"Um, and then, you know, I couldn't get into the list I just told you about, but there was something that I was having trouble dealing with a little bit just for things..." I decided to ask about that example. "Actually... Yoisho" I removed the heavy sword "Demon Sword Karadborg” from the item box. "When I defeated Dungeon Boss Behemoth, this came out. Demon Sword Karadborg" "Bufo." Elland the beauty elf blew it. Buffoo, buffoo. "Ma, ma, ma, is that the Devil's Sword?! The fact that Mr. Elland is so surprised seems to have been a nasty bum after all. "And what is the Devil's Sword... The dungeons here were also more challenging, so if they attacked it, I thought maybe..." When I heard the story, he said that there were only four demon swords whose real objects were confirmed. The first is the "Devil's Sword Juwaiyuz," which is said to have been brought back from the dungeon 0 years ago by a brave man chosen by God, and this is kept strictly in the Church of the Lubanov main mountain of the Holy Kingdom of Lubanov. The second is the "Devil's Sword Brutgang" in the possession of the Geisler Empire. They say this sword came out of a dungeon in the Geisler Empire about 400 years ago, but the Geisler Empire sent 30,000 soldiers into the dungeon to get this demon sword. The third is Belisarda, the Devil's Sword, owned by the Kingdom of Marvel. They say this was brought back from some dungeon 300 years ago by an S-rank adventurer from the then Kingdom of Marvel. It is said that the Kingdom of Marvel bought it, but it is rumored that its value corresponds to the state budget of the then Kingdom of Marvel. The fourth is the "Devil's Sword Alondite" owned here by the Kingdom of Leonhardt. They say this was brought back by the first king of this country from a dungeon in this country (which, by the way, is not a dungeon here in Drun). I wondered who the first king was strong enough to bring home the Devil's Sword from the dungeon, but I'd like to hear that in my spare time. And my brought back "Demon Sword Karadborg” is going to be the fifth Demon Sword, but I'm curious. "Um, all four demon swords you've just heard are held by the state..." Mr Erland's explanation makes me wonder if they all say that O-O country owns it or something. "That's right. The Devil's Sword, also known as the symbol of power, will be kept strictly by the nation." What, I have something in my possession in the country? "Oh, uh, what about the purchase? It's too heavy for me to handle, and I don't want the state to keep it tight. If I stay like this, I'm going to get you to sleep in the item box forever. "Don't be silly. There's no way you can buy a demon sword that's comparable to the state budget." That's what Mr. Elland said with a frightened face. Yes, you are. I'm sorry for being impotent. "I didn't say anything about buying it, and it's your hand to try it yourself. If you're a swordsman, it's another dream." No, I'm not a swordsman, and I don't. Before I do, it's hard just to hold this. "Well, this sword is too heavy for me to handle." "Oh, really? May I have it for a moment? "Fine," Mr. Erland said, returning it, "Mr. Erland pulled Karadborg out of his sheath and set him up. "It does weigh a lot. It doesn't mean you can't shake it." Mr. Erland stands up and gently shakes Caradoborg. Mr. Elland, I'm going to shake that. Ex-S Rank Adventurer. Even though it's hard for me to just have it. "That sounds like Adamantite." "Bufo." Whoa, Mr. Elland blew it again. I got my second bufo today. "Are you made of A, A, A, Adamantite?! "That's what the appraisal says." Does Adamantite surprise you? Mithrills are usually there, so I thought Adamantite would be expensive metal and have less circulation. "When it comes to Adamantite, it's a legendary metal that they say can't hurt anyone..." Oh, that's the setting in this world. Aha, this is really going to be permanently saved in the item box. "As it is, well, I can't use it, and I'll keep it in the item box for a while" "I hope so." I received Karadoborg from Mr. Erland and it turned into an item box. Yeah, permanently saved decision in the "Demon Sword Karadborg” item box. Well, maybe we'll be treated in time. I don't know when. "Oh, yeah, there was something I had to tell you. Mr. Mkoda, you've been promoted to A-rank." .................. what? Uh, well, I was C-ranked, right? Why are you suddenly A-ranked? "What, A-rank? "Yeah, we can't leave you in C-rank for breaking through the dungeons here." That's why. So until now, the cards of the silver C-rank have been confiscated by Mr. Erland. No questions asked, I was pushed a gold A-rank card. When I say I stepped on it, I haven't fought much, and it's like I stepped on it because of everyone else. "So when are you going to decide what to buy? "It will mean consulting with both the deputy guild masters, but I would like to decide by about the day after tomorrow. We must go to the Adventurer Alliance headquarters and the Royal Palace as soon as possible. It's a real hassle..." Mr. Elland, this is a real leak. They have to go give a detailed description of anything dungeon trampling. "If it's true, it would be best if the treading adventurer could come with us." That's what Mr. Erland says. I'm going to take a look at this one. "Hey, I don't like that. I'd like to resign if I can." I'm sorry to see the great man in the Adventurer's Guild or go to the Royal Palace. I'm just tired of seeing people like that. Besides, I don't like it when people find out I'm from another world. "Is that right, after all? I've heard that Mr. Mukoda doesn't want to be too disturbed, and I've heard from the royal palace that you don't have to." Thank you, thank you. I'm glad the king of this country understands the story. "You have no choice, do you decide to go to Wangdu by myself? If Mr. Mkoda is with you, it means Dra is with you, so I thought it would be something fun on the road. I really wanted to take a long vacation and follow the Mkodas...... When I wrote and sent out my vacation petition, the deputy guild master broke it. Don't you think it's terrible? So I said," If you like Alliance Masters any more, I'll boycott your work. " No, I don't think it's you who does the job that's terrible, fully. Deputy Alliance Master, I beg your pardon. "I'm still in this city because, well, there's still something about buying drops, and if I get a dragon ahead of me, I'll bring it to this city." When I said that, Mr. Elland came out with his hands on the table. "That word, isn't it true?! Hey, because it's a little close to my face. "Yeah, it's true." Or about here, I can't believe you dismantled the dragon. I don't know if I'm going to get ahead of myself, but when I do, I'll put it in the item box and bring it here. "It's a promise, hey! That's what Mr. Elland told me when he grabbed me by the shoulder, and I nodded over and over again. "Well, then, I'll be back about the day after tomorrow when I decide to buy something." That's what I said. I left the Adventurer Guild free. If I were here any longer, I would have had an atmosphere where Mr. Elland would have listened to the dragon for a long time.
"This“ miso soup ”is good..." I zuzzled the cabbage, onion and fried miso soup and said so, Mr. Gaudino. "Oh. That tastes horrible." Mr Gidion, who says so while agreeing with Mr Gaudino's words. I liked the noodles and rolled eggs. The moment I chewed on the fluffy texture, the flavor became juicy. " Mr. Siegvald says so with a smudge as he puffs the dashi rolled eggs. "Sure this is delicious too" Mr. Gaudino, who had earlier rinsed miso soup, is caught by Mr. Seegvaldo and wrapped in a rolled egg. "Oh, my God, Mr. Mukoda's rice is delicious." That's what Gidion says as he cheeks up a rice balls made from the ingredients of commercially available mixed rice bought from an online supermarket (this time it's a cabbage). Mr Gaudino and Mr Siegvaldo nod deeply "indeed" to it. It's a light sumptuous or nothing. It's a regular breakfast, but I don't feel bad when you say so. I think meat from the morning on the same menu as the Fells would be tight in the face of "Ark", and they serve the same light breakfast menu as me. Everybody's in good shape and eats well, so I only gave them twice as much as I do. Oh, Mr. Feodora is skinny, but I make him the same amount as the other three because I can say he eats well or even the best of the “arcs”. Nonetheless, I just gave you three extra rice balls because I flattened them with peroli... It's gone in a flash. And now he looks at the Fells, who are eating a bowl of Cocatrice teriyaki. Mr. Feodora, not to say a light menu. Isn't it a little too much to eat in the morning? Besides, how much is it that you look so jealous even of the Fells' gutsy meat rice? Well, could it have been better to have fleshy occupations like adventurers, meat in the morning? I put myself on the shelf as an adventurer for once, and I think about that. "Um, I thought it was something called meat in the morning, so I made it the same light meal as me, but was it better to stick with meat? I'll ask Mr Gaudino and the others. "No, no, I prefer this kind of light in the morning." "Me, too." "When I was younger, I didn't have to know, and these days, I'd rather have a light morning." I knew I would. But there seems to be a few people who don't. "Mr. Feodora seems to have preferred meat..." That's what I say when I look at Mr. Feodora staring at the Fells, they all look like frightened faces. "Not if you're with him. I've been asking for steak for two in the morning." "You're so thin, it's either us or you eat it." "His stomach must be made of iron." No, no, no, Mr. Seegvald, because your stomach is terrible with demon iron. Well, I guess it's pretty much what three people I've known for a long time say so far. "Hey, do something about this elf" "You look so proud of Nona's rice." Jeez, look at this. It's depressing. "Look at the rice of the swimmers. They're drooling." Complaint stories come in from the Eater Cartel. Mr. Feodora, it's quite possible to file a complaint like this with the Eater Cartel. "Mr. Feodora." I showed Mr. Feodora the teriyaki bowl of cocatrice. Mr. Feodora locks on the Teriyaki bowl that showed up in front of him. Moving the teriyaki bowl, along with it, moves Mr. Feodora's gaze. Pup, that's funny. I accidentally moved the Teriyaki bowl that way. Mr. Feodora's gaze also moves up, down, left, and right after the Teriyaki bowl. Not if you're doing this. "It was before I went into the dungeon, and I don't think it's a good idea to eat too much. That's all." With that said, Mr. Feodora nods over and over again. When I give Mr. Feodora the Teriyaki bowl, he starts chewing happily. "Mr. Mkoda, I'm sorry my Feodora bothered you" "I'm really sorry." "This guy doesn't even move when he sees something that looks delicious." Mr. Gaudino, Mr. Gidion and Mr. Seegvaldo laugh bitterly. Mr. Feodora seemed sorry that the Teriyaki bowl would also be flattened with pepper, but there was just no replacement there. That's how busier breakfast time went by than usual. And after eating breakfast and pinching a few meal breaks... "Okay, let's go." "I wish I could get some delicious meat" 'That's the best part! "Sui, I'm going to bust you! After a row of us that seemed as loose as usual, we entered the dungeon in a formation called "Arc” faces with serious faces. ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ "Ko, this again..." 'Oh, I didn't hear there was water! "Hmm. Here it comes. Interesting. ' "Suggy! You can even go for fish with this! "Fish! Do you have any meat, too? As we shared that sentiment, “Ark” 's face was stunned with surprise. Even Mr. Feodora, who is usually loose, has a harsh look. If you look at this, you don't even know how it feels. I went into the dungeon, and at first I went on like a cave for a while, and there was a staircase at the stake. Because it's this sight as soon as we get down there. Green and water on one side around. Because it had a sight similar to the biggest wetlands in the world that I had seen on TV before. "Wetlands? Sounds very spacious..." "Gurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, I heard the grass was growing. Eh. He lied to me?! Fell, who hates water, is angry. But... "No, you have grass." "Grunt. But be." "But nothing, in the first place, even a man from the Church of God of War who told me about this dungeon, you certainly didn't say you actually went into the dungeon. I know you're not lying because it's a rumor." "Mmm." "So you want to stop? I'll never mind." Or, for me, if this stops exploring the dungeon, I'm in full swing. 'There's no way we're gonna stop this! "Then bear with me." That's how me and Fell are talking to each other... "Mr. Mukoda, I'm sorry I'm talking to you, but this is not good! Fangbore noticed this way." That's what I said. At the end of Mr. Gaudino's gaze, a big pig was peeling his teeth out. I look at the pig twice by accident. No, no, no, no. Was the pig that sharp toothed? "Feodora! Gidion! Siegvald!" Mr. Gaudino, the leader of “Arc”, speaks up. Mr. Feodora pulls the bow and targets Fangbore. Mr Gaudino, Mr Gidion and Mr Siegvaldo are also ready with their respective weapons in their hands. "Puggyyyyyy" A roaring fangbore rushes this way. Just in case and from the safety zone between Fell and Grandpa Gong, but expecting to see the battle of “Ark"...... Sui will do it! A popping sui unleashed an acid bullet. Buh -. Sui's acid bullet hit Fangbore's head, which was also pretty between the eyebrows. And a fangbore giant, which was moving with inertia, fell beside Dosari in front of Mr. Gaudino. ............ “Arc” line with a dotted eye. "Wow! I knocked him down! Sui in a good mood by defeating Fangbore. ... I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. Sui doesn't like to read air. Uh-huh. Thus began our quest for a joint dungeon with a difficult future in many ways with the Ark.
After lunch, we were headed somewhere. Fel and the others are following me around in their spare time. Well, Grandpa Gong was in a good mood this morning, so I felt like he was coming with me. Gito. Fel and Dora looked at Grandpa Gong in a daze. And Grandpa Gong, who tended to fall aside, seemed unworthy. ”Will you stop looking at me like that...?” That's right, Grandpa Gong crushing his head. I'm disappointed in what you look like. Me too ~ You think you can't help it if you say that? Grandpa Gong is also stuck with the words. "I admitted a little to the Lord who played equally with me." That's what it looks like with the booze. Don't you think it's pathetic? It's true. I'm obsessed with sloppy stomachs. I'm shocked to hear that dragon species are the strongest. " It would be a terrible thing to say, but I can't argue with Grandpa Gong because it's true. I think it's time to send out a rescue ship. Fel and Dora-chan are going to blame it all for being here. "Well, don't blame Fel or Dora-chan so much." It's at home. "Grandpa Gong will be careful to drink too much from now on, right?" Of course not! Uncle Gong responds to my words with vigour. Well, I let out a helper boat, but when I saw Grandpa Gong who was sneezing out of his stomach unprotected, I didn't know that Fel and Dora-chan felt like they wanted to say a lot. If you're too cautious, you won't be a Yamatano Orochi, but you might get drunk and crushed. "Well, Grandpa Gong was getting hungry and sneezing! It was funny!" The sway on Grandpa Gong's back jumped and said happily. Of course, there is nothing wrong with Sweetheart's words. You can't steam it back even though it's settled down. Look, Grandpa Gong's hung up on you. Seeing that, Fel and Dora laughed. In the middle of that exchange, we arrived at our destination. The office of Bruno, the contractor who had previously requested the expansion of the bath. Damn, Fel and the others are waiting outside. Umu I can't let Fel, who has a big body, in the office, so I'll wait outside. Hello ~ I walked into the office as I called out. When I asked for the expansion of the bath, I asked for the construction of a new house for slaves (employees), but I was told that it would be about two months later due to the work I was undertaking. So, it's been a little over two months since I asked for it, so I'm wondering if it's okay. "Ah, Mukoda-san, isn't that right?" It's been a long time ~ It was Annika, Bruno's wife, who greeted her with a warm welcome. I heard you were going to King's Landing? "Hi." "It was a lot of trouble..." If you become an S-ranked adventurer, you'll probably hear from the capital ~ Instead of calling out to me, I pushed you from here. I'll tell you why I asked you this, smiling bitterly at Anika. "It's been a long time. I thought it might be time to build the house I was asking for..." "Ahh, that's it..." Anika looks troubled. Anyway, it seems that the construction under contract is not over yet. It seems that it is the new home of a merchant's son and his wife, but it seems that their daughter-in-law is very attentive and has a lot of orders. In the middle of construction, it is often said that I want you to do this order. The dexterous dwarves at hand will respond on the spot in an ad hoc manner, but this time, the orders for the wives in question have come in one after another, and the construction seems to be difficult to carry out. Bruno seemed really troubled, too, and said, "Come on!" I thought I yelled at you. But he didn't seem to lose either, so he said, "I'll pay the extra fee! That's why you have to do your job!" It seems that I've said it back... " I received half of the original construction fee upfront, but I paid exactly what I had told you for the additional construction until then. It seems that Bruno and the others can't say more strongly than that. The merchant seems to be making a lot of money, and according to what I hear, the son and his wife are more attentive than newlyweds. It's my home of dreams. That's why it seems to take at least a few more weeks. "I'm sorry." No, I can't help it. I'll be in touch as soon as Mukoda and I can get into this construction. Thank you very much. "By the way, I was very happy with the whiskey that my husband gave me from Mukoda, but it's really delicious ~" Anika cut it out with a smile on her face. Gickle. "Yeah, yeah, well..." Although she replied vaguely, Anika wouldn't let her go. I've never had such a delicious drink, so I was surprised. "Well, that sake is strong, but it's especially preferred by dwarves." That's right, that throat burning stimulus is irresistible! Even a dwarf woman doesn't seem to have eyes for booze. "So, I asked my husband, Mukoda-san, it's not like he sells alcohol on an irregular basis." "I guess I asked you a question..." Bruno, it looks like it's laying on Anika's ass. "Well, that's just a little bit in my spare time..." "You're not going to do it here?" "Huh? That's it..." "This city is also home to Mukoda-san, right? You're back here, don't you have some free time?" Don't get caught up in it. Well, well, there's no such thing as that, though. "That's right, that's right!" Then we can do it here, right? I mean, I'll do it! " You're so pushy. I mean, even though she's a small aunt, the pressure is really high. "Ha, ha, ha..." "I did it! I'll work with my husband to buy delicious liquor!" Anika jumped up and said such a thing happily. But you're not free. Mr. Bruno, you haven't finished your work yet. Even when it's over, there's the architecture of our house. "Oh, um! Even if I were to leave the shop, I think I would be finished with my work!" That's all I have to say. "I see. I'm afraid I'll be a little farther ahead, but when Mukoda's work is done, I'll be able to afford to work a little, and I think it would be a bad idea if you could enjoy your drink carefully." Yeah, I'm looking forward to it! " When I heard that my liquor store was about to come first, I was a little sorry for Anika, but she switched her mind immediately. "If my husband listens to this story, he'll be all over it!" I'm sure Mukoda-san's place will be finished soon as well. Is it dwarf quality to work faster with alcohol? "Well, then, I'll be waiting for your call..." It was me who was going to leave Bruno's office while being a big pushy auntie. "Ah, I'm tired." Hmm, is it over? "Yeah. Let's go home." "Hmm. But I'm hungry." On the way, why don't we stop by the food stall? " That's a good idea. Yes! Meat ~! "Hey, you guys..." This is definitely what I wanted to do when I followed you in my spare time. Then I was going to hang out with Fel and the rest of the stalls in the city.
Huh...... Finish your breakfast and sip a ho sip of broomstick tea in the living room. I tried brewing broom tea for a long time this morning. Because yesterday you asked for meat threesome and a light stomach...... Fell, Grandpa Gong, Dora and Sui ate their first meat in a long time. I could barely catch up on a thick steak or bake it. A change from salt and pepper to the usual steak soy sauce with a blend of salt such as lemon salt and sunflower salt to eat all the way through, then a favorite. Especially Fell and Grandpa Gong, who were hungry for meat, were so frightened of how much to eat. I had a thick, big steak with momentum, too, but that was just a lot... Even though I ate plenty of meat for yesterday's dinner like that, the eater cartel wants meat well this morning. Plus, from Fell to the request, 'I like the cocatrice mutant I've been hunting in the meantime,' etc. I couldn't help it. Yesterday, I used the meat from Cocatrice (a mutant species) that I had just collected from the Adventurer's Guild, and I made a nice Cocatrice Teriyaki Bowl (topped with plenty of mayo in a lattice) that feels like Doya, and I would have eaten it again and again. The meat from yesterday's meat threesome tastes good, but once again, you know very well that there is nothing in the eater's cartel that can bring your stomach. By the way, my breakfast consisted of eggs in the remaining potato and onion miso soup from yesterday's breakfast, rice balls with kelp tenderloin and salmon loose body, and then shallow pickles of cucumber and aubergines. I knew this was just about as good for breakfast. That's why I'm neat after breakfast. Fell, Grandpa Gong, Dora and Sui have been drinking cider, coke and punchy stuff again since morning. 'Hey, it's a replacement. Cider's next. " "Even to Non. Now I'd prefer a black coke. ' "Me too! I'm a cider again." "Suey too ~. Suey, I'd love a Coke" "Yes, sir." Fell, Dora and Sui did it by pouring it into a deep ceramic dish dedicated to each of the blue-green, rugged and pale purple colors obtained in Nayhoff into a deep green bowl that was also perfect for the deep green bowl that Grandpa Gong was using now, which he also bought in bulk in Nayhoff. Grandpa Gong doesn't have a special plate, does he? I can't help it because I've been one of them lately. Grandpa Gong doesn't seem to care, but you should have a special plate. I was just hoping to buy some more dishes, and I guess I'll go buy them later. If it was anyway, I'd like something as good as I bought it in Nayhof..., yeah, if it was this kind of information, Marie might know more about it. I think I'll go to Mr. Lamberto's and ask Marie. Well, there's something I'd like to do today even if I were to go, after that. ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ After the break after breakfast, we were on our way to the city to serve my purpose today. 'So, naturally at first, it must be Lady Ninril's place, huh? "No, you're not. The closest thing to us is the church of the earth goddess Kishahr." "What?! "Napoleon, you've decided to go around from close quarters in order. It's the third place in the order of the goddess of earth, the goddess of water, the goddess of wind, the goddess of fire, the goddess of war." Yes, it's a gift and donation leg today. Because even though I live in the city, I haven't. I just knew that the church of the Four Goddesses of Ninril, Kishahr, Agni and Lusarca was in this city, but I didn't know there was a church of the gods of war. This information comes from Peter, our slave (employee) and native of this town. They're not that big, and it seems a little hard to understand, but I think it's okay because I've heard the place well... Yeah, well, then, they also run orphanages all over the place. The first such visit was to the church of the goddess of earth, Kishahr. As for the number of believers, they have the most places in this city like Kishahr. Here in the kingdoms of Leonhardt and Ellman, where agriculture flourishes, there seems to be an overwhelming number of people who believe in the goddess of earth, Kishahr, which is directly linked to fruitfulness. When I gently entered the church, a large number of children were cleaning hard. "Uncle, I haven't finished cleaning yet, just give me a minute" That's what the active looking boy who was cleaning called me. Oh, uncle...... You know, I'm just a little shocked. "Uh, I need to speak to the priest. I was wondering if you could give me a call." "Okay. Wait a minute." That's what the boy said and ran away. And a little... "Quickly ~" "Don't push this so hard." A boy brought him in as he pressed the back of a grandfather priest who had stored a splendid white beard. "No, no, thank you for waiting" "You're Mr. Mukoda." "Huh? About me? "That's because it's famous. Ho ho ho ho." Famous, am I famous? I thought so, but when I saw the cartel behind me, I was convinced that oh ~. Especially with two big bums named Fell and Grandpa Gong together. There's no way they're inconspicuous. And well, let me put that aside and tell you about the bounce & donation. Then Grandpa Priest overjoyed. "Thank you so, so much. This city is more blessed than any other city, but it's also true that when there are still more children, that's all there is to it..." Grandpa, the story of the priest says that the aid of Count Langridge, the lord here, is pretty good, too, so it's much better than the rest of the city. That dandy bald old man, you do it. Oh, now you're not bald with your hair power. In the meantime, I gave three white gold coins for gold coins as a gift & donation, and a piece of meat dungeon pork and dungeon beef for a souvenir for the children. I guess you rarely eat meat when you say you have assistance because the kids who were cleaning were looking at the meat and shaking it up a lot. Everyone was happy, so I was happy to watch. Grandpa, the priest, the Sister who came listening, and the children dropped us off, and we headed one line to the next church. Then we stopped in turn, the church of Luca, the goddess of water, the church of Ninril, the goddess of wind, the church of Agni, the goddess of fire. Even there, they knew about me. The fact that he's the only S-rank adventurer in the city and that he's using the Decepticon Wolf and the Dragon as his obedience made him say, "No one in the city knows." When I told him about the fabric & donation and gave him three white gold coins and a souvenir meat for the children, he was uniformly surprised at the amount, but everyone was happy to thank me a lot. After all, when I even run an orphanage, I guess everywhere is a cutlet. He talked to me chilly, but with the assistance of Count Langridge, he's trying to accept the orphan as much as possible. That's the story, so every orphanage had a lot of people. I convinced myself that I hardly see street childrens in this city because that was the policy. That's what I heard, this is the city where Karelina is based, and it was me I was going to make regular buzzes & donations. And at the end of the day, the god of war, Lord Vahagn. I tried to come as peter taught me... "Is it okay here? It's out of town, it looks like a little old private house with a garden. I don't know what I can do about it here, but I'm just gonna go in. "Sorry to bother you ~" Entering through a door that was in a run-down wooden enclosure, there were children swinging tree branches in the garden and playing chamberlain. "Grandma, who is it? I took the damage here, too. "Uh, is this a good place for the Church of God of War? "Yeah, we are. Is your grandma a mercenary from that country, too? And you, Hyoroi." That's what the boy answered to me. But Hyoroi is superfluous, you. "Baka, look behind you. I'm an adventurer because I have an obedient demon." Turning to the boy who said I was a hero, that's what a girl with a strong heart says. "I'm not stupid! You're dumber than saying you're dumb! "What, you're going to do it with Atashi! Coracola, aren't you guys a little short-tempered? One-touch boys and girls. The children around them stand in jealousy. A big grandfather jumped out of the house as we tried to get in between the staring boy and the girl. "Collar, you guys are going to have another fight! "Gee, it's Dean! Everybody run!" There were seven or eight children scattered like spider children. "Damn, it's just as fast as ever to escape...... So, what can I do for you? "Uh, this is the Church of God of War, right? "Gahh. Uniform. Orphanages are better known than churches." Tell the director that you don't know me, that you've come to make a gift and donation with me. And then I said, "Is that true?!," he said to his surprise and went inside the house, "Noelia! Noelia! I need you here now!," he called. And what showed up was my grandmother, who makes me wonder if she was as beautiful as Dean when she was young. "Oh, my God, shout it out" "Nah......" Tell your grandmother what I just told you, Dean. And I said, "Is that true?!" and the same amazing grandmother as Dean. "Yes." When I gave him three white gold coins and meat, like any other church, the dean and grandmother cried out. When I heard the story, these two were former mercenaries from a small group of countries who came to this country to open an orphanage after retiring from the mercenaries. The operation of an orphanage that seemed to be a gift to two people who loved children, but ended up not having children. I had managed to do it painfully, but there have been few donations, especially lately. Moreover, he said that only more orphans were being sent from small groups of countries, and management was just getting tougher and tougher. There were almost none who originally lived in this country and believed in the god of war, and there was only a small amount of aid from the Earl of Langridge, but he managed not to eat it with that aid. They both cry and say "thank you, thank you" over and over again. When you are so thankful, do you mean you can illuminate it or you don't know what to do? The two crying faces dropped me off and gave me some time to spare. I guess I've been struggling pretty hard, and I was hoping this donation would eliminate a little financial hardship. "Next up, Mr. Lamberto's shop." "Yeah, are you still going? Sui, I'm hungry ~ ' Lord, Noon is hungry. Me, too. 'Neither do I. Dinner first. " "Ah, it's been a long time since I've been around. Then why don't you go home for lunch and then go to Mr. Lamberto's shop?" Having said that, we all raised our hands and agreed, so we decided to go home once to fill the belly of the eater cartel.
"Yes, it is. You have to remove the bone joint there. If the joints come off, they'll detach along here." Wave a Mithril knife under Mr. Erland's direction to Cocatrice placed on a stone table made of earthly magic. The Swiss specialty Mithrill knife was so sharp and funny that the meat cut off softly. I was in the suburban woods of Avling right now, taking demolition classes for demons from Mr. Elland. You're usually a crappy old elf, Mr. Elland, but the instructions are accurate and easy to understand just because you have enough arms to dismantle the dragon. Since the vampire knife came out in the dungeon, you've been thinking about teaching me about demolition. As such, I had some free time just today, tomorrow, and I asked Mr. Erland to secure the meat quickly so that a workshop could be held. That said, the big prey just seems impossible to handle alone, so I asked if I could dismantle as much as Cocatrice. However, Mr. Elland advised me that "you can apply a variety of things when you are able to do as far as the smallest red bore," and I decided to try dismantling the red bore as well. Sure, the smaller red bore is about two meters long, so don't be so wide if you can dismantle this much prey. Besides, I'm talking about boreal demons being in every forest, and I heard the way four-legged demons are dismantled doesn't change that much, so if you can dismantle the Red Bore, even the big guys are going to figure it out when it comes to trouble. Mr Erland said, "This stuff is about getting used to," so I decided to try to dismantle it anyway. I asked the Fells to get me a cocatrice for now, and now I'm in the middle of dismantling the cocatrice while learning from Mr. Erland. Those Fells said that after hunting about five Cocatrices and leaving them here, they rolled out to hunt again. I let him have the magic bag (oversized) he won from this quest for the dungeon, so he won't be back until he's hungry. By the way, the vampire knife was super good, and when I stabbed Cocatrice, I sucked the blood out of it. When I was sucking blood, the part of the blade on the vampire knife turned a reddish brown color, specifications that when I sucked all the blood back into the original blackish demonic iron color. Thanks to this, even I was able to do the demolition work normally because I was demolishing Cocatrice without getting dirty with blood and the grossness was greatly reduced. I figured if what didn't work best at times like this, I'd think the blood smelled like dobby or something. I can work with a lot of calm just without it. It looks like a vampire knife. Even if I just got this, it was worth diving into an Aveling dungeon. "Mr. Mucorda, you said you were going to eat your guts, too, but are you serious? That's what Mr. Erland asked me about breaking Cocatrice's belly and finally getting his gut. "Yeah, sure." It's like I don't eat guts in this world, and it's all disposed of. Ask the Adventurer Guild to dismantle it. Then you have no choice but to dismantle it yourself. Of course they're separate from chickens, so I'll tell if they can eat properly. I have handy appraisal skills. Mr. Appraisal, Mr. Appraisal, please help me. [Saezuri...... esophagus, trachea. A rare area with a dusty, elastic texture. Edible.] [Hatsu...... heart. Features a prickly, elastic texture. Edible.] [Lever...... liver. It is rich in vitamins and iron, nutritious and easy to eat without scabies. Edible.] [Gizzard... muscle and stomach. Organs specific to birds. There is no crunch in the flavor and a crunchy texture. Edible.] [Segimo...... kidney. A rare area with a strong fat flavour. Edible.] [Kinkan...... Eggs growing in the body. Edible.] [Bonzilli...... meat on the part that touches the tail. A rare area where muscles are developed, flavorful and greasy. Edible.] Oh, thank you, Mr. Appraisal. It's a demon, but you can still eat your guts. It's all part of a tavern or yakitori shop that I've seen once. Nevertheless, the gut is the gut. Cockatrice is big, so even though each gut is bigger than a chicken (hen), can you tell one or two grilled chickens at most? This is all I have to do for fun on my own. Oh, you're allowed to do that, yeah. Grilled chicken, would be great if I had it with beer. Jurli......, why don't you, we're in the middle of dismantling now. I need to get my guts out now. Carefully removed one by one to avoid injury. However, only Segimo is in a bit of a hard part to remove and I refuse to take it out well. Ma, I think I can handle this if I do a few demolitions as well. "That's how polite Mr. Mukoda treats you, isn't it delicious? That's what Mr. Elland asks when he sees that I've carefully split the gut into an item box. "This is delicious when stabbed on a skewer and cooked on a charcoal flame." Of course the flavor is salt only. I heard gokuli and spit swallowing. "M., Mr. Mkoda......" He said, "I know." It's just rare because it's gut, isn't it? You can split it up for a second, but it's my pleasure, so it's my priority. After that, under Mr. Elland's direction, he cut apart the cocatrice from which he took his gut. Just after the demolition, the hungry Fells returned. Lunch is a bowl of oak meat pork that I've been preparing at the inn before I left the city. It is a bowl of pork with plenty of oak meat involving sauce boiled with soy sauce, sugar, mirin, liquor and water. Fells, tummy in a bowl of pigs, rolled out to hunt again. Me and Mr. Elland are dismantling the rest of the cocatrice. "Phew, you're done with the last cocatrice" "What do you say? It's actually easier to understand." Mr Elland is right. It's quicker to get used to actually trying. After I dismantled one, I somehow understood the procedure, and the time it took each time I dismantled one or another was shorter. This is going to be enough for one person to dismantle Cocatrice. "Yeah. I don't have a problem dismantling Cocatrice now. Thank you." "What do you do with Redbore? There's something Fells have been hunting for by lunch, isn't there?" Among the prey the Fells came hunting back for lunch were a few red bores that were quite large even though they asked for the smaller ones. "No, it's not going to be over by the time the Fells get back, and we'll do it tomorrow. More than that, I'd like to prepare dinner in this cocatrice." "Oh, that's it" "Yes, I'll have a gut, too. I'm just going to stab the meat on the skewer. So can Mr. Elland help me, too? "I don't like cooking, but as long as I stick it on a skewer, I'll be fine" All right, I took the word. I'll pour the meat, and Mr. Elland will have more and more meat stabbed on the skewer. The baking table was going to make its own, so the skewers prepared longer skewers and had the skewers pop out about . cm with the tip portion of the meat stabbed. Mr. Erland stabbed me in the skewer when I was there, and I was able to get a good amount of it. As for the gut, I processed it downwards and stabbed myself in the skewer. My part-time experience at the yakitori shop helped here. I used leeks, momomo, skin, gizzard and other visceral skewers and cocatrice without excess. "Phew, I'm tired...... Maybe this is more tiring than fighting demons." "Ahaha, thank you for your help. Expect dinner." The Fells returned just after a breath. "Welcome home. How'd it go? "Hmm. That was quite an accomplishment." 'That's right. Oh, I got the right one.' "I got a lot of tits." Check the contents of the magic bag (oversized) that the Fells took...... It's 10x Wyburn, 5x Wild Bison, 6x Golden Sheep, 1x Giant Hornbore, 2x Rockbird. "That's an amazing achievement, this is..." Mr. Erland is also surprised by the results of the Fells' afternoon hunt. By the way, in the morning, it was 12 Cocatrice and 4 of those eggs, and then 6 Red Bore, which I asked for. Cocatrice's eggs seem to be so precious, but he caught them because he found the nest. "Hey, we've got ten Wyburns." "Um, just find the flying ones. I dropped about ten of them." 'Yes, yes. You cut off your head with me and Sui. " "Yes, I did. Uncle Fell dropped it. I knocked it down with Sui and Dra -" Oh, well, Wyburn was a disaster, too. On the first look, the Wild Bison is a black, tough cow nearly three metres long, and the Golden Sheep, as its name suggests, is a golden-haired sheep, about the size of a little bigger than a regular sheep. Giant hornbore was a light tiger size big pig with big horns growing in the middle of his head besides two big fangs protruding from his lower jaw. "Ko, could you please let me buy this in the drain? No, but at least just Golden Sheep..." Mr. Elland's story is that the golden sheep hairs are popular with the nobles and traded at very high prices. They say, however, that the number of catches has been drastically reduced and thin here recently. Even though I say I have less stock of meat in hand, I have plenty of oak meat, and a Cocatrice for what I dismantled today. Besides, if it's tomorrow, we'll dismantle the red bore, so the meat will be fine while we go to the drain. "Okay. Which way, Aveling's Adventurer Guild seems to spend quite a bit of its budget buying dungeons, and I'll say these are drains." "Thank you" So, what do you say we go back to the city? Thus we returned to the city of Aveling.
"All right, we'll make fried chicken when we get home soon." "No, I'm looking forward to it." "It's been a while, so I'm so excited." "Lara, Lara ~" "Hey, Grandpa Gong, Fel, Dora, Sui, I'm saying fried from fried, because there's a lot to do after this." After a moment of floating, we moved into a small room surrounded by stone walls. One line. Everyone is frying and making noise early on, but there's a lot that needs to be done. First of all, we have to register Grandpa Gong as a new obedient in the Adventurers Guild, and we have to find a place to stay. I wish I could rent a house that was as big or a little bigger as before because it has grown and become a big area before...... "Anyway, we have to go to the Adventurers Guild first." "Mm, why? "Because, Fell, you have to report you stepped on the dungeon. Besides, I have to register Grandpa Gong as an exorcist." When I said that, I looked at Grandpa Gong, and then Grandpa Gong said, "Mm-hmm. 'He doesn't seem to know anything about it. 'Oh well. If you don't do it, will you make as much noise as I did? " "That sort of thing. You know, I don't feel more noisy than I did when I was at Fell..." "Well, even if it rots, it's a dragon." Grandpa Gong mumbled and said, 'Hey, Fell, what does it mean to be rotten?!' I'm making a scene, 'but I also know what Fell says. "It's just a dragon, because sometimes even my size gets stiff for a moment." Dora, who was listening to me and Fell, added that from the side. And I look at Grandpa Gong with a nod of "there is". It's an intimidating dragon with no cuteness shards from anywhere. Fenrill is a moff-moff, so some views are cute, but no dragons. Dragons don't seem intimidating. Still cute when it's a tiny, pink shade like Dra's, but Grandpa Gong is extra because it looks like a true dragon in a dark grey shade close to black. The actual size is about stories, so I think it's getting smaller and still getting better. "Well, I can't help being mottled here and I'll have to go. Grandpa Gong, be nice to me. It doesn't have to be because I'm afraid of looking dragon. And when you talk all over the city, you keep talking." 'I know. I'm not that stupid. " Believing in Grandpa Gong's words, we moved our feet outside the transferred room. "What?! Which one of you..." When I got out of the room ahead of me, I hooked up with a pair of five adventurers who felt like a veteran in their mid thirties who had gotten into a rough fit. "Oh, excuse me. Guys, wait a minute until these guys pass by. Go ahead." I gave in ahead, but the adventurers never move. "Um..." Seeing suspiciously, the adventurers were stiffening as they dashed their sweats. That gaze is fixed on Grandpa Gong behind me. "Ahhh, I knew this was gonna happen" It was the same when Fell did, but I figured when I became some adventurer, I'd figure out about Grandpa Gong in one shot. Speaking of what we're gonna do here, then we'll just have to run. So...... Yeah, only the transfer room from the bottom floor, close to the entrance and exit. "Guys, I'm coming. Excuse me, you'll come through ~" Ignoring the hardened adventurer, he passed through the aisle and headed outside the dungeon. "Um, it's been a long time since natural light" It was also during the bundle that I was horrified by the natural light for a long time. "Don't move!!! What the hell did I bring!! "Fenrill wasn't the only one of your obedient demons?! ... Yes, a soldier at the entrance and exit of the dungeon is poking an admirable spear at me. Neither did the adventurers who waited to enter the dungeon, nor the junior adventurers, hardened and slight, but when they were intermediate and above, they hadn't taken a single eye off us, and even those who lay their hands on the weapon and tried to pull it out at any time, and Singh and a quiet area had a frivolous atmosphere. Or don't be clear, soldier, Fenrill. It's an open secret, but keep it a secret for once. "Yeah, I've got more new squires, yes." I said that with my hands up and showing that I was not willing to disobey. "Don't be stupid! Keeping Fenrill obedient and the dragon too?! Can we talk about that? Even if they say that, it's actually true, so you can't help it. 'Hey, the humans there. It's not true that Nong has become an obedient to the Lord. " Grandpa Gong's heavy bass voice echoed on this quiet occasion. Whoever was on the spot listening to Grandpa Gong, everyone and everyone opened their eyes and opened their mouths gently. "The fool. Grandpa Gong, don't talk. ' That's what Fell says as he stares at Grandpa Gong after he covers his head with his right forefoot. "Why? It's not all over the city yet. ' "It doesn't have to be the whole city. There are only people like me and Grandpa Gong who speak human language. And when it appeared near the city of men, all men would be astonished. 'Oh, so is that. All right, from now on, let's try to use the one called Talking.' Grandpa Gong, it's not 'try to use'. Sure, it's not all over the city, but outside the walls, you'll see. I mean, I'm paying attention, and Fell's voice is out. Because you talk normally! I held my head in an exchange like Fell and Grandpa Gong's Conto. If you look around, they're all sadly stiffened up. "Ha, these guys are so stupid..." The beginning and end of hearing such readings from Dora. "Hey, hey, Ruju, aren't you going? That's what I heard as Sui at my feet held my foot with his tentacles a little bit. Besides, I started acting. At times like this, you dare to escape once again only to escape. "That's why everyone here is my squire," Declared so and left the scene magnificently. I could hear someone's "enchant, dragon..." on the verge of walking away, but I decided to think it would be empty ears. Even at the castle gate, we moved forward and turned to the solidified soldier and said, "Because I am an obedient demon! 'Cause it's okay!" Under the proclamation, safe? I was able to enter the city in. Then come on. Oh, my God. There are ordinary citizens all over the city...... In order not to confuse those people, I said the journey to the Adventurer Guild: "Because you are my obedience! 'Cause it's okay!" He shouted up and strolled. ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ "Uh, I'm tired. My throat is crunchy." When I finally get to the Adventurer Guild and go inside with such stupidity, the inside of the guild I was bothering to calm down in an instant. I thought again, "Because it's my obedience!," he raised his voice again. Still in the guild with a strained atmosphere. He's a high-ranking adventurer. The wanderers look at him with a tough eye, and they see a lot of people putting their hands on what they're getting at right away. "I'd like an Alliance Master," he called out to the official, wondering what it was. I thought it would be bad to be in the shape of a sidewalk without being in line, but this is just an emergency measure. "The humans don't understand. Thinking you can do something with a weapon like that is a problem in itself. ' Grandpa Gong snapped with some pity as he looked at each of the gains the high-ranking adventurer put his hands on. 'Don't tell him that. But it's the best weapon each human can get.' Fell replied yes to Grandpa Gong, who snapped with Bosoli. 'Really? "Uhm. I also found out during my journey with this guy that for those in the profession of adventurer here, each one of the gains seems to be the most expensive. Sometimes the good and the bad of a weapon are directly linked to life, and they make sure they have the best weapon they can get themselves laid at that time." "Ho, is that so? But even if it takes all of us to scratch it, it won't come true. If you're going to confront Noh, I don't want you to have the Devil's Sword ready. Even your lord, Fell, isn't he? 'Fair enough. At least we can't even talk about Hiirokane, or Adamantite weapons. But if an evil dragon like Grandpa Gong shows up, it will be the people of the profession there, the adventurers, who will try to protect the city even if they know they are no match.' 'Hey, wait a minute. What is the worst side, what is the worst side? Your Lord's is worse than his. " "What? No, no, I don't care what you think, Grandpa Gong." "What? Do you want to do it with Non? "If you're gonna do it, I'm gonna do it." Fell and Grandpa Gong hitting their foreheads with gothin to attach cancer. I'm the one who's fuzzy and angry about a series of exchanges between Fell and Grandpa Gong. Because... "Fell, Grandpa Gong, he's speaking out." "Mm?" "Ah." Put your forehead away from my voice and turn this way, Fell and Grandpa Gong. "Plus the content of the conversation! Don't tell me what you think! Take a look at the adventurers. You look so sorry and sad. I'm listening. I wouldn't do that if I were you! 'Hey, stick with me. I'm still not used to talking. " "I'm stuck fishing because Grandpa Gong talks." "Hey, Fell, don't blame Noon." "I guess it's bad for Grandpa Gong to talk" Fell and Grandpa Gong staring at the bees again. "Welcome! You promised to make me grow up! Look at Dora and Sui! You're more grown-up than Fell and Grandpa Gong." What do you mean, elderly Fell and Grandpa Gong burn their hands, madam. "Neither Fell nor Grandpa Gong can grow up..." "Sui, you're being nice to me, Ruju." Dora rests on her feathers like she's in a shoulder car while grabbing it on my head, and Sui, who was in the bag, insists that she makes a good kid by perusing the lid of the bag with her tentacles. "Really, you keep quiet, right? If you're not going to make a big deal out of it, then neither is Fell or Grandpa Gong, so no dinner." "Become?! "Give it up from" Both Fell and Grandpa Gong look shocked, but this time it's serious. "Because I mean it. Be nice to me." When I said that with a glance, both Fell and Grandpa Gong nodded Yeah over and over again. With Grandpa Gong, I didn't think I could help it to the point where I made him nervous inside the guild, but I'm really sorry about the conversation that happened between Fell and Grandpa Gong, I can't wait, so I'm in the mood to get out of here now. The adventurers work hard every day, even if the weapon in your hand doesn't work for you, you have to fight it. And yet, let's go all the way. I really can't wait any longer. Uh, come on, come on, Mr. Tristan. Waiting for a wish similar to that prayer, Mr. Tristan finally showed up. "Oh, well done. Welcome back, Master Mukoda. Sorry to keep you waiting, but here..." "Mr. Tristan?! Mr. Tristan greeted me with a full smile, and as soon as he saw behind me, he peeled his white eyes and fell. Hold him tight, I only avoided hitting him in the head... "Hold on, Mr. Tristan! Tristan, hey! What am I supposed to do with this?
I've been relaxing at home for the past few days because I don't have anything to do in particular. The Fells were making noise about hunting, though. "Looks like the Alliance Master went to see the Earl of Langridge, so I have to ask him how it turned out when he got back. I can't go away because I don't know when I'll be back." I kept sitting at home waiting for the results. It's fine to relax at home. Fell was musty, though. And 'I'm definitely going to the dungeon after this,' he left a disturbing word, but decided not to ask. Even this day, I'm having a slow cup of coffee in my living room...... "Brother Mukoda, it's a customer." Lotte came to the living room and let me know that. "Who is it? "Hmm, too much -? Said." Guildmaster? You came all the way here. "Well, I was wondering if you could show me here." "Okay." That's what Lotte said and left the living room. And a little while later, Lotte takes the Alliance Master to the living room. "Welcome, Alliance Master" Suggesting the chair, the Alliance Master lowered his back somewhat. "Lotte, will you tell your mothers to bring their tea" "Yeah, okay" I asked the people of the world here for tea because I thought the coffee was a little too bitter. The tea for visitors is a fancy one with a can purchased from an online supermarket, and I tried it too, but it was less tannic, so it would be fine. "Still, you bought a lot of fancy houses," "Well, I didn't think I'd get this far either, but something's going on..." "I heard you bought slaves too, but when I came here, I was surprised to see Tabatha from Tiger Fang at the gate." No, I heard you failed the request and fell into slavery, but I didn't know you were buying it. " Something tells me I'm being very ruthless... Or was Tabatha's party called "Tiger Fang"? Besides, having the Alliance Master remember his name would mean he's quite capable, after all. "You got a lot of excitement about buying a slave to a B-rank former adventurer. I've heard about the Stars Chamber of Commerce, but I don't think it's going to be that easy to get to an active S-rank adventurer's house." "I guess it would be if we were here, but you don't know when you're vacating the house. Besides, there are other slaves here who can't fight." Because there are idiots everywhere, hey. I don't think so. Some people are fine. If even the Stars Chamber of Commerce can't abandon the possibility of coming at us without a leg attached, we need security, after all. So far, we have the strength to defeat the army of a country called Fell, so I can be quite relieved. "Well, if you're making money stepping through two dungeons, you won't hurt your nostalgia either. Gahhhhh." "Hahaha, thanks to the Fells for that" In the meantime, I let you make more money than you'll ever have any trouble with your money. "When I talked to Tabatha, she said," I'm letting you live better than I did as an adventurer. " "No, well, we're not black," "Hmm? Black? "No, it's nothing. It's this way." That's how Ayya brought me tea. Seems to have my share, and the coffee was just getting cold, so thank you. "Go ahead." When I recommended Aiya's brewed tea, I said, "Here you go," and the Alliance Master drank it with Gokuri. "Delicious tea." Yeah, it sure tastes good. I taught you because I knew how to make tea delicious, but you seem to be practicing it right. "Well, I know you're guessing, but I've been seeing Count Langridge..." He told me about when the Alliance Master went to see the Count. The Count said he peeled his eyes when he saw the Alliance Master. And without one or two "What's wrong?! What have you done?! I heard that." Well, then you are. All of a sudden I'm fussy and my hair's back to being young. Even more so if you care about your hair. "Well, so I told you about the shampoo and the hair conditioner I got from you, but that was a great eater," They asked me a lot of details. Does it work any time soon? Or is that hair color because of that hair conditioner? Or something. "In Noh's case, I put it on for three days in the morning and evening and told her to give me that shampoo and hair conditioner immediately. Gahahahaha." "No, Guildmaster has been wearing hair conditioners every day since then? "No, that works great. If I wear it every day, my hair overgrows and I have to get a haircut every day" Oops, it works too well. Sure, haircuts are a pain in the ass every day. "So, Noona, about the third day I start to worry about hair loss, I try to shampoo it and put on a good hair conditioner. So I'm staying where I am." It's not enough to worry about thinning hair after opening it for more than three days, but the roots are going to turn white. For guild masters to maintain healthy hair and color today, they say it's best to wear it every three days. Looks like there's a personal difference when you're listening to the Alliance Master. "Forget about Non, it's about the Count. So, Count, you're coming to this city." "... what? "No, that's..." According to the Alliance Master story, the Count, who saw the effect of shampoo and hair conditioner, tried to head with him to this city when the Alliance Master returned. But that's exactly what the ministers managed to accommodate on the spot, but coming close to this city was a matter of decision among the Counts. So they decided on the spot that the Count would visit the city in the name of inspecting the Adventurer's Guild. "I hear you're visiting an Adventurer Alliance based in S-Rank Adventurer. It's easier to talk to you in that name." Oh, is the Count coming himself? I just thought you'd be asking from over here. "So, the Count will arrive in this city the day after tomorrow." "Huh? That's early again" "Don't tell me that. If you see this effect, it makes you feel different. So come to the Adventurers Guild the day after tomorrow." "Yes, I understand." I dropped off the Alliance Master who finished the conversation. The day after tomorrow. I've decided what to give the Count, but you weren't ready yet. I can't just give it to you because I refilled it into a bottle, and I'll have to prepare it tomorrow while I think about it for a bit.
The warehouse of the King's City Adventurer Guild. It was bigger than any city's Guild warehouse before. Well, I wonder if it's okay here.Not if it's just your head. Grandpa Gong is right. Because it's that big. So you're only going to pull Leviathan's head out of the item box. "It's too big to pull out the whole thing, so it's just my head...." That said, the great gentleman got rough. But it's true. When it comes to the specifications of the item box, I push it and it goes in and out. When it comes out, I grab what I want to put out and pull it out, so I don't need much force, but when it comes to big things like Leviathan, I needed to put some effort into it. I pulled out just Leviathan's head with all my strength. Leviathan's big head popped out. The Great Men + Alliance Master was stunned with his mouth wide open. No, the Alliance Master knew Leviathan, but it's the first time he's seen anything real. I look at your stunned faces. I know exactly how that feels. Leviathan, it's not that big. Great players staring at Leviathan's head silently + Alliance Master. "Hey, can you dismantle it?How about that? Fell asked the great man who didn't say a word. A great man who returns to me happily to Fel's voice. "... I don't think it's the name of the Adventurer Alliance to get away with this, but what do you think?" Bram, the Guild Master of the King's City Adventurers Guild, said so. "I think so too.It's going to be the hardest part of running the Adventurer Alliance. " "Hmm. Dismantling this is part of the mission of the Adventurers Guild." "I think so, too. We should do this." I think so, too. Does this look like you can do it? Grandpa Gong, who was listening to the great man, snapped. "Dear Fenrir, Dear Ancient Dragon, I would like to accept the dismantling of Leviathan." When Mr Bram says so, Fel and Grandpa Gong become brighter and brighter. I see! Hmm, I asked for it. From joy, Fel's tail moves to the left and right. Grandpa Gong's fat tail was also moving to the left and right. I mean, stop it before it hits the table here. "I just want you to wait two weeks, no, about ten days." Preparation was required to dismantle such a big thing, and if you wait days, it will be dismantled. Well, that's true. "This is going to be the biggest business in the history of the King's City Adventurer Alliance.It takes care of everyone! " "" "Oh!" " "And we have a name in history!" "" "Ugh!!!" " ... well, the great ones are really excited. I'm a little worried. ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ Phew ~ Sit on a chair in a spacious and luxurious living room. That's the mansion of King's Landing. The leather used for the moderately resilient chair is also soft and comfortable to sit on. This is a house rented by the great man of the Adventurers Guild of King's City. Have the King's Capital Adventurer Alliance at your expense. Thank you, but... "Oh, you guys always rent such a luxurious house on your trip?" The Alliance Master is with you, isn't he? He said something like, "I don't know what I'd do if I left you guys alone," and I was with him as a watchdog. Hmm, isn't this house pretty?He said he could dismantle Leviathan, and I think we should do it. " Hmm, maybe I can borrow one. Fell and Grandpa Gong are in a good mood when Leviathan is eaten in ten days. Ten days left. I didn't know that was going to happen.But I'm looking forward to it! I look forward to swimming too! Drachan and Sui were asleep and didn't listen, but on their way here, Fel and Grandpa Gong heard that the Adventurer Guild in King's Landing had agreed to dismantle Leviathan and that it would be ten days later. "Hey, ten days from now doesn't mean it's going to be over soon.Because it's that big. " Gu. Well, maybe, but we'll be able to take out enough meat to eat. Hmm, Fell's right. Yes, yes, yes. Eat delicious meat immediately ~ Damn it, everyone is delicious. I'm looking forward to it. That's fine, but the concern is that the story is getting bigger and bigger. "Alliance Master. I'm glad you dismantled Leviathan, but in days, it's going to be a big deal...." That's right. The King's City Adventurers Guild is a big business for a generation. " "Ugh... I don't want to take too much care of it." "Oh, come on, you can't take care of Leviathan by offering me something so super big." ... sure. "So, there's something I'm curious about, but I wonder where you're going to dismantle that big Leviathan." In the first place, I wonder where you're going with that big Leviathan. Even in that big warehouse of the King's City Adventurers Guild, I could only get my head out. "Well, I guess that's out there." "Outside?" "Yes, there must be a vast meadow where we descended in front of King's Landing.You're going to do it there.That's all I can think about. " Sure, I think we can handle it over there. I'm sure the great ones are desperately trying to gather people right now. Gathering people? "Oops, even the dismantlers are not very good, but the King's Landing employees are the only ones who can't make it.Besides, you can't let Leviathan touch the substitution.I mean, you need skilled technique.By now, I'm guessing we have a reputation for dismantling people everywhere.My Johann will definitely be called. " I'm sure it's that big. "Then the high-ranking adventurers will have to summon." Are you a high-ranking adventurer? "It's Leviathan. I dismantled it where everyone could see it.I'm sure there's always someone out there who thinks bad things.Of course you need a lot of security. " Sure, if you ask me. That's what I think... Don't you think? There will be an untouchable one who will reach out to our Leviathan?! I can't forgive that. Fell and Grandpa Gong's eyes became sharp as they listened. You guys are crazy. If that's the case, I'll be as close as I can be. Alright, let's build a double bond between me and Grandpa Gong.There is no one who can break this. " Hmm. I think we should keep it sturdy for now.It can't be stolen by anyone. " Besides, I'm going to be on guard duty. That's right, that's good. I'll guard you too! I'd be angry if they stole my delicious leviathan. " I'll do it too! Fell, Gong, Dora-chan, and Swiss guards at the double border between Fell and Gong. Haha, Leviathan is safe too. "That's good news! That's a hundred manpower, no thousand manpower.I'll let the King's City Adventurer Guild know soon! " The Guild Master, who heard that Fel and Grandpa Gong would cross the border and go to security, went out joyfully to inform the great men of the King's City Adventurer Guild. Ha ~, I have a feeling it's getting more and more important... I can't help it. Hey, I'm hungry! Swiss is hungry too ~ Mm-hmm. Me too. Lord, I'm hungry too. That's the eater's chart. You drive normally anytime, anywhere. "Hi, okay, I'll make it now."
As the sun was setting for the most part, Fell finally returned after tearing apart Gasagozo and the branches. Dosung. "You made me wait." That's what Fell said with a big lizard in his mouth poised in front of me. ............... Mr. Fell or what is this big lizard? What Fell put in front of me was a lizard like the one he saw on TV that made the commodore lizard bigger. It looks like it could be about five meters if you put it in from the tip of your head to the tip of your tail. 'I followed the signs and went away a little bit. Thanks to that, I met someone with a bone.' No, so, what is this big lizard? "Wyburn ate his shoulder watermark, and thanks to meeting the Earth Dragon, he became a bit of an athlete." ............... Fell, what did you just say? I wonder if I've got a bad ear. "Hey, Fell, what did you just say? "Hmm? That's why Wyburn said he ate his shoulder watermark, so he became a bit of an athlete thanks to meeting Ground Dragon." "... a, earth, dragon? I appraised the big commodore lizard lying on the ground. .................. ............ ...... "Hey, what are you doing?" "No? What? 'So what. Ground dragon meat is delicious. Isn't that nice?' "No, no, no, no, no, it's not a delicious or anything like that, and even Kimyra and Ortolos were refusing to pick it up in the Adventurer's Guild. What am I supposed to do with this?" Even Kimyra and Ortolos were refused, but they couldn't get out a dragon that was probably more than that. "No, dragon meat is delicious. Even if you can't buy it, can you just buy it? Oh, right, just dismantle it. I may have that, but... "Just dismantle it, I'll talk to you for once, because it's just a dragon...... I don't know if you can do it." 'Hmm, well. It's been a while since I thought I could eat dragon meat. Unfortunately, that's when it happened. " I'll talk to you for a second, but it's a ground dragon. I'm sure Guildmaster and Johann's old man will be amazed. Huh. 'Don't smell better than that. Kung Kung' Better than that, huh, Fell's always going my way. He said he didn't give a shit if he came hunting for dragons. Well, it sounds like Fell. Turns a big, disturbing Ground Dragon into an item box. "Let's eat here." "Umm." What we eat here is a bowl of beef. Although the beef stew was ready for once, it would be more familiar to simmer and the meat would be softer. Place the rice on a plate with plenty of meat on top of it, what you were cooking and saving before. I have to wake up Sui. Sue, it's dinner. "Yeah? Rice? "That's right, it's rice" "Rice ~" I served Fel and Sui a bowl of beef (special serving). "Mmm, this is delicious" "Really, the meat is delicious with flavor stains." Right, right, did you both like the beef bowl? Delicious beef bowl. Well, shall I eat too? Oh, I'd love to egg you anyway. Open the internet supermarket, huh? You're selling these, too, better this way than raw eggs. I bought hot spring eggs. Place semi-ripe warm eggs on top of a bowl of beef and it's delicious. Collapse the semi-ripe warm balls and tangle them in the meat and go into your mouth with the rice. When there are eggs, the flavor melts. Uh, it's delicious. You want some tea, sure... Serve the previously bought pet bottled broom tea from the item box. Goku goku. Fu, my mouth is refreshing. And cool the beef bowl again. 'Hey, it's a replacement. No, your lord is eating with eggs on it? It's bad. Put it on mine too.' Sui also changed. Put an egg on Sui's. " I made a bowl of beef (special serving) with two hot balls, scraped the hot balls, and then served them to two. "Mmm, definitely better with eggs on it" "Sui also prefers to have eggs on it -" They both seem to like the beef bowl warm balls and eat the guts. Looks like we've finally both been satisfied after a few changes. "Huh, it was delicious" "Honto was delicious -" Let's go back to the city. "Yeah." I went back to the city and rode Fell's back... "Fell." "What?" "You're dirty." What do you mean? I didn't really care until now, but I'm extra concerned about Fell's dirt because I took a bath and refreshed it. "'Cause the hair around here is hardening, and it feels dusty all over." 'Oh, well, that's not true. I'm fixing my hair properly...' "No, no, no, you're not doing it right" I haven't seen much of your hair repair. "Tomorrow you decide to wash the whole thing, Fell." "Become..." "What, you say you're afraid of water? "Well, don't say no to that." "Hey there. Wash Fell tomorrow. It's a decision." "Grungy" Well, I need to buy a dog shampoo and a brush to wash Fell tonight. You got dog shampoo or something in an online supermarket?
Even so, Fells have been eating meat since morning. I also told everyone that seafood BBQ starts at noon. I'm ready for that seafood BBQ. The seafood is well sanded, so it's okay. I'm going to cook the shrimp whole as well, so I'll just pull out the back wax. Once that's done, it's crab handling. Crabs are so big, you'd better chop off your legs and bake them. I cut crabs apart more and more. And then there's the foil grill. I have a sauce that looks just like the sauce, do you want to make it chang chang baking style with miso? I put the sarken down to three. I struggled a little because it was big, but I managed. I meditate on my eyes at this time for the slightest discomfort, and then I put about four down. All I need is some vegetables. Will it be sourced in an online supermarket with vegetables to be added to the foil grill? Open an online supermarket and choose a vegetable. When I did BBQ before, it was delicious, so I would like the vegetables I used at that time. Asparagus with peppers and corn for shiitake. Shiitake and peppers look like they can be used to bake foil. Onions and carrots would be nice if I thought about that. Then I also bought Enoki, which I definitely put in the foil grill. Enoki is cheap, tastes good, and has a good texture, so it's convenient to serve a variety of dishes. The vegetables are ready, so let's start with the vegetables used for BBQ. You don't have to do anything because you cook peppers and corn as is. I bought the corn on the skin, so when I cooked it as it was, it was steamed and delicious. Shiitake chopped off the stone, Asparagus peeled the stiff skin below with a peeler, and the onions and carrots were thickly sliced. At the end of the day, prepare to bake the foil. I decided to make two types of foil grill, and I made it into a foil grill flavored with lemon butter soy sauce from Tyrant Fish because there are also white fish. Because it's cumbersome, vegetables use the same thing for both foil bakes. Cut the shiitake into thin slices by cutting the stone and cut the onions in half as well and thinly. Cut the carrots and peppers into pieces and loosen the enoki once they have cut the stone. First of all, you're Sarken's Chang Chang bake-style foil bake. Once butter is applied to the aluminum foil and the onions are laid, gently shake the salt and pepper by placing the sarken cut into appropriate sizes on top of it. Fell's share was filled with big eyes. Put plenty of shiitake, carrots, peppers and enoki on top of it. Sprinkle a mixture of miso, sugar, liquor, and mirin over there, put butter on top, and then wrap it in aluminum foil and you'll be ready to cook Sarken's Chang Chang style foil. Tyrant fish with lemon butter and soy sauce flavored foil will be prepared in the same way. Butter the aluminum foil and lay the onions, then add the fillets of Tyrant Fish to the salt and pepper. Place the vegetables on top of it and wrap the butter on top with aluminum foil. Lemon juice and soy sauce are delicious just before you eat them. All right, now you're ready for seafood BBQ, and do you want to squeeze in with seafood BBQ in a large garden? ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ "Not yet? Fell, how many times have you asked me that question? "Almost there." Fell, Dora and Sui are all staring jizzily at the seafood being baked on the barbecue stove. The yellow scalloped shell, much like a scallop, opened and the thick, large seapillar glanced at his face. Later, the other shells open their shells. They all look really delicious. When I put soy sauce here, I said sauce. "Okay, it's okay now" Remove the yellow scallop from its shell and remove the inedible part and place it on a plate. Big Hardcrumb took it off his shell the same way, put it on a plate and let it out to everyone. "Uhm, better than what I came to the stall yesterday" "Oh. When you bake, you're different." Huh, huh, huh, you bet. You bet. I'm the only one in the world who can get it, because there's a God's seasoning called soy sauce. Besides, this soy sauce fits seafood perfectly. There's no way soy sauce doesn't taste good. I'll eat too. Yellow scallops similar to scallops, are we going to. Scalloped scallops have thick scallops and are big anyway. I cheeked my thick seapillars all over my mouth. "Yummy! The flavor is scallops themselves. With each bite, the flavour of scallops spreads across the mouth. It goes well with soy sauce. Ha, happy. You'd be happy to eat something delicious. "I burned this shrimp and crab, too. Want some?" Similar to car shrimp, Vermillion Shrimp is for shaking salt and grilling round. A bronze king club that resembles a tarabagani is a grilled crab. "Eat" "Me too." Because it meant that the vermillion shrimp could stay shelled, so, the Bronze King Club took itself out and served it on a plate and did it. Fells say that if it's about the shell of Vermillion Shrimp, on the contrary, the shell is more aromatic and tasty. Giant hard crumbs, yellow scallops, and bronze king club shells were never edible, but they were better off because they were too hard to hit my mouth. Shells, they're hard. I also peel and eat Vermillion Shrimp shells. Peeling the red shell of Vermillion Shrimp revealed himself as a prickly, delicious looking shrimp. If worn with Gabriel, the texture and sweetness of the prickly shrimp...... Shrimp, great. Shrimp is delicious! It was such a big shrimp, but I was done eating it right away. Next up is the Bronze King Club. Keep it that way first. You can't stop smelling fragrant. With his cheeks, the sweetness of the juicy crab spread to his mouth. Huh, why are crabs so delicious? Now let the soy sauce drip. Um, soy sauce goes with it. Oh, yeah, even here... Mix the crab miso and the removed crab body in the koro. Grilled crab miso. "Ooh, dusty." "Hmm, what? You're eating it because it looks delicious. Me, too." "Me too." I'll serve everyone the roasted crab miso. 'Whoa, this tastes like you've never eaten before. Isn't it rich and delicious? " "Yeah, yummy" It was popular with Fell and Dora, but Sui doesn't look good. I wonder if crab miso was too early for Sui. You want beer for this. I opened an online supermarket and bought a beer that said it was a new A company product. Looks like Koku and Kile are selling beer, but they also fit seafood BBQ. Oh, that sounds like a good foil grill over here. Cirken's Chan Chang Baked Style Foil Grill and Tyrant Fish Lemon Butter Soy Sauce Flavored Foil Grill. Tyrant fish lemon butter soy sauce flavored foil grill opens foil and sprinkles with lemon juice and soy sauce. "Uhm, this is delicious too" "It's a sweet, sweet omelet over here. This one is also sour and refreshing." "This fish is delicious ~" Both foil grills were well received. Well, I'll eat, too. Chan Chang baking is delicious with a sweet miso flavour. Sake and sweet miso go well together. That tastes like you're going to want white rice. Lemon butter soy sauce flavors also match butter, soy sauce and lemon perfectly to go well with white fish. It's nice to have plenty of vegetables. All this is delicious. Because we got fresh seafood, too. Seafood BBQ is awesome! After that, we enjoyed seafood BBQ.
Two levels of meadows were also spread. In this hierarchy are wild chicken and horn rabbits. Boys and girls who feel like they are formed into adventurers can be seen as flirty. Our aim is the superior species of lower dungeon pigs and dungeon cows, so this floor is naturally through. I hear there are also four transfer magic formations on this floor, but we also headed here to the farthest magic formations. Because wherever the transfer magic formation is used, the destination will be in the same place, so the transfer magic formation close to it will end up being an adventurer and a waste. When I looked at the most distant magic formation, I knew I was queuing for a slack. There's nothing going on in the distant magic formation because I have Fell, but it would take hours if I walked away normally. Adventurers diving into this dungeon say that sometimes the drops are raw (meat), which means a basic day trip, so it is common to use near-field transfer magic formations even though they are mixed in. That happened, and we talked about this going on until around the middle eight levels, where a number of adventurers make it their main hunting ground. Three, four, five levels and passing without doing anything because there is no prey of particular concern. And six levels. It's a hierarchy of dungeon pigs. It is also a hierarchy where there are many dungeon pigs in demand in this city, and the number of adventurers you see increases over time. "Is that the dungeon pig? You're so big." The dungeon pig was a thin brown haired round fat pig characterized by sharp fangs protruding from his mandible. "What do we do? Want to hunt a little? 'It'll be good enough to hunt a little for the passing. Our aim is to be the superior species of this.' 'Oh, the meat of the superior species tastes better. If you're gonna hunt anyway, you'd better have some good meat. " "Sui can either." But I wonder if the meat should taste better. ' You're only after the top species of delicious meat. "So if we meet before we head to the Transition Magic Team, we'll hunt for you." "Umm." ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ As we headed toward the Transition Magic Formation, a flock of dungeon pigs appeared forward. "Mm." Zash, zash, zash -. "" "" "" "Buhiwi" "" "" Dungeon pig screams echoing in the meadows. "Ooh..." The deceivers blew away and chopped up the dungeon pig. "Is that Fell wind magic? 'Mm-hmm. It's out of the way. Next. " Mr. Pork, who was then exterminated, is sad. You were in a bad place. "In the meantime, do you want to pick up the meat" "Umm." All the dungeon pigs that had more than twenty had turned into meat. "If you knock down the dungeons here, you can always get drops." The meat mass carefully wrapped in the leaves had fallen slightly. In it...... "This, Motsu! Wow, now I can cook a hot pot or something! It's delicious when you bake it. The fun spreads." Fells said I was happy to pick up my moth. "Mm, what's up? "It's a moth, Moth! This is delicious!" "Delicious"? Then I'll eat a swim. ' "Is that your gut? Hmm, thank you for getting used to the Lord's cooking... ' 'That's right. Your guts are stingy. Let's do it. I can't eat it, but I'm not going to like it later when I'm used to your cooking.' "But if you cook properly, it's delicious. Fresh moss doesn't smell and it's really delicious." When I say that, both Fell and Dora say, "Is that true?" "I don't know about that." I'm half-hearted. "Anyway, I'll make you something delicious. You'll be surprised if you eat. Besides, the fact that there are moths coming out here is likely to come out in the drops of dungeon cows on the seventh floor of this lower floor, as well as in the drops of the top species after that. You get a lot of fresh moss, so it's a loss to hate eating." If you get a lot of dungeon beef moss in a dungeon pig, you're going to be able to cook a lot. It's a good thing it's been a long time since I've had a mothpot with a top species of dungeon beef. As I was picking up the meat from the drops with my thoughts on Motsu cooking like that, I was getting zazzled around. "Hmm?" When I saw it, the adventurers in this hierarchy surrounded us. "Hey, that's Tamer." "That's unusual." "Me, I know. You're an S-rank Tamer." "S lancu?! "I heard you broke through the dungeons of Drun and Aveling." "If true, it's awesome, it" "But if we get hunted with that momentum, we'll lose our prey." "Indeed." "Even though it springs up with fewer numbers, it won't increase until the next day." The gaze of the adventurers hurts. Shh, excuse me. You can say what you want. I gave up hunting on this floor with lots of adventurers and withdrew. And take the transfer magic formation through to the seventh floor. On the seventh floor is a dungeon cow. Naturally there were many adventurers in this hierarchy as well. To avoid needlessness, this hierarchy also runs barely to the Transfer Magic Formation and immediately to the eight tiers. The eighth floor is a hierarchy with both dungeon pigs and dungeon cows. Although the number of adventurers decreased slightly compared to the six or seven tiers, such a number of adventurers worked in hunting. That's why, of course, this floor is through. And to the nine tiers. On the ninth level is Cocatrice, who goes up to our table every now and then. When I came to this floor, the number of adventurers was finally considerably lower. "We eat normally, but no, Cocatrice was a C-rank demon, too." I'm going to forget it because I'm eating all the good meat thanks to the Fells, but if we make the oak and cocatrice we eat all the time common people, it's a bit of excited and good meat to eat. "Will Cocatrice get a little?" "Um, this meat is so-so good" "Oh. That's not a bad fry from this." "Fried from ~" "Oh, I hope we're all just around here" Fell, Dora and Sui scatter. And in less than ten minutes, the area is full of meat chunks... "Stop, stop! I've had enough, because I've had enough! "Mm, is that enough? "What is it, already? "Ryuji, is that enough? "Enough is enough. It's harder to pick this up." Thirty meat chunks won't go down, even if I just count them. Ah, the adventurers in the vicinity look stunning. "Guys, just pick it up and go downstairs." We need everyone to help us. Just collect the meat from Cocatrice and go to the nearby Transition Magic Formation. Next, finally, the tenth floor with the intended prey. From the th floor, it's our private room. We'll hunt down the top species of dungeon pigs first!
The next day, when I went to the Adventurers Guild... When I told him to call Mr. Erland at the desk, he led me to the Guildmaster's room. "Mr. Elland......" There he is, Mr. Elland. Well, it's the Alliance Master's room, so it's natural to be there. He looked at his desk like a dead fish and did a lot of paperwork. With Mr. Ugol's surveillance. "Welcome aboard, Mr. Mkoda. I have heard from this stupid master. Now it looks like you have the Red Dragon." Are you an idiot master? Mr. Ugol's handling of Mr. Erland is getting worse. Well, Mr. Elland deserves it, and I know how Mr. Ugol feels. "Yes. I would like to ask you to dismantle the Red Dragon (Red Dragon) and if you have something to buy..." "Of course you are! Hey, all the ground dragon (ground dragon) materials we bought in the meantime sold for a high price. So did the dungeon products, but even ground dragon (ground dragon) made a lot of money for this guild." Have you made considerable profits, all this time Mr. Ugor is Nico's face too. "Ugor, your ghost! Devil! I can't believe I even sold the Earth Dragon fangs I was going to use as my dream dragon sword! Mr. Erland blamed Mr. Ugor with a crying face from the other side of the desk. Oh, Mr. Ugol, you just said you sold all the ground dragon materials. That means Mr. Elland also sold the fangs he took care of for the rest of his life. "Humph, say anything. It's your fault for acting selfish. Ground dragon fangs were sold as soon as they were sold. And it's incredibly expensive." "Uhhhhhh" Mr. Elland was tearing up and crying. Mr. Elland, I don't want to see an old man cry no matter how many beauty elves he has. So leave it. "Leave that stupid master alone...... Mr. Mkoda, the Red Dragon would definitely be even higher than the Ground Dragon. Let me buy it here." "Yes. Then can I ask you to dismantle it as soon as possible? "Of course it is. Then let's go to the warehouse. Stupid Master, we're going to the warehouse." "You can dismantle the Red Dragon! That's what Mr. Elland said and gave him a smile. When I heard about the Red Dragon, I stopped crying. How are you feeling or what? ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ "Then let me out here." Mr. Elland, Nico is rushing "fast, fast" with his face. A red dragon (red dragon) was put out on a large workbench when the ground dragon (earth dragon) was dismantled. "Ooh." Both Erland and Ugor had their eyes nailed to the red dragon (Red Dragon) on the workbench. "When it comes to Fell, this Red Dragon is still a young adult, and it seems to be smaller." "Now..." Mr. Ugol is surprised to hear me talk. It's a giant that's or 3 meters smaller. I can see that Mr. Ugol is surprised. Mr. Elland is happy with one person and he says, "How lucky I am to be able to dismantle the Red Dragon (Earth Dragon) with this hand following the Earth Dragon..." "So, how long is it going to take to dismantle it? "That's right, I'd still like three days because I'd like to check every corner carefully" Mr. Elland, even when you were a ground-dragon, you said you were close to every corner. Because I like dragons, I know you want to check a lot, but it's a whole creepy way of saying it. "You don't need to take three days, stupid master. You could do it in a day." "W., Mr. Ugol, what are you talking about? It'll take you three days! 'Cause I want to check a lot! "Want to confirm? You must be wrong to watch the Red Dragon. It's packed with work, too, so please finish in a day. I don't accept objections." When Mr. Ugor said so in a pissy manner, Mr. Erland was roaring "GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" Once Mr. Elland seemed to know he had an affair, he didn't even argue with it. If I did, it would be a big deal. "Oh, I'll decide what I'll buy, too. Because if you leave it to the fool master, you will decide as you desire" "Gu......" Mr. Ugol, you're the best. Mr. Erland dared to sink into Mr. Ugor's argument. "Mr. Mkoda, after noon tomorrow I will also finish the demolition and I will also decide which part I will buy, so come back after noon tomorrow" "Yes..." Nobody can turn against Mr. Ugor.
I'm looking forward to seeing you tomorrow. "I'll take the sake from the noodles." "Long time no see, Mr. Mukoda. We're looking forward to your meal." "Yes..." The face of Ark and the face of Shadow Warrior left with a smile. Hey, why is this happening... Soon I was supposed to host a dungeon tread celebration. I wish I could have reunited with Arc's face and Shadow Warrior's face in the Adventurer's Guild, but for some reason I was on my own and Mr. Erland and his two party faces got all worked up about my cooked rice and dungeon rigging... When I let it go, it was decided to hold a dungeon trampling celebration under my auspices somehow during the meantime. I broke through the dungeon, and it's crazy. Normally, I'm not in a position to be invited, am I? I thought, "There you go," or something. I don't know. They pinched my logic. What is that place? Plus, Mr. Feodora stuffed me with "I told you I'd treat you again when I got back on the ground" Come on... I did tell Mr. Feodora. In the end, Mr. Feodora's words stopped, and it was decided to hold a celebration hosted by me. The point is, it's like a dinner party where you eat and drink. I'm the host, so I have to make that food when it's packed. Everyone expects that, too. Ha, that's a setup when you get home. There's Mr. Alonzo who doesn't like seafood, so the food's meat main. That said, I have an inventory of meat in hand. ..................... Oh, you have that one. I got a lot of them in the dungeon. All right, you used snake meat here. Snake meat festival. ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ When I returned to the inn, Fell, Dora and Sui were waiting. I'll feed everyone that I'm hungry and Mr. Elland, who was naturally following me into my room. It's a sweet and spicy Chinese miso fried bowl filled with oak meat and vegetables quickly with rice cooked more in the morning. Thanks for cooking more meals in the morning. Speaking to Fell, Dora and Sui over dinner about tomorrow's celebration, it seems that if everyone eats something delicious, they have nothing to complain about. I mean, I was happy to have lots of different dishes. When the Ark faces the Shadow Warrior faces, and then the Fells too, we have to prepare a lot of them. When I finished eating, I went out to the garden to get ready for tomorrow as soon as possible. First of all, the fried snake meat, how to cook this...... Hmm, because the number of people. I figured I might as well have BBQ here. BBQ allows everyone to bake and eat whatever they want, and it's easy to prepare. I guess I should soak the snake meat in some kind of sauce. And then let's also make a stab on the skewer with the vegetables. A BBQ would be nice with the raw sausage I made before. All right, let's make this too. Then, if you have black and red salpents, let's also make fried ones. It's definitely delicious. Let's start with fried meat. I took the black and red sapphire meat out of the item box and then started making fries. "Huh, I guess this is it" I fried the calamari twice, so I put the fried chicken on the bat. A large amount of frying was created from two flavors: soy sauce base and salt base. When I was making fry from it, Fells smelled it and waited covetously behind me doing the work. I came. "You just ate. Eat this." That's what I did for Fell, Dora and Sui, though. I was watching that. Mr. Elland was looking forward to it, too, so I couldn't help it, so I gave Mr. Elland some sweet bread too. That's why we all seem to expect fried dinner from, so the fried food was also extra fried from the dinner portion, so I got half the amount. "For now, the frying is OK, so I guess the raw sausage is next." Oak and golden buckbull meat were hissed with Swiss specialty misrilled mincers to make snoring meat, and two types of sausages were made: coarse black pepper flavoured and herbal lemon flavoured, which I had made before. "I made fried and sausage from it, so all I have to do is soak snake meat in some kind of sauce and make a stab in the skewer" Cut the various snake meats of Black Anaconda, Black Serpent, Red Serpent, and then Crimson Asp to the appropriate size. Soak it in a sauce of garlic soy sauce mixed with soy sauce, garlic slices and apple juice. It's simple garlic soy sauce, but it also adds the refreshing sweetness of apple juice to taste good, this is it. After that, it is also soaked in a sauce of salted koji lemon. This is also as simple as just mixing lemon juice with salted koji and black pepper, but refreshing and really tasty. At the end of the day, we all love curry-flavored tandoori chicken, no. Is that a tandoori snake? Soak the meat in a mixture of plain yogurt, grated garlic and grated shoga, salt and pepper, and curry flour. It's all in a plastic bag and soaked. Now that you're soaked in good shape tomorrow, just take it out and cook it. Longer bamboo skewers bought at online supermarkets were alternately stabbed with snake meat with appropriate vegetables such as peppers, onions, carrots and asparagus. I also make a ton of this and all I have to do is bake it. Skewer grill means simple iz vest, and I think I will only season it with salt and pepper. I also prepared vegetables for once, but when I think of the face of the arc and the face of the Shadow Warrior...... "That's totally carnivorous." In the meantime, I used a cup of time past lunch to complete my purchasing for tomorrow. Fell, Dora and Sui, who were waiting for dinner, served fried food from a pile of them. And, of course, to Mr. Elland.
