7 values
What is the video about?
[ "a shirtless man breaks a vase over a boy s head", "a man smashes a flower pot on a boys head", "a man smashes a flower pot on a boys head", "a man is breaking a vase on a teenage boy s head", "a man hits a boy on the head with a flower vase", "a man is hitting a boy with flower vase", "a man yells at", "a man is breaking a vase on a boys head", "someone hits a boy with a vase", "a man smashes a vase over a boys head", "the father said no to his son and threw a vase at him", "the man hit the boy with a vase", "a man breaks a vase on a boy s head", "the man yelled and threw a vase at his son", "a man breaking a dish over a boy head", "in the two person one is hit the other person with the flower pot", "a man breaks a vase on a kids head", "the boy is talking the another", "a man is saying something", "a man throw the flower vase against the boy", "they are fighting", "john cena throwing a flower vase on a boy", "the father got angry at his son and threw a vase at him", "the clip the movie official clip movie is so beautiful", "the man used a vase to hit the other man", "a man breaks a vase over a boy s head", "jhon cener is hitting a boy with a flower pot" ]
What is happening in the video in detail?
[ "the man put a necklace around a woman s neck during a ceremony", "a group of people celebrate", "a man and woman are sitting side by side and the man puts a necklace around the woman s neck", "a man is marrying a woman", "a man is marrying a woman", "a man is placing an object around a woman s neck", "a man is woman is getting married", "a man places a chain around a woman s neck", "a man put a necklace on a woman", "a man puts a necklace around a woman s neck and the people around them cheer", "a man puts a necklace on a woman", "a man puts a necklace on a woman", "a man puts a necklace on a woman", "a man puts a necklace on a woman", "a man ties the sacred thread around the neck of a woman seated beside him in a wedding ceremony", "a woman is wearing a wedding necklace by her husband", "someone is putting a necklace on a girl", "the man and woman got married", "the man put a necklace on a lady in a ceremony", "people enjoying the marriage", "a man puts a necklace on a woman", "a scene from an asian film", "a man puts a necklace on a woman", "a man is putting a necklace on a woman", "a man puts a necklace on a woman", "two people are getting married", "a man put a necklace around a woman s neck", "a couple are getting married", "someone is putting a necklace on a girl", "going a wedding party in a movie scene", "the man put a necklace on the lady during a ceremony", "a couple of marriage", "a man is doing marriage", "the man and woman got married", "a girl and boy is laughing", "a man is putting a necklace on a woman", "super acting hero and heroin" ]
What is the video about?
[ "a man dressed in commando clothes is firing from two guns held in both of his hands", "a soldier is shooting two guns", "a soldier is firing two machine guns simultaneously with his hands", "a soldier shoots off two guns at once", "a soldier is firing two squad automatic weapons", "a soldier fires two huge machine guns at the same time", "a soldier shoots two rifles simultaneously", "a soldier is firing two weapons", "a soldier standing in an open barren land is firing bullets holding a rifle in each hand", "a soldier firing two large guns", "the soldier shot his weapons", "the soldier is shooting two machine guns", "a soldier is firing a machine gun", "the soldier fired two machine guns", "a soldier is firing machine guns", "a army man is with two guns", "a army soldier is shooting some target", "a military man is holding the gun in his hand", "a soldier firing two guns", "an army man is holding gun in his hand and firing", "an army man shooting with two guns", "army soldier dualwields some m249 s", "the army soldier is shooting", "a man is firing two weapons", "a man is shooting guns", "a man is shooting guns", "a man shoots two guns", "a military man fires two automatic rifles at the same time", "a military man shoots with two machine guns", "a police man firing", "a soilder is firing two machine guns at a time", "a soldier armed with a machine gun in each hand", "a soldier fires his guns on full auto", "a soldier fires two machine guns simultaneously", "a soldier is checking his weapon", "a soldier is firing two guns at once", "a soldier is firing two large machine guns", "a soldier is firing two machine guns at once", "a soldier is opening fire with his gun", "a soldier is shooting a gun", "a soldier is shooting two automatic rifles", "a soldier is shooting two guns at the same time", "a soldier is shooting two guns", "a soldier keep a gun in his hands", "a solider is shooting with guns", "a us soldier fires two saws squad automatic weapons at the same time", "a working army soldier", "an army is shooting", "an army man is having gun", "an army soldier is shooting wirh his guns", "an army soldier is shooting", "an army soldier testing the rifles", "soldier shooting two guns at the same time", "the army man was shoot them", "an army soldier is shooting with machine guns", "army man is shooting with two maching guns" ]
What is happening in the video?
[ "a woman unwraps some foodstuff on a piece of wood", "a woman unwraps food", "a woman is opening a packet of biscuit", "a chef opens a food package", "a woman is unwrapping kamaboko", "a woman is slicing something", "a woman is unwrapping a kamaboko", "a woman is opening a package of sushi", "a woman is removing the wrapper from a food", "a woman unwraps an item", "a woman is opening a package", "a woman is opening a package", "a woman is opening something", "a woman is unwrapping some cheese", "the lady opened a brick of cheese", "the woman is opening a fish cake package", "a woman unwraps a pink vegetable", "the lady opened a package of cheese", "the person is cutting the leaves", "a lady is opening the packet", "a lady pulling out the wrapper", "a lady opening the wrapper", "a woman is opening a package", "a woman unwraps a cookie from its package", "receipy in the kitchen", "a woman opens a package", "a woman slicing apart a pink item", "the person is cooking", "a woman is opening some fish cakes", "a japanees woman opent the wrapper on somekind of eatable thing", "a women make noodle with her dog", "a man cooking his kichen", "the woman is unwrapping fish cake", "a women is making dish", "woman is opening a package of food", "a woman is opening a wrapper" ]
What is the video about in detail?
[ "a man wearing glasses and a suit is standing and talking in front of a huge bookshelf", "a man is talking", "a man is talking", "a man is speaking", "a man in a library is talking", "a man is talking", "a man is talking", "a man wearing a suit is talking", "a man speaks while standing in front of a bookcase", "a man is speaking", "someone is talking", "a man with glasses is talking", "the man spoke in front of the bookshelves", "the man is talking", "a man talks", "the man gave a speech in front of some bookshelves", "a gentleman giving a lecture with background of books on shelf", "he is speaking", "there is a one men", "a man is speaking", "a man is talking", "the man is standing and teaching", "a man is saying something", "a man is explaining something", "a man is talking", "a man doing work in the libreary", "a man is talking to someone", "a man talking", "a man talking to someone", "he is telling something", "a person speaking in the libary", "the man is talking", "a man giving a talk", "a logo is presenting", "a man is talking", "a man is talking", "a man stands in front of bookshelves and talks" ]
What is the video about?
[ "a young girl is pushing a toy stroller in a store", "a little girl pushes a little stroller", "a small baby pushing a cart", "a kid pushes a stroller", "a bay is walking in a grocery store", "a small child pushes her toy cart through a grocery store", "a young girl is pushing a stroller in a store", "a little girl wheels a stroller around a store", "a little girl is pushing a stroller through a grocery store", "a girl is pushing a doll stroller", "a small girl is pushing a tiny baby carriage into a grocery store", "a girl is walking through a store", "a little girl is pushing a small stroller", "a small girl enters a grocery store pushing an empty pram and stands in front of a shelf", "the little girl pushed her baby stroller in the store", "the little girl is pushing a baby stroller", "a girl plays with a toy stroller in a supermarket", "the little girl pushed her doll in its stroller in the store", "a girl moving a baby walker", "baby driving a baby cycle in a grocery store", "a girl is pushing a stroller", "the small baby is playing", "in 2 years baby was get shoping", "a young boy singing a song", "a child is pushing the wheel chair", "a girl is in the grocery shop", "a girl is purchasing", "a very young girl goes shopping alone at a supermarket", "a girl is purchasing something", "a little girl is pushing a stroller through a store", "a baby gaming on the house", "a little girl is pushing a toy stroller", "a little girl wheels a play stroller into a store", "a girl playing", "a kid isriding a cycle", "a two year old baby is walking in moll and watching all thing", "a young girl is pushing a stroller", "a girl is walking on the floor", "a baby is shopping in mall", "a child went for shopping", "the little girl is pushing a baby stroller", "a small girl is playing", "very very cute small girl" ]
What is the video about?
[ "a woman riding a horse on the beach", "a girl is lead on a white horse at the beach", "a woman is having a ride on the back of a white horse by the beachside", "a woman is riding a horse on the beach", "a woman is riding a horse", "a woman is riding a horse", "a woman is riding a horse", "a woman is riding a white horse on the beach", "a woman is riding on a horse in a beach", "a woman is riding on a horse", "a woman rides a horse on a beach", "a woman rides a horse", "a woman rides a horse", "the man is leading a girl on a white horse", "the man led a girl on a horse at the beach", "the woman is riding a horse", "a woman is sitting on a horse", "a woman horseback riding along the seashore", "horse riding", "the lady is riding a horse", "a woman is riding a horse", "a woman is riding a horse on the beach", "a woman is riding a horse", "a woman is riding a horse on a beach", "a girl is riding a horse on the beach", "a girl riding a white horse", "a woman riding a horse", "a horse ride on the sea shore", "a woman is riding a horse", "a girl is riding on the horse", "a woman is riding on a horse", "a woman is riding a horse along a beach", "a girl is riding on the horse", "a girl is riding a horse", "a woman riding a horse on the beach", "a woman is riding a horse", "a woman is riding a horse on the beach", "a woman is riding a horse on the beach", "a woman is riding a horse", "a girl is doing horse riding", "a woman is riding a white horse on a beach", "a lady is riding a horse", "a woman rides a white horse on the beach", "a woman is riding a horse", "the man led the girl on the white horse", "a woman riding a horse", "the woman is riding a horse on the beach", "a woman is riding a horse", "a woman is riding a horse on the beach", "a woman riding a horse", "a man is helping a girl to ride a horse", "the boy led the girl on the white horse at the beach" ]
What is the video about in detail?
[ "a cooked bird is being cut", "a man is removing cooked pieces from a chicken", "a man slicing the roasted duck", "chopping meat", "preparing food in hotel", "the man cutting chikken", "person carving a cooked turkey or bird", "a chef carves some meat", "a chef carving a roast", "a chef cuts up a turkey", "a chef cutting a cooked duck", "a chef is cutting chicken piece", "a chef is cutting chicken", "a chef is slicing a roasted chicken", "a chef is slicing breast meat off a roasted chicken", "a chef is slicing poultry", "a chef is slicing turkey", "a cook is cutting a eatable meat", "a cooked duck being finely cut", "a man carving a duck", "a man is carving meat with a carving knife", "a man is carving poultry", "a man is cutting poultry", "a man is cutting some pieces of roasted meat", "a man is cutting thin slices from a whole cooked chicken using a flat knife", "a man is slicing chicken", "a man is slicing some pieces from a roasted chicken", "a man slices chicken", "a man slices portions of meat from a roasted bird", "a person is slicing meat", "a person is slicing small pieces from a cooked duck", "chef carving chicken breast", "chef is slicing the pieces of roasted duck", "cutting chicken into pieces", "slicing the fried hen into small pieces", "someone slicing roasted duck with knife", "the chef is slicing the meat of the roasted chicken", "the chef is slicing the top layer of the roasted chicken into thin slices", "the cook is slicing the duck breast", "the cook is slicing up a cooked chicken", "a chef is finely slicing baked chicken" ]
Can you describe the video?
[ "a girl applied eye makeup with a pencil", "a girl is making eyelid", "a makeup pencil is being applied to a female s eyelid", "a woman is applying a dark brown shade on the outer edge of her eyelid", "a woman is applying cosmetics to her eyelid", "a woman is applying eye liner to her eyelid using an eye pencil", "a woman is applying eye liner", "a woman is applying eye makeup", "a woman is applying eye makeup", "a woman is applying eye makeup", "a woman is applying eyeshadow", "a woman is putting on makeup", "a woman is using an eyebrow pencil to color her eyelid", "a woman puts cosmetics on her eyelid", "a young woman is applying eye shadow to her upper lid", "the girl is using an eye pencil on her eyelid", "the woman is pencilling on eye shadow", "shading the upper portion of the eyes with lip color pencil", "a woman is doing makeup", "a women is makeuping", "a young woman is applying makeup to her left eye below the brow", "enlarging your eyes with makeup", "eyes are being shaded", "a bonny girl makeup herself with a lipstick", "a girl applied brown eye makeup with a pencil", "a girl applied eye makeup with a pencil", "a girl is applying eye makeup", "a girl is applying eye shadow", "a girl is putting on eye makeup", "a girl uses an eye pencil on her eyelid", "a girl uses makeup pencil on her eye", "a lady is shading her eye lash using color pencil", "a woman applies eye makeup", "a woman applies eyeliner above her eye", "a woman is appling eye shades", "a woman is applying eye highlighter", "a woman is applying makeup on her eye", "a woman is applying makeup to her eyelid", "a woman is applying makeup to her eyelid", "a woman is applying makeup", "a woman is putting makeup", "a woman is putting on eye makeup", "a woman is using an eye pencil on her eyelids", "a woman makeup her face", "a woman puts on some eyeliner", "a woman s upper eyelid portion is being darkened by eyebrow pencil", "a women explaining about eye lid make up", "makeup is being applied to an eye", "the lady is putting on makeup", "the woman is putting on eye makeup", "a girl is using eye shadows on her eyes", "a young woman is on putting makeup" ]
What is happening in the video?
[ "a cat is eating a small wedge of watermelon", "a cat is eating a slice of watermelon", "a cat is eating watermelon", "a cat is eating a piece of watermelon", "a cat is eating a slice of watermelon", "a cat is eating a piece of watermelon", "a cat is eating a piece of watermelon", "a cat is eating watermelon", "a kitten is eating a water melon slice", "a cat is eating some watermelon", "a cat is eating watermelon", "a cat is eating watermelon", "a cat is eating watermelon", "the cat ate the watermelon", "the cat is eating watermelon", "a cat is eating a piece of watermelon", "a cat eats some watermelon", "the cat ate some watermelon", "a cat eating water melon", "a cat is eating water melon", "a cat is eating watermelon", "a kitten is eating", "the cat is eating the something", "the kitten likes to eat the watermelan", "a cat eating watermelon", "a cat eats watermelon", "a cat is eating a watermelon", "a cat is eating watermelon", "a cat is eating watermelon", "a cat is playing", "animal is eating watermelon", "cat is eating watermelon", "kitty eating watermelon", "kitty with a watermelon addiction", "the cat ate a piece of watermelon", "the cat is eating watermelon", "a cat is eating a watermelon" ]
What is the video about?
[ "a kitten is running back and forth on a bed meowing", "a cat is meowing on a bed", "a cat is meowing on a bed", "a kitten is walking around on top of a bed opening it s mouth very wide", "a kitten meows at the camera man", "a kitten is meowing", "a kitten is running across a bed meowing", "a kitten runs around on a bed", "a kitten is walking on a bed", "an irate kitten runs around on a bed", "a kitten is meowing", "a kitten is walking on a bed", "a kitten is meowing and running on a bed", "the kitten mewed on the bed", "the cat is meowing", "a kitten runs around and meows", "the kitten looked for a way off the bed", "the cat is playing the bead", "the kitten is very hungry and go here and their for searching food", "a cat is meowing on a bed", "a cat is running on the bed", "a cat meows", "a hungry kitten moving here and there and meowing", "a cat is is running around for food", "a kitten is meowing", "hungry kitten", "a spazed out baby kitten", "a kitten is meowing on a bed", "a kitten roaring", "the cate is runing for house and so very bad hungry kitten", "a cat is shouting", "a cat is so hungry", "a baby of the cat", "the kitten is meowing", "hungry kitten", "a cat is running in the bed", "a kitten is meowing", "a kitten runs around on a bed" ]
Can you describe the video?
[ "a couple walks through the jungle", "the couple is walking throught the field", "a couple is walking together", "a man and a woman are walking in the woods", "a man and a woman are walking in the woods", "a man and a woman are walking through a field", "a man and a woman are walking together through a field", "a man and a woman are walking", "a man and a woman walk across a field", "a man and a woman walking in a garden are talking to each other as music plays in the background", "a man and woman are walking in a meadow", "a man and woman are walking together", "a man and woman is walking in the grand", "a man and woman is walking together", "a man and woman walk down a field", "couples enjoy happy times", "the couple strolled down the path", "the man and woman strolled down the path", "south indian film song clip", "a couple singing in the movie", "the boy and girl is walking the forest", "an indian man and woman are walking", "a man and woman walking", "a man and woman are walking and talking", "this is from raja raja cholan", "a man and woman walk together", "a man is walking behind the tree", "two lovers were talking each other", "a man and a woman are walking and talking with trees in the background", "a man and woman are talking to each other", "a man is singing with his lover", "a man and a women are walking through a field", "a tamil cinema song raja raja cholan", "a couple is walking along grass", "a coule walking in garden", "a man and a woman walking together", "a man and a woman walk through a field", "a man and woman are walking through a field", "a man walks a woman through the park", "a man and woman are walking in garden", "a couple walking in park", "a couple is walking in a garden", "a young couple singing and walking", "a short scene from a movie of a couple walking around the fields", "this is the scene of south indian film", "a couple are walking through a field", "a man is standing behind the tree", "two persons wake to gather in the garden", "a couple are walking together", "a cuple walking in garden", "an indian couple walks through a field", "a man is singing while walking with a woman", "a men and women walking in the forest", "a man and lady are walking together", "a couple walks across a field", "a couple is walking together in a field" ]
Can you describe the video in detail?
