMBER_OF> <where>", "annotatedPassage": "Prior to co-founding FanSnap, Mark was VP of Engineering and Product Development at Flock, <where> <he> led the team building their innovative web browser optimized for the social web.", "subjectStart": 192, "subjectEnd": 194, "subjectText": "he", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 186, "objectEnd": 191, "objectText": "where", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "17510:192:194:217:222:3", "propertyId": "3", "humanReadable": "<he> <EMPLOYEE_OR_MEMBER_OF> <their>", "annotatedPassage": "Prior to co-founding FanSnap, Mark was VP of Engineering and Product Development at Flock, where <he> led the team building <their> innovative web browser optimized for the social web.", "subjectStart": 192, "subjectEnd": 194, "subjectText": "he", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 217, "objectEnd": 222, "objectText": "their", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "17510:192:194:116:123:3", "propertyId": "3", "humanReadable": "<he> <EMPLOYEE_OR_MEMBER_OF> <FanSnap>", "annotatedPassage": "Prior to co-founding <FanSnap>, Mark was VP of Engineering and Product Development at Flock, where <he> led the team building their innovative web browser optimized for the social web.", "subjectStart": 192, "subjectEnd": 194, "subjectText": "he", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 116, "objectEnd": 123, "objectText": "FanSnap", "objectUri": "" } ] } ]
Diffbot Knowledge Graph
The Book Reserve CIC Welcome to the Book Reserve (CIC) a pioneering and innovative new start-up social enterprise designed and developed by a small team of passionate people in Belfast striving to support young at risk parents. The Book Reserve (CIC) is two businesses in one: A café (The Thinking Cup) and an online retail business (selling second hand books) that has been set up to specifically employ up to twelve young parents who have had contact with the justice system. The project is led by Social Indigo and Work West and also supported by a range of partners including Barnardo's and Bryson Charitable Group who will be working closely with our young adults offering tailored parenting advice and guidance both pre and post release. The Book Reserve (CIC) has received seed investment by a range of government departments and Atlantic Philanthropies with the Department of Justice the lead government department on the project. Globally this is a unique project and has three specific outputs as follows: - Give young parents employment and training over a twelve month period to re-integrate them into society and give them the additional support that they need to become good parents; - Provide an early intervention plan to prevent their children growing up to offend themselves - to reduce the current level (60%) of children who grow up to offend because one or both of their parents offended; and - Create a sustainable business that will be both profitable and provide continuing support to young at risk parents in the longer term. To get in touch send us an email to or
[ { "passageId": "4747:1021:1202", "passageStart": 1021, "passageEnd": 1202, "passageText": "- Give young parents employment and training over a twelve month period to re-integrate them into society and give them the additional support that they need to become good parents;", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "1", "propertyName": "SUBSIDIARY_OF", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between a parent company and one of its subsidiaries." } ], "facts": [] }, { "passageId": "4747:231:480", "passageStart": 231, "passageEnd": 480, "passageText": "The Book Reserve (CIC) is two businesses in one: A café (The Thinking Cup) and an online retail business (selling second hand books) that has been set up to specifically employ up to twelve young parents who have had contact with the justice system.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "1", "propertyName": "SUBSIDIARY_OF", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between a parent company and one of its subsidiaries." } ], "facts": [] }, { "passageId": "4747:1204:1419", "passageStart": 1204, "passageEnd": 1419, "passageText": "- Provide an early intervention plan to prevent their children growing up to offend themselves - to reduce the current level (60%) of children who grow up to offend because one or both of their parents offended; and", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "1", "propertyName": "SUBSIDIARY_OF", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between a parent company and one of its subsidiaries." } ], "facts": [] } ]
DBpedia Abstract
Lynette Lithgow Lynette Pearson (1950 - c. 11 December 2001), known professionally as Lynette Lithgow), was a Trinidad-born, British-based newsreader and journalist who is best remembered for her career as a newsreader for BBC News. Her first media job was as a broadcaster for Radio Television Brunei during the 1970s. During the 1980s, she moved to Britain and after working as a presenter for Midlands Today and continuity announcer for Granada Television, she moved to London as a newsreader for the national BBC News in 1988. She joined the BBC's world television service on its launch in 1991 and also presented BBC 2's Newsview. She quit the BBC in 1996 on gaining a law degree from Oxford University, and moved to the business news channel CNBC Asia (based in Singapore), where she worked until her death in Trinidad in December 2001; she was murdered along with her 83-year-old mother Maggie Lee and her British brother-in-law John Cropper at the family home in Port of Spain. She was married twice and had two children from her first marriage. Her second marriage, from 1998 until her death, was to Dominic Pearson. In 2005 the Harvard Kennedy School established a fund in Lithgow's honor to support students with an interest in journalism.
[ { "passageId": "24416:1055:1126", "passageStart": 1055, "passageEnd": 1126, "passageText": "Her second marriage, from 1998 until her death, was to Dominic Pearson.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "14", "propertyName": "DATE_OF_DEATH", "propertyDescription": "Describes the date of death of a person." } ], "facts": [] } ]
DBpedia Abstract
Kitchener Panthers The Kitchener Panthers are an independent, minor league baseball team of the semi-pro Intercounty Baseball League based in Kitchener, Ontario. They play their home games at Jack Couch Baseball Park.
[ { "passageId": "8869:20:162", "passageStart": 20, "passageEnd": 162, "passageText": "The Kitchener Panthers are an independent, minor league baseball team of the semi-pro Intercounty Baseball League based in Kitchener, Ontario.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "6", "propertyName": "HEADQUARTERS", "propertyDescription": "Describes the specific location where an organization's headquarters is or has been situated." } ], "facts": [ { "factId": "8869:24:42:143:152:6", "propertyId": "6", "humanReadable": "<Kitchener Panthers> <HEADQUARTERS> <Kitchener>", "annotatedPassage": "The <Kitchener Panthers> are an independent, minor league baseball team of the semi-pro Intercounty Baseball League based in <Kitchener>, Ontario.", "subjectStart": 24, "subjectEnd": 42, "subjectText": "Kitchener Panthers", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 143, "objectEnd": 152, "objectText": "Kitchener", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "8869:24:42:154:161:6", "propertyId": "6", "humanReadable": "<Kitchener Panthers> <HEADQUARTERS> <Ontario>", "annotatedPassage": "The <Kitchener Panthers> are an independent, minor league baseball team of the semi-pro Intercounty Baseball League based in Kitchener, <Ontario>.", "subjectStart": 24, "subjectEnd": 42, "subjectText": "Kitchener Panthers", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 154, "objectEnd": 161, "objectText": "Ontario", "objectUri": "" } ] } ]
Diffbot Knowledge Graph
Ma Jaya Bhagavati Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati (died April 14, 2012) was a spiritual teacher born to Jewish parents in Brooklyn, United States. Her outlook has been influenced by Jesus Christ and the Hindu saint Bhagawan Nityananda. She has also been informed by the teachings of Neem Karoli Baba, Ramana Maharshi, Narish Keit, and Shirdi Sai Baba.
[ { "passageId": "29685:19:138", "passageStart": 19, "passageEnd": 138, "passageText": "Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati (died April 14, 2012) was a spiritual teacher born to Jewish parents in Brooklyn, United States.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "14", "propertyName": "DATE_OF_DEATH", "propertyDescription": "Describes the date of death of a person." } ], "facts": [ { "factId": "29685:19:41:48:62:14", "propertyId": "14", "humanReadable": "<Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati> <DATE_OF_DEATH> <April 14, 2012>", "annotatedPassage": "<Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati> (died <April 14, 2012>) was a spiritual teacher born to Jewish parents in Brooklyn, United States.", "subjectStart": 19, "subjectEnd": 41, "subjectText": "Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 48, "objectEnd": 62, "objectText": "April 14, 2012", "objectUri": "" } ] } ]
DBpedia Abstract
Mainstream Records Mainstream Records was an American indie record label, which released jazz, rock music, and soundtracks during the 1970s. It was founded in 1964 by Bob Shad, and in its early history reissued material from Commodore Records and Time Records in addition to some new jazz material. The label released Big Brother & the Holding Company's first material in 1967, as well as The Amboy Dukes' first albums, whose guitarist, Ted Nugent, would become a successful solo artist in the 1970s. Mainstream acted as the distributing label for Bob Thiele's Flying Dutchman Records and continued issuing soundtracks and new jazz material through to 1978, when it ceased. Shad died in 1985, and his daughter, Tamara Shad, licensed its back catalogue for reissues. In 1991 it was resurrected in order to reissue much of its holdings on compact disc and, in 1993, it was purchased by Sony subsidiary Legacy Records. In 2012, a compilation of "Pop-Psych" tracks released on the label between 1966-1970, entitled All Kinds of Highs, came out in the UK on Big Beat.
