3 values
1 value
Continued fraction_Arithmetic_G(matrix ng, continued fraction n)
class NG: def __init__(self, a1, a, b1, b): self.a1, self.a, self.b1, self.b = a1, a, b1, b def ingress(self, n): self.a, self.a1 = self.a1, self.a + self.a1 * n self.b, self.b1 = self.b1, self.b + self.b1 * n @property def needterm(self): return (self.b == 0 or self.b1 == 0) or not self.a//self.b == self.a1//self.b1 @property def egress(self): n = self.a // self.b self.a, self.b = self.b, self.a - self.b * n self.a1, self.b1 = self.b1, self.a1 - self.b1 * n return n @property def egress_done(self): if self.needterm: self.a, self.b = self.a1, self.b1 return self.egress @property def done(self): return self.b == 0 and self.b1 == 0
{ "resource": "" }
Calkin-Wilf sequence
from fractions import Fraction from math import floor from itertools import islice, groupby def cw(): a = Fraction(1) while True: yield a a = 1 / (2 * floor(a) + 1 - a) def r2cf(rational): num, den = rational.numerator, rational.denominator while den: num, (digit, den) = den, divmod(num, den) yield digit def get_term_num(rational): ans, dig, pwr = 0, 1, 0 for n in r2cf(rational): for _ in range(n): ans |= dig << pwr pwr += 1 dig ^= 1 return ans if __name__ == '__main__': print('TERMS 1..20: ', ', '.join(str(x) for x in islice(cw(), 20))) x = Fraction(83116, 51639) print(f"\n{x} is the {get_term_num(x):_}'th term.")
{ "resource": "" }
Distribution of 0 digits in factorial series
def facpropzeros(N, verbose = True): proportions = [0.0] * N fac, psum = 1, 0.0 for i in range(N): fac *= i + 1 d = list(str(fac)) psum += sum(map(lambda x: x == '0', d)) / len(d) proportions[i] = psum / (i + 1) if verbose: print("The mean proportion of 0 in factorials from 1 to {} is {}.".format(N, psum / N)) return proportions for n in [100, 1000, 10000]: facpropzeros(n) props = facpropzeros(47500, False) n = (next(i for i in reversed(range(len(props))) if props[i] > 0.16)) print("The mean proportion dips permanently below 0.16 at {}.".format(n + 2))
{ "resource": "" }
Abelian sandpile model_Identity
from itertools import product from collections import defaultdict class Sandpile(): def __init__(self, gridtext): array = [int(x) for x in gridtext.strip().split()] self.grid = defaultdict(int, {(i //3, i % 3): x for i, x in enumerate(array)}) _border = set((r, c) for r, c in product(range(-1, 4), repeat=2) if not 0 <= r <= 2 or not 0 <= c <= 2 ) _cell_coords = list(product(range(3), repeat=2)) def topple(self): g = self.grid for r, c in self._cell_coords: if g[(r, c)] >= 4: g[(r - 1, c)] += 1 g[(r + 1, c)] += 1 g[(r, c - 1)] += 1 g[(r, c + 1)] += 1 g[(r, c)] -= 4 return True return False def stabilise(self): while self.topple(): pass g = self.grid for row_col in self._border.intersection(g.keys()): del g[row_col] return self __pos__ = stabilise def __eq__(self, other): g = self.grid return all(g[row_col] == other.grid[row_col] for row_col in self._cell_coords) def __add__(self, other): g = self.grid ans = Sandpile("") for row_col in self._cell_coords: ans.grid[row_col] = g[row_col] + other.grid[row_col] return ans.stabilise() def __str__(self): g, txt = self.grid, [] for row in range(3): txt.append(' '.join(str(g[(row, col)]) for col in range(3))) return '\n'.join(txt) def __repr__(self): return f'{self.__class__.__name__}()' unstable = Sandpile() s1 = Sandpile() s2 = Sandpile() s3 = Sandpile("3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3") s3_id = Sandpile("2 1 2 1 0 1 2 1 2")
{ "resource": "" }
Magic numbers
from itertools import groupby def magic_numbers(base): hist = [] n = l = i = 0 while True: l += 1 hist.extend((n + digit, l) for digit in range(-n % l, base, l)) i += 1 if i == len(hist): return hist n, l = hist[i] n *= base mn = magic_numbers(10) print("found", len(mn), "magic numbers") print("the largest one is", mn[-1][0]) print("count by number of digits:") print(*(f"{l}:{sum(1 for _ in g)}" for l, g in groupby(l for _, l in mn))) print(end="minimally pandigital in 1..9: ") print(*(m for m, l in mn if l == 9 == len(set(str(m)) - {"0"}))) print(end="minimally pandigital in 0..9: ") print(*(m for m, l in mn if l == 10 == len(set(str(m)))))
{ "resource": "" }
from collections import deque from typing import Iterable from typing import Iterator from typing import Reversible days = [ "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday", ] colors = deque( [ "red", "yellow", "pink", "green", "purple", "orange", "blue", ] ) class MyIterable: class MyIterator: def __init__(self) -> None: self._day = -1 def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): if self._day >= 6: raise StopIteration self._day += 1 return days[self._day] class MyReversedIterator: def __init__(self) -> None: self._day = 7 def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): if self._day <= 0: raise StopIteration self._day -= 1 return days[self._day] def __iter__(self): return self.MyIterator() def __reversed__(self): return self.MyReversedIterator() def print_elements(container: Iterable[object]) -> None: for element in container: print(element, end=" ") print("") def _drop(it: Iterator[object], n: int) -> None: try: for _ in range(n): next(it) except StopIteration: pass def print_first_fourth_fifth(container: Iterable[object]) -> None: it = iter(container) print(next(it), end=" ") _drop(it, 2) print(next(it), end=" ") print(next(it)) def print_reversed_first_fourth_fifth(container: Reversible[object]) -> None: it = reversed(container) print(next(it), end=" ") _drop(it, 2) print(next(it), end=" ") print(next(it)) def main() -> None: my_iterable = MyIterable() print("All elements:") print_elements(days) print_elements(colors) print_elements(my_iterable) print("\nFirst, fourth, fifth:") print_first_fourth_fifth(days) print_first_fourth_fifth(colors) print_first_fourth_fifth(my_iterable) print("\nLast, fourth to last, fifth to last:") print_reversed_first_fourth_fifth(days) print_reversed_first_fourth_fifth(colors) print_reversed_first_fourth_fifth(my_iterable) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
{ "resource": "" }
Find words which contain the most consonants
print('\n'.join((f'{x[0]}: {" ".join(sorted(x[1]))}' if len(x[1]) < 30 else f'{x[0]}: {len(x[1])} words' for x in (x for x in ((n, [x[1] for x in l if x[0] == n]) for n in range(maxlen, -1, -1)) if x[1]))) if (maxlen := max(l := [(len(c), w) for w in [l for l in [l.rstrip() for l in open('unixdict.txt')] if len(l) > 10 and all(c >= 'a' and c <= 'z' for c in l)] if sorted(c := w.replace('a', '').replace('e', '').replace('i', '').replace('o', '').replace('u', '')) == sorted(set(c))])[0]) else None)
{ "resource": "" }
Prime words
for i in range(65,123): check = 1 for j in range(2,i): if i%j == 0: check = 0 if check==1: print(chr(i),end='')
{ "resource": "" }
Riordan numbers
def Riordan(N): a = [1, 0, 1] for n in range(3, N): a.append((n - 1) * (2 * a[n - 1] + 3 * a[n - 2]) // (n + 1)) return a rios = Riordan(10_000) for i in range(32): print(f'{rios[i] : 18,}', end='\n' if (i + 1) % 4 == 0 else '') print(f'The 1,000th Riordan has {len(str(rios[999]))} digits.') print(f'The 10,000th Rirdan has {len(str(rios[9999]))} digits.')