[ "two hamsters are eating", "hamsters are eating", "two pigs are eating their food", "two guinea pigs are eating vegetation", "two guinea pigs are eating leaves", "two hamsters are eating leaves", "gerbalsa are eating", "two guinea pigs seated beside each other are rapidly eating a long leaf fed to them individually", "the guinea pigs ate the leaves", "the guinea pigs are eating", "two guinea pigs eat lettuce", "the guinea pigs ate blades of grass", "the hamsters are eating", "dude", "guinea pigs eating", "tow little guinea pigs eating celery and cucumber rinds", "two gerbils are eating", "two mouse are eating", "two pigs are eating something", "guinea pigs are eating vegetables", "the cute animals are eating grass", "the rabbits are eating", "two guinea pigs are being fed", "two guinea pigs are eating", "two pigs eating vegetables", "very cute and small animal", "the animals are eating", "the guinea pigs are eating the leaves", "two guinea pigs on the lookout" ]
Can you describe what happens in the video?
[ "a young man is dancing alone", "a man is dancing", "a man is dancing on a stage", "a man is dancing", "a man is dancing", "a man is dancing on stage", "a man is dancing on a stage", "a man is dancing on a stage", "a man is dancing on a stage", "a man dances on a stage", "a man is dancing", "a man is dancing", "a man is dancing on a stage", "the man tap danced on the stage", "a man dances in the spotlight", "the man is dancing", "a man is dancing on a stage", "a man dances", "the man tap danced on the stage", "a man is dancing on a stage", "a man is dancing", "a man is dancing", "a man is dancing", "a man is dancing on a stage", "he is dancing on the song", "a man is dancing", "a man dancing", "a man dancing", "i miss the old evoulution of dance because now he has just gotten worse if he makes another one and it sucks just like the second", "he is in evolution of dancing", "a man is dancing on stage", "a person is dancing", "the man tap danced a fast dance", "a man is dancing", "a man is dancing on the floor", "a man is dancing", "the man is dancing", "a man is dancing", "a men is dancing", "a man is dancing on stage" ]
What is happening in the video?
[ "a man is tilling a field with a rototiller", "a man cutting grass", "a boy is tilling a field", "a boy plowed a field", "a man is cutting grass with a tiller", "a man is cutting grass", "a man is mowing a lawn", "a man is pushing a small garden tiller", "a man is running an electric tiller on a field", "a man is tilling a plot of land", "a man is tilling the ground", "a man is using a power tiller in the garden", "a man is using an auger", "a man pushed a tiller or a harvester through the field", "a man tills a field", "a man tills grass", "the man is tilling the soil", "a man is cutting grass", "a boy is tilling a field", "a man is cutting grass", "a man is cutting his farm", "a man is harvesting the grasses in the field", "a man is mowing grass", "a man is plowing a field", "a person using garden tiller to cut the unwanted grass", "the guy is cutting the grass", "a farmer use the power tiller in his field", "a man clearing ground using a tiller", "a man is doing agriculture", "a man is operating the garden tiller", "a man is rototilling a field", "a man is rototilling a field", "a man is tilling a field using a motorized tiller", "a man is tilling a field witih a power tiller", "a man is tilling a field", "a man is tilling a field", "a man is tilling some land", "a man is tilling the grass", "a man is tilling up the dirt", "a man is using a rototiller", "a man is using a tiller", "a man ploughs the field with a gasoline powered machine", "a man working a garden tiller", "a men is using an auger on a field", "a person harvesting in a field", "a short clip showing some of the unique equipements or machines made for agriculture", "man using rototiller", "mowing down the lawn", "a man riding a garden triller", "the boy is doing the something", "a man cutting the grass in field" ]
Can you describe what happens in the video?
[ "a man is riding a motorcycle with a woman riding behind him as a passenger", "a man and a woman are riding a motorcycle and talking", "two people are riding a mopad", "a man and woman are riding in a motor bike", "a man and woman are speaking while riding a motorcycle", "a man is talking to his female passenger on a motorized bike", "a man and a woman ride down the street on a motorcycle", "a man and woman is riding a motorcycle", "a man is riding a bike and talking to the woman seated behind him", "a man and woman riding a scooter", "the man drove a girl on a motorcycle", "the couple is riding a motorbike", "a couple bikes on a road", "a couple are riding a motor scooter down the street", "a man was driving a woman on a motorcycle", "a couple is walking in bike", "a cuple walking on the bike", "a man and woman are riding on a motorcycle", "a man and women riding on the bike", "a man rides his girl on a motor bike", "aa guy and a girl traveling in a bike", "sujatha s dialogues in aayitha ezhuthu", "sujatha s dialogues in aayitha ezhuthu", "two persons on bike disccusing something", "a actor riding a bike with a heroine in a film sequence", "a bollywood movie scene of an actor and actress riding on a motorbike", "a boy and girl riding on the bike", "a couple are riding on a motorcycle", "a couple is going in bike", "a couple is riding a bike", "a couple is riding on motorcycle", "a man and a woman are conversing while riding a motocycle in traffic", "a man and a woman are having a conversation on a motorbike while riding through traffic", "a man and a woman are riding a motorcycle in traffic", "a man and a woman are riding a motorcycle", "a man and a woman are riding a motorcycle", "a man and a woman are riding on a mo pad together", "a man and a woman are talking while riding a motorcycle down a street", "a man and a woman is riding on a bike", "a man and woman are riding a motorcycle in traffic", "a man and woman are talking while riding a scooter", "a man and woman ride a motorcycle", "a man and woman riding a motorcycle down a busy street", "a man and woman talk while riding a motor scooter", "a man", "a woman is talking with a man while traveling in bike", "a young couple conversing while driving a bike on the road", "surya and sujatha were talking while going in a motorcycle", "surya is proposing his love on a tamil film aayutha eluthu", "the boy is riding the bike with the girl", "the man asks about the quarrel at home and the girl explains that it is about her disaggreement to marriage", "two people are riding a moped and talking", "two people are riding a scooter down the road", "a man and a women riding on a bike", "a young man and a young girl apparently on a two wheeler", "surya is going with his lover", "surya and sujatha were talking each other", "a couple going on bike" ]
Can you describe what happens in the video?
[ "a panda slides down a slide on his stomach and lands in the snow", "a panda rides a slide", "a baby panda rides down a slide", "a panda is sliding in the ice", "a panda is playing", "a baby panda slides down a wooden slide", "a baby panda is going down a slide", "a panda is sliding down a slide", "panda bears are sliding", "a panda bear slides down a slide", "a baby panda glides down a wooden slide and falls in the snow", "the panda bear slid down the slide into the snow", "the panda went down the slide", "a panda slides into the snow", "the panda bear went head first down the slide into the snow", "the cat is jumping", "panda bears a riding a slide", "a panda bears playing in the snow", "panda ia playing", "a small bear playing", "panda babies playing sliding board in snow", "the panda slid down the slide into the snow", "panda is playing", "the panda went down the slide", "a baby panda is sliding down a slide", "a chinese panda playing on the ice", "a panda is sliding", "a panda slides down slide into a snow bank", "the animal is playing the something", "playing panda" ]
Can you describe what happens in the video?
[ "people are disembarking from a train", "people step off a train", "people step off a train", "people are exiting a subway train", "a group of people are getting off a train", "peoples are disembarking from a train in a station", "a group of people get off a train", "some people are getting off of a train", "people are exiting a train", "people are getting off a train", "several people are getting off the transit", "the people got off the train at the station", "the people got off the train", "people are getting off a train", "people get off a train", "the people got off the train at the station", "a train on the station", "people are getting off the subway", "the passengers are get down from the train", "the people are getting down", "all people getting down from train", "passengers are getting down from the train", "passengers getting down in a station from a train", "people are exiting a train", "people are getting off a train", "people are getting off a train", "the people got off the train" ]
Can you describe the video?
[ "a woman adds noodles to a pan of boiling water and stirs with chopsticks", "a woman puts noodles into boiling water", "a woman places a container of noodles in a pan of water", "a woman is boiling a food in the water", "a woman is boiling noodles", "a woman is boiling noodles in a pot", "a woman is making noodles", "a woman is placing noodles into water", "a woman stirs noodles into boiling water", "a woman is cooking noodles", "noodles are boiling", "a woman is adding pasta to a pot of water", "a woman drops frozen udon noodles in boiling water", "the lady put the dried noodles in the hot water to cook", "the woman is cooking noodles", "a woman is cooking noodles", "frozen udon noodles are placed into a pot of boiling water", "a woman puts some pasta in some water", "the lady put the noodles into the hot water", "a woman cooks a noodle dish", "the women is cooking the noodles", "the women is cooking noodle", "a woman is making noodles", "a woman is cooking noodles", "a woman is boiling some noodles", "a female making how to make noodle dish", "a woman is cooking a some food", "a woman puts some noodles into a pot of boiling water", "a woamn is boiling some noodles", "a lady making nuddels in the kitchen", "a woman is putting some noodles into boiling water", "describe to preparing about nabeyaki udon noodles", "a woman coking", "a woman is making the noodles", "a person is cooking", "a person making nabeyaki udon noodle", "a women is making the food with her dog", "a woman is boiling noodles", "the woman is boiling noodles", "a woman is cooking noodles in a pot of boiling water", "a woman is cooking noodles", "someone boils noodles", "a woman cooks noodles in a pot" ]
Can you describe the video?
[ "a clown is singing", "several people in clown costumes appear to be singing and dancing", "clowns are singing", "a man dressed in a menacing clown costume is yelling", "a clown is singing and people are dancing", "a clown screams at the microphone", "a band is performing", "a man dressed as a clown is singing into a microphone", "clowns are singing", "a menacing clown sings into a microphone", "a costumed man is singing", "a clown is singing", "several scary clowns are singing and dancing", "a band is perfoming on a stage", "a man dressed weirdly is singing a song in a club", "the weirdly dressed person danced for a music video", "the scary looking clown is singing", "a masked man sings", "the people danced in a music video", "a band is playing", "many people dancing in a movie trailer", "people enjoying party", "a man is singing in a clown costume", "a clown is singing", "a group of people are singing and dancing with their fces painted", "a man singing", "a band is performing a song for a music video", "the clowns are yelling and jumping", "a man dressed up as a clown is singing", "blood and thunder video for very clean", "a man in clown makeup is shouting into a microphone", "a gang of clowns sing a song", "a band is performing in hotel" ]
What is happening in the video in detail?
[ "eight men are running a race on a track", "men are racing", "men are racing on a track", "several runners are at a starting mark and on a signal they sprint to the finish line", "men are running in a race", "a group of men are racing down a track", "athletes are competing in hundred meter race", "runners are competing in a race", "racers are running down a track", "a group of men compete in a track race", "some men are running on a track", "men are running a race", "people are racing", "runners are racing on a track", "the racers sprinted across the finish line", "the men are in a foot race", "eight people run a race", "the racers sprinted down the track", "athletes is a sprint race", "the boys are running", "players are running in a competition", "the persons a re start running competition", "woman s running is progressing", "men are racing down a track", "men are racing", "the boys are running", "a boys are running", "athletes are running on track", "men are racing around a track", "some men are racing on a track", "atheletes are racing a race", "men are running", "several men are running a track race", "runners is running in the race", "peoples are running", "the men are in a running race" ]
What is happening in the video?
[ "several monkeys in a row are doing an irish dance", "chimps are dancing", "a line of chimpanzees are doing the river dance", "monkeys are dancing", "a group of monkeys are dancing in a line", "monkeys are dancing", "a line of monkeys do a river dance", "some chimps are dancing", "monkeys are river dancing", "several monkeys are dancing", "the monkeys are dancing", "chimpanzees are irish step dancing", "monkeys dance", "chimpanzees are river dancing", "a group of chimpanzees are dancing in a line", "the chimpanzees tap danced in a line", "the monkeys are dancing", "chimps are dancing", "monkeys are dancing", "the monkeys are dancing on the stage", "a group of monkeys are dancing", "some monkeis are dancing", "five monkeys are dancing on the counter", "some monkeys are dancing", "the monkeys tap danced in a line", "monkeys are playing", "the monkeysa are dancing", "a group of monkeys are dancing" ]
What is the video about?
[ "a crying man is talking to a woman lying in a bed and resting his forehead against hers", "a man is crying", "a man is crying", "a man is mourning for an injured woman", "a man is crying", "a man is weeping", "a man is crying over the body of a woman", "a man is crying on a dead woman s head", "a man cries over a woman lying on a hospital gurney", "a man is crying", "a man is crying", "a man is crying", "a man is sobbing resting his head against the face of a woman lying on a table at a hospital", "the man cried over the girl", "the man is grieving over the woman", "a bloody man looks down at a woman", "the man wept over the lady", "he is crying", "jack bauer cries", "a couple kissing their heart out", "a man is crying", "a person is crying on the girls face", "a man is crying over the dead body of a woman", "a man is crying over a woman", "a man is crying", "a movie clip of a young woman and a man in love and in trouble from 24 hours", "a man is crying", "the person is carring", "a man is crying over a young man on a medical bed", "two persons were kissing", "a movie there an actist weaping towards an actoress", "in the renee wolker", "a person s wife in the hospital", "the man is grieving the woman", "a men and women is taking kiss", "a man is crying", "a man is crying over a dead body" ]
Can you describe the video in detail?
[ "someone is slicing a green tomato with a knife", "a person is slicing a green tomato", "someone is slicing a green tomato", "a person is slicing a green tomato", "someone is cutting a green tomato into thin slices", "a woman is cutting a vegetable into slices with a knife", "a man is slicing some vegetables", "someone is slicing a green tomato", "a woman is cutting a tomato", "a person is slicing a tomato", "someone cut a green tomatoe", "the person is slicing green tomatoes", "a person cuts vegetables", "the man sliced the green tomatoe", "the person is cutting the tomato", "someone is slicing a vegetable", "a person is slicing a green tomato", "the person is cutting", "someone is slicing a green tomatoe", "the person is cutting the tomato", "a person is slicing a tomato", "racipe for fried green tomatoes", "the lady sliced the green tomatoe", "a man cooking his kichen", "the person is slicing green tomatoes", "someone slices a tomato" ]
What is the video about in detail?
[ "a man in a black and yellow costume chops a chicken in half with an axe", "a man cuts a whole chicken in half", "a man slices a whole chicken", "a man slices a chicken in half dressed as scorpion", "a man chopped a chicken with a ax", "a man is cutting meat with axe", "a man in a costume uses an axe on a raw chicken", "a man is chopping a chicken open with an axe", "a man cuts a chicken with an axe", "a man is chopping some meat", "a man is cutting a chicken in half with an axe", "a man chops a turkey in half", "a man chops a chicken in half with an axe", "the man axed the chicken on the table", "the man cut the chicken in half", "a masked man smashes some meat", "the man chopped the chicken with an axe", "the person is cutting the something", "a man chops a raw chicken with an axe", "a man is cutting meat", "a man is cutting a chicken with an axe", "a man is chopping a chicken", "a man slices a chicken in half", "the person is chopping the meat with an axe", "a man cut a turkey in half with an axe", "someone chops a chicken in half", "hitting to mutton pieces", "cooking with scorpion learn about chopping", "a man is chopping meat with an axe", "a man cutting a scorpion", "a person is cutting meat", "a man cutting body of scorpion with axe", "a man is cutting chicken", "a man thrusts an axe at an uncooked", "the man used a axe to cut the chicken in half", "a man chopping chicken", "a man cuts a chicken in half with a sword", "cooking with scorpion", "excellent video for cooking with scorpion", "a man is chopping a chicken", "a man in a ninja costume chops a chicken in half with an axe", "a man chops a chicken in two with an axe", "introducing the cooking ninja to the public" ]
Can you describe the video?