Yesterday and one yesterday I spent making rice storage. I've broken the dungeon, and I think it's time to go to the next city. Prepare for the journey. The Fells said they wanted to dive into the dungeon again or something, but naturally that's a rejection. If I can't dive again, it'll take me a while. I made a lot of things. Deep-fried foods that are becoming a classic are topped with meat cutlets for frying from. Of course, I also made the cheese IN. Then you're a beef bowl of meat from Wyburn and Bloody Horn Bull. And then hamburger on the beef stew. Then you made dumplings too. I have a Miss Lil mincer, so it's easy to make ground beef and the dishes are off the hook. Besides, I made it before and it was delicious. I also made semi-ripe flavored eggs in pork juice and boiled pork. I've also made some new dishes that I've never made before. Easy meat tofu to fry and simmer. When the oak meat is sautéed with onions and the fire is over, just add the water, granulated dashi, mirin, soy sauce and sugar and when it comes to a boil, add the cotton tofu and simmer gently. The pork juice and the boiled pork were stained with semi-ripe flavored eggs. Anything that tasted better was added to the velcro bag and the flavor was stained. I also tried to make pepper meat stuffing because there is ground beef. Even so, the seeds are the usual hamburger seeds. Simply wash it well, halve it and fill the peppers with the hamburger seeds that have been removed. Once the flour is lightly covered in it, cook it in a frying pan with the surface of the meat underneath, and when the baking color comes on, spin the oil star sauce, soy sauce and sugar with water to steam and cook. Yesterday and two days yesterday, I've been making a lot of rice. Because it was worth it and I was able to secure a lot of storage for it, it seems like it could be a little easier during the journey. And now he was again visiting a section with a blacksmith workshop. I'm here to pick up the barbecue stove I ordered. Of course, ten square bottles of whiskey from the promised Japanese manufacturer S have also been sourced from the online supermarket. I'm looking forward to seeing how it's done. ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ "Hello ~" "Ooh. Is that Ome? I can't order anything. Over here." That's what my father Dwarf at the blacksmith shop told me, and the barbecue stove I ordered from Deng was kept narrow. Go close and check the specifications. "Oh, isn't that nice? Just like I ordered." It's the size as ordered, and the place to add charcoal has a drawer formula. The side of that drawer looks like it has a round hole in it as ordered and looks good on the air. The top net is also removable. Yeah, yeah, you're right on order. That's so nice. "As a matter of fact. Who do you think I am? He's a blacksmith in this city with five fingers." Oh, yeah?! Before this, when I went into the blacksmith compartment, I wasn't really into that kind of thing because I came in from a workshop that was nearby. Even though this is all the city and this is all the workshop, the five fingers in it are so amazing. Actually, you were this Dwarf grandfather awesome blacksmith. Surely my grandfather here says Mr. Alesh, and the workshop says Alesh Forge Workshop. I'm glad I asked for it, though by chance. He made the barbecue stove just as well as he hoped. "Ome, how do you take this size thing home? Did someone ask you to carry him? "Oh, well, then I have an item box, so I'm fine." "Something like that. So, Ome, did you bring that? That's the one. "Of course. You mean this, right?" I took a square bottle of whiskey from Company S. out of the item box. "Yes, they do. How long have you been waiting for this booze?" About Grandpa Dwarf. Mr. Alesh jumped on the whiskey I took out. I'm cheeky on this guy's bottle... You really like alcohol. "Uh, that was ten promises" I'll take it out one after the other and get it out in front of Mr. Alesh. "Hyahaw, you've got some good liquor! Sounds like such a great pleasure. "So, how much did you pay for it? "Yeah, because it was the first time I made it, I quoted more and said 0 gold coins before this, but 300 gold coins with ingredients would be fine" Oh, it's cheaper than I was asking. I thought it might be higher than I heard before because I say a blacksmith who gets into five fingers in this city as well, but 300 gold coins would be nice. One hemp bag containing 300 gold coins was removed from the item box. "Well, here it is." "Ooh." Without even checking the contents of the hemp bag I put out, I took it to a separate room. "Er, are you okay with not checking the contents? "What the hell, Ome, are you choking on me? "No, I wouldn't do that." That's a hemp bag with 300 gold coins, for not messing with it at all. It definitely contains 300 pieces of gold. "If you don't have enough, I'll go get it at Ome's, so you'll be fine. Ome, you're an adventurer with an obedient demon who recently broke through a famous dungeon, right? What, you know so much about me? "The Adventurers Guild hasn't made a big deal out of that story for some reason, so I learned it recently, too." Because I say you can't stand a door in people's mouths. "Yeah, well, for once. I don't really want to be big on myself, so keep it to myself if possible..." "Well, that's right. If you broke through the dungeon, a lot of people would come near you. That's what I'm telling you, and that's what I'm asking you, did you get the material that's going to be a sword? Anything. Mr. Alesh said he was particularly good at making swords among his weapons and he really cared. "Well, I never got it..." "What kind of material is that? "Well, only that it was obtained on the floor closest to the deepest" "Near the deepest floor? I guess that's what happens when it comes to sword material. That's why I can't buy it." Unfortunately, Mr Alesh said so. Buying it personally is a bit hey, probably thousands of gold coins will be in units. But... "Um, Mr. Alesh is also a blacksmith who gets into five fingers in this city, right? "Yeah, I don't know what to say to myself, but that's what they're gonna say." "Then, apart from whether or not to ask Mr. Alesh, I think we'll have a conversation one of these days from the Adventurer Guild." "Mm, are you buying material that's going to be a sword in some adventurer's guild? I never answered yes or no. But what Mr. Ugor said is that there seems to be a limited number of blacksmiths in this city who can use that material as a sword, because he said he would consult with those people and then decide where to ask for it. If Mr. Alesh were a blacksmith who would get into five fingers in this city as well, the story would come from the Adventurer's Guild. Mr. Alesh seemed to have guessed something when I didn't answer. "Oh, yeah, Ome, you gonna try that fast? "Yeah, I'm going to." I was going to barbecue to try it out early today. "Then you should try it here. There's charcoal here, too. I'm confident in my work, but it's the first time I've ever made it. If there's anything wrong, I can fix it right here. Instead, let me use a little." Oh, thank God for that. I decided to let you try the barbecue stove here, sweet for your words. As I walked through the blacksmith, I went outside the building. Anything. They're going to look into the sharpness of the sword and spear here. I was to rent here to have a barbecue with Mr. Alesh. Of course there's Fell and Dora waiting outside. The meat was prepared with oak meat and bloody horn bull meat. When I tried to prepare vegetables, Fell and Dora said, 'I don't want vegetables'. I had no choice but to hold a barbecue with meat. Let me use what was in the blacksmith. Putting the oak meat and the bloody hornblue meat on the net made a juicy roasting noise. "Can I use it, too? "Yes, go ahead" You just told me to let you use it a little bit, but what are you cooking? "These bowels are homemade. I made it, but it's pretty tasty because I made it salty. This goes well with booze again. You can eat omelet too." Oh, sausage. It suits booze, 'cause that's what you said from the beginning when you were going to try it out here. Well, that's fine. He said it was more homemade than that, but how did you make it? Was it me from procuring intestines? Ask him, he'll sell it normally if you tell the butcher. Mr. Alesh is using a sheep's bowel called White Sheep. This seems to be the common thing used for sausages. Well, if you can buy intestines, maybe you can make a homemade fresh sausage with salt and pepper, and herbs. You heard good things. Oh, it's time for the meat to cook. "Mr. Alesh, go ahead with this meat too. This is the sauce that goes with the meat that passes to my hometown. If the meat is cooked, eat it with this." I put the long-seller tame grilled meat sauce in the item box and gave it to Mr. Alesh with the fork. "Don't let me treat you. Oh, my guts are burning over here, too, see?" I got four sausages. I put the roasted oak meat and the bloody hornblue meat in a plate and hung the sauce of the grilled meat, and served it to Fell and Dora and Sui with the sausage I had. I had Mr. Alesh's homemade sausage as soon as possible. When I caught hold of it, it sounded petty and creepy. It's just salty, but it tastes so good when gravy comes out of thin skins. "Carr, this bowel and the booze I got from Ome go together." Mr. Alesh had a quick whiskey. Um, does whiskey and sausage fit? That would suit you better if I said sausage. "Wait a minute, please" I moved from Mr. Alesh to an invisible location to open the internet supermarket. Can beer. Is that why the bottle is more suspicious? I bought a premium bottle of beer from Company S. for now and I bought five bottles and an unplugged bottle. "This will suit the meat better. Go ahead." I poured a premium beer into the glass and gave it to Mr. Alesh. "Mm, ale? I don't hate it, but this liquor I got from Ome tastes overwhelmingly better." "It's not like Yale again. This is one of the special drinks I have." "What? I'll take that." Goku Goku Goku, Pukha. Nice drink. "Woo meh! What the hell?! Sounds like Yale. Totally different. Why is Ome's liquor so good?! Beer for barbecue, after all. I'll drink, too. Goku Goku, Puha. Uh, yeah. This day ended up as a barbecue tournament day for eating and drinking. Fell, Dora, and Sui were both silent about whether the charcoal roasted meat was delicious.
"So, what are you doing? Before the greatest creative god. Gods say 'Um...' or 'uh...' and it's stuck in the story. "Nin Lil will explain this to you. 'Cause you're the first person to see a different world, Kung.' "Yes, yes, yes." "... Ninril is fit" "The first thing I found was your lord." "This is the kind of guy with the oldest relationship." Other goddesses and liquor-loving combinations are pushing Nin Lil to explain. Hide, dude. Why should I have a concubine? Not from among the lords. " "What are you talking about? Nin Lil is the one who deposited it in the favor of No. interracial Kung, even though Nin Lil should explain it" Is one hand of this push Master Kishahr? 'Hey, did you get the story together? 'Sorry to keep you waiting. Nin Lil will explain on your behalf' "Muggle, Kishal, and then everyone else remembers." There was a grudge against Master Nin Lil. I heard a voice. "Nin Lil explains it. So, what do you say? Explain it quickly." A relentless voice urging the explanation of the Creator God. Lady Nin Lil reluctantly told me how she had been with me so far. "So what, Ninrir, did you say that instead of giving me protection, the Lord told me to give you something from the other world, knowing that the other worlds, summoned with a courageous summoning ritual, possess the inherent skills of a strange" Netsu-Pa "capable of retrieving ingredients from the other world? Knowing that, you mean Kishal, Agni, Lusarca, Hephaestus and Vahagn followed? Because what the Creator God says is true, no one has to deny it, so it remains silent. "Fools too - uhhhh!!! A moment of freaking rage. The thunderbolt of the Creator God fell on the Gods. "What is it that you gather in the earthly people to watch over when you say that the Lord is God! 'Hey, no, you're not gathering, you're not gathering. We've all given them protection...' Dear Nin Lil, I said that temper is for the Creator God. "It's strange in itself to demand that consideration just because you've given it protection! Lord, have you ever demanded anything from what you've given shelter to? Hmm? How about what? "Un-no-no..." 'Well, that's...' "Er..." ............ 'Yes, no, you are...' 'No, the...' Stuck in the Creating God, but God's was stuck in the answer. 'Being cramped with answers doesn't mean that. More or less, protection is something that we give those we see to make the world a better place. As your lords well know. " In that word of the Creator God, there seems to be no word for the Gods to come out. I've just talked to him and I've never actually met any god, and I don't know what he looks like, but he seems to see an item as a shobourne all the time. "So much so that things from other worlds captivated your lords? All right, let's see what Non can do. Let me see. ' There is a noise with gasagoso. The Creator told me to show you what I sent earlier reluctantly. 'Lord, were you getting this much... As a punishment, all these things are confiscated. " "" "" "'Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no." " Oh, you confiscate them all? God, are you okay with how much you're into other things? I don't think Nin Lil can stay without the cake. I just got the fancy night cream that Kishahr was after. Lady Agni also said that evening snacks are a classic in beer every day. Even though Luca was usually unresponsive, Ham's gift set showed considerable interest. Is it possible to live without whiskey when it comes to liquor-loving combinations? Considering that, I don't feel kind of sorry for you for forfeiting it all. Sure, the weekly offering is a hassle, but the blessing God's gave me is helping. Especially when diving into dangerous dungeons. I have a previous edge, and suppose I'll give you a little help? "Oh, that God of Creation, may I? I spoke to the Creator nervously. "Oh, the other world. Non is a man named Demiurgos, the Creator of this world. I'm sorry to bother you so much, Lord. ' "My name is Mcodea. Best regards, I can't believe it's annoying, no... When I was summoned to this world, I wondered exactly what I was going to do, but now that I've met some good people, I've managed to live in this world." I have Fell and Dora and Suey now, and I know a lot of people, and they're having a lot of fun doing it. The most important cause in the first place is the Reisehel kingdom, where the ceremonial summons of the brave, that frigid pig king who would have ordained it if he stuck it, is the worst. "A pig king... That country can't be so busy, but it's gotten worse since I became king now. ' Oh, God knows what I'm thinking. I'm sorry for your bad mouth. "Fattening his own stomach and fattening his own fat boyfriend is often mistaken for a pig king. I didn't know what to do with that country. If it's true, we shouldn't do anything about God getting his hands on things on earth... It's just that that country tried to summon brave men once and twice, even though it was contraindicated." "Huh? Twice, are you willing to do it again after we've been summoned? That's how the Creator God asked me about the Reisehel kingdom led by that frigid pig king and about the threesome of high school students, the brave men summoned by Japan with me. "Lord, do you know that the Kingdom of Lacehel is at war? "Yes, certainly with neighboring kingdom of Marvel..." I decided to leave the country in a hurry because I heard that the war was about to start. 'Bye. And I thought I was going to hit three brave men but your lord in that war. " Wow... that country might do it. It's that status, and if you're leveling it up somewhat, it's going to do enough to get you somewhat rounded up to go to war. "So what happened to those three? It wasn't a very good attitude towards me, but I'm from the same Japan and I'm curious. Suppose we were really driven out by war...... 'That's all right. I realized how dirty they were, and three of them fled the country. " Talking about the Creating God, the three of them just got intimate wearing a beautiful male and female leader, and they tried to use it like a slave by letting them wear a magic item called "slave bracelet” as a gift. In fact, one of the three, a girl named Lio (who was certainly a cute little bob-cut girl with a small back) seemed to suck by being fitted with a "slave bracelet”. I lost my left arm when I was fitted with a "slave bracelet" in a battle earlier when I went on a demon crusade to level up... Happy or unhappy. So Lio was talking about getting back to sanity and fleeing the Reisehel kingdom with the two people he had noticed earlier. "So, where are the three of you now? Besides, Lio lost her left arm..." I looked it up, too. Okay, but even if I left that country, not all the countries around me were good. 'Don't worry. Now those three are in the kingdom of Marvel. Be an adventurer, just like your lord, and the three of us will be partying and working together.' Oh, well. I was a little horrified. But it's the Marvel Kingdom, isn't it? It's a country in the middle of war with the Reisehel kingdom, with the title "Brave Man," and now I don't know if I'm getting any chokes from the royal nobility of the Marvel kingdom. 'That area is fine so far. Even the royal palace seems to be aware of the three of them, but this kind of contact is not shiatsu. The Kingdom of Marvel is a country with many strong people. There are many stronger men than the three brave men today, so I don't think they feel the need to make contact. On the contrary, it seems to me that putting the three brave men into the present war carries a high risk of obsession with the Reisehel kingdom.' Indeed. Listening to what I've been saying, I think that country is going to be fine and flirting with you because you kidnapped him or because you magically forced him with magic props. There's nothing I can do about it at all, that country too. 'Mm-hmm. Your lord is right. That country doesn't even know what it's capable of, because it's putting up territorial expansion and it's got its hands on it and on us. It seems like the King of Marvel has finally rushed his wrath with his hands. " He also said that the Kingdom of Marvel was not quite able to set foot in its belly, and in this war it is moving to deport the Kingdom of Lacehel. "This time, the demonic kingdom that has been handed down from time to time will also move." No, it was the kingdoms of Marvel and Lacehel that were dealing with the demonic realm. Anything, they say the Kingdom of Marvel is a basic antagonist on the Devil's Land, but it's not like there's any interaction at all, and they're also cooperating with the Devil's Nation in deporting the Kingdom of Lacehel in this war. It's no trouble just bordering a country like that, and the Demon Nation would be happy to cooperate. "The kingdom of Lacehel will perish nearby without the hand of Non." Well, I'll see you that king. "Oh, so, those three are adventurers, but so is the girl who lost her left arm? "Mm-hmm. He seems to be a supportive magic specialist. He's going to be very active with one arm." Right, good. Isn't that good? I still have a teenage girl with one arm. I wish I could do something about it... No, can you do it? I have a special Sui Elixir. But do you want this in the kingdom of Marvel......, hmm, what to do...... Don't worry, Noon has an idea. The four of you, including the Lord, were forced to be brought into this world as well. I'm not going to make it any easier. " That would be nice of you to say. "What are you going to do if you have an idea? "The three of them are going to the church of the King's Capital in Marvel to get married nearby, but then they also dive into a dungeon just outside the King's Capital. You should be lucky to find Elixir there." .................................... hmm? "Hey, hey, wait a minute. Did you just say marriage? 'Uhm. I told you. Those three are getting married close. " ............... Keckon? The three of us? "Polygamy is not uncommon in this world." Two beautiful girls for that handsome high school student............ "The journey of misery deepens the bond between a man and a woman and burns love. Ugh, hey, hey. ' Marriage? Huh?! I sympathize and I want to hurt you, you're full of happiness. Kussau, you don't care about me at all! I mean, best of all, blow it up handsome!!!
We entered the kingdom of Marvel, we lived as adventurers. Because he possessed an adventurer's guild card, and that was the quickest way. I sold half of the orcs and other demons I had planted by then in the village of Lampertz in the first border village to secure the road bank. For the next few days he took an inn in the village and took a rest. Until then, I couldn't sleep safely, so I was exhausted from the sound of flowers and Lio. And after I got some rest, I asked the villagers to go to a pretty big city, the closest I could get from here. The city was Orlova, where we operate now. We've been acting as adventurers ever since we came to this city. Thanks to this, I was able to increase my rank to C-rank. I was wondering what would happen for a while, but now this is how I can be an adventurer and manage to live. Flowers sound, Lio smiles more like before, and I am really glad I came to this country safely. The adventurer's job is that his body is capital, and there's a big part of it all about self-responsibility, but the three of us helped each other, and now we were singing about freedom in different worlds. ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ "Isn't this a good request? This is going to be a day trip." That's what Flower Sound pointed to. The stick-up requisition was a requisition to crusade five oaks. The condition is to bring back five orcs intact, which is a reward UP if there is less damage. "Don't think I'm good, too" That being said, Lio also agreed with the flower noise. Oak is a popular ingredient. Me, Flower Sound and Lio, walking on two feet didn't hammer the repellence at first, but the oak meat was not particularly rare in this world and was treated as a normal ingredient. I mean, follow the town when we get into it, so we tried it, too, and this was usually delicious. It feels like a brand pig in Japan. Even orcs can eat normally if you're not aware of them. Now you're eating normally, with a diminished sense of repellence. Oak meat is a bit of a good meat in the feel of this world and is popular. So many stores use oak meat dishes as sign dishes. That's why demand was high, and the request for an oak crusade was always sticking around like a request. "Five oaks? We can do it. I mean, orcs are in demand, and if there's more than five, I'll hunt them." "Right. We can do it." "Yeah." It's hard to bring home a regular adventurer party without a magic bag or a member with an item box, but we all have an item box. Plus, things go in almost unlimited. We took off the bulletin board request and took it down to the receptionist we became familiar with since we came to this city. "Now, do you want to go hunting for oak?" Me, Flower Sound and Lio headed to the woods southeast of this city where the oak is. "Shh..., there's the orc" "You've got three. As we just met, as usual. Lio, please." "Yeah, okay" Lio used unchanging water magic that he was good at. I can get a water ball over my oak. That waterball completely covered Oak's head. The breathless oak is confused and desperately trying to escape the water ball. In that gap we... "Flower noise, let's go" "Yes." I jumped out the long sword with the sound of flowers in my hand. "Shh! Shh!" "Yikes! Two of me, one of the flowers, each poking an oak in the heart. Three orcs fell powerless. This way of hunting orcs is the way we knit them out after all we've tried. This was the way to hunt the oak for sure without using the most effort, and with less damage. "Okay, two more." That's what Flower Sound said while putting the hunted oak in the item box. "Yeah. But we're gonna hunt as much as we can without sticking to five." To my words, Lio nodded, who had come so close. "I'm going to have to pay the rent soon. I need to make money when I can." I snorted heavily at Lio's words, too. We rented a house in this city, not an inn. I was staying at the inn in the beginning, but when I calculated it, the inn cost didn't even make a fool of me. Lio told us that it would be cheaper to rent it and we decided to rent the house. And luckily rented is the house now. It's a little run-down, but I have every room, and the rent was enough for us to pay. It was only a short distance from the Adventurer's Guild, but it was also a deciding factor that the house, which was the merchant's owner, was small but bathed. In this world, taking a bath is as luxurious or aristocratic as it sounds, but it was pretty tight for us Japanese people not to take a bath. I was talking about not being able to use the bath without refilling the Demon Stone, but I was wondering if I could handle it because I have Lio who is good at water magic and me who is good at fire magic. I actually tried and I could handle it. Lio builds up water in the bath with water magic, and I punch an affordable fireball in there, but at first I had a hard time adjusting the temperature. I'm used to it now. I like my current life, where I live freely with the sound of flowers and leo. In order to sustain this life, we spend every day doing what we're asked to do. "Duo, flower noise, orc." That's what Lio said in a low voice. Looking in the direction Lio is looking...... "Four oaks. Takeo, Lio, you should have done the same thing earlier." "Oh." ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ "Phew." I turned the three oaks I just hunted into item boxes. "I'll keep it around here today." We eventually succeeded in hunting sixteen oaks. That's quite an accomplishment. "Right. I'm hungrier than that." That's what the flower sounds like. When they say that, sure. Grr ~ -. When I realized I was hungry, my stomach rang. Hearing the sound of my belly, the flower noise and Lio are laughing couscous. "Don't laugh. You're not hungry." "I'm sorry. It's almost past lunch, but let's eat and then go home." When Lio says so, the flower noise sniffs out, "Yes, I will". Traveling to a relatively safe neighborhood in the woods, we decided to have a late lunch. Lio removed the pan from the item box. Our item box is out of time, so it stays hot. "Smells good." I said that while holding my own like I couldn't wait for the sound of flowers. "It's stew today." That's what Lio says as he stirs the pan. I don't have a stew loo, but I'm wondering how you can make it, but Lio used flour to tell you what to do. I have no idea. "Oh." I think I've already got the flower noise. When I gave Li O a bowl, he gave me plenty of stew. "Well, let's eat." "" "I'll have it" " When I put the stew in my mouth, the gentle sweetness and creamy taste of the vegetables spreads across my mouth. I knew Lio's rice was delicious. "Yummy ~. I knew you could eat something warm in a place like this." At first, I bought rice from the street and put it in an item box, but it was supposed to cost more than I thought. So, I tried cell phone food, but I can't believe this is bad. That's not what people eat. Then we talked about making our own, and it was Lio who worked great there. "Oh, it looks like Lio." "No, this is normal." Lio humbly always says that, but I think he's a pretty good cook. "I'm a bad cook anyway." "No. You helped me, too, Flower Sound. My hands are like this, so I'll take care of all the peeling and all the flower noises." "Even that peeling was rough at first. If this is the case, I regretted that I should have done more to help your mother." "But Flower Sound's taking the lead on laundry and stuff." "Laundry is magical and anything. I knew it was cooking. Why isn't it delicious when the sea urchins season it? Bad for the flower noise, but it's best to leave the food to Lio. That way I can eat delicious food without complaining. That said...... "Let me tell you something, they're both awesome. I can't do any chores! Cooking or laundry? What's that? There's no way I can do that. "Duh, that's not what I say with pride." "Huffle, really." The flower sounds like a smiley face, and Lio is laughing. "Oh, that's the only thing you could do. Bath boiling" "Ahaha, sure. Bath boiling is probably the best way to do it." "But that's not the only way to do it. Thank you to Atashi and Lio for your help." "Yes, yes, thank you both." When I said that, Flower Sound and Lio were laughing. Something terrible happened. This isn't Japan, and there are a lot of inconveniences. But I feel happy now that I'm spending time with Flower Sound and Lio. I'll do my best as an adventurer to protect this life.
He was coming to the Adventurer's Guild with Fell and Suey following yesterday. Thinking it would be crowded in the morning hours, I arrive at the reception softly after coming a little out of time. "Um, I'd like to ask you something." "Yes, what is it? "You know, I'm G-ranked now, what can I do to get up to F-rank? Oh, now I feel surprised for a moment by the receptionist, but he gave me a proper explanation. I can't complain because I do feel it now. "You need to make a successful quest to get a certain number of points in order to increase your rank. In addition, there are exams if they rise above the C-rank." Well, that means you can increase your rank by getting a certain number of points. So, if it rises above the C-rank, do you mean you pass the points + exam? You're okay there because you're not thinking about getting more than C-rank. "I see you need to get certain points. How many points will I need if I go up from G-rank to F-rank? "You need points to get from G-rank to F-rank." I don't even know if it's a hundred points, more or less. "There are only a few requests that you can get a G-rank for, and most requests are for one or two points, even if there are three. That's why it's so hard to get from G-rank to F-rank." Yes, the receptionist told me. In the first place, the G-rank is equivalent to the training period until the adventurer becomes an adventurer, and he learns a lot about the adventurer while doing his request during the G-rank. In the meantime, those who are not suited to adventurers will fall off naturally, and those who seek to make adventurers their livelihoods (or careers) will learn a lot during that period. Sometimes it seems that the necessary points for going up from G to F are set high. I see, did that mean something? When I signed up for an adventurer, I didn't even know that. Well, I just re-registered this time, and I'm not trying to make the adventurer a raw (impersonator), but do you want to go up to the F-ranks, so good luck. "Ah, it takes three months for an early person to go up from G-rank to F-rank, and usually about six months. Good luck, Master Mukoda." Yeh? Well, is it going to take that long? Me, I didn't really check around there because I thought adventurers weren't my galas, and I didn't even know it, but adventurers could have licked it... I don't know, even the earliest three months, I'm determined to take more. Isn't it a long-term decision to stay in this city? It's going to take that long to get from G-rank to F-rank, and he's going to fall off that unsuitable guy. Convinced by the receptionist's explanation. I guess it also means a period of discernment as to whether it is suitable for adventurers on its own. Well, when I say adventurer, it's a life-threatening job. Oh, I can't hang it, though. When you get to the F-rank, we'll try to maintain the F-rank later. Sure. But the G-rank cancellation period is a month, and it takes so long to reach the F-rank, and G-rank adventurers don't have time to ask to go away. I asked the receptionist that and she laughed. There is no request to go away to the G-rank in the first place, and unless there are special circumstances, the G-rank adventurer will not abandon going up to the F-rank and go away, etc. So they say it's normal to do the request until you reach the F-rank in the city where you first signed up for the Adventurers Guild. Oh, really? I signed up and only collected herbs once, so I started my journey soon. No, you can't. The receptionist yesterday told me, "You have that sometimes because it's the shortest period of time," but maybe he cared. As far as I'm concerned right now, it seems normal to make a request and earn points so you can go up to the F-rank unless you think it's not for adventurers or have special circumstances. Ha, it's just something I didn't know. I can't take care of the Adventurer Guild, and good luck here. Go for it. That's an F-rank.
Zorro, Zorro and I took the fourteen home on foot, but when we saw the plethora of our mansion, we all kept our mouths open all the same. Yeah, yeah, whatever I say about the owner, but I know how that feels. For now, I had them gathered in the largest living room on the ground floor of my mother's house, but I was even more frightened when I saw the luxury inside. There are some cat-footed chairs where several people can sit, but there are also people out there who can't sit when it's just , so I had them sit on the spot. There's a fuzzy carpet on it, so it'll be fine for now. I can't believe I'm talking to you in front of a lot of people since you worked for the company. I'm a little nervous. "Um, as I mentioned earlier, it's called the mucoder that bought you all out. Best regards," When I said that nervously, the Toni and Alban families returned "please," and the five former adventurers kept their heads shut. "The job does a little bit like an S-rank adventurer and merchant impersonation. So, this is my squire I just introduced you to.... Fell" "Uhm. I am Fenrir, the family of Lady Ninrir, the goddess of wind. His name is Fell. Translated into this guy's obedience. They say the lords are slaves to this man, so follow me. You got it. ' Ha, as if anything obeyed me. So, ah, I see Fell talking, and the Toni family and the Alban family are all consolidated. The five former adventurers seem to have noticed somehow, but when they see what they're really talking about, they look surprised and open their eyes. "Uh, so it's Fenrill's Fell. I keep it a secret that it's Fenrill for once, but it seems like someone who understands it, so if you don't talk about it in a big way, you'll be fine. Sounds like you knew five of your former adventurers. They say legendary warcraft and stuff and they make it look great, but it's basically okay to leave it alone. If only you knew there was something like this." 'Hey, what is it that you leave me alone? I am the family of Nin Lil, the goddess of wind. " "Uh, yes, yes, because I get it. Yes, Dora's next." "Gu Tu" "Next up, it's Dra from Pixie Dragon. When I say dragon, don't be afraid because this is an adult, it won't get any bigger. Leave the basics alone, it's okay." Dora, who was flying around me, said, "Yo!" I lifted my right hand like that. "At the end of the day......, sui, come out" With that said, Pong Sui popped out of the leather bag. "It's a swim of slime. Leave the basics alone." Sui is pounding around me. In the meantime, Teresa, of the Alban family, who was beginning to show one scale of her farmer's liver balls mother, raised her hand besides the other. "Um, sir, can I ask you a question? Did you come with your husband? No, from everyone's point of view, I guess so, but you're not sticking to anything. In the first place, it is called "itching" in the first place. "Uh, Mr. Therese, you can talk about me with Mcodea. You can all do the same with muchoda. I'm not sure if it's called by my husband or something.... So what is Mr. Theresa's question? "Um, I'm your husband's" Thank you very much. "Eh, I'll do that if that's what your husband wants. And then call me Therese. So, the question is, you can leave the devils alone, but what can I do about a meal or something? That's a good question. But......................... "I'm basically okay with making my own rice, including my share. I'd rather ask..." I explained the work I wanted everyone to do. To the women of the Toni and Alban families, the cleaning of this motherhouse in general. Anyway, it's huge, so it's gonna be tough, but I want you to hang in there. Well, I'm not telling you to brush and clean every corner every day because it's huge. I did half of the ground floor today, so it feels like the other half the next day, and it would be enough if they cleaned it up in turn. The point is, OK if you keep it somewhat clean so it doesn't have any noticeable dirt. And the men, have the garden taken care of in general. You take care of flower beds and garden trees to mow the lawn. This is also a large garden, so I don't always say a garden without a single weed perfectly. As long as it is in some care. The point is, if it's not in a state where the weeds grow all over Bobo and you're not taking care of them, OK. "Then again, the Toni and Alban families have another job they want to do... Don't ever divulge this because it involves my skills, which I've checked many times during the contract. Of course, there are five of you who are not involved in this job." Just in case, everyone nodded. "Do you guys know what soap and shampoo is for sale at the Lamberto Chamber of Commerce? When I heard that, Mr. Tabatha raised his hand. "It's a little expensive, but it's a really good smelling soap, isn't it? I've got one." "Eh?! Sister, did you have that? "When did you buy that? "Shut up, you're a woman, too." The burly adventurous macho lady also seems interested in soaping and shampooing. "Yes, Mr. Tabatha." "Mr. Mkoda, I just said Theresa, but I beg you to call off Atashi and the others. Atashi and everyone else are Mr. Mukoda's slaves." When Mr. Tabatha says so, everyone around him is nodding. "Oh, yeah? Well, let me do that." Tabatha, no, Tabatha's right. They're all not my slaves. Is it weird that I call everyone by whispering? I guess I'm used to this kind of thing. Let's get used to it. "I'm in the middle of a conversation, but it's that nice scented soap. You know, I'm actually wholesale to the Lambert Chamber of Commerce." For once, I'm thinking of telling everyone about my skills. I don't like that either, even though I'm self-absorbed, I have to be shitty. You'll get along with that for a long time, so you'll find out someday. Then from the beginning, I think it would be quicker to make it clear that there are less shocks and get used to them. In the first place, it would be more impossible to ask for refills of soap and shampoo and then become interested because the container is made of plastic and printed with colorful patterns and lettering. I'd rather talk to you from the start than be weirdly scouted. Of course, I intend to be cautious about confidentiality. "So, where did you get it, that had something to do with my skills... is it actually quicker for you to see it" I told everyone to turn around behind me and I opened the internet supermarket as usual. "This is my unique skill online supermarket." The Toni and Alban families are all pokernels, and the five former adventurers are making a fuss about "hey, what the hell". "This skill allows me to retrieve useful objects from other worlds." "When it comes to the other world, Lord...... sorry. Is Mr. Mukoda a brave man? That's what Mr. Bartel from Dwarf has heard. That's the oldest. Besides, I'm a former B-rank adventurer, and isn't it strange to know that kind of information? "No, you're not. In my case, I'm just an ordinary person who got caught up in this world by brave men, to put it quickly. But because thanks to that, I'm not suitable for combat at all, but I was able to get these handy skills. Anyway, Hundreds of Hears is only at first sight. Let's actually have a look." I decided to give everyone a first-hand look at where I use the online supermarket.
I had left the city and asked Fell to come to the woods a little further away. "The Lord is right, don't be accompanied by the protection of Agni, the goddess of fire, and Kishal, the goddess of earth" "That's right. I went back to my room yesterday and offered it to Lady Nin Lil, and I got protection from Lady Agni and Lady Kishal. This is also a protection (small) for a number of reasons. Instead, we have to make an offer just like Nin Lil did." 'Right. But isn't that good? Because the Lord is weak, (small), but with a lot of protection, that's all that works. " It's because you're weak... you're too clear. Even if it's true, the place looks a little messy. "Because your Lord is weak, clearly, you" "No, isn't it true" "No, well, I am. That's okay. I came here to test the effect of that protection. Even the protection (small) seems to consume less magic about the aptitude fire magic and earthly magic, and it's somewhat more powerful. They're going to use more magic." "I see. That's why I'm here to try." "That sort of thing. Oh, and sui came with the protection of the goddess of water, Lusarca. There's a lot of reasons for this, too, but it comes with the same normal one as Fell's." "What? Which... the Lord is right, there is the protection of Master Lusarca in Sui. If it comes with protection, don't make Sui stronger. Let's see what we can do. ' What? Because I don't have to go along with it. No matter how much sui gets stronger, you can't beat a guy on a level close to kanst like Fell. "Hey, stop it, will you? No matter how strong Sui gets, he can't fight you yet." "Nooo, I thought I had a good opponent to try..." "No, no, no, because you're not a good person. Even though Sui said she was stronger, it still doesn't reach Fell. I really need you to stop." You're a total war freak. That's not what I'm talking about. We need to do a magic experiment for the biggest purpose we've ever been here. Sue, wake up. Wake up the sleeping sui in the bag. "Hmm? Well, what? I'll hold up a still slightly sleepy sui and explain it to you. "You know, the goddess of water gave Sui protection. That's why you can do the magic of water." "Huh? Sui, now you can do the magic of water? "It is." "Wow, I did it! "So, I want you to try everything you can to see what kind of water magic can do." 'Okay. The magic of water, the magic of water... oh, I think I can do it' A water polo about a meter in diameter appeared in front of Sui. 'From my experience, most magic can be used with protection. The ball of water is not just water either. If it's made by a protective person, it won't be a problem if people drink it. " They say that even water made by the users of water magic can't be made into drinking water without excessive use of impurities mixed in. "We are protective, even if we drink muddy water." I don't even want to drink muddy water. "Well, don't worry about the water if you have a sui. Sue, don't ask me when I need water." 'Ugh. You can always tell me when you need water.' "Sui, what else do you think you can do? "Mm-hmm." "Oh, can you bang that ball of water in the distance and hit it with momentum? When I saw the water sphere, I hit the water sphere vigorously and wondered if I could do something like the magic of a water ball in a novel or something. "Yeah, I'll try." The ball of water flies away at tremendous speed at the same time that Sui says so. Dossin '. When the water sphere hit a thick tree, the water splashed and the water sphere disappeared. Missy...... Missy Missy Missy, Dosung. ............... water sphere, the tree that hit the water ball broke. What? Hey, what, this power... It was a thick tree. Huh? Huh? Huh? 'Wow, the tree broke. Wow, wow! An excited sui jumps off my arm and pounds. No, you say it's amazing, I'm scared, Sui. I don't want to hit you like this. "Oh, Ruji, I wonder if this is the case? That said, I gave the water a view from the tip of my tentacles a good momentum. Dosung. Huh? The tree fell. As I approached the fallen tree, it revealed a beautiful cross section, like cut with a chainsaw. ... Is that a water cutter? Su, Sui is getting more intense. Acid bullets, water balls, water cutters, if you hit one shot, that's an endless, powerful offense. I mean, now, I have to tell Sui a lot. It can't be weird only for Sui, but it's all just a powerful offense. "Sui, the acid bullets in Sui and the magic of the water earlier are amazing, but that's just shooting at the demons. You can never shoot people. If you shoot people, only the bad guys I said I would shoot. Otherwise, you should never shoot." "Yeah, okay - Sue, I'll shoot at the demon. And then I'll listen to you. ' "Sui is a good girl" Yeah, yeah, my sui is an honest, good kid.
After a good night's rest, we came to the heavy door of the boss room again. "Then let's go." With that voice, Fell pushed the door open with his forefoot. "Gee, there are twelve..." There were twelve giant gigantic minotaurs in the room. "Guys, those numbers, are you okay? 'Hum, that's a stupid question. There's no way we're gonna lose like that. " 'Dora is right. No matter how many of those things are, they're not our enemies. More than that, this floor is the last in this room. I hope he drops the meat.' "Fuhaha, no way" "I hope the meat comes out." The Fells said, "Are you okay?" That seems to have been a wild question. There are twelve Giganto Minotaurs, but it seems to be no problem for the Fells. "Bumowowowow" Giganto Minotaurs, who have noticed us, come all the way down here with their roaring weapons. Such is the power of monster movies. Fell, Dora, and Sui are flat out, about me being able to pull back on that force. "Dora, Sue, we're just gonna clean up. Dora's got four on the right, and Suey's got four on the left. I'll do the four in the center." "Yes." Dogong, dogong, dogang, dogang -. The four in the center fell to slowly collapse after being electrocuted by the brain weather. Dosh, Dosh, Dosh, Dosh, Dosh -. The four on the right fell one after the other like domino knockouts with hugely fast bullets wrapped around the flames one wind hole after another in their bellies. Buh, buh, buh, buh -. The four on the left fell forward making a noise as the acid bullet penetrated the area around his chest as it melted. "I just said I'd clean it up, but you really got the battle in an instant..." 'Hum, naturally. More than that, the meat came out. Now pick up the meat.' "It's good to have meat out ~" "Oops. And I didn't know there'd be three at the end. You're in luck. ' There are three meat chunks out there, and Fell, Dora, and Sui are all hock-faced. But it's not just meat chunks that you pick up. The other drops are wasted, so I will collect them exactly. Axes, demon stones, skins, horns. Then again demon stones...... "Hmm? This is..." A bastard sword had somehow fallen among the Giganto Minotaur drops. There was no Giganto Minotaur with a sword, and the giant Giganto Minotaur has it. It's little too small for me. When I lift it up and look at the whole thing, I think it might be on a bastard sword that looks somewhat familiar. "Hey, this is the sword that an adventurer party guy used to have in this room before us, right? Fell answers like nothing. "Why are you falling here? When I heard that, Dora came over here shaking her head. 'You're as nibbly as ever. It's decided because he's dead. " "Huh..." The big axe they had and the one-handed sword are over there. When I looked at the one Dora pointed at, the big axe and one-handed sword did fall off. 'Probably wiped out. Whoever had the sword the Lord possessed was the strongest of them all. If he were dead, there would be few others alive.' When Fell says so, Dora returns, 'Right?' According to Fell's story, according to the dungeon, people's bodies, the clothes they wear, and then the point is that things like leather armor are made of organic matter are absorbed quickly, and weapons made of minerals are slowly absorbed. "You mean everyone at that party is dead? But those are the people who said it was the most powerful adventurer party in the country." 'I don't know how they said it, but this is a dungeon. Sometimes this happens.' No, well, even I know that... "I guess it's just that they were short of strength to try this floor. I'm more or less willing to challenge the dungeon, even they would have been quite prepared." Not at all. Dora's right. I also know that in the worst case scenario, a dungeon is a place to exchange lives that you can't come out alive. But...... I can't tell you what it's like to be close acquaintances or nothin ', but I can't tell you what it feels like to be told that those people will die just a minute ago as I met them and watched them get better. "But are you ready? That's a heavy word when they say it again. I don't know what to say, but I wasn't ready to die in the dungeon..." 'You can't do that. Don't keep us and them together. " 'Yes, yes. Me, Fell and Suey are here. There's nothing like dying for you. " Sui will protect you! "Fell, Dora, Sui..." I came a little gin to everyone's words. 'Cause if you can't eat good food, it's important.' "Sauce is delicious." "Oh, you guys..., rice..." I knew it, but I knew it, but I wondered if my cooking rice was the only purpose. 'Ahaha, that's a joke, including rice, but we all enjoy traveling together. Both Fell and Suey, right? "Um, well. It's more interesting life than being alone." "It's so much fun to be with everyone! "Hung, rice would be pretty much for real. But, well, it's a lot of fun for me to travel with everyone, too." 'You know what? So we're talking about keeping up with each other.' Dora pounding my shoulder while I say that. Because he has a good mouth at all. "I hope so. What do we do with this? Left over bastard sword, big axe and one-handed sword. "There's no owner anymore, you can have it." 'That's right. He's just gonna get absorbed by the dungeons that he left it here anyway.' "Is that true, too? Well, I'll just take it back and talk to you about what you're gonna do with the Adventurer's Guild." And when we picked up the rest of the drop, we left the boss room behind. Stepping down the stairs to level ... "Bumowowowow" I heard a familiar roar. "Kukuk, we're in luck." "Ha ha, sure. 'Cause it's good everyday. I'm sure. But I didn't expect to meet these guys again." "Meat!" Thirty-eight hierarchies, it was Giganto Minotaur we met from the beginning. Fell, Dora, and the Sui meat-lover trio should be happy because that's what narrowed the aisle. 'All right, we're hunting! "Hyah!" "Ahhh, I'm stuck..." Then, naturally, the flesh-loving trio of Fell, Dora and Sui stepped into the Giganto Minotaur hunt. When I kept happily hunting Giganto Minotaur on this floor, which was much more than the 37 tiers, and cleaned up the massive Giganto Minotaur that was in the last boss room, the meat mass of the drops ended up exceeding three digits. "You don't seem to have any trouble with Giganto Minotaur meat for a while..." Fell, Dora, and Sui looked satisfied when I said that with a distant eye.
"Look, don't rest. Rub it in. Rub it in." "I'm tired." "I don't cry. Work hard for what you eat" "Boo." Now teaching children how to handle moths in a rented kitchen. I'm in the middle of having my small intestine, colon and so-called white moth treated with a particularly high amount. Place the white moss in a large bowl and add the flour and rub well. And rinse off with water. At first, the children who were haunted while saying "Ugh, I bugnaw ~" or "Something looks creepy" also started to complain about boo-boo by saying "I'm just tired" a few times. It's a hard job, for sure, and it's tough. But promises are promises. I got my break pinched and I got a good job. Today alone, I couldn't handle all the massive amounts of mochi, but I also finished processing about two-thirds of the white mochi, which was the highest amount of mochi that was in the masses. Now, if I wanted to do this alone, it would have been tough. I knew a lot of manpower would help me get to work. "Ah, I'm tired. You're a rough guy, too." Yes, Lewis got bogged down. Other children nodded silently at the Lewis boy's words. The other children feel like Hetohetto. "Well, what, that was so helpful. Thanks, guys. And you did a good job, see, it's a different reward." I placed about two dungeon pork meat chunks in front of the children as dodons. I don't know how many children there are in the orphanage, but every single one of them should have enough steak to make them full enough with soup and stir-fry with plenty of meat, even if it's impossible. Even the meat chunks of regular dungeon pork drops are pretty big. Tension rises among children who should have been hetty as soon as they saw the meat chunks of dungeon pigs. "Are you sure, brother?! That's how Lewis gets excited to hear it. "Oh, they all worked so well." That made the kids cheer. "So, what do we do? This is so heavy, can you take it home? I'll carry anything." "That's okay. Hey, Herald, can you take a couple of people and borrow a board at your grandma's? "Okay." Herald, a member of the same orphanage party as Lewis, took the three of them out somewhere and brought back a little bit of a wooden board. Anything, they say there's a store near here that I know that sometimes makes me work downstairs, and that's where they rented the board. "All right, just put it on this and we'll all be fine" I see. If this is the case, we can all lift and carry it. The children also said they had a good souvenir for the orphanage. I said I was tired earlier and I was goofy, but it's totally cash. But it's easier to ask for what happens after this. "Lewis, I just wanted to ask you, you said you were working downstairs earlier. So, how long is it gonna be in a day? "Hmm? Is that a paycheck? You're about to do seven or eight copper coins a day. It's cheap, but we don't get that much of a chance to get cash, so it's a great job." Right, right, I heard good things. It's even easier to ask for, and you're going to take this. "I see. I'm just talking to you there, actually, I still have a moth. If you do this job again tomorrow, I'll pay one silver coin for one, but why don't you do it? Of course we'll treat you to dinner." "Are you sure about that story, brother?! I'll do it, I'll definitely do it! "Come on, don't you have to talk to everyone? "Oops. But I think they're all gonna say we're gonna do it. Wait a minute." Lewis spoke to the other children. "Of course I'll do it! "One silver coin for dinner! Do it!" "You're gonna put it on delicious rice again! You've decided to do it! "I'll definitely do it! I can eat rice for one piece of silver coin! It's a big chorus of "do it" with a lot of kids listening to Lewis. "Brother, you heard me, but we've all decided to do the job unanimously." "Right, good. Okay, guys, tomorrow, please." With that said, the children returned a healthy reply. I'll be back tomorrow. "Okay! "I'm expecting a delicious meal tomorrow! And children returning to the orphanage talking about Wye's well being. Of course, I won't forget the souvenir dungeon pork chunks. "Oh, wait a minute! What about this stick? I saw the kids go home, and I remembered why the kids came here. "Oh, yeah! They also completely forgot that the children were tense with meat chunks. They said it was this stick, well stiff firewood, from the children who turned back, but I asked Sui to keep it. "Sui, can you make this feel the same as yesterday? "Yeah, that's good." When I gave Sui this stick, he bated me one after the other without taking long. I was so impressed when I gave it to the kids that I said, "Oh, it's awesome." Everyone was swinging the boom quickly to make sure it was comfortable to use. "Then we'll start over, and we'll all do it tomorrow." "" "" "" Ooh "" "" The children left with a delightful hold of souvenir dungeon pork meat chunks and wooden bats. I should probably finish all the processing under the massive amount of moths tomorrow as well. That way, you can make a lot of hormone roasting as well as a hot pot and a simmer. Looking forward to it. I wonder if the next hot dish will be delicious.
"I wish I had a map..." "Hmm? What, you want a map? That's what the leader said when he was listening to my crush. "Oh, yes. I thought it would be helpful if I had a map." That said, the four adventurers whispered as they looked at each other. "Hey, to tell you the truth, we have a map" What, seriously? "There was a senior adventurer I was kind enough to ask him to give in when the adventurer retired." Hey, I envy you. I want a map, too. "Of course, it's not as detailed as the military greats have, it's just a big mess of which countries are around." Yeah, yeah, it doesn't have to be that detailed. That's what you should know about the location of countries, even with me. "So, if you want, I can give it to you." Is that true? "This map is already in our heads. I can handle it without this. So, how about a piece of gold? One gold coin, hmm... I want a map, but one gold coin. Hey, of course I know that paper is valuable. One gold coin. Hey, don't worry. "Could you show me that map? Looks like you should make a decision after watching. "Whoa, that's good." A leader took a collapsed map out of his nostalgia. "This is it." He opened the map and showed it to me. Yeah, that's a real mess. But now I know the location of the country. I'd like one, but now you're a little hesitant about one gold coin. "I'm telling you, it's so precious." I know that. I didn't even put it in the bookstore, and I didn't find it in the library. "But you're the one who got me drunk, so I'm gonna lose a little. Right, how about eight silver coins? Eight silver coins? I want maps, paper is precious, um... All right, let's buy it. It would be better if there was something there, and I wonder if you could use about eight pieces of silver coins as expenses. "Eight silver coins, please." "Okay, I sold it" I gave the leader eight silver coins to get the map. "Well, I'll be home early tomorrow." "Yes. Thank you for the helpful story. And the map." "Oh, I mean fine. Bye." That said, the four adventurers left. Oh, I got the map. I wasn't even in the bookstore, and I was thinking if I had an old map in the library, I could talk to the adventurer about it and make my own, but in the end, there wasn't anything in the library that looked like a map. I was thinking it might not be possible to get the map anymore, but I didn't know you could get it here. I was lucky. "Pup......" "Couscous." ... what? There are adventurous people laughing at me. "Buh, dude, you guys are gonna laugh so bad" That's what one of the adventurers said to the guys laughing. That's what I'm saying. You'd be laughing, too. "Um, something for me? You can get mad at me for this, right? When they laugh at me and say that to the guy a little mucky, it feels like the guy returns "bad, bad," but not bad at all. "I was listening to you earlier, but you're fooling me." What? What are you talking about? What do you mean, you're being fooled? "You were buying maps from adventurers, weren't you? I bought it, but you're telling me what's wrong with that? "You know, I normally sell them in the Adventurers Guild." ...........................? No, no, no, wait, wait. An Adventurer's Guild, normally, for sale? ... Huh? "I have one, too. Here." That's what you told me and showed me was exactly the same map I just bought from an adventurer for eight silver coins. As I glanced at the same map, more men dropped bombs. "By the way, the Adventurer's Guild sells it for one silver coin." Ginka, Ichimai...... One silver coin. Eight silver coins. Oh-huh?! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! "I can't believe they gave me one piece of silver coin. It was a lot of bother. Gahahahahaha" The adventurers who were in the liquor store laughed at the words. Chickshaw, you're laughing. I want to cry. "This map is an adventurer's guild, and I listen to the adventurers and I make it myself. So it's paper, but the price is set for us to get it." "Yes, yes. Well, some adventurers rely on their memories without buying maps, but some of the guys who buy maps are cool. You know, you write about your city, your village, there's a lake along the way, and there are demons like this on your way to this city, and you write about it and you make it your own map." "Some adventurers who often work in their own country only write big copies of that country and write their own details. You know, it's property, so I don't show it to anybody else." "With that said, it looks like they're selling the same map in the Merchant Guild." "Well, adventurers and merchants are traveling all sorts of countries." The adventurers who were laughing have said that one after the other. Were you selling not only the Adventurer Alliance, but also the Merchant Alliance? My bookstore husband didn't say a word of that. I guess the bookstore is in the Merchant Guild, too, but bookstores don't seem to mean selling and walking to other cities and countries, and maybe I was neglected about the neighborhood. Whatever it is, you laughing adventurers out there, you tell me that before I get fooled. "" "" "Well, it's worse to be fooled" "" " ... you are the best. Grungy, regrettable, but right. I'm sure it won't even be a sin to this extent in this world. I just have to give up thinking I studied this. Tohoho......
I've come all the way to Mr. Lamberto's store, but I'm a little out of my mind in a bigger, more splendid store than I thought. When I went in thoughtfully, there was just Mr. Lambert. "Whoa, Mr. Mkoda, there you are. Well done for coming." "Oh, thank you. Fell's here, too, okay? "Oh, go ahead" Mr. Lamberto's shop seems big enough to afford a fell in. Fell is falling asleep quickly in the corner. "Um, actually, I wanted to make a new bag..." "Really, what kind of bag do you want? "Er, it's like a bag of cloth that hangs from your shoulder, and it's the same size. When I said that, "What about this one," he showed me some shoulder bags. The shape feels like a messenger bag, all more or less similar. It's a big flap and Mati is so much for spreading the word, it doesn't seem to have any problems with Sui getting in. The belt part that hangs on the shoulder is also made to be fat, so it doesn't seem to eat into the shoulder. And what about the leather preferences used? "This is made from red bore leather" Soft nude leather with dark tea, anyway. It seems like it will taste good while I use it. "This is Bloody Horn Bull leather." Oh, that's timely. The one who's going on a crusade soon. This is black leather. The feel I touched is soft, resembling red bore leather. But this one might be a little thicker. "And this is Giant Deere's leather." Giant Deer, that's that big deer. This is brown leather close to beige. Hard and firm nude leather. While using it, it seems like it will taste good when it comes to candy. "This is sandsnake leather." Beautiful scale pattern characteristic of snakes in sandbeige. I want this to be a wallet or something smaller than a bag or something. "And this is the black Sarpent leather with a push. Black Serpent leather was originally a high-ranking demon after it took a lot of work to smooth and gloss out, so the price becomes quite high, but it's very popular. Look at this luster. It would be stunning." Oh, that black serpent. A snake-specific scaly pattern floats in pitch-black leather. Unlike sandsnake leather, it is lustrous. It feels like a luxury product. You just want this as a trinket, too. "Mr. Lamberto, they're all wonderful" "Thank you. They are all prized products that our craftsmen have carefully crafted." "So, what about the price? "There are two red bore bags of gold coins, five bloody horn bull bags of gold coins, four giant deer bags of gold coins and five silver coins, eight sandsnakes of gold coins and seventeen black serpent bags of gold coins." Mr. Lamberto said it would be quite expensive, but the black serpent bags are expensive. Sandsnakes are expensive, but this is going to be this price because the region is going to cost transportation to this city in the south of the country. Still, they say it's popular that this snake-specific scale pattern is beautiful. Black Sarpent and Sandsnake leather are too luxurious for everyday bags. Don't feel like it's a bit of a good idea. As a bag I carry with me every day to take Sui, this is a bit...... I think I'd like a wallet or something. "Red bore leather is less expensive and recommended for everyday use. The Bloody Horn Bull leather also features black, making the leather soft and easy to use. I recommend this if you're excited about some sort of commemoration or something. And the Giant Deere leather is stiff at first, but the more flexible it is to use it, the darker the color changes, so this is a good idea if you want to use it for a long time." I see, personally, I think Giant Deere leather is so good. But the leather is a little stiff for a sui to come in, isn't it? It's Giant Deere leather if you want to use it yourself. Given that, is there a choice between Red Bore or Bloody Horn Bull? "Mr. Lamberto, hey, can I, uh, slime out my squire? "Is it slime? Mr. Lambert, why are you slimming? He looks strange in a way. "Uh, actually..." I showed Mr. Lamberto the inside of the cloth bag. "Oh, I see. You put in a submissive demon, right? That would probably be better with soft leather like red bore or bloody horn bull." "Yeah, that's what I was just thinking too. So I thought I'd let him choose a more comfortable one." Take Sui out of his bag and hug him. "Sui, which bag would you like for Sui to come in? When I heard that, Sui jumped out of my arm and into Red Bore's bag with a quick move. "Sui, this way is good" "Oh, Mr. Lamberto, I'm sorry" "No, no, it's okay. So, are you sure you want to use this red bore bag? "Yes. Please. Oh, and I want a sheath of knives..." He explained to Mr. Lambert that he wanted a type that could be lowered from his waist belt with a sheath of knives. "Oh, if that's the case, how about this one? What Mr. Lamberto showed me was a belt made of Giant Deere leather with a sheath. "This is good" This is what I wanted. This feels so good. "How much is it? "This is a fine buckle, six gold coins." Mr. Lamberto is right, if you look closely, there is fine construction on the buckle. Is it elevated because of this kind of fine work? Um, what do we do? I had some income, and all right, buy it. "Now please" "Thank you" Then Mr. Lamberto invited me to look around the store. "Ah..." So my eyes caught on Sandsnake's purse. This is good. This world is all coins, so a simple palm-sized purse that puts it in. The scaly pattern is out prettier than the bag just now. I might want...... "Do you like it? I use sandsnake leather, but it's a small item, so it's one gold coin and five silver coins. The leather appears to have a particularly beautiful scaly pattern." One gold coin and five silver coins. Uh, I'll buy it, I'll buy it. "This too, please" Looking further inside the store, the shoes were lined up. "You also handle shoes here, right?" "Yeah, it's leather." Shoes or... eyes at my feet. It's a cheap leather shoe I bought from a chain store I've been wearing since I came to this world. I got a lot tired walking down these unpaved roads and mountain roads. Sometimes I buy sneakers at an online supermarket, but if people see them, they'll know, and I'll keep my foot here in this world. I also decided to buy boots to my ankle made of red bore leather with one gold coin and five silver coins. "It's eleven gold coins with bags and sheathed belts, wallets and boots...... but it's fine for free" "Huh?" What's free, uh, why? "Mr. Mkoda is a benefactor to his life, and I heard from Mr. Larsh. I said the meal I received was fine meat... I didn't know it was Black Serpent meat or Rockbird meat and I'm sorry." "No, that was something we always ate for us. Besides, I'm sorry these wonderful things are free." "You can't afford it from the benefactor of your life. You'll pay the next time you buy it, hahahaha" "Thank you, Mr. Lamberto. Then sweeten your words, please." Eleven gold coins are free. Thank you. You also help people. "I'll change my mind, but I need to talk to Mr. Mkoda a little..." A merchant like Mr. Lambert is talking to me. What is it? "You had Black Serpent meat, which means you hunted Black Serpent, right? "Yes, Fell, not me." See Fell lying asleep saying that. "If you have a black serpent, could you please wholesale it directly to us? Too bad I just bought it out for the Adventurer Alliance. "Er, already in the Adventurer Guild..." "Uh, I'm sorry to hear that. No, the basic thing about demonic material is that we merchants buy it out through the Adventurer Guild, but now there was a lack of black serpent skin everywhere...... The act of buying directly from an adventurer without going through the guild is an act that can be seen from both the adventurer guild and from fellow merchants, but if it's a small amount, you can meditate your eyes around it, so I would have definitely bought it if Mcoder had it..." Even though you knew it was an eye-catching act, did you talk to me about that lack of black serpent skin? "Black Sarpent skin, is it that scarce? "Yes. Black Serpent leather products are expensive, but they are popular and selling. But there's been a lot less coming out lately." That makes Mr. Lamberto's face cloudy. Looks like he's in real trouble. "Still, they recently got Red Serpent, the top species of Black Serpent in the Adventurers Guild. I've also seen the pattern of work, the leather of the Red Serpent, several times, because it's so stunning that I sigh. Shh... " That's what Mr. Lamberto says with a grumpy face. Mr. Lamberto, I hate to say that face, but it's a little disgusting. "But I can't help it when it comes to Red Serpent. I'm really sorry, though. We have also heard that this skin was bought by the Marquis Blauer family for a considerable high price. I envy you." Excuse me, Mr. Lamberto. I'm the one who sent the Red Serpent to the Adventurer Alliance to buy it. "Mr. Mkoda, if you ever catch a black salpent, make sure you wholesale it to us. We will multiply the price of the Adventurer Alliance by a little bit." Mr. Lamberto even asked me to hold my hand. "Okay. If that's the story, we'll bring it here when we get it" Then I received the product that I bought (I eventually got it for free) and left Mr. Lamberto's store behind.
"Wow, bath psycho" "No matter how many times you take a bath, it feels good." "Kimochi" I'm still taking a bath with Dora and Sui tonight. I'm tired of making fields. I twitch and twitch. During the day, I tried the herbal scent (chamomile) bathing agent I bought to try. It smells a little sweet, but this isn't a bad idea. Anyway, as a Japanese, I think it would be nice to take a bath every day. I don't know if I can settle here anymore, but I can't because of the Fells. They've all heard about the new dungeon, and there's no way they're not going. It will be close to making a scene with the dungeon. Ha, I don't want to go to a dungeon. Slowly dip into the bath thinking how hard it is. "Va ~" Is this voice Dora? You sound like an old man. When you open your thin eyes, Dora floats like she really feels comfortable. He was truly an old man scratching his stomach as he closed his eyes and floated pukapuka. I look at him like that, and he laughs, and he closes his eyes again. I manage to get out of the bath on the verge of falling off my eyelids because I feel too good. Not quite, I spoke to Sui, who wouldn't leave the bath. "Sui, we're going up now" Sui is floating pukapuka with no reply. "Hey, Sue, aren't you asleep? "Yeah?" "Zzzz......" "I'm sleeping." 'I guess so. I can't help it. It's him.' I'll wipe Dora with a towel, and I'll wipe the swine while she's asleep. "I'm sleepy too, so I'm taking Sue to bed first." "Hey, are you okay? "Bakka, it's me. I can hold as much as I like." That said, if I did it to Dora, I'd hold up a bit of a big sui. "Oh, that sounds okay. Please." "Heh heh." Dra with Sui flew upstairs. When I changed into the sweatshirt I was wearing instead of my pajamas, I headed to the living room. I feel like sleeping like this, but I promise, so hey. I sat in the chair in the living room and called on everyone in the example. "Are you all here?" I said, "There he is! I've been waiting for you! "I'm here! "Ooh, I've been waiting for you! "I've been waiting." "Ooh, one, finally! "Finally! Looks like you guys were stumbad now or now. But you haven't been waiting forever, have you? 'I've been waiting for you! I've been waiting a long time! I've been watching you ever since you chose to offer your concubines! I couldn't help but look forward to it. Whoa, whoa, from there? Lady Ninril, isn't that what you've been watching all day? "I'm sorry. But we were so excited, too." 'Yes, yes. I'm sure you're looking forward to it, but I didn't. Take a good look.' "Ice cream and cake, I was looking forward to it." "You wanted to try the whiskey your lord chose, so you nodded." 'Oh. Seems like you've picked quite a few different kinds. You won't be looking forward to a drink.' Well, don't you know what it's like to be told that? The only thing I gave you yesterday was a forfeited special bonus. If you were so excited, would you give it to me soon? "Why is there so much for January that I will give it to you while you are in cardboard? Go on hand and then take a closer look inside. Let's start with Lady Nin Lil." I'm going to get a cardboard box out of the item box that says Mr. Ninril. "As you can see, if you were watching, please accept it, as I've focused on white-baked and sweetened." "Thank you. Bye. Wow, hi, it's been a long time since I've baked it. ' Cardboard disappeared with Lady Ninril's words. Shortly after that, there was a sound of billowing cardboard open. And...... "Dorayaki no. Delicious. ' ............... Yeah, with what I didn't ask. "Er, next is Master Kishahr. Please take it." Cardboard containing an offering to Master Kishahr was removed from the item box and placed. "Oh, thanks! I just had lotion and cream on the bottom. Thanks for your help. Good, really good...... ' Dear Kishahr, who said so in a voice of heartfelt relief. And Master Kishahr's cardboard box disappeared. I heard the sound of opening the cardboard box just like I did when I was Lady Nin Lil. "Lotion and cream! Finally, you got what I was looking for! Dear Kishahr, how dependent are you on lotion and cream? "Next, Mr. Agni." The cardboard disappeared at the same time as I put Agni-sama's share out of the item box. Thank you! Oh, you know what I like about beer! The beer I got yesterday was so delicious, I already drank it. Now we can have another cold beer for awhile! Yea, but have you already had a drink? I think that was pretty much in there too... Dear Agni, I'm a little anxious that this will be enough, but now I just have to get him to do it for a month. "Me next. Ice cream please ' Whoa, Luca couldn't wait? "Uh, this is Luca's share." Once I got the cardboard out of the item box, it disappeared. "Thanks. Ice Cream, Ice Cream" Huh, I guess I just wanted some ice cream. "'We're next! "Yes, yes, I know. This is for Master Hephaestus and Master Vahagn. Yikes." Line up cardboard heavier than the goddesses. "Ooh, that's the whiskey I've been waiting for! 'Of course yesterday's whiskey was delicious, but I still want to taste all kinds of whiskey! Cardboard disappeared at the same time as I heard the exciting voices of Master Hephaestus and Master Vahagn. The sound of opening the cardboard belly belly. "Whoa, Lord, I knew I knew it." "Oh, shit, you know we want to drink all kinds of whiskey. That's just great! "Hey, god of war, this isn't my first whiskey! 'Whoa, that's true! All right, we're going to drink! Of course not! 'Oh, you, if you have a problem, be sure to say it.' Cause I'll definitely help you. ' "Uhm. See you soon. I'm gonna help you. ' "Yes. Yes, so far it's ok......" ... Mr. Hephaestus and Mr. Vahagn are also very tense. Or so did all the gods. Guys, you were starving. "I've managed to work for you, and get some sleep."
Take the Fells into the Adventurer Alliance. An official who saw me took a seat sassy. Soon afterwards, the Alliance Master showed up. "Ooh, wasn't handing it over a promise tomorrow? Or did you come to me for a request as soon as possible? "No, you don't. Another separate matter from the purchase, a little..." "Right. Then why don't we talk upstairs?" We headed upstairs to the Alliance Master's room. ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ "... so I bought a house in this city, so that's the report" I told Guildmaster that I had bought a house in this city and with it a slave, and that I was eyed by a Chamber of Commerce that had no reputation for doing business with Mr. Lamberto. "Ok, ok, ok! Well done! Now this city is also a city with S-rank adventurers! Hey, don't get excited like that. "Guildmaster, you know, I bought a house in this city, but I didn't decide I was still going to settle..." "What are you talking about, you bought a house in this city and even a slave? "No, well, that's..." "If you were an adventurer, you'd be traveling a lot, but you mean it's this city that's coming back, right? "Well, I have a home." I thought, "Well, that means you decided to base this city." ............... is that what's gonna happen? "Whatever it is, the S-Rank Adventurer just built a foil based in this city! Looks like you should be very welcome when you try to be an Alliance Master. Well, if that's the case, is it easy to ask for my favor? "So, here's the thing, if anything happens, I want our slaves hidden in the Adventurer's Guild." I've also asked Mr. Lamberto, but I've never crossed many places like this. "That's how cheap you are. Still, you've been caught in a tough spot." The Alliance Master also seems to know about the Raw Stars Chamber of Commerce and looks sinister. "They say it's Baron Kulbetsu who's the back shield over there, but they're both cheating smart and won't let him grab his tail" According to the Alliance Master's story, even the lower nobility, the Baron, is noble, and there is no way to catch him without definitive evidence, and he is distressed in the Royal Palace. "Besides, I don't know what to say, but lower aristocracy is often of worse quality. Even in this case, the royal palace is supposed to tell us about you..." It is Guildmaster's guess that when my story is also passed on to the lower aristocratic barons, it is about hearsay of hearsay, and I don't take it seriously. Besides, a lot of junior nobles close to civilians are nosy about the fact that they are better guided and noble. That being the case, I don't care what happens to the civilian culture, and I guess I'm not saying anything in particular about what the Stars Chamber of Commerce does that makes a big profit. "But then, even if my place was attacked, you can't punish that Baron Krubetz or the Stars Chamber of Commerce without definitive evidence in the end, can you? "Well, don't be." "I'm talking about the Stars Chamber of Commerce not being able to grab my tail, so if you attacked me, you don't feel like you're leaving any evidence that leads to the Stars Chamber of Commerce..." "I guess. If we hire the backdoor guys, we'll never ask them to lead us to the Stars Chamber of Commerce." What, so if you get attacked, you're attacked and lost? "Well, you mean number one not to be attacked. It's a quick way to do this, and it's to make connections behind barons Krubetz and the Stars Chamber of Commerce." Will that happen...... Sometimes Count Langridge tells me that Mr. Lambert's shop won't be served directly. I might have to think about that too. Until now, I have never been involved with nobility, but given everyone's safety, how can I be associated with nobility... If I were alone, I'd have the Fells, and I wouldn't worry about anything, but now I wouldn't either. Especially when I'm on a journey. Tabatha and I don't know what we're going to do, even if we have an armed former adventurer. "Guildmaster, can I ask you to have a connection with the Earl of Langridge? "I thought you'd say that. You've got a house in this city, which way to report it, and you've got a track record of finding the Mithril mine, so you'll be fine." Oh, guided tour. Looks fine. But... "Even if we're going to see each other, we should still bring some souvenirs, right? "Well, you know what? I'd rather have a souvenir than a bare hand." Even if you put soap and shampoo in a souvenir, that doesn't have an impact. I'm selling this at Mr. Lamberto's, so it's possible he's already got it. "What would you like a souvenir for the Count? "Hmm, because when you're the Count, you'll have most of it in your hands." Right, there 'll be some money. "Don't you know any rumors or anything you said if you had anything like this? I have an online supermarket, and maybe I can make a souvenir of something to go with it. "That's right.................. Ah! No, the Count had the same problems as the Count." "What's the same problem as an Alliance Master? "I don't know..." What the Alliance Master talked about was the problem with Zubari's hair. Guild Master, but it's been almost twenty years since I became Guild Master here, and I seem to be close to discussing a lot of personal things with my lord Count Langridge for a long time. Apparently, it was the hair that was the subject of discussion. When the world is different and at some age, these worries are everywhere together. The hairline of the forehead, which the Alliance Master also loses hair and retreats from year to year, is a source of concern. My hairline is definitely receding a lot when you ask me. "I've tried a lot of medicines that work, but they're refreshing." I feel sad just because I have a real feeling about it. Is there a problem with hair loss? I do feel like there was a product like that in an online supermarket...... I think I saw it when I was watching the shampoo treatments that I offer to Master Kishahr. "Then maybe we can work it out." Gatta. "What?! The Alliance Master changed the color of his eyes and rose. "Whoa, whoa, we can figure it out. Is there such a thing?! Hey, Guildmaster, too excited. "No, well, I had a little guesswork..." "Gohon, you mean make that count, right? "Yes, once." "But I think you should make sure it works before you give it to the Count." ..................... you, you just want it. "Even if I give you something ineffective, it just makes the Count covetably happy. If it doesn't work, maybe you'll get angry." Well, it does make sense. The effects are that this kind of thing won't work immediately, so maybe you should at least make sure your scalp isn't rough. There are people here who really want to use it. "So, Guildmaster, can you give it a try? "Ugh. Use it responsibly." The story came together by giving it to me tomorrow when I came to pick up the price for the purchase. "Tomorrow, be sure to bring it." "I know. Oh, yeah, I want a demon stone with minimal water and a demon stone with fire, where are you selling it? "Is that an extremely small demonic stone? Then we'll sell it." They also handle Adventurer Guilds only at a very small age, as adventurers sometimes need very small demonic stones for their lifestyle magic props. They can buy it normally at the desk. I bought three minimal water Demon Stones and Fire Demon Stones at the point of contact (said to be minimal Demon Stones were one gold coin and two gold coins in Demon Stones) and followed the Adventurer Alliance. When I get home, I'll have to buy some hair conditioners at the online supermarket.
When we arrive at the Adventurer's Guild, we go straight to Johann's old man. The Alliance Master is not here today because he went to talk to the nobleman. The Alliance Master also told me to go to Johann's old man, who knows exactly what's going on if I crusade the Bloody Horn Bull herd. Excuse me. "Whoa, you're my brother. I've heard from the Alliance Master. Over here." Head to the warehouse you are familiar with. "Was it Bloody Horn Bull today? "Yes. Why are there so many of them in the herd..." That's what I say no to, and then I'm putting out a bloody hornblue., , , , 5, 6, 7...... 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30....... "Hey, hey, wait a minute" Johan's old man made a stop like he was in a hurry. "Maybe there's more? "Yeah, you're still here. There are 58 of them." "Oh, 58 heads?! You've been a big herd for a long time. Normally, there are around 40 heads..." Oh, really? I didn't think you'd be around long, but I didn't wonder if this was how much the herd would be. "Well, you're my brother" Oh, what's that? Because of me? I mean, it's Fell who gets it. "But with 58 heads, this is a big job." "I'll wholesale half the meat to the guild. Thank you for your patience." "I know. The Alliance Master told me to give my brother's share the highest priority." Oh, yeah, I've been thinking a little bit about it, so I'll have to tell you to put one skin back too. "Can you put one of those bloody hornblue skins back over here, too?" "Whoa, okay. You mean you can put one piece of skin back in half, and then you can buy it over here? "Yes, so please" "There's a lot of heads, I'll be able to give them to you later." "Okay. I'll come back tomorrow." That's what I said and tried to leave the warehouse behind, but Fell, who had fallen asleep until now and left me out of it, stood up and said, "Wait." "Hmm, what's up, Fell?" "No, what happened to that meat? "It's a lot of heads, so I'll see you later." 'So you can't eat that one today? That's what made me shun anyway, Fell. I didn't care because there's plenty of meat at the moment, but Fell wants a Bloody Horn Bull soon. I can't help it. "Excuse me, can I just have one head of meat first? "Ha ha, that's good" Then Johann's old man dismantled one for me. "What do we do with the skin for this minute? You want to take it with you? Right, I'll have it anyway. We received one head of skin and meat and we left the Adventurer Alliance behind. ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ Returning to the inn, Fell and Suey began to say they were hungry. It's time for dinner, and I thought you'd say it. "Fell naturally likes Bloody Horn Bull, right? "Umm." When that happens, it's a steak, after all. It's a long time ago. Besides, Bloody Horn Bull meat looks delicious if you steak it with beautiful red meat. So do you bake the steak? First, heat the oiled frying pan hot over high heat. The point is to keep the heat on high heat. I personally think it tastes best about medium rare, so I bake it about that. Sprinkle the meat with salt and pepper just before cooking. Be careful if you don't salt and pepper just before, the taste of the meat will spill out. First cook on a high heat for about a minute, then slightly weaken the fire and cook for about a minute. Bake the opposite side in the same way. When cooked, for the plate, apply wrap or aluminum foil and set aside for about five minutes. When I heard this and tried it, the excess heat made the fire feel good and the meat got softer and tastier. This is what I do when I bake thick red meat steaks. "It's cooked. First with salt and pepper." Fell starts eating guts just waiting. "Ugh. Delicious. ' "Yeah, this meat is delicious." Sounds like Sui liked it too. Okay, me too. Ooh, with every bite, the taste of juwaj wah and lean meat spreads to your mouth. This is delicious. It feels like the gravy that spreads with each bite is eating meat. I thought the cows were delicious. Next time I'll try a little steak soy sauce. Salt and pepper are delicious, but soy sauce is still good for the Japanese. It's so delicious. "" Replacement "" It's natural for the two of you to do that. This meat is delicious. Bake extra steak. Now, of course, Fell loves steak soy sauce. On this day we tasted the meat of Bloody Horn Bull until we went to heart. "Heh, it was such a delicious meat. Sui, full ' 'I'm satisfied, too. But that's it. I'm not going to eat meat raw unless there's more to it. It's still better after you've cooked it for the Lord' "Sui also loves to cook rouge -" You're not going anywhere. But it's because of Fell and Suey that I'm safe in this world. I'll make you something delicious to eat at best.
We came back to the transfer room where we first stepped down on the th floor. One line. "All right, guys, you're on top of the magic team" I moved the transition stone closer to the center of the cylinder that stood right in the middle of the magic formation. After the same floating sensation as when he rode the elevator, he was returning to a metastatic room with natural light plunging in near the entrance to the dungeon. "Yes, yes, I'll do it right away" While forgiving Sui for hurrying, he approached the cylinder in the center of the magic formation with a transfer stone and chanted "Thirty Hierarchies". After the same floating sensation as earlier, it was moving to the same dim room as when it was on the th level. "All right, let's go" Using Fell's hanging voice as a signal, me and Sui rode Fell, as they did on the 0th level, and Dra rolled out to explore the 30th level in a flying formation beside it. Thirty hierarchies were followed by passages surrounded by stone walls in a similar way to twenty hierarchies. Fell raised his voice a little further. "Coming." Immediately after that voice, coming from the front was a gazer of giant eyeball demons floating in the universe, twitching their tentacles. "Is that the gazer? That looks creepy." He's such a grotesque demon that he accidentally twinkles his eyebrows. They cause state abnormalities that paralyze or sleep prey with that gaze, stopping the roots of their breath with light where they can no longer move. What a cunning demon, but thankfully we have God's protection in one line, so the state anomaly is ineffective. "Yikes, aye! Buh -. "Guhhhhhhh" After a gazer shot through the center of his eyeballs with a Swiss acid bullet raised the voice of the Terminator, he melted into a drool and disappeared. "Ye......, I didn't let you bathe in acid, but you dissolve it in drool? "It's not much of a demon, such as Gazer, but when you die, you are." "Oh. I've fought about twice before, too, but you were melting in the drool." That's what Longevity Fell and actually a hundred + year old Dora said. "Gazer looks creepy, but he also creeps when he disappears..." Don't pull with a crack in his face, and there's a sui tantrum. "Oh, I dropped something! When Sui noticed the drop he was looking for, he jumped off Fell's head. "Yes, Ruji." Handed back to me by Sui was a green stone like a beeball about three centimeters in diameter on a rugged surface. "Is this hissy? It says on the map that Gazer drops Onyx, Hisui, and Demon Stone." Gazer is a demon rich in magic, so there was also a statement that there was a high probability that Demon Stone would be dropped while B-rank demons. Onyx, hissy and demonic stones? Hisui is certainly beautiful...... "What do you want me to do? Want to go around 30 floors? "They're grubby fish, and they don't eat. I'm not interested in stones like that." Me, too. "Sui is hey, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh" The number of adventurers seems to be extremely low when it comes to the thirty tier, but it's not like they're not there. Given everyone's strength, maybe we should move on downstairs rather than engage with the other adventurers. "Well, this floor should go the shortest distance and go downstairs." "Uhm, that's good" "Agreed" Well, then, Fell, please. "Understood." That's how Fell guided us through the 30th hierarchy at the shortest distance, and we just went to the 31st hierarchy. By the way, all the gazers I met along the way were instantly killed by Sui. In the meantime, I asked the maneuverable Dora to pick up the drop for me. When we got to the boss room, there were many gazers in the boss room while there were no adventurers waiting. "There's no adventurer waiting, and I'll be in in in a minute. What do we do?" 'Of course I'm set to go. Sue, take them down so they don't leak.' "Ugh." Boss, the moment you step into the room... Buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh! Sui's acid bullets are fired at high speed. Accurately shot through by acid bullets, the gazers dissolved in drools with one end after another. The battle was on in a flash. 'Um, isn't that pretty good? You're gonna have to keep up the good work next time. "Really, Sui is getting stronger too. Even so, it's still no match for me. Well, good luck. ' "Yeah, good luck with that! Are you happy that Fell and Dora compliment you? Sui vibrating pulls at high speed. Don't make it easy for Fell and Dora to say good luck. Sui is getting more and more tense. Sui's fighting power keeps getting more and more powerful...... (far-eyed) I picked up Gazer's drops as I watched Suey explode with complicated thoughts. And we went one line to level 31. ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ Down the stairs to level 31, the first demon we came across was a stone golem. Then a yellow gem of that size was dropped that was cut to an over-the-ball shape. Appraisal came out with Topaz. "Even Topaz. Will the gems be dropped from the stone golem? The grains are so big, they might be worth it." "These dungeon drops are full of sparkling stones. Even the miscellaneous fish opponent is more motivated by the meat if it is to be dropped... ' Fell got bogged down, peeking at Topaz I took in my hand. "Well, don't say that. If we go any further down there, there might be a floor where we can drop the meat." "I hope so." With such an exchange, I could hear the sound and fury of slamming the guns and stones. "This sound, are you fighting near here? "Um, it looks like they're doing it in a room right over there." That's what Fell says, so I approached the room and took a gentle peek inside. "Oh, fuck you! Dogong -. A big man with a big mace smacked a stone golem. "I'll do the joints, so smash your head! Gagong -. With a big axe that looks thick and sturdy this again the big man slaps the joints off the knee part of the stone golem. Stone golem that collapses after being severed from the knee joint. "Whoa." Dogong, Bagong -. Dwarf with a giant hammer and Dwarf with a warhammer, a low but likely powerful Dwarf combo smashed and shattered Stonegolem's head. And...... "Oh, this time it's a hit! There's a demon stone in the emerald! "Yikes! "This is why we can't stop exploring the dungeons here! "I think I'll be able to drink delicious liquor at dawn when I get out of the dungeon again! Men who rejoice with their fists as they say that orally. I saw how it was and gently left the room behind. ... what a sweaty looking party. Whatever that was, I remembered what Mr. Tristan said when I saw what was going on. The stone golem that leaves on the 31st floor always drops the jewels if the difference is quite small. Stonegolem, whose magic attacks are hard to work, said that for a powerful advanced adventurer party specializing in physical attacks, it is truly a treasure Zach Zak's compatible hierarchy, and that kind of party uses this floor as its main place of activity. There are a lot of quality gems on this floor, so I also told you that when you acquired the large gems, you must have rubbed them into our guild by hand. That said, I don't think we all seem interested in gems. It's going to be money though. Besides, they're going to say that jewelry would be enough for the stash room on the 20th floor. Stonegolem, the original in the first place, also handled miscellaneous fish... For the sweaty party earlier, Fell grumbled, "As happy as I am to have defeated the stone golem," and Dora grumbled, "It's not a big deal about the stone golem," too. I'm sure Sui will say good luck with a bunch of them, hmm. When I asked Fell and Dora what they would do for now, priority was given to moving forward with the guidance. So I also decided to go the shortest distance here. Sometimes the stone golem that spotted us going to the boss room at the shortest distance came after us, but nearly three meters of heavyweight stone golem couldn't possibly follow Fell or Dora's travel speed and fell off. Sometimes we ran all the way through the 31 tiers, bitterly laughing when we saw the Mukimuki adventurers full bogged down the stone golem. When we got to the boss room, while there were no adventurers waiting, there were ten stone golems waiting in the boss room. Luckily for me, I went straight into the boss battle. Of course confronting each other is a jerk-off. "Sui, slaughter is number one if you want to slaughter a stone golem. That's what your water magic would have had. Stonegolem is said to be hard to work with magic, but with your power, it's fine. Try it. ' "Yeah, okay -! With Fell's guide, Sui unfolds the magic of water cutters. The stone golem fell with a vertical straight cut from the brain weather and split left to right, the stone golem with the upper and lower body splitting around the waist and falling back and forth, and the stone golem fell one after the other with Swiss water cutters. "Uncle Fell, how are you? "Uhm, good job." "Sui, you're doing pretty good." How'd it go? "Huh? Oh, su, wow, sui" "Eh heh, that's awesome. Glad to hear it! ' ...... let's not give Mr. Fell or Sui a fighting guide for now. I stare at Fell but haven't noticed at all. With a little bitterness for the floating Fell, I picked up a large jewel of drops.
"" "" "Welcome back" "" When Maynard and Enzo, who pulled the stall after a day of work, returned to the orphanage, the little ones flocked around it. "Guys, I'm home" The little ones surround the two of them and make noises about "meat," "meat, meat," and "meat." Growing children are always hungry. "Damn, I can't help it" With that said, two people start preparing stalls for their children. For two Maynard and Enzo, who grew up here, everyone here was a family, and the younger children were no exaggeration when it came to siblings. And filling the bellies of these hungry children was also a slight payback to the orphanage and hence to the deans for both of them. Because when it comes to what costs the most money in an orphanage with all the kids with an appetizing growing up, we both knew that the Sisters, including the Dean, always bothered our heads about that. "Because I have some moths left, I'll cook them on a skewer. Everybody wait tight." Nowadays, stewed tomatoes with trippa-style mottles are sold out every day for two stall specialties, so it's the skewers of the mottles that make them for everyone. Jewelry and fat drip from the skewering of the moth that makes noise and burns. And there's a fragrant scent around where meat can be cooked. The children who smelled the scent gathered around Walla Walla and the two stalls. Everyone is waiting now or now for their moths to cook, drooling in their mouths. "Oh, you made it today." It was Lewis, who, like Maynard and Enzo, aspired to be an elderly adventurer, who raised his voice so from the rear of the gathered children. "What, the Lewis? Are you back from the dungeon today?" "Oh, the hunt went well with the collaboration." "Yeah, well, you did a great hunt today." "Yeah. I hunted six today." "Plus, luckily, there's some wild chicken out there." Whether the hunt in the dungeon went well or not, fellows partying with Lewis on an adventurer's aspiration said so with excitement one after another. "Right. You guys are growing up, too." "Ha, of course." Lewis returns what Enzo says is natural. "I promised you my brother. If you hadn't grown up, you wouldn't have the same face." Lewis party members are also nodding at that Lewis word. "Ha ha, right. Whoa, you burned it." When I heard Enzo say it burned, the children said, "Oh, come on, come on!" "Meat!" and arrived. "Line up! We have to get him in line! Well, as usual, one at a time! When Maynard raised his voice, the children lined up in a row softly. Maynard and Enzo give the lined children one skewer of moths at a time. The children, with skewers in their hands, are happily worn. From there, he said, "Yum!" I heard a bounced voice. "We'll have it today." "Oh. Go ahead." I also give one to the Lewis, who were at the rear of the line. "Mm, I feel better than when I ate something before..." That's what one of Lewis's buddies who ate a skewer of moths said. "Really? "I know it's still delicious." "Huh, huh, you know what I mean?" "Hey." "What the hell, say it in a lot of ways" "It means you're not the only ones who are trying. Hey, Enzo." "That sort of thing" That's what Maynard and Enzo said when they saw the skewers on the moth. "Hmm? Did you change this skewer? "Oh, we don't fail to study taste every day." "That's right. This skewered sauce has only changed the flavor a few days ago." "Really? "It's just a little bit. I've just added a few herbs that I haven't put in before." "It's a slight difference, but I think I can feel just a little refreshing acidity" "I think the addition of these herbs has refreshed the fatty mossy and tireless flavors." That's what they told me, and Lewis cheeked again to make sure it tasted like after staring at the skewers. "Mogmog......, um, if you ask me, I might find it somewhat sour when I bite the meat off" Lewis' friends were also crushing "if you ask me" and "sure" as they tasted the skewers again. "We're both trying." A subtle difference, but that's what Lewis said smudged at the temper of two people trying to improve the taste a little bit. "That's natural. I got a chance like this, and if I'm lazy, I don't have a face to match." "Right. Not only skewers, but stewed tomatoes from our shop's signature menu are being studied every day for even more deliciousness." "Of course, leave the basics my master taught me." "Six months to reunite with your brother." "Right. We've made a big deal out of having our master eat us and make us roar. Exactly. I can't do that, but I want to show you where I grew up. So good luck." "Right." "If you're gonna say that, I'm gonna be stronger by the next time I see my brother. But... I look forward to seeing you again! "Right! "We just have to hang in there."