{ "resource": "" }
Numbers which are the cube roots of the product of their proper divisors
from functools import reduce from sympy import divisors FOUND = 0 for num in range(1, 1_000_000): divprod = reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, divisors(num)[:-1])if num > 1 else 1 if num * num * num == divprod: FOUND += 1 if FOUND <= 50: print(f'{num:5}', end='\n' if FOUND % 10 == 0 else '') if FOUND == 500: print(f'\nFive hundreth: {num:,}') if FOUND == 5000: print(f'\nFive thousandth: {num:,}') if FOUND == 50000: print(f'\nFifty thousandth: {num:,}') break
{ "resource": "" }
Ormiston triples
import textwrap from itertools import pairwise from typing import Iterator from typing import List import primesieve def primes() -> Iterator[int]: it = primesieve.Iterator() while True: yield it.next_prime() def triplewise(iterable): for (a, _), (b, c) in pairwise(pairwise(iterable)): yield a, b, c def is_anagram(a: int, b: int, c: int) -> bool: return sorted(str(a)) == sorted(str(b)) == sorted(str(c)) def up_to_one_billion() -> int: count = 0 for triple in triplewise(primes()): if is_anagram(*triple): count += 1 if triple[2] >= 1_000_000_000: break return count def up_to_ten_billion() -> int: count = 0 for triple in triplewise(primes()): if is_anagram(*triple): count += 1 if triple[2] >= 10_000_000_000: break return count def first_25() -> List[int]: rv: List[int] = [] for triple in triplewise(primes()): if is_anagram(*triple): rv.append(triple[0]) if len(rv) >= 25: break return rv if __name__ == "__main__": print("Smallest members of first 25 Ormiston triples:") print(textwrap.fill(" ".join(str(i) for i in first_25())), "\n") print(up_to_one_billion(), "Ormiston triples before 1,000,000,000") print(up_to_ten_billion(), "Ormiston triples before 10,000,000,000")
{ "resource": "" }
Super-Poulet numbers
from sympy import isprime, divisors def is_super_Poulet(n): return not isprime(n) and 2**(n - 1) % n == 1 and all((2**d - 2) % d == 0 for d in divisors(n)) spoulets = [n for n in range(1, 1_100_000) if is_super_Poulet(n)] print('The first 20 super-Poulet numbers are:', spoulets[:20]) idx1m, val1m = next((i, v) for i, v in enumerate(spoulets) if v > 1_000_000) print(f'The first super-Poulet number over 1 million is the {idx1m}th one, which is {val1m}')
{ "resource": "" }
Minesweeper game
gridsize = (6, 4) minerange = (0.2, 0.6) try: raw_input except: raw_input = input import random from itertools import product from pprint import pprint as pp def gridandmines(gridsize=gridsize, minerange=minerange): xgrid, ygrid = gridsize minmines, maxmines = minerange minecount = xgrid * ygrid minecount = random.randint(int(minecount*minmines), int(minecount*maxmines)) grid = set(product(range(xgrid), range(ygrid))) mines = set(random.sample(grid, minecount)) show = {xy:'.' for xy in grid} return grid, mines, show def printgrid(show, gridsize=gridsize): xgrid, ygrid = gridsize grid = '\n'.join(''.join(show[(x,y)] for x in range(xgrid)) for y in range(ygrid)) print( grid ) def resign(showgrid, mines, markedmines): for m in mines: showgrid[m] = 'Y' if m in markedmines else 'N' def clear(x,y, showgrid, grid, mines, markedmines): if showgrid[(x, y)] == '.': xychar = str(sum(1 for xx in (x-1, x, x+1) for yy in (y-1, y, y+1) if (xx, yy) in mines )) if xychar == '0': xychar = '.' showgrid[(x,y)] = xychar for xx in (x-1, x, x+1): for yy in (y-1, y, y+1): xxyy = (xx, yy) if ( xxyy != (x, y) and xxyy in grid and xxyy not in mines | markedmines ): clear(xx, yy, showgrid, grid, mines, markedmines) if __name__ == '__main__': grid, mines, showgrid = gridandmines() markedmines = set([]) print( __doc__ ) print( '\nThere are %i true mines of fixed position in the grid\n' % len(mines) ) printgrid(showgrid) while markedmines != mines: inp = raw_input('m x y/c x y/p/r: ').strip().split() if inp: if inp[0] == 'm': x, y = [int(i)-1 for i in inp[1:3]] if (x,y) in markedmines: markedmines.remove((x,y)) showgrid[(x,y)] = '.' else: markedmines.add((x,y)) showgrid[(x,y)] = '?' elif inp[0] == 'p': printgrid(showgrid) elif inp[0] == 'c': x, y = [int(i)-1 for i in inp[1:3]] if (x,y) in mines | markedmines: print( '\nKLABOOM!! You hit a mine.\n' ) resign(showgrid, mines, markedmines) printgrid(showgrid) break clear(x,y, showgrid, grid, mines, markedmines) printgrid(showgrid) elif inp[0] == 'r': print( '\nResigning!\n' ) resign(showgrid, mines, markedmines) printgrid(showgrid) break print( '\nYou got %i and missed %i of the %i mines' % (len(mines.intersection(markedmines)), len(markedmines.difference(mines)), len(mines)) )
{ "resource": "" }
Elementary cellular automaton_Infinite length
def _notcell(c): return '0' if c == '1' else '1' def eca_infinite(cells, rule): lencells = len(cells) rulebits = '{0:08b}'.format(rule) neighbours2next = {'{0:03b}'.format(n):rulebits[::-1][n] for n in range(8)} c = cells while True: yield c c = _notcell(c[0])*2 + c + _notcell(c[-1])*2 c = ''.join(neighbours2next[c[i-1:i+2]] for i in range(1,len(c) - 1)) if __name__ == '__main__': lines = 25 for rule in (90, 30): print('\nRule: %i' % rule) for i, c in zip(range(lines), eca_infinite('1', rule)): print('%2i: %s%s' % (i, ' '*(lines - i), c.replace('0', '.').replace('1', '
{ "resource": "" }
Even numbers which cannot be expressed as the sum of two twin primes
from sympy import sieve def nonpairsums(include1=False, limit=20_000): tpri = [i in sieve and (i - 2 in sieve or i + 2 in sieve) for i in range(limit+2)] if include1: tpri[1] = True twinsums = [False] * (limit * 2) for i in range(limit): for j in range(limit-i+1): if tpri[i] and tpri[j]: twinsums[i + j] = True return [i for i in range(2, limit+1, 2) if not twinsums[i]] print('Non twin prime sums:') for k, p in enumerate(nonpairsums()): print(f'{p:6}', end='\n' if (k + 1) % 10 == 0 else '') print('\n\nNon twin prime sums (including 1):') for k, p in enumerate(nonpairsums(include1=True)): print(f'{p:6}', end='\n' if (k + 1) % 10 == 0 else '')
{ "resource": "" }
Nested templated data
from pprint import pprint as pp class Template(): def __init__(self, structure): self.structure = structure self.used_payloads, self.missed_payloads = [], [] def inject_payload(self, id2data): def _inject_payload(substruct, i2d, used, missed): used.extend(i2d[x] for x in substruct if type(x) is not tuple and x in i2d) missed.extend(f'?? for x in substruct if type(x) is not tuple and x not in i2d) return tuple(_inject_payload(x, i2d, used, missed) if type(x) is tuple else i2d.get(x, f'?? for x in substruct) ans = _inject_payload(self.structure, id2data, self.used_payloads, self.missed_payloads) self.unused_payloads = sorted(set(id2data.values()) - set(self.used_payloads)) self.missed_payloads = sorted(set(self.missed_payloads)) return ans if __name__ == '__main__': index2data = {p: f'Payload print(" print('\n '.join(list(index2data.values()))) for structure in [ (((1, 2), (3, 4, 1), 5),), (((1, 2), (10, 4, 1), 5),)]: print("\n\n pp(structure, width=13) print("\n TEMPLATE WITH PAYLOADS:") t = Template(structure) out = t.inject_payload(index2data) pp(out) print("\n UNUSED PAYLOADS:\n ", end='') unused = t.unused_payloads print('\n '.join(unused) if unused else '-') print(" MISSING PAYLOADS:\n ", end='') missed = t.missed_payloads print('\n '.join(missed) if missed else '-')
{ "resource": "" }
Honaker primes
from pyprimesieve import primes def digitsum(num): return sum(int(c) for c in str(num)) def generate_honaker(limit=5_000_000): honaker = [(i + 1, p) for i, p in enumerate(primes(limit)) if digitsum(p) == digitsum(i + 1)] for hcount, (ppi, pri) in enumerate(honaker): yield hcount + 1, ppi, pri print('First 50 Honaker primes:') for p in generate_honaker(): if p[0] < 51: print(f'{str(p):16}', end='\n' if p[0] % 5 == 0 else '') elif p[0] == 10_000: print(f'\nThe 10,000th Honaker prime is the {p[1]:,}th one, which is {p[2]:,}.') break
{ "resource": "" }
De Polignac numbers
from sympy import isprime from math import log from numpy import ndarray max_value = 1_000_000 all_primes = [i for i in range(max_value + 1) if isprime(i)] powers_of_2 = [2**i for i in range(int(log(max_value, 2)))] allvalues = ndarray(max_value, dtype=bool) allvalues[:] = True for i in all_primes: for j in powers_of_2: if i + j < max_value: allvalues[i + j] = False dePolignac = [n for n in range(1, max_value) if n & 1 == 1 and allvalues[n]] print('First fifty de Polignac numbers:') for i, n in enumerate(dePolignac[:50]): print(f'{n:5}', end='\n' if (i + 1) % 10 == 0 else '') print(f'\nOne thousandth: {dePolignac[999]:,}') print(f'\nTen thousandth: {dePolignac[9999]:,}')
{ "resource": "" }