[ "the person is pouring coconut water", "someone is squeezing or pouring liquid from half of a coconut into a glass saucepan", "a man pours coconut water into a bowl", "a person is adding a coconut water into the bowl", "a chef pours water in a pan", "a man is pouring coconut water into a bowl", "a man is adding coconut water to a bowl", "a person is pouring juice from a coconut into a bowl", "a man is pouring coconut juice into a bowl through a strainer", "a person is pouring coconut water into a bowl", "a person pours coconut water into a bowl", "someone is pouring something into a bowl", "someone is pouring coconut into a bowl", "a man is draining water from a coconut", "a man is pouring juice from an entire coconut through a sieve into a bowl", "a man pours coconut water into a strainer", "somone poured juice out of miniature pie", "the person is pouring out the liquid from the coconut", "a man is draining the milk from a coconut", "water from a young coconut is poured and sieved into a bowl", "a man puts seasoning in a glass bowl", "the man poured juices out of a bisquit", "coconut juice being poored in pot", "filtering coconut water", "coconut water is good for health", "something yummy being prepared for the family", "a man is pouring liquid out of a coconut", "a man is draining a coconut", "a man is pouring coconut juice into a bowl", "a man is collecting coconut water into a bowl", "someone is pouring coconut juice", "a man is pouring tender coconut into a bowl", "a person pouring water into ball", "a person is filtering water from the tender coconut", "a person is preparing coconut water in bowl", "a person is draining coconut water into a bowl", "a person is draining juice from a coconut", "a man is pouring coconut water", "a person is taking out the water of coconut", "a man is squeezing the liquid out of a peeled coconut", "the man is pouring out coconut water", "anyone is making dish", "a man is pouring out coconut water", "someone pours coconut milk through a strainer" ]
What is happening in the video in detail?
[ "the man shot his gun", "a man is shooting off a gun", "a man shoots a shotgun", "a man is firing a shotgun and you can see the blast from the end of the barrel", "a man shoots a shotgun", "someone is shooting a gun", "a man is firing a gun", "a shotgun is being shot off in slow motion", "a person is firring a shotgun", "a guy is shooting a gun", "someone is firing a gun", "a man fires a rifle", "the man shot his gun in the air", "the man is shooting a gun", "a gun fires a blast", "a person shoots a gun in slow motion", "the man shot his gun", "a man is firing with a gun", "someone is shooting with the gun", "shotgun in ultraslo motion", "a man is shooting a gun", "he is gun shooting", "description of shotgun", "a man shooting a gun", "one boy is shoot for gun", "a man shot with his gun", "a person shooting their", "a man is shooting", "using a shotgun", "a man is shooting a shotgun", "a slug is fired from a shotgun in slow motion", "the person is shooting with a gun", "a man is shooting", "a man is shooting with a gun", "a man fires a rifle", "shooting a gun", "a man is shooting a gun", "someone fires a gun", "gunshot in slow motion", "a man is shooting", "a man is showing the shotgun", "a shot gun firing in a very slow motion", "he is shooting gun in ultra solo motion", "slow motion of bullet coming out from a gun", "a bullet is fired from a shotgun", "a man is shooting with a gun", "a man is firing a shotgun in slow motion", "a man shoots a gun", "the person is the shooting", "the gun fire demo", "a man is shooting from gun" ]
Can you describe what happens in the video?
[ "a woman coats a pork chop with flour", "a person brushes flour on a pork chop", "a woman puts a piece of meat on a plate and she brushes flour over it", "a woman flours a piece of meat", "a woman is brushing flour onto meat", "a woman is preparing meat", "a woman is coating pieces of pork with flour", "a woman is seasoning a piece of meat", "a woman covers a piece of meat with flour", "someone is breading a pork chop", "a woman is putting flour on meat", "a woman is coating a meat cutlet with flour", "a woman coats a slice of pork meat on both sides with flour using a brush", "a woman is coating a pork loin with flour", "the lady floured the meat and dipped it in egg", "the woman is battering pork chops", "a woman is coating a pork chop in flour", "a woman glazes some meat", "the lady brushed flour on the meat", "a woman is breading some meat", "she is cooking", "someone making a dish in the kitchen", "making katsudan", "a woman is flouring a pork chop", "a lady is showing demo for making katsudon", "a woman is coating a pork loin with flour", "a woman is covering some pork with flour", "a woman is putting flower on meat", "somebody is baking", "a japanees woman applying somekind of powder on a slice of flesh", "a cook is applying flour to a pork steak", "the woman is breading pork chop", "how to make katsudon", "a woman is spreading some flour on a meat", "a woman is brushing flour on a piece of pork", "the person is preparing the something", "how to make katsudon" ]
What is happening in the video?
[ "two men are walking down a street holding their jackets and talking", "two men are walking", "two men are walking together", "two men are walking down a dirt road", "two men are walking", "a painter and another man are walking down a dirt road", "men are walking", "two men are walking on a road", "two men are walking outside", "two people are walking", "two men are walking down the road", "the men walked down the path", "the men are walking", "two people walk down a road", "the men walked down the dirt road", "here one art is there", "two men are walking", "old movie 2 men walk and talk", "two person walking their", "the boys are walking on the road", "men walk together", "two men are walking on the road", "two men are walking down a road", "two men walking in a black and white film", "the men are walking", "two men are walking down the road", "the men are walking", "two old man is speaking and walking" ]
Can you describe what happens in the video?
[ "a woman is standing behind a cat in a dress holding and waving the cat s paws", "a girl is holding a cat in a dress", "a woman is holding a cat and making him punch", "a cat is wearing a shirt and a woman lifts the cat and starts to move it s paws up and down", "a person is playing with a cat", "a girl is playing with a white cat in a dress", "a woman is holding a cat", "a girl is playing with a cat", "a girl is showing her cat", "a cat is dressed up", "a person is holding a cat dressed up in clothes", "the girl moved the cat s paws as if he was fighting", "the cat is wearing costume and doing martial arts", "a woman makes a cat playfight", "someone is shaking a cats paws into the camera lens", "the girl held the cat up by its arms and made his arms box", "a lady playing with a cat", "a girl making a cat exercise", "a woman is making her cat dance", "a man is sowing something", "playing with the cat is funny", "the girl is playing the cat", "a white cat is dressed in a top and forced to bat at the camera by a girl", "a girl is playing with cat", "cute cat meows with cute girl", "a girl is making a cat dance", "the girl is playing with the cat", "a girl is playing with cat", "the cat is wearing an outfit", "funny video", "a woman is making a cat dance", "someone plays with a cat as if it were a doll", "a girl is showing a cat" ]
Can you describe what happens in the video?
[ "a large dog is barking through a chainlink fence", "dogs are barking", "dogs are barking in their cages", "dogs are barking", "two dogs are barking", "a dog is barking", "dogs behind a fence are barking", "two dogs bark angrily at each other", "caged dogs are barking", "two dogs in a cage bark", "dogs are barking", "a dog barks", "a dog is barking", "three dogs behind individual wired enclosures are barking", "the dogs barked through the fence", "the dog is barking", "two dogs bark", "the dog barked at the fence", "dogs are barking", "the dog is barring", "dogs are barking", "a dog is barking", "dogs are barking", "a dog is barking", "dogs are barking at each other", "a dog is barking behind the cage", "two dogs are barking", "some dogs are barking", "a dog barging", "several dogs are barking", "a dog is barking", "a dog woffing their", "dogs are barking", "the dogs is shotting", "the dogs are barking", "dogs behind a fence are barking", "a group of dogs barking", "a dog is barking", "dogs bark", "welcome to the dog horror house" ]
What is happening in the video?
[ "a man dives into the pool", "a young man dives off of a retaining wall into a swimming pool", "a man dives into a swimming pool", "a man is diving in the swimmingpool", "a man dives into a pool", "a boy jumped into a swimming pool", "a man is jumping into a swimming pool", "a man dives into a pool", "a man is diving into a pool", "a man dives into a swimming pool", "a boy is diving into a pool", "someone is jumping into a pool", "a man dives into a pool", "a man dives into a swimming pool", "the man dived into the pool", "the man dove into the swimming pool", "someone is diving into a pool", "a man dives into a pool", "the man dived into the pool from the wall", "a man swimming in a pool", "a man dives in to a swimmimg pool", "a person is jumping into the swimming fool", "the person is swimming the water", "a boy dives into a pool", "a man dives into a pool", "a man is diving in to the pool", "a man is jumping into the swimming pool", "a man dives in the swimming pooltwice", "a man is falling into the water", "a man dives into a pool", "a boy dives into a swimming pool", "a man dives into a pool", "a guy diving into the pool", "a man is diving into the water", "this video shows a man diving into a pool", "a person is jumping into the water", "a person taking bath in the water", "a man swim in the swimming pool", "a man swimming in the pool", "the man dove into the pool", "a men is jumping in swimming pool", "a man is diving into the water", "a man dives into a pool" ]
Can you describe the video?
[ "a horse and rider are running a fence jumping course", "a horse is jumping hurdles", "a horse is jumping over a fence", "a horseback rider completes an obstacle course", "a man is riding and jumping a horse", "a man is riding horse and jumping over obstacles", "a man riding a horse jumps several hurdles", "a person is riding a horse on a ground as it jumps across an obstacle", "a person is riding a horse", "a person on a horse is jumping hurdles", "a woman is riding a horse", "a woman jumps over hurdles with a horse", "a woman riding a horse jumps over a bar", "someone is riding a horse and jumping hurdles", "someone is riding a horse as it makes a jump", "the horse and rider are going through an obstacle course", "the horse and rider jumped over hurdles", "the man on his horse jumped over the hurdle", "a man riding the horse", "the girl is hoers riding", "a young man riding a horse", "a man is riding a horse", "a man is jumping a horse", "someone is riding a horse", "horse backing races", "a man is riding a horse", "a men racing on horse", "a jockey is riding a horse through an obstacle course" ]
What is the video about?
[ "a girl is doing makeup on her cheeks and forehead with a brush", "a woman is applying makeup to her face", "a woman is putting on makeup", "a woman is powdering her face", "a girl is applying makeup with a brush", "a woman is applying cosmetics to her face with a brush", "a woman applies cosmetics to her face", "a young woman is applying makeup", "a woman is applying some bronzing powder to the outer areas of her cheek and temple using a brush", "a indian girl puffing power on here", "the girl applied powder to her face with a brush", "the woman is applying makeup", "a girl is applying makeup on her face", "a girl applied foundation to her face with a brush", "a girl applying makeup by herself", "a girl glow summer skin", "a girl is applying makeup", "a girl is doing make up", "a girl putting make up to her face", "a lady is makeup", "a woman is putting on her makeup", "she is making up with glitter", "the beauty girl light tough to face", "a girl is putting on makeup", "a girl is putting on makeup", "a girl puts makeup infront of a mirror", "a girl putting on makeup", "a lady gives tips on makeup by color shades", "a lady is doing makeup", "a lady is giving some beautuy tips", "a lady is putting make up", "a woman applies makeup", "a woman applying blush on her face", "a woman describing some sort of tips to keep the glow of the skin in summers", "a woman is applying blush", "a woman is applying makeup to her face", "a woman is applying makeup to her face", "a woman is applying makeup", "a woman is applying makeup", "a woman is brushing her face", "a woman is demonstrating how to apply face makeup with a brush", "a woman is doing makeup", "a woman is powdering her face", "a woman is putting blush on her cheeks and forehead with a brush", "a women is doing make up for her face", "a women polish her face", "a young lady is doing make up on her face", "a young woman is applying makeup on her cheek", "a young woman is showing how to apply blush", "a young woman putting her blush on", "she have beatiful skin and she mainten that skin with some makeup", "the lady is brushing her face", "women is put make up", "a girl is doing a makeup", "a lady doing make up to herself", "a lady making make up for glow summer skin", "a girl is makeuping her face" ]
Can you describe what happens in the video?
[ "a boat is cruising through the waters", "a boat is cruising through water", "a boat is going through water", "a boat is moving across water", "a boat is moving in the water", "a boat is on water", "a boat is swimming on the water", "a boat is traversing some waves", "a boat sails along the water", "a man stands on the deck of a ship", "a powerboat is cruising across the water", "a ship is moving on a sea", "a yacht is moving across the water", "a yacht is moving through the water", "a yacht is sailing on the ocean", "a yacht moves across the water", "the boat cut through the water", "the boat is on the ocean", "the bot skimmed across the water", "boat on the sea", "ship is going under the water", "the person is watching steamer", "a boat is skimming the waves", "boat is going on water", "a boat is being driven through water", "a motor boat is sailing in the water", "a boat is sailing on water", "the steamer is in the water", "a boat is moving across the water", "a boat is going on the water", "a yacht is driving in the water", "a large yacht is moving through rough water", "a person riding ship", "a short clip about voyage where aal the people are enjoying", "a bota is moving through water", "a yacht is sailing", "rambo amadeus moj skutere", "a boat sails fast on water", "a boat is traveling through the water", "a motorozied boat is moving across a body of water", "awesome video for rambo amadeusmoj skutere" ]
What is happening in the video in detail?
[ "someone drills a hole in a strip of wood with a power drill", "a man drills a hole in a piece of wood", "a person drills a hole in wood", "someone is drilling a hole in a piece of wood", "yakati machinthi lakadama kanu pade che", "a woman is drilling a hole through a board", "a man is drilling a hole in a piece of wood", "a man is drilling a wood block", "a woman is drilling a hole in a piece of wood", "a person drills a hole through a piece of wood", "someone is drilling a hole", "a man is drilling a hole in a board", "a person is drilling a hole in a piece of wood", "the man drilled a hole into the piece of wood", "a man is drilling a hole in a board", "a man drills a hole in some wood", "a man drills a hole into a piece of wood", "the lady made a hole in a piece of wood with a drill", "the person is doing the something", "a person drilled a hold in a piece of wood", "a man is making hole on the wood", "a woman is drilling through a board", "a man is drilling a hole in a piece of wood", "a bird is washing in a wash basin", "a person is drilling a hole in a piece of wood", "try using a little oil to help feed it though", "a man is making hole in wood", "the man is drilling a hole in the wood", "a man is drilling a small plank", "a hole is drilled through a piece of wood" ]
What is happening in the video?
[ "a man is lying down on a blue mat exercising", "a man exercises", "a man is stretching", "a man is doing exercise", "a man is exercising", "a man is laying on a mat on the floor doing abdominal exercises", "a man is doing exercises", "a man is doing some exercise", "a man is doing crunches", "a man is exercising", "a man is exercising", "the man demonstrated exercises on the floor mat", "the man is exercising", "a man exercises", "a man does floor exercises", "the man demonstrated how to do an exercise on the floor mat", "a man is working out", "someone doing exercise", "a man doing exercise", "a man doing exercise in 8 minutes", "a man doing exercise", "a man giving tips of aerobics", "a man is dancing", "a man is demonstrating how to do ab exercises", "a man is doing exercise", "a man is doing exercises while lying on a mat", "a man is exercising through the legs", "a man is exercising", "a man is exercising", "a man is stretching", "a man is taking exercise", "the man demonstrated an exercise on the floor mat", "the man is exercising", "the man is exercising", "the person is doing the excising", "a man is doing some exercise" ]
What is the video about?
[ "a person riding a mechanical bull", "a boy is playing bull riding game", "a man is riding a bull machine", "a man is riding a mechanical bull", "a man is riding a mechanical bull", "a man is riding a mechanical bull", "a man is riding a mechanical bull", "a man is riding a mechanical bull", "a man is riding a mechanical bull", "a man is riding a mechanical bull", "a man is riding a mechanical bull", "a man is riding on something", "a man is sitting on the back of a toy bull which is swiveling wildly in different directions", "a man rides a mechanical bull", "a man rides a mechanical bull", "a man rode a mechanical bull", "the man is riding a mechanical bull", "the man rode a mechanical bull", "do like to ride a bull then watch this", "the person is playing", "a man is riding a mechanical bull", "a man riding a mechanical bull", "a man is rocking wildly on a mechanical rodeo ride", "the man playing with the toy bull", "marc s very short rodeo ride", "a man is riding a mechanical bull", "a man rides a mechanical bull", "a person is riding a rodeo", "a guy is tied with the chair", "a man is going a ride", "a man is riding a mechanical bull", "a man is dancing on the some animal", "a man is riding a mechanical bull", "a man is riding on a mechanical bull", "ha is hars racing on the round table", "man riding mechanical bull", "a man rides a mechanical bull", "a man riding on rodeo", "a man is enjoying", "someone is riding a bull", "a man is doing rodeo ride", "a man on the rodeo ride", "a man doing some sort of rodeo ride on a bull", "a boy is riding on toy bull", "a man is enjoying the riding on a electronic bull", "a guy is in the club", "a boy is riding on bull toy", "a man playing game", "marc s very short rodeo ride", "a man rides on an electric bull", "a man is riding a mechanical bull", "a man is sitting on bull", "a man is riding a mechanical bull", "a man rides a mechanical bull" ]
What is happening in the video in detail?