[ { "passageId": "21216:675:766", "passageStart": 675, "passageEnd": 766, "passageText": "Shad died in 1985, and his daughter, Tamara Shad, licensed its back catalogue for reissues.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "14", "propertyName": "DATE_OF_DEATH", "propertyDescription": "Describes the date of death of a person." } ], "facts": [ { "factId": "21216:698:701:688:692:14", "propertyId": "14", "humanReadable": "<his> <DATE_OF_DEATH> <1985>", "annotatedPassage": "Shad died in <1985>, and <his> daughter, Tamara Shad, licensed its back catalogue for reissues.", "subjectStart": 698, "subjectEnd": 701, "subjectText": "his", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 688, "objectEnd": 692, "objectText": "1985", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "21216:675:679:688:692:14", "propertyId": "14", "humanReadable": "<Shad> <DATE_OF_DEATH> <1985>", "annotatedPassage": "<Shad> died in <1985>, and his daughter, Tamara Shad, licensed its back catalogue for reissues.", "subjectStart": 675, "subjectEnd": 679, "subjectText": "Shad", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 688, "objectEnd": 692, "objectText": "1985", "objectUri": "" } ] } ]
Diffbot Knowledge Graph
Paige Boesen Paige Boesen brings more than 20 years of experience to her current role as a datacenter transformation leader in a top cloud services market for Microsoft. Reaching a 15 year milestone in the coming months with the company, her professional reputation has been built as a growth mindset leader, driving IT business transformation across global markets. Another recent highlight of her tenure was a role as EMEA's Partner Business & Development leader. Reporting through the worldwide channel chief, Paige was tasked with coaching subsidiary partner teams in building an ecosystem with partners motivated to sell cloud solutions. This included channel sales activation, positioning of the MPN program, competitive strategies and incentive programs, and management of partner satisfaction. Prior to these roles, Paige served as the global role lead for partner skills development and led a digital business transformation for channel training delivery. The effort was piloted in EMEA markets, and permanently established centralized operational functions across Microsoft Learning and Customer Support to deliver a dynamic, real time training experience for users. Additional benefits were increased reach and training utilization, along with cost reduction. Other unique highlights of her years with Microsoft included spearheading the development of the SMB channel strategy on behalf of the U.S. subsidiary, as well as development of alternative sales channels for Microsoft in partnership with large corporations similarly targeting this segment (MasterCard, Fedex, AT&T). Prior to Microsoft, Paige developed experience spanning several industries, including IT, banking, retail and entertainment. Based on her passion for supporting diversity, she frequently volunteers with organizations like Digi Girlz and Women in IT, with a vision of providing women increased opportunity to make an impact on the technology industry as it evolves to meet the needs of global customers.
[ { "passageId": "1553:1272:1589", "passageStart": 1272, "passageEnd": 1589, "passageText": "Other unique highlights of her years with Microsoft included spearheading the development of the SMB channel strategy on behalf of the U.S. subsidiary, as well as development of alternative sales channels for Microsoft in partnership with large corporations similarly targeting this segment (MasterCard, Fedex, AT&T).", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "1", "propertyName": "SUBSIDIARY_OF", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between a parent company and one of its subsidiaries." } ], "facts": [] } ]
DBpedia Abstract
George Folingsby George Frederick Folingsby (23 August 1828 – 4 January 1891) was an Irish born Australian painter and art educator. Folingsby was born in the County of Wicklow, Ireland. At the age of 18 he emigrated to Canada. Later he went to New York, studied drawing and contributed illustrations to magazines of the day, including Harper's Magazine. In 1852 he went to Munich and spent two years at the drawing school of the Royal Academy. He then went to Paris and for a few months was a pupil of Thomas Couture. Returning to Munich he worked for five years under Carl von Piloty. In 1864, Folingsby's picture Bunyan in prison, was purchased by the National Gallery of Victoria. He continued to live in Munich but occasionally exhibited in Ireland and England; his The first lesson was hung in the Royal Academy in 1869 and Lady Jane’s victory over Bishop Gardener in 1871. He was awarded medals for historical paintings at the exhibitions held at Vienna in 1871 and Philadelphia in 1873. Folingsby arrived in Melbourne, Australia with his ten-year-old daughter, on 1 July 1879. His reputation as a figure painter preceded him and he was quickly sought after as a portraitist, making a living from commissions of eminent members of Melbourne society. Folingsby was offered the position of Master in the School of Painting at the gallery and was appointed on 1 June 1882. In September of that year, he was appointed as the first Director of the National Gallery of Victoria and reorganized the painting school. The practice of making copies of pictures ceased and every encouragement was given to working from life. Among his pupils were John Longstaff and Aby Altson, the winners of the first and second travelling scholarships,[citation needed] and Iso Rae. After the death of Folingsby, Lindsay Bernard Hall was appointed Director of the National Gallery of Victoria.
[ { "passageId": "19460:686:880", "passageStart": 686, "passageEnd": 880, "passageText": "He continued to live in Munich but occasionally exhibited in Ireland and England; his The first lesson was hung in the Royal Academy in 1869 and Lady Jane’s victory over Bishop Gardener in 1871.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "15", "propertyName": "DATE_OF_BIRTH", "propertyDescription": "Describes the date of birth of a person." } ], "facts": [] } ]
DBpedia Abstract
Bucky Brooks William Eldridge (Bucky) Brooks, Jr. (born January 22, 1971) is a sportswriter covering the National Football League for Sports Illustrated and a former professional football player. He played for 5 NFL teams in a 5-year career, primarily as a kick returner. Brooks is in his sixth season as an analyst for NFL Network and He contributes weekly columns, as well as video features including ‘Scout’s Take’ and ‘On the Beat’ on, and offers interactive analysis on the latest NFL topics and headlines with weekly live online chats. For the 2010 season, Brooks returned as an analyst for Thursday Night Football,’s in-game coverage of the Network’s eight live, regular season game broadcasts. Thursday Night Football presents a live show throughout the game including “live look ins” of the game, reports from the field and highlights. He is also a frequent guest on's Dave Dameshek Football Program podcast, appearing approximately once per week. On the DDFP, he specializes in discussing the NFL Draft and to discuss various listicles created for
[ { "passageId": "21990:14:196", "passageStart": 14, "passageEnd": 196, "passageText": "William Eldridge (Bucky) Brooks, Jr. (born January 22, 1971) is a sportswriter covering the National Football League for Sports Illustrated and a former professional football player.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "15", "propertyName": "DATE_OF_BIRTH", "propertyDescription": "Describes the date of birth of a person." } ], "facts": [ { "factId": "21990:14:50:57:73:15", "propertyId": "15", "humanReadable": "<William Eldridge (Bucky) Brooks, Jr.> <DATE_OF_BIRTH> <January 22, 1971>", "annotatedPassage": "<William Eldridge (Bucky) Brooks, Jr.> (born <January 22, 1971>) is a sportswriter covering the National Football League for Sports Illustrated and a former professional football player.", "subjectStart": 14, "subjectEnd": 50, "subjectText": "William Eldridge (Bucky) Brooks, Jr.", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 57, "objectEnd": 73, "objectText": "January 22, 1971", "objectUri": "" } ] } ]
DBpedia Abstract
Julian Popov Julian Popov (born in 1959 in Sofia, Bulgaria) is a Bulgarian-British writer and journalist. In 2013 he was Bulgarian government minister. He is the author of the book English Bulgaria or Switzerland in the Balkans (2004), the novel Island of Mists (2006), co-author of the book "The European Supergrid" and of many comment and opinion articles on energy policies, European integration, low carbon economy and international relations for the Bulgarian, British (BBC Three, The Independent, Financial Times, Huffington Post, The Scotsman), Polish and other European media. as well as for Al Jazeera. Popov has been an advocate for minority groups in Bulgaria, starting a campaign to remove a racist anti-Gypsy group from Facebook and writing articles (for instance for Aljazeera) on the maltreatment of gypsies in Bulgaria and across Europe. He is fellow of the European Climate Foundation, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Buildings Performance Institute Europe, Chairman of the Board of the "Elizabeth Kostova Foundation" for creative writing, and until becoming Cabinet Minister in 2013 served as Chairman of the Board of the Bulgarian School of Politics and as a member of the board of the American University in Bulgaria,. He is member of the Board of Trustees of the New Bulgarian University and Director and Treasurer of the British charity Friends of Bulgaria. He was also the founding CEO of the New Bulgarian University where he introduced distance education to Bulgaria. In 2006 he created the first political blog in the Bulgarian language. Popov was appointed the Minister of Environment and Water in the caretaker government of Bulgaria on 13 March 2013. He left office on 29 May of that year. In 2016 he was recognised as one of the 40 most influential voices in European energy policy under N24 by the Brussels media service EurActiv
[ { "passageId": "28742:1250:1390", "passageStart": 1250, "passageEnd": 1390, "passageText": "He is member of the Board of Trustees of the New Bulgarian University and Director and Treasurer of the British charity Friends of Bulgaria.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "45", "propertyName": "POLITICAL_AFFILIATION", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between a person and her/his political affiliation." } ], "facts": [] }, { "passageId": "28742:1391:1503", "passageStart": 1391, "passageEnd": 1503, "passageText": "He was also the founding CEO of the New Bulgarian University where he introduced distance education to Bulgaria.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "4", "propertyName": "CEO", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between an organization and its CEO." } ], "facts": [ { "factId": "28742:1427:1451:1458:1460:4", "propertyId": "4", "humanReadable": "<New Bulgarian University> <CEO> <he>", "annotatedPassage": "He was also the founding CEO of the <New Bulgarian University> where <he> introduced distance education to Bulgaria.", "subjectStart": 1427, "subjectEnd": 1451, "subjectText": "New Bulgarian University", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 1458, "objectEnd": 1460, "objectText": "he", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "28742:1452:1457:1458:1460:4", "propertyId": "4", "humanReadable": "<where> <CEO> <he>", "annotatedPassage": "He was also the founding CEO of the New Bulgarian University <where> <he> introduced distance education to Bulgaria.", "subjectStart": 1452, "subjectEnd": 1457, "subjectText": "where", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 1458, "objectEnd": 1460, "objectText": "he", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "28742:1427:1451:1391:1393:4", "propertyId": "4", "humanReadable": "<New Bulgarian University> <CEO> <He>", "annotatedPassage": "<He> was also the founding CEO of the <New Bulgarian University> where he introduced distance education to Bulgaria.", "subjectStart": 1427, "subjectEnd": 1451, "subjectText": "New Bulgarian University", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 1391, "objectEnd": 1393, "objectText": "He", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "28742:1452:1457:1391:1393:4", "propertyId": "4", "humanReadable": "<where> <CEO> <He>", "annotatedPassage": "<He> was also the founding CEO of the New Bulgarian University <where> he introduced distance education to Bulgaria.", "subjectStart": 1452, "subjectEnd": 1457, "subjectText": "where", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 1391, "objectEnd": 1393, "objectText": "He", "objectUri": "" } ] } ]
DBpedia Abstract
Les Lancaster Lester Lancaster (born April 21, 1962 in Dallas, Texas), is a former professional baseball player who pitched in the Major Leagues from 1987–1993 and later managed in the minor leagues. He is currently the pitching coach for the Williamsport Crosscutters. Along with fellow reliever Mitch "Wild Thing" Williams, Lancaster helped lead the Chicago Cubs to a surprise 1989 National League East division title. Lancaster played college baseball for the Arkansas Razorbacks and Dallas Baptist University.