import random def encode(correct, guess): output_arr = [''] * len(correct) for i, (correct_char, guess_char) in enumerate(zip(correct, guess)): output_arr[i] = 'X' if guess_char == correct_char else 'O' if guess_char in correct else '-' return ''.join(output_arr) def safe_int_input(prompt, min_val, max_val): while True: user_input = input(prompt) try: user_input = int(user_input) except ValueError: continue if min_val <= user_input <= max_val: return user_input def play_game(): print("Welcome to Mastermind.") print("You will need to guess a random code.") print("For each guess, you will receive a hint.") print("In this hint, X denotes a correct letter, and O a letter in the original string but in a different position.") print() number_of_letters = safe_int_input("Select a number of possible letters for the code (2-20): ", 2, 20) code_length = safe_int_input("Select a length for the code (4-10): ", 4, 10) letters = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST'[:number_of_letters] code = ''.join(random.choices(letters, k=code_length)) guesses = [] while True: print() guess = input(f"Enter a guess of length {code_length} ({letters}): ").upper().strip() if len(guess) != code_length or any([char not in letters for char in guess]): continue elif guess == code: print(f"\nYour guess {guess} was correct!") break else: guesses.append(f"{len(guesses)+1}: {' '.join(guess)} => {' '.join(encode(code, guess))}") for i_guess in guesses: print("------------------------------------") print(i_guess) print("------------------------------------") if __name__ == '__main__': play_game()
{ "resource": "" }
Zsigmondy numbers
from math import gcd from sympy import divisors def zsig(num, aint, bint): assert aint > bint dexpms = [aint**i - bint**i for i in range(1, num)] dexpn = aint**num - bint**num return max([d for d in divisors(dexpn) if all(gcd(k, d) == 1 for k in dexpms)]) tests = [(2, 1), (3, 1), (4, 1), (5, 1), (6, 1), (7, 1), (3, 2), (5, 3), (7, 3), (7, 5)] for (a, b) in tests: print(f'\nZsigmondy(n, {a}, {b}):', ', '.join( [str(zsig(n, a, b)) for n in range(1, 21)]))
{ "resource": "" }
Sorensen–Dice coefficient
from multiset import Multiset def tokenizetext(txt): arr = [] for wrd in txt.lower().split(' '): arr += ([wrd] if len(wrd) == 1 else [wrd[i:i+2] for i in range(len(wrd)-1)]) return Multiset(arr) def sorenson_dice(text1, text2): bc1, bc2 = tokenizetext(text1), tokenizetext(text2) return 2 * len(bc1 & bc2) / (len(bc1) + len(bc2)) with open('tasklist_sorenson.txt', 'r') as fd: alltasks = fd.read().split('\n') for testtext in ['Primordial primes', 'Sunkist-Giuliani formula', 'Sieve of Euripides', 'Chowder numbers']: taskvalues = sorted([(sorenson_dice(testtext, t), t) for t in alltasks], reverse=True) print(f'\n{testtext}:') for (val, task) in taskvalues[:5]: print(f' {val:.6f} {task}')
{ "resource": "" }
Julia set
from __future__ import division cX = -0.7 cY = 0.27015 maxIter = 300 def setup(): size(640, 480) def draw(): for x in range(width): for y in range(height): zx = 1.5 * (x - width / 2) / (0.5 * width) zy = (y - height / 2) / (0.5 * height) i = maxIter while zx * zx + zy * zy < 4 and i > 0: tmp = zx * zx - zy * zy + cX zy = 2.0 * zx * zy + cY zx = tmp i -= 1 colorMode(HSB) c = color(i / maxIter * 255, 255, 255 if i > 1 else 0) set(x, y, c)
{ "resource": "" }
Greatest subsequential sum
def maxsubseq(seq): return max((seq[begin:end] for begin in xrange(len(seq)+1) for end in xrange(begin, len(seq)+1)), key=sum)
{ "resource": "" }
Flow-control structures
for i in range(n): if (n%2) == 0: continue if (n%i) == 0: result = i break else: result = None print "No odd factors found"
{ "resource": "" }
Levenshtein distance
def setup(): println(distance("kitten", "sitting")) def distance(a, b): costs = [] for j in range(len(b) + 1): costs.append(j) for i in range(1, len(a) + 1): costs[0] = i nw = i - 1 for j in range(1, len(b) + 1): cj = min(1 + min(costs[j], costs[j - 1]), nw if a[i - 1] == b[j - 1] else nw + 1) nw = costs[j] costs[j] = cj return costs[len(b)]
{ "resource": "" }
Probabilistic choice
import random, bisect def probchoice(items, probs): prob_accumulator = 0 accumulator = [] for p in probs: prob_accumulator += p accumulator.append(prob_accumulator) while True: r = random.random() yield items[bisect.bisect(accumulator, r)] def probchoice2(items, probs, bincount=10000): bins = [] for item,prob in zip(items, probs): bins += [item]*int(bincount*prob) while True: yield random.choice(bins) def tester(func=probchoice, items='good bad ugly'.split(), probs=[0.5, 0.3, 0.2], trials = 100000 ): def problist2string(probs): return ",".join('%8.6f' % (p,) for p in probs) from collections import defaultdict counter = defaultdict(int) it = func(items, probs) for dummy in xrange(trials): counter[it.next()] += 1 print "\n print "Trials: ", trials print "Items: ", ' '.join(items) print "Target probability: ", problist2string(probs) print "Attained probability:", problist2string( counter[x]/float(trials) for x in items) if __name__ == '__main__': items = 'aleph beth gimel daleth he waw zayin heth'.split() probs = [1/(float(n)+5) for n in range(len(items))] probs[-1] = 1-sum(probs[:-1]) tester(probchoice, items, probs, 1000000) tester(probchoice2, items, probs, 1000000)
{ "resource": "" }
from math import gcd def coprime(a, b): return 1 == gcd(a, b) def main(): print([ xy for xy in [ (21, 15), (17, 23), (36, 12), (18, 29), (60, 15) ] if coprime(*xy) ]) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
{ "resource": "" }
Arithmetic-geometric mean_Calculate Pi
from decimal import * D = Decimal getcontext().prec = 100 a = n = D(1) g, z, half = 1 / D(2).sqrt(), D(0.25), D(0.5) for i in range(18): x = [(a + g) * half, (a * g).sqrt()] var = x[0] - a z -= var * var * n n += n a, g = x print(a * a / z)
{ "resource": "" }
>>> from itertools import combinations >>> list(combinations(range(5),3)) [(0, 1, 2), (0, 1, 3), (0, 1, 4), (0, 2, 3), (0, 2, 4), (0, 3, 4), (1, 2, 3), (1, 2, 4), (1, 3, 4), (2, 3, 4)]
{ "resource": "" }
Window creation
import Tkinter w = Tkinter.Tk() w.mainloop()
{ "resource": "" }
Two identical strings
def bits(n): r = 0 while n: n >>= 1 r += 1 return r def concat(n): return n << bits(n) | n n = 1 while concat(n) <= 1000: print("{0}: {0:b}".format(concat(n))) n += 1
{ "resource": "" }
Pig the dice game
from random import randint playercount = 2 maxscore = 100 safescore = [0] * playercount player = 0 score=0 while max(safescore) < maxscore: rolling = input("Player %i: (%i, %i) Rolling? (Y) " % (player, safescore[player], score)).strip().lower() in {'yes', 'y', ''} if rolling: rolled = randint(1, 6) print(' Rolled %i' % rolled) if rolled == 1: print(' Bust! you lose %i but still keep your previous %i' % (score, safescore[player])) score, player = 0, (player + 1) % playercount else: score += rolled else: safescore[player] += score if safescore[player] >= maxscore: break print(' Sticking with %i' % safescore[player]) score, player = 0, (player + 1) % playercount print('\nPlayer %i wins with a score of %i' %(player, safescore[player]))
{ "resource": "" }
Roman numerals_Encode
import roman print(roman.toRoman(2022))
{ "resource": "" }
Frobenius numbers
def isPrime(v): if v <= 1: return False if v < 4: return True if v % 2 == 0: return False if v < 9: return True if v % 3 == 0: return False else: r = round(pow(v,0.5)) f = 5 while f <= r: if v % f == 0 or v % (f + 2) == 0: return False f += 6 return True pn = 2 n = 0 for i in range(3, 9999, 2): if isPrime(i): n += 1 f = (pn * i) - pn - i if f > 10000: break print (n, ' => ', f) pn = i
{ "resource": "" }
Largest number divisible by its digits
from itertools import (chain, permutations) from functools import (reduce) from math import (gcd) def main(): digits = [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9] lcmDigits = reduce(lcm, digits) sevenDigits = ((delete)(digits)(x) for x in [1, 4, 7]) print( max( ( intFromDigits(x) for x in concatMap(permutations)(sevenDigits) ), key=lambda n: n if 0 == n % lcmDigits else 0 ) ) def intFromDigits(xs): return reduce(lambda a, x: a * 10 + x, xs, 0) def concatMap(f): def go(xs): return chain.from_iterable(map(f, xs)) return go def delete(xs): def go(x): ys = xs.copy() ys.remove(x) return ys return go def lcm(x, y): return 0 if (0 == x or 0 == y) else abs( y * (x // gcd(x, y)) ) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
{ "resource": "" }
99 bottles of beer
fun bottles(n): match __args__: (0) => "No more bottles" (1) => "1 bottle" (_) => "$n bottles" for n in 99..-1..1: print @format
{ "resource": "" }
Numbers in base-16 representation that cannot be written with decimal digits
[print(16*q + r,end=' ') for q in range(0,16) for r in range(10,16)]
{ "resource": "" }
Set puzzle