[ "a girl making her bed", "a girl is making her bed", "a girl is making her bed", "a girl is making her bed", "a girl is making up her bed", "a girl makes up her bed", "a maid is preparing bed", "a woman is making a bed", "a woman is tidying up a bed by setting the sheets and pillow right", "a young girl makes her bed", "the girl is tiding up her bed", "the girl made her bed up", "the girl made her bed very quickly", "the girl is fixing her bed", "a girl is making her bed", "a girl is making up a bed", "a girl makes her bed", "girl making her bed ready", "a girls is preparing the bed", "a girl is making a bed", "a guy is going ti the bed", "a woman is making a bed properly", "a girl is making bed", "a woman makes a bed", "a girl is sleeping on the bed", "a girl making a bed", "a girl is setting her bedrrom", "a girl is making her bed", "a girl is making a bed", "a girl is making her bed", "a girl is making her bed", "a woman is making beb", "a lady making up the bed", "a woman makes her bed", "a girl trying to arrange his bedsheet in a proper way", "a girl is making her bed", "a girl maintaining bed sheet and pillow", "a girl is making the bed", "the girl made her bed quickly", "a girl makes her bed in her room", "the girl is playing", "the girl is making her bed", "a young girl making a bed", "a girl is making her bed", "the girl made her bed up very quickly" ]
What is the video about?
[ "the people picked rice in the rice field", "several workers are planting in a lake", "a bunch of farmers are planting rice", "a group of japanese farmers are planting rice crops in a field", "a group of peasants plants rice", "a group of women pulling rice", "farmers are planting paddy", "many people are bending over to pick crops", "people are planting rice", "rice farmers working in the fields", "some women are planting rice", "some women are transplanting paddy", "the farmers are planting rice", "the people are picking plants from the water", "women are harvesting rice", "women are tending to rice fields", "some people are working in the field", "the farmers are planting rice sticks", "a group of workers are planting", "four women a working in a rice paddy", "group of peoples sowing rice into water", "japanese warriors on the scene", "a dance performed in the paddy field", "chinese people planting something", "three men were standing on top of the hill", "people were doing agricultural work uniformly", "farmers are planting plants into the field", "a people are fetching a some plants", "japanese woman are working in a rice field", "lota of girls are plowing something in her feild", "people are transplanting rice plants", "these people are cultivating the land with dance", "chines people dancing in rice fields", "group of samuraies looking for their enemies", "farmers are planting crops", "people are planting rice", "vietnamese people are planting rice", "people are working in the farm", "a rice field being planted by several people", "they harvest rice while singing", "chinese people planting paddy in their fields", "workers are working in the fields together", "a group of people are planting in a field", "people picked rice in the paddy fields", "the farmers are planting rice", "people are planting rice in a paddy", "people picked rice in the rice paddy field" ]
What is happening in the video?
[ "a woman applying eye shadow", "a girl is applying eye shadow on her left eyelid", "a woman applies eye shadow to her eyelid", "a woman is applying blue costmetics to her eyelid", "a woman is applying eye liner", "a woman is applying eye makeup", "a woman is applying green eyeshadow on her eyelid", "a woman is applying makeup to her eyelids", "a woman is applying turquoise eyeshadow on the inner side of her eyelid", "a woman is dabbing on some shimmering green eye shadow on her eyelid using an applicator brush", "a woman is doing a eye makeup", "a woman is doing eye makeup", "a woman is making an eyeshadow", "a woman is putting on eyeshadow", "a woman puts makeup on", "green makeup is being applied to a female s eyelid with a makeup brush", "the girl is applying eye makeup", "the woman is putting on blue eye shadow", "a girl is using a eye shadow on her eyes", "a woman applies blue eyeshadow", "a woman is applying blue eye shadow to the inside corner of her eyelid", "a woman is applying eye makeup", "a woman is doing make up on her eye lid", "a women is coloring her eye lashes", "a young spanish lady demonstrating how to apply various types of eye makeup", "shading of eyes", "a girl doing some sort of makeup above her eyes", "a girl applied eye makeup with a brush", "a girl applied green eye shadow with a brush", "a girl is applying eye shadow", "a girl is applying eyeshadow", "a girl is putting on eye shadow", "a lady is applying eyeshadow on her eyelash", "a woman applies eye shadow", "a woman applying eye shade on her eye lids", "a woman is applying blushers on her eyes", "a woman is applying eye makeup", "a woman is applying eye makeup", "a woman is applying eye shades", "a woman is applying eye shadow", "a woman is applying eyelashes", "a woman is applying eyeshadow to her eyelids", "a woman is applying eyeshadow", "a woman is applying makeup to her eyelids", "a woman is coloring her eye shadows", "a woman is makeuping", "a woman is putiing on eyeshadow", "a woman is putting makeup", "a woman is putting on eye makeup", "a woman is putting on eye shadow", "a woman is putting on green eyeshadow", "a woman putting eye makeup with a pencil", "applying pretty green eye makeup", "the lady is putting on makeup", "the woman is putting on eye makeup", "a girl is putting eye shadow", "an women make up her eye bro" ]
What is happening in the video in detail?
[ "a man runs and then falls down", "a staggering man runs and begins to fall down", "a man is running", "a man is running down a field and falls", "a drunk man is running and falling", "a man running", "a running man is falling on grass", "a drunk guy runs across a field", "a man is running across a field and falling down", "a man is running in a circle", "a man is running around and falling", "several drunk men are falling down", "a drunken man runs on grass and falls down", "the man fell down while running on the field", "the man is running and then he fell", "a man runs around and stumbles", "the man fell down while running on the grass", "the man is running", "a man is running in the park", "a man stumbles while walking", "a man is running on the lawn", "a drunken man is walking", "a man is running on a field", "funny video", "a drunk man is running", "a man fell down while running", "a short clip about drunkers", "a man is running and falls down", "a man is running around in a field", "a man run very fast", "the man is walking drunk and fell", "a drunken man stumbles around" ]
Can you describe the video?
[ "two people are climbing up a wall using protective gear", "a man and boy are rock climbing", "a boy is rock climbing", "a boy is climbing a climbing wall", "a boy is climbing on a wall", "a couple of boys are climbing an indoor rock climbing wall", "a boy is climbing a wall", "two boys a scaling a rock wall", "a boy is climbing", "a girl is climbing a wall", "two people are climbing a rock wall", "the boy and his dad climbed a rock wall", "the girl climbed the rock wall", "a boy and a man are climbing on a climbing wall", "a person completes an indoor rock climbing challenge", "the boy climed the rock wall", "the people are playing", "two men are climbing", "a woman is climbing a wall", "a persan climbing on the wall", "a man and a girl are climbing on the wall", "a boy is rock climbing", "two people are climbing a rock wall", "kids are climbing up a fake rock wall", "the boy climbed up the rock wall", "the girl is climing the rock wall", "a boy is climbing" ]
Can you describe what happens in the video?
[ "a man lifts up the back of a white car and puts it back down", "a man lifts the back end of a car", "a man lifts a car", "a man is picking a car up", "a man lifts a car by the rear", "a man lifted a car", "a man is lifting a car", "a man is lifting the back of a car off the ground", "a man lifts the back of a car off the ground", "a man is lifting the back end of a car", "a man is lifting a car", "a man is picking up a car", "a man is lifting up a car", "the man lifted the white car by the rear bumper", "the man lifted the car", "a man is lifting a car by the rear bumper", "a person lifts up the back of a car", "the man lifted the car by its bumper", "a man is lifting a car", "a person with car", "the boy is lifting the car", "a man is lifting a car", "a man is lifting a car", "a man is lifting a car", "a man is lifting a car", "a man is lifting the back end of a car", "a man is lifting the back end of a car", "a man is lifting the car", "a man lifting a car", "a man lifts a car off the ground with his bare hands", "a man pulling up a car", "strong man", "the man is lifting the car", "very powerfull man", "very strong man", "a man is moving a car by the hand", "he lift the car" ]
Can you describe the video?
[ "a cat is eating food", "a cat is eating food", "a kitten is eating food out of a bowl", "a kitten is eating its food from a plate", "two cats eat food from a bowl", "kitten are eating food", "a cat is eating cat food from a bowl", "a kitten is eating food out of a large bowl", "a kitten is eating", "a kitten is eating", "kittens are eating", "a kitten is eating cat food from a bowl", "two kittens are eating food from a bowl", "the kittens ate the food in the bowl", "the kitten is eating", "a kitten eats some food", "the kittens ate out of the bowl", "a kitten eats its food", "a cat is eating", "the pet cats are eating food", "the animals are eating", "the kittens are eating with hungry", "two cats eating food", "a little kitty is eating", "two kittens are eating", "the black kitten is eating a cat food on the bowl", "a kitten eating out a dish", "two cats are eating", "a kitten is eating cat food", "two cats are eating", "a kitten eating its food", "a act is playing", "a kitten is eating food from a bowl", "the kittens are eating", "two kittens are playing", "a kitten is eating food from a bowl", "a kitten is eating from a bowl" ]
Can you describe the video?
[ "video simultaneously shows a view of a woman talking on a telephone and one of a man talking on a telephone", "a man and woman are talking of phones", "a man and woman are talking on the phone", "a man and a woman are talking on a phone", "two people are speaking on phones", "a man and woman is talking on the phone", "a man is talking to a woman by phone", "a man and a woman are having a phone conversation", "a man and woman are talking to each other on phones", "a man and a woman talk on cellphones", "a man and woman are talking on the phone", "two people are talking on the phone", "a man and woman are talking on the phone", "the man talked to his girlfriend on the phone", "the man and woman are talking on the phone", "two people talk on the phone", "the man talked to the woman on the phone", "they are talking", "a man and lady talking with cell phone", "a man and woman are talking on the phone", "a man and woman is talking through a phone", "two lovers were kissing each other", "a man and woman are talking on the phone", "a man ans a woman are talking each other by mobile", "talking eachother", "a man", "a boy kissing a girl", "a scene from the renee walker", "a man is talking with a woman", "the boy and girl is kissing", "two person is chating through phone", "renee wolker to very super movies", "a guy is talking to a girl over a cellular phone", "the man and woman are talking on the phone", "a man and a woman are talking on the phone", "a man and a woman are speaking on their phones", "a man and woman talk on the phone" ]
What is happening in the video?
[ "a man making sausage balls", "a man is forming meatballs from a mixture", "a man is making small balls from a meat mixture using his palms", "a man is preparing some dish", "a minced mixture is portioned with a fruit scoop and then rolled into small balls", "a person is making small balls of sredded meat or vegetable", "a person makes small meatballs", "an individual scoops ground meat out of a bowl and rolls it into balls", "meat is molded into balls", "meat is spooned out and formed into balls", "meatballs are being rolled", "some formed meatballs out of the meat mixture", "someone is demonstrating how to make meatballs by scooping up a spoonful of ground meat and rolling it into a ball", "someone is making meat balls", "someone scooped meatballs", "the cook is making meatballs", "the cook is making meatballs", "a women is describing how to make italian wedding soup", "someone is making meatballs using a small scoop", "a man is making meatballs", "a man is making a meatball", "a person is making meatballs", "a man is making some meatballs", "making small balls and placing it onto the plate", "preparing a yummy soup for the family", "a man is scooping meat to form meatballs", "a video showing the preparation of an italian wedding soup", "a person makes meatballs", "cooking person making something", "a person rolls meat with their fingers", "an individual is making meatballs", "someone make a italy food", "a person is preparing soup", "healthily prepared italion wedding soup reciepe", "a person is making small meatballs and putting them on a plate", "a moan making meatballs", "someone is balling ground meat", "a person is scooping meat into a ball", "someone is making meat balls", "somebody is rolling the stuffs into a ball", "a person rolls meatballs", "a person is making the dough into small rounds", "a person is rolling meat into balls", "someone formed meatballs out of the hamburger", "a man making soup", "the cook is shaping meatballs", "a person is rolling some meat into meatballs", "a woman is cooking", "she is preparing sweet balls for her children", "a cook checks the consistency of some soup", "the man made meatballs out of the hamburger" ]
Can you describe what happens in the video?
[ "meat is being chopped", "a chef cuts beef", "a man is chopping beef using a large flat kitchen knife", "a person dices meat with a butcher knife", "a person is chopping some cooked beef", "a person os slicing beef with a cleaver", "meat is being shanked", "meat is chopped with a knife", "meet is being chopped", "someone is chopping mushrooms", "the cook is chopping up meat", "the cook is cutting up meat", "smashing the meat with the knife", "a guy preparing the noodles soup", "a person cutting some beaf and preparing something", "beef is being chopped", "chef showing how to make a spicy vietnamese beef noodle soup", "someone is cutting mushroom", "cutting into small pieces for big cooking", "he is a sheaf and telling us how to make faux pho spicy vietnamese beef noodle soup", "a chef is cutting up food", "a chef is slicing beef", "a cook is chopping beef", "a guy is chopping up some kind of meat", "a man is chopping meat", "a man is chopping meat", "a man is chopping up beef with a cleaver", "a man is cutting a beef into small pieces", "a man is mixing ingredients for a soup", "a person is chopping meat", "a person is chopping meat", "a person is cutting beef", "a person is cutting up beef", "a person is cutting up meat with a cleaver", "a yummy noodle dish being prepared", "beef is being chopped with a knife", "food is being diced", "meat is being chopped into bits", "preparing beef noodle soup", "some meat is getting chopped by a knife", "somebody is chopping meat", "someone chopped up meat", "someone chopped up meat", "someone chops up some meat", "someone is slicing meat", "somone is chopping meat", "the cook is dicing meat", "the person is slicing meat", "preparazione di una ricetta vietnamita", "spicy vietnamese beef noodle" ]
What is happening in the video?
[ "a fighter gets slammed and punched", "a boxer throws another boxer onto the ring", "a man lifts his opponent and punches his face after throwing him on the floor in a boxing match", "a man throwing a man down and striking him in the face", "a wrestler slams another man onto the floor of the mat", "men a wrestling", "one wrestler slams another into the ground", "the men are in a fight", "the wrestler had the other wrestler down", "the wrestler pinned his opponent", "two fighters are wrestling in a ring", "two man are fighting", "two men are boxing in a ring", "two men are fighting", "two men are fighting", "two men are wrestling in a ring", "two men fight inside a ring", "a guy is knockout easily", "fantastic knockout", "fighting game", "its a wwwf fighting scene", "this is a fantastic knockout", "two men are fighting in a boxingwrestling ring", "two players playing a boxing match", "a boxer knocking out another in a boxing competition", "a fighter slams down and punches another fighter", "a fighter slams his opponent onto the ground and knocks him out", "a man is being slammed headfirst on the mat in a boxing match", "a man is getting beat", "a man is knockout", "a man slams another man down in a ring and knocks him out", "guys are boxing with each other", "it is a fantastic knockout", "men are fighting", "two men are fighting in a boxing ring", "two men are fighting", "two men are fighting", "two men are wrestling", "two men were boxing", "two persons are fighting", "two persons fighting in a thai boxing style in a boxing ring", "two wrestlers are fighting", "two champiance play a boxing" ]
Can you describe the video in detail?
[ "a man is window cleaning", "a man cleans a building glass door", "a man is cleaning a glass door", "a man is cleaning a glass door", "a man is cleaning a glass door", "a man is cleaning a glass door", "a man is cleaning a glass door", "a man is cleaning a glass of door", "a man is cleaning glass doors", "a man is cleaning the windows of two glass doors", "a man is cleaning the windows", "a man is cleaning two glass doors using wet and dry sponge mops along with a piece of cloth", "a man is cleaning windows", "a man is washing the door glass of a business", "man washing and cleaning door windows", "the man is cleaning the glass doors", "the mand is cleaning the door glass", "a man demonstrates how to clean glass doors and windows in the proper way", "a man is cleaning a glass door", "a man is cleaning a window", "a man is cleaning a window", "a man is cleaning his door with a whyper", "a man is cleaning the glass of a door", "window cleaning is very neat", "this is exact way of cleaning a glass door", "a man cleaning the window", "a man cleans a window", "a man is cleaning a door window", "a man is cleaning a glass door", "a man is cleaning a store window", "a man is cleaning a window", "a man is cleaning a window", "a man is cleaning a window", "a man is cleaning glass doors", "a man is cleaning the door glass", "a man is cleaning the doors into two ways", "a man is cleaning the glass", "a man is cleaning the glass in two doors", "a man is cleaning the glass of the door", "a man is cleaning window glass", "a man is cleaning windows", "a man is cleaning windows", "a man is quickly cleaning windows", "a man is soaping the glass door and wiping it with a squeegee", "a man is washing the glass in a door", "a man is washing windows", "a man is washing windows", "a man is wiping glass of a door", "a man used a squeegee to clean a glass door", "a person is cleaning glass doors", "a person is wiping the glass door", "man is washing windows", "the man is cleaning the glass doors", "the man is cleaning the glass doors", "the man is wiping the glass windows with a wiper", "the man squeegeed the door", "the person is cleaning the window using wipers", "use a wet and a dry roller to clean doors" ]
What is happening in the video?
