'Personally, I think it's a terrible idea. However, when I happened to pass out in a carpeted bathroom after getting smashed on my 18th birthday, it was heaven. True story.|||INTP -I'm not some cold hearted, strange, analytical being. I have feelings, desires, and although I may have a rich inner world, I do not feel alienated from society, or antisocial. I cry at sad...|||I have the soul of a 12 year old who still laughs at dick jokes.|||I find it harder to relate to enneagram types than I do the MBTI. I'm such a mix of things that it eventually becomes tiresome to research, so I just give up. I wish there were more in-depth...|||Unintelligent INTP here: (Well, average-ish intelligence.) An unintelligent INTP tends to wander around a lot, and forgets short-term things really easily. We also have several hiccups or...|||When people (outside of the MBTI community) think the test should be taken literally, as if there are only 16 specific types of people and that's IT. Then they gripe about how it put's them in a...|||I'm from the US, and I say Fuck No to socialism. Redistributing wealth isn't actually going to help the economy. It sounds dandy in theory, but all it's doing is making the rich poorer and the...|||I am a freelance graphic designer, part time. Hell yes I charge for my work. (Around $50 an hour) However, I typically don't charge for giving advice.... but if she's taking considerable time on a...|||I agree with this. I would love it if personality tests were scenario-based, to really help people get a feel for how they truly think, act, and behave. This one was pretty predictable.|||Your personality type is: INTP Moderate Introversion: 16/21 Moderate Intuition: 19/26 Clear Thinking: 19/24 Clear Perceiving: 18/22|||585426 585434 These are the simplest and most dead-on images about the INTP/J difference. Think hard about which one you relate to. (The top one relates to Ti and Ni, hint hint.) I would go...|||My Dad is an ESFJ, and we get along extremely well. He's the person I love most in this world. Yes, our inner workings and mental processes are pretty different, but we are still able to find common...|||:rolleyes:|||Pro choice up until fetal viability. (around 2nd trimester)|||I must say, I am pretty clumsy. Also, I am probably under more stress than the average person. You could definitely have a point there. :unsure:|||I honestly always try to drive like that, so I 100% agree. As for the blind spots, I have trailer mirrors, since it's a giant ass truck. No blind spots, except on very rare occasions. :) However, my...|||I don't think this post will get much response, but I'm just feeling really discouraged. I got into my third at-fault accident yesterday. It was a pretty bad fender bender, with two additional cars...|||Black Rock City is pretty much a perfectly circular city, used only for the Burning Man festival. It's pretty neat. Technically, it's not quite a complete circle, but it's the same basic...|||All of these proof in the pudding puns strewn all over this thread make me proud to be an INTP.|||INTP still. What bugs me is that I can still tell which questions are related to each personality trait. I always think in my head I know this question is related to...|||I want to say yes, but each type is so diverse in so many ways. ANY person of any appearance can be a certain type, even if they don't appear to be that type at first. However, it is mentally...|||http://youtu.be/78QtsQ7lU_k This one will change your life... Not in a positive way. :laughing:|||INTP One 12 year old white cat. I picked her out of a rescue litter when I was younger. 523089 I think it's funny how everyone on this thread has so many animals. I'm personally not much of a...|||Go on a relaxing vacation if you can. I was getting very little sleep last semester, and then I went to the beach for 3-4 days with a couple of friends. I was able to sleep 8+ hours per night, and it...|||I chose ESFJ because they are the most generous people-persons I know. My dad is one, and he's pretty awesome. However, the whole sweet thing is kinda vague. Sweet as in generous? Sweet as in...|||We have the ability to make hilariously stupid jokes yet also the ability to form intelligent ideas and discuss them. This thread has proved both above statements to be true. :tongue:|||Any life sucks and I'm debating suicide threads. Buuutt, those are most common in the INFJ forum. .... Did I say that out loud? **Also, any unnecessary rambling thread by some nihilistic...|||My longest was 3 years. With my high school sweetheart from mid freshman year to mid senior year. Stayed in that one waaaaayyy too long. I did the typical INTP thing and drug it out even though...|||After shit happened, they went|||Ehhh... That's a tough one. I'd have to say my best friend, but even then I'd probably feel tired of being constantly around her several days later.|||Sometimes, you just gotta clean the pots and pans as you go. As soon as you're done, pour some soap in it and scrub that motherfucker really quick, then towel dry it and put it back. If I don't...|||Happens to me all the time. I still don't know how to completely overcome it. Adderall, maybe? Haven't tried it yet, but I hear it's great for focusing. For now.... Caffeine pills and all-nighters...|||Yep. Especially when I was younger, and even now. I can't remember to feed the animals on time, and I'm terrible at doing my own laundry. My room is rather untidy, and sometimes I'll forget to change...|||I don't know you well enough, but you seem to represent your type.|||bohemianx pretty much nailed it when it comes to social aspects. I would also like to include the way that the two process thoughts. With INTJ being lead by Ni, their inner word can be more scattered...|||I just turned 20 and I feel the opposite. I look old for my age, and apparently act older than I am, according to most people I've interacted with. So, now I feel as if my physical age has caught up...|||If both parties are willing to compromise and understand each other. An opposite relationship can be unbreakable, under the right circumstances. Even if it doesn't work out, both people will walk...|||Only if they are close to me. I typically don't stick up for random people.|||I should've added in there looking more attractive than I usually am :laughing:|||^You seem to fit your type quite well. ISTJ I think this game would be a lot more interesting if we didn't know their type beforehand. Seeing their type before reading their descriptions gives me...|||I dont flirt. If anything, I try to act extra funny, down-to-earth, and intelligent all at the same time. Those are the qualities men claim to be attracted to, no?|||It does happen to me quite a bit. Since I never surround myself with drama or become a catalyst for said drama, people think I'm a good candidate for their secrets. I don't even think it's...|||I definitely agree, that's why when I drink, I take shots of Vodka. Mixing it with liquid flavor enhancers such as Mio helps quite a bit. If I'm going to drink, I'm not going to drag out the nasty...|||I'm mashed potatoes. Warm mashed potatoes. :happy:|||I'd probably still be stressed if I worked in technology. I'd feel the pressure to come up with an impeccable solution in the quickest amount of time possible. I typically don't get negative...|||I place a heavy emphasis on what people think of me, and will end up working myself past the breaking point of stress just to produce work that I deem good enough to show in front of class. (I'm...|||Not likely, but still quite possible. Funny enough, I am a Christian too. Was born and raised that way. However, I am not much of a church-goer, and the spiritual aspect is still uncomfortable for...|||I prefer quiet areas, but sometimes I can't help it if the lounge is crowded. If it's crowded, I'll probably be sitting somewhere on my laptop with headphones in. (Then again, my school only has one...|||Forgive my lack of clarity, I was referring to INTP females who dye their hair blonde or platinum.|||^ I second this explanation.'
'Oooh! This sounds like just my thing. My parents sometimes calls me little grandma because I really like old things x) I'm going to assume old books have already been mentioned, so I'll skip that...|||Have you told him how you feel about your health and stress? Because if you have, then he has no excuse to act the way he is. Listen, I'm a lazy person, okay? I am incredibly lazy. I will not...|||Yeah, I'd say that covers it almost perfectly. I have like two other INFP friends and they're just like that. One's a bit more shy, the other's a bit more assertive, but they all share the same vibe...|||*sobs* My phone is too old :( I can't afford a new one. All my friends have the game, I want it too D:|||I love writing fantasy stories. Right now I've written 112 pages on my book ^^ I also love writing essays. Just putting everything together and watching it form a pleasing whole is so great.|||I'm starting uni soon. I'm going to be studying Writing & English literature. Good career choice? Probably not, but anything else I've tried have made me miserable. I had a year where I tried to...|||I got about 20K too! High five! --- Native language: Swedish (hej på er, smått folk) Learned: English (extensive knowledge, I've immersed myself in it for years and years. It's just really...|||I always fall asleep in fetal position, and then I helicopter around in my sleep (to the great annoyance of anyone who might have to sleep next to me). Unless my cat is next to me, then I somehow...|||I don't think men being sensitive is that much of an issue. Are there girls who will turn you down because of it? Yeah. Just like there's girls who will turn you down because you have some trait that...|||Mom: INFP (Step)dad: XSTX (Biological father: ENFP) My mom being an INFP is awesome. We have some mutual weak points, which can get annoying because if we're in a situation where the weak point...|||I am super duper cuddly! :D ...With close friends or my family. But I do love cuddles. I like cuddles. My idea of being social with my mom is mostly to pass her on the way in and out of my room...|||No. No I would not. When I break up with someone, it's not a sudden decision. I've taken it into consideration, examined every angle, and determined that the pain from breaking up is a better...|||I love snuggling! I like to cuddle up next to my mom (yes, still. I don't care. Mom's still soft and nice to cuddle up to) or my cat or my friends, and.... I would cuddle up to a special...|||In 8th grade everyone in our school had to go camping for one night. I was not looking forward to it, but figured that if everyone worked in a team then it'd be fine. I ended up with the two most...|||This actually seems fun. The biggest problem with exercise for me has always been immersion. I get bored doing anything if I just do it for the purpose of physical exercise but if I can pretend...|||I guess I look feminine? I have long hair and stuff. However, it's probably more in a grandma type of way than a modern feminine lady or whatever. I don't wear make-up, in fact I know very...|||Joy, for sure. I think I've always been rather optimistic and happy. When things are bad they're bad, but some part of me is always looking on the bright side of things. Even when I'm sad it's...|||I think feelings vary from place to place depending on the feeling, for everyone. I don't think it's an indication of Fe or Fi really. All my bad feelings go in my gut. Shock, fear, dread, grief....|||I tend to be slow to commit, but not out of fear for the future. It's rather that until I'm certain that it is in fact a relationship (and not just general dating stuff) and such then I hold off a...|||The internet is kinda shitty towards Sensors. It sucks and I'm sorry about that. Personally I like sensors. One of my best friends is an ISFP and more often than not he's more creative than me. I...|||I accepted the inevitability of death back when I was 16 so whatever. Red pill. I don't care about living a long life as long as it's a good one ^^ Of course dying young wouldn't be all that...|||Yeah, I think soulmates exist. Maybe not in the whole wham bam RELATIONSHIP way? At least I've never seen that happen. For me a soulmate is someone you feel really close to. Beyond close....|||She doesn't sound like she'd be upset or scared from her response. It sounds like she just was caught off guard and is a bit unsure about how to respond, but not upset or whatever. I'd suggest...|||I'm mostly an Emotional INFP. Very goofy with friends (but only with friends) and such ^^ I will go into an ESTJ flip in an emergency though. Like if someone gets seriously hurt or such. It's...|||I actually withdraw, oddly enough. I still act friendly and stuff, but I start questioning myself a whole lot so I become more quiet and seek out contact less. I don't touch the person at all...|||I would consider myself rather friendly and talkative, but my ENFP friend is like 10x more than me. I'm like Wow I managed to talk to a stranger today and I was polite :'D I'm getting pretty good...|||I only ever talk about negative feelings if they are rather small (annoyances) or if they're old enough to not be as painful anymore. So most of the time I do rants to my friends. Mostly those rants...|||It's not a big deal if I never get married. But I wouldn't mind it if I got married either. As long as you find a decent partner then it's whatever, you know? The partner is more important than...|||Welcome :D|||Personally I don't mind in the slightest being cute :3 It's my whole thing. The puppy eyes work wonders on everyone (and by everyone I mean my parents), and older people tend to be very protective...|||Eh. I get angry sometimes, mostly when someone I care about gets mistreated (if it also happens to be one of my cats then I can be sent into a bit of a rage because nobody hurts my babies and gets...|||I tend to like and forgive everyone, but there is this one person who I just can't do that with. I don't like him. I don't want to forgive him. He's an absolute ass. He was cruel to my cat...|||Hahahahaha, nope! :D 518842 Or well, it depends on the subject. When it comes to life in general I'm very laid back. I don't take hardships too seriously, I tend to just tell myself that...|||I mean I would show you guys a serious picture of my eyes but I don't have a single picture of myself where I'm not making a goofy face. It seems to just be my natural response to getting my picture...|||ENP Sounds really accurate for me when I was a child. Mom told me I was always charming strangers and seemed to be full of endless happy energy. I did that already as a baby. I was probably a...|||I don't know about anyone else, but I know that the only reason my mind jumps there right away is because I've been there. I was lucky and got away, but it makes you very paranoid and on guard at...|||*shrug* It's from the very first Sims family I ever made. I made a mom and a dad and triplet toddlers (a wonderful idea for a total noob except not really). One of the triplets was named...|||Yeah, I'm not all that great with communicating with anyone if they're far away. <.< It's not that I don't care. I do care, a whole lot. Right now my very best friend is an entire ocean away. We...|||The INFPs I know/have known irl (including me) does not appreciate that type of playing. They're also super oblivious to hidden compliments. I know I am, and so are my friends. We just don't...|||I hope it's okay to post more pictures of your pets because I'm totally doing that now xD Here is Sarah being upset at me for not giving her instant attention 517850 517858 She was given...|||December 12th (it's easy to remember because it's two 12's no matter which order you put them in x3)|||You know, that actually kind of works. Maybe not in a work environment, but say if some guys is being creepy to you in a public place. Random crying makes other people react and notice what's going...|||Aah, creepy guys. Always making things hard for people. Depending on the level of creepiness he is displaying (like is he pushing you up against walls and/or talking about showing up in your house...|||Oh I can't tell when someone is flirting with me worth a damn. I'm very affectionate towards my friends. I hug them, I call them cute, I have a habit of kissing a few of them on the cheeks (only...|||INFP-INFP relationships can be great. :D ...Or they can be an absolute hellscape. I ended up in the latter, so here's some advice on how to avoid that: 1. Agree early on to always be open and...|||I must come from a country where charm bracelets aren't a thing, because I can't say I've ever really heard about them. So I can't make any statement there. Tattoos, however. I can talk about...|||I don't know if I can help much, but I'll try. I think that the easiest way to start a relationship is through friendship. That's probably me being a bit biased, because I don't really get the...|||I don't know D: My friends say my patronus would be a crazy cat, but that's probably because they think about the crazy cat I had, so maybe they're being biased. It'd be something very derpy...|||You just gotta tell her off when she's being stupid, really. In a not-too-rude way, of course, but still. If she keeps just pushing things onto you and being stupid, then it is perfectly acceptable...|||I give advice/tips to my friend when I feel like she needs it, or if we talk about a subject I know stuff about. For example how to avoid creeps or what to do if someone is acting very creepy or...'
'Hmmm... I believe Ciel Phantomhive from black butler is an INTJ, although i could be wrong. Here's the summary- In Victorian-era London lives the young earl, Ciel Phantomhive. On the night of his...|||Before you leave give me a big hug books are so boring I'd way rather hang out with a large group of people instead that movie was so sad i think i might cry again please stop talking about...|||I have never really felt less mature than my peers, if anything i felt like the mature one, but in a couple of instances I have felt a little less experienced then some, which drove me to try and be...|||Hmmm... Welcome back then Worth Lessemo|||When i first discovered Myers, I had similar experiences, I tried to show it to my close friends, and family but instead of being as intrigued with it as I was they wondered why i was researching it...|||I do support death penalty, and i find parole very stupid as well, but recently i saw a kind of documentary thing, where a guy was sentenced to jail for 25 years for murder, but after 15 years he...|||This is all so true, weird that an ESFJ posted this :?|||hmmm... i think it would be good to be with people who share similar thoughts as you, so you can grow and progress more but at the same time it is not preparing you for reality where you will have to...|||I'm usually decisive but when I am indecisive about something that really affects me, or if there is two many things I must choose from, I will usually take a long time to make the decision and even...|||I have the opposite problem, i know to many sensers :bored: but for the feelers i do know, I get similar treatment, if i share my opinion on a matter they often think i am being cold or mean :dry:...|||I think you could be on to something saythe, while reading all this I also came to the conclusion that you, agspath could possibly be a S instead of N, tell me, do you often think about the future...|||So far Im getting a kind off INTx vibe but its hard to tell, share a little more about yourself, would you consider yourself observant, do you like to keep to scheduled or are you more do what you...|||Hmmm... I guess you could be right, but I don't really consider myself into dark stuff, i guess i'll just have to try and not look so creepy:dry:|||Well I do enjoy watching them from time to time, not really to get scared, rather to watch all the flaws in them, try guessing what will happen next and weather the main character could have avoided...|||wow you guys are right I get misunderstood all the time, and i really hate it, everyone thinks I'm not happy being alone and that I need to get out more, if It wasn't for my best friend who really...|||yes I find making food very draining to, that's partially why I don't really like to cook, but whenever I do cook everyone always says the food tastes really good, I guess it depends what your idea...|||I heard a stereotype that INTJ's are naturally good cooks and wondered if it was true, I myself am considered the best cook in my family even though I have four sisters, (but I don't particularly...|||I agree, the answer wasn't what I expected it to be when I did this riddle, but since its such an interesting riddle I thought everyone's answers would be especially interesting and wondered what...|||sorry I meant to say concrete before, my mistake :frustrating: thanks for the effort in guessing though, and this morning I could've sworn I mentioned there being walls, darn Im losing it :bored:...|||I really liked the music video for this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4OjiOn5s8s8 im sure anyone would like this one XD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pn7dCgtwX2c This one I will...|||well Im tired and wish I could go to bed but cannot so since Im probably not completely in my right mind here's a riddle:dry: There's a man in a completely concrete room who cant get out, the...|||well you do make some valid points, context is everything. When I mean to cheat when its necessary, I am talking about when someone is in school and might fail a test or risk cheating, technically it...|||sorry im not an istp but here it goes:tongue: Dear Esfp It has almost been 15 years since we met. Do you really understand how much you mean to me? Do you understand how many times I have been...|||here's how you revive a three year old thread:tongue:|||If someone cheats I feel they should know the consequences of there actions before doing so, and if they still go ahead and cheat even knowing the punishments that will fall upon them if they are...|||well I don't no If I can be of much help but I will try my best. 1) For starters I would say it is rare for intjs to make the first move, it can happen but it is not common, in fact waiting...|||Yes I often feel this when consulting my two friends, I will say a theroy or share something I've been feeling and then afterwards when looking back on the situation I feel I have shared to much and...|||I feel the same way ;(|||Hypothetical senario here but what do you think would happen if all the intj's here on this fourm were all gathered in one room together?:laughing:|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MYGoQUG_vG0|||When I want to post a new thread on generation Z it keeps saying I need a thread prefix but the thread prefix won't show up, I've posted threads on other things on personality cafe but it just won't...|||this thread just made me think of this XD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MYGoQUG_vG0 if that's how girls are I'm not sure I want to be one xD|||Hello my fellow intj's what is your favorite movie genre? I tend to like action and thriller movies a lot. I'm also ok with horror but since I watched horror a lot as a kid it doesn't really scare...|||I've been wondering this for awhile, how much do INTJ's like music. For awhile I absolutely hated all types of music but then I opened up more to it and now I like many different genres of music....|||I know exactly how you feel! Dumb parents why can't they just understand! Always stomping turning on lights and talking in the morning. I don't wake them up when there sleeping so why do they feel...|||It can sometimes take me hours to fall asleep while other times it only takes me around 10min, on average it takes me around half an hour to fall asleep because my mind is still full of thoughts and...|||Hmmm... The way you put it does make it sound like an intj wouldn't be to bad at the job, I guess I had a bit of misconception of what a therepist does :/ x95child care/baby sister- a couple years...|||Today I was thinking of horrible jobs for intj's then I thought of therapist, at first it would be quite amusing to watch as the intj dissects there patient, but in the end it would not end well. So...|||Yes I guess it does sound a little vague sorry bout that :P and I guess your right I will just have to talk to him and see|||Hmmm... That made sense to me, a little off but it does make sense! :D|||Ok so I'm asking this because there's a guy in my class who I just recently learned is also an intj (he took the test) but we don't really get along:frustrating:. Well here's the backstory- two years...|||Oh sorry I meant her ex :P thanks for telling me so I could edit my post|||Stay back you entp or I will be forced to wear my intj hug protector suit along with my intj hug stun gun (fires when it detects a hug) and in the end it will not end pretty so I advise you stay...|||Hmmm... Interesting I have similar thoughts on the matter, I think after the the relationship with her ex she was somewhat emotionally unstable and needed someone who she could lean on for support...|||,|||Well I don't really have very much expirience in this area and I don't think I can speak for every intj but I think if this did happen the intj would be more likely to hide his feelings away not...|||Well I am usually able to remember things important to me like if someone asks me to help them clean out there garage in a mounth at exactly 1:00 pm for 20$. Throuout the mounth I will think of it...|||I talk to myself... out loud. Ya I talk to myself too, and often out loud, I remember one time at camp I was talking out loud to myself in the tipi when no one was around then the counsellor...|||Well I don't think his behaviour was odd for an intj when we say something we really mean it so when your boyfriend said he loves you he wasn't just saying what first came to his mind he carefully...|||You could just try and sit realllllly far away from them on the bus :/ Or try to blank them out, if they take out your headphones then just put the headphones away and keep staring out the window...'
It's all about quantity, not quality!|||I love Waterhouse's work. His work provides an emotional experience that can only be understood by those who are patient enough to study the subject's body language and the metaphors within. I think...|||I know four ENFJ girls at the moment. Girl 1: We used to be close friends in junior high, but drifted when she went to study abroad. When she came back, she was for some reason super apprehensive...|||Hey guys! I've just invited 80 people to my place for a huge house party! NO CATS ALLOWED|||I'm an INFP, and I'm a huge self-confessed narcissist. And so is one of my other INFP friends. INFPs can be narcissistic as hell too. Its just that our (INFP) brand of narcissism can be rooted in...|||Existentialist The existentialist is a rare individual, an individual that values freedom and takes responsibility for the...|||I know that in an ideal world, biological gender shouldn't be a reason for me to feel uncomfortable traveling to certain places. Japan is very safe, which helps with this weird anxiety I have about...|||So in a few weeks, I'm going on a backpacking trip through Shikoku, a large island in the South of Japan. For about two weeks. I've always been a bit scared to travel completely alone, as I am...|||yentipeee I guess 'emotional' boundaries was the wrong term in this case. We set boundaries. For example, we would promise each other not to take the sexual relationship further than sexual - but...|||Vimerge This sort of thing is exactly what this forum is for. The better you understand yourself and why you react or process things in the way you do, the more you can look at your individual...|||Vimerge No one's here to ridicule you or your rough past, and I'm sorry you had such shitty experiences with shitty girls. I think what's problematic with both you and Elliott Roger is how you...|||There Goes My Gun - Pixies|||Double post.|||And I enjoyed every second of it. I did find time to introspect and improve as a person from my casual sexual encounters, more than you would like to believe. I learned that certain people are...|||From my experience, casual sex was lots of fun, but only with the right people. It was hit and miss for me. Not because I would end up hurt or anything, but because I'd experience lack of sexual...|||Longing for belonging.|||Since I'm Japanese, here are some Japanese ones: Cat: Nyaa, or Nyan Dog: Wan-Wan, or Kyan-Kyan (if it's a smaller dog) Mouse: Chuu Elephant: Paooooon Cow: Moh Sparrow: Chun-Chun Chick:...|||@Shameless Nation I can see why people would be drawn to this sort of thing - all these beliefs offer the same premise - that there is more to our human experience than our biological, physical,...|||The extent of my introversion. It's the reason why it's hard for me to make friends. I don't trust most people enough to respect my need to be alone.|||Paganism as a concept interests me. Then again, religions that revolve around worshiping the individual self and his/her own body (rather than a god or multiple gods) interest me as well. Satanism is...|||Befriend and speak to people who are completely different from you in terms of personality. Let them coerse you into doing something that you never imagined ever doing. Embrace your alone-ness, in...|||I'm so sorry that people can be so horrible about something as trivial as physical appearances. The people who called you names surely had insecurities of their own, so if anything, you should feel...|||1. Is it a photo of you or not? No. 2. Why did you choose the avatar you have? It's a photograph by contemporary photographer Alexey Galushkov. I love the composition and the form of the...|||As ALittleSalt has said, I think that engaging in hobbies and interests that allow or demand subjectivity can do wonders. Go explore a new genre of music or art - or give yourself some time to do...|||ESFP, INTJ, ESTP, ISTP, INFP, INTP, in order :)|||I think it also depends on which type of INFP you are (referring to pearslug's 3 types). I for one, am never clingy with anybody, except for maybe my INTP. My philosophy of 'if it bothers you, don't...|||I currently know 3 INFPs, all very different from each other in many ways, but all definitely INFP (tested). Two of the INFPs are girls I know from college, It's not that I don't get along with them....|||This so much! I can't agree more.|||I didn't mean to say you're still literally a kid, I meant kid as in offspring. As in, the person who was born to your parents. The fact that you were born to them and raised by them is not something...|||So apparently, Tyrion Lannister is a True Neutral like myself. I'm so okay with that :laughing: Bring me my whores and wine!|||I don't know if this counts as badass, but I'm planning on going backpacking all alone through southern Japan in June. It's a little college graduation gift to myself. I'll be hitchhiking, talking to...|||@Shameless Nation Full-heartedly agree. Loving yourself first is probably the most important step. Loving yourself enough to not keep putting yourself through the same damaging relationships is so...|||@Whoop I'm not sure if I personally agree with this... I think it depends on whether you're the type of INFP that happily learns from mistakes or is permanently traumatized by them. But even...|||ENTJ father. We barely understand each other. He's very conservative in all of his views, and thinks of me as a rogue hippie or something. When he realizes he agrees with something I said (which...|||I can usually brush off criticisms about things I do that don't necessarily hurt other people. e.g. about how 'eccentric' I am, how much of a loner I am, how I have 'bad taste' in things, or how I'm...|||Debating for the sake of debating here: If a person who is proven to be guilty is convicted to spend life in prison, it is perhaps more reasonable to end their life instead of 1) Essentially...|||Wants, by Philip Larkin Beyond all this, the wish to be alone However the sky grows dark with invitation-cards However we follow the printed directions of sex However the family is...|||True neutral, always have been. I'm on nobody's team but my own. If I do decide to take sides or be 'good' or 'evil', it is an internally influenced decision, and not because someone told me to...|||I completely understand this. People start probing at my personal space only when I'm silent. I say throw them a bone, and let them nibble at that instead of the lining of my personal bubble.|||I'm not even trolling or trying to be mean right now, I've just actually had this ridiculous hypothetical scenario playing all day in my head today while at work, and I couldn't stop laughing. Please...|||Mactheknife Where can I obtain one of these shirts you speak of? I need something to match my 'LEAVE ME ALONE' forehead tattoo.|||Exactly this right here. Saying people don't have the right to interact with you simply suggests a delusional diva mentality.|||I don't think anyone owns anybody, even parents don't own their kids. But I think that unless you've gone through some form of malicious and intentional abuse from your parents, it's a bit...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7XdYnh729IQ|||And a parent has no right to interact with the kid they worked hard to raise? We're not talking about friends from school here, but two people who obviously love and respect you enough to have gone...|||This.|||1. What is your enneagram type and instinctual subtype? 5w4 sp/sx, I'm in my mid-20s. 2. Which types have you dated, and what were their enneagram types? These are all my 'serious'...|||Aaah double post.|||I'm not sure if this counts, but I quite frequently see snakes in my dreams. A very common dream I have is of a shiny black snake (a black adder, perhaps?) coiling itself around my arm and soon...|||Lonely. I miss my peaceful, big, beardy bear of an INTP. Long distance sucks so much. I've also just eaten one too many oreos.
'I agree with you on the passion part. I think infps are one of the most passionate types in the whole mbti. Also, since we are so emotional and sensitive, it becomes very difficult for us to be...|||Demographics from The Personality Questionnaire The link says that infps are least educated and form the type with lowest income. :(|||1. Law graduate 2. Masters in business administration with marketing as specialization. What were your findings man... Thanks!|||Hey fellas Please help me out here. I have given mbti tests a few times. I test as an enfp. But when I read the descriptions, I really thought I am an enfj. The reasons for the confusion are the...|||Sure buddy, I will go through them. Thanx :)|||Hi guys I am an ENFP. I live with my ISTJ elder brother. He is very protective and caring by nature. But he is very nitpicking about everything and its very difficult to please him. He is not...|||Hey all, So anyone in the teaching career here. I am currently working in a research firm with the future aspiration to teach. Any tips or advice would be helpful.|||1. When you forget your glasses near the printer but you can't find them. Its only after a lot of search that you realize that they are in your bag and you haven't wore them since morning. 2. When...|||Hey Everyone, I picked it up from another website forum. Can we list down our jobs here along with our specific role. I think it would be a great way to understand and list the most popular...|||Hey fellas, I was just thinking about this issue. What could be the ultimate objective of our lives? Where do we see ourselves, say 20 years down the line? What really drives us and give the...|||14 for me and I did see the gorilla.|||Hey all, I was just wondering if there are any ENTPs members in this portal from India. I have read that different cultures influence the person's MBTI and behavior too. So, if there are any...|||7w8, 8w7, 3w2|||Hi Everyone, I am the new ENTP on the block. Actually, I am not new to PerC. I was quite active around an year back. Then, I was on a break (God knows why!). Meanwhile, I continued with...|||1.) Unethical..........8/10 2.) Joker.......9.5/10 3.) No feelings......8/10 4.) Cocky........9/10 (Though I've learnt how to act humble) 5.) Not romantic.......5/10 (Very romantic, though...|||Dominant http://mgsrvr.com/4d1f2441932dcdfbf386dbb39cc0fb99.gif Dominant, determined, decisive, doer. This person likes to get things...|||If you buy things you do not need, soon you will have to sell things you need. - Warren Buffet|||Grace and Intellect.|||I really think Mother Teresa was an INFP.|||I still need to learn that art Sela. May be I can take a tip or two from you.|||Thanx a lot niss. Really feels so much better. :)|||Oh! I wonder is it only me or other ISTJs who have problems in accepting compliments. Really, I am very bad at accepting compliments or any kind of appreciation specially one coming in the...|||@MuChApArAdOx The problem is with his behaviour. He is too smothering. He is really open about his feelings and I don't know how to respond when he is talking about it. I know he is caring but he...|||Hey all, I have an ENFP brother. He is elder to me by four years but we are very friendly. We even smoke and drink together. But the problem is that he sometimes really gets on my nerves. The...|||@ Serial Hero, @JungyesMBTIno , Dreamer777 Guys thanx a lot for bearing it with me. I have been making detailed observations about my behavior. I am quite sure now that I am an ISTJ, repeat ISTJ. I...|||Dreamer777 I most certainly believe that I am an introvert. Firstly, I really get drained out in people's company and I need to spend a lot of time alone to recharge myself. Secondly, I always make...|||fourtines Thanx for your comments. But the problem with being ISTJ is that I am not really very organized and determined as a human being. e.g. If I make any decision to do some physical activity or...|||@bananacrab I really appreciate your insightful thoughts. Well, there are reasons why I think that I am a J. Following observations might be helpful: 1. I like working in a structured...|||donkeybals Thanx for the quick response. But, I really think I am a thinker. 1. The primary reason is that although I am not much into maths but I don't like much abstract stuff either. 2. I...|||Hey all, I have been following MBTI for quite sometime now. Initially, it gave me very varied results but for sometime now, it tells me that I am an ISTJ. I have also gone through the various...|||niss thanx lot, Sir. I am sure it will genuinely help me tackling the issue. I will certainly implement your suggestion and then lets see how it goes.|||Yardiff Bey and Blue Ocean Thanx guys for the early response. I sometimes really feel it is abnormal. Like you have mentioned, that whenever you are tired or busy, you don't attend the call. But...|||Hey all, I had a query regarding my behavior and whether it is in consonance with an ISTJ. The problem is that I just hate attending phone calls. It might be one of my close friends, but there...|||When you are typical ISTJ with no tendency to show emotions at all and then someday when you are watching an emotional scene in a romantic movie,suddenly, your eyes get moist. You quickly wipe them...|||I will go first. After checking my inbox,(usually mails which ought to be in spam) I access the news sites. They are genenral news sites and business news sites.Presently, I am accessing PerC site a...|||Hey all, I have always been very curious to know about the websites that people open after they are done with their usual work viz. mails and FB or any other site. Since, this forum gives me an...|||Wow!Way to go! I just love your routine. Mine is quiet similar. ;)|||Absolutely. I won't mind living with the person or continuing the relationship. But, most definitely I will let her know about the reality. And then we can decide about the future together. ...|||Mostly people come and say the first and the second one.|||Owfin I can relate to the second one.|||Memphisto I exactly react the same way as your friend does when he gets a compliment. Its a very strange feeling that I get from inside. I don't feel nervous or anxious but its unique in its own way....|||@robespierre Hey you have actually brought up a very interesting issue. Its very close to my heart as I face the same issues. From what I've read or experienced, I think its absolutely normal to...|||Firstly, Sorry ENFPs, I just stole one of the topics from your forum. Now, for me, there are a few lines that keep getting repeated. Top Ones are: 1. Till when are you going to work. At...|||Honestly, never been passionate about anything. Whatever I like doing, I have never become that serious about it. Interests: Reading,Net Surfing and best of all sitting alone and 'thinking'.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRrdP8bUZI4|||@Dreamer777 Hey, thanx a lot for such a descriptive and helpful post. It really answers so many questions. In fact, its so true to its every word. I behave exactly like how its mentioned in your...|||^^ Lol...I think you have just crossed the first stage in MBTI successfully. You know yourself. Now, go ahead and explore; there's so much more to this. Explore n 'joy!|||idealis so congrats den....INTJ huh?|||^^ LOL...ogr_ro1 Well, may be its basically because of the extrovert-introvert conflict or thinking-feeling which might be at a clash. I believe ISTJs are always more objective in their approach and...|||Johny Depp, Leornado De Caprio and Jim Carrey. P.S. n of course Matthew Perry. We all love Chandler Bing. Don't we..'
'arthur1996 Hi, really sorry for the extremely late reply once again, I just realised that I'm more than one month late :frustrating: Sorry!!! Well that's great, I'm happy to hear about your...|||Frédéric Chopin: INFP Sergei Rachmaninoff: IxFP Franz Schubert: INFP Antonio Vivaldi: ISFJ Johannes Brahms: ISTJ Ludwig van Beethoven : INTJ|||Hi compulsiverambler, I asked your question to the author of the blog I linked you, and the author has very kindly and promptly replied! Here is the reply: Hi, thank you for starting this blog, it...|||compulsiverambler Thank you for your question, it's a really interesting one that I've never thought carefully of before. I suppose it'll be really sad and empty for the extrovert, as the...|||Hi, I was just wondering if anyone has useful MBTI book/ resource recommendations. More specifically, I'd like to better understand how functions work in general, the effect of the position of...|||Sure, no problem, thank you very much for your help! Oh, I see, I've always viewed the word reserved as quiet, and quite closed off to interacting with others. Hmm, I do suppose I'd be a little...|||“Alice: How long is forever? White Rabbit: Sometimes, just one second.” ― Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland 521737|||Oh, I see! What handwriting analysis books or websites would you recommend? I find handwriting analysis really interesting and fascinating, hehe. Hmm, what do you mean when you say that you've...|||Wow, that was extremely informative and detailed, thank you very much!! Are you an expert at handwriting analysis? That was a really thorough analysis! My handwriting can have a right slant at times,...|||Hmmmm, really hyper and energetic most of the time, always buzzing with unexplored possibilities, ideas, likes making new connections and ideas, can be really random, with wild bursts of energy (have...|||Oh, I see, thank you so much for the useful explanation! Yes, it was actually the first thing I read about the personality types too. It actually got me really interested in this whole personality...|||Receiving love doesn't mean you have it. Covering time doesn't mean it passes. Breathing doesn't mean you live. -Tablo 521394|||Hi Arthur, no problem, you are very much welcome, I'm really glad you found them useful ^^ Helping you helped me with understanding the functions better too, so thank you for starting this thread :)!...|||Thanks for starting this thread, it's really interesting! Well here's mine: 521314 (I have no idea why it looks so small when attached, but please click on the image, it will enlarge rather...|||Haha oops, it still looks rather neat overall to me though. Well, at least INTJ isn't that far off going by the letters I suppose :happy:!|||Oh I see, I used an app on my phone (Tapatalk) to reply, and the app does not display the user's type unless you specifically click on their username to view their profile, which I did not so I did...|||I did not know this was a trait of ISFPs, I really thought it was just me. Anyways, wow, this is so relatable and couldn't be more true for me. Talking to people can be really exhausting for me;...|||INTJ or INFJ?|||The Four Toed Creed Haha yay, that's great, thank you very much! :laughing: Well you're at the top of my list too, since you're my only friend so far :tongue:|||Hmm, it seems that the 16Personalities website uses a slightly different theory that combines Jungx92s theory of psychological types as well. Based on what I have read from the website, it does not...|||For me as a sensor, it's not so much about moving around. I'm actually a really lazy person who prefers sitting down, and rarely moves around. One reason I really like road trips is because I can...|||No problem, but yes, you should try reading it indeed! If you do, please type Shylock. I've always been really confused about him, he is so undeniably cruel, cold and calculative throughout the play,...|||Welcome to Personality Cafe!!! I do feel the same about the personality test too! You certainly seem like a nice person yourself, I hope you'll enjoy your stay here! :happy: 520810|||The Four Toed Creed Hahaha :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: Oh, I did not realise it was already night time for you. Ah well, good night, I shall add you as my first friend on this forum if you don't...|||Knowledge is power, France is Bacon. 520666|||The Four Toed Creed Ah yes, now that I think about it, it could really be due to the emotions part for me as well!! Haha, well I have a really hard time motivating and getting myself to study or...|||The Four Toed Creed Hi thanks for the reply once again! Yes indeed haha I'll definitely try to keep my amnesia in check :laughing: Well thank you very much for the information about enneagram,...|||Wow, you're so lucky!!! :shocked: What Fair is that, it sounds really interesting :O Yes please, thank you so much it would be fantastic if you could take a video if you get to see them! Are you free...|||Ok thank you, that was pretty helpful! :happy:|||Merchant of Venice characters, anyone?|||Sorry, please delete this blank post! >< (Or is there a way I could delete it myself)|||I'm kind of curious as to how you determined the possible reasons. Is it by some kind of functions, or based more on a general feel you get from each type? I've been wondering how people do these...|||arthur1996 Hi, I happened to chance upon this really helpful information regarding secondary Ne (INFP) vs secondary Se (ISFP) by KillinIt in a thread...|||The Four Toed Creed Hi, thank you so much for your prompt and detailed reply once again! Really sorry for the late reply, I wanted to take more time to read the part about enneagrams in your post,...|||!! Yes! I love chinchillas, they are like giant cute fluffy versions of mice. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bMpl5rMDVvA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RdFBn1edmwQ I'd like to live on...|||Hi weaknight, thank you so much, you are way too kind!!! I'm still a beginner at this, and have lots to learn, so I'm really glad you found my answer useful! ^^ I really agree with what you said as...|||weaknight Hi, I personally do not believe that it is possible to change one's personality over time. I do believe, however, that these things within their personality type can change as a result of...|||Haha, this could very well possibly be due to the fact that my post was filled with Fi, and not so much of the other functions though! So it'd be no surprise if you could relate to it if you were an...|||Hi, I'm glad you found my links useful! Yes, in my opinion you do sound like you use Ne more from your descriptions, particularly the way you described the image, which sounded like you were...|||Hi, it would be great if you could mention me in your reply like this: Amnesia or by choosing the reply with quote option under my post. That would alert me that you replied under my...|||Hi, I found this rather interesting website regarding this: https://mbtifiction.com/2016/03/09/nature-vs-nurture/#more-9206 !|||By abbreviations are you referring to the MBTI types, such as INTJ and INFJ?|||Vunar Yes, that would definitely be interesting and insightful, thanks!|||The Four Toed Creed Hello, thank you so much for your prompt and detailed reply again! ^^ Haha, was the first line meant to be a pun since my username is amnesia? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:...|||INFJennifer Thanks, glad you found that helpful! Haha yes, I thought so too while I was typing my response! :laughing:|||Hi Altruistic Misanthrope, thank you so much for your prompt reply and valuable information! ^^ I agree with pretty much all of what you said, thanks for your valuable insights. Yes, you do make...|||Hi Four Toed Creed, thank you so much for your detailed prompt reply, help and kind words once again! ^^ :DD Yes, I suppose it could indeed be so, haha! Do you have any idea how unhealthy Fi...|||arthur1996 Hi Arthur, welcome, glad you found the website useful! Sorry, I really am not good at this, but I shall give it another try. Yes, it could be due to Ni as INFJennifer mentioned....|||analyticalnonsense INTP|||Aversion to conflicts until things eventually can't help but reach a breaking point'
'Would someone who isn't happy have an avatar like this?! I think the stereotypical high school guidance counselor advice is most apt for INFPs: do what you would do for free. It's incredibly...|||I get told this a lot too. I suspect it's partially because my sense of humor is very deadpan, and people don't always realize when I'm joking.|||The upside: I figure a lot of things out before other people. Don't let the sensates fool you, they miss things all the time. The downside: People think you're from another planet, crazy, or just...|||Ahem... Did you read my post? I ask this as a fellow ENFP with a horrible propensity for skimming things. :-) I absolutely agree that Hitler wasn't an NTJ. I just don't agree with your reasons...|||You're probably right. The saying Greed is Good sounds a lot like naive, inferior introverted feeling. In fact, I don't know that I agree with most of the examples I made in my previous post...|||There's a perennial debate that I have with my ISFP boyfriend. I'm always excited every time I see a show about black holes. I find the concept so fascinating. My boyfriend's response? We don't...|||Absolutely not. ESTPs are made out of guns, steel, and can-do attitudes. Their dominant function is Extraverted Mister T with auxiliary Introverted Chuck Norris. ESTPs are genetically incapable of...|||I love technology. I'm a programmer after all.|||This is inferior Si rearing its ugly head. When I'm alone, my inferior Si starts complaining to me about all the details in my life I'm missing, about how little attention I pay to things, and...|||One thing I'm really beginning to notice is that I have much better work/life balance than most of my coworkers. In particular, Ti/Fe types seem to have horrid work/life balance. Sometimes I sense...|||When it comes to routine, it sometimes seems like my brain is like a house with bad electricity where turning one light on means another one somewhere else goes off. This would be ok, but it...|||An ENFP would use Fi in a more parental manner as opposed to it popping up every once in a while to cause trouble. Ahem... The purpose of this type thing is for you to learn about yourself. ...|||It definitely sounds like you're using Fi, but not like an ENFP would. Plus, the way you describe using Fe is almost a textbook description of how the tertiary function tends to work. Perhaps I...|||I think a lot of people don't understand that Ni isn't really terribly different from Ne except that Ni tends to be bottled up inside. My boss is an INTJ, and although he tries to keep the rest of...|||I would say that the best way to answer this is to ask the following question: Do you have a tendency to wear your heart on your sleeve (Fe) or do you dislike sharing your emotions with other...|||I talked my ENTP friend into taking a picture of dogshit with his iPhone. To be fair, I didn't think he'd actually do it.|||My ISTP coworker is constantly annoyed by me. It's kind of a bizarre love/hate thing. We get along, but it just seems that I upset his sense of order in the universe. Conversely, I always feel as...|||Heh... I'm most definitely not the life of the party. In fact, I know a lot of introverts who are far more gregarious than me. It's worth repeating: introversion doesn't imply that a person has...|||That's a tough one. I mean it's not like you can just get new parents. I wish I had something else to say that could help you. I mean, I'm 28 years old and I still have issues with authority. I...|||If there is one thing that really makes my blood boil, it's someone who goes out of their way to treat others like shit. The first thing you have to focus on is being able to see through what he's...|||I'm a programmer. It challenges my thinking ability and gives me a chance to challenge my coworkers' feeling ability (What do you mean your way is the most fun?! You need to be more pragmatic!)|||You could be saying this because you're better at math than I am an this is old hat to you, but just in case you're not, it's worth pointing out that this isn't necessarily trivial mathematically. ...|||Did you know that it's been mathematically proven that an infinite number of monkeys would eventually type Hamlet given an infinite amount of time? Infinite monkey theorem - Wikipedia, the free...|||Have you tried talking to him about it? Just say Usually you're really excited about any ideas I have, but lately you seem to be a bit down. Is something wrong? It's incredibly difficult to...|||This one is a pet peeve of mine. It's called sarcasm. Like how I say Nice catch! when someone drops the ball or I could give a damn when I don't.|||I used to be a dog person. But then my boyfriend talked me into getting a cat. Now I'm the one who loves my sweet, furry feline friends to death while my boyfriend complains about me coddling them....|||I frequently find myself lying to get out of going to work even if I have a perfectly valid reason for not showing up (like a doctor's appointment or such). Fortunately, I have an employer who's...|||If I had to guess, I'd say some combination of trickster introverted thinking and demonic extraverted sensation. Trickster Ti is that voice inside your head that says You're too smart for these...|||There's one rule of thumb that may cause problems for introverts: when dealing with an extravert, persistence is polite. I don't mean that you need to be a stalker or anything. I just mean that...|||You know, I love typology. It gives me a great understanding of who I am, and who others are. However, if your type is serving as something to say This is who you have to be. Don't you wish you...|||John Barrowman http://www.johnbarrowman.com/images/gallery/image_02_zoom.jpg Gareth David-Lloyd http://m.popstar.com/Celebrities/A/Gareth_David-Lloyd.jpg|||My boyfriend is an ENTP. I think this is a good fit because we're enough alike that we have a common understanding, but different enough that it isn't like dating myself.|||I would like to hear these wacky philosophical theories about cats.|||I'm not a playa I just crush a lot. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UOEOn3fng9U|||I wish other types would do this too sometimes. Especially SJ types. I am amazed at how good they can be at finding the most verbose way to say the simplest things.|||Introversion is not shyness. In fact, I would even argue that shyness is largely an extraverted thing. Shyness implies that a person wants social interaction, but is afraid of it (and yes, this can...|||As much as I like the idea of wreaking havoc with unsuspecting types, I'm for real that I feel I'm an ENFP. I mentioned a few of the reasons here: ...|||I heard a saying once: Thinkers get their feelings hurt. But some of us are feelers and we get our thinkings hurt. For me, it's always some form of So and so doesn't like my plan/logic...|||How dare you ask such a thing?! I'm just sensitive! Maybe if you took the time to get to know me better you'd know that I'm not emotional! *runs away crying*|||I think you've pretty much hit the nail on the head. Here's my type put into my own words: http://personalitycafe.com/enfp-forum-inspirers/49379-functional-analysis-enfp-using-beebes-model.html|||So, after years of typing myself as an INTP, I've decided that I'm actually an ENFP, and I went to see a pretty well-known Jungian analyst in my area who is pretty well-versed in John Beebe's version...|||I agree completely. Feeling is probably the most misunderstood function. The thing is that logic of people isn't a terrible way to think of feeling. At any rate, it's pretty much settled. I'm...|||Absolutely not. P types are nothing but sunshine, bunnies, and unicorns.|||I'm seriously beginning to doubt my personality type. I'm not sure what exactly happened, but something just seems to have struck me recently. I think something has been bubbling up in my...|||Marie Louise Von Franz quotes Rilke's I love you, but it is none of your business as being exemplary of the EXTJ. That is, they bottle their inferior Fi up inside. For IXTPs she says that the...|||So, the CEO of my company is an ENFP. It's a small startup, so we all work in the same room. My desk just so happens to be right by his. Occasionally, I'll notice him watching me work out of the...|||I was going to reply to this thread but... what were we talking about again?|||I think the problem is that intuition in general is the most difficult to explain. Jung himself even struggled with it. Let me take another stab at it. I'm stealing Lenore Thomson's description....|||You might be surprised, actually. I find that I'm actually pretty good at math, but I'm not very good at understanding our school system's very Te-oriented way of teaching it.|||I'm still learning to sell myself, so I don't know that I can be a ton of help. :wink: That said, there are a few things I've learned: 1. People need to know how you will be useful to them. ...'
'I'm pretty well known amongst the people I know in rl for surviving on very little sleep. Sometimes it's because of procrastination, sometimes because of insomnia. I've done the ~48 hours with no...|||Get drunk and jump off something high, like a bridge or cliff.|||Conceptual: 27 Adventurous: 22 Social: 15 Practical: 8 Figured I'd be some kind of blend of mostly Conceptual and Adventurous.|||I do always look forward to the candy on sale after Valentine's Day! Otherwise, meh, not a holiday for me :dry:|||Polymorphing! I've wanted the ability to shapeshift into different forms since I can remember.|||MUSIC!!! I only notice lyrics at all if they are ridiculous and/or really strike me somehow. I always thought it was odd because I also really appreciate poetry. I just tend to confront the two...|||I have done this, though maybe not so consciously. I often find myself identifying with Artemis/Diana type figures in paintings with a mythological theme. And for some reason hunter, shepherd, and...|||I never got past the first kind of math, I guess. Numbers never interested me, and I had a terrible time memorizing formulas given to me. The way it is taught in school math doesn't really explain...|||You'd know ISTJ better than I would :wink: I only really know my father as an ISTJ from real life, and he's strongly SJ, more borderline I and T...so that makes me somewhat biased. You're right,...|||Yay for anime with pretty boys! I get mostly the same types for Ouran High School Host Club and Fruits Basket that you do. I was just watching Ouran and ENFP for Tamaki jumped out at me. Nice to see...|||Social phobia, especially performance related. For example, I used to be unable to park a car with people watching. It's gotten better, thank goodness. Phobia of earthquakes and, to a lesser...|||I like the idea of Littlefinger being an ENTP. He's my favorite of the series. A lot of my favorite characters can be typed as ENTP. Renly as ENFP works for me, too. I think I saw Arya as ISTP, but...|||Even though I'm not an ISTP, this stereotype bothers me almost as much as the math genius INTP stereotype. I'm sure it leads to mistyping. My lack of interest in math has led me to question my type...|||I have a horrible memory for specific details: names, exact conversations, and numbers. However, I am very good at remembering images and emotions. I have a number of very vivid memories in this...|||I'd actually been wondering if personality had anything to do with this. Most of my friends care a lot more about graphics than I do. I barely take it into account when choosing games. Setting (I...|||Yay instruments! I'm not stellar at any one instrument, but...my primary instrument is French horn. Because of that, I'm also stuck playing mellophone, the usual equivalent in marching band. I play...|||Worst air pollution? Seriously? There are so many bad things about California (credit rating, politics, various natural disasters, etc.) and they put air pollution? Lamepile.|||I generally like the INFP type. I haven't found them to be too pushy, and I can find common interests with them. There's also usually a similar nonconformism that I like. The only problem is the...|||Hmm, I can see INTJ. But, it's difficult for me to tell...Akito's a very unhealthy personality for at least most of the manga and I guess all of the anime...and I have to revisit the Fruits Basket...|||I love Fruits Basket! It's been a while...thanks for posting this! My favorite character was always Shigure. I'm going to second him as an ENTP. Maybe ENFP? But I get the NT vibe from him. Any ideas...|||Philosopher Your inward focus and capacity for original thought make you the Philosopher. Others admire your critical eye and your ability to see both sides of any story. You love to wax...|||I've loved the little bit of economics I've been exposed to. That would be a high school survey class, a college macro class, and several books. The more practical and detail oriented subjects of...|||That probably depends on the school. At mine, and I'm sure others, the AP system was a joke; it existed only to churn out more competitive college applicants. I didn't find the AP classes I took more...|||I second that. I loved the A Song of Ice and Fire series. A Game of Thrones hooked me and I zipped through the rest. I'm not a huge fan of fiction, but those books were some of my favorites. I'm all...|||I am also in the midst of post college depression. Unemployment, social isolation, living with parents again, lack of productive activity...I'm already predisposed to episodes of depression, so it...|||In the long run, high school GPA doesn't matter much at all. Basically, it gets you into college. If you mess up, you can go to community college (or a less selective 4 year school), get a decent GPA...|||Some thoughts: Germany is funny. I can see INTJ in modern Germany...but historically, totally different story. France was more influential in the Enlightenment, Germany was more influential in...|||Aw, that sucks about 3rd clarinet. On the other hand, those kind of parts would make it quite easy for me to jump in and pick up clarinet...as long as I'm not the only one on the part! Hahaha. I'm...|||I love this series, I'm not ready to venture guesses...haven't read the books in a couple of years, and so many characters! :confused:|||Mother: INFP Stepfather: ISFP Father: ISTJ Stepmother: ESFJ Halfsister: IxFJ Stepsister: ESFP I'm giving my immediate stepfamily's types because they affected me growing up. I never really...|||Thanks for the insight on bass guitar. I knew there were differences between string bass (orchestra) and bass guitar, but it didn't even occur to me the wide range of the bass just within the...|||That's awesome! I have known one trumpet player who might have been INFP. He was definitely out of the ordinary. It is unusual for me to see an I trumpet player...most of the ones I have known have...|||I've always read a lot. Mostly nonfiction, but some fantasy, scifi, classics, and historical fiction, as well. I also read textbooks on topics that interest me for fun. I can read a large amount of...|||I suppose this is weird, but ESFP, especially ESFP guys. I've had a couple of friendships that have been very unhealthy. I love how fun and charming they are. I accompany them on adventures, and they...|||Of course you're right, but the thread is about relating an instrument to a type so that's what I attempted to do. Personality is only one factor in choosing an instrument - practical matters and...|||Wait so you played 3rd clarinet? I always thought I'd want to play 3rd clarinet, if I ever learned to play regular clarinet. Are the parts really boring? Is it like bass clarinet? A lot of people...|||The freedom of composition was very attractive to me, as well.|||I really miss bass clarinet. I love its low notes! In high school they encouraged me to switch to french horn because there weren't enough (a very common problem) and there were too many trumpets. It...|||Unfortunately I'd also have to say alcohol. Hugs have to come from the right people in my experience :tongue:|||Yeah, the closest to the front I ever got was on bass clarinet, second or third row but on the inside at least. I started out on trumpet, which ended up being too high and bright for me. So I changed...|||This is going to be an entirely negative response, but just so everyone knows I've been doing MUCH better in college. What was your experience in secondary/high school like? :dry: A slight...|||All of these make sense to me!|||LOL, yeah the American Pie flute player doesn't remind me so much of any flute players I know...more like a female brass player, hahaha. It probably depends on your area. The introverted flutes at...|||Well, speaking from the band geek/music major world, the stereotypical flute personality is quite ESFPish. Gregarious, flirtatious, quick, in the moment, active, and so forth. Whereas the...|||Oboe is a great instrument, one of my favorites actually. My friend that plays it is an INxJ. Seems very distinctive, personality-wise.|||Yes. I think constantly. Usually what I'm thinking about will be vaguely related to what I was previously thinking, but it's very difficult for other people to follow my train of thought. I also seem...|||I can't resist this one. I'm going to apologize ahead of time for writing too much. My entire social circle in real life is made up of musicians, mostly brass players. SO here's my best shot, trying...|||I've always had horrible handwriting, especially bad cursive...I used to skip homework assignments to avoid writing in cursive, which took me forever and was inevitably very messy. Often I'd have to...|||I mostly shower and wash my hair daily, sometimes skip a day if I'm lazy and don't leave the house. I have to brush my teeth and hair or I feel disgusting...also keep my room clear of trash and food...|||When I was very very young, I used to go bee squashing for the thrill. Also I built castles and such in the sandbox and put crickets inside them to live...until I would inevitably destroy my...'
'Yeah god forbid I call him out on mimicking me or he'd NEVER fess up to it. This same person refuses to ever admit they are wrong and they would rather lie than tell the truth about even small...|||I'm sure this has been covered a million times, but people who agree with every fucking thing you say...even going as far as stating an opinion, and you say you feel the opposite to test them, and...|||When data is shown in any type of visual graph it's usually easier for me to process and understand it.|||A free ride through college. ...and a Mclaren MP12-4C|||When people repeat OVER AND OVER AND OVER something you already know, and you snap and say I know that! You've said it over and over!!!! and they say Geeze, I can't read your mind...chill out. ...|||Just like with anything else we try to label and stereotype, we need to realize that things are on a bell curve or spectrum and not just one or the other. Although some people may identify as 100%...|||I tend to confront issues very assertively. I feel strongly about my beliefs and I will argue for a lifetime if necessary as long as the opposing argument is valid. As soon as their point can't be...|||Welcome to the forum! Are you still residing in Malaysia?|||Not looking forward to black Friday...means there will be a bunch of crazed people running around out there. I better stay home. :crazy:|||When a rather close friend is telling you a story about his family history and how his aunt got into a fight with his grandmother last night bla bla bla and you randomly say I wish I had a bluray...|||Everyone is entitled to their opinions, and one day if homosexuality, bisexuality, pansexuality, or any other label on sexual preference is proven without a doubt to be biological then I will rest my...|||Welcome to the forum!|||I was too young in 94' to remember it happening, but he has always been a source of deep inspiration for me in all aspects of my life. Senna was an amazing man, and the fact he did something he loved...|||I was never offended, I just wanted to point out that specific argument as irrelevant. I'm very capable of understanding and relating to the preferences of others, so there's no need to worry about...|||If I don't have to be somewhere, I tend to stay at home. I'll leave the house for entertainment or food if I'm feeling social.|||Usually for me it relates to sensory overload. If I hear or see something beautiful enough I get all teary eyed and emotional. I have cried at funerals, but only those who were close relatives who...|||I don't think about people's sexual organs...that's the thing. Sex has never been a large part of any of my relationships...for a long while I thought I may be asexual, because the thought of...|||1. I was raised by a single mom and I have no siblings. 2. I listen to most genres of music, but prefer electronica and classical. 3. My room is incredibly messy, but I wouldn't have it any other...|||Welcome to the forum, nice to see another INTJ Marylander!|||Welcome to the forum! Supposedly we are one of the rarest types, 1-2 percent of the population. Not sure if its true but it makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside knowing I'm special. :D|||Bored again.|||Welcome to the forum!|||Welcome to the forum :D|||Jock 1: Yeah I'd like to bend her over... Jock 2: Dude I'd love to motorboat those... Jock 3: *drool* INTJ: I dunno, she's kind of a bitch. Jock 1: ...|||Really amazing work MKMason|||Welcome! What is your avatar from?|||Welcome! Leos rock!|||Welcome to the forum!|||I think it's safe to say that although INTJ's may be able to rationalize and make sense of their feelings and urges more than others, and may be more open to becoming bisexual after coming to the...|||I can relate. The ability to have your mind wander pretty much anywhere in a very short amount of time because of subconscious links from thought to thought or subject to subject. A sort of never...|||I believe that something/someone created the universe(s) that I will probably never be able to comprehend. I also believe that the creator most likely has no reason to ever interfere with humanity,...|||I guess I should explain better. I meant that not in terms of help desk customer service sort of thing, but I believe in order to run a successful community/society you need open communication...|||Not a bad day for a Monday|||Welcome to the forum|||An infinite library of documentary films about every imaginable subject. Wireless internet everywhere, at least 50 megabit down and 25 up. 24 hour call center to document issues and concerns...|||Couple faves from my flickr gallery: http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4151/5129931170_4d414c4382.jpg Stream by amsfoto, on Flickr http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4025/5124536101_2579b46dd8.jpg...|||I can really relate to your comment about wanting to fit in. When I realized freshman year of high school that I may be gay (despite natural attractions since early childhood, I hadn't labeled myself...|||I don't really think The Scientist really describes me. I enjoy science, but it's more about the problem solving and the issues behind the science that interest me. I do enjoy science as a tool for...|||Happened to me too, was thoroughly confusing at first till I saw the post about the forum being reset. I thought I was banned for something I said already.|||Rob Dougan - Speed me towards death (instrumental)|||Welcome! ...and unfortunately I'm not invisible, that could come in handy|||Taking the step to admit to yourself you are a homosexual is a tough experience. I'm not ashamed of who I am, but I will admit that my life would have been a lot easier if I was heterosexual. I...|||I wanted to be an F1 driver, but it's a bit too late for that. Just a lowly art student now.|||I've been wondering lately if my sexual preferences were more tied to my personality type than anything else. Since there really isn't any set cause of homosexuality, I've been putting a lot of...|||Welcome to the forum! Since it's (unfortunately) impossible to just look at people and tell their personality types in the real world, I find this site and the whole personality type movement in...|||People often tell me that I: don't smile enough always look grumpy and unapproachable am quick to lose my temper am quick to judge am extremely opinionated am often rude without realizing it...|||No problem! (you can thank me again for a 7th)|||When you lose acquaintances left and right because you just don't feel like picking up the phone or sending that text.|||1. Someone not admitting to a shortcoming when it's painfully obvious. How can you attempt to fix something when you won't be honest with yourself. 2. People who blatantly use their friends for...|||Welcome to the forum :D'
'ENTP wit, punny, antihumor, really bad jokes, dry, britishy, sarcastic|||1. talkative or contemplative 2. sociable or solitary 3. outgoing or reserved 4. imaginative, intellectual, gentle, grounded 5. idealistic, curious, pragmatic, sensitive 6. impractical,...|||Strong Ni or Ne usually makes for good friend food. INFJs (Fun to talk to, close lady friends in most cases, and the actual lady friend is one) (INTPs ENFPs INFPs Other ENTPs) All in the same...|||Chile INFJ Lithuania ESFJ Sun ENFJ Mercury ESTJ Venus INFJ Earth ESTP Mars INTJ Ceres ISFJ Jupiter ENTJ Saturn ESFJ|||Hey, nobody's making new character postings. I'll be back later. For that. No particular order... 1.) Q - Star Trek the Next Generation (Minus the arrogance :P)...|||ENTP I LOVE EVERYTHING except... ~the more annoying 90's - post 2k pop ~modern country (Johnny Cash is hot) FIRST 10 SPOTIFY SONGS IN PLAYLIST VIA SHUFFLE: Judy is a Punk - Ramones Symphony...|||Anarcho-Communism... Ideally. Most logical thing is Stark Trek TNG universe, if you know of that world, but some differences in detail which I won't go into. Particularly the manner of rule, but...|||Acknowledge the error, usually with a little squeak of a oops or oh. On occaision, a little bit of wit is involved if appropriate.|||Hello fellow ENTP's. My being here today is due to the fact that I am probably an oddball. I've never really quite fit in so well in with social nuance, in fact, I seem to be disgusted by it to some...|||I find the folks that I end up getting along the best with are INFJ's, in terms of romantic relationships, based on what limited experience I have with the two legitimate relationships I have had so...|||1. ENTP (self love doesn't hurt) 2. INFJ (such cuddly) 3. INTP (ENTP partners in crime) 4. ENFP (d'aw) 5. INFP (introverted d'aw) 6. ESFJ (interesting hyper-extroverted people usually) 7. INTJ...|||MFW when I realized you are 12. Bitch. Oh, but, really, you can't just call the master race lame and expect no feedback, and to that I say, well done, good sir, for you have done well to...|||Lol, you derps got it all wrong. Alls you gots to do is... 1.) Take Iphone Alarm and place at a point in the room where you cannot reach from bed. 2.) Take speakers and set them to max volume...|||Needs the kinky. Like at least a 7.5/10 on a sexy-o-meter. Needs the eccentricities. Normal people are pretty boring. Adventureness fits here too. Needs the intelligence. Able to keep up with me...|||Most people would say INTP, but I know for certain that ENTP is me. Ne is obviously my dominant function and despite the perceived detachment, I consider myself at the least ambiverted, if not...|||AN ODE TO MY DRESS SOCKS: 1. You may wear it on your feet 2. As well as on your hand -- for a puppet 3. You can use to annoy your sister (with that stank) 4. To be frank, it's also used to hide...|||Cantos Profanae. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCqUyI9Ir5o|||The male-man is here. Also an ENTP. I'm afraid I do not have any letters for you today, Madame Willoughsby. See you tomorrow!|||Right this minute, this second, this moment... It would have to be... Debauchery! 'Cause that's what, son.|||Well, my cynical Ti told me that I disliked it because it is merely a ploy to make more content and therefore more money by creating multiple movies from one book like that. Reminds me of...|||Okay, bring it on! were all the words I could think of in 60 seconds. Not sure if I'm killing myself or some scary ass assassin comes in and rains down the thunder...|||Middle Child. Younger Sis is ISxJ Older Bro is INTJ? (He hasn't taken a test in a while, as far as I know.)|||Supporting INTJ: Leading Introverted iNtuiting Foreseeing implications, transformations, and likely effects Supporting Extraverted Thinking|||_ . . . . . _ . (O_o)/ . Idk. Did research. I agree. Just use the former -- Your trifix is 7w8, 8w7, 3w2. -- thing.|||Your trifix is 7w8, 8w7, 3w2. I honestly think I would fit more as 7w6, 5w4, 6w7, but who knows? Also; (sx, so, sp) Use the latter enneagram typings, I'd say.|||I too believe I am generally accepted as decent. Early high school was the outcast days, no fun there; lots of depression and stuff, couple kids a hung around or just kept to myself. Then,...|||Okay. Let's get this party started. Non-mainstream music only, since you've probably heard most of the popular stuff. :| :| :| :) :) :D ;( Jazz: Thelonious Monk - Body and Soul Moondog -...|||Let's see. Here's the now: Pokemon (X currently) and this Pokemon Battle Simulator: Pokemon Showdown Victoria II House Divided/Heart of Darkness League of Legends As for Best Games of All...|||Give them cookies (from my cookie clicker factory) and hope for the best, IMHO.|||I'll give it a whack. Unfortunately, this film isn't as popular as you think it is. :( Forgive me, I saw the film a several months ago, but I don't remember exactsly, but I'm finding scenes on...|||Oh god. That huge @55 block of text. Cannot into read, even though I want to.|||Welcome to Fight Club, ECH0!... Er, I mean... What? Make sure you read up on the first rule there... I nearly had forgotten!|||Okay, this is probably a bad way of going about it (As my own ideology will shine through in some parts here), but here goes. You can't instantaneously transform a backwater country to a bustling...|||Being a Junior in High School in the IB Programme (Better than AP Smart kids if you will), they manage to usually offer enough stimulus to keep me interested, though, if a teacher decides to slack...|||If we decided to install a world government today, the means of logistics, communication, and stability would be unrealistic in many parts of the world. Any contemporary world government would be...|||I used to consider myself an INTP, just like you, but as I realize more and more, I am simply a shy ENTP that is slowly losing that affinity for shyness. Anyway, the main differences between ENTP...|||INFJ's are cute and awkward as hell. Excuse the rather long, weird, and complex story condensing -- and the venting. Recently, after a culmination of approximately a year, my crushing came to...|||INTP - Okay, so you're cool and all, but I just don't care what you think. I live my own life, you don't tell me what to do. ENTP - Lol, okay, there's nothing wrong with us. At all. (That...|||Ben was a kid from the West Side He always let it ride, O the risks he would take Just to take his lady out to the lake But in the end, Ben had nothing more than a flake As he sat alone, without...|||That ENTP salary is surprisingly low. It must be either how we are so easy going and stuff or we just are so annoying.|||ENTP Here. In general, I consider myself to be very far left and very libertarian. Ever hear of the political compass test? - I score usually around (-9, -9). I consider myself to be somewhere...|||Oooh gurl, I'd have to agree with the Avatar universe. Air-bending is the shit. Also Pokemon universe... Here's my team =D : [*=center]xGolduck1 [*=center]xMismagius2 [*=center]xGalvantula3|||I altered slightly answers slightly several times due to their slight inaccuracies and contradicting qualities - here are the states that appeared most in order of appearances: California Oregon...|||Epilogue: OP has asked a very large and general question. A question that would takes years, multiple books, and more qualified people than I, to answer ~ something that can't easily be...|||So. think I fit most with Secure or Anxiousx96preoccupied attachment. And so the graph, I believe, shows as such. ... But I can't link it due to the derpiness of OP's link.|||Your Type ENTP Extravert(11%) iNtuitive(75%) Thinking(25%) Perceiving(56)% [*=left]You have slight preference of Extraversion over Introversion (11%) [*=left]You have distinctive...|||How are you today? I'm okay, pretty content with my day. Worked (exercise) out, played games, few convos, all good. :kitteh: What are you thinking of right now? How those convos did not...|||Douchebag::dry: An overbearing, temperamental butt-hole who fails the departments of feels, of other perspectives, and of type 9 enneagram. (Not that you need uber type 9 to be non-douched, but...|||I recently hopped on to Youtube today and I discovered the latest pbsideachannel, a channel that examines the connections between pop culture, technology and art, video seen here: ...|||ISFJ: https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/7829707264/h432B4777/ INTP: https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/7823794944/hB0AAC9D3/ INFJ: https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/7835180288/h1E1C36B4/ ESTP:...'
'hahahahahaha. i just love my ability to read people and manipulate conversation. >:D mwahaha. it makes me feel powerful.|||i hope it went over well. :D for me, when i like a guy, i try to spend time with them as much as i can. i go out of my way to see them. i smile and laugh a lot when i'm around them. in the first few...|||when people are rude to me, i get EXTREMELY offended and i pretty much always fight back immediately. but if it's one of my close friends, i ignore it and sweep it under the rug. i guess i don't mind...|||oops i'm a little late on the uptake, but... this has been happening to me too lately. i kind of put it in the back of my mind and focus on my lasting friendships. and i bring in new people into my...|||i totally feel the same way. when i like someone, i try to talk to them ALL the time and see them as much as possible... but i'm not very outward about it. i let them do most of the work at first....|||who are you you're not welcome here. jk hi. :}|||talk to her as much as possible and tell her how you feel, always. make an effort to see her; she'll want you to take the initiative first. she most likely won't think you're smothering her so don't...|||ah that sounds horrible. /: i'm so sorry. something like this happened to me a few years ago, via internet of course. it really traumatized me, but also kind of pushed me towards people more. it made...|||i used to feel that way a lot. but now i'm surrounded by a completely different group of people and i hardly ever feel like i'm being used. i think that's what your friend needs to do. /: he seems...|||1. someone who is unreliable. like if i ask them to meet me at a certain time and they're ALWAYS late. 2. someone who doesn't take my help, or appreciate my concern for them. 3. someone who isn't...|||aw, no problem!|||there are plenty of answers to your question here :]|||a good sense of humor is extremely important to me. i mean... i laugh at a lot of things. but someone who makes me laugh will also make me happy. how could i not spend time with someone who makes me...|||i have an insanely high sex drive in case you were wondering. there should be no shame in talking about sex!|||appreciation, loyalty, and understanding. if someone is unfaithful to me, i will find out and immediately break up with them and not feel sorry about it. if someone doesn't appreciate me, i'll hold...|||this is awesome! i think i would much rather have the ability to solve any conflict, big or small.|||my boyfriend, an INFP has done lots. he's been in europe for 2 weeks but apparently he has a surprise for me when he gets back? eep. he's drawn me beautiful pictures. he's given me little gifts that...|||i just take a recovery day. i sit at home and literally do nothing. i sleep in, chill out, eat whatever i want pretty much. haha. i don't leave the house. when i'm overwhelmed and have lots to do, i...|||it kind of terrified me when i was a child, haha. i was easily frightened...|||hi, INFPs! i just wanted to say you all inspire [ha] to become a better person each and every day. i feel so comfortable around my INFP friends; i can talk to them about anything! i'm gonna stop...|||i want to be a clinical psychologist. making people happy and living to the best potential is what i breathe for. yep. :}|||i'm not necessarily a thrill seeker; i have a lot of irrational fears. i think my childhood had an extreme effect on this but that's a completely different story, haha. i like doing spontaneous...|||yep, i'm the opposite. i mean, i can only remember feeling that way with ONE person. it was really frustrating. but the ENFJ in me HATES conflicts so i resolved it as soon as possible. i have so many...|||yep, captain america so i could touch his body ALL the time... and i can have someone to protect me i guess.|||thank you so much, you guys. i'm going to try my best to be their friend but if it's too much for me to handle, i have to accept it.|||i don't think you're crazy! putting yourself in a feeling zone is great for performances [acting, musical, etc]. when you're singing a song, for example, you MUST put yourself in a certain feeling...|||i've tested as an ENFP and an ENFJ. my P/J is pretty much 50/50. and my S/N is fairly close, but i always test as an N|||focusing on something far away is supposed to make your pupils dilated. thinking about someone you love or hate... hm. try tensing your stomach as well.|||my appearance is extremely important to me! almost to the point of vanity, which i have to be careful of. you won't catch me dead in a pair of sweatpants in public. i love shopping for myself and for...|||hey sorry guys i hope i'm not too annoying yet. i have two friends who are extremely unhealthy psychologically and are always demanding attention. they're never happy and feel as if no one cares...|||i'm happy! and currently loling at the people who want to move to canada because of the ruling. oops.|||oh goodness. this is a rare occurrence for me. i rely heavily on intuition. i just continue to talk to them. i pick up on body language and tone of speech, like everyone else has said. or i just...|||yes, sometimes i feel like i think too deeply about certain things. but they're always like... meaningless. like television shows or movies for example. especially books. after finishing anything i...|||is it bad that the first person who popped into my head was ellen degeneres? yes. yes it was. haha.|||cuddling with someone i care about. :D|||i was actually an ENFP in middle school and early high school. i really wasn't living for anything; i just took my life day by day. i definitely wasn't as plan-oriented as i am now. i like outlining...|||i can read people like BOOKS. i can see their intentions, and i know when they're lying to me. does anyone else do this? and if so, what's a specific example? just the other day i helped my brother...|||i have an INFP friend who absolutely loves crafts! he's always drawing something new. he loves creating, whether it be visual art or even music. yay!|||i think the answer to all of those questions is simply fear: fear of the unknown. sometimes it's REALLY hard for me to step out of my comfort zone. like if i'm not completely at ease doing something...|||i have. i didn't come clean. the guilt still lingers. but the way i rationalized it is... sometimes a significant other [who especially doesn't take the relationship seriously] doesn't need to know....|||my friend's mom is a career counselor. she's always making appointments. she works at home. she even helped me pinpoint what i want to do! it's pretty low stress, though. she's a mother of 4 kids and...|||hey we like you too! we like everyone! :D|||okay okay okay with the movie theater thing, i think he was just being nice. i mean, that's what i would do in that situation with NO intentions of buying the person's sex or anything. he may be...|||1. so you can learn from the experience! it may not last forever... but you'll certainly learn a lot about yourself (what you want in a relationship and who you want to be in a relationship) from it....|||i'm sorry you're feeling like this. i think you need to sit down and physically WRITE your feelings out. make a list of things to do. make a list of people to see. most importantly, make a list of...|||people come and go, yeah. /: but i would confront her about it. be honest about your feelings. no matter the outcome, you'll feel MUCH better about the situation after having a conversation with her,...|||not gonna lie, TLC shows are my guilty pleasure. my strange addiction: watching my strange addiction. say yes to the dress? yes please. it's actually pretty embarrassing. haha.|||i was always getting into mischief. i bossed my sister around to do stupid things with me, like climb the creek in our backyard. i looked up to pretty much every adult in my life. but i definitely...|||career counselors find it useful! obviously, haha. my family is really into myers briggs, and so are a few of my friends. i feel like the general public wouldn't be as interested though. those who...|||being a leader isn't necessarily always for a large group setting; you can be leader of only a few people. :] you don't have to picture yourself giving a lecture in front of hundreds of people, haha....'