[ { "passageId": "18109:15:200", "passageStart": 15, "passageEnd": 200, "passageText": "Lester Lancaster (born April 21, 1962 in Dallas, Texas), is a former professional baseball player who pitched in the Major Leagues from 1987–1993 and later managed in the minor leagues.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "12", "propertyName": "PLACE_OF_BIRTH", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between a person and the location where she/he was born." } ], "facts": [ { "factId": "18109:15:31:64:69:12", "propertyId": "12", "humanReadable": "<Lester Lancaster> <PLACE_OF_BIRTH> <Texas>", "annotatedPassage": "<Lester Lancaster> (born April 21, 1962 in Dallas, <Texas>), is a former professional baseball player who pitched in the Major Leagues from 1987–1993 and later managed in the minor leagues.", "subjectStart": 15, "subjectEnd": 31, "subjectText": "Lester Lancaster", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 64, "objectEnd": 69, "objectText": "Texas", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "18109:113:116:56:62:12", "propertyId": "12", "humanReadable": "<who> <PLACE_OF_BIRTH> <Dallas>", "annotatedPassage": "Lester Lancaster (born April 21, 1962 in <Dallas>, Texas), is a former professional baseball player <who> pitched in the Major Leagues from 1987–1993 and later managed in the minor leagues.", "subjectStart": 113, "subjectEnd": 116, "subjectText": "who", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 56, "objectEnd": 62, "objectText": "Dallas", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "18109:113:116:64:69:12", "propertyId": "12", "humanReadable": "<who> <PLACE_OF_BIRTH> <Texas>", "annotatedPassage": "Lester Lancaster (born April 21, 1962 in Dallas, <Texas>), is a former professional baseball player <who> pitched in the Major Leagues from 1987–1993 and later managed in the minor leagues.", "subjectStart": 113, "subjectEnd": 116, "subjectText": "who", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 64, "objectEnd": 69, "objectText": "Texas", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "18109:15:31:56:62:12", "propertyId": "12", "humanReadable": "<Lester Lancaster> <PLACE_OF_BIRTH> <Dallas>", "annotatedPassage": "<Lester Lancaster> (born April 21, 1962 in <Dallas>, Texas), is a former professional baseball player who pitched in the Major Leagues from 1987–1993 and later managed in the minor leagues.", "subjectStart": 15, "subjectEnd": 31, "subjectText": "Lester Lancaster", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 56, "objectEnd": 62, "objectText": "Dallas", "objectUri": "" } ] } ]
Diffbot Knowledge Graph
Brandon Technology Consulting, Inc. Brandon Technology Consulting, Inc. is a leading information technology company that provides innovative IT services and solutions for our clients' specific business and IT needs. Established in 2000, BTC has established itself as a trusted and highly regarded solutions provider specializing in data management, information assurance, network engineering, cloud computing and IT support and staffing services. BTC is committed to its mission of offering the very best in a broad array of high quality and cost effective IT solutions that enable our clients to increase their competitiveness, improve operational efficiencies and protect critical business information. BTC believes strongly in core values: Integrity, Accountability, Innovation, Education and Community. BTC's capabilities in its service areas are recognized by the Department of Defense agencies and commercial clients across the country. Our information assurance practice currently supports over 30 sites throughout the United States of America. BTC provides the appropriate technologies, expertise, methodologies and teaming arrangements that give us the flexibility to respond to ever-changing technology trends and diverse requirements. BTC is a Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Business. BTC is led by Mr. Leonard Tharpe, President and Chief Executive Officer.
[ { "passageId": "15076:1302:1374", "passageStart": 1302, "passageEnd": 1374, "passageText": "BTC is led by Mr. Leonard Tharpe, President and Chief Executive Officer.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "4", "propertyName": "CEO", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between an organization and its CEO." } ], "facts": [ { "factId": "15076:1302:1305:1320:1334:4", "propertyId": "4", "humanReadable": "<BTC> <CEO> <Leonard Tharpe>", "annotatedPassage": "<BTC> is led by Mr. <Leonard Tharpe>, President and Chief Executive Officer.", "subjectStart": 1302, "subjectEnd": 1305, "subjectText": "BTC", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 1320, "objectEnd": 1334, "objectText": "Leonard Tharpe", "objectUri": "" } ] } ]
DBpedia Abstract
Solomon Taylor North Solomon Taylor North (May 24, 1853 – October 19, 1917) was a Republican member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Pennsylvania. Solomon T. North was born in Jefferson County, Pennsylvania. He taught school for six years and served as a school director for twenty years. He also worked as a lumber merchant, farmer, and banker. He was a member of the Pennsylvania National Guard. He was a delegate to the Republican State Convention in 1898. He served as director of the Punxsutawney National Bank and a member of the board of education. He was a member of the Pennsylvania State House of Representatives from 1905 to 1907, 1911, and 1913. North was elected as a Republican to the Sixty-fourth Congress. He was an unsuccessful candidate for renomination in 1916. He died near Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. Interment in Circle Hill Cemetery.
[ { "passageId": "29010:566:667", "passageStart": 566, "passageEnd": 667, "passageText": "He was a member of the Pennsylvania State House of Representatives from 1905 to 1907, 1911, and 1913.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "45", "propertyName": "POLITICAL_AFFILIATION", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between a person and her/his political affiliation." } ], "facts": [] }, { "passageId": "29010:22:156", "passageStart": 22, "passageEnd": 156, "passageText": "Solomon Taylor North (May 24, 1853 – October 19, 1917) was a Republican member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Pennsylvania.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "45", "propertyName": "POLITICAL_AFFILIATION", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between a person and her/his political affiliation." } ], "facts": [ { "factId": "29010:22:42:83:93:45", "propertyId": "45", "humanReadable": "<Solomon Taylor North> <POLITICAL_AFFILIATION> <Republican>", "annotatedPassage": "<Solomon Taylor North> (May 24, 1853 – October 19, 1917) was a <Republican> member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Pennsylvania.", "subjectStart": 22, "subjectEnd": 42, "subjectText": "Solomon Taylor North", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 83, "objectEnd": 93, "objectText": "Republican", "objectUri": "" } ] } ]
DBpedia Abstract
Christopher Morris (news presenter) Christopher Morris (born 28 March 1938) is a British news presenter, journalist and author. His most high-profile roles were those of television newsreader and special correspondent for BBC News and senior news presenter and foreign correspondent for Sky News, the first 24-hour satellite television news channel in the United Kingdom launched by British Sky Broadcasting in 1989. During a career in broadcasting and journalism spanning 60 years he has reported from 120 countries, including 16 wars, and nearly lost his life in a series of minefield explosions while covering the Turkish invasion of Cyprus in 1974.
[ { "passageId": "23999:37:128", "passageStart": 37, "passageEnd": 128, "passageText": "Christopher Morris (born 28 March 1938) is a British news presenter, journalist and author.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "15", "propertyName": "DATE_OF_BIRTH", "propertyDescription": "Describes the date of birth of a person." } ], "facts": [ { "factId": "23999:37:55:62:75:15", "propertyId": "15", "humanReadable": "<Christopher Morris> <DATE_OF_BIRTH> <28 March 1938>", "annotatedPassage": "<Christopher Morris> (born <28 March 1938>) is a British news presenter, journalist and author.", "subjectStart": 37, "subjectEnd": 55, "subjectText": "Christopher Morris", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 62, "objectEnd": 75, "objectText": "28 March 1938", "objectUri": "" } ] } ]
Diffbot Knowledge Graph
Tailwaggers Of Av Pet grooming, bathing, nail trimming, ear cleaning, anal gland expressing and we will also trim bird wings and nails. We will also do scissor trims on most breeds of dogs.In the near future we will include some retail. Established in 2013. As employees of Critter Country for many years we relocated to Lancaster in July of last year after Critter country closed its doors. I grew up in Northridge California, then about 1975 moved to Georgia where I learned to groom approximately 35 years ago, I worked in various places around town then finally settled in at Critter Country where I worked the last 17 years, when they closed I decided to open Tailwaggers.My staff and I have worked together for many years and we are excited about the new adventure.