[ "a dog barks at a walking electronic chicken", "a dog is barking at a mechanical chicken", "a dog is barking at a musical toy", "a dog is barking at a toy duck", "a dog is barking at a toy", "a dog is barking at a toy", "a dog is barking at a toy", "a dog is barking at a wind up toy duck", "a dog is barking at an animated stuffed toy that s walking around", "a dog is barking at an electronic toy duck", "a dog is barking", "a dog is playing with a mechanical toy", "a dog is playing with toy s robbert", "a dog is puzzled by an electronic duck toy", "a dog plays with an electronic toy", "the dog barked at the battery operated toy", "the dog is barking at the toy", "the little dog barked at the electronic toy", "a puppy enjoying with doll", "the dog is playing the doll", "a dog is playing with a toy", "a dog is barking at a toy", "a dog is barking at a moving toy", "the puppy afraid of the walking of the doll", "a dog is barking at a toy chicken", "the dog is barking at the toy", "a dog is playing with a toy", "a dog is barking", "a dog is playing with toys", "a dog is barking at a toy bird", "a dog is barking at a toy", "a dog is barking at a toy duck", "a dog is barking at a toy", "a puppy jab on a toy", "a dog is barking at a toy", "a dog is barking at a doll", "a dog barking at an moving toy", "a doggy barking to a doll", "a dog barks at a doll", "a dog is barking at a toy", "a puppy playing their", "a dog is barking at a toy" ]
Can you describe what happens in the video?
[ "a group of men are running behind another man and mimicking all his actions", "men are running", "men are running in a prison yard", "men are doing an exercise", "a group of men are exercising", "men are doing exercises", "several men are doing maneuvers as the run across the grass", "men are exercising in a field", "a group of men run across a prison yard", "some men are exercising on a field", "men are running", "men are running", "several men are running and jumping in a field", "the men played follow the leader on the grass", "the men are exercising", "a group of people run and jump on a field", "mean machine 2001 part1", "the boys are running in the garden", "the group of persons doing exercise in the play ground", "men are running in a prison yard", "guys running on the ground", "a people are doing workout", "mean machine 2010 part", "men are running and jumping in the air", "featuring some persons running", "a moviescene where many artists are together", "some men are exercising", "a video clip from a tv show about a man in prison", "a group of men are running in the field", "a movie main machine 2001", "all people are running", "routine workout by prisoners in movie mean machine", "the people were playing in the ground", "many person s are doing the exercise", "the men are exercising", "some people is doing exercise", "a group of prisoners run and exercise" ]
What is happening in the video in detail?
[ "two women are shopping in a store", "two women are shopping", "two women are shopping", "two women are shopping in a store", "two women are shopping", "a couple of young ladies are pushing a shopping cart through a store", "two woman are shopping", "women are shopping in a mall", "two woman are shopping at the store", "two women are browsing a store", "two women are shopping", "two girls are shopping", "two women are shopping in a store", "the women are shopping", "two women are shopping in a store", "two women walk down the aisle of a store", "two ladies are shopping", "a couple of women are shopping in a store", "the girls are doing the shopping", "the girls are walking in departmental store", "two women are shopping", "a lady is showing up in the shop", "the two girls are purchasing somehting", "two women are walking through a store", "two ladies are shopping and the lady in pink is pushing the push cart", "two women are shopping", "a sweet baby is showing", "the ladies went shopping through the store aisles", "the women are shopping", "two women is shoping" ]
Can you describe the video in detail?
[ "a man is using an electric whisk", "a man is using a hand mixer to mix the contents of a mixing bowl", "a man is mixing", "a man is kneading dough", "a man is using an electric mixer to blend some ingredients", "a man is mixing ingredients in a bowl", "a man is mixing flour with machine", "a person is mixing ingredients in a bowl", "a man mixes white cream in a bowl", "a man is whipping cream", "a man is mixing something with a blender", "a man is mixing ingredients in a bowl", "the man mixed the dough in a bowl", "the man is mixing whipping cream", "a man mixes some chip dip", "the man mixed the batter in the bowl", "a person is cooking", "the person is making something to eat", "a man prepares a fruit dip", "a man is using an electric mixer", "a man is mixing ingredients in a bowl", "the person is mixing the ingredients with a machine", "a man is mixing something in a bowl", "someone preparing something", "a man preparing and amazing dish", "a man is beating some cream", "a person is mixing up a substance in a bowl", "a man is talking about cooking recipe", "the man mixed the batter in the bowl", "a man is mixing ingredients", "a man is making dirts dips", "a man cooking his kichen", "the man is mixing heavy cream", "a man on a video is teaching how to cook special dish", "anyone is making dish", "very super video", "someone whips batter", "a man mixes cream in a bowl" ]
Can you describe what happens in the video?
[ "a woman is riding a horse", "a girl is riding a horse", "a girl is riding a horse", "a horse is being riden", "a jockey rides a horse across a field", "a man is riding a horse in an open field surrounded with greenery", "a man is riding on a horse", "a person is riding a horse", "a person is riding a horse", "a woman is riding a horse", "a woman is riding a horse", "a woman is riding on a horse", "a woman rides a horse across a field", "the horse and rider trotted across the field", "the horse and rider trotted down the field", "the woman is riding a horse", "a girl riding horse", "a horse rider playing the game", "a man is riding a horse", "a man is riding a horse", "a man is riding in the horse", "a man ride on horse", "a men walking on hours", "a woman rides a horse", "he is hars raiding", "one man riding on horse", "someone is riding a horse", "the man is riding the horse", "a girl is horseback riding through a course", "a girl is riding a horse", "a horse and rider are trotting through a field", "a lady is riding the horse", "a man enjoying the ride of horse", "a man in a black coat riding a horse", "a man is riding a horse", "a man is riding on a horse", "a man is riding on a horse", "a man is riding on horse", "a man riding with a horse", "a person is riding a horse", "a person is riding a horse", "a person rides a horse in a field", "a person rides a horse", "a person riding a horse", "a woman contestant is riding a horse", "a woman is riding a horse in a field", "a woman is riding a horse outside", "a woman is riding a horse", "a woman rides a horse", "a woman riding a horse", "portia 2nd ode mar 2010 dressage", "someone is riding a horse", "someone is riding a horse", "someone is riding a horse", "a walk for horse with a man", "the man is horse riding", "a man ios riding a horse", "a horse rider riding ahorse on the ground" ]
Can you describe the video in detail?
[ "a man is chopping an onion", "a man is chopping the onion", "a man is slicing onion", "a onion being sliced and diced", "he is cutting cabbage", "the man teaching how to cut the vegetabls", "a chef chopping white onion", "a chef demonstrates chopping the centre piece of a vegetable", "a chef is chopping onions into very small pieces with his knife", "a chef is dicing an onion", "a chef is dicing onions", "a chef is slicing onion", "a chef is slicing potatoes", "a chef uses a knife to dice an onion", "a cook is cutting a tomato to make very small pieces", "a man chops an onion", "a man cutting an onion up", "a man cutting some vegetable", "a man demonstrates how to dice an onion", "a man dicing an onion", "a man dicing an onion", "a man is chopping an onion very fine on a cutting board", "a man is chopping an onion very finely using a sharp knife", "a man is chopping onion", "a man is chopping up an onion", "a man is cutting onion into tiny pieces", "a man is dicing an onion", "a man is slicing a onion into some pieces", "a man is slicing a onion", "an onion is chopped up into pieces", "an onion is cut up", "chef finely dicing onions", "chef is dicing onion", "chef peels and dices up a yellow onion", "male chef dicing an onion", "man choping onion with knife", "the chef is chopping up an onion", "the chef is dicing onions", "the chef is slicing the onion", "the onion is being chopped into small bits", "choping something", "a chef is finely chopping onions" ]
What is the video about?
[ "a woman is sprinkling a white substance over various kinds of food", "a woman seasons two plates of food", "a woman seasons plates of food", "a woman is sprinkling seasoning over a plate of fish and over a plate of vegetables", "a woman spices some seafood", "a woman is sprinkling something on food", "a woman puts flour on seafood", "a woman is sprinkling flour onto some ingredients", "a woman is dusting food with powder", "a woman is sprinkling something on food", "a woman is seasoning various foods", "the lady sprinkled salt on the food", "the woman is seasoning the shrimp and vegetables", "a woman seasons meat and begetables", "the lady sprinkled salt on the food", "a woman is seasoning a plate of food", "the woman is putting some powder in the curry", "a lady is preparing a food", "a lady is spreading the flour on the prawns", "a man cooking his kichen", "a woman is sifting flour", "a woman is sprinkling some flour on the ingredient", "a women is cooking tendon japanese tempura rice bowl", "the woman is seasoning the seafood and vegetables", "a girl is filter something", "the women is cooking", "a women is making dish" ]
What is the video about in detail?
[ "a woman climbing a mountain", "a girl is climbing a rock wall", "a girl is climbing a rock wall", "a woman climbs a rock wall", "a woman climbs a wall", "a woman is climbing a climbing wall", "a woman is climbing a rock wall", "a woman is climbing a rock wall", "a woman is climbing a rock wall", "a woman is climbing a rock wall", "a woman is climbing a rock wall", "a woman is climbing a wall", "a woman is climbing an artificial rock wall", "a woman is climbing up a rock wall", "a woman is engaged in rock climbing", "a woman is rock climbing", "a woman", "a young woman climbs a rock wall", "a young woman is climbing a rock wall", "the girl climbed a rock wall", "the woman is climbing up a rock wall facade", "a woman is climbing wall", "one person going to top of the stone with help of roof", "a girl practising on rock climbing", "a girl climbing a rock wall", "a girl is climbing a rock wall", "a girl is climbing a rock wall", "a girl is climbing on a wall", "a woman climbing in the rockwall", "a woman is climbing a rock wall", "a cute blond is climbing a manmade rock wall", "a girl climbed up a rock wall", "a girl is climbing a raw tower", "a girl is climbing a rock wall", "a girl is climbing a rock", "a lady is climbing", "a woman climbing a rock wall", "a woman climbing rock wall", "a woman climbs a rock wall", "a woman climbs a rock wall", "a woman clubing a wall", "a woman is ascending a climbing rock wall", "a woman is climbing a rock wall", "a woman is climbing a rock wall", "a woman is climbing a rock", "a woman is climbing on a wall", "a woman is climbing on rock wall", "a woman is climbing on the wall", "a woman is rock climbing on a practice wall", "a woman is rock climbing on a rock climbing wall", "a woman is rock climbing", "a woman is rock climbing", "a woman is rock climbing", "a young girl climbing an artificial rock wall", "a young woman climbs a rock wall", "the girl climbed up the rock wall", "the lady is climbing the wall", "the woman is climbing the rock wall", "woman is climbing a rock wall", "one woman is climbing rock wall" ]
What is the video about?
[ "a elephant eating by the fence", "an elephant eats foliage", "sad elephant", "the elephant is trying to pick up some leaves and trying to eat those leaves", "a baby elephant eating some tree twigs alongside an adult elephant", "a baby elephant is eating stems in a zoo", "a calf is eating leaves", "a elephant is eating leaves", "a large elephant eats some leaves and tosses the twigs away", "an african elephant is eating leaves and discarding the branches", "an elephant eating a leafy branch", "an elephant eating", "an elephant eats leaves", "an elephant is chewing leaves", "an elephant is eat from a pile of leaves", "an elephant is eating a leaves of tree", "an elephant is eating bamboo", "an elephant is eating branches that are resting on the ground", "an elephant is eating branches", "an elephant is eating grass", "an elephant is eating leafs", "an elephant is eating leaves from a branch", "an elephant is eating leaves", "an elephant is eating leaves", "an elephant is eating leaves", "an elephant is eating plant cuttings", "an elephant is eating", "an elephant is having a branch", "an elephant is in some type of enclosure and it s eating hay", "an elephant is picking up a leafy branch with his trunk and eating the branch", "an elephant is picking up a small branch in its trunk", "an elephant picks up some leaves with its trunk", "an elephant uses its trunk to pull leafy branches into its mouth", "an elephant was eating some branches", "and elephant is picking up a stick", "elephant eating leaves from branch", "elephant is eating leaves", "in video a baby elephant is eating leaf", "one elephant taking food with it s trunk", "the elephant is eating branches", "the elephant is eating leaves and branches", "the elephant is eating", "the elephant is picking up the leaves and eating them", "elephant eating the tree" ]
What is happening in the video?
[ "a person pealing potatoes", "a man is peeling a large raw potato using a vegetable peeler", "a man is peeling a potato using a peeler", "a man is peeling a potato", "a man is peeling a potato", "a man is peeling a potato", "a man is peeling a potato", "a man is peeling potato", "a man peeled a potatoe", "a man peels a potato", "a person is peeling a potato", "a potato is being skinned", "someone is peeling a potato", "someone peeled a potatoe", "the man is peeling potatoes", "different type of food is shown in the clipping", "a man is peeling a potatoe", "a person is peeling a potato", "a man si cutting a cover of potato", "they are showing how to do french fries", "one man removing peels from potato with peeler", "someone pills a potato", "racipe for make a dish", "a person is cutting potatoes", "a men making crispy french fries", "the chef is teaching how to make crispy french fries", "french frieshow to make crispy french fries", "a man is scraping the potato skin", "a woman shows how to cook fries", "a potato is being peeled", "someone is peeling a potato", "a man is peeling a potato", "crisp french fries ready to be eaten", "a raw potato s skin is being scraped", "a man peels a potato", "a man is grating the potato", "a man is peeling a potato", "a man making french fries with potato", "a man is pealing yhe the potato layer", "a person is peeling the skin off a potato", "a person is peeling a potato with a vegetable peeler", "a man is peeling a potato", "a man pealing a potato", "a man makes his homemade fries", "a video explaining to make french fries", "a man is peeling a potato s skin", "a man is peeling skin of a potato", "a person is peeling a potato", "somebody is scratching a potato", "a man peeling off a potato in a fast manner", "a man is pealing a potato", "someone is peeling a potato", "making of crispy french fries", "a man is peeling a potato", "a man shows how to peel potatoes to make chip fries", "a man is peeling a potato on a white cutting board", "a man is peeling a potato with a peeler", "a man is peeling potato", "someone is peeling a potato", "a man is peeling a potato", "removing the layers of potato" ]
Can you describe what happens in the video?
[ "a man is putting butter into a bowl", "a man opens a package of cream cheese and drops it in a bowl", "a man puts cream cheese in a bowl", "a man puts a stick of butter in a bowl", "a man is putting a square of cream cheese into a bowl", "a man is opening a packet of butter", "a man puts a block of cream cheese into a bowl", "a man is putting cream cheese into a bowl", "a man is adding butter to a bowl", "a man is dropping a chunk of cream cheese into a bowl", "a man opens a package of cream cheese and places it in a bowl", "a man is placing butter in a bowl", "a man puts a block of cream cheese in a bowl", "a man is putting butter into a bowl", "a guy puts butter into a bowl", "a person adds a stick of butter to a bowl", "a man opens a packet containing a block of cream cheese and drops it into a bowl", "the man put a block of cheese into the bowl", "the man putting cream cheese into a bowl", "butter is dropped into a bowl", "a man puts butter in a bowl", "the man put a stick of cheese in a bowl", "a person is cooking", "pleacing the butter", "preparing something delicious for the family", "a man is putting cream cheese in a bowl", "a man puts cream cheese in a bowl", "a man is opening the butter packet", "someone is putting butter into a bowl", "a man is putting a pocket of cream cheese into a bowl", "a man is taking the butter into a bowl", "put the butter into the bowl", "quick chart", "a man puts a stick of butter in a bowl", "a man is opening something", "a person is putting cream cheese in a bowl", "a cook unwraps cream cheese and places it in a mixing bowl", "a man putting some kind of butter into a bowl", "cream cheese is placed into a bowl to make dip", "a guy is dropping a cream cheese in a bowl", "the man dropped cream cheese into the bowl", "a men is doing job", "a man is opening a package of cream cheese", "a man is putting cream cheese into a bowl", "someone unwraps a pack of cream cheese and dumps it in a bowl" ]
What is happening in the video?