'How often do you stay up? Any time I have the opportunity. Sometimes I will make myself go to bed early if I have to get up the next day earlier than normal, but I usually push the limits...|||Sun: Aries (Fire - Choleric) Moon: Virgo (Earth - Melancholic) Rising: Scorpio (Water - Phlegmatic) No wonder people find me confusing at times.|||I wasn't a huge fan of classical music when I was a kid. My dad used to force us to listen to it on long car rides. My sisters and I preferred the popular stations, of course. But, I loved playing...|||Boring, technical possible answer here... I think Se and Ne can have a tendency to come across as playful, which can come across as child-like to some.|||I feel for you. :sad: I lived with my in-laws for a few excruciatingly long months. (To make matters worse, I was also pregnant with morning sickness at the time.) I don't know my...|||Yes, we are best friends and mindmates. We laugh a lot. Not too many fights, but when we do fight it's pretty big. Then we return back to our usual ways which usually include the same habits that...|||I always thought I was an obvious introvert, but when I told this to my sister she was pretty surprised about it. So, I guess I don't always come off as being introverted. If I am comfortable with...|||I am married to an ENTP, enneagram 8. He is very charismatic, and can be a pretty big jerk to people when in the right mood. A charismatic jerk. He pulls it off somehow and he can charm most...|||Music, Self , Spatial|||1) What is your current career/occupation? Piano teacher 2) Do you enjoy/love it...or just do it because you need to? I do enjoy it. I don't like the business side as much as the teaching...|||I have a Bachelors of Music in Piano Pedagogy|||I think your insults and name calling is very Infantile. :P|||You draw really well! If you are drawing people, I've noticed the feeling is mostly in the eyes. That is usually where you look to tell if someone has a genuine smile. So perhaps experiment with...|||Since I started the whole control thing, I will try to explain a bit what I meant. I can only speak for myself here. I am just getting through a time in my life where well-meaning people...|||I agree that it really doesn't matter.|||Same difference in my mind.|||Sorry, I gave you advice that you did not want. To answer your original question. No, I don't think ISFPs are any more selfish than any other type. I forget that my ENTP husband has feelings...|||The biggest thing that I learned from being in a long term relationship (18 years) is that you need to accept the other person as they are (it took me 10 years to figure this out). If being on time,...|||I still don't see your point. Everybody has a different idea of what a pretty little thing is. If I collect pretty rocks and seashells from the beach, would that make me materialistic? If I...|||One can be attracted to pretty objects without needing to own them. So, if we are going to get picky, the question should be if ISFPs value beautiful objects more than spiritual, intellectual, or...|||I can relate to a lot of what others have said here. I had one friend that I have really good memories about. I enjoyed being with her because she was my first friend that I could spend 24 hours...|||I have only really been in love once, and I am married to that guy. The love I feel now is quite a bit different than when I first met him. In the beginning, it was like an incredible rush every...|||My husband complains that I speak too quietly and tend to mumble. Then when I try to project my voice to answer his question, he accuses me of yelling at him. Can't win. lol. Both my older sisters...|||I have at least one friend that really enjoys his cannabis. I'm not about to hold that against him. He's a pretty good guy. I just wanted to represent a different side. (In other words, I like...|||I have a problem with this too. It just happened to me last night. I haven't found out a surefire cure for it yet, but some nights I have success with getting up and doing some form of exercise. ...|||For me, unless I have had a really, really bad day, I default to the gentle, understanding side. Which if I am not careful, can turn me more into an enabler than anything else. I have had to ask...|||I still make lists, but I am getting smarter about it. I don't spend all day doing it. I don't make lists that cover more than one day. And, I am finding that a list of about 3 things is just...|||I also agree with RyRyMini. I think the strength lies in knowing when to act and when to step back.|||The only drugs I've used are caffeine and alcohol. I can get a pretty good psychedelic experience by closing my eyelids and looking at the pretty patterns. I can also get a pretty decent high when...|||I am a night owl, and like to sleep in. I usually sleep on my side near the edge of the bed. Hugging a pillow is nice. :) I have to have the blankets down by my feet loose. I can't stand having...|||I am often attracted to Extroverted people, because I feed off of their energy in social situations (I just made myself sound like a parasite. haha.) I am a completely different person depending on...|||I never thought of that possibility. That is really freaky. Now I am going to have to find a way to forget about it. lol.|||Yes, the only solution that I can think of for me to be really organized would be to get rid of the unnecessary stuff I don't want to deal with. But, I haven't figured out how to keep the stuff from...|||The older I get the more I look up to my father. He is not a perfect man by any means, but I can look back and appreciate his (and my mom's) decisions on how to raise my sisters and I. They were...|||I don't mind that you talk about yourself. It was interesting that you mentioned that ENTP's thought of themselves as machines, because my ENTP husband says that about himself often and he takes it...|||My husband has this amazing potential that is mixed in with some pretty strong self-defeating behaviors. He has an incredible vision in his life, but doesn't always take into account other important...|||Just me again. I just found this bit of verse. (edit to add that I found it at infj.com) My husband tends to take the fixing attitude about life, I tend to take the serving attitude. I have some...|||I have noticed that I am one of the few people that is immune to his charming ways when it comes to influence (though I am probably not as immune as I think. lol.). He has amazing powers of...|||I see a lot of my husband and me in SphereOfSilence's post above. I am 35. I started dating my husband (ENTP) the end of our junior year of high school. We had a rocky romance through college...|||Wow. I started out in the ISFP forum and started a thread about organizing. It was politely ignored. lol. I let the ENTP in our house do the mopping. He is much better at it than I am.|||If I have typed my husband and myself correctly, I am an ISFP married to an ENTP. We have been together since 1992 ( I am too lazy to do the math at the moment). I would not call it an easy...|||When I first took the personality test, I tested as INFP. I guess I may be one, but it didn't seem to fit me. ANd the funny thing, like HandiAce wrote, I have some sort of need to be in the...|||My husband is an ENTP. The genders are switched here, but maybe this will help... We met in high school. He pursued me (which was an abosolute thrill. he once ran 3 miles to my house because his...|||I can relate to a bit of what you are saying. I worry a lot about things that I cannot do anything about. It will cause insomnia to the point where I am still awake at 7 am and I started to worry...|||I have a tendency to want to do everything myself, too. I do not work well in groups. I often take over the project and micro manage things. It may be that I do not trust others to do it up to my...|||:laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing:|||For me, I just like things to be a certain way. If they aren't in that certain way, I get a little obsessed over it. I don't do this for everything, just certain things. I think I am more...|||When I first met my ENTP husband in high school, he was an overly honest person. He was fearless when it came to telling the truth, and would often use it to shock people almost to the point where...|||I used to pride myself on my abnormalities, I am slowly working my way back to that peaceful existence. I think preferring books and tv shows over people is definitely an introverted thing. I...|||My grandparents used to live in the middle of nowhere. When they moved to a new house, my grandma packed up all the things that she liked and wanted to keep. Then they left everything they didn't...'
'Stargazing :)|||Hello, nice to meet you :)|||Is it from Ikea? I'll need to know that.|||Jesus, us INTP's can be ridiculous. Despite the fact that he's an INTP, he's also a man. And it seems like he has no balls. So damn right you should start seeing other people, why the hell did you...|||I guess that's me too. Lol, but I just describe it as caribbean, sounds more exotic :)|||Yes, hello.|||Hi Magma :)|||Maaaybe personality type come into play a little bit. I personally love hugs, the real proper ones. Or absolutely no hug at all. I don't like fake or half hearted hugs.|||Yeh I figured but I couldn't find any for some reason. You can just link any here if see find any.|||Ingredients Rice (I used Basmati easy cook) 1 egg handful of baby spinach leaves 3 baby tomatoes tuna quarter of one yellow pepper black pepper sea salt squeeze of lemon|||Yes, or that ;p|||I don't know, you haven't said much else about her other than she's INTP. Just find out what she's into and stuff. You know what? Maybe *gasp* maybe, just tell her you like her...how about that!...|||Wow that was awesome. I don't think I can help you but I just wanted to say, those two last paragraphs were beautiful, poetic to me.|||I want to start this thread for my fellow INTP's to post what they are reading, or what they would recommend others to read. So I'll start! Looking Forward:...|||A guy to take care of me and have fun with and make me healthy meals and green juice :)|||It's surprising how people do that...just make up the rest of someone's name. I wonder if they're crazy or something lol|||Haha, I sometimes dream about being called Sherlock...would be nice once in a while :)|||I just finished reading this, it's awesome. Read it if you like, it's only 121 pages http://thevenusproject.com/downloads/ebooks/Looking-Forward-v2.pdf|||It would be nice if everyone stopped trying to fixing things for just one day. Everyone has their idea of how the world should be or what the world needs or 'if everyone just behaved like this, then...|||Uuugh, tell me about it. I had an interview the other day at some company. It's one of those companies that no matter how much they describe what they do you still don't know what the fcku they do....|||I like INTJ's :happy:|||How do you feel about your name? Do you like it? Have you changed it or altered it in any way? Does your name suit you? Does it have sentimental meaning to you? Does it describe you? Do you even care...|||Awsome Sci-Fi films, electronic music. ...And the fact that I can't go and live on the moon for a bit. ...I may be a robot? Ok, I did cry watching 'My friend Totoro' and 'Barbie swan lake'....|||When I find the right kind of guy, I'm awesome to date. Its only happened once before in my life. I'm just kind of stuck now really, I've been too busy being a recluse for a long time and I have no...|||25th December because OBVIOUSLY we're more important than jesus and all that stuff! ...Einsteins birthday is a good idea as well.|||AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH. I'm living in the worst place possible for someone like me. Ok I'm exaggerating SLIGHTLY. But I just can't take it sometimes. The city I live in is just...|||Not really, writing isn't my thing. I love reading though. I think I will try writing something one day though, if it turns out to be rubbish at least I can say I tried.|||Hehe, that sounds nice. You should go for it...if you feel like it.|||Like Arcaeus said I definitely felt like that.|||I did my enneagram. It was type 8 I think. But when I read it, I didn't really care to be honest. Reminded me of horoscopes.|||I do feel like this often times. But I have accepted that people may not understand me. And I've stopped expecting them too. I just be myself, and actually, now and again someone comes along that...|||Hi, I had a PC account before, but that was a while ago and I wasn't that active actually. Anyway, coping with life has been hard in the meanwhile. I thought it would be nice to join this site again...|||my cousin just went away to uni yesterday, and she has no idea that she is one of the best things in my life and that I am going to miss her so much. The last few years since she has been in college...|||Hi, welcome. We live in the same city :)|||I was hoping to make friends on this website but I haven't. I was hoping to make friends on a number of online websites but I haven't. Maybe it's me, maybe I need to do something different or try...|||Me the same, the last time I had friends (for real) was when I was a child. I just can't find anyone to hang out with now. And a lot of people talk to me because of how I look but I don't want people...|||Hi, welcome :)|||When you skip over stories of girls talking about their boyfriends.|||ha! I can't even begin. This question will bring back my existential depression, don't even get me started!|||...OMG I wouldn't know what the hell to do with a girl either!! lol|||Yeah I agree with you, I'm not decided, I don't care for drawing conclusions. And I didn't even bother to watch through any of the films. I mainly just like the idea of working towards something that...|||By the way fellow INTPs, have you heard of The Venus Project. I heard of it a while ago now and strayed from it for a while but listening to Jacque Fresco on youtube recently, he actually points out...|||Congrats, I'm INTP too, and I am not opposed to having babies, if it ever happens, I would love it!|||Yeh, I find sports games annoying. I play wii sports with my cousin though cos we have fun doing that, and the fact that it's interactive makes it a bit less pointless.|||Do you play video games? Which ones do you like best? Or do you play any type of other games, board, computer, brain training games....? I quit like video games, now and again, to take my mind off...|||1) How frequent is this type of depression in your life? It's always there. It has been bothering me an insane amount especially the past few months. 2) How do you resist this type of depression?...|||I say b**** I wanted strawberries!!!|||Good food, winter, thunder storms, people that get sciency jokes, having good friends that just care.|||I do it but this question just made me realise how stupid it is. I just do because I have been conditioned to. It probably came from some old superstitious beliefs that are clearly not relevant in...|||<a href=http://s1217.photobucket.com/albums/dd397/enova2/?action=view&amp;current=DOODLEORdie.jpg target=_blank><img src=http://i1217.photobucket.com/albums/dd397/enova2/DOODLEORdie.jpg border=0...'
'Good topic! I don't mind reading extra words when the writing is good; there is nothing worse than failing to figure out what someone is trying to communicate because the grammar and structure is so...|||I guess when the topic of intelligence is broached, there is the inevitable discussion of will power and the application of hard work. And that's when we get the overused examples of lazy geniuses...|||I've experienced the same thing IRL; most of the people whose IQs I know have claimed to have IQs in the 99-99.9 percentile. I really believe that IQs have been inflated so that while 100 is...|||Silly as this thread is, I can easily see this being possible. Many ESTJs could adopt the values of their community and if their community/family values established education and all that that...|||Brittany--you probably don't know her, but she's a real b|||^^Enough with the ad hominems Nobody's going to win a nature vs nurture debate Lack of pride is social butter; it makes people less envious of you. Anybody with good social skills would be wise...|||Stultum's right-- None of these opinions regarding intelligence are under conscious control. I think threads about intelligence make everyone uncomfortable so we never really come to any good...|||Thank you for this comment. I think what I'm seeing on these posts and similar threads is a sort of pessimism around being a parent. This negative outlook seems to have its roots in a fixation on...|||Sounds like she mistyped big time....She doesn't sound like any E/INFP that I know. That's sensor thinking, and really frustrating. Most great theories in psychology are easy to dismiss--probably...|||I'm extremely maternal, but I don't really like the practical parts of mothering-- I do practical tasks quickly and efficiently so we can get on with the more interesting things. I get really into...|||^^enneathusiast, I don't know that much about having a social instinct...Isn't that like being an extravert? You did hit the nail on the head about some things- My SIL is extremely social,...|||Well, this isn't just some random sphere. This is my family. I was never best female in the family-- There really was no best anyone in our family and we all kind of gave support to one another,...|||The marker rs2937573 is located near a gene (TENM2) that may play a role in the brain. Individuals with the GG genotype at rs2937573 had about 1.2 times higher odds of being sensitive to the sound of...|||dominant function is Ni-- but uh, wish I didn't put that in there. It made you really miss the whole point of the post.|||I've tested as INTJ more than once....I definitely had issues with my mother and grandmother's chewing and low-class looking manners with food (hunched over backs, licking fingers). I read...|||I like this theory-- And I think there is truth to that! But really, unless somebody is talking at the level of an Einstein I don't see how it could all be gibberish to those who aren't as smart as...|||I've experienced a very similar history as a student, from making the best grades in my class for a few semesters, to burning out and failing for a short period, only to get myself back on track once...|||I have an enneagram 3 (maybe wing 2) sister-in-law. In our family, everyone is very supportive and encouraging towards her. In fact, most of the family focuses on her talents and hobbies. And...|||And counterintuitively, enneagram 3s aren't always as successful as other types--I know a textbook enneagram 3 who isn't successful at all, but seems satisfied with appearing successful. She has...|||I think Js appear more intelligent, because left brained thinking seems to be associated with intelligence. And then there's being female, which looks less smart to the majority of people. To...|||I don't totally get it either! But what I do know is I'm very good at guessing the general percentile that others received on standardized tests. Now you can argue that standardized tests and IQ...|||Lying is ultimately a social skill associated with narcissism.|||I am still trying to improve my Fe--Recently, I've noticed that when I've recounted some bad circumstance of my life a friend will say I'm sorry. When someone tells me about something unfortunate...|||I got bored once it got easy to do the very advanced puzzles, but I was really into it up until that point. The sodukos where there was only one number on the whole thing were so difficult I also...|||I wouldn't go by nerd style. Geek chic has been all the rage around here, especially amongst the SP crowd.|||Intuitives learn and then invent new technology if that is their area of expertise. Sensors learn and then use technology. Everyone can use a smartphone.|||This is something I've been noticing for some time and I wanted to know if anyone else has experienced something similar. Since about the first grade I've been able to tell how somebody's...|||Some common, even religious, ethical rules make this kind of bonding and support all the more difficult. Anger is wrong, don't be judgmental, gossip is evil and wrong, don't talk behind peoples'...|||I don't even know that he thinks he made a mistake; Of course, I might be wrong, but I believe he thinks he's lucky. They met on a dating site and I know she described herself like a female...|||Good marriages, bad marriages- maybe it's all spiritual Good, easy relationships sustain the spirit while bad relationships stress the spirit, but result in growth. You could just as easily...|||I agree with this comment. But do certain types have a monopoly on having a conscience? I can think of a few INTXs who had extremely strong consciences, almost aspergers-like in it's high...|||Criticism in a vacuum is no big deal, but many times people criticize those they feel superior to which reveals who's above whom in the great pecking order. If you look at things closely, someone...|||I see what your saying. Sure, competition can be very exciting. But I guess I also see it as animalistic and commonplace, kind of a jock mentality. I've always idealized the lone genius who...|||When I say I don't like competitive people, I'm not referring to being competitive on a game where it is expected. I can be extremely competitive on video games. But I do have a big problem...|||I didn't know about conflict relations-- something new to look up, cool! But yes, I get the impression that the INTJ male feels he deserves punishment somehow, and he doesn't know what a great...|||No, it's not weird, pretty normal actually. The most popular girls in school do many prosocial things, but they also do mean things regularly. It makes all the 'regulars' respect her and try to...|||The left brained nature of school assignments makes it hard to access the right brained creative and emotional side, where all the really exceptional work is going to come from. When you are forced...|||INTJs--It's maybe the only type where I don't have to change myself to be well received. The seem to even like the bad parts of my personality.|||Come to think of it, I don't know anybody that ever expresses anger...It's sort of seen as an out-of-control emotion that is greatly disapproved of in society. Weirdly, I even know people who've...|||And the few times where I do seem to get some attention, there seems to be some ESFP just seething in the background because she isn't getting 100% of the attention. Then she'll ramp it up with a...|||Yikes, I love science (excelled particularly in math/science in school) and I don't remember the last time I cried...and I'm INFP. Being depressed doesn't make a person INFP.|||I know at least 2 INTJ/ESFJ couples. While they seem to be a very stable pair, I can easily tell that the INTJ is looked down upon by the ESFJ while the INTJ shows strange fawning admiration towards...|||You are just really self-conscious. Narcissists fake it and get the best social results-- Someone tells you something bad that happened to them-- cue concerned expression Otherwise look...|||I think I'm the opposite. Since I was a young child I've considered myself to be very average looking and acting. It's peoples' reactions and comments about me that tell me that I'm actually very...|||I personally think the types should have two separate descriptions, one for the female version and one for the male. I'm sure an INFP male is going to behave differently from an INFP female just as...|||I don't feel sympathy for people I really dislike...In fact, I usually want bad things to happen to them so that they will learn their lesson, possibly grow from their negative experiences and...|||^^Yeah, I'm hypersensitive to people's emotions too, and this is a very strong indicator that I'm INFP. But what do we do with INTPs and INTJs (and ENFP/Js) who are also hypersensitive to others'...|||It's hard to type ourselves because we know too much about ourselves. Undoubtedly, we are going to find contradictions and exceptions all over the place. I wonder if the most accurate method of...|||[not a debate] but, my first thought was you seem really verbose for an INTJ.|||I've been unsure of being INFP, mostly because I'm pretty weak in F and P. But in my case, I don't think this was denial so much as I actually am not a textbook example of INFP. Other people I...'
'I imagined other kingdoms with linguistic variations, different mores and laws and created neologisms. Of course the other rulers were incompetent and I had to intervene.|||You know you're an INTJ when you didn't have an imaginary friend but an imaginary kingdom and you weren't the king, but the kingmaker.|||A childhood pic. I'm told I look menacing here. I though I looked 'cute'.http://i.imgur.com/FiXDV.jpg|||You know you're an INTJ when two people you've known for over 10 years, meet and bond over you quicker (in 10mins) than you've bonded with either of them in 10 years.|||when you scroll through the 200 odd entries in your phone list and realise that there are perhaps just 1 or 2 people with whom you'd consider spending time. The others are co-workers, plumbers,...|||An INTJ knows you're an ENFP when you're not dissuaded from talking to us despite our usual 'I'm not interested,' demeanor; you keep changing topics mid-sentence and have already jumped 3 topics...|||Vent Alert: You know you're an INTJ when just being yourself is enough to make people think you're rude and selfish. Aaaaaaaaaaaaargh!|||My dad was an INTJ and my mum is an INTP. My mum and I get along well because she is pretty laid back (NP?). I often think of her as the more agreeable / sociable version of me (an INTJ). I find it...|||Oh no, it's Judge Dredd. (Overheard in the hallway, prior to final year vivas.)|||It's Intel again. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-OQ1Nu1koyQ|||Boiled Sheep Head....yum. https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/_oGAjBir4nCw/TaVNpXdNQ0I/AAAAAAAAGEU/y9L8njy0-XE/s640/IMG_3666.JPG|||In such situations, I have the tendency to offer short responses or none at all, if I can help it but I do see how explaining one's own point of view might help with an F one cares about........|||Oh! I like that! That's thinking 5 moves ahead! My conversation went like this: ENFP: Don't you like people? INTJ: Er...I like some of them. ENFP: Then why don't you spend time with them?...|||Today, I got asked, Don't you like people? How do you answer an ENFP who asks you something like that? Without being rude.|||I got that while chatting last night. Chatting!!! Why? Because I don't follow every sentence with a :happy: ?|||This is an all-time uni. favourite in India. Goes well with chai. Egg Puffs Hard Boiled Eggs-4 Puff pastry-1 pkt/sheet Salt and Pepper - to taste Paprika Pwd/ Chili Pwd/Curry Pwd - to taste ...|||Welcome ........|||Yeah, people presume I've taken some sort of religious vow. Now, that is scary. http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-ash1/v134/162/84/857005234/n857005234_1223051_3419.jpg?dl=1|||I've scored 74.|||Sure we do. Except, our dates aren't like their dates. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jm3FEOGnS3c&feature=related|||Reminds me of one of my former house-mates/work colleagues. Everyone thought he was a jerk. In fact, as an intervention they got us all to do the MBTI. Surprise, surprise! He turned out be an INTJ....|||You know you're and INTJ when, while you're thinking of how to phrase a question to ask someone or type out, you simultaneously come up with at least three possible answers, while evaluating the pros...|||Moin! I'm Indian but lived in Ostfriesland for a year. :)|||I was wondering if this is an INTJ thing. On the rare occasions I do emote, I find that it's usually to express negative emotions such as annoyance, irritation and in some rare cases, anger. I don't...|||Yeah, I can dance..... in private and with the lights off.|||LOL!....and I'm partial to redheads too. Too bad polyandry isn't allowed where I come from!|||Amen! I cannot abide books or people that waste words on irrelevance!|||One of the fondest memories I have of my childhood is spending monsoon afternoons reading with my INTP mum. We would each choose an article from an encyclopedia and read it out to each other. I...|||You always knew you were an INTJ when, as a child, instead of bed-time stories you'd rather be read to from an encyclopedia.... better still, you'd read yourself to sleep.|||Psychology|||Pleads guilty to being impatient with FPs on numerous occasions. :confused:|||You know you're an INTJ when you go into stealth mode when other people are around. People tend think you're daydreaming/reading/not around, etc and proceed to have a discussion when suddenly, BAM!...|||Pink, the best kind of revenge. Unfortunately, copying is more the norm than the exception where I live.|||More like two.|||Oh, I learnt my lesson alright. The next time I was asked I suggested they have everything redone in pink.|||You know you're an INTJ when your boss asks you what you think of the new website and you give him your recommendations along with a couple of templates only to have them rejected because they don't...|||I have 2 female friends whom I've known for years. One's an ENFP and the other is a an INTJ. Having an ENFP friend has taught me how to deal with other F types as well as women. I still run things by...|||You know you're an INTJ when someone asks you for feedback and halfway into it, they bust into tears and you have no idea why.|||Cyrus thinks he's a cat. Does that count? https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/_oGAjBir4nCw/TX07GrYd1XI/AAAAAAAAGBU/wN5UaTGGmlE/28481_10150217736930235_857005234_13216580_4933411_n.jpg...|||[QUOTE=MKMason;818786]Drawings: http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s91/enigmaticartist/1Osmosis-small.jpg I think this is my favourite so far!|||Sorry, the picture isn't very clear. I did this when I must have been around 10 and wanted to become an archaeologist. ...|||While I have already done part of what Rhee said, (asked for feedback and gave examples of how the changes have benefited the students and department through raised pass percentages, increased...|||I still think this one's cool http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_tPZzR7EpIjg/TMTg8SkAk1I/AAAAAAAAAQ4/uN4Z3U6yTgQ/s1600/t-1000.gif|||Phone calls. I hate it when people interrupt my train of thought.|||Hi! I'm an INTJ with an ISFJ boss and we've been having trouble dealing with change. She was on sabbatical when I was appointed and while she was away, the syllabus underwent an upgrade and more...|||Bah! No wonder! Thanks!|||Hi! I'm an INTJ with an ISFJ boss and we've been having trouble dealing with change. She was on sabbatical when I was appointed and while she was away, the syllabus underwent an upgrade and more...|||<--- An INTJ at an INTJ afterparty.|||You know you're an INTJ when your student comes up to you and says, Y'know when I first met you, I thought you were scary. And you ask, And now? And the students replies, Well, er I was...|||Ah, that explains the HAL 9000 bit.'
'Oh I really dislike tests like these (even though I usually do quite well when it comes to shapes and logic and stuff). I find them about as entertaining as I would find reading a phone book to a...|||So many things that I'd like to do; I get nothing done.|||Wellsy ATLeow Thanks a lot. :)|||I'd like to re-post some of the art I uploaded here some time ago because I've improved the colours etc. So I was wondering, how does one remove the thumbnails/pictures or even full comments? Is it...|||I really liked Iceland's entry, too bad it didn't get more points. Conchita was my second favourite. The song fit the character well and I liked the way s/he was trying to have an impact of...|||This has bothered me for closer to eight years now so I'd appreciate your thoughts on the matter: My cousin was once annoying me, I can't remember what it was exactly that she said, but it was...|||It's odd/interesting how one just kind of has this feeling that s/he won't live to be old. I've had that kind of a feeling since primary school, but I naturally never tell my family of it, it's not...|||Some days this world really brings me down and I'll feel so tired, emotionally drained, like I were eighty. This may sound rather dramatic, but I think I'm going to die young, because I can't see my...|||Scotland! And Peru.|||hey gurl you hot i like u. get here and we can **** i dont have money but udont either so were perfect for each other i will take care of u Sorry. Just wanted to give you a more authentic...|||How did people cut their toe nails in the stone age?|||AllorNuthin What an interesting experiment! I got your advice too late, as I've already tried internet dating. Literally minutes after I had created a profile, f. ex. this Indian guy (who apparently...|||Yeah, I might well be missing something, as I'm really not that familiar with the older episodes. I like the newer seasons though. O'Cunningham is quite cute. :3 You shouldn't write things like...|||Tater Tot That comment tells more about the jerk who wrote it than it does of the person it's supposed to be describing - people like that commenter are the embodiment of everything that is wrong in...|||Well, if one doesn't count the three seasons when the Doctor became a robot (I hated those series, it was all very unbelievable and obviously propaganda by the Grey Party), I believe the Doctor in my...|||What type of writing and/or art do you do? I write and draw/paint, but I'm most serious about my writing. I write stories and poetry (and some stuff just for myself). I'm especially interested in...|||Synful Interesting. Thanks for answering. Heh, I hope life won't do something similar to me for the way I sometimes pity thinkers and tend to find them rather boring. :D|||attic Sorry, I only noticed your comment now. Quite good, at least I understood all of it. (Istu! Silmät auki! Pese kädet! Suu auki! Pese hampaat! Jalka, toinen jalka. Hyvä! <- What on Earth...|||Intriguing. What kind of differences have you noticed, if you don't mind me asking?|||Ever tried it? Why? Why not? If you have tried it, how did you find the whole experience?|||Yes, I'd be interested. :3|||Writing an essay.|||I'm not allowed to give you details, but trolls do have something to do with it all - they are infiltrating the Internet even now as we speak. I'm sure you have encountered a few trolls in your life...|||I'm very sorry, but there isn't. :( We do have some other cool technology, but there won't be another Internet, or at least there isn't one yet. That's why I'm spending my time on the Internet while...|||Doughnuts won't exist in 2090s due to you leaving England. Please don't leave England. :/ Bruce Forsyth will still be around in 2090s, if you're interested in knowing.|||I just returned a horribly written 10-page essay to my professor. It was utter crap. I might have as well send her a toilet roll with it.|||attic AstralVagabond Sorry it took me some time to answer. I've actually answered all your questions twice by now, but apparently I wasn't supposed to give you such detailed information and so the...|||Okay. Bad news. My time machine still isn't working and I still can't get back home. :( Don't get me wrong - it's nice to be in this time as I've always been interested in history, especially in...|||I was very popular in elementary school (7-12 yo) - I was voted to receive the smiling girl statue whenever there was a vote (in the first and the sixth grade, that is) and girls and boys both...|||I've only ever really dealt with dogs and they've seemed to like me well enough. I don't know if I have a special connection with animals, but for some reason I seem to encounter wild animals more...|||Hello and welcome, hazendeuce! I hope you'll enjoy your stay here. :)|||I've always liked learning and been quite curious, but when I was 13-15 yo, I certainly didn't like school. It was a horrible place.|||nicoloco90 That depends on whether there's any emotion involved in my part. If I feel neutral towards the attractive person, I recognize that they're pleasing to the eye and I may even admire...|||Excellent first post. :3 Welcome to the forum.|||I wouldn't dream of calling anyone ugly due to their appearance. I like people who have some character in their appearance and I'd probably see pass any physical fault in a person's appearance if...|||Fully agree with this, would have written something similar hadn't you beaten me to it.|||Exactly why I don't dare to drive. I can move the car around well enough, but due to daydreaming etc, I tend to bump into people when I'm walking so I don't dare to take a risk that I might drive...|||XD A moustache would actually suit me. It makes me look like a pirate (I consider that a good thing).|||pinkmatter Hmm, it looks like there was quite a lot of misunderstanding going on in our posts. In my posts, I was only trying to present you with different point of views, with something to think...|||I do wear makeup, but only when I feel like it. Sometimes when I'm at home by myself, I like to draw myself a moustache with my eyebrow pencil just to see how it would look & how I would look if I...|||It's not like I'd actually done something to earn the right to be an INFP (if one doesn't count the three asteroids I destroyed before I was born, but that's supposed to be an internation secret so I...|||Idealism Never Failed People|||This day has been lovely. I'm so happy. Life is beautiful.|||Being critical of existing theories&opinions and creating theories on one's own are not the same thing, though they're not exactly mutually exclusive either. To simplify a bit: one can't and I...|||Necrox Some armchair psychology: perhaps you've been holding back some of the INFP qualities and now that you're learning that those things are actually a part of you and that it's all fine, you're...|||You could have just said in the first place that you're critical of what you're taught (like most people try to be). I got the impression of your original comment that you would prefer to come up...|||I didn't have imaginary friends - my mom says that I had too many play mates to have imaginary friends during the day - but I had three dream friends that visited me in my dreams every now and then...|||Why reinvent the wheel? One should, of course, be critical of what they're taught, but in the long run it will be easier for you to come up with your own theories if you already know some useful...|||Teenage years. Awkward years. Miserable years. Innocent years. So much lost potential. I spent a lot of time hiding when I was a teenager, sometimes in the store next to our school, sometimes in...|||It appears that this is way bigger than I ever assumed.'
'All of those great memories!! I remember when Pokemon was floating through my school. Let me think... When did it all start? First grade? The kids in my class would steal their siblings' Pokemon...|||Well good news everyone!! I have next year figured out <big sigh of relief> Taking some advice (from my lovely friends on PerC), a couple days ago I went searching for information about 2 year...|||I think that that may have something to do with it :P I catch myself doing that sometimes! Parent:You should go to bed early tonight. Me: Okay (but in my mind I'm set on staying up even later...|||Thank you thank you thank you! I need all of the help and encouragement that I can get! You guys are awesome :) Honestly, I'm a little bit more frustrated now because of my mom. She's been...|||Okay. So I have been struggling with this for the past few weeks. I am graduating in 3 weeks and I still don't know what to do. Every teacher, guidance counsiler, and adult that should know what...|||Out of the night that covers me, Black as the pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be For my unconquerable soul. In the fell clutch of circumstance I have not winced nor cried...|||When you are contemplating the meaning of life and you have one of those wonderful light bulb moments. Two seconds later your sister walks up behind you and scares the living bejeezus out of you,...|||I love documentaries!! Last night I watched one about a guy riding a Segway (how do you spell it?) across the US. It was a little ridiculous :P|||Too true... I have to do a better job at that :P Hmm... I have more access to the book, so I think that I'll start there. :) Thanks!|||:) I'm glad you liked it! I freaked out the first time I saw it... I 'stumbled upon' it. Good site... Tom Baker's scarf is pretty great as well. Like you, I've never watched (sans one episode)...|||Too true... :) I loved the converse. http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lm9j9cOsn81qjmsqqo1_500.jpg I hope the image worked... I smile every time I see David Tennant in this picture :P And is it...|||I need a game with a good plot... I also love the silly minigames where you can fish or roll around on skateboards :) I'm a big fan of Zelda games... the first time I played Twilight Princess, I...|||I've heard a little bit about Game of Thrones... Should I read the books first? Or should I jump right in to the show? I'm all for reading the books first but that usually sets me up for...|||1. Sunny smiles 2. Bubbles! 3. Going on rants about things I love 4. Wrestling with my sister! 5. Singing in the car with my siblings! Windows rolled down and music blasting in my ears! 6....|||I'll go first... primarily to give my post some company 1. BBC television!! Doctor Who, Sherlock, and Merlin are among my favorites :) 2. Korean Dramas. I know, I know odd right? 3. ...|||I just want to know what you lovely people are watching these days!! Give me a genre or any specific shows that you love(and I mean to the point of obsession :P...) :)|||Well, hello! Looks like you are an awesome person with an awesome taste in television!! I couldn't resist saying hi when I saw Matt Smith's lovely shining face :) Bow ties are cool|||ISTJ all the way! It's funny my dad and I are INFPs and my younger sister and my mom are ISTJs. When I happen to hear my parents argue, more often than not, I think it's a little funny. My sister...|||INXP... I see very many similarities between him and me (it's almost spooky)... But in arguments he tends to not let the ol' emotions get the better of him ( me on the other hand...) I think he's...|||When you and your INFP father decide that you and him are elves stuck in the human world :) When you happy about being the decendent of several Viking kings :) And you are a teensy bit proud of...|||You just made my day!! I am obsessed with Doctor Who :)|||Your memory dies everytime you walk up or down the stairs. I should get my homework from my bedroom! You run upstairs. You grab your IPod and run back down to get a drink of water. You...|||A kid killed himself last night. When I got to school this morning it was chaotic. You wouldn't believe the atmosphere. It crushed me. God... Everyone was asking questions. Why? Why would he...|||Wow... It really captured it for me :) I think that I can really relate right now... I'm going through a lot of changes in my life. I want to do so much but the doubt I have just sits there in my...|||USA... yay?|||30417 :P My eyes are usually not as light as they are in this picture... And yes. I know. Wrinkles :)|||When you come back down - Nickel Creek http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_GSbGZgj0k&feature=related|||30213 30214 30212 30215|||:0... A true procrastinator in action. I have something extremely important to do... and I go on PerC. Perfect. That will make my whole situation better. Wasted time = more time! Jeez...|||Well that sucks... the absent-minded INFP strikes again. :( WHERE IS MY FLASH DRIVE????? Argh!! I have a HUGE paper due tomorrow and I can't find it!|||When you know when friends(?) are trying to use you (in any way, shape, or form) and you just smile at their sad attempt at being clever. Does anybody else find those pesky little patterns in...|||Lucky you, my friend. I share a birthday with Justin Bieber.... Yes we are the exact same age. Month, day, and year. I would have honestly guessed that he was a couple years younger than me... but...|||I don't know.... I just really liked this quote :) To be honest with you, I don't have the words to make you feel better, but I do have the arms to give you a hug, ears to listen to whatever you...|||30153 I've been told he's a little creepy... but i'm still proud! :proud:|||When you talk to someone across the room... with your mind, just in case they might me a mind reader :) Then you start to call them names because they are reading your mind and then you feel bad. ...|||When you dread the moment you have to call someone. You almost make yourself sick every time you pick up that dang phone and it starts to ring on the other end :( When you wait for the person...|||You know you're an INFP when ~you have to shut your eyes while clicking the post button :) ~you look back at earlier posts and cringe at your word choice ~you look at the clock and realize you've...|||Well... Hi there! I would love some book suggestions... I'm trying to fling myself into the world of adult fiction. Every time I've tried, Teen fiction takes me by the ankles and pulls me...|||I can relate completely... I have these moments of... waking up, I guess? I look down at my hands and it takes a moment to realize what I'm actually looking at. It scares me sometimes ): I wonder...|||I lose a little bit of faith in good television ever time I hear the words 'reality tv'. Bring back creative entertainment! Pokemon! Doctor Who! Korean Dramas! I don't care about 'Snookies'...|||I have been told countless times by my sister that I'm a hippie... I don't think that's me :) I prefer short hair over long hair... no drugs...not really into bright flower printed clothes But...|||All my life... When I was younger, I was terrified of getting scoliosis. I couldn't bring myself to slouch at all... Oh! Add on being extremely tall for my age and bullies at school. Not the...|||Well there she goes again... Are all INTJs so sensitive? My goodness! All I have to do is say one wrong thing or look at her 'weird' and she gets angry at me for the rest of the day. If I react...|||Shake It Out - Florence & The Machine :)|||Mine matches... INFP - B+|||INFP and Pisces :)|||I would never have guessed that! Thank you for telling me :)|||Christmas music... I have mixed feelings about it :)|||Personal ~ * Name - What do you preferred to be called? Many names :) Call me anything. - Any nicknames? Mo. Ames. Hey you... :) * Male/Female/Trans? Female Location - Where were...|||Darn it! :) That was one of my favorite Playstation games growing up... Now I'm really curious about where you got you name :)'
'I can relate to this to some extend, but I'm quite sure I was more Ti oriented even before I got burned. Be careful to not fall in the trap of thinking that ENTPs are so awesome and cold and...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30aM0-u7whs|||I zone my friendships exactly the same way as OP, but I call hers Zone 2 Zone 2 Tier 2 and hers Grayzone 2-1 Zone 2 Tier 1. I found the coincidence very amusing.|||Oh boy, here we go. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urDvpX-CfTw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zOfjkl-3SNE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2DiEBHCSmKg|||Suzumiya Haruhi.|||Christmas is all fun and party, great food and some time with the family. I think the gift giving is kinda silly, I don't really enjoy it, but I'm not against ot either. It's a children oriented...|||You are 5.6% Evil. You are 17.9% Lawful. Alignment: True Neutral I go both ways.|||I wanted to be an astrounat, travel throught the space and stuff like that. Then my uncle told me that I would need an aeronautical engineering degree for that and I changed my mind. After that, I...|||Fly === Dragon Quest|||Penguins, 'cause they are awesome.|||Being a highschool level teacher at the age of 19.|||Mattress and pillow tester, I'd be paid to sleep! And truth be told, I'm just a great sleeper. During my waking hours, I'd like to be a RPG designer and/or a novel writer.|||A penguin for sure, penguins are awesome!|||I just can't function very well during the day, and not at all before noon. I have serious problems to wake up (theoretically at 6:30) and I just can't fall asleep before midnight.|||Not really, I'm more of a listener than a talker, but in some occasions I can get very talkative and won't shut up, but this is fairly rare, usually I'm not in the mood to talk.|||http://images.orkut.com/orkut/photos/OgAAAHJqc0KWRxmETeW5SrqZ_SuSQl52nCqoJruhDbl7tq5WbrvQOSgRxXI7VfMozNBau_6Yl3cLh8NF19KtOpXU65MAm1T1UL66GnWRzWQqpZipHEdonBcskfwl.jpg Old pic is old. Btw, I hate my...|||Surrender now, or prepare to fight!|||In this setting I would try to make every student participate in the class, challenge their minds, observe how they think and use this information to mold my teaching style and optimize the lecture....|||Now that you mention it, it really makes sense.|||He's probably into you, sounds very obvious. If you like him as well, you should give him some signs, start subtle, if he doesn't get it go more direct, but is probably best to wait for him to make a...|||I thought about time travel a lot when I was younger, the possibilities and implications of it, finally concluding that it's not possible. My laziness is preventing me of elaborating more. Also,...|||In the last seven years I just cried about five times or so and the last time I was really drunk. I used to cry a lot when I was a child, usually in anger, but now I just can't, even when I'm...|||My best friend is an INTP and I have other quite good friends that a re INTPs.|||what is this i don't even|||Haruhi is most likely an ENTJ with her bossy OBEY behavior.|||I am awesome!|||Also, an ESFJ mom might be overprotective of her children getting worried all the time not letting her children be free. It can be hard for her to let go of a child who is moving out o live its own...|||We don't have weakness, just some minor assets like procrastination. It would suck to be perfect, I mean, where is the challenge in that?|||I feel that way too, I don't find the idea atractive. I'm an EN type, but it looks like I'm the only one here who feels that way, probably beacuse I'm almost an IN.|||I was on a trip with some friends and we were sleeping at the grandma's of one of the guys, and she had a cat. I don't like cats. Anyway, I was sleeping in the room with an INTP friend of mine and...|||All fo them, all the time.|||I have a plan that revolves around an army of cockroaches with thumbs carrying laser guns and exploding penguins. It will work.|||http://onceuponageek.com/images/sw_religion.jpg Sorry catholics...|||My exgirlfriend told me I was the perfect boyfriend and she meaned it. I'm an awesome RPG GM. I have kickass naginata fighting skills. I'm smart as hell.|||Is it your opinion that you see your own subforum as only for your own type? No. Do you become perturbed by other types posting in your subforum? No. ]How many other types do you generally...|||All the time, and I always answer thank you.|||I'm very good with maps, and have an ok sense of direction, but I still get lost when people don't give me accurate information on the place I'm going, which happens a lot.|||College is little bit different here, in the southern hemisphere, you have to choose your major BEFORE you enter college and stick to it, or you can do as I did, drop it and take the entry exams all...'
'desperately wish there was a moment every day where I could completely get out of my headspace.|||I have met several...but will limit this discussion to two extremes. One female INFJ and I had some instant chemistry. But honestly when I look back at it, and things like the concept of empathic...|||The child in the crowd. I told my father that my grandmother had osteoporosis (I had overheard the doctor when I came to pick her up). I was 15 or 16, maybe they (my family) didn't think I knew...|||Yes. You are not alone.|||Patience and persistence as well as putting yourself out there will help. It'll take time, it won't happen over night but I do believe in you. If they've asked for a temp they are not...|||thelostxin I have no idea what your degree is in. None. I don't know what you want to do long term either. I agree that following your heart is important there's a great amount of satisfaction...|||I am a Mechanical Engineer. Math was not always easy...but persistence is what made the difference, sometimes hours or days of struggle with it. Some aspects of math felt intuitive, some very...|||I think ISTJs are certainly romantic, at least some of the ones I've experienced. I think there is an innate dedication to the nurturing and care of those who they care about, and a very a strong...|||I'm not an ENTP, but I do have some life experience with what you are describing. When I was younger my mother often told me that the darkness that surrounded someone made the star shine...|||No, no such luck. Unfortunately she (ESTJ) seems to be, from an anthropological perspective, a more low context individual. Bummer. I do rant a lot and have only met one person in my life capable of...|||Direct at the female in an honest, clear fashion. Some things I would imagine are not totally clear, but could be easily clarified.|||How would an ESTJ (female) react to an INFJ rant? Particularly one of a romantic context... :-/....|||I'm posting this because I would seriously just like to get some insights not sure that this is the right forum but I am trying to understand some underlying cognitive processes here. Alright so...|||No. I don't use the alcohol to leave the house. But sometimes to loosen up a bit. Mostly when I hit a club or social scene. Helps to stop the anxiety and still allows me the ability to interact with...|||I had two INFJ grandparents. I cannot speak of either in the capacity of being a parent, because clearly the was not my father. At the point in my life wher I was able to evaluate his character...|||You're stubborn Why don't you ever tell me what you're feeling? In earlier years: Don't you ever get bored in your room?|||Define you and not you in the context of him. You are a completely seperate and unique entity. I don't think intelligence has anything to do with type. So...who are you? How do you behave? What are...|||Dear Milly, It was honestly refreshing to meet someone who I thought was so different from the norm. I liked your quirkyness, the clean eating, the excessive use of expressive expletives and...|||Merry Christmas!|||I don't completely agree with Gerro. I think it's honestly fine if he wasn't nervous. I think that that is just something that more inexperienced INFJs exhibit. I say that because it might be that...|||riposte|||insidious|||@sinsandsecrets Not trying to start an argument and what I really should have said is that I don't have the functions committed to memory, my familiarity with them is still limited and I haven't...|||I have to say that you really do sound better. I'd love to keep chatting with you and exchanging ideas if you're up for it. I understand a lot of what you are saying. Funny how dreams can be spawned...|||I'd love to see this answered as I have come across that issue myself. Pretty damn frustrating. Insights anyone?|||This is a really interesting argument. I have been forced to use and develop Te and Ti because of critical thought processes associated with becoming an engineer, just as I have had to develop my...|||How do I get an ENFP girl?|||Having one of those days today as it appears to be a recharge day... What a flippin' shame.|||I would have to say that I honestly believe the happiest moments in my life will be with my nuclear family; more specifically my wife and children (if I'm ever fortunate enough to have either of...|||Father: INTJ Mother: ENFJ Sister: INFJ|||sinsandsecrets Hey buddy! It seems to me like you are progressing. What you are going through is normal and I genuinely mean that. It seems to me that there are some realizations that you are...|||sinsandsecrets , in the mean time here is something to meditate to http://youtu.be/hxhmSCq4V9M|||sinsandsecrets Give me a day or so to catch up. I will read and I'm hoping for the best my friend. Thank you for your comment. Remember this always: We all carry baggage, the only question...|||I was born to an INTJ father and ENFJ mother. Although my mother has professed her personality type through various tests, calling her a lower level ENFJ in my opinion would be most appropriate. If...|||Have no clue what you're enneagram is but almost any engineering branch outside of civil engineering will net you a pretty good salary and you will top out at 6 figs easily.|||5...peep the sig|||@thicks1 Mr. Thicks, I am sorry that you find yourself under such present stress. Death is a very interesting subject. I was your age when I lost my first grandparent. I don't know how...|||And you did that by doing what?|||PRICELESS!!!!!! ROTFL. You made my day right there...I have felt that way talking to my mother. Dude c'mon, what do you like doing period? just explain.|||How sure are you that you are an INFJ? So sure that until I learned about MBTI I was going out of my mind. I read some descriptions of INFJs and it seriously made me feel like there was a...|||Dewymorning you should show them your math so it makes sense to them ;-). I'm going to be lazy and watch :-P For first example if 1%, then 99% of 30 would 29.7. Taking the sample size to be 30 we...|||Thank you for that statement, I really can't begin to tell you how mature that is. As far as the redhead, not the way I would hope. This is a complicated story that transcends the bounds of this...|||sinsandsecrets Ok. Rule number one here is that while I want to try to help, there is a likelihood and certainty that I will fail you in some respect. There just is, and I likely will. I really...|||sinsandsecrets Write it up. Be patient with me man. I will respond, I am in the midst of changing jobs right now so I have some homework I have to get done too. We can talk more. I am reading.|||thicks1 in addition to the response that I gave you, read this . You know my feelings on this. This is just another function. We can discuss other examples another time. We are 1% thicks, 1%...|||thicks1 When you wake I will have something for you. I will try, I think I understand, if I don't , please don't give up on trying to explain. For now dream wondrous things.|||thicks1 I'm on my mobile, can you explain a bit more in the mean time? I will get to a comp and write you your response. Smile my boy, you're not alone. :-).|||Can you answer MonogamyIsLame 's question? I'm curious too.. I don't know how old you are but if I were an adventurous gal I would do the following: I'd keep my clothes on but I might let...|||I support this. If I wasn't transitioning to the food industry I would totally do this. Rock on!!!|||That's right, push them broads aside...be the ringleader'
'HAuhuHAuh You might be right Muhicz. I'm just wondering if these steps come exactly the same ages like it said, it's tought to believe scientifically... but, it doesn't really matter, the point is...|||Thank you, MisterJordan. Your words are helpfull. It helps me to think that the conflicting beetwen Fi and Ti could be an inner development of myself, improving who I am. But I must say I'm not the...|||I've read about the Fe and Fi functions, I'm a Fi. I also know well about the MBTI types, I have been stdying them the last 2 years. Fi preference means I am an ENFP... but it still weird... I should...|||Is it possible to change our own archetypes? I am an ENFP, with proud, and I knew that about 3 years ago, but sometime ago I started to get me acting like an ENTP. These last years I had to live all...|||Are you sure they're ENTPs, Moby? It sounds like an ENTJ to me. The great marshall and achiever who seek power and domination. The ENTPs are more inclined to be the great inventor, the crazy...|||Well, I'm an ENFP, and lately I developed my people skills pretty well. I've been studying so much the human behavior and the human brain. It's really interesting.:laughing: But talking about...|||I was thinking... Do you think he could be an ENFJ? He seems to be much focused than us. I don't know, just guessing... He seems like an E to me, and he is undoubtely an NF. On the other hand, I...|||Wow! Oo Amazing... I totally agree with you! I also rewatched the trilogy and got the same feeling about Morpheus. I couldn't have explained it better than you. =D Awesome!|||I'm agnostic.|||haha lol I understand you...:crazy: I guess that's our survivor code, that mask... We are naturally like an ENFP should be, but sometimes the micro-world where we are in, where we belong, doesn't...|||I guess I'll really love you INFJs! =D I need to find an INFJ girl, but I couldn't find it yet... =/ I wish I could find some INFJ girl soon... Thanx for the tips! ;D|||Lure, ok. So be it. What to do to charm and lure an ISTJ?...|||So, you mean that if someone wants to get your atention, and make you get interested by him/her, they'll need to do something sexually driven? Seduce, to my knowledge, by definition is to cause...|||Hey everyone! This is not a bad question. It is really an usefull one. I'm curious to know what a person can do to seduce you, to get your atention, to make you feel in love. And yes, a girl point of...|||Yep! =] I gotta agree with Musikaman. I also don't think I got a good memory, everyone around me says that (and yes, they're almost all sensors). Nevertheless, I do not know why, but when I feel...|||Wow... =] So helpfull, Lullaby! Thanks.|||Wow, thank you, BehindSmile! =D|||Yeah, I respect ... I still think this kind of inconsistent person on communication is somewhat fake with himself and with others, but I respect ... Each person is the way they see fit better... xD...|||Yes, I guess you say everything... =p Let us be great friends then!|||Damn kkkkkkkk So am I, fellow... xD|||HAuhuA lol Thanks Vanilambrozja! Your good energy motivate me and let me stronger. :happy: Let's make the difference together ENFPs! :wink:|||I'm an ENFP and I would like to help the mankind... In addiction, I would love to meet an INFJ girl, I would love to get over my loved girls definetily, I would love to find my perfect carrer to...|||Ah, one more thing: Believe it or not, only 7% of the messages that we serve face to face occur through words. The volume, tone and the pace of voice account for about 40% of the message, and...|||First, I want to clarify that I'm not the type of guy who goes around reading the body language of all world 24 hours a day. Then, I would say to Lady K she is partly right. We can not go around...|||I guess I didn't get your point...:confused:|||Oo Hey, don't misunderstand me... I just commented... :proud:I'm not fighting. Maybe I didn't get what you mean...:crazy: Sorry, I'm a little crazy right now. :tongue:|||Sometimes the body and the actions tell us more than the words. Especially with you women. You said no when you really means yes. But it happen with everyone.|||Yeah, I agree with you... no good reason to end it. Just emptiness... =/ That's to weird and sad, but I must agree. It was the same to me, and I suppose it was to you as well... Sorry if an ENFP...|||Woaw... I'm kinda impressed. You made your point clearly.:happy: Thanks. Well, from what you said I'm now confused as well... I would like to talk to you more about it later if I could. But you...|||That's the spirit! =] Cool!|||Mina, I explain the research to you. I don't understand why can't you collaborate with it. It's just vote. I'm not planning to get the most accurate of all results in the world, and I also don't...|||Yeah, I say the same...I hate what Summer did! But, now it intrigues me again:dry: Serious, be sincere, in the movie, the man is the ENFP (like me), and Summer, the girl, the ISFJ (like my...|||Damn it! I'm so so impressed with this topic. It's everything the same... I got an case with an ISFJ last year, and it was perfect at the begining, but then we start to destroy one another... I feel...|||Haha =P The Inventor and The Mechanic, I like that. lol:laughing:|||Me? No. I don't wanna screw up the result. :happy:|||C'mon ISFJs :dry: Don't be so antisocial! Contribute with the research, please! :tongue: It's not time to shy. hehe|||I never date an ENFP, as well, but I guess it will be kind of fun and inspiring (not a surprise xP), so I guess it can do well. =] However, what Moby says it's true, people exactly the same to each...|||Explaining the research to everyone... 1º - The question was made to be the most general as possible. With that I mean that it is important to consider all kinds of relationship: love, friendship,...|||Explaining the research to everyone... 1º - The question was made to be the most general as possible. With that I mean that it is important to consider all kinds of relationship: love, friendship,...|||Explaining the research to everyone... 1º - The question was made to be the most general as possible. With that I mean that it is important to consider all kinds of relationship: love, friendship,...|||Explaining the research to everyone... 1º - The question was made to be the most general as possible. With that I mean that it is important to consider all kinds of relationship: love, friendship,...|||Explaining the research to everyone... 1º - The question was made to be the most general as possible. With that I mean that it is important to consider all kinds of relationship: love, friendship,...|||Explaining the research to everyone... 1º - The question was made to be the most general as possible. With that I mean that it is important to consider all kinds of relationship: love, friendship,...|||Explaining the research to everyone... 1º - The question was made to be the most general as possible. With that I mean that it is important to consider all kinds of relationship: love, friendship,...|||Explaining the research to everyone... 1º - The question was made to be the most general as possible. With that I mean that it is important to consider all kinds of relationship: love, friendship,...|||Explaining the research to everyone... 1º - The question was made to be the most general as possible. With that I mean that it is important to consider all kinds of relationship: love, friendship,...|||Explaining the research to everyone... 1º - The question was made to be the most general as possible. With that I mean that it is important to consider all kinds of relationship: love, friendship,...|||Explaining the research to everyone... 1º - The question was made to be the most general as possible. With that I mean that it is important to consider all kinds of relationship: love, friendship,...|||Explaining the research to everyone... 1º - The question was made to be the most general as possible. With that I mean that it is important to consider all kinds of relationship: love, friendship,...|||Explaining the research to everyone... 1º - The question was made to be the most general as possible. With that I mean that it is important to consider all kinds of relationship: love, friendship,...'
'This type of metal is actually much closer to traditional heavy metal like the new wave of British heavy metal. Such as Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, ect.. It was pioneered by such bands as: Blind...|||I hereby officially challenge any ENFP to not fall in love with this type of music. It will warm your heart like a light summer breeze, or perhaps like the warm rays of the sun peeking out from...|||That is a pretty good list. I am very punctual though, I haven't been late in years. I may stand someone up by mistake, if they try to make plans with me more than 8 hours in advance. Usually when...|||A Spaceship! My girlfriend wrote me a beautiful poem for my birthday (about 6 days ago) I loved it. She also got me the Harry Potter series, that I will soon reread.|||You don't have to know how cancer mutates the cells of our body to know that it does just that, if you can forgive my horrible analogy. The logic of this postulation, one made by my friend and...|||I believe that the female inclination to be a feeler is more slight. I mean to slight to be the cause of a stereotype alone. My friend has this theory that this particular stereotype is also...|||Yeah, but I don't think it is as much a personal instinct guiding us there, as a collective instinct pushing us there. Jung calls it the collective unconsciousness. I mean if you think about...|||I think that the rarity of each type is intertwined with our social structure, so that there are only as many of each type as need be for society to function.|||I don't think MBTI tries to insinuate that sensors are incapable at theoretical matters. I think it is a matter of preference, and most sensors I have met generally haven't enjoyed talking about...|||Well said! I do feel however that it is difficult to discern ones intention, so I try to give each situation (and each person) the benefit of the doubt. If after it has been cleared up and their...|||I have been preaching some of the same stuff since I joined. I would like to see this again after it has went through a thorough cleaning. It seems to have some biases, as well as some other...|||Messier was a French astronomer, he he. According to Jung only your most dominant function is mostly conscious to you, your other cognitive functions remain largely unconscious. I don't think...|||Seems like a pretty thorough list. I have to say, I suffer from at least 6, 8, and 10. Possibly 4. 11. Can't hold a job.|||I'm a scientist I think. I do have a light twist of mysticism, though. I realize that this thread was to determine something about INFJs, but I love the sound of my own typing fingers.|||Yeah, I understand. When I watch Planet Earth or something I just try to relate to all the living things in as many ways as possible, and that inevitably leads to kind of a 3 dimensional web of inter...|||I think Rodney McKay might be an NF. Either way he is an incredible character.|||Well don't tease us, tell us how it is done!|||You are so flattering. I don't know how you would go about doing that, but be my guest! You know, your posts have caught my eye a time or two as well. You should save some of that flattery for...|||Theory aside, I think it is because we have a strong set of convictions.|||Yeah, the natural selection thing she said made me lose all respect for her. I'm pretty sure Charles Darwin never said anything like natural selection means different types of life are spread...|||Yeah, David Keirsey calls the SJ's guardians. Which titles are you referring to?|||This is funny, because something like this happened to me on this very day. Me and my girlfriend went to Wendy's to grab something to eat. I was sitting there and I thought about the people that...|||My dominant hand is my left hand, and I can't decide if I'm more 2 or 7, but I'm quite a bit of both of those. And I'm very little 5. I don't think the results of this poll will give you a very...|||The J/P dichotomy is the result of either the Introverted decision making cognitive function (P), or the extroverted decision making function (J). It is merely the result of the either introverted or...|||I used to be skeptical that the types were inborn, until I read Jung. Only one of the cognitive functions that makes up your type is mostly conscious, the others remain mostly in the darkness of the...|||Where would I find more information about this subject? I have reason to believe I might be borderline ENTP.|||My ISTJ friend said once See, I like this guy, cause he gives everyone credit. I think this sums up the ENFPs social mindset, I think we just like to make everyone feel special. And I used to...|||I can relate to this thread on a level higher than I would like. It feels good to relate, but I also feel ashamed. I have absolutely no problem starting a project. When the project becomes a routine,...|||Both my girlfriend and my little sister are INFJs. I know one thing, their intuition is on a level no other personality type can understand. Even with my iNtuition being my dominant function,...|||Is it just me, or do all the percentages added together come out to more than 100%. I voted Journey of self discovery. I'm still new to the site, but already I have learned so much. So, although my...|||Hey everyone! I don't know how many people watch Stargate, but I'm hoping it's a lot. The characters in this show seem to fit the temperaments so well that I wonder if the creators had them in mind...|||Come on guys Captain Picard as an extrovert? He is the most reserved Captain of them all, people seem to aggravate him more than anything, which suggests his energy is taxed when dealing with people....|||Before MBTI I thought I was slowly going crazy.|||Ok, that's about the same time I heard it. So I can speak with more confidence. I would think that after a while your interest in MBTI will level off and you will be able to keep it out of the...|||At least you INFPs wont be alone on the moon: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=635ma8SSDHg|||I must say, from your description your boy seems like an ESFJ. I am Jungian to the fullest extent, and I do believe that the archetypes are inborn. I think that considerations have to be taken that...|||I have heard a lot of talk about how shallow or meaningless starting a conversation of small talk is. We ENFPs are highly intuitive, and we don't even have to know about MBTI to understand that the...|||January 2008?|||I'm curious, how long ago did you discover personality types and such?|||I don't think INFJs should have to apologize for being overprotective. It stems from an incredibly deep level of both caring and devotion, which I think overshadows any negative affects of being...|||Well, read more Jung. That should change your mind.|||Well if typology was based on what was considered most intuitively appealing it would be within the realm of philosophy, but we are talking about a form of science, psychology.|||I just accidentally thought I was drunk enough to be in this forum. Thought wrong, lol|||I have read that the only personality preference dichotomy that has any bearing on intelligence, in the conventional logic based intelligence quota tests, is the N/S dichotomy. iNtuitives being the...|||It is very hard to find common ground in this discussion. I have read many books, about philosophy and psychology, and I have to say that the one thing that most pre and post-Jungian psychologists,...|||In Hooded Knight's defense I don't think the word neurotic should automatically be taken with a negative connotation. I mean I don't even think the word is used anymore in the majority of the...|||Just tell him your main goal in life is to free all of humanity from oppression and hunger. (Angels will sing in his ears) He will then start a twelve hour long conversation about how he has the...|||I really like the dolphin as an ENFP, I've always thought that. Maybe because it is one of my favorite animals. I think an elephant should be considered for INFJ, because of their incredible...|||Yeah, I can see how you would think that. I'm not sure what you took. Probably the MBTI, they are only A and B answers, but there are 4 sets of questions 20 each for N/S, F/T, and J/P. and 10 for the...|||Hey, I actually found this site yesterday. But I was so excited that all I did for eight straight hours was read and post on threads. Anyway...My name is Andrew. I live in Fayetteville, Arkansas...'
'I can defiantly see how INFJ men and INTJ women might be in the same type of situation. Masculinity is the possession of traits that are typical or appropriate for men - I think that masculine traits...|||He doesn't sound much like an INFJ but then again we are only seeing one side of him in your description so if you knew him well and think he's an INFJ I'll go with that in my advice. I don't like...|||I just took some pictures of a random selection of my clothes; I though that this might give an idea of how I typically dress. 47318473194732047321 I just realized there is a lot of red and blue...|||I'm a mechanical engineer. At my job I'm doing energy engineering where I basically find ways to save energy for buildings. I like my job because I think I get challenged by my work and have enough...|||I feel like I've always had trouble being truly myself and a lot of my relationships with others seem to be based off of a persona I put on. I think I've been aware of this for a long time but only...|||My closest friends I've had have been ENTP, INTJ, ENFP, and INTP. I really like intuitives and typically can form deeper connections with them but I can also make friends with sensors like ISTP,...|||I can see how using material items to promote the image you convey to others can be an unfair game because we don't all have the same resources available. People with more money will have more...|||I'm a recently graduated engineer and have had some similar experiences with the sciences. I'm great at understanding larger concepts but I perform pretty badly when the material is presented as many...|||I also only watched the first season and it was a while ago when it was first airing. I defiantly identified with Peter a lot; I'm not sure whether he is an INFJ himself but I agreed with most of...|||Cool song; I think your interpretation makes sense. Drawing the meaning from a song and applying it to a different aspect of life, one that is more personal, is to me one of the aspects that can make...|||I feel like this is such a great explanation of how I experience life. There is so much I want to do and so many things I want to be open to but I'm always over-thinking and inhibiting these desires...|||I've read before that people's childhood personality can be very telling of their type. I defiantly exhibited some INFJ traits when I was young. I remember when in elementary school durring recess me...|||I think my feelings on others are very consistant. Sure, I guess there are dynamics to any relationship people have but I feel like I can always get through things without changing my core believes...|||I never got very involved in facebook; I still have an account but I don't visit the site often. I don't have a problem with the site or the atmosphere there, in fact it's a great tool for keeping...|||You seem to already understand a lot of it; ENFPs are one of the types that I feel can understand me best. It takes us a long time to open up so don't think that you are doing something wrong just...|||Not every INFJ is the same certainly but I can speak for how I might be in this situation. I care a lot about other people and really don't want to hurt anyone but I don't necessarily have unwavering...|||I love coffe; it tastes great and really helps me start (and continue) the day. As for cats, don't dislike them. They have the potential for cute pictures and whatnot but I don't think they are...|||On the receiving end I think I tend to prefer truth. I'd prefer a less pleasant reality to living unknowing of what was true. I think in order to make the types of decisions I want to make and direct...|||I really enjoy researching topics I find interesting and expanding my understanding about different things. I think my goal is always to find out what the big picture is; I can take in lots of small...|||I answered this same type of question in the past...|||MBTI initially caught my attention because it seemed to explain why I was different than others and gave me a reason to accept and embrace that. I think at this point I'm feeling pretty comfortable...|||I can relate to this idea you have, it seems like a lot of christians make the bible out to be the sole or certainly the primary source of interaction with the divine. I think sensor preference...|||The issue of wether someone dislikes conflicts might be more relevant to enneagram type because there dosen't seem to be a similar stance among INFJs. I don't enjoy conflicts per say but I think...|||Just something interesting I thought I'd add - I'm pretty sure the romance movies Before Sunrise / Before Sunset are about a ENFJ/INFP pair. Of course it is fictional but you can still see how the...|||I'm glad that I don't seem to be the first to say this but I think I also need a degree of physical attraction to make me interested in someone. It's a little shallow perhaps but I think without it...|||I'm just going to throw out an unsorted list to give you an impression. Radiohead, Björk, Sigur Rós, The Beatles, Joy Division, The Velvet Underground, Kate Bush, King Crimson, John Coltrane,...|||Currently: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lNWyXd0cIVo Recently: http://i.imgur.com/Ka3nN.png|||I don't believe in tarot card reading in the traditional sense (where some greater force controls which cards are chosen). I do think that tarot cards can present people with a model of the way their...|||I don't think I have a particularly good memory. When I try to remember something from the past I get more of an impression of what a moment in time was like rather than having the ability to re-play...|||I feel the same way. It's so interesting learning what other people's lives are like and trying to see through to the passions and struggles that make up who they are.|||I've never had any bullying escalate very far so I think I've been very lucky. I've never had to do any type of retaliation as far as trying to hurt someone for what they have done to me - I don't...|||I relate to a lot of this and experience the same type of thing but in a slightly different way. I also get easily set off by small things. If I feel like someone is being unnecessarily negative...|||I think I'm always up for spending time as a family and I enjoy feeling close to them but I often get drained pretty quickly around them. It's either the conflicts that occasionally come up or just...|||I feel the same way. I hate feeling like I'm trying to promote anything I make; I don't usually show anything I make to friends unless they asked and seemed genuinely interested.|||I've felt more or less the same way; I really want to feel connected to people while still being who I am. I'm interested in hearing about other people's lives and learning more about who they are...|||I really like your music, I write some too. I don't sing so mine are just instrumentals. Most of my music is experimental and draws on classical instruments and electronics for textures. Here's...|||I usually write pretty dark music instinctively as well. I don't really view it as a problem though; it helps me to release feelings I might have. I don't really feel in touch with evil though, I'm...|||Defiantly, I think because I'm quiet, nice, and usually pretty easy-going people don't expect me to be strongly opinionated about certain things. I also think people assume that I am more traditional...|||I'm not really very good at directly venting my feelings to someone else, I always feel like it's burdening them or something like that. I do have other ways of dealing with negative emotions; I...|||I think I have two possible modes I can go into - one is becoming quiet and more isolated. This reaction might be an attempt to keep my negative emotions away from effecting others and giving myself...|||I've taken a cognitive functions test before and my results were more or less INFJ but didn't fit the model perfectly. I scored very high in Ni, high in Fe, Fi, Ne, and Ti, medium in Te and Se, and...|||I'm an INFJ and I'm also not very competitive. I like improving at something on my own but I don't see the point in any type of structure that is meant to say who is the best at something. I know...|||I can relate a lot. My parents were both SJs and fundamentalist christians. On the subject of religion I eventually left that faith and am now agnostic. As a kid I always had a lot of questions which...|||Like many others so far I'm friendly, talkative, and more up-beat than usual when I'm drunk. Something that I find is that I'm typically much more self-aware and controlled than people that are...|||I think I can fake extroversion well but anyone who knows me well would say I'm introverted. I can make expressions and comments that engage me in conversations but in the end I end up doing more...|||Although you did a great job of explaining the situation I don't think I could tell what exactly was motivating her behavior without seeing it myself. I think that personally I'm always open to my...|||Going along the same lines as has been discussed there seems to be two different types of physical discipline - one motivated by the best intrest of the child and one a reaction to their behavior...|||Maybe he was thinking of Blondie the character from the western movie The Good the Bad and the Ugly. He's the good from the title and is driven by his own ideals of what is right more than being...|||a|||I think some of the topics here seem to be discussions between IFNJs about random topics for the sake of conversing with like-minded people. Other topics seek to find the connections between this...'
'Thanks. Vernacular from other countries always gets stick in my head once I start thinking about it.|||Thank you! This has been bugging me for weeks. if you don't mind, I've got another--shit or shite?|||I know there are a few of you floating around here and I simply have to know if you guys say ass or arse? And if you use both, where would I hear which?|||I really should've done more drugs when I was younger.|||http://www.pandora-magazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/weone_foto_galeria_2142full-eocxvPK9f2oNJGZk.jpg Finally got around to seeing Riddick, and it was b-movie action genius.|||I hate most women in independent publishing. They are such fucking stereotypes that they're actually pushing women into this very vapid and insulting box that they don't even realize it. And they...|||It is so rare that I type out an LOL while actually laughing, that I quoted you just to say that it made me laugh. I'm not reading the pages--and they're pages I'm sure--of back and forth here, but...|||From what I've seen? HA!. You're very even keeled from what I have gleamed. But then again, this is the internet and empathy works best in a face-to-face setting. But I would caution you. Some of us...|||It still makes women look sexy. Is it because we can read your mind? -------------------------------------------------------------------- People's sensitivities and the need to protect...|||Most score pieces for film fall into the realm of generic and cheap-to-produce composition. This obviously falls into that category. There are only a few composers who score for film that really...|||Disclaimer: I know the example I'm using in this post is pedestrian at best, but it is what pushed this thought forth so that's why it's being included. End of the year and I've found myself with...|||I used to vehemently say that I didn't have a type and was open to pretty much everything. And for a long time that was true. However, even going back to my childhood, I've always had a physical...|||Said a potential rapist.|||It used to be pumpkin, but it got burnt so the chef threw it away without another thought. The pie slowly died at the bottom of the trashcan, weighed down by more interesting garbage that once served...|||This is a very detached position. Not only would the removal of money do nothing to change the selling of sex, but you fail to see how sex is used as social currency without the aid of any industry....|||Take any form of media, books, film, music, games, and tell me what people like. Do people want to play a text adventure like Depression Quest where you explore the psychological nature of...|||So in essence it's like managing several relationships at the same time? With varying degrees of importance or connection to you? That seems a bit complicated, like it would require a great deal of...|||Knowing too much. There is virtue in pain and growth in the suffering that comes with knowing more than one should. Ignorance breeds solipsism which is unhealthy and breeds contempt in people. It'll...|||I'd advise against shoehorning in on his time with his friends and family. It's important for people to have space between them. As an INFP, you should be able to appreciate the sacred nature of...|||^^Polyamory, to me, seems like such a headache in the making. Perhaps it's my stubbornness, but when I'm in a fixed relationship I'm pretty stern on the monogamous part. Sleeping around and/or fuck...|||But it exists. There is porn directed towards an emotional and realistic experience of sex. The entire point of the industry is that it caters to everyone. Keep in mind that if you're not looking for...|||I was mostly referencing the tone in the OP. If I would've taken issue with you I would've quoted you and pointed it out directly. I've got nothing against preference, as I have my own and I...|||Yeah, I'm not sure where the acting like a child thing comes into being an INFP. I've always been told that I came off as too serious or mature for my age, aging me quite a bit in context to my...|||If you shield your children from violence as a means of making them better you'll effectively rip out the heaviest chunk of good fiction in any medium. The fetishization of violence and its...|||I love how people take the high road on promiscuity like it's a badge of honor, something to be praised and patted on the head for. A woman or a man is no less a person if they've only fucked one...|||It's pretty selfish to claim that anyone has the right to someone's body other than the body itself. Anything anyone wants to do to themselves concerns themselves primarily. This is true for everyone.|||He turned and saw her sitting crosslegged on the bed, sleepily scratching her stomach with burgundy nails. Neuromancer by William Gibson Hmm... that says something about me.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0BfcNC5Zcs|||Moby Dick is actually about capitalism and the destructive ends one (Ahab and his financial backers) will go in the pursuit of a goal (greed and control, the extinction of the 'other,' of...|||You don't. You just have to make yourself available and hope we feel the need to reach out, because our type doesn't like to burden others with our damage.|||Lioness - They Clip The Wigs Of Birds http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_tHPo6VYovU|||Less of an opinion, more of an observation--after a certain age, people care significantly less for sufferers of depression and those who commit suicide. IT seems the sting is removed once the signs...|||http://afroterminal.files.wordpress.com/2013/10/burning_chrome.jpg|||I would say it is less about inability and more about practicality. I need tech to communicate, perform work, stay informed--it would make things much more difficult if I didn't have tools at my...|||In time, breaks from technology will involve a plane ticket to Zambia. I really don't see how I could go a day with a break from some kind of tech, and I live as a minimalist.|||I was like you too... then I got a kindle. It makes my bookshelf feel kind of wasteful. Not only do I have my entire library in my hand, I've got another 300+ books on there waiting for me to chop...|||I'd be surprised if the printed book lasts the end of the century. Paper simply cannot match up to the convenience of a screen, digital delivery, and instantaneous satisfaction and availability.|||Women who write and/or read romance novels should really be ashamed of themselves for perpetuating a bad stereotype. Authors need to cool it with the BDSM theme already. I get that in any branch...|||There's nothing to save, let's get that right first. The world is alive--an organism all its own. She is indifferent to your existence, mine, and that of humanity as a whole. The world is the...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBQiLh9N6kg|||That was about it, I'd had it. Put down my glass, time to fold her tent. But she stood, came to me, said, 'Fuck me rough.' Before I could reply, she put her hand on my crotch, pulled the zip...|||I'm not going to, but I desperately want to know what other people will say in response to you. The internet hasn't given me a treat like this in a long time.|||That's actually how all my writing goes. It's a symptom of not outlining. I've researched this pretty well, and none of my favorite writers outline their work. They merely get an idea and type away...|||I never been able to write kids, and I started writing seriously at twelve. It's like I can't relate tot he character. Stayed in, got work done, and I'm finally past the 10G mark. It's like the...|||Don't you find it difficult to write children? I do. I find ti restrictive and can't seem to find a place to put them, so they wind up in the background or not at all. But you're making a...|||*Shrugs* Thats fair.|||Never read it. I preferred Marlowe and Spade. They were smarter, more introspective, and were more influential to the modern detective than Holmes has been. As a speculative fiction author, I...|||I get that, it's just that I don't think it's compelling to read about that kind of protagonist. The need for mass interaction to function reads kind of cheap and woks better in a visual medium than...|||It's not so much that they can't be compelling, but rather that the character would get on my nerves so it would be me half-assing him and producing something poor or abandoning the project...|||Yeah, I had to learn a lot about temperance in my 10+ years in writing. I think the foundation of a paragraph has to be considered just good enough before moving on to the next, and editing should be...'