[ { "passageId": "11269:393:772", "passageStart": 393, "passageEnd": 772, "passageText": "I grew up in Northridge California, then about 1975 moved to Georgia where I learned to groom approximately 35 years ago, I worked in various places around town then finally settled in at Critter Country where I worked the last 17 years, when they closed I decided to open Tailwaggers.My staff and I have worked together for many years and we are excited about the new adventure.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "12", "propertyName": "PLACE_OF_BIRTH", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between a person and the location where she/he was born." }, { "propertyId": "6", "propertyName": "HEADQUARTERS", "propertyDescription": "Describes the specific location where an organization's headquarters is or has been situated." }, { "propertyId": "10", "propertyName": "NATIONALITY", "propertyDescription": "Describes he country of a person's citizenship or country in which the person is deemed a national." } ], "facts": [] } ]
DBpedia Abstract
Robert Morris Montgomery Robert Morris Montgomery (May 12, 1849 - June 27, 1920) was a Justice of the Michigan Supreme Court, and a judge of the United States Court of Customs and Patent Appeals. Montgomery was in the United States Army, Seventh Michigan Cavalry, during the American Civil War, in 1864. He read law to be admitted to the bar in 1870, entering private practice in Pentwater, Michigan, in 1871. He was an assistant assessor of internal revenue for the state of Michigan prior to 1873, and prosecuting attorney for Oceana County from 1873–1879, also maintaining a private practice in Grand Rapids, Michigan from 1873 to 1877, and serving as an assistant U.S. Attorney, for the Western District of Michigan for 1877 to 1881. His judicial career began with service as a judge of the Seventeenth Judicial Circuit of Michigan, from 1881 to 1888. After a brief return to private practice, Montgomery became an Associate Justice of the Michigan Supreme Court in 1892. He served on that court until 1910, including stints as Chief Justice from 1900 to 1901, and in 1910. Nominated to the U.S. Court of Customs Appeals by President William Howard Taft, Montgomery was confirmed by the United States Senate on March 30, 1910. He served as presiding judge from 1910 until his death, in 1920.
[ { "passageId": "23316:26:196", "passageStart": 26, "passageEnd": 196, "passageText": "Robert Morris Montgomery (May 12, 1849 - June 27, 1920) was a Justice of the Michigan Supreme Court, and a judge of the United States Court of Customs and Patent Appeals.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "15", "propertyName": "DATE_OF_BIRTH", "propertyDescription": "Describes the date of birth of a person." } ], "facts": [ { "factId": "23316:26:50:52:64:15", "propertyId": "15", "humanReadable": "<Robert Morris Montgomery> <DATE_OF_BIRTH> <May 12, 1849>", "annotatedPassage": "<Robert Morris Montgomery> (<May 12, 1849> - June 27, 1920) was a Justice of the Michigan Supreme Court, and a judge of the United States Court of Customs and Patent Appeals.", "subjectStart": 26, "subjectEnd": 50, "subjectText": "Robert Morris Montgomery", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 52, "objectEnd": 64, "objectText": "May 12, 1849", "objectUri": "" } ] } ]
Diffbot Knowledge Graph
Kari Lody I've been with Avon since June, 1983 and Mary Kay since August 2013. I enjoy selling cosmetics, etc., online to people all over the USA! I've met so many new friends over the years, mostly through Facebook, Listia, and other social media sites, who I have become great friends with, and are also my new Avon and/or Mary Kay customers! Besides selling, I am happy to say that I am an awesome proof reader! If there is a typo, I will find it! If there are typos in here, my new iPhone phone did it! Lol!! I've been married for 27 years now to a wonderful man, Gene, and we have an intelligent 19 year old son, Cory Lody, who is majoring in Computer Science, and works the Computer Help Desk, at Trinity Christian College in Palos Heights, IL. He is my personal "Geek Squad"!
[ { "passageId": "9475:514:751", "passageStart": 514, "passageEnd": 751, "passageText": "I've been married for 27 years now to a wonderful man, Gene, and we have an intelligent 19 year old son, Cory Lody, who is majoring in Computer Science, and works the Computer Help Desk, at Trinity Christian College in Palos Heights, IL.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "9", "propertyName": "EDUCATED_AT", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between a person and the institution where she/he studied." }, { "propertyId": "25", "propertyName": "SPOUSE", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between a person and her/his spouse." } ], "facts": [ { "factId": "9475:569:573:514:515:25", "propertyId": "25", "humanReadable": "<Gene> <SPOUSE> <I>", "annotatedPassage": "<I>'ve been married for 27 years now to a wonderful man, <Gene>, and we have an intelligent 19 year old son, Cory Lody, who is majoring in Computer Science, and works the Computer Help Desk, at Trinity Christian College in Palos Heights, IL.", "subjectStart": 569, "subjectEnd": 573, "subjectText": "Gene", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 514, "objectEnd": 515, "objectText": "I", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "9475:514:515:569:573:25", "propertyId": "25", "humanReadable": "<I> <SPOUSE> <Gene>", "annotatedPassage": "<I>'ve been married for 27 years now to a wonderful man, <Gene>, and we have an intelligent 19 year old son, Cory Lody, who is majoring in Computer Science, and works the Computer Help Desk, at Trinity Christian College in Palos Heights, IL.", "subjectStart": 514, "subjectEnd": 515, "subjectText": "I", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 569, "objectEnd": 573, "objectText": "Gene", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "9475:630:633:704:729:9", "propertyId": "9", "humanReadable": "<who> <EDUCATED_AT> <Trinity Christian College>", "annotatedPassage": "I've been married for 27 years now to a wonderful man, Gene, and we have an intelligent 19 year old son, Cory Lody, <who> is majoring in Computer Science, and works the Computer Help Desk, at <Trinity Christian College> in Palos Heights, IL.", "subjectStart": 630, "subjectEnd": 633, "subjectText": "who", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 704, "objectEnd": 729, "objectText": "Trinity Christian College", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "9475:619:628:704:729:9", "propertyId": "9", "humanReadable": "<Cory Lody> <EDUCATED_AT> <Trinity Christian College>", "annotatedPassage": "I've been married for 27 years now to a wonderful man, Gene, and we have an intelligent 19 year old son, <Cory Lody>, who is majoring in Computer Science, and works the Computer Help Desk, at <Trinity Christian College> in Palos Heights, IL.", "subjectStart": 619, "subjectEnd": 628, "subjectText": "Cory Lody", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 704, "objectEnd": 729, "objectText": "Trinity Christian College", "objectUri": "" } ] }, { "passageId": "9475:148:345", "passageStart": 148, "passageEnd": 345, "passageText": "I've met so many new friends over the years, mostly through Facebook, Listia, and other social media sites, who I have become great friends with, and are also my new Avon and/or Mary Kay customers!", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "25", "propertyName": "SPOUSE", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between a person and her/his spouse." } ], "facts": [] } ]
DBpedia Abstract
Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization The Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO) is a Tunis-based institution of the Arab League, established in accordance with article 3 of the Arab Cultural Unity Charter by an announcement made in Cairo, Egypt, on 25 July 1970. ALECSO works to coordinate cultural and educational activities in the Arab world. Among its various activities, subsidiary ALECSO institutions have been established across the Arab world:
[ { "passageId": "27939:63:320", "passageStart": 63, "passageEnd": 320, "passageText": "The Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO) is a Tunis-based institution of the Arab League, established in accordance with article 3 of the Arab Cultural Unity Charter by an announcement made in Cairo, Egypt, on 25 July 1970.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "2", "propertyName": "FOUNDED_BY", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between an organization and its founder or co-founder." } ], "facts": [] } ]
Diffbot Knowledge Graph
ahmad islam Ahmad Shamsul Islam (born August 6, 1924) is a Bangladeshi scientist and educator. He was awarded Ekushey Padak in 1987 by the Government of Bangladesh for his contribution to education. He is serving as a Professor of the Department of Botany at the University of Dhaka.
[ { "passageId": "29880:200:284", "passageStart": 200, "passageEnd": 284, "passageText": "He is serving as a Professor of the Department of Botany at the University of Dhaka.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "9", "propertyName": "EDUCATED_AT", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between a person and the institution where she/he studied." } ], "facts": [] } ]
Diffbot Knowledge Graph
Badr bin Seif Badr bin Saif, or Bedr bin Seif (died 1806) was a member of the Al Said dynasty of Oman. In 1804 he became regent while the heirs to the sultanate were minors. When he attempted to increase his power in 1806 he was killed.