from itertools import product, combinations from random import sample features = [ 'green purple red'.split(), 'one two three'.split(), 'oval diamond squiggle'.split(), 'open striped solid'.split() ] deck = list(product(list(range(3)), repeat=4)) dealt = 9 def printcard(card): print(' '.join('%8s' % f[i] for f,i in zip(features, card))) def getdeal(dealt=dealt): deal = sample(deck, dealt) return deal def getsets(deal): good_feature_count = set([1, 3]) sets = [ comb for comb in combinations(deal, 3) if all( [(len(set(feature)) in good_feature_count) for feature in zip(*comb)] ) ] return sets def printit(deal, sets): print('Dealt %i cards:' % len(deal)) for card in deal: printcard(card) print('\nFound %i sets:' % len(sets)) for s in sets: for card in s: printcard(card) print('') if __name__ == '__main__': while True: deal = getdeal() sets = getsets(deal) if len(sets) == dealt / 2: break printit(deal, sets)
{ "resource": "" }
Left factorials
from itertools import islice def lfact(): yield 0 fact, summ, n = 1, 0, 1 while 1: fact, summ, n = fact*n, summ + fact, n + 1 yield summ print('first 11:\n %r' % [lf for i, lf in zip(range(11), lfact())]) print('20 through 110 (inclusive) by tens:') for lf in islice(lfact(), 20, 111, 10): print(lf) print('Digits in 1,000 through 10,000 (inclusive) by thousands:\n %r' % [len(str(lf)) for lf in islice(lfact(), 1000, 10001, 1000)] )
{ "resource": "" }
Yin and yang
import math def yinyang(n=3): radii = [i * n for i in (1, 3, 6)] ranges = [list(range(-r, r+1)) for r in radii] squares = [[ (x,y) for x in rnge for y in rnge] for rnge in ranges] circles = [[ (x,y) for x,y in sqrpoints if math.hypot(x,y) <= radius ] for sqrpoints, radius in zip(squares, radii)] m = {(x,y):' ' for x,y in squares[-1]} for x,y in circles[-1]: m[x,y] = '*' for x,y in circles[-1]: if x>0: m[(x,y)] = '·' for x,y in circles[-2]: m[(x,y+3*n)] = '*' m[(x,y-3*n)] = '·' for x,y in circles[-3]: m[(x,y+3*n)] = '·' m[(x,y-3*n)] = '*' return '\n'.join(''.join(m[(x,y)] for x in reversed(ranges[-1])) for y in ranges[-1])
{ "resource": "" }
Singly-linked list_Element definition
class LinkedList(object): class Node(object): def __init__(self, item): self.value = item self.next = None def __init__(self, item=None): if item is not None: self.head = Node(item); self.tail = self.head else: self.head = None; self.tail = None def append(self, item): if not self.head: self.head = Node(item) self.tail = self.head elif self.tail: self.tail.next = Node(item) self.tail = self.tail.next else: self.tail = Node(item) def __iter__(self): cursor = self.head while cursor: yield cursor.value cursor = cursor.next
{ "resource": "" }
Diversity prediction theorem
from itertools import chain from functools import reduce def diversityValues(x): def go(ps): mp = mean(ps) return { 'mean-error': meanErrorSquared(x)(ps), 'crowd-error': pow(x - mp, 2), 'diversity': meanErrorSquared(mp)(ps) } return go def meanErrorSquared(x): def go(ps): return mean([ pow(p - x, 2) for p in ps ]) return go def main(): print(unlines(map( showDiversityValues(49), [ [48, 47, 51], [48, 47, 51, 42], [50, '?', 50, {}, 50], [] ] ))) print(unlines(map( showDiversityValues('49'), [ [50, 50, 50], [40, 35, 40], ] ))) def showDiversityValues(x): def go(ps): def showDict(dct): w = 4 + max(map(len, dct.keys())) def showKV(a, kv): k, v = kv return a + k.rjust(w, ' ') + ( ' : ' + showPrecision(3)(v) + '\n' ) return 'Predictions: ' + showList(ps) + ' ->\n' + ( reduce(showKV, dct.items(), '') ) def showProblem(e): return ( unlines(map(indented(1), e)) if ( isinstance(e, list) ) else indented(1)(repr(e)) ) + '\n' return 'Observation: ' + repr(x) + '\n' + ( either(showProblem)(showDict)( bindLR(numLR(x))( lambda n: bindLR(numsLR(ps))( compose(Right, diversityValues(n)) ) ) ) ) return go def Left(x): return {'type': 'Either', 'Right': None, 'Left': x} def Right(x): return {'type': 'Either', 'Left': None, 'Right': x} def bindLR(m): def go(mf): return ( mf(m.get('Right')) if None is m.get('Left') else m ) return go def compose(*fs): def go(f, g): def fg(x): return f(g(x)) return fg return reduce(go, fs, identity) def concatMap(f): def go(xs): return chain.from_iterable(map(f, xs)) return go def either(fl): return lambda fr: lambda e: fl(e['Left']) if ( None is e['Right'] ) else fr(e['Right']) def identity(x): return x def indented(n): return lambda s: (4 * ' ' * n) + s def mean(xs): return sum(xs) / float(len(xs)) def numLR(x): return Right(x) if ( isinstance(x, (float, int)) ) else Left( 'Expected number, saw: ' + ( str(type(x)) + ' ' + repr(x) ) ) def numsLR(xs): def go(ns): ls, rs = partitionEithers(map(numLR, ns)) return Left(ls) if ls else Right(rs) return bindLR( Right(xs) if ( bool(xs) and isinstance(xs, list) ) else Left( 'Expected a non-empty list, saw: ' + ( str(type(xs)) + ' ' + repr(xs) ) ) )(go) def partitionEithers(lrs): def go(a, x): ls, rs = a r = x.get('Right') return (ls + [x.get('Left')], rs) if None is r else ( ls, rs + [r] ) return reduce(go, lrs, ([], [])) def showList(xs): return '[' + ','.join(str(x) for x in xs) + ']' def showPrecision(n): def go(x): return str(round(x, n)) return go def unlines(xs): return '\n'.join(xs) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
{ "resource": "" }
Base64 decode data
import base64 data = 'VG8gZXJyIGlzIGh1bWFuLCBidXQgdG8gcmVhbGx5IGZvdWwgdGhpbmdzIHVwIHlvdSBuZWVkIGEgY29tcHV0ZXIuCiAgICAtLSBQYXVsIFIuIEVocmxpY2g=' print(base64.b64decode(data).decode('utf-8'))
{ "resource": "" }
Largest difference between adjacent primes
print("working...") limit = 1000000 res1 = 0 res2 = 0 maxOld = 0 newDiff = 0 oldDiff = 0 def isPrime(n): for i in range(2,int(n**0.5)+1): if n%i==0: return False return True for n in range(limit): newDiff = n - maxOld if isprime(n): if (newDiff > oldDiff): res1 = n res2 = maxOld oldDiff = newDiff maxOld = n diff = res1 - res2 print(res1) print(res2) print("Largest difference is = ",end="") print(diff) print("done...")
{ "resource": "" }
Higher-order functions
def first(function): return function() def second(): return "second" result = first(second)
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Ackermann function
from __future__ import print_function def setup(): for m in range(4): for n in range(7): print("{} ".format(ackermann(m, n)), end = "") print() def ackermann(m, n): if m == 0: return n + 1 elif m > 0 and n == 0: return ackermann(m - 1, 1) else: return ackermann(m - 1, ackermann(m, n - 1))
{ "resource": "" }
def median(aray): srtd = sorted(aray) alen = len(srtd) return 0.5*( srtd[(alen-1)//2] + srtd[alen//2]) a = (4.1, 5.6, 7.2, 1.7, 9.3, 4.4, 3.2) print a, median(a) a = (4.1, 7.2, 1.7, 9.3, 4.4, 3.2) print a, median(a)
{ "resource": "" }
Cheryl's birthday
from itertools import groupby from re import split def main(): month, day = 0, 1 print( uniquePairing(month)( uniquePairing(day)( monthsWithUniqueDays(False)([ tuple(x.split()) for x in split( ', ', 'May 15, May 16, May 19, ' + 'June 17, June 18, ' + 'July 14, July 16, ' + 'Aug 14, Aug 15, Aug 17' ) ]) ) ) ) def monthsWithUniqueDays(blnInclude): def go(xs): month, day = 0, 1 months = [fst(x) for x in uniquePairing(day)(xs)] return [ md for md in xs if blnInclude or not (md[month] in months) ] return go def uniquePairing(i): def go(xs): def inner(md): dct = md[i] uniques = [ k for k in dct.keys() if 1 == len(dct[k]) ] return [tpl for tpl in xs if tpl[i] in uniques] return inner return ap(bindPairs)(go) def bindPairs(xs): return lambda f: f( ( dictFromPairs(xs), dictFromPairs( [(b, a) for (a, b) in xs] ) ) ) def dictFromPairs(xs): return { k: [snd(x) for x in m] for k, m in groupby( sorted(xs, key=fst), key=fst ) } def ap(f): def go(g): def fxgx(x): return f(x)( g(x) ) return fxgx return go def fst(tpl): return tpl[0] def snd(tpl): return tpl[1] if __name__ == '__main__': main()
{ "resource": "" }
Jump anywhere
from goto import goto, label label .start for i in range(1, 4): print i if i == 2: try: output = message except NameError: print "Oops - forgot to define 'message'! Start again." message = "Hello world" goto .start print output, "\n"
{ "resource": "" }
Super-d numbers
from itertools import islice, count def superd(d): if d != int(d) or not 2 <= d <= 9: raise ValueError("argument must be integer from 2 to 9 inclusive") tofind = str(d) * d for n in count(2): if tofind in str(d * n ** d): yield n if __name__ == '__main__': for d in range(2, 9): print(f"{d}:", ', '.join(str(n) for n in islice(superd(d), 10)))
{ "resource": "" }
Montgomery reduction