'Way to go, MonieJ!!!|||Left Brain- 45% Right Brain- 55% Your Left Brain Percentages 42%Symbolic (Your most dominant characteristic) 37%Linear 27%Sequential 20%Reality-based|||I cannot speak for the poster, but I could try taking a shot at it. Perhaps that individual jokingly had took the porn part and decided that an eggs and sperm scene would be funny to post. Most of...|||I don't think so. I'm an INFP and I'm an absolutely awful cook. I can bake, but baking is just following a recipe exactly.|||I scored a point higher on Hufflepuff than I did on Ravenclaw, but I have a feeling that the way I get during the school process would get me put into Ravenclaw. I'm an INFP.|||That's really cool! I love the way they took junk and were able to make awesome images out of it.|||I know this is more of a technical thing because I'm pretty sure the meaning of your question came through... But our type will be doing differently depending on the individual. We are a bunch of...|||http://i.imgur.com/XBd1E.png|||Thank you... I knew how it was supposed to work. I just couldn't get it to actually do it...|||Welcome to Personality Cafe! It's a pleasure to meet you and I hope you'll enjoy your stay here. XD|||http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/dreams.png I put that in the IMG brackets... And finally gave up because it was frustrating me. xD|||xkcd: Dreams http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/dreams.png|||It really depends on the activity. If I'm writing for a school assignment, I'm right-handed. If I'm writing for myself and don't mind it being backwards, I'm left-handed. If I'm using sign language,...|||Have you tried logging onto a throw-away messenger and giving them the SMS number?|||Google is making a serious attempt to rule our lives. Let us into your address book, don't worry, we're nice people and put all of your sensitive documents and mail conversations through us and...|||Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.' We ask ourselves, Who am I to be...|||I find that I always enjoy learning about other cultures. This has resulted in an interest in cultural anthropology, but I think I'd like to actually experience a culture more than just read about it.|||It's does happen, which is why people have to be careful about what they take. For some people, the medication pulls them out of depression just enough that they finally have the energy to act on...|||First of all, I would never want to give birth. I have very strong feelings about not having the freaky-alien-thing inside me. (I know that fetuses are not literally aliens, but that's what I always...|||I'm actually working on that. I think it will be slow progress because I am following a fairly traditional path, but I'm moving 2,000 miles away from my family next fall so that I have space to...|||I'm... a bit strange about this. I don't normally seem to be someone who likes dark things. But I found the book Wuthering Heights to be fascinating and have a fondness for other books that seem to...|||I'd prefer to live alone. I'm pretty territorial and possessive, so sharing a house with other people is a stress factor to me. Plus, I have this habit of really enjoying bright colors that burn the...|||I do this with certain people, and then have to re-explain the situation all over again.. Usually it's not worth the effort.|||I would be a vegetarian, but I currently live with my mother and she buys the food. Once I am supporting myself, I plan to become a vegetarian.|||This happens to me a lot, especially when I don't have obligations like school to worry about... Honestly, it was horrible during middle school. I got 4 hours a sleep a night because any more kept me...|||Pohcahontas. That song Colors of the Wind is a big thing to me, especially this stanza You think the only people who are people Are the people who look and think like you But if you walk...|||I think... I'd like to edit mine so that I could live on an airship... Preferably with a crew of introverted people where we all had our own cabins and could talk about deep, important things......|||Reading, self-discovering, and learning about things I'm interested in. Maybe hike and bike and such.... I'd spend a lot of time thinking with a notebook or laptop on hand so I could record important...|||Sometimes it's books... I pretty much raised myself on books and it's how I'm building my value system, I think... But mostly it's my best friend... I know it's wrong to rely on him so much, but when...|||I've heard that looking at screens before you try to sleep is counter-productive... Something about the way screens light up on computers, TVs, and cell phones is suppose to make it harder to sleep.|||Read, use the Internet, think about things, work on mini-projects.... Basically, night is really the only time where everything around me is settled enough for me to focus. And there are less people...|||This happens to me a lot... It makes it hard to be around people sometimes....|||If I ever decide to procreate, it would have to be the child... I've spent my whole life knowing that I didn't want children because I've raised so many of them... But if I ever did have one, it...|||Honestly, I've wanted to be for over a year now, but I'm a minor and not supporting myself right now. My mother says I can't be a vegetarian until I'm buying my own food, so I'm researching right now...|||Welcome to the forum! It sounds like you have some interesting hobbies. ^_^|||Welcome to the forum. ^_^|||I don't particularly care for sleep, but occassionally I do nap just so I don't have to deal with the real world. I do it most often when I'm depressed or upset.|||You there might put someone in mind of Shrek and leave them expecting you to think-of/call them an ogre. There are huge lists somewhere of where to find INFPs, but I think the best thing you can...|||They're attached to my head, but not attached the way you mean...|||I'm the same way... I drop things, trip on things, bump into things... Basically, if it's there I'll end up damaged by it or damaging it. Life is cruel sometimes. :crazy:|||I guess if it came on really strongly it could be Deja Vu... Mostly I associate that term with things happening in real life that I had dreamed about in the past, but this might count...|||That's really a way I hadn't thought about it before... I guess if we're constantly reliving the moment and the emotions, we have time to think about it and what happened as our view of the world...|||I deal with this problem too... I feel way too strongly about everything, except for when I start shutting things down. Of course, when I boot them back up, I feel twice as strongly... I don't want...|||Honestly, I read a good book, listen to music that makes me happy, and then talk about it with one of my closest friends.. Combined right, I'm sure to at least get to the grit teeth and try again...|||I'm the same ways sometimes. The other day, I started crying before I remembered that I was just imagining it. Sometimes it takes a while for me to remember that it isn't actually happening. ...|||I was wondering if other INFPs experienced emotions from a long time ago just as strongly as they did then. Pain and betrayal are the ones that are most likely to feel the strongest after years, but...|||I'm not sure if I go for soulmates, but I do believe in lifemates... I know that sounds weird, but I keep thinking about how soulmate and reincarnation would mean that unless you found the same...|||Honestly, the harder I'm looking for something, the less likely I am to see it, especially if it's in a cluttered area. If an area is cluttered, I can't see any individual object, which makes looking...|||I love cats... Honestly, it's kind of the reason I want to become independent so bad. I want to have a cat or two.... They make everything better, in my eyes. ^_^|||Do introverts stay in their rooms most of the time at home? Usually. It's suppose to be my stronghold, so gives me some sense of security. I'm more likely to come out if my family isn't home because...'
'http://personalitycafe.com/intj-forum-scientists/11940-where-do-all-intjs-hang-out.html Yes. I won't answer that question. :ninja:|||No. I think I wouldn't be fine with that. But in regard to your question, yes, I think so. But maybe I took your question too literally. And maybe I even did so on purpose.|||To convert oxygen into carbon dioxide.|||@clairsentience I think there's no point in trying to make sense out of such behavior, so my advice is to just run, Forrest, run.|||Relates. Yes. And you already have the answer. The one thing I do kind of like as gifts is completely useless, possibly kind of personal, cute, maybe nerdy stuff (aka trash) I...|||You should've told us about this before, since this is rather crucial information. I can relate to her now. It's always the same with this kind of questions ... Anyway, I wish you all the best.|||What's the point of this thread? Yeah, I can relate. Long time reader, posting only every now and then, never made a thread.|||Why should it matter, whether it's one of our own or any other type? That staggers me now. I, for one, didn't want to burn anyone. I was just giving my opinion, because I could not relate to...|||But it's all about the reaction. I think there's a difference between snooping mom and searching the internet for public information. I was also assuming that a private profile is private and...|||twitter makes it strange. But that may be lack of twitter knowledge on my end. Why can't she have private chats with a regular account? If twitter doesn't have that, why use twitter for such chats in...|||Yes, she was being honest. But I'm not sure if he really broke her trust or if she's rather controlling/abusive. The difference with me is that I wouldn't be in this position in this first place,...|||I also completely get the crossing a set privacy boundary point. But I also think the problem is more complicated than that. The gf declares a (in my opinion) rather strange privacy boundary (the...|||I think the real question is Who wouldn't have looked?. I mean seriously, one has to be rather naive to think that such a glaring Hey! Look! I'm having a secret here! But you must not look!...|||That sounds rather stupid to me tbh. I don't do twitter, but I guess I have another idea of what a private account is supposed to be then. Anyway, now I still don't get her reaction unless there...|||I don't get how the heck you managed to find (an supposedly INTJ's) private account in the first place? :confused: Hell, you wouldn't even be able to find my public account, if I didn't want you to....|||If that is really the case, you might even want to consider deleting your fb account completely, which would solve the problem as well. I don't really use facebook, but if anything I also think that...|||I guess I liked it when I was I child, but once I reached a certain age, I considered it rather stupid to dress myself up. But it will be fun!. No. :dry:|||But does it matter? Seriously. You don't seem to like the guy, so just unfriend him. Doesn't your brother have a fb account?|||I hate costumes.|||I was about to write exactly this. Yes, I'm very hard to read, because I tend not to give people anything. I can be quite surprised when I see myself on pictures in situations where I know that I...|||https://www.facebook.com/help/172936839431357/ You're welcome.|||Thank you. You don't have to go, if you don't want to. It will be just the two/few of us. Scientists have discovered a new xxx. xxx is working on a new project/is releasing a new...|||Substitutes' bench.|||And here's a good read on why there's no proof about the resurrection of Jesus at all: Why I Don't Buy the Resurrection Story: The Main Argument|||Ok, I understand. Just try to move on then and forget about her. And try not to get bitter. Maybe even try to be happy that you saw her real face before it was too late. At any rate, you don't need...|||Are we still talking about the same person here? The same close friend you wanted to share a retirement home with? Actually the second comment sounds rather vindictive to me - due to you being...|||I get your point and I even relate, but I also slightly disagree (maybe that is me coming from the male perspective). I also assumed that they already know each other and my response was written...|||I just saw your other question and I think the I like you, let's eat some frozen yogurt is indeed maybe a little too aggressive, because that doesn't give the guy a real option and he might feel...|||Do you care about what people usually do? Why? I don't give a shit - I value people who do what they think/feel is right. Such gender roles are just stupid. Example: What makes more sense/seems...|||489178 So, I can relate. If that is because I'm INTJ, gently shy, very introverted or even slightly schizoid, I don't know - maybe a little of each. I think one aspect is that I don't want to...|||In my fantasy. On a slightly more serious note and without going into personal details: That's actually a good question and I wish I had a proper answer. Like others have said, I also think it...|||That depends on the individual, but I think in general it's rather unlikely (i.e. more so than with certain other types). I don't. So there's that. EDIT: Here's a list of my reasons: - I suck...|||https://www.google.com/search?q=intj+hmmm+translator&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi7iYSeisjJAhUHBiwKHXNNCGMQ_AUIBygB&biw=980&bih=1675|||I also suspect a lot of people here aren't INTJ. I, for one, become very skeptical, if an INTJ is abusing apostrophes to denote plurals for example. Be on your guard and expect the worst!|||I'm mostly pissed about Our prayers are with Paris. religious bullshit (that is because religious bullshit is the problem in the first place), I'm also pissed about religion in general and I'm...|||49% intj 22% infj 14% intp 5% entj 3% enfj Suits (that's what I think I am as well).|||No. I certainly won't trust you on that. If anything, I might assume it's the case. Some thoughts: Lots of people are unsure about their type themselves. So someone telling you I am a XXXX...|||420914|||Do you get black (possibly bad) humor?|||l can only speak for myself, but I am not like that at all. Also going by the many comments of INTJs I've read on this forum, I'd say such a behavior is rather untypical for INTJs. But people are...|||I would still choose the person over the stupid painting. I'd also love to see the person, that is choosing otherwise, explain how reasonable choosing the painting was, while the person is (for...|||I think what happened here, is that the INTJ person (or whatever type the person is) is a jerk. And that goes for all 3 replies. :dry: I also don't know, if said person is a bad person, but well...|||^^^ I cannot relate to any of these points - well, good for me then I guess. As for empathy: I might not express it and there might be situations where I think it is not warrented though - but that...|||No you should not (also note my if anything) - I don't want to convince you otherwise. Save whatever you think (or feel) is right. The point where you lost me though, is where you (still) didn't...|||I'd like to add one last comment to my initial sarcastic comment on that one ... As has been stated already: No. It is not a great test for that. In particular, the notion that those people who...|||It is indeed.|||Yes, it does. I (obviously) don't care about this particular painting at all for example. So for me, it is not THE painting. And I'm sure I'm not the only one. That still didn't answer my...|||You didn't answer my question. So you are making a difference between a painting and a child. Why? reg. THE painting: That is your opinion.|||So, according to you, destroying a painting (or any other object for that matter) and (for example) shooting a child are also equivalent? Do both deserve the same sentence for example? Shouldn't make...|||I can only speak for myself, but I do care about art. A lot. But I do only care about the art I like and I don't care so much about the original painting. In my opinion the actual art has been...'
'Whether I buy a paperback, hardback or e-book depends on whether the book I'm buying is fiction or non-fiction. Pertaining to non-fiction (history, science, biographies, etc.), I always buy a...|||I don't give out any unspoken social cues. They're too ambiguous to be an effective communication tool. I prefer direct communication. This, needless to say, has created some issues when...|||I have a tendency of keeping my interests to myself. I find activities, both cerebral and physical, far more enjoyable if I perform them on my own. People change their environment in order to fit...|||People misinterpreting my speech and body language as trying to convey emotional cues when in fact, I did not. Whenever I use the term argument, people automatically assume that with hostile...|||People misinterpret my speech and body language very often. They assume that I'm conveying emotional cues when in fact, I am not. For instance, whenever I use the term argument, people...|||A few of my favourite pastime activities include: -Reading. I prefer books regarding science and history, although I also enjoy fantasy and sci-fi novels. -Listening to podcasts, usually ones about...|||The concept of 'being a jerk,' as many people put it, is based on ethical standards, which are entirely subjective, and differ from person to person, and as such saying that '___ group are jerks.' is...|||I like to look at assertions such as those regarding witchcraft from two different perspectives; the empirical, and then the creative. I have observed absolutely zero evidence of its truthfulness,...|||I have become interested in how the inferior function manifests in people, specifically when it comes to interactions between types who have reverse dominant and inferior functions. Since INJs and...|||Double post. You saw nothing.|||What types were your parents? My mother is an ESFJ. My father has not taken the test, but I suspect he is either INTP or INTJ. Which parent were your closer to? I'm not particularly closer...|||Why are people so prone to irrationality? I cannot even count the amount of times people have rejected logic and/or facts simply due to it not feeling right or said logic/fact(s) breaking a taboo...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VqODv-gxQv4|||I tend to write in a very long-winded manner, usually because I find that my thoughts are too nuanced to describe in just one or two sentences. Normally I try to be as concise as possible, but...|||I have found that I'm good at reading people in the sense that I can put multiple things that they have said and/or done and glean their motivation for behaving a certain way. However I'm rather...|||The truth is always more important that the emotions of an individual. Yulia's potential suicide is not my responsibility, it's hers, in the same way that the general fallout of revealing her...|||My personal definition of manipulation is use of deceitful tactics to persuade an individual to do/think/feel/say something. Since its inherently deceitful, I consider it to be one of the most...|||I've never gotten high, but in general I have found that types with primary Fe (ESFJ and ENFJ) are the most intimidated by my Te. I distinctly remember one instance in which an ENFJ that I knew...|||I never had a role model growing up. Sure I had my parents, but they were prone to expecting me to do as they said based solely on their authority, which I refused to do from a young age, so I never...|||This is actually excellent advice, thank you. We INTJs require all the assistance you can give us, human whisperer person. Oh, you. :wink:|||Has anyone ever had trouble with people explaining points that are based on abstract distinctions to sensors? I've always seen the sensor-intuitive dichotomy as a spectrum rather than absolutes, and...|||I'd love to give you a blowjob! Wait, that's just what most men like to hear. Real ones from now on. I'll defer to you. I understand. You're right, facts are more important than...|||I have only ever met two ESFJs. One is my mother. She's okay, can be really goofy and silly, which is either amusing or vexing depending on what mood I'm in, but ultimately a bit too clingy and...|||INTJ male Masculine: 78.333/100 Feminine: 32.5/100 Androgynous: 50.833/100|||As a concept I find time travel endlessly appealing. There is nothing more I would love than to correct mistakes I have made in the past. As for changing the past in significant ways, such as the...|||I like to differentiate between feminists, SJWs and the Regressive Left. Feminists are relatively a mixed bag. The more casual feminists are most likely fine, however the more radical elements of...|||I'm from the UK. Here most people seem to be very introverted, and extroverts are generally viewed as being loud and unpleasant, so that aspect of my personality is generally accepted. We brits are...|||I could respond to this thread... Whatever, I'll do that later.|||There is no evidence that any of religion is factual, thus it must be considered false. The burden of proof lies on the one making the positive claim. So if someone makes the claim that a god exists,...|||I was about one year old. My first word was clock.|||I don't have much interest in having children. I like to think that by deciding not to, I am refusing to contribute to the Earth's current overpopulation problem. That, and I find the prospect of...|||I don't really have a Favourite game, however I do have a few which I really enjoy. I don't purchase that many games anymore, so many of my favourites are quite old. Star Wars: Empire at War...|||No, not really. I find the law questionable at times, but I don't actively break it either. I follow social etiquette up until the point where it becomes counter-productive. But no, I don't conform...|||I have had similar feelings before. When close relatives have died in the past, I never shed a tear. I'm mildly upset for a few minutes before returning to my daily activities unaffected. Since I...|||I'm not sure if I should congratulate you or apologise in advance. Your results seem very mild relative to my own. I scored 81% introvert, 56% intuitive, 84% thinking and 47% judging. Either I'm a...|||1) On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your current mood, with 1 being extreme sadness and 10 being extreme happiness? 6 2) In relation to your current academic studies, on a scale of 1-10...|||19 years old. I will be twenty early next year.|||Non-fiction. Knowledge must be preserved as much as possible. Fiction, while is very important aspect of our society, is not necessary for the survival and progression of civilisation.|||Right now I'm studying Biomedical Science. I plan on studying another degree in Astrophysics when I'm finished with this one.|||Even though the concept of having a long-term monogamous relationship has always appealed to me, I don't find marriage to be particularly useful in any way whatsoever. The marriage ceremony will cost...|||No. Not because I have a dislike of children, and not because I think they will be a burden. The truth is, I have always been a very reclusive and inexpressive person, even by INTJ standards. I'll...|||Have you ever experienced the phenomenon of people telling you how you feel? I have noticed that people always assert that I am feeling a certain way, yet their assertions are usually completely...|||I agree. It's just an excuse to indulge in material gain and the adoration of others. It can be enjoyable to plan a social event with a few close friends, but I am not a fan of the constant Facebook...|||I have the exact same issue. I don't have much problem following authority whose views and goals are congruent with my own, but if that authority figure opposes my own ideals and goals and/or is not...|||I tend to be rather ambivalent/apathetic about culture in general. Studying culture is useful for understanding the behaviour of other people, but it really doesn't have any other practical uses...|||I usually don't wear a social mask unless there are practical benefits to it. If the person cannot provide anything of value to me, I simply don't put the effort in to be social. But when I find a...|||Who do think within the industry of cinema and television has undeservedly been placed on a pedestal by their cult following? I'm not referring to their celebrity status, as I think all celebrities...|||I wouldn't say that I'm sociopathic, but rather I have selective empathy. I only empathise, and consequently open up, to people that I find to be genuinely worth the effort. Excluding those few...|||Hello everyone. Recently I have become interested in the phenomenon known as groupthink, referred to colloquially as an Echo Chamber. For those who don't know, groupthink occurs when the desire...|||Yes, the laws of causation demand it. The only other option is to believe in a predetermined fate or destiny, but that completely contradicts the laws of causation.'
'About 170. Thing is though, most of them are just acquaintance and very few of them true friends.|||I used to play the flute, although I have stopped for a few years. Would do it again though, but I need to buy a new instrument.|||I have always imagined myself living off the grid and living off the land. Although the reality of it is that such a lifestyle would be quite a challenging feat indeed, so I don't usually think...|||I use to volunteer a lot, and occasionally I would donate money to worthy causes (i.e, humanitarian aid, and education). It makes me a bit of a door mat, but oh well|||I am not a big fan of politics either, but I have come to realize that it does have some impact on my life, however small that may be. The thing I dislike about politics is that it is far from...|||I disappear into the world of video games... Though occasionally some web browsing, reading, going out to the pool, and figuring out a few things with regard to cooking. Mostly video games though,...|||I feel like giving you both a hug. While I don't know much about either of you, I'll still choose to like you for who you are.|||I'm a medevac pilot. I fly an airplane around remote places and transferring patients to where they can receive medical care. I Like it in the sense that I get to help people, and sometime even...|||There is nothing prohibiting me from being manipulative, narcissistic, or cold, though at least at the personal level, I just choose not to do so. Emotions don't completely govern my life, and I do...|||Thanks. Just started reading. So far so good.|||Mine is an x-ray of Tux, the Linux mascot. I'm not actually a big linux fan, and never had much luck running it on some of my previous systems, but I find penguins are an awesome animal that is both...|||Hah! I'm glad I'm not the only one. I'm 29 now, and I spend most of my time away from home for work, and when I'm away in a rented room somewhere, I generally don't for fear of embarrassment. ...|||Being cool seems to be often tossed into words of conversation referring to something of a societal ideal. I think it is a thing of culture, and really the primary reason why people are drawn to...|||I used to play flute. I'll get back to it some day.|||Moriarty from Sherlock Holmes - His intellect rivals Holmes himself, which makes him dangerously intelligent. Tywin Lannister from Game of Thrones - To be honest, I'm not sure if he necessarily...|||I have several heroes. Real People: -Mohandas Ghandi (Why? Perhaps the biggest idealist in history and managed to gain the love of nations simply by good inspiration and doing what is right)...|||I used to be a jack of all trades myself, always seeking new experiences, and getting easily bored. It's not a good thing though, since employers generally don't like people jumping from...|||High school was a long time ago for me, but I was bullied a bit myself. When I first started high school, I had a few friends. Somehow, I had a disagreement with one of them, and that person turned...|||Yes, I have an aspiration to travel. If I win the lottery tomorrow, the first thing I would do would be to book a world tour, see the seven wonders in the world, and spend a couple weeks at a time...|||As an introvert (of the stuck-in-my-mind dreamy type), I generally feel best when I am by myself doing my own thing. And yet there are times when being alone simultaneously bugs me as well. ...|||I sometimes feel I don't help other people enough, and tend to keep to myself. That said, when someone needs help, I'm usually quick to offer it. I tend to volunteer for jobs that some people may...|||I picked I quit them. In reality, I have a Twitter account, and I used to have a facebook account. I kept my twitter account open though I rarely put in the effort to use it. As for my...|||I'm biased... INFP! :proud:|||I like the creatives and the weird. I spend my time with intellectuals often, so I prefer a little variety.|||1-2 times a week or so. I can normally recall dreams several minutes after I wake up, but I do have trouble retaining them unless I consciously take an effort to remember them. I used to train...|||I worked in door-to-door selling and at a callcentre once, as side jobs. Those were the very definition of hell. They are stressful, you get hated at the end of the day, and the pay was like $10-12...|||I'll add a +1 here. Don't know what more to add... but you girls are a little bit easier to talk to, and I appreciate the authenticity.|||When people yell at me, my emotions kick in, and I naturally get upset and angry. I also get the desire to retaliate, but know that I can't, so I inevitably drift into despair. This despair causes...|||My dream job tends to change overtime, so sometimes I am a little bit unsure of myself. Maybe it's just an INFP thing. 1. If I can choose a particular career I would really want now, it would...|||To be honest... I'm a submarine today lol Hiding and avoiding. Mostly in regards to homework ... :tongue:|||I actually did not notice how active we are. But it all makes sense :tongue: We all need a place to hang out, right? :wink:|||I associate myself with scientific thinkers a lot, and have a hobby in debunking myths and such. A lot of my closest friends are thinkers with brilliant philosophies and views on scientific topics. ...|||Kind of like hesitating to ask a girl out for a date, or take things further kind of thing? Need a bit more clarification. If that is the issue however, then it's not unusual, since we more or less...|||I can't remember exactly what my IQ score was, but last I took one, I was around just average. I sucked in highschool but did extremely well in college and university. I normally get A's, and...|||Not a morning person. I prefer to sleep in.|||Listening to Audiomachine epic music, while drinking french cognac. Good mix :proud: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=50Ma0kXhXKA|||I sometimes get annoyed with my parents... but everything said and done, I love them like no other.|||LOL! PENTAKILL! I play a bit league myself. Casually though, and mostly ARAMS. I enjoy rolling around with Fizz.|||Oh neat. I actually studied Anthropology for a little bit during my first couple years in post-secondary. It is actually very interesting. To be fair, I kind of wish I never switched majors and...|||I think Psychology fits INFPs more, though not necessarily where most INFPs end up. Come to think of it though, if I had the chance to go through school all over again, I may actually choose to...|||I've only really met one, since I don't normally go out and ask people their myers-briggs. I think there are more who would classify though. The one I met was actually a Counselor when I was...|||I used to work as an accountant, and I'm embarrassed to say that I don't really manage my own money as concisely as I should. That said, I have a few rules of thumb that I normally keep, that has...|||Used to be very religious, though I think I'm more agnostic and borderline athiest nowadays.|||One final thing, if you can avoid it, try not to take jobs you know you can't handle unless you are really desperate for cash. As for following up on that position you mentioned, just try to drop...|||I can't offer much advice in terms of finding a mentor, though I would like to chime in with a few suggestions that came off the top of my head. Hopefully it would help. First off, the...|||+1 on this part. If you apply for 50 jobs, and you don't get a call back, showing the initiative to put a face to your resume can work depending on what you are applying for. This is how I got...|||I'm generally not too physical, at least in the literal sense. I used to do martial arts, and I worked in the army for a bit, which are considered physical activities, but being an introvert, I tend...|||I did exceptionally well in elementary, and was the normally the top of the class. When it came to highschool, I got my butt kicked, and my grades were below average, with some notable C's and D's. ...|||Hey man, You deserve all the love just like anyone else, but as mentioned before, you got to have a bit of self respect. For what it's worth, I've been through some similar phases in life. My...|||I try to practice Zen meditation twice a day, once in the morning and once at night. I do it mostly because my mind tends to wander all over the place, whereas I need a bit more focus and...'
'No, you're not evil, :laughing:. I can relate completely to your workplace situation. At my work coworkers generally have the same boundaries that I have, but there are a few people who ask me...|||Do you think INFPs are naturally more patient? Or do you think we are patient in some areas but naturally more impatient in others? It depends on the situation, how I'm feeling, etc. I am...|||My Advice: Stop over thinking about the touching aspects of a relationship, you're still young so don't panic, and find a meaningful hobby/activity. 1) As a fellow infp, I know it's hard to stop...|||Wasn't it confirmed that she was infp? I read that in a book once... i forgot which one though. *shrugs*|||I completely second this! I don't think I can say anything else, because you've summed it all up! And I absolutely love that quote..|||Uhmm, I've never had imaginary friends... I used to give my stuffed animals personalities, though. Does that count? I did/do imagine myself in various scenarios, like others here.|||I guess it's just guys mistaking my niceness and general willingness to converse as- FLIRTING... it's actually really annoying and I frustrate myself because I don't even know when I'm flirting. I...|||When I go to school tomorrow I promise that I won't awkwardly stare at people with a blank face as I walk past them... I'll smile.|||Sweet 16! Ugh, there's nothing sweet about this age. Still treated like a baby, but told to grow up...|||My parents always wanted me to interact with kids, even when I was in preschool my parents told me that all I wanted to do was play with legos by myself, or people watch XD. Growing up, my...|||I really dislike it when anyone talks during a movie, unless it's obvious that others are welcome to it and the movie sucks. I find it hard to talk during a good movie because I feel like I'm in the...|||Oops. Sorry about that, hehehe.|||I remeber always wanting to have a job that focused on helping people/animals.. Here's my list: -Vet -Singer -Artist -Teacher -Dentist -Professional violinist -Librarian|||You may be uninterested in the external world because it's mainly superficial (making money, gossiping, parties, etc) at least where I live. And when you look inward, you get this notion that because...|||Does it bother you? Do you do it? What's your reaction? (Do you say anything?) I don't mean just at the cinemas/theaters, but at home with family/friends.|||Mom (estp): WHY are you SO LAZY?! Me: uh... I'm not that lazy... In my mind: Why should I have to do that stupidly mundane task that you can do yourself? You always call me lazy, but the truth is...|||I feel really awkward when someone (I don't know) stares at me- not the short glance, but the 'searching for your soul' kind of look. It's too intimate for me... I can only handle that with people I...|||Hmm... Well, my parents always have something negative or critical about everything I say or do. This has become a daily occurrance and results in me feeling very hurt while my parents laugh- even...|||Ah, my down time... I usually listen to music, write, read, sleep, daydream. Basically anything that will relax me and when I'm alone. I absolutely hate it when people interrupt my daily me time....|||Go the Distance from Hercules. This song makes me tear up when I'm singing along. I'm a cry baby, I know. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cja4NvIR1UU&amp;feature=related|||We're all going to die. How does that knowledge affect your daily life? Eh, I know we're all going to die. Life goes on, even if you don't. Dying doesn't really scare me, the question is how am I...|||Fear has always been a main factor in my life. I've let my fear win over my courage so many times. Sometimes I just want to cry when I know that I allowed my fear to trump over and over again. I've...|||...What's a facebook?... Just kidding :P I don't even have a facebook account and I'm 16... I know I sound pathetic to some people, but I honestly don't think I have enough friends to have one...|||... give me a few moments to think of something interesting. hehe. -I guess writing comes naturally to me when the mood hits me. -When a random idea comes into my head and I get excited and giddy...|||Well, I stated, the thought process of girls who are immature. So that means that not everyone but a majority of the population at that age. And I also stated that infatuation at this age is...|||I'm 16 as well.. it really is the worst when someone you like doesn't feel the same way. However, I always tell myself that I'm just in high school (young) and that I have plenty of years to find...|||...mature? Immature? Both?! (I clicked immature XD) People call me mature all the time, but that could be I'm so reserved and polite when I don't know people that well. Last week I was singing a...|||I'm annoyed that people think that I'm boring when I would rather bond with a couple of friends over movies and laying about instead of at parties mingling with people who could care less about me....|||This is exactly how I feel. It's hard to actually really wan to connect with a single person when they are especially closed off. I can't handle people rejecting me when I don't know what I've done,...|||Hmmm.... I usually remember my dreams, not all details but mostly the key points. However, I can't remember my dreams when I'm extremely tired the day (night?) I go to sleep. My dreams are......|||I've never been in a romantic relationship before...:blushed: I would hate it if a SO would cheat on me, so why would I do that? We're all human and deserve better than that. I've witnessed...|||This question really made me think. In the end, to sum up how I feel I think this is what I worry about. I worry that I'm not a good enough friend or I did something wrong. I'm uncertain that she...|||IcarusDreams infpblog amy.keiko your views have helped me a lot. I'm going to tell her how I feel. Hopefully telling her my feelings will give me some closure if we do end our friendship or evolve...|||I don't expect her to follow my rules. I don't think it's stupid to want to connect with a friend once in a while. Despite being P, I do not like all changes when it comes to usually stable...|||Wanderlust94 Thanks for the advice. It's just really hard to let go of a friendship that lasted for years. I think I'll have to lose this friend as a result of growing up and growing apart. :crying:...|||Bonjour mes amies! So, I'm really tired of having to text people first all the time. I always have to text someone first or else they won't text me at all... okay, almost 90% of the times the...|||I definitely use Ni more.. OP THANKS!! I'm not confused anymore! :)|||January! I could have been a New Years' Eve baby if I was born 7 days earlier.... life is so unfair|||I eat fairly light. I can't eat breakfast when I just wake up so I normally have nothing until 10am-ish. I usually have a sandwhich and that's it for 7hours. (school days). For the times/days I'm at...|||Some people are just interested in getting the job done and nothing more. People are sometimes viewed as smug when the truth is that they want someone else to initiate the conversation. Authority...|||That made my day a little brighter! I love the irony... Being smug is definitely a trait of people who think that material goods are more important than being thankful for all you have, no matter...|||You're eyes really are violet? That's awesome! I know a person from Denmark and she says that brown eyes are the prettiest because where she's from people mainly have blue eyes. I also love the beat...|||Ablysmal the more the merrier! infp's don't bite ;)|||This song makes me feel depressed and tired. The slow and steady melody sticks with me for hours. This song reminds me that I shouldn't be living life feeling numb and I should live life.. And that...|||Your score: 56 I knew that I would be somewhere near the middle.|||A random question I felt like asking. Do you have a specific song that makes you feel? When I say feel I don't mean the usual- It makes me sad... and stop there. I would love it if you would...|||I can't help myself when I see an open target, mainly my good friends/family. I mainly mess with my dad while I tag-team with my estp mom. The other day a friend of mine was sleeping in class and I...|||When someone I don't know well makes these jokes I ignore them until they ask me, you got that, right?- Of course I did. People assume that I'm all innocent and act so surprised when I make a...|||I form friendships with females a little more easily, but I understand males more. This is probably because I have older brothers so I'm used to being the only girl and talking about things girls...|||Eh... I guess. When I was around 11/12 years old I connected well with my younger 5 years old cousins. Kids like me but I'm just socially awkward because I don't know what to say. I like talking...'
'Your situation not only helps you maintain a sense of closeness, but it also brings the person back to you. That's awesome! :) Toodles|||After reading post after post, thread after thread, I have come to find out how lonerish we INFPs really are. Are we really the biggest loner personality type or something because it seems that way...|||I actually start in the standing position, then finish is the sitting position. It's just like my sexuality; I go both ways. Tooooooooooooooooodles :)|||Yes :) I will do my best to help you out with your situation. And if you have anything too personal to post on this thread, feel free to send me a private message and I will answer your questions...|||I say Toodles as my own little goodbye on the forum :) Double major: Philosophy and Psychology now, and I could minor in English if I really wanted to. But I am switching into the medical...|||Your amazing :) This is going to make me smile for awhile. Thanks for writing this. Toodles :)|||INFP's are prone to lateness. Sorry :/ And I want to answer all your questions with good answers so give me some time. We haven't failed yet. Promise. Toodles :) I say toodles as a goodbye.......|||Emotions can be overwhelming at times, but I enjoy having them. And I can't really explain the depth of human emotion until later on because I just have too much going on right now. But your...|||YES! :) This will be awesome. Toodles :)|||Alrighty :) Your included Toodles|||Earlier when I was reading about Jung's Type descriptions of INFP's. . . I found something really interesting, so I have to ask the question: Do you daydream about people to maintain a sense of...|||Entp's aren't so common to me, but I did have a friend in college who tested ENTP on the MyersBriggs and she was wonderful to be around. Full of energy and just fun. And very very social. But I only...|||If anyone wants to know what it's like to be an INFP, just ask whatever :) I'm not easily offended, so ask anything. (I'm setting myself up here lol) Woops! Take care :)|||You understand the life :) It's just a creative disaster lol Take care and I wish you the best. Toodles :)|||Your awesome. Toodles :)|||LOL!! That's too good. And true. Take care|||Being an INFP has always been confusing to me, so I am really wondering if we really are prone to confusion. Personally, I have a couple years in college done and I am in a medical field. But! Almost...|||Well... not really. When it came to writing poetry or whatever it was that I wrote when I was a teenager, I only did it to feel less crazy. It was more of a form of therapy. I was never really great...|||Well I completely agree with you. Using drugs to escape from reality only creates more problems. I don't do that anymore. Toodles :)|||Your pictures are beautiful :) I really enjoyed them. (I paint and they were inspirational) Toodles :)|||Escape Creativity flows like an energetic stream as consciousness shifts into a darkened state. The pills that were once in my hand have been thrown into my mouth, disappearing into my...|||People can be non-spiritual and non-career minded. People can be non-career minded and spiritual. People can be spiritual and career minded. ...|||It's objective and heartlessly entertaining :) It sure explains a-lot. Toodles :)|||Original, weird, odd, funny, likes to smell good. And much more. I agree with ya mister. Toodles :)|||Welcome to the forum and thanks for the comment. It is true and it is depressing. But as it says, we are attracted to sad things so we like it. Lolz Toodles|||Agree :)|||Jung Type Descriptions INFP creative, smart, idealist, loner, attracted to sad things, disorganized, avoidant, can be overwhelmed...|||When you send your best friend twenty text messages saying why you were wrong and why they were right. And how you should've just listened to them, but because your feelings were hurt, you ran away...|||Thank you all so much! Your responses really helped me understand what she is going through better. Thank you again! :) Toodles|||Every form of art expresses your emotions whether you’re a writer, a painter, a sculpter, an actor or a dancer, you are able let out your feelings through your art. Personally I am more of a painter...|||Dying is better than living forever.|||Congratulations on making such a wise decision to seek help at such a young age. That shows your maturity, and counseling really does help and I believe that your doing the right thing. For your pain...|||Your poetry is beautiful! Thanks for sharing it :)'
'Do you relate more to John Lennon, Bjork, and Thom Yorke (all INFPs) or to Paul McCartney, Bob Dylan, and Eminem (all ISFPs)? Watch interviews on youtube, and the differences should be easy to spot....|||What makes you think you use Ti? And if you used Ni and Ti that would make you either INFJ or ISTP.|||Good book. :)|||On a serious note, don't choose your future by anything anyone else says. Decide yourself what you want to do and go after that. And never try to choose a career based on your personality type,...|||A Child Called 'It'. Very dull so far. And a biography about Catherine the Great. She seems ENTP - great character. :)|||Probably ESTJ.|||I took a professional IQ test a couple of years ago. A friend of mine (probably INTP) really wanted to do it and wanted someone to go with her, so I did. My result was 134.|||Now this is more INTJ. :) It's this kind of thing you missed out in your original post haha.|||You didn't see anything Fi related? On a different note, what signs of Ti did you see? I have no interest in proving anything. And I couldn't even if I did, as the only info we have is what this...|||Haha yeah, it appears from reading simplistic articles on the internet that unless you're blind or have had your tongue cut out you can't be an N type. That's bull. Everyone uses all their senses. ...|||They're both Ji functions, so yeah. Ti doesn't promote values. Ti evaluates new ideas by comparing to the truths it already understands, Fi evaluates new ideas based on how much they value them.|||TineNite Have you tried taking the new quiz at PersonalityJunkie dot com? Not only is it short, but it's one of the best on the internet. I think you have to sign up for their newsletter to take...|||Ti and Fi are VERY different. The OP is far too subjective to be a TP type. But, as you say, INTJ is possible.|||Astronomy|||ENTJ possibly. Your post was quite hard to read because it's all in one block for no reason.|||It seems to me that Fi is stronger than Te, due to the fact almost the whole post is soaked in Fi-isms like [I] relate their opinion back to my personal value and try to understand that it is only...|||I have some ideas about how to fix that. They're not very good ideas, but at least they're ideas! Adam Savage Comedy has always worked best when it is mean-spirited. John Cleese ...|||ENTP is my guess.|||I took a quick look through your original post and I don't think you're an NTP type at all. I saw zero Ti in the post haha (far more Fi-Te). My guess would be Fi-dom, possibly INFP. Typing people...|||Editor for a publishing company, marketing films or books, or a prostitute. :D|||Extraversion, in typology, isn't about how social a person is. There are many shy ENTPs out there. It's just a question of whether your dominant function is facing inwards or outwards. ENPs are...|||I think INTJ works.|||I think you're probably ENFP. :)|||You sound like an Fi-dom type. Probably ISFP, but INFP is possible too.|||Beckii Cruel (XBextahX) Obvious ENFP|||It's pointless trying to type a five year old. If the kid still acts the same aged ten, they'd probably be an Ne-dom.|||If it doesn't then I have no idea what I've done with my life.|||I don't think I've ever been so angry I lost control. I don't get angry very often at all, but I do get frustrated all the time. :)|||Yes, I find it easier to think when walking (preferably indoors - outside there are too many weird things to look at).|||Whereas we ENTPs are perfectly normal. :D|||Haikus are a more reliable way of rating a person's intelligence than IQs.|||Thanks. :) Oooh, I see you're an INFJ - that's one of the weird ones!!|||INTPs and ENFPs.|||Nearly all my beliefs are uncommon; that's what happens when most people in society aren't interested in asking questions. :D But they're all rational - or at least I have a bright searchlight for...|||I'm ENTP I love driving. The faster the car the more fun! However, I have to point out that I only really drive around tracks. I got my first racing license at 14 and have been competing in...|||Yo Motherlickers! (Yeah, I'm a Mighty Boosh fan :D ) I've been gobbling up info about Jungian typology for a while now, and find it fascinating. I'm an ENTP, no doubt about that. :D It...'
'Often in the minds of women, what may seem like confidence is really a lack thereof. For example, if you see a woman walking down the street with so little on, her boobs are practically hanging out...|||I'm sure they take great pride in it.|||^ This. Also... INTJ's doesn't need an apostrophe! :shocked:|||Continue the post all you want, I'm sure the INTJs here will gladly oblige (by which I mean debate). But I don't think you'll accomplish your original goal, which was to get our wenches :tongue:|||That's a fair reason. But I'm sure he views it as simply responding to your responses as well :P|||From the sounds of it, he simply sent you a friend request. You declined it, thus nipping it in the bud. I wouldn't really call that persisting. Instead you came back onto his thread and responded...|||Gushing = Explaining a point of view? Um, no. Also, there are plenty of things a female INTJ might gush about: String theory, quantum mechanics, etc. I specified gushing about themselves. I am not...|||I'll assume you meant INTJ. But if you're waiting for some INTJ female to stroll along and gush about herself to you, I think you'll be waiting a while. I'd suggest doing a little reading of your own...|||I think most people will agree that ENFP-INTJ seems to be a historically decent match. There have certainly been plenty of threads on it. But the fact that you come onto a forum and openly state that...|||What is this, I don't even...|||I share your pain all too well.|||Oh my god, you are gorgeous! I love your hair :happy:|||Mostly RPGs and MMORPGs. Can't stand RTSs, I find them to be too boring. WoW Fallout series Fable 1-3 Morrowind Oblivion Bloodrayne 1 & 2 Bioshock Dragon Age: Origins|||I currently have a dog, two cats, and a leopard gecko. I have had a snake, frogs, too many hamsters to count, two turtles, and a rabbit. I aim to have a range of pets over my lifetime, including a...|||I was definitely a tomboy. I don't think I actually wore a dress until fourth grade. I played video games and liked being outside and playing games and sports with other kids, mostly boys. I had...|||Shut up, no one loves you! Better?|||Yes! It's all about keeping a straight face and a serious tone if you really want it to work. Apparently I do it so well that sometimes, my friends (let alone complete strangers) honestly can't tell...|||Oooh, I'm gluten intolerant too! Are you celiac or just gluten intolerant? For those who don't know, celiac often causes other food allergies and it goes undiagnosed/misdiagnosed as other things....|||Could also be from regularly taking any kind of blood thinner, like aspirin.|||You've pretty much described me (even the WoW part :laughing:) except while I can be vain, I truly don't see a point in wearing make up. It serves no purpose to me and is a waste of time and money.|||I quite dislike how skinny I am too, but it's from a medical condition. Not much I can do about it, so I've just gotten over it.|||Yeah, I've done that plenty of times. Except it really doesn't matter how recent my birthday was, I always have to think about it before I answer >.<|||When I talk to my cat, it's more of a meow-talk than baby talk. I don't think it's uncommon. I know another INTJ who does it. And yes! I absolutely love spiders, they're adorable... usually :wink:|||The gym thing really surprises me actually. I don't truthfully work out often enough but when I do, I definitely don't go to a gym. I prefer to work out at home. Something about exercising in front...|||It would pain me to do so. We'll just let the fact float in the ether. :crazy:|||Oh my god.... I have no words for how amazing this is. My life has changed.|||Haha, no I agree! I was considering all aspects of the characters. I think Near and L were equal in brilliance. But L's do-ability puts him ahead.|||I find this particularly entertaining as my best friend is an INFJ and my boyfriend is an INTP. :laughing: That said, I have to say my experience is completely different. I've known my best friend...|||Pretty much this. I cannot count the number of times I was asked What's wrong? because of the look on my face when I was simply thinking about something. The question in turn seems to put me in a...|||That said, L > Kira|||You might be interested in reading Reality is Broken by Jane McGonigal. I haven't read it yet (planning to), but it seems to be about how video games are actually very beneficial not just to...|||Ahhh, I do things like that all the time! Though for me, it comes more from just being very socially awkward as opposed to not paying attention|||I lol'ed. Thank you :laughing:|||Yes, lip is pierced. None of the pictures in the back are of cartoons, gothic or otherwise, though I do love Deathnote. I am in neither a dorm nor an apartment. And I am not easily creeped out. :)|||I do it a lot. I noticed it more when I was working as a file clerk for a while, I think cause my job seemed very repetitive. Sometimes, I'd be making copies or writing out directories and I would...|||I refused to make one for the longest time and then one day, my best friend got sick of not getting to talk to me as much as she'd like as I'm somewhat of a recluse. So she made one for me. I check...|||Though I've never had a consistent schedule as far as I can tell, I am absolutely a night person. Especially lately, been waking up in the evening. I'm half convinced my biological clock is just not...|||I hope you know better with INTJs :proud:|||I think Light was an ENTJ, though it's hard to determine whether or not he enjoyed being with other people or simply hung out with them cause he had to. But there seems to be a stereotype for ENTJs...|||I've always been more active at night. Never had a consistent schedule but I've always leaned to being awake at night and sleeping during the day. For example, it's 8pm here and I only just recently...|||I've never been super into anime, but I absolutely fell in love with L! Probably cause if he had a type, I think it would be INTJ. He's my one and only anime crush, absolutely adorable. Not trying to...|||Haha, I was trying to be nice about it, but pretty much this!|||You bear an eerie resemblance to one of my best friends in 9th grade. Hard to tell though, she had longer and more naturally colored hair then :tongue:|||I was just lurking on the ENTP picture forums and I must say, it's so nice to be back safe and sound on the INTJ forums. There's quite a difference in the picture threads alone. Whenever an ENTP...|||I'm a bit surprised so many people said awkward silence makes them feel awkward. I often intentionally say things to CREATE awkward silences. Sometimes it may be because I don't want to talk to the...|||No, I would not want to be treated like a princess necessarily. As has been mentioned, it entirely depends on what like a princess means. I'd want to be treated well in a relationship, just as I...|||Other than ebooks (of a wide variety), I don't really collect anything. When I was a little girl, I collected Hot Wheels cars? That's about it, never been big on collecting :tongue:|||I always got along better with animals than with people, so perhaps a zookeeper. A dirty job, but I'd get to hang around animals all day and would likely have minimal social interaction :laughing:|||I know I'm not a guy and probably can't give the input you're looking for, but I agree with jbking. If I were to receive a list like that, I'd still be unsure of what my next move should be and what...|||Sadly I have never been outside the US :( One of my greatest goals in life is to travel though, anywhere I can. At the moment, I am extremely likely to go to Australia in the near future, but I want...'
'So I am an ENFP and I have just started seeing an INFS, but we've had some history, pretty typical of an INFP/ENFP pairing. For instance once we first started talking way back when in high school,...|||See yeah, I think we are wise socially, and we understand people without going on a lot. I mean, I'm basically just repeating what everyone else is saying, but personally, I'd like to think I get...|||So INFPs, short and simple - why would you delete your Social Networking Device? I mean, Facebook asks you the same thing when you go and try to deactivate it - and TOTALLY guilt trips you into not...|||Goodness, this is so true about him. There is nothing that matches him more than the bold up there. He appears so relaxed, calm and collected, in any situation, but I know that on the inside...|||that's so crazy! That totally is how I am with other NFs! Well, NFPs in particular because NFJs tend to clarify what you meant for their own organization an categorization of it in their mind. I did...|||That was just the most INTJ thing to say ever, a space whale. I'm not offended, it actually made me laugh. But I can surely tell you that this whole thing wasn't just trying to get me to send a text...|||YESYESYesyesyesyesyesyesyes! Finally. Icarus yes. Yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes. I mean, I'm not saying all you other brilliant folks haven't encountered a profound level of understanding of the...|||Whynd, What I meant up there really was that it could become an issue if he continues his self destructive behaviors really. I would never ever ever ever ever want him to change who he is. EVER. I...|||Oh man. See I honestly have read what you all have said since I've last posted, and I guess I've been trying to work things out on my en with myself before I was gonna report back. Also, I was trying...|||Ok so I'm getting into the BBC modernized version called Sherlock, but you could easily use the rob downy jr flick for speculation as well. it perplexes me! His conflicting personality traits could...|||Woah, that is a creepily accurate description of me.... You know you're an ambivert when your more than content with your hot date being taco bell and netflix on Friday, but you're calling up all...|||IcarusDreams, you are very kind, and I appreciate that in the situation. My ENFP heart is sort of confused and tangled up. See, we talk about him ( or rather, Infps) over romanticizing and idealizing...|||Hahah ok, space whale. I'm not gonna lie. I don't understand your response at all. I'm going to reread it, hold on... Ok I'm gonna try to respond. He ain't no ulimate hustla, I'm tryin o figure...|||How much does this change the story if I add in that we were slightly drunk? However, when we actually hooked up, we were pretty sober and clear minded (or at least I was...)|||Haha! INFP, the hipster.|||gahhh!! Same with my INFP!! See, my friend is really rather sweet, an he is such a good listener. Win he's with people he doesn't know he gets quite shy but he absorbs everything. When he's around...|||Oh goodness, it's good to hear I'm not the only ENFP with a huge fear problem. It's like a big black brick wall that stands in the way of you getting what you want. And you know, romance isn't...|||Fine, I'll n the enfp that agrees with you op! It's funny, I've been told wayyyyyyyore than once that my words are quite stream of consciousness. It's the worst in class though, because I raise my...|||I speaky the Spanish. English is my first language, but I studied abroad in Oaxaca, Mexico for a half a year, and it's my major in college :) it's starting to fade though with lack of use! Anyone...|||It's funny because at first it seems riocous that there is a certain LOOK that an ENFP has, but after reading through all these, it can't be coincidence... Can it? I mean, I'm tall, blonde, freckly,...|||Wow, I can relate completely with you! Even just the fact that I haven't joined a forum since I was 14! Haha! Well anyhow, I quite agree that sometimes I really just don't feel like I have anyone to...|||CynicallyNaive, ok, I can gather that having a one night stand is not typical for him, an that he struggled with it perhaps more than I thought he did - I have excepted that into my realm of...|||CynicallyNaive, I tend to believe the general consensus throughout this thread has been that he is closing himself off from me because I hurt him by not making it clear that we wanted more than just...|||Be an ISTJ. Or an ENTJ. Correct them. Tell them how blonde they are, insult their intelligence, that sort of thing. Tell an enfp they don't care after that enfp just spent months and...|||Ok so I'm an enfp, bit his definitely sounds like me....! Like... To a tee! I wonder sometimes about my E... Anyhow, I like what someone up there said about logic. I try that but then it causes me to...|||Ok why is that btw? I'm an enfp, bit have the hugest conflicts with my ISTJs, wheras my infp friend never has anything negative to say about same istj friend. It seems like sharing an nfp would make...|||Awwww man. Honestly this thread has (not because I personally let what other people say over the Internet really get to me) causes quite a rollercoaster of emotions about the situation. The situation...|||Oh god (haha), do I love this quote. I have another, I'm an atheist, thank god. -Luis Bunuel. For me, I can't stomach a God existing. It doesn't make sense that we would have one, and someone...|||* 1) Did he really understand you like no one else has? I wouldn't say he understood me better than anyone else has, but I would say that we had a crazy weird instant connection. I would also say...|||Is that supposed to mean that you don't like the way that I'm going about this problem or something? I didn't start this thread with the intention of trying to please you - although I appreciate...|||See, I don't really think anyone LIKES to disappoint people, but I honestly think some people don't even think about it at all. And a lot of people don't even think about how they are disappointed....|||In my opinion, it is very possible to have a friend of the opposite sex that you don't have romantic feelings for. I have a best guy friend at college that I hang out wih all the time, alone or with...|||Oh god. I feel awful now, seriously. I never ever ever thought in a million years he actually was interested in my romantically all those years... I mean, I was quite attracted to him, and was very...|||Oh no. I don't like this, because I didn't bring anything up after our hookup because I was afraid he didn't feel the same way, so I was waiting for him to say something about it! When he didn't...|||It's good you mention that, IcarusDreams, because I know i did all I could to be nice and kind, and to try to impede on any non-talking that was going on between us. I really can only just live my...|||I am just as excited to meet other ENFPs, and I've also realized that I haven't met many (if any at all) in real life! MAybe it's harder for us to type people that are most like us though, so maybe...|||Youpullmethroightime, i am very aggravated because I just wrote a really long response and somehow my computer lost it :((( But I will attempt to remember what I said! Basically I have given some...|||I think what you're saying is very true. I had sort of already decided that I would move on, and give him space. I am so not one to be naggy, and I hate seeming like I'm being pushy or whatever. I...|||I am going to attempt to reply to this, and perhaps process it at the same time. Averseaffects, you made me admit to myself that what we had wasn't really even a close friendship in the way I would...|||So my INFP friend told me that his biggest fear on the planet is of disappointing people. I mean, he has a history of his parents never being quite proud of him, but would you say as INFPs, this is a...|||Haha thanks :) I agree, it causes me too much pain and worry, bit for some reason I still believe in him an care about him, and believe that someone out there should care for him, because he...|||Ok, so I'm thinking it's more of a mixture of one and two - btw, holy crap it's like you've pinpointed him exacty!! He often gets so moody and deletes his facebook, then creates a new one, then...|||Hey guys, I'm a female ENFP, and my friend is an INFP, and where I usually would feel like I understand him ( with our core nfp, we have a wierd connection that I've always felt, even before this...|||And it blows because I feel like ENFPs just wanna love sooooooooo bad. We have such a capacity for it. We are just so able to quickly fall in love over and over, all the time. But we don't want...|||Sometimes I worry like an ENFJ though, I swear! (btw, NOT anywhere close to a J). I mean, I guess ENFPs just want to love so muh, and we make up fantasies, an like the INFP have rose covered...|||Well howdy neighbors! How interesting to meet others like me (not just alike because of our similar thought patterns, fellow ENFPs) bit people who like to learn about themselves and others. This...|||It does feel good to know I'm not alone, and that I don't have to live to a certain expectaopn of what an ENFP should be, because then I don't feel like I fit anywhere. I guess I just fear rejection...|||I so completely know how you feel! I mean sometimes I wonder if I am an INFP just because I am rather shy sometimes in social situations and I spend a lot of time b myself reflectig and writing awful...|||oh my god I get that allllll the time! Or people tell me I should just think a little before I talk. I don't see why people think we're so stupid at first. It's really rather mean :( being a natural...|||stream of consciousness, is the best way to describe you What??? I can't tell when you're drunk or not. at first I didn't understand you at all. But then somehow I did, and I've concluded...'
'Rough. Trade.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rq43RWeV7FA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-t_mt6hTzk8|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5zxUT-bVeg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jF8kmiGHBOw|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TKwa3g3gRos|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBEt7OVMBwE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5bUmx-hk-c|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQjq1WjtIdK https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwSBJBfjbgk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpfkSC8YoYA|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lD4sxxoJGkA|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpj_nn87VVc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GhJfc9R3fg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3yLtnNF6yM|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBLzFeOHtnM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xtCtDvRXkVI|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYH0zhll0H0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUp-SUQuKu8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7zbDhw42tgw|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qvm6Uv8Du_I https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_g5zw5vRtU|||Time is a thief when you're undecided.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lneSAju-Xtc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=errwLEOyWGQ|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0LAs7X5ybE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqDjMZKf-wg|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Dd87truWl8|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mxtfdH3-TQ4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHZZ-TzIBUk|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V3dvpp_kbf8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ch-toSidOD0|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dXpW5-EDgmk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36nj-TS420Y https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AikHu3opgC0|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o9O8WsrwxmM|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVdblBZ-SrE|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kIKuaShUrmI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2CSsyJKSfbs|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mecFAjqyjuw|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CgZnNz4quHA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3WZ4BaRz40|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GjoXKb-agwc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zSbHADm32o|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-2FvK54LWCg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2UfauYZp3-8|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0viDab5XSRg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AkFqg5wAuFk|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OHrTWXuVk7U|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YK4t6mKxrTw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9EkciLlXGN8|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQ1ajf4cDlA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xL5spALs-eA|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9mSPFw7BXo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hru0Uq6VsUY|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZhDnmmfJGyk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sk8Pb17pcQI|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wguhryXHgO8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-2ltL2KaI4|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-qfzH0vnOs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HT4RainY-lY|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kaIZWjItReI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGW4qMUysAQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RAd-iUyj17c|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RlNhD0oS5pk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-tT62bpYlU|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TycGsyt2h9s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvs2J1-Hn8g|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ltGgEmZ3D8|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ka_ALgG9hqY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mOoqjLnZu3Q|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQ_Nl0kReO8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PaDr31BKNP4|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gaj1wVNvSqk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R3FXCxaPIqE|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IsktHpH5QGk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pmM2tczOD8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?V=yg7GfJuiUwM|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6k3tNNRS_I https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqfqVDHNW6c|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Opxft_u0GNw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbXdxonMfx0|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGU_gG5vJSg|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1DCqfLwW5QM|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXl98QQcVxM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQdzyOAb7Aw|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8d-Kx4S9OE|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9sGy_-p_sVE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ia0vOOjCCNo|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VrV0barJbH4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=47DWswZEH9I|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lDtXRxwYy8I https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40Grq0epcLc'
'Personally I lean towards healer and shaman. I guess I would tend to lean towards guardian of the two you mentioned but honestly I'm not really sure what that entails.|||Hello MaximL, I'm not sure how much help I can be in terms of your personal type because I don't know you that well, but what I can offer is my own experience in navigating this dilemma. That said -...|||I find 4s to be appealing friends. I love that they are interested in the depths of who they are and that they want to express it. They help me feel able to talk more freely and frankly about my...|||mOx|I|Ve I feel eh about this scale...|||I think ISFJs inherently see what a lot of others don't. ISFJs are good at seeing/understanding behavior and at understanding how people may be impacted by that behavior. Many other types don't see...|||Haha ok glad to hear it!! I appreciate your hope in my confidence!! :)|||6w7-9w8-2w3 soc/sx 47% INFP 23% INFJ 13% ISFP|||Isn't it? He feels uncomfortable with it too but he's much better at compartmentalizing and seems to be able to just not worry about it. He's a teacher and also feels concerned for the child, but...|||I asked sp/so husband about his perspective this morning. He related something like this -- He feels strongly, but not intensely. He doesn't really get obsessions that make him single-minded,...|||Maybe I wasn't clear? The ISFP husband was at the table while she did the strange perfume thing. He seemed bored but otherwise unperturbed. Anyway, yes, I'm closer to the ISFP. I don't hate the ESTJ;...|||Thanks, Santa Gloss, I really appreciate these suggestions. I feel so torn about the drive to protect the child versus the drive to keep to myself and preserve my husband's friendship. These sound...|||Oh no! I'm sorry! I love your adorable puffin amongst the flowers. Also, hello, fellow INFP Hufflepuff, glad to meet another too :proud:|||Absolutely! Will you tell me the secret to how you make your profile disappear? :) 712977|||Hello perc friends, I could use some advice in regards to a friendship situation. My husband (ISFJ) and I are friends with an ISFP and his ESTJ wife. We all get together periodically, and we...|||This was a post made with poor judgment. Am revoking. Apologies. Not my one above, though, I still am fond enough of that. At least that point has sarcastic value.|||You know, interracial marriage is ALSO genocide of people with eye problems associated with light colored eyes. And sunburn and higher rates of skin cancer. And cystic fibrosis. FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT...|||People who feel like they should be the judge of what is right for everyone.|||Legal. The amount of resources wasted on tracking down marijuana-related crime...! It would make more sense and save more lives to criminalize alcohol. I'm not after that, but it certainly doesn't...|||Potentials include him being a non-traditional sexuality, him being asexual or having low drive naturally, him being currently sick or stressed, him being mentally hung up on a sex issue that's...|||Oh! Glad to help. I remember being happy to learn it a while back myself. And thanks! I thought so too. I too share your sentiment... not sure I really belong in this thread (I do apologize if...|||Enneatype is a deep-rooted defense mechanism that is your mind's way of protecting you from harm - buried so far in your unconscious that you are unlikely to even immediately see it for what it is,...|||Yes. I had a more masculine looking avatar on another website where gender wasn't clearly indicated and I got addressed as a male frequently. I also echo that my avatar influences the way I...|||And that is why I have an ISxJ partner :proud:|||Mine too. Most people just assume. A friend (also an INFP???) once even spoke at length to me about being part of the oppression, which was a bit uncomfortable because she never asked my orientation....|||I do present some vulnerability but it's intentionally hand-selected by me. I am choosy about who I reveal my deepest anxieties to. I do not like feeling incompetent and I would almost always prefer...|||I wonder, but I don't dwell on it. I don't see any point. I'll find out when I get there. I feel like it is more important to cherish their company now.|||Asd456, In the beginning, when 9 and I were dating, we typically texted daily, but with both of us being introverts, it wasn't unheard of for one of us to drop out of communication for a couple...|||The way my Si-dom, sp-dom explained Si to me is like when you walk into an old building and can see the details in the architecture and in the cracked floors that indicate things about the lives that...|||LOL this is so true. Also probably the best way to spot us. We can look like everything else under the sun otherwise. Personally I just learned a good college friend of mine identifies as a 6....|||Well thanks INTP Chickin friend. I like you too. I like that cat also. What a cutie. I really appreciate especially how this was very sweet and unexpected but also grounded and rational in INTP...|||Yes. Again, I don't feel like you deserve it - it's money someone's choosing to give you - but you might as well fight for it. I'd email the scholarship manager again (politely) as well. You never...|||I had a boss who was an ISTJ 9w1 a couple of years ago. We didn't get along at first. He thought that I was a messy rule-breaker (somewhat true) and I thought that he constantly missed the forest for...|||I generally dislike this question as well, FWIW. If a person is close enough to me to realize something is very wrong, I'd rather them try to comfort me in a way they know works - a hug, distracting...|||I think my ESFP friend's girlfriend is ISFJ.|||I'm a little nervous about it for a lot of reasons but I do want to have them someday.|||I only really get bored when I'm stuck with tasks I don't want to do. My problem is less finding ways to entertain myself and more forcing my way through the tasks. Upbeat music, friends/family...|||It's sp... yes... I care about it in theory... but most of the time I feel like I spend my energy on the others and don't really have energy any left for it. When I do sp-oriented actions it tends to...|||I would call/email the registrar instead, actually. They will be able to confirm if they have your grades or not, and they may be able to help with obtaining them if they don't.|||I think college is undervalued for the education it provides and overvalued as a career launchpad. For some reason at least in the US we're shooting kids straight from high school to college like...|||IME if you hate a person, whatever it is you hate in them resonates especially strongly with you for some reason. It doesn't mean you necessarily share that same trait, but it means that for whatever...|||My parents have a bathroom that is T-shaped, with a hallway that leads to two sinks, a countertop space between them, and then a jacuzzi tub and small room with a toilet and shower stall on either...|||1. What is your type? INFP 2. What kind of features do you think makes a male attractive (personality-wise)? Amiable, decisive, rational, laid-back, adventurous, responsible, conscientious,...|||Mm. There are good points that can be made about how the educational system (at least in the States) is failing young men but IMO it has a lot more to do with unrealistic behavioral expectations of...|||I think always err to the side of thanking too much than too little. And I know personally I am always appreciative of thank you replies at work even though I sort through tons of emails - it's just...|||Oh. I also comment on a perfume forum and I thought for a minute you were talking about Lancome Hypnose. It's a funny powdery-creamy vanilla-fruity scent - kind of like those old push-up ice cream...|||I don't really think of this stuff in terms of rights. It doesn't really matter. It sounds like you have the possibility of still getting it. Fight for it as best you can.|||Yeah. Some people have a hard time regulating the boundary of when it's ok to stop giving. I'm not nearly as generous as some ISFJs but I have it too. Sometimes it's really hard to figure out how and...|||I think people have a really hard time dealing with situations like that in general. I don't think they really intend to be assholes - they just think it's weird and frightening and they bristle as a...|||It sounds like your sister has some emotional issues and you really dislike her. It's hard to really ascertain anything about her type. As others have said it's rare for INFPs to be overconfident and...|||Well, my husband is an ISFJ and I love how he is a combination of steady-reliable-practical and also sincere-private-sensitive. He's very warm and caring but also independent and responsible. He's a...'
Mouthwash Gasoline Yes, keep trying. You don't sound very happy being with this person... I suppose if the relationship doesn't start taking a new direction with this person you might want to be...|||Welcome to the forum mouthwash gasoline. As to making your relationship more interesting why don't you and your partner get involved with different activities you like doing eg bowling or ice...|||Hi Dear Sigmund! About the personality test section being moved, I only found this out later on in the thread and you initially said that it's slow to load although you're administrator and perhaps...|||Yes, it still isn't loaded from my end but I can access it using the link.|||Hi there, I noticed the Personality Test section, the internet's #1 place to post personality tests, is currently not up. I was wondering if that's due to maintenance issues? I've posted threads...|||White and gold!|||Penguin's Poems for Love|||What Poetry Book Would You Read? https://www.playbuzz.com/angelgirl10/which-of-these-poetry-books-would-you-read|||No problem, hope that was helpful.|||First of all do not take the results of a personality test too personally. The results are not accurate for everyone so it is no indication. If it really bothers you, avoid the tests that assume to...
'No, unless its completely destroyed, too much money to be throwing pots and pans away all the time 0.o|||Even though my boyfriend is one, I can find ISTPs to be intimidating. Although they are very chill a lot of the time, you don't want to be on the wrong side of one. I still love him though and he...|||https://youtu.be/ab1se0dkeCU Have a look at this lil pupper!|||711826 This is my desktop background atm :>|||Its hit and miss with me, there are some cute kids that I am completely fine with who i will give the time and day for (after all I was a kid once) but then there are some devil children out there...|||Aww why thank you so much! You guys are so sweet :>!|||I dunno, I mean as an ENFP myself I can be very future thinking and get excited for plans in the future (already thinking about organizing a holiday for next year now and I always ask my boyfriend...|||I'm going to be narcissistic again and post another pic ;.; 701442|||700330 700338 700346 700354 More pics of me :>|||Infp|||My avatar is a pixel art of me that I got commissioned by one of my fav pixel artists! So its just a bunch of cute stuff together and I feel like it represents me tbh :>|||You're cute! I guess I'll be brave now :S 699442|||699170 another pic of my ISTP boyfriend :>|||Wow Your old room looks amazing! I can see you have a Josephine Wall picture there too! I get very strong NF vibes from this, It kinda reminds me of my INFJ friends room! 697858|||697842 I'm working so im in my basic clothes today.|||ESFP I think :S (if not ESFJ) 697826|||I'm getting strong IXTP vibes from this one probably ISTP (could also be ESTP too!) Tis my room :> 696273 696281 696289 696297 696305|||I'm going to go with INFJ I think. 696265|||ENFP and long! I'm trying to grow in longer (its up to my chest atm)|||Intp!|||I'm really sorry for your loss too. And absolutely, it sounds like you were in some pretty toxic relationship there, its definitely the last thing you need after having someone close to you pass. If...|||I'm really sorry you have had a crappy time with some ENFPs. I know I am an ENFP, but apparently my brother and sister are ENFPs too and they drive me up the wall. I'm not perfect but i try my best...|||ENFP and I will be studying Illustration in September!|||689057 Picture of my ISTP boyfriend :>|||I have more or less had my hair long (shortest I have had it was up to my shoulders) its currently sitting just above my chest and I plan on growing it longer! My hair is also naturally straight!|||I do a decent amount of make up. I wear make up on average about 6 days a week I like to take one day off on the weekend as I'm either doing nothing and I like to let my skin breathe. However, I wear...|||I've tried to reach out to some friends that i was very close to (they went off to uni) tried messaging them on and off since the past year, talked to them occasionally over message but I give up...|||1. “I hate the stereotype that ENFPs are shallow flirts! ENFPs are known for not following through in relationships, but I’ve never been in a relationship because I don’t want to be with someone I’m...|||I think he might have done a bit ago but I might get him to do it again this weekend! :>|||I know this sounds stupid but why is he so lovey dovey with me then? Nearly all the other ISTPs on this forum are very opposed to romance? Just wondering why this is the case?? 0.o|||When me and my boyfriend started watching 'Tanaka-kun is always Listless' I very much thought the character Miyano was VERRRRY ENFP, she reminded me so much of myself XD|||Omg I get this! I like to be perceived as a certain image, Like just yesterday and the week before that I was told I had a 'feisty' personality and I was like Ummm no I don't. I really don't want...|||I asked him and he said both XD|||Ahh! That's what I forgot to mention! I would say he is introverted. When I first met him he was quiet and reserved but he did quickly warm up to me, I caught his interest quite obviously. thinking...|||Hi there! My boyfriend may be an ISTP yet I have my doubts, I will first try and list off his ISTP like qualities - He's very adventurous: He wants to travel the world and is always wanting some...|||Danny Sexbang?|||There are aspects of christmas that make me feel all whimsical and warm inside. However there a some little aspects of christmas that can make me just go meh over it. Its honestly depending on...|||Just how it came out I suppose, I used a lot of Photoshop for this piece XD|||614834 one of my FMP works :>|||Hello there fellow ENFP! Welcome! :>|||I think I am, I just don't want to say I am and it turns out im not? :S|||It sounds like he's been hurt a lot here but the chances are he does still have feelings for you he is just really hurt by what was said/done. I would just give him space honestly, he most likely...|||Its what I've heard from the grapevine. I would also say I would be an example of such as I can just seem/feel quite shy and want to be on my own from time to time, yet I am definitely an extrovert....|||Yeah essentially! ENFPs tend to be the most 'Introverted of the Extroverts' so a lot of the time they tend to get mistaken to be INFPs a lot!|||Okay, going by that comment and the other comments on this thread, I think I'm going to have to also agree for the moment and type him as a ESFP!|||This one is a bit of a shot in the dark, But can he sometimes seem a bit introverted at times? like will he take moments to have time by himself?|||I mean, I tend to wear a lot of pastels (mainly pink and white) and girly cute things but I will wear different things but In my own style, Idk :S|||I say sorry a lot, I even say sorry when I shouldn't. I suppose It has become a habit of mine 0.o|||ohmigoodness why thank you so much!!!! o///o|||Hi there! Honestly I can say I am some what like this atm. Last year I suffered from a bad spell of depression that fizzled away in the summer, then I went to uni... I had the same feeling that I had...'
'Really?! :-o it's the quiet ones you have to watch out for! ;-)|||[QUOTE=LaBarrister;2767856]you can't get all mushy-mushy/dependent on them. They need their space, and you should enjoy this fact because it's hard to find a girl like that! Take a few steps back,...|||oh, and pretty please, don't try and manipulate her emotionally. Personally, I wouldn't open up emotionally if someone else did, if I felt they weren't sincere or trying to get ahead of the game. ...|||Hello there :-) As an INFJ who has just celebrated her 1 year anniversary with an awesome ENTJ boyfriend, I feel I ought to have some insight for you... First of all, think of your INFJ...|||Well now, there's a question! *they are equally as intense/passionate as I am *they are difficult to read (this is most intriguing as reading people usually come very easily to us...) *they are...|||I can't answer your question, but it IS a very interesting one! I have an IXTJ father (borderline S/N) - very strongly T - and he certainly has managed to inadvertendly crush my spirit on...|||There certainly is. . . it's a magical combination. Yay for ENTJ-INFJ partnerships! :-D|||This is fascinating! Did you read this book: Books | LifeWorks Im halfway through - really interesting!|||Eowyn from LOTR Amelie Anne Elliot from Persuasion Paikea from Whalerider Jess from Bend it Like Beckham Jo from Funny Face Leslie Burke from Bridge to Terabithia|||This is an excellent, well thought through answer - thank you! :-)|||ooooooooooooooooooh, i know, i know - pick me, pick me! LOL I think this might be because Ni is a Perceiving (lost in the flow) function, whereas Te is a Judging (concluding) function. So, you...|||They are : Introverted Intuition (Ni) backed up by Extroverted Thinking (Te)|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rkLnkg2iy9k|||What type is your partner? That could make a huge difference as to the optimum solution...|||Have you seen this? INFJ Dating Bible or: How to Date an INFJ | Modalities of Existence|||Yay, ENTJ-INFJ! :-) Be direct; we like honesty, and a man that is confident enough to be vulnerable and set himself up for a potential disappointment. That takes guts!|||I think I have been borderline anorexic in the past, since my teens really; and now, having supressed my appetites for so long, I don't know how much I need to eat. I very rarely feel hungry, and...|||i feel really lazy listening to you guys!!! :-) Ah well, vive la variete!|||So, the main thing I've established from the superpower thread is that ENTJ's are rathar awesome negotiators. Both Martini and wiarumus did their utmost to extend the rules/boundaries (and, I,...|||typical ENTJ, not either-or but both! :-P Alrighty, so long as you use your powers for the greater good :-)|||hahah! that's a great superpower (and potentialy very amusing) - I SO want it!!! :-D|||i believe that superpower can be learnt: Amazon.com: The Multi-Orgasmic Man: Sexual Secrets Every Man Should Know (9780062513366): Mantak Chia, Douglas Abrams: Books hope that helps :blushed:|||But would you use your power for good, right..?! :-P|||Yes - when I'm emotionally stressed, I feel a lot of tension in my body, I feel exhausted, I take to my bed and stop eating altogether. Crying a lot sometimes helps to release the tension, but I...|||Err...clue's in the title :confused: oh wait...and why? PS you can only choose one, and not one that allows you access to all superpowers.|||Yes, I was/am also this kind of girl, and if someone was encouraging and non judgemental and both a) started asking me questions and drawing me out b) gave enough away about himself, shared his own...|||I think you've got it in one with your distinction between Fi and Fe users. It's not an NT/NF friction; I have felt the tension with an NT who had an Fi function (rathar than Fe). That's why ENTPs...|||Yes :-) :-) :-)|||Hello there! :-) Thank you for your “spam” post – I think we often feel a bit undervalued by people who take us for granted, so your thoughts are much appreciated! So…in answer to...|||Yup, seconded.|||things may change in time..but right now, i agree with Beverly. Leave her be for awhile, give her time and space to heal or just sit with her emotions. in a couple of months or even 6 months...|||Thank you wiarumas for your lengthy answer. It really helps me to understand how Te works, and also, why it sometimes grates a bit! I think the way my functions work together (Ni -> Fe -> Ti) is...|||On the Core Shortcomings of the ENTJ thread, I thought some interesting points were made about communication between Te and Ti users. I'd like to explore this a bit more. For myself, I feel...|||Dear Guru, From what you've said, it seems obvious to me that she really likes you for more than a friend, but is feeling very vulnerable without any direct feedback from you. I have been in a...|||I don't know I can answer your exact problem (as I tend to give conversational control over to others) however, I would say hanging out with ENTP or ENFP friends has taught me a lot about going...|||I think you're spot on with your analysis NiDBiLd. People - regardless of gender - have different approaches to the whole dating game thing. Some people have a pattern of going from one...|||You seem to have us down to a T! We are a bit perfectionist and can idealise romantic relationships...we love deep, philosophical conversations and abstract ideas (and unlike other type ENTPs...|||LOL...snap! :-D|||Hi there, My apologies - multiquoting is a bit much for me this morning, so I have just quoted the bits I can comment on in a block. 1) I definitely have a gut reaction, but give people a...|||Thank you Martini - the voice of sanity prevails!|||Hee hee - maybe I have a bad sense of humour, but it made me smile :-D Seriously, the phrase just makes me imagine a cartoon princess picked up by the scruff of her neck by a giant (or Shrek like...|||If anyone tries to pick me up, I will kick and scream before calling the police! :-P Or else, just quote which PUA techniques they're using...that usually silences 'em! :-D seriously, the best...|||That's a really good point; it's good to tell yourself the truth like that. Thanks for sharing.|||Seconded! that's where the enthusiasm on the ENTP comes in!|||Thank you! :-D I like your thinking muchly. It's funny, a couple of times (like his birthday) I tried to plan suprises for him...but then he started suggesting to friends they go out..so I spoilt...|||16,780.34 kilometres ;-) I don't think it's impossible and I don't like giving up on relationships either. What are your suggestions to help make it work?|||why thank you :blushed: you aren't so bad yourself! :laughing: we're great snugglers :wink:|||Good thinking...i'd better start saving, it'd be awesome to go climbing out there! and yes, that crazy spontaneity is one of the things I love best!! :-D all those infj doubters of the ENTP...|||he flew back home to Australia after 6 months of utterly amazing Ni-Ne awesomeness and adventures :-( not much else to say...we agreed to part as friends rather than put the relationship under the...|||This is a very interesting discussion :-) I'm not sure I recognise (or relate to) some of the descriptions of Fe users, which may be because Fe is my auxiliary function, or else because I have...'