[ "a man washes his hands in a bathroom sink and dries them on a towel hanging over a shower stall", "a man dries his hands", "a man is drying his hands on a towel", "a man is drying his hands on a towel", "a man is toweling his hands", "a man is drying his hands", "a man is wiping his hands on a towel", "a boy is drying his hands on a towel", "a man dries his hands on a towel", "a man is drying his hands after having washed them", "a guy is drying off his hands", "someone is washing their hands", "a man is drying his hands on a towel", "the man washed and dried his hands in the bathroom", "the boy wiped his hands on the towel", "a man dries his hands", "a man washed and dried his hands", "the man is washing his hands and clean and wipped his hand", "the man is washing his hands and drys the same with towel", "a man is washing his hands", "a man is washing his hand", "a man washed his hands than scrubbed them with a towel", "milk being poured on something in a bowl", "a man is drying off his hands", "a man drys his hand", "the person is wiping hands with the towel", "a man is washing his hands", "a man wipe his hands in a towel", "a boy is washing", "a man washing his hands", "a man is washing his hands", "a boy is cleaning hand with handkerchief", "the man wiped his hands on the towel", "a man is drying his hands in a bathroom", "a man is washing his hands in the bathroom", "a man is wiping his hands", "a man is drying his hands with a towel", "the boy is washing the hands", "a man washes his hands", "a man washing his hands" ]
Can you describe what happens in the video?
[ "hamster eating cheese", "a baby guinea pig is nibbling on a carrot", "a guinea pig chews on food", "a guinea pig eats a carrot", "a guinea pig eats a carrot", "a guinea pig is eating a carrot", "a guinea pig is eating a carrot", "a guinea pig is eating food", "a guinea pig is eating", "a guineapig eats a piece of carrot", "a guinna pig is eating", "a guniea pig is eating a carrot", "a hamster is eating a piece of carrot", "a hamster or guinea pig eats a carrot", "a small guinea pig is gnawing and eating a piece of carrot on the floor", "the guinea pig is nibbling on a carrot", "a rat is eating a piece of carrot", "a baby guinea pig is eating a carrot", "a rabbit is in the cage", "several guinea pigs in their cage eating carrots", "the big eating something", "a guinea pig eating the carrot", "a rat is eating a carrot", "a baby guimea pig is eating carrot", "a guinea pig eats a carrot", "a guinea pig is eating a carrot", "a guinea pig is eating a carrot", "a guinea pig is eating a carrot", "a guinea pig is eating a carrot", "a guinea pig is eating a carrot", "a guinea pig is eating a carrot", "a guinea pig is eating a carrot", "a guinea pig is eating a carrot", "a guinea pig is eating a piece of carrot in its cage", "a guinea pig is eating carrot", "a guinea pig is eating", "a guinea pig is eating", "a guinea pig is eating", "a hamster is nibbling on a piece of carrot", "a rabbit is eating a carrot", "a rabbit is nibbling a corrot", "a small rat eating", "baby pig eats carrot", "the guinea pig is eating", "the hamster chewed a carrot", "the hamster chewed on a carrot", "the hamster is eating a carrot", "triple color little guinea pig is eating a carrot", "a rat is eating carrot", "one rabbit eats carrot", "a guinea pig is nibbling on a carrot" ]
Can you describe what happens in the video?
[ "two women in twopiece bathing suits are wrestling", "two women are wrestling", "two women are wrestling", "two women are fighting", "two women in bathing suits are wrestling on the ground", "two women are wrestling", "two women are wrestling each other", "two women in bikinis wrestle with each other on the ground", "two women are wrestling", "two women are wrestling", "two girls are wrestling", "two women are wrestling on the floor", "the ladies wrestled on the mat", "the women are wrestling", "two women wrestle", "the ladies wrestled on the ground", "the two lady s are fight with the wirstling", "two women are wrestling", "two lady are fighting", "women are wrestling", "two women are wrestling", "the ladies are fighting", "two woman were doing something weird", "ladies are fighting", "two women are wrestling on the floor", "two women fighting with each other", "two lady wrestler fighting each other in ring", "two women in bikinis are wrestling on the floor", "the women are wrestling", "the girls are wrestling", "young women wrestle", "the girls are fighting", "the girls are fighting" ]
Can you describe the video?
[ "a girl wakes up from bed", "a little girl wakes up in a big bed", "a girl awakes from sleep", "a little girl is waking up", "a girl is waking from sleep", "a little girl wakes up in bed", "a girl is waking up in bed", "a kid is getting up out of bed", "a girl gets up out of bed", "the little girl woke up from her nap", "the girl woke up", "a girl starts getting out of bed", "the little girl woke up in her bed", "a girl waking up", "a little girl is laying in bed", "thats wat an advertisement should be like there is no sign of mobile or simcard or customer service guys in the ad although it is about them but still makes a gr8 impact", "a child is laying in bed", "a child wakes up", "a little girl getting up from bed and wearing socks", "a little girl is waking up in bed", "the baby is wake up them", "the girl woke up", "the little girl woke up from her nap", "the girl is wake up" ]
What is the video about?
[ "two teams are playing soccer", "a goalie blocks a goal in soccer", "a goalie prevents a goal in soccer", "a goalie makes a save in a soccer game", "men are playing a football", "a goalie is blocking a shot during a soccer game", "men are playing football", "a goalie is blocking a soccer ball from entering the goal", "some men are playing soccer", "a goalie blocks a kick", "two teams are playing soccer", "the men are playing soccer", "a goalie blocks a football", "a soccer goalkeeper makes a save", "a goalie stops a soccer ball", "the goalie blocked the ball out of the goal", "the people are playing", "the ball is being prevented by the goal keeper", "a goalie blocks a ball in soccer", "a man is passing the ball", "men are playing soccer", "some men are playing soccer", "oliver kahn in action on the soccer field", "a goalie makes a great save in a soccer game", "the player playing soccer in ground and trying to hit goal", "the goalie blocked the ball from the goal", "the goalie block the ball in the soccer game", "peoples are playing football", "the men are playing soccer" ]
Can you describe the video?
[ "a polar bear is running on a strip of land in the ocean and appears to be chasing off many walruses", "a polar bear is running toward walruses", "a bear is running", "a polar bear is running towards a group of walruses", "a polar bear is chasing a group of walrus", "a polar bear is walking", "a polar bear is charging a group of walruses", "a polar bear runs across a shoreline", "a polar bear is running with others", "a polar bear is running", "a polar bear is chasing a group of walruses", "a polar bear is running on a strip of land engulfed by the sea towards a herd of walruses", "the polar bear ran toward a herd of walrus", "the polar bear is running toward the seals", "a polar bear walks toward a crowd of walruses", "the polar bear ambled toward the walruses", "a animal is walking", "deer was hunting animals near sea shore", "a polar bear is running toward seals", "a polar bear runs towards a group of walruses", "walruses jumping into the sea as the polar bear approaches", "a polar bear is walking over walrus", "a wild animal is searching something", "a polar bear is running after some seals", "a polar bear is running at the back of the walrus", "a polar bear is chasing some walruses", "polar bear is running toword the another bear", "bears are running", "a polor bear runing", "the polar bear scares the walrus", "a polar bear is running towards the seas", "the polar bear is chasing the seals", "a bear is running", "a polar bear is running at a pack of walruses", "very cute animals video", "a polar bear runs across a length of land towards a group of walruses" ]
What is happening in the video?
[ "a woman is taking a bubble bath in a large black tub", "a woman is taking a bubble bath", "a woman is taking a bath", "a woman is bathing", "bettie page is taking a bubble bath", "a woman is bathing in a tub", "a woman is taking a bubble bath", "a girl is taking a bubble bath", "someone is playing in a bubble bath", "a woman is bathing in a bathtub of bubbles", "a woman having a bubble bath in a bathtub is playing with the foam", "the lady enjoyed her bubble bath", "the woman is taking a bubble bath", "a woman plays with her bubble bath", "the lady played with the bubbles in her bubble bath", "the women is bathing", "a woman is taking a bubble bath", "featuring a girl taking a bath", "a women taking bath in the bathtub", "the woman is taking bath", "a woman in a bath plays with bubbles", "a woman is taking a bath", "a girl is bathing", "a lady is taking bath and her body is full of foam", "a woman is taking a bubble bath", "the lady enjoyed her bubble bath", "the woman is taking a bath", "something weird striporama betty page bubble path", "betty page takes a bubble bath" ]
Can you describe the video in detail?
[ "a man rides a street bike through the town", "a man gets on a motorcycle and rides it out of an area of chairs and onto the street", "a man is riding a bike on the road", "a man is riding a motorcycle in the street", "a man is riding a motorcycle through a town", "a man is riding a motorcycle", "a man is riding a motorcycle", "a man is riding a motorcycle", "a man is riding a motorcycle", "a man is riding a motorcycle", "a man is riding his motor bike", "a man is riding on motor bike", "a man rides a motorcycle", "a man rides his motorcycle through the city streets", "a man rode a motorcycle", "a man rode his motorcycle through town", "a person rides a bike through the neighborhood", "the man is riding a motorcycle", "a guy is siting in the ground", "a man driving bike very speedly", "a man is riding a motorcycle", "a man was driving his bike and but he crashed", "a person on the bike", "a person riding bike", "he is starting on the bik", "the movie sillunu oru kadhal", "a guy is sitting in the play ground", "a man driving stylishly in his bike", "a man is drinking", "a man is driving a motorcycle", "a man is riding a motorcycle through a city", "a man is riding a motorcycle", "a man is riding a motorcycle", "a man is riding his bike", "a man perform some kind of stunts on his bike", "a man riding the bike", "a person is riding bike and singing", "an actor is riding the bike", "surya is riding the bike" ]
Can you describe the video?
[ "a girl talks to a dog", "a young boy is sitting next to someone dressed in a dog costume", "a monkey is talking with a boy", "a man in an animal suit is talking to a child", "a boy is talking to a person dressed up as a dog", "a boy is talking to some creature", "a boy is speaking to a person in a dog costume", "a boy and person in a costume are talking", "a boy talks to a giant dog", "a boy is talking to a giant dog", "a kid is talking to dog", "a boy is talking to a dog", "a small boy and a man dressed as a dog are having a conversation seated next to each other", "the dog talked to the boy in a play", "the boy is talking to the dog", "a kid and a person in a dog suit talk to each other", "the dog talked to the boy in the movie", "the boy and hum dog is something talking", "a get up warred boy is talking with a small boy", "a girl is talking to a dog", "a boy is talking to human dog", "a boy is talking to an animal", "a boy", "a boys talks to a large dog", "a man is dressed as a dog and is talking to a boy", "a dog talking to a boy", "a man wearing disguise of a dog and sitting with a little girl", "the boy is talking to the dog", "a dog and a child is talking", "a boy is talking to a man dressed up like a dog" ]
What is the video about in detail?
[ "a cat walking through grass", "a cat is walking on the ground", "a cat is walking slowly in the grass", "a cat is walking through grass", "a cat is walking through some grass", "a cat is walking through the grass", "a cat is walking", "a cat walks across the grass", "a cat walks toward the camera", "a white and grey colored cat is walking on the garden with its tail erect", "the cat is walking", "the cat walked in the grass", "the cat walked through the grass", "the cat is attacking something", "a cat attacking the man", "a cat walking in a grass with a strange look", "a cat walks slowly through the grass", "a cat walkking", "a cat is walking through the grass", "one cat walking on grass", "a cat is walking through the grass", "a cat walk in the garden", "a dog is walking in the grass", "a cat in an aggressive mood", "the cat is walking", "a cat is crawling in the grass", "a cat is walking in the grass", "a cat is walking on the grass", "a walks on grass", "a cat is walking", "a cat is walking", "a cat is walking to attack", "a cat is walking in the grass", "a cat is prowling around the yard", "a cat is moving it s tail while walking on the grass", "a cat is walking slowly through the grass", "a cat is walking through grass", "a cat walks through grass", "a cat is sneaking through some grass", "a cat is walking in grass", "a cat is walking", "a short clip showing an attack of a white cat", "a cat is walking in the grass", "a cat walks through the grass", "the attack of the cat", "the cat approaches on grass", "a house cat is walking through grass", "a cat is walking", "a cat is walking across a lawn towards the camera", "a cat walking on a grass" ]
What is happening in the video in detail?
[ "a woman falling on a sand castle", "a woman falls in the sand", "a female reporter falls on a giant sandcastle", "a female reporter is interviewing a man on the beach when she falls into a sand castle", "a girl falls on a sand castle", "a girl is building a sand castle", "a lady holding a microphone is looking at a sandcastle when she slips and falls into the sandcastle", "a news reporter falls into a sand castle", "a reporter falls into a sand castle", "a tv reporter is falling when she is reporting", "a woman falls into a sand castle", "a woman falls on a sand castle", "a woman fell on a sandcastle", "a woman is falling on a sandcastle", "a woman reporter falls into a sandcastle", "a woman reporter falls on a sand castle", "a woman reporter slips down while she stands next to a huge sand castle by the beachside and reports about it", "a woman", "the girl fell on top of the sand castle", "the lady fell onto the sand castle", "the woman fell into the sand castle", "a reporter fell down on the ground", "the guide is explaining the place", "a woman falls on a sand castle", "a lady is talking through the mike and fell down", "a woman is reporting a story", "a girl is standing outside the city", "an interviewer damaged the sand building", "a woman with a microphone is climbing a sandcastle", "a woman fallen down from sand sculpture", "a girl is teaching about the sand house", "a reporter destroys a huge sand castle", "a man and a lady were talking and the lady felldown", "a woman falls on a sand castle", "a girl slip suddenly", "a woman trying to get the news", "a woman is knocking over a sandcastle", "a repoter felt on step", "a woman falls down", "a woman is talking", "a young lady describing about a sand castle and falling on the same off balance", "a girl speaking on a mic while standing on a muddy wall", "a woman anchor is trying to describe about something", "a reporter falls into a huge sand castle", "a girl falls onto a sandcastle", "la reportera m s tonta del mundo", "a lady interviewer slips on castle built with sand", "the woman fell on the sand castle", "a women is trying painting", "a man is talking to a woman", "a woman is talking and falling on the sand castle", "a female reporter is falling against a large sand castle" ]
What is happening in the video?
[ "a man and a woman are sitting down eating with forks", "a man and woman are eating", "a man is eating food", "a man is eating his food", "a man and a woman are eating food", "a man and woman is eating", "a man is eating something", "a man", "a man and woman are eating together", "someone is eating", "a man and woman are eating", "a man chews food with a pitiable expression while the woman appreciates the food she is eating", "the man liked the bite of food he took", "the man is eating", "a man and woman eat", "the man smiled as he took a bite of food", "the persons is eating food", "a man is eating", "a man taking his food", "a man and a woman are eating", "a man is eating some food", "a man eats food and enjoys it", "a man", "a man and woman are eating", "the man like the bite of food he ate", "a man and a woman are eating", "the man is eating", "a man is eating food", "a man and woman eat", "the boy is eating", "a man is eating a food" ]
Can you describe the video in detail?
[ "a toddler is riding a horse", "a little boy is riding a horse", "a child is riding a horse", "a young child is shown riding a horse", "a small baby is riding on a horse", "a little boy is riding a horse", "a little girl is riding a horse", "a baby is riding on a horse", "a child is riding a horse", "a young child is riding a horse", "a young child rides a horse", "a child is riding a horse", "a small child is riding a horse which is trotting slowly", "a small child riding a horse", "a little boy rode a horse", "a little girl rides on a horse", "the toddler is riding a horse", "a little girl is sitting on a horse being lead somewhere", "a child is riding a horse", "the little girl rode a horse", "a baby is riding in a horse", "a child is riding a horse", "a child is riding on a horse", "a child riding a horse", "baby riding horse", "a baby is riding a horse", "a baby is riding a horse", "a baby is riding horse", "a baby is riding on a horse", "a baby is riding on the horse", "a baby riding horse", "a baby riding horse", "a boy enjoying a ride on a horse and seems to be alone", "a boy riding on the horse", "a child is riding a horse", "a child is riding a horse", "a child is riding a horse", "a child is riding on the horse", "a girl is riding a horse", "a girl is riding a horse", "a girl is riding a horse", "a horse is being driven by a small boy", "a kid having a horse ride", "a kid is riding a horse", "a little girl is riding a horse", "a small kid is riding the horse", "a small riding horse", "a tiny child is riding a pony", "a toddler is riding a horse", "a toddler is riding a horse", "a young boy riding a horse", "a young girl is riding a horse", "a young girl is riding a horse", "the boy is going on the horse", "the child is riding on the horse", "a boy is riding on the horse", "a small boy is riding in a horse", "a baby riding horse outside the city" ]
Can you describe the video?