[ { "passageId": "29659:15:103", "passageStart": 15, "passageEnd": 103, "passageText": "Badr bin Saif, or Bedr bin Seif (died 1806) was a member of the Al Said dynasty of Oman.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "14", "propertyName": "DATE_OF_DEATH", "propertyDescription": "Describes the date of death of a person." } ], "facts": [ { "factId": "29659:33:46:53:57:14", "propertyId": "14", "humanReadable": "<Bedr bin Seif> <DATE_OF_DEATH> <1806>", "annotatedPassage": "Badr bin Saif, or <Bedr bin Seif> (died <1806>) was a member of the Al Said dynasty of Oman.", "subjectStart": 33, "subjectEnd": 46, "subjectText": "Bedr bin Seif", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 53, "objectEnd": 57, "objectText": "1806", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "29659:15:28:53:57:14", "propertyId": "14", "humanReadable": "<Badr bin Saif> <DATE_OF_DEATH> <1806>", "annotatedPassage": "<Badr bin Saif>, or Bedr bin Seif (died <1806>) was a member of the Al Said dynasty of Oman.", "subjectStart": 15, "subjectEnd": 28, "subjectText": "Badr bin Saif", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 53, "objectEnd": 57, "objectText": "1806", "objectUri": "" } ] } ]
Diffbot Knowledge Graph
Thomas Miller I helped found and lead the Vermont Kids Against Tobacco club and the Vermont Student Drug and Alcohol Prevention Society in my high school in Vermont. While within those clubs, myself and the other members organized several rallies, as well as parades and lengthy debates with the Vermont Government and Senators. I did a fair amount of volunteer work including hiking trail maintenance, church grounds cleaning, and painting for the community. Since then I have moved to Florida, finished high school, and have now completed college. I started DeVry University upon graduating high school in June of 2010. I am now an alumni of the Electronic and Computer Technologies degree program. While at DeVry I had a job as a student worker, tutoring math, physics, computer hardware, English grammar and composition, and Psychology. I also assisted faculty members when they need aid within the class room. Within weeks of graduating from DeVry, I was given the opportunity to work at Lead'Air, a company originating in Europe, and taking the lead in Aeronautical Mapping and Landscaping here in America. Though my time at Lead'Air was great, I found myself to not be 100% in love with what I was doing and where I was in life. I packed everything up and moved over a thousand miles to the north, back to Vermont where I grew up. I started the long and grueling task of a job hunt here in Vermont. It took me about 12 weeks to find a job, but the one I found was well worth the hard work. I am now the Repair Technician of LPA Design, AKA PocketWizard, in South Burlington, Vermont. I'm really enjoying what I do and who I work with, and I can only imagine this opening better doors for me. At LPA Design we work with professional cameras from professional photographers, and we allow the photographers to trigger any and all of their cameras (and flashes) with a single press of a button. It's more complex than that though, and I'm very happy to have learned that while here at LPA.
[ { "passageId": "10136:1237:1338", "passageStart": 1237, "passageEnd": 1338, "passageText": "I packed everything up and moved over a thousand miles to the north, back to Vermont where I grew up.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "12", "propertyName": "PLACE_OF_BIRTH", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between a person and the location where she/he was born." }, { "propertyId": "10", "propertyName": "NATIONALITY", "propertyDescription": "Describes he country of a person's citizenship or country in which the person is deemed a national." }, { "propertyId": "11", "propertyName": "PLACE_OF_RESIDENCE", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between a person and the location where she/he lives/lived." } ], "facts": [ { "factId": "10136:1237:1238:1314:1321:11", "propertyId": "11", "humanReadable": "<I> <PLACE_OF_RESIDENCE> <Vermont>", "annotatedPassage": "<I> packed everything up and moved over a thousand miles to the north, back to <Vermont> where I grew up.", "subjectStart": 1237, "subjectEnd": 1238, "subjectText": "I", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 1314, "objectEnd": 1321, "objectText": "Vermont", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "10136:1328:1329:1314:1321:11", "propertyId": "11", "humanReadable": "<I> <PLACE_OF_RESIDENCE> <Vermont>", "annotatedPassage": "I packed everything up and moved over a thousand miles to the north, back to <Vermont> where <I> grew up.", "subjectStart": 1328, "subjectEnd": 1329, "subjectText": "I", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 1314, "objectEnd": 1321, "objectText": "Vermont", "objectUri": "" } ] } ]
DBpedia Abstract
Roger Myerson Roger Bruce Myerson (born March 29, 1951) is an American economist and winner of the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, sometimes referred to as the "Nobel Prize" for economics, with Leonid Hurwicz and Eric Maskin for "having laid the foundations of mechanism design theory." A professor at the University of Chicago, he has made contributions as an economist and as a political scientist.
[ { "passageId": "5034:328:441", "passageStart": 328, "passageEnd": 441, "passageText": "A professor at the University of Chicago, he has made contributions as an economist and as a political scientist.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "3", "propertyName": "EMPLOYEE_OR_MEMBER_OF", "propertyDescription": "Describes the previous/current employer of a person." } ], "facts": [ { "factId": "5034:370:372:347:368:3", "propertyId": "3", "humanReadable": "<he> <EMPLOYEE_OR_MEMBER_OF> <University of Chicago>", "annotatedPassage": "A professor at the <University of Chicago>, <he> has made contributions as an economist and as a political scientist.", "subjectStart": 370, "subjectEnd": 372, "subjectText": "he", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 347, "objectEnd": 368, "objectText": "University of Chicago", "objectUri": "" } ] }, { "passageId": "5034:15:327", "passageStart": 15, "passageEnd": 327, "passageText": "Roger Bruce Myerson (born March 29, 1951) is an American economist and winner of the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, sometimes referred to as the \"Nobel Prize\" for economics, with Leonid Hurwicz and Eric Maskin for \"having laid the foundations of mechanism design theory.\"", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "12", "propertyName": "PLACE_OF_BIRTH", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between a person and the location where she/he was born." }, { "propertyId": "10", "propertyName": "NATIONALITY", "propertyDescription": "Describes he country of a person's citizenship or country in which the person is deemed a national." }, { "propertyId": "15", "propertyName": "DATE_OF_BIRTH", "propertyDescription": "Describes the date of birth of a person." } ], "facts": [ { "factId": "5034:15:34:41:55:15", "propertyId": "15", "humanReadable": "<Roger Bruce Myerson> <DATE_OF_BIRTH> <March 29, 1951>", "annotatedPassage": "<Roger Bruce Myerson> (born <March 29, 1951>) is an American economist and winner of the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, sometimes referred to as the \"Nobel Prize\" for economics, with Leonid Hurwicz and Eric Maskin for \"having laid the foundations of mechanism design theory.\"", "subjectStart": 15, "subjectEnd": 34, "subjectText": "Roger Bruce Myerson", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 41, "objectEnd": 55, "objectText": "March 29, 1951", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "5034:15:34:63:71:10", "propertyId": "10", "humanReadable": "<Roger Bruce Myerson> <NATIONALITY> <American>", "annotatedPassage": "<Roger Bruce Myerson> (born March 29, 1951) is an <American> economist and winner of the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, sometimes referred to as the \"Nobel Prize\" for economics, with Leonid Hurwicz and Eric Maskin for \"having laid the foundations of mechanism design theory.\"", "subjectStart": 15, "subjectEnd": 34, "subjectText": "Roger Bruce Myerson", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 63, "objectEnd": 71, "objectText": "American", "objectUri": "" } ] } ]
DBpedia Abstract
Manny Roth Manuel Lee Roth (November 25, 1919 – July 25, 2014) was an American nightclub owner and entertainment entrepreneur. Roth owned the New York establishment Cafe Wha? In the early 1960s, Cafe Wha? provided a stage for amateur acts such as Bob Dylan and Bill Cosby. David Lee Roth, best known as the lead vocalist for the band Van Halen, is his nephew. Some biographical information, as well as several of Manny's stories, are chronicled in Crazy From The Heat, an autobiography written by David. Manny was David's first guest on The David Lee Roth Show, a morning drive CBS Radio program which premiered January 3, 2006. He told first person accounts of meeting Jimi Hendrix, Richard Pryor, Bob Dylan, and Bill Cosby, among others. Roth was born on November 25, 1919, in New Castle, Indiana. Manny Roth was married to Marlyse Medel. He died at his Ojai, California home on July 25, 2014 from natural causes.
[ { "passageId": "16300:842:916", "passageStart": 842, "passageEnd": 916, "passageText": "He died at his Ojai, California home on July 25, 2014 from natural causes.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "14", "propertyName": "DATE_OF_DEATH", "propertyDescription": "Describes the date of death of a person." } ], "facts": [ { "factId": "16300:842:844:882:895:14", "propertyId": "14", "humanReadable": "<He> <DATE_OF_DEATH> <July 25, 2014>", "annotatedPassage": "<He> died at his Ojai, California home on <July 25, 2014> from natural causes.", "subjectStart": 842, "subjectEnd": 844, "subjectText": "He", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 882, "objectEnd": 895, "objectText": "July 25, 2014", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "16300:853:856:882:895:14", "propertyId": "14", "humanReadable": "<his> <DATE_OF_DEATH> <July 25, 2014>", "annotatedPassage": "He died at <his> Ojai, California home on <July 25, 2014> from natural causes.", "subjectStart": 853, "subjectEnd": 856, "subjectText": "his", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 882, "objectEnd": 895, "objectText": "July 25, 2014", "objectUri": "" } ] }, { "passageId": "16300:12:127", "passageStart": 12, "passageEnd": 127, "passageText": "Manuel Lee Roth (November 25, 1919 – July 25, 2014) was an American nightclub owner and entertainment entrepreneur.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "15", "propertyName": "DATE_OF_BIRTH", "propertyDescription": "Describes the date of birth of a person." } ], "facts": [ { "factId": "16300:12:27:29:46:15", "propertyId": "15", "humanReadable": "<Manuel Lee Roth> <DATE_OF_BIRTH> <November 25, 1919>", "annotatedPassage": "<Manuel Lee Roth> (<November 25, 1919> – July 25, 2014) was an American nightclub owner and entertainment entrepreneur.", "subjectStart": 12, "subjectEnd": 27, "subjectText": "Manuel Lee Roth", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 29, "objectEnd": 46, "objectText": "November 25, 1919", "objectUri": "" } ] } ]
DBpedia Abstract
South East Texas Regional Planning Commission The South East Texas Regional Planning Commission (SETRPC) is a voluntary association of cities, counties and special districts in Southeast Texas. It provides support to its members in several areas including grant and budget administration, aging assistance, community development, disaster recovery, emergency communications, children at risk, Homeland Security initiatives, public safety liaison services, substance abuse prevention coordination, transportation, and environmental services. Based in Beaumont, the South East Texas Regional Planning Commission is a member of the Texas Association of Regional Councils.