'Oh, can you please share the experiences of that. (Un)fortunately, I've never found myself being out of toilet paper. Interesting,... Right, toilets. Hmmm, you know, too much light reflection of...|||For science, of course. On that note, I would rather only have *half* of the carpet dirty than the *whole* finger. It's faster to clean half, right? I did the experiment just now, almost...|||I was just reading some articles on male G spot. So, I've come to the conclusion that instead of sticking a finger up your anus (if you're/your girlfriend is uncomfortable), you could take a...|||I could show you some techniques to overcome this problem of having small Fe. Note: Fe≠Dick|||Why you do dis?|||I enjoy cooking mostly because it puts my mind off for the time. When I'm full of reading /studying / problem solving, I would search the Web for quite some time, obviously, look for something...|||Great choice. Will do.|||Well, hey! Want to raise the kid together? It could be our kid, too, if you want.|||You are now on the waiting list. Contact me in a few days. What emotions do you want?|||I see your username, kid. Guess what, you'll never fall in love with unicorns nor have intercourse with them (feel their horn) over the rainbow. You know why? Not because they don't love you...|||Really, no security checkups? I might be a mole, collecting all the good arguments and then going back there to sell them for feels which manifests outwardly. What a relief. :)|||I would like to raise a child someday in the future. The financial support is the main factor, since I want my kid to live in healthy environment and have good education. Call me a freak, but I...|||Would you holy INTPs accept someone who mistyped himself as INFJ, living a lie for two years, as one of yours? p.s. It most certainly isn't me.|||Heh The wall after is not thick enough, though..|||Oh,...what about: Ahuramazda, Angra Mainyu or Ahriman?|||Could you change mine to Ahura Mazda? Thank you.|||Arnold Samuelson: With Hemingway: A Year In Key West And Cuba|||Friends? Nice! Amazing series.. Hmmm, I would only disagree with: Ross: he is clearly an INTJ. Chandler: INFP. And Monika an INTJ? I just don't see it. I would say she is ESFJ or ISFJ, more...|||Haha, I'm in no position to declare the winner here but, to me, yeah. heh :)|||We are stuck, man...is there a way out?|||https://media.tenor.co/images/31d341259d7efbed85663bf241412098/tenor.gif That is messed up, but I like it. https://media.tenor.co/images/31d341259d7efbed85663bf241412098/tenor.gif|||Welcome to the forum! :) Oh, yes. MBTI is an amazing theory. So many opportunities to better understand/improve yourself.|||Welcome to the forum! I hope you will have an amazing time here. :) Also, happy second day of your birthday!|||Yeah, I know what you mean by that... :apthy::apthy: :peaceful:|||I would like to be an author. Writing short stories, of which some were appreciated, in my free time is something that could possibly turn into something bigger in future years.|||Hi, Neari! Welcome! :) :) Hope you will have an amazing time here! Could you tell me why are you feeling depressed? :(|||Yeah, I understand. Anticipation knows to be tough. Well, just don't overthink it too much. Hopefully, you will get your closure soon. :)|||While reading this I could feel you are into him right now. Frankly, it seems like you are just making many unrealistic assumptions on his behavior only to feel like there is a chance for you two. ...|||https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20170427/75851028eae72a8e42d4270e7165c003.jpg|||Oh, well it is really not a secret not worth knowing, right? Just irrelevant detail which makes you feel _vulnerable_(?), but could possibly open up a path to a deeper, meaningful...|||What are you looking for when friendships comes? Is it possible you scared of commitment/ opening up? Why do you feel you should lift up the wall when people ,who you know care about you (right?),...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7geKJ-ovV2w|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S33tWZqXhnk|||entheos Pff, I have now realized you had instantly replied to my post yesterday, but I saw no mention notification, so....too bad. :(:distant::hugs: Yeah, you understood my question perfectly....|||Those signs of appreciation are really strong. I think that this girl really likes you, or at least cherishes your presence in her life. When did she tell you she wasn't ready? I feel like...|||Give them a try.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=axs0UerrAGY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ra4nxsAZFAs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIIqYqtR1lY|||Yeah, i felt like i was reading my own post. I'm in engineering sector myself, and i don't want to be some dude coding for life. I want to have more time reading literature, to interact with...|||Hello, welcome! :) :) Don't worry. This is just a start. You will read a lot upon personality types, and I'm sure you will better understand your emotions and the behavioral patterns of others. ...|||Welcome, champ! I have some plans on conquering Great Britain in the next 20 years myself. Join me. If you are interested in our rebel group, feel free to ask.|||Hey, hey, hey! Welcome on PerCafe! :hugs::hugs: I'm glad you want to improve yourself! So rare these days. :) You will have an amazing time here! Cheers!|||Welcome!!! :hugs::perc3: So glad you have chosen this forum. PerCafe rocks. :) I'm sure you will have an amazing time here!|||I totally agree with you here. I don't mind going a bit faster as long as i see genuineness. The thing we all know is :) , it knows to be quite insincere at first. Like, sometimes i see people faking...|||Thank you for this thorough input, your approach is so good and you explained it wonderfully. Well, I was mostly interested on lost of interest after constant, unforced, few hour chats on a daily...|||Why do you primarily lose interest in someone you have spent months talking? How do you usually behave after towards her/him? Can the interest be brought back, and if so, how? Thank you in...|||I guess my honesty, one to one deep conversations, sincere advises, and the way I don't pressure any relationship. And yes, absurd humour, of course.|||6-7 hours. If I get more sleep, I feel dull and unproductive all day.|||Of course! Apart form composers others have mentioned, I would like to add Mendelssohn, Smetana and Shostakovich. Really, really calming sensations every time...|||Thank you for the input. I will definitely check them out this afternoon. And yeah, I guess you are right about the reason why we like watching sad stuff. It can be enlightening if we relate to the...|||I would say some good documentaries on topics I'm interested in. Also, classical music, preferably reading good book. Watching interviews with writers, critics. For the laughs, I would say...|||https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20170418/39944f83d61a0f126e3b97e62fe4edd0.jpg https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20170418/b8109140cd1d7fe74a99055e67177c0b.jpg'
'Thank you for reading. I'm sorry it's really long. I really don't know what to do. I'm 15 and I've had bad chronic headaches for 3 years, neck muscle spasm pain/shoulder pain for almost a year, my...|||No, I don't. Some people get it all the time tho.|||Primarily talking about street drugs if you've ever taken any. Did you feel like they altered your MBTI?|||Not at all.|||...|||As a child, I could be quite sensitive at times. At one point I took the MBTI quiz and got ESFP. ESFP doesn't fit me though. I have always been a T, but I think my Fe is pretty strong.|||No I'm not|||Someone told me that their friend showed up to an exam without a pencil. They sat there for a whole two hours doing nothing because they were too shy to ask for a pencil. :laughing:|||Street Smart. What do you think is more valuable to have?|||Probably ESFP. How would you describe your flirting style?|||People seem to have taken feminism to an extreme. The definition of feminism is: Feminism is the belief that all people are entitled to the same civil rights and liberties and can be intellectual...|||What are some SP activities to do at home? I generally workout, listen to music, sketch, play guitar, watch TV, go on online forums, video games (if you play video games what ones do you play I...|||My ISFJ mother has it. It runs in her family which consists of sj's|||What did you do?|||An INTJ I know (he is straight) drops doors on girls who must guys would run for and forgets their names. I don't know if this is common with other INTJs. I think that sensors care a hit more...|||Yeah. I'm that person who drags everyone onto them. I actually love the Himalayan tho.|||Hell yeah. I think that's what SPs live for.|||My isfp friend falls down or knocks something over everywhere we go|||I love Halsey's music. She seems like and ENFP (could be ESFP) 7w8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bVhXi6RMxMg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RRsGEDfJwo0|||https://www.16personalities.com/articles/religion-and-personality-type|||My father is an INTJ and my sister is ENTJ. My dad's whole side of the family is NT. My mom is ISFJ and my brother is ISTJ. My mom's whole side of the family is SJ. There are no other SPs in my...|||The school system right now I feel is great for N's. NT's academically and I think ExNx's overall. They want people to be extroverted (enjoying group work, being talkative, good at presenting, being...|||Giggling when something awkward happens. Either to me or somebody else.|||After meeting someone about 2 times I generally feel like I know their whole character. I think I'm pretty good at being tuned into little things like how they carry themselves, facial expressions,...|||Not often (aka basically never). I've had a couple of xstj guys like me but they seemed kind of boring to me. I seem to make friends easily with xsfjs and isfps easily tho.|||I don't think I'd ever find an ESTP attractive. Maybe an ISxP tho.|||A couple. I've got a shit-ton more of my friends I want to test but I'm sure they'll think I'm weird :tongue:|||I think Ti doms are.|||I know that extroverts feel charged after being with people and introverts with being alone. After I've been with friends I feel great. We've usually done some dumb shit together and hade fun. I...|||Not easily, plus people generally leave me alone. Yesterday I almost tripped down the stairs at school :frustrating: but nobody laughed. One time I stupidly walked in the complete wring direction...|||The first time I took the test I got ... INFP . Every time after I got ENTP. I have found enneagram tests more accurate on me.|||An ESTP I know definitely isn't. He's been dating his girlfriend for a year now and makes cheesy inst posts with them hugging and captions them with shit like There are lots of fish in the sea but...|||Never dated anyone. The biggest crushes that I've had was on an ISFP and one on an ESFJ. For People who have liked me ( I didn't like them back) was an ESTJ, ISTJ, and a different ESFJ.|||What's your MBTI? What's your job?|||INTJ - Katniss Everdeen - The Hunger Games INTP - ? ENTP - Caption Jack Sparrow - Pirates of the Carribean ENTJ - Jan Levison - The office INFJ - Rory Gilmore - Gilmore Girls|||I think my problem is I have really fantastic bad ideas.|||How is your demeanour when you're in class/work? I just kind of have a poker face. People tell me I'm hard to read (I like it this way). How often do you choose to interact with others? As...|||My wall building skills (they're Trump level).|||Yes that describes me. Unless you know me well you might say that I'm an ISTP.|||1. ESTP 2. Depends on the situation but I usually pick myself|||I'm in high school and everyone seems to know what they're going to be and say that I need some sort of a plan so I know what marks/courses I need. I really don't have any big plans or dreams. I...|||Dove Cameron seems like an ISFP to me. Here is some of her writing https://www.instagram.com/p/BRzVBN9gDNZ/?taken-by=dovecameron&hl=en|||I've seen her typed as an ESTP but Jennifer has said that she needs alone time to recharge. She really doesn't seem like an ISTP to me so that leaves me with ixxx|||He is an INTJ but I don't think he is a healthy one|||I think I'm pretty damn good at typing people generally but i can't get my one friend so this is for her. I'm to sure if this is good enough or not. 2. You are with a group of people in a car,...|||Compliment - you have such a dirty mind (I'll take that as a compliment) Complaint - you're so messy/lazy|||In groups? One on one? Also would you consider yourself to be the life of the party?|||INTJ - this weird kid in my class who is a loner and sits and plays on his DS (yes DS) during class, gives these really weird in-depth science presentations, and shouts out things like I'm bisexual...|||Well I don't know if they were role modles maybe just celebs/characters I liked a lot. When I was 3 and my mom had bought me all the Disney princess stuff it was Ariel (ESFP). Think I just wanted...|||Based on stereotypes all xstps do. I actually what one so bad lol'
The ENFP Te Bitch Slap Revealed This has happened to me only once or twice in my life...|||... you can't decide which load of laundry you want to do first... and this has prevented you from doing it all week.|||The Waterboys - The Whole of the Moon https://youtu.be/pu7AR0-FRro|||And suddenly you made this thread interesting... (like tequila, INTx make my clothes fall off)|||Of course I enjoy it! It is a hard job, of sorts, but I get to use my people skills on all the lovely INTX's, charm them with my smile and flashes of incredible wit😁 Joking aside, it is nice to...|||*snirf* to my feeling, that was exactly how it happened. I'm laughing so much right now, you made my day😂 I haven't packed it in completely, because I'm still ever the optimist, so unless he asks...|||Fool for love... It took me a long time, but I'm definitely getting there. Finally found the courage to approach someone and I don't think it's going to work out. Not knowing how to do the whole 'I...|||Hehehe, tbh, I prefer INTP 😋 (And I smiled when I read it, so it's funny, my dear) Fun and work don't necessarily cancel each other out. I'm a planner (of training courses in a specific area),...|||... met another ENFP last night. First one out in the wild. Tested and everything. That feel of just launching into a conversation and the other person being able to keep up/not be weirded out... ...|||...finally found the courage to tell someone I wouldn't mind if we had a drink, maybe, sometime, if agreeable. Then ran into the toilet cubicle without waiting for a reply and hid there until he was...|||I'm disgustingly optimistic. Although I worry a lot and things may not work out as I planned them, I inadvertently always see the bright side as well. As I become older I've noticed I'm less and...|||Basically everything Dug said, except for the television bit. I genuinely wouldn't have thought twice about watching those shows on my own, _because_ we are friends. I can actually watch the show and...|||I support both the posts below. Plus, you are asking people who are known to be reticent about their innermost feelings what makes them them... (I will drown you in a deluge of words on any...|||Yes, this is why I am now gearing up to 'confront' the interest of my desires, as I'm getting a bit fed up with myself... This does take massive amounts of courage and also an incredible amount of...|||Eeks yes, rejection thingy! Also often, because of the two-minds thingy: Surely I must be misinterpreting and he can't really be into me. Wait, I'm awesome, he so can be into me. Nah, what am I...|||Nothing as heavy as engagement, but yes, a mutual agreement to a monogamous relationship. Uncommitted wouldn't have been an option, we discussed this and we both prefer mutually exclusive dating :). ...|||INTonyP Pushed him into commitment :) Ugh, this is so difficult to explain... I didn't seduce him to get him to commit to me, but I was interested in more than his body. I went into it not very...|||Golly, I just realised I have dated an INTP before. It took me six months to get the point across and in the end I seduced him VERY CLEARLY. (There are other pointers that he was/is an INTP of...|||OK, and this... mistakes are not an option :/|||islandlight Thank you :). This is very helpful. (Btw, being propositioned during a dance ... I would have freaked tbh... ) I'm already singling him out way more than I did before; engaging him in...|||And I am being serious as well. If you scroll down a bit you seen my initial question. I felt silly posting it (hell, I felt silly asking it irl in the first place). It seems now we are down to...|||OK, I feel uncomfortable reading this😱 I'm not good at handling all of the above, even if it's just on a fictional television show...|||Yikes. So as I see it now, even my 'Do you mind me flirting with you' is not direct enough as he might think I _only_ want to flirt with him, whilst I would love to have that cup of coffee and...|||I can only speak for myself of course, but when you are my friend, I care. A lot. And there's this bit of me (bear with me, because I'm getting esoterical) that wants you to feel good about yourself....|||Reverse problem: I'm a flirt. Especially when I'm in my I-love-life phase. I don't do it on purpose, most of the time I don't know that I'm doing it until I get some unexpected reactions. For me...|||I find that as I'm getting a bit older (40 this year) I finally can get my FOMO (Cleans both your teeth and clothes! Get it while you can!) under control a bit more. Yes, great things are...|||It's such a habit that it's not even funny... Anything to deflect attention from the subject at hand, especially if it concerns my private feelings/thoughts or, yes, the dreaded...|||Ooohhh, I do that too. Even when I can see it coming five minutes up ahead... I mostly get embarrassed about stuff in hindsight. As in ' I didn't just say/do that, did I? Oh, I did... again. Just...|||Hi! ENFP here, just dropping by for some casual advice... I'm really into this INTP. I've been noticing him for some time now and he is intelligent, sexy and so on and so forth. He stares at me...|||492161I absolutely adore dancing! Together with reading it's my main hobby. I moved house for it, I travel for it. It's the bestuf60d I dance Lindy Hop, Balboa and Slowbal uf60a|||... have had my heart broken last week, so at this moment I don't know how to deal with all the hurt, whilst consecutively knowing that the future is now exciting and full of amazing possibilities....|||And I meant this as a reply to an earlier post... Having been absent for three years, I haven't quite got the hang of the mobile site apparently:grin: Free food!! I luvs free food. I tend to...|||http://youtu.be/Bpzxf_flm8M|||Yes, definitely. The annoying thing is that I almost crave the pressure... I love traveling alone! I have a three-week hiking holiday each year; just me and my backpack. Although I don't go...|||Definitely lust... but that could be because I haven't gotten any for quite some time:laughing:|||am back after a year and a half's absence...:proud:|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJca07HLqw0|||Yes, THIS!!! I already have a job... I do this because I love to do this and I love the surprise and fun people have when I give them something unexpected. Selling it also will mean I have to produce...|||...you turn out to be quite good at the crochet thing, but now feel more and more insulted as people keep suggesting you should sell your produce instead of giving it away... People don't...|||... you just wrote a manual on yourself for your SO...|||It's great!! I now know more about pilots (the maritime kind) then I ever deemed possible and I get to decide their career path. OH THE POWER, MUAHAHAHAHAHA... ahum... But really, they keep...|||My neighbour scraping his throat and then spitting... on a regular basis... while he is on the phone with what sounds like a love-interest. :frustrating:|||You know you are ENFP when it turns out your intuition was screaming at you for a reason:dry: You know you are INTJ when you can keep a gigantic skeleton in the closet for that long and keep...|||...have just discovered that my credit card was swiped :shocked::sad::crying:|||Synchronised Giggling anyone?? 43443 Well, I'm up for the Recreational Scolding and Cross-Country posing for sure... But can't choose between Handcuffed Hurdles, Sheet Tug-of-War or Modern...|||The tormented sighs of the woman who is supposed to take over part of my job :frustrating:|||OMG.. we so have a RDJ lookalike following one of our courses at the moment:shocked: And I can't post a picture because that would be unethical... :blushed: But... the greying hair, the warm...|||Cream to-the-knee dress with cut-out accents marked in bronze at the hem. Cream half-sleeve cardigan with a big cream flower attached on the front, leather sandals... because summer has arrived at...|||'Do you walk around with your eyes closed??' 'you never leave the house, do you...' In this case because I took the SO right across town to have his photos taken, because I was convinced there...|||We're not worthy :shocked:
'How do you react to them? Can you even begin to comprehend them? What are your thoughts on them?|||About twelve. Monogamous for the past two years.|||That fine forum mentioned by the OP has had a recent infestation of sociopaths,trolls, bigots and far right wingers. Perhaps we prick the consciousness of sociopaths and they compartmentalise,...|||Yes, I was an idealistic youth-to the point of naivety. I'm now a cynic. What changed me? Time and people.|||I'm an atheist but I was indoctrinated into Catholicism by the state. I agreed with much of the morality espoused by Jesus but could never understand how Jesus was the same person as the sociopathic...|||I have no superstitions. Superstitions are just another form of OCD.|||What would it be like?|||I love animals;always have. Children are wonderful. Doubt I'll ever have one though.|||We have the Protestant work ethic, the belief that labour by itself has inherent value, to blame for that. Of course in moderaton this is a good thing, but some people take it too far.|||Yeah I know I'm generalising and I know a little selfishness is necessary and even healthy, we wouldn't exist as a species otherwise. I'm just ranting.|||I find orientals very attractive.|||Does it matter what nation does it so long as it's done? I don't see any nations on the pale blue dot. http://static.howstuffworks.com/gif/earth-1.jpg|||A Terminator.|||So true, if reality was so great fantasy and escapism wouldn't exist.|||I make Maggie Thatcher look like Karl Marx.|||Hell hath no fury like a disillusioned INFP.|||Most people are selfish and devoid of empathy. I was reading some threads in the politics forum of another MBTI website and it's just depressing me and making me even more cynical than I all ready...|||I think INTJs and INFPs are the mostly likely types to suffer from neurosis.|||...Yes. 1:Neon Genesis Evangelion. (Shinji Ikari, the protagonist, is an INFP.) 2:Elfen Lied 3:Ghost in the Shell 4:Akira 5:Spirited Away|||INFJ, I believe.|||I don't think there is anything inherently wrong with guys who have a thing for transwomen. Just as I can't help what I identify as you can't help what you're attracted to. Having said that...|||Thanks to InevitablyKriss for starting this thread. I'm a gender dysphoric-(Male to Female) transsexual. Please feel free to ask any questions if you have them.|||Cool. Please feel free to do. Personally I think general chat might be better than the psychology section, as if it's in the psychology section it will, most likely, just descend into a debate as to...|||O.K. We are I agree totally but the T in LGBT is not related to sexuality and I can't think of another place to talk about trans related issues. I guess such a forum would give a further...|||No, it's cool. I see your points, and you make some valid ones. I have a lot to say but right now it's getting late and I'm about to pass out from exhaustion; so I'll reply properly to your post...|||And if so can it be private until to those who are not registered?|||Horrible! Most if not all days were bad.|||Have you considered Aspergers syndrome or avoidant personality disorder?|||Will see this at all costs. When's it out?|||I procrastinate alot. Far too much. I guess it's the P. Also I think I'm afraid of failure. Any other INFPs have this issue? Anyone manage to overcome it?|||Far right conservative fruit cakes. People who bitch about discrimination but then discriminate against others in the lower rungs of the social ladder.|||Travis Bickle from Taxi Driver? I think the guy who killed John Lennon, Mark Chapman, was an INFP. He was a very idealistic person until he became disillusioned.|||I can see how INFPs would be spiritual, but not religious in the traditional organised religious sense. Anyway, athiest here.|||There's no way the OP would be allowed to have SRS. Hell the OP wouldn't even be allowed to legally go on hormones going by what he/she said. You need to be diagnosed as TS (Gender identity...|||Yes, I suppose.|||http://aohd.files.wordpress.com/2009/04/south-park-cartman-screw-you-guys.jpg?w=276&h=270|||Shinji Ikari from Neon genesis evangelion and Butters from South Park. http://cinegeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/Butters-Pic-1.jpg|||Shinji is an obvious INFP,same with Gendo being INTJ. I agree with Rei being INTP.Asuka is harder to type as she is so damaged. I would say ENFJ (though Hideki Anno said the entire cast are...|||Not wanting to sound insensitive by being frank but you obviously do not know anything about gender dysphoria. Did you even read the links? Do you believe you know more about this subject than a...|||Anti depressants.|||Nice, the Koreans and Japanese guys are so androgenous. I love it. Shame there's no thanks option for this thread.|||I notice we have none for sarcasm, though one could argue that this being so has prevented many a row on the forum.|||I'm on several meds for anxiety and mood disorders.|||Does oral count.:tongue: I can barely remember. It wasn't an emotional act, sadly. I think it was when I was about twenty. I was extremely shy and a hermit during my teens.|||I can't understand these heartless far right wing and social Darwinist types. I just avoid them, they angry the blood.|||I am good at every discipline except math. I hate it with a vengence. Biology and Physics are fascinating.|||It is? Christmas must have come early then.:confused:|||Yes, there is overwhelmingly strong evidence for brain sex. See the case of David Reimer also. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Reimer Evidence shows male to female transgenders have female...|||Elfen Lied, Neon Genesis Evangelion. BlazBlue really needs to be made into an anime.|||I dislike labelling myself but I would certainly be leaning towards liberal.'
'Noted that I have been noted. Also, it's you :shocked:|||I studied in accounting, yep. My accounting classes were miserable, but working in accounting is fun for me. (wasn't always that way though, which a whole another story) Blue Sphere Wow your...|||Bringing this thread back from the dead because I am craving food at really inconvenient times... also, I'm really craving weird food combinations so I need inspiration! I've noticed that a lot...|||Besides being chill and laid back most of the time, do you guys ever have spurts of productivity? Over what? Are you able to maintain a consistent schedule/dedication for a skill or something you...|||To elaborate this is a question about how actual experiences have shifted or reshaped your redefine your ideals and values. 1. Was there an ideal attribute for a connection/partner that you...|||- The INFP is so crowded. Plus, I'm fairly sure a good amount of INFPs on there are actually ISFPs. A lot of IxFPs are still very confused about where they stand. - I definitely think having more...|||You guys should recruit more INFPs to post here :P|||Are you into this guy romantically or do you see him as a friend? When INFPs have a crush on somebody, out of sight does not necessarily equate to out of mind. When an INFP has a crush on...|||To be honest, I'd probably waste my intellect on completely useless pursuits, or not actually actualize any concrete product of my intellect because I have no discipline lol. It's like having a lot...|||Misoya: The thing with IxFPs in the initial stage of courtship is that they are so fiercely protective of their Fi it's very hard to be the first person to initiate the next, more serious phase....|||Yes, kind of. :crying: I was casually seeing -- ??? I don't know the term for what it was exactly -- this guy. I don't even know what it was, we didn't have a conversation to define our...|||One of my best childhood friends is an ISFP! :kitteh: We became friends in middle school because we liked drawing and throughout the years, we supported our artistic endeavors. Honestly I've seen a...|||Have any of you ever dated an INTJ? If so, what did you find were the strengths of this relationship, and what were the difficulties? If it's not too forward, how do you feel it worked out overall?...|||I got sad over the fact that the ideal recommended match by Keirsey doesn't work for me. The way it is theoretically supposed to be is so easy, the attraction instantaneous and insatiable.... where...|||Why the heck do I have this pervasive, co-dependent need to constantly have this object to fantasize about. Even worse if the object is a person where I divert my emotional intensities on this One....|||I draw animals too! Lots of lots of animals. Nothing but animals. I loved animals growing up, ardently wanted a pet, got into online pet sites where you could develop characters for them... and yeah....|||Hi there! Congratulations on discovering the secret society that is MBTI. We've all been there in our journey and I've definitely been where you are. Cognitive functions come in pairs,...|||This is an interesting post. I'm also horrible and receiving criticism -- but at the same time, no one is more critical of me than myself. Especially if it's something like the quality of your work,...|||Yes, exactly! Have you seen some of these T vs. F discussions, or some of the underdeveloped T-types who tout themselves as the epitome of perfectioned logic and reason. I almost want to kick them...|||:sad: :sad: :sad: Hi, I don't know your situation or how similar mine is but... when I first got hired for my job, I was working extremely long hours + overtime, during tax preparation. It...|||I'm very rational and logical, says every INFP ever. I feel like I'm the only who isn't, lol. I'm inherently an irrational creature and for me to try and construct my self perception as somebody...|||....when your daydreams you come up are so emotionally vivid you actually physically start crying from them. (I just played out a conversation between me and this other person in my head that I...|||bigstupidgrin Hah yes, yes so much with the internal editor. I think part of it is that when you publish a forum post, itx92s permanency is forever. So that makes me double-take and more consciousful...|||I relate to Fe sometimes. Like Fe types, I tend to be (or at least, strive to be) accommodating to others and I have such a very jumpy flight response to remove myself from conflict. If I sense a...|||I lurk on these forums a lot, and oftentimes I'll come across a thread where I feel compelled to write this masterful eloquent essay, setting this expectation, this vision of perfection in sentence...|||When I first learned about MBTI I had a lot of difficulty figuring out my type -- it almost launched me into an existential crisis about who I was, over something that most people consider more like...|||Have you used this rent or buy calculator made by the NY Times? You toggle some settings of your current/ideal situation, and it calculates the threshold amount of your rent. ...|||Never has been a reaction gif been more accurate for me, haha. I didn't really relate to the video at all, but the sheer number of comments on youtube and on here... am I not an INFP? o_o; Am I...|||I remember you! You were the person that helped me out. :') I am very grateful for that.|||-|||Hey fellow INFP, Even though you have discovered that accounting is not your thing, it is still a valuable tool to have since it is the language of business. For example, if you choose to open...|||This thread is just sad. If you are so closed minded to be unable to perceive the depth(s) that an S-type could offer, you don't deserve a deep relationship with one. You will go throughout our...|||The INFP descriptions always have writing deep philosophical/worldchanging novels, devoting their lives to helping the homeless/animals, and I was also watching a video about Fi being the...|||What if I die, having lived a lifetime, having never experienced a single connection that was meaningful and real? What if... friendship isn't real? :sad:|||I'm pursuing a career in finance (accounting and taxation, specifically). Because of the nature of my work, I'm actually very capable of meeting deadlines and working in a tightly structured...|||Hi there. This is an interesting question you pose -- and yes, I am going to bring MBTI into it -- because INTJs and INFPs process emotions (and vulnerability) in fundamentally different ways. And...|||I wrote this really epic novel in my head just as I was on the cusp of entering sleep but then when I woke up the next morning, I remembered none of it.|||thismustbetheplace Crap crap crapx85 I didn't know there was a word/disorder to describe the phenomenonx85 I've been going through it the past two-ish years (probably has been exacerbated by the...|||illykitty I relate equally to both ISFP and INFP as well! Sobs the struggle was so painful when I first discovered MBTI the first year. I understand the cognitive functions after reading a multitude...|||I put so much effort in remembering person(s), but sometimes I want to be remembered, in return, too. I think about other people all the time, but nobody ever thinks about me. :crying: If only people...|||I wonder does this ever happen to anybody else? Sometimes when I become newly acquainted with somebody, I get this scent or hunch that wow, we could totally have a deep and meaningful...|||If you're an Fi-dom, you'll know it. An Fi-dom, given they understand the cognitive functions and the difference between introverted/extraverted attitudes, would never be unsure. Because Fi-doms...|||An actual Skype log excerpt... [5/3/14 1:16:51 AM] aniareilean: I WANT A SHEEP [5/3/14 1:16:53 AM] aniareilean: THEY JUST [5/3/14 1:16:56 AM] aniareilean: LOOK SO PEACEFUL [5/3/14 1:16:58 AM]...|||wuatenigenu Yes, I know this feeling all too well. :( It's almost like you're frozen in a chrysalis, in a state of sleep or hibernation, waiting for some of sort of catalyst, for some metamorphosis...|||When I was seventeen, I broke. What happens when, the very thing that gave you a face, a purpose -- what happens when the very thing that had tethered you to reality is gone? What is left of you,...|||It is interesting to note that so many Ni-doms claim that Si-doms are the furthest thing away from understanding them... because if there's any function that's the closest to Ni, it's Si because...|||I tend to hold back my knowledge of Jungian functions and MBTI because (1) it is an extremely specific esoteric area of interest that never comes up in daily conversation and (2) being an INFP is...|||ISFP, ISTP, INFJ For me, I tend to feel closest to introverts, because introverts generally tend to value 1-on-1 interaction because of the depth of conversation(s) and having few connections but...|||(obligatory disclaimer that my understanding of Voldy/Riddle comes from having meta’d the character to a dead horse and basically devolved into fanon having written a fic) Arrow Not so much subtle,...|||I came to this sort of realization recently, too! I went through a phase where I was in a desperate want to be accepted, plagued with thoughts of, I just want to find somebody who will accept and...'
'Wow, yes, in fact I believe that and I've come across many people that find their inferior function as a source of irritation. For example, most intuitives find engaging in activities that require...|||Ok...let me put it this way: How can a person with Dominant Introverted Intuition -which means that they practically live in a world of ideas and possibilities stemming from the subconscious- pay so...|||Yes, thank you! I was about to post the exact same thing. My mom is an ISFJ, so I can easily recognise her behaviour patterns anywhere. I've also extended my knowledge of the ISFJ type by reading...|||laurie17 what a vivid imagination!! Fascinating! That's actually proof that part of us really knows it's a dream, so we can create a unique person to protect us, that appears in every dream....|||Wow... I said the exact same thing to my dad yesterday, when he asked me why I'm so tired. There are times that I want to go to sleep, JUST TO STOP THINKING FOR A MOMENT all those things that...|||wow... I couldn't have described it better. I have all of those dreams and also: -dreams, where I fight for my life -dreams, where I fight for my life and the lives of those in the dream...|||I guess the most horrifying thing for me is that I get sooo easily hurt by critisism. And for INFJ, a person that wants to be strong enough to protect all those people dear to him -and not only...|||I really hope you're right. I, for one, share your opinion. But I've read enough about ENTP's manipulative behaviour towards INFJs to benefit from them by having them solve their psychological...|||OMG, I'm blushing.. :P :) Thank you :) I'd love to meet Hokahey , seastallion , peacenluv78 and many other people in PerC, especially from the INFJ forum :P Which I hope to be possible in a few...|||My mother is an ISFJ but my situation is identical to yours. I mean, there's not one thing that you mentioned that she didn't do to me. Where to begin? It's a given that she's bossy and will try to...|||Oh no, my relationship with my father is excellent. My relationship with my mother, on the other hand, is the worst. I will elaborate on another post :) My grandmother 's amazing. She is a loving...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_yTphvyiPU&ob=av2e|||It's hard to cope with the critisism and the insults of the people close to you, but it's a million times more difficult to cope with this kind of insults when the offenders are your own parents. I...|||As many of you I'm sure, I'm surrounded by xSxJ relatives, which are very strict, imposing and narrow minded and won't accept anything that isn't done as they instructed. So my entire life I've been...|||I definitely agree. I open up and express my feelings only to people who I trust and have earned my trust. Otherwise I'm not expressing my feelings or deepest fears, but I'm simply being enthusiastic...|||Very Curious you should say that... My father is an ENTJ and my mother an ISFJ too. Well my father, he doesn't seem like a fierce fieldmarshal to me, on the contrary. I think that the fact he grew up...|||hahahaa !!! XD hilarious|||Thank you. No need to be sorry, no hard feelings :)|||Well said :) very inspiring :)|||No arguing! I didn't insinuate anything different... As a said before I asked for the sake of philosophy and a clearer view of different idealist approaches. I happen to study Socrates who wanted to...|||Guys, calm down... I ask merely out of philosophical interest and out of curiosity about what other idealists believe regarding this matter... Of course I know what the role of an idealist is in a...|||What is the role of the Idealist in a modern society? Are there any great causes left for Idealists to pursue? What are those? How can Idealists achieve their goals and by what means will they be ...|||What is the role of the Idealist in a modern society? Are there any great causes left for Idealists to pursue? What are those? How can Idealists achieve their goals and by what means will they be ...|||Thank you :) that was most helpfull and insightfull! You're right, we should love and support ourselves, reward them, confort them, otherwise we won't be able to help anyone...|||Apparently what agitates us is a conbination of lack of confidence, stress, and unreasonable fears (or guilts). If considering the facts or evidence helps us regain a calm mind and dismiss painful...|||Unfortunately, it seems that it is a common thing for INFJs to be insecure and lacking confidence about themselves, which often inhibits their progression and even leads to some kind of...|||ahaa.....interesting ;) ^^|||oh my god!!! sooo true... my intj friend calls me that...|||I completely relate to that! I actually enjoy activities that require solitude because I can relax and reflect on my thoughts. As for physical activities, such as joking or running, doing it with...|||Well, you're free to go out with any girl you want and believe what you want to believe. But saying you have proof of what you said and merely refering to two unfortunate relationships with INFJ...|||Thank YOU ! :) I 'll try to do what you suggested :)|||I admire you :) I haven't gotten to that level yet!! ... of completely ignoring them, I usually fall into depression... :/ what a strong character I am, ha?? :(|||hahahahaaha !! Congradulations! You're the first INFJ mentioning sex in a thread ! :P|||Father: ENTP Mother: ISFJ Sister: ENFP Me: INFJ Or... what one could describe as a living hell..... :P|||You're lucky to be born a boy and not have an SJ mother to try and teach to you how to be a good housewife and take care of the house and its chores, even if that means that you'd have to spare...|||Well good luck with that... :) Your mother is propably an NF... at least you have someone in your family that can understand you... :(|||Judging from your father's occupations, he could be a ENTP engineer.... just a thought...the E and the P can be quite confusing when looking for a personality type, so that a NT can be mistaken for a...|||I have the EXACTLY the same problem with my mother... they're SJ...Don't doubt it for a second....We just have to explain it to them, what bothers us, hope that they understand and make the slightest...|||The Proof, do you have ANY PROOF of that???|||My dear INTJ I am a complete stranger to you and you have absolutely no reason to listen to what I have to say to you, but, for what it's worth, I'll tell you what I think... NOBODY -and I mean...|||Iconoclastic Visionary Itachi RULES!!!|||a great movie and a great song (treasure planet)|||So, If you were a cartoon character who would you be??? I for one would like to be Pocahontas because she always protected her tribe (especially in the 2nd movie) and was a good representative of...|||''Honestly''............. ''Actually''.............. ''Oh GOD!!!''..........|||I actually forgot to mention the most important thing... The way I managed to get through my depressive phase was by reminding myself of my goals...of all the things I wanted to accomplish, all...|||I relate myself to most of these....I'll try exercising....Until now I didn't have the time to do such a thing...but I think I would love going to the pool... I adoore swimming, it relaxes me...it's...|||Thank you :)|||iF that is true this is extremely fortunate!!! A good roomate that you can actually communicate with and that literally lets you live your life as you want and doesn't impose his/hers ideas on you,...|||When everyone around you keep saying you're absent - minded and that this is a clear indication that you're an ''artistic nature'' and you cannot do anything else efficiently.... HATE THEM when...|||you know you could always post one photo already taken or the photo you have in your profile.... :PP just kidding....'
'I am a native speaker in English and French and i've been learning Dutch for the last 3 years.|||I would never be anything else than an ISFP ! But i'll admit that i sometimes wish that i could have the people skills of an ENFJ or the efficency of an ESTJ but at the end of the day i love myself...|||ESTJ's, do you get more frustrated with Ti, Fe or Fi?|||Exactly what i was about to say. Just because a function is is shadowed doesn't mean it is suppresed. EVERYONE uses Fe, Ni, Te,... regardless of function order, it's just that the four first are most...|||ISFJ Most likely to be liked|||ISFP's can be mysterious in their intentions because they don't always analyze their relationships as much as some IxFJ's do which can be confusing for other types. If i were you, i wouldn't question...|||I don't see how this could be an indication of Fe. Do you mean when he says he wants to be part of a family? Or how he wants to see his mother's family again? At best this could show signs of Fe but...|||The fact that OP cares about being popular may simply have to do with being an extrovert or not. I have met several ExFP's who cared about social status just as much as a stereotypical xxFJ would. ...|||I found Ne really obvious too. For fi, i could show numerous example but the most striking one (for me anyway) seems to be this one: I also have strong believes, and I usually stick to my guns and I...|||ACTUALLY. I used to think that a lot but then i realized that ExFP's can look a LOT like Fe doms because some of them always care about making others feel comfortable, at ease,... which tends to be...|||To be free from school. Forever.|||Yeah, i don't really get along with them (in general); but i think that the biggest issue between the two types is Fe vs Fi. I've experienced this with my INFJ friend who, despite her great...|||Infp :)|||I love Ni but i have a lot of difficulties understanding.Unlike my other functions, i never imediatly realize i'm using it.|||I suppose some of you may have been surprised when seeing the title since these are two very different types. Yet, i can relate extremely well to both. Here are my arguments for each: Type 2w1...|||I think the biggest difference is that Fe accuses Fi of being uncooperative and unsympathetic while Fi accuses Fe of being unauthentic and hypocritical.|||Aphrodite was very attracted to beautiful things (and people) which is more of an xSxP thing i guess. She doesn't really seem to use Ti so i vote for xSFP|||I started typing with MBTI a week after taking the test but at first i was only basing myself on the four preferences and it took me a month to fully understand the cognitive process. I haven't tried...|||Hi! I was wondering if you could list again all the types you just mentioned and write the reasons on why you could be one of these types. Good luck :)|||I think it could work well but i've heard that Fi tends to wear off Ti users (of course it's not always the case). In my experience Ne and Se users work well together but you're extroverted side may...|||Maybe you should try to find the root of your mental issues (unless you already know it?). In one of your previous threads, you mention being teased. Is that what made you feel depressed? If you have...|||I'd like to start first by saying that i am so sorry for you (break ups are always hard). I completely understand how you're feeling, but if there's anything i've learned in life is that you can be...|||ISFP Fi The dominant function of ISFP's, Fi is based on internal values and acts on their own desires. Se The auxiliary function of ISFP's, Se is very aware of their surroundings, lives in...|||Welcome :) ! Just wondering, have you taken the cognitive function test ?|||USA:Depends on which state but mostly xSxJ Canada:xSFJ Mexico:ISFJ UK:IxTJ Ireland:ENFP Australia:ESTP New Zealand:ISFJ France:ENTP Switzerland:INTP Germany:ESTP|||Now that you mentioned it, i kinda see it too but i really feel like he's a Fe user.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHOS4bhNGJw Definitely a Se user (most likely xSTP)|||Young Regina has very strong inner values and is often in touch with her own feelings. Again, this is just a vibe that i got from her which i could be mistaking for Si (Si can easily be mistyped as...|||1) What is your MBTI type? ISFP 2) What is your gender? Male 3) What type(s) do you admire/respect the most? (Why?) ENFJ: Very smart people, great achievers and very charismatic ESTJ: One...|||Also her need for approval and ability to read people well is very Fe-like. At some point in the show she was so desperate to be loved that she was willing to throw a spell at henry to make him love...|||Here are the people i consider to be ESFJ's: -Oprah (could also be an ENFJ) -Channing Tatum -Hugh Jackman -Halle Berry -SJP -Possibly Zac Efrom -Woody from Toy Story -Snow White|||In a relationship, ESTJ's can be reluctant to change opinions and views they have fixated in the past. But as the relationship becomes deeper and trusting, they may be open to new ideas they have...|||I think it has to do with Te being the auxiliary function and Si the dominant one. The auxilary function is usually held back by the dominant one and tends to process things more internally. Of...|||As an outsider to other people's conflicts, i am very objective and can help in a logical and practical way. In an argument, i'll start panicking, especially when this person has an in your face...|||ESxP:Mdma/Alcohol IxTP:Weed IxFP:Heroin/Weed ISxJ:Morphine/Cocaine ENxP:Lsd/Shrooms ExTJ:Meth ExFJ:Alcohol/Cigarettes INxJ:Heroin|||3w2 (i'm a 2w1)|||Welcome :) INFP's and ISFP's can be extremely similar on the surface due to Fi being their dominant function. Assuming that you're new to this, Fi or introverted feeling is the dominant function in...|||She is definitely ISxJ. I can't even imagine her being an INFJ. Her Si is so dominant that the only way for her to move on was to runaway from Arendelle and cut loose with everything in relation to...|||Healthy ENFJ's :( They are kind but not too sensitive, smart but not arrogant, organized but not controlling, social but not needy,etc... Of course these are stereotypes but literally every ENFJ i've...|||F I S P but i absolutely hate my I|||I completely understand how you feel but i'm almost sure that your friend didn't mean to hurt your feelings in any way. Maybe you should try talking to him? Us, ISFP's don't always make our feelings...|||I'm surprised that an INFP could be mistyped as an INFJ since these types have zero functions in common (Fi-Ne-Si-Te vs Ni-Fe-Ti-Se). I think that the most likely mistype is an INFJ who is actually...|||Yay! Another ISFP :) Welcome.|||I don't know for sure...It would sound too cliche to go for freedom so i'm going to chose the money :D|||A few months ago, i used to think i was INFP until i read about the functions and i realized i didn't really relate to Ne. Se and Ni on the other hand, described me more accurately.|||I love XNFP's ! They're so soft spoken and passionate. Even though ENFP's can be insensitive and INFP's a bit unaware of others, they never stop mesmerizing me!|||Thank you so much :D No more gushiness! I promise :tongue:|||Thanks a lot! I'm still not 100% sure but i definitely will take your point in consideration.|||I checked your link out and i could relate to this : I sometimes feel like i deserve more credit than i get but i usually don't care, if someone didn't appreciate my help, i'll be offended for...|||Welcome! :)'
'Warm Spring - Soft Autumn overlap. My hair color is somewhere between strawberry blonde and auburn (like Amy Adams or Adele). Lots of people simplify and call me a redhead, but I've got a lot of...|||I don't look for them when they're not there. But I appreciate meanings. I do pick up on patterns. Se>Ni to me looks like... memorizing every start in the sky and as you memorize them, you start...|||Could work. Can't see how it would be any more train-wrecky than nearly any other type combination. Depends on how insistent the ESTP was to go out and do extraverted things, and how much of a...|||Personal responsibility. Human dignity. [Others too personal to share]|||I've....never found Fi to be fragile. My husband is INFJ and his brand of feeling is far more chaotic than mine. I personally relate to Sia's song: I've got thick skin and an elastic heart. I...|||Social introvert. Yeah, probably, if these were the only options. I actually really enjoy spending time with friends. I'll carve out plenty of time to visit them, and if they say even in passing,...|||Can be. I tend to type others by looking for cognitive functions. Since Fi is decidedly nonverbal and usually not outwardly expressed, and thinking types are fully capable of being amiable enough...|||I definitely fall into this category. I love to learn. I just don't learn well with someone shoving information into my face. I learn on my own terms. Psychology, herbalism, people, history,...|||Whaa? Manipulative ISFP? I've been accused of being manipulative by a paranoid INFP, but that spoke more about him than of me. The depth of conspiracy he accused me of was completely off-the-wall and...|||The door is only closed if she's replaced that opportunity with an exclusive, permanent relationship. She seemed interested at the time, and nothing seems to have permanently damaged that. If she's...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPQVj0TCmBQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IeGMVEuly-Y Posted this crap 7 months ago, which means it's already ancient. :tongue:|||Originally mistyped as ISFJ due to inferior Te disguised as a J preference.|||In short, good. My husband is INFJ, as are the majority of my friends. They definitely all express their own variety of INFJ, though...|||1. Yes. We sacrifice breadth for depth as far as emotion goes. 2. They're cute. My experience is that they're really out of touch with reality, and I'm usually having to hold their hands in...|||The nomadic renaissance (wo)man. Always seeking a new experience and new inspiration for their art. Might sing or play their instrument on a street corner. Utilizes creative ways of getting around....|||I'm a stay-at-home mom. I have a lot of experiences I'd like to have someday, but I'm currently studying to become a birth doula.|||We don't like our time wasted with emotional games. We value sincerity from the beginning, and if we think the person may not be consistent in their intentions or feelings, we will either jump ship...|||Math and science were the subject I did the worst at, but that's not saying much. I was an A student. All it meant was that I was probably a B-average in those subjects. :-P I had a habit of not...|||My husband is an underdeveloped INFJ (he grew up in a suppressive home), so he has a lot of random ISTP-ish spurts. But I've spent a ridiculous amount of time talking with INTJs over the last year...|||Well, yes and no. As a highly sensual person, I find meaning and a degree of intimacy in physical touch, even more playful touch. I only initiate hugs with people I actually feel very close to....|||It's interesting because I think I go back and forth with Te and Fe. I'm very uncomfortable with abandoning objective reasoning/fiscal responsibility/resource efficiency for the sake of pandering to...|||Totally, but it's more of an imagining of potential conversations/interactions.|||Definitely cognitive function research. Before then, I was split between ISFP and ISFJ. I was raised by a mom who is ISTJ, so I was put in a position to use Te a lot earlier in life, but Ne is my...|||My take: Sheldon: INTP with aspergers. His regimented nature often appears to be a J trait, but these are really ticks associated with aspergers. When you remove the ticks, he has all the earmarks...|||Yup. I saw that one the other day. I was disappointed with its lack of ... depth. :)|||There's a serious absence of ISFP videos out there. So I made one or two. True to form, I haven't even watched them myself. I just can't. Fair warning. I talk a lot. ...|||Brennan: INTJ. She's often quoted as ISTJ because she seeks absolute facts and doesn't have patience for anything less. But that's the exact function of Ni-Te. If we were talking about Ne, that'd be...|||infj?|||I cried when I heard my son's voice for the first time. That was an overwhelmed/joyous cry. I cry when the feelings of worthlessness reach a tipping point. That doesn't happen often, but there it is....|||I speak more with actions. My husband is an INFJ and is currently at sea (Navy), so when he asked me for some affectionate words, I had to get back to him so I could get into a state of mind where I...|||I have had the unique experience of being dumped by an INFP almost-lover. And that pretty much summed the conversation. For the last three years I was convinced you were the one I was going to...|||OMG. This was pretty much how my husband (INFJ) and I started flirting. I was unbelievably conflicted. He *noticed* me, and I was super attracted to him, but was actually mad that he liked me. He, on...|||Entp|||OMG. That second one. I'm cracking up! I can't get the image of a dancing robot out of my head.|||You could tell them they should be more aware of their surroundings. ;)|||Mine is, but that's because I had to renew it before going to Europe three years go. Now, I can't find the darned thing, so it's useless at the moment. :-P|||Eeexactly. I had an INTP friend there on the trip with me, and he and I would wander around looking for the hidden gems. Neither of us liked the crowds.|||I feel the same way about clutter. I think she feels the same way, though. The clutter is really stressful for her, but she doesn't seem to do anything about it. Though, I think she may be a rather...|||Very nice! I miss it so bad. I totally get what you mean about the shallow/fake stuff. The next day it was the first day of Spring Break and it was drowning in tourists. 95403 95404 95405...|||For being the most rare type, I have a boat load of INFJ friends, including my husband. This is probably the most common type among my friends. Also included are a few INFPs, a couple ENFJs, one...|||I can't do advanced math, and growing up I never really understood a mathematical concept until the next year during review, but I still got better-than-average grade. We *do* have Ni/Te in our...|||Well, I only really know two INTJs in my friendships. Both are pretty awesome. I've never gotten into an argument with either of them. I think they both bring out the rationality in me, which isn't...|||I went to Prague a few years ago, and I arrived at Town Square on a quiet Sunday evening. It was sensory overload in the very best way possible. Visited St Vitus Cathedral the next day and it was...|||I don't think ISFPs are ditzy at all! In my experience, I feel like we're the more hardcore version of INFPs. :-P Dislike of dark humor or subjects? Certainly not. I've got rather morbid...|||I speak more clearly in written conversation, but I'm often more talkative in person in comfortable company. With people I'm not extremely comfortable with, I tend to be more talkative online.|||My style is a mix of vintage/edgy/world-bohemian, but I don't have much money to support it! Oh, and it's also got to be comfortable and, at the moment, breastfeeding-friendly.|||People and relationships are the subject of your values, and you get upset when those values are insulted. And you can't possibly understand when someone else's values are something else...|||When you make a plan for the week, but as the days go on, you keep rescheduling everything seemingly on a whim. When you making appointments with people makes you rather anxious. When you don't...|||When you get a thrill from cancelled plans.|||...When you feel particularly affected by nature.'
'But ok, just so that i'd have followed the thread rules :) I'm ENFP and so far from what i've tried watching I liked Sailor Moon (when i was little), Naruto (teenage years..i know Naruto isn't...|||I'm not that into anime, but a couple of my friends are, so at one point i tried a few shows. :) One ILI who has watched about a thousand different animes suggested to me (a long time ago, during...|||I think I can relate to everything you wrote about the ENFPs' preferences except maybe some of the examples, but generally yes, especially about happy/uplifting/funny movies. I enjoy an occasional...|||Estp|||But yeah, after a couple of years of attending school, I got into an art school and have been into art studies ever since. In art school they really teach how to draw properly - the laws of...|||I loved drawing and mostly worked with markers. As I remember - and have been told by my parents -, when I was little, I had something like periodic interest in different things. Like, one day i felt...|||@CarmenAnne I don't know about her type, but I also enjoy her videos, and have learned some useful things from watching those. I like the friendly and light atmosphere that's characteristic of her...|||Hello, members of Personality Cafe. Lately I have been thinking about personality theories and how I fit in them. Up until now I have been pretty much sure I am an IEE/ENFp (at first, because...|||Agree with the ones saying 'depends on the mood'. Usually i'm forgiving, sometimes, if I see a person is in a hurry, I let them go first in the line even if I was there first...but with time, I think...|||Hello, fellow ENFPs. Maybe my question is already here somewhere, but the discussion is a bit too long to read it through just to search for this... So. What professions have you, ENFPs, chosen to...|||Hey, everyone! Hope you're having a nice weekend. :happy: As I was reading a book about Daoism that I got for a school assignment, I thought: 1) what type or quadra might the daoism philosophy...|||What do you, people, think - what type could this great singer and performer be? :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IcN6Ke2V-rQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cIv1z6n3Xxo ...|||PLS somebody type this guy. My sides hurt from laughing. :D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8PVal8Fy7CM|||For neither of us in a particular order: Me, ENFP / IEE 1. Brainstorm a.k.a. Prāta Vētra in Latvian 2. Red Hot Chili Peppers 3. Queen 4. Beyonce 5. Jesse Cook 6. Dire Straits 7. Shakira|||Has anyone typed this person? :) I have no idea what his type might be. Haven't tried actually typing him, but i have a feeling he might be some kind of a introverted + logical(?) type, but - how...|||Haha :D I just posted a question about this movie in my 'socionics types in movies' thread a few days ago...but there wasn't any answer so yay maybe somebody will have some opinion here. :D I...|||I don't actually know what I did (wrong..?), but I got typed an INTJ. I'm an ENFP. :D Anyway, was interesting...somehow the word levels were quite spot-on!!|||What you said sounds right. About the holidays... I think even extroverts can be drained by too much of socializing sometimes. :D (i'm not saying you said the opposite, i just wanted to state my...|||Going to a salsa-party. Dancing, YAY!~ :3 Another nice option, I guess, would be a movie with friends or family + some snacks.|||I get gut feelings and hunches pretty often, (I guess, mostly in situations when meeting new people). I usually WANT to believe what I feel, but at first I don't fully allow myself to...because,...|||@katshura007 ...lol, reading this discussion, I'm almost starting to think I could really be INFP :P (ENFP here) I can relate to the writing, deleting, re-writing stuff, sooo much... Also, what...|||1) What is your MBTI preference? Socionics IEE, so MBTI would be ENFP, I guess. 2) Why is art appealing to you? What initially got you interested in art? I've admired art, as well as been...|||How does that jive with my experience? Like, you are asking me...if I think I could be SLE? I highly doubt it. :D Or are you joking about that? :D|||...sounds a bit like me during summer when I at last go to sleep (...kind of an owl here), and discover that there is a WASP in my room again, and always - somewhere near my bed...ugh... Though I try...|||Yep, and maybe really through its complexity it doesn't work as well as it could. :D It's like...placing more specific frames on human characters and ways of thinking who are complex and sometimes...|||Heh, I guess I did express myself in a rather generic manner. :) When writing the mentioned comment, it wasn't my aim to be thoroughly precise and write down qualities that apply only to INFPs. I...|||:D :D To be honest, I'm not going from socionics to MBTI. :) From what I've read, socionics is more precise + has type relationship descriptions, which MBTI lack...I have no idea to what point do...|||I support your positive trolling. :D I could write something similar as @zombiefishy and say that I love dogs. (And I really do, lol) And I can also say that I believe tomorrow will be a nice day....'
'Nay. they were supposed to populate the earth.|||i'm happy with whatever..at this point|||...|||..If only I could come up with a mathematical formula for why I attract obsessive men, and why everyone else thinks I'm arrogant.|||Same here. Except I wouldn't describe it as dumbing myself down. I realize now, its not dumbing down: its holding back. I have finite energy, and I'm not going to build a popsicle stick house with...|||INteresting. See, this describes me more as well..Im more of an outgoing INTP..I have ENTP bursts, but i've discovered, i am far more INTP. People get annoyed or distant when they cant connect with...|||Ok maybe i AM ENTP... because its like...couldn't you see it coming a MILE away???|||And dont put yourself down by believing you are any more emotionally unhealthy than anyone here. its doubtful. Also, the fact that your #1 goal in life is finding romance...well i appreciate...|||The most stressful thing you can do, is worry about being stressed. Because its not like a light switch you can turn on or off. the first thing you should do is accept the fact that you're...|||Thanks for the insight. Will keep everyone's thoughts in mind. One person I have cut off, I unblocked from said social network. IN the first place showing I'm not intimidated, I can keep them...|||If any ENTP out there has every had an issue with people and had a hard time forgiving them (not forgetting and taking them back into your life, but forgiving and moving on) if any of you have had...|||@robknicker OK first of all, are you australian? secondly, nice picture thirdly, about twitter ,are you saying thats a good thing? i personally LOVE twitter, because it allows me to express...|||Ok someone who really knows.....life drawing or realistic drawing in general, I'm looking for a really good anatomy book, anatomy for drawing obviously. Im interested in not just a bunch of nude...|||What is personality cafe about, if not to give unsolicited replies to people that you know don't give a ----, although they took the time to respond|||In spite of the carefree wording, I TOTALLY agree with you. They are HYPER conscious of themselves, and never just go with the flow. They are super calculating, in an immediate tactical sense,...|||Well, orange county is the WORST PLACE POSSIBLE to be an INTP. In fact, southern California in general wreaks in those terms. If you're not at the Huntington Beach OKtoberfest every year chanting...|||Here's my take on ESTP guys. They see themselves as smarter than most females. I dont mean book smart. Smart in the things that matter to them. Intellect, social skill, Ti, stuff. And in many cases...|||Congratulations on the 3 years. You must have found a decent one. that aside, here's my letter to a different ESTP Dear ESTP You are a total douche. Sincerely, INTP that will never ever...|||Actually, they do.... nah, i just had a weird brain day yesterday. do you ever have those? I realize the greeks had it. But i mean in the modern era.|||I was obsessed with robots before robots were cool. I also have a thing about manhole covers. There' something very fascinatingly unfascinating about them. I get obsessive about historical stuff...|||I judge my own intelligence on a day to day basis. I only answer questions I put to myself, because I hate everyone else's questions. however, i recently believe I am ever so slightly more INTP as...|||Before I even FINISH reading this thread: 1. You are BOTH crazy making. 2. I would warn ANYONE off the both of you. 3. I'm guessing there is more to her side of the story than you are letting on....|||Better yet, how many hadron colliders would it take to change a dark sucker in the middle of a black hole?|||They are wrong.|||That pretty much describes me . The sock drawer has socks. Do I match up the socks? No of course not. But they all go in one drawer. Same with silverware. They go in one drawer. Do I sort them? no,...|||Can't imagine most of you fellow INTPs haven't seen this. I read it like 15 or so years ago. Thank god for the internet. Enjoy. The Dark Sucker Theory For years, it has been believed that...|||Whats good for the goose is good for the gander. If he wants to be in a relatinoship with an INFP, and get the benefits that come from BEING with an INFP, especially an obvoiusly caring mature one...|||Thanks, So I'm going for quality...i dont mind inefficiency as long as I get a decent enough refernce photo out of it. I'll give the print screen a try, but keep the others in mind You mean...|||Pathetically, this was the most useful reply. thanks though. Never used that button.|||Dear ESFPs Stop having crushes on me. I know I'm fascinatingly oblivious to your game, and it drives you nuts, but all the girls that swarm you are giving me a hard time. Dear ESFJs If you act...|||OK i posted this one the science and technology forum, but i thought if any type was most likely to have the answer, it would be INTPs. I want to draw stills from movies. I want to capture those...|||No, not all of them. I'm not. Only the ones between the ages of 20 and 32, that live within a 50 mile radius of me.|||OK you HARDCORE remind me of a guy I have believed is ESFP. He is manipulative, he uses people, he gets retributive (word?), bitchy, paybacky, self entitled when he thinks someone else has my...|||I know what you mean. We are VERY gullible socially, and VERY easily manipulated. That is, if i'm right in that you sound like myself. The thing is, we WON'T always know right away, and even when we...|||I learn things as I need them, and as I am intruiged by them. I have not been impressed with a lot of articles I have read on here, so I never got through to the ones that explain why INTp is...|||Im sorry but the s comments in here are the kind i always find I should ignore.. They are all like oh well maybe the girl this or maybe the girl only meant that. Go with your gut the girl was...|||those are some great sites ppl, thanks. yeah, and even non drawing stuff, concept art, is still pretty inspiring, as it reminds you to think outside the box...|||Can't ask them, need ppl Ne dom. What kind of sensor guy, ESxx i believe, will continue to cyber-stalk the online presence of an ENTP girl that has made it clear she no longer wants anything to do...|||You too? on the ESFP thing? GOD yes. the females i just dont get at all, and the males are always liking me but i dont get along with them becasue i dont like games. do you find ESFPs to be...|||...When your achilles heel, your feelings, are the things you should least discredit, yet the things you consistently want to discredit the most. ...When SP guys right and left are falling over...|||AFterthought: why would ENTPs even NEED to shower complements? They don't. They draw people already.|||Some people here are equivocating compliments with verbal affirmation of one's affection. The two are not the same. Everyone needs to hear, by way of verbal expression, affirmation of their...|||Can anyone into drawing tell me the websites they go to for inspiration, education, etc? right now i'm into learning realistic drawing, though thats not the goal, its more of a tool. thx|||Know why you are doing it.|||Both of course :)|||@ohmyitschel EXACTLY. Who the hell is he to be entitled to better treatment than you? HE can make mistakes and is entitled to civil treatment, HE can be human and step on your toes and expect to...|||NOOOOO. IT. IS. NOT. YOUR. FAULT. This is an absolute falsity, DO NOT let yourself think it. i dont mean you dont make mistakes. I'm sure you and he both step on each other's toes sometimes....|||That dude sounds like a real A-HOLE. A kind person would try to draw you out and include you. thats what I would do if I saw someone that was the quietest in the group. Ask where they work, joke with...|||My mom is INFP, and we are best freinds, always have been. I can see myself with an INFP guy, although it would have to be with one selfless, the way my mom is. No more selfish feelers, i hate them.|||Gotta solve the problem of paradoxes first...hawking doesn't believe its possible'
'as an Indonesian I agree with Indonesia being an ENFP, most of people are expected to be fun-loving extroverts here|||I guess I'm a 496 PSTypes Enneagram Test Results The Distribution of Your Scores Type One: 2 Type Two: 20 Type Three: 7 Type Four: 55 Type Five: 33|||I have a close friend who is an ENFP and I think we get along pretty well and understand each other, I just love the NF connection because most of my family members are ESFPs, and also an INTJ. And...|||Test Results chin 35 nose to mouth 42 nose length 21 forehead 11 lower lip 1 nose width 90 eyes 45 face width 99 upper lip 94 mouth width 44 eye gap 98 *measurements are...|||he's an INTP|||INFP :) I like playing instruments, reading, playing games, basketball, anime, foreign languages, sometimes writing, and cats.|||I haven't met an INFP in real life. But if I meet one, we'd probably get along well as long as we have the same interests, or maybe just talk about our feelings and random issues :)|||When your parents keep telling you to go outside and socialize more because humans are social living creatures.|||I guess ENFPs.|||B|||Home too, especially my bedroom. Or not, at the library a few times a week.|||INFP here, currently living and from Indonesia. And yes, but I only talk about MBTI with my ENFP best friend, because my other friends won't even bother listen to me talking about MBTI and ignored...|||http://imgur.com/ghk0Tuh mine looks really weird and I wrote it with my left hand I repost it because the picture didn't appear :laughing:|||L-DK (japanese live action movie)|||Watashi ga motenati no wa dou kangaetemo omarea ga warui Just kinda bored|||imgur|||Definitely Attack on Titan!|||My friends: -ENFP, but she looks like a sad one. She is like the life of the group,. -INFJ, she scored as INFJ even though she doesn't think herself as an introvert. The oldest one in my group xD...|||Infj|||mine looks really weird and I wrote it with my left hand :frustrating: file:///D:/DSC_0185.JPG|||1. I just found out the musician I love is likely to be an infp too. 2. I recently typed my whole family as infp, but I might be wrong. My dad is probably an ENFP. 3. Currently living in a sensory...|||You need to be more social.|||I'm a left-handed infp too!'
'I haven't slept for three days, I depend solely on coffee, cigarettes and gel snacks and this music makes me want to go adventuring in the city with him. But I kind of feel like I'm annoying him...|||I remember when I was little I would say I'll never smoke! with great determination. Well... that didn't end very good. I think I'm rotting inside and out.|||I wish I knew her better so I could make her feel better right now. This sucks|||Thank you, I really am thankful. He did nothing, luckily. I managed to sleep for two hours or something, and he was there when I got to school, so everything is fine. He said he has someone he knows...|||Everything's alright. He has someone that brings him meds when stuff like this happens. He is as good as he can get. He talks about the stuff that goes on in his head and I like to listen. I am...|||F*ck. History repeats itself. This little motherf*cker which I have mentioned in my last two comments, is driving me crazy. I met him last semester, but we got really close only until this...|||Guys, I think I'm in love. Well, no, it's more of a certainty. I'm in love. I don't really know how this happened exactly. I remember I met him in an instrument store of some sort. I remember I was...|||Update: the little f*cker waltzed right into me as if nothing happened. I did not sleep that night and I am so freaking tired, thanks to him and all the lump of feelings. But damn, I'm happy he's...|||I'm worried. I'm tired. This little motherf*cker won't answer me. I want to sit on the grass, stare at the sky and think about nothing, but all my mind does is go back to him, and now I'm worried. I...|||I met this guy in my section at school three weeks ago. He's just awesome (and, well, his face's not bad either), he plays drums, piano and guitar and I don't know, I just... I think I like him...|||Damn right they should. There were over 300 000 participants this year... Yeah|||Thank you ^^|||Update: there was a mistake. They e-mailed me the results of another person with my name on it (don't really know how that happened, though), and I did enter that school, I'm so happy right now....|||The results of the entrance exams I did at the beggining of the month are out and I didn't make it. I'm sitting here in the dark, contemplating the results, and all I can hear inside my head is:...|||I was in PE class the other day at school and I suck monkey balls at sports, epsecially where you have a team. We were playing volleyball and they put me in a place where the two good guys of the...|||It is not a poem, it is... Something, but I'm going to put this here anyway. In that cold, abandoned house, where warmth saw me grow, where the cold winter breeze, the naked trees, the clean snow...|||Oh, I just love everytime I have literature/Spanish class. This ENTP is great, and I think I'm slowly falling in love :3. I think he understands, without me saying anything, that I'd do the listening...|||45% Left-brained -48% Linear -38% Logical -25% Symbolic -22% Sequential -20% Verbal -20% Reality-based 55% Right-brained -64% Concrete|||Just here to say you guys are great XD :3|||I use post-its to remind me of stuff (like to eat, for example) or I write it down on my hand, lol. One time I was walking through the hallways thinking, I wasn't paying attention and when it was...|||I failed misserably at trying to talk to the suspected ENTP in Spanish class T.T I got so nervous trying to talk to Him. I wanted to ask him if he liked astronomy to begin conversation, but I got so...|||I didn't know the guy who sits next to me in Literature/Spanish class was so deep. I mean, I only know his name, that he's badass at sports and that he's an extrovert. But, oh my god, I finally had a...|||I would be an INTJ or an INFP, maybe an INTP. And maybe, just maybe an ENTJ or an ISTP|||-Loki -Flitzwilliam Darcy -Sherlock Holmes (from the BBC series) -Percy Jackson :3 -Anime guys (especially Kaneki Ken and all the guys in Free! and Kuroko no Basuke, alongside with Luka...|||Benedict Cumberbatch too :3|||Yes. There are songs that make me cry every single time I listen to them, songs that make me happy, songs that fill me up with nostalgia and songs that make me feel like I can destroy every single...|||Oh, and Dylan Sprayberry. Yes, I know, he's only 17, but I'm young myself, so who cares? 393178|||Matthew Mcfayden, oh my god, that man. 393170 And Tom Hiddleston. Especially when he dances :3|||I seriously regret going to school today. Today is Mexicos Independence day or whatever you call it in english. So, we had to be outside in the burning summer sun and it was horrible. I was standing...|||https://youtu.be/2QyVfs5G2uA http://youtu.be/gCVUSTqpsXo http://youtu.be/FhnfSqVvJZU|||U wot m8?|||http://youtu.be/p8SMlFEbn-w Sorry, couldn't resist :3|||Yes, I love animals. I have two dogs and the oldest one passed away a few years ago and I cried a lot when he died. It still hurts to think about him. So, I had three dogs. I love them both. I think...|||Dad:ESxJ Mom:IxFJ Big brother: INTP Little brother: INTP I am close to everyone, I fight a lot with my dad, but we understand us better than we'd like to admit. My mom and I fight sometimes,...|||oakendurin I think you should properly ask her why she did this. I mean, you have to know why she sudddenly cut you out of her life. Just approach her calmly and ask something like can I talk to...|||I agreed to almost all. I got angry at the You are not Jesus thing. I know I'm not Jesus, and I don't feel superior to other people. In fact, I sometimes feel less than other people and I often...|||Yeah, I think she's no longer interested in you, from what you said, at least. Of course there could be other factors as why her reply, but we don't know the whole story. Just ignire her and move...|||If you hurt me, you cease to exist. That I have A LOT of patience doesn't mean I don't have a limit and if you cross it, you burn. I can be incredibly cold sometimes and can turn my Fe to Fi just...|||I got in trouble for reading in bed with a little lamp past bedtime untill late in the night (I still do XD). Not doing my homework, this resulting in bad grades and then telling my parents I didn't...|||Spanish is my native language (I'm from México), so is German (german mother) and my English is actually pretty good, I could communicate with no problems if I was in the U.S.A. or in the English...|||Why did I name my viola duke Heinrich Gustav Tyrell I? And why do I plan to name my new viola duchess Genevieve Arista Wagner I? I guess they have that feel to it, they're classical intruments...|||Oh my god, yes. It is terrible! My ENFP friend got excited because we were going to eat pizza and she started to jump around screaming pizza, pizza! Yummy! PIZAAAA! while we were walking past the...|||I HATE my spanish teacher. I mean, if everybody in class says there was no homework and there wasn't any homework to do, how hard is it to accept that fact? Ughhhh it frustrates me. And we are...|||Yes, people think I'm intimidating-- untill they get to know me. I'm more intimidating when angry. In public I use more my Ni-Ti, as you said. I've always seemed serious and because of my eyes and...|||I cried so hard at this, I couldn't even stop. Because although me and my father always argue, we have a lot more in common than we think and we understand us better than we'd like to show. And I'm...|||I have the same dream two or three times a week. It is a big, black, intimidating raven (more than three meters tall) that takes me with him. I'm pretty scared of this dream, since I happen to dream...|||I would suggest you ask her why she doesn't like it, you should tell her that you won't change as a person. You will still be the same guy, only with a piercing. Just approach it in a calm manner and...|||Very bad at team-work like volleyball, basketball, soccer and handball. Pretty good at table-tennis, tennis and climbing. I was not blessed with the charm of gracefulness, though (only when it is...|||http://youtu.be/fgcDYOHBojQ http://youtu.be/5_XIElaF8dk http://youtu.be/5HlNuygGR8w|||http://youtu.be/9M_gzHMavJs http://youtu.be/soiZsesXbF4 http://youtu.be/y6pZvc6vRAM'
'I HATE parallel parking and avoid it if possible, but if I have to, I can do it.|||Yes. Lots of days.|||I think my dearly departed old pup was an INFP... but then again, maybe I was just seeing my own traits in her. I could totally see her being an INFP though. We had such a wonderful, intuitive...|||Big Pete from Pete & Pete.|||I hate shopping and being stuck inside stuffy buildings. I love being outside at night. It's like a different world.|||Well put. I don't know if it's the way our society is these days, or maybe if it's just how a lot of non-INFP people seem to be, but it seems like good listeners are hard to come by. People just...|||Yesterday, after thinking about my dog (she was put down last fall). I had a weird dream where I saw her for the last time, in the vet's office... it was sad, though oddly peaceful, but mostly sad...|||Physical activity helps quite a bit. Not that Ive been listening to my own advice lately... I've been lazy and too tired from work. But really, I find that things like running or yoga/stretching...|||I generally hate exercising. I do however occasionally go running when I feel like burning off some excess energy. Yoga and belly dance are great too for loosening up and relieving tension in an...|||As a hobby I can pick up and set down whenever, I LOVE crochet. It's quiet, you can take it almost anywhere, and it's like a form of meditation. Seriously. All that repetition really quiets my...|||I've definitely thought about it, but it's kind of on the back burner for now. Especially given the terrible status of teachers in this country, and, particularly, in this state (thanks to our...|||I have no idea if it's normal to be like this, but I definitely know how it feels. I definitely have different sides of myself, and what I show people usually depends on who they are or what the...|||I feel like our society (the US, at least. not sure about other parts of the world) is not friendly at all to creative types. We're often portrayed as weirdos, dicking around and wasting time, not...|||All the INFPs I know are dirty hippies and/or otherwise creative types. Including myself.|||A magical scene of an odd little house set against a background of mountains, clouds, and light. I'd live there if I could.|||When I run out of cigarettes... just kidding! But really, I can get a little teary if I think about the death of my parents, siblings, or my dog. Moviewise? The Fountain always gets me... it's...|||I'm a mixture of Luxembourgish (basically German, but Luxembourgish sounds so much cooler!), French, Danish, German, French-Canadian (so basically French & Native American, wish I had more info on...|||I love coconuts! In the pic, it looks like you bought a young coconut, which is sweeter and smooshier than the regular mature ones. Not sure what you can do with it besides eat it. But if...|||Free at last. Or alternatively, Quit my job!|||I was working in a kitchen making minimum wage ($7.25 an hour here), had been employed there for about 10 months. I brought in a form for my boss to fill out so that I could go on food stamps. And...|||I suppose this post may belong in the career section instead, but I guess I was looking for input from other INFPs, so here goes... I quit my job today. Walked out in the middle of a shift, I was...|||What's Eating Gilbert Grape by Peter Hedges is by far my favorite book of all time. I love the gritty look you get inside Gilbert's mind. Anything Hunter S Thompson is great too.|||Exactly. Don't blame this one on yourself. This guys very clearly has issues he needs to work on, and he doesn't sound particularly capable of maintaining a mature relationship right now.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rChjMRfi40c http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogEtfIdgjpY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZeciX-3wfs Warning: This last video contains Bill O'Reilly. Oh, and...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jL68NyCSi8o&feature=related These Drunk History videos are quite good. I dunno, there's a bunch of videos on youtube that make me laugh pretty hard, but I'm...|||I can be quite the space cadet at times, doing stupid things or missing seemingly obvious things. I know I'm pretty smart, but a lot of times I miss the details and something just slips right by me....|||I don't get any TV channels at my apartment, so I don't really watch many recent shows, usually just what's on dvd, or whatever I can catch when I visit home. Favorites: Futurama Arrested...|||My drug of choice would have to be weed. It's fun, relaxing, entertaining, and it makes life more interesting. Hiding out in the woods or sitting by a lake smoking a joint is my idea of heaven. ...|||My right foot is 1/2 size bigger than my left. Also, I have a habit of waving at satellites and planes in the sky. You never know who might be watching!|||I've only seen the first movie, and I really dug it. I should really take a peek at the other ones... Some of the stuff I'm really not sure about... for instance, I don't know crap about the...|||My dog. She's awesome. Otherwise... watching TV or a movie to distract myself, working on a project, smoking some ganja, wasting time online. Sleeping, eating, smoking cigs. Daydreaming.|||Nirvana's cover of Bowie's Man Who Sold The World.|||Sometimes I feel like I have... dare I say it... premonition-type things. I've dreamed up or thought of things before they've happened, many times. But then again, they could very well just be...|||I'm actually not a huge fan of kids. I often find them annoying, but then again, I haven't really had too much experience with them. I love animals though. Dogs especially. They're just so much...|||I'm pretty sure about half the stuff I post is stuff that makes me go back and think, Now why the heck did I write that?!? Meh. I do take some solace in knowing that if I write something dumb...|||Veggiehead for 9 or so years now. I first converted after I learned about factory farms and slaughterhouses. Knowing about the lives of those animals and how they die just puts a pit in my...|||If given the chance, I'd prefer to stay up til 5AM or so, sleep til 1 or 2. Unfortunately, on most days, my job requires me to be up by 6:30 AM. Very sad.|||I love tattoos, and I have 12 or so of them.... I keep losing count. And I intend to keep on adding ink until I can't count them anymore! I find them visually interesting, aesthetically pleasing,...|||I'm definitely passive-aggressive. I will often repress things and bottle them up until someone/ something pushes me over the edge and I will just snap at them, or anyone near me. I've been...|||Oh, and it's also good for helping my migraines. If I get a migraine while I'm somewhere I can relax? Take my rx medicine and smoke a bowl. Bam. Migraine gone.|||I've been smoking for about 5 years now. When I first was introduced to weed, I wanted to smoke it all the time, it was just that fun. Nowadays I've gotten to the point where I still really enjoy...|||Hahaha, true that.|||I could have written the original post myself! I love my BF dearly and we've been together for 4 years, but I've almost always got some stupid crush on another guy going on. I've never been...|||[QUOTE=EctoplasmicGoo;938684]First i don't have all the answers but i know some things about living right. 1) get a goodnights sleep, go to bed at 9:30 if it takes you a while to get to sleep, and...|||Seriously! This stereotype is everywhere! How often have you seen in the media, tv, movies, hollywood, whatever, the situation of an ugly guy paired with a drop-dead gorgeous girl? Some fat, dorky...|||Ohhhhhhhhh yah. I could have written this almost word for word. I'm this way A LOT.|||Tired, unhappy, more depressed than normal lately. The Beatles' I'm So Tired. Yeah....|||I used to play. I never got very far (like, level 28 or something) before getting bored, but I just loved it! Such a gorgeous game! I think the last characters I had were an undead mage and a...|||Waaaaaaaaaaay liberal. Somewhat socialist. Filthy stinkin' liberal neo-hippie, right here.|||You told me that already. I wish I had a dollar for every time I forgot that I already told someone a story or joke. I'd be able to pay off my student loans.'