class Montgomery: BASE = 2 def __init__(self, m): self.m = m self.n = m.bit_length() self.rrm = (1 << (self.n * 2)) % m def reduce(self, t): a = t for i in xrange(self.n): if (a & 1) == 1: a = a + self.m a = a >> 1 if a >= self.m: a = a - self.m return a m = 750791094644726559640638407699 x1 = 540019781128412936473322405310 x2 = 515692107665463680305819378593 mont = Montgomery(m) t1 = x1 * mont.rrm t2 = x2 * mont.rrm r1 = mont.reduce(t1) r2 = mont.reduce(t2) r = 1 << mont.n print "b : ", Montgomery.BASE print "n : ", mont.n print "r : ", r print "m : ", mont.m print "t1: ", t1 print "t2: ", t2 print "r1: ", r1 print "r2: ", r2 print print "Original x1  :", x1 print "Recovered from r1 :", mont.reduce(r1) print "Original x2  :", x2 print "Recovered from r2 :", mont.reduce(r2) print "\nMontgomery computation of x1 ^ x2 mod m:" prod = mont.reduce(mont.rrm) base = mont.reduce(x1 * mont.rrm) exp = x2 while exp.bit_length() > 0: if (exp & 1) == 1: prod = mont.reduce(prod * base) exp = exp >> 1 base = mont.reduce(base * base) print mont.reduce(prod) print "\nAlternate computation of x1 ^ x2 mod m :" print pow(x1, x2, m)
{ "resource": "" }
Smallest power of 6 whose decimal expansion contains n
def smallest_six(n): p = 1 while str(n) not in str(p): p *= 6 return p for n in range(22): print("{:2}: {}".format(n, smallest_six(n)))
{ "resource": "" }
Ludic numbers
def ludic(nmax=100000): yield 1 lst = list(range(2, nmax + 1)) while lst: yield lst[0] del lst[::lst[0]] ludics = [l for l in ludic()] print('First 25 ludic primes:') print(ludics[:25]) print("\nThere are %i ludic numbers <= 1000" % sum(1 for l in ludics if l <= 1000)) print("\n2000'th..2005'th ludic primes:") print(ludics[2000-1: 2005]) n = 250 triplets = [(x, x+2, x+6) for x in ludics if x+6 < n and x+2 in ludics and x+6 in ludics] print('\nThere are %i triplets less than %i:\n %r' % (len(triplets), n, triplets))
{ "resource": "" }
Undefined values
try: name except NameError: print "name is undefined at first check" name = "Chocolate" try: name except NameError: print "name is undefined at second check" del name try: name except NameError: print "name is undefined at third check" name = 42 try: name except NameError: print "name is undefined at fourth check" print "Done"
{ "resource": "" }
Iterated digits squaring
>>> step = lambda x: sum(int(d) ** 2 for d in str(x)) >>> iterate = lambda x: x if x in [1, 89] else iterate(step(x)) >>> [iterate(x) for x in xrange(1, 20)] [1, 89, 89, 89, 89, 89, 1, 89, 89, 1, 89, 89, 1, 89, 89, 89, 89, 89, 1]
{ "resource": "" }
Longest substrings without repeating characters
def longest_substring(s = "xyzyab"): substr = [s[x:y] for x in range(len(s)) for y in range(x+1, len(s) + 1)] no_reps = [] for sub in substr: if len(sub) == len(set(sub)) and sub not in no_reps: no_reps.append(sub) max_len = max(len(sub) for sub in no_reps) if no_reps else 0 max_subs = [sub for sub in no_reps if len(sub) == max_len] return max_subs if __name__ == '__main__': for s in ["xyzyabcybdfd", "xyzyab", "zzzzz", "a", "α⊆϶α϶", "", [1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 5, 6, 1, 7, 8, 1, 0]]: print(f"{s} => {longest_substring(s)}")
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Pascal's triangle
def pascal(n): row = [1] k = [0] for x in range(max(n,0)): print row row=[l+r for l,r in zip(row+k,k+row)] return n>=1
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Cumulative standard deviation
>>> from math import sqrt >>> def sd(x): sd.sum += x sd.sum2 += x*x sd.n += 1.0 sum, sum2, n = sd.sum, sd.sum2, sd.n return sqrt(sum2/n - sum*sum/n/n) >>> sd.sum = sd.sum2 = sd.n = 0 >>> for value in (2,4,4,4,5,5,7,9): print (value, sd(value)) (2, 0.0) (4, 1.0) (4, 0.94280904158206258) (4, 0.8660254037844386) (5, 0.97979589711327075) (5, 1.0) (7, 1.3997084244475311) (9, 2.0) >>>
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Atomic updates
from __future__ import with_statement import threading import random import time terminate = threading.Event() class Buckets: def __init__(self, nbuckets): self.nbuckets = nbuckets self.values = [random.randrange(10) for i in range(nbuckets)] self.lock = threading.Lock() def __getitem__(self, i): return self.values[i] def transfer(self, src, dst, amount): with self.lock: amount = min(amount, self.values[src]) self.values[src] -= amount self.values[dst] += amount def snapshot(self): with self.lock: return self.values[:] def randomize(buckets): nbuckets = buckets.nbuckets while not terminate.isSet(): src = random.randrange(nbuckets) dst = random.randrange(nbuckets) if dst!=src: amount = random.randrange(20) buckets.transfer(src, dst, amount) def equalize(buckets): nbuckets = buckets.nbuckets while not terminate.isSet(): src = random.randrange(nbuckets) dst = random.randrange(nbuckets) if dst!=src: amount = (buckets[src] - buckets[dst]) // 2 if amount>=0: buckets.transfer(src, dst, amount) else: buckets.transfer(dst, src, -amount) def print_state(buckets): snapshot = buckets.snapshot() for value in snapshot: print '%2d' % value, print '=', sum(snapshot) buckets = Buckets(15) t1 = threading.Thread(target=randomize, args=[buckets]) t1.start() t2 = threading.Thread(target=equalize, args=[buckets]) t2.start() try: while True: print_state(buckets) time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: terminate.set() t1.join() t2.join()
{ "resource": "" }
Chinese zodiac
from __future__ import print_function from datetime import datetime pinyin = { '甲': 'jiă', '乙': 'yĭ', '丙': 'bĭng', '丁': 'dīng', '戊': 'wù', '己': 'jĭ', '庚': 'gēng', '辛': 'xīn', '壬': 'rén', '癸': 'gŭi', '子': 'zĭ', '丑': 'chŏu', '寅': 'yín', '卯': 'măo', '辰': 'chén', '巳': 'sì', '午': 'wŭ', '未': 'wèi', '申': 'shēn', '酉': 'yŏu', '戌': 'xū', '亥': 'hài' } animals = ['Rat', 'Ox', 'Tiger', 'Rabbit', 'Dragon', 'Snake', 'Horse', 'Goat', 'Monkey', 'Rooster', 'Dog', 'Pig'] elements = ['Wood', 'Fire', 'Earth', 'Metal', 'Water'] celestial = ['甲', '乙', '丙', '丁', '戊', '己', '庚', '辛', '壬', '癸'] terrestrial = ['子', '丑', '寅', '卯', '辰', '巳', '午', '未', '申', '酉', '戌', '亥'] aspects = ['yang', 'yin'] def calculate(year): BASE = 4 year = int(year) cycle_year = year - BASE stem_number = cycle_year % 10 stem_han = celestial[stem_number] stem_pinyin = pinyin[stem_han] element_number = stem_number // 2 element = elements[element_number] branch_number = cycle_year % 12 branch_han = terrestrial[branch_number] branch_pinyin = pinyin[branch_han] animal = animals[branch_number] aspect_number = cycle_year % 2 aspect = aspects[aspect_number] index = cycle_year % 60 + 1 print("{}: {}{} ({}-{}, {} {}; {} - year {} of the cycle)" .format(year, stem_han, branch_han, stem_pinyin, branch_pinyin, element, animal, aspect, index)) current_year = datetime.now().year years = [1935, 1938, 1968, 1972, 1976, current_year] for year in years: calculate(year)
{ "resource": "" }
Hofstadter-Conway $10,000 sequence
from __future__ import division def maxandmallows(nmaxpower2): nmax = 2**nmaxpower2 mx = (0.5, 2) mxpow2 = [] mallows = None hc = [None, 1, 1] for n in range(2, nmax + 1): ratio = hc[n] / n if ratio > mx[0]: mx = (ratio, n) if ratio >= 0.55: mallows = n if ratio == 0.5: print("In the region %7i < n <= %7i: max a(n)/n = %6.4f at n = %i" % (n//2, n, mx[0], mx[1])) mxpow2.append(mx[0]) mx = (ratio, n) hc.append(hc[hc[n]] + hc[-hc[n]]) return hc, mallows if mxpow2 and mxpow2[-1] < 0.55 and n > 4 else None if __name__ == '__main__': hc, mallows = maxandmallows(20) if mallows: print("\nYou too might have won $1000 with the mallows number of %i" % mallows)
{ "resource": "" }
Abundant, deficient and perfect number classifications
>>> from proper_divisors import proper_divs >>> from collections import Counter >>> >>> rangemax = 20000 >>> >>> def pdsum(n): ... return sum(proper_divs(n)) ... >>> def classify(n, p): ... return 'perfect' if n == p else 'abundant' if p > n else 'deficient' ... >>> classes = Counter(classify(n, pdsum(n)) for n in range(1, 1 + rangemax)) >>> classes.most_common() [('deficient', 15043), ('abundant', 4953), ('perfect', 4)] >>>
{ "resource": "" }
Emirp primes
from __future__ import print_function from prime_decomposition import primes, is_prime from heapq import * from itertools import islice def emirp(): largest = set() emirps = [] heapify(emirps) for pr in primes(): while emirps and pr > emirps[0]: yield heappop(emirps) if pr in largest: yield pr else: rp = int(str(pr)[::-1]) if rp > pr and is_prime(rp): heappush(emirps, pr) largest.add(rp) print('First 20:\n ', list(islice(emirp(), 20))) print('Between 7700 and 8000:\n [', end='') for pr in emirp(): if pr >= 8000: break if pr >= 7700: print(pr, end=', ') print(']') print('10000th:\n ', list(islice(emirp(), 10000-1, 10000)))
{ "resource": "" }
Run-length encoding
def encode(input_string): count = 1 prev = None lst = [] for character in input_string: if character != prev: if prev: entry = (prev, count) lst.append(entry) count = 1 prev = character else: count += 1 else: try: entry = (character, count) lst.append(entry) return (lst, 0) except Exception as e: print("Exception encountered {e}".format(e=e)) return (e, 1) def decode(lst): q = [] for character, count in lst: q.append(character * count) return ''.join(q) value = encode("aaaaahhhhhhmmmmmmmuiiiiiiiaaaaaa") if value[1] == 0: print("Encoded value is {}".format(value[0])) decode(value[0])