[ { "passageId": "8926:542:669", "passageStart": 542, "passageEnd": 669, "passageText": "Based in Beaumont, the South East Texas Regional Planning Commission is a member of the Texas Association of Regional Councils.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "6", "propertyName": "HEADQUARTERS", "propertyDescription": "Describes the specific location where an organization's headquarters is or has been situated." } ], "facts": [ { "factId": "8926:565:610:551:559:6", "propertyId": "6", "humanReadable": "<South East Texas Regional Planning Commission> <HEADQUARTERS> <Beaumont>", "annotatedPassage": "Based in <Beaumont>, the <South East Texas Regional Planning Commission> is a member of the Texas Association of Regional Councils.", "subjectStart": 565, "subjectEnd": 610, "subjectText": "South East Texas Regional Planning Commission", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 551, "objectEnd": 559, "objectText": "Beaumont", "objectUri": "" } ] } ]
DBpedia Abstract
Geneviève Waïte Geneviève Waïte (born 13 February 1948) is a South African actress, singer and former model. She married John Phillips (of The Mamas & the Papas) on 31 January 1972, and they had two children, Tamerlane Phillips and Bijou Phillips. They divorced in 1985. She later married Norman Buntaine; they later separated.
[ { "passageId": "15730:110:248", "passageStart": 110, "passageEnd": 248, "passageText": "She married John Phillips (of The Mamas & the Papas) on 31 January 1972, and they had two children, Tamerlane Phillips and Bijou Phillips.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "34", "propertyName": "CHILD_OF", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between a person and his/her parent." } ], "facts": [ { "factId": "15730:233:247:122:135:34", "propertyId": "34", "humanReadable": "<Bijou Phillips> <CHILD_OF> <John Phillips>", "annotatedPassage": "She married <John Phillips> (of The Mamas & the Papas) on 31 January 1972, and they had two children, Tamerlane Phillips and <Bijou Phillips>.", "subjectStart": 233, "subjectEnd": 247, "subjectText": "Bijou Phillips", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 122, "objectEnd": 135, "objectText": "John Phillips", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "15730:233:247:187:191:34", "propertyId": "34", "humanReadable": "<Bijou Phillips> <CHILD_OF> <they>", "annotatedPassage": "She married John Phillips (of The Mamas & the Papas) on 31 January 1972, and <they> had two children, Tamerlane Phillips and <Bijou Phillips>.", "subjectStart": 233, "subjectEnd": 247, "subjectText": "Bijou Phillips", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 187, "objectEnd": 191, "objectText": "they", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "15730:233:247:110:113:34", "propertyId": "34", "humanReadable": "<Bijou Phillips> <CHILD_OF> <She>", "annotatedPassage": "<She> married John Phillips (of The Mamas & the Papas) on 31 January 1972, and they had two children, Tamerlane Phillips and <Bijou Phillips>.", "subjectStart": 233, "subjectEnd": 247, "subjectText": "Bijou Phillips", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 110, "objectEnd": 113, "objectText": "She", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "15730:210:228:110:113:34", "propertyId": "34", "humanReadable": "<Tamerlane Phillips> <CHILD_OF> <She>", "annotatedPassage": "<She> married John Phillips (of The Mamas & the Papas) on 31 January 1972, and they had two children, <Tamerlane Phillips> and Bijou Phillips.", "subjectStart": 210, "subjectEnd": 228, "subjectText": "Tamerlane Phillips", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 110, "objectEnd": 113, "objectText": "She", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "15730:210:228:187:191:34", "propertyId": "34", "humanReadable": "<Tamerlane Phillips> <CHILD_OF> <they>", "annotatedPassage": "She married John Phillips (of The Mamas & the Papas) on 31 January 1972, and <they> had two children, <Tamerlane Phillips> and Bijou Phillips.", "subjectStart": 210, "subjectEnd": 228, "subjectText": "Tamerlane Phillips", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 187, "objectEnd": 191, "objectText": "they", "objectUri": "" } ] } ]
Diffbot Knowledge Graph
Q-dance Q-Dance is a Dutch company that organizes events and festivals that focuses on the harder styles of dance music-mainly Hardstyle, Hardcore, and Hard Trance. Popular events and festivals organized by Q-Dance are Defqon.1 Festival, Q-BASE, Qlimax, and X-Qlusive. The events of Q-Dance are easily identified by the letter “Q” on the event names. The logo of Q-Dance is inspired by the knobs on DJ mixers, which if turned 120 degrees to the right creates the letter “Q”.
[ { "passageId": "26810:9:165", "passageStart": 9, "passageEnd": 165, "passageText": "Q-Dance is a Dutch company that organizes events and festivals that focuses on the harder styles of dance music-mainly Hardstyle, Hardcore, and Hard Trance.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "10", "propertyName": "NATIONALITY", "propertyDescription": "Describes he country of a person's citizenship or country in which the person is deemed a national." } ], "facts": [] } ]
DBpedia Abstract
Carl Dale (baseball) James Carl Dale (born December 7, 1972) is an American former Major League Baseball player. A pitcher, Dale played for the Milwaukee Brewers in 1999. Dale attended Winthrop University.
[ { "passageId": "7971:22:113", "passageStart": 22, "passageEnd": 113, "passageText": "James Carl Dale (born December 7, 1972) is an American former Major League Baseball player.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "12", "propertyName": "PLACE_OF_BIRTH", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between a person and the location where she/he was born." } ], "facts": [] }, { "passageId": "7971:172:206", "passageStart": 172, "passageEnd": 206, "passageText": "Dale attended Winthrop University.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "9", "propertyName": "EDUCATED_AT", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between a person and the institution where she/he studied." } ], "facts": [ { "factId": "7971:172:176:186:205:9", "propertyId": "9", "humanReadable": "<Dale> <EDUCATED_AT> <Winthrop University>", "annotatedPassage": "<Dale> attended <Winthrop University>.", "subjectStart": 172, "subjectEnd": 176, "subjectText": "Dale", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 186, "objectEnd": 205, "objectText": "Winthrop University", "objectUri": "" } ] } ]
Diffbot Knowledge Graph
Peter Wakefield Sir Peter George Arthur Wakefield CMG KBE (born 13 May 1922, in London, died 1 December 2010 in Richmond, London) was a British diplomat and art fund director. He served as a diplomat in Amman, Nicosia, Cairo, Vienna, Tokyo and Benghazi and as the United Kingdom's Ambassador in Lebanon and Belgium. Following his retirement from the diplomatic service, Sir Peter was appointed director of the National Art Collections Fund.
[ { "passageId": "29613:17:176", "passageStart": 17, "passageEnd": 176, "passageText": "Sir Peter George Arthur Wakefield CMG KBE (born 13 May 1922, in London, died 1 December 2010 in Richmond, London) was a British diplomat and art fund director.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "14", "propertyName": "DATE_OF_DEATH", "propertyDescription": "Describes the date of death of a person." }, { "propertyId": "10", "propertyName": "NATIONALITY", "propertyDescription": "Describes he country of a person's citizenship or country in which the person is deemed a national." } ], "facts": [ { "factId": "29613:21:50:137:144:10", "propertyId": "10", "humanReadable": "<Peter George Arthur Wakefield> <NATIONALITY> <British>", "annotatedPassage": "Sir <Peter George Arthur Wakefield> CMG KBE (born 13 May 1922, in London, died 1 December 2010 in Richmond, London) was a <British> diplomat and art fund director.", "subjectStart": 21, "subjectEnd": 50, "subjectText": "Peter George Arthur Wakefield", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 137, "objectEnd": 144, "objectText": "British", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "29613:21:50:94:109:14", "propertyId": "14", "humanReadable": "<Peter George Arthur Wakefield> <DATE_OF_DEATH> <1 December 2010>", "annotatedPassage": "Sir <Peter George Arthur Wakefield> CMG KBE (born 13 May 1922, in London, died <1 December 2010> in Richmond, London) was a British diplomat and art fund director.", "subjectStart": 21, "subjectEnd": 50, "subjectText": "Peter George Arthur Wakefield", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 94, "objectEnd": 109, "objectText": "1 December 2010", "objectUri": "" } ] } ]
DBpedia Abstract
Philip Odera Philip Odera is an economist, businessman and bank executive in Kenya, the largest economy in the East African Community. He is the current designate Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of CfC Stanbic Bank Limited, a Kenyan financial institution, with total assets valued at approximately US$2 billion (KES:180.51 billion), as of December 2013. Prior to that, from 2007 until 2014, he served as the CEO and Managing Director of Stanbic Bank Uganda, the largest commercial bank in Uganda.