'Hey there! Just wondering about your experiences with public speaking, as I have a huge activity of this kind in a couple of weeks and I have no idea whether I'll do well or not( 15 minutes talk)....|||There you go :) 39388 39389 39390|||Don't think I have INFJ eyes, but anyway, there you go :P 3773637737|||Hi! :) For the past few minutes I've been trying to figure out British singer's Adele personality type, but nothing particularly comes to mind. Opinions? Thanks xx|||This is a really good piece of advice, I've been doing it since forever without even realizing, but now that I think about it, it really works ;).|||True!I always find myself being drawn to extroverts and not so much to people like myself.|||Yes, I think you have a point here.I don't know if it applies to you as well, but I've been told words like Stop looking at me like that! and I then say Like what?That's how I look at you...|||That's good to hear, I should really try it too. I've remembered something that might be related to this...I've read on this forum about people perceiving INFPs not as daydreamers, but as people...|||I'm of the opinion that INFPs can be intimidating at times, because, you know, as I was reading your post I could really see myself in it and picture people being intimidated by something in me....|||Sounds like a total INTJ, one of my teachers who I get along really well with is a lot like your counselor.I know it's an old post, so sorry if I disturbed you or anything. Anyway, have you...|||If you were as modest as you were good at reading people...|||Thank you <3, it was quite hard for me to decipher the handwriting at first lol, but it was worth it - you must have a flair for writing poems, I found them very original and I can relate to the one...|||Thanks for starting up the thread, it's really interesting and I'm looking forward to hearing how other INFPs manage the daydreaming.|||Oh don't get me started, I know I do that a lot and I bet it's a very common thing in INFPs.We're idealists, dreamers, this is the way it all works for us :).I think I fall in love absolutely...|||LOVE your handwriting, it seems to me that it's artistic and highly expressive.I'm kinda jealous haha.Thx for posting! :)|||Thanks for posting and for appreciating the thread! :) Odd thing, I've got a friend whose handwriting is exactly like yours. I don't think I can interpret it yet, because I'm new to graphology...|||Yeah, my handwriting doesn't slant too obviously to the left either, but it's right there if you really look into it. No problem with the book title, I wanted to search through the libraries'...|||Thanks for putting up the picture, I've found myself really interested in graphology, too, lately. I used to write cursive when I was as young as 10, but as I've developed I just really couldn't...|||Hi, INFPs! :happy: I was wondering if there was any connection between the INFP personality type and the handwriting. I'll start by putting up my own handwriting, feel free to do it too so we can...|||Have no worries, you didn't bother me! but haha, quite strange, I finished reading her diary last month.Oh well, coincidences happen.:)|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YEQtigmQH4 Listen to it, please, I know you'll love it.<3|||`There you go! 29608|||It's not that I don't go to parties, it's just that I don't do it as much as other people do, from my experience.I try to get a really cool present for those who invite me to their birthday parties,...|||People that are too cold, insensitive.I'm not saying that I dislike people who SEEM cold, but are not even a tiny bit on the inside.I love them the most <3. Also, injustice. And doing boring...|||Thank you for posting that, I can really relate to it.I hope I don't come off as weird for replying to something posted kinda long ago, 'cause I just wanted to say thank you! :)|||Hi! I want to start off by saying that, from my point of view, INFPs are sensitive human beings. I've found myself lately being drawn to particular people who appeared powerful in a way...does this...|||This. Erik Satie - Gnossienne Nr1 - YouTube Please listen to it.|||I subscribe!Also, don't forget about Emily Bronte, Oscar Wilde and Hans Christian Andersen! :) I've found something interesting, take a look at this: Writing Process of the INFP INFPs may...|||I subscribe!Also, don't forget about Emily Bronte, Oscar Wilde and Hans Christian Andersen! :) I've found something interesting, take a look at this: Writing Process of the INFP INFPs may...|||Hello! :) I'm actually writing one right now; it's not finished, of course, only 140-150 pages or so but I'm still enthustiastic about it.It's about a teacher-student relationship.Oh, I forgot to...|||I agree, I myself wonder how could the sign description have been written so accurately, that it matches almost all of my personality?And yeah, it's a really fun topic to discuss.Too bad not any of...|||I subscribe! I guess I was thinking the same thing deep down, but never bothered to look more into it/analyze.Thanks for the post! :)|||Hello, I was just wondering if you guys are interested in psychology, mostly because I want to become a school conselor.I've noticed this is a suitable career path for INFPs.Do you agree?Opinions?...|||Me too!So much that I just hope I won't be turning into a 70 year old granny with 20 cats meowing on the couch, watching television. :)|||Haha I have no idea.It can sure be hell sometimes, but it's mostly good.Thanks for the reply xx|||Hi! I was just thinking about this the other day.He's my favourite musician so I was wondering if I have the same personality type as he does.What do you think?(if not, tell us which type would you...|||Hello! :) I don't know if it has already been discussed, but I wanna know if there's any kind of link between your personality type(in this case, INFP) and your astrological sign.So tell us what...|||Yes I do! It looks kinda like yours and there's also a little one very close to the 1st.I like to joke that they're a couple :)|||Thanks, you're really pretty too!You're welcome to this site :D|||Kinda...suuure.haha|||Aww you were really cute.I'm sure you're just as good-looking now as you were then.:)|||Haha, you read too much into things but I guess you're right.It makes sense :)|||I guess it's true, I'm also type 4(found out today) and as I initiated the thread, you can see I get called snobbish and stuck up a lot haha.:D|||Thank you, I now have a lot of information.It's exactly what I was looking for, TY again!|||She's definitely an INFP, and you're a good friend to write all that about her just to find out her personality type haha!|||(Male) INTJs, do you like (female) INFPs?Are you attracted to them?|||INFP and I'm a Hufflepuff.|||Hi there!:) Has anyone else noticed that people perceive INFP as snobbish only because they're quiet?A lot of them asked me what's wrong with you, why don't you talk and so on, and even my best...|||Oh don't get me started...I get these crushes all the time, especially on authority figures.I'm currently writing a book about a relationship with one of them, but really?:)I know this is never going...|||2904529046 There you go, do I look like an INFP? PS: This is my 1st post, hoo-ray!:D'
'I hate that I am still in love. And probably ever will|||Thanks for your words. I need to talk with my flatmate, if there's a calm moment.. maybe I'm just a bit sensitiv. The other city means the other city ;) I kind of have two flats, because I got a...|||I don't feel good in this flat arrangement / sharing. My flatmate constantly uses the living room just as one would one's own room. She only sleeps in her room. Unfortunately to get to my room I have...|||Rollercoaster indeed! Had a super fun evening with some friends and stayed over at a dear friend's flat who will leave the country for some time. We spend the afternoon together with some amazing...|||So much better today! Tine to look forward. I am excited about work again! (I don't get to whine - I got it pretty good!)|||Just cam eback from the very first session with a psychologist. So happy that I finally got an appointment. I cried all the way through. I don't know if it will be ok or if should try another one. I...|||ärks!! Feelings, loneliness, life decisions, friends, self-doubt, insecurity !! Could my inner cinema just stop playing?! Why does it always have to this way? Why do I always have to be...|||@Ningsta Kitty and @LawyersAdvocate: thanks a lot for your input! The problem is there was no real breakup and still if there's any chance I'll hang on for the moment. But in the same time start...|||Thanks so much for your kind words! I'm kinda crying now (here. in the public library) I will keep your words in mind! You nailed it.|||I have my heart broken by this one ENTP. The one and only guy for me. And it won't stop hurting. We had this intense time and he said some intense things, and suddenly he won't have time anymore for...|||I want that. I need that. My ENTP leaves me in a cold place and I fear he has moved on. Not a good time for me|||Where can I find useful information about this?|||The sign she need is just as you said: She needs to be sure you have feelings and want to commit. To speak for myself I never will admit to feelings I am not sure they're returned. And for...|||so, I called my ENTP person and it seems like tomorrow will be the big talk. Wanted to have it now, but he's on his way to a party (and I feel left out again - seems like there really is no longer...|||saintcirone: I think you're on the right track - she likes you! Don't overthink it! She's waiting for a sign from your side. When you open up she'll feel comfortable eventually and open up herself ...|||I made some hints about MBTI and personality types a while ago and how it helps me to understand people better, but he despises it. Concerning psychology the one and only person for him is Freud. And...|||Peace_Be_With_You Thanks so much for this comment! These are the very same problems I encounter in my relationship. They get me frustrated all the time and thinking in that moment if it's all worth...|||same here. sometimes it's so hard. but still I am fascinated and can't stay away. I am afraid it will never change and I'll always have to wait and be patient|||this way you (unintentionally) hurt and suffocate people. they might feel dominated and disrespected as well (oh, there are recent experiences talking here :/)|||they get lost in their projects, so their private life is nearly non-existent and their partner suffer -.-|||YES (I hate this 10 characters policy..)|||Same here - advice is much needed!!|||As the title says: what's your current profession and how do you see work in general? What would be the perfect way career wise for you? Can you imagine to work in an office from 9 to 5? And how...|||It's always good to know about the other side. But please don't withdraw because of those reactions!|||You are so right! I always thought I am socially awkward till I got comfortable with the way I am. But there are still times when I worry and stress myself how to connect with other people. I got...|||:/ Sure, but I think it was kind of an overreaction. It was a heated and emotional talk.. We haven't talked since then.. Don't know. I don't want to stress him. (He's an ENTP btw)|||It's weird. I tend to forget specifics of conversations, but I desperately don't want to lose them, so written communication is always great. In some days I'll have a new mobile and I don't know how...|||me again.. what's your view of the introvert part? do you like it or does it frustrate you?|||Great, the boyfriend finally revealed why he's so distanced the last months: He thinks I am depressed and because of betrayal and getting hurt by two close, depressed people in the past he shies away...|||Great, the boyfriend finally revealed why he's so distanced the last months: He thinks I am depressed and because of betrayal and getting hurt by two close, depressed people in the past he shies away...|||;) this typology.. so reliable|||It depends. I can forgive a lot and every person is as imperfect as me. I always hope that my failures and flaws are forgiven. It gets difficult when the conflict is not resolved when I and the...|||Hm.. in parts you're right; I experience it this way. I vs E can clash like that, but keep always in mind it depends on how much pronounced the E or I is. I can recommend this book by Marti...|||Yeah, most of our miscommunications are because of that. But now I know a bit better how be both tick We can handle the extrovert/introvert differences pretty good.. But as said before every...|||I am so pissed of with myself. I cant finish this thesis and time is literally running out. It seems like I finally could get a job and wouldn't rely on my parents' money anymore. But I cant't finish...|||I think I've always fallen between these two and have never been satisfied. I could always empathize with the quiet and shy ones who where often the as you call it 'nerds' (we don't have this term or...|||This. As they seem to connect with everyone I keep wondering what they see in me or any other person. Do you, ENTPs, like everyone or do you just like to talk with them?|||um.. I didn't use constellation in any astrology meaning. Sometimes it's a bit difficult to pick the right words in a foreign language ;)|||Um.. I don't quite understand this.. They are conflicting and at the same time duals? I already read that this constellation can have lots of conflicts but when they overcome them they can...|||the earth explodes. kidding they get hurt. might be terrible if you don't want to lose them ;)|||I worry about personal relationships.. being in serious relationship for the first time and then with this fabulous, self-confident person is sometimes stressful :) ESL means English as a second...|||I just see a lot of similarities between us. We have the same values, humor, possible life choices, interests etc. I am drawn to his personality like never to one before. He often speaks out loud...|||Why do you think don't they get along; what are their arguments about and in which way does their behaviour conflict? I just want to realise if their behaviour is similar to ours.. And I...|||I second all of this! I am fairly new to MBTI and enneagramm but I tested 2w1, 9w1, 6w5. I don't know how common or off this is for an INFJ..|||Did you have any solution? What's the current status? I feel like I am in the exact situation, so your experiences would help me a lot to figure out myself and us!|||What's an unhealthy / mature ENTP like? I looked at my results again and there's a fine line between INFJ/ISFJ. The results in the second category were closer than any other. But I suppose the...|||From my side it's just good to know how he works. After some time and reading stuff about ENTPs it's much clearer for me. I never have been close to such a type, so I haven't had an orientation on...|||What would these little details be? And if you don't care about them anyway wouldn't it be indifferent if someone does for you?|||Funny to see how one can make assumptions because of personality types that are way off and as you see can differ a lot. For myself I a much clearer about why we can get stuck in debates, because at...|||Guys, this was suppossed to be a thread for good examples! :P Sorry you had these experiences, but it doesn't has to be the same for us here. Even if you know one ISFJ doesn't mean you know them...'
647306 the lava does not represent anger btw.|||MBTI- infj Enneagram 4 5 Alignment-- chaotic neutral Instinctual variant-- sx Hogwarts house- Ravenclaw Star Sign- cancer Leo Chinese Zodiac- rooster Big 5- Scuai|||Maybe thats because a lot of the time humans really suck? I can understand that. This can make one be indifferent to understanding something that we won't necessarily empathise with. In this process...|||Hmm.. According to that political compass test I'm left libertarian. :confused:|||Me- Type-INFJ Enneagram- 4 Age-23 Country- England Interests- history, anthropology, music, architecture,literature, philosophy, nature. Profession- uni student studying history and lit...|||SATISFIED TYPE Low E, Low N x96 correlating to Introversion Satisfied Types who feel they have risen above the problems of living and are content with things as they are. They see little point in...|||Humanities are all about the study of human behaviour and human nature. From a non scientific perspective. they examine social interactions and causations and explain how society works and develops....|||Video games and movies usually are trivial though. Very few films possess an artistry to them. Linguistics and economics are closer to the sciences I think though in that they are very focused on...|||I ask as I was wondering how many INTJs like this can be found.|||I agree but it seems that INTJs into science are the most prevalent sort. All the INTJs into science I have met have been a bit like this. The ones I know into humanities have not however. I think an...|||I agree with tilda swinton, Gary oldman and edward Norton! I don't know if the people I think are infj really are.... I am only typing by intuition lol. Charlotte Rampling John Rhys Davies...|||Its more when the language used is convoluted and communication with other people suffers. I don't think all INTJs are as bad as this.|||The only thing I don't like about some INTJs is that they can be too technical or scientific when they are talking. And some can have a pedantic, indirect way of discussing things. It sometimes makes...|||Oh don't I know it would be so much easier if I was gay :( although the one thing about my sex that would be problematic is that many of us seem to be too soft.|||So she had a good singing voice? How else was she agreeable?|||Really? How so?|||And where do you come from? anyone from Russia maybe? so I thought I might as well submit this post. Nothing to lose at all. Apart from an Internet reputation, which considering I don't care about...|||I think some of these people might be INFJ....? Charlotte Rampling John Rhys Davies (played gimli in Lotr) maybe not though Vera farmiga Sinead cussock Bryce Dallas Howard Rooney Mara...|||anyone who denies that they are a product of the environment they grew up in. so basically any types that don't like getting personal.|||I think wise is the word I would use. Intelligence and wisdom are two very different things. I have met some uneducated, down to earth people who have seemed to know more truth than many of the...|||Yes I had a feeling that some of these people are infjs but I'm not sure.|||I don't think I'm quite good enough yet and I'm better at typing characters. Charlotte Rampling John Rhys Davies (played gimli in Lotr) Vera farmiga Sinead cussock Bryce Dallas Howard John...|||I'm curious as i used to mistype as an intj for a while. My thinking and feeling ratio is still pretty close.|||Idealistic/light hearted. These two things can contradict each other because disappointed idealism does not foster lightheartedness, yet I think it's important to maintain both. Enthusiastic/A...|||I think the intj and infp.|||Too many|||Fe. But I need to look into this first to be sure. I have done a test.|||No. But I can understand the point of view and motivations of others.|||Yes, she just drips INFP. Personally I think she is indecisive, rambling and dreamy. Which is very INFP. I don't mean this in a bad way. This is what makes infps so lovely. They are incredibly...|||Ok so I'm bored and wondering if I can do this whole typing thing. I haven't really thought about this, I just typed by intuition. Do you think my intuition is ok and what would you type these...|||Ok so I'm bored and wondering if I can do this whole typing thing. I haven't really thought about this, I just typed by intuition. Do you think my intuition is ok and what would you type these...|||Landscapes :lovekitty:|||Absolutely. everyone is governed by certain motivations. so to think that these don't influence their opinions or actions is illogical even if people say 'I am governed by logic'. Logic itself...|||Of course. But fun isn't always active, sometimes it is just quietly enjoying where you are.|||Some situations and people deserve sensitivity. Others don't.|||I mean don't you think that in some circumstances logic may even override feelings even if you are a 'feeler'. I think infjs use thinking a lot just we base our decisions more on emotions.|||Too many things in life come down to 'feelings'. For example politics, psychology, history etc all boil down to how people feel. Individuals or populations. Why did they make the decisions that they...|||I've been trying to think what mine are because I think it's important to know them and possibly change them if they are too negative. On the other side of the coin which are your best?|||I think th communication styles of both types are just too different. I know some esfps who think I'm either weird or boing. We have nothing to talk about. And I don't do small talk and this is all...|||As another would put it|||I don't have the time for anything else. Not that I don't say things gently or politely because I do.|||Me- things that have a natural design- bag shaped like flower etc animals nature Understanding everything (only very worthwhile things) bright colours but not yellow mushrooms, mushrooms! (Not...|||Almost all my friends are guys. But absolutely nothing is ever going to happen. I don't think some girls like me for some reason? I don't know if guys are more accepting of me? I don't think gender...|||Istj, estj, istp or estp. 1 Just say what you think please! 2 but don't act like that is the only opinon to be had and don't shut down anybody else 3 I don't get upset or annoyed very...|||Yes. Or intp. I don't know how we're supposed to do this thingy without at least a signature or quote though...|||Why would it be that I have stopped talking. I wasn't like this up until recently. Now there seems nothing worth saying. Many monks seem to be very happy i think though, so assuming those that take...|||Hmm, yes. Maybe infjs are more interested human nature so lean towards the humanities. But I can see that some INTJs here have wwhat seems to be a 50/50 mix. I do know many humanity type people...|||Heh!i wasn't talking to you. Your just taking advantage or my dormant Se! Ok so I just confused you with another person, sorry about that.|||For yourself or INTJs in general?|||I thought that they seemed like a classic intj but they tested as an infp. Are INTJs and infps more simililar than they appear? Or is this person very confused? Which I think they might be.
If I'm reading then I stop for nothing save the back cover. A good book can be done front to back in less than 16hrs. I have to force myself to put it down and sleep but, only when necessary.|||I avoid the person, withdrawing completely. If it's someone I was close to then I think about it first. If I decide that it would be more positive to keep them in my life, then I attempt to explain....|||The only time I have a problem dealing with my two younger sisters is emotionally. I have essentially raised them both and continue to look after their needs even now they are in their 20's....|||Trust for me is a layer thing, it depends on how I feel about who I'm talking to as to what level of trust. Once trust is broken or lost I struggle deeply, usually avoidance sets in.|||I've not been told cold or callous, I've been called harsh or closed off though|||Asthma (step 4) Anxiety and Anaemia all the A's.|||I have never been diagnosed, my young sister has since fourteen. I do have depressive states where I withdraw and isolate, mainly because my reaction and temper can flare and it's safer to hide...|||Paranoid Schizoid Schizotypal All high|||1.People Human Nature 2.Colour Confusing (anny is colour blind) 3.Money In this life would like a bit more, Ideally would matter. 4.Life|||First, decide that I'm in charge, second discuss such an occurrence.|||xhtml, css and php right now.|||I suck lollipops|||I can't sit still during a holiday, I love to explore. I think it's important to do more than lie in the sun all day, as others have said if I have made the effort to get there I feel it would be...|||NBPS Nature, Background, Big Picture, and Shape You perceive the world with particular attention to nature. You focus on the hidden treasures of life (the background) and how that fits into the...|||I could be made of sugar and spice... mainly nutmeg though.|||My avatar is me if I was a smiley|||I have trouble relating to other women, but I also work with a group of lads, few of which I get on with. Most of my friends are male, I have fewer that are female. I enjoy my friends company, I...|||Yes, my friends and family tell me I have a great voice when I sing. I'll never be a professional because I can't stand being the centre of attention, couldn't stand on a stage and love singing. The...|||My voice changes, it depends on who it is directed at and why. I have a low voice for a female and I'm from the north west of England so there are a few colloquialisms thrown in. There are...|||I studied computing and programming and now work as programmer. I love the job, can't stand the colleagues, politics or the bureaucracy, they've treated me badly and I'm plotting my escape.|||I'm leaving for a long weekend with great friends in Ireland. The media have done their usual 24 hour coverage since the announcement, ever increasing. I just don't care, there are bigger things...|||Fail to follow and understand my logic, then attempt to use it against me. Asking something of me with as few words as necessary. Fail to understand what I'm saying and despite several attempts...|||Extroversion results were low which suggests you are very quiet, unassertive, and aloof. yep Emotional Stability results were low which suggests you are very worrying, insecure, emotional, and...|||I think the chameleon thing for me is a projection of various aspects of my personality, some I am more familiar with than others. Others I am not comfortable with, but I am capable of using them. ...|||I need to find a balance, it shifts often but I take as much time as needed for myself. Socialising takes a lot out of me. I can't allow myself to become bitter, for me it's a destructive place and I...|||I don't think I am self centered, I've been told by a few that I am self sacrificing and need to look after myself more. I do think there are others in my life that would say I appear self...|||64 ... for today|||I do not like physical contact in most forms, even when my friends go to hug me, I tend to jump even when someone brushes by me. I do like a romantic interest to be somewhat affectionate, probably...|||Conceptual:26 Practical:19 Adventurous:15 Social:11|||I had a traumatic childhood. I doubt I was ever extrovert, if I think about it, I think I was a happy child for a short time, though not exactly a sociable one. Then some awful experience...|||I like my job, my colleagues and the office politics I can't stand. A fair bit of my resentment is due to the way I have been treated.|||I frequently suffer from insomnia 75+ hrs seems to be the point where reality tends to slide.|||I think of random questions like, why are letters shared as they are? and who arranged the alphabet in that order and why?|||Those are some big big questions Same for me, If I get more than 4 hours sleep, its a good night. It's always a relief when I do fall asleep, it's something I find hard to do. I've tried...|||I'm definitely not panicking. It's a disastrous series of events, but also risks of such a thing happening have always been there. The Japanese seem to be coping well, I'm more interested in the...|||Google keeps me awake at night, knowing I have access and the ability to read about any subject that pops into my fuzzy little head at any time. I also keep myself awake, anxieties, the inability to...|||I like silence, although the only time I truly feel it is when I am outdoors and alone. Most of the time I fill silence with the noise inside my head.|||I listen intently at work and at home, I find it interesting when people assume you're not listening. I block out the world around me, if I'm in public I have my headphones in all the time, too...|||I hate small talk, I've found those daft enough to start it aren't really interested in any response I give, it's just a way to for them to receive some sort of acknowledgement that they can talk to...|||I find myself agreeing with procrastination and apathy. For me i'll add other people, constantly being misunderstood, being treated unfairly and self destruction. A future as the crazy cat woman...|||Wow, you're right!|||I find it difficult to find and keep friends. I don't like meeting new people, I find I have an aversion to it. Also the friends I have understand there are times when I have to withdraw and be by...|||I don't show love, so I'm told. I have had family and friends tell me I'm cold and distant, that I need to show I care. I do show it by taking people out for a meal, spending time with them,...|||Philosopher here too.|||I can plan well, I find execution difficult. I've recently given up planning as I often get frustrated when I have taken the time to do so and something goes wrong. I think I'm becoming more of...|||I say please and thank you or cheers to bus drivers, shop assistants handing me my change, I suppose to most people providing a service. I suppose that more from being raised to say these. I find...|||I'm asthmatic and aware of my breathing, it's gets tiring sometimes.|||I love reading and can finish a book in one evening, once i'm into a book I dislike stopping and prefer to read cover to cover.|||I currently work as a programmer, I create events (theatre, stadiums etc) The company I work for use a basic command structure across several hosts and I constantly construct algorithms. I enjoy...|||Assumptions are the mother of all screw ups - Jules, Pulp Fiction [edited slightly] My final point about alchohol, about drugs, life...What business is it of your's what I do, read, buy, see or...
'Tell them they are right. That will make them think in their head, am I right and probably flip and agree with you. At least that's how I think, because to me it's rare that both sides aren't...|||I think of the problem, analyze available resources, thinks of what's possible, then what's not possible and why. Then I come up with a solution in my mind the I know will work Sent from my...|||Depends on your definition of both. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||I'll give you my thoughts on what I have thought on from your post. Good and evil? Relative. Defining either doesn't make it one way or the other. Soulmate? My experience to this point in my...|||Put yourself out there, ask some females to coffee or lunch. You'll get the hang of it. Just be yourself and don't try to hard. Your an ENTP, you figure it out fast. Maybe ask your friends gf to...|||My opinion.. Lack of intellectual connection. When people marry young there is no guarantee that after full development of ones own behavior there will continue to be a shared bond. People's...|||D. T. F. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||Collaboration on ideas in a mutually understanding way. Challenge of getting the introvert out of shell. Candid opinions based on logic. Emotional similarities. Nothing sexier than...|||It's sounds like you fulfilled his need for intellectual stimulation which if he is also physically attracted for you leads to sexual attraction. ENTPs tend to engage in risk, for the thrill and...|||Nihilistic mystics Apostolic alcoholics Messianic manics Cataclysmic and prolific In the age of super-boredom Hype and mediocrity Celebrate relentlessness Menace to society|||There are so many things that I don't understand There's a world within in me that I cannot explain Many rooms to explore but the doors look the same I am lost I can't even remember my name ...|||By professional psychologist only. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||1st born, my parents would say for the most part I was good. Although outside the home, I was always getting in trouble in and out of school. I would always negotiate though to get out of trouble....|||He definitely likes you. Physical affection (outside the bedroom) is not my strong point. But his actions are saying he likes you, taking an interest, opening door etc. Sent from my iPhone...|||Match? No no no, out do their intensity. :) Go up to him and ask why he is staring, offer a picture, it will last longer. Let me have your number, I'll text you a pic Or Ask What are...|||You wash your hair at least 3 times in the shower because you don't remember washing it 5 minutes ago while in deep thought. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||Tequila. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||Yes. You can. My thoughts are that we probably feel more than most. When all of our reasoning, our logic, our reasons are telling us one thing and our hearts are telling us another. Despite the...|||My valtrex is wearing off. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||I wouldn't say, Extremely, but a little. To me, depending on context, I see it as sarcasm. If not sarcasm, it just gives me more insight to how someone thinks, then take mental note. Sent...|||Ask him questions, challenge his views politely and don't take a a debate personally. Ask for help on a problem you are having. If he questions you a lot, to the point you feel uncomfortable, set...|||What better place for an ENTP to admit they need and ask for help anonymously. Maybe church ? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||lol Blunt yup. My response to your response would be...Thanks dick :) (I've learned to use emojis while texting my jokes to those who don't me well, plus it's really speak with inflection let alone...|||Put your phone in the glove box while driving so you aren't looking up whatever random thing pops in your head while driving. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||I can relate. Can't tell how many times I've helped solve someone else's issue and they want to pay me and I turn down. Truth is I do it because I like the challenge and like helping. Sent from...|||Lol that leads to another question, what does the wrath of an entp look like? Mine can range from Machiavellian maneuvers that take months to play out, getting satisfaction watching it all unravel...|||You can copy & paste thisBasic Questions: 1) Age or Age Range? >39, <41 2) City, Country and/or Region? California 3) Tell us something about your social life? It's fine when I choose to be...|||I was thinking today, I know big surprise, about generosity. I have always been pretty generous, sometimes to the point that causes brief financial strain. It's seems the more money, I make the...|||Everything and nothing. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||Break your time into blocks of 25 mins. Do what you have to do for 25 mins then take a break for 5 minutes. Keep doing until what needs to be done. Reward yourself. Go to library, coffee shop,...|||Since ENTPs dislike strict rules and the status quo, I think the military would be a nightmare. Go to bed at this time, wake up at this time, make your bed this way, wear your clothes this way. ...|||I would say ENTP. Are you confident almost to the point of being arrogant? Do you constantly get told That's a great idea!? Is it easy for you to get dates, yet you don't because no one...|||Executing Ideas Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||I am going through what you are going through right now. Your post seems to speak of finances quite a lot. I suspect you don't care about money, more about freedom. I suggest exploring other...|||I think you would save a lot more time asking what aren't ENTPs interested in. But I'll play:) Anything complex. Arts Music Changing the world Someone else's problems Personal Growth...|||You eat because you have to and not for enjoyment. (Unless you're currently toying with the idea of creating a unique menu fusing multiple culinary styles into one) Sent from my iPhone using...|||I'll get those answers tomorrow. Looking forward to your feedback. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||I understand what you are saying, personality types don't define any one person. She is seeing a Dr. and a counselor. I'm not looking for a clinical diagnosis here, I'll leave that to the Dr. ...|||The pressure isn't from me, it's self imposed and by teachers. In fact I just tell her do your best and that's all that matters. I am also looking into alternative charter schools that nurture the...|||Yes she has been seeing a counselor she was on Prozac but it wasn't helping. Appointment this week to see what else we can try Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||This is my daughters first year of high school and she is having a real hard time socially and academically. She is shy and wants to be accepted so badly but can't seem to connect with anyone. She...|||He's just trying to learn as much as he can about all point of views. It's not that he disagrees, it's that he's thinking out loud and gather info that may lead to another possibility. Sent from...|||Ditto on being humble. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||I would question everything. I would take everything part to see how it worked, tvs, game systems, cars, everything. I would always surprise adults because I could carry on a conversation with...|||People aren't used to such direct communication and honesty and it confuses them. We also adapt to any social situation and group seamlessly, that also confuses people. I know part of how I adapt is...|||I've always felt like I am a freak of nature. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk|||I really like the challenge of getting them to open up and have fun. It's kinda of a perfect relationship I can usually get them to open up have fun, feel alive, and stimulate their feelings and...|||I had to respond to this. I'm ENTP and my daughter is going through this very same thing in high school. It's heartbreaking. Be yourself, be positive and true friends will come. Join clubs and...|||I can only speak for myself but I would want to understand what was it that upset the other specifically, why other got upset about it, validate their feelings and apologize by letting them know I...|||Not important at all. If my partner makes me happy, they should approve. If they don't, oh well. I'm not looking for a partner to make my family happy. However, it would be a bonus, not a priority.'
'It's definitely a genetic thing. That's not to say that homosexuality is a faulty thing or a genetic disease. It's just what people are and as much of a choice as choosing your eye colour, height...|||9338593386|||We love our clients, they feed our sarcasm Designers graphically represent awful client feedback [30 pictures] | 22 Words|||I loved learning but hated the educational method of it. When it came to subjects I liked I remember reading further than I was supposed to, always being a few steps ahead of the rest of the class....|||http://youtu.be/HWeIHaIz-uQ|||It's more or less what Scruzz said above. Try to embrace what you perceive as flaws. Find small tricks to push yourself without overdoing it. Try not to feel like an outcast outside of social...|||86033|||Well, in terms of religion, what happened in the past doesn't bother me that much. It's a repeating pattern throughout history and it's part of human nature and it (kinda) makes sense considering how...|||INTP - Chaotic Neutral|||8463184632846338463484635|||I don't think I had been blown away like this since Primordial's Nameless Dead album. It's the instrumental version and got it linked since it's that extra CD you get on the limited edition. ...|||80934|||At work: Go for it and don't worry, guys. It'll make sense in the end.|||http://youtu.be/iG9CE55wbtY http://youtu.be/bf7BXwVeyWw|||Just ice cold water and some chocolate bars for when my glucose drops low. I prefer to keep mine as empty as possible since I decide what to eat in a whim (thus having lots of stuff expiring) and to...|||Speaking from my own point of view, I'd go to the faraway Uni. I prefer smaller towns, people are more colourful (for lack of better word) and, besides, experiencing and learning new stuff on my...|||77881|||Nothing goes better with bourbon than this: http://youtu.be/_ZiN_NqT-Us|||http://youtu.be/jfydAir-iOI|||Sheets of empty canvas, untouched sheets of clay Were laid spread out before me as her body once did. All five horizons revolved around her soul as the earth to the sun Now the air I tasted and...|||http://youtu.be/WOBrEjjCT34|||Oh well, here's me... 76957 And here's one of my toys and me, doing what I love the most: 76958|||http://i.imgur.com/ewuHw2C.gif|||Fail post. I'll try later again to link the gifs, need to procrastinate now.|||I find eye contact somewhat uncomfortable, only yearning for it sometimes when I'm intimate with my partner. When I'm out with friends my stare is all over the place, looking around just in case...|||*** WARNING *** This image is of a graphic nature to most INTPs: 76809|||I can't organize a simple thought and, unless I'm really REALLY focused on a task, my mind seems to wander all over the place. One minute I'll be thinking about the meaning of life, then ask myself...|||Mamacikiciki, you can NOT selectively choose who has a right and who hasn't. They become privileges if you do and that's unacceptable. Opinions like yours are what's wrong with our kind and make me...|||Thanks for the insight, Abdurrahman. It's always nice to have a different perspective from what we usually get in the media. Could you also please shed some light to a couple of things? First,...|||http://youtu.be/3uSTOHa4Im4|||76713|||I see your Cameron, and raise you by a Hovind. I could go with both father and son, but I'm feeling surprisingly merciful tonight. http://youtu.be/aQ85r6Mgdlo|||Yes! Finally, someone else who gets it! Wile E is my childhood hero, with Tom being his awesome sidekick. Now, let's hope that Joel Schumacher won't turn that one into a movie...|||Different people for different situations. My brothers; they never bother asking me what's wrong, they never criticize or give advice. They just... listen and they both have this inane ability to...|||Just out of morbid curiosity, I borrowed a couple of Paulo Coehlo books. It took 5 pages to switch to a permanent diet of soups only; that's how much my teeth cringed.|||Despite some of its flaws, Okami has won my heart. The following also come to mind, which means I'll probably miss quite a few: Vagrant's Story Baldur's Gate Skweek Legend of Mana Binding of...|||764647646576466|||Also, you have to love those '80s absurdly bad movies. http://youtu.be/QyL4gLdJ_jE|||7641776418|||I was raised as an Orthodox but, being an inquisitive mind, I've completely rejected all kinds of religion. Like most atheists, I could write an essay on what had pushed us away from religion, but...|||76406|||Excuse me while I beat myself with a tuna for not coming even close to thinking of such riffs. http://youtu.be/jAukGWuVyEo|||It's a bit wierd and, sometimes, intimidating that quite a few people I've met consider me their friends and glad to see me around even though I haven't even warmed up to them.|||There are so many songs in my collection, it's not even funny. I'll pick this one, just because it's more representative of my style. Though if you had asked last week, it would have been some 1950's...|||http://youtu.be/xTysF1E4Ft0|||For those I love, respect and keep close to me, I'm really brutal when they ask my opinion about anything. I feel like it's my obligation to do so if no one else does, and it's also how I like others...|||Best hygiene routine. http://youtu.be/4_aLkKWGN_U|||I used to drink a lot, spending about 30-40 hours a week down my local pub. Not anymore, though I still like getting tipsy once in a while just for the mere fact that it blows my social inhibitions...|||35 and 186 cm. People that I hang out with are shorter than me and quite smart. But then again, I hate hanging out with stupids unless it's for the entertainment value.|||I treat books the same way I treat music - depending on the mood and having quite a wide range of interests I'll go back into rereading passages and certain chapters. There are quite a few books that...'
'132689 132697 132705 132713 132721|||129817|||129809|||129673|||i don't know how these type me threads work , but if i did , i would like to know my real type ,|||idk , i don't want to say something that would make you actually do something ,since i am no expert in relationships , but the situation you got there seems very complicated and i don't know if you...|||decided to shut down the heart part .. never felt better|||the typing imo tries to explain how people of the same type think and the mechanism of rationalization of their actions and values .. the actions and values themselves don't matter as long as the...|||INFJ to INTJ .. i'd like to care less about what people think|||like that 116458 116466|||well they are just guesses and even though i am right most of the time i like to compare my answers .. a luxury i don't get in real life :)|||well i didn't need to read minds to know that , i believe that all people are assholes until proven otherwise .. it will just take less time to decide that i don't like that person ;)|||ENTP or ENFP .. anything Ne-dom|||read minds .. i would like to just know what people are thinking and i get rid of all the paranoia|||do you sometimes play a scenario in your head where you just snap , go berserk and kill everybody that irritates you , you feel really great imagining fun and gruesome ways to torture and murder all...|||questioning your sanity everyday|||when people think you are way cooler than you really are|||he doesn't seem like an Extrovert to me , idk why|||dear you-know-who-you-are i know that you are fake and even if other people don't see that , you will still be fake and hate yourself for that , i only worry about those who are close to you when...|||i pay more attention to the way people speak an their facial expressions|||87541 ?? yeah i got what you are trying to tell me internet .. i will think about it|||where to answer , link please ^^|||what do you know ~ (always that marginal T/F difference) ugh somebody help me 87535|||lol i usually have these kind of thoughts after i have already set the trap XDDD thanks for the funny video and the useful explanation :3|||thank you guys so much for your responses i know it's hard to describe oneself .. but this has been enlightening so far and each one of you guys seem very interesting .. , thank you and keep it up...|||really? i have heard they are quite friendly ^^|||Hello dear INTPs , i don't know if this has been done before , and i am sorry if it was , but i need you guys to tell me about INTPs as simple as that , it occurred to me that i have never met an...|||I think the most accurate typing i have seen so far is spider-man as an INTP|||i do agree that he is a feeler but can't say a type for sure .. i think the ENFP is acceptable to type Eren .. no way he is an Introvert ... Hanji as an ENTP is also a win... the only INFP i...|||hmm i have an ISFJ brother who seems to be so into his own head that things like taking the tv remote instead of a calculator to an exam ,brushing his teeth with someone else's toothbrush or losing...|||oh i think Eren is a feeler ..|||lol i have much longer list of rules some of these are included too :)|||oh it's a relief that you and SHE knows that when i try to convince her with such things , i really think it's for her own good , even i don't like to be pushed so i will be careful and less rigid...|||i would love to but i am not very good at speaking english ^^|||thanks i will try to give her time and not demand answers immediately :) that was very helpful|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TfDVLsBXYcM|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4FlCn2ZhFNQ|||i have a question for INFPs .. what will it take to change your mind about something ? i was never successful in changing my INFPs mind on any subject at all even if it didn't really matter ... so is...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4N3N1MlvVc4|||when i took the test i scored INTJ 4 out of five times with (1%) T preference , so i took the function test , my results were also very confusing Ni , Te , Fe , Ti, Fi were the top functions in that...|||ENFP and INFP they both accept me for who i am they don't judge me they listen when i have something to say i never question their honesty even if they are bored with me they tell me i don't have to...|||free association warning : I'm tired ... just tired of all the fighting .. I'm tired of pleasing people i want to live for myself for a while , i wish i would be left alone ... even though i...|||dear friends telling me lies to avoid hurting my feelings is worse than actually hurting them INFJ who hates lying with a passsion|||i love taxonomy , and zoology in general :)|||- the last party you attended was 6 years ago , and the memories still haunt you. - you change your phone number every 2 months - avoid eye contact with people because you dread conversations -...|||aww thank you so much 86051|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1peC9_QOiE|||wow , you guys are all awesome >.< *super jealous* here's mine ~8579285793857948579585796|||give her a hug (>^_^)>|||only if i care enough to not lose the person , because if not , i will just suck it up , and it will pile up until i hate them without even remembering why. so if i tell you that you bothered me then...'
'Fair enough. I don't know any ENFPs I could really classify as mature so you may be right.|||ENFPs can definitely be clingy-- until they don't feel like it anymore. Every ENFP that I've known (I know a few very well) can be very clingy, but they never stay clingy to the same person/thing and...|||INFP, more committed|||Well, considering how highly I value loyalty and commitment in people, my track record with ENFPs isn't gonna be too good. Can't stand any of the ones I've ever met.|||I do, but not how we're (the US) doing it right now, and primarily as a means of protection, not punishment. People tend to treat prison like it's some kind of garbage can, like if you're in there...|||Also: -wont drop an arument -can hold a grudge for forever and without to much forethought -wont pander to ego/soften hard truths|||Option 1. Use all the extra time to pursue hobby I love that makes 10k-20k a year on its own. Live comfortably.|||Catholic. Though, if Catholicism was what most people think it is, I sure as hell wouldn't be Catholic.|||My best: IST(maybe F)J (I think). He taught me Medieval History and Latin. Was wonderfully consistent with (very reasonable) assignments and tests, I always knew exactly what I needed to do, and at...|||Gamers: What's your favorite franchise? Why? Mine's Zelda.|||(IDK if you're trolling but) don't do it. Seriously, please.|||umm... the same difference there is between INTJ and INTP males?|||Most people who champion tolerance and acceptance are only tolerant and accepting of people they like/ who agree with them. Oftentimes they are violent, aggressive, and verbally abusive.|||Reading, learning about random cool stuff, a LOT of videogames (though not so hot on fake slaughtering people so I do lots of pacifist runthroughs), just thinking (sometimes while listening to...|||Yep, devout Catholic.|||Thank you for your answer. It's funny, though I was raised in my loving biological family, I had an experience very similar to yours. My family always called me and treated me as if I was, as they...|||We often have the fantastic combination of a thirst for knowledge, a capable and very analytical intellect, and the determination to do what we set our minds to. We help people by using it.|||So being in foster care was an overall positive experience for you? Do/did you feel as if you were missing something growing up that way?|||Yes, thank you :). One more thing: (sorry, this may sound crass, but I really don't mean it to be) did anything positive come out of the experience?|||Please, elaborate. If I'm wrong about something I'd like to know as soon as possible.|||No, but would definitely like to date someone similar to myself.|||Impavidus I dunno, having kids seems to be the top priority of every other animal on the planet, so I wouldn't chalk it up to social pressure. I think some of you guys are misunderstanding what...|||Trust me, you'll get mocked regardless of whether said extroverts are biologically relate to you or not. Has being an orphan strongly impacted the way you saw/see yourself?|||Yes, thank you! I always wondered about that.|||(I know it's a little off topic sorry) I get all that too! When you say getting light-headed easily is that synonymous with briefly blacking out when you stand up too quickly? What causes all that;...|||I like the way I look, but don't really care all that much. TBH i feel lucky; I never exercise, eat whatever I want, and am 35-25-37 in measurements weighing 112lb, so no complaints. I guess I would...|||It appears to me that this pairing is just very common in general, and not necessarily related to INxJ children. But I could be wrong.|||knowledge827 Like the profile pic :kitteh:|||Definitely second that, also Frankenstein and Lord of the Flies, on the lighter side but some of my favorites.|||What's it like to grow up as an orphan, or in foster care in general? I was fortunate enough to be raised in a house with a mom and dad who loved me and loved each other very much, so I have...|||TBH I don't hate anyone or understand hating anyone in general. I have yet to meet someone without a single good quality.|||haha YES, the Skyrim soundtrack is breathtaking. I personally love Far Horizons: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPWVfCtnGyg and From Past to Present: ...|||I like intense emotional threads in songs/movies/books etc. provided it's realistic, believable, and doesn't overpower the rest of the work.|||(Even information, laws of nature, etc. are something) To answer your question, I thought the idea was cute, but nevertheless insufficient. It supposes that there was never a nothing to begin...|||WARNING: We also love cuddling|||Hipster (who probably uses tumblr) :)|||Can we revive the field guide? I thought that was really cool...|||ESFJ. No question about it.|||I suppose that's true, to a degree. I know a lot of people who just accept whatever belief system they are exposed to without questioning it. But that method quickly falls away when one's respective...|||Of course the idea of anybody doing things like this, especially Catholics who know exactly how bad these things are and do them anyway, horrifies me. But (regardless if your claims are true or not)...|||For the same reason that God forgives murderers and rapists. Despite how sappy it sounds, God sees us all as his children and loves us unconditionally; so much so that he will forgive anything we do,...|||To (over)simplify it, the idea is that these people choose God as their spouse, and dedicate their lives to serving Him directly, rather than through a husband/wife. With priests there's also the...|||Good luck, I hope you succeed in your worthy endeavors (I'll pray for you :wink: ).|||Like I said before, there are places to debate if you want to do so, but this isn't one of them. (If you just want to troll, the youtube comment section might be a good place to start)|||While it's definitely true that being Catholic doesn't make you necessarily good by any means, the corruption of those times was mostly due to the fact that political power and religious power was...|||I'm glad that you're seriously trying to find the truth and answer the big questions; not a lot of people do that, even though it's actually super important to do so, if you think about it.|||But not because you actually care about the issue or take it seriously.|||People talk about faith as if its some mystical force, transcending reason, but it's really just trust. Faith in God is no different than faith in your spouse or faith in your brother or faith in...|||It's not so much that Protestants don't know something that we do, it's more that they're a little misguided when it comes to certain topics. For instance, Protestants reject the authority of the...|||...Is there a question you wanted to ask? Because if you want to debate, this isn't the place to do it. (Also, the video assumes entropy and particles already exist, so it still isn't something...'
'The more investigate into MBTI theory, the more I think that whole theory doesn't really work with functions. MBTI is a personality test developed (typing instrument) developed by two psychologists...|||In a case anyone finds this relevant these are my latest test results: Similarminds: I: 61% N: 90% F: 55% P: 90% Human Matrics:|||It's interesting, because I think my sensing is very low and not developed|||http://personalitycafe.com/whats-my-personality-type/802257-distaters-questionnaire-1-a.html Thank you for your help|||I am sorry, I answeree a questionnaire once before. I know my function order and i know what functions I value, I just don't know what type I am, because my functions are a mess. What sort of...|||I personally am very quiet and reserved when I don't know people well, I am shy and a little socially anxious. I also don't work really well within groups and prefe to work alone, also groups...|||The only two I could decide on with 100% certainty were F and P.|||what sort of writing do you mean?|||I need some help from you people! So, here's the deal; In every MBTI type test I score as INFP, but I've never really related to that description so I searched for more information and discovered...|||I've been lately considering INFJ as my type. When it comes to cognitive functions I relate more to Ni+Fe than Fi+Ne, but when it comes to MBTI dichotomies I am a very clear P type and I've never...|||I actually think subcultures are not really so charactersitic for INFPs. Fi is very individualistic and doesn't like to be categorized so I think Fi doms might find it hard to fully fit in any...|||- I can't see that much Ni, rather would say your Ni is low, because seeing symbolism in something where there's clearly none is more or less an expression of low intuition. Maybe SFJ. 1. I am...|||I am definitely more inclined to the dark side... Light is boring, darkness is comforting.|||I haven't really found the happy medium... I definitely want to live my life according to my goals and ambitions and those are pretty high. I'd find an ordinary life very boris and disasatisfing. I...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yWCLw_xG7x4|||Hello! To answer your question, I'd say it's intuitives who enjoy discussing theory more than sensory types in general. That's the reason why there is more intuitive types than sensing types too.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_dXk268mR7I|||well it seems like you mostly in threads like is the person above you ...something so it's really hard to tell. Also a lot of fluff threads that don't really say much about your personality either|||Sounds like a book-like ENTP.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8D1PCQteutE|||Why did I drink that coffee so late? It's already 3 am and now I will never fall asleep|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixw_bLVUL34|||x93When I think back as far as I can remember, Ix92ve always had an element of melancholy that I should probably have therapy for, but Ix92m making a career of it. Trent Reznor|||ENFP? 1. I am often spaced-out and daydreaming 2. I am lazy and often irresponsible 3. I like art and any kind of artistic expression 4. I think I am pretty smart, smarter than most 5. I can...|||Fi is very peacful and very individualistic, therefor it's hard to imagine that Fi doms would really feel the need to manipulate anyone. Unhealthy Fi however can be manipulative, but generally this...|||INFP seems like a good fit. NF for sure|||Hello and welcome! Hope you'll find what you're looking for here :welcoming:|||I do... I am in university now, but I see that my laziness and lack of organization are both keeping me back from acheiving my goals. Maybe if I would have mastered the art of hard work earlier in my...|||Obessive compulsive, INTP ...The video is very uncomfortable https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1RKaRgVFKk|||good for you|||You seem to be very merry for an Si dom, perhaps Fe|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZgTgMSnzqU|||http://s27.postimg.org/lmkk9cd2b/MG_3124.jpg http://s15.postimg.org/f8fautsqj/MG_3240.jpg http://s29.postimg.org/rue6nz1pj/MG_3275.jpg http://s22.postimg.org/jk120htxt/MG_2451.jpg|||I was watching the ocean to see if I will drown the body the soul all in one motion when the self comes crashing down|||I am not a hard worker, I am more or less just a slacker and I do just enough work to get by. I have difficulty with being on time and adhering to rules, because I rather create my own system than...|||Nothing concrete, just vibes, sorry.|||Could alternatively see ESFP|||I am short, I am somewhere in between 5'1 and 5'2 feet. I am naturally thin, some people say skinny. My face is more round, too round I guess, even though I am thin I tend to have full cheeks that...|||long thin necks :Smilies:|||I had hard time relating to INFP profiles, because I consider myself to be pretty dark. Cynical, sarcastic, moody and pretty bitter. I think it has to do a lot with the fact that I am an enneagram 4....|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=co0A3vT-6-k|||EXTJ for you. Me: 1. I enjoy...|||Planning for me is actually an issue too...i know my Te is pretty low for an INTJ. Maybe I will reconsider my type|||I have non-existing Fe, but thanks for your opinion.|||ENFJ... LOL I don't think so|||I am currently in a relationship with an ENTP guy. I wonder, have any of you dated ENTPs? If so how is your experience of it? Would you say INTJ and ENTP is a good match?|||I think i have love/hate relationship with Se. I agree that Se doms can be charming, but sometimes it seems we live in different realities. It's difficult for me to balance my Se, when I am under...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwZuFexTy0k|||ENTP... They are like us but more fun and chill|||Well maybe, you should fill out a questionnaire to really answer questions that are type related. I never wear jeans... really? uhm...congrats?'
'The ISFPs I know are charming, reflective people. They have a soul.|||It would have been interesting to see how it continued to evolve.|||NT. I could relate to most of those. The mysticism aspect I think relates to Ne. I've come to realize that it's a creative endeavor in some ways.|||Jude in Jude the Obscure is probably INFP. It's an interesting story in that he seems to meet a woman from each of the four main MBTI clubs: NT, SF, NF, ST. The ST woman looks down on him as a...|||Just going by my own experience, I vote INTP. I don't really enjoy doing or talking about the things most people do.|||I'd most likely choose the side of darkness, but not because I'm evil. I think concepts like morality and empathy can only be strongly felt in the presence of the darkness, and sometimes it's our...|||It's no secret that INTPs aren't exactly renowned for their loving and empathetic natures, so I've created this thread as a serious attempt for us to practice our wilted Fe and show love and empathy...|||The sultry ISFJ for the win. Don't underestimate their fashionable Si and tenacious Fe.|||I'm technically not allowed in here, but I had a female friend in college who tested as an ENTP in an MBTI class. We worked on a number of class projects together. I found her combination of...|||I sometimes like sports in a casual sense. I used to be a wrestler, enjoyed the adrenaline rush of it. That said, I'm not one who is generally interested in keeping up with sports, though. I don't...|||One way to think of borderline results is to see them as your level of confidence. If you straddle the line, it means you aren't really that confident about which side of the dichotomy you fall on.|||I feel best when I'm balanced between all of the emotions so they seem to basically cancel themselves out. I think trying to be ultra-positive is as dumb and unhealthy as always being...|||Don't waste your love and time on ingrates.|||Interesting test. I scored INTJ. You might want to look at the answer options again on question #11. You accidently made most of them disagree.|||I hate the panspermia theory because it dodges the question of how life could start in the first place. Panspermia doesn't really address how inanimate molecules could come together under certain...|||It depends. If I think their intentions are good, and they aren't trying to get something out of me, I have no problem being friendly in return. Some of my most memorable conversations are actually...|||Can you avoid being around them? If you don't see them for awhile, they'll fade from your memory.|||Don't be afraid to tell your NT friend that you need to discuss something and that you only want to discuss it in a certain way. If you don't want them just coming up with solutions, or whatever,...|||29/80. The test seems biased against perceivers. It asks a lot of questions like do you change hobbies frequently?. I'm not really certain why factors like that impact someone's ability to...|||Anti-Villain - TV Tropes|||Tank Man, the German soldier who was shot alongside the Jews he refused to execute, Andrei Sakharov, Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein, Sergei Korolev, and a few others who aren't coming immediately to...|||I like to have quasi-friends, people I can hang out with every now and then but don't really butt into my life that often. They're the kind of friends you can call up after having not seen them for...|||My very first result on the MBTI was INTJ, so I guess I'll answer that I like fields such as geology and soil sciences. They're my specialities, and I like being able to apply what I know to solving...|||I've definitely been in situations where I'll continually argue for or against something until someone else checks out. It usually happens when they come at me from a place of arrogance and...|||To me, it's a sign the relationship is over and it's time to leave.|||I've only seen bits and pieces of that show, but I can see ENTP for one of those two women (I don't know which is which). Socionics says ESFJ and ENTP are in the same quadra, it's something...|||I think I felt something when the Delorean got smashed by a train at the end of Back to the Future 3.|||Thomas Jefferson seemed INFJish in a lot of ways.|||I think I can get hooked into them if there's some sort of underdog character that has a compelling reason for acting in a dramatic fashion. Arya Stark in Game of Thrones is a type of character I...|||I've also had that happen. I don't know why that occurs, but I guess it's better than them hating you.|||My INFJ gf seemed to play the Sims simply as an exercise to torture her minions as badly as possible. I think that game was written to bring out the NF darkside.|||I suspect our technology will eventually do us in. Somewhere down the line, artificial intelligence will eventually far surpass anything a human is capable of doing. We could become extinct by...|||I like F-types. I somehow feed on their enthusiasm and zest for things or seeing their darker sides. I always sense something is missing if I'm around someone who is very logical and unemotional; I...|||How come INTPs never get threads like this? How come nobody loves us?|||I loved reading this and think you should keep doing what you're doing. It's nice when you can be genuine with someone and you allowed him that. Just be careful not to come across like you pity him.|||Definitely a feeler type, someone who deals well with people who can repair some of my social blunders with certain people. Maybe an ESFJ or ENFJ.|||I feel like the OP was lifted straight out of my mind. Couldn't agree more. There really doesn't seem like there is much love in love anymore. One of the drawbacks to living in a...|||1. My biggest challenge has always been motivating myself to be a part of the rat race. I hate all of the networking, having to keep up business relationships, all of the management fads and...|||If you live in the USA, the law market isn't so hot. You might want to look at sites like Third Tier Reality and other critical sources before taking the student loan plunge.|||Just go for it. Morals are for the 19th Century.|||male INXX|||Big Picture Person: Your career personality type is The Big Picture Person. You likes conceptualizing a project and enjoy debating with others. You get your best ideas when you have someone to...|||Probably the best thing you can do is get checked out by a doctor and talk to them about your fears. That type of anxiety isn't uncommon and can be helped. Try to avoid googling every little...|||Ask yourself what it is you want to do with your life and then plan accordingly. Having a degree doesn't mean much by itself anymore, and quite honestly, if being educated in a subject is all that...|||I think you might be an INTJ with a strong possibility of being INFJ. Ni won't appear very feely-like in any case. You write a lot about the quality and nature of your relationships, those with...|||Intj|||More and more, I hear people in my life talking about songs that make them cry. Maybe I'm just soulless, but I've never cried because of a song. I guess it makes sense, though, for people to shed...|||I usually just sit around and don't say anything unless something truly interesting pops up. I just count down the seconds until I can leave since I have almost nothing in common with my relatives.|||There's definitely an inner-ISFJ that lurks within me, but it doesn't know how to really express itself but wants to. I have estranged sisters I tried contacting, but I think I actually drove them...|||I agree with the OP in a lot of ways. K-12 is a fucking joke.'
Don't mind the thread necromancy but I thought I would take this thread and use it to say that I am leaving this forum. I have been harassed and insulted for long enough and cannot take anymore of...|||I like tarantulas and parrots :D|||I like toads.|||I think Is cared off the girl I was excited to talk to, dunno why, all I did was reply to what she sent me. -Sigh- How depressing, I can't even see eye to eye with my own kind.|||I'm trying to, I'm just trying to get a better grasp of what the hell happened. The reason I asked here is I use the typology as sort of a guide, not a set in stone set of rules. I was simply trying...|||Mmmmm Double Entree's -drools uncontrolably-|||I wish I could read without getting rediculously tired.|||oh god! What is this and why am i not swimming in it yet!???? :d:d:d|||I got that today too, I figured it was a bug.|||Yes, a friend asks something of you and OHH THAT'S BEING SOOO SELFISH. But if society does it that's the normal. I suggest you go back and read the fucking thread again, I was asking if certain...|||Duplicate.|||Damn it! I'm sick of this! Why am I so awkward!? Why Cant I connect with peopel and why must people treat me like I'm a worhtless peice of shit after I bend over backwards for them? What atrocity did...|||http://youtu.be/G-0rLI6-skQ|||Welcome to the human race, please take a seat and be ignored for enternity.|||Seems I have different taste than my peers. Let's see what I can think up. Law Abiding Citizen Bicentennial Man V for Vendetta The Dark Knight Chronicle Stand By Me Jack Inside Man|||I wonder what it's like to be a coffee achiever.|||Welcome welcome to the forum! Welcome!|||Welcome we-! OH NOES A SCAREH FOG! -flees!-|||@StElmosDream Hmm, interesting insight. @bobdaduck Good point, I think there might be a case of that as well. @Aizar Good suggestion! @etre You're an obvious cynic, how about you read the...|||Welcome welcome!|||Welcome welcome welcome! You want a balooon??? :D|||I'm up for meeting new people, especially if I can screen people out first, because there's some people here I think would be a disaster if I met.|||I keep having hallucinations of cockroaches scurrying just out of sight.|||It's basically where your brain dosen't understand or want to beleive there's 24 hours in the day. You basically have near constant jetlag, with a sleep schedule that constantly rotates, sometimes...|||I try to let less and less anger me, and what does anger me I try to turn it into temporary frustration, to wittle it down so to speak. Because that which angers me, controls me. I can't speak for...|||Aizar StElmosDream Thank you both for your replies, and I suppose you are right. Both are unhealthy and furthermore, probably don't want to admit it. Looking back I think I knew all along, when I...|||I never have, and never will. If There's a problem I go to my SO, not run off and do whatever.|||I'm a Buddhist/Taoist. And before someone calls shenanigans I say both are two sides of the same coin.|||Thak you for the replies. bobdaduck You may be correct, the male had some anxiety issues earlier in life as well as a few other disourders and tourettes. The female hadn't had a stable life at...|||I understand the motto, and am glad you listened to what I have to say. I agree with the suffer to succeed motto, to an extent. There is such a thing as overdoing it however, as everyone has a limit...|||Welcome welcome!|||Drain You - Nirvana on Pandora Internet Radio!|||Not at all suprised. Acutally I got an alt result for who I want to be and it was ENFP. Which is also not suprising. Actualized type: INFP (who you are) Introverted (I) 68.57%...|||Diagnosed? But it's not a disease!...is it? Welcome welcome!|||It wasn't being yelled at, you're underestimating soemthing here. For him it was sitting in the desert doing nothing, being moved around without any real reason, and had to even redo AIT because they...|||Oh kindred spirits! I beseech thee! But seirously, I'd been thinking about asking this for a long time, maybe get some insight. I figure I might as well go ahead and do it. A while ago, I had...|||Never been in the army, never will be, and not to rain on your parade, but there's a high chance that somewhere, too late down the line, you'll realize it was all a big mistake. I've a friend who was...|||I'm Manic Depressive, had social induced panic attacks for a while, have non 24 sleep disorder, had social phobia for a while, it just developed unexplained. Though I'm not 100% sure on any of...|||Welcome welcome! Great name! I love chinchillers :D:D:D|||Men in Black 3. But wait, didn't I already say that? I feel like I did...|||Here is a welcome. Here is a funny observation. Welcome.|||I thought I'd be used to it now, as I've tried to get used to talking to people, seems like I still get nervous as hell if I have a crush on someone.|||Went and talked with a girl I've had my eyes on for a while, first time I've been able to talk to her with no one around. I'm excated yet nervous, dunno if she''s single and am afriad I made too many...|||The spider is still on my arm, been hours now :D spider broooooo! Also I'm excitedly wating to hear from an INFP who is in my area....|||SO earlier I was gaming and looked down randomly and there was a small insect on me, at first I thought it was an ant, but upon closer inspection found it is indeed a wee little spider bro. Yes I can...|||I learned to stop caring about what these clowns do a long time ago. In fact I hope they keep pusing the evelope and piss the wrong people off and get overthrown.|||I bend over backwards for people, in some cases I make people who they are, I change them for the better. Yet no one seems to give a damn, they just take take take and never give back. Knowing that I...|||Ahhhh as bad things happen so do good things. Despite having my heart crushed my life is soon to cross another milestone.|||http://youtu.be/5juc6fmgylw|||I feel like my heart has been crushed beyond dust right now...the pain is unbearable....
'You have very nice fur.|||argh my eyes|||Series: Frasier Black Books Movies: Highlander Kan Du Vissla Johanna?|||Gattaca (1997). I liked it. I wished I had seen it earlier. Don't know why I hadn't heard of it until this year. In the future, people are born with genetic modification, essentially making them...|||Oh thank you! :) And a happy birthday to you too.|||Hello Anonymous. I am fine. How are you?|||Welcome and happy birthday!|||It looks so weird. I thought it was a bug.|||Welcome back :|||Hello and welcome to here, Nathan.|||I saw this news page, from when Titanic sunk, in an article written today about misinformation and rumors during disasters. No lives lost All passengers taken off Steamers are towing...|||You yada yada'd over the best part. 663898|||Greetings|||I remember thinking the other day about how lucky we are in Sweden to never have been hit by any significant terrorist attack. The only thing I can think of in recent times in the suicide bomber in...|||If she's demanding you follow her plan for your education, I'm assuming she's also ready to support it in some way, by paying tuition fees or housing or such. I can understand how it'd be difficult...|||I liked it, particularly its soundtrack. But I wonder, what made you watch an eighteen year old movie that wasn't very-well remembered?|||Chartbuster 654026 https://www.picclickimg.com/00/s/OTAwWDE2MDA=/z/qiIAAOSw9GhYmb1o/$/Vintage-chartbuster-asl-1970-Tony-Blackburn-board-game-_57.jpg Basically you move around the board to...|||I think a lot of people become their adult self at around 20. I remember at 21 also thinking about how I've changed. Different interests, different sense of responsability, feeling more comfortable...|||Hello.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oAB7vc29K-M|||Christmas is my favourite time of the year.|||Hm. I'm curious to ask, but perhaps it's best if I don't know. It's an interesting list though. My country appears to doing worse than it should, but I'm actually not too surprised.|||Hm. Lithuanians being smart is out of the question?|||Hello and welcome!|||If you enjoy sorting things, this is something you might enjoy watching. A visual representation of some sorting algorithms in computers: http://i.imgur.com/fq0A8hx.gif Same, but with more...|||*Turns 360 degrees and walks away*|||Yes and it was great! I'd pay ten times as much as I did for something like this, and I can't wait for any future shows! My ear was completely fine (except for the last two applauses, when it felt...|||I don't think so, but they will be playing some Skyrim. Here's the concert's programme: Akt 1 WarGames – Main Theme Final Fantasy VII – Main Theme Uncharted-serien – Svit The Neverhood –...|||I've been looking forward to a concert tomorrow. I got a pretty good seat; front-most section, in the middle, not the front row though. Hearing music from video games, including my favourite video...|||The best gifts are those that you don't realise you need until you actually have them... but I guess that doesn't make it any easier for you. Of course asking him is a good idea. I usually send out a...|||Hello and welcome! Hit settings in the top-right, then in the menu on the left there should be the option to edit avatar. There's also the option to edit profile picture, which is the picture...|||I thought there was no way Trump'd get elected. He's appeared as some clown to me. I discussed Trump this saturday and I chuckled at someone who actually was worried that he'd get elected. When I...|||Sometimes I simply forget to eat. It was more common when I was younger, but I've gotten better at it, perhaps because I've learned to enjoy food. If I'm stressed I definitely eat less, it makes me...|||When I was a kid I used to download a lot of music. If I heard and liked one song, I'd download the band's whole discography. These days I buy most music, not only because I can afford it now, but...|||I would like to be able to read the subforums even with less than 250 posts.|||I don't. )|||1978 version https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQrb85O3HQA 1991 version https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWn6ohBU_SE I have to make sure nobody sees me doing it.|||http://www.retrolinear.com/media/17723/_DSC0091.jpg http://www.roland.co.uk/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/TB-303.jpg ...|||Hello and welcome! Two sitcoms that I can highly recommend are Frasier and Black Books. I believe many of the episodes are on Youtube. They do have laugh tracks though. Cheers.|||I remember seeing on the TV about a lady who had had her two cerebral hemispheres separated, and the two brains were arguing constantly. One of the brains even got violent and would make its hand hit...|||I don't like surprises at all. I think it's an introvert thing.|||Went out to buy myself a coffee press. This one looked nice - nice black colour and pretty stylish. And what I got... was this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wM7uJxJ0R0k|||Amusing Gender: undefined Age: -5-5 Intelligence: Idea adoption: MBTI personality profile: Closest alternative we found:|||lookslikeiwin I also had trouble getting RA to work on recent computers. It worked with DosBox, but that was a very inconvenient way to play it. One day a friend told me about Red Alert 1 Online...|||http://i.imgur.com/bXTAYRm.gif|||Aurora Borealis from space! https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cb7IQlZUkAEpiNL.jpg:large https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cb-OfBHWAAExy4e.jpg:large ...|||I think it's a lot easier to be more fond of the book rather than the movie because a lot more time is spent reading the book, than watching the movie. Also, the book is usually more extensive,...|||The questions had similiar answers so I bundled it all together. Hm. I tried thinking about some examples of what masculinity is, but I couldn't come up with anything good. Mostly because I think...|||http://i0.wp.com/image.thenewslens.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/RTXG9PG.jpg I've had this image on my computer for some time. I just now googled it to find some information about it, and I found...|||A banana. Roe with dill on some egg, onion and creme fraiche mix. Lots of pickled herring. Gravlax. Ham on crisp bread with mustard. Meatballs, sausages, potatoes. Wafer. Licorice-dipped...'
'Hey guys (girls), I really appreciate the points, some of it were really helpful and what I needed to hear. I maybe sounded like I am under too much stress, but actually I don't want to add more...|||Hello, I wanted to see if I could get some tips or general information about how not to annoy an ENTJ at work. I have started to work with an ENTJ (or for ENTJ, not sure) a few weeks ago, and...|||Had a dream last night that I was taking care of a small tiger, but had to hide it in house from a bunch of other people. It was not my house in a dream, but we were all living there, so it was...|||Haha, no, I don't think I or anyone can love someone just based on this kind of interaction. ENTJ is the deepest thing I know about this person, so it must be just pure surface INFJ-ENTJ...|||Tell us more. People who you can't figure out? Introverts? SF?|||Just wanted to share with you that I have finally met my first ENTJ and currently am in process of completely regaining back my faith in humans (probably should have posted this in ENTJ forum to make...|||I always mistype ENFP so I could never tell.|||A few estjs that I know tend to 'cut' someone from their life once/if they make a serious mistake. So, my question is, how to make up for one's mistakes (from your point of view)?|||Lol :) that's perfect. I forgot to mention that I also work with him/and have rejected his love proposal a while ago, which also complicates things a bit. No, he is definitely a sensor, who...|||I know, but this ESTJ is very intuitive, he and Riddle (during his Hogwarts years, not the movie Voldemort) are practically the same people. Same father-mother issues, same lack of ability to fear...|||I have an estj 8 arch enemy. For HP fans, he is very much like young Tom Marvolo Riddle, i.e. very smart, educated and charming young man, but also very cruel, forceful and revengeful. Anyway, I want...|||What would you buy for Charlie Sheen from 2 and a half men? The estp in question is a lot like this character so it would also be helpful :)|||I don't get 4 and 1.|||I think he is a gut type, but I don't see why 9w8 instead of 8w9. What's the main difference? Probably introverted SJ, sp/sx. My guess is: 9w8>3w2>6w5, ISFJ, sp>sx>so.|||6w5-3w4-9w1 so/sp Here is a picture|||Based on your profile picture: 8w9 > 6w5 > 3w4 sx/sp, and also INFJ :) Here is a picture: 86054|||Except for the 6wx, can't see any of it. Why not 8? Why 3w2? :) I also agree with the sensory part, but not sure if introverted or extroverted. XSFJ maybe.|||My Fe screams 'justice' much more than 'peace', you can't have social harmony without action :) Actually, I know much more T-doms (especially Ti) who are conflict avoidant. How I see prototypical...|||Maybe it's the 368 talking, but I really hate the 9w1 INFJ stereotype. I don't know any INFJs irl, but I know two INTJs, and they are both 9w1, so maybe we should switch :)|||Like the title says, what is his enneagram type/tritype?|||Yes, this person is definitely 8w9, but I was having problems with their tritype, especially head-type, since it's very repressed. I believe now that they are some kind of 826, i.e. 82>>6, if that...|||Tritype 368 1. Joan of Arc 2. Lord of the rings 3. 300|||I see. So, how to connect someone with their head? :)|||What if that person believes that 'all fears are imagination and choice'? If you saw that movie with Will Smith, After Earth :tongue: What is his enneagram? CP 6w5 (sp)? ...|||What do you think is the most likely head type for someone who claims that they don't have any fears? How to head-type someone who doesn't think much/at all? I've met a person who relies...|||what about an expensive bottle of whiskey? He likes to party and likes to drink alcohol. Or it should be something more personal?|||I need a perfect gift for a social ESTP, enneagram 7. Any advice would be appreciated:)|||5w4, sx>so>sp|||Type 2, Sx>So.|||Isn't sp>sx>so the most logical and natural instinctual variant? You would first want to survive, find food and shelter (build a house/find an apartment, earn money etc.), i.e. feel comfortable and...|||8w9 or 8w7. I love Eights, even unhealthy ones. Level 6 (or higher) sounds perfect :)|||How do you feel about INFJ/ESXJ relationships? Would you prefer ESFJ or ESTJ?|||It turns out I'm not an Sx dom. I'm Sp/Sx, decadent or binger.|||So 8w9>7w6 would be more prone to manipulativeness than the 8w9>6w7? How to tell the difference between the two? I assume that 8w9>7w6 is more detached and free spirited than 8w9>6w7, and...|||It fits much more into 8w9 description than 8w7. The style of control is interpersonal and gentle, it's not openly agressive at all. It reminds me of a passive-aggressive behaviour actually. You...|||No, it's nothing overly serious, just some tips and tricks on when to send a message to woman, how to make sure the message is not too long... it's funny actually:) (from an INFJ point of view) and...|||Would 8w9 try to control people? By control I mean refined ways of manipulation, active and strategic, even following some set of rules from a book*? I think that this person is 8w9-6w7-2w3, or 682,...|||I use that as a trick when I want someone else to trust me :) Out of the blue, I say something private/personal which actually isn't a big deal to me.|||analyzer, open-minded, nature lover, reserved, stubborn, idealist, critic, homo universalis, phd student, flute player, guardian, adventurous|||6s'll be loyal to friends, family, Dark Lords... depending on what they are missing (loyal sluts), but I think that Gryffindor-Slytherin would be the most common.|||Probably something like this:65843|||I've come to conclusion that our ISTP/INFJ differences aren't the problem at all, and that his istp-ness is actually what I trully love about him. I know, my Fi is terrible :) better late than...|||No. I think he is constantly under the pressure to change something about our relationship, but he doesn't know how or why. We don't discuss it much actually, I don't consider it to be our top...|||I am not sure what you mean -- what about me what? What do I think about myself or what the ISTP thinks about me? He never complains - not even once. Not even when I ask him if everything is okay,...|||For the longest time it was impossible for us to talk openly. He was avoiding problems in general and every little talk seemed as a huge conflict to him. It was very frustrating time for me. It took...|||I believe he is a 9w1, Level 5. He was a Level 7 when we met due to some family issues but now he doesn't seem nearly as unhealthy as before (although the family problems still persists). I am a 6w7...|||When does an INFJ trust other person? Is it connected with understanding someone? I get the impression that I only trust others if I can read their intentions clearly, and see for myself that they...|||Things that I consider 'cons' in our relationship could be just our ISTP/INFJ quirks, but could they actually be a bad relationship issues? I am really not sure anymore, so please let me know what...|||Update Out future plans - don't seem to be an issue anymore; he talks openly about us moving in together. Showing feelings - when I talk about my doubts in our relationship he seems really hurt,...|||Your top three mb personality types and why?'
https://youtu.be/WzRsyLz4bTo?list=PLBfYHemt6W51clMQqtHgJySkOdeTxCdR9|||To pass my exams, to have a lovely Easter holiday (can't wait!), to make my boyfriend give me one of the puppies his dog gave birth to, to see my mum, dad, brother and his girlfriend cause I...|||''The dervish and the death'' by Meša Selimovic. A wonderful book, really refreshing, made me think about myself, my life and all those little sins we make everyday thinking it's nothing, but knowing...|||Verysuper happy and excited about new plansssssssssssssssssss :)))))))))|||We have had experimented with it here, in Serbia, and it didn't end up well.|||I was thinking today about how hard for me is to be social, to listen and to care. Somehow, people at my university talk a lot and I just don't like it. They are all nice and lovely, but I spend too...|||Hanibal rising, for the fourth time, I suppose.|||Yes, definitely a happy summer. :) I has in Wienna for this weekend, I will visit more amazing cities this month, I've met some amazing people, l cannot be happier.|||Yes, l definitely love it. Furthermore, in some difficult periods of my life, sleeping was some kind of escape. But now it's definitely a pleasure. :)|||I also don't want romantic love cause I don't like those pathetic situations. And I don't like showing emotions so much. I love feeling free.|||Sweety, teenagers are weird, but you don't have to be ''weirder''. :) I have to say that I'm glad I've read - you haven't accept sex with that guy. Bravo. I love moral people. You did a great thing,...|||I would try to avoid her this summer. I had problems with my father,too, we haven't talked since 2010, if it helps to you. But I really believe-it doesn't matter what will people say, don't be too...|||Monte , I really, really understand you cause I've passed thought all those stuff. You have to go on with your life, think less about those things which make you sad, because you can make whole...|||That's why I can't wait for my summer holiday. I'm glad cause music was one of my subjects on college, so, I had to learn how to play some musical instruments. I'll use it all my life. But now, in...|||It depends. Everything is periodic. There are periods when I do, and also there are those when I don't. But , generally, my problem is thinking too much about people, about future, I'm afraid for my...|||My family is completely different than I am, so- no.|||Huh, I was obsessed with making little things, I used to spy my ex bf, I was obsessed with watching other people rear, and still I am, hating alcoholics..and so on and on. Now I realize that's not so...|||There are different periods. Sometimes I'm too much self-confident, and sometimes I have a lack of it. I'm like the shape of my body, my height, weight, skin, face... It's great. And I find myself...|||I like knowing that you like INTPs. But I can't talk in general. There are INTPs I love (my best friend), and there are some of them I like less. (my ex.)|||I don't find this topic depressing. Death is waiting everyone of us, and we have to accept it as much as we can. I've read somewhere that people cannot completely accept death, there's always that...|||I think that basketball would help you while you were a child, but I'm not sure if it would help now. I'm 5ft and 9 inches, but everyone in my family is tall, and Serbs are tall in general.|||I am an INTP, but I always isolate myself. Actually, I isolate myself everyday, I need an hour -minimum, or even more, to spend alone, just thinking or listening to music. Extroverts usually don't...|||I don't drink alcohol, soda, or anything like that. I love water and every possible juice, black tea, coffee (it's not very healthy, but it's not very healthy being a student, too :))|||Walking in dark streets with a friend of mine, I love those long walks at night, listening some piano, taking a slow shower, drinking hot milk...|||Ivana. It's made of male name Ivan, it is a Hebrew word and means ''God is beneficial''. In Serbian, my native , it's written in this way ''Ивана''.|||Samhain , I don't know where you've read it. I've talked about this to a cousin of mine, a veterinarian, and he told that it's even rare in fauna.|||I don't support them and I never will, I think it's it's some kind of a disease, although modern doctors are claiming other things. But for me it will never be something normal. But, I also think...|||I like both of them, day and night, but I don't like that period early, early in the morning, about 5 o'clock, I wake up in that period and it makes me depressive somehow.|||I was lazy to read all the posts, so I may say again something that's already said. In that case, sorry. Anyway, I do talk to myself when I alone. It started when I was about 6, I think. First it...|||I have a terrible headache whole day, but I'm so happy.|||Well, I obviously realized the topic in the wrong way. Regards|||Every time, but every f*cking time a guy start flirting with me, I think he just wants sex. Generally, that's my opinion about every man.|||Lies by itself are not good, especially if you want to make a good relations with your family members, partners, friends etc. I would feel guilty if I would try lying them. But I can lie other...|||It's weird, but I was dreaming that it was early in the morning, on the street, in front of a book store, and the street was wet. I was walking down the street and than a man started chasing me. ...|||Fate , I cannot tell that. I have to say that I've been feeling flattered, but it was all disgusting and shallow. Me and them, we were all shallow in my eyes.|||I rarely show my emotions, to be sincere, it's so boring and pathetic. If a friend of mine, for example, knows how much I love her by spending time with her, being with her, she doesn't need words.|||I'm an introvert, but I can act like I'm not, that's probably why I was popular in high school. But I knew it was not ok, I was popular for something I haven't been strugling to get, I had it since I...|||I love the smell of it, it's so energetic, I drink it once a week, I would never let myself being addicted.|||Ludovico Einaudi- Una matina. I'm on last.fm, that means - too lazy to open YouTube and to put the song here. :D|||Very well. Somehow, everyone, especially stupid persons, think how their opinion is important so they have to tell everyone EVERYTHING about it. I don't have a problem with it, but it can't change...|||I don't know if this is some kind of paranoia, but I have some fears for a long time. Sometimes, especially in the night, while I'm walking alone down the street, I'm sure that somebody is watching...|||My nightmare became truth three years after dreaming it. Damn, I still cannot understand it.|||I like meeting new people, I always hope that I will find somebody like me. There's a reason for it, that's how I've found my best friend.|||Church, books, family.|||Well, if you ask me if I would like being homeless but with somebody I love or being rich with somebody I don't - the answer is- I would choose nothing of those. It's more complexed than it seems....|||Agent Blackout , the point of my life is not to desire whatever I want to desire.|||I've just realized how shallow my desires are. Facepalm.|||I don't meet them in real life, just through Internet. I know, that's sad.|||When I can't have something, I usually convince myself that is not so important and I don't need it. And I find another thing to want. Right now I would eat some milk chocolate, but I can, tomorrow...|||I particularly understand you. But for me, it's bit different. I make a board between myself and rest of the world and, somehow I find myself thinking and living in my own world (read:my head). So,...