Mr. Feodora seemed to like the grilled chicken sauce, alternating with a leek skewer on his right hand and a momomo skewer on his left. What a refreshing meal. "I'm sorry about your family." That's just what Mr. Erland thought, too, and I said that softly. "No, I'm fine." There's something a little unfortunate about it, but I can't tell you how much I hate it when a beauty like Mr. Feodora stares me in the eye of a sparkling wolf. If you don't like it there, a man will get rid of it. So I was so thrilled that Mr. Feodora stared at me earlier. I mean, there's no eye for food, but Mr. Feodora in the elf has more beauty than that. If you ask me if I'm an ant or a pear, I'm a big ant. I didn't even include the opportunity to deal with such a beauty when I was in Japan in the first place. Imagine where Mr. Feodora became my girlfriend. Mr. Feodora drips over me, and I hold that shoulder... MUFF, that would be very nice. So does Mr. Feodora, at least you don't hate me for pushing you to my room, do you? Hey, I wonder if spring is finally here for me, too. When I was thinking about that while baking a grilled chicken, I heard knocking on the door again. Tong Tong Tong, Tong Tong Tong. "Mukoda, are you there? Is this Mr. Gaudino? "Mr. Elland, I'm sorry to bother you again, but can I have a look? "Oh, yes." And what Mr. Erland brought in was still Mr. Gaudino's first arc (ark boat) face. "I knew you were here..." "I've been sure since I smelled delicious. I hope this guy's here." "Elves say they don't have eyes for delicious things, but this guy has trouble pushing them..." Mr. Gaudino, Mr. Gidion and Mr. Siegvaldo both said so in a frightened face when they found Mr. Feodora eating pampered with a grilled chicken in both hands. "Sorry, my Feodora..." That's what Mr. Gaudino, who is also a leader, says with a really sorry look on his face. "I'm really sorry, Mr. Mukoda." That's what Mr. Gidion said with his sorry face, too. "As an adventurer, I'm top notch. Other than that I'm sorry." That's what Mr. Seegvald said and bowed his head. Mr. Feodora, shouldn't I bother you all? But Mr. Feodora is my girlfriend's candidate, and it's convenient here. Or maybe Mr. Feodora will leave Ark when he becomes my girlfriend, and even more so, I need to sesame rub it on you all so it's easy to talk to him in peace. "No, no, it's okay. How about you guys? This dish is charcoal-baked cocatrice. It's a confident piece that's burned well." I recommended Mr. Gaudino and his roasted chicken. Mr. Gaudino said, "No, I had a treat before this," and I couldn't get my hands on it, so I put the grilled chicken on a plate and gave it to him. "Sa, eat." When I said that, I finally got the snacks and the skewers, and I mouthed the yakitori. "I thought it smelled appetizing, but this is delicious" "Ume! This is so ume! "Yum yum! This is going to go well with booze. Wow! That's Dwarf. Do you understand, Mr. Seegvald? "Wait a minute, please" Having said that, Fell, Dora and Sui served a plate of roasted chicken instead, and Erland and Feodora served a plate of roasted chicken as well, and I bought a bottle of black label beer from Company S, which I had also prepared during the celebration victory by opening an online supermarket so that I could not see the three Arcs. I unplugged the bottled beer stopper that arrived and took it with me to the bottom of the three arcs. "This liquor goes great with this dish. Go ahead." I poured the beer into a glass and gave it to the three of us. "I'm sorry it's been a treat." "No, that's okay. Drink." I need smooth communication for my future, too. "Ho ho, not what Non thought! This guy has a great booze! Have you come? Beer and grilled chicken go so well together. "Mr. Mkoda is right. This liquor goes well together. I've talked to Gidion and Siegvald, and I want you to have this." That being said, what Mr. Gaudino offered me was a dark green, tear-shaped stone about five centimeters in size. "What's this? Speaking to Mr Gaudino, he said that this was a transfer stone for a dungeon in the kingdom of Elman. This transfer stone has a disposable type and a reusable type, and this is a reusable type of transfer stone. Looking at the shiatsu and metastasis stone thinking heh, Mr. Elland came. "That shape is the transfer stone of Brixt's dungeon, isn't it? And that color... isn't it something from the th floor that can be used repeatedly! "Does Mr. Elland know? "Of course you are! It's a dungeon stone in the city of Brixte in the kingdom of Ellman, and it's very valuable." Listening to Mr. Elland, he said that the dungeon of the brist was one of those difficult dungeons that had yet to be broken. Its depth is said to be 50 levels or more, and the floors reached so far are up to 37. That's also a record achieved by adventurers over a hundred years ago, he said. "A thirty tier transfer stone is.... Besides, a reusable one means you're free to come and go up to the thirtieth floor. Mr. Mkoda, you've got something nice. A transfer stone that can travel to and from the thirtieth floor is quite valuable. That's what I want from an adventurer diving into a Brixt dungeon, so much so that he can get his hands out of his throat." "What, is it that precious? "That's right. Like I said, there are disposable and reusable transfer stones in the Brixt dungeon that can only be used up once, as its name suggests. It's convenient to use anything that can be used again and again, but the number is overwhelmingly low because it rarely answers. Besides, when it comes to the thirty tiers..." According to Erland's explanation, the transfer stone of this dungeon is rarely obtained by defeating the hierarchy lord (boss), which appears every five floors among the hierarchy lords (bosses), even fewer when it is a repeatable type of transfer stone. The exhaustion type is exhausted, as its name suggests, but can be used for both going and going home. For example, a transfer stone obtained in the ten tiers would allow you to return to the ground from a magic formation in the previous hierarchy, or vice versa by transfer from a magic formation installed on the ground to a hierarchy up to the tenth floor. Of course, whichever way you use it on the way home, the exhaust type is only used once. In contrast, the type that can be used repeatedly is that if it belongs to the 30th tier that I got this time, the floor up to the 30th floor is free to come and go as many times as you want. With this, we can quickly go to the desired hierarchy with a transfer, and the return to the ground is a transfer using a magic formation, so we can return to the ground in an instant. Incidentally, however, the tear-shaped metastatic stone is unique to the Brixt dungeon, and the metastatic stone that can be obtained every five tiers is colored by hierarchy, and the type that can be used up and repeatedly can be distinguished by the darkness of its color. So Mr. Elland also found out that the metastatic stone I got was a metastatic stone that came out on the thirtieth level of Brixt's dungeon. "When I heard about Mr. Elland, I knew it was a tremendously precious thing, but could I get something that precious? I'm afraid that if I were to buy this, it would be traded for a considerable amount of money. Can I get you something like that? When I spoke to Mr. Gaudino at the beginning of the matter, the answer was "It's okay". "Mr. Mukoda took care of me. They let me wander through the delicious food, and they also let me wander through the delicious liquor. If I don't thank you for this, the A-rank adventurer's name will be lost." "Yes, yes. The leader is right. Besides, are we lucky, to tell you the truth, we have the same metastatic stone. I got this one before Siegvald joined us." "Um, Gidion's right. I even got it a few years ago when I challenged Brixte's dungeon at this party, because I don't need two of the same things for one party. Please accept my feelings." They shouldn't say that much...... "Well, don't hesitate." "Do that. Dolan followed by the dungeon here, which means we're going to the dungeon of Brixt any day, right? Help me then." No, no, Mr. Gaudino, I'm not planning on going to the Brixt dungeon at all. "I don't know if you're planning on going to the Brixt dungeon, but in the case of the Mkodas, you want to go first to the Losendar dungeon? Mr. Seagvald, there's no plan to go to the dungeon after this. I don't know, where's the Losendar dungeon? "A meat dungeon! Gahaha, no." Mr. Gidion, what is a meat dungeon? "Hahaha, meat is a necessity for Mr. Mukoda and the others. If you think about it, the meat dungeon might be the perfect place." I even said that to Mr. Elland. "Uh, what's a meat dungeon? That's what Ark's three and Mr. Elland told me. A meat dungeon is a dungeon in the city of Lawsendar in one of the dungeons in this country. It consists of twelve tiers and is a very popular dungeon, although it is also less difficult. That's also...... "Losendard's dungeon drops are mostly meat. That's why they call it the “ meat dungeon ”. "That's what happened. Because it's food consumed every day, it doesn't mean it can't be sold. You'll always get some cash, and if you don't, you won't eat all that meat. It's a dungeon you can't even hope to be an adventurer." "Well, I don't earn that much, but it's because I make a steady income. So there's a lot of adventurers in that city with families." "Besides, that city is also a food mecca thanks to the meat dungeon. It's busy enough not to take a pull on the city or the drain." According to the story, it is also the birthplace of intestinal stuffing. Remember when we were talking about not eating guts in this world, and your bowel stuffing, your bowel salting for sausage, was for sale? You always thought so, didn't you? The white-sheep intestine I also used to make sausages talked about being dropped in large quantities in this meat dungeon. Most of the salted intestines sold in butchers come from meat dungeons, and intestinal stuffing and dried meats made in the city of Lawsendar are famous as specialties. Heh, I see. A meat dungeon? Perhaps this dungeon will allow you to go sometime when the meat is secured. "What, are you going to the meat dungeon after this? Mr. Elland said that while Nico. No, no, no, what are you talking about? "Mr. Elland, please don't go back to Dolan. It's not good. Mr. Ugol will piss you off." When I say that, "Sure, if you're just any late, neither are you, Ugol," he says to his reluctant face. "The Alliance Master needs to work," the three Arcs who were listening to us laughed. That's right, he said to work. "Doran..." A bell-ringing woman's voice. Mr. Feodora was coming near us at some point. "Hey, Feodora, aren't we going to the drain? I'll tell you first, no. We're gonna dive into this dungeon tomorrow." "Gaudino's right. Doran wouldn't have just gone. Besides, I've been here for almost a year." "Yeah, well, because the leader and Siegvald are right. Mostly, you decided to reschedule and go because Dolan said Feodora wanted to see her grandson's face. Don't ask me about your selfishness." .................................... hmm? I think I heard wrong. Earlier, I thought I heard a grandson... "Oh, is Mr. Feodora's grandson in Doran?" "Well, Feodora, I have four children, and their upper-daughter family lives in Dolan." After all, grandson...... Not only that, but I have four kids... "Is it your daughter's family? Could it be, you're an adventurer? "No, my daughter and her husband are pharmacists, so maybe they have nothing to do with the Adventurer Guild" "I thought you'd know if you were an adventurer, but you just can't tell by a pharmacist." "Well, it's been a long time since Feodora received a letter from the pharmacist's daughter, and she said she wanted to see her grandson, so she decided to go. My first plan was to dive into the dungeon if I was going to go for a run, and I was planning on doing it for about three months, but Feodora..." The conversation between Mr. Elland and Mr. Gidion went out of ear on the way. "Mr. Feodora... grandson...? "Oh, normally you'd be surprised," Mr. Elland said to my voice, finally. "We elves grow up slow, but still we'll be able to reach adulthood and get married at thirty. Then you almost never change your appearance until you're about 300 years old, and it slowly starts to get a little old around you after that. So it's normal to have a grandson even looking like Mr. Feodora. By the way, I'm 334. I'm still fine, hahaha." "That's right. It looks like Feodora's the oldest of our parties." Oh, yeah... Hahahahaha, hahaha.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Gackling. I thought spring was here for me too... I have four children, and grandchildren. No matter how pretty you are, you just can't. I'm sorry. Spring never came to me, even when I came to the other world. Chickshaw.
"Hey, Fell, yesterday, I got a new skill called total defense from the gods, you know? I asked about the new skills God gave me on my way to the dungeon. "Completely defensive? Didn't you get good skills? Completely defensive skills. Completely defensive of hostile attacks. I have boundaries, but I don't always have them. I guess they considered the area. That's the gods. ' Fell's connections aren't always activated, are they? That's what the gods said. "You don't always have a Fell bond." "Fool. You're using magic, you can't always be tense. Five days is the limit." Oh, and you can still activate it all the time for five days. But I don't know what I can do with that because it's Fell. Nevertheless, your skills in full defense are pretty good. ”Ability to completely defend against hostile attacks." I'm going into the dungeon. It's perfect for me. Thank God you gave me this skill. Speaking of which, I just heard yesterday that you gave the gods complete defensive skills, and I hadn't checked my status yet. It's all right, isn't it? [Name] Mukoda (Tsyoshi Mukouda) [Age] [Occupation] Involved otherworlds [Health] 229 [Magic] 223. [Attack] 206 [Defense] 205. [Agility] 200. [Skills] Appraisal Item Box Fire Magic Soil Magic Submissive Complete Defense Contract Warcraft Fenrill Big Slime Pixie Dragon [Unique Skills] Net Super [Guardianship] Guardianship of Nin Lil, Goddess of Wind (Small) Guardianship of Agni, Goddess of Fire (Small) Protecting Kishal, the goddess of earth (small) You have a complete defense at your skill. Moving perspective to full defense...... [Complete Defense... Ability to completely defend against physical and magical attacks from hostile persons] Oh, hey, something came up. Although what it says is pretty much the same as what Fell explained to me. Speaking of which, you also had a description when you appraised the Mithrill knife and sword that Sui made you. I didn't really wonder then though. I don't know, does this mean the appraisal's leveled up? At times like this...... tell me, Dr. Fell! "Fell, I was looking at some totally defensive skill and I got an explanation..." "No, I guess that's because your Lord's increased level has increased the number of things you can do with appraisals" "Hmm? What do you mean? Fell's explanation was that when the level rises, there will be more that some skills can do with it. Appraisal is one of them, and when it comes to appraising about Fell, they come up with such detailed explanations. Fell himself said he didn't really see the explanation or anything because it was troublesome. Is that it? But when I appraised it before I bought it from an online supermarket, I did feel that the food bread came out as a different world food bread and "improves my magic by 1% for ten minutes” or something. "I appraised something from another world before and it had a description, why not? "No? When the Lord appraises, does he? I've also tried to appraise it, but it says something, but I can't read it at all. This has never happened before. Probably, but I think it has something to do with being from another world. ' I guess that means it's somewhat different from what it is in this world than what it is in online supermarkets. Just eating increases your strength and magic, or even trash increases your level if you eat sui, so maybe something is fundamentally different from what's in this world. I'm not going to pursue it any further because there's no way to figure it out and there's no inconvenience at the moment. In the meantime, it's easy to appraise with increased levels, but it's a welcome thing that explanatory statements are now available. Then, according to what Fell told me, in terms of more and more things that can be done, especially physical attack skills such as swordsmanship and martial arts, and magic skills such as fire, water, wind, and earth magic are remarkable (kenji), and the higher the level of user, the more moves that can be made. You should think about it. If you increase the level, you increase your health, your magic, your whole stat. Conversely, there are skills that are much the same, and they say that the item box and full defense will hit that if they are the skills I have. Not that it applies to all of them, but they say that the skills they were born with or acquired with God's blessing are often much the same. I see. I didn't really care about that area. "What about the obedient devil in my skills? Skills that came out of an exorcism pact with Fell, but I wonder if anything changes when I get to the level. 'I don't know. As I said before, this is the first time your Lord has made a covenant with my exorcism. Besides, the elves would have said. Our exorcism pact is not normal. " Uh, Mr. Elland said that. I'm talking about a normal exorcism contract, but I can't talk. Well, but you can't possibly mean you're below your current state even though my level has risen, so don't you even have to worry so much. I also asked about my unique skill online supermarket, but I was overwhelmed by the fact that "you only have the skills to pick up things from different worlds, but you don't know me." Sure. It's my unique skill, and I don't know what an online supermarket is. It's a weird skill. Why did you come to the other world to pick up Japanese products? I guess this is something to observe. I even came in front of the dungeon while I was rigging my skills with Fell. "Well, why don't you sign up at the outpost?" It's a dungeon at last when you're done registering. ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ At the end of my registration, I'm in a line of adventurers going into the dungeon, and it's finally our turn to go in. Show your guild card to the knight standing by both sides of the entrance and into the dungeon. "You said you didn't need a map, but you're sure it's okay? I tried to buy a map of the dungeon in an outdoor store before I got in line, and Fell told me I didn't want that, so I stopped buying it. I was talking about it because I can generally tell where there is something due to the smell and signs, so it's okay. 'Let's make up our minds. Who do you think I am? " Oh, really? It's fine if you're okay, if you're okay. "You seem to have only miscellaneous fish in the first place." "Oh, it seems so. Looks like a lot of normal adventurers are exploring 10 to 15 levels. They're starting to get crates coming out of the area, and they're dropping good drops." 'I see. Okay, let's just say we run down that far. Lord, get in.' Heck. I rode Fell's back, as I was told. "I know it's okay because the Lord has complete defense, but the Lord is weak. Let's keep my bond open." Grunt. I'm not saying I'm weak. Tell the good guys to think carefully. I've never crossed the line if you want to tie me in. "I'll keep it on Dra, too." "Oops. Ferrari, no." "Dra, Lord, can you follow me? That's what Fell said as he watched the flying Dora. "Fell, it's wild to ask me about a pixie dragon who sells his name for being smart." I give it back that way with the feeling that Dora put it on. What's so wild about it? Dora doesn't look good on her cuckold because she falls into the cute category. "Then let's go." Using Fell's voice as a signal, we proceeded inside the dungeon.
'You're getting stronger and stronger signs of people. Probably gonna get to the drain after noon tomorrow.' Day four out of the city of Krall. That's what Fell said during the break after lunch. "Right, tomorrow. That was fast." "Uh-huh. I'm a little faster." I thought it was gonna be a little earlier than usual, but you know what? How excited I am about the dungeon. "Finally, Doran. It's like a big city, so I'm looking forward to it." "I look forward to the dungeon." Yes, sir. I'm trying to get there a little faster. But it's a dungeon... I can't believe I went out of my way to where the demons are. Looks like Fell, Sui and Dora are looking forward to the dungeon, so I'm going in with them because I can't help it. In the meantime, we need to be careful not to just get hurt. Oh, let's have Suey make a special potion just in case. I have the healing mushroom in stock, but the special potion from Sui seems to work better. I don't know what it is, and I asked him to make it all kinds of stuff with lower, intermediate and advanced. ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ "I'll keep it around here today." At sundown, Fell stopped and said so. "What do you say? We're on schedule. Are we gonna get to Dolan tomorrow? "Uhm. I said around noon tomorrow during the day, but this minute, we're going to get there before noon." Have you made your plans a little faster? Well, either way, you mean you'll arrive at Dolan tomorrow. "I'm hungry. Just keep flying all day and I'll be hungry. ' That's right, Dora, you ate well in the morning and noon. 'Right. I get hungry when the journey continues' Fell's solid, too, eating too much, isn't he? "I'm hungry, too." Sui ya...... Sui was eating well, and he stayed asleep in his bag except at meal, right? "Rice ~" "Rice." "Rice ~" Ha, you're all three strong, but you're not fuel efficient. I'm supposed to be feeding you plenty. So, do you want to make rice? Example Venom Tarantula feet, but underrated for not being unsavory from everyone but better meat. I'd like to digest the unpopular ingredients early. So I'm going to use Venom Tarantula's feet today. The remaining legs are salted using their free time. So, after much thought, the menu I came up with is salad, Akake fried rice and Tianjin rice without difficulty. The salad may get complaints from around Fell, but the vegetables are good for your body, and once in a while, make sure you eat the raw vegetables. I need to buy the ingredients at the online supermarket first. Salad is lettuce and cucumber, then canned corn, and then sesame dressing. I use Akake fried rice with leeks and eggs, and then condiments in a tube of Oyster soy sauce I've used before, but I don't have to buy this because I have it. I bought more Tianjin rice eggs because I also use them for fried rice. This kind of stuff is more delicious, so it's stewed with shiitake mushrooms and enoki, octopus water, and then a can of green pieces in color. The seasoning of the filling is fine. All right, now you're ready. First, I cut Venomutarantula's leg, which was boiled, with scissors, and take out the body inside. When you boil it, the shell also gets proportionally softer and don't cut it clean with scissors. When I'm ready to loosen up, I'll start with the salad. Break the lettuce into appropriate sizes and cut the cucumber into thin rounds. You can do it if you put a bowl of chopped lettuce, cucumber, corn and plenty of Venom tarantula loose and mix it with sesame dresses. Once served on each plate, keep it in the item box for now. Next is a filling for fried rice with fried rice. Cut the boiled octopus water into pieces, thinly slice the shiitake mushrooms once they have been stoned, and loosen the enoki as well. When oil is poured into the frying pan, add the shiitake mushrooms and enoki and saute until lightly salted and peppered, then add the taco and saute gently. Add water, chicken soup ingredients, liquor, vinegar, sugar, and soy sauce to the pan and once simmered, add water dissolved chestnut flour and thicken. Add the stir-fried shiitake mushrooms, enoki and tachenocho in it, mix with plenty of Venomuta rantula loose body and you can serve the filling. Fried rice is next. Leave the eggs to melt and the leeks to mince. As soon as you add the melted eggs to the oiled frying pan, add the rice and mix them to tangle the eggs, then add the leeks and Venomuta rantula looseness and saute the Oyster soy sauce flavoured seasoning until it is in pieces. When I serve fried rice round the plate, I fill it with plenty of filling, and I can make Akake fried rice. Tianjin rice melts the eggs and puts the Venom tarantula loose body there, add salt and cook in a frying pan in a semi-ripe form. Once you serve the rice on a plate, place the semi-ripe eggs on top of it, sprinkle the filling and sprinkle the green pieces on top to serve the Tianjin rice. You put out the salad I made earlier, and you did it all. "Here we go." Arrange the plates in front of Fell, Sui and Dora. "No, isn't it meat today? And I don't even need vegetables." Hey, you disgruntled face. "I used Venom Tarantula today." "I'm good with meat..." I wonder if you wouldn't whine like that. The salad, Akake fried rice and Tianjin rice are delicious. "Tomorrow I'll be fine because it's meat again. Because I just ran out of Venom Tarantula because it's a waste." "No, right. Then fine. ' That's what I say. I start eating mossomoso, Fell. I knew Fell was a meat man. It's just for today. "Gaff Gaff... This is good, but I still prefer meat" Dora, too. 'Rubbish, it's delicious. But hey, Suey, you might prefer meat.' Su, till Sui. Right. Grr... I didn't know they would say meat so far. I knew we were all meaty. Whatever it is, it's carnivorous from the looks of it. Ha, is it meat after all? While everyone said the meat was good, Dora ate it clean, and Fel and Sui were replacing it, so let's just say it's good. And meat is essential to all meat lovers. I have plenty of meat at the moment, but I need to keep my inventory under control. It's tough having three carnivores.
On the fourteenth tier, Venomutarantula and Poison Spider, who were also in the dungeon of the drain, waited hand in hand. It's a hierarchy where you can't crawl around the aisle walls and ceilings without counting. Besides, Mr. Elland says...... "I said there are a lot of special individuals in this dungeon, but naturally I'm going to leave on this floor as well." Venom tarantula is usually purple close to black, but they say the special individuals are just a little more red than that. Other than that, they're pretty much the same, with only subtle differences in color. I've actually seen Venom Tarantula, too, but if that's the only difference, I wouldn't be able to tell it from just looking at it pah. If you have to, I have an appraisal, but it's not like I can appraise this many. That special individual is highly toxic, and when he is bitten by fear, he goes to the afterlife in minutes. As for poison spiders, they are usually dark gray, but the special individuals are only slightly blue-colored. They say that after this one is almost unchanged and difficult to discern otherwise, not as special individuals of Venomutarantura, but also bitten highly toxic, will lead to death in about two to three hours. The poisoning potion would help somehow, but he said that without the poisoning potion he would be dead between getting out of the dungeon. I have a ton of Swiss specialty potions that also work on poison for once, but it's best not to get bitten. Tons of spiders are creepy. If they bite you, they die... why is this so vicious about dungeon demons? They'll take care of you first. 'You like talking about people at all. You can just knock it down before we talk about it, knock it down.' With that said, Dora sprayed fire from her mouth and baked Venomutarantula and Poison Spider, similar to the th floor. Gowwwwww. Venom Tarantula and Poison Spider have a strong life force, and a few of them have come at us through Dra's fire magic. Sui will do it! Buh, buh, buh -. Sui's unleashed acid bullets accurately capture Venomutara and Poison Spider. "All right, Sue, you knock him out of my fire magic." When Dora said that, Sui jumped pompously saying 'OK -'. "Sue, I'll do it too, so turn it around." The spiders are creepy, but I can't help it to level up. "Um, bye, then, just one." I know Sui just wants to take down a lot, but I appreciate the rejection. I don't think I can handle a lot of them. Let me take you down with certainty. ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ "Blame." Stick Mithril's spear into Venomutarantula's brain weather, which came around from Sui. When Venom Tarantula disappeared, a bunch of white yarn was left behind. "You've got Venom Tarantula thread" "Yes." "Still, you got tons of drops on this floor as well. My item box is close to full." Both Dora and Sui don't miss and destroy the demons that count, so the number of drops doesn't hamper for that matter. Tons of Venom Tarantula yarn and poison bags are available on this floor. I'll have to collect a lot of drops in the future for this minute, and will I give that to Mr. Elland for now? "Then I'll give you this, so put it in this." I handed Mr. Elland my magic bag. "Is it a magic bag? I'll borrow it." "Hey, I'm hungry." "I'm hungry, too." 'Um, Dora and Sui are right. You're definitely hungry. It would also be evening outside the dungeon. It's a good time for dinner. " Talking to Mr. Elland, everyone started to say they were hungry. Is it that time already? Then you can decide that today's quest is over. "Mr. Elland, I think we're all hungry, so let's end our exploration today" "Is that already the case? You're going too well and you're going to have a strange sense of time. hahahaha" I also understand what Mr Erland has to say. With the Fells, the dungeon goes without difficulty. This dungeon is coming up to the other half on the first day of diving, too. "Fell, do you have any idea where the safe area is? 'Um, wait a minute.... it seems as soon as you go right at the corner there' When Fell was right, he saw the entrance to the safe area ahead of a right turn down the aisle. We all quickly walked into the safe area. Entering the spacious room with a sigh of relief, there was a visitor there. I've never met another adventurer on this floor before. Looks like a party of four for two human men with one bearded dwarf and one elf woman. Looking concerned, I was peeking here with a flicker wondering if both the adventurers over there and the Fells were involved. "... Could it be Gilmouth the Dolan? A voice snapped with a boss in the wide and quiet safe area sounded yawning. "Oh? That's the face you saw. Are you sure it was the" Ark "of the A-Rank Adventurer Party? "Was it still Doran's guild master? Glad you remembered us." The adventurer party we met here called "Ark" was apparently like Mr. Elland's familiar adventurers.
After the blurb shook, Sui suddenly got big. There would be about two and a half meters horizontally and a meter and a half vertically. Maybe a little bigger than Fell. "Sui is evolving." I'll give Fell's words an appraisal of Sui. [Name] Sui [Age] month [Race] Big Slime Level [Health] 4 [Magic] 679. [Attack] 668. [Defense] 674. [Agility] 682 [Skills] Acid Bullet Recovery Drug Generation Growth It's evolving into a Big Slime to level two. Plus, you're getting so much better status, and you're getting more skills. There's proliferation, but what kind of skills? Is it also because of this proliferation of skills that Sui has grown? "Fell, have you ever seen this growth a skill? 'There isn't. Originally slime is something that splits beyond a certain level, but that's all.' Um, I don't know. "Sui, it looks like you've evolved to create a new skill called proliferation in Sui, but what's gotten bigger is you used the skill of proliferation? 'I don't know, Sue, it looks like you could grow up or get smaller.' "Growing bigger or smaller? "Yeah, I'll give it a shot, look at it." When I said that, Sui, who grew up, began to blurb shake. Then a small slime split from the sui to do many, and the sui was back in its original size. "Guys, the green ones are melting." A split little slime swarms into Goblin's body. And on the corpse, the pong burst and the liquid splashed. The splashed liquid is like an acid, dissolving the body of the goblin as that acid swells. At the end of the day, there were no goblin bones left either. Both Fell and I opened our mouths to the sight. "Fell, have you ever seen anything like this? "I've lived a long time, not even me." Sue, what's going on with that? "Sui, what's that little split? "Mm-hmm. That's awesome too." "Is that also sui? 'Um, I can grow Sui's body when I want to be bigger, but when I want to be smaller, that's how Sui's body splits. I can only talk to Sui for a little while, but after a long time, I won't be able to.' Um, do you mean that growth can be bigger with skills, but you can split about that growing part? I can communicate with you for a short time, but not for a long time. Hmm. "So what happens to splitting up? That's where you're concerned. "Um, Sui's here, so the one who split up disappears after a lot of time." Will split and disappear after time? So the schizophrenic has a lifespan. Ha, that's some amazing skill. Even though the splinter has a lifespan, as far as the current one goes, it feels like it should last about ten minutes. If you think about it, yourself, if you stay far away and let the splinter attack you, ranged attacks will be plentiful, and an ambush attack would be a good thing. Besides, it should be quite productive to have a splinter make a special Swiss potion. "Something's making Sui stronger and stronger..." 'Right. But don't worry about getting stronger. " That's right. "Ryuji, I'm hungry" "Mm, sure." Uh, I thought it was time for the two cannibal characters to mention it. "Well, I don't feel like eating here, so I'm just gonna go." I just don't feel like eating where Goblin's body was. So Sui went back to his bag and I moved the place across Fell. "It's all right around here," he says to Fell a little while later. "I'm a little tired, can I get you some ready-to-serve sweet bread? "Whatever. Give it to me quickly." Heck. I'm going to buy confectionery bread at an online supermarket. I also bought jam bread and cream bread for my usual bread. This time I also bought melon bread and chocolate coronet. Then, an essential can of coffee for you. "This is the first time you've seen this." Eyes on the melon bread and chocolate that Fell seeks. "Yes, yes, I'll do all kinds, just give me a minute." Open it out of the bag, line it up on a plate, and I'll put it out on Fell and Suey. "This is delicious." "Uhm, delicious. The first one's pretty good, too." Sui seems to like the sweet bread too. Fell also seemed to like melon bread and chocolate. I wear a can of coffee with one hand on my bread. Ah, delicious. Tired bodies stain sweet things. Nevertheless, I wonder why Goblin's crusade request has turned into the annihilation of the Goblin settlement. Huh. Well, that's good because I earned a hundred points. I was ready for a long stay, but it ended today. I wonder what it is.
As I stared and recommended reading the book, the contents were like autobiographies. The person who wrote this book is a Japanese man named Kazuki Matsumoto. He said he was summoned to this world by a ritual of summoning brave men, just like me. In 14, Kazuki, a college student, was summoned to the then Astafiev kingdom on his way to work, he said. There were two other Waki summoned, and the situation was written at that time, but his first impression of the Kingdom of Astafiev did not seem good. There were kings dressed in gold-dyed flashy costumes and later princesses with a tight impression, a few eye-catching middle-aged men who looked down on people, and soldiers in armor surrounded Wakai. Kazuki, who was an unmatched Lanobe lover of the situation, instantly changed his place, immediately seemed to understand how he felt then. “Different worlds summon kita" m 9 (")"!! " It said: But it seems to have pinned from the words and deeds of those who should be in the central position of the royal first country shortly thereafter. Said that the outrageous neighbors were attacking this country, and the people were suffering from hunger and exhausted, and this country was on the verge of annihilation... So I said, "Please help me, brave man! He said," but this didn't seem convincing at all. As for Waki's feelings at that time, “You're not at all sad for saying that the country is on the verge of doom or anything. Besides, what do you mean you're wearing a fancy costume for nothing even though that's the situation? It can't be. Are these idiots? The other worlds are exciting, but I'm sorry to be a wretched brave man with the development that is common in Lanobe”. Just the difference between an attacker being a neighbor or a demon, almost the same as when I was. If you're a king who really cares about his people, you don't wear lavish costumes in vain when the people are suffering, normal. I'm not asking you to wear a bolt, but I think we'll think about time and case. That's the kind of place where arrogance looks clear, right? It was the same thing when I was there, but they say the market has been set for a long time that it's not even a lowlife country to do this sort of thing. Anyway, Kazuki couldn't wait to be crushed, so he seems to have hit the point of mobilizing Lanobe's knowledge. First, check your status before being checked by the national side. What a wise man the profession is. Skills were appropriate for fire magic, water magic, wind magic, earth magic, ice magic, thunder magic, healing magic, holy magic, sacred magic and all magic, and there seemed to be a magical profound in the intrinsic skills. This profound of magic seems to be a skill that increases your understanding of what has to do with magic. Normal people can't use it without years of training. Even things like creating advanced magic and magic props and studying under their original masters for long periods of time, they say they can use it just to study a little bit. And the magic seemed pretty good from the start. Waki's profession was not a brave man but a wise man, and there was no doubt that considerable magic could be used from the standpoint of his skills and magic power. If they knew this, it was obvious that they would be crushed just like the brave ones. Anyway, I tried to cover up my status and see if I could rewrite it, and he said it was done light. The occupational column was made into a student of different worlds, with a slightly lower 88 than his health, where his skill was none and his magic was 96. The two summoned together were brave men, and Kazuki did it to the gap, which was also very boiling on the spot. He was Kazuki, who was then checked for status by the kingdom side, but the person on the kingdom side who saw the status said he was looking at Wazuki with the kind of eyes he saw trash. Being told that I was special seemed to paralyze my thoughts, and the two summoned together seemed confused at first but less than satisfied to be thistled. Even though Waki felt sorry for these two people, the answer would still be that he was important if he put himself on the scale with two people he had no idea of, and when he offered to the king, "I'll live quietly in Shirai (because I can't help myself)," he was fully acknowledged. As for Waki, he was wary that he might be slaughtered and killed on the spot, but he managed to get nothing. It was written as a story I learned later, but it also said that the fact that the ritual of summoning the brave had already been performed had influenced to some extent by national and international knowledge. If it were to have killed the brave man who summoned him immediately, it would have just been missed out on the fact that even as a kingdom side, he had bad outside hearings. However, it is not possible to remain liberated outside the castle, saying, "It is no different that you have come to this world for us. Take your time in the border land, which still has few swirls," said the king, and Waki was to go to the border land. With the providence of the kingdom's soldiers (the point is, you're on guard). Five days in a carriage operated by the kingdom soldiers of your offering, you leave the king's capital and continue on to the despicable (hepi) place, finally into the woods where one carriage finally leads you through enough main roads. After a while in the woods, the soldier said, "You can go anywhere. I wish I could get out alive," Kazuki said, dropping off the carriage along with the throwaway dialogue. I'm not going to kill him, but it's a pattern to leave him in the woods and let the demons attack him. This act was like saying die, but for Waki, it was a boat across the street. I don't know about the Kingdom side, but Waki also has the inherent skill of being a wise man and a magical profound man. He had also mastered some magic before reaching the woods. Waki said he slowly stepped out of the woods while practicing shooting magic he had just learned from the demons who were attacking him to eat him. From then on, he escaped the kingdom of Astafiev while earning a dime so as not to stand out, and registered as an adventurer in the neighbouring kingdom of Srezak under the name of Kaz. Kazuki, who became an adventurer, traveled around this world freely. At the end of the journey, he also acquired various magic books to deepen his understanding of magic, and he also learned about magic crafting and magic formations. "F to..." I took a break once I read about a third. Rub your showy eyes again and again. I bought a black can of coffee at an online supermarket to feel sleepy. Open the pull tab and sip the black coffee so that it doesn't sound as loud as possible. But you have the same history of being summoned as you did when I did. This Astafiev kingdom seems like a country that doesn't exist right now, but Waki said it was in 2014 that he was summoned over here... What's going on? I look around at the old book in my hand. Do you have any idea when this was written once you appraised it? That thought shook my head, and I appraised the book. [Autobiography of Sage Kaz] An autobiography of Cuz the Wise, written about 600 years ago in different world languages. "Wow." I held my mouth by my hand, hacked by the voices that came out unexpectedly. Ask Fells how they are turning the futon. Both Fel and Dora are asleep with Husu, Husu, and Sui is asleep or not moving with Picri. I returned the futon in awe of the way it looked. But that was a long time ago... But it says that Waki came this way in 2014. I was summoned to this world in 2016. It's only two years different, but what do you mean 600 years different over here? So you're saying the timeline over here is different from the timeline over there? Um, I don't know. Well, the world is different over there and over here in the first place, and maybe I can't help thinking about it. I can't do anything about it. It goes on more than that, continue. I dropped my eyes on the book again after moisturizing my throat with a black can of coffee.
Back at the inn, hungry Fell, Dora and Sui were waiting. "... So you're hungry." "Umm." "Hurry up and eat." "I'm hungry." If it's true, I'd just like to split Mr. Erland's share of the purchase price I just got, but I can't seem to do that either. I can't help it, it's after dinner. Jeez, I'm looking at this one. Fell, Dora and Suey. Hurry up, there's pressure to eat... I still have the rice I cooked in the morning, so I figured it was a bowl. It's called a one-pattern. I think the bowl would be the best if it was easy and stuck in my stomach and it tasted good. I wonder what I would like to use the red bore meat I had yesterday.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Kochujan is the spicy bowl that determines the flavor. As soon as I buy some vegetables and cochujan at the online supermarket, I'll start cooking. The carrots are cut into rectangles of about three centimeters, and the herbs are cut into bumps of about three centimeters. Gently wash the sprouts. I'm a beard root troublemaker and I don't take it. We talked about nutrition. When I'm like worried about soup and beard root, I guess I feel like I'll take it if I have time. Oil the hot frying pan and saute the thinly sliced red bore meat. Where the colour of the sautéed meat has changed, add the carrots and sprouts and sauté until they are soaked, then add the rash at the end. After that, spin the sauce mixed with soy sauce, liquor, kochujan, sugar, grated garlic and sesame oil and stir together. And then we put it abundantly on rice served in a bowl dedicated to Fell, Dra, and Sui and sprinkle it with paralli and white sesame seeds to complete the spicy bowl. "Yes, I did." When I let him out in front of the Fells, he jumped just saying he'd been waiting. 'Mmm, this is spicy and delicious. The food's moving on.' "Oh. I like this because I like it hard." "It's spicy, but I can eat this in a swim." Yum! ' Cochujan made me feel less comfortable so I could eat in Sui, but that's good. Me and Mr. Elland are in a bowl of normal size. "Yes, Mr. Elland, please." "This is another appetizing scent ~" As the saying goes, Mr. Elland is also gutsy cheeky. Do you want me to eat too? Yeah, it's easy, but as always, it's delicious. I can't resist the spicy taste of Kochujan. "This spicy white“ rice "goes better than usual." Yeah, I don't know when your food's coming in. I wonder if Mr. Elland's dishes are as big as the Fells are these days. Fell, Dora, and Sui, followed by Mr. Erland many times, wondered if the spicy flavors would advance the food. Rest after a meal after a full bowl of spicy spices. Me and Mr. Elland had a cup of tea, and the Fells were sipping a sip of cider. "Oh, yeah, I'll give you Mr. Erland's share of the purchase price just now" "I don't need to buy the rest of the Dark Ball in the drain." "No, no, that's not going to happen either. We broke the dungeon together." "If that's the case, as we talked about before, it's about a third of the treasure that came out of Hydra's chest, and that's fine" "No, that's too little, isn't it? Let's split this place in half equally." "No, no, because that's too much" "Then in a third of the total. You can't do anything less." "No, no, it's a third too much." "No, no, no, it's not too much. I need you to get this much." No, no, no. It was fifty white gold coins that finally folded as a result of pressing questions with Mr. Erland at the reward of no. I wanted to push about a third of it at all costs, but Mr. Elland didn't say yeah as hard as he could. That's less than a third of the time, but I managed to push it by telling him to get white gold coins at all costs. Still, I still have a lot of money. It's nice not to have trouble with the money, but it's also difficult to have too much. If anyone else sees it, I'm afraid they'll resent me for having too much money. We're especially on the cushion side, so I don't know what to spend it on, and I'm scared there's too much money because I've never had one like this. I don't have so much to want at the moment, but I know it's high that I decided to use it for an online supermarket, and maybe I should consider buying something big and giving it back. Then I gave Mr Erland fifty pieces of white gold coins to talk about my future plans. "Let's head to Doran early" "Uh, wouldn't you mind if I took it a little slower? "What are you talking about? We're not in a hurry, but Mr. Elland needs to hurry, right? I'll leave it to Mr. Ugol." "That's right, Ugol, but I think you'd be fine." I know Mr. Ugol is good. With that brilliant Mr. Ugor, he would go about his business without some delay. But for once, you're the head of Dolan's Adventurer Guild. I think there might be some stories where we can't move on without Mr. Elland. "I think Mr. Ugol will be so mad at you if it's any later. I mean, you're still mad at me..." When I say that, Mr. Elland has a little idea. You remembered something. "Speaking of which, there was something early on, as soon as I left..." And then Mr. Elland's face turns blue as he looks at it. "may as well go back soon..." I knew you would. Talking to Mr. Elland, he decided to get ready for the trip tomorrow and leave the city of Aveling early the morning after tomorrow for the drain. Speaking of getting ready for my journey, you're making meals during the journey. Let's make some now and take all tomorrow to get ready.
The logging of the trees to further land was inconsistently completed. Hey, Demon Sword, that was super helpful. You know what? A tree slashed with a demon sword will stand on its own without falling. Store it in the item box. While Luke and Irvine's twins cut one tree, I slashed all the rest. The asshole twins said, "You don't want us," but when I said, "That's okay, but then you naturally have no reward," I took it seriously. Let the felled trees out where there is space, pay the branches and cut them into appropriate lengths and load them up. It's a repetition of the work. There was a demon sword, so the work went super rack. Not me. The asshole twins said heehee just to finish the one they cut. I thought the tree trunk would have to dispose of the leafy branches as firewood, but the twins, who were from the countryside, said, "If the leaves fall and dry to some extent, they can be used as firewood too," so I collected them in one place. Cut tree roots are unlikely to fall out without power, so convene Fell, Grandpa Gong, Dra, and Sui's submissive demons. Fell and Grandpa Gong were pulling out with their strength, and Dra was softening the soil at the root with earthly magic before holding it in and pulling it out with a spoon. Sui had a splinter and melted it down. When I saw Dra's dirt magic, I thought it would be enough and I tried it too. It was hard to just soften the soil around the foreign body called the root, but I managed to treat only one. Everyone else at Fells handled it lightly though. The roots also came to see how it was, according to Theresa, which was to be dried, soiled and used for firewood. I won't waste it as much as I can. That spirit, I'm about to apprentice. Finally, the work ends with soil magic evening where the roots have been removed. Luke and Irvine's twins were given a bottle of wine and beer to reward. What about ourselves? To Fel, Grandpa Gong, Dora and Sui, who looked on his face, we had three cakes as a snack. Well, that's how the logging and further work of the trees was done safely. After that, I spent a whole lot of time thinking about going to Ronkainen where there was something about the magic stove, but I heard it was insecure, well I didn't even have to hurry. Two weeks on the way, for everyone who makes a noise about wanting to go hunting as usual, even going hunting in close proximity where you can take a day trip. I thought I'd take a peek at the mall a while back today, and enjoy my coffee...... Dong dong dong dong -. "Mr. Mkoda." The sound of knocking on the door like I was in a hurry and the voice of Peter calling me. I hurried to the front door and opened the door. "What's up, Peter? "Yes, now the Lubanovs are here." "Lubanov?! Sure, I could rub it with Lubanov in the city of Brixt, but that's totally bad over there. That's okay, there shouldn't have been a Lubanov church in this city. I heard the King's Capital is the only Lubanov church in this country, but you mean you've come all the way from King's Capital? "Ba, Bartel's guarding the gate by himself right now. Mr. Mkoda, Tabatha, Luke and Irvin will be here soon." Having summoned all the former adventurers would mean bringing a caution stick, as it did in Brixt. "Okay. I'll be right there!" When I said that, Peter immediately went to get the Tabathas. "Fell, Grandpa Gong, Dra, Sui, it's an emergency! When I shouted that out to the living room, everyone came as soon as possible. "What's up? "Guys, Brixte, remember those rude people who've been visiting us in the city of the last dungeon? 'Um, I remember you. Those are the great idiots who turned to us and said "dirty warcraft." 'Bye. I remember you, too. It's like gagging and goblins. " "They're horribly disgusting, fitting guys." "Sui, I hate those people" Everyone seems to have only the worst impression, just like me. "His people came here without punishment. I want you to help me chase him back." "Hung, push back, etc. Hand loose. You just have to beat him to pieces." That's what Fell says with his teeth out. It's usually embarrassing, but this time...... "In some cases, that's what it is." "Ugh." I'm guarding the gate by myself. If I had my hands on Bartel, I wouldn't tolerate anything. Me and Fell, Grandpa Gong, Dra, and Sui rushed to the gate. ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ "Rude bastard! Who do you think Noon is? "I don't know who your Lord is. But whoever it is, we can't let it through here! Is your lord going to Zukazuka into someone else's house without permission from your landlord?! No disrespect! From the gate, I heard a fierce voice and a wild, fat voice of Bartel to say back to it. "Dwarf flair says business! I don't care, break down the gate and throw this dwarf away! I screamed out loud when I saw a big man raise his leg to kick through the gate with his hand on the sword. "Yamellow!!! I ran into the old place. "Ha ha..., Bartel, it's okay" "Oh, have you come? Thanks." Normally the audacious Bartel looks horrified to see us, too. And as soon as we arrived, Peter showed up with Tabatha, Luke and Irvin. Of course we're all fully armed. "Bartel, you put in a lot of trouble. It's all right now." Looking out the gate with that said, there's a bunch of golden people wearing fancy clothes just like the Lubanov ones I saw in Brixt and a bunch of big gala bad raw people with what seems like a baton to follow like goldfish shit. It's a bunch of losers at all times. "Bartel, Tabatha, and Peter stay back and wait for me. Luke, Irvin is..." I snuck up on the twins and told them to contact the Adventurer Guild and the Knights. All the former adventurers nodded loudly, Bartel, Tabatha, and Peter stood behind us and gave the mound a glance, and Luke and Irvin quietly left the scene. "Fell, Grandpa Gong, Dra, Sui, everybody, please" "Uhm. If you have to, you'll cut me into fine pieces." "Oh. I'm gonna make sure you don't leave any ashes in the dragon brace." "You're a skewer with my ice magic." "I'm gonna melt it down by doing a bubble! Sending the Fells a reading, I was in a hurry the other way with a jealous reply. 'Er, it's not until I say so. And if you do too much and die, this one gets worse, the more, the more.' I stabbed everyone with a nail like that, and then I turned my attention to the moulding group. "Um, you seem to have said something about slashing our people and throwing them away, and not listening, but what can we do for you? "Hum, I don't care what happens to rude dwarves, etc. Let's get the sons inside first." A plentiful fat man, feathering a giraffed, flashy cloak of bad taste enough to say it was the best of an unproductive group, said so greatly. What are you talking about? You think I'm gonna let Bartel slash and throw away, or whatever the hell he says, get in our house? "Oh, I don't like it." "Hey, what?! "So, are you surprised? Strangers, and besides, there's no way you're letting a savage guy into your house who would say fine to slash our people and throw them away. If you think about it normally, you'll understand." I told him that while making a little fool of him, and he started to shudder with a mess. A full-fledged man. Pukuk, you're blushing, but I just said something normal. Bartel behind you, Tabatha, Peter, you're desperately laughing. I can hear you in the gutter. "Oh, my God, turn to the bishop! All you have to do is listen to us and get inside!! That's what one of the flashy surroundings shouts. Ha, you know, come on, is Rubanovism the only idiot? It was like this before, but you're not mistaken that anything goes by when you say Lubanov? If you're in your own country, the Holy Kingdom of Lubanov, or a neighboring kingdom, maybe you have one, but this is the Kingdom of Leonhardt. "I don't know if you're a bishop, but you're from Lubanov, right? "That's right! We are holy Lubanov priests." "Oh, that's fine." Don't hesitate to bust out the surrounding words. "Because there are no Lubanov followers in this House, including me. I mean, I don't believe in Lubanovism in the first place." If I tell you so clearly, I'm going to make all the money groups blush. "Ki, Ki, you! I wanted to give you the honor of contributing to my church, but it doesn't matter! All of these guys, slaughter and throw away the dirty beasts there too! A full-bodied, fat man with a bright red face and blue muscles on his forehead twitched and scattered as he yelled. "What, after all, have you come to collect gold? There's nothing you can do, homes." If I told him so bossy, he'd step on the group while he said "key" to the fat guy. "Kill and dump these guys ASAP!!! The caution sticks pulled out their swords at the golden cuts of a fat man. "I shouldn't let you guys disobey me. Don't feel bad." That's what one of the caution sticks said with a grin. 'Guys, please! You can't overdo it,' cause it's from restraint. ' When I sent my readings to Fell, Grandpa Gong, Dora and Sui, the eater cartel came forward. And...... "Hum, the wooden end is full. He wants to die." "The fact that you pulled it out means that you are not the enemies of Non. I guess you're ready, huh? I could speak Mandarin. Fell and Grandpa Gong unleashed a clear killing spirit as they said so. "Hih, hih..." Goddamn it, they're gonna kill me. "And I will, and I don't want to die -" "I just need your help." The big caution sticks with all the figures throw out their swords and smash their hips and buttocks. A group of adults, including a fat man with plenty of money, were knocking their white eyes out and falling at the time they were hit by Fell and Grandpa Gong's killing. I even have incontinence in my filth. "What, you lost your temper just because of our little kill drive? Not as much as my mouth. ' "I feel sorry for you for slapping me so hard." Fer and Grandpa Gong are just as frightened by the achievements of the Lubanov ones who were slapping their scattered great mouths. "What, it's over now? Me and Sui aren't here." "Aren't you buzzing?" Dora and Sui are unhappy that they didn't turn up. While doing so, the twins brought people back from the Adventurer Guild and the Knights. "Uh, what happened? On the occasion of one knight's confusion, I told the Adventurers Guild staff and knights who had come this far. "All I can say is that you cheated on the name of religion." That's what an Adventurer Alliance official said when he heard the whole story. It's spicy, but you're right. "Hey, these guys are so nasty all the time. Even Wang capital is a problem. But Mr. Mukoda didn't need a hand, so the Rubanov Church in the King's capital was notified." That's what about forty disappointed physique knights say in the years. From what I've heard, this man is the head of the Third Knights of the Count of Langridge. "Gathering is a crime, no matter what. You guys, pull back and put yourselves in jail." "" "" "" Ha "" "" By the knights, the waist crushing caution sticks are wrapped around the ropes and pulled. An unconscious group of gold was taken to be drawn. "I am strictly required to report anything to Mr. Mukoda, so I will report this matter to His Excellency in a hurry" Oh, Count, did you give such an order? I wish the Count would contact the King and expel Lubanovs from this country like the kingdom of Ellman. "I will report this matter to the headquarters of the Wang capital as soon as possible." The Adventurers Guild will also report this matter to the headquarters of this country. Oh, turn the Adventurer Alliance against the enemy, is it okay for the native country? I'll be in touch if you need anything. "Even as an Adventurer Guild, S-Rank Adventurers are valuable. Feel free to contact me if you need anything." With that said, the Knights Commander. The Knights and the Adventurers Guild staff went home. This is how I cleaned up one of my Lubanov cases... I was pretty upset about this one, too. I'm angry rather than annoyed. Same goes for the sudden push to insanity to get together (and this is the second time), but most importantly, I can't forgive you for telling me to slash Bartel and throw him away and trying to do that with all due respect. That baton, if I hadn't screamed, would have definitely slashed Bartel. I guess the Lubanov guys ordered me to slash and throw it away, and the caution stick did it. I didn't see any hesitation on the part of those who would or would. I can only tell that you can't leave Lubanov as it is now. Perhaps we can execute Master Demiurgos' announcement. Until now, I didn't think you had anything to do with us, and I didn't think you needed to rush it. This is how the harm was done. It is also now a great ant to say gaffoon to that congregation. Around tonight, I think I'll talk to everyone.
A treasure chest that sits in front of us. It's an old wooden chest. Forrest Army Ant's nest, naturally, means that this is also part of the dungeon. I tried to appraise him, but he doesn't seem to have set any traps or anything in particular. "Looks like there's no trap. I'll open it." I cautiously opened the chest with a spear tip. The lid opens with the sound of gatan. Me, Fell, Dora, Suey, we all peeked into fear, and there was one pendant inside. Grab the chain and lift it up. The pendant head was like a medal with a silver geometric pattern, with a rainbow stone in its center like an opal. 'Well, that's quite something. It is' You finished the appraisal first, Fell said so. Hurry up and I'll try to appraise the pendant too. [Uncurse Pendant... Magic item to disable any spell once] "This is..." Swallow gokuri and spit. "Hey, what was that? Hurry the answer to what Dra is. "A pendant for the curse, because" "Hmm, I'm not interested." "I wish it had meat in it." Dora and Sui seem to have lost interest at once. On the contrary, for me... "Hey, Fell, this is, like, a one-time disposable, but it means disabling any (...) curse, right? "Uhm. That's what's happening in my appraisal" That's how Fell's detailed appraisal came out, which means he'll deactivate it no matter how strong the spell. "That means..." "Good thing your lord is wearing it." I want you to try to remember. I have God's blessing, but I want to be small in everything. God says, 'When I say God's protection (small), the power of state anomaly deactivation is exerted unless it is something with instant death or an extraordinarily strong spell, and magic activation is better'. What I want you to focus on here is, "Unless it's an extra strong spell." Yes, a strong spell cannot be nullified. I can't even honestly say that I have no anxiety at all, although I have heard that the protection (small) has been added later and the protection (small) is superimposed so it has a similar effect to normal protection. It's a little protective. So I honestly decide to let you use this place. "Oh. I'll let you use it." Quickly I put a spell pendant around my neck. Ha-ha-ha, that's one less thing I've been worried about. Well, you won't get a strong spell, just in case. With this, it's safe for me. And then I'd be happy to even get a magic item that would disable the immediate death effect. It won't be convenient. 'There will be no more use here. We're leaving.' That's what Fell told us, and we got one line out of Ali's nest. When I left, I had it on Fell's back. ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ Returning from the nest of Forest Army Ants, on the ground (?) Back in, we started exploring the woods again. Intercepting demons that come out is, of course, awesome. In addition to Giant Killer Mantis, Giant Centipede, Venom Tarantula, Paralyzed Butterfly, and more, Numenume demons came out even though they didn't have to leave. Numenume demons are disgusting demons that come to a zoe just to see them, but I managed because Sui took the initiative to defeat them. Gradually beastly demons also emerged far from the nest of Forest Army Ants, and a few but also skinned meat drops could be obtained. While we do that, at dinner. For dinner, I decided to use Giganto Minotaur meat in the hope of Fell, Dora and Sui. "Giganto minotaur meat again? I don't know what to make of it. I'm pretty sure it's good meat, and I feel like steak is simply the best, but it's always that. Bye...... Oh, I don't need to worry about smoke because it's in the woods, and maybe I can use the BBQ stove for a while. Well, technically, it's in the dungeon, so maybe it's different in the woods." BBQ stove or if so...... "Giganto Minotaur Char-grilled Steak and Sprinkle on a BBQ Stove" The BBQ stove was removed from the item box to prepare. "Okay, charcoal sounds good, and it's time to start baking" Arrange the meat of Giganto minotaur, cut into moderate thicknesses and sprinkled with salt and pepper, on a net. A delicious smell of meat roasting rose with the sound of ju. Set aside some time to cook thoroughly on a charcoal fire. The fat drips off the meat of Gigantominotaurus and the flames of charcoal burn up boggly. Come on, come on, come on. Flip the cooked Giganto Minotaur meat in good shape one after the other. The grilled eyes, which are tightly latticed, blind my eyes. "Absolutely delicious, this" Snapping one of those things as he swallowed the spit unexpectedly, some Shizuku dripped over the net of the BBQ stove and evaporated juggly. When I looked up thinking what it was, I was watching Giganto Minotaur charcoal-baked steak with Fell dangling his covetousness. "Hey, Fell, it would be dirty! "What's dirty?" "What is it?" Though you must be drooling. And dripping on the net. " "Oops, sorry." "I'm sorry. I don't want to eat Fell's coveted charcoal-baked steak. If you want to see it, watch it from a little further down." "Mmm, can you still do that? "Almost there." "I can't stand this smell..." "I ate fast - hey! Dora hovering next to Fell and Sui riding over Fell's head have eyes nailed to charcoal-baked steak just like Fell. "I can cook it in a little while." I let that be included and turned my eyes on the steak again. Jue -. Rough nose heard from over my head asking how it was burning. "Well, Fell can stay a little longer. Oh! You drool on my shoulder, too! I rushed to wipe Fell's covetousness on his shoulder with a towel. "Damn it. What are you doing already? Humph, humph, you have a rough nose." 'You won't have a choice! I can't stop smelling the meat burning. I'm starving, and it's killing me too much to be patient while I smell it. " "What's so life-threatening? I'm cooking meat, so you can smell it. Be patient while you cook." "Gu Tu" 'Well, well. But you also know what Fell says. I can't smell this on an empty stomach. Jurrrrrr......' "Rubies, meat. Well? Sui, I want to eat fast - ' Even Dora is so coveted. Sui can't wait and she's vibrating. "Yeah, he said he figured it out already. 'Cause it's just a little while away! "Yes, it's cooked." Fell, Dora and Sui are silently disappointed when I put a few charcoal-grilled steaks of Den and Giganto Minotaur on each plate to serve. Fell, who starts baking the second row but finishes eating early, was waiting for his next steak. Have you had a change yet? "I'm just starting to bake, so wait a minute" Despite that, Fell asks again and again, 'Not yet?' as she twitches. Dora and Sui are also standing by after eating while we do this. When I finally let him out where he burned, we were all disappointed once again. "Don't you have to put steak soy sauce on it? "Mm, call me! It's the garlic one. Me too! This meat should definitely go with the garlic one. ' "Sui too! I'll sprinkle charcoal grilled steak with garlic-flavored steak soy sauce. You can't possibly not fit. Unexpectedly my throat will be gobbly, but I will still have to cook Giganto Minotaur's meat. As I thought, Fell, Dora and Sui's appetite never stops. Garlic flavors are followed by grated flavors, onion flavors, buttered steak soy sauce and one steak after another. Dora falls off on a tour. He lays down in a big letter satisfied as he rubs his pocky stomach. "I'm still eating." "You still eat sui too ~" Are Fell and Suey's bellies bottomless? Terrible kid. I had a charcoal-baked steak with more garlic and onion flavored steak soy sauce, and I didn't feel disappointed that my appetite was getting somewhat depressed either. So I finally settled down, and I decided to get Giganto Minotaur charcoal grilled steak, too. Cut my share into bites so it's easy to eat. The gravy is overflowing during cutting, and the cut cross section is reasonably pink. It is burning like a huge beauty. What I add to that meat is a blend salt that has been secretly my boom lately. I tried to prepare wasabi salt and lemon salt. First, I choked the chopped charcoal-baked steak with wasabi salt and cheeked it up. "What is this, super delicious" The refreshing aroma and spiciness of wasabi slightly matched the gravy-filled charcoal-baked steak. "Shit. You can eat as much as you want." I can't stop cheeking charcoal-baked steak meat with wasabi salt. "Whoa, you shouldn't eat all this. Lemon salt needs to be tried." Now add the lemon salt to the chon and pacri. "The scent of lemon is refreshing ~. This one is delicious too. This will refresh the meat." Now I can't stop cheeking charcoal-baked steak meat with lemon salt. "This is so hard to attach." I just pampered my cheeks with charcoal-baked steak meat with lemon salt while I said that thought, and I got a gaze at this one jeezy. "Hey, what's that? "Er, wasabi salt and lemon salt" "Does this meat fit? "Yeah, perfect." "Why don't you get something like that out of there fast! Give it to me too! "Yes, yes, I understand." That's what I said, and I'm preparing for Fell and Suey, and Dora, who was in big letters and slept, got up Gabari and said, 'I'm gonna eat a little too!'. We forgot we were in the dungeon and enjoyed Giganto Minotaur's charcoal-baked steak as much as we could.
Episode : Pentagram Hardening me and the adventurers who came in. Shh, excuse me. Well, you'd be surprised if you were cooking on the stove in the dungeon. Even though that's the worst place to exchange lives that you can't come out alive is in a dungeon. I'll just cook and eat there. On second thought, we were insane... Ugh, I feel kind of sorry for you. Someone speaks out who doesn't read the air even in such a situation. "Hey, hurry up" Fell rushed me back to me. The adventurers who came in are also returning to me in Fell's voice. Once I said "Hi," I got a response from the other side saying "Oh, oh" too. Now I'm even coming in to talk about Dora in a hurry. Because we don't all read the air at all. I mean, well, do we have to feed everyone who's hungry for now? I put the prepared bread piloshiki on each plate in a grand feast. "Yes." Placing a plate in front of Fell, Dora and Sui, the hungry trio hit the pampered shiki with momentum. "Umae! It's delicious with meat stuffed tightly in the sweet, fragrant bread! You can eat as much as you want now! As proclaimed, Dora is the number one snack in the trio (still about three times as fine and flat as I am), but she flattens her pampered and pampered shiki enough to wonder where she's going to get into that little body. "Um, I don't think I need the fine vegetables in the meat, but isn't this quite tasty" Fell says he doesn't even need it for fine mixed vegetables, but he's eating baku for it. I mossy one piece of bread with two pieces of bread in one bite. You know, it's too early to eat. "Yum! Sui, as usual, is addicted to his body with the usual appetite to take his bread from next to next. Some of us were hungry and we're all losing fast. I just make a lot of them and bake the rest. Seeing everyone eating well, I started baking the second row of bread pillows in the oven. As the fragrant smell of bread begins to drift, the gaze of the adventurer pierces the bush. Yes, no, I didn't forget. Of course I feel sorry for you. But you can't neglect the Fells' meal. If you do that, it's a blame, and most importantly, it's thanks to Fell, Dora and Sui that you're safe in the dungeon, so you can't not not eat enough rice. Sort of. It's about time. Removing the grilled bread from the oven.... G ~ -. Ggowo -. Big chorus of magnificent belly worms. Chasing the source of the sound with his eyes, he met a group of adventurers. "Hey, hey, I'm sorry. It smells so delicious." Big and what a personality? That's what the bum said as the adventurer polypolized his cheeks. The figure is that two meters is likely to be tall, muscular, muscular, muscular, muscular, muscular, hair is bossy, long hair, builds up a beard of toys, wears leather armor and has a big axe. The figure is tighter said to be some barbarian than an adventurer. You'd be a party member to the words of a big adventurer. Other adventurers are crushing "right" with their bats looking badly out of sight. "Yes, no, I'm sorry I'm cooking here" "Hey, but, adventurer, I've never even seen him cook in a dungeon serving such a big magical stove. Gahhhhh." That's what the big adventurer laughed lavishly at. "No, no, it was rumored." That's what I said, a fine, eye-looking macho adventurer with dog ears and a fuzzy tail that looks like about 0 cm in his mid-twenties with a sword. What kind of rumor is that? Don't worry about it. "Uh, you're Mr. Mkoda, the S-rank adventurer who subjugated Fenrill, the little dragon and the slime, right? "Yes, it's a muchoda," she replies with a smile, because that's what the girl has heard, who would be a magician with crisp eyes about 17 or 8 years old and a pretty tit robe with wings. You make me smile naturally for a pretty girl. Blonde, crisp blue eyes are just adorable with French dolls, but I'm afraid my thin breasts are just a little too bad. "Rumor has it that the Adventurer with the Devil is making and giving away so much meal to the Devil that it's a waste, you." Poking a big adventurer with his elbow, a beauty adventurer with long, muscularly shaped spears with burnt skin eyelids in the day on a corked brown shortcut in her late twenties, says so, and a big adventurer nods back as he now remembers, "Oh, no, you talked about that. I make and feed my meals..., there were rumors like that. No, I'm not wrong, but I'm not wrong, but come on. Fell, Dora, and Sui are like being caught in food and becoming my obedience, so I have to serve something delicious anyway. "Hey, have you changed yet?" "Me too! "Swimming too." Alas, you're already done. I put some extra bread pillowfish on Fell, Dora and Sui's plate. "And it looks delicious." The last of a bunch of adventurers to speak that way was Dwarf's old adventurer with a beard carrying a giant hammer. The eyes of a bunch of adventurers nailed it to the bread pillowfish on the plate of the trio. "Hung, I don't want to see you like that." "Fe, ferru" You don't have to say that. "Uh, it's not a big deal, do you want to? When I heard that because I felt sorry for some of them, everyone smiled and nodded. ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ "No, Ume." That's what the big adventurer, Mr. Alexandrov (commonly known as Mr. Alec), said as he cheeked his fourth piece of food, Pampyroshiki. "Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! Mr. Mkoda, I'm sorry about our husband ~" It is Fatima, an athletic beauty adventurer, who punches Alec in the chest and says that with all due respect. As Fatima said in her "My husband" statement, it's Alec's wife. When I found out about the relationship, I really wanted to ask Mr. Alec to face it. Why does someone like this barbarian have such a beautiful wife... I think it's irrational and extreme. "I didn't think you'd find this delicious in a dungeon." With that said, this is also the accelerator of a handsome fine macho adventurer with cheeky dog ears with a third bread pyroshiki. "Oh, it's spilling." That being said, it's Adelmira, a cute girl adventurer with big eyes, who bakes to take care of Axel for what she deserves to take care of her eating spills scattered across Axel's chest. If you look at this, you don't have to tell anyone. Adelmira is in love with Axel. I knew you had a face? Is that your face?! "This would be great if we had booze, gahahahahahahahahaha" Speaking of booze, Dwarf. It was naturally Samuel, the old Dwarf adventurer, who said that. These five are an A-rank adventurer party called "Pentagram" (Pentagram), and they say they've been challenging the dungeons based in this city for the past two years. "It's been an A-rank party the other day. I thought it was time to try..." According to the story, he really wanted shards of iron golem, so he tried to go to the 32nd and 33rd floors. Anything Mr. Samuel's giant hammer is made of demon iron with iron golem shards turned into vegetables, and he boasts every time he has a favorite giant hammer that is stiffer, sturdier and has better magic discharge than normal demon iron, especially for Alec, who gets a big axe, and Axel, who gets a buster sword. Even watching by his side, his performance was something he wanted so much that he could get his hands out of his throat. That was something other party members knew about, and we talked about going up to A-rank and trying. As it was also possible to defeat the stone golem sparingly without any problems, it was the expectation of all members that the iron golem would not take lag even against them. Above all, the stone golem is the same, but the fact that the iron golem is working slowly was investigated, so I thought I could handle it with one hand in escape when I had to. In fact, in the 32nd tier, where the stone golem and the iron golem came out in a mixture, not only the stone golem, but also the iron golem, could be defeated and proceeded without problems. And it came to the 33rd tier... "Three or four iron golems show up at the same time, assholes." That's what Axel told me to throw up. "We can't deal with three or four at the same time." That's what Mr. Alec says with regret. That's why he said he was thoroughly on the run on this floor. "Damn, all I ended up getting was three shards of iron golem I hunted upstairs. Well, that's not enough." It looked like Axel was going to make a new bastard sword with shards of iron golem. That's what Axel said and he became infidel. "Well, don't rot like that. There's a lot of tricks upstairs. Oh, yeah." It also seemed like Alec, who was going to make a new big axe with shards of iron golem, would return that as he told himself. You know, it's just a question of getting back upstairs before you do. "It's not clear that the map will be on this floor..." When Mr. Fatima and Adelmira said so, everyone in the pentagram sighed. Anything was that I couldn't go back inside to the original place with the stairs leading up in the chase with the Iron Golem. She seems to be feeling physically but wandering around on this floor for about a full two days, bringing enough food, but was about to start to build up a lot of fatigue. "But you recovered a lot from Mr. Mukoda's rice. Thank you so much. I knew you'd have a warm, delicious meal." Thanksgiving comes back from the face of Pentagram who agreed with that word of Mr. Alec. On the other hand, I think it would have been nice if we had helped each other by splitting the meal a little bit. It's here... "Hey, Fell. This is near the boss room on this floor, isn't it? Confirming that to Fell in his reading, he said, 'Uhm. Don't take these guys in the exact opposite direction,' he returned. Hard to say, but I guess I should tell you this. Never speak to the face of a pentagram. "Uh, you know, it's hard to say... it's near the boss room here" After everyone opened their eyes to my words, I dropped my shoulders in dismay. I know how you feel, but all you can say is that you're gambling. I'm sad.
Mr. Werner, Mr. Ramon, Vincent, Rita and Franca. Thank you for your help with the C-rank Adventurer Party, Iron Will. I never thought I'd see you again here. "Gentlemen, it's been a while." "It's been a while, Mr. Mkoda. I didn't expect to see you again here." Shake hands with Mr. Werner, the leader of Iron Will. I heard that Iron Will's face went on a journey towards this dungeon as soon as he broke up with me. He finally made it to this city yesterday in pursuit of this city while taking over the carriage. And it meant I've been diving into this dungeon since yesterday as soon as possible. "That's right. We're going to Bellain, the city of the sea, and when I heard about the dungeons in this city along the way, I said," Fell's coming in. " "I see," he says as Iron Will's face nodded. You've been spending a little time with Fell, so you think Fell might want to mention it. You all know how hard I struggle, don't you? "No, Mr. Mkoda, besides Master Fell, you have more submissive demons. That's dragon, isn't it? Are you a dragon child?" That's what I said. Vincent's gaze is poured on Dra. After all, Dora thinks she's a dragon child when she sees it for the first time. Dora and Sui have been my squire since they broke up with Iron Will's face, so that's the first time they've met. Let me introduce you two. "This dragon is an adult at this size. It's a rare kind of dragon called Pixie Dragon. My obedience, my name is Dora." "Buh..." "Buh." Cora, Vincent, you got a name and you erupted. And Mr. Werner. Rita and Franca say, "Hi Dora," Mr. Ramon, yeah, he's silent. I'm a little shaky though. "Later, this is the swim of the slime. It's slime, but it's so strong because it's special." He introduced Sui, who had crawled out of his bag and wanted to see how he was doing. "Even though it's amazing just Master Fell, you were adding more submissive demons. I'm afraid so." Mr. Werner, you won't be impressed with me like that. They're all for dinner, aren't they? The reason I became an obedient demon is the same as Fell. "Hey, you got rice yet? "I'm hungry." Oh, excuse me. Excuse me. "Hey, I'm cooking for the Fells." Um, I don't know what to do. Can I have a beef stew? I tried it with the bread I bought in the city. That bread's a little stiff, but you think it'll fit the beef stew. I gave him a meaty beef stew on a plate and served it to Fell and Dora and Suey. 'This is a dish you've eaten before. Don't let the meat simmer softly and dissolve in your mouth. Yum, it's delicious.' Thanks, Fell. 'Wow, this is delicious again. Really, your dishes are delicious.' Looks like you liked the beef stew, too, Dora. That's a stew around the mouth and it's Vietnamese. "This is delicious because the meat is tender and the flavor is stained." If Sui's tattoo came out, you're doing well. Good. "" "" "Gokuri" "" " Looking back, Iron Will's face-to-face eyes nailed to the beef stew. Vincent and Rita are drooling to their covetousness. Rita, you can't covet because you're a girl. I can't help it, do you want me to feed you here with the good old days? "Um, do you guys want some? When I heard that, Iron Will's face shook his boom head vertically. I give the beef stew to a deep wooden plate with a nice black bread. "Ha, I didn't know you could have Mr. Mukoda's dinner here. That's great." "Vincent has been saying since he broke up with Mr. Mukoda that Mr. Mukoda's rice was delicious -" "Oh, my God, Rita, you said it was Omei." "Well, I am. Because it was delicious for Hondo." That's how Vincent and Rita are talking to each other...... "Ha, that's delicious. The vegetables are soft-boiled, and I can't tell you anything about the meat that dissolves in this mouth." "Oh, it's really delicious. Eat this stew with bread and it's delicious." "This rich, deep flavor...... I didn't know you could have this kind of delicious rice in the dungeon. That's Mr. Mukoda." Franca, Mr. Werner and Mr. Ramon are starting to eat one foot ahead. "Oh, cheat, I'll eat too" Vincent and Rita go on to start eating. "Ummeje" "Delicious." That's what I say. Both Vincent and Rita cheek the beef stew all over their mouths. Yeah, yeah, I'm glad they all liked it. I start eating beef stew too. Take a sip first. Yeah, it's delicious. Bloody horn bull meat is also simmered and tender enough to be cut with a spoon. Soft-boiled meat melts hollow when placed in the mouth. Dip the black bread in a beef stew, Pacri. Bliss of biting black bread with a deep taste of demiglass sauce. Ah, delicious. "" "Replacement" " Fell, Dora, and Sui are in. Dora's in charge, too. She said she was hungry because she used some kind of magic. I gave each plate a beef stew. "Still, this meat looks delicious. What kind of meat is that? That's what Vincent asked me, so I said, "It's bloody hornblue meat," and Vincent sprayed "bufo." Other members are surprised to open their mouths. Oh, what? Did something go wrong? "Mr. Mucorda, Bloody Hornbull meat, what is it? I'm in this stew..." If you say "yes" because that's what Mr. Werner has been asking...... "Excuse me. I never thought it was such a fancy ingredient." He apologized for something. ... Oh, this is just like the way I reacted. Larsh, the adventurers of the city of Curry Lina, they knew it was a luxury ingredient, too. He said he didn't know what the luxury ingredients were. Even if they say so, this is normal for us, and hey. Or I've also gotten some dragon meat lately, yes. Something tells me that with Fell, our food levels are noble? Plus, there's Dora and Sui, so there's no way to refill the meat. Consumption is also intense for that matter. Well, you've never been over for good food, have you? "No, don't apologize like that. There's still plenty of Bloody Horn Bull meat." When I said that, Mr. Werner looked surprised. "We got a lot of Fell and Suey." Mr. Werner was also convinced of the word "oh". "Dear Fell, Sugai" "Exactly, Master Fell." Vincent and Rita shine their eyes and look at Fell. Franca and Ramon are watching Fell as impressed. "That's the thing, you don't have to worry about it. How about a change? "Is that okay? "Absolutely." Answer that and Fell will look dissatisfied. "No, my share is gone." "Mr. Werner and I are looking after you before, okay? I'll cook some meat for Fell." "Oh, then Drago... Mogomogo... what are you doing?" Fell's mouth shut because he was about to say something about the meat of the dragon. 'Fell, you almost said something about dragon meat. Bloody Hornbull's meat is amazing. Tell me it's Dragon's meat,' cause we're all going down. ' Send Fell a message. "Nooo. Then you can have Wyburn's meat." 'That too is rejected. Wyburn's meat will surprise you too. You can have the oak meat from the drop earlier.' 'Mmm, I can't help it. Flavor it. " "Yes, sir." I can read the air at all. "Oh, would you guys like a change? "Yes, thank you all for your help then." I had just signed an exorcism pact with Fell at that time and I didn't know anything about it by myself. It feels like we managed to get across the border safely thanks to Iron Will's face. "Is that a good idea? "Whoa, Vincent" "Something, leader. You said Mr. Mukoda would be nice, right?" "Would you like Mr. Werner, too?" I ask. Then Mr. Werner also offered me a wooden dish to say "please" as he seemed sorry. That was followed by a replacement for Rita, Franca and Mr. Ramon. If you think it's delicious, it's worth making. The remaining beef stew was completely emptied with a replacement for Fell and Suey. For the lack of fer and sui, I served a cassette stove and baked him oak meat steak. Vincent and Rita looked like they were going to want something for the smell of baking meat, so I only recommended it a little bit. Safe area adventurers were watching us with a jitsu eye, but of course I ignored you because you can't just split the meal between strangers. Because there are limits to the rice you make and store. After a short post-meal break, Fell clings me to the boss's room. "Well, take care, gentlemen." "Mr. Mukoda, are you okay because there's Mr. Fell?" "Are you going downstairs, Mr. Mukoda? "Yep, because Fell is willing to step through the dungeon..." 'I hear there's a Behemoth. You'll have a little fun.' "It seems so." Iron Will's face was laughing. Looks like Mr. Fell. As for this one, I don't want to see a behemoth. "Bye." We left the safe area and headed to the boss's room. The face of Iron Will said he would explore this floor a little more after this. I heard during the break that being in the boss room on the th floor meant Lizardman...... There was just no one in the boss room, so I went straight in. It was Lizardman, as I heard. You're a two-legged lizard, as the name suggests. There were a lot of them, but for Fell and Dora and Sui, they didn't make any. I picked up the skins of the drops and headed to level .
"Best wishes, Master! "Tell me how to cook your organs as promised, Master! "You know, because we're both coming early. And I was wondering if you could stop being that master. I guess I just met you guys yesterday." "No, because the master is the master" "Yes, Master." "No, ha..." Whatever I said, I gave up and sighed at Maynard and Enzo, who were unlikely to fix the “master” call. Although I was pushed by momentum yesterday to teach Maynard and Enzo to cook moths, I was under two assaults much earlier than I promised. Even though I was just getting comfortable eating breakfast. "Master, tell me how to cook your organs quickly -" "That's right. It's important to us." "Ha, okay, okay. Just follow me." I had no choice but to lead Maynard and Enzo to the kitchen. "Motsu, when I say how to cook a gut, it's not that special. Most importantly, I had both of them do it yesterday. As long as you do that underneath treatment properly, it tastes delicious, baked or boiled without odor" "Especially the white moth that had a lot among the moths......, this is it" With that said, I took the white molluscs I had processed downstairs yesterday out of the item box and showed them to the two of us. "Something like this is delicious if you cut it into bumps and cook it normally with salt and pepper, marinated in a sauce and then baked. The point is, it's the same dungeon pig and dungeon cow meat we sell in the streets of this city. That just turned into dungeon pigs and dungeon cow guts." "I see. That means it can even be skewered" "Of course." With that said, Maynard and Enzo are nimmating face-to-face for some reason. "Hey Enzo, we can do this! "Oh. We have the ultimate sauce the two of us made by trial and error" I'm just aiming for a cook in Lawsendar, also known as Mecca of Food, and it looks like the two of them had already developed their own sauce. "I think I figured out the baking like that, but what about the boiler? Should we try making this one? "Absolutely!" They both planned to start at the stall, and they wanted to know because there was room to think about something that could be served at the stall even if it was a simmer. "There's a lot going on here too..." The hot pot won't be suitable for stalls, and if it's braised, you'll need soy sauce or miso. I wouldn't be able to teach any more than I can't get soy sauce or miso. When that happens, stewing tomatoes in a trippa style is probably the easiest. I think I can handle anything I can get here. "All right, I'll make you a stewed tomato" ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ "Okay, I guess this is what the bottom processing looks like" Cut the honeysuckle and white mollusc into appropriate sizes and wash the water after about two boiling exercises boiled from the water. I don't even think it tastes good with dungeon pork white moths, but trippa-style means I decided to use Dungeon Beef Moths, Hachinos (Trippa) and White Moths today. "I thought you could use it right away, but cooking guts takes a lot of work." That's what Maynard, who was working on the boiling under my direction. "I worked with flour and salt on purpose, so I thought it was something I could use right away." That's what Enzo says after Maynard. "Sort of. If you want to bake it, it's fine with just yesterday's bottom treatment, but if you want to simmer it, you'd better do this“ boiling "job. It will definitely taste delicious when it comes to removing acne and coloring." Maynard and Enzo are serious about trying to remember exactly how to cook. "We have ingredients too, so let's just make them." I bought the ingredients at the online supermarket while the two of them were working on the moth boiling. "Well, from here on out, we'll have each of you work in hands-on pieces. Maynard decided to make a boiled tomato..." If it's true, it's easy to use canning, but I decided to make it from scratch because it doesn't work either. Well, if you're boiling tomato water, you can do it by peeling the skin off the water, adding water and salt, and boiling it down while you take an ac. "Ask Enzo to cut the vegetables" Cut onions, carrots and celery into about mm squares and mince garlic. Gutsy gutsy gutsy -. Tons of tongues... Maynard and Enzo are pretty handy just looking to cook. "Okay, I can boil the tomatoes in water, and you're done cutting the vegetables. Then we'll go next. I'll start by grabbing the olive oil in the pan and add the minced garlic and I'll fry it over low heat." Minced garlic is slowly roasted in golden olive oil. "Garlic like this, in my hometown I say garlic, just when that scent comes out, with the vegetables I just had Enzo cut..., this, I'm going to fry it with one lollier leaf" There are quite a few dried herbs in this world, and Laurier is easy to get. "Tamane like this...... it wasn't. When Oneon becomes translucent, add the moss and saute gently. And then I'm going to add the boiled tomato water and dried meat offal juice that Maynard made, then the boiled leopard beans and simmer the cottonseed." If it's true, I'd like to use the consomme vegetables, but I bought the dried meat in the item box before because it's not going to be the same in front of the two of us, and I decided to use the juice. A boiled bean is a boiled bean bought in an online supermarket. I bought a can of hyoko bean boiled in water and transferred it to a plate beforehand. There are beans in this world that look just like beans called leopards, so it won't be a problem. I don't mind stewing in the water with white mackerel soybeans, but when it comes to beans in this world, it's this mackerel bean, so I tried to make it a mackerel bean similar to that. "And then when the moss softens, you can season it with salt and pepper at the end. It's easy for you." When I spoke to the two of them who were seriously watching the procedure, they both nodded. "The cooking of this organ means that it depends on how properly you have processed the organ, Master" "That's the thing, Maynard" "Honestly, I thought it was a waste of flour and salt, but it's for good eating," "Oh. That said, I don't think I use that much flour or salt. You remember how much Enzo did yesterday? "Yes." Enzo is crushing with Boso like, "The flour is in a medium glass for one of those massive drops..." to think of something in my words. "It's certainly not as massive as it sounds when you think about it" "That's right, Enzo. And here we are..." Maynard's story is that flour and salt appear to be paid in kind as an aid to orphanages, with more than enough being paid. That is because the region is also a major producer of wheat and a producer of rock salt. In fact, it is famous for its meat thanks to its meat dungeons as far as this city is concerned, but it is said that wheat is grown in the countryside around it. Don't feel like you've seen the wheat fields before you came to this city if you ask me. In doing so...... "Oh, it looks good now. And then season it with salt and pepper..., yes, you can" "Gokuri...... This looks delicious." "Smells delicious too" "Oh, pepper is expensive, so I think it doesn't have to be if it doesn't seem like it. Later, even if you add dried basil, it's delicious. Ma, ad hoc around there, you should give it a try. It's a tasting." Maynard and Enzo, then you're splitting my share into plates... I was there at some point, my eaters. "Ah, the Fells." Naturally. Maynard and Enzo were pretty freaked out by the sudden appearance of Fell, Dora and Sui. She explained that she was okay because she was my obedient, but she managed to regain her composure. "I haven't made enough Fells to be hungry, so it's really about taste." That's what I told the Fells. "Oh, my God, you're really a little bit" "I can't help but taste it. If it tastes good, let's have it made. ' "Kind of." Looks like too little for the Fells after all. "So I told you about the taste..." While complaining, Fells eat a stewed tomato with trippa-style mottles. "Look, try Maynard and Enzo, too." The two snorted and spooned the stewed tomatoes of the moss into their mouths. And two people who taste it carefully. "Delicious...... I thought there might be some odor, but that's not at all and it's very easy to eat! Plus, the soft, flavor-dyed gut meat is irresistibly delicious! "When it comes to guts, I thought it had a unique taste, but you can refresh this. It's so delicious! It goes hand in hand with the sourness of the tomatoes. Besides, this dish has a lot to eat, and I think it would go great with bread." The two were peppered with delicious delicacies and stewed tomatoes of trippa-style mottles served on a plate. "Hoo-hoo-hoo, Enzo, now we can win." "Huh-uh, right, Maynard. Now we can win." "" Huhhhhhhhhh "" Oh, what? Suddenly Maynard and Enzo broke. "Baked goods with our ultimate sauce and this simmering......, perfect! "Oh. This will get you to the top! ............... What are you talking about? "Hey, what are you talking about earlier? "Oh, excuse me, master. We're the only ones thriving." "But thanks to our master, we had hope, too. Looks like you could go for the top at the Meat Dungeon Festival! "Meat Dungeon Festival? I hear from Maynard and Enzo that the Meat Dungeon Festival is a festival that has been held annually for about eight years now with the aim of revitalizing the city, with the purpose of giving everyone a taste of meat from meat dungeons. The event is in three days, and the street is said to be filled with stalls serving meat from meat dungeons during that period. This year's meat dungeon festival starts in ten days, and the famous stores that set up the store say they will leave the stalls all at this time. "Years on, what a close to a hundred stalls opened last year! "Yes, yes. And thanks to this festival, we and the new stores just made it! For these two, the meat dungeon festival seems to be a big event, heating up gradually as we speak. Anything. Only for the duration of this festival, it seems that anyone can open a store as long as they apply to the Merchant Guild, and both of them will open a stall. "If it's true, I can't do business without registering for the Merchant Guild, because only the duration of the Meat Dungeon Festival is special. Some of our kids in training for cooks are taking part in this as an arms test." They say they're opening stores with each other for money. "The main event of the Meat Dungeon Festival is an awards ceremony on the last day. Up to number five of the delicious stalls decided by the votes of our customers will be announced! Enzo said that excitedly. "It is. So the top five stores will become popular the next day! Mr. Marks' stall, which came in fourth last year, became instantly popular even though it wasn't long after independence! Maynard also said that with excitement. I see. You mean there's a one-chan if you put it in the top five without anything to do with the direct management of famous stores, or just stalls that don't have stores, or just stands that are independent? You have a lot of dreams. "We're still not independent or anything, but if we can get to the top here, it's going to be possible to get people hired at famous stores. And in some cases, I hear you might be able to take care of the store." If the foil does come on, it could be a pick-up. Nevertheless...... "You heard something funny. Hey, is that still open to applications? "" Huh? "And, Master, maybe, are you going to open a store? "What, are you going to say no? "Yes, no, that's not true..." Maynard and Enzo are troubled faces for some reason. "I should have kept my mouth shut about the meat dungeon festival..." "A powerful rival..." Two people are talking about that with Boso Boso. "What, are you worried about that? I'm not going to serve moth food, so I guess you guys are more eye-catching. 'Cause you don't have a store that serves moths." "" Sure... " "Ah! Enzo, and it's a place, a place. Applications are accepted up to a week before the festival, but the locations will be assigned in order of filing, so there's no place left to apply now." "Oh, well. What's left is not a very good place at the end, is it? If that happens, any number of masters may struggle" "Well, we'd rather do what we have to do than be alert to me opening up just because it sounds funny. You're after the top, aren't you? If you're going to serve hot dishes, think about how you're going to get them." That's the first time you've said that to me. "Yes!" and two people who notice. Knowing how to cook a moth fills my head, and I don't think I thought about it until I got it. But as soon as you're happy, you two look at my face seriously. And with a cat in my rubber...... "" Master ~ "" "Hey, what is it? "" Visceral! These guys are getting less and less reluctant. You can do something else, but if you want to do it anyway, have another little job. "You can do it, but help me plant the dishes I serve to the meat dungeon festival. Then I'll do four of the drops." When I say that, Maynard and Enzo discuss it. "Master, there's five of them, please! "And only one day before the meat dungeon festival to help. We have our own orders the day before and the day before, so we can't give up here." Five drops of moths are fine, but only one day before three days of help? I have a time-stopped item box, so I don't have to worry about spoiling what I've planted..., yeah, that's perfectly fine. "All right, we got a contract." I shook hands firmly with Maynard and Enzo. "Hey, have we talked yet? "Hmm? What the hell, Fell?" 'This was pretty good. I'll eat more, so make it.' "I want to eat, too." "I'd love to have more of this too" ......... yes. At the request of Fell, Dora and Sui, I made a large amount of tomato stew with trippa-style mottles after Maynard and Enzo left.