[ "a basket ball player does a left handed layup", "playing games", "the boy threw the basketball into the basket", "a basketball player basketting the ball", "a basketball player did a layup and got the basketball in the net", "a basketball player dribbles and shoots a basket", "a basketball player is doing a layup shot", "a basketball player is scoring a goal", "a basketball player is standing at the free throw line", "a basketball player made a basket", "a basketball player practices a layup", "a basketball player with ball run to the basket and score", "a boy is bridling and basket a ball", "a boy is doing a basket with a basketball", "a chinese man shoots a basketball into the basket", "a guy is practicing basket ball", "a man bounces a ball once then throws it through a hoop", "a man dribbling a basketball on the court moves forward and throws the ball into the net", "a man is performing a lay up with a basketball", "a man is playing basketball", "a man jumped and put a ball into basket", "a man just made a layup", "a man scores when playing basketball", "a man shoots a basket", "a player is jumping put the ball in basket", "a player scoreing a basket", "a young basketball player is performing a layup", "a young man is bouncing a basketball then throwing it in a basketball hoop on a basketball court", "an asian man is playing basketball", "basketball player makes a layup", "in video a player jump and put the ball in the basket net", "japanese basketball player scores a shot", "the man is playing basketball", "the man runs and puts the ball into the basket", "the player basket the ball while dribbling", "this basketball player is practicing to score a basket", "young man dribbles and throws basketball" ]
What is happening in the video in detail?
[ "two people are putting on a play", "a woman and another person in elaborate costumes are dancing", "a woman is dancing", "a woman and a man are playing a drama on a stage", "an indian woman does tricks with her hands", "two people are acting on a stage", "artists are performing kadhakali", "people are performing on a stage", "a woman and man are performing an indian dance", "people are dancing", "a person is dancing", "two people in costume are performing on stage", "the dancer performed for the king", "the woman is dancing", "people dance using hand signs", "three people perform a ritual", "the actor danced before te king", "they are dancing the traditional dance of kerala kathakali", "kathakali show at varkala", "a woman is dancing with her hands", "she is dancing on the stage", "a lady is dancing", "the actors are dancings", "dancers is presenting show", "kathakali a form of indian classical dance", "dansing", "the person is dancing", "a man dances in costume", "doing yakshagana", "people are acting on a stage", "a woman is dancing", "a kathakali is showing on the stage", "the group of people are dancing", "people in costumes do hand motions", "two costumed people are dancing", "a yakshagana dance is being performed", "the person is dancing", "indian artist perform traditional dance kathakali", "the woman is dancing", "a woman is dancing", "very very super dancers for kathakali dance", "the men are dancing", "people in costumes are putting on a performance", "actors perform in a pantomime" ]
What is the video about?
[ "a woman picks up a cookie sheet filled with what looks like some kind of pastry and she places it in an oven", "a woman is putting food in a oven", "a woman is baking some food", "a woman is putting food into an oven", "a woman is placing a tray in the oven", "a woman puts a tray of food into an oven", "a woman is putting food into the oven", "a woman puts a baking tray with stuffed rectangular portions of dough into an oven", "a woman baking", "the lady put the pastries into the oven", "a woman puts a pan of food in the oven", "the woman is baking", "a woman places food in an oven", "the lady put a tray of food into the oven", "a lady is putting something in a microven", "a woman is putting a baking tray of delectables into an oven", "a woman is putting a pan into the oven", "a woman is showing how to cook", "a women make tasty food for eating", "a women working in the citchen", "one lady baking something in oven", "a lady bakes pastries by placing a tray in the oven", "a lady baking a pastry", "a lady cooking some kind of unique dish in a microwave oven", "a lady is cooking food", "a lady is keeping her making on the tray", "a lady is keeping the food item plate into the oven", "a woman in an apron is placing some items on a cookie sheet into an oven", "a woman is baking", "a woman is carrying a sheet of pastries to an oven", "a woman is cooking her kichen", "a woman is cooking", "a woman is cooking", "a woman is preparing food", "a woman is putting a baking pan full of food in the oven", "a woman places a tray in an oven", "a woman prepared the receipe and put it into the oven", "a woman puts food in an oven", "a woman puts some pastries in the oven", "a woman puts something in the oven", "a women cooking a new recipe", "a women keeping food in microwave", "cake is prepared in a oven by a woman", "the lady is keeping the food items in the oven", "the woman is putting a tray of food into the oven", "while talking", "a girl is keeping a cakes", "preparing something to eat", "a lady is preparing food" ]
Can you describe what happens in the video?
[ "a couple dancing together", "a couple slow dances", "a man and a woman are dancing", "a man and a woman are holding each other and gently rocking as she sings a song and he whistles a tune", "a man and a woman dance together", "a man and a woman dance", "a man and a woman slow dance", "a man and woman are dancing", "a man and woman are dancing", "a man and woman are shown dancing together in an empty room", "a man and woman are slow dancing", "a man and woman are slow dancing", "a man and woman are slowly dancing", "a man and woman is dancing", "foriegn couple slow dancing singing to each other", "the couple danced in the church", "the man and lady danced in the church", "two people are slow dancing", "a couples are performing song sequence in movie", "the couples s are dancing", "the person is dancing with girl", "a man and woman are dancing", "a couple are dancing", "this is a song of lovers", "a man and woman are dancing", "a hero and the heroine is dancing for the song", "a couple is dancing", "a lady is singing the with man", "karthick and revathi doing romance each other", "a man and a woman are slow dancing", "a lovers are singing and dancing to the songs", "a man and a woman slow dance together", "a coule dancing", "a man and woman dancing", "a couple dances", "actress revathi is singing", "indian movie trailer with oru kathal devatha", "a couple is slow dancing", "a couple are dancing", "a man and woman dancing", "one couple singing a song during dance", "a movie scene from the bollywood movie ithaya thamarai", "a man and a woman are slow dancing and talking", "this is the scene of south indian movie", "a man and a woman are dancing romantically", "man and women to gather dance", "a couple are dancing", "a man and a woman are slow dancing", "a cuple dancing their", "a man and a woman closely dance slowly in a room filled with chairs", "a lady is singing", "it s a scene from south indian tamil movie" ]
Can you describe the video?
[ "a cartoon bunny kisses another bunny", "one cartoon rabbit kisses another", "two rabbits are loving each other", "a cartoon rabbit kisses another rabbit", "two animated bunnies are kissing", "a rabbit is kissing other one", "two cartoon rabbits kiss", "a bunny is kissing another bunny", "two animated rabbits kiss", "an animated rabbit rapidly thumps his foot", "a rabbit is kissing another rabbit", "two bunnys are kissing", "two cartoon rabbits are kissing", "thumper s foot thumped when the girl rabbit kissed him", "the rabbits are kissing", "a cartoon rabbit kisses another rabbit", "thumper thumped his foot when the girl rabbit kissed him", "it is a cartoon picture", "two bunnies are kissing", "one bunny kisses another", "two cartoon rabbits are kissing", "tom is kissing jerry", "two cartoon characters are kissing each other", "a female rabbit kisses a male rabbit", "the deer and the squirrel were friends", "two cartoon bunnies are kissing", "an animated rabbit gets kissed", "two animals playing", "two rabbits are kissing", "rabits are smooching", "a short video on bambi trailer", "a short clip from some sort of cartoon film named as bambi", "in a cartoon film", "two rabbits kisses each other", "a female rabbit kisses a happy male rabbit", "the rabbits are kissing", "really super comedy bambi trailer", "a rabbit is kissing a rabbit", "a female rabbit kissing a male rabbit" ]
What is happening in the video?
[ "a longeared animal with a long tail is hopping", "an animal is hopping on rocks", "there is a small rodent with extraordinarily large ears is hopping across a pebbly terrain", "a mouse is eating", "a chinchilla is jumping on rocks", "a jerboa is hopping across rocks", "a rat is jumping", "a jerboa is hopping", "a mouse is scurrying about", "an animal eats", "a jerboa hops along the rocks", "the animal hopped on the rocks", "the animal is hopping", "a longeared jeroba jumps", "the funny mouse searched the rocks for food", "a rabbit is running", "an animal is hoping on the ground", "echidna which part of it looks like a echidna", "a cute little rat jumping and walking", "a longeared mouse is hopping around some rocks rocks", "a mouse is hopping", "a rat is hopping", "longeared jerboa is walking", "n animal running", "rat is huting for food in the night", "searching food for eat", "the animal is hopping", "the rabbti is playing", "the rodent hopped on the rocks", "the rabbit is playing" ]
What is happening in the video in detail?
[ "a man is assembling a machine", "a man is putting together a disassembled speaker while talking", "a man is assembling a speaker", "a mechanic is joining tools", "a man is assembling a speaker", "a man is making loudspeaker", "a man is putting together a stereo speaker", "a man is demonstrating machine parts", "a man works on a stereo speaker", "a man is joining up two pieces of equipment", "a guy is building a speaker", "someone is putting something together", "a man is assembling a speaker", "a man screws a wave guide on the groove of a compression driver", "the man demonstrated the car speaker", "a man puts together a speaker", "the man is putting a speaker together", "a man is assembling speaker parts", "a man puts together a speaker", "the man demonstrated a car speaker", "a speaker parts are fitted", "a man is putting together a speaker", "a man trying to rev up his vintage speakers", "a man is showing how to make a speaker", "rev up your vintage speakers", "a man is assembling a speaker", "a man is assembling the speaker", "a man assembles a speaker", "a man is placing the speaker on the table", "the man is showing the waveguide", "a man is doing mechanical work", "a man is demonstrating a speaker", "a man repairing", "a man is explaining about making a speaker", "a man is speaking about a instrument how is it make", "a man demonstrating how to rev up your speakers", "a man is assembling a speaker", "the man is putting together speakers", "very neat and clear video for speaker", "the person is repairing the speakers" ]
Can you describe the video in detail?
[ "a woman is picking up a reptile", "someone takes a komodo dragon out of one plastic box and puts it into another one someone else is holding", "a man picks up a lizard", "a lizard is placed in a box", "a man picks up a baby alligator", "someone put a komodo dragon in a box", "a person is picking a komodo dragon and putting it in a box", "a person picks up a baby komodo dragon and puts it into a box", "a person is placing a baby komodo dragon into a container", "a person puts a small lizard into a plastic container", "someone is putting a lizard into a box", "people are moving reptiles from one box to another", "a man transfers a komodo dragon from one container to another", "a baby komodo dragon is being placed in a box", "the pet store worker put the lizard into the box", "the man put the lizard into a plastic box", "a person places a lizard in a plastic container", "the man put the lizard into a box", "a woman puts a kamoto dragon in a tupperware container", "a man and a lady talking to each other", "a person with a komodo dragons", "a men catch the dragon", "a man is moving a komodo dragon between two containers", "the women is catching drogan", "a lizard is placed in a plastic box", "a man is putting the dragon in a box", "someone puts a baby lizard into a plastic box", "a man putting komodo into a box", "a woman is catching a chemeleon", "a person is catching the dragons", "a man is picking up a lizard", "a person keep komodo dragon in the box", "the man is holding a lizard", "the reptile or komodo dragon is being kept on plastic box", "very small dragons", "someone picks up a lizard and puts it in a container" ]
Can you describe what happens in the video?
[ "a group of women in bikinis are synchronized dancing", "women are dancing outside", "women are dancing outside", "a group of women wearing bikini s are dancing", "women are dancing", "women in bikinis are dancing", "a group of women in bikinis are dancing on a beach", "women are dancing", "some women are dancing", "a group of people are dancing", "woman are dancing", "several women are dancing", "the ladies danced in their swim suits", "the women are dancing", "many women dance", "the ladies danced in their bikinis", "a group of ladies dancing", "a group of people are dancing", "some girls are dancing", "the group of persons are sing and dance with the tribes", "dancing girls", "some women are dancing", "the girls are dancing", "the people are dancing", "women are dancing outside", "women are dancing", "the girls are dancing on the stage" ]
Can you describe the video?
[ "two people are doing tricks on a motorcycle", "a man and woman performing stunts with their motor bike", "a woman is standing on the back of a motorbike while the male driver lifts the bike on to one wheel", "a girl stands on the seat while a man drives the motorcycle", "a guy is riding a motorcycle with a girl on the back", "a girl standing on the seat of a motorcycle", "a man is wheeling a bike on a long stretch of road as a woman stands on the seat behind him", "a couple doing a stunt on a motorcycle", "a girl stood behind a boy on a motorcycle", "a man rides a motorbike on its back wheel", "the motorcyle riders are doing a stunt", "a couple are riding a motorcycle", "a man and woman rode a motorcyle on the back wheel", "amazing action on bike", "two freaky guys are driving the bike", "a car is moving on a road", "a girl and a boy trying to perform some serious stunts on a motorbike", "a man and woman are riding in the bike", "a man is performing bike stunt", "a man is riding on a bike", "an amazing action on bike" ]
What is happening in the video?
[ "someone is seasoning a pork chop", "a person is seasoning a pork chop", "a person is adding spices on a meat", "a chef is spicing a pork chop", "a person is putting salt and pepper on a piece of pork", "someone is seasoning meat", "a woman is adding spices to meat", "a person is sprinkling spices on a piece of pork", "a man is seasoning a piece of meat", "a person is seasoning meat", "a person seasons a piece of raw meat", "someone is seasoning a piece of meat", "someone is seasoning meat", "a person is seasoning a pork chop", "a woman is sprinkling some pepper powder on a slab of pork meat", "the lady seasoned the meat", "a woman seasons a piece of raw pork", "the woman is seasoning the pork chop", "pepper is sprinkled on one side of a pork steak", "a cook seasons some meat", "the lady seasoned the meat", "someone is seasoning some meat", "a woman is talking about katsudon and guiding", "the person is cooking", "a man seasons a raw steak", "a person seasons a pork chop", "a person is spreading the salt on the meat", "the person is cutting meat", "showing how to make kutsudon", "person is cooking", "a man is sprinkling spices on meat", "a women is cooking the food", "a man cooking his kichen", "a man is seasoning raw pork with salt and pepper", "the woman is seasoning the pork chop", "a woman is sprinkling pepper on a pork chop", "how to make katsudon", "a person is mixing", "really very clear detail for ktsudon making", "a woman is seasoning pork", "someone is seasoning a piece of meat" ]
Can you describe the video in detail?
[ "a woman is showering and the scene flashes to a man walking down a hallway wrapped in a bath towel", "a woman is showering", "a woman is in the rain", "a woman is standing in a shower", "a woman is bathing in a shower", "a woman washes herself in rain", "a woman is standing in the rain getting wet", "a woman is taking a shower", "a woman is taking bath", "a woman is showering", "a woman wipes the rain off her face", "a woman is showering", "a girl is getting wet", "a woman bathing in the rain", "the lady showered", "the woman is taking a shower", "a woman slicks her hair back", "the lady took a shower", "thye women is bathing", "a woman is taking a shower", "a heroine is taking bath in the film sequence", "a girl is bathing", "two lovers are singing and dancing", "a woman is taking a shower", "a woman is having bath", "raja raja cholan in a movie preview of an indian man and his girlfriend", "a person is both", "a woman is bathing in the rain", "a woman is showering", "a woman is bathing", "a woman is taking a shower", "a women is taking bath", "the woman is taking a shower", "the woman is taking bath", "a woman showers" ]
What is the video about?
[ "a person cutting vegetables", "a chef chops herbs", "a person dices a leafy green vegetable", "a person is chopping a green vegetable with a knife", "a person is chopping herbs", "a woman is chopping an herb", "a woman is chopping leaves", "a woman is chopping up herbs", "a woman is cutting coriander leaves", "a woman is cutting up fresh herbs", "a woman is finely chopping a bunch of fresh herbs", "herbs are being chopped", "someone is finely chopping up a green leafy substance", "the lady chopped up the leafy spice", "the lady cut up the parsley", "the woman is finely dicing vegetables", "fine chopping of edible herbsvegitables", "a man is slicing some coriender", "a woman is slicing food", "the person is showing how to make chicken curry", "the lady is showing how to make easy chicken curry", "a person chips cabbage", "the person is cutting vegetables", "an illustration on cooking", "a man is cutting the coriander leaves", "a man is chopping leaves", "woman is cutting vegetable leaves", "a woman chops up some herbs", "someone is slicing herbs", "a woman is chopping herbs", "someone chops herbs", "a man is slicing chicken curry", "someone is cutting green leaves", "an easy way to make chicken curry", "a lady preparing some sort of items for making chicken curry", "a man is cutting the leaves", "a person is chopping herbs", "a woman is chopping vegetables", "a guy is preparing the chicken curry", "a man making chicken curry", "a woman cooking her kichen", "a person chicken curry", "a woman is mincing fresh herbs which is to be sprinkled on top of curry", "a woman is dicing herbs", "a woman is mincing herbs", "a man is cutting spicy leaves", "a woman is chopping herbs", "a woman chops herbs" ]
What is happening in the video in detail?