[ { "passageId": "7194:136:368", "passageStart": 136, "passageEnd": 368, "passageText": "He is the current designate Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of CfC Stanbic Bank Limited, a Kenyan financial institution, with total assets valued at approximately US$2 billion (KES:180.51 billion), as of December 2013.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "4", "propertyName": "CEO", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between an organization and its CEO." } ], "facts": [ { "factId": "7194:213:237:136:138:4", "propertyId": "4", "humanReadable": "<CfC Stanbic Bank Limited> <CEO> <He>", "annotatedPassage": "<He> is the current designate Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of <CfC Stanbic Bank Limited>, a Kenyan financial institution, with total assets valued at approximately US$2 billion (KES:180.51 billion), as of December 2013.", "subjectStart": 213, "subjectEnd": 237, "subjectText": "CfC Stanbic Bank Limited", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 136, "objectEnd": 138, "objectText": "He", "objectUri": "" } ] }, { "passageId": "7194:369:511", "passageStart": 369, "passageEnd": 511, "passageText": "Prior to that, from 2007 until 2014, he served as the CEO and Managing Director of Stanbic Bank Uganda, the largest commercial bank in Uganda.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "4", "propertyName": "CEO", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between an organization and its CEO." } ], "facts": [ { "factId": "7194:452:471:406:408:4", "propertyId": "4", "humanReadable": "<Stanbic Bank Uganda> <CEO> <he>", "annotatedPassage": "Prior to that, from 2007 until 2014, <he> served as the CEO and Managing Director of <Stanbic Bank Uganda>, the largest commercial bank in Uganda.", "subjectStart": 452, "subjectEnd": 471, "subjectText": "Stanbic Bank Uganda", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 406, "objectEnd": 408, "objectText": "he", "objectUri": "" } ] } ]
DBpedia Abstract
Pinocchio (1992 film) Pinocchio is a direct-to-video 49-minute animated film originally released on May 11, 1992. It is based on the classic children's novel of the same name by Italian author Carlo Collodi and adapted by Roger Scott Olsen. The film was produced by Diane Eskenazi of American Film Investment Corporation II (later Golden Films) and was originally distributed by Trimark Pictures. In subsequent years, the distribution rights were transferred to GoodTimes Entertainment, which it held until Gaiam acquired its assets in 2005, after GoodTimes filed for bankruptcy. The film is currently available on DVD under the "Collectible Classics" label.
[ { "passageId": "19353:23:114", "passageStart": 23, "passageEnd": 114, "passageText": "Pinocchio is a direct-to-video 49-minute animated film originally released on May 11, 1992.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "15", "propertyName": "DATE_OF_BIRTH", "propertyDescription": "Describes the date of birth of a person." } ], "facts": [] } ]
DBpedia Abstract
Karen O'Connor (professor) Karen O'Connor (born c. 1951) is a political science professor at American University in Washington, D.C., where she is also the Founder and Director Emerita of the Women & Politics Institute. She also sits on the editorial board of the Journal of Women, Politics & Policy. O'Connor earned her B.A., J.D., and Ph. D. degrees from SUNY-Buffalo. She taught at Emory University from 1977 until moving to American University in 1995. O'Connor has written, co-authored, or edited several books, including American Government: Continuity and Change, 10th ed. (2009) and Women, Politics and American Society, 4th ed. (2004), Women in Congress: Running, Winning and Ruling (2002), and No Neutral Ground: Abortion Politics in an Age of Absolutes (1996). She has published numerous monographs, book chapters, and articles in the leading social science and political science journals and law reviews. She is also an active member of the American Political Science Association, the past chair of the Law and Courts section of the APSA, the past president of the Women's Caucus for Political Science, Southern Political Science Association and the National Capital Area Political Science Association. She is also a member of various editorial boards, including Law & Policy. In June 2005, O'Connor testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee on the effect of Roe v. Wade.
[ { "passageId": "29266:918:1215", "passageStart": 918, "passageEnd": 1215, "passageText": "She is also an active member of the American Political Science Association, the past chair of the Law and Courts section of the APSA, the past president of the Women's Caucus for Political Science, Southern Political Science Association and the National Capital Area Political Science Association.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "45", "propertyName": "POLITICAL_AFFILIATION", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between a person and her/his political affiliation." } ], "facts": [] }, { "passageId": "29266:28:220", "passageStart": 28, "passageEnd": 220, "passageText": "Karen O'Connor (born c. 1951) is a political science professor at American University in Washington, D.C., where she is also the Founder and Director Emerita of the Women & Politics Institute.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "45", "propertyName": "POLITICAL_AFFILIATION", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between a person and her/his political affiliation." } ], "facts": [] }, { "passageId": "29266:372:457", "passageStart": 372, "passageEnd": 457, "passageText": "She taught at Emory University from 1977 until moving to American University in 1995.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "9", "propertyName": "EDUCATED_AT", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between a person and the institution where she/he studied." } ], "facts": [] } ]
DBpedia Abstract
2000 Michigan State Spartans football team The 2000 Michigan State Spartans football team represented Michigan State University in the 2000 college football season.The Spartans played their home games at Spartan Stadium in East Lansing, Michigan. This was the first year for head coach Bobby Williams, who took over the program after previous head coach Nick Saban had left to take the head coaching position at LSU.
[ { "passageId": "25122:44:247", "passageStart": 44, "passageEnd": 247, "passageText": "The 2000 Michigan State Spartans football team represented Michigan State University in the 2000 college football season.The Spartans played their home games at Spartan Stadium in East Lansing, Michigan.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "11", "propertyName": "PLACE_OF_RESIDENCE", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between a person and the location where she/he lives/lived." } ], "facts": [] } ]
Diffbot Knowledge Graph
Stohlman Subaru Welcome to Stohlman Subaru of Tysons Corner! Please note the Stohlman family of dealerships is closed the first Sunday of the month for our associates to have the opportunity to spend time with family and friends. We are proud to be a family owned and operated retailer of new Subarus and pre-owned, certified Subaru's. We feature no appointment necessary express service for routine maintenance for your Subaru. We belong to many buying services including USAA, AAA, Consumer Reports, Penfed and many more. Financing is available - we have College Grad, First time Buyer and Second Chance lending programs. We look forward to assisting you with your search for a new vehicle or servicing your current car. See our website for extended service and parts hours! Established in 1971. Established in 1971 The Stohlman Automotive family has deep roots in the community. Mr. Richard Stohlman started in the business in 1956 at Stohlman Chevrolet, which was founded on M Street in Georgetown in the 1930s, becoming a DC institution for many years. He worked with his father, Edwin L. Stohlman, and his brother, Ed Jr there until launching a new VW store in 1971. A graduate of St. John's College High School in DC and the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School of Finance, Mr. Stohlman served as a first lieutenant in the United States Army. In 1971 he opened Stohlman Volkswagen in Tyson's Corner, in what was then a sleepy little village. In 1978 Stohlman Subaru was added in Tyson's Corner. In 2007 Stohlman Subaru of Herndon was added as a second Subaru sales and service facility. The business has expanded over time and is now operated by his youngest daughter, Catherine Stohlman I'm honored you are considering Stohlman Subaru for your purchase or service. We've been selling and servicing Subarus over 3 decades and are completely committed to our customers, community and employees.