When I arrived at the inn, all the food I had left was clean and completely gone. Besides, they're all sleeping tight in the beast house. Dra, you're lying on your back and sleeping hungry. Do you want me to prepare dinner while everyone's asleep? Because I told Dra to eat something delicious. I thought about what I was going to do and decided. I have some thinly sliced Wyburn meat, and I made it into a sukiyaki I was going to make later. A sukiyaki would be a luxury and I wouldn't complain. You shop online supermarket first. I don't buy sukiyaki pans either, so I bought three according to the stove. It has to start without this. Do you also add cabbage and enoki to the green onion and spring chrysanthemum to the vegetables? The rest is shiitake, grilled tofu and eggs, and the rest is sukiyaki sauce. I use ready-made sukiyaki sauce. It's easier than making it, and it's delicious. Let's take a look first. Cut the green onions into cm wide diagonals and cut the cabbage into easy to eat sizes. Cut the chrysanthemum to about cm long and loosen the enoki to an easy-to-eat size once the stone is cut. Cut the roasted tofu into easy-to-eat sizes, and cut the shiitake into easy-to-eat lengths if it is Lower Yu. When I get a look down, I'm finally going to make it. Heat the sukiyaki pan and cook the leeks when the fat from the Wyburn is dissolved. Add Wyburn meat when the leeks have a baking color. When Wyburn's meat is cooked gently and the color changes, add the sukiyaki sauce to make it low heat. Add the grilled tofu, enoki, cabbage, and spring chrysanthemum and eat when the fire is over. Break an egg in a plate, two for a lot of fer and sui. Dora eats nearly twice as much as I do, so from that size, should I eat it? Well, two eggs would be nice, too, Dora. When you break two eggs at a time, melt gently, and add a large serving of Wyburn meat and a bit of vegetables there to tangle well. If I wanted to wake the three of you, I'd be waiting for you coveted behind me. "Yes, go ahead" I put a plate in front of the three of them. You couldn't wait for all three of them, and I immediately started eating them. "This Meat Ugly." 'Um, this sauce and meat go together. And this is an egg? This is all tangled up. It's even better. " "Yeah, yeah, it's a little sweet and soggy. It tastes so good when meat and eggs go together" Sukiyaki is great when it involves raw eggs. What, ah... is Wyburn a subspecies of dragons? I totally forgot that Wyburn here looks like a Pteranodon. Dra, are you okay with eating Wyburn? "D, Dora, its meat, it's Wyburn's meat, is it okay to eat it? Wasn't Wyburn a subspecies of dragons or something? Can't we eat together or something? Perhaps when I asked, Dora laughed at me with her nose. "There's no one in the dragon species who recognizes Wyburn as a dragon. Dragon breeds are all as intelligent as I am. Fools like Wyburn can't call themselves dragons. Besides, fellow countrymen, I wouldn't call them eating together unless I ate the same pixie dragon. I eat anything but my own. ' That's what Dra says and eats Wyburn sukiyaki guzzly. Dora is surprisingly wild to eat anything but her own. 'Dora is right. It is only reason that the strong feed the weak.' I agree with Dora's remarks while Fell snorts too. Well, if you say so. Oh, yeah. Thanks to Fell, who reigns at the top of the world, we're getting some delicious demonic meat, too. 'Well, don't think hard, you eat too. Ugh. " Because, Dora, that's the one I made. Well, I guess I'll eat, too. "" Replacement "" I can't eat it. I'm here to replace Fell and Suey. 'I'm already hungry. It was delicious. I knew I was right to be your squire.' "Um, you can say that." "Saucer rice is just delicious. Happy to have a delicious meal every day. ' Some people think it's just rice for Dora and Fell to say, but don't be rewarded with Sui's "Sui Happiness" at all. Really, Sui-chan? Yeah. I made a replacement for Sue. Fell's coming. I got a sukiyaki in between, too. It goes well with white rice. I haven't even wanted to drink sake in a long time, so I bought it in an online supermarket on the way. I grabbed a sukiyaki while sipping sake. By the way, Spring Chrysanthemum was disapproving of Fell, Sui and Dora, so I ate it alone. They don't like that bitterness. "Huh, that was delicious." "Sui, full" Looks like Fell and Suey are finally satisfied. "That's right, Fell, as soon as you get your Venom Tarantula reward in the guild tomorrow and you get paid to buy it, you're leaving for Dolan, right? "Hmm. I want to go to the dungeon soon." "What? Are you going to the dungeon? Dora reacted to the word dungeon. 'Um, we're going to the dungeon city of Dolan after this. I plan to go into the dungeon there. I've never been in a dungeon in a human city before, so I'm looking forward to it. " 'That's exciting! I've never been in a dungeon in a man's city before.' "Sui is also looking forward to the dungeon ~" Why are all my kids saying they're looking forward to the dungeon? I'm not looking forward to it at all as far as I'm concerned. "Why don't you go to the guild early tomorrow and head for the drain?" "Uhm, that's good" Dora continued to sleep in this beast house today, and me and Sui went back to our room. When I get to the guild and I'm done for, I'm finally leaving for Doran. Fell, Sui and Dora are both looking forward to the dungeon, so I'm a little worried that we're going to be staying in Dolan longer.
After we all had breakfast, relaxing in the living room, I heard a concoction and a door knocker. "Hmm? Who would that be? I don't suppose I had any plans to visit in particular. As I head to the front door with that in mind, once again I hear a concoction and a door knocker. "Yes, I'll be there now, just a moment" An Adventurer's Guild, I guess? I opened the door thinking it was possible that a complaint had been made to the Adventurer Alliance about yesterday's Fell Blast. "Thank you for waiting" "Too much waiting." A group of people who came into the house on their own like an avalanche, saying that horizontally. It is a group of several people and their seemingly badly galvanized students wearing flashy clothes embroidered with kiranquillan gold thread. I was just pissed off that he walked into the house on his own, even though he didn't invite me in. "Hey, what the hell are you guys?! You can come in on your own. Whatever you want." "Ha? Are you going to respond outside even though we came here because of you?! That's how one of the Kinkira hardware comes to breathe. I thought this was a mess. I immediately called for help. "Fell, Grandpa Gong, Dra, Sui, come here for a second! Weird guys are here! When I told him that in my reading, everyone immediately came. "What are these guys?" "It's a bad taste. It's a good one." 'I don't know. When I opened the door, I came in on my own.' "Hmm. On your own. It's a lot of work." Fell, Grandpa Gong and Dora's eyes sharpened. "Hey, what? Bring a dirty warcraft or something, a threat?! I've been pretty cocky about calling the Fells dirty warcraft. "He's my obedient and precious companion. Can you stop saying that? I don't have the guts to say that to you guys who've been walking into our house more or less on their own." When I said that, the Kinkira hardware turned bright red on his face and scattered angry gaggers. I've been a great nuisance in the morning, but who the hell are these people? "That word is too disrespectful! What do you care about us? "I don't know who you are, but I think it's you who're being disrespectful." You're definitely more disrespectful when all of a sudden you come in. "Coo, we're Lubanovs! This is the Bishop! Gee, you're a Lubanov. What brings you here? Even though I don't want to be associated with the Rubanov religion of Gorigori people supremacy. "Oh really? So, what can I do for you? "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! That's how the bishop and one of his surroundings breathed. "Well wait. You made a donation to a church in this city." "Yeah, I did, but what's that? "I thought you might have forgotten our Lubanov religion, depending on what you asked me" That's what the bishop said with a disgusting grin with Niyaniya. What are you doing, these guys, you want to get together after all? I didn't forget, I just didn't because I didn't want to. Guess what. "I didn't forget. I'm just saying I didn't because I didn't intend to." I was upset, so I made it clear. The bishop lifts his eyes to my words, and the people surrounding him are turning their faces bright red. "I'm not going to donate anything at all because there's nothing in Lubanov doctrine that I can empathize with. I'll always be." As I assure you, the surrounding people are even more furious and aroused. The bishop, for once, thought of his position. He did not yell at me, but stared at me with a bright red face. And in an angry voice he said, "Ho, does that mean fooling my Lubanov religion? Then we won't shut up, either," he said. The bishop turns a blind eye to the evil caution sticks of the gallows he had refrained from. The caution stick lays his hands on the pattern of a sword lowered to his waist. He seems to be intimidated that he can hang up at any time. Hmm, that's what I do with people. I mean, this is a complete threat, right? "Fell, Grandpa Gong, Dra, Sui, if these guys cut me off, knock me down. Oh, to the point of not dying. I have to report to the Adventurer Guild. ' "Even if you don't tell me, if I put my hands on you, I won't give it back for free." 'Right. But are these guys stupid? I don't know if our power will ever be there. " "Fenrir and the ancient dragon (Enchanted Dragon) are the same, but I'm going to try to help you out a lot. You stupid bastards." "If you bully me, I won't let Sui! Everybody can say whatever they want and it makes me laugh a little bit. "Obviously, it would be excessive, but we're all in the neighborhood." Now it's okay for the caution stick to do something about it. "What are you keeping quiet about? You can forgive me if I'm going to donate twice as much to my Lubanov religion as I did to another church." You mistook me for freaking out that I was talking to the Fells and keeping my mouth shut, and that's what happened when the bishop looked proud. "What am I mistaken at all? I was just stunned by you." "What?! "When I say I'm not going to donate to Lubanov, put a man with a weapon up front... Is this a threat? Threatening me to give you money is a complete blackmail, isn't it? It's a crime, right? When I said that, the bishop's face finally turned into a form of anger. "I just need to be bad. I'm curious. Whoa! Do it!" By that order of the bishop the caution stick pulled out the sword. "Well, do you mean you pulled your sword out in front of us? 'That's okay, right? Fell and Grandpa Gong spoke up and said so. And Fell, Grandpa Gong, Dora, and Sui stared at the Kinkira hardware and the gullible caution sticks, including the bishops. As soon as that happened, the caution sticks dropped their swords, slipped their hips and butted on the spot, and the kinkira moldings crawled and tried to escape as they slipped their hips and said hihi-hi. "I'll tell you what, my squire won't let anyone try to harm me. If you don't want to die, why don't you just leave?" When I said that coldly, a group of Lubanovs went out roaring. When he left, he said, "This is how we do it. Don't worry about it! I said," Let it go. It's a whole villain's throwaway dialogue. "What did they end up doing here? "I'm here to lay down my money. You donated a lot yesterday. It means donating to your own denomination." "Dora's right. But now that we're here, it's called Lubanovism, but we didn't take it for granted that we got it. I don't have any empathy for Lubanovism, so I don't have any shards to donate. I mean, if it's enough to donate to Lubanov, it's still better to dump it in the dob." "Huhahahahahaha, say that much" "Because it's true. Yeah, I'm going to the Adventurers Guild for a report. But..." I'm in trouble when those guys come back. That would be the trouble if something were done to the house on a stomach. Even though it's a rental. When I told everyone about it, Grandpa Gong and Dora left me a message. "Then Grandpa Gong, Dora, please." "Umm." "Souvenirs are fine with skewers." "Why is it a souvenir to get to the Adventurer Alliance?" "Skewers? Good. There was a delicious restaurant where I ate during this time. ' "Meat ~" No, no, no, neither Fell nor Suey get on with the conversation. "I'm coming anyway." I headed to the Adventurer Alliance with Fell and Suey for you. And I had Mr. Tristan summoned, and I told him details of what had just happened. "Hmm, Lubanov has done such a thing. This is important." You say that with a bad face, Mr. Tristan. "Huh, huh, you can't just do this. I'm on my way to the capital just to give the King what Mr. Mukoda has left me." What, Wangdu? No, I asked Mr. Tristan to keep the offerings to the king of this country, but what does this have to do with this? "Ah, Mr. Mkoda has nothing to worry about. I'll protest from you, and if you ever bother Mr. Mukoda again, I'll tell you that you're turning the Adventurer Alliance against your enemies." "Yeah, but we're leaving for Carrerina tomorrow." "Oh, did you" "Before I go home tomorrow, I'll show my face again, but thank you for taking care of me for so long" "No, I'd like to thank you for a good deal." "No, no. Anyway, I'll say goodbye to this city tomorrow, so I don't think I'll be seeing them again." "Because they're Lubanov, where common sense doesn't work. I will protest tough soon after this, so I know I will refrain from anything that would turn the Adventurer Alliance against the enemy. Well, we've already turned our country against the enemy. Fuhahahahahahaha" ... I think I heard something disturbing, but let's just say I didn't hear this. Don't sneak up on a god you don't touch.
Going in front of the Adventurer Guild at rendezvous time had already crowded Iron Will members. "Sorry I'm late" "No, never mind that we just came too soon" That's what the leader, Mr. Werner, said with a laugh. They're getting early action on everything. It's a good idea. "Let's go then." I nodded and left for the kingdom of Fennen. ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ The journey was well on its way out of the city of Keels. I can't even pull out the Iron Will formation. Put me in the middle, leading with Rita the scout, Vincent the swordsman on my right, Mr. Ramon the wizard on my left, Franka the recoverer on my rear right, and Mr. Werner on my rear left. When it comes to trouble, they say it's placement to best protect me, the client. "Time to take a break" Mr. Werner's voice gave him a lunch break. I'll start preparing my meals as promised. That said, I don't have much time, so it's an easy one. First, I got the cassette stove I bought from an online supermarket out of the item box. "Is that it? Mr. Mkoda is named after the item box. And the Magic Stove, it's amazing." "The capacity is small, though," he replies, nodding to Vincent's question. I heard you have a skill in the item box, so I tried to use it in the setting that you have the skill but the capacity is small. It's more convenient to have that extra package, and I have a decision that it would be better than weirdly hiding it. "I got this demon guide stove to give way from someone I know. I don't have a chance to use it anymore, so I gave it away pretty cheaply." I will say thrashing why I was thinking in advance about cassette stoves as well. It's also convenient to lie. Speaking with Vincent, pinch cheese and ham into the bread I bought at the online supermarket for an easy sandwich. And I put an instant consomme soup ingredient in a wooden cup, and of course I did it so I couldn't see it there. Pour boiling water in that cup with a cassette stove for lunch. "Ladies and gentlemen, your meals are ready." I give the adventurers a cup of soup and a plate of wood with sandwiches on it. "Well, I'll take it." Everyone starts eating at Mr. Werner's signal. "Ugh, uh-huh." "This bread is so soft and delicious." "Yeah, yeah, this bread is so soft and delicious. And this soup is delicious." "This is delicious." "Delicious..." Vincent, Franca, Rita, Mr. Werner and Mr. Ramon from above. That's good. But I'm so clueless. I was particularly surprised by the bread. He said that such soft bread can only be eaten by nobles. Sure enough, the bread we came here to eat was black or brown hard bread. I said to deceive, "This is my homemade bread, and when I left my hometown, I bought a lot of it and I was in the item box." We were all afraid of such precious things, but because they were food, I couldn't help but eat them and keep them. I gave them back. You can always refill your bread in the online supermarket. "Nevertheless, it would be appreciated if you could put it on something warm on the road." Everyone is nodding at Mr. Werner's words. "Really. You were right to take this request." When it comes to meals during the journey, it often becomes unsavory, such as dried meat and hard bread, and meals like the one I serve are a treat for eating on the journey. Eating delicious food soothed the place like everywhere together, and I played the story. Apparently, Iron Will was also talking among members to perceive the disturbances in this country and move to another country. He said he got the assignment because my request for eyes was just right. Actually, they had a request for escort duty with higher pay, but now they're not so much in trouble with the money, and they decided to take my request because if they could vouch for meals during the trip, they'd better. They don't look pretty stupid when it comes to the cost of food for five members. "I'm so glad you got the request this way. I also thought I should leave this country early and was anxious to know what to do for a time when the boarding carriage was suspended where I came to Keels, but thanks to all of you I can thus make my way to the kingdom of Fanen. If you look like this and are good at cooking, I'll take care of your meals ahead." When I said that, everyone smiled. Fun on a trip like this is about a meal. I'll let you do the best you can. So let me safely go to the kingdom of Fanen.
Ronkainen's Merchant Guild was a huge crowd, as I had heard, but the process went smoothly thanks to the fact that Orson, the guild master of the Adventurer Guild, was with him. Sometimes Fell, Grandpa Gong, Dra, and Sui's squire were together, and people who saw it pulled it off instantly so they could escape. Anyway, the purpose of renting a house is over. Sometimes Mr. Orson was there, and the Merchant Guild rep did a pretty good job, and a pretty good house was rented. According to the story, it looks like a luxuriously built house, a decadent LDK mansion. Best location as well as close to Adventurer Guild while being built in a safe neighborhood. However, only the garden seems to be a little too narrow for the Fells. That said, there's nothing I can do about it because the house with the largest garden in the house I can introduce is this house. Compared to the houses I've rented in other cities so far, they may be a little small, but they're big enough to have a whole football court in them, so I think they're big enough from me. This is all the house, so naturally the rent was quite expensive. 117 gold coins in a week. I've had requests I've received, and I have the most important mission of purchasing a magic stove, so I'm going to rent it for now for two weeks. The person in charge lost up to 220 "if you can borrow them for two weeks," so when I tried to pay, Mr. Orson said the price would be held in the Adventurer's Guild. Though I had an Adventurer Alliance at the end of the day, Mr. Orson was worth up to 210 gold coins. If you're going to make it that far, I'll pay you over here. Or when it comes to having an Adventurer Alliance, I hate it when they're going to turn over even higher rank requests. I can't help but take the three cases I received earlier, because the magic stove is a priority. Well, that's how we decided on a house in Ronkainen, and the first day went by. ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ "Hey, are you sure you're going? I just arrived in this city yesterday, and I don't want you to take a day off." Fell, Grandpa Gong, Dora and Sui, who wandered through the ginger grilled bowl of dungeon pork they had made and set aside for breakfast and enjoyed up to the cider after the meal, said they would go quickly and only to the requests received at the Adventurer's Guild. "I don't need a break. I'm just free. 'Cause I haven't eaten that in a long time.' "Uhm. Because I heard it was delicious. Did you say Berthakmad Club or something? Non is a demon I haven't eaten yet, and I'd like to taste it soon. ' 'Yes, yes. If you hear it's delicious, you'll want to eat it soon.' "I ate swine early too ~ I" Ha, so that's it after all. Appetite takes precedence over everything else. I don't think that's the place to be. As far as I'm concerned, I'm disappointed to see everyone who talks so much about the Berthac Mad Club. I thought you could relax about today. Oh, we're all willing to go, and this is the only way to go. "Hey, hurry up" "Yes, yes, I'll get it ready now. Yeah, when I said I was going, I stopped by the Adventurer Alliance." "Why?" "Why, you don't know where the Berthakmad Club is" "You can tell by the signs if you go for something like that" "Um, yes, my lord." Yes, yes, is that right? Our longevity was cheesy, wasn't it? "I want to try it fast! "Looking forward to it." Dora and Sui say that to swallow. "Not yet? "Lord, why don't we go soon?" Don't rush me like that. "I know. I'll have it ready in a minute." Thus we headed for the river Elemay, the great river inhabited by the Berthakmad Club, early after breakfast. 'There he is. That's it.' I slowly woke up from Fell's back and looked forward to what Fell had heard. A surface that extends on one side (everyone). "This is the Elemay River..." Because I heard it was a river, I don't know if it was a river, but it was as if I could honestly convince myself that it was a dodgy lake or sea there that I couldn't see the opposite shore. Overwhelmed by its size, Fell's thoughts. 'Hey, what are you scared of? I don't care about the river or anything. The prey is that way.' When Fell looks in the direction of his nose tip...... I've been meditating on my eyes, so maybe my eyes are a little crazy. I rubbed my eyes and then looked forward again. ............ Proximity, that's crazy, right? Crabs similar in size to a likely gazami, about four ton trucks, roamed the waterfront. That incredibly big crab is intimidating his surroundings as he closes and opens and beeps and sounds. "Whatever. Isn't that too big? A four-ton truck crab is too big to clean up because it's a demon. 'Um, you're bigger than what I ate before. It looks like it could use some food. " "If they were that big, they'd be hungry." "Yeah, but they can't eat that hard shell." "If it's hard but delicious, I'll eat it swirly." "Is that shell? I can't eat it, but it wasn't delicious in itself. The body in that shell is delicious." Come on, Fell, you even ate the shell... No, we were all eating like that raw until you met me. That's right. "Because you don't normally eat crab shells. Just eat yourself inside." "Mm. Then I'll leave it to you, Lord, to eat delicious food" "I know, I know." "Fuhaha, I'm looking forward to it" 'Oh. Let's just hunt and eat! "Sui will buzz you and knock you down -! "Hey, sui?! Sui went soooo far to the Berthakmad Club. "Guys! "I know. Sue, I can't believe we're going alone! That's what I'm saying. Hurry up and fly after Sui, Dora. "Oh, Sui and Dora are fine." "Ha, if you come with them at all..." "Hey, don't let Fel or Grandpa Gong settle down like that, go help Sui! Jump off Fell and push Fell and Grandpa Gong's body. "Though your Lord knows that Sui is strong." 'That's right, Lord. Sui is strong' "Well, I know, but Suey's just a kid! Come on!" That's what I said, pushed the body of Guigui, Fell and Grandpa Gong. "At all, the Lord is worried." Fell and Grandpa Gong finally headed under Sui and Dra. As I watch everyone go faraway, I hear voices. "Such an attack, it doesn't make sense to Sui." I could also see Berthakmad Club swinging a gachin, a gachin and a gachin trying to pinch a sui at my feet from here. "Heh, that kind of attack doesn't even work on me! Now he's trying to pinch Dra flying over the head of the Berthakmad Club. "Yikes! While the Berthakmad Club was distracted by Dra, Sui reached out his tentacles to attack. "Oh, Sue, you're running out! "Wait, Sue! Stop attacking the acid! He eats himself, so it's no use melting him down! In a way that doesn't scratch too much if you're going to knock it down! "Mm-hmm. Then it's the magic of water." Eh! ' Humph -. Berthakmad Club makes a dosung noise and falls on his back. "Wow, I did it! I could see Sui leaping pompously happily in front of the Berthakmad Club, lying on his back and holding his breath. "Huh? What did you do, Sui..." I just didn't see it. In the meantime, I joined everyone, too, because the threat of the seemingly ferocious Berthakmad Club was gone. 'Hmm. There's a hole, but it's small. It's sort of a hunt. Well done, Sui.' Fell is saying that while testing the Berthakmad Club. "Wow! Uncle Fell praised me ~" I am delighted that Sui jumped high with Pawn. "Sui is pretty good too." "Eh heh, Grandpa Gong praised me too ~" Sui, who exploded her joy, was jumping high with a bin bin. Among other things, Dora is the one who is infidel and rotten. "Damn, I knocked him out by myself, and he cheated on me." "Sui's was fast, so it wasn't cheating." I'll hunt the next prey! "Eh, Sui will hunt next time! "It's definitely me! Pull Sui away from Dra, who says so to look at each other. "Yes, yes, I don't fight." With that said, I turn my attention to the breathless Berthakmad Club. I look at a four-ton truck crab as it shivers. "Sui, how did you take this down? "Nah, Uncle Fell says you can't melt it, so I knocked it down with the magic of your water ~" "The magic of water? 'Ugh. I hit Mr. Crab with water! Beautiful water. What's a super high pressure water cannon? But...... Beat the shell of the Concoction and Versac Mad Club. "How powerful is a water cannon that penetrates this shell that looks hard like metal..." It was me who was getting a little worried about Sui becoming more and more battle specialised due to the influence around him, with the delightful Sui elsewhere.
I gently peered through the shade of the building at the orphanage in this city that Isaac told me about. I hear the healthy voices of the children. Hearing that energetic voice, I was a little relieved that there seemed to be no such thing as being too poor to eat or children being weak. But after all, it looks like the Borough family is ageing to see if the orphanage here is as blind to the institution as it is to the orphanage in Lawsendar. "Let me ask you something..." Start listening, but seeing Fell and Dora, who held back behind me, kept me from getting away with surprise a few times. I told him beforehand, "Never mind it's the submissive behind you," but now he's atrophied and he's hard to talk to me. When I gave him one silver coin to try after the trouble, Sora spoke smoothly. I could have known a lot, so it turned out to be O'Rei, though. The power of gold is great. So, according to the information collected, the orphanage here is at first run by the Church of the Water Goddess. Apparently, his former adventurer grandfather, a believer, is the dean and takes care of the children mainly. However, they say that a few apprenticeship sisters are sent by the church to take turns as an aid, as grandfathers naturally also come out blind on their own. So he managed to run the orphanage. The director, the former adventurer's grandfather, seems to be a hapless grandfather whose fist bones fly if he does something wrong, but he talks about taking good care of the children and being admired by them like an old father. However, as you can see from the exterior, it seems to be a cutlet economically. I heard that the cost of running the orphanage is basically covered by aid from the lords there and from the churches to which they belong, as well as direct donations. That said, it seems that all reality is about the tears of a sparrow. Come to think of it, even aid from lords won't be that much because given the priorities, orphanages can't be the best. Even the aid from the church is like the church itself is run by a bounce, so I'm sure you can't assist that much. It seems that donations are rare. 'Cause there's no such thing as a safety net in this world, and people say it's full of their daily lives. The director of the orphanage in Lawsendar told me that everywhere is tough is the status quo, but don't realise that story when you see it. When I looked at the orphanage building I could see from here, I felt indescribable. That building is too lame for you...... I guess we're also leaking rain, that one. From what I've heard, donating doesn't seem to be a problem, but I still don't know unless I actually look at it and treat it. So I decide to give him a tour. Well, then you can't just do that, but if you decide that you don't deserve a donation, reduce the amount. That's just what you have to do to give me just a few pieces of gold coins and come home. ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ "Sorry ~" I opened the door of the orphanage a little and spoke up. Then it came out... "Grandpa, hey? A five-year-old girl with a udder ear or so. Though my uncle is rarely called out in this world, I still have something to gush at. "Uh, would you call me your brother if you weren't your grandfather, young lady? Then, will you call the dean? "Okay -" The young girl ran away tattered. And a little bit later came the toddler girl holding his tough grandfather's hand. "This uncle is coming!" Usa Ear Toddler, I told you to call me your brother, not your uncle. "Oh, you... Well, no, come on in." The dean, Grandpa, invited him into the orphanage grounds with the Fells. Straw and children gather as soon as they enter. Fell and Dora at the end of the sparkling gaze of unafraid children. "Oh, hey." "Oh Kami and the Dragon! "" "" "Wow" "" " "Oh, me too?! Normally, it's a rare thing for children to have a little dragon. Fell and Dora are surrounded by children and screwed up. 'This, don't pull it. No! "Hey, don't touch me all over! I hear Fell, but I'm the only one who can hear Dra. Well, even if I heard voices, it wouldn't necessarily stop the kids with it. "Oh, Fenrir." "Well, for once" Sometimes Fenrill doesn't have the majesty or the heck out of it. But you figured it out very quickly. You're not supposed to see it unless you're some ranked adventurer. That feeling was on my face, my grandfather laughed and told me, "I'm also an A-rank adventurer." "But I heard about an adventurer who turned Fenrill into an obedient demon, but I didn't know it was true. Until I actually saw it, I thought I was frowning." Right, usually. "So, is the other submissive a dragon child? "No, it's a rare kind of dragon called Pixie Dragon. It's an adult." "Ho, you're a much better Tamer than not only Fenrill, but even a rare kind of dragon." "Hi. Then..., Slime of this special individual is one of us" I held up the sleeping sui in my usual leather bag and showed it to my grandfather. "Gahahahaha, you've never seen Tamer use Slime as an obedient demon" Slime is a miscellaneous fish demon in the public, so hey. "Uh, there's a wolf and a dragon! Awesome!" A -year-old boy who came out of an orphanage building said so with a full grin when he saw Fell and Dora. And when I try to rush to the discrete... "Wait a minute! Corne, you, did you do your job on duty? The dean's grandfather grabs the root of a boy named Corne. "Gee, Jizzy" "It's not Jizzy. I always told you to say" Dean. "So, what's your job on duty? "Um, the..." "You didn't do it, did you? "Yeah......" "Do what you do before you play. That's good." "E, I want to go to everyone. Even I want to touch a wolf with a dragon." "I didn't tell you not to play. If you want to play, do what you do." "But..." "I have to do it. If you're in love with me, you're out of dinner tonight." "Oh, my God, I thought you said supper was crunchy bread in thin imo soup." "Ho, you mean Corne doesn't need supper" "I'm here, I'm here! Wow, I just need you to do your duty properly." The Corne boy reluctantly turned his heel back into the orphanage building. "Ha, don't listen to me. There's a lot of him." You seem like a lot of naughty kids to see something. Good luck. "So, what's a good Tamer adventurer doing in an orphanage like this? "Um, well, just a little bit, but I thought I'd make a donation..." When I said that, my grandfather, who laughed nicely, came shoulder to shoulder disappointed. "You're a good guy. As you can see, it's a poor orphanage. Donations are accepted all year round. Let's go inside." Hey, Grandpa, because he's too harsh and scared to smile. And why shoulder to shoulder? You mean I won't let you get away with it? Me being dragged inside a cheat and orphanage building. "Oh, come on, where are you going?! "Oh, yeah, I'll talk to the Dean for a second, so Fell and Dora can play with the kids." 'Huh? Don't go! These kids are out of my hands.... Here, Lord there, don't pull your hair' 'That's right! These are demons! Stop it, don't pull your wings! That's just how Fell and Dora look handy to energetic children, too. "Fell and Dora are rare for the kids. Just deal with him for a while." "'No kidding!! Fell's voice and Dora's reading voice synchronized. Fell, Dora, wish me a good fight. "Hey, hey, Ruju, Sui's asleep." That's what your sleeping sui says and goes into a sulli and leather bag. "All right, the kids have a good playmate, so you'll be fine for a little while. In the meantime, why don't we talk about it? Nah!" Nah! Grandpa...... He's really this guy. I wonder why he's the director of the orphanage.
Gassa -. Vickered by the sound of the branches shaking, he turned the one who heard the sound. "What, you just rocked in the wind..." I'm cooking admirably right now. Eventually, we were to wait while cooking dinner for all of us in the empty space where we first stepped down. I have had a double hanging between Fell's junction and Grandpa Gong's junction, where junction magic could have been used as well. I also get tattoos from Fell and Grandpa Gong that it would be okay to meet Behemoth. So you'll be fine, maybe. I believe you, Fell, Grandpa Gong. Anyway, I got a tie, and Fell, Grandpa Gong, Dora and Sui's cartels went out hunting. I'm reluctant because I don't like one of them here either, but when Fell's guy says, "You'd better make dinner and wait for me, you'll be hungry and you can eat as soon as you get back," and "Don't do everything you can with the Lord." I'm not sure if you're paying attention, but if you say so much, I can check it out. I suppose you'd really like to say it's a leg job. Because if you say so much, you should be clear. Stop it because that's how you get cared for makes you sad! Something like that happened, and I offered to wait here. 'Cause if you're just a foot wrapper, you can't even follow me. I left for the hunt to take pleasure in my offer. That was fast, really. That's why I'm alone. But...... "Guaaahhh......" Something sounds heard from afar. I'm freaking out about that, too. Being alone in a situation like this really freaks me out with a little noise. "Oh, calm down, me. Both Fel and Grandpa Gong said that whatever came of this bond would be fine." Speak up as you tell yourself. "Huh. Focus on cooking, I don't care" What I'm making now is meat dumplings. In the meantime, Sui helped me make a lot of hiccups. I intend to make more meat dough soup using sweet vinegar from meat dough mainly. Where I mix it in a bowl with dungeon pork hiccups, minced onions, eggs, bread flour, liquor, sesame oil, grated shoga (with tubes), soy sauce and salt and pepper. Keep your mind calm and continue. Mix the contents of the bowl thoroughly until sticky. I'm losing my mind. "Okay, you can do this" When the meat dough seed is ready, the rest is rounded to the appropriate size. When fried in oil, it shrinks a little, so it feels like it's going round with a bigger feeling. When you are done rounding the meat dough, then fry it in oil until it has a tight color. "Yeah, sounds good, sounds good" There's fried meat dough on the bat with the kitchen paper in good shape. And then more and more fried meat dumplings in the same way. The Fells need a lot of food anyway. I fried a lot of meat dumplings from next to next. "Huh, that's it" When I'm done frying the meat dough, I'm going to make sweet vinegar. Place water, ketchup, vinegar, soy sauce, sugar, liquor, mirin and single-chestnut flour in pan and place on fire until thickened. Then add the meat dough to the frying pan and put it on fire, then add the thickened sweet vinegar amulet and tangle firmly in the meat dough. Lay the lettuce on a plate, serve the meat dough with sweet vinegar on top, and finally paralyze the white sesame seeds. "Sweet Vinegar with Meat Dumplings Finished" Try one cheek for a taste. "Atchi, fuha, ho...... Delicious! I can't resist the crispy, fluffy meat dumplings and sweet, flavored sweet vinegar." As I was wondering if I should eat another one, my ear-busting roar wrapped around me. Looking back as Gho...... A familiar giant broke into this empty space as he pushed down the trees. "Beh, beh, behemoth. Ah! Behemoth, who hastily turned me elsewhere and locked me on, ran straight at me as he sounded the ground. "What, hey, wait, wait, wait! Come here. Ah! I left the important magic stove intact, tried to run and escape, but was quickly caught up by a behemoth of considerable speed in the cracking of the giant. "Grrrrrr" And then a shaken up thick foreleg comes down overhead. Crushed -. I meditated on my eyes when I took all my time off. ............... is that it? No shock whatsoever. Or if they crush me like that, I'm still conscious even though I'm sure of instant death. When I open my fearful eyes, a black shadow comes from over my head. Looking up, I saw the back of Behemoth's black leg. "Thanks to the bond between Fell and Grandpa Gong! Oh, thank God! I was relieved that I was saved for a while. Behemoth was angry that he couldn't crush me, and he tried to crush me by shaking up his forefoot over and over again. Don't, don't, don't, don't -. "Do it, stop it! Don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't -. "Come on, give it up. I mean, the durability of this junction, you're gonna be okay, right? Thanks to the junction, but I'm worried about endurance this time for Behemoth's intransigent attacks. "Give it up and go away!" You got my wish, Behemoth's trample attack stopped. "'Cause now you're gonna bite me. Ooh! The big mouth of Behemoth's sharp fangs was looming. But it is also inhibited by the bond between Fell and Grandpa Gong. Behemoth follows me from all directions to eat and kill me. Behemoth looking at me abominably. "Go away - go away - go away quickly - go away. Hey, come back soon!" I wait jizzily for Behemoth to leave, chilling to see when the junction will be broken. My wish was vain, too, and the next thing Behemoth locked on was the massive amount of meat dough he had on the workbench beside the magic stove. Behemoth, who made a noise with Dosudos and headed that way, is devouring every bat and plate of meat dough he had placed. And I wondered if I was finally leaving after eating, what I thought, and even started eating every pot of oil and sweet vinegar that was on the magic stove. "Gahhh, stop it!!! Because my teeth are hitting the magic stove. Ah! My precious magic stove breaks. Ooooooooo! "Ferru, Grandpa Gong, Dra, Sui, everyone come home soon -!!! I activated a conversation for everyone who didn't know where they were or whether they would arrive. Meanwhile, Behemoth could do whatever he wanted, and the ingredients of the meat dough soup he was preparing next, as well as the seasonings he was serving, were also rooted in its belly. It was the beginning and end of the demonic stove, which was crooked and distorted into distortion and falling behind. I'm getting angry at you for being so miserable. "Kon's fucking behemoth. Ah! I took a Swiss special Mithril spear out of the item box and poked it at him. "Damn, why are you so hard! I'm supposed to be a spear with an exceptionally sharp misrill, but I'm inhibited by the hard, thick skin of a behemoth and the blade tip doesn't move on. "This, this ~" I tried to stab him over and over, but he couldn't. Behemoth waves his arms at me as if he laughs at me like that. "Guh." I got blown up. I bounced dozens of meters away and finally stopped. "Chi, chi chi chi ~" "Grrr." "Oh, I'm here already." Behemoth, who had already arrived in front of me, rolled me like a ball as if he were telling me to serve more food. "Already, go somewhere anyway -! Thanks to the junction between Fell and Grandpa Gong, there was no damage, but they ate the meat dough they had just made, destroyed the precious magic stove, and couldn't help but desperately wish Behemoth, the root of all his evils, to go somewhere anyway. Often you get beat up for doing so. Behemoth's movements suddenly stopped. And when I turned my heels back, I ran into the woods at first sight. "Hey, what the fuck? I get up hoping for Behemoth, who finally left. And I dropped my shoulder in a dismal manner that I saw again. "Oh, what's wrong, Collee?" The dish is something you can cook again, but there's nothing you can do about the demonic stove that's damaged by the bump. "You won't even be able to repair it when you get here..." Even though it's a magic stove that I've loved so much. Fells returned where they were dismayed and dropping their shoulders. 'I got the readings telling me to come home early, and I rode Grandpa Gong home..., what happened? The Fells were also surprised by the misery of the bumpy magic stove. "It's Behemoth, Behemoth" When I was preparing dinner, Behemoth showed up and told everyone he'd do whatever he wanted. "I myself owed nothing to the bond between Fell and Grandpa Gong." 'Naturally. It's a double bond between me and Grandpa Gong. Behemoth, there's no way you can break it with your attacks. " "Uhm. If I could break that line, it would be about ours, the party I put up with." "But the meat dumplings I prepared for dinner were eaten, and they destroyed the magic stove" "What?! He said he ate our dinner! Oh, there's Behemoth. "Honorette, you will never forgive us for eating our rice." "Hmm. Eating our dinner on your own is worth dying for." "It's annoying. Let's kill 'em. "Do you not really understand Fell, Dora, and Sui? Anyway, isn't that what we call a behemoth hunt tomorrow '? 'Naturally, Grandpa Gong. We need to remind ourselves that there's no way we can just take our stuff. " "Hahaha, I can tell you. Let's remind him what happens when he licks us. ' Fell, Grandpa Gong and Dra were grinning invincibly. Hey, I'm scared, guys. But I won't stop against Behemoth because I'm a businessman, too. Ha, but I'm tired. Tiredness pushed me closer when I was relieved everyone was back. "Hey, hey, Ruji, are you okay? As I sat on the ground with my hips down from tiredness, Sui stopped by. "Oh, I'm fine. I'm just a little tired." You know, Sue, I'm hungry. "Oh well. But I'm sorry. Dinner was ready, but Behemoth ate it. So sweet bread for dinner today." Open an online supermarket and buy tons of confectionery bread. "Eh, sui, I like sweet, but I wanted some meat for dinner." "I'm sorry, Sui. When I get home tomorrow, I'll make you the meat dough you were supposed to eat today, so be patient today." "Buh." 'Don't be stubborn, Sui. We had our dinner. Bad behemoth. Tomorrow we're going to defeat that Behemoth. " "I ate Sui's dinner, Bestring is a bad Bestring! Bad Bestrings Yes - I'm gonna bust you and knock you down! "Yeah, I'll be with you tomorrow." "Mm, are you coming? "I'm a little scared, but I'm going. 'Cause they broke an important magic stove. If you can't just bathe a knife, you won't get hungry." So I decided to go with the Behemoth hunt tomorrow, and we hung out for a long treat for dinner tomorrow and fell asleep.
We're all hungry when we get home. Big chorus. I'm hungry, too, and I was tired, so I decided to make it dinner with fries I made during the day as meals during my journey. Of course, I served plenty of homemade tartar sauce. "Uhm. Delicious. Especially this is delicious' That's what Fell said while eating the whole fried shrimp "Vermillion Shrimp" out of his head. "Don't go with the sea mon and this white sauce. All Ume ' That's what Dora says and eats fries with tartar sauce from one end to the other. "This is delicious. I can eat this sweet." I think Sui really liked the fry. Tartar sauce would be delicious. All right, I'll eat, too. I added white rice and instant but miso soup, just like when I was fried oysters. Let's start with fried aji (aziro) with plenty of tartar sauce. Saku. Whoa, plump body deliciousness. It goes perfectly with homemade tartare sauce. I immediately ran out of one. Why don't you go with Uster sauce for the other one? I'm definitely a tartar saucer for fried seafood, but sometimes you want to eat even uster sauce. Packle a fried egg (aziro) with Ustar sauce. Um, this one's delicious, too. "No, what's that brown? When I was eating with Wuster sauce, Fell called me out looking for it. "Is this it? This is Uster sauce. This is delicious even on the fries. I'm definitely that white, it's called tartar sauce, I like that one, but occasionally I want to eat this uster sauce. You want to try some Fell, too? 'Uhm. We'll eat. Then it's over. Give me that Wuster sauce for the change. " Oh, Fell already ate it all. I put the fries on a plate and served them with Ustar sauce. "Mmm, isn't this Ustar sauce and what I did delicious, too? Especially for this fish and this shellfish. ' Fell says Ustar sauce would be better suited for Aji (Ajiro) fries and Hamagli (Big Hard Crumb) fries. Fell has come to say something quite plausible about whether it's tartar sauce or uster sauce by fries. "Oh, come on. I ate that brown one, too." "I ate a swine too." Dora and Sui also want to hang sauces. Dora and Sui also served a different fry and served it with uster sauce. 'Whoa, isn't this Ume, too? It's white, it's ume, it's ume. Dora seems to have a hard time wearing tartar sauce and uster sauce, A and B. "This is delicious too, but I wonder if Sui prefers white." Sui sounds like a tartar saucer, just like me. We missed lunch, so we all ate baku and got paid for it. Do it. White. Brown. Everybody says it to their liking, so it was tough. That's how I finished dinner and took a sigh of relief. I offered everyone a cold cup of tea. Everyone looks hungry and satisfied. We've lost a lot of fries in the daytime. I have to make fries again before I go on my journey. After a sip of Gokuri and tea, I cut out the story. "How did you get that red dragon? 'At first we were hunting normally, too. But...' Fell says he was normally hunting prey in the woods at first. You think you felt strong signs along the way? So, Fell also told Dora and Sui that we all decided to follow the signs. "It was the Red Dragon that I found up ahead. So I decided to hunt." You said you decided to hunt because you found it... But Dora is nodding about that Fell story. "The Red Dragon is the most prestigious of the dragon species, and I never liked it." But the Red Dragon (Red Dragon) is flying through the sky, although he has decided to hunt. So the three decided to work together to hunt the Red Dragon. 'That's where I was gorgeously ahead. I'm the only one who can fly, no matter what. " Dora spoke up so well. According to Dora's story, first Dora flew to the vicinity of Red Dragon (Red Dragon) and took a moment to direct them to those with Fell and Swiss. And when the Red Dragon (Red Dragon) flies low... "It's an attack with Swiss acid. I had acid flying against the wings of the Red Dragon, and I made a hole in my wings! be, sui ' "Ugh, that's awesome. I buzzed Mr. Red Dragon! I did it to the wing like my Uncle Fell taught me before ~ ' Dragon explains that a dragon is not flying using wings like a bird, but using magic to fly. Of course, Dora is flying with the same magic. But just because the dragons are using their magic to fly doesn't mean the wings haven't played a role at all. Wings seem to have an important role in wings and are essential for adjusting speed and adjusting and balancing the direction they go. "If there's a hole in that wing, it's naturally out of balance and falling with Dosun." "Uh-huh. That's where I ended up with my thunder magic." I see. So where Dra flew and led the Red Dragon to a low altitude flight, Sui shot out the wings with acid bullets and shot off the Red Dragon. And even the red dragon (Red Dragon) that fell on the ground unleashed Fell's thunderbolt magic? Fell, Dora and Sui's trio are too invincible. Simultaneous attacks with all of us are pretty good, but if we work together, dragons flying in the big sky will be easy to hunt. Uh, but come on...... "You know, next time you find a dragon, if it's not attacked, leave it alone." No, why? "If you don't get attacked, you can leave me alone." "That's right, but the dragon's meat is delicious." It's delicious, you. "Honestly, if you can hunt dragons, you'll have trouble processing them." Mr. Erland is the only one who can ask for a demolition. "Think about it, Mr. Elland is the only one who can ask you to dismantle the dragon. Every time I hunt a dragon, I have to go to the dragon one at a time, and the materials are too expensive to get me to buy them all. Even the ground dragon (earth dragon) has a good amount of extra material and is fattened into the item box. It's tough to crack this." I have no idea when I'm going to be able to smile. They finally bought out two bottles of blood here in Bellain. Now we're adding Red Dragon material. Even if Mr. Elland demolishes it, Doran is buying a lot of ground dragon (ground dragon) materials and dungeon products, and I don't know how much Red Dragon (red dragon) materials you can buy. I've had my hands on saving in item boxes all the time, but I already have some of those in that state, and hey. "I guess it's best not to hunt useless dragons here," "Gu Tu" "Well, I don't think I'd run into such a little dragon. Anyway, unless you get attacked, you're gonna need no help." "Humph, I can't help it" Fell seemed dissatisfied but he managed to understand. Dora and Sui, please. "Chih, shah, shah" "Okay -" Dora's a little dissapointed, but convinced me. I guess Sui isn't into dragons. "Oh, fuck you. Either way, after this city, we're going to Aveling, and we're going to fight a lot of demons again." 'No, you did. After this city, you're going to a dungeon in a different city. " 'Oh, you did! We're going to the dungeon again. Looking forward to it.' "Dungeons, dungeons! Fun ~ ' I wonder what Aveling's dungeon is? I'm gonna try a little hard this time, too, and now I'm gonna have to gather some information before I get in.
Hehe, I got them all! Hah, they were so unresponsive! Dora-chan and Sui quickly destroyed a small group of dinosaurs. Hmm. Of course Dora and Sui do. That's too different for Dora and Sweet. "Um, a fierce dinosaur like Piranha..." "Moreover, I was blowing fire..." It was rolling in a terrible way. "Ahh, it's okay to knock it down, but I don't think I'll be able to get the material..." It was all scorched & partly melted corpses. I don't mind. The meat here is not delicious either.Besides, you can't help it if you take such a miscellaneous fish home with you. " If you're targeting it as a material, it's definitely a big one. Fel and Grandpa Gong say that. I almost got flushed too, but no, I think I can wait. Fel and Grandpa Gong call it a miscellaneous fish, but isn't this actually unusual? I mean, I've never heard of a monster like a dinosaur. According to Fel and Grandpa Gong, if this is a special place like "Uranus", it's definitely something that hasn't been entered for hundreds of years. In that case, I think this little dinosaur that Fel and Grandpa Gong are talking about as a miscellaneous fish would be enough reference material for an adventurer's guild. When I bought out the monsters from Uranus, the guildmaster said something like that. Maybe it was because of that, but I bought all the monsters from Uranus. That's why I collected it for now. Of course, the relatively beautiful remains. Hey, you're telling me that even if I collect such a miscellaneous fish, I won't add anything to it. "No, Fel and Grandpa Gong are talking about this, but have you ever been here before?" When Gito looked at Fel and Grandfather Gong in his eyes, Fel said, "I don't know," and Gong said, "I don't know." "Um, hey..." I told Fel and Grandpa Gong what I was thinking earlier. The point is that monsters in places that are not available to such people can be valuable materials for the Adventurer's Guild. Hmm, hmm, I see. Do as you please. " Well, that's right. You can do as you please for the Lord to retrieve. " Hmm. I'll do whatever I want. So I recovered all the monsters I had defeated. Now I might be able to evade the Guildmaster's sermon. Well, that's the main order. Guildmaster, I hope you won't get angry because I'll collect your valuable materials. ◇◇◇◇◇ "Gah, do something quickly!" Shut up for a second! You're loud and focused on fighting! My lord! Even if you don't worry so much, the barrier between us won't break! That's right! We're fighting, so please be quiet! Sweet is strong! Aii! Fel, Grandpa Gong, Dora-chan, Swe, they're all in a fierce battle right now. Everyone's complaining about me, but you're actually enjoying the fight, aren't you? I'm being attacked with admiration. The barrier is definitely blocking the attack, but I'm going to try to gnaw at you without you! Why are you so aggressive? "Anyway, please finish this quickly and help me ~!" I was just shrinking my body while yelling like that. Before this happened, when we defeated the little dinosaur, we were walking through the woods again. That's where he first came in. Fel was the first dinosaur to be defeated. It was large enough to look up, and there were characteristic spiny protrusions lining the neck. And the red eyes that gnaw at us. After exhaling through his fuzzy nose, his open mouth was lined with sharp teeth. It was strange, but the figure was clearly in my eyes as I saw it in the movie. When I was stunned by the figure, I heard a voice that was difficult to express, such as the sound of a dinosaur that I heard in the movie, and then attacked us with a quick move that was not commensurate with the giant. ”Hah, that big guy over there!I'm going to take on my opponent! That's how Fell got into the fight. Whether it's Fel or not, Grandpa Gong, Dora-chan, Sui and I retreated a little further away. After appraising the ferocious dinosaurs, he called it "Acrocanthosaurus". Of course, it was carnivorous, and it was strange to spray fire here. And...... "Hey, it looks like he's vomiting acid too!" Humph, acid doesn't work for me! Acrocantosaurs wave their heads over and over again to bite Fel. However, it was not appropriate to capture Fel in that degree of movement. Whether you're in a hurry or not, the Acrocantosaurus is in a motion to spit something out as you shake your head. That's why the acid doesn't work on me.Besides, you may be quick here, but it's like you're stopping for me. ” I said that and swung my forefoot down. Zaaaa... Acrocantosaur's chest was slashed, and his head fell to the ground. When it was settled, I was relieved for a while. Perhaps the sound of the battle between Fel and the Acrocantosaurs attracted one dinosaur after another. I always saw him, and I knew he was fierce. Of course, the gong of battle rang and the battle began. Fel was dealing with one of the most ferocious dinosaurs in the world, and it was called "Giganotosaurus" in the appraisal. In the explanatory note, it was also written that it blows fire, and it also chews down the hydrangea. Grandpa Gong was dealing with Tyrant T'Rex, who I didn't know existed. In the description of the appraisal, it was said that the fire would be blown and the Adamantite would be chewed to pieces. And there was an instant death poison in my nails. Dora-chan's opponent was "Calcalodontosaurus" in the appraisal. On top of that, they had claws that cut through Adamantite. Sweetheart's opponent was "Carnotaurus". It is small compared to other dinosaurs, but with the appearance of two horn-like protrusions on the head, the acrocanthosaurus that was in a quick motion is often not as cool. It was nothing but fear to chase Sweetheart around in such a swift manner. In the description, it was said that the fire would be blown, the Adamantite would be chewed down, and the prey would not be missed with its tough legs. In the midst of such fierce battles on all sides with such terrible dinosaurs, I said, "Just get it over with!"So I waited, but the dinosaurs didn't wait. The dinosaurs came to me, too. Fells are much smaller than the dinosaurs they're dealing with, but they're ferocious just by looking at them. Well, from the moment you looked me in the eye, a group attacked me. Whether the barrier I've stretched blocks the attack or not, it's the ferocity of trying to bite me with a gun. The dinosaur "Velociraptor" that was so militant came to me. And now... Gang, gang, gang, gang, gang, gang, gang. "Whoa, aren't you finished yet?!" Boo-hoo... These guys are spraying fire! I thought I was going to shrink from the constant attacks. I mean... " "Although it's a different world, these dinosaurs are definitely crazy!"Demiurgos created this world, didn't he?!Why did you make this ahhhh!!! " When I unexpectedly complained to the Creator God I knew, a voice echoed in my head. No, well, I'm not. While referring to the dinosaurs in the Lord's world, I added a little something called "I'm getting angry". " "What is that light snail!"Because there's no need to add such originality! " But I completely forgot, but I survived. Hmm, hmm. " "Hey, did I forget?!" No, well, that's what happens.Besides, since you have the most powerful fenrir and ancient dragon in the world, you won't be alright. " It's not all right! Oops, they called me.Well, that's not true. Farewell ~ " "Hey, Demiurgus-sama?! Demiurgus-sama!"
We whispered in the shade of a tree and peered into an oak settlement. Thanks to Sui, it didn't take that long to get near the woods. Even after entering the woods, Fell's lead was also able to reach the Oak settlement smoothly. The Shadow Warrior (Shadow Warrior) faces were surprised by the journey too early, but the time is short. I want it to be over by the end of the day. All you have to do is put an oak settlement in front of you and destroy that one. The settlement was in an open place in the woods. I'm guessing the oak built it. I can also see a dilapidated digging shed. "Fell, do you know how many there are? I asked Fell in a low voice not to be noticed. "That's about 00." Two hundred, you're here. "What about Oak King? 'You're not here. There seems to be some superior species, but there's not so much sign of them.' As Mr. Yoran told me, do you mean the top species are oak readers and oak generals? "What kind of operation are we going on? That's what Mr. Alonzo asks, and the other members of Shadow Warrior (Shadow Warrior) see me. "There is no such thing as an operation... Fell, after all, it's just the way it always is, isn't it? "Uhm. Must win first. The attack is the biggest defense. Me and Dora and Sui are going to finish it. The Lord, do not miss the escaped oak." Yeah, you will. "I mean. You can leave it to our submissive. We've been fleeing the settlement. Be careful not to miss the oak." With that being said, the faces of Shadow Warriors (Shadow Warriors) seem confused as to whether that is really okay. 'Then I'm coming. Dra, Sui, let's go. " "Hyah ho! I've been waiting for you! "Sui, good luck! That said, Fell, Dora and Sui popped up in momentum. I don't know what else to say from there. There's no way my kids are going to be around the oak. Zaku -. "" "" "" Buhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii "" " Numerous orc amputees were heard. Oh, is that Fell's dirt magic? A sword mountain-like needle protruded extensively from the ground, skewering the oak. With this magic, we've lost nearly half our oak. "Hey, what the..." I heard such a crush. Looking next door, the faces of the Shadow Warrior (Shadow Warrior) opened their mouths slightly and stared at the Oak settlement. You shouldn't be surprised at this much. Dora and Sui will continue to attack after this. Dosh, Dosh, Dosh, Dosh, Dosh, Dosh, Dosh, Dosh, Dosh. -. Now the pointy columns of ice appearing in the universe descend into the oak one after the other and pierce themselves. This is Dra's ice magic. This reduced the oak to about a quarter. Buh, buh, buh, buh, buh -. Sui's acid bullet shoots out the oak in the middle of a blow. Most of the remaining oak fell down as food for Sui's acid bullets. "What the hell, those guys..." "Oak settlement in such a short time..." "It can't be..." "Those submissive demons are too strong..." The faces of Shadow Warriors (Shadow Warriors) are twitching when they see the Fells battle. Yeah, I know how you feel, but it's true. My kids are all strong. I was at the edge of the settlement and I saw the orcs escaping everyone's attack. Besides, those oaks were coming this way. "There's an orc on his way from the settlement. Whoa! Speaking so, the faces of the Shadow Warriors (Shadow Warriors) returned to me with their weapons. I can also remove the Mithril shortsword from the item box. You're knocking down trolls and minotaurs in a dungeon, and you're an inferior oak than that, so you just need to calm down and deal with it. All right, the oak's here. "Eh." Cut off the leg of the orc that has escaped. Where I was frightened... Poke your heart out. All right! "Wow." The moment I knocked down the oak and lost my mind, I was thrust from the side and crashed into a tree. It hurts. "Buhiwi" Oak was staring at me in anger. "You did it, you fucking oak! Stone Barretto, Stone Barretto, Stone Barretto! Shot stone debris (stone barrette) at the oak that thrust me. Dosssssss, dosss, dosss -. Stone debris about five centimeters in diameter hit the oak directly. "Puggyyyyyy" Oak in stone rubble, screaming and kneeling. In the meantime, I cut my neck off with a mythrill sword approaching the oak. The neck of the oak fell in the bottoms. "Phew." Looking around, it looks like Shadow Warrior (Shadow Warrior) faces have also defeated a couple of oaks. "Aren't you there anymore? "Oh, the orc that's been running away is just here" That's what Mr. Alonzo said. "Then let's go to the settlement." "What do we do with this orc? "I have an item box, so I'll collect it for now. We'll decide what to do later." How we split up later, we recovered the oak for now and headed under the Fells. ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ When I came to the place where the orc settlement was located, countless corpses of orcs were scattered. Fell, Dora and Sui in it. Um, that's amazing. We're all too strong. The faces of Shadow Warriors (Shadow Warriors) draw their faces to the amount of oak that fell on one side of the perimeter. "That's an amazing sight..." "Oh, I've wiped out the orc settlement in such a short time." "If the orc settlement is destroyed, it would be harmful to the adventurer if it were normal..." "Oh. I can't believe it's all intact and over in such a short time." Something, I'm sorry. But for us, it's normal driving, yes. "Then I'll collect the oak here too." Ignoring the faces of the glittering Shadow Warrior (Shadow Warrior), Fell and Dora retrieve the oak as they help Sui. "Huh, it's over" When the retrieval was complete, the faces of the Shadow Warrior (Shadow Warrior), who had returned to sanity, had destroyed and burned the digging shed made of oak. Mr. Alonzo, when I asked him, he said that it's the iron rule to break this kind of thing. "If you leave it there, the orcs and the goblins will live there again." I see. "Fortunately there were no victims this time, but if there were, it would be the iron rule to burn the body too" I knew that was sometimes the case...... That's right. I heard and knew that there were no females in orcs and goblins and that we had to increase the number of other animals, demons and humans to nursery beds. Lust is strong, and orcs and goblins especially prefer human women. Considering that, as Mr. Alonzo said, sometimes the victim is on the spot. At that time, I don't know if I can stay calm, but I might have to understand that that can happen. "I'm talking about burning your body on the spot, won't you hand it over to your family? "Oh. In person. Family, because you don't want to look like that and you shouldn't want to see it. That's what's happening with tacit understanding." Really...... Being caught by orcs and goblins is only a nightmare for him and his family. "Besides, the possibility of being undead is denied, so it's the iron rule to burn the body." Mr Clement adds that. Undead? You're here, zombie. When I asked him, he said he rarely answered, but sometimes he did. As far as the dungeons are concerned, we talked about some of the hierarchies that just come out like that. Ugh, that's right. I just hope that's not the kind of hierarchy in the Avling dungeon that goes after Bellain. That's a measure if you were dead, isn't it? What am I supposed to do if I was alive? "What if the victim was more alive? When I heard that, the faces of the Shadow Warriors (Shadow Warriors) each looked sinister as they looked at each other. "... that's the most tragic case. You think an oak or a goblin can keep you sane? Oh well...... "Most of the time, you'll either hurt yourself on the spot, or you're losing your sanity and you'll be sent to the Temple's protective home. If I were alive, I'd take you home once, but I don't know if I'd be happy or unhappy..." It seems that the Temple's Protective Home is a place to protect those who cannot live alone due to mental illness or limb defects. They don't have many, but they have places like that in this world. It was a Goblin Nest extermination battle, but the faces of Shadow Warriors (Shadow Warriors) said they had encountered such occasions once. The victim was only a girl in her mid-teens, but when she found him, she was losing her sanity. The kid was sent to a protective home and said he heard rumors of wind that he was still spending time there. "In order not to increase the number of victims like that, we adventurers have to be physically aggressive in hunting these garbages." That's what Mr. Mathias said. "That's what happened. Oak and goblins will increase soon. We always hunt when we see him." That is what Mr Ernesto said following Mr Mathias. The face of this Shadow Warrior (Shadow Warrior) is strong, but he's a pretty hard adventurer. I could only imagine an adventurer as a profession hunting demons and selling their materials to make money, or selling drops and stuff they got diving into a dungeon, but when I heard about the faces of Shadow Warrior (Shadow Warrior), I changed my mind a bit. To be honest, I didn't even like to see goblins, but from now on, I'll try to hunt them if I see them. Orcs, too. So, if the damage is going to be any less, I've never been over it. Where the cabin burned down, we followed where it was an oak settlement.
"Goku goku, and this liquor is delicious! "Oh. I never knew a cold ale would taste so good." "Besides, it goes perfectly with this Mr. Mkoda meat dish" "Oh, no. You can do as much as you want." That's not a ale. When I said beer in a bottle, it was this one. So I prepared a black label beer for company S. Everyone seems to like it and I drink it gook like water. Everyone seemed to be getting unraveled by the alcohol in it, making it look like it would be fun to eat and drink. "No, there's no booze..." Mr. Siegvald, the dwarf, is turning the empty beer bottle upside down. Oh, you don't have it anymore. I was going to prepare more. That's more than I expected. Everybody drinks a lot. You were right to buy extra beer just in case and keep it in the item box. "I'll serve you some extra booze. Please wait." I put a new beer out of the item box and put it on the table. "Whoa, that's bad." That's what Mr. Seegvald is trying to pour beer into the glass at his discretion. "I'll pour it. Here you go." Grab a bottle of beer and pour it into Mr. Seegvald's cup. Mr. Seegvald said "I'm sorry" and had a beer with Gokugoku. "Goku Goku Goku, Puch ~... yummy! That's Dwarf, that's a nice drink. "But you've never had such a delicious ale before. You can drink as much as you want because it's cold and it's over your throat." "This is called lager beer, and technically, it's not like ale." "Hmm? No? Well, anything that tastes good is fine. Gahahahahaha." That being said and laughing, Mr. Siegvald drank up the beer that was left in the cup with a gook. "Whoa, I almost forgot. Wow. That's what I said yesterday." Mr. Seegvald took the bottle out of his nose and gave it to me. A golden liquor, in a handcrafted, transparent bottle. Seegvald, the dwarf, said it was a good drink, so I don't care what you think, it seems to have a high alcohol content... You can't go on like that and not drink it, but I pulled out the cork from the bottle and tried just a little. Gokuri -. It feels like my throat is burning. "Go-ho, go-ho, go-ho, go-ho... ha, ha, ha, ha, what is this?! I've only had a few drinks, but my throat is hot enough to burn. I usually only drink about a beer. A tight word for me. I immediately rewore it with the orange juice I had prepared with the beer. "Gahahaha, this is the Dwarf drink. Bye." What's with the Dwarf liquor? It's too much alcohol to know what it tastes like. "It's not funny. - What is it? I thought you could burn your throat." Stupid to say so, Mr. Gaudino and Mr. Gidion came. Fished by it comes the face of the Shadow Warrior as well. "Seagvald, did you, Mr. Mukoda, give you that booze? That's what Mr. Gaudino says in a frightened tone. "Ahahahaha, you can't drink Dwarf's if you want to keep it, Mr. Mkoda." Mr. Gidion is laughing. "Gidion like that used to recommend this liquor to Seagvald, and he fell down." "Hey, leader, don't fall apart." When I hear that, the faces of the Shadow Warriors laugh. "Gahaha, I hear Dwarf's booze is tight." It's not like you should have high alcohol levels at all. ... No, wait. If you had booze with a high alcohol content, I would have prepared it too. To tell you the truth, I was thinking about today, and I had a couple of drinks ready for you last night. Because of this, there was a liquor store in the tenant, so while I was looking at the liquor store menu, that and this eventually turned out to be the cool kind. However, this morning, when I thought about it a lot, I figured that the best fit for BBQ was beer, right? "So I ended up serving only beer. So, there's a liquor in that prepared liquor that I bought from a story, right? Humph, this is no better than this Dwarf liquor. "Actually, Mr. Seegvald, there's something I'd like you to drink." I took it out of the item box. Polish vodka with an alcoholic content of actually degrees. It is said to be the strongest vodka in the world. It's a strictly forbidden alcoholic beverage because this much alcohol will ignite as soon as possible. Vodka was taught by an alcoholic acquaintance that if he drinks straight, he would drink it chilled by the kinks, so he chilled it on the kinks with ice before saving it in the item box. I bought a lot of glasses in the online supermarket last night, and of course I had shot glasses in them. Poured the world's strongest vodka cold on the kinks into a shot glass. If you drink that tight drink made by Dwarf a lot, you'll be fine with about a straight glass of this, too. "Mr. Seegvald is no better than his prized Dwarf liquor." "What? Which..." Mr. Siegvald, who received a shot glass from me, drank up the world's most powerful vodka quickly. "Gwwwwwww! Ugh, whoa, what?! That's right. Was degrees alcohol bad for Dwarves? "Hey, what's this?! It's troublesome, sweet, wonderful and delicious, but alcohol is terribly strong! No, hey, Mr. Seegvald, because it's close to my face. "Give me, give me more." Mr. Seegvald is coming to me with a rough, more sniffle. "No, you know, as you can tell from drinking, this liquor is terribly alcoholic. So that's how it goes..." A drunken acquaintance said if you drink vodka straight, chill it on the kinks, but to tell the truth, only the strongest vodka in this world told you to stop drinking it straight. Purchasing this liquor was also just a story... No matter how much Dwarf you are, just drink this kapakapa and you'll be in big trouble. "Noon is a dwarf, and there's nothing like this. Give me this best horseshit sooner than that. Go! "No, so, this isn't so much to drink." I meant to be a story, Chickshaw. Even though I'm stopping him, Mr. Seegvald's crew call keeps going. Kussau, yes, stay! "It's a really, really strong booze, and you usually crack and drink something! This is the last time you'll drink like this! Nice! That said, I poured a second cup of the world's strongest vodka into Mr. Seegvald's shot glass. Quickly drinks it up again, Mr. Seegvald. "Coof, it works! Yummy, yummy! Mr. Gaudino and Mr. Gidion, and the faces of the Shadow Warriors, watched the exchange between me and Mr. Seegvaldo with indignation. "What makes Seagvald surprise liquor..." "I can't believe the Dwarves are surprised when they drink kapakapa laughing even when it's strong..." Because if you all drink, you'll probably fall for it. "Give me another drink. Give me another drink." "No, Mr. Seegvald. You said it was the last time." "Don't be such a asshole. It's the afterlife." It's the afterlife, right? "Uh, there's a lot more to it than that, so drink it over there." Exactly. If you keep drinking intense vodka at 6 degrees alcohol, you don't know how much dwarf it will be. "Damn, there's a lot going on?! Say it quickly. No! Please calm down. When it comes to booze, Dwarves really change the color of your eyes. "All of you." Mr. Gaudino, Mr. Gidion, then also speak to the faces of the Shadow Warrior. And I got the liquor I purchased last night out of the item box and lined up in front of everyone. I tried to choose from all the rankings that seemed easy to drink at an affordable price. Whiskey first. I've seen a lot of it in my liquor-loving Combined Gods dating, and I've got a lot of whiskey. A whiskey with a clear taste that is easy to drink and never tire of, famous for the label of the beard uncle of the domestic manufacturer. Then, it is a blended Scotch whisky, a favourite all over the world, with a rich and smooth flavour produced by blending more than forty different raw alcoholic beverages. At the end of the day, "The real thing is, we don't compromise. This is the concept of bourbon whiskey. I bought it because it has a high alcohol content but if I want to try bourbon, I definitely bought it with a force theory comment. It was then Brandy who bought it. It is a French manufacturer who gave Cognac to Emperor Napoleon I and, in the days of Napoleon III, it was made for the Emperor "s family. Among the many brandies with higher prices, the ones that were ranked as relatively affordable to enjoy. It has a fruity flavour and can be deliciously drunk with a mellow palate that feels aged. Then I also bought gin. It is also a popular gin for women with beautiful blue bottles. I've had this on rock too, but it smelled like herbs and citrus and it was refreshing and refreshing and easy to drink. Even though the alcohol content is high because it's gin, it's easy to drink so it's hard to keep up with too much. I saw Eli the next day, too. I also bought rum because of the recent surge in fans. A Guatemalan rum, dark rum suitable for drinking rock or straight. This premium rum has been aged in white French oak barrels for four years, blending more than twenty original 23-year-old wines. (12) I would love to taste the aromatic aroma and the sweet, mellow flavor for a novice to rum. "The manager also commented, so it was a bit expensive, but I bought it. And the last liquor is sake. The liquor made by the Niigata prefecture brewery is reputable, so I knew it too. They said it was a dry drink with a refreshing taste but also a beautiful aftertaste and good throat, so I bought it because it was ranked first in the rankings for the month. More liquor was arranged on the table with a slack. They are all liquors that can be rocked or straight, so I prepared a glass with ice and a glass with nothing in it. "Go ahead." That said, the wacky Musai men swarmed. "Alright, booze! Seeing the liquor lined up, liquor lover Dwarf Siegvald is excited. "Still, you're Mkoda to be able to prepare so many different kinds of liquor" When Mr Gaudino says so, we all agree. "The liquor had a little handover..." There's a legend called a tenant liquor store, so I'm not lying, I'm lying. "A lot of things are relatively alcoholic, so take your time." Everyone gets their hands on the bottle one after the other. "This smells good." "I'd rather be this way." "This looks delicious" "I'll try this blue bottle." Mr. Clement was about to pour the blue bottle of gin straight into the glass. "Ah, I'd rather drink that liquor on a rock" "Hmm? Really? By its side, Mr. Gaudino tried to pour brandy into a glass with ice...... "Oh, that's a glass without ice." "Really? While interacting with him, Mr. Seegvald did. I poured bourbon whiskey into the glass in a row to stir it up. "Kuhhh, yummy! "Hey, hey, that's strong alcohol too, so take your time! "There's plenty of delicious liquor! I'm gonna drink today! "" "" "" "Ooh! From then on, enter Chaos. It was my mistake to serve booze, ha...
"Right here." Anton's home, Severi Workshop, was about a half-hour walk from the city centre of Neyhof. They say there's a shop in front of them, and there's a workshop building on the property behind it. "Go ahead." We all go inside the store. This time too, Fell and Dora will have you waiting outside. "Oh, boy, what's wrong? Once inside the store, the clerk came right over. "Olof, or no, I'm here on the guidance of Mr. Mkoda, a senior adventurer, will you call my father?" "Yes, one moment please" "Mr. Mukoda, I'm calling my father. Please wait." No, you're gonna be busy, and you don't have to bother calling your dad. A little while later, Mr. Olof, the clerk, brought back around fifty men with disappointed bodies. "Ugh, Anton. You said you brought a senior adventurer? "Ah, Father. This is A-rank Adventurer Mukoda." "A Rank?! Why would Ome know such a high-ranking adventurer? Anton's father is surprised to hear I'm A-ranked. But I'm sorry, I'm an A-rank adventurer with no strength. "No, there's a lot going on, and I got to know him yesterday. I'm just showing you around the city right now. I brought him here because I knew we were in the workshop and I wanted to see it. I'm going to Brigitta's after this." "Ho, something like that." "My name is Mcodea. I got to know the Antons and asked them to show me around by saying they were local. Sorry to push you so suddenly." "No, no, don't hesitate to look more and more. I can't show you the workshop right now, but this store is directly owned by us, so there are some new products that we haven't wholesaled yet." They say that the workshop is a trade secret, or because they each have their own technology, every workshop is off-limits to anyone but the people involved. Well, Ida said that each workshop is working out a lot of ideas and creating its own way while incorporating magic. Surely that's not going to make it look easy. They're arranging new pieces because of the direct store here, and I'll show them to you soon. Made here in Severi Workshop at Anton's parents' house was Japanese baked goods style, many of which were also sinister in color. I really like it. My dad came with me and explained a lot to me. One of the things I particularly liked about it was your father's new blue cup. "I had a hard time getting this color out. Besides, this is special. I use a mixture of some demon stone powder in the glaze. So if you pour a drink into this cup, the drink inside will cool down." Oh, my God, what is an automatic cooling cup? It's called shape and good shade, which is exactly what I like. It would be delicious if I poured a beer on this and drank it. I want this. "How much is this? "This... yeah, you're about to say pieces of gold" At first I was surprised to hear that there were 28 pieces of gold in one cup. But when I thought about it carefully, I said that I was using some demon stones, so I snorted at the price. Or maybe you're still losing me this when you think about Demon Stone. Keep your eyes on this and let me see something else. I've had a lot to show you, and what I like is the set of five large pale beige dishes that my father's apprentice made, as well as the set of five perfect vessels in a deep green just bowl like the mossy one your apprentice made. This Severi workshop seems to be famous even in Nayhof, and a merchant from another city was coming to buy it while I was showing it to him. I overheard the merchant talking, but the nobleman also has an enthusiast for baked goods from this Severi workshop. Yeah, yeah, you can have the baked goods flavor here. A lot of stray quotes, I decided to buy a set of five of my father's cups and his disciple's plates and a set of five bowls. My father's cup had 28 gold coins and a set of five of his disciples' plates had 15 gold coins and a set of five bowls had 20 gold coins for a total of 63 gold coins, but he lost to 60 gold coins. "I don't know, I'm sorry" "No, no, thank God the A-rank adventurer uses our stuff. Keep using our baked goods." "Yes, let me take care of it" Pretty good shopping done. "Hey, Anton, you're gonna have to show me around." "I know, I know." We followed Anton's parents' Severi workshop to Bridgetta's parents' Dovan workshop. ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ The Dovan workshop at Brigitta's parents' house was about a fifteen minute walk from the Severi workshop. "Mother, I'm home" "Oh, it's not Brigitta. What's the matter with you? The Dovan Workshop is made in the same way as the Severi Workshop, with a store in front of it and a workshop yard building on the site behind it. Looks like Brigitta's mother is in the store. "You know, I'm showing the city to the adventurer Mkoda I know. So when I told him we were doing the workshop, he wanted to see it, so I showed him around. By the way, Mr. Mukoda is an A-rank adventurer." "A-rank?! Oh, well, I'll get your father, so please wait a minute." With that said, Brigitta's mother was running to the workshop. On the way, "Father, oh, my God! A-rank, A-rank! There's an A-rank adventurer in the store!" I heard voices. When I heard that, Bridgetta was covering her face with her hands and she was shy and snapping "Mother......" You're embarrassed to see what's inside of you like this. Let's not touch you here. A short wait at the store brought Brigitta's mother back with her father. "Father, this is Mr. Mkoda, the A-rank adventurer. Don't be rude." "I get it. I'm Dovan, Brigitta's father. My daughter will be taken care of." "My name is Mcodea. I apologize for asking so suddenly." "No, no, if it's ours, go ahead. Take a look" "I'll explain later. Your father and mother will be fine." Bridgetta says so, but she seemed to wonder what I was going to buy and neither her father nor mother left the scene. "Not at all. Your father and mother...... I'm sorry, Mr. Mkoda." "No, no, it's okay." Let me show you inside the store, what I'm making here at the Dovan Workshop is a white-toned European-style ceramic with lots of floral patterns and a sense of luxury. "We're not big because we're family owned in a workshop from your father's day, and we're not as famous as the Severi workshop at Anton's, but a lot of you have loved us since we started here." Heh, yeah. But it feels luxurious, and this flower pattern seems to be liked by women. "Oh, this is good." What caught my eye was a set of five mugs shaped like a handle on a cup long vertically. This doesn't seem strange to serve cold drinks as well as warm drinks. The pattern of the flowers is not so flashy either, and it is also preferable to have it just above. "That's right, four gold coins in a set of five." That's what I hear from behind. "Father..." He was Brigitta's father, who stayed in the shop without going back to the workshop. "Yes, that's good. An A-rank adventurer has chosen my work." I think it's safe to see such an exchange. Brigitta's right, Dovan Workshop doesn't seem like a famous place here. But it's beautiful and it's all good stuff. Something's cheap, maybe I could buy a lot of stuff. Let me show you a lot more. While they were showing me a lot, Brigitta's father was explaining when he was coming in. Bridgetta gave up looking at her father like that. They showed me a lot and I decided to buy the first set of five mugs I saw and a set of five small plates just the right size to put the cake on, then a set of five large plates and a set of five soup plates, then a set of five soup bowls and a set of five teacups & saucers. They are all very beautiful with bright floral patterns on the white. I bought teacups & saucers especially because they were so beautiful with even finer and brighter flowers. This work was with Brigitta's father, who said it was the most powerful work here lately. A set of five mugs had four gold coins, a set of five small plates had three gold coins and five silver coins, a set of five large plates had six gold coins, a set of five soup plates had six gold coins, a set of five soup bowls had six gold coins, and a teacup & saucer had ten gold coins, for a total of 35 gold coins and five silver coins, but the fraction was 35 gold coins because they lost. "Thank you for buying so much" "No, thank you for showing me so much. Good eye care." It's good to have all kinds of dishes. Still, that's the city of baked goods. I saw all kinds of baked goods and it was really good eye care. Sometimes this kind of shopping is good. Bridgetta's father and mother dropped us off, and we left the Dovan workshop behind. If you were shopping, it would have been such a good time. "Hey, come on, I'm hungry." "Me too." "Sui too." On the way back to the whole city, Fell, Dora and Sui told me in their readings. Um, even though I was late for breakfast. Are you just hungry? "I'll make dinner when I get home, just be patient." "'I get it'" Well, then I got five of us to hang out on vacation and invite them to dinner. "Hey, why don't you grab dinner at my house for today? "Is that okay? Talk to the other members after Anton says so. "" "" "It'll be a treat" "" Yes, five people replied with a smile. Everyone said they were expecting the BBQ they ate yesterday because it was delicious. That's a serious responsibility. I can't even take the time because I can't make you wait too long... I have to think about it before I get home.