{ "resource": "" }
Brownian tree
SIDESTICK = False def setup() : global is_taken size(512, 512) background(0) is_taken = [[False] * height for _ in range(width)] is_taken[width/2][height/2] = True def draw() : x = floor(random(width)) y = floor(random(height)) if is_taken[x][y]: return while True: xp = x + floor(random(-1, 2)) yp = y + floor(random(-1, 2)) is_contained = 0 <= xp < width and 0 <= yp < height if is_contained and not is_taken[xp][yp]: x = xp y = yp continue else: if SIDESTICK or (is_contained and is_taken[xp][yp]): is_taken[x][y] = True set(x, y, color(255)) break if frameCount > width * height: noLoop()
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Read a file character by character_UTF8
def get_next_character(f): c = f.read(1) while c: while True: try: yield c.decode('utf-8') except UnicodeDecodeError: c += f.read(1) else: c = f.read(1) break with open("input.txt","rb") as f: for c in get_next_character(f): print(c)
{ "resource": "" }
Multiplication tables
>>> size = 12 >>> width = len(str(size**2)) >>> for row in range(-1,size+1): if row==0: print("─"*width + "┼"+"─"*((width+1)*size-1)) else: print("".join("%*s%1s" % ((width,) + (("x","│") if row==-1 and col==0 else (row,"│") if row>0 and col==0 else (col,"") if row==-1 else ("","") if row>col else (row*col,""))) for col in range(size+1))) x│ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ───┼─────────────────────────────────────────────── 1│ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 2│ 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 3│ 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 4│ 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 5│ 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 6│ 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 7│ 49 56 63 70 77 84 8│ 64 72 80 88 96 9│ 81 90 99 108 10│ 100 110 120 11│ 121 132 12│ 144 >>>
{ "resource": "" }
Find the intersection of two lines
from __future__ import division def setup(): (a, b), (c, d) = (4, 0), (6, 10) (e, f), (g, h) = (0, 3), (10, 7) pt = line_instersect(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) scale(9) line(a, b, c, d) line(e, f, g, h) if pt: x, y = pt stroke(255) point(x, y) println(pt) def line_instersect(Ax1, Ay1, Ax2, Ay2, Bx1, By1, Bx2, By2): d = (By2 - By1) * (Ax2 - Ax1) - (Bx2 - Bx1) * (Ay2 - Ay1) if d: uA = ((Bx2 - Bx1) * (Ay1 - By1) - (By2 - By1) * (Ax1 - Bx1)) / d uB = ((Ax2 - Ax1) * (Ay1 - By1) - (Ay2 - Ay1) * (Ax1 - Bx1)) / d else: return if not(0 <= uA <= 1 and 0 <= uB <= 1): return x = Ax1 + uA * (Ax2 - Ax1) y = Ay1 + uA * (Ay2 - Ay1) return x, y
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for i in collection: print i
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Determine if a string has all unique characters
from itertools import groupby def duplicatedCharIndices(s): def go(xs): if 1 < len(xs): duplicates = list(filter(lambda kv: 1 < len(kv[1]), [ (k, list(v)) for k, v in groupby( sorted(xs, key=swap), key=snd ) ])) return Just(second(fmap(fst))( sorted( duplicates, key=lambda kv: kv[1][0] )[0] )) if duplicates else Nothing() else: return Nothing() return go(list(enumerate(s))) def main(): def showSample(s): return repr(s) + ' (' + str(len(s)) + ')' def showDuplicate(cix): c, ix = cix return repr(c) + ( ' (' + hex(ord(c)) + ') at ' + repr(ix) ) print( fTable('First duplicated character, if any:')( showSample )(maybe('None')(showDuplicate))(duplicatedCharIndices)([ '', '.', 'abcABC', 'XYZ ZYX', '1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMN0PQRSTUVWXYZ' ]) ) def fTable(s): def go(xShow, fxShow, f, xs): ys = [xShow(x) for x in xs] w = max(map(len, ys)) return s + '\n' + '\n'.join(map( lambda x, y: y.rjust(w, ' ') + ' -> ' + fxShow(f(x)), xs, ys )) return lambda xShow: lambda fxShow: lambda f: lambda xs: go( xShow, fxShow, f, xs ) def Just(x): return {'type': 'Maybe', 'Nothing': False, 'Just': x} def Nothing(): return {'type': 'Maybe', 'Nothing': True} def fmap(f): return lambda xs: [f(x) for x in xs] def fst(tpl): return tpl[0] def head(xs): return xs[0] if isinstance(xs, list) else next(xs) def maybe(v): return lambda f: lambda m: v if ( None is m or m.get('Nothing') ) else f(m.get('Just')) def second(f): return lambda xy: (xy[0], f(xy[1])) def snd(tpl): return tpl[1] def swap(tpl): return (tpl[1], tpl[0]) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
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Averages_Root mean square
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Range expansion
def rangeexpand(txt): lst = [] for r in txt.split(','): if '-' in r[1:]: r0, r1 = r[1:].split('-', 1) lst += range(int(r[0] + r0), int(r1) + 1) else: lst.append(int(r)) return lst print(rangeexpand('-6,-3--1,3-5,7-11,14,15,17-20'))
{ "resource": "" }
Burrows–Wheeler transform
def bwt(s): assert "\002" not in s and "\003" not in s, "Input string cannot contain STX and ETX characters" s = "\002" + s + "\003" table = sorted(s[i:] + s[:i] for i in range(len(s))) last_column = [row[-1:] for row in table] return "".join(last_column) def ibwt(r): table = [""] * len(r) for i in range(len(r)): table = sorted(r[i] + table[i] for i in range(len(r))) s = [row for row in table if row.endswith("\003")][0] return s.rstrip("\003").strip("\002")
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Visualize a tree
Python 3.2.3 (default, May 3 2012, 15:54:42) [GCC 4.6.3] on linux2 Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information. >>> help('pprint.pprint') Help on function pprint in pprint: pprint.pprint = pprint(object, stream=None, indent=1, width=80, depth=None) Pretty-print a Python object to a stream [default is sys.stdout]. >>> from pprint import pprint >>> for tree in [ (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8), (1, (( 2, 3 ), (4, (5, ((6, 7), 8))))), ((((1, 2), 3), 4), 5, 6, 7, 8) ]: print("\nTree %r can be pprint'd as:" % (tree, )) pprint(tree, indent=1, width=1) Tree (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) can be pprint'd as: (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) Tree (1, ((2, 3), (4, (5, ((6, 7), 8))))) can be pprint'd as: (1, ((2, 3), (4, (5, ((6, 7), 8))))) Tree ((((1, 2), 3), 4), 5, 6, 7, 8) can be pprint'd as: ((((1, 2), 3), 4), 5, 6, 7, 8) >>>
{ "resource": "" }
Create an HTML table
import random def rand9999(): return random.randint(1000, 9999) def tag(attr='', **kwargs): for tag, txt in kwargs.items(): return '<{tag}{attr}>{txt}</{tag}>'.format(**locals()) if __name__ == '__main__': header = tag(tr=''.join(tag(th=txt) for txt in ',X,Y,Z'.split(','))) + '\n' rows = '\n'.join(tag(tr=tag(' style="font-weight: bold;"', td=i) + ''.join(tag(td=rand9999()) for j in range(3))) for i in range(1, 6)) table = tag(table='\n' + header + rows + '\n') print(table)
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Rosetta Code_Rank languages by popularity
import requests import re response = requests.get("http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Category:Programming_Languages").text languages = re.findall('title="Category:(.*?)">',response)[:-3] response = requests.get("http://rosettacode.org/mw/index.php?title=Special:Categories&limit=5000").text response = re.sub('(\d+),(\d+)',r'\1'+r'\2',response) members = re.findall('<li><a[^>]+>([^<]+)</a>[^(]*[(](\\d+) member[s]*[)]</li>',response) for cnt, (language, members) in enumerate(sorted(members, key=lambda x: -int(x[1]))[:15]): if language in languages: print("{:4d} {:4d} - {}".format(cnt+1, int(members), language))
{ "resource": "" }
Eban numbers
import inflect import time before = time.perf_counter() p = inflect.engine() print(' ') print('eban numbers up to and including 1000:') print(' ') count = 0 for i in range(1,1001): if not 'e' in p.number_to_words(i): print(str(i)+' ',end='') count += 1 print(' ') print(' ') print('count = '+str(count)) print(' ') print(' ') print('eban numbers between 1000 and 4000 (inclusive):') print(' ') count = 0 for i in range(1000,4001): if not 'e' in p.number_to_words(i): print(str(i)+' ',end='') count += 1 print(' ') print(' ') print('count = '+str(count)) print(' ') print(' ') print('eban numbers up to and including 10000:') print(' ') count = 0 for i in range(1,10001): if not 'e' in p.number_to_words(i): count += 1 print(' ') print('count = '+str(count)) print(' ') print(' ') print('eban numbers up to and including 100000:') print(' ') count = 0 for i in range(1,100001): if not 'e' in p.number_to_words(i): count += 1 print(' ') print('count = '+str(count)) print(' ') print(' ') print('eban numbers up to and including 1000000:') print(' ') count = 0 for i in range(1,1000001): if not 'e' in p.number_to_words(i): count += 1 print(' ') print('count = '+str(count)) print(' ') print(' ') print('eban numbers up to and including 10000000:') print(' ') count = 0 for i in range(1,10000001): if not 'e' in p.number_to_words(i): count += 1 print(' ') print('count = '+str(count)) print(' ') after = time.perf_counter() print(" ") print("Run time in seconds: "+str(after - before))