[ "a boy puts a large piece of bark into his mouth", "a boy tries to eat wood", "a man is eating wood", "a man is eating a stone", "a kid is eating a rock", "a man puts a rock into his mouth", "a boy puts a rock in his mouth", "a man is eating something", "a man sticks a piece of bark in his mouth", "a boy puts some wood into his mouth", "a guy is eating", "a kid puts something in his mouth", "a man is eating a rock", "the boy put the bark into his mouth", "the man is eating", "a boy puts some hard bread in his mouth", "the boy put piece of bak into his mouth", "a guy puts a rock in his mouth", "a trying to each the bricka funny scene", "a boy putting a flat rock into his mouth", "a boy sticks a piece of wood into his mouth", "a man eating", "a man eats a rock", "a man sticks a rock in his mouth", "a young man is holding a stone in his mouth", "the boy is eating the something", "the man is eating a rock", "eating the tree pieces" ]
What is happening in the video in detail?
[ "a girl is chasing around an older girl", "a girl is chasing a woman", "a girl is chasing an older girl", "a young girl is chasing an older girl around in a room swinging a towel at her", "a little girl is chasing a teenager around a house", "a woman is playing with a girl", "a girl chases her mom around the house", "a girl is chasing another girl", "two girls are having a pillow fight", "a girl is chasing a woman through the house", "the girls are playing clothes fight", "a girl chases another girl around the living room", "a little girl is chasing a bigger girl around the inside of a house", "the people are beating", "a little girl is chasing a teenager around a house", "two girls are hitting each other with clothes", "featuring a girl", "girls fighting with clothes", "the boys is fighting", "a woman and a girl are running through the house", "two girls are playing", "they are playing", "the girl are in clothes fight" ]
What is the video about in detail?
[ "cups are moving across a table", "coffee mugs are walking", "animated cups are moving on a table", "several drinking mugs seem to move by themselves", "cartoons are walking on mugs", "cartoon characters on coffee mugs", "a grey cup with a cartoon picture is wobbling on a saucer plate as another cup moves across the table", "a cartoon on a cup", "the cartoon people on mugs moved by themselves", "animated figures", "the man on the first cup is playing with a glove and the other man on the second cup is walking across the table", "coffee cups are moving across the table", "the cartoon characters on the cups seemed to move", "a cup is walking on table", "a cup with a character on it walks accross the table", "a doll in the cup is dancing", "a drawing is in motion on the cup", "a table up on the cups", "an animation cup is running", "its a kids game of teeny little super guy", "sesame street and teeny little super guy game", "sesame street teeny little super guy game", "showing a cartoon", "the cup moving", "two coffee cups moving with cartoons", "a cartoon figure on a cup", "a cartoon person painted on a cup walks his cup across a table", "a cup is moving on the table", "a cup with cartoon is jumping amazingly", "a play put on by cups", "an animated character on a cup is walking the cup across a tabletop", "an animation shows mugs with people on them walking", "animated coffee mugs move around a table", "cartoon drawings on cups are playing baseball", "cartoon people are on cups", "coffee mugs are moving around on the table", "cups are dancing on a table", "cups are moving automatically", "cups are moving", "mugs with animated characters are moving", "sesame street s tiny little super guy is playing baseball on a mug", "tea cups moving automatically due to animation effect", "the cartoons on tea cups are playing a game", "the cup is moving across the table", "the cups are moving", "the cups are rotating", "uniquely designed cups moving here and there", "a cup is moving down the table", "cup is moving animation", "the cups is game to something" ]
Can you describe the video?
[ "two girls are standing at a kitchen counter", "a girl is making a sandwich", "a girl is making a sandwich", "two young girls are in a kitchen making a sandwich", "two kids are making a sandwich", "a couple of girls are in a kitchen making a sandwich", "a girl is making a sandwich", "a girl is applying butter to bread", "two girls are spreading mayonnaise on bread", "two girls make a sandwich", "a girl is making a sandwich", "two girls are making a sandwich", "two girls are making a sandwhich", "two girls are making a sandwich", "the girls mad a sandwich", "the girls are making a sandwich", "a girl puts some mayonnaise on a piece of bread", "two little girls made a sandwich", "girls are eating", "the girls are eating bread", "a girl is spreading mayonnaise on a piece of bread", "a girl is taking the bread loaf", "a women talking", "a girl is making a sandwich", "two girls are making sandwiches", "girl making magic", "two girlsare preparing bread for their eating", "a girl is making a sandwich", "a girl spreads mayonnaise on a slice of bread", "two girls are taking bread", "the girls put mayon on bread for a sandwich", "two kids prepare a bread sandwich with butter", "the girls are making a sandwich", "a girl is making a sandwich", "a girl is trying to eat bread" ]
What is the video about?
[ "a woman and a man", "a man and woman walking hold each other", "a man and woman are walking", "a man and woman are walking arm in arm through a wooded area", "a man and woman are walking", "a couple is walking in a forest", "a man and a woman are walking in the woods", "a man and a woman are walking", "a man and woman are walking together through the woods", "a man and a woman walk through the woods", "a man", "a couple are walking through the woods", "a couple is walking through the woods", "two people are walking through the woods", "a man and woman are walking through a field", "the couple walked arm in arm down the path", "the man and woman are walking", "a man and woman are walking in the woods", "a man and a woman walk through the woods", "the couple walked down the path together", "a view of a forest", "a couple is walking through the woods", "a man and woman are walking", "a man and a woman are walking in the woods", "singing together", "a man", "a boy and girl are walking in garden", "a man and woman romancing and walking", "a couple is walking in a park", "the couple walked arm in arm down the path", "a man and a woman are walking along a trail in the woods", "the couple are walking and hugging", "a men and women walking in forest", "a man with his lover", "a man and a girl are walking" ]
What is happening in the video in detail?
[ "a woman is doing a dance on a rooftop", "a girl danced on the roof of a building", "a girl is dancing on a decorated floor", "a girl is dancing", "a girl is dancing", "a lady danced on a rooftop", "a woman dances on a decorated brick floor", "a woman in a martial arts costume is dancing", "a woman is dancing on the terrace of a building and stepping on colored powder patterns on the floor", "a woman is dancing", "a woman is dancing", "a woman is performing a dance on a floor that is covered with colored geometric shapes", "a woman is ritually dancing", "the woman is dancing", "kavithai kelungal song from punnagai mannan", "a girl dacing on the house", "a girl dancing on roof", "a lady is dancing", "a woman dances on a rooftop", "a woman is dancing", "a women dancing", "actor revathi dancing in punnagai mannan for the song kavithai kelungal", "the clouds are behind the mountain landscapes", "the clouds behind the mountains are beautiful", "a floor decoration on show", "a girl dances", "a girl dancing on the roof of a house", "a girl dancing on the terrace of a house", "a girl is dancing a bharatanatiyam", "a girl is dancing", "a girl is dancing", "a girl is dancing", "a lady is standing", "a woman is dancing around the roof of a building", "a woman is dancing on a decorated rooftop", "a woman is dancing on a roof", "a woman is dancing on the roof of a building", "a woman is dancing on up stairs floor", "a woman is dancing", "a woman is dancing", "a woman is dancing", "a woman is dancing", "a woman is dancing", "a woman is dancing", "a woman is dancing", "an actress is dancing for a song", "an actress was dancing near a kolam", "dance is being performed by a girl", "dancing in open terrace in a floor designed with colored powder", "young lady dancing alone in heavens", "a actress is dancing around the drawing", "a actress performing classical dance in movie" ]
Can you describe what happens in the video?
[ "a drill sergeant is voicing over his troops", "a commander is inspecting his men", "a drill sargent addresses his recruits", "a drill sergeant is inspecting a barracks", "a drill sergeant is speaking to soldiers standing in attention", "a drill sergeant is speaking to some soldiers", "a drill sergeant is walking", "a drill sergeant talks to his recruits", "a man is talking to a group of soldiers", "a man is talking", "a military officer is instructing subordinates", "a soldier walks through a barracks and talks", "an army drill sergeant inspects his nervous troop", "an army sergeant is walking and talking to a line of soldiers standing next to their beds in their camp room", "an officer is talking to recruits", "the drill sargent is talking to his men", "the military officer barked at the recruits", "the seargeant inspected the recruits bunks", "a man is putting kneel down", "10 minutes of boot camp", "a drill sargent yells at his recruits", "an army officer discussing and giving some sort of instructions to the soldiers", "an officer is giving order to his solder", "full metal jacket 10 minutes of boot camp", "the man s in uniform", "a drill instructor is instructing his men", "a drill instructor is talking to a line of soldiers", "a drill instructor walks in front of his cadets", "a drill sargent yelling at his men", "a drill sergeant is talking", "a general is orderins his juniors", "a man is talking to privates", "a man is talking", "a military officer is reviewing a group of men", "a police men is giving speech", "a sergeant is speaking to a line of soldiers as he walks", "all are people wearing full metal jacket", "an army man is giving instructions", "an officer giving instructions", "an officer instructing cadets in a boot camp", "an officer is talking to his subordinates", "very strict foot camp", "an comanding officer ordering to his soilders", "a militery people in the hostel" ]
Can you describe the video?
[ "a baby mother lovable relation", "a toddler gets a shot at the doctor s office", "baby receiving vaccine", "doctor was doing injection to a baby and that baby was crying", "putting injection for baby", "the baby received a shot in the arm", "the doctor inject the baby", "a baby gets a shot and cries", "a baby gets a shot in the arm and cries", "a baby gets a shot", "a baby is being injected in the arm", "a baby is crying when getting a shot in her arm", "a baby is getting a shot", "a baby is getting an injection in his shoulders", "a baby is getting an injection", "a baby is receiving a flu shot", "a baby receives a vaccination", "a child gets a shot and cries", "a child is being administered with a subcutaneous injection on the right deltoid muscle", "a child is being given a vaccination", "a child is being injected", "a child is getting an injection", "a child is getting an injection", "a doctor gives a shot to a baby", "a doctor gives a shot to a crying baby", "a doctor giving a injection to a baby", "a doctor is injecting a needle into a young child s arm", "a doctor is injecting to a baby", "a doctor is putting injection to a baby", "a doctor put an injection to child", "a nurse holds the right arm of a small baby and a doctor injects a vaccine with a syringe after wiping the area with cotton", "a young child is being given a shot with a hypodermic needle", "an asian baby is getting an injection shot on his arm", "an injection is given to a kid", "baby is receiving a vaccination", "in video injection is given to a baby and he is crying", "little girl receiving a shot", "small child get an vaccination", "the doctor is injecting the baby", "the doctor is injecting the child" ]
What is the video about?
[ "a tortoise chases fish in the ocean", "a turtle is walking underwater", "a turtle is walking underwater", "a turtle is swimming underwater near the floor of a body of water", "a turtle and fishes are swimming under the water", "a sea turtle is hunting for fish", "a turtle is swimming in water", "a turtle follows some fish around at the bottom of the ocean", "a turtle walks on the bottom of the ocean", "a turtle is walking underwater", "a turtle swims", "a turtle is walking under water", "the turtle followed the fish", "the turtle is walking under water", "fish swim away from a turtle", "the turtle swam after the fish", "a turtle is walking in the ocean", "fish vs turtle in the water", "a terrapin is swimming", "a turtle is chasing a fish underwater", "a turtle is chasing fish", "a turtle is walking under water", "a turtle is walking underwater", "fish vs turtle video", "hunter fish", "the fish is eating", "the turtle is catching to fish", "the turtle is moving slowly under water", "the turtle is moving under water", "a tortoise is playing with fish" ]
What is the video about?
[ "a man does a split in a bowling tournament", "a bowler knocks down three pins in two adjacent lanes", "a man hit the split pins with his bowling ball", "a man hurtles a ball which hits the only remaining two spindles", "a man is bowling a double strike in two lanes", "a man is bowling", "a man is playing 8balls", "a man is playing bowling shot", "a man is rolling a bowling ball into the two remaining bowling pins", "a man is throwing a bowling ball down a lane", "a man performs a bowling trick shot", "the man bowled and hit two pins", "the man hit the split pins with the bowling ball", "a man is bowling", "they are playing flying eagle bowling shot", "a man is playing", "a man is playing bowling", "a man is making a bowling shot", "a man is bowling at a bowling alley", "a man is bowling a spare", "a boy playing bowling game", "a boy throwing bowling ball", "a man is bowling a double strike", "the boy is playing", "the man hit three bowling pins", "a man is bowling", "the boy is playing the bowling shot", "a man hits three remaining pins on two bowling lanes with one ball", "bowling shot is done by a person", "bowling in an alley", "a man knocks three pins on two lanes with one bowling ball", "a person is bowling at a bowling alley", "a bowler succeeds in doing a trick shot", "a man is throwing a ball", "a man is playing bowling", "a man is bowling", "a man bowls across two lanes", "a man bowls a spare", "a man makes a flying eagle bowling shot", "a player is flying eagle bowling shot", "a man is bowling", "someone is bowling", "a man is bowling", "a bowler throws a trick shot across two lanes", "a man taking a bowling shot on two left bottles", "a man is playing the bowling shot game", "a bowling man picks up a spare in his lane and manages to knock over the one remaining pin in the lane to his right", "a man scores a spare in bowling", "a man is bowling", "a guy is playing the bowling", "flying eagle bowling shot", "a man playing very well", "a bowler hits two duckpins on two sides with one throw", "the man made an amazing bowling shot", "a man does a bowling trick shot", "a man is playing", "the man was flying", "a man is bowling", "a man is playing bowling game hits many bottles" ]
What is happening in the video in detail?
[ "a man is maneuvering a soccer ball with his feet", "a man is kicking a soccer ball", "a man is kicking a soccer ball", "a man is playing a football", "a man is juggling a soccer ball with his feet in a parking lot", "men are doing tricks with football", "a man is doing tricks with a ball", "a boy is kicking a soccer ball around", "a boy is playing with a ball", "a man is kicking a soccer ball", "a man is tossing and playing around with a football using his legs", "the man did tricks with a soccer ball with his feet", "the man is playing ball with his feet", "a boy attempts to perform a trick with a soccer ball", "a couple of guys are individually trying to keep a ball in the air with their feet", "the man did tricks with the soccer ball", "the men is playing football", "a kid is doing tricks with a soccer ball", "a boys he night footaball sikllfoot path", "a person playing football", "a man is trying to play football", "a person playing foot ball", "a man is playing with a soccer ball", "the man did tricks with the soccer ball", "a man playing football", "the man is playing ball with his feet", "a man is doing tricks with a soccer ball", "a man is tossing a ball" ]
What is the video about in detail?
[ "a man gets chased by a stampede of people", "a crowd is chasing a man", "a crowd of people are chasing a man", "a group of men attacks another man", "a group of men chases another man down the street", "a group of people are chasing a man in the street", "a group of people are running down the street", "a group of people chase a man", "a huge group of people chase down a salaryman", "a large group of people are chasing a man with a briefcase down a road", "a man is running from a crowd", "a man is surprised by a crowd of people who chase him down an alley", "a man is walking toward a crowd of people and for some reason he turns around and begins to run with the crowd giving chase", "a man runs away from a large crowd chasing him", "a mob chases a man down an alley", "the men are running down the street", "the mob chased a man with a briefcase", "the mob chased the man", "a group of people are chasing a business man", "people are running", "asians are funny people chasing a man", "a man runs away from a crow of people", "lot of people chasing a man who is running with a suitcase", "number of people are running behind one person", "a man is walking in the middle of the road", "a crowd is following a man", "a group of people are chasing a man in a trenchcoat", "people are running towards a man", "a huge crowd of people are running down the street", "a man is running away on seeing the asian people following him in a crowd", "some people runing a man", "men are chasing a man with a briefcase", "a group of person chasing a man", "a man going towards to some students", "a group of people are running down a street", "peoples are running very fast", "a very funny people", "asians are very funny people", "a man runs away on seeing an oncoming mob", "a man is running from a horde of people", "a large group of men chase a man with a briefcase down a street", "a man is walking and all others running towards the man funnily", "people are running behind a man", "its a video about funny asian people", "a crowd of people chase a man down an alley" ]
What is happening in the video?
[ "a panda is lying down", "a baby panda relaxes on some logs", "a panda bear is laying down", "a panda is sleeping on woods", "a panda is lounging around", "a panda is lying on logs", "a panda rolls around on a stack of logs", "a baby panda is laying around", "a panda bear is laying down", "a panda is laying on some logs", "the panda rested on the logs", "the panda is lying down", "a panda lounges on some logs", "the panda bear lay on the logs", "the cut animal is sleeping", "the animal is playing", "a dog is trying to sleep on a log", "the bear is enjoying itself and take rest", "a panda is laying on some logs", "a panda is lying on the wood", "a panda is lying on a wood log", "a bear is sitting on the wood", "a panda is laying on a wall", "a panda is getting comfortable", "a bear relaxing", "a panda is lying on wood", "a cute bear is sleeping on the wood", "a panda is rolling over", "a panda is sleeping", "a cute panda laying on bamboos in a snowy area", "a panda is sleeping", "the panda is laying down", "animal cuteness", "a panda is lazing", "naah" ]