Um, a spacious kitchen is nice. But it's a commoner thing to make. It is not an exaggeration to say that Japanese national cuisine is what we make. Of course I love it too. Hey, I've wanted to eat you since this world came. I made a curry-flavored tandoori chicken, but it's just curry-flavored and it's something else. Because I like curry. Specialty store. Real Indian made curry. I ate a lot, and the curry in the store was certainly delicious. But it was the curry at home that eventually got there, wasn't it? The taste of a tireless family that I can't eat, I guess a house curry fits the tongue for the Japanese. We're going to make the usual curry. Let's start by sourcing ingredients at the online supermarket. I have potatoes and onions, so I bought carrots and a curry loo that wouldn't have started without this. There are two types of curry loos. It's been a classic of mine to make two types of curry loos in the last few years. I think it will enrich the taste. That's my little restraint. One curry loo has been decided to use, a long cellar curry loo with apples and honey. I used this at my parents' house, so I think this is a good idea. I've tried other curry loos, but I figured I'd come back to this. And the other one uses a new product according to the mood at the time. Today... let's make this one. It's a curry loo with a G premium. You also like this because it's rich. I also thought about the Fells and made them both sweet. "Oh, I have this too. I made this before, but it's easy but it was so delicious..." Looking at the Curry Lou section, it was Lou, the famous manufacturer of spices, who found it. I've made it before but it was super easy and yummy. It suited the rice, and it suited the bread and it was delicious, right? I just want to make this for storage. So I also decided to make a dry key macaray. When I made it before, you made it by adding carrots to the snoring meat, onions, and tomatoes from the basic ingredients you're writing behind this box. As for making the same this time, what's missing are dry key McCurry loos and tomatoes. Now you're all right. I checked out what was in the cart. All right, I'll make it. Meat first. Meat. Use thin slices of oak for the house curry. Keema Curry is a snoring meat of bloody hornblue meat and oak meat. Once the oak meat is thinly sliced, serve the mincer and make the hiccups. I prepared more for both. If I do that, I will make a house curry at first. First, peel the potatoes and carrots, cut the potatoes into smaller bites, cut the carrots into pieces, cut the onions in half, and then thinly slice them. Saute the onions in an oiled pan, then add the oak meat (more meat because the Fells are there) when the onions become translucent and saute even more. When the color of the meat changes, add the potatoes and carrots and saute gently, then add the water and boil until it boils. While taking the ac, when it boils, weaken the fire and boil until the potatoes and carrots are tender. Once the potatoes and carrots are softening, stop the fire and melt in two different curry loos. Where the curry loo has melted off, light the stove and simmer until thickened over low heat. "Uh-huh, smells good. Why is the smell of curry so appetizing?" I just want to curry some freshly cooked rice right now, but patience. I have to make a dry key macaray. "You smell kind of unusual." It's true. I've never smelled it before. " "Uh, this is sui. I know this smell. I've smelled this before." Fell, Dora and Sui came to the kitchen smelling the curry. I knew it would smell like curry. And sui, you remember me well. You remembered the tandoori chicken I made before. "Today's curry was a very popular food for me." "Hmm, so it's delicious? "I like it and I can tell you it's delicious, but the Fells just try it and if it doesn't seem to work, I'll cook the meat if you tell me" I used to eat the tandoori chicken I made before, but this time it's definitely curry, so hey. I think there is something wrong with the smell of spices. 'It smells unusual, but it doesn't smell bad. All right, I'll try it.' "Ooh, don't get excited about your first time eating" "I also eat sui ~" Everyone is already willing to eat. I thought after I made the dry key macaray, I couldn't help it. He said if I served rice on a deep plate, I would sprinkle plenty of curry over it. "Yes." I put a plate in front of Fell and Dora and Sui. 'Mmm, that's a little hard... but I don't hate you' That's what Fell says and eats curry as he browns around his mouth. 'Oh, it's spicy, but it's delicious. I like this.' Surprisingly, Dora seems to prefer curry. He eats fugafuga as he browns around his mouth as does Fell. 'It's hard, but that's about it. It's okay to swim. It smells and tastes delicious. Sui likes this too -' I wondered if it was because of the spiciness of the sweet loo, but it seems that Sui is okay too. I wondered if curry with plenty of spices would work in different worlds, but it looks like we can all do it. Which means I can keep eating curry. Way to go! All right, I'm gonna make a dry key macaray while everyone's eating. Mince onions, tomatoes and carrots, respectively. Then first fry the minced onions in an oiled frying pan until transparent. Next add the carrots and saute further. Stir in the snoring meat where the carrots are getting a little soggy. When the color of the hiccups changes, add the minced tomatoes and fry them while crushing the tomatoes. Once the fire is stopped, add the dry key McCurry loo and mix well together. Once mixed, you can fry the tomatoes until they run out of moisture over low heat, taking care not to burn them. "Ooh, this dry key macaray looks delicious too" "No, are you new? Give me that, too." Me. "Sui too." I gave him a change while I was making dried macaray. I was going to leave it to make... well, okay. If you serve rice on a deep plate, put plenty of dry key macaray on top of it... it would taste better topped with that one. Buy eggs at Papa and Online Supermarket. Topping is egg yellow in the middle. I crushed him yellow and put him out in a dry key macaray. "Yes." Everyone starts eating. 'Whoa, I feel a little harder than I just did, but it's tangled with eggs and it's delicious. I prefer this one. " Does Fell prefer dry key McCurry? Sounds like you had a good egg yellow on your toppings. 'Yeah, yeah, that's definitely harder than earlier. But it also doesn't mean the yellow body of the egg is too spicy on it. This one tastes good too. I like both of them! Can Dora come this way? Sounds like you like curry. "I can eat it because I have eggs on it, but I wonder if it's a little spicy for Sui" Was it a little hard on Sui? It's spicy in here. Maybe it would be easier to eat a swim if you added a slice of grated apple or something. You can try it the next time you make it. Well, I'll eat, too. Let's start with the house curry. Spicy scented curry on white rice served on a plate. Oh, I forgot something important. I bought Fukugami pickles from an online supermarket and served them with curry. Perfect. Which bite. "Ooh, this flavour, this flavour" I knew the curry wasn't delicious. It's usually medium spicy, but it's also sweet. There's no way this rich, spicy flavour doesn't suit white rice. While eating chopstick pickled Fukugami, the food proceeds. If it's a dish of pepper, now it's a dry key macaray. "It's a replacement. I'm the one on this egg." "Sui is also replaced. Sui is a sloppy person." "Gepp, I'm done. I ate a little too much. ' Yes, sir. Fell's a dry McCurry, and Suey's a home curry. Is Dora hungry because she ate two plates of house curry and dry key macurry? I gave Fell and Suey a change, and I gave them my share of the dry macaray. All of them...... oh, this one is delicious too. The yellow topping of the eggs is Dompisha. Tastes mellow and delicious. I'm raw egg yellow today, but warm balls would be nice. Yeah, yeah, yummy, yummy. "Ha, I ate" Even then, Fell and Suey changed and ended up teasing both the house curry and the dry key McCurry. "I wish I had made some more" Curry, so it was a mistake to suppress the amount a little. I thought the dried macaquette would look delicious in the copepad and the curry dog. Oh, it looks delicious with melting cheese on top of it. Oh, Dry Key McCurry. I should have made more.
Parinth -. Black Moya gushed out and wrapped the Crimson Asps. After about ten seconds, the black moya clears up. What remained after that was a large number of crimson asps that suddenly moved poorly. The Crimson Asps are crawling slowly cobblestones with cheats. "This dark ball really works amazing ~" I saw a crimson asp in a state anomaly and that's what Mr. Elland said smudged. "That's true. I didn't think it would work this far either." Now I can defeat Crimson Asp. We used dark balls against Crimson Asp opponents on the last floors many times. And I was convinced it was true that "when black moya occurs and touches it, it becomes a state anomaly whose status value is halved". When I appraised the crimson asp that touched the black moya of the dark ball, the condition was abnormal and the condition lasted for about ten minutes. I have also told Mr Erland about that. Of course I didn't say I had appraisal skills, so I decided that Fell had appraised me. "Yes, let's knock them out while the state is still abnormal." "Yes." Me and Mr. Elland headed for a crimson asp that got a bad move. It's me and Mr. Elland who are eliminating Crimson Asp in the aisle. Fell, Dora and Sui are in battle in the room right there. Probably already done. Ever since I found out the effectiveness of the dark balls, if the room was nearby, I had thus split into two hands to respond. Because I asked Fell and the others. It turns out that with Dark Balls, I can take down A-rank Crimson Asps. I thought if I could beat you to earn experience, I'd beat you as much as I could. I'm sure you'll be peeking. To keep the gods from complaining later. Above all, leveling up would be good for me, too. Having said that, it is said that the target will not be helped first if it is bitten. It is highly poisonous, although it is sneaked into a leather bag so that the Swiss specialty elixir that I used to have made for Sui can be put out immediately for the time being. "Shh." Even though the status values are halved in the dark balls, they are not no longer poisonous. Carefully approached the Crimson Asp and pierced its head with a spear of Mithril. Slaughter one crimson asp after another with that repetition. Mr. Elland also snapped one crimson asp's neck after another with his love sword. "Huh, you're cleaned up" "Yeah. Let's pick up the drops." We started picking up drops. Crimson Asp drops are poison, demon stone and meat in skins and vials. It's meat. Get snake meat again. Black and Red Serpents on Black Anaconda, and Crimson Asp meat. That's a snake meat exhaustion comparison. "I picked it up because it was full." "Oh, thank you, Sui." Sui picked up all the drops in the room. I get what was in Sui's body to come out and end up in an item box. "We're moving on." With Fell in the lead, we went further down the 25th floor. ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ "There's a hierarchical lord in that room at the poke." Finally, boss, the room. "Wait a minute. The 26th floor on the next floor is the undead hierarchy. If you keep going like this in time, won't you reveal it overnight in the undead layer? Even for me, I just want to avoid revealing it overnight in the undead layer..." That's what Mr. Elland said. I agree with that, too. I don't feel a bit mentally comfortable revealing it overnight in the undead layer. First of all, I don't feel comfortable. 'Really? Well, if that's what you're gonna say because I'm hungry, that's fine with me.' "I'm hungry too, that's good." "I'm hungry, too." The sound of Fells' crane revealed it overnight in the safe area near the boss room, and the next morning it was decided to enter the boss room. Hayashi Rice with Bloody Horn Bull meat for dinner today. I put a lot of hayashi rice in a deep wooden dish out to Fel and Dora and Sui. And for me and Mr. Elland, it's a hayashi rice served in a wooden dish a little smaller than that. "Go ahead, Mr. Elland" "Oh, that smells good ~. What kind of dish is this? Mr. Erland smiles by smelling the hayashi rice. "It's called hayashi rice. Try this brown one and the white grain together to shrug and eat. It's delicious." "I see. It tickles together like this......... ho, this is delicious! It has a rich, indescribable, deep taste." Mr. Elland eats Bakubaku. I'm glad the gourmet Mr. Elland liked it. I tasted Hayashi Rice, too. Did everyone move around in the dungeon to get food going, and the hayashi rice made in the large torso pan was cleaned out? 'Don't feel a little underfed yet. There will be snake meat, make fried from' Fell said that. "Fried from ~" Both Dora and Sui make a scene when they hear it is fried from. "No, no, I'm not gonna make it now. If you're not eating enough... Oh, if you're frying from Cesar Pent's, there's one." 'Mm, I can't help it. That's all right.' I served the fried chicken from Cesar Pent on a plate and served it to Fell. "Give it to me too." "I'll have a swim too." I also fried Dra and Sui from Cesar Pent. "Um, now I hear Cesar Pent..." "Oh, would you like to eat Mr. Elland, too? It's fried from Cesar Pent." "I'll eat! Eating Cesar pent is decades old." Mr. Elland also said he would eat it, so when I put the fried fish out of Cesar Pent's, it gets puckered quickly. You eat well even though you are skinny. "Fried from this is delicious ~. The meat is soft and well stained. You're going to eat as much as you want. Cesar pent is delicious with super luxury ingredients, but it's even more delicious when it comes to Mr. Mukoda." "Uhm, fried from is good" "Deep-fried and delicious" Um, it's still justice to fry. It's a popular menu anytime, anywhere. Oh, snake meat exhaustion after you get out of the dungeon may even be fried main from. Standard soy sauce, salt may naturally make an array of fried dishes. I thought about what happened after I left the dungeon.
After the Adventurer Alliance, we were headed out of town. That's because Fell said he wanted to go hunting. I did spend the last few days in the city. Then I thought I'd go. While Fell's out hunting, I'm free, so I'm going to try and make a quick sausage that Mr. Alesh told me yesterday. By the butcher on the way, I bought the white sheep bowels I needed to make sausages. As Alesh told me, I could normally buy salted white sheep bowels. I bought more because the price was cheap. All right, so do you want to go outside the city? ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ "Then I'm coming." I'm coming. Dora will accompany you on this hunt. Dora also seems to be suffering from lack of exercise. Well, before you met us, you were a wild demon for once. The inability to move around seems stressful. "Oh, wait a minute. If we're gonna go together, we should have this." I took my magic bag out of the item box and put it around Fell's neck. "We're leaving Dolan tomorrow, 'cause if you're going to dismantle it and make it meat, it's the next city. You don't have to have that many. So much so." "Uh, I wanted to hunt a lot to get rid of my lack of exercise." Fell and Dora, what are you so willing to hunt? I don't need that. "Then come back before it's too late." "I know." With that said, Fell and Dora headed into the woods with a refreshment. Now, do you want to start making sausages? To tell you the truth, I've made skinless sausages before. That was delicious, so you wanted to make an authentic sausage with skin someday. So I've been watching a couple of websites on how to make skinned sausages, and I'm going to make them to remember that. I was careful not to get the temperature higher when scrubbing hiccups on any site. When the temperature gets high, the meat doesn't taste good because it's boisterous and doesn't harden. The ideal when scrambling meat seems to be while keeping it under ten degrees. Because I remember that, I have Sui here. So thank you, Sui. "Sui, will you make one of these? Then..." I showed Sui the bigger bowl I always use, and I showed Sui the mouthpiece for the sausage on the diagram. I also ask you to make some of the same bowls. I don't have a mouthpiece in kind, but the structure is simple, so I just explained it in the diagram and he seemed to understand it. Passing the Mithril Ore to Sui, he was soon able to make a mouthpiece for the bowl and sausage. "Thanks, Sui" Then you start by creating hiccups. Hit the oak meat with a misrilled mincer. The hiccups will accumulate in a bowl of misrils that Sui just made. I glue the hand-wound handle to make more and more hiccups of meat. "Huh, that's about it" And then I need to buy condiments and cookware from an online supermarket. Because there is salt, sugar and lemon juice (bottled), I bought coarse black pepper and herbal salt, and then a squeeze bag to use when filling my intestines with hiccups. This time, I am going to make two sausages: coarse black pepper flavor and herbal lemon flavor. Let's start with the white sheep intestinal salt drain. Wash with water and remove salt, then soak in a bowl with water for a while. In the meantime, add the seasoning to the meat. This is the most important part. Because ice water is used to avoid higher temperatures, make ice water with more ice and less water. I use the ice because I save it in the item box for Fell to make it before. First of all, it's coarse black pepper flavor. Place ice water from ice to ice in a bowl of misrils and mix well in it with hints of meat, salt, sugar and coarse pepper until sticky. I'm surprised you put ice water directly in the bowl, but it looks like it's for the purpose of cooling the meat. Of course, ice water is enough to wet the surface of the ice in very small quantities. Looks like we should do the rest while we cool our hands with ice. It's a little cold and tough, but good luck with that. Anyway, it seems important to finish this without raising the temperature of the meat. Throw away the remaining ice and leave the cold hiccups in the item box once. In the same process, herb salt and lemon juice are added to the hiccups to make herb lemon flavors. Now the hiccups are ready. All you have to do is pack it in your salted white sheep intestines. Firstly, once the squeeze bag is attached to the mouthpiece of the misrill that I have made for Sui, I put the end of the white sheep intestine on the mouthpiece, and then let it tuck away, putting all the intestines on the mouthpiece. Drain the flavored hiccups in the squeeze bag before putting them in, then take a little hiccups out of the mouthpiece and cut that part. They're trying to keep the air out of your intestines when you fill them with hiccups. Then I pull the intestine on my mouth and tie it first, then pack the hiccups with care so my intestines can't break. Once the meat is stuffed, the buttocks also make a little extra room to tie it and twist it in circles several times at the right length. When I cut the twisted spot, I can do the sausage. The process was repeated several times to create large quantities of two sausages: coarse black pepper flavor and herbal lemon flavor. In the meantime, the sausage I could do was put in a plastic container with a lid and turned into an item box. This sausage is a really raw fresh sausage that is not boiled, so I did mean I should cook it carefully on the net because it can break when I cook it in a frying pan. Yeah, that's perfect for cooking on a barbecue stove. I think the sausage alone would be a bit of a shove to use a barbecue stove. Do you want to plant meat? I baked it yesterday and then ate it with sauce, but I wonder if I'll soak it in the sauce today and make sure it bakes. I will start by purchasing sauce ingredients online supermarket. I have soy sauce, sugar and liquor, so I added garlic and leeks, soy sesame seeds (packed ones), sesame oil and then 0% apple juice to the cart. This time, the raw garlic is grated and used. Raw garlic tastes better if soaked. Cut the leeks into minces. Soy sauce, sugar, liquor, grated garlic, minced green onions, soy sesame seeds, and sesame oil in a bowl and mixed together with a hidden apple juice to complete the marinade. Put the bloody hornblue meat in there and rub gently, then wrap it up and let it marinate for about 20 minutes. Keep the oak meat similarly soaked. The sun is setting for the most part, and Fell and Dora will be back in a little while, so do you want to get ready for the barbecue? If I don't buy charcoal first, I bought charcoal at an online supermarket. Remove the special barbecue stove from the item box and add charcoal to the drawer section to ignite. Cook the sausage just made on the net carefully. I can put in a nice scent of baking sausage. Cook the whole thing carefully as you flip over. When I thought the area around my shoulder was heavier, there was a sui over my shoulder at some point. "Smells good." "Oh. That smells good." I think it's time for me to be okay about the burning feeling. If you break one, the fire is going through the inside, and it's fine. Taste it. Whoa, umah. Plenty of gravy, and I tried to put the flavor on a little dark eyes, so it tastes good enough as it is. "Fine, I'd love a swim, too." "Yes, taste it" I pinched one with a thong and gave it to Sui. "Wow, delicious! The juice of meat comes out of the thin skin." I've never made a skinned sausage before, but I'm glad it's delicious. "Uh, how far ahead are you eating?" "Nooo, you can't eat without us." Oh, you're back just in time, Fell and Dora. "No, 'cause this is the first one I've ever made,' cause I was just tasting it. How'd it go, then? 'Well, well. I keep it over there for what I didn't get in my magic bag' When Fell looked at him, there were two big demons lying around. ... what? I blink a few times and then see it again, but after all, it doesn't change. It's over there, Cy and Sabel Tiger, right? When I appraised him, Sai answered [Dimgreylino] and Sabel Tiger left as [Sabel Tiger]. They're both A-rank demons. "... you said so much, didn't you? "No, you know, I was there, so stick with me..." 'Isn't that nice? I took down the Sabertiger. You're awesome.' Fell, that's not a good idea. Plus, Dora, you don't have to look like that. "Ha, should we eat first, as we hear about the other achievements after dinner" "Oh, that's good." "After hunting, I'm hungry." Yes, sir. I'll ask you what's in the magic bag later. I served the sausage I was baking on a plate and served it to Fell and Dora and Sui. 'Mmm, this is delicious. I could eat as much as I want.' "Don't let the gravy come out of the inside when the thin skin on the outside can play puzzly! This is delicious! "The juice of the meat comes out juicy and delicious ~. Sui, I love this -! Isn't sausage very popular? Glad I made it. I'll try a different herbal lemon flavor than the coarse black pepper flavor I just tasted. Whoa, this is delicious, too. Herbal and lemon aromas fall through your nose. This one tastes refreshing. When I say drink that fits this, it's this, isn't it? Buy beer at an online supermarket. This time I chose the black of Company A's dry beer. Quickly, after drinking with Gokugoku, gabri the sausage just fine. And also, Goku Goku, Puher. Yummy. It's a refreshing and easy to drink beer, so it goes well with this sausage. Shit, this combination looks good for whatever it takes. What a thought, there's a different voice from everyone else. I'll put the sausage on each plate. Do you want to cook the soaked bloody horn bull meat and oak meat next? When I put it on the net, the fragrant smell of meat tickles my nose. Uh, that smells good. Cook the meat upside down, and I guess it's time. Taste it for now. Ha, I knew this sauce was delicious. I've made it several times, but it tastes sweet and spicy, and the sesame flavor is delicious. I'll serve the roasted Bloody Horn Bull meat and oak meat on a new plate and serve it to everyone. "Yes, I grilled the meat." "Oh, this one smells delicious, too." "I'm still eating, too." "Meat ~" Are you still okay, we're all eating guts. Yeah, yeah, meat cooked on charcoal is delicious. I'll eat too. Ah, it fits black beer too. Everyone indulged in meat full of plenty. I'm just finishing my meal and cleaning up after the stove, and it's a magic bag revelation. Coming out of it was one Dimgrey Rhino, one Black Serpent and one Giant Dodo with two Cocatrices. Now we have two dim gray rhinos, can we eat rhinos? "Hey, can you eat dim gray Rhino? When I ask Fell, I'm not sure 'no, well' or anything. "Buhahahaha, you can't eat Dimgray Rhino's meat because it's hard. And yet, Fell is hunting two of them. ' 'If you say you've hunted something you can't eat, isn't Dora the same? Sabertiger's meat stinks and you can't eat it.' "Gu......" "Huh, you know, if you're gonna hunt Fell and Dora, make it a demon you can eat." "Nooo, I get it." "Heck, I get it." No, I already have enough money for the dungeon, so if you're just a demon selling material, you don't really need it. Eatable demons are more useful to us today. I guess Dimgreylino and Servel Tiger are salted in the item box for now. Black Sarpent, Giant Dodo and Cocatrice will have meat in the next city. "Well, it's time to go back to the city" We followed the bleak road back to the city at dusk. Finally, tomorrow we leave for the city of Nayhof.
"Summoning the Brave" It was a word that often appeared in Lanobe, where my sister was recently haunted. I had time to read it too, but it was crap. Ordinary students and salariers everywhere are summoned by different worlds to get cheat abilities and brave certification. And defeat the Demon King. When you build a harem in the process. What are you laughing at with your nose? That was in there. But now I, no, we were called to another world by that brave summons. I don't know who I am with three people who go to the same high school as Saito Takeo and Yoshida Rio. There's one Lehman. Me, Flower Sound and Lio have been in the same class for two years and got along just fine. It's the same way to go home. That's why we went home together, and the three of us were home today. It was a crosswalk on the road that always passes. I was waiting for the three of us to turn blue as we talked in the red light. There could have been a Lehman in a suit back there. Then suddenly it glowed around us... When I realized, I was here. "Dear brave man," That's what a beautiful blonde blue-eyed girl in a dress like a fairy tale princess said with a smile. At the foot of our standing there is a magic formation written in circles, surrounded by men and women in robes. Around the room stood the knights in armor. I borrowed it from my sister and read it. It remained a Lanobe illustration. "Is this a brave summons, ............ Things went on while I was too surprised and frightened. That this was, after all, a ritual of summoning the brave. And there should have been three of them who called, but there must be four of them here. Because the status needs to be checked immediately, an appraisal of the status was to be performed. So, before I knew what it was, I was checked with the Appraisal Magic Prop. [Name Name] Kate Saitou [Age] [Occupation] Brave men from different worlds [Level] [Health] . [Magic] 769. [Attack] 772. [Defense] 759. [Agility] 746 [Skills] Appraisal Item Box Holy Swordsmanship Fire Magic Water Magic Earth Magic Wind Magic Light Magic Thunder Magic Ice magic This is my status as it turns out. I was a brave man. Flower noise and Lio were brave men in similar statuses. When I saw the status, I realized that I was really a brave man. I was making fun of Lanobe I borrowed from my sister, but it might not be bad to actually be a brave man and be called a brave man. I feel a little good because I'm going to be respectful that everyone is a brave man. It doesn't sound like Flower Sound and Li Oo are in the mood. Lehman was the only one whose profession was becoming a 'convoluted otherworldly man'. Looks like our stats are considerably lower than ours, and our skills are just appraisals and item boxes that always come with Summoning Braves. That guy's not a brave guy, but he's got an appraisal and an item box, which means this skill must be something that comes with those who were originally summoned from different worlds. Besides, there seems to be a unique skill, but that's the 'online supermarket'. What's that feel like? The people here summoned us as brave men, so I guess what you want is a strong skilled one. And yet 'online supermarket' is super funny. In the meantime, I was able to confirm my status, so I decided to take a look at it with the king. Looks like some kind of demon king has invaded this country and he's in big trouble, so he's summoned some brave men. So, he wanted us brave men to help this country somehow. It's nice to hear that the greatest king asks for you. I'm pretty sure I can do it, but what about the flower noise and Lio? "What do we do? I'll listen to the flower noise and Leo. "Um, I don't care what they say, I don't have anywhere else to go, and the Demon King seems to know how to get back to Japan, so I think Atashi's fine." "I agree with Flower Sound, too. Besides, we have power, don't we? Then I want to help those who are suffering." When the three of us agreed, the king, the queen, the princess and the heavy ministers of the country rejoiced. I'm getting tense when I realize I'm more and more brave. But it looks like only Lehman was different. "I'm not a brave man, and I'm just bothering you all here. That's very distressing, so I'm going to do something about it myself if I get the money to live for a couple of months until I get a job." He said something like that. But maybe that's actually better. That status won't follow us. I don't think I can fight that. Lehman walked away and the future story of me, Flower Sound and Lio fitted. "Empowering first is a prerequisite" That's what the Knights chief says. "So first we're going to ask you to register as an adventurer and level up" And it was three of the Knights who were introduced. No, I'm surprised. Even I'm 180 centimeters tall, and it's not bad to be told that my face looks like Janice. I also get the impression that my eyes tend to be fishy, but I am a slender beauty with a clear nose and long dark hair that looks good on me. Even Lio is a little smaller, but cute enough to rumor that he looks like a popular idol right now. That's why I had this hot consciousness, these three are different. "My name is Leonard Hume. See you later." Leonard is taller than me, and he's a good-looking man with Sarah's blonde hair and green eyes who feels like a prince. Lio stares at Mr. Leonard as he blushes. You're in love with this. "My name is Aaron Valera. Best regards, brave men." Aaron is also taller than me, a handsome wild man with brown eyes on burning red hair. Oh, this guy winked at the flower noise. But the sound of the flowers doesn't sound too loud either. "My name is Luise Vinckler. Best regards, brave men" Red Dot Knight Louise. Luise, what can I say...... I fell in love for a moment. Because she looked just like the Hollywood actress I loved. She's about 165cm tall, she's idle, but she's out. She's super beautiful with blonde blue eyes. The Hollywood actress, whose golden hair cut off with her shoulders and her crisp face on the screen, was still there. Right around the corner, thrilled to think she's within reach. Sounds like I'm gonna sign up as an adventurer first, but it's gonna be fun.
"Eh heh, I was chasing you! Sui tells me that happily with a blurb tremor in my arms. What chase......, Sui was going to be playing. "Uh, you guys, this slime is my obedience." Tell that to the stand-up boys. "What? Obedience? Where do you have such proof! "Yes, they do! "Give me that slime, quick! ... There's blood on my head and I don't listen to people, so let's go. "Sui, can you tell me what happened when you met these boys? 'Um, if Sui was playing, these people came and tried to kick me about Sui. That's why I was so hysterical. Then we all tried to kick each other or cut each other with our swords, so we hissed and blew it.' Hmm. You stumbled into each other and tried to kick one of the three thinking it was a regular miscellaneous fish slime? But it was avoided, and now we're all attacking. But you avoided all of it. That doesn't mean your offense will hit Sui, who has evolved to Huge Slime and is very agile. He said, "Well, he said he shouldn't have attacked them, so he moved on with these people. Then these people came after me. If you're after me, you can't beat Sue ~ ' Haha, right, Sui. I see, that's what happened. "I said give it to me, my slime, it's called swi, but I'm stronger than you guys. If you really fight, kill him instantly." Because I'm done eating acid bullets. Really. "What are you talking about, old man! Are you saying we're weaker than mutton slime?! "That's right, old man! You can't have a slime of miscellaneous fish stronger than us! "Yes, they do! You're selling us a fight, old man, that we're weaker than grocery slime? If there's a fight, I'll buy you one! I heard the word that my swim is stronger than you guys, and it looks like there's blood all over my head. I'm only telling the truth. I seem to imagine slime = miscellaneous fish, but it doesn't apply only to our swim. Or, gentlemen, stop calling me old man. I'm still in my twenties, too, so I'm not an old man by no means. ..................... right? Well, I set that story aside and wondered what was going on, and one of the three boys raised his voice as if he remembered something: "Ah". "Hey, wait a minute. Sure, wasn't there a rumor that an S-rank Tamer was coming to this city? "No, you heard that. But I thought you said that Tamer was carrying a big werewolf warcraft. "Yeah, but other than that, I heard you were carrying a little dragon and slime." Three people are talking to Kosokoso. You guys, I hear everything. Is it because you've increased your level and your physical abilities, or because your ears are hearing better? By the way, I think that's probably me. Three glances gather in my chest, Sui. "" "Slime......" " Yeah, it's slime. "Oh, you haven't had dinner yet? Even in this subtle air, it's the usual driving swim of the wind that blows anywhere. 'Um, not yet, I guess. We'll all be together when the Fells get back.' "Yes. Sui, I'm hungry, but I'll wait till Uncle Fell and Dora get back." Ha, my sui is kawaya. Yeah. As I stroked and dusted my sui, I could hear the three boys talking kosokoso again. "Yay, maybe the slime does, but what happened to the wolf and the dragon? You didn't take him." "That's right. Besides, he doesn't look like an S-rank adventurer." "Sure. You don't look so strong in S-rank." Come on, you guys, you're being a little rude. I know you're saying that because you don't think you hear me, but you hear me perfectly. And you may not look like an S-rank adventurer, because you're definitely an S-rank. Is it time to seed it? "Ah, you guys, I have other obedient demons..." "Hey, what are these kids? "Oh, Fell, welcome home. Welcome home, Dora." "Oh, he's back." Fell and Dora are back. Trying to keep explaining to the three boys just fine...... "Well, all three of them are hardened." Open your eyes and mouth to the limit and do not make it slight. I don't even seem to be blinking, okay? "Hey." Waving in front of each of the three, they finally made their eyes pat and blink. "Big wolf......" "Small Dragon......" "Slime......" "" "S-Rank Adventurer? That's what the three of us heard at the same time looking at me. You guys are breathing. "Well, for once" When I answer that, all three of them look less and less pale. And...... "" "Shh, I'm sorry! I bowed my head deeply when I said that. "I'm sorry for being so busy! "I just became an adventurer and I cared! "I'm sorry for all the rudeness! "" "I'm sorry! Well, that's what the old man called me, but he didn't even do it directly. Have Sui play too (?) Seems like it was fun. "Well, it's okay because they didn't even get their hands on me directly. But you should be careful next time. Not all adventurers like me." When I said that, the three boys exhaled in a ho. 'Hey, I don't care about kids like that. I'm starving.' "Me too." "I'm hungry, too." "Uh, I'm sorry. I already did. Wait a minute." I served everyone the dragon steak sandwich and the boiled pork sandwich from Oak General that I had in the item box. "Uhm. That's a long time ago, Dragon meat." 'I've been waiting! Fell, Dora and Sui hit a dragon steak sandwich they were looking forward to. I knew it was coming from you. Boiled pork sandwiches are delicious, so eat properly. Okay, well, what have you got? I checked inside the magic bag I was giving Fell. It came out...... "Suggy! There are five Cocatrices! "Some cocatrice eggs, too! That's hard to pick, isn't it? "Oh. Cocatrice after laying her eggs says she's gonna have a rough temper." When I was checking out the contents of the magic bag, the three boys were watching it. Hey, you guys were still here. The next one to come out is a giant with a big, fine horn of brown. "Ja, it's Giant Deer! It's a B-rank demon. "Sugee ~" At the end came the elongated black giant. "... B, it's Black Serpent. I saw it in the drawings, so I'm pretty sure." "When I say Black Serpent, isn't it A-rank..." "This is the Black Serpent. I've never seen it before..." All three of them have nailed their eyes to the Black Serpent. I guess I'd be surprised if Fell told me that this is coming from delicious and that we normally eat it. "Want to touch it? Suggest that to the boys staring at A-rank demons with a glittering look for the first time... "" "Are you sure?! "Oh, oh." I saw it this way with some great momentum. Well, I'd like to be a freshman adventurer, and I don't think I'll ever get a chance to touch an A-rank demon. The boys are touching the dreaded black serpent. "Oh, that's a twitchy scale." "I know. The leather products I made are so expensive." "How much will this one pay off? Three boys face each other. "We want to be able to hunt Black Serpent someday." "Oh. I want to rank up and make lots of money" "Good luck with your high ranking adventurers! I'm sorry about the buzz, but weren't you guys in the middle of a request? If you want to be high ranked, you have to accomplish the request. "Are you guys okay with the request? "Yes, please! "It's a horn rabbit." "I had to hunt two more! He reminded me of my request. "Thank you for showing me something good! "" Thank you "" That's what stopped the three of them from trying to leave. "Wait a minute..." Dragon steak sandwiches are a little early for you guys, so here you go. "Yes. Still good luck eating this" I offered three boiled pork sandwiches. "Is that okay? "Don't let the young man shy away. Eat. Eat." "" "I'll be gothic! The three of them left the boiled pork sandwich in their hands. Did you just bump into "Ume!" I hear voices. "S-rank is such a delicious eater! "You're definitely gonna be a high-ranking adventurer! "Oh. Become a high-ranking adventurer and earn all you can and eat yummy every day! "" "Ouch! It's nice to be young ~. 'Hey, it's a replacement. Plenty of dragons. " Fell would like an extra dragon steak sandwich. "I'm adding dragons too! Dora and Sui, too. Dragon steak sandwich, it's delicious. I gave them an extra one for everyone. But I dare to boil a pork sandwich. And in the online supermarket, take this... Pushhh, gokugokugoku. "Ahhh, well" And a sip of boiled pork sandwich. Gokuri another beer. "I knew it would fit. Wow. I thought this boiled pork sandwich was going to go with this beer." Beautiful mouthwatering beer with a bitterness that has long been familiar to the K company. That goes perfectly with a boiled pork sandwich with a spicy and sour sauce. I can't stand beer in the middle of the day. Beer for a delicious meal in the refreshing breezy meadows beneath the blue skies of Picnic Day. "That's great." We fully enjoyed our meal under the blue sky. Dragon steak sandwiches were more popular with the Fells, but they also ate the boiled pork sandwiches for what they made. And when you eat flutter and get hungry, pokapoka cheerful goes hand in hand with drowsiness...... That seemed to be the same for the Fells, leaning back against the sleeping Fells and Dora and Sui taking a nap too. "I'm drowsy enough to suck...... There's Fell, and just a little bit." While I thought so, I slept with Fell on my pillow. .................. ............ ...... "Mmm..." The first thing I felt was the smell of grass. When I opened my eyes, Bonyari and the surrounding landscape entered my eyes. "Ha, I was coming to the meadow! There was no longer one human child in the dimmed meadow. "Fell, get up! I slapped Fell and woke him up in a hurry. "Ugh, what? "Wake up, Dora, and Suey." Dora and Sui also wake up. "If you don't get home soon, the city gates will close! "Mm, it's that time already" "Huh, slept well" "zzz" It felt so good that we all slept too much. "Come on, come on! Sui, who is still awake, put it in a leather bag and jumped on Fell. "All right, I'll fly." "Ooh." As the saying goes, Fell ran through the city at an amazing speed. I was so desperate not to be shaken down. Thanks to that, I managed to make it. I bought a house because of it, but I'm glad I didn't have to frame Nojuku.
"Oh, it's been a long time!" "It's a big city." "I'm going to live here for a while." Let's take a look around later. " “Yeah, I need to check out some good places.” That's right. We need to check the tavern as well. "If this is such a big city, there will be a lot of things that weren't available in that village, and I'm really looking forward to it ~" The group of us who landed in the familiar meadow where Grandpa Gong's departure and arrival point was located + all the high elves. The high elves are talking happily to Yi Yi Yi so that they can't hide their excitement from the city of people they haven't seen in a long time. With such energetic high elves sideways, I was weakened. "Haa, I finally arrived..." Ladies and gentlemen, you are too free. No matter how many times you pay attention, "It's okay, it's okay." I feel free to walk around Grandpa Gong's back. How much I've cooled my liver to the actions of the curious, terrifying, freelance High Elves. You go down there and you look down until you're okay with the horrible thing. "Damn, those people..." I was holding my head in my memory, and I was relieved to see Wai Wai and the fun-loving High Elves. Wait a minute. Somehow, there's a lot of conversation about going out and exploring the city of Curry Lina right away. "If I leave all these terrible, free high elves in the city..." I imagined a cold sweat dripping from my temples. ... looks like it's getting wet. First of all, let's get you to my house. Then, I will introduce them to everyone in the house (employees) and have the high elves stand by at home today for now. In the meantime, I went to the Adventurer's Guild and told them not to cause any problems at night. It's a problem if you let them go free, and it seems that High Elves have lived in the city in the past, so it's okay if you talk to them properly. I'm sure of it. ............ It's okay, isn't it? Well, well, anyway, we have no choice but to go with this plan. so...... "Um, ladies and gentlemen, let's go to my house first." Ladies and gentlemen, you must be tired, so take a good rest for now, and we'll talk about it in detail tonight. In the meantime, we'll finish our errands at the Adventurer's Guild.... " Are you going to the Adventurer's Guild? Then let's go. That's right, we need to redeem the materials. "There's no money in the city, there's no money." Something you can't shop for. "Oh, you can't even buy a drink." "Eh..." When I said I was going to the Adventurer's Guild, I said I was going with the High Elves. From the very beginning, the plan came out. But then again, if you're not an adventurer, the buy-in price will go down. "Oh, that's okay then." We're all registered adventurers. " When Mr. Jørgen said that, everyone, including Mr. Jörgen, took out the guild card from their pockets and presented it to me. If you look closely, Jørgen, Adela, and Radmir are A-ranks. And Mr. Verte, Mr. Selma, and Mr. Laura were rank B. That's right, you guys are high ranked. Looking at it like that, everyone was looking at Doya. Yes, it's amazing. However, unlike the gold and silver I know, and the guild cards that rank at a glance, everyone is concerned about the brownish color of the guild cards. It said it was issued by the Adventurer's Guild and it had a mark on it, so it looked like it was real. Well, falsifying something like this would be tough, and the high elves probably don't have a reason to even bother falsifying it. "It feels different from mine, but when was it issued?" How does it feel to be different from Mucoda? Mr. Verte asked me, and I showed you my Golden Guild card. You're shining golden. "Sort of, S-rank..." The high elves stare at me. "Um, for me..." While saying that, he looked at Fel, Grandpa Gong, Dora-chan, and Sui. "Oh, I see," said the high elves, convinced by that. Ugh... No, that's right. It seems to be true, so I don't have any objections. "I see," he said immediately, "I see," and I'm glad to see your face. " "Yes, it's time to issue our guild card, but I'm sure Adela and I were on the island just before, so maybe 0 years ago." Adela nods when Jørgen says that. Jørgen and Adela were acting in pairs when they were adventurers, and apparently they wanted something at the time, so they tried to get cash income quickly, so they seemed to have been asked to be promoted to the rank of A once in a while after completing the request. That's why she said she remembers it well. I think it was about 350 years ago. I don't think it's been 400 years. That's what Mr. Verde said while he put his hand on his chin. I wonder if that's how I feel. "I don't think it's been 400 years, either." "Neither do I." Selma, Laura and Radmir feel the same way. Hmm, I'll sort it out in my head. I hear that the high elves, when they spent time in the city, did not call themselves high elves, but spent time as elves. The elves have a life expectancy of 500 years, and when they have a long life expectancy, they have a life expectancy of 600 years. Considering that, isn't it strange that the guild card was issued 400 years ago? Looks like it's going to be okay. Alright, let's go to the Adventurer's Guild first. Thus, we and the party of high elves walked through the city gates of Karelina to the Adventurer's Guild. ◇◇◇◇◇ I enter the Adventurer's Guild with a tired face. Fells and High Elves followed. It took me more than twice as long to get here as usual. It's been a long time since I've been in the city, and I'm thrilled to see all the high elves. When there is a store that I am concerned about, I get close to it and it doesn't go well. "You don't have it now, do you?" Either way, you'll be in this city for a while, and you can redeem your money in the Adventurer's Guild and then go around the city slowly! "I pulled it off and brought it here." With our party visiting the Adventurer's Guild, the Guildmaster quickly emerged. "You..." "Yes, yes, I know you have a lot to talk about. But now that we have a lot of families, I'd like you to go ahead.” With you? The Guildmaster turned to the High Elves who were messing around behind me and said, "Elves." "Hey, I got acquainted with you before I went. Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to buy it.” "Well, it's the usual warehouse." You're buying it anyway, aren't you? " Yes, well, not at all. "Nah, follow me." And he cried unto all the high elves, Follow me, and they followed the guildmasters. When we arrived at the warehouse, Johan's old man came to us and said, "Hello." The guildmaster said to the high elves, "You want to buy it, right? Are you registered with the Adventurer's Guild?” he asks. Then you offered me the guild card I showed you earlier. This is a very old guild card. While saying that, I handed the guild cards of the high elves to the officials who were nearby. "I'll give you the buyout amount after I check my guild card, but can you show me something first?" In response to the Guildmaster's words, the High Elves take the material they got on the island out of the item box and place it on the workbench. "Hey, it's been cleaned up." If it's beautiful like this, there's hardly any work for me. " Looking at the materials of the high elves, Johan's old man said as impressed, and Verde, who would have been in charge of the dismantling, turned a little dirty. In the meantime, the materials are piling up. "Come on, you still got it?" "This is the last time." That said, Mr. Radmir put some kind of fang or claw at the end. It's been handled neatly, but if you have this much, I might give you a little time to evaluate it. When Johan's old man said that, the official with the guild cards of the high elves came back. "Um, Guildmaster..." The official who called out to the guildmaster looked puzzled for some reason. What? Oh, you see, as you can see, it's a lot of old cards. "I know that." "So, it seems that I haven't received a request for a long time, and the guild card itself is invalid, but since they are high ranked people, I still have some information left..." Gudagda, don't preface it, just say it clearly. "Um, I don't know why, but it comes out that these people registered as adventurers more than 600 years ago..." "Huh? What's so stupid about it?" "Even if you say that..." The Guildmaster's face was pointed at me at the same time as the official's words. Strangled by the unhampered Guildmaster. Uh, uh, 600 years? Ladies and gentlemen of the High Elves, you said that the guild card was issued between 300 and 400 years ago. ............ Ah. A guild card issued between 300 and 400 years ago when you went up to rank A or B? That's why I signed up as an adventurer even before. Is that more than 600 years ago? Well, you can't let the elves through with that, can you? Because the longevity elves are 600 years old. Ladies and gentlemen of the high elves here, no matter how you look at them, they are beautiful men and beautiful women in their early twenties. What should I do? Even if you look to the high elves for help, you still look like you can't see the story. Shit, you're a pretty girl with a pretty face. "Hey, who did you bring here?" Let me tell you more about it. " Guildmaster, I'm scared. I'm laughing, but I'm not laughing. Like a frog strangled by a snake, I was twisting my face in a cold sweat.
It had come as far as the present as the kingdom of Fennen. The border fort is also visible from here. There's some kind of straw guard coming out of the fort. I sighed when I saw Fell following me from behind. "Something tells me there are a lot of soldiers out there..." "Master Fell is here. I'll explain the situation ahead of time." With that said, Mr. Werner ran towards the fort. I apologize for the inconvenience. Mr. Werner and the guards were waiting in line all the time at the fort. "I am Edgar Volgord, Captain of the Fourth Knights of the Kingdom of Fennen. I heard from Lord Werner here. That Fenrir says he has an obedience pact with you, is that true? The captain of the greatest title of the guard (perhaps noble because he has a last name) has asked that in an atmosphere of urgency enough to see and understand. This is because Fell's here, isn't it? All the guards have their weapons in their hands so they can handle it at any time. Even if it rots, it's called a legendary demon, or what. "Yes, I have an exorcism pact with this Fenrill" With that said, there was a "ooh" leak from among the guards. "Right. But the legendary Warcraft Fenrir is said to have destroyed a country. Are you sure you won't harm this country or the people of this country? As someone who keeps border security, you may be worried about it. "Hey, Fell. Everyone here is very worried about putting a fer strong enough to be said to be a legendary warcraft into the country. I'd be in trouble if I could get busted inside the country. Fell would never do that, would he? "No, don't keep me with the retarded demon. Unless you intend to harm the Lord and me, you will not touch me." "That's right. Dear Captain." The captain who was watching me and Fell interact looked embarrassed. "You're really turning a legendary warcraft into an obedient demon... even when you see it, you still can't believe it..." That's right, Captain. Before I knew what to translate, I was signed a contract with my subordinate. "Looks like it's true that you have an exorcism pact to see the current exchange. Then I'll allow you to enter the country. But ask Fenrir, the submissive demon, to hold on tight." "Yes, I understand. Hey, Fell, please, just keep me company." 'I know. As I was saying, if you don't get your hands on us, you're not going to do this with me. " "Really, really, please. If anything happens, it's on me." "It's tough." "No, I have to be careful, just in case. Oh, because sometimes if I do something that annoys you, there's no meal." "Gu......" I've managed to get permission to enter the country, so I need to be careful not to do anything weird. If anything happens, it's going to be my sin. "I see. I didn't know you'd miss that Fenrill so much, it doesn't seem like it's going to be the kind of thing you were worried about" That's what the captain said in a bit of a relief. "Captain, I don't think that's going to happen first. We were there when Mr. Mukoda signed an exorcism contract with Mr. Fell, and then we came all the way here together, but Mr. Fell was never angry." "The leader is right. Mr. Mukoda is giving orders to Master Fell to fetch his prey. I'm surprised." Rita, I'm surprised, too. I told him to go get his prey because he wanted me to secure his own food support. I don't mean to get it for me, so don't go wrong there. "Oh, you mean you have a good grasp" Hey, captain, what's "ho"? I put my hand on my chin, and I look like I'm thinking something bad? Stop it, it's no trouble. That's how I managed to safely enter the kingdom of Feinen with my permission to enter the country. By the way, I didn't have a guild card. I paid five silver coins as an entry tax. I also paid two pieces of silver as Fell's share, which means the submissive will also be subject to immigration taxes. It sounds plain nostalgic that it will take Fell's share. I have to join the Merchant Alliance soon. Into the kingdom of Fennen, we were walking towards the desired border city of Fariere. "I was horrified to be able to safely enter the country. Thank you all." Thank you to everyone at Iron Will for not being able to travel the world alone in the first place where there are demons. Besides, we managed to get into this country because we had everyone's backup even when it came to Fell. "No, no, we had a good experience, too. I could see the legendary Warcraft Fenrill, and I could talk more about it." "The leader is right. I'm so proud of you." "I'm just as proud of everyone as I am of Vincent. I met the fairy tale Fenrir." "Hehe, if you lita, you're a child. But you do want to brag about this." "I didn't expect to see Fenrill while he was alive... don't run out of adventurer profits" After all, Fell's presence was shocking for everyone as well. "But Mr. Mkoda could be busy from now on" Mr. Werner, why are you so busy? "Fenrir and his lord have entered the country because, naturally, they will have contacted Uncle Lindell, who is ruling this neighborhood, and they will have gone to the king." "Besides, the captain, Mr. Mkoda and Mr. Fell seemed to be thinking about how we could draw him into this country." Captain - I knew you were thinking of something else. "That being said, I'm not going to stay in this country either, so I'll have to think about it then while I talk to Fell" "Ha, right. With Lady Fell, you won't be able to do anything uninhabited." Fell, please, but I can't help it there. I've come from different worlds and I want to see a lot of them. Throughout this journey, I have an online supermarket, so I thought I might try to travel the world for the benefit of it. It's romantic to travel across worlds. "Do you even travel that you're not going to stay in this country? I nodded at Mr. Werner's inquiry. "I wanted to see a lot of things in this world." "I see. Then Mr. Mkoda should sign up for the Adventurer Guild" What, Adventurer Guild? I'm not going to be an adventurer. "Are you an Adventurer Guild? As far as I'm concerned, I'm going to sign up for the Merchant Alliance. I can cook, too, because I think I can make money in the street when I get to the city, or wholesale products because I have a little handover." "Right, but..." Mr. Werner looks at Fell with an idea face. "Mr. Mkoda will continue to have Mr. Fell's food support fetched by himself, won't he? I snort because it's natural. "Then what are we going to do with the demon demolition that Master Fell has captured? Oh, there it is. "Besides, considering Rockbird, all demons that Master Fell can capture will be of high rank. When that happens, there's an adventurer's guild where you can buy out demonic materials." Indeed. If you can buy it, it's better to buy it for the rest of your life. But you're an adventurer, hmm. "Mr. Mucorda, I think you're worried about something, but shouldn't we just sign up for both? That's what Vincent said when he was listening to me and Mr. Werner. "That, indeed. But is that okay? "Well, not many, but he's registered to both the Adventurer and Merchant guilds." "Heh right. Then I'll sign up for both." I decided to sign up for both the Adventurer and Merchant guilds.
"Hello, Mr. Lamberto" The first person to visit with people was Mr. Lamberto's shop. "Oh, isn't that Mr. Mkoda? Oh, you bought a slave quickly." "Yes, thank you for that verse. I'm sorry to push you with such an adult count, even though there are so many now" Some of them are sniffing around Mr. Lamberto's shop and I figured I'd do something about it, but I figured if I were going to buy shoes, I'd be at Mr. Lamberto's. "No, no. Looks like you've also been bought a slave who can fight properly. Aren't you a slave who seems to have quite an arm's length" "Yes, there was also a letter of reference for Mr. Lamberto, so he introduced me to a good slave to his former adventurer" Anyway, Tabatha and Bartel are ex-B ranks, and even though the asshole twins are assholes, they were ex-C ranks, and Peter is ex-D rank, but they were promising stocks. "That was good. I think you may want to show these slaves here, because you have also detected Mr. Mukoda. If there's a fighting slave, we'll have to be careful." Indeed. That would be all the more so if you were an armed former adventurer like the Tabathas. "So, what can I do for you today? "That's it, but I thought I'd get these fourteen new shoes." To get you to work for us, that's just not it. Looking at the shoes of fourteen people, Mr. Lamberto is also convinced that "oh". "Surely you hesitate to get into that wonderful house with this" So I asked Mr. Lamberto to find everyone's shoes. "This one was made by processing the red bore skin. The price will be a little higher, but it will also be water resistant, durable and long-lasting. And with this lustrous finish, it looks beautiful and suits any outfit." What Mr. Lamberto has brought out is a pair of dark tea string leather shoes with a glossy finish on the skin of the red bore. It looks good, and it looks pretty good. That would definitely be better if it lasted, even if it was a little higher than it would soon go bad. "Well, now, please." "Yes. And to the former adventurers, what about these boots? I use the same red bore skin that I used earlier, but it is sturdy because it is supplied with an iron plate on my toes, as well as it can be used to attack when I am unarmed" That being said, when Mr. Lamberto tapped on the toe area, a cone and a hard noise rang. The five former adventurers are also looking at the boots to feed into Mr. Lambert's description. You sure look sturdy. If you're planting an iron plate on it, this is going to be a cool offense if you release the kick. "This is five former adventurers, please." I bought it after getting everyone's size fitted. I chose something a little bigger to think about the children's share of the future. They rarely replace shoes or anything else, and they were all thankful. One pair of leather shoes with strings, one gold coin and six silver coins, one pair of boots with iron plates, two gold coins and four silver coins. Twenty-six gold and four silver coins for 14 pairs total. He lost 26 gold coins to me and Mr. Lamberto. Thank you. "Mr. Lamberto, I think we'll leave the soap and shampoo thing to them, too, thank you." "Yes, I understand." I'm talking about Mr. Lamberto, and he's getting a carriage out of Mr. Lamberto's store to pick it up for us when we wholesale it. I was worried that I would be attacked, but sometimes everything from my house to Mr. Lamberto's shop was all over the city, and there were plenty of people in the street, which meant that they wouldn't be the first to attack me in a city where there were a lot of witnesses. "Mr. Lamberto, if anything happens..." I asked Mr. Lamberto to keep these fourteen people hidden in case anything happened, and he took them on quickly. You're left to take care of Mr. Lamberto. I'll give you something to worry about next time. "Then thank you for your help. Oh, I just want to ask you one thing, do you have a great store to buy clothes from? "Then there's a wide variety of Martin clothing shops that you can find right on the first corner of the road." We followed Mr. Lamberto's shop and headed to Mr. Lamberto's recommended Martin clothing store. ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ "If it were, it would still be this" The shopkeeper showed me a Victorian maid, or a black long dress with an ankle and a white apron combination of maid clothes. Mr. Lamberto recommended Martin clothing stores were also of a wide variety, as Mr. Lamberto put it. The owner of everything comes from the city of Krall, famous for its spinning I've visited, and he says he can get good clothes with that handout. I went into the store and immediately talked to the store owner who responded to me about what clothes I would like by talking about fourteen people being slaves and having the Toni and Alban women mainly do the house thing and the men do the garden care, and five former adventurers take charge of the security. And what showed me as the right clothes for the women was as much made-up clothing as I had just done. "If you were a slave to your mansion, this would definitely be it. For a well-groomed look, the black dress is neither stained nor noticeable. You can replace this apron even if it's dirty." I see. Maid clothes are satisfied with practical specifications even for maid clothes. The women wore three clothes per person, including a replacement for this. I bought six aprons in anticipation of turning them into seriousness. I was wondering if I could wear regular clothes for a five-year-old Lotte, "Lotte likes this too!" the same made-up clothes in the person's only hope. This store was available in a wide variety and size, and for some reason it was able to accommodate maid clothes for toddlers. "This is still for the men." It's the olive overalls that shopkeepers have recommended to the men. The fabric looks thick and sturdy too. Ask Toni, who was also a planter, that his work clothes were this. Then this would be good. I bought three overalls per person and six more shirts because they would also be sweaty. "This will be good for former adventurers" The owner put out thick, dark grey pants. He said it was very durable with a woven cloth mixed with a demonic yarn called Steel Spider. If it's about a knife, they'll prevent it. Moreover, it is a product that is breathable and popular with adventurers. That, I might want this, too. It's a little high, but I need these five to keep their bodies up and protect them when they have a problem, so this will do. I bought three pants each and six shirts. Of course I bought three pants for myself. Because it's difficult for me to talk about underwear (especially for women), I asked them to choose five pieces for themselves. "Now, there are seventy-seven gold coins in total." I figured I'd make the clothes pretty good. I made the payment and left the Martin clothing store behind. The adults were a little confused about the good treatment of getting them to buy it for replacement, but for me, it would definitely be better if they kept it clean, even if it cost a little money. "I also bought it for a proper replacement, so make sure it's clean." When I said that, everyone was nodding strangely. That said, the shoes are the same, but the clothes rarely seem to be replaced, and everyone was thrilled with the new clothes. I'm going to give my skin clothes and socks to the online supermarket that I love. Especially since I would definitely prefer the one in the online supermarket for the touch and price of my skin. Well, now I guess I've got some essentials. Perhaps you could start working on this tomorrow. Then we can have ourselves cooked. All right, then you secure the groceries. I have to get vegetables on the market to give you my share of the meat. Then the market is next? We left everyone's stuff and temporarily stored it in my item box, and we headed to the market.
"Hey, that's it for today" 'Right. The sun's setting, and let's do that.' After a brief exchange of thoughts, Fell's legs stopped. Day three of coming to the tiers of the silver world on one side around. Even for Dora, who doesn't like the cold, she was moving on even to get through this extremely cold hierarchy. Get off Fell's back and stretch out his back guzzly. "Kuh-uh." Suey, who was on Fell's back as well, imitates me, stretching her pull body vertically and turning it against me. I don't have any bones or muscles, so I can't even get my back to rub. I laugh when I see such a sui. By the way, it was Dra that was stuck on my back, but along the way, there was a case that Dra, distracted by the cold, was about to fall, so I'm having Sui and I take turns and stay in the bag. I swirl the fleece jacket I bought from an online supermarket instead of a blanket and sleep tight in my bag. Seems a little narrow for Dora, though. "Well, shall we prepare? Fell, I need you to tie the line." "Umm." In Fell's tense bond, I went so far as to prepare the camp. First lay the blue sheet purchased at the online supermarket. Then lay the fur dropped from a demon named Snow Giant Horn Rabbit obtained on the last 45 levels on top of it. Snow Giant Horn Rabbit is a rabbit demon that comes out once done in this hierarchy. We're trying to move fast. We came out a little before the line, and it was blocking progress. As in snow, of course the fur is white as snow to the corner and about the size of a large dog. It's a B-rank demon, and although it's not that strong for the Fells, it's a bad idea not to realize until you're close enough to see if it's white enough to blend into the snow scenery and if you have hidden skills. Cosoli, you're coming closer and you're going to rush towards a sharp corner, you're scared. Well, that being said, I wasn't the enemy of Fell and Suey. Still, the hierarchy here seems paradise to Snow Giant Horn Rabbit, and quite a few of them have come out before us, so with that, we got a cool number of Snow Giant Horn Rabbit drops. Of all the drops of fur, horns, meat and sometimes demon stones, fur had the highest drop rate. We use some of that accumulated fur on top of a blue sheet to keep it warm. Snow Giant Horn Rabbit fur is sometimes water resistant and insulated, and I treasure it because just laying this down makes it a pretty comfortable space. By the way, the fur I laid on is cleaned beautifully by Sui's body, so it feels clean and hookah. Put a futon over that hookah fur and you're done with the bunk. I came here further to my handheld futon and blanket, and I bought an extra blanket. If we all stick together and go to sleep, I can sleep there warmly. Just when I'm ready for bed, I wake up softly and speak to Dora in her bag. "Dora, we've got a bunk." "Ah......" Dra, who woke up in the first place, comes out of her bag wrapped around her fleece jacket. Then he dived into the futon on the bunk where he was ready to go. "I'd like to get out of this extremely cold hierarchy soon, even for Dora." "Tomorrow, or at least the day after tomorrow, I'm going to be able to get out of this hierarchy. But considering what we've been through... ' "You mean the hierarchy below here is likely to have the same extreme cold, right? Dungeons here often have two tiers of the same environment. "Well, that's when it happened." 'Is that true, too? And you haven't had rice yet? "I'm just getting ready for bed, so I'm going to make it." Damn it, Fell feels fast. "I don't know what to do, I figured it was a pot. My body warms up and I can make it quick. I knew it was a pot." It's been a pot all day since I came to this hierarchy, but if you want to warm up your body, the pot is the best. Best of all, it's delicious and easy. "Hot pot. That's not bad because it's warm and delicious. Whatever, just like yesterday, you can have a pot of turtle meat." "Sui is also fine in a pot. A pot of turtle meat. Yummy." "A spoon pan? It's delicious, but it's not like it's a day in a row. And it's a precious piece of delicious meat, so it's delicious to eat sometimes." "Then what pot is it to be? It's an absolute condition to have meat in it." "Well, then, I know." You guys are meat for staples, right? "I don't mind that, what pot shall I make......" Clamp the item box. "Hmm. Do you want to use this?" What I took out was picked and fresh meat dropped on this floor. Snow Giant Horn Rabbit came out in this hierarchy alongside a monster drop the size of a hen right around my waist called Snow Cocko. This snowcock was also bright white to Tosaka and blended into the snow scenery and hard to notice. "Hey, that meat must be the white bird meat here, right? Didn't I tell you I'd make that a grilled chicken? "Oh, of course I'll make you a grilled chicken. But that's what we're talking about when we get out of the ground. There are a lot of them, so I thought I'd use them for today's pot. It's gonna taste good in a pot." It's not unlike chicken because it tastes a bit like chicken, so it's meat that can be used for anything. "Mmm, will there be less meat for the grilled chicken for that matter? All right, starting tomorrow, let's try to hunt the white birds intensively. Suey, too." "Okay -. Tomorrow I will defeat all the white birds! They said the fragrant roasted chicken was looking forward to Fell as well, and they can't have less meat for that roasted chicken. It's a declaration of intensive hunting of snowcocks with Sui. It would be annoying for Snowcock. "So, what kind of pot are you going to make? "I thought I'd use this meat for water cooking. It's light, but it's delicious." ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ Once you have purchased the ingredients for water cooking in the online supermarket, you will have to start cooking. That said, it's easy because I just cut the ingredients and boil them. First, add water and kelp to the earthen pan and leave for about 30 minutes. Cut meat and vegetables in between. Cut the skinned snowcock momomo meat into large bites, cut the cabbage into pieces, cut the water vegetables into lengths of about 5 cm, and the spring onions into diagonal pieces. Cut the tofu into about three centimeters of corners, while the shimeji and enoki cut off the stone and leave it loose. Just finished cutting the meat and vegetables, add the granulated chicken soup to the earthen pot that was filled with water and kelp and set it on fire. It takes time and effort to turn it into a cloudy soup like a Hakata-style water-cooked dish that I specialize in, so I add chicken soup to add richness. That's good enough for a home meal. Remove the kelp before the earthen pot boils and add the snowcock meat when it boils. All you have to do is simmer the meat while you shrug the ac and when the fire goes through, add the rest of the ingredients and if the fire goes through, you can do it. "All right, we're done." Fell, Dora and Sui, who were wrapped around the futon in that voice, gather together. "You eat this with this pong vinegar. Yeah, I'll just be a minute." Serve the water cooking into each dish from the gutsy, boiling pot where the hot air rises. And pour on the vinegar...... "Yes." Placing a plate in front of everyone is immediately disappointing. Fell and Dora are flirtatious and huffy cold though. "Delicious. This bird's meat and a little sour sauce go very well together ~ ' Sui, the hot one, is tasting the water cooking one foot away. 'Um, sure. I think I can eat as much as I want. " Fell, who mouths a water-cooked dish that has become a heat that can be mouthed, is just devouring guts and meat. "Ahhh, I knew the pot would warm my body Wow" Dora says she looks stingy while tasting the water cooking. I'll have a pot of vinegar for the water cooking too. "Atchi...... but delicious. I knew pots were best when it was cold like this..." Taste the soft-boiled cabbage whilst hoffing and agree with Fel, Dora and Sui on my words that spilled so polly. 'All right, I'm gonna eat more and more. It's a replacement. Now all you need is meat.' "Me too. I'm a vegetable, too. Eating juicy vegetables will warm you up. ' Sui also changed. I eat vegetables, but I don't have a lot of meat. ' I'll give you a change while everyone requests it. Fell, Dora and Sui have a taste of instant guts and water cooking. "Well, I'll eat more too. That's right, next time..." A small bottle was removed from the item box. "Grapefruit pepper. If you put this on a little bit, the flavor will tighten and taste even better." Breathe snowcock meat with a little teak pepper fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu "Yeah, delicious. Ponzu vinegar is good, but grapefruit and pepper are delicious with a refreshing grapefruit aroma and a tingly spicy taste." Eating water cooked with teak pepper, I feel a gaze staring at this one jeezy. "Hey, what's that? That's right, Fell, your ability to sniff something delicious is picky. "It's a spicy seasoning called teak and pepper. But not only is it spicy, but it's also refreshing." "Ho, is it delicious to eat on this? "Oh," he said to the question, pushing a water-cooked plate towards me like Fell told me to put teak and pepper on it. I'll put teak and pepper on it as Fell hopes...... "More." "More like this, okay? That's what Fell says, so increase the amount of teak and pepper. "More" "Whoa, whoa, this is hard. Are you okay?" "You'll be fine, put more on it." Fell prompts me to put it on. Fell buckles and cheeks its plenty of snowcock meat with teak and pepper. 'Whoa, that's spicy and delicious! "No, no, it's too much..." Did that spiciness sicken for Fell of the boisterous thing, after all, the rest of the teak pepper was eaten by Fell. As for me and Dora, "I want to try it too," I secretly bought an extra teak pepper at an online supermarket, though. Of course, Dora and I put it on moderately and the water cooking was delicious. Sui, who doesn't like spicy, had a puckered water cooking with pong vinegar. That's how I enjoyed plenty of water cooking till the rice cooking and finished dinner. I wasn't sure whether to make udon, but I was right to make it rice cooked. The rice cooking made with a soup that blends the delicious taste of snowcock meat with the delicious taste of vegetables was excellent, and it was delicious to stain all the way to the core of the body. Me, Fell, Dora and Sui, having finished dinner, fell asleep leaning against each other with a warm body in a water cook.
Today, I came to Mr. Lamberto's shop to pick up the clasp wallet I asked for. Fell, Grandpa Gong, Dora-chan, and Sui are relaxing outside the store. Mr. Lambert and I went into the back room of the shop as usual. So, I had to show you my clasp wallet. "Oh, that's good. That's good." There was a clasp mouth wallet that was the size of the palm as specified. The clasp fitting also opens smoothly. The hunter green anaconda skin was also treated beautifully, resulting in a brighter green color. "It's perfect, or better than I expected!" "That's good. The craftsman also had a new form of wallet in the skin that was no longer there." The craftsman at Mr. Lambert's is quite right. I'm doing a good job. Well, I caught it in my ear, but Mr Mukoda, I hear you're heading to King's Landing. That's right, you're quick to hear. "Yeah." "Perhaps you should meet Count Langridge.Right now, I have a family in King's Landing. " Ah, yahoo. I was thinking about that, too. If the Count had been in King's Landing, I would have preferred to see him. I'm taking care of the Count because of Medicine Hair Power , and I can't just meet the King and come back. "I was thinking about that.The Alliance Master is coming with us, so I'll ask him to do the same. " "Thank you so much for doing this." There are a lot of referrals from the Count about the sale of Hair Power . "Yes, what do you think would be a good gift to the Count?I will send you the usual hair conditioner, but it would be better to have shampoo, treatment and hair pack for your wife and daughter. " "Yes, and luxury soaplands." "However, it's not different from usual.Sometimes I go out of my way to meet you in King's Landing, and it would be better if something happened. " "That's right. In that case....." What Lamberto proposed was an all-in-one gel to be wholesale to Marie. The Countess' wife and daughter already knew about it, and they thought I was the source. Well, you know, there's a lot going on with the Count's house. "Okay, I'll put that cream in too.Also, should I put in anything that comes out of the dungeon? " "That's right... Mukoda-san, you've trampled several dungeons." Mr. Lambert, what are you looking at in the distance at dusk? "Isn't that a gift for the king?" "There are some items to offer, but there are many other fine gems." "A fine jewel..." What, are you looking at me like I'm stunned? "Gems are good, but if you get high rank potions in the dungeon, you might be more pleased." According to Mr. Lamberto, securing potions in times of need is the duty and status of nobility. "Ah, then...." I took out the Swiss specialty potion in the item box. "It's junior, intermediate, and advanced.It's not from the dungeon, but I have a handler and it's very easy to get. " Sui is the one making it anyway ~. "How about five of each?" Are each of them five advanced ones? "Yeah." Mr. Lamberto's face is kind of twitching. What's wrong with you? "Ha ~, this guy again...There are too many advanced five.I think three junior, one intermediate and one advanced would be enough. " "Okay, I will." I'm sure you'd better do exactly what Mr. Lambert says. Then I asked Marie to tell her that All-in-One Gel would be delivered about the day after tomorrow. I also added that the child will go through Kosty-kun as usual. Then, after a little public talk, I decided to keep Mr. Lamberto's shop. As soon as I left the store, I was forced to buy food by a waiting eater's medical record, and then I went on a street tour after yesterday. ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ When I got home, Teresa and the women were just about to finish cleaning the house and go home. Just in time, I asked all the slaves (employees) to gather. A few moments later, slaves (employees) gathered. The large living room is occupied by a hungry eater cartel taking a nap in the entrance hall. "I didn't have any souvenirs on my last trip.It's like a replacement..... " With that said, I will distribute the clasp wallet that I just received today to everyone. "It's a wallet made of dungeon skin.Everyone didn't seem to have a wallet, so I thought it would be okay.The green skin feels good. " The Toni and Arban family's faces sparkle their eyes on the clasp wallet. But the Adventurers were somehow twitching their faces. "By the way, what kind of dungeon is a dungeon?" "Mr. Mukoda, you said you were going to Longkainen, right?If I remember correctly, there wouldn't be a dungeon near the city of Longkainen. " That's what Luke and Irvin told me. You guys are supposed to be stupid, but don't ask me anything sharp. "Well, it's a dungeon in a group of small countries that aren't very well known yet." And he said, "Have you heard of it?I hear words like, "I don't know," or "I don't know." "Did you trample?" That's what Tabasa asks. "Don't you think Fell and Grandpa Gong are here?" On the contrary, when asked, they were convinced that they were all adventurers. "So, what kind of skin is this?It's similar to the skin of a snake monster I've only seen once, but if it's the skin of that monster, it shouldn't be a good skin to give it to slaves like whitefly and whitefly. " Baltel said that while gazing at me. "That's what I expected when I saw this bright green skin.But that's exactly what I'd like to think. I don't want to give it to you... " He'll look me in the eye till Tabasa. "The monster of snakes, the green skin, is that it?" "I was at an auction last year...." * Giggle *. Do you even know the twins? "The value of nearly ,00 gold coins made it a great topic among adventurers. I know that too." Oh, do you even know Peter? "Um...." Well, why do I have to sweat so much when I'm on your side? So, again, what kind of skin is that? Bartel just asked me again. "... Hunter Green Anaconda" After losing the pressure on Baltel, I snapped with the slug. The group of adventurers who heard that sighed along with the words "I knew it..." and "ahah ~". "Listen, Mr. Mukoda, if it's a small thing, it's not normal for anyone to think about using hunter green anaconda skin as a slave." With a stupid face, I was preached by the Adventurers, especially after Bartel said so. If we had something so expensive, we could be attacked. I certainly didn't think about the possibility of being attacked, but I don't know... "It's okay because I'm saying it's okay!If you think it's dangerous to take it outside, you can use it at home as a compartment. " You can put it in a small bag if you want. You guys have a long story, and that's enough. [M] Besides, Toni and Alban are bluishing their faces. Other than Lotte, the children who know a certain amount of stories are also horny. "There are times when I have to sell it.Anyway, I gave it to everyone, so keep it. " That's how I drove everyone home to the front door. Think again when everyone is gone. "No, because everyone doesn't have a wallet, so I turned it into a clasp wallet, but you can't take it outside.In that case, I would like to give you a more ordinary skin, red bore skin or a clasp wallet made with that kind of skin. " That's what I thought.
Fell, Grandpa Gong, Dora and Sui's Eater Cartel, who had breakfast, are relaxing in each living room whether they are hungry or satisfied. Naturally for everyone who wants meat in the morning, I made a bowl of beef with Giganto Minotaur meat, but it cooks faster than ever before. I know it's because of the title "Lonely Cook," but I think it's extra to be aware of because I know there is one. Well, sometimes the beef bowl was also made easily using Mentsuyu. Still, the knife judgment of cutting meat and onions was enough for me to fall in love with myself. Sadly, no. But you're a lonely cook. I got an indescribable title... The cooking work done by myself is smooth and faster, so I guess I'll have to put up with it. "Ha, change your mood by organizing your drops." Retrieve the drops that were in the item box. "Uh, demon stones on Zlatrok's fur and hooves. No, you got Zlatrok's fur again." Is this the third piece of Zlatrok fur? Sounds pretty valuable, but I don't know, I don't have a use for it except to sell it. Mr. Tristan said it was too expensive to handle an adventurer's guild. Maybe I should give this to the king now. If I were you, I'd give it to both the king here in the kingdom of Ellman and the king of the kingdom of Leonhardt. It's not a place we live in. It makes a lot more accommodating. But if it's the same fur, the offering might not be very nice to wear. I think I need to talk to Mr. Tristan about that. "Oops, the idea goes on later. Violet berries don't matter because we consume them, and Poison Vulture Demon Stone (very small) next? Ugh, that's cool. One, two, three, four, five..." .................. ............ ...... "Okay, it's over, it's over" Sometimes I only picked up the blind potatoes, and it didn't take as long to sort them out as last time. That said, it was almost a day's work between lunches because I was relaxing while drinking coffee. Fell, Grandpa Gong, Dora and Sui are napping in the living room looking comfortable after lunch. By the way, this is the second dungeon, a drop from to the bottom 47. 1 x Zlatrok fur 1 x Zlatrok Demon Stone (Extra Large) Poison Vulture Demon Stone (Extremely Small) x 117 32 x Giant Sand Scorpion Poison Needles Giant Sand Scorpion Demon Stone (Medium) x 14 Sandworm teeth x 39 Sandworm's Demon Stone (Large) x 18 Death Side Winder Skin x 48 28 x Death Side Winder Poison Bags Deathside Winder's Demon Stone (Large) x 22 Sandgolem's Demon Stone (Medium) x 11 1 x Apep Skin 3 x poison fluids of apep 1 x Apep Demon Stone (Ultra Extra Large) 1 x Amemit Skin 1 x Amemit Crate (Contains Blue Diamond (Extra Large)) 1 x Amemit Demon Stone (Ultra Extra Large) Snow Giant Horn Rabbit Fur x 88 Snow Giant Horn Rabbit's Horn x 52 Snow Giant Horn Rabbit's Demon Stone (Extremely Small) x 12 Snowcock's Mouth x 66 24 x Snowcock Blades 6 x Snow Caribou horns 10 x Snow Caribou Fur Snow Caribou's Demon Stone (Small) x 13 8 x Snow Panther Fur Snow Panther Demon Stone (Medium) x 8 5 x Giant Snow Tiger Fur 4 x Giant Snow Tiger Fangs Giant Snow Tiger's Demon Stone (Large) x 6 Yeti's Demon Stone (Extra Large) x 1 1 x Yeti's Cloak 1 x Ice Dragon Skin 1 x Ice Dragon Eye Ball 1 x Ice Dragon Liver 1 x Ice Dragon Fang 1 x Ice Dragon Demon Stone (Ultra Extra Large) The gold and silver treasure that Grandpa Gong was sigging in. Ingots of gold x 132 Ruby (Large Grain) x 18 Sapphire (Large Grain) x 15 Diamond (Large Grain) x 16 Emerald (Large Grain) x 13 Opal (Large Grain) x 20 Amethyst (Large Grain) x 21 Aquamarine (Large Grain) x 19 4 x Diamond Rings 5 x Diamond Brooches 3 x Diamond Necklaces 2 x Diamond Tiaras 2 x Sapphire necklaces 3 x Sapphire Bracelets 1 x Sapphire tiara 3 x Ruby's Rings 3 x Ruby necklaces 1 x Ruby's Brooch 2 x Ruby Earrings 3 x Emerald Rings 1 x Emerald necklace 2 x Emerald Earrings 6 x Opal Brooches 2 x Peridot bracelets 3 x Peridot Earrings 3x Aquamarine Tiara 1 x Brooch of Alexandrite 1 x Tanzanite necklace 2 x Detoxification Rings 1 x Detoxifying Necklace 2 x Rings of Defense 1 x Defense Necklace 1 x Magic Recovery Ring 3 x Wind Magic Rings 2 x Fire Magic Rings 2 x Magic Bags (Medium) 1 x Large Magic Bag 1 x Demon Sword Frunting 1 x Demon Sword Glam 1 x Demon Sword Eckezacks Etc There are too many gold and silver treasures that Grandpa Gong was sigging in... There is actually more because the jewels are large grains, and the jewellery is only picked up with large grains of jewellery and elaborate designs and the details are discounted. How many black dragons (black dragons) have you crushed in the course of 200 years? The Black Dragon (Black Dragon) is just getting a little pathetic while I list it. Aside from that, I could sort it out for now. Tomorrow, I'm promising to go to the Adventurer Guild, but I don't know how much you can buy out. Oh, of course, the Devil's Sword is a salting project in the item box, so I'll take it off the list to show Mr. Tristan. You're not very good at this, but you can't get it out. ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ "Hey, we got a good deal this time. Thank you so much." We're on our way to the Adventurers Guild as promised. Fell, Grandpa Gong, Dora, and Sui's cartels are also accompanying me, so I was led to the warehouse from the beginning today. And we're just finishing the deal safely. This time it seems he had enough money ready after the last deal, Nico. It was a cash lump sum payment, and I was just getting it ready now. This deal also seemed to satisfy me enough, and Mr. Tristan is a hockey face, even though he freaked out by Grandpa Gong, who was present. "But it's awesome. I've never seen a guy bring home so many drops." He was begged by Mr. Tristan, who freaked out by Grandpa Gong, and Mr. Bartolomeo was present. "Hey, in our case, overpower or something...... Besides, the kind of jewellery you bought is almost what the ancient dragon master Gong had in him." "The black dragon (black dragon) 's abalone is loud when Non says he's asleep. I don't know how many times I've crushed him, but he was really stupid. Well, thanks to that, it was essential for the rice. ' Sometimes it's just us, Mr. Tristan and Mr. Bartolomeo, and Grandpa Gong doesn't hesitate to speak up and say so. According to Grandpa Gong, the dropped meat was for rice, the skin and fangs were left uninterested, and the crate and only the light in it were collected into the cave. Well, that doesn't seem to be every time, either, and it seemed like when I felt like it. But it's still this amount, so how many black dragons did Grandpa Gong slaughter? Both Mr. Tristan and Mr. Bartolomeo are listening to Grandpa Gong and pulling his face together. "Well, whatever it is, it's all great stuff, and we're very helpful." This time again, Tristan bought a lot of jewelry, mainly jewelry, so this one is very helpful. Jewellery and jewellery are rotten treasures, even if I have them. Everything Mr. Tristan bought me, from the very small to the large of the Demon Stone and all the fur of the Snow Giant Horn Rabbit, the fur of the Snow Caribou and the fur of the Giant Snow Tiger. He was happy to buy me the chance to get the fur of a demon that only lives in the cold. Then you seemed lost, but you also bought ice dragon eyeballs. "If you want to buy a liver anyway," he said bumply, but told Mr. Bartolomeo, "Is the funding okay?" I got stuck in there, and then it looked like I had eyes. Never again will I have the opportunity to buy out dragon materials, since I showed you the list of drops, Mr. Tristan said, "I will definitely buy it! 'Cause I kind of liked it. And then there are jewels and jewellery. He also bought me all the gold ingots and large gems, all the magic bags (medium) (large), and then all the fine gems and jewellery. Mr. Tristan seemed to want a lot of magic props like those with large gems, elaborate jewelry of designs and detoxification rings, but the funds just came to the bottom. And among other things, I would have if I had caught Mr. Tristan's eye and not trained him... "Ha ha, it's such a beautiful glow to sigh" With that said, Mr. Tristan stares with a lukewarm eye at the blue diamond from the drop from Amemit, the boss of the 44th tier. I wanted you to buy it out early because it looks like some kind of shitty substitute...... Exactly. Funds are available to buy blue diamonds of high rare value of this size......, so Mr. Tristan also declines. Like the last Zlatrok fur, it doesn't have to be bought with current funds, but it seems that buying this will make it impossible to buy other things. "Hey, that's enough. Come on. I know you're having trouble with the muchoda." When Mr. Bartolomeo says so, Mr. Tristan hacks and returns the blue diamond to me. "Sorry. It's so great to stick with" I put the blue diamond I received from Mr. Tristan back in its original box and turn it into an item box. Unfortunately, to see Mr. Tristan looking at me all the time, it doesn't seem like the anecdote is a complete lie. It's a long, useless thing for me, so I just want to let it go, really. Looks like the buyout price was ready while doing that. "So here's the purchase price and 55,000 gold coins. Of course, we have prepared it this time with white gold coins." Three hemp bags placed on the table with that word doddly. "The same big deal this time around. Besides, I'm really happy that we've all had a good deal on great products." Nico's Tristan in such a way as to be very satisfied. "Well, check it out." I had heard the buyout price beforehand, but I knew I'd freak out when they put the cash in front of me again. After I swallowed my goku and spit, I carefully started counting the number of white gold coins. 10 for 3, 3, 4, 20 for 3, 3, 4, 30 for 3, 3, 4.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... "550 white gold coins, indeed" "Hey, it was a really good deal. If I put it up for sale again this time, it's all definitely sold out instantly. MUFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF Mr. Bartolomeo looks frightened by the high-tension Mr. Tristan for saying that. "You're not laughing in such a weird way. But it's true about eye care. I'm also an adventurer who went all the way to A-rank, but I've never seen just this drop before. I had a very valuable experience." Oh, oh, that's good. That's just fine if you two are around. It would be comforting to hear Bartolomeo's views as well as Mr Tristan's. I have consulted with the King of both the Ellman and Leonhardt kingdoms about their offerings. "It's all my heart, but I thought it might be easier to take care of this kind of care of things later on." "Well, there is that" "Indeed." Yeah, nodding, Mr. Tristan and Mr. Bartolomeo. I also told the two of them that I have given my offerings to the Kingdom of Leonhardt several times before to facilitate a lot of things. "So, what I want to talk to you about is what to dedicate. Since there are three pieces of Zlatrok fur, I also wondered if each one would wear the offering..." When I said that, Mr. Tristan said, "You should stop using the same product as a gift." It would take a while. The fact that royalty, arguably the extremes of the privileged class, has the same was that it is still not preferable, either as royalty or externally. "Then what about a Zlatrok horn and diamond ring and a sapphire ring and a ruby ring to the Ellman kingdom and a Zlatrok fur and diamond necklace and a ruby necklace to the Leonhardt kingdom? I don't think I'm going to stand in the corner because I don't think it's much or expensive. By the way, the fact that there are three rings and two necklaces is the difference between them because of the higher number of gems used. "I think Zlatrok's horns and fur are good, but you can't have a gem. It is probably the queen who wears the jewels. Then I think you should make rings, necklaces and earrings etc different than the same accessories. And I think you should make the jewels uniform, too. Diamonds, diamond rings, necklaces and earrings." I think it's enough to give Mr. Tristan an opinion. Mr. Tristan says that when you have three rings or something, you can only wear one of them, and then you would be more pleased to wear a three-piece set, such as a ring, necklace and earrings, for example, at a royally-sponsored night club. "Not to mention all the great stuff that Mr. Mkoda is trying to dedicate. I'm sure the queen will be satisfied with the attention given to nightclubs and such." I see. Because wives are so many families, I didn't think it would be a bad idea to keep the queen in a good mood, but do you also need that kind of care? "Then there's one thing I thought too. If you're Leonhardt, shouldn't you still have the diamond necklace, and not the ruby necklace? You've given him a Ruby pendant before, haven't you? Isn't a different gem better than the same one? Indeed. Mr. Bartolomeo, you've noticed very well. No, I should have given you a pendant top pendant with a large ruby in it. If that's true, don't wear a necklace. "Hmm, then..............." Then I came up with an opinion on that and this and decided on the offering. And this is the dedication I decided to make while consulting Mr. Tristan and Mr. Bartolomeo. To the kingdom of Ellman, give me a Zlatrok horn and sapphire ring, a sapphire necklace and sapphire earrings. We decided to give the Kingdom of Leonhardt a Zlatrok fur and emerald ring, an emerald necklace and an emerald brooch. The offering to the Kingdom of Ellman is to be delivered by Mr. Tristan to the King of the Kingdom of Ellman under his responsibility. It was also decided that it was a suspension, and I greeted the two of you and we left the Adventurer Alliance behind in one line.