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Exponentiation operator
MULTIPLY = lambda x, y: x*y class num(float): def __pow__(self, b): return reduce(MULTIPLY, [self]*b, 1) print num(2).__pow__(3) print num(2) ** 3 print num(2.3).__pow__(8) print num(2.3) ** 8
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Priority queue
>>> import queue >>> pq = queue.PriorityQueue() >>> for item in ((3, "Clear drains"), (4, "Feed cat"), (5, "Make tea"), (1, "Solve RC tasks"), (2, "Tax return")): pq.put(item) >>> while not pq.empty(): print(pq.get_nowait()) (1, 'Solve RC tasks') (2, 'Tax return') (3, 'Clear drains') (4, 'Feed cat') (5, 'Make tea') >>>
{ "resource": "" }
Days between dates
import sys def days( y,m,d ): m = (m + 9) % 12 y = y - m/10 result = 365*y + y/4 - y/100 + y/400 + (m*306 + 5)/10 + ( d - 1 ) return result def diff(one,two): [y1,m1,d1] = one.split('-') [y2,m2,d2] = two.split('-') year2 = days( int(y2),int(m2),int(d2)) year1 = days( int(y1), int(m1), int(d1) ) return year2 - year1 if __name__ == "__main__": one = sys.argv[1] two = sys.argv[2] print diff(one,two)
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GUI enabling_disabling of controls
import tkinter as tk class MyForm(tk.Frame): def __init__(self, master=None): tk.Frame.__init__(self, master) self.pack(expand=True, fill="both", padx=10, pady=10) self.master.title("Controls") self.setupUI() def setupUI(self): self.value_entry = tk.Entry(self, justify=tk.CENTER) self.value_entry.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=2, padx=5, pady=5, sticky="nesw") self.value_entry.insert('end', '0') self.value_entry.bind("<KeyPress-Return>", self.eventHandler) self.decre_btn = tk.Button(self, text="Decrement", state=tk.DISABLED) self.decre_btn.grid(row=1, column=0, padx=5, pady=5) self.decre_btn.bind("<Button-1>", self.eventHandler) self.incre_btn = tk.Button(self, text="Increment") self.incre_btn.grid(row=1, column=1, padx=5, pady=5) self.incre_btn.bind("<Button-1>", self.eventHandler) def eventHandler(self, event): value = int(self.value_entry.get()) if event.widget == self.value_entry: if value > 10: self.value_entry.delete("0", "end") self.value_entry.insert("end", "0") elif value == 10: self.value_entry.config(state=tk.DISABLED) self.incre_btn.config(state=tk.DISABLED) self.decre_btn.config(state=tk.NORMAL) elif value == 0: self.value_entry.config(state=tk.NORMAL) self.incre_btn.config(state=tk.NORMAL) self.decre_btn.config(state=tk.DISABLED) elif (value > 0) and (value < 10): self.value_entry.config(state=tk.DISABLED) self.incre_btn.config(state=tk.NORMAL) self.decre_btn.config(state=tk.NORMAL) else: if event.widget == self.incre_btn: if (value >= 0) and (value < 10): value += 1 self.value_entry.config(state=tk.NORMAL) self.value_entry.delete("0", "end") self.value_entry.insert("end", str(value)) if value > 0: self.decre_btn.config(state=tk.NORMAL) self.value_entry.config(state=tk.DISABLED) if value == 10: self.incre_btn.config(state=tk.DISABLED) elif event.widget == self.decre_btn: if (value > 0) and (value <= 10): value -= 1 self.value_entry.config(state=tk.NORMAL) self.value_entry.delete("0", "end") self.value_entry.insert("end", str(value)) self.value_entry.config(state=tk.DISABLED) if (value) < 10: self.incre_btn.config(state=tk.NORMAL) if (value) == 0: self.decre_btn.config(state=tk.DISABLED) self.value_entry.config(state=tk.NORMAL) def main(): app = MyForm() app.mainloop() if __name__ == "__main__": main()
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Mad Libs
import re template = def madlibs(template): print('The story template is:\n' + template) fields = sorted(set( re.findall('<[^>]+>', template) )) values = input('\nInput a comma-separated list of words to replace the following items' '\n %s: ' % ','.join(fields)).split(',') story = template for f,v in zip(fields, values): story = story.replace(f, v) print('\nThe story becomes:\n\n' + story) madlibs(template)
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Polymorphic copy
import copy class T: def classname(self): return self.__class__.__name__ def __init__(self): self.myValue = "I'm a T." def speak(self): print self.classname(), 'Hello', self.myValue def clone(self): return copy.copy(self) class S1(T): def speak(self): print self.classname(),"Meow", self.myValue class S2(T): def speak(self): print self.classname(),"Woof", self.myValue print "creating initial objects of types S1, S2, and T" a = S1() a.myValue = 'Green' a.speak() b = S2() b.myValue = 'Blue' b.speak() u = T() u.myValue = 'Purple' u.speak() print "Making copy of a as u, colors and types should match" u = a.clone() u.speak() a.speak() print "Assigning new color to u, A's color should be unchanged." u.myValue = "Orange" u.speak() a.speak() print "Assigning u to reference same object as b, colors and types should match" u = b u.speak() b.speak() print "Assigning new color to u. Since u,b references same object b's color changes as well" u.myValue = "Yellow" u.speak() b.speak()
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Pangram checker
import string, sys if sys.version_info[0] < 3: input = raw_input def ispangram(sentence, alphabet=string.ascii_lowercase): alphaset = set(alphabet) return alphaset <= set(sentence.lower()) print ( ispangram(input('Sentence: ')) )
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Show ASCII table
for i in range(16): for j in range(32+i, 127+1, 16): if j == 32: k = 'Spc' elif j == 127: k = 'Del' else: k = chr(j) print("%3d : %-3s" % (j,k), end="") print()
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Fraction reduction
def indexOf(haystack, needle): idx = 0 for straw in haystack: if straw == needle: return idx else: idx += 1 return -1 def getDigits(n, le, digits): while n > 0: r = n % 10 if r == 0 or indexOf(digits, r) >= 0: return False le -= 1 digits[le] = r n = int(n / 10) return True def removeDigit(digits, le, idx): pows = [1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000] sum = 0 pow = pows[le - 2] i = 0 while i < le: if i == idx: i += 1 continue sum = sum + digits[i] * pow pow = int(pow / 10) i += 1 return sum def main(): lims = [ [ 12, 97 ], [ 123, 986 ], [ 1234, 9875 ], [ 12345, 98764 ] ] count = [0 for i in range(5)] omitted = [[0 for i in range(10)] for j in range(5)] i = 0 while i < len(lims): n = lims[i][0] while n < lims[i][1]: nDigits = [0 for k in range(i + 2)] nOk = getDigits(n, i + 2, nDigits) if not nOk: n += 1 continue d = n + 1 while d <= lims[i][1] + 1: dDigits = [0 for k in range(i + 2)] dOk = getDigits(d, i + 2, dDigits) if not dOk: d += 1 continue nix = 0 while nix < len(nDigits): digit = nDigits[nix] dix = indexOf(dDigits, digit) if dix >= 0: rn = removeDigit(nDigits, i + 2, nix) rd = removeDigit(dDigits, i + 2, dix) if (1.0 * n / d) == (1.0 * rn / rd): count[i] += 1 omitted[i][digit] += 1 if count[i] <= 12: print "%d/%d = %d/%d by omitting %d's" % (n, d, rn, rd, digit) nix += 1 d += 1 n += 1 print i += 1 i = 2 while i <= 5: print "There are %d %d-digit fractions of which:" % (count[i - 2], i) j = 1 while j <= 9: if omitted[i - 2][j] == 0: j += 1 continue print "%6s have %d's omitted" % (omitted[i - 2][j], j) j += 1 print i += 1 return None main()
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Anagrams_Deranged anagrams
import urllib.request from collections import defaultdict from itertools import combinations def getwords(url='http://www.puzzlers.org/pub/wordlists/unixdict.txt'): return list(set(urllib.request.urlopen(url).read().decode().split())) def find_anagrams(words): anagram = defaultdict(list) for word in words: anagram[tuple(sorted(word))].append( word ) return dict((key, words) for key, words in anagram.items() if len(words) > 1) def is_deranged(words): 'returns pairs of words that have no character in the same position' return [ (word1, word2) for word1,word2 in combinations(words, 2) if all(ch1 != ch2 for ch1, ch2 in zip(word1, word2)) ] def largest_deranged_ana(anagrams): ordered_anagrams = sorted(anagrams.items(), key=lambda x:(-len(x[0]), x[0])) for _, words in ordered_anagrams: deranged_pairs = is_deranged(words) if deranged_pairs: return deranged_pairs return [] if __name__ == '__main__': words = getwords('http://www.puzzlers.org/pub/wordlists/unixdict.txt') print("Word count:", len(words)) anagrams = find_anagrams(words) print("Anagram count:", len(anagrams),"\n") print("Longest anagrams with no characters in the same position:") print(' ' + '\n '.join(', '.join(pairs) for pairs in largest_deranged_ana(anagrams)))