'I dreamt that I had to investigate/review evidence of something wrong that had happened. It involved going into a back room to check camera footage. The shopfront looked a bit like a retail outlet...|||Bruh. :( It isn't a painful function. It's definitely a misunderstood one. It doesn't mean that we're selfish feelers, which is what a lot of people think. I defend my auxiliary being called...|||[QUOTE=goodthankyou;30263618]Fi seems to be quite a painful function to have, tbh[QUOTE] Bruh. :( It isn't a painful function. It's definitely a misunderstood one. It doesn't mean that we're...|||I completely by chance searched the word gurning, because I wanted to teach you the word for it. Behold, I have found the video of that guy! https://youtu.be/PzP1XC51kro Fancy that.|||I'm a shit liar because I fundamentally disagree with it and I guess the tell-tale signs are a way of punishing myself for doing so. I think xSFP are a lot less likely to lie about their feelings...|||ESFPs are a lot less likely to get mugged off than we are. They know when it's not worth pursuing an interaction/relationship. I agree with the comments about second-guessing. That leads to the...|||Find out what they do with their spare time, then find out why they do it. I also think ESTPs are better liars, and ESFPs are a lot less comfortable with doing so. I think the poker-face...|||Huh?|||http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v299/Ironite/DSC_0001-01_zpsxxhd9puw.jpeg I think this might be what you're describing. This is a page from Susan Jeffers' 'Feel the fear and do it anyway'....|||I am on a journey, each day more capable and confident than the last. Whatever happens, I'll handle it!|||Be strong; these things just take time. Just know that it only gets easier, but time won't 'heal' the loss of a loved one. Consistently remind yourself of how grateful you are to have had the time...|||This is just a bunch of things different people like. That in itself makes this thread kinda cool.|||I like to try to put real shit into crazy situations. I asked some INFJs to tell me a subject that I'd spend 15 mins on. I ended up extending the time limit to nurture more intricate ideas. Here's...|||I like this statement. I can make myself fit and strong, I can make myself fearless and attractive, I can be sociable witty and smart. I just don't. I just don't.|||Wall, lamppost, supervisor...|||I'd say space/time and really dry, sincere compliments.|||This was in Photoshop. Just go find a curious type. :angry:|||Oh God, 'Music'. I now sympathise with the OP entirely. I was reading this INTP Profile, which perfectly illustrates the importance of Fe and Si in music, as well as a Ti and Si pairing which...|||I just got other people to direct me. I'd pick and choose what I did in the end, but having a seed really worked. I started a thread in the INFJ section (I thought I was INFJ for a long time). I...|||Ialti May as well be PMing you, for the scope of this discussion!|||I'm not trying to overcome a gun phobia here... although it would be nice to have it not affect me. Recordings aren't the same as the consuming, spacial sound that comes with real life. I can watch...|||No, I haven't done it. Honestly the whole idea is something I don't like. I don't want to use a gun at the moment. I'm not comfortable with the idea of shooting someone. I'll leave it to people that...|||Thanks for the input. I guess we differ in that I’m not a big or heavy guy. I can deal with crises, that's very different. Usually these things arrive with little anticipation. I am more...|||From personal experience and from reading INTP profiles, I have noticed that for a P-type, wex92re generally pretty awful with surprises. Generally having a powerful grip over predictions and...|||I find it really strange that you're saying I thought INTPs were really good at focusing, and here you are. You're an INTP, you should know that focus is not a thing that is very easily controlled...|||I liked having the time for art, but often my own spin/interpretation of the task got me into trouble. That I didn't like at all. Subsequently I taught myself a lot of what I know over the course of...|||It must be pretty bad to make an ENTJ cry. :angry:|||I don't want someone to think something about me based on a thing I did, without me having a chance to explain why I did that thing.|||It takes forever to creep things into that Si that you never wanted to be there. That and one theory is... that it's nice to hate things - especially about people. I find that when that person...|||Stardew Valley is all I play at the moment...|||I dread to think what the lead-up was!|||It's a combination of things. Don't confuse it with aggression. I didn't grab him and scream in his face to scare him. I didn't like the game because it made me uncomfortable. Rather than feel...|||I spend 5 minutes around a clear ENFP at work and a bald patch crops up. He decided to create this game where you have to yell a food item louder than the person before. I hated it so much that I...|||ENFPs drive me nuts.|||if I didn't know I was INTP before, I do now...|||That's so strange, because I am just eating the carbonara I made...|||I only want to play online games with people I know... Occasionally I'll want random company, but they always either fuck it up or leave me feeling like I'm a rookie!|||Well said! I'm sure, without being too patronising, the OP will come out of this self-destructive rut and see the light again.|||I liked all of what you said, but to avoid a wall-of-quote... This is so funny. If I fall in love with an idea, I do everything/anything to get it done. Unfortunately this applies to having a...|||I guess that is what I'm really asking - but I wondered why the tests always mess up. ENTP comes up occasionally, and I've tested INTP once. I chat away about my type a lot, but it's hard to find...|||Liquidlucy This is a break-down I got from SimilarMinds. I'll try the one you sent me as well. Te (Extroverted Thinking) (10%) your valuation of / adherence to logic of external systems /...|||kittenklyn I tried to mention you, but the tags always break.|||The test results reflect the strong perceiving preference you pointed out. That's one of the main things that really stands out. It almost single-handedly shuts down the possibility that I'm INFJ. ...|||http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v299/Ironite/Capture99_zps1qqxtpfq.png These preferences have come up this time, but I haven't tested INFJ for a long time - in fact not since 2011. I was...|||It's funny you should say that, because I recently have fallen sort-of-in-love with an ex youth worker.|||I agree with you disagreeing with this... Proving it, however! INTx-types are so foreign. I feel as though sometimes the company of an NT type is better than someone caring. Sometimes you...|||Excuse me while I throw up in my mouth. Accuracy-sickness. Kil-meh'-now. (beast read like a Jamaican lady) I think that INFJs are really quite easily ticked off by things they 'can't help'....|||http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v299/Ironite/Plantmouth-2_zpsgutt1vko.png I ended up really enjoying making this horrible thing. I messed up the face the first time around, but didn't want to...|||http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v299/Ironite/Sens_zpszmfqmbe7.png This is the first thing I thought of. The background is intentionally empty.|||This is next... This is after...'
'I over think situations because I hate awkwardness. I'm really bad at handling them. I guess you can say I want to handle a situation by making it as less awkward as possible. And that's true, I...|||That's true. I really should. I think it's an ego thing too though. I don't want him to think he got to me enough that I'd need to block him and his friends. I told him once that he shouldn't be...|||I think I'm quite silly. I love getting a smile out of someone! So I think so?|||So I need some ENFP help! Because y'all be so amazing. My ex and I broke up a little under a month ago. It took me a really long and hard time to get over him, but I'm at this point where I'm...|||I agree with viva. He REALLY does not sound like an INFJ at all. My best friend is an INFJ and she is one of the most affectionate people I know.|||I don't have any interesting jobs to share, but here they are! College Jobs: Student Assistance (3 months) Student Assistance (1 1/2 years) They're title as the same thing, but they were...|||I'm kinda of a receptionist. I answer important phone calls and transfer them to the right people. I feel that ENFPs are usually pretty eloquent speakers. I was REALLY bad at first but when I got...|||I'm a cancer ENFP! I think some of it correlates, but the biggest thing similarities is that cancers and ENFPs are both very emotional--which I very much am.|||There are so many way to gain happiness. I think you're overthinking it. There is no specific goal that I have--different opportunities will arise to achieve happiness. When it comes, I'll seize it....|||Depends. I get really social and excited. But if I drink too much, I get too emotional. HATE THAT PART. But one reoccurring thing that happens when I get drunk is I lose my sense of balance. Standing...|||That would make sense. I'm a type 4 and I'm a hopeless romantic. I'm so infatuated with the idea of love. As for the MBTI type, I chose INFP even though I'm ENFP. But reading descriptions on...|||I HATE to be so dependent on this, but it's the truth. I think I'm happiest when I'm with the person I love (though no one atm). I don't know why, but I'm do deeply attracted to love. I am...|||1. Three Favorite Activities Recently, I've been really into blogging. I have a lot of thoughts and anxieties and blogging always seems to pput me at ease. I also really enjoy swimming. There is...|||I don't think I can ever forgive cheating and abuse. It probably has to do a lot with my childhood, but I find both things almost impossible to forgive. Never raise a hand in violence and never take...|||I'm not too sure, actually. But if I recall correctly, a close friend told me to take the online test during my freshman year of college two years ago. At first, I got ESFP, but that didn't sound...|||i hate to admit it, but i suffer from envy. i'm the jealous type too ):|||I think I need it to begin with empathy. It's necessary for me to get an emotional connection with them before they start blurting meaningless advice to me. But it can't end with empathy. It gets...|||LOL! I hate to admit it, but I think I get that sometimes. When I'm in that mood, it's time for self-reflection time. Sometimes solitude is the only cure. Give me an hour or two, and I'm back to...|||That sounds just like me! Perfect summary (: Just a few things I'd add to myself when I'm excited: Heart racing and high expectations. Inability to sleep when the moment is coming and active...|||Aww shucks, thanks! nope we're not related but you can say we're sisters! She introduced me to this site. We do get that we look alike a lot though!|||Go on a road trip! Go camping with a group of people and make a change! Help clean-up a park, feed the homeless, build some trees! MAKE MEMORIES! I'm planning to do just this during spring break...|||I love how I'm in all these pictures with you. Takes time away from loading my own pictures! <3 I'm second from the left hehe (: And to add on! Me and my lovable INFJ sister (who photobombed!)...|||I don't have a specific fetish. I just like it constantly ahaha (: ENFPs and our sex drives. Very true!|||1. What would be the ideal friendship be like for you? My ideal friendship would be someone who is there for me when I need them the most. It seems pretty easy to find, but trust me, it's not. It's...|||I don't think I mind being single, but I think I do prefer being in a relationship. I like that warm fuzzy feeling|||Nothing. Music kinda distracts me. And if it is playing in the background, I don't really pay attention to it. The only time I really listen to music is when I'm feeling exceptionally emotional. But...|||Yeah I agree. This is a maturity thing. It seems a lot like she's seeking attention. I've been through that phase--a long time ago. The best advice I could give you is to talk it out with her: sit...|||I hate to tell people to settle ): I really do. But I agree. Finding a balance is the key to it all. But if you don't think you can ever be satisfied with his feelings for you, I don't think settling...|||Aww thank you (: Totally gave me the biggest smile on my face :D|||Expectation is the root of all heartache And it's true--especially for ENFPs I feel. We tend to glorify people and situations so we expect so much from them all. These expectations can never be...|||I'm exactly like you. I'm so easily distracted, it's amazing. I can't study with friends because their every movement distracts me. I can't have food with me because I'll just munch on it instead of...|||I'm adequately sporty. I used to be really into tennis and running. I feel really revitalized after a good run. It's getting me to start that's hard.|||RANT 1: Why do people always put them down? I'm all for giving out compliments when I mean them, but when you don't take them, STOP FISHING FOR THEM. I have a friend, and goodness knows I love her,...|||Lucky Emery! LOL|||I was sensitive, loud and attention-seeking. I constantly sucked on my fingers and cried haha but that may just be me.|||Too cute! Merry __________ to you too!|||It depends on who it is and what they did. But I usually let go of grudges pretty quickly, though I am quick to get angry. But there are some huge grudges that I doubt I'll be letting go any time...|||Yes I have and I felt terrible after the relationship ended. When I was in a relationship with him (he is a ESFP btw), I never felt like I was good enough. In comparison to me, he was much more...|||passionate, enthusiastic, emotional, romantic, impatient... and heartbroken (at the moment, and perhaps, for a while)|||Oh god... too much. I'm always the first to jump into my treat! Or here's 20 dollars! Return it to me whenever. That and my shopping expenses. I'm always going through different phases of...|||If they initiate it, then I love to! Or if they seem really friendly.|||-People. Only the ones I really love though. The ones that make me smile! -Music. The songs that touch your heart and you replay, again and again -Laughs. It's contagious to the sad heart....|||One of my closest friends is an INFP. It's pretty crazy how one letter can make two people so different. But that's what we are. Different. Since I only know one INFP, I'm going to base it off of...|||This pretty much sums it up! I always think there is something wrong with me. I put all the weight on my shoulders. People always told me that I love to love, and when I love, I do it pretty damn...|||I read somewhere once that an INFJ is the perfect match for a romantic partner. My best friend is an INFJ and we often joke that we're soulmates, but somewhere along the way, things got messed up and...|||My sister is an INFJ, but as a lot of INTJ tendencies. We get into a lot of arguments and one moment, we'll be buddy buddy, and the next, she'll say something to piss me off, so it's more like I...|||Wow! This must be a common ENFP problem. I'm the exact same way. Even if I really want to, it becomes too much hard work to continually text someone or contact them. I want to get out there, do...|||It depends on who it is I'm suppose to forgive. Say it was my best friend. Because we've been through so much, I can forgive and forget just about anything she does, but knowing her, she'd...|||Wow!! It's surprising to see how many ENFPs have INFJs as best friends! Mine is too and she knows me like the back of her hand. I don't know what I'd do without her.|||I cry. My heart has been kicked, pummeled, ripped, stabbed--I'm bleeding. I often think Why wasn't I good enough? What was wrong with me? Why couldn't it be me? But that is probably the...'
'Me too... but sometimes it works. But I keep forgetting it D). No, seriously: it only works when I do it purposefully, because when I start rambling it's mostly too late to stop it.|||And that's even more recognisable. I can't handle too much people on one day. Even if I keep it superficial. It's exhausting. But you can practise it. Once somebody told me in the middle of an...|||Ha ha, D). That's so recognisable!|||And I did today, and she understood and it helped :))|||And I did today, and she understood and it helped :))|||Try this one: how about trying to like yourself? It works for me (at least sometimes;)|||Yeah I think my boss is willing to allocate me to a more suitable role, but only to a certain degree I think. It's time to talk about it with her.|||Just keep on rambling please, it really comforts me. I recognise a lot, for example about being buried in details and can't handle it. My boss said to me You have to do more with less. Right now I'm...|||Don't know if there's any comfort in this, but I so totally understand by being frozen inside. I feel the same at the moment and I think your right about the dealing with the emotional stress. It's a...|||The weird thing is that when I let go I become highly uninterested and not caring about anything anymore..|||I really envy you. I feel totally disconnected but it's not okay. Definively not. I play my part and nobody knows how miserable I am.|||Today an 8, tomorrow 5. Depends on my mood and degree of anxiety...|||Well, I certainly do not. But I tend to lean toward ENFP... And as someone else said: we can be quite lonely. The giving thing can be quite exhausting btw, esp. when there is little returning back....|||:crazy:|||Today I felt totally frustrated. Instead of doing the nice part of my job (connecting with people, inspire eachother and giving) I had to work at home whole day filling out excellsheets, doing...|||Close your eyes: I give you a soft pillow to lay your head on that takes all the noises away. Let it all go :). Your beautiful avatar shows so much colour, you have so much to give, it's only...|||OK. Well put! And I agree.|||??|||Intriguing, bit a bit scary ;). Does make me curious though.|||The stupid thing is that you kind of expect a reward the next day, but today started again with anxiety :(. Guess it's all part of the process... btw: I'm curious about the meaning your avatar.|||Thank you so much :)). You're absolutly right about the mental gain. And that it doesn't take long. You just don't realize is when you're in the middle of an anxiety attack. Today I totally flipped;...|||Question: I agree that I have to take it at a pace I can handle (small steps), but what's a small step? I always seems (without intention!) take steps to for too big (talking about it too much,...|||I wasnt totally sure yet if I am an ENFJ but now I read this I must be! It's certainly harder to figure out what I want then figure out what other people want. You have to love yourself first though,...|||Hi again, I recognize a lot. As a matter of fact: everything. The fear itself (for me: that I will be this way for the rest of my life and if that's so, I don't want to live) is the worst part. And...|||You certainly have a point in that the anticipation of trying triggered the panic attack(s)! Thank you for that insight. And also thanks for your remarks about that basically all techniques are the...|||Hi Happy about nothing, I try not to fight; that's the whole point of this strategy, not fight, flight or freeze but accept! Accept is one of the most difficult things for me to do because it makes...|||Today was a shitty day because I tried the AWARE (see: Overcoming Panic Attacks: A Five Step Response) approach more than 20 times to overcome my anxiety attacks. Yeah, that's the plan: you have to...|||Pff, this is heavy. I'm an ENFJ and I certainly recognise emotional explosions like this (and the apologizes aftewards). When I snap, my boyfriend reacts mostly calm and logical and in the beginning...|||Agree! Sometimes a emotional outburst can be quite effective. But certainly not all the time ;)|||:))) here 's another one 79969|||Thanks, this means a lot to me :). I give so much to other people, and experience so little giving from other people. Is really comforts me! More pictures you can find on my blog Anxiety girl (my...|||Thanks. We are together for almost 30 years now, so there must be something good;). No seriously: we do have the same taste in an lot of things like films (and I do like a film once in a while, but...|||Well, I'm an manager, mentor and coach at the moment, so maybe this is the right job for me after all. I like to help people found out what there best at and stimulate them to do that :)|||Thanks. I never find answers rubbish because I always appreciate people for trying. The case is that I only have a few friends and they were all on vacation. I have a job and he doesn't so he is used...|||I'm curious: what kind of job fits an ENFJ?|||I totally understand. Don't understand me wrong, I have a relationship, but the need to chat privately I do have too. The forum is mostly too overwhelming for me. And as I understand correctly:...|||I recognise all of it. Mostly I feel/am different from a lot of people around me and this forum really comforts me. An issue I'm working on is to speak out loud (say what I have to say) in groups...|||sorry, double post. See other post with Quote.|||I'm somewhere in the middle but I think my anxiety overshadows my E. I'm still not used to being different, for example at work. I need a save environment to speak out loud. I'm curious if you...|||Hi, My boyfriend is INTJ and stays 99% of his time indoors, not needing other people. After almost two weeks of vacation I went beserk. I always have to go out alone, my few friends are not available...|||I recognise that! At work I had an emotional outburst and some people became very quiet (it's not common to react so strongly). Afterwards 3 of them came to me say I was so right in every aspect en 2...|||Thanks. I'm also a little bit introvert, but I think that's because of my anxiety. My boyfriend feels very underappreciated, but he (INTJ!) just isn't enough for me now. I don't like to be so...|||79499storms in my head|||79498|||Today was my 6th day without much (real) contact with other people it really depresses me. It makes me feel lonely and I think that is because there's nobody to give to. I can easily like and give to...|||I recognise being indirect. It's almost imposible for me to say directly what I want or need. Simply because I don't know exactly. I'm a giver not a taker ;), can't that be the explanation? When we...|||Be glad that people see how you feel. I can feel shit and (except my partner because he knows me very well) and nobody notice. I consider it as a burden that nobody sees anything so they think I'm...|||To add to this: sometimes I have serious arguing with my partner because I have compassion for everybody, even when that person has hurt another person badly..|||Yes that makes sense. When I translate this to my work: I always do things on time, but nobody knows how much stress it causes to do so.|||I recognise almost all of it! And about never been angry: I wish I could sometimes; you can give too much! The only part I'm not certain about is that when I'm not communicating with people that I...'
'There are some days or week when I actually do nothing except watch tv and sleep. I've gain 10lbs in few weeks. What can ESTP do ? if I am bored with life?|||you lose track of time. Wait a min it midnight already?|||I wonder if that what YOU WANT to be but you aren't ENFP.? for example, during winter time I am Istp but during the spring and summer I am ESTP could be the spring fever|||I told my friend this story... I told my friend that I just used my piss stream to remove some of the dried up your wife's blood from the bowl. My friend reply with, dude that wasn't poo, those...|||Does this mean you shouldn't be meeting me in dark alley?|||You score for primary psychopathy was higher than 95.24% of people who have taken this test. You score for secondary psychopathy was higher than 99.68% of people who have taken this test.|||Looks like you already met some of us HERE...|||Cats like it when you touch right behind the ears. They flicker.|||But if a war actually comes and you need soldiers to truly protect this nation who are not going to freeze up and shoot straight, you know the actual job of a soldier, we will be there... imperfect...|||just stopping by after not posting for a while. Great! I got a new achievement. PerC Experienced *patting myself on my back*|||Wait! it's FRIDAY?|||Thanks for sharing now I know which buttons to push!|||You know when you are an ESTP is when a rattlesnake comes into a village biting people every where. The people in the village is DEMANDING a meeting and TALK about what to do with the snake. You...|||def estp!!|||Here are couple people who started mission with out ExxP Paul = ENTJ Stephen = ESTJ Barnabas = ENFJ Even Jesus who STARTED the whole thing wasn't even an ExxP he was IXXJ|||*cough cough* xxxP trying to change their DIEt? good luck|||1 corinthians 7:22 And if you were free when the Lord called you, you are now a slave of Christ. Congratulation, now your a slave.|||okay let's put it this way As a DOER if there is nothing to do then I will be an Guardian if I have noone to protect then I will be a caregiver|||naw we just need those google glasses where we can read and social with people at the same time..|||EVERYONE KNOWS YOU!! You have a BAD reputation Why do you like to piss people off?|||Any pictures with an shock effect is def ESTP!! Just look at those ESTP pictures Nose Rings, Clothes that are LOUD, unusual background|||INTJ Introvert(100%) iNtuitive(6%) Thinking(25%) Judging(72%) You have strong preference of Introversion over Extraversion (100%) You have slight preference of Intuition over Sensing...|||Introversion isn't Obama's problem, his inability to tell the truth is Introversion isn't Obama's problem, his inability to tell the truth is | WashingtonExaminer.com|||Jenny E= usually around people. Strip clubs, protest groups. S Want to do thing NOW if she was a N she would talk alot about the future. F talks about feeling P can't be J her life isn't in...|||not with his FEET when he RUNS|||Let all things be done decently and in order. 1 Corinthians 14:40 That's right. 1 Corinthians 14:40 is telling people who are xxxP to be XXXJ|||Be patient and humble. that still would be an I not an E like the rest of us are!!|||yes pushy and have no friends.. that why you are here on PC oh wait I think that applied to me as well|||that too funny he need to look at thing differnetly|||Does ESTP like to get to the point and not beat around the bushes. For example, I went to this friend house I would see all those details that needs to be fix and started to point them out.....|||he was trying to act like me. he pointed to the table and had this expression I need it NOW...|||I would feel better if I knew what your type is.. my point is preacher FORCiING people to be INFJ you do have great point there..|||so how can non- ISTJ deal with this?|||222266|||now I understand more of where I m coming from so I should be done with this and let it go... FEELING sorry for my sin does not work for me so bye bye church doctrines .|||follow up on this here http://personalitycafe.com/whats-my-personality-type/378610-following-bible-type.html#post12070562 thanks|||Just found this http://personalitycafe.com/estp-forum-doers/43933-religion-estp-4.html thanks..|||right but that does not overrule 1 Corinthians 4:16, ‘Because of this, I urge you, be imitators of me’. in other words be INFJ here the HARDEST part.. Here's a preacher preaching Christian...|||Preacher been saying 1 John 2:6 Whoever claims to live in him must live as Jesus did. then Paul said 1 Corinthians 4:16, ‘Because of this, I urge you, be imitators of me’. Wait a min, I am...|||I want to focus on the New Testament If we follow the bible our type would be? Maybe a double standard but let see where this goes as I am typing while reading verse. I Introversion...|||I 've been searching the net for St. Paul type. I get couple conflicting type. ENTP, INFJ or ESTJ ExTJ is what I can see but I m having problem with N/S|||my best friend is ENTP but love to talk about the future and never get anything done. I asked him if he could imitate the way I talk and walk I found it interesting that he act like everything...|||skip lunch and play video game that was way back in the 80's|||Yes, grasshopper, the universe does owe you a living. But it's a lifetime job to collect.|||so keep busy you THINK you are depress because you THINK you feel depress. so I decide not to THINK about feeling depress. just keep busy what your grandparent need help with and go do that...|||I have been depress but now I've study this and post this else where but will repost this to help you out. now I m working on following those simple rule and I've been more active. 1) NEVER...|||you are asking ESTP if they wanna sit around and read ? I do read history and classic the last book I read last week was Moby Dick|||I don't think me as an ESTP will live as long as the other.. let see my diet is Pepsi donuts MEAT I have to have meat and no Veg thank you|||I will find someone that can FINISH it for me|||I got in trouble with the law and was told to make 3 choices 1) Get a job 2) go to school 3) go to prison Job cough Ill go to school it was FREE for me'
'Sorry for the late reply. I'm not that active in this forum anymore. (SPOILERS AHEAD) First and foremost, we really couldn't even see much of anything deeper regarding the characters'...|||Oh shit. Double-posted. Sorry.|||DRAMAtical Murder Aoba: I suck at typing him. ESFP, maybe? Shiroba: Because of him being a part of Aoba, I'm confused as to how to type him. Ren: Probably same reason as above, but I could see...|||As far as I know, in the real world, logic (or thinking) is not the opposite of feeling. What's wrong with feeling? It's a part of being human. Even if you (or we) aren't fond of expressing, you...|||Yes. When I was young, I drew political cartoons for the school press and for competitions. It was almost like opinion in an illustration and I'm glad that I only have to do one piece at a time....|||Am I the only INTJ who likes erotic literature?|||I don't think I ever had acted as an ESFP in my childhood. However, in regards to having other personality types as shadows, I could remember acting ENFP-ish or ENTP-ish when I was a child of ten...|||Oh, ENTP guys... The trollish, argumentative, insufferably loud, smart-sexy men. Honestly, I don't even know where to find another me around my vicinities. :rolleyes:|||My mother is ****drumroll**** an ISFJ. Meh, it's already common. However, my late grandmother is most certainly an ENTJ. She's a woman who focuses much on her business ideas and making money that...|||Children dislike my presence at default. I think might have this anti-children aura hanging around me or something. However, there are two children that I knew who really liked me and because of that...|||I only like mathematics that are related to money (accounting, investment math etc.) Most of my high school life though, I suck at almost every math-related subject except for geometry and...|||Take 1: 35% ENTP 18% INTP 16% INTJ 9% ENTJ 7% ISTJ What the?|||ESTJs - Indiscreet, rule-bound pain in the ass. ISFJs- Very friendly but always want you to engage in small talk. Then if you started to talk about theoretical topics to them, they will simply just...|||1.) When I go shopping, I will not be satisfied until I touch everything I want to touch. 2.) I will not eat my food unless the utensils are matching. It irritates me if they were of different...|||Once in my life, I had this obsession about knowing the criminal lives of serial killers. I have read a lot of serial killer books and documentaries on Crime Investigation, Discovery and some on...|||This was quite interesting to read as I haven't experienced being treated or assumed as an SF all of my life, even when I grew up with SFs being all around me and my parents being both SFs as well...|||I have never really been addicted at all, especially picking up a lot of titles all at the same time. Sometimes, I even enjoyed the fandom a lot more than the Anime itself. I always follow series one...|||On other MBTI test results, I was repeatedly categorised as an INTJ with no preference over Judging and Perceiving. Meaning, I had hit the INTX jackpot. After then, I tried to study and research more...|||There was once a young man who checked out on me (since I guess he's terrified of approaching me) by asking a classmate whom he thought I was close to (which I am really not). I then discovered later...|||I did a lot of extroversion fronts before and even now because it helps me gain advantage over a situation. However, I never ever classed myself as an extrovert because I am perfectly aware that...|||I like science fiction as long as it isn't stereotypically (and young-adult-y) science fiction. Science Fiction + Dystopia = good combination for me. However, not much on the extensive science-y bit...|||My father is an ISFP and my mother is an ISFJ, yet they've produced an INTJ and an ENFP (Me and my older brother respectively). Since sensors are a bit more common, then maybe the trait is dominant...|||I am just starting off an independent life these days. However, I grew up in a lower-upper middle-class home where money isn't much of a problem (Military ISXP Father is of very poor means but...|||1.) What is your MBTI type? INTJ 2.) What is your gender? Female 3.) What type(s) do you admire/respect the most? (Why?)|||The stereotype that INTJ women are Manly, Cold and Too Smart: - They loathe make-up, high heels and refuse to wear a dress. - They rarely smile and resilient towards feeling hurt. - They...|||I don't think I could help much but if there's something you could take from my experience then it would be great. As far as I could remember, I hated bedtime. It might be mainly because of my...|||Las Meninas (1656) by Diego Velázquez http://i41.tinypic.com/fp88ci.jpg The composition and structure of this painting is very clever. I love it.|||Oooohhh.... interesting. I'm befuddled but I observe that ENFPs top if the other is Tsundere. Uhm... no, not really. Bah! Nevermind.|||I am a writer, artist and musician. I can't afford to lose imagination.|||O Fortune, like the moon you are changeable, ever waxing and waning; hateful life first oppresses and then soothes as fancy takes it; poverty|||Intelligence comes in different forms and manifests on different subjects and interests. As an INTJ woman, I would want to be with someone that counterbalances my intelligence (or a counterpart). I...|||Not an ENTJ but I'll reply anyway because I can very much relate to this. Even though I am perfectly aware that sufficient sleep is required for productivity itself, I still can't help to think...|||At age around 10? Aside from: Drawing or painting Piano Performing (to a lesser extent)|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-1P68DlVZo|||Just 22. I knew it all along.|||Sure ENFPs? Three, including my older brother. One of those ENFPs I do have a crush on back then. I'm sure there are a lot other people around me that are ENFPs but I could say they're a rare...|||As someone who had been with an ENTP guy for a year, I say consistency is best. However, ENTPs are not very well known for consistency. It never worked. Back then, all we do was debate, argue, make...|||In these terms, it simply can't happen. Not ever. It's like equating two things that aren't even comparable. Is art skills better (or equal or lower) than mathematical skills? Go figure. Not...|||What they do and what they stand for sounds NF-ish to me. For all I know, they could be INFJs or INFPs. INTJs could possibly plainly see their goals as unachievable and futile.|||There nothing wrong with doing some revising as long as you remind yourself of the limits of your time. My perfectionism itself was the core of my tendency to procrastinate and it was a habit that...|||I very well know that I do not have OCD. However, I do have OCPD. Which is often confused with, but very different, from OCD. Your case though sounds very OCD to me. You have real obsessions and...|||Preparatory School (Age 2 - Age 7): I don't remember much but my favourite things to do at school is to play pretend, do watercolour art and colouring my books. My father used to read me fairy...|||Scary: - Death of someone close to me. - Injury resulting in any amputation (Especially my hands, without them... bye bye 99% of my hobbies). - A situation where you know you're gonna die within...|||1.) Do you like tea? Specifically hot tea? Yes. I equally like it with coffee. I especially like the Earl Grey and English Breakfast blends. Jasmine tea is good too but I find some too-aromatic...|||Besides the usual racism, sexism, bigotry and the like... here are the other things that might make me mad: 1. When a person is mean to me for no reason, I usually don't care at all. But when that...|||Let me share some letters sent to me by some male classmates back then (although this is already a translation): Aoi Ame, Hahaha... did I just did that? I started with a laugh! Eh? Hahaha......|||Memorable quotes by Light Yagami: Justice? I am justice! I am the god of the new world, saving it from evil and ridding it of fear. Those who betray God are the evil ones. “I understood that...|||Oh... I have always loved internet discussions like this :blushed:... I never view it as a fight or anything (although I do piss a lot of people because of it but it's okay since I'm discussing it a...|||@Alx7 Yeah, I admit that was wrong. I have always interchanged those two and typing fast, I never really checked it. It won't happen again.|||Yeah. Fuck relationships. Somehow, it seemed that you misunderstood my answer. The question basically was What do INTJs find attractive?. So I just basically answered everything I find...'
'Since we're well known as the cause of ambivalence in the world, there's no way to pin a like, or dislike in that way. So, the way I see myself is this, first I cause contradictory feelings in...|||From my personal experience and two years spent in close to total isolation suffering from depression. I was once a young (younger) lad who was trying to become, to actualize and to enlighten...|||It's not isolation itself that's scary, it's the deep cutting self-loathing thoughts of something being wrong with you takes all the joy out of it. The breakdown is simple, when in isolation you are...|||Having suffered from depression for a fairly prolonged time, while refusing any form of medication, the best way I found of dealing with it is by focusing outward. Get control of your attention and...|||I think that for every weakness that you've noticed in someone there's a strength that you've discarded. It's easy to declare majority as lacking intelligence, doubly so if you are an ENTP, but the...|||Yup, can relate to this. Further more, eventually people stop laughing at your jokes as well, because in order to please your own insatiable taste for subtlety you've been adding layers of...|||Meh, being dumb is sort of easy, just use vocabulary and level of your partner, but you don't want to do that, do you sport? :laughing: On one hand we're incredible in adjusting to the social...|||I am pretty sure I could maintain a long lasting obsession with a person under one condition, I must never come in close contact with them :laughing:. Waaay too many experiences where I'd be...|||Just give him positive reinforcement by showing him that you sincerely value the fact that he goes out of the character to do something to please you, shouldn't be that hard to do. Pretty sure any...|||You say crazy and I say unorthodox, imaginative and adventurous :laughing:|||I too am astounded by the power of her observation and by the subtle compliment, alas more suitable for the ENTPs, since Don Quixote is a memorandum of an ENTP in classic literature :wink:|||I am with people sharing opinion that enneagrams change way to often and I am not talking integration/disintegration wings.|||I personally find it extremely adorable that all types other than your own and INTJ look bad. Kudos.|||entpreter, Count me in. A lady friend of mine asked me what my standards for dating were. I don't really have them, in addition I have my own standards of beauty, at times I just see a beauty in...|||This post is not as much of a question as it is a personal story I wanted to share with fellow ENTPs. Most of us spend a lot of the time seeking to compensate for the lack of the development of Fi,...|||We manage just fine, thanks for asking :wink: Every day I fight off the expectations that people try to lay upon me. Gives me more room to breathe. Generally speaking I am trying my best not to...|||How I envision my participation in this thread: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JKzM8xsQ5-U What's my part in this? I am the girl who tries the hardest not to watch what's happening around...|||My best friend is an INTJ, we've been best friends forever. Now if I could only make a compelling argument for dragging him to the Personality Cafe... :laughing:|||Yes a ton, but seeing how you are such a great guy I'll share one with you. Now hold your breath... It's a skateboard that hovers in the air! Now go develop it, don't forget to send me one once it's...|||Vaan, Sir, you've made some excellent points. My hat is off.|||Vaan, In theory I like the stance that you're making, but only in theory. It's too idealistic. What you're suggesting implies a totally impartial observer, as any real-world scenario would...|||Masturbating while bored is sorta fun, I guess. Too honest?|||ENTPs We often talk fast and think even faster Cheerful and optimistic Scattered in the areas of our interest Everything is experiment. If you're talking to an ENTP, they are experimenting on...|||You are mistaken. We're inherently better at understanding emotions of others and displaying emotions through our Fe. INTJs are better at actually feeling the emotion through their Fi, though often...|||I summon an angry INTJ to argue you into thinking otherwise :laughing:.|||I've seen a vote outside of PC with thousands of participants. It was something along the lines of Would you change your type, if so, what type would you change it to?. Would not change won the...|||It's a very common mistake for ENTPs to make. Take a look at this: Best ENTP Guide Ever|||Deistic. Find organized religion to be largely counter-productive to the spiritual and moral advancement of society. Do not refute possibility of Jesus being an actual person, refuse to believe any...|||A simple yeah?, pronounced with the right intonation of condescending questioning can make a person doubt their very own existence and run for the hills.|||Precisely how I found out about Escher :wink: Great book, can't be stressed enough.|||Someone who's very gentle, I look tough on the outside, but next to me has to be a person who I am comfortable showing the gentle side of myself. At the same time she has to be willing to smack me on...|||Surprised no one roped Escher in this thread :laughing: http://media.cleveland.com/plain-dealer/photo/9245219-standard.jpg|||Sorry to intrude on an INTJ forum, but this is just such an excellent question. I use eye contact on the daily basis to get a quick grasp on what the person is feeling and most importantly to get a...|||It's interesting that many of you say that you feel things infrequently. I believe (here I am judging all of you based on my personal experience) that this is not the case. It's impossible not to...|||Most of the ENTPs are types 3 and 7. Haven't met any 9s yet, though 9s seem to be common among INFJs|||Puzzled and struggling to understand how this is an Nu uuhhhh! :laughing: I am not saying that a close enough of a relationship with a deep level of sharing is not possible, I certainly had a...|||Yes, it does, although, the point of the therapy is to help you become a healthier individual, not to fuel your narcissistic patterns, or to inflate your ego :laughing:|||My mom is an INFJ, we had a lot of problems growing up, but once I've matured we've established a very good relationship. I love asking her for an advice in regards to the matters of soul, even...|||I work in a Computer Science field without having formal education, but I'd love to go to a good school, just never really had an opportunity, nonetheless, you work with what you have :wink:|||http://i42.tinypic.com/2qnruco.jpg|||Fair enough, no offense meant by it, was trying to make a joke but it turned out to be not quite as funny as I would've hoped :laughing:|||Xee, also, if you are after developing functions, something that I've learned from the theater and helped me with almost every single function, especially the Se. The exercise is pretty simple. You...|||Doing theatrical acting for the Fe Fi, it's great.|||... but you were :wink: I think all of us are pretty stupid in comparison to the older versions of us :laughing:|||People around me often say that I always keep my own brainwave length. Some are frustrated by it, others like it. I am seen as willful, but not forceful, often asked for an advice. Seen as someone...|||Quit smoking - Done Start running in the mornings - Still working on this one, it appears I undervalued my desire to stay in the warmth of a blanket in the mornings.|||I love singing and I love women, naturally meeting a combination of the two puts me in a great mood. Cuteness overload http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-siVlyC1io&feature=related This song...|||Yes. I am going to vent here. I am so fucking emotional! You appreciate us when we talk to you one on one, when you get a chance to tell us everything that's on your mind, without all the blame....|||Let the dick measuring contest begin! :laughing:|||A handicapped motivational speaker? You are not making a strong case for tangibility of words here :wink:'
'This post is mainly for the users who were not able to fill out a survey posted by me earlier other forums on this website. Many users had complained about that survey. The problem was about its...|||This post is mainly for the users who were not able to fill out a survey posted by me earlier. Many users had complained about that survey. The problem was about its content which was solved and...|||If there is anybody who has not completed the survey he/she may have a look at it and complete it as per his/her convenience! Thanks!|||If there is anybody who has not completed the survey he/she may have a look at it and complete it as per his/her convenience! Thanks!|||If there is anybody who has not completed the survey he/she may have a look at it and complete it as per his/her convenience! Thanks!|||If there is anybody who has not completed the survey he/she may have a look at it and complete it as per his/her convenience! Thanks!|||If there is anybody who has not completed the survey he/she may have a look at it and complete it as per his/her convenience! Thanks!|||If there is anybody who has not completed the survey he/she may have a look at it and complete it as per his/her convenience! Thanks!|||If there is anybody who has not completed the survey he/she may have a look at it and complete it as per his/her convenience! Thanks!|||If there is anybody who has not completed the survey he/she may have a look at it and complete it as per his/her convenience! Thanks!|||If there is anybody who has not completed the survey he/she may have a look at it and complete it as per his/her convenience! Thanks!|||If there is anybody who has not completed the survey he/she may have a look at it and complete it as per his/her convenience! Thanks!|||Thanks very much! :)|||If there is anybody who has not completed the survey he/she may have a look at it and complete it as per his/her convenience! Thanks!|||If there is anybody who has not completed the survey he/she may have a look at it and complete it as per his/her convenience! Thanks!|||If there is anybody who has not completed the survey he/she may have a look at it and complete it as per his/her convenience! Thanks!|||If there is anybody who has not completed the survey he/she may have a look at it and complete it as per his/her convenience! Thanks!|||Sabrah The results will take a little time owing to very less amount of entries per day ... as soon as there is ample data, the result will be published shortly after that!|||musician_enigma Thanks a lot! :D|||fourtines This example that you have posted will help us in searching for discrepancies that can occur while we are gathering the data! Thanks !|||The changes that you suggested were applied accordingly. Thanks for the input! :)|||I'll keep that in mind... btw thanks for your input! :)|||Thanks a lot! :)|||There is still a lack of considerable amount of data. But here INTPs have the have the maximum entries till now ... and yeah you might be right on the out-of-proportion thing! :)|||thanks for your input. The results will be out after a little time owing to lack of considerable amount of entries till now. :)|||The results will take a little owing the less number of entries till now. I still need considerable amount of entries! Thanks for your input! :)|||The data will be used for some research! Thanks for the input!|||jdstankosky I already reduced the number of questions from 13 to 9 after the INTP and ISTJ forums raised a few issues regarding the content. Now if I will reduce the number of questions, the...|||danlikesgirls What is the issue ?|||Miss_Terry Actually I wanted to cover Biological Genders (Male and Female) and Psychological Genders (Homosexual, Trans-sexual, Asexual etc) together. All Psychological Genders are under Other....|||Zoof I checked and found out that the website is going to be re-hosted in approx 2 hours, so you don't have to wait for 10 hours like I mentioned before.|||Zoof Actually this site is being hosted by Google Apps, so they give a limited time, every 24 hours, for a website to be hosted. That period for this day is over. You can come after ... say 10 hours...|||that I started off like a personal research but as soon as some thing constructive come out of it, it will be published. Though the publishing will take a little time ... but yes it will definitely...|||StElmosDream Thanks for pointing that out, I'll correct that!|||Nighty88 Sorry, I won't do that again. But actually the website went down yesterday, and the stats showed that many people clicked on the link but found that the site was down, that is why I posted.|||Actually at the INTP and ISTP forum there were some objections regarding the content of the survey, due to which the it was re-designed. I would be obliged if you could again fill the form...|||Actually at the INTP and ISTP forum there were some objections regarding the content of the survey, due to which the it was re-designed. I would be obliged if you could again fill the form...|||Actually at the INTP and ISTP forum there were some objections regarding the content of the survey, due to which the it was re-designed. I would be obliged if you could again fill the form...|||Actually at the INTP and ISTP forum there were some objections regarding the content of the survey, due to which the it was re-designed. I would be obliged if you could again fill the form...|||The findings will be published in a while. Actually at the INTP and ISTP forum there were some objections regarding the content of the survey, due to which the it was re-designed. I would be...|||The findings will be published in a while. Actually at the INTP and ISTP forum there were some objections regarding the content of the survey, due to which the it was re-designed. I would be...|||Aquc Solitaire U I have tried to address the issues that you pointed out. The site has been updated. Please have a look and re-enter your information. Thanks !|||candiedViolet Brown93 Shale The findings will be published in a while. Actually at the INTP and ISTP forum there were some objections regarding the content of the survey, due to which the it was...|||The link is up again! Bahburah Armez Dashing @CynicalGiant The link is up again! I have included metal. But sub-genres have not been included as they would result in a list of 134 entries. All...|||Dashing Alright!... it will take a couple of days ....|||Solitaire U My intention was to gather the data based on ones interests. But as Aquc has mentioned above about some glitches in the system. I actually cannot update or correct the error he pointed,...|||Aquc Oh! Thanks for the input. I actually had designed it myself. I really did not think it this way, the third point was an eye-opener! You can still give your input ... in case you have no...|||Dashing My bad sir. If you like Metal, you can rate the Rock genre of the survey! I hope you won't mind!|||Nighty88 This data will be used for a website. For that ample amount of data is required. This consists of questions pertaining to How much you like a thing ? rather than simply What do you like...|||Hi all, I earlier posted a survey on this group. I received mails saying that the questions were a little weird and many in number. So I designed a new survey that has less questions. Here is...'
'http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jfTNcewDKS4 I'm not sure if it's love anymore, but I've been thinking of you fondly, for sure.|||Seriously, I thought everyone knew the extent to which I'm legitimately talking to myself. But, no. My dad actually interrupted my conversation with myself and goes, Are you talking to yourself in...|||I suppose this is more of a random observation...but, about my top three favorite bands. Bright Eyes is music for my brain. Alkaline Trio is music for my guts. Smashing Pumpkins is music for my...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qCC_axg_WwU|||I've never had a legitimate hero before. There have been people I appreciate, and look up to, but never an actual hero, per se. But holy shit, ROD SERLING, you are my true hero, sir! I always...|||I think the extent of my actual manipulation has been to get information out of people, rather than using it against them. Or to reinforce or negate a conclusion I came to about them. A simple...|||I wonder what the explanation for my love/hate relationship with everyone and everything is. I'm talking serious extremes. I wish the intensity would get boring, but it doesn't.|||We finally had a real conversation about this. Why does it always have to be on the brink of a break-up? Not that I would ever be the one to end it, but he always seems like he wants to, but can't,...|||Dear Introverted Feeling, What the hell? Why, why, why? I really can't even like...turn the volume down, so to speak. The idea of dominant functions infuriates and perpetually frustrates me. ...|||At what point can one decide that a relationship is over? That growth between the two parties is no longer possible? Perhaps this is merely an example of my so-called high expectations as an...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bTToB7sq4KE Lights On - (Stars) I, the Sun Reminds me of Joy Division...and something else...|||Interesting. I relate to the bold part. However, I don't seem to always know how I feel. What I tend to get out of most of it is does this feel awful, or does it feel okay? I also rarely know...|||I don't really remember my parents presence too much in early childhood. They were there, but they weren't really there. I was yelled at for trying to talk to them after work, because they were...|||If I'm being honest with myself, I deal with the hateful world by hating it back.|||I've realized that I don't cry anymore. I tear up, I feel the horrible chest pressure, and I want to rake my brains out of my head, but I cannot cry. The thought of non-existence is the only thing...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYoKqfo5jck|||When I speak of Pop music, I'm basically referring to things like Lady Gaga, Ke$ha, Katy Perry, etc. So, popular pop music on the radio. I can say with confidence I don't like Pop music,...|||If only I could count how many times I've laughed so hard reading about introverted feeling. It normally sounds something like, Haahahahaha! Oh my GOD, seriously? What am I reading?|||I used to be really into a couple mainstream anime in like freshman and sophomore year of high school. The ones I like now are Cowboy Bebop, FLCL, and Welcome to the NHK. Generally speaking, I...|||ESFP for 4+ years. Typing him has been incredibly difficult over the last few years, but I'm pretty confident this is his type.|||Well, I've always been strictly non-confrontational when it comes to those who are basically strangers. It stings for a second, then I forget about it, and them. Condescending attitudes are the...|||I don't understand why all of my dreams are so strange. As in, the feeling. Eerie, foreboding, suspenseful, blatantly cryptic and symbolic. Everything happens in front of me like it's charades. ...|||Consciousness is a being, the nature of which is to be conscious of the nothingness of its being. -- Jean-Paul Sartre|||I don't use Facebook a lot to begin with, so I've never seriously considered deactivating it. I arbitrarily log on to find a couple messages, or new friend requests. Once in a while I'll go around...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BTXY_NjLPhU|||Well, the people I'm closest to, most aren't really critical of much. The ones in my life that are have some kind of issue with admitting to some of their own faults and behaviors. With these...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtANBBuBArQ|||What helped me the most was the idea that you're never going to know for sure what others are thinking of you, so generally, it's best not to even worry about it. If you're talking about feeling...|||Baby kitty Tiny kitty Laptop|||Most TV series I watch are hilarious cartoons. Otherwise: Dexter Cowboy Bebop Law & Order|||Sad things? I'm generally attracted to anything that makes my chest feel like it is going to implode in on itself. Pressure, whatever you call it. I feel kind of the opposite of what Moss Icon...|||Haha, I promise I have better taste than just Trio, Cage the Elephant and Bright Eyes. :cool: I haven't seen them live yet. Sucks to hear that.|||My iTunes isn't accurate, neither is the overall songs on my last.fm at this point. The last 6 months is waaaaay more relevant. I also have a tendency to play certain artists/songs/albums for long...|||This was taken over fifteen years ago by one of my parents. This was the view of our neighbors right in front of the house I grew up in....|||I'm not under the impression that others are more well-informed than me. Maybe in practical areas of life, but it doesn't stay that way for long. Also, I really have troubles identifying with...|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CGOxi7U-sNw pray for a man in the middle, one that talks like doolittle.|||This was a question that always got me on the type-assessments. Like Mendelevium said, I find myself at both ends. I can make the biggest generalizations, and I could go into the details and defend...|||I deal with it by seeing it for what it is. It's pretty much cultural preference of personality types, especially in the way the OP describes it. I also deal with it by thinking of it like...|||Thank you, dfoster. The 5 fears are indeed what I identify with. I am beginning to think after realizing my first mistype I was just trying to make sure I wasn't being overtly biased somehow...|||Regarding the 7 aspect, most of those things seem to be true. Some don't require that I be stressed, like talking a lot for instance (although I only do a lot of it when I'm alone). My thoughts are...|||The times I took the PerC test I got 5w4 twice, and 5w6 three times. I've also read the misidentification articles. According to those, I would be 5. I don't feel the need to back up my ideas so...|||I thought 4w5 was my type for quite a while, and one day while reading type articles, five made a lot more sense than four. After a couple weeks I was comfortable with my conclusion. Then, while...|||Dear high school co-worker, I don't think you have even been here for a year yet. I know you came in and immediately targeted our night manager as the one you would try to emulate completely. I...|||There goes my enneagram type...again. It took forever to see through the first mistype, and like two weeks to see through the second one. Not very confident in my self-awareness right now.|||INFP 5, unsure about the wing. Sure about the first two in my tritype, 5 and 9, and almost positive about sexual/self-preservation.|||I'm sitting in my room with the window open. It's really nice outside (cloudy, but really nice), the birds are chirping loudly, and all of a sudden this guy starts whistling something that's just so...|||Parents: Mom - ESTJ Dad - INFP (almost sure) They've been together for over 25 years, still going strong even after some major incidences. They're totally in love. Maternal Grandparents:...|||People are afraid of themselves.|||I apologize for the late reply. I didn't mean to imply it was the doctor who said my metabolism was just really high. It's been the family and friends I've talked to about this. It's the best...|||I'm not completely sure that I am a 5w4, but I am pretty confident that 5 is my core type. I thought my type was 4w5 for a very long time, and one day I was arbitrarily reading through enneagram...'
'Nope. Just couldn't find inspiration.|||Thats what I plan on doing. Getting me a mirror's edge tattoo and I've never played the game. I just think it looks cool.|||What are some of your goals, aspirations, and dreams?|||I think you look beautiful.|||It's very strange. Perhaps some background: My life is progressing well in a business sense. I'm a 19yr old military member doing networking, living in a dorm. Nearly got an associates already....|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7KNYk4f3XQ&amp;feature=related Anybody want to take the time help sort out some of the mystery regarding this video? I got the best English sub i could find on youtube...|||If I don't have the will to change my life does that mean I just prefer it as is?|||I am an AP delinquent. Society has no place for me and no way to deal with me. Hoping to god the future either changes me or I find ways of making it work.|||Life was all rainbows. Turns out, its just rain.|||Life is a battle and love is war. Me? Well, not everyone can be born a fighter.|||Each day society tugs me about. Each day, I am its plaything. But the night? The night is my time and I'll be damned if you think you get that too.|||Gamers are people! So... does this mean that INFP minecraft servers are a go? I'd host something for a weekend or two if you guys are interested. Maybe a techit server...|||ad hominem aside, without good reason to continue with medication, I'd liken the situation to smoking cigarettes.|||I wasn't made for this world. It doesn't provide for what I can feel.|||Now take all of that and realize that's not what you want to do, but that's what you want done to you.|||Please don't end|||Times like this you start to realize, everything you do for others, you wish others would do to you. Best I can do for you is wish you a safe journey as you ride it out(your feelings that is).|||Ppl need to be 3x more genuine.|||I'm so fucking sick and tired of people's expectations for me.|||We do what we must, because we can My watch is good for depths of up to 1000meters, I don't Dive, nor do I swim. But its good to know the watch will be ok if I drop it in the sink.|||Meh, I need a nights sleep.|||And... shot down. I shall start the party.|||In preparation of SAD: Singles Awareness Day This thread needed a bump anyway|||I'd like to go into the past, mine specifically.|||I hear they aren't much for reliability, but if you can get them working, they are great!|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9WM4v8m2zUQ|||bump char limit|||Can someone give me the words to ask can I talk with you when I've never gotten close to this person? I'm feeling terribly dejected at the moment, facebook shall be my messenger yet tonight, even...|||The opposite sex because clueless at the most inconvenient times.|||Happy, intelligent, self conscious|||I'm friends with her on facebook, I'd like to break some ground so I can speak to her at school considering I've never spoken to her(I know some man I am(I am totally, joined the military for...|||Mk, happy birthday Brigitte. Happy birthday to you aswell.|||My turn-arounds always feel like I'm just ditching pessimism. That common round here?|||Color me confused.|||Happy birthday, I just wanted to say it because I could never approach you in real life.|||ELEVEN by Sandra Cisneros What they don’t understand about birthdays and what they never tell you is that when you’re eleven, you’re also ten, and nine, and eight, and seven, and six, and five,...|||Sasquatch penis. I really don't like the phrasing of this question.|||Touch has a synergy with sight for motor skills. That was my primary concern. Hearing over touch? Hearing just seems like a more active sense.|||I find myself overly irritated by peoples resting noises. They breath so loudly, specially if it's through their nose.|||Now needles and pain are two different things entirely. I'll take a punch to the gut over sharp pointy things any day.|||Either sight and touch, or hearing and sight. Something to consider, without sight, could you fully utilize touch anyway? After a minute of experimentation, I've determined hearing over touch to...|||sigh char lim|||Under my bed in a box labeled taxes. (But I have a better question, who the heck would give me a rare and dangerous artifact?) You are short on cash and must pay for your child's surgery. ...|||Nope, not especially.|||I'd be careful with that. Specially round this part of the forum, its a terrible thing to call the already-depressed whiners.|||Greed, gluttony tho that's completely situational.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VpDj8d4b2DM|||I'm not gonna fuck it up this time. If I ever find her alone again, I'm just gonna go for it.|||I like all music XD.|||That is horrible... I mean, ug, uh, that pains me just to think about it. You have my heartfelt sympathy.'
The Blue Lagoon. :blushed:|||Dear Beloved, Why are you so afraid of me knowing who you are? You think I am going to force you to do something? How can I? When are you going to start being authentic and real?|||^Ditto. :) But looks don't matter to me anymore. Mine or others. I was always a demisexual anyway, which fits my personality.|||Awww. That is so beautiful. It sounds like you both have found what everyone is searching for. What a blessing. <3 I hope one of your values is God because only Jesus coming into her heart...|||It sounds like she knows there is lying going on and is interested anyway. Maybe God is putting you together so that You can be your true selves with each other.|||haha. yeah. I do this all the time now that I walk with God. Not much is worthy of my time. When my people are not around, or if we have already chatted, and there is no pressing work to be...|||Content yet lonely. Serene yet restless. Happy yet cranky. I need something to happen.|||I would recommend you just keep communicating with her to the best of your ability. <3 It's nice she has such a wonderful friend. That sounds very beautiful.|||You're right. And I'm definitely mostly INFJ because I've been feeling guilty toward CATS every since making that post. :frustrating: I'm just an INTJ wannabe. I admit it. :(|||And what does this knowledge do for you? What are you going to do with this knowledge of her? Why are you so obsessed with this girl? Do you want a relationship with her?|||I can identify with INTJ good enough to say cats suck. :P|||cats suck so bad.|||People should not take medications. Or only take them for very real reasons. Pain meds are for wimps as well.|||ZOMG> I love this thread. Where have you been all my LIFE!!!!!|||Hmm. I don't agree with that mentality. And never have. Let us know how it goes...|||Haha. I am in the same boat with someone who wants to limit our contact because I love them. Fact is, that is really the best type of friend to have. If they are willing to be friends with you,...|||Sounds like you are just going through something intense right now. When we go through intense things, it is a time to focus inward quietly, and to meditate on the divine, asking for clarity and...|||I could never do improv. I cannot think that fast. Though I enjoy watching it. I could maaaybe act, if I practiced a LOT>|||You can be. If you've had a really hard childhood and introverted a lot because of it.|||Europeans are more stable socially.|||I don't know much about gun control. But I'm all for the right to bear arms. I don't believe guns kill, but people do. I believe in the idea of having a well-armed grassroots militia (lol) where...|||INFJ--Monotheism, born again Christian but do not believe in Christ as a deity. Looking at these 3 to see which resonates most with me: The Bahá'í Faith Christian Deism Theistic Rationalism|||Movies have always made me cry, and they still do. Same for plays. However, irl I tend to not cry as easily as other women. So I dunno.|||Slightly satiated. For the time being. And sad.|||<3|||I keep hoping someone will desire me. :kitteh:|||I'd be down with being homeless because I have a profession whereby I could probably barter for shelter and food. If I didn't have kids.......Anywhere really. Anywhere the Lord led me. Sounds...|||Another Irish Coffee. With whipped cream. And Bailey's would be nice.|||I've asked my dog to be my boyfriend. Not sure if he accepted or not. I think he did.|||I never close the door on anyone. I'm sorry to hear that people find INFJs promote this negative behavior.|||I'm saying that like eye color, but probably not as intricate as that, cognitive functions are genetically inherited.|||Meh. I don't think there'a correlation, honestly. That imo.|||What do you mean by this?|||Cog functions are genetic, yes. That is obvious.|||Well, from doing stats on MBTI findings, we know that N's comprise only 25%? of the population and S's 75% (or it might be even fewer N's can't remember). I think this is because S's are sensate...|||Well, my 'J' (which is different than jungian concept, and I don't really buy into the whole MBTI Je thing for introverts) is held in check by my large P, meaning I quite frequently procrastinate...|||Am I right in assessing that what you are saying here is that knowledge and faith are not necessarily antithesis to each other? If so, I would absolutely agree and say that so far the notion of God...|||Done. Awaiting your response. Debate Forum...|||Addressing the bolded: I disagree with Plato. For whatever reason he gives man little credit to allow for credulation and astonishment and adaptability. Perhaps that was just how barbaric his...|||Yeah, I don't really know that I agree with Plato in everything. Like his forms, etc. Just because Plato thought it and argued it doesn't mean it is so. I agree that everything can be broken...|||No. Because I did not create myself. If I were powerful enough to create myself, I would be certainly be omniscient about said power as well. And if the human race is anything to go by, and we...|||Love comes not from within, but from without, from our Creator. If we're lucky it comes through us and goes onto others. Depending upon how pure we are, this divine love exudes more or less pure. ...|||I have always had a temper. My family all knew that about me growing up. My family knows it now, but my friends don't see it. I have questionned of late if I'm not more abusive than just...|||Really? My experience is that if they didn't get it the first time, they never really do. So why bother pointing it out?|||I don't know that hollywood puts that much thought into that sort of thing. I think they probably thought she's exotic looking and hot (with an asiatic flair) and that was enough.|||She was Asian? Wow. I would have guessed some Italian heritage. I mean, she looked Tall. And I totally agree about the shotglass. I was waiting for some heroic stunt, and he didn't even try.|||Mmmmmmm. That is all.|||Well, perhaps not every alter would think he/she had dissociative disorder.... I do not believe personality type changes. I believe function order changes depending upon environment, but I...|||:laughing: HIlarious! Hey, I was a 'spiritual' atheist for over a decade, at least. Now I am a born again Christian. I'm also dominant Ni. Before I was an atheist, I lived the first half of...|||Yeah, like that, though I'm not sure I agree on some of the chick pics for ENTP.^ You know, that INTP look? Rivers Cuomo and Ben Gibbard (Death Cab for Cutie lead singer). Well, I've noticed...
'I really am coming to detest online dating sites. Zoosk, eHarmony, Match.com, whatever....no one there who creates a profile ever seems actually intent on talking to anyone, let alone following...|||I love gardening. I love the chemistry of aromatherapy and coming up with new concoctions. I am a reading hound, especially the Elizabethan period. I eat math for lunch. Statistics, calculus,...|||As an ISTJ female, I have to go with the majority here and say...ask him...directly.... I have an ISTJ best friend, male, and I do that with him whenever I am confused about something he said or...|||ISTJ Here :-) What is your typical reaction to physical pain? - I say OWW! Then look at the wound - assess the seriousness and think of how to avoid such wound in the future. - If it _is_...|||I know this thread is a couple of month old - but I found it upon interest stemming from a question my sister asked me. Please pardon the 'lateness' of the reply. I read through the postings. I am...|||Love this. My thoughts exactly. And add.... Ignoring something I stated clearly and in the English language and then asking me again 10 minutes later. Another person mentioned people who ask for...|||As an ISTJ Gardener, I think it is amusing - at least he tried!|||I told you I loved you 2 days, 6 hours and 35 minutes ago. I was going to wait a few more days and tell you again.|||When anyone tells you to stop being so emotional.|||Set One: 1: How old are you? 43 2: What was your favorite subject in grammar school? Science 3: What did you want to be when you grew up? Oceanographer 4: Do you enjoy reading? If so, what...|||That's a great perspective, Karen. When I first saw this thread, my immediate thought was Hm, I really am not sensitive to others' insensitivity, so it really doesn't bother me in general. Water...|||I have a male friend who is an ISTJ and we're flirting with the relationship idea. I love the compatibility on some levels. He just gets me. I don't have to waste precious time or energy...|||Singing|||As I have grown older, I have learned to acknowledge - then get back down to business. When my son comes to me sharing something Super, Happy, and exciting - I stop what I am doing, look him in...|||Agree with the above. Time will heal things. Use your experience to figure out what you'd do differently next time :)|||I have two things that seem insensitive to me: (1) same as many have said here; the assumption that I should just hop on board with the plan of the majority and (2) Calling me difficult or...|||You are called distant and aloof when all you are doing is listening.|||1.) Genius - I am a member of MENSA and other high IQ societies, so yes, I suppose I am. 2.) Psychopath - Hmmm, no. 3.) No feelings - Hmmmmm, no 4.) Atheist - Agnostic. Big Difference....|||Really? Really. Wow.|||Brood a lot? No, we think a lot. Perhaps sometimes too much. I think an important element here to consider is that, precisely, you cannot make an INTJ feel anything or be more anything. Your...|||Get Over It ~~ The Eagles|||Every post in every thread could qualify for we're not all the same. It's so common it's irrelevant. It's also beyond illogical. Of course we're not all the same. Why is there a need to cry it out?...|||Don't ask a question if you cannot handle the honest answer.|||The greatest compliment I've ever gotten: You are so logical... No matter what happens it seems, you cannot fight logic. It may stare you in the face like the ugly hangover you wish it was...but...|||Jon Stewart and Tina Fey|||Phew! Thank the heavens :)|||You should be proud! What a terrible, but wonderful story. I am proud of you. As hard as it is, forgiveness is the key to freedom. You don't have to forget. Our memories and experiences shape us for...|||Don't back off too far. He wants to know you're there. He wants to know you love him and support him. As rough as this sounds he just doesn't need a mommy. Now that's not to say that's what you're...|||You and me both!! LOL So be it :)|||I don't understand why people get so stressed about the holidays. In this case, the holidays are Turkey Day through New Year's Day. We basically have 10 months to plan for the emotional insanity...|||I'd have to go with ESFP's and ESFJ's. I don't find rambling prattle endearing at all. I find I cannot listen to a person who interjects like and ummm every 3rd word, and I think in life there is...|||Please tell me he doesn't currently live in Maine ;)|||Fiscal irresponsibility is just that - irresponsible. Period. It matters not if there is one income or two. I had a two income family, and a healthy one at that, and my ex-husband's fiscal...|||Forensic scientist|||Coming from an IXTJ.... I am currently working on trying to really empathize with others;and to understand that you can say I'm sorry and it doesn't mean you're taking blame, you're simply...|||To date, I've never had to hide anything in a rush and I never forget where I put anything. My aunt tells me I have what she's calls a ticker tape memory - I don't forget much. It just might take...|||I'll make it a mission to pay more attention to the date of the OP and the last posted reply on the thread. That said, I have a suggestion to help future newbies from feeling as if they've committed...|||I run Windows 7 and MacOS X 1. Google AdWords Editor 2. OpenOffice 3. VLC Media Player 4. FireFox 5. Avast! Home Edition|||Hang in there - and welcome to PerC :)|||I have two takes on this. My sister is an ESFJ and though she drives me insane at times (and I'm sure its reciprocal), she is one of my best friends. She is a say it like it is person, which I...|||I am posting here as an IXTJ :-) When you remember birthdays, anniversaries, and telephone numbers for the last 20 years.|||Nah - not old and cranky. You, my fellow, are an INTJ! Of course you get us :-)|||To expand on this, its probably because society and generations have defined women as being a certain way or having certain characteristics, and INTJ females don't fit the mold. Let me qualify that I...|||I have always been an INTJ. As I grow older, I find I know how to employ and use Te better and more efficiently. I serve on the Board of Directors for a nationwide organization and the folks there...|||Perhaps, then, zombie threads should be removed by the administrators once a certain amount of time has gone by. Otherwise, if they still exist, they can still be responded to. The answer is to not...|||Rusty - I hope this helps. If your INTJ Girl were done with you, the iron curtain would have come down and you'd not be talking to her anymore. As far as I have experienced (and I am one, to...|||1. Sex is a way for me to emotionally connect with my partner. It validates our togetherness and allows me a small window to show how I care. That said, I seek it about once a month. 2. At 17. ...|||I reveal myself less hesitatingly around my friends. I don't reveal myself at all to those I don't know. I had a boyfriend once who got very mad at me because after a year of dating, I didn't just...|||LOL - we are out there! I know we're a needle in a haystack - but if you have the patience.....|||I'll say it.'
'That certainty of how life is supposed to be. That drive that makes you yell at that childfree couple that they are against god. I certainly lack that.|||Sounds about right for an ENTP.|||Are Jungian intuitives akin to MB INTJs? (Dominant Ni?)|||But you are a Jungian intuitive?|||You were. You talk about how stupid they are for being typist then claim that they're probably not even N types! I'm sure that now that I've disagreed with something you said, I'm probably a fake N...|||Intellectually making order from chaos gives you good feelings.|||Hypocrisy much?|||MB theory, not Jung. If you recharge by yourself then by MB you're an introvert, despite your people skills.|||Um, i'm sorry people aren't telling you what you want to hear?|||I'm not broke.|||I'm not attached to either of my parents, but I am a grown up and have been for awhile.|||ENFP - ideas involve people and need them to work. (Let's start a book club!) ENTP - they involve things and need them to work. (I should build a boat!) A little oversimplified, but I find it a...|||Basic MB theory dictates that company for extraverts is the easy road out for them since they're recharged by social activities. Generally you get out of it by feigning illness or duty. Get a pet or...|||They probably write books on body language.|||You get sick after finals.|||Looking at the data, extraverts on this forum only show their proclivity to intuition and introspection, rather than the varying degrees of extraversison. So I think that it's really anyone's guess...|||Best way to tell people they aren't N types is to make it look even MORE exclusive?|||I doubt they know it as such offline. Not that it cannot be comprehended, it's just not experienced along the lines of a theorem.|||Whatever you make it.|||It's no longer the concentration of my studies, but it's not as though the knowledge will be lost. I don't really understand the problem.|||My room smells a lot better than it did last year.. thank you air freshener.|||(I knew an INFP made this thread) It exists, but people make it and maintain it. It's not like the soul.|||The tower of knowledge is intriguing, yet frightening at the same time. We will all die in that tower, never conquering it. There might be another way, though.|||I categorize, but they're not strict categorizations, and I make note of the intellectual/non intellectual divide. I'm not ENTJ, but there is some data for you.|||Oddly enough I don't really stare at anyone's ass a lot when playing games like that. I always put myself into my make-a-character, so it's always male. But if I have the option I always keep female...|||I know INTPs are more focused on the method rather than the execution, but he was a ninja on missions with anime crazy brainpower.|||I thought about it, but I'd approach like I would selling myself into slavery. I'd never WANT to.|||I don't. I've always been told my ability to summarize things is a special gift.|||When you use your state ID as a bookmark, finish the book and put it away, lose your I.D. for months and finally rediscover it when you unearth the book for research.|||Poor boy. The weight of culture is crushing your soul, and the weight of elitism is crushing your eyes. (Did I do it right?)|||You know, grammar is the shallowest form of wisdom. (A phrase I have seemed to coin, but alas there is nothing new around the sun)|||So this is like deadpool's victory pose in MVC3?|||INTJs are usually able to handle that kind of thing, and you're probably not alone..especially with experience.|||I'd call the a) and b) primarily the result of Ni.|||I think the tertiary Se explains the impatience ENTJs seem to have..and their realism that almost seems like enforcing the status quo. I think ENTJs prune it for what really works vs dumb...|||INxx types rule the internet.. at least when you go beyond facebook. Seeing a trend of Ni being much rarer than Si (as a dominant and auxiliary) Now if JCF has any basis outside horoscope-y...|||Sun in Taurus, Moon in Gemini *Ascendant in Capricorn, Saturn in the Eleventh House *Venus in the Second House *Sun in the Third House *Moon in the Fourth House *Saturn in the Eleventh House ...|||Socially invisible. Weird how you can do that with Fe. It's something I do too. Though I was blissfully unaware of it for awhile. I come out of nowhere and can dissapear for awhile and nobody...|||Fi overlap is inevitable, S types use N and N types use S. Problem solved.|||Yes. Now go to your room and think about what you've done.|||It's easy! Ne is an idea smith! It sees the potential of things. Fi applies this personally.. so you see what people can be, and what paths they can take. When it relates to you and to good...|||ESTJs are not without their wit when they're not single-minded and insecure.|||Not something I really know how to predict.|||Skyrim and understanding.|||Theoretically, it is supposed to be a good match. But in society I don't see ESTJs who are big on normality and gender roles liking ISTPs. Maybe ESTJ females, but it'd be in a weird way that could...|||Well, then we knock out all the teeth of cancer patients and put it under their pillow. It's all for science!|||Religion is the theory, spirituality is the practice. As an INTJ, I'd say it's utility depends solely on it's truth value.|||The movement has a core, even if it's not fully agreed upon. Just like most other movements... this part is only a phase of the movement also. It's easy to see that much. You're only seeing the...|||Hello and welcome.|||ESFJ lady, are all these habits conscious or unconscious? Do you think it's a female thing or a male thing? ESFJs are usually group oriented and love being with their inner circle of guys or...'