Dinner and a bath. Come on. I was just about to head to my bedroom to go to bed...... "Finally, finally, caution is solved. Sweetness to the concubine, the sweetness of the other world." Wow. ' "Lotion and cream, lotion and cream now, please! Please. ' "Please, please, give me a beer! "............... Cake and Ice Cream" "Wu, give me the whiskey... Whiskey........................ ' "Alcohol, wine. Whiskey, whiskey, whiskey, whiskey for me." Many of the words of the gods' plea that have suddenly echoed in my head. ... Something, chaos. "Oh, please calm down. I'll listen to you." With that said, a storm of apologies from the gods. 'Wow, you have to. No, no. Don't take away the pleasure of a concubine because I won't be bothering you from now on.' 'I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. I won't be selfish anymore. So please give me a beauty product. I can't think of a life without beauty products from other worlds anymore. Please, please. Ooh.' "Sorry! Monday was just a bummer, right? I'm really reflecting. So give me a beer! 'It could have been a bit much to ask for every Monday. Reflecting. So please cake and ice cream again' "Nora and the others also think it's bad that I ordered a lot and said something loud. Drinks from other worlds are too delicious. Especially since whiskey is unusual. Nong and the others are obsessed. Of the god of war. I bothered the Lord." 'The blacksmith God is right. I think it was really bad that I was too obsessed with whiskey and put a lot of orders on it. I'm sorry.' "'It's the afterlife, so let the whiskey go! (To us! God, you seem to have been very cautious. It's a bit of a dong-pull for being too desperate. Dear Nin Lil, this voice, you're crying. He sounds like he's crying. When I manage to calm down and hear from the gods... God seems to have received harsh words from Master Demiurgos besides prudence. "The Creator said so. If you're going to force me too much, I need to allow you to make any contact with the Lord. Because your Lord is kind, you may laugh and hear the selfishness of your concubines, but you said that you would not allow it. ' Demiurgos scolded the gods so strongly that they even moistened Lady Ninryl (Goddess of Sweet Life). 'Really? That way, you'll never get great products from another world again. If that happens......, yah, I don't even want to think about it! Kishahr, who cares about beauty twice as much as anyone, had a crush on beauty products from different worlds. Besides, once you use something good like this, you're not willing to use anything that can only be expected to work better than that. I remember your sister saying that about beauty product life. "God of Creation, this time I meant it for you. That's why we were all supposed to discuss it and ask you to apologize properly. Even I definitely don't like the fact that I can't have the most fun beer here these days. ' '... I'm sad too if I can't eat cake and ice cream anymore. I Want More' Master Agni really likes beer, and Master Luca seems to love ice cream. "Even Non is the same. I don't even want to think about not being able to drink whiskey. For Non, whiskey is the right water for life." 'Same goes for me. Just thinking about not being able to taste the whiskey is so frightening. For me, whiskey is the supreme booze. If you taste whiskey, you won't be satisfied with the alcohol in this world.' The combination of whisky supremacist Hephaestus and Vahagn-sama liquor lovers also seemed to be just what I thought this time around. "Uh, ladies and gentlemen, we're getting protection, and if you have moderation, I won't refuse to offer it to you either, so it's okay." When I said that, there was cheer from among the gods. Master Nin Lil is crying and saying, "Yes, I am." "But you know, I just think Monday is going to be tough. If possible, you could make it a month or so..." 'Of course that's fine. Hey, guys.' When Master Kishahr said so, the other gods agreed. We discussed it a little afterwards and decided that it would be for four gold coins on the first of the month for now. Even on Monday, it was one gold coin, so it was converted to four gold coins on the first of the month, and I have no problem with it. So, if this is all I have, I asked him to tell me and let me take care of the rest. I knew it would take a while to hear all my hopes. That said, the hope of the great muscles is the same as before. Lady Nin Lil naturally wants more baking with sweetness. Master Kishahr is a beauty product and wants two sets each, including shampoo & treatment, body soap, lotion and cream from previous series and stock. Master Agni, of course, wanted a beer, and the variety was up to him. As Luca said from the beginning, it's cake and ice cream. The combination of Hephaestus and Vahagun-sama liquor lovers is a choice of whiskey, and if it is whiskey, we can leave the rest to you. Since it is the first of the month, it is easy to prepare the items of hope in your spare time. If you put it in the item box, it won't be bad for you to treat Lady Nin Lil or Lady Luca. Although this was a guideline, there are four pieces of money and the amount cannot be prepared immediately for this time. So I was going to take my time tomorrow, so I was convinced that I would give it to you tomorrow night for this one. That said, I've been patient with it for a long time, and I know it so that the depressed appearance of the gods who heard it can be taken into their hands. 'Cause your voice feels obviously shobourne. I'm kind of pathetic. What was confiscated by Master Demiurgos during this time has apparently been mountainized by Master Demiurgos and his squire... It may be sweet, but I decided to give Master Demiurgos a special bonus worth of confiscated items. I can buy it right from the purchase history of the online supermarket. "Um, guys, only this time, but it's a special bonus item that's been confiscated. Go ahead." That's how I put it on my usual cardboard altar...... "The Lord is fine. Nah. Wow. ' 'You're a really good man. Thank you.' 'That's a good guy. I'll be grateful.' "... thanks" 'Thank you so much. Lord, if you have any problems, don't talk to me right away. If there's anything I can do, I can help. " 'Oh. Me, too. You should say anything if you have any problems. Especially if it's about martial arts, there's nothing out to my right. If anything happens, I'll screw you down with my strength. " Like that, you were all very grateful. There were a few people who said something dangerous. I'll call you back tomorrow night. When I said that, God, I lost my comms. "Phew, that's it for now. Nevertheless, you seem to have enjoyed a lot of Moxibustion from Master Demiurgos. Well, it's good to be the first of the month." All right, let's get some sleep. I remembered huffing as we all went into the quiet master bedroom and lay down in bed. "I fought only that one today, and I'll just check my status for once" Lying on the bed, whispering status. [Name] Mukoda (Tsyoshi Mukouda) [Age] [Race] One-Person [Occupation] Involved interracial adventurer cook [Level] 77 [Health] 464 [Magic] 457. [Attack] 446. [Defense] 438. [Agility] 364 [Skills] Appraisal Item Box Fire Magic Soil Magic Demon Full Defense Gain EXP Multiplication Contract Warcraft Fenrill Hughes Lime Pixie Dragon [Unique Skills] Net Super Tenant Mitsuya Riker Shop Tanaka [Guardianship] Guardianship of Nin Lil, Goddess of Wind (Small) Guardianship of Agni, Goddess of Fire (Small) Protection of Kishal, goddess of earth (small) Protection of Demiurgos, god of creation (small) Ooh, the level is up. I thought the dungeon was coming in and my level was coming up, so it was getting a little worse. Though orcs, you're leveling up more than I thought because you took down a few. I guess I owe it to some doubling of my earned experience. And level 77? You've come a little closer to level 80, where the third tenant enters. I didn't mean it. Hmm, what kind of tenant can I choose next...... I'm interested in that. That's when you have to try. "Huh, now, go to sleep" I lost my drowsiness and I kept my eyes open.
Okay, well, do you want to make dinner? What I make today is an easy whole roast chicken with pilaf. I wanted to try it at my parents' house, so I made it once for Christmas, and it seemed natural for me to make roast chicken for Christmas. Naturally, I know how to make it perfectly. Hufu, I've been meaning to do this someday since I bought the magic stove. Menu. I use it today...... It's a whole cocatrice. I'm going to use this to finish it. The meaty cockatris is a round chicken about . meters. Exactly. We'll all be hungry if we cook one of these whole. Ingredients first. Open the net supermarket, buy herbal salt and frozen pilaf, then hake to oil. Will you make it then? I hate basic hassles. My roast chicken is easy to make. Just pack the frozen pilaf in your stomach and cook. Because it's a hassle to make a pilaf from scratch, but if you have time, I think that's good too. First, I finally slip the herbal salt into the whole cocatrice. And in your stomach. Then I'll put some time aside, but I'll defrost the pilaf in the meantime. It's actually quicker to chin in the range, but I can't do a lentin right here, so I'll fry it gently in the frying pan and thaw it. I'll cook it in the oven so it's light and it'll be fine. The next thing I know, I'm stuffing a pilaf in the belly of Cocatrice with a slip of herbal salt. Once the pilaf is filled, block it with bamboo skewers and tie your feet with octopus thread to prevent mold collapse. Once the whole cockatris has been painted with olive oil using a hake, place the cooking sheet on a top plate. All you have to do is cook it in a preheated oven. I bake it at 200 degrees for less than an hour, but that's while I'm watching. Along the way, you can cook dripping fat onto the ceiling while you apply it with a hake and it will come with a beautiful baking color. When it is then turned upside down and cooked without unevenness, it is cooked deliciously. Try stabbing bamboo skewers where the fire seems to stick when you're worried about whether it's burned or not. If it's only clear fat, it's OK. Once you're done baking, you can remove the bamboo skewers and the octopus thread that binds your feet. Roasted chicken made with one round is luxurious. Plus, it's a big cockatris, so it's a shame. Looking at the roasted roast chicken, the voices of my belly peppers. "Sounds delicious." Come on. Come on. "It's Big Meat - I Want It Soon" Everybody's eyes are nailed to roast chicken. "I'm gonna take the bones off and split them up, so just hang on a second." I split the meat and pilaf on each plate as I removed the bones. "Yes." As soon as I serve the plates, I start eating obsessively. "Mmm, this is so delicious." I guess so. I guess so. Fell would also be obsessed and disappointed in the deliciousness. I knew it wouldn't be the same if I cooked it carefully in the oven with the whole thing. "I can't wait to see the skin on the outside. The rice you call over here tastes good too." Oh, come on. Do you understand me, Dora? That's right. I can't wait for the skin to be crisp, can I? And then the pilaf is delicious because of the delicious taste. "The skin is crisp and the meat inside is tender and juicy with delicious meat juice emerges. This rice is also delicious with the flavour of meat." That's gourmet sui, you know. The skin eyes are crispy and the inside is plump and juicy because it is also cooked in circles, right? The flavour of the meat in the pilaf stuffed in your stomach gives it a flavour that doesn't seem like a frozen pilaf. Roast chicken is a success. Well, I'll eat, too. What do you say yourself, but it's too delicious. Plump and juicy during skin paring. It's also a flavor to cook the whole lot to enjoy the various parts, right? Really, yummy wow. Fell and Sui also took turns and the roast chicken was eaten clean by everyone. At the end of the day, there were only bones left. They all seemed to like it, and they meant to make it again. It would be nice to make this again because it's just easy to pack and bake. "I pulled it. Please." "Dora, you pulled, you said pudding." 'You did. Pudding, please. I haven't eaten yet today, so it's two.' Dora wants the pudding. I promised you two a day, and you haven't eaten today. 'I'm begging you, too. I'm the usual. " "It's always strawberry short, isn't it? Can we have the same two? "Umm." Fell has two of his usual strawberry shorts. "I hope I haven't eaten yet" Yes, sir. Sui wants a new flavor. I will buy each item of hope in three houses. I chose two custard puddings, two strawberry shorts, and an apple pie and strawberry roll cake for Sui. When I gave them each out, they looked deliciously tedious. I got dessert after dinner and everyone is satisfied. If it's me, it's still early to go to bed... Oh, just fine, let's have Sui make that one. I decided to have something made in Sui.
"Hey, Ryuuji, do Sui a favor, huh? "Oh, that's..." I took the mincer out of the item box. I've already gotten rattled because I've been terrible at making a lot of hiccups. It hasn't been like that since I bought it, because I've been pretty bad at it. "I need you to make this." That's what I said and gave Sui the mincer. "Um, wait a minute." Sui is taking the mincer into her body and looking into it. "So, I'm glad you made it bigger than that, if you can." I showed Sui how big it was about . times this size with my hands. "Take this big. It's hard, but I'll try my best - ' There are a lot of parts, and they seem difficult, but they seem to do it. "Now, please." Passing the Mithril Ore to Sui, he took it in. It's actually this mincer that you wanted me to make the most of my cookware. I hope it works out. I'm sure it would be sturdy if it was made of Mithril, and most importantly, I think it would be easier to make hiccups because it would be excellent cut. The Mithril knife is too cleavage (sometimes my fingers are going to lose spa if I do hema, but I probably don't think the slab will keep it) I gave up, but this is because the cleavage is good and there's nothing bad about it. And I'm thinking about having the frying pan made bigger than it is now in the cookware. I still don't have any inconveniences, but I was hoping it would be a little bigger. I was just thinking about the pan as well, but if it's bigger than that, the stove position won't be a little further down, so that's the obstacle when you spin the pan. Considering that, I don't think it is necessary to have the current semi-dimensional torso pan made especially new because it is just the right size and number of pieces. In the meantime, Mincer's next is a frying pan, and I'm hoping to get Sui to make what I need each time. And Sui is excellent on the cute side. I'll feed you lots of cakes from the three rewarded houses. Well, I have to start organizing the drops. Um, and there's a ton of them. Shall we start by sorting it out from the skin that is most common? with one, two, three, four, five......... 123, 124, 125 pieces of oak skin. There were 125 pieces of oak skin in total. I don't know because there were a lot of oaks. Is Lizardman's skin next? One, two, three, four, five... 61, 62, 63 sheets, I guess that's the last one. 63 Lizardman skins. Lizardman is about half the oak and less. There are 63 pieces that are less. What's next, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5...... 100, 101, 102 pieces of Auga skin? There are also more than 100 Auga 102 sheets. There were a lot of orgasms. Trolls are next. There were a lot of trolls, so it seems like a lot. One, two, three, four, five... 111, 112, 113? 113 trolls, too? I kept sorting out the drops. "I'm hungry." "Oh, I'm sorry. At lunch? Shall we go with Fell and Dora?" "You know, it's not over yet." "Oh, fine, fine. I'll be fine after dinner." "Okay -. I'll do it again after dinner." I headed to the beast house where Fell and Dora are with Sui. "It's late." "Late." Fell and Dora seem to have been waiting and a little grumpy. "I'm sorry. I'll make you whatever you want to apologize for, so forgive me." "Oh, well, I like yesterday's ground dragon rice." 'That's good. That was so delicious.' Everyone liked it a lot. It sure was delicious. I said I like it, and I can't help it. Do you want it to be a grilled meat bowl of ground dragons? ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ Fell and Dragon were satisfied with their grilled meat bowl lunch and are taking a nap. Me and Sui start working again when we pinch lunch. I started organizing the drops, and Sue started creating mincers. "Still, there was quite a bit when I tried to sort it out like this..." There were so many drops. Well, we all defeated all sorts of demons. I want to sort it out by the end of the day, and good luck. "Phew, it's finally over..." Here's the result of continuing to organize the drops and finally organizing them. 3 x Venom Tarantula Poison Bags 56 x Oak Meat 31 x Oak Testicles Oak Skin x 125 Lizardman's Skin x 63 Auga Skin x 102 Orga Demon Stone (Extremely Small) x 21 Troll Skin x 113 sheets Troll's Poison Claw x 48 Troll's Demon Stone (Small) x 23 Minotaur's Meat x 42 Minotaur's Horn x 49 Minotaur Skin x 88 15 x Iron Axe in Minotaur Minotaur's Demon Stone (Small) x 20 1 x Oak King testicles 1 x Red Auga Demon Stone (Medium) Sprigan's Demon Stone (Large) x 5 Giant Killer Mantis's Sickle x 38 Giant Killer Mantis Demon Stone (Small) x 7 21 x Murder Grizzly Fur Murder Grizzly's Demon Stone (Large) x 3 10 x Cocatrice Meat Cocatrice feathers x 7 6 x Rockbird Meat Rockbird's mouth x 10 Rockbird feathers x 13 Paralysis Butterfly Paralysis Poison Scale Powder x 42 3 x Giant Dodo Meats 9 x Giant Dodo Wings 3 x Giant Centipede Outer Shells Giant Centipede Demon Stone (Large) x 2 Wild Ape Fur x 61 Killer Hornet Poison Needle x 286 1 x Killer Hornet Royal Jelly 1 x Vaski Fang 1 x Varski Skin 1 x Vaski Demon Stone (Extra Large) 1 x Manticore Skin 1 x Manticore Poison Needle 1 x Manticore Demon Stone (Extra Large) 1 x Gustave Skin 1 x Gustave spine 1 x Gustave Demon Stone (Extra Large) 6 x Giant Sand Scorpion Poison Needles 8 x Sandworm teeth Sandworm's Demon Stone (Large) x 4 7 x Death Side Winder Skin 5 x Death Side Winder Poison Bags Deathside Winder's Demon Stone (Large) x 3 1 x Giant Sandwich Golem Demon Stone (Extra Large) 1 x Behemoth Skin 1 x Behemoth Demon Stone (Ultra Extra Large) 1 x Behemoth (Dungeon Boss) Crate Mimic's Crate (Small) x 1 (Large) x 2 Crates, drops of jewellery 1 x Ruby (Small Grain) 1 x Emerald (Small Grain) 1 x Aquamarine (Small Grain) 1 x Garnet (Small Grain) 2 x Amethyst (Small Grain) 1 x Peridot (small grain) 1 x gold ingot 1 x Sapphire (medium grain) 1 x Alexandrite (medium grain) 1 x Diamond (Large Grain) 2 x Diamond (Medium Grain) 2 x Diamonds (Small Grains) 1 x Yellow Diamond (Large Grain) 1 x Diamond Ring 1 x Tanzanite necklace Magic Items in Crate 1 x Small Magic Bag 1 x Magic Bag (Medium) 1 x Magic Recovery Ring 1 x Detoxifying Necklace Demon Sword Karadborg on Dungeon Boss (Behemoth) Crate I was surprised to sort it out. I can't believe this happened. But it's because Fell, Dora and Sui were banging demons down. I was pretty much a drop picker. Hey, it really feels like what am I gonna do with this. Erland said something about removing the skin, but that's just how much this whole thing is...... And there were more jewels than I thought. Well, let's talk to Mr. Erland about that. In the meantime, I'm done sorting out the drops. "It's done." "Whoa, did you get it?" Receive a mincer from Sui. Oh, that's a pretty good one. I decided to try it out quickly. Let's start with a hint of oak meat...... Whoa, whoa, this is amazing. I add the meat and turn the handle and grind the meat, but that handle is light and light. The size is bigger than before, so more and more ground beef will be made. Next time I'll also try to make some bloody hornblue ground beef. We're getting more ground meat here, too. Turn the handle more and more...... By the time I realized it, a lot of ground beef had been made. "Rugi, duo? "Uh, I'm sorry, I'm obsessed. Sui made this for me, it's so good! That's awesome. Thank you." "Ugh - I was praised. Glad to hear it. ' Sui is happily jumping pompous. "Oh, it's time to make dinner now. Don't let Fell and Dora get mad. Sui, let's go." "Ugh." "Oh, Sue, I'll give you something nice to thank for making this after dinner, so look forward to it." Good stuff? What? ' "It's fun after dinner." "Okay -"
We were walking in the city of Doran. We'll be seen because we have Fell and Dora, but we're all calmer than we thought. Again, it can be a dungeon city and there are many adventurers, and although there are few Tamers, I see adventurers with submissive demons from time to time and I guess the inhabitants of this city are used to it. "And that's a lot of people. That's the big city that's going into this country's five fingers." Walk down the street looking at the shops lined up with all sorts of shops. There are many land patterns or weapons and armor stores called Dungeon Cities. I have a little if you're not interested, but I don't know if I need it right now. Fell has a strong ally named Dora in Sui, and no matter what he says, Sui is now able to forge with the blessing of the blacksmith god. The misrill knife I had made was a beautiful knife made of misrills to the pattern. I really just want to insert it into the sheathed belt I'm wearing right now, but it's only made of misrills and the cut doesn't hammer. This sheathed belt is made of Giant Deere leather and is durable, but unfortunately the misrill knife is inside the item box, meaning the blade could slip through. So I was wondering if I could coat the sheath area of the sheathed belt thinly and missly. Just because the sheath area is removable, you don't seem to have to worry about the blade pushing through it if it is thinly coated just in the inner part of the sheath. I asked Sue a little bit and she seems to be able to do it, so I'm thinking about getting her to do it a little bit tonight. Then, I felt painful that preparation was important, and I'm thinking about getting a misrill sword made by the time I get into the dungeon. That stops in my eyes as I walk around thinking about all sorts of things as I see a standing shop. The store it houses is apparently the one that deals with magic artifacts. I approached the magic shop so I could be attracted. What I saw was a [newest magic stove] that Kyou had placed to decorate in the store. There are four stoves lined up on the side and a pretty big oven underneath. Size, with four stoves lined up, it's less than two meters long on the side and about centimeters wide. It's a little big, but the oven under the stove is getting bigger for that. "Welcome. It's expensive to watch your latest magic stove." I was watching the latest magic stove and a shopkeeper came along. "Excuse me, what about this firepower? I know you're using demon stones because you're a demon prop, but you're not talking about weak firepower. "As you can see, the demon stones we use for this latest magic stove are carefully selected and installed from grain selection, so the firepower is perfect." That's what I said and pointed to the central part of the stove. There was a magic formation painted there, and a black demonic stone about two centimetres in diameter was fitted in its center. According to the shopkeeper, this magic formation seems to be a mechanism whereby a demonic stone in the center of it supplies magic and ignites a fire. I see, this is what magic props are like. "In addition to that, it is freely adjustable from low to high heat. And since we use this size of demon stone, even if you use it every day, you don't need to replace it for about ten years." You mean you can keep it that way for ten years, right? That's amazing. "I'll actually try to light it, so take a look." That's what the store owner demonstrated to me. Pressing the button in front of the stove caught fire. "Flush a little magic only when you press here to light the fire. Once the fire is lit, all you have to do is adjust the fire power with this picking. It's so easy to use." Turn the picking next to the button to the left for a low heat and to the right for a high fire. The store owner is right. It's easy to use and seems to have enough firepower. "Each stove comes with these devices, making it convenient to cook a variety of dishes at the same time" That's right. I can't even use the cassette stove I'm using right now, but I didn't think I'd be too comfortable with the firepower. This magic stove doesn't seem to worry about that. "Then, under this stove, it was in the oven, and here was the device to light the fire and the device to adjust the fire, and the way to light the fire and adjust the fire is the same as the stove. There's a timer here, so it doesn't mean it's overcooked." The shopkeeper pointed to the right side of the oven door on the front. Well, it's got a timer, and it's not the same as a regular oven and usage. "This is an oven this size, and you can also roast Cocatrice round. And you can make soup from the top stove and bake bread in the bottom oven." Cockatrice roasted round...... don't get enough because Cockatrice is around 1.5 meters. Roast chicken, nice. And baked bread. Looks delicious. I have an online supermarket, so I can easily get flour and dry east, and maybe handmade bread. Anyway, with this, the range of dishes is going to expand considerably. I might want this. "That's good. So, what's the price? That's where it matters the most. I use demon stones, and they must be expensive. "It's 860 gold coins." "... Huh? Store owner, even if they say so with such a smile...... 860 gold coins? That's just expensive. But I want it. Um, what do we do? "Hey, haven't you? 'That's right, you're stuck. I'm getting hungry.' Fell and Dora, who were holding back because they didn't seem interested, cut the numbness and send me a reading. By the way, Sui is sleeping in a leather bag as usual. "No, I'm just wondering if I should buy this." "No, what are you going to do with such a big thing? Aren't you just in the way? ' 'I'm not interrupting. This is a tool for cooking dishes called magic stoves. But I'm worried because it's so expensive.' "When it comes to the tools of cooking, has the Lord ever cooked?" 'Yes, it is, but with this, the range of dishes increases. There's an oven down there, and I'm gonna be able to cook dishes I've never been able to cook. But I'm going to give you 860 gold coins. That's why I'm worried.' It's not that I don't have any money, but when they say 860 pieces of gold, you worry about it. It's more than double the price of the bath that was expensive. "All right, buy it" ... what? "Will you be able to eat new delicious dishes? 'As it is, well, yes...' 'Then there's no problem. Do you have any money? Then buy it. " That's a lot of money, though. Fell, I'm not bluffing. If you can eat delicious food, buy it even if it's expensive. "How many times can you eat delicious food when you have it? Then it's better if it happens." Even Dora. Um, so, do you buy it? I want what I want. All right, let's buy it. "Sorry, I'll buy this" "Huh? Are you going to be bought? Store owner, wouldn't you be surprised if I recommended it? Well, from what I see, you didn't think you could buy such an expensive thing. "Yeah, I'll buy it. That's 860 gold coins." I gave out three sacks of gold coins. There are 300 pieces of gold in a bag. I took 40 pieces of gold out of one of them, and now it's 860 pieces of gold. "I think we have 860 gold coins, so check it out." A surprised looking shopkeeper, hacked into my words, started counting gold coins. "Thank you for waiting. I did receive 860 gold coins. Which way is the magic stove lucky? "Oh, then you don't have to. I have an item box, so if this is the case, it will be critical." I really can afford to go in there. "Whoa, did I? Since there are so many people in this city, it's not unusual to have an item box, but you do have one of those big ones." Heh, I knew you sometimes have item boxes because there are a lot of people in a big city. But is it this big and cool? Until now, when I said something big, it was about a demon, and I only put that demon out in front of guild masters and a limited number of people, so I didn't really care, but I need to be careful not to let the big stuff in and out in public. I left the store with the [newest magic stove] in the item box. The owner said, "Thank you," Nico said. After that, I looked around the food district. The vegetables were sold only slightly renamed by the familiar ones. It feels like cabbage is cabbage, carrots are carrots, and onions are onions. The vegetables here drop in freshness compared to the online supermarket, but I bought a lot because it was cheap. I bought it because I also had carrots, onions and potatoes in the cabbage. I also bought it because it was like a small onion. They were all filled with hemp bags about a meter across and about a bag of silver coins. Maybe I can buy vegetables from this store instead of online supermarkets from now on. Then I also bought black bread. It's hard, but now it's chewy and doesn't taste bad. After that, I was looking around a little bit at the store along the street, but it looks like Fell and Dora are getting tired of it, and I decided to go back to the inn because I said 'I'm hungry'. Quickly [Latest Magic Stove] I'll try it.
Well, let's cook for the dungeon today. You'll be diving into the dungeon tomorrow, so I'd like to make it as much as possible. But after lunch, I have to go to the Adventurers Guild. I made ground beef yesterday before I went to bed. I'm going to make hamburgers and rolled cabbage with that ground beef. Because neither the hamburger seeds nor the rolled cabbage seeds are that different. So I bought a half dimensional torso pan and a can of cut tomatoes, solid soup and melted cheese at an online supermarket. Once the ground beef is cooked, the hamburger is formed with regular hamburgers and cheesy IN while purging the air with that half. The other half goes to rolled cabbage. I scraped through the core of the cabbage I bought in this world and peeled off one piece at a time and it boiled. When the hard part of the core attached to the leaves is shredded, wrap the egg around it and stop it with a nail twig. At this time, I will also make the cheese IN. Once the rolled cabbage is arranged in the dimensional torso pan without gaps, add the water and the cut tomato can to the rolled cabbage until it is hidden and crumble the solid soup with your hands and add a little ketchup as well. Then I'm going to boil it, but at first it's medium-high heat, and then I can boil it down with aluminum foil and simmer the cottonseed over low heat for about half an hour. Cook the hamburger while it's simmering. I continued to work like that until noon. Then we all had lunch and headed to the Adventurers Guild. By the way, I easily used the rest of the ground beef for lunch and turned it into a sweet and spicy Chinese miso sautéed bowl with ground beef, sprouts and peppers. ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ When I went to the Adventurer's Guild reception, I was told to head directly to the warehouse. Looks like Mr. Elland is waiting for you there. Or that guy won't leave. I'm sure. When I went to the warehouse, Mr. Elland was in the corner of securing it for ground dragon (earth dragon) demolition. Is that ground dragon material? side by side, I have a stunning view...... It's hard to call Mon's awesome voice. "Oh, you know, Mr. Elland..." Well, I haven't noticed at all. I don't know. That's totally in my world. "That's dragon blood. This deep red, great. I want to watch all the time..." He's holding a bottle with red liquid with both hands and whining about such a dangerous thing. Don't pull, Mr. Elland...... This guy, he's really, really okay, right? It's about as good as playing guild master, and you entrusted this guy with the Ground Dragon and he was fine, right? "Mr. Elland." "Hmm? Oh, isn't that Mr. Mukoda?" Calling it strong, Mr. Elland finally realized I existed. Isn't that Mr. Mukoda? "Yeah, of course we dismantled it without delay. This has been the most wonderful time of my long elf life..." That's what Mr. Erland says as he sighs about what he remembers. Elf, that's the first thing I've said in my life. Or, Elf, is it okay to dismantle the grounddragon (Earth Dragon) number one in your life? A little dangerous. I told you to leave Mr. Erland's story alone. "Um, what happened to the story of buying some of the ground dragon material? "Yeah, this was also the most troubling thing in my long elf life. But after worrying about my troubles, I made up my mind! Squeeze the cobwebs and Mr. Erland declares to be so forcefully so. "Ha, ha, so what? "That's good. You asked. I was really, really worried. All of this is material I want enough to get my hands out of my throat, so hey. Of these, I chose... First, the blood of the earth dragon! Mr. Elland takes up one of the bottles with red liquid lined up in a slack on the workbench. "Dragon blood is like a kind of panacea because it's enough to be an elixir ingredient. Mixing it with other medicines can increase its effectiveness by a few steps. Besides, the pills made of dragon blood are so nourishing that if you take a grain, you don't know the disease for a year." Heh, heh. Mr. Elland, I'm overexcited. "Two of these. I would like to buy one bottle of gold for 0 pieces" .................. to? One bottle, 150 gold coins? Hey, hey, wait a minute. It's like a thin bottle of liquor ahead and it's cork plugged, but that's probably about a litre in it, right? Transfer your eyes to the workbench. There's a surprising line of those bottles on the workbench... There's over a hundred of these, right? "By the way, the Earth Dragon took 160 bottles of blood from this bottle." That's what Mr. Elland said with a smile. Hyah, Hyah Crook Juppon............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 150 gold coins in one bottle, that's 160. How much is the total, just thinking...... Ugh. My stomach, stomach and stomach are starting to hurt. "Then the next thing I want to buy is the liver. This is also a panacea role, as is blood, but it is said to be several times more effective than blood. When that happens, it's the one dish you want to get even if it's not. However, the value is a little too tight to allow me to buy all one liver, which is unfortunate, but really unfortunate, but I will only buy half of the liver. We have 1500 gold coins in half liver." is, in half, 1500 gold coins.......... Help, stomach, stomach... "Hey, this earth dragon (Earth Dragon) has been a fine adult for a long time. The liver is also a beautiful one, it's called size and good color gloss, because it probably won't go down 3000 gold coins with one liver. That's right, because one liver would end up buying it. Well, I'm very sorry to hear that, but I let it be half." 3000, 3000, 3000 gold coins in one liver...... What about this price for one organ? You said there's nowhere to throw a dragon away, so there's another organ, right? How much is the whole thing worth...... No, my stomach's gonna sting. I was totally licking the dragon. I can't compare it to any other demon. "The last purchase was, right, I decided to get you one fang. We will buy this for 2,000 gold coins. To tell you the truth, I was pretty worried about which eyeballs or fangs to have, but I still let you choose the fangs here." Ki, fangs, one bottle, 2,000 gold coins...... Ha ha, I'm only sighing now. "Hey, now I'm thinking of asking a famous blacksmith in this city to build me a sword. It's going to be a pretty good deal. That's what a swordsman would want to grip once before he dies. Be a famous sword. MUFF, it's a dragon sword I even dreamed of, Dragon Sword." ... That is, as far as I can tell, Mr. Elland's personal aspirations, isn't it? I even dreamed about a dragon sword or something. Well, that's all Dragon Dragon. I guess it's a dream from someone who's saying it, because it's a personal round-up of greed. So, I asked him what he would do with that dragon sword, and he said he'd put it in the Adventurer's Guild. "The Dragon Sword, right, is a sword comparable to the Devil's Sword that came out of the dungeon. This is sure to be an eyeball for this guild as well. There's a dungeon, so adventurers come together, but with a dragon sword, you can help them gather more adventurers. After all, the Dragon Sword is the sword of dreams for those who deal with it." Mr. Elland said that an adventurer wants to see a good weapon. So if you hear rumors of a dragon sword, you'll come to this city at first sight. And there's also a dungeon in this city, so as an adventurer, there's no reason not to come to this city. Since this city is an adventurous and moist city, it seems that many adventurers are welcome to come as a city. You seem to be thinking about the city for once and about the Adventurer Guild, but whatever you think, it's why you want Mr. Elland himself the most. Something's still nibbling with "Dragonsword......" and whining. I don't feel sorry for you because you have a great aesthetic shape. "Well, then I'll take this." That's what I said when I pointed to the ground dragon material on the workbench. It also contains a surprisingly large earth dragon (Earth Dragon) Demon Stone. I just want to go home. I'm tired of this guy. "Yes, because all the material above here is something to give back. And the ones on this table will be bought by the Alliance." Seems like you've split the amount of money you give me back and the amount of guild you bought from the beginning. I have two bottles of blood and a brown-like kettle on another table next to the workbench, then thick fangs. "When you pay for your purchase, right? The amount is the amount, so I made it available in large gold coins. It's 3800 gold coins with blood, liver and fangs, so it's 380 big gold coins." I was given one sack of hemp by Mr. Erland. A peek inside is packed with big gold coins. "Oh yeah, how much is the demolition cost? "No, no, there's no cost of demolition. Because if it's true, you can pay me to dismantle it from here. No - I've had a great dream time the last three days. I was able to dismantle the Earth Dragon with this hand..." Oh, oh, yeah, really? No, if you can do it for free, I appreciate this one, so let me sweeten you to the word. I turned the ground dragon (ground dragon) material on the workbench into an item box. 158 bottles of ground dragon (earth dragon) blood. A bottle with eyeballs. pots with organs, etc. They say the jars with eyeballs and the pots with organs are filled with preservative fluid. As its name suggests, the preservative solution is something that will preserve it while maintaining freshness, but it can't be made without some repair of the medicine. But Mr. Erland said he also fixed medicine beside doing adventurers, and that this preservative solution is handmade by Mr. Erland? Sounds like the main reason I studied medicine is because dragons are one of Elixir's ingredients. You're really muscled to fix medicine for a dragon. More and more ground dragon (earth dragon) material into item boxes, fangs and a big skin at the end. "The ground dragon skin is nice. It was just too expensive to help, but I'm not tired of watching this scale pattern for a day." Look at the dragon skin. I think it's about Mr. Elland who can say he won't get tired of it for a day. "I'm sure 10,000 pieces of gold won't be worth it if it's skins this size." ........................... what? Now, what did this guy say? "Oh, uh, how many gold coins did you say now? "10,000 gold coins." Answered by Mr Erland with Nico's face. "............ Yikes, 10,000 sheets" "Yeah, 10,000." Yes, 10,000... 10,000... 10,000. No, no, my stomach. Who buys 10,000 in the first place? "By the way, does anyone buy 10,000 pieces? "Hmm, would it be difficult even for the leading aristocrats? No, does the Duke of Boven in the South seem to manage? I wonder if they'll buy the rest in the country." Too expensive for a limited number of buyers, no. Even if it's worth it, you don't have a buyer, there's nothing you can do. I don't even sell them in if you want to buy them from us. I haven't had that much trouble in the first place. The ground dragon is salted for the time being. If it's about blood, you might buy it from another guild. We'll talk to Mr. Erland later around that. "Later, the ground dragon (ground dragon) meat is stored in the refrigerator. This way." As I followed Mr. Elland, I opened the door behind the warehouse. A soothing air flows from across the door. There is a groove underneath the wall of the room, which is the refrigerator, where the ice is stretched. They're asking ice magic users to make ice regularly. "It just doesn't go in as it is, so let me cut it into three parts" The meat of the ground dragon (earth dragon) was quite large, even if it was cut into three parts. I'm turning ground dragon meat into an item box. "Mr. Mukoda, I must have some ground dragon meat too..." Yeah, that's what you talked about when you said that. "Yeah, I promise." "Is that true?! Okay, let's go!! "What? Where do you want me to go? "We're not going to eat ground dragon meat." "No, are you done? So, you eat ground dragons? No, because you're not. "Meat? You eat meat? Meat ~ ' Dora, it's not meat. "Mr. Mukoda could cook, couldn't he? Then, to my house. If I found out you were eating dragon meat, I wouldn't know what kind of raw people would come together. My house is the number one place to calm down, taste and eat. Come on, let's go! No, let's go. You're at work. "Mr. Elland, aren't you still at work? "What are you talking about? Nothing is more important than savoring the meat of a dragon! Besides, if you're talking about this guild, if you have a deputy guild master, you'll be fine." Oh, are you going to cut me off to say that there's nothing more important than eating dragon meat? I mean, you're the guild master here, let's get to work. With all this to say, you're going to give up your job and push it against the deputy guild master. "Come on, let's go! Ugh. I followed the Adventurer's Alliance while Mr. Elland pulled me off. An old man with a slightly metabolic face and a thin head as he leaves the Adventurer's Guild. I'm sure that would be the deputy guild master. I guess you're struggling.
I was coming to the Adventurer Guild to pick up Bloody Horn Bull meat and Black Serpent meat and skin. When I went directly to the buying desk, Johan's old man came out. Then I follow Johan's old man and head with Fell to a warehouse that I'm totally familiar with. Sui is in the bag as usual. Looks like I totally liked this cozy bag. "Uh, the Alliance Master went to talk to Count Langridge about the example Mithrill Lizard and he hasn't come back yet. But I keep the Bloody Hornbull crusade reward, so don't give it to me along with the purchase price." Is the Alliance Master still talking to the Count? I'm sorry it's been a pain in the ass. People in great positions are tough, huh? "First of all, the crusade reward I'm keeping is gold coins. I'll explain the breakdown of the purchase. First off, the corner of the Bloody Horn Bull is two x 8 and that's 174 gold coins. Then it's 456 gold coins with a skin x 57. He said he could get half the meat wholesaled this time, so that's 290 gold coins for 29 heads. Then, an extra black serpent, but 79 gold coins with poison bags, liver, fangs, eyeballs and demon stones. A total of 1323 gold coins." Bloody horn bull horns become a material for magic implements, and skin is popular as a material for bags and shoes. With that said, Mr. Lamberto's shop also had a bloody hornblue leather bag. And meat is a little expensive, but popular meat. When the head count was just the head count, they put it all together and it became this amount. "The guild here has made a hell of a profit since your brother got here. With all this money, I'm supposed to have a few days to wait... but I can pay now." Den, Den, Den, Den, Den, Den and Johann's old man put five hemp bags on the workbench. "There are 300 gold coins in a bag, 123 fractions in this little bag." Peshipeshi slaps the slightly smaller hemp bag on the left as Johann's old man says so. 1323 gold coins... I don't know what my income is going to be. Thanks to Fell the Earner. Looks like Mithril Lizard money's coming in too. "Oh, yeah. There was a message from the Alliance Master. The cost of demolition is free for my brother to bring to this guild, so he wants me to use it a lot. Besides, he said we must have the prey we got while we were in town." Is the cost of demolition free? I have plenty of meat at the moment, and I'm not planning on getting Fell to go hunting. Well, when Fell goes hunting to get rid of his lack of exercise, let's get him bought. "And then there's the bloody horn bull meat and the black salpent meat and skin for this return." Receive twenty-eight heads of Bloody Horn Bull meat and black Sarpent meat and skin from Johann's old man. Bloody Hornbull's meat was a little too much to pull. I put it all in the item box though. Okay, so shall we go home? Fell and I went back to the inn after the Adventurer Guild. On the way in, by the grocery store, I bought what I needed. "Fell, after this, when I get back to the inn and get ready for a bit, I'm going to Mr. Lambert's, but what about Fell? 'I'm free to be in that beast house, too. I'm coming with you. " "Okay. Okay, I'll get you ready in the room for a minute, so just give me a minute." When I told Fell that, I went back to my room. ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ "Well, I've been interrupting adventurer guilds all along here. I'm in the Merchant Alliance for once, and I need to do a little merchant work." Although I have already paid my taxes, I would also like to do a little work like that because I am in the Merchant Guild. So I want to sell what I bought in an online supermarket over here. I keep my eye on what I'm selling. Probably, but I think I can sell this. But I don't know how much it costs in this world. I wanted to talk to Mr. Lamberto about that area. Mr. Lamberto seems like a pretty good merchant. I'm going to buy what I was staring at in an online supermarket. I try to buy three of the copper coins in a pack of three with a piece of soap and a pack of three (smells like rose). Then I bought four refilled copper coins of rinse in shampoo. And then I bought five refills of shampoo and treatment each copper coin. Looking at it, I thought this was going to sell as well, and it was a little higher than eight copper coins and everything else, but I also bought a hair mask quickly. Speaking of which, you didn't buy a bottle to put this in... Either way, can I stay in the bottle I bought at the online supermarket because I'm going to sell this as a specialty. "Okay, let's refill this with the hemp bag and bottle I just bought" Take the packaging and put each of the soaps in a small hemp bag. The soap seems to be in the world over here, so I thought soap would be better familiar than body shampoo. One piece of copper coin in a pack of three is a little cheaper, and if it smells like rose, I hope I can sell it as a luxury item. Refill the rinse in shampoo, shampoo and treatment into an elongated bottle with a cork lid. I made three bottles each. The rinse in shampoo is for everyday use because I just wash it (which would mean for the little rich people because the bath itself doesn't seem to be popular with the general public), but the shampoo and treatment is as a luxury product for the aristocrats. It would be better to use shampoo and treatments properly. The touch and luster of your hair is definitely different. Then the hair mask I bought quickly was refilled into a bottle that looked like the jam I bought in an online supermarket. As a special product, I thought that if I used it here, my hair would be magically beautiful or something, and I couldn't sell it at a high price. All right, now we're ready. It's going to sell, but I have no idea how much this is for the right price. I want to talk to Mr. Lamberto about that area. I wish I could use it and ask about the comfort of using it. Even though I know it myself, I don't know what this guy thinks. I'm sure shampoo or something has never happened before. Anyway, you should take this and talk to Mr. Lamberto. Still, you're taking a bath... Even though I'm getting used to just wiping my body with a wet towel, Japanese people still want to take a bath. I need a bath.
As the sun tilted, I could see the city at the end of the street. According to the itinerary I had been examining beforehand...... "That's probably a city called Hirschfeld. Just fine, let's get into the city." "Mm, are you coming in? "Yeah, I guess that would be better. It's time to get some sleep in a soft bed." "If I stopped by the city, I'd be late for the dungeon, wouldn't I? 'Dora is right. We should keep going here.' When I told him to go into the city, Fell and Dora showed difficulty. "No, no, let's go in. I didn't come to any city on my way here. See, the Adventurer Guild tells you that, too. He wants us to do everything we can in the city on the way." "But I don't know..." "Besides, if you stop by the city, you can cook properly, so you can have a good meal. If you rent a house like you always do, you can take a big bath." Appeal to reluctant Fell and Dora to go to the city. "Delicious rice?" "A large bath......" "Yes, yes. Dungeons don't run away, so let's just stop by the city." "Mmm, just a little bit." "Rent a big bath house." When we managed to get Fell and Dora's consent, we walked into the city of Hirschfeld. By the way, during this time, Sui slept with Suya in her bag as usual. ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ Sit in the luxurious chair on the cat's feet in the living room, arms up and back stretched out gutsy. "Heh, this is the first time I've slept slowly in bed in a long time" When we entered the city, we decided to take a trip to the Merchant Guild and rent a house as usual. And it was this house that I rented. It's a bit bigger than usual with the LDK, but the decision is that the bath was big and both me and Dra liked it and it was close to the Adventurer Guild that was supposed to go the next day. The large house and the good location made the rent a little higher, but thanks to the Fells, I didn't even have trouble with the gold, so it was the first introduction, but I signed on instantly. "Hey, what about the rice? "Um, I'm hungry too." "I'm starving, too." I just sat down and that's it soon ~. "Okay, but give me a break." I want you to give me a breather. "You're the main one who said the city could eat better food, I hope so." Ugh... I hope you don't put weird pressure on me, Mr. Fell. I did say that, but come on, it's kind of a hassle to make it from scratch now. That said, they're going to complain about boo boo when I get out the making place in the item box...... When that happens, would you like to arrange a layout and make something? Then... Okay, let's do that. To make it, I used fried chicken because I put it away. Oh, my God, Eurinchy. Fried from means it's everyone's favorite, because it's fried with lumps, so there's still a lot of it. It's great when you want to eat something a little different when you have fried from frozen or from leftovers, this. We've decided what to make, and we're moving to the kitchen. Yeah, the kitchen's a fancy one, too. I'm so sorry that I'm just making Eurinchie flavor sauce, but that's all for now. Would you make sassy leeks, garlic and shoga to be used in the flavor sauce in an online supermarket, and then buy lettuce to be laid under fried? Let's start with Eurinchie's flavoured sauce. Mince the white onions, grate the garlic and shoga and mix them with soy sauce, vinegar, water, sesame oil and honey to make a yurinchee flavoured sauce. Super easy. Garlic and shoga are delicious enough to use tubed when troublesome. Besides, I used it today because I had honey in my hand, but of course it's OK with sugar. Give it a taste......, can I add some more vinegar? Just add a little vinegar and prepare the flavor sauce OK. And then you're ready for the lettuce to lay down there. Cut lettuce into 1 cm wide pieces and apply to cold water to make it crisp. Once the water cut lettuce is laid on the plate, add the fries from the still freshly fried hot ones in the item box. Then, if you put a flavor sauce on top of it, what can you do with Eurinchy? I've tried the taste, but the refreshing flavor sauce with vinegar is incredibly delicious. Eurinchie's flavor sauce is made more often, so the Fells are prepared to replace it. So quickly carry it under the Fells waiting in the living room. "Here we go." "Is this fried from? Didn't you just eat it the other day if it's fried from... Well, it's good because it tastes good. ' "Fried from is fried from, but I have a refreshing flavor sauce on top of it. Try it again because it tastes different." When I said that, I cracked my nose. What the hell did Fell do, cheek up Eurinchy? After swallowing it with gokuri, I eat it with the guffaw and momentum. For one thing, Fell seems to like it. 'You can fry them as they are, but eating them with these refreshing sauces is delicious again! Dora says that, too. What a bump on Eurinchy. "This slightly sour sauce fits perfectly with fried chicken." Sui, I love this! What a sui dish to say that. Eurinchie disappears instantly. "Hey, it's a change." "Me too! Sui is also in charge! What the hell did I do with Eurinchy until everyone was satisfied? What a pleasure to indulge in Eurinchy in the meantime, too. It goes great with white rice and I ate a little too much though. And after dinner, we had dessert that was also a promise. Fell looks delicious eating strawberry shortcakes whitening around his mouth as an example. Dora looks delicious while holding the pudding dear. Sui was happily pulling in his favorite chocolate cake. I ate a little too much, so I recently had some tea without dessert. "Tomorrow, after breakfast, I'll show my face to the Adventurers Guild." "Request. Well, I'd like to get to the dungeon soon." "Well, well, don't say that. You might have a request that Fell and the others find interesting." "I hope so." "Dora said don't say that either. I don't know if I need to go." "Ryuji, it's okay. Sui's gonna get us all killed. ' "Oh, shit, I'm counting on you. Looks like we're all done eating, so why don't we take a bath?" I got up out of my chair drinking up the tea I had left in the cup. "Oops, it's a bath. Bath! "Bath ~" Bath lovers Dora and Sui are delighted with the long time spacious bath. "Will Fell come in, too? 'I can't go in there. I go to bed first. Have a futon ready.' "Yes, yes, a futon for Fell." Laying a futon dedicated to Fell in the master bedroom makes Fell lie down with Goron. Okay, I'm gonna take a bath. "Umm." Yeah, I laid Fell's futon in the master bedroom, as usual, but I also have a 12LDK, so maybe we could have had one room at a time. I can't say anything more to the other room right now, and, well, okay. With that in mind, Dora and I headed to Sui's waiting bathroom. And it was me who indulged in a long time spacious bath with Dora and Sui, who were in the bath first.
Finally, after this, we will fight the Hierarchist (Boss). Then today's breakfast is...... "Fell, you're gonna fight the boss after this, right? That's why I'm going to make dinner out of online supermarket ingredients, okay? If you want to fight the boss class, you can feel more comfortable keeping it at the bottom of your stats in online supermarkets (different worlds). "The one where eating ingredients from different worlds can make you stronger? "Yes, yes. The boss is pretty good from Fell, isn't he? I was wondering if I could take them down safer if they ate the ingredients from the online supermarket." "Hmm. My dra and I have the protection of the god of war, and we won't lose as we are now, but eating ingredients from online supermarkets is a good idea." That said, there was protection for Master Vahagn. Fell and Dora are strong from the beginning, so I don't know where to start. I don't know what's coming out, and I don't care if you knock me down at all (or I'll die). "Then I figured I'd like the steak I had before? "Oh, I like that." I thought it was domestic Japanese beef steak. I don't know about the steak in the morning, but there's nothing wrong with you guys. I opened an online supermarket and bought large quantities of domestic Japanese beef. Even though it is a meal that uses only ingredients from online supermarkets (different worlds), I didn't think it tasted like steak alone, so I bought a few other meat centers that everyone loves. The first thing I bought was salted lemon and green onion salt with pork flavor. It's very convenient to just cook the seasoned meat now. Then I bought some black pepper roast duck for the coarse wiener. And then I bought a lot of grilled chicken thigh and liver sauce and salt. And then sandwiches as my breakfast. First remove the cooked yakitori from the skewer and place it on a plate. Then cut the black pepper roast of the duck and line it up. I had a little taste of the roast duck, but the deep taste of the duck combined with the tingly spicy taste of black pepper was delicious. "It's rice." I served Fell, Dora and Sui roasted yakitori and duck. "After this, you will fight the Hierarchist (Boss), so eat this and force it." While everyone is eating, I serve a magic stove and bake Wagyu beef steak and pork, then coarse sausage. "" "Replacement" " Everyone has been eating rice noodles since morning. Instead, they served domestic Japanese beef steak, grilled pork and coarse sausage. Steak starts with salt and pepper. Pork tastes like salted lemon and green onion salt from the beginning. I tasted it a bit but it was refreshing and delicious. The coarse sausage is only salt and pepper, but it was crispy and juicy. Dora was satisfied when she ate the whole thing, but Fel and Sui changed over and over again. I made it easy with sandwiches and coffee while Fell and Suey were eating. "Huh, something from different worlds is still delicious." "Ho, was this from another world? Pretty good, huh? ' "It was delicious -" I'm glad to hear that, but I have something more to worry about. I wonder how much the status value is up? I'm going to appraise everyone. [First Name] Fell [Age] 1014 [Race] Fenrill [Level] 911 [Health] 9890 (+5002) [Magic] 9534 (+4675) [Attack] 9118 (+4483) [Defense] 9814 (+4907) [Agility] 9732 (+4856) Holy Magic Junction Magic Claw Slash Body Enhancement Physical Attack Resistance Magic Attack Resistance Magic Consumption Reduction Appraisal Combat Enhancement [Guardianship] Guardianship of Ninrir, goddess of wind Guardianship of Vahagn [Name] Dora. [Age] 116 [Race] Pixie Dragon [Level] 129 [Health] 915 (+459) [Magic] 2935 (+1448) [Attack] 2703 (+1342) [Defense] 886 (+445) [Agility] 3345 (+1673) [Skills] Fire Magic Water Magic Wind Magic Soil Magic Ice Magic Thunder Magic Recovery Magic Artillery Combat Enhancement [Guardianship] Guardianship of the god of war Vahagn [Name] Sui [Age] 2 months [Race] Big Slime Level 21 [Health] 1079 (+538) [Magic] 1063 (+529) [Attack] 1058 (+533) [Defense] 1061 (+525) [Agility] 1080 (+540) [Skills] Acid Bullet Recovery Drug Generation Growth Water Magic Blacksmith [Guardianship] Guardianship of the Water Goddess Luther Luca Guardianship of the Forge God Hephaestus Oh, Fell, Dora, and Sui are on a level. Well, he's been taking down quite a demon since he dived into the dungeon, and isn't it strange to go up there? But how does the status value rise...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Hey, I think I did a little too much...... haha............ Right, well, we're going to fight the Hierarchist (boss), okay? ... That's okay, right? And, do you want to go for now? Proceed while defeating the Encounted Demon and collecting the drops as well as yesterday. Fell stopped a little. Looking ahead at Fell's stare...... There was a dodgy cobra wrapped around a tuna. He's pimpling out his elongated tongue to shook and intimidate. "Hey, whatever..." I'll try to appraise it. [Vaski] S-rank demons. Oh, S-rank... I don't know, it's a couple of dozen meters long. It's not that demon, it's not a monster. Plus, he's spitting something misty out of his mouth. After I appraised it, [Varski's poison fog] or something came up. Poison fog, still, well, we have a state anomaly deactivated, but it's too vicious. "Vaski? Unusual. But I've only fought like three times. ' Apparently, my Mr. Fell has fought that one before. "Oh, you fought that one... big, and you're spitting out poison fog and stuff, that..." "Humph, there's no such thing as a bite and if you're even careful to be tightened to that long torso" Oh, really? 'Well, I can finish it alone, but then I guess both Dora and Sui will be convinced. Dora, let's go.' 'Then there's no shortage for them. All right, I'll do it! "Good luck to Sui." Everybody's more motivated than scared to look at that one. I don't think I can handle that monster. I'm hiding in the shade of a tree waiting for you, so, yeah, let's all do it. Fell, Dora, and Sui jumped out in front of Vaski. I saw everyone. Vaski shoots, shoots, shoots and sprinkles poison fog. However, everyone with protection and abnormal deactivation did not care to carry out one attack after another. Doggone, BallyBallyBallyBallyWicked -. Fell's thunder magic bursts. Dosh, Dosh, Dosh -. Dra with fire magic puts a wind hole in her torso wrapped around Vaski's. Buh, buh, buh -. Sui's acid bullet hits Vasuki and dissolves Juwajwa and his body. "Gwwwww" Dossien. ..................... oh. The worn out and desperate Vaski was lying in front of everyone. It didn't take less than a minute to fight. I don't even know if it's too one-sided to be called a fight. I just sprinkled the poison fog, and all I have to do is keep it full bogged down. Vaski, I'm sorry. "Heh heh! Yay!! Dora is flying acrobats with joy. "Yatter! I defeated Mr. Big Snake!" Sui is also happily jumping pompous. "Huhun, if it's on us, it's natural." Fell has a Doya face. I walked out of the shade of a tree and closer to everyone. Some of them burn, holes open, see the melted and worn out verski, too pitiful and tearful with demons. Uh, Vaski, I'm sorry. There was absolutely no need to feed the ingredients of online supermarkets. The breathless Vaski disappears. I'm really sorry, please become a Buddha, Nannu Nannu ~. Well, I'll be sure to collect the drops. Whoa, whoa, that's a glossy blue snake skin. Then to the big demon stone, and then the fangs. Varski's drop came in an item box. "Hey, the fact that you defeated Hierarchist (Boss) means you're moving on to Hierarchy 27, right? I don't see any stairs, but how do we get downstairs? "In the case of these hierarchies......" That's why Fell checked the rocks around where Vaski was. "Oh, there it is." The voice fishes me and I go near Fell. "If you cast magic on the round pattern painted on this rock, you can go downstairs." The round pattern Fell said was a magic formation. By letting magic flow through this, you mean going downstairs like a metastasis? "Just be careful what you go down there because you can't go without everyone touching you." I see. "Dora, Sui, I'm going downstairs. Come on." Explaining that you have to touch Sui with Dora... Bitan. Dora hugged me from behind. 'This is it, right? Dora...... I can't help it. I crossed Fell and Sui held me tight with both arms. "Bye, Fell, please." When Fell cast his magic on his right front leg, he felt a floating sensation when he rode the elevator for a moment. "Looks like this is the 27th floor. It's a forest, just like the 26th floor." 'Mm-hmm. That sounds like 27 tiers. Then we'll move on to Hierarchist. " Then I was going through the woods, and I don't know what to say anymore. The effects of the ingredients in online supermarkets (different worlds) continued, and they all hustled. Ravage is second only to ravage. I felt sorry for the demon. Get a lot of drops again like that. Besides, we're all fine, so we're moving fast, and Fell said we can get to the Hierarchist (Boss) by nightfall tomorrow. Yeah, he's already a hierarchical owner tomorrow. I can't eat online supermarket ingredients this time. I need to weigh myself a little.
"Ha..." I can't help but sigh. There will be time for the next offering. In the meantime, you keep the sweetness. The sweetness of different worlds (Earth) was unexpectedly delicious to my concubine. I didn't know it was too delicious to eat it all on the first day. I should have told him to offer a little more. Ha, I wish the time had come for my next offering soon. ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ I was looking forward to my next offering, peering into the lower realm with a water mirror, as usual. "Oh, what's that? What is that brown board that the otherworlds summoned in Netsu Pa? You said something sweet. Is that sweet? Doesn't look like it... How many times is that a treat? There is no slime of the subordinate. They eat basically anything, but it's unusual to want it as much as you want it. Pretty good, huh? I'd like to try a concubine, too. It can't taste bad in the world where you made that pussy. That's what concubine instincts say. But it is not time for the next offering. But I want to eat with this... Well, a concubine is a goddess, so you're a little forgiven. The point is, you just have to be careful not to find out. Yeah, well, let's do that. The concubine quickly sent a temple to another world man. "Damn, my concubine is Nin Lil, the goddess of wind. Now, give me this and pray. Oh, make sure you serve them both together." At this time, I would like to have a grilled meal that looks delicious. Don't be surprised when other worlds are entrusted with concubines. You think this is a trust? "Bye. It's a trust. Hurry up." ”Is it okay as God to entrust you to a treat?" Let's make up our minds. Sweetness is supreme. ”No majesty, no flattery”? Different worlds, you can say whatever you want after you say it. "Shut up. Even God needs fun." Don't make a mess of it. Let's get this grilled quickly. Otherworlds are summoning this and the roasting in Netsu-Pa. Don't pray on the altar with this and any roasting. All right, well, let's just transfer this and that to the divine realm. You did a great job with the other people. "Good bye." This is what I said when I peered into the Earth in a water mirror, when I did something good. "Oops, this is a little bit of this." Either way, let's start with this. Different worlds took this package before eating it. Like that otherworldly guy was doing, he said strip the wrap. It was the brown board that came out of the package. Hmm, you ate this. "Still, this little thing smells good. It smells sweet like you've been wanting to smell it." Then take a bite. Parinth. The brown plate cracked along with the creepy sound. Whoa, whoa, whoa, it's melting in your mouth. It's sweet, and it tastes unique with just a little bitterness. This is delicious, it's too delicious. This stuff doesn't exist in the world of concubines. Whoever invented this little thing is also a genius. Every sweetness is so delicious that it doesn't seem like it belongs in this world. Is there a genius of sweetness in the other world (Earth)? As long as I'm jealous. A bit of sweetness would develop if such a genius were born in the concubine world as well. Still not just dried fruit or pickled honey...... I miss you so much. It was delicious. Which is next? Oh, no, you can't. This is going to be the last two dances. Save this baking and eat it tomorrow. ..................... Gokuri. Do-do-do-do-do-do, looks delicious. Ha, I forgot to tell you to offer more to people from different worlds. We have to trust him to make more of his next offering. If you're going to do that, I don't care which grill you eat right now. Yeah, it is. There's got to be a lot of offerings next time. All right, no baking. Pacri. Mmmm, yummy! That's the same sweet-boiled bean as the bread, this one. I pinch that with something like moist, sweet bread. It's both sweet, but this is the perfect balance, not the crusty sweetness. Whoever invented these grills is also a genius. If you eat the sweetness of another world (Earth), you won't be able to eat any other sweetness. Ha, I'm not looking forward to seeing what kind of sweetness you can have next.
The day after we reunited with Phoenix's face, we took our time at home. And today, a stone kiln was to be built beside a servant's house at Theresa's request. Theresa reluctantly asked me to "if I could..." Anything, Theresa said she was good at baking and baked bread every now and again when she was home. I'm also interested in stone kilns, and I'd love to try the freshly baked bread that Theresa makes, so I agree with you a lot. And we're going to build a stone kiln... Theresa's story tells us that the stone kiln that was in the Alban family was taken over from its predecessors. I talked to Alban, but he said he didn't know how to make it. Sometimes I ask a vendor, but I felt like I could handle it with my dirt magic. That's why I tried to build my own stone kiln...... Hearing a lot from Alban and Therese, I made a trial and error. The part of the pedestal that stores the firewood below is easy to shape, but the part of the kiln that bakes the bread that is domed above is quite difficult. Make it, break it, make it, break it. "Um, it's not going to work. I'm going to have a domed image..." I really don't get the upper kiln distorted and clean domed for good condition. I used a lot of magic, and it's time for everyone to make a scene about rice. Let's take a break from lunch and work on it again. Speak to Fell and Dora and Sui, who were sleeping and playing thoughtfully in the garden. "Hey, it's time for dinner" Everyone rushes over when they hear it's rice. It's lunch in my mother's room. Today's menu is served with beef bowl warm balls made of Wyburn meat that I made and set aside. Everyone is eating guts looking delicious. After a couple of shifts, Fell and Suey finally seem to be hungry too. Dora is already hungry and rolls over to sleep on the carpet with her belly facing up. A dragon that sleeps on its back with its belly up is surreal...... That's more than that, it's a stone kiln. That domed round is not going to work. Round Round Round Round............, hmm? What I see in my eyes is a rounded, plungy body of swine. Hmm? Maybe if we get Sue to cooperate, it's gonna work, right? "Hey, sui. I have something I'm making right now, and I was wondering if you could help me out a little bit? "Mm-hmm. Nice." Moving to the place where I would build the stone kiln with Sui, for some reason Fel and Dora also came along. Well, I guess I'm free. For now, it's dirt magic, the lower pedestal part, and the domed kiln above the problem. "What is your Lord making in the morning? "Really. You repeatedly said you could make something out of dirt magic and break it. What are you doing? ' "I'm not playing anything else. It's a stone kiln that I'm building right now. It can be used for baking bread and many other dishes." 'Ho, can you use that to make something delicious? "If only we could build a stone kiln." While answering Fell and Dora's questions, I'm going to build a stone kiln. The part of the foundation could be made without any problems. The domed cauldron above thought about the rest of this and made it a little bigger into a big mess. "All right, I guess this is it. Sui, I was wondering if you could get in here for a second and get a cavity inside about this size. Be careful not to break through the stones." 'Okay. I'll try.' When I point it to the size of the pedestal, a swim enters the cavity I roughly made. Then, the sui grew inside and the surface of the stone was sorted out with acid. "Ryuji, can I look like this?" A smaller sui came out of the cavity. Which one? Looking inside, the surface of the stone was smooth and tidy with a gallant dome. "Yeah, yeah, sounds good. It's perfect! "Eh heh." When I stroked Sui, I shook my pull with joy. "Sui, I'd like to ask you for one more favor, and I was wondering if you could get the outer part of here rounded up like this." I asked Sui to look like this while drawing a semicircle with her hand. "Okay ~" Sui stuck to the outside of a slightly distorted semi-circular dome to shape it more and more while smoothing the surface. Like this? Whoa, wow. I can't believe I could have done so much work on my own right now. "Oh, you're gonna be fine. And sui is amazing. I can do anything." "Ugh. Sui, wow? "Yeah, wow, wow" When I complimented Sui, I jumped pompously with joy. Even so, Sui is truly versatile. Excellent and dependable. "Okay, you made it, didn't you? Make something delicious quickly." No, no, Mr. Fell, because it's not "make it". I need my client Theresa to take a look at it first. ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ "Theresa." In the basement of his mother's house, he spoke to Theresa, who was working on refilling the soap and shampoo. There was a storage room in the basement in this house where I was asked to refill and store soap and shampoo. "Mr. Mukoda, what's wrong? He asked me to look at the stone kiln. "Huh? Already? Then we go back to the stone kiln where we were able to take a group of women who were asking us to do things in the house, that the work had been somewhat paragraph. "It's like this, don't you think? When I heard that, Theresa, who had seen the stone kiln, had opened her eyes and solidified. "Is that it? Couldn't it? "No, no, it's not like you can't! I was surprised you made such a good one. Are you sure you want to use this? "Of course I do. Because I made it with Theresa's hope. Oh, but I might even let you use it once in a while." "This belongs to Mr. Mkoda, so use it anytime. I just need to use it when I'm free." "Hahaha, then I guess I'll have the bread made quickly. I'd like to try some freshly baked bread." "Uh, that's not right..." When we talk about Theresa, she says we have to make bread vegetables. What's with the bread? I thought it was about yeast fungus apparently. "If you leave the dried fruit soaked in water, after a few days, the bubbles will come out. That's the ingredient of bread, mix it with flour and make bread." That's what Theresa said about the bread ingredients. With that said, I've heard of soaking raisins in water as a way to make natural yeasts. Theresa's story is that it takes three or four days to plant the bread vegetables today and mix them with bread to be able to use them. Too bad. "Theresa, when you bake bread, feed me too." "Absolutely. Eat my prized bread." That's what Theresa said with a smile on her face. Lotte is also happy to say, "I can eat your mother's bread." I'm really excited about the baked bread. That said, even though it's a stone kiln that I made because of it, it's a bit unusable...... I used it once to make sure it was okay. Stone kiln or stone kiln........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... "All right, I'll use this stone kiln to make dinner today. I'll get it ready for you in the meantime, so can the Thereses keep the stone kiln warm? Firewood trees will be fine because there are so many branches pruned by the men taking care of the garden. I'll be ready in the motherhouse as soon as possible. Hey, how authentic you are in a stone kiln. I'm so excited.
"Buy it please" "Whoa, let me see." Again, coming out here, just like Fariere's Adventurer Guild, was an old man with a harsh bald head who looked like an adventurer. "Whoa, you know the Larshes? Mr. Larsh and the bald-headed old man are gently exchanging words on the words. The bald-headed old man looks familiar to Mr. Larsh and his Phoenix members. "Uh, there's a lot..." When I said that, I was led to the warehouse. "It won't be a problem here. Let it out." That's what they told me. The first thing I put out was x Oak General. "This isn't Oak General... And five..." I was going to let Oak King out at this time, but this way of surprise should stop it. Oak King has been sealed for a while. "And this, too, please" It was Rockbird x that got it out. I'd love to make sure you have some rock bird meat that tastes like ground chicken. "Ro, Rockbird too..." Both bald-headed old men and Phoenix members are so surprised. I'm sorry I'm surprised, but I'm still going on. That's not enough meat. There's a big meal called Fell and Suey. "And then there's Giant Dodo and Giant Deer" That, they're all flashy. But there's more. "Then Murder Grizzlies, Black Serpents and Red Serpents. That's the last of it." You said you couldn't eat an orga, so it doesn't have to be now. And metal lizards aren't going to eat because of their names and their appearance. And Kimyra and Ortolos are permanently sealed because it's going to be a big deal when we put them out. "........................... RE, you think it's Red Serpent? You were too surprised or silent. The bald-headed old man resurrected early and confirmed the red serpent and said so. Was it a bad idea to get it out? "Where did you get this? I was a little freaked out by the old man asking with a sharp eye. "Uh, I didn't get it..." That's what I said when I saw Fell stretching out while sleeping behind me. "Oh well. Fenrill would be possible..." Looks like this old man knows Fell is Fenrill, too. "That's right, man. Fenrill wouldn't care as much as Red Serpent. A demon of the rank above wouldn't be a fart." Giggle at Mr. Larsh's words. Excuse me, I have Kimyra and Ortolos. "You're certainly right about Larsh. That's about as surprising as it gets." Really, I'm sorry. Give me a break Kimyra and Ortolos will not serve it under permanent seal. "I never see a demon like this all over again, usually..." "I've never seen Red Serpent before." "If that's what you mean, I've never even seen Black Serpent before." "Really, that's amazing. And I'm also surprised that Mr. Mukoda has this many item boxes to go into." A Phoenix member other than Mr. Larsh, who was resurrected, said so orally. "Sure, it'd be great if you could just come in." "Yeah, yeah, there's no such thing as having this amount of item boxes." "Fine. A large item box." "Mr. Mukoda, why don't you come into our party? A Phoenix member mentioned that when the item box topic came up. Aw, Ma, that's crazy...... Was it a bad idea to pound it out with meat priority? "Grrrrrrrrrrrr" Fell roared and threatened other Phoenix members besides Mr. Larsh with his teeth stripped out. Threatened Phoenix members harden bikily. "Hey, Omei and the others, shut up! Mr. Larsh changes his blood phase and yells at the other members. "Mr. Mkoda, I'm sorry. Forgive me. Will you stop intimidating me?" "Yes...... Fell, stop it because it's okay." Speaking so, Fell stopped intimidating me. "Omei and the others don't talk too much. You got it." "" "" Yes "" Other Phoenix members besides Mr. Larsh snort like a neck pretend doll with a blue face. I'm sorry, guys. But don't go into the item box. I'm sure Fell knew about the item boxes. Bad for the Phoenix members, Fell, but well done. "Hey, I'm sorry about this one, okay? You just have to give me a little time. Well, I'll have an hour tomorrow and I'll be fine the day after tomorrow." The old man laughed bitterly, informing him of his plans. The day after tomorrow... Um, you don't have any more meat. I want meat for just one. I just want to make sure I have enough meat for dinner today and one day tomorrow. "Um, could you just dismantle it first for one? "Hmm, just one? "Yes, I need meat to be exact. Right now, I just want the meat and the demons I served here. The other ingredients are fine with the purchase, but I really need meat..." See Fell in chills. "Oh, I see. All right. I'll dismantle only one of them on this spot. What would you like? Good. I don't know what I'd like...... um, ah, do you want that for dinner? When that happens, I guess Rockbird. "Rockbird, please" "Okay." The old man dismantles the Rockbird with a bright hand. After all, the gut looks like a disposal. I felt a little wasted and asked him if he wouldn't eat the built-in and he looked weird. Sounds like you don't have a gut-eating culture here. I'm afraid I can't help it now. "Oh, you can eat red serpent, right? I need to hear it for once because it's only the first demon in the Red Serpent. I think it's okay because I can eat black serpent. "Oh, we can eat. It's super fancy. We can't eat like ordinary people for life." Huh? Oh, so much? I wonder what it tastes like. Black Serpent was delicious too, so this is very exciting. "Mr. Mucorda, I was wondering, what kind of meat was that we were fed? That's what Mr. Larsh has heard with an awkward look on his face. Hmm, is that it? "Uh, Black Serpent, Cocatrice and Rockbird, and then Giant Dear and Murder Grizzly, right?" With that said, all Phoenix members, including Mr. Larsh, opened their mouths gently. "He said he only wanted meat, so I didn't think so... sorry." "" "" Excuse me "" " Mr Larsh and members of the Phoenix bowed their heads deeply. "Eh? Hey, hey, head up, please. Hey, what is it? "We didn't know about such a luxury product, and we ate it..." The Phoenix members nod yeah to Mr. Larsh's words. "You ate a bunch of luxury items to see if you could eat them once in your life, we..." "It's supposed to taste good." "Oh, they were all delicious" "........................ (You remind me of the flavor. I snort silently and over and over again)" I'm sorry I'm impressed, but, uh, that's all Fell's got, so blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I heard it was a luxury ingredient, but we usually ate it, so I don't even appreciate it. Besides, the only thing I bought was condiments, so my nose hardly hurts. "I'm so sorry, Mr. Mkoda. Say anything if anything happens. We'll do anything we can." "No, don't worry about that. I have also been brought to the city by bandits..." "No, no, no, because they ate these fancy things" "No, no, they're bringing bandits to the city." "Hey, stop around there. We're done dismantling." Old man, nice timing. Receive Rockbird meat from your old man. I'll be back the day after tomorrow. Thank you. "Ooh." Me and the Phoenix guys got together and left the Adventurer Alliance behind. "The Adventurer Guild here is good. When I go in with Fell, I'm usually bothered or stared at, but that's not what happened." When I say that while walking to change the subject, they say, "Because there was a leader." "The leader is a well-named adventurer in this city. There's no such thing as a fool to sneak up on those people." Heh, yeah. Maybe I'm lucky to get to know you. "This guy's right, I'm a little silly too. I know his name in this city. I've told you so many times, you can talk to me about anything you want." "Thank you. It would be nice to have Mr. Larsh say that." "I just have another escort to the neighborhood tomorrow and I haven't been in the city for two weeks..." Oh, yeah. But I don't think there's anything like that that's going to get you in trouble right away. "You're being selfish with this guy." "Yes, yes." "Sandra." "Ugh." Oh, you're going to see Sandra, the guild clerk... Rear charge it up. "I haven't been around for two weeks, but then I'm in the city, so if you leave a message for the Adventurers Guild, I'll rush. Call me if you need anything." I'm glad you said so. Mr. Larsh is a man of honor, too. ... Oh, I forgot what's important. "It's quick, can you tell me if there's an inn where I can stay with my obeisance? "Then straight down this road, there's an inn called" Griffon's Nest, "and that's where I recommend it." "Oh, well, I'll go there. Bye." We split up with the Phoenix members to go to the Griffon's Nest. It's been a while since I've slept in bed.
Right now, one tier of admirable dungeons (it's going to be, isn't it?) aboard a huge sway of wetlands to explore. Because sometimes it's a wetland zone, and Fell refuses to run. During the discussion, they also came up with a proposal to ride Grandpa Gong, but that came together by riding a huge swim that would be troublesome to reject because every time a demon came out. Then, anyway, it's a very wide wetland, so Grandpa Gong and Dragon set that can fly ahead of time to let you know when you find a demon that thinks this is coming from above the sky. By the way, the thing about Sui's embezzlement, I preached that it was no good (I've told you before, I seem to have completely forgotten about it because of the dungeon), and I'm sorry and reconciled by giving the "Arc (Ark)" folks the drop skins and fangs. Well, that's how the exploration of the wetlands began. I see a little waterfowl-like, but as soon as we get close, they fly off, and I guess they're dwarfs because they can't even talk from Grandpa Gong and Dora. And moving on often. I also saw it look like a cappie on the way (although it was twice the size of a cappie I know), but this wasn't a big deal either because Grandpa Gong and Dra didn't get into the reading. "Hey, I found some sort of prey." It's a story from Dora. "There are a few crocodiles in the river ahead." Supplementary from Grandpa Gong. "Okay. Grandpa Gong and Dora, please wait." Yes, return the message and check with Fell and Suey first. "You heard of Fell and Suey." "Uhm. Crocodiles. Well, fine. ' "Defeat Mr. Crocodile." And then there's the “arc” face. "Looks like there's a river ahead, like there's a crocodile demon there" "Right. Then you can expect a drop of skin and fangs and then meat." "It's like there's a lot of them, so let's split up and hunt." "Right. Even so, it would still be easier to work with each other." That's right, Mr. Gaudino. You know that. "You guys are good too." When Mr. Gaudino spoke to Mr. Gidion, Mr. Siegvaldo and Mr. Feodora, all three of them nodded with seriousness. You feel like an adventurer. I knew it wasn't like ours. ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ Meet Grandpa Gong and Dora in front of the river. But...... "Crocodiles, there's plenty of them..." There were so many on the bank of the river and in the river that I didn't like the five-metre crocodiles counting. Grandpa Gong said it was small, but it's not small at all. Hahahaha...... "Ho, that's not Red Tail Cayman." They know this demon. Mr. Seegvald crushed it. As the name suggests, the tail does look more red. But, Kaiman? If I'm not mistaken, I think Kaiman was a relatively small crocodile. Does this mean it's still small in this world? Well, given the size of crocodile demons I've seen so far, I guess. "Red Tail Cayman? Good value for meat and skin." "Oh. I just want to keep the three of them." "No, I just want some more. Shh. I think it's time to make a new pair of Lord's armor." "Sure." "Then let's get tense. The first hand, as usual, is Feodora. Please." "I know." I was a little excited to hear the “arc” face-to-face conversation on the side, and I'm not old enough to know if this is a normal adventurer. "Mr. Mukoda, then split up between your hands. You won't have to worry, but be careful." "Yes. Take care of yourselves" Returning that, everyone at “Arc” raised their hands lightly, including Mr. Gaudino, who spoke to me, before heading to Red Tail Cayman, who was on the bank of the river. Let's go, too. "I'm not motivated by these clutterfish opponents." 'Don't complain like that. We've just begun our quest for a dungeon. " "I don't know how Fell feels, but this is what it would be like at the beginning." Dora and Grandpa Gong proclaim to Boo-drooling Fell. "That's right. Besides, the meat seems to have a good value, so it doesn't taste bad. Fried crocodile meat is delicious." With that said, Fell, Grandpa Gong, Dra, and Sui's movements stopped for a moment. And...... "Kara, fry, fry! Huge sui thrusting into Red Tail Cayman screaming like that. "Hey, sweetie?! Me I grab so desperately not to fall off a suddenly moving sui. "If you mean to fry from, this is not how it is done. I'm hunting, too! Fell, who jumped magnificently from Sui, also headed for Red Tail Cayman. "Are we going to sink the meat into the bottom of the river even if we finish the one in the river? 'Sure. All right, Noon catches him and drops him on the bank of the river. Dora's gonna have to do it sequentially. " Got it! Uh, what's that collaboration between Grandpa Gong and Dora? Because it's a dragon. You mean there's something that goes through it? "Uh-oh! Buh -. Vibration transmitted from Sui. "Wow, that's sweet." Sui fired a larger acid bullet from the giant. There was a big hole in the flank of Red Tail Cayman where that acid bullet hit him. "Ugh." And what was left of Red Tail Cayman after he disappeared... "Buh, it's meat." Sui dissatisfied with the skin that was left behind. "Look, look, there's still crocodiles, so if you take them down full, they'll drop the meat, too" "Mm-hmm. Sui, Ippa-su! Uh, uh, uh, uh, no. ' Sui hit the Red Tail Cayman on the bank of the river with an acid bullet from one end. From the swim I'm obsessed with, me softly descending. "Sui..." That cute sui was me a little late for wondering where he had gone. Grandpa Gong and Dora play brilliantly in tandem. A little older, Grandpa Gong dropped the eagled Red Cayman on both forelegs one after the other to the bank of the river, and Dora was stopping it with ice magic, slaughtering the Red Tail Cayman as if it were a flow task. Like that, Fell, Grandpa Gong, Dra, and Sui's Eater Cartel are turning Red Tail Cayman into a drop after all the hunting. I didn't know this would happen with a word of fried from. Chaos...... And in less time, yes, Red Tail Cayman is gone. There are tons of drops scattered along the riverbank. "Ha...... Do you want to pick up and do the Dungeon regular drops? Everybody help." 'Naturally.' Cause it's gonna be fried. ' "Uhm. You have to pick up the meat without leaking it." "Right! "Fried from!" When I left my magic bag with Fell and Dora, Fell and Suey, Grandpa Gong and Dora started picking up the drops as a group. "Well, shall I pick it up, too? Damn, it's the usual, but it's a lot...... Oh, come on, you guys don't just pick up meat. Other than that, just so I can pick it up for once! Pick up all the meat and watch out for eater cartels that ignore the skin and fangs. "Damn, it's a drop that came out, so it would be a shame if I didn't collect it to some extent." Me moving my hands even as I say bumps. Fangs on the skin on the meat, and meat again, the skin...... Shut up and pick up the drops. "Ahhh, I'm coming to your hips..." As the old man slapped a ton of hips, a voice rang from behind him. "M., Mr. Mkoda......" Looking back, the “arc” faces. Still stunned by a large amount of scattered drops. "Yes, no, you know, with what we all strained..." That's how I explain it with a look away. "We took down four too and thought we had a good start..." Mr. Gidion, even if they say that with a distant eye. "Uh, uh, I'm picking up the drop as soon as I can, so wait a minute." That being said, I also issued a directive to the eater cartel who created the cause in a mindful manner to pick up and collect the drops on the super express. "Huh, hey, it's finally over" When I'm relieved after picking up the coarseness...... "Mm, you had one left." Follow Fell's gaze to see Red Tail Cayman swimming slowly down the river. That's what Grandpa Gong flew. And the moment Grandpa Gong tries to grab and ascend the swimming Red Tail Cayman. Zappan -. Compared to the original Grandpa Gong, a giant fish, comparable to that body in the m class, jumped out of the water. Bakri -. No questions asked and eaten up by Grandpa Gong's grabbed Red Tail Cayman. "He's the one who can't believe he's stealing the prey of Non." That being said, I eagle and ascend the head of a gussy giant fish. A giant fish rushes to shake his tail, but the hour is already late. Or fate was at the point of selling a fight to an ancient dragon under heaven (Enchanted Dragon). Gucci and Grandpa Gong's claws devoured the head of the giant fish and by the time they reached the riverbank they were already out of breath. "You're supposed to win crocodiles, but the fish got caught." That's what I'm gonna say. I'm gonna give you a giant fish before me, Grandpa Gong. Grandpa Gong, no, I don't care if they give me this. When I looked to the side, the “arc” faces were exposed again.
After breakfast today, I put the Fells down and rolled them out into a compartment selling groceries not so far from this inn. Then I went around a few bakeries to secure the black bread. I still have a little of what I bought from the drain, but that's not enough. I saw some of the other stores, but there was nothing particularly like buying them. I went straight back to the inn, and then I made rice for the dungeon. I still have the stock I made before I went on my journey, but that's just a little uncomfortable. With everyone's favorites, especially meat dishes...... That happened and I made it around meat dishes. First, pickled miso with oak and bloody horn bull. Much less, so I made extra. This is just marinated and baked, but it goes great with rice and it's delicious. This time I also tried marinating the golden buckbull meat in miso. Then a bowl of beef made from the meat of Wyburn and Bloody Horn Bull on a ginger grill of oak. You can say it's a classic menu around here, including pickled miso. It's delicious after it's easy and everyone likes it. I wonder if it's called the tireless flavor that makes me want to eat it again and again. Even if you make more, you'll consume more, so I made more this time than before. I also tried making beef bowls with golden buckbull meat, just like pickled miso. All you have to do is stir fried golden buckbull meat and garlic sprouts stamina, then stir fried oak meat vegetables in bloody horn bull meat. Of course, seasoning is a sauce of all-purpose seasoning grilled meats. This time I also tried using salt dahle. Then I also made a beef stew and hayashi rice with Bloody Horn Bull meat. Because everyone loves beef stews, and it would be better if they had one for me because it suits the bread. I also made Hayashi Rice before this because it was delicious and easy. I ate most of the meat dishes on my journey, so I rebuilt them again. Oak and bloody hornblue snoring meat with hamburgers and meat, bolognese. I originally thought Keema Curry, but in the dungeon I stopped thinking that the smell of curry would be (in many ways) harsh. So when I made it, it was a sweet, spicy Chinese miso fried chicken. Water dissolved single chestnut flour was added and thickened. This is delicious even for a bowl. I also made a cocatrice teriyaki and sautéed honey mustard sauce. The chicken broth with the meat from the cocatrice. "Huh. I don't know what else to do..." I made a lot of fried foods from before the trip, so I'll be there in time. I have enough boiled pork and pork juice left. I also cooked extra rice, so I'm fine. "You still have seafood." The fries I made before the trip are still there because I made them in large quantities as well as fried them from. I still have tempura. You've got plenty of clam chowder left. I don't have to eat it when I serve it to the Fells, but they won't change it. He said he was hungry. I made it into a piece of equipment, hey. Whatever, let's make it... I made a bowl of roast beef at the Fells' lunch, so the roast beef is gone, and should I make it extra? Additionally, he made roast beef of golden buckbull meat, followed by roast pork of oak meat. You can have this as it is or as a sandwich. "And then you and I are going to want more dishes made with fish... oh, maybe some cooked rice or something" Guys, I think I'm going to say we're running out of Fells in particular. This is almost for me because I want it, but sometimes it's good. It's Thai (tatatai) cooked rice and octopus (taco) cooked rice. That said, it's super easy because it's what I make. First of all, the ingredients. It's a raw shoga and granular kelp in an online supermarket, and then I bought Mentsuyu. First grind the rice and soak it in water. For Thai (Tatai) cooked rice, shake salt on Tatai's body first and cook thoroughly. For octopus (taco) cooked rice, cut the boiled taco foot about mm thick and cut the raw shoga into pieces. Then add granulated kombucha and menthu to the rice, which is grinding, and mix gently. After that, if you cook with tatatai, you can cook Thai (tatatai) cooked rice, or if you mix taco with chopped shoga, you can cook taco (tako) cooked rice. Mentsuyu is versatile in Japanese food. If you get lost in seasoning, I think you can add Mentsuyu. 'Cause the stock's in there, and that's all it is. It's delicious. Cooked rice is delicious even if it's made in white. I don't know what to make, but I'm dying to eat it. Do you want this for dinner? But that's all the complaining from the Fells. Right. It's easy and Muniel makes it. Covered with flour and baked in butter, he made Muniel of aspidoceron and Muniel of scallops (yellow scallops) in Muniel of salmon (Sarken). To this... Steak soy sauce with onion flavoring makes it super easy Japanese-style muniel. "Well, it's time for dinner, do you want it for dinner" Thai (tatatai) cooked rice and octopus (taco) cooked rice, I had both but they were delicious. Fell was eating it too, but Muniel seemed to like it better, and you were just eating a buck over there. Dora surprisingly likes to cook octopus (taco) rice. "The texture is interesting" That's what you said. Of course Muniel was eating bugs. Sui said both are delicious. Yeah, yeah, fish is good after all. Me, after a very satisfying dinner, another job. Starting tomorrow, it's a dungeon, so you'll be working before then.