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Negative base numbers
from __future__ import print_function def EncodeNegBase(n, b): if n == 0: return "0" out = [] while n != 0: n, rem = divmod(n, b) if rem < 0: n += 1 rem -= b out.append(rem) return "".join(map(str, out[::-1])) def DecodeNegBase(nstr, b): if nstr == "0": return 0 total = 0 for i, ch in enumerate(nstr[::-1]): total += int(ch) * b**i return total if __name__=="__main__": print ("Encode 10 as negabinary (expect 11110)") result = EncodeNegBase(10, -2) print (result) if DecodeNegBase(result, -2) == 10: print ("Converted back to decimal") else: print ("Error converting back to decimal") print ("Encode 146 as negaternary (expect 21102)") result = EncodeNegBase(146, -3) print (result) if DecodeNegBase(result, -3) == 146: print ("Converted back to decimal") else: print ("Error converting back to decimal") print ("Encode 15 as negadecimal (expect 195)") result = EncodeNegBase(15, -10) print (result) if DecodeNegBase(result, -10) == 15: print ("Converted back to decimal") else: print ("Error converting back to decimal")
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Strange numbers
def isStrange(n): def test(a, b): return abs(a - b) in [2, 3, 5, 7] xs = digits(n) return all(map(test, xs, xs[1:])) def main(): xs = [ n for n in range(100, 1 + 500) if isStrange(n) ] print('\nStrange numbers in range [100..500]\n') print('(Total: ' + str(len(xs)) + ')\n') print( '\n'.join( ' '.join( str(x) for x in row ) for row in chunksOf(10)(xs) ) ) def chunksOf(n): def go(xs): return ( xs[i:n + i] for i in range(0, len(xs), n) ) if 0 < n else None return go def digits(n): return [int(c) for c in str(n)] if __name__ == '__main__': main()
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Shortest common supersequence
def shortest_common_supersequence(a, b): lcs = longest_common_subsequence(a, b) scs = "" while len(lcs) > 0: if a[0]==lcs[0] and b[0]==lcs[0]: scs += lcs[0] lcs = lcs[1:] a = a[1:] b = b[1:] elif a[0]==lcs[0]: scs += b[0] b = b[1:] else: scs += a[0] a = a[1:] return scs + a + b
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let my_queue = Queue() my_queue.push!('foo') my_queue.push!('bar') my_queue.push!('baz') print my_queue.pop!() print my_queue.pop!() print my_queue.pop!()
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Random number generator (device)
import random rand = random.SystemRandom() rand.randint(1,10)
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from itertools import chain, count, cycle, islice, accumulate def factors(n): def prime_powers(n): for c in accumulate(chain([2, 1, 2], cycle([2,4]))): if c*c > n: break if n%c: continue d,p = (), c while not n%c: n,p,d = n//c, p*c, d+(p,) yield d if n > 1: yield n, r = [1] for e in prime_powers(n): r += [a*b for a in r for b in e] return r def antiprimes(): mx = 0 yield 1 for c in count(2,2): if c >= 58: break ln = len(factors(c)) if ln > mx: yield c mx = ln for c in count(60,30): ln = len(factors(c)) if ln > mx: yield c mx = ln if __name__ == '__main__': print(*islice(antiprimes(), 40)))
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Towers of Hanoi
நிரல்பாகம் ஹோனாய்(வட்டுகள், முதல்அச்சு, இறுதிஅச்சு,வட்டு) @(வட்டுகள் == 1 ) ஆனால் பதிப்பி “வட்டு ” + str(வட்டு) + “ஐ \t (” + str(முதல்அச்சு) + “ —> ” + str(இறுதிஅச்சு)+ “) அச்சிற்கு நகர்த்துக.” இல்லை @( ["இ", "அ", "ஆ"] இல் அச்சு ) ஒவ்வொன்றாக @( (முதல்அச்சு != அச்சு) && (இறுதிஅச்சு != அச்சு) ) ஆனால் நடு = அச்சு முடி முடி ஹோனாய்(வட்டுகள்-1, முதல்அச்சு,நடு,வட்டுகள்-1) ஹோனாய்(1, முதல்அச்சு, இறுதிஅச்சு,வட்டுகள்) ஹோனாய்(வட்டுகள்-1, நடு, இறுதிஅச்சு,வட்டுகள்-1) முடி முடி ஹோனாய்(4,”அ”,”ஆ”,0)
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Count in octal
import sys for n in xrange(sys.maxint): print oct(n)
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Extract file extension
import re def extractExt(url): m = re.search(r'\.[A-Za-z0-9]+$', url) return m.group(0) if m else ""
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Orbital elements
import math class Vector: def __init__(self, x, y, z): self.x = x self.y = y self.z = z def __add__(self, other): return Vector(self.x + other.x, self.y + other.y, self.z + other.z) def __mul__(self, other): return Vector(self.x * other, self.y * other, self.z * other) def __div__(self, other): return Vector(self.x / other, self.y / other, self.z / other) def __str__(self): return '({x}, {y}, {z})'.format(x=self.x, y=self.y, z=self.z) def abs(self): return math.sqrt(self.x*self.x + self.y*self.y + self.z*self.z) def mulAdd(v1, x1, v2, x2): return v1 * x1 + v2 * x2 def rotate(i, j, alpha): return [mulAdd(i,math.cos(alpha),j,math.sin(alpha)), mulAdd(i,-math.sin(alpha),j,math.cos(alpha))] def orbitalStateVectors(semimajorAxis, eccentricity, inclination, longitudeOfAscendingNode, argumentOfPeriapsis, trueAnomaly): i = Vector(1, 0, 0) j = Vector(0, 1, 0) k = Vector(0, 0, 1) p = rotate(i, j, longitudeOfAscendingNode) i = p[0] j = p[1] p = rotate(j, k, inclination) j = p[0] p =rotate(i, j, argumentOfPeriapsis) i = p[0] j = p[1] l = 2.0 if (eccentricity == 1.0) else 1.0 - eccentricity * eccentricity l *= semimajorAxis c = math.cos(trueAnomaly) s = math.sin(trueAnomaly) r = 1 / (1.0 + eccentricity * c) rprime = s * r * r / l position = mulAdd(i, c, j, s) * r speed = mulAdd(i, rprime * c - r * s, j, rprime * s + r * c) speed = speed / speed.abs() speed = speed * math.sqrt(2.0 / r - 1.0 / semimajorAxis) return [position, speed] ps = orbitalStateVectors(1.0, 0.1, 0.0, 355.0 / (113.0 * 6.0), 0.0, 0.0) print "Position :", ps[0] print "Speed  :", ps[1]
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Floyd's triangle
>>> def floyd(rowcount=5): rows = [[1]] while len(rows) < rowcount: n = rows[-1][-1] + 1 rows.append(list(range(n, n + len(rows[-1]) + 1))) return rows >>> floyd() [[1], [2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9, 10], [11, 12, 13, 14, 15]] >>> def pfloyd(rows=[[1], [2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9, 10]]): colspace = [len(str(n)) for n in rows[-1]] for row in rows: print( ' '.join('%*i' % space_n for space_n in zip(colspace, row))) >>> pfloyd() 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 >>> pfloyd(floyd(5)) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 >>> pfloyd(floyd(14)) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 >>>
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>>> import calendar >>> help(calendar.prcal) Help on method pryear in module calendar: pryear(self, theyear, w=0, l=0, c=6, m=3) method of calendar.TextCalendar instance Print a years calendar. >>> calendar.prcal(1969) 1969 January February March Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 1 2 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 27 28 29 30 31 24 25 26 27 28 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 April May June Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 1 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 28 29 30 26 27 28 29 30 31 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 July August September Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 28 29 30 31 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 29 30 October November December Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 27 28 29 30 31 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 29 30 31
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Random Latin squares
from random import choice, shuffle from copy import deepcopy def rls(n): if n <= 0: return [] else: symbols = list(range(n)) square = _rls(symbols) return _shuffle_transpose_shuffle(square) def _shuffle_transpose_shuffle(matrix): square = deepcopy(matrix) shuffle(square) trans = list(zip(*square)) shuffle(trans) return trans def _rls(symbols): n = len(symbols) if n == 1: return [symbols] else: sym = choice(symbols) symbols.remove(sym) square = _rls(symbols) square.append(square[0].copy()) for i in range(n): square[i].insert(i, sym) return square def _to_text(square): if square: width = max(len(str(sym)) for row in square for sym in row) txt = '\n'.join(' '.join(f"{sym:>{width}}" for sym in row) for row in square) else: txt = '' return txt def _check(square): transpose = list(zip(*square)) assert _check_rows(square) and _check_rows(transpose), \ "Not a Latin square" def _check_rows(square): if not square: return True set_row0 = set(square[0]) return all(len(row) == len(set(row)) and set(row) == set_row0 for row in square) if __name__ == '__main__': for i in [3, 3, 5, 5, 12]: square = rls(i) print(_to_text(square)) _check(square) print()
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