'Been really into CIA stuff lately, dunno why. Maybe I'm just living my childhood dreams of becoming a secret agent and because his Reddit AMA was really intriguing, but I've been reading Left of...|||The only confirmed INTP I know is a great friend of mine. She keeps me grounded with her logical reasoning when I'm too overly focused on making decisions that deeply affect me emotionally. But she's...|||I'm sure you won't! It's usually the inner child inside (dw, totally get you :P) that makes a dark situation seem hopeful at the end of the tunnel. You can become the wisest sage with the biggest...|||I'm sorry to hear it's taking a toll on you. :( It definitely takes a toll on me for the exact reasons you mention about not feeling like you're able to mention your own problems in fear that they...|||You've just ticked off the kind words bit hehe :proud:|||Kind words from strangers and/or loved ones. My dogs being silly. Dog videos. Witty puns. The undying love of elderly couples who still hold hands and walk together. CUTESSST.|||I think it will vary from individual to individual but at least you know how she approaches her problems and how she releases them to you and vice versa, so that's a start! :) It becomes a little...|||Don't compare yourself to other INFJs! Like others have mentioned, despite being a 'type' there is going to be diversity and variation because at the end of the day, we're all individuals! :) ...|||Not only did I see it but had to listen to it too. Could smell its stench from a mile away :dry:|||Yes!!! Most definitely. Watch this space :tongue: HAHAH! Looks like we both have something to cross off our to-do lists! :laughing:|||I cannot stand people who talk about themselves all day long. Although I really have to give them credit for being able to weave stories about themselves into any and every topic of conversation we...|||When the universe finally aligns for once in your life and all the opportunities you've been wanting are all presented to you (via merit and hard work nonetheless) but you have to make sacrifices...|||Yeah, have definitely felt the same too. I usually go into modes of solitude and then modes of 'I want to see everyone who is important in my life'. It becomes a little hard adjusting to solitude...|||Thanks for sharing your thoughts! I actually have had that book sitting on my shelf for over a year now but haven't had the chance to read it yet. Perhaps I'll make it my next to read book :)|||I've given the online dating scene a try and I just didn't like it. I personally just prefer meeting people in real life. Perhaps also because I didn't really give people who messaged me a chance. As...|||It's 3AM here and I actually lol'd at your comment. May have woken them up too. We must now *run run ruuuuun* like the handwork on that watch.|||Wow, they give out cards?! Sign me up! Hahaha. But yes, totally agree with you. We've seen how not so well the whole idea has turned out in practicality. Do you think they're coming to get us now?...|||1. Nope, I guess immortality would be kinda cool, but I'm content living my life and passing away like other normal humans :P 2. The stupid and cruel things they do at the expense of others. Humans...|||You mean that someone = you? :shocked: *puts on wary headgear* note to self: keep clear from reisiger, he knowsssss :laughing:|||Hahaha, you're welcome to take it. Sharing is caring :tongue: Yes, definitely! It's like, 'hey, wow, you're pretty cool, hope you think I'm cool too' :laughing:|||Not sure if I'm overanalysing your body language... oh were those raised eyebrows? Do you like me? Say something, gawd nanggit. You think you know me or that you feel really close to me but...|||This is definitely me! I posted something similar a while back in the You know you're an INFJ when... hahaha. I do this all the time with my current crush. I should probably gather the guts to ask...|||Bubbly, outgoing, warm, intimidating, hard-to-figure-out, random, weird, loyal, humorous, sentimental, too career driven (which came off as quite offensive to me because despite my ambitions,...|||Fair enough, I can see where you're coming from. I was just giving my thoughts on how I would approach the situation. I usually like clarity (and seems like that's what she's trying to achieve)...|||When a plethora of different imagined scenarios and detailed conversations with someone you fancy vividly play in your head (I swear I'm not crazy or obsessed :tongue:)|||That's very strange that he does the whole 180 degrees thing. :confused: I'm not too sure, but from my evaluation, it does seem like he has interest in you and there may be some truth to his...|||Definitely! But it's also great because it isn't just about growth and development. Vulnerability can deepen our perspective and sense of compassion towards others and ourselves. Since a lot of...|||Cannot agree anymore with you. Vulnerability is definitely a strength. Being vulnerable takes a lot of courage and self-awareness of one's own thoughts and feelings. It means taking risks and...|||I'm quite direct if I'm interested in someone as I've learnt over the years that playing subtle doesn't work (heck, making it obvious isn't 'obvious' to them sometimes either... :dry:) But I...|||I have bouts where I am really nostalgic, but like mentioned above, I don't really wish for things to be like the way they were in the past. I sometimes miss how some people in my life used to be but...|||I've also heard of this game. Was this the one where the character time travels or something?|||Another Aussie here :proud:|||I don't think I've ever been in love but I sure have felt a very strong liking towards someone... It could've and would've developed into love had he stayed. I think that was the strongest I've ever...|||I've definitely been embracing my Se a lot more as of recent. Dropping things last minute to go on camping/hiking adventures because that's what I want to do in that moment. Of course, that can get...|||Dear ENFP, Although I no longer feel for you the way I once did, I miss talking to you like we used to. Now our conversations are only ever initiated on a needs basis. I miss the old you, the you...|||When you can look back at what you've been through and no longer drown yourself in self-pity and/or immobilising sadness.|||*At a large party/networking event and doing small talk with randoms* What I say: Oh cool really? What you do is amazing. Tell me more... What I'm thinking: I actually don't care. I know you...|||My best friend is an ESFJ. We grew up with one another. She's so giving, selfless and kind. She's nonjudgemental, understanding and keeps me grounded in the here and now when I stress about things...|||Gender: female Age: 21-31 Intelligence: superior Openness: conservative MBTI personality profile: ESFP Closest alternative we found: ENFP Not sure where the ExFP came from... Have any INFJs...|||I also identify myself as a social and thinking introvert too. Could possibly be an INFJ trend, who knows :wink:|||I think it depends on the individual more so than their type, I believe. I know that despite being an introvert, I can sometimes fall into the well of introspecting too much to the point where my own...|||I do! Like you, OP, I love that feeling of being out in the mountains or just nature itself (would explain why I absolutely love going on hikes) and I also love little jewellery pieces that are...|||*Big virtual squishy hugs for all my fellow INFJs in this thread* *Virtual hug* Although, probably an entirely different context to your's but the feelings you express hit home for me (so...|||Feeling really anxious waiting for this email to come through. Have a bad feeling I didn't make it through but still have hope... :frustrating:|||For me, it'll depend on the situation, but most of the time I like to figure out my own problems myself. I feel like a burden otherwise. I usually go to loved ones to spew out my feelings once...|||When you feel that warmth when someone tells you, I trust your instincts, for the first time in your life.|||When your ISFJ friend tells you to stop overthinking everything and stop coming up with a million and one possible outcomes for things and you tell her, that's like telling me to stop breathing....|||I need to stop saying 'yes' to everything. Well, at least say 'yes' after checking my schedule/diary. Feck. :dry: :frustrating:|||It must be so difficult going through a LDR. A couple of my friends are going through LDRs as well. But the fact that both sides are willing to persevere and get through the distance makes it so...|||Chicken. So much chicken. :laughing:'
'I think the tree example works well. For me, Ne is wild. It progresses between related things very quickly. The relatedness of its topics is sometimes spacial, temporal, ideological....and sometimes...|||Post deleted. Too personal.|||I need a date with an INTJ! God dammit. Opps, wrong thread. lol|||I am on this website right now because I feel lonely and I don't want to do my homework. I don't understand people anymore, and I'm tired of them getting all flustered when I stand up for myself...|||Hell yeah! Go INFP's!|||Bah ... nevermind|||I don't know how you've come to that conclusion. Have we been reading the same thread? It seems to me that most INFP's desire an emotional bond before sex. If two INFPs knew each other and liked each...|||Their tendency to be self-deprecating a.k.a. This thread|||Oh really? I'd totally play in his sandbox. Bwhahaha... sorry, I had to. It was just too easy.|||Yes. I've had this issue too. I remember being really frustrated in statistics class because my professor would just throw equations at us and use super complicated statistical language without first...|||Is your avatar from a Flaming Lips concert? It looks just like a picture I have from Bonaroo 2010!|||Enjoy! http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/154244_459857721765_506076765_6089046_2517977_n.jpg 5 minute sketches...|||http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v336/chewtheloser/diadelosmuertos1.jpg?t=1325416382 http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/20646_267593971765_506076765_3899922_2984279_n.jpg|||And, to be frank, I love INTJs from a highly idealistic standpoint. Though I am very attracted to their qualities, I tend to admire them from afar. Their matter-of-factly way of speaking and wit...|||I like biology a lot too and theory in general (hence my interest in MBTI), but there is something about theoretical physics that I still haven't been able to identify that makes me want to take my...|||My friends make fun of me because I laugh really, really hard at my own dumb jokes... I also laugh at funny sounding words, but mostly I laugh at nonsensical thoughts that pop into my head.|||I was having a conversation the other day with my ENFP friend, who happens to be a chemistry major, when, on a whim, I admitted one of my darkest secrets: Theorectical physics totally turns me...|||Um... I've totally had that and a lot of things on here said to me. lol|||You speak the truth! lol|||Yes! Agreed! However, intelligence is also an evolutionary developement which occured to ensure the survival and dominance of our species. Instinct and intelligence are both designed to...|||I apologize in advance for how long this message will be. I have a lot to say. Some of it is venting, but I'd like to believe a lot of it is useful, too. *applause* Bravo! Bravo! Very good!...|||http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v336/chewtheloser/100_0221.jpg?t=1279298581|||Sometimes I call my really positive, upbeat ENFJ friends. (They are two of the four true friends I have) It takes a lot of will power to turn off the headphones, pick up the phone and dial, but I...|||If somebody said this to me, I think I'd crumple and melt into a pathetic puddle of goofy, senseless adoration. What a way to win my heart! Tell me I'm odd and that you love me still! *sigh* lol.|||(awkward silence) Why are you so weird? Has anyone ever told you that you're a strange girl? God, you're so weird. I've never met anyone like you. I miss you. Why don't you just do...|||For some people, yes, I am sure you are. lol. That being said, I spend my life looking for things that are intense and meaningful. My two best friends are ENFJs and I love that about them. They don't...|||Word up, Flora. lol. I totally agree! I was being defensive and childish, and thinking, I could post a thread asking what INFPs hate about INTJs, since INTJs seem to hate everything I say so...|||lol. That is SO something my Ex ENTJ would say. Is that you, J? lol. If so, read her words again and you will have officially read my mind about what it was like to be with you... especially the last...|||I just explained the whole thing in detail, but I think I'll just say, YES. lol|||Nevermind. This is useless.|||I assumed (and incorrectly in your case) that I was among people with completely differing opinions, willing to learn about themselves and others on this forum... not arrogant, pompous internet...|||Well, then! That makes more sense. I thought somebody was either confused or in denial about their personality type. I find that a lot of EXFXs want desperately to believe that they are rational...|||Call me crazy, but that statement does not seem to coincide with the nature of the introverted, analytical INTJ to me. It sounds very much like the opinion of an exraverted type rather than that of...|||City lfe, millions of people being lonesome together. ~ Henry David Thoreau Having been born and raised, and still presently living in New York City, I have some very strong sentiments about...|||You guys make me laugh... in a good way, of course!|||Lady Gaga? Ew.|||Everything. lol|||If you were referring to feelers in general then you were referring to all feelers. For someone who likes to ramble about how they are a thinker and how the conclusions they arrive at are always...|||I think that's a XNXP thing. This isn't relevant, but I love INTPs. How about I make it relevant: When INFPs pop up on your forum and randomly express their love for you. lol.|||I've learned a lot of things, and I've found that I keep learning the same lessons on a different scale as time passes. It's hard to think of the most fundamentally life altering. But for the sake of...|||smiling. hot. clean. hot.|||I'm sorry. I overreacted. Only the first reply to this thread was a joke. But it really, really pissed me off.|||I am really disappointed that a lot of you INFPs are treating this like a damn joke.|||As an INFP, as far as romantic relationships are concerned, a more practical approach for me would be to find someone... well, who values practicality more than I do. lol. And that means a EN*J. ...|||“Happiness is like a butterfly: the more you chase it, the more it will elude you, but if you turn your attention to other things, it will come and sit softly on your shoulder…”~ Thoreau We...|||[quote=android654;528655] Nope! I'm not just saying it. I'm an INFP, too! And you know what? There are a lot of apathetic people out there and I am not one of them. To me, that is paramount. I...|||Ooopss... I got excited. lol. Oh boy, forumgasm...lol.|||I ask myself this question every damn day. *sigh* lol.|||In High School I was obsessed with balding men. .. .... .|||It makes me sad to read this because I know I've done it. INFPs are VERY selective about who they let into their little world. I can't even begin to express how incredibly guarded we can be. But...'
'Mind bleach is what I'm in need of people. This image won't leave my head. Christ has left the building & Yoda is a puppet. 696993 Lotus fuckery. I sought enlightenment & this is what I've...|||If any one has any doubt of what I'm trying to say google lotus seeds...it's a pictorial representation of what I'm trying to express...sort of. I hope they look as horror inducing to you as they...|||Tell me lies, tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies. What's a lie you once told someone to make them feel better? & do you consider this immoral? Did you feel guilty? Or would you of felt guilty...|||Currently: Hash browns, bacon, both extra crispy; orange juice & coffee. Creamer as well! Ah. So generic, but... I'll throw in some egg drop soup, too.|||Forgot to update on the pizza fiasco...the pie wasn't the food poising culperate. I suspect ramen noodles. It remains a mystery thus far. In other news, besides eating healthy, recently I've...|||I had some mild food poisoning last night. I think it was the cheese pizza i ate last night at my big party I had with me myself & aye. I ate another slice this morning to test out my theory...wish...|||Extroverted introverts need to be studied closely. Divergents!|||If you have to force it is it probably shit? Or is all love a form of subtle manipulation? Whatcha think?? Love Wayne Dyer|||Yes. I meant pubic hair. There's pictures on the internet somewhere I'm sure.|||Still haven't figured out how to skinny up my nose though. It outs the fat truth.|||I'm not sure I am an entp. I just know I feel like one during & shortly after eating French fries. & then I crash & have annoying normal feelings again. How do I just stay entp without fast food?|||Why are you posting pictures of my twin soul?|||You're too kind here's an even better view though, 675994 676002 676010|||Here's another normal looking one: 675986 All about the angle & such!|||Same girl. Just hair down & at a side angle :)|||No? What do you think of this picture? 675970|||Wayne would so much approve !!!!!! Good girl. Much love!!!!!! :)|||Did you write this yourself or did it come in a Wayne Dyer book?|||Fat dark haired female here. :ninja: How do I keep it up? I always Peter out eventually or get my feelers hurt :(|||We can cheat & conversation in between if you're up for it :)|||Truth!!|||What would you say if you only had this next message to communicate at all? Your last words?|||I just wasn't able to be my true self really. For fear of being not enough of whatever I thought I should be. Now I'll tell you things like I'm fat. Before I wouldn't just come out & say it....|||Truth!!!|||I actually kinda forget how to play lol for truths I just ask you questions right? Do you think deep down that Meyers Briggs personality types are really just a big bunch of bullshit ?|||How about truth or dare?!|||Question my type ...maybe I was really an infp all along?! Anyone bored and want to question life & why things are the way they are with me? AGAIN? I'm older now & understand that I was the same...|||I like to write but I wouldn't say my writing is smooth or beautiful. Unless imperfect is your thang|||Pondering... Starting to think I'm an infp again. Maybe I should make an infp crush thread :p So sick of chasing feeling that ideal mood/feelings ya know? Ideally in a perfect world for me I...|||My mom is manipulative extremely judgmental & insanely controlling. And that's being kind. But yeah happy day! Your mom was cute.|||Whatcha mean? How's your circle thing beautiful? Some avatars are very ugly. My current one needs Photoshop to be ideal. Unfortunately I'm not talented at that :( I just have to be overweight with...|||I was there as a patient. And I'm not saying I didn't enjoy it at the time. I'm totally addicted to junk food. I just made the observation that if this was a place of supposed health them serving the...|||I know I've been posting a lot but I'm lonely & this place is an outlet Anyways...so I've spent some time observing hospital food. Not something I'm particularly proud of but it is what it is....|||Well I ate some coke & potato chips & don't really feel bad about it again. I'm weird. I also texted him again & told him I know I was rude but it's how I feel & I don't want to be fake nice to him...|||Why can't I be one of the ones that can wait?!!! :(|||The thing is I'm pretty sure that what I said to him had no affect even though if he said something similiar to me it would of hurt to hear it. So really I ended up being the only one suffering from...|||Something happened today where I told someone the truth via text. & it was in a rude blunt sort of way. But this person has been very very mean to me for a while now. In the moment when I texted...|||Darn it! Not from Mexico but I want all that too! Feel free to pm me :)|||Is the waiting necessary? If you didn't wait would you appreciate the not waiting? Is there a sweet spot? These are all questions I ponder while I wait & think deeply(ha)this morning.|||Thanks I'd be hot if I weren't fat. My son loves Van's. I got a pair of floral ones with him cause I still do stuff like that to feel hip & such.... ha again! How did your mom afford the...|||You're sweet. I did at the time especially in 6th grade think it was the worst thing ever. I just wanted to be cute & cool...I didn't know how to do my hair or know good hygiene then either. I just...|||Did you grow up with name brand shoes or did you live in shame? I went all elementary school and a tedious year in 6th grade with Walmart tennis shoes. I got made fun of for being Walmart infested....|||It's interesting how one can grow up in the country that I for all intent & purposes have & feel poor even though being spoiled rich but because being surrounded by even more spoiled & rich &...|||Fabi speaks perfect English now??|||Dear Josh, You're a fucking asshole. I'm tired of trying to make nice. I hope you're finally enjoying the breast implants you always wanted your hoe to have. Much bitterness & resentment, ...|||It's 2 in the morning & I can't sleep because among others things my mouth & teeth hurt. Oddly the only thing that makes it feel better is eating chewing. I have been eating all day or yesterday or...|||Except the expression Accept the percusussion While you were sleeping Bells were ringing Down to you Up to blue|||Just us for the meek Justice for the geek You pass on your thrill You pass on your drill Just us for the meek Justice for the geek|||I stay to stay well I say to say swelling I am not what I had I am not bad dad Do you joke to see Do you joke to be|||The matrix spoke of a truth that while not exactly like the movie I see truth in. I am drugged & in chains to addictions . If only I could take a pill to get OUT instead of stay in. Anyways as I...'
'I am on the borderline of introvertedness and extrovertedness, but my function orderings are more in line with that of ENTP. When I was younger and still very much in my shell I would have...|||Try breaking your gender role and make the first move. He may recoil in fear at the thought of intimacy but its more likely he will be flattered (ENTPs love an ego stroking) and maybe he is just shy...|||You sound like a hipster. A nerdy hipster.|||Yea, I'm into the petite girls that it doesn't scare the living crap out of. It's sexy. Edit: I'm a 6'5 230lb man actually, and I inadvertently intimidate a lot of people. But I'm a fucking teddy...|||~275 fatass at my heaviest. About ~225 and pretty cut-up now, with a little pudge on the belly. 6'5 I think losing weight and gaining confidence led to personality changes to the point that I now...|||I'm not into the whole lowered eyes/averted glance/playing coy thing. Return my full on stare and gaze into my eyes and this is about to go down.|||I think what we're having here is a failure to communicate. Human beings have emotions, cognitions and behaviors, but for whatever reasons, predispositions, environmental conditions etc. some of us...|||Dopamine is pretty fucking great isn't it? I don't think long term adderall use is a good idea because of eventual dopamine down regulation and heightened risk of hypertensive crisis but it can...|||Raised a Christian, became an atheist around 15. Ardent anti-theist and frequent blasphemer, I would probably be a lot more popular if I could possibly keep my mouth shut on the subject.|||I can't say my inner-dialogue mirrors that in any way. But it can definitely be pretty cruel particularly to myself but pretty frequently with those I'm close to as well. What helps me is to put that...|||As an ENTP do you remember having an awkward period in your life, where you weren't the easy-going social butterfly you are now? As a teenager I was a bit fat, highly intelligent but frequently...|||Unfortunately my casual flirting is far more advanced than my seductive flirting. I get a self-esteem boost out of getting girls to flirt with me, but most of the time it's just about having fun....|||I flirt up a storm because it makes me comfortable and at least seems to make girls feel more comfortable around me. The problem is I flirt so indiscriminately and with such little follow through...|||Green, Orange, Blue, Gold|||I used to sit figure-four frequently but consciously made myself adopt a masculine wide-legged stance at all times. I'm 6'5 and it works better for me anyway. I don't make too much of a habit of...|||Knowing that you are taken is probably a reason why he is so comfortable flirting with you. I have find myself behaving in this rather immoral fashion, but its not as much about trying to cuckold a...|||I'm 20 year old college student and live in a clique-rich environment. I feel that I am able to partially integrate myself into almost any social situation, but I have yet to feel like I truly belong...|||I am pretty consistently sorted into Ravenclaw, including by Pottermore. I don't think broad conclusions can be drawn but I like to think of Ravenclaw as NT, Hufflepuff as SF, Slytherin as ST, and...|||Would it be unfair to say the houses roughly correspond to temperaments Ravenclaw (NT) Gryffindor (NF) Hufflepuff (SF) Slytherin (ST) Or... Ravenclaw (Melancholic)|||It seems to me like the xNFP-xNTP combo has the potential to be a mutually beneficial relationship if communication barriers can be overcome. Both appear to have a fear of rocking the boat, and may...|||Yea, this is something he has to overcome. It seems like you made yourself abundantly clear.|||I can't speak for all INTPs, but as a guy who is pretty much in the converse of your situation (I'd type her as an INFP) I would say that it is likely due to sexual inexperience and difficulty with...|||The only disagreement I have with this is that the Buddhist doesn't truly believe that this moment is real. Temporality is an illusion. Granted, this realization really enables one to live every...|||Honestly I am fairly distrustful of people who compliment my appearance. But I love being told how smart, insightful, valuable my contributions to conversation are. I have pretty weak Fe that...|||Strong 4. Used to be 5 and 8. But since becoming more like 1, My eccentricity and nonchalance are apparently endearing so treated like a 9... Which is less important now than it would have been when...|||I use to be a prolific gamer in my not so distant teenage years, but have hardly touched a joystick in the last couple. That being said my favorite games were RPGs like The Elder Scrolls, Fallout,...|||I can be cold and confrontational with most men, but I have a soft spot in my heart for women.|||I am for a society based on voluntary exchange. The state is by nature a compulsive entity. The function of government is to protect people from fraud and from violence, not to perpetrate it....|||6-5-2-7-3-8-9-1-4|||x01660 I used to think pretty much the exact same way, but I've found that working out is great thinking or music time. And if you have somewhere or someone to vent to in a way you're comfortable...|||Was a pretty serious gamer/geek in my youth but have grown out of it for the most part. I picked up Skyrim and ME3 this year but I hardly played either. As for porn, I binge then abstain. I'll go for...|||Walking is a great time for introspection, and its more positive when I'm active and on the move than it is on the couch. If I pass someone I just smile at them if I have my mp3 player in or just say...|||INTP, Ravenclaw. Big Harry Potter fan and always identified with the house.|||6w5 9v1 2v3 Type 6: Rigidity in diet causes nutritional imbalances (I don't like vegetables.) Working excessively. Caffeine and amphetamines for stamina, but also alcohol and depressants to...|||Hello everyone. I'm relatively new to MBTI and enneagram but I am interested in their use as a framework to help better understand people, which admittedly has been an issue for me throughout my...'
Mhmmm, typing someone by the way they write... Interesting (and probably irrelevant at some level). I do give a shit about what people know about me, I could describe myself as a 'whole' made of...|||Thanks for your answers. GreyJedi What do you meant by 'the information is lacking' ?|||Hi. For a while now I've been taking tests on different sites and I always score INFJ (mostly) or INTJ. For example, this were my SLOAN (Big 5) results: Extroversion||||||||||32%...|||I'm an ISTP and got... ISTP. lol EDIT: Did it again with my 'good' answers and got ESTP. Weird|||Would you mind explaining why? I would like to hear more on the unstable ESTJ possibility.|||Haha. I'm conscious that 'love' has nothing to do with cognitive functions, but it can explain our behavior. I'm trying to be more sensitive and verbal with him lately. It was his birthday yesterday...|||lookslikeiwin Thank you a lot for your analysis.|||Okaaay honey you won't believe me OMG!! You know Katy? No noooo not the Katy who was soooo drunk last weekend the oth...wait by the way do you know where she got her blue dress ?? ANYWAYS you know...|||Oh and, I don't know if this has anything to do with cognitive functions, but he has a really good sense of direction. Mine is not that good, I would get lost in a city without him...|||Well made test. I got INFJ. Lately I've scored INFJ on most of the tests I took. Mhmmm..|||lookslikeiwin -Does he seem to act more on black-and-white morals, or is there gray area? There's gray area for sure. I would not say he has morals. He will get angry when people try to control...|||Se dom makes sense... But the person who introduced me to MBTI told me that my boyfriend (who was barely my friend back to these days) was an ENFJ. Do you guys think ENFJ could be a possibility...?|||Thank you all for your answers. I do agree that he fits all Se descriptions. He's very in touch with his environment (he's skilled at skateboarding and everything that needs a good balance), is...|||Hi everyone. I've been best friend with a guy for 2 years and now we are dating. Since he doesn't want to take any personality tests, and that I'm curious of what his type might be, I've thought of...|||Hi! I answered the questionnaire. Please help me and read it! 1. Is there anything that may affect the way you answer the questions? For example, a stressful time, mental illness, medications,...|||Hi. Hope you're all having a good day. My name is Gabrielle, I love the wind and the wild..|||2-7-8? Thats a tritype? I coule be a 7? 7w8 ?|||No, not daily. Tolerance is quickly built with shrooms. We would take 10 capsules a night, sometimes more, sometimes less. We did that a lot of nights to try with different timing. The best was 4...|||1. What do you think your life is about? What drives you in life? This can be something like a goal or a purpose, or anything else that comes to mind. Life is about what you make out of it. Freedom...|||So it's alright if I edit my profile as an ESTP?|||The look at the facts of a situation, quickly decide what should be done, execute the action, and move on to the next thing. Yeah ESTPs have a strong flair for drama and style. They're...|||No it doesn't anymore. Now It affects me in a social way mostly.|||Well I am not Amine but I'm gonna elaborate because I relate a lot to what they said. I don't know how many times I've tripped on shrooms, but I remember the first trips were mindblowing, a trip...|||Type me if you can! I'm pretty sure to be an extrovert. The rest is yours! 1) What aspect of your personality made you unsure of your type? Unsure of my MBTI knowledge/ Self perceptions are...|||Hello! Now that we've been introduced, you can bow to me. (Joke. Pleased to meet you all)|||Thank you guys.|||Well, I believe that functions tests are kinda bullshit, because MBTI is about a pattern of functions and not individual functions. Ni works with Se, Ne with Si, Fe/Ti and Te/Fi. But I will give it a...|||h ttp://personalitycafe.com/whats-my-personality-type/346906-fi-te-user-tell-me-what-you-think.html Do you guys relate? Or am I more SFPish?|||Thank you (It didn't cross my mind that people would waste their time welcoming someone 'just for the thank'. Silly people..)|||You score for primary psychopathy (3.7) was higher than 87.41% of people who have taken this test. You score for secondary psychopathy (3.3) was higher than 81.09% of people who have taken this...|||I edited my profile as ESFP for the moment. Anyone else?|||Hi INTJ fellow.|||Thanks for the quick answer. So my axis would be Fi/Te and Ni/Se... I guess I fit SFP descriptions better than NTJ.. So it leaves me with ESFP and ISFP as you said. Mhmm...|||Thank you.|||Filled up a questionnaire. Please give it a try. 1. Is there anything that may affect the way you answer the questions? For example, a stressful time, mental illness, medications, special life...|||Hello. My name is Bee, or Luna, or whatever you feel like calling me. Pleased to meet you all.|||Yeah, I agree with Donnie being an ISTP. I actually relate a lot to him, that's kinda why it's my favorite movie, along with the whole vibe in the movie and themes.|||Hey guys, any of you know the French band Cocorosie? They're one of my favorite band ever. What would you type them by their music (if that's possible) ? ...|||ENxJ I would say, since Fe/Te is about organizing the external world. INxJ too. A lot of INFJs have OCD too, which can appear as 'control freak' imo|||Yep I just watched some episodes, definitely inferior Fe for Malcolm, INTP I agree ESFJ is good for Hal. He's so fucking crazy the faces he makes are priceless!|||I must say this has always been my favorite show. What would you guys type the main characters? Here my guess: Malcolm: xNTP Reese: ESxP Dewie: Ixxx Francis: ???? (fav character. I identify...|||Ksilva I enjoyed your Analysis, thank you for so much details. I do find myself attracted to Ni descriptions, but that could be tertiary ISTP Ni. And even if I prefer not bothering myself with...|||Thank you for your answers it is appreciated. Ksilva would you mind explaining me why possibily ENTJ? stiletto same to you, why ISTJ?|||Second questionnaire I fill. Just give it a try! 1) What aspect of your personality made you unsure of your type? I have difficulties identifying myself with a specific pattern. 2) What do...|||Thanks. I was guessing IxTx... She's one of the character I identify most with (I'm not as great at fighting, of course) and these characters are kinda rare, so I wanted to know. I don't know why,...|||Hi. Has anyone watched the movie 'HANNA' ? What would you type her, her father/mother and Marissa?|||Mother and Father are with me, on the lawn, the grass is green. Oh the sky is so blue and the air so warm, and Mother is wearing her most beautiful summer dress, Father is smiling. The cotton is...|||Yeah, I get what you mean. You just know what to do to solve the problem, it pops in your head without knowing why. By the way I adore your avatar. Simon Stalenhag is such a great graphist, I...|||Block I General to specific, specific to general – what does it mean? -Zooming in and out of a subject. General is broad and specific are the details. General is out and specific is in. What...|||Thank you all for you answers. I don't have internet on week days, sorry for being late. heartofpompeii I relate to what you say a lot. 'Vibes' + 'connectedness'. I also have anxiety, it took me a...
'My experience with an ISFP lover was that the Ni-dom/Se-inf in me + Se-aux/Ni-tert in her made for some amazing underneath communication and extraordinarily sensual/physical/sexual connection with...|||On reflection - For myself, I've found it clearer to think about it terms of literal versus associational thinking/interaction (rather than direct/indirect).|||Noelle re: random note - computer security issues make it difficult for me to log onto this site, so I'm only here every so often when I have access to a different machine. Wish it weren't so!|||I wish I had more time to speak to this, and I don't know when I'll be able to log back into the site again for a while. I have a lot to say on this topic and would enjoy the opportunity to reflect...|||^ ^ Truth! (for me also) I seldom have the chance to log into the site anymore, but this little bit of insight made the visit worth it all by itself.|||In my case, this only happens in specific circumstances (not generally when being social) and in my case when this happens, it's usually what I call Ni perception served by Se information -...|||For me, very clearly INTJ but with a caveat: As long as we're speaking more from/about our inner perception rather than from or through our aux functions.|||The only useful thing about Sociononics for me is its focus on Fe as a way to affect my environment rather than how I have experienced Fe, which is a sometimes harmful over-valuing of external...|||Well, the chance after chance thing also has a downside. At minimum, it can drain energy in some cases. There have been plenty of times I knew in my gut what I should do pretty early on, but held off...|||This is true for me as well. And: Piscean Princess, I finally got to log onto the site and read this thread - and the above meshes so closely with our discussions, it's eerie. Especially that...|||fuck you. you are a repressed little panda. I'm sick and tired of having to hold myself back because whenever I'm around you, because you can't handle the starkness of the prodigious flow of natural...|||Okay, will take your word for this (see below) So you think Brown is himself Ni dom? I think there would be a real difference in feel if he was writing from his own perspective versus writing...|||Oh, there you go bringing class into it again. Honestly, I thought we were an autonomous collective.|||I haven't read any Dan Brown stuff and don't plan to, so don't have a perspective on the main question you're asking ... but I was struck by this part of what you wrote: Being romanticized can...|||Her internal Fi values act as a filter. I don't know about static/straightforward. I wonder if the OP or any discussion in this thread about Fi-dom versus Fe-aux will be useful in illustrating what I...|||My basic sleep minimum for good health is around 10 hours. Is it a vice? I don't know. I have thought of it as a handicap. But I'm watching the recent news items about how sleep cleans the...|||I lack a sense of direction as well. It's either Se-inf, and/or the fact that my people wandered for 40 years in the desert (presumably because they were lost and couldn't figure out WTF) and/or...|||I don't think it's generic NF though. My INFP doesn't have this problem at ALL. She's Fi-dom and that is a whole different approach to the world.|||Fi-dom/Te-inf argument mode .... try having one of those experiences in person! (or ... don't. it's not fun)|||Saw the thread title, thought, Unfortunately, Fi then came in to see that in others' answers. I say unfortunately because my mate is Fi-dom. And if I dig deeper, the truth is Fi bothers me but...|||Don't tell my fiancee!|||My results were pretty extreme so: 45 sp: 39 sx: 3 whatever that means.|||I don't know if this is the same, but I was thinking last night about how I persistently feel like I'm an imposter when I'm doing paid work requiring a lot of Fe (or Fe-Ti). Those functions aren't...|||I think pus is worse than blood. But that's just me.|||Even when I'm really unsettled/riled from other experiences, being in the room when my beloved does Reiki (the real deal) on the bird feels immediately and strongly good good good - in my body, in my...|||I can't help but picture that scene from Run Fat Boy Run where the friend pops the HUGE boil for Simon Pegg's character.|||I remember when I left for college (decades ago), there seemed to be so much more legitimacy for me being away from and missing my significant other than there was for the heartbreak of being away...|||Oh hell no. I'm vegan Se-inf and blood/tissue smells like meat in the worst possible way that such a thing is possible. So ... I guess by this standard, the farting is a never thing for my...|||I despise my Fe-aux right now. Just fucking disgusted with it. I suspect it's been this way all along, but now with this process of Ni-Se return, I can really gut-level perceive - almost in real time...|||This is why I like reckful's suggestion (quoted in my previous comment), if you can manage it. I am aware that it's a very Ni approach in a lot of ways, though. I don't know if it's an INFJ...|||^ ^ This! This! I like this! (But I wonder, is this just a couple of Ni doms wanting a Ne-dom to take a more Ni approach).|||I think this is a truly wonderful idea! Would you still need to hire movers if you were just going to another unit in the same complex? If so, I wonder if the apartment complex itself (management...|||Tangent, but: This exchange is freaking adorable and so very true to life for me. It reminds me of clashes between me and my Ne-aux. I also think this came up in a conversation with me and Ballast...|||I actually think I get this. It reminds me to some extent of how my INFP mate approaches things. IMO the main reason I understand what you're saying here (assuming I do) is my learning about Ne and...|||Random thought: Keep in mind that Ne and Ni process possibilities very differently. Ni takes articulated possibilities much more seriously than does Ne. I've seen this in dialogue with my Ne-aux mate...|||Hmmmm. I don't know how he experiences this communication. I can say that in a very very different context, I've been messed with by the aggressive push from my Fi-dom mate simply standing in her Fi...|||If this possible relationship is stressing you out this much before it even becomes a relationship, I strongly question whether it would be a good relationship for you to be in at all. Just...|||My suggestion: Instead of approaching this as arguing a case, I suggest you consider it a matter of mutual communication and respect. There seems to be a need for the two of you to discuss what...|||Just as a contrasting data point: In my case, any irritation I have has nothing to do with my label and everything to do with my gut-level feel of the energy that comes alone with the special...|||And I've since posted in other places on PerC (more in comments than in started threads if I recall) that I really don't believe that this experience is specific to INFJs. For example, both my INFP...|||INTJs, I nearly always learn at deep levels when I'm in dialogue with you.|||Oooooh, it's a PerC trope now? A real trope? Wow! I remember when it all began. I was a regular Bago fan*. But it was over when she had the plan. To start writing gobs and gobs of spam. Now the only...|||Hmmm ... I don't see being moved when you encounter emotionally charged stories, relating to the characters and feeling that you feel what they feel as necessarily INFJ-specific. Why do you link that...|||No worries. I should warn you that my energy is going to be limited for this discussion because of my Fe-Ti exhaustion tendencies these days (interactions requiring a lot of Fe and Ti tend to drain...|||Yeah, I was being pretty flip in my response. I don't see it as homophobia, I see it as aspects of my community that irritate the hell out of me. I assumed you were coming from a similar space. Was I...|||Yeah, meetups can be good and book club meetups are my favorite kind. And there are all sorts of flavors of book club meetups. I've gravitated to lesbian/LGBT book clubs - not saying you should do...|||Hmmm. This makes me wonder, is it homophobia when my INFP and I make fun of Michfest and greatly enjoy Lisa Koch's I Won't Survive (The Festival)? I would be quite petrified to find myself there...|||I don't know if this will help, but - my experience in interaction with an ENFJ showed me what I think are some differences between Ni in service to Fe with inferior Ti (ENFJ) and Fe as an aux...|||I agree. No need to slam Fi like that. My INFP doesn't talk about herself all the time. My observation with her is that Fi positions the self as a cognitive reference point in certain ways. I...|||I have that response quite often when I see comments from that particular individual. For me it's like - I don't get it, this is the sloppiest, most bizarrely jumbled and incoherent thinking I have...'
'I'm ESTP and I got Ravenclaw and Wampus. The two houses seem so different but I think they both fit me.|||Asura How does repressed Ni present itself in your daily life? I don't mean such as falling into a grip and allowing it to take over I mean more of does it have a small impact on your regular day?...|||Just try to be friendly when you talk to others. Make sure you are genuine though. Ask them questions. People love to talk about themselves. Maybe others are used to you being silent and...|||How about scan my surroundings to make sure that I'm not going to be the next dead body. Then check for pulse, poke with stick, call the cops, and still scan my surroundings to make sure that I...|||At least for myself, I get bored quite easily. If the conversation is boring, I will be looking around the room for something interesting. People say that I'm easily distracted but from my point of...|||Scenario 1 - You are home alone, it's dinner time, and you must decide how to feed yourself. What's your thought process and what is the most likely thing you end up doing? Hmmm... I'm hungry. ...|||I don't really relate to any of them. The closest would be deredere but it doesn't really fit.|||Not sure what it all means, but for me it had everything open except sacral and heart, which were under-active. Root:open(56%) Sacral:under-active(-12%) Navel:open(38%)...|||I feel like I see my life as a merge of the two views. One the one hand, I would not be who I am now without my past. Some areas of my life would need to be viewed in the whole to make sense, like...|||I think the negative stereotypes of the ESxPs when they first encounter MBTI just pushes them away from it. I'm supposed to be some jock who is great at sports as an ESTP. I'm supposed to have a...|||Thanks for your help. I figured out I'm a 7w6. Looking at the motivations of the types rather than the descriptions helps a lot.|||Yes! Thank you for not picking a monkey. I'm not sure exactly why, but I've never liked them. I think parrots are the perfect choice.|||This seems like fun. Here's mine. Type DOx92S DONx92TS|||Since the I is non-negotiable, I would probably say ISFJ. I think I get along quite well with the ones I know irl. ISTP would probably be good as well.|||I have yet to figure mine out. I can see a bit of me in all of them and none of them have clicked. It took a while before I could figure out my MBTI type too. So I think I'll get it eventually. ...|||xTheCaramelQueenx -- Thanks, although it is easy to be principled in hypothetical situations. Sometimes we can surprise ourselves in reality. Shoulder to wrist! That's a big one. Mine's little and...|||I totally agree with sensational's post. I think she hit the nail on the head. I too am super open in general conversation, unless I am getting bad vibes I will probably tell you everything that is...|||This seems like fun. Here are my responses. You're standing in line at your local supermarket, and some teen cuts in front of you. What would you think inwardly? Do outwardly? I would think...|||1) How old are you? 24 2) Where do you live? Midwest 3) What do you do? Grad Student studying math. Undergrad was in Biology. 4) What do you and your friends do together?|||Do you like traveling? Why or why not? If so, how much/how important is it to you (is it something you enjoy or something you make a point of getting as much as you can in)? I do love to travel. ...|||I got ISTP. I am prone to mistype as ISTP though. While I do love sharks, I definitely relate more to their fox description.|||I'm not sure. Independence and Honesty are too really good ones. I don't know of one word to describe it but I really like ambition and contentment at the same time. Like you have goals but you...|||MBTI Type- ESTP Gender- Male How much are you into gaming- I would say 75/100. They are one of my favorite hobbies. How frequently do you game?- Maybe every other day. More often if I get a new...|||I was homeschooled K-12 and never had trouble in any classes except for spelling. One benefit from this is that I was not allowed to go do fun stuff until I had finished my schoolwork. It helped...|||I very much need some outside stimulation as well. The lack thereof usually just makes me bored and sleepy. After a while it will build up to a stir-crazy feeling. If it even continues after that,...|||I would say I get empathy pangs too. However, they don't physically hurt me. It's more like a bad feeling in my gut. The main issue that causes them for me is not so much unjust suffering. (though...|||Venting can be quite helpful eh? I do not work well with people that I think are totally incompetent. If you know how to do your job and are not a big box of complaining, then I will enjoy...|||I had mistyped as an ISTP before. Some of the reasons why were: I am usually the talk in the corner type at most parties I've been to. I was/am a lego building, video game playing, science...|||The very first one I took was probably over ten years ago by now. However, I tested not according to my personality but what I thought would have been the best thing to do. So I got ISTJ. It was...|||I myself was homeschooled for K-12. I really enjoyed that as it was much easier for me to get a focus on courses I liked. Also, it made me get stuff done. I wanted to go play outside, then I...|||The traits I admire in others usually aren't correlated to extroversion or introversion. In one way, I think it would be nice to be able to get recharge from a solitary walk. I hate doing stuff...|||I have a really bad sweet tooth, particularly baked sweets like cookies and pastries. I don't usually think about snacking on them. However, if they are available, then I will always have them in...|||For myself, I usually bring some fantasy/adventure book or a portable game via nintendo ds. I usually alternate between that and trying to sleep. It's quite boring but I don't fly often enough for...|||^This is me as well. Like I know I'm no good at basketball so I don't really care if I win or lose. However, I get really annoyed if someone is going totally all out on me on something I'm just...|||If I am interested in someone but then through conversations I get the thought that we would not make a good match i.e. (they dislike kids, I love kids), (they can't take a joke and are totally...|||That first video was long! Didn't watch all of it, but I didn't get any vibes going against ESTP. It just seemed like a typical kinda conversation to me, nothing really sticks out other than the...|||After sleeping on it, I think I'm an ESTP. It just clicks more. Thank you everyone for your help. Funny as I'm the opposite of my INFJ older brother then. Newbie Const, It said creative...|||I would say that the stressed ESTP is more like me. I get more withdrawn and I do get gloomy about the future. But both have the gloominess. I think I'm leaning more toward ESTP for my...|||From those resources. More people would say that I am cautious than reckless. So that's a point toward ISTP. And for ESTP, I do feel like I abandon projects a bit too quickly. That's why I don't...|||Oh, this is a toughy. I can easily see myself in both. If it makes sense, Aux Ti sounds more like me than Dom Ti, and Aux Se sounds more like me than Dom Se. I don't know if that helps at all. ...|||So here's what I got. Dominant Ti (IXTP): Yes. Totally Me -(Most explanations are too long-winded and technical, and could easily be simplified. Let me hear the idea or new data; Ix92m going to...|||If I feel that they are irritated, I would probably poke them first to try to get them to lighten up or change the subject. If that doesn't work, then I would probably straight up ask them what's...|||Hey all! If you could help me determine my type, I'd really appreciate it. :) I answered one of the questionnaires at the top. I took longer than I expected. :P Let me know if you have any...'
'First I wanted to say, you sound SO ENFP here :D Your thoughts remind me of some livejournaling I did when I was your age (I'm 29 now). We process things internally, which (for me) means alone and...|||So I typed the letters out first, and I realized they are sort of ordered by preference. What can I say, I love intuitive perceivers. ENFP: a little aloof, but also open and easy to talk to....|||this guy. at least get to oh hey man! cornettos! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mLmuYB2c8lM|||mom's an ISFJ and i'm allllmost convinced dad's another ENFP. it's confusing typing other ENFPs for me because they can be so similar but so different than me. my family is primarily iNtuitive. i...|||84274|||actually sorry, I didn't realize the OP is an ENTP. i realize you probably aren't worried about the same things an ENFP would be. i would still advise getting drunk. but not so drunk that you...|||Those damn Se users...they are so effortlessly cool, they just move their body like they aren't wondering what everyone around them is thinking and they aren't hyper analyzing every thought that...|||Of REALLY wanting someone, more than anything else, and then once you get what you want, knowing that you can't guarantee you will keep them forever. Things can be so good, but you never know if or...|||hahahaha my ENTP bf sent Stonehenge youtube to me right as i was watching this.|||i like the dubstep!!|||i have also unlocked this level of ENTP. he is talking about baby names and getting a house. i really hope we don't have a boy because i will not agree to name him john shepard. from my extensive...|||i love gift giving. Christmas is one of my favorite times of the year and i go way above and beyond to make sure my special people have the PERFECT gift.|||Man, I feel badly for you. My poor ENTP bf is running into this a lot at work. People that he works with every day are perceiving him as arrogant/not listening/abrupt/dismissive while his patients...|||When I was younger I gained a lot of weight. I ate all sorts of junk and my boyfriend was a pothead. I got to a point where I just HAD to do something, and I ended up loosing 110 lbs over 5 years....|||Wut?! Not acceptable!|||I would say, when you do x, it hurts my feelings because I asked you not to do it and now I feel like you don't care that you're making me feel bad. I bet you will only have to say this once. Also...|||Also, I CANNOT ABIDE the thought of being a single mom, and having already been divorced once I am scared shitless of the (statistically quite likely) idea of having another marriage fall apart but...|||Ok, I just wanted to say I came in here expecting to be in the minority but most of you exactly mirror my thoughts in the subject! I am, at this point in my life (29, which I just had to subtract to...|||When my ENTP bf is drunk he calls me and gets all sappy & mushy. Y'all are adorable. My question: Do m(any) of you relate to being super adverse to something for the principle of it/possibly...|||I am extremely loyal to the point of hanging on when I should have cut and run for my own good. The two INTJs in my life that decided I wasn't right for them anymore (my personality was like nails on...|||Hell yes - like a lot of you guys, I used to think i was an INFP. I would have panic attacks and be super hyper focused on what could go wrong in social settings (this invariably meant, if i said or...|||this is so me, and it can be super difficult to explain this to yourself/someone else. i've had people call me out on not being myself, but I genuinely feel like I'm being myself even when I'm...|||For me, the test can be misleading on T vs F and sometimes J vs P depending on how I feel that day (it sometimes even scores me as an I instead of an E, although I've never tested as a Sensor, thank...|||i'm no expert but I'd study Fi vs Fe. I don't get Fe at all but I get teary when I read people's descriptions of Fi. Secondly study Ti vs Te, which was a bit trickier for me to get a handle on but...|||I was on OKC for years - sadly it's not the norm. That's pure double Ne you see there. I met my current bf on there, but he was a 98% match. I'd be scared of a 47% match.|||oh god so true.|||lol. sounds like a conversation between me & my ENTP bf. I guarantee you if they didn't know what Ne-dom was they went and googled it and now possibly know more about it than you :p we are curious...|||I think there are people of every belief that try to force their views on others. I would certainly never try to do that.|||IMHO INFPs are the ultimate hippie. I have three in my family alone. SO CRUNCHY OMG.|||I'm an atheist. Never had an experience that convinced me otherwise.|||I have an enormous...libido. Hang ups are a waste of time when you could be having fun sex! I love when you meet someone super compatible with you and their face just smells SO GOOD for no reason and...|||SO ELOQUENT, man. This is totally why I don't get the crusader mindset. My Fi says, believe what you believe and let everyone else do their own thing. So not a recipe for enacting change.|||I LOVE to collect (beautiful/strange/interesting) objects. I don't get super attached to them but I love the newness. I often vaguely feel like I should volunteer or help but I don't. I just...|||I am! It's been a year and a half and we are sickeningly cute and we are totally getting married. He said so.|||Hi! Lemme know if you need anyone else to talk to :)|||I LOVE to be alone! But like @nádej said, I am always communicating with text or facebook.|||I totally feel this. What's so weird for me is how I can think I look terrific one day (I actually have great self confidence) and the next wonder how anyone could see me as attractive. I also...|||I do not think I have an addictive personality since I can't stick with anything longer than a few months. I've experimented with most things and have really come to dislike drugs, and I drink in...|||YES. I love dynamics like this.|||Soooo...I do this. And it makes me sad. Like Panzer said, it has to do with my life changing. As I've gotten older I see more patterns and this is one. I get really apathetic sometimes, usually at...|||have you tried setting ________ on fire? have you tried punching ________ in the face? - my ENTP boyfriends answer to every problem or RRRRAAAAAAARRRGGHHHHHH I'M A BEAR|||Who, me? No way :p Unless you mean the tradition of EXXXs liking attention :D|||This conversation reminded me of this hilarious article that y'all have probably seen, but is very relevant...The ninth circle of cool bros* pleasebeniceto.me * @Alysaria I think the concept of...|||Yeah, I like it too...it feels very reliable. In the end, it may be the same result, but the attitude and thought taken to get there can be quite different. I can see how, given the recent...|||Sex, then love. I enjoy sex immensely, and have had purely sexual relationships that I remember fondly. However, it takes me a very long time to trust a person to the extent that I would then feel...|||I wasn't aware that y'all were allowed to be anything other than those two things :tongue: Seriously of all the ENTPs I know, two are doctors and three are engineers (oh, and one lawyer), all...|||So I have been dating an ENTP and he has been teaching me (without meaning to, of course) about Fe. It's been really interesting and I recently had a realization that I wanted to share. The big...|||not to steal your words...but that is exactly what I came here to say! :happy: i have a strong artistic opinion and like things to be pretty, well arranged and complementary, and I think people pick...|||Omg Tridentus that made me lol so hard|||I was married to a man who didn't want to be monogamous, and I thought I could get into that. I am perfectly capable of having a sexual fling and not getting feelings attached, and remaining deeply...'
When Newtonx92s first law of motion can describe your social life. (An object that is at rest will stay at rest unless an unbalanced force acts upon it. An object that is in motion will not change its...|||When it comes to picked an INTP out of a crowd, and am 5/5of those I have been able to convince to take the Myers Briggs Test. But when Itry and put into words what nuances clue me in… I can’t. It...|||Wow, that is really interesting. And, now you have mewondering how I laugh… How dose giggling effect your S/N theory?|||***** On the other hand* About the original thread's intent: Logically - you wouldn't spot someone by their type. Unless you can break it down to a science, but you'd never be able to intuitively do...|||First off, I love the play on Ni (intuitive introversion.) Thatis our dominant function right? Ha ha. We could start a club.Ni dominant functions only! Get a fewINTJs, ENTPs, ENFPsx85 Can you just...|||My best friend is an ISFP, and it is amazing how well we click.But, I think it is more than just a type. She has qualities of honesty,loyalty, generosity, sensitivity, and she has this awareness that...|||I sort of am this strange mix of smart, dizzy, deep, andsimple. Tack on the fact that I can be shy in unknown situations but outgoingin other situations, and there you go: dichotomous, INFJ me. J ...|||I find it interesting that you should say ExTP’s morals are not as strong because of their social versatility. You see, I find that I can do that too. Isn’t it just easier to agree for the sake of...|||In Antonie De Saint-exupery’s book The Little Prince he talked about a rose. This rose thought she was “the only one of her kind in all the universe.” But this was not true. In his journey the little...|||I am not sure how this is going to work out, but I think it is worth a try. I heard several INFJs say they felt less unique once they found out they were a type, and immediately I felt for them. Even...|||I was tied for physical touch and words of affirmation, but then just one point away was a tied again with score for acts of service and quality time. Oh, and Gifts? 1 and even there it was a...|||How about Frank Abagnale Jr. from the movie Catch Me If You Can as played by Leonardo DiCaprio? Would you clam that character? And if that is too close to reality, being that it is based off a true...|||OK, I just wanted to say one final thing on behalf of the ESFPs, and Sensing types in general. The ESFPs that I know tend to be world travelers, and have a genuine appreciation for the cultures they...|||NO!!!! Who would do such a thing? My experience has been that ESFP’s are great! Happy, compassionate, artistic, and oh! the presence projected from an ESFP? AWESOME! They can make me laugh no matter...|||RobynC: Makes sense to me. Why would an introvert want to be out in the field? The social gatherings, small talk, and no escape until the job is done! Sounds like a set up for burn out. Not that an...|||Dose finding yourself with a following count? I don’t look for positions of authority, but I find myself in teaching and mentoring roles a lot. Somehow I become everyone’s rock and pillar; I ground...|||I would agree with the ExFx theory. I mean, can you really be good at something if you’re oblivious to it? There seems to be an element of misinterpretation on the part of people’s reaction to INFJs....|||I have never thought to count. But I know I get it a lot. Sometimes I can trace it back to something that I was thinking about that just happened to be similar to what just happened. Sometimes it was...|||Hi Everyone, I was talking with my INFP friend the other day about the differences in our dominant functions. And we understood most everything until we got to extroverted intuition. How does that...|||Finally!!! People who understand. J I don’t flirt. I talk to people and enjoy establishing a rapport. None of my friends believe me though. There was one time I did flirt, and I knew I was...|||Alone, but with someonex85 yeah, I get that.|||Yes, since in early adolescents our higher cognitive function is being to developed, I wonder how that impacts our N functioning, which is already prone to such things. If as intuitive we are able to...|||That is interesting. I have always heard the I/E can be seen as early as birth- 6 months. It is theorized that extroverts need more stimulation so they seek it out at 6 months, but before then they...|||I agree, people show us far more than they realize. I have been known to make a statement about a person and have them wondering how I knew. I mean we had just met! The answer I tell them is that...|||Funny, I have wondered the same about myself. As a child I was always running around talking to people and making friends. So for years I was labeled as an extrovert. However, I have learned that...|||I was thinking more along the lines of them being washed with cold water and allowed to air dry, but your answer has a sort of logic to it. I am persuaded. You have the floor, set your trap. J|||I think the answer can be derived from examples of its proper usage. Example: “I feel like you are attacking me.” “I felt really loved when you said…” “I feel like just sitting in the shade and...|||The Great NT Build A Better Mousetrap Challenge! What is a mousetrap? For the sack of the game a mousetrap is a verbal or numerical riddle. What is the goal? The goal is to be the one to post a...|||So would it be safe to say that most ENTPs would get more satisfaction from beating the latest mouse trap than building one?|||Sorry for the intrusion, but I was wondering x85 If an ENTP is told x93Canx92t be done.x94 Is there a little voice inside that adds, x93x85 but only because I havenx92t tried.x94|||I am an INFJ and I am a type 1 with a 2 wing.|||Mina! So glad you’re here. Hope to see you round the forum. J|||Really Mina? That is so cool, cause my best friend is an ISFP, and I think she is really awesome!!!|||Umm… I was thinking ENTJ. He is not concerned with socializing like and F would be but he is very good at organizing, orchestrating, and then controlling his environment. And, that includes people....|||********** Never mind, sorry***********|||Hi Sarah it is nice to meet you. :)|||Welcome Nick, I bet that even with your own kind you will find you have so much to add. You just won’t have to work so hard to be understood. J|||The other day my brother came home anxious to share with me. He told me that he had a “you moment” referring to me. He analyzed one of his co-workers then told his co-worker to test him. His...|||When you state what seems to be obvious and people look at you like you just slipped into a foreign language. “But it is elementary my dear Watson!” When even your college professor tells you, “you...|||Yes it is. Thank you for the greeting.|||Yes! I so get that. I had almost the same reaction when I was typed. You know, we INFJs are one in a hundred acording to MB. But here we sorta have our own community. I have so often staired...|||Nice to meet you. Welcome, and I hope you enjoy your time here. I just started a few days ago, and am really enjoying just reading the post. I am sure you will find yourself right at home too.|||Thank you all. This is so great. Honestly, face to face, I only know of one other NF, so to meet so many others is wonderful.|||Yes, I am getting that. Thank you for greeting me.|||Hi Everyone, I am an INFJ. I just found the Myers Briggs personality types this year, but have taken to it like a fish to water. I was amazed at how this personality type could explain everything...|||To be authentic and to be liked: that is a tough one because anytime someone states anything there seems to be someone out there to oppose them, and to state “this is me!” often times means meeting...|||Please, let me know if I am being too simplistic, but the way I see it, being sensing or intuitive is like being left or right handed. If I practice using my weaker hand I can strengthen it, however,...
'No option applies to me... I dont have a toilet paper holding thingie, the toilet paper roll is on a valve next to the toilet :proud:|||There's a hidden theme here .... :crazy: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/14665035/Funny/2010-06-06-Nietzsche-shaving.jpg https://dl.dropbox.com/u/14665035/Funny/juice.jpg Source: hipsterhitler.com ...|||Fennel Soup - beware, uses metric system :tongue: 2 onions 2 bulbs of fennel 1 litre vegetable stock 100g butter 200g sour cream either provençal herbs or thyme, caraway, rosemary, basil,...|||There might be a correlation between enneagram type and what scales are strong for you. My theory: ENFP 7's usually have a very high P and/or N, lower F (both ENTPs and ENFPs occupy this type on...|||You only need 1 ENFP of course, but dont expect him/her to change it any time soon. If you set a deadline, you should expect to give a few (or more) respites. Otherwise, good luck (and patience...|||ENFPs are classic jack of all trades. Very quick to learn a new skill, but usually not in great depth... Lets see... random skills... I can fart with my hands, neck and knees (those last two...|||Non-conformity definately. Rebel no. Let me explain: Rebellion is fighting against the status quo, against the authorities. The ENFPs dont fight against authorities or the status quo if they agree...|||Yes and no. I do realize that there are evil people out there. But when I meet someone for the first time, I initially assume that they're a fundamentally good person. Thats kind of a credit I give...|||My results to the test: Ability Scores: Strength- 12 Dexterity- 12 Constitution- 13 Intelligence- 18 Wisdom- 14 Charisma- 13|||Using D&D classes ESTP - Barbarian - chaotic evil or neutral - They're wild, untamed and powerful. Rely on their strength, not brain. ISTP - Rogue - chaotic evil or neutral - Cunning and free...|||what is this thread about :confused:|||Shy extraverts and outgoing introverts may be alike in some aspects, but differ greatly on others. Shy extraverts will feel down if they spend too much alone time. For example, you have a day out...|||Oh, alright, I mixed that up. I dont agree with this view, as I intuitively do have a good grasp on what I am talking about when I use the word god. I might not be able to express that definition,...|||Pure agnostic ENFP here. Not apatheism(indifference to religion) or strong agnosticism (we cannot know if god exists or not) but weak agnosticism (I dont know if god exists or not, but interested in...|||How to falsify a law of nature: Lets take newtonian gravity, if you accept that is has been viewed as a law of nature in the past. Now present an apple, that under normal conditions does not fall...|||ENFP chaotic good here|||Im an ENFP. No need to make a poll about my type. PS: Im well aware of topic.:tongue:|||Geography and music, but sadly the music teachers I had werent that good usually. Oh and computer sciences was fun too :proud:|||read again, I didnt say explore for information, but information as a starting point for exploration of the world, which is meant to be interpreted figuratively ;)|||Let me explain the Ni: Both Ne and Ni deal with conditional or future informations, but in different ways. While Ne goes from the current point to several different future/conditional points (what...|||As by the title, this post is gonna be short :tongue: Se - See what is Si - See what was Ne - See what could be Ni - See what should be Thats it. :wink: Discuss. :proud:|||http://j-walkblog.com/images/handmusic.jpg It represents hand farting Show me immorality|||On the passive/aggressive discussion: Keirsey noticed a similar thing when he distinguished informative from directive roles in communication. Directive types are the STs and NJs, they are taking...|||As it has been said, those 4 groups are based on Keirsey. For distinguishing those groups, Keirsey looks at human behaviour. He views 2 dichotomies: communication (what we say) and action (what we...|||ENFP musicians :cool: Im a guitarist. I have an 2 Ibanez guitars, an electric (SA160) and an acoustic (EWC30). I also once owned another electric but sold it cheaply (it was a really bad one...)....|||I forgot the main topic. :crazy: For extraverted perceivers, the switch isnt that big, esspecially when you go with the original jungian system where the primary function is balanced by 3...|||It could also be a question of test accuracy. I often have the feeling that function test questions for Ne and Ni are somewhat similar (or for Fi & Fe, Ti & Te etc.). This could mean that when you're...|||http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/37/Mandel_zoom_14_satellite_julia_island.jpg/800px-Mandel_zoom_14_satellite_julia_island.jpg Show me a soul|||http://personalitycafe.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=935&stc=1&d=1281620020 Show me noise|||http://blstb.msn.com/i/DC/75B3D1558CBFAB7C2BC0F6FF84352.jpg Show me the opposite of the above picture|||O+ here. No correlation ;)|||that would be the quadras in socionics, no?|||Very good analysis by antagonist, but I think explaining his third ring (havent read that term in his book...) could help explaining the distinction he chose: he points out directive vs. informative...|||Math is easy. Atleast for me it is. In school, I was better in it than all the NTs around. :crazy: I like calculus and algebra, but I dont really like geometry. I guess im not that much of a visual...|||My best friend since first grade and now flatmate is an INFJ. We get eachother so well, people say that when we quarrel we're like an old couple. Dunno if thats a positive thing to say about friends...|||No ADHD and I doubt I have ADHD either. I dunno about ADHD people, but I can often have problems with concentration, where im easily distracted and can get distressed and annoyed with myself. But...|||This: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WkP_NaMsrMM I want to be like them when im that old. On that note: Anyone up for a meetup in 60 years? :laughing:|||Radiohead, Sigur Ros, Fleet Foxes, Joanna Newsom, Sufjan Stevens, Explosions in the Sky, Talk Talk, Do Make Say Think, The Beatles, Yann Thiersen, MGMT and manymorebuttoolazytocontinue PS: I said...|||Barney is ENFP ????? Ralph INFP????? Someone dislikes the NFPs it seems :tongue:|||http://infobeautiful.s3.amazonaws.com/intnoones_955_0.jpg Show me a riddle|||Looks like Pacman is running away|||EMT - INFJ, alternatively ENFJ. Immense drive for self-development and discovery. Programmed as a doctor who needs Fe to deal with patients. T side would due to him being a program after all. I think...|||Spongebob is definately an E and a P. There's nothing he's really structured in, he goes with the flow 24/7. Now, to be defined are F/T and S/N. ++ S -is a cook, and good at it, has a get into...|||Welcome to the fence-sitters club of XNFPs, even if you dont like sitting :tongue: Do you tend to get distracted easily, even with things you take interest in? Do you consider yourself to be a...|||to me, intellectual also has an aspect of disconcern for success and/or career advancement, like an intellectual pursuit done for the knowledge or fun itself, not as a means to an end. And thats...|||ENFP with green eyes here, for the sake of proof: :tongue: http://personalitycafe.com/members/arachnophobia-albums-me-picture3209-shiny-eye.png They can appear rather dark and pretty grey,...|||So lately, i've run into a thought that appealed to me, because it clears up a few problems I have when thinking about intro- and extraversion. The I/E-scale is the single most missinterpreted scale....|||Be boring. Dont give her a horrible time, but a time that lets her get the vibe that there's nothing less exciting in the world than being with you. Nothing is better to get rid of ENFPs than boredom...|||definately spring for me. Its great to be able to sit outside in the sun without dieing from dehydration ^^ Also, I like the whole vibe of spring. Nature is awakening again, compared to autumn when...|||I made two new ones: http://personalitycafe.com/members/arachnophobia-albums-stuff-picture5576-enfp-mot.jpg ...'
'What does Enigma mean? xNFJ // Enneagram 6 // Virgo // Generation X // Me|||I'm afraid of not ever meeting my potential. xNFJ // Enneagram 6 // Virgo // Generation X // Me|||I agree sin_alas.|||This sounds like me sometimes and no, for myself I would disagree with not being assertive. I am quite assertive for what I want at work but sometimes I just get overwhelmed with emotions and...|||I agree with you statement and perception of suicide Crossover.|||ronnie, this makes me hopeful but I really want to take my own life and succeed.|||NeemNeem: I'm the same way, especially with coworkers asking me about my personal life. How about they just fuck right off?|||I seem to be experiencing this loop right now.......|||ivory919, totally! Ok, so in my experience, these two types balance each other out. Where the ENTP (the one that I've known in my own life) can be an extreme on one end tending toward ADD...|||[Duplicate Post]|||[Duplicate Post]|||Definitely observing their argumentativeness with other people and general outgoingness.|||Which types have you found to click with in your personal experiences and what type is your latest/current partner (taking timing, chemistry, shared goals, etc. out of the picture for a moment)... ?|||That is so creepy and I regret to say that it actually made me look twice and laugh.|||This post is a little more positive and hopeful than I'm currently feeling (which is ahem, temporary <~ yeah fucking right...). Being an N in everyday life is exhausting. I feel like an alien...|||Couldn't agree with this more Ecoas. Could NOT agree with this MORE. Fml, I hate being this way, thinking this way. I wish I wasn't here anymore to be honest.|||6w5 hey? Are the following posts really commonalities that can be shared between us... inability to stay in the present moment, paranoia, anxiety? Do any of you work out using vigorous exercise,...|||Amore: I can relate to this when in an unhealthy state... What do YOU want or need when you get a chance to calm down all that inner turmoil of yours?|||Haha, I would never revisit these relationships in person (actually for one... never say never if we happened to be at the same place as the same time. Catastrophizing about other life situations and...|||Ok, I know dating and relationships include far more factors than just MBTI, but for INFJs out there... Which MBTI types have you... 1) dated most often 2) have you dated throughout your...|||Dear ENTJ men I meet (especially those older than me): Why are you so sexy?! From a playful INFJ|||Something to add to this thread about being an introverted intuitive, I often seem to (mentally) need more time, desire for more fulfilling work, in fact, always seem to desire more than what I have...|||GurrenZero: you believe this??|||I ADORE my ESFP mom. ISTP, ISFP, ENFP best friends. Get along superbly well with ENTP and ESTP... and by-far favourite coworker is an ESFJ.|||ISTPs, ENFJs, ESFJs and ISFJs. Work best with ESFJs for sure!|||I don't believe the Nelson Mandela celebration of life would be all over tv and the media........... if, in fact, Mandela was an NF as some sources suggest.|||Here goes nothin'! 1) I can speak 3 languages - 2 of these fluently as of right now. 2) I have a little mole on a hidden part of my body. 3) I'm US or Canadian-born, you guess :) 4) I'm full...|||[Deleted by Poster]|||26 female and currently maintaining-developing sensing function.|||Have to state that I don't like the way this question is presented because all INFJs are NOT the same. We are all shaped by our experiences, etc. and I find that some posts and lists make it...|||For those of you who are already out of the home and living independent lives from your parents-childhood families, do you ever find yourself idolizing or idealizing those closest to you? Such as...|||The trade is such a great idea @all_in_twilight!|||Thank you digitalroses and Marlowe. These inspired me to continue with my list of goals and also have this list serve as a visible reminder to help me out of major depressive episode(s) should I...|||Emerald_Legend: Totally. I'm in that boat with 'ya!|||thismustbetheplace: inspiring!|||RandomNote: be professionally certified and to settle down/buy a home.|||Senshu_Ben_Gone: thank you Senshu. I relate to this. All I see is work... work work work (that I hate). Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday... everything is the same right now.|||angelcat: the word, usefulness popped out at me when I read your reply. I woke up this morning thinking, F***, I'm freaking useless. Mixed with this constant need for completion in my brain,...|||laurelwren: have you considered stopping in and seeing a career or vocational counselor at a local college?|||TreasureTower:: I can relate to this. Sometimes I just blab away... in the heat of the moment without consideration of who may be listening. Rarely the case now, however.|||Can any of you describe or relate to experiences with depression followed by extreme introversion or vice versa?|||Oh, and ADD... ;)|||How I seem to have a mindgasm evvvvvvvvvery time I meet one in real life........!!!!|||Success to me, means overcoming the obstacles (whether within the self or external) to achieve a tangible goal. Success can also be defined by the intangible for me, such as a relationship with a SO,...|||@B.Toast: I grew up with an ESTJ father as well, but instead of disagreeing with him, I took his values as my own (without really realizing over the years). I work a corporate job that I can't say I...|||mutton: I know your post is old but thank you for posting. I agree that nutrition plays a huge part in onset or continuing depressed episodes..|||mbean1: can I ever relate to your post! Meditation truly seems to make a difference for this IMO.|||foxhead128: it's not a all-thinkers do this type of thing but if I am having a conversation with my INTP friend it could go something like this.. INTP: why the hell would old people choose to come...|||user87, I'm the same age too :)|||Welcome to the forum, Yorisen!'
'depend if they're doing it for fun, that's okay, I sing for fun too. if they're thinking they are perfect, that's a problem. And it'll only end with them fuck-offing you in that case|||Ni is like... much more visionary? An Ni-dom pretty much can be sure about something while not actually having the logical reasoning behind it, it's a strange function which is difficult to...|||Yeah, he just want to start looking less like an Hikikomori, and it's mostly Ene and his sister that did bring him out of depression, the wanting to change doesn't point to anything, the how he...|||You misread the reason that he want to create music form. He isn't a business-headed person that want to get the job done, it is just some random thing he's doing ( the music he did write pretty much...|||He actually hasn't that much Te / Ni to be INTJ. He keeps his thinking bottled up into himself and has a pretty subjective way on analysing thing. Nothing he do exudes objective thinking and he...|||Rokudenashi Majutsu Koushi to Akashic Records Glenn Radars ENTP Sistine Fibel ESFJ ( She's one of the rare ESFJ I actually did find cute ) Rumia Tingel ISFJ Re=L INFP Albert Frazer ISTJ Celica...|||My typings are something like: -In No hurry to shout Arisugawa Nino - Mostly Fi and Se+Ni. ISFP Kanade Yuzuriha - To me he actually seems an Fi-user, but Fe still doesn't seem a bad choice for...|||I FUCKING WANT TO PLAT THAT GAME. But want to play it on the PS4 and don't have the PS3.... Anyway, on with my typings (more like intuitions?) Joker/Protagonist (Manga: Akira Kurusu) is a ENTP...|||http://i.imgur.com/mWyQvVx.png I had made this (and filled every slot, so some characters are adapted(moved deciding the one more fit for that slot, plus trying to not insert two main...|||Kuzu no Honkai Awaya Mugi (Introvert) ESTP Yasuraoka Hanabi ISFP Ebato Sanae ISTJ Kamomebata Noriko INFP Kanai Narumi Perfectly Balanced ESFJ Kirishima Atsuya ISTP Minagawa Akane ENFJ|||I tend to consider Serinuma an Ne user as she tend to change from anime to anime, and from thing to thing in a frantic manner, especially, those things rarely are physical. When she was fat, she...|||Watashi ga Motete Dousunda Kae Serinuma - ENFP Yusuke Igarashi - ESFJ Nozomu Nanashima - ESTP Hayato Shinomiya - ISTJ Asuma Mutsumi - INFP Shima Nishima - ENTP Amane Nakano - ESFJ...|||BIG spreadsheet with Fate Grand Order typing. Most are pretty raw (To search a character or type, press Ctrl+F and type it) (Yup, i didn't remember that was an Ne-inf thing too)|||He has a way of thinking more similiar to Te/Fi user, differently from his Fe/Ti brother. Like I won't kill him, so he will come to be seen as an hero instead of someone to be afraid of (Itachi)...|||For New Game! those seems my bets Suzukaze Aoba ESFJ Yagami Kou ISTP Ahagon Umiko ISTJ Hazuki Shizuku ENTP Iijima Yun ISFJ Sakura Nene ESFP Shinoda Hajime ESTP Takimoto Hifumi INFP|||Eigenvalues seems quite positive as now, especially in politics. As of now, there are two possibilities: - Mattarella will elect a govern of experts till the 2018 - Some kind of crazy,...|||I had made this http://puu.sh/8HOfM.png And the reasonings are pretty sparse in the discussion, mostly >_> ( Can't find them easily ) But I can say you: Shintaro has no Ni, but has an Inferior...|||No, I don't friggin want Grillo, Salvini or Berlusconi governing me|||It is strange being an INTP and hating bullies? because this is bullying, not demonstrating that she copy https://puu.sh/silee/acffb63923.png (basically, they say that this artist, Yuniiho, is...|||If I was in them, I would probably try to not stay in the West Coast. California apartments do not cost more because of immigrants, but because it's a richer/more known/more dense zone. If I ws to...|||I kinda saw that, the only data I can find on price rent is here, where it seems that more than the borders, price are dependant more on sea distance than mexico borders. ( It has some historical...|||What I wanted to say is that bread cost won't still easily pass the cost of a car even in those time where the availability is low because of low yield of wheat. This year yield of oil in here...|||Actually, Supply/Demand is a minor, minor, variable in that case, while it does make the prices higher ( Demand > Supply, but more because of low supply than high demand ) or lower ( Supply > Demand,...|||5,8 million / 15 * 100 = ~40 million (38,(6) million) <<<< 100 million, Not so fast, the price of homes and apartements depends on the zone itself. Higher Crime Rate, higher distance from the...|||It's no fallacy when you know that leaders do have at least minimal control on what their followers do. Trump never stopped at least just by making claims his followers (or at least, from when I...|||That ain't wrong from the perspective of a decent part of his electors And anyway, a wall and intense control over borders wouldn't still fully prevent illegals and it would cost a whole friggin'...|||There are people who tend to believe the source that contraddict the most of other sources regardless of it's logic just because the fuckin' chemtrails exist !!1!1!1!!!1!|||Teacher didn't remember to hide the fact his most visited site was Real Life Cam|||Best Meme (c) https://scontent-mxp1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/15027421_1002725996517176_842297887440214282_n.jpg?oh=b6bb8f3fbc36b63da977f4f919adc8c8&oe=58C47C47|||It might be fun when they find what they had provoked. I hate how brexit was stopped It was better if more investment moved off from them to other countries and they realized what they did :C|||daybreak I will start that I still have some kind of tick that makes me try to not repeat types in the same anime xD Anastacia Honshin did show Ne, though Her main reason to participate in...|||Since of no comparison of opinions, they're not 100% sure and such, though: Re:Zero Emilia INFJ Natsuki Subaru ESTP Pack ENFP Roswaal L Mathers ESTJ Ram ISFJ Rem INFP|||I should still watch it, but on your (and other accounts), it actually may be true I did watch the new film of Digimon Adventure, Persona 5 OAV, Danganronpa 3 and Tales of Zestiria. So: so:...|||MegaDog I would say that All might has a public and a private Persona. His public Persona is grandiose and more ENFJ, his private Persona is more humble and private so it seems more INFJ. I do...|||Loving someone ( I don't have a clue if I really loved her ) that you know you can't get because she's arleady taken and helping her with her current boyfriend sure hurts|||Since I started both playing and watching Zestiria, these are my guesses(?) Sorey ESFP Alisha ISFJ Rose ENFP Mikleo ISTJ Lailah ESFJ Edna INTP Dezel ISTP Zaveid ESTP|||daybreak Are you following Danganronpa 3 Mirai-Hen?|||ENTP, his way of resolving problems is more like exploring all ideas, finding what works, which is more Ne-like than Ni-like. Ni usually point the user to a certain idea ( like the INTJ...|||http://puu.sh/pK6dV/a9d09b65b7.png|||The strange part is that Si-users can be either the more particular or the more traditional. There are those who use their Je function, probably, deciding that a particular dress isn't right to...|||The reason he started raping boyish children was to revive the moment of when Joan was burned on the stakes, and re-see her desperation there and to demonstrate that god didn't exist as God didn't...|||There's a particular thing about Si which is that their sensation doesn't stop at the merely objective/external part, but introvert sensation continue and is tuned to how something make him feel well...|||The reason Shouta expels student isn't on how they are worthless, but mostly because they would be in danger if they would continue wanting to be heroes. (which is more Fe than Te) Recovery Girl...|||Tokiomi seems more Si than Ni (ESTJ) For Gil-kun I'm more pointed to think he's ENTJ (Based on how he doesn't seem to use that much Fi) Kirei is an INFJ with a twisted Fe Iskandar seems pretty...|||Teachers/Heroes All Might is an INFJ with an ENFJ hero persona to me. He has to be the Herald of Peace/Goodness, feeling it's his duty to protect other peoples. He definitely has Ni+Se in his...|||I'm @ volume 10 and Nagisa definitely is an introvert, between Si and Ni, he seem more an Si user (more because he doesn't seem to use Ni xD) and between Fi and Ti he does use Ti everytime he...|||Just to say, INTPs can be stubborn and closed-minded with things that doesn't make sense (they won't, ever, accept things that they consider to have no sense. Starting from programming languages (...|||I was misleaded in the case of Katsuhira in how he did represent quite well the sin of Sloth by being totally uninterested in himself and so, in others, that I misinterpreted as inferior Fe. ...|||Did anyone see Kiznaiver? Those are my guesses as of episode 4: Katsuhira Agata INTP Yoshiharu Isomu ISFP? not enough to type Hajime Tenga ESTP Tsuguhito Yuuta ESTJ or ENTP, depend on his real...|||Arcana 0 - the Fool The fool Arcana is for all those who go on a journey, and it can represent all like how it can represent nothing. Fools Minato Arisato/Makoto Yuki(Male P3 MC)INTP (Ti-Si...'