Phew. Well slept. I knew it would be different if I had bedding. "Ugh, what the hell" I could do about three piles of demonic corpses next to me. ............ Mr. Fell, or just because you were getting more vigorous, I wonder if this is overdone. Fell of the day slept with Suyasuya across the mountain of demons. I look at the three piles of demons I could do, and I think, how do I do this? After all, do I have to stick it in the item box for now? I've tried everything and I know that my item box is almost timeless. At any rate, the leafy vegetables I bought at the online supermarket over a week ago haven't shriveled at all, and the other vegetables are still glowing. The quantity is the quantity, so I'll have to keep it in the item box and take it to the Adventurer Guild one by one. I've got my own hands on learning to dismantle it, but I'm not good at being gross, and I'm not sure I can remember much. Whoa, whoa, let's think about that area. Still, how many of these are there? I'm going to put an appraisal on the mountain of demons. Giant Dodo and Giant Dear, this is the guy Fell got this last time. They're both bigger individuals than before, though. Then x Rockbirds? Rockbird feels like a local chicken, so you can have more than one because it's delicious. Some Black Serpents were expensive to buy in the Adventurers Guild. Likewise, Murder Grizzlies were expensive to buy. It's horrible how much you'll be buying because they're both bigger than they were before this. Then Red Serpent. This is a big snake that made the black serpent feel just red and brown in color. Hmm? Maybe the overall size is also bigger for Red Serpent because the head size is bigger than Black Serpent. And then what, oak king to Oak General x. ............... is that it? Oak King is the king of a bunch of oaks, isn't he? I wonder what happened to that group of orcs that Oak King is here for? Mr. Fell, what have you done? Just when I was thinking about that, Fell happened. "Mm, what? When I look at the woke up Fell jizzily, I say, "What's wrong with this? When he pointed to the mountain of demons, Fell naturally said," You must have caught it in the hunt. " "No, no, no, I know that, but whatever it is, this will be too much" "Mm, I was able to move to fly with energy... and I'm not tired of it at all, so I enjoyed hunting." Ha, is that so? "I have an oak king here, what's wrong with the other oaks? "I met the orc settlement, but I noticed it coming to my teeth. Of course I made it all a blood festival, but I only brought Oak General and Oak King. Demons are better when they're strong." ............... Blood festival, what are you really doing? "By the way, how long were you an orc? "That could have been about ." Hyah, Hyakgojudezka...... I knew Fell was out of standard, but when combined with the power of online supermarket ingredients, it's not going to hammer out. Besides, you weren't just dealing with orcs last night. There are still demons that Fell has been hunting. When you look at the mountain of demons, you appraise the continuation. x Auga...... can you eat an auga? "Hey Fell, I have an aug here, can you eat an aug? "Auga is muscular and unsavory. However, the skin of the Auga is unusual among people as it becomes a material for armor. I assume you have the money? So I can't eat it, but I brought it for once. ' Oh, yeah. Now I have a lot of room because of Fell, so I was perfectly fine. Well, I'll keep it for once. So, next up is Blue Aug. Blue orgasms, unlike regular orgasms, have blue skin. Is this the subspecies? I guess Fell just brought it for the reason that it would be gold because it's an orga. And, uh, metal Lizard? As its name suggests, it's a stupid big lizard with a hard silver skin like iron. How did Fell defeat this hard-skinned lizard? I'd like to ask you a few questions, but I feel like you shouldn't ask me if I'm looking at a skin that's hard but bumpy on the iron side of a metal lizard. I guess this metal lizard was like a tragic death to imagine. South Amitabha Buddha. And what's next? Um, Kimyra............ hey? What is Kimyra, the head of a lion, the head of a goat and the head of a snake? Like games, but lass bossy. Is that it? No, no, no, no way. Oh... there's a lion's head, a goat's head and a snake's head. 'Um, that's Kimyra. It's delicious. Usually a little stubborn, but last night I was able to finish with a single blow.' I'm not bragging that I could have stopped you with a single blow. This is definitely him. Maybe, but I don't think the rank is where the A is either. The day I took this to the Adventurers Guild.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... You can't, this is... Have them sleep in the item box forever. Yeah, that's good. Thinking so with a distant eye, Fell said, 'I'm hungry'. I ate just that last night. I can't help it, suppose I make it. The demons piled up before that are turned into item boxes. Finally, my bedding. Well, what to make. Of course it is the meat of demons that we use for the main. Last night, I knew it wasn't a good idea to overdo Fell's online supermarket ingredients. It doesn't seem to have that much of an impact on the accompanying vegetables and seasonings, and I know from previous menus that even the ingredients in the online supermarket (different worlds) are still fine if they are about meat sauce spaghetti. I have to think about the menu based on that area. You mean as much as everything else. So given the menu, there is cocatrice meat that resembles chicken, and do you want this? It's the chicken sautéed that makes it. Start by gently adding salt and pepper to the bottom after removing the excess fat from the cocatrice meat. If I pour a small amount of salad oil into the frying pan (with a small amount of eye because it also comes out of the skin), I cook it from the skin eye. At this time, when cooked while pressing the lid of the pan, the skin becomes parched and delicious. When the skin eyes become tight and burn tightly, I bake the back. Once the cocatrice meat is cooked, remove it and make the sauce in its frying pan. Because it tastes like fat from meat, I think it would be better to use the frying pan as it is, so I always do. A frying pan with butter and lemon juice (I always use the one in a 100% bottle of lemon juice) and a little soy sauce to make lemon butter sauce. Is it Japanese sex? You want to put soy sauce in it. I don't mind just lemon butter, but I feel more delicious with soy sauce. It's done with lemon butter sauce on roasted cocatrice meat in Paris. "Fell, we're done." When I put him out on Fell, he stuck to the chicken sautéed if he was hungry. I eat chicken sautéed in bread and chicken sautéed sandwiches. I bought it yesterday for you. Chicken sautéed sandwiches delicious. Can of coffee is also awesome. Yeah, next time we'll buy a can of coffee at an online supermarket. And instant coffee, too. It makes me want a warm cup of coffee. Then in my case, sugar and milk are a must. I'm losing a lot of seasonings and I want to refill my vegetables, so do you want to shop at the online supermarket around tonight? "It's a replacement." Yes, sir. I'm going to make a shopping list while I make Fell a chicken sautéed replacement. After a few degrees of Fell's replacement, stand up for a short break. "Time to go" I started walking with Fell again. While training magic on the road, of course.
Finally a delicious skewer stall, we left Maria Square behind. Fel, Grandpa Gong, Dora-chan, and Sweetheart's foodie Carte were foolish enough to say "I haven't eaten enough yet", but they caught me by my words, "I think there are many stalls in the market ~". Everyone with the palm crew "Let's go to the market!I'm going to say it. Well, it would be good for me if it weren't for the momentum of the day in Maria Square. And...... "Wow, you're an amazing person."Also, there are a lot of stores ~ I was most looking forward to the Wangdu Central Market. The excitement of a vibrant market never stops. I heard that the market here is "nothing is unsuitable here when it comes to food," and that it is the kitchen of the King's City... That's better than I expected. From there, you will be amazed by the light interaction between customers and shopkeepers exchanged here. Alright, let's go to the stall! ”Hmm. It smells good here, so I think I can enjoy it ~” Hyahoo! I'm going to eat it here too! I'll eat delicious meat ~! Wait a minute! Relying on the smell, I quickly stopped the cannibal Cartesian who was about to charge into the stalls. Mh, what? Look at me a little grumpy, Fel. Grandpa Gong, Dora-chan, and Sui likewise felt a little grumpy. "But..." "Come on, it's not 'what?', is it?" You guys ate a lot in Mariah's Square. " When Grandpa Gong said that, Fel, Dora-chan, and Sui agreed that it was so. "Shut up! I ate just now, now it's my turn!"I'm gonna go shopping with you!Afterwards, the stall tour! Okay! " I'll open my eyes and declare that. We can't let Felle run us down here. If I go to the stall as Fel and the others say, I can see that I can't do the shopping I was looking forward to, and the stall tour alone ends today. Um, um... I got it, I got it Oh, oh "I-I-I-I-I-I..." Sweetie, don't tell me you're scared. ◇◇◇◇◇ As I walked through the market, I noticed something that caught my eye. It's about twice the size of what I know, but the way it looks with this little hair... Kiwi! "Oniisan, I know you very well.This is the Golden Kiwi that recently came in from a small group of countries. " "Gold kiwi..." Is the pulp I know of a yellow kiwi? The yellow kiwi is sweet and quite fond of it. I am very concerned about this world because it may not match the way it looks and tastes. "So, this is Green Kiwi. Gold Kiwi is characterized by its yellow and sweet pulp, and Green Kiwi is characterized by its green pulp and a strong acidity in the sweetness.It's a little more expensive, but they're both delicious! " Yeah, this is the kind of kiwi I know. "Of course..." “I'll buy it, both of them.” Yes! How old are you? I'd like to say it all if possible, but if you run out of inventory, you'll be in trouble. "Hey, can you buy all of them?!" “Yes, if possible” "Seriously! No, I'd appreciate it if you'd just leave me alone!"Well, it's nice to try and buy something unusual, but the price is going to be high, right?I was in trouble because I couldn't sell it at all. I told my mom, "What kind of stuff you're buying!"It's going to be dirty." Say that, Chobon face dad. Mom is strong in any world. Well, it's hard to sell. Because Green Kiwi have one silver coin and seven copper coins, and Gold Kiwi have two silver coins. This is not an easy price for ordinary people. But I'll buy it. Green Kiwi and 30 Gold Kiwi. The price is ten gold coins and nine silver coins. The copper fraction was truncated. "Every time ~" My dad is nicking, but I'm nicking. This is about Winwin, isn't it? When I left the store in a good mood, I heard an innocent voice. Hey, aren't you finished yet? "Fel, it's still decided."I haven't bought any fruit yet. " I wonder if I bought a lot of it. "What the hell, Uncle Gong?"I've only bought three of them, haven't I?It's just Apur, Orange, and the Kiwi from before. " Apul is a sour apple. I once had an apple pie on my side, but it tastes really good for an apple pie. It is OK to use it as jam, so I found it sold as soon as I entered the market and bought it in large quantities. Orange is a citrus that resembles Mineola orange and is a popular fruit here. Because it is delicious as it is, I also bought a lot of it here. I think that's enough, though. I grinned at Dora-chan who was crushing her like that. "It can't be enough!" Fruits are hard to come by.Apul and Orange don't have much to offer, but the quality is definitely better here!I've never seen a kiwi like this before.There must be other rare fruits. I'll still buy more! " Ahhhh... The swirl on Fel's back was stretching out with Delon. Shit, are you getting tired of Sweet? Um, yeah, this. The skin will melt because it is water, so is it okay not to peel it off for now? "Sweetheart, that gold kiwi I just bought."It's sweet and delicious. " I offered the gold kiwi I bought earlier to Sweet. "When Sweet Sweet takes it in..." Brunn. Oh my God! "You know, there might be more delicious fruits."Don't you want to eat the watermelon? " I ate it! "Isn't that right?" So keep shopping! " Search the market again as an impulsive continuation of shopping. As I was doing so, my eyes were nailed to something in a store that handles a little expensive fruit in a small clean shop. Then, he stepped into the store to be sucked in. Welcome back. Just like the store, a small, slim shopkeeper who seems a little nervous comes along. "W-was this perhaps a mango?" I can't take my eyes off the red egg-shaped fruit. It's bigger than the mango I know, but this is a mango, right? “As you know, it is a fruit that can only be picked from a small group of countries and a Geisler Empire, and it has a great flavor.” Yeah, I know. Mangoes are delicious. "You will be fascinated by this fruit with a bite of its rich sweetness." Gokri... "So, what's the price...?" "It's seven gold coins." Yes, seven coins at a time. It's not a casual fruit. "But..." I want to eat mango! Um, how much inventory do you have? In addition to what's out there, there are about 10 of them. That is to say, a total of 77 gold coins. "This can't be helped..." "I need expenses..." Can I have all of it? When I said that, the shopkeeper opened his eyes for a moment, but the next moment he said, "Of course!” Nikoniko. The fruit that caught my eye while the employee prepared it at the request of the shopkeeper. Is this Lychee? "Your eyes are high." It is a Reich that can only be picked in the north of the Krasen Empire.The fruity and refreshing flavor of the fruit is such a fruit that the Empress loves it. " The taste is crisp and refreshing... This looks like Lychee, too. It's about the size of my fist. Oh, what's the price? "One gold coin and three silver coins." Wow, this is also expensive. But I want some fresh lychee! I bought it right away. Thirty-two in all, forty-one gold coins. You lost the fraction. "Thank you very much. We look forward to welcoming you again.” When you leave the store, the store owner will see you off. It was a full smile. That's right, I've spent more than 100 gold coins in this store alone. It makes me smile. This shop, and more than a hundred gold coins just for the fruit... Esophagus is also a surprising amount. But I don't regret it. Kiriku.
Jeezy looking out the window Fell, Grandpa Gong, Dora, Sui. It was dusty rain outside. The rain that began to pour a little when I got home instantly turned dusty. "Unfortunately, this weather has stopped the hormone baking." With that said, Grandpa Gong, who was most looking forward to the hormone roasting, lowered his head in dismay and shombolished. "Visceral Cuisine......" Tough dragons are making me sad. "Uh, it's not charcoal-grilled, but I'm gonna serve you some gut food." When I said that and slapped Pompom and Grandpa Gong on his shoulder, he raised his head Gabarily. "Lord, is that true?! When I replied "Oh, oh," with a pull for too much eating, Grandpa Gong gets better as soon as possible. 'No, is that right? Can you eat gut food? Looking forward to it! "Can you eat gut food? Nice. ' You're kidding! Yatta! ' "I also look forward to Sui ~" Fell, Dora and Sui, who were listening to Grandpa Gong interact, are also cowards when they can eat gut food. "Okay, if that's what you mean, just make it." That's what Fell says. He pushes his back with his front leg. "Cora, don't push it." "Lord, I would be glad to make it soon. Visceral cooking, I'm looking forward to it ' I'm going to say that with my eyes sparkling up to Grandpa Gong. "I'm looking forward to it too." "Sagittarius, so is Sui ~" Is it a backup shooting, and that's what I'm going to say to Dora and Sui. "Ha, I get it. I'll make it. Everybody wait in the living room." I was rushed to the kitchen by everyone. "Can't help it, make it" It's a bowl of hormones that I make. Hormones seasoned and stir-fried in sweet and spicy miso on rice...... You've wanted to eat prickly hormones asexually, and you've seen and made recipes online. Needless to say, it fits perfectly with rice, and it fits well with beer, this is it. Fits the beer, it matters. I was going to cook hormones this evening, so I was going to do a queer of cold beers. Anyway, when I say hormones, I personally think the sweet and spicy miso flavour would suit me best. "I don't need the ingredients that much, so what I have now is almost enough ~" What's missing is about soy sauce and green onions. So when I bought soy sauce and green onions from the online supermarket, I started cooking. First, he said to take out the dungeon cow's moth. It's a beautiful thing because the orphanage children in Lawsendar handle it well down. Cut that dungeon cow's moth in a big bite, and sassy hot. Dungeon beef moss doesn't smell like it, but it's also fat loss. Then, cut the onions into thin beaks and cut into small bites the last onions to be put on. After that, mix miso, soy sauce, sugar, liquor, grated garlic and bean plate soy to also make the combined seasoning. Then I soak the sesame oil in a hot frying pan and fry the moss. With a lot of fat coming out, the excess fat is being gently swept away in the kitchen paper. When the fires have gone through the moth, add the onions and season the onions together where they have soaked. All you have to do is fry it so it can tangle in the whole thing. Tilt the frying pan and cut off the excess fat there, while putting plenty of stir-fry on top of the white rice, and finally if you put the small onions in pieces...... "Served with a bowl of sweet and spicy miso offal! It doesn't smell good." When I was thinking about giving it a taste first, it freaked me out. When I saw the entrance and exit of the kitchen, the eater's cartel that was peeking at me couldn't stand the smell was looking at me. "Gohon. I'll take it now" When I put the bowl of hormones in front of everyone, I just wait and start eating the guts and momentum. 'Lord, I never thought your guts would taste so good! Grandpa Gong is in a good mood for some visceral dishes that were a memorial. They also liked the flavor, and the momentum of eating guts doesn't stop. 'It's not as fragrant as it was when I ate it before, but this is delicious. It fits well with rice' 'Hmm, that's certainly not bad. It's a change. " "Delicious ~. Swimming too! I think Dora, Fell and Suey liked it too. "Yes, sir." I'll give everyone a change and I'll start eating too. "Well, here's the offering" I removed the can beer I bought from the online supermarket from the item box. What we have is a silver can of crispy, dry beer from Company A. Of course it's cold on the kink. Push open your mouth and get ready OK. "Here you go." Hormone sautéed and white rice luxuriously shrugged into your mouth. "Eh, delicious! Hormone stir-fried and white rice with a sweet and spicy miso flavour. There's no way it doesn't fit with this best combination. I thoroughly tasted the sweet and spicy miso flavoured offal stir-fried and white rice, and swallowed it with gokuri, then naturally I did. Goku Goku Goku, Puha. "Ku, great! After a bowl of hormones with a dark eye flavour, a cold, dry beer in the kink resets the mouth. And luxuriously pack another bowl of hormones. This won't stop. I also enjoyed a bowl of guts and hormones so much that I couldn't beat the gut-eating Fells. ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ After dinner, we all take a bath, and all we have to do is sleep. Fells are already in their dreams. I'm the only one with a little something to do, and I'm awake drinking cafe ole alone. "Fell's bath haters are muscular. I said it was time to go in and make it pretty, but I said," I don't care if you don't take a bath, I'm always beautiful, "and you never do." Talk to yourself about Fell, who hates baths. On the other hand, Grandpa Gong seems to like the bath. But hey, just because the bath is narrow right now, and we can't do it together every day at that size, there's something I'm sorry about every few days. Grandpa Gong took a bath with me today, but you were so happy because it was my first bath in three days... I'd like to do some bath expansion early so Grandpa Gong can get in loose. "Tomorrow, Marie asked me if I'd like to go to the contractor" Yeah, I made plans for tomorrow, but I've got things to do before then. It's also why I'm awake, I have to do something about it. "Gohon, uh, are you guys there? When I rang that voice, I heard footsteps rushing over to Daddy-Daddy-Daddy-Daddy-Daddy-Daddy. "You finally called me! Is this the voice of Lady Ninril? I did it, and I'm not late for my promise every month. "I've been waiting. I've been doing a lot of research. I'm ready, Woof." Dear Kishahr, I'm afraid of that woof laugh. I do a lot of research and I'm ready, because my online supermarket tenant is only a drugstore. Because I can't buy Depakos or overseas cosmetics. I hope you're gentle. "Come on! I've been waiting for you. You were in a bit of a hurry because you almost ran out of beer." I love beer, Dear Agni. With all that amount, it's probably a little too much to drink with only a few more left. "Ice cream. And the cake..." Master Luca still seems to like ice cream. And...... 'You're here. Noon's got a stomach! God of War, what will your Lord do? "Oops, I've decided my belly too! If you saw something like that, you'd want to try it! When is it Master Hephaestus and Master Vahagn who are making serious voices that never have been? I mean, what did you decide that you decided on your belly? That's scary. "Uh, then I'll hear your request. Let's start with Lady Ninril." .................. ...... "Ha, it's over, it's over" I finally finished hearing your request from the gods. But you're asking me to stay here all the time. I don't know because it's the first of the month, but I don't know. Plus, I'm going to do a good research these days, so I'm going to say this product here is good or something, so I'm going to have to make a good note of it and I'm going to buy it wrong. Especially not Kishahr's research skills. I don't know what happened to the new product that came out during this time. I don't know either when they tell me so much about it. I'm not in Japan. Damn, I'm talking about how much beauty product research you do. But this time the most surprising is the liquor lover combination of Master Hephaestus and Master Vahagn, right? Looks like you've been researching a lot about whiskey. I didn't think you'd ask for that. I've thought it through a lot. Anyway, I promise to give it to you the night after tomorrow, and after I go to the contractor tomorrow, will I be sure to procure your request? "Well, I've got somethin 'to do tomorrow, and I'm gonna go to bed." I headed to the bedroom where everyone would sleep while I was stretching out.
After cleaning up after dinner, take a bath. Because you have a big, splendid bathroom, we're going in every day while we're in this house. Oh, yeah. "I'll wash Fell, too." Fell freaked out a little when I said that. "Why?" It shouldn't have been a month since I washed it. " "No, I ate curry earlier, so you smell pretty good? When I say that, I'm sniffing my body. 'With that said, don't smell the food just now, though it's not that tight...' "Right? The bath in this house is huge, so I can even put Fell in, and at this point, I'm gonna wash it." 'I have no choice. But you can't go in the water. " We all moved to the bathroom. The bathroom in this house is huge, and it becomes a room surrounded by twisted stones like eight tatami stones, with horizontal windows on the upper part that don't touch people's eyes so that the hot air escapes. But if you let magic flow here... "Wow, it's brighter -" He is excited to jump pompous when Sui brightens up. That's the mansion, it's equipped with all the magic items in the lights. Of course it's in the bathroom, and just a little magic made it bright like a light bulb. If it's from Domenico, here too...... Magic flowed over the demonic stone on the faucet near the tub. Jabbo, jabbo and hot water came out of the faucet. "Oh, that's amazing. Sometimes magic props are like this." Where hot water builds up in the tub, I wash Fell first. I'm taking my clothes off too, so I don't have a problem getting wet when I'm blubbered. Sometimes it hasn't been that long since I washed it during this time, and there wasn't that much hair involved. Ask Sui to suck up the bath water and put it on Fell. Fell's body gets wet in Sui's shower. When Fell's entire body is wet, I will put on the veterinarian recommended shampoo I bought at the online supermarket and wash it. Washer washer. He always tells me to put my strength into it, so I washed it from the beginning this time. "Uhm, that's pretty good this time" Oh, yeah. Washer washer, gashigashi. "Mmm, it's a long wash there." Heck. You're itching here. Washer washer, washer washer, gashigashi, gashigashi. I wash it all over my body as I listen to Fell's order. "Okay, now you can wash your whole body. Sui, hot water again." "Yes." Sui's shower pours down on Fell. After you wash away all the bubbles in your body, it's your face. "Fell, I'm going to wash my face." "Nooo, hurry up" Wash Fell's face as he asks Sui to put a shower of hot water on Fell's face. I was eating curry today and getting dirty around my mouth, especially around my mouth. "Okay, we're done. Do a blurb here and dry your hair. This house is a rental house, so you can't get wet." "I know." Fell is wind magically drying his hair as a grand blurb. "Oh, if you want to sleep, you can sleep upstairs in your favorite room." "Um, okay." Fell's hairy hair left in the bathroom asked Sui's splinter to handle it. Now, do you want to take your bath time? "Finally a bath." "Bath." Dora finally said bath ~ or something, but you were just relaxing in the water you stored in the tub to wash Fell. I didn't say anything, but I'm watching. Well, fine. I'm going to store a new bucket of water that's gone from washing Fell. In the meantime, I wash my body. I also bubble Dora and wash her whole body. Sui doesn't have any dirt at all times, but I will bubble and wash it. Everyone just washed out the bubbles and there was plenty of water in the tub. I did recall that there was a bathing agent with carbonated gas I bought before this, and took the bathing agent out of the item box. The bath here is huge, so I put two tablet-type bathing agents in luxury. "All right, let's go in." When me and Dora and Sui take a bath with Zabun, a little water spills. "Phew, I knew the bath was the best" "Oh, that feels good" "Feelings" Dora and Sui are pukapuka floating as usual. This bath is bigger than mine, so you can take it easy. Huh, the bath is good after all. How can tiredness blow up? "I'll take a bath every day while I'm in this mansion." I snapped one. "Me too." "Sui too ~" Both Dora and Sui seem to be totally bath followers. We all enjoyed bath time while being soothed by the smell of bathing agent and warm water. It's nice to take a bath every day. At this time, you can change the bathing detergent every day. Oh, there's also a hot spring bathing agent such as Ohm water, so it's nice to put that in and feel like a hot spring. There's a lot of bathing agents out there right now. Tomorrow before I take a bath, I'll take a look at all the bathing agents in the online supermarket. I'm having more fun. ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ When I got out of the bath, I went upstairs to look for Fell. I was wondering where you were sleeping, sleeping on the floor in the master bedroom. I wish I could sleep on it because I have a king-size bed, even though it has a dandruff carpet on it. When I said that, Fell said he was going to fall off just a little movement and didn't like it. If it does move a little, it could fall. 'I like my own bed. Get me out of my bunk. " My futon would be nice. I put a futon out of the item box dedicated to Fell and laid it down. "Sui sleeps here ~" That's what Sui said and jumped on a king-size bed with Piong. "I'll sleep here, too." That's what I said, and Dora landed on a king-size bed, too. "Or we'll sleep here together." I thought I'd sleep in the other room, but you have an invitation from Sui. I can't say no to this. So we rented a big mansion but ended up sleeping together in the same room. You're no different than usual. Well, that's fine. That's what I have to do before I go to bed. Do you want to go to another room because the conversation will be loud here? When I tried to leave the room, I said, 'Where are you going?' and a voice from Fell. "It's an example to God." 'Mm, well. Make sure you pray. " Fell seems to respect that unfortunate goddess, but she's not as godly as she is. He's just a big sweetheart. The other gods are fairly faithful to greed and obtrusive. Well, it's those gods that make it easy for me to say this, but there's something about being able to hang out normally. You've given me protection, and I'm somewhat thankful because I'm getting protection from Fell, Dora, and Sui. That's why I don't spoil it. Now, would you like to offer (contribute) six silver coins at a time today?
Show the soldier standing at the entrance his guild card and enter the dungeon. Mr. Elland is not technically an adventurer, so he went in by showing me the dungeon card that he would get to register before entering the dungeon. If anyone other than the adventurer dives into the dungeon, this dungeon card will be issued at the time of registration, showing it, and then entering the dungeon. Inside it feels like a classic dungeon surrounded by stone walls on all sides as we had heard beforehand. I don't know how a passage surrounded by stone walls works, but it's not too bright, it's not too dark, it maintains a certain brightness. Sue, we're in the dungeon. With that said, Sui jumped out of his leather bag. "Dungeons, Dungeons" Sui is jumping pompous for fun. "At first, there seems to be only miscellaneous fish. Let's move on. Get in. ' I can tell by the signs. That's what Fell said. Fell has been using pronouncements because Mr. Erland will accompany him. Mr. Elland knows Fell can speak human language, but there are other adventurers in the dungeon. "Wait a minute. Mr. Elland, the dungeons here seem to have a lot of people on each of the eight and eleven or twelve levels, but does it feel like you can also expect drops and crates from the hierarchy around them? "Right. You can expect it from six or seven levels, but I think you should give that around to the junior adventurers. Mr. Mkoda is S-ranked, and I retired, but he's an ex-S rank, so I'm sure we can start exploring him from around the th floor." Thirteenth floor? That hierarchy is definitely an insect zone. Since the ninth floor before that is the hierarchy of the undead, I would also like to try the holy engraving I received there from Lord Hephaestus and Lord Vahagn. And then I want to get used to using a new spear for this one before I try that holy engraving. I feel like I can handle it as a feeling I've shaken the spear a little bit, but I still don't know if I can use it. "Truth be told, I've never been undead before. That's why I want to get used to it a little on the ninth floor. And I've made a new spear for this one, and I'd like to use that in front of the undead hierarchy on the ninth floor, so can I explore it from the eighth floor? "If that's what you're talking about, of course you'll be fine." "Is that all right with Fell, too? "Eighth floor? All I can give you is signs of miscellaneous fish, but well, fine. Come on, get in. ' It's not just me, it's Mr. Elland. At times like this...... "Sui, will you give Mr. Elland a ride? I asked Sui to read to me. "Yeah, that's good." Sui got about the size of Fell. I am surprised that Mr. Erland has voiced "whoa" to Sui, who has grown up. "We're on our way to the eighth floor. Mr. Elland, please take a swim." "Uh, okay? "Yes, I'm fine. Sui has evolved and is able to change its size somewhat freely. So now we can get people on board." When I say that, I admire "ho." "Slime evolves like that when he obeys a demon." "No, I think it's because Sui is a special individual. You don't necessarily evolve because you turned Slime into an obedient demon." "Sure. Tamer himself, who turns Slime into an obedient demon before that, because I've never heard of anything other than Mr. Mukoda either. hahahaha" I guess so. Slime treats miscellaneous fish. Our sui is special, isn't it? "Hey, get on it." I want to move on fast. Fell rushes me. "Well, then, Mr. Elland, get in the swim." When I said that, it felt like Mr. Erland was terrified and I rode a swim. "Oh, you're more comfortable riding than I thought" Because I'm puny. It's close to what it feels like to be in a waterbed, isn't it? I saw Mr. Elland ride Suey, and I rode Fell's back, too. "Keep a line on everyone. Then let's go. ' "Oh, thank you. Dora and Sui, follow me without delay." "Ouch." We headed the dungeon with Fell. Proceed more and more down the aisle surrounded by stone walls. As I was hearing, there were Big Rats and Giant Bats on the first to third floors, but some of them were originally miscellaneous fish, and Fell's junction, and he said, "Was there?" so hard to break through. Goblins came out of the fourth floor, but this stays through, too. Sometimes when there were novices and thoughtful young adventurers running by them, they all looked at us and looked pokant. I know how you feel, but don't let yourself get distracted in the dungeon. We headed the way with Fell, who was able to detect signs. About an hour after entering the dungeon... "Down these stairs is the eighth floor." That's what Fell told me to get off Fell's back. "Hey, that's a surprise. I can't believe we're moving the dungeon so fast." That's what Mr. Erland says as he descends from Sui. "Thanks to Fell. Sign detection is a gift. Hey, Fell." When I said that, Fell gave it back to me, blinking at whether it was a little lit or not. "That's something like Fenrill." Mr. Elland is just as impressed with this. Fell's signs are pretty helpful from time to time. "Well, I'm sorry, but exploring from the eighth floor would be nice." "Yes." Finally, the eighth floor. It's time to try the spear. I removed the Mithril spear I had Sui make from the item box. "Ho, is that Mithril's spear? I mean, it's my first time using a spear, but I was excited from the start. Well, Mr. Mkoda, you're making money, so I guess there is. hahahaha" I answered vaguely, "No well..." Even though I am a beginner, do you still think Mithril's spear is? But it's hardly cost me because it's actually me. Pretty good, though. This spear, you're getting a little modification after Sui makes it. This spear is also made of misthrills in the pattern, but it seems to be twitching and slipping, so the pattern has been slightly modified. I had a convex embossing applied to the swim to prevent it from slipping. I thought about what I would do if I explained it to Sui, but I thought that the pattern was embossed so that it was not slippery with a knife or anything. So I did a little searching in the online supermarket, and I found a knife like that. I asked Sui to show it to me like this. Embossed spears became slippery and easy to use. "This is my weapon, by the way" It was a slender long sword made of misrills that Mr. Elland removed from the sheath he was lowering to his waist. "I've been using it a lot since I was an adventurer. But the dragon sword made from the fangs of the ground dragon (earth dragon) that Mr. Mukoda bought me is also going to be a love sword ~. Muhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu" Mr. Elland, you just said you were a problem speaker. Weren't you planning on decorating the Guild with a sword made of ground dragon fangs? Because it's an eye-catcher for the Alliance. "No, that's the ownership of the guild..." "Gohon, no, but of course you are. Sometimes I just want to let you use it for a little while." No, I don't care if they fix the leak now. I mean, well, it's Mr. Elland. And then do something with Doran's Adventurer Guild. "Do you want to go now?" "Guys, I want to train spears too, so don't take them all down and turn them on me, too." I told Fell and Dora and Sui that in a reading, and we went on a row to explore the eighth floor.
Episode Seven: My Extraordinary Skills Demonstrated Extraordinary Power Day five after I left the city of Keels. "Let's camp around here today" The sun also falls and, as usual, Mr. Werner goes on to prepare the camp with a single voice. "Well, I won't hesitate to use the red bore meat," "Oh, I'm looking forward to it." The Red Boar is a big pig demon featuring redheads defeated by the faces of Iron Will on the road today. Goblins and wolf demons (they say Graywolf) were left intact because they didn't have much golden material, but Red Bore said they could buy the meat, skin and fangs for the price there. That's the adventurer, the dismantling was quick and brilliant. The problem is you can't have all this big stuff. When I heard them talk about dumping half the meat at a lower unit price, I offered to put the meat in because I could afford it in the item box. For that reason, I am forgiven that meat can also be used for meals. At first I thought I'd make it a steak, but it took me a while to dismiss it and I decided to make today's menu an array. I love ginger grilled too. Start by thinly slicing the red bore meat and soaking it in the ginger-baked sauce I bought at the online supermarket. Chop the cabbage while the meat is marinated. I can cook the soaked meat. Soup makes the usual instant consomme soup properly. "We're ready for dinner. I tried to flavor the red bore meat to my hometown. I hope it fits your mouth." Hand out a wood dish and consomme soup with red bore ginger grill and cabbage, and bread. "Oh, that smells good to appetite" (Werner.) "What the hell, Ummae" (Vincent) "Yummy! I've never eaten anything so delicious." (Rita) "Me, I didn't really like red bore meat, but this would make it yummy" (Franca) "I've never eaten cabbage raw before, but with this meat it's excellent" (Ramon.) Oh, that's an admirable storm. I just baked it in a ginger-baked sauce from the company. Sounds like a company. And cabbage is called cabbage in this world. While everyone praised me, I suddenly heard a voice saying that I was continuing to eat ginger grilled myself thinking it was still delicious. "Man, feed me that, too." The Lord of the Voice was a divinely wolf of such a beautiful hairy beauty that he could compare himself to the demons of wolves he had ever seen. The adventurers do not solidify and be slight. "Hey, human, can't you hear me? I offered a fearsome ginger-baked wooden dish. Then a wolf the size of a cow stuck his face in a wooden dish and flattened it in one bite. 'Not good enough. Give me more.' "Fe, it's Fenrir..." Mr. Werner snapped in a greasy sweat. Are you so demonic that even adventurers as experienced as Iron Will can't move? What am I supposed to do? Almost the kingdom of Fanen. "M., Mr. Mukoda, do as I say." Mr Werner says so, but there are no more ginger roasts left. It's like a demon who understands people's language, and Mr. Werner is right, maybe it's better to feed him to demons and do him no harm. "Oh, um, I have to make it, so Shh, can you wait a minute? "Uhm. I'll wait for you, so make it quick." I hurried to make a ginger grill of red bore and served it to Fenrill. Fenrill guts my ginger grill. More to the point, Fenrill said, and ended up making a - kg ginger grill of red bore meat. "Gepp. That was delicious. Nevertheless, Lord, don't let this meat satisfy me so far. ' I'm eating seven to eight kilos of meat like this. How much do you usually eat? "Um, let's make a deal with your lord." .................. what? What's a contract? 'Hey, are you listening? I'm telling you to make a covenant with your Lord and your obedience. " I kinda remember reading about Obedience in an online novel, but is it Tamer? Ear, ear, ear. 'Cause it's a demon who speaks humanities, right? It's enough to harden Iron Will's face, isn't it? Obedient demons like that...... you suck. "Um, uh, come on and say," No? "No, so, my cousin said, 'Ah? .................. You son of a bitch, you're not gonna let me say no. "I don't know, Lord, but are you trying to refuse my covenant with Fenrir, the family of Lady Ninrir, the goddess of wind? I don't expect you to do such a big thing, but what do you think? Hmm? ' A demon speaking a human language, Fenrill? said that, he sends a signal with his eyes to accept Iron Will's face because it doesn't matter what. Do I have to agree to this? Damn, isn't this a "yes" option? "Okay," he reluctantly said, Fenrill nodded 'um' as satisfied. "Stay here." Fenrill prompted me to stop by. "Closer. Come to me." Fenrill tells me to come close to you. "Then we shall perform the ritual of contract." When I said that, I stuck Fenrill's forehead to mine. When Fenrir's forehead touched, my body glowed for a moment. 'Now the contract is over. Hmm? Lord, you have appraisal skills. You're a summoner brave? Oh, hey, hey. I accidentally held Fenrir's mouth. "Momochi, oh, hey, what are you doing" I whispered, "Well, keep that to yourself." 'Oh, really? Yeah, I got it. Now, check your status.' Fenrir also talked in a whisper that only I could hear. Fenrill prompted me to check my status. "Status Open" [Name] Tsyoshi Mukouda [Age] [Occupation] Involved otherworlds [Level] [Health] 00. [Magic] 100. [Attack] 78 [Defense] 80. [Agility] 75 [Skills] Appraisal Item Box submissive demon "Contract Warcraft" Fenrill [Unique Skills] Net Super Something's gaining my skills. There's a subordinate demon, and there's a contract warcraft fenrill underneath it. "Uhm, sounds fine" "What, you see it? "What do you think I am? I'm a family member of the Wind Goddess, and I have some appraisal skills." Is that right? What happens when you sign this contract? 'All right, now I am the covenant warcraft of your Lord. And it shall come to pass, that the LORD, the LORD, shall take care of me, the covenant warcraft. You know that, right? You know what I mean? Oh, yeah? Taking care of a contract warcraft (pet)? Three meals, I hope. ..................... Hey. Did a three-time meal, moron, possibly get caught in the food and contract? Really? "Hey there, I made a pact with this guy for the devil. You don't have to freak out to attack me like that." Fenrill spoke to me, and Iron Will's face was freaked out. "Um, guys, this Fenrill? I understand the humanities, and they seem to be fine..." "Oh, I forgot. Wow. Give me a name, Lord, for I have made a covenant with the devil. ' "Uh, even if they say it all of a sudden. Well, then, in a pouch." "Lord, are you making fun of me? I feel so pretty when I say Porch. I mean, it's getting silly to be scared when I find out this guy looks like he's been caught by food. "Hey, please don't be pretty. What about the colo, then? When I said that, Fenrill seemed even more beautiful. Oh, my God. This guy's pretty selfish. "So it's Fenrill, what's Fell? 'Um, Fell, okay. I'll do that.' Oh, my God, look great. Fenrill's name was thus decided on Fell. In the meantime, the face of Iron Will finally moved out. Mr. Werner, who recovered as soon as possible in it, has spoken out in such a way as to be terrified. "M., Mr. Mkoda......" "Oh, Mr. Werner, are you okay? "Oh, oh, I'm fine... I didn't expect to see the legendary warcraft Fenrir in this eye..." Huh? Legend is, this food caught him? "Legend remains that I witnessed it about 300 years ago, but I've never even heard of it, such as signing an exorcism pact with Fenrill." Ahhh. 'Well, we fenrills only count enough. According to what I heard, there was a Fenrir who signed an exorcism pact 700 years ago. I've lived about a thousand years too, but this is the first time I've signed a contract.' Heh, heh, he's been alive a thousand years. 'That's all you can eat. Where I've served humans for decades, there's nothing wrong with me. " Uh, uh, I said this guy. I assured you I was looking for rice. They say legendary warcraft or something, but is this guy really gonna be okay?
"Fell, make camp around here today" "Umm." It's a treat today because they let me make a lot of money with the demons Fell has acquired. I'll behave like meat from all over the world. "Hey, Fell. Thanks to Fell, I'll treat you to food from other worlds that I can fetch with my skills. What would you like? "Food from different worlds, it's still meat." I'm going to look at the internet supermarket and choose what I want. Because Fell's standing by with the eyes I expected next to me, I'd like something to eat right away for now. Then it's a vegetable. Which one would you prefer... Oh, I have fried chicken dragon fields, and meat dumplings, and menthi cutlets would be nice. Then the hamburger, then the thick sliced loin and then the fried chicken. Poaching and adding to cart. "Hey, man, are you there yet? Mr. Fell, will you stop coveting me while I watch the screen? I decided to settle the dishes first for Fell, who is drooling over me like I can't stand it. I bought a couple of them per menu, so all four silver coins and seven copper coins. I charged five gold coins for now and paid from it. When you pay for it, cardboard appears immediately. When the vegetables were removed from the cardboard, everything remained warm. "Oh - you stay warm. This is good." Remove the warm vegetables from the pack and place them on a plate and arrange them in front of Fell. "Look, go ahead" Say no or no, Fell jumps on a vegetable and starts eating a buck. But we're still eating. Shit. The prepared dishes won't be enough, so I thought I'd buy some more meat for the main dish at the online supermarket. Alabiki sausage and grilled pork (packed) is OK. The sausage is lightly cooked with salt and pepper and served, and the grilled pork can be served as is if it is fer. And then there's the main beef. The main dish was thinking of domestic Wagyu beef steaks. I tried all kinds of meat in this world, and it's delicious for you. So if you think of anything more, it's Japanese beef from Japan. It's a little expensive but very exciting. I made this because there was domestic Japanese black beef steak (momomo meat). It was one piece of steak ( grams) and one piece of silver and five pieces of copper. That's pretty expensive. Don't eat about ten, given how Fell eats. And then as far as I'm concerned, oh, I like this and this. Alabi sausage, grilled pork, steak meat, and two gold coins for my eating. While shopping at the online supermarket, Fell was finishing his vegetables. 'What, are you going to feed me that next? Mr. Fell, you're eating fast. "Wait a minute, some things taste better through the fire, just eat this" I put about five chunks of roasted pork out of the pack on a plate. Cook the sausage with salt and pepper to the point of light scorching while Fell is eating. "Look, here you go, too" Fell was happy to serve the sausage. "They're all delicious." That's good. But there's a main dish at the end. The first two pieces of domestic Wagyu beef steak are cooked with salt and pepper only. "It's a main dish Japanese beef steak. First with salt and pepper." "Hmmm. Hagu............ what a soft and delicious meat this meat is. This is delicious. This is delicious. ' "Heh, I guess so. I guess so. This meat is the meat of an animal called a cow that was raised with a focus on making it delicious in my country." "What?! In the kingdom of the Lord of other worlds, you raise cows to eat? "Huh? You don't raise livestock, animals and eat meat here? "Let it go. This world is full of demons. Hunting that demon and eating that meat will suffice ' I see, the meat of the demon does taste so good, and if you have a lot of that demon, maybe you don't have to bother to livestock it. I'll bake some extra steak while talking to Fell. Now I've used steak soy sauce before. Serve one steak after another with a combo of garlic flavors, grated flavors, onion flavors and butter flavors. "Nevertheless, to cultivate it to taste good, your kingdom seems to have a lot of attention to food." "Yeah, that's for sure. The country I was in doesn't compromise on food, and I think he was twice as committed to people." There are all kinds of restaurants, from B-grade dining to luxury French, and you don't have to travel abroad to eat food from many countries. "I see. That's why your Lord's dishes are delicious, too." Well, it's a triumph for an online supermarket and a food company that made all sorts of condiments. Fell seems to have enjoyed and been satisfied with his Japanese beef steak. 'Um, it was delicious. Nevertheless, I've been thinking about it for a long time, but don't get more vigorous when you eat the Lord's dishes. Especially today. Now I feel like I can afford to beat an ancient dragon I once drew. " Oh, no way. Are you exercising that outrageous power? So, uh, it was all an ingredient for online supermarkets (different worlds) today! Usually the main meat is made from this ingredient, so I didn't use a lot of ingredients from different worlds. So even if it showed power, it wasn't a lot of power when it was about Fell. Today, all the ingredients Fell eats are from online supermarkets (different worlds). Fe, Fel, he said he's getting more vigorous... I'll try to appraise Fell. [First Name] Fell [Age] 4 [Race] Fenrill Level 906 [Health] 9843 (+5118) [Magic] 9481 (+4550) [Attack] 9036 (+4518) [Defense] 9765 (+4394) [Agility] 9684 (+4551) [Skills] Wind Magic Fire Magic Water Magic Soil Magic Ice Magic Thunder Magic Holy Magic Junction Magic Claw Slash Body Enhancement Physical Attack Resistance Magic Attack Resistance Magic Consumption Reduction Appraisal [Guardianship] Guardianship of Nin Lil, goddess of wind ............ Is that it? Has my eye gone crazy? Blink over and over and then see Fell's status again. Whoa... Fell's status is up about 50%. I guess this increase in status has something to do with the amount of food you eat, the quality of ingredients and what kind of food you cook. I don't know what happened, but it's definitely because of the ingredients in the online supermarket (different world). But, but I'm sure it's okay. 'Cause there was a time limit when I checked before. Fell ate a lot of ingredients from different worlds, but they should be back to normal by tomorrow morning at the latest. Maybe... 'Hey, spare me the vitality and jitteriness. They're coming hunting.' "Hey, hey, wait. What if the demons attack me? I don't want you to be alone even though it's already falling and dark. "Nah, I'm going to put a line around the Lord. If I tied the line right now, I'd be able to afford it and bounce back the dragon braces." You said you'd bounce back the dragon braces too... "Then I'll come." With that said, Fell ran to fly into the dark woods. "... ha, you want some of your own rice too? Isn't it dark?" When Fell was there, Fell's silver-haired body seemed pale and luminous (the effect of magic or something like that?) I didn't really care if it was dark. "This is when you're an online supermarket." I opened the online supermarket screen and bought a flashlight with a battery. "That's it. Let's eat." I've been eating meat for a long time, so when I saw this I wanted to eat it. It's a lunch box at the curtain. And a can of coffee. When I was in Japan, I drank every day. "Ha, I'm a little chilled out, but the lunch box in the shogun is delicious. And a can of coffee. Ume." After enjoying the meal carefully, I decide to go to bed because I have nothing to do. I tried to sleep in my cape, but I thought I'd wait a minute. Looks like it did happen...... I put out an online supermarket screen. "Um, oh, there it is. Pillows, duvets and blankets." You can buy pillows, duvets and blankets now that you have a lot of money to spare thanks to Fell. With this, the future of Nojuku will be much more comfortable. All right, let's buy it. Poached. "All right. Don't worry, there's some Fell's junction magic, and now you're going to be able to sleep Guthrie today" I fell asleep, wrapped in comfortable bedding that I didn't think was wild.
Get ready to eat in the dungeon for the day. I would like to cook in the dungeon for about three or four days if I have to. I let everyone have breakfast, so I have time. By the way, it's just easy to bake, so I fed them Bloody Horn Bull steaks, and they all looked delicious. There seemed to be nothing wrong with the steak in the morning. Of course, I can't steak in the morning, so I made instant soup with coffee and bread easy. Well, I wonder what I'll make today. I made a bowl of fried food and beef yesterday... It's convenient that it seems like it could be a bowl thing. Just get on top of the rice and it's delicious. If you think about it, you should make it around ginger roasted or miso pickled. Speaking of which... Oh, there it is. I totally forgot the oak general miso marinade I made before. You've got quite a few left. Bake all this and make sure you bake miso. And then make a ginger grill for Oak General. I always use this. It's easy because it's just cooked with ginger sauce from the company. The rest is for rice, and the pork chaps I made before are easy, so let's make them. Using oak general meat would taste even better. Speaking of fit for dinner, I'd love to have a curry. Curry is a pigmeat. As far as I'm concerned, I still have oak general meat, and I just want to make it, but it doesn't smell... Because the smell of curry is quite good. If I'd pumped the smell of curry around here, they'd definitely say something. I don't know, cooking with pork... oh, let's make pork juice. It's a piece of equipment, and I want warm juice. I don't know about the Fells, but should I use them for more Oak General meat? First, shop online at the supermarket. I also used one of the half-dimensional torso pans I bought yesterday for pork juice and then the one with the bigger cm frying pan until now, but I'd like a little deeper. Oh, there's a deep frying pan, why don't you buy about four of these to go with the stove? And then we'll buy a lid to go with it. At this time, I also bought a lot of kitchenware and dishes for the ball monkeys, balls and wood bells. Then I need to buy ingredients that lack pork juice. There are potatoes, carrots and onions, then sesame oil and granules, so there were radishes, gobo and konyaku, and then there was no miso. And then I also buy the ginger-baked sauce from the company I always use, and buy ketchup that's not enough to make a pork chap sauce. Wait, if you want to cook ginger and miso, make it a bowl or eat it individually. You need to chop cabbage. I have cabbage in this world, but eating it raw is a bit...... I also bought cabbage for chopping at the online supermarket. If you're eating raw, you'll feel more comfortable buying it from an online supermarket. That would be a waste of cabbage I bought over here. When it comes to heating cabbage and easy cooking... is it good around the pot meat? It's easy if you use a sauce of pot meat on the market. All right, let's buy a sauce of pot meat too. Hmm, that took quite a while. Half-dimensional torso pans and frying pans were a good price. That said, it's insignificant from my current possession. Now, shall we make it? Let's start with the most laborious pork juice. Cut the oak general meat into thin slices and cut into about 3 cm wide pieces. Cut potatoes, carrots, and radishes all the time, and the onions will be slashed five millimeters wide, and the gobo will be left in retreat and exposed to water. Konyaku said cut the rectangle and let it boil down gently. When the bottom treatment is ready, pull the sesame oil into the semi-dimensional torso pan and fry the oak general meat. When the color of the oak general meat changes, add the vegetables and conyak and fry to soak up the sesame oil throughout. Then add the water and granulated sauce and simmer while removing the ac. Once the vegetables are tender, add the miso melted in the broth and let it simmer. Taste which one. Zuuuuuuuuuuu, yeah, yummy. The vegetables are cooking softly too, but after a little more time the flavor may stain and taste better. Pork juice depends on the household. I also use sesame oil when I make it myself because my parents used sesame oil. It smells like sesame oil and is delicious. The rest is quite different. Our basics are like the onion drain of the one I just made. I guess I started putting onions in it after I lived alone. I started adding onions because it would be better if they were sweet. It would be delicious to add potatoes and sweet potatoes instead of potatoes. You can change the ingredients and make pork juice again. I decide to keep the pork juice asleep for about an hour before boiling it down again and turning it into an item box. And then bake the Oak General ginger and miso, and then bake the pork chap. Bake, place on a plate and repeat the storage in the item box. "Huh, that's all I need" Next time, it's pot meat. Cut the oak general meat into thin slices and cut into large bites. Cut the cabbage into pieces. Stir the oil in the frying pan and fry the oak general meat. Add the cabbage when the color changes. When the cabbage is soaking up, spin the sauce of pot meat commercially, tangle it all over and saute gently, and you can do it. That's super easy. Bake this too, put it on a plate and repeat the storage in the item box. Well, it's time for lunch, and chopped cabbage after lunch, okay? Of course, the pork juice has been simmered again and stored in the item box. "Lunch today...... let's go on steak again. Now I'm gonna make it a bowl. - Uh-huh." When I felt the signs and looked behind me, Fell, Sui and Dora waited in line for me. "I'm hungry, it's rice" "Rice, rice ~" "I'm hungry." Really, your belly clocks are accurate. I made Wyburn's steak bowl for lunch. I can serve it with a Wyburn steak on top of the rice and a little garlic flavor of steak soy sauce. Everyone was eating delicious food. I ate it too, but it was super easy but delicious. I like meat anyway. It's nice to have this kind of luxury from noon on. I'm waiting to cook again.
Okay, we're hunting today, aren't we? Hmm, that's good. I don't have anything to do. " "I agree. Yesterday, I was told I didn't have to come." Hunt! Fel, Grandpa Gong, Dora-chan, and Sweetie say that today's schedule is already set. "Are you going to say that again? I certainly don't have plans for today, but come on.We went hunting before the Leviathan was dismantled.That's why I hunted the dragon Turtle.That's enough, so... Let's take it easy today ~ " Even though you're relaxing with a nice cup of coffee after breakfast, it's not innocent of you to say 'I want to go hunting'. That said, I was expecting Fel and the others to come forward. At a time when today's schedule is gone. Yesterday, when I went to the Adventurer's Guild, Erland, the main point of work, saw Grandpa Gong and Dora-chan and ran rampage. I suddenly saw a lot of perverts rushing to hug me. Recently, you've really been in a state where you can't weigh yourself down. And so, last night, the guildmaster of Curry Lina, who was supposed to be packed in the adventurer's guild in the capital, came and said, "I only need to dismantle my head, so I don't need to come to the guild.I was told, "Well, if you come, the work won't go on." I left Leviathan's head in my locket yesterday, and it wouldn't have bothered us if it hadn't been for us. However, it may be true, but even though it's the client, it feels like he's in the way ~ Well, the worst part is the one who's gone too far with the dragon love that doesn't weigh himself. That's why we had enough time to dismantle the head before we could finish the job. I'm free, but as far as I'm concerned, I'm usually moving over here with my super-active felts, so I'd like to spend some time at this time. In my spare time, it's time. "And yet, if you come with all of us..." It's so boring to just take your time. Even before I met the Lord, I slept far enough in the dungeon. After all, it's more fun to be moving. It's better to hunt the swirls, too ~ Oh, you guys are too active! I'm originally an indoor type, so slow down once in a while. Isn't there a choice to spend time on your schedule? I looked at Fel and the others with my own eyes and asked. It's the same thing. Neither do I. Sweetheart... I'm glad everyone's reply is too honest. So let's go. It was Fel, Grandpa Gong, Dora-chan, who was already eager to go hunting, and I was going to go out while being rushed by Swie. ◇◇◇◇◇ We'll walk the streets of King's Landing with Tech. "So you decided where to go hunting?"I mean, is it okay this way? " As usual, I was heading in the opposite direction to the Daimon that was entering and leaving the King's City. Hmm. If you're heading this way, you should leave our gate. Hmmm, there was a gate over here, too. I've checked that area properly. Nah, Grandpa Gong. ” "Hmm. Neither Dora nor I was guarding the sky in vain."I remembered the destination of this hunt from the sky. " You were watching Leviathan's guards from above. And just like the previous hunting ground of Dragon Turtle, it seems that this hunting ground is also known to Grandpa Gong. ”Huhaha, I heard from Grandpa Gong, but it looks like it's quite an interesting place ~” Dora-chan flips around in the air while saying that the tension is high. A place where Dora-chan seems interesting. Moreover, the tension is high. ...... I have a bad feeling about this. Is it an interesting place? That's right, Sweetie. Somehow, there's a fierce, Earth Dragon-like creature.Besides, there's a lot of things going on, like a big one or a small one, like a group. " "Wow! Well then, you can do a lot of squeaking." Oh, we'll be hunting a lot! Dora and Sui are having a pleasant conversation...... but the content is a lot of noise. What kind of a ferocious earth dragon is that? The big one, the small one, the one in the group? I don't want to see you because I don't want to. I appeal to everyone with a very unpleasant face, but no one will stick it in for me. It's an interesting place. It looked completely different from the hunting grounds I'd seen before.Perhaps Fel has been there before? It's a completely different place than the hunting grounds before? "That's right. Here, you can see the mountains from here."at the top of the mountain...... ” The top of the mountain?............ muu, over there! ' Fel nodded again and again, as if the confluence of the explanations from Grandpa Gong had been reached. It could be interesting over there! The difficulty is that there isn't much meat to eat. "Hmm. There's no meat to eat, but it tastes like that."I'm sorry to hear that. " But isn't it interesting as a hunting ground? There's something special about it. I have an even more unpleasant feeling about this word. "What's so special about it..." I glanced at Fel and Grandpa Gong with my dazzling eyes. "I'm sorry about the exuberance, but what's so special about it?"Is it such a place? " 'Hmm. Well, I think you'll find out when you get there, but it's a forest on a hilltop.There are a lot of monsters that I don't see around here. " ”That's right, the monsters that inhabit them are completely different, but in the sense of speciality, there must have been a hunting ground that the Lord had gone to before, and a place where some of the ground jumped out of the sky.It's similar to that one over there. Because there are many special monsters there. " "Oh, sure. There's a lot of mutants out there too.Well, this time the location is different from the mutant species. " Where some of the ground jumped out high from the sky... A mutant monster... Ugh... my head... ............ I hate it, but I remember. I'll never forget that. There it is, "Sky Forest" aka "Uranus". Yeah, let's stop it. What are you talking about? That's right, my lord. That's right. Besides, it might be fun to go there. Let's go, let's go "Dora-chan, it's definitely not fun.I can assure you! It's a similar place to Uranus, isn't it?That's not funny!I only have bad memories over there! " The wild Behemoth will chase us down and destroy the magic stove. It was sporadic. Yes, it's a bad match! Leave this gate and you'll be on your way to Grandpa Gong.You have to go without saying four-five! Fel pushes his back with his head and throws himself out of the gate in a daze. And...... Uncle Gong, get ready. Umu Dora and Sui, get on Grandpa Gong immediately. Oh! Okay! Lord Hore! Fel bit me in the collar and threw me up. Wow, wow ~ Beshari. Landed on Grandpa Gong's back. Uncle Gong, we're all on board. Hmm. I'll go then. Grandpa Gong, who had everyone on board, soared up. "No, no, no! Hey, no!" A place similar to "Uranos" is not a crappy place, so ahhhh My screams disappeared into the sky.
When I finished putting the gold coin packed hemp bag in the item box, I just started telling him that the Alliance Master was waiting for me. "So, you're the one who asked for it. I'd like to ask for about two. One is a crusade for metal lizards, and the other is a crusade for a flock of bloody hornblues." Metal Lizard knows. I just got it bought by the Adventurer Alliance. What kind of demon is Bloody Horn Bull? It's a bloody wet horn. That's not a calm name. It's called a bull, so it's like a bull demon? Bloody wet cow...... that sounds like a bad name. "First of all, it's a metal lizard, but there's a mountain called Mount Pasqual about two days from here by carriage, and it's settled at the foot of that mountain. Having a metal reservoir means I'm pretty sure what's the only mineral in Mount Pasqual, but I don't even have to go into the investigation. Well, there are other mines in this territory, so I wasn't in so much trouble, so I was behind, but if there are more mines, I've never been over it. The reward for this crusade is gold coins." I've been asking for it for a long time, but I haven't had a lot of people to take it and I've tried to increase the rewards a little bit, but they said it was a request that stayed unordered. Metal Lizard looks fine. Fell. "It's another Bloody Horn Bull, but it's becoming one of the hunting grounds for junior adventurers. I've built a herd to live in the western meadows. Complaints were coming up from junior adventurers asking me to do something about it, but it wasn't like there was a street, and this was behind me. 24 gold coins for the crusade." I had asked for this as well as the metal lizard, but it seems to be the reason that there are not many recipients... From what I've heard, this Bloody Horn Bull looks like a rough cow of temper about the size of a rhino. He who approaches the flock, as his name suggests, stabs him with two sharp horns to give him to the blood festival. The Bloody Horn Bull itself seems to be a B-rank demon, but the absurdity of its temperament and the fact that it always acts in a herd means that the crusade needs four or more B-rank to A-rank Adventurer parties. Nevertheless, piercing those approaching the herd with two sharp horns is a cow kowa from different worlds. "Will you take these two requests? That's what Alliance Master asked me, but I'm not the one taking it, so hey. "Fell, have you been listening? You think it's okay if I take it? 'Naturally. There's no way I can do this. " Well, I guess so. "Guildmaster, it looks fine" "Right, right, good" "Bloody Hornbull? That meat is delicious. Let's go. ' Fell's motivated. Is Bloody Horn Bull's meat delicious? Does it look like beef after all? I hope so. The oak is delicious, too, but I haven't had beef in a while. "Oh, I'm sorry, but I'd like to ask for a metal lizard first." "Colour......" Alas, as an Alliance Master, I think that means Metal Lizard first. "Well, here's what the Alliance Master says, and let's do the Metal Lizard crusade request first. Even Bloody Horn Bull says he lives in that meadow, so it's a nuisance to lose it. Besides, you should save the fun for later." "What's fun? "Wouldn't you like to bake some Bloody Horn Bull meat and try it on that one? "What is that... is that?" "Yes, it's for roasted meat - that's your favorite one." "Huh, that looks delicious." I thought you could catch a steak lover Fell, didn't you? "Oh, Guildmaster, you get Bloody Hornbull meat, don't you? "Of course the demons that crusaded both of the two requests belong to your lords. It's just that Bloody Horn Bull meat is fancy, but it's delicious and popular, so I want the Alliance to spin half of it. I'll multiply the purchase price a little too, so I'd like to ask if I can." Half wholesale to the guild, half for this one? I don't know how many heads there are, but I think it's a good number of heads because it's a herd. Besides, one head seems like a cool size. I don't know how many heads you have, but I'm pretty sure you'll get a cool amount of beef. "Now we're going on a metal Lizard crusade" "No, no, wait. No matter how fast Fell tells you, it's midnight to come back to this city when you get there from now on. You can't even close the gates and get inside the city. If that's the case, why don't we just leave town early tomorrow morning? Then I'll go home in the evening and this is it." "No, do you? "That's right. Guildmaster, can I crusade the metal lizard tomorrow? "Well, that doesn't matter, does it end in a day? "Huh? Probably fine, though. If you're two days away by carriage, I don't think Fell can wear that, and I don't think the Metal Lizard crusade itself will take that long...... Fell, does the Metal Lizard crusade take time? "Humph, there's no way I can handle a lizard like that." "Oh well...... Don't feel again that something called Fenrill is an overwhelming force that we cannot afford to call that metal lizard a lizard. I want to praise the king of this country for not being hostile." Guild Master, won't you say that squeamish? This is Fenrir. I'll be with him at four or six. "Then we'll head for the Metal Lizard crusade early tomorrow morning." "Whoa. I'm sorry, but please. Call your guild when you get back." "Understood." Exit from the Alliance Master's room and head to the warehouse. It's hard if you forget the meat. I pick up tons of meat from Johann's old man who was in the warehouse and go outside the Adventurer's Guild. "Oh, Fell, we still have time, so I'd like to stop by Mr. Lambert's shop, please? "That merchant's shop?" "Oh. That's what I got the money for, and I want a new bag." That's what I'm saying. I stroke the bag of cloth. "That's pretty dirty." "Well. Sui comes out and in all the time, and this bag was originally used. So I decided to make a new one out of it. Mr. Lamberto's shop sells leather goods." I'll get Sue to make sure she's comfortable, too, and I'll buy a good one. Even if it's a little expensive, there's no compromise. Whatever. It's for Sui. "Oh, tell me if Fell wants anything, too." "Nothing I want. Nothing in particular. If you say so, it's delicious." You're so stupid. "Oh, don't you want a collar?" "Gurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. If you try to put a collar on me or something, I'll bite you." "Ya, nasty, jerk, I'm kidding." Don't roar. You just said it.
Early mornings in the morning not long after dawn. We finished breakfast early. We were one line ahead of Aveling's gate. "Well, let's go for the drain." "I know you want to slow down a little bit more, but you can't help it. Let's go." Damn, I'm still telling you, this guy. "There is also the dismantling of the Red Dragon. That's why we're going to the drain again." "It was! You had that fun ~. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Oh, yeah. I'm not a bad person, but you get more tired sometimes when you're dating this guy. Mr. Ugor's hard work is discouraged. Get the Red Dragon dismantled and leave the dragon soon. "It was really nice to have you with the mcoders. I was not wrong to come to Aveling after listening to Mr. Mukoda in the King's capital." Yes, Mr. Elland. I have no idea who told this guy, but he told me something extra. I hope Mr. Ugor doesn't piss me off because of this. Oh, by the way, I checked my status first thing I got up and out this morning, and here's what it looked like. [Name] Mukoda (Tsyoshi Mukouda) [Age] [Race] One-Person [Occupation] Involved interracial adventurer cook Level 62 [Health] 405 [Magic] 391 [Attack] 382. [Defense] 379. [Agility] 324 [Skills] Appraisal Item Box Fire Magic Soil Magic Demon Full Defense Gain EXP Multiplication Contract Warcraft Fenrill Hughes Lime Pixie Dragon [Unique Skills] Net Super Tenant Mitsuya Riker Shop Tanaka [Guardianship] Guardianship of Nin Lil, Goddess of Wind (Small) Guardianship of Agni, Goddess of Fire (Small) Protection of Kishal, goddess of earth (small) Protection of Demiurgos, god of creation (small) Until now, I don't know if it's because I'm from another world, but I didn't have a [race] to get out. I don't know if you mean recognized by this world with the protection of Master Demiurgos. Besides, I'm not even sure what "[race] one person" is, one person at a time? I'm talking about the fact that Master Demiurgos' protection is too strong, so I guess it's the effect, but it's not much at all. I feel like I'm coming off people and whatnot...... They have a life expectancy of about 1500 years. I guess I'll have to tell the Fells about this later, too. I can't help thinking about it now, and I'm going to be. Do you want to head to the drain now for now? ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ "Oh, I see the city of Doran. I'm glad we got there before sundown." "You're already here." That's kind of what I regret to say, Mr. Elland. "Let's get into the city and get to the Adventurers Guild." I'm sure Mr. Ugol will be waiting for you. "Sui, you're too good. It didn't take half the usual day to get here. Well, not just Sui, but you're all good." Yeah, you're right. Everyone is excellent and very helpful. Thanks to everyone for making me an S-rank adventurer. It is only after that that we are all able to act as adventurers without any difficulty. The growth of Sui in particular is remarkable. Even with Mr. Erland here, I got to the drain so quickly. I got him on Fell's back, as usual, but Mr. Elland got Suey to be about the size of a cart for one, and he got on and he moved on. I was surprised at first, Mr. Elland, but when I got used to it, it was amazing shabby. Mr. Elland's here, too. So it wasn't too late because of the usual way our journey was going, but I still think it was a fairly fast journey ahead of normal dates. "The rice is delicious, Sui's ride is superb, and it was a great trip to get some sleep at night. I'd still like to go on this journey." When Mr. Elland said that, Dora's disgusting voice pronouncements echoed her head without getting into her hair. "I'm sorry I ever traveled with this guy again." Dora, I'm a little angry with you. Dragon lover Erland, you've been choking on Dra every once in a while. I know how you feel, but I won't listen to you when you tell me that Dora doesn't like you. I said "ok" then, but soon... I also know you're worried about Dragon LOVE. Or you came to us for a blah, blah, blah, blah, dra. But that was also empty for Dra's opponents. "I'm about to say goodbye to Mr. Elland, so be patient a little longer." Yes, when I told Dora in a reading, she said, 'Chip, you have no choice. I haven't had turtle meat in a long time today'. Yes, yes, I'll make it your desired spoon pan for dinner today, Dra. "Let's go, Mr. Elland." "Yes." We ignored the long line of snakes lined up at the gate and proceeded straight to the gate. People lined up at the gate were thrilled to see me on the big wolf (Fell) and Mr. Elland on the big slime (Suey). If you think about it, an elf on a slime is a surreal picture. The gatekeeper was surprised at us all of a sudden, but when he checked Mr. Elland's face, he was able to go straight into the city of Drun. You're the guild master around here. Okay, the last gate. Enter the gate to the Adventurer Alliance at the end of your eyes and nose, please.
The first to encount in the depressed and lush woods was a big kamakiri over two meters. That's more than a dozen in all. Try the appraisal...... [Giant killer mantis] B-rank demons. What, did you come? Right, well, it was just the demon name before, so is that a little better to think about? "What, it's not a miscellaneous fish..." An electric shock ran to Giant Killer Mantis all the time after Fell shrugged like that. There were dozens of Giant Killer Mantis quickly burned black and out of breath. ".................. Fell" I didn't know you'd suddenly get electrocuted. Giant killer mantis is so pathetic. Well, I guess that means they were bad. "Uh, what kind of man is Fell knocking down?" "Only Uncle Fell cheats." Drop a boo-boo complain that Dora and Sui have defeated Fell alone. 'Wouldn't it be nice to have that kind of clutterfish? You look stronger. " 'That's what I'm gonna say. I'm gonna fight just one man. It's cheating.' Sui also fights. 'Cause you do bububububu and you use all the magic of water to knock it down.' But, well, why do you all like fighting so much? That's too much blood. "As it is, well, you just have to try to fight here in order, like before. Dora's next, and then Sue's next." When I say that, Dora and Sui reluctantly convince each other. 'I can't help it. But I'm next. " "If that's what you say, I'll do it because you're a good boy." Then I picked up the Giant Killer Mantis drop and proceeded through the woods. By the way, the drop was a small demon stone and a giant killer mantis sickle. We went further and further into the woods and the next one to count was Murder Grizzly. But this is... bigger than the one Fell got, right? Fell tells me that even demons of the same kind tend to be bigger and more powerful from dungeons. They have something to do with the concentration of magic vegetables or something. "Gwow." Murder Grizzlies come running at us, shaking that big body. "Heh heh, let's go! Dosh. Dra, who put the fire together, pierced the flank of the Murder Grizzly with tremendous speed. ............ Morning. I picked up the fur of the dropped Murder Grizzly and proceeded further into the woods. The next thing I know is paralyzed butterflies. It is a B-rank demon with a disastrous shade of butterfly with an orange colour of about a meter long and a blue waterball pattern. It seemed like a habit to act in a herd, and it was about thirty herds we met. I asked Fell because it's the first demon he sees, and he said he can't move his predators by sprinkling paralytically toxic scales and then sucking that fluid out alive. Sucking fluid alive... isn't it vicious? This time it's Sui's turn, Sui, do these vicious bugs. "Sui, this bug says he's going to shake the powder that makes his body unable to move when he gets close. So you'd better attack from afar." "Yeah, okay." Shoot down one paralyzed butterfly after another with a long-range attack type acid bullet. Sui shot it all down less than a minute later. I knocked them all down. "Yeah, yeah, that's awesome." Praise made Sui jump around me happy. Kawah. Yeah, Sui is. It's a healing in a slaughtered dungeon. Paralysis poisonous scaly powder of butterfly drops (bottled for some reason. Something about this dropped a lot) I pick it up and go further into the woods. Then came the monsters of beasts, birds, and worms that seemed to be in the woods, but they took them down one after the other and proceeded to collect numerous drops. We talked about time for dinner on the way... "Huh? Although this floor is a safe area?! If you want Fell to show you to the safe area because it's mealtime, it turns out there's nothing like that in this hierarchy. "There's often no such place in a hierarchy like this." Fell says, you know, forests and desert areas (you do say field dungeons?) They often don't have a safe area. It seems to be fundamental that we rest while watching within our companions. The field dungeons are said to be more challenging due to their vastness and a lot of high-ranking demons anyway, but the lack of a safe area is also said to be a cause of even greater difficulty. Surely the lack of a safe area means there's no place to rest. Besides, you come out with all the high-ranking demons, you can't even get a moment out of your mind. It's not like camping in a normal forest. 'Well, don't worry. With my boundaries, I'll be fine. " Indeed. Thinking about what's been going on, Fell's boundaries won't worry you as long as you don't have much left to do. "Do you want to eat here, then? Fell, please don't tie the line." "Oh, I get it." Once Fell gets the line, we'll start preparing the rice. I don't know what to... Oh, okay, let's make it that way. It's a boiled pork stewed in a trottolo that I left behind. Let's use that for a bowl of boiled pork. He said to cut the boiled pork thick first. Then I served rice on a deep plate and lined the thickly chopped stewed pork on top so tightly that I couldn't see the rice, I said I'd sprinkle a little broth on it. After that, serve a bowl of boiled pork with half a delicious egg on the ends. "Yes, I got it." Fell, Dora and Sui both eat guts. 'Whoa, this is delicious. The meat melts softly in your mouth. And this flavor is pretty good. " The boiled pork seemed to like Fell as well. "Yeah meh! This meat is softened by trout. I knew you'd make rice." Looks like Dora liked it, too. "This sweet, soft-skinned meat tastes delicious." Sui seems to like it too. Because Sui seems to love these sweet flavors. I'm glad it was well received. It's worth making, isn't it? Now, do I eat a bowl of boiled pork, too? For me, I put the chopped cabbage on top of the rice and then arranged the boiled pork. This would be refreshing. Okay, Pacri. Ooh, what do you say you make it yourself, but it's pretty tasty. The oak general meat is simmered in a trottolo, and this sweet and tender sauce is stained to go well with the rice. Rice, cabbage and boiled pork are the best in a blend. I accidentally lost my temper. The taste of the semi-ripe eggs is also stained and good. "" Replacement "" It's Fell and Suey's replacement. When I give him a change, he starts eating guts again. Several times after that, the boiled pork had disappeared when Fel and Sui were satisfied. I've been making so much more. Nevertheless, this time the boiled pig was well made. You can make this again. After a post-meal break, we went through the woods again. Fell, Dora, and Sui take down the Encounted Demon in turn. I ended my exploration of the day where it was getting dark while collecting large quantities of drops. "You're in the dungeon, but it gets dark and bright." 'Oh. For a look like this, you have days and nights, just like outside. And when it gets dark, the nocturnal demon becomes active too' "Whoa, is that so? Fell, I guess you're better off in the junction, huh? 'Humph, of course it will be decided fine. Like I said before, as long as the dragons don't attack us, we'll be fine. " That would be reassuring. No, wait... "Unless you're attacking a dragon, I guess you're not here for a dragon? 'I wish I had been there. There's no sign of anything like a dragon on this floor. " No, no, because I'm glad I wasn't there. Now you can sleep in peace. "Still, this hierarchy is wide, isn't it? It seems impossible to go around all this hierarchy." "If we were to go around this hierarchy, it would take us more than a month." "What, so much? 'Oh. That sounds interesting too, because I want to fight Behemoth soon now. This hierarchy is moving toward strong signs like a boss. It's going a lot faster because there's both Dora and Sui, but it's going to take two more days. " I thought it was huge, but not for more than a month. I didn't think it was that big. I've been looking around this hierarchy a lot, and I've been wanting to find a chest or something, but I don't think I can. I'm sorry, but I'm giving up here. Two more days to travel at a fast pace... I don't know, what's the boss here? I'm more worried about you. The main dish for dinner this day was a menthikatsu for fried meat, and the rest served the remaining pork juice. Because I love frying, menthi cutlets and fried foods, both fer and sui. I was eating bugs. Dora, who was the first to fry, liked it so much, she had her frying cheeks all over her mouth. I finished dinner, and now I tried to make a house out of bed and dirt magic, and for some reason the magic didn't work. "Is that it? Why? I can't make a house..." "Soil magic in the dungeon, it can't be activated like making a home too" .................. to? With Doyuko? 'I've told you before that dungeons are considered creatures. This soil, for example, is not soil, but part of the body of the dungeon. So in the dungeon, dirt magic only activates about as much as stone rubble magic. That's why they say in the dungeons that dirt wizards are unfaithful jobs. " What, I didn't hear that. You know, it's unreasonable that dirt magic can't be used in a dungeon. Uh-huh.
Mr. Elland brought me to a residential neighborhood not so far from the Adventurer's Guild. One of the likely two-story townhouses in the township of London (which, in Japanese style, is a long house) is the house that Mr. Erland was supplied by the Adventurers Guild. "This is my house. Come on, go ahead." That's just the Guildmaster's house, so it looks bigger than the rest. "The kitchen is here, but I don't cook..." The kitchen that was guided was brilliantly empty, and there was no sign of its use. Um, a little bit here. Ah...... Through the living room window, I could see the garden while it was small. "If it's a cooking tool, I have it myself. So can I cook it in the garden? "Yes, of course." I went out to the yard with permission from Mr. Elland. Serve a magic stove there. "Whoa, I thought you had a very large item box because it was enough to contain ground dragons (ground dragons), but you even go in like that. I have an item box too, but I'll only get about half of that" Oh, my God. Mr. Elland had an item box, too. "Mr. Elland has an item box, too, right?" "Yes, there are many elves with high magic power, so it's cool to have an item box." Heh, yeah. You do have an image of an elf who is good at magic as an image. That kind of Mr. Elland says wind magic and elf-specific grass magic can be used. He said that as an adventurer, he made me say buoy with these two magics and swords. I only said so myself. This is also an image, but I imagined from an elf in a movie that an elf was a bowman. I hear Mr. Elland is a swordsman. That's why I'm telling you I'm so excited to be able to do a dragon sword. Well, I know it's because you're a swordsman, but I guess it's mostly because you're a dragon material. Still, I hear Mr. Elland is a former S-rank adventurer, but I can't imagine Mr. Elland being very strong. 'Cause I've only seen you look sorry. Come on. That's what I would have said to the Alliance Master, but all I have is an image of Mr. Elland as a little dangerous elf uncle who doesn't see it when it comes to dragons. As for Mr. Elland, it's the meat of the dragon, the meat of the dragon. How shall we eat...... I figured I'd simply like a steak here. A real dragon meat dragon steak. With salt and pepper first, right? Let's use that for salt and pepper. Sure... there it is. What I took out of the item box was a black pepper with celestial sun salt and mill that I used when I baked Wyburn steak. Then the ground dragon (ground dragon) meat is also removed from the item box and cut into thick pieces for steak. The ground dragon (earth dragon) meat is so well served in a beautiful lean. It feels like a lot of red meat, so let's bake it the same way we did when we baked the Bloody Horn Bull red meat steak. Light the magic stove and heat the frying pan with oil over high heat. Just before cooking, salt and pepper the ground dragon (ground dragon) meat. Juuuuuu -. Cook ground dragon meat in a hot frying pan. The smell of roasting meat rises suddenly. Gokuri. I accidentally swallowed my spit. He said to cook on high heat for about a minute, and on low heat for about a minute. Turn it over and bake it the same way. Then for the plate, cover the aluminum foil and let it sleep for five minutes. All right, that's a good time. Have a taste...... mogmog. Hey, what is this...? "Ugh, delicious. This meat is too delicious..." The first dragon meat I tasted was so delicious that I was impressed with how delicious the meat was. Not like cattle, pigs or birds. However, it has a flavour and flavour that only took the good parts of each, and its superb gravy floods with juice for every bite. I almost got my hands on it unexpectedly, and I hear voices from everyone. "What, you're eating only the Lord? Give us a break, too." 'Yes, they do. Eat alone and cheat. Give it to us too. " "Ryuji, Sui, I'm hungry" Ugh, sorry...... It was too delicious to stick with. I hurried, Fell, Suey and Dra, and then baked Mr. Elland's share of the dragon steak. "Yes, go ahead" Fell, Sui and Dra both start eating dragon steak quickly when they put a plate in front of them. "Mr. Elland, please." Place Mr. Erland's share of the dragon steak on the table on the terrace facing the garden. Mr. Elland said "bye" and put a knife in the dragon steak a little nervously. And carefully cut it apart and throw it into your mouth. At the same time, Mr. Elland opened his eyes. Yeah, yeah, I guess so. It would be delicious. I was surprised, too. Dragon meat has never tasted better. "Delicious... I didn't know dragon meat tasted so good..." Yeah, yeah, I get it. This is a touching delicacy. I'll have a dragon steak, too. Bite the dragon steak just salted and peppered. Ha ha, yummy wow this. 'The dragon is still delicious. Give me a change. Now that's it. " Fell's right. Dragons are delicious. That's steak soy sauce. Is it unusual for Dora to change? Dora-chan, you don't say we eat the same dragon - unless we do eat the same species of pixie dragon. 'Sauce, dragon meat is delicious. Swimming, too. " Is Sui changing too? Dragon meat is delicious. Eat a lot. I tried to bake a dragon steak for everyone's share, and I heard tears. "Woo... oo... I'm happy. I can't believe I ate the meat from the dragon I dreamed of...... gussy. Besides, I can't believe the dragon meat I dreamed of is so delicious..." Mr. Elland...... This guy is crying and eating dragon steak. "Thank you very, very much, Mr. Mkoda. After you have had the chance to dismantle the ground dragon (Earth Dragon), you will also have the opportunity to obtain its valuable ingredients and even eat the meat of the dragon in this way...... thank you so much. I'm glad I lived long.................. uggh" Yes, yes, because I understand. Don't eat crying anymore. Yikes. Well, if you want to thank me, tell Fell that I got the Ground Dragon. "Fell is the one who got the ground dragon. If you want to thank me, go to Fell." When I say that, Mr. Elland says to Fell, "Thank you very much, Master Fenrill". "Hmm. Dragons are delicious." No, that's not what I think. Mr. Elland isn't thanking you because it's delicious, but, uh, let's go. I baked everyone's dragon steak. Now, of course, with steak soy sauce. Mr. Elland still didn't seem to have enough, so I baked you another one. When I sprinkled him with steak soy sauce, he said the delicious dragon meat tasted even better, and he was eating again crying. Afterwards, Fel, Sui and Dra both had more changeovers to fully taste the dragon steak. It's a pretty chunky steak for my taste, but I switched another one. What a hundred gold coins for the price of the dragon steak, I received when I was free of Mr. Elland's house. I just said I got too much, but Mr. Elland didn't tell me it was reasonable because it was precious dragon meat. Plus, I tried to pay extra because I ate two dragon steaks, but I just said no to that. 'Cause that's a hundred gold coins on a steak. I don't know how valuable a dragon is, but I feel like I'm getting too much gold for two steaks. I can't believe it's more than that. So I ended up receiving only 0 gold coins from Mr. Erland. Me, Fell, Sui and Dora are on their way back to the inn. Did Sui get sleepy after eating a lot? She is asleep early in her leather bag. Dora's eating too much to move, and they're putting her on Fell's back. 'Too delicious to eat too much...' or something. Fell looks satisfied when he says, 'Dragons are still delicious' at Fell. Sure, Fell was right. It was so delicious. From now on, I'll serve you dragon meat when it's here. When I get to the inn, I just want to stay in a good mood and sleep, but I have another job for you, don't I? You'll be diving into the dungeon tomorrow, and if you go into the dungeon, you'll have the eyes of other adventurers, so you don't seem to have time to do it. I don't know what they'll say when I get back from the dungeon. We just have to get this over with. Whoa.