[ { "passageId": "1774:1059:1173", "passageStart": 1059, "passageEnd": 1173, "passageText": "He worked with his father, Edwin L. Stohlman, and his brother, Ed Jr there until launching a new VW store in 1971.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "34", "propertyName": "CHILD_OF", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between a person and his/her parent." } ], "facts": [ { "factId": "1774:1122:1127:1086:1103:34", "propertyId": "34", "humanReadable": "<Ed Jr> <CHILD_OF> <Edwin L. Stohlman>", "annotatedPassage": "He worked with his father, <Edwin L. Stohlman>, and his brother, <Ed Jr> there until launching a new VW store in 1971.", "subjectStart": 1122, "subjectEnd": 1127, "subjectText": "Ed Jr", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 1086, "objectEnd": 1103, "objectText": "Edwin L. Stohlman", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "1774:1109:1112:1086:1103:34", "propertyId": "34", "humanReadable": "<his> <CHILD_OF> <Edwin L. Stohlman>", "annotatedPassage": "He worked with his father, <Edwin L. Stohlman>, and <his> brother, Ed Jr there until launching a new VW store in 1971.", "subjectStart": 1109, "subjectEnd": 1112, "subjectText": "his", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 1086, "objectEnd": 1103, "objectText": "Edwin L. Stohlman", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "1774:1074:1077:1086:1103:34", "propertyId": "34", "humanReadable": "<his> <CHILD_OF> <Edwin L. Stohlman>", "annotatedPassage": "He worked with <his> father, <Edwin L. Stohlman>, and his brother, Ed Jr there until launching a new VW store in 1971.", "subjectStart": 1074, "subjectEnd": 1077, "subjectText": "his", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 1086, "objectEnd": 1103, "objectText": "Edwin L. Stohlman", "objectUri": "" }, { "factId": "1774:1059:1061:1086:1103:34", "propertyId": "34", "humanReadable": "<He> <CHILD_OF> <Edwin L. Stohlman>", "annotatedPassage": "<He> worked with his father, <Edwin L. Stohlman>, and his brother, Ed Jr there until launching a new VW store in 1971.", "subjectStart": 1059, "subjectEnd": 1061, "subjectText": "He", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 1086, "objectEnd": 1103, "objectText": "Edwin L. Stohlman", "objectUri": "" } ] }, { "passageId": "1774:883:1058", "passageStart": 883, "passageEnd": 1058, "passageText": "Mr. Richard Stohlman started in the business in 1956 at Stohlman Chevrolet, which was founded on M Street in Georgetown in the 1930s, becoming a DC institution for many years.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "2", "propertyName": "FOUNDED_BY", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between an organization and its founder or co-founder." } ], "facts": [] } ]
DBpedia Abstract
Edward Henry John Craufurd Edward Henry John Craufurd (9 December 1816 – 29 August 1881) was a Scottish Radical politician. He was the eldest son of John Craufurd of Auchenames and Kerse in the counties of Renfrewshire and Ayr, Treasurer General of the Ionian Islands, and Sophia Marianne Churchill, daughter of Major General Churchill and great-granddaughter of Sir Robert Walpole. He was educated at Trinity College, Cambridge where he obtained a scholarship in 1840 and graduated as 12th senior optime. He was called to the bar at the Inner Temple in 1845 and practised on the Home Circuit and attended the Surrey Sessions. He was editor of The Legal Examiner In 1860 he married Frances, daughter of the Rev William Molesworth, Rector of St. Breock, Cornwall, and sister of the Rev Sir Paul William Molesworth, 10th Baronet of Pencarrow and niece of James Wentworth Buller, MP for North Devon. He was a Deputy Lieutenant and Justice of the Peace for Buteshire and a JP for Ayrshire. he was a member of the English Law Amendment Society and the Scottish Society for promoting the Amendment of the Law. He promoted the Scotch Affirmation Act, the Jurors Affirmation Act and the Judgments Extension Act 1868. He was Member of Parliament for Ayr Burghs from 1852 until 1874.
[ { "passageId": "28244:987:1104", "passageStart": 987, "passageEnd": 1104, "passageText": "he was a member of the English Law Amendment Society and the Scottish Society for promoting the Amendment of the Law.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "45", "propertyName": "POLITICAL_AFFILIATION", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between a person and her/his political affiliation." } ], "facts": [] } ]
DBpedia Abstract
Tomaso Poggio Tomaso Armando Poggio (born September 11, 1947 in Genoa, Italy), is the Eugene McDermott professor in the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, an investigator at the McGovern Institute for Brain Research, a member of the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) and director of both the Center for Biological and Computational Learning at MIT and the Center for Brains, Minds, and Machines, a multi-institutional collaboration headquartered at the McGovern Institute since 2013.
[ { "passageId": "4964:15:527", "passageStart": 15, "passageEnd": 527, "passageText": "Tomaso Armando Poggio (born September 11, 1947 in Genoa, Italy), is the Eugene McDermott professor in the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, an investigator at the McGovern Institute for Brain Research, a member of the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) and director of both the Center for Biological and Computational Learning at MIT and the Center for Brains, Minds, and Machines, a multi-institutional collaboration headquartered at the McGovern Institute since 2013.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "6", "propertyName": "HEADQUARTERS", "propertyDescription": "Describes the specific location where an organization's headquarters is or has been situated." }, { "propertyId": "15", "propertyName": "DATE_OF_BIRTH", "propertyDescription": "Describes the date of birth of a person." } ], "facts": [ { "factId": "4964:15:36:43:61:15", "propertyId": "15", "humanReadable": "<Tomaso Armando Poggio> <DATE_OF_BIRTH> <September 11, 1947>", "annotatedPassage": "<Tomaso Armando Poggio> (born <September 11, 1947> in Genoa, Italy), is the Eugene McDermott professor in the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, an investigator at the McGovern Institute for Brain Research, a member of the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) and director of both the Center for Biological and Computational Learning at MIT and the Center for Brains, Minds, and Machines, a multi-institutional collaboration headquartered at the McGovern Institute since 2013.", "subjectStart": 15, "subjectEnd": 36, "subjectText": "Tomaso Armando Poggio", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 43, "objectEnd": 61, "objectText": "September 11, 1947", "objectUri": "" } ] } ]
Diffbot Knowledge Graph
Reach New Levels Reach New Levels (RNL), a training and consultancy company, is based in Johannesburg, South Africa. RNL was created in January 2013 by Dawn Williams, CAP-OM, MOS to encourage Administrative Assistants i.e. Switchboard, Receptionists, Clerks, Secretaries, PAs and Office Managers, in Africa and the East to enhance their careers by doing continuous learning and striving to be professional. Reach New Levels is a sole proprietorship and is managed by Dawn Williams. Although RNL is a new initiative, the experience behind the name is from many years of working and training in the secretarial and administrative industry and liaising with the top Administrative Professionals in South Africa. RNL would like to take this experience and work with those Administrative Assistants in Companies who are aspiring to be professional. RNL is flexible and will travel to your company to do in-house training customised to your needs, saving you travel and accommodation costs for your delegates. Training can also be done online where the need arises. All online training requires delegates to complete an assignment in order to get a certificate of competence.
[ { "passageId": "3728:119:408", "passageStart": 119, "passageEnd": 408, "passageText": "RNL was created in January 2013 by Dawn Williams, CAP-OM, MOS to encourage Administrative Assistants i.e. Switchboard, Receptionists, Clerks, Secretaries, PAs and Office Managers, in Africa and the East to enhance their careers by doing continuous learning and striving to be professional.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "2", "propertyName": "FOUNDED_BY", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between an organization and its founder or co-founder." } ], "facts": [ { "factId": "3728:119:122:154:167:2", "propertyId": "2", "humanReadable": "<RNL> <FOUNDED_BY> <Dawn Williams>", "annotatedPassage": "<RNL> was created in January 2013 by <Dawn Williams>, CAP-OM, MOS to encourage Administrative Assistants i.e. Switchboard, Receptionists, Clerks, Secretaries, PAs and Office Managers, in Africa and the East to enhance their careers by doing continuous learning and striving to be professional.", "subjectStart": 119, "subjectEnd": 122, "subjectText": "RNL", "subjectUri": "", "objectStart": 154, "objectEnd": 167, "objectText": "Dawn Williams", "objectUri": "" } ] } ]
Diffbot Knowledge Graph
joel garcia Joel Garcia is the founder of several early stage companies that utilizes his previous engineering and technology experience from companies such as Hughes, Qualcomm, Nokia and Northrop Grumman in his current entrepreneurial work. After receiving his MBA from the Anderson school of management, his entrepreneurial endeavors have leveraged technology in such diverse areas as e-learning and gourmet food services where Joel has leveraged CRM systems, wireless technology, and cutting edge web based customer acquisition tools. He serves as a technology consultant to a large multinational service firm where he has accessed a global network of contacts in the exciting area of convergence between the communications, cleantech and technology space. His consulting and capital advisory company, CM Tech Partners assists early stage companies with business and capital funding challenges. He is currently pursuing his passion in the CleanTech arena by participating in initiatives that aim to turn the city into a CleanTech Cluster. Joel has provided business and investor consulting for several companies including an ocean wave energy capture company that was a top finalist for a CleanTech Venture Roundtable and thus was able to pitch their company in front of 30 investors. Joel is also co-chairing a SIG (special interest group) of CommNexus, which is a consortium of hundreds of communication related companies. The ECO Com SIG focuses on the how CleanTech products, services and strategy can benefit these companies' future business success. In addition, Joel is an entrepreneur in residence at CONNECT, a globally recognized organization fostering entrepreneurship in the San Diego region by catalyzing, accelerating, and supporting the growth of the most promising technology and life sciences businesses. He provides business and investor advice for early stage companies working to get funding for their companies.
[ { "passageId": "9278:13:242", "passageStart": 13, "passageEnd": 242, "passageText": "Joel Garcia is the founder of several early stage companies that utilizes his previous engineering and technology experience from companies such as Hughes, Qualcomm, Nokia and Northrop Grumman in his current entrepreneurial work.", "exhaustivelyAnnotatedProperties": [ { "propertyId": "4", "propertyName": "CEO", "propertyDescription": "Describes the relationship between an organization and its CEO." } ], "facts": [] } ]
Diffbot Knowledge Graph
Webhelp India Webhelp is a global business process outsourcer (BPO), specialising in customer experience and payment management in addition to sales and marketing services across voice, social and digital channels. From over 25 countries with a 35,000-strong team, our focus is on engineering performance improvements and delivering a real and lasting transformation in our clients’ operating models to generate financial advantage. We partner with some of the world’s most progressive brands including Sky, Shop Direct, Bouygues, Direct Energie, KPN, Vodafone, La Redoute, Michael Kors and Valentino. Headquartered in Paris, France, the company has grown its revenues by more than 250% in the last 4 years by investing in its people, the environment they work in and developing the analytical and operating capability to deliver a transformational outsourcing proposition that addresses the challenges of an omni-channel world. Webhelp is owned by its management and KKR, a leading global investment firm, as of February 2016. More information can be found at
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