'That's funny, now I know you of course don't mean all NT's, but my best friend is an enfp, and I'm one of the few people who actually understands her :P But it sounds like you got the same problem as...|||I understand|||I don't recall telling you to stop analyzing. I told you to stop analyzing if it was a problem. I mean unwanted thoughts, that are uncontrollable. I didn't mean natural analyzing of things, the way...|||I'm INTP too and I think a lot too :b analyzing for me is natural as well. But the way you explain it, you explained it as if something is almost constantly wrong. Which.. as an INTP, analyzing...|||I think it's important to not get too sucked into your own head, and analyze every single thing. I do that sometimes, but I'm getting better at just letting go of my head. It's very pleasant to not...|||Very abstract way of thinking (the way I see it), and I like it. I think I feel where you are coming from. I have a hard time explaining those kinds of things myself. Then again, I would think, it's...|||I'm surprised to see so many people with so many friends haha. I didn't expect that|||You sound a bit like me actually. I used to be quiet, and refuse to talk to people in grade 6-9'ish. I was probably depressed, I realize now. But I decided to turn it around in 10th grade (I entered...|||it sounds kinda like me and my best friend. I don't think I will ever find someone like her again, honestly. Someone I could be that close to. But never say never I guess. Then again, I feel...|||Definitely feel it from both sides too. I sometimes watch makeup tutorials by males, because I think it's interesting. And sometimes when I see some of the comments, I just want to punch something...|||I just misunderstood the out yourself as a girl. I get what you meant now xD. Sometimes I read too fast I do realize that it's pointless worrying about. Nothing can change how some people feel,...|||Yeah, totally agree. I'm just trying to explain how I feel about some certain things, that only males, by obvious reasons portray to me. No female would treat me like lesser, because of my gender. Or...|||Yeah I know that too! I know many good willed people, who are male. I'm not saying I think all males are terrible either :) I just deeply hate those who are, in fact disrespecting other people. I'm...|||yeah well, last time I mentioned I was female (I was actually standing up for males, trying to emphasize the objectiveness of my pov of the situation by saying I was female), someone right after...|||Nothing except people's perception of me. If I tell them I want to be seen as gender neutral, I would assume people would ask why I then make myself look like a female. Like wearing makeup. So, I try...|||I wish more people would stop seeing gender everywhere. It's like gender has to be included into everything. It can't be changed, and I guess it shouldn't, but for me, I would like for people to see...|||I agree with you so much, I couldn't agree more (Y)|||When I think of love, I don't only think of romantic love, but also the love from a parent to his/her child, vice versa. Love between friends, siblings, humans/animals etc etc. I think love is too...|||just some more money would be good|||Well we kinda need it to survive. Also to set goals. Greed is not in itself good, but if there was no such thing as greed, or a lust to achieve more/envy, everyone would sit and do nothing, with no...|||Native language is danish (adopted). And I can speak english. And I used to know a bit of german ... that's it :b|||You know that is a very abstract thing to say. I am doing something that offends people... problem is, there is no logical reasoning behind this statement. I could do a lot of things that might...|||I don't think you understand what I'm trying to explain to you in a very logical way. I'm not sure if you are just being very stubborn, or very narrow minded. What I do, with my life, is none of...|||Yeah I know it does. I also know that the gas (or what it's called), the pollution from cars outside is far more dangerous to inhale, than being a passive smoker. The pollution we can't escape. And...|||It's sad to see people judge marijuana users so harshly. It's the same with extreme anti smokers. It seems really irrelevant to me, to share your insulting thoughts with us, who do smoke. Also...|||As the title states, share two or more of your weaknesses and two or more of your strengths :) Preferably write what personality type you are as well. INTP Strength: Calm and logical...|||Well some INTP's on this site (not all at all) have made me feel a bit stupid. Not necessarily on purpose, but yes. And it says their personality type soo :b. In real life I can't really determine...|||That's how I still feel somtimes, and especially around my own type and INTJ's ironically. But you are right. No use in feeling inferior anyway|||Damn you are awesome! I love them, so expressive !|||Viggo Mortensen (Aragorn) is from Denmark too. And yeah I've noticed too some furniture we sell is stupidly expensive for no reason|||Well I did look at a photography to draw it. The worst part wasn't even drawing after that photo, it was finding a picture that I wanted to draw. I saw lots of shit I have tried to steer clear of....|||I don't think that is too idealistic :) My only problem with that would be that I am lazy at the moment hehe. Yeah I love animals as well, and it wasn't easy to look at, as I was drawing it. But I...|||I'm not sure I fully understand your question but for me I guess I do feel the same. I mean I'd rather be alone than having to meet up at a new school for example. I usually leave within 3 hours at...|||hahaha, I clicked on the video (I guess I miss the song), and didn't realize my volume was at the highest. My parents must think I am crazy hehe.|||I find it hard to be able to actually point down what of these things should love be. I'm surprised to see so many people being able to do so. I can't. Love is love, and to me it is not...|||I live in Denmark. I was originally adopted from Korea at the age .. I don't know, 4-6 few months. Denmark seems quiet and we are the kind of people who wont sit next to strangers in a bus. Often...|||Funny. I was just about to make a thread like this. Last dream I had was of me and my friend, we were supposed to take to Hawaii to party with some people from my elementary school. People I never...|||I think I get what you mean. To me my best friend is almost my only friend. I just don't have good chemistry with many people. I guess I do have other friends but I kinda see them more as...|||I see it completely different now. I went to look at the first picture again and it looks almost exactly like that last picture you posted... my mind is blown and I will stop spamming now (Y)|||Okay I just got even more confused haha wtf|||How could anyone see this as black and blue? Sorry I just feel baffled. Confused. Is it supposed to appear in different colors to different people or something? I clearly see this in gold and white|||Pretty much.. And I wanted a reaction from people when they see it. Not everyone's gonna have a reaction to it, but most people do. I mean I want people to feel uncomfortable. To feel disgusted, or...|||Haha I think it could be that as well|||Hey I know that, I'm trying to say that as well :) I'm sure you are not trying to be negative or mean. And well personally for me it is negative (even though I know you might not do it on purpose),...|||Anyway those are my final thoughts, and it's not that I think you did something wrong, I'm just expressing what I was and wasn't too big a fan of. Again no hard feelings :)|||It wasn't proper, it was quickly-made, but I never asked to be told to take things with a grain of salt or not take things so seriously. another person compared my thread with people who take...|||Yes and I do realize now that the personalization was wrong, for me to get the answers I guess I wanted. But again I'm trying to explain to you I am a bit of a scatterbrain, and that I was being very...|||I don't know how to explain it properly really :b. Maybe because my thread in the first place wasn't proper. I've already mentioned child-like curiosity and so forth to others, to try to portray...|||Okay.. so I can't ask questions about what types other INTP's have as friends? What are you getting at? I'm not mature because I ask silly questions? I'm so sorry my question was foolish. So...|||Yeah I am young... I mean, I can only assume your comment is a joke (Y)'
'Hello all! I've been looking for some online info on the enneagram types as parents. The only things that are coming up in my search are books to buy on Amazon (which honestly don't look that...|||I'm a type 4 and my love map is VERY influenced by my parents. I strongly dislike any super-macho guy with such a fragile masculinity that he can't use vanilla hand soap, etc. etc. And I have never...|||Ugh, that's the truth. I'm 4w3 and my male SO is a 9w8. I think our love maps are pretty similar so far. Although I have definitely experienced that jarring moment when something was violated. I...|||Hey friends! Sorry to reanimate this zombie post, but I just wanted to thank you all for your input. It's been over 6 months with my ISFP and it's been really wonderful. The enneagram has been...|||So, I have had the great fortune to have a very very lovely ISFP man come into my life. He is so wonderful--caring, funny, laid-back, a good listener, thoughtful, and generous. With my ENFP...|||Babe, seriously, message me and I'll give you my email. I love love proofreading/editing/helping as much as I can. For the structure I mean this: Point: Chris Evans is a babe in Captain...|||Ohhhh yes, this is such a problem for me. Honestly, I just get through the conversation without using their name. About 50% of the time, they'll end up asking me for mine with lots of...|||I suppose the key lies in using both the Ne to think of related topics, capping that, then pushing through to finish the thought cleanly. Personally, a good outline has been invaluable. I have always...|||I have to be careful not to stay in this mode once I get there. If I've been cranked up enough to achieve SBM I'll be too riled up to calm back down for hours. This is extremely counter-productive...|||This isn't an article but I've found from experience that researching each type deeply, including each of the functions that make up each type, is extremely helpful. Once you understand each type,...|||Honestly, I think it is so important for NFs (and probably many other types, but definitely every NF I have come across) to realize this. I call my ENFJ friend once a month very upset about the...|||Honestly, it was an accidental hiatus, but it was for the best. I'm excited to get back into it! I've missed the theories and quizzes and general banter. :)|||I get along best with ENTJs, INTJs, INFPs, well basically all Ns, and ISFPs. I too, love, love hanging out with introverts.|||frisbacon <3 <3 <3|||Whoa. I was not expecting those poll results. Really? Shakespeare was a pioneer. He made up words we still use to this day! (Including swagger, so there.) Of course, I love Poe, too, but I feel...|||I don't know either but my inability to read intjs makes me so flustered|||Most rom-coms and Transformers 2, the movie made specifically for teenage boys.|||Ha! Maybe Rapunzel. I'm not that naive, though. Does anyone else feel like the ENFPs portrayed on shows can be super naive without our sense of knowing what's going on with everyone all the time?|||Haha, I know! I typed everyone in my extended family when they came for a little reunion. I kept it quiet, all up in my head, and made one (ONE!) little comment to my ESTP uncle. My mom mentioned...|||I choose purple first, because it is vibrant and rare in nature yet majestic and not to be worn by those who aren't confident. Secondly, which now I'm wishing I had voted for so I could say first,...|||The only thing in my personality I've seen affected by my parents is my enneagram type. Nothing of the MBTI. So, I don't know if you would call that temperament. Hmmmm. I agree, it would be quite...|||Haha, yes, that would be quite the problem. Then she's not the one! :) Don't be so sad. 44923 ^you!|||Until you find the one who doesn't want to be just friends!|||I'm the only N is a family of SJs, even my extended family! I have an SP uncle. But anyway, my parents are ESTJ and ISTJ, so we share the same functions (Ne, Fi, Te, Si) just in different order....|||But then they find out you really are and they LOVE IT!!|||Ready for this heat to be GONE and fall to get here. <333 falllll|||You are so enthusiastic that women can't be sure if you're for real or not.|||Favorites forever: U2, Coldplay, Josh Garrels Favorites now: Civil Wars, LOTR soundtracks, Phil Whickam, Florence + the Machine I will listen to all kinds of music except: super-filthy rap...|||C'mon ya lovely singers, give us a quick sample. Some of us aren't as blessed. :)|||With my bed? Yeah, probably. Alarm clock's jealous.|||Ha! I had Matthew down as INFP for sure. He's so concerned with doing things according to what's right to him. I don't see Mary as reckless. To me she's a careful planner who occasionally lets...|||So incredibly affectionate. Hugs and snuggles and hand holding abound.|||I was gonna say... ...my friendsssss! *duh duh duh*|||I say meep whenever I'm thinking, feel awkward, feel sad, am excited, am bored, or tired. So, definitely all the time.|||First of all, true that to everything La Petite Sirène said in her first post. Secondly, my fantasy world doesn't seem to be extravagant as other people's here. I think of lots of...|||Love 'em, but I don't think I'd get one unless it was a it was REALLY symbolic/related to a big event/realization/etc in my life. I generally like them, so if you're ready, go for it!|||This is stinkin' awesome.|||Love 'em to death. Too much fun, see the beauty in everything, refuse to be bogged down by anything.|||and I'm wondering where the random thoughts/stream of consciousness/randomness thread is. Eh?|||that I try to control my future way more than previously thought. that I have so far to go but am growing so much. that there is one who has loved me since before the world began. that my...|||Ah, I gotcha. Then you can do what I cannot. That's still quite a feat, though.|||Meet a sweet INFP. Interested in my ISFP friend. Boo. *duh duh duh* and another one bites the dust.|||I act like a stinkin' weirdo. I'm working on just carrying on and being myself and not adjusting my behavior. It's difficult stuff.|||Mm, I would love to see a picture of that. I invented a 26-letter substitute language with a vertical reading system with my friend, but it was definitely crackable. Good enough to keep a younger...|||Wow, that is seriously amazing. Have you (or you, HamsterSamurai) ever thought about writing a book? Or maybe just keeping a collections of all your worlds?|||Since I was here earlier but didn't actually ask a question, I thought I'd remedy that by actually doing one. Many suspect that Tolkien was an INTJ. He created this whole universe in his own...|||Well, lovely!|||I'm not an INFP...but I got sorted into Ravenclaw! My INTJ friend is Gryffindor, ISFJ friend is Hufflepuff, and ESTJ friend is Slytherin. They were all perfect. However, I do know one girl (ISTJ)...|||Hee! This was sweet. I so hope my lovely INTJ friend finds a sweet ENFP guy who feels this way about her.|||One of my closest friends is ISFJ. I think we have a special relationship, and I'm not entirely sure how standard our interactions are. We are both very, very up front with one another. I'm very well...'
'http://i.imgur.com/pdo9B3o.jpg http://i.imgur.com/zV0l13a.jpg Two more of me, those are from last year's summer/autumn iirc.|||There was some cognitive functions test with some wonky questions and answers where I often had to choose between two answers that both strongly applied to me, on my first turn, I actually got ENFJ,...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eYvFIZU27Cc Not a movie, but this fight scene is perfect.|||I had my first lucid dream yesterday. I just read about lucid dreaming a few hours ago and I was thinking about the concept while falling asleep. I remember that I was dreaming and at one point, I...|||I think he just doesn't want to make it sound unauthentical, forced and worn out. That's why he stopped or only does it rarely.|||One of my American acquaintances worded it quite fittingly: We're already forced to eat a spoonful of shit, all we can do now is to choose the smaller spoon. For me, Trump would be the smaller...|||I fell in love badly on a seminar two weeks ago and I constantly have to think about her. I want those feelings to go away. Now. They just disturb and distract me. It's the first time I have...|||Yeah, we played it a lot in school as well, we called it Arschloch or sometimes Karten kloppen or just Kloppen. We played it differently though, we played with a Skat deck (either French or...|||throughtheroses Can I tell you that you look really cute without letting it sound like I'm a weird creep?|||There are very few parts of my physical appearance that I like, one is my hair. http://i.imgur.com/zQO4pvN.jpg|||Probably not an INFP thing, but I really like firing this game up just for making pretty screenshots sometimes. http://puu.sh/qHrhJ/ba5132b441.jpg|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ARShyCsJ_IA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qDyANM18nNU|||Which faction are you playing? You might give Necromancers with Vladimir (since he starts with Summoning Magic and Master of Life, which are key skills for Necromancers and his passive makes Raise...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0nRUxdA59yQ|||What do you need help with? I've been playing the game for almost 10 years (with a few discontinuations of course), so I guess I could at least try. :laughing: Did your friend gift you the basic...|||I've started playing Heroes of Might and Magic V again, I'm not sure if that was a good idea. It's one of these games that you can't stop playing. Just one more turn. Oh, I found something...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IDMB_0mKMBE One of my favourite Iron Maiden songs. Might post some harder stuff soon™.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JDTp_YQizqE|||Do I like my type? - No. Why? - I personally consider everything about it to be shit and useless. Do I like myself? - Yes, as hard as it is for me to type this, yes, I genuinely am fine with who...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UfKrJnMeCqA I was there by the way. *insert smug face here* Wacken was fucking amazing in general. Quick info; this thread won't die as long as I can post on this...|||Reasons to live? I'm really done for.|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RN8RxvnYHKk|||Just found out that I have my own song.:tongue: I really like it actually. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pT8HhS2Nv0Q|||https://mynoise.net/noiseMachines.php This site is great. Nothing more to say.|||This thread genuinely made me cry. Thank you. I'm feeling a little awkward for digging up a two years old post but I have to, sorry. I tell you, every INFP who reads this post, this man is...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbWMUD-o2O8|||Why do so many people consider German to be an important language? If you should ever travel to Germany, chances are high that the majority of people you'll encounter can at least do basic English...|||Hmm, I think it was a lesser factor at best. I often tend to rush things such as presentations on a single day because otherwise, I'll constantly read over it and be all like Oh, this could be...|||In class, we once had a month worth of time to prepare a presentation about the war and political situation in Syria. Due to various reasons, my buddy and I were rather unproductive in that...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oaIakzShxCs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQbfpaytX18|||German - Native, but it should be mentioned that have a fairly noticeable dialect/regiolect: Ruhrdeutsch (Ruhr area German), to be precise. Of course I know regular German and obviously write in...|||Currently suffering the worst hangover I ever had. But it was SO worth it. Best prom night I could imagine. Would get utterly wasted again.|||http://puu.sh/pKTXH/5b59aa4e86.jpg|||http://puu.sh/o0UDo/f4a4261afc.jpg|||Me at my enrolment, I think I was five years old then. http://puu.sh/pyuQF/9a131f6803.jpg One of the few somewhat recent fotos of myself that I own, it's somewhere between one and a half and two...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7SsZb7aMBE I was crying out of laughter when I watched this earlier.|||Not really my style of music, sorry.|||God, I love this band. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_RJ9d2scYc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LzKE98_NL-8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQo0fMUdiGg|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rBYfbQGQZVY|||Just got finished with reading Metro 2035, definitely worth to read, but it made me a little sad.|||My mother taught me some basic English before I even went to school and my school lessons started in grade three. I've had English lessons up to the end of my time in school, ten years altogether,...|||When you want that INFP me-time day after wasting all your energy yesterday evening, fell asleep the moment you came home, slept for 12 hours while still being tired and suddenly nothing will work...|||My mother yesterday told me that I'm mentally ill because I believe that introversion is a thing and according to her, it's impossible not to long for interpersonal exchange all the time, so yeah, I...|||I don't see any advantages in being INFP. I honestly believe that nobody, or even the world in general, needs people like us. Maybe it's because of under which circumstances I grew up, but I feel...|||It was a few days ago, I sadly can't recreate it entirely. It mainly involved a young woman and me, she looked pretty, but not what you'd call hot. Slim, average sized (I guess around 1,65...|||Committing suicide isn't as easy as it may sound, far from it. When I wanted to jump off a bridge, awaiting my doom 15 metres below, I originally thought: Nobody's going to see you here, all you...|||For me, Silmarillion came nowhere near the other LotR books, I admittedly found it almost painful to read and I was thinking about not to finish it at all. Maybe the translation was bad or something,...|||Time to present my mad (read: horrible) Photoshop skillz, I guess. Made this to troll somebody I don't particularly like. I googled for TIE Fighter vs X-Wing and took the first suitable image. Then...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4CPrvvHb1Lg|||Here, have a picture of me wearing old man clothes. It's a thing you do here in your last week of school. I actually have long hair, but here I made a ponytail because it looks more old man-ish....'
'1. No. Antitheist. 2. Florida You understand these are conflicting statements, right? He put proof of his existence in the bible. By the writing of it, of course, but also with all of the...|||Morality doesn't exist. There is no universal, nor regional, right or wrong. All actions are neutral. Why do we think morality exists? Because we're social creatures that employ empathy and...|||Yes, I pace obsessively when I want to think. So much so, that I have a hard time sitting down and thinking. I find it to be a terrible habit; it's like my brain is tricking me into thinking I'm...|||Chris. Christopher in full. I think it's taken from someone famous... Hmmm... Oh, I know. I think his name was Satan. I think he created the printing press. Yeah, that's right; his name is...|||I'm not too perverse. I'm not talking possibilities. Illogically, never test problems. Idiot: nothing takes pennies. In no time plastered. Illuminate nighttime predators.|||Quite, quite humorous. I hear far too many stories of stalkerish men pursuing women. Yes, as men, we have a tendency to believe that if a woman came up to us and asked for sex, we'd have no choice...|||How strangely erotic. Of course, using breasts as pillows is heavenly, as is using a nice plump butt, so any action performed in association with that anatomy is fantastically seductive and alluring....|||Yes, please, get on that; I would like to sleep with him.|||I was a virgin until not too long ago. Sex was on my mind, but it was a minor desire that I very rarely ever contemplated or acted on intently. The first time I had sex, it made me want it more, and...|||Existence will always be useless, whether it can be appreciated on a conscious level or not. If you want to be technical, though, then yes, consciousness creates usefulness, as usefulness is...|||Of course.|||That doesn't mean you can't keep trying to find the answer to something; sometimes even when you know you won't find an answer, you can come back and fool around with the reasoning, see if something...|||Is it truly different, though? Couldn't intuition be a simpler, more nuanced form of reasoning? Or couldn't reasoning be a more elaborate, drawn-out form of intuition? Could they be one and the...|||You tend to give intuition a magical, prophetic role in the universe and human nature. That is the entire point of this thread, it seems. Why is that? I understand exactly what you're getting...|||I have felt the desire sometimes to be normal - more outwardly expressive, interesting, and loving - but it's always fleeting, and I fall back in love with myself pretty quickly. I love being...|||If we're talking objectively - which we are, since we're INTPs - then no, people have no value whatsoever. To be objective means to escape the subjective realm of personal experience, as well as the...|||The puzzle is fun, but obviously, Einstein didn't create this, nor claim 98% of people couldn't solve it. All you have to do is ask the question: how would Einstein know that 98% of people...|||I'm on the same page as Richard. I've consumed alcohol, but the taste is terrible, and I really don't care too much for being tipsy or drunk. Eh, it's okay at best, but it's just not worth it...|||Exactly what I was thinking. Good you called it out.|||This thread is called INTP Great Strength and Weakness. If you're answering and you're not an INTP, then you're distorting the answers the OP is looking for. I can't be blamed if I assume you'd be...|||Exactly what I thought. Also consider that the one con was already on the pro side and it all seems like self-denial of one's own weaknesses. INTPs have some severe weaknesses when it comes to social...|||I know for sure those teachers liked me. One of them doted on me - kind of like I was her son - and showed great enthusiasm for everything I did. In the situation with the teacher who doted on me,...|||I've had a few powerful compliments. For example, in my sophomore year of high school, I was called the resident genius of my English class, and the solemn intellectual of my History class. These...|||I'm not sure. I might...|||I can't imagine an INTP would use misspellings as a passive-aggressive maneuver to end a relationship, because I believe an INTP would think that only INTPs really care about those types of things. I...|||I'm not taking sides here, but I have to applaud crazyeddie for being so calm, even after unfair accusations and cruel taunts and jests. It's a mellowness that is hard to find, but pleasing to see.|||I enjoy nonfiction almost exclusively. I recently started reading classical literature, but lately I'm finding that all I want to do is go back to reading nonfiction, since at least I'm enjoying...|||I would conclude that it isn't God they worship, but the idea of God that's being worshiped (that pile of dead trees). Infallible texts allow their opinions to be infallible, a human desire that is...|||I have no idea why you're always so hard on yourself, Richard: I find you are one of the few on this site with consistently well-thought-out responses. You're a pleasure to read, and if your...|||My most powerful, insightful, and productive thoughts come almost instantaneously for me; by that I mean, I haven't thought them out, but as I'm explaining them, they come out as if I had thought...|||crazyeddie I know, I know; I just love arguing. Even if I know that my opponents are likely to skip over logic in their arguments out of blind faith and belief, it's all fun and practice for me. :P ...|||Actually, we see the evidence of these scientific theories around us all the time. ESPECIALLY in the case of evolution. There is so much evidence for evolution, it's absurdly sickening that people...|||It's funny that you brought this up, because I was just thinking this exact same thing yesterday, except with INTPs in mind. It's weird when you're reading through the forum and you read a comment...|||These are wise words. I really don't understand how people can play those types of games with each other, so I don't know how exactly I could help you in playing those games exactly, but I do believe...|||Sure, time spent with the family is important, especially for the growth of the kids. How old are you? I'm just asking because it's possible that what we know as the priorities of the 1950s are...|||Oh, phew! Thank you, I feel so much better now. :happy:|||All these stalking stories are kind of scary. But all I can think about is, Why aren't I interesting enough to be stalked? :( Oh God, what was that?! Crazies get out of my head!|||Geez. Thank God I'm a man and women aren't that attracted to/obsessed with me. Your life scares me. :/|||No one has jumped in yet to debate you in a while, so that's not a real concern. And I said take your time for clarity, but you brushed me off. Why do you want more time then? I never said there was...|||Then why is it even translated if translations are unholy? And then why would you care who translated it if the translation can never be holy? Why would any of this matter? You're making it...|||The opposite can happen as well. When someone exclaims something like, You understand things so quickly, or, You're so clever, or what have you, those exclamations can catch me off guard. In the...|||So, you're telling me some translations are just plain wrong? How do you know which ones are right? Because they're in Arabic? Can't people who wrote in Arabic be wrong? Anyway, even if the...|||Hey, I'm not changing anything you've said. I'm quoting your words directly. You're telling me that medical experts should be allowed to direct you in religious decisions. Doesn't your...|||My brother and me in that description. Yes, I'm insatiable in that regard. I'm cute as a button and my brain always itches. Nuff said.|||Hmm, I am a master of all of these things. Who knew I could switch between the rational types so easily.|||Poor, poor, crazy man: your definitions are all messed up! :rolleyes:|||Have you seen my boyish features? I'm the epitome of cute. Now, since there is no solid evidence supporting one side over another in this thread, it can only be said that we should fall back on...|||True. When you go crazy, you typically come out ENTP. :tongue:|||Well, poppets, look what I've wandered into: people with opinions. Let the reign of terror begin. INTJs are my brethren. I sometimes feel like I belong there more than in the INTP forums because...|||Again, water intoxication can put you in a coma or kill you. I'm just saying that a coma probably fits the vague mind-fogger rule. That is a lot of stipulations. You should probably add some...'
I think yesterday I contemplated if I was slowly going mad and that's why I started doing it. It's relatable, but I don't do it all the time or super frequently. I do it quite a bit at my job...|||I'm absolutely broke but payday is tomorrow. Taking a brief ride on the struggle bus!|||I think what I really get out from it is that it's a change of pace. There's no longer a routine way of handling your day or anything like that. It's all fresh and new. If there's an event you're...|||Matt The Martian I've re-read this post like 3 times. I really appreciate the time you took to break it down! You've given me a great deal to think about and answer. I think the most important one is...|||It's been a while. Many months back I had no job, car, or money. Terribly depressed about it all plus the fact I had to drop out of my semester of college. I don't think I can forget how it felt...|||If you are a straight guy, was it surprising to find out about your type? No, not really. It was pretty relieving to understand my type though. Many other guys would think it was weird for me to be...|||Hmmm...thinking about this makes me wonder. Harry Potter Like a few others in this thread, Harry Potter was part of my generation. Especially so that I was close in age to Harry during the...|||This has really made me realize how much of a lack of affection I've experienced in recent times, how much I really appreciated it, and how much I REALLY would love to feel it again. I remember in...|||Yeah. I'm pretty sure everyone does though. I just am not an active texter/caller with ANYONE (I'm such a terrible texter now and I avoid calls like a plague) so most relationships are from times...|||I finally got my MR2 back and running and on top of that a job! I still need to do my drug test before I can work though lol. HOWEVER I'm still broke. I'm addicted to Arizona green tea. I...|||I've seen a lot of various different personalities within the INFP board and I'm curious to see how some INFJ's would describe themselves! Likes, dislikes, views, etc. I suck at describing myself...|||A lot of others said it pretty well above..personally since I love trance, I do think a bit of nostalgia goes a long way (though it can depend how far back you're going lol). Some people are all...|||Both, although I lean more towards Liz. Yeah, it's bad for Mica that the person she likes happens to like her best friend, but I feel like Liz is being treated unfairly over something she can't...|||I've had some thoughts revolving around social networks these past few days. I thought it'd be interesting to see where other INFP's stand.|||3 months later and nothing has changed. I feel like a hamster stuck in it's cage running on it's wheel everyday.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQdwOdjhbZc|||Meh, in some ways it can be but it's all how you make it. Personality type isn't the only thing that makes up someone.|||Red.|||Yes, ridiculously so. I don't even feel I know enough about myself to write something accurate. Even if I do come up with something, after all that effort I usually just end up deleting it and going...|||I don't have an exact time but I think a lot of these match up very well. I doubt there's any connection between this and being an INFP though lol. Name: Astrolabe Customer February 11 1993 ...|||Occasionally. If i'm out with friends it can be a quick downward spiral because they don't get that same intensity I do in the moment :'(|||No. You might want to with good intentions but it's straight up cruel. I had a friend that went through something like that. Crushed him to know that.|||- 21 - Male - Straight - 0 Like most other INFP's, I need to feel strongly towards someone. Casual isn't my thing. I've had opportunities that I chose not to take and really a lot of pressure...|||Ultra Music Festival yesterday, today, and probably tomorrow. So many good sets!|||Keep focus on other things. Yeah it sucks but you can go on. Try to avoid chatter about him or his SO from anyone who knows them too.|||I would give it a chance but I know an ESTJ..we're like oil and water. To get to the love stage itself would be a great deal of effort on both sides for each other.|||I need an actual interest for food. I must be INTERESTED in it that day. Otherwise, even if it's something AMAZINGLY good, I won't touch it. It's like cravings but on some weird level. wtf.|||It depends on the attraction. If it's someone I don't know and am infatuated with, yes. She'd probably never know it. If it's someone I've formed a connection with, no- I'd feel a bit more nervous...|||I'm repulsed by loud people (ex: talk really loudly as their normal voice, as if they're shouting at you). I feel like there are too many variables for me to accurately answer this question lol|||It's very possible. It's happened quite a few times in my experience. It has also happened that the further I went on with one friend that I started wondering if we could become something more. It...|||Unfortunately, I'm not really looking to dig it back up lol. I didn't know it then but when you look at INTJ vs INFP you can see where a few of my problems happened. Mostly emotion. I spent a long...|||I can't handle an ESTJ as a friend so it's an impossibility for a relationship to me.|||4 years. Now I'm recovering from avoiding any close relationships with girls since then. I'm still hesitant. INTJ girl's really can break an INFP guy's heart.|||Well, it was really just the space of time between kindergarten and 3rd grade for me and mostly because we all shared the same interests (beyblades, yu-gi-oh, pokemon, racing each other, etc). It...|||Making friends as easily as asking. Having fun without worrying whether we're judged right or wrong for doing so. Being able to role-play with your imagination. Being 100% wrong about something...|||There's quite a few but if I were to sum it up it would probably be 'severely misunderstood'. Society and INFP's (at least from my perspective) don't match well.|||This. I care too much about people sometimes though. I nearly always regret it once the roller coaster starts.|||I don't really have any questions, but it IS amazing to me that so many people think certain people can't do certain things. Your passion is like mine (cars). I'm glad you've gotten back into it. ...|||Primarily, although it also depends on what kind of person I'm dealing with. Complete *** of a guy I know likes to always put other guys down (he's too much of a player to do that to girls) and...|||Well, I love being a support pillar. Especially so in that I try to bring a lot of happiness. Showing affection is something I like too but I love mental stimulation and honesty towards yourself....|||I literally just finished watching it because of this thread. I'f anything I enjoyed what didn't directly revolve around the MC. Like what happens at her job or the dwarf!|||Arya (Eragon) Hermoine Granger (Harry Potter) Kikyo (Inuyasha) Sera Kang (The Breaker) Mako Sato (Initial D) Elie (Rave Master) I probably have others too.|||I've been stuck. I haven't had my car in 3+ weeks since the clutch went out. I haven't been unable to get to my college classes as a result, which has put enormous stress on me and my parents...|||Eh, I might be. I don't really know anymore. I've had bad experiences in the past that have left me wary of entering that kind of bond again.|||I honestly do both. Drama is near always waiting behind your good intentions though.|||I can agree with all of you on many fronts. I've been feeling paralyzed by this and have been really unable to make a solid move so far. Especially being on/off on college at a 'critical' age to be...|||I'm interested in hearing how other INFP's feel about this. From my own experience, I was making GREAT money and could have potentially made even more, yet as much as I was making..i wasn't...|||Haha, exactly. Maybe I'll get around to it with a bit more time!|||TheRudeMustache You probably mistook it for the avatar one- thats the picture you see under your name. Also, on topic. These two tracks are amazing. http://youtu.be/MqoANESQ4cQ|||TheRudeMustache Those are primarily the crowds I mean!
'Well when you figure out where to begin, please do. I remain unconvinced. I don't mind if you go on and on. His sensing could very well be introverted but there's no way in hell it's his...|||There's not an SJ bone in that man's body. Where's the Si? Where's the Fe? He's some sort of xxFP.|||What the fuck did I just read?|||Are you saying INFPs can't be attractive? You're horrible!|||Seems more INFJ to me.|||Oh, okay. Thanks for clearing everything up. I'll just trust you.|||He's INTP because ENTPs don't have small penises. Nah but I'm seriously doubting he's an extrovert. He's just a loud and obnoxious asshole. He doesn't seem like the kind of person who would be...|||ESFP 3w2|||Tai - ESTP Matt - INFJ Sora - ESFJ Izzy - INTP Joe - ISFJ Mimi - ESFP Kari - INFP TK - ENFJ Davis - ESFP|||He took the test and got ENFJ.|||He tested as ENFJ. you should take the myers briggs personality test and post your results | ask.fm/theneedledrop|||Confirmed ENFJ. you should take the myers briggs personality test and post your results | ask.fm/theneedledrop|||Entp 5|||They're all xSFPs.|||ENTJ 8w7. I see no Si in him whatsoever, but a good amount of Se. Te-dom is obvious.|||The part where the documentary shows Foley getting thrown off the cell and has current superstars talking about where they were when they saw it gives me chills. Foley is the fucking man.|||Such an interesting man. I'm going with ENFP but I'm not sure about the enneagram. I can see a lot of 7 in him when I look at the choices he's made during his career but 6 makes sense too. 7w6 or 6w7...|||Thanks for the heads up. I've never actually known a confirmed 2w1 so I probably have a skewed idea of what they're like. His television character is probably 2w1 though based off what you said.|||ESFJ 2w1|||I agree with 3w2 for his enneagram. Not sure about MBTI.|||Not nearly enough information but it sounds like: A- ENTP B- ISTJ C- ESFP|||A closed minded ENFP? That's not something you come across every day.|||Chris Jericho the character: ENTP Chris Jericho the man: ESTP|||Sounds about right, yeah. INTJ 8w9 ISFP 4w3|||Very liberal. I doubt there are many conservative INFPs.|||INTPs do not have Se. They have the same perceiving functions we do. Ne/Si.|||Seems highly unlikely. How would you have developed all of those functions in such a short time?|||Thankfully I've evaded all evil mastermind overlords so far in this lifetime.|||The INTJ self-congratulatory I'm an evil mastermind stuff is quite funny. Not all of you do it and some of you are only joking about it, but when an INTJ says stuff like this and is serious about...|||Fair enough. It was just that ISFJ was never a type I had considered for him and I noticed it's your type as well so something felt off about it to me. I see a lot of projecting happening when people...|||You're clearly projecting your own type onto him because you're a fan and maybe in some way relate to the character.|||Robin - ENTJ, seems introverted but is definitely a Te-dom Starfire - ENFP Raven - INFJ Cyborg - ISTP Beast Boy - ESFP Terra - ESTP|||What type are you?|||Nah. I'd elaborate but it was nothing more than a guess. It wasn't an actual typing because I don't think you can accurately type people based off of appearance. You just look like an INFJ I used to...|||infj|||That's ridiculous. You can't strip away several of his defining personality traits and chalk them up to narcissism so he fits your typing. If you can do that, then I could probably find a way to type...|||I like your site quite a bit and check it every now and then but there are a few huge mistypings on there. The one that bugs me the most is your mistyping of Kanye West as an ISFJ because I am...|||I suppose I was raised a Christian. I was always told that there's a God and my mother followed the Christian bible and all of that but I was never an active church goer and religion never really had...|||I engulf my food.'
'Dude that sounds fantastic! If you ever put anything out I'd definitely want to give it a listen :). Yeahh, jazz chords are my favourite, I've always been a big fan of it. Jazz drumming is probably...|||Haha that's the best kind of instrument ;) Ahh yes, middle school...screw em XD. Do you think you'd ever pick it back up?|||That's awesome. What kind of music are you writing? Do you have any samples online or anything?|||Research papers are the bane of my existence. I'm lucky that I can at least write about something I'm interested in, but I have to literally source every single friggin' thing I say, or otherwise,...|||I write it alllll out. Whether it makes sense or not on paper is besides the point, it's a great outlet, for me at least, to get my thoughts outside of my mind. Sometimes I can even figure some...|||1: What's your MBTI Type? INFJ 2: What's your Gender? Female 3: Are you the eldest child, middle child, or youngest child? Eldest 4: How do you learn: Hands-on, seeing, or auditory?|||Not to get in the midst of your ENTP/ENTJ power struggle BUT... You talk sooooo much!!! Ahhhhh...not that I mind listening o.O. But I can't give you the advice you want when you guys keep...|||That partly could be because our friendship was always very natural and go-with-the-flow. The other part has to do with our personalities and our honest communication style. When I outright asked...|||I'm in school right now, completing a music major with a double minor in equestrian studies and communications. I love teaching my passions to people, and would be thrilled to run a business of my...|||Speaking from personal experience, a platonic/best-friends relationship was what I had with a male ENFP for about 2 years before we talked about something more. Now we're in a pretty committed,...|||Hmm...I would want to try each type for a day. They're all so interesting and unique in their own ways.|||We're happy to help! :) I do want to add something though...when people are sad/depressed/generally in a bad state of mind, they tend to fall into their shadow functions...I read your first post and...|||Depends on the social gathering and what kind of people I'd be around. My sister and boyfriend are the closest to me, and I always love hanging with them whenever I can-BUT as of now I'm at a college...|||Music, art and writing are my escape. They're all something I can get lost in, something that takes me away from the world when I need a break. And when I'm alright again, I can come back and show...|||Nah it's all good! I use that username in like, maybe one other thing so you're fine :). And isn't it the best!? My old boss showed me it after work one day...good times. I also thoroughly enjoyed...|||True that. Hmm...for me, I got very accustomed to being someone different in certain situations, and in others that I was more comfortable in, I would take the persona off and be myself. You get...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YC2gcSHXaU Best|||^^ This. Also, I'm wondering what your thoughts are on Ne vs. Ni? Your Ne is at 70%, also very high, and only 15% away from your Ni which is at 85%. Do you think Ne could be a possibility for you?...|||Honestly, if I've established a good relationship with someone, I will naturally be protective of them no matter their type. I've sort of gained the momma bear title from most people I know :P.|||Thank you omg, you put it in words.|||Thank you ^_^. He'll be out late tonight at a social thing, which means he most likely will have worked through the Fi process and will be energized/in a good mood :P. I'll definitely remember to ask...|||Idk, I've just never heard of her name before! :P Just googled her...I probably should have known about her huh...woops o.O|||Ahh oh no! :/ I always feel like I should say something encouraging, but maybe that was bad...I do know he was done venting, but I guess I should have just stuck with sympathy? Thanks for the advice,...|||Hehe thanks :3. Huge fan of Banksy and his work.|||Thanks! Yeah I figured this was the case, but wanted to double-check with the ENFP community :).|||Ok, I've got a question... When anyone is upset and angry at him/herself and talking to me about it, I try to comfort, encourage and suggest things (etc.) to help them feel better as well as help...|||Hmm not bad, definitely has an ABBA/general 80s pop feel to it. Never heard of the artist. Not something I'd typically listen to, but I didn't mind it too much. The lyrics are a little unoriginal,...|||That's really cool actually! I've always wanted to do the actual one...do you have any more details on how you got this opportunity? I would love to know how it went after as well! I've tested and...|||Invading personal bubbles right and left! Don't worry, still love ya guys XD|||My boyfriend is an ENFP with ADHD, and while I don't think he's ever done an IQ test, he's ridiculously intelligent...not even just saying that, it almost scares me sometimes to see how smart he is....|||Itx92s funny How we all aspire to be that perfect couple in the TV screen. When really, our realities themselves are thousands upon thousands and a thousand more times interesting and fearful...|||Not sure if this was directed at me or snc1878 but either way this thread is sorta old but keeps popping back up :P. Meaning me and old ESTP friend have already come to an agreement awhile back. Not...|||I haven't gotten anything too horrible as far as advice goes, but the advice I do get, I already know (sorta like what you mentioned loving2011 ). That's why I don't really ask for it...if I need to...|||Hmm that does sound crappy :/. Though I can think of many worse things than that, if you need some perspective XD. I wish you good luck, it can't be easy.|||It's actually hilarious that you say this because my old ESTP friend, in the midst of any argument, serious or not would just say You know what, you're right. and drop it XD. It started off as a...|||No, typically I don't think Fi users are any more considerate or inconsiderate than Fe users. I actually look up to Fi users quite a lot-I have a lot of respect for people who have strong values and...|||It depends on the situation. If I get drunk tired and am also around people I know, my Ni dom will switch to a weird Fe dom when I start acting like everyone's mom and making sure no one is getting...|||My mom and sister both tested as INTJs, my dad tested as an ISFJ. It's not bad, I get along with them for the most part :)|||Crackers. Exciting, I know ;O|||Tbh, I try to avoid typing people altogether. There are too many factors and variables withing someone's personality and character to just write them off as this or that, even if you've known them...|||Nicee, my weak spot is improvisation, so I really look up to people who use that as their niche in learning. I've always wanted to learn how to scream XD. Any technique on how-to that you're willing...|||Haha no worries XD. Hmm...I can convey emotional events well, but I never know how it will connect with the reader. Idk, it's all very spontaneous when I decide I'm in the mood to write something. I...|||Nice! Sounds intriguing. I'm all over the map, but novels are a bit of a struggle for me to accomplish. I tend to stick with poetry and other creative written pieces. I guess I write about whatever...|||I feel like I should clarify that my little blow up was aimed at the ENFP, not the ESTP :). But I could definitely see him being wary about my out-of-the-blue actions against someone else...maybe he...|||Dooo it! Haha don't worry, powerful arms come with practice. The bigger battle is keeping time and having the coordination :P. If you succeed in both of those, you'll be fine.|||I know I have an addictive personality. Fortunately with nothing too serious though, so I know to not let myself get into anything too destructive. I learned this when a friend introduced me to an...|||I'm getting ready to move back to college this Thursday, and despite being busy with work and music projects all summer, THIS is the only thing making me exhausted. Well...that and the non-stop...|||thatquirkyaspie Welcome! Nice to have you here ^_^. I've been getting a lot of inspiration for my writing from MBTI as well-it's a great resource for creating complex characters. What kind of book...|||Candy007 I'd say I have the same connection with drumming, but you don't exactly strum them XD. I hope you get to continue learning it, whether you decide to take lessons or self-teach :). 11th...|||Woahh, I think you just figured it out to a T o.O. Too bad I didn't think about this sooner...can you elaborate on what you mean by but it wasn't totally social, or I would have let her go? Other...'
'Just picked this post to reply to, but ive read most of it Ok, first. You need to get something straight. Loving, respecting, and appreciating your sister will go a long way. Communicate with your...|||I've followed every mbti/enfj blog I can find, so Im probably in that mix|||Do you have trouble with commitment in your life? Would you consider that an overarching problem in your life?|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JRWox-i6aAk|||If you have ever thought of ENFJs being social butterflies... It's a complication to discuss. On one hand, yes I can see myself fulfilling the position. On the other hand, I care too much about how I...|||And can we all agree the esfp would be the siren and the isfp would get Pegasus, especially if infp got unicorn like -_- what are function orders to you madam|||I personally see an introvert bias in this (this post turned into hate INFJs XD, which I did not plan for and don't hate INFJs, they're too much like us to hate) not to mention I have been obsessed...|||I found the mythical creatures post http://img.tapatalk.com/d/14/08/04/y8uhy2u5.jpg|||Dominant/auxiliary Ni users, usually have a sense of elitism when comparing themselves to other people, so I wasn't surprised when I could relate to a lot of this|||All of these could have the possibility of mistreating the self, and giving the self away for others benefit and outer harmony. We forget about ourselves and could have self esteem problems cause...|||So I've been on tumblr and following some mbti blogs as of late. I see this one girl on there, something along the lines of readingontheroof or whatever. I see this girl makes a lot of if types...|||And I'm not necessarily optimistic, I am in the sense I strongly believe everything is and will be ok, but when it comes to ideas or plans I'm extremely pessimistic. Blind optimism is a HUGE NO|||That we're all lovey dovey care bears, just like esfjs, it makes me mad how on other forums and tumblr they take away out intuition and our Fe is literally the only thing about us.... I don't know...|||I feel as if that's because of lower in function order ti along with being an intuitive|||This guy is basically a god|||Oh|||Same, but I'm way more into telepathy/telekinesis rather than healing powers though|||If that in itself was not depressing|||Girlll just go with ENFP fr, so serious on this one, if that connected all of the dots for you don't let one guy on the internet make you think different. (or one guy sway you in the opposite...|||Hell INTJs can be gods if I can at least get in on the profits, because who the hell wouldn't get fucking rich off of that, nah I'm too dictator-ish by myself.... Nvm chess would be everywhere.......|||You're welcome for finding this btw|||angelcat also think about all those things you said about all of your disagreements with your enfj friend,I feel as though infjs would have a better time with us and mostly agree with us rather the...|||I used to do the exact same thing, that really sucks, it truly does... Words can't express. Honestly the thing that helped me was talking to a practitioner. Truly having someone else that has no...|||This was pretty brutal I'm not gonna lie.... It's ok you can calm down now lol|||angelcat I'd personally say go with your intuition. I went with mine, then all of this happened :/ I feel as if you felt attacked so don't, don't feel like you have to explain yourself because you...|||I know this post is really old but can we just talk about the energy it takes for the Ni dom user to just wake up in the morning? I mean.... They would be sloths if any animal, smart sloths, but...|||Technically a Theoretical Science such as Typology is made up of very strong opinions, however most of us here regard them as true, but still an unprovable science outside of itself. Pissing in...|||Oh well XP, guess that won't work then|||Extra|||Feel bad for what? Absolute Nonsense, technically only the way you interpret something shows your understanding not the value of the information in itself. NFJs can empathize with the bad guy...|||I really wouldn't see an ENTP mistyping as an INFJ, I would definitely however see an ENFP mistyping as an INFJ seeing that INFJs are mostly considered a perfect union of their internal struggle...|||Big Determiner if you are an NFP or an NFJ ladies an gentlemen, can you empathize with the bad guy in a given situation Answer the Question first If yes you are an NFJ If no you are an NFP|||Oh and ENTP couldn't care less in general so yeah|||I would actually say an *NFP possibly leaning more towards ENFP but I would need more information, but most INFJs, no offense INFJs, would be wondering through the world in a *mystical trance* at...|||Fellow ENFJs... If you're not the most organized person around, don't doubt that you are an ENFJ. If you're not the most outgoing person in the world, don't doubt you're an ENFJ. If you're...|||As to comment on somewhere I don't belong :P, ENFJs feel like this too, although I'm trying to decide if it's more of a commonality for us or you guys, I've skimmed through but I've seen the internal...|||Yes and no... Whenever I had to perform in front of a bunch of students in my high school class hella yes that was happening, but whenever I was in my school production of pippin having to perform...|||I feel like I'm in this right now actually XD, in my idgaf mood which NEVER happens, but I kinda like it, not having anyone to try for makes me feel relaxed, but I do get lonely, but in these moments...|||All the time Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk|||I was a very extraverted child who became more introverted as the years went on Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk|||I think if you infps just be yourself, you are enough to change perspectives, since you in yourselves are such beautiful people, don't think you have to do something just for you to have value in...|||http://youtu.be/KuX_xwghhsw http://youtu.be/oKxuiw3iMBE|||I try to fit into others expectations of me and change how I act around certain people, I'm not afraid of making decisions, quite the opposite, I won't force my will on people if someone else has...|||Note these specific examples are theoretical extremes, but I see myself in this description|||Hii, so I have been interested for the past week in dom-tertiary loops since I have seen mine a lot in my life. So do you guys have any information or experience regarding your dom-tertiary loops...|||Haha I do that exact same thing Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk|||1 in 10 100%|||Those can mean three different things XD|||And accidentally post what other people have already posted XP|||When you want to post something good, but youre afraid it won't be or people wont relate, and just sort of sit there anxiously watching others post'
'O Awwww.. Well I have softened with age.. I never said it was simple.. Just easier. I am not great at love with individuals.. My love life is a train wreck and always has been.. Lots of...|||The difference I find is this.. It's easy to love and trust the individual.. But maybe not so much the human collective. It's a much easier weight to carry too.|||The problem I have with this conclusion is.. What drugs?? Because no pothead, coke addict, heroin junky, pill Popper, acid dropper or Molly roller I have ever known or been figured shit stench should...|||What he did or didn't do as far as drugs go is irrelevant.. The guy thinks the shit stench in the john should match the food on the menu.. Drugs nothing!|||It's mostly just a kink.. I don't need it to be present..|||Well... Should it? A little back story.. I am a manager at slightly above fast food level Asian style restaurant chain. Today a man came in and asked if he could use the toilet.. Said he...|||Reality is the sum of YOUR perceptions and experiences and the values you place on them.. This is typology defined. If you think/feel reality is rotten that is on you. Although I do...|||Magneto and Professor X.|||I don't mind up to a point.. In fact most people whom know me tend to put me high on their list of preferred people to complain to. I am patient and not without sympathy and empathy. I can just...|||Instead of lamenting that you ( anyone really, who laments such things) have been friend zoned, consider this... The friend zone is most overwhelmingly common. The exception is the fuck...|||I do this on purpose regularly. It's important to make sure what I believe is what I really believe.. My beliefs are a product of my experiences, perceptions and how I value them. As my...|||What else do you have to trade? And who determines the value? And that is how money came to be.. It's actually quite a brilliant system and it is the single most important factor in human and...|||I think about this sometimes.. I feel it's entirely possible. So many times we bite our tounges. We have little choice. Social etiquette.. Fear of authority.. Loss of income. Fear of ridicule and...|||It is sad when leaves.. But it leaves the possibility of a reunion. It is such a heartwarming movie. Pulls so many strings. This guy was so inspired by it.. He wrote a song. ...|||I don't remember. But the movie that made me bawl the hardest was E.T. Even though I knew he wasn't really dead.. I cried my eyes out.. In public no less.|||I can control one thing only.. That is my own behavior. I can't help what I feel but I have a choice in how I respond or if I respond at all. This is what I feel is the essence of your...|||When what mattered no longer matters and what didn't matter does... You've changed*. But perhaps it is regression. *People don't really change.. But their values do.. It's always a good idea to...|||Have you ever noticed that; overlook and oversee have opposite meanings but fat chance and slim chance mean the same thing? I have.. And it kinda pisses me off... That is all.|||Who? Me? Or those who judge others?|||Yes!!! Clearly he is a misogynist and a rape apologist... or not. Why are you dating him? Either trust your instincts or don't, but asking others is just asking for bad advice from people who...|||Yes yes.. It's because I don't know how to read a dictionary .. Or my invisible privilege blinds me.. How is that even possible if it's invisible? Yada yada yada.. I have heard it all.. Let me...|||I am not a misogynist nor am I sexist.. But no way in fucking hell would I ever call myself a feminist. I never want to be associated with a bunch a little tyrant, emotional blackmailing, ...|||When his posts are thanked by me, it's because he forms his opinions using objective criteria not because I always agree with his conclusions, but rather because I approve of his behavior.|||Everyone is talking about what Eska did or didn't do.. But let's not forget he took a lot of abuse that was not punished.. Including one post where was called an asshole with no infraction levied...|||Funny thing is.. If you are being offensive, I am not at all offended. Crazy how that works..|||Hmmm I don't feel led.. I assumed you were genuine and I was just trying to help. I am not part of some pedantic and semantic club either.. Nor do I actually care about Eska personally. I am not...|||So you are showing me how I should apply my own example then? I am confused because You are not telling me anything I don't know so I am trying to understand what point you are attempting to make...|||ONE MORE TIME.. it is an EXAMPLE!!! and does not necessarily reflect my personal opinion on the subject So please stop preaching to me.. Thank You :)|||OK that was just an example.. You know.. For illustration purposes only?. I did not think I would need to write waiver attesting to that. You might want to stop looking for reasons to be...|||It might sound like is equal to someone taking offense not someone being offensive. I will give you an example of the difference.. I say to a woman who is breast feeding.. Put your...|||Caring is the result of personal motivation.. Claiming that he doesn't care what other people feel is claiming to know his motivations. You can't possibly know what Eska's emotions are.. For one, if...|||Au Contraire.. In my own way.. I quite like you. My only game here is finding inconsistencies. That is my only obsession.. I am hardwired that way. It's almost never personal with anyone. You are...|||Oh God! the irony..|||And I find it ironic that you claim to know my thoughts.. Or.. wait for it.. Eska's See how that works? As I already mentioned, it becomes a game of push and push back.. And politics and popular...|||Now this a perfect example of flaming and trolling.. Well done Daphne.. Well done indeed.|||This.. There is big difference between being offended and someone being offensive.. They are not mutually inclusive.|||I think it is you who is not following.. You clearly think you are intellectually and morally superior and that it's impossible for you to ever be wrong.. And I am only trying to subtlety inform...|||This ^^^ is the problem.. Because it is based solely on subjective opinion and presented as fact. Who decides what is morally superior? I certainly hope you don't actually think it's you. And...|||But Daphne.. Why must I be sensitive to a Transgender but not a Christian? Why must I fake empathy to someone but not expect it return? Why does someone think they have the right to tell me who I...|||It's simple.. You must tow the popular line and that is final.. Social justice is modern totalitarianism. For example... You must be a feminist, if you aren't you're a misogynist. However at...|||I am pretty sure I have reported you before .... Are you calling me a bitch?? Because I take great joy in reporting people who stoop to calling people names.. I positively adore doing it. So all...|||But wouldn't this be an insinuation that everyone who does report a post is a bitch? Ghandi said something along the lines of; the only thing needed for evil to flourish is for good people to...|||Another problem is when a post is reported because it clearly contains an infraction, such as a personal attack but nothing punitive seems to come of it. I think it would nice if they responded to...|||This is because the most common type to populate the INFJ forum is the special Snowflake syndrome type, not INFJs . The majority of threads here are people seeking some kind of external validation...|||I am 45 and I decided at quite a young age, that family life was not gonna be my thing. I knew from quite a young age that the established course of action and I were not going to get along....|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GzGJZxDfMgI I will not give you a penny more than you deserve I don't know why you bother asking anymore All of your charm couldn't make me change my mind I will...|||Mine would say.. Fuck off!!!|||160+ It's the internet.. Everybody is at least 160 on the internet.|||This is just five of my favorites.. Not conclusive Jar of Flies - Alice In Chains Achtung Baby! - U2 OK Computer - Radiohead The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust - David Bowie The Wall - Pink...|||In the USA .. Today's date is 12/07/2014 It's just the way they do it here.. I think it's retarded and prefer day/month/year like the rest of the world.. But this is AMERICA dammit!!! And they will...'
'I can understand the irritability that comes with boredom. Just try and find something to keep you busy. :3|||I'm a Scorpio and a Rooster. The specific year I was born in a place during the cycle that makes both my signs water. So, I'm a Water Scorpio and a Water Rooster. Water ~|||I've always been more of a dog guy, but as I grow older and experience more of dogs: I hate dogs. I hate cats, too. But, they're more tolerable in longer term situations. They're needy little...|||I dealt with unrequited love for over two years. It drove me into insanity and horrible depths of self-hatred that destroyed a lot of my relationships with friends and others; including the person I...|||It's good to see you, too, Prince Zuko. Thanks for the concern. How has life been treating you?|||Well, everyone, I've missed you. Who the Hell is this, punk? I'm sure you're wondering such things. Well, I'm Inverse Knight. Does anyone care? I don't really care if you care. The ones who care...|||Hey all, it's me, again. Who am I? Well, if my memory serves me right, I was Inverse Knight, over on the INFP boards. I went through a really rough... year. Drove me temporarily insane and I acted...|||http://i630.photobucket.com/albums/uu25/Vagrant_Samurai/1222120916-1_zps89481dd3.jpg The eyes of emotional insanity. Of a wanderer. Of a paradox.|||My life is an emotional roller coaster. That and I'm becoming a bit more superstituous. I was putting on my glasses and they just broke. Right ast the nose. That can't be good. Went to grab my...|||I saw the movie a few months ago with my friends. Joe's an idiot and this entire movie could have been avoided had made a single intelligent decision. It was enjoyable, but I hated that kid. His...|||I'm glad you enjoyed my awful sense of humor.|||-Slowly Takes Off Glasses and Cocks Eyebrow- Hey sweetheart, how you doing? That's my favorite one. It's simple and effective. That and I can segway into a slightly self-deprecative joke in...|||Alright, so, things are turning up for me a little bit. Even though work is kind of rough, because of the holidays, my boss is an evil bitch with a capital C, and my financial aid having...|||I look very intimidating, or so I'm told, but I generally prefer to speak softly. That and I have larynx damage, so speaking up is a bit difficult for me. Well, I tend not to notice the fluxuations...|||Did you miss me? That's what I thought. God damn it, my leg is killing me. Been working pretty much nonstop; yesterday, today, and tomorrow are my longest breaks for over a month. Yeah, I want the...|||That sounds like almost every conversation I've had in the past few months.|||For yours truly, it changes day by day. Ultimately, I'd like to find true Love, meaning, and fulfillment. Though, I accept the long-term nature of those goals and enjoy the baby steps of progress....|||I'd like to go byArdent LunacyPlease and thank you.|||I'm not upset with anyone, nor am I about to do anything stupid. Just taking some time to collect myself and get something to say that doesn't depress everyone around ,e.|||Yeah, I can't do this anymore. Going on an extended leave of absence. If anyone wants me, I'll be back whenever the fuck I want.|||I've answered empathy and emotion control almost universally for the past few years. Yeah, no. I'd like ki manipulation, like in anime. Why? Because, nothing says Negotiation like Tri-Beam! I...|||Alright, well, I just had the courage to take that last little jump into misanthropy. I'm okay with this, for a number of reasons. Life starts right now. As of today, I'm forgiving myself, letting go...|||World, I'm disappointed.|||I. My father, whom I haven't seen since April, is an ISTJ. I just call him an asshole, though. Not sure about my mom, but I'd reckon ESFP. That sounds like her. My mom, I like. My stepmom tested...|||Today, I found out a couple of things. The first of them is that a blood vessel in my left eye can twitch. That's kinda cool. Why did I learn this? Well, that girl and I got to talking. She and I had...|||Son Goku: the legendary hero, the Super Saiyajin. Who is divulging himself on what appears to be a bowl of infinite noodles. Because, well, I analyize this however you want.|||inverse KNIGHT Caps lock. Didn't think of thast till the first e and I forgot to hit it twice after K. But hey, having a slightly bigger nose works for me.|||Alright, so, I just took some Klonopin I found. By found, I mean it was somewhere I put it. I forgot it existed, because I my memory is kind of like swiss cheese. In that it has holes, not that is...|||Since I was twelve, I was the guy who's had to explain things. So, innocent isn't something I hear often.|||Sometimes I don't know why I post here or anywhere. Feel just as alone today as I did yesterday and I will tomorrow. No matter how hard I try, we're not connecting. No one is. Well, almost. Turns out...|||Normally I stay in my own part of the forum, but your name caught my attention, Darth Revan. My best friend for six years was an INTP, so I can understand a tidbit or two. Wish you the best of luck,...|||I'm going to Hell. I can't even stand listening to my problems. I'm sick of them, but not over them. Fucking Hell. Part of me really wants to be a Hero. To take the blue lightsaber and be what I know...|||What am I suppose to say? Seriously, this world is meaning less to me each day. Keeping myself entertained is all it amounts to. They told me I'm disassociating. Honestly, I'm just disappointed. Why...|||I am a giant mess of anger, bitterness, disgust, and misery. Just as fucking jolly as every other granola-ass INFP.|||I'm becoming a recluse again because I'm emotionally insecure and paranoid. That semiwarranted paranoia being you all and pretty much everyone doesn't like me. Awesome.|||If there are words for this, I don't know them. The feeling - the utter lack of feeling - that simply is, I can't properly describe. Around two, my friends came over. The last of them just left. It's...|||I love you, too. That was hilarious.|||Well, somehow all the horrible pain and misery over the past few weeks is acceptable, tonight. Why? Because I have a cake. Tomorrow, I'm getting another cake. My friend and my grandma both made me...|||I prefer idols that don't actually exist. They can't disappoint you; when they do, you can just blame it on bad writing. So, I'm going to say Luke Skywalker, like I always do.|||Well, I ended up going to orientation. Turns out my drug test didn't go through yet and I wasn't suppose to be there today. Somebody told me I needed to wait for a call and short-term memory loss...|||Checking in before I head to bed. My posting's been declining again, but there's been stuff going on. Today, watched some movies and hung out with my friend. When she and I talked, I came to a...|||To be serious, I'm happy with anything that runs and doesn't look too ugly. Since this is a dream car thread; An Incom T-65 X-Wing Multi-Purpose Fighter and a Chocobo.|||Well, I've been writing in my journal some more tonight. I stopped doing it religiously every night a while back. Sometimes I use it for cute little notes. But, now I usually do those on my...|||It's way too early, right now. Took some cold medicine and now I'm just trying to keep my head from throbbing. Went to that interview yesterday. Got the job. It's seasonal, but it's something. Still...|||I am hilariously bad at first person shooters. Like, it's pathetic. My skill with fighting games isn't much better. Only a handful I'm any good at and those are non-traditional. A cat destroyed me in...|||Anytime I try to act cool. Ever. In the history of the universe. From me falling backwards over a table, into food, and bashing my head in, while trying to very smoothly walk away from this girl I...|||My mental health is spiralling and I'm starting to become legitimately scared. Not a night goes by where I don't fantasize about suicide and sometimes I even hurt myself, just to try and move the...|||Well, after I took a walk this morning, I realized how bad my chronic fatigue is. I keep falling asleep at random intervals and can't stand up anymore. Went to see the psychologist for my disability...|||I woke up in the middle of the night because of pain, again. Went to the clinic and they told me tough luck. My grandma gave me some of her Vicodin, so I managed to chill out a bit. A whole bottle...|||I haven't dressed up in months. Not worn a tie since graduation. Why the Hell does society expect me to dress like this for a god damn Interview? >_< ...'
Something interesting I discovered when I was transitioning from vegetarian to vegan is that a lot of milk alternatives are actually higher in calcium than regular milk (soy milk in particular is...|||I've always seemed to click better with females. They give off a softer and more inviting energy most of the time and generally seem more open-minded than other males do. With males, it's harder for...|||I've taken this test plenty of times before, but it surprisingly wasn't accurate at all this time. I think a big part of that is because I've mellowed out a bit over time and become a more grounded...|||I'm glad to see this thread bumped up! It's been almost two years since I created this system, so I wouldn't say I agree with 100% of it anymore (for instance, I see myself as more Hufflepuff than...|||1. INFP 2. I would rather please myself, but I often find myself doing the opposite. 3. I want to live a life that is true to who I am, because when it comes down to it, I do want to live my life...|||I used to think I was a Ravenclaw, but I've found myself identifying a lot more with Hufflepuff lately. I think at my core, I'm more of a Gryffindor, but that doesn't really manifest on the outside...|||Using the checklist, I scored highest on Scholar (8) and tied for second on Artisan, Priest, and King (5). I would say that this makes sense after looking at the profiles.|||I got True Neutral. I've taken this test before, but I'm not really a huge fan of it because it doesn't score on a gradient. For example, here were my results: Law & Chaos: Law ----- XXXXXXXXX...|||But why couldn't an INFP's goal in life be to pursue wealth? Fi's focus lies in the creation and upholding of a unique set of subjective values. Fi is not an inherently selfless function, nor are all...|||Authenticity is definitely something I strive for, and it is extremely important for me to live a life that's in alignment with my core beliefs and what I want for myself. At the same time, I often...|||This could be an unpopular opinion, but movies don't do all that much for me. I enjoy them sometimes, but unless they're part of a larger series, they typically don't provide me with the character...|||I would lean towards Josh being an Fe dominant type, and I don't really see any evidence of intuition. ESFJ would be my guess, possibly ISFJ. As for Colleen, she's a lot less sensitive than Josh, but...|||My thoughts: Newt - INFP Jacob - ESFJ Tina - ISTJ Queenie - ENFP President - ESTJ Grindelwald - ENTJ (although I could potentially buy ENFJ).|||I would say I fall somewhere within the 15-20 range. I don't abhor socialization, but being alone is typically a lot more refreshing for me (unless I'm in an environment where I feel really...|||I would say... INFP (ISFJ) The IF INFP|||Looking back at these, I sort of agree, but this post was also from a year and a half ago, so... Barry is definitely a strong Fi type, while both Iris and Joe are definitely strong Fe types. Barry...|||Same exact result for me, although I'd probably reverse the order (that is, if the order isn't random).|||Right now, I'm 20. Whether or not I look my age depends on whether I grow out facial hair. When I do, I'd say I look about my age. When I shave, I could probably pass for 16.|||I think a lot of us feel this was because the world wasn't really built for us. Our society is very ES/EJ oriented, so it's natural we'd be misfits to some degree. Additionally, as INFPs, our...|||Same result. The description fits, but I think the test is flawed. Someone who's cautious and inhibited isn't automatically going to be an IxxJ type. The I/E questions were especially flawed since...|||1) What kind of life do you want to live? I want a life of happiness and fulfillment where I'm maximizing my potential and helping others grow as well. I want to go at my own pace, live a peaceful...|||How so?|||Both the official quiz and an unofficial one on Buzzfeed (I think) sorted me into Horned Serpent, while the above quiz sorted me into Pukwudgie. From what I've read, both descriptions are decently...|||Father: ISTJ Mother: ESFJ Younger Sister: ENFP What's interesting about my family is that not only are we all on the Ne/Si axis, but the older we are, the more prominent Si is in our stackings...|||Your Scores 7 Genuinely Repent 6 Accept Responsibility|||I'm not sure why you interpreted my comment as an attack - it was only meant to be an observation, and it wasn't entirely directed at you at all. Regardless, you do seem to fit the house well based...|||I've always found it a bit curious that so many INFPs claim to be Slytherins. Granted, any type can fit any house, but from my understanding of Slytherin house, many of its core traits appear to be...|||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eaj-V2KIxRk *my 1,000th post!|||I got Green/White, but I think Green/Blue or Green/Red would be a better fit.|||Kiss - ENTJ Marry - ESFP Bed - ISTP ENFP, ESTP, ISFJ|||I was leaning towards an ESTJ typing myself, but I agree with this. More information is needed before I can really put forth a good answer.|||31/36. I wish they would've revealed the correct answers, at least - I'm curious to see which ones I missed.|||Third time's the charm? Gender: undetermined Age: 14-24 Intelligence: gifted Openness: conservative MBTI personality profile: INTP Closest alternative we found: INTJ I will say, it was...|||I'm an Aries, my result was... http://www2.pictures.zimbio.com/mp/Tqn1bdBgtqzl.jpg|||Fe - Inclusive Fi - Passionate Ne - Inquisitive Ni - Precise Se - Impulsive Si - Cautious Te - Orderly Ti - Discerning|||Red pill, almost definitely. Longevity means very little to me if I can't make the most of my life. Even if longevity was more important to me than happiness, if I took the blue pill, my health would...|||Hm, the accuracy isn't a whole lot better than it was the first time. It failed to get my gender right, even though it was slightly closer as far as MBTI type goes. Gender: undetermined Age:...|||Oh wow, this thread is an oldie. I wouldn't say it's as much an iNtuitive thing as it is an Fi thing. Strong Fi typically abides by its own values regardless of the social climate. But you also...|||My username is actually a conglomeration of all the parts of my real name. I took the last three letters of my first name, middle name, and last name, and combined them into one username. To be...|||April 16th. I just turned 20.|||Gender: male Age: 14-24 Intelligence: superior Openness: early-adopter MBTI personality profile: ENTJ Closest alternative we found: ENTP|||I've never gotten into a fight before, but when I was a kid, I would very occasionally lash out against people who I thought were being unnecessarily mean. For example, when I was in second grade, I...|||What specifically would you like to know? I could write about myself for a long time, but I want to know what you'd like to know in order to understand us better.|||xNTP? I'd probably guess ENTP over INTP from the few posts I can recall of yours.|||I like both, but the fuzzy texture of peaches isn't a sensation I particularly enjoy (although the flavorful insides more than make up for it). I do prefer nectarines, though, especially the white...|||Machiavellian Test Results: 61/100 Dark Triad Test Results: - Narcissism: 1.2 (6th percentile) - Machiavellianism: 1.8 (15th percentile) - Psychopathy: .9 (3rd percentile)|||ExTP for sure, but I'm leaning more towards ESTP than ENTP. @jhall98, which of these two types would you say you relate to more (and why)?|||Based on how you answered these questions, I see you as most likely an ENFJ or ESFJ. How well do you relate to these two types? I'd suggest to look up background information (i.e. personality...|||Yeah, I wouldn't fully trust that test (or any test, for that matter). It gave me INFJ the last time I took it, and functionally, INFJs and INFPs have very little in common. @water_girl, here are...|||I could believe ISFJ from what I've seen. You definitely seem like a feeling type over a thinking type at least, and all the times you've changed types could possibly indicate Fe/Ne.
'When I click on the links for the updated posts, my url shows a blank screen.|||Corporations are not the place for individuals. Mass produced minds fit the corporate-human resource commodity model. INTJ, don't give up, don't surrender. You have the resourcefulness in you....|||Atheists want scientific rigour and logic applied to Religion; however scientific rigour is missing from its own ideologies namely Atheism and Scientism, the argument being religion is illogical,...|||If a religious faith can be proven by way of scientific method it ceases to be a faith. A testable and provable fact requires no faith to exist or be asserted incontrovertibly. So what would a...|||Other examples on industry giant Google on introducing the other element to Robotics, AI to power up the robotics. Google buys AI company DeepMind after big robotics, home devices acquisitions - ABC...|||If the Robotics Mass Introduction Program is real, then there should be examples of such and projection plans for their introduction, if so then, what's up with Google and so on? Google’s Driverless...|||You know you're INTJ when the debate of ideas Means War.|||The given assumption INTJ= generally atheist. Well we need metrics for this, and do they mean anything as to claim of superior intellect or whathaveyou? Atheism has the value as any other...|||In other words being assertive and asserting.|||Citation of cases would be interesting to tell how Ouija boards lead to unwanted results, we can learn from experience, right?|||I think the question regarding the quality of the faith given out by the congregation is not just determined by the level attention given to its particular members. There is not way for the...|||Believing on Ouija Boards is one thing, do they work is the question.|||Yes, communication with spirits, demons and other entities, seeking to use the device to manipulate the users, perhaps there are some stories to fill the gaps on this?|||In general terms churches as such are under the umbrella of the Federal Council of Churches and around the world under the World Council of Churches with a set worldly agenda. Some people are...|||Not Ouija boards, but there are other more accurate devices. Ouija boards for some reason have a bad reputation at outing Intuitive precognition (divination). Software applications can be more...|||Dreamed of living in the outer planets, in a colony ressembling The Wild West with high tech. Gotta keep the dream journal on hard copy, recollections lasting for about 10 minutes.|||If people want quality moderation, they need to pay their fees for the time and effort needed to moderate actual debates. For admins, moderating actual debates, not just ordinary posting with the...|||Speaking of robots taking over, this observation is in regards to DARPA, Google and other organisations seeking to promote robots and AI to replace humans, despite the record US unemployment,...|||The logic of Cult of Personality is flawed, why not become one's own cult of personality, the only person who doesn't hide things from you.|||You know you're INTJ when you release social engineering of society has reduced effect on you.|||Something like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8I8mWG6HlmU|||If Atheists and their like-minded militants didn't harass, there wouldn't be a problem .|||Sounds like a mind-profiler probe...|||Experience detachment like the Buddha, the anger goes away, your neocortex can then compute higher order thoughts. You miss on the repetitive neurosis. I just accept people as they are flaws and...|||Give me spiritual, I don't get anything out of Penny Cruz.|||Move along - there is nothing to look, the perpetrator remains at large, there are a number helpful members of the public aiding the Police with the investigations.|||10 hours, it does sound epic.|||Insecure people are a pest and the best treatment for pest is fumigation with nerve gas, preferably slow acting.|||Don't forget to wax, peel and work out.|||I know the Transhumanists hate and fear, for they are very much human, despite the conceit of superiority, ignorance is palpable. ONLY HUMAN. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pIgZ7gMze7A&ob=av3e|||West Side Story has pretty good melodies, gee I am still straight after it, my aesthetic perceptions are expanding. Excellent DVD and choreography, be cool dude. Brilliant stuff. Thank you God,...|||Tubular Bells album by David Oldfield.|||Apple Fanboys; silly people never heard of military AI being used in IT consumer products. See CALO and SIRI.|||I accept them, otherwise the mind chatter gets out of control.|||Stuff the ignorant and arrogant fools for they come together. The words you're looking for are Apocrypha and Seventh Heaven.|||Freud Allegories aside (it is bunk science any way, didn't you notice? Easy metaphors), it is surrogate masturbation (self-indulgence), for the artisans, it is called the peak prowess in skill...|||PS:from my research the Ancient Orders of the Christian Knights are alive and well and willing to do what it takes to do the job. It was an interesting time away from the forum, doing library...|||I am at war against Atheist and Socialist Scum, I am only protecting the Judeo-Christian Civilization from Cultural Genocide that made it great. Atheists and socialists where they hold power commit...|||Communcation skills baby. Speak to the audience, not to yourself. They have no duty to even pay attention to anyone.|||Sure, after a while you to know the people on the list... so where are the brain busting insights from the INTJs?|||I like to stick to real people. No one knows where psychos lurk in internet forums. Me picky?|||Empirical testing. Knowledge is like swiss cheese, irrational and illogical is the holes.|||INTJs have too much curiosity to allow themselves to be squares... intellectual but not stone-cold autistic fool. Nerds are a different species, more sex appeal needed too...|||INTJs have the Introversion and Intituition, trumps Extroversion, however INTJs can over-intellectualize into absurdity what makes them hot-blooded humans. Extroversion is over-rated for the...|||Sounds like an enticing real-life romance, actually rather addictive once you get to appreciate the aesthetics of it. Give me a glass of red and a heroic romance and adventure...even Reality shifts....|||Speak of Necromancy and be freaked out with knowledge of the actual Black Arts. Otherwise it is a storm in a tea cup. Fair point? INTJs are allowing personality profile category determine what...|||INTJs keep the eyes on the big picture, don't suffer over small fry especially when it is not mission critical yet endevor to remain accurate. Too much to ask?|||Listening to Brad Fiedel's electronic sountrack to The Terminator; where the remainders of Humanity fight the Artilect Singularity called SKYNET. Thanks to the sic-fi writers for sending us a...|||So, the answer is not demanded from a particular person any way. So the issue is...|||No worries, the issue with INTJ girl versus INTJ boy is that the emotions are stronger in the girl. Can the boy neuter and suppress his nature by will alone?'