I lined up what I took out of cardboard in front of me. I bought five for now. I don't know how big Forest Army Ant's nest is, but with all this, it'll go around the whole nest. "So, what is this? "Hufu, this is a world-class insecticide. If you put water in this, the smoke will come out and get rid of the bugs. If we leave him alone for a couple of hours, the extermination will be complete." What I bought was a powerful smoke-type insecticide. This would certainly root for Forest Army Ant's nest as well. "Ho, there's such a thing where you were." "Everything I've picked up like this works pretty well, so I think we can expect this, too. Then I'll be ready." I unpacked the package and started getting ready. "All right, now get ready. OK. And then if you put this in a container with water in it, the smoke should come out in a little while. Fell, if we set this up in front of the nest, I need you to tie the line at the entrance so the smoke doesn't come this way." "Then will you send in some breeze so that it reaches the back of the nest when the smoke comes out" 'Mm, Dora would be better at magic that needs such fine tweaking. Dora do it.' "Heh heh." "Well, here we go." Set a can of medicine in a plastic container with water. He then hurried to install it at the entrance to the nest hole leading diagonally down. "Fell, please tie the line" "Umm." One white smoke erupted from insecticide after another shortly after Fell tied the line. "Wow, it's smoky." That's what Sui, intrigued, said as he stuck to the junction. "Dora, please wind" "I only diluted the junction before Dra. Send the wind in from there. ' Dra's magical wind is sent into Forest Army Ant's nest. Then a white smoke of insecticides poured into the nest leading diagonally down like a slope into the wind. "That's it." "What, that's it? "That's right. All you have to do is wait a couple of hours like this, just like I said." "Then I'll be free." "Okay, then for dinner..." "I'm not making it into dinner. It's still early for lunch, isn't it? That's how much I know." "Gu Tu" "Be such a face, Fell. Instead, let's have a snack and wait." "Mm, what is that snack? "That's an intermittent meal. Well, I often eat sweets." It's sui I'm glad to hear it's sweet. "It's sweet! Sui, I like the cake" Sui jumping with a pom pom and snapping a cake. "Then do you want to make snacks into cakes? Oh, three at a time." "Yatter! Cakey" "Cake. I like the usual white." "I'm naturally a pudding." Three strawberry shorts full of raw cream for Fell, an exclusive pumpkin pudding and milk pudding for Dora, then three classic custard puddings, and three white chocolate cakes and strawberry millefeuilles for Suey, in addition to her favorite chocolate cakes as she asks for hope. Fell, Dora, and Sui don't hate sweet things, so they cheek up cakes and pudding happily. I chose an exclusive cake that would be premium Mont Blanc. To go with that is coffee in today's mood. The beans are Kilimanjaro. The rich chestnut sweetness of Kiliman and Mont Blanc, balanced by acidity and bitterness, was quite a good combination. That's how we spent our time pinching snack time. ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ "All right, it's time to go." That's what Fell says as he licks the pepper around his mouth satisfactorily. "I don't know what to do anymore." After snack time, Fell, Dora and Sui go into a nap. Sometimes I was relieved at Fell's juncture, and I was passing through the time as well. I thought it was about time, and when I spoke to the Fells, I was hungry this time. The noise. Fell says, "It's time for lunch," and Dora says, "It's my stomach before I go into the ant's nest," so I made it lunch first. I lumped in the oak meat cutlet sandwich I had made and finally finished lunch where everyone was satisfied. Thanks to you, time is running out. Well, I'm supposed to be done smoking insecticides, so I don't need to hurry. "Then why don't you check the nest?" We set foot in the nest of Forest Army Ant. Fell and Dora go down in the dark nest without hesitation. And Sui... I rolled down the hill corny like a ball. "Eh, eh, hey, swih, are you okay?! "Wow, it's just... I did it again! I heard Sui's voice about my worries. Sui, don't make me worry, too ~. Restore your mind and I'll go downstairs, too. It's impossible to go down the dark nest like the Fells, so while illuminating with the lantern type LED flashlight I always use. I put my hand on the wall to avoid slipping off and carefully slowly descended. And it was the first room that got off. 'Hey, it's late. Wouldn't it still be quicker to get on my back? "Rejected. In this dark, the jet coaster is no thanksgiving" 'Mmm, I don't know what you're talking about, but I know I don't like it. Then don't keep us waiting. " "I can't help it because I'm a prudent man. But do it yourself. Whatever, but you're doing great." The first room was filled with glowing sturdy jaws, a Forest Army Ant drop. "Hey, are you going to pick all this up? That's what Dora said as she saw too many drops and pioneered them. "Well, it's a low-ranking demon drop, but for now, I'm going to pick up some of this room's" "Uh, that stinks." "You don't say that. Look, even Sue, she's helping me. Help me." "Yes, Ruji." I'll give you the drops I picked up. Sui. "Help me, too, Fell." It's troublesome, but I can't help it. I left my magic bag with Fell and split it it up to pick up Forest Army Ant drops. We all got heartless and picked it up. This is enough for the quantity of some leftovers to be picked up and moved to the next room. Fells marched down the ramp, but naturally I proceeded with caution. Fell and Dora, already overlooking the next room, look kind of laid back. "Hmm, what's up? I peek inside the room too... "Ryuji, pick it up -? There was also a massive fall of Forest Army Ant's jaw inside this room. How long have you been here? "I have enough jaws of Forest Army Ant drops, and I've had enough here" That said, Fell and Dora were obviously horrified. Hey, you didn't make me pick that up so reluctantly. "Okay, next. Next." Dora flew towards the next room as she said so. However, both the next room and the next were jawed with Forest Army Ant drops. 'To tell you the truth, I thought you could wipe out that kind of smoke alone, but this is such an amazing effect.' Cause all the ants in the back are dead... ' Dora snapped like that when she saw a room full of drops. "Not at all." Fell also sees the situation in the room and agrees. "It's a powerful smoke-type insecticide. Smoke goes around every corner, so it works great." I didn't make it, but it kind of made me a little proud. Thank you, pharmaceutical company. Your insecticides are very active in different worlds. Well, leave that alone, it seems the next room I went down to is the last. i.e........ 'That's the Queen Forest Army Ant. He's still alive. " Ahead of Fell pointing at him with his nose tip as he said that, four or five times as likely a big ant as a regular Forest Army Ant was pimping his leg upside down. 'It's the only thing left, so it looks like all the larvae are dead. There's not one left.' As Dora says, the only person in the last room was Queen Forest Army Ant. 'The Lord did it. The Lord will do it in the end. " "Ah, oh. Okay." Fell urged me to stand in front of the Queen Forest Army Ant. And I took the Swiss specialty Mithril spear out of the item box. Poke Mithril's spear deep into Queen Forest Army Ant's belly. Queen Forest Army Ant was out of breath after the piqun moved. After Queen Forest Army Ant disappeared, Queen Forest Army Ant's jaw and minimal demon stone were falling. Then...... "Hey." "Oh." There's something in the back. I couldn't see in the shadow of the Queen Forest Army Ant. That was dew by the disappearance of the Queen Forest Army Ant. "Crate, right..." I never thought there would be a treasure chest deep in an ant's nest like this.
"Uhhhhhh" "To Ehe" Flower noise and Li Oo were entangling their own arms in my arms and nibbling. "What is it, both of you?" "'Cause, hey, Lio" "Hey, Flower Sound" "We're a couple now, I'm glad you decided." "That's right. I'm glad you've become our husband." How cute of you to say that, Flower Sound and Lio, too. But it's me... "I'm glad Flower Sound and Lio are my wives, too." When I said that, I laughed with joy at the sound of flowers and Lio. Of course the two fingers were glowing with the ring I sent them. We were in a dungeon about ten minutes walk out of Wang Du Gate. With the sound of flowers and the hope of Lio, he went to the church of the goddess of earth to celebrate his wedding within the day of his arrival in the King's capital. The church of the earthly goddess, to which the two committed themselves, was a beautiful and majestic stand-up, feeling like an ancient Roman temple. The wedding I mentioned there, but when I said the wedding, it didn't even take that long, because I was just going to give a bullshit about going to church and ask a cleric to pray in front of the statue of the goddess of dirt behind the church. Still not at all pleasantly. With this ceremony, we became a couple, and I felt a tingle. That was yesterday's story, and that night was the first night of my newlyweds, Gonyo Gonyo...... I mean, well, there's a lot going on, and the next day we took a break, and we all rolled out to the dungeon today. We don't have room for nostalgia either. I spent a lot of money preparing for my trip to King's Capital, and the boudoir was an amount that wouldn't be silly. I don't have time for poverty. That's why I came to the dungeon, but that's the dungeon of the king's capital. There was a queue of adventurers just to get in. We're in that queue. "It's going to take a little longer." That's what the flower noise said as I looked at the queue. "I can't help it, it's the king's capital" "I hope it's full of drops." "Yeah. I got lucky getting married, so I might get out full" No, the cleric said that. I hear you're lucky to have a wedding at the church. Well, that sounds like just a little bit. If it's still up there, I guess I can expect a little. "I hope so. But don't just make it impossible for both of us. It's a promise." "I know. If that's what you're talking about, so be it. If anything happens to Dou, I..." "That's right. If anything happens to you, I will..." "I know. The three of us will always be together. From now on, let's do it first and foremost." "" Yeah. " ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ "Sei." I tore it from the shoulder to the belly of an oak with a long sword of my gain. "Puggyyyyy" An orc falls with the scream of an extinct demon. And then he tried to get sucked into the dungeon and disappeared. "Phew, it's over" The dungeons in Wangdu are the kind of dungeons that go underground surrounded by stone walls that come out of the game. We were exploring the eight levels there. I had just finished off the oaks that were hanging out in one of the rooms on those eight floors. "There you are, and the drops are coming out." "Really. I'm used to fighting orcs, and I knew you were right about this hierarchy." Sometimes in the last eight tiers there will be the oak that we've been hunting in the main, and for now we're going to make money in this hierarchy. The three of us discussed and decided whether to move on or not to explore in this hierarchy. "You've got a lot of oak." "Yeah. But I also have an array..." "Weh. Aren't you going to touch us..." "Yeah. I'm chot..." "Duo, please retrieve me." "I can't help it" I retrieved the drops they said were there. An oak testicle is an alley that Li Oo doesn't even like to touch. This is one of the ingredients of the vigor that you can buy for a pretty good price. "I think I could collect the drops there now, too, but what do we do? "We can still afford it, and we'll explore some more. I earned it when I could. How's Lio? "I think that's a good idea too. We wouldn't be late for an orc opponent, and this hierarchy wouldn't worry about a trap." I looked into this dungeon beforehand and I know that a trap has been set since the tenth tier. "If the two of us are okay, shall we explore some more? Okay, let's go." "Yeah." Me and Lio tried to leave the room, and the flower noise wouldn't work for some reason. "Flower noise, what's going on? "Yeah...... Yodo, Lio, can you come over here for a second? That's what the flower sounds like, so Lio and I rushed under the flower sounds. "Hey, there. On the left side of the back wall, isn't that strange? That's what I said and the flower noise pointed to the left side of the back wall. I'll stare at what the flower noise pointed at. "Nothing. It doesn't look crazy anywhere..." "I don't look crazy either..." Lio shares my opinion. Still, the floral sounds don't seem convincing. "I'm gonna take a look" That's what I said, I headed for the back wall. Me and Lio follow the flower noise with surprise. "It's around here..." I touch the walls around where I find the flower noise strange with a pet. "Look, you're nothing. Mind the sound of flowers..." I couldn't go on saying that it was my fault. Some of the walls where the flower noise touched peeled off. And what appeared was a magic formation about ten centimeters in diameter. "Ko, this is..." "Look. I've always felt uncomfortable around here." That's what the flower sounds like all the time on Doya's face. "This is a magic formation, right? Does that mean we're gonna run magic here? "Maybe. I'll give it a shot." "Oh, wait. Flower noise." I stopped but the flower noise touched the magic formation in time. Gogogogogogogogogoo -. Part of the wall slid and the room appeared beyond it. "Is this a hidden room? The three of us peek into fear. "Ah! Hado, Hanayou, look in the back. That's a crate, isn't it? When Lio told me to look in the back, an old wooden box did sit down. "Really! That's a chest. Let's open it up! That's what I said and stopped the flower noise from trying to make its way to the chest in inches. "Wait! There may be a trap, be careful here." "That's right. Flower Sound." "Uh, but this is the eighth floor, right? I thought we were talking about no traps. "Yeah, but this is a stash room. You're not always the same there." "Yes, yes. We have appraisal skills, so let's appraise them first." "I get it. So, appraisal.... Yeah, looks like there's no trap" I'll take an appraisal too... [Chest] Crate. No trap set. "Yeah, you look fine" Lio nodded, too, as he tried to appraise it. "Well, let's open it" I want to open it. As the first discoverer of the hidden room, opening the chest gave way to the sound of flowers. When the floral sound slowly opens the chest...... "Something about a little tiny hemp bag and is this a potion? There was a little dirty hemp bag and a vial inside. "Let's take a look inside this hemp bag over here first" Take out the hemp bag and peek inside. "Ooh." "Gold coin! "There seems to be a hundred or so! Yatta!" Look inside. Me, Flower Sound and Lio got excited. With this, I won't have any trouble with my life for a while. "This is the next one. I know you're right about the flower noise. It's the appraisal first." [Elixir (Degraded Version)] Elixir (Degraded Version). Since it is a degraded version, it will not extend its life. Effective against all injuries and diseases, including limb defects. "This..." "Elixir, because..." "Elixir......" "Li Oo, we did it! "Lio, this will cure your arm! "Wow, my, my arm..." "That's right! Now Lio's arm is back on track! "Ugh, Ri, Rio, good for you. I'm so glad..." "Flower noise, gush" The three of us were happy to hug each other and cry. I recommended Elixir to Lio when the feeling of being high had settled down. "Lio, give it a try. Sure, if you get hurt, you should drink half of it and put half of it on the affected area." "Yes, is that okay? On second thought, I think selling this would just fund all three of us living our lives..." "What are you so reluctant about! That's a good one! "That's right, Lio! For the money, look, you have what was in the chest. It's not enough to play and live, but I won't be having any trouble with my life for a while, so I'll be fine." "Okay. Bye......, ah! Lio stopped on the verge of drinking Elixir. "What, what's up? "You know, this, if I drink here, will my arm heal soon? If that's the case, when you leave the dungeon, you don't get suspicious." "Oh well! Maybe Lio is right indeed. There are a lot of adventurers in the dungeon here, so I don't know if anyone remembers us, but if anyone remembers us, they'll find out we found the treasure." "Yeah. So, I thought if I could get eyes on someone weird, I'd be in trouble." "Sure, Flower Sound and Lio are right. Most of all, people are the most cunning than demons, and we've been through that." Flower noises and lio snort deeply into my words. "Besides, on second thought, drinking elixir while in the king's capital may be a bad idea. The innkeepers know our names. The other guests are looking at us, and I'm sure if Li Oo's arm, which was one arm, was growing the next day, it would definitely make a scene." "Indeed." "Yeah. I think you're right, To-do." "Then..." I decided to redeem only the oak drops I hunted today and keep quiet about any hidden rooms or crates. And the Wang Du also decided to leave tomorrow. I left Wangdu for an entire day. It's going down the street, but so far there's no sign of people nearby. "Okay, why don't we just go around here? "Yeah. I'm a long way from Wang Du, and I think it's good. Lio, have a drink." Lio took the vial with the elixir out of the item box and warmed it up half at once. And I swung the other half around the elbow of my missing left arm. Lio's body then glowed pale and the area around his left arm glowed strongly. "Leo, are you okay? "Li Oo! The light wrapped around Lio subsided in about ten seconds. "Do-kun, Hanayou, this..." "Leo, left arm." "Lio's arm is back! Lio's left arm was back on track. "Mine, my arm, back to normal. Oh, thank you, both of you." Then me, Flower Sound and Lio hugged each other and cried.
Ohohohohohohohoho Ladies and gentlemen, it's been a long time! Verner, Ramon, Vincent, Rita, Franca. Naturally smile at the nostalgic faces. "Ah, maybe you've been summoned to the Adventurers Guild?" I thought you said you were going to call a high-ranking adventurer. "Oh, we stayed in King's Landing.I was the first to talk. " That's what Mr Werner nodded. "If Mr. Mukoda's name comes up, we can't afford not to cooperate." Ramon kept on laughing. Thank you very much. "By the way, Mr. Mukoda, I'm subordinating another incredible one..." Mr. Werner looked behind me and said that. And Ramon and Vincent nodded to Rita and Franca. It's definitely about Grandpa Gong. "Well, I guess that's how it works." "Mukoda-san is amazing at being able to follow the ancient dragon!That's outrageous! " Now Vincent's words were nodded by Mr. Werner and Iron Will. "Well, the reason is the same as Fel...." That's how I explain it with a bitter smile. I just ate more rice. "Does that mean Mr. Mukoda fished you for dinner?" Hmm. The Lord's rice is irreplaceable. "Wow, I talked!" It was Grandpa Gong who returned Rita's words. "Ah, this is Grandpa Gong, who became one of us." When I introduced him, Iron Will's face shook his shoulders as he looked down. I can't solve it. "Ah, it's painful. But didn't Fel tell you that he fought the Dragon?Could it be an old dragon that's not Grandpa Gong? " Vincent said that he remembered what Fell had said before. No, he's the one who did it.But now it's a temporary truce.I'm one of them now. Hmm, that's not what I meant. When Fel and Grandpa Gong said that, Vincent excited with a strange voice. "The combination of Fenrir and the Dragon is the most powerful!I'm invincible!! " Hey, we're here too! Dora and Sui jumped out in front of Vincent when they were there. "Wow, that's right, Mkoda had a little dragon and a slime subordinate." "It's not like Fell or Gong, but Dora and Sui are strong enough." Enough to get rid of the S-rank monster. "Why is everyone being caught at Mukoda-san's dinner?" When Rita asks, she says, "Well." "I wonder if that would allow me to eat Mukoda-san's dinner every day. That's good ~" Rita gets mad at Ramon for saying such a thing. "We're not low-ranking adventurers who don't eat or eat." "Ramon is right. I know you eat it every day." Following Ramon, Verner embarrassed Rita. "And this is different!Mukoda-san's rice is incredibly delicious. " Vincent nodded forcefully at this Rita's words. "Come on, if Mr. Mukoda is in King's Landing, I wonder if I can meet him at the Adventurers Guild, Mr. Mukoda won't even come to the Adventurers Guild at all." That's what Vincent says, pointing his mouth. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. For some reason, I didn't get as close to the Adventurers Guild as I could. I was wondering if that guy would get tangled up. Well, I just met that guy. "I'm sure you just wanted me to eat Mr. Mukoda's delicious food." Franca stumbles into Vincent with a slightly stunned face. "Shut up, I'm not the only one who was expecting it.Rita was coveting, "Maybe we can eat Mr. Mukoda's dinner." "Don't lie! I'm not drooling my mouth!" "Han, you were dripping ~" "It's not dripping!" Vincent and Rita argue with each other. Franca, who was looking at it, looked even more stunned. "Don't you both quit?" Vincent and Rita finally stopped talking when Ramon stopped. Still, the kittens were staring at each other to intimidate him. Well, I guess that means we're as close as we get in a fight. "I'm sorry it's so noisy." Mr Werner says so unfortunately. "No, on the contrary, I'm glad you haven't changed." "Ha ha, sure. Vincent's fine and Rita's loud are the same." Leader?! "Oops, there's something weird about it that makes you better at hearing." The words were laughed at by everyone except Vincent and Rita. And I was just a little jealous to have a party buddy. "Yes, Mr Mukoda just said something has changed, but so has we." Really? I don't see anything unusual about you, and I'm wondering... "Oh, party rank's up to B." "Really? Congratulations!" "Thank you." "That's what happened, and that's what we talked about." I thought it was enough to be Ramon's word. It seems like a B-ranked adventurer party will bring you into the realm of high-ranked adventurers. "This must be a celebration." After the dismantling of Leviathan, I thought I'd invite you all out to a delicious restaurant in King's Landing. Atai too! Vincent and Rita were the first to say so. "Well, since this is King's Landing, I think there are many restaurants that serve more delicious food than I do." This is the capital of the King. Restaurants are not comparable to other cities, and many are said to be upscale. I think it would be better to go to a luxury restaurant than my proper cooking to taste a different kind of delicious rice. I mean, I went there, too. "That's not true! I have eaten it at a luxury store, but I didn't think it was delicious just because I used spices on luxury meat.Mukoda-san's rice is definitely tastier! " In Vincent's words, Rita nodded, "Mukoda's rice is so delicious!". And Vincent and Rita stare at me with anticipation. I don't think you can see it like that. Well then, if you like my cooking. Yatter! Vincent and Rita raised their hands and rejoiced. "Mr. Mukoda, I'm really sorry about our guys." "No, because I don't feel bad when you tell me that the cooking is delicious." As we were talking about this for a long time, the Adventurers gathered and the Adventurers Guild staff were summoned. ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ Stakeholders gathering more and more. As for me, I was called by a great man, and I broke up with Iron Will for a while. Well, maybe you can get me Leviathan. Bram, the Guild Master of the Adventurers of the King's City Alliance, hesitates to say so. People have found out about my item box, but I think it's in front of so many people. "What are you doing? Let's go." Yes, My Lord. "If you don't get it out, it won't start." Fell, Grandpa Gong, Dora, and Swiss are rushing me into a conversation. No, if you let me out here, a lot of people will find out about my item box. Communicate my concerns in words of concern. If I were to give Leviathan here, I would definitely be talking about how much space it is in an item box. That may be so, but until now, I've had a "slightly bigger item box", but if I give out that leviathan, they'll find out it's a heroic relationship. I don't think so.In the first place, Fel and Jin follow the Lord.I don't think that's the case with the lethal people who come out with their hands. " If you say so, it may be, but come on...... Fel, who boiled the business, rushed me even faster. Besides, the great ones can't hear us, so they're like, "What's wrong?"or" I don't want you to hurry up. " Ah, I see! I left it to the flow to get Riviathan out. Leviathan shows up. For the first time, the great man who had already seen his head and realized that it was super huge opened his mouth. "I didn't know it was so huge...." "It's bigger than I thought." Hmm. "I'm glad I settled in for now..." You'd be surprised to see the whole thing. I know how you feel. The adventurers who were meeting a little further away are also stunned. In the meantime, there was someone who was surprised away from normal sensitivity. She climbed onto Leviathan with an unspeakable strange voice. "Leviathan, it's a real Leviathan!" I know who it is without checking... There's only one guy who does this. Elland, what are you doing?!
Does this dungeon have a lot of man-shaped demons, and there were demons that came out from to 15 levels, just like the 17 levels were on the 16 levels. That's what the hierarchy looks like down here, Fell says. However, it seems that more and more superior species are emerging. Well, still doesn't seem to be the enemy of our kids. We are all delighted to defeat the crisp demons. There are also quite a few drops. The most common is the skin, but I still don't know how much this will be. But I don't think the unit price is that high. Well, can you add a little bit to the cost of food? I went around a few rooms on the 17th floor and collected the drops, and finally discovered the crate. As he was defeating the demon and collecting the drops, a potpound and a white box were placed on the wall behind the room. It has a gold rim and is decorated with a little jewelry. "Whoa, finally, Crate Kitter" I rethink to wait to open it immediately. You're making this dungeon so mean with a trap or something. If that happens, there's a chance that there's some trick on this chest too... I'll just appraise it. [Chest] A treasure chest designed to open and produce poison gas at the same time. ...... you can't. What kind of poison gas is that, Kowa? You can't open it. Especially me, even with protection (small). Coverage (small) means that even if it has the power to deactivate the state abnormality, it can't have an immediate death effect. There's poison gas and stuff out there, and this sounds like an instant death effect. This place has plenty of protection, everyone, please. "Hey, this chest opens and there's poison gas. Somebody open it." "Mmm, I can't help it." When Fell approached the chest to open it, a shrine came in from Lady Nin Lil (unfortunate goddess). "Uh, uh, otherworlds, do you hear me? A concubine, Nin Lil. I totally forgot to tell you that the Lord's protection is small, but even if the three goddesses overlap their protection, they have the same power to deactivate state anomalies as normal protection. It's rare that the three give protection to the same human being, so it took a little while to confirm. So don't worry, your lord won't die for a bit or softly. Dungeons! It is. ' ............... say it quickly, you goddess. It took me a while to confirm it, and I thought I forgot to mention it because I meant Lady Ninril. Besides, it's let-enjoy. Damn, where do you remember those words? "Oh, Fell, I'll open it. Now that Nin Lil's commissioned me, and my protection is small, but I've been protected by three goddesses, I think it's okay because they're using the same powers of abnormal deactivation as the Fells." "No, right. Then do me a favor. I approached the chest. It's not particularly locked, it's just secured with a clasp. Never removed the clasp to open the chest. Shoo purple misty things erupted along the way. "Go-ho, go-ho, go-ho" I know this is poison gas, but it was just a little smoky and nothing in particular. It's good to have a state anomaly deactivated. The goddesses that I always think I should, but I kinda appreciated all this time. Looking inside the crate, what was inside was a thin dirty bag. "What the hell? When you take out the thin dirty bag, the crate disappears. When I appraised it, [Magic bag (small) ... Magic bag the size of which contains five hemp bags (large)] came out. A sack of hemp is definitely about a meter across, right? That means those are five. Well, are we going in? I don't have any inconvenience because I have an item box, but it might be something I want enough to get my hands off my throat for someone who doesn't. It's thinly dirty, looks bad, and it's (small) in size, but it looks like they could buy it for a good price. Thinking about it, you might have gotten something cool for the first crate. I turned my magic bag into an item box. Heading into the next room, the adventurer was in battle, so he passed straight through to the last boss room. Looking inside, Oak General surrounds itself with Oak King at the head, and countless oaks around it. "Hum, is that an oak? No matter how many orcs there are, they're not our enemies. Let's go. ' "Ooh." "I'll take down a lot of swimmies." That's what Fell, Dora and Sui went into the Oak Legion. And ravage the Orc Corps. I stood in the back and defeated the detached oak that everyone had shot. It didn't take long for the Orcs to disappear. I pick up the flesh and skin and testicles the orcs drop. By the way, Oak King dropped his testicles. I picked it up, though. It seems to be a very expensive ingredient for the vigor that the child will always be given. I remember because I asked you when you bought the oak king before. The next eighteen tiers were no bitterness for the Fells, defeating the demons with no bitterness. Of course, I recovered all the drops. Don't keep accumulating all sorts of demonic skin. Unfortunately, the eighteenth tier is in the boss room without a chest. This was a mixed unit of augs and oaks headed by augs of special individuals with red skin. There were a lot of them here, but for all of us, the battle is over. The 19th hierarchy is also going well, or crisp, knocking down demons to collect drops. I discovered a chest when I defeated the demon that was inside the fifth room. "Whoa, there's a chest." There might be another trick, an appraisal. [Mimic] A dungeon demon simulated on a crate. Drop rarely decorated chests when defeated. Oh, this wasn't a chest, it was a demon. "This isn't a chest, it's a monster." "Oh, Mimic." Looks like Fell knows. "The demon will attack you when you try to open it." When you try to open it, or can you get close and go with a short sword of Mithril? Then I'll take him down. Go softly closer...... "Shh." "Gugget." Spank and break. This Mithril short sword really cuts well. After Mimic disappeared, it was like the first jewelry box. "Oh, I dropped the drop. It's like it's rare to drop." To my hand, it's quite beautiful, though small, with jewelry and gold embellishments. Looks like you can buy this for a good price too. I turned the jewellery box into an item box with a hockey face. Then we go around the two rooms, to the boss room. There was a mixed unit of orgasms and trolls focused on orgasm kings. I could pull my hips off when I saw an orga about 2 meters and an even bigger number of trolls. Fell, Dora, and Sui were all happy to push me like that. Lightly destroyed, of course. I thought while picking up skin and demon stone drops. "With that being said, it's still day one in the dungeon, but it's already twenty levels next. Everybody's strong, so don't move on crispy." 'Well, we're strong. I don't suppose we'll be dealing with this hierarchical demon. " Have you reviewed my strength? I'll knock you down. ' "Rugi, sui tough -? Sui, I'll beat you all the time." We're all still fine and super jealous. I laughed bitterly when I saw everyone hanging out. I had a ten-day schedule for exploring the dungeon. I'm starting to feel like that, even if I don't. Together with everyone in good health, I recommended 20, 21 tiers and exploration. Both hierarchies were identical to the sixteen to nineteen hierarchies, and demons that came out of eleven to fifteen hierarchies came out in a mixture. As Fell said, the top species came out, but they were crisp and finished by everyone. We got a lot of drops on the 20th and 21st levels, and we went down to the 22nd. to the twenty-two tiers that the number one leading adventurer party is now being explored.
After a late breakfast, he was taking a downright post-meal break. Everybody gets cider, I drink cafe ole. Longtime cafe ole, delicious. By the way, everyone had breakfast with meat, and I served them a bowl of oak roasted miso and pork juice. As usual, we've all had plenty to eat in the morning. I'm done with pork juice and rice balls, though. The holy engraving I received last night from Lord Hephaestus and Lord Vahagn has been placed in an item box. It's very helpful in the Aveling dungeon. Still a dungeon with a lot of undead...... "Fell, yesterday, the gods told me about Aveling's dungeon." "No, really? So, how'd it go? "That's it..." Yesterday, I made Fel and Dora and Sui listen to what I heard from Lady Hephaestus and Lady Vahagn. hierarchies, which, unlike the drain, have no field-shaped hierarchies and have the appearance of classic dungeons surrounded by stone walls on all sides. Then there's the undead, and there's about three layers of that hierarchy. "Nooo, there's an undead..." "Gah, I hate undead. 'Cause they're not gonna die.' Fell and Dora look at each other as much as they want. Sui looks like she doesn't know what she's talking about and she's rocking a plump on the left and right. And, Dora, you're not gonna die because I think the undead are already dead. 'Cause it hardly works on the undead. Zombies and skeletons can take you down if you crush your head, but Reis doesn't do anything. Holy magic works for the undead, but rarely holds holy magic. Exactly, because I don't have holy magic with me either. I've run into undead in the dungeon many times, but I don't know which way to deal with them. It's best to just ignore the undead and pass by.' 'That's right. No matter how many times they attack you, you're gonna have to get up and come at me. It's disgusting. " That sounds like Fell and Dora don't like undead. Or can a zombie or a skeleton manage to take him down if he smashes his head? But it's hard to attack anyway. Besides, it doesn't seem to work for Reyce to do anything when we're talking about Fell. Raise it. No, it looked like a ghost, didn't it? Then is it natural that neither physical nor magical attacks will work? If you think about it, the undead must have holy magic. Most humans don't have any sacred magic, so you mean the gates too. If you're in a dungeon with such an undead walking distance, you know it's not as fragrant as it was nearly 200 years ago. I don't know which hierarchy the undead is in, but even if I were to stop it in the hierarchy in front of it, there would likely be results there. But I guess the Fells are going to break through the Aveling dungeon, too. "Hey, that being said, Fell, Dora, and Suey are going to step through the Aveling dungeon, right? Naturally. Go to the bottom. "I ask you once, what about the undead measures? 'There are no measures. Just ignore it and run through. Hit the high-fired fire magic when the number is too high to do it' "Yeah, that's it." 'I don't know, but if you buzz, you can take it down, right? You mean there's almost no way. Sui's acid bullets seem like a momentum to melt all the bodies of zombies and skeletons, but Reis can't help it. "Fell, Dora, as we talked about, the Aveling dungeon is surrounded by stone walls. If you use high-powered fire magic there, you'll be left on fire." "Mm, I just need to prevent it in my bond." "Yes, I have that hand." Sure, but that still seems like a good idea. But it's going to be easier. If it's possible for me to think about it, the undead hierarchy should be a know-how hierarchy for us to get tons of drops and crate contents. Holy engraving given to me by Dear Hephaestus and Vahagn. You've heard explanations for this, and you've been thinking maybe you should. "Actually, yesterday I had a gift from Hephaestus, the blacksmith, and Vahagn, the god of war. This is it..." I took the holy engraving out of the item box to show it. And yesterday I told him what was explained to me by Lady Hephaestus and Lady Vahagn. 'I see. Will the undead extinguish the holy engraving and the dot as they cast their magic into the weapon and attacked them with it? That's what God made. " "It's like you're a human being to fight with a weapon." Yeah, that's my best opinion. But...... "No, the two of you explained," I don't care if it's on a weapon or whatever, but when you press the engraving, "he said. In that word, I don't think it's restricted to weapons." What else do you push besides weapons? Fuhahahahaha, that's where I came in. "Everybody." "Us? '... um, well. If we press the holy engraving and the dots on ourselves, if we attack, the undead will vanish.' "Yes. Fell is right. If you press this holy engraving on Fell, Dora and Sui, the undead will disappear in everyone's attack." 'I see, you mean that! Well, I'm just thinking that's gonna happen. I can't try it without the undead. But I think I can. Whatever it is, God made it himself. "I can't try it if it's not where the undead are, but I think it's okay because it's what God made me. I think it's worth a try in the Aveling dungeon. If it's like I'm saying, I'm not afraid of the undead hierarchy either. On the contrary, the undead hierarchy will be almost untouched because of it, so I think you can pick up all the drops and crates you want." "Uhm, doesn't that sound interesting" "Can the undead also be knocked down with a bang? That's good. ' "Kill lots of Sui too." As soon as it became a hierarchy of undead in Aveling's dungeons, it was decided to give it a try. "You're getting more and more excited about the dungeon" "Oh. Let's bang him down and trample him." "I'm so excited about the dungeon." Something's motivated us all more and more, but, well, okay. I'm going to level this time, too. But, you know, I have things to do first, so it's not like I'm gonna dive right into a dungeon when I go Aveling. "We won't dive into the dungeon as soon as we get to Aveling. First we go to the Adventurers Guild, see if we have a map of the dungeons, see what kind of monsters will come out. I couldn't ask the gods that much. Besides, we have to think about the meals we eat in the dungeon. I made more, including meals to eat on this trip, but if we get to Aveling and there doesn't seem to be much left, we'll have to make enough. Then I'd like to go to the weapons store for a bit." "Nooo, I want to dive fast anyway." "I'll do good there." ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ After lunch, we were coming to the Adventurers Guild. I'm leaving this city tomorrow, so it's my greeting. Speaking to the desk, Mr. Marx arrived immediately. "I'm sorry I couldn't handle this during this time. If you hadn't come to the guild, I would have used you." Anything, he totally forgot to give my new guild card to an official who handled me during this time. That said, I was talking about being S-ranked. I totally forgot, too. "Exchange this new S-rank Alliance Card with the A-rank Alliance Card you have." I gave Mr. Marx the A-rank guild card and received the S-rank guild card. Looks like the same gold picky card as A-rank, but it said S big. "Now you're an S-rank adventurer too. Keep building your Adventurer Alliance! Mr. Marx, I have heavy expectations. "Um, what can I do for you? "Well, I'm leaving this city early tomorrow morning, so I came to say hello." "Are we leaving yet? You can stay more. I'm very grateful to have a high-ranking adventurer in town." Marx whispered, "I think we've just cleared up the Red Dragon case." The city is delicious with seafood and beautiful views, and as far as I'm concerned, I could stay a little longer, because the Fells are getting more and more dungeon fever when they hear about the Holy Engraving. If we make him wait any longer, he's going to be grabbed by the roots and forced to take him. "The Fells seem to want to get to the dungeon soon..." "Oh, you said you were going to Aveling after this city during this time. I've already contacted Avling's Alliance Master, so when you get to the city, just go to the Adventurer Alliance." Oh, you contacted me quickly. That was quick and helpful. "The dungeon boss in Avling's dungeon talks about Hydra, but you guys wouldn't worry. If you step on it, it's a 200-year-old feat. Good luck!" "Hmm, Hydra? Funny. ' Uh, I'm getting more and more motivated to hear Fell say Hydra. "Hydra? I've heard the name, but I haven't seen it yet. I'm looking forward to it! "Is Hydra strong?" But I'm going to knock her down with good luck. Dora and Sui seem as motivated as Fell. Still, there's Hydra. It was definitely a snake with nine heads, wasn't it? One of them was the head of immortality, and if you don't chop it off, the other head will go back to normal no matter how much it was chopped off. Hey, what's up, this? If you had nine heads, you wouldn't know which one was immortal. Unless you're lucky enough to cut off your immortal head right away, a long fight is likely to ensue. I mean, well, can't you just think ahead like that? I don't even know if I can get under Hydra. "I don't know if I can break through, but I'll do my best. Mr. Marx, for a short time, thank you for your help." "Oh. Come back to this city. Good luck! We exchanged greetings and followed the Adventurer Alliance. 'We're leaving early tomorrow. Go to the dungeon. " "I know. We leave this city first thing tomorrow morning."
"Oh, is that the King's City?" From Grandpa Gong's back, I saw a city bigger than any other city I've ever seen. Big ~ Drachan and Sui jumped out to see King's Landing in my words. There are countless signs of people.I'm sure there are some signs of that. " That's what Fel said when he listened to us. Hmm. I bet it's a high-ranking adventurer or someone in the royal palace. In King's City, there are likely to be quite a few high-ranking adventurers, and there are likely to be strong men in the royal palace. Where should I get off, Lord? Um, I wonder if Grandpa Gong could land on the grasslands around here. Yes, I understand. That said, Grandpa Gong is slowly descending. I don't feel too close to that meadow, the entrance gate to King's Landing, but the Alliance Master said he had notified everywhere, and I'm sure he'd be fine. Grandpa Gong's gigantic body, which was in a landing position (though not completely intact), stepped down to the meadow. Whoa, we need to wake up the Alliance Master, who's been unconscious for a long time. "Alliance Master, you've reached King's Landing! Alliance Master!" I'm considerably older than I am, but I shook my shiny body like a high-ranking adventurer. "Nnh... nh... nh... nhahhh!" Remember what happened before you lost your mind? The Alliance Master jumps. "Oh, I'm going down! I'm going down!!" She is screaming whether she is upset or not. "Alliance Master, calm down! We're already on the ground!" When I said that, the Alliance Master stopped moving. "... what?" "That's why it's King's Landing.We've arrived. Look down. " The Alliance Master looks down in fear of my words. It was in the meadow that Grandpa Gong came down. Of course, there was a lush grass underneath. The Alliance Master sat down like he was relieved to see it. "Now, let's get off from Grandpa Gong and head for King's Landing.It's going to take some time to get through the gate. " When I looked from above, I saw a ragged line in front of the King's Gate. That's the King's City. There must be a lot of people and things in and out. "Oh, oh, yeah." I'll get off Grandpa Gong and stretch out. The Alliance Master is crawling on all fours and squirming about, "I like it on the ground." Well, I don't even know how you feel. While doing so.... "Ah? Alliance Master, someone's here.I mean, I don't know what to do. Full of armored knights. " And the knights in fine armor came out of the gate of the straw and the king's city toward us. "That costume... is that a close guard?" Eh? The Guards are soldiers guarding the royal palace, aren't they? "Ah, I've been notified that we're headed for the Dragon.Did the royal palace know you were coming to King's Landing..... " Ah... If you think about it, I'm the only one on the dragon. Even so, why is there a nearby guard all of a sudden? Could he be in danger? Fenrir, are you mad at me for bringing dragons to King's Landing? I was surprised and stayed there.... The arriving guards have aligned themselves in uninterrupted motion in front of us. "I am here to welcome the S-ranked adventurer, Lord Mukoda, at the behest of King Kintetsu First Division!" ............ "Hmm...." It's not my fault you accidentally said that. It's not my fault. You wouldn't send a scout to pick up an adventurer. Is that what you said? "The king wanted to see you.And I knew you were coming to King's Landing..... " You mean you picked me up? Ha ~. I'm starting to want to go home soon... "Come on, let's go!Hey, guys! " "" "" Ha "" "" The Kintetsu division surrounded our party from front to back, left to right. "Alliance Master, I can't refuse this...." "Do you think you can?" "That's right...." Talk to the Alliance Master with Kosokoko. We had to go through the gates of King's Landing while the guards surrounded us back and forth. I was wondering if Fel and Grandpa Gong were getting along with the air, but as they moved on through the city of King's Landing, Fel's thoughts came to mind. Royal Palace first. I thought Leviathan was the first, but it was fine. " "Well, I can't say no. Besides, it would be easier to finish what you don't like right now." "Yes, but it's been a long time since I met the King of Man.The king I met before was a fool who tried to sacrifice himself, but what about the king here? " That's how Fel smiled fiercely. "Hey, hey, don't let it get out of your mind!" "Otherwise!" It's been a long time since I've seen the king of men.Well, the King I met earlier in the same Fell didn't know what the ingredients were, so I checked and immediately gave him a dragon bracelet. " Gee, Grandpa Gong's dragon brace is your final course. "Even Gong! Don't let Grandpa Gong go mad!" "Please don't do anything weird, Fell and Grandpa Gong!" I'm very anxious. Dora-chan and Sui on the Fell said, "That stall looks delicious!'and' There are so many people ~ 'are easy modes. I wonder if it's okay, I... I hope you won't be charged with disrespect... Our party proceeds to the royal palace surrounded by guards. Something was noticed by the King city people, and it was an unbearable journey. ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ When I arrived at the Royal Palace, I saw the King while I was ready. Fell, Grandpa Gong, Dora-chan, and Swiss Cousins seem to have no shards of tension as usual, but me and the Guild Master stood by the door nervously. "Hey, I didn't check on the offering, but is it okay?" That's what the Guild Master asked me. I was told by the Royal Palace that if there was a gift for the King in advance, I would keep it here once (according to the Guild Master, there was a need for a pre-check in terms of security, which seems to be normal), so I kept what I had prepared. "In the meantime, I think it's okay because I've done more than before by meeting you in person and offering it...." Ask the person you checked, "Are you sure this is the right thing to do?I was asked a little bit, but I was kind of shouting, maybe less? But there's nothing I can do about it. That's the time. Try adding something later. Yes, convince yourself. More than that, there's something important now. I am quickly learning the trick of seeing the king, and I am rebelling in my head to remember it. I can't make a mistake. All I have to do is follow the Alliance Master behind me, and when the Alliance Master stops, so will I. So he got on one knee and put his left hand to his chest. Keep your head down at this point. When the king said, "Face up", he raised his head... All exchanges are in the hands of the Alliance Master. It is safer to leave it to me than talking about the baked blade. Fell told me to be quiet behind me. I was told not to behave like a great person, but I'm sure it's okay. You guys believe me! Then, a heavy door opened between the eyes.
"Come on, guys, don't rot like that, let's go!"You're going on a stall tour, aren't you? " Well, there's a lot more delicious meat than that meat. Hmm. That's right. There are also delicious stalls on the street. Eat delicious meat ~ Everyone seemed to have blown out and was relieved. Also this morning, I was asked to eat the meat of "Super Saurus" for breakfast, but I didn't prepare it. The meat of "Super Saurus" is hard and must be prepared at least the day before to be soft. "And then..." "I think you guys can eat it anytime, but if you eat it the way it is, it will be gone soon."If that happens, I'll never eat again.After all, it's gone extinct. " When I said that, everyone said, "That's right!'That's why you make a face. You weren't the ones who annihilated them. However, everyone is depressed because the "Super Saurus" they ate yesterday was more delicious than expected. Breakfast dungeon pork belly rice bowls were slimy. That's why everyone had a very romantic atmosphere in the morning. When I talked about the stall, it seemed like it was clearing up. Even though everyone was looking forward to the stall tour in the King's City, you guys are still here. Alright, I'll buy a lot of things today Full appetite. My main purpose is shopping. I've been looking forward to it. There's a big market in King's Landing, so I'm looking forward to it. Our meat is picked up by Fel and vegetables are harvested by Aruban, so the aim is fruit. If it seems delicious, I'd like to get it for you. Also, flour seems to be sold by region, so I'd like to buy a variety of flour. I'm looking forward to it because there seem to be many mixed herb shops in the capital. Thanks to Fel and the others, there's plenty of money to spare, so I'm feeling a buying desire. It could be the capital of the kingdom with all kinds of shops. Anyway, I'll buy it today! Today I'm going to eat and eat and eat and eat. Hmm. I'm looking forward to it. Let's see what the stalls in the capital look like. Sweet, eat a lot ~ Fel, Grandpa Gong, Dora-chan, and Sweetheart were all eating up the stall. Alright, let's go to King's Landing Sightseeing! Thus, the whole party rushed to Ukiyaki and the King's Capital Sightseeing. ◇◇◇◇◇ We came to Piazza Maria, the royal retreat. Incidentally, the name of the square, Maria, is the name of the princess of a previous king, and the square was built to commemorate the th or 30th anniversary of marriage. It is in a great location with a great view of the royal castle, and it is well maintained. There was also a lot of people busy with it. "Hey, is there even a fountain?" Speaking of which, I've never seen a fountain in my world. It was the capital of the kingdom. As she looked around the square and was impressed, she heard an innocent voice. I don't care about that.More than that, let's go that way. " While saying that, Fel pointed to the corner of the wide square where the stalls were gathered. Not only Fel, but also Grandpa Gong, Dora-chan, and Sui looked at the corner with a dazzling look. I mean, you guys have good eyes or noses. Well, I don't know what both of them are. Come on, let's go. Hurry up, my lord! Let's go! Hurry up, hurry up ~ "You guys are the best at eating after all, aren't you?" Cartesian foodies hurried to the corner where the stalls gathered. Everyone didn't look at the stalls except for the meat, but rather walked down the ladders of the meat stalls. That's why we carefully selected the stalls that seemed delicious. At first, the shopkeepers and customers were scared, but it seems that Fel and Grandpa Gong are spreading throughout the capital because of the Leviathan incident. It seems that if we do it normally, there will be no problems immediately, so we settled down. On the contrary, everyone is looking at us with interest. It's a little attention-grabbing. After the foodie Cartes (especially Fel and Grandpa Gon) bought and ate, the stalls gathered people. The shopkeeper seems to be busy, but she has a happy face. Well, everyone's eye or nose, that's pretty much for sure. Basically, I don't choose no good stalls, and just because Fel and the others chose it, I'm sure it's a delicious store. Hey, next stop is that shop. I have a good feeling about the smell of that store. Heh heh heh, I was also curious about that store. "The meat looks delicious ~" That said, the cannibal carte blanche is dashing. The next time they locked on, it was a skewered stall that didn't look weird. Um, for now, could I have seventy-one bottles, please? The breakdown is: Fel, Grandpa Gong and Sweet 20 bottles, Dora-chan 10 bottles, and me 1 bottle. I've already eaten a lot of things, so I'm sure I'll be fine. Yes! It's a pleasure to have you guys here. Even though the store's dad said so, I was pretty confident in the taste, so I was expecting us to come and bake, so 71 skewers came out immediately. Move to an empty spot at the back of the store and stand by for everyone's plates. Serve the meat removed from the skewer. Hoi As soon as I removed all the skewers from the skewers, Gafu Gafu and the foodies chewing on the meat vigorously. Even though they've already eaten up six stalls, they're still very appetizing. I'll have a skewer too, smiling bitterly at such a full-blown cannibal carte. Oh, it's delicious! I don't know what kind of meat it is, but it's not too soft, it's chewy, and it gives me a pleasant feeling of satisfaction, like, "I'm eating meat right now." The taste of the meat itself is of an unexpected quality. And the most interesting thing is the seasoning. It is a simple flavouring of only herbal salt, but it is best matched to this meat with herbal salt blended with garlic and various herbs. When I use garlic, the taste of garlic tends to appear on the front, but I blend it well with herbs for a refreshing finish. I would like to know what percentage of herbs are used. And this herbal salt... " The scent of citrus faintly drifts through your nose When I crushed it, my father at the store reacted. "Niisan, you're sharp. If you know that much, then you won't be so happy." Is this your father's blend? "Oh, it took me over a year to get to this taste." I feel confident because it's a flavor that I've been pursuing for so long. This meat suits you very well, doesn't it? "I think so, I think so." My father nodded with satisfaction at my words. By the way, what kind of meat is this? ”Fufu, what kind of meat do you think this is?” "I have no idea." I'm asking because I don't know. However, this is not like the orc meat, it is definitely not the fowl monster meat, and it feels a little different from the beef monster meat. Could it be sheep? "This is a horn rabbit." Eh?! When it comes to horn rabbits, they have high fertility and are often found in grasslands all over the place. It was also a monster that rookie adventurers were hunting every day. That's why I don't really like it, even though it's commonplace or well-marketed meat. When I first came to this world, I had eaten at a restaurant in the city, but it was a bit stiff, and it was a bit stiff meat. It wasn't a monster hunted by fat tongue Fel, and I haven't spoken since... Is this the hard meat with that lewdness? I couldn't believe it, so when I asked my dad with my eyes wide open, I felt like my dad was doing it. If you do a special down treatment, it will soften like this without any lewdness. "Under special treatment?" Of course it's a secret. That's true. If they find out, they'll go into business. "No, it's amazing how delicious the meat is, Horn Rabbit meat" While saying that, I tasted pucker and meat. Yeah, it's delicious after all. "Hee, that's my pleasure to hear you say that." Dad scrapes under his nose like he's shining. While my father and I were having such a conversation, the cannibal Carte was flattening the skewers on the plate. Hey, buy me an extra piece of this meat. Me too! Sweetheart! "Yes, Dad, an extra one... 100 please" Yeah! By the way, my father's store, which we bought additionally, was then lined up with long snakes.
I was just back in the living room of my mother's house, and I spoke to Ayya. "Uh, Aiya's not in the book yet, is she? When I heard that, my husband Toni lowered his head Gabba. "I've managed to recover. Please, don't let it go." My son, Costy, you and your daughter, Celia, also looked anxious, holding Aiya's clothes. Sounds like you're mistaken for something bad. This is a total misunderstanding. I bought you guys, so I'm not going to let you go now. "No, no, that's not what I'm talking about." It's a hassle, it's quicker to appraise it. If you appraise Ayya, it looks like a lung disease. Looking at the status, you don't seem to be fully healed. The current state of affairs seems to be that the treatment I have done up to the point of debt is working and the medical condition is calm but not fully healed. If that's the case, this is definitely it. The one I took out of the item box was the Swiss Special Elixir (Degraded Version). Sui made it for me, but I left it unused except I gave it to Daryl and the Ellis brothers and sisters I met in Doran. All two bottles remained untouched. I gave Ayya a special Sui elixir in a vial. "Drink that. Then the illness will heal." Aiya, who got the elixir from me, is confused. "Um, is that potion? Seems a little different in color from what I saw..." That's what Toni asks me worried about. Does it bother you that my wife drinks it? "That's right, you're an elixir. Any illness will heal in one shot if you drink it." When I said that, all five of my former adventurers sprayed "bufo". It's dirty. "No, no, no, no, no, no, Mr. Mkoda, E, Elixir, you can't do that if you put that out." That's what Tabatha said when she rode herself out. "Mr. Mukoda is an S-rank adventurer, and I know you have it because you're talking about trampling a dungeon of dran, but your sister is right, you can't let it out here. Why would I give a slave a wheel?! That's what Luke said following Tabatha. I mean, you knew I broke through Dolan's dungeon. "Oh, yeah! How much do you think you're gonna pay for one of those?! Buy all the slaves in here and you'll get some change! You shouldn't give away such a treasure of a thousand bucks." Irvin theorized so forcefully. "Uhm, yeah! If you ask Elixir, there are plenty of rich people who want no matter how much money they pile up." I said that in a hurried tone to Bartel. Peter has nodded over and over again to the words of the first four. No, I wouldn't even let you out like this if you were out of the dungeon. But this... "No, this is a degraded version of Elixir, even Elixir. Sickness and injuries will heal, but they won't extend your life. Besides, I prepared it myself, so it's not from a dungeon." When I said that, all five of them were flattered. "Dj, self? "... hey, can you make your own elixir? "Sure, I've heard of the elves I used to meet. I have a recipe, but I told you I couldn't do it first because the ingredients are ingredients." When Bartel, who is also the oldest, said so, the former adventurers rattled their throats. "So, what's that ingredient? "They use dragon liver and blood. I told you to use a lot of other valuable materials." .................. I hope all five of you don't be silent. "As it is, well, aside from the way it's made, it's not like you don't get it at all for me. That's why I use it on Ayya. Drink well." Don't drink while the five of you are stunned. The Toni family is crying and saying, "Thank you." Okay, Mr. Toni, don't worship me. Costy, you and Celia are crying and saying, "I'll work hard," because you guys are kids, and you can do as much as you want to help. "Um, Aiya, I was wondering if you could get a quick drink." With that said, I had a gook drink of Swiss specialty elixir after Aiya lowered her head deeply. Ayya's body glowed white shortly after she drank it. Suddenly we were all surprised, but the light quickly subsided. The Toni family also watched a series of exchanges in silence. Both the Alban family and the five former adventurers, who were stunned, are surprised with their eyes open. I was surprised and in a hurry because this was the first time I'd seen someone drinking Elixir in person, too. "So, are you okay? Speaking immediately to Aiya, Aiya was crying and laughing. "It's okay...... I can't breathe, I've always been a dall, and now, I'm nothing! When I heard the words of Ayya, the Toni family was happy to hug each other. I'm not innocent enough to interrupt it. As far as Aiya goes, you look fine. You look better. I appraised it for a try and the illness was gone. All right! That's Swiss specialty elixir. It works great. Well, the Toni family seems to have settled down, and Lotte's looking forward to dinner next. An asshole twin says, "I really used Elixir as a slave" or "You're an asshole even though you can play and live with that one for the rest of your life". You guys, you don't have an asshole toward your husband. I know you're not going to hear me, but I hear everything. I mean, the secret story would be based on a slightly smaller voice. I didn't even feel like getting mad because my asshole twins were too assholes. Huh.
After leaving the Adventurer's Guild, our party took the High Elves home. The high elves were thrilled that their work in the Adventurer's Guild was so determined that they could earn a steady income. When I arrived at home, I met my slaves. I introduced everyone as an elf I knew during this trip, and explained that since I could also dismantle big guys, I decided to have them work in the main dismantling. That said, Fel's hunt is gradual, and the dismantling location is the Adventurer's Guild, adding that in my spare time I will be working in the Adventurer's Guild. "Hey, I've finally got a demolitionist of my own." Shut up, idiot twins. Well, whatever it is, it's a feast. If we had dinner together, it would be quick to break through. So, when I asked my guest, the high elves, what they wanted to eat, I said, "Menchikatsu! It was about that." I somehow figured out "ahhh" in the answer. For the high elves, it seems that they had never heard of or eaten cooking fried in oil. Apparently, I was moved by the deliciousness of the fried food, and thrivingly said, "Are there any other dishes that are fried in oil, such as this fried and tonkatsu, that are delicious? I was asked." So I said, "I wonder if the fried mentch cutlets would be delicious." Apparently, among the high elves, "I want to eat a mentch cutlet!" It seems that the fever was increasing. " Therefore, in response to the heated request of the high elves, the menu of the banquet was decided on the menchkatsu. Well, the juicy meaty cutlets are Fel's favorite. Besides, it will be fun for children and adults alike, and drinkers who like alcohol won't complain. There's no more combination of fried food and beer. ◇◇◇◇◇ I was a little lost, but I decided to ask the ladies to help me out here. If I work alone, the unwilling title "Lonely Chef" will show off my abilities, but it's not here. I knew it would be easier for you to help me. Therefore, Teresa, Ayya, and Seriya were gathered. We will have the three of us mince the onions. However, I thought it was very difficult to mince large quantities of onions with a knife, so I purchased secret weapons in advance at the online supermarket. When the string is pulled, the blade in the container rotates and it is a mincer that can be minced quickly. I prepared it, put the onions cut to a certain size into a chopping machine, and then I had the onions chopped. I add the minced onion, dungeon beef and dungeon pig ground meat, and other usual ingredients from the mentch cutlet, and knead the cat in a bowl. When the stickiness comes out, it forms a round shape that you want to flatten. As she kneads and forms the seeds of the mentch cutlets, two small shadows peer into the kitchen. Zee. Lotte-chan, isn't it sweet? I'd like to try Mukoda's brother, Lotte, too I also want to help Sweet ~ Lotte-chan, Sweetheart, you've got a lot on your mind. But I forgive you because you're cute. Teresa, the mother of Lotte, said, "Lotte, this is not a game! Get away from me!” he scolds. When I greeted Teresa like that, "Well, well," and "Lotte-chan, Sweetheart, come here," I came happily. As expected, the blade cannot be used, so I will ask the customer to help me form a menchi cutlet. Wash your hands thoroughly, then show the swatches to form a menchi cutlet. Hmm, this is how it feels Sweet! Lotte and Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sw There are a few things that are fascinating, but there is love there. So, we formed a large number of them together. Cheese IN, OF course. After that, add the flour, melted eggs, and raw breadcrumbs to the formed mixture and fry them in oil. On the way, losing to Lotte and Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet. There was a time when I was bursting out laughing after being shown a kukune kune dance, but I also finished creating a lot of mench cuts. While frying the mentch cutlets, Teresa, Aiya, and Seriya bought a slicer from the online supermarket and made a lot of cabbage chopping, so I could say that the banquet was almost ready. "But..." I was thinking of another special mentch cutlet. However, when I know that things are just things, the women may fall down, so I'll cook for myself from here on out. I'm not going to make a lot of stuff, so I'll have enough by myself. Well, it's just a special menu of things. Fel and the others said, "More!" But if you like it, you can make it at a later date and eat it as much as you want. " So I asked everyone to start cooking the special noodle cutlets from the kitchen. What I took out from the item box was a chunk of green dragon meat. After roughly cutting it, I tapped it with a knife to make it into a rough mince shape. Place the coarsely minced green dragon meat in a bowl, mince the onions, etc., and knead until sticky. All you have to do is form a round shape that you want to flatten together with the previous one, put on some clothes and fry in oil. This is a place where you can taste juicy dragon meat without cheese. The deep-fried dragon mentch cutlet looks really delicious. Keep hot mench cuts out of the cold by storing them in your locker. And the final finishing touches. I bought Worcester sauce from an online supermarket. Buns are also added to the cart so that the main meal can be a Mentchkatsu burger for the children. Beer is something you should never forget. Buy a bottle of beer and let it cool on ice. Now, the banquet is ready. I wonder how everyone will react to the special men's cutlets? I'm looking forward to it.
It's just sea areas with lots of sea surpents, and they attacked us one after another after the first battle. I left the front when I ran out of souls in the first fight. Fel, Grandpa Gong, Dora-chan, and the cousins of Switzerland and Ark were facing each other. Our Stooge is a style that kills with a single blow with Dokan, and the face of “Arc” is a style that kills with an interconnected play. They are both fighting dangerously against S-ranked Sea Serpent opponents. I know our Servitors, but the Arc is awesome. In this dungeon, when I saw the battles of Fel, Gong, Dora-chan, and Swiss, “Arc” was feeling unconfident or a little weak. But it seems you've regained your confidence in the battle with the Sea Surpent just now, and it's a strong battle full of confidence. The subordinates and the “Arc” are knocking on each other one after the other. Swiss use tentacles to collect dropped items. I'll put the dropped item in the item box. As a swimming pool, I would collect it so that it would fall into the sea at the end of the mountain. It would be a waste to retrieve the dropped items back into the sea, so go to my item box for now. Especially if you drop meat, the fels' eating cartel will be disappointing. We're all happy hunting sea surpents, almost for meat. That's why I decided to focus on being the storekeeper of Sea Surpent's drops, which Swiss collected and piled up more and more. ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ Hmm, looks like you've passed the sea of Sea Surpent. Chi, now? I don't know ~ Dora, that's enough. You've got a lot of them ~ "Hmm, let's do it. But I don't think such S-ranked monsters will come out like this." Well, it's a dungeon. Grandpa Gong said that's what happens in dungeons. While we're talking like that... "Hey, we did it! "Ah, I took down that Sea Surpent! We are! "And not five! Scatter S-Rank Monsters! "Still, we're good as adventurers! The “Arc” appeared to have regained full confidence. Because you are originally A-ranked adventurers, your strength comes with origami. Just watching us fight and losing a little confidence. Well, we're all bullshit strong, so it's a mistake to compare. Anyway, I'm glad everyone at Arc is back. "Hey, let's finish exploring around here today." I will. I want to eat sea surpent too. " "Wait a minute. I hunted with everyone in Arc, so we need to split it up. We don't always get meat." What?! The meat will be ours! I don't want meat! I don't want skin, bones or magic stones. It's better to be my own flesh and still have delicious meat. " Yes, yes! Give me the meat! Meat! When other adventurers hear about it, the eater's cartel drifts with lines that will certainly shed blood and tears. I mean, Fel and Grandpa Gong were shouting, so the “Arc” faces are laughing bitterly as if they were listening. "Okay, I'll negotiate with you. Just wait." That said, he turned his body towards the face of the bitter “arc”. "I'm sorry for all you have to say. Our meat is the most important thing....." I'm really in trouble. We'll never miss the good meat, our eaters. "No, I'll know when I'm here for a while." Mukoda-san's subordinates don't have eyes on delicious things. "I don't think I need skin, bones, or magic stones." The Adventurer wants the material more than the meat. " There was only one disagreement when Gaudino and Gidion nodded at Mr. Sigwald's words. "I want meat. I wanted to try Sea Surpent once." It's about the hungry elf, Mr. Feodora. But Mr. Gaudino, Mr. Gideon and Mr. Sigwald looked at each other like they said, "What are you talking about?" "Hey, Feodora. What are you going to do with the meat?" "That's right. I don't know what I can do about getting meat." "That's right. After all, there's nothing I can do but sell." Still throwing out a sigh and pushing in three directions. I mean, shouldn't we just cook and eat normally? "Eat it. I mean, I want to eat." Feodora insists on Gaudino, Gidion and Sigwald for some reason. "Ha! Look, I can't eat without meat. I've known you for a long time." "The leader is right. I can't cook, I can't cook, I can't cook, I can't cook." "By the way, you can't cook well either." Gaudino, Gideon and Sigwald look at Feodora with an atmosphere of what they're saying now. But Feodora opened her eyes to the words of the three of you. "Well then, can't you eat it delicious? "No, no, no, you...." "What are you looking like you just noticed? "You know no one in this group can cook for a long time." That said, it was Gaudino, Gideon and Sigwald, who looked at Feodora too badly. Looking at the face of such an "arc” with a smile, I suggested that I could get all the meat because I cooked with sea surpent. “Arc” was willing to accept. Especially Feodora nodded over and over again. That's why instead of having all the meat for ourselves, we gave the Ark three skins, three toothed skulls, and then six magic stones. At first, I wanted two skulls and one Magic Stone in the face of “Arc”, but I kept crushing five Sea Surpent and told them that it was too little, and it turned out to be three skulls and five Magic Stones in the two skins. Still, we all got what we wanted, and we were able to negotiate with Kanban and increase it to three skulls and six Magic Stones in the three skins. Well, it's also said to press ~. I mean, I don't care how much meat we have, but no matter what skin, skull or magic stone we have, we'll have to sell it to the Adventurers Guild for money. The leather may be a souvenir for Mr. Lamberto, but it's really about that. For now, it's just a hassle because you're not in trouble with the money. That said, there are still skins, skulls, and magic stones, so I have to take the trouble someday. There are other drops, and when I get back to Carrerina, I think I have to sort out the troublesome drops. Thinking about that.... Well, the meat seems to be ours. Let's eat! It's been a long time since I've seen Sea Surpent. It's not fun. " "Meat, meat, meat ~" "Sea-surpent, fun! Together with the expectations of the foodie cartel and foodie elf, we were on our way to tonight's sleeping island.
The next morning, I naturally decided to have breakfast with the face of the ark. Of course it's what I kept in the item box. 'Cause you're gonna see it with the same eyes you expected. Especially Mr. Feodora's eyesight was amazing. You can't afford not to treat yourself if such a beauty stares you in the eye with anticipation. The menu was made into a bowl of meat broth. It'll be perfect for breakfast before it's light but sticks around and works in the dungeon. When I put the chopped cabbage on it so as to cover the rice, I put plenty of meat broth on top of it, taking the cooked rice that had been in the item box on the wooden vessel. This is just delicious, but I thought I'd want a little topping and I'd light up the item box, and just in time I had eggs left, so I topped them with egg yolks in the middle. When I crushed the yellows on the Fells, I let them out, and they started eating a lot of bugs. I'll put him in front of Mr. Elland and Ark. "This is it, crush yourself like this and tangle with meat, then shrug and eat with the rice below like this" I showed them how to eat because it would be an unfamiliar menu. Elland and Feodora, the elves, who say they are noisy for food, pakle and sip a bowl of meat broth in imitation of appearance after smelling cum. Then....... When they both thought they had opened their eyes to each other, they burst into momentum eating a bowl of meat broth. Mr. Gaudino, Mr. Gidion and Mr. Siegvaldo, who watched it, laid their hands on a bowl of meat broth, feeling roughly rough. "I wondered if I would use raw eggs, etc., but this is delicious..." Listening to Mr. Gaudino's words, Mr. Gidion nods deeply as he pampers his meat broth bowl. "I thought if I ate raw eggs, I'd just break my stomach, but I didn't know there was such a delicious way to eat them. Whoa, whoa." That's what Mr. Siegvald says as he cheeks up a bowl of meat broth. "Oh, because this is something you can do because it's fresh eggs. I don't recommend eating eggs raw that I sell in stores around there and don't know when they were collected. Please put the fire through properly before eating." Because this is a Japanese quality I bought from an online supermarket, so I can do it. I've seen you sell eggs in this world, too, but when will that tease you? If you eat that raw, you'll definitely have a stomach ruin. "Give me a change." "Me too." "Sui too." You guys eat fast. I'll send Fell and Dora and Sui a replacement. Let's eat now, too. Um, meat broth is delicious, as always. Shaky cabbage, sweet and spicy meat broth and a mellow yellow figure are going to make you eat as much rice as you want. "This is the first time I've eaten eggs raw, but it's delicious ~. When paired with this meat, which is flavor stained, it gives a mellow taste and the food goes on" That's what Mr. Elland said with the empty vessel in his hand. Mr. Feodora, who is silent on Mr. Elland's words, is also snorting. And he looked at me like he was scratching. Yes, yes, it's a replacement. He said he wouldn't have to look at it like that to change it. "Mr. Elland, Mr. Feodora, would you like a change? "Please" "Huh! (Knock, knock, knock)" I'll get an empty vessel from the two of you and make you an extra bowl of meat broth. "Yes, go ahead" Both Mr Elland and Mr Feodora were happy to receive it and began to eat it. "How about you guys take turns? I recommended it to Mr. Gaudino, Mr. Gidion and Mr. Siegvaldo, who were just finishing their meals. "Oh, so am I." I made an extra bowl of meat broth for the three of us to serve. Everyone eats molly in the morning. That's an adventurer. I'm an adventurer, too. Especially Mr. Feodora, who's been eating three bowls of meatballs in the morning about where he's going to get into that slender body. Well, Fell and Suey eat about five times that. Even Dora, who's supposed to be a snack compared to Fell and Suey, eats more than we do. Fell, Dora and Sui use a much bigger vessel than we do for humans. We'll all have a little break after breakfast. "Yes, it would be painful for you to make it so much better and ask for more? Mr Gaudino said that in such a way that it seemed difficult to speak. "Yes, I'm fine..." "Actually..." Mr. Gaudino said, wondering what he was talking about. Mr. Gaudino, the face of the Ark (Ark) also knew that a poisonous demon would appear in the insect zone of this dungeon, so he brought the poison removal potion ready for the number of people. But this time it hit a cycle with a lot of special individuals, and he said he had used three poisoning potions by the time he got here. With just one remaining bottle, I am not comfortable with this exploration of cycles with many special individuals. Based on that, he said that the discussion in the members had led him to say that we should now go back to the ground. "So, I'd appreciate it if you'd let me come with you to the Hierarchist's room." Mr. Gaudino and his team are A-rank adventurers, so the ”Ark" face alone will go far enough. But this dungeon now is a cycle with a lot of special individuals. Considering also the inventory of poisoning potions, I guess that means we've never gone beyond having a lot of fighting power to go safely. I'm an S-rank, too, and Mr. Erland is an ex-S rank. Of course I said, "Fine." "Can I have Mr. Elland, too? "If you want Mr. Mkoda, of course you do. If you leave it to Mr. Mukoda and the others, there's almost no need to fight." It's the Fells, not me. Ark's face looked strange when he heard that there was almost no need to fight. Oh, that's fun to watch. More than that...... "I'm talking about going back to the ground, why don't we just go from here to the th floor and not move on? If we're going back to the ground from here, we have to go back the way we came... "That's common, but from the eleventh floor onwards, there's always a way back to the ground. I decided to discuss it with everyone and take this way this time." That's what Mr. Gaudino said. There seems to be another way back to earth than some way back to the way we came. "Oh, speaking of which, you had that way in the dungeon here. It's a waste, I rarely use it." Mr. Elland seems to know. "What is it? How do we get back to the ground?" According to Mr. Gaudino and Mr. Erland, here in the dungeon of Avling, the dance floor in front of the stairs behind the boss room after the eleventh floor is equipped with a magic formation, which can be used to transfer to the ground. "It just takes a lot of magic to start that magic formation. Depending on the size, I need four demon stones of B rank, and two demon stones of A rank." Heh, that's what happened. But when you do need that much demon stone, you might not be able to use it unless you have a demon stone in your hand and can afford it. "We had a magic stone ready to dive into this dungeon. I decided to use it." I see, it's important to prepare ahead of time after all. "It's good to have Gaudino as the leader of this party. Wow. With this discretion, they've picked up their lives many times." "Oh. Same thing this time. Back on the road from here, one remaining poison removal potion was critical to the honest story." When Mr. Seegvald and Mr. Gidion said so, Mr. Feodora also looked strange and nodded heavily. Hearing that, Mr. Gaudino looked a little lit. "Don't be too cautious. If that's what's going to save your life, then it's better to be prepared in advance." It's a species of life.
After the church of Luca, the goddess of water, the next thing I came to was the church of Ninril, the goddess of wind who can't wait for Fell. Of the goddesses who are said to have a relatively high number of believers on this continent, Ninril has the smallest number of believers. For that reason, or even if it wasn't as borough church in Hirschfeld, the church here was stubborn. The building itself wasn't big enough, so Fells made me wait outside and just me went inside the church. "Excuse me, is anyone there? Speaking up, Sister, dressed in a monastic garment with a white tone, showed up. "Can I help you? "Actually..." Explain how the gifts and donations are just as good as the churches have ever been. Hearing from me, Sister looked surprised and hurried to get a priest. And it was a middle-aged priest who appeared with a slightly metabolic, crushed eye person's good-looking appearance. "Ha, ha, I, of this church, am a priest, my name is Eleutherio" "I'm an adventurer's muchoda. Best regards," "Sister told me..." Explain the boutique & donation to Eleutherio as well. And also tell them what you want them to use for orphanage children as much as possible. Although the church here is smaller than anywhere else, it also seems to have an orphanage. Mr. Eleuterio was comfortable with his understanding. Seemed to have had a hard time running the orphanage here, too. Especially as for the diet, it always seemed like a problem that bothered my head, and I still felt distressed that I could only serve a meal that was skewed by quantity more than quality. He's a food-eating kid. When I gave Mr. Eleuterio three white gold coins, he cried with gratitude, "I can feed my children their meat for the first time in a long time". I was held back by tears to see what was going on inside the church and in the orphanage, but politely declined. When you left, you dropped off a number of sisters, including the priest Eleutherio, along with many thanksgiving words. And the next thing you know, the Church of the god of war, Lord Vahagn (?). In Mr. Tristan's story, it seems that Master Vahagn's place is more like a place where those who believe in Master Vahagn come together and live in groups than a church. They incite every day for strength in everything. "Here..." Somehow from beyond the heavy-duty door, I can hear a cocktail cake and a metal sword or something bump into each other along with a powerful voice like "sei" or "ha" or something. "I'm sorry. That's a heavy door." Yeah, when I open the door and go in... Dozens of humans with scary faces pointed swords, spears, etc. at us. I raised my hand that I was not reflexively hostile. "Oh, it's not suspicious. I heard this is the church of the god of war, Vahagn." "It is not in the form of a church, but it is a place where those who believe in the god of war have gathered. More than that. What are you going to do with that? One of them with a weapon said so with sword swallowing eyes. "Um, everyone behind you is my squire. I won't do anything unless it hurts me." After answering that to the followers of Lord Vahagn, I will remind Fells to read, 'Don't put your hands on it'. "Ho, how can you fight the Fenrir and Dragon behind you if you do that?" That's what another believer just said with a nigga laugh. Hey, it's kind of a lot more belligerent. I feel like complaining to Master Vahagn, this is it. "Hun, what do you mean, you don't even know the power? Are you just an idiot with the followers of the god of war? 'Don't tell him that. I have to admit that I'm only tempted to challenge them. It's just temper. " Because it's what Fell and Grandpa Gong purposefully say in their voices, the bloody faithful of Master Vahagn ask, "What?!" Excite. "Don't mess things up, Fel or Grandpa Gong." Where is the wind blowing Fell and Grandpa Gong elsewhere holding my head about what to do with this situation? "Quiet! A shout echoed as if to have a drink of the place. He came out of a building with a man in his mid thirties with scratches on his cheeks who seemed tall and gatai that seemed to have muscles clogged up perfectly. When the man, called Normal, approached us, the hedgehog of the faithful broke and the way was made. "The Fenrir and the Ancient Dragon are right. You guys are enemies. Not even me." Believers thrilled with that answer of the Master. No, no, I think trying to fight Fell or Grandpa Gong on people's own is a reckless thing in itself. "Look, you guys, it's very important to measure the power of your opponents. Keep practicing if you know what I mean." "" "" "Hi" "" " Believers returning to training in the words of the Master. Or scared. We're having a serious meeting, these people. It's a tiger hole, here. "You're Mr. Mkoda, an S-rank adventurer. I'd like to say that we don't have a room for your exorcists." Guided by the Norm was a courtyard next to the training grounds of the faithful and across the crossing. I sat pinching a table in the chair I keep there. "I'm sorry about this place." "No, because this isn't about making it that much trouble either" "So what can I do for you? I also told my teacher about the gift and donation. "Looks like some little kids are in trouble here, right? "Oh. The sons of the orphaned faithful, who want to wear martial arts, are kept here and live with everyone" I don't seem to be running an orphanage or anything here, but some of the younger kids (there were a couple of mochima children among the followers I trained earlier). "I would like to thank you for that offer. Thanks." According to the Normal story, the followers of the god of war are in a large group of small and ambitious countries, and there are also many mercenary ascendants and children of their mercenaries here. He also said that the teacher who talks about it was a mercenary. "It's my hometown, but it's a tough place to keep fighting and raise kids..." Normal says that the facilities of the god of war in the kingdoms of Ellman and Leonhardt have some facets that could have been used as receptacles for mercenary children in many small groups of countries. I'm surprised to hear that a few mercenaries come all the way here to keep the children. If we're going to get that far, I think we should just live with the kids over here, but they don't either. "Mercenaries are mercenaries from the bone marrow. I don't feel alive if I don't fight." That said the norm seemed a little lonely. Maybe this guy really wanted to still be a mercenary, too. I have no idea what that feels like. "Well, that's fine, because mercenaries are the only ones who teach me, including Normal Me. I'm confident in interpersonal fights, but I don't think there's any demand for mercenaries. I work as an adventurer..." Again, it seems true that being a demon opponent is different on its own. Some of them are adventurers from here and have become high ranked, but those people leave here and become independent, so in the end it's young people and children who are here. When that happens, they really only earn that much, and the working capital here was always cutthroat. I see. I'm training for serenity, but it certainly depends on whether you're interpersonal or against demons. But I just thought this place was a bunch of people trying to extremes martial arts, but that's not all. You have a decent role. I gave the teacher three white gold coins, hoping that the small group of the herd would be at all peaceful. Normal says, "Is this good? I was stunned, but when I said it was because I made money in the dungeon here, they grabbed my hands with a go-to hand and said," Thank you, thank you, "many times. It was a bitter laugh because I'm not happy at all that Gottsy man held my hand. "But dungeons are still lucrative stuff. Thanks to the dungeons here, we've managed to survive. It would be different if we could stop skirmishing in my hometown and sneak into the dungeons." It was Fell who reacted to that word that Normal said Polo. "Hey, is there a dungeon in your Lord's hometown? He was a teacher who was a little surprised by Fell, who suddenly spoke, but told me about the dungeon by answering "Oh" to discipline. "My hometown is called the Kingdom of Fondell, well now I'm in exile, but there was a dungeon there. Though not very well known. Besides, it's just a bunch of skirmishes, so it's almost untouched." Normal says that the area is probably still untouched because it is still an area of constant skirmishes. Fell, Dora and Sui embark on a dungeon story. "Ho, an untouched dungeon? That sounds like an interesting dungeon. Let me hear a little bit more about that story. ' .................. ...... Fell's tail walking down the street was shaking in a good mood. The tail of the flying Dora is also shaking. Sui also sings "Dungeons, Dungeons, Dungeons Again" as she jumps pompously in the mood. "A dungeon in a small group of countries? You heard good things. ' 'Right. I'm having fun again. " "Looking forward to the dungeon." No, no, I'm not going to have fun. A small group of countries is a strife zone. I'm not going anywhere like that. So ignore what the Fells say. Ignore. "What, lords, do you like dungeons? 'Well. Sometimes you meet a monster with bones, and often you get good meat.' "When they do say it, there may be times when you're free, and you don't have any trouble with rice." Whoa, that conversation. Fell and Grandpa Gong are the ones who think the dungeon is a pantry or something. "Dungeons, they're fun." "Yeah, fun." Both Dora and Sui love dungeons. But ignore it. Ignore it. Don't go into everyone's conversation. I learned. I went in, but at the end of the day, I decided to crash into the dungeon. So this is where the boutiques & donations go on. "Come on, let's go next." "Chip." Hey, Fell, I'm not gonna tell you what I'm talking about. And the next thing that came was the Church of Medicine God (?). I've never asked the gods about any other god, but is there a god of medicine? I don't know, but I don't think it's surprising that you're here. This place also feels like an institution where people who believe in the medicine god have gathered, like Master Vahagn's. Well, he's almost a pharmacist. Mr. Tristan, the information seems to indicate that the public is talking about a research threesome freak population all day, but an excellent population that also develops some useful potions. Besides, while the pharmacist's abilities vary in the potion's medicinal effects, the potion here seems to have a solid medicinal effect, and the Adventurer Guild also has it regularly wholesaled, so it has to be for the Adventurer Guild. The potion seemed to be sold to the public as well, with a small store but also a potion dealership. It was easier for me to get in there, so Fells waited for me and I went into the store alone. "Welcome -" There was one boy in the store number. "Uh, is this the Church of Medicine God? Is that okay? "It's a church, it's a facility run by people who believe in medicine gods." "I see. Actually..." I told the boy in the store number about the gift and donation. "Is that true?! Thanks! The boy was so happy for me. When I heard about it, they said that the money still goes to research and potion making, and that donations are solicited all year round. In this underdeveloped world of medicine, there has to be potion. So when I handed the boy three white gold coins, the boy opened his eyes and puckered his mouth. My eyes came and went with the white gold coin I handed over. And finally...... "Master Yikes!!! Oh, my God, he just popped out. But, well, I gave you the white coin once and it's over, so let's go next. And last came the church of the blacksmith god Hephaestus (?). "I mean, isn't this a complete blacksmith here? The sound and enthusiasm of knocking on the can-can and metal was transmitted all the way out the door. Opening the dreaded door, that was where the Dwarf population soared. A skilled dwarf slapped the metal and an apprentice dwarf was walking around just fine. Nobody even notices I'm in, or seems to care. Speak normally, but no one even notices. "Nnh, uh, excuse me! Speaking out loud, the skilled dwarf finally turned this way. "Holy shit! I'm not busy right now! He yelled at me like that with a pissy, scary face, but it's just through here, too. "No, it's very important! "Huh?! I can't help it, just wait till you get a paragraph! That's what the skilled dwarf told me, to wait. Meanwhile, Fell and I were scattered around saying, "I'm hungry," but I managed to forgive him for being the last one here for about an hour. A skilled dwarf has finally finished his work before us. Explained the gift and donation. I did, but the answer to the skilled dwarf was "I don't want it". "What kind of blacksmith are you? They bought something made with that technology. I'll just have it. It's outside the house. I can't face a blacksmith like that. More than that, my lord, taking the devil with you is an adventurer, isn't it? I'd really appreciate it if you bought me a weapon made by Nong et al." "Can you buy it? "Of course not. There's a shop over here, too. For the adventurers, by the way." Ask a skilled dwarf to guide you to the store. "Ooh." Dagger, Kukri, Short Sword, Claymore, Shamseal, Bastard Sword, Rapier. In the sword that first caught my eye, that's all I know. There were many other swords lined up narrowly, as well as various other types of spears and axes. Wow. Wow, but as for my weapon, I have the Mithril sword and spear that Sui made for me, so enough is enough. "What do you say? That's pretty good." "Ha. But I have a Mithril sword and a spear..." "What? Mithrill? Let me see." "Fine, though." The sword and spear of Swiss specialty Mithril were removed from the item box to show to the skilled dwarf. A skilled dwarf that carefully distinguishes swords from spears. "It's really brilliant. I don't know where you got this, but the blacksmith who made this isn't a blacksmith with great moves. It's still up there. I need to be more sophisticated." "No, uh, hahahaha..." No, it's the sleeping slime in the bag I'm hanging from my shoulder that made this. I can't exactly say that, can I? As I laughed bitterly, looking in the store, something caught my eye. "This is..." "That's not a warhammer made by Non. That's pretty good work." Yes, it's a demon iron warhammer. I've seen something similar to this before. The weapon Mr. Seegvald of “Ark" met in the dungeon of Aveling. I don't want to meet you, I don't want to fight you, but maybe I could have one of those strike-based weapons for when I really have to deal with golems and gargoyles. "I'll make this one. This please." "Mm-hmm. This isn't gold coins." Of course I gave him three white gold coins. "Keep the stick. If you can, feed your apprentice children something delicious." "Huh, thank you." When I received the Demon Iron Warhammer and turned it into an item box, I left the Forge God store behind. "Let's go home." 'I'm starving. As soon as I get home, it's dinner. " "Neither do I." "Sui is also hungry." When I finally think I'm done with the boutiques & donations, it's a huge chorus of hunger for everyone. He was also awake because he was too hungry or sui who should have slept in his bag. "Haha, all right, all right. I'm sure there was some hamburger left to make, so when I get home, it's dinner in Hamburg." "Hamburger goo! Hey, Rugi, do you have a white one in there that Sui likes? "Cheese IN hamburger? Of course there is." "Yatter!" "What is that cheese?" "Grandpa Gong, you know, with the meat with the troll white on it - it's delicious! "Ho, is it delicious? That's exciting! "It's delicious not to have cheese in it." 'Mm-hmm. I prefer only meat with no white in it. Of course it's delicious in there. " "It's okay because I make about half of the cheese IN and it's not." 'Hmm, I can't stand it. Get in.' Forced onto Fell's back...... "Collar, you can't blow up all over the city. Whoa." "For me, it's fast-paced." "Reason again! Everybody watch out for Fell. Yo! 'No, I guess you can't say this is that fast. You can still follow me. " "I'm hungry, I'm hungry." "Ryuji, it's okay. Let's go home and have dinner! "Hey, dude." 'Just shut up and ride. You can't bite my tongue. " "Ferroooooooo" That day, a large group of residents of Brixte witnessed us running down the street with great momentum with Bachyun.